ServingCentral Oregonsince1903 75 $
THURSDAY December 27,2012
ar es'sur er o
BLliding P an
What we eat —Don't like
ists What Is owed on PERS
the idea of antibiotics in your
chicken? Somefarmers are trying oregano, instead.A3
Diet sodas —Studies disagree on howmuch impact they have on weight. D1
• 3 short-term fixes havebeenidentified while the city seeksa long-term answer By Hillary Borrud
Bend's sewersystem > g
The Bulletin
Sports moments —Highs and lows from 2012.C1 "1
j 1,
Myanmar —Signs of progress in a landthat for decades was closed off.A4 r -' a h ~g e
Energy jObS —In oil country, the lure of apaycheck trumps education.AS
And a Web exclusiveHard truths dim Haiti's lofty
hopes for recovery.
Russian adoption ban passes By David M. Herszenhorn New York Times News Service
MOSCOW — The upper chamber of Parliament on Wednesday unanimously approved a bill to ban adoptions of Russian children by U.S. citizens, sending the measure to President Vladimir Putin, who has expressed support but not yet said if he will sign it. Enactment of the adoption ban, which was developed in retaliation for a U.S. law punishing Russians accused of violating human rights, would be the most severe blow yet to relations between Russia and the United States in a year marked by a series of setbacks. The vote in the Federal Council was 143-0, with 43 senators absent. By law, Putin has two weeks to act on the bill, but a decision is expected sooner. The bill calls for the ban to take effect Tuesday. The U.S. ambassador, Michael McFaul, who criticized the bill after the lower house passed it lastweek, posted a more restrained comment on Twitter on Wednesday noting the fierce disagreement that has erupted within Russian government and society. "I agree with hundreds of thousands of Russians who want children removed from political debate," McFaul wrote. "Saddened by Federal Council vote today." See Russia/A6
s Bend officials ponder how to catch up on a backlog of sewer improvements, citizens and elected officials have wondered aloud why previous city leaders allowed the problem to grow so large. "The timing is atrocious because we're talking about a very large water project and a very large sewer
Part tWO of a two-
day SerieS Wednesday: Bend's sewer system is old and at capacity
City limits
Empire Ave.
an dvery pr o jects," CityCouncilor Mark Capell said
City Council meeting. "If they'd could prove been done very expensive. over the last Today: How and fixing it
nend s sewer situation became so
incrementally, maybe we wouldn't dire, and what's coming h»e thls
Bend s sewer system consists of 430 miles of sewer mains, 90 sewer pu mping stations, 246 home pumping stations. It collects up to 6.5 mill n gallons of sewage per day. To sewer plant I / ~ M a jor sewer interceptor lines Main sewer lines I 0 Major pumping stations GooleyRd.
Mike Riley, executive director of The Environmental Center, raised a similar concern at the meeting, where Riley and other members of a city sewer advisory group presented an update on their work. "A lot of questions were asked about why weren't we building some kind of reserve (account), knowing we wouldhave to make infrastructure investments," Riley said. The city has approximately $20 million in reserves for sewer work, said Assistant City Manager Jon Skidmore. However, that is far short of what it will cost to fix the sewer system. The last cost estimate to expand the water treatment plant, install major gravity sewer lines and repair collapsed sewer lines and manholes was $174 million. That bill accumulated over decades, as the city delayed implementing a plan to expand the existing system of gravity-fed sewer lines and instead built a piecemeal system with 336 pump stations to serve new development. Planning officials also approved subdivisions that, when they are all built, will generate an estimated
l~ I i E
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f Rd.
-Urban , growth boundary I
Bear Creek Rd
Stt ttnetS I I I
Reed Mkt. Rd.
co I
Murphy Rd.
By Lauren Dake The Bulletin
SALEM — Discussion surrounding reforming the state's pension system will likely intensify with the approach of the legislative session. And Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-Sunriver, wants the public at the table. Last week, the state added a new feature to its transparency website: how much is owed in retirement benefits to Oregon's retired public servants. Whisnant pushed unsuccessfully to add the link to the state website last session, but was recently able to win approval from the Transparency Oregon Advisory Commission. In light of the likely conversations surrounding the Public Employees Retirement System, Whisnant said he wants Oregonians to easily click a link and find out the unfunded liability in the retirement system. "My intent is to let people become aware of how much debt is in your city, county, school district, in addition to the state," Whisnant said. SeePERS/A4
Knott Rd
Source: City of Bend
Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin
What'snext In November, anadvisory group of businesspeople, conservationists and other citizens in Bend identified three problem spots in the city sewer system whereshort-term improvements could
The whole 9 yards ... meaning'?
prevent sewage overflows and allow development to continue while the city figures out a long-term
By Jennifer Schuessler
plan. An engineering consultant hired by the city is researching possible fixes, and will report back to the city with recommendations andcost estimates on Jan. 17,said Assistant City ManagerJon
New York Times News Service
Skidmore. Tom Hickmann, the city engineer and assistant public works director, said that if the advisory
committee makes arecommendation Jan. 17,the City Council could meet to consider whether to sign off on it as early as Jan. 21. The goal is to construct these improvements in 2013 and 2014. Once the short-term fixes have been determined, the advisory group will turn its attention to rec-
ommendations on long-term solutions. Hickmann said theadvisory group andconsultants could work until fall 2014 produce a final draft of the sewer collection system master plan. 8.5 million gallons of wastewater per day. The city wastewater treatment plant was designed to handle up to 6 million gallons of water per day and is functioning at its capacity, according to the Public Works Department. The city is working on upgrading the plant, but that could take several years to complete. Over the years, the city
has essentially backed itself into a corner, said Tom Hickmann, the city engineer and assistant public works director, last summer. "It's taken us many, manyyears ... to get ourselves into this situation." City officials have known fordecades that they needed more money for work that would allow the sewer system to keep up with new development and population
growth. In 1993, the city began collecting fees from builders to pay for sewer improvementstoserve new homes and businesses. In 2005, an analysis by city finance staff revealed that the cityundercharged developersforwastewater fees by roughly $13 million over the previous 12 years, The Bulletin reported. SeeSewer /A4
When people talk about "the whole nine yards," just what are theytalking about? For decades the answer to that question has been the Bigfoot of word origins, chased around wild speculative corners by amateur word freaks, with exasperated lexicographers and debunkers of folk etymologies in hot pursuit. Does the phrase derive from the length of ammunition belts in World War II aircraft? The contents of a standardconcrete mixer? The amount of beer a British naval recruit had to drink? Yardage in football? The length of fabric in a Scottish kilt (or sari, or kimono, or burial shroud)2 SeeOrigin/A5
Reminders abound aslife in Connecticut goes on By Molly Hennessy-Fiske Los Angeles Times
MONROE, Conn. — Little girls hopped out of SUVs and skipped up the steps to the Connecticut Dance! studio. They slipped on black leotards, petal-pink tights and slippers, and padded off with giggling friends to ballet, jazz
TODAY'S WEATHER Cloudy High 33, Low 15
Page B6
and tap classes. Some of the tiny dancers wore green ribbons, the favorite color of slain first-grade teacher Victoria Soto, or had scrawled the names of dead students on their wrists. Some arrived from funerals, having lost close friends, karate club and soccerteammates, fellow
Daisy and Tiger scouts. Twenty children have gone missing not just from Sandy Hook Elementary School, but from the intricate network of childhood activities that connect suburban Newtown. In the weeks ahead, as anguished families resume their schedules and social
lives, they will be repeatedly reminded of those missing faces, their sorrow testing the daily routines that bind them. None of the dancers' classmates was killed at Sandy Hook on Dec. 14. But the studio's owner, Andrea Stratford — Miss Andrea to the children — has a 5-year-old son, Luke,
who saw his teacher's aide after she was shot in the foot. Stratford's husband, Dennis, who works for the Newtown Board of Education, rushed to the school to make sure Luke had escaped the carnage, and then stayed to help the first responders. SeeShooting /A5
The Bulletin
+ .4 We userecycled newsprint
INDEX D1-5 Obituaries Business/Stocks C5-6 Comics/Puzzles E3-4 Health Calendar B2 Crosswords E 4 H o roscope D6 Sports Classified E1 - 6 D ear Abby D6 I o c al & StateB1-6 TV/Movies
B5 C1-4 D6
AnIndependent Newspaper
Vol. 109,No.362, 30 pages, 5 sections
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enae 0 a eone as s a a 'isca ci ' By Lori Montgomery and Paul Kane The Washington Post
W ASHINGTON — Wi t h historic tax increases set to hit virtually every American in five days, President Barack Obama and members of the Senate are headed back to Washington today to take one last shot at a deal to protect taxpayers and the gathering economic recovery. Ifanything, hope forsuccess appearedtohave dimmed over the Christmas holiday. The Republican-controlled House last week abdicated responsibility for resolving the crisis, leaving all eyes on the Senate. But senior aides in both parties said Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.,and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., have not met or even spoken since leaving town for the weekend. One small sign of progress came from House GOP leaders, who vowed Wednesday to call the House into session and stage a vote on anything the Democratic-controlled Senate approved. But Speaker John Boehner of Ohio and other top Republicans also demanded that Senate leaders take up a bill ap-
proved by the House months ago that would preserve expiring tax cuts for the wealthy as well as the middle class. After failing t o p ersuade their fellow Republicans last week to let taxes rise on income over $1 million, GOP leaders offered no guidance on the shape of a package the House could ultimately accept. "The House will take ... action on whatever the Senate can pass, but the Senate first must act," the leaders said in a joint statement. The White House, meanwhile, was working with Reid on an alternative package that would keep Obama's vow to let taxes rise on income over $250,000. Top Senate aides said their approach also would protect millions of m i d dleclass Americans from having to pay the costly alternative minimum tax for the first time and would keep benefits flowing to 2 million unemployed workers who otherwise would be cut off in January. The measure also could delay deep spending cutsset to strike at the Pentagon and other federal agencies next m onth. But a ides said t h e
on negotiations with Senate Republicans, and the talks had yet to get off the ground.
With no sign of urgency,
aides in both parties predicted that failure was not just a possibility — it w a s rapidly becoming the most likely outcome. No significant movement was expected Thursday: Obama was scheduled to be in the air traveling back from his Hawaiian holiday for a good portion of the day, and the Senate wasn't set to convene for votes until the evening. Unless the House and the Senate can agree on a way to avoid the "fiscal cliff," more t han $500 billion in tax i n creases and spending cuts will take effect next year, potentially sparking a new recession. In a sign of mounting anxiety over federal gridlock, Starbucks is asking employees in its Washington-area stores to write the words "Come Together" on cups provided to customers today and Friday. The aim is to send a message to lawmakers that they must settle their d i fferences and resolve the fiscal crisis, Starbucks chief executive Howard Schultz said in a letter posted scope of the package depends online.
W %8~ ' .
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The numbers drawn Wednesday night are:
Q 11Q 13Q 23Q 43Q54 Ql The estimated jackpot is now $40 million.
MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Wednesday night are
0407015 017037046 The estimated jackpot is now $7 million.
to own were on the mend Wednesday and said they were thankful for the support they've received. Investigators, meanwhile, traced
the gunman's weaponsand tried to confirm a body found in his destroyed house in Webster, N.Y., near Rochester, was his sister's.
Syria SetbaCkS —Syria's wounded interior minister cut short his treatment at a Beirut hospital Wednesday and returned home for fear of being arrested by Lebanese authorities, while Syria's chief of mili-
tary police defected to the opposition, becoming one of the highestranking officers to switch sides. The twin developments reflected the deepening isolation of Syrian President Bashar Assad's government,
which has suffered a number of setbacks on thebattlefield as well. OIItorg OVeI' gIIII maP —Following the Connecticut school killings, a newspaper in nearbyWestchester County, N.Y.,published the names and addresses of handgun permit holders in its readership
area. The newspaper,TheJournal News, said that informing people about legal weapons in their neighborhoods was a public service. Not everyone agreed. The posting of the information online over the weekend has touched off an outcry that has underscored the raw
emotions surrounding the issue of guns. Afghan dembilIg —A suicide bomber killed three Afghans on Wednesday in anunsuccessful attempt to enter anAmerican military
toward the front gate but was stopped by an Afghan guard. The attacker detonated his explosives and killed the guard, as well as two
civilians, Baqizoi said.
gest high-speed rail line, which more than halves the time required
to travel from the country's capital in the north to Guangzhou, an economic hub in southern China. Wednesday's opening of the1,428mile line was commemorated by the 9 a.m. departure of a train from
Beijing for Guangzhou. Another train left Guangzhou for Beijing an G.M. Andrews /The AssociatedPress
A street sign is bent at asevere angle from a Christ-
scores of motorists got stuck on icy roads or slid into
mas Day tornado in Mobile, Ala. A powerful winter storm system that pounded the
drifts, and blizzard warnings were issued amid snowy gusts of 30 mph that blanketed roads and wind-
nation's midsection, wrecking holiday travel plans and dumping a record snowfall in Arkansas, began
shields, at times causing whiteout conditions.
lashing the Northeast on Wednesday with high winds,
nadoes onChristmas Day, pushed through the Upper Ohio Valley andheaded into the Northeast Wednes-
snow and sleet. The storm, which knocked out power to thousands
of homes, mainly in Arkansas, was blamedfor at least six deaths. Hundreds of flights were canceled or delayed,
The system, which spawned Gulf Coast region tor-
hour later. Trains on the latest high-speed line will initially run at186 mph, with a total travel time of about eight hours. Before, the fastest
time between the two cities by train was morethan 20 hours. Japan'S neW leader —Parliament formally elected Shinzo Abe as prime minister on Wednesday,ending athree-year break from decades of near-constant rule by his conservative Liberal Democratic Party. The victory puts Abe, 58, a former prime minister and an out-
spoken nationalist, at Japan's helm as it faces the growing burden of
day night. High winds, snow and sleet slickened roads in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut.
its aging population, years of industrial decline and the challenge of an increasingly assertive China. The change in prime ministers is the
Forecasts called for 12 to 18inches of snow inland
seventh in six years, a high turnover that is itself a sign of the nation's
from western New York to Maine into today.
inability to escape its long economic funk.
FranCe prOteSted ilI AfriCa —Angry protesters carrying clubs
By Ken Bensinger
of their colleagues in anambushwith weapons he wasn't allowed
Longest high-speed rail —china has openedthe world's lon-
and news or ad illustrations. Theymaynot
As listed at
gunman who set his upstate New York house ablaze and killed two
on an air ambulance and was admitted to the Mount Elizabeth hospital, renowned for multi-organ transplant facilities.
P-.jtp '
Toyota to payI'1 billion to settle lawsuits
Oregon Lottery results
FirefighterS reCOVering —Two firefighters wounded by a
23-year-old student, who is in critical condition, arrived in Singapore
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said he was improving and in good spirits, but doctors have taken extraordinary care with his health because of his age.
Delhi was flown Thursday to a Singapore hospital for treatment of severe internal injuries that could last several weeks, officials said. The
:= j
One manth: $17 (print only:$16) By mail in Deschutes County:
t777S.W.ChandlerAve.,Bend,OR 9770Z periodicals postagepaid at Bend,OR.
had been in the hospital since Dec. 8. In recent days, officials have
Gang-rape ViCtim mOVed —A young womanwho was gangraped andassaulted on amoving bus in the lndian capital of New
Home deliveryandE-Edition:
drop box atCity Hall.Check paymentsmay be converted to anelectronic funds transfer. The Bulletin, USPS ¹552-520, is published daily by WesternCommunications Inc.,
apartheid icon will continue to receive medical care at home. Mandela
of opposition parties, Morsi pledged in atelevised address to respect the one-third of voters who cast ballots against it. But Morsi offered no concessions, and hedid not acknowledgeanyspecific errors, saying only, "There havebeen mistakes here andthere, and I bear responsibility."
All Bulletin payments areaccepted at the
Mandela olIt of hospital —Former south African President Nelson Mandelawas releasedWednesday from ahospital in Johannesburg after being treated for a lung infection and having gallstones removed, a government spokesmansaid. The 94-year-old anti-
bitter debate over the charter, which was finalized over the objections
were released about his medical condition, but McGrath said Bush is surrounded by family. Bush has been hospitalized since Nov. 23.
phenomenon" of their new democracy. Appealing for unity after the
The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If yoo know ofan error in a story, call os at 541-383-0358.
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the former president"remains in guarded condition." No other details
the run-up to ratification of the new constitution and urged Egyptians to appreciate the fierce disagreements about it as a "healthy
Bush, 88, was admitted to the ICU at Methodist Hospital on Sunday. He said doctors are cautiously optimistic about his treatment and that
MOrSi aoknOWledgeS miStakeS —President Mohammed Morsi of Egypt took responsibility Wednesdayfor "mistakes" during
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Jim McGrath, Bush's spokesman in Houston, said in a brief email that
tack was onForward Operating BaseChapman.Gen. Abdul Qayum Baqizoi, the police chief in Khost province, said the attacker drove
One month: $14.50 By mail outsideDeschutes County:Onemonth: $18 E-Edition only:Onemonth: $13
lowing a series of setbacks, including a persistent fever," but he is alert and talking to medical staff, his spokesman said Wednesday.
base in eastern Afghanistan, U.S. and Afghan officials said. The at-
HumanResources Traci Donaca......................54t-383-0327 Business ............................ 541-383-0360 City Desk Joseph Ditzler.....541-383-0367 Community Life, Health Julie Johnson.....................541-383-0308 EditorialsRichard Coe......541-383-0353 Family, AtHome Alandra Johnson................541-617-7860 GO! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 News EditorJan Jordan....541-383-0315 PhotosDeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 SperlsBill Bigelow.............541-383-0359
H.W. BuSh in ICU —Former President George H.W.Bush has been admitted to the intensive care unit at a Houston hospital "fol-
threw rocks at the French Embassy in Central African Republic on Wednesday, criticizing the former colonial power for failing to do
more to stem arapid rebel advance as fears grew that the insurgents aim to seize the capital. The demonstrations began earlier in the day outside the U.S. Embassy before about100 protesters then took to
the French Embassy, carrying pieces of cardboard with messages deceptive business practices. and Ralph Vartabedian The costsof those agreements Los Angeles Times would be included in a $1.1 bilLOS ANGELES — Toyota lioncharge the Japanese autoMotor Corp., moving to put maker said it will take against years oflegal problems be- earningstocovertheactions. "We concluded that turning hind it, has agreed to pay more than $1 billion to settle dozens the page on this legacy legal isof lawsuits relating to sudden sue through the positive steps acceleration. we are taking is in the best inThe proposed deal, f iled terestsofthe company, our emWednesday in federal court, ployees, ourdealersand,most of would be among the largest all, our customers," Christopher ever paid out by an automaker. Reynolds, Toyota's chief counsel It applies to numerous suits in the U.S., said in a statement. claiming economic damages Toyota's lengthy history of caused by safety defects in the sudden acceleration was the automaker'svehicles,but does subject of a series of Los Angenot cover dozens of personal les Times articles in 2009, after injury and wrongful-death suits a horrific crash outside San that are still pending around the Diego that took the life of an offnation. duty California Highway Patrol The suits were filed over the officer and his family. last three years by Toyota and Under terms of the agreeLexus owners who claimed ment, which has not yet been that the value of their vehicles approvedincourt,Toyotawould had been hurt by the potential install brake override systems in for defects, including floor mats numerous models and provide that could cause the vehicles to surge out of control. In addition, Toyota said it is close to settling suits filed by the Orange County, Calif., disHOME INTERIORS trict attorney and a coalition 70 sw century Dr. sune145 Bend, QR 97702 of state attorneys general who e 541 322 7337 www had accusedthe automaker of
cash paymentsfrom a $250 million fund to owners whose vehicles cannot be modified to incorporate that safety measure. In addition, the automaker plans to offer extended repair coverage on throttle systems in 16 million vehicles and offer cash payments from a separate $250 million fund to Toyota and Lexus owners who sold their vehicles or turned them in at the end of a lease in 2009 or 2010. The total value of the settlement could reach $1.4 billion, according to Steve Berman, the lead plaintiff attorney in the case. The lawsuits, filed over the last several years, had been seeking class certification. News of the agreement comes scarcely a week after Toyota agreed to pay a record $1735 million fine to the ¹ tional Highway Traffic Safety Administration for failing to report a potential floor mat defect in a Lexus SUV. SelfReferrals Welcome
Hear Ceoter
that read: "No to war! No to France!"
Oklahoma house fire kills 5 —Afire that rippedthrough a home in Oklahoma City before dawn Wednesday killed a woman and her four children and left one man in critical condition with serious
burns, authorities said. Firefighters who arrived about 6:30 a.m. found the bodies of Jeanine Bonnet, 28, and her children inside the two-story, wood-frame home, Fire Department Maj. Tammy McKin-
ney said. They found Brian Poletto, 39, outside the burning house while a man who rented a room at the home, David Ruppert, man-
aged to escapethe flames.
Candy-Cigarette Carrier Warned — Ownersof anold-school soda shop in St. Paul, Minn., are being warned to kickthe habitand
stop stocking novelty candy cigarettes. City inspectors threatened a misdemeanor citation and $500 fine if Lynden's soda fountain is caught selling the fake smokes again. The Star Tribune reported
Wednesday that the offering violated an ordinancebarring the sale of candy smokes and cartoon character lighters. — From wire reports
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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day
It's Thursday, Dec. 27, the 362nd day of 20f2. There are four days left in the year.
Coral reefs could be decimated by 2100
FiSCal CriSiS —President Barack Obamaand members of the Senate are back in Washington to make a lastditch effort at a deal to avert the so-called fiscal cliff.A2
Senate —Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz of Hawaii is sworn in
to succeed the late U.S.Sen. Daniel Inouye. LabOr —The owners of four Pacific Northwest grain terminals have informed the longshore union they will
implement the terms of their
As consumers grow more sophisticated about what they eat, food sellers say they cannot get enough antibiotic-free meat. Farmers seeking a solution have turned to oregano oil and cinnamon. Some swear by it, but where food safety is concerned, opinions remain mixed.
final contract offer.E3
By Stephanie Strom
Manhattan. (Openingnight, consisting of several hours of live acts, was considered a disaster, prompting the owners to shift
toaformatof showing amovie followed by astageshow.) In 1512, King Ferdinand II issued the original Laws of Burgos, which were intended to regulate the treatment of in-
digenous people on Hispaniola by Spanish settlers. In1822, scientist Louis Pas-
teur was born in Dole, France. In1831, naturalist Charles Darwin set out on a round-the-
world voyageaboard the HMS Beagle. In1904, James Barrie's play "Peter Pan: TheBoyWho Wouldn't Grow Up" opened at the Duke of York's Theater in
London. In1927,the musical play "Show Boat," with music by Jerome Kern and libretto by
Oscar Hammerstein II, opened at the Ziegfeld Theater in New York. In1945, 28 nations signed an
agreement creating the World Bank. In1947,the original version of the puppet character Howdy Doody made its TV debut on NBC's "Puppet Playhouse." In1949, Queen Juliana of the
Netherlands signed anact recognizing lndonesia's sovereignty after more than three
centuries of Dutch rule. In1968, Apollo 8 and its three astronauts made a safe, nighttime splashdown in the Pacific. In1979, Soviet forces seized control of Afghanistan. Presi-
dent Hafizullah Amin, whowas overthrown and executed, was
replaced by BabrakKarmal. In 1985, Palestinian guerrillas opened fire inside the Rome and Vienna airports; 19 victims were killed, plus four attackers
who were slain by police and security personnel. American naturalist Dian Fossey, 53, who had studied gorillas in the wild
in Rwanda, wasfound hacked to death.
Ten years ago:A defiant North Korea ordered U.N.nuclear inspectors to leavethecountry and said it would restart a
laboratory capable of producing plutonium for nuclear weapons. But the U.N. nuclear
watchdog said its inspectors were "staying put" for the time being.
Five yearsago:Opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was
assassinated during a suicide bomb attack in Pakistan fol-
lowing a campaign rally. One year ago:Tensof thousands of defiant Syrian protesters thronged the streets of Homs, calling for the execution of President Bashar Assad
shortly after his army pulled its tanks backand allowed Arab League monitors in for the first time to the city at the heart of the anti-government uprising.
BIRTHDAYS Actor Gerard Depardieu is 64. Jazz singer-musician T.S. M onk is 63.Rock musician
David Knopfler (Dire Straits) is 60. Actress Theresa Randle is 48. Actress Eva LaRue is 46.
Former professional wrestler and actor Bill Goldberg is 46. Actor Masi Oka is 38. Actor
Aaron Stanford is 36. Actress Emilie de Ravin is 31. — From wire reports
Nearly every coral reef
could be dying by 2100 if current c a rbon d i o x ide emission trends continue, according to a new review of major climate models from around the world. The only way to maintain the current chemical environment in which reefs now live, the study suggests, would be to deeply cut emissions as soon as possible. It may even become necessary to actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, say with massive tree-planting efforts or machines. The world's open-ocean reefsarealreadyunderattack by the combined stresses of
effectiveness of oregano oil on 18 mice infected with staph FREDERICKSBURG, Pa. bacteria. Six mice were given The smell of oregano wafting oregano oil, and half survived from Scott Sechler's office is for the full 30 days of the treatso strong that anyone visiting ment. Six received carvacrol, Bell & Evans these days could regarded by many experts to be forgiven fo r w o ndering be the antibacterial component whether Sechler has forsaken in oregano, in olive oil, and the production of chicken and none of them survived longer gone into pizza. than 21 days. Six other mice Oregano lies loose in trays received only olive oil and died and tied into bunches on tablewithin three days. tops and counters, and a big, The study, which was underblue drum that held oregano written by a company, North oil stands in the corner. "Have American Herb and Spice, and acidifying and warming wayou ever tried oregano tea'?" presented at a meeting of the ter, overfishing, and coastal Sechlerasked, mashing leaves American College of Nutrition pollution. Carbon emissions between his broad fingers. Jessica Kourkounis/New YorkTimes NewsService in 2001, was repeated and all have already lowered the pH Off and on over the last Scott Sechler, of Bell & Evans, holds one of his chickens at a barn those findings were corroboof the ocean a full 0.1 unit, three years or so, his chickens in Fredericksburg, Pa. Some chicken farms, including Bell & Evans, rated, Preuss said. which has harmed reefs and have been eating a specially are using oregano-based products as substitutes for antibiotics, but Preuss said he had applied hindered bivalves' ability to milled diet laced with oregano research on their effectiveness is scant, and many remain skeptical. to the National Institutes of grow. The historical record oil and a touch of cinnamon. Health for financing of a larger of previous mass extinctions Sechler swears by the concocstudy, with no luck so far. "This suggests that acidified seas tion as a way to fight off bacte- "I have worried a bit about how I'm going to is really promising, particuwere accompanied by widerial diseases that plague meat sound talking about this. But I really do think larly when you consider that spread die-offs but not total and poultry producers without we're on to something here." we are facing a crisis in our extinction. resorting to antibiotics, which hospitals and health systems To study how the world's some experts say can be detslowly souring seas would — Scott Sechler with the increasing resistance rimental to the humans who to antibiotics," he said. affect reefs in the future, scieat the meat. Products at Bell After hearing about Bell 8 entists with the Carnegie In& Evans, based in this town Evans' use of oregano oil, Bob stitution for Science in Palo about 30 miles east of Harris- pay at least 5 cents a pound E. coli with that of four of the Ruth, the president of Country Alto, Calif., analyzed the burg, have long been free of more for meat raised without company's products. View Family Farms, a Pennresults of computer simulaantibiotics, contributing to the antibiotics. In all four test groups, Ropa- sylvania-based company, detions performed by 13 teams "Before, it was kind of a nice diar outperformed the Bayer company's financialsuccess cided to test it on some of his around the world. The modas consumers have demanded little business, and while it's products. "Strange but true!" pigs. Over the last six months, els include simulations of purer foods. still microscopic in the grand Dr. Lucio Nisoli, the Bayer about 5,000 pigs have eaten how ocean chemistry would But Sechler said nothing he scheme of things, we're see- product manager, wrote in his feed laced with By-0-Reg afinteract with an atmosphere had used as a substitute in the ing acceptance from retailers report on the trial. "Compared ter being weaned from their with higher carbon dioxide past worked as well as oregano across the country, not just to the various anti-infectives, mothers. levels in the future. oil. "I have worried a bit about in California and on the East with Ropadiar I have obtained "The preliminary results are Using the models' predichow I'm going to sound talking Coast," said Stephen McDon- m uch m or e e ff ective a n d encouraging, but we need to be tionsfor futurephysicaltraits about this," he said. "But I re- nell, founder and chief execu- quicker results.Furthermore, sure it's giving us the results such as pH and temperature ally do think we're on to some- tive of Applegate, an organic piglets treated with Ropadiar we need to give us the confiin different sections of the thing here." and natural meats company. look much more healthy and dence to start using it more ocean, the scientists were Skeptics of herbal medicines McDonnell said a c onflu- were not so dehydrated and broadly," Ruth said. able to calculate a key chemiabound, as any quick Internet ence of trends, from height- wasted." Ruth and Sechler warned cal measurement that affects search demonstrates. ened interest in whole and natAstrid Kohler, a s p okes- that using oregano oil to concoral. Corals make their "Oil of oregano is a peren- ural foods to growing concerns woman i n M o n heim, Ger- trol bacterial infection also reshells out of the dissolved nialone, advertised as a cure about medical problems like many, for Bayer Healthcare's quires maintaining high stancarbonate mineral known for just a bout everything," diabetes, obesity and gluten animal health business, con- dards of sanitation in barns as aragonite. But as carbon said Scott Gavura, a pharma- allergies, were contributing to firmed that the company had where animals are sheltered, dioxide pollution steadily cist in Toronto who writes for the demand for antibiotic-free done the trial but said that "in as well as good ventilation acidifies the ocean, chemical the w ebsite S c ience-Based meat. further evaluations the results and light, and a good nutrition reactions change the extent Medicine. "But there isn't any There is growing concern of the first study could not be program. to which the carbonate is evidence, there are too many among health care experts replicated with the same speAfter a chicken flock leaves available. That availability is unanswered questions and the and policymakers about anti- cies, nor with other species." a barn at Bell 8 E v ans for known as its saturation, and only proponents of it are the biotic resistance and the rise Other testing is rare. A test slaughter, for instance, the fais generally thought to be a of "superbugs," bacteria that of oregano oil on four small ones producing it." cility is hosed down, its water number between 3 and 3.5. Nonetheless, Gavura said are impervious to one or more farms in Maine, which was lines are cleaned out and evNo precise rule of thumb he would welcome areduction antibiotics. T hose b a cteria financed by a $ 9,914 grant erything is disinfected. It sits exists to link t hat f igure in the use of antibiotics in ani- can be passed on to consum- from the Agriculture Depart- empty for two to three weeks and the health of reefs. But mals. At the same time, con- ers, who eat meat infected ment, found it was effective in to allow bacteria to die off and the Carnegie scientists say sumers are growing increas- with them and then cannot be controlling the parasites and to ensure that the rodents that paleoclimate data suggests ingly sophisticated about the treated. worms that afflict goats and carry salmonella and campythat the s aturation level content of the foods they eat. In November, the Centers sheep. lobacter are eliminated. during preindustrial times "You can't just replace anData on sales of antibiotic- for Disease Control and PreDr. Harry Preuss, a profes— before carbon pollution free meatis hard to come by, vention and 25 national health sor of physiology and biology tibiotics with oregano oil and began to accumulate in the but the sales are a tiny frac- organizations and advocacy at the Georgetown University expect it t o w o rk," Sechler sky and seas — was greater tion of the overall meat mar- groups issued a statement on Medical Center, studied the said. than 3.5. ket. Sales in the United States antibiotics that, among other of organic meat, poultry and things, called for "limiting the fish, which by law must be use of medically important raised without antibiotics, to- human antibiotics in food anitaled $538 million in 2011, ac- mals" and "supporting the use cording to the Organic Trade of such antibiotics in animals Association. By comparison, only for those uses that are sales of all beef that year were considered necessary for as$79 billion. suring animal health." Still, retailers like Costco, Analysis of Food and Drug Whole Foods and Trader Joe's, A dministration data by t h e as well as some restaurant Center for Science in the Pub+> C~ l i chains, complain that t h ey lic Interest found that 80 perQ( cannot get enough antibiotic- cent of all antibiotics sold in free meat. the United States are used in Noodles & Co., a fast-grow- animals. The majority of those ing chain of more than 300 antibiotics are used to spur restaurants, recently added growth or prevent infections a ntibiotic-free pork t o th e from spreading in the crowdchoices of ingredients that cus- ed conditions in which most tomers can add to their made- animal production takes place • I to-order pastas. It ensured its today. supply by ordering cuts of meat The European Union has I. that were not in relatively high banned the use of antibiotics demand and by committing in to accelerate growth, and the advance to buy a year's worth, European Parliament is pushsaid Dan Fogarty, its executive ing to end their use as tools to vice president for marketing. prevent disease as well. "We're deliberately voting The oregano oil p r oduct with ou r p o cketbooks," he Sechler uses, By-0-Reg Plus, said. is made by aDutch company, In a nationwide telephone Ropapharm Inte r national. Nature Shop s urvey o f 1 , 000 a dults i n In the late 1990s, Bayer conMarch, more than 60 percent ducted trials on the product, F orum Center, Bend ( A c r oss f r o m B a r ne s 5 N o b l e ) told the Consumer Reports known as Ropadiar in Europe, National R e search C e nter comparing its ability to control 541- 6 1 7 - 8 8 4 0 w w w . w b u . c om / b e n d that they would be willing to diarrhea in piglets caused by New York Times News Service
Highlight:In1932, New York City's Radio City Music Hall opened to the public in midtown
By Eli Kintisch ScienceNOW
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Funding to make it more than a centralized location for information, however, doesn't exist, she said. Gov. John Kitzhaber proposed PERS reforms in his 2 013-15 budget, which h e hopes will generate up to $865 million in savings. School districts in general are expected to see a higher increase than other public employers in c o n tributions imposed by the PERS Board of Directors. Public employers, such as school districts, pay into the system to fund pensions for their retirees.
Continued from A1 The state's pension system is facing an unfunded liability of $16 billion. Sen. Chris Telfer, R-Bend, who sits on the transparency commission, said the PERS information is an improvement, but she hopes the website offers more in the future. "The transparency website basically makes a bunch of links available, and this makes it easier for people to see," she said. "But I was always hoping to make it more robust."
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petuity.... Then it's paid for by everybody who's on the sewer system. It's a bit like allowing developers to privatize the profits they make, but socialize some of the costs." Pumps are necessary for developments in low areas, such as near a river, but it was unusual to install them throughout the city, Clinton has said. After the city hired Public Works Director Paul Rheault in 2004, the Public Works Department advocated for a gravity system instead of relying on more pumps, Clinton said. "I have sympathy for the people now running the Public Works Department," Clinton said. "They inherited a mess of a system." Community Development Director Mel Oberst also said developers exerted some pressure to take the less costly route. "That was the cheaper way to develop," Oberst said. "So I think it was a combination of the city not understanding its system well and developers being expedient and putting in the cheapest system available."
Continued from A1
The city did so by charg-
Rolf Zimmermann / Mcclatchy Newspapers
A street market in Yangon, Myanmar. Nearly five decades of isolation have left the capital city of 4 million people resembling the old-fashioned colonial capital it was during more than a century of British rule.
By Anita Kumar YANGON, M y anmar There are no credit cards. The Internet is virtually impossible to access. Other everyday conveniences we've grown accustomed to in the United States are nonexistent. You couldn't even find a C oke in M y anmar u nti l a couple of months ago, when the Coca-Cola Co. announced that it would start exporting its drinks to th e Southeast Asian nation for the first time in six decades. Diet Coke still seems tobe out ofreach. In many ways, Myanmar is the land time forgot. Tourists arriving inthe country for the first time in two generations find it still looks much as it must have in the 1960s, when the military seized control of the government and began its 49-year rule. International isolation has left the nation's largest city, Yangon, resembling the oldfashioned colonial capital it was during more than a century of British rule instead of a large Asian metropolis buzzing with technology. Massive colonial structures the size of Washington's federal buildings — which once housed government agencies, courtsand department stores — span block after block of downtown Yangon, formerly known as Rangoon. Even the
heavily guarded pale blue City Hall has a colonial motif, though with Asian overtones. History books tell us that the M y anmar g o vernment kicked out squatters and be-
gan sprucing up the buildings 20 years ago. But while some have beenrestored to theirformer grandeur, most have been abandoned in desperate need of repair or covered in blue scaffolding. Yangon, home to 4 million of the country's 55 million people, doesn't feel like the massive urban centers that dot Asia, such as neighboring Bangkok or Mumbai. There are no skyscrapers. Visitors flying into the former capital city can still see lush green fields, oxen hauling supplies and homes made of bamboo and dried leaves. Everywhere you look, the i nfrastructure a p p ears t o have failed to keep up with the times. Large d i lapidated apartment buildings that appear uninhabitable are overflowing wit h r e sidents. Streets and sidewalks, uneven right to left and up and down, are crammed wit h f o o d s t a lls s elling f r ui t u n f amiliar t o Americans, fried treats and cold drinks i n p l astic bags with straws. Vendors hawk T-shirts, jewelry made from Myanmar jade and traditional lacquerware handicrafts. S econdhand b o ok s t h a t look like third- or fourth-hand books are sold on Pansodan Street in what some call Yangon's open-air library. Women wearing traditional longyi sa-
rongs and heavy beige powder on their faces carry baskets on their heads, while men crowd the ubiquitous teahouses and the Myanmar version of food trucks, small carts where meat is cooked in front of the one or two people who are able to snag seats. A 2010 election launched a series of political changes
Pump stations City Councilor Jim Clinton, first elected in 2004 and the longestserving member currently on the council, said the city ended up with so many pump stations because of a combinationofpressure from developersto allow cheaper sewer infrastructure and the belief among previous public works officials that sewer
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McClatchy Newspapers
ing development impact fees that, according to the city's own formula,covered only 60 percent of the cost for the city to add capacity to its sewer infrastructureto serve the new development.
pumps were a good choice. ~.J g,
Mcclatchy Newspapers
Coca-Cola returned to Myanmar just a couple of months ago. in the country — cease-fires in some ethnic conflicts, the release of political prisoners, loosened restrictions on the news media — and with political changes came cultural
changes. Last month, in an attempt to encourage the emerging democracy, Barack O bama became the first U.S. president to visit a nation still known to most people as Burma, arriving to throngs of jubilant fans, who filled the streets, chanting his name and waving American flags. A team from AT8rT accompanied his staff an d p ress corps, setting up phone and computer lines in a n a t ion where only one in four people have electricity. They even managed to p r ovide w i r eless communication — somewhat intermittently — for the U .S. media working on t he manicured lawn outside the home of f a med o pposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, the same place where the activist known in Myanmar simply as "the lady" spent 15 years under house arrest, presumably with no communication with the outside world. When Air Force One left, so did the technology. International visitors quickly realized that cellphone service providers don't provide service in Myanmar, putting it in the same category as a handful of countries that include Cuba and North Korea. Some residents have c ellphones, but many others make calls at stalls equipped with land-line phones and people standing by to collect money. Finding wireless service is even more difficult. Only a handful of hotels and cafes have such service, but like air conditioning and electricity, it often doesn't last for long. There are signs that, finally, in small ways Myanmar is starting to catch up with the world. Guides offer English tours at the 2,000-year-old Shwedagon Pagoda, a massive structure that despite the nation's immense poverty gleams with gold and diamonds. A few of t he fortune-tellers that l i ne busy Sule Paya Road now cater to foreigners. Billboards, w ritten i n My a n ma r a n d English, advertise Samsung, Panasonic and Rolex products. One promoted cappuccino with "real foamy Italian taste!" Credit cards still aren't accepted, but visitors can pay some hotels, now filled to capacity, in U.S. dollars. The airport, however, can still barely handle one flight taking off at a time. And in a nation where English isn't r egularly spoken,
young men have found the couple of words needed for a job that they never could have anticipated a few years ago. Standing on busy streets, they forcefully offer to change foreign money into Myanmar kyat, for a small fee, of course.
"Change money'? Change
money'?" they insistently ask anyone who doesn't look as if he belongs. Those living in near-isolation for five decades are just getting a sense of what the rest of the world is likeand some apparently are finding they like it.
In Yangon's huge Bogyoke Aung San Market, where stall after stall displays Myanmar's traditional white cotton shirts and velvet sli ppers, vendors have added a new item: red, beige and blue T-shirts with an image of Obama, the same one that became famous during the 2008 election. But instead of the word "hope," the shirts are adorned with another word that better reflects Myanmar's state: "progress."
Andy High, vice president for government affairs at the Central Oregon Builders Association and a member of thecit y sewer advisory group, could not b e r eached for comment. Clinton said "there was a lot of pressurefrom developers," who are required to build the infrastructure to connect new projects with the sewer system, for the city to allow pump stations. Pumps allowbuilders to dig a shallower trench for sewer lines — which reduces the initial cost because of the
Whisnant was one of the original backers of the idea to create the state's transparency website in 2009. The idea is to get citizens more engaged with state government and demonstrate how taxpayer dollars are being used. When it comes to the recently added PERS information, he's pushing to simplify the
language more.
"We're s till working o n clarifying it, so not just an accountant can understand it," Whisnant said. — Reporter, 541-554-1162
lion gallons of wastewater or more, he said. The plant has handled that much during storms, Hickman
agreed. "But that is not a sustainable threshold for the plant," he said. "If that became the sustained flow, the plant would be overloaded and would not be able to process that fast enough." When wastewater flowing to the plant exceeded 8 million gallons per day, "what happens
is in each of those (cases), the water spills out of the facilities. ... Water just spills out of the tank and goes on the ground." Now, developers face i ncreased costs and other obstacles due to the decisions of previous city officials. Many businesses on the north end of the city connected to the sewer using pressurized lines and pumps. That is no longer an option in many cases, so when Panda Express wanted to build a restaurant in the area, Oberst said, "we worked with them for six months to figure out an alternative for where theywere going todischargetheirsewer,because they were going to discharge into a line that was at capacity." Inthe end, Panda Express built a more expensive gravity line to a major regional pump station. Pam Hardy, staff attorney for 1000 Friends of Oregon and a member of the city sewer advisory group, said 1000 Friends believed the previous city plan to expand the gravity lines would have encouraged urban sprawl, but the city is now headed in a positive direction. "Essentially the way we see it is,there was some serious overexuberance during the boom, and decisionswere made that were probably not the wisest and most forward-looking," Hardy said."Butmysenseis atthispoint, coolerheadsare prevailing."
