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: crossword: ::Classifieds b y ZIP code, as well up-to-the-minute TODAY'S READERBOARD
Paving project cost spikes neary $1M
ObituaryGeorge Jones was a country music icon whose songs reflectedhis
gSI tumul,j.,gI"te ' 'jll
tuous life. B5
By Shelby R. King The Bulletin
In SPortS —Coverage of Friday's OSUandtoday's UO spring football games.C1 PIUS: GOlf —The Central Oregon Shootout.C1 WOIVOS —Wildlife officials have a draft plan to lift protections on gray wolves in the
Lower 48, saying the population is stable.B6
Hidden history — Asecret CIA base, a Watergate burglar, and the attemptedoverthrow of a Central American president.A6
9/11 debris? —Part of a plane found in Manhattan.A2
And a Web exclusiveAna Montes blindsided the intelligence community with
brazen acts of treason byspying for Cuba.
By Lauren Dakee The Bulletin
SALEM — From the upper gallery of the
The outcome of Wednesday's vote was not
Oregon House chamber, Peggy Kinkade,
what most expected: The $275 million tax
a Bend-LaPine School Board member,
hike failed without Republican support, but
watched Wednesday aslawmakers prepared
the Democratic plan to cut public employees'
to vote on two key measures that would have
pension benefits prevailed. Locally, Kinkade
repercussions in school districts across the state. said, the surprising outcome means there is The two bills were inextricably linked in the Legislature — one to raise taxes, the other to trim public employees' pension benefits, the
still time this legislative session to make more long-term structural changes to PERS. "The fact the tax measure kind of went down
revenue from both slated to help fund K-12
in flames ... gives us hope that there will be
school districts.
more of a compromise with Democrats to do
One bill, Senate Bill 822, makes graduated
more on PERS and Republicans to do more on
cuts to cost-of-living adjustments to the Public
taxes," she said. "Both sides will give a little bit,
Employees Retirement System, eliminates a tax
and that will be a positive thing."
credit for retirees living out of state and delays
What SB 822meansforBend-LaPine
employer contributions in the next budget cycle.
The border beyond our border
Andy Tullis iThe Bulletin file photo
According to Bend-La Pine Superintendent Ron Wilkinson: If the bill is signed into law, the district would owe about $14.1 million for PERS in the coming schoolyear. Without it, the district would owe about $163 million. Every $1 million is enough to pay for D.4teachers.
By Randal C. Archibold
The once federally funded Skyliners Road reconstruction project will now cost Deschutes County nearly a million dollars. "We went from owing zero dollars on this project to owing $988,488," said county Road Department engineer George Kolb at a Wednesday board of commissioners meeting. The project involves resurfacing and widening the existing road to 34 feet, including 6-foot-wide bike lanes, beginning at the west Bend city limits and extending west for approximately 8.4 miles to the junction with Forest Service Road 4603. When the project began, 100 percent of the approximately $9.6 million would be paid for by the federal Forest Highway Program. In October 2012, the highway program was replaced by the Federal Lands Access Program, which reduced the amount of funding. SeePaving/A5
Texas bast i ustrates bigger risk By Darrell Preston
New Yorh Times News Service
Bloomberg News
CIUDAD HIDALGO, Mexico — With her leg snapped and folded excruciatingly over her shoulder, Elvira Lopez Hernandez lay flat on a railroad bed as the freight train hurtled
DALLAS — With two schools near a plant storing ammonium nitrate — the fertilizer used in the Oklahoma City bombing — West Superintendent Marty Crawford said he had always worried about an explosion like the one that happened last week. Crawford's dilemma is echoed nationwide where land use near plants handling dangerous chemicals is controlled by a patchwork of federal and state regulations and zoning laws that are often more attuned to property owners' rights than those who live and work near jndustrjal sites. See Blast/A5
above her, clinging tightly to two things: the railroad ties beneath her and the memory of the 4-year-old daughter she had left behind in Guatemala. "I said: 'My God, I don't want to die! My daughter! '" She slipped off the train in January, one of scores of migrant stowaways heading to the United States. Now she sat at a shelterhere, an amputee. But she had no intention of returning to the crime and desperation of Guatemala City; she was still looking north. "What can I do?" she sard. In Washington, the biggest immigration overhaul in decades would tighten border security between Mexico and the United States to stem the flow of
illegal crossings. But there is another border making the task all the more challenging: Mexico's porous boundary with Central America, where an increasing number of migrants heading to the United States cross freely into Mexico under the gaze of the Mexican authorities. See Border/A4
Tumor that killed girl could help keep others alive By Asher Klein The Orange County Register
HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. — McKenna Wetzel, a
playful girl who loved selling lemonade on the corner near her Huntington Beach home, was 7 when a tumor was discovered growing deep in her brain.
TODAY'S WEATHER Sunny High 71, Low 39
Page B6
It's still growing in a laboratory at Stanford — the last living part of a girl who died two summers ago, and the part that killed her. "You could take that petri dish," said McKenna's mother, Kristine Wetzel, "I could slam it against the wall and I could kill those cells. But we couldn't kill
them while they were in her." Inoperable while McKenna was alive, the tumor is sustained in 2 million-cell batches in California, England, Australia and beyond by researchers who see it as one of the best
hopes of finding a cure for the cancer. Wetzel and her husband, Dave, created the
McKenna Claire Foundation, which has raised nearly a halfmillion dollars to propagate donated tumor cells from their daughter and other children who have died. They hope the research they're funding will save the next set of kids stricken with the cancer that killed McKenna.
The Bulletin
Busines s/Stocks C7-8 Comics/Puzzles E3-4 DearAbby D6 Obituaries B 5 C1-6 Calendar 82 CommunijyLife D1-6 Horoscope D6 Sports D6 Classified E 1 - 6Crosswords E4 Lo cal/State B1-6 TV/Movies
Vol. 110, No. 117, 30 pages,
AnIndependent Newspaper
5 sections
"There's so much you can't control with this disease and there's so much, especially at the end, that's devastating and out of your control. You watch your child lose the ability to speak, to move, to see, to hear, to swallow, to breathe," Kristine Wetzel said. SeeTumor/A4
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Possi leg/11 e ris oun
BOmbing SuSpeCtS' mOther —U.S. intelligence agencies added the mother of the Boston bombing suspects to a government terrorism database18 months before the bombings, two officials told The Associated Press. She called it "lies and hypocrisy" and said
she has never beenlinked to crimes or terrorism. The CIAasked for By Joseph Goldstein New York Times News Service
NEW YORK — I t was wedged in a narrow, inaccessible space between two buildings, about three blocks from the World Trade Center site. And there it remained, hidden from view, for more than ll years. Ground zero slowly gave way to a new tower. Protesters gathered nearby, angry over a planned Islamic center. But this week, land surveyors happened upon it — a piece
of a plane's landing gear, apparently belonging to one of the two jets that slammed into the twin towers on Sept. 11, 2001, the police said. On Wednesday, around ll a.m., the surveyors called 911 to say they had found a piece of damaged machinery.What the police discovered was a component about 5 feet high, 3 feet wide and about 17 inches in depth. It was lodged in the nar-
row gap between 50 Murray St., a residential building, and 51 Park Place, which is empty. There, it had been "out of sight and out of mind for over a decade," the Police Department's chief spokesman, Paul Browne, said Friday. That area i s i n accessible from the street, Browne said, adding that a tiny door opens into the corridor from a neighboring building. "The odds of it entering that space at exactly that angle that would permit it to squeeze in there," he said, "it had to come in at almost precisely the right
angle." Investigators are w orking under the assumption that the piece is "a portion of the landing gear of one of the two planes destroyed on 9/11," Browne
added. He noted that the artifact bore a Boeing serial number and that personnel from the
Police Department's aviation unit had identified it as part of a landing gear. He also noted that it was found near where other wreckage from the jetliners was found shortly after the attacks. Speaking later Friday, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly did not completely rule out the possibility that the component had been lowered to the spot where it was discovered (some rope was entwined with it). Park Place is about three blocks north of the World Trade Center site, and 51 Park Place is next to 45-47Park Place and includedin a plan by a developer to createa mosque and community center.The developer, Sharif EI-Gamal, said in a statement that his company, Soho Properties, was cooperating with the authorities "to make sure this piece of evidence is removed with care as quickly and effectively as possible."
the Boston terror suspect and his mother to be added to a terrorist database in the fall of 2011, after the Russian government contacted
the agency with concerns that both had become religious militants, according to officials briefed on the investigation. About six months earlier, the FBI investigated Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his mother, Zubei-
dat Tsarnaeva, also at Russia's request, one of the officials said. The FBI found no ties to terrorism.
KOrea tenSiOn —South Korea said Friday that it was pulling out the 175 remaining factory managers from a jointly operated industrial park in North Korea, deepening doubts over the survival of the only
remaining symbol of cooperation between thetwo countries amid a tense standoff over the North's nuclear program. Once billed as an important experiment for Korean reunification, the factory complex
across the border at Kaesongexposed North Korea to capitalism, pairing the South's manufacturing skills with cheap North Korean labor. At the time it was opened in 2004, the park was revolutionary; to build it, the two Koreas breached one of the world's most heavily fortified frontiers, pushing back military encampments, clearing mines
and constructing a cross-border road andrail line. Baogladesh COllapse —Two owners of garment factories in a Bangladesh building that collapsed into a pile of mangled metal and
concrete havebeenarrested as public fury mounts over the accident that left at least 324 dead.Junior Home Minister Shamsul Haque Tuku said Saturday that police had arrested Bazlus Samad, managing director of New Wave Apparels Ltd., and Mahmudur Rahman Tapash, the
company chairman. PaklStall —An anti-terrorism court here placed Pervez Musharraf,
Pakistan's former military leader, under arrest Friday on charges related to the death of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, adding to a tangle of legal woes that have hobbled Musharraf's hopes for a
political comeback. Theorder changes little for Musharraf in immediate terms. Musharraf, a retired army general, is already under house
-' Mfryfry
arrest at his villa on the edge of Islamabad, the Pakistani capital, in a
case involving his detention and firing of senior judges after imposing emergency rule in 2007.
ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337
Pussy Riot —A Russian court on Friday rejected a pleafor early release from prison by a member of the feminist punk band Pussy Riot,
whoseprovocativesongsandprosecutionhavemadethem asymbol of the country's opposition movement. NadezhdaTolokonnikova, who has been in custody since her arrest last March, is serving a two-year
sentence handeddownafter the band staged an irreverent protest against President Vladimir Putin in Moscow's maincathedral. Judge
Advertising Jay Brandt..........................541-383-0370 Circulation andOperations Keith Foutz .........................541-385-5805 Finance Holly West...........541-383-0321
Lidiya Yakovleva said evidence showed that Tolokonnikova did not
deserve early releasebecauseshehad "not always followed the rules of behavior" while in custody.
Human Resources Traci Donaca ......................
AlaSka POt —Alaska could becomethe next battleground in the push to legalize recreational marijuana use.Thestate is reviewing a request from supporters seeking approval to start gathering signa-
TALK TO AN EDITOR Business Tim Doran..........541-383-0360 City DeskJoseph Oitzler.....541-383-0367 Community Life, Health Julie Johnson.....................541-383-0308 Editorials Richard Coe ......541-383-0353 GO! Magazine Ben Salmon........................ Home, All Ages Alandra Johnson................541-617-7860 News Editor Jan Jordan....541-383-0315 Photos DeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 Sporls Bill Bigelow.............541-383-0359
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tures to qualify the measure for next year's ballot. The proposal would
make it legal for those 21andolder to use and possess up to1 ounce of marijuana. However, they would not be allowed to smoke in public.
The proposal also would set out provisions for legal grow operations and establish anexcise tax. Pakistani para-military troops cordon off the site of an explosion Friday in Karachi, Pakistan.
A bomb planted near the office
attacking liberal, secular parties such as the one targeted Friday in the port city of Karachi.
of a political party threatened by the Taliban killed nine people in
of the parties to change their
southern Pakistan, police said.
questions about whether the vote
As next month's parliamentary
election approaches, militant groups have increasingly been
campaign strategy andhasraised can be considered valid if some mainstream parties can't properly take part.
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn Friday night are:
(11) g2g49@4@g)@l The estimated jackpot is now $103 million.
Obamawants more proof on allegations of chemicalweapons New York Times News Service WASHINGTON — P r esident Barack Obama said Friday that he would respond "prudently" and "deliberately" to evidence that Syria has used chemical weapons, tamping down any expectations that he would take swift action after a U.S. intelligence assessment that the Syrian government has used the chemical agent sarin on a small scale in the nation's civil war. Obama's remarks, before a meeting here with King Abdullah of Jordan, laid bare the quandary he now faces: The day after the White House, in a letter to congressional leaders, said the nation's intelligence agencies assessed "with varying degrees of confidence" that the Syrian government had used sarin, the president said he was seeking further proof of it culpability for chemicalweapons attacks — a laborious process that analysts say may never produce a definitive judgment. But Obama is also trying to preserve his credi bility after warning in t h e past that the use of chemical weapons would be a "game changer" and prompt a forceful Americanresponse. "Knowing that potentially chemical weapons have been used inside of Syria doesn't tell us when they were used, how they were used," Obama told reporters in the Oval Office. "We have to act prudently. We have to make these assessments deliberately." "But I meant what I'd said,"
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the president added. "To use potential weapons of m a ss destruction on civilian populations crosses another line with respect to international norms and international law. And that At the same time, the White House cited the Iraq war to justify its wariness of taking action against another Arab country on the basis of incomplete or potentially inaccurate assessments ofits weapons of mass destruction. The press secretary, Jay Carney, said the White House would "look at the past for guidance when it comes to the need to be very serious about gathering all the f acts, establishing chain of custody, linking evidence of the use of chemical weapons to specific incidents and actions taken by the regime." As Obama and his aides walked a fine line on how to confront the evidence about chemical weapons, they engaged in an intensified round of diplomacy with Arab leaders to bolster support for the Syrian opposition and to try to develop a consensus on how to deal with the escalating strife. In addition to King Abdullah, Obama met in recent days with leaders from Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, as well as the Saudi foreign minister. Next month, he will meet Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, which borders Syria and is among the countries most exposed to the threat of a chemical weapons attack.
• .
CORRECTIONS The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If youknow ofan error in a story, call us at 541-383-0358
— From wire reports
r areed Khan /The AssociatedPress
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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day
It's Saturday, April 27, the 117th day of 2013. There are 248 days left in the year.
HAPPENINGS ICeland —Voters go to the polls in a national parliamen-
tary election.
g ('s
Woody Guthrie —An archive dedicated to the folk
i. t-A
singer opens in Tulsa, Okla.
HISTORY Highlight:In1813, the Battle of York took place in Upper Canada during the War of1812
as a U.S. force defeated the
British garrison in present-day Toronto before withdrawing. In 1521, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan was killed
by natives in the Philippines. In1777, the only land battle in Connecticut during the Revolutionary War, the Battle of
Ridgefield, took place, resulting in a limited British victory. In1605, during the First Barbary War, an American-led
force of Marines andmercenaries captured the city of Derna, on the shores of Tripoli. In 1822, the 18th president of the United States, Ulysses S.
Grant, was born in Point Pleasant, Ohio. In1665, the steamer Sultana exploded on the Mississippi
River near Memphis, Tenn., killing more than1,400 people, mostly freed Union prisoners
of war. In1936, King Zog I of the Alba-
nians married CountessGeraldine Apponyi deNagy-Apponyi. In1941, Germanforces occupied Athens during World War II. In 1967, Expo '67 was of-
ficially opened in Montreal by Canadian Prime Minister Lester
Pearson. In 1973, Acting FBI Director Patrick Gray resigned after it was revealed that he'd destroyed files removed from the
safe of Watergate conspirator Howard Hunt. In1962, the trial of John Hinck-
ley, who hadshot four people, including President Ronald
Reagan, beganinWashington. (The trial ended with Hinckley's
acquittal by reason of insanity.) In 1992, the new Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia was proclaimed in Belgrade bythe republic of Serbia and its lone
ally, Montenegro. Russiaand 12 other former Soviet republics won entry into the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Betty Boothroyd became the first female Speaker of Britain's House of
Commons. In2011,powerful tornadoes raked the South and Midwest; according to the National Oce-
The ancient pyramid-building Central American civilization was probably an amalgam of local cultures, researchers say. By Eryn Brown
Harvard University via The Associated Press
Harvard Stem Cell Institute Co-Director Doug Melton, right, and Peng Yi, a post-doctoral fellow in his lab, review data from recent experiments in Cambridge, Mass. The pair's research may one day allow diabetics to go without insulin shots.
than most Maya settlements that adopted the E-Group arThe classical Maya civilizachitecture, Inomata said. The tion, which flourished in Cenbones dated as even older, but tral America for more than the researchers didn't include 600 years, has been celebrated them in the calculations befor its vast city states adorned cause eating fish can skew the with monumental pyramids results. and for its technological feats That m akes t h e C e i bal such as the development of buildings the earliest known an elaborate written language example of the architecture. and impressivelyaccurate asAnd based on the researchers' tronomical observations. understanding of the age of But for d ecades, archaeDigging deep to gain access the Olmec center at La Venta, ologists have a r gued over to ancient construction, Ino- which also ha d E - Groups, the birth of the culture that mata and his team — which they concluded that Ceibal's spawned those splendid citincluded his w i fe, D a niela ceremonial plaza and buildies about 1000 B.C. Did Maya Triadan, also of the Univer- ings were constructed first. " Ceibal's beginning w a s society spring from the Olmec sity of Arizona — discovered civilization of Mexico's Gulf a collection of structures that before LaVenta became a big Coast, known for its colossal archaeologistsrefer to as "E- center," he said. "As a small carved stoneheads? Or did it Group assemblages." There center, it couldn't have been emergeindependentlythrough was a square building on the the source of major influence." some local process? west, an open plaza and a long But that doesn't mean that A new analysis of i tems platform on the east. By 700 Ceibal had to be the origin of from a long-buried ceremonial B.C., the building was as much the ceremonial architecture, structure in central Guatema- as 26 feet tall. Inomata added. Sites in Chila supports a third hypothesis, These types of structures apas and on the Pacific Coast researchers reported Thurs- are considered precursors of have similar architecture, and day — that lowland Maya cul- the m onumental p y r amids they arosein the same period, ture grew out of an amalgam that the Maya later built at sites he said. "There's this very standardof influences from n earby such as Palenque in southsettlements. ern Mexico. Aligned with the ized pattern,so we assume "The origin of Maya civisun's path through the sky, there was close contact belization was more complex such buildings are believed to tween those people," he said. than previously thought," said have been ritual spaces where "They were visiting each othTakeshi Inomata, an archae- the community would have er. And that close contact was ologist at the University of gathered to make offerings. the process for the cultural Arizona in Tucson and lead The team discovered many innovation." author of a s t udy detailing axes made of green stone at Washington University anthe analysis in th e j ournal the bottom of the Ceibal plaza thropologist D avid F r eidel, Science. — tools that would have been who was not involved in the "really valuable for these peo- research, called the study "a In his view, the culture that went on to dominate Meso- ple" and are thought to be of- benchmark contribution." But america until the arrival of ferings, Inomata said. he said the issue of Olmec inEuropeans got its start during To figure out the age of fluence remained unresolved a power vacuum that lasted these structures, the team ran and that archaeologists would for about200 to 350 years in a carbon-dating tests on dozens continue to present evidence period of Olmec rule. That al- of samples of wood and hu- disputing the La Venta dates. lowed the people who built the man bone remains from the The debate "is kind of like a ceremonial structure at a site site. Using sophisticated statis- game of tennis," he said. "You known as Ceibal to interact tical models to refine the dat- watch the point go back and with others from nearby aring of 54 of the wood samples, forth between areas — who eas and begin forming a new they determined that the Ewas the earliest? — as we exculture. They probably had Group at Ceibal dated to 1000 plore origins of complexity in influencesfrom as faraway as B.C.— about 200 years earlier the society." Los Angeles Times
Chiapas andthe Pacific Coast, both about 200 miles away. "Ceibal was a part of this major change," Inomata said. Inomata has been working at Ceibal, in the southwestern Maya lowlands, since 2005. The people who lived there repeatedly built on the same site over hundreds of years, leaving behind layers of civilization that extend 30 feet or more beneath the surface.
Hormone boosts insulin production By Malcolm Ritter N EW Y OR K — S c i entists have identified a hormone that can sharply boost the number of cells that make insulin in mice, a d i scovery t h a t m a y someday lead to a treatment for the most common type of diabetes. People have their own version of this hormone, and the new w or k s u ggests that giving diabetics more might one day help them avoid insulin shots. That would give them b etter c ontrol o f th e i r blood sugar levels, said H arvard U n i versity r e searcher Douglas Melton, senior author ofa report published Thursday by the journal Cell. Experts u n c o nnected with the work cautioned that other substances have shown similar effects on mouse cells but failed to work o n h u m a n o n e s. Melton said this hormone stands out because its effect is u nusually potent and confined to just the cells that make insulin. An estimated 371 million p e ople w o r l dwide have diabetes, in which insulin fails to control blood sugar levels. High blood sugar can lead to heart disease, stroke and dam-
Ten yearsago:TheU.S. military arrested the self-anointed
mayorofBaghdad,Mohammed Mohsen al-Zubaidi,accusing him of exerting authority he
didn't have. (Hewas released on May11, 2003.) Five yearsago:Afghan President Hamid Karzai escaped an attempt on his life during a ceremony in Kabulmarking Afghanistan's victory over Soviet occupation in the1980s; three other people were killed in the shooting.
One yearage: President Barack Obamasigned an order aimed at addressing growing complaints about fraudulent
marketing and recruiting practices aimed at military families eligible for federal education aid under the Gl Bill. The space shuttle Enterprise, mounted
atop a jumbojet, sailed over the New York City skyline on its final flight before becoming a
museum pieceaboard the USS Intrepid.
Announcer CaseyKasemis 81. Rhythm-and-blues singer Cuba Gooding is 69. Rock singer Kate Pierson (The B-52's) is 65. Rock musician Ace Frehley is 62. Popsinger Sheena Easton is 54. Actor
James LeGros is 51. Rock
singer-musician Patrick Stump
(Fall Out Boy) is 29. Actor William Moseley is 26. — From wire reports
Dr. Peter Butler, a diabetes researcher at the University of California, Los Angeles, who had no role in the new work, cautioned in an email that no evidence has been presented yet to show that the hormone will m ake human beta cells proliferate.
the nervous system. At least 90 percent of diabetes is "Type 2," and some of those patients have to
Teenssay pothelpsbehind wheel CULTURE
By Zachary Tracer Bloomberg News
NEW YORK — Most teenagers who drove under the influence of marijuana said the drug either improves their performance behind the wheel or is no hindrance, according to a survey by insurer Liberty Mutual Holding Co. and a safety
group. Thirty-four percent of those who have driven while high say the drug makes them a better motorist, and 41 percent said it had no effect, Boston-based Liberty Mutual said. Among teens who drove under the influence ofalcohol, 62 percent said drinking affected their driving for the worse. Teens' attitudes show that parents need to do a better job of educating children about safe driving, Liberty Mutual a nd Students Against D e structive Decisions said in a statement Thursday disclosing survey results. They found that 23 percentof teens had driven under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or prescription
drugs used illegally.
fairly quickly.
age to kidneys, eyes and
"We've been stressing the dangers associated with drink-
ing and driving, and drugging and driving, foryears andyears and years," Dave Melton, who helps oversee safety initiatives at Liberty Mutual, said in an interview. "Our kids are still doing the same kinds of things." Parents need to set a good example for their children and enforce driving rules to keep them safe, Melton said. While there's a clear association between alcohol and in-
creased car-crash risk, the link between marijuanause and accidents is less certain, according to NORML, which seeks to decriminalize marijuana use by adults. Stoned drivers may slow down and require greater time to respond, the organization said on its website.
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being impaired by marijuana
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"This reaction is just the opposite of that exhibited by drivers under the influence of alcohol, who tend to drive in a more risky manner proportional to their intoxication," NORML said on its site. Still, the organization said people shouldn't drive after
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anic and Atmospheric Administration, more than 120 twisters resulted in 316 deaths.
inject insulin. M elton said the newly identified hormone might someday enable them to stop insulin injections and help other diabetic patients avoid them. As for its possible use to treat Type I diabetes, Melton called that a "long shot" because of differences in the biology of that disease. Insulin is produced by beta cells in the pancreas. Melton a n d co - a uthors identified a h o r mone t h ey dubbed betatrophin in mice. When they made the l iver in mice secrete more of it by inserting extra copies of the gene, the size of the beta cell p opulation tripled i n c o m parison to u n treated mice. Tests indicated the new cells worked normally. Melton said it's not known how th e h o r mone w o r k s. Now the r esearchers want to create an injectable form that they can test on diabetic mice, he said. If all goes well, tests in people could follow
The Associated Press
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Growing tumorcells Scientists need living DIPG (diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma) cells to
Continued from A1 experiment on, so they grow their own with donations given by "I wanted m y d a ughter's patients' families. This is how Stanford University's lab has produced death to have a purpose." more DIPG cell lines than any other. McKenna Claire Wetzel was diagnosed with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, or DIPG, in January 2011. The rare cancer that weaves through a critical part of the brain is treatable in Skull adults but considered a death sentence in children. The family was buoyed by the promise of some DIPG Tu ors gro Starts ln diffusely, not in clinical trials, including one one piece with Stanfordresearcher Dr. Michelle Monje, but none of the leads materialized. The second-grader kept goCerebellumW '"•' ing to school at Eader ElemenDIPG cannot be safely • +f o tary. Classmates would stay eradicated because of its inside with McKenna, who was central location in the struggling with her balance brain and because of the
Y )+
and needed help simply getting
Au topsy
way it weaves through
around, a family friend said. McKenna's friends came to her house every Tuesday night, and nearly 1,000 people attended a block party that raised
Tissue extracted
roughly$50,000 meant to help
Tumors are separated into single cells through a lengthy series
pay for treatment, Wetzel said. The Wetzels wanted McKenna to have as normal a life as possible, so they told her and her sister, Jordan, that they were trying to make McKenna feelbetter,notsave her from a deadly disease. "But she knew," Wetzel said. "She only cried one time that I know of. She was up in her room and I asked her, what's wrong? She said, 'You don't want to know, Mommy.' Then she wouldn't talk about it." McKenna had begun tofeel the effects of the tumor again, her mothersaid,after a couple of good months after radiation. Ultimately, their "last stand" against the cancer, as Wetzel put it, was to donate McKenna's brain tissue. Monje kept in touch with a friend of the Wetzels' and asked through her if they might consider the donation when McKenna passed. McKenna died in July 2011, just six months after her diagnosis. A lab tech flew down from Stanford to pick up the tumor.
tissue; patients usually survive only10 months
within 12 to 24 hours of patient's death
after being diagnosed
• Separating the samples of steps including enzyme treatment, washing, straining, spinning and shaking
O y ~O ~
98.6 F
4rI~, •
eff ~ ~
~ Centrifuge
t~ e~
ShakingWma hln
• Feeding the cells After tumors are disintegrated into smaller pieces, researchers place clusters of cells into containers of nutrients and chemicals to keep them well-fed and promote reproduction ~ Cells Nutrlents
• Incudation The containers are kept at body temperature to simulate conditions of the cancer's natural habitat, the human body 98.6 F
Grown masses are broken apart and hen about 2 million cells are placed into new containers to begin the process again
In these conditions, the cancer cells reproduce and a newmass glOWS
Keeping a part of her alive Today, tumors from McKenna and five other children who died of DIPG are tended by Anitha Pannuswami, a laboratory manager at Monje's lab at Stanford. Monje's sunny, modern lab is one of a few in the world that harvest DIPG cancer cells so they can be bombed with drugs or implanted into mice for further study. The lines of cell replicas are key because little is known about DIPG. McKenna, almost 8 when she passed away in her bed, was older than much of the indepth research on the cancer. "We're very poor at treating it," Monje said. "Part of why that's true is that we haven't been able to study it well in the laboratory." Monje's group established the first DIPG cell line in 2009 to better understand the biology and growth of the tumors as well as how they react to
drugs. "One of the tricks of this tumor, we're finding, is that no one thing is going to work. You have to have some kind of hypothesis-driven way to combine therapies," she said. Hired last y ear, Pannuswami grows the cells full time and ships them in ice to any researcher in the world who wants to study DIPG. Her salary, and other work at Monje's lab, is paid for by donations from the McKenna Claire Foundation, led by the Wetzels. Pannuswami said she's not just grateful to the foundation for funding her job. "I'm at a stage in my life where I will be having a child," she said, adding that it's possible these cell lines could reveal atreatmentor a cure before her child is old enough to develop DIPG.
Paying for research A dozen of the foundation's trustees were crowded into the Wetzels' dining room late in
0.1 mlllimeters Reproducing cells
Mass of donor cells
Growing containers
"This is a truly regional problem and needs
Border Continued from A1 So many Central Americans are fleeing the violence, crime and economic stagnation of their homes that U.S. authorities have encountered a tremendous spike in migrants making their way t h rough Mexico to the United States. U.S. arrests of illegal crossers from countries other than Mexico — mostly from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador — more than doubled along the southwest border of the United States last year, to 94,532 from 46,997 in 2011. Janet Napolitano, the secretary of homeland security, met with Mexican officials in January, partly to discuss improving security on Mexico's border with its Central American neighbors, something the new president, Enrique Pena Nieto, has promised to do. The United States, which has provided equipment and other assistance to help shore up Mexico's southern border, has long worried about migrants,
regional decisions and even regional institutions to resolve, and the U.S. could play a larger role in developing that," — Eduardo Stein, former vice president of Guatemala
tion authorities come," he said. "We don't have a budget for that." The migrants from Central America speak of needing work — like previous generations. But they also talk about o ut-of-control crime i n b i g cities, as drug and organized crime groups from Mexico push into their countries. Few had even heard about the debate to overhaul immigration laws and possibly open a pathway to citizenship for immigrants living illegally in the United States. Instead, the prevailing force seems to be deteriorating conditions at home. L opez H e rnandez s a i d n eighbors had b ee n k i d n apped for r a n som. O n e young man from Honduras drugs, guns and possibly even hung his head as he recalled terrorists heading north, con- a brother gunned down. Ancerns shared by Mexico. other said he could never But Mexico has been con- imagine returning to Honduflicted about its border. Many ras after being shot in the gut here see migrants as Latin and seeing his sister's arms American brethren who need chopped off by a man who humanitarian assistance as invaded a party looking for a they pass through on their gang rival. "Everybody wants to get journey north. Yet there is out," said another migrant also growing concern that migrants may stay longer in from Honduras, Joel Bunes, Mexico as its economy picks 21. up and it becomes harder to T he United S tates h a s cross into the United States. poured money into Honduras, Here in Ciudad Hidalgo, El Salvador and Guatemala a police officer watched on to train and aid their police, a riverbank as seven men but violence remains disturbcrossed the narrow Suchiingly high, r aising vexing ate River separating this part questions. of Guatemala and Mexico. How far should the United They sat on a makeshift raft States go in pressing Mexico of wooden planks and giant to secure its free-for-all borinflatable inner tubes, one of der? To what extent should the scores openly crossing back United States help alleviate and forth carryingbeer, paper the economic woes and instatowels, fruit, soft drinks and, bility driving migrants out of of course, migrants heading Central America, especially to the United States. in cities like San Pedro Sula, The officer saw the men, Honduras, often called the dressed in tattered clothes murder capital of the world? and c a r rying b a c kpacks, Next w e ek , Pr e s ident hop off the raft and drift into Barack Obama will attend a town. He did not stop or ques- meeting with Central Amertion them. ican presidents, who have "If they are without papers, said they want to discuss miwe would have to house and gration and improving the feed them until the immigra- economy and public safety
with him. "This is a t r uly regional problem and needs regional decisions and even regional institutions to resolve, and the U.S. could play a larger role in developing that," said Eduardo Stein, a former vice president of Guatemala who studies migration. U.S. Customs and Border Protection said it planned to run public service announcements in Central A merica warning of the dangers of
making the crossing. Migrants facerobbers, rapists, crooked police officers and inhospitable terrain; disappearances are common. Mexico says it is doing its
part, spending about $300 million in the past few years building or modernizing border crossings, issuing identity cards for agriculture workers and establishing checkpoints on major roads to deter and catch migrants. Yet on a recent afternoon, half of the eight checkpoints on a major highway heading north were unattended
or staffed by officials paying only minimal attention. At one crossing at the Suchiate River, beneath a bridge, smugglers and migrants passed literally under the noses of customs and immigration officers above. Eddie Ventura, 31, a Guatemalan, stood on the bridge acrossthe Suchiate River on the Guatemalan side, sell-
ing disposable razors for $1 apiece. His own p rosthetic leg, an old donated one, rested against a railing; he had lost his leg, like Lopez Hernandez, after falling from the train, and now he watches his compatriots take their chances. "They don't know what is waiting for them," Ventura said, shaking his head. Yet he has not given up trying himself. "I still want to get into that country," he said of the United States.
After being snap-frozen with liquid nitrogen and packaged with dry ice, cells can be shipped to research institutions all over the world
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the afternoon on St. Patrick's Day to work out how to pay for more of that lab work. A s mall c o nstellation of DIPG foundations named for sick or departed children lights the landscape of pediatric cancer funding. This one casts an uncommonly longshadow. The McKenna Claire Foundation, formed soon after McKenna's death, has raised more than $400,000 in one year, trustees say, more than half of it through donations solicited from corporate-owned Chevron stations throughout Southern California in May 2012. This May, that Chevron program is expanding throughout California. "That's the amazing part of how exponentially this has grown," said board member Darin Woinarowicz, a credit union executive who has set up other foundation boards in the past. Sponsoring the widespread replication of the cancer that killed McKenna brings anguish and a great deal of effort for Kristine Wetzel, a history teacher and Teacher of the Year at Tustin's Hillview High School, and Dave, who works
FactsadoutDIPG While pediatric cancer deaths havebeenhalved since1975, child mortality caused by tumors in the central nervous system have held steady,
according to statistics from the National Cancer Institute. Killing 200-300 children a year, diffuse intrinsic
pontine glioma (DIPG) is the leading cause of brain cancer deaths in kids. Surgery is too
dangerous, chemotherapy ineffective and radiation only works temporarily, according to DIPG researchers.
for an auto-parts dealer. "It is painful to the point where giving up is an everyday thought," Dave Wetzel said, adding that he and his wife know the message is much more powerful coming from mom and dad. "There's nothing we can do that will ever fill the void." It helps that the board members arethe Wetzels' friends, including Dawn and A d am Sparks. Their daughter, Katie, was McKenna'sbest friend. Though they became close just a few months before the diagnosis, Katie would sit in silence for hours holding McKenna's hand at her sickest, Dawn Sparks said. Katie still weeps over McKenna's passing. But for e v erywhere that McKenna can be traced, the Sparks family b elieves she still lives in their house, Dawn Sparks said. "The butterfly is her symbol and for the longest time we would see a butterfly every day,no matter what we're doing. We keep finding butterfliesin our backyard," she said. "Every time I see a butterfly, I'll just sit and talk to McKenna."
"I think investigations into DIPGlagged because
Research, in an email.
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tumors outside the U.S. and autopsy collection have changed that, Warren said. "We now have tissue available to study so
more research questions can beaddressed and investigators can propose studies for grant
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Cosin a racia "These are people I see in class every day," said Rucker, A BBEVILLE, Ga. a senior, who hid in a parked Mareshia Rucker watched in car outside the prom. "What's frustration last weekend as w rong w it h d a n cing w i t h several dozen classmates in me, just because I have more tuxedos and gowns walked pigment?" into an A r t D e c o t h eater This weekend, however, affor her high school's "white terdecades of separate proms prom." for white students and black Like all black students at students, Wilcox County will Wilcox County High School, have its first integrated prom. she was not invited. The rural Although events sponsored by county in central Georgia is the public schools cannot isone of the last pockets in the sue invitations on the basis of country with racially segre- race, the proms had been orgated proms. ganized since 1971, when the By Robbie Brown
New Yorh Times News Service
ewit anewstu ent rom schools were desegregated, as private, invitation-only events, sponsored by parents, not the school. The integrated prom — organized by students — is open to all, at a ballroom in nearby C ordele. Nearly half of t h e school's 380 students have registered, with roughly equal numbers of black students and white students. A group of four female students — two black and two w hite — came up with t h e idea, and they have received an outpouring of support from
across the country. Their Facebook group has 24,000 fans, and it has raised enough in donations to rent a ballroom
events, which would prohibit racial segregation. "Let's face it: It's 2013. Why are we even having this conand buy food and gift bags for versation'?" a ske d S t e ven every couple. Smith, the schools superinDisc jockeys from Texas and tendent. "It became an embarAtlanta volunteered to play rassment long ago." music, a motivational speaker He said he expected that the from Florida is delivering a school would run the prom speech, and p h otographers next year and open it to all from New York and Savannah students. "I don't even like to say 'inteare taking pictures, all without cost. In response, the Wilcox grated' prom," he said. "I hope we'll be announcing soon that County school board plans to vote this spring on making there's just one prom: The future proms official school prom."
state revenue to top projections. The Adair Grain plant stored ammonium nitrate, a highly explosive material responsible for industrial accidents and used in terrorist attacks. The solid fertilizer was used by Timothy McVeigh to destroy the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building and kill 168 people in Oklahoma City 18 years ago. The owners and employees of Adair Grain and its West Fertilizer Co. unit are working with investigators, the company said in a statement two days after the explosion. The cause of the blast and the fire that preceded it still hasn't been determined. The plant held 270 tons of ammonium nitrate as of Dec. 31, according to a report from the Texas Department of State Health Services. "Texas has gone out of its way to maintain a reputation for low regulation," said Elena Craft, a health scientist with the Environmental Defense Fund in Austin. "We're all for creating jobs and good conditions for business, but it shouldn't cost you your life." The crater in West was smaller than the one left by a bomb in Oklahoma City in 1995, said Brian Hoback, an ATF supervisor who investigated the Oklahoma City bombing. Still, the damage had animpact on Perry and other state officials. "This is the stuff used to make fertilizer bombs," said Cornyn, after his tour. Local, state and federal laws needed to be looked at for possible changes, he said. "The question is whether you should be storing it this close to schools, nursing homes and residential areas."
Continued from A1 "We crossed our f i ngers that that could never happen," Crawford told reporters a day after the April 17 blast killed 14 people, wrecked two schools, destroyed a nursing home and left a crater 93 feet wide and 10 feet deep.
Though only 2,800 people live in West, a rural town 80 miles south of Dallas, millions of people nationwide live and work near high-risk chemical plants, according to a report this year based on CongressionalResearch Service data. The report said 89 chemical facilities put more than I million nearby residents at risk, including 33 in Texas. Following the explosion in West, which also injured 200 people and flattened 50 homes, thousands of similar fertilizer centers around the U.S. will get more scrutiny of hazardous chemicals from local residents and government officials, said Chris Damas, an i n dependent fertilizer analyst w i t h Barrie, Ontario-based BCMI Research. "It l ooks l i k e r e g ulators dropped the ball," said Damas. "People may forget this terrible accident and necessary improvements in fertilizer storage regulation won't happen." Texas environmental groups, including Public Citizen Texas and Texas Campaign for the Environment, said in a April 24 statement that state lawmakers should pass tougher regulation and step up enforcement, including more inspections and disclosure of toxic threats. Any increase in s crutiny would come as the fertilizer industry plans $22 billion of new projects and expansions in Texas and elsewhere in North America. The Texas economy is booming as it reaps the benefits of cheaper natural gas supplies from the hydraulic fracturing of shale rock formations. Gas is
Tom Reel/TheSan AntonioExpress-News
An officer sounds taps at a memorial ceremony this week at the site of the fire and explosion in West, Texas. The explosion at West Fertilizer which killed 14 people left a crater more than 90 feet wide and blasted the walls and windows off dozens of buildings in the town of 2,700. used as a raw material to make nitrogen-based fertilizer. Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican, said in a Monday interview that there hadn't been any violations at the West plant since 2006 and that recent inspections hadn't found any "abnormalities that would cause concern." Calls for change are "premature" until i n vestigations of the cause are complete, he said. Cities have grown up around m anufacturing all o ver t h e country, said Perry, who questioned whether it w ould be cost-effective to move plants or residential areas away from each other. West had expanded into the rural area where the fertilizer plant wa s a l ready established. The facility, owned by closely held Adair Grain, was built in the 1960s, according to the governor. The plant wasn't incorporated into the city and remained inMcLennan County, where Texas zoning laws are
ative about that." It will be a "balanced share Continued from A1 sacrifice," and if they can't get SB 822, the PERS bill, has it from tax breaks, the Demopassed both chambers, and c rats might have t o m a k e the governor has indicated he cuts. would sign it. House Speaker The PERS changes in SB Tina Kotek, D-Portland, said 822 would reduce cost-of-livshe's gone as far as she's will- ing increases to the tune of ing to go on PERS. $460 million in the next budBut on t h e S enate side, get cycle. It would also delay where work continues on a bi- 3350 million in payments until partisan tax-revenue package, future years. raising taxes without deeper Much o f P E R S r e venue cuts to the pension system is comes from it s i n vestment expected to be difficult at best. fund. When that fund doesn't The governor, who has pushed do well and earnings fall, emfor morereforms, has signaled ployers must make up the difhe will now be a more present ference to keep the fund stafigure at the negotiating table. ble. Rates will likely remain "People are going to step high or even increase in the back and have conversations foreseeable future. about how to move forward," The c u r r en t un f u n ded said Tim Raphael, the gover- PERS liability is $14 billion. nor's spokesman. Projections show that emWilkinson said the changes ployer contribution rates to made within SB 822 will help PERS would be 26.1 percent the district maintain itself and in 2015-17, what they would avoid layoffs. But, he said, he's be in the upcoming two years looking forward to what he if the pension system was left hopes will be a more robust completely alone this session. "It's a delicate position we're discussion on the Senate side. "Kotek has dug in ; she's in as school board members, repeated she won't support because our employees are a any more changes to PERS," really valuable asset and we Wilkinson said. "It will be in- want them to be treated well teresting to see who will win while they are employed and that standoff." after they r etire," K i nkade Kotek has said she will get said. " Because, f r a nkly, t h e y to a $6.75 billion figure for K-12 schools, even if the end d on't get paid w ell, and a package is something other healthy retirement is part of than a combination of $810 the deal. We want modificamillion from PERS and $275 tions that aren't harmful to million in taxes. our employees, but help us It won't b e f r o m " p ublic with our budget today." employee's backs," she said. — Reporter: 541-554-1162, "We're goingto be more
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weaker. "Are the people willing to pay thecost?"Perry said."Cost versus benefit is always what we battle with." After touring the damage last week, Perry, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott allsaid changes were needed to prevent future explosions near residences and schools. "By the grace of God, this was at night" when children weren't in school, Perry said. "How there were only 14 people who lost their lives is a bit of an amazement." Government officials have been slow to change zoning and other land use laws and federal regulations that could prevent dangerous chemical facilities from being built near schools and residential areas, said Kelly Haragan, environmental clinic director at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin. "These patterns take a long
time to change," said Haragan, who has worked for advocates of buffer zones separating industrial sites from residential areas."In some cases the companies were there first." Texas, in its effort to support localbusiness and lure more companies to the state, has been reluctant to add to regulatory burdens on industry, Perry said. "We are a state that does not believe in overburdening businesses," Perry said. Lawmakers in Texas, the
biggest energy-producing state in the union, began their biennial legislative session in January with a surplus estimated at about $8.8 billion as the boom-
ing energy industry helped
Paving Continued from A1 The county is now obligated to pay 10.27 percent of the project's total cost. "We didpress on that requirement to see if there were other projects that didn't have to comply with that similar to ours," said county Public Works Director Chris Doty. "There was no opportunity to try to get out of this match. We didn't accept this without asking the tough questions." Doty said the department has adequate funds in the capital reserve to pay for the project but is also looking for alternative funding sources. "We're exploringalternate funding sources through the capital improvement plan process that will be before the board on June 5," Doty said. "We had the SDC committee look a t S k y liners Road or it's potential to make that 10 percent match a part of SDC eligible expense." The Systems Developm ent Charges fund, o r SDC, is a capital reserve fund set aside for projects that go b eyond m aintenance, said Commission Chairman Alan Unger. "We collect the funds as homes and stores are built and put the money in a fund that makes us able to pay for capacity improvements to the system," Unger said. "Because we're making the road wider, it may be eligible for partial SDC funding." Construction on the project was originally scheduled to begin in 2016, but because the city of Bend is planning
on replacing below-ground water lines on the same road, the county is following the city lead so the road will not have to be torn up and replaced twice. "It looks like now we'll begin construction in spring 2015," Doty said. "Even with the expedited schedule we are on, we wouldn't have been able to deliver the project before the jurisdiction moved from the Forest Highway Program tothe Federal Lands Access Program." — Reporter: 541-383-0376,
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By Alfonso Chardy El Nuevo Herald
All that remains of the secret CIA base is a grassy field on the northeastern corner of Opa-locka Airport. But 60 years ago on that very spot was Building 67, a two-story barracks, that in 1953 and 1954 servedas CIA field headquarters forthe covertoperation that overthrew leftist Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz. It was there that several senior CIA officers labored f or months organizing t h e intricate logistical details of PBSUCCESS, the code name for the a n ti-Arbenz operation. Among the officers who worked at Building 67 was Howard Hunt, who later went on to help engineer the 1972 Watergate burglary as one of the White House "plumbers." What happened at Building 67 was known at the time only to a very small circle of people, but the impact of the 1953-54 operation dramatically altered the history of South Florida and the United States. The Guatemala operation set in motion a series of events whose reverberationscontinue to be felt to this day. A rbenz's overthrow e m boldened the CIA's clandestine service to try a similar operation, though on a larger scale, at Cuba's Bay of Pigs. But the 1961 exile invasion, which ended in defeat, caused Fidel Castro a year later to accept Soviet nuclear missiles as a deterrent against future U.S.backed invasions. Castro's subsequent consolidation of power led to a stream of refugees that continues to this day.
Among early Cuban refugees were people like Jose Abreu, who gave a photographer and a reporter from El Nuevo Herald a tour of Opalocka Airport last month, the day before he retired from his post as Miami-Dade aviation
director. The tour included a briefing by Antolin Garcia Carbonell, a former aviation department official, who is also a Cuban refugee and has done extensive research into the history of Building 67 and Opa-locka. "It was one of a group of buildings that were built in 1943, in the middle of World War II, as barracks for the U.S. Navy," Carbonell said. "This was a naval air station."
A covert operation By the time the CIA took it over, Building 67 was part of a Marine barracks complex. Hunt, in his 1974 autobiography, "Undercover," described the structure. "Our field headquarters occupied a two-story barracks on the p a rtly c l osed-down Marine air base at Opa-locka, Florida," Hunt wrote. "We slept and worked in the same building and ate at the base mess hall not far away. Several project officers with military reserve status wore uniforms in order to lessen interest in our
C.M. Guerrero i Miami Herald
Recently retired Avlatlon Director Jose Abreu, left, dlscusses the secret CIA Headquarters at Opa-Locka Alrport with hlstorlan Antolln Carbonell, March 28, about the secret1954 covert operatlon agalnst Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz.
building because it had a day care center and used that as a cover to divert attention from secret activities. While U.S. concern about Arbenz began in Washington as early as 1951, planning for his overthrow did not begin in earnest until after the Guatemalan government in Februbuilding." ary 1953 seized 234,000 acres While it has been known owned by the U.S. banana that the CIA's Guatemala op- importer United Fruit under e ration h e adquarters w a s a land reform decree Arbenz at Opa-locka, Carbonell has had signed the year before. discovered details during his After t h e W h i t e H o u se years-long investigation that authorized the Arbenz overwere not known before. throw, the CIA began looking For example,Carbonell was for a place to base its Guatethe first to identify the precise mala "war room." building the CIA occupied. He It opened in Building 67 on believes the agency picked the Dec. 23, 1953, under the code
name LINCOLN. A telegram that day to station chiefs in Central America from then CIA Director Allen Dulles made it official. The telegram also provided the name of the first LINCOLN chief, but it was only a pseudonym for the person whose real name was known only to the CIA's Western Hemisphere Division. "Effective this date all addressee stations will constitute component elements of PBSUCCESS regionalcommand with project headquarters at LINCOLN under Jerome C. Dunbar, special deputy, WHD for this project," wrote Dulles in the telegram, which has since been declassified.
Dunbar was actually Albert Haney, a former U.S. Army colonel who was CIA station chief in Korea at the time Washington decided to open LINCOLN at Building 67 in Opa-locka. One of Dunbar's first cables to Central American station chiefs dealt with an early crisis in the PBSUCCESS operation. A person who had access to the CIA's project leaked coup plans to the Guatemalan government and in early 1954 the Arbenz governmentpublicized the details. The leak rocked the U.S. government,because it drew worldwide media a ttention, but Haney/Dunbar saw a silver lining in the episode. "Desire to assure all concerned thatrecent expose of alleged activities pertaining PBSUCCESS although unfortunate some respects fortunate in others," wrote Dunbar from Opa-locka to the Central America CIA officers on Feb. 2, 1954. "Further this incident has not affected PBSUCCESS objective any way." PBSUCCESS, in some ways, served as the template for the 1961 Bay of Pigs operation. Like Bay of Pigs, PBSUCCESS consisted of an exile force and aircraftassigned to attack Guatemalan targets during the invasion. Though PBSUCCESS failed to spark a military uprising against Arbenz, he nonetheless resigned on June 27, 1954, when it became clear that top officers no longer backed him. Exileinvaders, led by former Guatemalan military officer Carlos Castillo Armas, took over the country.
umphant invaders and would have been executed had it not been for last-minute CIA intervention. " Marching overland, t h e t roops o f C a s tillo A r m a s seized control of the capital and captured Arbenz and all his followers — including an asthmatic Argentine medical student and Communist camp follower named Ernesto "Che" Guevara," Hunt wrote. Arbenz and Guevara were spared only because a "CIA man on the spot" dissuaded Castillo Armas from having them shot, he added. There is no independent verification of Hunt's claim. All available accounts indicate that Guevara took shelter at the A r gentine consulate after Arbenz resigned and then made his way to Mexico, where he joined Fidel Castro to launch his revolution in Cuba. Guevara was summarily executed in Bolivia in 1967 after his capture there. Arbenz died in Mexico in 1971. Hunt died in Miami in 2007. As for the abandoned CIA base at Opa-locka, it served other significant purposes, including as one of the facilities used for Operation Pedro Pan, the airlift that brought unaccompanied Cuban children to the United States after the 1959 triumph of the revolution that Castro and Guevara launched from Mexico. Carnonell said that after the Pedro Pan program moved out in 1966, the Catholic church occasionally rented one of the barracksfor spiritual retreats. In 1968, the church used Building 67as a retreat house forthe A failed operation's Cursillos de Cristiandad reliaftermath gious movement. It has been widely reported In 1980, during the Mariel that after Arbenz resigned, he boatlift, Building 67 was used obtained refuge at the Mexican to shelter some unaccompaEmbassy, from where he safely nied refugee children, Carmade his way to Mexico. bonell said. But in hi s autobiography, Later in the 1980s, Building Hunt says Arbenz and Ernesto 67 — by then infested with ter"Che" Guevara, who was in mites — came to an ignominiGuatemala at the time, were ous end. Firefighters burned it actually captured by the tri- down as part of a training drill.
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Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5
OSPshoots man after suspected burglary
Hayes to address OSUcampusgrads Oregon's first lady Cylvia Hayes is scheduled to provide the
commencement address at Oregon State
University-Cascades in June, the university announced. The Bendcampus
By Scott Hammers The Bulletin
holds its12th annual
commencement exercise June16. The cere-
mony is scheduledto be
As pmt of its renovation of Ponderosa Park, the Bend Park 8E Recreation
held at noon at the Les Schwab Amphitheater in the Old Mill District.
District will build a new skateboard park as early as July. It's a community
Hayes, who moved
effort in more ways than one. The district is working with members of the
Bear Creek R.
Ponderosa Park
to Bend in1997, built
a career in sustainable economicdevelopment, clean energy, workforce development, green
community and with the design and construction contractor Spohn Ranch
building and waste
the district spending $200,000, and the nonprofit Promoting Urban Skate
prevention, according to OSU. Sheserved as a member and co-chair of the Oregon Renewable Energy Working Group,
to refine the skatepark's layout. The project's cost also will be shared, with
TP Raedsr ruRd.
Habitats (PUSH) raising $40,000 in cash and in-kind donations.
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
ing a burglary. The suspect
which developed the
was gone by the time deputies arrived, Adkins said, but the resident was able to provide a description of the suspect's vehicle that was shared with other law enforcementagencies. Troopers located the vehicle on U.S. Highway 97 and gave chase, losing the vehicle after it turned east on Dogwood Lane. Adkins said the vehicle was found abandoned in the sagebrush, and additional resources were called in to help search for the man, including a helicopterfrom Jefferson County Search 8t Rescue
state RenewableEnergy Standard, Renewable Fuels Standard, and
other clean energy policies. "Cylvia's leadership in sustainability and
her support of Central Oregon's progress as a growing business community and great
~~~~~ ktt,
f>"" '~,
place for families to live,
work, go to school and play is in keeping with
. Ii vflik I III .
our mission at OSU-
Cascades,'" campus Vice President Becky Johnson was quoted by OSU. For additional
!Il htt(SI l
Il lllll /lgttE
't'tl54 Isllht!!5 IS.lilll! I re l(t5 ) .
and a tracking dog from
information, visit commencement.
A man suspected of burglarizing a Madras-area home Fr>day afternoon was shot by an Oregon State Police trooper pursuing him through a remote area. The man, whose name had not yet been released, was transported by helicopter to St. Charles Bend for treatment of his injuries. Jefferson County Sheriff Jim Adkins said his deputies were called to a home on Fern Lane shortly after 2 a resident report-
Andy Tullis/The Bulletin
Skaterssharetheir ideas
the Warm Springs Tribal Police Department. See Shooting /B5
In March, the park district held its first pub-
MAY 21 ELECTION Events Another spring election is just ahead. The May 21 ballot car-
ries contests extremely close to home, from
school boards to parks and recreation directors
lic meeting on the skatepark. Thepublic was
invited to sketch out their ideas, said Matt Mercer, recreation services director for the district.
7 in Crook County vie
On April17, Spohn Ranchpresented three park concepts in a public forum, pictured above. The initial concepts, shown here, focusedon"streetelements,"suchasbenches and rails, Mercer said. Now, Spohn Ranch isworking on afinal design based onthe public's likes anddislikes, which included "transitions," such as ramps and half-pipes.
for 4 school board seats
to water districts. Bond
measures andtax levies for new school buildings, fire equipment and emer-
gency dispatch services are also at stake. The Bulletin will publish a daily calendar of
election-related events, including candidate
forums and issue-related town halls. Areyouplanning an event? Please submit your notice to
bulletin©bendbulletin. com, or by conventional mail to P.O. Box 6020, Bend OR 97708-6020.
Will it includeadowl?
register to vote • May 3: Ballots will be mailed out • May 21: Election Day Who's running A complete list of
candidates for Crook, Deschutes and Jefferson
counties can befound at may21candidates
Measures andlevies • Deschutes 911
• Madras Aquatic Center operating levy • Bend-La Pine School
bond • La Pine Fire District
operation andequipment levies • Culver school bond • Crook County school bond Read ourstories Coverage leading up to the election is at election2013
Seven candidates will be on the ballot for four positions on the Crook County School Board in the upcoming election. Four of the five members of the Crook County board represent defined
due to the geology of the site and
budget constraints, PUSH and the park district would only be able to
build a bowl skatepark one-third the
geographic zones — north-
size of the street and transitions park that is planned, Yamada said.
Concept Design 2, shown at right, includes a bowl element — but, according to Mercer, "it's unlikely
ager on the Sisters skatepark project,
Keydates • Tuesday: Last dayto
demand and need for that," said Travis Yamada, presidentof PUSH. But
public by freeadmission. Fundraising events do not qualify, nor do strictly partisan gatherings.
for sure, and weunderstand there's
be open to the general
calendar, theevent must
By Scott Hammers The Bulletin
have it? "It would be great to have a bowl,
there would be anenclosed bowl in this phase." But not everyone agreesthat a bowl isn't feasible. Daniel O'Neill, a Bendresi-
To qualify for publication in The Bulletin
Skaters want one, but can they
dent who volunteers as project man-
the nonprofit will know the specific materials and kinds of labor to ask local businesses to offer. Wilkins said one thing the project is sure to need is soil to build berms to support the raised elements of the design.
Of the final design, Mercer said, "It's really quite different than any of the three concepts."
So, when might weseeit? When:May 7 Where:799 S.W. Columbia St.
said the park district could build a bowl if it managed contracts in a way that
The PUSH for moreparks
enabled local, lower-cost contractors to compete. Thesecontractors often can't
Meanwhile, the park district is working on a master plan for a network of skateparks in Bend. It was a major achievement for PUSH to get the park district to support a vision for a system of skateparks throughout the city, Yamada said.
the next park district board meeting. But check the district website for the meeting agenda and
said. "I think that a really, really good
The finaldesign
final design.
bowl could be built for $100,000." Charlie Wilkins, skateparkand spe-
Mercer said the final design for Ponderosa will not look exactly like any of the drawings
project," Yamadasaid. "But especially when
afford to put up the performance bonds required by the district.
"Their proposed designs don't look
like they're going to satisfy the entire population of skateboarders," O'Neill
cial events designer for SpohnRanch, disagreed. "(That amount) is probably not realistic by any means,especially the site being ashard as it is," Wilkins said. "Right there, you're talking about dynamite, and a lot of it."
Mercer cited the sameissue. With
A final design presentation wasscheduled for the exact time: A link to a page about the Ponderosa skatepark
project can also befound onthe homepage. PUSH is optimistic that skaters will like the "It's tough to satisfy everyone with every
we're considering a midsize park on this bud-
submitted by the public, nor will it be acopy of get. I think for this site, we're really happy with any of the three original concepts. Instead, it will what's going to happenbecause it seems like attempt to put the best ideas into onepackage. the wisest use of the land." PONOEROSA PARK SKATSPARK
rock only a foot or two beneath the
surface, digging to create abowl "is not an easy or cheapthing at that site," he said.
The PUSH forfunds As the district gets closer to a final
west, northeast, southeast and southwest — arrayed around the intersection of Th>rd Avenue and Main Street. All voters in the school district vote for candidates from each of the zones, as well as for the fifth "at large" position that is open to candidates living anywhere in the school district. Due to the midterm resignation of two prior board members, candidates in Zones 3 and 4 will be running for two-year terms rather than the usual four. The board candidates will be sharing the ballot with a $33.5 million bond requestfrom the Crook County School District to construct a new elementary school and upgrade existing schools. Two of this year's races are uncontested. Current board member ScottCooper is unopposed in the race for the Zone 2 seat. Walt Wagner, a two-time candidate for County Judge, is the only candidate that filed for the Zone 4 position. See Schools/B2
design, PUSHis working on fundraising to hold up its end of the deal. "It's really go-time now," Yamada said. "We're really optimistic that we're going to be able to do it because there's
such a needfor a skatepark." Having a final design is important so
May 21election Coverage leading upto — Hillary Sorrud, Thei3ulletin
the election is at www. election2013
Email events at least 10 days before publication date to or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
TODAY "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: GIULIO CESARE":Starring Natalie Dessay, AliceCooteand David Daniels in a presentation of Handel's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. ART ONTHERIVER: Featuring art demonstrations and sales; a portion of proceeds benefits art education in Redmond schools; free;10a.m.-4 p.m.; River Run Event Center, 1730 Blue Heron Drive, Redmond; MARCH FOR BABIES: 5k walk with live music, face painting, crafts, kid's activities and food; All proceeds go to the March of Dimes; 10 a.m., registration at 9 a.m.; Riverbend Park, Southwest Columbia Street and Southwest Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 541-225-5023 or www. SENSATIONAL SATURDAY: Learn about John Muir's conservation philosophy and create artwork inspired by nature; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or JAPANESEFESTIVALANDSILENT AUCTION:Enjoytraditional Japanese arts and crafts, and benefit orphans affected by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami; free, donations accepted; noon-4 p.m.; Summit High School commons, 2855 N.W.Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-355-4053. KNOW VOLUNTEERING: Visit with community organizations looking for individuals to make apositive impact; free;noon-3 p.m.;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W.Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7089 or jenniferpO "ALONE IN THE WILDERNESS": A screening of the documentary film about the life of Richard Proenneke in the wilds of Alaska; free; 2 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-312-1033 or "PIRATES OFPENZANCEJR.": Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the Gilbert 8 Sullivan classic musical about pirates and young lovers; $15, $10students and ages younger than18; 2 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Pinckney Center for the Arts, 2600 N.W. College Way,Bend; 541-4195558 or BBQ DINNERFUNDRAISER: La Pine Community kitchen offers a meal of barbecue chicken or ribs, with
PUBLIC OFFICIALS DESCHUTES COUNTY 1300 N.W.Wall St., Bend, OR97701 Web: Phone: 541-388-6571 Fax: 541-382-1692
County Commission • TammyBaney, R-Bend Phone: 541-388-6567 Email: Tammy Baney©co.deschutes • Alan Unger, D-Redmond Phone: 541-388-6569 Email: Alan Unger© • Tony DeBone,R-LaPine Phone: 541-388-6568 Email: Tony
CROOK COUNTY 300 N.E. Third St., Prineville, OR 97754 Phone: 541-447-6555
Fax: 541-416-3891 Email: Web:
•CrookCountyJudgeMikeMcCabe Phone: 541-447-6555 Email: mike.mccabe©
County Court • Ken Fahlgren Phone: 541-447-6555 Email:
JEFFERSON COUNTY 66 S.E. 0 St., Madras, OR97741 Phone: 541-475-2449 Fax: 541-475-4454 Web:
County Commission • Mike Ahern, JohnHatfield,
Wayne Fording
Phone:541-475-2449 Email: commissioner©
CITY OF BEND • City ManagerEricKing Phone: 541-388-5505 Email:
Clty Council • Jodie Barram Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: • Mark Capell Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: mcapell© • Jim Clinton Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: • Vlctor Chudowsky Phone: 541-749-0085 Email: vchudowsky© • Doug Knight Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: dknight© • Scott Ramsay Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: • Sally Russell Phone: 541-480-8141 Email:
Ryan Brennecke iThe Bulletin
Cascades Theatrical Company presents the romantic comedy "Shooting Star," about former lovers who reunite at the airport, at Bend'sGreenwood Playhouse this weekend. side dishes; with an equine clinic and workshop; proceeds benefit the community kitchen; $10; 2-6 p.m.; High Lakes Feed, 51420 Highway 97, La Pine; 541-536-1312. ART INTHE GARDEN ART SHOW AND BLOOM DANCEPARTY:Art show in indoor Asian garden with cocktails and appetizers followed by dance party; proceeds benefit Central Oregon Locavore non-profit to support farm kids educational program; $5; 5 p.m., dance party begins at 8 p.m., only 21+ after10 p.m.; Central Oregon Locavore, 1216 N.E. First St., Bend. AUTHORPRESENTATION: Jane Kirkpatrick presents her book, "One Glorious Ambition: The Compassionat e Crusade of Dorothea Dix"; $5; 6 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 422 S.W.Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491. CENTRALOREGON FILM FESTIVAL:A screening of one- to 15-minute films made by Central Oregonians, with an awards ceremony; free; 6 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; 541-475-3351 or www. LAST SATURDAY:Event includes art exhibit openings, live music, food and drinks and a patio and fire pit; free; 6-10 p.m.; Old Ironworks Arts District, 50 Scott St., Bend; www. "O.HENRY ...A COLLECTION OF JOOKALORUM":Sunriver Stars Community Theater presents a collection of O. Henry stories; $5, $25 for dinner show; 7 p.m., dinner at 6 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; dramama©comcast. net or "PIRATES OFPENZANCEJR.": Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the Gilbert 8 Sullivan
Schools Continued from 61 Candidates in the contested races are:
classic musical about pirates and young lovers; $15, $10 students and ages younger than 18; 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Pinckney Center for the Arts, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-4195558 or CHRISTOPHER OFTHE WOLVES: The multi-instrumentalist performs, followed by a sound healing experience; bring pillows and blankets; $10-$15 suggested donation; 7-9 p.m.; Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 N.W. Louisiana Ave., Bend; 541-330-0334 or LAST SATURDAYATTHE WORKHOUSE:Poetsand storytellers present the written arts; free; 7 p.m.; The Workhouse at Old Ironworks, 50 S.E. Scott St., Bend; "CRAZYABOUT ME": Stage Right Productions and Suzan Noyes present a new romantic comedy play about moving ahead with both feet firmly planted in the past; $18, $15 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or "SHOOTINGSTAR":Cascades Theatrical Company presents the romantic comedy about two former lovers who reunite in an airport; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. BEND FOLLIES:A fast-paced variety show starring local business, civic, educational and entertainment personalities; proceeds benefit the Tower Theatre Foundation; $50-$75 no fees; 7:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. silent auction; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St.; 541-317-0700 or www. JIVE COULIS:The funk-rock act
SUNDAY "0.HENRY ...A COLLECTION OF JOOKALORUM":Sunriver Stars Community Theater presents a collection of O. Henry stories; $5; 2 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic 8 Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; dramama©comcast. net or "PIRATES OFPENZANCEJR.": Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the Gilbert 8 Sullivan classic musical about pirates and young lovers; $15, $10 students and ages younger than18; 2 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Pinckney Center for the Arts, 2600 N.W. College Way,Bend; 541-4195558 or "SHOOTINGSTAR":Cascades Theatrical Company presents the romantic comedy about two former lovers who reunite in an airport; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 2 p.m .;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. THE IRRESISTIBLEPULL OF THE LAST FRONTIER:Cultural and environmental anthropologist Lucy Marino explores what makes Alaska irresistible; free; 2 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541312-1033 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. FOODIE CRAWL: Progressive dinner downtown Bend and raffle; followed by dessert, live music and silent auction; proceeds benefit BCC's Feed the Hungry program; $65, $95 for VIP status and $25 for just dessert and live music at BCC; 4 p.m.-8 p.m., ending at BCC from 7 p.m.-10 p.m.; Bend's Community Center, 1036 N.E. Fifth St.; 541-3122069 or JUDY COLLINS:The folk artist performs, with Ari Hest; $36-$50.50 plusfees;6:30 p.m.,doorsopen at
Candidateprofiles For the two contested Crook County School Board positions:
Ray Graves
Ray Graves
A software developer in the mornings and proprietor of the "Prepper Up" store in th e af t e rnoons, Ray Graves mo v ed t o Prineville three years ago. His older son gr aduated from Crook County High School last year, while earlier this year, he pulled his younger son out of Crook County Middle School to enroll him at Crook County Christian School. Graves, 56, s aid h e ' d like to see the school district a d d pro g r ams t o introduce middle school and high school aged students to fields like computer programming a n d
Age: 56 Employment: Software
engi neering.
performs, with Voodoo Highway; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541728-0879 or thehornedhand. JOHNSMITH:The Wisconsin folk musician performs; $15-$20 suggesteddonation;8 p.m .,doors open 7 p.m.; HarmonyHouse,17505 Kent Road, Sisters; 541-548-2209. REDWOOD SON:ThePortland American band performs; $5-10 at thedoor;8 pm ,doorsopen at7 p.m .; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122. AESOP ROCK: The hip-hop artist performs, with Busdriver, Rob Sonic, DJ Big Wiz and MCMystic; $20 plus fees; 9 p.m .,doorsopenat8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-408-4329 or www.
developerfor food service company; owner of "Prepper Up" store in Prineville.
ZONE 5 (AT LARGE) Gwen Carr Age: 33 Employment:
Owner ofhomebased medical transcription company.
Brad Peterson No pHQTQ
Pattl Norris
Age: 51 Employment: Adjunct business
professor at Central OregonCommunity College.
to build the new school." "We've got s o m e exGraves maintains that the t remely smart k i ds; t h e Common Co re cu r r i culum community s up por t s standards promote an antithem, but they're just not parent, p r o-world g o verngetting the education they ment agenda, and said he's need," he said. "There's not dissatisfied when he he ars a good high-tech program others suggest the d i s trict in the schools. You've got give in and alter its curricuFacebook and Apple com- lum to meet the standards. "If we k now something's ing in here, but none of these kids are even quali- wrong, even if its dictated by fied to take entry-level col- the state or federal governlege classes to study this ment, that's no reason to just kind of thing." bow down and let it be," he Graves is not support- said. "You have to fight that if ing the bond to b u ild a you know its wrong." new el e mentary s c h ool and contends the board's Patti Norris decision to put the bond A member of t he sc hool before voters il l u strates board for the last four years a lack of communication and the current chairwoman with lo cal re s idents. At of the board, Patti Norris has a recent board meeting, lived in Crook County for 10 Graves was dismayed to years and works as an adlearn how m u ch mo ney junct business professor for the bond has allocated to Central Oregon Community repairs at the two schools College. that would be closed if the Norris, 51, said she anticibond is passed. pates the board wi ll sp end "I kind of got the feel- a lot of time in the coming ing they don't have a good years t i n k ering w i t h th e plan and t h at t h ey st il l district's c u r r i c ulum a n d (would) be spending mon- methods of teacher evaluaey to maintain those old tion. The Common Core curschools, even though that's riculum st andards adopted the reason they're wanting at the national and state level
Age: 58 Employment: Former truck driver, upholsterer,
longshoreman MIke Stuart
Age: 67 Employment: Retired public
school teacher and principal.
5:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or
MONDAY COWBOY JUNKIES: The Canadian country folk-rock band performs; $36.50-$47.50 plus fees; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700 or
TUESDAY "CASCADIA: THEEARTHQUAKE IN YOUR FUTURE?":Open House and lecture by Don Webber, the emergency services manager for the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, on the potential for a large earthquake off the Oregon Coast; free; 2 p.m., doors open at1:30 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-617-4663, or http://osher. MAKING ALIFE ON THE "LAST FRONTIER":A presentation by Bob Boyd about skills and tools used in Alaska; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1032 or "ROLL ON,COLUMBIA: WOODY GUTHRIEAND THE COLUMBIA RIVER SONGS":A screening of the documentary film by Michael O'Rourke and presentation by Bill Murlin; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or "SHOOTINGSTAR":Cascades Theatrical Company presents Steven Dietz's romantic comedy; proceeds benefit Soroptimist International of Bend; $25; 7:30p.m.,reception6:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3888505 or TAKE BACK THENIGHT: An international event to promote awareness of sexual assault; free; 7:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Campus Center, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7412.
Gwen Carr A Central Oregon native, Carr grew up in Bend and has lived in Crook County since 2007. She has two children in Crook County elementary schools and works from home providing medical transcription services to clinics across
CINCO DEMAYO CELEBRATION: With a Mexican buffet silent auction, live music and entertainment and raffle; sponsored by Sisters Hispanic Coalition; $20, $10ages12and under; 6-9 p.m.; FivePine Lodge & Conference Center, 1021 Desperado Trail, Sisters; 541-549-2091 or www. THE UGLYDUCKLING:An adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's tale about a homely bird born deaf, signed and spoken WEDNESDAY simultaneously; recommended "IT'S IN THEBAG"LECTURE for ages 5-10; $12, $8 children 12 SERIES:Michael Giamellaro and younger, plus fees; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall presents the lecture "Science: Out of the Classroom and Into the Real St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. World"; free; noon-1 p.m.; OSUCascades Campus, Cascades Hall, "SHOOTINGSTAR": Cascades 2600 N.W. CollegeWay, Bend;541Theatrical Company presents the 322-3100, info© or romantic comedy about two former www.osucascades. edu/lunchtimelovers who reunite in anairport; $24, lectures. $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; "BRIDGINGCULTURES: MUSLIM Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W. JOURNEYS":Kick-off reception Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389with presentation by Kambiz Ghanea 0803 or
the country. Carr said her work experience has provided her with a unique perspective on how technology can help or hinder o pen co m m u nication. She saidthere seems tobe a pattern of misunderstandings between district staff and the administration, and she'd like the board to explore technology-based options to ke e p information flowing in both directions. "I've always w o rked r e motely, so communication is a key component of that, and knowing how to use that and keep things running smoothly is something I can bring to the district, I think," she said. The district will have a lot of work to do ad justing its curriculum to align with the Common Co re s t a n dards, C arr said, a n d c a n' t g e t
bogged down by debate on will re quire adjustments at the district, she said, as will a state mandate to incorporate student achievement into teacher evaluations. How to best allocate limited resources will be a concern as well, Norris said. "Funding's always anissue. It's kind of old news to whine about funding; we've been doing it so long," she said. Norris sa i d s h e 's f u l l y supportive of the bon d campaign. "It is ve ry lo ng o verdue, although the timing is right. We had abond when we built our new high school 20 years ago; that bond is now being paid off. Unlike in the BendLa Pine school district, where they kind of do bonds on top of bonds to keep it going, we've paid off one and now have an opportunity to bring on a new one at the same rate."
Bassiri on "Muslim Journeys and the Making of American History"; free; 3:30-5:30 p.m., presentation at 4:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Wille Hall, 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend;541383-7412. STEP INTOSPRING FASHION SHOW:Afashion show, with live and silent auctions and food; proceeds benefit Bend Area Habitat for Humanity; $30 in advance, $35 at the door; 5 p.m. auction, 6 p.m. show; Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-8152400, realestate© or THE IRRESISTIBLEPULL OF THE LAST FRONTIER:Cultural and environmental anthropologist Lucy Marino explores what makes Alaska irresistible; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library,601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1033 or www. "SHOOTINGSTAR": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the romantic comedy about two former lovers who reunite in an airport; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. CHARLES PHOENIXBIG RETRO SLIDE SHOW:The humorist, author andshowman performs aone-man comedy show kicking off National Preservation Month; $14 plus $1 Historic Theatre Restoration fee; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or
whether the standards should exist in the first place. "If you love it or hate it, I think it's something we have to support and find a way to support," she said. "We can't fight it; we need to empower our staff to do the very best they can for our students." Carr worked on th e d i s trict co mmittee to de velop the bond measure and is currently active with the political action committee working to persuade voters to say yes.
Brad Peterson A resident of Crook County since 1985, Peterson worked as an up holsterer, a lo n gshoreman and a truck driver before being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at 38. Now 58, Peterson ran for a Prineville City Co uncil seat last November, finishing fo urth in a five-way race. Peterson said his son graduated from Cr o ok Co u nty schools and his ne phew i s currently attending. He said he believes the curriculum is flawed, and takes issue with "letting the Un ited Nations rewrite history books." "I don't like the way they're being taught; they're not getting a proper education," he
said. Peterson said he'd like to see students held back if they can't pass "the three Rs." He said schools had plenty of money back when ru ral Oregon's timber mills were operating, and that increas-
ing logging would ensure adequate funding for education. Peterson is skeptical about the proposal to build a new school. "My thoughts on the bond: We're taxed enough already," Peterson said. "I really don't see it passing. Our town's getting smaller, our county's getting smaller — how can you draw more blood out of the turnip?"
Mike Stuart A re t i r ed t e a cher a n d school principal, Mike Stuart is a relatively new resident of Crook County, having moved to Prineville a little less than two years ago. Stuart, 67, said he would bring his experience working in rural school districts across the state to the board position. He said he was unaware of any pressing policy matters fa cing th e sc h ool district, and is primarily interested in getting involved in the community. "Having wor k e d w ith school boards as an administrator, I know how they function and I know what they do, so I felt that my experience would lend itself well to helping out in Crook County," he said. "I don't have any particular agenda. A lot of people run for school boards for that reason but I don't have any." Stuart said he hasn't closely followed the campaign for the facilities bond, but thinks the new school could provide an economic boost by making Prineville and Crook County more attractive to yo unger families. "If you ask any real estate broker anywhere, when people are thinking of m oving in to an area, one of the first things they'll ask about is the schools." — Reporter: 541-383-0387,
Fire o icer:Aco oismwasa isa ii
AROUND THE STATE FOreSt ruling —A federal appeals court has thrown out an agreement between environmentalists and the federal government that
restored protections for rare species in old growth forests. The By Steven DuBois The Associated Press
PORTLAND — A police officer fired for driving drunk in an unmarked police car while off-duty has filed a $6 million l awsuit against the c it y o f Gresham, the police chief and others, alleging his rights were violated under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The lawsuit filed in Portland allegedthe officer,Jason Servo, was suffering from alcoholism, a recognized disability under the act, and shouldn't have been dismissed. The suit also alleged Servo was denied due process, and the police union failed to represent him adequately. "Just as with any type of disability or disease, they should have made some kind of effort to accommodate that, or some kind of effort to work w i th him, and not simply sever all ties," said Shawn Kollie, one of Servo's attorneys. Police Chief Craig Junginger was out of the office Friday. City spokeswoman Laura Shepard said officials would not discuss the case because their policy is to not talk about pending litigation. Servo, 43, was arrested in January 2011 after he crashed into a ditch while off-duty. The lawsuit said that Servo, adetective who was the department's lead firearms instructor, had taken the police vehicle to a firearms training session in the nearby city of Troutdale. He later joined fellow officers
determined how common it is for alcoholics to claim their rights have been violated under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The U.S. Equal Employment Opp o r t unity Commission, in a fact sheet, provides an example of how a n alcoholic can j ustly b e fired, and it's similar to the Servo case. In its example, a federal police officer is involved in an accident for which he is charged with drunken driving. About a month later, he gets a termination notice stating that his Don Ryan /The Associated Press conduct makes it inappropriFormer Gresham police officer Jason Servo, fired for driving drunk ate for him to continue. The ofin an unmarked police car while off-duty in January 2011, claims ficer says the arrest made him his rights were violated under the Americans with Disabilities Act. realize he is an alcoholic and that he is obtaining treatment. According to the EEOC, the for dinner and drinks. drunken driving and entered a employer may proceed with "This was a common prac- diversion program. He fulfilled the firing. tice among (Gresham) officers the program's requirements The example, ofcourse, is and had become an inherent and the DUI was dismissed. not precise because Servo's part of the culture," accordServo also voluntarily en- crash happened while he was ing to the lawsuit filed late tered an in-patient program off-duty. "The ADA has provisions in Thursday. at a Serenity Lane drug-andServo was alone when his alcohol t r e atment c e n ter, it, across the board, to not revehicle veered into a ditch and where he was diagnosed as an quire employers to subject othhe was not hurt. Though Servo alcoholic. er peopleto unreasonable risk "There were times where I to accommodate a disability," refused to take breath or field sobriety tests, the Clackamas went home and I couldn't get said Bob Joondeph, executive County sheriff's deputy who crime scenes out of my head; director with Disability Rights arrested him later testified be- I went to drinking for that and Oregon. fore the state Department of there are other officers that do Joondeph said he couldn't Public Safety Standards and the same thing," Servo said comment on any specifics in Training that Servo was prob- Friday, adding that he has now the Servo case,but generally ably one of the top 10 most in- been sober for 818 days. a ccommodations for a n a l toxicated people he had arrestThe lawsuit alleged the chief coholic might include letting ed in almost 15 years of drunk- fired Servo to save money, ig- the worker attend Alcoholics en-driving investigations. noring the known disability of Anonymous meetings — not Two months after the acci- alcoholism. allowing them to drink on the dent, Servo pleaded guilty to It could not immediately be job or drive drunk.
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Thursday ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was a victory for the timber industry, which was shut out of talks leading to the
agreement. Theappeals court found that such asignificant change in forest management has to go through a public process. The ruling is the latest in long-running court battles over the Northwest Forest
Plan, which cut logging by 90 percent on Northwest national forests to protect fish and wildlife. Federal agencies had proposed throwing
out a provision known asSurvey andManage, which required them to look for 400 species of rare plants andanimals before logging. SSI110f m88IS —Cuts in local government in Oregon's timber
country are affecting more than jails and deputy patrols. For instance, in Klamath County a committee working on the county budget has recommended ending the contribution to meals for the elderly. The
Klamath Falls Herald andNewsreports the county has spent $50,000 a year over the last decade for the program, down to $35,000 this
year. The budget committee has recommendedending spending for programs the county isn't required to undertake. County commissioners will have the final say. The Herald and News says the program
has a total budget of about $500,000 andfeeds about 260 people. Medfard CaSinO —TheCity Council has held a public hearing on a proposal to turn a bowling alley in south Medford into a tribal casi-
no. As expected, the hearing Thursday highlighted the clash between the Coquille Indian Tribe and the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of lndians. The Coquille tribe has a casino along the coast and wants
a second in Medford. TheCowCreektribe draws Medford residents to its casino 70 miles north along lnterstate 5. The Medford Mail Tribune reports residents at the hearing were divided. Some didn't want
a gambling business, others said acasino would bring jobs. TheCity Council hasn't taken a stand yet. The tribe has asked the federal gov-
ernment for an exception to a provision barring gambling on lands acquired after 1988. Mall dl'tSS mall —A Lane County sheriff's officer says a Springfield man wastaken byambulance to a hospital after he reportedly was bitten by another man during a fight. The Register-Guard reports that the 40-year-old bite victim's injuries were not believed to be life-
threatening. Sgt. Carrie Carver says theEugenemanwho is accused of doing the biting Thursday has not been taken into custody and
does not face anycharges. She declined to say where thevictim suffered bite wounds. Shrimp SaVed —The Coast Guard says it saved 35 tons of shrimp when it helped two fishing boats that becamedisabled off Tillamook Bay and DepoeBay. Both crews reported Wednesdaytheir vessels had become disabled with large catches. Coast Guard boats towed one boat with10 tons of shrimp to Garibaldi and the other boat with 25 tons of shrimp to Newport. The Coast Guard says it was fortunate
Wednesday' sweatherwascalm.
NEWS OF RECORD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Bend Police Department Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at2:52 p.m. April 5, in the area ofDeschutes Market
CIVIL SUITS Filed March 26 13CV0475 — U.S.BankN.A. as
trustee for BNCMortgage Loan Trust 2007-1 mortgage pass-through certificates series 2007-1 v.Jeffrey S. Powersand Judy M. Powers, complaint ,$275,592.88 13CV0476 — Bank ofAmerica N.A. v. Mark Tomaro, SarahTomaro and Glacier RidgeHomeowner's Association, complaint, $183,099.29 13CV0477 — Bank of America N.A. v. Denver L. Dorman,Katherine E Dorman andRidgewater Homeowners' Association lnc., complaint ,$498,669.93 13CV0478 — State Farm Mutual Automobile InsuranceCompanyv. CaseyN.Ryan,complaint,$33,328.38 13CV0479 — OcwenLoanServicing LLC v. Richard W.Yorkand Mid Oregon Federal Credit Union, complaint ,$200,382.95 13CV0480 —The Bankof New York Mellon Trust CompanyN.A.fka The Bank of NewYorkTrust Company N.A. as successor to JPMorgan Chase BankN.A. as trustee for Ramp 2003-RS6 v.Steven A. Young, Young Enterprises BendLLC,Albany Cabinets and Building Supply lnc., Pines at Pilot Butte and RayKlein Inc. dba Professional Credit Service, complaint ,$273,727.90 13CV0481 —HSBCBank U.S.A. N.A. as trustee for the certificate holders of Sarm 2005-18 v.Lolita M. Wilson, Peter A. Wil son,BankoftheCascades,The Mortgage Exchangelnc.,HeinhLLC, Columbia Community BankCorporation and Kenneth S.Eiler of Tarlow Naito and Summers LLP,complaint, $667,243.17 Filed March 27 13CV0482 —Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. James E.Petersen andAmy J. Petersen, complaint, $97495.40 13CV0483 — U.S.BankN.A. as trustee successor in interest to Bank of America N.A. astrustee as successor by merger to Lasalle Bank N.A. as trustee for WAMUmortgage pass-through certificates series 2007OA5 trust v. Ward D.Helmick, Teresa M . Helmi ck,PonderosaCascade Community lnc.andJPMorganChase Bank N.A. successor in interest by purchase from theFederal Deposit Insuarnce Corporation as receiver for Washington Mutual Bankfka Washington Mutual BankF.A., complaint, $521,431.05 13CV0484 — JPMorganChaseBank N.A. v. Jeffrey A. Nuffer andKelsey L. Burch, complaint, $147,748.69 13CV0485 — DeutscheBankTrust Company Americas astrustee for Rali 2007-QS9 v. Brian T.Abendroth, Heather C. Abendroth, United States of America andUnifund CCRPartners, complaint, $248,240.12
and Yeomanroads. Theft — Atheft was reported and an arrest made at1:24 p.m. April 8, in the 600 block of Northeast Third Street. Theft — A theft was reported at 6:28 p.m. April16, in the 3200 block of Northeast Stonebrook Drive. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 9:23 a.m. April 23, in the 61100 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Theft — A theft was reported at 5:59 p.m. April 23, in the1600 block of Northeast Meadow Lane.
13CV0486 —Carrie Monks v. Dunya Food Mart LLC, complaint, at least $20,999.64 Filed March 28 13CV0487 — Bank of America N.A. v. Ruth Harrison as anindividual and as trustee for the RuthHarrison Revocable Trust, complaint, $108,504.10 13CV0488 —American Express Bank FSB v.Fred Morrow aka FredR. Morrow, complaint, $18,637.20 13CV0489 —Discover Bank v. Juli L. Sneed, complaint, $11,947.95 13CV0490 — JPMorganChaseBank N.A. v. Christina Vela, complaint, $186,025.86 13CV0491 — U.S.BankN.A. as trustee successor in interest to Bank of America N.A. astrustee as successor by merger to Lasalle Bank N.A. as trustee for WAMUmortgage pass-through certificates series 2007HY3 trust v. Jodi L. Patching, Daniel W . Patchi ng,JPMorgan ChaseBank N.A. successorininterest by purchase from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as receiver of Washington Mutual Bankand Whispering Pines Homeowners Association, complaint, $726,801.60 13CV0492 — JPMorganChaseBank N.A. v. Jennifer R. Ramos aka Jennifer Renae Ramos, Jeff E. Ramosaka Jeffrey Edward Ramos, River Canyon Estates Homowners Association lnc., PNC National Association successor by merger to National City Bank and Ray Klein Inc. dbaProfessional Credit Services, complaint, $727,783.18 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV0493 —Wells Fargo Bank N.A. successor by merger toWells Fargo HomeMortgage Inc. v. David C. Crumley andLakePark Estates Property Owners Association, complaint, $68,956.76 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV0496 —Michael B. Batlan v. Chad A. Osorno, WesWright, Brian Wilber and DianeWilber, complaint 13CV0497 —Deutsche BankTrust Company Americas as trustee for Rali 2006-QA5 vShelbyJ.Ceniga and Frank L. Ceniga, complaint, $736,426.19 Filed March 29 13CV0498 —U.S. BankN.A. as trustee successor in interest to Bank of America N.A. astrustee as successor by merger to Lasalle Bank N.A. as trustee for WMALT2006-AR6 trust through its loan servicing agent JPMorgan ChaseBank N.A. v. Jean M. Achterhof and Kent R.Achterhof, complaint, $654,603.13 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV0499 — Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Marcene E Merlot, Jeff G. Knox andWashingtonMu tualBankF.A., complaint, $325,192.69 plus interest, costs and fees
DUII — Jarrod Arthur Parmelly, 30, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at2:16a.m. April 24, in the areaof Northeast Third Street and Northeast Clay Avenue. Unlawful entry — Avehicle was reported entered at 8:43 a.m.April 24, in the 300 block of Southwest Bluff Drive. DUII — Nikole May Leinweber, 18, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 12:35 a.m. April 25, in the area ofCook
Avenue andU.S.Highway 20. DUII — Tyler Michael Wickwire, 26, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at12:59 a.m. April 25, in the areaof Southeast Third Streetand Southeast Miller Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported at11:22 a.m. April 25, in the 500 block of Southwest Hill Street. Burglary — A burglary and atheft were reported and anarrest made at 9:07 a.m. April 24, in the 2000 block of Northeast Patterson Circle.
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MjfStaf jf IightS —It wasn't the full moon that was fretting the 911 callers from a Eugeneneighborhood. It was the mysterious lights flitting around in the sky shortly after sunset. TheRegister-Guard reports that a police officer investigated Thursday night and found the explanation. Police spokeswoman Melinda McLaughlin says the
lights were attached to someone's kite. It wasn't clear why. — From wire reports
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The Bulletin
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Goaoott BEAEE
Fditur in-Cltirf Editor of Ednori als
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eschutes County commissioners are scheduled to
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hold a public hearing Monday to consider if destination resorts should be able to reduce the number of required overnight units. The commissioners should approve the change. Almostnothingin Oregonlanduse law gets debated as much as destination resorts. Critics see them as wastrels of the land that subvert the intent of Oregon's land use laws with negative environmental impacts and questionable economic benefits. Supporters emphasize the economic benefits. It's hard to debate that Sunriver, in particular, has a legacy of driving tourism and prompting people to consider moving permanently to Central Oregon. Resort developers have not been regularly building more overnight housing than they are required to under the law. It's pretty clear that's not where the money is. Before 2003, destination resorts were required by state law to provide overnight lodging at a ratio of one unit of overnight lodging for
every two individually owned lots, or I:2. The state law was changed in 2009 to allow a I:2.5 ratio. Pronghorn Intangibles LLC has requested an amendment to Deschutes County code, allowing the I:2.5 ratio in this county. The proposal would change the requirement both for resorts that have already built overnight lodging and for those that have not. Some critics of destination resorts will balk at anything that makes it easier for the resorts. The fact is that destination resorts are legal. If they are going to exist, it's much better for Deschutes County if they thrive, rather than having the golf courses brown and the windows of the buildings blinded by plywood. Commissioners should give the resorts this slight bit more flexibility to succeed.
Elect Hedrick, Durham, Jones for Sistersschools our of the five seats on the Sisters School Board are up for election in May, and we urge voters to choose Don Hedrick, Justin Durham and Edie Jones in the contested races. Kay Grady is running unopposed for her Position 5 seat, and Andrew Gorayeb's Position 4 seat does not expire until 2015. Hedrick, 78, is the incumbent for Position I, having served on the board since 2009 and as chairman this year. Before moving to Sisters in 2002, he was ateacher, coach and administrator for 34 years. He first got to know the Sisters district by moderating a candidate forum, and then went on to serve on the facility task force and to help with two successful local option campaigns. He also is a member of the Sisters Country Leadership Team. He is thoughtful and knowledgeable and can provide continuity and leadership for a board that has seen much turnover in recent years. His opponents are Erik Pronold, 32, a Forest Service technician based in Prineville, and David Marlow, 66, who has experience in engineeringand projectmanagement as well as running a small business. Both are solid candidates, and we hope they'll stay involved in the district. Justin Durham, 32, was appointed to the board two years ago, but is running for a different seat because it would give him a longer term in office. He is seeking Position 2, now held by Cheryl Stewart, who decided not to seek re-election. Durham's family moved to Sis-
ters in 1988 when his parents started Sisters Coffee Co., where he is now the CEO. He has extensive experience with coaching and values civic engagement. His wife is a former teacher and they have a 3-year-old daughter and a2-month-old son. He's committedto the community andbelievesschools areitsgreatestasset. Durham's opponent, Richard Cole, told us Wednesday he has decided to withdraw, although his name will still be on the ballot. Jones, 74, is seeking Position 3. She worked in recreation education in several states before coming to Sisters to own and run Camp Tamarack.She laterbecame a parent educator and then executive director of Together for Children. In 2001, she earned a master's degree in adult education. Jones says her experience working for a nonprofit has taught her about careful use of limited public money, a critical issue in today's schools. Her educational experience and community involvement will also serve the board well. Jones' opponent is Melvin Herburger, 51, who runs a store in Sisters after years working in and managing the meat department at Ray's Food Place. He's an energetic community volunteer who is wellconnected in the community, and we trust he'll continue to find ways to support schools. Sisters is fortunate to have so many capableand appealing candidates, but we believe the specific experience of Hedrick, Durham and Jones make them the best choices in the contested races.
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M Nickel's Worth Use drones to control driving speed
you think this is somehow a lousy idea strikes me as hypocritical. In one of your recent editorials, you urged a referendum on a sales tax for Oregon. Why is a popular vote good enough for a sales tax, albeit on a state level, but not to elect a commander in chief? In the last presidential election, there were about 10 states that were identified as swing states. Enormous amounts of money were thrown into ads and groundwork to try to win those electoral votes, while states that were overwhelmingly red or blue were, by comparison, ignored. A voter in Texas or New York is marginalized when the state electoral outcome is guaranteed. A national vote means all votes have meaning, andthe PAC money probably wouldn't be nearly as influential. Even today, there are proposals in certain states to allocate electoral votes by district, the same way the House ofRepresentatives is chosen. Not surprisingly, this is only being proposed in states that went Democratic in the presidential election but have Republican majorities in the state legislatures. Talk about gaming the system! The will of the people is being ignored on many national issues, so how about the will of the people being considered at least for our president? Alan Pachtman Bend
I've been driving from La Pine to Bend for several years now, and the traffic both directions on U.S. Highway 97 is increasing in both number of vehicles and highway speed. The speed limit signs read 55 mph, but everyone exceeds that speed. Some drivers just stay in the passing lane all the way. I stay at 60 mph and keep in the right lane except when passing, which doesn't happen very often. I understand that the police don't ticket drivers at that speed, but do at higher speeds. Lately when I look for a patrolman parked alongside the highway keeping track of speeders, I don't see any. No patrol cars from La Pine to Bend. This is not just a day or two; it is all week. I attribute this to fewer patrolmen available due to cuts in money and manpower. If so, then we need some way to keep speed down. I suggest that we use funding to establish a drone system to patrol the highways. A few people, not highly paid patrolmen, could operate drones on our major roads, mailing bills to speeders, identified by their license plates. Gary Will La Pine
Electoral College editorial is hypocritical Your editorial complains that the Oregon Legislature is trying an "end run around" the Electoral College by putting forth a bill pledging its electoral votes to the popular vote winner in the presidential election. That
Bonds needvoter approval The Bulletin is misrepresenting Oregon law. It says Deschutes County can sell full faith and credit bonds
without voter approval to expand the county jail. This is a misrepresentation of current Oregon law. The county might be able to avoid a vote but it can't lawfully avoid a referral to the voters. ORS 287A.001(17) makes any bond that is not a general obligation bond a revenue bond. Revenue bonds must be referred to the voters as defined in ORS 287A.150. If 5 percent of voters sign a petition, the bonds cannot be sold without approval of the voters. And, ORS 287A.315 makes clear apledge of full faith and credit means a revenue bond could result in a new tax. The county is relying on ORS 271.390 for issuing the full faith and credit bonds. The words bond and full faith and credit are not in that statute. There is no conceivable way to interpret ORS 271.390 as granting authority for any tax district to pledge full faith and credit under any circumstance. The only place you will find the words full faith and credit is in ORS Chapter 287A. ORS 271.390 speaks to conventional forms of financing where adefaultcan occur resulting in the repossession of the financed asset. ORS Chapter 287A speaks to public (taxpayer) financing that is secured by a pledge of full faith and credit where there can be no default and no repossession. This interpretation comes from the Oregon state treasurer. Voting rights keep us free. The Bulletin should not endorse actions of government that take away our rights in violation of Oregon law. Mike Morgan Sisters
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limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.
2 bills, plus jobs, will get 'zombie homes' on the market By John Helmick oday's foreclosures are a consequence ofa problem created several years ago. Without a time machine to go back and solve the initial problem (whether it stem from the bank or the borrower), we are left to deal with the consequence. Considering this, it is difficult to expect the Legislature to easily change today's foreclosure atmosphere. Despite this hurdle, the Legislature is working on
passing some good legislation in an attempt to better the current foreclosure processes in Oregon. Two bills this session focus on currentforeclosure issues in a balanced and insightful way: Senate Bill 558 and House Bill 2929. These bills, coupled with a sincere focus on job creation, can make a dent in the future of foreclosuresin Oregon.
SB 558 aims to balance the interests of the defaulting homeowner with the lender (that loaned money which was secured by the homeowner's home). This bill is a prime example of compromise to try and come up with a foreclosure system with fewer delays while also providing the lender and the borrower a forum to explore whether there is any realistic way to avoid foreclosure. This legislation requires the defaulting homeowner to seek the advice of a housing counselor before attending f o r eclosure m e diation, and provides a clear list of the documents that both the lender and the homeowner are required to bring to the mediation. These requirements ensure a meaningful mediation to determine if there is a realistic method to avoidforeclosure.
IN MY VIEW This procedure also eliminates unnecessarydelays in the processing of foreclosureof those homes that have been abandoned and contains safeguards that should prevent abuse of the system. Although not everyone agrees with the exact process outlined in SB 558 (which is still under construction), we can all agree that fewer delaysin the foreclosure process are better, especially considering the number of "zombie homes" — homes that are abandoned and vacant — throughout Oregon that are the direct result of lengthy and drawn-out foreclosure process. These "zombie homes" are a hazard, and they attract criminal activity and depress neighborhood home prices. Nationwide, 35 percent of homes
that are foreclosed are these abandoned, zombie homes; in Oregon, that number of zombie homes is closer to 50 percent. To revitalize our Oregon housing market and our neighborhoods, we need to get these zombie homes through theforeclosure process and into the hands of an investor that is going to put the energy and money into remodeling and rehabilitating these homes. HB 2929 is a much less expansive bill, but it, too, balances interests of lenders and homeowners, decreasing delays by clarifying timelines in the currentOregon statutesand ensuring the trustees handling foreclosures are registeredto do business in Oregon. While these laws are an improvement to the process, the reality is that foreclosures today are driven by
jobs, or more particularly by the lack of jobs in Oregon. Over the last few years, foreclosures were the result of loans being made that, frankly, should not have been made. But we have processed through most of these bad loans. Unemployment, underemployment and the relocation of families, to take a job elsewhere, are the primary causes of foreclosures today. Just track the change (both increase and decrease) in new unemployment insurance claims against the change in mortgages that are 60 days or more delinquent and you can quickly see that the two are highly correlated. If we want fewerforeclosures in 2014, we need more jobs in 2013. This is the real solution that will reduce the number of foreclosures. — John Helmich is the CEO of Gorilla Capital tn Eugene.
