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Serving Central Oregon since1903 75 $
THURSDAY March 28,2013
Tomorrow SPORTS• C1
bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD SieSta —Is an afternoon nap right for you? It all depends.D2
By Lauren Dake The Bulletin
Small clues —what it meanswhen ababypointsat something.A3
BeerMeasuring the caloric punch of your favorite
SALEM — Even the chief architect of a plan to cut the state's Public Employees Retirement System expressed reservations about the legislation Wednesday. Lawmakers listened to more
than three hours of testimony on Senate Bill 822, a measure aimed at cutting the burgeoning cost of sustaining Oregon's public pensions. Some who testified Wednesday before the Joint House and Senate Revenue Committee urged legislators to make deep-
er cutsand more substantive changes to PERS. Others spoke of the devastating impact the legislation could have on their families. Lawmakers plan to listen to more public testimony today. While crafting the budget, Rep. Peter Buckley, D-Ashland,
said the question for him became, "How do you do this in a waythat even if you don't think it's a fair thing to do, how do you do it in a way that has the least amount of impact on retirees?" Co-chairman of the powerful budget-writing committee, Buckley said it became clear
the state had made two promises and one would have to be broken. "We'vepromised retirees and workers a certain benefit package they have worked for for many decades," Buckley told the committee Wednesday. SeePERS/A4
giw '~@'
.'ts ~Yj-~
pint. D1
Bend mail sorting faciity gets earyax
Cow power —Amassive Indiana dairy farm usesmanure to power barns, a cheese
/A <=,, i 50oaol)
factory, a gift shop, a theater ... and its fleet of trucks.AS
Heat lOSS —TheBulls cool off torrid Miami.C1
By Sheila G. Miller
Supplements —Experts
The Bulletin
weigh in on the worth of fish oil pills for your kid.D4
Bend'smail processing facility will close this year, instead of 2014 as the U.S. Postal Service promised last year. In a letter Tuesday to the president of the American Postal Workers Union, the USPS announced 53 facilities around the country will close in order to "accelerate the anticipated savings." Among those closures are Bend's processing center, which sorts and distributes all mail in Central Oregon, as well as a processing center in Pendleton. Last May, USPS announced it would close 140 processing centers across the country, but Oregon processing centers weren't included on the list. The Bend processing center, on Northeast Fourth Street, was expected to close at the earliest in February 2014. The closures are part of an effort to consolidate operations and save $1.2 billion in annual operating costs. Now that the Bend facility is tagged for closure, it's likely all mail will be sent to Medford or Portland for sorting and distribution. That means a letter sent from a Bend address to another Bend address could travel 169 miles to Portland and another 169 miles back to Bend. While the Northeast Fourth Street location will no longer process mail, the facility will still continue to serve as a post office. Peter Hass, a USPS spokesman, said the decision to close the facilities in 2013 instead of 2014 stems from the postal service's "dire financial condition." "First class mail is declining, and we have to continue to improve our operational efficiencies," he said. See Mail/A4
TV —HBO's epic "Gameof Thrones," back for a third sea-
Watch this spot for a special feature coming later this week. The quiz below lifts a lid on the kind of game it will be. OK, so the first one's obvious. But do you know these other famous winks?
And a Web exclusiveIn Virginia, two communities
are miles apart on the debate over the federal budget.
Pope's reluctance: What does
Now keep an eye peeled for Saturday's game. And yes, there will be a prize (and it's more than a winkin' Lincoln).
it mean?
Answers on Page A5.
By Nicole Winfield The Associated Press
still goes by "Bergoglio" when speaking to friends, seems reluctant to call himself pope and has decided to live in the Vatican hotel rather than the grand papal apartment in the Apostolic Palace. It might seem as if Pope Francis is in a bit of denial over his new job as leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics.
Or perhaps he's simply changing the popular idea of what it means to
be pope, keeping the nofrills style he cultivated as archbishop of Buenos Aires in ways that may have broad implications for the church. The world has already seen how Francis has cast aside many trap-
LEFT: Andy Tulhs i The Bulletin. ABOVE: TheAssociated Press
Gay rightS' POitiCaSuC CeSSmay be ega labiity ANALYSIS
By Peter Baker New York Times News Service
WASHINGTON — As the Supreme Court justices struggled with the question of same-sex marriage this week, politicians in Congress kept handing down their own verdict. One after another, a series of lawmakers in recent days
endorsed allowing gay men and lesbians to wed. But momentum in the political world for gay rights could actually limit momentum in the legal world. Although the court
Inside • Justices express reservations about the Defense of Marriage Act, A2 might throw out a federal law defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman, the justices signaled over two days of arguments that they might not feel compelled to intervene further, since the democratic processseems tobe playing out on its own, state by state, elected
official by elected officiaL The prospect that gay rights advocates might become a victim of their own political success was underscored during arguments Wednesday over the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act. Opponents of the law were left to make the paradoxical argument that the nation has come to accept that gay men and lesbiansdeserve the same right to marriage as heterosexuals while maintaining that they are a politically oppressed
class deserving the protection of the courts. Chief Justice John Roberts pressed that point with the lawyer for the plaintiff, a New York woman suing to recover federal estate taxes she would not have had to pay had her spouse been a man. "You don't doubt that the lobby supporting the enactment of same-sex marriage laws in different states is politically powerful, do you?" he askedthelawyer. SeeGay rights/A5
pings of the papacy, refusingto don the red velvet cape Benedict XVI wore for official occasions and keeping the simple, iron-plated pectoral cross he used as bishop and archbishop. Today, his belief that a pope's job is to serve the world's lowliest will be on display when he washes the feet of a dozen young inmates at a juvenile detention center in Rome. Previous popes have celebrated the Holy Thursday ritual, which re-enacts Christ's washing of his disciples' feet before his crucifixion, by washing the feet of priests in one of Rome's most ornate basilicas. SeePope/A4
A trail race that's as tough to enter as it is to finish • And it's really, really tough to finish By Dave Seminara New York Times News Service
WARTBURG, Tenn. — On Friday night, in the Cumberland Mountains of eastern Tennessee, 28 men and seven women will lie in tents half asleep in anticipation of
TODAY'S WEATHER Sporadic showers High 60, Low 35
hearing the sound of a conch shell being blown at Big Cove Campground in Frozen Head StatePark.When they hear the call, which will arrive sometime between midnight to noon Saturday, they will know they are 60 minutes
from the start of an ordeal once referredto as a "satanic running adventure." It is a 100-mile footrace that some say is actually 130 miles or more, through unmarked trails with names like Meth Lab Hill, Bad Thing and Leonard's Buttslide that are choked with prickly saw bri-
ars.Temperatures often range from freezing to blistering on the same day, and there is a cumulative elevation gain of more than 60,000 feet, or the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest twice from sea level. A 60-hour time limit forces runners to run, climb and bushwhack for three days
The Bulletin
INDEX D1-5 Obituaries Business/Stocks C5-6 Comics/Puzzles E3-4 Health Calendar B2 Crosswords E 4 H o roscope D6 Sports Classified E1 - 6 D ear Abby D6 Lo c al/State B1-6 TV/Movies
B5 C1-4 D6
AnIndependent Newspaper
vol. 110, No. e7, 30 pages, 5 sections
with little or no sleep. They enduretaunts from the race director, who deliberately keeps the competition's entry procedure a mystery. It is a race in which there are no comfort stations and runners cannot use a GPS device or a cellphone. See Trail race/A4
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guilty and serve the rest of his life in prison to avoid the death pen-
alty. The offer comes just days before the prosecution was set to announce whether they would seek to haveHolmes put to death for the attack that killed 12 people and injured 70.
Syria CanfliCt —Mideast powers opposed to President Bashar Assad have dramatically stepped upweapons supplies to Syrian rebels in coordination with the U.S. in preparation for a push on the
By Adam Liptak and Peter Baker
COIOfedO theetef Sheetillg —Lawyers for Colorado theater shooting suspectJames Holmes saidW ednesday hewould plead
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court appeared ready Wednesday to strike down a central part of a federal law that defines marriage as the union ofa man and a woman as a majority of the justices expressed reservations about the DefenseofMarriage Act on the second day of intense arguments over the volatile issue of same-sex marriage. Justice Anthony Kennedy, who most likely holds the decisive vote, returned again and againtothethemethat deciding who is married is a matter for the states. The federal government, he said, should respect "the historic commitment of marriage and questions of the rights of children to the states." That suggests that he is prepared to vote with the court's four liberal members to strike down the part of the 1996 law that recognizes only the mar-
riage of opposite-sex couples for more than 1,000 federal laws and programs. Such a ruling would deliver federal benefitsto married same-sex couples in the nine states, and the District of Columbia, that allow such unions. If the 1996 law stands, Kennedy said, "you are at real risk with running in conflict with what has always been the essence" of state power, which he said was to regulate marriage, divorce and custody. A ll four members of t h e court's liberal wing questioned the constitutionality of the law, though they largely focused on equal protection principles rather than on the limits of federal power. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, for instance, said the law effectively created "two kinds of marriage: the full marriage and then this sort of skim-milk
marriage." Paul Clement, who served as
solicitor general under President George W. Bush and is defending the law on behalf of House Republicans, argued that the federal government was entitled to use a uniform definition of marriage across the nation. After an appeals court struck down the challenged part of the law, the outcome the administration had urged, the Justice Department nonetheless appealed, saying the issue warranted an authoritative decision from the Supreme Court. Chief Justice John Roberts and some of the other more conservativejusticesexpressed irritation that the case was before them at all and said President Barack Obama's stance — to enforce the law but not defend it — contradicted itself. "I don't see why he doesn't have the courage of his convictions" and not enforce the law if he thinks it is unconstitutional, the chief justice said.
capital of Damascus, officials and Western military experts said Wednesday. Acarefully prepared covert operation is arming rebels, involving Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar, with the United
States and other Western governments consulting, and all parties hold veto power over where the shipments are directed, according to a senior Arab official whose government is participating. His ac-
count was corroborated by adiplomat and two military experts. ImmigratiOn pOliCy —A group of influential U.S. senators shaping and negotiating details of an immigration reform packagevowed Wednesday to make the legislation public when Congress recon-
venes next month as negotiations reopenedbetween union workers and business groups over visas for low-skilled workers. The visa talks were left in limbo Friday as Congress went into recess, but the
senators said both sides had signaled they were open to compromise and were finalizing details Wednesday. GOlden Gate Bridge —Drivers approaching the majestic Golden Gate Bridgeexperiencedsomethingnew onWednesday— no human toll collectors. The workers were removed in favor of cheaper
and faster electronic transponders, and acamera system that photographs every license plate that comes through, mailing an invoice to each motorist who doesn't prepay.
Britain preacher case —A militant Islamic preacher wanted in Jordan on terrorism charges won the latest of many legal battles to
remain in Britain on Wednesdaywhen senior appeal judges upheld an earlier ruling that his human rights would be violated if he was sent to Jordan for trial.
China haCking —The U.S. hastaken its first real swipe at China following accusations that the Beijing government is behind a wide-
Advertising Jay Brandt..........................541-383-0370 Circulation andOperations Keith Foutz .........................541-385-5805 FinanceHolly West...........54f -383-032f
spread and systemic hacking campaign targeting U.S. businesses. Buried in a spending bill signed by President Barack Dbamaon Tuesday is a provision that effectively bars much of the federal gov-
ernment from buying information technology made bycompanies linked to the Chinesegovernment.
HumanResources Traci Donaca......................54f -383-0327
TenneSSee MediCaid —Gov. Bill Haslam of Tennesseesaid Wednesday that hewould not expand Medicaid in his state as called
for in the federal health care overhaul, joining 18 other Republican
Business ............................ 541-383-0360 City Desk Joseph Oitzler.....541-383-0367 Community Life, Health Julie Johnson.....................541-383-0308 EditorialsRichard Coe......541-383-0353 Family, AtHome Alandra Johnson................541-617-7860 GO! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 News EditorJan Jordan....541-383-0315 PhotosDeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 SporlsBill Bigelow.............541-383-0359
governors who haverejected expansion for now. Haslam said he wanted instead to use federal Medicaid money to buy private insurance for as many as175,000 low-income residents of his state. But he said that plan was being held up because the Obama administra-
tion had put too many conditions on the money. Siderian tunnel —A Russian man spent three years digging a 65-yard tunnel to steal oil from a pipeline in the Novosibirsk region of Siberia, the local branch of the lnterior Ministry said. The man,
52, stole about 30 metric tons of crude (220 barrels) over the past three months via the tunnel, which he dugafter work and onweekends, according to a video interview police posted on the ministry's website.
REDMOND BUREAU Street addreSS.......226N.W.Sixth St. Redmond, OR97756
ArCtiC drilling —The CoastGuard has askedthe Justice Depart-
Mailing address....Po. Box 788
ment to investigate possible pollution violations by both the drilling
Redmond, OR97756 .................................541-504-2336 .................................54f -548-3203
rigs Shell used in its botched efforts to explore for oil last year in the Arctic Ocean waters off the northern coast of Alaska. Coast Guard RearAdm. Thomas Ostebo said Wednesday thathe'd turned over
Ahn Young-loon /The Assoaated Press
South Korean soldiers patrol Wednesdayalong a
to the Justice Department for review and possible prosecution an
The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you know ofan error in a story, call us at 541-383-0358.
barbed-wire fence near the border with North Korea
Korea and a communication line with the U.S. military command in South Korea. But its decision to cut off
in Paju, South Korea.
military hotlines with South Korea onWednesday was
Wai-Mart bribery —Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said it is 'probable'
North Korea cut off the last remaining military hotlines with South Korea on Wednesday, accusing
taken more seriously in Seoul because the two Ko-
that the world's largest retailer will incur a loss due to ongoing bribery investigations by itself and government agencies, but it says it is
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President Park Geun-hye of South Korea of pursuing
reas have usedthose four telephone lines to control daily cross-border traffic of workers and cargo travel-
the same hard-line policy of her predecessor that the North blamed for a prolonged chill in inter-Korean
ling to the North Korean border town of Kaesong. The two countries run a joint industrial park at
it does not currently expect the loss to be material. The statements came in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission filing
Kaesong, the last symbol of inter-Korean coopera-
late Tuesday.
Amid tensions over the North's third nuclear test last month and ensuing U.N. sanctions, North Korea
tion that has survived the political tensions of recent
had already shut down RedCross hotlines with South
— New York TimesNews Service
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org
POWERBALL The numbers drawn Wednesday night are:
QrQarQ eaQ es Q saO The estimated jackpot is now $50 million.
MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Wednesday night are
46 Q 10Q 16Q 24 Q 27 Qas Q The estimated jackpot is now $12.6 million.
too early to speculate on the size of the damage.Thecompany said
JIIdd PelltiCS —Actress Ashley Judd announced Wednesdayshe won't run for U.S. Senate in Kentucky against Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, saying she had given serious thought to a cam-
TO PLACE AN AD Classified...........................54f-385-5809 Advertising fax ..................54f -385-5802 Other information.............541-382-1811
investigation into the troubled Shell drilling rig Kulluk.
paign but decided her responsibilities and energy need to befocused on her family. The former Kentucky resident tweeted her decision.
Guantaname hunger Strike —The White I-louse said Wednesday that it was keeping aneye onthe hunger strike at the Pentagon's war on terror prison at Guantanamoand once again blamed Congress for its inability to close the detention center containing 166
By Sarah Garrecht Gassen
trying cocaine. or threepeople were holding and Timothy Williams A police report by one of the Jared Loughner down on the New York Times News Service arresting deputies, whose full ground. The officer said that T UCSON, A r i z. — T he name was not disclosed in the after handcuffing Loughner mother of J ared L oughner, documents, said that when he he had found two fully loaded who killed six p eople and arrived in the Tucson super- Glock ammunition magazines wounded 13 others during a market parking lot where the in Loughner's pockets, along meet-and-greethosted by for- January 2011 shooting had oc- with a folding knife with a 4mer Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in curred moments before,two inch blade. 2011, told the authorities after the attack that her son was a "loner," who she had insisted be drug-tested because she believed he was using methamphetamine despite his denials, according to thousands of pages of documents related to the case released Wednesday. Amy Loughner told Pima County Sheriff's d etectives that she and her h usband, Randy Loughner, had also taken a shotgun away from their son in the months before the shooting and had told their child to get psychological help. Randy Loughner said he had become so c o ncerned about what his son might be capable of that he had begun to disable his car so that he Saturday March 30, 20 I 3 could not go out at night. The disclosures are part 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. of some 2,700 pages of documents released by the Pima Crook County Fair Grounds County Sheriff's Department Iprineville, Oregon on Wednesday morning, more than four months after Jared Loughner was sentenced to Demonstrations & Sales • Fiber hnimal Producers multiple life terms in prison for Spinners • Weavers • Dyers • Knitters • Crocheters the mass shooting, which left Giffords seriously wounded. Rug Hookers • Felters Amy Loughner said her son For more information visit our website at: had denied using methamphetamine, but had acknowlwww.highdesertwoolgrowers.org
captives. — From wire reports
e I
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Fiber Market Day
edged smoking marijuana and
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Forum Center, Bend (Across fro m Barnes & No bl e) 5 41-6 1 7 - 8 8 4 0
w ww. w b u . c o m / b e n d
TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day
It's Thursday, March 28, the 87th day of 2013. There are 278 days left in the year.
SCIENCE HAPPENINGS CQNS — Banks open for the first time in more than a week, but restrictions will be in place on financial transactions
to prevent people from draining their accounts.C6
Sweet16 —March Madness continues with eight of the remaining teams playing.
The other eight play Friday. C1, C4
HISTORY Highlight:In1979, America's
Lii u mn i
A group of psychologists at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, has documented that infants point and react to other people pointing in remarkably sophisticated ways.
worst commercial nuclear accident occurred inside the Unit 2 reactor at the Three Mile
Island plant near Middletown, Pa. In1834, the U.S. Senate voted to censure President Andrew
Jackson for the removal of federal deposits from the Bank of the United States. In1854, during the Crimean War, Britain and France de-
clared war on Russia. In1898, the Supreme Court, in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, ruled that a child born in the United States to Chi-
nese immigrants was a U.S. citizen. In1930, the names of the Turkish cities of Constantino-
ple and Angora werechanged to Istanbul and Ankara. In1935, the notorious Nazi
propaganda film "Triumph des Willens" (Triumph of the Will), directed by Leni Riefenstahl, premiered in Berlin with Adolf Hitler present. In1939, the Spanish Civil War
effectively ended asMadrid fell to the forces of Francisco
Franco. In 1941, novelist and critic Virginia Woolf, 59, drowned her-
self near her home inLewes, East Sussex, England. In1943, composer Sergei Rachmaninoff died in Beverly Hills, Calif. In1963, the Alfred Hitchcock film "The Birds" premiered in New York. In1969, the 34th president of the United States, Dwight D.
Eisenhower, died inWashington D.C. at age 78. In1978, in Stump v. Spark-
man, the U.S.SupremeCourt upheld, 5-3, the judicial immu-
nity of an Indiana judgeagainst a lawsuit brought by ayoung woman who'd beenordered sterilized by the judge when
she was ateenager. In 1990, President George H.W. Bush presented the Con-
gressional Gold Medal to the widow of U.S. Olympic legend
Jesse Owens. Ten yearsago:American-led forces in lraq droppedthousand-pound bombs onRepublican Guardunits guarding the
gates to Baghdadand battled for control of the strategic city of Nasiriyah. President George
W. Bush warned of "further sacrifice" ahead in the face of unexpectedly fierce fighting.
Japan launchedits first spy satellites to monitor communist neighbor North Korea's missile
development andsuspected nuclear weaponsprograms. Five yearsago:President George W. Bush declared that
Iraq was standing at adefining moment as it struggled to put down heavily armed Shiite mili-
tias in newflare-ups of violence. One yearage:The U.S. Supreme Court wrapped upthree days of public arguments on President Barack Obama's
historic health care law.On the last day of his visit, Pope Benedict XVI demanded more
freedom for the RomanCatholic Church in communist-run
Cuba. Bluegrass legendand banjo pioneer Earl Scruggs, 88, died in Nashville, Tenn.
BIRTHDAYS Country musician Charlie McCoy is 72. Movie director
Mike Newell is 71.Actress Conchata Ferrell is 70. Actress Dianne Wiest is 65. Rapper
Salt (Salt-N-Pepa) is 47. Movie director Brett Ratner is 44. Actor Vince Vaughn is 43. Actress Julia Stiles is 32. Singer Lady Gaga is 27. — From wire reports
2),.f tjt vik'
Some scientists and conservationists believe that fencing lions off from people and livestock is the best way to protect them. Thinkstock
Fencesrnay bebest route to saving lions
By Nicholas Day
By James Gorman
New York Times News Service
dorsing fencing as the only sensible option. That is PackAfter 35 y ears of f i eld er's own view. He says open research in t h e S erengeti and free co-existence with plains, Craig Packer, direc- lions is not practical, nor is it tor of the Lion Research Cen- fair to the humans who have ter at the University of Min- to live with the big cats. nesota, has lost all patience Not all th e authors see with the romance of African fencing as the only solution. wilderness. Fences, he says, Co-author L u k e Hu n t er, are the only way to stop the the president of Panthera, a p recipitous decline in t h e conservation o r g anization number of African lions. devoted to big cats, said, "it's "Reality has to intrude," he clear that fencing does help said. "Do you want to know lion conservation." And, he the two most hated species in said, people outside of Africa Africa, by a mile? Elephants underestimate the difficulties and lions." posed by lions, which, he said, They destroy crops and are "really, really difficult to livestock, he said, and some- live with if you're a subsistimes, in the case of lions, ac- tence human population that tually eat people. depends on livestock." Packer's goal is to save liBut, Hunter said, the auons. Fencing them in, away thors had not been able to from people and livestock, evaluate the effectiveness of is the best way to do that, he the various efforts to resolve believes, both for conserva- conflicts between lions and tion and economics. He made people, including livestock that argument in a paper this management and other ismonth in E cology Letters, sues, because there had simalong with 57 co-authors, in- ply not been enough of them. cludingmost of thetop lion sci- Also, he said, "there are still entists and conservationists. huge parts of wilderness in The paper lays out the val- Africa," where conflicts beue of fences in clear terms, tween humans and lions are although it stops short of en- not yet a problem.
Parenthood in early infancy is equal parts tedium and astonishment. The trick is telling the two apart. T his is h arder than y ou might think. Pointing, for example, is not an obviously astonishing act. I have already pointed several times today and no one was astonished. But when a baby points ecstat-
ically at a puppy, or responds to someone else pointing at that puppy, we should marvel at him: We have just witnessed an astonishingly complex act. In fact, by pointing, that baby is, in a very real way, acting out what makes us uniquely human. Over the last decade, a series of studies out of the Max Planck Institute have made a
very good argument for mar-
veling at your pointing infant. B abies point t o r e fer t o events in the past and the future. They point to refer to things that are no longer there. They can figure out, when an Thinkstock adult points across the room Researchers have found that when infants point, they don't just toward a g r oup o f o bjects, want attention, they want someone to share in their experiences. what exactly the adult is gesturing toward (the toy they've previously played with, say). "It's just so rewarding tive Psychology Department They can d educe that, by to have somebody else at Max Planck, has called the nine-month revolution. Out pointing, an adult is trying to communicate something spe- share your opinions of it grows the basis of pretty moaaa. FAsr Os cHAHGEs s M0RE about something. cific (find that toy hidden in much all human achievement: that bucket). And not least of Especially for a 12the motivation and the abilall, babies point because they ity to work together toward want to share their experience month-old baby, but shared goals. (Apes never get 'I I II' i I t I i also for us. Imagine tf of the world — that puppythere: They have the attention with someone else. part but not the jointness.) you had a friend who These may just be the talAll this is enough for the ents out of w h ich h umans never found the same appearance of pointing in inthings interesting that managed to assemble minor fancy to be the most interestthings like culture and lan- QOUCIICf. ing mundane gesture ever. guage. "The basis of language But as Carpenter and her colis all right there in gestures," Malinda Carpenter, leagues have demonstrated, says Malinda Carpenter, a dedevelopmental psychologist, declarative pointing is not the velopmental psychologist at Max Planck Institute only sort that babies do. "Inthe Max Planck Institute, who fants from 12 months on, and I l conducts research on larger even earlier in some cases, are issues of cultural cognition. this,Carpenter says,"The kids pointing to express all kinds When Carpenter sees an instopped pointing for this weird of complex meanings," Carfant pointing out a clown to his adult, who wasn't giving them penter says. For example, they mother, she sees a meeting of what they wanted." When the will point just to inform you the minds: That baby is com- adult only looked at the infant, of something. "So if you've ing together with s omeone the infant often pointed again dropped something and don't else to share his experience at the puppet, as if t o say, realize it, infants will point it aamM Jeep a g '@ "No, you dunderhead — over out to you. There's nothing in it of — and his attitude toward — something else. there." for them. It's just to help you." The infants didn't just want Declarative vs. imperative attention to themselves. They This is declarative point- wanted someone to share in ing — showing something to their experience of the world. IT S IN TH E B AG! LU NCHTIME LECTURES AT OSU-CASCADES someone else. (It's very differ- "It's just so rewarding to have ent from imperative pointing, somebody else share your Explore therange of researchand scholarship underway at OSU-Cascades. which is pointing to request opinions about something," IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII something.) Of course, you Carpenter says. "Especially could interpret this kind of for a 12-month-old baby, but pointing in a less sophisticat- also for us. Imagine if you had ed way than a meeting of the a friend who never found the minds. Maybe the infant just same things interesting that wanted more attention. Maybe you did. It's really rewarding he was just pointing for his for us, too." own sake; maybe it had nothIf you look closely enough at ing to do with anyone else. those outstretched fingers, you So Carpenter and her colcan see the roots of human coWhere do ideas come from in art? Art professor leagues designed an experi- operation. Our primate relaSandy Brooke will discuss her series of works, m ent: They pu t i n f ants i n tives don't point declaratively. a highchair across from a They point imperatively, and Fate and Luck,a collection of paintings, collages screen with l ot s o f c l osed they will point to inform an exand encaustics. She'll explore if an artist's windows; when a w i n d ow perimenter where an object is opened, a puppet popped out. — but only when there's someinspirational idea changes when the media —oil The infants did what any sen- thing in it for them, like food. paint, gouache and vvax — changes, or whether sible person would do when But an ape wouldn't point to face-to-face with a g y rating a puppet, or anything else, the idea can transcend across media types. puppet: They pointed. To test for that matter, just because it d ifferent i n terpretations o f was really cool. It's a question what that pointing meant, the of motivation, Carpenter says. Sandy BrookeI Associate Professor, Art, experimentervaried his reac- "It's just not i m portant for Oregon State University — Cascades tion. The only reaction that the them to share their opinions of babies found satisfying — the things with others." only reaction that i n spired them to keep pointing for each Joint attention Cascades Hall, Rm. 117-118 puppet — was when the exPointing to share an opinperimenter looked back and ion builds on the foundation 2600 NW CollegeWay, Bend forth between them and the of what p sychologists call FREE,no RSVP necessary puppet, saying things like, It's joint attention — when two Grover! That's so interesting! p eople pay attention to t he Bring a bagged lunch and beverage. 12:00-1:00 P.M. The infants were delighted by same thing (and are aware this response. They wanted that they're both paying atten541-322-3100 the adult to share the totally tion to that thing). Joint attenOSUcascades.edu awesome experience of this to- tion arises out of what Michael tally awesome puppet. When T omasello, who h e ads t h e facebook.com/osucascades the experimenter failed to do Developmental and Compara-
Fate and luck:
A series crossing boundaries
APR. 3
the road." He invited Democrats to sign on to a more "bipartisan from the state's Public Employees Retirement System over the plan." next two years. The goal is to send $6.75 billion to K-12 schools House Democratic Leader for the upcoming biennium. SenateBill 822 hasthe backing of Val Hoyle, of Eugene, shot House Speaker Tina Kotek, D-Portland, who said that when it back at Knopp. "I would just like to say comes to negotiating PERS reform, she's not interested in making deeper cuts. from the House Democrats Republicans blasted the plan, calling it "cosmetic" and perspective, we're not willing "PERSLite." But Democrats control both chambers of the Legto sign on to that plan.... Demislature. ocrats believe there should be A key change detailed in SB 822 would reduce annual costshared sacrifice, and it should of-living increases in PERS, which would account for the bulk of be fair," Hoyle said. anticipated savings, about $400 million. Graduated cuts mean The plan that has been prothe biggest pensions would be cut the deepest. posed is already "really difAll retirees would receive a 2 percent annual increase on the ficult" for the Democrats, she first $20,000 of their pensions. That amount falls to 1.5 percent said. "I would invite you and the on pensions between$20,001 and $40,0000, 1 percent on $40,0001to$60,000and0.25 percentonpensionincomes of Senate Republicans to join us more than $60,000. in a revenue plan," Hoyle said, So retirees receiving $35,000 annually would lose $75 from signaling another negotiation their $700 COLA. Retirees making $100,000 would lose $1,000, that will likely be testy. or half of their annual current COLA. Democrats have included In addition, lawmakers would ask the PERS board to hold off raising taxes by $275 million on paying $350 million in employer increases for the 2013-15 as part of their overall budget biennium. Thegoal is to push the payment into the future with package. They have not rethe hope the state recovers from the big stock market losses of leased details of that plan but 2008. expect to in the next couple of Finally, a tax reimbursement that out-of-state retirees curweeks. rently receive would be slashed to save $55 million. Jim Green, with the Oregon School Board A s sociation, noted he's also a school board rebalancing. is pushing for more changes, member i n S a l em, w h ere "I don't think we can earn encompassed in Senate Bill more than 400 full-time emour way out of this one," he 754, which includes a more ployees have been laid off. said. aggressive cost - of-living This bill, he said, would not Sen. Tim Knopp, R-Bend, adjustment. help make good on a promise testified that no member of his He said SB 822 "fails to ful- to "provide students a worldcaucus is willing to sign on to ly fund education and in some c lass education an d h a v e the Democratic proposal. He cases ... it kicks the can down them ready in a globally com-
petitive marketplace." Under SB 822, he said, the rates school districts must pay to fund PERS will continue to skyrocket. "We don't believe Senate Bill 822 is the answer," he sard. Rob Martineau, however, testified t ha t h e ' s d i s appointed l awmakers w o uld propose cutting his benefits, rather than raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations. Martineau digs ditches for the city of Portland's water bureau. "After 30 years in this line of work ... myself, I will be physically spent. There will just not be much left," he said. "Itnever crossed my mind, that this agreement (my retirement) would not be good," Martineau said. Jay Thatcher, a teacher in Corvallis, said he will retire after 25 years. He won't be affected by the cost-of-living adjustments the first couple of yearsof his retirement, because initially his retirement would be less than $20,000 a
friend Happy Birthday. "It's
Continued from A1 Such moves hint, even at t his early stage, only t w o weeks into his papacy, at an apparent effortby Francis to demystify th e o f f ice of
ing the surname he was born with. Even on Day One, Francis didn't acknowledge he was
St. Peter's Basilica after his election the night of March 13, Francis told the tens of thousands gathered t h ere that the cardinals' task during the conclave had been to "give Rome a bishop." A nd bishop of R ome i s the title he has emphasized repeatedly ever since — not
Pope John Paul II stayed in when v i s iting, p r eferring simple rooms in a downtown building, warmed by a small stove on frigid weekends when the heat was turned off. He did his ow n cooking and rode the bus to get around town. In that same vein, Francis announced this week that he wasn't moving into the papal apartment in the Apostolic Palace and would stay instead in the Vatican's Santa Marta residence, the antiseptically clean, i n stitutionalstyle hotel where he and the
114 cardinals who elected him pope were sequestered during the conclave. Calling the h otel h ome, F rancis indicated that h e wants to live in a community with ordinary folk, not the gilded cage of the Apostolic Palace. He will eat in the common dining room as he has for the past two weeks, and celebrate 7 a.m. Mass in the hotel chapel as he has each day, inviting Vatican gardeners, street sweepers, hotel workers and newspaper staff to attend.
of listening to Cantrell play
C antrell, who sits by t h e
Continued from A1 And, he continued, "we've promised our k i d s e d ucational opportunities at least as good as the ones we had when we were growing up." Democrats have built their budget to fund the state's K12 schools at the $6.75 billion level in the upcoming biennium. The amount hinges, in part, on making changes to PERS. SB 822 would make graduated cuts to retirees' annual cost-of-living adjustments to save $400 million and eliminate a tax credit for those r etirees living ou t o f t h e state to the tune of another $55 million. In addition, Democrats plan to ask the PERS board to delay the payment of $350 million in e mployer increases in the upcoming biennium. Instead, that money would be paid later with the hope that the account continues to recover. Democrats said the plan targets middle- and high-income workers. PERS Executive Director Paul Clearly told the committee the average retiree receives about $64,000. To keep a sustainable, affordable and secure retirement system, he said, often takes
Unlike hi s p r edecessors, h e doesn't sign hi s n a m e "Pope Francis," ending his official correspondence simply "Francis." To those closest he is still Bergoglio, and t hi s w e ek, Italian state radio broadcast a voice mail he left wishing a
Trail race Continued from A1 Less than 2 percent of the nearly 800 ultrarunners who have subjected themselves to this punishment — 12 men, the same number as have walked on the moon — have finished the race in its current iteration. The only prize is that after 100 miles, they get to stop. This is the Barkley Marathons, the world's toughest and most secretive trail race. "The Barkley is a problem," Gary Cantrell, 59, the race's director and creator, said recently. "All the other big races are set up for you to succeed. The Barkley is set up for you to fail." A s ultrarunning ha s i n creased in popularity, many of its signature races have evolved from low-key affairs to big-time events with corporate sponsors and entry fees of $1,000 or more. The Barkley still costs just $1.60 to enter and has not grown because Tennessee park officials will not allow more than 35 runners a year. But with the sport's popularity on the rise and the Barkley about to be featured in a documentary, many connected to it hope the competition known as the Race That Eats Its Young can maintain it s e ccentric, counterculture charm.