Lack of data
As for why the city approved subdivisions in excess of what the sewer system can serve, Oberst said part of the problem was that the city did not have much data on how geology of Central Oregon. the sewer system was funcAlthough gravity sewer lines tioning until recently. "Back in the late '90s and require less m a intenance, their up-front cost is greater the early part of the last debecause builders must dig cade, we didn't have computer deep into basalt rock to obtain modeling to evaluate our sewthe correct slope, Clinton said. er system, and we had no idea Public works employees also what the flows would be from supported the pump stations. the platting (of lots) we were "The wave of the future, as doing," Oberst said. it was being described, was The city hired Oberst in instead of (gravity lines) to 2005; like Rheault, he was not put in pumping stations, and at the city when some of the then you can put in a small problems developed. pipe closer to the surface and However, Oberst also disthat's all less expensive," Clin- agreed with the Public Works ton said. "What happens, of Department assessment that course, is once the develop- the treatment plant cannot ment is completed, the devel- handle 8.5 million gallons of oper turns all that over to the wastewater per day. On some city, and that becomes the re- days, during a storm for exsponsibility of the city for per- ample, the plant treated 7 mil-
— Reporter: 541-617-7829,
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V. By Jack Healye New York Times News Service
SIDNEY, Mont. -
It is a lucrative but risky decision for any 18-year-old to make, one that
For most high school seniors, a college degree is the surest path to a decent could foreclose on their future if the frenzied pace of oil and gas drilling from job and a stable future.
here to North Dakota to Texas falters and work dries up. But with youth
But here in oil country, some teenagers are choosing the oil fields over
unemployment at 12 percent nationwide and college tuition soaring, students
universities, forgoing higher education for jobs with salaries that can start at here on the snow-glazed plains of eastern Montana said they were ready to take their chances.
$50,000 a year. "I just figured, the oil field is here andI'dmake the money while I c o uld," said Tegan Sivertson, 19, who monitors pipelines for a gas company, sometimes working 15-hour days. "I didn't want to waste the money and go to school when I could make just as much." L ess than a y e a r a w ay from proms and homecoming games, teenagers li k e S ivertson now w a k e a t 4 a.m. to make the three-hour trek to remote oil rigs. They fish busted machinery out of 2-mile-deep hydraulic f r acturing wells and repair safety devices that keep the wells from rupturing, often working alongside men old enough to be their fathers. Some live at home; others drive back on weekends to eat their mothers' food, do loads of laundry and go to high school basketball games, still straddling the blurredborder between childhood and adulthood. Just as gold r ushes and silver booms once brought opera houses and armies of prospectors to rugged corners of the West, today's headlong race foroil and gas is reshaping staid communities in the northern P l a ins, b r i n ging once untold floods of cash and job prospects, but also deep anxieties about crime, growth and a future newly vulnerable to cycles of boom and bust.
Shay Findlay began working in the oil industry right out of high school. He still lives at his parents' house and has bought a flatscreen television and a dirt bike and taken out a loan on a truck. About his friends who went away to college, he says, "They're going to have to come back and look for work. And there's nothing but oil fields over here."
ing the fracking techniques that have driven this energy Photos by Matthew Staver / New York Times News Service rush. If they go back to school, Oil equipment is an increasingly common sight in North Dakota and the northern Plains, and jobs in they could be hurt by the dethe oil fields can start at $50,000 a year. lay. A 2005 federal Education Department report s howed that students who delayed colsaid that few of their students degrees. way i n n o r theastern Mon- lege were more likely to drop "It's the allure of the mon- tana, graduating seniors in were abandoning college for out. energy jobs. And even here, ey," said Thom Barnhart, a Bainville are asking similar School officials said that a majority of graduates are guidance counselor at Sidney questions about their future. few teenagers were working still choosing universities and High. Should they get an education directly for energy companies. community colleges. As more f a milies arrive and pursue their i nterests'? Instead, they ar e w o r k i ng But school officials in east- from Florida and M ichigan Or should they stick close to with the wide range of supern Montana said more and and t h r oughout M o n tana, home and surf a wave of cash port companies that excavate, more students were interested seeking a n e w s t ar t a f t er and jobs that will only grow build and maintain the wells, in working for at least a year bankruptcies a n d l a y o ffs, as companies begin to build or, in a race with the dizzyafter graduation and getting schools in places like Sidney a new industrial rail terminal ing pace of growth, construct technical training instead of a are buckling. School enroll- and worker camps, forever the hotels, apartments and four-year degree. ment leapt to 863 students transforming this quiet farm camps for employees. Starved 'Allure of the money' Last year, one-third of the from 723 in three years. The town where residents say the for workers, many companies Even gas stations are en- graduating seniors at Sidney district is scrambling to hire population has doubled since offer $20 an hour to start, plus t icing students away f r o m H igh School headed off t o good teachers who can get by the 2010 census counted 300. benefits. "They've come here lookcollege. Katorina Pippenger, work instead of going to col- on a $32,000 yearly salary in Dmetri Ross, 17, said he a high school senior in t he lege or joining the military, a town where apartments can would join his father and uncle ing for dropouts in the past," tiny town of Bainville, Mont., a record percentage. Some rent for $1,500 a month. Fresh- at an outpost of Nabors Indus- said Bruce Clausen, the prinsaid she makes $24 an hour found work making deliver- men are sharing lockers, and tries in western North Dakota, cipal of Dawson County High as a cashier in nearby Willis- ies to oil rigs, doing construc- the district reopened a school working in a lab running tests School in Glendive, who said ton, N.D., the epicenter of the tion and repairing machinery. that had been shuttered for on water samples and cement that a few students had gone boom. Her plan is to work for Others decided to first seek years. related to drilling. to work in the oil fields after "I'd be happy to make a ca- dropping out. "I told them I apa few years after she gradu- training as welders or diesel But every year, hundreds ates this spring, save up and mechanics, which pay more of those new students depart reer out of it," he said. preciate them not coming out flee. She likes the look of Den- than entry-level jobs. within a few weeks, tugged here." ver. "I just want to make monMeanwhile, enr o l l ment along by parents heading School officials worry Nobody needed to recruit ey and get out," she said. at Dawson Community Coloff to another job in another Renee Rasmussen, the Ba- Shay Findlay. One day after T he shift a ppears to b e lege in Glendive, about an town. inville school superintendent, he graduated from S i dney "It's a revolving door," said said she worried about young High School, he drove into localized around centers of hour from Sidney, has fallen oil production l ik e S i dney. to 225 students from 446 just Daniel Farr, t h e d i s t rict's people like these if oil prices town and started looking for School counselorsin western a few years ago, as fewer losuperintendent. plunged or the government work. He found a job on the Montana, far from the boom, cal studentspursue two-year At the end of a gravel high- passed new regulations limit- first try, doing repair work on
Shooting Continued from A1 At first, Stratford wasn't sure when to reopen her school. She has taught dance for 23 years, long enough to line the walls with annual recital photos. She consulted her 10 instructors. "They were clearly distraught and couldn't really put on a front and do dance class," Stratford said. She went to see a grief counselor at the middle school in Newtovtm, who advised that routine gives children a sense of safety. So she reopened Dec. 17, three days after the rampage. Attendance dipped the first few days, and then picked up. She was relieved. "I don't want them to be afraid," Stratford said. "Life needs to be normal because that's all they have." Elyse Scholl,34, brought her 6-yearold daughter, Marisa, to ballet and tap class a couple days later. The family moved to Newtown from Michigan just six months ago, but they already feel connected to the community. Marisa, who goes to Middle Gate Elementary School, is a Daisy Girl Scout, and other girls in her troop are fine. But her mother knows that eight Daisy Scouts from the Sandy Hook troop are among the 12 girls who were killed, including Charlotte Bacon, daughter of their troop leader. Two of the girls played on Marisa's youth soccerteam. The father ofone, Caroline Previdi, coached the team. Another youth soccer coach, James Belden, said the town of 28,000 was so tightly knit that almost every family felt the impact. "There's only 2 degrees of separation in Newtown," said Belden, whose 5-year-old niece was at Sandy Hook during the shooting. "If you don't know someone, someone you know does. That's why he and some others formed Newtown United as a grassroots group to help reduce gun vio-
lence. Many members are parents who know each other from the soccer field and grocery store, he said, and being together gave them purpose. They've set up a Twitter account and a Facebook page,organized a committee "for sensible gun legislation" and are considering a course of action. "We have a shared grief, " Belden said. "First ... there was a shock and awe and a feeling of isolation. It's good to come together." Some parents said their children were too scared to go out in the days after the shooting, even to karate class. Barbara Moscova, 41, of nearby Trumbull, let her 12-year-old daughter, Maia,decide whether she was ready to dance again. During the drive to Stratford's studio, Maia asked probing questions about the shooting. "She's going to tell me more today, because some of her friends she's dancing with are from Newtown," said her mother, who waited uneasily outside in her minivan. "I'm sure she's going to have stories." But few children inside the studio talked of the shootings. One young girl mentioned that she was wearing green"for thebad thingthat happened in Newtown." Lindsey Gallagher, 11, had written the name of Chase Kowalski, one of the two slain Tiger Cub Scouts, in black marker on her wrist, next to a heart. But she remained bubbly, laughing with friends. An hour earlier, Lindsey had been sobbing at Chase's wake, according to her father, Ray Gallagher. The day before, he said, she broke down at her middle school in Newtown. The father, his eyesteary and hisvoice hoarse, wore a green cable-knit sweater with a green ribbon pinned on it. "We're trying to keep it status quo," said Gallagher, 51, who runs a landscaping business. "I don't totally believe in getting them back into their routine right away. You let them experience what they want to."
Origin Continued from A1 Type the phrase into Google and you're likely to get any of these answers, usually backed by nothing more than vaguely remembered conversations with someone's Great Uncle Ed. But now two researchers using high-powered database search tools have delivered a confident "none of the above," supported by a surprise twist. Before we were going the whole nine yards, it turns out, we were
drilling pumps. He is 19 and on his second job now, earning about $40,000 a year and still sleeping in a bedroom in his parents' basement decorated with his high school graduation picture and diploma. He bought a dirt bike and a flatscreen television, and took out a loan on a hulking black Chevy Silverado truck with personalized license platesFDLSTIX — for his childhood nickname, "Fiddlesticks." His mother, Stacy G u stafson, said she worried about exposing her son to the accidents, alcoholism and violence that haunt oil workers. She is glad he still comes home after each shift. Findlay said he had no complaints about the job. His family comes from the oil fields, and he said he liked the work and was good at it. Now, his friends are filtering back to Sidney after their first semesters at college, and their stories of d o rm-room dramas and drunken scuffles with campus police officers are like reports from another world. He said he misses them s ometimes, but w o ul d n o t trade places with them. "They're going to have to come back and look for work," he said. "And there's nothing but oil fields over here."
"The phrase is interesting because it's so mysterious. It's been a kind of Holy Grail." — Ben Zimmer, executive producer of Visual and
lots in the Vietnam War.
The first new break on "the whole nine yards"came in2007,when Sam Clements, a coin dealer and avid word sleuth from Akron, Ohio, discovered it in a 1964 article in The Tucson Daily Citizen about space program only going six. slang. By 2009 two other researchThe recent discovery ofseveral ers had pushed it back to 1962, when instances of "the whole six yards" in it appeared in a short story about a newspapersfrom the 1910s — four brush salesman and an article in a decades before the earliest known car magazine. references to "the whole nine yards" Some lexicographers thought the — opens a new window onto "the evidence was creeping closer to a most prominent etymological riddle World War II-era origin, and posof our time," said Fred Shapiro, a li- sibly some connection to the milibrarianatYale Law School who an- tary, though there was still no hard nounced the findings in next month's evidence for the popular ammuniissue of The Yale Alumni Magazine. tion-belt theory. Then, in August, Other language experts agree Bonnie Taylor-Blake, a neuroscience about the import of the discovery. researcher in North Carolina who "The phrase is interesting because had been searching for variants of it's so mysterious," said Ben Zim- the phrase via Google News Archive mer, the executive producer of Visu- and Google Books for five years, and Vocabulary posted a message on the email list .com, who has written previously on of the American Dialect Society notthe search for its origin. "It's been a ing a 1956 occurrence in an outdoors kind of Holy Grail." magazine called Kentucky Happy Like the Holy Grail "the whole Hunting Ground, followed in Sepnine yards" has inspired both arm- tember by a more startling twist: a chair mythologizing and years of 1921 headline from The Spartanburg hard and often fruitless searching Herald-Journal in South Carolina through random books and miles reading "The Whole Six Yards of It." of newspaper microfilm. Not that The somewhat cryptic headline, the expression is necessarily all atop a detailed account of a baseball that old. The first scholarly dating, game that did not use the phrase, in a 1986 supplement to the Oxinitially caused some head scratchford English Dictionary, traced it ing. One person asked whether the to 1970. The Historical Dictionary headline referred to the ball fields, or of American Slang then pushed "yards," of the six teams in the league it back to 1967, with a c i tation discussed in the article. from "The Doom Pussy," Elaine But then Shapiro, searching in Shepard's novel about Air Force pi- Chronicling A merica, a L i b r ary
of Congress database of pre-1923 newspapers, found two 1912 articles in The Mount Vernon Signal in Kentucky promising to "give" or "tell" the "whole six yards" of a story. TaylorBlake also found another instance from 1916, in the same paper. The dating clearly refutes the popular ammunition-belt and concretemixer theories, Shapiro said, while the Kentucky focus suggests a probable "backwoods provenance." As for the meaning of the phrase, he added, the slippage from six yards to ninepart of the same "numerical phrase inflation," as he puts it, that turned "Cloud 7" to "Cloud 9" — suggests it doesn't refer to anything in particular any more than, say, "the whole she-
bang" does.
Jesse Sheidlower, the editor-atlarge of the Oxford English Dictionary, agrees. "The existence of a sixyard variant shows pretty clearlythat this is not about yards of anything," he said. "It's just a random number." S hapiro concedes that he a n d Taylor-Blake have found only "negative evidence," and a firm origin story may yet emerge.But neither he nor Sheidlower is confident that scholarly research will dispel the urban legends that cling to expressions like "the whole nine yards." Sheidlower points to the persistent belief that Chicago's reputation as "the Windy City" springs from its blowhard politicians boasting about the 1893 World's Columbian Expositionand not,asoccurrences in newspaper articles dating to the 1860s suggest, its weather. "People are drawn to colorful etymologies," Shapiro said. "But they are almost always wrong."
neman us es an o uc o
With a year-end deadline looming, a handful of citizens are trying to take matters into their own hands. One woman left $1 million in her will to the Department of the Treasury. And then there is Scott Soucy. He is aiming smaller: $1 from each paycheck. By Eli Sasiow
Wall Street and revealing the ineffectiveness of Washington, M IDDLETOWN, D e l . the debate on Capitol Hill reScott Soucy, 46, left the home volves around who or what is he purchasedwith a mortgage most responsible: Is it the fault and climbed into the limousine of Democratsor Republicans? he financed with an equity Barack Obama or George W. loan. He charged his breakfast Bush? Skyrocketing entitleto a credit card and then drove ment spending or ill-advised across town to work on paying tax cuts for the rich? back the one debt he worried In Middletown, Soucy has about most. concluded something else. "You are responsible," he He pulled up to a Starbucks in a q uiet shopping center, said now, pointing to a woman backing his limousine up to in herlate 20s, as she hurried the curb a few minutes after from Starbucks to her car with 8 a.m. The weekday rush was a large latte. She spun around well under way i n c e ntral and looked at his display. "Excuse me?" she said. "ReDelaware, and customers at the register scanned news- sponsible for what?" "For the debt," he said, smilpaper headlines warning of "Fiscal Disaster" and a "Sty- ing, bouncing his knee in his mied Congress." Meanwhile, chair. "It's our country. It's our Soucy opened his trunk and debt. We are all responsible. assembled his selfdescribed We can't just sit around wait"marketing display" at a table ing for government to fix this." "No, thanks," she said, huroutside, with T-shirts, window decals and a 5-foot-tall banner rying past. inscribed with his slogan. "The National Debt: The So- Stream of skepticism lution Lies Here." Soucy waited for the next As the deadlocked U.S. gov- customer to exit and imagined ernment flirts with the "fiscal what the people inside thought cliff" and the national debt of him. "Wacko. Idiot. Dreamrises beyond $16.2 trillion, er. Childish. Naive," he said. He Soucy and a handful of other is a retired Army captain and Americans have decided to a business-school graduate take actions on their own. A raising a family of five in the woman in Ohio left $1 million suburbs. He owns a limousine in her will for the Department company, a T-shirt business of the Treasury. An elemen- and hosts a local TV show. "I'm taking a huge reputatary school in Houston raised $692 at a bake sale. A man in tional risk doing this," he said. the Pacific Northwest started "Everybody here knows me, a "debt-busting" nonprofit. and they think this plan is too Soucy has spent the past simple. Too crazy." two years sending a small For the next two hours, he portion of his earnings to the sat at his table, repeated the Bureau of the Public Debt in details of his plan and then lisParkersburg, W.Va., writing tened to their skepticism. checks so often it has become A middle-aged woman, pep" like muscle m emory," h e permint latte: "Why pay at all? says. Now he has begun try- Can't we just forgive our debt ing to persuade everyone else like w e f o r give everybody to pledge the same donation: else's?" $1 from each paycheck for emA retired airline pilot, coffee ployees, and $1 from each ma- black: "You're feeding a dragjor transaction for businesses. on. As admirable as it seems, He believes the plan could pay you're asking me to send more down the debt — over decades, money to a government I don't if perfectly executed. trust." "It's patriotism when our T he next person out t h e country needs us, plain and door was a m a nager from simple," he said. Starbucks. She had read the Already this year, Ameri- company rule book, she said, cans have donated a record and it forbade solicitation. She amount to pay down the debt, toldSoucy he needed to leave. "OK," Soucy said. "We can sending the Treasury more than $7 million in personal take the message somewhere checks. else." All told, it is enough to keep Long before he began paythe American economy run- ing down th e d ebt, Soucy ning on b udget for a l most spent much ofhis career conthree minutes. tributing to it. As the debt continues to H e was in th e A rmy f o r mount, causing instability on more than a decade, serving The Washington Post
in Iraq and later becoming a budget officer in Washington who wrote funding requests for military construction. Every week, he filled out another Department of Defense 1391 form and submitted it to Congress, stuffing zeros into a column that asked for "Proposed Cost." He requested $2 million for afleet of dump trucks,$20 million for a hospital and $600 million for an electrical grid. "Dizzy money," he called it. The spending never seemed wasteful to him so much as the country's needs seemed endless. He tried to compensate by brainstorming ways to save taxpayer money, winning medals for manufacturing a cheaper shipping device and improving the efficiency of contract bids. He had always adhered to a code of responsible citizenship, enlisting in th e N avy after graduation from h i gh school in New York and serving for six years before later joining the Army. He gutted out six months in Iraq with a bad back, swallowing painkillers in secret so nobody would know he was hurting. Then he retired voluntarily earlier than he had planned, because it was more forthr ight than shirking the A r my's annual fitness test. In the years since, he had applied the same tenets of d uty and a ccountability t o civilian life. His family gave 10 percent of its income to charity, exercised daily and paid debts on time. As a father, he considered it his "responsibility to give the country a good product," he said, so each of his three children — ages 18, 16 and 13 — sat down for annual contract negotiations with their parents.
Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post
Scott Soucy sits in front of a Starbucks in Middletown, Del., waiting to engage people. His usual opening line is: "Hi there, do you want to talk about the national debt?" Most are skeptical of his plan. paper and a pen to formulate a plan. Every adult, from millionaires to welfare recipients, would donate $1 per paycheck — or about $20 a year. "We're already talking billions right there," he said. Bigbusinesses would donate $1 from each transaction over $10, an act of selflessness that would appeal to customers. "Suddenly we're in the trillions," he said. "Are you kidding me? You can't afford to lose a dollar? It's that easy."
ers walking on the beach and politicians hosting campaign fundraisers. "The debt is t h e b i ggest problem we have," he told them. "Back in the day, people gave their lives to save this country. I'm just asking you to give a check." Another day, another $4 billion added to the national debt, and another statement of "no progress" from leaders in Congress. Soucy left his house and drove tothe post office,w here 'Biggest problem we have' the employee at the door greetHe presented the plan at a ed him by name. The past two Dunkin' Donuts to the mayor months had been the hardest of Middletown, who directed since Soucy opened the limhim to a state senator, who ousine business, with only six published Soucy's idea on a transactions in all of October. website.Soucy sent messages His eldest daughter was apto Donald Trump, Fox News plying to private colleges such and Vice P resident Biden. as Cornell and Stanford. He When none responded, he had a mortgage and business started buying tables at busi- loans to pay off in the coming ness banquets and chatting up weeks. chief executives. He advertised He addressed his envelope on local cable. He personally to the Bureau of Public Debt sent in more than $300 to the in Parkersburg, W.Va., a town debt. He approached strang- of 33,000 on the Ohio River
They promised good grades, community serviceor soccer goals in exchange for iPads and computers. "I want them to learn that lifeis based on concrete cause and effect,"he said. "You do something, and you get paid. You owe something, and you pay it." It was one reason why the national debt had always bothered him: Here was a place that defied the rule — a place where debt went only in one direction and seemingly no one was held accountable. "Maybe I'm accountable," Soucy thought while watching a story on TV about the debt early in 2011, as it surpassed $14 trillion. He sat down with
a lready received court a p proval, and he expressed no Continued from A1 regrets over the likely emoSince Putin returned to the tional turmoil for the families presidency in May, Russian of- involved. "The children who h a ve ficials have used a juggernaut of legislation and executive been chosen by foreign Amerdecisions to curtail U.S. influ- ican parents — we know of ence and involvement in Rus- 46 children who were seen, sia, undoing major partner- whose paperwork was proships that began after the fall cessed,who came in the sights of the Soviet Union. of American agencies," AstakThe adoption ban, however, hov said i n h i s s t atement. is the first step to take direct "They will not be able to go to aim at the American public America, to those who wanted and would effectively undo a to see them as their adopted bilateral agreement on interna- children. There is no need to tional adoptions that was rati- go outand make a tragedy out fied this year and took effect of it." Nov. 1. That agreement called Astakhov, who is a longtime for heightened oversight in re- advocate of restricting intersponse to several high-profile national adoptions, said he cases of abuse and deaths of would seek to extend the ban adopted Russian children in to all countries. "I think any foreign adopthe United States. About 1,000 Russian chil- tion is bad for the country," he dren were adopted in 2011 by sa>d. parents from the U.S., which That r e m ar k pr o m pted leads in adoptions in Russia, Sergei Parkhomenko, a welland more than 45,000 such known journalist and comchildren have been adopted by menter, to reply tartly, "AdopU.S. parents since 1999. tion when needed is for the Pavel Astakhov, Russia's good of the child, not the good child r i g ht s c o m missioner of the country." And he acand a m ajor p r oponent of cused Astakhov of neglecting the ban, told news agencies his duty to serve children in Wednesday that he expected favor of serving Putin, who it to be enacted and to imme- appointed him. diately block the departure of Some Russian lawmakers 46 children ready to be adopt- said they believed that the ed by parents from the United bilateral agreement on adopStates. He said the adoptions tions with the United States would be blocked regardless would be void as of Tuesday, of previous agreements with even though Putin, at his anthe U.S. and even t hough nual news c onference last some of the adoptions had w eek, said changes to t h e
where 2,000 people are now employed to manage the debt. The office discourages citizens from sending coins because they costtoo much to process. It auctions off donated items such as paintings and TVs and then funnels all gifts into a general fund, which is used to pay down the country's maturing securities. When people such as Soucy call to request the mailing address,a representative sometimes reminds them that: "You can't get your money back" and "You know, each American would have to pay about $52,000 to get us even" and "This is a little like picking one tiny grain of sand off the beach." But, for Soucy, it was also an act of muscle memory — less about the principal of the debt than the principle of the habit — so he stepped up to the post officecounter. "Somebody has to do somet hing," he said, and so h e handed over an envelope with a check, for $32.
agreement required a year's notice by either side. T he p r oposed ba n h a s opened a rare split at the highest levels of the Russian government, with several senior officials speaking out against it. And it has provoked a huge public outcry a n d d e b ate, with critics of the ban saying it would most hurt Russian orphans, many of whom are already suffering in the country's deeply troubled child welfare system. In their debate on Wednesday, lawmakers said they felt compelled to retaliate for a law signed by President Barack Obama this month that will punish Russian citizens accused of v i o lating h u man rights, by p r ohibiting them from traveling to the United States and from owning real estate or other assets there. Lawmakers also said that Russia, which has more than 650,000children livingwithout parental supervision, should take care of them on its own. At the same time, the lawmakers acknowledged the flaws in the system and Wednesday adopted a resolution calling for measures to make adoption by Russian citizens easier. "The attitude toward the protection of parenthood and childhood has to change drastically on every level," the resolution said, citing excessive bureaucracy, lack of financing for children's medical care and insufficient efforts to promote adoption.
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I ' I
Call us at 541-389-1177 1865 NE Hwy 20 • Bend
Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5
Weather, B6
PPP logoentries on display Entries for the annual Pole Pedal Paddle Logo
Contest are on display at the U.S. Bankbranch in downtown Bend. The logos will be
displayed through Wednesday, and rnebers of the public are
encouraged to vote for their favorite.
The winning entry will be featured on all
sti at ar eina e e By Scott Hammers The Bulletin
Redmond police are seeking the last of three suspects wanted in connection with a coordinated effort to defraud a bank and various local merchants. According to a Redmond Police Department news release, Michael Finley Jr., 23, and Mitch Ballard Jr., 25, are believed to have worked
with 23-year-old Jess Larsen to steal more than $7,000 from Home Federal Bank in Redmond. Lt. Michael Kidwell said Larsen, Finley and Ballard are allegedto have made fraudulent deposits into Larsen's bank account, then spent the nonexistent funds at several businesses in the Redmond area between Dec. 14 and Dec 16.
Larsen was arrested Saturday during a traffic stop, and Finley turned himself in Wednesday evening, but Ballard is still at large. A passenger in Larsen's vehicle, Lily Santulli-Matthews, 29, was arrested Saturday on a charge of possession of a controlled substance and a probation violation, according to police. The bank reported the
e m on t e fraud to police on Dec. 19, and officers worked with local businesses to identify suspects. After police arrested Larsen, they searched the home she shares with Finley on Southwest 31st Street in Redmond. During the search, police recovered stolen property, including a gun, along with methamphetamine para-
phernalia and more than 10 ounces of marijuana. Two women contacted at the house were arrested. Terena Davis, 26, and Tieanti Garza, 20, both face charges of frequenting a place where controlled substances are used or sold and are also suspected of violating the terms of their probation, police said. See Theft/B3
U.S. Bank Pole Pedal Paddle advertising and
promotional materials. The winner of this
year's contest will receive $500, logo wear featuring his or her de-
summit set
sign, and acommemorative plate from Earhart Studios. — Bulletin staff report
in Redmond By Leslie Pugmire Hole The Bulletin
Have a story idea or sudmission? Contact us!
IT 'r
The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend................541-617-7829 Redmond ........ 541-977-7185 Sisters.............541-977-7185 La Pine........... 541-383-0348 Sunriver ......... 541-383-0348
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Business ........ 541-383-0360 Education .......541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects ..........541-617-7831
Rob Kerr/ rhe Bulletin
La Pine Fire District Assistant Chief Dan Daugherty, left, and Chief Mike Supkis, center, investigate items in the burned-out dining room area of the home of Shawn Dunne, right, Wednesday in La Pine. A Christmas Eve fire there was centered around the Christmas tree which had been surrounded with gifts. The fire spread into the ceiling and destroyed everything in the living room. An adjoining game room roof collapsed during the fire.
• Letters and opinions: Mail:My Nickel's Worth or In My View P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR97708 Details on theEditorials page inside. Contact: 541-383-0358,
a ine ami
• Civic Calendar notices:
By Ben Botkin
Email event information to, with "Civic Calendar" inthe subject, and include acontact name andphonenumber. Contact: 541-383-0354
The Bulletin
• School news andnotes: Email news items and notices of general interest to Email announcementsof teens'a cademicachievements to Email collegenotes, military graduations andreunion info to Contact: 541-383-0358
• Obituaries, Death Notices: Details on theObituaries page inside. Contact: 541-617-7825, obits©
• Community events: Email event information to communitylife©bend or click on "Submit an Event" at www Allow at least10 days before the desired date of publication. Details: Thecalendar appears inside this section. Contact: 541-383-0351
• Births, engagements, marriages, partnerships, anniversaries: Details: TheMilestones page publishes Sundayin Community Life. Contact: 541-383-0358
Correction A story headlined "Shelter appeals to holiday donors," which
appeared Monday, Dec. 24, on Page A5, incorrectly stated that
Shepherd's House is the largest homeless shelter in Bend.
The Bulletin regrets the error.
A La Pine family is looking for afurnished home to rent after a fire heavily damaged theirs on Christmas Eve. The house of Shawn Dunne and his wife, Deane Cavaness, began burning on Monday afternoon when the couple was out sledding with their two sons, ages 12 and 17. No one was injured in the blaze. Since that time, the community has pitched in to provide the family with clothes and blankets. The Deschutes County Sheriff's Office provided the family with vouchers to a grocery store, and through the Shop with a Cop program, clothing and toys. "It's been really over-
To help Anyone with information
about potential rentals for the family or desiring to help in other ways
can contact Paulette Lockwood at 541-5369684. Donations can also
be made atanyU.S. Bank branch to an account in
Deane Cavaness' name.
whelming," Dunne said. "We've been getting a lot." The family, which owns the house, got an insurance check to cover hotel expenses. But with four dogs, the family members are looking for larger quarters in which to live while they either rebuild
see s o m e or look for a new house, Dunne said. The family has a Chihuahua, two retrievers and a Shih Tzu. Anything they get that they don't need, he said, will go to help others in tough straits. Deputies and the La Pine Rural Fire Protection District responded to the DunneCavaness home, 15781 Lava Drive, at about 3 p.m. Monday; heavy smoke was coming from the roof. Most of the residence was on fire and only the garage and one bedroom were intact, according to the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office. A natural Christmas tree was plugged in when the family was away from the house, fire officials said. The Christmas tree ap-
peared to be the fire's point of origin, said La Pine Fire Chief Mike Supkis. The house had a burned hole in the floor where the tree had been, he said. The tree's Christmas lights were nowhere to be found and only a stem from the tree was remaining after the fire, Supkis said. In addition, furniture in the room was charred on the side facing the tree, he said. Fire officials found no evidence that the fire started because of faulty wiring, electrical outlets or kitchen appliances such as the oven and refrigerator. The appliances were damaged from the outside, not from within, Supkis said. — Reporter: 541-977-71 85, bbothi n~bendbulleti
A recent survey of parking in downtown Redmond confirms what many already suspected: Plenty of parking is available, but its availability is poorly understood by both businesses and customers. "Ninety percent of business owners downtown see the value of protecting parking for customersbutnot everyone agrees how to best do that," said Jon Williams, economic development director for Redmond. As a result of the survey, the city is re-evaluating its parking policy for the downtown core. Prior to the opening of the Highway 97 bypass and reconstruction of Sixth Street in Redmond's historic blocks, parking was restricted downtovtm, said Williams. But concern by business owners prompted the city to leave the area with more than 500 unrestricted on-street parking spots.In fact,the survey found only 15 on-street parking spots downtown with posted limits of two hours or less. Rick Williams Consulting undertook the survey on a lateSeptember weekday.Itfocused on the area between Fourth and Ninth streets and Glacier and Black Butte avenues. The consultant counted spaces in parking lots and on the streets; both areas were monitored hourly from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. See Parking /B3
Coming up What: Merchants meeting When:8:30 a.m., Jan 9
Where:Redmond Proficiency Academy conference room; 657 N.W. Glacier Ave.
To comment on downtown parking, call 541-923-7761 or email jon.williamsto
Carry c ains onpasses:Sic roa s in t e orecast By Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin
After driving with chains on his tires for 100 miles to make it to Central Oregon
on Sunday, Josh Gregory, of Tualatin, was relieved Wednesday to only have to chain up for a 20-mile stretch of Santiam Pass. "... Today, it wasn't too bad," he said Wednesday afternoon after completing the return trip from Sunriver to Tualatin. Gregory, 30, and his family spent Christmas in Central Oregon. On their trip herethey used chains from just east of Detroit Lake to Sunriver. While snow made for a scenic holiday in and around Bend, it also made for messy highways. The forecast is offeringa short break from snowfall, but chilly temperatures could keep the roads slick, said Peter Murphy,
spokesman for the Oregon Department of Transportation in Bend. "So, the icy conditions are not leaving us for the foreseeable future," he said. High temperaturesare not expected to get warmer than 37 degrees during the next week, according to the National Weather Service. Lows should be in the teens until Monday. The high temperature today in Bend should be near freezing, 32 degrees. Although there is a chance of snow before 10 a.m., today should be partly sunny. Friday should be mostly cloudy with a high around 34 and a low near 17. More snow could fall in Bend late Friday and early Saturday, said Joe Solomon, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Pendleton. See Weather /B2
- J':
,"~ykm~ ~'
Joe Kllne/The Bulletin
Josh Gregory, of Tualatin, puts chains on his tires at a chain-up area along U.S. Highway 20 west of Sisters on Wednesday.
E VENT TODAY THE TRAIN MAN:Watch Michael Lavrich's extensive collection of toy trains running on a track and ask questions; free; 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2-6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-6177050 or www.deschuteslibrary .org/calendar. SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. "MADAGASCAR3: EUROPE'S MOST WANTED": A screening of the PG-rated 2012 film; free; 2 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541475-3351 or MAGIC SHOW:Mr. Magic presents an evening of humor, interaction and magic; $5, free ages12 and younger with an adult; 7 p.m.; Sunriver Lodge, North Pole, 17728 Abbot Drive; 800-486-8591 or www.
FRIDAY SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. SCOTT PEMBERTON BAND: The Portland-based rockers perform;
Email events at least 10 days before publication date to or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
AL E N D A R free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. "FLOW STATE": A screening of the Warren Miller film about skiing and snowboarding; $10; 7:30 p.m.; Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive; 800-486-8591 or www. DJT-WRECKS:The Los Angelesbased DJ performs, with DJ Harlo and DJ Codi Carroll; free; 9:30 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116.
SATURDAY FREEZE YOURFANNY: Featuring a 5K run and 500-yard swim biathlon or 5K run and walk, a chili and cornbread feed and a free pass to swim or hot tub after the race; proceeds benefit the Juniper Junction Relief Nursery; donations requested; 10 a.m.; Madras Aquatic Center, 1195 S.E. Kemper Way; 541-948-3321. INDOOR SWAP MEET:Featuring 70 local vendors, with new and used items, antique collectibles, crafts and more; free admission; 10 a.m.5 p.m.; 694 S.E. Third St., Bend; 541-317-4847. SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. SASSPARILLA: The Portland-based blues band performs; $7; 7 p.m., doors open at 5:30 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-8159122 or
Andy Tulfis /The Bulletin file photo
People jump into an icy pool during the 2010 Polar Plunge at the lodge village outdoor pool in Sunriver. This year's event is 10 a.m. Tuesday at Sunriver Resort.
CASH LEVY: CROWD CONTROL: Stand-up comedian Cash Levy performs; $14 plus fees; 8 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. DJ T-WRECKS:The Los Angelesbased DJ performs, with DJ Harlo and DJ Codi Carroll; free; 9:30 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116.
SUNDAY SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. THE HOLLANDS!: Thefolksy
family band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend;
MONDAY SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. ROCKIN' NEWYEAR'S EVE: Featuring cardboard instruments, singing and more; reservations requested; $70; 6:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m.; Fort Funnigan, 17600 Center Drive, Sunriver; 800-486-8591 or RISE UPNEWYEAR'S EVEBASH:
Weather Continued from B1 "It doesn't look like a lot though," he said. A bout an i n c h o f s n o w could fall on Bend, Solomon said, while 1 to 3 inches could fall in Sunriver and La Pine. Passes through the Cascades, such as Santiam Pass, may receive lessthan 6 inches of new snow. An automated snow measurement site a t S a n t iam Junction — where U.S. Highway 20/State Highway 126 and State Highway 22 meet about 25 miles west of Sisters — shows there is nearly 4 t/z feet of snow on the ground. The bulk of the snowfall has come since Dec. 15, according to data from the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The federal agency maintains the snow-measurement site. About 4 inches of snow fell
Josh Gregory, of Tualatin, helps Johanna Johnson, of Sisters, put chains on her tires at a chain-up area along U.S. Highway 20 west of Sisters on Wednesday. Joe Kllne The Bulletin
Sunday, the dayGregory made his trek over Santiam Pass, according to the data. A cold weather system is expected to move into the state
from Canada on Sunday, but Solomon said the brunt of the system will likely miss Central
Oregon. "I don't
se e a n y m a j o r
snowstorms or anything like that in the near future," he said. — Reporter: 541-617-7812,
PUBLIC OFFICIALS CONGRESS U.S. Senate • Sett. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore. 107 Russell SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone:202-224-3753 Web: Bend office: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-318-1298 • Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-5244 W eb: Bend office: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite107 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-330-9142
U.S. House of Representatives • Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River 2182 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone:202-225-6730 W eb: Bend office: 1051 N.W. BondSt., Suite 400 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452
STATE OF OREGON • Gov. John Kltzhaber, D 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4582 Fax: 503-378-6872 Web: • Secretary of State Kate Brown, 0 136 State Capitol Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email: • Treasurer Ted Wheeler, D 159 Oregon StateCapitol 900 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4329 Email: Web: • Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, D 1162 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4400 Fax: 503-378-4017 Web: • Labor Commissioner Brad Avakiatt 800 N.E. Oregon St., Suite1045 Portland, OR97232 Phone: 91--673-0711 Fax: 971-673-0762 Email: boli.mail©
LEGISLATURE Senate • Sen. Ted Ferrloll, 6-District 30 (includesJefferson,portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1950 Email: Web: • Sen. Chris Telfer, R-District27 (inclffdes portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email: sen.christelfer© Web: • Sen. Doug Whitsett, 8-District28 (includes Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett© Web:
House • Rep. Jason Conger, R-District 54 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1454 Email: Web: • Rep. John Huffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: rep.johnhuffman© Web: • Rep. Mike McLane, R-District55 (Crcok, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1455 Email: Web: • Rep. Gene Whisttattt, R-District53 (portion of DeschutesCounty) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: Web:
Email: Tammy Baney@co.deschutes .or.Us • Alan Unger, 0-Redmond Phone: 541-388-6569 Email: Alan Unger@co.deschutes .OI'. US
• Tony DeBone, R-La Pine Phone: 541-388-6568 Email: Tony DeBone©co.deschutes .OI'. US
CROOK COUNTY 300 N.E. Third St. Prineville, OR 97754 Phone:541-447-6555 Fax:541-416-3891 Email: administration© Web:
•CrookCountyJudge MikeM cCabe Phone: 541-447-6555 Email:
County Court • Ken Fahlgren Phone: 541-447-6555 Email: • Seth Crawford Phone: 541-447-6555 Email:
JEFFERSON COUNTY 66S.E. Dst. Madras, OR97741
Phonic 541-475-2449 Fax: 541-475-4454
County Commission • Mike Ahern, John Hatfield,
Wayne Fording
Phone: 541-475-2449 Email: commissioner@co.jefferson .OI'. US
CITY OF BEND 710 N.W.Wall St. Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-388-5505 Web:
• City Manager Eric King Phone:541-388-5505 Email:
City Council
1300 N.W.Wall St. Bend, OR97701 Web: Phone:541-388-6571 Fax: 541-382-1692
• Tom Greene Phonel 541-388-5505 Email: tgreene© • Jeff Eager Phone:541-388-5505 Email: jeager© • Sally Russell Contact info to be determined • Jim Clinton
County Commission • Tammy Baney, R-Bend Phone: 541-388-6567
Phone:541-388-5505 Email: • Mark Capell Phone:541-388-5505 Email: • Jodie Barram Phone:541-388-5505 Email: • Scott Ramsay Phone:541-388-5505 Email: sramsay©
CITY OF REDMOND 716S.W. EvergreenAve. Redmond, OR 97756 Phone: 541-923-7710 Fax: 541-548-0706
City Council • Mayor George Endicott Phone:541-948-3219 Email: George.Endicott©ci.redmond • Jay Patrick Phone:541-508-8408 Email: Jay.Patrick© • Margie Dawson Phone:541-604-5400 Email: Margie.Dawson@ci.redmond. OI.US
• Joe Centanni Phone: 541-923-7710 • Shlrlee Evans Phone:541-604-5401 Email: • Camden King Phone:541-604-5402 Email: Camden.King@ci.redmond • Ed Onimus Phone:541-604-5403 Email:
CITY OF SISTERS 520 E. CascadeAvenue P.O. Box39 Sisters, OR 97759 Phone: 541-549-6022 Fax: 541-549-0561
With performances by Larry & His Flask, Possessed by Paul James, Hopeless Jackand Terrible Buttons; $10 in advance, $13 at the door; 7 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; www. MADNESS ATTHE MIDTOWN: With performances by NastyNasty, Samples, Woody McBride, Medium Troy and more; ages 18and over; $20-$25 8 p.m. Midtown Ballroom 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www slipmatscience com MOON MOUNTAINRAMBLERS: The Americana band performs, with Grit & Grizzle; $15; 8 p.m., doors openat6:30 p.m.;The Belfry,302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY: Live music by FunBobby, an 80s dance competition, games, food and drinks; all ages welcome; $13, $10 ages 21 and under in advance, $15at the door; 8 p.m.;2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www. HOTTEACOLD: The Portland-based classic rock act performs; $10; 8:30 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. ANIGHTATTHEROXBURYPARTY: Featuring ULTRADJGIRL and a costumeparty;9 p.m .;Seven Nightclub, 1033 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-385-3320 or www. NEW YEAR'S EVECELEBRATION: Featuring performances by Harley Bourbon and Across the Great Divide; $5; 9 p.m.; McMenamins Old St.FrancisSchool,700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. RED SOLOCUPNEWYEAR'S EVE PARTY: Featuring live music and prizes; free; 9 p.m.; Maverick's
Country Bar & Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 or www.
TUESDAY POLAR BEARPLUNGE:Take an icy plunge intothe Lodge Village's outdoor pool; hot chocolate served; free; 10 a.m.; Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive; 800-486-8591 or www.sunriver-resort .com/traditions. SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. POSSESSED BY PAULJAMES: The Texas-based folk act peforms; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541728-0879 or www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand.
WEDNESDAY SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. FRANCHOTTONE:The Californiabased pop-rock act performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.