DEATH NOTICES ROnald E. MOOre March 17, 1940- April 19, 2013
is iewasacoLint
• fees often extend for years
Ronald E d w i n Mo or e Ronald "Ron" E. went home t o H e aven on Moore, of Bend A pril 19, 2013 to j oi n h i s Mar. 17, 1940 - April 19, 2013 J esus, hi s gr an d s o n N icholas, and m an y f a m Arrangements: ily and Baird Funeral Home friends (541) 382-0903 w ho h av e By Jon Pareles gone Services: New Yorh Times News Service a head t o A Celebration of Life will George Jones, the definitive prepare be held on Sunday, April country singer of the past halft he fo r 28, 2013, at 2:00 PM at ever century, whose songs about Aspen Hall in Shevlin promised heartbreak and hard drinking Park, and a private urn by God. echoed his own life, died Fricommittal at Pilot Butte Born to day in Nashville. He was 81. Cemetery will soon follow. Ron Moore Thomas Contributions may be His publicists, Webster 8c a nd Yum a ( B o tts) M o o r e made to: Associates, said he died at a o n March 1 7 , 1 9 40, h e Run for Cancer Research hospital after being admitted leaves his wife of 52 years, Fund (c/o Hannah) Patricia; son s, G ary with fever and irregular blood 63811 OB Riley Rd. (Wendy), Randy (Carla), pressure. Bend, OR, 97701. Paul (Deidre) and d a ughJones — nicknamed Poster, K i m b e rl y (M i c h ael); sum forhis close-set eyes and g randchildren , M i ch a e l pointed nose and later NoS tull, M e g a n K en n e d y , Show Jones for the concerts Jennifer M o o re , Z a c h ary he missed during d r inking The Associated Press file photo M oore, N i c o l e M oor e , George Jones and Tammy Wynette were known as "Mr. and Mrs. C ameron M o o r e , S a r a h and drug binges — was still Death Notices are free and M oore, Ju s t i n M oor e , universally respected, and just Country Music," which was even painted on their tour bus. But will be run for one day, but E mily M oor e , K ait l y n as widely imitated. With a bari- their marriage fell apart, unable to withstand bitter quarrels and specific guidelines must be Kennedy, Joshua tone voice that was as elastic as Jones' drinking and drug use. followed. Local obituaries Kennedy, Hannah M o o r e, a steel-guitar string, he found Ashton K e nnedy, C o nnor are paid advertisements vulnerability and doubt behind Moore, Jenna Moore, and submitted by families or the cheerful drive of honky- he sang on the streets, in Pen- bling across Texas. His drinkg reat-grandson , B r ady tonk and brought suspense to tecostal revival services and ing had gotten worse. funeralhomes. They may be P ierson; si s t e rs , L in d a every syllable, merging bluesy in the honky-tonks in the Gulf submitted by phone, mail, Dorman, Alta M o ore; and A partner in TammyWynette email or fax. The Bulletin m any, m an y f a m i l y a n d slides with the tight, quiver- Coast port of Beaumont. Bus reserves the right to edit all ing ornaments of Appalachian drivers let him ride free if he He had met a rising country friends. submissions. Please include sang. Soon he was appearing singer, Tammy Wynette, in Ron gr a d u a te d fr o m singing. contact information in all In hi s m o s t m e m orable on radio shows, forging a style 1966, and they fell in love while Santa P a u la , C A Hi gh correspondence. School and attended Vensongs, all the pleasures modeled on Lefty Friz- on tour. She was married at the tura Community College. For information on any of of a down-home Satur- FFATUREP ze ll, Roy Acuff and time to Don Chapel, a songH e moved hi s f a m il y t o day night couldn't free these services or about the writer whose material had UARy Ha nk Williams. Bend, OR in 1973 where he obituary policy, contact him from private pain. Jones married Dor- appeared on both of their alw orked f o r B e n d Me t r o His up-tempo songs 541-617-7825. othy Bonvillion when bums. One night in 1968, Jones P arks 8 R e c r eation u n t i l Deadlines:Death Notices h is r e t i r ement a s P a r k s had undercurrents of solitude, he was 17 but divorced her be- recalled, Wynette and Chapel and the ballads that became fore the birth of their daughter. were arguing in their dining are accepted until noon Superintendent. Monday through Friday K nown a s t h e k in d e st his specialty were suffused He served in the Marines from room when Jones arrived; he 1950 to 1953 and then signed upended the dining room table for next-day publication m an a l ive, b y h i s m a n y with stoic desolation. "When you're onstage or h unting b u d d i es, c h u r c h to Starday Records, whose co- and told Wynette he loved her. and by 4:30 p.m. Friday f amily, and f r i ends in t h e recording, you put yourself in owner Pappy Daily became She took her three children for Sunday publication. c ommunity, R o n ' s g r e a t - those stories," he once said. Jones' producer and manager. and left with Jones. Obituaries must be e st lessons were w it h t h e Jones' first single, "No Money They were married in 1969 received by 5 p.m. Monday love he gave hi s c h i l dren A presence sincethe '50s, in This Deal," was released in and settled in Lakeland, Fla. through Thursday for and grandchildren. but not without troubles 1954, the year he married his In 1971, Jones signed a conpublication on the second An open celebration of day after submission, Fans heard in those songs second wife, Shirley Corley. tract with Epic Records, which life is pIanned for Sunday, by1 p.m. Friday for They had two sons before they was also Wynette's label, and A pril 28 , 2 0 13, a t A s p e n the echoes of a life in which Sunday publication, and by the couple began recording duH all i n S h e v li n P a r k a t success and excess battled divorced in 1968. "Why Baby Why," released ets produced by Billy Sherrill, 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday 2:00 p.m. which is only one for decades. Jones bought, of th e ma n y p a r k s h e sold and t raded dozens of publication. Deadlines for in 1955, became Jones' first whose elaborate arrangements h elped to b u i l d a n d c a r e houses and hundreds of cars; hit. During the 1950s, he wrote helped reshape the sound of display ads vary; please call for in his 25 years of ser- he earned millions of dollars or collaborated on many of his Nashville. Three of those dufor details. vice to Bend M etro Parks and lost much of it to drug use, songs, including hits like "Just ets — "We're Gonna Hold On," Phone: 541-617-7825 8 Recreation. "Golden Ring" and "Near You" Email: In l i e u o f fl ow e r s, t h e mismanagement and divorce One More,""What Am I Worth" and "Color of the Blues," though — were No. 1 country hits, an settlements. Through it all, he family r e quests donations Fax: 541-322-7254 kept touring and recording, he later gave up songwriting. In accomplishment made more to the Ron's Run For CanMail:Obituaries singing mournful songs that the mid-'50s he had a brief fling poignant by the singers' widely cer Research c/o Hannah@ P.D. Box 6020 63811 OB Riley Rd,. Bend, continued to ring true. with rockabilly, recording as reported marital friction. The Bend, DR 97708 OR, 97701. Jones was a presence on Thumper Jones and as Hank couple divorced in 1975; they the country charts from the Smith. But under his own name rejoined to record a couple of 1950s into the 21st century, and he was a country hitmaker. He albums, including "One." But as early as the 1960s he was began singing at the Grand Ole his problems just got worse DEATHS ELSEWHERE praised by listeners and fellow Opry in 1956. after the breakup, and in 1998, musicians as the greatest living He had already become a Wynette died in her sleep at Deaths of note from around flamboyant band Parliament- country singer. He was never drinker. "White Lightning," a age 55. the world: Funkadelic for four decades. a crossover act; while country No. 1 country hit in 1959, reIn 1983 he married Nancy Kathryn Wasserman Davis, Died April 18 in New Bruns- fans revered him, pop and rock quired 83 takes because Jones Sepulvedo, who straightened 106: Contributed tens of milwick, N.J., of liver failure. radio stations ignored him. But was drinking through the ses- out his business affairs and lions of dollars to cleaning the Bob Edgar, 69: Me thod- by the 1980s, Jones had come sion. Onstage and on record- then Jones himself. Jones conHudson River and promoting ist minister who pushed for to stand for country tradition. ings, though, his career was tinued to tour and record into peace through Davis Projects liberal reforms as a six-term Country singers through the advancing. In 1962 he recorded the 21st century. In 2012, he refor Peace, an organization she Pennsylvania congressman, a decades, from Garth Brooks one ofhis signature songs, "She ceived a lifetime achievement founded when she was 100. leader ofAmerican churches and Randy Travis to Toby Keith Thinks I S t ill C are," which Grammy Award. "Today someone else has Died Tuesday in Hobe Sound, and president of the lobbying and Tim McGraw, learned licks was nominated for a Grammy Fla. group Common Cause. Died from Jones, who never both- Award. become the g reatest living Leo Branton Jr., 91: Civil Tuesday in Burke, Va., of a ered to wear a cowboy hat. Another of his most lasting singer of traditional country "Not everybody needs to rights and entertainment law- heart attack. hits, "The Race Is On," appeared music, but there will never be yer whose stirring defense of Ferdinand Nadherny, 86: sound like a George Jones re- in 1964. He was part of the first another George Jones," Bobby 1960s radical Angela Davis Helped create a nti-poverty cord," Alan Jackson, the coun- country concert at M adison Braddock, the Country Music brought him hi s most cele- programs as a m e mber of try singer an d s ongwriter, Square Garden, a four-show, Hall of Fame songwriter who brated victory in a six-decade President Lyndon B. Johnson's once told an interviewer, "but 10-act package in 1964 that provided Jones with 29 songs careeroften spent champion- administration and later start- that's what I've always done, also included Ernest Tubb, Bill over the decades, told The ing unpopular cases. Died of ed a Chicago office of the ex- and I'm going to keep it that Monroe and Buck Owens. Each Associated Press. "No one in natural causes Friday in Los ecutive search company, Rus- way — or try to." act was allotted two songs per country music has influenced Angeles. sell Reynolds Associates. NadGeorge Glenn Jones was show, but on the opening night so many other artists." George Bunn, 87: Le a d- herny had a hand in a number born with a broken arm in Jonesplayed five before he was His publicists listed his suring figure in the field of arms of high-level job searches for Saratoga, Texas, an oil-field carriedoffstage. vivors as his wife, Nancy; his control who helped draft and companies i n cluding F i r st town, on Sept. 12, 1931, to In 1966, Jones tried to start sister, Helen Scroggins; and his negotiate the Nuclear Non- Chicago Bank and Black & Clare and George Washing- a country theme park in Vidor, childrenand grandchildren. Proliferation Treaty of 1968, Decker, and he was executive ton Jones. His father, a truck the East Texas suburb where he limiting the spread of nuclear secretary of the new Office of driver and pipe fitter, bought lived. Called the George Jones w eapons w o rldwide. D i e d E conomic Opportunity u n George his first guitar when R hythm Ranch, it w a s t h e April 21 in Palo Alto, Calif., of der President Johnson. Died he was 9, and with help from first of many shaky business spinal cancer. March 12 in Golf, Fla., of con- a Sunday school teacher he ventures. Jones gave only one Cordell Mosson, 60: Guitar- gestive heart failure. taught himself to play melo- performance. After singing, he ist whose bass line drove the — From wire reports dies and chords. As a teenager disappeared for a month, ram-
eor e ones ea at
The Sacramento Bee In California, taxpayers have paid tens of millions of dollars the past three years in fees that had been s cheduled to di e — b u t never did. The Legislature routinely has adopted fees as temporary but quietly extended them as expiration dates neared. N early tw o o f e v e r y three state fees scheduled to end between 2010 and 2012 have been kept alive for years to come, according to state records. Thirteen of 21 fees received extensions, cumulatively raising more than $70 million annually for programs ranging from a missing persons database to an effort to fight auto insurance fraud. Unlike general taxes paid by nearly all Californians, fees are targeted assessments to people who participate or benefit from a state program for the purpose of funding that service. Perhaps the oddest Capitol trail left by a single fee involved five bills over the past decade to raise millions for California courts. What is now a $40 court fee tacked onto all criminal convictions, including traffic violations, began as a $20 charge in 2003. It later was raised to $30, then to $40, then expiration dates were eliminated. Several of the extensions i nvolved fees that w e r e more than a decade old and have been saved at least once in years past. A fee on fishermen to restore and protect steelhead was extended in 2011 for the fourth time since its inception in 1991. The annual fee, initially $3.15 but now $7.05, has been given yet another date for expiration: July 2017.
Obituary policy
Shooting Continued from B1 Adkins said law enforcement officers were following footprints when they spotted the man in the distance in the trees. Troopers eventually caught up with the man and confronted him, he said, leading to the shooting just after 5 p.m. Because it OSP is the lead investigating agency in the case, Adkins said he's not familiar with the precise details of the confrontation between the suspect and the troopers. In a news release issued Friday, OSP s pokesman Lt. Gregg Hastings said no troopers were injured during the incident, and that he did not expect to release any additional information until later. — Reporter:541-383-0387,
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W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central, LP ©2013.
Today:A touch cooler, but still sunny and well above average.
Tonight: Clear conditions through the night, a few
gus ty winds
. Ast o r ia d d d d x d d *6/ded ' „' d Seasideo d '
• 69/47
•~ Government
Lincoln City
• Brothers 70/33
6 8/32
rants 80/ds
• Klamath Falls mug
shla nd
• 82/47
• BrOOkings ~A
• 86'
Gold • Beach 56/47~
Yesterday's state extremes
Jordan Valley
Chr i stmas Valley
Silv e r
Port Orfor
• Fpn Rpck 73/34
• Bur„
HamPton ega3 •
La Pine 71/32
EAST Mostly cloudy Unity 71/41 Ontario north, partly 82/50 cloudy central Valeo 82/5i • and mostly sunny Nyssa south. 8i/50 Juntura
• pa ulina 67/34
• • Crescento Crescent Lake
Roseburg • 57/47
• 26'
• Lakeview
Baker City
dd <
" Vadcouver k
• Calgary
4/41 4 o5e'attle
61 l3
• 18'
Joplin, Mo.
Rapid City • 72/46
Halifax 50/30
T o ronto
Detroit 67/47
SaltLake City Las Vegas 73/52 %90/67 t ~H
Quebec 52/3
Thunder Bay 63/45
w Bigings 78/46
/ San Francisco
Yellowstone N.P. Wyo.
Bismarck 74/46
Borrego Springs, Calif.
• 1.30
Saskatoon 55/32
ortland ~
• 96'
Burrat • 60/45 ~
P~ oo
Chica o
69/48 • 0 — —, C '
I„ New York 68/
LC r Louisville
iladelphia 70/49 ngton, D.C. 72/51
Los Angeleem 72/5il
v CD
Oklahoma City Little Rock L NashviHe,64/5r 3 72/55. '
Phoenix( 96/70
Honoluluioe, 87/70
' ' 2Birmingharh ' 72/57
75/55 L
Chihuahua 88/59
New Orleans 82/67
81/65 o
lando 6/63
• Miami 83/73 Anchorage 42/26
60 30
63 33
La Paz d 99/57 Juneau 42/29
Sunrise today...... 6:02 a.m. MOOn phaSeS SunsettodaY.... 8 04 P.m.
F i rst Full
I.ast hlew •
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....5:38 a.m...... 6:46 p.m. Venus......6:26 a.m...... 8:45 p.m. Mars.......5:58 a.m...... 7:50 p.m. Jupiter......8 04 a m.....1118 p m. Satum......746 p m...... 622 a.m. Uranus.....5:01 a.m...... 5:32 p.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 75/39 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Record high........ 79 m 2001 Month to date.......... 0.30" Record low......... 15 in 1942 Average month todate... 0.67" Average high.............. 59 Year to date............ 2.57" Average low .............. 32 Average year to date..... 4.02" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.19 Record 24 hours ...1.26in1978 *Melted liquid equivalent
yesterday Saturday Sunday Bend,westolHwy97.....Low Sisters..............................Low The following was compiled by the Central City Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend,easto/Hwy.97......Low La Pine...............................Low Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m. Redmond/Madras........Low Prinevine..........................Low Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme
Astoria ........ 68/47/0.00..... 56/46/r.....57/46/sh Baker City......75/26/0.00....75/41/pc......67/39/c Brookings......52/46/0.00....61/49/pc.....65/48/pc Burns..........76/28/0.00....73/38/pc.....68/35/pc Eugene........78/41/0.00....70/45/pc.....69/43lpc Klamath Falls .. 76/31/0 00 ....72/39/s ...69/37/pc Lakeview.......73/34/0.00 ....73/39/s.....71/34/pc La Pine........78/29/0.00....71/32/pc.....65/33/pc Medford.......86/45/0.00.....82/47/s.....76/46/pc Newport.......54/43/0.00.....54/45/c.....57/46/sh North Bend......57/46/NA.....59/47/c.....59/46/pc Ontario........80/43/0.00....82/50/pc.....75/46/pc Pendleton......79/43/0.00.....73/47/c.....71/47/pc Portland .......78/46/0.00.....70/49/c......66/49/c Prineville.......75/33/0.00....70/38/pc.....68/38/pc Redmond.......79/29/0.00....74/41/pc.....69/39/pc Roseburg....... 85/47/0.00....75/47/ pc.....73/46/ pc Salem ....... 81/42/0 00 ....70/45/c ...67/47/pc Sisters.........82/35/0.00....71/36/pc.....65/34/pc The Dages......85/48/0.00.....72/48/c.....69/48/pc
a service to irrigators and sportsmen.
Reservoir Acre feet C a p acity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 51,418...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 189,655..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 74,310...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . 33,153...... 47,000 The higher the UV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 14,821.....153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 252 for solar at noon. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . 1,190 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 10 LOW MEDIUM HIIS Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 128 0 2 4 6 8 10 D eschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . . 89 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . 1,780 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res..... . . . . 192 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 226 Updated daily. Source: Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 59.6 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 128 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 LOW I or go to
To report a wildfire, call 911
o g%g
o www m (in the 48 contiguous states):
58 32
Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation, s-sun,pc-partial clouds,c-clpuds, hhaze,shshowers,rrain, t thunderstorms,sf snpwflurries, snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind, f-fog,dr-drizzle,tr-trace
Yesterday's extremes
60/46 •
Sunset tomorrow... 8:05 p.m. Moonrisetoday...10:43 p.m. Moonsettpday .... 7:22 a.m. May2 May9 May17 May24
Baker City
Oa k ridge
Coos Bay
north, partly cloudy central and mostly sunny south.
A sunny and pleasant day.
WEST Partly to mostly cloudy skies. En t erprise Mostly cloudy ezag
• 5 pray 78ioz
Sunriver• Bend
70/4 5
73l44 Unio~
6 2/37
57/46 ~
Warm Springs •~
• Meacham
Condon 73/41
e os
• Pendleton ] M/37
Mau pin
Camp 56/38
S~l~m Sa em
River The
Hjllsbprp Portland x 70/49 C ' • • Sa ndy 67/45
53/47 •odartlton Peach
through the day, near
More sunshine near average.
Afternoon showers at times, gusty
d d d d d d
Increasing clouds
63 38
4 • •
Monterrey 90/68• Mazatlan • 85 /70•
* * * *
** * *
et o v or
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow
Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,TX ......87/61/0 00..78/59/pc. 84/59/pc Grandlapids....64/33/0.00..66/48/pc. 67/51/pc RapidCity.......71/36/000..72/46/pc. 67/42/pc Savannah .......78/60/0 00..76/59/pc.. 74/60/c Akron ..........59/32/000..68/50/pc. 64/50/sh GreenBay.......67/34/0.00..66/43/pc. 66/50/sh Reno...........80/45/0.00...83/51/s.. 83/51/s Seattle..........66/47/0.00...61/47/r...58/46/r Albany..........58/31/000...67/40/s.. 73/46/s Greensboro......69/45/0.00..66/51/pc. 62/51/sh Richmond.......71/41/0.00...70/47/s.. 68/53/c Sioux Fags.......72/46/0.00...71/50/s. 77/48/pc Albuquerque.....75/45/000...75/50/s. 79/52/pc Harnsburg.......63/38/0 00...70/50/s. 68/51/pc Rochester, NY....54/37/0 00..67/44/pc. 71/46/pc Spokane........73/43/0 00...68/42/c. 63/42/pc Anchorage ......37/26/0.00..42/26/pc. 40/26/pc Hartford,CT .....67/34/0.00...68/41/s.. 72/43/s Sacramento......81/48/0.00... 87/52/s .. 89/53/s Springfield, MO ..59/47/1.27.. 61/47/sh. 70/50/pc Atlanta .........75/45/000...72/57/t...71/58/t Helena..........71/37/0.00..72/45/pc.64/39/pcSt Lpuis.........60/50/000..59/51/sh.67/49/pc Tampa..........87/69/000..87/65/pc.86/67lpc Atlantic City .....67/38/0.00...62/45/s.. 58/51/s Honolulu........84/73/0.00...87/70ls.. 84/71/s Salt Lake City....71/41/000... 73/52/s .. 77/46/s Tucson..........88/53/000... 91/62/s .. 94/61/s Austin..........80/61/002...81/63/c...79/63/t Houston ........81/66/0 00...81/65/c...79/63/t SanAntonio.....78/60/0.01... 82/65/c...79/65/t Tulsa...........63/53/0.10 .. 70/50/pc.. 75/56/s Baltimore.......66/41/000...71/47/s. 69/54/pc Huntsville.......75/41/0 00...70/57/l...73/56lt SanDiego.......70/58/0.00... 6I59/s .. 71/58/s Washington,DC.68/47/0.00... 72/51/». 69/55/pc Bigings.........73/46/0.00 ..78/46/pc. 66/39/pc Indianapolis.....62/37/0.00..63/52/sh. 65/51/pc SanFrancisco....61/52/000...6I50/s .. 70/52/s Wichita.........58/51/019..69/49/pc. 80/56/pc Birmingham.....79/43/000... 71/59/t. 72/58/t Jackson,MS.... 79/46/0.00. 81/64/c .. 75/58/t SanJose........69/53/000.. 79/51/s 81/54/s Yakima.........86/40/000...71l41lc. 70/46/pc Bismarck........75/31/000 ..74/46/pc. 66/38/pc Jacksonvile......79/59/000..78/58/pc. 79/61/pc SantaFe........71/36/000 ..68/41/pc.72/45/pc Yuma...........90/61/000... 97/68/s .. 99/68/s Boise...........76/41/0.00...79/46/s .. 72/45/s Juneau..........36/32/1.30... 42/29/r...44/29/r INTERNATIONAL Boston..........52/45/000...63/45/s .. 67/47/s Kansas City......57/50/0.11 ..63/47/pc. 75/55/pc Bndgeport,CT....64/40/000...61/44/s .. 65/47/s Lansing.........60/31/0.00..68/48/pc. 66/50/pc Amsterdam......50/39/030 ..53/34/sh 51/40/pc Mecca..........95/82/000 100/82/pc. 100/82/s Buffalo.........53/36/000 ..60/45/pc. 68/46/pc LasVegas.......88/61/000... 90/67/s .. 93/70/s Athens..........79/51/000... 75/57/s .. 75/61/c MexicoCity .....75/54/039... 75/54/t 76/54/sh Burlington, VT....55/36/000 ..64/43/pc.. 70/47/s Lexington.......61/41/0 00 ..60/53/sh. 63/52/sh Auckland........68/61/000 ..70/61/sh.. 69/51/c Montreal........52/37/002 ..55/43/pc.. 64/54/5 Caribou,ME.....58/29/000..59/34/pc.. 65/39/s Lincoln..........70/44/000..71/47/pc.81/55/pc Baghdad........87/57/0.00...93/69/s .. 97/77/s Moscow........54/36/0.01 ..58/43/sh.. 45/34/c Charleston SC...76/61/000..74/58/pc..71/61/c LittleRock.......64/51/003...72/55/t. 76/53/pc Bangkok........97/81/0.00... 99/79/t. 101/81/t Nairobi.........79/61/0.00... 75/56/t...72/59/t Charlotte........72/44/000 ..66/53/sh...63/56/t LosAngeles......70/56/0 00... 72/59/s .. 70/60/s Beiyng..........75/43/000 ..75/55/pc.. 88/61/s Nassau.........81/72/000 ..80/70/pc. 78/73/pc Chattanooga.....76/42/000... 65/54/t...68/53/t Louisville........64/42/0 00 ..61/56/sh. 66/51/sh Beirut..........81/61/000...83/70/s .. 85/73/s New Delhi.......93/81/000 105/81/pc105/84/pc Cheyenne.......63/30/000 ..68/41/pc. 71/41/pc MadisonWl.....69/39/000..64/44/pc. 69/50/pc Berlin...........75/48/000 ..46/38/sh. 57/46/pc Osaka..........66/52/007 ..64/53/pc. 62/59/pc Chicago...... 67/34/000 ..59/44/pc.52/52/pc Memphis....... 69/52/003 .. 72/59/t. 75/54/pc Bogota.........70/46/0.17... 68/52/t...69/51/t Oslo............50/32/0.02.. 51/31/pc.. 50/30/c Cincinnati.......63/31/0.00 ..66/53/sh...66/52/t Miami..........83/69/0.00...83/73/s .. 84I73/s Budapest........82/43/000...78/56/c.75/58/pc Ottawa.........54/37/007..59/43/sh.70/48lpc Cleveland.......57/30/000 ..66/49/pc. 64/50/pc Milwaukee......68/37/000..59/45/pc. 56/48/pc Buenos Aires.....81 l55/0.00... 78/66/t...73/56/t Paris............63/46/0.00.. 56/33/sh. 55/35/pc Colorado Spnngs.67/46/000..66/39/pc. 72/40lpc Minneapolis.....72/45/0.02 ..73/52/pc. 74/49/sh CaboSanLucas ..90/63/0.00..93/64lpc. 90/61/pc Riode Janeiro....82/64/0.00...77/64ls. 76/64/pc Columbia,MO...59/50/0.12..58/48/sh. 69/51/pc Nashvige........63/42/0.00... 64/58/t...71/53/t Cairo...........84/57/000...91/59/s .. 97/67/s Rome...........70/55/0.00..66/61/sh .. 72/60/c Columbia,SC....77/49/000 ..71/54/pc...68/59/t New Orleans.....78/64/0 00..82/67/pc...78/66/t Calgary.........70/48/000..61/39/pc 59/37/pc Santiago........61/45/000..67/58/pc.. 73/60/c Columbus, GA....82/51/0.00... 78/59/t...76/61/t New York.......67/50/0.00... 68/49/s .. 72/51/s Cancun.........84/77/000..83/75/pc. 84/75/pc SaoPaulo.......77/59/000 .. 74/59/pc.. 73I59/c Columbus, OH....62/33/000 ..68/52/pc. 64/51/sh Newark, Nl......67/45/0.00...69/48/s. 71/50/pc Dublin..........50/36/0.02 ..50/42/pc.. 50/39/c Sapporo ........48/48/0.00... 54/37/c. 48/37/sh Concord,NH.....61/27/0.00...66/34/s .. 73/40/s Norfolk,VA......65/44/0.00... 66/46/s .. 68/55/c Edinburgh.......50/37/000...46/38/c. 43/37/sh Seoul...........61/45/000 ..63/50/pc. 61/53/sh Corpus Christi....82/70/000... 76/68/c...78/68/t OklahomaCity...72/57/000 ..72/52/pc.. 80/56/5 Geneva.........68/55/015...43/35/r. 47/40/sh Shanghai........77/52/000..69/62/pc. 71/51/pc Dallas Ft Wprih...78/60/000 ..77/58/Pc. 81/58/Pc Omaha.........72/51/000 ..69/48/Pc. 80/55/Pc Harare..........72/48/000... 70/46/s ..71l48ls Singapore.......84/75/021 ... 89/79/t...89/79/t Dayton .........59/33/000 ..66/52/pc. 65/51/sh Orlando.........89/63/0.00..86/63/pc. 85/65/pc HongKong......75/72/025...79/75/t.79/75/sh Stockholm.......52/32/000..53/31/sh. 50/36/pc Denver..........66/38/000 ..71/42/pc. 76/43/pc Palm Springs.... 92/60/0.00. 98/68/s. 101/68/s Istanbul.........75/54/000... 74/53/s. 75/60/pc Sydney..........79/54/000... 73/59/s. 79/58/pc Des Moines......68/50/000..67/47/pc.. 75/54/s Peoria ..........64/42/0 00..63/47lsh. 69/51/pc lerusalem.......80/63/0.00... 85/69/s .. 86/66/s Taipei...........79/66/0.00... 77/70/t.80/74/pc Detroit..........57/32/000..63/47/pc.60/49lpc Philadelphia.....66/49/000...70/49/s.. 69I50/s Johannesburg....84/66/0.00...69/49ls .. 70/48/s Tel Aviv.........91/57/0.00...95/68/s .. 96/69/s Duluth..........62/37/000 ..62/45/pc. 65/41/sh Phoenix.........92/63/000... 96/70/s .. 97/70/s Lima...........73/63/000 73/63/pc. .. 73/66/pc Tokyo...........70/54/000 ..64/48/pc.65/58/pc El Paso..........84/62/000...83/59/s .. 85/60/s Pittsburgh.......60/34/0 00 ..69/49/pc. 64/49/sh Lisbon..........66/55/000 68/47/pc 62/47/s Toronto.........54/32/003 63/45/pc. 64/50/sh Fairbanks.........30/7/000..34/11/sn. 33/20/sn Portland,ME.....53/33/000...58/38/s.. 63/41/s London.........55/41/0.13..53/33/sh.. 52/40/c Vancpuver.......59/45/0.00... 54/41/r...54/46/r Fargo...........66/33/000 ..67/47/pc. 67/38/pc Providence......61/44/000... 66/43/s .. 68/46/s Madrid .........66/54/000..63/37/pc. 51/38/sh Vienna..........81/54/000..76/54/pc. 70/52/pc Flagstaff........64/29/000...68/32/5 .. 71/35/s Raleigh.........71/46/0.00 ..70/51/pc .. 66/51/c Manila..........95/77/0.00... 95/80/t. 93/79/pc Warsaw.........79/41/0.00... 77/47/r. 53/43/sh
Plans to endgraywolf protection By Matthew Brown and John Flesher
The Associated Press
BILLINGS, Mont. — Federal wildlife officials have drafted plans to lift protections for gray wolves across the Lower 48 states, a move that could end a decadeslong recovery effort that has restored the animals but only in parts of their historic range. The draft U.S. Department of Interior rule obtained by Y J$ The Associated Press contends the roughly 6,000 wolves now living in the Northern Rockies of their historical range, but and Great Lakes are enough to that could be greatly expandprevent the species' extinction. ed if humans allow it, he said. "It ends up being a political The agency says having gray wolves elsewhere — such as question more than a biological the West Coast, parts of New one," Vucetich said. "It's very England and elsewhere in the unlikely the wolves will make Rockies — is unnecessary for it to places like the Dakotas their long-term survival. and the Northeast unless the A small population of Mexi- federal government provides can wolves in the Southwest some kind of leadership." would continue to receive fedFarmers'concerns eral protections, as a distinct subspecies of the gray wolf. Meanwhile, increasing wolf The loss of federal protec- numbers in parts of the countions would be welcomed by try have stirred a backlash r anchers and others in t h e from agricultural and hunting agriculture industry, whose groups upset by the predator's stock at times become prey for attacks on livestock and big hungry wolf packs. Yet wild- game herds such as elk. Their life advocates say the proposal complaints spurred Western threatens to cut short the gray lawmakers two years ago to rewolf'sdramatic recovery from move wolves from the endanwidespread extermination. gered list in five states by force, after the issue gotbogged down The draft rule change by environmentalists' lawsuits. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Paul Schlegel withthe AmerService said Friday the rule ican Farm Bureau Federation was under review and would said any step toward dropping be published in the Federal wolves from the endangered Register and opened to public list would be welcome to ranchcomment before a final deci- ers who have lost cattle, sheep sion is made. and other animals to wolves or If the rule is enacted, it would fear they might if the predators transfer control of wolves to enlarge their territory. state wildlife agencies by reThe National Cattlemen's moving them from the federal Beef Association said the govlist of endangered species. The ernment also should remove government has been con- protections for wolves in the sidering such a move since at Southwest, where agencies least 2011, but previously held have struggled to re-establish off given concerns among sci- wolves in parts of New Mexico entists and wildlife advocates and Arizona. That population who warn it could effectively is believed to number only halt the species' expansion. about 75 animals. "Repeated failed attempts to John Vucetich, a wolf specialist and biologist at Michi- achieve unnaturally high popgan Tech University, said suit- Ltlation levels in that region able habitat remains in large have put undue strain on livesections of the Rockies, the stock producers" and governnation's midsection and the ment resources, spokesman Northeast. Wolves presently Chase Adams said. occupy only about 15 percent Some biologists have argued
Federal wildlife officials point to "robust" gray wolf populations in the Northern Rockies and Great Lakes as evidence that the species' recovery "is one of the world's great conservation successes."
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service file photo
/ g
M T.
wolves will continue spreading regardless of their legal status. The animals are prolific breeders, known to journey hundreds of miles in search of new territory. They were wiped out across most ofthe U.S. early last century following a government sponsored poisoning and trapping campaign. In an emailed statement, the Fish and Wildlife Service pointedto"robust"populations of the animals in the Northern Rockies and Great Lakes as evidence that gray wolf recovery "is one of the world's great conservation successes." Wolves in those two areas lost protections under the Endangered Species Act over the last two years. Advocacy groups have filed federal suits challenging decisions to lift protected status from wolves in Wyoming, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
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Recent hunting ln some states where wolves have r ecovered, r e gulated
hunting and trapping already has been used to drive down their populations, largely in response to wolf attacks on livestock and big game herds. The U.S. Fish and W ildlife Service r e cently r e l eased data showing wolf numbers dropped 7 percent last year in the face of newly expanded hunting and trapping seasons in Idaho,Montana and Wyoming. That's the most significant decrease since they were reintroduced in the mid-1990s. In Oregon and Washington, which have small but rapidly growing wolf populations, the animals remained protected under state laws even after federal protections were lifted in portions of the two states.
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IN THE BACI4: BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NE%S > Scoreboard, C2 Sports in brief, C2
Prep sports, C4 Golf, C4
Bearsmt Panthers' lead on top of IMC
QB still up inair at OSUspringgame CORVALLIS — Or-
egon State coaches have said they will make
their quarterback pick between Sean Mannion
and CodyVazwhen one of them makeshimself
the clear-cut choice.
That hasn't happened
yet. Friday's intrasquad
't> * I
game at ReserStadium was the last of15 spring practices for Oregon
State. Mannion andVaz
each played oneseries
in the two-hour scrim-
I, ~t!
mage. Mannion went first, going 8 of11 for 67 yards and anintercep-
"I'm happy with how
I played. Otherthan
maybe oneplay I felt real sharp," Mannion said. Vaz was 4 of 6 for 59 yards. His series
produced a1-yard touchdown run by Terron Ward. "It was kind of quick,
not very many plays, but it was good," Vaz said.
"We got somegood
Photos by Ryan Brennecke I The Bulletin
Tom Gienger putts for a birdie on the12th hole as Mike Clinton, left, and Pat Corcoran watch while playing in the first round of the Central Oregon Shootout at Aspen Lakes Golf Course near Sisters on Friday.
work in, went down and
scored. So I washappy with it."
Brandin Cookswas the leading receiver
in the gamewith four catches for 38 yards. Chris Brown carried 21
times for 43 yards. Running back Storm Woods, linebacker D.J.
Alexanderand kicker Trevor Romaine didn't
play after sustaining concussions this week. — The Associated Press
• Nearly 350 participants took part in the opening day of the annualevent
nings, was done in by a shaky
By Zack Hall
defensebehind him. Of the eight runs he gave up, only two were earned. By the end of the game, the Panthers had committed six errors. J.D. Abbas paced Redmond in the defeat, going 2-for-4 with a double and two RBIs. Also, Matt Dahlen went 2-for-2 with two runs scored and two RBIs for Redmond.
The Bulletin
the Baltimore Ravens gave quarterback Joe
SISTERS — John Ollerenshaw was in a good mood, but in a hurry. M oments after f i nishing th e f i r st round of the Central Oregon Shootout, a 54-hole amateur team golf tournament thatbegan Friday at three area courses, the 66-year-old from Happy Valley had one place he wanted to go. "I'm on my way to the 19th hole," explained Ollerenshaw as he rushed toward the main entry to Aspen Lakes Golf Course's clubhouse. "I've got to be good up here, so I don't drink while I play," he added, in a way describing the balance between competitive and recreational golf that the Shootout provides. Sunny skies and mild temperatures had the majority of the nearly 350 golfers in the field in a pleasant mood after the first round. The weather must have been good. In the Aspen Lakes clubhouse after the round, one man wearing a green University of Oregon golf shirt and another wearing the orange and black of Oregon State, seemed to be getting along famously. The Shootout, a two-person team golf event co-hosted by Aspen Lakes, Black Butte Ranch and Eagle Crest Resort, is played at a time of year when the region's weather is less reliable than a 30-
Flacco last month over
handicap's golf swing.
six years.
Poor weather shouldn't be a problem this year. It's a good thing for Karl Hallstrom, a 56-year-old from Eugene who is playing in his first-ever Shootout. Hallstrom was loading four sets of
Rodgers re-signs with Packers GREEN BAY,Wis. — The Green Bay Pack-
ers signed franchise quarterback Aaron Rodgers Friday to a five-year contract extension through the 2019
season. Thedeal, according to a person with knowledge of the contract who spoke to The
Associated Press on condition of anonymity
because the teamhas not released thedetails, is worth as much as $110 million, with $40
million guaranteed. Rodgers had two
seasons remaining on his current deal for a total of roughly $20 million. So this is essen-
tially a seven-year contract, right there with the $120.6 million that
— The Associated Press
Duck, Beaver picked in draft
J4glg ~4(g
Greg Myers celebrates with his teammate Tom Gienger after watching him sink a putt for birdie on the12th hole while playing in the first round of the Central Oregon Shootout. been less kind. "It would have stayed in the garage," he said. Hallstrom would have made the trip regardless, after his friends finally talked him into playing after nearly a decade
CentralOregonShootout What:54-hole amateur team golf
tournament played at three area courses Format:Two-person gross and net
of trying.
scramble, best ball and Chapman Where:Aspen Lakes Golf Course in Sisters, Big Meadow at Black Butte
Ranch, Resort Course atEagleCrest Resort in Redmond When:Friday through Sunday clubs into the trunk of his bronze 1965 Buick Wildcat convertible that would not have made the trip if the weather had
After a practice round Thursday and the first round Friday, Hallstrom just might be like so many others at the Shootout: a returning player. "It was great," Hallstrom said. "The weather couldn't have been any better, the facility is good, the course is in nice shape. Everything was 100 percent." Such days might explain the Shootout's success. SeeShootout/C4
Oregon andOregon State both saw players selected Friday on the second day of the NFL draft. Buffalo took Oregon linebacker Kiko Alonso in the second round, with the 46th overall pick. Pittsburgh chose
Oregon State wide re-
ceiver Markus Wheaton in the third round, 79th overall. Also on Friday, Notre Dame All-America linebacker Manti Te'o was picked sixth in the
second round bySan Diego. The New York Jets took the highest-
rated quarterback by some experts, West Virginia's Geno Smith in
Freshmanseasonover, Mariota seeksto lead Ducks
results, see Scoreboard, C2.
Oregon quarterback Marcus Mariota. Don Ryan/The Assoclated Press
played only on the practice squad. He emerged during the
The Associated Press ti,
spring game and eventually
EUGENE — Marcus Mariota simply isn't the t y pe to bark o r ders, perhaps because of his mellow Hawaiian upbringing. But the sophomore quarterback for Oregon is vowing to be more vocal in his second season guiding the Ducks. Last year at this time, Mariota was a r edshirt freshman an d a n un known commodity, having
supplanted supposed starter Bryan Bennett in fall camp. Throughout his rookie season, he mostly left the leadership to the seniors. He said it's his turn now. "It's a little different. I think last year my mentality was to show what I could do," he said. "This season I need to show I can get better." See Mariota/C4
Nextup ~
Oregon Spring Game • When:Today, 11 a.m.~ • TV:t~ Pac-12 Network ~
— From wire reports
Redmond falls to Bend Bulletin staff report
Bend High was coming off two Wednesday losses in softball to Redmond High, during which the Lava Bears were outscored 20-2. On Friday, Bend developed a game plan to use all three of its pitchers, and that strategy rewarded the Bears with a 5-2 victory over the IMC-leading Panthers. Katie Brown's 3-for-3 performance, including a double and three runs batted in, led Bend's offensive attack, as the Lava Bears (10-8 overall, 4-2 IMC) tagged Redmond's Ashley Pesek for five runs on eight hits. "I think it was just an aggressive attitude," Bend coach Wade Kinkade said. "On Wednesday, we had two close games that were blown out on
us. Today, we stayed aggresBy Anne M. Peterson
the second round. The draft concludes today with rounds four through seven. For draft
Bulletin staff report REDMOND — Bend High just made the Intermountain Conference baseball race a little more interesting. Caleb Gardnerscattered four runs over seven innings as the Lava Bears topped Redmond 10-4 on Friday to win the three-game series against the league-leading Panthers, 2-1. Bend (11-7 overall, 3-3 5A IMC) now sits one game back of Redmond (12-5, 4-2) in the IMC standings. Both squads still have a three-game league series with Mountain View left on their schedules. Gardner allowed eight hits and struck out three against four walks, but shut out the Panthers in their final three innings after the Bears took a 5-4 lead in the top of the fourth inning. Jonah Koski had a monster day at the plate for Bend, going 4-for-5 with a double and three runs batted in. Kyle Bailey added a 3-for-4 performance and Justin Erlandson went I-for-4 with a triple, two RBIs and three runs scored. Daniel Thomas took the loss for Redmond, which before its series against Bend had won nine straight games. Thomas, who went five in-
sive and got the job done." Kendall Kramer went 3-for-3 with a double and an RBI for Bend, which dealt the Panthers their first conference loss of the season and moved the Bears to within a game of the top spot in the IMC. Megan Berrigan, Meredith Berrigan and Alexis Hill-Gruenberg combined to limit Redmond to five hits. Pesek went the distance for the Panthers (17-3, 5-1), whose nine-game winning streak was snapped. The Redmond senior standout struck out nine while going 2-for-3 at the plate with a home run. "It showed the team that if they stay focused for an entire game, they belong on the field with anybody," Kinkade said.
English Premier League, Manchester City vs. West Ham MLS, Chicago at Montreal MLS, Portland at Kansas City (taped)
4:30 a.m. 1 p.m. 9:30 p.m.
TV/radio ESPN2 NBCSN Root
9 a.m.
College, Oregonspring game
11 a.m.
NFL, draft
4 p.m. 5 p.m.
College, UCLAspring game TRACK 8 FIELD Penn Relays Drake Relays (same-day tape)
10 a.m.
5 p.m.
ESPN Pac-12 ESPN2 Pac-12 NBC ESPN2
GOLF European Tour, Ballantine's Championship6 a.m.
Champions Tour, Legends of Golf
Golf CBS Golf CBS Golf
10 a.m.
PGATour, Zurich Classic 10 a.m. PGATour, Zurich Classic noon LPGA Tour, North Texas LPGA Shootout noon
BASEBALL MLB, Atlanta at Detroit
10 a.m.
College, Stanford at Oregon College, USC at Oregon State
2 p.m.
2 p.m. MLB, MilwaukeeatLos Angeles Dodgers 6 p.m. MLB, Los Angeles Angels at Seattle 6 p.m.
KICE-AM 940 MLB Root
BASKETBALL NBA, playoffs, Brooklyn at Chicago
11 a.m.
NBA, playoffs, L.A. Clippers at Memphis 1:30 p.m. NBA, playoffs, Indiana at Atlanta 4 p.m. NBA, playoffs, Oklahoma City at Houston 6:30 p.m.
MOTOR SPORTS NHRA, SpringNationals, qualifying noon NASCAR, Sprin tCup,ToyotaOwners 400 4 p.m.
HOCKEY NHL, NewJersey at NewYork Rangers NHL, Detroit at Dallas NHL, San Jose at Los Angeles
noon 4 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
EXTREME SPORTS X GamesBrazil (taped)
1 p.m.
5 p.m.
7 p.m.
MIXED MARTIAL ARTS UFC159, preliminaries
Today Track: Sisters,Ridgeview,Mountain View,Redmond, La Pine atSummitInvitationa, 10 a.m.; Madras, Gilchrist at Sterling Invitational in KlamathFalls, 10:30a.m. Boys tennis: MountainView,Redmond, Ridgeview, Summit,Bendat Central OregonDual Tournament in Redmond, TBD; HiddenValey/Henley at Sisters, 9a.m. Girls tennis: Summit, MountainView, Redm ond, Ridgeview,Bendat Central OregonDuals in Sunriver, TBD;Heney/Maa zma at Sisters, 9 a.m.; CrookCountyat Oregon EpiscopalTournament, in Portland,TBD Girls lacrosse:BendUnited vs. West AlbanyatCorvallrs HS,11a.mzBendUnited vs. CrescentValey at Corvallis HS 230pm Boys lacrosse: Bend at Tualatin, 2 p.m., Summit at Oregon EpiscopalSchool,2p.m.
PREP SPORTS Friday's results Class 5A IntermountainConference
Bend 0 02 341 0 — Redmond 202 000 0 —
10 10 0 4 8 6
MountainView000 004 0 — Summit 01 0 240 x -
4 8 1 7 9 1
Class 4A Sky-EmLeague (5 innings)
Sisters Elmira
5 00 50 — 1 0 1 2 0
000 00 — 0
2 1
(8 innings)
SweetHome 110 300 01 — 6 10 I La Pine 00 0 031 10 — 5 9 2
Softball Friday's results Class 5A IntermountainConference
Redmond 100 001 0 — B end 201 0 2 0 x -
2 5
Summit 02 0 050 0 MountainView100 020 0 —
7 10 0 3 6 3
Class 4A Sky-EmLeague
Elmira Sisters
100 011 0 301 110 x
La Pine SweetHom e
Molaga Madras
(5 innings) 000 00 260 Bx
2 1
1 6
16 8
7 4
2 3
Tri-Vallay Conference 012 002 2 100 210 0
5 8
3 6 1 6 11 2
9 6
Special District 1 Ridgeview 400 011 0 6 7 2 CrookCounty 001 021 3 7 9 2
Golf Friday's results Boys
SUNDAY GOLF Time European Tour,Ballantine's Championship6 a.m. C hampions Tour, Legends of Golf 10a . m . PGATour, Zurich Classic
10 a.m.
PGATour, Zurich Classic
TV/radio Golf CBS Golf CBS Golf
LPGA Tour, North Texas LPGA Shootout Noon
BASKETBALL NBA, playoffs, NewYork at Boston
10 a.m.
NBA, playoffs, Miami at Milwaukee 12:30 p.m. NBA, playoffs, San Antonio at L.A. Lakers4 p.m.
NBA, playoffs, Denver atGoldenState
6:30 p.m.
BASEBALL MLB, Toronto at New York Yankees College, South Carolina at LSU College, USC at Oregon State MLB, Los Angeles Angels at Seattle MLB, Atlanta at Detroit
10 a.m. TBS Noon ESPN Noon KIC E -AM 940 1 p.m. Root 5 p.m.ESPN/KICE-AM 940
MOTOR SPORTS NHRA, SpringNationals
11 a.m.
SOFTBALL College, Utah at Stanford College, California at Arizona State
1 p.m.
3 p.m.
Pac-12 Pac-12
4 p.m.
HOCKEY NHL, Ottawa at Boston
Lava BearCrosswater Tournament At CrosswaterGolf Course,Sunriver Par 72 Teamscores—Jesuit 303,Canby314, Roseburg, 318, WestAlbany 322,G encoe 325,Southridge 328, Redmond 334, Marist 336,Barlow343, Corvallis 344, Spragu e346,Pendleton349,MountainView 353,Lebanon 357,Ridgeview358,Crater362,CrookCounty 367, Sisters375,Silverton409. Medalis t— MasonRodby,Redmond,79. REDMOND (332) —Rodby79,Messner 81,Cron 85 Dixon87,Thorlon 90. BENDBEAR(336) —Rodmaker 80, Pedersen81, Edmonds 87,Hayes88, Klar 89 BENDLAVA(345)— McGee80,Decastilhos83, Rhine88,Dover94.
RIDGEVIEW (406) — Seeley 90, Roe 98, Jarvis 103,Hawkins115,Zavala128.
First Round
(x-if necessary) (Best-of-7) Eastern Conference
Miami 3, Milwaukee 0 Sunday, April 28:Miamiat Milwaukee,12:30p.m. New York 3,Boston0 Friday,April 26:NewYork90, Boston76 Sunday,April 28.NewYork atBoston, 10a.m. Indiana 2, Atlanta 0 Today,April 27:IndianaatAtlanta, 4p.m. Monday,April 29 IndianaatAtlanta, 4:30p.m. Chicago 2, Brooklyn1 Today,April 27.Brooklynat Chicago,11a.m. Monday,April 29 ChicagoatBrooklyn, 4 p.m. Western Conference OklahomaCity 2, Houston 0 Today,April 27:OklahomaCity atHouston,6:30 p.m. Monday,April 29: OklahomaCity at Houston,6:30
Listings are themostaccurateavailable. The Bulletinis not responsible for latechangesmade by Nor radio stations.
Stanford. Both teamsscored a single run in the third inning, and the score remained tied until
g8m88 —A three-game series
Payne's basehit in the ninth.
between the Central Oregon
Oregon starting pitcher Tommy Thorpe got a no-decision, strik-
Community College andOregon
ing out seven over 6/s innings.
State University club baseball teams is set for this weekend at Genna Stadium in Bend. The
Garrett Cleavinger got his third win of the season with1/a per-
Bobcats and Beavers, both
fect innings. Stanford's Mark
members of the Northern Pacific Conference West Division in the
Appel took the loss. Scott Heineman led the Ducks (31-10, 14-5
San Antonio 3, L.A. Lakers 0 Friday,April 26.SanAntonio120, L.A.Lakers89 Sunday, April 28:SanAntonio at L.A.Lakers,4p.m.
Golden State 2,Denver1, Friday,April26: GoldenState 110,Denver108 Sunday, April28: DenveratGoldenState,6:30 p.m. L.A. Clippers 2, Mamphis1 Today,April 27 L A Clippersat Memphis,1 30p m. Tuesday,April 30:Memphis at L.A.Clippers, TBA Friday's Summaries
Knicks 90, Celtics 76 NEWYORK(90)
Shumpert 1-5 1-2 4, Anthony 12-25 0-0 26, Chandler 3-4 0-0 6, Prigioni 3-6 0-0 9, Felton714 0-1 15, Smith 6-12 1-3 15, Martin 2-4 1-2 5, Kidd 0-10-0 0,Novak3-4 0-0 8,J.White1-1 0-0 2, Copelan d 0-0 0-0 0,Richardson0-00-0 0.Totals 38-76 3-8 90.
BOSTON (76) Pierce6-155-617, Green8-17 3-421, Gamett 513 2-2 12,Bradley1-4 0-0 2, Terry4-93-414, Bass 1-51-23, Lee1-20-02 Crawford2-50-05, Williams 0-0 0-0 0.Totals 28-7014-18 76. New York 23 24 21 22 — 90 Boston 18 13 21 24 — 76
National Club Baseball Associa-
Pac-12) with a pair of hits. The
Spurs 120, Lakers 89
tion, will play a doubleheader — two scheduled seven-inning
teams play again today at 2 p.m.
SAN ANTONIO (120) Leonard5-8 2-212, Duncan12-162-326, Splitter1-53-45, Parker9-142-320, Green 5-70-011, Bonner2-30-06, Ginobili 2-41-1 6, Joseph4-8 0-0 8, Blair 6-61-213, Neal 3-100-07, Baynes1-1 0-0 2, Miffs110-02, De Colo1-20-02. Totals 52-85 11-15 120. L.A.LAKERS(89) World Peace 0-60-00, Gasol 5-101-1 11 Howard 9-16 7-1525,Goudelock8-17 2-2 20,Morris 9-15 5-7 24, Jamison2-5 0-0 5, Duhon0-1 0-0 0, Clark 2-9 0-0 4, Hill 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 35-81 15-25 89. SanAntonio 30 2 53 0 35 — 120 L.A. Lakers 18 26 19 26 — 89
games — today starting at 2 p.m. On Sunday, asingle game, scheduled for nine innings, will
start at11 a.m. Admission is
KenSeth winS Pale — Matt
free. COCC is currently1-4 in
conference playand 3-4 overall,
Kenseth seta track record with a lap at130.334 mph Friday at
while OSU is 6-5 and 9-7.
Richmond International Raceway
Beavers win opener over
inRichmond,Va.Kenseth edged JGR teammate Brian Vickers by
Ti'OIBIIS— Matt Boyd limited USC to three runs and five hits while striking out11 in
for today's NASCAR Sprint Cup
Warriors 110, Nug gets 108
DENVER (108) Iguodala6-150-1 14, Chandler 4-81-211, Faried 6-7 3-315, Lawson 11-2212-12 35, Fournier1-2002, McGee 2-50-24, Brewer6-123-316, A.Miffer 2-13 2-3 7, Koufos0-00-0 0, Randolph2-2 0-1 4. TotaIs 40-86 21-27108. GOLDEN STATE(110) Barnes7-15 2-4 19,Jack10-143-4 23, Bogut 3-3 0-1 6, Curry8-17 9-9 29,Thompson3-100-0 6, Green 2-3 0-05, Ezeli 1-11-2 3, Landry8-173-3 19 Jeff erson0-0 0-0 0,Bazemore0-00-0 0.Totals 42-80 18-23110. Denver 32 34 18 24 — 108 Goldan Stata 32 2 233 23 — 110
8~/s innings Friday night to pace Oregon State to a10-4 Pac-12 win over the Trojans in front of a
season-best 2,934fansatGoss Stadium in Corvallis. The Bea-
0.005 seconds to claim the pole
Keselowski rallies in NatiOnWide — Brad Keselowski ducked underneath Kyle
Gordon, who finished 4-for-5 on the day with two runs driven in.
Busch to take the lead with10 laps to go Friday night and won the NASCAR Nationwide Series race at Richmond lnternational Raceway in Richmond, Va. Ke-
Oregon State andUSCcontinue
selowski had to hold off a final
their series today at 2:05 p.m.
charge from Kevin Harvick, but after Harvick closed within a few
vers (32-8, 12-4 Pac-12) hada season-best 20hits,leadbyMax
Oregon tops Stanford — Aaron Payne's walk-off single in the bottom of the ninth inning
led Oregon to a2-1 victory over
car lengths, Keselowski kept him
at bay and slightly expanded his margin in the final laps. — From wire reports
NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGUE 2013 NFLDraft Selections At NewYork Friday
SecondRound 33.Jacksonvile,Johnathan Cyprien,db, FIU. 34.Tennessee(from KansasCitythroughSanFrancisco),JustinHunter,wr,Tennessee. 35. PhiladelphiaZach , Ertz,te, Stanford. 36. Detroit,DariusSlay,db, Mississippi State. 37. Cincinnati (fromOakland), GioBernard, rb, NorthCarolina. 38 SanDiego(fromArizona), Mantei Te'o, Ib, Notre Dame. ClevelandExercisedin Supplemental Draft. 39. New YorkJets, GenoSmith, qb,West Virginia.
40. SanFrancisco(fromTennessee), Comellius
Carradine,de,FloridaState. 41. Buffalo,Robert Woods, wr,Southern Cal. 42. Oakland(from Miami), MenelikWatson,ot, FloridaState. 43.Tampa Bay,Johnthan Banks,db,Mississippi State. 44. Carolina,KawannShort,dt, Purdue. NewOrleansForfeited. 45. Arizona(from SanDiego), Kevin Minter, Ib, LSU. 46. Butfalo (tromSt. Louis), KikoAlonso, Ib, Or-
egon. 47. Dallas,Ga vin Escobar,te, SanDiegoState. 48 Pittsburgh,Le'VeonBell, rb, MichignaState. 49. NewYork Giants,JohnathanHankins, dt, Ohio
SOFTBALL College, Cal at Arizona State
50. Chicago, JonBostic, Ib, Florida. 51. Washington,David Amerson,db, State. 52. New England(from Minnesota), JamieCollins, Ib, SouthernMiss. 53. Cincinnati,MargusHunt, de,SMU. 54. Miami(from Indianapolis), JamarTaylor, db, BoiseState. 55.SanFrancrsco(fromGreenBay),VanceMcDonald te, Rice. 56. Baltimore(from Seattle), Arthur Brown Ib, KansasState. 57. Houston,D.J.Swearinger, db,South Carolina. 58. Denver,MonteeBal, rb,Wisconsin. 59. New England, Aaron Dobson,wr, Marshall. 60. Atlanta,RobertAlford, db,SELouisiana. 61. GreenBay(from SanFrancisco), Eddiel.acy, rb, Alabam .a 62. Seattle(tromBaltimore), Christine Michael,rb, TexasA8M. Third Round 63. Kansas City, Travrs Kelce, te, Cincinnati. 64.Jacksonville,DwayneGratz,db,Uconn. 65. Detroit,LarryWarford, g, Kentucky. 66. Oakland,SioMoore, Ib,Uconn. 67 PhiladelphiaBenni , eLogan,dt, LSU 68.Cleveland,Leon McFadden,db,San Diego State. 69. Arizona,TyrannMathieu, db,LSU. 70. Tenness ee,Blidi Wreh-Wilson,db,Uconn.
71. St.Louis(fromBuffao), TJ. McDonald, Southern Cal. 72. New YorkJets, BrianWinters, ot, KentState. 73. Tampa Bay, Mike Glennon,qb, N.C.State. 74. Dallas(fromCarolina throughSanFrancisco), Terrance Wiliams, wr,Baylor. 75. NewOrleans,Terron Armstead,ot, ArkansasPine Bluff. 76 SanDiego,KeenanAlen, wr,California. 77.Miami,DallasThomas,ot,Tennessee. 78. Buffalo(tromSt. Louis), MarquiseGoodwin, wr, Texas. 79. Pittsburgh,MarkusWheaton,wr OregonState. 80. Dallas,J.J. Wilcox,db,Georgia Southem. 81. NewYorkGiants, Damontre Moore, de, Texas A8 M.
82. NewOrleans(fromChicagothrough Miami), John Jenkins,nt, Ge orgia. 83. NewEngland(trom Minnesota), LoganRyan, db, Rutgers. 84. CincinnatiShawn , Williams, db,Georgia. 85. Washington,JordanReed, te,Florida. 86. IndianapolisHugh , Thornton,g, I linois. 87. Seattle,JordanHil, dt, PennState. 88. SanFrancisco(fromGreenBay), CoreyLemonier,de,Auburn. 89 Houston,BrennanWiliams, ot, NorthCaroina. 90. Denver, KayvonWebster,db,South Florida. 91. New England, DuronHarmon, db,Rutgers. 92. St. Louis(fromAtlanta), StedmanBailey, wr, WestVirginia. 93. Mrami (fromSanFranciscothrough GreenBay), Will Davis,db, UtahState. 94. Baltimore, BrandonWiliams, dt, Missouri Southern. 95. x-Houston,SamMontgomery,de,LSU 96. x-Kansas City, KnileDavis, rb,Arkansas. 97. x-Tennessee,Zaviar Gooden,Ib, Missouri.
GOLF Local CENTRALOREGON SHOOTOUT Leaders After First Round,April 26
Friday, Two-ParsonScramble At Black Butte RanchBig Meadow Gross —Notavailable First NetFlight —Notavailable
At AspenLakes(Sistars) SecondNet—1,Brian Hoff/Don Lorentzen,61. 2,Jon Franks/RichardCarlson, 62. FourthNet—1,GeneKlohs/Paul Wilkins, 61.2, Larry Bender/JohnShoaf, 62. At EagleCrestResort Course(Redmond) Third Net—1(tre), TadWergelyGaryJones,59; Dennis Gorley/ScottBiles,59. LadiesNet—1, Holly Nelson/KimWood,60. 2,Darci Trimmer/KellyJenkins,60.
PGA Tour Zurich Classic Friday At TPC Louisiana Avondale, La. Purse: $6.6 million Yardage:7,425; Pa r:72 SecondRound(Made Cut) a-denotesamateur' LucasGlover 65-67 — 132 BooWeekley 65 68 133 D.A. Points 66-68—134 MorganHofmann 66-69—135 ErnieEls 67-69—136 BrianDavis 68-69—137 Jerry Kelly 70-67 — 137 Justin Rose 68-69 — 137 Jeff Maggert 70-67—137 BobbyGa tes 67-70 — 137 DougLaBelle8 70-67 137 Matt Jones 67-71—138 LukeGuthrie 67-71—138 Billy Horschel 67-71—138 GaryWoodland 68-70—138 Chris DiMarco 68-70—138 NicolasColsaerts 70-68 — 138 JimmyWalker 67-71 — 138 SteveLeBrun 70-68 — 138 JohnPeterson 71-67 138 HarrrsEnglish 68-70—138 NickWatney 69-69—138 BubbaWatson 73-65 — 138 JasonBohn 68-71—139 Chris Kirk 67-72 — 139 TommyGainey 68-71—139 StephenAmes 67-72 — 139 ChadCampbel 68-71—139 KenDuke 70-69 139 RichardH. Lee 70-69—139 Kyle Stanley 72-67—139 JoeySnydergl 72-67 — 139 GrahamDeLaet 68-71—139 68-71 — 139 JasonKokrak KenLooper 73-66 — 139 MichaelLetzig 72-68 — 140 RickieFowler 67-73 — 140 69-71 140 Scott Brown 68-72—140 J.J. Henry 70-70—140 RyanPalmer 71-69 — 140 DavidHearn Colt Knost 72 68 140 73-67—140 DerekErnst 64-76—140 RickyBarnes 68-72 — 140 Maff Every 72-68 — 140 DavidTom s 70-70 — 140 StuartAppleby 71-69 — 140 JonasBlixt 70-70—140 SeanO'Hair 70-70 — 140 BrandtJobe 68-72 140 KevinStadler 73-67—140 PeterTomasulo 71-69—140 AaronWatkins 73-67 — 140 StevenBowditch 70-70 — 140 Andrew Svoboda 7 0-70 — 140 72-69—141 HunterHaas 70-71—141 BrendanSteele 68-73 — 141 TrevorImmelman 74-67 141 George McNeil 71-70—141 RobertoCastro 71-70—141 HenrikNorlander a-GuanTianlang 72-69 — 141 70-71 — 141 LeeWiliams Jeff Overton 73-68 — 141 FabianGomez 71-70—141
JasonDufner RetiefGoosen GregChalmers RodPampling LukeList
70-71 141
71-70 — 141 70-71—141 71-70 — 141 71-70 — 141
LPGA Tour North TexasShootout Friday At Las ColinasCountry 0lub Irving, Texas Purse: $1.3 million Yardage: 6,410; Par: 71
a-denotesamateur SecondRoundleaders CarolineMasson 64-71 — 135 CarlotaCiganda 66-70—136 MoriyaJutanugarn 71-66 — 137 KathleenEkey 70-67—137 InbeePark 67-70 — 137 71 67 138 ShanshanFeng 70-68—138 BrittanyLincicome 69-69—138 JessicaKorda 69-69—138 YaniTseng 68-70 — 138 HeeYoungPark 71-68—139 So Yeon Ryu 70-69 — 139 Na YeonChoi 70-69 — 139 HeeKyungSeo 69-70 — 139 AngelaStanford 73-67 — 140 BeckyMorgan 72-68—140 JeeYoungLee 72-68—140 RebeccaLee-Bentham 71-69—140 CheffaChoi 71-69 — 140 KarineIcher JenniferJohnson 71-69 — 140 JulietaGranada 70-70 — 140 Suzann Petersen 70-70 — 140 MoiraDunn 69-71 140 ChristinaKim 68-72—140 Mi JungHur 67-73—140 Kristy McPherson 67-73 — 140 GiuliaSergas 73-68 — 141 Jodi Ewart Shadotf Mindy Kim JanePark LizetteSalas I.K. Kim Jiyai Shin
Haeji Kang Mo Martin PaulaCreamer Maude-Aimee Leblanc LindseyWright CandieKung StacyLewis ChristelBoeljon Lexi Thompson MicheffeWie VickyHurst
72-69—141 72-69—141 72 69 141 71-70—141 70-71—141 70-71 — 141 69-72—141 67-74 — 141 73-69 — 142 73 69 142 73-69—142 72-70 — 142 72-70 — 142 71-71 — 142 71-71—142 71-71 — 142 70-72 142
Champions Tour Legends ofGolf Friday At The Club atSavannah Harbor Savannah,Ga. Purse: $2.7 million Yardage:7,087; Par: 2 7(36-36) First Round Faxon/Sluman 32-30 — 62 Langer/Lehm an 32-31 — 63 Stadler/Tripleff 31-33 — 64 North/TWatson 33-31 64 Kite/Morgan 32-32 — 64 Calcavecchia/Senior 30-35 — 65 Glass on/Pate 31-34 — 65 Lyle /Woosnam 31-34 — 65 Elkington/Mediate 32-33 — 65 Mize/Sutton 33-32—65 Haffberg/Rutledge 33-33 66 Gi der/B.Wadkins 31-35 — 66 Sauers/Perry 34-32 — 66 O'Meara/Toledo 32-34—66 Eger/McNulty 33-33 — 66 Couples/Haas 34-32 — 66 Funk/Goode s 34-32 — 66 B.Bryant/Purtzer 32-34 66 Jacobsen/W ibe ring 34-32—66 Blake/Chapm an 32-34 — 66 32-35 — 67 Hoch/Ga ff agherJr. 33-34 — 67 NelsonyLevi 34-33 — 67 Allen/Frost 33-34 — 67 PerniceJr/Tway 33-35 Doyle/Vaughan 68 34-34 — 68 Daley/S.Jones 34-34 — 68 HatalskyyPooley 33-36—69 Jacobs/Zoeffer 3 4-35 — 69 CookyPavin 34-35 — 69 Roberts/Wiebe 36-33 — 69 BeanyLu 36-34 70 Forsman/Simpson 3 5-35 — 70 Brooks/Wood
Philipp Kohlschreiber(8), Germany,def. Martin Klizan(11), Slovakia, 1-6,7-6(2), 7-6(5). RafaelNadal(2), Sparn,def. Benoit Paire(13), France,7-6(2), 6-2. AlbertRam os, Spain, def.KeiNishikori(6), Japan, 6-4, 7-6(4). TommyRobredo, Spain, def. TomasBerdych (3), Czech Republic, 3-6, 7-6(5), 6-3. Milos Raonic(5), Canada,def. ErnestsGulbis, Latvia,6-2, 7-6(6) Quartarfinals Philipp Kohlschreiber(8), Germany, def. Thomaz Bellucci (16),Brazil, walkover. Nicolas Almagro(4), Spain, def. JuanMonaco(7), Argentina,6-3, 7-5. RafaelNadal(2), Spain,def. Albert Ramos, Spain, 6-3, 6-0.
Milos Raonic(5), Canada,def. Tomm y Robredo, Spain,6-7(5), 6-3, 7-6(2). Nastase Tiriac Trophy Friday At Prograsul BNRArenas Bucharest, Romania Purse: $610,500(WT250) Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles Guarterffnafs Gilles Simon(2), France,def. Daniel Brands,Germany,6-1,7-5. l.ukasRosol,CzechRepublic, def Viktor Troicki
(8), Serbia6-3, , 6-1. GuiffermoGarcia-Lopez, Spain, det. JankoTipsarevic(1),Serbia,6-3, 3-6,6-4. FlorianMayer(5), Germ any, def. Victor Hanescu, Romania6-3, , 7-6(3). PorscheGrandPrix Friday At Porsche-Arena Stuttgart, Germany Purse: $795,707(Premiar) Surface: Clay-Indoor Singles Quartarffnafs AngeliqueKerber(3), Germany,def. Yaroslava Shvedova,Kazakhstan, 6-3, 7-6(2). Maria Sharapova (1), Russia,def. AnaIvanovic,
Serbia,7-5, 4-6,6-4. BethanieMattek-Sands,UnitedStates,def. Sabine Lisicki, Germa ny,6-4,6-2.
Li Na (2),China,def. PetraKvitova(5), CzechRepublic, 6-3,7-5.
Today's Games NewYorkatToronto FC,11a.m. ChicagoatMontrea, 1pm. FC DallasatVancouver, 3p.m. DC Unitedat Columbus430p m PhiladelphiaatNewEngland, 4:30pm. Portland at Sporting KansasCity,5:30 p.m. Los AngelesatReal Salt Lake,6p.m. San JoseatChivas USA,7:30p.m.
BASEBALL College Pac-12 Standings All Times POT
Conference O v erall OregonState Oregon
UCLA Stanford ArizonaState Arizona SouthernCal Califomia WashingtonState Washington
W L W 12 4 32 14 5 31 10 6 26 9 7 23 9 7 26 9 9 26 8 1 1 16 7 1 2 18 6 1 0 19 6 1 0 14 5 1 4 16
Friday's Games Oregon State10, USC4 ArizonaState5, Utah4 Washington3,California 2 UCLA7,Washington State6(11rnnings) x-Arizona8, AlabamaState2 Oregon 2, Stanford1 Today's Games Stanford atDregon,2pm. U0LA at Washington State, 2p.m. California at Washington 2 p m USC atOregonState, 2:05p.m. ArizonaStateat Utah,3 p.m. x-AlabamaState atArizona, 6p.m. x=nonconference
L 8 10 12 13 12 14 24 23 19 26 21
Eastern Conference Atlantic Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA
Sprint Cup ToyotaOwners400Lineup After Fridayqualifying; racetoday z -Pittsburgh 47 35 12 0 70 157 116 At RichmondInternational Raceway x-N.Y.lslanders 48 24 17 7 55 139 139 Richmond,Va. x-N.Y.Rangers 47 25 18 4 54 126 112 Lap length: .75 miles NewJersey 4 7 1 9 18 10 48 112 125 (Car numberin parentheses) P hiladelphia 47 22 22 3 47 131 140 1. (20)MattKenseth, Toyota,130.334 mph. Northeast Division 2. (11)BrianVickers, Toyota,130.303. GP W L OT PtsGF GA 3. (24)Jeff Gordon,Chevrolet, 130.252. x-Boston 46 28 13 5 61 127 102 4. (5) Kasey Kahne, Chevro et,130.183. x-Montreal 47 28 14 5 61 145 125 5.(15) ClrntBowyer,Toyota, 130.158. x-Toronto 47 26 16 5 57 144 129 6.(42)JuanPabloMontoya, Chevrolet, 129.851. x-Ottawa 46 24 16 6 54 111 100 7.(22)Joeyl.ogano,Ford,129758. Buttalo 48 21 21 6 48 125 143 8.(18) KyleBusch,Toyota, 129.633. Southeast Division 9.(56) MartinTruexJr.,Toyota, 129.596. GP W L OT PtsGF GA 10. (55)MarkMartin, Toyota,129.577. y-Washington 47 26 18 3 55 146 128 11. (9)MarcosAmbrose, Ford,129.565. W innipeg 4 8 2 4 21 3 5 1 128 144 12. (17)RickyStenhouseJr., Ford,129.552. C arolina 47 1 9 2 4 4 4 2 125 152 13. (1)JamieMcMurray, Chevrolet,129.534. T ampaBay 4 7 1 8 25 4 4 0 145 145 14. (78)KurtBusch,Chevrolet,129.422. Florida 47 14 27 6 34 107 168 15. (39)RyanNewman,Chevrolet,129.385. Western Conference 16. (31)JeffBurton, Chevrolet, 129.372. Central Division 17. (29)KevinHarvick, Chevrolet,129.366. GP W L OT PtsGF GA 18. (7)DaveBlaney,Chevrolet, 129.292. z -Chicago 4 7 3 6 6 5 7 7 154 99 19. (88)DaleEarnhardt Jr., Chevroet,129.187. x -St.Louis 4 7 2 8 17 2 5 8 126 114 20. (34)DavidRagan,Ford,129.162. Detroit 47 23 16 8 54 121 115 21. (14)TonyStewart, Chevrolet,129.112. Columbus 4 7 2 3 17 7 53 117 118 22. (83)DavidReutrmann,Toyota,129.112. N ashville 47 1 6 2 2 9 4 1 110 136 23. (2)BradKeselowski, Ford,129.032. Northwest Division 24. (51) AJAffmendinger, Chevrolet,128.915. GP W L OT PtsGF GA 25. (30)DavidStremme, Toyota, 128.811. y-Vancouver 47 26 14 7 59 125 114 26. (48)JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet,128.78. M innesota 4 7 2 5 19 3 5 3 119 126 27. (35)JoshWise, Ford,128.743. E dmonton 4 7 1 8 22 7 4 3 118 132 28. (99)CarlEdwards,Ford, 128.725. C algary 48 1 9 2 5 4 4 2 128 160 C olorado 4 7 1 6 24 7 39 115 149 29. (27)PaulMenard, Chevrolet,128.719 30. (10)DanicaPatrick, Chevrolet,128.7. Pacific Division Cassil Chevrolet 128682 GP W L OT PtsGF GA 31 (33) Landon y-Anaheim 4 7 30 11 6 66 137 113 32. (47)BobbyLabonte, Toyota,128.608. x-LosAngeles 47 26 16 5 57 130 116 33. (16)GregBiffle, Ford,128.516. x -SanJose 4 7 2 5 15 7 57 122 113 34. (43)AricAlmirola, Ford,128.351. 35. (98)MichaelMcDoweff, Ford,128053. P hoenix 47 2 0 1 8 9 4 9 120 128 36. (93)TravisKvapil, Toyota,127.956. 47 22 21 4 48 130 139 Dallas NOTE:Twopoints for a win, onepoint for overtime 37. (38)DavidGigiland, Ford,ownerpoints. 38. (19)MikeBliss, Toyota, ownerpoints. loss. 39. (36)J.J.Yeley,Chevrolet, ownerpoints. x-clinchedplayotfspot 40. (13)CaseyMears, Ford, ownerpoints. y-clinched division 41. (87)JoeNemechek, Toyota, owner points. z-clinched conference 42. (32)TimmyHil, Ford,owner points. Friday's Games 43. (52)BrianKeselowski,Toyota, ownerpoints. Buffalo 2,N.Y.Islanders1, SO Colorado 5, Phoenix 4, SO Edmonton6,MinnesotaI DEALS Chicago 3, Calgary1 Today'sGames Transactions NewJerseyatNY Rangers, noon Detroit atDallas,4 p.m. BASEBALL Nashville atColumbus,4 p.m. COMMISSIONE R' S OFFICE— Suspended Tampa FloridaatTampaBay 4pm. Bay RHP Jose Disla 50 gamesfor a violation of the BostonatWashington, 4p.m. Minor League DrugPrevention andTreatment ProPhiladelphiaat Ottawa,4p.m. gram. MontrealatToronto,4 p.m. BASKETBALL Minnesota at Colorado,4:30p.m. National Basketball Association CarolinaatPittsburgh,4:30 p.m. BROOK LYN NETS—Signedgeneral manager Bily Chicago at St.Louis, 5p.m. King to acontract extension. PhoenixatAnaheim, 7 p.m. FOOTBALL Vancou veratEdmonton,7p.m. National Football League SanJoseat LosAngeles, 730p.m CINCINNATI BENGALS—Agreed to termswith T Sunday'sGama AndreSmith. OttawaatBoston,4 pm. GREEN BAYPACKERS—Signed QBAaron Rodgers to acontract extension.
TENNIS Professional BarcelonaOpen Friday At Real Club daTanis Barcelona Barcelona, Spain Purse: $2.83 million (WT500) Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles Third Round
National HockeyLeague COLUMBUSBLLI E JACKETS— Signed RW Cam Atkinson toatwo yearcontract extensionthroughthe 2014-15season. COLLEGE BALLSTATE NamedJason Grunkemeyer men's assistantbasketball coach. KANSAS —Announced men's basketball F Hunter Mickelsonis transferringfromArkansas. MINNES OTA—Named Dan McHale men's assistant basketballcoach.
MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL out of a pair of bases-loaded jams to help Los Angeles beat
All Times PDT AMERICANLEAGUE East Division W L Boston 16 7 Baltimore 14 9 NewYork 13 9 TampaBay 10 13 Toronto 9 15
Central Division
Kansas City Detroit Minnesota
Chicago Cleveland
Texas Oakland Los Angeles Seattle Houston
W L 11 8 11 10 9 10 10 12 8 11 West Division W L 16 7 13 11 9 13 9 16 7 16
Pct GB .696 .609 2 .591 2r/r
.435 6 375 71/2
Pct GB .579 .524 1 .474 2 .455 2'/r .421 3 Pct GB .696 .542 3r/z .409 6r/v
.360 8 .304 9
Friday's Games
Detroit10, Atlanta 0 N.Y.Yankees6,Toronto 4
Boston 7,Houston 3 Chicago White Sox5,TampaBay4 Texas 4, Minnesota3 Cleveland at KansasCity, ppd., rain Baltimore 3, Oakland 0 LA. Angels6,Seatt e3 Today's Games Atlanta(Medlen1-2) at Detroit (Porcego0-2), 10:05 a.m. Baltimore(Tigman0-1) at Oakland(Griffin 2-1),1.05 p.m. Toronto(Happ2-1) at N.Y.Yankees(Sabathia 3-2), 1:05 p.m.
Texas(D.Hogand1-1) at Minnesota(P.Hernandez00),1:10 pm. Cleveland(Kazmir 0-0) atKansasCity (E.Santana2I), 4:10p.m. Houston(Peacock1-2) at Boston(Doubront2-0), 4:10 p.m TampaBay(M.Moore4-0) at Chicago WhiteSox (Floyd0-3),4:10p.m. L.A. Angels(Blanton0-3) at Seatle (F.Hemandez22), 6:10p.m. Sunday'sGames Torontoat N.Y.Yankees,10:05 a.m. HoustonatBoston, 10:35a.m. Clevelandat KansasCity,11:10 am., 1stgame TampaBayat ChicagoWhite Sox, 11:10a.m. Texas at Minnesota,11:10a.m. Baltimoreat Oakland, 105p.m. LA. AngelsatSeatle,1:10 p.m. Atlanta atDetroit, 5:05p.m.
Clevelandat KansasCity, 5.10p.m.,2ndgame NATIONALLEAGUE East Division W L Atlanta 15 7 Washington 12 11 NewYork 10 11 Philadelphia 10 14 Miami 5 18
Central Division St. Louis Pittsburgh Cincinnati Milwaukee
.522 3'/r .476 4r/r
.417 6 ,217 10'/r
W 14 13 13 11 8
L 8 10 11 10 14
Pct GB .636
W 15 13 13 11 7
L 8 10 10 11 15
Pct GB .652 .565 2 .565 2
West Division
Colorado Arizona San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego
Pct GB .682
,565 ti/r
.542 2 .524 2r/r
.364 6
500 31/2 .318 7r/r
Friday's Games
Detroit10, Atlanta 0 Washington I, Cincinnati 0 ChicagoCubs4,Miami 2 Philadelphia4, N.Y.Mets0 St. Louis 9,Pittsburgh1 Colorado6,Arizona3 L.A. Dodgers 7, Milwaukee5
San Diego 2, SanFrancisco1 Today's Games Atlanta(Medlen1-2) at Detroit (Porcego0-2), 10.05 a.m. Cincinnati (Leake1-0) at Washington(Haren1-3), 10:05 a.m. Philadelphia(Pettibone0-0) at N.Y Mets(Marcum 0-0), 10:05a.m. Pittsburgh(A.Burnett 1-2) at St. Louis (Westbrook 1-1), 1:15p.m. ChicagoCubs(Wood1-1) at Miami(Sanabia2-2), 4:10 p.m. Colorado (Francis 1-2)at Arizona(Miley 2-0), 5:10 p.m. San Francisco(Zito 3-1) atSanDiego(Stults 2-2), 5:40 p.m. Milwaukee (WPeralta1-1) atL.A. Dodgers (Fife0-0), 6:10 p.m. Sunday's Games ChicagoCubsatMiami, 10:10a.m. PhiladelphiaatN.Y.Mets, 10:10a.m. Cincinnati atWashington,10:35a.m. Pittsburghat St.Louis,11:15am. ColoradoatArizona, I:10 p.m. Milwaukee at L.A.Dodgers,1:10 p.m. San FranciscoatSanDiego,110 p.m. Atlanta atDetroit, 5:05p.m.
American League
Angels 6, Mariners 3 SEATTLE —Hank Congerand Mark Trumbo eachhit two-run
Seattle. The Angels would not let Mariners' starter Aaron Harang
(0-3) settle in. They scored in each of the first three innings for
a 5-0 lead, chasing Harang before the fourth. Kyle Seager singled in the fourth to give him a careerhigh 15-game hit streak, longest
in the majors this season. Los Angeles Seattle ab r hbi ab r hbi Bourjoscf 5 2 2 0 Baylf 4010 Troutlf 3 0 1 0 Seager3b 5 1 I 0 P ujols1b 3 0 1 2 KMorlsdh 4 0 I 0 H amltndh 4 1 1 0 Morserf 4 0 0 0 Trumorf 4 1 1 2 Smoak1b 4 0 1 0 H Kndrc2b 3 0 0 0 Shppchc 4 I 2 I Bl-larrsss 3 1 2 0 Andino2b 3 1 2 0 Rominepr-ss 0 0 0 0 Ackleyph-2b 2 0 1 0
Congerc 4 1 1 2 Enchvzcf 3 0 I I LJimnz3b 4 0 00 Ryanss 2 0 I I Totals 3 3 6 9 6 Totals 3 53 113 L os Angeles 1 2 2 0 0 0 100 — 6 Seattle 0 00 102 000 — 3 E—Trout (2). DP—Los Angeles 1, Seattle 1. LOB —LosAngeles 6, Seattle 13.28—Bourjos (1), BHarris (3), Andino(3). HR—Trumbo (3), Conger (I). SB—Trout (4). S—Ryan. SF—Pujols 2, En.chavez LosAngeles IP H R ER BB SO C.WdsonW2-0 5 1-3 7 3 S.BurnettH,3 2-3 0 0 D.De LaRosaH,2 2-3 2 0 S.DownsH,4 11 - 3 2 0 Frieri S,3-3 I 0 0 Seattle HarangL,0-3 3 6 5 Noesi 3 1-3 2 1 1-3 0 0 Furbush Medina 2 1-3 1 0
3 0 0 0 0
2 1 0 1 I
Totals 34 3 7 3 Totals 3 0 0 3 0 the New York Mets. B altimore 000 0 0 0 1 02 — 3 Oakland 0 00 000 000 — 0 New York E—Lowrie (4), Reddick (2), Donaldson (2). Philadelphia ab r hbi ab r hbi DP — Oakland 1. LOB—Baltimore 8, Oakland 5. 3 1 1 0 Baxterrf 4 0 0 0 J.Molina(2),A.Dunn(2). HR—Joyce(3), Longoria 28 —Machado (7), Pearce (1), Lowrie(10), Freiman Rollinsss Utley2b 4 1 1 0 RTejadss 4 0 1 0 (6), Greene(1), Gigaspie(2), Gimenez(1). SB(I). SB Machado (2). SF—Markakis. Baltimore IP H R E R BB SO MYong3b 4 1 3 1 DnMrp2b 4 0 0 0 K.Johnson (3), Rios(4). S—S.Rodriguez. Howard1b 4 1 1 3 DWrght3b 4 0 1 0 Tampa Bay IP H R ER B BSO W.chenW,2-2 8 2 0 0 2 5 Brownlf 4 0 0 0 Dudall 3000 Ro.Hernandez L,1-4 6 8 5 5 0 5 Ji.Johnson S,9-9 I 1 0 0 0 I Mayrry ct 4 0 0 0 Buck c 3000 JWright 1 0 0 0 0 0 Oakland L.Nixrf 4 0 1 0 I.Davis1b 2000 6 2- 3 6 1 0 1 5 B.Gomes 1 0 0 0 0 2 Miione L,3-2 Carrer rf 0 0 0 0 V dspn cf 3000 11-3 0 0 0 0 3 Chicago Doolittle Kratzc 3 0 1 0 Geep 2000 2-3 1 2 I 2 1 PeavyW,3-1 62 - 3 6 3 3 1 6 Cook Kndrckp 3 0 0 0 Familip 000 0 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 ThorntonH,6 1 3- 0 0 0 0 0 Neshek Turnerph 1 0 1 0 Crain H,5 1 2 0 0 0 1 T—2:48. A—16,944 (35,067). Edgin p 000 0 A.ReedS,B-B I 2 I I I 2 F uldcf 4 0 0 0 T otals 3 6 4 104 Totals 3 2 5 8 5 T ampa Bay 0 0 1 2 0 0 001 — 4 Chicago 000 131 Ogx — 5 LOB —Tampa Bay8, Chicago3. 28—Loney2(7),
homers and C.J. Wilson worked
9 0 1 1 0
PB — J.Molina. T—2:47. A—20,008(40,615).
Red Sox 7, Astros 3
Dodgers 7, Brewers 5
BOSTON — DavidRoss cleared the Green Monster twice with solo
LOS ANGELES — Adrian Gonzalez drove in the tying and go-ahead runs with a two-out double in the seventh inning,
home runs andRyan Dempster matched a season high with10 strikeouts for Boston in a win over Houston.
Carl Crawford homered andLos Angeles beat Milwaukee.
Milwaukee Los Angeles ab r hbi ab r hbi A okirf 4 0 1 1 Crwlrdll 4 2 2 2 A ltuve2b 3 0 1 2 JGomslf 5 0 1 1 Segurass 5 0 2 2 M.ERis2b 3 1 1 0 Jcastro c 4 0 2 0 Pedrola 2b 5 1 3 1 Braunlf 5 1 1 1 Punto2b 1 1 0 0 B .Laird1b 4 0 0 0 D.Drtizdh 4 1 I 1 Lucroyc 4 0 2 0 AdGnzllb 4 0 2 3 C.Pena dh 3 0 0 0 Napoli 1b 4 0 2 1 W eeks2b 3 0 0 0 Kempct 2 0 0 0 C arterlf 3 0 1 0 Navarf 4 0 0 0 C Gomzcf 4 0 1 0 Ethierrf 4 0 1 1 FMrtnzrf 4 0 0 0 Mdlrks3b 4 1 2 1 Y Btncr3b 4 1 1 1 A.ERisc 4 0 0 0 Dmngz3b 3 3 2 0 D.Rossc 4 3 4 2 A IGnzlzIb 4 3 3 0 Uribe3b 2 0 0 0 MGnzlzss 4 0 1 0 Ciriacoss 4 0 2 0 Burgosp 1 0 0 0 Belisarip 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 2 3 7 3 Totals 3 97 177 LSchfrph 0 0 0 0 L.cruzph-3b I I I 0 Houston 0 01 010 100 — 3 Badnhpp 0 0 0 0 Segersss 4 2 2 0 Boston 111 210 01x — 7 McGnzlp 0 0 0 0Beckettp 2 0 0 0 E—Dempster (1), Napoli (1). DP —Houston K intzlrp 0 0 0 0 Guerrirp 0 0 0 0 2. LOB —Houston 8, Boston 8. 28—Altuve (5), L alliph 1 0 0 0 PRdrgzp 0 0 0 0 J.castro(7), Carter(2), Dominguez2 (6), Pedroia 2 HrstnJr3b I 0 0 1 League p 0 0 0 0 (5), Napoli 2 (13). 38—Ciriaco(1). HR —D.Ortiz(2), Middlebrooks(6), D.Ross2 (3). SB—Egsbury (11). T otals 3 5 5 11 5 Totals 3 2 7 9 7 SF — Altuve 2. M ilwaukee 000 1 2 0 1 0 1 — 5 Houston IP H R E R BB SO Los Angeles 1 0 1 0 1 0 22x7 BedardL,0-2 3 8 5 5 0 5 E—HairstonJr.2(2), League(1),Kemp(4). DPClemens 3 3 1 I 0 4 Los Angeles2. LOB—Mi waukee7, LosAngeles 7. W.Wright 1 2 0 0 0 0 28 — Ad.Gonzalez 2 (7), Sellers(1). HR—Braun (7), Houston
Boston ab r hbi ab r hbi Grssmncf 4 0 0 1 Egsurycl 5 1 2 0
Belt1b 4
0 2 0 Gyorko2b 3 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 00 0 0 0 Noonan ph-2b1 0 0 0 Blanks ph 1 0 0 0 Grgrsnp 0 0 0 0 S treetp 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 3 4 8 4 Totals 30 0 3 0 T otals 3 3 1 7 0 Totals 2 82 6 2 P hiladelphia 0 0 0 0 0 4 000 — 4 S an Francisco 100 000 000 — 1 N ew York 000 00 0 000 — 0 San Diego 002 0 0 0 0 0x - 2 LDB Philadelphia5,NewYork4. 28 — L.Nix (2). DP — San Francisco 1, SanDiego1. LOB—San HR — Howard(3). S—K.Kendrick. Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO Francisco6, SanDiego6. SB—Pagan (2), Cashner (I). S — Cashner. KKendrickW,2-1 9 3 0 0 1 5 San Francisco I P H R ER BB SO New York LincecumL,2-1 7 6 2 2 3 9 6 7 4 4 1 4 Gee L,1-4 Kontos 1 0 0 0 0 0 Familia 2 1 0 0 1 1 San Diego Edgin 1 0 0 0 0 2 T—2:35. A—21,582(41,922). CashnerW,1-1 6 5 I I I 5 ThatcherH,2 2-3 0 0 0 0 2 ThayerH,3 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Nationals1, Reds 0 GregersonH,4 1 0 0 0 0 0 StreetS,4-4 1 2 0 0 0 1 WP — Cashner2. WASHINGTON — Jordan T—2'19 A—34,929(42,524)
Zimmermann wasterrific in his second complete game of the season andWashington limited Cincinnati to one hit for the
second straight game.
Wild are routed byQilers with playoff berth on line Columbus for eighth place in the West, one point behind seventh-place Detroit. Minnesota owns the tiebreaker andcan stil l secure a postseason spot with a win. If Detroit gets a point in its season finale, Columbus wins, and M i nnesota l oses, the Wild w ould b e eliminated. Also on Friday:
Avalanche 5, Coyotes 4: GLENDALE, Ariz. — Matt Duchene scored in a shootout and had three assists, helping Colorado beat Phoenix. S abres 2, I s l anders 1 : BUFFALO, N.Y. — Thomas Vanek scored the lone goal in the shootout, and Ryan Millermade 30 saves before the tiebreaker to give Buffalo a victory over New York in the regular-season finale for both teams. Blackhawks 3, Flames 1: CHICAGO — Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews scored 3:28 apart in the first period,
and Chicago beat Calgary.
Bcrwlrss 4 0 0 0 JoBakrc 2 GBlanclf 2 0 1 0 Cashnrp 1 T orresph-It I 0 0 0 Thtchrp 0 L lnccmp 2 0 0 0 Thayerp 0
Rockies 6, Diamoltdbacks 3 PHOENIX — Troy Tulowitzki's bases-loaded triple in the fifth inning helped lift Colorado to a
Washington ab r hbi ab r hbi win over Arizona. C hoocf 4 0 0 0 Spanct 4 0 I 0 Clztursss 4 0 0 0 Lmrdzz3b 3 0 0 0 5 2 1 Colorado Arizona Vottolb 4 0 0 0 Harperlf 3 I I 0 1 2 3 ab r hbi ab r hbi 0 0 I P higips2b 3 0 0 0 Werthrl 3 0 2 1 Fowercf 5 1 2 0 GParrarf 3 1 1 0 0 0 3 Brucerf 3 0 0 0 LaRochlb 3 0 0 0 P achec1b 4 2 3 0 Prado2b 5 0 0 0 HBP—by C.Wilson (Shoppach). WP—Harang, NoFrazier3b 3 0 0 0 Dsmndss 3 0 1 0 CGnzlzlf 5 1 1 0 Gldsch1b 4 0 0 0 esi. Paullf 3 0 1 0 Espinos2b 3 0 1 0 T lwtzkss 4 0 1 3 MMntrc 4 0 1 0 T—3:34. A—31,543(47,476). Mesorcc 0 0 0 0 KSuzukc 3 0 0 0 C uddyrrf 4 0 1 2 Erchvz3b 4 I I I CMigerc 2 0 0 0 Zrnrmnp 3 0 0 0 Rosarioc 4 1 2 I Pollockcf 4 1 0 0 DRonsnpr-If 0 0 0 0 Nelson3b 4 0 0 0 Gregrsss 2 0 1 0 Yankees 6, Blue Jays4 HBailyp 2 0 0 0 Brignc2b 4 0 1 0 Pnngtnpr-ss 0 0 0 0 Hannhn ph I 0 0 0 N icasiop 2 1 0 0 AMartelf 4 0 2 1 NEW YORK — DavidPhelps Broxtnp 0 0 0 0 R.cruz 1 4 1 1 0 1 YBetancourt(4), C.crawford(2). SB—Segura (7). Wheelrph I 0 0 0 Mccrthp 2 0 0 0 Totals 2 9 0 1 0 Totals 2 8 1 6 1 Boston CS — Aoki (2). S—Burgos, L.Schafer, HairstonJr.. struck out a career-high nine in D utmnp 0 0 0 0 Sippp 000 0 000 00 0 0 0 0 — 0 DempsterW,1-2 6 4 2 2 3 10 Milwaukee IP H R E R BB SO C incinnati Belislep 0 0 0 0 C.Rossph 1 0 0 0 four innings after relieving the Washington 000 100 Ogx — I Mortensen I3 I 1 I 0 I 6 4 3 3 2 3 Burgos Brothrs p 0 0 0 0 Ziegler p 0 0 0 0 E—LaRoche (1). DP—Cincinnati 1. LOB—CinTazawa H,7 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 BadenhopH,2 1 - 3 injured Ivan Nova, Chris Stewart 1 1 I 0 0 EYong ph 1 0 0 0 MtRynlp 0 0 0 0 ueharaH,7 1 1 0 0 0 1 GonzalezL,0-2 BS,2-2 2-3 1 1 1 2 0 cinnati 3, Washi n gton 3. 2B — D es m on d (9). 3BRBtncr p 0 0 0 0 Hinske ph I 0 0 0 threw out two baserunners to Harper(1).SB—Span(4), Espinosa (1). A Wilson 1 0 0 0 0 1 Kintzler 1 3 2 2 0 0 T otals 3 8 6 11 6 Totals 3 4 3 6 2 IP H R E R BB SO Colorado Bedardpitchedto 2 baters inthe 4th. Los Angeles Cincinnati quash potential rallies as an 2 00 031 000 — 6 H BP — by M ortensen (D om i n gu ez). WP — D em ps te r. 5 1-3 7 3 3 2 5 H.Bailey L,1-2 7 5 I I 0 6 Beckett emergency fill-in for Francisco Arizona 0 21 000 000 — 3 T—3:49. A—29,312(37,499). 2-3 1 I I 0 0 Broxton 1 1 0 0 0 1 Guerrier E — N ei s on (3), Tul owitzki (I). DP —Colorado Cervelli and the New York Washington PRodriguez 13 1 0 0 0 0 1. LDB —Colorado6, Arizona8. 28—Pacheco (2), B elisario W,2-2 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 3 Z immermann W ,4-1 9 1 0 0 1 4 Yankees beat Toronto. Tulowitzki(5), GParra(9), AMarte (3). HR —Rosario Rangers 4, Twins 3 LeagueS,7-8 1 2 1 1 0 1 T—2:08. A—32,995(41,418). (5), Er.chavez (3). SB—Goldschmidt(1). G uerrier pi t ched to 1 ba t erin the 7th. Colorado IP H R E R BB SO Toronto New York MINNEAPOLIS — Adrian Beltre I-IBP —by Burgos(CCrawford). WP—League. NicasioW,3-0 5 4 3 I I 2 ab r hbi ab r hbi Cardinals 9, Pirates1 T — 3:16. A — 44,930 (56,000). homered and rookie Justin Grimm RDavis dh 5 0 2 0 Gardnr cf 3 1 1 1 DutmanH,2 I 1 0 0 0 0 R asmscf 4 0 1 1 J.Nix3b 3 0 0 0 BelisleH,6 1 0 0 0 1 1 won his second consecutive start ST. LOUIS — Carlos Beltran B autistrf 4 1 1 1 Cano2b 4 1 I 0 BrothersH,4 1 I 0 0 1 3 Cobs 4, Marlins 2 as TexasbeatMinnesota. homered from both sides of the Encrnc1b 4 2 2 2 VWegslf 3 1 2 1 RBetancourtS,B-B 1 0 0 0 0 0 Mecarrlf 4 0 1 0 Cervegic 0 0 0 0 Arizona plate and drove in three runs to MIAMI — Anthony Rizzo had two A renciic 4 0 0 0 CStwrtc 2 0 0 0 Texas Minnesota MccarthyL,0-3 6 9 6 6 0 7 L awrie3b 3 0 2 0 lSuzukirt 3 0 I 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi home runs and four RBls to power lead Lance Lynn and the Cardinals Sipp 1 1 0 0 0 0 Mlzturs 2b 4 0 1 0 Nunez ss 3 1 0 1 Kinsler2b 5 0 2 1 Dozier2b 4 0 1 0 Ziegler 1 0 0 0 0 0 the Chicago Cubs to a victory over to the victory. Bonifacpr 0 0 0 0 Overay1b 4 1 1 1 A ndrusss 5 1 2 0 Mauerc 4 0 0 0 Mat.Reynold s 1 I 0 0 0 0 Miami, giving Chicago back-toBrkmndh 4 1 2 1 Wlnghdh 4 1 1 0 Kawskss 3 1 0 0 BFrncsdh 0 1 0 0 Outman pi t ched to 2 bat t ers in the7th. Pittsburgh St. Louis Hafnerph-dh 1 0 0 0 Beltre3b 4 1 1 1 Mornea1b 4 1 2 0 HBP —by Outman (Gregorius), by Sipp(Pacheco). back wins for the first time this ab r hbi ab r hbi T otals 3 5 4 104 Totals 2 66 6 4 Ncruzrf 4 0 2 1 Parme rf 4 0 0 0 WP — Nicasio. SMartelf-cf 3 0 1 0 Mcrpnt2b 4 2 2 1 Toronto D vMrplt 4 0 I 0 Plouffe3b 4 0 I 0 season. 0 11 001 010 — 4 T—3:08. A—28,801(48,633). S niderrf 4 0 1 0 Beltranrl 4 2 2 3 S otoc 3 0 1 0 Arcialt 4 1 1 3 N ew York 011 2 0 0 1 1 x — 6 Mcctchcf 3 0 0 0 Hollidylf 3 2 2 1 Miami DP — Toronto 2, New York 1. LOB—Toronto M orlnd1b 4 0 2 0 Hickscf 3 0 1 0 Chicago J Hughsp 0 0 0 0 Craig1b 4 0 2 3 ab r hbi ab r hbi Interleague 7, NewYork 9. 28—Cano (7). 38—Overbay (1). Gentrycf 4 1 0 0 Doumitph 1 0 0 0 GSnchzph 0 0 00 YMolinc 4 0 1 0 S appeltcf 4 2 2 0 Pierrelf 4 0 1 0 HR — Bautista (6), Encarnacion2 (7), Gardner(3). Flormn ss 3 0 1 0 Inge2b 0 0 0 0 Freese3b 4 0 0 0 CS — R.Davis (1), Me.cabrera (2). S —Gardner. T otals 3 7 4 134 Totals 3 5 3 8 3 DeJessph-cf 1 0 0 0 Polanc3b 4 0 1 0 GJones1b 3 1 1 0 Jaycf 4120 SF —VWegs. Texas 2 00 001 001 — 4 Scastross 4 0 0 0 Stantonrf 4 0 1 0 Tigers10, Braves 0 W alker2b 2 0 0 0 Kozmass 3 I I I 000 0 0 0 003 — 3 R izzolb 4 2 3 4 Mahnylb 4 I I I Toronto IP H R E R BB SO M innesota M azzarp 0 0 0 0 Lynnp 2000 22-3 2 2 2 5 0 E—Soto (1), Kinsler(4), Florimon(4) DP—Texas ASorinlt 4 0 1 0 DSolan2b 4 0 2 0 Laffey DETROIT — Anibal Sanchez P Alvrz3b 3 0 0 1 Boggsp 0 0 0 0 C astigoc 4 0 0 0 Brantlyc 3 1 1 0 I, Minnesota2. LDB—Texas 7, Minnesota 5. 28Lincoln L,0-1 1 1 2 2 1 2 RMartnc 4 0 1 0 Choatep 0 0 0 0 struck out17 in eight marvelous Loup 2 1 0 0 2 1 Kinsler(3),Andrus(3), Berkman(6), N.cruz(5), Mo- Hairstnrf 4 0 0 0 Coghlncf 4 0 1 0 Barmesss 4 0 0 0 Wggntnph I 1 1 0 reland 2 (5), Wilingham(5), Morneau(5). HR —Bel- Campp 0 0 0 0 Vaaikass 3 0 0 1 Delabar 1 131 1 0 1 3 innings for Detroit, confounding JSnchzp 0 0 0 0 J.Kegyp 0 0 0 0 G reggp 0 0 0 0 LeBlncp 2 0 1 0 tre (4),Arcia(2). SB Andrus(5), Hicks(3). Oliver I I 1 1 I I JGomzp 2 0 0 0 Atlanta in a dazzling performance Texas IP H R E R BB SO Ransm3b 3 0 1 0 Koehlerp 0 0 0 0 New York T abatalf 2 0 1 0 GrimmW,2-0 7 5 0 0 0 4 Barney2b 3 0 3 0 Kearnsph 0 0 0 0 Nova 2 4 2 2 0 2 Totals 3 0 1 5 1 Totals 3 39 139 and leading the Tigers to the 0 0 0 0 0 Feldmnp 3 0 0 0 ARamsp 0 0 0 0 D.PhelpsW,1-1 4 2 1 I 2 9 ScheppersH,5 1 P ittsburgh 000 0 0 1 0 0 0 — 1 victory. 1-3 2 2 2 0 1 Russellp 0 0 0 0 Dobbsph 1 0 0 0 ChamberlainH,3 I 0 0 0 0 0 J.Ortiz St. Louis 201 020 04x — 9 2 3- 1 1 1 0 1 Borbon rf 1 0 0 0 D.RobertsonH,3 1 1 1 1 0 0 NathanS,B-B E — Ba rmes (2). DP —Pittsburgh 2, St. Louis 1. Atlanta T otals 3 5 4 I 0 4 Totals 3 3 2 9 2 Detroit RiveraS,B-B 1 3 0 0 0 2 Minnesota LDB —Pittsburgh 10, St. Louis7. 28—G.Jones(6), 2 02 000 000 — 4 DiamondL,1-2 6 1 - 3 12 33 0 4 Chicago ab r hbi ab r hbi Novapitchedto2 batters in the3rd. Jay (2). HR —M.carpenter (3), Beltran2 (6). SB0 00 100 100 — 2 Pressly 21-3 1 I 1 1 3 Miami HBP —by Lincoln (Nunez), by Nova (Kawa saki). S mmnsss 4 0 2 0 AJcksnct 5 I I 0 S Marte (6). CS — J ay (1). S — L ynn . S F — P Alv are z. DP —Chicago 2.LDB— Chicago 6,Miami7 Fien 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 WP Lincoln. PB Arencibia,C.Stewart. U gga2b 4 0 0 0 TrHntrrl 5 2 3 1 IP H R E R BB SO Pstmck2b 0 0 0 0 Micarr3b 4 2 2 1 28 —Ransom(2), Bame y (1), Brantly (7), Coghlan Pitlsburgh T—2;46. A—27,404(39 021). T—3:23. A—36,151(50,291). J.Sanchez L,0-3 0 3 2 2 0 0 J.uptonlf 3 0 0 0 FielderIb 3 0 0 1 (3). HR —Rizzo 2 (8) Mahoney(1). SB—Rizzo (2). J.Gomez 41-3 3 3 3 3 3 JSchafrlf 1 0 0 0 VMrtnzdh 5 2 3 2 CS — A.Soriano (1). SF—Valaika. Orioles 3, Athletics 0 White Sox5, Rays4 22-3 2 0 0 2 3 Chicago IP H R E R BB SO J.Hughes FFrmnlb 4 0 0 0 JhPerltss 3 1 2 0 Mazzaro 1 5 4 4 0 1 FeldmanW,1-3 6 2 - 3 7 2 2 2 2 CJhnsn3b 4 0 2 0 Tuiassplf 4 1 2 5 St. Louis — Wei-Yin Chen 1 -3 0 0 0 0 0 Russell H,4 CHICAGO — Jake Peavy pitched OAKLAND, Calif. 7 2 1 1 3 9 G attisc 3 0 1 0 D.Kellylf 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 LynnW,4-0 CampH,3 Buptoncl 2 0 0 0 B.Penac 5 0 1 0 well into the seventh inning and pitched eight strong innings, 1-3 1 0 0 1 1 I 0 0 0 0 I Boggs GreggS,2-2 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 JFrncsdh 3 0 0 0 Infante2b 4 1 1 0 Miami ChoateH,3 the Chicago White Sox supported giving up only two hits to help RJhnsn rt 3 0 0 0 LeBlancL,0-4 6 8 4 4 1 2 J Kegy 1 2 0 0 0 1 Totals 3 1 0 5 0 Totals 3 8101510 him with three homers to rally Baltimore beat Oakland. Koehler pitchedto 4baters inthe 1st. 1 0 0 0 0 0 J.Sanchez 0 00 000 000 — 0 J.Sanchez(craig), by Boggs(GSanchez), Atlanta from a three-run deficit and beat A.Ramos 2 2 0 0 0 1 HBP—by Detroit 004 600 Ogx — 10 Baltimore Oakland by Lynn (S.Marte,S.Marte). WP —J.Gomez, MazLeBlancpitchedto 2baters inthe 7th. Tampa Bay. E—J.upton (1), FFreema n (2). DP—Atlanta 1, ab r hbi ab r hbi HBP—by LeBlanc(Barney). WP—Feldman. zaro. Detroit 1. LOB —Atlanta 5, Detroit 10. 28 — SimMarkksrl 4 0 0 1 Crisp dh 4 0 1 0 T—2:43. A—16,017(37,442). T—3:16. A—44,090(43,975). mons(2), CJohnson(5), Gatis (5),Mi.cabrera(5), TampaBay Chicago Machd3b 5 0 1 0 CYoungcf 3 0 0 0 VMartinez2(4), Infante(1). HR Tuiasosopo(1) ab r hbi ab r hbi A.Jones cf 4 0 1 0 Reddckrl 4 0 0 0 Philties 4, Mets 0 Padres 2, Giants1 Atlanta IP H R E R BB SO Joyce rf 5 1 2 2 DeAzalf 4 1 1 0 C.Davis1b 3 0 0 0 Lowrie2b 4 0 1 0 MaholmL,3-2 3 2 - 3 10 88 3 3 Jnnngs pr 0 0 0 0 Greene2b 4 1 2 2 Wietersc 4 0 0 0 Dnldsn3b 4 0 0 0 3 1-3 4 2 2 2 0 RRorts 2b 4 0 0 0 Riosrf 4100 Hardyss 4 2 2 0 DNorrsc Varvaro 2000 NEW YORK — Kyle Kendrick SAN DIEGO — Andrew Cashner Zobrist ss 5 0 0 0 A.Dunndh 4 0 2 1 ReimldIf 3 0 1 0 Freimn1b 3 0 1 0 Gearrin 1 I 0 0 1 2 pitched the best game of his pitched sjx effective innings and Longori3b 4 1 2 1 Konerk1b 4 0 1 0 Dickrsnpr-lf 0 1 0 0 C.WegsIf 3 0 0 0 Detroit Loney Ib 4 I 3 0 Gigaspi3b 3 1 1 1 Pearcedh 3 0 2 1 Rosalesss 3 0 0 0 Ani.Sanchez W,3-1 8 5 0 0 1 17 career, throwing a three-hitter and contributed a big hit at the plate, SRdrgzIf 3 0 1 0 AIRmrzss 3 0 0 0 8Rondon 1 0 0 0 0 1 Acasig2b 3 0 0 0 helping San Di e go beat Tim getting home-run help from Ryan KJhnsn dh 3 0 1 1 Gimenzc 3 1 1 1 WP —Maholm. PB—B.Pena. McLoth ph 1 0 0 1 T—2:41. A—35,161(41,255). JMolin c 4 1 1 0 JrDnkscf 3 0 0 0 Flahrty2b 0 0 0 0 Howard to lead Philadelphia over Lincecum andSanFrancisco.