Senate Bill 822 —On Monday, Democratic lawmakers in Salem unveiled details on howthey propose to cut $805 million
vicar of Christ, or any of his
Bergoglio," the pope said, us- other official titles.
pope. Speaking on the loggia of
"I do think there is something about trying to reduce the awesomeness, the grandeur and majesty of the papacy," said John Allen Jr., V atican columnist fo r t h e National Catholic Reporter. "Part of this is just his personality. He's never l i k ed pomp and circumstance." Indeed. Even after he became Argentina's top church official in 2001, the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio never lived in the ornate church mansion that
"AII the other big races are set up for you to succeed. The Barkley is set up for you to fail."
year. "They will affect me in my 70s and 80s, I believe," he told lawmakers. "Is that who the state wishes to take extra money from?" — Reporter: 541-554-1162,
"Taps" on his bugle in a glee- starting gate with his dogs,
Mail Continued from A1 "We need tomake betteruse of space and staffing and equipment.... If we can process the mail more efficiently, we can reduce our costs and continue to provide services." Hass noted USPS hasn't used tax dollars to support its operations since 1982, and said USPS doesn't plan layoffs. "We've done all our adjustments in the past, and will continue to plan to do so, through attrition," he said. "Any employee whose position might be affected will still maintain postal employment." But, he said, those employees could see a change in job, shift or location. Last May, Hass estimated that about 2,000 employeesworked in Oregon's mail processing facilities. Oregon Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, both Democrats, opposed closing Oregon's mail processing facilities when the plan was announced in 2012. On Wednesday, representatives of Wyden and Merkley expressed their concern. "It is never good news when cutbacks are announcedthatwill eliminate jobs and reduce the level of service that people have come to expect from the postal service," said Wyden spokesman Tom Towslee on Wednesday. "ClearlyCongress needs to act to protect not only the workers affected by this announcement, but also to maintain the integrity of the mail delivery system." Merkley spok e swoman Courtney Warner Crowell in an email stated: "Sen. Merkley continues to fight to make sure that Oregon mail processing centers stay open and workers don't have to face being relocated to another location or switching to another job entirely. He is surprised and upset at the abrupt change that the postmaster general has made today in moving up the timeline for the Bend processing center and he will continue pressingto keep it open." The American Postal Workers Union expressed outrage. The closures, union President Cliff Guffey said in the press release, "will eliminate jobs, harm communities and delay mail every day — Monday, through Saturday," and would effectively eliminate overnight delivery.
ful homage to the triumph of Little an d B i g , s m o king — Gary Cantrell, creator of the Barkley Marathons nature over man. Camels and drinking cans "'Taps' rings out all night of soda, often staying up all — Reporter: 541-617-7831, long on the first night," said night. smilter@bendbultetin.com "A r ousing s uccess a l l who has completed 11 other 100-mile races, said she was around," Cantrell said of that first race in a story for Ultra- confident in her ability to prove Running magazine. him wrong. ~i'4XXXx X Xx4Qx~j~~,. "I will either be pulled off the Ed Furtaw, a man known as Frozen Ed, became the first course, or I will finish the race," person to finish what was then she said. a 55-mile race in 1988. The next year, Cantrell decided to make Quirks and traditions the Barkley more difficult by The field is made up of those creating a 100-mile race, cur- who have completed the race, rently consisting of five 20-mile athletes with impressive ultraloops, while retaining a 60-mile running credentials and vetFun Run. erans like Leonard Martin, a Mark Williams, a B r iton, dentist from Knoxville known became the first person to com- as Buttslide. He has failed to plete the 100-mile race, finish- finish in 17 attempts. Others are ing in 59 hours 28 minutes in plucked from a random-num1995. Only 11 others have com- ber generating system. And pleted the 100-mile race since. Cantrell selects at least one "sacrificial virgin" whom he (There was no race in 2002.) believes has no chance of comEntry puzzle pleting the race. (This year, it is Figuring out how to enter the Ryan Brazell of Rhode Island.) race is an achievement in itself. Runners are also required to "There is no website, and complete a bizarre entry form I don't publish the race date with questions like, "What is or explain how to enter," said the most important vegetable Cantrell, an accomplished ul- group'?" trarunner who has never come In addition to the $1.60 enclose to completing his own try f ee, f i r st-time entrants race. "Anything that makes it must bring a license plate for JQHN DEERE more mentally stressful for the Cantrell's collection, which he runners is good." displays next to the race's startBecause such a low number ing gate. Veterans who have Inspiredbya prisonbreak of participants are allowed, never finished are required to Cantrell got the idea to cre- the details of how to apply are bring him a specific article of ate the Barkley in 1985 after a closely guarded secret. The clothing — this year it is a size learning that James Earl Ray, first step is to figure out where 18 flannel shirt — while those Cet behind the wheel at Floyd A. Boyd during the 2013 Drive Green Challenge. Make plans now the man w h o a s sassinated and when to send a required who have finished need only to get an up-close look at John Deere's extensive line of 20 to 105 hp tractors, implements, Martin Luther King Jr., had essay on why one should be al- bring a pack of Camel cigaand attachments. managed to cover only eight lowed to compete. rettes, which Cantrell calls his "If you send it in five minutes "retirement plan." miles in 54 hours after escaping Date: April lst,2013 Phone: 541-633-7671 from Brushy State Penitentiary early, he'll delete it," said BeverOnly after they have comin 1977. The prison, closed in ly Abbs, a 48-year-old environ- pleted the entry form are runTime: Bam to 5pm Location: 1223 NE1st Street, Bend, OR 2009, is now part of the Bark- mental scientist and ultrarun- ners given the date of the race. ley course. Runners wade into ner from Red Bluff, Calif., who (The start of the race involves a stream that passes through completed three loops in last a curious tradition in which Talk to our tractor specialists and get expert advice on choosing the right size tractor and a tunnel under the prison, and year's race. "We had to send participants try to refrain from implements for your applications. Experience legendary John Deere quality, reliability, and come out the other side, near the application at midnight on letting Cantrell see them run. performance for yourself. See what makes a John Deere unlike any other tractor. the wall where Ray escaped. Christmas Day in Gary's time They will walk the first few The derelict prison sits on the zone, and you have to figure out hundred meters, until they turn eastern edge of Frozen Head which one it is on your own." a bend and begin running once State Park, w here Cantrell A bbs submitted a p o e m they are out of his sight.) www.floydaboyd.com liked to hike with his friend reminiscent of "'Twas the Night With a total elevation change Karl Henn, known as Raw Before Christmas" as her essay of 121,560 feet this year, there Dog. Cantrell and Henn, who at 12:01 a.m. She feared her ap- are only a few flat sections on became a r a c e c o-director, plication had been denied after the course. thought they could fare better her husband, Alan, received, To confirm that no one is than Ray, who was found lying but she did not, the traditional cheating, Cantrell hides 10 face down in a pile of leaves, "condolences letter" that warns books at various points, often cold,hungry, scratched to piec- acceptedrunners thatthey have ones with titles appropriate to es and utterly defeated by the a "very bad thing waiting." It a given sectionof the course: S INGE 19 4 0 terrain. was signed by Lazarus Lake, "Death Walks th e W o ods," MQ RE THAN JUsT A DEALERSHIP — BUILDING CUSTO M E R s FOR LIFE "Heart of Darkness," "A Time The next year, the Barkley, Cantrell' snom de guerre. 1223 NE 1st Street which Cantrell named after a A day and a half later, she to Die." Runners have to rip Bend, Or 97701 friend and longtime supporter, received the letter and realized out the page that matches their 541-633-7671 Barry Barkley, was held for that the delay was an attempt racenumber.Ifa runner loses a the first time. The course cov- by Cantrell to inflict "psycho- page, he or she is disqualified. ered 50 miles,and there was logical torture" on her. Last year 22 of 35 runners a 24-hour time limit. None of This year's application said gave up on or after the first the 13 runners came close to that women were "too soft" to loop. Everyone who fails to finfinishing. conquer the Barkley, but Abbs, ish experiences the indignity
Floyd A. Boyd invites you to putJohn Deere to thetestduring the 2013 DRIVE GREENCHALLENGE
FloydA. Boyd Co.
Who's winking? Answers fromA1
Mr. Bean, obviously.
Q Hillary Clinton thanks you for playing.
For years, an Indiana farm has used livestock waste to make enough natural gas to run 10 barns, a cafe, a cheese factory and a gift shop. But it still had extra manure ... By Steven Yaccino New Yorh Times News Service
FAIR OAKS, Ind. — Here at one of the largest dairy farms in the country, electricity generated using an endless supply of manure runs the equipment to milk around30,000 cows three times a day. F or years, the f ar m h a s used livestock waste to create enough natural gas to power 10 barns, a cheese factory, a cafe, a gift shop and a maze of child-friendly exhibits about the world of dairy, including a 4-D movie theater. All that, and Fair Oaks Farms was still using only about half of the 5 million pounds of cow manure it vacuumed up from its barn floors on a daily basis. Itburned offthe excess methane, wastedenergy sacrificed to the sky. But not anymore. The farm is now turning the extra manure into fuel for its deliverytrucks, powering 42 tractor-trailers that make daily runs to raw-milk processing plants in I ndiana, Kentucky and Tennessee. Officials from the federal D epartment of Energy called the endeavor a "pacesetter" for the dairy industry and said it was the largest natural gas fleet using agricultural waste to drive this nation's roads. "As long as we keep milking cows, we never run out of
j ,.
Peter Hoffman / New York Times News Serwce
Fair Oaks Farm in Fair Oaks, Ind., is turning extra manure from its dairy cows into fuel for its delivery trucks, powering 42 tractor-trailers that make daily runs to raw milk processing plants in Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee. gas," said Gary Corbett, chief executive of Fair Oaks, which held a r i bbon-cutting event for the project this month and opened two fueling stations to the public. "We are one user, and we're taking 2 million gallons of diesel off the highway each year," he said. "That's a big deal." The switch comes at a time of nascent growth for vehicles that run on compressed natural gas in the United States, as some industries — particularly those that require long-haul trucking or repetitive routes — have started considering the advantages of cheap natural gas, close to half the price
of a gallon of diesel fuel for the same amount of power. The American Gas Association estimates that there are about 1,200 natural gas fueling stations operating across the country, the vast majority of which are supplied by the same pipelines that heat houses. But the burgeoning market is also drawing interest from livestock farmers, landfill management companies and other industries handling methanerich material that, if harnessed, could createa nearly endless supply of cleaner, safer, sustainable "biogas," while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. No one is pretending that
between same-sex couples. And former President Bill ClinContinued from A1 ton, who signed the Defense of For purposes of the law, said Marriage Act in 1996, urged the lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, "I the justices to overturn it. would, your honor." Kaplan, who moments earli"Really'?" the chief justice er had been arguing that "there asked skeptically. "As far as has been a sea change" in the I can tell, political figures are United States in "the underfalling over themselves to en- standing of gaypeople and their dorse your side of the case." relationships," pivoted to argue Indeed, even as the justices that despite that sea change, heardthe case, Sen. Kay Hagan gay men and lesbians are still of North Carolina on Wednes- subject to discrimination. "No other group in recent day became the latest red-state Democrat to announce her sup- history has been subjected to port for same-sex marriage. popularreferenda to take away She followed Sens. Claire Mc- rights that have already been Caskill of Missouri, John Rock- given or exclude those rights, efeller IV of West Virginia, Jon the way gay people have," she Tester of Montana and Mark sa>d. Warner of Virginia. Even so, the rapidly changSen. Rob Portman of Ohio ing political environment gives became the first Senate Re- the justices a reason — should publican to endorse marriage they want one — to sidestep im-
posing a national standard and leave the matter to the states. On the defensive, at least politically, opponents of same-sex marriage were left to ask the justices to leave it up to the political arena. "We would submit to you that that question is properly decided by the people themselves," Charles Cooper, a law-
Gay rights
yer representing opponents, said Tuesday. Justice Anthony Kennedy, widely considered the decisive vote, has historically has been sensitive to the authority of states to set their own policies. During the closely watched arguments, he questioned the constitutionality of the Defense of MarriageAct but expressed skepticismthat the court should i ssue a broad ruling in t h e separate California case heard
waste-to-energy projects will become a major part of the larger natural gas vehicle market, but supporters say it could provide additional incentive to make biogas systems, which have lagged behind other sustainable energy solutions, more commercially viable. "You're essentially harvesting manure," said Erin Fitzgerald, a senior vice president at the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, who says that farmers across the country are starting to think about whether the model tried at Fair Oaks will work for them. "It's not glamorous. It doesn't really catch your eye like wind and solar." Mike McCloskey, a co-owner of Fair Oaks, said he first started looking into renewable energy options for the farm more than a decade ago, when the smell of manure, used as fertilizer on his fields, started drawing complaints from some
federal Department of Energy, said about 8,000 large-scale dairy and swine farms across the country could potentially support similar biogas recovery projects. When coupled with landfills and wastewater treatment plants, he said, there is potential to someday replace as much as 10 billion gallons of gasoline annually with renewable fuel. Still, not everyone is convinced that the time is ripe for more manure-powered vehicles, particularly when regular natural gas remains abundant and cheap. "The market is just not firm yet," said Michael Boccadoro, a bioenergy consultant from California who is finishing a study of the possibility of neighboring dairies in the San Joaquin Valley sharing a single digester. "It's all a tiny bit premature." That has not stopped AMP Americas, a Chicago company neighbors. that partnered with Fair Oaks Today, the farm is running on the fuel project. The comsophisticated $12 million "dipany plans to build 15 more gester" facilities that process natural gas stations this year, itsoverabundance of manure, with some in Texas and the rest capturing natural gas that runs along two major Interstates in electricgenerators or is pumped the Midwest. underground to a fueling staFor now, each station will be tion. The leftover byproduct supplied primarily by traditionis still spread on the fields as al pipeline gas, but the compafertilizer. ny plans to partner with more While Corbett would not dairy companies along the way, divulgehow much money the getting help from McCloskey farm saves by its switch to bio- and the Fair Oaks story. "I think the whole country gas fuel, he said the gas stations had already brought in new is ready for this," McCloskey revenue from other trucking said. "I think you're going to fleets. look around in five years and Dennis Smith, director of the be very surprised at what you see." Clean Cities program for the
Tuesday that would be the vehicle for finding a national right to same-sex marriage. While framing its decisions on law and principle, the court has always been attuned to public opinion and periodically debateshow much evolving national mores ought to influence the interpretation of a two-century-old Constitution. In the case of same-sex marriage, the political currents have shifted so quickly that the justices seem wary of jumping into the rapids. Polls show that in the 16 years since the Defense of Marriage Act was enacted, strong public opposition to same-sex marriage has reversed into m ajority support. Not only has Clinton repudiated the law, so has its Republican sponsor, former Rep.
Q "Twilight" star Robert Pattinson, taking his own picture.
O Singer Jennifer Hudson.
Bob Barr of Georgia. No states allowed same-sex marriage at the time; now nine do, and the District of Columbia. The halfdozen senators who endorsed such unions in r ecent days bring the number of supporters in the upper chamber to 47 out of 100. Still, about 40 states do not permit same-sex marriage, and most of them have constitutional bans approved by voters in recent years. Nine Democratic senators and all but one Republican senator oppose the practice. It was only fall that the first state referendums approving same-sex marriage were passed by v oters. As Justice Samuel Alito pointed out, nowhere in the world was same-sex marriage legal until the Netherlands passed a law in 2000.
O Barack Q Sarah Obama.
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Commission backs tobaccotax bill The DeschutesCounty Commission agreed Wednesday to write the
Legislature in support of House Bill 2870 — a
measure that, if passed, would allow counties to tax tobacco purchases. Commissioners Alan Unger andTonyDeBone both agreed writing a letter in support of the bill
is a good idea,although both said they don't
expect to levya local tobacco tax oncounty residents. "This sounds like a
way to help counties in financial distress find
more funds," Ungersaid.
By Scott Hammers
Kropp served as interim county administrator from the time of Kanner's firing until last October, when he was replaced by Tom Anderson, previously the county's community development director. Kropp is again serving as deputy administrator, while Anderson is among the candidates to take over the county administrator's position permanently. Anderson and the five other candidates for the position will be at a reception from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Monday on the first floor of the Deschutes Services Building, 1300 N.W. Wall St.
The Bulletin
Six candidates to be the next Deschutes County Administrator are scheduled to be in Bend to meet the public on Monday. The county has been without a permanent administrator since August 2011, when commissionersvoted to fire Dave Kanner after his five years in the top position. In 2011 and 2012, commissioners interviewed two separate slates of candidates for the administrator position, but were unable to come to a decision. D eputy county a d ministrator E r i k
Other candidates and their most recent governmental positions include: • Gary Barth, the director of Business and Community Services for Clackamas County • James Bourey, former city manager in Greenville, S.C. • Robert Jean, interim county manager in San Juan County, Wash. • Richard Mays, city manager of Cannon Beach • Steve Wheeler, county administrator for Clackamas County SeeAdministrator /B2
"The letter would be to
showwe supportastate bill to allow other counties to do that." Executive Director Mike McArthur of the
Association of Oregon Counties asked the
County Commission for its support of the bill. "Itallows, butdoesn't obligate, counties to levy
a tobacco tax," Anderson
e mon ' u ers ore' ex ecssu ero enin
sald. The bill, if passed, cent of any tax collected to the county health
, QE
J Eg L ~
email, Anderson said.
A~ g + E >ec> ~» I= ' ~ ~ ea e ~
OSP arrests Redmonddriver A Redmond man was
arrested Wednesdayafter police say hecaused near collisions, drove onthe wrong side of the
road, and ranother cars off U.S. Highway 26 near
GovernmentCamp. Douglas CharlesWat-
I It 8' 0 1 1 T 4 0
son Jr., 27, of Redmond,
By Shelby R. King The Bulletin
A banner year in tourism has left Deschutes County flush, which put the County Commission in a givingmood Wednesday. The three-member commission agreed to move money from the county general fund to other
agencies, including just over a half-million to the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office. Revenue from the transient room tax is up, said accounting manager Jean>ne Fana of the county finance department. "Fiscal year 2013 has been one of those years where we collect more than we anticipated," she said. "It's been a great
year." A total of $744,650 will be transferred out of the county general fund, according to submitted documents. Of that, $125,000 will go to the Central Oregon Visitors Association and $106,000 will go to the Deschutes County Welcome Center. The Sheriff's Office will receive $505,000. The remainder will be divvied between the three agencies to cover costs of auditing/accounting and freight/postage. "The sheriff receives $2.65 million annually to coverlaw enforcement for tourist activities in the area," said Cheryl Circle of the Finance Department. "The majority of that amount comes from the transient room tax. The remainder comes from the county's general fund." SeeWindfall /B2
would allocate 20perdepartment, according to Anderson. CommissionerTammy Baney, whowasnotat the Wednesdaybusiness meeting, expressedher support for the bill in an
Deschutes sheriff reaps tax windfall
was arrested for reckless driving after theOregon State Police received several calls from driv-
ers abouta white Honda Civic being driven reck-
lessly andendangering other motorists. Around
11:30 a.m., an OSP
trooper stoppedthecar about sevenmiles west of GovernmentCamp. Watson wastaken to the Northern Oregon Regional Correctional Facility. OSP is asking that
any witnesseswhodidn't already make contact with OSP to call them at 541-980-1019.
Studsmustcome off by Monday Oregon drivers must remove their studded tires by Monday or risk a
minimum $150fine. Studded tiresare
permitted in Oregonbetween Nov.1 andMarch 30, although the Oregon
Department of Transportationhas on occasion extended the season on
account of unusually early or late snowfall. ODOThasgenerally encourageddrivers to consider using chains or nonstudded winter
tires to reducedamage to roads. Theagency has estimated studded tires cause $40 million in
damage toOregonroads annually. — Bulletin staff reports
aa •
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Photos by Ryan Brennecke irhe Bulletin
he new Goodwill Superstore in Redmond opens at 7 a.m. today for the start ofits four-day grand opening. After years of unemployment TR edmond resident Mike Kennedy was able to find a job through one of Goodwill's free employment programs, Job Connection.
By Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin
By Rachael Rees • The Bulletin
A Bend man said he was "walking on clouds" Wednesday, thanks to a federal court opinion that halted a planned timber sale that he opposed. Jerry Gilmour, 58, lives in Bend but has a getaway cabin in McKenzie Bridge. A year ago, on March 27, 2012, he started an online petition against the Goose Project planned by the Willamette National Forest. As of Wednesday, 5,260 people had signed the petition. He said the orders in the
undreds of customers are expected to pour through the doors of Redmond's Goodwill Superstore during the first 15 minutes of its grand opening today. The new 24,480-square-foot space, located on North U.S. Highway Business 97, will replace the original Redmond locationhoused ina leased space since 2004. "It's much more responsible with a mission dollar to build our own space," said Dale Emanuel, public relations manager for Goodwill Industries of the Columbia Willamette, which oversees stores in the Pacific Northwest. Beyond offering discounted goods and serving as a donation center, Goodwill's mission is to help people throughout the local community find jobs, she said. Emanuel said money from the resale of donations at the Bend and Redmond stores goes right back into the lo• Goodwill made 4,240 cal community, funding six transactions at its 2004
four-day grand opening in
fre e employmentprograms
Redmond. • Goodwill provided job
through Goodwill to help Central Oregon residents get back
services to 1,250 people in Central Oregon during 2012 Of those 716 found
"A lot of people think it's the
opinion by Chief Judge Ann Aiken of the U.S. District Court of Oregon,
Eugene, signed Thursday Davida Hunting fills a rack with pants Wednesday while preparing the new Goodwill Superstore in Redmond for its grand opening today.
world's largest garage sale.
But it's not," Emanuel said. "We're a job provider with 94 cents on the dollar directly going to mission services." Last year, one of Goodwill's job services programs, Job Connection, helped employ more than 700 people in different jobs throughout Central Oregon. The program is a job search and referral program aiming to help people become employed within 30 days. "You might be cleaning out space in your house or getting a great deal from in the store, but whether you know your neigh-
New Goodwill
location in Redmond
STATE NEWS • Portland:The state Supreme Court will decide which of two
women owns an 83-year-old rodeo
costume. • Medford:OR-7, the wandering wolf, is still in Oregon, but he's not
going hungry. Stories on B3
Judge halts Willamette timber saie
bor or not, you are helping your neighbor who is struggling for work to go from being a tax burden to a taxpayer," Emanuel sa>d. Mike Kennedy was one of those people. SeeGoodwill /B2
Walmart Maple A LarchAve.
If yougo What:Grand opening of Goodwill in Redmond When:Store hours are 7 a.m.to 9 p.m .today through Sunday, then the
store resumes normal operating hours Where:2067 North Business 97, Redmond Gontact: Ro binPopp 541516-4283 For more information
adout Goodwill andits iod services:
ao I Greg Cross/The Bulletin
and released Tuesday, were just what were called for in the petition. "We got just what we were looking for," Gilmour sa>d. Aiken told the forest to stop the planned sale of 39 million board-feet of timber from 2,100acres near McKenzie Bridge and prepare a more indepth environmental review of the project. McKenzie Bridge is a small community along state Highway 242 on the opposite side of the Cascades from Bend. Gilmour contends the forest didn't adequately notify McKenzie Bridge property owners of the planned
logging. SeeTimber /B2
Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at vvww.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
Redmond; 541-548-7275 or www. rapI'd.ol'g. "OPERALICIOUS":Aperformance of SPRINGGARDENBUILD: Complete opera arias, duets andtrios starring a greenhouseandfence, build Melissa Bagwell,JamesKnoxand newgardenbeds andcleanup the Jimena Shepherd; proceedsbenefit garden; free;10 a.m.-2 p.m.; The PolioPlus; donations accepted; 3 p.m.; Environmental Center, 16N.W.Kansas First United Methodist Church, 680 Ave., Bend;541-385-6908 or www. FRIDAY N.W. BondSt., Bend;541-382-1672 or envirocenter.org. operaliciousbend©gmail.com. SCIENCE PARTY:Explore forces with SPRINGGARDENBUILD: Complete LAST SATURDAY: Event includes art an intergalactic laboratory to test Sir a greenhouseandfence, build exhibit openings, live music, food and Isaac Newton's three laws ofmotion, new garden bedsandclean upthe drinks and apatio and fire pit; free; presented byBend Research; $5 plus garden; free; 10a.m.-2 p.m.; The 6-10 p.m.; Old Ironworks Arts District, museum admission, $3 members; Environmental Center, 16N.W.Kansas 50 Scott St., Bend;www.tinyurl.com/ 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; HighDesert Ave., Bend; 541-385-6908 or www. ironwurk. Museum, 59800 S.U.S.Highway envirocenter.org. SOUND ANDVIBRATION 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. SCIENCEPARTY:Explore forces with MEDITATION:Seattle-based highdesertmuseum.org/science-party. an intergalactic laboratory to test Sir Submitted photo artist Pamela Mortensen playsthe AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Robert Isaac Newton's three laws of motion, "Operalicious," a performance of opera arias, duets and trios didgeridoo, featuring chanting and Michael Pyle talks about his book "The presented byBendResearch; $5 plus — starring, from left, James Knox, Melissa Bagwell and Jimena instrumental music by local artists; Tangled Bank:Writingsfrom Orion"; museum admission, $3 members; Shepherd — will be at 3 p.m. Saturday at United Methodist $15 suggested donation; 6 p.m.; $5;6 p.m .;PaulinaSpringsBooks,252 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; HighDesert Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39N.W. Church, 680 N.W. Bond St., Bend. Proceeds benefit PolioPlus; W. Hood Ave.,Sisters; 541-549-0866. Museum, 59800 S.U.S.Highway Louisiana Ave.,Bend; 541-330-0334. donations accepted. "A DEEPER SHADEOFBLUE": A 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. WELCOME HOMEVIETNAM screening of the 2011PG-rated surfing highdesertmuseum.org/science-party. VETERANS DINNER:Dinner to film by Jack McCoy,followed byan BRADY GOSS:The pianistand Environmental Center,16 N.W.Kansas celebrate veterans of theKoreanand onscreen paneldiscussion; $12.50; SATURDAY entertainer performs, sponsored Ave., Bend;541-385-6908 or www. Vietnam Wars; $8 for non-Vietnam 7:30 p.m.; RegalOldMill Stadium16 by the CrookCounty Foundation; envirocenter.org. and Koreaveterans; 6 p.m.; Madras & IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, FIBER MARKET DAY: Fe at u ri n g $20 includes hors d'oeuvres and High School, 390 S.E.10th St.; 541SCIENCE PARTY: Explore forces with Bend; 541-382-6347. fiber vendors, demonstrations drinks; 7 p.m.; A.R.Bowman 350-8009. an intergalactic laboratory to test Sir "THE KINGOFNAPAVALLEY": and animal sales; free; 9 a.m.; Memorial Museum,246 N. MainSt., Isaac Newton' s three laws of motion, JAZZ ATJOE'S VOLUME41: Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 Thoroughly Modern Productions and Prineville; 541-447-6909 or www. presented byBendResearch; $5 plus The Jazz at Joe's series presents S. Main St., Prineville; www. James Leepresent the play about crookcountyfoundation.org. museum admission, $3 members; trombonists Gary Shutes and John highdesertwoolgrowers.com. the world of California winemaking "THE KINGOFNAPAVALLEY": 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; HighDesert Moak, in memory of Dana Benesch; and the families involved; $18,$15 EASTER EGG HUNT: Ch i l d renhunt for Thoroughly Modern Productions and Museum, 59800 S.U.S.Highway registration requested; $25; 7 p.m.; students andseniors;7:30 p.m .;2nd eggs; donations benefit Oasis Soup 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. James Leepresent the play about Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Street Theater, 220 N.E.Lafayette Kitchen; donations of nonperishable highdesertmuseum.org/science-party. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-977the world of California winemaking Ave., Bend;541-312-9626 or food accepted; 10a.m.; Powell Butte and the families involved; $18,$15 5637 or www.jazzatjoes.com. EASTEREGGHUNT:With a barbecue, www.2ndstreettheater.com. Community Charter School, 13650 students andseniors;7:30p.m.;2nd children's activities and more; REEL PADDLINGFILM FESTIVAL: S.W. State Highway126; 541-788ROLLERRUMBLERACESERIES: Street Theater, 220 N.E.Lafayette preceded byeggbag decorating; free, Featuring films of whitewater, sea 4415. Competitors race asprint on bikes Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or fee for barbecue; 1p.m.; C.E.Lovejoy's kayaking, canoeing and more; $12 attached to fork-mounted rollers, EASTER EGG HUNT: Chi l dr en a ges www.2ndstreettheater.com. plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, with music and raffles; $5 to race,$3 12 and younger hunt for eggs; free; 10 Brookswood Market, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend;541-388-1188 or 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317spectat ors;7p.m.,6:30p.m.sign-up; ANTIQUESCREAM:TheSeattlea.m.; Neighborhood Center, 2640 N.E. www.celovejoys.com. 0700 or www.towertheatre.org. based rockact performs, with Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom,24 Jones Road,Bend;541-316-8337. Machine; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned UNDERWATER EASTEREGGHUNT: "THE KING OFNAPAVALLEY": N.W. GreenwoodAve., Bend;541-382SPRINGGARDENBUILD: Complete With contests and prizes; $3, $2 Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave.,Bend; Thoroughly Modern Productions 2453. 541-728-0879 or www.facebook.com/ a greenhouseandfence, build ages15 andyounger, $1seniors, $10 andJames Leepresenttheplay THE PIMPS OF JOYTIME: The newgardenbedsand cleanupthe families;1-3 p.m.; CascadeSwim thehornedhand. about the world of California Brooklyn-based funkact performs garden; free; 10a.m.-2 p.m.; The Center, 465 S.W.Rimrock Way, winemaking and the families
for a Volcanic FunkParty, with Vokab Kompany; $12plusfees inadvance, $15 at the door; 9 p.m., doors open at8:30 p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend;541-389-6999 or www.bendticket.com.
up for me," Kennedy said. "I 1,000resumes a month and not hadn't had to fill out an appli- gettingany response,"he said. Contlnued from B1 cation since 1983, and I had, "It was really hard to get your Kennedy, a 51- y ear-old basically, two jobs on my re- foot in thedoor anywhere." Redmond resident, couldn't sume forthe last25 years." At the time helived in Pasafind work after an on-the-j ob Popp said Goodwill acts dena, Calif. But when his wife injury ended his employment as a "matchmaker," connect- got a job at The Oxford Hotel, at a local cable manufactur- ing qualified employeeswith they madethe move toBend. ing plant in 2007. For four various l o ca l b u s inesses, Through word of mouth he years he searched for a job ranging from restaurants and heard about Goodwill's serunsuccessfully before con- retail storesto manufacturing vices. And with Go odwill's necting with Goodwill. facilities and offices. Job Connection program, he "I worked odd jobs with "I wouldn't have found this said he was able to find a sefriends just to survive," he job without Goodwill because riesoftem porary jobs before said. "I'd been goingthrough I wouldn't have knovm about landing his current position it," Kennedy said. "It means a at Jeld-Wen, Inc. the unemployment office with "Goodwill opened doorsfor not very good results. Then, lot.Ibasically had nothing, and they introduced me to Robin I am working on getting back me. They made it possible for at Goodwill." to where I was financially." me to interact with possible Robin Popp, employment Ron Tucker ex perienced employers," he said. "Without specialist for Goodwill, helped similar struggles. Goodwill, I'd still be going Kennedy find work at Central Tucker, aformerconstruction through the classifieds lookOregon Janitorial, Bend. worker, became unemployed ing for work." "She helped me with ap- during the GreatRecession. — Reporter: 541-617-7818, "Itgottowhere Iwasemailing plications, built my re sume rrees@bendbulletin.com
Timber Contlnued from B1 He said he only learned of
the planned logging in early 2012 when he saw white timber sale boundary markers while walking his dogs near his 7-acre lot adjacent to the Willamette National Forest. Along with the online petition, the Goose Project drew other protests in April 2012 — a tree sitter in the forest and picketers in front of the Willamette National Forest headquartersin Springfield. Portland-based Or e g on Wild and Eugene-based Cas-
cadia Wildlands,a pair of conservation groups, then filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Forest Service in May 2012. Like Gilmour's petition, the lawsuit claimedthe timber sale should be put on hold while the ForestService conducted a more thorough environmental review of the project. Aiken's opinion came in that case. Josh Laughlin, campaign director for Cascadia Wildlands, shared Gilmour's excitement Wednesday. "This is a victory for clean water and wildlands and the beloved McKenzie watershed," he said.