NEWS OF RECORD Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Vehicle crash — Anaccident was The Bulletin will update items reported Dec. 17, inthe area of U.S. in the Police Log when such Highway 26 near milepost16. a request is received. Any Vehicle crash — Anaccident was new information, such as reported Dec.18, in the areaof U.S. the dismissal of charges or Highway 97 north of Culver Highway. acquittal, must be verifiable. Theft — A theft was reported Dec. For more information, 18, in the 200 block of Meadow Drive call 541-383-0358. in Culver. Burglary — A burglary and an act of Bend Police criminal mischief were reported Dec. Department 19, in the 3400 block of Southwest Burglary — A burglary was Park Lane in Culver. reported at 2:54 p.m. Dec. 21, Criminal mischief — An act of in the100 block of Northwest criminal mischief was reported Dec. Hawthorne Avenue. 19, in the 800 block of Northwest DUII — Daniel Patrick Tovar, Third Street in Madras. 21, was arrested on suspicion Unlawful entry — A vehicle was of driving under the influence of reported entered and items stolen intoxicants at1:37 a.m. Dec. 22, and an act of criminal mischief in the area of Northwest Bond Street and Northwest Greenwood reported Dec. 19, in the 3200 block of Southwest Jericho Lane inCulver. Avenue. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 6:41p.m. Dec. reported Dec. 23, in the area of U.S. Highway 97and Southwest Bear Drive 22, in the area of BoydAcres Road in Madras. and Sierra Drive. Oregon State Police DUII — Joshua Jacob Hogan, 25, was arrested onsuspicion Vehicle crash — Anaccident was of driving under the influence of reported at 8:45 p.m. Dec. 24, in the intoxicants at 9:01 p.m. Dec. 22, area of U.S. Highway 97near milepost in the area of Northeast Purcell 144. Boulevard and Northeast Francis Vehicle crash — Anaccident was Court. reported at 3:45 p.m. Dec. 24, in the Burglary — A burglary was area of U.S. Highway 20 near milepost reported at 5:36 p.m. Dec.23, in 7. the 700 block of Northeast Second DUII — Margaret A. Koodrich, 64, Street. was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 7:05 p.m. Dec. 11:23 a.m. Dec.24, in thearea of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost193. 23, in the 900 block of Northwest Newport Avenue. Burglary — A burglary was reported at 8:12 p.m.Dec.23, in the1600 block of Northeast Second Street. HIGH DESERT BANK Theft — A theft was reported at 5:06 a.m. Dec. 22, in the 2500 block of Northeast Twin Knolls Drive.
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' The Bulletin IVis/tes t/ou a h'afe and J/ ttppt/ Aetu Pear The Bulletin will be closed on Tuesday, January 1 Retail & Classified Display Advertising Deadlines PUBLICATION ...... ........................................D EADLINE Wednesday 1/2.............................................. Friday, 12/28 Noon Thursday 1/3 .............................................. Monday, 12/31 Noon Friday GO! Magazine 1/4........................... Monday, 12/31 Noon
City Council • David Assoft
Phone: 503-913-7342 Email: dasson© • Wendy Holzman Phone:541-549-8558 • Lon Kellstrom Phonic 541-480-9975 Email: • PatThompson Phone:541-610-3780 Email: • Sharlene Weed Phone: 541-549-1193 Email:
CLASSIFIED LINE AD DEADLINES Tuesday, 1/1 - Deadline ls Noon Monday, 12/S1 Wednesday, 1/2 - Deadline is Noon Monday, 12/31
Ciassifieds • 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Circulation Telephone Service at 541-385-5800 will be open 1/1 from 6:30 am to 10:30 am tohelp with your delivery needs. I
Treasurerwill ask to dumpWall Street consultants
AROUND THE STATE Missing California couple foundsafe in Oregon —A couple reported missing after failing to arrive at their daughter's
The Associated Press
more than average on investment management and could save about $12 million a year. The report by CEM Benchmarking of Toronto found Oregon spends 0.69 percent of the $60 billion pension fund on management each year,compared with an average rate of 0.59 percent. Wheeler will ask for hiring authority during the legislative session that begins in February, Treasury spokesman James Sinks told the Salem
SALEM — State Treasurer Ted Wheeler plans to ask the Oregon Legislature for authority to hire more investment managers toreplace some of the Wall Street consultants now handling portions of the state pension fund. The treasurer's office says s tate workers could do t h e same work for less money. An annual analysis of the world's largest pension systems found Oregon spends
Statesman Journal. The bottom line for the treasurer, Sinks said, is, "Why would you pay someone to do something when you can do it yourself for less?" The same report also found that Oregon gets better investment returns than most of its peers. That's partly because Oregon has emphasized real estate and p r i v ate e q uity funds, which weathered the Great Recession better than the bonds and publicly traded
stocks that c omprise most pension funds. Thatfocusprobablywouldn't change much with more inhouse management, although some emphasis would probably shift from private to public stocks, Sinks said. Public pension costs have been in the spotlight lately as l ocal governments and t h e state contend with a sharp rise in required taxpayer contributions due to substantial losses during the recession.
Redding, Calif., home for Christmas Evedinner were found safe about 400 miles away in Oregon. The Oregon State Police says the 85-year-old man and 83-year-old woman were found late Christ-
mas night in their car, which ran out of gas on lnterstate 5 near W oodburn. Police say the two seemed confused and were taken to Salem Hospital for medical evaluations. The daughter who was
hosting the Christmas Eve dinner told police her stepfather was picking up her mother at a care facility, and the drive to her home should have taken about10 minutes.
U.S. 97 closed at California line after crash, reOpened —Oregon State Police closed and later reopened U.S. 97 at the border with California to allow the investigation of a fatal traffic accident in Dorris, Calif., just south of the state line. KFLS in Klamath Falls reported that California authorities asked for the
State Police report 3 dead in holiday crashes — The State Police say three people died in Oregon in traffic accidents during the Friday-Tuesday holiday period. They were a 21-year-old Newberg man, who died Friday in a two-car crash on Highway
99E south of Woodburn; a 20-year-old West Linn man, who died Sunday in a collision on Highway 26; and a 44-year-old Portland motorcyclist who died in a collision Monday. Troopers said they ar-
rested 53 people on charges of driving under the influence during the period that started at 6 p.m. Friday — nearly twice as many as during the 2011 Christmas holiday period.
Search for missing Klamath Falls mansuspended — After snowfalls that total up to 3 feet, authorities have sus-
pended the search for a missing Klamath Falls man. Searchers said a car belonging to 39-year-old Robert Lear was found near L•
the community of Keno in southern Klamath County. But search-
ers say they found no trace of him beyond the car. It is believed to have been on aspur road for about two weeks. Searchers said they hadn't ruled out the possibility he had gotten a ride or hiked out of
e •
rE P
the area and hadn't notified anyone of his whereabouts. His family
:miiieI usr
reported Lear missing and said he had been planning to move to the Seattle area. vrx ~~ • sss '
Officers wound man in Bandon after 911 call —The Coos County district attorney says officers in Bandon wounded a man who had called 911 and later came to the door of his trailer
with what appeared to be a rifle. District Attorney Paul Frasier said in a statement the man was hit twice in the arm Tuesday night but .
refused medical treatment and was arrested on two warrants for
-s. The Associated Press
Four Pacific Northwest grain terminal owners say they will implement the terms of their final contract offer to the longshore union today. The union's options include accepting the offer, calling for a strike or seeking further bargaining while working under the new terms.
rain ermina owners an Olm ina o el'
earlier misdemeanor charges. Frasier identified the man as Charles Wayne Crum. He said Crum has a history of violence with officers.
2 firefighters taken to hospital after Salem fireTwo firefighters and a passing pedestrian were taken to a hospital
after a Christmas Day house fire in Salem. The Statesman Journal reported the passerby saw smoke coming out of the residence and reported the fire. Salem Fire Capt. Paul Telfer says the family who lives in the home was not there at the time of the fire, which appeared to have started in the kitchen. The rest of the house was
damaged by smoke. A dogand acat were rescued without injuries. Two firefighters were taken to the hospital with minor injuries and the caller was transported to the hospital for smoke inhalation after knocking on the door of the burning house.
Police investigate death in Portland apartment By Steven Dubois
union that ILWU members are The Associated Press welcome to come to work unPORTLAND — The owners der the new terms and condiof four Pacific Northwest grain tions of employment." terminals have informed the Wednesday's action puts the longshore union they will not International Longshore and lock them out of their jobs. In- Warehouse Union on the spot. stead, they will implement the Its options include accepting terms of their final contract of- the offer, calling for a strike fer today. or seeking further bargaining Under federal law, employ- while working under the new ers can take that step when terms. parties reach a b a rgaining The union is reviewing the impasse. The l ast c ontract owners' letter, ILWU spokesexpired Sept. 30 and negotia- woman Jennifer Sargent said tions have stalled. in a statement. For now, em"This is not a lock out," the ployees "intend to continue employers said in a statement. working despite the substan"The companies informed the dard provisions of the employ-
er'slastoffer,"she said. The owners submitted their final offer Nov. 16 and it was rejected by union membership 94 percent to 6 percent. The union, contending talks were not at an impasse, offered additional dates. Though it's unknown for how long the longshoremen will work under terms they oppose, each day without a strike or lockout is good for farmers and their customers in Asia. More than a quarter of all U.S. grain exports and nearly half of U.S. wheat exports move through grain terminals on the Willamette
lower than considered optihave any obstacles for cusmal, at 4.72. According to the tomers visiting d owntown. Continued from B1 report, downtown Bend's av- But, he suggested, if the city In th e h i ghest-use area, erage turnover is 7.60 and in is considering a t w o -hour Sixth Street between Des- Hood River, it is 6.06. limit on some blocks of Sixth chutes and Forest, more than A two-hour parking limit Street, it should extend that 84 percent of th e on-street in the key blocks along Sixth limit to side streets on those spots were o c cupied d u r - Street might be the most ef- blocks, where many downing the peak hour of noon to fective solution for turnover, town workers park all day. l p.m.; 17 percent of those for according to the report. Yet limits have their limmore than three hours. The consultant found that its, according to Williams; if "I've been involved with a Redmond'sless-than-desirable that's the direction business number of 'parking solutions' turnover wasnot a serious is- owners want to go, then the in different cities," said Brad sue, but as downtown store- city of R edmond needs to Smith, co-owner of Paulina front occupancy increases, it determine whether it has the Springs Books. "And really, may become a problem. resources to enforce parking there is no simple solution William Gilbert, co-owner restrictions. unless it's t hat A m e ricans o f Green Plow C o ffee o n A meeting i s s c heduled need to learn to walk. It's like Sixth Street, sees that day if they can't park at the door, coming. "This isn't like Hawthorne there's a problem." Business owners and em- in Portland (a popular retail/ ployees using close-in street restaurant district), where it's parking is an ongoing prob- hard to find parking on the lem in downtown Redmond, side streets," he said. "But by Smith said, one that neigh- 2020, when our population inboring businesses are often creases, parking in Redmond hesitant to address face to is going to be horrendous if face. something's not changed." "I park on Fifth Street (PauRedmond's supply of offlina is on Sixth) and I know street parking presents an no one else on my block is odd dilemma, according using that area because usu- to the study. Of more than ally I'm the only one there," 1,000 spots in the downtown he said. "The best solutions core,90 percent are privately are often th e h a rdest and owned and posted as such. sometimes for merchants, it's Only 17 2 o f f -street s p ots heightened awareness about (most next to city hall and the importance of making it the library) are considered easier for customers to visit public. our businesses." Yet the survey count found Outside those key blocks, occupancy of the private lots the survey found only 36 per- was fairly low — around 48 cent of the on-street spots oc- percent — a n d s u g gested cupied during the peak hour. shared-use agreements for But turnover, measured as the those off-street spots would number ofcars to use a single benefit the retail core. spot over a 10-hour day, was Smith said he'd rather not
River and Puget Sound. T he dispute i n itially i n volved those terminals that operate under a single collective b argaining a g reement with the ILWU. But one of the owners, the Cargill and CHS joint venture, has broken away from t he consortium and i s b e lieved to be negotiating separately with the union. Cargill and CHS were not included in the letter the other owners emailed Wednesday to Leal Sundet, an ILWU coast committeeman, informing him of their decision to implement the terms ofthe lastoffer.
Jan. 9 for the city and interested d owntown b u s iness owners to share ideas on the parking survey and possible solutions. " We need to hone in o n where there really is a need," said Williams. — Reporter: 541-548-2186;
— Police are investigating the suspicious death of a woman in a
Southwest Portland apartment. The Oregonian reported officers were called to the home just before10 p.m. Tuesday. Sgt. Pete Simpson didn't release any details about who called police or how
the woman may havedied. But what officers found prompted them to call homicide detectives and forensic evidence specialists. Police closed off the apartment building with crime tape and worked
through the night investigating the death, which Simpson is calling suspicious. State medical examiners conducted an autopsy on the body Wednesday. Simpson said no more details will be released until the autopsy is completed. — From uvire reports
K idwell said t h e b a n k and thelocal businesses are Continued from B1 regarded as victims in the Larsen faces charges of case, though he does not first- a n d s e c ond-degree know who w il l b e t a king theft, c o m puter c r i m es, the loss for the fraudulentlypossession o f co n t r olled purchased items. substances and p r obation — Reporter:541-383-0387, violation. shammers@bendbulleti
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W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.
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Tonight:A few clouds through the night, getting very
conditions CHANNE
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xt + '46' Xt
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2 5 /2 0 ~
ch lcago • o 33/pp~~ • 33/f/7 ~ 2 3pS •
t • h,
44 / 28
Suffolk, Va. Los Angelesx
111/42 L
o CD
H onolulu ~ ~ n s 80/67 >~
4 /23
~pklahom~aqity ~~ 38/25
Phoenix ' 58/4
Tijuana S9/42
50 Houston x i 56/52,
w Little Rocki Nashvigdwr~ 37/30
• I 39/29 v~ I Birmingham 47 /32 allasl 4QS rl 47/31 48/39f •
HAWAI I ttt t
-20s -10s
Anchorag OS 31/24
La Paz 74/48 Juneau 30/28
30 18
32 17
Monterr y ~ 70/51
Mazatlan • 77/53
• Miami 75/58
Partly cloudy and pleasant, temperatures still
mostly in the mountains.
cool day, partly cloudy to mostly
HIGH LOW skies.
27 18
30 21
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....6:53 a.m...... 3:39 p.m. Venus......6:00 a.m...... 3:06 p.m. Mars.......9:16 a.m...... 631 p.m. Jupiter......2 29 p m...... 5 32 a.m. Satum......2:52 a.m......1;19 p.m. Uranus....11:45 a.m.....12:03 a.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 36/28 24hours endmg 4p.m. *. . 0.11" Recordhigh........56m1980 Monthtodate.......... 2.82" Recordlow.......... 0in1983 Average monthtodate... 1.88" Average high.............. 39 Year to date........... 10.51" Average low .............. 22 Average year to date.. 11.04"
Barometricpressureat 4 p.m29.81 Record24 hours ...0.69 in1940 *Melted liquid equivalent
Yesterday Thursday Friday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:
City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.
Astoria ........48/41/0.45....45/37/sh.....44/35/sh Baker City......30/25/0.03.....33/7/sn.....30/14/pc Brookings......45/43/0.00.....47/38/c.....47/38/sh Burns..........28/24/0.07..... 32/-4/c......27/5/pc Fugene........49/37/0.00....42/33/sh......40/32/c Klamath Falls .. 35/20/001 ....29/12/c ... 32/12/c Lakeview.......34/27/0.01 .....26/3/pc..... 28/8/pc La Pine........43/26/0.00.....30/1 4/c......28/I 0/c Medford.......44/37/0.00.....38/29/c......39/31/c Newport.......46/45/0.71....467397sh.....44737/sh North Bend.....48/43/0.60....48/37/sh.....48/36/sh Ontario........32/30/0.04....37/19/pc.....32/1 7/pc Pendleton......31/30/0.04.....39/24/c......35/24/c Portland .......41/37/0.09....42/35/sh.....42/33/sh Prineville....... 34/29/0.14.....30/1 9/c......28/1 6/c Redmond....... 37/28/0.00.....33/1 3/c......31/1 6/c Roseburg.......46/40/0.12....44/33/sh......45/32/c Salem ....... 47/42/0 01 ...43/33/sh ... 42/32/c Sisters......... 33/29/0.00.....31/1 7/c......26/1 5/c The Dages...... 38/32/0.09.....37/23/c......36/26/c
for solar at noon.
0 0
Snow accumulation in inches
ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires
Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 6 -8 . . . . . . . . 55 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .39-71 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . 88-118 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . 96-120 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 1 7 . . . . . . . 107 Mt. HoodSkiBowl...........0-0......52-55 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 . . . . . . . 117
Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Willamette Pass ....... . . . . . . 0-0. . . . . .41-64
Aspen, Colorado...... . . . . . . . 0-0. . . . . .26-35 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 18. . . .102-115 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .34-52 Squaw Valley, California....... 20. . . . .60-127 Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass .. Chains or TT. all vehicles Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . . 1 ... . . .24-58 Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .31 37 Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake .. Chains or TT. all vehicles Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . 0.0... . . .17-23 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to thelatest ski conditions visit: or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass.... Chains or TT, agvehicles Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires
yeSterda 'S
Moonsettoday .... 6:53 a.m
Partly to mostly cloudy with isolated snow showw ers today.
32/17 Union
i«Sa Iem, ~~ «4 3 /33 • i« s
to partly cloudy
• Pl
• Meacham 4 g29n] 27/20 t JF • ' 77 Josephh ep JF La Grande•
Light snow flurries are possible
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE WEST Sunrisetoday...... 7:40 a.m Moon phases Mostly cloudy Umatilla Sunsettoday...... 4 34 p.m 33/28 skies with scat F ull L ast N e w First Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:40 a.m • Hermiston 34725 Wa owa trulington tered showers posSunset tomorrow... 4:35 p.m . Pendleton 2803 w l• 6• + Enterpris sible today. Moonrisetoday.... 4:23 p.m 39/24 Dec. 28 Jan. 4 Jan.11 Jan.18
Astoria'.xxx xx x h x 4 5/37XX 't t X X X X y
5easidevt ss x
Mostly cloudy
• ++tv .t++ + '
4 4>
* *
* * *
* *
xt + +
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow
Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......33/19/000...54/31/s.. 47/22/s Grandilapids... 29/25/010..31/21/pc. 30/23/sn RapidCity........9/ 7/0 00...20/8/sn.. 22/I2/c Savannah.......67/45/0 20...56733ls. 61/42/pc Akron..........31/27/049..32/19/sn..30/19/c GreenBay......27/17/trace..27/19/pc.28/18/sn Reno...........37/27/0 03...33/16/c. 34/22/pc Seattle......... 44/38/0.17..44/35/sh.. 43/34/c Albany..........25/18/000..36/23/sn.. 34/18/c Greensboro......44/36/1.19..48/27/pc.48/34/pc Richmond.......48/37/1.32..50/29/pc. 49/31/pc SiouxFalls.......15/-1/0.00..18/14/sn.. 20/5/sn Albuquerque.....41/23/000...40/23/c .. 38/20/c Harnsburg.......34/28/049 .. 37/25/rs. 36/25/pc Rochester, NY....29/21/0.03 ..30/24/sn.. 30/18/c Spokane........31/28/0.08 ..35/26/sn.. 35/24/c Anchorage......26/16/000 ..31/24/sn. 33/21/sn Hartford CT.....36/22/0 01... 42/24/r. 38/I7/pc Sacramento......53/43/0.69... 51/37/c .. 49/37/c Springfield, MO ..29/18/0.00.. 39/24/pc.. 36/19/c Atlanta.........59/36/0.68...47/32/s.54742ipc Helena...........18/7/0.22...24711i..c 27/12/c St Louis........ 33/30/trace..35/25/pc .. 35/26/c Tampa..........74/60/047...64747/s. 70/60/pc Atlantic City.....50/31/1A4 ..49/31/sh. 42732ipc Honolulu........82/70/000...80/67/s .. 80/66/s Salt Lake City....32/25/007 .. 30/22/sn.. 31/15/c Tucson..........66/39/000 ..57/36/pc.. 52/30/s Austin..........45/28/0.00 ..58/46/pc.. 61/33/s Houston........47/33/0.00 ..56752/sh. 70/40/sh SanAntonio.....51/28/000..58/49/pc .. 65/35/s Tulsa...........33/14/000..37/25/pc.. 38/19/c Baltimore .......48/31/093..42/29/sh.41/29/pc Huntsville.......54/34/0.06...43/29/s. 51/38/pc SanDiego.......61/51/004..607467p c. 627477pc Washington,DC..42/33/128..42/30/pc. 42/31/pc Billings.........13/3/000.... 22/8/c ..28714 7c lndianapolis.....33/28/038..29/16ipc .. 33/25/c SanFrancisco....55/48/020..53/42/pc.. 53/43/c Wichita..........30/9/000 ..35/20/pc.. 30/15/c Birmingham.....58/34/001 ...47/31/s. 56/43/pc JacksonMS.... 38/35/000...50/38/s .. 55/49/t SanJose........54/44/036 ..547387pc.. 54/43/c Yakima.........37/31/003... 32/21/c.. 32/24/c Bismarck.........ll/9/000....16/2/c...15/1/c Jacksonvile......70/48/017...57/34/s. 64/48/pc SantaFe........35/16/000 ..30/15/pc 31/12/s Yuma...........65/42/000 ..63/43/pc.. 63/42/s Boise...........32/28/002..35/19/sn.. 34/16/c Juneau...........18/6/0.00..30/28/sn..36/29/rs INTERNATIONAL Boston..........37/23/000... 46/28/r. 38/24/pc Kansas City.......26/7/0.00 ..32/22/pc.. 32/18/c Bndgeport,CT....34/26/0.18... 47/28/r. 39/23/pc Lansing.........28/25/0.06..29/18/sn. 28/21/sn Amsterdam......48/39/008 45/40/r 44/44/sh Mecca..........86/63/000 81/64/s .. 84/66/s Buffalo.........30/22/004..30/23/sn .. 30/19/c LasVegas.......52/38/000...49/34/c .. 48/33/s Athens..........65/51/0.00 ..56/49/pc.. 60/46/s Mexico City......72/48/0.00... 74/45/s. 76/46/pc Burlington, VT.....23/8/000 ..32/22/sn. 30/12/sn Lexington.......42/30/0 37 ..34/24/pc ..42/31/rs Auckland........73/66/000..72/61/sh.73/57/pc Montreal.........14/7/000..26/23/sn..25/13/c Caribou,ME.....19/10/000 ..24/20/sn. 25/10/sn Lincoln..........14/ I/0 00...24716ic... 24/7/6 Baghdad........62/51/0.00... 65/46/s .. 65/47/s Moscow........34/19/0.22 .. 32/28/sf. 32/19/sn Charleston, SC...68/48/0.65...55/33/s. 59741ipc Little Rock.......35/28/0.05..39729/pc...4473271Bangkok........93/75/000 ..93/74/pc. 96/72/pc Nairobi.........79/61/097... 75/60/t...72/61/t Charlotte........53/45/172...49/31/s. 51/38/pc Loshngeles......61/51/OA4..61/42/pc. 63/48/pc Beifng...........21/I/000 ..30/I7/pc .. 29/19/c Nassau.........82/70/000 ..81/67/sh. 82/68/pc Chattanooga.....54/36/022 ..43/29/pc. 53/36/pc Louisville........36/32/0.88..35/26/pc. 42/32/sh Beirut..........66/57/000...67/57/s. 66/56/pc New Delh/.......61/46/000 ..67/47/pc .. 69/48/s Cheyenne....... 29/3/000...22/9/sn... 25/9/c MadisonVY J.... 26/17/trace ..28/20/pc. 30/19/sn Berlin...........487397000...43/35/c .. 35/31/s Osaka..........43/34/000 ..45/33/pc. 47/37/sh Chicago........ 33/31/trace ..33/26/pc.. 32/26/c Memphis....... 35/30/014...39/33/s. 46/34/sh Bogota .........66/48/018..68/48/sh .. 72/49/s Oslo............32/27/003 ..21/12/pc.21/18/pc Cincinnati.......36/30/032 ..33/21/pc.. 37/27/c Miami..........84/71/0 00..75/58/pc. 79/71/pc Budapest........39/32/015 ..41/33/pc ..36/25/rs Ottawa..........12/3/000..26/237sn.. 24/14/c Cleveland.......33/27/043 ..33/26/sn.. 32/25/c Milwaukee..... 31/28/trace..31/26/pc.33/24/sn BuenosAires.....75/57/001 ..75/59/pc.. 80/63/s Paris............52/46/000... 527407r.52/46/sh Colorado Spnngs.27/10/000...35/I0/c .. 31/11/c Minneapolis......19/5/0 00...20/I6/c .. 24/I3/c CaboSanLucas ..79/59/0.00... 77/59/s .. 75/55/s Rio deJaneiro....96/80/0.00... 91/75/t...91/75/t Columbia,MO...31/20/000 ..33/23/pc.. 33/22/c Nashville........45/33/0 70 ..37/30/pc. 48/37/sh Cairo...........66/52/0.00... 68/50/s. 66/52/pc Rome...........63/54/0.00 ..56/44/pc. 57/40/pc Columbia,SC....67/46/0.69... 53/32/s. 55/40/pc New Orleans.....52/40/0.00... 52/48/s...65/53/t Calgary........ -5/15/000...17/9/pc ..30/18/c Santiago........82/50/000 83/66/s. 85/67/pc Columbus, GA...6474070.65... 52/30/s. 57/44/pc New York.......35/28/0.22... 4673177. 40/26/pc Cancun.........82/68/0.00 ..80/68/sh.84770 7sh SaoPaulo.......88/77/0.00... 80/69/t...81/68/t Columbus, OH....35/30/069 ..33/17/sn. 32/22/pc Newark, Nl......37/27/0.16... 46/30/r .. 40/24/s Dublin..........48/41/016 ..43/40/sh. 51/42/sh Sapporo ........I9/16/027...17/15/c .. 23/I7/c Concord,NH.....33/15/000 ..34/19/sn.. 34/16/c Norfolk VA......63/44/2 30 ..51/31/pc. 48/34/pc Edinburgh.......41/37/000 .. 37/36/rs. 48/41/sh Seoul............18/3/000 .. 30/24/pc. 30/I8/pc Corpus Christi....55/35/000 ..60/57/sh. 71743 7pc Oklahoma City...29/13/0 00... 38/25/s. 36/20/pc Geneva.........5069/0.00...44/40/r. 43/41/sh Shangha/........43/39/0.03... 50/45/r. 52/33/pc DallasFtWorth...32/22/000 ..48/39/pc. 49/25/pc Omaha.........13/1/0 00...23/17/c.. 23/12/c Harare..........79/63/000... 80/61/t...79/62/t Singapore.......86/75/000... 88/77/t...85/77/t Dayton .........34/28/068..31/16/pc.32/24/pc Orlando.........79/6070.10...6474375.71753/pc Hong Kong......70764/000...67/59/c. 717597 pc Stockholm.......36/25/000 ..32/24/pc. 26/13/pc Denver.......... 21/2/000...30/I0/c... 29/9/c Palm Springs.... 65/37/trace. 5541/pc 60/39/pc Istanbul.........57/48/000 ..58/49/pc. 567437 pc Sydney..........72/66/000 .. 75/65/pc. 82/66/pc Desuoines.......18/2/000...25/20/c.. 25/16/c Peoria..........30/26/000..32/23/pc.33/23/sn lerusalem.......58/50/0.01... 61/45/s .. 63/45/s Taipei...........72/64/0.00...74761/c.76/62/pc Detroit..........32/27/022 ..32/21/sn.. 31/24/c Philadelphia.....45/32/0.44..44/28/sh.41/27/pc Johannesburg....73/57/2.09... 73/62/t...85/64/t Tel Aviv.........66/52/0.00... 68/51/s .. 69/53/s Duluth..........18/1/000....249/c. 25/14/sn Phoenix.........62/43/000...58/43/c .. 59/41/s Lima...........81/68/000 ..777667p c. 76/667pc Tokyo...........45/36/000 ..44/31/pc. 46/35/sh El Paso..........53/32/000 ..58/33/pc. 51/25/pc Pittsburgh.......32/26/053 ..32/22/sn .. 33/24/c Lisbon..........59/46/000..55/38/pc 59/50/pc Toronto.........30/21/000 26/21/sn 26/19/c Fairbanks........ 2/15/000 ..-3/14/pc .. -1/11/c Portland,ME.....30/I5/0 00..31/25/sn. 36/17/sn London.........50/39/007..48/40/sh. 51/48/sh Vancouver.......41/39/023 ..43/36/sh.. 41/36/c Fargo............12/2/005....18797c...20727c Providence......37/22/000...48/27/r. 36/23/pc Madrid .........54/34/0.00 53/34/pc .. .. 54/39/s Vienna..........46/32/0.00 ..427397sh..407277rs Flagstaff....... 31/11/trace...31767sn...31767c Raleigh.........49/41/I 41...50/28/s. 50/36/pc Manila..........84/75/0.19..86/72/sh...89/75/t Warsaw.........46/36/0.00.. 39/33/rs. 33/21/pc
I r
arge s t u r m ture f
• M ~AT T R E S S G ~alle r y - B e n s l i
I 8'
IN THE BACI4: BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NE%S > Scoreboard, C2 NB A , C3 Sports in Brief, C2 College football, C4
Manning leads Pro Bowl picks
estan worsto
ton Manning andAdrian Peterson want to cap their sensational comebacks with Super Bowl
appearances. For now, they canbe proud of Pro Bowl spots.
So can Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III, the only rook-
ie quarterback chosen Wednesday for the Jan. 27 NFL all-star game.
Manning missed all of the 2011 season with neck and back
problems that required several operations. He
By Paul Newberry
hotly contested category, considering the abundance of boneheaded calls, trades orget the Oscars or the Emmys. It's and signings that occur in any given year. time for the Newbys — my awards The New York Jets acquiring Tim Tebow, for the top people, moments and mis- for instance. But in 2012, the award goes haps in sports from 2012. to ... NFL replacement refs, for someWe'll skip the lame banter on the red how concocting a way to give the Seattle carpet and long-winded acceptance Seahawks a game-winning touchdown speeches (unless it's Les Miles). on a Green Bay Packers interception. Heck, we'll even take a pass on hand- Though, to some, this might have been ing out actual trophies (enough of those the best decision of the year because it already). forced the league to bring back the real So, without further delay, the envelopes refs. We never realized how much we please. missed those guys. WORST DECISION — This is always a See2012/C4 The Associated Press
su L t
Stephen Brashear /The Associated Press file
The now-famous call by replacement officials at the end of a game between the Seattle Seahawks and the Green Bay Packers is one of the most memorable moments of the year.
then signed with Denver
as a free agent and has led the Broncos on a
10-game winning streak to take the AFC West. Manning's 12th Pro Bowl is a record for
rea towrite new scrl in ese
quarterbacks. He ranks fourth in passing this year, has thrown 34
touchdowns and11 interceptions.
Minnesota's Peterson tore up his left knee on Christmas Eve last year,
underwent major surgery, then was back for the season opener. He's gone from uncertain to unstoppable, running away with the rushing title with a career-high
1,898 yards. Griffin is one of three rookie QBs who had
• Two years after losing to Auburn in theBCSnational champions hip,theDucks return to the scenein Arizona
superb debut seasons, along with Andrew Luck of lndianapolis
and Russell Wilson of Seattle. Luck and Wilson weren't voted to
the Pro Bowl by players, coaches and fans, however. San Francisco had
By Rob Moseley The Register-Guard
the most players selected, nine, including six
from its second-ranked defense. Houston was next with eight, six on
Roh Kerr /The Bulletin file
Oregon State fullback Clayton York, a Redmond High graduate, will play in his final collegiate game Saturday.
For complete rosters,
see Scoreboard,C2. — The Associated Press
Today's bowls at a glance Bowl season gets
• Redmond High's Clayton York will wrap up his Oregon State career when heplaysin the Alamo Bowl on Saturday
started in earnest today, with three games taking
place. Here's a quick look at the rnatChup:
By Grant Lucas
Military Bowl, Bowling
The Bulletin
Green vs. SanJose State, noon, ESpN: Bowling Green hasn't
played in a postseason game since 2009, San
Jose State since 2006.
from Western Oregon University.
To see howfar these schools havecomein
San Jose State was 1-12. San Jose State's quick turnaround cost the school its coach: Mike Maclntyre left for
Colorado. Belk Bowl, Cincinnati vs. Duke, 3:30 p.m., ESPN:This is Duke's
first bowl game in18 seasons, and the Blue Devils haven't won one since1961, so this is a great opportunity for the Blue Devils. Cincinnati is a bowl-tested team; this is the Bearcats' sixth
postseason appearance in the past sevenyears.
teams can deliver. Baylor's offense, led by quarterback Nick Florence, is first nationally with 578.8
yards per gameandthe Bears are fifth in scoring at 44.1 points. — The Associated Press
Ne XtuP
Now, he is set to wraP uP his colle- Alarno Bowl giatecareer as a four-year letterman O„egon State and as a part of one of the better turnarounds in major-college football this season. "It's a l earning experience," York 345 says of his time with the OSU football program. "It's a lot of hard work and a lot of time spent doing stuff you don't really want to do, but, you know, you've KICE-AM 940 got to do it, and it'll make you better. It builds character. It puts you in a position where you can pass it on to other guys. That'sbeing a leader by example because you've done it, you know?" The Alamo Bowl in San Antonio, where on Saturday No. D OSU will take on No. 23 Texas, will be the setting for York's final game as a Beaver. See York/C4
a short time, look at 2010 — when Bowling Green went 2-10 and
Holiday Bowl, Baylor vs. UGLA, 6:45 p.m., ESPN:The Holiday Bowl bills itself as "America's Most Exciting Bowl Game," and these two
This weekend, Clayton York will put on the Oregon State University orange and black one last time. In 2008, after graduating from Redmond High, York walked on to the Beaver football team after turning down a scholarship offer
Kenjon Barner brushed it off as "a distant memory," while Josh Huff recalled the "crushing" final-play field goal that Auburn kicked to beat Oregon, 22-19, for the national title two season ago. Brian Jackson remembers moist turf on which "everybody was slipping," and Michael Clay said the controversial play to set up the winning kick "stuck the knife in us a little bit deeper." On Wednesday, the Oregon football team arrived in the Phoenix area to begin onsite preparations for the Jan. 3 Fiesta Bowl against Kansas State. For more than 50 of the Ducks, they'll be staying in the same hotel, practicing at the same facility and playing in the same University of Phoenix Stadium where they met Auburn for the BCS championship at the end of the 2010 season. The national championship game capped a 12-0 regular season, the best in school history. In the title game, Oregon was overwhelmed by an Auburn defensive line that featured tackle Nick Fairley, losing despite an outstanding defensive effort that mostly contained Heisman Trophy winning quarterback Cam Newton. See Ducks/C4
Matt York / The Associated Press file
Oregon's Kenjon Barner (24) is stopped short of a touchdown against Auburn during the BCS national championship game in Glendale, Ariz., in January of 2011. The Ducks are back in Glendale for the Fiesta Bowl.
A year later, somethink a Christmasstart is best for basketball By Brian Mahoney The Associated Press
NEW YORK — Doc Rivers left home for the holiday, lost the game, and loved every minute of it. "That was p erfect," Rivers said, recalling the Boston Celtics' 2011-12 season opener. " I just think it w a s awesome." A year after the NBA started its sea-
son on Christmas out of necessity, Rivers and others think it's something the league should consider doing regularly. The 2011-12 schedule consisted of 66 games, and while even the advocates for the later start aren't certain how many should be played, they believe it's something worth exploring. "I think starting on Christmas Day would be better and then going later
into July, I think that would be better so the start of our season wasn't overshadowed as much by NFL football and college football," ABC and ESPN analyst Jeff Van Gundy said. "If you did that, obviously you'd have to extend into July a little bit. But I think 66 games, the only bad thing about that
would be people losing some money and so because of that, no one's ever
going to do that. It would certainly be better for the product." A normal 82-game schedule was impossible last season when owners and players couldn't agree to a new labor contract in time. The lockout dragged into November before a t e n tative agreement was struck on Thanksgiving weekend. SeeNBA/C3
Bowling Greenvs. SanJose State, ESPN. 3:30 p.m.:College, Belk Bowl, Cincinnati vs. Duke, ESPN.
6:45 p.m.:College, Holiday Bowl, Baylor vs. UCLA, ESPN.
BASKETBALL Sp.m.: NBA, Dallas Mavericks at Oklahoma City Thunder, TNT.
6p.m.:Men's college, New Mexico at Cincinnati, ESPN2. 7:30p.m.:NBA, Boston Celtics at Los Angeles Clippers, TNT.
FOOTBALL 11a.m.:College,lndependence Bowl, Louisiana-Monroe vs. Ohio, ESPN.
2:30 p.m.:College, Russell Athletic Bowl, Rutgers vs. Virginia Tech, ESPN.
6 p.m.:College, Meineke Car CareBowl,Minnesotavs.Texas Tech, ESPN.
BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:Men's college, Providence at Brown, NBCSN.
5 p.m.:Men's college, Baylor at Gonzaga, ESPN2. 6:30 p.m.:Men's college, College of Idaho at Utah, Pac-12 Network.
7 p.m.:Men's college, Missouri atUCLA,ESPN2. 7:30 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail
Blazers at Los Angeles Lakers, Blazer Network (Ch. 39)
6:45 p.m.:College, Holiday 2:30 p.m.:College, Russell Bowl, Baylorvs. UCLA, KICE-AM Athletic Vowl, Rutgers vs. 940. Virginia Tech, KICE-AM 940.
6 p.m.:College, Meineke Car CareBowl,Minnesotavs.Texas Tech, KICE-AM 940.
BASKETBALL 7:30 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail
Blazers at Los Angeles Lakers, Blazer Network, KBND-AM1110, KRCO-AM 690. 4'stings are themostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changesmadeby TVor radiostations.
ON DECK Today Boys basketball: MountainViewvs. Ashlandat Les SchwabHoliday Hoopfestat Summit High, 12:45 p.m.;Bendvs. West Albany attheLesSchwabHoliday Hoopfestat Summit High,4:15p.m.; Horizon Christianvs.Summit at theLesSchwab Holiday Hoopfest at SummiHi t gh, 745 Ridgeview vs. Creswelat SistersHolidayToumament, 5p.m.; Sistersvs. Scappoosein Sisters HolidayTournament, 7 p.m.,Madras vs. Tigamookat Stayton Toumam ent, 1:30p.m.; Riversideat Culver,5:30 p.mzRedmondvs North MedfordatAbby's Holiday Toumament in Medtord, 7 p.m.; Gilchrist at Bend frosh tourney, TBD Girls basketball: MountainViewvs. GrantsPass at SummiHol t idayToumament, 12:45 p.m.; Bend vs. Roseburg at Summit HohdayTournament, 4:15 p.m.;Summitvs. LibertyatSummit HolidayTournament, 6p.mzRedmondvs. Junction CityatSisters HolidayTournament, 3p.m.; Sisters vs.Ridgeview at SistersHolidayToumament, 5 p.m.; Madrasvs Scappoose at StaytonTournament, noon;Riverside at Culver,4:30 p.m. Wrestling: MountainViewatSierra NevadaClassic in Reno,TBD Friday Boys basketball: Bend, MountainView, Summit at LesSchwabHoliday Hoopfest at Summit High, TRD; Ridgeview,Sisters at Sisters Tournam ent, TBD;Madrasat StaytonTournament, TBD;Culver at SouthWascoCounty, 4p.m.; Redmond at Abby's HolidayTournament in Medlord, TBD,LaPineat Lakeview,7p.m. Girls basketball: Bendvs. Corvallis at theSummit HolidayTournam ent; 12:30p.mzMountain View vs Spragueat the Summit HolidayTournament, 12:45 Summivs. t North Medford at the Summit HolidayTournament, 5:45p.mcMadras at StaytonTournament, TBD; Centra Christian vs. Monument/Dayvigeat Trinity LutheranTournament, 6 p.m.;Trinity Lutheranvs. C.S.Lewis Academyat Trinity LutheranTournament, 7:30 p.m.; Redmond,Ridgeview, Sisters at Sisters Tournament,TBD;Culver at SouthWascoCounty, 4p.m. ;LaPineatLakeview,2:30p.m Wrestling: Bendat NWDuals at Westview HS,TRD, MountainViewat Sierra NevadaClassic in Reno, TBD;Redmondat Pacific CoastChampionships in Vancouver,Wash., TBD
Saturday Boys basketball: Bend,MountainView,Summit at Les Schwab Holiday Hoopfestat Summit High,TBD; Ridgeviewat Sisters Tournament, TBD;Madrasat Stayton Tournament,TBD,RedmondatAbby's Holiday Tournam entin Medford, TBD;Gilchrist at Bend frosh toumey, TBD Girls basketball: Summivs. t Wilsonat theSummit HolidayTournament, 11:30a.m., Bendvs. The Dalles Wahtonkaat theSummit HolidayTournament, 3 ip m.; MountainViewvs WestAlbanyat the SummiHol t idayToumament, 3p.m.; Madrasat StaytonTournament, TBD;Central Christian, Trinity Lutheran at Trinity LutheranTournament, TBD, Redmond,Ridgeview,Sisters at Sisters Tournament,TBD Wrestling: Bend at NWDuals at WestviewHS TBD, Redm ond at Pacific Coast Championships
SPORTS IN BRIEF FOOTBALL Chippewas take Pizza BOWI —Ryan Radcliff threw an
11-yard touchdown pass toCody Wilson with 5:11 remaining to give Central Michigan (7-6) the lead,and Western Kentucky was
ing. Andruw Joneswasfree on bond after his arrest on a battery
Sox get closer — The Boston RedSox have acquired All-Star closer Joel Hanrahan from the Pittsburgh Pirates in
the Chippewas a 24-21 win in
a six-player deal. Boston com-
the Little Caesars Pizza Bowl on Wednesday night in Detroit.
pleted the trade Wednesday, also receiving infielder Brock Holt.
Lance Guidry, coaching the Hill- The RedSoxgave up right-handtoppers (7-6) on an interim basis ers Mark Melancon and Stolmy before Bobby Petrino takes over,
Pimentel, infielder Ivan DeJesus
decided to play for the win on
Jr. and first baseman-outfielder
fourth-and-2 from the 19 with 51 Jerry Sands. Over the past secondsleft,butKawaun Jakes two seasons, the right-handed
threw incomplete.
Hanrahan had 76saves, fourth
Tebow talks —TimTebow
most in the National League, and a 2.24 ERA. Last season, he was 5-2with a2.72 ERAand
refuses to acceptanyone calling him a quitter or phony. The New
York Jets backup quarterback insisted Wednesdaythat he
36 saves. TheRedSox also announced the signing of free agent shortstop Stephen Drew, who agreed to aone-year contract early last week.
Rangers addPierzynski
didn't ask out of running the team's wildcat plays last week,
— A.J. Pierzynski can joke with
butacknowledged whathesaid
in a meeting with coach Rex Ryan might have been misinn terpreted as such. l never said, 'Hey, I don't want to do anything or I won't do anything,'" Tebow said. "That wasn't the talk at all.... It was just me asking to get an opportunity to play the
about last season's All-Star snub now that he's the starting catch-
position I love, which is quarter-
the All-Star issue dead after it
back. It wasn't me asking out of anything." Last Tuesday, Ryan
happened in July, eventhough
chose to go with third-stringer
when Washington explained the n
Greg McElroy over Tebow in placeofthe benched Mark San-
chezforSunday'sgameagainst the San Diego Chargers.