The Associated Press ST. PAUL, Minn. — The Minnesota Wild w il l h ave o ne more chance t o g e t themselves into the Western Conference playoffs. C orey Potter an d N a i l Yakupov both scored two goals, and th e E d monton Oilers prevented Minnesota from clinching a postseason berth with a 6-1 rout on Friday night. Taylor Hall an d J ordan Eberle each added a goal and two assists for the Oilers, who won for the second time in 11 games but will miss the playoffs for the seventh straight season. Nikolai Khabibulin stopped 38 shots. "We wanted to come out and spoil their party, and we did," Hall said. Mikko Koivu scored for the Wild, who could have gotten into the playoffs for the first time in five seasons with a win. Instead, Minnesota will enter today's season finale at Colorado tied with
National League
San Francisco S a n Diego ab r hbi ab r hbi Paganct 4 1 2 0 Evcarrss 4 0 0 0 Scutaro2b 3 0 0 0 Venaecf 4 0 0 0 Kontosp 0 0 0 0 Headly3b 3 1 1 0 Sandovl3b 4 0 0 0 Quentinlf 4 0 1 1 P oseyc 4 0 2 0 Amarstlf 0 0 0 0 A riaspr 0 0 0 0 Alonsolb 3 0 I I Pencerf 4 0 0 0 Denorfirf 3 0 1 0
Duncan leads Spurs' rout of Lakers The Associated Press LOS ANGELES — After 16 seasons, Tim Duncan knows the NBA postseason is no time for mercy. Particularly when a n opponent is d ow n a n d
seemingly ready to go out. In the opening minutes of Game 3, Duncan made three consecutive b a s kets an d blocked D w i gh t H o w a rd's shot, dominating with his usual ruthless grace. He put the San A n tonio Spurs ahead to stay, and they ended Up handing the shorthanded Los Angeles Lakers their biggest home playoff loss in franchise history. After a 120-89 victory Friday night, all that's left is the finish — something Duncan and the Spurs also know how to do pretty well. Duncan had 26 points and nine rebounds, and Tony Parker had 20 points and seven assists in a largely silent Staples Center as San Antonio pushed the Lakers to the brink of firstround playoff elimination for the first time since 2007. "We respect these guys, and we're not trying to give them
Thunder'sWestdrookneedskneesurgery OKLAHOMA CITY — All-Star point guard Russell Westbrook will have surgery to repair cartilage in his right knee and be out indefinitely, dealing a harsh blow to the Oklahoma City Thunder's
championship chances. General manager Sam Presti said Friday that the Thunder had not yet scheduled Westbrook's surgery and would not have an accurate timeline for his return until after the procedure was done. No one would rule out Westbrook's possible return if Oklahoma City keeps advancing in the playoffs, and All-Star teammate Kevin
Durant only said his teammates "hope" Westbrook can playagain this postseason. The three-time All-Star was hurt in Game 2 of the Thunder's
playoff series against Houston onWednesday night. Rookie Patrick Beverley lunged for a steal in the second quarter and his hip collided with Westbrook's knee. — The Associated Press
any momentum whatsoever," Duncan said. The short-handed Lakers played without their top four guards due to injury, and the Spurs posted their biggest win of a series thoroughly con-
trolled by coach Gregg Popovich's playoff-tested club. San Antonio led throughout the final 44 minutes, going up by 18 La the first half and 25 early in the fourth quarter with
its smooth, flexible offense. Howard had 25 points and 11 rebounds, and Pau Gasol added his first career playoff triple-double with 11 points, 13 rebounds and 10 assists, but the Spurs were far too much for a team without Kobe Bryant and Steve Nash. Also on Friday: Warriors 110, Nuggets 108: OAKLAND, C alif. — Ste-
phen Curry played through
a sprained leftankle to score 29 points and Golden State beat Denver to take a 2-1 series lead. Curry also had 11 assists, Jarrett Jack added 23 points arzd seven assists, and Harrison Barnes and C a rl Landry each scored 19 points to help the Warriors rally from 13 points down in the third quarter. Golden State still had to sweat out Andre Iguodala's missed 3-pointeras the buzzer sounded, setting off a goldconfetti celebration throughout the a n nounced sellout crowd of 19,596. Ty Lawson had a career playoff-high 35 points to go with 10 assists for Denver. Knicks 90, Celtics 76: BOSTON — C a rmelo A n thony scored 26 points and N ew York moved to the brink of its first playoff series victory in 13 years, routing Boston in Game 3 of the first-round series. Quickly taking the crowd out of it in the first NBA game here since the Boston Marathon bombings, the Knicks built a 16-point halftime lead and now are on the verge of taking out the Celtics.
ummit irstenniso to uic
start at ua tourne in unriver Bulletin staff report S UNRIVER —
lead the Outlaws to their 14th win. Jena Ovens was 3-forS u m m i t straight overall win and ninth 5 with a home run, a triple rolled past Ashland (6-2) and consecutive Sky-Em League and two runs batted in for Portland's Wilson High (8-0) victory. Morgan also went Crook County (10-10 overall, on Friday during the first day 2-for-4 with two runs batted 1-2 SD1), and Miranda Smith of the Central Oregon Class in, and Sam Calarco was 1- went 2-for-4 with two dou5A Dual Championships girls for-3 with a three-run double. bles. Brittany Peterson led tennis tournament at Sunriv- Eli Boettner and Ben Larson Ridgeview (11-7, 2-1) with a er Resort and earned a spot in each picked up two RBIs in 2-for-4 day at the plate, while today's championship bracket the five-inning win. Shelby Abbas tripled. semifinal round. Sweet Home 6, La Pine 5: Sisters 6, Eimira 3: SISTERS — The Outlaws opened Ridgeview Hi g h also LA PINE — The Hawks ralwent 2-0 on Friday, topping lied back from an early 5-0 the bottom of the first inning M ountain View ( 5 -3) a n d deficit to send the game into with ba c k -to-back-to-back West Albany (5-3) to snag extra innings, but the Huskies doubles by Cassidy Edwards, another semifinal berth. Bai- cobbled together two hits and Tiffani Milliman and Lauren ley Simmons won both of a sacrifice bunt in the top of Cantwell and never looked her matches at No. 3 singles, the eighth to win the Sky-Em back in the Sky-Em League while Kourtney Wellette also League contest. "We started contest. Cantwell ended the posted a pair of wins at No. 1 off really slow," said La Pine game 3-for-4 with one run doubles with different part- coach Bry n C a rd , w h o se batted in, Milliman went 2ners. The Ravens and the team had just one hit through for-4 with two RBIs and EdStorm, Intermountain Hybrid the first four innings. "It took wards contributed two hits rivals, will play one another us a while to get going." Jesse and an RBI. In the circle, Edfor a spot in the tournament Young led the Hawks (6-14 wards fanned 13 while allowfinal at the Tennis Hill courts overall, 5-5 Sky-Em) with a 2- ing six hits. Sisters (15-2 overat 11 a.m. for-4 performance at the plate all, 9-1 Sky-Em) has now won Event host Bend High fin- that included one run scored its past eight games. ished the day 1-1, defeating and one run batted in. Tucker Sweet Home 16, La Pine 0: Lebanon 7-1 before falling to Allen added two hits. SWEET HOME — K i n sey Sherwood 7-1. The Lava Bears Ridgeview 8, Crook County Pinckney went I -for-2, but play Pendleton, a program 3: REDMOND — The Ravens that was the Hawks' lone hit, they will see at the Class 5A defeated the Cowboys for the as La Pine dropped to 2-15 Special District I tournament third time this week to imoverall and 0-10 in the Skynext month, in the semis of prove to 12-6 overall and 3-0 Em League with the five-inthe silver bracket. in Class 4A Special District 1 ning defeat. Redmond and Mountain play. Ridgeview has now won M oiaila 7 , Ma d ras 4 : View both went 0-2 on Fri- seven of its past 10 games. MADRAS — The White Bufday. The Panthers lost 5-3 to Crook County (6-12, 0-3) has faloes held a 4-3 lead heading Pendletonand 8-0 to Crescent lost seven of its past nine. into the top of the sixth inValley. The Cougars dropped North Marion 6, Madras 5: ning, but the Indians put up matches to Ridgeview and AURORA — The White Buf- two runs in the sixth and two West Albany (8-0). Redmond faloes dropped to 10-8 overall more in the seventh to take the and 4-5 in Tri-Valley Confer- Tri-Valley Conference win. takes on Lebanon today at 8:30 a.m. in the bronze brack- ence play with th e l eague Sarah Brown paced Madras et and Mountain View match- l oss. Madras i s t i e d w i t h (12-8 overall, 4-5 TVC) by going 2-for-3, and Keely Brown es up against Wilson, also in Gladstone for the third spot the bronze semifinals. in the TVC with six games doubled and drove in a run. In other Friday action: remaining. GIRLS TENNIS BASEBALL SOFTBALL Madras 8, Santiam ChrisSummit 7, Mountain View 4: Summit 7, Mountain View tian 0: MADRAS — Megan Tyler Munsell threw 4'/3 shut- 3: The Storm took the series Foristall had the match of the out innings to pick up the win from the Cougars, 2-1, after day, according to White Bufand helped his own cause by scoring five runs in the top faloes coach Dave Jordan, going 2-for-3 with a run bat- of the seventh inning of the coming back from a first-set ted in, as the Storm scored Intermountain C o n f erence loss to win the next two 6-4, seven unanswered runs to contest. Jacqueline Manley 6-2 to lead Madras to a Class take the Intermountain Con- earned the win, limiting host 4 A/3A/2A/IA S p ecial D i s ference victory. Erik A l v s- Mountain View to j ust six trict 2 victory. The tandems tad went 3-for-4 for Summit hits. Morgan Freeman paced of Sophie Gemelas and Jenny (10-10 overall, 4-5 IMC), and the Storm (3-15 overall, 2-7 Young (No. 2 doubles) and Blake G a r r ison fi n i shed IMC) at the plate, going 2Amanda Olivera and Maira 1 -for-3 with a pair of r u n s for-5. Mackenzie Serbus and Olivera (No. 4 doubles) each driven in. For th e v i siting Hannah Wicklund recorded won their respective matchCougars (5-11, 1-2), Kyler Ay- two hits apiece to lead the ups 6-0, 6-0. ers led the way with a 3-for- Cougars (3-16, 1-2). BOYS TENNIS 3 performance with an RBI, Crook County 7, Ridgeview Summit, Mountain View and Brock Powell was I-for-3 6: PRINEVILLE — The go undefeated: REDMOND with two RBIs. Cowgirls weathered a Raven — Parker Nichols went 2-0 Sisters 10, Eimira 0: ELMI- four-run first inning and ralon the first day of the Central RA — Joey Morgan pitched lied for three runs in the bot- Oregon Duals in Redmond, a c omplete-game t w o-hit- tom of the seventh to pick up as Summit's Black team deter while striking out six to a Class 4A Special District I feated The Dalles Wahtonka
7-1 and Redmond 8-0. The tournament consists of two round-robin pools, the second of which is to be completed today, before starting a championship b r acket. S ummit Green, led by a 2-0 record by the doubles team of Max L'Etoile and Davis Calande, went 1-1, defeating Ridgeview 8-0 before falling to Bend 5-3. Mountain Viewbeat Redmond on sets 9-8 and knocked off The Dalles Wahtonka 6-2. The Cougars swept each doubles matchup in both contests. The Panthers received wins by Zach Powell, Calen Fitzsimmons, Stephen Witherow and Blake Johnston in singles action against Mountain View, but each player lost against Summit Black. The Ravens rebounded to beat Pendleton 6-2, led by singles wins from T.J. Smith, Brett Blundell and Colin Ronhaar. BOYS GOLF
Rodby medals again:SUNRIVER — M a s o n R o dby c arded a 7-over-par 79 t o claim his third medalist honors of the week while leading Redmond High to an overall 332 and a first-place finish at the four-team Lava Bear Crosswater Tou r n ament. Bend High, which split into Bend Bear and Bend Lava, saw Jaired Rodmaker record an 80 for Bend Bear and Max McGee do the same for Bend Lava. Bend Bear was second as a team with a 336, and Bend Lava took third with a 345. Ridgeview, which was fourth with a 406, was led by Jimi Seeley's 90. BOYS LACROSSE Summit 10, Corvaiiis 3: CORVALLIS — Dylan Smith posted two goals and an assist and Nick Rasmussen and Dylan Seefeldt each scored twice as the Storm cruised past the Spartans in n onleague action. Summit (9-6 overall) led 6-0 at halftime. Zack Dean added a highlight for the Storm with his first varsity goal. GIRLS LACROSSE Bend United 12, CorvaiIis 6: CORVALLIS — Kyra Hajovsky r egistered t hree goals, three others finished with two, and Bend United improved to 5-3 overall and 5-1 in South League action. Tori Landin, Katie A l hart and Kama Remley each netted a pair of goals for Bend United.
Glover takesoutright lead at ZuricbClassic The Associated Press AVONDALE, La. — Lucas Glover smoothly rolled in an 18-foot birdie putt on his final h ole Friday, giving him t h e outright lead in t h e Z u rich Classic — and showing he has regained his touch on the
luckily I've been in position more than not. So I'm pretty
pleased with my play."
greens. D istancing h i mself f r o m the putting p r oblems t h at sabotaged good ball-striking rounds, Glover shot a 5-under 67 to reach 12 under and take a one-stroke lead over Boo Weekley. "I've been hitting it good for a couple months and finally started making some putts," said Glover, the 2009 U.S. Open winner who won the last of his three PGA Tour titles in 2011."I mean, I was hitting it as good as I can hit it. But at the same time, if you putt
poorly...." Weekley had a 68. He holed out with a wedge from 105 yards for an eagle on the par-4 10th, his first hole in the second round at TPC Louisiana. " I couldn't tell it w ent i n because it's got a little bit of an upper lip in the front of it," Weekley said. "I saw it bounce, and then I didn't see it no more. Then the people in the background started holler-
ing and whooping, I was like, 'Wow, that really went in.' I didn't believe it." Guan Tianlang, the 14-yearold Chinese amateur playing on a sponsor exemption, followed his opening 72 with a 69 finish at 3 under to make the cut. He tied for 58th two weeks ago in the Masters after
Gerald Herbert/The Associated Press
Lucas Glover tees off on the 12th hole during the second round of the Zurich Classic in Avondaie, La., Friday. becoming the youngest player to make the cut at Augusta National, and s ai d T h u r sday that he will play in a U.S. Open qualifier in two weeks in Dallas. "I think I p l ayed a v ery good round today," Guan said. "I made a lot of birdies and a couple of good up and downs." Glover missed the cuts in three of his past four events, mainly because of the putting woes. "Obviously, making a lot of them to make that many birdies," Glover said. "But a few hiccups today, but you get that here. You get out of position, and it's hard to make par. But
He's working with putting instructor Dave Stockton Jr. "We've been working for about seven months," Glover said. "Used a little bit of, or took what he gave me, and took some of my own stuff with my setup just to get comfortable and stable and still doing what we work on." Glover had 49 putts in the first two rounds, 11 on the front nine Friday when he made the turn in 4-under 32. He birdied the first two holes with putts of 3 and 6 feet, and added birdies on the fifth and 11th holes. He got to 12 under with a short birdie putt on the 13th, but a poor chip from the right side of the green on the par-3 17th green led to bogey. He then rebounded with the 18footer on the par-5 18th. Also on Friday:
Langer and Tom Lehman were second.
Two top
I eaderboard
Continued from C1 O regon's preparation f o r the coming season started earlier this month with spring practice. The annual spring game will be held today at Autzen Stadium. Oregon finished last season 12-1 with a 35-17 victory over No. 7 Kansas State in the Fiesta Bowl. Oregon ended up ranked No. 2 in the season's final AP Top 25. Mariota se t t h e t e a m 's s ingle-season r ecord w i t h 38 touchdowns (32 passing, 5 rushing, 1 receiving), surpassing the previous mark of 36 held by Darron Thomas
(2011) and Akili Smith (1998). The first freshman named to the Pac-12's all-conference first team in 23 years, Mariota passed for 2,739 yards while completing a s c hool-record 68.5 percent of his passes. He had 3,429 yards of total offense, second only to Smith's 3,947 in 1998. Following the season, head coach Chip Kelly — the non onsense architect o f t h e Ducks' speedy spread offense — left Oregon to become head coach of t h e P h i l adelphia Eagles. The school promoted offensive coordinator Mark Helfrich. Mariota said not much has changed under the amiable Helfrich, except — jokinglythere's "less yelling." Kelly set the offensive foundation that the Ducks will continue to follow this season, with Mariota and running back De'Anthony Thomas setting the pace. Mariota is the product of St. Louis High School in Honolulu. He threw for 32 touchdowns and only five interceptions in leading the Crusaders to an 11-1 record and the state
title as a senior. He was o n t h e p r actice squad in 2011 when the Ducks finished the season with a Rose Bowl victory over Wisconsin and Darron Thomas was at quarterback. Thomas declared early for the N FL draft and many assumed the starter's job would be passed on to Bennett, his backup. But Mariota piqued the interestoffans during Oregon's annual spring game w h en he threw for 202 yards and a touchdown, and rushed for two additional scores. Because Kelly closed practices, it was uncertain until late last fall who would be Oregon's new starter. Mariota w o n . Ben n ett transferred. While Mariota wasn't the loudest player on the team, that didn't mean he wasn't assertive. Last season when there was some trash talking with the Northwest rival Huskies, he jumped right into the fray. "I'm never the kind of guy that, if you disrespect me or disrespect my teammates, I'm not going to just let that go," he said at the time. "There's s ituations w he n y o u ca n keep your head, there's situations where you need to say something." This season, Mariota accepts that almost everyone will be looking toward him for leadership. " Especially with a l o t o f the veteran guys lastseason — like Kenjon Barner and Michael Clay — those guys left. Those were vocal guys," Mariota said. "I'm more of a low-key guy, so that's something I've got to work on, especially at my position. They always ask the quarterback to be a little more vocal."
from Raymond, Wash., has been playing in the Shootout for six years and brings "three or four groups" to the tournament each year. Halpin and his friends rent a house and make a buddies trip out of the Shootout each year. He has little trouble convincing his friends to make a return trip. "It is competitive, yet it's fun," Halpin said. "That's why people come....Rather than
Continued from C1 The Shootout attracted a field of 344 golfers this year, the most in the tournament's 1 1-year history. And i t h a s grown to the capacity of the three courses that host, almost entirely with players who live somewhere otherthan Central
Oregon. The tournament's format is unusual: It began with a twoplayer scramble, followed by a best-ball round today. The tournament will conclude with a Chapman round on Sunday. That format and the diverse group of golfers it attracts is a big part of the draw, said Craig Knouf of Lake Oswego, who is playing in his eighth Shootout. "It is a great way to start the season out, the first tournament of the year," Knouf said. Last y e ar , K n o u f wa s snowed on during the f irst round. But Knouf appreciates that the weather at the Shootout is a crapshoot. "You never know, and that is what makes it fun," said Knouf, 55. "I have a home in La Quinta (Calif.) and it's always sunny," seemingly dismissing the idea
playing straight golf and playing your own ball, this format is fun."
And judging by Ollerenshaw, the Shootout can still get a golfer's competitive juices flowing. "This is serious," said Oller enshaw, who plays in f i ve separate golf leagues in the Portland area, and is in his eighth Shootout. "You have something to look forward to at the end. You can actually win something. "But it's fun. Everybody I've played with is a nice person." — Reporter: 541-617-7868, I
of playing golf in such constantly agreeable conditions. Chris Halpin, a 61-year-old
in South Korea: SEOUL, South Korea — Australia's Wade Ormsby and Thailand's Arnond Vongvanij shared the lead in the suspended second round of the rain-plagued B allantine's Championship.
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Masson up one in Texas: IRVING, Texas — Caroline Masson bogeyed threeof her last four holes for an even-par 71, leaving her with a one-stroke lead after the second round of the inaugural North Texas LPGA Shootout. Faxon, Siuman takelead on Champions Tour: SA V ANNAH, Ga. — Brad Faxon and Jeff Sluman teamed to shoot a 10-under 62 in better-ball play to take the first-round lead in the Champions Tour's Legends of Golf. Faxon had seven birdies at the Club at Savannah Harbor. Champions Tour points leader Bernhard
ASPENHALl • SHEVLIN PARK• 5:30PM va a e o aa
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C5 © To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbulletin.comn/buSinss. Alsoseearecapin Sunday's Businesssection.
DOW 14,712.55 ~
Improved quarter?
Aetna, the nation's third-largest health insurer, reports first-quarter
1,520 '
earnings on Tuesday. Wall Street anticipates that the company's earnings and revenue grew compared to the same quarter a year ago. In its previous quarter, Aetna's earnings sank 49 percent as higher medical costs squeezed its profits from commercial health coverage. The company also bookedseveralone-time expenses.
Change: -2.92 (-0.2%) 1 0 DA Y S
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Alaska Air Group Avista Corp Dividend: $0.80 Div. Yield: 1.4% Bank of America Barrett Business Source Facteet Boeing Co
DOW DOW Trans. DOW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000
ALK 3129 ~ AVA 22,78 — BAC 6 . 7 2 — BBSI 18.88 ~ BA 6 6 . 82 — C ACB 4.23 ~
Facebook has been trying to gain ground on Google, which has built a commanding lead in Internet marketing. Earlier this year, Facebook acquired an online ad-tracking service from Microsoft in hopes of building a more effective marketing system around its popular online social network. The company's first-quarter earnings, due out on Wednesday, should give investors insight into whether the strategy has translated into more ad revenue.
Unemployment rate report Economists predict that the nation's unemployment rate didn't budge in April from a four-year low of 7.6 percent. Hiring slowed sharply in March, but more people stopped looking for jobs. That brought down the unemployment rate from the previous month. Some economists expect hiring picked up last month from March's low level, however. That could push April's jobless rate lower. The latest unemployment rate estimate is due out on Friday.
Unemployment rate seasonally adjusted 7.9 7.8
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Source: Factset
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-2.9 2980 dd -5.8 59 4 1 3 0 .40f +7.6 76 0 6 1 1 0. 7 8 +0.5 819 13 0. 3 6f
+10.8 +9.7
+15 . 6 17428 11 1 . 20f +54 . 4 6 2 42 4 2 0 . 80f
+14 . 5 19 8 13 0. 9 3f +3. 0 73 9 3 3 0 0. 8 4
R ATING™ *** * *
ASSETS $5,227 million EXP RATIO 0.50% MANAGER M. Ansari SINCE 2007-12-31 RETURNS3-MO +8.1 Foreign Markets YTD +14.7 NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +22.4 Paris -30.42 -.79 3,810.05 3-YR ANNL +11.1 London 6,426.42 -16.17 —.25 5-YR-ANNL +7.3 Frankfurt -18.10 —.23 7,814.76 Hong Kong 22,547.71 + 146.47 + . 6 5 TOP 5HOLDINGS Mexico 41,898.36 -649.11 -1.53 Amgen lnc Milan 16,565.25 -84.50 —.51 Tokyo -41.95 —.30 Roche Holding AG 13,884.13 Stockholm 1,194.66 -.20 -.02 Eli Lilly and Company Sydney -1.50 -.03 Google, Inc. Class A 5,082.70 Zurich 7,855.68 -45.56 —.58 Marsh& McLennan Companies, Inc.
Market value:$6.4 billion SOURCE: FactSet
SelectedMutualFunds PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 American Funds BalA m 22.07 -.04 +8 .7 +14.1 $-11.1 +6.3 A A A BondA m 1 2.98 +.02 +0.9 +4.5 +5.8 + 45 D D E CaplncBuA m 56.84+.08 +8.7 +14.9 +9.9 + 37 A A B CpWldGrlA m 40.42+.01 +9.1 +18.1 +8.2 + 1.8 A C C EurPacGrA m 43.21 -.07 +4.8 +12.2 +4.9 + 04 D C A FnlnvA m 4 4.85 -.19 +10.3 +16.3 +10.5 + 36 6 C C GithAmA m 3 7. 5 8 -.18 +9.4 +15.8 +9.6 + 34 A C D IncAmerA m 19 .50 +8.9 +15.5 $-11.1 $59 A A A InvCoAmA m 33.58 -.05 +11.8 +16.7 +9.8 + 42 A C 0 NewPerspA m 33.68 -.10 +7 . 7 +14.8 +9.1 + 37 6 8 B WAMutlnvA m 34.83 -.02 +12.2 +16.5 +12.7 + 48 0 A B Dodge &Cox Inc o me 1 3.94 +.02 +1.3 + 5. 6 + 6.2 +7.1 0 C 6 IntlStk 36.91 -.06 + 6 .6 + 17.2 +5.2 +0.3 A C A Stock 137.26 +.13 + 13.1 +23.3 +10.9 +3.7 A 8 C Fidelity Contra 84.66 -.22 +10.1 +11.2 +11.6 +5.3 B A 8 GrowCo 102.4 6 - .27 + 9 .8 + 7 . 9 +12.4 +6.6 0 A A LowPriStk d 44 . 24 -.08+ 12.0 +17.3 +11.9 +7.8 B A A Fidelity Spartan 50 0ldxAdvtg 56 . 09 -.10+11.6 +15.5 +11.6 +4.8 B A B FrankTemp-Franklinlncome A m 2.3 5 ... +7. 0 + 1 5.7 +10.1 +5.9 A A 6 Income C m 2.3 7 . .. +6. 7 + 1 5.0 + 9.4 +5.4 A A 8 Dppenheimer RisDivA m 18.9 7 - .06 +9 .3 + 10.7 +10.1 +3.6 E C 0 RisDivB m 17.1 7 - .06 + 8 .9 + 9 . 7 + 9 .1 +2.7 E D D RisDivC m 17.0 9 - .06 + 9 .0 + 9 . 9 + 9 .2 +2.8 E D D SmMidValA m 36.32 -.17 + 12.1 +14.5 +6.8 +1.0 D E E SmMidValB m 30.59 -.14 +11.8 +13.6 +5.9 +0.2 E E E PIMCO TotRetA m 11.3 4 +.02 + 1 .6 + 7 . 3 + 6 .7 +7.7 B 8 A T Rowe Price Eqt y l nc 29.46 -.06 + 11.9 +18.9 +10.1 +4.7 6 C 6 GrowStk 40.95 - . 27 + 8 . 4 +8 . 2 +11.1 +5.7 0 8 B HealthSci 48.7 3 + .02 +18.2 +30.1 +23.0+15.5 B A A Vanguard 500Adml 145.97 -.26 +11.6 +15.6 +11.6 +4.8 6 A 6 500lnv 145.96 -.26 +11.6 +15.4 $-11L5 $4.7 6 A 8 CapOp 39.67 -.20 +18.0 +28.5 +10.1 +6.5 A 8 A Eqlnc 27.18 -.02 $-13.3 +18.3 +14.7 +6.6 6 A A GNMAAdml 10.90 +.01 +0.7 $-2. 2 +5.2 +5.8 0 8 A STGradeAd 10.82 +0.7 $.3.3 +3.4 $4.2 6 8 B StratgcEq 24.34 -.13 $-13.5 +18.5 +12.8 +5.9 6 A 0 Tgtet2025 14.55 -.01 $7.1 +11.6 +8.6 +4.3 6 8 A TotBdAdml 11.09 +.02 +0.9 +3.8 +5.7 $5.9 D D D Totlntl 15.65 -.03 $4.7 +12.6 +4.5 -1.5 D D 0 TotStlAdm 39.65 -.09 $-11.7 +15.7 +11.6 +5.5 6 A A TotStldx 39.64 -.08 $-11.7 +15.6 $.11.5 $5.4 6 A A USGro 23.13 -.08 +8.8 +9.0 +10.4 +5.0 0 8 8 Welltn 36.62 +.05 +8.9 +14.0 +10.1 +6.3 A A A FAMILY
PCT 5.86 4.83 3.67 Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs 1$paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption 3.22 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing feeand either asales or 3.13 redemption fee. Source: Mornngstar.
StoryStocks Stock indexes were mixed Friday after a report showed that economic growth strengthened last quarter, but by less than expected. The economy grew at a 2.5 percent annual rate in the first quarter. That's up from its weak 0.4 percent growth in the fourth quarter of 2012, but it's slower than the 3.1 percent pace that economists expected. Raw materials producers had the steepest drops of the 10 sectors that make up the Standard & Poor's 500 index. Their profits tend to be heavily dependent on the strength of the economy. The S8 P 500 was down for much of the day's trading, and it fell for the first time in six days. VFC Oose:$174.82 V-3.93 or -2.2% The clothing manufacturer s first quarter net income rose 26 percent, but its revenue fell short of Wall Street expectations. $180 160
DR Horton
Close:$26.66L2.13 or 8.7% The homebuilder said that its fiscal second-quarter net income nearly tripled, boosted by the continued housing market recovery. $30 25
52-week range $ 129 33~
52-week range $178 9 1
$14.37 ~
Volc1.0m (1.4x avg.) P E: 18 . 0 Volc15.5m ( 2.5x avg.) P E:9. 4 Mkt. Cap:$19.4 b Yield : 2. 0% Mkt. Cap:$8.57 b Yiel d : 0. 6 % ALU Close: $1.38 V-0.02 or -1.4% The French telecommunications equipment maker posted a wider than expected loss for the first quarter as sales nearly stalled. $1.8 1.6
AMZN Close:$254.81 V-1 9.89 ol' -7.2% The online retailer said that its net income declined in the first three months of the year, even though revenue increased 22 percent. $280 270
1.4 1.2
F M 52-week range
Vol.:16.5m (1.3x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$3.21 b
52-week range $1.79
$206.37 ~
$284 .72
P E: 2 . 0 Yield:...
Vol.:14.0m (3.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$115.99 b
P E: .. Yield: ..
BIDU Close:$85.02 V-7.32 or -7.9% The Chinese search engine, reported slower profit growth in its latest quarter as costs rose sharply and competition intensified. $120
Coinstar CSTR Close:$54.93 V-0.10 or -0.2% The Redbox DVD rental kiosk owner said its first-quarter earnings fell 58 percent, but the results were better than expected. $60 55
50 F
52-week range
52-week range
$82.98 ~
Vol.:14.2m (3.3x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$29.73 b
PE: 85.9 Yield: ...
Micros Systems
MCRS Close:$42.46 V-1.06 ol' -2.4% The Columbia, Md.-based supplier of cash registers and other technology for restaurants and hotels issued a weak forecast. $48 46 44
$40.30 ~
Vol.:2.9m (3.0x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$1.53 b
P E: 11 .8 Yield:...
Expedia EXPE Close:$58.56 V-6.41 or -9.9% The online travel agency reported a larger first-quarter loss as its stockbasedcompensationand depreciation costs surged. $70 65 60
F M 52-week range
F M 52-week range $39.00 ~
$39.31 ~
Vol.:4.8m (4.0x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $3.37 b
P E: 19 . 8 Vol.:8.9m (3.7x avg.) P E: 27 .1 Yield: ... Mkt. Cap:$7.18 b Yiel d : 0. 9 %
SOURCE: Sungard
$13 ~
Divi d end: $0.24 D iv .yield: 1.3%
+ 2 1 .3 + 1 9.6 «C + 1 6.0 00 + 1 5 .7 «C + 1 5 .3 + 1 5 .2 4o Morningslar OwnershipZone™ + 1 4 .6 + 1 4 .5 O e Fund target represents weighted + 1 3 .2 average of stock holdings + 1 3 .2 • Represents 75% offund'sstock holdings
CHG %CHG -1.44 -34.9 -1.84 -26.2 —.53 -18.4 -1.19 -16.8 -2.61 -16.2
Total returns through April 26
CHG %CHG +3.81 +2.79 +1.37 +2.01 +2.34 $-.71 +.27 +.83 +3.22 +.87
6455 28,05 12.94 59.32 92.65 7.18
Price-earnings ratio (Based on past 12 months' results):55
158.24 -.28 12.42 -.02 VanguardPrmcpcorl VPCCX 7.12 —.02 17.00 +1.76 VALUE BL EN D GR OWTH 3.35 + .22 -.43 42.24 cC o 31.79 —.15 00 0O 22.21 + . 26 6L 13.67 + . 20
Losers LAST 2.69 5.18 2.35 5.90 13.48
riday' s close: $16.27
HIGH LOW CLOSE 14743.49 14684.82 14712.55 6130.18 6089.44 6115.89 534.31 531.33 532.03 9191.09 9142.82 9169.90 3287.48 3268.03 3279.26 1585.78 1577.56 1582.24 1146.34 1137.09 1141.20 16742.00 16645.09 16695.79 932.20 939.65 935.25
Low expenses, a top management team and consistently strong MarketSummary performance are among the Most Active strengths of this large-cap growth NAME VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG fund. Morningstar analysts give it Intel 1004214 23.40 +.02 a top-rung gold-medal rating.
LAST 21.67 SCG FnAcq 16.99 NewpkRes 9.93 ConstantC 14.85 Websense 17.64 CdnSolar 5.38 Microvis h 2.12 Transcat 6.56 Tesaro n 27.62 MGC Diag 7.43
12,000 ' " .N.
Burger King trimmed expenses and saw its The fast-food chain previously said adjusted first-quarter earnings more than double. The company earnings, which don't count certain one-time expenses has been adjusting its strategy to focus on offering totaled 17 cents per share in the most recent quarter. more menu deals. Burger King reported that sales Overall, Burger King said Friday yl t G Ht at established restaurants fell 1.4 its net income rose to $35.8 million, percent. That includes a 3 percent or 10 cents per share, in the quarter drop in the United States and that ended March 31. That's up from = Canada. I.'.r $14.3 million, or 4 cents per share, in Revenue fell about 42 percent to the previous year's quarter when it $327.7 million. Analysts expected was still a private company. $305.8 million, according to FactSet.
A. Veiga, J. Sohn • AP
NAME LogMeln
V.F. Corp.
::."";"' Burger King earnings soar
Total return this year:11%
iShEMkts Microsoft GenElec FordM
Change 11 75 (01%)
Dividend Footnotes: 3 Extra - dividends were paid, i7ut are not included. i7- Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. 9 - Amount declared or paid in last12 months. f - Current annual rate, which was mcreased bymost recent dividend announcement. i - Sum oi dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. I - Sum of dividends paid this year. Most recent awdend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or pwd ta$ year, a cumulative issue with dividends marrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - imtiai dividend, annual rate not known, y>eld not shown. 7 - Declared or paid in precedmg 12 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, appro70matecash value on excustrii7ution date.pE Footnotes:q - stock is a closed-end fund - no piE ratio shown. cc - p/E exceeds 99. dd - Loss in last i2 months
Burger King (BKW) F
0 0
CascadeBancorp Columbia Bnkg COLB 16.18 $$ Columbia Sporlswear COLM 45.37 ~ Costco Wholesale COST 81.98 — 0
Spotlight on Facebook
Close: 14,712.55
867255 805337 782909 554672 518483 496237 468575 458272 432792
- 8.20
Price-earnings ratio:
S&P500ETF BkofAm SprintNex Penney
1 0 DA Y S
1,440 '
14,440 '
1,520 '
based on past 12 months' results
14 660
15,200 .
1Q '12 1 Q '13
Dow Jones industrials
Close: 1,562.24
Vol. (in mil.) 3,114 1,687 Pvs. Volume 3,785 1,945 Advanced 1 253 9 2 9 Declined 1772 1499 New Highs 162 99 New Lows 12 26
-.04 '
$50 40
g 4r
S&P 500 " •
'12' '13
Saturday, Apnl 27, 2013
S&P 500
NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO QTR AGO 3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill 52-wk T-bill
The yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell to 1.67 percent Friday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.
. 05 .05 . 0 8 .08 .10 .10
2-year T-note . 21 .23 5-year T-note . 6 8 .71 10-year T-note 1.67 1.71 30-year T-bond 2.86 2.90
-0.02 W -0.03 W -0.04 W
T .26 T .83 W 1.94
- 0.04 w
w 3.1 2
Barclays LongT-Bdldx 2.57 2.62 -0.05 w BondBuyerMuni Idx 4.03 4.05 -0.02 W Barclays USAggregate 1.76 1.76 . . . PRIME FED B arclays US High Yield 5.39 5.45 -0.06 w w RATE FUNDS Moodys AAACorp Idx 3.72 3.70 +0.02 L YEST 3.25 .13 B arclays CompT-Bdldx .96 .98 -0.02 w 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 Barclays USCorp 2 .63 2.62 +0.01 1 YR AGO3.25 .13
Commodities The price of crude oil fell on worries about demand following a weaker-than-ex pected report on economic growth. Prices for gold, silver and copper also fell.
.08 .13 .16
w w W L W W w W W w w
2.63 4. 52 2.11 7.1 9 3.9 8 1. 0 4
w w
3 .33
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Oil (bbl) 93.00 93.64 - 0.68 + 1 . 3 Ethanol (gal) 2.46 2.45 -0.12 + 12.2 Heating Oil (gal) 2.90 2.90 -0.02 -4.7 Natural Gas (mm btu) 4.15 4.17 -0.36 + 23.9 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.83 2.81 + 0.82 + 0 . 8 FUELS
Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)
CLOSE PVS. 1453.60 1461.80 23.76 24.14 1475.20 1462.80 3.19 3.24 680.85 680.20
%CH. %YTD -0.56 -13.2 -1.58 -21.3 -4.1 +0.85 -1.64 -12.5 +0.10 -3.1
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD -1.6 1.28 1.28 +0.20 1.34 1.37 -2.41 -6.9 6.44 6.45 -0.19 -7.8 Corn (bu) Cotton (Ib) 0.82 0.81 + 1.13 + 9 . 5 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 353.00 352.50 +0.14 -5.6 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.40 1.45 -2.91 +20.9 Soybeans (bu) 14.31 14.24 + 0.51 + 0 . 9 Wheat(bu) 6.89 7.01 -1.78 -11.5 AGRICULTURE
Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)
Foreign Exchange The dollar fell against the
Japanese yen and other currencies after a report showed that the U.S.
economy grew at a weaker pace in the first quarterthan economists expected.
h5N4 QG
1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGD USD per British Pound 1.5486 +.0046 +.30% 1 .6198 C anadian Dollar 1.0 1 70 —.0032 —.31% .9837 USD per Euro 1.3029 +.0027 +.21% 1 .3239 Japanese Yen 98.22 -1.09 -1.11% 8 0 .95 Mexican Peso 12. 1 459 —.0239 —.20% 13.1691 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.6043 +.0004 +.01% 3.7499 Norwegian Krone 5.8531 —.0180 —.31% 5.7325 South African Rand 9.1000 +.0084 +.09% 7.7631 6.5735 —.0293 —.45% 6.7144 Swedish Krona 0027 —. 29% Swiss Franc . 9427 —. .9079 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9724 + .0012 +.12% .9 6 17 Chinese Yuan 6.1695 -.0060 -.10% 6.3027 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7636 -.0009 -.01% 7.7595 Indian Rupee 54.436 $-.321 $-.59% 5 2.555 Singapore Dollar 1.2365 -.0025 -.20% 1.2400 South Korean Won 1111.50 -.00 -.00% 1133.15 Taiwan Dollar 29.67 + .01 +.03% 29 . 28
Congress tofund furloughed workers
Defense cuts hamper growth WASHINGTON — A
steep slowdown indefense spending tied to the end of the wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan is
' ' . .
; , ' ~
• j;~+ep:.~~ k 89t
undercutting the coun-
rra~r'$~+ )
> (;"~ taWtl
try's economic recovery, new government data released Fridayrevealed. The report showed
gross domestic product grew at an annual rate
By Alan Fram
: •
The Associated Press
of 2.5 percent during the first three months
of the year — significantly slower than
most economists had expected. The culprit? A surprising 11.5 percent
annualized drop-off in military spending.
Japan approves Boeing 787 fixes TOKYO — The Japanese authorities for-
p.' I**''
fixes to the batteries on its 787 Dreamliner jets aircraft fit for use, clearing the path for its big-
gest operators to begin flying the planesagain
mally approved Boeing's Friday and declared the
à ™;~~$'
sX ,
rr k r
Courtesy Realty Market>ng Northwest
The Juniper Acres subdivision in Crook County includes 15 home parcels totaling 140 acres that are up for auction next month.
following a grounding
that began in January. U.S.and European regulators havealready approved Boeing's plans to add safety features to the 787's lithium-ion batteries that would minimize the odds that they would emit smoke or catch fire, after two units
previous evening's passage by the Senate, which didn't even bother with a roll call. Lawmakers then streamed toward the exits — and airports — for
overheated onseparate planes in January.
Kmart online ad draws big buzz "Ship My Pants," a
new Kmart video campaign that creatively skirts the edges of
By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin
Fifteen rural home lots at Juniper
Acres in Crook County are upfor sale in an auction next month.
profanity, has goneviral in recent weeks, generte
ating millions of online
views and plenty of buzz for the discount retailer.
The edgy 35-second video promotes free shipping and features Kmart shoppers singing the praises of shipping everything from their pants to their drawers
— right in the store. Since premiering on Kmart's YouTube channel April10, the doubletake inducing spot has garnered more than 19
million viewsand is cur-
rently ranked among the top10 viral videos online,
according to analytics firm Unruly Media. The commercial
Prineviiie Res
' Regervoir Rd.
Juniper Acres
Greg Cross / rhe Bulletin
To learn more about Realty
Marketing Northwest's property auctions, visitwww.rmnwauctions.comorcall800-845-3524.
crossed over to tradi-
early 400 acres of land in Central
Oregon — from High Desert sage-
brush to a residential lot in a gated community — is scheduled to be sold at auctions next month. The properties include 15 "off-the-grid" parcels in Juniper Acres, located about 10 miles east of Alfalfa and 25 miles south of Prineville in Crook County. The sagebrush subdivision is not connected to any municipal water or sewer systems, and electricity comes from a combination of solar and wind power with backup gas generators. But they offer a rustic opportunity for an investor or purchaser willing to take in water by delivery or store it in a cistern, said John Rosenthal, president of Realty Marketing Northwest. The regional real estate marketing and brokerage company is auctioning more than 170properties across Oregon, Washington, California and Idaho. "There's a lot of history there," Rosenthal said, referring to the Juniper Acres lots. And they're selling cheap. All 15 lots, to be sold in one bulk purchase, are priced at $74,500, total, or less than $5,000 per lot. Combined, they total
about 140 acres. Only 11 of the lots are eligible for home building, according to the company's auction catalog. About 100 residents live in the roughly 5,000-acre Juniper Acres area, according to information provided by Realty Marketing Northwest. Other Central Oregon properties up for auction include: a roughly 1.5-acre commercial lot near St. Charles Redmond with a reserve price of $99,500; a 1.6-acre home lot with a $149,500 reserve at Vandevert Ranch, a gated community south of Sunriver; five tracts of land, ranging between 5 and 30 acres, located I t/2miles southwest of Millican, south of Ford Road; a separate 30acre parcel near Spencer Wells Road about 3tr2miles west of Millican; and 160 acres near Brothers. Zoning on the land near Millican and Brothers will only allow recreational use, according to the auction catalog. The JuniperAcres, Mil lican-area and Brothersproperties are scheduled tobe auctioned live May 11 in Portland. The Vandevert Ranch and Redmond commercial properties are being sold in a sealed-bid auction, with bids due by May 15. — Reporter: 541-617-7820 egluclzlichC<
tional media last week, with a slightly shorter,
and perhapsless racy, version. — From wire reports
BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR TUESDAY • How toStart a Business: Free; 6-8 p.m.; Mid Oregon Credit Union, 1386 N.E. Cushing Drive, Bend; 541-382-1 795. THURSDAY • Women onBoardsand in LeadershipPositions: Part of the Women's Roundtable Series; registration required; $25 for members, $35 for nonmembers; noon-1:30 p.m.; Bend's Community Center, 1036 N.E Fifth St.; 541-382-3221 or www. FRIDAY • COBAHomeartd Garden Show:Free;noon-6 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair tt Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 541 -548-2711. MAY4 • COBAHomeand Garden Show:Free; 10a.m.-6 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair tt Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 541-548-2711. MAY5 • COBAHomeand Garden Show:Free;10a.m.-5 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair & ExpoCenter, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 541-548-2711.
WASHINGTON — Furloughed air traffic controllers will soon be heading back to work, ending a week of coastto-coast flight delays that left thousands of travelers frustrated and furious. Unable to ignore the travelers' anger, Congress overwhelmingly approved legislation Friday to allow the Federal Aviation Administration to withdraw the furloughs. The vote underscored a shift by Democrats who had insisted on erasing all of this year's $85 billion in across-the-board budget cuts, not just the most publicly painful ones, for fear of losing leverage to restore money for Head Start and other programs with less lobbying clout and popular support. With President Barack Obama's promised signature, the measure will erase one of the most stinging and publicly visible consequences ofthe budget-wide cuts known as the sequester. Friday's House approval was 361-41 and followed the
a weeklong spring recess. White House spokesman Jay Carney said Obama would sign the bill, but Carney complained that the measure left the rest of the sequester intact. "This is a Band-Aid solution. It does not solve the bigger problem," he said.
Wage disParit still growing By Floyd Norris New York Times News Service
The median pay of U.S. workers has stagnated in recent years, but that is not true for all workers. When adjusted for inflation, the wages of low-paid workers have declined. But the wages forbetter-paidworkers have
grown significantly more rap-
Watchmakersfind gold rush inChina isslowing By Raphael Minder New York Times News Service
BASEL, Switzerland — After opening hundreds of storesin China in recent years, some watch companies are facing an inventory glut and cutting back their retailing presence there. Shipments of timepieces to China from Switzerland, the world's dominant luxury watch production center, have fallen below the levels of two years ago, after setting a record in 2012. "The gold rush in China is over," said Francois-Henry Bennahmias, chief executiveofAudemars Piguet,a Swi ss watch company that is closing six of its 22 mainland stores. "We are going to slow down in China and take every step there much more carefully." Swiss watch exports to China dropped 26 percent in the first quarter from a year earlier, to 323 million Swiss francs, or $349 million, according to
data released in the past week by the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry. Exports to Hong Kong fell 9 percent, to 910 million francs. Overall, however, Swiss watch exports rose 2.3 percent in the first quarter, to 4.73 billion francs, buoyed by Middle Eastern and some European markets, particularly Germany and Britain. "People simply went overboard about China, thinking that there could be no issue with suddenly opening 40 or 50 stores," said John Simonian, a watch distributor and owner of Westime, a watch retailer based in California. "The stores in China are now full of inventories, with no guarantee that they can all get sold." Affluent and travel-hungry Chinese are increasingly buying overseas. About half of Chinese spending on luxury goods occurs abroad, according to a studyreleased in December by the consulting firm McKinsey. As a result, "50
square meters in Paris could be much more meaningful now than having those same 50 square meters in China," said Bennahmias of Audemars Piguet. The reassessmentcomes even though Chinese shoppers' spending on luxury goods has grown to 25 percent of the world total, compared with 20 percent for U.S. shoppers, according to a study released in December by Bain, another consulting firm. Still, Bain advised caution in light of the slight decline in luxury sales in China last year. "Luxury brand stores in China need to deliver the same consumer experience in China as in France and Italy, or risk further deferral of spending to tourism," Bain wrote. Rather than focusing solely on China's purchasing power, luxury goods companies should have paid closer attention to changes in Chinese travel and consumer habits, according to some executives.
PEOPLE ON THE MOVE Bradley Nelsonhas joined Gold Card Network lnc. in Bend aspublic relations director. In this role he will work with Gold Card nonprofit organizations and merchants in Central Oregon and theWillamette Valley. Nelson recently graduated from University of Oregon Journalism School. Mark Rossl,of Pinnacle Architecture in Bend, will be speaking at the
N elson
Ro s s l
Gral l
Farmworker Housing Asset and Property ManagementConference, hosted by CASAof Oregon, June 12-14 at EagleCrest Resort. He will
join a panel of speakers to discuss Capital Needs Assessment as it relates to multi-family and farmworker housing. Carlin Rhonda Grallhas joined State Farm Insuranceand Financial Services in Bend as anoffice representative. Grall has morethan 20 years of experience in management, sales and customer service. Shewill
assist clients with State Farmauto, home, life and health products and services. Heather Carlinhas joined LumbermenslnsuranceinBendas a producer focusing on employee benefits and individual life and health insurance. Carlin has more than 19 years of experience in thehealth insurance industry.
idly than inflation. The Labor Department last week reported the levels of "usual weekly wages" reported by Americans questioned in the household survey that determines the unemployment rate. The figures are released quarterly, available since 2000. Those figures are different from total income, in that they ignore investment income as well as bonuses or overtime. The national median wage in the first quarter of this year was $827 a week. In 2013 dollars, the median wage 13 years before was $819, so the increase is about 1percent. The figures include all workers older than 25. The department said that to reach the 90th percentile — that is, to earn more money than 90 percent of those with jobs — a person needed to earn $1,909 a week. That figurewas nearly 9 percent higher than in early 1980. To reach the 10th percentile — earning less money than 90 percent of those with jobs — requiredan income of $387 a week. After adjusting for inflation, that figure is down 3 percent from 2000. Put another way, in 2000 a worker in the 75th percentile made 48percent more than a worker at the median, or 50th percentile. Now, a worker in that group earns 58 percent more.
IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Religious services, D2-3 Volunteer Search, D4
Lessons we learn with kids F
rom the file of "important things I accidentally learned by having small children" come the following tips. May you use them in the spirit in which they are intended (that is, to help keep you from tearing your hair out in frustration). • If you can swing it, get a car with leather seats. You can't count on it staying pristine, but you can rest easy knowing that it's infinitely easier to clean than cloth seats. Spilled juice boxes, dropped candy, vomit (from a child or a dog), melted crayon, that milkshake you got from McDonald's during a long road trip that was really a ploy to get the kids to SHUT UP ALREADY in the backseat, but that ultimately turned out to be a mistake — all basically wipe right off leather seats. With cloth, you'd be doomed to hours of scrubbing and weeks of lingering odors. • You know those Lego sets that contain just enough pieces (and instructions) to build one cool vehicle/ character/building? Give up on any plans to ever reassemble that vehicle/ character/building again after your child has completed the first assembly. In fact, just throw away its box. When the vehicle/character/building falls apart or gets dropped or your kid loses interest in it, consign it to the big bin of the rest of the Lego pieces, where they will be assimilated into the vast collective of random Lego bits and used to build cool new spaceships and critters straight out of your kid's imagination. But never again will they fulfill their original purpose. It's OK. Just let it go. • On a similar note, abandon any
hope that you (let alone your child) will ever get all of the crayons back into the awesome 64-crayon Crayola box with the built-in sharpener. It's not going top happen. Some of the crayons will break and you'll try to force them into their places, but that onlyforcesother crayons out ofposition, which means you can't fit the broken crayons OR any more whole ones into the box. Just dump the whole thing out into a bin or shoebox and sentence your children to a decade of doing what we were forced to do as kids: digging through the box of crayons and crayon bits searching forthe ever elusive black crayon (seriously, they should put three of them
Locavore party set for tonight Central OregonLocavore will host anart showand danceparty to raise moneyfor the Farm Kids educational program starting today at its new headquarters, 1216 N.E. First St., Bend. Starting at 5 p m event participants will
have a chance tosee work produced bylocal artists while drinking lo-
cally sourced cocktails, beer and wine, and eat.
ing food items prepared by local chefs. Adance
party featuring DJs bPollen, Swettand Byrne and
a special guest will start at 8 p.m. and is for those 21 and older after10 p.m. Tickets to the event
cost $5 andcan bepurchased from Central Oregon Locavore's website www.centraloregon
Pilot Butte
summit roadopen The road to the summit of Pilot Butte in Bend is open to vehicle traffic. Closed each winter,
the road — accessed
lllustration by Greg Cross/The Bulletin
from U.S. Highway 20 just west of the butte
• Internet and other viewing options change the waywe watch
— Julie Johnson is the features editor at The Bulletin. 541-383-0308, jj
roughly 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. The speed limit
on the road is 20mph.
By Mac McLean The Bulletin eated on a comfortable leather couch at Bend's Volcanic Theatre Pub, Mark and Lisa Williams waited for a movie to finish up on the screen in front of them so they could watch the fourth episode of this season's TV drama "Mad Men," which aired April 21. "The quality of this show is one where we want to experience it on the big screen," said Mark Williams, who has a special connection to the show about a 1960s advertising firm on New York's Madison Avenue because he knows one of
its writers. Thanks to the rapid spread of high-speed Internet connections and the development of new technologies, people across the country have been changing where, when and how they watch their favorite television shows so that the experience fits into their schedules and takes place on their terms. Volcanic Theatre Pub and the Tin Pan Theater became the latest Central Oregon businesses to jump in this quickly
changing landscape by showing two popular television programs — "Mad Men" and HBO's "Game of Thrones" — live every Sunday night. "There's a lot of options out
there," Mark Williams said. "We don't watch a lot of TV, but when we do, we choose it."
Pedestrians should stay on the edge of the road
What's out there
Foodie Crawl set for Sunday
A few dozen television sets, Blu-ray players and DVD players line the back wall of Standard TV and Appliance's showroom on U.S. Highway 97 in north Bend. Many of these devices have a built-in wireless card that connects directly to a home network so people can download movies or television programs fromthe Internet or stream the content from a paid subscription service like Hulu or Netflix (see "What's Out There" on D5). SeeViewing/D5
or use the hiking trail instead.
Bend's secondannual Foodie Crawl, a
progressive dinner and pub crawl that will
raise money for Bend's Community Center, is
from 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday. The downtown Bend
event will be followed by dessert, live music and a silent auction at the
community center from 7 to 10 p.m.
General admission tickets cost$65 per person, available at www. or by calling 541-312-2069. VIP tickets are $95 and tickets to the after-party
alone are$25.
Goncert to help ill boy An all-ages benefit concert will take place May 4 to help14-yearold Braydon Dunn and his family with medical
in every box of crayons). • Speaking of bins, invest in them. Lots of them. I like clear plastic bins with lids. Use cardboard boxes if that's easier. The key is, have lots of containers in which to store action figures, art supplies, plastic dinosaurs, dolls and doll parts, wood blocks, etc. A house without bins is a house whereeveryone isconstantly stepping on Legos and uncontained Barbie dolls threaten to stage their own coup. • Get used to playing board games with tokens other than the official ones that came with the game. For example, the Scotty dog and the wheelbarrow from Monopoly are already lost, so we use a quarter and the cap of a milk jug. Or the helmet of a toy Army dude. Or a miniature plastic chicken. Whatever. The point is, there are an infinite number of small objects around your house that you can use as game tokens, so don't get hung up on it if your kids lose the ones that came with Candyland, Sorry, or that stupid Scooby Doo game they insist on playing over and over again. • Buy a drain snake (otherwise known as a drain auger). If you are unfamiliar with this item, your child hasn't yet flushed a toy airplane or Matchbox car down the toilet. See, what happens is, a 2-year-old wants to see the plane or car swim. Splash. Flush. Next step is calling a plumber, who charges $80 an hour to fish out the toy with basically the same tool you can buy at the hardware story for less than $40. So buy the thing, learn how to use it, and you'll be all set when the kid repeats the experiment. You never think it will happen, but it will.
— will be openfrom
expenses. Dunnhas Crohn's Disease.Tony Smiley, Mosely Wotta and Brad Jones will perform at the event, called Bands Together for Braydon, at the Domino Room at 4 p.m. Tickets
aret $10 for adults, $5 for age 16andyounger, available at www. bendtickets com or at the door. Contact: Tia Mansfield 541-419-4204
or experiencingwellness — From staff reports Joe Kline/The Bulletin
Patrons of the Volcanic Theatre Pub watch an episode of "Mad Men" on Sunday in Bend.
Corrections In a calendar entry titled "Japanese Festival and Silent Auction,"
Television viewinghabits changing According to The Nielsen Company, the average American household still spends about 24 to 48 hours each week watching television through a cable subscription or broadcast antenna. But they
also spend a few hours each weekwatching time-shifted television — using a DVR or similar
device to watch television programs outside their scheduled time — watching recorded television
shows or movies with a DVDplayer, and watching video over the Internet. 18-24
Using a DVD / Blu-ray player
Watching video on the Internet
Watching video on a mobile phone
Watching via cable/broadcast Watching time-shifted TV
Source: The Nielsen Company
and Silent Auction is
from noon to 4 p.m. today in the Summit High
Age range
23:14 = 23 hours, 14 minutes
which appeared recently in several sections, the time was incorrect. The free JapaneseFestival
Greg Cross / The Bulletin
School commons. A restaurant brief, which appeared Friday, April 26 on Page11 of
GOt Magazine reported the incorrect date for the Foodie Crawl fundraiser
for Bend's Community Center. The event is Sunday. Contact: thefoodie The Bulletin regrets the errors.
ic ismoreim ortant: ein ' oo,'orrei ious? The Kansas City Star ls it enough to b e g o od and spiritual, or must one be religious?
meaning of the great value and spiritual principle — faith. God — because of his deep love for us — wants us saved and able to enter into eternal 'Good' is not the threshold life. The Rev. Raymond Davis Jr., But it's not by any good Greater Corinthian Church of things we do, do we gain eterChrist Non-Denominational, nal life, rather, it is according Kansas City, Mo.: to the righteousness of faith In the Gospels (Matthew in Jesus Christ unto all that 19:16-25), Jesus encounters a believe. man inquiring about eternal Consider: "But God comlife. He wanted to know what mendth his love toward us.... good thinghe could do to have Christ died for us. We shall eternal life. be saved by his life." (Romans
Being and doing good, be- 5:8, 10) ing spiritual an d r e ligious, amounts to not enough to have eternal life, as the young man More find spirituality wanted. The question before to be enough us speaks to the desire to gain Lama Chuck Stanford, spirisomething that belongs to God tual director of the Rime Bud— like eternal life, by doing dhist Center, Kansas City: something good. It seems that more people Jesus gives a brief lesson on today are recognizing the ilthe word "good." The mean- logic of the multitude of reing of a thing is greater than ligions that all claim to have the thing itself. The meaning the only truth. How can such of good transcends the word different doctrines all be true? itself. After a man called him It is for this reason that more Good Master, Jesus responded and more people are turning that "there is none good, but away from religion and idenone, that is God." tifying themselves as simply What is good enough and spiritual. acceptable by God that a perHowever, both spirituality son have eternal life is the and religion have in common
the attempt to help connect the individual with that which we call "sacred." R eligion a t t empts th i s through the building of beautiful cathedrals and elaborate rituals to help the practitioner connect with the sacred. But
many people are beginning to recognize that the sacred can be found outside religion, too. How many of us have felt a connection with the sacred when listening to a b eautiful piece of music, viewing a beautiful work of art, in a b eautiful sunset or i n c h i l dren's laughter? From the Buddhist perspective the sacred is all around us, all of the time if we only take the time to experience it. For this reason, Buddhism places such a high value on mindfulness — or paying attention to the moment. I think the 19th century author and poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox said it best when she said, "So many gods, so many creeds, So many paths that wind and wind, while just the art of being kind is all the sad world needs." — Send questions for Voices of Faith columnists to Darryl Levings at
RELIGIOUS SERVICES To submit service information or announcementsfor religious organizations, email bulletin© or call 541-383-0358. ANTIOCHCHURCH:Sr. Pastor Ken W ystma; Sundayat9:30a.m.;Redux Q-and-A after the service; BendHigh School, 230 N.E.Sixth St., Bend. BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: Pastor DaveMiller; "The FarSide: Part III"; Sundayat10 a.m.; 4twelve youthgroup;Wednesdayat7p.m.; 19831 Rocking HorseRoad,Bend. BENDCHURCHOFTHENAZARENE: Pastor Virgil Askren; continues the series, "King Who?"; Sundayat10:15 a.m.;1270 N.E.27th St., Bend. CENTRALOREGON BAPTIST CHURCH: Pastor John Tittle; "RecognizingandLoving Jesus:Part 1," based onJohn 21:1-14, aspart of the series onthe Gospelof John; Sunday at10:30a.m.; 500 S.W.Bond St., Bend. COMMUNITY OFCHRIST:Evangelist Clint Jacks; "Make NoDistinction," based on Acts11:1-18; Sundayat 11 a.m., following 10:45 a.m. praise singing; 20380 CooleyRoad,Bend. CROSSCHURCH:Pastor Ed Byrnes; "I Am the Door of theSheepand the Great Shepherd," based onJohn 10:1-21, as part of the series, "I Am"; Today at 6:30 p.m.; Neighborhood Center, 2640 JonesRoad,Bend. DISCOVERYCHRISTIAN CHURCH: Pastor DaveDrullinger; "A Growing Church" based onActs 2:36-47; Sundayat IOa.m.;334 N.W .Newport Ave., Bend. EASTMONTCHURCH: Pastor John Lodwick; "Renovations: New Normals After Trauma,"basedon 2 Kings 4, aspart of the series, "INVEST:Building a HomeWith Grace"; Sundayat9and10:45 a.m.; 62425 EagleRoad,Bend. FATHER'SHOUSE CHURCH OF GOD: Pastor Randy Wills; "Alternative Power" as part of theseries, "Fanor Follower"; Sundayat10a.m.; Youth Group; Wednesdays; 7 p.m.;61690 Pettigrew Road,Bend. FIRST PRESBYTERIANCHURCH: Ron Werner; "Modern Family: It Takes aCommunit y";Sundayatthe9a.m., 10:45 a.m.and5:01 p.m. services; 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend. FIRSTUNITED METHODIST CHURCH:TheRev.ThomLarson; Confirmation Sunday;"Rising Up For Adventure"; Sunday at 9and11 a.m.; 680 N.W.BondSt., Bend. FOUNDRY CHURCH:Pastor Syd Brestel; Abrahamandhis relationship with God; Sundayat 10:15 a.m.; 60N.W.OregonAve., Bend. GRACEFIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH:Pastor Joel LiaBraaten; "Take Another Look at Love" and "Getting it Together"; Sunday at 9:30a.m.;2265 N.W. ShevlinPark Road,Bend.
JOURNEY CHURCH: Pastor Sam Peck; "AJourney of Faith"; Sundayat 9 and10:30 a.m.; 70N.W.Newport Ave., Bend. NEWPORTAVENUECHURCHOF CHRIST:Minister Dean Catlett; "This is the Day" based onPsalms118:24; Sunday at10:45 a.m.; 554 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. SPIRITUALAWARENESS COMMUNITY OFTHE CASCADES: Community Gathering; Sunday at 9 a.m.; held atTheOldStone Church, 157 N.W.Franklin Ave., Bend. SPRINGS OF LIFE MINISTRIES: Evangelist andBible teacher Eddie Cienda; W ednesdaysat7p.m.; ongoing; TheSoundGardenStudio, 1279 N.E.SecondSt., Bend. TRINITYEPISCOPAL CHURCH: Sunday at 9 a.m.; St. FrancisChurch, 2450 N.E. 27th St., Bend. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH:The Rev. Patrick M. Rooney; "GodWith Us:Renewal, "based onRevelation 21:1-7; Sundayat 8 a.m. and11 a.m.; 2550 N.E. Butler Market Road. UNITARIANUNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIPOF CENTRAL OREGON:Guestspeaker Brad Porterfield; "Immigration as aMoral Issue"; Sundayat11 a.m.; at the Old Stone Church, 157N.W.Franklin Ave., Bend. WESTSIDE CHURCH: Pastor Evan Earwicker; "Parental GuidancePart Four: TheSpiritual Dial"; today at 6:30 p.m. andSundayat 8, 9and10:45 a.m.; 2051 N.W.Shevlin Park Road, Bend. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor Greg Kooistra"Parental Guidance Part Four: TheSpiritual Dial"; Sunday at 9 and10:30 a.m.; 1245S.E.Third St., Bend. WESTSIDEONLINE CAMPUS: Pastor EvanEarwicker; "Parental Guidance Part Four: TheSpiritual Dial"; today at6:30 p.m.and Sunday at 9and10:45 a.m.; www. COMMUNITYPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:Pastor Rob Anderson; "Growing ThroughQuestions," based onJohn20:24-29, as part of the series "Becoming aDisciple!"; Sunday at 9and11 a.m.; 529N.W. 19th St., Redmond. EMMAUSLUTHERANCHURCH: The Rev. David Poovey;"CopingW ith Change," based onPsalm 25:4-5; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; 2175S.W. Salmon Ave.,Redmond. GRACELUTHERANCHURCH AT EAGLE CREST:Pastor Randy VanMehren; "God the Holy Spirit Convicts Us ofOurSin andConvinces Us of OurRighteousness inChrist"; Sunday at10:30a.m.; EagleCrest BanquetandConference Facility, 1522 Cline FallsRoad,Redmond.
and Perfect Gifts"; Sundayat10a.m.; Southwest12th Avenueand Forest Avenue, Redmond. ZIONLUTHERAN CHURCH: PastorChet Evenson; "Jesus,WhoAre You?" based on John10:22-30; Sundayat 8:30a.m. and11 a.m.;1113BlackButte Blvd., Redmond. SHEPHERD'SVALLEYCOWBOY CHURCH:Pastor Jordan Weaver; Sunday at 9a.m. and10:30 a.m.; in the cafe ofTheRim Rock Riders Equestrian Facility, BrasadaRanch, 17037 S.W.Alfalfa Road, Powell Butte. AGAPE HARVESTFELLOWSHIP: Pastor JeremySeibert; youth andfamily service ;Wednesdayat6 p.m.;52460 Skidgel Road, LaPine. COMMUNITYBIBLECHURCH AT SUNRIVER:Youth Minister Jess Joles; "The Assurance ofthe Believer —God in Control: Part1," based onRomans 8:28-30; Sunday at9:30a.m.; 1 Theater Drive, Sunriver. CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: The Rev.Willis C.Jenson; "The Holy Spirit PreachestheSameMessage Jesus Preaches:TheGospel," basedon John16:14; Sundayat11 a.m.; heldat TerrebonneGrangeHall, 828611th St., Terrebonne. FELLOWSHIPOF CHRISTIAN ATHLETESDINNERANDAUCTION: $25; 4 p.m. for silent auction, 6 p.m. for dinner and live auction May4; registration required; Eastmont Church, 62425 EagleRoad,Bend; for tickets and information, contact Dennis Legg at 541-815-1274 or visit "MISSREPRESENTATION" FILM PRESENTATION: How themedia shapes attitudes toward womenand girls; soup lunch available; donations accepted; 12:30-2:30 p.m. May5; Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 Brosterhous Road,Bend;541-3880765 or "THE TRUTHPROJECT" PRESENTATION:12-part video series from Focus onthe Family; free; 6:30-8 p.m.; Wednesdays through June26; Alfalfa Community Hall, Willard Road; 54 I-977-4290. PASHCA CELEBRATION:Hosted by Hellenic Society of Central Oregon; May5; contact Irini Karimalis-Kitchin at 54 I-548-663 I. PRAY FOR AMERICA: Redmond Kiwanis event with breakfast and evening dessert; tickets required for morning service; $6 for breakfast; 6:30-8:30 a.m.; RedmondCommunity Church, 237 N.W.Ninth St.; evening service is free; 6-7:30 p.m.; Desert Song Church, 640 S.W.Evergreen Ave., Redmond; breakfast contact 541-923-7773, evening dessert contact 541-771-6548.
Find Your Dream Home
ST. PAUL'SANGLICANCHURCH: Father John Pennington;"Good
in Real Estate Theeulletin
Ozier Muhammad/The New York Times
Rabbi Joel Mosbacher, and other clergy meet at Christ Episcopal Church earlier this month to address gun violence, in East Orange, N.J. Mosbacher tells the story of the 1999 slaying of his father as a way of urging the signing of a covenant for gun overhaul measures.
His father's murder drives rabbi's pursuit of guncontrol By Samuel G. Freedman
Sunday. While the rabbi had done MAHWAH, N.J. — In the a bit of tentative speaking on ta WOrk, aS he tTad months a f ter h i s fa t h er's gun control as early as 2000, done for 35 years, murder in early 1999, those his c o m m itment a c c elermonths stretching formlessly and he was stolen ated after 2006, when he first between the mourning ritual learned about the Industrial from his brothers, of shiva and the impending Areas Foundation. As a legacy trial of a suspect, Rabbi Joel wife, his children and of the renowned community M osbacher received m a ny organizer Saul Alinsky, the grandchildren. I've messages of solace. There was foundation largely mobilizes one type, however, that tested carried this story with religious congregations. Its every atom of clerical forbear- me, this anger, every style, far from being earnest, ance he possessed. is proudly combative. day for the last 14 "People said in this tryingOne of the foundation's mato-be-helpful way, 'This will years." jor principles is that anger, if make you a b e tter r abbi,'" Rabbi Joel Mosbacher channeled correctly, is welMosbacher, 43, recalled. "And come, for it derives from the nothing made me angrier. I Norse word angr, which can didn't want to be a better rabmean sorrow or grief at the bi.Iwanted my dad back." er said. "I've carried this story condition of the world. "It went past my brain right He wanted Lester Mosbach- with me, this anger, every day er, who had been shot dead in for the last 14 years." Then to my heart," Mosbacher said a petty robbery at his small he made reference to a verse of the exegesis of angr. "It felt business on Chicago's South from Leviticus: "I won't stand like the closest thing to me to Side the day before he turned idly by my father's blood." a revelation." 53. He wanted the father who What Mosbacher was proThe lesson on angr al so cheered the White Sox and posing was not just support evoked the prophetic tradigardened in the backyard and for the gun control legislation tion within J udaism. Mosbarbecued with a f l ashlight then pending in the Senate. bacher heard in angr echoes or umbrella if necessary. He In fact, rather presciently, he of Micah's admonition to "to wanted the grandfather for his warned the audience not to do justly, and to love mercy," firstborn son, just ll months "hope for the best from the as well a s D e u teronomy's old at the time of the murder. most dysfunctional institution command that "Justice, justice As Joel Mosbacher raised in America." shalt thou follow." his own family and advanced Specifically, as a leader of Then, in the past year, the in his rabbinical career, mov- the faith-based coalition New rabbi's prophetic summons ing from an assistant's po- Jersey Together, he was pro- a rrived in g r i sly f o rm : 1 2 s ition outside Atlanta to a pounding its p r oposal that people shot dead at a Colosenior one in this New Jersey local mayors, gun retailers, rado movie theater last July, suburb, he recognized that no firearms manufacturers and six worshipers shot dead at prayer, no fast, no act of reli- large buyers like the military a Sikh temple in Wisconsin sign a "covenant" of gun over- the next month, 20 schoolchilgious charity could give him what he wanted. haul measures. dren and six educators shot Yet on a Sunday afternoon Mosbacher had d elivered dead in Newtown, Conn., in this month, Mosbacher stood a similar speech for a simiDecember. "The piling of murder upon before an assembly of 200 lar purpose in February in clergy members, congregants, Chicago before 500 members m urder an d f u n eral u p on politicians and police officials of United Power, a sister orfuneral made me wonder if in a North Jersey church to ganization o f N e w J e r sey this is the moment when the tell, in the cause of gun con- Together,under the rubric of people of this country, people trol, the story of his father's the national Industrial Areas of faith, would wake up," Mosmurder. Foundation.He had delivered bacher said. "And I felt that I "All he did wa s dr ive to it to a similar group in West- brought with me more than work, as he had done for 35 chester County. He had deliv- suburban guilt to the work of doing justice in this country. I years, and he was stolen from ered it from his own pulpit at his brothers, wife, his children Beth Haverim Shir Shalom brought a story, even if l didn't and grandchildren," Mosbach- in Mahwah on Super Bowl tell it at first." New Yorh Times News Service
"AII he did was drive
Stand Proud. Stand Together. April 2Z, 2013 is National Show Your Mettle Dav for amputees
across arnerica. as part of Naeanal Limb Loss Awareness Month,the amputee Coalition is asking amputees who feel
comfortable Iand are able) to rnake their prosthetics (or chairs) visible on April 27. For more information, So to or join ourchallenge on racebook at
"ma[ition g .IIIl~f~ggI Nationally Sponsored by Ãi1AHnkbod
LOCAI.AilIPlJTllllS SIIOIF Tllllla METTl.ll Two Million Amputees Expected to Show Their Metal on April 27th! S ummit Orthotics and P rosthetics is p a rticipating in t h e Amputee Coalition's Limb Loss Awareness Month by showing their metal on National Show Your Mettle Day on Saturday, April 27, 2013 "There are more amputees living in Central Oregon than you might realize" said Natalia Hanavan, CPO "It's important for our community to know that amputees are not defined by their amputation and are living life to the fullest.". On April 27th, help bring awareness to life after amputation by showing off your prosthesis. This is the first annual "Show your Mettle" Day.
SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 2013 • T HE BULLETIN D 3 "Celtic Cross" Christianity
"The Wheel of Dharma" Buddhism
"Star of David"
Judaism CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF REDMOND 536 SW 10th, Redmond 541 -548-2974 SundayWorship 9:00 am F 10:30 am
0 'I
0 0
You Are TheMost Important Part of Our Services
Sunday School for all ages Kidmo • Junior Church Greg Strubhar, Pastor Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor POWELL BUTTE CHRISTIAN CHURCH
Cowboy Fellowship Saturdays Potluck 6 pm Musicand the Word 7 pm Sunday Worship Services
Temple Beth Tikvah is a member of the
Messianic Synagogue
Union for Reform Judaism.
Est. 1994 We provide a congregational setting
Our members represent a wide range
of Jewish backgrounds.
for Jews and Christians alike. If you're interested in learning the Bible from a
We welcome interfaith families and Jews
Our monthly activities include
Bear Creek Center
social functions, services, religious
21300 Bear Creek Rd. Bend, OR. 97701
Our Shabbat Services are on Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Our ministries
"Omkar" (Aum) Hinduism
"Star 8 Crescent"Islam
"Yin/Yang" Taoist/ ConfucIanlsm
541 -548-3066 •
FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER 1049 NE 11th St.' 541-382-8274 SUNDAYS:
9:30am Sunday Educational Classes 10:30 am Morning Worship This Sunday at Faith Christian Center, Pastor Mike Johnson will share his message titled "Becoming" in the Sunday service, beginning at 10:30 am.
Childcare is provided in our Sunday morning service. On Wednesdays "Restored Youth" service begins at 7:00 pm A number of Faith Journey Groups meet throughout the week in small groups, please contact the church for details and times. The church is located on the corner of Greenwood Avenue and NE 11th Street. REDMOND ASSEMBI.Y OF GOD 1865 W Antler • Redmond 541-548-4555 SUNDAYS
Morning Worship 8:30 am 8 10:30 am Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm WEDNESDAYS FAMILY NIGHT 7 PM
Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery W ednesday NITE Live Kids Youth Group Pastor Duane Pippitt •
CENTRAL OREGON BAPTIST CHURCH Currently mee(hrg at500 SW BondS(.
COMM U N ITY BIBLE CHURCH AND CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL 541-593-8341 Beaver at Theater Drive, PO Box 4278, Sunriver, OR 97707
"Transforming Lives Through the Truth of the Word" All are Welcome! SUNDAY WORSHIP AND THE WORD - 9:30 Am.
Coffee Fellowship - 10:45 am Bible Education Hour - 11: 15am Nursery Care available
Wednesday 7:00 PM - Prayer Meeting F Adult Bible Study 7:00 PM - Kids 4 Truth EASTMONT CHURCH
"DisplayingtheReality ojChrist in
•Women'sBibleStudy -Tuesdays,10 am • Awana Kids Club (4 yrs - 6th gr.) Sept.- May • Youth Ministry (gr. 7-12) Wednesdays 6: 15 pm • Men'sBibleStudy -Thursdays9 am • I-Iome Bible Studies are also available Preschool for 3 8 4 year olds Call for information Senior Pastor: Glen Schaumloeffel Associate Pastor: Jake Schwarze visit our Web site Listen to KNLR 97.5 FM
at 9:00 am each Sunday to hear "Transforming Truth" with Pastor Glen.
20225 Cooley Rd. Bend Phone: (541) 383-5097 Web site:
11 am Service (Full child care) For information, please call ... Minister - Mike Yunker - 541-312-8844 Associate Pastors Don Henderson 8 Mike Sweeney "Loving people one at a time." •
"Educating and Developing the Whole Child for the Glory of God" Pre K - 5th Grade 62425 Eagle Road, Bend 541-382-2049 Principal Lonna Carnahan
Fr. Theodore Nnabugo, Pastor Parish Office: 541-536-3571 HOLY REDEEMER, LA PINE
16137 Burgess Rd Tuesday, Wednesday 8 Friday Mass 9:00 am Sunday Mass — 10:00 am Confessions: Saturdays — 3:00-4:00pm HOLY TRINITY, SUNRIVER
18143 Cottonwood Rd. Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm
Sunday mass 8:00 am Confessions: Thurs. 9:00-9:15 am OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS, Gilchrist 120 Mississippi Dr Sunday Mass — 12:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 12:00-12:15 pm HOLY FAMILY,
near Christmas Valley 57255 Fort Rock Rd Sunday Mass — 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3:15 pm
62425 Eagle Road, Bend 541-382-5822
Pastor Rev. James A. Radloff Parochial Vicar Rev. Juan Carlos Chiarinoti 541-382-3631
Sunday Services Classic (Blended) Service 9:00am Contemporary Service 10:45am H ispanic Service 6:00p m
NEW CHURCH 2450 NE 27th Street Masses Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30AM, 10IOOAMF 7:00 PM
9:00 AM Sunday School for everyone 10: 15 AM Worship Service At Foundry this Sunday, Syd Brestel talks about Abraham, so confident in his relationship with God, challenging God's justice and interceding forSodom and Gomorah.
For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Call 541-382-3862 HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH, SBC
3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond • 541-548-4161 Sunday Worship Services: 8 00 am, 9 30 am, 11:00 am Sunday Bible Fellowship Groups 9:30 am 8 ll:00 am Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor For complete calender:
Hadashah (New Testament)
(call for information)
• Biblical Feasts
Reconciliation / Reconciliacion Saturday3:00 PM -4:45 PM -English. Thursday 6:00 PM -7:00 PM - English o Espanol Domingo li:15 AM - 12:15 PM - Espanol
• Lifecycle Events • End-times prophecy
Friday, May 17 at 6:00 pm - Shabbat Family Celebration
For the complete schedule of Services 8
or contact us at 541-385-5439
Youth Events
go to:
CwCelebration Church 63830 Clausen Rd Ste 102, Bend
For information about our education
Saturday 10:30 am-2 pm
programs, please call Kathy Schindel at 541-388-8826
230 NE Ninth Street, Bend
Spirit and Truth
541 382 4401
All services are held at the First United Methodist Church
680 NW Bond Street
Children's Program
Confession XXVII(.8, 10)
10:15 am Worship Service
Senior Pastor Virgil Askren
10 am Sunday School Nursery Care 8 Chddren s Church
II am Divine Service
ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all Worship Services
The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor.
"Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM
8286 11th St (Grange Hall),
8:30 am Sunday
Terrebonne, OR WEDNESDAY
6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study
Phone: 541-325-6773
Life Groups
Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages.
2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend •
(Child Care Available)
Meeting at the Golden Age Club
Sunday School 10:20 a.m.
40 SE 5th St., Bend
Sunday Worship 10:00 am worshipping God and teaching the Bible
M en'sBible Study Wednesday 7:30 a.m.
truths recovered through the Reformation.
In the Heart of Down Town Bend) 680 NW Bond St. / 541.382.1672 Everyone isWelcome!
Rev. Thom Larson
541 -420- 1667
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
• •
21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241
Worship in the Heart of Redmond Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Worship Service
Sermon Title: Confirmation Sunday "Rising Up For Adventure"
9:00am-Contemporary Service Sunday School during the 9am Service 11:00am - Traditional Service
8:45 am 8 10:45 am
Childcare provided on Sunday
WednesdayMid-Week Services
*During the Week: Women's Groups, Men's Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music & Fellowship
8:30 am Contemporary 11:00 am Liturgical
Children S Youth Programs
Sunday School for all ages at 10:00 am
7:00 pm
Children's Room available during services
Nursery Care provided for all services
Come Experience a warm, friendly family of worshipers.
Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur
Everyone Welcome - Always.
21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241
A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich and
Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors Rev. Thom Larson
TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH 469 NW Wall St. • 541-382-5542
diverse music program for all ages COffee, SnaCkS aIId JellOWSII)I
(3/4 mile north of High School)
We are grateful to the community
Wed. Bible Study at noon
Redmond, OR 97756
Corner of NW Franklin 8 Lava Masses Sunday 4:30 PM M onday- Fri day 7:00 AM 8 12:15 PM Saturday 8:00 AM
for the outpouring of help
3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study
(541) 548-3367
Redmond, Oregon 97756 541 -923-3390 Father Todd Unger, Pastor Mass Schedule: Weekdays 8:00 am (except Wednesday) Wednesday 6:00 pm Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm First Saturday 8I00 am (English) Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English) 12:00 noon (Spanish) Confessions on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 5:45 pm and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm
Call for information about other meetings Pastor Joel LiaBraaten
M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am
Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated to W omen's Bible Study Tuesday 9:15 a.m .
CAPILLA DE SANTA CLARA Jueves7:00 PM -Misa en Espanol
Reconciliation Tuesday7:30AM -8;00 A M -English o Espanol Saturday8.30AM -9:30 AM -English o Espanol
(541) 385-3908
Just 2 blocks SW of Bend High School
Education Hour 10:45 a.m.
See our website for more information Meeting place:
SuIIdII9 Schedule One service at 9:00 am Historic St. Francis Church, 494 NW Lava St. at Franklin, Bend, OR
Exposition 8 Benediction Monday after 7:00 AM Mass - 6:00 PM Tuesday 10I00 AM - 6:00 PM Wednesday after 7:00 AM Mass - 6:00 PM Thursdayafter7;00 AM Mass -600 PM Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Brad Porterfield, with local immigrant families and friends As Unitarian Universalists, we believe that the governing principle in human relationships is the principle of love, which seeks to help and heal, never to hurt or destroy. So how do we apply our beliefs and principles to the issue of immigration? I-iow do we reconcile our societal values of law and order with our spiritual values of loveand compassion when they seem to be in conflict? Brad Porterfield is the Executive Director of Latino Community Association Religious Education for Grades Pre-K through Grade 5 and childcare for young children are available.
10:00 am 50+ Bible Study
Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.
For more information please visit or or call 541-728-6476.
April 28, 2013 at 11:00am: "Immigration as a Moral Issue"
1270 NE 27 St. • 541-382-5496
Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission
Singing HU can help you experience: • Comfort, peace, joy • Expanded awareness • Inner light and/or sound • A subtle sense of Divine Love • The healing of a broken heart • Solace during times of grief • A release of fears • Answers to your questions
9;00 am Hispanic Worship Service
Learn how to sing HU, a love song to God: a loving, uplifting, Spiritual Exercise. HU, pronounced like the word hue, is sung for about 20 minutes and is followed by a brief period of sacred contemplation. Followed by a discussion. Regardless of your beliefs or religion, singing HU can bring you greater happiness, love, and understanding. Singing HU can draw us closer in our state of consciousness to the Divine Being. It has helped people of many different faiths open their hearts more fully to the uplifting presence and security of God's love.
"Diverse Beliefs One Fellowship" We are a Welcoming Congregation
(St. John 20:22-23, Augsburg
Community HU Sing Thursday, May 16, 6:30 pm at the East Bend Public Library, 60280 Dean Swift Rd. (I170 Worship Service,"Gratitude for Life", Thursday, June 20, 6:30 pm at the East Bend Public Library, 60280 Dean Swift Rd. ¹170
Choirs, music groups, Bible study, fellowship and ministries every week
Food/Fellowship Hebrew Roots Fellowship worshipping in
See Youth Blog:
9:00 am Sunday School for all ages
Reading Room: 115 NW Minnesota Ave. Mon. through Frix 11 am - 4 pm Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm
Awakening To A 21st Century Spirituality Jesus As Mystic Sundays, May 5, 12, 19. 10:45am-noon First Presbyterian Church's Heritage Hall Taught by Dick Rauscher, life coach and author with more than 25 years of counseling experience. This introductory course will be a practical, experiential journey into the wisdom, insights, spiritual practices and self-knowledge to "become" compassion, not"do"compassion.
Wednesday Noon Silence F Supper Worship 12:30 pm Contemplative Prayer
Visit us on the web at
Gospeland(IIere&yyran( eternal life
Domingo 12:30 PM -M isa en Espanol
Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastor Syd Brestel
• Teaching from the Torah and the Brit
The III(sskInof IIIe CIIIIrr(I istoforgivesinsthrough the
Experience an Eckankar Community HU
"Teaching the Word of God, Book by Book"
• Home groups
Saturday, May4 at 10:00 am- Torah Service
(South of Portland Ave.) Church Service 8 Sunday School: 10 am W ed. Testimony Meeting: 7:30 pm Childcare provided.
Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are
available, call for days and times.
• Hebrew classes
Religion of the Lfght andSound of God
Children's ministry and nursery Friday, May 3 at 7:00 pm — Shabbat Service
FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1551 NW First St. • 541-382-6100
Sundays: 8:30 8 10:30 am Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm YouthGroup:Wednesday 7 pm Child Care provided
Undeniable Ways"
For more information about weekly ministries for the whole family, contact 541-382-5822 or email Info©
• Davidic dance and worship
Sunday 9: 15 AM - Prayer Meeting 9:30 AM — Adult Bible Fellowship 9:30AM — Children's Sunday School 10:30 AM - Worship Service 6:00 PM - Growth Groups (call for locationsl
Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th Sunday Services 8 am Traditional Service (No child care for 8 am service) 9:30 am Contemporary Service with full child care
The church is located at Beaver and Theater Drives in Sunriver Everyone is welcome.
(541) 617-2814 God-Centered Worship Expository Bible Teaching Rich Hymns 8 Songs Family Oriented Ministries Christ-Focused Living Meaningful Loving Relationships Compassionate Gospel Witness
Rabbi Glenn Ettman
Sunday, May 5 -adulteducation REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH
Modern Family: It Takes A Community Preacher: Ron Werner 9:00 am contemporary 10:45 am traditional 5:01 pm relaxed Sunday School: 3 yrs to 6th grade Nurserycare provided
8:30am-10:15 am-11 am
Nursery & Children's Church Pastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, Ozzy Osborne and Glenn Bartnik 13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte
Rev. Dr. Steven H. Koski Lead Pastor
Hebrew perspective, come join us at:
by choice.
Hebrew school, Torah study, and adult
230 NE Ninth, Bend (Across Ninth St. from Bend High) AII Are Welcome, Always!
The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector
after each servIce
CHURCH 529 NW 19th Street
I:00 pm Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor
3rdTues.Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner All are welcome through our red doors
Youth and Family Programs
9:00 am Contemporary Worship
Active Social Outreach
Sunday School 9:45 am Children 8 Adult Classes Worship Service — 11;00 am Major's Robert F Miriam Keene
Effective May 1, 20l3
4 Saturdays and TMC: $115 5 Saturdays and TMC: $138
9:00 am Nursery Care 9:15 am Children 8 Youth
THE SALVATION ARMY 755 NE 2nd Street, Bend 541-389-8888
1113 SWBlack Butte Blvd.
Sunday School
Redmond, OR 97756 - 541-923-7466
9;30 am Adult Education
Pastor Eric Burtness
11:00 am Traditional Worship Youth Groups High School — Sunday 11:00am- 12:30pm
The Bulletin: EVery Saturday On the ChurCh
page. $23 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday
MiddleSchool - Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm
CO Marketplace:
The First Tuesday of each
6:30 pm Centering Prayer
Sunday, 3 pm at the Old Stone Church, 157 NW Franklin Ave., Bend
Nursery 0-2 years
month. $23 Copy Changes: by Monday
Celebrate New Life at New Hope Church!
Visitors welcome
5:30 pm Prayer Service
I Week PriOr to PubliCatiOn
Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am,
Church Office: 541-389-8787
20080 Pinebrook Blvd.• 541-389-3436
Pastor Randy Myers
Sunday School 2 years - 5th grade
Small Groups Meet Regularly
E-ma(l: ther(ver©ma(
(Handicapped Accessible) Please visit our website for a complete
Send to: PO Box 808, Bend OR 97709
listing of activities for all ages.
• g •
Call Pat Lynch 541-383-0396 PlynCh@bendbulletiFLCOm
VOLUNTEER SEARCH Volunteer Search is compiled bythe Department of HumanServices Volunteer Services. Theorganizations listed are seekingvolunteers for a variety of tasks. Toseeafull list, and for additional information on the types of help needed, goonline to www., additions or deletions should be sent to1300 N.W.Wall St., Suite103, Bend 97701, email Therese.M.Helton© or call541-693-8988. GIRLSON THE RUN OF DESCHUTES COUNTY:www.deschutescountygotr. org or info© GRANDMA'SHOUSE:541-383-3515. or 888-687-2277. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:www.myhb. ASPEN RIDGEALZHEIMER'S org or 541-383-6357. ASSISTEDLIVING AND RETIREMENT HIGH DESERT TEENSVOLUNTEER COMMUNITY:541-385-8500. PROGRAM:www.highdesertmuseum. BEND SENIORCENTER: Kim, org or 541-382-4757. 541-706-6127. IEP PARTNERS: Carmelle Campbell CASCADEVIEW NURSING AND at the OregonParent Training and ALZHEIMER'SCARECENTER: Information Center, 888-505-2673. 541-382-7161. J BAR JLEARNINGCENTER:Rick CENTRAL OREGONCOUNCIL ON Buening, or AGING(COCOA)AND MEALS ON 541-389-1409. WHEELS: or 541-678-5483. JUNIPERSWIM B FITNESS CENTER: Kim, 541-706-6127. LA PINESENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER: KIDS CENTER: Rachel Kane,541-383Pat Potter, 541-536-6237. 5958, ext. 274. LONG-TERM CAREOMBUDSMAN LA PINEHIGHSCHOOL:Jeff Bockert, PROGRAM:NancyAllen, 541-312-2488. jeff.bockert© or 541-355-8501. PILOTBUTTE REHABILITATION MEADOWLARK MANOR: Peggy CENTER: 541-382-5531. Kastberg, 541-382-7025. PRINEVILLESOROPTIMISTSENIOR MOUNTAINSTARFAMILY RELIEF CENTER:Melody,541-447-6844. NURSERY:541-322-6820. TOUCHMARK ATMT.BACHELOR NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, VILLAGE: 541-383-1414. ext. 115. VOLUNTEERSINACTION: OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY 541-548-7018. EXTENSIONSERVICE:54'I-548-6088, 541-447-6228 or541-475-3808. CHILDREN, YOUTH OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY AND EDUCATION MASTERGARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM: http://extension. SERVICES or 541-548-6088. ADULTBASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT (COCC):Margie Gregory, mgregory© READ TOGETHER: 541-388-7746. or 541-318-3788. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: AFS-USA: or Caitlin 541-923-4807. Krutsinger, 503-419-9514. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER:Zach ALYCE HATCHCENTER: Andy Kizans, Sartin, 541-923-4854. 541-383-1 980. REDMOND YOUNGLIFE: BEND PARK &RECREATION 541-923-8530. DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. SCHOOL-TO-CAREERPARTNERSHIP: BIGBROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF Kent Child, 541-322-3261. CENTRAL OREGON:54 I-312-6047 SMART (STARTMAKING A READER (Bend), 541-447-3851, ext. 333 TODAY): or (Prineville) or 541-325-5603 (Madras). 541-355-5600. BOY SCOUTSOF AMERICA: Paul TRILLIUM FAMILYSERVICES: Abbott, or 503-205-0 I94. 541-382-4647. VIMA LUPWAHOMES:www. BOYS &GIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL or 541-420-9634. OREGON:, info@ YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL OREGON: or 541-617-2877. 541-385-0470. CAMP FIREUSA CENTRAL OREGON: campfire© or ANIMALS AND 541-382-4682. CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: ENVIRONMENT Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. BEND SPAY& NEUTERPROJECT: CIRCLEOFFRIENDS:Beth, beth@ 541-6'I7-1 010. or 541-588-6445. CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION & FOSTER TEAM (CRAFT), DESCHUTES COUNTYSHERIFF'S 541-389-8420 or541-598-5488. OFFICE— CENTRALOREGON PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH: CHIMPS, INC.:, COPY© or541-410-4122 or 541-388-6651. DESCHUTES LAND TRUST: FOSTERGRANDPARENTS or PROGRAM:SteveGuzanskis, 541-330-0017. 541-678-5483. DESCHUTES NATIONALFOREST: GIRL SCOUTS: 541-389-8146. Jean Nelson-Dean, 541-383-5576.
EAST CASCADES AUDUBON SOCIETY: or 541-24 I-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER:www. or 541-385-6908. EOUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OFBEND:www.equineoutreach. com or joan© or 541-4I9-3717. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDING CENTER: Darcy Justice, 541-382-9410. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOF THE OCHOCOS:541-447-7178. HUMANE SOCIETYOF REDMOND: or 541-923-0882. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRACLUB: 541-389-9115. districts/prineville/recreation/host.php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING:Lexa McAllister, or 541-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER& OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442. VOLUNTEERCAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS: Tom Mottl, 541-41 6-6859.
HEALTH AMERICANCANCERSOCIETY: Charlie Johnson, 541-434-3114. AMERICANREDCROSS: 541-749-4111. DESCHUTESCOUNTYHEALTH DEPARTMENT:Tuesday Johnson, toco.deschutes. Tuesday Johnson or 541-322-7425. FRIENDSWITH FLOWERS OF OREGON: www. or 541-480-8700. HOSPICEOF REDMONDSISTERS: www.redmondhospice. org or Volunteer Coordinator at 541-548-7483. MOUNTAINVIEWHOSPITAL:JoDee Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE: 541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, or 541475-3882, ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregon@ NEWBERRY HOSPICE:541-536-7399. PARTNERS IN CARE:www. or SarahPeterson at 541-382-5882. RELAYFORLIFE:Stefan Myers, 541-504-4920. ST. CHARLES INBENDAND ST. CHARLES INREDMOND:
541-706-6354. VOLUNTEERSIN MEDICINE: Kristi, 54 I-585-9008.
ARTS, MUSIC, CULTURE AND HERITAGE 88.9KPOV, BEND'S COMMUNITY RADIO STATION: or 541-322-0863. ART COMMITTEEOF THE REDMOND FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Linda Barker, 541-312-1064. ARTS CENTRALSTATION: 54 I-617- l317. CASCADESTHEATRICAL COMPANY: 54I-389-0803. CENTRAL OREGONSYMPHONY ASSOCIATION: Julie, 541-383-7779. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: 541-389-1813, 10a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. DESCHUTESPUBLICLIBRARY SYSTEM:541-312-1032. FRIENDS OFTHE BEND LIBRARIES: or Meredith Shadrach at 54 I-617-7047. HIGH DESERTCHAMBER MUSIC:Isabelle Senger, www., info© or 541-306-3988. HIGH DESERTMUSEUM: 541-382-4754. LA PINEPUBLICLIBRARY:Cindylu, 54 I-317-1097. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Brad, or 54 I-382-4366. THE NATUREOFWORDS: or 54 I-330-4381. REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:54 I-312-1 060. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE (R.I.C.E.): Barb, bonitodia© or541-447-0732. TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: 541-317-0700.