Nuvarings — and prescribes medications forissues such as Continued from B1 urinary tract infections and In years when revenue ex- tuberculosis to l o w-income ceeds projections, the extra residents of the county. Health money allowsthe general fund Servicescontracted temporarto be reimbursed for money ily with Smith Medical Partpaid to the sheriff's office, Cir- ners after another supplier left cle said. the business last year. In other business, the comSavings co m e fr om mission agreed to contract Smith not charging a shipwith an Illinois pharmaceuti- ping fee, Christensen said. cal supply firm, Smith Medi- The department has an ancalPartners,for contracep- nual budget of $230,000 for tives and pharmaceuticals for pharmaceuticals. county Health Services. The Also, the county agreed county estimates savings of to deed to Bend three square $25,000 with the new provid- feet of land near the interer, said clinical program su- section of S o utheast Reed pervisor Kathy Christensen. Market Road and American The department supplies Lane. As part of $18.3 milcontraceptives —birth control lion in improvements to Reed pills, intrauterine devices and Market Road, the city plans
Administrator Continued from B1 County Commi s s ion Chairman Alan Unger said commissioners will interview all six ca ndidatesTuesday. Commissioners will discuss
what the next steps might be,
Unger said. He indicated that one or more of the candidates could be called back for additional interviews. Unger said while commissioners hope to find a suitable
Leaders at the McKenzie River Ranger District of the Willamette National Forest are now evaluating what to do next, said. He didn't offer atimeline for amorein-depth environmental review, saying they needed to first decide whether to continue to pursue the project.The Goose Project is part of a larger plan to lower wildfire risk around M cKenzie Bridge, forestleaders have said. "We haven't quite figured out how we are going to move forward yet," Baker said. — Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarling@bendbulletirLcom
to rebuild the American Lane bridge to the west of its current location to provide more separation from the nearby railroad tracks. By moving the bridge, the city will be encroaching on l and currently o w ned b y Deschutes County. To build, the city first needs to acquire right-of-way from the county. To avoid the costs associated with valuing and acquiring the property, the city asked the county to donate it. "This deed of de dication looks like a dean-up for a project and this was the least expensiveand least time consuming way to solve it," said Commission Chairman Alan Unger. — Reporter: 541-383-0376, sking@bendbulletirLcom
candidate for the administrator position from the current crop of contenders, they have not set a timeline for extending a job offer to their preferred candidate. — Reporter:541-383-0387, shammers@bendbulletirLcom
involved; $18, $15 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. TOXIC ZOMBIE:The Portlandbased horror rock act performs, with the High Desert Hooligans and Kronkmen; 8 p.m.; Big T's, 413 S.W. Glacier Ave., Redmond; 541-5043864.
SUNDAY FORT ROCKGRANGE EASTER BREAKFAST: A meal of ham, eggs, pancakes, hash browns and coffee; $6, $3 ages10 and younger; 7:15 a.m.; Fort Rock Grange, 64651 Fort Rock Road; 541-576-2289. ELKS LODGEEASTER EGG HUNT: Ages 12 and younger hunt for eggs; free; 9 a.m.; Juniper Park, 741 N.E. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-389-7438. EASTER MYSTERY TOUR:Take a tour that explores Easter mysteries, and search for eggs at stops; free; 9:30-10 a.m.; Trinity Lutheran Church 8 School, 2550 N.E. Butler Market Road, Bend; 541-382-1832. EASTER EGGHUNT FOR DOGS: Leashed and well-behaved dogs search for eggs filled with dog treats, with gifts and prizes; free; 3-3:30p.m.;EastsideBend Pet Express, 420 N.E. Windy Knolls Drive; 541-389-4620. VFW EASTERDINNER:A dinnerof bakedham, scalloped potatoes and more; reservations requested; $10, $5 ages 10 and younger, free ages three and younger; 4 p.m.; VFWHall, 1836 S.W. Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-923-8591. BROTHERS COMATOSE: The California-based Americana folk act performs; $10; 8 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-8159122 or www.belfryevents.com.
NEWS OF RECORD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358.
BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT Theft —A theft was reported at 9:36 p.m. March 8, in the 61500 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Theft —A theft was reported at 12:16 p.m. March 9, in the 63400 block of North U.S. Highway 97. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 6:16 a.m. March 10, in the 100 block of Northwest Oregon Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at12:02 p.m. March18, in the 1900 block of Northeast Bear Creek Road. DUII —Velma Reyes, 31, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at10:13 p.m. March 20, in the 1500 block of N.E. Forbes Road. Theft —A theft was reported at 8:06 a.m. March 21, in the 2700 block of Northeast 27th Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 9:33 a.m. March 21, in the 19800 block of Decoy Court. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 3:01 p.m. March 21, in the 100 block of Northeast Greenwood Avenue.
Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 11:34 a.m. March 26, in the area of Skyliners Road and Northwest Lemhi Pass Drive.
March19 8 — Medical aid calls. March 20 10:08 a.m.— Smoke odor reported, 1717 N.E. Second St., Redmond. 9 — Medical aid calls. March 21 9:38 a.m.— Brush or brush-andgrass mixture fire, 1157 N.W. Davidson Way, Terrebonne. 9 — Medical aid calls. March 22 4:52a.m. — Trash receptacle fire, 273 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Redmond. 4:01 p.m.— Building fire, 181 S.W. Merritt Lane, Madras. 9 — Medical aid calls. March 23 6:46a.m.— Smoke odor reported, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond. 9 — Medical aid calls. March 24 10:34 p.m.— Authorized controlled burning, area of E. Antler Ave., Redmond. 7 — Medical aid calls.
Burglary—A burglary was reported at1:26 p.m. March 21, in the 2600 block of Northwest College Way. Burglary—A burglary was reported at 7:06 a.m. March 18, in the 61500 block of American Lane. Burglary—A burglary was reported at 4:18 a.m. March 22, in the 2000 block of Northeast Linnea Drive.
OREGON STATE POLICE Theft —A theft and criminal mischief were reported at 8:08 p.m. March 26, in the area of Cascade Lakes Highway and National Forest Road 4680.
BEND FIRE RUNS Monday 2:43 p.m.— Building fire, 1361 N.W. Baltimore Ave. 5:33p.m.— Brush or brushand-grass mixture fire, 18281 Couch Market Road. 16 —Medical aid calls.
Find It All
March18 2:45 p.m.— Authorized controlled burning, 7463 S.W. Canal Blvd., Redmond. 8 —Medical aid calls.
PRESEASON SAVINGS! Save10% now on retractable awnings,
exterior solar screens, Shade StruCtureS (thru 4/2/13)
Theft —A theft was reported at 7:16 p.m. March 21, in the 1800 block of Southeast Arborwood Avenue.
Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 6:53 p.m. March 23, in the 900 block of Southeast Third Street.
Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at10:30 a.m.March 24,in the 20700 block of High Desert Lane. Burglary —A burglary was reported at1:06 p.m. March 24, in the 20500 block of Avro Place. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 3:26 p.m. March 24, in the 61400 block of Orion Drive.
' )
Burglary —A burglary was reported at 3:37 p.m. March 24, in the1300 block of Northwest Vicksburg Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at10:43 a.m. March 25, in the 61400 block of Southwest Elkhorn Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:42p.m.March 25,in the 63000 block of Woodbridge Place. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:59a.m. March 26, in the1000 block of Northeast Fifth Street.
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541 447 7113
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"Golf For Everyone!"
Ocean energy project faces delay The AssociatedPress REEDSPORT— A company planning to channel the power of t h e o cean off the Oregon Coast into the electrical grid inland says it faces a new regulatoryhurdleandneedsmore money for what has been billed as the nation's first commercial wave energy operation. Ocean Power Technolog ies told i n vestors t h i s month that it's doing reports and studies for the government andisunlikely to meet a 2013 goal of installing a test buoy, one not connected to the electrical grid, the Roseburg News-Review rep o r t ed Wednesday. "This process could re-
quire significant delay of the deployment of the first P owerBuoy, as w e l l a s present additional costs for the company," CEO Chuck Dunleavy said in a conference call withinvestors. The Pennington, N.J., company plans to install buoys that use wave motion to generate electricity, enough to power about 1,000homes. Cables would take the power inland to thegrid. In August, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued the company a 35-year license to install up to 10buoys about 2/2 miles off Reedsport on thesouth Oregon Coast. T he company said i t learned in February that the agencywill require it to comply with all conditions of its license for 10 gridconnected buoys b efore putting a test buoy in the water. "Since the first buoy was not going to be grid-connected,the company did not believeit wasunder the FERC jurisdiction," Chief F inancial O f f icer B r i a n Posner said in an email to The News-Review. The company in the past has relied heavily on funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the Navy. "We a re speaking t o several sources for additional funding at this time, but we would prefer not to discuss them publicly until firm commitments are established," Posner said. He would not say how much thecompanywouldneed. Besides generating electricity for onshore utility customers, the c ompany said its buoys could have other uses, such as sonar and r a dar s u r veillance, tsunami warnings, oceanographic data collection, offshore platforms and offshore aquaculture.
Crowd rallies in support of Same-SeX
marriage The AssociatedPress PORTLAND — A crowd of about 200 turned out for a Tuesday evening rally in Portland in support of gay
marriage. The Oregonian reports that the rally also drew Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum. The rally at the federal courthouse was organized by Basic Rights Oregon,
Oregon's largest gay rights group. The group says it's aiming for a vote next year to reverse Oregon's ban on
gaymarriage. The U.S. Supreme Court this week dove into a historic debate on gay rights that could soon lead to resumption of same-sexmarriagein California.
Sierra Clubfiles suit to halt Portland water fluoridation By Steven Dubois
the largest city in the U.S. yet The AssociatedPress to approve water fluoridation PORTLAND — The Sierra to combat tooth decay. OppoClub and two other environ- nents, however, quickly gathmental g r oups a n n ounced ered more than 30,000 signaWednesday they are oppos- tures toforce a referendum ing a ballot measure to add that's set for May21. fluorideto Portland's drinking Many in Portland and the water. statehave longopposedpublic The groups contend that fluoridation, saying it's unsafe adding fluoridetowater would and violates an individual's harm people and aquatic life, right to consent to medication. and outweigh any benefits to While nearly 75percent of the dentalhealth. U.S. population drinks w a"Sierra Club opposes fluo- ter treated with fluoride, the r idation because i t w o u l d rate is less than 25 percent in degrade some of the purest Oregon. drinking water in the world," The issue presents a clash said Antonia Giedwoyn, a between liberal desires to imspokeswoman for th e l ocal prove the dental health oflowchapter of the Sierra Club, the income children and refrain nation's largest environmen- f rom putting anything u n tal organization. "Kids are necessary in the water. Giedalready bombarded with mul- woyn, who said the national tiple toxins from plastics, pes- Sierra Club allows its chapters ticides andairpollution." to take positions on local isThe Portland City Council sues, said the group supports last year u n animously apcomprehensivedental care for proved a plan to add fluoride. children,"but thisisthewrong Until the vote, Portland was pathtothat goal."
AROUND THE STATE Ladur diSPute —ThereisanotherdisagreementbetweenPacific Northwestgrainterminalsandthe InternationalLongshore & Warehouse
Union. Alawsuitfiledonbehalfof Local40contendsthat ColumbiaGrain, whichisbasedat the Portof Portland, wrongfullystoppedemploying unionmarineclerksanddeclinedtoenterarbitration. Thesuitasksa U.S.
District Courtjudgetoorderthecompanyintoarbitrationwiththeunion. "There'snootheroptiontotryand get tothebottomofthis," Local40attorney HankKaplansaid Wednesday. MorethanaquarterofallU.S. grain
Two other environmental groups, Columbia Riverkeeper and Food and Water Watch, joined the Sierra Club in opposing Portland's fluoridation measure. Columbia Ri ve r k eeper said in a news release that the Columbia and many of its tributaries already have "an overload" of toxic chemicals, and Portland has not adequately evaluated the impact of fluoridation will have on salmon. Mel Rader, the co-director of pro-fluoride Upstream Public Health, responded to coordinated criticism with a statement that notes the Columbia already has naturally occurring fluoride. "Fluoridation i n P o r tland wouldnotincreasethefluoride level in the river by a detectable amount, and wouldbe far less than the natural variability of the river, resulting in no effectonaquaticlife,including salmon,"he said.
exportsmovethrough grainterminalsonthe ColumbiaRiverand Puget Sound,andthe pastsevenmonthshavebeenfulloflaborstrife. Inlate December, Columbia Grainandtwoother terminalownersimplemented
management-friendly workrulesafterdeclaring contract talkstobeatan impasse. Oneofthoseowners, United Grain, laterlockedlongshoremen outoftheirjobsafteralleging thataunionleadersabotagedcompany
equipment. Cat truudle —Chemeketa Community College is working witha group to manageafree-roaming colonyofcatsthatliveinawooded areaoncampus. Thecollegeand Salem Friends of FelinesmetTuesday and planto meetagain April8andannounce their plans. The States-
man Journalreportsthe volunteer group hasbeenfeeding, trapping andneutering and spaying thecatsfor the past twoyears. In February, the college foundand disposed ofcatsheltersandfeeding stations.
The collegelater replacedthesheltersandstationsfor the feral felines. TiCket SCam —Oregon State Police says troopers don'tcall you, demanding paymentfor traffic tickets. Police sayscammers claiming to be with the OSP have been placing recorded phone calls to some
people in Oregon. Thecalls may beginwith a siren sound. Theyask foraspecificamountofmoneyforatrafficticketandsayitshouldbe paidby phone using a reloadable debitcard. Oregon State Police say these callsare fraudulentand shouldbe ignored.
HBufufdilllliCtm8llts — Afederal grand juryhas indicted 10 currentor former managersandsupervisorsforacontractorat the nation's most contaminatednuclear site, accusing them of enabling timecard fraud there. The company, CH2MHill Hanford Group, held a contract from 1999-2008to clean out radioactive waste fromunder-
ground tanks at Hanford Nuclear Reservationnear Richland, Wash. The indictmentclaimsthe company failed to followa recommendationina 2004independentaudit to installnewtime card equipment
Dispute overPendleton rodeocostume will be settled bystate SupremeCourt TheAssociatedPress PORTLAND — Twooregon women are disputing ownershipof an83-year-oldcostume from the state's biggest rodeo, and the fight is headed to the state Supreme Court. The get-up worn by Pendleton Round-Up rodeo queen Lois Mclntyrein 1930features a divided, fringed leather skirt with a vest worn over a longsleeve satinblouse. The costume, once on display at th e r odeo's hall of fame, is a style revived in recent decades by the rodeo's princesses and queens, The Oregonian newspaper reportedWednesday. The lawsuit over the outfit involvestwowomenwithclose ties to the century-old western extravaganza that draws an estimated 50,000people to the small northeast Oregon town for a celebration that includes a four-day rodeo, parades and concert. The lawsuit was filed by Joan Rice, a daughter-in-law of McIntyre who believes the costumeis worth$25,000. "I'm doing what I think is right, andI'mdoingit theright
way," Rice said. "It's been a longroad, believeme." Defendant Mary Rabb has the outfit. She was the 1968 Pendleton Round-Up queen. "I'm not going to add any fuel to their fire," Rabb told The Oregonian. "My comments arenotprintable." Rice said her husband inheritedtheoutfitin 1964,when McIntyre died, and the couple agreed to display it in the hall of fame, asking Rabb's grandmother totakeit there. Rabb said she believes the Rices never had possession and that McIntyre gave it to her grandmother, who in turn lentit tothehallof fame. Rice's husband diedin 1972. In 2000, court documents s aid, Rab b r e t r ieved t h e costume. Seven years later, the papers said, Joan Rice learned the outfitwas gone. After suing to regain possession, Rice lost in trial court in Wallowa County and again on appeal. She lost again in August when the state Court of Appeals ruled that her lawsuit wasn't brought within the six-year time limit prescribed
OR-7 still in Oregon, feeding on elk meat By MarkFreeman The AssociatedPress
MEDFORD — Wandering wolf OR-7 is spending his second week back from California in Jackson County, where he's been feeding on a dead elk as he continues his apparent search for amate. The 4-year-old wolf crossed the Cascade crest into Jackson County on March 19, his first trip back here since he left April 1, 2012, on the way to a much-publicized tour of Northern California. Since his return, he's wandered along the western Cascades east of Butte Falls and Prospectandhassharedmeals on adeadcowelk with atleast one coyote and some ravens, says Mark Vargas, Rogue District wildlife biologist for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Vargas last week used a VHF receiver to follow the radio-transmitter that has been fitted on OR-7's collar. Vargas was able to get close enough to register a strong signal, but he never actually sawthe only confirmedwolfin WesternOregonsince 1937. But Vargas did find fresh wolf tracks inthesnow. "But it was just a single set of tracks," Vargas says. "He's alone." Thetracksledtothecarcass
of a mostly picked-over cow elk. Coyote and raven tracks were also noted nearby, Var-
gassays. "It was an interesting find,"
hesays. The elk likely died on its own during the winter and probably was not k i lled by OR-7, he says. "There's n o in di c ation that h e k i l le d i t , " V a r gas says. "There was no sign of a
struggle." V argas installed a g a m e c amera and t r ained i t o n what's left of the carcass. He had previously set other cameras inthat same area as part of a Pacificfisher study. A game camera placed by a Central Point hunter in the woods east of Butte Falls gave the world its first glimpse of OR-7 in November 2011. A handful of other photographs subsequently have been taken of OR-7, including a set of grainy i m ages captured March 6along Highway 139in Modoc County. This past week, OR-7 has stayed in somewhat familiar territory for him, Vargas says. The wolfcrossed into Jackson County from Klamath County inthesamegeneralcorridorhe's usedinthepast. Hethenheaded north into the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest, hovering around4,000feetelevation.
to verifythat employeesworked the hours they claimed. The Tri-City Heraldreported Wednesdaythatnineworkers previouslypleaded guiltyto felony charges related to the time card fraud. Inaddition,
CH2M Hill agreedearlier this month to pay$18.5millionto settle civil and criminal allegations of defrauding taxpayers in the scheme. — From wirereports
understate law. "It makes a mockery of the law to say to Joan Rice, before you ever knewyour outfit had been taken, you lost your right to get it back," said her attorney, Cody Hoesly. "That doesn'tmake anysense." The state Supreme Court is set to hear the case in September, two days after this year's rodeo ends. A decision maytake sixmonths to ayear, Hoeslysaid.
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Find the summer's hottest activities for kids in this guide. Summer is the time of the year kids look forward to most. It is when they are free to explore, play and be who they want to be. The Summer Youth Activity Guide provides parents with information about the youthoriented programs that take place in Central Oregon — from away-from-home camps to daytime activities, sports to arts and crafts. There's no excuse to have bored kids at home. Find what suits them best in The Bulletin's Summer Youth Activity Guide
PudliShing Date: Friday, April 12
One of life's greatest accomplishments, high school graduation, is celedrated in this annual publication. Every Central Oregon high school graduate is listed in this annual publication profiling each of the area's high school graduating classes. Graduates and parents alike look forward to this keepsake publication, which includes the names and photos of Central Oregon's newest graduates. Congratulations Graduates!
PudliShing Date: Wednesday, June12
The Bulletin
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Nurses Association and the Oregon Primary Care Association. Such arguments ignore the fact that if neighboring counties have different taxes, smokers will seek the lower price. Businesses that are near county borders can be hurt or helped asconsumers travelto evade added taxes. And if a county near a state border raises the tax above the neighboring state's level, shoppers will cross state boundaries to shop. That could cut state tax revenue as well as local businesses' profits. If legislators are convinced that higher tobacco taxes would benefit the finances and health of the state, better to raise the rate statewide and pass the added proceeds to the counties. Better yet, consider that the current level is already providing the desired deterrent effect, and increases would hurt the lowerincome citizens most a ffected because of their higher smoking rates. As Rep. Jason Conger, R-Bend, said in opposing a statewide tobacco-tax increase proposed in another House bill, such taxes can cause addicted people to do without other products that could make them healthier.
< ~ ttae a taatmAH~ a r~ s
M Nickel's Worth Offer a prize for an idea for Mirror Pond
less diapers. While pregnant with our third child, my wife was put on bed rest for several months. At the time we had a I-year-old and a very active 2-year-old. Without being asked,
I have been following the progress of Mirror Pond and the process of a decision as to how to solve the problem of removing the silt as economically as possible and not breaking the city. It seems like a really tough problem. Still, there must be an answer somewhere. There must be a really smart person that has the answer. Perhaps if the power in control would make an offerof,say,$50,000 or so — a prize to the winner of the idea to come forward? There is an old saying, "You usually get what you pay for."
my dad (and mom) did the diaper changing, feeding, bathing, chasing and everything else, at all hours so my wife could rest and I could work. Thanks, Dad. Eric McEldowney Phoenix, Ariz.
Silt problems start farther upriver
Gary Robertson Bend
Demoerats still in denial on effective PERS reform
On cost-of-living increases, the Democrats would save less than half of the amount in the governor's plan, using a complex meth-
Fditur in-Clnrf Editor of Edttorials
them to collect a tax on cigarettes.
support a bill in the Legislature that would allow
regon's Democratic legislators are in denial about the Public Employees Retirement System. Most outrageous is their plan to delay making scheduled payments of $350 million in the next two years, effectively putting that amount on a creditcard, compounding the problem for future years. Dozens of bills are before the Legislature to reform PERS. The governor, the GOP, and the Oregon School Boards Association have each offered plans. The Democratic proposal, released Monday by state budget writers, is by far the least aggressive, failing to address the major built-in cost drivers in the system. The Democrats did agree with other plans on one issue: Stop sending reimbursements for state taxes to out-of-state retirees who don't pay those taxes.
Chairaomnn Palll&lter
regon counties desperate for additional revenues
While we're sympathetic with their financial troubles — especially those suffering from a loss of timber revenue — we think a hodgepodge of different tobacco taxes across the state could cause more problems than it solves. The state already collects $1.18 on each pack of cigarettes, and current law prohibits local governments from imposing additional taxes. House Bill 2870 would allow counties to impose additional levies on cigarettes and other tobacco products. The bill would require that 20 percent of the proceeds be spent on health programs, but it sets no cap on the amount of the tax. (HB 2481 and 2514 would extend the taxing power to other local governments, but those bills have not advanced to hearings before the House Committee on Revenue.) Josephine, Lane and Benton counties have submitted testimony in support of HB 2870, citing their need for funds, the advantages of local control, the benefit to their health departments and the likelihood that a higher price would reduce tobaccoconsumption and thus improve health. The hoped-for reduced consumption has also drawn support for the bill from several health organizations, including the Oregon
BETSYMccooc Goaoott BEAEE
od of graduated limits. And they didn't include other ideas proposed by the GOP and by the school boards association, including lowering the 8 percent guaranteed earnings rate in annuity calculations, and limiting the use of accumulated sick pay and vacation pay in figuring pensions, among others. The Democratic plan would save $805 million this biennium, compared with the governor's $865 million, the GOP's $1 billion and the school boards association's $1.3 billion. Saving in this biennium, however, is only one of the issues. If the longer-term PERS problems are not resolved, the state will continue to struggle to meet its obligations in every way, including education, health care, infrastructure and public safety. With Democrats in control of the Legislature, it's all the more critical that they face reality and deal effectively with the PERS crisis. If they don't, we'll all pay the priceforyears to come.
Change in dad's role is more than social change I found your article, "For grandparents, much has changed," interesting and informative. There are a few points I would like to add. One quote says, HMy son is way more involved in taking care of the kids than I was." Statements like these are often chalked up simply to social changes. What is lost sometimes is that my father's ability to be more involved was hampered by the fact that he was usually busting his rear at work and at home most of his wakeful hours for the betterment of his family, not just avoiding things dads didn't do. My children reap the benefit of those efforts. As a parent, my father probably changed one diaper, if that. As a grandparent, he has changed count-
I find it interesting that no one seems to addressthe real concern regarding silt and sediment problems in the Deschutes River. What about the North Unit Irrigation District and all the related irrigators that seem to continually create stream flow variables that constantly churn up sediment and debris, causing harm to r i parian habitats and fish-spawning beds? Shouldn't these irrigators be financially responsible and accountable for the river damage their releases and discharges create'? This is not just a problem for Mirror Pond, but their annual irrigation actions affect the whole Deschutes River system. I live upriver from Sunriver (20-plus miles from downtown Bend) and I can recall riverwater level changes of several feet in just a matter of a day or two, creating turbid murky water conditions downriver until th e f l ow stabilizes — which I assume sends suspended debris particles all the way to Bend.
My section of the river is experiencing major sediment buildup also. A gain, address the source of the problems and have all stakeholders liable for solutions, including North Unit Irrigation District's and Wickiup Reservoir's impoundment in your financial solutions.
Duane Wyman Sunriver
Trouble with multiple-lane roundabouts The "In My View" article about multiple-lane r o u n dabouts on March 22 overlooked a significant negative aspect of m ultiple lane roundabouts. Using the inner lane forces the driver to make two lane changes while in the circular portion of the interchange.One of these changes occurs when entering the circular roadway and a repeat is required when exiting. Trying to locate neighboring traffic is not a simple task when in a relatively tight turn. Fender-benders'? It must also be accepted that the volume of traffic will double while in the roundabout. A "conventional" intersection must handle traffic being fed into it from two streets. The roundabout is being continuously fedfrom foursources. There is no q uestion that the roundabout is the more aesthetic of the two intersections. The public needs to recognize they will be paying an ongoing price for this beauty, and perhaps multiple lanes is not the safer of the two configurations. Max Clouse Prineville
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Texas' education contagion could be coming to yourstate By William McKenzie The Dallas Morning News
f early indications hold up, a storyline is beginning to develop out of Texas. It's a narrative that is damning to our schools and one with seriousnational consequences. Texas once led the nation in setting high standards and measuring schools. But if the state's Legislature has its way, Texas will lead the charge against standards and tests. In fact, lawmakers will slam into reverse the work that has gone on for three decades to improve public education. Other states should pay attention — and worry. This phenomenon is
heading your way. During President Barack Obama's first term, nearly all states signed up for new, demanding national educational standards in math and English known as Common Core. Once those
demands start taking effect, and states begin related testing, students will likely show serious deficits. The temptation will be to cave in on the higher standards, just like what is occurring in Texas. It's painful to write about the state's backsliding because, for so long, we have drawn national praise for developing serious standards. These benchmarks show whether a student is on a track that prepares him or her for college or a good technical career. In fact, itw asn'teven necessary forTexas to join the Common Core movement, becausethe state'sown standards were strong. Now the state is about to retreat from those standards — unless the business executives,higher education leaders and minority groups who recently have started speaking out can persuade enough legislators
to resist the retreat. School superintendents started complaining last year about Texas' benchmarks after the state's new STAAR testsrevealed students were often far from meeting them. Their complaints got legislators' attention. This week, Texas lawmakers are about to do something no Legislature hasdone since Texas started elevating academic rigor and holding schools accountablefor their work back in the mid-1980s. Ross Perot launched that work. And it continued through the governorships of Democrats Mark White and Ann Richards and Republicans George W. Bush and Rick Perry. But that leadership could end. The Texas House will consider legislation to make it easier for high school students to graduate without the skills they need for college or a middle-
class job. Legislation would do so in at least two ways. First, the bills would reduce the number of end-of-course exams that high school students must pass from 15 to 5. Some reductions are fine. But five is a major reduction. Those five exams would test just ninth-grade courses in English, history, science and math. Only English would be tested beyond ninth grade — and that only in 10th grade. No longer would Texas test students in the more challenging courses that teach them the problem-solving skills the economy demands and rewards. Their bills also would take the three high school degree plans the state now offers, two of which are collegeoriented, and replace them with essentially one plan. It would be slightly more demanding than the least rigor-
ous degree the state offers today. These details are peculiar to Texas, but the storyline about the rebellion against higher standards and accountability is not. The Indiana Legislature, for example, is considering whether to step back from some Common Core standards. States like Arizona, Colorado and Alabama are doingthe same. And the Web is filled with stories about teachers angry about the demands. The Obama administration has allowed numerous states to get out from underneath No Child Left Behind's demands. That landmark law has its roots in Texas. Now Texas could lead another trend. Except this one would be away from equipping students for the world that awaits them. What a shame. — William McKenzie is an editorial columnist for The Dallas Morning News.