Cowdoys' Brent indicted — A grand jury in Texashas
formally indicted Dallas Cow-
er for the Rangers. Theyshared a laugh over lunch afew days before Wednesday's announcement that Pierzynski's one-year free agent contract with Texas
was complete. Both considered Pierzynski had a cryptic retort difficulty of the decision. Ev-
erybody keeps trying to makea big deal out of it, but I've known Wash for a really long time," Pierzynski said. "It's not going
to change theway I feel about Ron Washingtonbecause Iknow w hat he' sdone inthis game and
boys nose tackle Josh Brent
I know where hestands and
on one count of intoxication manslaughter. Brent is charged
what he's all about. It's over and n done with for me. Washington
in connection with a Dec.8
said Pierzynski will be the primarycatcher,pushing Geovany
crash that killed his friend and
Cowboys practice squadmember Jerry Brown. He isout of jail
Soto to the backup role after he
re-signed as afree agent.
on $100,000 bond. Police in the Dallas suburb of Irving say Brent
was speedin gwhenhisvehicle struck a curb and flipped. Brown
was pronounced dead atan area hospital. Intoxication manslaughter carries a maximum sentence of 20years in prison.
HOCKEY NHLplayer's outdoor game —With the NHLlockout grinding through its fourth month, Montreal Canadiens
BASEBALL Jones accused ofdragging Wife —The wife of former Atlanta Braves star Andruw Jonesaccused him ofdragging her down a staircase, grabbing her neck andsaying hewanted to kill her, according to police
to an unusual source to find his next hockey game: Twitter. The
28-year-old Gorgesextendedan open invitation to his followers on the social network to join him
at a Montreal rink Wednesday afternoon, during the Boxing
Day holiday. Fansresponded in droves. Dozens of players, ranging widely in age and skill
records. A police report obtained level, packed into a rink in the by The Associated Press said the city's Verdun neighborhood for fight happened around1:30 a.m. achancetoskatealongsidean on Christmas Day, after Nicole
Jones askedher husband to help
charge, according to Gwinnett County Jail records.
a field goal would have tied the game in the final minute, giving
about his quarterback skills, his arm and how he throws. He
her prepare their suburban Atlanta home for Christmas morn-
stopped on fourth down when
has been criticized for years
in Vancouver,Wash., TBD;CrookCounty, Culver, Ridgeview atFreeBerry Invite in Pendleton,10 a.m
NHL player. — From wire reports
y-NewEngland Miami N.Y.Jets Buffalo
y-Houston x-Indianapolis Tennessee Jacksonville y-Raltimore x-Cincinnati Pittsburgh Cleveland
W L T 11 4 0 7 8 0 6 9 0 5 10 0 South W L T 12 3 0 10 5 0 5 10 0 2 13 0 North W L T 10 5 0 9 6 0 7 8 0 5 10 0
Pct PF PA 733 529 331 467 288 289 400 272 347 333 316 426 Pct PF PA 800 400 303 667 329 371 333 292 451 133 235 406 Pct PF PA 667 381 321 600 368 303 467 312 304 333 292 344
W L T Pct PF PA y-Denver 12 3 0 .800 443 286 San Diego 6 9 0 .400 326 329 Oakland 4 11 0 .267 269 419 KansasCit y 2 13 0 133 208 387 NATIONALCONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA Washington 9 6 0 600 408 370 Dallas 8 7 0 533 358 372 N.Y.Giants 8 7 0 533 387 337 Philadelphia 4 11 0 267 273 402 South W L T Pct PF PA y-Atlanta 13 2 0 867 402 277 NewOrleans 7 8 0 467 423 410 Tampa Bay 6 9 0 400 367 377 Carolina 6 9 0 400 313 325 North W L T Pct PF PA y-GreenRay 11 4 0 733 399 299 Minnesota 9 6 0 600 342 314 Chicago 9 6 0 600 349 253 Detroit 4 11 0 267 348 411 West W L T Pct PF PA x -San Francisco 10 4 1 700 370 260 x-Seattle 10 5 0 667 392 232 St. Louis 7 7 I 500 286 328 Arizona 5 10 0 333 237 330
x-clinched playoff spot y-clinched division
Sunday'sGames Jacksonville atTennessee,10 a.m. Carolinaat NewDrleans,10 a.m. N.Y.JetsatBuffalo,10a.m. BaltimoreatCincinnati, 10a.m. Cleveland at Pittsburgh,10 am. Houston at Indianapolis,10 a.m. PhiladelphiaatNY.Giants,10 am. Chicago atDetroit,10 a.m. TampaBayatAtlanta, 10a.m. OaklandatSanDiego,1:25 p.m. Arizona atSanFrancisco,1:25 p.m. St. I.ouis atSeatle,125 p.m KansasCity atDenver, I:25p.m. GreenBayatMinnesota,1:25 p.m. Miami atNewEngland,1.25 p.m. Dallas atWashington, 5:20p.m. Pro Bowl Rosters At Aloha Stadium, Honolulu Sunday,Jan.27 AFC Offense Quarterbacks— TomBrady, NewEngland; Peyton Manning ,Denver;MattSchaub,Houston RunningBacks—JamaalCharles, KansasCity;Arian Foster,Houston;RayRice, Batimore Fullback —VontaLeach, Baltimore Wide Receivers — A.J. Green,Cincinnati; Andre Johnson ,Houston;Reggie Wayne,Indianapolis, WesWelker,NewEngland Tight Ends— RobGronkowski,New England;Heath Miller, Pittsburgh Tackles — DuaneBrown, Houston; Ryan Clady, Denyer ;JoeThomas,Cleveland;MarshallYanda, Baltimore Guards— Logan Mankins, New England; Wade Smith, Houston Centers—Chris Myers, Houston, Maurkice Pouncey, Pittsburgh Defense Ends —Elvis Dumervil, Denver;Cameron Wake, Miami; J.J.Watt,Houston Interior Linemen — GenoAtkins, Cincinnati; Haloti Ngata,Baltimore;VinceWilfork i NewEngland OutsideLinebackers—TambaHai,KansasCity; Robert Mathis,Indianapolis;VonViler, Denver Inside/MiddleLinebackers—Derrick Johnson, KansasCity;Jerod Mayo,New England Cornerbacks — ChampBailey, Denver; Antonio Cromartie,N.Y.Jets; JohnathanJoseph, Houston StrongSafeties —Eric Berry, KansasCity; LaRo n Landry,N.Y.Jets FreeSafety Ed Reed,Baltimore Specialists Placekicker—Phil Dawson,Cleveland Punter — Dustin Colquitt, KansasCity Kick Returner —JacobyJones, Baltimore SpecialTeam—MatthewSlater, NewEngland NFC
Betting line
In the Bleachers © 2012 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Uclicit www.gocomics.comhnthebleachers
(Hometeamsin Caps) Favorite Open Current underdog Sunday BILLS 3 .5 3 . 5 Jets PATRIOT S 1 05 1 0 Dolphins BENGALS 3 25 Ravens STEELER S NL NL Browns Texans 4 6.5 COLTS TITANS 4 .5 4 Jaguars GIANTS 9 .5 7 . 5 Eagles REDSKINS 3 .5 3 Cowboys Bears 3 3 LIONS Packers 3 35 VIKINGS FALCON S NL NL Bucs SAINTS 4 .5 5 Panthers BRONCO S 16 16 Chiefs CHARGE RS NL NL Raiders 49ERS 15 5 16.5 Cards SEAHAW KS 10 10.5 Ram
. a ' ht San JoseSt
10.5 8.5
Uca UL-Monroe VirginiaTech TexasTech
"I'veopened him up ...There's the hook,
Air Force
the line and — Whoa! Talk about gullible! He also swallowed the sinker!!"
College Today Military Bowl 7.5 7. 5 B owling Green Belk Bowl Holiday Bowl 1(8) 3 Friday Independence Bowl
6 7 Russell Athletic Bowl 1
Saturday ArmedForcesBowl 1(R) 1 Fight HungerBowl 14.5 14 5
W. Virginia
Oregon St
Pinstripe Bowl 4
1 2 Texas Buffalo WildWingsBowl 2 2 . 5 Mic higan St Monday Music CilyBowl Vanderbilt 6 7 Sun Bowl Usc 10 1 0 Ge orgia Tech Liberly Bowl lowa St 2 5 (T) 1 Chick-Fil-A Bowl Lsu 4 4 Clemson
Tcu Offense Quarterbacks —Robert Gritfin RI,Washington; Aaron Rodgers,GreenBay; Matt Ryan,Atlanta Runnin gBacks— FrankGore,SanFrancisco;MarshawnLynch,Seattle; AdrianPeterson, Minnesota Fullback—JeromeFelton, Minnesota Wide Receivers —Victor Cruz,N.Y.Giants; Calvin Johnson,Detroit; Julio Jones,Atlanta;Rrandon Marshall,Chicago Tight Ends—TonyGonzalez, Atlanta;JasonWiten, Dallas Tackes —RussellOkung,Sea tle; JoeStaley, San Francisco;TrentWiliams, Wa shington Guards—Jahri Evans, NewOrleans; Mike lupati, San Francisco;Chris Snee,N.Y. Giants Centers — JeffSaturday,GreenRay, Max Unger, Seattle
Ends —JaredAllen, Minnesota;Julius Peppers, Chicago;JasonPierre-Paul, N.Y.Giants Interior Linemen —Gerald Mccoy, TampaBay; Henry Meltont Chicago; Justin Smith, SanFrancisco Outside Linebackers Clay Matthews,GreenBay; Aldon Smith, SanFrancisco; DeMarcusWare, Dallas Inside/MiddleLinebackers— NaVorro Bowman, San Francisco;PatrickWilis, SanFrancisco Cornerbacks —TimJennings, Chicago; Patrick Peterson, Arizona;CharlesTilman, Chicago StrongSafeties —DonteWhitner, SanFrancisco FreeSafeties—DashonGoldson, SanFrancisco; Earl Thomas,Seattle Specialists Placekicker—Blair Waish, Minnesota Punter ThomasMorstead,NewOrleans Kick Returner—LeonWashington, Seattle SpecialTeam —LorenzoAlexander,Washington
NFL Playoff Scenarios AFC CLINCHED:Houston, AFCSouth; Denver,AFC West;NewEngland, AFCEast; Baltimore, AFCNorth; Indianapolis, No. 5 playoff spot; Cincinnati, No. 6 playotfspot HOUSTON (at Indianapolis) Clinchesfirst-round byewith: Win ortie, or —NewEnglandlossor tie, or —Denverloss Clincheshome-field advantagethroughout AFCplayoffs with: — Win, or Tie AND Denverloss ortie, or —NewEngland lossor tie ANDDenver loss DENVER (vs KansasCity) Clinchesfirst-round byewith: —Win ortie, or —NewEnglandlossor tie Clincheshome-field advantagethroughout AFCplayoffs with: —WinANDHouston lossor tie, or —TieANDHouston loss NEWENGLAND(vs. Miami) Clinchesfirst-round byewith: Win AND Denver or Houston loss Clincheshome-field advantagethroughout AFCplayoffs with —WinANDDenver andHouston loss NFC CLINCHED :Atlanta, NFCSouthandhome-field advantage;GreenBay,NFCNorth; SanFrancisco, playoff spot; Seattle,playoffspot GREEN BAY(at Minnesota) Clinchesfirst-round byewith: — Win, or Tie AND SanFranciscoloss ortie, or —SanFranciscolossANDSeattle lossor tie SAN FRANC ISCO(vs. Arizona) ClinchesNFCWest with: —Win ortie, or —Seattlelossortie Clinchesfirst-round byewith: —WinANDGreenBay loss or tie, or —TieANDGreenBay loss SEATTLE (vs. St. Louis) ClinchesNFCWest with: Win AND SanFranciscoloss Clinchesfirst-round byewith: —WinANDSanFranciscolossANDGreenBayloss WASHINGTON (vs. Dallas) ClinchesNFCEastwith. — Win ortie Clinchesplayolf spotwith: ChicagolossANDMinnesotaloss DALLAS (at Washington) ClinchesNFCEastwith: — Win NEWYORKGIANTS(vs. Philadelphia) Clinchesplayolf spotwith: Win ANDDallas lossortie ANDChicagolossAND Minnesotaloss MINNESOTA (vs. GreenBay) Clinchesplayotf spotwith: — Win,or —TieANDChicagoloss ortie, or Dallas lossortie ANDN.Y.Giants loss or tieAND Chicagoloss CHICAGO (at Detroit) Clinchesplayotf spotwith: —WinANDMinnesotaloss or tie, or —TieANDMinnesotaloss
NFL TopPerformers 2012 season Passing 527, Schaub,HOUvs.JAC11/18 (ot) (43-55, 5TD) 510, E.Manning, NYGvs. TAM9/16(31-51,3TD) 446, Brees,NDRat GBY9/30 (35-54, 3TD) 446, srees,NDRat DAL12/23 (ot) (37-53,3 TD) 443, Stattord,DETvs.ATL12/22 (37-56,0TD) 443, Brady,NWEvs. SNF12/16(36 65,1TD) 441, Romo, DALvs. WAS11/22 (37-62, 3TD) 441, Stafford,DETvs. HDU11/22 (ot) (31-61, 2TD) 437, Romo, DALvs NYG10/28 (36-62, 1TD) 433, Luck,INDvs.MIA11/04 (30-48, 2TD) 431, Tannehill, MIA at ARI9/30 (ot) (26-41, 1TD) 420, Jo.Freeman,TAM vs.NOR10/21(24-42 3TD) 416, Romo, DALvs. NDR12/23 (ot) (26-43, 4TD) 414,C. Palmer,DAKvs. TAM11/04(39-61,4TD) 411, M.Ryan,ATLat NOR11/11 (34-52, 3TD) 395, Brady,NWEat SEA10/14 (36-58, 2TD) 391, Luck,INDatDET12/02 (24-54,4 TD) 384, Roethlisberger,PITat OAK9/23 (36-49, 4TD) 382, Flacco,BALvs. NWE9/23 (28-39, 3TD) 381,Foles,PHLatTAM12/09(3251,2TD) 381, Dalton,CINat CLE10/14 (31-46,3TD) 378, Locker, TENvs. DET9/23 (ot) (29-42, 2TD) 377, Rradtord,STLvs. MIN12/16 (35 55,3TD) 377, Brees,NDRat TAM10/21 (27-37, 4TD) 373, C.PalmerDAKat MIA9/16(24 48,1TD) 372, Jo.Freem an,TAMvs.STL12/23(30 54,1TD) 371, Vick,PHLvs.BAL9/16 (23 32,1TD) 370, srees,NDRvs SND10/07 (29-45, 4TD)
Receiving 273, And.Johnson,HOUvs. JAC11/18 (ot) (14rec., 1 TD) 253, Hartline,MIAat ARI9/30 (ot) (12rec.,1 TD) 236, Blackmon, JACat HDU11/18 (ot) (7rec.,1 TD) 225, Ca.Johnson,DETvs. ATL12/22 (11rec., 0TD) 224, D.Bryant,DALvs. NOR12/23 (ot) (9rec.,2 TD) 216,V Jackson, TAMvs. NDR10/21(7rec.,1TD) 212, Wayne, INDvs. GBY10/07(13rec.,1TD) 207, CalJohnson, . DETat MIN11/11(12 rec.,1TD) 199, H.Nicks,NYGvs.TAM9/16(10 rec.,1 TD) 190, 8 Lloyd,NWEvs. SNF12/16(10rec., 0TD) 188, And.Johnson, HDUat DET 11/22 (ot) (9 rec., 0 TD) 183, A..Green,0INatWAS9/23 (9 rec., 1TD) 180, De.Thomas, DENat NWE10/07(9 rec.,OTD) 179,Cruz,NYGvs.TAM9/16(11rec.,1TD) 171, Cal. Johnson,DETvs. IND12/02 (13rec., 1
169, R.White,ATLvs. CAR9/30 (8 rec., 2TD) 167, Witten,DALvs. NYG10/28(18 rec.,OTD) 165, B.Marshall, CHIvs. SEA12/02 (ot) (10rec., 0
TD) 164, CalJohnson, . DETat TEN9/23 (ot) (10rec., 1 TD) 160, 8.Marshall, 0HlatMIN12/09 (10rec., 1TD) 160, AmendolaSTL , vs. WA S9/16 (15rec., 1TD) 157,8.Celek,PHLvs.BAL9/16(8rec.,OTD) Rushing 251, Do. Martin, TAMatDAK11/04(25att.,4TD) 233, J.Charles,KANat NOR9/23(ot) (33att.,1 TD) 226, J.Charles,KANvs. IND12/23 (22att.,1TD) 212, A.Peterson,MINatSTL12/16 (24att.,1 TD) 210, A.Peterson,MINatGBY12/02 (21att., 1 TD) 200, sradshaw, NYGvs CLE10/07 (30att.,1 TD) 195, Chr.Johnson,TENat BUF10/21(18 att., 2TD) 182, A.Peterson,MINatSEA11/04 (17att., 2TD) 178,8. Brown, PHLvs. CAR11/26(19att,2TD) 177, Jones-Drew, JACat IND9/23 (28att.,1 TD) 172, Re. Bush, MIAvs. DAK9/16 (26 att.,2 TD) 171,A. Peterson, MINvs DET11/11(27att.,1TD) 169, 8.Brown,PHLat DAL12/02 (24att., 2TD) 169, Spiler,BUFat NYJ9/09 (14att.,1 TD) 165,A. Foster,HOUvs. IND12/16(27att.,0TD) 165, J.Charles,KANat CLE12/09 (18att., 1TD) 161, Greene, NYJvs. IND10/14(32 att., 3 TD) 154, A.Peterson,MINvs CHI12/09(31att.,2TD) 153, A.Peterson,MINvs.ARI10/21 (23att., I TD) 152, A.Foster,HOUat NYJ10/08(29att.,1TD) 151,Ridley,NWEvs. DEN10/07(28att.,1TD) 147, Redm an,PITat NYG11/04 (26att.,1 TD) 141, Chr. Johnson,TENvs. CHI11/04(16att.,1TD) 141, Chr. Johnson,TENat HOU9/30(25att,gTD) 140, J.Charles,KANvs. BAL10/07(31att.,OTD) 139, S.Jackson,STLat ARI11/25 (24att., 0 TD)
College FBSBowlGlance Subjectto Change AffTimes PST Wednesday Little CaesarsPizzaBowl CentralMichigan24,Western Kentucky21
Military Bowl BowlingGreen(8-4) vs.SanJose State(10-2), noon
Belk Bowl Duke(6-6)vs. Cincinnati (93),3:30p.m.(ESPN) Holiday Bowl Baylor(7-5)vs.UCLA(9-4), 6:45p.m.(ESPN) Friday IndependenceBowl Louisiana-Monroe(8-4) vs. Ohio (8-4), 11 a.m. (ESPN) Russell Athletic Bowl VirginiaTech(6-6) vs. Rutgers(9-3), 2:30p.m.(ESPN) MeinekeCarCareBowl Minnesota(6-6) vs.TexasTech(7-5), 6p.m.(ESPN) Saturday Armed ForcesBowl Rice(6-6)vs AirForce(6-6),845am.(ESPN) Fight HungerBowl ArizonaState(7-5) vs. Navy(8-4), 12:15p.m.(ESPN2) Pinstripe Bowl Syracuse(7-5) vs. WestVirginia (7-5), 12:15 p.m. (ESPN) AlamoBowl Texas(8-4) vs.OregonState(9-3), 3:45p.m.(ESPN) Buffalo Wild WingsBowl Michigan State(6-6) vs. TCU(7-5), 7:15p.m.(ESPN) Monday,Dec.31 Music City Bowl Vanderbilt(8-4)vs.NCState(7-5),9am. (ESPN) Sun Bowl GeorgiaTech(6-7) vs. SouthernCal (7-5), 11 a.m.
Liberty Bowl lowaState(6-6) vs.Tulsa(103),12:30 p.m.(ESPN) Chick-fil-A Bowl LSU(10-2)vs.Clemson(10-2), 4:30p.m.(ESPN) Tuesday,Jan. 1 Hearl of Dallas Bowl Purdue(6-6) vs. Dklahom a State (7-5), 9 a.m.(ESPNU) Gator Bowl MississippiState(8-4) vs.Northwestern (9-3), 9 a.m. (ESPN2 ) Capital OneBowl Georgia(11-2)vs.Nebraska(10-3),10 a.m.(ABC) OutbackBowl South Carolina(10-2) vs. Michigan(8-4), 10 a.m. (ESPN) Rose Bowl Stanford(11-2) vs.Wisconsin (8-5),2 p.m.(ESPN) OrangeBowl Northernglinois (12-1)vs. FioridaState(11-2), 5:30
Wednesday,Jan.2 Sugar Bowl Florida (11-1) vs. Louisville (10-2), 5.30 p.m.
Thursday,Jan. 3 Fiesta Bowl KansasState(11-1) vs. Oregon(11-1), 5:30 p.m. (ESPN) Friday, Jan. 4 Cotton Bowl TexasA8M(102)vs Oklahoma(10-2),5p.m.(Fox) Saturday, Jan. 6 BBVACompassBowl Pittsburgh(6-6)vs.Mississippi (6-6), 10a.m.(ESPN) Sunday, Jan. 6 GoDaddy.comBowl Kent State(11-2) vs. ArkansasState (9-3), 6 p.m. (ESPN) Monday, Jan. 7 BCSNational Championship Notre Dame (12-0) vs. Alabama(12-1), 5:30 p.m. (ESPN)
Tuesday,Jan. 1
Hearl of DallasBowl OklahomaSt 1 8 17
Gator Bowl Mississippi St 2 2 Northwestern OutbackBowl S. Carolina 4 .5 6 Michigan Capital OneBowl Georgia 9 10 Nebraska Rose Bowl Stanford 6 6. 5 Wisconsin OrangeBowl FloridaSt 14 1 3.5 N. Illinois
Wednesday, Jan. 2 SugarBowl
14.5 14
Thursday,Jan.3 Fiesta Bowl
8 9 Cotton Bowl
3 .5 4 . 5
Saturday,Jan.6 CompassBowl Mississippi 2 35. Pitt sburgh Sunday,Jan. 8 Go Daddy.comBowl ArkansasSt 2 4 Monday,Jan. 7 BCSChampionship Aabama 8.5 9. 5 No t re Dame
BASKETBALL Men's college NCAADivision I Leaders Points PerGame CI GFGM3FG FT Pts Avg Green,VaT ech Sr12 98 19 90 305 25.4 Mccolum,Lehigh Sr10 87 27 48 249 24.9 McDermott,crghtn Jr 12 90 28 69 277 23.1 Kinney,SnJose Sr 9 78 24 23 203 22.6 Jones,lona S r 1 1 82 18 62 244 22.2 Cotton,Prov. Jr 10 67 32 54 220 22.0 Vinales,cconSt So 9 73 22 30 198 22.0 Gantt,Fla.At Sr 12 88 37 48 261 21.8 Niles,ORobt Sr11 80 35 39 234 21.3 Harrison,StJohn So12 85 28 53 251 20.9 Canaan,Murray Sr11 76 36 42 230 20.9 Lyons,AFA Sr 10 68 24 45 205 20.5 Crabbe,cal J r 11 75 23 51 224 20.4 Simpson,UNC Grn Jr 10 74 25 30 203 20.3 Ireland,LMU Jr 11 78 17 50 223 20.3 Bader,oaklnd Jr 13 72 53 65 262 20.2 H unter,cconSt Jr 9 66 9 40 181 20 1 Wolters,SDakSt Sr12 78 17 67 240 20.0 Thomas,ohioSt Jr 11 77 30 36 220 20.0 Motum,Wa shSt Sr12 90 13 46 239 19.9 H unter,NichSt Sr 7 49 4 3 7139 19.9 Saddler,Dela. Jr 12 79 24 56 238 19 8 D avies,BYU Sr I2 83 3 68 237 19.8 Haws,BYU So12 83 13 57 236 19.7 Smith,L'vill J r12 77 24 58236 19.7
AmericanLeague BOSTONRED SDX — Traded RHP MarkMelancon, RHP StolmyPimentel, INFIvan DeJesusand18/ DF JerrySandsto Plttsburghlor RHPJoel Hanrahan and INFBrockHolt. Agreedtotermswith SSStephen Drew on aone-year contract. SEATTLE MARINERS—Agreedto termswith DF Raul Ibanezon aone-year contract. DesignatedRHP DJ Mitchell forassignment TEXAS RANGERS— Agreed to termswith CA.J. Pierzynski onaone-year contract. DesignatedC Luis Martinezforassignment. AmericanAssociation AMARILLO SOX— Released C Jonathan Cisne-
BASKETBALL National Basketball Association NRA —FinedDenver FJordanHamilton $25,000 for directinginappropriatelanguagetoward afan duringaDec.25gameatLosAngeles. MIAMI HEAT — Assigned C Dexter Pittmanto SiouxFalls(NBADL). FOOTBALL National Football League ARIZONACARDINALS — PlacedTERob Housler on injuredreserve. SignedWRKerry Taylor fromthe practicesquad.SignedDEEverrette Thompsonto the practicesquad. BUFFALO BILLS Released OTJ.B. Shugarts from thepractice squad.SignedTEDerek Butles to the practice squad. CHICAGOBEARS — SignedSTroyNolan. CLEVELANDBROWNS — PlacedS UsamaYoung on injuredreserve.SignedQBJoshJohnson. Signed DR Jordan Mabin to thepracticesquad. MINNES OTAVIKINGS—SignedTEChaseFordto the practice squad. NEW ENGLANDPATRIOTS — Signed WR WR Kamar Aiken,RBJamesDevelin andDBCyhl Quarlesto the practice squad. NEW YORKGIANTS — Placed TETravisBeckum on injured reserve.Signed DBTerrence Frederick from thepracticesquadandCBBrandonBing to the
practicesquad. PHILADE LPHIAEAGLES—PlacedQBNick Foles on injured reserve.SignedDTAntonio Dixon to a two-yearcontract. SignedLRMarcus Dowtin to the practicesquad. PITTSBURGHSTEELERS — Pl aced TE Heath Miller, CR IkeTaylor andRBBaron Batch on injured reserve.SignedS Da'MonCromartie-Smith andLB Marshall McFadden fromthe practice squadandFB JamieMccoyfromSanDiego's practicesquad. SAN DIEGOCHARGERS — Placed DT Aubrayo Franklin and SBrandonTayor on injured reserve. SignedSSeanCattouseandCBGregGatsonfrom the practicesquadandCBArthur HobbsandTEAnthony Millerto the practice squad. SAN FRANCI SCO 49ERS — Released LB Alex Hoffman-Egisfromthepractice squad SignedDTLamar Divens andSCurtis Taylor tothe practicesquad. SEATTLE SEAHAWKS — Released DEMonteTaylor from thepractice squad TENNES SEETITANS— PlacedLBMike Mohamed on thepracticesquadinjured list. SignedRBAlvester Alexander to thepractice squad
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• Portland rebounds with a 109-91 win after losing to Sacramento onSunday The Associated Press PORTLAND — The Portland Trail Blazers wanted to put Sunday's loss to Sacramento behind them as quickly as possible. LaMarcus Aldridge had 28 points and 12 rebounds,and the Blazers beat the Kings 109-91 Wednesday night to earn their revenge.
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4 8 1(pg.
"The way we played (three) days ago
wasn't us," said Nicolas Batum, who had 18 points for Portland. "We wanted to get back on track against this team. It was so good to beat them in a big way." J.J. Hickson added 17 points and 14 rebounds for the Blazers, who built a double-digit lead in the second quarter and then ran away from the Kings, leading by as many as 26 points. Rookie point guard Damian Lillard had 17 points, ll assists and eight rebounds. John Salmons led the K ings with 19 points. Reserve Isaiah Thomas had 12 points and Jason Thompson added 11. The Kings are 1-12 on the road this season — the only win coming Dec. 8 against the Blazers. Portland has won nine of its past 10 games at home. The Blazers tied up the season series with the Kings after losing to them 108-96 on Sunday in Sacramento, which snapped the Blazers' five-game winning streak. Sacramento shot 56 percent from the field in that game, but after a good start Wednesday, went cold and shot just 40 percent for the game. "We knew we got away from it in Sacramento," Lillard said."We focused more on defense. The last game, we just lost it. They took us to the rim and got what they wanted on offense. We just had to make a point to play better defense." Sacramento took a pounding in the post without leading scorer and rebounder DeMarcus Cousins, who did not make the trip despite being reinstated from an indefinite suspension. Cousins had been suspended after an argument with coach Keith Smart during halftime of a game Friday. Cousins missed Sunday's game, but practiced Monday after the suspension was lifted. Still, Smart chose to keep him at home Wednesday. Without him, the K i ngs were outrebounded 53-35. "Obviously, everyone played well at home and we didn't have that tonight," Smart said. "They rebounded the ball well and got out on the fast break." The Blazers took a 62-44 lead into halftime after an electrifying first half in which they shot 57 percent. The game was tied at 37 in the second quarter, but Sacramento's turnovers and defensive breakdowns allowed Portland to go on a 25-7 run into halftime, punctuated by rim-shaking dunks by Hickson, Lillard and rookie center Meyers Leonard. "They just got going and it's hard to stop a team that gets it going at home," Thomas said. "Especially when they have shooters and guys that can go to the hole and dunk." Also on Wednesday: Heat..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 05 B obcats ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2 CHARLOTTE, N.C. — LeBron James had 27 points, 12 rebounds and eight assists, and Miami handed Charlotte its 16th straight loss. Dwyane Wade scored 29 points and had nine rebounds as Miami extended its winning streak to six. Kemba Walker had 27 points for the Bobcats, who haven't won since Nov. 24. Hornets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Magic ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 ORLANDO, Fla. — Robin Lopez had a season-high 29 points, and Greivis Vasquez scored a season-best 27 as New Orleans snapped an 11-game losing streak with a victory over Orlando. The
ConferenceGlance All TimesPST EASTE RN CONFER ENCE W L Pct GB 20 6 769 21 8 724 '/r 17 9 654 3 16 12 571 5 15 12 556 5'/~ Chicago 15 12 556 5'/z Boston 14 13 519 6'/x Brooklyn 14 14 500 7 Philadelphia 14 15 483 7'/z Orlando 12 16 429 9 Toronto 9 20 310 12r/r Detroit 9 22 290 13'/z Charlotte 7 2 1 250 14 Cleveland 7 2 3 233 15 Washington 3 23 115 17 WEST ERN CONFE RENCE W L Pct GB d-L.A. Clippers 22 6 786 d-Dklahoma City 21 6 778 '/r d-SanAntonio 22 8 733 I Memphis 18 8 692 3 GoldenState 19 10 655 3 1/2 Houston 16 12 571 6 Denver 16 14 533 7 Portland 14 13 519 7'/r Minnesota 13 13 500 8 tffah 15 15 500 8 L.A. Lakers 14 15 483 8'/~ Dallas 12 16 429 10 Phoenix 11 18 379 f t'/x Sacramento 9 19 321 13 NewOrleans 6 22 214 16 d-Miami d-New York Atlanta d-Indiana Milwaukee
Wednesday'sGames Miami105,Charlotte 92 NewOrleans97,Drando94 Cleveland87,Washington 84 Chicago at Indiana,ppd., weather conditions Atlanta126,Detroit119,20T Housto n87,Minnesota84 Philadelphia99, Memphis 89 Milwaukee108,Brooklyn93 SanAntonio100,Toronto80 Denver126,L.A.Lakers114 NewYork99, Phoenix97 GoldenState94 Utah83 Port and109,Sacramento91 Today's Games Dallas atOklahomaCity, 5p.m. Bostonat LA Clippers, 7:30 p.m. Friday's Games Phoenixat Indiana,4p.m. Dr andoatWashrngton, 4p.m. Atlanta atCleveland4:30p.m. CharlotteatBrooklyn 430pm Miami atDetroit, 4:30p.m. TorontoatNewOrleans,5 p.m. Denver at Dalas, 5:30p.m. Housto natSanAntonio,5:30p.m. L.A. ClippersatUtah,6p.m. NewYorkatSacramento, 7p.m. Philadelphiaat Golden State,7:30 p.m. Portlandat L.A.Lakers,7.30p.m.
Don Ryan/TheAeeociated Press
Magic had a chance to tie the game in the closing seconds, but came up empty on a 3-point attempt by Nikola Vucevic. Jameer Nelsonhad 28 points and 10 rebounds for Orlando.
Nuggets........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126 Lakers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 DENVER — Corey Brewer matched his career high with 27 points, and Denver overcame a40-point effort by Kobe Bryant to beat Los Angeles for its seventh straight win at home. Bryant, who scored at least 40 points for the 116th time in his career, has netted at least 30 in 10 straight games. Kenneth Faried had 21 points and 15 rebounds for Denver. Knicks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 S uns.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 7 PHOENIX — J.R. Smith sank a baseline 21-footer at the buzzer after a Phoenix turnover with a second to play, giving depleted New York a victoryover the Suns. Smith's tough jumper from 15 feet had tied it at 97 with 10.6 seconds left. Smith scored 27. Jared Dudley had a career-high 36 for Phoenix. Cavaliers ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 W izards ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4 WASHINGTON — Tristan Thompson's three-point play with 24.4 seconds remaining gave Cleveland a victory over Washington and its first two-game winning streak of the season. Kyrie Irving had 26 points to lead Cleveland. Hawks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Pistons..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 ATLANTA — Josh Smith scored 31 points, Al Horford added 22, and Atlanta beat Detroit in double overtime. The Hawks blew a 22-point, fourth-quarter lead as Detroit reserves Will Bynum and Charlie Villanueva scored a combined 26 points in the final period of regulation. Bynum finished with 31 points. Rockets ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Timberwoives..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 MINNEAPOLIS — J ames Harden
scored 17 of his 30 points in the fourth quarter, and Houston rallied to win its fifth straight, topping Minnesota. Harden's drive to the basket gave Houston (16-12) an 85-84 lead with 39 seconds left. He drove again to make it a threepoint lead with 11.7 seconds to go and scored 15 of the Rockets' final 17 points. 7 6ers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 Grizzlies..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Dorell Wright scored 28 points, and Spencer Hawes had 20, season-highs for b oth, a nd Philadelphia snapped a six-game road losing streak with a victory over Memphis. Zach Randolph led the Grizzlies with 23 points and nine rebounds. Memphis played without leading scorer Rudy Gay, who was out because of "personal reasons." Bucks.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 08 N ets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 MILWAUKEE — Brandon Jennings scored 25 points, Monta Ellis added 20 points and a season-high six steals, and Milwaukee beat short-handed Brooklyn for the 13th straight time. Brook Lopez had 21 points and 10 rebounds for the Nets, who were without starting guard Deron Williams, who injured his wrist on Tuesday.
Spurs .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..100 Raptors........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..80 SAN A N T O NIO — T im D u ncan scored 15 points, and San Antonio rolled to a victory over Toronto that snapped the Raptors' five-game winning streak. None of Toronto'sstarters scored in double figures as San Antonio's starters outscoredtheircounterparts 54-25. W arriors..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 J azz..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 SALT LAKE CITY — Stephen Curry scored 23 points, David Lee added 18, and Golden State beat Utah. Al Jefferson led Utah with 18 points and 10 rebounds.
lack of practice time, the frequency of back-to-back games, and other inconveniences that they've had to readjust to this season. "Of allyears I've ever coached, I don't feel like a human being very much. I just feel like a basketball coach," Denver's George Karl said. "That's all I do is watch film, prepare scouting reports, have meetings, go to practice and then travel." The demands of the schedule and the challenges of navigating it were highlighted when San Antonio sent four top players home before a nationally televised road game in Miami forextra rest,earning a $250,000 fine from an angry Commissioner David Stern. The Spurs w ere p laying t heir fourth road game in f i v e n ights, which was just as rough as anything that arose out of the lockout schedule. "I think the schedule of some of these teams is outlandish to me, a lot of it just to get games in," Van Gundy said. "To put teams on national TV on the fourth game in five nights seems counterproductive. I k now p eople
5-100-011, Fields1-20-02, Lucas 4-101-211, Acy 0-0 0-0 0.TotaIs 33-78 7-12 80. SANANTONIO(100) Leonard4-81-1 9, Duncan6-113-415, Splitter 1-4 8-1010, Parker5-10 2-313, Green2-4 2-28, Ginobili 4-64-514,Jackson2-80-04, Diaw4-72-2 10,DeColo2-20-04,8onner2-82-28 Blair1-200 2,Migs 1-10-0 3.Totals 34-71 24-29100. Toronto 18 19 20 23 — 80 22 22 26 30 — 100 SanAntonio
Hawks126, Pistons119 (2 OTj DETROIT (119)
Prince 6-120-0 14,Maxieg0-3 1-2 I, Monroe 4-11 2-210, Knight 3-82-2 9, Singler 0-3 0-0 0, Stuckey7-191-1 16,Drummond7-9 2-416, Bynum 13-261-231,Viganueva5-120-214, Daye3-60-08. Totals 48-1099-15119. ATLANTA(126) Korver 2-112-2 8, Smith 13-254-8 31, Horford 9 15 4 822,Teague4 108 817, Wil rams7 142 2 18, Stevenson 3-7 0-0 8, Pachulia1-3 2-2 4, Morrow 6-101-1 16,Johnson1-30-02. Totals 46-98 23-31 126. Detroit 1 3 3 2 17 39 7 1 1 — 119 Atlanta 2 8 2 2 31 20 7 18 — 126
76ers 99, Grizzlies 89
Nuggets126, Lakers114 L.A. LAKERS (114)
Bryant13-249-1140, Gasol 7-113 419, Howard 4-64-912, Nash 6-81-1 15,Morris0-00-00, Meeks 2-11 2-2 7,WorldPeace4-131-1 10 Hill 4-71-2 9, Duhon1-30-02. Totals 41-8321-30114.
DENVER (126)
Gaginari6-104-619, Faried9-133-521, Koulos 4-6 2-310, Lawson 6-15 4-517, Iguodala5-155-6 17, McGee 3-61-2 7, AMiger2-7 22 6,Brewer 9-16 3-327, Mozgov0-00-00,Hamilton1-60-02.Totals 45-94 24-32 126. L.A. Lakers 26 28 33 27 — 114 Denver 29 28 39 30 — 126
Knicks 99, Suns97 NEWYORK(99)
Brewer1-30-02, Thomas2-41-2 5, Chandler692-214, Kidd 8 162-2 23, White1-3 0-0 2,Smith 11-27 5-6 27,Prigioni 2-4 0-0 5, Novak1-30-0 3, Camby 2-70-24, Copeland 6-12 0-014. Totals 4088 10-14 99.
PHOENIX (97) Dudley11-179-936,Scola2-52-26, Gortat6-11 1-213, Dragic 2 60 24, Brown 5-131-1 11,Tucker 0-2 0-0 0, Beasley5-11 0-0 10, Morris 0-3 0-0 0, Telfair 4-9 0-011,O'Neal3-6 0-0 6. Totals 38-83 13-1697. New York 27 27 22 23 — 99 Phoenix 29 15 32 21 — 97
Warriors94, Jazz83 GOLDEN STATE(94) Barnes2-52-27,Lee7-16 4-4 18,Ezeli 1-20-02, Curry 7 185-6 23,Thompson5-13 3-315, Biedrins 0-0 0-0 0,Jack5-93-3 15, Green1-3 2-24, Landry 4-120-08, Jenkins0-00-00, Tyler 0-10-00, Bazemore1-2 0-02, R.Jefferson0-1 0-00.Totals 33-82 19-2094. UTAH(83)
Playing fewer games is the easy answer, but financially the most unlikely. Neither owners nor players would be interested in giving up a couple hundred games of revenue, which is why Stern quickly brought up the money aspect of it when asked about shortening the schedule during
Pietrus0-21-21, Davis3-70-06, Gray2-31-45,
Calderon3-90-07, DeRozan3-9 2-28, Anderson510 0-012,Johnson6-80-012, Kleiza1-82-25, Ross
0-0 8, gyasova 4-7 8-817, Lamb0-1 0-00, Henson 0-00-00 Totals 40-8418-19108. Brooklyn 24 18 25 26 — 93 Milwaukee 22 33 23 30 — 108
SACRAMNT E O(91) Salmons6-104-419, Johnson2-9 0-04, Thompson 5-101-211,Brooks4-80-09, Thornton2-90-0 6, Hayes1-22-24, Thomas 4-112-212, Fredette2-8 3-47,Outlaw 2-50-0 4,Robinson3-7 0-26,Garcia 4-70-0 9,Honeycutt0-0 0-0 0.Totals 35-86 1216 91. PORTLAND (109) Batum 6 114-418, Aldridge11-216-728, Hickson 8-131-217, Lillard7-140 017, Claver0 40-0 0, Barton6-92-214, Price2-30-05, Leonard3-51-1 7, Babbitt 0-21-21, Pavlovic0-2 0 00,Freeland1-3 0-02, Smith0-00-20.Totals44-8715-20109. Sacramento 26 18 23 24 — 91 Portland 31 31 29 18 — 109 3-Point Goal— s Sacramento 9-24 (Salmons3-4, Thomas 2-5, Thornton2-6, Garcia1-3, Brooks1-3, Johnson 0-1,Fredette0-2), Portland6-21(l.illard 3-5, Batum2-5, Price1-2, Pavlovic0-1, Aldridge0-1,Barton 0-1,Leonard0-1, Babbitt 0-2, Claver0-3). Fouled Dut — None. Rebounds—Sacramento 40 (Hayes 9), Portland 63(Hickson14). Assists—Sacramento 28 (Thomas 6), Portland31 (Ligard 11). Total FoulsSacramento 18, Portland17. A—20,545(19,980).
ly sounding jolly.
Spurs100, Raptors 80
Blazers109, Kings91
will say, 'Oh, the arenas are booked,' and they'll give you many excuses. "But when you're paying as much as our fans are paying for tickets, to me ... you have to really search out how you can give them the best product, and playing four games in five nights is unfortunately almost ensuring that somebody is not going to be at their best." More than two weeks ago, Karl was already pondering a brutal holiday schedule that had the Nuggets playing the Clippers in Los Angeles on Christmas night, returning home to host the Lakers the next night, then completing a stretch of four games in five nights with a back-toback at Dallas and Memphis on Dec. 28 and 29. "Merry Christmas," he said, hard-
Johnson5-15 2 213, Wallace 2 84-48, Lopez 9-18 3-521, Watson 2-12 4-48, Bogans4-81-1 11, Brooks2-5 1-1 5, Blatche5-10 4-5 14,Stackhouse 1-5 0-0 2,Evans0-0 2-22, Taylor3-6 0-07, Shengelia 0-0 0-0 0,Teletovic1-1 0-0 2. Totals 34-88 21-24 93. MILWAUKEE (108) Daniel s2-50-05,MbahaMoute0-30-00,Sanders 6-110-012,Jennrngs9-15 4-425,Ellis 7-143-4 20, Dunleavy6-12 3-317, Udrih2-50 04, Udoh4 11
Portland Trail Blazers forward LaMarcus Aldridge, left, dunks in front of Sacramento Kings forward Francisco Garcia during the second half of Wednesday night's game in Portland. Aldridge led the Trail Blazers with 28 points as they beat the Kings 109-91.