HUMAN SERVICES ABILITREE: volunteer© or 541-388-8103, ext. 217. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. ASSISTANCELEAGUEOFBEND: 54 I-389-2075. BEND COMMUNITYCENTER: Sherry Fisher, volunteer© or 541-312-2084. BETHLEHEMINN: www.bethleheminn. org or 541-322-8768. CENTERFOR COMPASSIONATE LIVING(PREVIOUSLY PEACE CENTER OF CENTRALOREGON):www. or Beth Hansen,541-923-6677.
CENTRALOREGON VETERANS OUTREACH: or 541-383-2793. DEPARTMENT OFHUMAN SERVICES/ VOLUNTEER SERVICES:Therese Helton, Therese.M.Helton@state, or541-693-8988. DEPARTMENT OFHUMAN SERVICES/ VOLUNTEERSERVICESCROOK COUNTY: Valerie Dean, 541-447-3851, ext. 427. DISABLEDAMERICANVETERANS (DAV):Don Lang,541-647-1002. FAMILY KITCHEN:Cindy Tidball, or 541-610-65I1. FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER: 541-389-5468. HUMAN DIGNITYCOALITION: 541-385-3320. HUNGERPREVENTION COALITION: Marie, info© or 541-385-9227. LA PINE COMMUNITY KITCHEN: 541-536-1312. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisq@ or 541-548-2380, ext. 106. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: or JohnC. Schwechten at 541-383-2646. PFLAGCENTRAL OREGON: or 541-317-2334. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE:Teresa, 541-318-4950. SAVINGGRACE:541-382-9227 or 541-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF, president@ or 541-728-0820. ST. VINCENTDEPAULSOCIAL SERVICES:541-389-6643. VOLUNTEER CONNECT: www. or 541-385-8977. WINNINGOVER ANGER B or 541-382-1 943. WOMEN'S RESOURCECENTER OF CENTRALOREGON:541-385-0750.
GOVERNMENT, CITY AND COMMUNITY THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resources©ojd.state. or 888-530-8999. CITY OFBEND:Cheryl Howard, choward© or 541-388-5505. COURT APPOINTEDSPECIAL ADVOCATE (CASA): www. or 541-389-1618. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher, 541-317-3186 or 541-388-6525. DESCHUTESRIVER WOODS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: or Barbaraat info© or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSONCOUNTY VOLUNTEER SERVICES:Therese Helton, 541-4756131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT: Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARDDISTRICT NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION: www.orcharddistrictneighborhood. com. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBER OF COMMERCE:541-593-8I49. VISIT or 541-382-8048.
CENTRALOREGON LOCAVORE:www. or Niki at or 541-633-0674. HIGH DESERTSPECIAL OLYMPICS: 541-749-6517. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS:, info© or 541-306-4774. SACRED ARTOFLIVING CENTER: 541-383-41 79. TUMALO LANGLAUFCLUB:Tom Carroll, 541-385-7981.
Weekly Arts & Entertainment Inside 5$ L G A7JhlE
SUPPORT GROUPS The following list contains support group information submitted to The Bulletin. Submissions must be updated monthly for inclusion. To submit, email relevant details to
DYSTONIASUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-2577. ENCOPRESIS(SOILING): 541-5482814 or EVENINGBEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP:541-460-4030 FAITHBASED RECOVERY GROUP: Drug andalcohol addictions; FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 541-389-5468. GAMBLERSANONYMOUS: Redmond 541-280-7249,Bend 541-390-4365. GAMBLINGHOT LINE:800-233-8479. GLUCOSECONTROL LOW CARB DIET SUPPORTGROUP:kjdnrcd©yahoo. com or 541-504-0726. GLUTENINTOLERANCEGROUP (CELIAC): 541-389-1731. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:Supportfor pregnant teensandteen moms; 541-383-35 l5. GRANDPARENTSRAISING OUR CHILDREN'SKIDS:541-306-4939.
• •
Auo)oumr a Hauum Ato CuMc Bend• Redmond• P-ville • Burns 541.647.2884
I •
~ I
• -.
Too many children die each year because of rushed and distracted driving. When you've got
kids in the car, make getting them there safely your number-one priority. Slow down, stow the phone and leave yourself plenty of room before
pulling out into traffic. It'll have a lasting effect.
Drive Safely. The Way to Oo. Transportation Safety — ODOT
Il ~~~~
w>cusMsov & Wvw~
~K IRBY A QELHQUT 9ggrkmse
llsscNwds ~N +gg~
The Bulletin
' ain ain tos ow most ainat oxo ice
s g aa'
By Amy Kaufman Los Angeles Times
Joe Khne/The Bulletin
Patrons of the Volcanic Theatre Pub in Bend are joining a growing trend of nontraditional viewing of television programming.
What's out there
Continued from D1 A recent report b y T h e Nielsen Company estimated that more than 5 million American households — less than 5 percent of the country's total households — watch movies, television programs and other videos exclusively through the Internet using these wirelesscapable television sets, computers and handheld devices. These viewers do not have a cable subscription nor do they use a broadcast antenna to watch programming when it airs. But while the number of these households has more than doubled since 2007, when it was only 2.01 million, their presence has yet to be truly felt in Central Oregon, said Justin Shaffer, the store manager at Standard TV and Appliance. "It's more of a supplement," he said, adding most people, especially those who are 35 to 45 years old, use these services in addition to their traditional television service that comes through a cable or satellite subscription or broadcast antenna, not as an alternative to it. Shaffer explained most of the interest he sees in Internetbased services, in addition to the video-on-demand services offeredby many cable providers, comes from people who want to use them so they can watch a television program at a time when it is convenient to them and not when it normally airs. "People can watch programming on their time," he said, "and not the cable provider's time."
Here's a rundown of the
options people havewhen it comes to watching television programs on
beforethe new episode aired. But there is one problem with all of t h i s technology: aYou have to wait," Lisa Williams said.
'Black-out' mode
their own terms.
The Williamses had to wait • Traditional TV services about a year to watch the most — Almost 284 million recent season of "Weeds" on American households Netflix because its episodes watch television first had to be r eleased on programming through a DVD before the 300 milliontraditional cable service or subscriber-service could get a broadcast signal they get the rights to start streaming from an antennaconnected them over the Internet. to their television. They also had to wait about • Time-shifted TV services a week for AMC to release the — Digital videorecorders missed "Mad Men" episode and video-on-demand over i t s vi d e o-on-demand services operated bycable service. providers and certain cable A nd these waits can b e networks let people watch painful, said Micah LaVoy, an television programs after avid television watcher and they have aired. the owner of Tin Pan Theater. Because his theater shows • Online TV services "Game of Thrones," an HBO — Hulu and Netflix are the series based on George R.R. two most popular online Martin's fantasy novels, on television services. Hulu's Sunday nights, LaVoy can't 3 million paid subscribers watch the most recent episode can watch certain television of "Mad Men" until a day or programs after they have so after it has aired. LaVoy's aired on traditional TV, problem with t hi s situation while Netflix's 300 million is that his friends are able to subscribers can watch TV watch "Mad Men" when it norprograms once they've mally airs and start discussing been released onDVD. it right then and there. • Zero TV households "You have to go into black— The NielsenCompany out mode," said LaVoy, who estimates 5 million has to avoid his friends' "Mad American households watch Men" discussions until he's television programming seen the episode for fear they without using a cable will ruin the surprise. Some subscription or abroadcast of hisfriends are aware ofthis antenna. Eventhough 75 fact, he added, so if they do percent of these households talk about an episode they use have a television set, they vague terms to avoid spoilers, are knownaszero TV and the resulting discussion households becausethey "can be pretty generic." do not fit the company's LaVoy sought t o c o mbat traditional definition of a TV this problem, at least with household. "Game of Thrones," by showing its episodes live on the big screen when they air, much in Though they have cable ser- the same way that Volcanic vice and an HBO subscription, Theatre Pub shows episodes the coupledoes not subscribe of "Mad Men" and other AMC to th e S h owtime N etwork shows, such as "The Walking and cannot watch "Weeds," a Dead." People can watch these favorite drama, when it norprograms on the big screen, mally airs. They've solved this he said, and they can keep up problem by using Netflix to with their friends who are able watch the program's episodes to watch the episodes at home at home once they've been re- when they normally air. "Everybody is talking about leased on DVD. They also missed the episode what happened on a TV show of "Mad Men" that preceded the at work the next day," said April 21 show they watched at Woody Beverly, who shared a Volcanic Theatre Pub because large leather couch with four they were out of town. But be- of his friends when the Volcacause they have an on-demand- nic Theatre Pub showed "Mad service, the Williamses could Men" last week. watch the episode they missed He plans to come back Sunand be caught up with the plot day for the next episode.
Breaking the schedule According to the Nielsen report, the average adult household used these video-on-demand services and digital video recorders to watch 1.5 to 3.5 hours of television programming or videos each week. BendBroadbandspokesman Shelby Little said about a third of the cable provider's clients use a digital videorecorder to save television programs they can watch at a later date and 30 percent use video-on-demand services to watch movies, television shows or sporting events outside their scheduled air time. The Williamses fall squarely into this category of traditional television supplementers that Shaffer was talking about.
LOS ANGELES — There will probably be less pain than gain f o r P a r amount Pictures at the box office this weekend. M ichael Bay's ne w a c tion comedy, "Pain & Gain," is expected to debut with a respectable $23 million, according to those who have seen pre-release audience s urveys. That s h ould b e enough to beat "Oblivion," the Tom Cruise sci-fi flick entering its second weekend in theaters. The only other new film hitting theaters nationwide, the romantic comedy "The Big Wedding," isn't expected to fare that well. The film, featuring a star-studded ensemble cast including Diane Keaton, Katherine Heigl and Robert De Niro, will probably start off with a so-so $11 million. "Pain & Gain" stars Mark Wahlberg, Dw ayne J ohnson and Anthony Mackie as bodybuilders who try to extort money from a wealthy b usinessman. Based on a 1999 series of Miami New Times articles about similar events, the movie has not received exceptionally positive reviews. On Thursday morning, the picture had notched a 48 percentfresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Paramount spent a b out $26 million to produce "Pain 8 Gain" — an exceptionally low budget for Bay, the filmmaker behind the pricey "Transformers" fr a n chise. Wahlberg and Bay are set to re-team for the fourth installment in the alien robot series, which will be released by Paramount in June 2014. Both Wahlberg and Johnson have proved to be fairly
Matt Sayles/ Invision via The Associated Press
Actor Mark Wahlberg arrives at the Los Angeles Premiere of "Pain & Gain" at the TCL Theatre on Monday in Hollywood, Calif.
"Pain 8z Gain" StarS Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson and Anthony Mackie as bodybuilders who try to extort money from a wealthy businessman.
to reunite at a wedding. The movie, which also features Susan Sarandon, Amanda Seyfried and Robin Williams, has been panned by critics. The $35 million production was primarily financed by Avi Lerner's Millennium Films, t h ough d i s t ributor Lionsgate contributed less than $10 million to the budget. To prod moviegoers to r eliable b o x-office d r a w s see the film this weekend, in r ecent y e ars. T h ough Lionsgate is offering a proJohnson's February action motion: Fans who go online flick "Snitch" collected only to buy one $12 ticket for the $42 million, he has helped movie will receive another to rejuvenate flagging franfree of charge. chises such as " G.I. Joe," In limited release, Road"The Fast and the Furious" side Attractions is opening and "Journey to the Center of its drama "Mud" in 363 thethe Earth." Wahlberg, mean- aters. Th e c o m i ng-of-age while, is coming off a flop in film stars Matthew McCothe January crime thriller naughey as a fugitive who "Broken City" but had two befriendstwo teenagers who hits last year with the mas- help him escape the police. sive comedy "Ted" and Co-starring is Reese Witherthe low-budget action film spoon, who was arrested last "Contraband." weekend and charged with "The Big Wedding," a re- disorderlyconduct after her make of a 2006 French film, husband was pulled over on is about a family thrown into suspicion of driving under chaos when they are forced the influence.
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TV SPOTLIGHT By Jacqueline Cutler © Zapzit
Growing up, V inny Guad agnino wo u l d n' t i nv i t e friends over to hi s f amily's modest Staten Island, N.Y., home. Now it's the backdrop for his MTV talk show, aptly named "The Show With Vinny." The cablenet was slated to run a sneak peek following the MTV Movie Awards featuring clips with Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Mackie and Ke$ha. The 11-episode talk show launches officially on Thursday with Lil Wayne. The premise has g uests coming to the family home of thequiet guy from "Jersey Shore," where Guadagnino's mom, Paola Giaimo, cooks for everyone, and Guadagnino's sisters, Antonella and Mariann Guadagnino, interrupt as he tries to talk to guests, which will include Jenny McCarthy, Redfoo, Scott Disick, Kat Graham and A$AP. The set, a well-worn couch and chair, is in what was intended to be a dining room but until the show had been Giaimo's bedroom. Crucifixes, Communion photos and maps of Sicily decorate the walls. Each of th e sisters' bedrooms is taken over by the show, one as a control room and one as a greenroom. Guadagnino's bedroom has seven shelvesof sneakers, a skyline
Tribune Media Services
"The Show With Vinny" premieres Thursday on MTV. It features Vinny Guadagnino as he hosts a talk show from his family home. of New York on a m irrored background and video games. G iaimo ha d i r o ned h e r son's T-shirt and helped him into it. She turns her attention to cooking in the cramped kitchen. "This is crazy," Guadagnino says, settling on a couch in his room, "every day with a celebrity, just catching that interaction with my mom. She's hilarious." "I never had a friend sleep over this house," Guadagnino says. "It was embarrassing. It was small, beat up. Flash forward 25 years, and now I have millions of people and the biggest celebrities in the world and millionaires." Over Guadagnino's bed are framed photos ofthe "Jersey Shore" cast, and an inscription
reads: "You changed our channel by making it important to change our channel." Show screeners were not available at this writing, but it's clearly the antithesis of a slick talk show. "It's like if 'Wayne's World' was shot in Staten Island," says SallyAnn Salsano, executiveproducer and the force behind the "Jersey Shore" cottage industry. "Vinny is famous for two
things — pinkeye and people fall in love with Vinny," she says. "You would think these kids are from central casting," Salsano says. "Wait till you see them. Mom cuts his food. This is not a put-on. You feel like you are at someone's house for dinner. We barely get the
'What are you here to pitch?' " Reflecting o n h o w sh e selected the cast of "Jersey Shore," Salsano says, "If you w ould have told m e , 'You are going to take these eight kids you found in a n i g htclub and change TV,' I would have said, 'You are smoking something.'" The day "Jersey Shore" premiered, Guadagnino was supposed to take the LSATs, and he says he still thinks about law school. "I like this more," he says. The aroma of garlic fills the house. His mom had some leftover basil, so she whips up a batch of pesto. Everyone waits for Victoria Justice on a frigid day in this lingering winter. The crew crams into a bedroom, andproducers feed lines into Guadagnino's earpiece as he tries to do his introduction. "Did you leave something out?" Giaimo asks. "I just want to be sure you don't leave anyone out. Remember, if I didn't give birth to you, you wouldn't be here right now." She reminds him to mention his sisters. Guadagnino sighs, faces a camera and says, "Welcome to 'The Show With Vinny, My Mom, My Sisters, the Dogs and Cats, and the Rest of Staten Island.'" Naturally, his mom slaps him for the sarcasm. Guadagnino tries explaining who Justice is to his mom. "She's like a god to l ittle
eena er's ame an or atin Dear Abby: I am a 13-year-old girl and my parents won't let me date. I believe I am mature for my age and won't do anything foolish. I don't know why my parents are being like this. Please give me some advice on how to persuade them. — Really Ready in DEAR New Hampshire
bling and womanizing, and my two suicide attempts. We have been trying to work things out, but I suspect that he's back to his old ways. I work part-time, but haven't been able to find a full-time job after our most recent move, so I am f i nancially dependent on him. I have two adult chilABBY Dear Really Ready: dren who don't live Although you think near me. Mostof the you are ready, your p eople I k now a r e parents will have to make the ulti- through the church, and they are all mate decision on when you enter the great supporters of my husband. "dating game." Their decision will I feel trapped, and I don't know most likely be based on whether how to fix my life at this point. — TrappedOn The East Coast you have demonstrated the beginnings of emotional maturity. Dear Trapped: You will have to do You need to have proven to them it in stages. The first should be to you can handle responsibility, carry talk with a licensed therapist who is out school assignments and chores, not associated with the church. be honest with them and keep your Next, continue looking for fullword. It w il l a lso depend upon time employment. If n e cessary, whether they know the boy in ques- start by volunteering. It will help to tion, and whether HE is responsible widen your circle of acquaintances enough to be trusted with their most and perhaps lead to a job. precious possession, which is you. Then, once you are feeling better Dear Abby: I have been married about yourself, you will be better for 27 years to a man who is a church able to decide what to do about your pastor. We have had to move every unhappy marriage. six to eight years, partly because he Dear Abby: After being diagwas repeatedly unfaithful. We have nosed with multiple sclerosis last gone through his alcoholism, gam- year, I moved 900 miles from home.
year you swing from one pole to the other. By Jacqueline Bigar You'll open up to new ideas, but only after initially being uncompromising. Many people will be surprised atyour rigidity, past late afternoon, as that is whenmany as you have been options will open up toyou. Makesure that Stars show the kind known to flex more you are free. Tonight: Not alone. of day you'll have i n the past. Fear of ** * * * D ynamic the unknown could CANCER (June21-July 22) ** * * P ositive b e a factor. If you ** * * You have an unusually flirtatious ** * A verage are single, someone attitude that others pick up on. You also have a way of handling a difficult loved ** S o-so who enters your one. This person listens to you, and he or * Difficult life is very serious, she will shape up quickly. A long-distance yet desirable. Ask call invigorates your imagination. Tonight: yourself if you can live with this type of Paint the town any color you want. person. If you are attached, your sweetie often makes great suggestions that LEO (Joly 23-Aug. 22) ** * Deal with family and a domestic are well thought out. GO with the flow. matter. You could have difficulty getting SAGITTARIUSjumps in with ease! around a problem that involves finances ARIES (March 21-April19) and your sweetie. Give some thought to ** * * A partner loves the extra approaching your budget differently. Get attention, and he or she gives back together with friends. Tonight: Ease the accordingly. One-on-one exchanges are tension between you and your sweetie. powerful right now. If you are single and you're interested in someone, make an VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ** * Return emails and make several advance. You willknow whatto sayand calls that you have been putting off. Be do. Tonight: Tryachange in routine. more open to the different possibilities TAURUS (April 20-May 20) that head your way. Understand that you ** * * F orget the thought that you'll might not be able to relax as you would have a quiet day where you can do what like,becauseyouhaveso much to do. you want. Ifyou are invitedto go on a Tonight: Entertain atyour place. day drive or an excursion of some sort, LIBRA (Sept. 23-Dct. 22) accept. A change of scenery invigorates your energy and makes you more open to ** * You have a tendency to go overboard. Make more of an effort to use socializing. Tonight: The party goes on. some self-discipline. Listen to your inner GEMINI (May 21-June20) voice more often, as it attempts to guide ** * C omplete projects rather than initiate you. You could be particularly vulnerable them today. Youcould want to get some with spending right now. Keep the tags extra work done or finish somespring cleaning. Don't start any effort that could go and receipts! Tonight: Dinner out.
Shortly after the move, my dog had to be put to sleep. Because of all the stress, my M.S. flared up and I was admitted to the hospital. After my third day there I was lonely, so I went to the gift shop (the Pink Smock) and bought myself some pretty flowers and k nickknacks as apick-me-up. While Iwas paying for them, the ladies behind the counter asked me if I needed a card. I explained I was buying them for myself because I was alone. After I returned to my room, more flowers arrived. I thought my mom had sent them to me from afar. The card read:"Feel BetterSoon! From the Ladies at the Pink Smock." Abby, that has to be the most thoughtful thing a stranger has ever done for me, and I wanted to share it. I am so touched! — Rachel in Sanford, N.C. Dear Rachel: Your letter is an example of what strong medicine an act of kindness can be. I don't know which hospital the Pink Smock is in, but whoever runs it should know what an asset those caring women in the gift shop are. Kudos to them, and Ihope you are doing much better now. — Write to Dear Abby at or P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069
SCORPIO (Dct. 23-Nov. 21) ** You can say thatyou need to work or be left alone, but your magnetism won't allowthisto happen. You might want to adjust your schedule accordingly. You have a lot of energy, and you probably can do it all. Remember, others are not always so available. Tonight: Your treat.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * T ake today just for you. Run certain personal errands; perhaps even consider scheduling a massage or taking a trip to the salon. Others might choose to snooze or read. You'll enjoy the remainder of the weekend. Tonight:Someone shares hisor her delight in visiting with you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * Use the daylight hours to the max. Many people are thrilled to have you around. Whether you're off at a ballgame or at some other happening, being surrounded by your friends makes you smile. Tonight: Make it an early night.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fed. 18) ** * You might need to check in on an older relative. As you see asituation change, you might want to direct its outcome. Let those involved make their own choices. Being responsible is different from pushing your will on others. Tonight: Hook up with a friend or two.
PISCES (Fed. 19-March 20) ** * * S c hedule a vacation, or at least pick up a pamphlet or two. Discuss your dream trip with others. Make a phone call to someone at a distance who might want to be involved in this adventure. Tonight: Wherever you are, know that others are following your lead. © 2013 by King Features Syndicate
TV TODAY 5 p.m. on TCM, Movie: "Giant" — Edna Ferber's tale of a Texasranchfamilywas Jame s Dean's last film. So it's gone down in movie history as a Dean picture, even though his character — a troubled ranch hand who strikes it rich — isn't the star. That distinction belongs to the ranch's crusty owner (Rock Hudson) and his Eastern wife (Elizabeth Taylor), who spends years battling the ingrained racism and sexism of the local culture. Dennis Hopper also stars in the 1956 epic.
kids." Before she can correct him for being flippant about God, his sisters criticize his outfit, and Mom's on them. "I am m ovie-star famous now," Giaimo says. "I am getting recognized in Kohl's. I can't go anywhere." Guadagnino knows where this is heading, so he warns his mother to not bring this up with Justice, a star of Nickelodeon shows. "Whenever I go out, I have to put on my lipstick," Giaimo says. When the camera is running, Giaimo mentions the brand and the shade, hoping for freebtes. When Justice arrives, she is a good sport, eating and even t rying an i mprov skit w i t h Guadagnino. In it, he gives birth, and she's his coach. One could say you had to be there, but it is probably best to not have been. Crew and family squeeze around one another, waiting turns for the one bathroom. The family dynamic is genuine, and as Guadagnino slips into his room, seeking a few minutes of quiet, he says, "To them I am just little Vinny. Maybe on the set, I'll start to get some respect." He's taken improv classes and, like his former cast mates, hopes to use the reality show that unfolded in a beach house to launch his career. "Hopefully I can be an artist formally known as 'Jersey
7 p.m. on TNT, Movie: "The Next Three Days" — Love literally knows no bounds for the husband (Russell Crowe) of a murder suspect (Elizabeth Banks) when he decides to break her out of jail in this well-paced melodrama directed and co-written by Paul Haggis ("Crash"). The desperate spouse-on-the-outside consults an expert (Liam Neeson) in such escapes to retrieve his wife, convicted for the killing of her boss and left without hope of ever being cleared. Olivia Wilde and Daniel Stern also appear. 8 p.m. onH C), "Bet on Your Baby" — A father tries to guess how many soccer goals his little boy can make in the "Kickin' It" challenge, while a mom bets on how many toys her daughter canpickup in 90 seconds.Other challenges involve toddlers putting out a cardboard "fire" with a hose,catching a beach balland making animal sounds. Melissa Peterman hosts this new episode. 8 p.m. onH C3, "Smash" — Karen, Derek, Anaand Kyle (Katharine McPhee, Jack Davenport, Krysta Rodriguez, Andy Mientus) try to help Jimmy (Jeremy Jordan), whose out-ofcontrol behavior is threatening the future of "Hit List." Tom and Julia (Christian Borle, Debra Messing) reach a breaking point in the new episode "The Producers." Anjelica Huston and Megan Hilty also star; Kathie LeeGifford and Jesse L. Martin ("Law 8 Order") guest star.
Shore,'" Guadagnino says.
MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional fee for3-D andIMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to changeafter press time. t
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8, IMAX,680 S W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • 42 (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 • THE BIG WEDDING (R) 1:40, 4:25, 7:35, 10:10 • THE CROODS (PG) 12:20, 3:20, 6:20, 9:20 • THE CRDDDS 3-D (PG) I:15, 3:50 • EVIL DEAD (R) 1:55, 4:50, 7:50, 10:25 • G.l. JDE: RETALIATION (PG-13) 12:15, 6:15 • G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3-D (PG-13) 3:05, 9:05 • GIRL RISING (PG-13) 2: I5, 7:30 • HOME RtjN (PG-13) 1:45, 4:45, 7:45, 10:15 • THE HOST (PG-13) I:20, 4:15, 7:20, 10:10 • IDENTITY THIEF (R) 4:50, 10:05 • JURASSIC PARK3-D (PG-13) Noon, 3, 6, 9 •THE METROPOLITANOPERA: GIULIDCESARE (no MPAA rating) 9 a.m. • OBLIVION (PG-13) 12:40, 3:40, 6:40, 7:10, 9:35, 10:05 • OBLIVION IMAX (PGI3) 1, 4, 7, 10 • OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN (R) 1:10, 4:10, 7:25, 10:15 • OZTHEGREATAND POWERFIjL(PG) 3:I5,9:15 • OZ THEGREAT AND POWERFUL 3-D(PG)12:05,6:05 • PAIN 5 GAIN(R) l2:50,3:55,6:55,9:50 • SCARY MOVIE(PG-13) 5 2, 4:55, 7:55, 10:20 • Accessibility devicesareavailable forsome movies. '
9 p.m. onf3, "Criminal Minds" — Rossi (Joe Mantegna) and the team are in Miami seeking a killer who apparently started on animals and escalated to prostitutes. Morgan (Shemar Moore) tries to get Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler) to join the bureau's softball team to build his athletic skills. Thomas Gibson, Jeanne Tripplehorn and Kirsten Vangsness also star in "The Apprenticeship." ©Zap2it
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Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 54 I-382-6347 • THE COMPANY YDUKEEP(R) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:05 • EMPEROR (PG-13) 12: I5, 6:15 • GINGERAND ROSA (PG-13)I2:45,3:45,6:45,8:50 • MUD (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:30, 5:30, 8:30 • THE PLACE BEYONDTHEPINES (R) Noon, 3, 6, 9 • SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK(R) 11:45 a.m., 2:45, 5:45, 8:25 • TRANCE (R) 3:15, 8:40 I
McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 •THEINCREDIBLE BURT INONDERSTONE (PG-13)6 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER(PG-13) Noon, 3 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 9 • After 7 p.m., shows are 2f and older only. Younger than 2f mayattend screenings before 7pm. if accompaniedbya legalguardian. Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • IT'S A DISASTER (R) 6 • ON THE ROAD (R) 3:30 • UPSTREAM COLOR (no MPAArating) 8:15 I
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Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • 42 (PG-13) 12:45, 3:30, 6:15, 9 • THE CROODS (PG) 11:15a.m., 1:30, 3:45, 6:15, 8:30 • OBLIVION (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:35, 4:10, 6:45, 9:20 • SCARY MOVIE(PG-13) 5 11:30 a.m., 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30
Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • 42 (PG-13) 2, 4:45, 7:30 • G.l. JDE: RETALIATION (PG-13) 3:30, 5:45, 8 • OBLIVION (PG-13) 2:30, 5, 7:45 • TRANCE (R) 3, 5:30, 7:45
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Madras Cinema 5,1101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • 42 (PG-13) 1:30, 4:10, 6:50, 9:40 • THE CROODS (PG) 1, 3:05, 5:15 • G.I. JOE: RETALIATION (PG-13) 7:25, 9:40 • OBLIVION (PG-13) 1:35, 4: I5, 7, 9:35 • PAIN 5 GAIN(R) I:20,4,6:40,9:25 • SCARY MOVIE(PG-13) 5 1:20, 3:20, 5:20, 7:15, 9: I5 •
Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • OBLIVION (UPSTAIRS — PG-l3) 1:10,4:10, 7: IO • OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN (R) 1, 4, 7 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibility.
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Into Home Improvement by Nicole Werner, The Bulletin Advertising Departm ent
In its 21st year, the COBA Spring Home and Garden Show will feature vendors offering ideas to make improvements to the home from the inside out.
Browsing through magazines, watching home and garden television shows, and exploring pins others have posted on Pinterest are great ways to get new ideas to make improvements to a home. Finding the people to help you accomplish your home improvement goals is a whole other issue, however. Each spring, the Central Oregon Builders Association (COBA) hosts its annual S pring H om e an d G a r den S h ow, a n d this year, it will be held at the Deschutes C ounty Fair an d E x p o C enter i n R e d mond from Friday, May 3 through Sunday, May 5. Show hours are from noon to 6 p.m. on Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, and 10 5 p.m. on Sun-
to name a few. More than 150 vendors will be participating at the show. Beyond finding new products and services, show attendees can benefit from s peaking d i r e ctly w i t h b u s i n ess r e p resentatives, according to T er ry. From complete remodels to simply a d ding a new hot tub or even selecting new plants for the landscape, professionals will be on hand to talk w it h and answer questions. New ideas may also be garnered from these individuals. Show attendees will also have the opp ortunity t o a t t en d w o r k s hops a t n o c harge. Featured speakers include Dr . Michael Breus, once featured on The Dr. Oz Show, who w il l e x p l ain how t o g et day. quality sleep by tu r n ing your bedroom COBA is pleased to announce that the into a sanctuary. A w o r k shop on hear21st Annual Spring H ome and Garden ing and audiology will also be available. S how is f r e e fo r t h e p u b li c t o a t t e nd O n Saturday, Th e W e ekend W a r r i o r s this year — with special thanks to their H ome Improvement show w i l l b e f e a a dmission s p onsors, H a y den H o m e s, tured. They wil l a lso be giving away a Great Northern Window Company, and Traegar Grill.
' •
"With more vendors at this year's show, people will be able to find more ways to improve their homes while working with local businesses." Milgard Windows. Also new this year is the COBA Passport program in w h ich show attendees can enter for a chance to win one of two $200 gift cards. " This is our healthiest show in y e ar s with vendor participation up by 30 percent," said Sheri Terry of C OBA S ales and Business Development. F or anyone wh o i s m a k i n g p l an s t o make changes within their home or in vestment properties, or even those just looking fo r i n s p i r ation, m or e v e ndors mean more options. " With businesses seeing an uptick i n activity, people have more options for h ow they b e autif y a n d i m p r ov e t h e i r homes," said Terry. The show will feature innovative products and home improvement professiona ls including k i t c hen m a k e over s u p plies, appliances, builders, remodelers, cookware, cabinets, windows, outdoor living products and bu i l ding m aterials
"With more vendors at this year's show, people will be able to find more ways to improve their homes while working with local businesses," said Terry. "Most of the exhibitors are local. We want people to shop locally as much as possible, and keep those dollars right here in Central Oregon." In addition to all th i ngs for home and g arden, show attendees are i n v ited t o c heck ou t t h e C e n t r a l O r e go n A u t o Show, also free to attend. Honda, Chevrolet, Cadillac, Subaru, Kia and Toyota cars, trucks and representatives will be on site at th e f a i r g r ounds. Test dr ives will be av ailable as w el l a s f i n a n cing opportunities. So, in the coming w eek, gather your ideas, organize them in a binder or your m obile device, and b r i n g t h e m t o t h e 2 1st Annual C OBA S p r in g H o m e a n d Garden Show. Then, meet with the professionals who can help turn your home into your dream home.
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I e
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Photos byNicole Werner
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TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 730
RENTALS 603 - RentalAlternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627 Vacation Rentals & Exchanges 630 - Roomsfor Rent 631 - Condominiums &Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634- Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650 - Housesfor Rent NEBend 652 - Housesfor Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656 - Housesfor Rent SW Bend 658 - Housesfor Rent Redmond 659 - Housesfor Rent Sunriver 660 - Housesfor Rent La Pine 661 - Housesfor Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Housesfor Rent Madras 664- Houses for RentFurnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 -Mobile/Mfd.Space 682 - Farms, Ranches andAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738- Multiplexes for Sale 740 -Condominiums & Townhomes forSale 744 - Open Houses 745- Homes for Sale 746- Northwest BendHomes 747 - SouthwestBendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - JeffersonCountyHomes 757 - CrookCountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational Homesand Property 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land
Real Estate Services
Boise, ID Real Estate
For relocation info, call Mike Conklin, 208-941-8458 Silvercreek Realty 730
New Listings Mtn View Park j $169,000 • 1576 sq.ft. manufactured • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .14 acre lot • MLS 201302686 Pat Palazzi, Broker 541-771-6996 •
R dop
NE Bend j $375,000 • 2203 • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • 2.39 acres
• MLS 201302706
Nicolette Jones, Broker 541-241-0432 •
d o p od
Northwest Crossing j $310,000 • 1260 • 2 bedroom, 2 bath • .12 acre lot • MLS 201302512 Lester Friedman, P.C., Broker 541-330-8491 •
d o p «d
Providence j $224,900 • 1786 • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • .18 acre lot
• MLS 201302602
Judy Meyers, Broker, GRI, CRS 541-480-1922 •
**No Application Fee **
2 bdrm, 1 bath, I dp d l y o d dop d $530 & $540 w/lease. Carports included! Redmond j $149,900 • 1475 FOX HOLLOW APTS. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath (541) 383-31 52 • .18 acre cul-de-sac lot
Vacation Rentals & Exchanges
Cascade Rental Management. Co.
Apt./Multiplex NW Bend
ocean front house, each walk from town, Fully furnished loft Apt on W a l l S t reet in 2 bdrm/2 bath, TV, Bend, with parking. All Fireplace, BBQ. $85 per night, 2 night MIN. u tilities p a id . Ca l l 541-389-2389 for appt 208-342-6999 Small clean Studio 630 Downtown area, $495 Rooms for Rent mo.; $475 dep. all utilities paid. No pets, Studios & Kitchenettes no smoking. 541- 330Furnished room, TV w/ 9769 or 541-480-7870 cable, micro & fridge. Utils & linens. New 848 owners. $145-$165/wk Houses for 541-382-1885 Rent General
New Listings Commercial/Investment Multiplexes for Sale Homes for Sale Homes for Sale Homes for Sale Properties for Sale River Rim j $263,000 Wonderful Duplex on 3149 NE Nathan - Cus 4 Spruce - Vacation 26720 Horsell - 120 pri • 1800 sq.ft. Be Your Ow n B oss! the SW side of Red- tom 4 b d r m h o me home in S u nrivers' vate acres of Central • 3 bedroom, 3 bath mond, close to shop- w/mtn views. F ort R o c k Par k . O regon Beau t y . 94402 Hwy 9 7 N, • .14 acre lot ping, nice large lot, $424,900 $369,500 $399,999 restaurant, C store, • MLS 201302544 TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn gas station & RV park each unit is 2 b e d- TEAM Birtola Garmyn Rookie Dickens, Broker, i n C h e mult. M L S room, 1 bath with a High Desert Realty High Desert Realty High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 sgle garage, new roof. ¹201301341 Great investor potenwww. BendOregon www. BendOregon www. BendOregon Priscilla Totte, broker tial. MLS¹201301089 541-815-6444 Fred Real Estate Group $149,500 16206 Hawks Lair 2811 NW Windham D 8 D R e alty Group Builders' own custom 63127 Desert Sage St. Gorgeous 2390 sq. ft., NW Bend 5300 sq.ft. Commercial Lot s I n LLC 541-923-8664 home w/garage & craftsman style home, w/apt/prof-off & mtn. Crooked River Ranch. MORRIS 740 shop. $349,900 views!. $619,000 Great opportunity to $330,000 REAL ESTATE TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn start a b usiness or Condo/Townhomes I d p d l y o d do p High Desert Realty High Desert Realty High Desert Realty relocate an e xisting for Sale 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 SE Bend j $409,900 business. Near reswww. BendOregon www. BendOregon www. BendOregon • 3366 sq.ft. t aurants, hotel a n d Westside Townhouse • 4 bedroom, 3 bath golf course. Owner Come discover care• .14 acre cul-de-sac lot terms available. Busi- free Westside living 20071 Calvin - Quality Cas c ade 65970 Mariposa - Pris 2083 N W • MLS 201302530 ness Circle, Lot 82it was meant to be! c raftsmanship in a tine Tumalo acreage View - NW Bend, 1.05 acres - $25,000. as Judy Meyers, Broker, Evocative Tudo r great SE Bend loca 3 050 s q .tt. c e d ar in Grandridge. Commercial Loop, Lot charm alludes to the tion. $310,000 chalet w/views. $450,000 49 - 1.26 acres, Lot unique Alpine setting TEAM Birtola Garmyn $449,000 TEAM Birtola Garmyn 50 - 1.30 acres. Lot High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn just a stone's throw to High Desert Realty 51 - 1.23 acres. 541-312-9449 t re n d y NW High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 $35,000 each or pur- the 541-312-9449 c o r ridor www. BendOregon www. BendOregon chase a l l 3 for Galveston and adjacent Downwww. BendOregon $90,000 MORRIS Bend. Trails for Juniper Re a lty, town REAL ESTATE hiking & biking, parks 60679 Frontier - End ot 51863 Fordham - Gor 541-504-5393 privacy, back geous Craftsman 3 17311 Bakersfield l& p d ly O d dOp and the D eschutes road, Store & Gas River offer a full-fea- ing BLM, mtn. views. bdrm + o f f ice l o ft. 2100 sq.ft. home on .8 SW Bend j $224,900 General $389,900 acres, Sunriver area. $189,900 Pumps. Be your own tured Bend lifestyle. TEAM Birtola Garmyn • 1435 sq.ft. townhome $169,900 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Boss! General store Sunny interior spaces • 2 bedroom, 2 bath High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty establishment & fuel feature ext e nsive • Convenient location 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 maple flooring, crown pumps, inventory & • MLS 201302535 BendOregon 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon equipment i n cluded m olding and 2 g a s www. www. BendOregon with the land & build- f ireplaces. Enjoy a ings. 2 Bdrm, 1 bath romantic Juliet bal- 1 668 NW Wold Rye manufactured home cony, tiled baths, in- Views, privacy & ma 1491 NW Promontory- 17075 Oxnard - WonAwbrey Butte included in the sale. viting eat-in kitchen ture trees on 1 acre. Charmer on 1.05 Acre d erful 2 0 0 2 Bui l t Candice A n d erson, and vaulted ceilings. $359,900 lot, Owner T e rms. home on P/2 Acre. Broker 541-788-8878 An attached garage TEAM Birtola Garmyn $199,000 MORRIS $625,000 John L. Scott and quaint patio in the High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn REAL ESTATE Real Estate, Bend pines are added bo541-312-9449 High Desert Realty High Desert Realty d p d l y o d do p d nuses! Well p r iced www. BendOregon 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 opportunity not to be SW Redmond j www. BendOregon In beautiful Central Orwww. BendOregon missed! $22 4 ,900. $174,325 egon, city of La Pine. MLS¹201302535 59774 Cheyenne - Re• 1480 sq.ft. This 9 unit motel is a David D. Gilmore, modeled 4 Bedroom $109,000 Tr a d itional • 3 bedroom, 2 bath great investment with Broker. 541-312-7271 H ome in Bend . 15 Tokatee - Perfect Sale! Country living • .25 acre lot chance to grow 8 exSunriver v ac a t ion IIColdwelBanker $164,900 • MLS 201302683 rental home w/views. but just minutes to pand. Beautiful TEAM Birtola Garmyn Morris Real Estate. Bend. New c a rpet, mountain & meadow $565,000 High Desert Realty new s t o ve , and TEAM Birtola Garmyn views. 2 of the units 744 541-312-9449 vaulted ceilings. Reare b achelor u n its High Desert Realty www. BendOregon Open Houses l ax o n y our d eck 541-312-9449 rented on a weekly or overlooking your very www. BendOregon monthly rate. Owner 20561 Sun Meadow Wy private acre lot! Mike is in process ot put61052 Larkspur - BeauDesirable Bend Wilson, Broker MORRIS ting in new carpet 8 Pahlisch tiful home in Larkspur or 16413 Heath - G reat 541-977-5345 REAL ESTATE linoleum. Right on the 1649sq.neighborhood Village w/rental hisIt., 3 bdrm, downtown home w/all 541-389-7910 IA p d« ly o d do p b usiest highway i n tory. $160,000 2 bath. $199,900 city services. $79,900 Hunter Properties LLC Oregon. Lots of parkTEAM Birtola Garmyn Tumalo j $775,000 Open Sat. 11-2 TEAM Birtola Garmyn ing & next to all conHigh Desert Realty • 4330 sq.ft. Gay Klein, Principal $159,500 Country LivHigh Desert Realty v eniences. A m u s t Broker, 541-771-1806 541-312-9449 ing Close to T own! • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath 541-312-9449 see for the serious inwww. BendOregon Open floor plan lends • 19.54 acres River Park Real www. BendOregon vestor. $1 , 250,000 Estate Services itself to casual living. • MLS 201302710 MLS 2712469. Formal living r o om Brandon Fairbanks, 1 508 NE 8t h - C o m Cascade Realty, W onderful west s i d e and spacious family Broker, SRES, 16010 Green Forestmercial property 2 541-536-1731 home with legal apartAccess from GRI, CDPE office R emodeled 4 b d r m room. ment. 3000 sf 4 bdrm, separate K nott Road t o t h e 541-383-4344 home, owner financ 738 4.5 bath, 3-car garage, spaces. $175,000. back of yard for RV ing $159 000 level yard, great loca- TEAM Birtola Garmyn Multiplexes for Sale parking. Debbie TallTEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty tion near NW Crossing. dIp Broker man, High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 FSBO - $410,000. Great Investment 541-390-0934 or 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon in Madras. Two 4-plexes, Open Sat.-Sun., 1-3 pm 541-389-7910 www. BendOregon MORRIS 2 bed, 1 bath units rent- 244 NW Outlook Vista Dr Hunter Properties LLC REAL ESTATE ing for S400/mo. Only Call Rick 541-647-8206 12445 NW RainbowI d p d l y o d do p« & $149,000 each. Lots of 745 Private Setting on 5 20067 B i rchwood Need to get an potential. Owner is motiWoo 732 Acres Backing Public Overlooking vated! Contact: Homes for Sale ad in ASAP? Land. $348,000 driver Park. 2 lots w/2 Bill Bellamy, Commercial/Investment You can place it homes. $449,500 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Coldwell Banker 533 N E Sh o s honeProperties for Sale High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn online at: Madras, 541-420-7192 4bedroom Home on 2 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty L a n dscaped. 2 3475 Hwy 20 East - Investment Opportunity! Lots, 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon 36+ Acre Bend Cas Duplex! $166,000. NE $199,000. www. BendOregon TEAM Birtola Garmyn Nursery. Redmond cade 541-385-5809 dup l e x, High Desert Realty $749,000 single level 1250 sq. 1645 NE Cackler, Bend. 541-312-9449 TEAM Birtola Garmyn R emodeled 4 b d r m ft., 2 b d r m, 2 b ath www. BendOregon High Desert Realty each, gas fireplace. Tamarack Park 541-312-9449 charmer. $199,900 Single car g arage, www. BendOregon landscaped,fenced TEAM Birtola Garmyn 990 NE Weist - French High Desert Realty 0 Paula Mellon country style home. • 541-312-9449 541-977-4009 Just bought a new boat? Village Wie s toria. www. BendOregon Central Oregon Sell your old one in the $349,900 Realty Group, LLC classitieds! Ask about our TEAM Birtola Garmyn Super Seller rates! High Desert Realty 63059 Fresca - 4 bdrm 541-385-5809 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 541-312-9449 home on Bends' NW www. BendOregon $169,900 - 4000 sq. ft. Door-to-door selling with s ide of town. COMMERCIAL $365,000 BLDG. Steel framed, fast results! It's the easiest 1 Summit View - One of TEAM Birtola Garmyn m etal s ided, w a r e way in the world to sell. High Desert Realty the most private spots house building, slab 541-312-9449 i n the resor t . The Bulletin Classified floor w/retail area, of www. BendOregon $529,500 fice, electric FA 8 HP, 541-385-5809 TEAM Birtola Garmyn o verhead door f o r High Desert Realty 1915-1919 C e dar loading/shipping, pos Upscale Duplex. Now is 541-312-9449 e • Great rental history, 2 sible owner t e rms. the time to purchase www. BendOregon duplexes w/2 units ea. MLS¹201301080Call income property to Nancy Popp, Broker, take advantage of in$315,000 541-815-8000 creasing rental rates People Look for Information TEAM Birtola Garmyn • g • High Desert Realty Crooked River Realty and historically low About Products and 541-312-9449 interest rates. T h is Services Every Day through $129,900 - 432 sq. ft. www. BendOregon styled duC ommercial Bld g . townhome TheBulletin C/assifieds plex is located in EmPerfect for office, re- p ire Village and i s tail or s e rvice. 1/2 close to three schools, acre l o t adj o i ns parks and shopping. REAL ESTATE INVESTING 18-hole golf course in TheSmartest yyay To Secure Your Future! Each unit features 3 beautiful canyon. Of- bdrm, 2.5 baths, open by Peggi Schoning / Rea/ Estate Broker fice, reception, 1/2 Experienced in Investment Propert/es kitchen with i s land, (Licensed in the State of Oregon') bath. Great visibility & g as f ireplace a n d location on busy road. s ingle garage. L o Asphalt dri v eway. cated on a nice corTues., April 30, 2013 • 6 - 7 pm, MLS¹201300318 Call ner lot with fenced Prudential NW Properties Nancy Popp Broker, back yards and land377 SW Century Dr., Bend, OR 541-815-8000. Please RSVP - Seating is Limited. scaping. 20830 Nova Crooked River Realty Loop. $299,947. 541-788-4100 51847 Hwy 97 . 1 . 64 Gary Everett, CCIM Don't miss this free opportunity to explore or acre commercial on Principal Broker • t • add to your knowledge and potential to grow 541-480-6130 H wy i n L a Pi n e . wealth and security through real estate inJoan Steelhammer, $675,000. High Lakes vesting. Explore the tax benefits, cash flow Broker Realty & Pr o p erty and independent lifestyle real estate investing Management 541-419-3717 can bring you. 541-536-0117 Remax
50rj0rj •
• MLS 201302697 Greg Miller, P.C., Broker, CRS, GRI 541-408-1511 •
I dp d l y O H
d o p «d
Redmond j $300,000 • 1.38 acres • 12 R4 zoned lots
e Rented your Condo/Townhomes Property? for Rent The Bulletin Classifieds MORRIS an REAL ESTATE Furnished 1 Bdrm condo "After has Hours"Line. I d p d l y o H d o p «d © Inn of 7th Mtn, utils + Call 541-383-2371 cable & Wifi pd, deck, 24 Hours to River Canyon Estates pools, $700 + dep. No a Cel O d d . C~ j $342,000 smkg/pets. 541-979-8940 • 2550 659 • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath 634 • Community pool & Houses for Rent Apt./Multiplex NE Bend tennis Sunriver • MLS 201302639 Call for Spec/als! Craig Smith, Broker Limited numbers avail. VILLAGE PROPERTIES 541-322-2417 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. Sunriver, Three Rivers, W/D hookups, patios La Pine. Great or decks. Selection. Prices range $425 - $2000/mo. MOUNTAIN GLEN, 541 -383-931 3 View our full MORRIS inventory online at Professionally REAL ESTATE managed by Norris & I/i// 1-866-931 - 1 061 I d p d l y o M d o p «d Stevens, Inc. •
, Il
mej ea
Built by RD Building & Design, this quality 1641 sq, ft, single level home is close to schools, shopping & medical facilities. This home features a great 2721 NE Rosemary Drive r oom concept, w o o d Iloors, designer carpet & Directions:Off 27thjust sourh rile and quality stainless ofMounrain Vieur High School. appliances.
I l
1:30PM — 3t30PM
Private 1/2 acre w/Cascade Mt. Views. Open. light plan
Close to everything wv P ~Zdt love about Bend! 2554 sf., 4 bedrooms plus bonus room, easy care 61433 Linton Loop yard, hardwood floors, Directions: CenrurJy Ddoe past lots ot t i le, f ireplace, Mt. Washington round-about, pantry, master on main, r/ghron campbell, i7'ght on Elder minutes to town. Ridge, righ( on Linron LooP.
Hosted 6 Listed byr HOLLY POLIS Pri ncipa/ Broker
4 bd/2.5 Ba, 2825 SF home. Detached g uest h o u se . 5 . 0 2 a cres, v i e w s o f C ascad e Ra n g e . M aster o n m a i n .
Hosted byp
Maple. Maple becomes I//IW.Way ro Wi/!/ams LooP
541-948-2561 LiSted byr
l l
Hosred Saturday byy
DEB TEBBS,Broker/Pres.
EDIE DELAY PHncipa/ Broker
R E A L T 0
R s
C7 •
10PM — 2PM
Listed byy
v ahlipch home i n T h e Bridges! Great room with cozy fireplace, kitchen with stainless appliances. Large master suite with 61168 Lot 75 Sydney huge malk-in closet Big Harbor Dr, Bend g uest rooms & B o n u s Room loft area. Toyo-car Directions: From the Prrrkrvay, garage, fenced yard. Just east oxReedMarket, south on /5th d own th e s t r eet f r o m le (easr). the amazing community Street, Io communiry on ft amenities.
//osred Sunday byy GEOFF GROENER,Broker
• PP Pdd Poo •
Brand new 2162 sq. n.
flooring A wood burning insert w/stone hearth. Cherry cahinets, SS appliances, radiant floor heat, detached studIo/ guesrhouse w/neo bathroom 3051 NW Winslow, Bend a gas stove Junior suyte on Directions: Take /vtry summi c Iower level as well as a flex t urn rr¹yhr on Farewell, tur n space. Beautifully landscaped. righr on wins/ow.
w/t'ir doors K trim, redi oak
Fenced on 3 sides. REDMOND Paved Driveway. Directions: Hpuy 97 Nonh, w. on
s ' ll
Hosted 6 Listed by
541-480-0448 '
Hosted 6 Listed by:
11AM — 3PM
t I 'l l
• City water & sewer • MLS 201302635 Darrin Kelleher, Broker The Kelleher Group 541-788-0029
End of the road on the Deschutes River. 2 homes on 2.6 acres with two 3-car garages REAL gourmet kitchen K vaulted beam ceilings. Property
unlike any other!
/856573. MLS¹201202209
Hosted 6 Listed by
Sothebys NyIRNAyIONAL III*lyy
JOHN R. GIST PrinciPn/ Broker
6"-''A-- »-"-' \
ZO O 1> '
Chaney Rd, Bend
Directions: OB Riley /o Glen Uista
$1,850,000 Cascadia Properties
TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
$ 179,500 L ight a n d $99,900 Smart Invest- Broken Top Golf Estate Craftsman - Lodgepole Fabulous 500 ft of Des- Great Location on corB right. T hi s h o m e ment! This condo will Sweeping so u t herly 1 blk from Pine Mdw. chutes River v i ew, ner lot i n d e sirable features up g r aded make for a great get- views of the 17th Tee, great room, GRAND g reat home 3 b e d- S W Bend. 1 999 3 kitchen, a center isaway. C l o s e to 17th Lake, and 16th mstr s u ite, f o r mer rooms, guest house Bdrm, 2 Bath, 1296 land, skylight & like d owntown and t h e Hole! The Pinehurst at model home. Coming over garage, Cas- sq. ft. Mobile only has new appliances. ever popular Old Mill Broken Top r e pre- soon! cade mtn views from an open floor plan, Large bonus r o om District. Amenities in- sents an unmatched Teri Cravens, Broker upstairs master. vaulted ceilings, spawith built-ins and wet clude pool, t e nnis benchmark for quality 541 -61 0-7927 ¹201301068 $489,000 cious kitchen, Large bar. Mike Everidge, courts and trails ac- and luxury. Fred Real Estate Group John L. Scott Real yard, C a r port with Broker 541-390-0098 c essing t h e De s - Single-level living by Crooked River Ranch Estate 541-548-1712 storage. Refrigerator, or 541-389-7910 chutes River. Grant Steven Van Sant cre- 6031 SW Tarpon, 3/2, washer/dryer inCas c a de c luded! Hunter Properties LLC L udwick, Brok e r ated b y Pac w est 1 620 s q . f t. , 5.1 4 Fabulous $32, 0 0 0 V iews. O l d wo r l d 541-633-0255 or Homes in 2006 with MLS¹ 2013 0 1996 28x30 shop/ga- Charm w/4015 sq. ft. $239,900 Sta r w ood 541-389-7910 masonry wood burn- acres, rage, w e l l . MLS Main House & 1040 Neighborhood! Enjoy Hunter Properties LLC ing fireplace, ¹201204594 r esabrown Te r e sa sq.ft. shop/wine room Brown, the park-like setting hand-textured w a l ls Broker Teri Cravens, Broker Situated atop Awbrey 541-325-1096 with lots of common Affordable housing, 2 and ceilings, elegant 541-647-0910 bat h . s tone b a t h s wit h Butte on 1.06 acres, area & walking trails. b edroom, 2 John L. Scott This well maintained Great Location. MLS¹ heated floors, exten- Fred Real Estate Group this home is an "EnReal Estate, Bend 201209551 $67,449. home lives larger than sive custom wood- Cute Upgraded Home. tertainers Delight" with John L. Scott Real its sq. footage. Large Beautiful single level 4 Bdrm, 3.5 Bath. By work and trim, clad Estate 541-548-1712 appt on l y with Great Value on 4 Bdrm home on over 1 acre. deck & exq u i site wood windows, and Home. Get ready to mountain views make Amazing Golf Views! dynamic s h owcase 3 bdrm & 2 bath, up- Danielle. granite pack and move in this for great entertaining. Situated perfectly bekitchen equipped with graded bdrm Russ White, Broker hind Broken Top's first Wolf r a ng e and kitchen. Detached of- aniellesnow Danielle spacious 4 Broker home at an a fford541-279-3674 or built-in r e f rigerator. fice/studio. 2 car ga- Snow, green with approach a ble price. It i s lo541 -389-791 0 rage, la n dscaped, 541-306-1015 3-car gashot a n d fai r way Oversized John L. Scott cated at the end of a freshly painted, sparHunter Properties LLC rage, den, wine cellar, views from the Masdead-end street and Real Estate, Bend kling c l e a n and Montana stone a features a main level 2517 NW LOLO DRIVE. ter Bedroom, Living, cents, entry courtyard, move-in ready. Room and Dining r ooms. master suite plus deDon't mi s s t his to build a shop. Canand private hot tub Well worth your time Good classified ads tell luxe kitchen with ss one-of-a-kind artistic to view t hi s B r and enhance this timeless dice Anderson, Broappliances, cook isthe essential facts in an home. No detail has New remodel with Ex- estate designed for ker 541-788-8878 land & pantry. There been overlooked, ev- c ellent Attention t o John L. Scott interesting Manner. Write those seeking nothis a neat parlor with ery component spe- D etail. Updates i n Real Estate, Bend from the readers view - not ing less than the best! cozy a fireplace and cially selected to cre- clude a Classic Eur o pean the seller's. Convert the com p lete upstairs are 3 bdrms, ate a hom e of functional master touches lend an air of facts into benefits. Show Desert Skies j bath refinement! huge family room and unsurpassed quality & restructure, MLS the reader how the item will new $269,000 large la u n dry/craft liveability. ¹201204424 help them in someway. • 3110 sq.ft. flooring t h r oughout, room. The owner just E nergy-saving f e a - new granite counters, $1,175,000 • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath This installed new carpet tures abound! T op David D. Gilmore, • .13 acre lot advertising tip stainless energy Broker. and all ne w p aint. q uality f inishes i n - new 541-312-7271 • MLS 201106138 efficient a ppliances, brought to you by There is a fenced yard clude wood f ramed finely refinished cabiBColdwelBanker Jane Strell, Broker, p lus this is on e o f windows, h a rdwood Morris Real Estate. The Bulletin interior/exterior several homes that floors, high-end car- netry, hybrid gas aswill be available on pet, s l a b gr a nite paint, sist/wood bur n ing COME S E E THIS Fantastic single level this street. 21179 SE counters. The finish fireplaces in the living PROPERTY with so home. Views of the Philly A ve., B e n d. carpentry i s out- room a n d ma s t er much potential! Live in valley floor and par- $239,950. standing, as is every bedroom, and an out- t he e x isting h o me tial Cascade views. Gary Everett, CCIM facet of t his home. standing 500+ bottle while you build your MORRIS This home is move-in Principal Broker Master on main, great wine cellar. Make this dream home in CRR. REAL ESTATE ready and has lots of 541-480-6130 room, office. D on't home a prior- This property is all set storage space. Joan Steelhammer, IA p d y ly O d dOp miss this work of art! unique up for you, your famity to view today. REF reshly painted i n Broker $625,000 DUCED $649,000. ily & your horses! With D esirable Quail R u n side and out, n ew 541-41 9-371 7 Julie Burgoni, Broker Neighborhood. B u ilt a 3 stall barn, horse Neil McDaniel, Broker range, dishwasher inRemax 541-306-8927 541-350-9579 wash area, round pen, 2007, Open floor plan cluded. $16 9 ,000. Edie Delay, w/loft, 1839 sq. ft., 3 fenced & cle a r ed Fred Real Estate Group Check out the MLS ¹201301275 Principal Broker riding arena, sepa- br, 2.5 bath, gas fireclassifieds online John L. Scott Real 541-420-2950 Awbrey Ridge j place, fenced back r ated p a stures & Estate 541-548-1712 Hasson Company $400,000 12'X24' hay storage yard. Includes appliRealtors Updated daily • 2266 sq.ft. ances & washer/dryer, you are all set! The FSBO - $249,500. Su• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath p roperty i s full y & centrally located. per cute home in NE Hager Mountain Es• .17 acre cul-de-sac lot fenced w/a g arden Priced to s ell. Call Bend. Nice neighbor- tates - 4 lots, $30,000 $365,000 C o ntempo-• MLS 201302270 compete w/timed drip Today! Gail Rogers, hood, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, each located in Silver rary Duplex! The base Rachel Lemas, Broker system, chicken coup, Broker 541-604-1649 1614 sq.ft., big quarLake. U n derground at Pilot Butte. Private 541-383-4359 John L. Scott beautiful pergola w/a ter lot, space for RV power and conduit for & energy efficiency. 541-896-1263 Real Estate, Bend great place for your or boat, and much phone and internet. Slate, tile & m a rble bbq. This home has more. 541-728-0399. V iews of Hage r floors, hickory cabiso many little extras Entertaining or V acaMountain. Septic feadg nets, gas fireplaces, you need to see it. Fun cottage house on a tioning. Beau t iful sibility for s t andard Bosche o n -demand ¹201301058 wood beam, o p en buildable duplex lot system. The area is a hot water. Ceiling fans MORRIS $199,000 with City views. 900 floor plan, spacious sportsman's paradise. in great room, master John L. Scott Real s q f t ho m e wi t h REAL ESTATE k itchen, w oo d f i r e Bobbie Strome, & bo n u s roo m . Estate 541-548-1712 basement and c a ry d p d ly O d d Op d place, 4 B drm, 2 Principal Broker Jack-n-Jill style bath port. ¹201301623 Bath, deck for enterJohn L Scott Real u pstairs f o r bot h John L. Scott Real Estate 541-385-5500 Cou n try tainers delight, right bdrms. Extra parking BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Convenient Living. Quiet, close to across the street from Estate 541-548-1712 & landscaped back- Search the area's most Bend... Acreage with Big Dechutes! CALL Great Family Home. Horse Property - 7085 yard. Tony Levison, comprehensive listing of large pond, gated, all NOW! Shelley Texley, Great open floor plan Kent Lane, Culver. 39 Broker 541-977-1852 classified advertising... Acres w/37 acres of Brok e r real estate to automotive, f enced & cros s P rincipal or 541-389-7910 with spacious kitchen NUID w ate r r i g ht. 530-227-4836 merchandise to sporting f enced. Home a n d Hunter Properties LLC & lots o f w i ndows, Flood irrigated from a John L. Scott goods. Bulletin Classifieds l arge shop all o n e Large master suite Ig. pond w/gated pipe. b uilding. Gran i t e Real Estate, Bend $419,000 Sunr i ver appear every day in the with 2 closets & gen1782 s q . ft . MFD print or on line. kitchen, ins u lated Gem! Extensive Ree rous s i ze d b e d home. 4 bdrm/2 bath, shop... Many extras. model... on a l a rge Call 541-385-5809 rooms. Huge backshop, barn & 4-stall Just too many corner lot. Three full yard. Move in ready. 4 barn. Outside arena harona Sharon m aster suites, 3 . 5 collectibles? bdrm & 2.5 bath. Call w /attached pens . Abrams, Pri n cipal baths. Gorgeous walfor more information. Mountain & c a nyon Sdyyydd Central Oydgdd Syddd 1903 Broker, CRS, n ut f l o oring, n e w Sell them in Barbara Jac k son, views. hickory cabinets, car- Beautiful custom home. 541-280-9309 MLS¹201207831. The Bulletin Classifieds Broker 541-306-8186 John L. Scott pet & tile floors. Must All on 1 level. Lg. winJohn L. Scott $360,000 Real Estate, Bend see to believe. Call dows for l ight/bright Real Estate, Bend John L. Scott Real today for more details. comfort. Huge master 541-385-5809 Estate 541-548-1712 Susan Pitarro, Broker suite w/vaulted ceil541-410-8084 or ings & skylights. Cozy 541-389-7910 family room w / gas Hunter Properties LLC fireplace o pe n to kitchen. $419,500 Spa c ious MLS¹201208542 T ownhomel T o w n - $199,900 house sits o n 1 7 th John L. Scott Real f airway a t Widg i Estate 541-548-1712 C reek. 2 mast e r suites, one on main Call a Pro l evel, other on 2 n d level. Alder cabinets, Whether you need a island kitchen, fence fixed, hedges wrapped windows, oil trimmed or a house rubbed hardwood & ~ C much more. built, you'll find Mike Everidge, Broker professional help in 541-390-0098 or The Bulletin's "Call a 541-389-7910 Hunter Properties LLC Service Professional" Directory 6 0820 S c otts Fl u f f 541-385-5809 $419,000. River Rim home ready for you! This 2296 sq. ft. home Between bend & Redh as master on t h e mond Terrific location main, 3 Bdrms, plus - 4 bdrm, 1 bath in o ffice a n d bon u s 2 888y sf home o n room, hard w ood 5.75y a c res . A floors, & Hendrickson Country feel but close high quality. Shops, to t ow n a m enities. restaurants, parks all Super fireplace w/rock with i n t h i s s u p er surround fo r a m b ineighborhood. a nce, plus a L o p i Woodstove that can 2494 K athy C a b a, heat the whole house. Principal Broker, ABR Great room floor plan 541-771-1761 w/living room & John L. Scott kitchen having Real Estate, Bend wide-plank floors of reclaimed pine. Distressed maple cabi30 year fixed APR 15 year fixed APR 6 Bdrm, 6 bath, 4-car, nets in Kitchen with 1 4270 sq ft, .83 ac. corner, 1 /2 thi c k slat e view. By owner, ideal for counters. If you like a extended family. cozy country f e el. Purchas e price$350,000,20% down,Loanamount$280,000,30yrfixed. $590,000. 541-390-0886 You've got it!! Beautiful Cascade Moun$75,900 Pride of Own- tain Views. 2 corrals, e rship! T h i s we l l pond, shared lake, 3 Jumbopurchaseprice/ualue$800 000-20%downl equity $640000loanamount Offer valid asoi dateofad,restnctiops mayapply Rates/feessub~ecttochange OnApprovedCredit. maintained condo will acres of irrigation, 2 make for a great in- stall barn. $375,000 vestment. 3 b d rms., MLS¹201205878 2.5 baths, lives larger Bobbie Strome, than sq. footage. LivPrincipal Broker i ng room with g a s John L Scott Real fireplace, wood floors. Estate 541-385-5500 Large master bdrm & MO RT GAG E CORPORATION bath w/great separa- Black Butte Ranch j tion. Susan Pitarro, $574,900 Broker 541-410-8084 • 2470 sq.ft. or 541-389-7910 • 3 bedroom, 3 bath Hunter Properties LLC • .46 acre lot
O~g OUR /VP~ 0 /G i p
".< 0+~ QeHS I.
Also inquire about other listings we have in each
neighborhood. Knowledgeable brokers are on site and at our office ready to answer your questions.
2446 NW Dorion Wy.
$579,900 OPEN SAT & SUN12-3 • LEED Platinum certified • Open and bright ,y
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Directions: West on Shevlin Park Rd., left on NW Crossing Dr., nght on NW
Dorion Way,
2457 NW Dorion Wy. $499,900 OPEN SAT & SUN12-3 • Master on main level
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The Bulletin
Directions: West on Shevlin Park Rd., left on NW Crossing 0r., right on NW Dorion Wy.
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1880 NW Shevlin Park Rd. j • Deluxe townhome $2gg,gpp • Bright end unit • 2 master suites
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1202 Barberry Dr. • Large landscaped lot $15g gpp • Paver patio w/ pergola • Water feature, garden
iCS ''Iiiiy!
Directions: From Hwy. 97, west on Lower Bridge Way, left on Morning Glory 0r., left on Barberry 0r.
lots, lots,
luxurious home features spectacular river MORRIS and Cascade MounREAL ESTATE tain views from nearly every room. All the premium finishes that Bridge Creek j y ou'd e xpect f r o m $355,000 P ahlisch Hom e s . • 1846 sq.ft. townhome Solid surface quartz • 3 bedroom suites, 3.5 counters, u pgraded bath appliances, designer • Convenient location flooring, tile showers, • MLS 201302444 central vac, and more. Kelly Neuman, Broker Main level master. 2 541-480-2102 c overed patios f o r outdoor living. 3075 sf, 3 bedrooms, bonus, 3.5 baths. Live in the heart of it all, with MORRIS shops, theaters, conREAL ESTATE certs just steps away! I d p d d yO d d dy p I d $989,950. Edie Delay, Find exactly what Principal Broker Hasson Company you are looking for in the Realtors CLASSIFIEDS 541-420-2950
Custom home lots and acreage parcels available in many desirable locations including Awbrey Butte, Three Pines and other areas. Mountain, river and forested terrain views. Choices range from residential lots to 40 acres. Whether your dream location is in the center of urban activities or a secluded spot in the country, we can show you avariety of building sites.
Q~ CI SCAN THIS CODE to view our
complete list of open homes
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Jennifer NMLs 288550
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541-323-21$1 371 SW Upper Terrace Dr., Suite 1, Bend, OR 97702 CORPORLIC.¹ CORP O M L.2421 ! I MLS ¹3113
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th e g a r nergrouP Real Estate LLC •
Visit our Sales Office at
54g 383 436P
NorthWest Crossing.
Saturday & Sunday 12-4
2762 NW Crossing Drive
/ •
' •
I I '
• • •
/ II
• •
-lI fj -1
• To be built by RD. Building & Design • Quality1862 SF home features a main level
• Views from Bachelor to Mt. Jefferson on one of the few remaining custom home sites on Awbrey Butte • Gentle slope with large old growth pines • Open and spacious • Westerly views - beautiful sunsets • Offering includes complete set of custom home plans. A must see! MLS¹201301017
• West Hills contemporary home in the pines • 3180 SF on a double lot • Contemporary floor
master & den
• Close to schools, medical facilities and shopping • Featuring a great room concept, wood floors, designer carpet & tile and quality stainless appliances • Flexibility with design & finishes depending on stage of construction.
Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS j 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist
Silvia Knight, BrokeWrBR, SFR, GREEN j 541-788-4861 bendluxuryhomes@gmail. com
' I
plan and finishes • Waterfeatures,inside and out
• Mature old growth pine trees, beautiful landscaping. Must see!
Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS j 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist
I '
• I '
' -
..4t .
• 19321 SW Brookside Way
• 4Beds,3.5baths,2794SF • Alder windows,trim, cabinetry &built-ins throughout • Slab granite countertops, stone woodburningFPw/gas starter • Cascade viewsfrom2.6 acresetting; guest quartersover garage • Beautiful landscaping;hottub, creek&swimmingpool MLS¹201303387
vacation home or
• Beautifully maintained and loaded w/upgrades • 4 bedroom, 3 baths plus den/office • Oversized double car garage w/shop area & ample storage • Near National forest, on the way to Mt. Bachelor yet so close to downtown Bend MLS¹201301399
vacation rental • Close to historic downtown and Old Mill District • Enjoy tennis, pool, hot tubs, hiking and biking trails MLS¹201301803
• Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS ( 541-408-0406 • Resort Properties Specialist
Call Shelly Swanson, Broker f 541-408-008~
+Call Deb Tebbs Group, Brokers j 541-419-4553 Deb Tebbs Group l Like us onIl
• 2860 SF, 3 bdrm, den, loft • Main floor master suite with patio • Huge lot w/gas firepit backing to common space • Call for a private showing anytime • For a full video walkthrough please visit htt:// MLS¹201209235 Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker j 541-408-3912
33 i
• 3 bedrooms/3 bath Mt. Bachelor Village • Perfect primary home,
• NW chaletstyle nestled into the hillside with spectacular mountainviews • Priv atebackyardwith sunny southern exposure
• Single level 2889 SF • 2-car attached garage • Plus 3-car and shop ... total 5 car! • Beautiful separate guest quarters above garage • Hardwood floors, alder kitchen cabinets with granite counters. • Many designer touches! MLS 201303305
(''' ""-,='- Z:-t '-'.y >':.-q
Call Myra Girod, Principal Broker j 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker j 541-788-6767
I '
II f ==-4.
~-, s
( (
advantage ofpassivesolar gains&wonderful CascadeMtn, views • Interior organizedaroundcentral living areathat visually connectsthe living, diningandkitchenwhile creatingtertiary exterior livingspaces • Currently underconstruction andslated to be complete in June2013 • Backs upto commonarea MLS¹201301884
• Brand new single level 3 bedroom, 3.5 baths, built by Timberline Construction 8 designed by JimTebbs Design Group •Seamlessintegrationofindoorand outdoorspace,open floor plan • Private courtyard and covered back patio w/mountain views • Energy efficient Earth Advantage • Aflex room & study allow for maximum versatility MLS¹201208865
Call Shelly Swanson, Broker j 541-408-0086
Call Shelly Swanson, Broker j 541-408-0086
• Built by Timberline Construction
and designedbyChristian Gladu DesignGroup • Situated to take advantage of western views &maximize outdoor living area andto take
I •
• 19 acres, 16 acres irrigation, white vinyl fencing •PanormaticCascade Mtn. views
• Beautifully remodeled 2936 SF 3 bed/3 bath home - Luxurious master suite w/sitting area and fireplace, 2 walk-in closets and large bath w/radiant heated floor - Hardwood & travertine floors, chef's kitchen, 4-car garage • Huge drive-thru RV barn/shop w/guest quarters and office • MD barn, 210x140 arena, shelters & paddocks. MLS¹201301029
Call Ron Davis, Principal Broker j 541-480-3096
• Incredible great room with \ 10th fairway views • Gourmet kitchen • Exquisite custom finishes throughout • Luxurious master suite, to-die-for closet • Wonderful outdoor living area •3 bed,4bath,den/family/bonus,4683 SF MLS¹ 201303182 Listed byThe Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers j 541-312-5151 www. TeamNormaAnd
,yg j„".i': If
• Stunning Cascade Mountain views • Dramatic home features quality & elegance • Great room living, light & bright • Dream garage, shop, storage+ elevator
• 3 bed, 4.5 baths, family/office/hobby, 5157 SF MLS¹201207661
• Brasada Ranch
• 5400 SF on flat .75 acre!
• 5 fireplaces! • Green built, efficient solar system • Finely crafted Gary Norman built custom • Stunning finishes • Unobstructed mountain views
• Private golf property • 7525 SF w/Cascade views • Subzero & Viking appliances • Hot tub, sauna 8 elevator • Fully landscaped with stream/pond • Full golf membership included MLS¹ 201203184
Brokers j 541-312-5151 www.
Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS l 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist
Ryan Whitcomb, Broker 5414391151 ryan.whitcom Aaron Boehm, Broker 541.647-8851 aaron.bcehm
Gem in theRoughJ Three Rivers South ( $165,000
Powder Village Creampuff ~ $74,900
7 Muskrat Lane, Sunriver ~ $229,000
Listed byThe Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team,
• 55149 Forest Lane
• 3 bed, 2 bath, 1224 SF • Very comfortable home for weekend getaways or full time living in the woods • Desirable development • Close to the Big Deschutes MLS¹201206233
r t v i i yG
56264 Solar Drive - Three Rivers/ $339,000 • Pristine home on the Big Deschutes River
• 2 BD/2 BA, 1090 SF • New furnace, windows & roof • Excellently located near SHARC • 2 decks, carport MLS¹201209274
char m ing • Great getaway place on a
,'. • 56856 Enterprise Dr. ¹DS : MLS¹201209343
pi 54 1 -923-~1376
• Cute Sunriver cabin
• Sunriver • 1 bedroom, 1 bath • Very well maintained and
, el l f
• Beautiful 9682 SF home features massive timbers, f tall ceilings, impressive stonework •Landscaped,waterfeature,pond & Cascade Mtn.views • Chef's kitchen, butler's pantry, formal dining, master suite w/sitting room • Large guest/family wing w/2 bdrms & family room • 33 acres, 28 acres irrigated, 2 barns, bunkhouse/ caretakers quarters MLS¹201206936
• Oversized remodeled dock and slip • Spectacular river views • 2 bed, 2 bath 1270 SF
Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222
Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222
Call Kelly Winch, Broker l 541-390-0398
Call Dan Cook PC, Broker j 541-280-5303
28 Fremont Crossing ( $439,000
16 Nine Iron Lane- Sunriver ~ $535,000
26 Poplar - Sunriver ( $550,00
56395 Fireplace Lp ~ $1,029,000
• Exceptional location, very shortdistance to SHARC and Sunriver Village • Built in 2004, 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths (2 masters) • Open floor plan, 2215 SF • Deck with hot tub • Excellent furniture pkg. avail.
-J¹ifB~ MLS¹201203762
• 3 BD/3 BA, 2228 SF • Located on the 15th hole of the Woodlands Golf Course • Single level • Open great room
• Main level master • Hardwood floors
ff t " ssn.,'ui • SS Appliances
• Granite countertops • Two master suites
. • Complete Remodel " ,V+:" • Great room • Wood burning fireplace ;
• Caldera Springs —unri Sver • 3 bdrms, 4.5 baths, 3843 SF • Family room w/full wet bar • Patio with views of forest • 3 master bedroom suites
downstairs • 3-car garage, room for toys MLS¹201303169
Call Kelly Winch, Broker j 541-390-0398
Call Keith Petersen PC, Broker j 541-815-0906
Call Ken Renner, Principal Broker j 541-280-5352
Call Mike Sullivan, Principal Broker j 541-350-8616
kwinch© ISellSunriver©
ken.renner©• mike©
To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809
' •
O~ PTION I • PS SEO • Fully renovated condo offer • 8 weeks/year or trade with RCI! quality • 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath Loft fraction • Travertine floors, rock fireplace • Sleeps 6 • All new appliances • Full sized kitchen • Murphy bed offers additional • Excellent rental SEVENTH sleeping room MO O N TA IN income ASSOAT • Very comfortable w/balcony MLS¹201208552 views of forest & river * MLS¹ 201107707 Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS I 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist
Awbrey Park l $120,000
Possible Business Opportunity
• Three Rivers South • Approx. 1.60 acres • Bonus Mt. Bachelor view
Highly successful bar/ restaurant together with strip mall on Hwy 97. Please call for details Kelly Horton
• Well and Septic • Well maintained gravel
Call Jordan Haase, Principal BrokerI 541-420-1559
Call Kelly Horton, Broker l 541-508-9163
2980 SW Indian Circle l $129,000
Mid-Town Bend ~ $142,000
•Offe rs357'ofhigh bank "
"''„I'm '
' '-
Call Greg Yeakel, Principal BrokerI 541-408-7733
Darling Private Acreage in La Pine!l $210,000
Desert Valley GroupI 541-923-1376
Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker I 541-480-2356
Midtown Charmer l $185,000
FabulousCascade Mtn. Views! l $225,000
• Newer home on136 acreswithlots oftrees • 3bedrooms,&5 baths • Great roomwith largedining area • Den orhobbyroom • Gorgeous concrete countersthroughout • Slate entry • Master bathfeaturesdbl sinks, soaking tub, hugedesignershower
I •
• Backyard is landscaped&fully fenced RR
• Some mountainviews
• Freshlyrepainted andmove-in ready
31 20Yellow Ribbon Call Shelly Swanson, BrokerI 541-408-0086
River Rim l $230,000
R R '% R R
• Oversized finished2-car garage •Largeopen kitchenw/updated appliancesandfreshly painted cabinets • Living room is light Ik bright with a bay window • Fully fenced backyard and landscaped front MLS¹201302410
• Buildable 2.52 acre parcel • Mature trees and dramatic views • Long Butte water hook up
fee is paid • Power to property • Great Central Tumalo location MLS¹201303350
MLS¹201303252 Call Myra Girod, Principal BrokerI 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, BrokerI 541-788-6767
Call Chris Sperry, Principal BrokerI 541-749-8479
Call Carol Osgood, BrokerI 541-419-0843 or
Korren Bower, BrokerI 541-504-3839
Fabulous Property on 1.9 Acresl $289,000
19570 Brookside Way l $339,900
• 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom • 1897 SF built in 2006 • Fenced yard w/deck & pergola 8 ER
• 3 bed, 1 bath, 1140 SF • Large fenced backyard • Great investment / • Mountain views • Close to shops, parks •Mid-town convenience MLS¹201301561
• Currently rented. GreatInvestOpp. MLS¹201303069
., MLS¹201208806
• Desirable singlelevel homein the Views of 0ak Tree • Spaciousopendesignsituated ona generoussizelot 7I
• Charmingtownhomein desirable area • 1374 SF, 3 bed, 2.5 baths • Open floor plan • Private fenced backyard, trex decking andlandscaped • Close to shopping, schools, and
• 5 acre homesite Deschutes River waterfront • Unobstructed Cascade Mountain views • Private well, septic tank, power installed • Seller terms available
. 541-508-9163
Call Greg Barnwell, Broker I 541-848-7222
Exceptional inEstablished NENeighborhood f $169,990
I'oacl • 54653 Silver Fox Dr. ' MLS¹201209514
5 Acre Deschutes Waterfront Homesite[$127,500
• .42acre buildable lot • Views of Jefferson, easterly mountains & the City of Bend • Close to trails, parks, Deschutes River, downtown • Nicely treed lot with plenty of privacy MLS¹201302539
Beautiful Deschutes River Lot l $99,900
• 4 bed, 2.5 bath, 2420 SF • Granite tile in kitchen ' ': • Butler's pantry • Rich, dark hardwoods • Oversized 2-car garage w/extra shop space • Easyaccessto hiking/biking
2660 SESagebrush Dr, Madras • 3 bedrooms+ office, 2.5 bath • 2-car garage + 3rd bay finished storage area • 24x32 finished shop
• Cascade Mountain views! • Gas fireplace, 2-car garage
• Great outdoor living • Open floor plan • Spacious kitchen MLS¹201301241
• Spacious open kitchen MLS ¹301302955
Ready for Your Dream Homel $350,000
trails MLS¹201302939
N «IIP'A'",
• ".EI'..
' .
• 6.96 acres in PlainviewSubdivision • Live on the property while youbuild • Large 36x50shop -w/RVhookups inside & outside the 3bayshop • Well is in, septic in, power 8 other utilities installed atshop &well • Finished bayhaslaundry areaBr3/4 bath w/loft. Wood & electric heat «Q '~E,1 8t,s • Area of larger parcels with stellar
Call Jordan Haase, Principal BrokerI 541-420-1559
Call Melanie Maitre, Broker ABR, SRES, ePRO
Call Rhonda Garrison, Principal Broker I 541-279-1768
Call Joanne McKee, BrokerI 541-480-5159
541-480-4186 I melanie©
Downtown TumaloCommercial Building ( $359,900
One-of-a-Kind Tetherow Homesitel $375,000
Pride of Ownership ~ $383,000
Luxury Townhomesl Offered from $424,750
• Remodeled and ready for occupancy • 1424 SF, 5 on site parking spots • 13,126 SF lot • Beautiful double sided river rock fireplace • Custom paver parking
• Located in the Wild Rivercommunity w/private access to the Deschutes River andforest serviceland • 2759 SF, 3+car garage&shop • Hand scribed log homebyTreehouse • Main floor masterwith en-suite bath • Large woodburningfireplacewith
Judy McCombs &Shelly Swanson,Brokers I 888-274-2317
Welcome to Beautiful Tanglewoodl $430,000
Live, Work, Play, Relax l $474,700
West Side Park-like Setting l $479,000
• Well established&desirable SE neighborhoodconvenient to shopping and LarkspurTrail • Wonderfulcol-de-sacocationand large yard • 2500+ SF,4 bedrooms+main Boor cien • Kitchen is light & spacious open to diningarea&great room,SS app 1ances, granite, hardwoodfloors • Triple tandem0/5 garage, RVparking
gg E
'N for video andadditional info,• brian©
Awbrey Glen Champion Circlel $489,900
Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker I 541-508-9581
• 5 BR, 3BA, 3-Car • Immaculate home • Office at front entry • Hickory cabinets 81 floors • Master BR has2 walk-ins • Easy access to river trail • Close to neighborhood park MLS¹201303346
• Large view windows embrace the High Desert Landscapefrom many areas in the home. • Recently updated with beautiful hard wood floors, high end Europeanpellet stove & energy efficient water heater
',„.->'~g.' ~jp~:E'-'
• 1904 SF lodge style home • Upstairs loft can be studio or 3rd bedroom • Wrap-around deck to enjoy the sound of the river
Call Bryan Hilts, BrokerI 541-771-3200 '
Close to shopping, dining, recreation and NW Crossing! •Upgradesabound inthis3700SFhom ewit h3m astersuites • Granite slab counters; hardwood floors; hobby/playroom off kitchen • Office with custom built-ins could be used as guest room • Large bonus room and loft area with mini kitchen • Easy care professional landscaping with 50' water feature • 3 decks, paver patio, and classic front porch • Shop area in garage and1800 SF of storage • Common area on two sides
• Huge deck w/hot tub overlookingthe mightyDeschutesRiver - Majesticbeauty!
' .."
Directions: Takethe 2nd Choctaw • 4bedroom,3bath, 2985SFhome • Gazeoutbackatamazing rockforma¹Ions of Lava IslandFals • Gourmetkitchen,granite, doubleoven stainless appliances • Riverrockwood burningfireplace, vauted
• Desirable community of Rimrock West • Community access to the Deschutes River
18734 Choctaw Road
• Home offers privacy & aconvenient location within the community
Call C.J. Neumann, Broker, CRSI 541-410-3710 Lisa Lamberto, BrokerI 541-610-9697
Deschutes River Frontage! $520,000
• Situated on .86 acres on one of the largest homesites in Awbrey Glen *
• 1800 SF of unfinished daylight basement • Mature landscaping MLS ¹ 201302413
Rod Hatchell, BrokerI 541-728-8812
rsal stone PPriced well below replacementcost!
Call Brian Ladd, BrokerI 541-408-3912
• Master on main • Formal dining 81 living rooms
• Original price $710,000.
Custom Log Home l $425,000
• With Fairway, mountain and river views. • Two distinct Westside communities • Offering one 8S two story floor plans • 2-4 bedroom, 2.5-4.5 baths • 1960-2956 SF
• 3 bedrooms, 2 baths
Call Judy McCombs,Broker I 541-390-1411
Call Peter Menefee, Principal Broker 541-598-4988
• Expansiv e,one acre homesit e • Elevated, overlooking ¹3, ¹4, ¹5 & ¹6 fairways • Fabulousmountain,water,and terrain views • Unique site offering exceptional privacy • Gatedarea-end ofcul-de-sac
Call Shelly Swanson, BrokerI 541-408-0086 Call Judy McCombs, Broker I 541-390-1411
Call Chris Sulak, Broker I 541-350-6164
Call Sue Price, Broker I 541-408-7742
Westside Charmerl $550,000
26 NW Skyliner Summit Loopl $654,900
• Beautiful 3/4 acre pinetreed lot • 3400 SF, 3-car garage •Hugebonus/familyroom • Formal living 81 dining, 3 fireplaces •Oneowner homew/lotsofextras • Wonderful decking, private backyard w/water feature • Very popular location! 1684 NW City View
Call Mary Stratton, BrokerI 541-419-6340
Superior Design for Privacyl $749,900
This Property Has It All i $849,900
' '
Call Jodi Kearney, BrokerI 541-693-4019
Call Mary Stratton, BrokerI 541-419-6340
Broken Top Classic l $945,000
LuxurySingle Level in Broken Top l $1,150,000
• Over ooking10thfairway &green • Custom home completely remodeledin 2004-05 by MelroseConstruction • Kathy & KarolNiemiinterior plan/design with quaiity &detail - 4476SF • 5bed, 5.5bath, mainlevel master • Great roomdesign. Wonderful indoor and outdoorlivingspacious,quiet cul-de-saclocation MLS¹ 201206249
Call Shelly Swanson,BrokerI 541-408-0086
l li :
•,Q M
iI'Clt =
• 5 bedroom, 4 baths, 5116 sq. ft. • Overlooking Broken Top's 12th fairway and green One level with upstairs guest ' suite and private office • Privacy with southern exposure • Bonus & exercise room • 3 car garage w/shop area MLS¹ 201202864
.: .f'
" «~y ~
Call Shelly Swanson, BrokerI 541-408-0086
Awbrey Butte Elegancel $1,450,000 • 5712SF,0.82acresw1thful CascadeMtoviews •5enSuitebedrooms+2addl,hafbathS 12 bedsupstairs, 3dowol • 5-car garage,gearroomw/lockers,vault, dog bath,deluxemudroom I Sunny artist studiowith Frenchdoorsto
• Ex pansivedeckw/mt.views • Main levelmaster&guestroom • 4bedrooms,4.5baths, 4900SF • .52acre lot MLS¹201302131
I 2storylibraryioturret, openfloor plan, gourmet kitchen •
Call Laura Blossey, BrokerI 541-323-4809 ossey©
ken.renner© •
• •
• •
t h e terrace
• A/Vgame . room,inspi/Ingviewsfromtheofice
Call Ken Renner, Principal BrokerI 541-280-5352
• 8
Call Sandy & John Kohlmoos, BrokersI 541-480-8131 I
family living • Great room, family room, theater den • Beautiful treed flat.44 acre lot • Overlooking 4th tee box MLS¹201209136
r RE
• 24" TurkishTravertine tile f oors • MexicanCanterastone firep aces/ hood • Custom wrought-iron railings &
/,@j,E® ®
(4622 SF)
Tuscan-Style with Mt. Views l $1,325,000
• Perfect for entertaining or casual
• Just minutes to medical, shopping, & schools • Single level, open great room — •Great for entertaining • Private setting, borders BLM • Separate entrance for home office • Formal dining/living, chef's kitchen
• 3106 SF SINGLE LEVEL • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • 994 SF enclosed courtyard • Wonderful natural light • 1200+ SF garage • .5 acre lot on the 13th fairway -Rivers Edge GC • Call for your private tour!