California to crackdown
BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES David Lee Walters, of Bend
M.G. 'Scotty' Miller, of Bend
July14, 1983- Mar. 17,2013 Arrangements: Bel-Air Funeral Home, Madras. 541-475-2241 Services: Memorial Services will be held on Friday, March 29, 2013, at 11:00 a.m., at Living Hope Christian Center in Madras.
Nov. 7, 1939 - March 23, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 www.autumnfunerals.com Services: A memorial service will take place at a later date. Please call the Bend Elk's Lodge at (541) 389-7438, for more information.
Helen Katherine Zlatkus, of Redmond Feb. 15, 1924 - Mar. 23, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Redmond, 541-504-9485; www.autumnfunerals.net Services: No services will be held. Contributions may be made to:
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Hospice of Redmond, 732 SW 23rd, Redmond, OR 97756
Vicenta V. Baltazar, of Madras Jan. 25, 1926 - Mar. 25, 2013 Arrangements: Bel-Air Funeral Home, Madras. 541-475-2241 Services: Visitation will be on Wednesday, March 27, 2013, between the hours of 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., at Bel-Air Chapel. Funeral services will be held on Thursday, March 28, 2013, at 11:00 a.m., at the Apostolic Assembly Church in Madras. Burial will follow at Mt. Jefferson Memorial Park.
Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeralhomes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
Contributions may be made to:
Elks National Foundation, 63120 Boyd Acres Rd, Bend, OR 97701 541-389-7438
Derl Rene Stovall, of Madras Jan. 25, 1956 - Mar. 25, 2013 Arrangements: Bel-Air Funeral Home, Madras. 541-475-2241. Services: Memorial services will be held on Tuesday, April 2, 2013, at 1:00 p.m., at the Cornerstone Baptist Church in Madras.
Pamela Joyce Elskamp Durham Jan. 4,1949- March 23, 2013 Pamela Joyce Elskamp Durham, 64, of B end, Or egon, passed away Saturday, March 23, 2013. Pam w as bor n o n J a n u ar y 4 , 1949, to Tom 8 G e r aldine E lskamp i n Cul v e r , O r egon. She graduated from Redmond High School in 1967, a n d t hen fr om Phagan's Beauty School. P am m a r r ie d t h e l at e F rank Durham Jr . o n O c tober 19, 1968. They have t wo s ons, F r an k I I I a n d Ryan. Pa m w a s a h ai r dresser for over 30 years in B end and l ov e al l o f h e r patrons like family. Pam loved her family and f riends an d w o u l d h a v e given the shirt off her back to a co m p l et e s t r a nger. She had a heart as big as the sky. Pam enjoyed taki ng care of he r y ar d w i t h all of her flowers, bowling a nd spending t i m e w i t h her grandkids. Pam is preceded in death b y he r f a t h er , T o m ; h e r husband, Frank Jr; grandm others, Pau l i n e and Anna; h e r g r an d f a ther, V ern; un cle, R obert; a n d h er g r e a t -nephew, B e n jamin. P am is s u r vived b y h e r mom and dad, Geraldine a nd Bert B ertsch of R e d mond; her two sons, Frank D urham II I o f B e n d , a n d R yan C. Durham of N o r th C arolina; f o u r si bl i n g s , M ike, M e r l in , S u san a n d Kathy; si x g r a n dchildren; five gr e a t -grandchildren; t hree n i e ces; a n d th r e e nephews. P am w a s a b ea u t i f u l , c ompassionate, warm a n d l oving d a u g h t er , s i s t e r , w ife, m oth e r , aun t , g randma an d f r i e nd. S h e w ill be f o r ever l oved an d missed greatly. A memorial service w i l l b e h e l d on Sat u r d a y , March 30 , 2 013 a t 1 1 : 00 a .m., a t G r a c e B ap t i s t Church, 566 NE Clay Ave., Bend, Oregon.
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Lori March, 90: Stage, film and television actress best known as the matriarch of the long-running CB S d a ytime television serial "The Secret Storm." From 1961 until the show's cancellation in 1974, M arch played Valerie H i l l Ames Northcote. In a soapopera twist, when the character of March's screen husband died, March'scharacter married her daughter's psychiatrist, played by March's reallife first husband, Alexander Scourby. Died March 19 in Redding, Conn. Terry Rankine, 86: Urban designer and architect best known as one of the co-founders of Cambridge Seven Associates, the innovative firm founded in 1962. Over the years, the firm designed such diverse structures as transit s tations, the interior of t h e DC-10 airliner and numerous buildings on Ne w E n gland C ollege campuses. I t a l s o designed the New E ngland Aquarium, its very first project. Died March 3 in Portland, Maine. Virgil Trucks, 95: Former major-league pitcher for five teams but spent most of his
career with the Detroit Tigers, for whom he pitched two nohitters and a one-hitter, all in 1952, when he went 5-19 for the last-place Tigers. Nicknamed "Fire" for his blazing fastball that he c l aimed was o nce clocked at 105 mph. Trucks earned 177 major-league victories in a 17-year career in which he also pitched for the St. Louis Browns, Chicago White Sox, Kansas City Athletics and New York Yankees. Died Saturday in A labaster, Ala. Gordon Stoker, 88: A member of The Jordanaires, the backing vocal group for Elvis Presley. Stoker started playing piano in Nashville, Tenn., o n radio station WSB a nd its signature program, "The Grand Ole Opry." Joined The Jordanaires as a piano player, then switched to tenor vocalist. The group was well-known for its gospel singing when Presley asked them to perform on his 1956 recording "Hound Dog." The quartet performed
on many Presley recordings but also sang on recordings by Patsy Cline, Jim Reeves,
George Jones and Kenny Rogers. Stoker died Wednesday in Brentwood, Tenn. — From wire reports
Williams went from NBA riches to rags
By Gary Richards San Jose Mercury News
SAN JOSE, Calif. — Next month, thousands of c ops will fan out across California in a massive crackdown on drivers texting or talking on handheld phones. And oh, will they be busy, as so many drivers just don't seem to care that these growing forms of distracted driving have been illegal for near-
By Richard Goldstein
ly five years.
New Yorh Times News Service
New data f r o m p o l i ce statewide show they issued 425,041 tickets last year for talking on handheld phones — down about 35,000 from the previous year but still a 41 percent increase from 2009, the first full year of the cellphone ban. N umbers w e r e muc h smaller for texting citations: 21,059 in 2012. But that's a 41.5 percent increase from the previous year and a stunning 640 percent surge since 2009. And it's texting that concerns police the m ost; it's more dangerous because it takes drivers' eyes off the road, and it's harder to ticket because it's easier to hide. "Surprised, no. Dismayed, yes," said Chris Cochran, a spokesman for the California Office of Traffic Safety. "After the intense media, public awareness and enforcement campaigns that have been mounted the past four years, we would hope to see a turnaround."
Ray Williams could seemingly do it all on a basketball court. He had an outstanding shooting touch, he possessed superb body control, and he could make a timely pass. He teamed with Micheal Ray Richardson in the New York Knicks' backcourt to dazzle the crowds at Madison Square Garden in the late 1970s and early '80s. "He was a joy to play with," said Len Elmore, a center-forward who was his teammate on the Knicks and the New Jersey Nets. Elmore remembered that Williams, a sturdy 6 feet, 3 inches, as "a consummate scorer," even if "at times he would take shots you wouldn't necessarily agree with." But "if you were open, he would find you," Elmore said. By the time Williams closed out his National Basketball Association career after 10 well-traveledseasons, he had accumulated impressive statistics. But he had also garnered a reputation as a playgroundstyle player prone to turnovers and ill-advised shots. And then everything fell apart. Williams had earned morethan $2 million inhis NBA career, buthewas generous with family members and friends, and his money eventually ran out. He declared bankruptcy in the mid-1990s, his marriage broke up, and he moved to Florida in hopes of changing his luck. But by summer 2010, he was homeless, living in a rusted Buick in Pompano Beach. A few months later, after his plight became publicly known, Williams returned to his native Mount Vernon, N.Y., in WestchesterCounty, where he had been a high school basketball star, to take an offer from the mayor, Clinton Young, to work with youngsters at a recreational center. But with his life seemingly turned around from the depths he had r e ached, W i lliams learned he had colon cancer. He died Friday at 58. Jim Dutcher, who coached Williams at the University of Minnesota, told The St. Paul Pioneer Press that Williams died at a f a m ily m ember's home in the New York area after being treated at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan. Thomas Ray Williams was born on Oct. 14, 1954, one of six children, and led Mount Vernon High School to two New York state basketball championships. After a year at San Jacinto Junior College in Texas, he starredatMinnesota, where he played alongside future Boston Celtics star Kevin McHale. Williams was a first-round draft choice of the Knicks in 1977, and in his first four NBA seasons helped them make the playoffs twice. He joined the Nets before the 1981-82 season, scored 52 points in an April 1982 game against the D etroit Pistons and helpedthe Nets reach the playoffs. But he was traded to the Kansas City Kings at the season's end. The Knicks got him back for the 1983-84 season. But his second stint at the Garden lasted only one season. He later played for the Celtics, the A tlanta Hawks, the San Antonio Spurs and, finally, the Nets once more. He retired i n 1 987, having averaged 15.5 points and 5.8 assists a game. His older brother Gus was a two-time NBA All-Star guard, but they were neverteammates. Ray Williams did not graduate from Minnesota, and he had few skills beyond basketball. He held a series of odd jobs after moving to Florida, but they did not last long. He declared bankruptcy for a second time and received a diagnosis of diabetes. He was destitute despite having received grants from N B A -affiliated organizations and taking cash out of his pension plan.
Distracteddriving Tickets issued to California drivers talking or texting
on handheld phones: In thousands
300 .200100-
2012 425,041 Talking on handheld
2012 21,059 -
Texting 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: California Highway Patrol Graphic: Bay Area News Group © 2013 McClatchy-Tribune News Servic
At the least, texting drivers can be an irritant when they remain stopped at intersections when lights turn green, or when they drive 45 mph on the freeway. An April c rackdown on distracted driving has b ecome an annual tradition. Last year, police across the state wrote almost 61,000 cellphone and texting tickets in April, up from the 52,000 tickets issued in April 2011 and more than double the usual monthly tally. This year, t h ere l i k ely will be more, said Alameda County sheriff's Sgt. Tom Rodrigues, who hands out as many as 10 such tickets a day. "1 am amazed as to how many people still use the cell every day," he said. "People don't get it. I think that the fine should be $500 for the first violation. This m i ght
said Simitian, who introduced the original ban that took effect July 1, 2008. "People may not think it's that risky of a behavior, or they won't be caught or that the fine is not that excessive." Rodrigues recently wrote a citation to a woman texting while he rode right next to her on his loud Harley-Davidson motorcycle in Castro Valley. She never saw him until he ordered her to the curb. Her e x cuse, R o drigues said: "She is busy at work and needs to text to get her
job done." But some who text or use a handheldphone don'tbelieve it's any riskier than talking with a h a n ds-free phone, fooling with the radio or chatting with a passenger.
Another view
Christopher Schrader, a 29-year-old consultant from San Jose, said the uproar is "crap" that only gets a lot of attention because other motorists can see those using their phones. "Of course, no one even attempts to blame bad driving on something when the cellphone isn't present," he said. "I personally still drive while talking on m y c e l lphone, and I don't feel distracted in any way. And even crazier, I s ometimes even text when I feel it is safe. I've never been in an accident in 13 years of driving and have always used my phone dur'National epidemic' ing that time. I p ersonally don't find it difficult to put my A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and focus on the road and have a Prevention found that 69 perconversation." cent ofU.S. drivers say they wake people up." Other motorists say that's talk on their cellphones and crazy. "I am so tired of seeabout 1 in 3 read or send texts Trying to raise the fine ing people do it day after day," said Lisa Mendoza, of or emails while driving. Livermore Officer T r aci Former Tr a n sportation Rebiejo said t h e n u m ber San Jose, who said she once Secretary Ray LaHood called of texters is most likely far spotted a woman texting and cellphone use and texting "a higher than the citation tally tried to suggest she should national epidemic." In 2011, suggests. She said spotting quit it. "When I motioned that 3,331 people were killed and someone texting is difficult she should stop, she flipped 400,000 injured in c rashes because driversusually hold me off." blamed on distracted driving. their phones near their laps. Why the number of cell"It's a hard ticket to write," phone tickets issued last year The National Transportation Safety Board has called she said. "Most of us think it's declined is not clear, Cochran for a ban on cellphone use far more widespread." said. "We would like to think by drivers, including the use A cellphone or texting tick- that fewer people are using of hands-free phones. Most et costs $159, much less than handheld cellphones, perstudies show hands-free con- the roughly $500 penalty for haps switching to hands-free versations are just as distract- running a red light or cheat- or not using at all, but we ing to drivers as those involv- ing in a car pool lane. When have no evidence as yet." ing handheld phones. Santa Clara County SuperviBut he fears the total numD rivers c o mplain t h a t sor Joe Simitian was a state ber of citations could surpass texting motorists pose a sig- senator, he twice introduced a half-million this year and go nificant risk by veering into bills to raise the fine and on rising for years to come. "It just points out the allure other lanes or not seeing pe- make it a moving violation. destrians or bicyclists as they Both times Gov. Jerry Brown of the technology, how it has take their eyes off the road to vetoed the bill. A new propos- made its way into our lives, read or send messages. Some al would increase the fine to and how we can't expect a studies have shown that a $199 for a first offense and to fast turnaround," he said. "It driver texting can travel the $371 for a second. took efforts for seat belts and "It's unfortunate the gov- against drunk d r iving 30length of a football field at 55 mph without looking up. ernor did not raise the fine," plus years."
Duwamish get another shot at getting tii al reCOgnitiOn By Lynda V.Mapes
for recognition ever since, filing suit in federal court chalSEATTLE — The decades- lenging the denial, and purold fight by the Duwamish suing recognition through a to be recognized as a tribe bill in Congress. gained new life in a legal vicNow that the suit has suctory last week. ceeded, it remains to be seen U.S. District Judge John if the petition will, too, with a Coughenour on Friday vasecond look. " It's insane they took it cated the 2001 denial of the tribe's recognition by the U.S. away," Hansen said of t he Department of the Interior tribe's r ecognition, w h i ch and told the agency to take would bring with it the posanother look. sibility for fishing rights, land "I'm in a d elighted state for areservation,federalbenof shock," said Cecile Hanefits and, for an urban people sen, chairwoman o f the such as the Duwamish, a luDuwamish. crative casino. Last week's ruling stems The Duwamish lived on the from an odd turn of events. lands that are now South SeIn January 2001, an official attle, Renton and Kent. There at the Department of Interior are about 600 Duwamish dehand-wrote an approval of scendants today, Hansen esthe Duwamish petition for timated. They first submitted recognition in the final days a petition for recognition in of the Clinton administration 1977 and revised it in 1989. — but didn't sign it until three The dispute went on so long days after leaving office. that the rules for recognition B ush administration of changed, from the original ficials then set the approval regulations, set in 1978, to a aside for review, and in Sep- more lenient set, adopted by tember 2001 overturned it. A Interior in 1994. 2002 report by the Interior The Clinton administration Department's Inspector Gen- ultimately approved the Dueral found the handling of the wamish petition on the basis Duwamish petition and five of both regulations. others "highly unusual," but But the Bush administrathe Justice Department did tion made its decision based not press charges. only on the earlier regulaThe tribe has been fighting tions. And that, Coughenour The Seattle Times
ruled, did not make sense. "Plaintiffs should not be left to wonder why one administration thought their petition should be considered under both sets of rules, but a second did not," the judge wrote. The agency's actions also were unfair, because they treated the Duwamish differently from other tribes in a similar situation, Coughenour found. When they sought recognition, both the Duwamish a nd Chinook t r i bes h a d asked Interior to review their petitions under the 1978 rules, even though the 1994 rules by then existed. But when Interior denied the Chinooks' petition, it was doing so under both sets of rules, not only the earlier ones. ln fact, no tribe but the Duwamish has been denied recognition by Interior since 1994 under only the old rules, Coughenour wrote. Bart Freedman, attorney for the tribe at K8L Gates, said he is hopeful that Interior will consider new evidence of the tribe's continuity rather than just review the existing record, which is now more than 20 years old. "We are hopeful people at Interior might be willing to look at this with new eyes," Freedman said.
W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central, LP ©2013. •B4
Today: A few offand-on rain showers, CHANNE
peeks of sunshine.
Tonight: Light rainfall through the night.
A few light showers, many locations stayHlg dry.
KCannon Beacht » x x x x x x
+IVet tx
56/42+x Dages ez/44 64/42 •
Tigamookc.hkg xx ' .' Kt hxx 56/46
x •
S andv ix i I i .iBx i Maupin
~ 4»
'x'xi i
• Hermiston e3/46
) Wallowa • PendletOn 3,55/33 • Enterprise
KWas co ii / 3 9
x x w x e o /4IF t i«
+'x i'McMjq
A r l ington
• Meacham
• 59ao
54/34 I
r-La Grande •
Lincoln Ci x
y x,62/42
Kt pt r t ; "
' Kr " , ~
,COrValli( » Yachats~ 54/46
x xcvescent
PBandon', xNNtosebktrox i» .x ehehtblbx • <56/4>> <<<< 63/4( » <<< ' . ' . 5)/22 I 51 x x ' ' ' '~xx rallts
Nyssa 58/36
Yesterday's state extremes
Jordan Valley
chr i stmas valley 59/37
Frenchgle 63/36
x x x xx x x '
• 67'
c ii i M edfOrd Xk k X X X h u 67 / 45 XX'
Ashla nd
56/45 xxxx x
• Klamath FallS 56/35
x x x x v i t/at
• 27'
• Lakeview
Baker City
vancouver 1 . 34/19
• 90'
' Biuings •
C~+2~/ 44
• -10o
f' 40s
/ w
Green Bay • 4 1/ 2 S
St. paul 43/28, I ~
) w ~n I 5 JDes Moines
Rapidcity l • 53/33
39/30 W. x
8-rc uffaloxx' 0 I toetroit i~ ~ K/
46/3 7
W 4-
52 /37
)an Francisco 62/49
Buffalo, N.Y.
6r r
O Honolulu IKH, 81/68 55~
Los Angeles
• 72/42 I
Phoenix 87/62
KK Toyorito
Minot, N.D.
• 0.26
vt vt +
El Centro, Calif
Thunder Bay 43/18
20s 'rttand ~
Oklahoma City
St. Louiss, 45/36
62/53'6os I
es/48 '
68/53 ''
• Dallas I
69/56 '
rr r r r CJL. H V Charlotte
'' ,
Atlanta • Birmingham 58/35
63 / 39
New Orleans
Chihuahua 77/52
68/52 • '
Anchorage 32/26
Juneau 38/25
Mazatlan • +470
• Miami 71/61
Monterrey 85/63•
lando 1/48
Bos La Paz
Nashville I 57/36 •
Little Rock' '
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 55/32 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.01" Recordhigh........74m1966 Monthtodate.......... 0.41" Recordlow.........12 in 2008 Average monthtodate... 0.64" Average high.............. 53 Year to date............ 2.21" Average low .............. 29 Average year to date..... 3.26" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m29.90 Record 24 hours ...0.29 in1928 *Melted liquid equivalent
for solar at noon.
Astoria ........59/47/0.03....56/44/sh.....58/44/pc Baker City..... 57/27/trace.....63/37/c......60/33/c Brookings......56/47/0.20....56/45/sh.....56/47/sh Burns......... 56/34/trace....60/33/pc.....59/31/pc Eugene....... 64/40/trace....60/44/sh.....65/46/sh Klamath Falls .. 57/33/0 01 ....56/35/c ...64/34/pc Lakeview.......59/36/0.00 ...55/33/sh.....61/32/pc La Pine........57/29/0.00....57/34/sh.....57/28/pc Medford...... 64/44/trace....67/45/sh......71/44/c Newport.......54/43/0.01 ....51/46/sh.....62/46/sh North Bend.....57/46/0.01 ....57/46/sh.....59/47/sh Ontario........67/32/0.00....67/44/pc......67/39/c Pendleton......64/42/0.07.....62/39/c.....65/38/pc Portland ...... 65/42/trace....62/44/sh.....65/47/pc Prinevige....... 56/30/0.07....57/39/sh.....63/31/pc Redmond.......59/28/0.02....64/35/sh.....65/32/pc Roseburg.......65/46/0.10....63/47/sh......68/45/c Salem ....... 64/38/trace .61/44/sh ...65/45/sh Sisters.........60/31/0.00....58/37/sh.....62/30/pc The Dages..... 65/39/trace.....64/42/c.....69/39/pc
Snow accumulation in inches
Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 70 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . . . . 77 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .70-114 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . .113-145 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . 113 Mt. HoodSkiBowl...........0.0......63-73 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 -0 . . . . . . . 159
H I GH 6
ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires.
Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Wigamette Pass ........ . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .34-89
Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires
Aspen, Colorado..... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . .44-51 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 0.0... . .76-1 75 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .57-71 SquawVagey, California..... . .0.0 . . . . . 9-95
Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires
o www m (in the 48 contiguous states):
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....6:00 a.m...... 5:00 p.m. Venus......7:00 a.m...... 7:27 p.m. Mars.......7:05 a.m...... 7:49 p.m. Jupiter......942 a.m.....12 52 a.m. Satum......9:55 p.m...... 8:26 a.m. Uranus.....6:55 a.m...... 7:21 p.m.
Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . .24-57 Hwy. 58 at Wigamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .60 71 Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . 52 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to the latest ski conditions visit: www.skicentral.com/oregon.html www.tripcheck.com or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation, s-sun,pc-partial clouds,c-clouds,h-haze, sh-showers,r-rain,t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, sn-snow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix,w-wind, f-iog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
Yesterday's extremes
City PrecipitationvaIuesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.
61 34
The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing Yesterday Thursday F riday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:
• Burns
Paisley • Beac i i i
60 30
EAST Mostly cloudy and Ontario mild with isolated 67/44 afternoon showers Valec
• Fprt Rpck 58/36
• John Day
• Paul i na 53/3 5
Brothers»/34 xxxxx cptt a owx i«OKkrjdceh Lx x xx x KHampton x' ~xxxxx'La Plne57/34 Cpps Bayxx x x'60/43x~ 55/35 • x x x x x ~ re s ceii4,% ~~ x x
• Prineville 57/39
xxx R edmond "
58/37,xxxiq Florenceexx u genexxxxxxxx~ ~ ,« e c/44C..« « « » o uii r l v eri Bend
57/46 • x x k k
64 32
Baker City
• Mitchell s9/46
Xhv h e p/erl %i %%%%%%% «56/35~ « i iiii iiy ,i z i i i l
• Sprayep3 7
~ '
« >C amp Shermaqx i i i i
Grani e
Sunsettoday...... 7 28 P.m, Last New F i r st Full Sunrise tomorrow .. 6:51a.m. unse omorrow pm • Moonrisetoday.... 9:31 p.m. Moonsettoday 721am April2 April10 Apnl18 Apnl 25
Mostly cloudy with a few showers in the west.
the Easter
61 37
Sunrise today...... 6:53 a.m. MOOn phaSeS
62/40 Unio~
5 I~'.xxiicamp 47/37x' »«65%o.xxx xccccxcxxxxxwlllowdale
More sunshine, staying comfortable.
WEST Scattered showers possible; otherwise, mostly cloudy.
Asto ri a x i i i xx x x x x x x x x x
sXXKte/44XXXX X X X X X x x x s x x
Sunny and nice for
More sunshine, r a very warm day.