Ma.Wigiams1-6 0-0 2, Migsap4-10 6-6 14, AJefferson8152 218, Tinsiey030 00, Foye310 0-0 8 Watson0-20-0 0, Favors 3-83-4 9, Hayward 3-10 1-4 9, Burks4-11 1-2 9, Kanter4-4 2-4 10, Evans 1-1 0-0 2, Carroll1-30-0 2. Totals 32-83 15-22 83. Golden State
Bucks108, Nets 93
with statistics galore about who's played most often, who's played best, who's wearing what uniform, and Continued from C1 lt was ratified two weeks later, anything else that can help build the abbreviated training camps opened buzz. Dec. 9, and teams had a little more It works. ESPN scored its highthan two weeks toprepare for the est-rated Christmas tripleheader for start of the season. Tuesday's games, and the KnicksAfter th e e x pected complaints Lakers matchup that opened ABC's about lack of preparation and pos- doubleheader generated a 5.9 oversibility of injury, the season opened night rating, highest ever for an ABC with hype that's rarely there for the game in that slot. usual start around Halloween. The Rivers thinks it could be even bigfirst game was in New York, where ger, proposing adding to the fun with the Knicks withstood a last shot by some kind of season-opening specKevin Garnett to hold off the Celtics. tacle, similar to the popular college "I thought that game — I thought tournaments. it was so anticipated, lot of fun. The Minnesota coach Rick Adelman buzz in Madison Square Garden was agreed the later start was fine, but amazing," Rivers said. "I really did, I like Rivers said there were too many thought it was absolutely wonderful, games crammed in afterward. The the timing with football almost over, league finished only about a week people ready for basketball." later than its regular schedule, forcWith football king, even the NBA ing teams to play on three straight seems to realize it should lie low in nights at least once to fit everything the fall. ABC doesn't begin its nation- in. al TV schedule until its Christmas Problem is, the return to the regudoubleheader, and the league and its lar schedule hasn'toffered much TV partners kick the hype machine relief. into gear leading into the holiday, Coaches are still bemoaning the
PHILADELPHIA (99) Wright 8-117-828, T.Young 6-101-213, L.Agen 2-6 2-4 6, Holiday5-16 2-2 13,Turner0-4 1-2 I, Hawes9-142-420, N.Young5-71-1 12,Ivey2-30-0 6. Totals37-7116-23 99. MEMPHIS(89) Pondexter3-10 4-4 13, Randolph 10-182-2 23, Gasol 9-150-018, Conley3-17 3-310, TAilen3-8 0-0 6, Egington1-60-0 2,Arthur3-6 2-28,Speights 2-4 3-6 7,Bayless1-60-02. Totals 35-90 14-17 89. Philadelphia 28 2 32 6 24 — 99 Memphis 29 18 23 19 — 89
Rockets87, Timberwolves 84 HOUSTON (87)
Parsons 5-120 012, Morris 3-92-38, Asik 4 612 9, Lin3-92-2 8, Harden11-226 630, Delfino4-13 0-011, Smith1-1 1-23, Douglas2-9 0-06. Totals 33-81 12-15 87.
MINNESOT A(84) Kirilenko2-6 4-68, Love3-141-1 7, Pekovic1-7 0-02, Ridnour3-101-2 8, Shved7-15 0-016, Rubio 2-54-48, Cunningham4-60-08,Barea7-142-218, Williams3-71-2 9. Totals 32-8413-17 84. 22 22 17 26 — 87 Houston Minnesota 17 30 17 20 — 84
Heat105, Bobcats 92 MIAMI (105) James9-197-827, Haslem0-40-00, Bosh 6-12 1-314, Chalmers5-103-417, Wade10-198-10 29, Battier 3-50-0 9,Anthony0-0 0-0 0, Miler 0-2 0-0 0, Cole 2-6 0-0 4,Jones2-4 0-0 5. Totals 37-81 19-25 105. CHARLO TTE(92) Kidd-Gilchrrst 2-6 2-2 6, Warrick 8-122-3 18, Biyombo3-8 1-3 7,Walker9-205-7 27,Henderson 5-19 4-514,Sessions7-124-619, Diop0-1 0-0 0, Taylor0-01-21. Totals 34-7819-28 92. Miami 27 28 23 27 — 105 Charlotte 18 20 33 21 — 92
Hornets97, Magic 94 NEWORLEANS (97)
Thomas0-2 00 0, A.Davis6 140-012, Lopez91011-1229,Vasquez12-21 2-227, Rrvers2-7 0-04, McGuire3-3 0-0 6, Anderson4-11 6-6 15, Roberts 1-50-0 2 Mason 0-10-00, Henry1-20-0 2.Totals 38-76 19-20 97.
Harkless1-5 0 02, Ayon2 40 04, Vucevic8-17 3-5 19, Nelson11-172-2 28, Afflalo 6-14 0-0 14, Redick2-106-612, McRoberts2-30-05, Moore4-9 0-010,Nicholson0-0 0-0 0.Totals 36-79 11-13 94. NewOrleans 26 2 3 29 19 — 97 Orlando 24 29 23 18 — 94
Cavaliers87, Wizards 84 CLEVELAND (87) Gee4-91-210, Thompson5-95-515, Zeger3-10 0-06, Irving8-237-1126, Waiters3-111-29, Gibson 3-41-310, Walton3-60-06, Miles1-6 0-0 3,Pargo 1-4 0-0 2. TotaIs 31-82 15-23 87. WASHINGTON (84) Webster5-70-012, Nene6-104-516, Dkafor8-14 1-217, Mack2-60-06, Beal0-52-22, Seraphin2-6 0-0 4, Vesely1-2 0-22, Martin 2-60-0 4, Crawford 7-15 3-317,Temple1-30-0 2, Singleton1-20-02. Totals 35-7610-14 84. Cleveland 22 23 23 19 — 87 Washington 28 17 25 16 — 84
a trip to New Orleans this season. And going into July would mean completely rearranging the summer schedule, starting with free agency and the Las Vegas summer league. Plus, the current schedule isn't actually any tougher than normal. The average number of games on backto-back nights (19.2), and maximum
number for any club (22), are at or below their totals in each of the past four full seasons, as are the figures relating to four games in five nights. But with fewer games last season, marquee matchups seemed tocome
more frequently, leading to higher TV ratings and nearly unchanged attendance. If the league could figure out how to spread the games out better, the shorter season could be a long-term improvement. "It was too many games that we played after that in t hat stretch," Rivers said, "so if there was some way we could figure it out, start off Christmas Day having a t o urnament or something like the college preseason tournament and start it there, I don't know. But it would be awesome."
Continued from C1 It will be a bittersweet ending for York, who says that while this season has not gone according to plan, with injuries sidelining him for a brief time, being part of a nine-win team after Oregon State went a disappointing 3-9 in 2011 makes this season special. "Every season is a new season," says York, who as Redmond High senior in 2007 was named defensiveplayer of the year in the Class 6A Central Valley Conference. "We treat every week like a new season. The goal's to win every game, I guess, but the goal is also to make a bowl, and we did, and it's a good bowl against a good team. Of course that's special." York entered the OSU program as a walk-on, the "worst possible situation," according to Craig Ruecker, who was York's coach at Redmond High. For York not only to earn a spot on the Oregon State roster but to contribute to a Pac12 team for five years says a great deal about York's character and desire. "When you know Clayton, you know that he's going to followthrough and stick to it and do what it takes," says Ruecker, now the head football coach at Tigard High School. "To his credit, he proved himself. He was their (the Beavers') fullback for a year or two. While they don't use a fullback a whole bunch, when they did need one, he was in the ballgame. He got enough of the taste of it that kept his desire to keep working." Running backs coach Chris Brasfield, in his second season at OSU, calls York a hard-working, caring athlete who will do whatever is asked of him to help the team win. "He's proud of being a part of this
OSU coachenjoying homecoming By Cliff Kirkpatrick Corvaltis Gazette-Times
Much has been made of Storm Woods' homecoming in Saturday's Alamo Bowl. Oregon State's redshirt freshm an r u n ning b a c k i s fr o m Pflugerville, Texas, just up the road from San Antonio, and is thrilled to play near his home. However, his position coach is going back to his hometown for an unofficial family reunion. Chris Brasfield is a native of San Antonio, and coaching in the Alamodome against Texas will already be one of his career
"It's nice to go back home, be where you come from and see all your family and friends — no question," Brasfield said. "I get to see my family down there since it's Christmas time. It will be a great deal for my kids." Both sides of his family have extensive roots in San Antonio. The Beavers playing there makes it the perfect opportunity for a get-together. "He's just excited going to a bowl game," Woods said. "We'll be able to meet his family and see where he came from. We'll meet his dad. That's really big for him. He's really close with his dad." Adding to the festivities, his
Ducks Continued from C1 The Ducks were undone by a couple of missed opportunities on offense, failing to score on four straight plays near the goal line in the third quarter, and allowing a safety in the first half. And there were some controversial moments on defense, including a possible interception by Cliff Harris that was ruled incomplete, and a run by Auburn's Michael Dyer to set up the winning field goal on which Dyer might have been down but the play was allowed to continue. "That stuck the knife in us a little bit deeper, and twisted it," Clay said. "We played our hearts out." Huff, the junior receiver who was a freshman kickreturner for the 2010 season, intends to set things right in Glendale, the Phoenix suburb where the stadium is located. "It gives us a chance to finally put that behind us and go on
daughter's birthday is Saturday. The family hopes to plan out her celebration, the game and then a nother celebration a f ter t h e win. "I won't get to do everything with the family, but I'll get my time in," Brasfield said. "This is a big week for us. My wife and children, they don't get to see my family much, which is nearly all in Texas." Brasfield has never been to the Alamo Bowl, now in its 20th year, and rarely sees the game because he's usually working with a team
getting ready for a bowl game. "That's too bad because it's always good teams, good games and good competition," Brasfield said. "Nothing is any different this year." B rasfield played football a t TCU for two seasons and then two at UTEP. He's a Texas guy, and started out coaching in the Fort Worth area. Playing Texas, the state's premier program, is exciting for him. Beating the Longhorns would be even better. "It's a big deal," Brasfield said. "That's a good team with a lot of tradition and history. They take a lot of pride in how they do things. We are going to get their best and they play well. They play well in
to the next step," Huff said. O regon got t o t h e B C S C hampionship thanks t o a Heisman Trophy candidate of its own, sophomore running back LaMichael James, and breakout s ta r q u a r terback Darron Thomas, who recovered from a slow start against the Tigers to throw for 363 yards, with a game-tying TD pass and two-point conversion with 2:33 left. But Newton drove the Tigers to the winning field goal, thanks in no small part to the Dyer run on which he may or may not have touched his wrist to theturf.Oregon defenders
stopped pursuing the play, Dyer got up and finished off a 37-yard gain, and the Ducks' fatewas sealed, despite a game in which they pulled out all the stops with several daring special teams decisions, including a fake PAT for two points, and a converted fake punt. "There's always a little bit of sting, to come so close, and think about the way that game
haps the most inspiring races of the year — M o F a rah's Continued from C1 sweep of the 5,000 and 10,000 GENDER OF THE YEARmeters — among a bevy of Men are always tough to beat gold medals for the host counin this category, given their try. The British also claimed c enturies-long h ea d s t a r t . the Tour de France (Bradley That said, the award goes to Wiggins) and U.S. Open ten... women! From Missy Frank- nis championship (long-suflin and Gabby Douglas light- fering Andy Murray), while ing up the Summer Olympics contributing to Europe's histo Serena Williams proving toric Ryder Cup rally. she's still a tour de force with HOTTEST SPORT — For its a tennis racket. And let's not glowing presentation of the forget the small but monu- Daytona 500, the award goes mental step of every country to ... NASCAR. It helps to be a allowing women to compete sport that relies on flammable at the London Games, which liquids, but no one expected may turn out to be the biggest the biggest race of the year to victory of all. turn into Devil's Night. Juan BIGGEST FREEFALL — It's Pablo Montoya's car spun out hard to deny Felix Baumgart- during a caution period, colner, who leaped from a bal- liding with a jet fuel-powered loon at th e outer edges of dryer and igniting a towering s pace with n o t hing bu t a inferno. Fortunately, no one parachute on his back, so with was seriously hurt, and peoapologies the award goes to ple who never paid a lick of ... Bobby Petrino. The former attention to the good ol' boys Arkansas coach/Evel Knievel suddenly tuned it to see what wannabe wrecked his motor- all the flames ... uh, fuss, was cycle while on a ride with his about. mistress, lied about what hapBEST RANT —If he wasn't a pened, and lost his job when football coach, he might be a the truth emerged. Of course, comedian. His garbled vocabwe knew some school would ulary already has inspired its give Petrino another chance, own Web site. For that reason, but it's quite a plunge from the the award goes to ... Les Miles, Southeastern Conference to the LSU football coach who Western Kentucky. was really on his game after a MOST IMPROBABLE COME- win over Ole Miss. In a steadiBACK —The English Premier ly rising voice, he defended League put on a thrilling pen- his players and urged anyone nant race, the kind we used to who ran into one of them "to have in baseball before they throw your arms around them started letting everyone into and give them a big kiss on the playoffs. The award goes the mouth." Then with a smile, to ... Manchester City, for scor- he quickly added, "If you're ing two goals in extra time on a girl." Then, still smiling, he the final day of the season to giddily proclaimed, "Wow, capture its first premiership what a game!" Wow, indeed. in 44 years. The fact that Man DUMBEST RULE — W h o City edged crosstown rival knew an NFL coach couldn't Manchester United on goal challenge a call that was ald ifferential only m ad e t h e ready subject to review, and title that much sweeter for the if he did, not only would his Blues. team receive a 15-yard penCOUNTRY OF THE YEAR alty but the call would no lon— Carrying on with the royal ger be checked for accuracy? theme, the award goes to ... Truly ridiculous. But not riBritain, for putting on a stellar diculous enough. The award Olympics that included per- goes to ... baseball's "outfield"
the postseason and it's not going to be different this year." Brasfield is busy preparing his running back to face a defense that has struggled to stop the run. The Longhorns have a llowed 199.6 yards a game this season. Woods has been steady this season. He gained 101.2 all-purpose yards a game — 74.7 rushing and 26.5 receiving — in the regular season and scored 11 touchdowns. Terron Ward has developed into a steady back, averaging 32.5 yards a game and 6.3 a carry. Malcolm Agnew averages 22.4 yards a game. They have combined for six TDs. All three are in their second season at OSU. Brasfield, too, is a second-year coach with the Beavers. He's a young coach who's getting the most of his young players. They are growing and learn-
ing together. "Just because we are young, he still has an expectation of us being veterans," Woods said. "It's a learning process. He's hard on us, but not too hard. He brings the best out of us. We do a lot of film sessions with him. He does a lot of extra work with us, because we are young, to make sure we get there."
went," UO defensive coordinator Nick Aliotti said. But primarily, "I remember walking out on the field, with the noise, the pageantry, the scenery, and saying to myself, 'This is really cooL This is what it's all about. You're in the big one.' "The same thing will happen for this one, because it's a
yards in the title game, and was stopped at the goal line on fourth down in the third quarter. "I don't think about it too much," concurred junior defensive lineman Taylor Hart, a freshman reservethat season. "Obviously it was a great experience to go there, and now we just want to get this done." big game." Like Aliotti, Clay recalled The Ducks should have ex- the electric atmosphere in the perienced several moments stadium, and predicted anof familiarity Wednesday, be- other this time, even if Oregon ginning when they checked fans figure to be outnumbered into their Scottsdale hotel, the again by the opposition. "Our fans will travel," said same one that hosted them two years ago. Asked about Clay, a sophomore in the BCS his BCS Championship mem- title game who h elped the ories, B arner i m m ediately Ducks rebound with a Rose mentioned good times with Bowl win last season. " They're going t o make teammates at the hotel; he had to be prompted for comment on the game itself. "That was two years ago; if you're still holding on to that, something's wrong with you," said Barner, who has flourished as Oregon's starter this season but ran for just 32
downs (one on a blocked punt) — but he says "stats are stats." Every team has roles to fill, unsung jobs whose rewards are notmeasured on a statsheet. It is that approach that the Beavers take each week, Brasfield says: players knowing their assignments, studying their opponents, and simply playing as hard as they can. Whether a player is a scholarship athlete or a walk-on, Brasfield says the collective execution as a team does not change. "These guys come in, and they're a part of the team," Brasfield says. "That stuff ( s cholarship v e rsus w a l k-on) doesn'tmatter as much. These guys just come in, and if you can play, you're going to play and help us win. We expect that no matter what. (York) has handled that very well." One last time, York will don the orange and black, ready to end his collegiate career a winner. He says his goal Saturday against Texas is to play well, obviously, but that a win in the Alamo Bowl is the ultimate desire. "Everybody wants to be remembered as a good athlete, as a hard worker and as a talented player," York says. "Besides that, I just want to be remembered as a man of character, a man of integrity and someone with a work ethic. That's how I can be a leader." — Reporter: 541-383-0307;
some noise, too, so hopefully we bring another'W' back to Eugene." Clay alsoremembered the w ay the Oregon defense, led by l i nebacker Casey M a tthews and safety John Boyett, limited Newton to 64 rushing yards, well under his season average. Defensive end Kenny
Clay said the Ducks, creatures of repetition, could benefit from a s i m ilar r outine from two years ago. If there's one thing they hope is not the same, it's the field conditions; Huff had issues with footing on kickoff returns, for one. "One thing that I do hope is different is that there's not as Rowe also had a big game, get- much paint on the field," safeting victimized on two passing ty Brian Jackson said. "Everytouchdowns when help from body was slipping." a defensive back didn't mateOverall, if there was any rialize, but also making four sense two years ago that Oretackles for loss. gon was just happy to be at the "I had n ever seen C am University of Phoenix StadiNewton get up so slow, from um, the Ducks say they're not the way we were hitting him," content with simply making Clay said. "It was a great ex- another return trip this week. "We're ready," Clay said. perience, being a sophomore, playing in a national champi- "We're down there for busionship. But now we're ready." ness, and to win a game."
fly rule. In a one-game playoff, the Braves hit a fly ball to left that dropped between the shortstop and an outfielder. The umpires called an automatic out, invoking the infield fly rule — even though the ball landed more than 200 feet from home plate. A potential Braves' rally was cut short, Atlanta fans turned Turner Field into a garbage dump, and the Cardinals won the game. Even dumber, baseball has yet to amend the rule to avoid a similar debacle. MOST CALLOUS FRANCHISE — We're long past believingthat professional teams really care about the fans, but one franchise took its cavalier approach to new lows. The award goes to ... the Miami Marlins, who persuaded their city to foot most of the bill for a new stadium, signed a bunch of high-priced players, then promptly traded most of them away after one disappointing season. So far, there's been no offer to settle up with the taxpayers, who were under the mistaken impression the Marlins would actually try to field a competitive team for more than a year. PERSON OF THE Y EAR — Saving the best for last, the award goes to ... Chuck Pagano, coach of the Indianapolis Colts. Stricken with leukemia early in his first season as the
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head guy, he stepped away
for three months to undergo t reatment. Inspired b y h i s struggle, a team that went 2-14 a year ago has won 10 games, clinched a playoff berth and made shaved heads a fashion statement. Pagano returned to work the day before Christmas, just in time for the postseason. He's already a champion, showing us what's truly important in life. And, no, it's not sports. — Paul Neu berry is a national writer for The Associated Press. Write to him at pnewberry@ and www.twitter. comlpnewberry1963
team, and whatever we ask him to do, he takes it seriously," Brasfield says. "He tries to be that example. He's not a loud, boisterous kind of guy. He just does what he's supposed to do and leads by example,justbe accountable ofeveryone." York's OSU career statistics are modest atbest— one carry for one yard, six catches for 77 yards, a total of two touch-
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O To look up individualstocks, goto bendbulletin.coin/bueinss. Alsoseearecap in Sunday's Businesssection.
Change: -6.83 (-0.5%)
1,320 S
Stocksaecap NYSE NASD
DOW DOW Trans. DOW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S& P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000
........ Close: 13,114.59
Change: 24.49 (-0.2%) 1 0 DAY S
HIGH LOW C LOSE 13174.88 13076.87 13114.59 5336.66 5287.46 5287.73 457.23 451.72 452.02 8443.32 8383.66 8395.49 3018.65 2983.35 2990.16 1429.42 1416.43 1419.83 1021.84 1011.77 1011.93 15015.45 14883.50 14906.13 845.98 838.31 838.89
C H G. -24.49 -32.02 -3.93 -25.06 -22.44 -6.83 -8.42 -83.58 -5.85
-0.19% -0.60% -0.86% -0.30% -0.74% -0.48% -0.83% -0.56% -0.69%
YTD +7.34% +5.34% -2.72% +1 2.28% +14.78% +12.90% +15.10% +13.01% +1 3.22%
ALK 31.29 ~ A VA 22.78 ~ BAC 5 . 2 7 — BBSI 15,68 — B A 6 6 .82 ~ C ACB 4.12 ~ CASC 42.86 —
soL PI
for unemployment benefits was trending lower before spiking two weeks ago. The tally rose 5 percent to a seasonally adjusted 361,000 for the week ending Dec. 14, a level consistent with modest gains in hiring. Economists expect that jobless claims figures out today will show they declined slightly last week.
$24.24 ~
edn e sday's close: $53.13
Total return this year: 18% Nov. 16 2 3
Dec. 14 21
3- YR*: 33%
Source: Factset
Morningstar says this gold medal-rated fund remains in good hands despite the retirement of a Most Active co-manager. The four remaining VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG co-managers average nearly 15 1427243 11.54 + . 29 years of experience at the fund. A.Vei a J. Sohn AP
12.79 $-.39
141.75 -.60 American FundsNewEconA m ANEFX 11.83 +1.22 26.51 —.42 VALUE BL EN D GR OWTH 4.05 + . 05 1.41 + . 10 26.86 —.20 7.40 —.85 16.37 -.01
Gainers NAME FtSecG rsh
CstlCon grs E-TrcSilv
DeqoNE rs SuperMda CSVS2xVxrs RschMotn PrUVxST rs
Crexendo ChiMobG n
LAST 2.08 7.49 49.85 8.1 5 3.67 10.98 11.83 25.07 3.03 3.97
CHG %CHG $..45
$ . 2 7.9
+1.49 +8.06
+ 2 4.8 + 1 9.3
+ 1.25
$ 1 8.1
$ . 1 3.3
+ 1.15 +1.22 $ 2.51 +.30
NAME LAST JPM2x1 OyT 19.91
v jAmpal rs 2 . 2 8 M edifast U nivBus h MarvellT
25. 5 0 5 .00 7.40
CHG %CHG -8.09 -28.9 —.38 -14.3 -3.86 -13.1 -.75 -13.0 -.85 -10.3
Foreign Markets
cC 00
«C 440
$ 1 1 .7 Morningstar OwnershipZone™ + 1 1 .5 $1 1 . 1 Q o Fund target represents weighted + 1 1 .0 average of stock holdings + 1 0.3 • Represents 75% of fund's stock holdings
Large Growth ** * y y yy $5,919 million 0.85% Harold La 2006-02-01 +3.7
YTD +22.8 LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +22.1 -8.79 -.24 3,652.61 3-YR ANNL $9.3 London 595.41 5-YR-ANNL +1.9 Frankfurt -35.87 —.47 7,636.23 Hong Kong 22,541.18 $-34.89 $ - .16 TOP 5HOLDINGS Mexico -37.86 -.09 Apple Inc 43,495.59 Milan Gilead Sciences Inc Tokyo +150.24 +1.49 10,230.36 Stockholm 1,107.93 -.14 -.01 Galaxy Entertainment Sydney 4,645.61 + 10.39 + . 2 2 Hologic lnc Zurich 6,889.54 -23.25 —.34 Crown Castle lot Corp
NAME Paris
PE: . Yield:.
Rite Aid RAD Close: $1.41 %0.1 0 or 7.6% The drugstore chain's stock continued to rise after the company said last week that it filled more prescriptions in its third quarter. $2.0 1.5 0.5-
0 N 52-week range
$0.95 ~
10 -YR *: 18%
Divi d end: $0.84 D iv . yield: 1.6%
SOURCES: Morningstar; FactSet
PCT 2.55 2.3 2.25 Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption 1.97 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing fee and either asales or 1.95 redemPtiOn fee. SaurCe:MOrningStab
Vol.:31.6m (3.9x avg.)
P E: . . .
Mkt. Cap:$1.27 b
Yield: ...
Netflix NFLX Close: $90.65 %0.42 or 0.5% The TV and film streaming company said that its service is working again after some customers experienced a Christmas Eve outage. $100
6oI 0 N 52-week range
$622 ~
52-week range $47 96
Vol.:70.7m (1.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$6.2 b
D $52.94 ~
P E: 2 . 1 Vol.:2.2m (0.4x avg.) P Yield: ... Mkt. Cap: $5.04 b
E :114.8 Yield: ...
ready to launch a voice search func-
Close:$2.31 %0.1 1 or 5.0% The biopharmaceutical company said in a government filing that its chief executive officer bought 40 million MannKind shares. $3.0
BIDU Close:$101.45%4.68 or 4.8% Chinese news outlets reported that the Chinese search engine is getting
tion for cellphones. $120
0 N 52-week range $95.96~
0 N 52-week range
$154.15 $1.57~ E :102.5 Vol.:6.4m (2.4x avg.) Yield: ... Mkt. Cap: $567.74 m
$3.49 P E: .. . Yie l d: ...
3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill 52-wk T-bill
. 0 8 .05 + 0 .03 L w . 1 3 .11 + 0 .02 + V .14 .14
2 -year T-note . 2 7 .27 5-year T-note . 7 6 .77 10-year T-note 1.75 1.77 30-year T-bond 2.92 2.94
Oil prices rose after a report showed a gain in home prices, boosting the outlook for economic growth and energy usage. Gold and copper also rose. Wheat, corn and soybeans dropped.
Foreign Exchange The dollar hit a two-year high against the yen, as a new government prepares to take over in Japan. It fell against the
euro and Swiss franc. It inched higher against the British
h5Q QG
w -
.01 .03 .29
-0.01 T 4 -0.02 W A
4 .98 A 2.02
- 0.02 w a
a 3.0 5
Barclays Loog T-Bdldx 2.52 2.53 -0.01 w L Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.10 4.10 . . . W L Barclays USAggregate 1.77 1.75 +0.02 w L PRIME FED B arclays US High Yield 6.12 6.13 -0.01 > w RATE FUNDS Moodys AAACorp Idx 3.68 3.73 -0.05 V L YEST 3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.01 1.01 ... V L 6 MO AGO3.25 .13 B arclays US Corp 2 .73 2.71 +0.02 V L 1 YRAGO3.25 .13
consumer loans.
P E: 23 .2 Yield : ...
PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 American Funds BalA m 29.35 -.95 +13.9 +13.6 +9.9 $ 36 A A A BondA m 1 2.95 +.91 +5.9 +6.6 +6.6 + 42 D C E CaplocBuA m 52.65 -.95 +11.6 +11.9 +7.6 + 10 B B C CpWldGrlA m 37.93 +18.6 +18.5 +5.6 - 09 8 D C EurPacGrA x 49 .94-.53 +18.4 +18.2 +3.8 - 1.6 8 C A FnlnvA m 4 9.5 5 -.16 +16.5 +15.9 +8.9 + 07 A C C GrthAmA m 34. 1 2 -.17 +19.7 +19.2 +8.3 + 07 A C C IncAmerA m 18 .92-.92 +11.7 +11.8 +9.6 + 30 8 A B InvCoAmA m 39.93 -.11 +15.1 +14.8 +7.5 + 05 B D C NewPerspA x 31.96 -.36 +20.0 +19.7 +7.6 + 1.1 A 8 A WAMutlnvA m 31.13 -.12 +12.2 +11.8 +10.5 + 12 D A B Dodge & Cox Inc o me 13.84 . . . + 7. 8 +8. 6 + 6 .6 +7.2 8 C 8 IotlStk 34.40 +.BB + 20.2 +20.4 +4.7 -2.1 A 8 A Stock 121 43 -.24 +215 + 2 08 + 9 4 - 0 7 A B D Fidelity Contra 76.87 -.63 + 15.2 +14.8 +10.3 +1.5 8 A 8 GrowCo 92.39 -.81 + 17.3 +16.7 +12.1 +3.0 A A A LowPriStk d 39 . 15 -.19+ 17.4 +17.0 +12.0 +4.5 A A A FrankTemp-Fraokli n lncome A m 2.24 ... +13.7 +14.2 +9.7 +4.4 A A B RisDivA m 17.3 5 - .11 + 12.1 +11.4 +8.8 +0.8 E C B Oppeoheimer RisDivB m 15.7 0 - .99 + 11.1 +10.4 +7.9 -0.1 E D D RisDivC m 15.6 3 - .99 + 11.3 +10.6 +8.0 0 .0 E D C SmMidValA m 32.19 -.17 +8.7 +7.8 +6.1 -3.0 E E E SmMidValB m 27.19 -.14 +7.9 +6.9 +5.3 -3.7 E E E PIMCO TotRetA m 11.3 5 +.91 + 9 .9 + 10.8 +7.2 +8.1 A B A T Rowe Price Eq t ylnc 26.38 -.08 + 16.9 +16.1 +9.8 +1.2 A B B GrowStk 37.39 - . 36 + 17.7 +16.9 +10.7 +2.2 A A B HealthSci 41.1 1 - . 36 +31.6 +32.1 +19.0 +9.4 A A A Vanguard 500Adml 139.75 -.63 +15.4 +14.8 +10.3 +1.2 8 A 8 500lnv 139.75 -.63 +15.3 +14.6 +10.2 +1.1 8 A B CapOp 33.47 -.16 +17.8 +17.2 +6.8 +1.7 A E B Eqloc 24.13 -.BB +13.4 +12.9 +12.6 +2.7 C A A GNMAAdml 11.90 $2.4 $-2.9 +5.7 +6.2 C A A MulntAdml 14.37 +5.6 $-6J +5.8 +5.6 8 8 8 STGradeAd 19.87 +.91 $-4.5 +4.8 +4.0 +4.2 8 8 8 StratgcEq 21.56 -.18 +17.6 +16.4 +12.4 +1.7 8 A C Tgtet2025 13.84 -.93 +12.8 +12.6 +8.3 +2.0 C 8 B TotBdAdml 11.99 +.91 +4.1 +4.8 +6.1 +6.2 E D C Totlntl 14.87 +.92 +17.3 +17.0 $-3.7 -3.2 D C B TotStlAdm 35.44 -.19 +15.7 +15.0 +10.7 +1.8 8 A A TotStldx 35.43 -.19 +15.6 +14.9 +10.6 +1.6 8 A A USGro x 21.96 -.30 +17.3 $16.7 +9.0 +1.4 A C B Welltn 34.54 -.94 +12.5 +12.6 +8.9 +4.1 8 A A WelltnAdm 59.67 -.97 +12.6 $12.7 +9.0 +4.2 8 A A FAMILY
Close:$11.83 %1.21 or 11.5% Shares of the BlackBerry maker rose after a selloff. Shares began falling after it released its third-quarter results last week. $15
MarketSummary NAME BkofAm FordM 1371573 S&P500ETF 876763 RschMotn 700463 Facebook n 324367 NokiaCp 313706 RiteAid 309901 Microsoft 307344 MarvellT 301708 SPDR Fncl 292290
5 -Y R*: 21%
Total returns through Dec. 24
Vol.:5.5m (1.7x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $9.99 b
$43 ~
Price-earnings ratio (Based on past 12 months' results):30
0 N 52-week range
Research ln Motion
w +19. 3 +2 0 .1 6 898 11 0 . 7 8 V + 1 8.9 +20.6 351 13 0.32 w +24. 6 +27 .0 14106 11 0. 8 8 V +41 . 6 + 3 5. 6 39 13 0 2. 0 a +50. 2 +5 9 .7 2 813 48 0 .68f
$13.70 ~
50 45'
using its coffee cups to jump generally steer clear of into the political fray in Washington. p olitics to avoid alienating The world's biggest coffee customers, the plea to "Come chain is asking employees at cafes Together" is a sentiment unlikely to in the Washington, D.C. area to cau s e controversy. If anything, write the words "Come Together" S t a r bucks could score points with The yield on the on customers' cups on Thursday c u s tomers and burnish its image as 10-year Treasury note and Friday. CEO Howard Schultz a s o cially conscious company. slipped to 1.75 says the words are intended as a To h e lp avoid confusion about percent m essage to lawmakers about the t h e0Come Together" message Wednesday. damage being caused by the Schul t z said Starbucks will use Yields affect indivisive negotiations over the social media to explain the effort. terest rates on
KORS Close:$50.03 V-3.54 or -6.6% Shares of several retailers, including Michael Kors, fell after data from MasterCard found that holiday sales rose less than expected. $60 55'
+1 6 .2 5 7 2 11 - 2.4 19 8 1 6 1 . 16 +101.6 142724 30 0 .04 +93 3 25 34 0 5 2 f +5.1 26 9 3 1 4 1 . 94f +2 7 .4 6 dd +4 1 .3 1 3 9 1 4 1. 4 0 +1 5 .4 1 5 0 1 8 0. 8 8 +2 7 .0 1439 24 1 .10a +4.9 12 48 -14.0 1 120 15 0 . 2 8 -43.9 14992 dd 0.53 +1 4 .7 6 60 0 2 . 4a - 11.8 22291 9 0 . 9 0 + 10. 8 5 1 74 1 0 0. 2 0 +9.6 26 9 7 2 2 0. 6 0f -366 4 7 6 14 + 133,5 1022 d d + 3 . 6 4 8 3 3 3 0 .69f +25 . 0 57 1 14 +7.1 3 0734 15 0 . 9 2 +7.1 40 1 6 2 2 0 . 84f +7 4 189 4 1 6 1 0 8 -4.2 7 0 19 1 . 82f +108.6 1078 2 0.0 8 +21 .8 1 2 90 14 0. 80a -28.5 73 d(I +25 .3 3 9 5 3 9 1. 6 8 +1 4 .4 2 3 9 2 1 0. 1 2 - 11.5 2017 8 0. 7 0 - 29.6 12 7 3 1 0 . 7 5 +72 . 0 58 3 2 8 1. 5 6 +2. 0 14 1 12 0. 9 3f +19 .7 3 0 28 3 0 0 . 84f -3.6 1034 d d - 2.1 54 6 1 4 0 . 36
A lot can happen over a cup Qpmpany "fiscal cliff." of coffee. And Starbucks is $pptllght Although companies
Vol.:14.3m (3.8x avg.) P E: . . . Vol.:1.8m (9.5x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$2.96 b Yiel d : 4 .4% Mkt. Cap:$395.91 m
DividendFootnotes:a - Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b -Annual rate plus stock. 0 -Liquidating dividend. e -Amount declared or paid in last12 months f - Current Vol.:5.0m (1.0x avg.) P annual rate, which was mcreased bymost recent divuend announcement. i - Sum of divuends paid after stock split, no regular rate. I - Sum of dmdends paid th>syear. Most recent Mkt. Cap:$35.46 b dmtiend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or paid th>syear, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased bymost recent dividend announcement. p - Initial dmdend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r - Declared or paid in preceding i2 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximate cash SOURCE: Sungard value on ex-distnbution darePE Footnotes:q - Stock is 0 ciosec-end fund - no PiE rat>oshown. cc - P/E exceeds 99. dd - Loss in last i2 months.
Initial jobless claims In thousands, seasonally adjusted
x $I 5. 8 V -7.2 x + 107 . 6 4 +90 5 4 +3.6 4 +30. 4 4 + 36. 3 V + 12. 5 w +18. 4 T +3.7 4 -12.0 V -45.2 L + 15. 1 V -14.8 w +9.9 4 +7.8 X -330 i +130, 5 w -1.4 i + 23.9 w + 3.5 4 + 6.5 w + 34 V -8.6 +107 .3 4 +19.5 4 -28.3 4 +21.1 4 $.13 . 6 4 -14.8 X -27.8 i + 70.9 x -0.1 4 + 15.5 w -2.3 V -4.4
0 N 52-week range
Michael Kors
4 5.15 4 3.4 8 -.67 -1.5 w A 28.05 2 3. 8 9 -.29 -1.2 V L 0 11.52 11 .54 + . 29 +2.6 x x 0 39 49 38 ,93 +, 9 7 +0 2 V 4 77.83 76.9 2 +. 9 5 +0 .1 w 4 CascadeBaocorp 6.30 5.71 -.20 - 3.4 V A 0 65.45 64 .28 + . 9 9 +0.1 ~ v CascadeCp October'snew home sales $yColumbia Sporlswear COLM43.26 58.47 52 .39 -.43 - 0.8 V V Economists project that U.S. sales Costco Wholesale COST 78.81 ~ 105.9 7 98. 6 8 -.76 -0.8 w v of new homes surged last month to Craft Brew Alliance BR EW 5.62 ~ 89 .2 6 .24 ... ... V V the highest annual rate in two years. FLIR Systems FLIR 1 7.99 ~ 27.06 22.9 7 +.2 2 +1 .0 4 4 Modest job gains, a gradually Hewlett Packard HPQ 1 1.35 ~ 30.00 14.1 2 +. 1 1 +0 .8 V A improving economy, rising home Home Federal Bncp ID HOME 8.67 — o 12.00 11 .97 -.93 -0.3 w L values and mortgage rates near Intel Corp INTC 19.23 ~ 29.27 29. 6 5 +. 9 1 ... V L record-low levels have motivated Keycorp KEY 6. 8 0 ~ 9 .12 8 .45 +.91 +0 .1 4 4 more people to buy homes this year. Kroger Co KR 2 0 .98 — o 27.11 26 .10 -.24 -0.9 V 4 Sales in October were up 17 perLattice Semi LSCC 31 7 ~ 7 12 3 98 +15 +3 9 X X L PX 7 , 66 — 0 19,08 18 .69 -.31 -1,6 V i cent from a year earlier. Look for the LA Pacific MDU 19.59 ~ 23.21 2 1.1 6 -.26 -1.2 w x Commerce Department's report on MDU Resources MENT 12.85 — o 17.37 16 .89 -.11 -0.7 V i November new-home salestoday. Mentor Graphics Microsoft Corp M SFT 25.76 ~ 32.95 2 6.8 6 -.20 -0.7 w v Nike Inc B NKE 42.55 ~ 5 7.41 5 1.3 3 -1.47 -2.8 V 4 Nordstrom Ioc J WN 46 27 ~ 58 44 5 149 -1 92 -1 9 w v Nwst Nat Gas NWN 41.01 ~ 50.80 4 3. 7 9 -.60 -1.4 V A OfficeMex Ioc O MX 4 1 0 ~ 10 62 9 41 -.27 -2.8 w v 4 PaccarIoc PCAR 35.21 ~ 48.22 4 4. 7 7 +.10 +0.2 V 4 Planar Systms P LNR 112 ~ 2 60 1 37 -.91 -0.7 w 4 Plum Creek PCL 35,43 — o 44,99 44 ,29 -.25 -0.6 4 4 Prec Castparts PCP 150.53 — 0 18 9 .45187.21 85 -0.5 w 4 Safeway Inc SWY 14.73 $r — 23. 16 17 . 92 10 -0.6 T A Schoitzer Steel SCHN 22.78 ~ 47.45 39.5 1 +.2 9 +1 .0 X X Sherwin Wms SHW 89.09 — o 15 9 .80152.69 -.97 . . . i V Staocorp Focl S FG 28.74 ~ 41.99 3 6.7 0 -.18 -0.5 w x SterbucksCp SBUX 43.04 ~ 62.00 5 3. 1 3 -.56 -1.0 V 4 Triquint Semi TQNT 4.30 ~ 7.26 4.76 -.92 -0.4 L L Umppoa Holdings UM P Q 11.17 ~ 1 3.88 1 1. 8 4 -.95 -0.4 V A US Beocorp USB 26.84 ~ 35.46 3 2. 2 6 -.95 -0.2 w v Washington Fedl WAFD 13.79 ~ 1 8.4 2 16.63 +.20 +1.2 V L WellsFargo& Co WF C 2 7.08 ~ 36.6 0 34.33 -.99 -0.3 w L Dip in jobless claims? — o 23.00 22 .99 ... . .. V A The number of Americans applying West CoastBcpOR WCBO 15.33 — o Weyerheeuser WY 1 8.10 28.82 28 .94 -.35 -1.2 v a
Close:$25.50 V-3.86 or -13.1% The weight-loss company said that its acting chief financial officer is resigning, the second CFO to resign in less than two months. $35 30
0 N 52-week range
Alaska Air Group Avista Corp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co
Close:$27.41 %1.35 or 5.2% Shares of the nutritional supplements company rose after it said that it will hold an analyst day to discuss its business model. $60
EURO 1.3220
2 '37
Herbalife J
Stocks fell Wednesday for the third trading day in a row. Disappointing holiday sales weighed heavy on retail companies, and the unwelcome "fiscal cliff" combination of higher taxes and lower government spending loomed nearer. Major retailers including, Abercrombie & Fitch, Sears Holdings, Limited Brands, Nike and Gap were all down. Handbag maker Coach, a bellwether of the luxury market, fell sharply. Even so, the Dow Jones industrial average, S&P 500 index and the Nasdaq composite were each down less than 1 percent. Still, plodding retail sales are a concern because roughly 70 percent of the economy depends on consumer spending.
50 J
Vol. (in mil.) 2,246 1,046 Pvs. Volume 1 ,225 6 0 9 Advanced 1 061 8 7 9 Declined 1969 1564 New Highs 68 35 New Lows 18 19
12,900 .
13,200 .:.
. . .
13,500 .:
1,360 .
+1 . 20
Consumer confidence index est.
13 24Q .I.
1 0 DAY S
$1 559 80 ~
Dow Jones industrials
Close: 1,419.83
1,440 .
10 YR T NOTE 1.75%
S8$P 500
The Conference Board reveals today its latest index on consumers' confidencein the U.S. economy. Consumers spent and earned more in November. Still, economists anticipate that the confidence reading for this month will be 71, down slightly from 73.7 last month. A reading of 90 or better reflects a healthy economy.