MLS¹201203332 Call Deb Tebbs Group, BrokersI 541-419-4553 Deb Tebbs Group l Like us onBi
• Elegant & spacious
• Coveted West Side location • 4 beds, 2.5 baths, 3443 SF • Expansive great room opens to kitchen & dining room • Main level master w/deck access • Master bath includes his/ her closets 81 jetted tub
aI I
aI I
a I p
• • e •
E6 SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 2013 • THE BULLETIN Homes for Sale La Pine j $85,000 • 1680 sq.ft. manufactured
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Redmond Homes
Redmond Homes
Redmond Homes
Sunriver/La Pine Homes Crook County Homes H omes with Acreage
Quail Crossingj $289,000
West Hills! 4 bdrm, 3.5 This chalet w /double 2 bdrm, 2 bath on 1.12 Ridge At Eagle Crest. 1 5962 Falcon Ln , 4 $69,000 - BANK Powell Butte c ustom bath, in 4040y sq.ft. garage is in perfect acres. $129,000 MLS 2 bdrm, 2 bath 1255 Bdrm frame h ome, OWNED! Spotless 2 built home o n 20 • 1745 sq.ft. Delightful W e stside condition, like brand ¹201203821 sq. ft. townhome with attc'd gar., $134,900. bdrm, 2 bath in acres, 1652 sq. ft. 3 • 4 bedroom, 2 bath • 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with Panoramic new. Featuring 1488 Call Linda Lou Daymountain views. High Lakes Realty & Prineville. MLS¹ bdrm, 2 bath, dbl. ga • .85 acre lot • New Construction Cascade & City views sq ft 3 br., 2 ba., built Wright, Broker. $157,900. MLS Property M a n age201301605 rage. $298,500. MLS • MLS 201300356 • MLS 201208685 on a spacious lot with in desk, e x panded 541-771-2585 ¹ 201301350 Pam ment 541-536-0117 Call Julie Fahlgren 201301732 541-550-0098 Christy HartmanGreg Floyd, P.C., High Desert Natural d eck, k n otty p i n e Crooked River Realty Lester, Pnncipal Bro- 16033 C a scade Pam Lester, Principal DeCourcey, Broker Broker Landscaping. 2 gas throughout, c u s tom ker, Century 21 Gold $99,500 1538 sq. ft. 3 Crooked River Realty B roker Century 2 1 home in N W Country 541-312-7263 541-390-5349 fireplaces, 1 in living gutters. This c halet 2 -Story Realty, Inc. Gold Country Realty, Redmond. Large 1705 bdrm, 2 bath, overT wo homes o n t w o room & 1 in master h as n e v e r bee n 541-504-1338 ft., 3 bdrm, 2 bath. sized garage, High commercial lots sold Inc. 541-504-1338 bedroom. Master bed- rented. E n jo y all sq. Single Story home, 3 Lakes Realty & PropKnotty alder cabinets, as one. Owner terms 52625 Huntington, Riv room has c o ffered Eagle Crest a meni SS appl i ances, bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1244 erty Man a gement Prineville. $124,900erfront property, 20.39 ceiling & slider to up- ties. Home-ID 1004 front/back land- sq.ft., with many up- 541-536-0117 acres. $525,000. High MLS¹201300807 per deck with hot tub. $240,000 MORRIS MORRIS scaped with irrigation. grades on a corner 17125 Faun Ln. Cus- Call J u li e F a h lgren Lakes Realty & Prop Master bath has deep Eagle Crest Properties REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE lot. $144,900. MLS $189,900. Jim Hinton erty Man a gement 541-550-0098 soak tub, large tiled 866-722-3370 ¹ 201302632 Pam tom finishes, 3 Bd, 2 Crooked River Realty l&o d l yO d dd p d 541-420-6229 541-536-0117 s hower & dou b l e Ba, $134,900. High Lester, Principal BroCentral Oregon Realty A listing in High Midtown Bend j Realty & PropRiver Canyon Estates sinks. Great room is Finally! 84040 Carlon Lane, Log ker, Century 21 Gold Lakes 762 land Parks at Eagle Group, LLC $315,000 light & airy with exerty Man a gement home on 2.33 acres j $349,000 Country Realty, Inc. Crest. This floor plan 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1822 541-504-1338 • 2371 sq.ft. pansive City & Cas541-536-0117 Homes with Acreage • 2452 sq.ft. 360 degree v iews. is the ONLY one of its • 3 bedroom, 3 bath cade views. Kitchen is sq. ft. home on one • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath $229,000 High Lakes 61746 Rock View Rd. kind with multi- level • Adjacent buildable lot • Near Deschutes River efficiently laid out with 1204 C h e ryl Dr i v e. Realty & acre, fenced, and 2 Pr o perty ogoodbuyo Incredible Fort Rock Say great room plan de included Gorgeous Home on 2 granite tile counters, shops! $191 , 0 00 Trail Management View. $99,700. High signed to capture gor • MLS 201301952 newer a p p liances, a cres w i t h sh o p . • MLS 201302055 MLS¹201301092 to that unused Lakes Realty & Prop- $174,900. High Lakes 541-536-0117 Darrin Kelleher, Broker pantry & h a rdwood geous views of Smith Pam Lester, Principal Minda McKitrick, erty Man a gement Realty & item by placing it in Rock & Ochoco Mts. B roker, Century 2 1 Je f f erson f looring. Triple g a Pr o perty8829 S W Broker, GRI 541-536-0117 View Pl. Beautiful log Management rage wit h U l timate 2144 Sq Ft, 3 br., 2.5 Gold Country Realty, The Bulletin Classifieds 541-280-6148 home located in quiet floor. Wired for secu- ba., w/2 extra bonus Inc. 541-504-1338 Located on a c o rner 541-536-0117 $420, 0 0 0 area on 1 acre corner rity system. Wired for r ms. acre with a 4-car gaHome-ID 1000 A must see! $177,000. 5 41 -385-580 9 12789 SW Wheatgrass C1 lot on a paved street. stereo with speakers rage is this 3 bd/2ba 3 bdrms, 2 b a t h s, Rd. Well maintained Spacious 1,280 sq ft, o n main floor in 4 Eagle Crest Properties home. Large kitchen vaulted ceil i ngs.Smith R oc k 866-722-3370 Vi e w s, with oak, new dish1,680 sq ft, 3 bdrm, 2 2 bdrm, 2 bath has zones. 5-zone heatMORRIS MORRIS Knotty Alder cabinets, 2136 SW 35th PI, 3/2 washer just installed. ba on 1 acre. Built in new carpet & v inyl ing system. 2 levels of REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Beautiful f u rnished stainless steel appli- view l o t , ba m boo Home is very spa2004. Spacious living flooring on the main cedar decking plus d&~ ly O d dd p d I dp d dyO ~ d Od o d Eagle Crest home on ances. RV p arking, floors, tile, huge deck, cious with large front room downstairs & floor. Finished bonus paver patio. Plumbed o v e r- cozy, s al e Mt. Bachelor Village j River's Edge - 2912 NW in humidification sys- 11th green. Home ac l andscaping, va l u e. d eck a n d pat i o . family room upstairs. room above garage. c ommodates t h e s ized garage M L S MLS ¹201302168 New laminate wood RV area w/ hook up. $419,900 $170,000 MLS Golf Course S Dr. 2/2, tem. $610,000 MLS¹ whole family. Resort ¹201302314. Jeanne • 1194 sq.ft. condo, Holly Garner flooring t h roughout. Well main t ained 201301639. 201300307. 1404 sf condo on the side, behind the gate. S charlund Bro k e r 541-480-4208 ¹509 Landscaped front & decks to e njoy t he 541-536-1731 Bobbie Strome, e dge o f t h e go l f Each bedroom has its 541-420-7978 • 2 bedroom, 2 bath Fred Real Estate Group back yard w/ cyclone quiet summer days. Principal Broker Cascade Realty, course. own bath & separa Central Oregon Realty • Incredible Deschutes fencing. Property has Home is being sold 541-536-1731 John L Scott Real MLS¹201301376 Southwest Redmond tion of living area and Group, LLC lots of storage w/ the fully River view furnished. Estate 541-385-5500 Priscilla Tofte, broker F resh e x terior e n family room. Home-ID Make this Old Home• MLS 201301597 car garage & large $219,900 MLS 541-815-6444 Beautiful 2-Story 3 hancements and new stead located right off 2arden 992 $459,000 shed. Bonnie Savickas, 201301737 J u n iper Fred Real Estate Group bdrms, 3 baths, 1918 landscaping accents of Hwy 97 your getEagle Crest Properties FOR SALE 179,900 MLS Realty 541-504-5393 sq. ft., stainless appli- invite you home to this away retreat, original 201302119 866-722-3370 Sagewood N e ighborances, gas fireplace. custom s i ngle-level home - built in 1940, Juniper Realty, 14198 SW Nine Peaks hood! This beautiful When buying a home, City Views from the Top Landscaped with irri- s ituated on a s p a - along with original ga- 541-504-5393 Pl. CRR. Mtn views 83% of Central well maintained home gation $194 , 900. cious 0.25 acre lot! A at Eagle Crest! Beau rage an d s t o rage from this 1,960 sq ft, 3 Oregonians turn to in Sagewood has 3 MLS¹201208280 pleasant floor plan in- shed, 1 .6 3 tiful custom home at a c r es.$119,900 - Horse prop bdrm, 2 ba home on bedrooms, 3 b a ths, Jim Hinton, corporates v a u lted Home is very clean, erty w/ barn, over 5 the e n d of the 1.16acre. U p d ated office/den, large bodeodogCentral Oregon oode 19Od MORRIS 541-420-6229 ceilings, gas fireplace, cul-de-sac f e aturing yet still has its unique a cres. Fe n ce d & with new carpet & vi nus room u p stairs REAL ESTATE Central Oregon Realty i sland kitchen w i t h 2600 sq. ft of comfort traits. Possible horse cross fenced. MLS¹ nyl flooring and inte w ith C a scade M t . Call 541-385-5809 to Group, LLC tiled c o u nters & property behind home 201300986. Call Julie I& P d l yO d dd d« d able living and open rior has been freshly place your views. Fenced yard stainless steel applifloor plan. Home-ID Bro k e r, painted. 936 sq ft ga NE Bend j $192,000 Real Estate ad. Canyon Rim in Red- ances, and central air in open field. $79,900 Fahlgren, with water f e ature. 994. $429,900 541-550-0098 rage has a shop area, • 1206 sq.ft. mond - SW Canyon conditioning. The pri- MLS 201300544 Please call Tony for Widgi Creek Fairway j Eagle Crest Properties Cascade Realty, Crooked River 2 bays & 5 0 a m p • 2 bedroom, 2 bath Rim Dr. 1934 more details. Tony vate master suite pro866-722-3370 541-536-1731 p ower for a n R V . $685,000 Realty • Turn key property charmer, 3/2, 2190 sf, L evison, Broke r • 2930 sq.ft., a dual vanity 2.5 bath Separate RV covered • MLS 201204680 backs to park. Loca- vides 541-977-1852 or Pride-of-Ownership Look at: and spacious walk-in 152674 Long P r airie, storage & • 2 suites, 1 on main ca r port. tion! MLS ¹ 541-389-7910 closet. Enjoy sunset shows in this beautiful 1755 sq. ft . with ga 5th green & 6th $139,500 MLS 201302149 Hunter Properties LLC • On 3 bedroom, 2 b a t h views from the rear rage and shop on 5.2 fairway 201208272 for Complete Listings of John Furrow, Broker home. New vinyl win- acres. $145,000. High Juniper deck overlooking the • MLS 201301021 Realty, Area Real Estate for Sale 541-647-0910 bac k yard. dows, heat p u mp, Lakes Realty & Prop 541-504-5393 Garage Sales Craig Smith, Broker Fred Real Estate Group fenced new well i n 2 0 1 0, Quality amenities in541-322-2417 erty Man a gement Outstanding detail and metal roof and over- 541-536-0117 $265,000 Home with Garage Sales c onstruction of t h i s Cute, well taken care of clude hardwood floors sized MORRIS g a rage/shop. Huge 72x60 Shop i n dining a re a & home onthe NW side beautiful 4 bedroom, This home has a spaREAL ESTATE Garage Sales kitchen, tiled floors in 8996 S W P a norama MLS¹201209007 of Redmond. 4/2.5 3.5 bath, 3717 sq. ft. Rd. Custom 2,034 sq Linda Lou Day-Wright, lyO d dd d « d all baths & l a undry cious living area with with nice large loft Sage Builders home. Find them room, and more. Lo- a s e parate f a mily ft , 4 b d rm, 2 d/~ ba Broker, 541-771-2585 area. Master on main Located on the 18th New Listing - $199,900, MORRIS c ated n ea r m a j o r room. The kitchen is h ome built i n 2 0 06 Crooked River Realty level, open kitchen in 3 B d rm , 2 Bat h , hole of the Challenge REAL ESTATE shopping with easy open with appliances with Mtnviews on 1.53 that overlooks dining Course at Eagle Crest Double Garage. .27 Pinney St., 2400 The Bulletin I d d d lyO H d d d «d access to Highway 97 included. Outside is a acres. M a n y up 464 area & living room. Ac. Fenced Sprinkler Resort. Home-ID 352 sq.ft., 5 .5 4 a c r es, f or th e u l timate i n covered RV area with g raded features i n Large bdrms. 3-car Classifieds l ot, w o nderful R V Year-Round Vacation $599,900. hookups. Located on clude: Hickory cabi shop. $250,000. High convenient living and garage, fully landEagle Crest Properties parking. More Photos Home. Cozy Tollgate ideal for Bend com- a corner lot with acnets, granite counter Lakes Realty & Prop scaped, backyard is 541-385-5809 866-722-3370 home on half an acre Man a gement cess from paved Day t ops, alder t ri m & erty muters. fenced. $259,900 6 532 P e gg y Le e with room for y o ur r oad. Don't let t h is doors, hardwood & tile 541-536-0117 MLS¹201302683 MLS¹201302289 Combs, Broker Shevlin Ridge Beauty. horse. Live an active Great Family Home one get away from floors. Th e m a ster 1 6751 SW Dove R d . David D. Gilmore, D&D Realty Group 541-480-7653 Traditional Sale. West lifestyle, c l ubhouse, Never in Rental Pool you. $117,500 MLS Broker. 541-312-7271 bath has a Garden tub Log home w/ many 866-346-7868 at Eagle Crest. Ex John L. Scott side custom - Skyline swimming pool, bik201301715 with tile surround & IIColdwelBanker tended T il e E n t ry,Gentlemen Farm & Recustom feat u res. Real Es t a te, B e nd R anch Rd. 4 B d r m ing, horseshoes & Cascade Realty, Morris Real Estate. separate tile shower. G ourmet kitchen in bath, 2 9 0 0 Sq . f t., tennis courts nearby. Carpet, Lighting, Al t irement. Cus t o m 541-536-1731 MLS $250,000 cludes cherry c a bi stainless steel, granJohnston, Bro- der Cabinetry, Room home ove r looking Looking for your next Nice home in B end. ite, cherry cabinets, Mary Darkening W i n dow Willow Creek nets, granite counters, Very clean, m ove-in 201208347 541-420-0891 w/CasJuniper Realty, Oak cabinets, island courtyard off master, ker,John Treatments in all Bed cade Mtn. views. 2892 emp/oyee? farmer's sink & stain ready... 3 bedroom, 2 L. Scott 541-504-5393 in kitchen, extra insu- huge bonus r oom. Real Estate, Place a Bulletin help rooms. Vaulted Living SF 1-level home w/inless appliances. b ath, 1512 s q . f t . Bend l ation a dded, n e w More at www.centralroom w/built-in enter door pool, 3360 SF wanted ad today and Manufactured Home. 51883 Dorrance MdwGreat room has floor laminate f l oo r in reach over 60,000 tainment center, Mas shop, 2nd home & to ceiling windows w/ Interior just painted, 1776 SF, manicured kitchen an d d i n ing ter suite on main, 2 readers each week. laminate flo o ring, 1.76 acres, $215,000. views of t h e m t ns 746 o ther b l dgs. 6 9 . 8 room, large open liv- 5743 Ed Green, BroYour classified ad upstairs w/bath acres w/62 acs of irs late e n t ry , t il e d Northwest Bend Homes beds Lakes Realty & ing area, cozy wood ker 541-598-5666 & loft. will also appear on kitchen, laundry and High r ig. Home has t o o P roperty Man a g e stove, heat pump A/C $217,500 bathrooms. M a s t er John L. Scott Bend OR Awbrey Glen, many features to list. ment 541-536-0117 & electric forced air which currently reHome-ID 1007 Real Estate, Bend bedroom and other 2 single story, 3 bdrms, Adjoins BLM. heat. Home has gutceives over Eagle Crest bedrooms are sepa- Location Location Loca 2 master suites, 2.5 MLS¹201206931 ters and carport, large Properties 1.5 million page rated by a living room tion! This 2463 SF, 4 baths, 3 gas fireplace, $795,000 covered deck, chain Call The Bulletin At views every month 866-722-3370 a nd f a mily r o o m. bdrm, 3 b ath home 3-car garage, 2384 John L. Scott Real Esl ink f e nced y a r d . at no extra cost. Front and back decks. sits on 3.3 acres of 541-385-5809 sq.ft., built 1999, outtate 541-548-1712 $55,000 MLS SW Redmond Bulletin Classifieds Oversized single car land, between Bend & Place Your Ad Or E-Mail d oor l i v ing, go l f ¹201208196 Lovely home in Valley LOCATED I N THE Get Results! garage (20x24), with Redmond. P r operty course views At: John L. Scott Real Esview Subdivision in Call 385-5809 or H EART O F RED storage space above. has 3 acr e s of $570,000 tate 541-548-1712 SW Redmond. Home MOND - Yo u m ust place your ad on-line MLS Swalley Water and a $129,900 Spectacular Home on 541-325-1876 features 3 bedrooms at see this b e autifully 201300412. A creage. S E B e n d fenced back y a rd. NOTICE 2 baths with den and updated home on .37 Cascade Realty, This home also has All real estate adver- 4.81 acres near BLM! TURN THE PAGE spacious living room acre lot. Many up541-536-1731 2885 sq. ft. home with an incredible 2300 SF tised here in is subwith vaulted ceilings & grades, an d b r a nd For More Ads 755 ject to t h e F e deral 4 Bdrms + Den & 3 Very spacious 1994, insulated dream shop city views. Great floor new master suite, this 2 bays!! Plenty of The Bulletin F air H o using A c t , B aths, m a ster o n p lan. M aster b e d is definitely not one to Sunriver/La Pine Homes 4bdrm/2bath 1755 sq. with space for your RV's, which makes it illegal main, vaulted great ft. mfd. home on 1.27 room and master bath be missed. 4 b e dto advertise any pref- room & triple garage! NW Crossing - Lovely 4 separated from other room, 2 bath, with a 52970 Walker Way acres. Living rm, fam- t oys, h obbies a n d animals!! Inside you Barn, corrals, RV area Bdrm, 3 bath, 2800 sq ft b edrooms & 3 bd, 2 ba, ily rm, dining area & erence, limitation or ba t h . large living room, for- $179,000. and more a must see! attached garage. High home with great room, Master bedroom has mal dining, and nice utility rm. Large 2 car will enjoy vaulted ceil discrimination based on race, color, reli- master suite, loft family private deck with city kitchen!!! Outside you Lakes Realty & Propa rage. Sold as i s . ings, 2 master suites, Man a gement 65,900. MLS and an e xtra large gion, sex, handicap, 5436 K ellie C o o k, area. $497,400. views and vaulted ceil will find a pull through erty master bath with cus 541-536-0117 Open Sat & Sun, 1-4, familial status or na- Broker 541-408-0463 ¹201300535. ings. Large kitchen garage, an d e x t ra John L. Scott tom shower and gran 2361 NW Lemhi Pass Cascade Realty, tional origin, or intenwith vaulted ceilings storage bldg. A lley 56811 Besson. 3 rental i te c o unters. M L S Real Estate, Bend 541-550-0333 541-536-1731 tion to make any such and city views. Large units, great h istory. access makes mov¹201206489 preferences, l i m ita- lot with mature trees. ing your toys around a $224,900. High Lakes 756 748 $349,900 tions or discrimination. Double car g arage breeze!! Call to see Realty & Pr o perty We will not knowingly Northeast Bend Homes with shelving, built-in this Jefferson County Homes John L. Scott Real one - of-a-kind Management Tick, Tock Estate 541-548-1712 accept any advertiscabinet. T r a ditional home today!! 541-536-0117 ing for r ea l e s tate Tick, Tock... Close to schools! Nice 3 Views, views, views in S QUEAKY CLEA N Sale. ¹201202360 $199,900 145055 Birchwood bdrm home in town which is in violation of Large 1980 sq. ft. NE MLS¹201302239. Call John L. Scott Real EsPowell Butte! $49,950. 2 bd, 1 ba, this law. All persons B end home. S p a- Johnnie for a private tate 541-548-1712 L andscaped with a ...don't let time get $475,000. Custom 840 sf, 1 acre. High fenced y a rd , RV are hereby informed c ious l i ving r o o m s howing. Priced t o away. Hire a 3479 sq.ft. 3 bdrm 2d/~ that all dwellings adw/gas FP, 3 bdrm, 2.5 Sell - $179,500 NE Redmond new con- Lakes Realty & Prop parking too! $79,900 bath. 6.81 acres, two Man a gement MLS¹201106963 professional out vertised are available bath $187,900. MLS¹ struction $ 1 7 4,900. erty Highland Realty large separate shops/ 201280332. Call Jim Single level, 1529 SF, 541-536-0117 D&D Realty Group LLC on an equal opportu541-923-2311 of The Bulletin's garages. Beautiful 866-346-7868 nity basis. The BulleHinton 541-420-6229 3 bdrm, 2 bath. Open 55515 Gross Dr. Great cook's dream kitchen. "Call A Service tin Classified Central Oregon Realty Newer and immaculate floorplan, Alder cabin- rental o r va c a tionLarge Lot with views. MLS¹201207007 Professional" Group, LLC turn key chalet. Fea etry throughout. Front home. $92,900. High Great 3 bdrm home Old Mill Area Jeanne Scharlund tures hot tub, planta landscaping w/sprin- Lakes Realty & Prop Directory today! with l a rg e fa m i ly 541-420-7978. 61436 Elkhorn St. 3/2, T wo homes o n t h e tion blinds, workplace kler system, rear yard erty Man a gement room. Needs carpet. Central Oregon Realty 1 214 s q .ft., o p e n banks of a large ca- desk, two large mas fencing. MLS 541-536-0117 converted garage into Group LLC kitchen, gas FP, short SW Bend j $449,000 nal. Unique setting ter bedrooms, one is ¹201208977 sale value. MLS • 2500 sq.ft. extra office s pace. 5 3610 Brookie, C u s with two quality single g round l evel. T h i s Jim Hinton Broker, • 3 bedroom, 3 bath ¹201209179 t om 2500 sq. ft. + Large shop and carstory homes nestled chalet in Eagle Crest 541 -420-6229 John Furrow, Broker • Widgi Creek townguest suite. $380,000 port. MLS 201302421. on the banks of a has an excellent his Central Oregon Realty home 541-647-0910 High Lakes Realty & $139,900. D&D Relarge irrigation canal t ory for high net in Group, LLC Fred Real Estate Group • MLS 201300263 Property Ma n age- alty Group LLC in NE Bend. Both are c omes t o own e r . Jackie French, Broker 866-346-7868 ment 541-536-0117 located on over one $209,000 H o m e-ID Need help fixing stuff? One of Bend's finest 541-480-2269 a cre with a par k 1005 E a g l e C rest Call A Service Professional PRICED R E D UCED! townhomes in TusTake care of across the canal for Properties find the help you need. Affordable living, great cany Pines, 3 bdrm, privacy. One 4 bed866-722-3370 starter or investment. In The Bulletin's print and 2.5 bath, 2 car dg your investments room home (2,424 sq. $40,000. garage. Cu s t om with the help from online Classifieds. ft.) with triple garage New construction! NE MLS¹201208170 interior finish a nd Have an item to MORRIS plus a 3 be d room Redmond $165,900 D&D Realty Group LLC beautiful c o mmon The Bulletin's home (1,840 sq. ft.) sell quick? REAL ESTATE 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1466 866-346-7868 area amenities w/ "Call A Service with double garage. sq. ft. 2-story home, clubhouse and pool. If it's under Very clean, ready to Perfect for two famigas fireplace in great Professional" Directory First time offering SW Bend - 61131 Kemove into home with lies or a cash flow in- '500you can place it in room. L a ndscaped $375,000. Call lots of open space. pler St. 5/2.5+ huge vestment with good GOLDEN RETRIEVERPUPPIES, with sprinkler system 1 6060 W r ight Av e . 541-523-4434 or The Bulletin Hickory cabi n ets bonus room. Enjoy tenants. Quality conMLS¹201209172 We are three adorable, loving 208-740-4233 cell, $91,800. Triple wide Classifieds for: t hroughout hom e . the Bend River Trail! structed homes near Jim Hinton H UD home, 1+ a c . or visit puppies lookingfor acaring home. Large master suite inMLS¹ 201301015 schools and p a rks 541-420-6229 intermountain High Lakes Realty & cluding Please call right away.$500. roomy walk-in John Furrow, Broker with all city services. '10 3 lines, 7 days Central Oregon Realty P roperty Man a g e closet an d m a s ter 541-647-0910 Call Gary for m ore Group, LLC Intermountain Realty, '16 - 3 lines, 14 days ment 541-536-0117 bathroom. Brand new Fred Real Estate Group details. 6 3 19 2 & Inc., 1425 CampThe Bulletin tub/shower in master 63198 W a t ercress(Private Party ads only) Newer S ingle S t o ry bell St., Baker City, home, 3 b d rm, 2 .5 Village Wiestoria j b edroom. Larg e , $598,000 To Subscribe call OR 97814 bath, office, sunroom, 541-385-5800 or go to workable kitchen with $425,000 FORD F150 XL 2005. This truck Gary Everett, CCIM Great family home in sq.ft, 60 acre, vaulted ceilings and Popular Kings Forest • 3163 sq.ft. Principal Broker Redmond's only golf 2260 can haul it all! Extra Cab, 4x4, lots o f cup b oard Neighborhood - This • 3 bedroom, 3 bath 541-480-6130 community. Immacu mtn & S m ith R o ck and a tough V8 engine will get views. $269,000. MLS 144208 Birchwood s pace. $89,9 0 0 custom r e m odeled• Custom Built Joan Steelhammer, late 3 bdrm, 3 bath ¹ 201206306 Pam $129,900. 1728 SF, 3 MLS¹201302408 the job done on the ranch! 4-bedroom home is • MLS 201208464 Broker home with living & nestled in th e p i ne Deborah Benson, PC, 541-419-3717 BD, decks, 1.24 ac. D&D Realty Group LLC l arge f amily r o o m Lester, Principal BroBroker, GRI 866-346-7868 trees on over y~ acre High Lakes Realty & Remax overlooking the ker, Century 21 Gold 541-480-6448 Country Realty, Inc. in a popular neighborP roperty Man a g e View of Mt. Jefferson course an d b e a uti 541-504-1338 hood. Brazilian cherry 749 ment 541-536-0117 fully land s caped Wonderfully loc a ted wood floors with tile & Southeast Bend Homes backyard with water Nice open floor plan this 1 715 Mare Ct . 1 8 0 9 h ome with a c o m Cg QUAINT CABIN ON 10 ACRES! slate accents were feature, large deck 3 bedroom, 2 b a th sq.ft., 3 large bdrms, manding view of Mt. Modern amenities and aii the quiet utilized th r o ughout w ith a w ning, o v e r OPEN HOUSE h ome i s c l os e t o shop, Jefferson and the surthis neat home. FeaMORRIS s ized g a rage w i t h shopping and schools, 30x60 you will need.Roomto grow in your SUNDAY 12:30-1:30 rounding area. Beau$165,000. High Lakes tures custom maple REAL ESTATE room for a shop or 8-car garage/shop/ofown little paradise! Call now. nice large backyard & Pr o perty tiful well kept home kitchen, vaulted living cart. RV gated park ready for your garden Realty fice, beautiful single with spacious rooms. Management room & m ai n l evel ing. In new R i d ge plus a storage build- 541-536-0117 story 1924 sq. ft. MLS¹201206924 Add master. There is room Welcome to Paradise. view High School dist. ing. MLS¹201302396 home on large $239,000 D&D Realty to park your RV plus Secluded and gated Attention-Getting cul-de-sac lot, you will Call for a private show $115,000 Group LLC Want to impress the large decks to enjoy custom home nestled ing. love this contempo$255,000. .D&D Realty Group LLC 866-346-7868 relatives? Remodel Graphics time o utside. V e ry against soaring 150 ft. MLS¹201302656. rary home, 2 bdrm, 2 866-346-7868 c omfortable hom e rim rocks and unobWOW! Look at t hese H ighland Real t y your home with the full bath, RV parking, For an additional with elbow room and structed mountain and Panoramic views! Great help of a professional views! Cascade mtns 541-923-2311 $349,900. 21180 '3 per week open living s pace. city views. Reclaimed location 3 miles NW of from your living room. Claremont Ct., from The Bulletin's Currently a vacation wood throughout with Wide open spaces and Redmond. Views of Home has been up'10 for 4 weeks Bend off 27th St. "Call A Service rental. Call for more tuscan style high end mountain views from Smith Rock & dated with newer heat Bob 541-480-5568 chef's details. kitchen. this newer 3 bed, 2 O chocos. Cus t o m Professional" Directory p ump and al l n e w Gary Everett, CCIM Sun Meadow beautiful 4 bath on over 5 acres built 2478 sq. ft. home floors as well. Great Principal Broker maramckie T a mara bdrm 2d/~ bath, 2045 sq ft, and fenced for horses on 4.74 acres. 1800 12234 Alderwood Dr. ranch-style home with 541-480-6130 McKie, Broker Pahlisch-built 2007, lots of i n Po w el l But t e . sq. ft. shop w/RV bay. Quality 3 Bd , 1 836 lots of room to play. 541-460-9072 Joan Steelhammer, SF, 1 acr. $110,000. $172,000 storage, walk-in pantry, $309,900 H o m e-ID MLS201202726 To place your ad, visit Broker John L. Scott hardwood floors/tile/car- 988 $397,000 J oh n L. High Lakes Realty & MLS¹201208213 dd or call 385-5809 541-419-3717 Real Estate, Bend Scott R ea l E s t ate Property M a n age-D&D Realty Group LLC pet, fenced, landscaped. Eagle Crest Properties Remax $260,000. 541-306-6885 866-722-3370 541-548-1712 ment 541-536-0117 866-346-7868
The Bulletin
Show Your Stuff. Sell Your Stuff.
CircleThis •
$ Prke Lowered $
Homes with Acreage
Homes with Acreage
Farms & Ranches
Manufactured/ Mobile Homes
Manufactured/ Mobile Homes
13206 SW Golden Man 3 bedroom, 2 b a t h , Lake County A l falfa 9148 sq.ft. FLAT lot, Lot 21 SW Chipmunk Cascade Views in TerPrineville j $99,000 tel. Custom 2,470 sq 1716 sq ft home on Farm. Incredible 703 utilities stubbed into R d. in CRR . 5 1 6 rebonne. $192,500 • 2.04 acres S nowberry Village ¹ 6 20780 Livingood Way. ft, 3 bedroom, 2 y/2 4.45 acres. P r ivate acre a l falfa F a r m. PUE, close to West acre, community wa Breathtaking views, De- • Cascade Mountain $86,000 - 3 b e d $96,300. Brand new bath on 1.98 acres. well & l a rge shop. Producing 2000 tons Canyon Rim Park and ter installed. $74,700 schutes River Canviews rooms, 2 baths, 1566 2013 home. 3 bdrm, 2 H exagon sha p ed MLS¹201300092. of dairy quality alfalfa a ccess to t h e D r y MLS 201300800 yon, and farming val- • Crooked River views sq. ft. - Silvercrest. bath. Features great great room has lots of $299,999. Pam hay yearly. 4 pivots Canyon trail. $50,000 Juniper Realty, ley below, 5 usable • MLS 2704850 Upgrades - newer room design with very 541-504-5393 windows to enjoy the Lester, Principal Bro- provide 453 acres of includes shop. MLS¹ acres with well Ideal JJ Jones, Broker paint inside & out and large open kitchen. views. 1,600 sq ft ga ker, Century 21 Gold irrigation. 3 m o dest 201207687. Call Pam Lot 22 SW Chipmunk building site with un541-610-7318 newer carpet. Huge Walk-in pantry, lots of 541-788-3678 r age/shop with R V Country Realty, Inc. homes, 2 shops 8 2 Lester, Principal Broo bstructed view s kitchen wit h i s l and tile, Corian center isCRR. 5.19 acres, door. La n dscaped, 541-504-1338 hay storage barns. ker, Century 21 Gold Rd. MLS¹201205208 and sunny breakfast land, stainless applilevel lot, Mtn views. fruit trees 8 fenced. 7432 SW Onyx Road. Candice A n d erson, Country Realty, Inc. Gail Day 541-306-1018 area. Enclosed back ances, large master $69,000 MLS Broker 541-788-8878 541-504-1338 Central Oregon Realty $239,000 deck a n d Pr i v ate bath with soaking tub orse s e t-up a n d 201106095 Juniper Realty, H John L. Scott Group, LLC backyard. and walk-in all t i le mountain views! Be creative! Build to fit Juniper Realty, 541-504-5393 Real Estate, Bend MORRIS Call Marilyn Rohaly, shower. Designer col$84,900 MLS your new business. 541-504-5393 Broker, 541-322-9954 ors and window cov¹ 201300988 Call Lot adjoins 18-hole RV lot grandfathered-in, CHECK YOUR AD REAL ESTATE 139716 Dorothy Lane John L. Scott Real erings. Landscaped Located on C rescent Melody Curry Ranch in Powell Butte golf course. G reat come camp or build Please check your ad ydp d l yO d* dOp d Estate, Bend and fenced with large visibility! Well t r a vCreek. This charming 541-771 -1 1 1 6. $925,000. Pride of on the first day it runs SW Geneva View Rd. your dream h ome. attached garage. 2 bdrm, 1 bath home Crooked River Realty eled paved road, in ownership/Borders to make sure it is cor- T errebonne. Septic/Power/ Water. L e v e l Cascade Village business a r e a at boasts 120' of creek BLM. Feed Lot, hay rect. Sometimes in$57,900 acres that will be Suntree Village ¹210 Homes N.W. LLC frontage, cov e red CCR. $39,900 Barn, Equip. Shed s tructions over t h e 1.14 Get your MLS¹201207367 easy to build on. Well $48,900 541-388-0000 MLS¹201207332 deck, wood s t ove, MLS¹201206082 Linda Lou Day- Wright, phone are misunder- treed with an abun- • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, business new paint inside and Call Nancy Popp, Vicci Bowen stood and an e rror Broker, 541-771-2585 dance o f wil d life 1848 sq. ft. 541-815-8000 FACTORY SPECIAL out, new roof and new 541-410-9730 can occurin your ad. passing Crooked River Realty thro u gh.• 1994 Fleetwood, large New Home, 3 bdrm, kitchen Crooked River cabinets. G ROW I N G Central Oregon Realty If this happens to your $41,500 MLS¹ garage 8 shop $46,500 finished Realty Plenty of storage with $48,900, 1-acre. Moun- ad, please contact us Group, LLC 201102002 • Living room 8 family on your site. w/d hookup, covered tain views. the first day your ad Nice mtn. views. 5.64 Juniper Realty, J and M Homes 771 room with an ad in MLS¹201206664 RV parking are and appears and we will 541-504-5393 acres. Located in a 541-548-5511 • Open floor plan, lots of m inutes f ro m W i l Call Linda Lou Lots The Bulletin's be happy to fix it as cul-de-sac. $75,000Day-Wright, Broker, l amette Sk i P a ss, s oon as w e c a n . Tumalo j $275,000 • windows MLS¹2609088 "Call A Service 1 year AHS Warranty LOT MODEL 541-771-2585 clear lakes and trails. Great Mountain View Deadlines are: Week- • 5 acre parcel Call Linda Lou included LIQUIDATION Professional" Crooked River Realty $275,000. home site, short dis days 11:00 noon for • Cascade Mountain Day-Wright, Call Marilyn R ohaly, Prices Slashed Huge MLS¹ 201207074 tance to the Lakeside Broker, 541-771-2585 $ 89,900 - Y O U C A N next day, Sat. 11:00 views Directory Broker, 541-322-9954 Sawngs! 10 Year Call Kerry at S ports Center a nd Crooked River Realty a.m. for Sunday and • Flat lot with CUP SEE FOREVER from John L. Scott Real conditional warranty. 541-815-6363 87479 N Sta r Ln, Spray Park, come and Monday. t his b e autifully e l • MLS 201200062 Estate, Bend Finished on your site. Cascade Realty, 40-acre horse prop enjoy listening to the One acre. Driveway in evated 2 acre build 541 -385-5809 Cathy Del Nero, Broker ONLY 3 LEFT! 541-536-1731 erty. $149,900. High quiet. Avoid bank clos place. 7981 SW High ing site above the De Thank you! 541-410-5280 541-548-5511 Lakes Realty & Prop ing costs; the seller is Cone. $29,900. The Bulletin Classified schutes River canyon. 161 Acre Ranch j Snowberry Village ¹55 MLS¹201003931 offering exc e llent erty Man a gement Unsurpassed v iews $1,100,000 $52,500 541-536-0117 terms to a q u alified Call Melody Curry into the river canyon, CRR. 12770 NW Dove • Cascade Mountain • 2 bedrooms, 2 baths 541-771-1 1 1 6 buyer. Find exactly what Cascades and farm views $89.900 - Septic, Wa- Home-ID 619 $83,500 • 1296 sq. ft., 1994 SilRd 5.12 acres, Mtn Crooked River Realty land, paved road, sep views, • 3777 sq.ft. home you are looking for in the ter & 30x40 SHOP! MORRIS vercrest all utilities inEagle Crest • 3 bedroom, 4.5 bath Prineville j $69,000 tic approved. stalled. $96,500 MLS 1d/4 acre cul-de-sac • Lots of w i ndows 8 REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIEDS Properties • 1.48 acres MLS¹201207148 Call • MLS 201206445 location. Cas c ade vaulted ceilings 20120135 I d p d« lyyy H d y yp 866-722-3370 • On Crooked River Nancy Popp, Broker, Juniper Diane Lozito, Broker views! 1000 gal. sep• All appliances are inRealty, 541-815-8000 River Frontage on Little 541-548-3598 cluded t ic, CRR wate r $48,900, 1-acre. Moun- Canyon Rim 541-504-5393 775 • Cascade Mountain Crooked River Realty Riv e r . 541-306-9646 w/back-flow d e vice. tain views. • FA h eat a nd h eat- D eschutes Manufactured/ 2002 MFD home .98 views ot 16 SW S had Rd Shop concrete MLS¹201206664 pump/A/C 13601 SW Canyon Dr L 2.7 Mobile Homes •201205258 acres, Mt. Jeffer• acres w/garage/shop, floors, windows, Call Linda Lou Nicely landscaped, 1.13 acres in CRR, Mt dg water feature, fire pit, & S m ith Rock 16x10 overhead door. Day-Wright, Broker, Nicolette Jones, Broker great rear yard! Jefferson views, son Snowberry Village ¹98 541-241-0432 views. $78,500 MLS MLS¹201203418 541-771-2585 Call Marilyn R ohaly, green house. N ew OWC. $58,500 MLS REDUCED $78,000 flooring - t r avertine, 201208266 C all N a nc y Po p p , Crooked River Realty Broker, 541-322-9954 MORRIS 201106385 • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Juniper Realty, tile, doors lights sinks, 541-815-8000 John L. Scott Real REAL ESTATE Juniper Realty, • 1404 sq. ft. 1999 Sil541-504-5393 paint & MORE! Call Crooked River Realty Estate, Bend I d~ d ly O d dOp d What are you 541-504-5393 vercrest for details! $136,900 Baker City 3 Bdrm, 3 NW Bend j $495,000 • Vaulted ceilings 5 498 SW S h a d R d . looking for? 1 6160 SW D ove R d MORRIS signer colors Bright & open 1,344 bath, 3 100+ s q . ft. 6.1 acre corner lot, • 40 acres 2 0748 V a lentine S t . 3235 Lisa McCarthy, You'll find it in REAL ESTATE semi secluded home, Mtn. views, near Des- • Tumalo Creek flows • Gas heat and A/C. El- $54,900 Cute 3 bdrm, Broker 541-419-8639 sq ft, 3 bdrm, 2 ba y dp d l yO d dOp« & on 5 acre lot w/many The Bulletin Classifieds evated corner lot home on 1.86 acre chutes river. $99,500 through property John L. Scott 2 ba t h , upd a t ed • Borders National Forpin e s . nice views Real Estate, Bend corner lot. Large loft p onderosa River Frontage on Little MLS 201205646 kitchen & bath, new 45'x24' Morton built est • Attached 2-car ga- carpet & t i le, n i ce area with office area. Deschutes River. 6+ Juniper Realty • MLS 201209443 RV area & hook-up. insolated metal shop, 541-504-5393 rage + shop area acres with 300 ft. of 541-385-5809 front deck & Craig Long, Broker $395,000. • Front deck and rear covered Green house located riverfront on the little large back yard with Snowberry Village ¹55 16535 SW Chinook Dr 541 -480-7647 541-523-2368 patio next to t h e f e nced 51881 Fordham Drive. D eschutes Riv e r . Spotless and 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath, 1296 5 . 6 8 ac r e s, Call Marilyn R ohaly, deck. garden area. Under R eady to b u il d a t Views of Mt. Bachelor, CRR sq.ft., 1994 S i lverlike new. GATED ACREAGE views, owner Broker, 541-322-9954 ground sprinklers 8 Very secluded gated 10 C rescent Cree k . South Sister & Bro- River c rest. Lots o f w i n Cascade Village will carry. $225,000 Cy John L. Scott Real drip system through f enced acres w i t h $29,000. High Lakes ken Top. Nadine Ash, MLS 201106408 dows & vaulted ceilHomes N.W. LLC Estate, Bend out. $ 1 49,900 MLS Pro p erty Broker 541-390-4017 ings. All a ppliances 541-388-0000 2000 sq. ft. custom Realty 8 Juniper Realty 201302042 Management John L. Scott MORRIS included. FA heat and home, Trex decking, 541-536-0117 541-504-5393 Real Estate, Bend Juniper Realty, REAL ESTATE h eat p u mp , A/ C . Mtn. Views, 60x36 in2 0769 Valentine S t . Snowberry Village ¹70 541-504-5393 16685 SW Chinook Dr Nicely l a ndscaped, y dp d l y O M d y y p « d sulated Shop with at- A spectacular lot i n $55,500 This beauti$69,500 CRR. 6.9 acres, River r eat r e a r yar d . tached guest quarters, Yarrow, th e n e w er Rivers Edge Village j f ul home sits on a 1984 Crescent Cut Off • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, views, all utilities ing reeenbelt lo t w i t h 52,500 Marilyn RoFind It in Rd., Crescent Lake, 2 s e ptics, l o a fing d evelopment in t h e $80,000 attached 2-car garage stalled, owner carry. haly, Broker shed, RV h o ok-up, East hills of Madras. • .47 acre lot forever views from the OR. This 3 bed/ 2.5 $189,000 MLS The Bulletin Classifieds! • 1248 sq. ft. 1993 Sil- wrap-around decking 541-322-9954 b ath home is o n 5 private well, plenty of Very near the new • Golf Course & eastvercrest 201008671 541-385-5809 John L. Scott acres, partially fenced room to park toys and A quatic Cente r , ern views • Large l iving r oom, 8 living room. 2 bed, 2 Real Es t a te, B e nd Juniper Realty bath, n ic e k i t chen • Easy access to Hwy w ith a 1 620 sq . f t . have animals. NO M iddle School a n d dining area 541-504-5393 Powell Butte j w/large adj o i ning • garage. Sky l ights CC8 R's or HOA, easy COCC Campus. Add 97 Vaulted c e i lings, $169,000 laundry room & panBen d , Lot 7 to the purchase • MLS 201204299 throughout home with a ccess t o 320 Acres of p r ivate • 19.62 acres Sunny windows 780 try. Th e o v e rsized cherry cabi n ets, Redmond or Sisters. and you have unob Jerry Stone, Broker property. This could • Beautiful Cascade • FA heat 8 heat pump double garage has 541-390-9598 Mfd./Mobile Homes hickory & tile floors, One-of-a-kind p rop- structed views of the be horse property or Mountain views (A/C) $475, 0 0 0 Cascade Mts. This lot covered porches, fire- e rty. has many other uses. • Gently sloped property • Front porch and large room for 2 cars & exwith Land tra storage too. Many place and secluded MLS¹201203090. i s priced t o se l l . Property is mostly flat • MLS 201205095 back deck Real t y Home-ID master suite. A 21x24 H ighland and has some partial Carolyn Priborsky, P.C., Call Marilyn Rohaly, other features make 5 ACRES with moun1006 this a great buy. family room is ideal 541-923-2311 fencing by others. Call $26,000 Broker, 541-322-9954 tain views. 3 bdrm, 2 Broker, ABR, CRS Cascade Village for families. Plenty of Great Country home Eagle Crest Properties county to see all the John L. Scott Real MORRIS b ath, 1 62 0 h o m e , 541-383-4350 Homes N.W. LLC extras in this home. has fenced property 866-722-3370 potential this property Estate, Bend 36x40 shop, fenced, REAL ESTATE 541-388-0000 Also equipped with a h as to o f fer. H a s for animals. Wonderirigated, ext. sprinkler I d p d ly O d dOp« d full hook-up RV area ful location and a nice Where can you find a some views of neighCg system. $2 7 9 ,000. Shevlins Commons Just bought a new boat? People Look for Information and a l a rge shop. shop area. Ready for boring hills. 30 miles helping hand? MLS 2809225. Pam Sell your old one in the Lot j $239,000 About Products and $289,900 from Bend, 15 miles a family wanting to Lester, 541-504-1338 From contractors to MORRIS classifieds! Ask about our Services Every Daythrough • .25 acre lot MLS¹ 201204040 from Prineville reserlive on acreage and C entury 2 1 , Go l d Super Seller rates! • Cascade Mountain REAL ESTATE yard care, it's all here Call Kerry at voir if you like to fish County Realty have room to spread The Bulletin Classifieds 541-385-5809 view 541-815-6363 or boat. $2 8 9 ,000 out. MLS¹201209328 in The Bulletin's • Close to Shevlin Park Cascade Realty, MLS 20 12 0 8 143. $249,900 "Call A Service • MLS 201301093 541-536-1731 541-536-1731 DB D Realty Group LLC Professional" Directory Don Kelleher, Broker Cascade Realty, 866-346-7868 20.39 Acres j $525,000 541-480-1911 541-536-1731 • 2334 sq.ft. home Horse property with a Outstanding b u i lders • Mountain Views 32.42 Acres in Urban spectacular mountain dream lot in a quiet • 900+/- sq.ft. River Growth Bou n dary, view. Surrounded by n eighborhood an d frontage Adjacent t o The large farms and sets backs up to common • MLS 201207288 Greens, kitty corner to atop a knoll in Ma- area. This property is MORRIS Dawn Ulrickson, Broker, dras area. You can p riced to s el l a n d new Ridgeview High REAL ESTATE School. $59 9 ,000. CRS, GRI, SFR see forever! Shop has won't last long! Own y dp d l yO d dOp d 541-610-9427 MLS ¹ 20 1 2 0 3193 stalls & plenty of room ership also enjoys all Pam Lester, Principal for hay & t ack. Or of the amenities that The Highlands at BroB roker, Century 2 1 ken top, 10 a cres, bring your toys that Eagle Crest has to of Cg don't require f o od! gated, private well, Gold Country Realty, fer. Don't miss this utilities at lot, applica- Inc. 541-504-1338 W ith over 6 a c r es o ne! Home-ID 9 6 8 tion for cap-fill septic. MORRIS there's plenty of room. $59,000 Advertise your car! $535,000. MLS This custom b r ight Eagle Crest Properties REAL ESTATE Add A Picture! 866-722-3370 ¹ 201200937. Pam Reach thousands of readers! home has many upIM~ d l yO d dOp d Lester, Principal Bro- Call 541-385-5809 grades, great f l oor Grandfa 20 Acres - Cascade Mtn plan, large r ooms, $199,900 ker, Century 21 Gold The Bulletin C!assifieds views. Just 4 m i les fireplace & so much thered in RV lot. Sep Country Realty, Inc. 4 .38 Acre v i e w l o t north of Eagle Crest! more. tic, power and water 541-504-1338 $210 , 0 00 backs BLM, Cascade Privacy & Space in installed. MLS¹ MLS¹201105983 Three Rivers South j mtn 8 S m it h R o ck this custom 3192 sq. D&D Realty Group LLC 201104846 $19,950 views. Corner lot, apLinda Lou Day- Wright, ft., 4 bedroom, 3 bath 866-346-7868 • 1 acre, level lot proved for standard Broker, 541-771-2585 home. Single l evel septic. $199,000. MLS with full Mtn. views & L ocated o n o v e r 2 Crooked River Realty • Build your dream retreat ¹2809381 Pam D eschutes river i n acres, 3 bedroom, 2 orth P o w el l B u t t e• Deschutes River 8 Lester, Principal Broyour backyard. Seller bath h ome. E v e ry NAcreage 3 buildable, National Forest has a ker, Century 21 Gold is l icensed b roker. bedroom walk-in closet, double rare lots. C a scade • MLS 201208695 Country Realty, Inc. $749,000 Sarah ErMountain views. Quiet Jim Moran, Broker 541-504-1338 aker Broker sinks in master bath, area. Call Vicci Bo541-948-0997 light and airy family 503-680-6432 The Bulletin's room. Kitchen has oak wen 541-410-9730 John L. Scott "Call A Service cabinets, island and is Central Oregon Realty Real Estate, Bend the heart of this home. Group, LLC Professional" Directory The master is spais all about meeting Ca n y on 22555 Mcardle - 20 cious, master bath 13740 S W MORRIS yourneeds. Acres. Cascade Mtn. with large shower and Drive. 1.22 acre lot. REAL ESTATE dr e a m v iews f r am e th i s h uge soaking t u b . B uild y o u r Call on one of the y dp d l yO d dOp« d b eautiful 2 0 acr e Outside is set-up for home! $ 4 7 ,500 MLS¹201105164 Property. 10 minutes livestock and has a Veteran seeking to buyP/2 professionals today! from Bends Eastside barn and double ga- C all M e lody C u r ryto 1-acre size utilityw/15 acres irrigation, rage and a new heat 541-771-1116 ready buildable lot, in or 52261 Stearns - Gor 4 stall barn 8 2 ponds. pump. From here you Crooked River Realty near Bend, from private geous acre, o wner carry, $34,000. High H ome has 3 b e d - can ride forever and 1.46 acre, flat building party. 951-255-5013 Lakes Realty & Prop rooms, 2590 sq. ft. & enjoy the beauty of lot adjoins greenbelt. 773 erty Man a gement bonus room. nature. $99,900 MLS Water/ power avail541-536-0117 Acreages $599,000 a p r ivate 201200121. able at road. oasis! Cascade Realty, 7825 SW River Road. $39,900 5 Acre corner lot. Near 5.030 acres, canyon 541-536-1 731 MLS¹201207930 6924 Kathy C a ba, public land & r i ver. views, septic & power C all N a nc y Po p p , Level fo r b u i lding. on l ot. Principal Broker, ABR Powell Butte bdrm, 2.5 541-815-8000 $84,900 b ath, 1928 sq . f t . , 541-771-1761 Neighboring well. Pwr MLS¹201300989 Call Crooked River Realty 3-car garage, barn, to property. $49,900John L. Scott Kevin Pangle Linda Fisher-Berlanga Mark Long Melody Curry Real Es t ate, B end shop, with RV door. 1.62 acre flat lot with MLS¹201109114 541-771-1116. NMLS¹ 89521 NMLS¹ 210118 NMLS¹ 208965 9.33 acres irrigated. some improvements C all N a nc y Po p p , Crooked River Realty MLS for RV use. Perfect, $359,000 541-815-8000 ¹ 2012037129 Pa m flat building site. Ad- Crooked River Realty 7965 SW River Rd in Lester, Principal Bro- joins CRR. 2.79 acres, near gree n belts. FIND IT! ker, Century 21 Gold $59,900 the Deschutes River. Country Realty, Inc. BVY ITI $49,000 MLS MLS¹201205397 541-504-1338 201009429 SELL IT! C all N a nc y Po p p , Juniper Realty, 541-815-8000 The Bulletin Classifieds Single level on 1 acre, 3 360 View / Top of Butte 541-504-5393 in Terrebonne. Home, bdrm, 2 b ath, 1716 Crooked River Realty Lot 1200 Beal Road. 40 B are r a n g e lan d . shop, mansion building sq.ft., master separa- 208 2nd Ave, Culver acres surrounded by tion, office, fenced, Fenced and only 18 site. 2% to broker. See: Level city lot. $38,200 BLM. $89,900. High Brad Haun Lisa Hawes f lower garden, R V MLS 201203505 Lakes Realty & Prop miles from Madras. parking. $1 4 5,000. NMLS¹ 221546 NMLS¹ 404405 reo/3723860691.html T here are 2 w a t e r Juniper Realty, erty Man a gement MLS ¹ 20 1 0 07848. wells - neither of 541-504-5393 541-536-0117 3.68 Acres j Pam Lester, Principal which are being used. $1,350,000 B roker, Century 2 1 $39,900 - Lot 141 SW 5 acres adjoins public Electricity is to one of • 4760 sq.ft. Gold Country Realty, C rater L oop. 1 . 0 1 land over Deschutes them. Mostly gentle • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Inc. 541-504-1338 River. Short walk to s lope w i t h bet t e r acre, well treed lot. • On the Deschutes river. $ 7 4 ,900 grass on the steeper MLS¹201105162 Very nice recently up- Call River MLS¹201102328 Call land. Possible owner Melody Curry dated & remodeled 2800 • MLS 201202960 Linda Lou Day-Wright terms. MLS¹ 541-771-1116 Brandon Fairbanks, sq ft. farm home on 40 Crooked Broker, 541-771-2585 201301211 $200,000. River Realty acres with Cascade Mtn Broker, SRES, Crooked River Realty John L. Scott Real Esviews. Flood irrigated, GRI, CDPE - Beautiful 1/2 tate 541-548-1712 landscaped, 2 ponds, set- $45,000 541-383-4344 acre lot located in up for horses &/or cattle. Terrebonne. Cascade Mou n tain Need to get an ad Owner Greenhouse, horse barn, 685 SEThird Street views!! Close to the terms. MLS¹ Cy hay barn 8 shop. Powell in ASAP? entrance of the 201008725. Butte area. By owner, NMLS 3182 Ranch. Great flat 6.2 Call Julie Fahlgren Bend, OR 97702 $569,000. 541-416-0941 acre lot. Flat & treed MORRIS 541-550-0098 Fax It to 541-322-7253 pcopk~ p c opk8uy Jh /vrrfd,SI/dcr,fgII 7™ for privacy. Build your 763 REAL ESTATE Crooked River Realty l& p d ly O d dyy p d The Bulletin Classifieds dream home or your Recreational Homes 8589 S W P a n orama vacation h i d eaway. & Property 3 bdrm, 2 bath, custom Road. 1.169 a c re, Enjoy the wonderful home, huge shop, close to pasture and 1325 Cheryl Dr. Pos golf course and all the ML-3213-10 mtn. views! $40,500sible owner carry, 1 amenities the Ranch $299,000 © 2013EvergreenHomeLoansisaregisteredtrade nameof EvergreenMoneysource Mortgage Cabin in forest, hunting, MLS¹201105165 Call MLS¹201203307 acre, $19,900. High has to of fer. CompanyNMLSID3182. Trade/service marksarethe property of EvergreenHome f ishing, stream, 7 5 Julie Fahlgren, Broker, Melody Curry Lakes Realty & Prop ¹201301682 $99,000 Loans.All rightsreserved.Licensedunder: OregonMortgage Lending LicenseML-3213 541-550-0098 miles. 541-480-7215 541-771-1 1 1 6. Ldydyy • IP erty Man a gement John L. Scott Real Crooked River Realty Crooked River Realty 541-536-0117 Estate 541-548-1712
e're so ocuse on oca ome oans. Purchase j First-time Home Buyer Investment Loans j Refinance
call us at541-31 8-5500
or apply online
IndependentlyOwned and Operated
l l I I ' I
I al
.109 .
Nl i I i 5i '
GATED ESTATE I $1,65P,PPP g ) ' q " ma i n hcme
DARRiNKEL LEHER • 4 bedroom, 5 bath BROKER
IIXm[ggggg+ • 25.72 acres
541-788-0029• 0 MLS 20] 302824
KWEEETEOIIE i 01,200,000 • 4925 sq,ft, JUDYME YER5, BROKER,GRI,CRS ' 3 bedroom,2.5 bath ' .88 acre lot SRES 541-480-1922 • MLS 201303030
CASCAD EMTNVIEWS j $689,900 0 2420 sq ft home
• 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath • 9.54 acres
WYNDEMERE I $529,000
• MLS 201302790
• 4 bedroom 3.5 bpth • Flat .96 acre
• MLS 201303175
ml I L
GREGMILLER, • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath P .C., BR OKER, CRS, • 5.7 acres, pond GRI 541-408.1511 • MLS 20]303085
• 1920 sq.ft. townhorne • 2 bedroom, 2,5 bath • Fully furnished
302816 541 4p8.672p • MLS 201
I ' 2 4« «es
REDMONDj $329,900
g BROKEN TOPI $355,000
MARK VALCESCHIN, • 4bedrooom,3bath PC BROKER
LII.BI]BI-43gg 0 MLS 201302984
.I BN'
OONE SBOROUGH I $434,000 '
3 bed«I<», 2.5 bath • Earth Advantage
' MLS 201303068
NW BENDj $434,995 • 1737 sq.ft.
NORTH WESTCROSSINGj $499,000 • 2886 sq.ft.
z, f f -lN.' K%
'il."-'-.":I ':
• 2922 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath
• Cascade Mountain views
541-588-0687 • MLS 201302923
Ujp)j~+ ' il
MICHELL ETISDEL, ABR PCBRpKF 'R • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bafh • .19acre, fenced yard 541-390-3490 • MLS 201302831 W
l7f ~C~I~
Q TUMALO CREE K j $135,000 JENBOWEN g ' Cabin on the creek • .83 acre
• Flpt.25 pcri. Iot
541-280-2147 • • MLS 2Q]3Q2937
541-588-0687 • MLS 201302918
01jN ' Adjoins National Forest IIEXjIIIIEjtxl@
• Cascade Mountain views • Includes home plans
3974 sq,ff • Wired high-tech MLS 20]3Q2870 541 280 5512 BROKER
p + • $6 9 ,500 to $84,900
541.788.pp29 • • MLS 201303040
' office in old Mill Qisf(icf
AWBRE YGLEN j $599000 • 2148 sq ft contemporary
ROS EMJNYGOODWIN, • 3 B~droom, 3 bpth BROKER , CERTIFIED ' 2674 Runyon Court • EGOTIAO TR 541-706-1897 • MLS 201303244
"• '0O 9
I . CASA MARIPOSAj $3,990,000 MEGANPOWER, BROKFR GRI CQP E • 7 bedroom, 7.5 bath • • Bachelor to Jefferson views
541-610-7318 g ' MLS 2011064]2
RIVERF RONTHOMEj $1,089,000 • New 2800 sq.ft. ' 3 bedroom, 3,5 bath
REDMONDj $2,500,000
• Established Car Wash • Central location • Consistent sales & profit 041-480-2966 • MLS 201206492 STEVEPAYER, BROKER , GRI
8 SISTERS I $824,000
• Elevated deck to dock 541419.8gpp • MLS 20]207905
' 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath • 2007 COBA lour Home
541-815.4786 • MLS 201300838
JULIABU CKIAND, BROKER ,ABR,ALHS, CRS,GR i 541 719 8444 I • MLS 201200880
4 Js, 2 = - Pl = > '=%'wNEKKomotnttwv
Af ' BROKEN TOPI $465,000
I 9'I
Lj' '
.. I
DOW NTOWN BEND j $650,000
• Great location
541-390.3490 • MLS 20]208031
BIACK BUlTE RANCH j $449,950
POINTSWESTj$529,000 KARINJOHNSON, • 3035 sq.ft. townhome • 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath BROKER
SUNRIVERj $619,500 • 2680 sq.ft. SUSANAGLI, BROKER , ABR,ALHS • I st Fp'Irwpy Woo &SRES 0 MLS 201302081 ~ 4].4 I t77g
• 2208 sq.ff. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath 54139p.4p5p • Hardwoods & built-ins • 541.3gp.4p3p MLS 20]302794 JIM & ROK ANNE CHEN[YBROKERS
• Close to the RiverTrail
541-639-6140 • MLS 20120318]
• .
• 4 bedroorn, 3 bath • Furniture included 541-771-6996 • MLS 201208783
I 2
NE BEND I $425,000 MARGO DEGRAY, I • 2563 sq.ft.
g SE BENDj $390,900
• ' 3366 sq.ff, DY MEYR ES, BROKERGRI'CRS • 4 bed«)orn,3 bath ' RV Parking SRES 541.480-1922EA-•MLS201302530
BROKER, ABR,CRS • 3 bedroorn, 2.5 bath • 2.3 acres
541-480-7355g ' MLS 20]302287
NEBEND I $349,ppp
I GL E CREST j $387,500 SYDNE ANDERSON, BROKER , CRS, WCR, 3 bed«>(», 2.5 bpth
• 1876 sq.ft. SHELLY HUMMEL ' 3 bedroom, 3 5 bath BROKER , CRS, GRI,
541.'420-]111$ •MLS 201302083
541-383-4361 • MLS 20]300566
5~2 + Spg '
• 45 acre on 10th fair~ay
BROKE NTOP10WNHDMEj $369 Ppp • Broken Topgfh fpirwpy
' Two Duplexes ' Excellent rental history • Close to hospital
MLS 201300512
• P m
NORTHWEST CROSSING j$310,000 • 1260 sq.ft.
• ]388 sq.ft. townhome VIRGINIAROSS, • 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath BROK ER,ABRCRS,GRI, • Convenient location
LESTER FRIEDMAN, • 2 bed«xim, 2 bpfh P.C. BROKER ABR • ] 2 pc(e kif
CSP,EPRO, S.TA.R. , MLS 2Q]3Q25]2 541-330-8491 •
ECQBR QKER,FREVIE WS • MLS 201303356 541-480-7501
I SE BE ND ($265,000
• 4 bedrppm 3 bpfh 0 Cul-d,-,ac focpfipn
• MLS 201300386
SE BEND ACREAGE j $249,000
SW BENDj $251,000 • 2080 sq.ft.
• 4 bed(pprn, 3.5 bpfh BROKER, CRS,GRI • 77 pc(e pn
141 42p517p i
54Q4] 0 4938 I • MLS 20] 205047
MIS 20]30]822
I 0clpse fp BLMlpnd
. 44
• 20]5 sq..
J a- .
tfjr E.
SW BENDj $224,900 DAVIDGRMORE BROKER 541 312 7271
' ]435 sq f townhome • 2 bedroom, 2 bath • Convenient location
BRO KENTOP j $220,000
JOHNSNIPPENEBRQK ERr • Fu(nished m MBA,ABR , CRS,GRI 541-312-7273 MLS 20209307 I
' MLS 201302535
49 •
• ] 345 sq.ft. 0 0
2 bed«xim 2 bpfh Sun Fpresf fjuilt
541 4pB 1468 ™S 201300668
541 94890gp
p04: Ejg
NE BEND l $197,500 • 2080 sq.ft. LYNNECONNELLEY • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath CRS • Pilot Butfe & Cascade views • MLS 201302868 541-408.6720
BROKEN TOPj $169,000 • .42-acrehome site • On the 17th green
• Home plans included
• MLS 201209583
Ij 0
~ SW BEND j $150,900 MARK VALCESCHINI, 3 bedr'oom, 2bath P.C.,BR OKER, CRS'g ,' ' ].18acre GRI' '
541 383 4364g ' MLS20]303197
SWBEN Dj $149,900
• 1306 sa.ft. manufactured RMKIE DICKE NS, • U dpfed, 3 bedrppm, 2 bpfh BROKER , GRI, CRS, • cj2 pcre' I • MLS 20] 30] 544
BUSINES SOPPORTUNITY j$149,000 • Tropical BeachTanninq PAULAVANVLECK, • NW Bend,nearCOCC BROKER • Established client e 541-280-777 • MLS 20] 205]45
LA PINEj $85,000
I • ]680 sq.ft, manufactured 4 bedroom, 2bath • .85acre lot MLS20] 300356
• Clpse tp Ipkes
5413504772 • MLS201206354
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The Bulletin Offers FOUND key on Sunday Free Private Party Ads 4/21 on leather cord, EDUCATION • 3 lines - 3 days at Bend Pine Nursery Housekeeping Laborer Black Butte ,g~doq P • Private Party Only park near dog area. Part-time p o s ition, BRIGHT WOOD School District 41 • Total of items adversome hotel r esort Visit our HUGE Call to iden t i fy CORPORATION Blended Grade cleaning exp. prehome decor firm. 54 1 - 771-5861 tised must equal $200 541-382-0173. Hiring for entry level Elementary/Middle ferred. Must be able consignment store. or Less after 4 p.m. positions in all proFound rifle, near WoodSchool Teacher to work weekends. New items FOR DETAILS or to 421 ductions plants at chip Lane in LaPine. Call Application Deadline Call 541-923-356 ask arrive daily! PLACE AN AD, f Want to Buy or Rent our corporate headBrian, 541-601-3900 I.D. Schools & Training Date: May3,2013 for Dennis or Tammy 930 SE Textron, Call 541-385-5809 quarters location in • Hot Tubs & Spas • Start Date: 2013-2014 Bend 541-318-1501 Fax 541-385-5802 Old barn wood needed! Madras. Looking for A IRLINES ARE H I RUSE THE CLASSIFIEDS! School year Call Marge, individuals with good Beautiful almost new Trailer mounted garden ING - Train for hands Black Butte School is a 541-593-0146 large 6-person spa, K-8 rural school loa ttendance and a 14 gal, $125. Door-to-door selling with on Aviation Maintei.T. Help Desk GENERATE SOME ex- paid $6000. $2500 you sprayer, strong work ethic. 541-447-5546 Technician Wanted: $Cash paid for citement i n fast results! It's the easiest nance Career. FAA cated in Camp Sheryou r Please apply in perapproved p r ogram. man, Oregon. We are vintage costume jew- neighborhood! Plan a haul. 541-548-5667 Wanted- paying cash way in the world to sell. son at 335 NW Hess Financial aid if quali- seeking applicants for Wallowa Memorial elry. Top dollar paid for garage sale and don't 253 for Hi-fi audio & stufied - Housing avail- a full time teacher of St. M a d ras Or . Gold/Silver.l buy by the forget to advertise in Hospital dio equip. Mclntosh, The Bulletin Classified TV, Stereo & Video in a Starting wage able CALL Aviation grades 4- 8 Estate, Honest Artist classified! J BL, Marantz, D y 541-385-5809 self-contained class$10.00 per hr. BenElizabeth,541-633-7006 Institute o f M a i nteLocated in 541-385-5809. Flat screen 32" West- naco, Heathkit, Sane fit p a ckage i n 877-804-5293 room with an enrollEnterprise, OR Carver, NAD, etc. Lost Boston Terner, 6 yr nance WANTED: Tobacco ment of approximately cludes medical, Kenmore washer & dryer, inghouse, low hours, sui, (PNDC) "Sammy." Had red pipes - Briars and Call 541-261-1808 male, 10-15 students (may $200. 541-350-1201 dental and life insurcapacity, about 5 Minimum 5 years smoking accessories. large collar, 4/18 on Canal Rd Attend College Online be adjusted due to ena nce. Vision a n d rs old, with warranty, SAVE on Cable TV-In- WHEN YOU SEE THIS off SE 55th Place, in experience. Fair prices paid. *Medical, rollment). Te a c her 100%. A flac available t o $550. 541-350-1201 Microsoft Windows Call 541-390-7029 ternet-Digital PhoneRedmond. 541-815-0285 *Business, *Criminal would be expected to OO purchase. EOE/On ~ Server 2003/2008; between 10 am-3 pm. Maytag drying center, Satellite. You've Got build leadership skills *Hospitality, Justice, site pre - employLost prescription eye Windows great c o nd, $ 3 5 0. A C hoice! O ptions Mare throughout the first two P i X a t B e ljd b i j l e ti l ) ,CO m * Web. J o b Pla c e ment drug screenglasses, a t pa r king 2000/XP/Vista/ 541-350-1201 from ALL major seryears (with guidance) On a classified ad Ass i s tance. ing required. pull-out on Mt. Washing- ment 7desktop OS; Items for Free vice providers. Call us leading to the possibilgo to NEED TO CANCEL ton Dr., B end, 4 /21. Computer and Finan- ity of Head Teacher Bright Wood Corp., DNS/DHCP/Active to learn more! CALL YOUR AD? Please call 541-350-7273 cial Aid If Qualified. r ole in year 2-3. A 335 NW Hess St., Directory/Group FREEZER - FREE! 16 Today. 888-757-5943. to view additional Schev Au t h orized. The Bulletin Madras, OR97741. Policy; TCP/IP wired cubic f oo t up r ight Classifieds detailed job descrip(PNDC) Lost three banded gold photos of the item. Call 86 6 688-7078 has an 541-475-7799 and wireless netstyle. 541-382-2054 w edding r in g w i t h www.Centuraonline.C tion is available on our "After Hours" Line 257 261 website at www.blackworks. Excellent diamonds and rubies. om (PNDC) Call 541-383-2371 Check out the and the benefit package. S entimental va l u e. Musical Instruments Medical Equipment 24 hrs. to cancel Livestock Truck Driver classifieds online v acancy has b e en Visit our website at Oregon Medical TrainReward. your ad! Must have CDL,2yrs exp, posted on Edzapp at ing PCS - Phlebotomy 541-678-0709 P ower chair with a tprogressive co., 401k, htt s:// classes begin May 6, Contact Updated daily t achments, $32 5 . Lost white gold $50,000/yr, insurance 2013. Registration now Get your Linda Childers at 541-388-3789 tI NW only. 541-475-6681 Stone Lodge R etireding band in alley on ~de«.as . Op e 541-426-5313 business filled. First review of ment home is looking SW Metolius in Redmedicaltrainin .com EOE for a donation of a m ond. Rewar d . 541-343-3100 a pplications will b e Tools M ay 6, 2013. A n y bird bath and feeders a ROWI N G 541-318-6337 Manager Rare Chickering Player Look at: questions or applicafor their garden area. Now hiring Quality Piano. Solid oak conREMEMBER: If you tions can be directed Medical If interested please Assurance Manager struction. Exc. cond., have lost an animal, to: Black Butte School with an ad in call 541 - 383-2059; Surgery RN for m a n ufacturing 70+ piano rolls plus for Complete Listings of don't forget to check District, P.O. Box 150, ask for Bill. in Sisters, The Bulletin's accessories. A s king The Humane Society Area Real Estate for Sale Camp Sherman, OR Full-Time • Ni ghts company Oregon. Experience "Call A Service $2800 OBO. Call Tom in Bend 541-382-3537 97730 / 541.595.6203/ r equired. Str o ng Wallowa Memorial at 541-410-2662 476 Redmond, severeideoblackbutte.k Professional" I P ets 8 Supplies Hospital communication skills Troy-bilt 24" s n ow 541-923-0882 Employment n eeded (oral a n d Directory blower, u s e d 3 Prineville, Opportunities Adopt a nice cat from written), a b l e to Located in times. $300. Dave 541-447-7178; HOUSEKEEPERTumalo sanctuary, Wingback chair 8 ottomanage a team of Enterprise, OR @ 541-948-2216. OR Craft Cats, DETAILER HEAD POSITION PetSmart, o r Pe t c o!man, black with flowers, $100 Budget Blinds cus3-4 employees and 541-389-8420. Full-time Full-time. Must be able Fixed, shots, ID chip, $200. 971-275-4438 maintain a constant Variable Shiftstom order certificates, 2 tested, more! Sanctuary Interior Detailerneeded to work weekends and state of control as O $70 ea.541-388-0865 275 Shifts differential open Sat/Sun 1-5, other Call The Bulletin At for Bend location. Comholidays. Experience Building Materialsg outlined in 21 CFR applies to nights 541-385-5809 Auction Sales days by a ppt. 65480 petitive pay and benefits. required. Prefer bilinAdvertise V A CATION 111 & U S P 1 0 75, and weekends. 78th, Bend. Photos, map Place Your Ad Or E-Mail gual. Please apply in SPECIALS to 3 m i lA~ply in person at 63500 REDMOND Habitat 795. Please send Prior OB 8 ER at www . craftcats.orgAt: lion P acific N o rth. Hwy 97, Bend, OR. person at the Best RESTORE HUGE ESTATE resume to Experience pre541-389-8420, or like us Western Ponderosa westerners! 29 daily Building Supply Resale wendyometabolic ferred. Excellent AUCTION Driver on Facebook. 212 newspapers, six Lodge, 500 Hwy 20 Quality at benefit package. Sun., April 28 10 a.m. Local moving com- W, Sisters, OR 97759 Antiques & states. 25-word clasAdult barn/shop cats, LOW PRICES for further informaVisit our website at at WILBUR AUCTION pany looking for exp. sified $525 for a 3-day 1242 S. Hwy 97 f ixed, s h ots, so m e tion regarding this Collectibles north of Roseburg, class A & B drivers. a d. Cal l (916) 541-548-1406 friendly, others not so Tile / Flooring Installer full-time position with Contact take exit 129. Must be clean, reli2 88-6019 o r vis i t much. No fee & free de- 1930s Morris Chr. Lions' Open to the public. benefits' p a ckage, Large collection of first able & h av e r efer- Experience necessary. Linda Childers at livery. 541-389 8420 for the Full-time, local work. after 90-day review 541-426-5313 heads, feet, Recliner Pacific edition books, large e nces. Top pay & Nor t hwest Startimmediately! period. $120. 541-389-3314 collection of F enton EOE B enefits. C a l l Bil l Canidae Dog Food Daily Con n ection. Fuel & Wood Call Brian, 541-719-8889 glass, Precious Mo- 541-383-3362. All Life StagesAntiques wanted: furni(PNDC) ments, furniture, lots Buy 12 get 1 free. ture, marbles, beer All Year Dependable more. For photos 44 lbs. - $47 cans, early B/W phoTURN THE PAGE Firewood: Seasoned Quarry Ave Hay 8 Feed tography, old hardware/ Lodgepole, Split, Del. For More Ads fixtures. 541-389-1578 Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 Larry Hill, 541-430-2689 The Bulletin for$335. Cash, Check Cat (Gray Tabby)- Free Authentic brass/crystal or Credit Card OK. to good home, 6 yrs. chandelier 55+ crystals Bakers rack, black metal 541-420-3484. old, friendly and cute. $100. 541-241-0237 w/brass trim, cstm glass Call 541-306-9055. Kihulh@ B arbie d o l l s wit h shelves, 80x60x16, beau- Well seasoned LodgeChihuahua puppies, (2) cases/clothes $125 tiful cond, very elegant. pole Pine, $145/cord, rounds, 2 cord min, del r eally c u te ! $ 2 5 0. OBO. 541-923-7519 $900. 541-923-5089 260 Bend, Sunriver, LaPine 541-771-2606 The Bulletin reserves BOXES- Great for mov- 541-410-6792 / 382-6099 Estate Sales Sales Northwest Bend Sales Redmond Area Sa l e s Other Areas the right to publish all Donate deposit bottles/ ing/storage, $25 cash. cans to local all volun- ads from The Bulletin Call 541-318-4577. Garage Sale O NOTICE teer, non-profit rescue, to newspaper onto The Gardening Supplies Ballew Estate Sale Awbrey Butte Yard 306 3026 SW LAVA, Redhelp w/cat spay/ neuter Bulletin Internet webBuying Diamonds Remember to remove 19524 Tumalo Res. Sale, Sat. 4/27 only, & Equipment • mond off 27th, Farm Equipment your Garage Sale signs vet bills. Cans for Cats site. /Gold for Cash Rd., in Tumalo 8-1. Tools, TV's, Fri/Sat/Sun. 8-6 trailer at Ray's Food, (nails, staples, etc.) Saxon's Fine Jewelers & Machinery Fri. & Sat., 9am-4pm clothes, kids toys. Sisters thru 4/29, then after your Sale event 541-389-6655 Large Estate- Part1 1625 NW Overlook HUGE Sale! 40x60 shop Servrng Central Oregon s<nce 1903 Petco Redmond (near is over! THANKS! 1959 John Deere 420 of 2 Sales! Military, full of antiques - tables, BUYING Wal-Mart) until 5/20. DoFrom The Bulletin fishing, camping, 245 crawler, brush rake, 9' chairs, beds, armoires, Downsizing Sale! FurniLionel/American Flyer PROMPT D E LIVERY nate Mon-Fri © Smith snow blade, canopy, tools, 1972 Mercedes, ture, dryer, clothes, elec- chests, display pieces, and your local utility Golf Equipment trains, accessories. 541-389-9663 Signs, 1515 NE 2nd; or companies. $3500; can be seen April 1967 Cadillac, fishing tronics, window air cond, desks, dressers, sofas 541-408-2191. at CRAFT, Tumalo any 27th. 541-312-2137 boat, lots of vintage 8 housewares.Sat.7am-1pm 8 way too many smalls time. 541-389-8420; Info: Electric Back C addy, Gravel, will Travel! antique items. See ad 1512 NW Davenport Ave. to list. Bring your truck! SerwngCentral Oregon s>nce 1903 u sed t w ice, $ 3 7 5 BUYING & SE L LING Have 316 Cinders, topsoil, fill mateon Fri., 7:30am-6pm (NO OBO. 541-389-9804 All gold jewelry, silver rial, etc. Excavation & Sale given by Farm- Saturday, 9-4 corner of early sales); Sat, 8-4, www.bendbullet> German Shepherd AKC and gold coins, bars, septicsystems. Abbas Irrigation Equipment house Estate Sales Staats and Arizona. Titleist carry bag, $70. & HALF PRICE Sun. Puppies, great temrounds, wedding sets, cce¹7SS4O Irrigation pipes, 3" hanFurniture, collectibles, 8-2, 4780 NE 21st St. peraments, amazing Taylor RBZ irons, 4-P, class rings, sterling sil- Construction CalR541-548-6612 • ESTATE SALE• clothing, and misc. dlines, $35, $45 and BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS b loodlines. $80 0 . $375. Taylor R11 3 wood, ver, coin collect, vin292 1 day only, Sat. 9-4. $55; Pipe trailer $500; Emily, 541-647-8803 $120. Taylor R11S driver, tage watches, dental Search the area's most YARD SALE! For newspaper $275. Ping i15 irons, 3-W gold. Bill NO EARLY SALES! Fl e ming, Hesston SP swather, Sales Other Areas Sat.4/27 9am-2pm, comprehensive listing ol Labradoodies - Mini 8 plus 52', 56' & 60', $425. 541-382-9419. delivery, call the Lots 8 lots of stuff. $2000. 110 NW Vicksburg Ave. med size, several colors Cleveland 588 wedges, Circulation Dept. at Prineville 541-419-9486 650 SE Airpark Dr, Bend. (take Awbrey up hgl, turn Moving and neighbor- classified advertising... 541-504-2662 50', 54' & 5 8 ' , $ 225. Cemetery Lawn Vault 541-385-5800 qarage sale. Fri- real estate 10 automotive, nght on Vicksburg, go to hood 541-388-6854 (Iv msg) Designed for 2, located ESTATE SALE To place an ad, call 325 day 4PM - 7PM and merchandise lo sporting end). Cash only. at Deschutes Memorial. 541-385-5809 Peterson Rock Saturday 9AM - 5PM. goods. Bulletin Classifieds Hay, Grain & Feed Labradors AKC, black 8 Today's cost, $1650; will or email 286 11151 SW Yates Ct., Garden yellow, ready to go Guns Hunting sell for $1450. (Never Nearly 100 yrs on same Sales Northeast Bend Powell Butte. F u rni- appear every day in the 1st quality grass hay, May11. Mom & Dad on used!) 541-771-4800 ture, tools, household print or on line. 8 Fishing 70-lb. bales, barn stored, property; Lots of ansite. 541-350-2495 or items. 541-550-9560. Ser ngCenratOregonsnce l903 541-390-1607 Coveralls Carhartt sz $250/ton. Also big bales! tiques, furniture, 100 Call 541-385-5809 1874 C Sharps 45-70 3 8-40, never w o r n Patterson Ranch, pcs. American Fosto** FREE ** MOVING SALE Fri thru Miniature Pinscher AKC and 50-90, (2) SKS ria, Castleton Rose $50 ea. 541-350-1201 Husqvarna s e lf-prop. Sisters, 541-549-3831 Sun., 9-4. household, puppies, red males only. Garage Sale Klt S&W M&P 22LR, 21" cut, like new, used china set, 5 sets dehunting, fishing, tools, Champion b l oodlines, USM1 carbine, 45-70 Garden Tractor Trailer 341 Place an ad in The pression glass stem4 hours, $340 firm. 17312 Canvasback Dr. jeNrngCentral Oregon since1903 vaccinated 8 w ormed. 3'x4', $75. Bulletin for your gaSPFD trap door carHorses & Equipment 541-548-8500 ware, American BrilOWW2 541-598-9176. $400. Call 541-480-0896 541-447-5546 bine, REM 81 30cal. liant Cut Glassware, rage sale and reSUPER TOP SOIL Good selection of Free R eg . Qu a rter lots of glass 8 china, ceive a Garage Sale Pam Sorenson Pet carrier Xtra Irg w/ GENERATE SOME www.hershe Kit FREE! shot guns. Horse, older but good Sterling flatware, 3 water bottle, not used EXCITEMENT Screened, soil & comMOVING SALE H & H Firearms & Tack trail horse, to g ood silverplate sets, S&P $1 00. 541-350-1 201 IN YOUR post mi x ed , no KIT I NCLUDES: 541-382-9352 home. 541-923-1766. collection, Roseville, • 4 Garage 20754 South Loop Place NEIGBORHOOD. rocks/clods. High huSale Signs Pet gate/partition for teacup col l ection, • $2.00 Off Coupon To 200 rnds of factory .556 Plan a garage sale and mus level, exc. for MINIATURE DONKEYS vehicle, $60 Bend-Starwood Subdivision vintage linens 8 jewdon't forget to adverUse Toward Your flower beds, lawns, r egistered, bred f o r brass ammo, $190. 541-350-1201 elry, postcards, old Next Ad Fnday, Apnl 26 • Saturday, Apnl 27 straight confirmation 541-647-8931 tise in classified! gardens, and kitchenware 8 books, • 10 Tips For "Garage POODLE AKC Toys. 541-385-5809. s creened to p s o i l . show. 541-548-5216 (Take Hvvy 97 north about 4 miles-At the memorabilia, old diner Sale Success!" Loving, cuddly com- 500 rounds of 7.62x39 Bark. Clean fill. DeTumalo Road overpass.Follow signs to ammo, $250. GET FREE OF CREDIT liver/you items, gas light fixpanions. 541-475-3889 haul. 345 Tumalo and go about 1 mile west to the 541-480-9912 CARD DEBT N OW! tures, farm items, plus 541-548-3949. Livestock & Equipment 100 yrs of misc! Queensland Heelers AR-15 Colt .223-.556 rifle Cut payments by up PICK UP YOUR Starwood subdivision (white plastic fence), Standard & Mini, $150 GARAGE SALE KIT at Fri-Sun, 9-4 turn south and follow to South Loop Place) half. Stop creditors w/3 mags, scope. Nl B, to 8 up. 541-280-1537 Feeder Calves 400-900 1777 SW Chandler from calling. Fri. outside 8 diner SALE hours 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. $1275. 541-647-8931 Lost & Found • www.rightwayranch.wor lbs., vaccinated, del. Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Crowd Control admittance numbers 866-775-9621. contents only, Sat. 8 avail. 541-480-1719. Bend local pays CASH!! (PNDC) Sun. home open. © 8:00 a.m., Friday FOUND 80 l b . b l ack for all firearms & Numbers issued O Handmade dining room set circa 1958; Leather Shih Tzu mix, very tiny, ammo. 541-526-0617 Highspeed Internet EV- dog in vicinity of Food Ready toworkr 8 a.m. Fri & Sat.! chair 8 ottoman-1958 by Jonathan McNab; gorgeous. $300 each. Less, Bend. He is Registered y e arling ERYWHERE By Sat- 4 loveseat-burgundy tufted; Several Ocean 541-977-0035 CASH!! wearing brown collar, Angus bulls, gentle, 7930 SW 77th, Multi-Family Sale. 2389 Leather ellite! Speeds up to oil paintings; Steuben glassware; Stuart England For Guns, Ammo & no tags. He has white good disp osition. Redmond, follow Rock Lynda Lane, Bend. 12mbps! (200x faster Siberian puppiesAKC glassware; Rosenthal dishes-two types and Reloading Supplies. Garden signs proven blood8:30-4, Fri., April than dial-up.) Starting spot in back of neck Popular, Ready now! $1000 Paragon dishes; Grill plates in Desert rose; TV 541-408-6900. lines, $1400 each, deand a little on front 26th; 9-Close, Sat., 541-306-0180 at $49.95/mo. CALL Proceeds to help armoire and TV; large ficus plant; Silverplate and livery available. April 27th. C Z 0 / U 1 2 Ga u g e NOW 8 G O F A ST! chest. He has no tail. 541-480-8096, sterling items; English oak buffet and English oak Madras restore Rock Gardens Very friendly. If you All items Half-Off Shotgun Re d head 1-888-718-2162. dropfront desk; Duncan Phyfe dining table and Attic Estates 8 think you know who Replacement-quality Saturday!! Deluxe. $550. (PNDC) two chairs; Two Lazy boy recliners; Clothing the owner is, please purebred y e arling Appraisals 541-815-9291 armoire; Lots and lots and Lots of quilting fabric; 266 Husky pressure washer, call 541-848-7813 541-350-6822 Angus heifers, Final Bernina 1010 sewing machine; treadle sewing Never fired, new KAHR never used 1800psi www.atticestatesanSales Southeast Bend Answer and Danny machine; Buffet Hutch; bookcase unit; Computer sr~Good classified ads tell compact carry 9mm, $68. 541-317-2890. Boy bloodlines. Good desk; two fabric office chairs; Leather office chair; the essential facts in an SPRING PUPPIES. $500 541-771-7021 disposition. Raised in Big Moving Sale Two antique rockers; Madame Alexander dolls; *REDUCE YOUR interesting Manner. Write Estate Sale, Sat. 4/27, Frenchtons. Put de- R emington long-established herd. 9-4. 107 SE Cessna Dr 30-06 , CABLE BILL! Get an Records; Some linens; Nine original Steiff stuffed Household goods, Sat 4/27 8 Sun 4/28 posit down for Mothfrom the readers view - not $1000 ea. Del. avail. model 742 semi-auto animals circa 1945; Jumeau?? bisque doll in Princess House crystal, All-Digital Sat e llite the seller's. Convert the ers Day. $700 to 541-480-8096 Madras cabinets, some tools. 9am - 4pm Lots of stuff $500 541-771-7021 case; Two Shaving / dressing mirrors; Quilts; system installed for $800. 541-548-0747 facts into benefits. Show Books and quilting magazines; Clothing 8 shoes; 1033 SE Black Ridge Pl. Fri Sat & Su n 9 a m ICIMore Pix at Bendbulletin.o Remington Wingmaster FREE and program- the reader how the item will 358 Jewelry; 1920s child's clothing; KitchenAid M odel 8 7 0LW 2 0 ming s t a rting at 60818 Windsor Drive, help them in some way. 262 side-by-side refrigerator; Battery operated riding Farmers Column FRE E jewelry, crafts, kids gauge shotgun, $250. $ 24.99/mo. This fire engine; Magic Bullet, Blender & hot wax for Sales Northwest Bend HD/DVR upgrade for Eric toys hunting equip fFurniture & Appliances Call hands unit; Nice baby stroller; Sevylor raft; advertising tip 10X20 STORAGE new callers, SO CALL 541-639-7740 for and tools. brought to youby BUILDINGS Quilters large size boards; Two large storage 4-Family Sale, Sat 8-2. NOW (877)366-4508 pictures/details. for protecting hay, Tons of household items, MOVING SALE Sat. only cabinets; Treadmill; stained glass door; lots and A1 Washers & Dryers (PNDC) The Bulletin firewood, livestock sporting equip, furniture, 9-3. Freezer, antique lots ofother items!!!! Wanted: Collector Semmg CentalO rego jnce l903 $150 ea. Full waretc. $1496 Installed. toys & clothes, 137 NW pump organ, basketball Handled by... seeks high quality Single cemetery plot in ranty. Free Del. Also Bend's Deschutes Memo- FOUND: bike on Butler 541-617-1133. Deedy's Estate Sales Co. fishing items. Outlook Vista Dr. (from hoop, ski gear, games, wanted, used W/D's Call 541-678-5753, or rial Gardens, $800 obo. Market Road, CCB ¹173684. Mt. Washington Dr take extension ladder, more. 541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves 541-280-7355 503-351-2746 541-504-8967. Flagline to Outlook Vista) 2003 SE Fairwood Drive. (paid $1100) 541-447-2784
Winchester 300 magnum Mdl 70 with 3x9 Redfield scope and 5 boxes of shells, $675
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
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8 &Hxc@@
Boats & Accessories
Z0000 oQ00
18' Larson Classic Monaco Dynasty 2004, loaded, 3 slides, die1971 Tri- hull with 165 Chev/ Mercruiser, 4.5 sel, Reduced - now Insurance • Sn o wmobiles HP outboard, dinette/ $119,000, 5 4 1-923SAVE $$$ on AUTO ( 2) 2000 A rctic C a t sleeper plus standup 8572 or 541-749-0037I canvas for camping. RV CONSIGNMENTS INSURANCE from the Z L580's EFI with n e w Shipping Dept. Fish f inder. m ajor names y o u covers, electric start w/ Eagle WANTED! Loader know and trust. No reverse, low miles, both $2400 541-382-7515. All Makes & Models! BRIGHT WOOD forms. No hassle. No excellent; with new 2009 Free Appraisals. CORPORATION obligation. Call Trac-Pac 2-place trailer, Sales, Service & Parts. Bright Wood Corpodrive off/on w/double tilt, READY F O R MY Randy's Kampers ration in Madras OrQUOTE now! CALL lots of accys. Selling due 8 Kars, 2910 S. Hwy. to m e dical r e asons. egon is seeking an 1-888-706-8256. 97, Redmond $6000 all. 541-536-8130 experienced forklift (PNDC) 541-923-1 655 driver/loader to help 18' Maxum ski boat , 2000, Arctic Cat ZL800, 2001, 528 in our growing deshort track, variable inboard motor, g reat RV mand. A valid driver Loans & Mortgages exhaust valves, elec- cond, well maintained, CONSIGNMENTS license is required. $8995obo. 541-350-7755 tric s t art, r e verse, WANTED Good a t t endance BANK TURNED YOU manuals, re c o rds, We Do The Work ... and a safe driving DOWN? Private party new spare belt, cover, You Keep The Cash! will loan on real esrecord are a must. heated hand g r ips, On-site credit Starting wage DOE. tate equity. Credit, no nice, fast, $999. Call approval team, Please apply in the problem, good equity Tom, 541-385-7932, web site presence. Personnel D e partis all you need. Call We Take Trade-Ins! ment at the address Oregon Land Mort- • Yamaha 750 1999 Free Advertising. 1996 Seaswirl 20.1 Mountain Max, $1400 below. Benefits ingage 541-388-4200. BIG COUNTRY RV Cuddy, 5.0 Volvo, exc clude medical/den- LOCAL MONEyrWebuy • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 cond., full canvas, one Bend: 541-330-2495 EXT, $1000. tal/life insurance. Visecured trustdeeds & • Zieman Redmond: owner, $6500 OBO. 4-place s ion a n d Afl a c note,some hard money trailer, SOLD! 541-548-5254 541-410-0755 a vailable t o pu r loans. Call Pat Kelley All in good condition. chase. EOE/On site II I l t I I I I 1 541-382-3099 ext.13. Located in La Pine pre-employment 558 Call 541-408-6149. drug screening re20.5' 2004 Bayliner quired. Business Investments 860 Bright Wood Corp., 205 Run About, 220 335 NW Hess St., HP, V8, open bow, $ To Lend? Fast grow- Motorcycles & Accessories Madras, OR 97741. ing local business seekexc. cond with very Southwind 35.5' Triton, 541-475-7799 ing loan to grow invenlow hours, lots of 2008,V10, 2 slides, Dutory. Please call Jamie extras incl. tower, pont UV coat, 7500 mi. for info, 541-788-3400 Bimini & custom Bought new at trailer, $17,950. $132 913 Transportation 541-389-1413 asking $91,000, Garage Sales Maintenance Call 503-982-4745 1988 ATK 406, refurSpecialist 2 - Adel Garage Sales bished by American Dirt ODOT is searching for an experienced Garage Sales Bike, 1 hour running time 514
1$! I
on complete overhaul. person to join us as $1495. 541-504-7745 20.5' Seaswirl SpyFind them member of a mainBMW Dual Sport 2012, der 1989 H.O. 302, tenance c re w t o in F650GS, ABS, 3700 mi, 285 hrs., exc. cond., Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' p erform an y r e 2004, only 34K, loaded, The Bulletin like new. Skid plate, oil stored indoors for quired manual labor filter guard, low 8 high life $11,900 OBO. too much to list, ext'd or equipment operaClassifieds warr. thru 2014, $54,900 seats, center s tand, 541-379-3530 t ion necessary t o Dennis, 541-589-3243 hand guards, 3000 mile maintain, repair and/ 541-385-5809 476 476 service com p leted.2 1' Crownline 215 hp or reconstruct road$11,400. 541-231-8613 in/outboard e n g ine Employment Employment way/highway, free573 Travel Trailers way, bridges and/or Business Opportunities B MW K100 L T 1 9 8 7 310 hrs, Cuddy Cabin Opportunities Opportunities rest area facilities. 52k miles, b ronze, sleeps 2/3 p e ople, toilet, exc. RESTAURANT extra windshield, portable Medical - Top Pay for $2662-$3838/month Business for Sale cond. Asking $8,000. MCMENAMINS trailer hitch, battery RN's, LPN's, LVN's, + excellent benefits. in Bend. OBO. 541-388-8339 OLD ST. FRANCIS C NA's, Medic a l For details on minicharger, full luggage Call 54 I -385-5809 is now hiring hard bags, manuals Ads published in theg Aides. $2,000 Bonus- mum qualification re to r omote ou r service 541-410-9287 SERVERS! and paperwork. Al"Boats" classification F ree G as . A A C O quirements, how to apply and suppleExtreme Value AdverQualified apps must ways garaged. $3200. Nursing Agency. Call include: Speed, fish- Flagstaff 30' 2006, with Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care have an open 8 flex tising! 29 Daily newsmental requ i re1-800-656-4414 Ext. Don, 541-504-5989 ing, drift, canoe, • slide, custom interior, like ments, please visit papers $525/25-word sched including days, 23 (PNDC) house and sail boats. n ew. Reduced - n o w NOTICE: Oregon state N OTICE: ORE G O N eves, wknds and holic lassified 3-d a y s. CRAMPED FOR For all other types of $10,000. 541-598-7546 law req u ires any- Landscape Contrac- days. We are looking CASH? or cal l Reach 3 million Pa(866) watercraft, please see one who co n t racts tors Law (ORS 671) f or a pplicants w ho cific Northwesterners. Use classified to sell ODOT-JOBS (TTY Class 875. for construction work r equires a l l bu s i - have prev exp and OFFICE those items you no 503-986-3854 for For more information 541-385-5809 longer need. to be licensed with the nesses that advertise e njoy working in a t he h e a ring i m call (916) 288-6019 or Full-time position, C onstruction Con - to p e r form L a n d- busy customer serCall 541-385-5809 email: paired) for tractors Board (CCB). scape C o n struction vice-oriented enviro. Insurance Billing/ serving central oregon since e03 Announcement Collections in MaA n active lice n se which includes: Please apply online dras dental office. for the Pacific NorthODOT13-0342OC. Fleetwood 31' Wildermeans the contractor p lanting, deck s , 24/7 at west Daily ConnecApplication and ren ess Gl 1 9 99, 1 2 ' i s bonded an d i n - fences, arbors, Dental experience Harley Davidson Softtion. (PNDC) quired supplements slide, 2 4 ' aw n ing, but will s ured. Ver if y t h e w ater-features, a n d Tail Deluxe 2 0 07, must be received by or pick up a paper app preferred, queen bed, FSC, outfor long-term Where can you find a contractor's CCB installation, repair of white/cobalt, w / pas11:59 p.m. PST: at any McMenamins train side shower, E-Z lift c ommitment. A t irrigation systems to senger kit, Vance & c ense through t h e May 1, 2013. helping hand? location. Mail to 430 stabilizer hitch, l i ke CCB Cons u m er be licensed with the tractive ben e f it Hines muffler system ODOT is an AA/EEO Beautiful h o u seboat, N. Kill i ngsworth, From contractors to new, been stored. Website Landscape Contrac8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. package o f fered. $85,000. 541-390-4693 $10,950. 541-419-5060 Employer, commitPortland OR, 97217 www.hireaticensedcontractor. yard care, it's all here t ors B o a rd . Th i s or fax: 503-221-8749. Job c ond, $16,9 9 9, www.centraloregon re f erences/ ted to building com 4-digit number is to be 541-389-9188. letters req u ired workforce diversity. in The Bulletin's or call 503-378-4621. included in all adver- Call 503-952-0598 for info on other ways to with resume. Fax "Call A Service The Bulletin recom- tisements which indiHarley Heritage a pply. P l ease n o to 541-475-6159 Softail, 2003 mends checking with Professional" Directory the business has phone calls or emails the CCB prior to con- cate $5,000+ in extras, a bond, insurance and $2000 paint job, tracting with anyone. workers c ompensa- to individ locs! E.O.E. 30K mi. 1 owner, Some other t rades tion for their employWeb Developer For more information also req u ire addi- ees. For your protecKeystone Sprinter Organics& Recycling please call Boat loader, elec. for tional licenses a nd 31', 2008 Are you a technical star who can also commution call 503-378-5909 Attendant 541-385-8090 pickup canopy, extras, certifications. King size walknicate effectively with non-technical execuor use our website: or 209-605-5537 $450, 541-548-3711 www.deschutesrecycli tives and employees? Would you like to work around bed, electric to Drywall Services awning, (4) 6-volt hard, play hard in beautiful Bend, OR, the recEide electric boat loader, Remodels & Repairs. No check license status • Provide excellent customer service reation capital of the state? Then we'd like to w orks g r ea t $2 0 0 . batteries, plus many before co n t racting job too small, free ex• Cash handling experience 541-447-5546 more extras, never talk to you. with t h e bu s iness. act quotes. CCB¹ • Assist public with recycling smoked in, first Persons doing land1 77336 541 -408-61 69 Electric scooter 250W • Must frequently lift 50 lbs. owners, $21,500. Our busy media company that publishes nuscape maintenance 24V w/ 110v charger, • Maintain a safe work area merous web and mobile sites seeks an experido not require a LCB I Child Care Services Limited 103 2011, $100. 541-389-1922 • Outdoors enced developer who is also a forward thinker, Harley Call 541-410-5415 license. many extras, stage 1 & air Electric trolling motor, • Forklift experience a plus creative problem solver, excellent communiALL ABOUT KIDS cushion seat. 18,123 mi, Nelson cator, and self-motivated professional. We are $20,990. 541-306-0289 Minn Kota, 30 Ib thrust, P ioneer 2 3 ' 19 0 F Q CHILD CARE has Apply at our office location at: redesigning all of our websites within the next $75. 541-447-5546 Landscaping & 2006, EZ Lift, $9750. openings newborn to 20835 NE Montana Way, Bend, OR couple of years and want you in on the ground Maintenance 541-548-1096 age 12. Licensed, GENERATE SOME exOr floor. Serving Central First Aid & CPR, 6 yrs citement in your neig- FttttD IT! Mail your resume to: Oregon Since 2003 exp. 541-777-7489 borhood. Plan a gaBend Garbage & Recycling, P.O. Box 504, Fluency withPHP, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and Residental/Commercial BUY IT! rage sale and don't Bend, OR 97709 JavaScript is a must. Experience integrating SELL IT! forget to advertise in Debris Removal Or Sprinkler third-party solutions and social media applicaclassified! 385-5809. The Bulletin Classifieds Fax resume to:541-383-3640 Attn: Molly HD Fat Boy 1996 Activation/Repair tions required. Desired experience includes: JUNK BE GONE An Equal Opportunity Employer XML/JSON, MySQL, Joomla, Java, respon- Completely customized Back Flow Testing Must see and hear to I Haul Away FREE sive web design, Rails, WordPress. Top-notch serring central oregon smce 1903 Maintenance appreciate. 2012 For Salvage. Also skills with user interface and graphic design an eThatch & Aerate Award Winner. Cleanups 8 Cleanouts added plus. • Spring Clean up 17,000 obo. Mel, 541-389-8107 W atercratt • •Weekly Mowing 541-548-4807 Background in the media industry desired but A CUSTOMER SERVICE A 8 Edging not required. This is a full-time position with Wilderness 16.5' Kayak, Handyman Prowler 2009 Extreme HD Screaming Eagle •Bi-Monthly 8 Monthly REPRESENTATIVE benefits. If you've got what it takes, e-mail a compass, spray E dition. Model 2 7 0 Electra Glide 2005, yellow, Immediate o p ening i n the Cir c ulation cover letter, resume, and portfolio/work sample Maintenance cover, day pack, paddle I DO THAT! 103" motor, two tone RL, 2 slides, opposdepartment for a full time entry level Customer links a n d/or re p ository ( GitHub) t o paddle float, PDF, Home/Rental repairs •Bark, Rock, Etc. ing in living area, ent. candy teal, new tires, & Service Representative. Looking for someone rack, lots o f s t orage, center, sep. bedroom, Small jobs to remodels 23K miles, CD player, Landsca in ~ to assist our subscribers and delivery carriers used very little. $800 obo. Honest, guaranteed •Landscape hydraulic clutch, ex- 541-389-7749, after 6pm. 2 new e x tra t i res, with s u bscription t r ansactions, a c count This posting is also on the web at www.bendwork. CCB¹151573 hitch, bars, sway bar cellent condition. Construction questions and delivery concerns. Essential: Dennis 541-317-9768 •Water Feature included. P r o-Pack, Highest offer takes it. 880 Positive a t t itude, s t r on g se r v ice/team anti-theft. Good cond, 541-480-8080. Installation/Maint. orientation, and problem solving skills. Must ERIC REEVE HANDY EOE/Drug Free Workplace 'til c lean. Req . Pavers have a ccurate t y ping, c o mputer e n t ry SERVICES. Home 8 ••Renovations HD Screaming Eagle 4/20/15. $19 , 900. experience and phone skills. Most work is Commercial Repairs, Electra Glide 2005, 541-390-1122 done via telephone so strong professional Customer Service 103" motor, two tone Carpentry-Painting, •Irrigations Installation communication skills and the ability to multi HIGH DESERT MUSEUM Pressure-washing, candy teal, new tires, Senior Discounts task in a fast paced environment is a must. The High Desert Museum is seeking an Honey Do's. On-time 23K miles, CD player, Bonded & Insured RV Work shift hours are Tuesday thru Friday 8:00 enthusiastic individual to j oi n o u r V i sitor promise. Senior hydraulic clutch, ex541-815-4458 CONSIGNMENTS a.m. to 5:00 p. m., and Saturday 6:00 a.m. t o Services team. L Discount. Work guarcellent condition. LCB¹8759 WANTED noon with an occasional Sunday shift and anteed. 541-389-3361 Highest offer takes it. 2003 Fleetwood Disholidays required. Full-time position available fo r c u stomer SPRING CLEAN-UP! covery 40' diesel mo- We Do The Work ... or 541-771-4463 541-480-8080. Keep The Cash! Send resume to: PO Box 6020, Bend OR, service oriented individual to work with the Bonded 8 Insured Aeration/Dethatching torhome w/all YouOn-site credit 97708, attn: Circulation Customer Service Mgr. public in the unique setting of The High Desert Weekly/one-time service options-3 slide outs, CCB¹t 81595 approval team, or e-mail to avail. Bonded, insured. Museum. One year experience in retail sales ATVs satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, Free Estimates! EOE/Drug free workplace or customer service preferred. Ability to work etc. 3 2 ,000 m i les. web site presence. Landscaping/Yard Care COLLINS Lawn Maint. flexible hours, including weekends and stand Wintered i n h e ated We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. Ca/l 541-480-9714 for long periods. M ust have a p ositive, shop. $89,900 O.B.O. BIG COUNTRY RV welcoming attitude w it h a pr o f essional 541-447-8664 ALLEN REINSCH Bend: 541-330-2495 presence. Accounting Yard maintenance & Redmond: Zcdt'I,'z Quadr|I 541-548-5254 clean-up, thatching, For more information please visit our website Zau/i gt6r e /',, plugging 8 much more! at T o a p ply, Yamaha Banshee 2001, 32' Fleetwood Fiesta RV Solar Sale! 100 watt More Than Service Call 541-536-1294 e-mail c o ve r le t te r & res u m e to custom built 350 motor, Serving Central Oregon since 1903 2003, no slide-out, Peace Ol Mind panel ki t in s talled j obs I o r fax to race-ready, lots of extras, Triton engine, all Accountlng Position Available 382-5256 Attention: Human Resources. $4999/obo 541-647-8931 $699. Mobile Solar Call a Pro amenities, 1 owner, Spring Clean Up Pros, 541-977-5366 Reports to the Controller No calls, please. Whether you need a 870 perfect, only 17K miles, •Leaves $21,000. 541-504-3253 •Cones fence fixed, hedges Boats & Accessories Reception/Accounts Receivable Clerk •Needles trimmed or a house •Debris Hauling Four Winds Class The right person for this position will be the built, you'll find A 32' H u r ricane initial face and voice of The Bulletin for 2007. CAN'T BEAT Weed Free Bark professional help in Advertising Account Executive 14' 1982 Valco River employees and customers coming into the THIS! Look before & Flower Beds The Bulletin's "Call a Sled, 70 h.p., Fish- you buy, b e low Springdale 2005 27', 4' building or calling by phone. This accountFinder. Older boat but market value! Size slide in dining/living area, The Bulletin is looking for a professional and Service Professional" ing department position includes various Lawn Renovation price includes trailer, 8 mileage DOES driven Sales and Marketing person to help our sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 administrative duties as well as the posting Directory Aeration - Dethatching 3 wheels and tires. All matter! 12,500 mi, obo. 541-408-3811 customers grow their businesses with an and reporting of a c counts receivable, Overseed 541-385-5809 for $1 5 00 ! Cal l all amenities, Ford expanding list of broad-reach and targeted deposit preparation and management of the Compost 541-416-8811 V10, Ithr, c h erry, products. This full time position requires a cash r egister. T hi s p o s ition r e quires Top Dressing FULL-TILT CLEAN-UP like new! New liI I > i Il i background in consultative sales, territory experience in basic accounting, Excel and 17' Boston Whaler,& slides, Soil - Bark - Gravel low price, $54,900. management and aggressive prospecting skills. general office functions. t railer, $ 6 ,750. In Landscape 541-548-5216 Debris Hauling Two years of media sales experience is Bend. 619-733-8472 Maintenance 6-yard Dump Truck Weekend Warrior Toy preferable, but we will train the right candidate. We are looking for a team player with a Full or Partial Service CALL 541-419-2756 RV Tow car 2004 Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, positive, professional attitude and strong •Mowing ~Edging Honda Civic Si 5 spd fuel station, exc cond. The position includes a competitive customer service skills. The right person • Pruning ~Weeding Need to get an set up for flat towing sleeps 8, black/gray compensation package including benefits, and Sprinkler Adjustments will be detail oriented, great at multi-tasking, with base plate and i nterior, u se d 3X , ad in ASAP? rewards an aggressive, customer focused and able t o a d apt t o u s in g m u ltiple tow brake, 35k mi, $19,999 firm. You can place it salesperson with unlimited earning potential. Fertilizer included computer software applications as well as new tires, great cond. 541-389-9188 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 with monthly program the web. Must be able to communicate well online at: $11,000. Volvo Penta, 270HP, Email your resume, cover letter and salary both verbally and in writing with customers 541-288-1808 • • I t low hrs., must see, Weekly, monthly history to: and co-workers. This is a full-time position $15,000, 541-330-3939 or one time service. Jay Brandt, Advertising Director with benefits. Mon.-Fri., 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 541-385-5809 Meet singles right now! 18.5' Sea Ray 2000, EXPERIENCED If you are interested in joining our No paid o p erators, 4.3L Mercruiser, 190 Commercial Painting/Wall Covering or drop off your resume in person at accounting team, please e-mail your just real people like hp Bowrider w/depth 8 Residential 1777 SW Chandler, Bend, OR 97702; you. Browse greetresume to finder, radio/CD player, • Interior/Exterior Painting Or mail to PO 8ox6020, Bend, OR 97708; ings, exchange mesprior to May 1, 2013. rod holders, full can- Jayco Seneca 34', 2007. sages • Deck Refinishing and c o nnect No phone inquines please. vas, EZ Loader trailer, 28K miles, 2 slides, Du- live. Try • Handvman Services Senior Discounts it free. Call CCB¹t 639t4 No phone calls or resume drop-offs please. exclnt cond, $13,000. ramax diesel, 1 owner, 541-390-1466 Sage Home Maintenance EOE/Drug Free workplace EOE / Drug Free Workplace 707-484-3518 (Bend) excellent cond, $89,995; now: 8 7 7-955-5505. Same Day Response Call 541-508-0673 Trade? 541-546-6920 (PNDC) PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday.
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Procrastination pays
i "Another
By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services
"I've a lways wanted to b e a one heart, you bid one spade and he procrastinator," Cy the Cynic told me rebids two hearts. What do you say? in the club lounge. ANSWER: Partner promises six "So what's stopping you?" or more hearts; if he had a five-card "I start next month," Cy said. suit, h e wo u l d h a v e a mor e Cy i s r e ally a p r o crastinator descriptive second bid. Since a good already. As declarer, he won't draw trump suit exists, you have no reason trumps unless he sees no problems to show your clubs. I'd bid four whatsoever. hearts, but if your partner is inclined At four spades, South took the ace to open light hands, you might settle of diamonds and drew trumps. He led for a raise to three hearts. a heartto dummy and returned a club North dealer to his king, and West took the ace and Both sides vulnerable led another diamond. South ruffed, lost a club and ruffed the diamond NORTH return — with his last trump. When 4IK J8 he lost another club, West cashed a QAKJ diamond for down one. 0 A65 2 1E9943
WEST 4754 9643 O QJ 10 9 4A Q J
The Cynic would have done better. He might lead a club to his king and West's ace atTrick Two, ruff the d iamond return, take the A- K o f hearts and concede a club. If West won and led a third diamond, the Cynic wouldruffand concede a third club at the eighth trick. Whether the defense then led a red card or a trump, Cy could take the rest of the tricks with a crossruff, making his game.
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Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at BIZARRO ! .
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63 "Hawaii Five-0" co-star Daniel Kim 64 Trig function
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THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAM E by Dawd L Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
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4I2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 2I All Ri9hls ReServed.
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convenience 5 Taken 6 Some investments, briefly 7 Writer who said "All literature is gOSSIP 8 Perched on 9 Campaign hot button 10 Word with jack or box 11 Settled 12 Cancels 13 Part Df some
32 Unlike spring 44 Ca l l into question chickens 46 Statue base 34 Porter's " Girls" 4 9 Straphanger 36 Stationery shade 5 1 21-gun salute, 37 Algebraic e.g. uncertainty 55 Act r ess Merrill of "Operation 38 Unfathomable size 39 Wooer's buy Petticoat" 41 Tolerates 57 Bank security 42 Penn movie with 5 9 Bit Df blogger a Seussian title shorthand 43 Cubism pioneer 6 0 It may be tapped Georges Dff
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cajoling way 4 Pool
16 Low-tech calculator 17 Modeling job? 18 Drop shots, in badminton 19 Nearsighted one 20 Was into 21 Low 22 "Daniel Deronda" (1876) was her last novel 24 Regatta racer golfers' pre-shot 26 Osiris' sis routines 28 Speculate 15 It has an all-white 30 Choir section scale 31 Wielding absolute 19 They show a lot
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e.g. 56 It was once called Mission San Antonio de Valero 58 Underwater
escape mechanism 60 Stories on stands 61 Enhances 62 Slim and trim 63 Ritual
candelabrum 64 Cutie pies
By Brad Wilber (c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
SUDOKU High Fives 1 3
3 1
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Fifth Wheels
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rb 2013 JFS4tF — Dist. by UolUorssl Uolrok for UFS
Antique 8 Classic Autos
Antique & Classic Autos
Chevy Coupe 1950 rolling chassis's $1750 ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, complete car, $ 1949; Toyota T u ndra D b l Cadillac Series 61 1950, Cab 2006, matching 2 dr. hard top, complete shell, tow Pkg, 4x4. w/spare f r ont cl i p ., Vin ¹511451. $3950, 541-382-7391 $19,988 •
awning, Exc. cond! Diamond Reo Dump top. Just reduced to $28,000. 541-419-3301 Truck 19 7 4, 1 2-14 $3,750. 541-317-9319 yard box, runs good, or 541-647-8483 $6900, 541-548-6812
VW BUG 1972 rebuilt
Advertise your car! eng, new paint, tires, Add A Prcture! chrome whls, 30 mpg, Reach thousands of readers! $3800. 541-233-7272 Call 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classifieds Pickups 935
Sport Utility Vehicles
MONTANA 3585 2008,
exc. cond., 3 slides, king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $35,000.