rq+++ ++++ t ++
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms
* *
d d 8 .* K* t * 3 8 4 3 ' r *** * * 4 * +
t+ +Xc+v
Rain F l urries Snow
Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......75/45/000..72/57/pc.. 74/58/c GrandRapids....45/31/0 00..44/28/pc. 49/27/pc RapidCity.......54/I7/0 00..53/33/pc.59/36/pc Savannah.......60/32/0 00...61/39/s. 65/41/pc Akron......... 44/32/002 .. 40/28/rs .. 43/26/c GreenBay.......44/30/0.00..41/25/pc. 42/26/pc Reno...........66/35/0.00...64/39/c.67/42/pc Seattle..........56/46/0.01..59/46/sh. 62/48/pc Albany..........52/26/000..48/32/sh. 50/30/pc Greensboro......49/31/0.00..53/31/pc.. 58/33/s Richmond.......53/35/000 ..53/31/pc.56/37/pc SiouxFalls.......49/24/000 ..44/31/pc. 52/38/pc Albuquerque.....70/44/000..72/42/pc. 73/41/pc Harnsburg.......50/37/0.00...48/33/c. 51/33/pc Rochester, NY....47/32/000 ..43/32/sn..44/30/si Spokane........56/37/000... 60/39/c. 61/37/sh Anchorage .......18/0/0 00...32/26/c. 42/28/sn Hartford,CT .....55/26/0.00..47/32/sh. 53/33/pc Sacramento......69/47/000...69/49/c. 73/52/pc Springfield, MO ..53/24/000... 55/45/c. 57/44/sh Atlanta .........55/30/0.00...58/35/5.63/44/pc Helena..........59/23/0.00..60/36/pc. 59/34/sh St. Louis.........45/25/000..45/36/pc.. 47/37/c Tampa..........59/43/000...71/47/s. 74/49/pc Atlantic City .....52/32/0 00..51/35/pc. 52/37/pc Honolulu........78/70/0 33...81/68/s.. 82/67/s Salt Lake City....65/33/000 ..67/45/pc. 64/44/sh Tucson..........86/55/000 ..82/59/pc. 84/58/pc Austin..........71/30/000...73/58/c...77/62/t Houston ........69/37/0 00...73/58/c...74/61/t SanAntonio.....69/40/0.00... 74/59/c...78/62/t Tulsa...........67/32/0.00... 61/52/c...62/51/t Baltimore .......50/37/000..50/35/pc.53/40/pc Huntsville.......54/27/000...54/37/s. 62/44/sh SanDiego.......65/57/0.00..66/54/pc.67/54/pc Washington,DC..52/39/0.01..51/33/pc. 54/38/pc Billings.........61/23/000..63/35/pc. 61/35/pc Indianapolis.....42/25/0.00..45/28/pc. 49/29/pc SanFrancisco....64/50/0.00..61/48/sh. 63/49/pc Wichita.........62/37/0.00...60/46/c...61/50/t Birmingham.....57/27/000...63/39/s .. 65/46/c Jackson, MS.... 60/27/0.00. 69/45/s .. 70/52/c SanJose........67/47/000.. 67/49/c72/49/pc Yakima ........ 63/46/trace 63/36/c. 67/39/pc Bismarck........42/10/000..38/22/pc.. 43/27/c Jacksonvile......60/34/000...68/44/s. 70/48/pcSantaFe........68/27/0.00... 64/39/c.64/40/pc Yuma...........87/60/0.00..87/61/pc. 90/61/pc Boise...........65/40/000...66/43/c.65/39/pc Juneau..........39/30/000 ..38/25/pc. 42/33/pc INTERNATIONAL Boston..........55/36/000 ..46/37/sh. 51/35/pc Kansas City......50/26/0 01... 54/38/c .. 57/41/c Bndgepprt,CT....55/30/000 ..50/34/sh. St/35/pc Lansing.........47/29/0.00..44/27/pc. 49/27/pc Amsterdam......43/27/000 .. 37/29/c 40/29/c Mecca.........100/79/000 .97/79/pc .. 92/73/s Buffalo.........39/32/027 .. 42/31/rs ..43/29/sl Las Vegas.......78/58/0 00 ..81/64/pc. 84/61/pc Athens..........64/55/000 ..68/54/pc. 64/54/pc MexicoCity .....77/43/000 79/52/pc 81/55/pc Burlington, VT....50/31/000...44/31/c .. 47/29/c Lexington.......44/28/0 00 ..47/30/pc. 52/33/pc Auckland........75/59/000 ..73/59/sh.71/63/pc Montreal........45/30/000 ..45/30/sh.46/27/pc Caribou,ME.....43/33/0.1I..41/28/pc. 41/22/pc Lincoln..........55/25/0.00..51/35/pc. 60/41/pc Baghdad........84/53/000..83/63/pc. 87/64/pc Moscow.........25/5/000...31/22/c.. 28/12/c Charleston,SC ...61/31/0.00...60/37/s. 63/42/pc Little Rock.......61/29/0.00..65/48/pc...60/49/t Bangkok.......100/82/0.00... 98/82/s .. 99/81/s Nairobi.........81/63/0.1975/59/sh...7M9/t .. Charlotte........54/25/0.00...54/30/s. 60/35/pc LosAngeles......67/55/0.00..63/56/pc. 66/52/pc Beiyng..........68/41/000 ..54/37/pc.50/31/pc Nassau.........72/64/000 ..75/64/pc. 76/67/pc Chattanooga.....54/28/000...59/33/s. 62/42/sh Louisvile........48/29/000..51/33/pc. 53/35/pc Beirut..........68/63/003 ..67/57/pc. 69/58/pc New Delhi.......84/61/000 ..91/68/pc. 91/67/sh Cheyenne.......50/25/002..57/32/pc. 60/35/pc MadisonVyl.....43/32/000..43/27/pc.47/28/pc Berlin...........36/23/000 ..37/30/sn. 39/30/sn Osaka..........59/41/000 ..65/39/sh. 55/47/pc Chicago.........42/34/000..42/31/pc. 43/33/pc Memphis....... 57/31/0 00 63/47/pc65/47/sh Bogota.........70/41/011...66/50/c.. 67/51/c Oslo............37/10/000...34/25/c .. 31/19/c Cincinnati.......45/30/0.00..48/28/pc.52/29/pc Miami..........70/47/0.00...71/61/s. 73/63/pc Budapest........32/27/036... 36/28/c.40/34/sn Ottawa.........41/34/000 .. 46/28/rs .. 45/21/c Cleveland.......43/32/0 01..37/29/sn. 42/29/pc Milwaukee......44/34/0 00..42/31/pc.44/31/pc BuenosAires.....77/48/000... 75/56/s ..78/59/s Paris............45/34/000 ..46/28/pc.. 44/30/c Colorado Spnngs.56/27/000..55/34/pc. 57/35/sh Minneapplis.....43/23/0.00...43/28/c.49/32/pc CaboSanLucas ..88/61/000 ..86/66/pc.. 90/67/s Rio deJaneiro....79/73/000 .. 77/68/sh. 79/69/pc Cplumbia,MO...43/22/000...49/37/c .. 54/38/c Nashville........53/28/0 00..57/36/pc. 57/44/sh Cairo...........75/57/000 ..83/60/pc.. 86/60/s Rome...........61/45/000... 57/53/c. 61/54/sh Columbia,SC....59/29/0.00... 59/33/s. 62/37/pc New Orleans.....60/40/0.00... 68/52/s. 73/59/pc Calgary.........46/25/000..52/32/pc .. 52/30/s Santiago........88/52/0.00..84/66/pc.. 84/66/s Columbus GA....61/32/000... 65/39/5. 69/46/pc New York.......53/36/0 00 ..52/37/sh. 53/38/pc Cancun.........72/63/005..75/68/pc. 79/71/pc Sap Paulo.......75/64/000..72/62/pc. 73/60/pc Columbus OH....44/34/001..45/30/pc. 50/28/pc Newark Nl......56/35/000..51/36/sh. 54/36/pc Dublin..........37/32/0.15... 39/32/c. 40/30/pc Sapporo ........43/31/0.00 ..36/22/pc. 32/21/pc Concord,NH.....53/22/000 ..47/27/pc. 49/27/pc Norfolk, VA......54/39/000 ..52/35/pc .. 54/40/s Edinburgh.......39/28/000... 35/28/c. 34/26/pc Seoul...........57/27/000 ..49/39/pc. 50/29/pc Corpus Christi....72/48/0.00...73/67/c...75/66/t OklahomaCity...70/39/0.00...62/53/c...66/56/t Geneva.........48/34/000 ..45/35/sh. 39/36/sh Shanghai........57/46/000... 59/45/c. 52/51/pc DallasFtWorth...71/40/000...69/56/c...71/56/t Omaha.........53/24/000 ..52/35/pc. 59/40/pc Harare..........77/61/000...77/58/s...77/59/t Singapore.......90/79/000 ..89/78/sh.90/78/pc Dayton ........ 44/29/0.00..45/27/pc.50/27/pc Orlando.........64/40/0.00...71/48/s. 74/50/pc Hong Kong......72/68/007 ..76/72/sh. 75/72/sh Stockholm.......41/19/000 ..39/24/pc.. 32/22/c Denver..........51/28/000 ..59/35/pc. 61/36/sh PalmSprings.... 87/59/000. 88/60/pc 91/61/pc Istanbul.........48/45/041 ..49/44/sh.. 53/50/c Sydney..........84/70/000...88/61/s.. 70/57/s DesMoines......47/25/000..48/32/pc. 53/35/pc Peoria..........43/30/0.00..46/29/pc. 50/32/pc lerusalem.......61/50/000...67/52/s. 71/55/pc Taipei...........66/63/000..77/65/sh. 69/67/sh Detroit..........49/31/000...45/31/c.46/30/pc Philadelphia.....52/37/000...52/35/c. 54/36/pc Johannesburg....84/66/0.00..71/55/pc...74/57/t TelAviv.........70/57/0.00..73/56/pc. 77/58/pc Duluth......... 44/29/000 ..39/25/pc. 43/28/pc Phoenix.........87/61/0.00..87/62/pc. 90/63/pc Lima ...........79/64/0 00...76/68/s. 76/68/pc Tokyo...........50/43/0 00..66/55/pc. 68/48/sh El Paso..........79/49/000 ..79/55/pc.81/54/pc Pittsburgh.......44/32/0 04.. 42/28/rs. 46/28/pc Lisbon..........63/55/000.. 59/54/c63/54/sh Toronto.........45/32/00046/2Npc45/28/pc Fairbanks........ 9/30/000...21/0/pc .. 36/5/pc Portland,ME.....50/29/0 01..46/33/pc. 46/32/pc London .........41/32/0.00...39/27/c.. 41/27/c Vancouver.......54/41/0.00..58/43/sh. 59/43/pc Fargp............36/1/000...31/19/c.32/30/pc Prpvidence......56/30/0.00..44/34/sh. 52/34/pc Madrid.........61/50/0 26..62/47/pc. 57/45/sh Vienna..........32/25/014...39/28/c. 41/33/sh Flagstaff........59/25/000 ..60/29/pc.60/32/pc Raleigh.........52/34/0 00... 51/32/s.. 56/34/s Manila..........93/79/000 ..91/78/pc. 91/76/pc Warsaw.........37/21/000... 35/29/c .. 32/31/c
Whidbey Island landslide sends residents scrambling By Doug Esser
Eleven people from 16 homes along a road close to the SEATTLE — Residents of water were evacuated by boat a hillside overlooking scenic because the road was blocked Puget Sound heard the thun- by the landslide, he said. der of a large landslide early And another 20 to 25 people Wednesday t h a t k n o c k ed were evacuatedfrom 17 homes one home off its foundation, along a road higher up the hill and isolated or t h r eatened that is being undermined by more than two dozen others the slide. Land is falling away on Whidbey Island, about 50 just 10 feet from one home. miles north of Seattle. No one was injured when A man who escaped from the slide broke loose about 4 the damaged home was evac- a.m. inthe Ledgewood comuated by rescuers in an all-ter- munity. One person was taken rain vehicle, Central Whid- to a hospital with a condition bey Fire and Rescue Chief Ed unrelated to the slide. Hartin said. Some people are The cause of the slide is completely cut off from their unknown. properties. R esidents that heard t h e Many of t h e h o mes are slide about eight miles south summer cabins or weekend of Coupeville described it to getaways and were unoccu- KOMO-TV as sounding like pied. Some arelarger,upscale thunder. "It was a mix of rumbling properties and others are more modest dwellings. and snapping trees," Hartin The Associated Press
said. KWe were hearing the same thing when we arrived." On Wednesday afternoon the slide still showed signs of movement, Hartin said. "It's possible more homes could be lost. We're trying to ensure the safety and awareness of people," Hartin said. "There's not anything we can do to stop the movement of the ground." Whidbey Island is about 35 miles long, north to south, and just a mile or two wide in places east to west. The slide a r e a e x t ends about 400 to 500 yards across the hillside and down 600 or 700 yards to the water, Hartin satd. There has been no significant rain in recent days so the immediate cause of the slide is unknown. But the area has been prone to slides in the
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A house sits near the edge of a landslide near Coupeville, Wash., on Whidbey Island. The slide severely damaged one home and isolated or threatened more than 30 on the island, about 50 miles north of Seattle in Puget Sound. No one was reported injured in the slide, which happened at about 4 a.m. Wednesday. past, Hartin said. A geotechnical expert was being brought in to assess the slide and the danger to homes. If the slide stabilizes, some people might be allowed to
"It'S a SPring Thing" ... I
return. But others have homes that are now unreachable. "Being cut off from the road, water and power," residents had to leave, said Island County Sheriff Mark Brown. "It's a
pretty massive mudslide." A ferry ride from the Seattle area, the island offers picturesque farm and water views and has a population of about 60,000.
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IN THE BACI4: BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NE%S > Scoreboard, C2 NB A , C3 Sports in brief, C2 M otor sports, C3 Prep sports, C2 NH L , C3
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Miami's 27-game win streak ends CHICAGO — No lastsecond shot. No fourth-
quarter rally. No record for LeBron Jamesand the Miami Heat, either. The Heat's bid for
NBA history ended Wednesday night when their 27-game winning
Can the Ducks take the pressure from the Cardinals?
streak was snapped by the Chicago Bulls 101-97. Miami finished
six shy of the 33-game record held by the1971-
72 Los Angeles Lakers. Later, Jamessaid there
was no shame in falling short. "It's one of the best that this league has
tournament, regional
ever seen," Jamessaid, referring to the streak
semifinal, No. 12 seed
that began on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 3.
"We recognized that and rightfully so." James tried to spur
yet another comeback in the final minutes, get-
ting mad after a rough foul. But the reigning
Oregon vs. No. 1 seed Louisville • When: Friday,
4:15 p.m. • TV:CBS
Miami coach eft a mark with his '06 Fina Fourrun By Bill Pennington
By Bob Clark
New York Times News Service
The (Eugene) Register-Guard
FAIRFAX, Va. — The basketball comm emorating George Mason's run to t h e Final Four in 2006 is perched inside a modest trophy case near an obscure back entrance of the university's basketball • Alookat today's Sweet arena. Embossed with the 16games,G4 score of the East Region final — George Mason 86 Connecticut 84 — the basketball is not all that easy to find in this sprawling suburban campus 20 miles from Washington, and hundreds of students pass it without notice
What is Oregon to do? The Ducks know they are going to face defensive pressure unlike anything they have seen all season when they go against Louisville in the NCAA tournament on Friday, but how do they prepare for it'? Oregon cannot suddenly create a practice squad out of the reserves that will accurately mimic what Louisville does defensively. There is no way to schedule a scrimmage against another team that puts on the pressure the way the Cardinals will on Friday in Indianapolis. And watching video of Louisville will hardly give the Ducks a feel for what is coming in the semifinals of the Midwest Regional. sYou can compare it to people trying to (simulate) our football team's speed," UO coach Dana Altman said. SeeDucks /C4
James Crisp /The Associated Press
North Carolina A&T's Lamont Middleton, left, is covered by Louisville's Kevin Ware, front, and Gorgui Dieng during a second-round NCAA tournament game last Thursday. The top-seeded Cardinals are known for the tough defense they play against their opponents.
each day. But little at George Mason has been the same since that game, and it is likely that some, if not many, of the students striding past the arena had never heard of George Mason before 2006. See Miami/C4
MVP could never get the
defending champions even or, more importantly, ahead. With only two-tenths of a second left, James took the final
inbounds pass in his own end, dropped the
ball to allow time to expire, turned and walked toward the exit.
Luol Deng scored 28 points, Carlos Boozer added 21 points and
17 rebounds,and the Bulls broughtthe
Heat's stampede to a screeching halt. Miami's superstar did all he could to keep the run
going, scoring 32 points and even collecting a flagrant foul during a
physical final few minutes. "We haven't had a
chance to really havea moment to know what we just did," James said.
"We had amoment,
just very fortunate, very humblingand blessed to be part of this team and be part of a streak like that." — The Associated Press
opens Friday The Central Oregon District of Oregon High School Equestrian
Teams (OHSET)hosts
Bulletin photo illustration; Thinkstock, Associated Press
its second meet of the 2013 season this week in Redmond. The competition runs Friday through Sunday in the Hooker Creek Event Center at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center. Events at the indoor
• Central Oregonians who usually watch Seattle on Root Sports are out of luck if theysubscribe to BendBroadband'scable service
arena are plannedto get under way atap-
By Zack Hall
proximately 8:30 a.m.
The Seattle Mariners open the Major League Baseball season on Monday, but don't b other looking for the game on local cable television. BendBroadband customers likely will not see the game after that, either, or most games Seattle plays this season. B endBroadband has no t c a r ried Root Sports, which broadcasts nearly all of the Mariners' 162 games as well as Major League Soccer's Portland Timbers, since the new year began after the cable
each day.
High schools to be represented at the meet include Bend, Mountain View, Summit, Redmond, Ridgeview, Madras, Crook County, La Pine, Sisters and Trinity Lutheran, in addition to The Dalles Wahtonka, Pendleton, North Lake, Sherman, Dufur and lmbler. The meet is expected to draw more than 100 riders, who are
The Bulletin
provider and the sports cable network failed to reach a new agreement in December. Though Root Sports is still carried by satellite providers Dish Network and DirecTV, the impasse between Root Sports and BendBroadband has left many area baseball fans without a way to watch Mariners games. And with no negotiations currently taking place, a solution does not appear imminent. BendBroadband says it c omes down to cost. When Root Sports lost some popular programming — such as many Pac-12 Conference sports events to the new Pac-12 Net-
work — its value dropped locally, says John Farwell, BendBroadband vice president ofbusiness operations. Many University of Oregon and Oregon State football and basketball games are now broadcast on the Pac-12 Network. Root Sports did offer to drop its rates, but not enough to compensate for the loss of programming, Farwell contends. "It would have remained BendBroadband's third-most-expensive channel, with only I p e r cent of viewers tuning in," Farwell says. Farwell adds that Root Sports demanded to be in BendBroadband's
more basic "Essentials"package rather than in a premium tier. "Given the high cost and low viewership, the c h annel simply didn't belong in our most popular package," Farwell says. "Simply put, thisrequirement would have forced the vast majority of our customers to pay for an expensive channel they don't watch." That underplays the importance of the Pacific Northwest's only Major League Baseball team and the Timbers, says Steve Schwartz, Root Sports' vice president of affiliate relations. See Mariners /C4
competing to qualify for the 2013 OHSET state
Mdlroy tries to find formbefore Masters
championship meet, set for May16-19 at the fair-
grounds in Redmond. The final Central Oregon District meet of the
By Doug Ferguson
regular season is sched-
HUMBLE, Texas — Once the frost thawed, Rory McIlroy was back at work Wednesday morning trying to find a swing he could trust and repeat. Mcllroy hasn't looked anything like the No. I player in golf this year, and now he's not. That spot belongs to Tiger Woods again after winning for the third time in two months to establish himself as the favorite going into the Masters. None of this bothers McIlroy. He is more concerned with the path of his swing
uled for April 19-21, also at the Deschutes
fairgrounds. The district events are free to spectators. Vendors will be on site during this weekend's competition. — Bulletin staff report
The Associated Press
Brett Coomeri Houston Chronicle via The Associated Press
Rory Mcllroy tees off on the second hole during the pro-am for the PGA Tour's Houston Open on Wednesday in Houston.
than the mathematical average of his ranking. He wants to win whenever he plays, though there is pragmatic side to the 23-year-old from Northern Ireland. He still hasn't made the cut against a full field this
year. That makes the Houston Open more than just a final tuneup for the first major of the year. It's a place to
measure progress. See Mcllroy/C4
ON THE AIR: TELEVISION TODAY BASEBALL 4 a.m.:MLB, spring training, Toronto at TampaBay(taped),
BASEBALL 4 a.m.: MLB, spring training, Seattle at Chicago (taped), MLB
MLB Network. 7 a.m.: MLB, spring training, Cleveland at Chicago White Sox
Network. 7 a.m.: MLB, spring training,
(taped), MLBNetwork. 10 a.m.:MLB, spring training, New York Mets atWashington,
MLB Network.
ESPN. 1 p.m.:MLB, spring training,
Toronto at Philadelphia (taped), 11 a.m.:MLB, spring training, NewYork Yankeesat
Washington, MLB Network. 4 p.m.:MLB, spring training, Toronto at Philadelphia, MLB Network.
4 p.m.: MLB, spring training, Minnesota at Boston, MLB
7 p.m.:MLB, spring training, Oakland atSan Francisco,MLB
Network. 8 p.m.:MLB, spring training, Oakland at San Francisco
Network. 9 p.m.:MLB, spring training,
(taped), MLBNetwork. 11 p.m.: MLB, spring training, Los Angeles Dodgers at Los Angeles Angels (taped), MLB
Miami at St. Louis (taped), MLB
GOLF 6:30 a.m.:European Tour, Trophy Hassan II, second round, Golf Channel. 1 p.m.: PGATour, Houston
Trophy Hassan II, first round, Golf Channel. 1 p.m.:PGATour, Houston
TENNIS 10 a.m.:Sony Open, women's semifinal and men's quarterfinals, ESPN2.
4 p.m.:Sony Open,women's semifinal and men's
quarterfinals, ESPN2. BASKETBALL 4:15 p.m.:Men's college, NCAA
Open, second round,Golf TENNIS Noon:Sony Open,men's semifinal, ESPN2.
4 p.m.:Sony Open,men's semifinal, ESPN2.
SOFTBALL 4 p.m.:College, Oregon at Washington, Pac-12 Network.
BASKETBALL 4:15 p.m.: Men's college, NCAA tourney, regional semifinal,
Oregon vs. Louisville, CBS. 4:30 p.m.:Men's college, NCAA Marquette vs. Miami (Fla.), CBS. tourney, regional semifinal, 4:45 p.m.:Men's college, NCAA Michigan vs. Kansas, TBS. tourney, regional semifinal, tourney, regional semifinal,
Arizona vs. Ohio State, TBS.
6:45p.m.:Men'scollege,NCAA tourney, regional semifinal,
Syracuse vs. Indiana, CBS. 7:15 p.m.:Men's college, NCAA
tourney, regional semifinal, La Salle vs. Wichita State, TBS.
SOFTBALL 7 p.m.:College, L)CLAat Stanford, Pac-12 Network.
6:45 p.m.: Men's college, NCAA tourney, regional semifinal, Michigan State vs. Duke, CBS.
7 p.m.:Men's college, NCAA tourney, regional semifinal, Florida Gulf Coast vs. Florida, TBS. 7 p.m.: NBA, Utah at Portland,
Comcast SportsNet Northwest. BOXING 6 p.m.:Friday Night Fights, Donatas Bondoravas vs. Brian Vera, ESPN.
ON THE AIR: RADIO TODAY BASEBALL 6 p.m.:College, Oregon State at San Diego, KICE-AM940.
FRIDAY BASKETBALL 4:15 p.m.:Men's college, NCAA tourney, regional semifinal, Oregon vs. Louisville, KBND-AM 1110.
BASEBALL 6 p.m.:College, Oregon State at San Diego, KICE-AM 940. Listings are themostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible fOr late ChangeSmade fzy TVor radiO StatiOnS.
SPORTS IN BRIEF BASKETBALL WOrld PeaCeOut —The Los Angeles Lakers' push for the playoffs just got a whole lot
year after missing the Cardinals' World Series championship
season in 2011because of elbow surgery.
tougher. Lakers forward Metta
Yankees worth$2.3B-
World Peace, the team's best
Forbes estimated the New York
perimeter defender, is scheduled Yankeeshavethe highestvalue to have surgery today to repair in Major LeagueBaseball for the a torn meniscus in his left knee. He'll miss a minimum of six
16th straight year at $2.3 billion, and the average for an MLB team
weeks, the teamannounced
increased by 23percent in the
W ednesday. Thatm eans that even if the Lakers get into the
last year to $744 million. The
playoffs — they're in eighth
$1.85 billion last year. The Los
the first round and probably
lion below the price paid for the team last May.
Smart staying atVCU-
MCCarver tO retire —Base-
Shaka Smart and VCU have
ball analyst Tim McCarver said
agreed in principle to adealto
Wednesday hewill retire from his
keep the coach at the school. Athletic director Ed McLaughlin
position at Fox after this season. The 71-year-old former All-Star
catcher hasworked 28 consecu-
nalized, but that it extends a contract already scheduled to run
tive Major League Baseball post-
seasons on network television dating to 1984, providing analy-
111-37 in four years, the sixthmost wins in the country over that stretch. With openings at
sis for a record 23 World Series.
places such asUCLA, Southern
Cal and Minnesota, McLaughlin
says VCUwanted to give him a
ljllriCh talkS dOPing —For-
new deal to be proactive in the face of certain interest from
mer Tour deFrancewinner Jan Ullrich says heplayed arole in "what happened incycling" but
other programs.
did not offer a clear confession about doping. Ullrich wrote in his
BASEBALL Wainwright gets $97.5M — Adam Wainwright andSt. Louis haveagreed to anew
contract that guarantees the
Cardinals' ace anadditional $97.5 million over five years through 2018. Wainwright had been
In the Bleachers © 2013 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Uclick www.gocomics.com/intnebreacheis
Saturday's Games Los Angeleat s TorontoFC,11a.m. PhiladelphiaatNewYork,12:30 p.m. FC Dallas atNewEngland,1 p.m. Portlandat Colorado,3p.m. Montrealat SportingKansasCity,5:30 p.m. San JoseatHouston,5:30 p.m. Seattle FC at RealSalt Lake,6p.m. VancouveratChivasUSA,7:30p.m.
Friday Baseball: Crook Countyat l.es SchwabInvitational in John Day, TBD;Summit vs. Churchil at Volcanoes Spring Break in Keizer,11.30a.m.; Summit vs. Molagaat VolcanoesSpring Breakin Keizer,4:30 p.m.; Ridgeview vs MadrasatMadras Invitational, 4 p.m.
Century Redmond
Wednesday's results Class BA Glencoetournament In Hillsboro
BALTIMOR E ORIOLES—Reassigned RHPKevin Gausman,INFTravis IshikawaandCChris Robinson to theirminorleaguecamp. BOSTONRED SOX— Optioned C Ryan Lavarnway to Pawtucket (IL). ReassignedRHPAnthonyCarter and RHPJoseDeLaTorretotheir minorleaguecamp CLEVEL AND INDIANS—Announced Rue 5 Draft selectionINFChris Mcguinesswasreturnedto Texas. DETROITI TGERS—OptionedOFQuintin Berryto
0 00 000 0 — 0 1 0 110 041 x — 7 11 0
Class BA Coach Bob National Invitational In Phoenix, Ariz. Green Mountain (Colo.) 200 000 0 — 2 Bend 103 111 x — 7 Class 4A Madras Invitational P leasant Hil l 410 010 1 — 7 7 2 Ridgeview 0 00 030 0 — 3 6 4 La Pine Madras
(6 innings)
000 000 — 0 5 3 014 302 — 10 6 0
"... And keep your knees bent and weight on the balls of your feet, son. You never know where that ball will go."
BASKETBALL Men's college NCAATournament Glance All Times PDT EASTREGIONAL Regional Semifinals Thursday, March2B Washington Miami(29-6)vs. Marquetle (25-6), 4:15p.m. Indiana(29-6) vs. Syracuse(26-9), 30 minutesfollowing Regional Championship Saturday, March30 Semifinawinners,TBA SOUTHREGIONAL Regional Semifinals Friday, March29 Arlington, Texas Kansas (31-5) vs. Michigan(26-7), 4:37p.m. FloridaGulf Coast(26-10) vs. Florida(26-7),30 minutes following
Regional Championship Sunday, March31 Semifinalwinners,TBA MIDWESTREGIONAL
Regional Semifinals Friday, March29 Indianapolis Louisville(31-5)vs.Oregon(26-6), 4:15p.m. Duke (29-5)vs. MichiganState(27-6), 30 minutes following Regional Championship Sunday, March31 Semifinalwinners,TBA WESTREGIONAL Regional Semifinals Thursday, March2B Los Angeles Arizona(27-7) vs. OhioState (26-7), 4:47pm. WichitaState(26-6) vs. LaSale (24-9), 30minutes following Regional Championship Saturday, March30 Semifinalwinners,TBA
National Invitation Tournament All Times PDT Guarterftnals Wednesday,March27 lowa75,Virginia 64 BYU79,SouthernMississippi 62 Baylor79,Providence66 At MadisonSquare Garden New York Semifinals Tuesday,April 2 BYU(24-11)vs.Baylor (21-14), 4p.m. Maryland(25-12) vs.Iowa(24-12), 6:30p.m.
College Basketball Invitational Semifinals Wednesday, March27 George Mason62,WesternMichigan52 SantaClara61,Wright State69 College Insider.comTournament
California(30-3)vs.LSU(22-11), 6:32 p.m. NORFOLKREGIONAL Regional Semifinals Norfolk, Va.
Sunday, March31 NotreDam e(33-1)vs. Kansas(20-13), 9:04a.m. Duke(32-2)vs Nebraska(25B),1132a.m. BRIDGEPORTREGIONAL Regional Semifinals
Bridgeport Conn Saturday, March30 Delaware (32-3) vs. Kentucky(29-5), 9:04a.m. Connecticut(31 4)vs.Maryland (26-7),11:30 a.m.
TENNIS Professional SonyOpen Wednesday At TheTennisCenter at CrandonPark Key Biscayne, Fla. Purse: Men,$5.24million (Masters1000); Women, $5.19million (Premier) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Men Quarlerfinals DavidFerrer(3),Spain, def.JurgenMelzer,Austria, Tommy Haas(15), Germany, def. GigesSimon(11),
Women fharterftrtals Maria Sharapova (3), Russia,def. SaraErrani (6),
Italy, 7-5,7-5.
JelenaJankovic (22), Serbia,def. RobertaVinci (15), Italy,6-4, 6-7(6), 6-3.
Spring Training
Philadelphia4,Detroit I
St. Louis10,Washington(ss) 1 Washington(ss)11,Atlanta2 Toronto6, TampaBay1 Minnesota 7, Pittsburgh4 Miami 5,BostonI Chicago White Sox5, Cleveland4 L.A. Angels6, Texas3 Oakland 6, Colorado5 Milwaukee 9,KansasCity(ss) 1 Seattle10,L.A. Dodgers7 Cincinnati 7,SanDiego 3 San Francisco 6, Arizona6 N.Y.Mets6, Houston 2 N.Y.Yankees11, Baltimore6 Kansas City (ss) 9,ChicagoCubs9, tie,10 innings
Torontovs. Philadelphiaat Clearwater, Fla.,10:05 a.m. Houston (ss) vs. Atlanta atKissimmee,Fla., 10:05
OKLAHOMA CITYREGIONAL Regional Semifinals OklahomaCity
a.m. Miamivs.St.Louisat Jupiter,Fla.,10:05a.m. N.Y.Metsvs. Washington atViera, Fla.,10:05a.m. Detroitvs.Houston(ss) atKissimmee, Fla.,10:05 a.m Pittsburghvs. N.Y.Yankeesat Tampa, Fla., 10:05a.m. Clevelandvs. SanDiegoat Peoria, Ariz.,12:05p.m. Seattlevs.ChicagoCubsatMesa,Ariz.,12:05 p.m. Arizonavs.Texasat Surprise, Ariz.,1:05 p.m. KansasCity vs.Cincinnati atGoodyear,Ariz.,1:05 pm. Milwaukeevs.ColoradoatScotsdale, Ariz.,1:10 pm. Minnesotavs. Bostonat Fort Myers, Fla.,4:05 p.m. TampaBayvs Baltimore atSarasota,Fla., 4:05p.m. L.A. DodgersatL.A Angels, 7:05p.m. OaklandatSanFrancisco, 7:15p.m.
SPOKANEREGIONAL Regional Semifinals
Pac-12 Standings All Times PDT
All Times PDT
Quarterfinals Wednesday,March27 WeberState63,Oral Roberts 74
Wo m en's college NCAA Tournament Glance AU TimesPDT
Sunday, March31 Oklahoma(24-10) vs.Tennessee(26-7), 1:35p.m. Baylor(34-1)vs.Louisville (26-6),4:05p.m.
Spokane,Wash. Saturday, March30 Stanford(33-2)vs.Georgia(27-6), 6:04p.m.
Conference Overall
W 5 5 5 4
Dregon State UCLA
L 1 I 1 2
17 4 19 6 15 10 15 6 9 15 13 7 12 10 6 16 11 7 15 11
Oregon California WashingtonState 2 1 SouthernCal 2 4 ArizonaState 2 4 utah 2 4 Washington 2 4 Stanford 1 2 Arizona 0 6 Today'sGames SouthernCalatCalifornia, 2:30p.m. Washingtonat Oregon,6 p.m. x-OregonStateatSanDiego,6p.m. StanfordatWashington State,6 p.m. Utah atArizona,6p.m. UCLAatArizonaState, 6:30p.m. x=nonconference
COLORADOROCKIES— ReassignedINFDJ LeMahieu totheir minorleaguecamp.
Eastern Conference Atlantic Division GP W L OT Pittsburgh 3 4 26 8 0 N ewJersey 33 15 11 7 N .Y.Rangers 32 16 13 3 N .Y.lslanders 33 15 15 3 P hiladelphia 32 13 17 2
PtsGF GA 52 117 84 3 7 62 89 3 5 76 76 3 3 96 107 2 6 84 99
Montreal Boston Ottawa Toronto Buffalo
5 4 6 4 4
47 104 83 4 6 94 72 4 2 86 72 4 0 102 97 3 0 67 102
C arolina 31 1 5 1 4 2 W ashington 33 15 17 1 T ampaBay 33 14 16 1 Florida 34 9 19 6
3 2 86 90 3 1 94 93 2 9 105 99 24 80 119
Norlheast Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA 33 21 7 3 2 21 7 3 3 16 9 3 4 16 12 3 3 13 16
GarrettSherril andOFXavier Nadyon minor league contracts.OptionedDonnie JosephtoOmaha(PCL). LOSANGELESANGELS— SignedRHP MarkLowe to a minor leaguecontract. AcquiredRHPElvin Ramirez from the NewYorkMetsfor cashconsiderations. Traded RHP StevenGeltz to TampaBayRaysfor RHPDane De LaRosa. MINNES OTATWINS—OptionedRHPAlex Burnett to Rochester(IL). NEW YORK YANKEES— Claimed RHPSam Demel off waiversfromHouston. DesignatedRHPDanOtero for assignme nt. SEATTLEMARINERS— Optioned RHP Erasmo Ramirezto Tacoma. Reassigned RHPJeremyBonderman totheir minorleaguecamp. TEXAS RANGERS—AssignedINFChris Mcguiness outright toRoundRock(PCL). AnnouncedRule 5 Draft selectionRHPCoty Woods wasretumedto Colorado. ReleasedINFBrandonSnyder. TORONTOBLUEJAYS— Signed LHPJ.A.Happto atwo-yearcontract. National League CHICAGOCUBS Claimed RHP Guiff ermo Moscoso off waiverslrom Toronto. PlacedRHPArodys Vizcainoonthe60-day DL. CINCINNATIRED S—Reassigned LHPWilkin De La Rosa andRHPClayHensley to their minorleague
Southeast Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA W innipeg 3 4 1 6 14 2 3 6 86 99
WesternConference Central Division
GP W L OT PtsGF GA Chicago 32 2 5 4 3 53 106 71 D etroit 33 17 1 1 5 3 9 90 83 S t. Louis 3 2 1 7 1 3 2 3 6 92 89 N ashville 3 3 1 4 1 3 6 3 4 63 86 C olumbus 3 3 1 3 1 3 7 3 3 75 86 Northwest Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA M innesota 32 2 0 10 2 4 2 90 76 Vancouver 3 3 1 6 9 6 42 86 85 E dmonton 32 1 2 13 7 3 1 77 91 C algary 32 1 3 1 5 4 3 0 89 106 C olorado 3 2 1 1 1 7 4 2 6 82 104 Pacific Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA Anaheim 3 3 2 2 7 4 46 104 87 L osAngeles 32 16 12 2 3 6 93 80 S anJose 3 2 1 5 1 1 6 3 6 80 82 Dallas 3 2 15 14 3 3 3 87 97 P hoenix 33 1 3 1 5 5 3 1 85 94
MILWAUKE E BREWERS—Signed INF Yuniesky Betancourttoaone-yearcontract. ReleasedINFDonnie Murphy.PlacedSSJeffBianchi and1BCoreyHart on the15-dayDL,retroactiveto March22 PITTSBURGHPIRATES— Optioned RHP Kyle McPherson,INFJordy MercerandOFAlexPresley to Indianapolis(IL). Reassigned CLucasMay, RH PVin Mazzaro, CCarlos Paulino, OFFelix Pie,RHPRyan Reid andLHPMike Zagurski to their minor league camp.Selectedthecontracts of LHPJonathanSanchez and 3BBrandonIngefrom Indianapolis. Deslgnated IB HunterStricklandandRHPClint Robinsonfor assignment. SAN DIEG OPADRES—Agreed to termswith RHP JoshGeeronaminor leaguecontract. WASHING TDN NATIO NALS—Reassigned LHP Fernando Abadand C Carlos Maldonadoto mlnor league camp. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association UTAH JAZZ Signed GJerel McNeal to a10-day contract FOOTBALL National Football League ARIZONA CARDIN ALS— Signed S Jonathon
Amaya. BAI.TIMORE RAVENS—Agreed to termswith S MichaelHulfaonathree-year contract. CAROLINAPAN THERS—Re-signed DT Dwan Edwards DALLAS COWBOYS—ReleasedWRAnthonyArmstrong Signed SWil AllenandLBJustin Durant. MIAMIDIOLPHINS—SignedOLLanceLouis OAKLANDRAIDERS— Released DTTommyKelly. SAN DIEGOCHARGERS— Released OT Jared Gaither. HOCKEY
National HockeyLeague
BDSTON BRLBNS—ClaimedF Kaspars Daugavins off waiversfrom Ottawa.Recalled DToreyKrug from Providence (AHL). DALLASSTARS—Recalled F Reiffy Smith from
Texas(AHL). PITTSBU RGH PENGUINS—Placed D Kris Letang on injuredreserve. COLLEGE
BIG EAST CONFERENCE—Announced the soonto-be-rename dconferencehasaccepted East Carolina for agsports,effectiveJuly1, 2014. APPALAC HIANSTATE—Announced it is leaving the SouthernConlerenceto join theSunBelt Conference in2014. NOTE: Twopoints for a win, onepoint for overtime CONNE CTICUT—Signed women's basketball loss coachGen oAuriemmato acontract extensionthrough Wednesday'sGames the 2017-16season. Montreal 6,Boston5, SO GEORGI ASOUTHERN—Announcedit hasaccepted Minnesota 4, Phoenix 3, OT an invitationto jointheSunBelt Conferencein2014. Calgary4, Colorado3 IDAHO —Announcedthe IdahoStateBoard of EduSanJose4, Anaheim0 cationvotedunanimouslyto allowtheschool to accept Today'sGames an invitationto jointheSunBelt Conferenceinfootball CarolinaatToronto, 4 p.m. for the 2014season. Winnipeg at Pittsburgh,4p.m. MEMPHIS —Agreedto termswith men'sbasketball N.Y. Islanders at Philadelphia, 4p.m. coachJosh Pastner toacontract extension. Buffalo atFlorida,4:30p.m. NOTRE DAME —Announced freshmen WRs N.Y.Rangersat Ottawa,4:30p.m. Davonte'NealandJustin Fergusonarenolonger with Phoenixat Nashvile, 5 p.m. the footballteam. Los Angeleat s St Louis,5p.m. DKLAHOM A—Announcedjunior FAmath MB ' aye Columbus atEdmonton, 6:30 p.m. will entertheNBAdraft.