- 6.83
L W L w L L w
2.60 4.89 2.31 8.4 7 3.88 1.01 3.8 2
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Oil (bbl) 90.98 88.61 +2.67 -7.9 Ethanol (gal) 2.21 2.23 + 0.04 + 0 . 3 Heating Oil (gal) 3.05 3.00 + 1.64 + 4 . 0 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.39 3.35 $-1.37 $-1 3.5 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.82 2.75 + 2.37 + 4 . 8 FUELS
Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz) AGRICULTURE
CLOSE PVS. 1659.80 1658.60 29.98 29.84 1534.90 1534.90 3.58 3.53 691.40 683.55
%CH. %YTD + 0.07 + 6 . 0 + 0.48 + 7 . 6 +9.7 + 1.39 + 4 . 4 $-%15
$ - 5 .5
CLOSE 1.29 1.48 6.93
PVS. %CH. %YTD Cattle (Ib) 1.29 + 0.14 + 5 . 3 Coffee (Ib) 1.47 +0.88 -34.6 7.04 - 1.56 + 7 . 2 Coro (bu) Cotton (Ib) 0.77 0.76 +0.86 -16.1 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 390.50 376.60 +3.69 +58.0 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.31 1.32 -0.99 -22.7 Soybeans (bu) 14.25 14.40 -1.06 +18.9 Wheat(bu) 7.75 7.94 -2.43 +18.7 1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6130 —.0003 —.02% 1.5630 Canadian Dollar .9944 +.0021 +.21% 1 .0204 USD per Euro 1.3220 +.0030 +.23% 1 .3064 Japanese Yen 8 5.63 +. 8 5 + . 99 % 77 . 9 6 Mexican Peso 13. 0 1 74 +.0179 +.14% 13.8629 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3. 7356 —.01 25 —. 33% 3.7733 07% 5.9642 Norwegian Krone 5. 5936 —.0037 —. South African Rand 8. 5787 —.0088 —.10% 8.1525 6.5074 —.0417 —.64% 6.8762 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9135 —.0022 —.24% .9356 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9643 -.0000 -.00% . 9 837 Chinese Yuan 6.2417 +.0064 +.10% 6 .3238 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7505 -.0000 -.00% 7.7778 Indian Rupee 54.845 -.110 -.20% 52.711 Singapore Dollar 1.2241 +.0028 +.23% 1 .2922 South Korean Won 1073.70 -.35 -.03% 1154.80 -.03 -.10% 3 0 .34 Taiwan Dollar 29.05
Home prices dip in slowdown Home prices in the nation's 20 biggest cit-
ies dipped 0.1percent in October from the prior month but rose strongly
from the samemonth lastyear, according to a closely watched index, indicating the start of
the seasonal slowdown in home prices. It was the first
month-over-month dip after six months of gains for the Standard
8 Poor's/Case-Shiller index of 20 large cities. The index was up 4.3
percent compared with October 2011.
iesou o By Elon Glucklich
unknown, according to Deborah McMahon, a locallandThe president of the Bend- u se planner w orking w i t h based Oxford Hotel Group Baney on the project. m ay buil d a p a rtments o r The pre-application request m ixed-use housing on f i v e indicates that Baney and Mcacres near the intersection of Mahon want to discuss a posU.S. Highway 97 and China sible urban growth boundary Hat Road, at the former Sun- expansion for the property "to river Preparatory School site. develop apartments and supCurt Baney, son of Oxford port services." Hotel Group co-founder Curtis But McMahon said WednesBaney, filed preliminary paper- day that the plan could change, work with the city of Bend last based on what they hear from week, requestinga pre-applica- city staff. "We have more questions tion meeting with Community Development Department offi- than we have plans at this cials to discuss the proposal. point," McMahon said. "We're Most of the details are still just in the very early stages of The Bulletin
e n e e o r o usin talking with the city about the process." Baney did not return phone calls seeking comment this week. McMahon said he was on vacation. Baney has owned the 5acre parcel since early 2006, Deschutes County property records show. The parcel lies on the west side of Highway 97 starting at China Hat Road and stretching south to Rocking Horse Road. The Waldorf School of Bend occupies part of the site, as well as several single-family homes, but most of the land is vacant. The parcel had served as the
site for the Sunriver Preparatory School between 1983 and 2003, when it closed, according to county property records and The Bulletin's archives. Bend's urban growthboundary ends immediately north of Baney's land, which is zoned rural residential, according to county records. Under Oregon law, urban growth boundaries dictate where housing and commercialdevelopments can be plotted within a city. The city's UGB was last expanded in 1981, though city and state officials have spent the last several years discussing an expansion, which
would include Baney's property, according to the latest
proposal. The pre-application meeting is the first step of a sometimes lengthy permitting p r ocess, where developers and city development staff meet to discuss potential zoning, construction or infrastructure concerns. It's common for developers to modify their plans following pre-application meetings, then re-submitting them to the city. That back-and-forth can continue for several months before a formal application is submitted. — Reporter: 541-617-7820 egluchlichC<
Berkshire sells two railroads Warren Buffett's com-
pany has sold two shortline railroads it recently discovered it owned to satisfy regulators who
a in
i n to a r o en mar et Dreamliner runs into concerns over safety
might have reviewed Berkshire Hathaway's 2010 acquisition of the
Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad. Berkshire told the
Transportation Department's Surface Transportation Board earlier this month that it had completed the sale of both short-line railroads
ahead of schedule. One of the two lines sold was the 12-mile-
long WCTUrailroad that serves an industrial park near Medford. — From wire reports
BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • Oregon alcohol server permit training: Meets the minimum
requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control
Commission to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration
required; $35; 9 a.m.; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www. • Business Network International Deschutes Business Networkers Chapter Weekly Meeting: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-610-9125. • Business Network
International Wildfire Chapter Weekly Meeting:
Visitors are welcomeand first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765.
• iFixit helps users of electronic devices find repair parts and know-how By Laura J. Nelson Los Angeles Times
SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. — Jake Devincenzi was thrilled to get his hands on Google's new Nexus 4 smartphone. He admired its sleek black case and large touch screen — and he couldn't wait to tear it apart. In a small room cluttered with discarded computer parts, Devincenzi picked up a blue plastic stylus and eased the tool into a seam on the sideofthe phone as three coworkers watched. Minutes later, a pop. The tear-down had begun. "We're in," he said, and
Los Angeles Times Aerospace giant Boeing
Photosby Al Seib i Los Angeles Times
Kyle Wiens, right, and Luke Soules founded iFixit to help frustrated consumers repair electronic devices themselves through online photos and videos. iFixit composes and posts the repair manuals and sells tools, parts and upgrades for many electronic devices and most Apple products.
grinned. Each time Devincenzi plucked a part from the Nexus 4, he took a high-resolution photo and posted it online. By the end of the week, more than 60,000 people had scrutinized the tear-down, curious to know what was inside. Devincenzi, a 20-year-old student at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, works parttime for iFixit, a company that has less of a business mission than a manifesto: "Repairisindependence. We have the right to remove 'Do Not Remove' stickers." With the helping hands of technicianssuch as Devincenzi and repair guides written by volunteer tech experts, iFixit is tapping into growing frustration with cellphones, tablets and computers that, once broken, are almost impossible to fix. The company says it wants to teach people how to repair electronic de-
Andrew Goldberg, technical writer at iFixit, photographs a teardown of a iPhone at the company's offices in San Luis Obispo, Calif. vices once again — and will sell them the tools to do it. "We'renotnecessarily actively anti-Apple or anti-'the Man,'" said Scott Dingle, 25, a customer service representative. "It's more like, we train other people to do it themselves." What is now a staff of
35 began as two people. In 2003, Cal Poly freshmen Kyle Wiens and Luke Soules started selling laptop parts out of a dorm room. When they couldn't find manufacturer-issued repair guides, they wrote their own. The first manual they posted online got 10,000 page views in
the first weekend. They moved their business to a three-car garage, then a house, then a loft-like twostory office in downtown San Luis Obispo. Last year, iFixit earned $5.9 million in revenue by selling parts, kits and tools. iFixit is not the only website that offers repair manuals, but its tear-downs are special because they expose a company's proprietary technology, said Scott Swigart, an analyst at Cascade Insights in Oregon. Persuading non-techies to tinker is one of the company'sbiggest hurdles. Repairs can go wrong, and do — even forthe professionals. Screens shatter. Wires snap. "But once people have their first fix, they're hooked," iFixit sales manager Eric Essen said. "When I fixed my iPhone and it turned on, I was like, 'I am a god! I am Frankenstein! ' "
Co. just can't seem to escape trouble with its new 787 Dreamliner passenger jet. More than three years late because of design problems and supplier issues,the muchanticipated plane has run into another bout of turbulence with fresh concerns about its safety. The Federal Aviation Administration this month ordered inspections of fuel line connectors on Dreamliners because ofrisks ofleaks and possible fires. On the same day, a United Airlines Dreamliner flight from Houston to Newark, N.J., was diverted to New Orleans after an electrical problem popped up mid-flight. After accepting delivery of the aircraft just a month earlier, Qatar Airways later said it had grounded a Dreamliner for the same problem that United experienced. Despite criticism of the
problem-plagued program, Boeing is confident that the plane will be a success once it gets more miles under its wings. "We're having what we would consider the normal number of squawks on a new airplane, consistent with other new airplanes we've introduced," Boeing Chief Executive Jim McNerney said in an interview on cable network CNBC. "We regret the impact on our customers, obviously," he said. "But we're working through it."
• Free Tax Friday: Free
tax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend; 541385-9666.
WEDNESDAY • Know Digital Books: 9:30-11 a.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-3121070.
• Know Coffee, Know eBooks: Learn about eReaders andhow to download eBooks and audiobooks from Deschutes Public
Library; eReaders are available or bring your
A personal finance to-do list for the year's end By Claudia Buck The Sacramento Bee
As the calendar ticks toward Dec. 31, here are some last-minute, yearend tips recommended by financial professionals: Do your donations: If you want a charitable deduction on this year's taxes, you need to write that donation check by Dec. 31. Donations made on a credit card by Dec. 31 are deductible for 2012, even if you pay the Visa bill in 2013, the Internal Revenue Service says. Gifts to individuals, however, are not deductible. Max out the 401(k): If you haven't
maxed out the annual contribution to your 401(k) at work, do so now. For 2012, the annual contribution limit is $17,000; next year, the annual limit goes up to $17,500. If you're over age 50, you can make an additional catchup contribution this year of $5,500. Ditto for your IRA: To boost your retirement savings, don't forget your IRA contributions. In 2012, the maximum contribution to IRAs and Roth IRAs is the smaller of $5,000 or your taxable compensation for the year. For those age 50 or older, the limit is
$6,000. If you're not covered by a retirement
plan at work, you can get a full tax deduction for IRA contributions. If covered byan employer's retirement plan, you can take a deduction up to certain income limits (Le. no deduction is allowed for married couples filing jointly with incomes above $112,000). Spend those FSA dollars: If you have a Flexible Spending Account at work to cover health/dependent care costs, now's the time to make sure you've spent all those tax-free dollars you squirreled away. Since FSA accounts are use-it-or-lose-it, you don't want to let that money slip away. And once you've spent those dollars, you'll still
need to file claims through your employer's health plan to get reimbursed. For dependent care (such as child care or adult day care), the deadline to incur expenses is Dec. 31. For health care expenses,many employers offer a grace period through the first part of 2013.
Prepare the paper: Now's a good time to start gathering the paperwork for filing your 2012 taxes. Even if it's simply tossing the paperwork into a shoebox, start collecting proof of income and proof of deductions/donations. Getting organized now can save you headaches down the road.
own; free; 1:30-2:30
p.m.; BellatazzaCoffee,
869 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-617-7083.
THURSDAY,JAN. 3 • Know digital books: 10:30 a.m.-noon; La
Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541536-0515. For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday's Bulletin or visit bendbulletirtcom/bizcal
City of Bend High Returns LLC,614
S.W. Sunbrook, $136,114 Scott Morgan, 2338 N.W. Frazer, $225,038 Brookswood Bend LLC, 61125 Teton, $219,851 Salvation Army, 541N.E Dekalb, $132,000 Brookswood Bend LLC,19697 S.W.Aspen
Meadows, $204,804 J 8 K Holdings LLC,24 S.W. Taft, $230,310 Structure Development N.W. LLC, 155 N.W. Champanelle, $411,102 Yelas Developments Inc., 3450 N.W.BryceCanyon, $268,836 Edward C. Eisler, 2832 N.W. McCook, $337,290
Floyd C. Antonsen, 2804 N.E Aldrich, $169,815 ML Bend USALimited Partnership, 20757 N.E Comet, $184,905 ML Bend USALimited Partnership, 20761 N.E Comet,$239,189 ML Bend USALimited Partnership, 20765 N.E Comet,$185,162 ML Bend USALimited
Partnership, 20788 N.E. Smoke Stack, $167,091 Simply Land LLC,1808 N.W. Element, $185,151 TennantDevelopments LLC, 21211 Keyte, $181,712 Lambert Neighbour, 20713 N.E.Tango Creek, $181,867 Michael L. Dobranski, 61999 BrokenTop,
$136,366 Richard L. Carpenter Revocable Trust, 20297 S.E Knightsbridge, $197,125 West Bend Property Company LLC,2131 N.W. Lemhi Pass, $159,170 Tennant Developments LLC, 21187 Keyte, $199,275 Coral LLC, 61129S.E
Brown Trout, $192,232 Amy K. Cawrse,1741 S.W. Troon, $104,855 Clark Family Trust, 20904 Sage Creek,$249,771 City of Redmond Hayden HomesLLC,1960 N.W. QuinceTreeCourt, $215,918 Oregon Joy LLC,122 S.W. 35th St., $177,201
Oregon Joy LLC,202 S.W. 35th St., $ I28,690 Deschutes County William J. Glotzl, 16485 Wayne Drive, La Pine, $154,076 Arnold lrrigation District, 19600 BuckCanyon Road, Bend, $164,307.76 Randal Bird, 10681 Ironstone Court, Redmond, $327,948.72
• Jason Kremer, a Chiropractic and Functional Medicine physician at Wellness Doctor in Bend, recently attended a continuing education medical course offered bythe Institute for Functional Medicine in Gig Harbor, Wash.The course, titled "Restoring Gastrointestinal Equilibrium: Practical Applications for Understanding, Assessing and Treating Gut Dysfunction" focused on chronic diseaseandhow it relates to gut function. •CharlaDeHate,Jenny O'Keefe,R. Mike Shirtcliff, Lerie Weber and Kate Wells have recently been appointed as the newest members of the Deschutes County Public Health Community Advisory Board. The board was established to enhancecommunity relations with the Deschutes County Health Department, increase public knowledge about public health issues, and improve services provided by the health department.
an app-y holiday By Vicky Hallett The Washington Post
Holidaytraditions varyfrom family to family, but there's one ritual that's universal. "Everyone comes together with the flu, sits around and makes eachother sick,"physician Peter Hudson said. Hudson is CEO of iTriage, a free mobile devices application (available for iOS and Android, and online at Itriage that is one of the most popular products in the emerging mobile health — or mHealth — market. With more than 8 million downloads, iTriage has tapped into something people want. It's a combination of a symptom tracker (with information reviewed by Harvard Medical School) and a virtual yellow pages,directing users to nearby doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and more.
Here are somebasic steps for challenging Medicare coveragedenials under Part A (including hospitalization, nursing homes and hospice services) and Part B (doctor visits, tests, homehealth care, durable medical equipment). In most cases, it is not necessary to hire a lawyer. Advocates say to besure to write your Medicare or member number on all documents, and to keepcopies.
For the first appeal, calledredetermination: • Circle the questionable item on your
quarterly Medicare statement, called the Medicare Summary Notice, and follow the mailing instructions on the form.
You can also complete anappeals form at www.medicare. gov/claims-and-appeals/ file-an-appeal/original-medicare/ original-medicare-appeals.html. • Make the request within120 days of
To request ahearingdefore an administrative Iawjudge, which usually isconductedvia conference
ThemHealth Summitearlier this month at National Harbor near Washington showcased several other smartphone applications designed to track your b ehaviors, encourage better habits and generally improve well-being.
your letter, provideyour name,address,
explanation from the plan for why aprescription is not covered andaskfor an exception if you or the prescriber believe youneedthe drug. You would pay for the drug during the appeal, but you should keepreceipts: If the denial is
Medicare number, document control
• Any dollar amount can be appealed.
appealing. Include any other information to
supportyour request, or complete a hearing request form available atwww.medicare. gov/claims-and-appeals/file-an-appeal/ appeals-level-3.html.
notice that the firstappeal was denied. • In a letter, explain the services or items that you received and why payment for them is in dispute. Include a copy of the initial denial or fill out the reconsideration
If you getdeniedagain, youcan make a requestfor consideration dy the MedicareAppealsCouncil:
form available at claims-and-appeals/file-an-appeal/ original-medicare/original-medicareappeals-level-2.html.
• In a letter, cite which parts of the decision you dispute and the date of the decision, or complete the hearing review
to lose at the first couple of l evels, they would stick i t out until they got to a judge," Murphy said. "The a dministrative l a w judge stage is the first level when you can interact with a human," said Diane Paulson, senior attorney a t G r eater Boston Legal Services, which handles about 50 appeals a year. The first two levels of ap-
WASHINGTON — Internet sale price for a standard back brace: $99.99. What Medicare pays for the item: $900-plus. A federal report released W ednesday offers a l o o k at how wasteful spending drives up health care costs as investigators found that Medicare paid $919 on average for back braces that cost suppliersan average of $191 each. "The program and its beneficiaries could have paid millions of dollars less if the Medicare re i m bursement amount ...more closely resembled the cost to suppliers," according to the report from the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services. In a written response, Medicare's ad m i nistrator, Marilyn Tavenner, said Medicare will consider including back braces in a c ompetitive bidding plan for medical equipment. The bidding experiment, expanding across the country, has been shown to save taxpayers money. Budget t a lk s b e t w een President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio,may lead to more competitive bidding, a shift that some Democrats are urging and industry is
PillJogger Lite (free, IOS): Keep your medications straight with this virtual pillbox that sends reminders and h elps track what you've taken. For now, good behavior is rewarded with games, but the app plans to offer coupons, rebates and other prizes eventually.
Weight Watchers on the go Santa knows if you've been bad or good — and, now, so does Weight Watchers. The diet program just introduced its members to Weight Watchers 360', a mobile app for iPhone and Android designed to be a constant companion. Not only does it track food (with the help of a bar code scanner and a "Snap 8 Track" feature that lets you photo-
fighting. It's e stimated that t h e health-care system squanders $750 billion a y e a r, about 30 cents of every medical dollar, through unneeded care, wasteful spending and fraud. Part of the problem is prices can vary widely depending on who's paying the bill. Prices that government programs pay can be way off
graph a meal and assign a point value later), but it also focuses on your environment, says Catherine Ulrich, senior vice president of
the mark. M edicare spends m o r e than $10 billion a year prov iding b eneficiaries w i t h m edical equipment, f r o m power wheelchairs to blood sugar monitors. It's an area that has been rife with fraud. Unscrupulous suppliers sell beneficiaries items they may not need and bill the cost to Medicare. The $96 million that Medicare spent on back braces in 2011 was a small sliver of its t otal spending, but that amount had more than doubled in just three years, up from $36 million in 2008, the report said. Investigators decided to take a closer look, before the line item for back braces could reach the $200 million or $300 million mark. The inspector general's office focused on a type of back brace that is fairly standard. Dozens of medical device manufacturers produce such braces for thousands of suppliers around the country. The brace is worn around the midsection of the body, and usually features rigid panels on the front and back, along with straps for adjustment. It's prescribed to help back-pain sufferers maintain proper body alignment. Medicare paid for more than 121,000 of the braces in 2011, compared with fewer than 49,000 in 2008. I nvestigators p u l le d a random sample of c l aims from more than 300 suppliers and took a deep dive into the paperwork. They found that the price Medicare was willing to pay was more than four times what the braces cost suppliers. The average difference: $728 per brace. The high costs were shared
Cen tra 1 Oregon
Der m a tology Mark Hall, MD
E xper i e n c e d B o a r d - c e r t i f i e d D e r m a t o l o g i s t Recogn i z e d a s a S k i n
be appealed. You should request a written
overturned, the drug plan will reimburse for its share of the bill. (While an appeal is under
way, drug discount cards or manufacturer or pharmacy discounts may reduceyour costs.) FOR MOREHELP For individual assistance andmore information, contactyour State Health Insurance Assistance
Program at shipprofile.aspx. Additional details are at and
• Make this request within 60 days of
receiving the hearing decision.
800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227).
The Center for Medicare Advocacy's free self-help appeals packets include tips for avoiding appeals; they areavailable at www. The Medicare Rights Center, aconsumer advocacy group, provides appeals advice and
request form available atwww.medicare. gov/claims-and-appeals/file-an-appeal/ appeals-level-4.html.
file an appeal in federal court. The amount in dispute must be at least $1,350.
The Associated Press
Juice (free, iOS): The self-pro-
MEDICAREPRESCRIPTION DRUG PLANS Decisi onsmadebydrugplanscanalso
Beneficiaries who are still not satisfied can
By Ricardo Alonso-Aaldivar
claimed "World's Funnest Energy Tracker" really is fun. The cartoony interface helps keep tabs on your sleep, exercise and nutrition. (Were you an "awful" eater today'? Tap the plate of junk food.) Daily tips aim to boost results over time. GetHealth (free, iOS and Android): With a concept inspired by Foursquare, this app lets you "checkinto"healthy behaviors. Your actions translate into "Munch," "Move" and "Mind" points, weighted based on your current health. Use those numbers to compete with friends.
follow similar appeals procedures, except the initial appeal must bemadewithin 60 days of the denial.
number from previousdenial, dates of services or items indispute andwhyyou are
• Make therequest within180 daysof receiving
Beneficiaries in Medicare Advantage plans
• Make the request within 60 days of receiving the denial of the second appeal. •To be eligible for a hearing, the amount in dispute must be at least $140 in 2103. In
receiving the denial.
If you getdeniedagain, you canmake arequest forsecond appeal, calledreconsideration:
call with patients, doctors andothers:
peals are based on documents only. Driscoll thought his case was a s l am-dunk. Following instructions on his quarterly Medicare statement, he circled the charges he was q uestioning and sent i t t o the M e dicare c o n tractor's address listed on the notice. When he was turned down, he tried again, this time in-
Medicareoverpayingfor backbraces
Smarter phones
How tochallengeaMedicare denial
Continued from 01 "People lose, and then they lose heart, or they are too sick, too tired or too old and they give up," said Margaret Murphy, associate director of the Center for M edicare A d vocacy, which has offices in Washington an d C o nnecticut. "Or their kids are handling the appeal and they are too overwhelmed caring for Mom or Dad." Medicare officials this year r edesigned b eneficiary statements to make instructions about the appeals process clearer, said an agency spokeswoman, who did not r espond to requests fo r ad d i t ional information. Some problems can be resolved without appealing, said Mary Ann Parker, an attorney with Washington's Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, which advocates for nursing home residents. Sometimes a payment is denied because the doctor or other provider used the wrong treatment or billing code. If the provider resubmits a corrected claim, it will most likely be paid. Murphy said less than 10 percent of the several hundred denials that her organization handles each year for Connecticut residents are overturned in the first and second levels of appeals. "It's almost an automatic denial," she said. But at th e t h ir d l evel of appeal, the center has won roughly 60 percent of its appeals in the past three years. "If people knew that they are likely
C an ce r E x p e r t
by beneficiaries,who are responsible for a 2 0 p e rcent co-payment. The reimbursement amount set by Medicare goes beyond just equipment cost, also including fitting and education for the patient. So the inspector general's office took a look to see if that might explain the high cost to the program. But i n vestigators f o u nd that for one-third of claims, suppliers did not report any fitting and adjustment help. Support services varied for the r e m aining t w o - thirds of cases.Some suppliers reported taking hip and waist measurements. Others said they adjusted the braces in some fashion. Nearly half the claims involved services from medical professionals such as doctors, chiropractors and physical therapists. "For the vast majority of claims, suppliers did not provide any additional services... other than general instructions," the report said. A reporter's quick I nternet search suggested there's a thriving business in back braces.One medical supplier in the Midwest aimed its pitch directly at doctors.
other Medicare information at 800-333-4114.
cluding a letter from his doctor saying that the aneurysm test was medically necessary. He attached pages from the "Medicare 8 You" handbook that sayMedicare covers the test. "There was a lot of backand-forth," he s a id, w h i ch required him to call his physician and the radiologist who performed the test to collect additional information.
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His appeal was turned down again. Driscoll said he was unable to find out why. But that was enough for him. "I paidthe bill and I gave up," said Driscoll, who at the time was in the process of moving and retiring from his job at a nonprofit agency. He paid the $214 charge last year. "I spent over ayear onthis thing, and it wore me out."
• •
Specialty Care; and Dr. Erin Walling and Kowalski at Bend Memorial Clinic, who b oth perform general surgeries. Two additional physicians will soon to be ready to do so, said D e nise B ourassa, St. Charles Bend's operating rooms manager. O'Hallaren s aid another wave w il l b e trained after that in 20D. Kowalski said it was a significant commitment to learn how to use the robot and then to create systems for safeguards and for tracking data and outcomes. Surgeons watch videos and sit in on an operation at another hospital to observe before committing to whether they want to become trained, Curet said. They do online learning, and then travel to a California training center to do simulated work. Physicians must pass tests before they move on to live procedures. Bourassa said the committee and hospital decided that a da Vinci representative would be present during the first five procedures each surgeon performs here. A special team of nurses, anesthesiologists and o t her m edical p r o f essionals a t St. Charles was also assembled and trained in working with the robot, Bourassa said, adding that an operating room might be remodeled to specifically accommodate the da Vinci system. O'Hallaren credits the hospital — and Eixenberger and St. Charles Bend CEO Jay Henry in particular — for supporting the effort. "It's a huge investment," O'Hallaren said. A nd along the w ay, t h e committee will b e t r acking outcomes, Kowalski said. "We're putting in as many safeguards as we can to assure that it's as safe here at St. Charles as it has been demonstrated to be at so many other institutions," Kowalski said. "We're far from being the f irst community w i t h t h i s technology — it's being done all over the United States and it's growing in popularity by leaps and bounds — but we're trying to be very judicious in how we roll it out."
Continued from D1 It's a significant investment for the St . C harles Health System. While St. Charles declined to disclose its price due to the nature of its contract with thecompany, the average purchase pricefor a da Vinci system nationally is $1.45 million, according to a spokeswoman for thecompany, and
they can range from $1 million to $2.2 million, depending on the model and add-ons. Tim E i x enberger, c h i ef nursing officer for St. Charles Bend, said the hospital didn't want to buy a system until the technology seemed wellestablished and until enough surgeons l ocally i n d icated they want to move into roboticassisted surgeries. "We w ere w a n tin g t o make sure th e t e chnology was proving itself and there was a reason to be doing it," he said. "I would call us a middle-adopter, rather than an early-adopter." Bringing the technology to Bend, Eixenberger said, enables St. Charles Bend and area surgeons to serve patients who in the past had to travel out of the area to seek minimally i n v asive, r o botassisted surgery a t h o s pitals on the west side of the Cascades.
Surgeons look into this viewfinder during procedures. It offers magnification, video and data feedback as they work from a seated position. A microphone and audio devices near the eye piece allow them to communicate with staff during procedures without lifting their head from the controls.
A less invasive approach Robotic-assisted s u r g ery is part of an effort to make proceduresless traumatic for patients. The most painful part of surgery isoften trauma from the incision. Surgeons at times must cut through muscle and other tissues to get to the targeted area. Much of a patient's recovery time can be due to such incisions. Surgeries with larger incisions have been the standard fordecades and are stillnecessary, depending on the type of procedure and the individual. Within the past 20 years, surgeons wanting less invasive ways to do their work started performing a type of minimally i nvasive surgery called laparoscopy. The difference between laparoscopic — both robotic and traditional — and open surgeries is significant, said Dr. Myriam Curet, an associateprofessor of surgery at Stanford University and chief medical officer for the maker of the da Vinci system, Intuitive Surgical. "If you can now convert an open operation to a minimally invasive operation," she said, "you've saved on complication rates, you've saved on length of stay, you've saved on readmission rates, reoperation rates and return to work."
Robot-assisted surgeries Robotic-assisted procedures as a form of minimally invasive surgery started emerging a little over a decade ago. Intuitive Surgical introduced its first da Vinci Surgical System model in the U.S. in 2000. Not every situation or every individual is ideal for roboticassisted surgery.Curet said robotic-assistedsurgeries are regularly used for procedures in the chest and pelvic area, such as gallbladder removals or prostatectomies. In traditional laparoscopic surgeries, a surgeon makes a small incision or several small incisions. Then using long, tubelike tools, the s urgeon stands over the patient to perform the procedure by hand. Robotic-assisted surgeries unfold differently. The surgeon makes the incision or incisions and participates in placing the robot in the best spot over the patient. Then the surgeon goes to the da Vinci system console, which in St . C harles Bend sits in the corner of the same operating room. The surgeon conductsthe procedure from the console, with an assistant standing over the patient to help as needed. A microphone on the console allows the surgeon to give instructions witho ut turning away from t h e viewfinder. The console allows surgeons to use their hands more fully than in traditional laparoscopies, physicians said. "It gives back the use of your hands the way you have them in open surgery," Curet said. In addition, surgeons get a view of the patient's anatomy
Surgeons insert their thumb and forefinger into two controls when manipulating the da Vinci robot. The controls adjust to eliminate human tremors.
i ~lnui
Photos by Rob Kerr/ The Bulletin
Denise Bourassa, operating room manager for St. Charles Bend, stands next to the surgical control station.
that is magnified beyond what would be seen standing above the patient. Lenses attached to the end of one of arms provide the up-closeperspective. The images appear on a monitor apart from the console as well, so other staff in the operating room can understand what is
added. Robotic-assisted surgeries can be more expensive than an open procedure. Also, robotic-assisted surgeries tend to take longer. Several area surgeons, however, noted that they are quickly bringing their times down as they become more proficient with the robot.
Considering effectiveness
Local experience
S tudies have v a r ied i n suggesting whether roboticassisted laparoscopy is conclusively better than traditional
To area physicians using the technology, however, one of the most significant differences so far between a traditional lapalaparoscopy, depending on the roscopic surgery and a robottype of procedure. The field is assisted one is in the reduced new, so more research is un- trauma to the patient afforded der way. by the da Vinci system. Curet, who performs both Dr. Peter Palacio, a physit raditional and r obo t i c- cian at Bend Obstetrics and assisted laparoscopies, said Gynecology, has been percancersin certain areas of the forming laparoscopicsurgerabdomen and pelvis are now ies for years. In August, he more often operable in ministarted offering robot-assisted mally invasive fashion besurgery. "What the da Vinci system cause of the robot. So are some surgeries on those who are has allowed us to do is address morbidly obese. She said some the shortcomings of laparossurgeries can be performed as copy," he said. well with traditional laparosUsing th e l o n g t u b elike copy as with robotic-assisted tools in a small incision in a laparoscopy. traditional laparoscopy limits Nationwide, certain medi- the surgeon's range of motion cal specialties h ave b e en and view inside the patient. using robotic-assisted tech- The physician moves the inniques for longer than others. strument at the top, with the Dr. Darren Kowalski, a gener- tool performing the task at the al surgeon for Bend Memorial bottom. Clinic, leads the committee of With the robot, once the surgeons that worked with the i nstrument is placed in t h e hospital to bring the technol- patient, the movement takes ogy here. He said gynecology place just at the location of the and urology in particular — in task itself in tiny adjustments. w hich surgeons operate in the It's the difference between a crowded pelvisarea — started sweeping motion and a more using robotic-assisted technol- precise one. ogy early on. This means less tissue dam"Many urologic procedures age during surgeries, several lend themselves to this minicaregivers said. mally invasive technique, and Palacio said he has so far with experience we not only noticed a marked difference equal open surgery outcomes, between the two techniques but w e d e c rease h ospital for hysterectomy patients. "Being a surgeon who does stays and blood loss as well as patient discomfort," said a lot laparoscopy, I wasn't preDr. Brian O'Hallaren, a physi- pared for the difference in regcian with Bend Urology who is ular laparoscopy and roboticusing the robotic technology. assistedlaparoscopy," he said. General surgeons started For instance, a hysterectoadopting robotic-assisted sur- my performed in open surgery gery later than in specialties typically requires four days in like urology, Kowalski said. the hospital and six to eight But he said they are now mov- weeks of r ecovery, Palacio ing in that direction. said. Laproscopically, it's one Given the newness of the night in the hospital and four technology, Kowalski said, the weeks of recovery. medical research on the efWith th e r o botic-assisted fectiveness of robotic-assisted laparoscopy, Palacio said, his surgeriesisemerging. patients are reporting they "In literature, we're seeing feel comfortable two weeks improvements in t echnique, after their hysterectomy. He lower recurrencerates,better credits the smaller amount of control of bleeding," he said. "It's all being looked at, and I think we'll see it becoming Find Your Dream Home clearer and clearer." "Most of those who are interested in this technology believe firmly that we're going to • • • Th e Bulletin see thatsortof difference," he
in Real EState
tissue damage as the reason. Other area surgeons agreed that patients have recovered-
more quickly.
"They're just comfortable so much faster," Palacio said.
More surgeons to offer Area surgeons and hospital staff have been in the planning and learning stages for well over a year to bring the robotic technology here. In Bend, seven surgeons presently perform robotic-assisted surgeries. T hey a r e P a l acio a n d Dr. James Carlson with Bend Obstetrics a n d Gyn e c ology; O'Hallaren and Dr. Eric Shreve with Bend Urology; Dr. Stephen Archer, who specializes in bariatrics at Advanced
A •
Solo stars greater risk to die early LONDON — Rock 'n' roll will never die — but
it's a hazardous occupation. A new study confirms
that rock and popmusicians die prematurely more often than the
general population, and an early death is twice as likely for solo musi-
cians as for members of bands. Researchers from Liverpool John Moores University studied1,489
rock and pop stars who becamefamous between1956 and 2009 and found they suffered "higher levels
of mortality than demographically matched individuals in the general
population." Amencan stars are more likely to die prematurely than British
ones. Lead researcher Mark Bellis speculates that could be becausebands provide peer supportat stressful times. The research was published Thursday
in online journal BMJ Open. — The Associated Press
English singer and songwriter Amy Winehouse died in July 2011. The Associated Press file photo
— Reporter: 541-617-7828,
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For a better side stretch: Block it out Often, we cheat when bending from side to side, and we don't get the full benefit from this dynamic stretch. Holding a block between your hands will help
to targetyour side torso muscle more effectively in this side bend.
head and your upper armsare nearyour ears. Point your fingertips up andrelax your shoulders awayfrom your ears.
up slightly. Remember to keepyour arms straightand movethem slightly back so your upper armsare nearyour ears. Pause in the stretch and continue to
2. On an inhalation, firmly squeeze
breathe fullyasyou focus on reaching up
the block with both hands as you lean your torso to the left. Concentrate on
with your fingertips and down with your tailbone. On an inhalation, return to cen-
1. Stand upright on a flat, level surface keeping equal weight over both feet, with ter, exhale andrepeat on the other side. with your feet together. Grasp a yoga block between your hands. Be sure that
the block is between thepalms of your hands and not just your fingers. Straight-
Photos by Charles Bush Chicago Tribune
en your arms so the block is aboveyour
your tailbone pointing down toward your
6t 1
($,. 'ev
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Runners begin the inaugural Three Sisters Marathon from Eagle Crest Resort in Redmond in June 2011. According to Evolutionary Biologist Dan Lieberman, the human body evolved to run long distances, but the problem today is that humans no longer run to hunt down prey. aren't, they
and physiology and biome-
chanics. There's real rigor to this program. Chemistry and physics are part of the core courses." "We started the program b ecause there was a lot o f student interest in the major," g rowing p r ograms a t said Jane Reynolds,director OSU-Cascades. of enrollment for OSU-CasI t's filling a g r o w i ng cades. Ithas become one of niche in the national work- the fastest growing programs force. The Bureau of Labor at OSU-Cascades. Last fall, Statistics say s e x ercise there were 11 OSU-Cascades and fitness positions are students taking c l asses in anticipated to expand. And the program, said Reynolds. there's growing expecta- This fall, there are 61, 41 of tions about the l evel of whom took upper level classeducation ofsuch profes- es at OSU-Cascades. The rest sionals. For several years, are taking classes through accredited education and COCC. certification programs for Julie Downing, who leads health and fitness profes- COCC's two-year e x ercise sionals have been on the science program, said her rise across the country, program had been growing according to th e A m eri- in the years leading up to the c an College o f S p o r t s creation of O S U-Cascades', Medicine's seventh annual building demand for it. The fitness trends survey. For number of students majoring 2013, the presence of edu- in exercise science at COCC cated, certified and experi- grew fro m 7 1 i n 2 0 0 8-09 enced fitnessprofessionals to 117 in 2011-12, Downing are the top fitness-industry said. She lobbied to bring a trend. bachelor's level program to The exercise and sports Bend, and worked to make science bachelor's degree, COCC's classes compatible accordingto Christine Pol- w ith OSU's. Downing a nd lard, the program leader Pollard work together to keep and an i n s tructor, pre- the two programs seamless. pares graduates to work Students admitted to OSUin cardiac rehabilitation, Cascades take freshman- and as health an d w e l lness sophomore-level classes at directors or corporate fit- COCC and their junior- and ness center leaders. If the senior-level classes through students hope to own their OSU-Cascades. "We have had our exercise own facility, they can take business classes as supple- science students here forever mental courses, Pollard who have wanted to continue said. h ere. They always had t o The degree also p r e- move to get a bachelor's," she pares students for gradu- said. Some of the COCC stuate school in fields such as dents found work with their physical therapy or occu- two-year degrees, she said. pational therapy, or to be- "Now they can get a better job come physician assistants because they can get a bachor go to medical school. elor's degree here," Downing More than half of the stu- sa>d. dents say that's the direcJobs in exercise science are tion they plan to go, said growing nationally, Downing Pollard. sa>d. "It's an excellent means " Baby boomers ar e d e to get there," said Pollard, manding that they have avwho came fromthe Univer- enues,resources to be fit and sity of Southern California healthy." in Los Angeles to build the — Reporter: 541-383-0304, OSU-Cascades program. aaurand@bendbulletinicorn
our head," Lieberman said. "We evolved to be endurance athletes." Consider our short toes, the arches in our feet, our short heel bones, long Achilles tendon and sizable glutes, which help steady our trunks when we run. We sweat, we're furfree, the ligaments in our neck hold our head in place and the semicircular canals in our ears stabil ize our gaze when we run. "All t h ese f eatures t h at make us superlativerunners are different than what we would need if we just walked," Lieberman said. But most modern humans rarely r un , u n l ess t h ey're trying to catch a bus or because a doctor ordered them to for health reasons. That's problematic. Our hearts and skeletons require stimulus to properly grow. If they're not stressed, and most people's
"It's the sciences — anatomy
Continued from D1 S he's on e o f man y people seizing a new educational o p portunity here. Exercise and sports s cience has quickly b e come one of the fastest-
Tstrs / Ftstss
range of motion with each side bend. — KarenVoight,Chicago Tribune
By Pam LeBlanc AUSTIN, Texas — G o od luck convincing your a c hing muscles and joints of it, but some scientists believe your body evolved to run long distances. Your feet, your neck, your ears — they're all part of a physique perfectly adapted to covering 10 or 20 leg-powered miles a day. The problem is, modern humans no longer run that far to hunt down prey. We hop in a car and drive to the grocery store, where many of us load up on Fritos and Oreos, then head home and instinctively hunker down on the sofa. Dan Lieberman, an evolutionarybiologist from Harvard University, dropped by Southwestern University recently, where he shared thoughts on humans and exercise — and why we need to do it despite our general dislike of breaking a sweat. It all goes back to early humans, he says. They lived on the razor's edge, hunting and gathering to get enough fuel that they could continue to hunt and gather. They ate what they caught and rested when they could, conserving energy whenever possible. "What do foragers do when they're not foraging? They rest. It's adaptive for them not to burn energy," Lieberman said. Their normal state was lean and hungry, and they moved up to 20 or so miles a day in pursuit of prey. Fitness, for them, was all about the ability to survive and pass along genes to the next generation. Today, though, most Americans have easy access to food. Given the choice between an escalator and a flight of stairs, most opt for the escalator. We may cover twice the distance in a day, but it's in a car while we sit on our bottoms. "That's not because people are lazy slobs," said Lieberman, who was featured in the best-seller "Born to Run" by Chris McDougall. "It's instinct to take it easy when we can." In the prehistoric world of persistence hunting, before the advent of projectiles, early humans couldn't afford to relax. They hunted prey that could move more quickly than they could — over short distances. They had to get close to the animal to club it or stab it with a sharpened stick. The only way to do that was by exhausting it, and that meant covering long distances. Humans, it turns out, have an advantage. We sweat to stay cool, and have the ability to sweat while we run. Quadrupeds, on the other hand, cool themselves by panting — but can't pant on the fly. A horse can't gallop 20 miles straight; it has to stop to cool off. Thus, a human could chase its four-legged dinner. When the animal stopped to rest, the human kept going. Eventually, the animal's body temperature rose until it c ollapsed from heat stroke and the human could walk up and kill it. That typically happened in 22 or fewer miles. Humans i m proved t h eir odds by hunting in the middle of the day, when it's warmest, and by targeting larger animals, which would overheat more quickly. And our bodies, Lieberman says, were designed by natural selection to do what they had to do. "We're literally a d apted to running from our toes to
Gradually you'll be able to increaseyour
Turn your head to the right and look
The human body is built for distance Cox Newspapers
Alternate sides until you have performed it three times on each side.
heels. Be sureyour abdominal muscles are pulled in toward your spine to support your lower back.
d o n' t d e velop
Those buffhunter-gatherers didn't suffer heart disease, diOver the past 10 generations, abetesor osteoporosis,Lieberwe've changed in other ways, man points out. Today, about too. Our lives are filled with el- 70 percent of health-care costs evators, washers and other la- go toward treating diseases bor-saving machines. Instead that wouldn't exist if we were of pursuing prey through the more active and ate a nutriwilds, we sit at a desk much tious diet. of the day. We drive to restauSo what do we do? We exerrants and convenience stores. cise — at least the 30 minutes a We eat more calories and we day, five times a week, that exexpend less energy, creating a perts recommend (and fewer surplus of fat. than 20percent of Americans "We think it's normal to eat dothat.) "There i s no med i cine breakfastcereal from a box and fly in a plane. We sit in known to be as effective as explush comfy chairs and sleep ercise," said Lieberman, who on mattresses," Lieberman runs 30 to 40 miles a week and said. "But we didn't evolve for signs up for periodic races to any of that." ensure year-round motivation. All of which means we're Unfortunately, w e d i d n 't headed down a road mined evolve to enjoy exercise. But with heart attacks and diabe- do it often enough and it betes. "It's abnormal not to be comes easier. Some folks get physically active," Lieberman hooked. said. "And if we don't solve this And it's a heck of a lot easier problem now, we're in trouble." than chasing down dinner.