%%%JY T Hyster H25E, runs well, 2982 Hours, $3500, call 541-749-0724
NuWa 29 7LK Hi t chHiker 2007, 3 slides,
6 3 8 9 4 2 3 6 5 8 1 7
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9 7 3 6 1 5 2 4
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Buick Invicta 1959! 2 door hardtop, 99.9% Toyota Highlander 2007 complete in 8 out. AWD, 3. 3L V6 DOHC Asking $16,000. 24V, 4-dr, power win541-504-3253 dows, cruise, moonroof, AM-FM radio / CD, 18 Just bought a new boato mpg town, 24 mpg hwy. Sell your old one in the Auto trans. 4 mounted classifieds! Ask about our Michelin studless snow Super Seller rates! tires. Very good cond, 541-385-5809 81,200 miles. M a i nt./ Carfax records available. Buick LeSabre 1996. This won't last long at Good condition, $ 14,800. C al l R on, 121,000 miles. 541-598-0643. Non-smoker
Nissan Sentra 2012 Full warranty, 35mpg, 520 per tank, all power. $13,500. 541-788-0427
Porsche 944 Turbo 1987
108k, white/maroon, garaged. 541-926-1412 for appt., runs & looks great, $7,000. 541-526-1412 Porsche Carrera 911 2003 convertible with hardtop. 50K miles, new factory Porsche motor 6 mos ago with 18 mo factory warranty remaining. $37,500.
$2600 OBO.
Toyota RAV4 Limited 2012, l oad e d , Chevy Malibu 2009 leather, alloys. 43k miles, loaded, Vin ¹076505 studs on rims/ $29,988 Asking $12,900.
Toyota Camryst 1984, SOLD; 1985 SOLD; 1986 parts car only one left! $500 Call for details, 541-548-6592
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
People Lookfor Information About Products and Chrysler Sebring 2004 Services Every Daythrough 84k, beautiful dark gray/ The Bulletin ClessiBeds brown, tan leather int., $5995 541-350-5373 Toyota Corolla 2004, 4-21-13 auto., loaded, 204k Volkswagen T i guan miles. orig. owner, non SEL 2011, 4-motion, smoker, exc. c ond. 935 AWD, loaded. $6500 Prin e ville Vin ¹512879 Sport Utility Vehicles 503-358-8241 $26,888 WHEN YOU SEE THIS S UB ARU. BUBABUOPBRNOCOM Little Red Corvette1996 .3 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. ~OO conv. 350 auto. I 877-266-3821 132K, 26-34 mpg. Dlr ¹0354 $12,500 541-923-1781 On a classified ad go to Ford Explorer Limited 2006, RV T ow V e- • Vans to view additional hicle, Exc. Cond. Flat photos of the item. Tow, Remote Start M&G Air Tow Brake Chevy Astro System, Lights Wired Cargo Van 2001, Looking for your Breakaway s w i tch, pw, pdl, great cond., Ford Taurus wagon 2004, next employee? Roadmaster Tow business car, well very nice, pwr everything, Place a Bu!Ietin help Hitch 3M Clearguard, maint'd, regular oil 120K, FWD, good tires, wanted ad today and Always Garaged, 32k changes, $4500. $4900 obo. 541-815-9939 reach over 60,000 mi., Camel Leather Please call readers each week. Interior $17,995. 541-633-5149 Your classified ad 541-480-7837 will also appear on Vehicle? Ford 1-ton extended van, Call The Bulletin which currently re1995, 460 engine, set-up and place an ad tof or c o n tractor w i t h ceives over 1.5 mildayl shelves 8 bins, fold-down lion page views Ask about our ladder rack, tow hitch, every month at "Whee/ Deal"! 180K miles, new tranny 8 no extra cost. Bullefor private party brakes; needs catalytic tin Classifieds advertisers GMC Yukon D e n ali converter 8 new windGet Results! Call 2003, Prem i um shield. $2200. 385-5809 or place 541-220-7808 wheels, loaded. your ad on-line at Vin ¹222168. Ford Aerostar 1994 $11,988 Eddie Bauer Edition
L'"" '" "
Ford Galaxie 500 1963, Dodge R a m 1500 2006, Mega cab, 4x4, 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer 8 loaded, leather. Vin ¹221645 radio (orig),541-419-4989 $27,888 Ford Mustang Coupe S UB A R U . 1966, original owner, V8, automatic, great 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. shape, $9000 OBO. 877-266-3821 530-515-8199 Dlr ¹0354
f S UBAR U .
Chevy Tahoe 1999, 4x4, most options, new tires, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 159K miles, $3750. Call 541-233-8944 Dlr ¹0354
Fully Loaded, Mint Condition! Runs Excellent! $3000. 541-350-1201
32' touring coach, left kitchen, rear lounge, many extras, beautiful Peterbilt 359 p o table c ond. inside 8 o u t , water t ruck, 1 9 90, 5hp $32,900 OBO, Prinev- 3200 gal. tank, N hoses, ille. 541-447-5502 days p ump, 4 - 3 camlocks, $ 2 5,000. & 541-447-1641 eves. 541-820-3724
1 2 8 7 5 6 4 9
Automobi l e s
I The Bulletin I
6 3 4 2 9 8 1 7
Autom o b iles •
PROJECT CARS: Chevy 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) 8
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, door panels w/flowers 8 hummingbirds, white soft top & hard
p o wer
6 8 7 3
HOW TO PLAY: Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3 boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The numbers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the individual Sudokus.
Trucks & Heavy Equipment
Arctic pkg.,
3 9 4 7
Piper A rcher 1 9 80, based in Madras, always hangared since new. New annual, auto pilot, IFR, one piece Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 by Carriage, 4 slides, windshield. Fastest Archer around. 1750 toinverter, satellite sys, t i me. $68,500. FAST66 Ranchero! fireplace, 2 flat screen tal $7500 invested, 541-475-6947, ask for TVs. $54,950 sell for $4500! Rob Berg. 541-480-3923 Call 541.382.9835
Laredo 2009 30' with 2 slides, TV, A/C, table 8 c h a irs, s a t ellite,
5 2 1 6
6 3 2 8 1 9
9 3 7 4 2 5 6 8 1
5 6 1 2 9 4 5
8 2
2 8
5 7 6 2
Sport Utility Vehicles
Ford Ranchero 1979
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
with 351 Cleveland modified engine. Body is in excellent condition, $2500 obo.
LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Application for Allocation of Conserved Water CW-70
Lumina Van 1 99 5 , Dodge Durango Jeep Patriot 2 0 08 X LNT c o nd., w e l l Limited 20 04, 4x 4 , 4x4, 60k mi., single cared for. $2000 obo. owner, 5-spd, 30 mpg, 541-382-9835. Loaded, leather, 3rd new tires, exc. cond. row seat. $11,900 541-604-0862 Dodge R a m 2500 Vin ¹142655. Nissan Quest 2000, 2006, 4x4, d sl, t ow $9,988 541-420-4677 7-passenger mini pkg, bed liner. van, red, new tires & Vin ¹716973 S UB A R U . license, decent $17,788 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. cond., lowprice of 877-266-3821 $2495.Check this f j@ S U B A R U . Dlr ¹0354 one out. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 541-318-9999 Toyota FJ Crui s e r 877-266-3821 Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 2007, 6 speed, 4x4, Dlr ¹0354 engine, power everylow low miles, very thing, new paint, 54K Ford F-150 2009 clean. • Auto m o biles original m i les, runs Supercrew FX4 4X4 Vin ¹074880 great, excellent condi¹C77945 • $27,988 $27,488 tton in & out. Asking
requests 100% of the conserved water be protected i n s tream On 8/11/2011, Gref rom the P O D o n (4) P195/60R-15 Optimo Creek gory Mohnen, P.O. Whychus Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th H727 tires on wheels, Box 2230, Sisters OR, (River Mile 23.5) to wheel, 1 s lide, AC, $400. 541-706-9347 filed Appl i c ation the mouth of W hyTV,full awning, excelC W-70 under O R S chus Creek. lent shape, $23,900. 932 537.470. The Appli541-350-8629 Antique & cant proposed to con- Any party may proClassic Autos s erve water by r e - v ide w r itten c o m RV placing approximately ments directly related CONSIGNMENTS 6,450 feet of convey- to CW-70 within 20 WANTED a nce s ystem w i t h days of the last date We Do The Work ... HDPE pipe, eliminat- of newspaper publicaYou Keep The Cash! $8,500. 541-480-3179 1921 Model T ing water losses. t ion, May 4 , 2 0 1 3. Ford Expedition XLT On-site credit S UB A R U . Comments should be Delivery Truck 2004, 4x4, low miles, approval team, This project involved s ent to A C W P r o Restored 8 Runs AulnSnurce clean. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. web site presence. 4.0 acres served by g ram, W ate r R e 877-266-3821 Vin ¹B41370 We Take Trade-Ins! $9000. 541-598-3750 BMW 740 IL 1998 orig. the Hurtley Lateral. sources Department, Dlr ¹0354 $9,988 Free Advertising. 541-389-8963 owner, exc. c o n d. The project resulted in 725 Summer Street BIG COUNTRY RV 101k miles, new tires, the conservation of NE, Suite A, Salem, +©S U B ARU. Bend: 541-330-2495 loaded, sunroof. 0.02 cfs of water from O R 97301. Com GMC 1966, too many Find It in Redmond: $7900. 541-706-1897 Whychus Creek unments may be faxed extras to list, reduced to 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. The Bulletin Classifieds! 541-548-5254 ANTIQUE 877-266-3821 der Certificate 74135 t o 503-986-0903 o r $7500 obo. Serious buy1921 Model T ~ Oo 541-385-5809 with a priority date of e-mailed ACW-quesers only. 541-536-0123 Dlr ¹0354 Delivery Truck MOrePitat Belldbuleti!I,CO m 1895. The Applicant tions© Restored 8 Runs The Bulletin Ford F-150 XL 20 07, 0 $9000. To Subscribe call very clean, low miles. 541-389-8963 Vin ¹B50639 541-385-5800 or go to $11,588 1988 T - BIRD S p o rt coupe, 34,400 orig. 4 @ S U B A R U. miles, A/C, PW, PL, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. new t i res, b r akes, 877-266-3821 hoses, belts and exhausts. Tan with tan Dlr ¹0354 interior. I mmaculate! Aircraft, Parts GMC V2 ton 1971, Only $ 5295. C a l l da y s G MC Sierra S L T & Service 5 41-322-4843 e v e s $19,700! Original low 2006 - 1500 Crew 541-383-5043 mile, exceptional, 3rd Cab 4x4, Z71, exc. owner. 951-699-7171 cond., 82 k m i les, Chevrolet Cameo $19,900. Pickup, 1957, 541-408-0763 disassembled, frame powder coated, new front sheet metal, cab 1/3 interest in Columbia restored. $9995 firm. 400, $150,000 located Little Red Corvette Call for more info, Mercedes 450SL, 1977, I nternational I S u nriver. H o u rly 541-306-9958 (cell) Fla t 113K, 2nd owner, gaBed Pickup 1963, 1 rental rate (based upon r aged, b o t h top s . ton dually, 4 s pd. approval) $775. Also: $11,900. 541-389-7596 S21 hangar avail. for trans., great MPG, s ale, o r l e as e O could be exc. wood ,A $15/day or $325/mo. hauler, runs great, -"'" W&skggg 541-948-2963 new brakes, $1950. +Qgj Dyrt -
Automotive Parts, Service & Accessories
t!III •
541-41 9-5480.
Chevy C-20 Pickup - ~ A S ag 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; Isuzu 1981diesel auto 4-spd, 396, model Oldsmobile Alero 2004, pickup, good tires, CST /all options, orig. classic 4-dr in showroom good motor & transowner, $19,950, condition, leather, chrome mission bad rear end 541-923-6049 wheels, 1 owner, low 1/3 interest i n w e l l$350. 541-220-6330. miles. $7500. equipped IFR Beech Bo- Chevy 1955 PROJECT 541-382-2452 nanza A36, new 10-550/ car. 2 door wgn, 350 prop, located KBDN. small block wAVeiand $65,000. 541-419-9510 dual quad tunnel ram with 450 Holleys. T-10 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, Weld Prostar wheels, N issan Pickup 1 9 91 extra rolling chassis + 2WD/4Cyl Auto. Runs extras. $6500 for all. Plymouth B a r racuda great. Extras. $3700. 541-389-7669. 1966, original car! 300 541-316-1367 j='';,'. ~ hp, 360 V8, center- KQMDre Pix at Bendbulletift.ct 1/5th interest in 1973 lines, 541-593-2597
Cessna 150 LLC
150hp conversion, low time on air frame and engine, hangared in Bend. Excellent perlormance 8 affordabie flying! $6,500. 541-382-6752
Executive Hangar at Bend Airport (KBDN)
60' wide x 50' deep, w/55' wide x 17' high bifold dr. Natural gas heat, offc, bathroom. Adjacent to Frontage Rd; great visibility for aviation business. Financing available. 541-948-2126 or email
Chevy Wagon 1957, 4-dr., complete, $7,000 OBO, trades. Please call
solid Features inc!ud e counters, 4-dr rface sur micro, Irid g, e, convection m' t/e, bui!t-in washer/dr ramic tile floor TU DUD sate!!ite dish, air leveling, storage ass-through king size bed da' tray, an - A!! Ior only $149,000 541-000-000
ggpfR Njt.t.f<
<pgetAI Ad runs until it sells or up to 12 months (whichever comes first!)
2004 Corvette Convertibie
Coupe, 350, auto with 132miles, gets 26-24 mpg Add lots more description and interesting facts for $91 Look how much un a girl could have fn »weet car Iike thjsI
$12,MO 541-0OO-OOO
Includes up to 40 words of text, 2" in length, with border, full color photo, bold italics headline and price. • Daily publication in The Bulletin, read by over 76,000 subscribers.
Ram 2500HD 2003 hemi, 2WD, 135K, auto, CC,
Plymouth Fury am/fm/cd. $7000 obo. 541-389-6998 sports coupe 541-680-9965 /390-1285 Chrysler 300 C o upe 1969, 318 eng!ne, 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, Automatic, Super Titan 2 0 0 7 4x4 auto. trans, ps, air, Off-Road, beautiful frame on rebuild, re- rare an d s u per inside and out, mepainted original blue, nice! Newer paint original blue interior, and interior. Must tallic black/charcoal original hub caps, exc. see t o b e l ieve. leather, loaded, 69k chrome, asking $9000 A sking mi., $19,995 obo. $82 5 0 541-410-6183. or make offer. 541-410-0818 541-385-9350
2004- ~LOADED!
• Weekly publication in Central Oregon Marketplace — DELIVERED to over
31,000 non-subscriber households • Weekly publication in The Central Oregon Nickel Ads - 15,000 distribution throughout Central and Eastern Oregon
* A $290 value based on an ad with the same extra features, publishing 28-ad days in the above publications. Private party merchandise ads only, excludes pets, real estate, rentals, and garage sale categories.
To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809
Fill up your schedule. Not your tank.
With Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive and 36 MPG,' you can do a lot more in the 2013 Subaru lmpreza while making fewer trips to the pump. N-
-= .
A ll New 2 0 1 3 S ubar u X V C ro s s t r e k 2 .0i Limited C V T Standard Model. All Weather Floor Mats. Body Side Molding Kit
2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i P remium C V T
2013 S u b a r u Im p r e z a 2 .0 i 5MT
All-Weather Package: Heated Front Seats, Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors. Rear Seat Back Protector. Rear Bumper Cover. Cargo Net - Rear - Outback. Auto-Dim Mirror/Ccomp/Homelink All Weather Floor Mats.
Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink, Bumper Applique 5 Door, Cargo Tray 5D, All Weather Floor Mats, Seat Back Protector
C onf i d e n c e i n
Qw Qw
I •
M o t io n
Qa 'Qa
Automatic MSRP $25,624. VIN: GC4DH862131. Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.
MSRP $28,185. VIN:CC2D3281427. Title, lic. 8. doc, and dealer installed options not included.
Sale Price •
Sale Price 0
1 at this Price
2013 S u b a r u Fore s t e r 2 .5 X T P remium 4 A T
Power Moonroof. Auto-Dimming Mirror, Rear Vision Camera, Roof Rails. Front Bumper Underguard. Rear Bumper Cover. 7 Passenger
Auto Dim Mirror/Compass w/Homelink
Automatic MSRP $35,729. VIN: D4400115. Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included. This vehicle has an additional charge of $599 for DuraShield that is not included in the sale price. DTD-04
2013 S u b a r u Leg a c y 2 .5 i P remium C V T All-Weather Package: Heated Front Seats, Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors, Auto-Dimming Mirror/Compass/ Homelink, All Weather Floor Mats, Rear Bumper Applique, Cargo Tray
Automatic MSRP $29,067. VIN: DH407964 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included. DIM-01
1 at this Price
Subaru Certified Pre-Owned
GPS Navigation w/LCD Touchscreen, XM Satellite Radio and XM NavTraffic, HD Radio. Cargo Tray - Black. STI Short Throw Shifter. STI Shift Knob 6MT. SPT Catback Exh - STI 4-DR. Dim Mirror/Comp w/Homelink
6 Speed Manual
MSRP $24,588. VIN: OD3013408. Title, lic, & doc, and dealer installed options not included. DAD-02
MSRP $41,497. VIN: XDL009199. Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included. DWW-10
Sale Price 0
Sale Price
7-YEAR, 100,000-MILEPOWERTRAIN WARRANTY Every Certified Pre-Owned Subaru offers: • 7-year/100,000-mile Powertrain Coverage • $0 deductible
2 013 S u b a r u L e g a c y 2 .5i Pr e m i u m Sedan
2 012 S u b a r u F oreste r 2 . 5 X T Turbo
All Weather Pacl<age. CVT Transmission, Low, Low Mileage
Automatic, Moonroof, Alloy Wheels, Low, Low Miles!
2013 S u b a r u I mprez a W R X STI L i m i t ed 6 M T
1 at this Price 0
2013 S u b a r u Trib e c a 3 .6 R L imited 5A T
MSRP $19,747. VIN: 7DG851864. Title, lic. 8. doc, and dealer installed options not included. DLA-01
• Factory-backed coverage • 152-point safety inspection
• CARFAX® Vehicle History Report • 24/7 roadside assistance
2 012 S u b a r u I mprez a 2 . 0 i Wagon
2 013 S u b a r u O utbac k 2 . 5 i Premiu m
Traction control, Air Conditioning, Dual Air Bags, Side Air Bags, FLR Head Curtain Air Bags, Daytime Running Lights, Rear Spoiler
Keyless Entry. Low Low Miles
VIN: CH217108
VIN: 03234829
/ /
( I
The Bulletin
anf cla1' •
'll •
~ •
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Live Wolf kitchen in our showroom
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Salesperson demos live Dacor kitchenin our showroom
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Bend •67836 Paramount Drive • 541-388-0088 2 • 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home 8Garden Show
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(866) 262-7093 SE C U R I T Y
PO BOX 279 Sisters, OR 97759
8, M O N I T O R IN G
License ¹'s 184567 pOWered by W
A L A R M ,C O M
© 2012 Att rights reserved. id 291388
2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home & Garden Show™ •3
. e eomet o t e 2 I 1 Browsing through magazines, watching home and I'
garden television shows, and exploring p in s oth ers
have posted on Pinterest are great ways to get new
i deas to m a k e i m p r o v e m e nt s t o a h o m e . F i n d i n g
ki re li~ fe
the people to help you accomplish your home improvement goals is a whole other issue, however. Each spring, The C e ntral Oregon B uilders
Association (COBA) hosts its annual Spring Home and Garden Show, and this year, it will be held at the Deschutes County Fair and E xpo Center in Redmond from Friday,May 3 through Sunday, May 5. Show hours are from noon to 6 p.m. on Friday, 10 a.m. to 6p.m. on Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on •
g •
Sunday. COBA is pleased to announce that the Zlst Annual Spring Home and Garden Show is freefor the public
to attend this year — with special thanks to their admission sponsors, Hayden Homes, Great Northern
Window Company, and Milgard Windows. Also new this year is the COBA Passport program in which show at tendees can enter for a ch a nce to
win one of two $Z00 gift cards. "This is our healthiest show in years with vendor participation up by 30 percent," said Sheri Terry of COBA Sales and Business Development. For anyone who is making plans to make changes
Official Guide • Published Saturday, April 27, 2013
within their home or investment properties, or even
those just looking for i n spiration, more vendors
at bt cc or
pr th
at in O. tu OI
mean more options. " With b u s i n esses seeing a n
u p t i c k i n ac t i v i t y ,
people have more optionsforhow they beautify and
~ L'J .. ~
~® ~
j7 '
~ ij Iw I
,z<< ~.. I !~l,< 4 • 2013 Central Oregon Builders AssociationHome 8 Garden Show
Home 1d rs
lg 1e rs 1e at in
xy 10 )n
al 1c
to m
of es :n rs
. er e n - ow .
improve their homes," said Terry.
In addition to all things for home and garden, show
T he s h o w w i l l fe at u r e i n n o v a t i v e p r o d u c t s a nd h o m e i m p r o v e m en t p r o f e ssionals i n c l u d i n g
kitchen makeover supplies, appliances, builders, remodelers,cookware, cabinets,windows, outdoor living products and building materials to name a few. More than 150 vendors w il l b e p a r t i c ipating at the show.
Beyond finding new products and services,show a ttendees can b en efit f r o m s p e a k in g d i r e c tly w i t h b usiness representatives, according to T e r ry . F r o m
complete remodels to simply adding a new hot tub or even s e l ectin g n e w p l a n t s f o r t h e l a n d s cape, professionals will be on hand to talk with and answer questions. New ideas may also be garnered from
these individuals. S how attendees will a lso have the op p o r t u n it y t o attend workshops at no charge. Featured speakers i nclude Dr. Michael Breus, once featured on The Dr .
Oz Show, will explain how to get quality sleep by turning your bedroom i nto a sanctuary. A work shop
on hearing and audiology will also be available. On Saturday, The WeekendWarriors Home Improvement
show will be featured. They will also be giving away a Traegar Grill .
attendees are invited to check out the Central Oregon
Auto Show, also free to attend. Honda, Chevrolet, Cadillac, Subaru, Kia and Toyota cars, trucks and
representatives will be on site at the fairgrounds as well. Test drives will be available as well as financing
opportunities. So, in the coming week, gather your ideas, organize them in a binder or your mobile device, and bring t hem to t h e 2 1st A n n u a l C OBA Sp r in g H o m e a n d Garden Show. Meet w ith th e p r o fessionals who can
help turnyour home into your dream home.
Rt4xp - 5zzs4cp, Kjc@X - 0 Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, Redmond F riday: noon to 6 p . m . Saturday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. S unday: 10 a.m. to 5 p . m .
"With more vendors at this year's show, people will
Free Admission!
b e able to f in d r n or e w ay s to i m p r ov e t h eir h o m e s w hile w o r k i n g w i t h l o c a l b u s i n esses," said T e r r y . " Most of th e e x h i b i t ors ar e l o c al. We w a n t p e o p l e
For more information, visit
to shop locally as much as possible, and keep those
or call 541-389-1058.
dollars right here in Central Oregon."
I I': l1 I' W
2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home & Garden Showâ&#x201E;˘5â&#x20AC;˘
B end
Su n r i v e r
Si s t e r s
Mr/llelly wyiir.adaarary> daariaJa'fAa/ iins&PmParrrraf Se iirrruJ Ory r rishrrd ra /aea
f Cog Qa
541.383.7600 Sotheby's International Realty" is a registered trademark licensed to Sotheby's International Realty Afliliates LLC. Each Ofhce Is Independently Owned and Operated. Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housingopportunity.
6 â&#x20AC;˘ 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home 8Garden Show
Show Entrance
25 2 6
36 3 7
58 5 9
29 3 0
40 4 1
62 6 3
Middle Sister Building
Deschutes County Fairgrounds and Expo CenterOverview Map
TVkAppliance Expo Center O S tandar8a Standard
Edu c ation Seminars
206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215
196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205
216 217
219 220
221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228
2 2 9 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237
257 256
255 254 253 252 251 250 249 248
2 4 7 246 245 244 243 242 241 240 239 238
258 259 260
261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268
2 6 9 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280
304 303 302 301
300 299 298 297 296 295 294 293
2 9 2 291 290 289 288 287 286 285 284 283 282 281
306 307 308
309 310 311 312 313314315 316
3 1 7318 319 320 321 322 323 324
346 345 344
343 342 341 340 339 338 337 336
3 3 5 334 333 332 331 330 329 328 327
325 326
171 172 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 175 174 173
2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home & Garden Show™ 7 •
.,jl l Iij
Standarot A Bit Less .............................. 630 & 631
Central Oregon Block & Brick Inc .......218
Energy Conservation Insulation ..........238
Abbajay Automated Control Systems ................................ 221-224, 252-255
Central Oregon Garage Door Inc.........305
Evergreen Softubs ................... 219 & 220
Central Oregon Heating & Cooling
Farmers Insurance, Leslie Sheppegrell .....245
Above All Surface Solutions................207
AccuAir Inc.
Adair Homes .......................... 309 & 343 Advance Tech Orthotics ......................265 Advantage Custom Landscaping 178 & 179 Alder Creek Homes LLC ....................299
Great Northern Window ............321 - 323 Central Oregon Redi Mix ......... 276 &, 285 Green Savers. .202 Central Oregon Water Treatment .........270 Happy Feet Solutions.... ............. 23 6 CenturyLink 328 Havern Cabinetry......... ............. 3 I 6 Classic Covering & Design ..........240 — 242 CoEnergy Propane ............................210
AlphaTurf NW ................................ 2 I 3 College Pro Painters..........................283 ..436
Construction Contractors Board .......... 21
All Options Home Repair Services 512 - 516
Cooks Warehouse Inc.........................324
American Family Insurance....... Edu booth
Country Financial.............................. 32
Crater Lake Vodka & Gin ...................244
All Natural Pest Elimination .....
Awbrey Butte Const. & Fences.............337
Costco Wholesale ..............................294
Cutco Cutlery
191 David Brown Construction LLC..........430
B & A Roofing.
Gary's VacuIIo, Inc.............................315
Central Oregon Master Gardeners ........20
Healthy Mate Sauna .....
............. 30 1 ... 184& 183
High Desert Mulching ..
............. 203
Hi Line Homes.............
............. 205
Hawaiian Moon ...........
Home Depot.
Hooker Creek Co...............................209 Hystyle Contracting .................. 449 -452 Invisible Fence ol' Central Oregon .......246 Iivus Marketing /Touch of Oranges .....192 IJA Sales ..........................................342
Beaver Plastics / Logix ICF.................237 Bed's 4 Less & Paradise Outdoor
Denfeld Paints..................................203
Bend Custom Decks ...........................327
Deschutes County Republicans............310
Kitchen Craft .
Budget Blinds of Deschutes County.....258
Dog Watch ol'CentralOregon .............53
Kleer Vu
Downtown Ornamental Iron...............243
Knife River Co........................ 276 & 285
Building Specialties ..........................196
Earth's Art ............................... 479, 480
LeBlanc DECKS ...............................261
Cabinet Cures ........................... 338, 339
Ed Staub & Sons ...............................346
Lincoln City Visitor Convt. Bureau......235
Cahill Construction & Pole Buildings
E2 Construction ...............................190
Log & Lumber Concepts ............ 477, 488
The Bulletin.
Isabellas Herbal Pacs .......................... 42
Deschutes County 911 Service District
Isagenix Health Products ...................314 .257 43
Cascade Door ...
... 176& 175
.189 Lustre Craft ............................... 28 & 39 Magic Hands/Birdhill........................ 33
Cascade Natural Gas....
............. I 9 5
Mahoney's Installs .......................40 & 41
Mid Oregon Credit Union ........ 297 & 298
Cascade Sotheby's International Realty
Morgan Stanley ................................311
Celia's Gourmet Foods.......................239
Mountain Marble..............................273
Cellular Sales Of Knoxville ................256
Mountain View Heating ........... 268 & 293
Cement Products Mfg Inc......... 185 & 186
' •
8 • 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home 8Garden Show
The Bulletin
gerr ng Central Oregona nte lgtE
.,jNI Eij
Standard continued My Pillows .........
Quick N Brite Inc............................... 22 .............292
Rebath of Central Oregon........ 171 & 172
Rene Guzman Const..........................303
Neil Kelly Co.............
Resist All Seamless Gutters .................182
Nelson Tile & Stone ....
.............2 I 4
Rhino Ceramic Coatings of Oregon ...... 44
New Era Homes ...
............. 2 I 1 Ron Webb Remodeling.......................266
National Solar
Newell's Water Fountains & Etc.
Shade on Demand .....................240-242 457 - 460
Nhance Revolutionary Wood Renewal
The Signal Spot ................................336 Sleep Country USA ...................229 - 234
269 Null Designs in Stone ........181 & 639-637
Sleep Number ........................ 308 & 344 Smile -A - Mile Painting....................177 Solar Light ............................ 426 & 427 SOS Alarm Systems............................201 Standard Paint & Flooring....... 286 & 287 Standard TV & Appliance ...........228 — 225 248 — 251 Stanley Steemer Of Bend....................295 7 Peaks Construction.........................284 Summers Flooring & Consignment......215
NW Green Panels.................... 3 1 2& 3I 3
Sunlight Solar
NW Passage 2 Health Inc................... I 73
Sunset Outdoor Living LLC ..... 277 & 465
Temp Rite Mechanical LLC ................333 NW Quality Roofing................ 1 98 & I 99 Oregon Hot Tub ................................1 93 Them Flooring Guys .........................302 Oregon Patio Covers.......................... I 74 Timber Home Improvement ................341 Organic Sleep Products............... 289-291
TimberTech ............................ 317 & 335
318-320 Travis Vail Construction .....................197 Pacific Builders Resource....................259
Tri County Climate Control ...... 245 & 246
Pacific Flag & Pole............................274
Turf N Central Oregon ......................267
Phantom Screens..................... 216 & 217
US Bank.
Pink Chandelier Cleaning Services.......263
Waagmeester Canvas Products ............264
Webfoot Painting Co.................271 - 272
.51 &29
.340 Westview Products Inc.......................260
Pure Care Dental of Bend ..................247
Your Shed 4 Less ........................ 512-518
Quality Heating ..................... 325 & 326
Yozamp Construction ........................304
Y EE $,. 4
• •
The Bulletin
2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home & Garden Show™ •9
Sponsored by:
541-31 6-3022
All your protection under one roof
r I
• I I •
• I I•
I I •
1 0:00
1 1:00
Growing Tomatoes in Central Oregon. Master Gardeners Middle Sister Bldg
Growing Tomatoes in Central Oregon. Master Gardeners Middle Sister Bldg
Landscape styles: Whatis Yours? Master Gardeners Middle Sister Bldg
Vegetable Gardening Master Gardeners Middle Sister Bldg
Making a Splash in the Bath Neil Kelly Remodeling & Design booth 278 - 280
Seed Starting Master Gardeners Middle Sister Bldg
1 2:00
Making a Splash in the Bath Neil Kelly Remodeling & Design booth 278 - 280
1 2:30
Vegetable Gardening Master Gardeners Middle Sister Bldg
New Trends in Solar & Affordability Sunlight Solarin the HOOKER CREEK EDU BOOTH
Native Plants for Your Landscape. Master Gardeners Middle Sister Bldg
Cold Climate Gardening Master Gardeners Middle Sister Bldg
Make Vacuuming Fast& Easy Gary's Vacuflo HOOKER CREEK EDU BOOTH
Back up Power Options E2 Solar
Container Gardening Master Gardeners Middle Sister Bldg
The Sleep Dr. Dr. Breaus Organic Sleep products booth 29t -289
Making a Splash in the Bath Neil Kelly Remodeling 8 Design booth 278 - 280
Creating the Kitchen You Love Neil Kelly Remodeling & Design booth 278 - 280
Creating the Kitchen You Love Neil Kelly Remodeling & Design booth 278 - 280
Remodeling Sustainably + Cost Effectively Lawrence Schechter LEED Architect HOOKER CREEK EDU BOOTH
No Pain No Strain Master Gardeners Middle Sister Bldg
Ringingin the Ears: Causes & Management Dr. Ha-Sheng in the HOOKER CREEK EDUCATION BOOTH
Creating the Kitchen You Love Neil Kelly Remodeling & Design booth 278 - 280
New Products-Countertops & Floor Coverings Neil Kelly Remodeling & Design booth 278 - 280
New Products-Countertops & Floor Coverings Neil Kelly Remodeling & Design booth 278 - 280
Untreated Hearing Loss Dr. Ha-Shengin the HOOKER CREEK EDUCATION BOOTH
Take Charge: Wise Use of Credit Cards. Mid Oregon Credit Union HOOKER CREEK EDU BOOTH
10 • 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home & Garden Show™
RE P~'; KF
Formerly Central Oregon Block and Brick
A d'd Excitement To Your O u t d o o r s Use the AB Retaining Wall products along with pavers to build a raised patio, surround it with AB Courtyard for extra seating and
"walls", thenfor and added touch add in a
pergola and enjoy your new outdoor room.
Let us help you build your perfect outdoor living space.
Custom outdoor kitchens
Patio surrounds withfirepits
Stop by booth ¹~8 and check out our great line o fAllan Block products and our new line o f pavers. Available in great colors to rnatch any project.
Terraced walls in place of slopes
• •
' l l
2013Central Oregon Builders Association Home 8r Garden Show" 11
Centrul Oregon s Home Electronics Expert A bbajay A u t o m ated i s p rou d t o p r esent A l a r m .com, t h e m o s t i nnovative way to m ak e sure all i s well in your home. This is the latest in home monitoring and security.
35 e hl~
A L A S S M. CO M '
HRHEEERR Llve View has the ability to create "Total Peace of Mind," with amazing breakthroughs in wireless technology that allow you to r emotely monitor a nd control y ou r h o m e f r o m a n y smart phone or computer.
in ar
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ar Iat
F ee e e
S11 e kv d
go ov dl'
hi af
Our new an d a f f ordable systems allow you to protect your home and family in ways that were not possible before. Most existing security systems
can be easily upgraded, and usually
sa ar
can be installed without wires by a local expert; often in only a day.
Come by our booths (221-224 & 25Z255) to see this advanced technology at work.
Qualit yYou Can Depend on ANameYouCanTrust Trust
eed I
DESCHUTES VRLLEY EQUIPMENT 710FStreet• P. O.Box538 •Ierrebonne
/ 5 4l-548- 83 8 5
The experts a t A b b ajay A u t omated ar e C e n t ral Oregon's home electronics experts. Whether designing a new home theater, providing integrated lighting and temperature control or installing a customized security system you will find our customer service unsurpassed. Founded by David Abbajay with the goal of providing state-of-'the-art media systems at affordable prices, this local company has now grown to also include "green" solutions. By incorporating energy efficient lighting and integrating automated blinds we are now able to reduce energy consumption that not only benefits the earth but your pocketbook too! Whether you are remodeling or building a new home, rest assured that our veteran staff, all members of the Custom Design and Installation Association (CEDIA), will provide the highest quality products with a focus on your needs and budget. Abbajay Automated Control Systems represents the following b r a nds: L u t r on, L i te Touch, K a leidescape, N etStreams, H om e L o g ic, S u n f ire, M a r antz, E l a n, Monitor Audio, Aprilaire, Centralite, Home Automation Inc. and Universal Remote Control. /
12 • 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home & Garden Show™
Asia Sueeiv •
P roviding soil, rock, gravel, sand and fill for your pr oj ect . Able S u p pl y p ro v i d e s mat e r i als including custom soils, clean round river and crushed r oc k i n m a n y d i f f e rent sizes, fill for construction projects, sand and gravel,large boulders for walls or
(i I
'r ' rl",r, ls,'rr
landscape, and clay for ponds. I
It is a c ompany that has been open since 1991 but its roots in Central Oregon go way back. In the mi d 1970s, current owner-manager Kevin Peterman actually drove his father's Peterbilt dump truck to high school in Bend and made deliveries after school.
fj .
Even back in those early days, Kevin saw a growing need for top-quality soils and earth materials for landscaping and b uilding projects. With a n e y e t o t h e future, he e n visioned these all-natural materials would continue to be in demand
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2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home 81 Garden Show" 13
THE SLEEP DOCTOR IS IN! Introducing the ALL NEW Dr. Breus Bed©! The on/y mattress collection designed by a Sleep Doctori
cofTiFort solutions. never stop dreaminq
Meef Docfor Breus and try out the Dr. Breus Bed at our booth on Saturday May 4th!
in Central Oregon.
l ocations s everal t i m e s During th e 1 980s, he over the next decade, Able b egan t h e p r o c ess o f Supply finally settled at t he DRW d ir t a n d r o c k securing so u r ce s for quarry in D esc h u t es f uture m a rkets a n d continued exca v a ting River Woods. and con t r a ctin g al l C ustomers c a n v i e w while g a i n in g p r o d u ct and select from the large knowledge. In 1991, Kevin variety of p r o ducts that A ble supplies. Kevin i s began operating out of the front yard of h i s f a m i ly always willing to take the home o n R e e d M a r k et time to get it just the way R oad i n Be n d , w h e r e you want it. "I'll be at this Outback Steak h o u se until I retire," says Kevin, now s t a n ds . A s h i s "then hopefully my k i d s, business grew, so did his A spen an d S k y ler w i l l h ave an i n t erest i n t h e customer's needs. dirt biz. e This encouraged Able S upply t o inc l ude 3 0 different varieties of earth materials and p r o ducts, eventually becoming your "whole e a r th " m a t e r ial supplier. Moving
l ar ge r
Able Supply, 60005 Cinder Butte Road, Bend, 541-383-ABLE (ZZ53). Delivery any time, siPr days-a-rveek. Kevin, Aspen and Skyler Peterman, Ou ners
All Dr. Breus 5eds feature his...
4 Tenets to a Better Night's Sleep 1. Temperature regulating surface for thermo-neutral sleep 2. Superior support for pressure relieving sleep 3. Reduced movement for undisturbed sleep 4. Complete relaxation from nature's finest materials
The Dr. Breus Bed' Ypur Sleep. Ypur Heplth. Ypur Life ™
exclusive House Call" Program!
Worry-free pet solutions fromyardtodoorto couchesand more.Guaranteed.
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Containment Shields' S ruvAsm
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541-598-3955 14 • 2013 Central Oregon Builders AssociationHome & Garden Show™
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Invisible Fence Central Oregon 541-389-8557
>a tnum 4
Create the perfect mood in your home •
using the Platinum™ App from Hunter •
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Douglas. Use your Apple® mobile devices '
to easily control Hunter Douglas motorized window fashions. Visit Classic Window Coverings, your local Hunter Douglas Certified Motorization Specialist, to learn how to implement automated window treatments easily and cost effectively.
FREE Platinum™ App Bridge ($275 value) with purchase of two or more Hunter Douglas PowerRise® 2.1 products.
FREE LiteRisee cordless lifting system upgrades. SAVE $100 or more with rebates on select products.
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1465 SW Knoll Avenue, Bend HuuturDuuglas n
54 I -388-4418 CCB 157822 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home 8r Garden Show" 15
B end C u sto m D e c k s p r o u dl y s e r v e s t h e B e n d c ommunity a n d a l l o f C e n t ra l O r e gon . We o f f e r custom designed decks, deck c o n struction, a r bors, wood privacy fences,repairs and maintenance. O ur p h i l osophy i s th a t d e c k s s h o ul d c o m b i n e harmony and fu n ctionality. O u r d e cks are designed t o respect the architectural style of y ou r h om e a n d s erve as a complement to your h om e and yard . W e devote careful attention to the choices of size, shape and construction materials, as well as the placement o f stairs, arbors, railings and o t her d etails i n o r d er to ensure th e b est d esign fo r y o u r f a m i l y o u t d oor activities. Michael Gueguen established Bend Custom D ecks a fter r elocating f r o m C e n t ral T e xas w i t h h i s w i f e L ibby H ay s w h o i s a mo b i l e v e t e r i n arian ( w w w ., their three dogs and three
cats. Michael is a master deck builder, former Modern Pentathlon Oly m p ian an d H a w ai i I r o n ma n f i n i sher who has been designing and building decks for over 30 years. We understand the i m p o r tance of qu ality; a g r eat deck can increase the value of your home and may e ven be th e d eciding selling or b u y i n g p o in t w h e n the time c o mes. This i s w h y w e o n l y u s e t h e b e st performing materials and proven building techniques to ensure longevity and quality, all while working with you to create a deck that is a perfect fit for you an d
- Since 1979-
Shrubs • Flowers
Natives• Perennials
We use traditional lumbers such as cedar, redwood, I PE (ironwood) and ACO t r eated lumber, as well a s composite decking materials. Some of your m aterial choices include:
Highly resistant to decay, less expensive, extremely durable, environmentally fr i endly, resin free, accepts a wide range of finishes and can withstand all weather conditions.
c. \'
' '
IPE (pronounced EE-pay) I~
One of th e m ost beautiful, l ong l asting w oods on the market today. I t s r e sistance to th e elements is legendary, and because of its strength and durability f or decking I P E i s t h e o f t e n t h e p r e m i e r c h o i ce for decks. W e h ave a sample railing at the H ome & Garden show — check it out!
• Deck Designs • Construction • Maintenance
TURFMON-FRI R NURSERY 8-5 • SAT 8-3 2019 SW Park Ln • Culver • 541-546-90S1 One Mile North of the Crooked River Gorge Bridge
th of ar dl n vi
your budget.
Western Red Cedar Beautifying Central Oregon
16 • 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home & Garden Show™
New, Restoration and Repairs Shade Arbors • Pr i vacy Fences
Offering custom -designed decksPurbors und fences •
rn er 30 .at :n :st es th ld
d, as
Fiberon Composite
Decking Fiberon is an innovation leader in the manufacture and development o f PV C a n d c o m p o site d e c k i n g and railing. T hey offer consumers durable product options that save n atural r esources, produced i n a virtually waste free manufacturing process. We di sp l a y th e Fib er o n "HORIZON D E C K I NG " f o r th e f looring an d b a c k r a i l i n g a t t h e H ome & G a r den Show. H o r i z o n
Decking i s t h e i n d u s tr y l e a d er i n p r o v i din g t h e m o s t d r a m a t ic tropical looks and resilient surface in composite decking. I t o f f ers a 25 -ear stain a n d f a d e w a r r a nty and is a lso b acked b y a 2 5 - year l imited p e r f o r m a nc e w ar r a n t y .
Timber Tech & TREX Leading b r a nd s o f com p o s ite decking offering some w o n derful d ecking s t y les a n d c o l o rs, h i g h p erformance d e c k i n g a nd l ow
maintenance. B oth are backed by a 25-year w a r ranty . Vi s i t w w w . t an d w w w T R E X . com. M ichael lo o k s for w a r d t o welcoming you at the Bend Custom Decks booth an d a n swering y our d eck q u e stions. Y o u m a y al s o r equest a q u ot e o n l i n e a t w w w . B or c al l u s at 541-977-1166.
,ly Its
In-house Design Services, Installation R Solid Surface Fabrication
ty ce
arr a
611 SE Business Way, Ste 101 Bend www
541 382-9130 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home Sr Garden Show" 17
Thank You Central Oregon! Running a successful, Ma r ch 3,2013 - Byron and Nancy D.- Sisters, OR "Today theinstallation ofournew Carrier Infinity Series award winning business for so many years is quite an accomplishment and a rare one. Ownership changes, Hea t P ump Systemwas completed, inspected and management and people change, economic cycles cert i fied by Deschutes County. My wife, Nancy and I happen. Why does a company like Bend Heating survive wish t o express our appreciation for the outstanding after all t h ese work d one by Bend Heating to make the project a total years? Well, i t succ e ss." ' II'<~o,,„„, ~, The Metals Division fabricates just about anything n you can imagine from Copper Picture Frames to custom Stainless Steel Sinks and Counter Tops and everything '
leaderswhoguide thls
dr v e rslfled
custom metal work is showcased on the The Travel Channel
• O'I, I hl i
Current owner Scott Zettle makes sure this philosophy carries through from his employees to his customers. It Division is building is very rare to find such a company and such a dedicated quite a reputation group of people with one primary goal in mind. As Scott for creating oneo f-a-kind me t a l puts it, "Give our customers more than they fabricated items for expect, offer the best value and do everything internationally known Flyte Camp, a Vintage Travel Trailer possible to make the experience a pleasurable Restoration company located in Bend. one". The following testimonial is one of many examples of putting these words into action. The Metals Division says"If You Can Dreamit. WeCan Build It".
2013 SpringHome&Barden ShowSpecials! EAS Y FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. For a limited time
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18 • 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home & Garden Show™
As a tradeally contractor of EnergyTrust of Oregon, we canhelpwith cashincentives andstate energytax credits to improve yfr the energyeffiCienCy Trade ally of of your home. Energ(TI'U5',t. of Oregon
•••••••••••••• • ~ •••••••••••0 0 +
0 ~
O •
Liee green. Be b rilliu n t ; • >f~ i
fa " V
'~ li.
There's an old saying: When you know better, you do better.
our brilliant staff from name-brand, reliable, FSC- and/or HFHC-certified, Locally owned and independent, renewable sources. Brilliant E n v i r o nmental B u i l d i ng Our 100 percent New Zealand Wool Products specializes in knowing what carpeting is naturally soft, luxurious, enlightened homeowners and builders stain-resistant an d fl a m e -retardant n eed fo r h e a l thier, g r eener a n d without added chemical treatments, better homes. How are our products and it'sbacked with natural fiber jute. healthier? Our elegant PaperStone products
University) t o r e s e arch p r o ducts w orldwide an d l o c ally f o r pr i c e , performance and beauty.
Our safer synthetic an d n a t ural premium, zero-VOC paints are based on plant oils or milk and lime, tinted with natural pigments. That means low odor and low off-gassing.
And we p rov i d e u nl i m i t ed, personalized consultationsf rom s election t o i n s t a llation t o maintenance — so homeowners and builders understand that there is more to the value equation than simply the cost of materials.
Our zero-VOC clay p l asters ar e some of the healthiest materials in the building industry, used around the world for thousands of years.
are the greenest architectural surfaces on the market, made from recycled paper and petroleum-free, phenolic r esins. T o t h e ma x i m u m e x t e nt technically possible, water is used as the resin solvent.
Then we evaluateevery aspect of a productbefore we offer it to our family of clients: Who makes it and how is it made? Is it beautiful and durable? Is it sustainable? Is it affordable and competitive? Is it healthy?
Our pan e l pr od u c t s h ave "Our p r o ducts s el l t h e m selves," characteristics similar to strong, beautiful wood f iber, but use n onsays Swart. "When you know about t oxic a dhesives an d r e s in s w i t h the advantages of building materials Our exterior/interior wood coatings blend natural oi l r e sins and state- natural materials such as cereal straw, that are healthier, safer, beautiful and sunflower husk, and walnut shells. affordable, whether you're building of-the-art additives with w ater as a a custom home o r w o r k ing o n a carrier instead of f l a mmable, toxic A product does not make the cut personal remodel project, you make solvents. to Brilliant unless it tangibly protects better choices for your clients and people's health and safety, sustains O ur fl o o r fi n i shes c o ntain n o your family." the environment, uses energy and b iocides o r p r e s e rvatives, o n l y other r e sources sparingly ( w h i ch Now that you know better, shouldn't aliphatic low-odor mineral spirits that means lower utility costs, month after you build better? meet the high German standard for month), and gives joy and service for purity, and when dry, are resistant to We are located in Bend at 327 NW decades. perspiration and saliva. Greenwood Ave., Suite 100, or online How ar e o u r pr o d u cts b e tter? at: Call O ur w o od , b a m bo o a n d co r k Founder/owner Jor d e n Swar t us at 541-317-0202. flooring is the finest on the market: u ses his e ducation i n p u b li c and n atural, n o n - toxic, a nd gr ee n , e nvironmental aff a i r s (Indiana personally researched and selected by 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home Sr Garden Show" 19
i''."'"'"": s~""X< 9 Convert your home into an eeo < Spring is a perfect time to consider converting your house into an eco-friendly and energy saving home. Cooling your h om e w i t h s o lar screens, cell shades, and window film from Budget Blinds are three energy efficient solutions that offer you different ways to stay cool in the summer heat.
Going solar
costs less than you think.
• •
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$' ss
sc fi ot h PN~
D ar sc tk ar
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pi at I
T] hi
tkb y u s in g e n e rgy e f f i c ient w i n d o w c o v er ings a n d treatments can be used for more summer fun! About Budget Blinds of Central Oregon Budget Blinds of Central Oregonbegan its operations in Z002 and is owned and operated by Mike and Stacy H ughes. Ou r c o m p an y p r o u dl y p r o v i des w i n d ow coverings t o l o c a l h o m e o w n er s a n d b u s i n esses, offering co m p l i m e ntar y i n - h o m e con s u l t ations, professional m e a suring, a n d pr e c i s e i n s t a llation services.
• •
Budget Blinds only partners with the most reputable v endors to offer a r ic h selection of q u ality w i n d ow coverings t ha t i n c l ud e s h u tters, b l i n ds, d r aperies, shades and wi n dow f i l m . Fo r m or e i n f o r m ation on Budget Blinds serving Central Oregon, please call 541788-8444 or visit
f-riendly home!
Cellular Shades are layers of fabric joined together at the seams so that, when the shade is pulled down, pockets of air are created to help insulate the room. These "cells" protect your r oom against heat loss in the winter and heat absorption in the summer.
Solar Screens are a s u m me r t i m e n e cessity; they allow you a nearly unobstructed view of the outside while providing your home with a cool breeze to lift a way the sum mer h eat w i t h out h aving t o use y our energy sapping air conditioner.
Summer is a time to enjoy close friends and family and Budget Blinds is here to help you celebrate it in comfort and style. Remember, the m o ney you save
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are over 1ZO million homes that are f ive years or older and many are in desperate need of energy-efficiency updates. Studies have proven that the largest portion of a home's energy demand comes from the heating and cooling of the interior. While many families are not in a position to make costly updates to their appliances, the use of highly efficient window treatments can be effective for saving energy at home.
Window F i l m i s an es p e c ially e n e rg y e f f i c ient window treatment because it not only r educes glare, but in combination with reflective blinds, can reduce heat gain by u p t o 4 5 p ercent according to the U.S. Department of Energy.
20 • 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home & Garden Show™
ak tl-
CA$CADE SQTHEBY $ INTERNATIQNAL REALTY I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • •
Coneert your home intoan eco fr-iendly home! T he Central Or egon real estate ma rket is on t h e move and Cascade Sotheby's Int e r n a t i onal Realty i s moving right along with i t .
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L ast y e ar , 2 0 12 , w a s a b a n n e r y e a r f o r ou r c ompany w i t h o u r s a l e s a s sociates sell in g o v e r $292,000,000 i n r e a l e s t a t e . N o t o n l y d id th i s solidify our p o sition as the nu m ber one real estate firm i n ou r m a r ket but that sales volume exceeded o ur nearest competitor by $33 mi l l i o n . N ow h om e t o m o r e t h a n 6 0 a c t i v e b r o k er s i n t his area of w h i c h a l m ost h al f ar e i n t h e t o p 2 0 0 i n Centra l O r e g on . W i t h o f f i c e s i n t h e O l d M i l l D istrict, D o w n t ow n B e nd , th e V i l l age at Sun r i v er a nd D o w n t o w n Si s t e r s , o ur Cen t r a l O r e g o n s ervices span m an y t o w n s an d p r o p e rt y t y p e s i n t he region f ro m f a r m s an d r a n ches to new h o m e s and developments to t o w n h o m e s and c o n dos and a vast portfolio of amazing resales.
F rom Fi rst F r i da y e x ecutive chef ev ents at o u r downtown o f f ic e t o Th e H o m e an d G a r den Show to Summer fest i n D o w n t ow n B en d t o t h e Si ster's R odeo t o S un r i v e r M o v i e N i g h t s , t o h ol i d a y fund r a i s er s ou r t e a m i s f u l l y e n g a ged i n t he c ommun i t ies that we live, work and play i n . For a f ul l c a l e n dar o f u p c o m i n g e v e nts h o sted and sponsored by Cascade Sotheby's Intern ational R ealty, please visit our calendar of events at ww w . c o r ch e c k o ur l o ca l m agazine, Extraordi n ar y L i v i n g , available on l i n e at w w w.i s s u u .com / c ascadesothebysrealt y or locally at more than 130 different locations. Explore, experience and enjoy Central Oregon t hrough t h i s g r e a t p u b l i c ation w h i c h i s h o s t t o m any e x c eptional p r o p e r t i es, l o cal i n f o r m a t i o n , p laces t o v i s i t , s t a y a nd p l a y . C a l l Ca s c a d e Sotheby's International Realty at 541-383-7600.
The real estate m a r ket i n t h e e a rly p ar t o f 2 0 13 h as show n t r e m e n d ou s p r o m i se . M e d i a n h o m e p rices are soar i ng, ne w h o m e b u i l d p e r m i t s a r e a t a 5-year h i g h a n d s a les i n c r eases mont h o v e r m onth h av e b ee n u p 2 0 p e r c en t i n s o m e a r e a s. The number of sales contracts each month are also higher than our m a r ket has seen in years.
Dry Washers H ighbankers
H ealthy c o n t i n u e d g r o w t h f o r o u r a r e a i s i n the for ecast. A t C a s cade Sotheby's I n t e r n a t i on al Realty not only are we welcom ing great success in the 2013 real estate mark e t b u t w e are also excited a bout the m a n y g r ea t l o cal c o m m u n i t y a c t i v i t i e s t hat our team w i l l p a r t i c i pate in .
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SOD UHEU KUUTUUR pg FERTILIZE R pt WEBSITE AT: PAVER S Insta ntLandscapi WALLBLOCK Or email usat GRAVE L Checkoutourlatest FLAGS TONE promotions Enter to Win ... PhotoContest!
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Largest Prospecting, Metal Detecting Equipment, R Supply Store In Oregon! Locally Owned R Operated Since 1996 (Originally The Blue Bucket Mining Co.) Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm R Saturday: 10am - 4pm 2550 NE Hwy 20, Suite 140 Bend I
541-318-1131 Shop Online At: ~
2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home 8( Garden Show" 21
CoENceev Peor aNa •
CoEnergy Propane is your locally o wned a n d op e r a te d p r o p a n e supplier, from right here in Oregon. W e would l i k e t o o f f e r y o u t h e opportunity to become part of our family of customers by allowing us to become y ou r p r o p ane s ervice provider. All o f u s a t C o Energy P r opane w ill d o o u r v e r y b e s t t o p r o v i d e you with th e superior service that you expect and deserve from your propane provider. With CoEnergy, y ou can rest assured that we w i l l provide you w it h t h e b est service possible at an affordable price. As s t a te d b e f o r e , Co E n e r gy "Your H o me Tow n Propane, P ropane Service P r o v ider," i s a locally owned & operated company f rom O r egon. M an y o f t h e o t h e r
c ompanies i n th e ar e a ca n n o t honestly say this, as they are from places like Whippany, NJ; Overland P ark, KS; Valley F orge, PA; T u l e L ake, CA; C r escent Ci ty, CA ; o r even Ponte Verda Beach, FL. With CoEnergy Propane, you are dealing with y ou r f r i e nd s an d n e i ghbors from right here in Oregon. In fact, our original office is in Redmond. C oEnergy P r o pane w a s f o u n d ed in Z001, is an a f f i l i ate of C e ntral E lectric Cooperative right h ere i n Redmond, OR and also an affiliate o f C A SC O C o m m u n i cations i n t he M i d Wi l l a m e tt e V a l l ey . I n today's tough economic cl im ate it o nly makes sense for all o f u s t o w ork on k e eping as m uch o f o u r h ard earned dollars right h ere i n Oregon. So why would you want to send any of your energy dollars to
New Jersey, Kansas, Pennsylvania, California or Fl orida. You can get the superior service you expect and deserve from people you know who live and work in th e area just like you do, but nothing leaves the s tate and e v e r y t h in g s t ay s r i g h t here in Oregon. So before you call "Fact or Fiction" Propane, give us at CoEnergy Propane a call and deal with a truly local company that has your best i n t erest at h e a rt . L e t 's work t ogether t o B r i n g O r e gon's economy back. Now is the time to evaluate your propane needs for the coming heating season an d w e s i n c erely hope that you w il l g iv e CoEnergy Propane th e o p p o r t u n it y t o b e your p r o p an e s e r v ic e p r o v i d er. CoEnergy has now partnered with S usan G. Komen fo r t h e C u r e o f
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Sa fety-Se fvice-0Ua Iity Central Dispatch 541.388.0445 64500 OB Riley Road Bend, OR 97701 CCB¹2101
• Concrete with Liquid Color • Front Discharge Redi-Mix Trucks ("f ~
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Your locullyomned und operuted propune supplier. •
Southwest Washington & O r e g on. T his w i l l a l l o w y o u t o b e c o m e a " Pink" C u stomer a n d h a v e a portion of y ou r e n ergy d ollars go ~ towards the f i gh t fo r t h e c u r e o f cancer. This can be d one w i t h out s pending one s i ngle p e nn y e x t r a o f y ou r m o n e y . W a tc h f o r o u r "Pink" Propane Truck as it delivers propane all across Central Oregon.
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Call 541-504-9444 today. Please do not hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions at all. You will see that our friendly staff stands ready to deliver to you the superior service that you expect and we will do it at an affordable price. We want to be your propane supplier.2618 SW 4th Street, Suite B, Redmond, OR 97756., coenergy@
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2013 Central Oregon Builders AssociationHome Sr Garden Show" 23
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MODEL 7438 Available in Black, Burgundy 8 Chocolate only.
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2013 Central Oregon Builders AssociationHome 8r Garden Show" 25
CI.A$$IC WINDQW CQVERING$ • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e• • • • • • • • • •
C>entrul Oregon s Hunter >Doug lus+Gullery B reaking N e w s ! Hu n t e r Do u g l as, t h e l e a d i n g manufacturer of wi n dow fashions in North A m e r i ca, won the most awards ever in th e esteemed Window Covering M a n u facturers Association product competition, and captured Product of the Year for its Platinum™ App f o r m o t o r i zed w i n d o w t r e a tm ents. You can see award w i n n i n g ne w p r o d u cts and t est the Platinum Ap p a t t h e C l assic Window Coverings display at the Spring Home Show. Offering precise control from a m o b ile device, the free Platinum App p r o v ides a user-friendly i n t erface w ith a personal touch . Y o u ca n m ov e any or al l o f y our w i n d o w c o v e r i ng s i m m e d i ately u s i n g y o u r mobile device. O r u s e th e t i m e r f e ature to operate them at a later time. C h oose to operate by scene, by room, or by time. T h e Platinum App offers a taste of h ome automation at a f r action of th e cost. I t w o r k s with an y H u n t e r D o u g las PowerRiseds Z.l p r o duct. See several of them on display at the Classic Window Coverings booth.
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You will also see the award-winn ing 2013 Duette® H oneycomb Shades Collection, i n c l u din g f i v e n e w highly insulating Architella® fabrics with cell-withina -cell c o n str uction . Th e n ew Du e t t e A r c h i t e l l a Trielle™ is the most energy-efficient Hunter Douglas window covering with five air pockets in a new 1-1/Z n pleat size. T r i elle walked away with Most Innovative Overall C o ncept i n t h e G r e e n P r o d ucts — Energy Efficiency Category. D u ette Architella qualifies for a Federal Energy Tax Credit ofup to $500 in 2013. Classic W i n do w C o v e r i ng s i s C e n t r a l O r e g on's Hunter D ouglas Gallery. A t o u r 2 , 000 square foot showroom i n B e nd, you w i l l e x p e r ience nearly 100 life-size samples o f a l l t h e l a t est H u n t e r D o u g l as products, h i g h l y t ra i n e d des i g n con s u l t a n t s, professional in stallers certi f ied by H u n t e r D o u glas, world class customer service, and competitive prices. You wil l b e n e fi t f r o m t h e G a l l e r y-exclusive R i ght Choice Promise™, which guarantees your satisfaction, FREE onsite warranty service dur ing th e f i rst year, and local warranty repairs typically completed in Z448 hours. V isit Booths 240-242 at the Spring H om e Show t o r egister for ou r S H O W SPECIALS, including F R EE lifting system upgrades and instant rebates on select products, and a FREE Platinum App Bridge Kit valued at $275 with the purchase of two or m ore PowerRise 2.1 window coverings. Or stop by our Gallery showroom at 1465 SW Knoll Avenue in Bend. We are open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and Saturdays by appointment. Call u s at 541-388-4418, or v i si t o u r w e b site a t w w w.
26 • 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home & Garden Show™
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Assisting Centrul Oregon mith puint ing pro jects since 197$. Denfeld Paints has been helping Central Oregonians with all t h ei r p a i n t ing pr ojects since 1975. This full service, family owned and operated business has very deep roots in the Central Oregon community. Denfeld has two convenient locations, one in Bend at 2121 NE Division and one in Redmond at 641 NW Fir. Each store is staffed with trained professionals who are happy to help you with any questions you may have. Denfeld's staff can also recommend quality local contractors if you are looking for someone to do the job for you.
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A s t rong s u p porter o f o u r c o m m u n i ty , D e n f eld Paints contributes to more than 75 local organizations a nd events. These organizations sponsor worthwhile p rograms t h r ough e v ents t h a t i m p ac t t h e l i v e s o f many individuals. Denfeld Paints is proud to be a part ofbuilding a better community. D en feld P a i nt s i s a memb e r of t h e A LL P R O Corporation. ALLPRO Corporation, formed in 1960, is the oldest, most complete buying, selling, marketing, t raining an d t e c h n ical s e r v ices gr oup s e r v in g t h e paint, paint sundry and decorating products industry. T he economic b e n efit o f p u r c h a sing t h r o ugh t h e exclusive ALLPRO buying group gives Denfeld Paints the ability to obtain the best possible prices from their suppliers. Complete product li nes from PPG Pittsburgh Paint and Miller Paint are car ried at D e n feld Paints. PPG is an international coatings manufacturer w it h o v er one hundred years of experience. Miller Paint is an Oregon based company, which has been making products for the Northwest since 1890. Both of these m anufacturers offer p r o ducts t hat ca n b e u s e d o n industrial, commercial or residential projects. Denfeld Paints also c a r r ies p r o ducts specifically f o r d e c k s. S uperdeck, O l y m pi c M a x i m u m , S i k k en s SR D a n d Messmer's UV Plus, are the most requested. Both Pittsburgh Paint and Miller Paint offer complete interior lines that are very Green. P i t t sburgh Paints Pure Performance is azero VOC product available in three different finishes and a wide variety of colors. Numerous oth e r m an u f a c t u r er s h ave al so b egun p r o d u cin g p r o d u ct s t h a t a r e m u c h mo r e environmentally friendly. Denfeld Paints is now able to offer many paint sundry products that are considered Green. Some of the items you are now able to find in this category are brushes, rollercovers, drop cloths, solvents and paint strippers.
I n addition t o b e i n g a bl e t o o f f e r y o u t h e r i g h t p aint products, no m a t ter w h a t y ou r p r o j ect m i g h t be, Denfeld Paints also carries all th e s u pplies and equipment to get your job done right the first time. A t D e n f el d P a i n t s c u s t o me r s e r v i c e i s th e i r number one pr i or ity . T h e y ar e staffed with t r a i n ed p aint p r o f essional w h o can h e lp you th r o u g h a ny pain t p r o j ect. B y r e p r esenting m u l t i pl e p a i n t manufacturers and being a m ember of th e A L L PRO buying group, Denfeld Paints can offer a wide range of competitively priced products for any paint project you may have.
k3 I I I cI ll t e nv i r o n m e n t al b u i l d i n g p r o d u c t s
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Wool Carpet, Woven 8amboo nd Cork Flooring I
Showroom downtown at Greenwood and Wall St.
327 nw greenwood ave, suite 100
bend, or 97701 • (541) 317-0202 email us: w ww . b r i l l i a n t m at er i a l s . c o m
2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home 8t Garden Show" 27
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Over gy Years In Central Oregon! We can meet your needs — from contractor to
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Approved Fill Material Screened Top Soil Clean Sand Decorative Boulders Screened Red Cinder Rock Recycled Rock Crushed Base Rock Finish Rock River Rock Clay for Pond Lining Berm Building Fill
LAspen, Kevin & Skyler Petermrtn
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28 • 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home & Garden Show™
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Started by father-and-son team, P eter a n d D yl a n A un e , Gr e a t N orthern Wi n d o w (G N W ) h as b rought v a l u e a n d p as s io n to c ustomer s er vice t o t h e C e n t r al O regon com m u n it y o v e r t h e l a s t 9 years. With t h e s h ar p b u siness s kills of D yl an an d Pete r ' s experienced craftsmanship, GNW h as grown t o b e o n e o f t h e t o p r ated w i n do w c o m p a nies i n t h e Pacific N o r t h w e st . T h e y h ave achieved high recognition asa four time Milgard window dealer of the month and are a leading provider of the Milgard product line.
If you build it, they will come A s recently a s 2 0 11, GNW h a s expanded its operations to include a team of eight personnel who are dedicated to delivering exceptional c ustomer service. I n a d d i t io n t o building an i m p r essive workforce G NW h a s e x p a n de d i t s do o r s , literally. A r ecent m ove tw o store fronts from t h eir o r i ginal location at 20585 Brinson Blvd in Bend, has i ncreased t r a f fi c i n t o t h e i r n e w showroom 20 fold. "The curb side appeal and additional space of our new showroom has allowed GNW t o display ou r p r e m i u m M i l g a r d windows a n d Si m p s o n do o r s ," says salesman Jasen Shisler. Says c o-owner D y la n A u n e , "We want to i n v i t e a n y b o d y co n s i d ering b uying new w i n d ows or d o ors t o v isit our n e w l o c ation as see t h e
Great Northern Wi ndow Company difference."
Certified. Local.
Reliable. G NW is a certified dealer of th e M ilgard p r o duct l i n e . F r o m t h e v inyl S t yl e L i n e , T u s c any, a n d Montecito series windows; as wells as the premium full fiberglass Ultra series and fiberglasscladded wood l ines — Essence and W oo d C l a d . "With a lineup this formidable, we a re sure t o m e e t e v er y w i n d o w request and budget" claims Jasen Shisler. " And we get the job d o n e r ight not o nl y t h e f i r s t t i m e , b u t o n t i m e ... e v er y t i m e . " GN W i s proud to call Central Oregon home. T hey wor k h a r d t o g i v e b ac k t o the commu n it y a n d a r e i n v olved i n e x t r acurricular a c t i v i t ies l i k e supporting the Muscular Dystrophy Association. GNW is also recently r eceived the M i l gard C o m m u n i t y A ction A w ar d ( M C AT ) f o r t h e i r window and service donations to other local charities.
Knowin Green G NW's p a s s io n for en er g y efficiency hatched their new sister company K n o wi n G r een ( K G). A startup, KG's focused on providing R eal E n e rg y S a v i ng s to th ei r customers with energy monitoring systems and performance solutions for home an d b u s iness. "Knowin G reen ha s a f r e s h a p p r oach t o
improving e n ergy e f f i ciency. We c an d e tect y o u r ho m e s e n e r g y u sage w i t h en e r g y mo n i t o r i n g, and then give you the road map t o e n e rg y i n d e p e ndence" s a y s energy specialist John Schwencke. "Additionally, o u r Ret r o f i ciency services su ch as th er m al performance t esting, ai r s e a l ing, i nsulation, l i g h t i ng, a n d h e a t i n g a nd cooling upgrades; are a n i c e c omplement t o o u r w i n d o w a n d d oor business. We're the n ext b i g thing in home energy efficiency!"
A different kind of company Positive attitude has contributed t o the p o sitive success of G N W . " Buying w i n d ow s s i m pl y m a k e s our customers happy," says Rachel Nordenhok, o f f i c e a d m i n i s trator at GNW. "And we love making our c ustomers happy." But i t i s G N W attention to detail and commitment to quality t ha t a lso p ut s satisfied s miles o n th e fac e s of t hei r customers. "We pride ourselves in being great, although we strive for e xcellence," says D y l an . I t ' s t h i s approach that has GNW poised for growth and future success. P lease c o m e a nd v i s i t ti tl e sponsors Great Northern W i n dow, Milgard Windows, and new comer Knowin Green at the COBA Spring Home and Garden Show, May 3,4, and 5.
2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home Sr Garden Show" 29
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HOME SHOW SPECIALS $500 OFF any motorized Eclipse awning (except E-Litel ~ 20% OFF any Eclipse E-Lite Awning
10% OFF Eclipse E-Zip exterior solar screen
I 10% OFF Equinox Louvered Roof or Alumawood patio cover I
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Shade on Demand is a division of Classic Coverings and Design, Inc. 30 • 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home & Garden Show™
Retractable Awnings, Exterior Solar Screens, Shade Structures, Patio Covers 1465 SW Knoll Avenue, Bend
541-389-9983 CCB 157822
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Recommen'ded~ by four o'f five veterinaritrns! Invisible F ence® Brand C e n tral O regon i s p r o u d t o b e t he pe t containment system that four out of five veterinarians recommend. Judy Duncan and her staff are certified in pet training, "Perfect Start Training", T M w h ich e m powers each pet t o understand the system to the fullest and be completely comfortable with their perimeter after training so they c an enjoy the m ost of t h eir l i v i ng space. Invisible Fence® has features NO O THER Product on t h e m a rket i s capable of doing. • Lifetime Warranty on Transmitter and Computer Collars • ONLY all Digital Collar • Thousands o f Cu s t o m izable settings
• B u i lt i n Di g i t al R e p ort C a r d (history of what your pet is doing) • Featherweight at only loz. • Most responsive on the market, works well for CATS as well! • Integrated Technology — works with our Containment Avoidance and Access Solutions — Shields for keeping Cat offthe couch, out of t he nursery. Availability t o t a k e your pet camping or RVing with our patented Rock Plus, to keep your pet safe in your campsite. Even keep your pet out of a garden temporarily or permanently. • Different Rules for different pets: Keep your dog out ofthe cat food, or your cat away from the couch and let the dog snuggle with you. Newest
Te c h n ology ava i l able:
Boundary Plus, which allows small p roperties t o g i v e t h ei r p e t s t h e ULTIMATE amount of area for pets to roam and enjoy perimeter safety. Call Invisible Fence® Central Oregon today for a free Sales Consult. Mention the Home Show and save $100 on a complete system for your pet. As the oldest and most respected pet containment systems company in the United States, Invisible Fence® Brand strives to always find new and innovative ways to improve products and t r a i n i ng . Inv i s ibl e Fe n c e® Brand spends more in Research and Development eachyear than ALL our competitors' gross sales in the same year. Keep your Pet Safe at home with Invisible Fence® Brand.
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2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home Sr Garden Show" 31
W hittie r Wood Fur n it u r e , m anufacturer o f h i g h -quality r e al w ood f u r n i t ur e f o r t h e p a s t 3 6 years, i s a h o m e g r ow n b u s i ness based right here in Oregon. According to President/CEO Scott Whittier, the company f o cuses on clean and classic designs that ar e built for today and beyond; Whittier pieces arehanded from generationto generation. "Quality W hittie r ex pl a i n s , c raftsmanshi p an d p r eci s i o n e ngineering c o m b in e t o m a k e a product that is not o nly b eautiful, but has integrity as well. We're very proud of that." It's a tradition that began in 1975 when Scott's father, Gordon, saw a n opportun it y t o u s e A l d e r , a hardwood native to i n t h e P a cific N orthwest, t o cr e a t e b e a u t i f u l
a ll-wood f u r n i t u re. A t t h a t t i m e , A lder w as p er c e i ve d by th e t imber i n d u str y a s s c r a p w o o d . So Whittier's foresight established him a s o n e o f t h e e a rl y l e a ders t hat m a d e A m e r i ca n A l d e r t h e important material it is today. And du e i n p a r t t o Wh i t t i e r 's introduction of A l der to a b r oader market, the species is now h i ghly s ought a f te r b y o t h e r fu r n i t u r e m anufacturers fo r i t s f i n e g r a i n , s mooth texture, and it s ab i l ity t o imitate the look of more expensive hardwoods. B ut W h i t t ie r W o o d Fu r n i t u r e believes that with leadership comes r esponsibility. A l o n g w i t h m a n y other e n v i r o nmental s t ewardship p ractices, al l o f th e co m p a n y ' s Alder products are made from Alder certified by t h e Sustainable
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Forestry Initiative (SFI rI ) program. Whittier's c o l l e ctions o f fi ne f urniture i n c l ud e p i e ces fo r t h e b edroom, h o m e off i c e , l i vi n g a nd m e d i a r o o m s as w e ll as bookcases. A l l th e col l e c t i ons a re beautiful i n s ide an d o u t a n d a re f ul l o f i n t e g r i ty . E ac h i t e m is made a t t h e W h i t t ie r f a c t ory g iving t he com p a n y com p l e t e control over al l p h ases of q u ality
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Whatever inspires you, bring your personal aesthetic to life with the Northwest's most trusted remodeler. Start-to-finish excellence starts here: or 541.382.7580 Hance presenting a few of our favonte Neil Kelly partners: 9mafpn< „ b I I I I l a nt 32 • 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home & Garden Show™
Neil Kellymms IRRR I I I II
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a nd m an u f a ctur i ng . Su p e r i o r craftsmanship an d w o o dworking t echniques such a s m o r t ise a n d t enon j o i n er y a n d f i t t e d b a c k s i ncrease structural s t rength a n d stability. English dovetail drawer constructio n co mb i n e d w it h whisper-quiet full extension metal ball bearing drawer slides enhance durability and provide a beautiful functionality you will use as your gold standard. These are but just a few of the features that enhance t he l o n g evit y a nd ap p e a l of Whittier Wood Furniture. N one of this beautiful f u r n i t u r e could b e an i n te g r a l p a r t of every day h o mes w i t hout strong p artnerships. To d a y , Wh i t t i e r Wood Furniture and M .Jacobs two of Oregon's premier furniture c ompanies and f a m i l ies — h a v e
joined forces to make the Whittier Wood Furniture available to all of Oregon. M.Jacobs opened their f u l l -line store in Bend i n 1 980 and offers a ll p r ic e r a n ges, al l s t y le s a n d the foremost names in f u r n i t u r e. Service continues to be a priority w ith f r e e s t atewide d elivery, i n home d e c o ratin g c o n s u l tation, i nstant c r e di t a n d e a s y c r e d i t terms. F or m or e t h a n 7 5 y e a rs , t h e M.Jacobs family of fine stores has l ed the wa y t o b e a utiful h o m e s in the northwest. Come see how W hittier W o o d Fu r n i t u r e an d M Jacobs can m ak e y ou r h o m e beautiful, too. M .Jacobs' t wo p r em i er e f urniture c o m p anies p a r t ner i n Bend.
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2013 Central Oregon Builders AssociationHome 8r Garden Show" 33
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Mike Weston and John Weston, owners of Central Oregon Block ~ ze4$ . a nd B r ic k I n c a r e p l e a sed t o a nnounce a new company nam e and a exciting new product line. < ~ '.'> i' > . We c hose t h e Z 0 1 3 C e n t r a l Oregon Bu i l d e r s A ss o c i ation H ome a n d Gar d e n S h o w to showcase our new name "Oregon B lock and Paver M a n u facturi n g Inc." and to unveil a exciting new l ine of p a v in g s t ones, th e o n l y p aving stones m a n u factured i n C entral O r e go n u s i n g C e n t r a l ' Oregon products. Paving stones create a textur e a nd s t r i k i n g a p p e a rance t h a t i s fa r s u p e r io r t o as p h a l t o r '
concrete. W i t h p a v i n g s t o n e s, y ou'll n e v e r h a v e t o w or r y about the cracking and surface d eterioration s o co m m o n to o ther f o r m s o f p a v ement . W e are e x c i te d f o r h om e o w n e r s, landscape contractors and home builders to see the complete line of Allan B l ock R etaining Walls, the Courtyard Collection and our new line of paving stones. They will turn your ordinary backyard into extraordinary. The variety o f s h a pes, colors a nd f i n i s he s m a k e t h e m t he perfect surface to add elegance t o you r C e n t ra l O r e go n l i v i n g e nvironment . Ou r p r o du c t s
c an help y o u c r e ate y ou r o w n individual outdoor living space. F rom o u t d oo r k i t c h e ns, f i r e pits, s e atin g a r e as , l a n d scape w alls an d c o u r t y a rds, yo u c a n create your own private getaway. I nstall p a v e r s a nd r et a i n i n g walls today for a beautiful, long lasting investment that will raise the value ofyour home. Cement Pr o d u ct s M fg . i n Redmond O r e gon w i l l b e ou r C entral O r e gon d i s t r i b utor f o r t he complete l i n e o f r e t a i n i n g wall and paver products. We will be located in Space Z18 at the C e ntral O r egon B u i l ders A ssociation ( COBA) H o m e a n d
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Great Northern Window Company,
your exclusive Milgard Essence Dealer Cail 541.382.9615 or visit
34 • 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home & Garden Show™
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Garden Show Z013. Come see u s a n d d i s c over your outdoor l i vi ng experience. I f you c a n't m a k e i t t o t h e show you can see the products a t ww w a n d We are located at 1763 NW G ardner Roa d , Pr i ne v i l l e , Oregon 97754. Phone 541-4476869. Locally owned and operated since 1990 O r egon p r o d u cer f or A l l a n Bl o c k Ret a i n i n g Walls since 1999. We take great pride in exceptional customer service.
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2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home 8t Garden Show" 35
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Stop by und<Ask the-Sleep~Doctor.~.' D o you have a question for T h e Sleep Doctor? Dr . M i c hael Br eus, one of the world's foremost experts on the psychology of sleep, will be speaking and answering questions a bout th e h e a lt h i m p o r t a nce o f g etting b e t t er, h e a lth y s l e ep, a t this year's Central Oregon Builders A ssociation's S p r in g H o m e an d Garden Show.
CBS (CBS This Morning), FOX (Fox and Friends), and NBC (The Today Show), CNN as w el l a s b eing th e r esident sleep expert fo r WebMD . His status as a celebrity doctor has led him t o n u m erous appearances o n The View, Dr. Oz, The Doctors, The Oprah Winfrey Show and other popular daytime programs.
D r. Breus i s o n e o f on l y 1 6 3 p sychologists i n th e w or l d to achieve t h e h i gh e s t le v e l of d istinction i n s l e e p s c i e nce. I n addition to his private practice that includes celebrities and professional athletes, Dr. Breus has made many a ppearances as a sleep expert o n n etwork n e w s p r o g r am m in g f o r
t he D r . B r eu s Bed an d D r . B r eus Pi l l o w Col l e c t i on , th e on l y m at t r e sses and p i l l ows developed by a s l e e p d o ctor. H e i s a lso t h e au t h o r o f T h e Sleep Doctor's Diet P l a n :L ose Weight Through Better S l eep.
Doctor Breus w iI I b e a p pearing on Saturday May 4 at the Deschutes D edicated to r a i sing a w areness Co u n t y F a i r a n d E x p o C e nter i n of both medically diagnosed sleep Re d m o nd. At1 p.m., he will present disorders and t h e i m p o r t ance o f a se m i n a r t i t led Your Sleep, Your quality sleep for a ll , D r . B r eus i s Hea l t h , Y our L i fe . & e r e m a i n der o n a mission to develop innovative o f t he d a y , D r . B r eu s w i l l b e i n education a nd co mm u n i c atio n t he O r g a ni c Sleep Products booth p rograms . Hi s s peaking si g n i n g c o p ies of h i s b o oks. T h e engagement at this event is part o f Dr . B r eus Bed and Dr. Breus Pillow that dedication. Collection will also be on display.
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36 • 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home & Garden Show™
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SHADE ON DEMAND K +~~g h XS'Sun~iuyheri:yOu"uy fgbn t'itbhSh a 'd'e' ;rfj.fhbeiiyyO u'o iK't'ee'd' 'it' kfs w:,~g i~~~~ >KK, 'XXS,
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Is your deck o r p a tio u n bearably hot d u r in g th e summer m o n t hs ? A r e y o u r w e s t-facing w i n d ow s o verheating y o u r l i v i n g s p ac e a n d f a d i n g y o u r furnishingsf i f s o , y o u n eed Shade on D e m and — sun when you w an t i t ', sh ade when yo u n eed i t ! g Press a button, b andd y our p a tio or ddeckk t r ansforms f from unbearable to a comfortable retreat, protected .. fr om t h e ho t summer sun. S i m i l arly, press a button a nd i m m e diately r e duce th e a m o un t o f s u n l i g ht damaging UV r ays, and heat coming t h r ough your w indows,all w h i l e m a i n t aini n g y o u r v i e w.
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V i si t B o o th s 240-Z4Z at the Spring Home Show to r egi s ter for o u r S H OW SPECIALS, including: • $500 off motorized Eciipse lateral arm retractable awings fexcept E-Ettej • 20 percent off manual or motorized Eclipse E-Lite awings.
1 0 percent o f f E c l i ps e E - Zi p e x t e r io r s o la r .++~ ' bb'. '~~ "g~~ screens, or anY Eciuinox or Alum awood Patio shade
Or visit ou r m a i n s h o w r oom a t l S SS Sttr K n ol l ' bx Avenue (oPen 9 a.m.-b P.m. weekdays and Saturdays :.xxb < b y a PPointment), o r o ur n ew sha d e s t r u c t u r e showroom at 1 151 SE Centennial C our t (open by R etractable a w n i n g s Create a comfortable appointment only). Call u s at 541-389-9983 or visit outdoor l i v i n g s p ac e w i t h a qu a l i t y r e t r a ctable our w ebsite a t w w w . Shade a wning from Eclipse Shading Systems, made in th e on Demand is a sister company of Classic Window U SA from top quality components and fabrics. W e Coverings. have a retractable awning for just about any budget or application, and we offer professional site survey, installation, and warranty service. Shade on Demand offers exterior shading solutions f'orjustabout every n e e d a n d b u dget:
E xterior solar screens — Block th e sun bu t n o t your view with exterior solar screens from Eclipse Shading Systems and Insolroll. Solar screen fabrics block up to 95 percent of sunlight and UV, and up to 90 percent of direct solar heat gain. Protect your furnishings, reduce glare and indoor temperatures, and slash your cooling costs, all while maintaining y our v i ew ! C h ec k o u t o u r n e w Ec l i p s e E - Z i p designed especially for windy sites. L ouvered patio r oo f s y stems — C h eck ou t o u r exciting n e w E q u i n o x L o u v ered R o o f s y s t ems, with solar-powered, motorized louvers that r otate to provide just the right amount of shading, while e nabling ventilation t o k e e p y o u r o u t d oor l i v i n g space cool. A s a n a dded benefit, with th e louvers closed the system is water tight, so you can enjoy your patio even when it i s r a i n i ng . T h e E q u i n ox system is designed to handle 90 mph winds as well as snow loads typical of the Bend area. Alumawood sh ade s t r u ctures — Choose f r o m lattice or solid patio covers made from maintenancefree aluminum, w it h a r i chly t extured wood grain surface. These free-standing or attached structures a re as economical as they are practical. T h ey n o t only look great on your home, but they also provide sun and rain protection when you need it.
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2013 Central Oregon Builders AssociationHome 8f Garden Show" 37
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Bend's premier Solutube deulership.< The Sun Catcher Helps You Light Up Your Life! Brennan Morrow catches and redirects the sun for a living. But being the co-owner with his wife Melody and Dave Engeman of Solar Light — Bend's premier Solatube dealership — isn't just a job. It's a passion. Brennan had been working as an apprentice carpenter and studying to be a teacher when he was introduced to the light tubes. A local Solatube business, which he would wind up buying, was overloaded and needed an extra installer. The first time he saw a dark room suddenly flooded with natural light after a Solatube had been installed,he was hooked. "My then fiancee Melody and I had already been doing everything we could to bring light into our lives," says Brennan. sWis took that idea and made it a t angible reality which brightened people's lives as well as their homes." Brennan instinctively knew what science would later prove —change your light and you'llchange your life.The
evidence about the profound impact that light has on our bodies and our minds is, well, profoundly enlightening. Studies have uncovered that aging eyes reduce the amount of sunlight that actually penetrates the lenses of our eyes. As a result, by the age of 45, we're getting on averagejust 50 percent of the photoreceptors needed to stimulate our c i r cadian system, which essentially regulates our internal clocks. By age 75,the average person gets just 17 percent of needed light. No wonder so many of us w in d u p s t ruggling with i n somnia, as well as a host of other conditions like memory loss and depression which are aggravated by lack of sleep. Speaking of depression, natural light has also been proven to elevateour mood. People affected by winterinduced depression called seasonal affected disorder (SAD) experience everything from general fatigue or weight gain to feelings of ir r itability or even despair. The treatment? More light. Research reveals that people who live and work in well-lit environments not only feel happier, they're healthier and even m ore p r oductive.
REDMOND Oregon Feed k. Irrigation Quarry Ave Feed
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Fertilize for growth and
Lutton's Hardware
JOHN DAY Gibco Pioneer Feed
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Since 1950, Central O regonians have been relying o n M i d s tate's l ocally f o r m ulated fertilizers. Look for the familiar Redman bag at independent dealers throughout Central Oregon or buy directly from the plant.
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38 • 2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home & Garden Show™
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Worker productivity studies repeatedly prove that our c oncentration, shot-term m e m ory, p e r formance an d health all improve with high levels of daylight. S olatubes bring i n s o m u c h l i g h t t h a t t h e y e v e n diminish trip and fall accidents, a major health concern as we age. "It was a dark and gloomy February day and the hallway would have been nothing but deep shadows. I might have tripped on the carpet," says Gail, a Solar Light customer. "But, no! I had a Solatube installed and lived happily ever after." Brennan an d M e lody b ecame so p assionate about Solatubes that at their wedding, a year after Brennan had started working as a Solatube installer, the owner of the operation offered the newlyweds the opportunity to purchase his green energy business. Although it would take the couple a year to pull th e t r igger, they knew from the first that they had found their calling. S even years l a ter, Solar L i gh t r e m a in s a f a m i l y affair. Dave, who actually trained Brennan, now works with the company as a partner and lead installer. "We couldn't do it without Dave," says Melody, who runs the
ka ; liti office and (wo)mans the phones. "He's amazing." When not in school or hanging with their friends, Brennan and Melody's two oldest children — Keegan, 16, and Jevan, 14 — join in what has become a family tradition. S olatube's newest i n n ovations — including th e n e w smart LED system — drive Brennan and Melody to share that family tradition with as many others as they can. "My passion for what Solatubes do continues to grow," says Melody. "I think they should be in all of our schools, in office buildings, in ne w c o nstruction, everywhere because they're such an affordable way to reduce our dependence on energy."
Great Northern Window Company
your first choicein window replacement Call 54i.382.9615 or visit
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2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home 8r Garden Show" 39
UnirIersal/ADA Kitchens by In The Works Construction/Design Wl
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7 Aging a n d d i s a bled p e o pl e w i t h d i s c r i m i n ating tastes don't have to suffer with i n stitutional additions to make their existing homes livable. "Every situation 14is different. People are all so different. We don't have a standard human." says Lora Creswick, co-owner of In the Works Construction & Design Remodeling. Universal design offers a solution to fi t e very size, shape and ability in th e household while keeping the accessible portion o f t h e d e sign v i r t u a ll y i n v i sible. Some universal design options for k i t c hens i n clude m ovable countertops an d s i n k s . W he n l e f t o p e n underneath, they can be r a ised or l owered allowing access by a person in a wheelchair, propped on a stool o r standing. These design features, combined w i t h and those in wheelchairs. a ppliances such as dr awer d i shwashers that can b e A live fl oo r m o del o f a u n i v ersal k i t chen design, m ounted off the f l oor or w all ovens that open to th e c reated b y C r e s w i ck , i s c u r r e n tl y o n d i s p la y a t side rather than down make life easier on aging backs Standard TV and Appliance in Beaverton. -
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~S o l a r i s norc rcithin reach! When solar electric systems first h it th e m a r ket, t hey w er e ou t o f reach financially for most families. Even w i t h a l th e i n c e n t ives available and t h e d e creasing cost of technology, purchasing a s o l ar electric system can still be a stretch for s o m e . Ho w e ver, t h i r d -party owned systems have broken through these financial barriers by lowering the up-front cost to going solar. For example, Sunrun, a leader in third-party o w n e d s o la r s y s tems lowers the out of pocket cost for an average sized system f r o m a b o ut $12,500 to $7,500. In addition to the lower u p -front c o st, h o m eowners who are Oregon residents are also e ligible for t h e O r e gon State t a x credit totaling $6,000.
T hrough Sunrun, for a n e t c o st of $1,500, homeowners serviced by Pacific Power and Portland General Electric ca n i n s tall a 3 , 200 W att system. These systems can pay for themselves in less than four years and there will never be another bill with additional fees. Beyond lowering the out of pocket e xpense t o g o i n g s o l ar, S u n r u n ensures an ease of mind with a 20year p r o d uc t a n d per f o r m ance guarantee. You've purchased your power for 20 years, so Sunrun is on t he hook to m ake sure you get it . What does this mean? It means that if one of your panels stops working after 15 years, they replace it and write you a check for the production you missed out on while your system
was being fixed. Discover the solar potential of your home M any h o m eowners ar e u n s u r e w hether their h om e i s a g o o d f i t for solar. T hi s d o ubt o f te n s t ops them from looking any further into alternative energy options. M ost contractors w il l n o w o f f e r f ree h o m e ev a l u ations. D u r i n g these evaluations they will measure how much sun h it s th e r oof, how much space there is for panels, the structural integrity of the roof, and the condition of the electrical system. This survey lets homeowners know if their site is a good fit for solar and will help them determine what their next steps are.
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2013 Central Oregon Builders Association Home Sr Garden Show" 41
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2013 Central Oregon Builders AssociationHome 8r Garden Show" 47
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The Bulletin
For channels, radio stations and latest programming, visit
Ayril 27 - May 5, 2015
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Kal Penn hosts "The Big Brain Th'eory: Puregenius," premieringWednesday on Discovery Channel.
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THE BULLETIN «APRIL 27 — MAY 3, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. / Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
• II • I Good Morning America (N) «
(ABC) KTVZ O O O O TodayWhyplanescrash;pets. (N)n «
' II I I II I I II I Jack Hanna's Wild OceanMysteries Born to Explore Recipe Rehab (N) Food for Thought Sea Rescue ARay Countdown W i th Jeff Corwin (N) n(EI) 'G' n ( E I)'G' of Hope'G' The Chica Show Pajanimals (El) 'Y Poppy Cat (N) Justin Time (El) 'Y' Track andField PennRelays: USAvs. The World FromPhiladelphia. (N) n (Live)
II I KATU News This Morning - Sat (N) n «
(N) (EI)'Y'
(5:00) CBSThis Morning: Saturday Doodlebops (El) Doodlebops 'Y' cc Busytown Myster Busytown Myster "(' cc (N) n cc (DVS) ies n (El) 'Y' ies n (El)'Y' (CBS) Jack Hanna's WildOcean Mysteries KOHD O O O O Paid Program Animal Adven- Good Morning America (N) « tures Countdown With Jeff Corwin (ABC) KFXO IE} IEI @ Paid Program Paid Program Awesome Adven- Wild About Ani- Jack Hanna's Into Eco Companyn mals 'G' m tures'G' the Wild 'G' (El) 'G' cc (FOX) Curious George Cat in the Hat Super Why! n (El) SciGirls n 'G' cc KOAB ~ gy ~ Ij Sesame Street n 'Y' cc (DVS) "(' cc (PBS) (N) n (El) 'Y' K n ows a Lot NewsChannel 8 atSunrise at 6:00 NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00 AM(N)e «s LazyTown n (El) KGW 'Y' cc AM(N) cc (NBC) Rescue Heroes n Adventures of Sonic X n 'Y7' cc Sonic X n Y7 « KTVZDT2 IEIQ Ij Q PaidProgram PaidProgram (El) 'G' « Nanoboy (CW) OPBPL 175 173 B B C Newsnight Washington Asia Insight n Great Decisions Scully: World I n side Wash'ton KBNZ
(EI) 'Y'
Liberty's Kids n Liberty's Kids n PGA Tour Golf Champions:LibertyMutual Legendsof Golf, SecondRoundFrom (EI) 'Y7' (EI) 'Y7' Savannah,Ga.(N) (Live) « Born to Explore Sea Rescue ARay Recipe Rehab (N) Food for Thought *** "Hero" (2002,Action) Jet Li,Tony n (El) 'G' Leung ChiuWai. (N) n (El) 'G' o f Hope 'G' MLB Player Poll n MLB Pregame(N) MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Detroit Tigers FromComerica Park inDetroit. (N) 'Q' ©c (El) e«s n (Live)CC Cyberchase n 'Y' Fetch! With Ruff The Victory Gar- P. Allen Smith's Sewing With S e w It All n 'G' cc cc(DVS) Ruff man 'Y' den 'G' Garden Home Nancy 'G' « Poppy Cat (N) Justin Time (El) 'Y' Track andField PennRelays: USAvs. The World FromPhiladelphia. (N) n (Live)
(EI) 'Y' Transformers Prime 'Y7' McLaughlin
Justice League Dragon Ball Z Kai WWESaturday Yu-Gi-Oh! 'Y7' «Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal 'Y7' « Unlimited 'Y7' Morning Slamn (N) n 'Y7' cc Truth-Money WealthTrack B i z Kid$ n 'G' American Experience n 'PG'
Criminal MindsTheunsolvedcase of a Criminal Minds In HeatJ.J. meetsa col Fix This Yard Fix This Yard (N) Sell This House: ExtremeFinishing Flip This House A small housein southThe Celebrity 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Bucket List serial killer. n 'PG' cc league. n '14' « renovat ionsona 1963home.'PG' east Atlanta. 'PG' cc The Rifleman 'G' «The RiflemanHigh The Rifleman 'G' ccThe Rifleman Skull The RiflemanThe Rawhide Incident West of Lano Rawhide Rowdy,cattle struck by Rawhide Incident of the GoldenCalf Rawhide *AMC 'Q' cc Country 'G' Princess 'G ' S t r anded sisters. disease. Man ontrail concealshis past. 'ANPL 68 50 26 38 Big Cat Diary 'G' Big Cat Diary 'G' Pit Boss BackBehind Bars n '14' M u st Love Cats n 'PG' « To Be Announced BRAVO 13 44 The Rachel Zoe Project '14' cc Brad World Br a d World Duk es of Mel D u kes of Mel The Millionaire Matchmaker'14' Housewives/OC Housewives/OC CMT 190 32 42 53 CMTMusicn'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Social Hour n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music 'PG' Hot 20 CNBC 54 36 40 52 CindyCrawford GetSubD New Keurig P a id Program Cook Safe Pa i d Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Insanity Workout Healing Power of Juicing 'G' CNN 55 38 35 48 Sat. Morning Y our Money (N) CNN SaturdayMorning (N ) CNNNewsroom (N) CNN Newsroom(N) Your Money T h e Next List COM 13 53 135 47 Paid Program Paid Program I nsanity Workout WEN Hair Care * "DisasterMovie"(2008)Matt Lanter, VanessaMinnilo. « The Half Hour Futurama 'PG' Futurama 'PG' Futurama 'PG' COTV 11 (5:30) City Club of Central Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington Journal Washington ThisWeek W ashington ThisW eek *DIS 87 43 1439 Octonautscc Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Doc McStuffi ns Never Land Sofia the First Phineas, Ferb Fish Hooks 'G' Good.Charlie G o od-Charlie Jessie 'G' cc A . N.T. Farm 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 Muffin Top? 'G' Paid Program n Cindy Crawford Insanity! Sexy Abs n 'G' Paid Program n Overhauhn n PG « Overhaulin' n 'PG' « Texas CarWars Flip orFlop '14' *El 13 25 WE N Hair Care Cindy Crawford Playing With Fire '14 Kourtney andKimTakeMiami '14 Kourtney and KimTake Miami '14' E! News (N) Fashion Police '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter Special: Onthe Clock (N) (Live) « SportsCenter 2013 NFLDraft From RadioCity MusicHall in NewYork. (N) (Live) « Profile: 60 (N) NASCAR Now(N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 EnglishPremierLeagueSoccer S p o rtsCenter(N)(Live) cc 30 for 30 "inningbyinning" ESPNC 23 25 123 25 TheDottedLine « 30 for 30 cc 30 for 30 cc The Teammates cc ESPNN 24 63 124203 NumbersNever NBA Tonight P r o file: 60 (N) H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex H-Lite Ex. Spo r tsCenter cc SportsCenter cc SportsCenter cc ** "!01 Da/matians" (1996,Adventure)GlennClose,Jeff Daniels. FAM 67 29 19 41 Insanity! Insanity! Boy MeetWorld ** "Because oiWinn-Dixie" (2005)AnnaSophia Robb. Premiere. 102 Da/mafians FNC 57 61 36 50 (3:00) FOXand Friends Saturday B u lls and Bears Cavuto/Business Forbes on FOX Cashin' In (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) Journal Editorial FOX News *FOOD 17 62 98 44 TopKitchen! B'foot Contessa Giada at Home Paid Program Barbecue Addi. Guy's Big Bite Best- Made Best Thing Ate Best Dishes Best Dishes Pioneer Wo. T r isha's Sou. FX 131 Paid Program Insanity Workout How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men * MaxPayne HGTV 17 49 33 43 FloorAppeal 10 Minute Disaster DIY 'G' Leave-Bryan Property Bro Property Bro Elbow Room'G' Going Yard 'G' Bath Crashers Yard Crashers Yard Crashers Kitchen Crash. 'HIST 15 42 41 36 PaidProgram Insanity Workout Modern Marvels TheBerlin Wall 'G' How the States How the States How the States How the States How the States GotTheir Shapes How the States GotTheir Shapes LIFE 13 39 20 31 PROACTIV cc Paid Program Muffin Top? 'G' Paid Program Agele$$Cooking Paid Program Paid Program Cindy Crawford Paid Program WEN Hair Care Preachers' Daughters '14' cc MSNBC 59 59 128 51 (5:00) Upw/Steve Kornacki (N) Me l issa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends With Alex Witt (N) MSNBCLive (N) MTV 192 22 38 57 Girl Code n '14' Ke$ha: My Crazy Awkward. n Aw k ward. '14 Teen Mom2 Under Pressure 'PG' Teen Mom 2Love Hurts n 'PG' Teen Mom2 n 'PG' Teen Mom 2Faded Love n 'PG' NICK 82 46 24 40 Peter Rabbit 'Y' Peter Rabbit 'Y' Odd Parents O d d Parents SpongeBob S p ongeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob TeenageMut. Monsters, Alien Dl'. Plill n 'PG' cc OWN 161 103 31 103 Dr. Phil n 'PG' « Dr. Phil n 'PG' cc Home MadeSimple n 'G' cc The Will: Family Secrets Revealed The Will Family Secrets Revealed PAC12 47 310310310 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Spring Football Pac-12 Football in 60 Spring Football (N)(Live) SPIKE 132 31 34 46 TummyTuck Paid Program n Insanity Workout Paid Programn Insanity! n 'G WEN Hair Care Xtreme 4x4'G' Horsepower TV Trucks! 'G' « M u s cleCar 'G' Auction Hunters Auction Hunters ** "Mega Sharkvs. Giant Octopus"(2009) DeborahGibson. « "Shark Zone"(2003) « SYFY 13 35 133 45 No Defrosting Hair Restoration Cook Safe Paid Program Paid Program Cook Safe TBN 205 60 130 The Lads TV (El) Auto B. Good'G' Come on Over God Rocks!'Y Monstertruck Mary-Hopkins Lassie 'G' « Da v ey I Goliath Ishine Knect 'GInsp. Station VeggieTales 'Y' 3-2-1 Penguins! Married... With Married... With My Name Is Earl n My Name IsEarl n Tyler Perry's Tyler Perry's MeetAre We ThereYet? According to Jim Rules of Engage *** "Somnthiin'sGof!aGive"(2003,Romance-Comedy) *TBS '14' cc 'PG' n 'PG Children n 'PG' '14' cc Nanny-Cam'PG' ment 'PG' House of Payne the Browns Jack Nicholson,DianeKeaton. cc ** 'Walking on Air(1936) " AnnSothern (7:45) ** "A DateWiththe Falcon" (1941, Mystery) George ** "Murder Ahoy!" (1964)MargaretRutherford. MissMarple (10:45) ** "Tarantula" (1955)JohnAgar. Desert scientists (5:00) "TheBeach TCM 101 44 101 29comber" Gene Raymond. Sanders ,WendyBarrie,JamesGleason. investigatesthe death of anaval trustee. lose fortified spiderbig asbuilding. « 'A&E 13 28 18 32 WENHairCare
17 34 32 34 PaidProgramn The Perfect Yard Paid Program n Paid Program n Insanity Workout Paid Programn Moving UpMummyDearest 'PG' F o ur Houses n 'PG' « Four Houses ...and aSwing'PG God Construction- Rizzoli & Isles JaneandMaura's friend- Rizzoli & Isles Tension mountsbetween * "JonahHex"(2010, Action) JoshBrolin. A supernatural NBA Tip-Off (N) NBA Basketball BrooklynNetsat Chi17 26 1 27 Law &OrderActof G' site explosion. n 'P ship is strained. '14' « Jane andMaura. '14' « gunslingerfaces anold enemy. Cc(DVS) (Live) cc cago Bulls (N)(Live) cc 'TOON 84 Looney Tunes LooneyTunes Scan2Go (N) Johnny Test'Y7' Beyblade:Metal Pokemon:BW Ben 10 NinjaGo: Mstrs Green Lantern Teen Titans Go! Tom andJerry Tom and Jerry *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Consumer Trip Flip 'PG' Trip Flip 'PG' B i zarre Foods/Zimmern Paid Program When Vacations Attack 'PG' cc My s teries at the Museum 'PG Bourdain: NoReservations TVLND 65 47 29 35 TheGoldenGirls The Golden Girls P:12) The GoldenGirls 'PG' « The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls TheGoldenGirls The CosbyShow TheCosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show USA 15 30 23 30 Pretty Woman Paid Program Cook Safe Pai d Program P aid Program Say No to Botox!Cheers n 'PG *** "Eight Below" (2006,Adventure) PaulWalker, Bruce Greenwood, cc VH1 191 48 37 54 JumpStartn'PG Jump Start n 'PG' Jump Start n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown (N)'PG' Top 20 Video Countdown (N) 'PG' Best Week Ever Off Pitch n 'PG' 'TNT
** "An UnfinishedLife" 2005 RobertRedford. « ENCR 106401 306401(5:35) ** "Laws o/Attraction (7:10) ** "Brother Bear" 2003 n 'G'acc (8:40) ** "Cars 2" 2011,ComedyVoices ofOwenWilson. n 'G' « ** "HighAnxiety" 1977 MelBrooks. 'PG' « FMC 104204104120(6:15) ** "Wake MeWhenIt's Over"1960, ComedyErnie Kovacs.'NR' « (10:15) ** "Fatso"1980, Comedy DomDeLuise, RonCarey. 'PG' « FUEL 34 UFC Insider U F C Insider Pa s s Time 'PG' Pass Time 'PG' Red Bull X-Fighters 2013 Dubai UFC Insider UFC Tonight U F C: In the Moment TheRise of JonJones '14 GOLF 28 301 27 301 EuropeanPGATour Golf Ballantine's Championship,Third RoundFromSouth Korea. (N) Golf Central PGA Tour Golf Golf Central HALL 66 33 175 33 I Love Lucy'G ILoveLucy'G' I LoveLucy'G' I LoveLucy 'G I Love Lucy 'G' I Love Lucy 'G' The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls "Love is a FourLetter Word" 'PG' * "Ready Io Rumble" 2000David Arquette. 'PG-13 HBO 425501 425501 Kiss Kiss Which Way/s theFront Line from Here? REAL Sports With B ryant Gumbel (10:35) ** "Mr.Popper'sPenguins"2011'PG' « IFC 10 1 0 5 T h ree StoogesThree Stooges Three Stooges Three Stooges Three Stooges Three Stooges Arrested Dev Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev MAX 400 508 508 She's theOne (6:20) *** "While youWereSleeping" 1995 'PG (8:05) **"BeingFlynn"2012Robert DeNiro, Paul Dano. n'R' « (9:50) ** "Devil"2010 'PG-13' (11:10) * "ThisMeansWar"2012 Han k Parker Sport Fishing F i shing/Martin NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Bill Dance Bass 2 Billfish Saltwater Fish Hunt/Big Fish Saltwater Exp. Into the Blue 'G Charlie Moore Jimmy Houston Bill Dance NGC 157 15 7 A l aska State Troopers '14' Alaska State Troopers '14' Alaska State Troopers '14 Alaska State Troopers '14' Alaska State Troopers'14' Alaska State Troopers '14 NTOON 89 115189115 Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Yu-Gi.Oh! Zexal Monsuno: Com. Huntik: Secrets T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy OUTD 37 307 43 307 Zona's Show P e nn's Big Buccaneers Velvick's Eyes Spanish Fly H o o k-N-Look Gold Fever Alaskan Alaska Outdoors Major LeagueFishing SHO 500 50 0 * " J ack"1996, Fantasy RobinWiliams, Diane Lane. n 'PG-13 (7:55) ** "The ironLady" 2011Meryl Streep. « (9:40) * "Ma//ra!s" 1995ShannenDoherty. 'R' « All Access '14' Legally B/onde2 SPEED 35 303125303 Gearz 'PG HotRodTV 'G' Hot Rod TV'PG' GuysGarage Richard Petty: A Racer's Life 'PG' Australian V8 Supercars PukekohePark Continental Tire Sports CarChal *** "The Pirates! Band ofMisits" 2012 'PG' « STARZ 300408300408 Starz Studios n (6:20) ** "The LostWorld: Jurassic Park"1997 JeffGoldblum. « (8:35) *** f Under the Tuscan Sun"2003 DianeLane. 'PG-13' « ** "AndNow... Ladiesand Gentlemen" 2002Jeremy Irons. 'PG-13 TMC 5 25 52 5 * * * "S imon Birch" 1998 lan Michael Smith. n 'PG' cc TheBig Empty (10:10) ** "TheWomanin the Fifth" 2011 'R' cc *WE
14 41 174118 Sexy Abs 'G'
M u f fin Top? 'G' Braxton Family Values
Braxton Family Values
Braxton Family Values
Bridezillas Tanesha &Megan'14' B r idezillas Celinda & Megan'14
II KATU Paid Program
i"' " ' " ' "'""""' WW
~ I
'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary.