Angeles Dodgers aresecondat $1.62 billion — nearly $400 mil-
says the details are still being fithrough 2020. Smart's record is
Today Baseball: Bendvs.DakotaRidge(Colo.)at CoachBob National Invitational in Arlzona,9:30a.m.; Crook County at LesSchwabInvitational in John Day, 2:30 p.mc Summit vs. Barlowat VolcanoesSpring Break inKeizer,11:30 a.m.;Ridgeviewvs. LaPineat MadrasInvitational,1 p.m.;PleasantHil vs.Madras at Madras Invitaional, 4p.m.
ColoradoatVancouver, 7pm. Detroit atSanJose, 7:30p.m.
magazine saidW ednesdaythe Yankees' value increasedfrom
place in the West, just a game ahead of Utah for the final spot
— he'd be sidelined for at least
San Diego atTexas(taped), MLB
GOLF 6:30 a.m.:European Tour,
Open, first round, Golf Channel.
blog on Eurosport that "everyone can makehisown opinion about what happened in cycling and I
also contributed my role in that." But he says he wouldn'tm ake
any public confessions like longtime rival LanceArmstrong, who was stripped of his sevenTour titles. The German won the Tour
eligible to become afree agent
in1997 and finished runner-up
after the World Series. A 31-yearold right-hander, Wainwright was14-13 with a 3.94 ERA last
five times, three times behind Armstrong. — From wire reports
Re mon wins encoe tourne Bulletin staff report HILLSBORO — Redmond completed its unbeaten run at the Glencoe tournament with a third straight shutout, as the Panthers defeated Century 7-0 in baseball in the championship game at Hillsboro Stadium on Wednesdaynight. J.D. Abbas went the distance for Class 5A Redmond (5-4 overall) on the mound, allowing just one hit and striking out 13 batters for Century, a Class 6A team from Hillsboro. Abbas also led the Panthers at the plate, going two for three w ith a pair of RBIs. A d am R ainville went two for t w o with a double.Redmond had 11 hits in the game. Redmond putthe game out of reach in the fifth inning. Already leading 2-0, the Panthers put four runs on the board in the frame, including a two-run double by Chaz Payne. The victory in the tourney final capped a stellar run for Redmond, which also shut out
4A Astoria on Monday and 6A David Douglas on Tuesday. Redmond won via the 10-run rule in both of those contests. For the three games in the tournament, the Panthers' pitching staff surrendered no earned runs and just seven hits in 17
innings. Redmond will try to build on this week's momentum when it takes on Summit in its Intermountain Conference opener on April 4. Also on Wednesday: BASEBALL M adras 10, L a P i n e 0 : MADRAS — Brothers Jack and Robert Fine combined to pitch a five-hit shutout, and the host White Buffaloes won in their opening game of the Madras Invitational. The contest ended via the 10-run rule in the sixth inning, when Cody Shepard scored from second base on a two-out single by freshmanAustin Raushenburg. Jack Fine struck out six and walked one over five innings,
and Robert Fine struck out two in an inning of hitless relief. Shepard was two for four at the plate, including a two-run double in the Buffs' four-run third inning, and Devin Ceciliani hit a two-nzn single to highlight a three-run fourth for Madras. Robert Fine added two hits for the White Buffaloes (6-1), who face Pleasant Hill today at 4 p.m. in the four-team, roundrobin tournament. Eric Page was two for three with a double for La Pine (1-7), which takes on Ridgeview in the tourney today at 1 p.m. Pleasant Hill 7, Ridgeview 3: MADRAS — A f i f t h-inning rally got Ridgeview back in the game, but the Ravens fell to Pleasant Hill on the first day of the Madras Invitational. Kahl Malott was two for three at the plate with a double that led off the fifth for Ridgeview, which was hitless through the first three innings. Malott would score his team's first run, and later in the fifth, Sam Walker
delivered a two-run single to draw the Ravens within 6-3. Ridgeview faces La Pine today at 1 p.m. on the second day of the f our-team, r ound-robin tournament at Madras High. Crook County 8, Estacada 4: PRINEVILLE — Joe Saenz belted a two-run homer in the fourth inning and B randon Alexander added a solo shot in the sixth to lead the host Cowboys to the nonleague win over Estacada. Crook County (2-2) opens play in the Les Schwab I nvitational t o urnament i n John Day today at 2:30 p.m.
Bend 7, Green Mountain ( Colo.) 2: PHOENIX, A r i z . — The Lava Bears won their second straight game at the Coach Bob National Invitational against a team from Colorado. The L ava B ears (3-3) rallied from a 2-1 deficit with three runs in the third inning. Bend is scheduled to play again at the Arizona tournament this morning against
Dakota Ridge (Colo.)
e s rou rai azers, The Associated Press
New York withstood a furious rally to beat Memphis. Clippers 105, Hornets 91: egged him on, making sure N EW ORLEANS — B l a k e N < i>~~gii f he knew just how many points Griffin scored 19 points and and rebounds he had against Chris Paul added 16 points and the Trail Blazers. nine assists to lead Los AngeIn the end, Evans finished les over New Orleans. y ~Vg4 w ith a c a r eer-high 26 r e Pacers 100, Rockets 91: bounds and matched his caHOUSTON — Roy H i bbert reer best with 22 points, and scored a season-high 28 points Brooklyn beat Portland 111-93 and grabbed 13 rebounds to on Wednesday night. Evans is lead Indiana to a victory over the first NBA player to reach Houston. both those numbers in a game Lakers 120, Timberwolves this season. 117: MINNEAPOLIS — Kobe And to top it off, he was batBryant had 31 points and seven tling an infection that kept his assists in his first game filling right eye half-shut throughout in at small forward for injured the game. Metta World Peace (see Sports "I just wanted to win, that's in Brief, C2),leading Los Angeit," Evans said. "But after a les over Minnesota. while your teammates get to Hawks 107, Raptors 88: TOtell you how many rebounds RONTO — Al Horford scored you got. Typical of my team26 points,JeffTeague had 24 mates: 'Oh, you got this many. points and 13 assists and AtYou got this many. You got this lanta clinched a playoff berth many.' I just take whatever I for the sixth straight season can do." with a win over Toronto. B rook L o pez a d ded 2 8 Celtics 93, Cavaliers 92: points for the Nets, who built a CLEVELAND — Jeff Green big lead early and stretched it scored 21 points and hit the to as many as 30 points. winning layup at the buzzer, L aMarcus A l d r idge l e d helping Boston snap a fivePortland with 24 points despite game losing streak with a win rolling his right ankle in the over Cleveland. first half and briefly leaving Don Ryan/The Associated Press Kings105, Warriors 98:OAKthe game. Brooklyn Nets forward Reggie Evans, left, is fouled while shooting LAND, Calif. — Isaiah ThomMost of the Nets starters had by Portland Trail Blazers center Meyers Leonard during the first as had 31 points and seven retreatedto the bench before quarter of Wednesday night's game in Portland. assists, and Sacramento put Portland pulled within 101-87 another dent in Golden State's on Luke Babbitt's 3-pointer playoff chase. with six minutes remaining. to 42-17 and C.J. Watson's drive ANTONIO — Ti m D u ncan 76ers 100, Bucks 92:PHILAThe starters returned, and gave the team its biggest lead had 23 points and 14 rebounds DELPHIA — Spencer Hawes Portland couldn't get closer. of the first half at 50-21. The and San Antonio escaped with had 15 points and a careerIt was a costly loss for the Blazers narrowed the margin a win over Denver when Nug- high 17 rebounds to lead PhilaBlazers, who are 33-38 and slightly with a 10-2 run but the gets veteran guard Andre Mill- delphia past Milwaukee. still fighting for a playoff spot Nets led 64-41 at the break. er missed a short jumper at the Jazz 103, Suns 88: SALT "They definitely punched us buzzer. in the W estern Conference LAKE CITY — Al Jefferson with just 11 games remaining. in the mouth first and we didn't Thunder 103, Wizards 80: and Gordon Hayward scored Portland dropped 3'/2 games respond for the whole game," OKLAHOMA CITY — Rus- 25 points apiece and Utah beat back of the Los Angeles Lak- Blazers forward J.J. Hickson s ell Westbrook s cored 2 1 Phoenix. ers for the eighth and final said. points and Kevin Durant had Bobcats 114, Magic 108: playoff spot. Also on Wednesday: 20 to help Oklahoma City beat CHARLOTTE, N.C. — GerThe Nets (42-29) have alBulls101, Heat97:CHICAGO Washington. ald Henderson and K emba ready clinched their first play- — Miami's 27-game winning Knicks 108, Grizzlies 101: Walker eachscored 34 points, off appearance since 2007. streak was snapped by ChiNEW YORK — J .R. Smith and Charlotte beat Orlando in Andray B l atche's f o llow cago (see story,C1). scored 35 points, his second a matchup of the NBA's worst dunk pushed Brooklyn's lead Spurs 100, Nuggets 99:SAN straight 30-point game, and teams. I
PORTLAND Reggie Evans' Brooklyn teammates
i<ff0~si~ if'~
<': I Iltl i
Bulls101, Heat97
EasternConference y-Miami x-NewYork x-Indiana x-Brooklyn x-Chicago x-Atlanta Boston Milwaukee Philadelphia Toronto Washington Detroit Cleveland Orlando Charlotte
W 56 44 45 42 39 40 37 34 28 26 26 24 22
18 54 17 54
x-San Antonio x-Oklahoma City x-LA. Clippers x-Denver x Memphis Golden State Houston L.A. Lakers
L 15 26 27 29 31 32 34 36 43 45 45 48 48
Dallas Portland Sacramento Minnesota New Oreans Phoenix x-clinchedplayoffspot y-clinched division
54 17
53 19 49 23 49 24 47 24
41 32 39 32 37 35 36 36 35 36 33 38 26 46 25 45 25 47 23 49
(D Williams10),Portland22(Batum6). Total Fouls Brooklyn20, Portland23. A—20127 (19,980).
Pct GB 789
629 0'/z
625 u'/z 592 14 557 16'/z 556 16'/z 521 19 486 21'/z 394 28 366 30 366 30 333 32'/2 314 33'/~ 250 38'/2 239 39
Pct GB 761 736 1'/z 681 5'/z 671 6 662 7 562 14 549 15
MIAMI (97) James11-178-1132,Haslem0-10-00, Bosh817 4-5 21,Chalmers4-100-09, Wade7-134-718, Baitier2-4 0-06, Allen3-80-0 7 Andersen2-5 0-0 4, Cole0-20-00. Totals 37-7716-23 97. GHIGAG0 I101) Deng10-224-4 28,Boozer 9-173-5 21, Mohammed 3-40-0 6, Hinrich3-10 0-07, Butler 6-103-5 17, Robinson6-101-214, Gibson2-72-26, Cook150-02, Thomas0-00-00,Teague0-00-00. Totals 40-85 13-18 101. Miami 22 24 22 29 — 97 Chicago 32 23 14 32 — 101
PHOENIX (88) Tucker1-42-2 4, Mark.Morris 4-8 2-310, Scola 8-18 4-5 20,Marshall 2-7 3-5 7,Johnson 8-162-2 22, Dudley4-70-010,Haddadi0-00-00, Garrett4-5 0-0 8,O'Neal1-71-23, Beasley1-2 0-02, Brown1-2 0-0 2. Totals 34-7614-1988. UTAH(103) 514 17'/2 Hayward9-154-5 25, Milsap6-9 0-012, Jeffer500 18~/~ son 12-231-1 25, M.Wiliams3-9 2-2 8, Foye5-6 493 19 0-012, Favors4-71-2 9, Tinsley0-0 0-00, Kanter 465 21 0-1 0-0 0, Ma.Wiliams2-61-1 5, Burks2-6 0-25, 361 28'/z Evans1-30-0 z Totals 44-85 9-13103. 357 28~/p Phoenix 23 21 27 17 — 88 347 29'/z utah 34 19 22 28 — 103 31 9 3 1'/z
Wednesday'sGames Boston93,Cleveland92 Charlotte114,Orlando108 Philadelphia100,Milwaukee92 Atlanta107,Toronto88 NewYork108, Memphis101 Chicago101,Miami97 Indiana100,Houston91 LA. Lakers120, Minnesotau7 L.A. Clippers105,NewOrleans91 Oklahoma City103, Washington 80 SanAntonio100, Denver99 Utah103,Phoenixij8 Sacramento105,GoldenState98 Brooklyn 01, portland93
Today'sGames LA. LakersatMilwaukee,5p.m. Indianaat Dallas,5:30 p.m Sacramento at Phoenix 7 p.m. Friday'sGames Washington at Orlando, 4p.m. Atlanta at Boston,4:30 p.m Charlotte atNewYork, 4:30 p.m. PhiladelphiaatCleveland, 4:30p.m. Toronto at Detroit, 4.30 p.m. HoustonatMemphis, 5p.m. OklahomaCity atMinnesota,5 p.m. Miami atNewOrleans, 5 p.m. L.A. Clippersat SanAntonio, 5:30p.m. BrooklynatDenver,6 p.m. Utah atPortland,7 p.m.
0-0 2, Young1-1 0-0 z Augustin 1-12-2 5, Green 1-3 0-0z Mahinmi 0-2 0-0 0.Totals 35-78 2428 100. HOUSTON (91) Parsons5-141-1 11,Motiejunas0-20-0 0, Asik 3-52-38, Lin3-61-1 8,Harden6-247-92 z Robinson 4-82-210,Beverley3-62-29, Delfino2-60 05, Smith 6-126-818.Totals 32-83 21-26 91. Indiana 35 23 24 18 — 100 19 30 22 20 — 91 Houston
Knicks108, Grizzlies 101 MEMPHIS (101)
Prince 2-51-1 5,Randolph1 31 2 3,Gasol4-7 5-7 13, Conley6-16 12-1426, Allen7-10 4-5 18, Bayless8-174-4 24, Pondexter4-7 2-210, Arthur010-00, Daye1-40-0z Totals33-7029-35101.
Jazz 103, Suns88
Kings105, Warriors 98 SACRAMENTO (105) Salmons3-9 2-3 9, J.Thompson4-10 1-2 9 Cousins7-150-414, Thomas10-18 4-6 31, Evans 4-12 3-4 z1Thornton6-13 0-0 13, Patterson 38 0-0 6, Hayes3-30-0 6, Dougas 1-22-2 5. Totals 41-90 12-21 105. GOLDEN STATE(98) Barnes 4 80 0 9, Lee1013 0 020, Bogut6 u 0-012, Curry5-185-617, KJhompson1-131-14, Jack6-133416, Ezeli 0 00 00, Landry 792216, Bazemor e0-30-00,Green2-20-04.Totals41-90 11-13 98. Sacramento 24 23 30 28 — 105 GoldenState 27 17 2 2 32 — 98
Lakers 120, Timderwolves117 LA. tAKERS (120)
Bryant12-214-631, Gasol8-121-217, Howard 9-13 7-17 25,Nash4-7 6-7 16, Meeks2-7 0-05, Jamison6-104-618, Blake3-90-0 8, Clark0-30-ij 0. Totals 44-82 22-38120. MINNESOTA (117) Kirilenko 3 8 5 7 u, Williams6-12 2-5 15, Pe kovic 6-147-819, Rubio5-13 3-4 13, Ridnour4-7 1-1 11, Budinger6-12 1-1 14, Barea4-9 3-4 11, Stiemsma0-20-00,Cunningham 9-15 0-018,Shved2-50-05. Totals45-9722-30117. LA. Lakers 26 24 41 29 — 120 Minnesota 23 23 33 38 — 117
Shumpert 6-100-016,Anthony8-206-622,Mao tin 2-3 0-0 4,Felton5-61-213, Prigioni 1-3 0-0z Smith 10-1812-1335,Kidd1-2 0-1 3, Camby0-0 0-00,Novak3-8 0-0 9,Copeland 2-4 0-04,White 0-0 0-0 0.Totals38-7419-22108. Memphis 25 16 29 31 — 101 New York 37 32 17 22 —108
Celtics 93, Cavaliers 92 BOSTON (93) Green 7-18 5-821, Bass8-14 6-722, Wilcox2-3 2-46, Bradey1-70-03, Pierce7-164-419, Terry 2-70-0 5, Crawford 5-8 2-312, Williams1-2 0-02, Randolph1-11-23 Totals 34-7620-28 93. GLEYELAND I92) Gee 511 2212,Thompson1-6 0 22,Zeller 5 6 1-2 11, Livingston5-13 2-2 12, Ellington 7-16 1-2 16, Gibson 2-5 0-0 6, Walton3-6 0-0 7, Miles413 2-2 13,Speights6-9 1-2 13,Quinn0-1 0-0 0 Totals 38-86 9-14 92. 24 22 21 26 — 93 Boston Cleveland 18 27 28 19 — 92
Bobcats 114, Magic 108
Nets111, Blazers 93 BR00KLYN I111) Wallace5-12 2 3 12, Evans9-13 4 9 22, Lopez 12-224-628, D Wiliams3-0 0-06,Bogans4-70-0 u, Blatche5-62-512, Brooks 4-8 2-212, Stackhouse0-4000,Humphries2-60-ij4,Watson2-5004, Teletovic0-10-00. Totals 46-9514-25111. PORTLAND (93) Batum 2-100-06, Aldridge 0-142-224, Hickson 4-6 0-0 8, Lillard 4-124-515, Matthews2-60-0 5, Leonard5-81-511, Maynor3-71-4 8, Claver1-400 2, Freeland1-50-02, Barton1-3 3-3 5,Smith 1-4 0-0 z Babbitt1-3 2-2 5.Totals 36-8213-21 93. Brooklyn 37 27 31 16 — 111 Portland 17 24 28 24 — 93 3 Point Goals Brooklyn 5 20 (Bogans 3 6, Brooks 2-2,Teetovic0-1, Watson0-1, Lopez01, Stackhouse0-2, Wallace0-3, D.Wiliams0-4), Portland8-18 (Lillard 3-5, Batum2-5 Maynor1-1, Matthews1-2, Babbitt1-2, Barton0-1, Claver0-2). Foule dOut— None.Rebounds— Brooklyn65(Evans 26), Portland 49 (Leonard 9).Assists—Brooklyn 24
Clipeers105, Hornets 91 LA. CLIPPERS (105) Butler4-103-313,Griffin 6-127-819,Jordan3-3 1-27,Paul5136-716,Billups4 60-011,Crawford 5-12 0-013, Hollins1-3 4-4 6, Barnes 3-9 0-08, Odom0-00-00,Bledsoe1-13-46,Green2-40-06. TotaIs 34-73 24-28 105. NEWORLEANS (91) Aminu 2-51-25, Dav>s 9-131-319, Lopez6-13 1-213, Vasquez0-20-00,Gordon9-186-724, Roberts4-8 0-1 10,Anderson3-9 2-28, Miler 1-1 0-ij 3,Mason1-23-36,Amundson0 03-43,Haais0-ij 0-0 0. Totals 35-71 17-24 91. LA. Clippers 27 2 9 23 26 — 105 New0rleans 26 2 2 29 14 — 91
Pacers 100, Rockets 91 INDIANA(100I George4-17 6-6 16,T.Hansbrough4-7 8-9 16, Hibbert u -17 6-828, Hill 1-0 0-0 2, Stephenson 9-14 2-3 21,Johnson2-2 0-0 6, Pendergraph1-3
Tolliver 2 4 2-2 7, Smith 7-163-5 19, Horford 10-186-626,Teague9-153-324, Korver3-90-08, I.Johnson 4-51-29, Stevenson0-40-00, Petro0-1 2-22, Mack1-30-03 Jenkins4-40-09, Jones0-0 0-00,Scott0-20-0 0.Totals40-81 17-20107. TORONTO (88) Gay6-143415, AJohnson361-17, jialanciunas B-u 3-419, Lowry1-51-2 3, DeRozan 5-14 4-6 14, Fields 1-2 0-0 2, Anderson5-13 0-1 12, Ross 5-92-2 13,Lucas1-3 0-0 3, Gray0-1 0-00. Totals 35-78 14-20 88. Atlanta 20 24 31 32 — 107 Toronto 25 29 21 13 — 88
76ers 100, Bucks 92 MILWAUKEE (92) Daniels2-70-04, llyasova5-172-213, Sanders 6-13 3-4 15, Jennings0-3 0-0 0, Ellis 12-21 3-3 29, Dalembert3-41-1 7, Duneavy4-70-09, Redick 2-123-38, Udoh0-20-00, Mbah aMoute3-30-0 7.Totals 37-89 12-13 92. PHILADELPHIA (100) Tumer6-11 0-013, TYoung7-120-014, Hawes 7-140-015, Holida r6-174-418, wilkins 7-153-4 1B, Wright5-131-1 14,Allen1-20-02, Ivey1-2002, Moultrie2-30-04. Totals 42-89 8-9100. Milwaukee 20 28 30 14 — 92 Philadelphia 27 2 7 22 24 — 100
cHARL0TTEI114) Kidd-Gilchrist 2-9 2-2 6,McRoberts3-4 0-0 6, Biyombo5-91-511, Waker13-23 6-934, Hender-
son 12-18 9-1034, Mullens 1-50-0 2, Adrien3-4 0 06, Gordon 2-52 28, Pargo2-60 05, Taylor1-2 0-02. Totals44-85 20-28114. Orlando 39 19 24 26 — 108 Charlotte 20 31 32 31 — 114
Hawks 107, Raptors 88 ATLANTA (107)
DENVER(99) Gallinari 3-9 6-612, Faried6-8 0-012, Koufos 2-3 0-0 4, Lawson1-7 0-0 2,lguodala4-9 2-3 10, A.Miller 7-18 0-014, Brewer3-10 3-4 9, Chandler 6-13 3 3 15,McGee10-u 1-1 21 Totals 42-88 15-17 99. SAN ANTONIO (100) Leonard4-72-3u, Duncan9-185-623, splitter 2-6 6-810, Parker6-165-618, Green6-122-4 20, Ginobi I4-9 0-09,Diaw1-2 0-02,Joseph2-3 0-0 5, Blair 1-20-02, Jackson0-10-00. Totals 35-76 20-27 100. Denver 20 34 21 24 — 99 San Antonio 22 2 9 32 17 — 100
Thunder103, Wizards 80 WASHINGTON (80)
Singleton3-121-2 8, Booker5-8 0-010, Okafor 2-91-25, Wall 3-1812-1518,Temple5-0 1-213, Seraphin6-14 0-2 12, C.Martin3-9 4-4 12,Vesely 0-3 2-2 zTotals 27-84 21-29 80. OKLAHOMA CITY (103) Durant4-1010-1020,Ibaka2-83-47, Perkins 34 0-0 6,Westbrook5-810-11 21, Sefolosha2-52-2 B,Jackson3-41-27, Collison3-50-06, K.Martin 69 3-418, Thabeet1-20-02, Fisher 0-32-2 2, Lamb 0-26-66,Jones0-30-00,Brewer0-00-00.Totals 29-6337-41 103. Washington 23 22 21 14 — 80 OklahomaCity 2 9 2 4 30 20 — 103
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~> < Orepan Newspeper
Chairmanpleasedwith season, newGen-6car By Jenna Fryer
ing said that, there is one line that we are not going to tolerate and that's going to be criticizing the quality of the
The Associated Press
CHARLOTTE, N .C. NASCAR chairman Brian France is "very pleased" with the first five weeks of the season, and thinks the new Gen-6 race car has contributed to the many story lines fueling the sport. But he won't stand for any driver criticism of the racing, and again defended the $25,000 fine handed to Denny Hamlin for doing just that. Hamlin said after the race at Phoenix that the Gen6 didn't drive as well as last y ear's model. Hamlin angrily said he'd be suspended before he'd pay the fine, but he ultimately dropped the fight and NASCAR is garnishing the money from his earnings. France said drivers know there's no gray area when it comes to talking about the car. "I have been crystal clear in the meetings with all of t he drivers and all of t h e owners about the fact that we are going to give them more opportunities to criticize more things than any other professional sport in America," France said in a t elephone i nterview w i t h The Associated Press. "Hav-
racing product in any way, form or fashion." Drama off the track aside, the statistics indicate the racing is b etter t hi s season — there have been 147
green-flag passesforthelead through five races, compared to 122 last year — and television ratings and attendance, Bristol Motor Speedway notwithstanding, have also seen a boost. "On the competition side, I know we had an exciting race at California, and we remain very, very committed to the science vs. art to get the best rules packages to provide the closest racing that we can. There's no rest," France said. "All in all, it's obviously a very good, strong start to the season and the kind of racing we want to see week in and week out is coming into play with this car. It really promotes close competition. "It all goes together. When you have close, competitive racing, you'll have more contact ... You'll have more people in Victory Lane, and you'll certainly have more
Flames win, but set to trade star Iginla The Associated Press C ALGARY, A lb e r t a — Mike Cammalleri scored twice in the second period and Calgary held off the Colorado Avalanche 4-3 on Wednesday night with Flames captain J a rome Iginla out of the lineup for the first time in nearly six years amid speculation that he will traded to Boston. Iginla was a nnounced as a healthy scratch two hours before the startofthe game. He sat out for the first time since April 8, 2007, in Colorado, ending his consecutive games streak at 441. ESPN reported late Wednesday night that he was traded to the Bruins. Jiri Hudler and Steve Begin also scored, Blake Comeau had two assists, and Joey MacDonald made 27 saves. Also on Wednesday:
Canadiens 6, Bruins 5: BOSTON — Andrei Markov tied it with 8.2 seconds left in regulation, and Brendan Gallagher scored the only shootout goal to give Montreal the win. Wild 4, Coyotes 3:ST. PAUL, Minn. — Mikko Koivu scored at 2:43 of overtime to give Minnesota a c omeback victory over Phoenix, extending the Wild's winning streak to seven and the Coyotes' skid to seven. Sharks 4, Ducks 0: SAN JOSE, Calif. — Joe Pavelski scored a minute into the game to start a three-goal first period spree and Antti Niemi earned his second shutout of the season to help San Jose beat Anaheim.
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Spurs100, Nuggets 99
Harkless 7-12 2-4 18, Harris 10-20 7-8 29, O'Quinn 11141-2 23, Nelson6-19 0-0 13, Jones 6-91-213, Moore1-30-03, Udrih3-72-29, Lamb 0-00-00. Totals 44-8413-18108.
Summaries Wednesday'sGames
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Continued from C1 Schwartz says that Root Sports is not looking for a better deal than it had with BendBroadband. All it wants is to get the same treatment on BendBroadband's cable packages that it has always received. "I'm really confused as to why they made the decision that they did to stop carrying these games for their customers," says Schwartz. "They've always had those games. " We t h in k w e 'v e m a d e a really c ompelling o ffer," Schwartz adds.
Continued from C1 "You can't do it," Altman continued. "You try a little bit and hope the guys get a little feel for it." Maybe Altman needs to put six or seven players on defense in practice to raise the level of the challenge to something that will approximate Louisville? "We have enough trouble with five (defenders)," Altman joked. "We
Tough economics Schwartz says such battles between content distributors, such as c a ble c o mpanies, and networks have become increasingly common as the fees networks charge cable and satellite companies have risen. The stakes have become even higher as the value of
sports programming — most of which is watched live by passionate fans — has gone up since the advent of digital video recorders that a l low viewers to skip commercials, Schwartz adds. That has meant that the cost networks payto carry certain teams has gone up, too. "The economy i s r e a lly tough right now," Schwartz says. "The distributors don't feel like they can raise their rates to keep up with the increased costs that they are having to take on." With n o a g r eement b et ween R oo t S p o r t s a n d B endBroadband, t h e o n l y way a Central Oregon cable s ubscriber ca n w a tc h t h e Mariners at home is during a nationally televised game on stations such as ESPN, TBS or Fox. (MLB.TV's live streaming of Mariners games is blacked out in this market.) That has left at least some Central O r e gon r e s idents frustrated. "We hate disappointing any of our customers but made this hard decision to benefit the majority of them," Farwell says. "We have heard from the small but dedicated fan base, roughly 300 subscribers, which correlates with our audience measurement of I to 2 percent."