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Hospice House
ei i o s,conso new iet i.Li s
By Julie Deardorff
United States," according to a reportissued by the George W eight-loss d r ug s h a v e Washington University School so far been a complete bust. of Public Health and Health But they may be verging on a Services. comeback, now thatthe Food The drugs are meant for and Drug Administration has overweight and obese adults approved two new prescrip- with a body mass index (BMI) tion diet pills for the first time greater than 30 or for those in more than a decade. who have a w e i ght-related Both weight-loss medica- condition, such as high blood tions failed to get federal ap- pressure, elevated cholesterol proval i n 2 010 because of or Type 2 diabetes, and a BMI safety c oncerns, i n cluding over 27. P regnant w omen heart risks and birth defects. shouldn't touch these drugs. After the drug companies sub- And "they should never be mitted additional safety data, taken forcosmetic purposes," however, the agency OK'd the said Dr. Donna Ryan, profesapplications. sor emeritus at Pennington Critics argue that weightBiomedical Research C enloss drugs don't have enough ter and a consultant to drug benefits to justify the risk. But companies. resourcesaimed at improving But do they work'? Are they diet and increasing physical safe? Here's the skinny: activity have not been helping the nearly I i n 3 A mericans Belviq dealing with extreme weight How it works: Belviq, or lorgain. caserin, activates a serotonin Obesity continues to be "one receptor in the brain that may of the most significant public help a person eat less and health challenges facing the feel full after eating smaller Chicago Tribune
to lose weight By Barbara Quinn The Monterey County Herald
It's a condition of our modern lifestyle, researchers say. We spend long hours in front of computers and t elevisions. We work early in the morning and late at night. We get jet lag. And we can't figure out why we can't lose weight. There may be a connection, say researchers. Studies are emerging that show a r e lationship b e t ween "partial s l ee p d e p r ivation" — sleeping less than six hours a night — and obesity. What makes weight go up when sleep goes down? Here are s o me "potential pathways" by w h ich s leep d e privation m a y interfere with our ability to lose weight, according to a recent review of this topic in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
amounts of food. In clinical trials, patients on average lost just 5 percent of body weight after taking the drug for a year along with eating less and ex-
of topiramate. Phentermine increases levels of n o repinephrine, a neurotransmitter in the part of the brain that controls appetite. This reducercising more. es hunger and increases satiConcerns: The drug could ety. Topiramate, an anticonp otentially d a m ag e h e a r t vulsant used to prevent mivalves. Fenfluramine, a simi- graine headaches, is thought lar serotonin-based weightto affect another neurotransloss drug, was taken off the mitter. But it's not known how m arket in 1997 due to t h e it reduces food intake, Ryan same heart concerns. Belviq said. Approximately 62 pershows "an increased incicent of patients who took the dence of adverse reactions re- recommended dose for a year, lated to cognition and mood," and dieted an d e x ercised, according to the FDA. Still un- lost at least 5 percent of their known: the long-term risk of body weight, according to two heart attack and stroke, and trials. the safety and efficacy when Concerns: B i rt h d e f ects used with other diet medica- are a biggie: The drug can tions. The most common side increase the risk of cleft lip effects are headache, diz- and palate. Topiramate may ziness, fatigue, nausea, dry cause suicidal thoughts or acmouth and constipation. tions. Qsymia can slow down brain function and increase Qsymia heart rate; the drug's effect on How it works: Qsymia is patients at high risk for heart a combination of two FDAattack and stroke isn't known. approved drugs, phentermine Qsymia has not been approved and an extended-releaseform by European regulators.
Yo-yo dieting can hurt the heart For womenwho are postmenopausal and overweight, losing weight is optimal only if they can keep it off. Regaining lost weight may increase riskfor heart
disease, according to Wake Forest University
researchers. The researchers studied factors that
indicate a person's risk for Type 2 diabetes and
cardiovascular disease, including blood pressure, cholesterol, tri-
glycerides, blood sugar and insulin, before and after a five-month weight loss intervention,
and again at six and12 months after the intervention.
The study of more
than 100 women, published online in the
Journal of Gerontology:MedicalSciences,
When we are tired Disrupted
h o rmones:
Hormones that tell us if we are hungry, or not, can be thrown off balance when sleep is disrupted, scientists find. Ghrelin — the "gremlin" h o rmone t h at tells us to "Eat! Eat!" goes up when we are sleep deprived. And leptin — the hormone that signals us to stop eating — goes down. C ortisol — a "stress hormone" may also come into play when our usual rhythms of sleep and wakefulness are disturbed, say experts. Elevated cortisol tends to encourage the storage of fat and the loss of muscle mass, even when we are eating less food. Sigh.
l '~<ii tttt Dialeran
said even partial weight
n lo
regain following inten-
ot l3FFk
tional weight loss is associated with increased
risk for Type 2diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Whenwomen regained weight a year
Allen J. Schaben /Los Angeles Times
The soda market has been losing ground to sports drinks and vitamin waters in recent years with one exception: diet sodas.
after losing it — when they regained about 70
Cravings fo r
hi g her
calorie foods. Don't know about youbut when I'm up at night, my first inclination is not for a bowl of salad. Stress hormones tend to encourage our appetite for comfort foods that are high in fat, sugar and salt. Too tired to e xercise? Lack of sleep causes fat igue w h ich m a ke s u s not particularly e x cited about exercise. And lack of physical activity cuts back on our calorie-burning machinery, complicating weight loss efforts even more.
Continued from D1 "That doesn't mean one diet soda a day will lead to a heart attack, but there's some sort of connection," she said. Somewhat more supportive of diet sodas is Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Centerfor Science in the Public Interest. The Washington, D.C.,-based health advocacy group just released an animated short film targeting the health impacts of regular soda and sugary drinks called "The
Real Bears" (
Get back on track What's a "partial sleepd eprived" person to d o ? Stick to a r e gular sleep schedule, says the National Institutes of Health. Plan a seven- to eight-hour sleep period and go to bed and get up the same time every
day if possible. • Avoid s le e p -stealers such as caffeine, nicotine and excessive alcohol. • Eat smaller meals in the evening. Or have a relaxing snack. Tryptophan a n amino a cid t h a t helps the body build protein — may help promote relaxation and sleepiness, especially when combined with a carbohydrate-containing food. Some examples: milk and crackers, yogurt and f r u it, cheese and bread. • Turn off the computer. Take a hot bath. Relax before you hit the sack. And remember that sleep time is not wasted time. It's when the body repairs itself and gets us ready for the next day. That's something to sleep on. Barbara Quinnis a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator at the Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula.
"Diet soda is much better than regular soda. It l acks 10 teaspoons of sugar p er 12 ounces," he said, noting studies have shown people drinking regular soda have gained weight, while t hose consuming diet soda have not. "There's good evidence diet soda doesn't make you obese," he said. "I think it's better to drink diet soda (than regular), but diet soda does have its drawbacks." There's caffeine, he noted, which can affect some people. Phosphoric acids can promote tooth decay. There have been s afety questions about t h e ingredients used in caramel coloring formulas and the artificial sweeteners used. The tug of war over the relative health merits of diet sodas can bewilder consumers and cause tension in the scientific and food communities. Witness the recent kerfuffle over an article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The article outlined a scientific study of the health impacts of aspartame, an artificial sweetener used in diet sodas. The study suggested the possibility of an increased risk of lymphoma and leukemia because of diet soda consumption. But researchers affiliated with the Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston couldn't rule out chance as an explanation for their findings. According to NPR, which reported on the study, the hospital's public relations department issued a press release "exaggerating" the correlation between these cancers and the sweetener in diet soda. That was followed by the hospital pulling back on the press release, terming the study's data as "weak." And that touched off much speculation about
why there was apparent backpedaling on the study. There wil l b e c o n tinued research, no doubt, into diet sodas. The question for right now is: Should you drink one next time you're thirsty'? The answer, nutritionists say, dep ends very much o n y o u r h ealth, your diet an d h o w much diet soda you drink. "People who drink an occ asional soda w o n' t h a v e a problem," said M i chelle Dudash, author of the new book "Clean Eating for Busy Families." It's the folks who drink soda regularly, like two cans every day, who are more at risk for soda-related health i s sues, said Dudash, a registered dietitian from Scottsdale, Ariz. A move from regular soda to diet soda is generally seen healthwise as a good move, but not as good as forgoing soda. "One can of soda contains 140 calories, all from added sugar," Dudash said. "For someone who has the habit of drinking a six-pack of regular soda per day, switching to diet soda is a step in the right
Define moderation? One dietsoda every other day is "probably fine," said Kristin Kirkpatrick, manager of wellness nutrition services at the Cleveland Clinic's Wellness Institute in Ohio. More f requent c onsumption c a n fostera dependency for sweet flavors, she said. Ruggiero treats herself to one diet soda a week. "But I h ave a v ery good diet," she quickly adds. "It's a little treat when I want something fizzy or sweet. It's not replacing more healthy items in my diet. I eat verywell, I exercise, so I keep a little stash in
my fridge." Diet soda and kids? "No artificial sweetener has any place in a child's diet, and that goes for diet soda too," Dudash said. Better to serve water or a nutrient-richbeverage, she added. What is sweetening that drink? While the U.S. government recognizes a number of a r t ificial sweeteners as safefor consumers, health organizations and advocacy groups have expressed differing views on them. They note some artificial s w eeteners are still being studied, others need to be studied, and still more need to be restudied
TheB u lletin
had lost — several risk
factors were actually worse than before they lost weight in the first
place. The take-homemessage from the study was that slow and steady
weight loss should be done via permanent lifestyle changes, and that
yo-yo dieting is harmful. — Anne Aurand, The Bulletin
Where Buyers
The Center for Science in the Public Interest posts a "Chemical Cuisine" page on its website ( rating the risk of various food additives, including artificial sweeteners. Sucralose is on the "safe" list. Aspartame is listed under CSPI's "caution" column. On the "avoid" list are saccharin an d a c esulfamepotassium, which i s s ometimes used with sucralose in products.
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percent of what they
direction, with the goal being to gradually taper that amount clown. Diet sodas are not a health food but a recreational, fun food that's OK to have once in a while, Dudash said. The trouble lies in people thinking that since diet sodas have zero calories, they can have as much of it as they want. Not so. "It's not nutritious at all," she said. "It's one of those inmoderation foods."
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series o ensnewvenue or essica an e TV SPOTLIGHT
Jessica Lange plays a nun on this
By Luaine Lee
McClatchy-Tribune News Service
Jessica Lange, who once
beguiled King Kong, suffered Blanche DuBois' manic illusions and slipped into psychosis with Frances Farmer has a whole new career going for her on FX's "American Horror Story." Last season she played a master manipulator in a gothic ghoststory and this year she's a nun slipping into madness. "I understand that there's a demographic that otherwise probably wouldn't know my work," she says. "I'm always
' w.tK.*
"American Horror Story" on FX. "I think obviously your days as leading lady are limited," said Lange. McClatcby-Tribune News Service
surprised when young people don't know certain actors or are not familiar with certain films — even peoplewho are working in Hollywood, which is really alarming, are not aware of certain filmmakers if it's more than 20 years ago or 25 years ago, or maybe even
15 years ago." Television series has marked a new venue for her. "It has given me a whole new exposure that probably I wouldn't have had otherwise,because of the kinds of films that I do. I don't do big studio films that gross $100 million or whatever, I've mostly done small, independent movies. And that has a very limited audience. So this is a greater audience probably than I've had for a long, long time, and it's also the demo-
graphic is much younger, so
that's all good, I guess. I don't know ultimately what t h at means, but I'm glad people are looking at the work. I'm very grateful for that." Lange is one of a handful of female actresses who've managed to transmute from blond leading lady to roles of power and substance. "I think obviously your days as leading lady are limited," she acknowledges. "You have that one little window of time from mid-20s to maybe mid40s. I'm trying to think of the last 'leading lady' I played. It might have been like what? 'Blue Sky' or something. And then I must have been early
the romantic lead, that comes to an end at a certain point.... I suppose then you could define the parts that come your way as characters, you become a character actor." But with roles in projects like "Crimes of the Heart," "A Thousand Acres," "Grey Gardens," "Cousin Bette," Lange says she's always regarded herselfas a character actor. "I was never doing — except maybe for 'Tootsie,' which was actually so well written that it didn't fall into that category, I was never playing just the girlfriend or the wife. So they were all, to my mind, I was always a character actress, even though 40s. So yes, where you played I suppose combined with that
was the element of being a leading lady — whatever that means now. That feels like a throwback to another era of filmmaking." A ccepting the role of t h e nun in "American Horror Story" marked a leap of faith for her, says Lange. "I think as an actor you have to have trust. You have to believe that somebody is taking care of you or watching your back, because with a part like this especially and where we're going with it, I can't pull any punches. I can't do it halfway, especially when you're dealing with madness and this descent into madness. And I really felt like, OK, I'm going to embrace this 100 percent fully. Somebody will look out for me and not let me completely humiliate myself." Each role she approaches differently, she says. "I'm relying much more now on just pure imagination that comes up in a moment, and I just follow that through rather than trying to plan anything or design anything... With fictional characters you rise and fall on the strength of your imagination, I think.... But the thing t hat I've been working o n more and more lately is finding the character through the voice, and sometimes I would work on f i nding it t h rough the emotional core, which is still the main element I work in, but the external instead of finding it through movement or body or whatever, now I try
to find it through voice." Lange says when she made "Grey Gardens" for HBO she studied t h e do c u mentary about the woman she w as playing, who was the eccentric and destitute aunt of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. "I would put on the DVD of (the documentary) 'Grey Gardens' and not look at the image but just hear the voice. And as soon as I found that voice I could drop into the character. Now, with Sister Jude this year, I've also found a voice that as soon as it's there and present I feel like I sinkinto the character. And I've done something with the voice as it's gone along that it's been changing as we go down this rabbit hole. So that's the process.... That's kind of how I f ind that I'm working now, I mean, strictly through the imagination and then looking for the character, trying to find the character mostly through the voice." She says she's relieved that she no longer needs to prove anything. "I'm not building a career anymore so I'm not trying to figure out is this going to be a wise move, or is this
going to ruin my career? I'm so beyond that. It is what it is basically. I've made my choices. I've gone a certain path for better or worse and now it's just I'll do what I want, whether it's wise or not doesn't matter to me anymore. That time has passed when I could've made wise decisions."
Sympathywearsthin for needyfriend
Dear Abby:How can I set healthy boundaries with my best friend without feeling guilty? I have always been supportive and available because I sympathized with her difficult family dynamics during childhood and adulthood. She often talks to me about her • EAR problems with fam-
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8, IMAX,680 S W. Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • CIRQUEDU SOLEIL:W ORLDS AWAY (PG)1:40 • CIRQUE DU SOLEIL:WORLDSAWAY3-D (PG) 11:15a.m., 4:30, 6:50, 9:10 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 10:50 a.m., 12:35, 2:30, 4:10, 6:05, 7:45, 9:40 • THE GUILTTRIP(PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 1:45, 4:25, 6:55, 9:35 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)10:35 a.m., 2:15, 6:15, 9:55 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-D (PG-13) 10:40 a.m., 6:20, 10 •THE HOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY IMAX (PG-13) 10:45 a.m., 2:25, 6:25, 10:05 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 12:55, 3:55, 7:05, 10:15 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 10:30a.m., 12:30, 2, 4, 6, 7:30, 9:30 • LIFE OF PI (PG)3:25 • LIFE OF Pl3-D (PG) 11:05 a.m., 7, 10:05 • MONSTERS,INC.(G) 1:25 • MONSTERS,INC.3-D (G) 11a.m., 3:45, 7:20, 9:45 • PARENTALGUIDANCE (PG)10:55 a.m .,12:50,1:50,3:30, 4:40, 6:35, 7: I5, 9:20, 10:20 • RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG)1:05, 3:35 • SKYFALL(PG-I3) 6:10, 9:25 • THIS IS 40(R) 12:45, 3:50, 6:55, 10:10 • THETWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG13) 2:20 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies.
• There may beanadditional fee for 3-D and IMAXmovies. • Movie times aresubject to changeafter press time. I
ily and ever-chang-
to believe that if you assert yourself you won't be considered "nice." That's a mistake because as long as you allow this friend to take advantage of you — and that is what she's doing — the more your resentment w ill build until t h e relationship becomes one of d i minishing returns. So tell this self-centered person as nicely as possible that you are not a therapist, and because her problems persist, she should talk to one. Dear Abby: I was shocked the other day when a friend of mine said that many w omen remain in terrible marriages because of finances. She said those types of marriagesare accepted worldwide, so why not in America? She also said she thinks that shame is attached if a woman admits the only reason she is staying with her husband is a monetary one. The women she was t alking about are baby boomers and older. After thinking about it, I remember my mother and mother-in-law saying that money was why they remained in their marriages. Is this
ing rel a t ionships with men, but rarely allows me or others to share their points of view or personal concerns. Saying "no" to her is challenging under any circumstance, and she demands that all focus be on her in social situations. I love and accept my friend as she is, and I try to give her all the grace I have. I now realize that setting healthy boundaries is the only way I can sustain our friendship. I know this dynamic may put a strain on our relationship, so why do I feel so guilty? — Tested in Northern California Dear Tested:That's a good question, and one that I can't definitively answer for you. It's possible that like many women, you were raised
HAPPY BIRTHDAYFOR THURSDAY, DEC. 27, 2012:This year you often will swing back and forth between being intellectual and being highly emotional. Some of you might try to control this seesaw of sentiments. Accept that this is Stars showthe kind unlikely to change of day you'll have an y time in the ** * * * D ynamic near future. If you ** * * P ositive are single, this ** * Average bac k -and-forth ** So-so could chase away a * Difficult potential suitor, but come summer, you are likelyto meet someone who enjoys your changeability and accepts you as you are. If you are attached, your sweetie might wonder what is going on. You need to accept that his or her responses could be different from whatyou'd expect. CANCER plays devil'sadvocate.
as prevalent as my friend stated? I find it sad that this could be true. It reminds me of the Tina Turner song — what's love got to do with it? — Inft For Love Dear In It:Ifyou'reaskingifl have statistics on the number of women who stay married only for economic reasons, the answer is no. Most of the people who write to me are unhappy, which would skew the numbers in a negative direction. I hope you realize that the women you have described — an older demographic — were probably not economically independent when they married. It was common in their generation to go straight from their parents' houses to their husbands'. For many years I — and my mother before me — haveurged women to make sure they are self-supporting before they marry, "just in case" they may have to be afterward. Staying in a marriage without love is like serving a life sentence with a n i n c ompatible cellmate. Your mother and mother-in-law have my sympathy, and so do their husbands. — Write to Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles,CA 90069
becomes fun.
SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov.21)
scenewith anadeptnessand quickness that surprises many. Make plans, if you can, for a short trip with some good friends. Tonight: Treat yourself.
** * * D eal with someone or several different people on a one-on-one level. Rethink a personal matter more carefully. Laughter surrounds you later in the day when you relax.Onceyou detach,you'll see humor in what was once difficult. Tonight: Try a new pastime.
CANCER(June21-July 22)
SAGITTARIUS(Nov.22-Dec. 21)
** * * M a ke it OKto move slowly in the morning. Accept and understand what you have been through as of late. Consider your options in the morning, and act in the later part of the afternoon. At the right moment, you will feel alert. Tonight: The world is your oyster.
** * * O pen up in the morning. A discussion could be quite animated with hostility or aggressiveness. You might not be up for an argument, but you will need to establish boundaries regardless. In the afternoon, clear the air. Tonight: Chat over dinner.
LEO(July 23-Aug.22)
CAPRICORN(Dec.22-Jan. 19)
By Jacqueline Bigar
** * * L ise the morning to the max when dealing with others. People will tend to be more responsive then. You actually might decide to keep to yourself in the ARIES(March 21-April19) afternoon. Avoid an argument with a ** * Use the morning for an important favorite person. Patching this up could be talk or meeting. By midafternoon, you difficult. Tonight: All smiles. could be conflicted or irritated about a situation. Your mood flows into other VIRGO(Aug.23-Sept. 22) dealings. Take your time and process ** * * * R ethink a decision more the irritation first, then deal with others. carefully. Take your time. In the afternoon, Tonight: M oseyon home. test out your conclusion. You might be TAURUS(April 20-May 20) causing yourself a problem if you move ** * * T a king a hard look at recent ahead blindly. Look to friends and loved expenditures might be more necessary ones for their advice and feedback. than you think. Do not let someone's Tonight: A force to be dealt with. opinion trigger an argument — just let LIBRA(Sept. 23-Oct. 22) itgo. Youknowwhatyouwant. Do not standon ceremony. Pickupthe phone ** * * Y our mind drifts to matters and call a friend. Tonight: Secure New beyond the here-and-now. What will Year's plans. it take to anchor you? A boss or key GEMINI(May 21-June20) associate needs your time and attention ** * * You are full of energy and could later in the day. Do whatever you need to be difficult to find, according to more than do in order to stay present. Tonight: Once a few people. It seems as if you flee the you let go of the day's issues, the night
** * You might find yourself caught in a financial quandary. For some, this scenario might include trying to make ends meet. For others, it might involve returning useless gifts. Take time for someone who needs an upbeat message. Tonight: Be open to a suggestion.
AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Ped.18) ** * You might surprise yourself with the feisty words that come out of your mouth. You have swallowed a lot of anger lately. Perhaps the time has come to process these feelings. Everyone involved would prefer a discussion rather than sarcastic jabs.Tonight:The unexpected occurs.
PISCES(Feb. 19-March20) ** * * Y our ingenuity could face a problem. The issue will keep rearing its ugly head until you face facts and open up a discussion. You'll decide to let go and indulge in some playfulness. Tonight: Buy yourself that item you wanted but didn't get. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate
TV TODAY 6 p.m. on TNT, "NBABasketball" — Western Conference contenders meet tonight at ChesapeakeEnergy Arena as Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook and the Oklahoma City Thunder welcome Dirk Nowitzki, O.J. Mayo and the Dallas Mavericks. 6 p.m. on NGC, "RocketCity Rednecks" —Daddy contacts Hope for the Warriors, an organization that helps disabled veterans from Afghanistan and lraq, to see if the Rednecks can lend a helping hand. They meet injured veteran Philip Labonte, who is no longer able to go hunting because he is in a wheelchair. The Rednecks design a boar-hunting vehicle for Philip, and the hunt ison. 8 p.m. on & &, "Happy New Year, Charlie Brown" —Good grief! Who assigns elementary-school children "War and Peace"? Charlie Brown's teacher, that's who. He has to read it over the Christmas break and write a report, but holiday distractions keep getting in the way. 8 p.m. on E3, "The BigBang Theory" —Sheldon (Jim Parsons) hires a newassistant (Margo Harshman) in this episode. She's young, she's female, and she's making Amy (Mayim Bialik) very, very nervous. 8 p.m. on (CW), "The Vampire Diaries" —After Stefan (Paul Wesley) confides his suspicions about Elena (Nina Dobrev) to Damon (lan Somerhalder), the brothers go to New Orleans to seeifanyone— Damon'sold flame Charlotte (Madeline Zima), perhaps — remembers their previous visit in 1942. Back in Mystic Falls, Elena drops a bombshell on Caroline and Bonnie (Candice Accola, Kat Graham) during a girls night. 8:30 p.m.on I3 E3, "Up All Night" —With Chris and Scott (Will Arnett, Luka Jones) busy launching their new business, Reagan (Christina Applegate) tries to adjust to her new stay-at-home mom status and the neighborhood's quirks. Ava (Maya Rudolph) is reunited with Walter (guest star Sean Hayes, "Will 8 Grace"), her former accompanist ,and learns she may have inadvertently ruined his life. 9 p.m. on LIFE, "Project Runway All Stars" —The five remaining designers are challenged to create a ready-to-wear lookthat packs a punch but stays within a retail budget. ©Zap2it
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Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • ANNA KARENINA (R) Thu: 3:15, 6:45 • ARGO (Ri 11:45a.m., 5:45 • HITCHCOCK (PG-13) 12:15, 9 45 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)Noon, 3:30, 7 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 11a.m., 2:30, 6,9:30 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 3, 6:15, 9:40 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 12:30, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15 • SKYFALL(PG-I3) 2:45, 9 I
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McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 54I-330-8562 • HOOK (1991 — PG)Noon • IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE(1946 — PG)3 • RED DAWN (PG-13) 6 • SEVENPSYCHOPATHS(R) 9 • After7 p.m., showsare2f and older only. Younger than21 mayattend screeningsbefore 7 pm.ifaccompanied by a legalguardian. t
• t
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • GREGORYCREWDSON: BRIEFENCOUNTERS (noM PAA rating) 3:30 • HOLY MOTORS (no MPAArating) 8:30 • SAMSARA (PG-13) 6 I
Redmond Cinemas, t535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I-548-8777 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 2:45, 6:15, 9:30 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)2:30, 6:05, 9:30 • JACK REACHER (PG- I3) 3: I5, 6: I5, 9:15 • THIS IS 40 (R)2:45, 5:45, 8:45 Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)2:30,6 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 3:30, 6:30 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 2:45, 6:15 • PARENTALGUIDANCE (PG) 2:I5,4:30,7 Madras Cinema 5, 1101S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 1:30,4:50, 8:20 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-D (PG-13) 12:50, 4:30, 8:10 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 1:20, 4, 6:40, 9:20 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG-13) 12:35, 2:50, 5:05, 7:20, 9:40 • THIS IS 40(R) 1:10, 4:05, 6:50, 9:35 •
Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (LIPSTAIRS — PG-13) 3:20, 7 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG) 4, 7:10 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibi/ity.
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ITEMS FORSALE 201 - NewToday 202- Want to buy or rent 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 204- Santa's Gift Basket 205- Free ltems 208- Pets and Supplies 210- Furniture & Appliances 211 - Children's Items 212 -Antiques & Collectibles 215- Coins & Stamps 240- Crafts and Hobbies 241 - Bicycles and Accessories 242 - ExerciseEquipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. 248- Health andBeautyItems 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 253- TV, StereoandVideo 255 - Computers 256- Photography 257- Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259- Memberships 260- Misc. Items 261 - MedicalEquipment 262 -Commercial/Office Equip. 263- Tools
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Heating & Stoves
Save/donate your de- Inversion table used for spine decompression. posit bottles/cans to local al l v o l unteer, $85. 541-330-9070 non-profit animal res264-Snow RemovalEquipment 246 cue, to help with cat 265 - Building Materials Guns, Hunting spay/neuter costs & 266- Heating and Stoves other veterinary bills. Piano, SteinwayModel 8 Fishing 267- Fuel and Wood CRAFT Cans for Cats 0 Baby Grand 1911, 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers trailer w il l b e at: .357 mag Rossi, lever gorgeous, artist qual269- GardeningSupplies & Equipment Jake's Diner, 2210 E action rifle, 20" bbl, NIB, ity instrument w/great 270 - Lost and Found Hwy. 20, Bend, thru $449. 541-788-6365 action & S teinway's 12/31. P e t co , by warm, rich sound. Will GARAGE SALES .380 ACP AMT Backup, Applebee's, Bend, 1/1 adorn any living room, 275 - Auction Sales 7 .62x51 NATO b a ll church or music stu-1/14. Eagle Crest O 280 - Estate Sales private clu b house, ammo, .45 ACP US dio perfectly. New reNational Match, .45 281 - Fundraiser Sales 1/15 -1/28. 389-8420, tail $ 6 9 ,000. SacriS pringfield Micr o & fice at $26,000 OBO, 282- Sales Northwest Bend C ompact pisto l . Facebook for info. call 541-383-3150. 284- Sales Southwest Bend 541-408-4831.
286- Sales Northeast Bend 288- Sales Southeast Bend 290- Sales RedmondArea 292- Sales Other Areas FARM MARKET 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery 316 - Irrigation Equipment 325- Hay, Grain and Feed 333- Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies 341 - Horses and Equipment 345-Livestockand Equipment 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers 358- Farmer's Column 375- Meat and Animal Processing 383 - Produce andFood
9mm Kel-Tec P-11, new in box, $299.
Misc. Items
O r e g o n
Gardening Supplies 8 Equipment •
Since September 29, For newspaper delivery, call the 1991, advertising for used woodstoves has Circulation Dept. at 541-385-5800 been limited to models which have been To place an ad, call 541-385-5809 308 c ertified by th e O r egon Department of or email Farm Equipment classified O Environmental Qual& Machinery ity (DEQ) and the federal En v ironmental Protection A g e ncy 2005 John Deere (EPA) as having met 790 tractor w/box smoke emission stanSUPER TOP SOIL blade, loader, dards. A cer t ified www.hershe quick-connect forks, w oodstove may b e Screened, soil 8 comonly 143 hrs, mi x ed , no identified by its certifi- post $12,500. rocks/clods. High hucation label, which is permanently attached mus level, exc. for 541-350-3921 to the stove. The Bul- flower beds, lawns, straight letin will no t k n ow- gardens, ingly accept advertis- s creened to p s o i l . TURN THE PAGE Bark. Clean fill. Dei ng for the sale of For More Ads liver/you haul. uncertified 541-548-3949. The Bulletin woodstoves.
The Bulletin
Bend's Indoor Swap Ammo 223 and 7.62x Meet - A Mini-Mall full $1 p e r r o und. of Unique Treasures! Shih-Mas and Dachs- 39, 541-280-2815. 3rd St. 8 Wilson Ave. hund babies, beauti10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. ful puppies, $350 & Need to get an $300. delivered part BIG CHIEF SMOKER Vermont Castings woodAspen m odel, ad in ASAP? way 541-530-9490 pd. $ 129.99 u s ed stove, Lost & Found • once, selling $65 obo. $300. 541-420-4825 You can place it 541-548-4170 REMEMBER: If you online at: ~ CO) Just too many have lost an animal, Buying Diamonds don't forget to check Maschio 7-ft rotary tiller, MorePixat collectibles? /Gotd for Cash The Humane Society virtually new, less than 5 Wolf-Husky pups, $400; Saxon's Fine Jewelers 541-385-5809 in Bend 541-382-3537 hrs. $7500 new; asking Sell them in pure Sibenan Husky pups 541-389-6655 Redmond, $5000. 541-421-3222 $400. 541-977-7019 The Bulletin Classifieds AR15 Smith & Wesson, BUYING 541-923-0882 Yorkie AKC pups, small, $1300, with Red Dot, Lionel/American Flyer Prineville, ready now! Health guar., like new. 541-420-7100 trains, accessories. 541-447-71 78; Hay, Grain & Feed 541-385-5809 208 shots, potty training, pixs Buy/Sell/Trade an fire541-408-2191. OR Craft Cats, avail,$650. 541-777-7743 Pets 8 Supplies 541-389-8420. Wanted: Irrigated farm arms. Bend local pays Where can you find a cash! 541-526-0617 ground, under pivot ir0 210 helping hand? riqation, i n C e n tral • Fu e l 8 Wood 286 DO YOU HAVE Furniture & Appliances CASH!! OR. 541-419-2713 From contractors to SOMETHING TO For Guns, Ammo & Sales Northeast Bend SELL yard care, it's all here Reloading Supplies. WHEN BUYING A1 Washers&Dryers Looking for your 541-408-6900. FOR $500 OR in The Bulletin's FIREWOOD... $150 ea. Full warnext employee? LESS? h ** FREE ** "Call A Service ranty. Free Del. Also Custom AK-47 rifle, unPlace a Bulletin Boxer/English Bulldog Non-commercial To avoid fraud, f ired. N l B , $50 0 . Garage Sale Kit wanted, used W/D's advertisers may Professional" Directory The Bulletin help wanted ad (Valley Bulldog) puppies, 541-771-9902 Place an ad in The 541-280-7355 s place an ad with recommends paytoday and C~Kc R 'nb i dl Bulletin for your gaBUYING & SE L LING ouI' Want to Buy or Rent fawns, 1st shots. $900. ment for Firewood reach over rage sale and reAll gold jewelry, silver DON'T MI SS I HI S 541-325-3376 "QUICK CASH GENERATE SOME exupon delivery 60,000 readers and gold coins, bars, only ceive a Garage Sale citement i n your WANTED: Tobacco SPECIAL" and inspection. each week. Kit FREE! rounds, wedding sets, neighborhood! Plan a • A cord is 128 cu. ft. pipes - Briars, Meer1 week 3 lines 12 Your classified ad Find exactly what class rings, sterling silgarage sale and don't DO YOU HAVE 4' x 4' x 8' shaums and smoking s~ k ssi KIT INCLUDES: will also ver, coin collect, vin- • Receipts should you are looking for in the SOMETHING TO accessories. forget to advertise in Ad must include • 4 Garage Sale Signs tage watches, dental include name, appear on WANTED: RAZORSclassified! SELL price of single item CLASSIFIEDS • $2.00 Off Coupon To gold. Bill Fl e ming, phone, price and bendbulletin com Gillette, Gem, Schick, 541-385-5809. FOR $500 OR of $500 or less, or Use Toward Your 541-382-9419. which currently etc. Shaving mugs LESS? multiple items kind of wood purNext Ad W hirlpool stac k e d Non-commercial receives over and accessories. Guild Wars 2 PC game, whose total does chased. • 10 Tips For "Garage washer & dryer set, Fair prices paid. 1.5 million page advertisers may not exceed $500. Brand NEW! Changed • Firewood ads Sale Success!" large capacity, many Call 541-390-7029 views every place an ad mind. $40/ o f fer. MUST include speoptions, works great! between 10 am-3 pm. with our 541-382-6806 month at no Call Classifieds at cies and cost per $350. 541-416-0296 "QUICK CASH PICK UP YOUR 541-385-5809 extra cost. to better serve Wanted- paying cash cord GARAGE SALE KIT at SPECIAL" our customers. Bulletin Chihuahua Pups, as The Bulletin for Hi-fi audio 8 stu1777 SW Chandler 1 week 3 lines 12 I P ets & Supplies Classifieds sorted colors, teacup, dio equip. Mclntosh, recommends extra ' OI' Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Get Results! 1st shots, w o rmed, J BL, Marantz, D y l caution when purk 2 0i Sen na CenfralOregon since ian ~2 Call 541-385-5809 $250, 541-977-0035 chasing products or • naco, Heathkit, SanThe Bulletin recomAd must or place your ad services from out of I sui, Carver, NAD, etc. mends extra caution include price of on-line at Call 541-261-1808 1 cord dry, split Juniper, l the area. Sending l when purc h as- BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS ii i s scc $190/cord. Multi-cord l cash, checks, or ' ing products or seror less, or multiple Search the area's most WHEN YOU SEE THIS discounts, & t/s cords l credit i n f o rmation vices from out of the items whose total comprehensive listing of German Sh e pherd may be subjected to available. Immediate Sales Other Areas area. Sending cash, does not exceed classified advertising... ~Oo parents on site. l FRAUD. For more delivery! 541-408-6193 checks, or credit in- real estate to automotive, pups, $500. Farmers Column Ready Now! $ 5 00. information about an s f ormation may b e merchandise to sporting NOTICE advertiser, you may l subjected to fraud. goods. Bulletin Classifieds 541-280-2118 Call Classifieds at On a classified ad AH Year Dependable Remember to remove 10X20 STORAGE Firewood: Split, Del. your Garage Sale signs Ore g oni go to For more i nforma- appear every day in the JackRussellm ale puppy, i call t h e 541-385-5809 BUILDINGS Bend. Lod g epole, (nails, staples, etc.) Attor ney ' tion about an adver9 wks,long legs, smooth ' State print or on line. for protecting hay, Pine: 1 for $170 or 2 l General's O f f i c e to view additional tiser, you may call coat, t r i-color. $ 2 50. after your Sale event firewood, livestock Call 541-385-5809 for $325. Cash, Check Consumer P rotec- • the O r egon State photos of the item. is over! THANKS! etc. $1496 Installed. 503-717-3516 or Credit Card OK. t ion ho t l in e at I Ruger Bisley Vaquero Attorney General's From The Bulletin 541-617-1133. . 357 e x c . con d , 541-420-3484. Office Co n s umer l 1-877-877-9392. and your local utility CCB ¹1 73684. leather holster, more Servng Central Oregonsnre 1903 Medical Equipment Protection hotline at companies. $500. 503-347-7562 DRY JUNIPER $185/ 1-877-877-9392. split, or $165 rounds Hoveround power chair, Wanted: Irrigated farm sKS rifle. Serving Central Oregon sincel903 Labradoodles - Mini 8 like new, new batteries, per cord. Delivered. ground, under pivot irServingCentral Oregon since 1909 541-603-0669 Call 541-977-4500 or med size, several colors $800. 541-420-4825 riqation, i n C e n tral 541-678-1590 541-504-2662 Antiques & OR. 541-419-2713 Wanted: Collector 263 Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, seeks high quality Collectibles Tools fishing items. all colors, starting at DACHSHUND PUPS Maremma Guard Dog w re • • • Call 541-678-5753, or $250. Parents on site. AKC mini longhaired pups, purebred, great Bill-Jax 5-ft & 3-ft scaf503-351-2746 Call 541-598-5314, dogs, $300 e a ch, 8M $500 SF $600 fold sets, 10-ft aluminum 541-788-7799 541-546-6171. on your General Merchandise 541-598-7417 8 p l y wood s c affold 253 naSIIZ" casters, levelers TV Stereo & Video boards, classified ad. People Look for Information Dachshund pups, mini, Pom-Pom pup, 8 wksVisit our HUGE 8 braces, nice set, paid Happy, healthy, outhome decor About Products and $3600, asking $2000. smooth permane'nt love going, smart, ready 60" Place an ad in the WIDE S C REEN 541-350-3921 consignment store. Services Every Day through for the Ne w Y e a r. NOW for X-mas! $275 color TV, rolling stand, New items Bulletin Classifieds and The Bulletin Classifieds $250 ea, 541-815-3799 Becca 541-279-0632 w orks great, $ 1 2 5 265 arrive daily! OBO. 541-526-5478 930 SE Textron, Building Materials • a , p f or onl y $2.00 more POODLE PUPS, AKC BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! Small, friendly, & Bend 541-318-1501 266 The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are toys. >() your act can run in the Bend Habitat still over 2,000 folks in our community without loving! 541-475-3889 Computers RESTORE I permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift Check out the The Bulletin reserves Building Supply Resale camps, getting by as best they can. New Today • classifieds online the right to publish all T HE B U LLETIN r e Quality at LOW The following items are badly needed to quires computer adads from The Bulletin PRICES Classification help them get through the winter: newspaper onto The vertisers with multiple 740 NE 1st Updated daily ad schedules or those @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ Bulletin Internet web541-312-6709 tin g Call today and speak with ~ g TheBulle selling multiple sysNew or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. POODLES, Toy, 4 mos. site. Open to the public. tems/ software, to dise WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. Very social; parents here l ocrclassified team tc close the name of the Sisters Habitat ReStore $300. 541-520-7259 PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT Servtng Central Oregon since l903 place your ad business or the term Building Supply Resale THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER Private art ads onl "dealer" in their ads. Quality items. Queensland Heelers 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. standard & mini,$150 & Call The Bulletin At Private party advertisLOW PRICES! •6• 541-385-5809 up. 541-280-1537 ers are defined as 150 N. Fir. For Special pick up please call Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 541-549-1621 Ken @ 541-389-3296 rightwayranch.wordthose who sell one PLEASE HELP, YOUCAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. At: computer. Open to the public. ~rla c
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utils. 503-679-7496 630
Gilchrist, OR location:
Rooms for Rent
• Lumber Graders
q uiet r o o m n e a r downtown & College. No smoking or drugs. $350 incl. util. $100 dep. 541-815-9938 Studios & Kitchenettes Furnished room, TV w/ cable, micro & fridge. Utils 8 l i nens. New owners. $145-$165/wk 541-382-1885
Seeking experienced Graders; pine graders with 1 year exper. preferred.
• Planer Technician Minimum 3 years
Place a photoin your private party ad for only $15.00 perweek.
7 days .................................................. $10.00 14 days................................................ $16.00
Share cozymobile home in Terrebonne, $275+ t/a
is seeking applicants for the fo!lowing positions at their
Thursday • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • No on Wed. Fri d a y . . . . . . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate • •• • • •• • • • • 11:00 am Fri • Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . 3:0 0 pm Fri. • • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Sunday. • • • • PRIVATE PARTY RATES
Roommate Wanted
machinist experience required; Sawmill/Planer experience preferred.
AptJMultiplex NE Bend
• Millwright Minimum 2 years Heavy Industrial experience required; Sawmill/planer experience preferred.
e GREAT WINTER e DEAL! 2 bdrm, 1 bath, $530 & $540 w/lease. Carports included! FOX HOLLOW APTS.