D e rm Exclusive! 'G' X Games Fozdo IgaucuFromBrazil. «
l l
Splash Performing a synchronized dive. Paid Program n 'PG' oo
KTVZ NHL HockeyNewJersey Devils at NewYork Rangers FromMadison Square Garden in NewYork. (N) n (Live) oo
Cash Cab 'G' «
KATU Newsat 5 ABC World News With David Muir (N) n oo Extra (N) n 'PG' cc
Paid Program L a zyTown n (El) Noodle and Doodle Paid Program "(' cc (EI) 'Y' Exploration W/Jarod Explore the North- Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CBS Evening News KBNZ PGA Tour Golf ZurichClassic ofNewOrleans, Third RoundFromAvondale, La.(N) (Live) « Miller (CBS) west (N) cc Today's HomSplash Performing a synchronized dive. Sports Stars of KEZI 9 Newsat 5:00 ABCWorld News KOHD (11:00) *** "Hero" (2002,Action) Jet Li X GamesFozdo IgaucuFromBrazil. « n 'PG' oo Tomorrow 'Y7' eowner With David Muir (ABC) Tony LeungChiuWai. (N) cc Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Whacked Out Outdoorsman/Buck NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup:Toyota Owners400 FromRichmond International Race KFXO (10:00) MLBBaseball Atlanta Braves at Paid Program (FOX) Detroit Tigers(N) n (Live) « Sports n 'PG' McNeely way in Richmond, Va. (N)n (Live) « America's Test Martha Stewart's MotorWeek Jaguar Woodwright's ShopRoughCut— Wood-Hometime Using Ask ThisOldHouse ThisOld Housen TheLawrenceWelk KOAB Fons & Porter's Quilting Arts Art Simply Ming n 'G' cc n 'G' 'G' cc Kitchen working n atural stone G G o o Show 'G' (PBS) Love of Quilting Meets Stitch 'G' Cooking School F-Type (N)'G' Joint Pain Relief In Noodle andDoodle The Chica Show(N) Pajanimals (El) 'Y' NewsChannel 8 at NewsChannel 8at KGW NHL HockeyNewJersey Devils at NewYork Rangers FromMadison Square Garden in NewYork. (N) n (Live) « Just 7 Days! (EI) 'Y' (EI) 'Y' 5:30PM(N) (NBC) 5PM (N) « N * * * ABig Fish KTVZDT2ChatRoom n (El) On the Spot (N) n Star Wars: The CloneWars Luminaraand Tyler Perry's House Tyler Perry's House Tyler Perry's Meet Tyler Perry's Meet ** "Quest for Camelot (1998) Voicesof Jessalyn Gilsig. Ani(CW) 'G' oo (El) 'G' oo Anakin act asdecoys. 'PG' of Payne of Payne the Browns 'PG' the Browns 'PG' mated. A pluckygirl seeks thesword Excalibur. (2003) « OPBPL (11:00) AmericanExperience n 'PG Wild! Southernright whales. 'G' or Nat u re The Loneliest Animals n 'PG' A Walk in the Park With Nick Richard Bangs' SouthAmerica: Quest Essential Pepin Cooking Class
Flipping Boston The flippers renovate The First 48TheKiler SpeaksA serial The Killer Speaks IceCold: Levi KingCon The Killer SpeaksFour left deadin a kiling The Killer Speaks Amanunleashes his American Hoggers American Hoggers 'pG' cc Pete's pizzashop. 'PG' cc killer shares his thoughts. '14' oo victed killer Levi Kingspeaks. '14' spree. '14' or murderousrage.'14' or Nemesis 'PG' ***"Magnum Force" (1973,CrimeDrama) Clint Eastwood,HalHolbrook, DavidSoul. "Dirty Harry" investi Rawhide Incident ofthe ChubascoTyranni- Rawhide Motheranddaughter heldcap- Rawhide Drovers andoutlaw share the 'AMC (11:30) Rawhide cal manseeks his wife. 'PG' tive.'PG' desert. 'PG' gates gangland-stylemurders. « *ANPL To Be Announced To Be Announced BRAVO Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Bravo's Top 10Weddings '14' Tabatha Tk-Ovr (3:45) TabathaTakes Over '14' Tabatha Tk-Ovr Don't Be Tardy... Don't Be Tardy CMT (11:30) Hot 20Countdown CelebratingWilie Nelson'sbirthday.(N) 'PG' « Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt Dog'sNewTricks '14' « Guntucky n '14 Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded ** "Footloose" (1984)Kevin Bacon. CNBC Paid Program I n sanity Workout Get Sub D Paid Program WEN Hair Care Paint Like A Pro Paid Program I n sanity WorkoutThe Car Chasers Treasure Detectives CNN To Be Announced Sanjay Gupta, MD CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N)(Live) White HouseCorrespondents' Dinner Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown R N R N R N ** Ccneheads (1993, ** ldiocracy (2006, Comedy) COM ** * C/ue/ess (1995, Comedy)Alicia Silverstone, StaceyDash. cc Comedy)DanAykroyd, JaneCurtin. « LukeWilson, MayaRudolph. cc COTV Paid Program P aid Program P a id Program P a id Program Paid Program Joy of Fishing A d venture Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW C ity Club of Central Oregon CSPAN (11:00) Washington ThisWeek Communicators Washington ThisW eek *DIS A.N.T. Farm'G ' A.N.T. Farm 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' Good-Charlie Go o d-Charlie Go o d-Charlie Au s tin & Ally 'G'Austin &Ally'G' Austin & Ally'G' Good-Charlie D o g With a Blog *DISC Deadliest Catch Special: Behind Deadliest Catch n '14' oo Deadliest Catch n '14' oo Deadliest Catch n '14' oo Backyard Oil 'PG' Backyard Oil 'PG' Sons of Guns UnderSiege'14' oo *E! The Soup '14' M a r ried to Jonas Kardashians Interview What Would Ryan Married to Jonas Ready for Love MeetBenandErnesto Benand Ernestomeetthe women.'14 Kardashians Interview ESPN (9:00) 2013NFLDraft From RadioCity MusicHall in NewYork. (N)(Live) oo NBA Basketball IndianaPacers at Atlanta Hawks(N)(Live) oo ESPN2 NHRADragRacing O'Reilly Auto Parts SpringNationals, Qualifying(N) « SportsNation (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) « 2013 NFLDraft (N) (Live)a« Track and Field DrakeRelays (N) *** "CatchingHell" (2011,Documentary) « "Boys ofSummer"(2010)« ESPNC Inning by Inning 30 for 30 oo 30for30 oo ESPNN SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter (N) SportsNation SportsCenter « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « 2 N ** "Race loWitchMountain"(2009)DwayneJohnson,AnnaSophiaRobb ** "TheLittle Rascals" (1994,Comedy)Travis Tedford, BugHall FAM (11:30) ** 102 Da/matians (2000) Glenn Close Gnomeo-Juliet FNC America's NewsHeadquarters (N) C a vuto/Business Cashin' In (N) T he Five (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) F O X Report (N) Huckabee(N) 'FOOD Chopped AussieAwesome Chef Marks Mystery Diners Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant Stakeout Diners, Drive Di n ers, Drive Iron Chef America Coravs. Smith R ** "TheA-TeamN(2010, Action)LiamNeeson,Bradley Cooper, Jessica Biel. FormerSpecial Forcessoldiers forma rogue unit FX (11:30) * Max Payne"(2008, Action) MarkWahlberg. UFC 159:Jones vs. Sonnen •Prelims HGTV House Crashers House Crashers Love It or List It 'G' « Curb Appeal 'G' Curb Appeal 'G' Income Property Marko &Jackie 'G IncomePropertyJason& Pekyn 'G' Income Property Mike 8Vita n 'G' *HIST How the StatesGotTheir Shapes H o w the StatesTheir Got Shapes How the StatesGotTheir Shapes H o w the StatesTheir Got Shapes How the StatesGot Their Shapes How the StatesGot Their Shapes Knew" (2006,Drama)Tilda Swinton, AmberTamblyn. « LIFE *** "What She ** "She's Tooyoung" (2004)Marcia GayHarden,Alexis Dziena. '14' « ** "Terrorinthe Family" (1996)Joanna Kerns, DanLauria. 'PG' « MSNBC (11:00) MSNBC Live (N) Why PlanesCrash: Bracefor Impact Why Planes Crash: Breaking Point Why Planes Crash: HumanError Why PlanesCrash: Collision Course MTV Teen Mom 2 n 'PG' Teen Mom 2Fall to Pieces n 'PG' Teen Mom 2 n 'PG Teen Mom 2Don't BeCruel n 'PG Teen Mom 2SweetDreamsn 'PG' Teen Mom 2 n 'PG NICK Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Power Rangers SpongeBob Odd Parents O d d Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents Fred 2:Nightofthe Living Fred" (2011) n 'PG' « SpongeBob The Will: Family Secrets Revealed n The Will: Family Secrets Revealed n The Will: Family Secrets Revealed n The Will: Family Secrets Revealed n The Will: Family Secrets Revealed n OWN The Will: Family Secrets Revealed n Pac-12 Football in 60 PAC12 (11:00)Spring Football (N)(Live) College Baseball StanfordatOregon(N) (Live) Spring Football (N)(Live) SPIKE Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Gonein Sixty N 2 SYFY (11:00) "SharkZone" (2003) « ** MalibuShark Attack" (2009)PetaWilson, ReneeBowen. « Super Shark" (2011,ScienceFiction) JohnSchneider, JimmieWalker. « * 2 HeadedSharkAttack" (2012) TBN Paws & Tales Chr. World News ** "TheWager" (2007)RandyTravis, Nancy Stafford In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley 'G (El) Heroes & Legends of Bible Future Tense G a ither: Precious Memori e s A ** "Life as WeKnowltR(2010, Romance-Comedy)KatherineHeigl, JoshDuhamel,JoshLucas. Antagonists Everybody Loves Friends n '14' oo Friends n '14' oo Friends n '14' oo Friends n '14' oo *TBS (10:30) *** Something's GottaGive must worktogether to raisetheir goddaughter. «(DVS) Raymond n 'PG' (2003) JackNicholson. « ** "TheMonsterThatChallengedthe World" (1957) TimHolt. **** "Giant" (1956, Drama) Elizabeth (12:15) *** "TheIncredible ShrinkingMan" (1957,Science Fic- (I:45) *** "Five MillionYearsto Earth" (1967) JamesDonald, AndrewKeir. Ancient TCM alien life formsare unearthed in London's subways. Monstrousmollusksterrorize California. Taylor, RockHudson. « tion) GrantWiliams,RandyStuart. « 'TLC My First Home (N) My First Home (N) Undercover Boss GSICommerce 'PG' Undercover Boss n 'PG' « Undercover Boss ChoiceHotels 'PG Undercover BossChicagoCubs'PG' Undercover Boss Baja Freshn 'PG (11:00) NBABasketball Brooklyn Nets atChicago Bulls Eastern NBA Basketball LosAngelesClippers at Memphis Grizzlies WesternConference First Round,game4. From Law I Order PrivilegedAlcoholic accused Law & Order CruelandUnusual Autistic 'TNT ConferenceFirst Round,game4. FromChicago. Memphis,Tenn.(N) (Live) oo of killing couple. n 'PG' dies after therapy. n 'PG' "TOON Johnny Test 'Y7' Johnny Test 'Y7' Johnny Test 'Y7 World of Gumball World of Gumball World of Gumball MAD 'PG' Incredible Crew Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time Regular Show 'TRAV Man v. Food 'PG' Man v. Food 'G' Man v Food Man v Food Sl Swimsuit 2013 'PG'Oo Airport 24/7: Mi Airport 24/7: Mi Airport 24/7: Mi A irport 24/7: Mi Street Foods International 'G' « TVLND The CosbyShow The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The CosbyShow Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' R USA *** B/ood Diamond" (2006)LeonardoDiCaprio. Twomenjoin in a quest to recover a priceless gem.« NCIS Suspect ispresumeddead. '14 NCIS Reopenedinvestigation. n 'PG' N CIS An agent is gunned down. '14 ** "TheKarateKid Part ll! N (1989, Drama)RalphMacchio, Noriyuki RPatR Morita. n oo I'm Married to A... A sexologist. '14 VH1 Movie n *A&E
ENCR An Unfinished Life (12:20) ** "TheButterfly Effect" 2004 AshtonKutcher. n 'R' « N R FMC ** Mona LisaSmile 2003 JuliaRoberts. Aprofessor challenges herfemale students in 1953. FUEL UFC ReloadedUFC145: Jonesvs. Evans GOLF LPGA Tour Golf NorthTexas Shootout, Third RoundFromIrving, Texas. (N)(Live)
(2:20) ** RyanHelsing 2004, FantasyHughJackman. n 'PG-13' « ** "LittleBlack Book" 2004Brittany Murphy, Holly Hunter. 'PG-13' «
(4:40) *"TheBenchwarmersR2006 David Spade. « FXM Presents * * * NMarley & Me"2008'PG' «
UFC159:Jonesvs.SonnenW eigh-in UFC Countdown Strangers Strangers Golf Central (N) PGA Tour Golf Zurich Classic ofNewOrleans, Third Round HALL (11:00) "Love ls aFourLetter Word" "Operation Cupcake" (2012)DeanCain, KristySwanson. 'G' « * * * RDad'sHome"(2010)DavidJames Elliott, Sharon Case.'PG' « The WishingWe//2 (2010) 'PG' « R 2 *** "Dolphin Tale" 2011 'PG'm HBO (12:15) ** RRedTails"2012, Historical DramaCubaGooding JrN Nate Parker. n 'PG-13' cc ** E/ektra 2005 JenniferGarner. n 'PG-13' cc (4:15) AnApology to Elephants 'PG' IFC Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. *** "Lethal Weapon"1987'R * * * RShaun MAX (11:10) *"ThisMeans lyarN 2012 n (12:50) *** "CapeFear"1991,SuspenseRobert DeNiro. n 'R' cc ofth eDead"2004 SimonPegg.'R'« (4:40) * RChernobyl Diaries" 2012Ingrid Bols Berdal. 'R NBCSN 2013 NewYork Auto Show (N)'G MLS Soccer ChicagoFire at Montreal ImpactFromSaputoStadium in Montreal. (N)(Live) NHL Live (N)(Live) NHL HockeyDetroit RedWings at Dallas Stars(N) n (Live) « Alaska StateTroopers'14 Alaska StateTroopers '14 NGC Alaska State Troopers'14 Alaska StateTroopers '14 Alaska StateTroopers '14' Alaska StateTroopers'14' NTOON DannyPhantom Danny Phantom The Penguins The Penguins W i l d Grinders 'Y7' Wild Grinders 'YNFL 7' RushZone NFL Rush Zone Avatar: Airbender Avatar: Airbender Avatar: Airbender Avatar: Airbender OUTD Fishing University Lindners Fish Hook-N-Look Trevor Gowdy The Bassmasters ClassicDay3 Pt. I Outdoors Flyrod Chronicles Buccaneers Pro TeamJournal Gridiron Outdoors Steve's Outdoor ** "Paycheck" 2003 BenAffleck SHO (11:45) ** "Legal/y Blonde 2:Red, White& Blonde" n (I:20) TheWorld According to Dick Cheney'MA' (3:10) ** "TheIron Lady"2011,BiographyMeryl Streep. n 'PG-13' « SPEED Continental Tire SportsCarChallenge SPEED Center (N) NASCARRaceDay(N) (Live) Monster Jam (N) On the Edge(N) Viper: Soul Survivor'PG R STARZ ** "The Votv 2012, Romance Rachel McAdams. n 'PG-13' « (I:50) ** "ResidentEvil: Retribution" 2012 n 'R' « (3:35) ** "Underworld: Awakening" 2012 n 'R' « (5:10) "UndertheTuscanSun"2003 2 2 ***"The King's Speech"2010Colin Firth. n 'R' « TMC (11:35) ** "The BigEmpty" 2003 (1:10) "All GoodThings" 2010,Mystery RyanGosling. n 'R' « * /Don't KnowHowShe Does lt 2011'PG-13' oo "WE Bridezillas Megan & Carlos '14' cc Bridezillas Carlos & Jennifer '14' Charmed ColekidnapsPhoebe.'14' C h armed Centennial Charmed n '14' C h armed HouseCall n 'PG' cc Charmed n 'PG' cc
THE BULLETIN «APRIL 27 — MAY 3, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
KATU Newsat 6 Cindy Crawford on Jeopardy! 'G' « Wheel of Fortune Bet on Your Baby Achild has90sec 'Q' cc ageless skin onds to pick uptoys. (N) 'PG' (ABC) (N) n cc KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel21NBCNightly NewsJeopardy! 'G' cc Wheel of Fortune The Voice TheBattles, Part4The battle 'Q' cc (NBC) at 6 (N) cc (N) cc rounds continue. 'PG' cc KBNZ Q Q O O Burn Notice QuestionAnswer 8 The New Adventures New Adventures Mayweather (N) n '14' « team mustrescue achild. 'PG' (CBS) of Old Christine of Old Christine Bet on Your Babychil Ad has90sec KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat Entertainment Tonight (N) n « onds to pick uptoys. (N) 'PG' (ABC) 6:00 (N) « 6:3 0 (N) « KFXO III IEI @ IE! (4:00) NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup:ToyotaOwners400FromRichmond Interna- CSE Miami Freaks&TweaksAddict's (FOX) tional Raceway in Richmond, Va.(N) n (Live) « home.n 14 cc KOAB ~ gy ~ gy (5:30) The Law- Last of the Sum- Art Wolfe's Trav- Rick Steves' Eu- Globe Trekker Cajamarca,Peru;Lima (PBS) rence Welk Show mer Wine n 'G' els to the Edge rope 'G' cc Per u; El Misti. n 'G' NBC Nightly News Straight Talk I n s ide Edition G rants Getaways The VoiceBattl Thees, Part 4 The battle KGW 'PG' Weekend 'PG' (NBC) (N) cc roundscontinue. 'PG' « KTVZDT2 @ ~ g) @ (5:30) *** "Big Fish"(2003, Drama)EwanMcGregor, Albert Finney,Bily Crudup. Cheaters Hehasmorethan a gambling A youngmaninvestigates hisfather's tall tales. « addiction. (N) n '14' « (CW) OPBPL 175 173 G r ace Kelly: American Princess M u sic Makers U nderground Legends & Lyrics n 'G' cc KATU
*** "Overthe Hedge"(2006) Voicesof BruceWilis. Premiere. Animated. A rac KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Castle Head Case'PG' coon tells fellowanimalsabout a newfood source. n cc (N)n cc Smash TheProducersJimmythreatens Saturday Night Live Host AnneHatha- NewsChannel 21 (11:29) Saturday "Hit List's" future. '14' way; Rihannaperforms.'14' at11 (N) « Nig h t Live '14' Criminal Minds A killer in Miamitargets 48 Hours (N) n « KOIN Local 6at11 (11:35) Baggage '14' cc prostitutes. '14' «(DVS) (N) cc *** "Overthe Hedge"(2006) Voicesof BruceWilis. Premiere. Animated. A rac KEZI 9 Newsat Paid Program 11:00 (N) cc coon tells fellowanimalsabout a newfood source. n « Bones Themurder of anaspiring singer. News Channel 21 Two and aHalf The Following TheEndIs Near An FBI n '14' cc First on FOX M en 'PG' cc official is abducted. n (PA)'14' As TimeGoes By AsTimeGoesBy New TricksQueenandCountrySandra Masterpiece Mystery! A blackmaipl l ot 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Pullmanexplores cover-up. gone wrong. n 'PG' Smash TheProducersJimmythreatens Saturday Night Live Host AnneHatha NewsChannel 8 at (11:29)Saturday "Hit List's" future. '14' Night Live '14' way; Rihannaperforms.'14' 11(N) cc Cops n '14' cc Cops n '14' cc That '70s Show That '70s Show The Jeremy Kyle ShowDrug-addict Roller Disco'PG' Baby Fever 'PG' Martin returns tothe show.(N) 'PG' Austin City Limits Coldplay n 'PG' ** * "Charade" (1 963, Suspense)Cary Grant, AudreyHepburn.
Storage Wars Storage Wars «Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars American Hoggers AmericanHoggers (11:01)American (11:31) American 3 28 1 8 32 American American 'PQ' cc Hoggers'PQ' cc Hoggers Storage 'PQ' cc Wars 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Hoggers 'PG' Hoggers 'PG' ** "Swordfish"(2001,Suspense) JohnTravolta, HughJackman, Halle Berry. An *** "TheItalianJob" (2003, CrimeDrama) MarkWahlberg,CharlizeTheron, EdwardNorton. Athief ** "TheSentinel" (2006)Michael Douglas. A SecretService 'AMC ex-con computerhacker ispulled into a high-tech heist. « and his crewplanto steal backtheir gold. CC agent becomesamurdersuspect.« *ANPL 68 50 26 38 ToBeAnnounced My Cat FromHell n 'PG My Cat FromHell (N) n 'PG My Cat FromHell n 'PG My Cat FromHell: Scratch Tracks My Cat From Hell n 'PG BRAVO 13 Married to Medicine '14 Married to Medicine '14' Howto Lose 4 4 (6:15) Married to Medicine '14 (9:15) **"Howto Losea Guyin 10 Days" (2003)Kate Hudson,MatthewMcConaughey "BlueCollar ComedyTour: Onefor the Road"'14 CMT 190 32 42 53 (5:00) ** "Footloose" (1984)Kevin Bacon. n « Dog and Beth: Onthe HuntDog'sNewTricks n '14' My Big RedneckVacation (N) 'PG' After Show CNBC 54 36 40 52 TheSuzeOrmanShow(N) « TheCarChasers Treasure Detectives The SuzeOrmanShow m The Car Chasers Quit Your Job! Montel Williams CNN 55 38 35 48 White HouseCorrespondents' Dinner 2013(N) (Live) Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown White HouseCorrespondents' Dinner 2013 Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Jeff Dunham: Minding ** "Dumb & Dumber" (1994) COM 13 53 135 47 ** "Dinner for Schmucks" (2010,Comedy) Steve Carell, Paul Rudd. cc Gabriel Iglesias: Aloha Fluffy (N) '14' cc COTV 11 Talk of the Town Local issues. Des e rt Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Talk of the TownLocal issues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington ThisWeek W ashington ThisWeek 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin & Ally n Gravity Falls 'Y7' Gravity Falls 'Y7' Gravity Falls 'Y7' *** "Monsters, lnc." (2001), Billy Crystal n « (9:40) Jessie 'G Austin 8 Ally 'G' Austin 8 Ally n Austin & Ally 'G' Austin & Ally 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 Sonsof GunsHangfire'14' cc MythBusters Dodge aBullet n 'G MythBusters DuelDilemmas'PG' M y thBusters Hail Hijinx 'PG' cc Mythgusters DuctTapePlane'PG' MythBusters Dodgea Bullet n 'G' *E! ** "Stick lt" (2006,Comedy-Drama)Jeff Bridges, MissyPeregrym What-Ryan Ma r ried to Jonas 13 25 Wha t-Ryan Married to Jonas E! News Fashion Police '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 NBABasketball NBABasketballOklahomaCityThunderatHoustonRockets(N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 TrackandField BaseballTonight(N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)mc NBA Tonight (N) NBA Face to Face NBA Tonight *** "Catching Hell(2011) " « "Boys ol Summer"(2010,Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (5:00) "Boysol Summ er" (2010) Boys ol Summer"(2010, Documentary) « H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Highlight Express(N) (Live) *** "The Lion King"(1994, Musical) Voicesof RowanAtkinson ** "Happy Gilmore" (1996) FAM 67 29 19 41 (5:30)**"Gnomeoand Juliet"(2011), EmilyBlunt (7:25)*"yogi Bear"(2010)Voicesof DanAykroyd. FNC 57 61 36 50 Justice With JudgeJeanine(N) Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc Red Eye(N) Justice With JudgeJeanine Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc Red Eye *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Chopped Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Giving You the Business Restaurant: Impossible Iron Chef America Coravs. Smith *** "The Fighter"(2010, Drama)MarkWahlberg, Christian Bale,AmyAdams *** "Iron Man" (2008,Action) RobertDowneyJr., Terrence Howard. FX 131 UFC 159: Prelims Two/Half Men HGTV 17 49 33 43 House Hunters Hunters Int'I House Hunters Hunters Int'I Love Itor Listlt'G' « Love It or List It 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I House Hunters Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 HowtheStatesGotTheirShapes Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 "StolenChild"(2011) EmmanuelleVaugier, Corbin Bernsen. « "A Sister's Revenge" (2013,Suspense) Brooke Burns. Premiere. « "DirtyTeacher" (2013)Josie Davis, Cameron DeaneStewart. '14' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Lockup: Raw L o ckup White HouseCorrespondents Lockup Lockup Lockup: RawIt's Complicated Lockup: Raw APrivate Hell MTV 192 22 38 57 TeenMom2HardKnocksn'PG Girl Code n '14' Ke$ha: MyCrazy Teen Mom 2 n 'PG' Teen Mom 2SoMuchto Lose 'PG' Teen Mom 2Change of Heart 'PG Teen Mom 2 n 'PG NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob Marvtn Marvrn(N) n 'G' cc SupahNinjas'G' Supah Ninjas'G The Nanny'PG' The Nanny'PG Friends n '14' (11:33) Friends The Will: Family Secrets Revealed lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG' « lyanla, Fix MyLife (N) n 'PG' Raising Whitley Life, La Toya lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG'a« a OWN 161 103 31 103 TheWill: Family Secrets Revealed Pac-12SpringFootball Report(N) PAC12 47 310310310(5:00) SpringFootball (N)(Live) College Softball California atArizonaState (N)(Live) Spring Football ** "National Treasure:Bookol Secrets" (2007,Action) NicolasCage, JonVoight. Premiere. n * "Season oitheWitch" (2011) SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (5:30) * "Gone in Sixty Seconds" (2000,Action) NicolasCage.n SYFY 13 35 133 45 (5:00) * "2HeadedSharkAttack" "SwampShark" (2011, Suspense) Kristy Swanson, D.B.Sweeney. « Swamp Volcano" (2012)RachelHunter, BradDourif. « «StonehengeApoca/ypse" (2010) *** "ThePassionoithe Christ" (2004, Drama)Jim Caviezel, Monica Bellucci TBN 205 60 130 Hour of Power Billy GrahamClassic Crusades Miracles of the Passion Virtual Memory Tile Klng of Tll e BI9 Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Men at Work Who Gets the Last 'TBS 16 27 11 28 Tile KI09 of Queens n 'PG' Queens n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n 'PG Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Downshift '14 Laugh? '14' (5:00) **** "Giant" (1956,Drama)ElizabethTaylor, RockHudson, JamesDean. GeorgeStevens (8:45) *** "RioBravo" (1959,Western)JohnWayne, Dean Martin, RickyNelson. Sheriff anddeputies (11:15) ** "TheManitou" (1978) Tony TCM 01 44 101 29 Oscar-winningportrait of feudingTexans. « try to hold rancher's brother in jail. « Curtis, SusanStrasberg. « *TLC 17 34 32 34UndercoverBossMGM Grand'PG' Undercover Bossn ' PG'« Epic Rys (N) n 'G'ac a c Four Houses (N) n 'PQ' cc Insane Bathrooms (N)'PG' « Epic Rys n 'G' « ** "TheNextThreeDays" (2010, Suspense) Russell Crowe,Elizabeth Banks, Brian Dennehy. Pre(9:45) ** "TheNextThreeDays" (2010, Suspense) Russell Crowe, ElizabethBanks, Brian Dennehy.A *TNT 17 26 15 27 Law&OrderLogandealswithre pressedmemories. n '14' miere. A man plans to break hiswife out of prison. «(DVS) man plans tobreak his wifeout of prison. «(DVS) *A&E
*TOON 84 Regular Show Regular Show * * * "Shrek" (2001, Comedy)Voicesof Mike Myers, EddieMurphy *TRAV 17 51 45 42 FastFoodsGoneGlobal'PG FastFoods GoneGlobal'PG' Mysteries at the Museum'PG
Venture Bros. Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Cleveland Show BlackDynamite The Boondocks Mysteries at the Museum'PG' Gho s t Adventures 'PG' « Ghost AdventuresTorHouse'PG' TVLND 65 47 29 35 Roseanne 'PG' The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens USA 15 30 23 30 NCISSee No Eviln'PG' cc NCIS Minimum Security 'PG' « NCIS Blackwater n 'PG' « NCISLove & Warn'14' « NCIS Jurisdiction n 'PG' « * G I Joe The Rrseof Cobra VH1 191 48 37 54 Off Pitch n 'PG' Jenny McCarthy Mob Wives n '14' cc Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14' T.l . and Tiny T. l . and Tiny * * " y ou Got Served" (2004) MarquesHouston, OmariGrandberry. n ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
** "XXX: State olthe Union" 2005 IceCube. « 106 401 306401(6:10) ** "Dante's Peak"1997 PierceBrosnan. n 'PG-13' « (9:45) **"VanHelsing"2004,FantasyHughJackman,KateBeckinsale.n 'PG-13'« f f f * * * Marley & Me"2008, Comedy-DramaOwenWilson, Jennifer Aniston. 'PG' « ** MonaLisa Smile"2003,DramaJulia Roberts. 'PG-13' « 104204104120(5:00) *** Marley &Me"2008 OwenWilson. 'PG 34 Strangers Str angers Str a ngers Str a ngers Stra ngers Stra ngers Stra ngers Stra ngers UFC Post Fight Show (N) (Live) U F C Post Fight Show 28 301 27 301(3:30) PGATour Golf ZurichClassic of NewOrleans, Third Round Golf Central (N) LPGA Tour Golf NorthTexasShootout, Third RoundFromIrving, Texas In Play
** "E/evatorGirl" (2010)LaceyChabert, Ryan Merriman. 'PG' « ** "TheLost Valentine" (2011) Jennifer LoveHewitt. 'PG' « HALL 66 33 175 33 (5:00)"TheWishing Well" 'PG' "The Magicol Ordinary Days" HBO 425 501 425501 (5:00) *** "Dolphin Tale"2011 ** "lceAge:ContinentalDrift" 2012 'PG' cc Boxing SergioMartinezvs. Martin Murray(N) n cc REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel *** "LethalWeapon2"1989, Action Mel Gibson, DannyGlover, Joe Pesci. 'R *** "LethalWeapon" 1987,Action MelGibson, DannyGlover. 'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) *** "Lethal Weapon"1987MelGibson. 'R * "TheWatch" 2012,ComedyBenStiler. 'R' cc MAX 400 508 508 (6:10) ** "FastFive"2011, Action Vin Diesel, PaulWalker. n 'PG-13' cc (8:20) ** "Rambo:First BloodPart ll" 1985 n 'R The Jump Off NBCSN 27 58 30 209 NHLHockey N H L Live(N) (Live) NHL Hockey SanJoseSharksatLosAngelesKingsFrom StaplesCenterinLosAngeles. NHL Live (N) B o xing Fight Night:TysonFury vs. SteveCunningham King Fishers (N)'PG King Fishers 'PG Alaska StateTroopers'14 Alaska State Troopers '14 NGC 157 15 7 W i cked Tuna'14 Wicked Tuna'14 NTOON 89 115189115 Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Danny Phantom Danny Phantom OUTD 37 307 43 307 Outdoors Trophy Quest Best of West W i ld Skies Hea r tland Bow Your Weapon Ted Nugent A m erican Archer Ivan Carter Sav age Wild W e st. Extremes Best of West ** "Red" 2010,Action BruceWilis, John Malkovich. n 'PG-13' « SHO 500 500 Boxing DannyGarciavs.ZabJudah(N)'PG Boxing 'PG' (5:00) ** "Paycheck" 2003 « SPEED 35 303125303 Test Drive AMA Supercross RacingSalt LakeCity FromRice-Eccles Stadiumin Salt LakeCity, Utah. (N)(Live) NASCARV.L. Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge RoadAtlanta STARZ 300408300408 (5:10) "Underthe TuscanSun" n (7:10) ** "The Vow"2012RachelMcAdams.n 'PG-13'« TMC 525 525 Ki n g's Speech ** "D ieAnotherDay" 2002,Action Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry. n 'PG.13' « *WE
14 41 174118Charmedn'PG' cc
Charmed Baby'sFirst Demon'PG' Charmed Lucky Charmedn 'PG'
*** "TheAmazingSpider-Man" 2012,Action AndrewGarfield. n 'PG-13' « Underworld Botched"2007 StephenDorff. n 'NR' « (10:35) ** "Suspect Zero" 2004Aaron Eckhart. 'R Charmed CatHouse n 'PG' cc Bridezillas Katrina & Janelle '14' Bri dezillas Katrina Lisa & '14
c II • I KATU Good Morning America (N) cc
(ABC) KTVZ Paid Program
'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary.
KATU News This Morning - Sun(N) rr «
Paid Program
II Your Voice, Your NBA Countdown Vote (N) (Live) The Chris MatthewsReal Green(N) 'Q' cc Show 'G' Paid Program Paid Program
TodayTheWhi teHouseCorrespondents Meet the Press (N)'G' cc dinner. (N) rr « Face the Nation (N) n « KBNZ Gary Lewis' Adven CBS NewsSunday Morning (N) n « (CBS) ture Journal Paid Program Good Morning America (N) « This WeekWith GeorgeStephanopoulos Today's HomNBA Countdown KOHD Paid Program (N) 'G' cc eowner (ABC) (N) (Live) Paid Program A n imal Rescue (N) The RealWinning FOX NewsSunday With Chris Wallace Teen KidsNews(N) Paid Program KFXO Paid Program
'Q' cc n'PG' cc Edge 'G' cc Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder 'Y' KOAB Betsy's Kindergar Angelina Ballerina: Mister Rogers' D a niel Tiger's Neighborhood Y Neighborhood 'Y' Y ©c (DVS) (PBS) ten Adventures Next cc (DVS) NewsChannel 8 atSunrise at 7:00 AM(N) « KGW NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise (N) «
'Q' cc
NBA Basketball NewYorkKnicks at BostonCeltics EasternConferenceFirst Round game 4.FromBoston. (N) (Live) « Paid Program P a id Program H i p Hop Abs Pa i d Program PGA Tour Golf Champions:Liberty MutualLegendsof Golf, Final RoundFromSavan
nah, Ga.(N)(Live) « NBA Basketball NewYorkKnicks at BostonCeltics EasternConferenceFirst Round, game 4.FromBoston. (N) (Live) « Paid Program Paid Program Entertainers: With Byron Allen n 'PG' cc
Rick Steves' EuropeArt Wolfe's Travels Nature JungleEagleHarpy eagle inSouth NOVA Large anddangerous reptiles. n l1 'G' cc 'PQ' cc Americanjungle. n 'G' to the Edge MeetthePress(N) G cc Dr. Ordon's Secret! Paid Program Laura McKenzie's Paid Program 'PG' Traveler 'G' « (NBC) Paid Program P a id Program P a id Program I nTouch With Dr. Charles Stanley The Key of David 'PG' Montel cc Williams Paid Program Animal Science n Elizabeth's Great KTVZDT2 ToPChef Meals! Paid Program 'PG' (El) 'G' cc (CW) Courage to Obey(N)rr 'G' « Big World OPBPL organic-michele Changing Seas n The Aviators 'G' Bird's Blue World Between, Lines The Back Page Just Seen It 'PG' *** "Champagnefor Caesar" (1950)RonaldColman, Celeste Holm. Masterpiece
Insanity Workout 'G' Cindy Crawford on Criminal Minds InHeat J.J. meets acol- Criminal Minds SevenSeconds Achild is Criminal MindsTheCrossingThwarting a Criminal Minds Thebodyof a kidnapped Criminal Minds Pursuing akiler whotar ageless skin lea gue. n '14' cc abducted at amall. 'PG' cc stalker n 14 cc woman is found. n 14 cc gets women. n '14' cc Mad Men Don andPetegoagainstRoger. Mad MenToHaveandtoHoldAnold (8:04) TheKilling Keylela Investigation (9:03) The Killing Stantakesmatters into (10:02) ** "TheSentinel" (2006, Suspense)Michael Douglas, Kiefer Sutherland, Kim 'AMC '14' cc friend visits Joan. « goes back tothe casino. n '14' cc his cwn hands. n '14' « Basinger. ASecret Service agentbecomesa murder suspect. sc *ANPL The Most Extreme The Most Extreme Weird, True Wei r d, True Unt amed and Uncut n '14' cc To Be Announced BRAVO The Kandi Factory '14' The Kandi Factory '14' The Real Housewives of Atlanta '14' VanderpumpRules '14' The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Shahs of Sunset LostFootage'14' CMT CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music 'PG' Hot 20 Countdown CNBC Cook Safe Insanity! 'G' Paid Program Paid Program Montel Williams Paid Program Cook Safe Paid Program Paid Program I n sanity! 'G' Healing Power of Juicing 'G' CNN State of the Union Fareed ZakariaGPS(N) Reliable Sources (N) « State ofthe Union Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom(N) (Live) Oll" (1986) MatthewBroderick, AlanRuck. cc COM Sexy Abs 'G' L e s Mills Combat Henry Rifles WEN Hair Care * * * "Ferris Bueller's Day (10:15) ** "ldiocracy" (2006,Comedy) LukeWilson, MayaRudolph. cc COTV (5:30) City Club ofCentral Oregon D e sert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing A d venture Journal Get Outdoors V i s ions of NW Paid Program P a id Program Paid Program P aid Program CSPAN (4:00) Washington Journal Newsmakers Washington ThisWeek Washington ThisWeek *DIS Octonauts n 'Y Mickey Mouse M i ckey Mouse Doc McStuffins Y Never Land Sof i a the First 'Y' *** "Monsters, lnc." (2001) Voices ofJohnGoodman Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Austin & Ally 'G' *DISC Fat Loss The Key of David Paid Program n Paid Programn (7:58) Joel Osteen (8:27) In Touch'G' Deadliest Catch TheBeginning 'PG Deadliest Catch n 'PG' cc MythBusters BugSpecial 'PG' cc *E! Supersmile Cindy Crawford Ready for Love MeetBenandErnesto BenandErnesto meetthe women.'14 Kardashians Interview W hat Would Ryan TheSoup '14' E! News(N) ESPN Outside the Lines Sports Reporters SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter Special (N) (Live)cc ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) cc Outside the Lines Sports Reporters E:60 Baseball Tonight NHRADrag Racing SportsmanSeries NHRA Drag Racing *** "TheJackie RobinsonStory" (1950) « *** "CatchingHell" (2011,Documentary) « ESPNC Bassmaster s From Orange,Texas Bassmasters From Bull Shoals,Ark. 30for30 cc ESPNN Highlight Express NBA Tonight Hi g hlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ** "Snow Dogs"(2002,Comedy)CubaGooding Jr., JamesCoburn, Sisqo FAM Joseph Prince 'G' The Sunday Mass Boy Meets World ** "101 Dalmalians" (1996,Adventure) GlennClose, Jeif Daniels Legend-Grdians FNC (3:00) FOX Housecall (N) A merica's NewsHeadquarters (N) A m erica's News Headquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday and Friends Sunday(N) News HQ 'FOOD Floor Appeal Paid Program Rachael Ray's Week in aDay'G ' Gia da at Home T r isha's Southern Pioneer Wo. Be s t Dishes Not My Mama Guy's Big Bite (N) Sandwich King (N) Best- Made *** "Spider-Man 2"(2004,Action) Tcbey Maguire. PeterParkerfights a manwhc has mechanical tentacles. FX Paid Program Paid Program (10:04) ** "Spider-Man3" (2007, Action) TobeyMaguire, KirstenDunst HGTV Paid Program WEN Hair Care House Hunters Renovation 'G' « Hous e Hunters Renovation 'G' « House Hunters Renovation 'G' cc House Hunters Renovation 'G' cc Property Brothers Matt &Krysten 'G' *HIST Knife Supersmile Modern Marvels Wild Bill Hickok. 'G ' V i k ings Rites of Passage'14' cc Vikings Wrath ofthe Northmen'14' Vikings Dispossessed'14' cc Vikings Trial '14' cc LIFE Mom Looks 27 Paid Program I n Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley 'G' Get Sub D David Jeremiah Joel Osteen 'PG' Cindy Crawford The Client List '14' « "HeLovesMe" (2011)'14' « MSNBC (5:00) UpwlSteve Kornacki (N ) Meli ssa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends With Alex Witt (N) Meet the Press cc MTV Teen Mom 2OneStep Backn 'PG TeenMom 2Kailynsignsacustodyagreement.n 'PG' Ke$ha: MyCrazy Girl Code n '14' Awkward. n '14 TeenMom 2BestLaidPlansn 'PG' Teen Mom 2Curveball n 'PG' NICK Rugrats n 'Y' R u grats n 'Y' O d d Parents Od d Parents Po wer Rangers SpongeBob SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob TeenageMut. M o nsters, Alien Dr. Phil Bickeringsiblings. 'PG' a« Dr. Phil n 'PG' « Dr. Phil n 'PG' acc OWN Dr. Philn'PG' « Super Soul Sunday n 'PG'a« Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' « Pac-12 Spring Football Report PAC12 Pac-12 Spring Football Report Spring Football Women's CollegeTennis Pac-12Championships; Singles (N)(Live) SPIKE Hip Hop Abs n Paid Program n Paid Program n Paid Programn Sexy Abs n 'G' Insanity! Xtreme 4x4 n 'G HorsepowerTV Trucks! 'G' « Mu s cleCar n 'G' Repo Games 'PG' Bar Rescue 'PG' ** "Eight LeggedFreaks" (2002)DavidArquette. « SYFY Cook Safe Paid Program No Defrosting New Keurig No Defrosting Cook Safe Total Blackout Defiance TBN Kingdom Conn David Jeremiah Kenneth Hagin Winning Walk 'G' A Miracle For You Redemption 'G' Love/Finding In Touch 'PG' P o werPoint « It I s Written 'G' B a yless Conley Time-Change HomeImprovement Friends TheLast Friends TheLast Fnends Pilot n Who Gets the Last Men at WorkDown- MLB Baseball Toronto BlueJaysat NewYork Yankees FromYankee Stadium inthe *TBS Married... With Chil Married... With Chil-'PG' cc 'PG' cc dren n 'PG' dren n 'PG' One 14 cc One '14' cc Laugh? '14' shift '14' Bronx, N.Y.(N)(Live) « (5:00) *** "Love Crazy" (1941)Wiliam *** "13 RueMadeleine" (1946,Suspense)JamesCagney,Annabella, RichardConte ** "GreenFire" (1954,Romance)GraceKelly, Stewart Granger, PaulDouglas. Emerald *** "TheTenderTrap" (1955) Debbie TCM Powell, MyrnaLoy. « A spy tracks adouble agent to Gestapoheadquarters. miner's digginghurts girlfriend's coffee plantation. « Reynolds FrankSinatra « 'TLC Battle Hair Loss Paid Program n Faith-Dr. Frederick K.C. Price Sexiest Bodies of 2013! n « Four Weddings n PG « Four Weddings n 'PG'ac c Four Weddings n 'PG' « Law I Order Savior Amanmayhave kiled Law & Order Deceit Detectivesprobe aga Law & Order AtonementMotive needed in Law & Order Slave Achild settles a drug Law I Order D-Girl Murder caseleads to ** "Invincible"(2006)MarkWahlberg, 'TNT man's murder. rr 'PG' his family. rr 'PG' «(DVS) model's murder. rr 'PG' debt. rr 'PG' «(DVS) Hollywood. '14' «(DVS) Greg Kinnear. Premiere. « "TOON Looney Tunes'Y LooneyTunes Dragons: Ri ders Johnny Test'Y7' Beyblade:Metal Pokemon: BW Ben 10 NinjaGo: Masters Green Lantern T een Titans Go! Tom & Jerry Tales Tom & Jerry Tales 'TRAV Henry Rifles Paid Program When Vacations Attack 'PG' cc Mysteries at the Museum'PG' « Off Limits 'PG' « Mystenes at the Museum PG « Mysteries at the Museum'PG' « TVLND The CosbyShow The CosbyShow (7:12) TheCosby Show n 'G' cc The CosbyShow The Cosby Show The CosbyShow The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne'PG' "Pirates cl theCaribbean" USA No Defrosting Paid Program Cook Safe David Jeremiah Pastor Chris Joe l Osteen 'PG' Psych 'PG' m PsychShawn bondswithWoody.'PG VH1 Jump Start n 'PG' Jump Start n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown n 'PG' The Women of SNL n '14' cc *A&E
"TheThornBirds: TheMissing Years"1996, Drama« ThornBirds (6:05) *** "Holes" 2003,AdventureSigourneyWeaver, ri 'PG' « (8:10) ** "XXX: State cl the Union" 2005,Action Ice Cube. rr 'PG-13' « ** "Fathom" 1967,Action TonyFranciosa. 'NR' « (5:00) *** "OurManFlint" 1966 (8:45) **"S.P.Y.S."1974Donald Sutherland. 'PG' « (10:15) * "ModernProblems"1981, ComedyChevy Chase. 'PG' « UFC Post Fight Show UFC Post Fight Show AMA Supercross RacingSalt LakeCity FromRice-Eccles Stadiumin Salt LakeCity, Utah Boxing EuropeanPGATour Golf Ballantine's Championship,Final RoundFromSouth Korea. (N) Golf Central PG A Tour Golf Golf Central HALL I Love Lucy 'G' I Love Lucy 'G' I Love Lucy 'G' I Love Lucy 'G' I Love Lucy 'G' I Love Lucy 'G' T he Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls ** "Loving Leah" (2009) 'PG' « *** "Shrek 2" 2004Voices cf Mike Myers. 'PG' cc HBO (5:10) ** "JohnnyEnglish Reborn" (8:45) Boxing SergioMartinezvs. Martin Murray n cc 50 Children Dil b ert 'PG' « Dil b ert 'PG' « Out There '14' O u t There '14' Ar r ested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested DevelopArrested Develop. Arrested Develop IFC Pan's Labyrinth D i lbert 'PG' « * "TheWatch" 2012, ComedyBenStiler. n 'R' cc MAX (5:30) ** "Purple Violets"2007 SelmaBlair. 'NR' cc (7:20) ** "The Ring Two"2005, Horror NaomiWatts. n 'NR' cc (11:15) ** "Mn& Mrs. Smith" 2005 NBCSN North to Alaska Sport Fishing Fishing/Martin G o od Fishing FLW Outdoors 'G Gaff Life 'G' Sal t water Exp. A u to Racing F1 36 'PG' Polo Tuna:HookedUpAllForOne Wicked TunaUnchartedTerritory '14 NGC W icked Alaska FishWars GameOn Lockdown WomenBehind Bars'14' L o c kdown Total Control '14' Lockdown FirstTimers n '14 NTOON Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Monsuno: Com. Huntik:Secrets T.U.F.F.Puppy n T.U.F.F.Puppyn T.U.F.F.Puppy n T.U.F.F. Puppyn OUTD Lindners Fish. T r evor Gowdy Spanish Fly Bill Dance Salt Facts of Fishing American Archer Archer's Choice Wardens OperationJustice Buckmaster Clsc Trophy Hunt Ma g num TV ** "The TwilightSaga:BreakingDawnPar!1"2011 Kristen Stewart. « SHO (5:00) ** "Reo «2010 BruceWilis Boxing DannyGarcia vs. ZabJudah 'PG Boxing 'PG SPEED Two GuysGarage My Classic Car My Classic Car Chop Cut Rebuild Viper: Soul Survivor 'PG Barrett-Jackson Special Edition 'PG' Barrett-Jackson Special Edition 'PG' Ultimate Street CarInvitational STARZ Spy Kids 3:Gm (6:45) *** "ThePirates! Bandcl Mislils" 2012 'PG (8:15) *** "TheAmazingSpider-Man" 2012,Action AndrewGarfield. n 'PG-13' cc (10:35) *** "Kill Bill:Vol. 1" 2003UmaThurman. 'R *** "A Better Life"2011 DemianBichir. 'PG-13' « TMC (5:15) "All GoodThings"2010 rr 'R' (8:40) * "AutumninNewYork" 2000, RomanceRichard Gere. r1 'PG-13' (10:25) "DawnRider" 2012DonaldSutherland. 'R' « "WE Sexy Abs 'G Battle Hair Loss Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
THE BULLETIN «APRIL 27 — MAY 3, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD Bend/Redmond/SIsters/Biack Butte (Djgjtal) PM Prjnevjge/Madras SR SunrjveR L LaPjne
600 0 c
l l
Cleaning Secrets CashCab 'G'«This Week WithGeorgeStephanopou KATU Newsat 5 ABC World News 'Ci' (ABC) los (N) 'G' « (N)n cc Ten Minute Work- Hometime 'G' cc Trout TV 'G' Outdoorsman/ Castle Den ofThieves Beckett connects KTVZ out 'G' (NBC) Buck McNeely with a newdetective. n 'PG' Exploration Wl Explore the North- Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CBS Evening KBNZ (CBS) Jarod Miller west News (N) cc JudgeJudy n Judge Joe Brown Inside Edition omg! Insider (N) KEZI 9 Newsat ABC World News KOHD gy gy gy gyNBA Basketball: NBA Basketball MiamiHeatat Milwaukee BucksEastern Conference First Round,game4. From 'PQ' cc n 'PG' Weekend 'PG' cc (ABC) Knicks atCeltics Milwaukee. (N)(Live) « 5:00 (N) « Paid Program * * * "TheLastKingof Scotland" (2006, Biography) ForestWhitaker, JamesMcA Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSE MiamiBodyCount Horatio wit KFXO I(g IEI @ IEI Paid Program (FOX) voy. Thedoctor of Ugandandictator Idi Amin seesatrocities. nesses aprison break. '14' « BBC Newsnight European Journal Think Out Loud Moyers & Company n 'G' « KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Live From Lincoln Center RodgersHamme & rstein's Carousel With the NewYork Philharmonic Rob Above Yellow n 'G' cc n'G' cc Fisher conducts"Carousel." (N) n 'G' cc (PBS) stone 'G' « Northwest Back- Paid Program Equestrian RolexChampionships From Red Bull Signature Series FromAus Mom Is 57,Looks Paid Program Private Practice Acomplicated medical NewsChannel 8 at5PM(N) cc KGW roads 'G' Lexington,Ky.(N) « 27! 'Ci' consultation. n '14' cc (NBC) tria. (N) n « * "Zapped!" (1982,Comedy)Scott Baio,Wilie Aames, FeliceSchachter. Lab ** "TheLongestYard" (2005,Comedy)AdamSandler, Chris Rock.Prisoners KTVZDT2 @ ~ gy @ Live Life and Win! Made in Holly. Made in Hollywood (N) n 'PG' cc (N)'G' wood: Teen explosion giveswhiz kid psychicpowers. « train for a football gameagainst theguards. « (CW) Cook's Country Test Kitchen OPBPL 175 173 (11:30) MasterpieceClassic 'PG NOVAAncient Computer n 'G' Gro w ing BolderMy Generation Burt Wolf Steves' Europe Globe Trekker n 'G' cc(DVS) KATU
NBA Basketball: NBA Basketball MiamiHeatat Milwaukee BucksEastern Conference First Round,game4. From Knicks at Celtics Milwaukee. (N)(Live) « @ @ ~ @ The Best of Greatest Sports Legends: Equestrian RolexChampionships From Red Bull Signature Series FromAus Heroes of the Diamond'PG' Lexington, Ky.(N) cc tria. (N) n cc PGA Tour Golf ZurichClassic of NewOrleans, Final RoundFromAvondale, La.(N) (Live) «
Bates Motel TheTruth Dylanasks Nor- Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars American Hoggers AmericanHoggers American Hoggers American Hoggers 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc man to move inwith him. '14' Job" (2003) MarkWahlberg. A thief and his (10:02) **"The (12:31) ** "Once Upon aTimein Mexico" (2003) Antonio Banderas. ACIAagent ** "Swordfish" (2001,Suspense)JohnTravolta, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry. An *** "The Italian 'AMC ex-con computerhacker ispulled into a high-tech heist. « Sentinel" recruits a gunman to stop anassassination. « crew plan tosteal backtheir gold. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 ToBeAnnounced To Be Announced BRAVO 13 44 Bra vo's Top 10 Weddings '14' Fashion Queens Don't Be Tardy... Married to Medicine '14' Married to Medicine '14' Married to Medicine '14' The Real Housewives of Atlanta ** "BlueCollar ComedyTour: Onefor theRoad" (2006, Comedy)n '14 CMT 190 32 42 53 (11:30) Hot 20Countdown CelebratingWilie Nelson'sbirthday. n 'PG My Big RedneckVacation n 'PG' After Show CNBC 54 36 40 52 Insanity! 'G' Pa i d Program I n sanity Workout Paid Program WEN Hair Care Paid Program Paid Program Insanity Workout Princess Allison On the Money 60 Minutes on CNBC CNN 55 38 35 48 YourMoney(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown COM 13 53 135 47 (12:15) ** "Coneheads"(1993)DanAykroyd, JaneCurtin. « (2:15) ** "Waiting..."(2005)RyanReynoIds, Anna Faris. cc (4:15) *** "FerrisBueller's Day0/f" (1986) MatthewBroderick. « COTV 11 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Joy of Fishing Adv Journal G e t Outdoors Visions of NW City Club of Central Oregon CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (11:00) Washington ThisWeek Newsmakers Washington ThisWeek Q&A 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Jessie'G'« Jess i e'G' « Jess i e'G ' « Shak e ltUp!'G' S hakeltUp!'G' ShakeltUp!'G Good Luck Charlie 'G' « Good-Charlie G ood-Charlie Good-Charlie G ood-Charlie *DISC 15 21 16 37 MythBuSterSDumpSterDiVing'PG' MythBueteren'PG' cc MythBusters n 'G' cc Sons of GunsUnderSiege n '14' Sons of Guns Hangfire '14' cc Backyard Oil n Backyard Oil n *E! ** "StickIt" (2006,Comedy-Drama)Jeff Bridges, MissyPeregrym. What-Ryan Ma r ried to Jonas 13 25 Fas h ion Police '14' Kourtney and KimTake Miami '14' Kourtney and KimTake Miami '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 CollegeBasebal!SouthCarolinaatLSU(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) cc MLB Baseball: Braves atTigers ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (11:00) NHRA Futbol Mexicano Primera Division Pueb la FC vsClubAtlas (N) SportsCenter Special (N) Drag Racing O'Reilly AutoParts SpringNationals (N) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (11:30)30for30 cc Inning by Inning:Ponraif ol a Coach"(2008, Documentary) « 30for30 cc BabeRuth:TheMan,theMythand "Boys of Summer"(2010) cc ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N) SportsNation SportsCenter « SportsCenter ©c * "YogiBear" (2010)Voicesof DanAykroyd. **** "Cinderella" (1950)Voicesof lene Woods. FAM 67 29 19 41 "Legendoflhe Guardians:TheOwls of Ga'Hoole (4:45) *** "PeterPan" (1953, Fantasy)Premiere. FNC 57 61 36 50 Journal Editorial FOX News America's NewsHeadquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday FOX Report(N) Huckabee(N) *FOOD 17 62 98 44 ChefWantedWithAnneBurrell Restaurant: Impossible Giving You the Business Restaurant Stakeout Mystery Diners Mystery Diners Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive FX 131 (10:04) ** "Spider-Man 3"(2007) (1:08) ** "Fantastic FounRiseol the Silver Surfer" (2007) (3:12) *** "The IncredibleHulk" (2008,Action) EdwardNorton, Liv Tyler, Tim Roth HGTV 17 49 33 43 LoveltorListlt'G'« Property Brothers'G' « Property Brothers'G' « Property Brothers'G'cc Property Brothers April 'G' « Property Brothers'G' « *HIST 15 42 41 36 Vikings Raid '14' cc Vikings Burial of theDead'14 Vikings A King'sRansom'14' Vikings Sacrifice '14' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' f f LIFE 13 39 20 31 (11:00) He LovesMe"(2011)'14' ** NifandRun"(1999)Margaret Colin, Lisa Vidal. 'PG' « "TheSurrogate" (2013)CameronMathison, AmyScott. '14' « A Sister's Revenge" (2013) « MSNBC 59 59128 51 MSNBCLive(N) Caught on Camera Caught on CameraBadBehavior ExtremeCaught on Camera: The100th Episode! (N) MTV 192 2238 57 TeenMom2lntensi veCare'PG' TeenMom 2NoLookingBack'PG Teen Mom 2 n 'PG Teen Mom2 LeanonMen 'PG' Teen Mom 2Breaking Point 'PG Teen Mom 2Making Moves'PG' NICK 82 46 2440 OddParents OddParents SpongeBob S p ongeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob Odd Parents O d d Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents Big Time Rush Big Time Rush Oprah Presents Master Class 'PG' Oprah Presents Master Class 'PG' Oprah Presents Master Class 'PG' Oprah's Next Chapter 'PG' « OWN 161 103 31 103 Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' « Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' « PAC12 47 310310310 Women's College Tennis College Softball Utah atStanford(N) (Live) College Softball California atArizonaState (N)(Live) College Tennis SPIKE 132 31 34 46 BarRescue'PG' (12:29)Bar Rescuen'PG (I:35) BarRescue n 'PG (2:41) BarRescue In aPinch n 'PG (3:48) BarRescue n 'PG (4:54) BarRescueMeatSauna'PG' *** "TheLord oftheRings: TheTwoTowers" (2002,Fantasy) Elijah Wood,lan McKellen, Liv Tyler SYFY 13 35 133 45 Eight Leg Frks ** * "I n terview With theVampire" (1994, Horror) TomCruise, Brad Pitt TBN 205 60130 King IsComing Kingdom Conn JohnHagee MarriageToday Joseph Prince Gregory Dickow T.D. Jakes'G' Joyce Meyer Leading theWay TheBlessed Life JoelOsteen'PG' KerryShook Friends n 'PG' cc ** "Lifeas WeKnowIl" (2010, Romance-Comedy)KatherineHeigl, JoshDuhamel, JoshLucas. An ** "EvanAlmighty" (2007)SteveCarell, Morgan Freeman. Godcommands a 'TBS 16 27 11 28 (10:00) MLBBaseball Toronto Blue Jays at NewYorkYankees (N) tagonists mustworktogether to raise their goddaughter. «(DVS) newly electedcongressmanto build anark. «(DVS) "They Live by Night" (1949)Cathy (11:00) *** "TheTende"T"ap" (1955) ** "Can-Can" (1960,Musical) FrankSinatra, Shirley MacLaine. Alawyer defends (3:15) ** "TheAmbassador's Daughter" (1956)Olivia de Haviland. A visiting *** TCM 101 44 101 29 Debbie Reynolds. « the owner of aclub where dancersdothe cancan. senator plans toclose Paris to Americansoldiers. « O'Donnell. « *TLC 17 34 32 34 Four Weddings n 'PG' « My Obsession My Obsession My Obsession My Obsession My Obsession My Obsession My Obsession My Obsession My Obsession My Obsession ** "TheReplacements" (2000,Comedy)KeanuReeves, GeneHackman, OrlandoJones. Misfit substi- NBA Tip-Off (N) NBA Basketball SanAntonio Spursat LosAngeles LakersWestern Conference (11:00) ** "Invincible"(2006)Mark *TNT Wahlberg. Premiere. « tutes take the field during afootball strike. « (Live) « First Round,game4. FromLos Angeles. (N)(Live) « *TOON 84 Scooby Dooandthe Monsterol Mexico" (2003) Scooby-DoolAbracadabra-Doo"(2010,Comedy ) Reg u lar Show Regular Show Incredible Crew Adventure Time Adventure Time The Bully Effect *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods America 'PG' « Bizarre Foods America 'PG' cc Bourdain: No Reservations Bourdain: No Reservations Deep Fried Paradise 3 'G' « Fried Chicken Paradise 'G' cc PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' TheGoldenGirl TVLND 65 47 2935 Roseanne' s TheGoldenGirls *** "BadBoys" (1995,Action) Martin Lawrence, Wil Smith, TeaLeoni. « * "G.l. Joe:TheRiseofCobra"(2009, Action) « USA 15 30 23 30 (11:00)**"PirafesoffheCaribbean:DeadMan's Chest"(2006) « VHI 191 48 37 54 SaturdayNightLiven'14'cc Saturday Night Live n '14' cc Off Pitch n 'PG' Best Week Ever T.l. and Tiny T . l . and Tiny T.l. and Tiny T . l . and Tiny Lo v e & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14 8 32 Bates Motel Normareceives some much-neededhelp. '14' cc
** "Norfh"1994 Elijah Wood. n 'PG' « ** "Waferworld"1995 KevinCostner. n 'PG-13' cc 106401 306401"Thorn Birds: Missing Years * "TheBenchwarmers" 2006David Spade. 'PG-13' *** "Cast Away" 2000'PG-13' ** "TheDa VinciCode"2006 TomHanks. Areligious mystery could rockfoundations of Christianity. « 104204104120 *** "GhostTown"2008,ComedyRicky Gervais.'PG-13'«
Boxing UFC: Hendersonvs. Melendez UFC Tonight (N) UFC Roundtable Best of PRIDEFighting UFC Unleashed 28 301 27 301 LPGA Tour Golf North TexasShootout, Final RoundFromIrving, Texas. (N)(Live) Golf Central (N)(Live) PGA Tour Golf ZurichClassic of NewOrleans, Final Round f HALL 66 33 175 33 (11:00) ** "Loving Leah"'PG ** E/evaforGirl" (2010)LaceyChabert, Ryan Merriman. 'PG' « The Magicof Ordinary Days"(2005, Drama)Keri Russell. 'PG' « "RememberSunday"(2013)'PG' *** "MaryandMartha" 2013 Hilary Swank. cc HBO 425 501 425501 50 Children Real Time With Bill Maher n 'MA' * * " Ice Age: ContinentalDrift" 2012 n 'PG' cc Safe House (5:15) ** "Alienvs. Predator" n IFC 10 1 0 5 Ar r ested Dev. A r rested Dev Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev. A rrested Dev. A rrested Dev Arrested Dev. A r rested Dev. A r rested Dev. A r rested Dev. * * * "L ethal Weapon3" 1992 eneYards" 2000BruceWilis. 'R' MAX 400 508 508 (11:15) ** "Mr. & Mrs. Smith"n (1:15) *** "Chronicle"2012 DaneDeHaan. cc Brigham Lane ** "The WholNi (4:40) * "DreamHouse" 2011 Daniel Craig. 'PG-13 NBCSN 27 58 30209 Polo U.S.Open Championship 2013 NewYork Auto Show 'G FI 36 'PG' Rac erTV 'G Motorsports Hour 'G Heads-Up Poker 'PG Heads-UpPoker 'PG Inside the GreenBerets '14 Wicked Tuna:Hooked Up(N) NGC 157 157 L o ckdown Chaos Control n '14 Lockdown Insidethe Kill Fence'14' Lockdown County Jail n '14' Lockdown Blood on the Border '14' NTOON 89 115189115 Danny Phantom Danny Phantom Speed Racer S p eed Racer W i ld Grinders n Wild Grinders nNFL RushZone NFL Rush Zone Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Avatar: Air. Avatar: Air OUTD 37 307 43 307 Timbersports S h ark Series Bottom Feeders Major LeagueFishing The Bass Pros Tracks, Africa Mathew's Dom Mathews The Crush Hunt Adventure WildgameNation ** "The Twilight Saga:Breaking DawnPari1" 2011 Kristen Stewart. ** "Man on a Ledge 2012 acc SHO 500 500 Mayweather n '14' acc (11:30) Boxing All Access '14 Jim Rome onShowtime 'MA' SPEED 35 303125303 Lucas Oil Off RoadRacing Firebird AMA Supercross Racing Salt Lake City FromRice-Eccles Stadium in Salt LakeCity, Utah SPEED Center (N) (Live) Wind Tunnel NASCARV.L * "MyBoss's Daughter" 2003 AshtonKutcher. acc *** "Elf"2003, ComedyWil Ferrell. n 'PG' « STARZ 300408300408Kill Bill: Vol. 1 * * "To talRecall"2012, ScienceFiction Colin Farrell. n 'PG 13' « AmazingSpdr *** "TheCompany Men"2010 Ben Affleck.'R TMC 525 525 * * * "War Horse" 2011Emily Watson. Ahorsesees joy andsorrow during WorldWar I (4:15) ** "CasinoJack" 2010, DocudramaKevinSpacey. n 'R' « *WE 14 41 174118 Braxton Family Values CSE Miami Mayday n '14' cc CSE MiamiCountermeasures'14' C S E Miami Stiff n '14' cc CSE Miami BlownAway 'PG' cc CSE Miami n '14' cc 34
'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. •
I c II I I II I II I I II I America' sFunniestHomeVideosAsol- OnceUponaTimeThe EvilQueenHook Revenge Identity Emilystruggleswith her (10:01) RedWidow TheCokeMarta uncov KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Castle Kick dier surpriseshis girlfriend. (N)'PG' h e l ps Regina with plan.a'PG' ers newinformation. (N) n 'PG' the Ballistics 'PG' (ABC) future. (N) n 'PG' « (N) n cc Battles, Part 3 Choosingwhichvocalists should advance. n 'PG' cc AI.Star Celebrity Apprentice Ahab's inCharge,and He's GoneMadTheteamscreate NewsChannel 21at Everybody Loves KTVZ NewsChannel 21 at NBC Nightly News The Voice The (NBC) 6(N) cc (N) cc promotionalvideos. (N) n 'PG' « 11(N) cc Raymond n 'PG' The Amazing RaceWorking OurBarrels The GoodWife Zachthinks hewitnessed The Mentalist RedandItchy Amysterious KOIN Local 6 at11 (11:35) ColdCase KBNZ Burn Notice Brotherly LoveMichaelmust 60 Minutes (N) n « Off A doubleU-turn inScotland. vote tampering. (N) '14' cc The Badlands'PG' (CBS) bring back anold alias. '14' container isstolen.(N) n '14' (N) cc lQueenHook Revenge Identity Emilystruggleswith her (10:01) RedWidow TheCokeMarta uncov KEZI 9 Newsat Paid Program KOHD KEZI 9 Newsat 6:00 KEZI 9News at 6:30 America's Funniest HomeVideos A sol OnceUpon aTimeThe Evi 11:00 (N) cc (ABC) (N) cc (N) cc dier surpriseshis girlfriend. (N)'PG' helps Reginawith a plan. 'PG' future. (N) n 'PG' « ers newinformation. (N) n 'PG' eeA corpseisfound TheSimpsonsn The Cleveland The SimpsonsPulpit Bob's Burgers BoyzFamily GuyTotal American Dad(N) NewsChannel21 Two and aHalfMen The Big Bang The Big Bang KFXO BonesA BoyinaTr 'PG' «(DVS) (FOX) hanging from atree. 'PG' cc Show (N) n '14' Friction 'PG' 4 N o w '14' Recall (N) n '14' '14' «(DVS) First on FOX(N) 'PG' cc Theory '14' cc Theory 'PG' cc KOAB Oregon Art Beat n Oregon Field Guide Antiques RoadshowRapidCity Furniture Call the Midwife Thecommunity prepares Masterpiece Classic Mr. Grovetakesover The Bletchley Circle Thegroup lures ina Extraordinary WomenJosephine Baker 'Q' cc 'Q' cc by ThomasMolesworth. 'G' cc for Harry. (N)'PG' cc Singer Josephine Baker n 'G' (PBS) for summerfete. (N) '14' cc suspect. (N) '14' cc All-Star Celebrity Apprentice Ahab's inCharge,and He's GoneMadTheteams create NewsChannel8 at (11:35) Sports KGW NBC Nightly News The Chris Matthews TheVoice TheBattles, Part 3 Choosingwhichvocalists should advance. n 'PG' « Show 'G' Sunday (NBC) (N) cc promotionalvideos. (N) n 'PG' « 11 (N) cc ofEngage- Rules ofEngage. KTVZDT2 Are WeThere Yet? Are WeThereYet? The King of Queens TheKing of Queens ** "A Murder of Crows"(1998,Suspense) TomBerenger, CubaGooding Jr. Aplagia- Seinfeld The Op- Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Rules 'PG' n 'PG' n 'PG' (CW) 'pG' ment 'PG' cc ment 'PG' cc rizing lawyer is implicated in arash of murders. « posite n 'PG' OPBPL Doc Martin MotherKnowsBest 'PG' M a king Sense of Place: Portland 'G Priceless n 'G' cc Moyers & Company n 'G' cc The Music Instinct: Science andSong n 'PG' cc
c II
at 6 (N) n « KATU KATU News
American Hoggers American Hoggers Duck Dynasty
Duck Dynasty
Duck Dynasty D u ck Dynasty
DuckDynastyAloha,Robertsons!The Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty (11:01)DuckDy- (11:31) DuckDy'PG' cc 'PQ' cc nasty 'PG' cc nasty 'PG' cc entire family vacations inHawaii. 'PG' Mad Men The Fl o od Peggy makes pl a ns for (11:04) Rectify AlwaysThereA mantries 'AMC (4:30) *** "The ItalianJob" (2003)Mark *** "Runaway Jury" (2003, Suspense)JohnCusack, GeneHackman, Dustin Hoffman.Premiere. Amantries to manipulate an Wahlberg, CharlizeTheron. « explosive trial. « the future. (N) '14' « to adjust followingprison. '14' *ANPL To Be Announced Ice Cold Gold DavidandGoliath 'PG River Monsters Killer Torpedo n 'PG River Monsters AmericanKilers 'PG' Ice Cold Gold (N) n 'PG River Monsters AmericanKilers 'PG BRAVO The Real Housewives of Atlanta '14' The Real Housewives of Atlanta '14' The Real Housewives of Atlanta '14' Married to Medicine (N)'14 The KandiFactory (N) WhatHappens Fashion Queens CMT CopsReloaded Cops Rel oaded Cops Reloaded Cops Rel oaded Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt(N) '14' Guntucky (N) '14' Guntucky (N) '14' Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt '14' cc G u ntucky n '14' Guntucky n '14' CNBC America' sGun:TheRise American Greed 60 Minutes on CNBCTheBilionaires Mexico's Drug War Marijuana: America's Pot Industry Paid Program P a id Program CNN Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown(N) Anderson Cooper Special Report Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown A n derson CooperSpecial Report Ant hony Bourdain Parts Unknown ** "Dumb & Dumber"(1994, Comedy)Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, Lauren Holly. cc Amy Schumer: Mostly SexStuff 'MA' Tosh.0 '14' cc F u t urama '14' Fu t urama '14' (11:31) Futurama COM Ferris Bueller COTV Talk of the TownLocal issues Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing A d venture Journal Get Outdoors VisionsofNW The YogaShow The YogaShow TalkoftheTownLocali ssues. CSPAN Prime Minister R o ad to the White House Q&A Prime Minister R o ad to the White House Washington ThisWeek *DIS Good-Charlie G o o d Luck Charlie n 'G' « Good-Charlie Dog With a Blog Shake It Up! 'G' Austin ik Ally 'G' Jessie 'G' « Goo d -Charlie Go o d-Charlie Go o d-Charlie Go o d-Charlie *DISC Deadliest Catch n '14' cc Deadliest Catch n '14' cc Naked Castaway '14' cc Naked Castaway '14' cc Naked Castaway(N)'14' cc Naked Castaway '14' cc *E! *** "The40-year-Old Virgin" (2005)SteveCarell. Threeco-workers unite to help their buddygeta sex life. Kardashians Interview What Would Ryan Married to Jonas What Would Ryan Married to Jonas ESPN (5:00) MLBBaseball Atlanta Bravesat Detroit Tigers (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter cc SportsCenter cc ESPN2 30 for 30 30 for 30 ProFILE: 60 MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Detroit TigersFromComerica Park inDetroit. NBA Basketball "Boysof Summer"(2010, Documentary) « ESPNC (5:00) "Boysof Summer"(2010) « Boysof Summer"(2010, Documentary) « BabeRuth:TheMan,theMythand ESPNN SportsCenter « SportsCenter « Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express ESPNFCPress Pass *** "TheLion King" (1994,Musical) Voicesof RowanAtkinson **** "Cinderella" (1950)Voicesof ffene Woods. FAM (4:45) PeterPan (10:15) *** "Peter Pan" (1953,Fantasy) Voices ofBobbyDriscoll. FNC Fox NewsSunday Geraldo at Large(N) n 'PG' cc Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large n PGcc Fox NewsSunday 'FOOD Chopped AussieAwesome Chopped First round,diver scallops. C u pcake Wars (N) Chopped(N) Restaurant: Impossible (N) Iron Chef America ChefSamMason FX (5:46) *** "IronMan" (2008,Action) Robert DowneyJr. A bilionaire dons anarmoredsuit to fight criminals (8:51) ** "IronMan2" (2010,Action) Robert DowneyJr., GwynethPaltrow, DonCheadle (11:25) IronMan2 HGTV House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I ExtremeHomes Unusualhomes.'G' You Lrve rnWhat? (N) G « House Hunters International Hawaii Life 'G' H a waii Life 'G *HIST Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Ax Men UnluckyCharm'14' cc Ax Men SlipperySlope(N) '14' cc Vikings All Change(N) '14' cc (11:01) Vikings All Change'14' cc LIFE (5:00) "A Sister's Revenge"(2013) * "Obsessed"(2009,Suspense)IdrisElba,BeyonceKnowles.« Army WivesJackpot(N) 'PG' « The Client List (N) '14' « (11:01) * "Obsessed"(2009) « MSNBC Sex Slaves: Addiction Sex Slaves in America Lockup: RawNothingbut Time Lockup: RawAmerica's Toughest Jail Lockup OrangeCounty Meet the Press cc MTV Teen Mom 2 n '14' Teen Mom 2 n '14' Teen Mom 2Falling Jenelle decides to goto rehab.'14 Teen Mom 2Corey arranges visitation. n '14 Awkward. n '14' Girl Code n '14' NICK (5:30) Big TimeRush n 'G' cc Marvrn Marvrn n 'G' cc See Dad Run'PG' Wendell & Vinnie *** "Free Wily" (1993,Drama)Jason James Richter, Lori Petty, JayneAtkinson. n cc (11:33) Friends Oprah's Lifeclass n 'PG' cc Oprah's Lifeclass n 'PG' « Oprah's Lifeclass Dr.Phil(N) Oprah: WhereAreThey Now?(N) '14' Oprah's Lifeclass n 'PG' « OWN Oprah's Next Chapter n '14' PAC12 (5:00) CollegeTennis Pac-12Championships Women's CollegeTennisPac-12Championships:Doubles Spring Football ** "Underworld" (2003,Horror) KateBeckinsale, ScottSpeedman,Michael Sheen.n SPIKE ** "National Treasure:Bookof Secrets" (2007)NicolasCage, JonVoight. BenGatessets out to establish anancestor's innocence. n * "ResidentEvil: Afterlife" (2010, Horror) Mila Jovovich, Ali Larter. « **"TheScorpionKing"(2002,Adventure)TheRock,StevenBrand. *** "V for Vendetta" (2006) SYFY Lordof theRings TBN Believeryoice C r eflo Dollar 'G' Spring Praise-A-Thon Kickoff ** "yes Man"(2008,Comedy)Jim Carrey,ZooeyDeschanel,BradleyCooper.Aman ** "BruceAlmighty" (2003,Comedy)JimCarrey, MorganFreeman, Jennifer Aniston. A ** "Bruce Almighty" (2003,Comedy)Jim Carrey, MorganFreeman, Jennifer Aniston. A *TBS tries to changehis life by saying yesto everything. « frustrated reporter receivesdivinepowersfromGod. «(DVS) frustrated reporter receivesdivinepowersfromGod. «(DVS) (5:00) "TheyLiveby (6:45) *** "You OnlyLive Once" (1937) SylviaSidney. Anex (8:15) Fondaon Fonda (9:15) *** "SteamboatBil, Jr." (1928, Comedy)Buster Keaton, The Paleface (11:15) **** "TheSeventhSeal" (1956 TCM Night" (1949) con finds little help inhis quest to gostraight. Ernest Torrence,MarionByron. Drama)MaxvonSydow. 'TLC My Obsession My Obsession W e lcome to Myrtle Manor '14' « My Big FatAmericanGypsy Wedding My Big FatAmericanGypsy Wedding Welcome to Myrtle Manor (N) n '14' My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding **"TheReplacements"(2000,Comedy)KeanuReeves,GeneHackman,Orlando NBA Basketball NBA Basketball DenverNuggetsat GoldenStateWarriors Western ConferenceFirst Round,game4. From Inside the NBA(N) (Live) cc 'TNT Spurs at Lakers Oakland,Calif. (N)(Live) « Jones. Misfit substitutes takethe field during afootball strike. « "TOON *** "Shrek" (2001,Comedy)Voicesof MikeMyers, EddieMurphy TheBull y Eff ect Looney Tunes Squidbiffies '14' King of the Hill n King of the Hill n Cleveland Show Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 'TRAV Steak Paradise: A SecondHelping H a mburger Paradise 'G' « Trip Flip (N) 'PG' Waterparks DoomsdayonW heels(N)'PG'« Extreme Survival Bunkers 'PG' cc Mud People PG cc TVLND The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Queens The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of USA (4:30) "G.l.Joe: TheRise of Cobra" L a w & Order: Special Victims Unit n LawI Order: Special Victims Unit n Law &Order: Special Victims Unitn L a w &Order: SpecialVictims Unitn * * * " Bad Boys"(1995) « I'm Married to A... Asexologist. '14' I ' m Married to A... (N) n '14' I'm Married to A... n '14 VH1 Mob Wives n '14' cc The Women of SNL n '14' cc *A&E
'PQ' cc
'PQ' cc
'PQ' cc
'PQ' cc
'PQ' cc
'PQ' cc
*** "Friends WithBenefits" 2011 Justin Timberlake. n 'R' « ** Waferworld (4:00) Waferworld (6:20) ** "BadTeacher" 2011CameronDiaz. 'R' cc (9:50) *** "MeninBlack"1997Tommy LeeJones.n FXM Presents *** "Cast Away"2000,DramaTom Hanks,HelenHunt,NickSearcy.'PG-13'« FXM Presents *** "Ghost Town"2008 'PG-13 (5:00) *** "Cast Away" 2000TomHanks. 'PG-13' The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG UFC159: Jonesvs. Sonnen -Prelims UFC Tonight U F C Roundtable The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG (4:00) PGATour Golf Zurich Classic ofNewOrleans, Final Round Golf Central (N) LPGA Tour Golf NorthTexasShootout, Final RoundFromIrving, Texas In Play HALL (5:00)"RememberSunday" 'PG' « "RememberSunday" (2013,Romance)Alexis Bledel, ZacharyLevi. 'PG' « "RememberSunday"(2013, Romance)Alexis Bledel, ZacharyLevi. 'PG' « Frasier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « HBO (5:15) ** "Alienvs. Predator" 2004 ** "Safe House"2012,Action DenzelWashington. n 'R' « Game of Thrones Kissed byFire 'MA Veep (N) n 'MA' VICE 'MA' « Gam e of Thrones Kissed Fire by'MA ** "Lethal Weapon 4"1998, Action Mel Gibson, DannyGlover, JoePesci. 'R IFC (5:00) *** "Lethal Weapon3"1992 MelGibson. 'R (10:15) *** "Lethal Weapon3"1992, ActionMel Gibson, JoePesci. 'R ** "Mr.& Mrs. Smith"2005, Action Brad Pitt. n 'PG-13' cc MAX (6:15) ** "Kiss theGirls" 1997,MysteryMorganFreeman. n 'R' cc (8:15) *"TheWatch" 2012,ComedyBenStiler, Vince Vaughn.n 'R' cc NBCSN Heads-Up Poker 'PG Heads-Up Poker 'PG Heads-Up Poker 'PG Heads-Up Poker 'PG Heads-Up Poker 'PG Heads-Up Poker 'PG' Brain Games'G Brain Games'PG Wicked TunaTwiceBitten Brain Games'G NGC Wicked TunaTwice Bitten (N) Brain Games'PG Wicked Tuna: HookedUp Inside the GreenBerets '14' NTOON SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back at, Barnyard Back at, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD Realtree Outdoors Truth Hunting Friends of NRA Bone Collector Under Wild Skies Hal & Len Edition Hunt Adventure Realtree Outdoors WildgameNation Steve's Outdoor Mathews Pro Hunter Journ. SHO (5:00) ** "Manon aLedge" 2012 Aff Access '14' The Borgias ThePurge n 'MA' cc Nurse Jackie 'MA' Nurse Jackie 'MA' Nurse Jackie 'MA' The Borgias Siblings(N) 'MA' « The Borgias Siblings n 'MA' « SPEED NASCAR Hall of Fame Biography 'PG My Classic Car Hot Rod TV'PG' SPEEDCenter Wind Tunnel NASCARV.L Faster Than Faster Than Unique Whips '14' **"TotalRecall"2012, ScienceFiction Colin Farrell. n 'PG-13' « STARZ (5:40) *** "TheAmazingSpider-Man" 2012AndrewGarfield. 'PG-13' « Da Vinci's DemonsThePrisoner n Da Vinci's DemonsThePrisoner n f **** "TheDeer Hunter" 1978 RobertDeNiro. n 'R TMC (6:05) *** "October Sky"1999, Docudrama JakeGyllenhaal. n 'PG' « *** War Horse" 2011 Emily Watson. Ahorse seesjoy andsorrow during World WarI. « "WE CSE Miami Killer Regrets '14' cc CSE Miami Bythe Book'PG' cc CSE Miami Mayday n '14' cc CSE MiamiCountermeasures n '14' C S E Miami Stiff n '14' cc CSE Miami BlownAway n 'PG' cc ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
• II • I (4:30) KATU NewsThis Morning NewsChannel 21 atSunrise KOIN Local 6 at 6am KEZI 9 NewsThis Morning First Business AgDay Varied Programs Wild Kratts NewsChannel 8 atSunrise The Daily Buzz Heartland Greener World
II I Good Morning America Today CBS This Morning Good Morning America NewsChannel 21 atSunrise Curious George Cat in the Hat Today Newsline
Th F
Paid Program TapouT XT A&E 13028 18 32 W Paid Program T M
Paid Program
Bounty Hunter
'AMC 102 40 39
The View Live! With Kelly and Michael Today Live! With Kelly and Michael The Price Is Right The Youngand the Restless The View Katie The Dr. OzShow Paid Program Paid Program Super Why! Daniel Tiger S i d the Science WordWorld Ba r ney, Friends The Jeff Probst Show House of Payne House of Payne TheSteveW ilkosShow The JeremyKyleShow The WendyWilliams Show Sit and Be Fit Sew With Nancy Love of Quilting Oil Painting Joy/Painting Second Opinion The Piano Guy My Family Las t of the Wine Yoga Stretches It's Sew Easy Knit-Crochet Paint This.Jerry Beads, Baubles Garden Home Curiosity Quest Time Goes By Outnumbered Sit and Be Fit Sewing Room Knitting Daily Painting Scrapbook Soup Victory Garden American Land New Tricks Yoga Stretches Sew It All Quilting Arts Paint This.Jerry Everyday Edis Garden Home Tracks Ahead Outnumbered Time Goes By Sit and Be Fit Sew With Nancy Quilt in a Day Color World Joy/Painting This Old House The Visionaries Last of the Wine Time Goes By Bounty Hunter Bio Channel Preview Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: Miami
AM Northwest Today Let's Make aDeal Rachael Ray The Jeff Probst Show D i n osaur TrainSesameStreet
Dog the Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter
Th F
Montel Williams Paid Program T Paid Program
Paid Program Fat Loss Paid Program
DeepClean EasyMeals Paid Program
Paid Program
Paid Program
Th F
Orangutan Isle Chimp Eden Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing *** The Queen ofVersailles 2012, Documentary Dukes of Mel Dukes of Mel Dukes of Mel Dukes of Mel BRAVO 137 44 Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Dukes of Mel Dukes of Mel FashionQueens Fashio nQueens CMT Music CMT Music CMT 90 32 42 53 Squawk on theStreet CNBC 54 36 40 52 CNN 55 38 35 48 CNN Newsroom Paid Program Paid Program Insanity! Paid Program M T Hip Hop Abs Hip Hop Abs Paid Program COM 135 53 135 47 W Paid Program ANPL 68 50 26 38
COTV CSPAN 61 20 12 'DIS 87 43 14 39 *DISC 156 21 16 37 *El
No Defrosting The YogaShow The YogaShow (4:00) WashingtonJournal Gaspard &Lisa Octonauts Paid Program Creflo Dollar Montel Williams Paid Program Weight W Paid Program T
ESPN 21 23 22 23
SportsCenter Mike and Mike in the Morning
THE BULLETIN «APRIL 27 — MAY 3, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine ' II I I II I I II I
Debby Boone Dogs 101 Million Dollar Listing
What Happens Dukes of Mel Dukes of Mel Ghost Hunters Tabatha TakesOver CMT Music CNN Newsroom
Paid Program
Paid Program
Cook Safe Paid Program Cooking Oregon The YogaShow
Desert The YogaShow Public Affairs Little Einsteins Chuggington Mickey Mouse Never Land Paid Program James Robison Joyce Meyer Paid Program Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City 50 Cutest Child Stars: All Grown Up ** Mean Girls 2 2011,ComedyMeaghanMartin, MaiaraWalsh Kourtney and KimTake Miami Kourtney and KimTake Miami E! News The E! TrueHollywood Story SportsCenter SportsCenter First Take
ESPN2 22 24 21 24 W Th
Beyond ScaredStraight Beyond ScaredStraight Beyond ScaredStraight Three Stooges Three Stooges *** Groundhog Day1993Bill Murray,AndieMacDowell. Ka ** Marked for Death 1990 Steven Seagal, BasilWallace. « MagnumForce * The Crow: City of Angels1996, Fantasy « (45) ** Swing Vote 2008 Kevin Costner ka *** High Fidelity2000,Romance-ComedyJohnCusack,IbenHjejle.K«a The Watcher Mad Men (:04) *** Silver Streak1976GeneWilder, Jill Clayburgh. « Varied Programs Animal CopsHouston Animal CopsHouston Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing
Bravo's Top 10Weddings Ghost Hunters Tabatha TakesOver CMT Music Fast MoneyHalftime Report Around the World Daily Show Colbert Report
Ghost Hunters Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles CMT Music Power Lunch CNN Newsroom Always Sunny South Park
Ghost Hunters Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles CMT Music Street Signs CNN Newsroom
ComedyCentral Key & Peele ComedyCentral
Workout: Yoga Workout: Ball Varied Programs Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse I (Almost) Got AwayWith It Fashion Police Selena Gomez Kardashians Interview Kourtney and KimTake Miami The Soup SportsCenter First Take
(:20) Futurama Amy Schumer Key I Peele (:26) 30Rock Al Madrigal Paid Program
Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Public Affairs Varied Programs Doc McStuffins Never Land MickeyMouse Octonauts FBE Criminal Pursuit Unusual Suspects *BecauseISaidSo2007DianeKeaton Mandy Moore. Miley Cyrus Jonas Jonas The E! TrueHollywood Story What-Ryan W hat-Ryan Kourtney and Kim TakeMiami Kardashians Interview Jonas Jonas Blinging UpBaby SportsCenter SportsCenter Numbers Never Best/First Take
NASCARRacing Nationwide Series: Aaron's 312, Qualifying (N) (Live) AWA Wrestling AWA Wrestling AWA Wrestling SportsCentury S/C Flashbacks Tennis SportsCentury MLB Baseball Can't Blame... Can't Blame... Can't Blame... Can't Blame SportsCentury SportsCentury SportsCentury SportsCentury SportsCentury Can't Blame SportsCentury SportsCentury The Way ItWas Horse Racing Horse Racing Horse Racing Horse Racing Horse Racing Boy MeetWorld Boy Meet World Boy MeetWorld Boy Meet World Boy MeetWorld 700/Interactive The 700 Club Gilmore Girls America Live Happening Now Paid Program Make, Bake Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Barbecue Addi Tyler's Ultimate Aarti Party Good Eats Unwrapped Paid Program Grill It! B. Flay Down Home Home Made Bobby Flay 5 Ingredient Fix Hungry Girl Th Paid Program Challenge Big Daddy's Paid Program Paid Program Smarter Smarter ** Spider-Man 32007, Action TobeyMaguire. PeterParkerfalls under the influence ofhis dark side Fantastic Four: Silver Surfer *** Hellboy 2004RonPerlman. Theson of the devil fights paranormalcreatures T * Deep Rising1998, HorrorTreat Wiliams, FamkeJanssen Hellboy-Army FX 131 ** Surrogates 2009,ScienceFiction BruceWilis, Radha Mitchell * Jumper 2008,ScienceFiction HaydenChristensen, JamieBell UEFA Soccer Soccer W h ** Darkness Falls 2003,HorrorChaney Kley, EmmaCaulfield * Domestic Disturbance 2001JohnTravolta, Vince Vaughn ** Vantage Point 2008 Smarter Smarter Smarter ** Vantage Point2008,Suspense DennisQuaid,Matthew Fox *BadCompany 2002,ActionAnthonyHopkins F Top Kitchen! Curb/Block My First Place Candice Tells Candice Tells Candice Tells Candice Tells Candice Tells Candice Tells Candice Tells Candice Tells Candice Tells Color Splash Color Splash Color Splash Color Splash Color Splash Color Splash Color Splash Color Splash Color Splash T Paid Program Outdoor Room Real Estate Decked Out Junk Gypsies Junk Gypsies Junk Gypsies Junk Gypsies Junk Gypsies Love It or List It Love It or List It HGTV 17649 33 43 W Bang, Buck h Dig In Good Buy, Bad Outdoor Room Great Rooms Great Rooms Great Rooms Great Rooms Home byNovo Home by Novo Home byNovo Home by Novo F Yard - Disney Selling NY Elbow Room Elbow Room Elbow Room Elbow Room Elbow Room Elbow Room Elbow Room Elbow Room Elbow Room Cinco de Mayo The RealWest Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels T Nopalea with Paid Program Civil War Journal SevenSignsoftheApocalypse Day After Disaster "HIST 15542 41 36 W Paid Program Modern Marvels MonsterQuest MonsterQuest MonsterQuest MonsterQuest The Most Chasing Tail C h asing Tail SwampPeople SwampPeople SwampPeople h F Save OurHistory American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers LIFE 138 39 20 31 Paid Program Paid Program Balancing Act Designing Old Christine F r asier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Will & Grace W i ll & Grace The Daily Rundown Jansing and Co MSNBCLive NOWWith Alex Wagner Andrea Mitchell Reports News Nation MSNBC 59 59 12851 Teen Mom2 Teen Mom2 Teen Mom 2 Baby Talk 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom2 T MTV Jams AMTV AMTV: 10 onTop Countdown True Life True Life True Life Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom2 16 and Pregnant MTV 19222 38 57 W Awkward. Awk ward. Girl Code Girl Code Ke$ ha: My Cr. Teen Mom 2 h Teen Mom2 Awkward MTV Special Ke ha: MyCr. Ke ha: My Cr. Awkward. (:35) Awkward NICK 82 46 24 40 Full House Fu l l House SpongeBob S p ongeBob SpongeBob Max & Ruby Team Umizoomi Team Umizoomi Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Bubble Guppies Bubble Guppies Rachael Ray Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil OWN 161103 31 103 The Nate Berkus Show Up Close Can't Blame... Can't Blame... E:60 ESPNC 23 25 123 25 W E:60 Th E:60 Battle of the Network Stars Joyce Meyer Varied Programs FAM 67 29 19 41 America's Newsroom FNC 57 61 36 50 Paid Program Paid Program No Defrosting *FOOD 177 62 98 44 W Nopalea with Paid Program
SportsCentury SportsCentury SportsCentury
AWA Wrestling S/C Flashbacks Up Close MLB Baseball
APRIL 27 — MAY 3, 2013
*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead./Sports programming mayvary. I
M College Softball Utah at Stanford Spring Football PAC12 W Men's Basketball Men's Basketball Colle e Softball Utah at Stanford Th Spring Football
College TennisPac-12Championships Teeter HangUps Paid Program Paid Program Insanity! T Paid Program SPIKE W Paid Program
Paid Program
II Colle e Softball Utah at Stanford
Paid Program
Paid Program
Paid Program SYFY W Th F TBN Spring Praise-A-Thon
Fat Loss Montel Williams
Paid Program
Paid Program
Defiance Deep South Paranormal Warehouse13 Merlin
CSE CrimeSceneInvestigation
Csh NY
Auction Hunters CSh NY
No Defrostin Battle Hair Loss
II Spring Football Colle e Softball Women's CollegeLacrosse
Women's College Tennis Pac-12Championships: Singles Csh NY Csh NY
Csh NY Gangland More Sex Tummy Tuck
College Baseball Stanford at Oregon
Th F
Paid Program
Pac-12 Spring Football Report Spring Football
College Softball Utah at Stanford Spring Football
Csh NY Gangland
CSE CrimeScene
Csh NY Gangland
*** The Lord of the Rin s: The TwoTowers 2002, Fantas Eli'ah Wood, lan McKellen, Liv T ler Deep South Paranormal Deep South Paranormal Destination Truth
Face Off Face Off * P22007,SuspenseWesBentley,RachelNichols Merlin Merlin
Face Off ** Toolbox Murders 2004es Merlin
Married... With M arried... With M y Name Is Earl My Name Is Earl Fresh Prince Fr e sh Prince Ho u se of Payne Meet the Browns Fresh Prince Fr e sh Prince Engagement Engagement **** The Snake Pit19480liviade Havilland, MarkStevens. « (5:30) ** Little Mister Jim1946 (:15) *** Behold a PaleHorse1964,WarGre o Peck, Anthon Quinn, OmarSharif. « Hi hSociet 1956 (4:45) *** The Story of G.l. Joe *** The Strange Love of Martha Ivers1946 BarbaraStanwyck. « ** The White Tower1950 GlennFord. « (:45) *** The Prowler 1951VanHeflin. « TCM W The White Tower (:45) ** Young ManWith Ideas1952 GlennFord *** Blackboard Jungle1955 GlennFord. «(DVS) (:15) ** Terror on aTrain1953GlennFord. ca (:15) **** Interrupted Melody ** Married Before Breakfast 1937 ** The Locket 1946LaraineDay Th ** I Am a Thief 1935Mary Astor. (:15) ** The Case of the Black Cat1936,JuneTravis (:45) ** Double Danger1938Preston Foster When.Love * Two Alone1934JeanParker, TomBrown ** The Captain Is a Lady1940 * Man of Iron 1935,MaryAstor Penny-Heaven (:15) *** A Successful Calamity 1932GeorgeArliss. 'TLC 19 Kids-Count 1 9 Kids-Count Baby's First Day Rm-Multiples A Baby Story A B aby Story A Baby Story A B aby Story Know-Pregnant Know-Pregnant Four Weddings Varied Programs 'TNT Smallville Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural "TOON Looney Tunes Hero: 108 Ben10 Beyblade-Metl Pokemon BW NinjaGo: Masters NinjaGo: Masters Johnny Test Tom and Jerry Tom & Jer Looney Tunes *TRAV Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram A Cook's Tour A Cook's Tour The La over with Anthon Bourdain Varied Pro rams M*A*S*H M*A'S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M'A'S*H M*A*S*H Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program M T Murder, SheWrote Dick VanDyke Dick VanDyke I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Andy Griffith Andy Griffith No Defrosting TVLND W Paid Program Cook Safe Th Cook Safe Paid Program Boston Legal F * Repo Men2010, Science Fiction JudeLaw,Forest Whitaker. « ** Pirates of the Caribbean: DeadMan's Chest 2006,Action JohnnyDepp,Orlando Bloom. « NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit L a w & Order: Special Victims Unit Law I Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit USA W Cheers Psych ** Runnin Scared2006 PaulWalker. A un winds up inthe wron hands. « *** Dra Me to Hell 2009, Horror Alison oLhman, Justin Lon . « Law & Order: Criminal Intent Burn Notice Burn Notice Burn Notice Burn Notice Th Law I Order: Criminal Intent House House House Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent CSE CrimeSceneInvestigation Jump Start Jump Start Jump Start Jump Start Big Morning BuzzLive Off Pitch Off Pitch M T Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta I'm Married to A VH1 W *** Bandslam Th Off Pitch F Behind the Music Morning Drive LPGA TourGolf North Texas Shootout, Final RoundFromIrvin, Texas. PGA Tour Golf Zurich Classic of NewOrleans, Final Round M T Morning Drive The Golf Fix The HaneyProject Performance I n s ide PGA Tour Malaysian OpenHighlights GOLF W LPGA Tour Golf Kingsmill Championship, First Round(N) (Live) Golf Central Th EuropeanPGATour Golf Volvo China Open,First Round FromTianjin, China. (NSame-dayTape) EuropeanPGATour Golf Volvo China Open,Second Round FromTianjin, China. (NSame-dayTape) LPGA Tour Golf Kingsmill Championship, SecondRound(N) (Live) I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Home & Family HALL The DanPatrick Show The Box Score Bill Dance Seasons on Fl American Hero Good Fishin Jimm Houston T M Good Fishing The Next Bite Fisherman Saltwater Exp Into the Blue NBCSN W Hank Parker Fishing Texas Knot Right Fish Lunkerville Bass 2 Billfish Th The Next Bite American Hero O'Neill Outside Intrepid Outdoors Good Fishing Into the Blue Majesty Outdoors Fishing Adv. Fishing/Martin Bill Dance F Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna Alaska StateTroopers Border Wars Wild Justice Highway Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell NGC W Mudcats Mudcats Mudcats Th The Real Geor e Washin ton The Real AbrahamLincoln Lincoln's Secret Killer? Naked Science Eight Years onMars Space Dive NTOON PowerRangers The Mighty B! The Mighty B! Random! Cart Random! Cart. AdvenJJimmy AdvenJJimmy Adven JJimmy T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Friends of NRA Paid Program Outdoors Paid Program Western Extreme J. Bushman Show Amer. Bird Hunter Ultimate Outdoors In Pursuit With H unting TV Alaska Outdoors Alaskan Tecomate White Your Weapon Gridiron Outdoors Flyrod Chronicles Shark Series Fi s hing University Major LeagueFishing Mathews Magnum TV Mathew's Domi Bow Madness Amer. Rifleman Wardens Elite Tactical Unit Midway USA's Impossible Shots OUTD W Hunting TV Paid Program Trevor Gowdy Major LeagueFishing Savage Wild Fa c ts of FishingTrophy Quest I v an Carter Steve's Outdoor Driven TV Th Timbersports Zona's Show Bottom Feeders The Bassmasters Velvick's E es S panish Fl Fl rod Chronicles Bill Dance Salt Pro TeamJournal Penn's Bi Water *TBS
TV Crossword 1
11 12
1. "Blue Bloods" actor (2) 8. "Gilligan's Island" actor 9. Green fruit 10. Star of a medical drama
te 20
1IP 24
29 3 0 ~ 34
28 33
35 s 37
Unscramble the letters noted with asterisks within the puzzle to identify the featured celebrity.
series (2) 14. Word in the title of Jon Cryer's series 15. "Martial " (1998-2000) 16. " Seventeen"; 2002 film for Elijah Wood 17. Baseball's Hershiser 18. Fashion designer's
monogram 19. -bitty; very small 20. "The Days and Nights of Molly " (1987-91) 24. Monogram for Lincoln's assassin 27. Auction lover's delight
28. Suffix for profit or musket S t a n ding" 29. "Last 32. Ca m pbell 33. Series for Jesse Spencer
(2) 36. Opening quartet 37. "The Wayans 38. 2013 Tate Donovan series
DOWN 1. Bill holder Away" (1991-93) 2. " EL Pinky or Brandon 4. " Burn"; 2005 film for Ray Liotta 5. Tyne's brother 6. " Nest" (1988-95) 7. Fortunetellers 8. "Change of 1998- 2003 reality series
11. Initials for the producer of «All in the Family" 12. Charles Ingalls, to Laura 13. Skinny comic strip lady with a bun 14. p o l l oi; commoners 20. Actor Robert 21. Best actress Oscar nominee Merle 22. " World" (1993-97) 23. Actor on "Touched by an Angel" 24. President Carter's monogram 25. " It All"; song for Waylon Jenningsand others 26. Hush money 29. " Of Honor"; 2008 Patrick Dempsey film
30. Initials for the portrayer of Mayberry's sheriff 31. Word in the title of Howie
Mandel's game show 34. 1,713 years ago 35. "Mancuso, " (1989-90)
Solution Jon Stewart
THE BULLETIN «APRIL 27 — MAY 3, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
PAGE 10 • TV
II General Hospital Days of our Lives Bol d/Beautiful The Talk General Hospital Extra America's Funniest HomeVideos Charlie Rose Be a Millionaire Days of our Lives Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Bra Secrets Q W Paid Program Paid Program Th My Pillow R U SMART? F Paid Program Joint Help R U SMART? Desert Speaks Woodshop Antiques Roadshow Rudy Maxa Rough Cut-Mac The LawrenceWelk Show Burt Wolf Woodwright History Detectives 73 Th Travelscope Woodsmith Moyers &Company Wonders-Spain Woodshop The This OldHouseHour M CSE Miami Criminal Minds The Chew Anderson Live Kristi Miller The Chew TMZ Varied Programs NewsChannel8 Perfect Yard T Quit Your Job! M
The Ricki Lake Show
The Dr. OzShow Dr. Phil The Dr. OzShow Little House onthe Prairie Andy Griffith A n dy Griffith Judge J. Brown Judge J. Brown Katie The Doctors The Ricki Lake Show Clifford-Dog B o b the BuilderMartha Speaks Cat in the Hat Katie The Ellen DeGeneresShow TheSteveW ilkosShow The Bill CunninghamShow
Asian Voices Tavis Smiley Asia This Week Arab American Land of Dragon Beyond 3/11 Criminal Minds
The First 48
KATU NewsFirst at Four The Ellen DeGeneresShow I Love Lucy I L ove Lucy Judge Judy J u dge Judy The People's Court Arthur WordGirl Your Four O'Clock News Meet, Browns Meet, Browns
Nightly Business PBS NewsHour
The First 48
KATU Newsat 5 News News KEZI 9 News Friends Wild Kratts NewsChannel 8 We There Yet?