Here at home Bend's Paul Sample is one of those dedicated fans. The 49-year-old real e state appraiser is a Seattle-area native who tends to watch at least a portion of almost every Mariners game. Sample credits BendBroadband with recently adding the Pac-12 Network channels, Comcast SportsNet - which broadcasts most Portland Trail Blazers basketball games — and other sports networks such as the MLB Network. But he wonders wh y B e n dBroadband carries channels such as the B ig 10 N etwork a n d w h y his cable bill has risen this
year despite dropping Root Sports. " It's j u s t
Sample says. "But we'll figure something else to watch,
I guess." S ample is n o t g o in g t o switch to satellite, he says. Neither is Barney Howard, a 92-year-old Bend retiree. But Howard would make the switch if his retirement home would allow it, he says. "I think (BendBroad-
band's) figures are wrong," Howard says. "I was watch-
ing the emails going back to Ben d B roadband (to complain), and there are a lot of p eople with a l o t of emails going back. But
(BendBroadband) says there are not enough people watching to pay their way." The good news is that both sides still say an agreement could be reached. "We would love to be able to get Root Sports back on the air, with terms that are a win-win for Central Oregon customers and Root Sports," Farwell says. How that could happen is an open question. But with no negotiations at the moment, it appears unlikely that Mariners baseball will be on many Central Oregon TVs on opening day. "At the end of the day, what we're really looking for is to provide the fans of the local teams here ... the games that they've a l w ay s r e c eived," Schwartz says. "And we think those fans deserve that." — Reporter: 541-617-7868, zhaII@bendbulletin.com
might go (against) four to build our confidence. "We will definitely have our hands fulL" If that is not enough, the Ducks will be in the position of a visiting team, with a large turnout of Louisville followers expected in the facility that can seat up to 36,000 for this regional. And it is all in the heated atmosphere of being two games from the Final Four. No, practice before a handful of ob-
servers is nothing like that. "You can't put 15 or 20 thousand of their fans in the stadium (for practice). You can't add the pressure of a Sweet 16 game," Altman said. "You can't simulate (Louisville's) speed, so we'll just try to do the best we can ... go in there and swing away." And tryto hang on to the basketball. Louisville has forced its first two tournament opponents into their season highs for turnovers. The Cardinals set an NCAA tournament record with 20 steals in their opener against North Carolina A&T.
"They're always coming at you,
they're always pushing you down into the corners, using the sidelines as an extra defender," Oregon guard Johnathan Loyd said. "We're going to have to stay out of the (area near) sidelines and keep the ball in the middle of the floor and attack it." After a couple of NCAA games last weekend, and the way officials called games in the Pac-12 tournament, the
Ducks have found that March basketball is a little different from most of the regular season. More contact is allowed now, and more hand checking in the open court. There simply are not as many whistles blown. That is apparently Louisville's preference, too. "They do go a little bit by the premise that (officials) can't call all the fouls," Altman said. "They are active with their hands." It all sounds like quite the challenge for the Ducks, who committed the most turnovers in the Pac-12 this season, an average of 15 per game. Even in winning their first two NCAA tournament games, the Ducks had 18 turnovers in each victory. And now Louisville? Uh-oh. "They make adjustments during the game, they throw different looks at you all night," Altman said. "As a team, you've got to stay really focused." What Altman fears most is a series of turnoversby the Ducks that fuels
MatChuPS fOr tOday'S NCAA tOurney gameS Regionalsemifinalsti,mesPDT
Continued from C1 T he 2 00 6 t e a m's r u n through the NCAA tournament was led by an enchanting, spiritual coach, Jim Larranaga, who motivated his playersto defeat a succession of college basketball Goliaths with corny slogans and pithy catchphrases. L arranaga l e f t Ge o r ge Mason two years ago, and with similar locker room pep talks — embellished this time with dance steps — he has his new team, Miami, once again within sight of the Final Four. Miami will play Marquette today in the East Region semifinals at Verizon Center in Washington, the same arena where Larranaga's team upset Connecticutseven years
EAST REGION At Washington, D.C. No. 3 Marquette vs. No. 2 Miami, 4:15 p.m., CBS Shane Larkin has been outstanding all year, but
the Miami point guard haselevated his gamein the postseason. His step back 3-pointer was the crucial basket in Miami's round-of-32 victory over Illinois. Marquette is in the Sweet16 after two
escape acts, against Davidson andButler. Bad news for the Hurricanes: center Reggie Johnson won't play because of akneeinjury. This game matches conference champions.TheGoldenEaglesshared the Big East regular-season title with Louisville and
Georgetown. Miami won theACCregular season and tournament.
No.4Syracusevs.No.1Indiana,6:45 p.m.,GBS The Hoosiers had trouble with Temple's pace and
The George Mason bookstore took in more money in WEST REGIOM March 2006 ($800,000) than it At Los Angeles did the entire rest of the year No. Ari 6 zona vs.No.2 Ohio State,4:47 p.m.,TBS ($625,000). Enrollment in the annual summer b asketball The Buckeyes are the clear favorites to come out camp more than doubled. of this region, and theywerefortunate to get here, NCAA licensing revenue went needing a last-second 3-pointer from Aaron Craft up by $100,000. to beat lowa State. DeShaun Thomas continues to At a ne w s c o n f erence carry the load for Ohio State, averaging 23 points Wednesday at Verizon Cenin the tournament. The Wildcats easily knocked ter, Larranaga was asked if off Belmont and Harvard. Point guard Mark Lyons he had talked to his Miami makesArizonago.Thecoaches,OhioState'sThad Matta and Arizona's Sean Miller, served together on players about the 2006 team and its stretch of upsets in Xavier's staff, where Matta was the head coach. the tournament. Larranaga was typically revealing and No.13La Salle vs. No. 9Wichita State, self-deprecating. 7:17 p.m., TBS "To them, I'm kind of wacky, The Sweet16 gamenobody outside of Philly and you know?" he said. "I say a lot Wichita expected. The Explorers downed Wisconsin of things to them, and initially and Mississippi with great guard play, led byRamon they don't understand. I use Galloway, a deadly 3-point shooter. Plus there's quotes and our thought of the Tyrone Garland and his "Southwest Philly floater," day. I ask them to explain it, the shot that felled Ole Miss. If the Explorers win and they have no idea. I have they'll become the first No. 13 seed or worse to make to then educate them of what a regional final. TheShockers stunned top-ranked we're trying to get across." Gonzaga after bouncing Pittsburgh and are bidding Larranaga acknowledged for their first Elite Eight since1981. Wichita State's that Verizon Center was, for Carl Hall and Cleanthony Early outplayed the Zags' him, a place of " incredible big men and combine to average 27 points and 12 memories."
figures to give indiana problems. A great backcourt matchup pits the Hoosiers' Victor Oladipo, widely considered the nation's top perimeter defender, against Michael Carter-Williams. The teams met ago. Back at G eorge Mason, for the1987 national championship — remember the Keith Smart jumper? The Hoosiers are on off Interstate 66 in Northern their fourth coach since then, while Jim Boeheim Virginia, Larranaga may no longer be on campus to write continues to leadSyracuse. inspirational mottos on the rebounds. locker room walls, but his imprint is far from forgotten. "The 2006 team was America's darlings, and we told the spun tactics amplified the Cin- than 30,000 students, the uniGeorge Mason story to the derella theme of that George versity was hardly small time, world," athletic director Tom Mason team's run. and its s udden basketball O'Connor said. "One of my "We were t he underdog success became big business. other coaches tells the story that people said shouldn't The unexpected national exthat when his team used to even be in the tournament," posure also became a boon check into a hotel on the road, Lamar Butler, one of the stars for George Mason in several he would say, 'George Mason,' of the 2006 team, said in a tele- unforeseen ways. and the desk clerk would an- phone interview. "You can't In the first admissions cycle swer, 'I'm sorry; we don't have get any m o r e d i sparaged after the Final Four appeara reservation for anyone by than that. But we had some ance, the number of out-ofthat name.' basic strengths, and coach state applications to George "Now, he says the desk had us ready. People thought Mason rose by 54 percent, acclerks know who George Ma- we were small time, but they cording to a report compiled son is." were wrong." by Robert E. Baker, the direcLarranaga's humble, homeWith an enrollment of more tor of George Mason's cen-
Mcllroy Continued from C1 "I want to get back to getting into contention in tournaments and trying to win," Mcllroy said. "I think this is a good week to try and get into contention, have a chance with the Masters coming up. I'm just really focused on this week in Houston and trying to play well here." McIlroy is part of a strong field at the Houston Open, where the tournament tries to give players a taste of what they might see in two weeks. The greens are fast and pure, with several closely mown collection areas that allow for a variety of shots around the green. The Houston Open thought it was getting the No. 1 player in the world when McIlroy signed up to play Redstone Golf Club in January. It still has five of the top 10 players, including Steve Stricker, Brandt Snedeker, Louis Oosthuizen and Steve Stricker. And it has Phil Mickelson, who likes Houston so much that he would rather be here than his usual schedule of playing the week before the Masters. Because the Masters is a week later than usual based on the calendar — it always ends on the second Sunday of April — the Texas Open was given the spot a week before Augusta. That change worked out well for Mcllroy, who wants to be in Augusta the weekend beforethe Masters. "I thought it fit in really nicely," McIlroy said. Far more important is what follows over the next few days. Under more scrutiny than he had ever faced — a new placeinthe game, a new e quipment deal with N i k e McIlroy t r ipped badly coming out of the blocks. He missed the cut in Abu Dhabi. He lost in the first round of
the Match Play Championship. Frustration boiled over to the point that he walked out in the second round of the Honda Classic. O ptimism c a m e fr o m Doral, a World Golf Championship event with no cut. McIlroy not only broke par for the first time all year, he closed with a 65 to crack the top 10. And then he took off for two more weeks, spending part of that time with tennis girlfriend Caroline Wozniacki in Key Biscayne, Fla., and hitting balls at a public course in Miami. McIlroy was spotted hitting balls with a carry bag (decked out in M anchester United logos) next to other paying customers at Miami Municipal Golf Course. It was rare to see a player with McIlroy's credentials — still No. 1 in the world with two major championships — in such a public setting. He didn't understand all the fuss. McIlroy still sees himself as normaL And in his normal world, he is bound to hit the kind
a sudden spurt by the Cardinals that can turn the outcome of the game. "They get on those runs, they just multiply points, they don't add them," Altman said. "We've got to be really focused and really handle the ball, and it hasn't been a strength of ours." So what do the Ducks do? It was not a lengthy practice on Tuesday, which followed a light workout on Monday that emphasized shooting as Altman attempts to get his team as refreshed as possible. "This late in March, we've been at it a long time," Altman said of reducing Oregon's time on the court. "Heck, I'm tired, they're tired, you're just going on the excitement of being alive." The Ducks traveled to Indianapolis on Wednesday and are scheduled to practice today for 50 minutes in Lucas Oil Stadium, and then the game is set for Friday at 4:15 p.m. PDT. And that is when the Ducks will really find out about the Louisville pressure.
before th e M a sters d i dn't g uarantee a b i g w e e k a t Augusta. Hunter Mahan, the defending champion at Redstone, tied for 12th last year. Mickelson made 18 birdies on the weekend at Houston in 2011 and followed with his worst Masters finish in 14 years. Anthony Kim won Houston and tied for third at the Masters, helped by a 65 on the last day, though he never had a serious chance to win. Paul Casey won in 2009 and didn't break par at A ugusta until the final round. For McIlroy, it's all about taking baby steps closer to where he knows he can be. Even though he hasn't won a green jacket, Augusta National
But speaking about his Miami team, he added: "To them, it's just another venue. They want to create those memories for themselves." Miami is not exactly the home team, but Larranaga will have his share of local
— McClatchy-TribuneNewsService ter for sports management. Visits to the admissions department's website increased by 150 percent, and inquiries fielded by the office of admissionsjumped 350 percent.The SAT scores and grade-point averages of incoming students also increased. There was a 2 5 p ercent surge in the number of alumni who were considered active with the university's alumni association. A $100 million fundraising campaign attracted $132 million in donations.
is McIlroy's kind of place. It wasn't an accident that he had a four-shot lead going into the final round in 2011. And last year, he was one shot out of the lead until he crashed on the weekend. And while he hasn't played in two weeks, he at least has some positive memories from his mostrecent round. " The things that I'm t r y ing to work on are definitely becoming a lot more comfortable," McIlroy said. "I've
support. "I hope they win the whole thing," O'Connor said. "Then when they tell Jim Larranaga's story, they will always bring up George Mason. It's always going to be there. It's a great part of NCAA tournament history. In fact, it's one of the great parts of college athletics."
seen enough good signs. The weekend at Doral was great and the way I've been hitting the ball recently. I've just got to keep working on it and keep working on it and ... I definitely feel like it's going in the right direction."
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"We go through highs and
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Close: 1,562.85
14 500 .
Research ln Motion, which is to be renamed BlackBerry, is hoping the debut of its newest smartphone will lead to a comeback. The mobile phone pioneer, which lost its cachet not long after Apple's 2007 release of the iPhone, unveiled the new BlackBerry Z10 and BlackBerry Q10 in January. The Z10 has been available in a number of markets outside the U.S. The
1,520 '
Thursday, March 28, 2013
company's fourth-quarter results, due out today, should provide a glimpse into how well its new models are selling.
Change: -0.92 (-0.1%)
15,000 -
13,000:. D
DOW DOW Trans. DOW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000
NYSE NASD 2,837 2,799 1592 1430 2 18 22
.L.I. I. .
1,388 1,405 1153 1252 122 27
Focus on the economy The Commerce Department reports its latest measure of U.S. economic growth today. The government previously estimated that the economy grew by just 0.1 percent in the last three months of 2012. But economists anticipate that the revised estimate will show the economy expanded by 0.5 percent. That projected fourth-quarter pickup would still amount to slower growth than the 3.1 percent increase the economy registered in the July-September quarter.
Gross domestic product
ALK 31 29 — A VA 22.78 ~ BAC 6 . 72 BBSI 18.88 BA 66. 8 2 CascadeBancorp CACB 4.23 CascadeCp CASC 42.86 Columbia Sporlswear COLM 45.37 CostcoWholesale COST 81.98 Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5.62 FLIR Systems FLIR 17.99 Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 Home Federal BncpID HOME 8.67 Intel Corp INTC 19.23 Keycorp K EY 6 . 80 — Kroger Co KR 209 8 — Lattice Semi LSCC 3 .17 ~ LA Pacific L PX 7 , 81 — MDU Resources MDU 19.59 — Mentor Graphics MENT 12,85 — Microsoft Corp M SFT 26.26 ~ Nike Inc 6 NKE 4 2.55 ~
NordstromInc Nwst NetGas OfficeMux Inc PeccarInc Planar Systms Plum Creek est. Prec Cestperts 0.5 Sefeway Inc Schnitzer Steel 3 Q 4 Q Sherwin Wms '12 '12 Stancorp Fncl SterbucksCp Source: Factaet Triquint Semi UmpqueHoldings US Buncorp WashingtonFedl Wells Fargo &Co W est CoastBcp OR
Annualized change from previous quarter
4Q '11
1Q '12
2Q '12
Hiccup or trend?
0 0
o 0 0
4I -
JWN 46.27
NWN 41.01 ~ OMX 4 . 10 ~ PCAR 35,21 — o 4I -
PLNR 1.12
PCL 35,43 — PCP 1 50.53 ~ 1 SWY 14,73 — SCHN 22.78 ~ SHW 107,29 — SFG 28.74 — SBUX 43 04 ~ TQNT 4.30 ~ UMPQ 11.17 ~ USB 28.58 ~ WAFD 14.30 ~ W FC 29 80 ~ WCBO 18,05 — WY 1 8 .60 —
0 0
0 0
HIGH LOW C LOSE C H G. 14559.65 14439.55 14526.16 -33.49 6197.80 6118.29 6193.27 +10.90 503.04 498.42 502.62 + 1 . 69 9077.46 9002.19 9070.44 -13.27 3258.26 3227.02 3256.52 + 4 . 04 1564.07 1551.90 1562.85 -0.92 1146.66 1133.41 1145.97 + 1 . 99 16542.44 16407.64 16531.00 -2.04 940.29 950.42 950.24 + 0 . 42
6362 63 2 9 + 5 0 + 0 8 L L 28.05 27.1 5 +. 1 9 +0 .7 L L 12.94 12 .23 05 -0.4 w L 51.74 51 .22 19 - 0.4 L L 86.84 86 .20 42 -0.5 L L 7.18 6 .7 0 04 -0.6 L L 65.45 64 .92 +.02 . . . L L 59.94 58 .63 +.15 +0.3 V L 06.01 106.64 +.67 +0.6 L L 8.92 7 .4 5 -.05 - 0.7 w L 27.16 25 .74 03 -0.1 w w 25.40 23 .58 06 -0.3 L L 14.00 12 .62 +.13 +1.0 L L 29.27 21 .83 +.07 +0.3 L L 10.19 10 .04 -.05 -0.5 w L 33 14 33 . 10 + , 3 1 +09 L L 6.60 5 .45 +.02 + 0 .4 w L 22,55 21 .46 -.05 -0,2 W L 24.89 24 .54 + . 0 3 +0.1 L L 17,91 17 .83 + . 16 +0,9 L L 32.89 28.3 7 +.2 2 +0 .8 L L 60.25 5 8.4 5 -1.02 -1.7 V L 58.44 54 .50 +. 2 2 +0.4 L L 50.80 4 3. 7 0 -.14 -0.3 V W 14.92 1 1.6 1 -.18 -1.5 w w 51,38 50 .13 -.02 „ , L L 2 44 2.01 +.06 +3.1 w L 51,15 51.60 +.50 +1.0 L 96.0 0 189.89 -1.34 -0.7 w L 26,50 26.35 + .35 $-1.3 42.00 26.83 -.17 -0.6 w w 17 2 ,41169.28 -.13 -0.1 L 42.70 42.75 + .10 +0.2 L 6 200 56.91 -.14 -0.2 V L 7.26 5.02 +. 11 $.2.2 L L 13.88 13.29 -.02 -0.2 V L 35.46 33.76 +. 08 +0.2 w 18.42 17.44 -.01 -0.1 L V 38 20 3 698 -.32 -0 9 24,57 24 .41 -.04 -0,2 L L 31.74 31 .01 + . 0 2 +0.1 L
AOL Close:$39.20L3.03 or 8.4% A Barclays analyst upgraded the Internet company, predicting modest revenue growth as it continues to turn its business around. $40
%CHG. WK MO OTR YTD -0.23% L L +10.85% +0.18% +16.71% +0.34% L +10.93% -0.15% L L +7.42% +0.12% L +7.85% -0.06% L +9.58% +0.17% L +12.30% -0.01% L +1 0.24% +0.04% L L +11.88%
Netflix (NFLX) Wednesday's close:$190.24 Total return YTD: 105%
30 •
Fe b . l 15
March 1
Source: Factaet
1- YR:56%
Facebook n RschMotn CliffsNRs SiriusXM Intel BostonSci BariPVix rs iShEMkts
888729 505947 498991 485166 444883 440123 438699 436472 417964
NAME LAST RedhllBio n 11.95 RevolutnL 2.12 Net1 UEPS 7.65 LiveDeal 2.71 GMX Rs pf8 3.58 UTStar rs 2.78 PFSweb 3.94 PGT Inc 6.95 DianaShip 10.71 MattressF 34.77
156.19 26.09 14.57 18.46 3.08 21.83 7.65 20.34 42.68
+ . 89 + . 11 -2.97 -.01 + . 07 + . 21 +.20 + . 16
LAST 5.81 4.40 9.55 4.45 18.46
4u cC 00
0C $L
cC 00
CHG %CHG +3.49 +.45 +1.62 +.56 +.56 +.42 +.51 +.80 +1.20 +3.75
Perritt Microcaplnc d
+ 4 1 .3 + 2 6.9 «C + 2 6.8 00 + 2 6 .0 «C + 1 8 .4 470 + 1 7 .8 Morningstar OwnershipZone™ + 1 4 .9 + 1 3 .0 O o Fund target represents weighted + 1 2 .6 average of stock holdings + 1 2 .1 • Represents 75% offund'sstock holdings
Losers ImageSens AtossaG n
CHG %CHG -1.54 -21.0 -1.01 -18.7 -1.75 -15.5 -.78 -14.9 -2.97 -13.9
RATING™ *** y ryr ASSETS $332 million
EXP RATIO 1.27% MANAGER Michael Corbett CliffsNRs SINCE 1996-12-31 RETURNS3-MO +15.4 Foreign Markets YTD +14.2 NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +14.6 Paris -37.00 -.99 3,711.64 3-YR ANNL +10.9 London 6,387.56 -11.81 —.18 5-YR-ANNL +6.2 Frankfurt -90.58 -1.15 7,789.09 Hong Kong 22,464.82 + 153.74 + . 6 9 TOP 5HOLDINGS Mexico 44,077.91 $.413.18 $ . . 95 Barrett Business Services, Inc. Milan 15,353.85 -142.07 —.92 Tokyo + 22.17 + . 1 8 Global Cash Access Holdings Inc 12,493.79 Stockholm 1,194.49 -.50 -.04 BioScrip, Inc. Sydney + 42.37 + . 8 5 John B. Sanfilippo 8 Son 5,007.05 Zurich 7,780.1 7 -19.88 —.25 Bofl Holding Inc GlijFIij
197 10-YR*: 33%
Dividend: none
(trailing 12 months):651
Market value: $10.7 billion
PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 21.63 +.01 $6.5 +11.6 $-11.1 +6.4 A A A 12.89 +.02 0.0 +4.3 +5.8 + 44 D C E 54.85 -.12 +4.9 +11.0 +9.2 $34 A A C 39.21 -. 08 +5.9 +12.7 +8.1 + 21 8 C C 42.21 -.13 $2.4 $-7.7 + 5 .1 + 07 C C A FnlnvA m 44.00 -.02 $8.2 +13.1 $-11LI + 43 8 C D GrthAmA m 37.11 +.12 +8.0 +13.2 +10.4 + 43 A C D IncAmerA m 19.01 -.03 $6.2 +1 2.5 $-11.1 + 59 A A B InvCoAmA m 32.66 +.05 $8.7 +1 2.7 +9.9 + 45 C D C NewPerspA m 33.03 -.09 $5.7 +1 1.5 +9.3 + 41 8 8 B WAMutlnvA m 33.90 -.03 +9.2 +13.8 +12.9 + 52 C A B Dodge &Cox Inc o me 13.83 +.01 + 0 .5 + 5 . 3 + 6 .1 +7.0 C C 8 IntlStk 35.83 -.06 + 3 .4 + 10.1 +5.3 +1.0 8 C A Stock 134.75 -.16 + 11.0 +19.0 +11.6 +4.4 A 8 C Fidelity Contra 83.50 -.05 + 8 .6 + 9 . 2 +12.7 +6.1 8 A 8 GrowCo 100.7 0 +.24 + 8 .0 + 5 . 6 +13.7 +8.0 D A A LowPriStk d 43 . 39 +.06 + 9 .8 + 13.5 +13.3 +8.5 D C 8 Fidelity Spartan 50 0ldxAdvtg 55 . 61 -.03+10.1 +13.2 +12.6 +5.7 B A B FrunkTemp-Frunklinlncome A m 2.3 2 ... +5. 1 + 1 3.3 +10.5 +6.5 A A A Oppenheimer RisDivA m 18.9 7 - .02 +9 .3 + 9 . 9 +11.2 +4.6 E C C RisDivB m 17.1 9 - .02 + 9 .1 +8 . 9 +10.2 +3.7 E D D RisDivC m 17.1 0 - .03 + 9 .1 + 9 . 0 +10.4 +3.9 E D D SmMidyalA m 36.66 +.04 +13.1 +13.4 +9.3 +2.5 D E E SmMidVal8 m 30.90 +.03 +12.9 +12.4 +8.4 +1.7 E E E PIMCO TotRetA m 11.2 5 +.02 + 0 .6 + 7 . 5 + 6 .6 +7.4 A 8 A T Rowe Price Eqt y l nc 29.15 -.03 + 10.7 +16.4 +11.8 +5.4 A 8 8 GrowStk 40.51 + . 08 + 7 . 2 +6 . 2 +12.6 +6.8 D A B HealthSci 47.96 + .33 +14.2 +28.1 +21.4+15.6 A A A Vanguard 500Adml 144.02 -.08 +10.1 +13.2 +12.6 +5.7 8 A 8 500lnv 144.03 -.07 +10.1 +13.0 +12.5 +5.6 8 A 8 Capap 38.58 +.10 +14.8 +21.8 +10.6 +6.9 A C 8 Eqlnc x 26.59 -.21 +10.8 +15.9 +15.3 +6.9 8 A A GNMAAdml 10.85 +.01 0.0 +2.0 +5.0 +5.6 D 8 A +0.4 $-3.5 +3.5 +4.0 8 8 8 STGradeAd 10.83 StratgcEq 24.27 +.03 $-13.1 +17.0 +15.6 +7.2 8 A C Tgtet2025 14.37 $5.7 $9.4 +9.4 +5.0 8 8 A TotBdAdml 11.02 +.02 -0.1 +3.6 +5.5 $5.5 D D D Totlntl 15.32 -.05 $2.5 $7.5 +4.6 -0.7 C C C TotStlAdm 39.25 +10.6 +13.6 +13.0 +6.4 8 A A TotStldx 39.24 +10.6 +13.5 +12.9 +6.3 8 A A USGro 23.20 -.02 $9.1 +8.4 +11.7 +6.6 C 8 8 Welltn x 35.92 -.24 +6.8 +11.5 +10.3 +6.5 A A A WelltnAdm x 62.04 -.42 +6.8 +11.6 +10.4 +6.6 A A A
This fund invests in companies that FUND are so small they're categorized as FAMILY American Funds BalA m micro-caps. The fund has posted Most Active BondA m an average annualized 10-year CaplncBuA m VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG return of 12 percent, but with plenty CpWldGrlA m —.05 of volatility. 1044200 12.23 EurPacGrA m
3 -Y R*: 37%
Marketsummary NAME BkofAm S&P500ETF
total returns through March 27
Price-earnings ratio
J F 52-week range $18.12~
PCT 2.12 2.06 1.94 Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs 1spaid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, oi redemption 1.74 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing feeand either asales or 1.68 redemption fee. Source: Mornngstar.
J F 52-week range
M $43.93
$17.96 ~
Vol.:3.5m (2.2x avg.) P E: 3 . 6 Vol.:51.1m (5.2x avg.) P E: 2 . 9 Mkt. Cap:$3.03 b Yie l d: 13 .1% Mkt. Cap:$2.63 b Yiel d : 3. 3 %
L +46 9 +74 5 365 15 L +12.6 +11 .0 28 5 2 1 1. 2 2f L +5.3 +24. 1 104420 47 0 . 0 4 L + 34.5 +1 5 9.5 5 3 27 0.52 L +14.4 +17 . 6 31 62 1 7 1 . 9 4f L +7.0 +13. 7 1 52 L +1.0 + 16. 0 53 1 6 1.40 L + 9.9 + 23. 7 55 20 0.88 L +8.0 +24. 6 18 61 24 1 . 10a L +15. 0 +1 1 .9 14 57 L +15. 3 +0. 8 13 56 18 0. 2 8 L + 65.5 +1.2 2 3739 dd 0 . 58f L +1.5 +23. 6 11 97 0. 2 4a L +5.9 -19.7 44012 10 0 .90 L +19. 2 + 21 .6 6 7 16 1 1 0. 2 0 L + 27 2 + 37, 6 3 7 90 1 3 0, 6 0 L +36.6 - 16.5 650 d d L +11. 1 + 1 19.3 1287 c c L +15.5 +12 .9 55 5 0.69 L +4,8 +15, 0 41 4 15 0,1 8 L +6.2 -11.0 35480 16 0 . 92 L + 13.3 +10 .8 5 1 32 2 3 0. 8 4 L + 1.9 +0.2 13 9 2 1 5 1 . 20f V -1.1 + 0 . 1 10 8 2 0 1. 8 2 L +19. 0 +9 0 .2 1 514 2 0.0 8 L + 10. 9 +8. 9 1 0 29 1 6 0 .80a L +40 6 -141 4 dd L + 16 3 +2 7 2 7 9 7 4 1 1 6 8 L +0.2 +8.6 271 21 0.1 2 + 45.7 +31.5 2635 1 1 0 . 70 w -11.5 - 32.3 376 3 9 0 . 75 L + 10 1 +5 6 1 4 3 1 2 6 2 0 0f L +16 6 +4 3 161 14 0 93 f L $-6. 1 +3.4 35 7 7 3 1 0. 8 4 L $3 9 25.9 2355 L +12.7 +1.3 248 1 4 0 .40f L $. 5. 7 +7. 9 59 23 1 2 0. 7 8 L $-3 . 4 +5 . 1 47 2 1 3 0 . 36f +8.2 +11.1 14511 11 1 .00f L + 10. 2 +2 7 .1 1 7 21 0.20 L +11 . 5 +4 4 .4 1 789 4 3 0. 6 8
+ -.0084
Cliffs Natural Res. CLF Close:$18.46%-2.97 or -13.9% A Morgan Stanley analyst, pessimistic on the U.S. iron ore market, downgraded his rating on the mining company's stock. $40
Netflix enters 'The Matrix'l;.;l;",l
Stockindexes were mixed Wednesday; the Standard & Poor's 500 index was nearly flat. Stocks fell at the start of trading amid worries that Europe's debt problems are worsening. Investors are still digesting the financial rescue that Cyprus received to keep its banking system afloat, and a political stalemate in Italy raised concerns about that country's progress. But an afternoon recovery helped the S&P 500 erase most of its losses. The index remains within a fraction of 1 percent of its record high. Health care and utility stocks had some of the biggest gains. They offset declines for stocks in the telecommunications and financial sectors.