Please apply to
j •
RENTALS 603- Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636- Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638- Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Houses for Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend 658- Houses for Rent Redmond 659- Houses for Rent Sunriver 660- Houses for Rent La Pine 661 - Housesfor Rent Prineville 662- Houses for Rent Sisters 663- Houses for Rent Madras 664- Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675- RV Parking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space
(541) 383-3152
) •
682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740 - Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746 - Northwest BendHomes 747 - Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749 - Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational HomesandProperty 764 - Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land
I nterfor o f fers a Cascade Rental 687 748 771 competitive s a lary Management. Co. Commercial for Northeast Bend Homes Lots and benefits packRent/Lease 636 age. All applicants Sweetest 4 bdrm, 2 bath Nice flat lot in Terreboffered a p o sition Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Bend! 1635 sq ft, great onne, .56 a c res, Spectrum professional in must s u ccessfully building, 3 5 0 ' -500',neighborhood, lovingly p aved s t reet, a p complete a pre-emSmall studio close to liupgraded for 7 years. ca p -fill per ft. total. No O pen f l oorplan, R V proved fo r ployment drug test. is located at: brary, all util. pd. $550, $1.00 septic, utilities are at N NN. C a l l An d y , Equal Opportunity $525 dep. No pets/ parking, garden, hot tub, the lot line. $42,000. 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. 541-385-6732. Employer smoking. 541-330& so much more. For MLS 3 2 0 12001172 Bend, Oregon 97702 9769 or 541-480-7870 details & photos go to Pam Lester, Principal B roker, Century 2 1 The Bulletin Gold Country Realty, Tick, Tock PLEASE NOTE: Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is 750 I Recommends extra Inc. 541-504-1338 needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or caution when purRedmond Homes Tick, Tock... reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher The Highlands at Brochasing products or I shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days services from out of NE Redmond, 3 bdrm, ken top, 1 0 a c res, ...don't let time get will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. 2 bath, 1360 sq. ft., I the area. Sending gated, private well, away. Hire a c ash, checks, o r triple garage, office, utilities at lot, app for professional out bay f ront w i ndow, cap-fill 476 I credit i n f ormation septic. large patio, mature $535,000. MLS I may be subjected to of The Bulletin's Employment landscaping, fenced FRAUD. 732 ¹ 201200937. Pam Opportunities "Call A Service For more informayard. $128,000. MLS Lester, Principal BroCommercial/Investment 201207127 Can be found on these pages : tion about an adverProfessional" ker, Century 21 Gold Properties for Sale Pam Lester, Principal Country Realty, Inc. I tiser, you may call M~a i hf Directory today! B roker, Century 2 1 541-504-1338 the Oregon S tate EMPLOYMENT FINANCEANO BUSINESS Prime Hwy 97 commerSouthport Forest Product I Attorney General's Gold Country Realty, 410 - Private Instruction 507- Real Estate Contracts 642 cial updated in 2006, Southport Lumber Co. Inc. 541-504-1338 773 Office C o n sumer c 421 - Schools and Training 514 - Insurance Protection hotline at l Apt./Multiplex Redmond 850 sq.ft., plenty of Acreages We are a Southern parking in rear, cen454- Looking for Employment 528- Loans and Mortgages I 1-877-877-9392. Have an item to Oregon Coast saw$ 1 0 9,900. 2 bdrm, 1 bath duplex tral a ir . 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 543- Stocks and Bonds BY OWNER 20.6 acres mill utilizing state-of- gThe Biillettyt MLS ¹ 201 0 03034 sell quick? unit, $550 mo.+ $635 476 - Employment Opportunities 558- Business Investments on river in Redmond, the- art machinery, Pam Lester, Principal d ep. 1326 SW O bIf it's under on 83rd St. owner will 486 - Independent Positions 573- Business Opportunities seeking an experiB roker, Century 2 1 sidian, Avail Feb. 1. finance. $5 9 5 ,000. enced Millwright. 541-728-6421. Gold Country Realty, '500 you can place it in Looking for your next 541-421-3222. 476 476 We are located in a Inc. 541-504-1338 The Bulletin employee? beautiful area that The Bulletin Employment Employment Place a Bulletin help 0 0 offers many outdoor Classifieds for: 745 To Subscribe call Find It in Opportunities Opportunities wanted ad today and activities. We offer 541-385-5800 or go to Homes for Sale reach over 60,000 The Bulletin Classifieds! competitive wages, '10 - 3 lines, 7 days Licensed Tax Preparer readers each week. 541-385-5809 benefits and a 401k DO YOU NEED '16 3 lines, 14 days (LTC preferred) for Your classified ad BANK OWNED HOMES! Plan. Experienced A GREAT 648 BUSY La Pine office. Millwrights FREE List w/Pics! will also appear on may send EMPLOYEE We are s eeking a (Private Party ads only) Houses for resumes by email to bend and beyond real estate team-player for upCHECK YOUR AD RIGHT NOW? which currently LonnieWOsouthRent General 20967 yeoman, bend or Please check your ad Call The Bulletin coming tax s eason. receives over 1.5 421 or Salary DOE. Please on the first day it runs before 11 a.m. and million page views mail to PO Box 298, PUBLISHER'S Schools & Training send resume & cover NOTICE to make sure it is corget an ad in to pubevery month at Coos Bay, OR NOTICE All real estate adverl etter to : i n f o l c e n rect. Sometimes inlish the next day! no extra cost. 97420. All real estate adverOregon Medical tised here in is subs tructions over t h e 541-385-5809. Bulletin Classifieds tising in this newspaing PCS - Phlebotomy ject to t h e F e deral phone are misunderVIEW the Get Results! per is subject to the classes begin Jan. 7, F air Housing A c t , Seller Financing Avail! stood and a n e r ror Call 385-5809 Classifieds at: Not Bank-owned2013. Registration now Look at: F air H o using A c t which makes it illegal can occur in your ad. Get your or place P "::~ which makes it illegal to advertise any prefNot a Short Sale! If this happens to your your ad on-line at "any erence, limitation or 11185 Desert Sky Lp. medicaltrainin .com business to a d v ertise ad, please contact us for Complete Listings of 541-343-3100 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,350 sq. preference, limitation discrimination based the first day your ad Area Real Estate for Sale or disc r imination on race, color, reli- ft., 1-level home in desir- appears and we will able Ridge at E agle G ROW I N G based on race, color, Call a Pro EMPLOYMENT sex, handicap, Crest Resort. Beautiful be happy to fix it as religion, sex, handi- gion, familial status or na- fully furnished home with s oon as w e c a n . Whether you need a Sisters Park & cap, familial status, with an ad in tional origin, or intenCAUTION READERS: tub 8 gas fireplace. Deadlines are: Weekfence fixed, hedges Recreation marital status or na- tion to make any such hot The Bulletin's Move-In ready! $179,900 days 11:00 noon for tional origin, or an intrimmed or a house District preferences, l i m itanext day, Sat. 11:00 Ads published in "EmCall Peter for more "Call A Service tention to make any tions or discrimination. is accepting resumes a.m. for Sunday and built, you'll find ployment Opportuniinto at 541-419-5391 such pre f e rence, We will not knowingly for the following Professional" Monday. t ies" i n c lude e m professional help in limitation or discrimi- accept any advertis- positions: 541-385-5809 ployee and Directory nation." Familial staThe Bulletin's "Call a • Community Project ing for r ea l e state Thank you! i ndependent po s i Looking for your next tus includes children Development which is in violation of The Bulletin Classified Service Professional" tions. Ads for posiemp/oyee? under the age of 18 Coordinator this law. All persons tions that require a fee Plumber Journeymen, 528 Directory •Financial Coordinator living with parents or are hereby informed Place a Bulletin help or upfront investment needed for new con- Loans & Mortgages 541-385-5809 • Reception/ legal cus t o dians, struction. Start immedithat all dwellings ad- wanted ad today and 775 must be stated. With Registration reach over 60,000 a tely. C a l l Ga r y , pregnant women, and vertised are available any independent job Manufactured/ WARNING readers each week. For more information people securing cus- on an equal opportuTRUCK SCHOOL opportunity, p l e ase 541-410-1655. p/ease log-on fo our The Bulletin recomYour classified ad Mobile Homes tody of children under nity basis. The investigate thorwebs/fe af mends you use cauwill also appear on 18. This newspaper tin Classified Redmond Campus oughly. tion when you prowill not knowingly Garage Sales FACTORY SPECIAL Student Loans/Job vide personal which currently reNew Home, 3 bdrm, cept any advertising Single level on 1 acre, 3 Waiting Toll Free Use extra caution when Garage Sales information to compa- for real estate which is bdrm, 2 b ath, 1716 ceives over $46,900 finished 1-888-387-9252 applying for jobs onnies offering loans or 1.5 million page on you site,541.548.5511 in violation of the law. sq.ft., master separaline and never pro- Garage Sales credit, especially views every month O ur r e aders ar e tion, office, fenced, Press Supervisor vide personal inforthose asking for adat no extra cost. hereby informed that f lower garden, R V The Bulletin is seeking a night time press sumation to any source Find them vance loan fees or all dwellings adverparking. $ 1 3 5,000. Bulletin Classifieds pervisor. We are part of Western Communica• • I you may not have ret companies from out of tised in this newspa- MLS Get Results! in ¹ 201 0 07848. tions, Inc., which is a small, family-owned group searched and deemed state. If you have Call 385-5809 or per are available on consisting of seven newspapers, five in Oregon Pam Lester, Principal to be reputable. Use The Bulletin concerns or quesan equal opportunity B roker, Century 2 1 place your ad on-line and two in California. Our ideal candidate will extreme caution when tions, we suggest you at Classifieds basis. To complain of Widow seeking manage a small crew of three and must be able Gold Country Realty, r esponding to A N Y consult your attorney bendbuffeti discrimination cal l Inc. 541-504-1338 to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A widower online e m ployment or call CONSUMER 541-385-5809 HUD t o l l-free at hands-on style is a requirement for our 3 t/s ad from out-of-state. between the HOTLINE, 1-800-877-0246. The FIND IT! tower KBA press. Prior management/leaderAdvertise your car! 1-877-877-9392. ages of ship experience preferred. In addition to our toll f re e t e l ephone BVY IT! Add A Prcture! We suggest you call Remember.... 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous number for the hearReach thousands oi readers! 60 and 70. the State of Oregon SELL IT! A dd your we b a d - BANK TURNED YOU ing im p aired is commercial print clients as well. In addition to a Call 541-385-5809 916-822-4630 Consumer Hotline at dress to your ad and DOWN? Private party 1-800-927-9275. The Bulletin Classifieds The Bulletin Ctasstffeds competitive wage and benefit program, we also 1-503-378-4320 will loan on real esreaders on The provide potential opportunity for advancement. 658 If you provide dependability combined with a For Equal Opportunity Bulletin' s web site tate equity. Credit, no positive attitude, are able to manage people and will be able to click problem good equity Houses for Rent L aws: Oregon B u schedules and are a team player, we would like through automatically is all you need. Call Redmond reau of Labor & Innow. Oregon Land to hear from you. If you seek a stable work ento your site. dustry, C i vil Rights Mortgage 388-4200. vironment that provides a great place to live and Newer 2326 sq.ft. deluxe Division, raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact ei971-673-0764 Need help fixing stuff? LOCAL MONEyrWe buy home, 3/3, gas firether; Keith Foutz, Corporate Circulation & OpOteyaurSeruiCeAdV ertiSefOr 28daySStarting at 'I4tnaasat packageir eimailableonoaweatet Call A Service Professional secured trustdeeds 8 place, 7500' lot, fenced Call 54I 3855809ts prOm erations Director at If you have any quesfind the help you need. note,some hard money yard, 1655 SW Saraor with your loans. Call Pat Kellev soda Ct. $ 1 195/mo. tions, concerns or complete resume, references and s a lary 541-382-3099 ext.13. 541-350-2206 comments, contact: history/requirements. Prior press room experiBuilding/Contracting Handyman • Land s caping/Vard Carel Classified Department ence required. No phone calls please. Drug The Bulletin test is required prior to employment. EOE NOTICE: Oregon state ERIC REEVE HANDY N OTICE: O RE G O N 541-385-5809 regon law req u ires any- SERVICES. Home 8 Landscape ContracYOUR ADWILLRECEIVECLOSE TO 2,000,000 one who c o n tracts Commercial Repairs, tors Law (ORS 671) Classified EXPOSURES FORONLY$250! Serving Central Oregon since 1903 for construction work Carpentry-Painting, r equires a l l bus i The Bulletin Advertising oegoncla>sedddve I>wÃerwo trsaser rce%heaeoaNe rpope abl»herruriuaaeon to be licensed with the Pressure-washing, nesses that advertise C onstruction Con Honey Do's. On-time to p e rform L a n dWeekof December 24, 2012 Network Independent Contractor tractors Board (CCB). promise. Senior scape C o nstruction A n active lice n se Discount. Work guar- which inclu d es: means the contractor anteed. 541-389-3361 p lanting, dec ks , i s bonded and i n or 541-771-4463 fences, arbors, Serving Central Oregon since 1903 Bonded & Insured w ater-features, a n d s ured. Ver if y t h e 541-3S5-5S09 contractor's CCB CCB¹181595 installation, repair of c ense through t h e irrigation systems to CCB Cons u mer Margo Construction be licensed with the LLC Since 1992 Website Landscape ContracDIVORCE $155. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, www.hirealicensedcontractor. • Pavers• Carpentry t ors B o a rd . Th i s com • Remodeling • Decks 4-digit number is to be support, property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced in or call 503-378-4621. • Window/Door included in all adver1-5 weeks possible. 503-772-5295. Iegalalt© The Bulletin recom++++++++++++++++++ Replacement • Int/Ext tisements which indimends checking with Paint • CCB 176121 cate the business has the CCB prior to con541-480-3179 a bond, insurance and tracting with anyone. workers c ompensaSome other t r ades I DO THAT! DRIVER: $0.03 enhanced quarterly bonus. Get paid for any portion you tion for their employalso req u ire addi- Home/Rental repairs ees. For your protecqualify for: safety, production, MPG, CDL-A, 3 months current OTR tional licenses and Small jobs to remodels tion call 503-378-5909 exp.800-414-9569 certifications. Honest, guaranteed or use our website: work. CCB¹151573 to DRIVERS: Experienced Drivers - $1,000 Sign-on Bonus! Excellent Dennis 541-317-9768 check license status We are looking for independent contractors to Regional Truckload Opportunities in Your Area! Be HomeEvery Week. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! before con t racting service home delivery routes in: Run Up to 2,000 miles/week. 868-333-1021 with th e b u s iness. Home Improvement Door-to-door selling with Persons doing landDrivers: GORDON 1RUCKING - CDL-A Drivers Needed! Dedicated and scape m a intenance fast results! It's the easiest Kelly Kerfoot Const. do not require a LCB 28 yrs exp in Central OR! OTR Positions Now Open! $1000 Sign on Bonus. Consistent Miles, way in the world to sell. Quality & honesty from license. Time Off! Full Benefits, 401k, EOE, Recruiters Available 7 days/week! carpentry & handyman Just bought a new boat? The Bulletin Classified 866-435-8590 Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. jobs, to expert wall cov- Sell your old one in the 541-385-5809 ering install / removal. classifieds! Ask about our Must have reliable, insured vehicle. DRIVERS - Inexperienced/Experienced. Unbeatable Career Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 Super Seller rates! Opportunities. Trainee, Company Driver, LEASE OPERATOR, LEASE Licensed/bonded/insured 541-385-5809 Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 541-389-1413 / 410-2422 TRAINERS (877)369-7104 Debris Removal during business hours Painting/Wall Coveringl apply via email at online© Autumnridge Const. DRIVERS: Foremost Transport $2000 Bonus Program for 3/4-ton and JUNK BE GONE Quality custom home Now is an excellent time larger pickup owner operators. Great rates, flexible schedule, variety I Haul Away FREE improvements No job for interior painting! of runs. Check it out today! 1-866For Salvage. Also too big or small. Vef &Sr. Jeff A. Miller Painting 764-1601 Cleanups & Cleanouts Discounts! CCB¹t 98284 541-404-2826 Mel, 541-389-8107 Call 541-300-0042 CCB¹194196
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The Bulletin
12-27 I
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Thu rsday, Decem ber27,2012
The point of the deal
ACROSS a Military tactic 7 It may be found on a tank aa Pen knife? as Simple shelter as 200B campaign theme az B ow l (former sporting event) as Cackling cry from a mad scientist before unleashing havoc on southern California? zo "The deyil the details" za Small change: Abbr. zz Show stopper? 23 Was a sore loser, say zs Imitative zs Look after so Yelling, say 3a Hundred Acre Wood resident ss Dorm V.I.P. having to move his king? ss Married mujeres
By FRANK STEWART and he bids two hearts. What do you say ANSWER: With a seven-point hand such as 7 6, J 10 9 3, Q J 3, K 5 3 2, you would pass in a flash, but the actual hand contains three working honors. Raise t o t h r ee hearts, especially if vulnerable with a big game bonus at stake. Your partner may have a chance for 10 tricks even if he holds a minimum hand such as A Q 1076,A 7 6 5 , 9 2 , A 4 . South dealer N-S vulnerable
"What does that mean?" South WEST EAST flared. 4 Q 108 7 4K J Grapefruit told the kibitzers that 9 8 4 svf K 1093 South couldn't hit sand if he fell off a 0 86 5 2 O743 oeo8532 camel. 4K94 East surely has two spade honors; West would lead the queen from, say, SOUTH Q-J-10-7. So South must win the first 4a A43 spade. He leads a diamond to dummy 9 65 2 to finesse in clubs, dislodging West's C AK J 1 0 entry while the spades are blocked. AAJ7 Even when the heart finesse fails also, South loses only four tricks. South West Nort h E ast 1 NT 2 O
Pass Pass
24 3 NT
Pass All Pa s s
Y ou hold: 4 K J s vi K 10 9 3 Opening lead — 4a 7 0 7 4 3 4 8 5 3 2. Yo u r p artner opens one spade, you respond INT (C) 2012 Tribune Media Services, lnc.
Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at BIZARRO
ss Dark (Voldemort's ractice in the arry Potter books) ss Air 7o Political commentator
academic achievement of football star Esiason? 4z Big name in E. J. A.T.M.'s 7a Something 4s Actress to take lying Anderson dowil? 46 Some prowlers 7z Brood 73 Sales expert so Evidence of longshoremen without DOWN antiperspirant? a Indication of ss Honorable excitement in an e-mail s4 Easy jaunt in ss Get through the 2 Pastry "Sweeney cracks Todd" sy So-called 3 It's not "African promising unicorn" 4 Prefix with ss Hits 100, say valve so Actress Hatcher s Quebec's Mont-Anne sz "Toddlers & Tiaras" network 6 One having an affair 63 Fictional locale 7 [That's creepy!] five miles from s Early explorer Jonesboro of the s4 Why the press Southwest release has to 9 "Schedule a wait? pickup" co. ao 51-Down team ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE aa Civil War battle site ODD CR U M B P L I ES NEE H EN I E L A T C H az Big East team as Two-time ET A A T R I A A G I L E resident of HEN N I E C S I S A E omania E NR A G E S H A N D S I N a4 Vladimir Lenin had one A T U B T A B U R O RY as Something RES E T S C U T E Y thrown in anger T S K R E S UM E S H A L z4 "Seinfeld" character H Y A T T S EM I T E with the P EA S N E ED E T T A catchphrase E XO T I CA O V E R L A P "Jerry! Hello!" NPR D E M N O W I C Y zs Nonideal roommate T O T A L I RA T E S H E AS I D E E A T E R T E A zz Announced zs Not survive D E C O R R E E D S S S R sz Don't
Tribune Media Services
Today's North was Grapefruit, my c lub's m e mber w i t h an aci d disposition and a tongue to match. Against 3NT, West led the seven of spades: deuce, king, three. When East returned the jack, South won and tried a heart finesse with dummy's jack. East took the king and led a club, and South played low. West won and cashed the Q-10 of spades; down one. "I could've tried for a 3-3 heart break," South said, "but the club finesse was the better percentage play." "You have a point," Grapefruit said, "but if you put your hat on, m aybe nobody would notice."
37 "You're on!" ss Go a-courting ss Proud
No. 1122 9
23 28
29 33
36 39
24 30
47 53
34 Appointed (to) 36 Matches up, as files 4o 26" rubber band? 4a "Here's looking at you, kid" speaker 4z LeBron James, e.g. 43 Measure up
sa Visiting the L.S. Capitol, say
44 Administerer of the oath of office to
Obama 47 Makes nice ss Grind 4s Board, in a way 49 Price holder sa 10-Down's div. ss Cartoonist Keane sz Vacillate ss Backing ss Places to wear sy Hundred Acre robes Wood resident
For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscripfions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information.
Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:
alsi, IfRiofrosfor.s
u/2-27 U
One large pizza — half rea<onal le woman, half infuriating Jerk.
Complete the grid so that
every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from1 to 9 inclusively.
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Edited by Rich Norris and JOyCe NiCholS LeWiS
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FH E I is)E LL HAVE 8 " T l 6ANIAI4TIIA/ V) y)Y) l.s/16 2 Su'(Iya&' C L 05)fa(5' N)oVBT2fg (p)oul D '(czs/ 42ug,p / sf'ou'IEE - h'osJI2 I z I ya A Fsfe &OVFRIIO!2'S bike Fc l ICBEP ilPAIZE)11 5' (IIoII TH. NIAII5167A 6< sl'os/fe RooNI
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ACROSS 1 "Steeerike!" is one 5 Good-sized slices 10 U.K. awards 14 Slobbering comics pooch
DOWN 1 First name in fashion 2 Sew on rickrack, for instance 3 State of oblivion 4 Floral garland
15 Core group
6 Splash gently against 7 "A Passage to India"
16 Going around in
circles, maybe
c 2012 by King Features Syndicate, Inc World eobts reserved
http ilwww safehavenecomic com
E-maa 00olbrooki Ceomaa.oom
Jes'sie jfasf lreornel s he.s exeyylpl' !IIs. frofn attendiny sfaff Y I!eetsr
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OH. WELL, I SLEEP' ljfANK< For WjfE N WAITING '(W'IZE tjp, HH25 .
17 Rossini's "Cinderella," e.9 19 See 20 Pluto,for example 21 Administered b
passenger project manager raoa~ M
~45 ~
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THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L.Hoyt end JeffKnurek
Unscramble these four Jumbles one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.
NORIY Ozoiz Tnbune Media Services, Iec. „ All Rights Reserved.
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HI5 JO5 AT THF !4NF WA5 ANP WASN'T —Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.
e Laughingstock International Inc Dist uy Universal uclick for UF8 2012
"One day you're gonna be really happy you bought that life insurance."
Print your answer here: Yesterday'8
(Anowero tomorrow) J umbles: HIKER RO D E O VOI C E D LOA D E D Answer: The skunk hoodlums"REEKED" HAVOC
5 Pooh-poohs
36 RR depot 3 8 Star frequently gazed at 39 Coneheads' home, so they Sald 40 Type type 45 Warmed the bench 46 Ascot or cravat 47 What ababy's cry often means 48 747 competitor
49 Irregularly notch e d 50 Many a reggae musician 51 F i bber's
admission 52 Bring forth 53 Me s sing Df "Smash" 57 O l d autocrat 59 Addams cousin 60 Hi d e-hair link 61 N u dge
8 "It's too darn cold!" ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 9 Mermaid's milieu 10 Veteran S A DA T I S B N RO S E 11 Decision-making C R E W S spoon N C OS A C H Y setting 22 Self-gratifying O R F E O B E A A R T H U R 12 First name in skin outing P A L P A N S A T O N E care 23 Judge's protective E Y E F O R D E TA I L 13 Pilot ruling 18 Lost enthusiasm P RO O F P L E S S Y 27 Golfer 22 Have a good cry T O P A Z nicknamed uT O K RA R O L E 24 Euro fraction Big Easy" U MA E N R O U T E L OW 25 Hidey-hole 28 Shady plot B A R B E M I R S I D E S 26 Apple, for one 29 Tantrum in a A N D E A N A B A C I 29 -mo restaurant, say 30 Alley lurker G E E W I L L I K E R S 32 Clip 31 Subject of IRS A C T O R A N AT R U T 34 Docs who deliv Form 706 37 When-all-elseO H B RO T H E R B A S I L 32 Prefix meaning fails act N E A R M O R E R H O N E "wing" 41 Cooperstown's EZ R A I O T A B I N G O 33 "Good grief!" Mel 35 Two-piece piece 12/27/1 2 xworded! 42 Tricky rink move 43 Like X, in some 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 cases 14 15 16 44 Noted Titanic 47 Groupie 48 Like a good
* 'bJ '
54 Greek labyrinth island,in myth 55 He plays Jack on "30 Rock" 56 November honoree 58 Bike basket escapee Df film
59 Employee crimes, and literally, the positions hidden in 17-, 23-, 37and 48-Across 62 Isaac's oldest 63 Carved symbol 64 Pod veggie 65 At the front of the line 66 Subject Df a sports deadline 67 Rotary Club symbol
29 3 0
19 22
34 3 5
44 4 5
55 60
By C.C. Burnikel and Dennis Ryall (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Ine.
53 57
12/27/1 2
Boats & Accessories •
Mot o r homes
0 D
GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a ga-
oQll rj
$6295. 541-221-5221
Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7 Firecats: EFI Snowpro 8 EFI EXT, excellent cond, $2800 ea;
• 8 ~ •
bia 400, located at Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. Call 541-647-3718
541-312-8879 or 541-350-4622.
extra rolling chassis + extras. $6000 for all. 541-389-7669.
a - ~
Ford 250 XLT 1990, 6 yd. dump bed, 139k, Auto, $5500. 541-410-9997
A a aa
BOATS &RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles VW Thing 1974, good 860 - MotorcyclesAndAccessories cond. Extremely Rare! 865 - ATVs Only built in 1973 8 1 974. $8,000 . 870 - Boats & Accessories 541-389-2636 875 - Watercraft '55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn P ROJECT car 3 5 0 880 - Motorhomes 933 small block w/Weiand t, 881 - Travel Trailers Pickups dual quad tunnel rim gtg7Z1 882 - Fifth Wheels with 450 Holleys. T-10 885- Canopies and Campers 4-speed, 12-boltposi, 1/3 interest in Colum- Weld Prostar whls, 890 - RVs for Rent
2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.
Antique & Classic Autos
1921 Model T Delivery Truck Restored 8 Runs $9000. 541-389-8963
Fully equipped. $2000.
Antique & Classic Autos
The Bulletin 2007 Ski-Doo Renegade 600 w/513 mi, like new, very fast! Reduced to
rage sale and don't .I forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809. Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' 2004, on1y 34K, loaded, too much to list, ext'd Serving Central Oregon rrnte tggg warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Dennis, 541-589-3243 Used out-drive parts - Mercury OMC rebuilt ma• T r avel Trailers • rine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; COACHMEN 4.3 (1993), $1995. 1979 23' trailer 541-389-0435 . .
$10,000 541-719-8444
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts andService 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 -Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique andClassic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
Sport Utility Vehicles
Honda Ridgeline RTL 2006, 4x4, VTec V6, Auto, leather, bed liner, running boards, tow pkg. Vin¹ 512698. Was $17,999. Now $16,788.
Chevy Astro Cargo Van 2001, pw, pdl, great cond.,
M itsubishi 300 0 G T 1999, auto., p e arl w hite, very low m i . $9500. 541-788-8218.
business car, well maint'd, regular oil
1 /3 interest i n w e l l-1966 GMC, 2nd owner, changes, $4500. S pringdale 2005 27', 4' equipped IFR Beech Bo- too many extras to list, slide in dining/living area, nanza A36, new 10-550/ $8500 obo. Serious buyPlease call nWaers only. 541-536-0123 541-633-5149 Ads published in sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 prop, located KBDN. tercraft" include: Kay- obo. 541-408-3811 $65,000. 541-419-9510 Ford F350 2008 Crew 4 @ S U B A R U. J aks, rafts and motorCab, diesel, 55K miles, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Chev 1994 G20 cusIzed personal Executive Hangar tomized van, 1 28k, "My Little Red Corvette" fully loaded, $32,000. 877-266-3821 at Bend Airport watercrafts. For 3 50 motor, HD t o w 1996 coupe. 132K, 541-480-0027 Dlr ¹0354 860 "boats" please see (KBDN) e quipped, seats 7 , 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. 60' wide x 50' deep, Class 870. :-- -'tj. FORD RANGER XLT sleeps 2. comfort, util- $12,500 541-923-1781 Motorcycles &Accessories w/55' wide x 17' high 541-385-5809 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 Jeep Wrangler 4x4, ity road ready, nice Chevy C-20 Pickup bi-fold door. Natural 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; speed, with car alarm, cond. $4000?Trade for 1997 6-cyl, soft top, Harley Davidson Softgas heat, office, bathmini van. Call Bob, CD player, extra tires roll bar, front tow auto 4-spd, 396, model Tail De l uxe 2 0 0 7 , slide,Bunkhouse style, room. Parking for 6 541-318-9999 on rims. Runs good. bar, new tires, white/cobalt, w / pasCST /all options, orig. 7-8, excellent c ars. A d jacent t o Clean. 92,000 miles chrome rims, 103K senger kit, Vance 8 Just bought a new boat? sleeps owner, $22,000, condition, $1 6 ,900, Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 Frontage Rd; g reat 541-923-6049 o n m o t or . $ 2 6 0 0 miles, gd cond, Hines muffler system Sell your old one in the 541-390-2504 7 -pass. v a n wit h classifieds! Ask about our visibility for a viation OBO. 541-771-6511. $5700 obo. 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. p ower c h a i r lif t , Nissan Sentra, 2012e .g Super Seller rates! j ' . ~ g W~ 541-504-3253 or c ond, $19,9 9 9 , People Look for Information bus. GMC 1978 4x4 Heavy $1500; 1989 Dodge 12,610 mi, full warranty, 541-385-5809 541-948-2126 503-504-2764 541-389-9188. About Products and Turbo Va n 7 - pass. PS, PB,AC,8 more! Duty Camper Special has new motor and $16,000. 541-788-0427 Services Every Daythrough P iper A r cher 1 9 8 0, 2500, 3 5 0 e n gine, Jeep Wrangler Harley Heritage Motorhomes based in Madras, alt rans., $1500. I f i nauto., 40k miles on The Bulletin Clessiffeds Softail, 2003 UnlimitedX 2008, 4x4, ways hangared since terested c a l l Jay new eng., brakes & $5,000+ in extras, Hard top, tow pkg., 503-269-1057. new. Ne w a n n ual, Chevy Wagon 1957, tires good. $ 2 495. $2000 paint job, auto pilot, IFR, one 4-dr., complete, premium wheels, 541-504-3833 30K mi. 1 owner, sunroof, running piece win d shield. $7,000 OBO, trades For more information boards, very low Fastest Archer please call Automobiles • please call miles. Vin¹ 572535. a round. 1 75 0 t o t a l 541-389-6998 541-385-8090 Was $25,999. t ime. $68,5 0 0 . Porsche 911 1974, low or 209-605-5537 BMW I Series 2008, Chrysler 300 C o upe I nternational Fla t Country Coach lntrigue Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 541-325-3556 Now $23,788. 53k mi., ¹F06662. mi., complete motor/ 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, Bed Pickup 1963, 1 HD Screaming Eagle 2002, 40' Tag axle. trans. rebuild, tuned 29', weatherized, like $17,488 f ffgljj SUBA R U . auto. trans, ps, air, t on dually, 4 s p d. Electra Glide 2005, 400hp Cummins Diesuspension, int. & ext. aeaaanolaann con n ew, f u rnished & frame on rebuild, re- trans., great MPG, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 103 n motor, two tone refurbn oil c ooling, sel. two slide-outs. ready to go, incl WineTrucks & painted original blue, could be exc. wood shows new in 8 out, candy teal, new tires, 41,000 miles, new ard S a tellite dish, Heavy Equipment 877-266-3821 Oregon original blue interior, hauler, runs great, 23K miles, CD player perf. m ech. c o n d. tires 8 batteries. Most 26,995. 541-420-9964 Dlr ¹0354 ArrtoSoNrce new brakes, $1950. original hub caps, exc. Much more! hydraulic clutch, exoptions.$95,000 OBO 541-598-3750 chrome, asking $9000 541-419-5480. $28,000 541-420-2715 cellent condition. 541-678-5712 Jeep Wrangler or make offer. Highest offer takes it. UnlimitedX 2007, 6 PORSCHE 914 1974, 'ii a 541-385-9350 541-480-8080. —• -"Qm< ~OO Speed, 4x4, 3.8 Liter Roller (no engine), V6, running boards, MorePixat Bendbijletin,com lowered, full roll cage, premium wheels, low 5-pt harnesses, racWeekend Warrior Toy Softail Deluxe miles. Vin¹ 147938. Take care of Hauler 28' 2007,Gen, Diamond Reo Dump ing seats, 911 dash & 2010, 805 miles, Was $24,999. Truck 1 974, 12 -14 Chrysler SD 4-Door instruments, d e cent fuel station, exc cond. Black Chameleon. your investments Now $22,788. sleeps 8, black/gray yard box, runs good, 1930, CD S R oyal RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L shape, v e r y c o ol! $17,000 BMW Z4 Roadster with the help from $6900, 541-548-6812 Standard, B-cylinder, i nterior, u se d 3X , $1699. 541-678-3249 V8, hd, auto, cruise, g@) SU B A R U . Call Don @ 2005, 62K miles, exbody is good, needs hemi aeaaaoovaann oon The Bulletin's $24,999. am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. cellent cond. $14,000. 541-410-3823 some r e s toration, 541-389-9188 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 541-420-3634/390-1285 G R X AT 541-604-9064 "Call A Service runs, taking bids, Toyota Camrysr 877-266-3821 541-383-3888, 935 Dlr ¹0354 Buick Lucerne CXL 1984, $1200 obo; Professional" Directory Looking for your 541-815-3318 2009, $12,500, low 1985 SOLD; Sport Utility Vehicles Hyster H25E, runs next employee? Nissan Armada SE IBoats & Accessories low miles; 2000 Buick 1986 parts car, well, 2982 Hours, Place a Bulletin help 2007, 4WD, auto, Century $2900. You'll $3500 call $500. wanted ad today and leather, DVD, CD. not find nicer Buicks 13' Smokercraft '85, 541-749-0724 reach over 60,000 Call for details, Vin¹ 700432. One look's worth a good cond., 15HP readers each week. 541-548-6592 Was $16,999. thousand words. Call gas Evinrude + Your classified ad Now $14,488. Bob, 541-318-9999. Minnkota 44 elec. Econoline RV 19 8 9, will also appear on for an appt. and take a Toyota Corolla 2004, S UB ARU. motor, fish finder, 2 fully loaded, exc. cond, drive in a 30 mpg car! FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, Buick Enclave 2008 CXL anaaaoovaalln oon auto., loaded, 2 04k which currently reextra seats, trailer, 35K m i. , R e duced door panels w/flowers AWD, V-6, black, clean, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Chrysler PT C r uiser miles. orig. owner, non ceives over 1.5 mil$16,950. 541-546-6133 i9t extra equip. $2900. & hummingbirds, mechanicall y sound, 82k 877-266-3821 exc. c o nd. lion page views ev2006, au to, pw, pl, smoker, white soft top & hard miles. $20,995. 541-388-9270 Dlr ¹0354 $6500 Prin e ville Int. 1981 Model DT466 ery month at no crus, tilt, tinted winCAN'T BEAT THIS! Call 541-815-1216 top. Just reduced to 503-358-8241 extra cost. Bulletin dump truck and heavy $3,750. 541-317-9319 dows, Vin ¹224778. Look before you 17' 1984 Chris Craft Classifieds Get Reduty trailer, 5 yd box, Chevy Suburban LTZ Was $7,999. buy, below market or 541-647-8483 VW Beetle, 2002 sults! Call 385-5809 e verything wor k s , - Scorpion, 140 HP 2007, 4x4, leather, Now $5,999. value! Size & mile5-spd, silver-gray, black or place your ad $8000. 541-421-3222. moonroof, 3rd row inboard/outboard, 2 aqe DOES matter! i !SMeeft SUBA R U . leather, moonroof, CD, on-line at depth finders, trollseat. Running boards, Class A 32' Hurriloaded, 115K miles, low miles. ing motor, full cover, cane by Four Winds, Want to impress the 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend well-maintained Vin¹ 228919. EZ - L oad t railer, 2007. 12,500 mi, all Porsche Cayenne 2004, 877-266-3821 relatives? Remodel (have records) Was $30,999. $3500 OBO. amenities, Ford V10, 86k, immac, dealer Dlr ¹0354 extremely clean, your home with the 541-382-3728. Ithr, cherry, slides, Now $28,488. maint'd, loaded, now $4650 obo. help of a professional Ford Galaxie500 f 963, like new! New low $17000. 503-459-1580 541-546-6920 S UB ARU. 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, price, $54,900. from The Bulletin's aeaaaoovaanneon Good classified ads tell 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Subaru Forester LL 541-548-5216 "Call A Service the essential facts in an radio (orig),541-419-4989 What are you Bean edition 2005, 877-266-3821 Professional" Directory interesting Manner. Write Gulfstream 2.5 XS, leather, S cen i c Dlr ¹0354 looking for? Ford Mustang Coupe from the readers view - not Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, moonroof, roof rack, 1966, original owner, Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 Chrysler Sebring2006 You'll find it in the seller's. Convert the Cummins 330 hp diealloy wheels, V8, automatic, great 4x4. 120K mi, Power Fully loaded, exc.cond, Vin¹ 703121 facts into benefits. Show sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 iv shape, $9000 OBO. seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 very low miles (38k), The Bulletin Classifieds Was $15,995. the reader how the item will in. kitchen slide out, 530-515-8199 by Carriage, 4 slidealways garaged, row s eating, e x tra help them in someway. new tires,under cover, Now $14,995. outs, inverter, sateltires, CD, privacy tinttransferable warranty hwy. miles only,4 door This lite sys, fireplace, 2 541-385-5809 ing, upgraded rims. © 3 S U B A R U. incl. $8100 obo Peterbilt 359 p o table fridge/freezer iceFord Ranchero advertising tip aoaaanol aane con flat screen TVs. Fantastic cond. $7995 541-848-9180 water t ruck, 1 9 90, maker, W/D combo, 1979 brought to youby 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Contact Tim m at $60,000. WHEN YOU SEE THIS 3200 gal. tank, 5hp Interbath t ub & with 351 Cleveland 877-266-3821 n 541-480-3923 541-408-2393 for info p ump, 4 - 3 hoses, 908'INISS I HI S The Bulletin shower, 50 amp promodified engine. Dlr ¹0354 or to view vehicle. camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. ~Oo pane gen 8 m o r e! Body is in a4l'm. 541-820-3724 Toyota 4Runner SR5 $55,000. excellent condition, Ford Crown V i ctoria Ford Explorer 4x4, 1997, 4X4, 182K mi., 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., $2500 obo. On a classified ad 925 1991 - 154K miles, 541-420-4677 a uto, n e w tire s V8, o r ig . ow n e r, go to rare 5-speed tranny Utility Trailers (Goodyear Wrangler) 70,300 mi., studs on, www bendbulletin com & manual hubs, on front wheels, sun to view additional reat condition. clean, straight, evFleetwood Wilderness roof, running boards, photos of the item. 3000. 541-549-0058. eryday driver. Was 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, tow pkg., roof racks, 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 $2200; now $1900! rear bdrm, fireplace, cruise, well m a int., Volvo Penta, 270HP, nebago Super Chief, Big Tex LandscapBob, 541-318-9999 Honda Civic LX I The Bulletin recomD $4995. 541-633-0255 low hrs n must see, 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t AC, W/D hkup beauing/ ATV Trailer, mends extra caution I 2008, like new, tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. $15,000, 541-330-3939 shape; 1988 Bronco II dual axle flatbed, when p u r chasing ~ always garaged, 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K 541-815-2380 GMC t1gton 1971, Only 7'x16', 7000 lb. \t r t r \ r tl f products or services loaded. 27k mi., Vans mostly towed miles, $1 9,700! Original low • GVW, all steel, from out of the area e one owner. nice rig! $15,000 both. mile, exceptional, 3rd Q(gj[fj@~~ Say ngoodbuy n $1400. J S ending c ash , $13,500. 541-382-3964, leave owner. 951-699-7171 541-382-4115, or 20.5' 2004 Bayliner checks, or credit into that unused 541-550-0994. msg. 541-280-7024. formation may be I 205 Run About, 220 item by placing it in HP, V8, open bow, / sublect to FRAUD. GMC Envoy 2002 4WD exc. cond., very fast The Bulletin Classifieds Hyundai Sonata 2012, For more informa$6,450. Loaded, Walton 14' dump w/very low hours, 4 d oor, a uto, C D , f tion about an adverLeather, Heated trailer, power lots of extras incl. Chevrolet G20 Sports- bluetooth, pw, pl, tilt, tiser, you may call seats, Bose sound 541 -385-5809 up/power down, Oregon Statef tower, Bimini & system. Ext. roof rack man, 1993, exlnt cond, cruise. Vin ¹322715. I the 7,000 Ib tandem ax- Plymouth Attorney General's I custom trailer, B a r racuda (21 8) 478-4469 $4750 541-362 5559 or Was $19,999. Jayco Seneca 2007, 541-663-6046 les, used very little, Office C o nsumer I $19,500. 1966, original car! 300 Now $17,988. 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy new $11,900; mine, 541-389-1413 GMC Yukon Denali f Protection hotline at hp, 360 V8, center5500 d i e sel , toy ~g®SUBARU. 1-877-877-9392. $7200. lines (Original 273 2003, leather, moonFind exactly what aoaaavoraana con hauler $130 , 000. 541-350-3921 eng & wheels incl.) roof, premium wheels, you are looking for in the 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 541-389-2636. 541-593-2597 3rd row. Very nice. 877-266-3821 Serving Central Oregonsrnte 1903 CLASSIFIEDS K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 Vin ¹128449. Dlr ¹0354 PROJECT CARS: Chevy slide, AC, TV, awning. Was $15,999. g ~h i r y 20.5' Seaswirl SpyAutomotive Parts, • 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & NEW: tires, converter, Now $13,788. der 1989 H.O. 302, batteries. Hardly used. Service & Accessories Chevy Coupe 1950 ) SU B A R U . rolling chassis's $1750 285 hrs., exc. cond., $15,500. 541-923-2595 anaaanovaann oon Chevy 4-dr 1949, stored indoors for Alpine Premiere Quick ea., 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend complete car, $ 1949; life $11,900 OBO. Fit Tire Chains, size 877-266-3821 Immaculate! Cadillac Series 61 1950, 541-379-3530 1 530, $ 3 0 . Ne v e r Dlr ¹0354 Beaver Coach Marquis 2 dr. hard top, complete used. 541-388-0345 40' 1987. New cover, w/spare f r on t cl i p ., Honda CRV2005, Ads published in the new paint (2004), new NEED HOLIDAY $$$? $3950, 541-382-7391 4WD, moonroof, alloy "Boats" classification inverter (2007). Onan We pay CASH for wheels, very clean. include: Speed, fish- 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, MONTANA 3585 2008 DON'I IIIIISS THI S Junk Cars & Trucks! Vin ¹027942. ing, drift, canoe, exc. cond., 3 slides, Also buying batteries & parked covered $35,000 Was $12,799. house and sail boats. obo. 541-419-9859 or king bed, Irg LR, Arccatalytic converters. VW Karman G hia Now $10,988 For all other types of 541-280-2014 tic insulation, all opServing all of C.O.!• 1970, good cond., watercraft, please see tions $37,500. new upholstery and Call 541-408-1090 ) SUanaaaoovaaan B A R Uoon. Class 875. 541-420-3250 convertible top. 541-385-5809 Top-loader 4-spd trans, $10,000. 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend Nuyya 297LK H i tch- exc cond, w/shifter, $650. 877-266-3821 Hiker 2007, 3 slides, 541-536-3889 /420-6215 541-389-2636 Dlr ¹0354 32' touring coach, left l . og'< v A kitchen, rear lounge, Monaco Dynasty 2004, many extras, beautiful loaded, 3 slides, die- c ond. inside 8 o u t , Reduced - now $32,900 OBO, Prinevi YOURBOAT... i sel, Retail R Classified Display $119,000, 5 4 1 -923- ille. 541-447-5502 days with o u r spec i al Advertising Deadlines rates for selling your I 8572 or 541-749-0037 8 541-447-1641 eves. PUBLICATION .............. ................DEADLINE ~ boat or watercraft!
Snowmobile trailer 2002, 25-ft Interstate & 3 sleds, $10,900. 541-480-8009
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Southwind 35.5' Triton 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du pont UV coat, 7500 mi Bought new at $132,913; asking $93,500. Call 541-419-4212
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