World News Nightly News Evening News World News Friends Electric Comp Nightly News We ThereYet?
Lidia's Italy Rachel's-Food Mexican Table Cuisine Culture Ciao Italia The First 48
P. Allen Smith
Simply Ming Delicious TV's Julia's Kitchen Hubert Keller
T 30 28 18 32 W
Beyond ScaredStraight Beyond ScaredStraight Beyond ScaredStraight Beyond ScaredStraight Beyond ScaredStraight Beyond ScaredStrai ht *** Runaway Jury 2003,SuspenseJohnCusack. A mantries to manipulate anexplosive trial. « Groundhog Day *** Hoosiers1986,DramaGeneHackman,BarbaraHershey,DennisHopper.« **** Unforgiven 1992Clint Eastwood.Clint Eastwood's Oscar-winningportrait of an agedgunman (11:30) *** Magnum Force 1973Clint Eastwood, David Soul. « ** Godzilla 1998 Jean Reno *AMC 02 40 39 (10:45) ** Swing Vote 2008 CSE Miami CSE Miami (:15) *** The American President1995 MichaelDouglas, AnnetteBening, Martin Sheen. Premiere. « ** Hackers1995 JonnyLeeMiler. Teen computer freaksvs. embezzler. Aa *** Runaway Jury 2003,SuspenseJohnCusack, GeneHackman (11:30) ** The Watcher 2000James Spader. ** Nutty Professor II: TheKlumps2000, ComedyEddie Murphy, JanetJackson, m ** Stripes Silver Streak (:32) ** The Secret of MySuccess1987 Michael J. Fox,Helen Slater. Aa *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Animal CopsHouston Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Boss Tanked: Unfiltered To Be Announced The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta Bravo's Top 10Weddings Married to Medicine Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Million Dollar Listing Married to Medicine Married to Medicine The Kandi Factory T Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Don't-Tardy D o n't-Tardy BRAVO 137 44 W T Tabatha TakesOver Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Kitchen Nightmares Kitchen Nightmares Kitchen Nightmares DogandBeth:OntheHunt Guntucky Guntucky Reba Reba T Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition M Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition DogandBeth:OntheHunt Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt The Singing Bee The Singing Bee The Singing Bee The Singing Bee CMT 19032 42 53 W The Singing Bee Guntucky Gu ntucky Guntucky Gu ntucky Guntucky D o g and Beth: OntheHunt DogandBeth:OntheHunt TF ** Days of Thunder 1990TomCruise. Upstart stock-cardriver goestothe edge CMT Music Guntucky G u ntucky Guntucky G u ntucky CNBC 54 36 40 52 Closing Bell Closing Bell With MariaBartiromo Fast Money V a ried Programs Mad Money The Kudlow Report Varied Programs (11:00) CNN Newsroom The LeadWith JakeTapper The Situation Room Erin Burnett OutFront AndersonCooper360 CNN 55 38 35 48 (11:50) Futurama (:20) Futurama (12:50) Futurama (:20) Futurama (1:50) Futurama (:20) *** Clueless 1995Alicia Silverstone, StaceyDash.As (:22) Futurama (4:53) Futurama Always Sunny Amy Schumer (:25) *** Clueless 1995Alicia Silverstone, StaceyDash.« (:25) Tosh.0 ( 2 :55) Tosh.0 ( : 25) Tosh.0 ( 3 :56) Tosh.0 (:27) Futurama (4:58) Futurama Always Sunny COM 135 53 13547 W (:15) South Park (:45) South Park (:15) South Park (:45) South Park (:15) ** RENO911h Miami 2007ThomasLennon, BenGarant. « The Half Hour Futurama Futurama Always Sunny T (11:56) 30Rock (:26) 30Rock (12:56) 30Rock (:26) South Park South Park (:26) ** Encino Man1992SeanAstin, BrendanFraser. « (:28) Futurama (4:59) Futurama Al Madrigal (:21) ** The Goods: Live Hard.Sell Hard. 2009Jeremy Piven. tw (:21) ** Hot Rod 2007Andy Samberg, JormaTaccone. As (:23) Futurama (4:54) Futurama Always Sunny Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Joy of Fishing Adv Journal G e t Outdoors Visions of NW City Edition Paid Program COTV CSPAN 61 20 12 (9:00) Public Affairs Public Affairs Capitol Hill Hearings Little Einsteins Little Einsteins Never Land Ne ver Land Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie G ood-Charlie G ood-Charlie Austin 8 Ally A u stin & Ally Austin 8 Ally A u stin & Ally Jungle Junction ** Princess Protection Program 2009 n « Austin 6 Ally W i zards-Place Wizards-Place Wizards-Place *DIS 87 43 14 39 W Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Jessie Jessie Jessie Austin 8 Ally D o g With a Blog Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Doc McStuffins Doc McStuffins Gravity Falls Gravity Falls G r avity Falls A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm T Mickey Mouse * ** Mulan 1998 Voices of Ming-NaWen. n w «s Shake It Up! Shake It Up! S h ake It Up! *** Enchanted 2007 Amy Adams,Patrick Dempsey. nw «s I (Almost) Got AwayWith It MythBusters Dual Survival Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Texas CarWars Backyard Oil B ackyard Oil Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch 'DISC 15621 16 37 W MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters Secrets of Bin Laden's Lair OsamabinLaden:TheFinish Dual Survival Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Blade Brothers Blade Brothers MythBusters Sons of Guns Sons of Guns Sons of Guns I (Almost) GotAwayWith It *** The 40-Year-Old Virgin 2005SteveCarell, Catherine Keener E! News Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and theCity Sex and the City What.Ryan W hat-Ryan Sex and theCity Sex and the City ** Mean Girls 22011, ComedyMeaghanMartin, MaiaraWalsh *El Kourtney andKimTake Miami K ourtney and KimTake Miami J o n as Jonas 136 25 W Sex and the City Sex and the City The E! TrueHollywood Story Rea dy for Love T * INow PronounceYouChuckand Larry2007Adam Sandler,KevinJames What-Ryan Outside Lines Football Live NFL Live Around the Horn Interruption SportsCenter MLB Baseball Washington Nationals at Atlanta Braves (N)(Live) « E:60 Audibles ESPN 21 23 22 23 W MLB Baseball TeamsTBA (NSubject to Blackout) (Live) ts SportsCenter College Softball Th SportsCenter NBA Countdown NBA Basketball Best/First Take Dan Le Batard SportsNation NFL32 Around the Horn Interruption NFL Live SportsCenter Special E:60
CrossFit Games CrossFit Games E:60 NBA Basketball UWF Wrestling UWFWrestling UWF Wrestling UWF Wrestling UWF Wrestling UWF Wrestling UWF Wrestling UWFWrestling Boxing Battle of the NetworkStars (10:30) Tennis S/C Flashbacks SportsCentury S/C Flashbacks Up Close SportsCentury Up Close S/CFlashbacks (:15) Boxing ESPNC 23 25 12325 W (11:00) MLBBaseball NBA Classic Boxing Boxing Can't Blame... Can't Blame Boxing White Shadow Th Can't Blame... Can't Blame Horse Racing Horse Racing Horse Racing Horse Racing Horse Racing Horse Racing Horse Racing Horse Racing SportsCentury Friday Night Lights Full House Fu l l House Full House Fu l l House Reba That '70s Show That '70s Show That'70s Show That'70s Show FAM 67 29 19 41 Reba Reba Reba The O'Reilly Factor FNC 57 61 36 50 Studio B With ShepardSmith Your World With Neil Cavuto The Five Special Report With Bret Baier FOX Report With ShepardSmith B'foot Contessa Sandra's Res Dollar Dinners Secrets Best Dishes 30-Minute Meals Giada at Home Giada at Home B'foot Contessa B'foot Contessa Best Dishes P i oneer Wo Money Saving Paula's Cooking Trisha's Sou 'FOOD 17762 98 44 W Paula's Cooking Pioneer Wo. Best Dishes T r i sha's Sou. Th Sandra Lee Best Dishes Mexican-Easy Guy's Big Bite Guy's Big Bite Guy's Big Bite Guy's Big Bite Guy's Big Bite Guy's Big Bite Guy s Big Bite Fantastic Four: Silver Surfer *** The Incredible Hulk 2008,Action EdwardNorton, LivTyler, Tim Roth *** Hellboy Ih TheGolden Army 2008, ActionRonPerlman, SelmaBlair (11:30) *** Hellboy Ih TheGolden Army2008, Action RonPerlman. * Jumper 2008,ScienceFiction HaydenChristensen, Jamie Bell Two/Half Men Two/Half Men How I Met How I Met UEFA Champions LeagueSoccer: Semifinal How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men FX 13 (11:00) ** Vantage Point 2008 * B a d Company 2002, ActionAnthony Hopkins, Chris Rock, MatthewMarsh How I Met *** The Incredible Hulk 2008,Action EdwardNorton, LivTyler, Tim Roth (10:30) * Bad Company2002 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men * * X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2009, Action ESPN2 22 24 21 24 W Th
I Hunters Int'I
TV • PAGE 11
APRIL 27 — MAY 3, 2013
W Th F
M Modern Marvels T Me aDisasters *HIS W MonsterQuest Th SwampPeople F American Pickers LIF Will 8 Grace Will & Grace MSN TheC cle M (:10)TeenMom2 T (:10) True Life MTV W (11:35) 16and Pregnant Th Teen Mom2 (:45) MTV Special F (:10) Girl Code (:45) Girl Code NIC Peter Rabbit Ma x & Rub M Dr. Phil
~ I
« « ~ I
*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. / Sports programmingmayvary. II
Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Propert Vir ins Propert Vir ins Propert Vir ins Propert Vir ins Buying andSelling Buying and Selling
Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Propert Vir ins Propert Vir ins Propert Vir ins Proper Vir ins Buying and Sellin Buying and Sellin
Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Propert Vir ins Propert Vir ins Buying and Sellin
Home StrangeHome Home StrangeHome For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Me a Disasters Me a Disasters MonsterQuest MonsterQuest SwampPeople Chasing Tail Ch a sing Tail American Pickers American Pickers How I Met/Mother How I Met/Mother Grey's Anatomy Martin Bashir Hardball With Chris Matthews Teen Mom2 (:20) TeenMom2 True Life (:20) TrueLife 16 and Pregnant (:20) 16 andPregnant
Income Property Income Property Income Property Income Property IncomeProperty Income Property For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Me a Disasters Earth 2100 MonsterQuest MonsterQuest Hell: The Devil's Domain SwampPeople SwampPeople SwampPeople American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Grey's Anatomy Varied Programs
Hardball With Chris Matthews Allln WithChris Ha es (4:50) TeenMom2 (:40) TeenMom2 Parental Control (:15) Parental Control Parental Control Parental Control (:40) 16 andPregnant (4:50) 16and Pregnant (:05) Girl Code (:40) Girl Code (:15) Pranked (4:50) Pranked Ridiculousness True Life Fantas Facto Fantas Factor F antas Factor (:20) True Life (:15) Rob D rdek's Fantas Facto Dora the Explorer Dora the Explorer Spon eBob Spo n eBob Spon eBob Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Spon eBob Spo n eBob Dr. Phil Double Life Double Life Double Life Double Life T Mystery Diagnosis Mystery Diagnosis Mystery Diagnosis Mystery Diagnosis OW W Stolen Voices Stolen Voices Stolen Voices S t olen Voices Stolen Voices S t olen Voices Stolen Voices S t olen Voices Th Solved Solved Solved Solved Police Womenof Dallas Police Womenof Dallas Police Womenof Dallas Police Womenof Dallas F College Baseball Stanford at Oregon College TennisPac.12Championships M (11:00) SpringFootball T Men's Basketball Women's CollegeTennis Pac-12Championships: Singles Women's CollegeTennisPac.12Championships:Doubles PAC W College Softball College Softball California at Arizona State College Baseball Stanford at Oregon Men's Basketball Men's Basketball Women's Colle e Tennis Pac-12 Championships: Sin les Th Women's Colle eLacrosse Sprin Football Men's Basketball Men's Basketball College Softball OregonState at Oregon(N) (Live) F Women's CollegeTennisPac-12Championships:Doubles M Ways to Die (:22) *** Universal Soldier: Regeneration 2009,Actionn (:28) ** The Punisher 2004,ActionThomasJane, JohnTravolta, Will Patton. n (:02) ** Underworld 2003n T Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters SPI W CSE CrimeScene Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue **** GoodFellas1990 Robert DeNiro. n Th Jail Jail **** GoodFellas 1990, CrimeDramaRobert De Niro, Ra Liotta. An Irish-Italian hood'oins the 1950sNewYork Mafia. n *** Scarface 1983,CrimeDramaAl Pacino. n « F Gangland Gangland Gangland Gangland Gangland Gangland M Lord of the Rings *** V for Vendetta 2006,Action Natalie Portman, Hu o Weavin . A vi ilante fi hts a fascist overnment * Resident Evil: Afterlife 2010,Horror MiIa Jovovich,Ali Larter. « Destination Truth Destination Truth Destination Truth T Destination Truth Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files SY W Face0ff Face Off Face Off Face Off Face Off Weird or What? Th 11:00 ** Toolbox Murders * The Pum kin Karver 2006,Horror Am Weber, MichaelZara. * The Hills Have E es 22007Michael McMilian Defiance F Merlin Merlin Merlin Merlin Merlin Merlin TBN Sp r ing Praise-A-Thon 'TB According to Jim Love-Raymond American Dad American Dad Wipeout Love-Raymond Friends Friends Friends Friends King of Queens M (11:30) *** High Society 1956BingCrosby ** Doctor, You've Got to BeKidding 1967 « ** It CameFromOuter Space (:15) ** Bittersweet Love1976,DramaLanaTurner, RobertLansing T The Prowler 1951 Abbott-Captain Kidd ** The An r Hills 1959, WarRobertMitchum, Elisabeth Mueller. « ** A Stolen Life 1946 « (:45) ** The Bi Lea uer 1953EdwardG. Robinson *** Brother Rat1938 « TC W (11:15) **** Interrupted Melody (:15) *** Trial 1955, Drama Glenn Ford, DorothyMcGuire. « (:15) *** Ransom 1956,DramaGlenn Ford,Donna Reed. « Th **The Locket ** Macao 1952 RobertMitchum,Jane Russell.As *** Duel inthe Sun1946 « The Great DiamondRobbery1953 (:15) ** Moonfleet1955 StewartGranger, GeorgeSanders. « *** High Society 1956BingCrosby, GraceKelly. «(DVS) *** Ahce m Wonderland 1933 F (11:45) *** Pennies FromHeaven (:15) ** Road to Bali 1952,MusicalComedyBing Crosby, BobHope M What Not to Wear A Baby Story A Baby Story ExtremeCouponing: Holiday Hauls What Not to Wear Four Weddings Island Medium Island Medium T ExtremeCoupon Extreme Coupon IFoundtheGown I FoundtheGown Lon Island Medium W Four Weddings Island Medium Island Medium Th F *TOO *T A
Bones Bones Loone Tunes N ew Scoob -Doo New Scoob -Doo Almost Naked Varied Pro rams M M*A*S*H M*A*S'H Gunsmoke T Gunsmoke
Four Weddings Bones Scared S uirrel Loone Tunes Anthony Bourdain: NoReservations Bonanza
Four Weddings Bones Johnn Test Carnivore Bonanza
Johnn Test Carnivore
Four Weddings Varied Programs Varied Pro rams World of Gumball World of Gumball Adventure Time Bizarre FoodsWith AndrewZimmern Man v. Food Man v. Food M*A*S*H
NCIS NCIS T Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit W Law 8 Order: Criminal Intent NCIS NCIS US Th Burn Notice F CSI: Crime SceneInvestigation CSI: Crime SceneInvestigation CSI: Crime SceneInvestigation M I'mMarriedtoA Behind the Music Behind the Music I'm Married to A T The Gossip Game T.l. and Tiny O ffPitch W Behind the Music Behind the Music Master of the Mix I'm Married to A Th 11:30***Bandslam2009AI Michalka,VanessaHud ens.n F T.l.andTiny Lov e & HipHop: Atlanta Off Pitch Saturda Ni ht Live Performance M (10:00) PGA Tour Golf Zurich Classic of NewOrleans, Final Round T The Haney Project Feherty Feherty Playing Lessons What's in the Bag GOLF W Inside PGATour Learning Center Wells Fargo Highlights Th PGA TourGolf Wells Far o Championship, First Round FromCharlotte, N.C. (N) (Live) F PGA Tour Golf Wells Far o Championship, SecondRound FromCharlotte, N.C. (N) (Live) AL Marie Marie Varied Programs Happy Days H a ppy Days M Hank Parker In t o the Blue The DanPatrick Show Pro Football Talk 7 GaffLife Fishing Texas Kentucky Derby Classics Kentucky Derby Classics NBCSN W Hobie Outdoor H o bie Outdoor Th FLW Outdoors Horse RacingKentucky Oaks(N) F Motorsports Hour Brain Games Brain Games Brain Games M Drain the Ocean T The Girl With Eight Limbs China's Elephant Man Turtle Boy NG W Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Locked UpAbroad Th The Truth Behind the Lost Ark Brain Games Brain Games B r ain Games F The 80's: TheDecadeThat MadeUs Sex in the StoneAge Neanderthal Code NTOON Danny Phantom Power Rangers The Penguins T he Penguins Back at, Barnyard Back at, Barnyard M Gold Fever Fisher's ATV Mathew's Domi American Archer Arrow Affliction T Ted Nuent M o st Wanted Truth Huntin S rin Huntin, Countr Bone Collector Shooting Gallery Elite Tactical Unit OUT W Shootin USA Th Friends of NRA Under Wild Skies Ult. Adventures Whitetail Freaks Hunt Masters D r op Zone F Realtree Outdoor Wildgame Nation The Crush Hunt Adventure Facts of Fishing Velvick's Eyes
NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS
NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS
NCIS Law 8 Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS
CSI: Crime SceneInvestigation Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law 8 Order: Special Victims Unit ** You Got Served2004 n Behind the Music Behind the Music *** Menace II Society1993 n ** YouGotServed2004,DramaMarquesHouston,OmariGrandberry. n I'm Married to A T.l. andTiny The Gossip Game *** Bandslam Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta T.l. and Tin T.l . and Tin T.l. and Tin T.l . and Tin Saturday Ni ht Live Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Golf Central The Golf Fix The HaneyProject Golf Central Ins i de PGA TourGolf Academy Playing Lessons Golf's Greatest Rounds Euro Tour Weekly School of Golf On the Range Top10 Golf Central PGA Tour Golf Wells Far o Championship, First Round PGA Tour Golf HappyDays Happy Days HappyDays Happy Days The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch The Crossover The Crossover Boxing NHL Lottery Wor ld Series 2 NHL Live NHL HockeyConference Quarterfinal: TeamsTBA (Live)
The NumbersGame Pint-Sized Preachers Breakout The NumbersGame The Truth Behind Back at, Barnyard Back at, Barnyard Bow Madness Archer's Choice Troph Hunt Cuddeback's Best Defense Amer. Rifleman Addicted, Out Tracks, Africa The Bassmasters
The NumbersGame Brain Games Brain Games Amish: Out of Order Amish at the Altar Locked UpAbroad Locked UpAbroad The Truth Behind UFOs:Popped Brain Games Grand CanyonSkywalk Finding the Next Earth Legend-Korra Avatar: Airbender Yu.Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Western Extreme Whitetail Freaks Bone Collector Hunt Masters Tecomate White Amer. Bird Hunter Driven TV TedNu ent Impossible Shots Midwa USA's Shootin USA Wardens Spring TecomateWhite Zona's Show The Bass Pros Major League Fishing
THE BULLETIN «APRIL 27 — MAY 3, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
PAGE 12 • TV
c II
KATU Newsat 6(N) rr «
Jeopardy! (N)o
(10:01) Castle Still A bomb puts Beck- KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Jimmy 'Q' cc ett's life in danger.(N) n 'PG' Kimmel Live '14' (ABC) NYC (N)'G' (N)o cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune The Voice TheKnockouts, Part1 Contestantsperform. (N) n 'PG' cc (10:01) Revolution Home Aaron goes NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (NBC) NYC (N)'G' with Rachel to theTower. '14' at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno AccessHollywood Who WantstoBe New Adventures 30 RockQueenof How IMetYour Rules of Engage- 2Broke Girls (N) Mike & Molly (N) n Hawaii Five-0ATV hostspendsaday KOIN Local6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ n '14' ©c '14' cc (N) 'PG' a Millionaire o fOld Christine Jordan n '14' M other (N) '14' ment 'PG' w>th theteam. (N) 14 cc David Letterman (CBS) (N) cc omg! Insider (N) rr Dancing With theStars (N) rr 'PG' « (10:01) Castle Still A bomb puts Beck- KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Jimmy KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat Entertainment 'PQ' cc ett's life in danger.(N) n 'PG' (ABC) 6:00(N) « 6:30 (N) « Toni g ht(N) r1 11:00 (N) « Kim mel Live '14' Two and aHalf The Big Bang The Big Bang Bones A string ofmurdersties to FBI The Following TheFinal Chapter Ryan News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family Guyn Family Guy n KFXO III g) @ g) Two and aHalf '14' cc '14' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc The o ry n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' agents. (N)'14' «(DVS) (FOX) tries to stopJce Carroll. '14' First on FOX Antiques RoadshowRapidCity TWA History Detectives A 1775 Almanac; Make Me Rejuvenating aging mice; stem Independent Lens Bodieslitter the KOAB ~ gy ~ gy This Old House n Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) n acc 'Q' cc Arizonadesert. (N) (PA)'MA' cc (PBS) Report (N) n 'G' travel posters. (N)'G' cc exercise guru. 'PG' « cells. rr cc NewsChannel8at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc InsideEdition(N) TheyoiceTheKncckouts,Part1Contestantsperform.(N)rr'PG'cc (10:01) Revolution Home Aaron goes NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc with Rachel to theTower. '14' (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) 11(N) cc With Jay Leno That '70s Show n Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Rules of Engage. Oh Sit! HavanaBrownperforms; players 90210Jordanmust endthings with Cops Countyjail; Seinfeld TheSui- Rules of Engage. That '70s Shown KTVZDT2 @ ~ gy @ The King of '14' cc 'PQ' cc ment 'PG' ment '14' Queens n 'PG' compete. (N) rr 'PG' « Naomi. (N) rr '14' « accident. ri '14' cide 'PG' « (CW) OPBPL 1 75 1 7 3 My Family 'PG' Time Goes By Idina MenzelLive — Barefoot Straight NoChaser: Songs World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU
Wheel of Fortune Dancing With the Stars (N) rr 'PG' «
Bates Motel Normareceivessome Bates Motel TheTruth DylanasksNor- Bates Motel The BatesMotel opensfor (11:01) Bates Motel TheBatesMotel 3 28 1 8 32 Criminal Minds Asuspected humantraf- killer Criminal Thenteam a much-neededhelp. '14' cc ficking ring. n '14' cc hasMinds returned. '14' suspects cc man to move inwith him. '14' business. (N) '14' cc opens for business. '14' cc ** "Marked for Death" (1990, Action) StevenSeagal, BasilWallace. Aformer ** "Godzilla" (1998, ScienceFiction) MatthewBroderick, Jean Reno, MariaPitillo. Nuclear testing in the South Pacific pro- (11:01) **** "Unforgiven" (1992)Clint 'AMC DEA agenttries to stop aJamaican drugring. « duces agiant mutatedlizard. Eastwood. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Call-Wildman C a ll-Wildman Ghostland, Tennessee'PG' cc Cal l -Wildman C a ll-Wildman R i ver Monsters n 'PG Ice Cold Goldn 'PG Call.Wildman Call.Wildman *** "TheQueenof Versailes" (2012,Documentary) Premiere BRAVO 13 44 Hou sewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC What Happens Queen-Versa Re b a 'PG' « ** "Blue Collar ComedyTour: Onefor the Road" (2006,Comedy)rr '14 CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' « Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC 54 36 40 52 Treasure Detectives The Car Chasers Mad Money Treasure Detectives The Car Chasers Paid Program Paid Program CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganLive(N)(Live) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront K e y & Peele '14' (8:28) Futurama COM 13 53 135 47 Always Sunny (6:26) Tosh.0 '14' Colbert Report Daily Show (8:58) Futurama (9:29) South Park (9:59) South Park South Park 'MA' Daily Show Co l bert Report COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Adv Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 First Ladies: Influence & ImageElizaJohnson(N) Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e s sie'G' « A.N.T. Farm'G' Shake It Up! 'G' Austin & Ally n ** "Princess Protection Program"(2009) n 'G' Dog With a Blog Austin I Ally 'G' Jessie 'G' « Goo d-Charlie *DISC 15 21 16 37 TexasCarWarsFlipcrFlop'14' Overhaulin' (N) rr 'PG' « Overhaulin' n 'PG' cc Overhaulin' n 'PG' cc Texas CarWars: ScrappedOut (N) Overhaulin' n 'PG' cc *E! What-Ryan Wh a t-Ryan 13 2 5 (4:00)"The40-Year-0/d Virgin" E! News(N) The Soup '14' Married to Jonas Married to Jonas Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 MLBBaseball: NationalsatBraves Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (5:00) SportsCenter Special 30 for 30 SportsNation Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)sc s NBA Tonight (N) NASCARNow NFL Live « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 AWA Wrestling cc AWA Wresthng cc PBA Bowling FromFeb.1, 1969 S/C Flashbacks Up Close cc Boxing cc Boxing cc Boxing cc Boxing cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. ** "HappyGilmore"(1996)AdamSandler, Christopher McDonald. FAM 67 29 19 41 America'sFunniestHomeVideos Secret Life of American Teen Secret Life of American Teen The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive D i ners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive *** "Forgetting SarahMarshall" (2008, Romance-Comedy)Jason Segel, Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis. "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" (2008) FX 131 How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men HGTV 17 49 33 43 Hunters Int'I H un t ers Int'I Love It or List It Maharishi 'G' Love It or List It Mark &Alana'G ' L o ve It or List It (N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Love It or List It Gallagher 'G' *HIST 15 42 41 36 Modern Marvels Doors 'PG' cc American Pickers MotorCity 'PG' American Pickers 'PG' « American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc (11:02) AmericanPickers 'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 "ThePregnancyPact"(2010) NancyTravis Thora Birch 'PG' cc "TheSurrogacy Trap" (2013,Drama)AdamReid. « "StolenChild" (2011)Emmanuelle Vaugier, Corbin Bernsen. « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 2238 57 TeenMom2Don'tBeCruel'PG' Teen Mom 2Sweet Dreams'PG' Teen Mom 2 n 'PG' Teen Mom2 Hard Knocksn 'PG' Teen Mom 2 n '14' Teen Mom 2'14' NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob SpongeBob D r ake & Josh n Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n '14' (11:33) Friends Double Life Contract Killer n 'PG' Dateline on OWN n '14' « Dateline on OWN n '14' « Dateline on OWN The Player '14' Dateline on OWN n '14' « OWN 161 103 31 103 Double Life n 'PG' cc PAC12 47 310310310 College Tennis Basketball Col l ege Basketball California Ariat zona College Basketball Missouri atUCLA Basketball College Basketball *** "The Mummy" (1999) BrendanFraser. A mummyseeksrevenge for a 3,000-year-old curse. n *** "The Mummy" (1999) n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (5:02) **"Underworld"(2003)KateBeckinsale, ScottSpeedman.n SYFY 13 35 133 45 ** "TheScorpion King" (2002, Adventure) TheRock, StevenBrand. Defiance Defiance AWellRespectedMan(N) Warehouse13 (N) rr « Defiance AWell RespectedMan TBN 205 60 130 Spring Praise-A-Thon Kickoff The King of Seinfeld TheSoul Seinfeld The SevenSeinfeld The Un- Family Guyn Family Guyn Family GuyGer- Family Guyn Family GuyTrad- Family Guy rr Conan (N) '14' « 'TBS 'PQ' cc '14' cc '14' « Queens o 'PG Mate 'PG' derstudy n 'PG' '14' cc man Guy n '14' 'PG' cc ing Places '14' ** "TheMagnetic Monster" (1953,ScienceFiction) Richard ** "Riders to the Stars" (1954, ScienceFiction) Wiliam Lun ** "ThePower" (1968,ScienceFiction) George Hamilton, SuzannePleshette. A "Creature-Black TCM 101 44 101 29 Outer Space" Carlson, KingDonovan,JeanByron. « scientist uses a deadly formof ESPon his colleagues. « Lagoon" digan, HerbertMarshall, RichardCarlson. *TLC 17 34 32 34 IslandMedium Island Medium Worst Tattoos Worst Tattoos Worst Tattoos Worst Tattoos W orst Tattoos Worst Tattoos Worst Tattoos Worst Tattoos Worst Tattoos Worst Tattoos (5:00) NBABasketball First Round:TeamsTBA(N) (Live) cc NBA Basketball First Round: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) cc Inside the NBA(N)(Live) cc Castle TheDouble DownCastle bets *TNT with Espositc. rr 'PG' « *TOON 84 Adventure Time Regular Show Regular Show Adventure Time Regular Show MAD'PG' King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Hotellmpossible'PG' « Man v. Food 'G Man v. Food B i zarre Foods America 'PG' « Burg er Land 'G' Burger Land 'GWhite and New White and New Bizarre Foods America 'PG' cc Forever Young Forever Young King TVLND 65 47 29 35 The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Love-Raymond Love-Raymond ofQueens King ofQueens USA 15 30 23 30 NCISRoyalsandLoyals'PG ' « NCIS Crackedn'PG'« WWE MondayNight RAW(N) n 'PG' ac c (11:05) NCIS:Los Angeles n '14' VH1 191 48 37 54 (5:00)**"YouGotServed"n Love&HipHop:Atlantan'14' Love & HipHop:Atlanta (N) '14' T . l . and Tiny T h e Gossip Game (N) n '14' Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14 T.l. and Tiny *A&E
*** "TheBourne Supremacy" 2004Matt Damon.ri 'PG-13' « 106401 306401(6:10) *** "Gremlins"1984,FantasyZachGalligan. rr 'PG' « ** TheJackal (9:50) ** "The Temp"1993Timothy Hutton. rr 'R' FXM Presents * * " The Daythe EarthStoodStil"2008 KeanuReeves. 'PG-13' « FXM Presents * * "Reign ol Fire" 2002, FantasyChristian Bale. 'PG-13' « 104204104120"The Daythe Earth Stood Still" 34 UFC159: Jonesvs. Sonnen -Prelims UFC ReloadedUFC92: Evansvs. Griffin Fcrrest Griffin against RashadEvans. AMA SupercrossRacing
28 301 27 301 TheHaneyProject (N)
Golf Central
The HaneyProject
The Golf Fix
P e r formance
HALL 66 33 175 33 Brady Bunch B r ady Bunch B r ady Bunch B r ady Bunch Frasier rr 'PG' Frasier rr 'PG' Frasier o 'PG' Frasier rr 'PG' Frasier 'PG' Frasier 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' *** "Prometheus" 2012,ScienceFiction Noomi Rapace. n 'R' cc HBO 425 501 425501 ** "TheChronicles ol Riddick" 2004 Vin Diesel. n 'PG-13' cc Real Time With Bill Maher n 'MA' (11:15) Game of Thrones n 'MA' ** "SilentHill" 2006, Horror RadhaMitchell, Laurie Holden. 'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) ** "Si/entHill" 2006 RadhaMitchell. 'R (7:45) ** "The HillsHaveEyes" 2006, HorrorAaronStanford, Kathleen Quinlan. 'R *** "Contagion" 2011,SuspenseMarionCotillard. n 'PG-13' cc MAX 400508 508 The BigYearn (6:20) *"TheHaunting"1999 LiamNeescn. 'PG-13' (8:15) ** "Seeking a Friend for theEndolthe World"2012'R' cc NBCSN 27 58 30 209 (5:30) World Seriesof Fighting2 World Series of Fighting 1 World Series of Fighting 2 Arlovski vs.Johnson. FromAtlantic City, N.J F1 36 'PG' Brain Games Brain Games The Numbers Game'14 Brain Games'G' Brain Games The NumbersGame'14' NGC 157 157 B r ain Games (N) Brain Games (N) The Numbers Game(N)'14 NTOON 89 115189115 SpongeBob S p ongeBob Sp o ngeBob SpongeBob S pongeBob S p ongeBob R o bot, Monster Robot, Monster Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom
Bottom Feeders Ivan Carter Be s t of West E l i te Tactical Unit *** "The Help"2011,DramaViola Davis, EmmaStone. n 'PG-13' « Dumbest Stuff Pinks - All Out 'PG' Faster Than F a ster Than STARZ 300 408300408 (6:15) *** "Hope Springs" 2012 Meryl Streep. n 'PG-13' « Da Vinc i'sDemons n 'MA'« Da Vinci's DemonsThePrisoner ** "Sy/via"2003, BiographyGwyneth Paltrow. o 'R' « TMC 525 52 5 S t . Jchn-Vegss * * *"Your Sister's Sister" 2011 Emily Blunt. 'R *WE 14 41 174118 PushGirls 'PG' Push Girls 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG'
OUTD 37 30743 307 Heartland Bow Fisher's ATV Savage Wild SHO 500 500 (5:30) ** "Elizabeth:TheGolden Age" 2007 SPEED 35 303125 303Faster Than F a s ter Than Dumbest Stuff
Your Weapon Bottom Feeders Fisher's ATV S avage Wild The Big C: Hereafter (N) n 'MA Nurse Jackie n The Big C: He. Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Unique Whips '14' (10:05) **"TheVow"2012RachelMcAdams.n 'PG-13'« **"The Beaver"2011 MelGibson. 'PG-13' « WomanBlack Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG'
TV • PAGE 13
'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. •
v II
at 6 (N)rr « KATU KATU News
II Jeopardy!(N) rc
(10:01) 20/20AmandaKnoxon her years in KATU Newsat11 (11:35) JimmyKimmel Live '14' prison. (N) n « (N) rr cc The VoiceTheKnockouts, Part 2Contestantsperform. (N) n cc (10:01) GrimmEndangeredJuliette has NewsChannel 21 at The Tonight Show KTVZ (NBC) romantic memorieof s Nick. (N) rr '14' 1 1 (N) « With Jay Leno(N) NCIS RevengeTheteamsearches for Bod NCIS: Los Angeles Theteaminvestigates Golden Boy Longshot A star basketball KOIN Local 6 at11 Late Show With KBNZ David Letterman (CBS) nar. (N) rr 'PG' cc(DVS) a bizarrecase.(N) n '14' player is murdered.(N) 'PG' cc (N) cc Splash Amaskedcelebrity dives. (N)n Dancing With theStars (N) rr 'PG' « (10:01) 20/20AmandaKnoxonher yearsin KEZI9 News at (11:35) JimmyKimKOHD 'PQ' cc 11:00 (N) cc mel Live '14' (ABC) prison. (N) n « Hell's Kitchen Theteamsmust create five New Girl Virginity The Mindy Project News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc F a mily Guy n '14' ccFamily Guy n KFXO 'PQ' cc (FOX) steak dishes.(N) n '14' « stories. (N) n '14' Triathlon (N)'14' First on FOX(N) The Dust Bowl Reapingthe Whirlwind Familiesfind relief in California. n 'PG' «(DVS) Frontline Never Forget toLieHolocaust "TheLostBird Project" (2012, Documen KOAB survivor MarianMarzynski. (N) (PBS) 'Q' cc Report (N) n 'G' tary) rc (DVS) Inside Edition (N) rr The VoiceTheKnockouts, Part 2Contestantsperform. (N) rr « (10:01) GrimmEndangeredJuliette has NewsChannel 8 at The Tonight Show KGW NewsChannel8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) cc 'PQ' cc With Jay Leno(N) (NBC) 6PM(N) « 6:30PM(N) « romantic memorieof s Nick. (N) n '14' 1 1 (N) « KTVZDT2 The King of QueensThat '70s Show n Seinfeld TheVoice Rules of Engage. Hart of Dixie I'm MovingOn MaxandRose America's NextTop ModelThemodels Cops Indianapolis n Seinfeld The Sub- Rules of Engage- That '70s Show n '14' cc 'PQ' cc '14' cc ment '14' cc way rr 'PG' « (CW) n 'PG' play matchmakerfor Zoe.'PG' are dressed aszombies '14' cc ment Les-bro '14' '14' « OPBPL New Tricks Queen and Country « Ame r ica Revealed Electric Nation 'G' America Revealed n 'PG' « BBC World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose (N) n cc PBS NewsHour n cc
Wheel of Fortune 'Q' cc NYC(N) 'G' « NewsChannel 21 at 6(N) cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune 'Q' cc NYC(N) 'G' « Access Hollywood Who Wants to Be a NewAdventures of 30 Rock Plan Bn (N)n'PG cc Millionaire 'G' O l d Christine '14' cc KEZI 9 Newsat 6:00 KEZI 9 Newsat 6:30 Entertainment To- omg! Insider (N) cc (N) cc (N) cc night(N) n « Two and aHalf Men Two andaHalfMen TheBigBang The Big Bang rr '14' cc rr '14' cc Theory '14' cc Theory '14' cc Ask This Old HouseNightly Business PBS NewsHour(N) n «
Splash Amaskedcelebrity dives. (N) n Dancing With the Stars (N) rr 'PG' «
Storage Wars «Storage WarsSan Storage WarsTexas StorageWars
Storage Wars
'PQ' cc
Storage Wars A Storage Wars (N) American Hoggers American Hoggers (11:01) American (11:31) American Time to Kiln 'PG' 'PG' cc (N) 'PG' (N) 'PG' Hoggers 'PG' Hoggers 'PG' ** "Hulk"(2003, Fantasy)Eric Bana,Jennifer Connelly, SamElliott. Scientist Bruce Bannertransforms into apowerful brute. « (11:01) ** "TheLeagueof Extraordinary 'AMC (5:00) ** "Godziiia"(1998, ScienceFiction) MatthewBroderick, Jean Reno.Nuclear testing in theSouth Pacific producesa giant mutatedlizard. Gentlemen"(2003)« *ANPL River Monsters:Unhookedn 'PG River Monsters:Unhookedn 'PG The Blue Planet: Seas of Life n 'G' T h e Blue Planet: Seas of Life n 'G' T h e Blue Planet: Seas of Life n 'G' T h e Blue Planet: Seas of Life n 'G BRAVO Don't Be Tardy... Don't Be Tardy... Housewives/OC The Real Housewives of Atlanta '14' D on't Be Tardy... Don't Be Tardy... The Kandi Factory (N) What Happens Don't Be Tardy Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' « Reb a 'PG' « CMT Reba 'PG' cc Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt Dog'sNewTricks '14' « Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt'14' cc G u ntucky n '14' Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC Crowd Rules(N) The Car Chasers Mad Money Fast Money Executive Vision Paid Program Paid Program CNN Piers MorganLive (N) (Live) Anderson Cooper 360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Workaholics '14' Tosh.0 '14' cc T o s h.0 '14' cc T o s h.0 '14' cc T o s h.0 (N) '14' A m y Schumer D a ily Show COM South Park '14' T osh.0 '14' cc Colbert Report Daily Show Colbert Report COTV Paid Program K r i sti Miller Redmond City Council Kristi Miller City Edition CSPAN (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS Good-Charlie Jes sie 'G' cc A.N.T. Farm'G ' Dog With a Blog Austin & Ally 'G' ** "Ella Enchanted" (2004)AnneHathaway. n « Phineas andFerb Austin & Ally 'G' Jessie 'G' « Good-Charlie *DISC (5:00) Deadliest Catch n 'PG' cc Deadliest Catch n '14' cc Deadliest Catch: OnDeck(N) cc Deadhest Catch (N) n '14' cc Africa n cc Deadhest Catch n 14 cc *E! Kardashians Interview E! News(N) Kourtney and KimTakeMiami '14' Married to Jonas Married to Jonas What Would Ryan What Would Ryan Chelsea Lately (N) E! News ESPN Baseball: BryceBegins(N) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 2012 CrossFit Games CrossFit Games CrossFit Games Audibles (N) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « NBA Tonight (N) NASCAR Now(N) NFL Live s«e ESPNC Boxing From June26,1993. « Boxing cc Boxing 'PG' cc S/C Flashbacks SportsCentury cc AWA Wrestling cc AWA Wrestling cc ESPNN SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express ESPNFCPress Highlight Express (1996, Comedy)AdamSandler, ChristopherMcDonald *** "CoachCarter"(2005,Drama)SamuelL.Jackson.Ahigh-schoolbasketballcoachpushes his team FAM ** "Happy Giimore" to excel The 700 Club rr 'PG' « FNC Hannity (N) On the RecordW/GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On the RecordW/GretaVanSusteren The Five 'FOOD Chopped Chefsare nervous Chopped TurbotPower Chopped Spaghetti in acan;tile fish. C h opped All American Competition Chopped WithoutMissing ABeet (N) Chopped Dr.Deckle &Mr. Fried *** "Unstoppable" (2010,Action) DenzelWashington,Chris Pine FX How I Met/Mother How I Met/Mother Two andHalfMen Two and HalfMen *** "Unstoppable" (2010,Action) DenzelWashington, Chris Pine HGTV Property Virgins Property Virgins Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G Flip or Flop 'G' F l ip or Flop 'G' I n come Property Karen &Kevin'G' House Hunters Hunters Int'I Flip or Flop (N)'G' Flip or Flop (N) 'G' *HIST Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars (N) Counting Cars(N) Restoration Restoration Chasing Tail 'PG' Chasing Tail 'PG LIFE Dance Moms'PG' cc Dance Moms'PG' « Dance MomsAbby'sdancers competein NewYork. (N)'PG' « Preachers' Daughters (N) '14' « (11:01) Preachers' Daughters '14' MSNBC The RachelMaddowShow (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews cc MTV Parental Control Teen Mom 2 n '14' Teen Mom 2 n '14' Awkward. n Awk ward. n '14 Awkward. (N)'14' Girl Code (N)'14 Ke$ha: MyCrazy Awkward. n '14 NICK SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob Spo ngeBob Dra ke & Josh'Y7'Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G The Nanny'PG' The Nanny 'PG Friends '14' cc (11:33) Friends n Mystery Diagnosis n 'PG' « Oprah: WhereAre They Now? « Oprah: WhereAre They Now? n '14 Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now? « OWN Mystery Diagnosis n 'PG' « Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football PAC12 W omen's Tennis CollegeTennisPac-12Championships SPIKE Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Worst Tenants W orst Tenants Worst Tenants W orst Tenants W o rst Tenants W o rst Tenants W o rst Tenants W o rst Tenants U r ban Tarzan 'PG' Worst Tenants SYFY Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files Weird or What'?AlienEncounters (N) Weird or What? Life After Death (N) W e ird or What'? Alien Encountersn TBN Spring Praise-A-Thon King of QueensSeinfeld TheBizarro Seinfeld Jerrysur- Seinfeld The Face The Big Bang T h e Big Bang The Big Bang TheBigBang Who Gets the Last The Big Bang C o nan (N) '14' cc *TBS The n 'PG' Jerry 'PG' prises folks.'PG' Painter 'PG' « Theory 'PG' « Th e ory Pilot '14 Theory 'PG' « Theory 'PG' « L a u gh? '14' Theory n '14' (5:00) ** "A StolenLife" (1946, Drama) **"The Loves o/Carmen" (1948,Drama)Rita Hayworth, GlennFord, RonRandell. An *** "TheUndercoverMan"(1949) GlennFord. Treasury agents ** "Babies for Sale" (1940)Rochelle Hud- (11:45) *** TCM Bette Davis, GlennFord. cc amoral Gypsyprovesto be the ruin of manymen. attempt to outsmart anotoriousgangster. "Framed"(1947) son, GlennFord. Premiere. 'TLC Island Medium I s land Medium My Big FatAmericanGypsy Wedding 19 Kids-Count 1 9 Kids-Count 19 Kids and Counting (N) 'G' « The Little Couple The Little Couple 19 Kids and Counting n 'G' « (5:00) NBABasketball First Round:TeamsTBA(N) (Live) cc NBA Basketball First Round:TeamsTBA(N) (Live) cc Inside the NBA(N) (Live) cc Castle VampireWeekendAbody lying in a 'TNT graveyardhasfangs. 'PG' « "TOON Regular Show R egular Show J o hnny Test 'Y7Teen Titans Go! Looney Tunes Adventure Time King of the Hill n King of the Hill n American Dad n American Dad '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 'TRAV Bizarre FoodsWith AndrewZimmern Man v. Food 'G Man v. Food 'PG Airport 24/7: Mi A i rport 24/7: Mi Airport 24/7: Mi Airport 24/7: Mi The Layover with Anthony Bourdain Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations TVLND The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Young Forever Young King ofQueens King ofQueens The GoldenGirls The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Forever USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n L aw & Order: Special Victims Unit n Law I Order: Special Victims Unit n Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n CSE Crime SceneInvestigation '14 I'm Married to A... n '14' VH1 (5:00) *** "Menace ii Society"n The G ossip Game n '14 T.l. and Tiny T.l . and Tiny Lov e & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14 Saturday Night Live in the 2000s *A&E
Burrito 'PG' cc
'14' cc
'PQ' cc
'PG' cc
Storage Wars 'PQ' cc
Freaky Fridayrc * "JackandJill" 2011 AdamSandler. rr 'PG' cc (6:20) ** "Mr. Mom"1983Michael Keaton. 'PG' « (9:35) ** "Practical Magic"1998 SandraBullock. rr 'PG-13' « ** "Extract" 2009,ComedyJason Bateman,Mila Kunis. 'R' « ** "LittleNicky"2000,ComedyAdamSandler, HarveyKeitel. 'PG-13' « (5:00) ** "Extract" 2009 'R' «
Ghostbusters 'PG' ** "Lrf//eNrcky 2000 PG-13 «
UFC Unleashed UFC Tonight (N) UFC Insider UFC159: Jonesvs. Sonnen -Prelims UFC Unleashed UFC Tonight U F C Insider (5:00) GolpsGreatest Rounds(N) Golf Central Lea rning Center Golf's Greatest Rounds HALL The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch Frasier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'G' « Fras ier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « HBO (6:15) *** "MaryandMartha" 2013, DramaHilary Swank.n cc ** "/ce Age: Continental Drift" 201 2 n 'PG' « ** "TheCampaign" 2012Will Ferrell. n 'R' « Game of Thrones Kissed byFire 'MA' *** Shaft1971 IFC (5:00) *** "Boogie Nights" 1997,DramaMarkWahlberg. 'R (8:15) *** "Boogie Nights"1997, DramaMarkWahlberg, Burt Reynolds,Julianne Moore. A porn star's ego leads to hisdownfall. 'R *** "TheLong Kiss Goodnight" 1996, Action GeenaDavis. n 'R' cc ** "in Time"2011, ScienceFiction Justin Timberlake. n 'PG-13' cc MAX (6:05) ** "AmericanReunion" 2012,ComedyJason Biggs. n 'R' cc NBCSN NHL Hockey NHL HockeyConferenceQuarterfinal: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) NHL Live (N)(Live) The Crossover (N) Pro Football Talk Equestrian RolexChampionships Amish: Devil's Playground '14 Amish: Out of the Order '14' Amish: Devil's Playground '14' Amish at the Altar 'PG Amish: Out of Order 'PG' NGC Amish: Out of the Order '14' NTOON Odd Parents Od d Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back at, Barnyard Back at, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD Hunting, Country Most Wanted Hunting TV King of the Spring Western Extreme Hunt Adventure Truth Hunting H u nting, CountryDriven TV King of the Spring TecomateWhite Western Extreme ** "S/epmom"1998, DramaJulia Roberts, Ed Harris. Premiere. 'PG-13 SHO (5:00) *** "FrightNight"2011 'R' The Big C: Hereafter n 'MA' « (9:15) *** "50/50" 2011JosephGordon-Levitt, Seth Rogen. n 'R' « SPEED Dreams Dreams Translogic 'PG' The List Gearz 'PG' Gearz 'PG Dreams Dreams Translogic 'PG' The List UniqueWhips'PG * "GhostRider: Spirit o/ Vengeance" 2012 'PG-13' « STARZ (4:20)OpenRange (6:40) ** "The Alamo"2004Dennis Quaid. OutnumberedTexansfight to secedefromMexico (10:40) *** "BadSanta" 2003Bily Bob Thornton. 'R ** "AgainsttheRopes" 2004,DramaMegRyan. rr 'PG-13' « * "Legendary" 2010,DramaPatricia Clarkson, JohnCena. rr 'PG-13' « TMC (4:30) Camp 2003 ** "TheDecoyBride" 2011Kelly Macdonald. 'PG' « "WE CSI: Miami Backstabbers '14' cc CSE Miami Internal Affairs '14' cc CSI: Miami ThrowingHeat '14' cc CSE Miami NoMan's Land'14' cc CSI : Miami Come As YouAre n '14' C S E Miami Backstabbers '14' cc
THE BULLETIN «APRIL 27 — MAY 3, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
PAGE 14 • TV
c II
KATU Newsat 6(N) rr «
II Jeopardy! (N)o
Wheel of Fortune The Middle (N) rr Family Tools Pilot Modern Family How to Live With Nashville Teddyconfronts Peggyabout KATU Newsat 11 (11:35) Jimmy 'Q' cc 'PG' « (N) 'PG' « Kimmel Live '14 (ABC) NYC (N)'G' Career Day'PG Your Parents t he leaks. (N) n 'PG' « (N)o cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune The Voice n 'PG' cc (9:01) Law &Order: Special Victims Chicago Fire Retaliation Hit Severide NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (NBC) NYC (N)'G' Unit TraumaticWound(N)'14' faces a threat to hiscareer. '14' at11 (N) « Wit h Jay Leno AccessHollywood Who WantstoBe New Adventures 30 Rock I Heart Survivor: Caramoan — Fans vs. Favor CriminalMinds Twomenaremurdered CSECrimeSceneInvestigationFear- KOINLoca!6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ (N) 'PG' a Millionaire o fOld Christine Connecticut '14' ites (N) n cc in a ritualistic way.(N)'14' David Letterman (CBS) less (N) o '14' cc(DVS) (N) cc omg! Insider (N) The Middle (N) n Family Tools Pilot Modern Family How to Live With Nashville Teddyconfronts Peggyabout KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Jimmy KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat Entertainment 'PQ' cc cc (N) 'PG' « (ABC) 6:00(N) « 6:30 (N) « Toni g ht(N) r1 Career Day'PG' Your Parents t h e leaks. (N) n 'PG' « 11:00 (N) « Kim mel Live '14 Two and aHalf The Big Bang The Big Bang American Idol Finalists CompeteFinalists perform forthejudges. (N) n '14' cc News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family Guy Amish Family Guy n KFXO III g) @ g) Two and aHalf '14' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc The o ry n '14' Theory n 'PG' Guy '14' (FOX) First on FOX Nature Lipizzanerstallions bondwith NOVA Australia's unusualcreatures. (N) Secrets of the DeadGerman POWs Make MeRejuvenating aging mice; stem KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Burt Wolf: Travels NightlyBusiness PBSNewsHour(N) nm riders. (N) 'PG' cc(DVS) rr 'PG' cc (PBS) & Traditions R e port (N) n 'G' reveal secrets.(N) n 'PG' cells. n cc NewsChannel8at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc InsideEdition(N) Theyoicen'PG'cc (9:01) Law I Order: Special Victims Chicago Fire RetaliationHitSeveride NewsChannel 8 at Tonight Show KGW 'PQ' cc '14' (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) Unit TraumaticWound(N)'14' faces a threat tohis career. 11 (N) « With Jay Leno That '70s Show n Seinfeld TheSe- Rules of Engage. Arrow The UndertakingLaurel receives Supernatural Castiel tries toget away Cops Arrests With Seinfeld TheBoy- Rules of Engage. That '70s Show n KTVZDT2 @ ~ gy @ The King of '14' cc 'PG' cc ment '14' Queens n 'G' renity Now 'PG' ment '14' shocking information. '14' from Naomi(N) . rr '14' « a Twist '14' fri e nd 'PG' (CW) OPBPL 175 173 O u tnumbered n Last of the Wine Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Doc Martin n 'PG' « World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n 'G' « PBS NewsHour n « KATU
Duck Dynasty «Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Theentirefamily vaca Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty «(11:01) DuckDy- (11:31) Duck Dy 18 32 The First 48 Miamipoiice probea 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc nasty'PG' «nasty 'PG' « janitor's murder. '14' cc tions in Hawaii. 'PG' cc CSI: Miami Aclub wherehunters pursue CSI: MiamiSpecial DeliveryTheteam *** "Runaway Jury" (2003,Suspense) JohnCusack, GeneHackman, Dustin Hoffman. Amantries to manipulate anexplo- (11:01) *** "Identity" (2003) John 'AMC human prey. n '14' « investigates twomurders. '14' sive trial. Cusack, RayLiotta. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 RiverMonstersn'PG' « River Monsters: The Lost Reels n River Monsters Killer Torpedo'PG' River Monsters: Unhooked n 'PG' North Woods Law n 'PG' cc River Monsters Killer Torpedo'PG BRAVO 13 44 The Kandi Factory The Real Housewives of Atlanta Housewives/OC Housewives/OC DukesofMel Dukes ofMel What Happens Housewives/OC **"Miss Congeniality" (2000,Comedy)Sandra Bullock, MichaelCaine, r1 « CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' « Reb a 'PG' « Reba ' PG' « Reba ' PG' « Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC 54 36 40 52 All-Star Celebrity Apprentice 'PG' Treasure Detectives Mad Money American Greed American Greed Paid Program Paid Program CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganLive(N)(Live ) Ande r son Cooper 360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront COM 13 53 135 47 South Park 'MA' Tosh.0 '14' Col b ert Report Daily Show Ch a ppelle Show Chappelle Show South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Workaholics '14' South Park 'MA' Daily Show Colbert Report COTV 11 Bend City Council Work Session B end City Council Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e s sie'G' « A.N.T. Farm'G' Good-Charlie Jessie 'G' « Gra vity Falls 'Y7' Dog With a Blog Austin & Ally 'G'A.N.T. Farm n Austin 8 Ally 'G' Jessie 'G' « Goo d-Charlie *DISC 15 21 16 37 MythBustersrr'PG'« The Big Brain Theory: PureGenius MythBusters n 'PG' cc MythBusters SwingingPirates 'PG' MythBusters: Blast Fromthe Past MythBusters (N) n 'PG' cc *E! What-Ryan 13 25 Wha t-Ryan E! News(N) Ready for LoveTim'sdatesenjoy a dayof pampering. (N) n '14' « The Soup '14' Married to Jonas Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 (4:00)MLBBasebal !TeamsTBA Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 CrossFit Games CrossFit Games 2012 CrossFit Games NFL Live « Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)sc s NBA Tonight (N) NASCARNow E:60 ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Boxing 'PG' Box i ng cc Long WayDowncc White Shadow AWA Wrestling cc Boxing cc Boxing cc Boxing FromJune24,2011. « H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. ** "Richie Rich"(1994, Comedy)Macaulay Culkin, John Larroquette *** "TheMask" (1994,Comedy)Jim Carrey, CameronDiaz. FAM 67 29 19 41 America'sFunniestHomeVideos The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren T h e O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant Stakeout (N) Mystery Diners Mystery Diners FX 131 Anger Two/Half Men Two/Half Men * * "i ron Man 2" (2010,Action) Robert DowneyJr., Gwyneth Paltrow, DonCheadle The Americans TheColonel 'MA' The Americans TheColonel 'MA' HGTV 17 49 33 43 BuyingandSelling'G' « Buying andSellingJenn8JP'G Cousins on Call Cousins on Call Property Brothers Angie &Tito 'G' House Hunters Hunters Int'I Property Brothers 'G' « *HIST 15 42 41 36 (5:00) Helk The Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Larry the CableGuy Larry the CableGuy Larry the CableGuy Devil's Domain (11:02) Vikings All Change'14' LIFE 13 39 20 31 WifeSwapn'PG' « Wife Swap n 'PG' « Taken Back:Finding Ha/ey" (2012)MoiraKelly, David Cubitt. « "Left foDie"(2012) RachaelLeighCook Barbara Hershey.'PG' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 TeenMom2n'14' Girl Code n '14 Awkward. '14' Kelha: My Crazy The Real World n '14' « The Real World (N) n '14' « True Life n NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p ongeBob Sp o ngeBob Dr a ke & JoshnFull House 'G' Full House 'G Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n '14' (11:33) Friends 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' OWN 161 103 31 103 Stolen Voices S t olen Voices S t olen Voices S t olen Voices PAC12 47 310310310 Basketball Col l ege Basketball CaliforniaUSC at College Basketball UCLAat Arizona College Basketball ArizonaState at Colorado Basketball Bas ketball *** "Scariace"(1983)Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer. A Cubanimmigrant fights to thetop of Miami's drug trade. n cc SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (4:30) **** "GoodFeiias" (1990)Robert DeNiro, RayLiotta. n Bar Rescue'PG' SYFY 13 35 133 45 Weird or What? Life After Death rr H aunted Collector Haunted Collector Haunted Collector Deep South Paranormal (N ) Haun ted Collector TBN 205 60 130 Spring Praise-A-Thon The King of Seinfeld TheLittle Seinfeld The Cadil- Seinfeld 'PG' cc Family Guy n F amily Guy n The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan (N) '14' cc 'TBS '14' cc '14' cc Queens o 'PG Kicks n 'G' lac 'PG' Theory n 'PG Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' Theory n 'PG' (5:00) *** (6:45) *** "Four Daughters" (1938)ClaudeRains, RosemaryLane. Musicprofes- ** "Silver Queen" (1942, Adventure) Priscilla Lane. Ayoung ** "Cowboy FromBrooklyn" (1938,Musical Comedy)Pat *** "Arsenicand TCM 101 44 101 29 iBrplherRal" sor presidesover daughters andtheir suitors. « womangamblesto payher father's debts. O'Brien, DickPowell, Priscilla Lane. « 0/d Lace" *TLC 17 34 32 34 IslandMedium Island Medium My Obsession My Obsession Hoarding: Buried Alive 'PG' « Hoarding: Buried Alive (N) n 'PG' My Obsession My Obsession Hoarding: Buried Alive 'PG' « NBA Basketball First Round:TeamsTBA(N) (Live) cc Inside the NBA(N) (Live) cc Castle Love Me DeadAssistant district Castle TwowomenIDa body in a gar *TNT 17 26 15 27 attorneys murder. PG « bage chute. rr 'PG' « *TOON 84 Adventure Time Regular Show Regular Show NinjaGo: Mstrs Dragons: Riders Teen Titans Go! King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food Man v. Food'G' BurgerLand 'G' BurgerLand 'G ToyHunter'PG' ToyHunter'PG' Doomsdayon Wheel s'PG'« Dnve Thru Paradise PG « Young King ofQueens King TVLND 65 47 29 35 TheGoldenGirls TheGoldenGirls The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Forever ofQueens King ofQueens USA 15 30 23 30 NCISEnigman'PG' « NCIS BeteNoir n 'PG' « NCIS Sh<ps mthe Night '14' « NCIS Enemy on the Hill n 'PG Psych Shawn runsfor mayor. 'PG (11:01) NCISRecruited 'PG' « VH1 191 48 37 54 (5:30) *** "Bandslam"(2009)AlyMichalka. Premiere. n Saturday Night Live in the 2000s: Timeand Again n '14' cc Off Pitch (N) 'PG' 40 Greatest Pranks 3 'PG' Greatest Prnks *A&E
** "Girls! Girls! Girls!"1962 Elvis Presley. 'PG' (9:40) ** "3000Milesfo Grace/and" 2001,Action Kurt Russell. Premiere, r1 'R' « ** "Meet Dave"2008, ComedyEddie Murphy. 'PG' « **"Happy, Texas"1999,ComedyJeremyNortham.'PG-13' « The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG UFC: Hendersonvs. Melendez English PremierLeagueSoccer Golf Central In s ide PGA Tour Big Break Big Break On the Range Inside PGATour Learning Center HALL 66 33 175 33 Brady Bunch B r ady Bunch B r ady Bunch B r ady Bunch F r asier 'G' « Fra sier rr 'PG' F rasier o 'PG' F rasier rr 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier'G' « Fr a sier rr'PG' *** "Manhunt"2013, DocumentaryPremiere. n 'NR' cc HBO 425501 425501(6:15) *** "Riseoithe Planet oithe Apes" 2011JamesFranco. n Real Time With Bill Maher n 'MA' Game of Thrones n 'MA' « f ***"Ris kyBusiness"1983,ComedyTom Cruise.'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) *** "RiskyBusiness" 'R' (7:15) *** BadBoys" 1982,DramaSean Penn. Street fighter becomesking of reform school. 'R ** "A Very Harold & Kumar3DChristmas" 2011 **** "The Silence of theLambs"1991 Jodie Foster. n 'R' cc ** "Fast Five" 2011,Action VinDiesel, Paul Walker. n 'PG-13' cc MAX 400 508 508 What's Love NBCSN 27 58 30 209 NHL Hockey NHL HockeyConferenceQuarterfinal: TeamsTBA(N)(Live) NHL Live (N) The Crossover Kentucky Derby Draw(N) The Crossover Breakout TunnelBreak(N) '14' Loc ked Up Abroad '14 Breakout TunnelBreak'14' NGC 157 157 L o cked Up Abroad (N) '14' Locked UpAbroad '14 Locked UpAbroad '14 NTOON 89 115189115 OddParents O d d Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents Odd Parents Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD 37 307 43 307 Elite Tactical Unit Amer. Rifleman Shooting Gallery 'G' Best Defense Elite Tactical Unit Shooting USA 'PG' cc Your Weapon Shooting Gallery SHO 500 500 All Access '14' All Access '14' All Access '14' 60 Minutes Sports (N) '14' cc All Access'14' All Access'14' 60 Minutes Sports n '14' « (5:45) ** "BulletproofMonk"2003ChowYun-Fat SPEED 35 303125303 DragRaceHigh Drag Race High Am. Trucker Am. Trucker S t untbusters Stuntbusters Drag RaceHigh Drag Race High Am. Trucker A m . Trucker Unique Whips '14 *** "The Patriot" 2000Mel Gibson. Amanandhis son fight side byside in the RevolutionaryWar. 'R STARZ 300408300408 (4 50) *** "FindingForresler" (710) ** "Co/ombiana" 2011,ActionZoe Saldana. n 'PG 13' « ** "The Baxter" 2005MichaelShowalter. 'PG-13' ** "Liberal Arts" 2012Josh Radnor. 'PG-13' « TMC 525 525 Ch i ldren of God ** "Last Call"2002, Biography JeremyIrons. Premiere. rr Biue Valentine *WE 14 41 174118 Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values L.A. Hair L.A. Hair Confidential L.A. Hair First Cut Isthe Deepest ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
106 401 306401(6:05) *** "Lethal Weapon"1987, Action MelGibson. rr 'R' « 104204104120 *** "Megamnin"2010,ComedyVoices of Wil Ferrell. 'PG' e«s 34 (5:00) UFCReloaded Highlights of UFC147in Brazil 28 301 27 301 Big Break Big Break The HaneyProject
TV • PAGE 15
'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. •
c II
II Jeopardy!(N) rc
Wheel of Fortune Wife Swap Two very different womentrade Grey's Anatomy Baileycontinues toshut (10:02) Scandal Theteam makesa shock- KATU Newsat 11 (11:35) JimmyKim'Q' cc ing discovery.(N) n '14' « mel Live '14' (ABC) NYC(N)'G' « pla ces. (N) n'PG' « everyoneout. (N) n 14 « (N) rr cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune Community Heroic The Office Livin the The Office Livin the (9:31) Parks and (10:01) Hannibal n NewsChannel 21at The Tonight Show KTVZ NewsChannel 21 at 6(N) cc 'Q' cc (NBC) NYC (N)'G' « O r i gins (N) 'PG' Dream rr '14' Dream(N) '14' R ecreation 'PG' 11(N) cc With Jay Leno(N) (8:31) Twoand a (9:01) Person of Interest ZeroDay(N) (10:01) Elementary ALandmarkStory The KOIN Local 6 at11 Late Show With KBNZ AccessHollywood Who Wantsto Bea New Adventuresof 30 Rock100 '14' «The Big Bang Miff i onaire 'G' O l d Christine Theory (N)'PG' Half Men (N)'14' rc '14' cc David Letterman (CBS) (N) n 'PG' « search forMoriarty resumes.'14' (N) cc at 6:00 KEZI 9News at 6:30 Entertainment To omg! Insider (N) Wife SwapTwovery different womentrade Grey's Anatomy Baileycontinues toshut (10:02) Scandal Theteam makesa shock- KEZI 9 News at (11:35) JimmyKimKOHD KEZI 9 News cc ing discovery.(N) n '14' « 11:00 (N) cc mel Live '14' (ABC) (N) « (N) « night(N) rr 'PG' places. (N) n 'PG' « everyoneout. (N) n '14' « aHalfMen TwoandaHalfMen TheBigBang The Big Bang American Idol Results ShowContestants Glee Wonder-ful Rachelpreparesfor her News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family GuyLottery Family GuyJungle KFXO Two and rr '14' cc Love '14' cc (FOX) rr '14' cc Theory 'PG' cc Theory '14' cc face eiimination. (N) rr '14' « callback. (N) rr '14' «(DVS) First on FOX(N) Fever n '14' Oregon Art Beat n Oregon Field GuideDoc Martin Louisa'smomarrives unexpect- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes History Detectives A 1775Almanac; exer KOAB Expeditions With Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) n « 'Q' cc 'Q' cc edly. n 'PG' cc Holmesclears amurder suspect. 'G' (PBS) Patrick McMiffan Report (N) n 'G' cise guru. n 'PG' « Inside Edition (N) n Community Heroic The Office Livinthe The Office Livinthe (9:31) Parksand (10:01) Hannibal n NewsChannel 8at TheTonightShow KGW NewsChannel 8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) « 'PQ' cc Dream(N) '14' R e creation 'PG' With Jay Leno(N) (NBC) 6PM (N) cc 6:30PM (N) cc Origins (N)'PG' Dream n '14' 11 (N) cc sshotatCopsChases& Seinf eldTheBoy- RulesofEngage- That'70sShow n KTVZDT2 TheKing of Queens That '70s Show The Seinfeld TheBlood Rules of Engage. The Vampire Diaries Katherine is suspi BeautyandtheBeastThemayori 'PG' « '14' cc ment 'PG' « (CW) n 'PG' Pilot rr 'PG' cious of Bonnie(N) . rr '14' « a public event. (N) 'PG' « Stings 'PG' cc friend, Part 0 'PG' ment '14' cc OPBPL As TimeGoesBy As Time Goes By Rescue in the Philippines: Refuge E c hoes of the Holocaust 'PG' cc BBC World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose (N) n 'PG' « PBS NewsHour n cc
at 6 (N)rr « KATU KATU News
The First 48 LoveKils; Justified Agunfight The First 48 Hot Lot; BlindFaith Amanis The First 48 Two menare beaten andshot The First 48 (N) '14' « The Killer Speaks Acouple act ontheir (11:01) TheKiller Speaks Amanun at a gas station. '14' cc' shot dead in ascrapyard. '14' in Miami. '14' cc violent fantasies. (N) '14' cc leasheshis murderousrage.'14' Freakshow Freaks o FreakshowFreak- Comic Book Men Comic Book Men Immortalized "First Immortalized '14' « 'AMC (4:00) *** "RunawayJury" (2003) John *** "identity" (2003, Suspense)JohnCusack, RayLiotta, AmandaPeet. A kiler terror 'PQ' cc Cusack,GeneHackman. izes peoplestrandedat a remotehotel. cc Nature « show Festival '14' 'PG' « Love." '14' *ANPL River Monsters Goes Tribal n 'PG' G a t or Boys Gatorzilla n 'PG' cc Wild Russia n 'PG' cc North Woods Law n 'PG' cc Swamp WarsDeadlyReptile Mix 'PG' North Woods Law n 'PG' cc BRAVO Tabatha TakesOver '14 Housewives/OC Married to Medicine '14' The Real Housewives of Atlanta '14' T abatha Takes Over(N)'14 W hatHappens Tabatha Tk-Ovr CMT Reba 'PG' cc Reba Switch 'PG' Reba 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc *** "Ghost" (1990,Fantasy) Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore. Amurdervictim returns to savehis belovedfiancee. 4r Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC American Greed American Greed Mad Money Crime Inc To Be Announced Paid Program P a id Program CNN Piers MorganLive (N) (Live) Anderson Cooper 360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Futurama n 'PG' Futurama n 'PG' Tosh.0 '14' cc To s h,g '14' cc It's Always Sunny It's Always Sunny Daily Show Col bert Report COM South Park '14' Tosh.0 '14' cc C o l bert Report D a ily Show COTV P aid Program K r i sti Miller Des e rt Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing A d venture Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Kristi Miller City Edition CSPAN (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings ***"Enchan ted"(2007,Fantasy)AmyAdams,PatrickDempsey.n « *DIS Good-Charlie Jes sie 'G' cc A.N.T. Farm 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G Gravity Falls 'Y7' Austin & Ally 'G' Jessie 'G' « Good-Charlie *DISC Backyard Oil'PG' Backyard Oil'PG Backyard Oil 'PG' Backyard Oil 'PG Hillbilly Blood 'PG' Hillbilly Blood 'PG Hillbilly Blood 'PG' Hillbilly Blood 'PG' Buying Alaska'G' BuyingAlaska'G' Hillbilly Blood 'PG' Hillbilly Blood 'PG' *E! (5:00) Readyfor Love n '14' cc E! News(N) TheSoup '14' What Would Ryan Kardashians Interview Blinging UpBaby(N) '14' Chelsea Lately (N) E! News ESPN College Softball TexasTechat Baylor Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 Boxing « Boxing FridayNight Fights(N) (Live) « Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « NASCARNow (N) NFL Live « SportsNation ESPNC Friday Night Lights HumblePie 'PG' Friday Night Lights n 'PG' cc Boxing cc Car Auctions AWA Wrestling cc Boxing FromJune29, 2007. « Boxing cc Boxing cc ESPNN SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express ESPNFCPress Boxing 'PG' ** "TheLast Song"(2010)Miley Cyrus. Amantries to reconnect with his estrangeddaughter FAM Melissa & Joey * * "A Waik to Remem ber"(2002, Romance)ShaneWest, MandyMoore The 700 Club rr 'PG' « FNC Hannity (N) On the RecordWIGretaVanSusteren The O'Reiffy Factor cc Hannity On the RecordW/GretaVanSusteren The Five 'FOOD ChoppedWinging It Sweet Genius LoftyGenius Chopped Licorice in thefirst basket. C h o pped Stacking Up Giving You theBusiness (N) Chopped ** "X-MenOrigins: Wolverine" (2009,Action) HughJackman, Liev Schreiber, FX Two and Half Men Anger Anger Two andHal fMen Two and HalfMen BrandX WithRussell Brand(N) 'MA' HGTV Income Property Mary &Bridge 'G' Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G Income Property Marko &Jackie 'G RehabAddict'G' RehabAddict'G' House Hunters Hunters Int'I Live Here Live Here *HIST Swamp PeopleManDown'PG' cc Swamp PeopleCursed'PG' cc Swamp People 'PG' cc SwampPeople(N)'PG' cc Chasing Tail 'PG' Chasing Tail 'PG' Counting Cars Counting Cars LIFE To Be Announced To Be Announced Project RunwayFinale:Part 2'PG' Project Runway(N) « Dance Moms'PG' « To Be Announced MSNBC The RachelMaddowShow (N) The Last Word Aff In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews cc MTV Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n The Show With Zach Stone Is The Show With Zach Stone Is NICK SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob SpongeBob Dra ke & Josh 'Y7'Big Time Rush'G' Wendell & Vinnie Fuff House n 'G' Fuff House n 'G' The Nanny'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends '14' cc (11:33) Friends n Solved A surprisetip helpspolice. '14' Datehne on OWN n '14' « Dateline on OWNn '14' a« e Dateline on OWN n '14' « Dateline on OWNn '14' « OWN Solved AnEyefor Murder'14' « Men's Basketball Men's Basketball PAC12 (5:00) Spring Football Spring Football Spring Football SPIKE (4:30) *** "Scarface" (1983) AlPacino, Michelle Pfeiffer. n cc iMPACTWrestling (N) n '14' « Worst Tenants U r ban Tarzan 'PG' Worst Tenants U r ban Tarzan 'PG' * "Saw V" (2008)Tobin Bell. A newdisciple carries ontheJigsaw legacy. * "Saw Vi" (2009,Horror)TobinBell, Costas Mandylor. Premiere. * "Saw iV" (2007)Tobin Bell. « SYFY Defiance AWell Respected Man TBN Spring Praise-A-Thon King of QueensSeinfeld ThePack- Seinfeld TheShower Seinfeld Highlights o Family GuyForeign Family GuyLottery The Big Bang The Big Bang Men at Work(N)'14' The Big Bang C o nan (N) '14' cc *TBS The n 'PG' age n 'PG' Head 'PG' a Hundred'PG' A ffairs '14' Fever n '14' Theory 'PG' « Theory '14' « Theory 'PG' « Strikes Twice" (1951)RuthRoman. Amanmeets (10:45) *** "AnAmerican Romance"(1944,Drama)Brian Don(5:00) *** "Duelinthe Sun"(1946)Jennifer Jones. A half-Ameri ** "Ruby Gentry" (1952)Jennifer Jones. Apoor Southernwoman** "Lightning TCM can Indianmoves in with arancher's family. marries to raisehersocial standing. « his wife's killer followinghis ownacquittal. levy, AnnRichards,Walter Abel. 'TLC Island Medium I s land Medium Worst Tattoos Worst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos Worst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos N Y Ink (N) n '14' « Worst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos NBA Basketball NBA Basketball First Round:TeamsTBA(N) (Live) cc Inside the NBA(N) (Live) cc Castle A Rosefor Everafter Castle runsinto Castle SuckerPunchInvestigating anIrish 'TNT an old flame. rr 'PG' « mobster's death. rr 'PG' « "TOON Adventure Time Regular Show R egular Show A n noying Orange Incredible Crew Regular Show King of the Hill n King of the Hill n American Dad '14' American Dad'14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' 'TRAV Bizarre FoodsWith AndrewZimmern Man v. Food 'PG' Man v. Food 'PG' Mysteries at the Museum 'PG' « Mysteries at the Museum(N) 'PG' My s teries at the Museum 'PG' « Myst eries at the Museum 'PG' « TVLND The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love.Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens King ofQueens USA NCIS False Witness n 'PG' « NCIS Needto Known 'PG' NCIS Rekindled n '14' «(DVS) NCIS PlayingWith Fire n 'PG' The Moment Acoachingposition. 'PG' Psych Shawn runsfor mayor. 'PG VH1 T.l. and Tiny T.l . and Tiny T.l . and Tiny T.l . and Tiny T.l. and Tiny T.l . and Tiny Lov e & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14 Master of the MixOdeto Miami 'PG *A&E
2"1989, Action Mel Gibson,Joe Pesci. rr 'R' « ENCR *** "Lethal Weapon f FMC ** BigMomma'sHouse"2000, ComedyMartin Lawrence. 'PG-13' « FUEL College Lacrosse UFC Insider GOLF (4:30) PGATour Golf Wells FargoChampionship, First Round FromCharlotte, N.C
** "Frankieand Johnny"1966Elvis Presley. 'NR' « ** "GuardingTess"1994 Shirley MacLaine.rr 'PG-13 "BridgetJones:Edge" * "AreIyeDoneYet?"2007,ComedyIceCube,NiaLong.'PG'« * "Downfo Earih" 2001 Chris Rock.'PG-13' « FXM Presents
UF C Unleashed
The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG' UFC Tonight U F C Insider Bes t of PRIDE Fighting Championship Golf Central (N) 19th Hole (N) P G A Tour Golf Wells Fargo Championship, First RoundFromCharlotte, N.C HALL The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch Frasier 'PG' « F r a sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Frasier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « HBO (5:30) ** "Green Lantern" 2011RyanReynolds. cc * "New Year's Eve" 2011,Romance-ComedyHalle Berry. n 'PG-13' cc Game of Thrones Kissed by Fire 'MA' Veep 'MA' « Kat i e Morgan Ka t ie Morgan's * "Punisher: War Zone" 2008,Action RayStevenson, Dominic West. 'R IFC (5:00) *** "The Shawshank Redemption"1994, DramaTimRobbins. 'R' (10:15) ***"TheShawshankRedemption"1994, DramaTimRobbins. 'R ** "I, Robot"2004, ScienceFiction Will Smith. n 'PG-13' cc * "The Watch" 2012, ComedyBen Stiler. n 'R' cc MAX (5:35) *** fporrest Gump"1994 TomHanks, Gary Sinise. n 'PG-13' cc Erotic Karma2012 NBCSN NHL Hockey NHL HockeyConferenceQuarterfinal: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) NHL Live (N)(Live) The Crossover Kentucky Derby Access(N) The Grid 'G' 'PG' Brain Games '14 The NumbersGame'14 Brain Games'PG' Brain Games '14' The Numbers Game'14' Brain GamesWatchThis! 'G TheTruthBehind UFOs:Popped 'PG' NGC Brain Games NTOON T.U.F.F.Puppy n T.U.F.F. Puppyn T.U.F.F.Puppyn T.U.F.F.Puppyn T.U.F.F.Puppyn T.U.F.F.Puppyn Robot,Monster Robot, Monster Back at, Barnyard Back at, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD Major LeagueFishing Bow Madness Ult.Adventures Bottom Feeders Cuddeback's The Crush Bone Collector Hunt Masters Alaska Outdoors Trophy Hunt Un d er Wild Skies SHO (5:15) *** "The King'sSpeech" Mayweather n '14' « Aff Access '14' Gigolos (N) 'MA' The Borgias 'MA' (7:15) *** "The Gam e"1997,Suspense MichaelDouglas,SeanPenn.n 'R'« SPEED Continental Tire Sports CarChallenge Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Firebird C a r Warriors '14 Wrecked '14' Wrecked '14' Pi n ks 'PG' Pinks 'PG' Unique Whips '14' STARZ (5:45) *** "Calendar Gir/s" 2003Helen Mirren. « (7:35) **"Jersey Girl" 2004BenAffleck, Liv Tyler. n 'PG-13' « (9:20) **"ResidentEvil: Retribution"2012n 'R' « Da Vinci's DemonsThePrisoner n *** "FrightNight"2011,Horror AntonYelchin, Colin Farrell. vr 'R' « *** "Goon"2011 SeannWiliam Scott. vr 'R' « TMC (4:35) ** Guy X (6:25) *"Brake"2012,ActionStephenDorff. rr 'R' « (11:35) Bio-Dome "WE Braxton Family Values(N) Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values L.A. Hair The BigBlowOut L.A. Hair Divas Divided
THE BULLETIN 0 APRIL 27 — MAY 3, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
PAGE 16 • TV
v II
II Jeopardy! (N)n
' ll I I II I I I I II Wheel of Fortune Happy Endings(N) HappyEndings (N) (9:01) SharkTankFrozenconcentrated (10:01) 20/20 n 'PG' « n '14' « 'PQ' cc NYC (N)'G' gumbobnck. (N) PG «
KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Jimmy 'Q' cc Kimmel Live '14' (ABC) (N)n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune Fashion Star Transforming adated look Datehne NBC (N) n 'PG' cc (10:01) RockCenter With Brian Wil NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n'PG' « (NBC) NYC(N)'G' liams (N) n cc at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Access HollywoodWho Wants toBe New Adventures 30 Rock100 '14' «Undercover Boss Orkin(N) n « Vegas UnfinishedBusiness(N) n '14' «Blue Bloods The Bitter EndThe ReaganKOINLocal6at11 Late Show With KBNZ (N) 'PG' a Millionaire o fOld Christine family suffers aloss. '14' David Letterman (CBS) (N) cc omg! Insider (N) Happy Endings(N)HappyEndings (N) (9:01) SharkTankFrozenconcentrated (10:01) 20/20 n 'PG' cc KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Jimmy KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI 9 Newsat Entertainment n '14' cc 'PQ' cc 11:00 (N) « Kimmel Live '14' (ABC) 6:00(N) « 6:30 (N) « Ton i ght (N) 'PG' cc gumbobnck. (N) PG « The Big Bang The Big Bang Kitchen NightmaresChappy'sChappy'sTouch Fight or FlightMartinandTrevor News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family Guyn Family GuyPTVn KFXO ID< IEI |E! IE! TwoandaHalf Two and aHalf '14' cc '14' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc (FOX) Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' in Nashville, Tenn.'14' go undercover. (N) n '14' First on FOX Washington Week BBC Newsnight Scott & Bailey Rachel isnarrowly Masterpiece Classic Mr. Grove takes The Bletchley Circle The group lures in KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Trave!WithKids Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) nacc 'G' cc (DVS) n 'G' over for Harry. 'PG' cc (PBS) Report (N) « missed by acar. n 'PG' cc a suspect. '14' cc NewsChannel8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) cc Inside Edition (N) Fashion Star Transforming adated look Dateline NBC (N) n 'PG' cc (10:01) RockCenterWith Brian Wil NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc 6:30PM(N) (N) n 'PG' cc With Jay Leno (NBC) 6PM (N) « hams(N) n « 11 (N) « That '70s Show n Seinfeld TheJunk Rules of Engage. Nikita A mutinous agent steals the black Oh Sit! HavanaBrownperforms; players CopsEvadingAr- Seinfeld The Pez Rules of Engage. That '70s Shown KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q The King of 'PQ' cc '14' « Mail 'PG' ment '14' Queens n 'PG box. (N) n '14' cc compete. n 'PG' « rests n 'PG' D i spenser 'PG' ment '14' (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 E x traordinary Women n 'G' « Masterpiece ContemporaryTenpeopleare involved inanaccident. 'PG' World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU
KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc
Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars S torage Wars «Storage Wars « Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars A Storage Wars (11:01) Storage (11:31) Storage 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Wars 'PG' « War s cc Skullduggery Jurassic Bark T i me to Kiln 'PG' 'PG' cc (5:30) ** "Stripes" (1981, Comedy)Bill Murray, Harold Ramis,Warren Oates. A *** "Galaxy Quest"(1999,Comedy)TimAllen, SigourneyWeaver. Premiere (10:15) *** "Blazing Saddles" (1974)Cleavon Little, GeneWilder. Gucci-saddle'AMC joy ride takestwoArmyrecruits acrossenemylines. « Aliens kidnapactors froman old sci-fi TV series. « baggedSheriff Bart teamsupwith thedrunkenWaco Kid. *ANPL 68 50 2638 RiverMonster s:Unhookedn'PG Call.Wildman C all.Wildman S wamp'd! 'PG' Swamp'd! 'PG Tanked Nigiri andthe NBA(N) 'PG' Clipped! (N) 'PG' Tanked n 'PG Clipped! n 'PG *** "The Queen ofVersailes" (2012,Documentary) *** "The Queen of Versailes BRAVO 13 44 Hou sewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC D o g and Beth: On the Hunt n '14' Guntucky n '14' Guntucky n '14' Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt n '14' CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC 54 36 40 52 TheCarChasers American Greed Mad Money The Celebrity Apprentice n 'PG' « Paid Program Paid Program CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganLive(N)(Live) Anderson Cooper Special Report A n thony Bourdain Parts Unknown Anderson Cooper360 'PG' « Anderson CooperSpecial Report Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown COM 13 5313547 (5:55)SouthPark (6:26)Tosh.0 Colbert Report Daily Show (7:57) Tosh.0 '14' (8:28) Tosh.0 '14 Amy Schumer Workaholics '14' (9:59) Tosh.0 '14' The ComedyCentral Roast PamelaAnderson'MA COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e ssie'G' « Aus t in I Ally'G'Austin & Ally n Jessie 'G' « Jes s ie (N) n 'G' Jessie 'G' « Jessie 'G' « Dog With a Blog Good-Charlie Jessie 'G' « Sha ke It Up! 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 SOnSOf GunSUnder Siegen'14' SO nSOf GunS: LOCkedandLOaded WildWeetAlaSka(N) n'14' cc SonsofGuns(N)n 14 cc Sons of Guns n '14' cc Sons of Guns n '14' cc *E! 13 25 Wha t-Ryan The Soup '14' E ! News (N) Blinging UpBaby'14' Fashion Police '14' Fashion Police (N)'14' Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 (5:00)NBABasketbal!FirstRound:TeamsTBA(N) NBA Basketball First Round: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (5:00) NBABasketball First Round:TeamsTBA(N) NBA Basketball First Round: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) « NBA Tonight (N) Baseball Tonight (N NBA Basketball ) (Live) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 FridayNightLights'PG' cc Charismatic cc Whirlaway « Charismatic cc Whirlaway « SportsCentury cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 Mexico Primera Division Soccer SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live)©c ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. ** "TheGoonies"(1985,Adventure) SeanAstin, JoshBrolin Jeff Cohen. FAM 67 29 19 41 Melissa & Joey *** "Big"(1988, Fantasy)TomHanks, ElizabethPerkins. The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren T h e O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Giving You the Business Diners, Drive Roadtrp-Garvin Diners,Drive D i ners,Drive Mystery Diners Mystery Diners Diners, Drive Diners, Drive *** "iron Man" (2008,Action) RobertDowneyJr. A bilionaire donsanarmored suit to fight criminals *** "Unstoppable" (2010 Action) Denze FX 131 (4:30) "X-MenOrigins: Wolverine I Washington,Chris Pine. HGTV 17 49 33 43 Hunters Int'I H unt ers Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I You Live in What'? 'G' « Flea Market Flip Flea Market Flip House Hunters Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 AmericanPickers'PG' cc American Pickers Dial Ffor Fritz American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc (11:02) AmericanPickers 'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 Hoarders'PG' cc Hoarders 'PG' cc Hoarders 'PG' cc Hoarders 'PG' cc Hoarders 'PG' « (11:01) Hoarders 'PG' cc MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word MSNBCDocumentary MSNBCDocumentary MSNBCDocumentary MSNBCDocumentary MTV 192 22 38 57 Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness MTV Special n 'PG' NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob TeenageMut. Teenage Mut. Teenage Mut. Teenage Mut Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n '14' (11:33) Friends Police Women of Dallas '14' cc lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG' cc lyanla, Fix My Life n '14' cc lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG' cc lyanla, Frx MyLife n 'PG' acc OWN 161 103 31 103 Police Women of Dallas '14' « PAC12 47 310310310 College Softball ArizonaState at Arizona(N) (Live) College Softball OregonState at Oregon College Softball ArizonaState at Arizona *** "Rememberthe Tiians" (2000) DenzelWashington, Will Patton. Premiere. n *** "Coach Carter" (2005)SamuelL. Jackson SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Ganglandn 'PG' cc Gangland n 'PG' « SYFY 13 35 133 45 Merlin A Lesson inVengeance n M e r lin The Hollow Queen n « WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) n « Merlin With All My Heart (N) « Defiance AWell RespectedMan TBN 205 60 130 Spring Praise-A-Thon The King of Seinfeld TheFa- Seinfeld The Doll Seinfeld The Ex Family Guy Aretelling of "Returnof the ** "0/d School" (2003, Comedy)LukeWilson, Wil Ferrell. Threemenrelive their Are WeThere Yety Are WeThere Yet? 'TBS 'PG' 'PG' n 'PG' « Queens n 'PG tigues 'G' « Girlfriend n 'PG' Jedi." n '14' « wild past bystarting a fraternity. «(DVS) i ** WoGreaierG/ory"(1934)GeorgeBreakston.Asicklyboy ** "The Bride WoreRed" (1937, Drama)JoanCrawford, FranchotTone.Acaba- ** "I Take ThisWoman" (1940, Drama)Spencer Tracy, HedyLamarr, Verree (5:00)"Alice in TCM 014410129 Wonderland" ris k s his life for ahe laidolizes. ret singerchoosesbetweenlove andsocial position, cc Teasdale. Adedicateddoctor devotes himself to awoman. cc *TLC 17 34 32 34 Four Weddings n 'PG' « Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL FourWeddings: Unveiled(N)'PG' Say Yes:ATL Say Yes: ATL I Found-Gown I Found-Gown Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL i The Mentalist A DozenRedRoses Mur- TheMentalist Investigating themurder * * * Waroithe Worlds"(2005, ScienceFiction) TomCruise, Dakota Fanning,MirandaOtto. A man *** "War oithe Worlds" (2005)TomCruise. A manandhis *TNT der of a movieproducer. '14' of a mobster. n '14' cc and his childrentry to survive analien invasion. «(DVS) children try to survive analieninvasion. *TOON 84 Adventure Time Regular Show Regular Show Regular Show Cartoon Planet 'G KingoftheHill K i ngoftheHill A mericanDad AmericanDad FamilyGuy'14' FamilyGuy'14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Man v. Food Ghost Adventures 'PG' « GhostAdventures 'PG'« The DeadFiles (N) 'PG' « The Dead Files 'PG' « TVLND 65 47 29 35 The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens USA 15 30 23 30 Law&Order:SpecialyictimsUnit L aw&Order: SpecialyictimsUnit Law 8 Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The Moment 'PG' « **** "PulpFiction" (1994)JohnTravolta. Criminals cross paths in threeinterlocked tales ofmayhem.n VH1 191 48 37 54 (5:00) Saturday Night Live n '14' BestWeek Ever Jenny McCarthy Best Week Ever Jenny McCarthy *A&E 13 28 18 32 Storage 'PQ' cc Wars
*** "BlueHawaii"1962 Elvis Presley. 'PG' cc (9:45) ** "John Carter"2012, ScienceFiction Taylor Kitsch. n 'PG-13' cc "27Dresses" 2008 Katherine Heigl, JamesMarsden. 'PG-13' acc FXM Presents * * "Maidin Manhattan" 2002 Jennifer Lopez. 'PG-13' « 34 The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG UFC Insider U F C Tonight U F C Reloaded147: UFCSilvavs. Franklin II Highlights of UFC147in Brazil. UFC Unleashed 28 301 27 301 PGATour Golf PGA Tour Golf Wells FargoChampionship, SecondRoundFromCharlotte, N.C Golf Central (N) 19th Hole (N) PGA Tour Golf HALL 66 33 175 33 ** "Little John"(2002) VingRhames,Gloria Reuben.'PG' « RememberSunday" (2013)Alexis Bledel, ZacharyLevi. 'PG' « Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier'G' « Fr a sier n 'PG' HBO 425 501 425501 (5:45) **** "MillionDollar Baby" 2004 Clint Eastwood.'PG-13' « * "Wrath ofthe Titans" 2012SamWorthington. n Candelabra Re a l Time With Bill Maher'M (N) A' VICE (N) n 'MA' Real/Bill Maher "Austin Powersin Goldmember" IFC 1 0 10 5 "Ausfin Powers inGoldmember Maron (N) '14' Maron '14' Arre sted Dev. A r rested Dev. A r rested Dev. A rrested Dev. Maron '14 Maron '14 ** "Mr. &Mrs. Smith"2005, Action Brad Pitt. n 'PG-13' cc MAX 400 508 508 (5:05) ** "The Brave One"2007 (7:10) ** "Life"1999,Comedy-DramaEddie Murphy. n 'R' cc The Jump Off Hi dTreasures NBCSN 27 58 30 209 NHL Hockey NHL HockeyConferenceQuarterfinal: TeamsTBA(N)(Live) NHL Live (N) The Crossover Horse Racing KentuckyOaks World Series Finding the Next Earth 'PG NGC 157 157 A l ien Earths: Revealed'P(N) G Hubble's Amazing Universe 'G' Ali en Earths: Revealed 'PG' Hubble's AmazingUniverse 'G Grand CanyonSkywalk 'PG NTOON 89 115189 115Rocket Monkeys Rocket Monkeys Rocket Monkeys RocketMonkeys Rocket Monkeys Rocket Monkeys Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Danny Phantom Danny Phantom OUTD 37 307 43 307 Arrow Affliction Your Weapon Best Defense E l ite Tactical Unit Midway USA's Wardens Impossible Elite Tactical Unit Shooting USA SHO 500 500 30 Days in May n 'MA' « All Access'14' All Access'14' All Access'14' All Access '14' 60 Minutes Sports n '14' « (5:55) *** "Ransom" 1996,SuspenseMelGibson.n 'R'« SPEED 35 303125303 NASCARRacing Faster Than A R CA RE/MAX Series RacingTalladega NASCARRacing The10 'PG' Un i que Whips '14' "Harold & KumarGo" STARZ 300 408 300408 *** "FridayNightLights" 2004 Bily BobThornton. n 'PG-13' vcc Spartacus: War of theDamned n Da Vinci's Demons (N)'MA' « (10:05) DaVinci's Demons n 'MA' f *** "LittleFish" 2005 CateBlanchett. n 'R' « TMC 525 525 *** "A RoomWitha Vi ew"1986 Helena Bonham-Care tr.'NR'« *** War Horse" 2011EmilyWatson. Ahorse seesjoy andsorrow during World WarI *WE 14 41 174118 Bridezillas Karen &Ladrienna '14' B r idezillas Karen 8 Natasha'14' Bri dezillas Karen Kelly 8 '14' Bridezillas Melissa &Jessica '14' B r i dezillas Jessica Mel& issa'14' B r i dezillas Melissa Adri& enne '14' ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
106 401 306401 *** "Lethal Weapon 3"1992, Action MelGibson. n 'R' cc FXM Presents * * 104 204104120(5:00) ** "27 Dresses" 2008