Change: -33.49 (-0.2%)
The number of Americans applying Weyerheeuser DividendFootnotes: a -Extra dividends werepaid, hut are nct included. h - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. e - Amountdeclared or paid in last12 months. f - Current for unemployment benefits has annual rate, which was mcreased bymost recent di$adendannouncement. i - Sum ot dividends pad after stock split, no regular rate. I - Sum cf avidends pad this year. Most recent been declining in recent weeks. aradend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends marrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - imtial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r - Declared or paid in precedmg 12 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, apprcismate cash Weekly applications rose just value on ex-distrihution date.PE Footnotes:q - Stock is a closed-end fund - nc P/E ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds 9a dd - Loss in last i2 months 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted 336,000 two weeks ago, but the four-week average fell to a five-year low. That drop means companies are laying off fewer workers. Even so, Netflix is continuing to bolster its credentials as a "The Matrix" and last year's "Cloud Atlas." economists expect that applications source for original programming. The video Netflix made its biggest splash with an original increased for the second week in a subscription service announced Wednesday that its seri e s last month with the debut of the political row last week. newest original series will be a thriller "House of Cards," starring Kevin ~ -~ ~ ~ fp g i $ science fiction project from the duo j 4' , Space y . This spring, it will premiere the 8 Initial jobless claims behind "The Matrix" trilogy. horror series "Hemlock Grove" and the In thousands, weekly total ' ~ ~ g ] revi v ed comedy "Arrested DevelopThe new 10-episode series, u I 0 360 Sense8,0 will be available late next ment." year. The series is the first television ., Netflix is the top performing stock in est. effort for Andy and Lana Wachowski, the Standard & Poor's 500 so far this 340 340 the filmmaking siblings who directed year, up more than 100 percent. 32
' + +.24
Close: 14,526.16
NorthwestStocks NAME
Dow jones industrials
.II l
Alaska Air Group AvistaCorp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co
1 0 DAY S
Vol. (in mil.) Pvs. Volume Advanced Declined New Highs New Lows
1 0 DA Y S
1 350
LNN Close:$90.01 V-2.36 or -2.6% The irrigation systems maker said that its fiscal second-quarter net income climbed 52 percent, but warned demand could weaken. $100 90 80
SAIC SAI Close: $13.32 %0.50 or 3.9% The security and communications technology firm posted a fourthquarter profit and announced a special dividend of $1 per share. $14 13 12
J F 52-week range $62.68~
M $94.90
J F 52-week range
$10.31 ~
Vol.:987.9k (4.3x avg.) PE: 20.9 Vol.:11.3m (3.4x avg.) PE: 24.2 Mkt. Cap:$1.16 b Yiel d : 0. 5 % Mkt. Cap:$4.55 b Yiel d : 3. 6 %
LNDC Close:$13.63%0.29 or 2.2% The seller of food packaging posted flat third-quarter earnings and said revenue in the May quarter would fall below expectations. $14
Mattress Firm Hldg.
ly acquired stores. $35
J F 52-week range $6.13~
J F 52-week range
Vol.:1.0m (4.8x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$351.44 m
Close:$34.77%3.75 or 12.1% The mattress retailer said that its fourth-quarter net income fell, but it forecast a solid year thanks to new-
$22.62 ~
P E: 18 . 7 Vol.:1.5m (5.1x avg.) Yield :... Mkt. Cap:$1.17 b
P E: 24 .8 Yield: ...
Net 1 Ueps Tech.
UEPS Pozen POZN Close:$7.65 X1.62 or 26.8% Close:$5.40 %0.16 or 3.1% A South African appeals court upThe drugmaker submitted a new apheld the payment processing plication to the U.S. FDAfor the company's contract with the South marketing approval of two potential African Social SecurityAgency. cardiovascular drugs.
J F 52-week range $3.01~ Vol.:1.9m (11.2x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $348.79 m
J F 52-week range
$4.81 ~ $8.12 $10.61 PE: 1 0 . 9 Vol.:400.4k (2.2x avg.) P E: 3.9 Yie l d: ... Mkt Cap $163 74 m Yield AP
SOURCE: Sungard
NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO QTR AGO 3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill 52-wk T-bill
The yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell to 1.85 percent Wednesday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.
.06 .10 .12
+0 .0 2 L +0 . 01 -
2-year T-note . 2 4 .26 5-year T-note . 7 4 .78 10-year T-note 1.85 1.91 30-year T-bond 3.09 3.14
-0.02 V -0.04 V -0.06 W - 0.05 W
. 08 . 11 .12
Prices for energy commodities rose, with natural gas climbing to its highest price since 2011. The price of crude oil rose to its highest settlement level in more than five weeks.
Exchange The dollar rose to its highest level against the euro since November amid concerns about Cyprus' bailout and political stalemate in Italy. The dollar fell against the
Japanese yen.
h5N4 QG
.1 3 .32 1.02 2.18 3.3 0
NET 1YR YEST PVS CHG WK MO GTR AGO L 2.82 L 4.63 L 2.25 W 7 .20 L 4.01 L 1 2. 0 L 3.42
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Oil (bbl) 96.58 96.34 + 0.25 + 5 . 2 Ethanol (gal) 2.59 2.54 +0.08 +18.0 Heating Oil (gal) 2.92 2.88 +1.18 -4.3 Natural Gas (mm btu) 4.07 3.98 +1.94 +21.4 Unleaded Gas(gal) 3.12 3.11 +0.16 +10.8 FUELS
Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz) AGRICULTURE
CLOSE PVS. 1606.20 1595.80 28.58 28.64 1579.80 1566.00 3.44 3.43 767.15 759.60
%CH. %YTD -4.1 +0.66 -0.25 -5.3 + 0.88 + 2 . 7 -5.7 +0.04 + 0.91 + 9 . 2
PVS. %CH. %YTD -2.0 1.26 +1.11 1.38 -0.73 -5.0 Corn (bu) 7.30 + 0.68 + 5 . 3 Cotton (Ib) 0.89 0.88 +0.56 +17.8 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 381.20 384.20 - 0.78 + 2 . 0 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.37 1.39 -1.40 +18.1 Soybeans (bu) 14.54 14.48 + 0.41 + 2 . 5 Wheat(bu) -5.3 7.37 7.32 +0.72
Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)
.07 .16
Barclays LongT-Bdldx 2.80 2.84 -0.04 W L Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.15 4.15 . . . L Barclays USAggregate 1.88 1.88 . . . L L PRIME FED Barclay s US High Yield 5.65 5.63 +0.02 L W RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.91 3.92 -0.01 L L YEST 3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.05 1.08 -0.03 W W 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 Barclays US Corp 2 .78 2.78 ... L L 1 YR AGO3.25 .13
1.27 1.37 7.35
1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.5130 —.0025 —.17% 1.5963 C anadian Dollar 1.0 1 63 —.0001 —.01% .9944 USD per Euro 1.2774 —.0084 —.66% 1.3336 —.12 —.13% 83.09 Japanese Yen 94.38 Mexican Peso 12. 3 383 —.0097 —.08% 12.6858 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.6448 +.0200 +.55% 3.7191 Norwegian Krone 5.8583 +.0249 +.43% 5.6966 South African Rand 9.2673 +.0048 +.05% 7.5649 6.5150 +.0188 +.29% 6.6736 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9537 +.0054 +.57% .9040 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9572 + .0036 +.38% .9 5 37 Chinese Yuan 6.2155 -.0003 -.00% 6.3080 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7639 +.0037 +.05% 7 .7626 Indian Rupee 54.375 -.065 -.12% 50.715 Singapore Dollar 1.2425 +.0021 +.17% 1 .2564 South Korean Won 1111.71 +2.95 +.27% 1134.30 Taiwan Dollar 29.90 + .02 +.07% 29 . 58
© www.bendbulletin.com/business
Publisher eases e-book access The publisher of Khaled Hosseini, Harlan
Coben andother popular authors has decided that it's comfortable with letting libraries offer ebook editions of brand
new releases. Starting Tuesday, libraries can offer e-
books from Penguin Group (USA) atthe same time that the hardcover
comes out, a switch from the previous policy of delaying downloads for six months, the publisher told TheAssociated Press.
oanmo i ica ions o e sim i ie By E. Scott Reckard Los Angeles Times
In a push to simplify loan modifications, many borrowers who become 90 days or more past due on mortgages backed by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will be offered lowered payments without having to prove hardship, the federalregulator ofthe homefinance giants said. The streamlined modifica-
tion program, to be put into effect in July, would reduce monthly payments by about 30 percent on average, officials said in announcing the program Wednesday. Eligible borrowers would receive letters explaining the modification offer and specifying the reduced payment. If they made three monthly payments during a trial modification period, the new loan
terms would become permanent — without them having to document their financial situations. Fannie and Freddie own or guarantee more than half of all U.S. home loans. They pay mortgage customer-service providers — which are mainly large banks — to collect payments, handle foreclosures, and work to modify loans for troubled borrowers.
Problem with servicers have included frequent complaints of lost or mishandled
paperwork. And many troubled borrowers have not responded toservicers'efforts to reach them to discuss foreclosure alternatives. The new program, announced by the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which regulates Fannie and Freddie, is designedtoaddress those
Judge approves airline merger American Airlines won bankruptcy court approval Wednesday to combine with US Airways and form the world's biggest airline. But the judge declined
• Bend marketis seeinganincreasein building activity as companiesfill vacant facilities By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin
to sign off on a proposed $20 million severance package for TomHorton,
More Bend businesses are moving into vacant industrial
currently the CEOof
build new facilities, pacing a modest comeback for the city's industrial market. The Bend Community Development Department has issued three permits for new industrial buildings in the last five months, city records show, matching the total between September 2009 and November 2012. It's far from the pre-recession pace, when more than 10 new industrial facilities were being permitted each year. But it highlights the renewed interest among companies to expand. Bend pharmaceutical products company Validation Resources is considering a move to a new, 12,700-squarefoot building near Northeast 18th Street and Brinson Boulevard, planning documents show. "We've been growing, and we need more room, but there's nothing certain yet," company president Raymond Colton said. Validation has
American's parent AMR Corp. Themerger still needs approval from Department of Justice antitrust regulators and US Airways shareholders. It is expected to close by the fall.
Banks seek to overturn rulings The nation's largest banks, facing a torrent of lawsuits over shoddy
mortgage securities, are pushing to overturn a
series of tough rulings in an important case. Inarare move,15 banks — including Bank of America, Citigroup,
JPMorgan Chaseand UBS — filed a motion in U.S. District Court in Manhattan late Tuesday night to throw out a
series of decisions by Judge DeniseCote, according to a copy of the court filing. In doing so, the financial institutions
are aiming to broaden the amount of evidence they can gather in the hopes of quashing the lawsuit.
The casecould have costly implications. In 2011, the Federal Hous-
ing FinanceAgency, which overseesFannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
accused thebanks of duping the housinggiants into buying $200 billion of mortgagesecurities that ultimately imploded during the financial crisis. On Wall Street, the lawsuit is considered a critical litmus test for how successful the banks will be in stanching their losses from the mortgage litigation. — From wire reports
buildings and applying to
the last year and might be betterserved with more space than in its current facility on Lower Meadow Drive. Construction started this month on a nearly 22,000square-foot building for electronicsproducts maker SisTech Manufacturing, which will nearly double their building size when it's finished this fall. Ewing irrigation got a permit last fall for a 7,000square-foot building on Southeast Paiute Way. The building activity comes as Bend's supply of available
Two permits for new industrial projects havebeen issued through March15 in Bend, already passing total permit numbers for 2012.
Large-scale industrial remodeling projects — those valuedat $50,000 or more —are also outpacing 2012 levels. 12 12 KEY 11 • New buildings 10
— Bruce Kemp, principal broker Compass Commercial
g Remodels and additions
2 1
0 2 007 2 00 8
2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 20 1 1 20 1 2 2 0 1*3 *
Source: Bend Community Development Department
2013 figures through March 15 Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Rob Kerr/The Bulletin file photo
Electronics company SisTech Manufacturing is building a larger facility on Lower Meadow Drive in Bend. industrial space shrinks, though plenty of property is still available. About 9.6 percent of Bend's available industrial space was vacant at the end of 2012, according to a market review by
"Obviously, 2009, 2010 and 2011 were slow. But there was massive absorption of space last year."
Compass Commercial Real Estate Services. That's down from about 16.3 percent at the start of 2011. The industrial vacancy rate has decreased for five straight quarters. A 6 to 8 percent vacancy rateis
considered healthy. "Obviously, 2009, 2010 and 2011 were slow," said Bruce Kemp, a principal broker with Compass Commercial. "But there was massive absorption of space last year." Along with housing, industrial activity "tends to be one of the leaders coming out of a recession." Big industrial transactions last year included kit plane builder Epic Air's purchase of the Cessna Aircraft's 200,000-squarefoot manufacturing building at Bend Municipal Airport. But Kemp said small and mid-sized transactions picked up as well, and some building owners are raising industrial lease rates for the first time in years. "More activity will eventually lead to a shortage" of industrial buildings and land, Kemp said, adding that the city only has 40 to 50 acres of industrialzoned land left. If a recovery continues, "The Urban Growth Boundary is going to become a concern," he said. — Reporter: 541-617-7820 eglucklich@bendbulletin.corn
No chaos asCypriotbanksin Greece open By Niki Kitsantonis
TODAY • Website andBlog Writing Workshop:Linden Gross will discuss the process of creating website copy and blog posts: Registration required; $25 for AdFedmembers and $45 for nonmembers; 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; St. Charles Bendconference center, 2500 N.E Neff Road;541-382-4321 or www.adfedco.org. • RedmondDevelopment Commission: Free;3:30-5 p.m.; Redmond City Hall, 716 S.W. Evergreen Ave.; 541-923-7710. • Green Drinks:Learn about other businesses and their sustainability efforts; free; 5 p.m.; Umpqua Bank, 390 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-312-6061. • Get the bestcar deal: Presented byTomCollier, president of Classic Motor Car Company lnc; free; 6 p.m.; Mid Oregon Credit Union, 2625 S.W. 17th Place, Redmond;
Industrial projects inBend
been adding employees over
New York Times News Service
problems, the FHFA said. "This new option gives delinquent borrowers another path to avoid foreclosure," FHFA's acting director, Edward DeMarco, said in a statement. He encouraged borrowers to apply for modification programs requiring documentation, saying they probably would wind up with lower payments than those generated by the streamlined modifications.
ATHENS, Greece — It was not exactly a bank run. Customers descended on the Cypriot banks in Greece on Wednesday, when branches openedtheirdoors forthe first time in 12 days, but it was nothing like the rush to liquidate that some experts had feared. By 8 a.m., lines had formed at many of the more than 300 Greek branches that were owned by Cypriot banks until Tuesday. But they were not much longer than those usually seen after a long weekend. While some jittery deposi-
tors said they had withdrawn the bulk of their savings, othersappeared unruffled,
saying they were just going about their usual banking business. As well they might. Piraeus Bank, one of the largest Greek financial institutions, this week took over the local branches of the Cypriot lenders Bank of Cyprus, Hellenic Bank and Laiki Bank, also known as Cyprus Popular Bank. As a result, the deposits in those branches, which total about 15 billion euros, or $19 billion, roughly 10 percent of the total savings in Greece, will not be subject to any of the losses or capital
541-382- I795. 541-617-7080 or www. scorecentraloregon.org. TUESDAY • Redmond Planning • Small Business Commission: Free;6:30Counseling:SCORE 9 p.m.; RedmondCity Hall, business counselors will be available every Tuesday 716 S.W.EvergreenAve.; 541-923-77 I 0. for one-on-one small WEDNESDAY business counseling; no appointment necessary; • Oregon Alcohol free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Server Permit Training: Downtown BendPublic Meets the minimum Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; requirements bythe
Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; RoundTable Pizza, 1552 N.E Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www. happyhourtraining.com. APRIL 5 • Central Oregon Rental Owners Association annualmeeting: Guest
controls that will hit some bank deposits in Cyprus. Even so, the Cypriot debaclehas rattled some savers enough for them to want their money back, regardless of who now owns their banks. Outside the main branch of Bank of Cyprus in central Athens, Panagiotis, a 40year-old salesman who has been unemployed for three years, and who did not want to give his last name, said he had just withdrawn 1,000 euros, the bulk of his savings. "I left 20 euros so they don't close the account," he said, adding that he planned to stash the money in a bookcase at his home. "I don't
speaker state Rep. Jason Conger; dinner and election of officers; registration required by April1; $44 for members and $60 for nonmembers; 5:30 p.m.; The Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River Court, Bend; 541-382-7727. APRIL 8 • Redmond Downtown Urban Renewal
trust banks anymore." Bank staff said there were no restrictions Wednesday on cash withdrawals — in contrast to Cyprus, where the authorities plan to put capital controls in place today when branches reopen there, an effort to avert a bank run. A senior employee at the headquarters of Bank of Cyprus in Athens denied reportsthat some customers had been denied access to their safe deposit boxes. "This is a normal business day — busy but normal," he said. "People are cashing their pensions, paying their bills and, yes, making withdrawals."
Advisory Committee:
Free; 5-7:30 p.m.; Redmond City Hall, 716 S.W. EvergreenAve.; 541-923-7710. APRIL 9 • Medical billing procedures information
meeting:informational meeting about COCC's six-week medical billing procedures course;
adds slew of new businesses By Rachael Rees The Bulletin
Fifteen businesses have
opened or will be opening in downtown Bend, giving downtown the highest rate of leasedrestaurant and retail space in three years, the Downtown Bend Business Association announced Wednesday. The rate is at 95 percent for the first quarter of 2013, with two expansions, five new restaurants, three new beauty and wellnessservice providers and half a dozen other new retailers. Pure Kitchen, a restaurant serving tapas and small plates, is expected to open Thursday in the former Bo Restobar space within the Franklin Crossing Building. Bluebird Coffee Company is also under construction within the building. Adjacent to its current retail shop on Northwest Bond Street, La Magie bakery is expanding to offer breakfast and lunch in the former Soba Asian Bistro. A new smoke accessory shop will open at 806 Northwest Brooks Street. Northwest Lava Road acquired Studio DeVine, which will provide facials and waxing when it opens this spring. Two businesses, Studio Shen, offering massage and body work, and Revive Skin Services, specializing in facials and microdermabrasion skin treatments, have moved into the O'Kane Building on Northwest Oregon Avenue. And a new restaurant, who's name was notreleased, isexpected to open in the former Common Table location, according to the news release. Minnesota Avenue gained three businesses: The Brickhouse, which will occupy the Firehall; Luvs Donuts, located next to the Oxford; and Jeff Murray Photography, a photography art gallery, located at 118 N.W. Minnesota Ave. On Northwest Wall Street, new occupancy is filling in empty spaces. Sweet Saigon, a Vietnamese restaurant, opened last month, and The Drake, an upscale diner, is under construction. Ju-bee-lee,a lifestyle store selling women's accessories and gifts, plans to open in the former Volt Lighting. Hub Cyclery will move into the former Bella Moda space, and FootZone is expanding with a second shop in the former Topolino location.
forthose interested in starting a career working in a medical office or those currently working in a medical office who want to increase knowledge to moveinto billing and insurance processing located at COCC's Chandler Building, Room 301, 1027 NW Trenton Ave.; registrat<on recommended; free; 6-
— Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulletin.com
7:30 a.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend; 54 I -383-7270. To find freeincome tax preparation help, go to bendbulletin.comlevents. For the complete calendar, pickup Sunday's Bulletin or visit bendbuiietin.com/ bizcal
IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Medicine, D2 Nutrition, D3
O www.bendbulletin.com/health
Hop Venom Douhle IPA
From: Boneyard BeerCompany
From:Silver Moon Brewing ABV:6.8% Calories:275-308
From:Three Creeks Brewing Co. ABV:6.4% Calories:261-293
From: GoodLife Brewery
Alcohol dy volume: 10% Calories: 392-427
ABV:6% Calories: 246-279
• Drinker beware: Whenit comesto calories, a pint canpacka punch By Anne Aurand• The Bulletin
eer, technically speaking, cannot alone be blamed for the infamous "beer belly." But there's an iota of truth in the adage. All those fullbodied microbrews crafted by Central Oregon brewers carry
RotationRedAle From: Rat Hole Brewing ABV:5.5% Calories:229-261
considerable calories. Some local ales can contain as many calories as a light
lunch. But the worst offenders might not be what you think. "The general public
From: Silver Moon Brewing Calories: 229-261
typically assumes that dark beers must be higher in calories, but this is not true. As a matter of fact, color is really indicative of one thing only, and that is how the beer looks in your glass," wrote Olan Suddeth, a home brewer, blogger and family man from Alabama, in a recent email. See Beer /D3
S1NISTOR Black Ale
MirrorPondPale Ale
From:10 Barrel Brewing Co.
From: Deschutes Brewery
From: Phat Matt's Brewing Co.
From: Three CreeksBrewing
ABV:5% Calories: 212-244
ABV:4.7% Calories: 201-233
ABV:4% Calories: 177-209
Calories: 225-258
Countingcalories The calorie estimates used in this story
were calculated from www.homebrewdad. com/beer calorie calculator.php. This site was developed by Olan Suddeth, a
"37-year-old father of five from Birmingham,
Ala., who has developed an interest in brewing
his own beer at home," according to his web-
site, www.homebrewdad.com. Suddeth said in an email that the calculator is based on a complicated formula that uses the original gravity and final gravity in a beer,
sible for the averageconsumer to calculate a fairly accurate range of calories. Wechecked Suddeth's calculator against a couple of beers with known calorie counts and found it to be
website, and hoped that people would find it to be interesting. Since I posted this calculator, it
which refers to measurements of sugar con-
has consistently been themost visited page on
tent before and after fermentation. But lacking that information, and using
Suddeth said he created the calculator "for
only the percent alcohol by volume, which is
fun, mostly. I frequent a couple of homebrewing message boards, andhaveseen afew
listed on the bottle or the menu, it's still pos-
questions related to determining the caloric
The Bulletin
Ear infections are the top reason caregivers prescribe antibiotics for children in the U.S. Now, they are getting new advice on when to get out the prescription pad. The American Academy of Pediatrics issued new guidelines this month in its journal Pediatrics on which ear infections need antibiotics and which can be approached
w ith p a i n man a gement a n d observation. "The big change is more observation in younger children," said Dr. Kristi Nix, a pediatrician at Mosaic Medical in Bend. The guidelines are a follow-up on recommendationsthe academy published in 2004. In an attempt to curb the overuse of antibiotics, it u r ged that clinicians wait more often before
very hard to addsomething like that to my
my website." — Anne Aurand, TheBulletin The local craft beers above have been on tap recently and represent a 16-ounce serving, or one pint.
Eor kids' ear infections, essmaybe more By Heidi Hagemeier
content of beer. I decided that it couldn't be
writing prescriptions in certain circumstances forchildren between 6 months to 12 years old. Research has since showed that clinicians remained hesitant to wait on antibiotics after the 2004 guidelines came out. The updated guidelines, area p hysicians said, make w hen t o wait and when to prescribe more clear. See Ears/D2
At102, he's hitting the gym — with a personal trainer, too By Lenny Bernstein The Washington Post
It wasn't the toll from lugging a heavy toolbox to work that finally sent Ray Clark to the gym. It was something more profound. He lost his wife of 67years.Then he losthis daughter. He was looking for something to fill the empty hours. "I was getting a little lazy at home, and I decided I'd go down
to the exercise club," he recalled. That was more thanthree years ago, when Clark was 98. As he turned 102 this month, Clark was able to curl 40 pounds, work out vigorously on a rowing machine and deftly pluck bouncing eight-pound kettle bells from the air with the hand-eye coordination of
a much younger man. See Senior /D5
HEALTH EVENTS ALZHEIMERS ANDDEMENTIA FROM ACAREGIVER'S PERSPECTIVE:Featuring a presentation by Dr. Richard MacDonell, geriatric specialist, followed by a support group; presented by Age Wide Open; free; 6-8 p.m. Monday; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-410-4162. LIVING WELLWITH CHRONIC CONDITIONS:Learn how to achieve a healthier way of living and overcome symptoms of chronic conditions; registration required; $10 for six classes; Saturdays from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., April 6 through May11; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road, Bend; www. livingwellco.org or 541-322-7430. FUNCTIONALFITNESS WORKSHOP:A weekend workshop for physical and occupational therapists, assistants and athletic trainers focusing on designing functional exercise programs, presented by Central Oregon Community College and Great Lakes Seminars, 16 CEUhours; registration required by Monday; $525; 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. April13 and 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. April 14; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. CollegeWay, Bend; 541-383-7270 or www.cocc.edu/ continuinged/hwcareers/.
How to submit Health Events:Email event
information tohealthevents© bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at
www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 days before the desired date of
publication. Ongoing class listings must be updated monthly and will appear at
www.bendbulletin.com/ healthclasses. Contact: 541-383-0358. People:Email info about local people involved in health
issues to healthevents@ bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0358.
How to
find good medical
help online By Deborah Netburn Los Angeles Times
If you turn to Google before turning to a doctor when you're feeling icky, you're not alone. Last year, I in 3 Americans typed their symptoms into search engines and medical websites before seeing their physician, according to a Pew Research Center study. Searching for medical adviceonline can never replace a visit to a living, breathing doctor, but there are ways to weed through the online clutter and get reliable information. Medical experts say y ou can't trust any single site to always have the best or most up-to-date information on any condition, but some sites are more likely to be helpful than others. Several d o ctors r e c ommended MedlinePlus, a website sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and managed by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. It has easyto-read and u nderstandable definitions and explanations of diseases, drugs and supplements. Each entry is accompanied by links to other sites and research deemed trustworthy by the medical archivists. D r. W endy S u e S w a n son, a pediatrician at Seattle Children's Hospital, tells her patients to check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at CDC.gov and the American Academy of Pediatrics' website at HealthyChildren.orgforpeer-reviewed medical information. If you come across a website with lots of advertising, experts say, take the information with a grain of salt. Some sites tailor th e i n f ormation on their page to please their advertisers. Also, the Medical Library Association has put together a listofconsumerhealthsitesthat it has deemed "most useful": www.mlanet.org/resources/ userguide.html. The list includes the association's favorite sites for information about cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
o na,orno ona ?
e e ns
• An afternoon snooze canboost alertnessand productivity — or add to insomnia, experts say
Sleepguide How much sleep is enough? Newborns:12 to 18
hours Infants(3 to11 months): 14 to 15hours Toddlers(1 to 3 years): 12 to14 hours
Preschnolers(3 to 5): 11 to13 hours
By Ina Paiva Cordle
School age(5to10):10
The Miami Herald
MIAMI — Jim Angleton's workday b e gins b e f ore dawn, so when his eyes get droopy by midafternoon, he just leans back at his desk and takes a nap. "If I feel tired, my body is trying to tell me something, so I will excuse myself, shut the door, sometimes put headphones on and listen to music, and just put my head back and disconnect," said Angleton, 56, who owns a financial services company in Miami Lakes, Fla. By taking a nap, he says, "You get refreshed, you get re-energized and you get de-stressed. I highly recommend it if you can get away with it. It's got to be good for the soul." Everyone needs to sleep. Newborns require as much as 18 hours a day; adults, as a general rule, require seven to nine hours, the National Sleep Foundation says. "Sleep is essential foryour overall wellbeing, quality of life, for your mood, for your growth, and also for the preventionofdiseases,because the lack of sleep can trigger inflammatory response in your body and can make you more susceptible to infection," said Dr. Alexandre Abreu, co-director
to 11 hours
Tweens and teens (10 Thinkstock
One-third of adults take regular naps, the Pew Research Center reports, and the nappers are slightly more likely to be men: 38 percent reported taking siestas, compared with 31 percent of women. of the UHealth Sleep Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Naps can help, as long as they do not interfere with your nighttime sleep — creating a vicious cycle, he said. One-third of a d ults t a ke regular naps, according to a poll by the Pew Research Cen-
ter. And more men (38 percent) reported napping than women
(31 percent). The habit may start at an early age: preschoolers are accustomed to g rabbing their blankets and going to sleep. It's also a cultural phenomenon. In many European and Latin American cultures, a siesta after lunch is still an important part of the daily schedule. While naps do not necessarily make up for inadequate or poor-quality nighttime sleep, a short nap of 20 to 30 minutes can help improve mood, alertness and p erformance, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Depending on your job, it may even be critical. A study at NASA on sleepy military pilots
and astronauts found that a 40minute nap improved performance by 34 percent and alertness by 100 percent. And another study, in the October2012 issue of Academic Medicine, found that among first-year internal m e dicine residents, a short midday nap improved alertness and cognitive functioning. Yet, by and large, U.S. employers frown upon workers who try to nap on the job. Not Cl Bank's chief executive, Trevor Burgess. As a nap-
the overall work-life-balance, especially for members of the m illennial g e neration w h o want to work when and where they want. " It's definitely t h e most t alked-about element in t h e space," Burgess said of t he pod, which was created by MetroNaps of New York. Designed to engulf the napper, the pod reclines and has a timer that awakens you with a combination of lights, vibration and music, and automatically puts you back in a seated posiping proponent, he encourages tion, said MetroNaps chief exit. ecutive Christopher Lindholst. At least once a week, he and In Florida, St. Leo University about a dozen drowsy employ- and Florida Hospital Celebraees, or nearly 15 percent of his tion Health have also bought staff of 85, take turns resting in the pods, which cost $9,000 to an "EnergyPod" that he bought in October forhisbank's new St. Petersburg, Fla., headquarters. "Even if you don't fall asleep, in the 20 minutes, the meditation that takes place is pretty powerful, and you're ready to ju face whatever your day holds," Burgess said. He sees offering a napping option as an important part of
to 17): 8.5 to 9.25 hours Adults:7 to 9 hours Source: National Sleep Foundation
$12,000. Naps are not right for everyone. Nap for too long, and
you might be groggy instead of refreshed. Daytime sleeping could lead to insomnia. And if you already have trouble sleeping at night, a nap may only exacerbatethe problem, said Abreu, the UM sleep doctor. In fact, the need for a nap may be a sign of a disorder, like disruptivesleep apnea or narcolepsy, he said. "Take naps because it's cultural, as long as it doesn't interrupt nighttime sleep, orbecause you have poor sleep and need to perform at driving or work, so you're protecting yourself and others from your sleepiness, " he advises.
the antibiotics for when they're Also new in the American going to matter." Academy of Pediatrics updates Continued from 01 Medicalexperts are worried are recommendations on pre"They're putting it i nto about an increasing resistance ventivemeasures forear infeccontext a lot better than it to antibiotics, which poses the tions. Chief among them is for has been previously," said threatof more dangerous bac- children to receive the pneumoDr. Maggie King, a family terial infections evolving with coccal vaccine, also called Prepractitioner at St. Charles fewer ways to fight them. vnar, and the influenza vaccine. "The more antibiotics we Family Care in Prineville. Both vaccines are believed to The new recommenda- throw at especially the little have reduced the number of ear t ions vary based on t h e kids," King said, "the harder infections in children during child's age, the severity of time we're going to have with the last decade. "It's been a wonderful vacsymptoms and the appear- resistance in the future." ance inside the ears. They The academy's revisions are cine that's very effective," Ernst target the diagnoses that considered guidelines for treat- said of Prevnar. statistically are most often ment, so individual circumThe updates also urge womlinked to bacterial ear infec- stances will always come into en to breast-feed for the baby's tions versus those that are play. Dr. Neil Ernst, a pediatri- first six months. more frequently viral. cian with St. Charles Family King said she thinks parents A ntibiotics a r e e ff e c- Care in Redmond, said a histo- for the most part will be retive only against bacterial ry of recurrent ear infections in ceptive to the new guidelines. infections. Infections that a child, for instance, is one fac- Word about when antibiotics are likely b acteria also tor that will influence his deci- are appropriate appears to be sometimes clear up without sion about whether to prescribe spreading. "Parents are definitely getantibiotics. antibiotics. The updated guidelines He also noted that younger ting more savvy," she said. give clearer descriptions children can be difficult to diag- "I'm not always getting, 'I want of how the interior of the nose. The eardrum of an upset, antibiotics for my child.' I'm ear looks when the patient crying child can look redder hearing, 'I just want to be sure needs antibiotics, meaning than usual, giving the appear- they don't need antibiotics. that clinicians seeing an ance of an ear infection. Please don't give them to them early ear infection or noting More watchful waiting on if they're not necessary.' That's a bit of redness might not ear infections isn't a new thing. just been within the last couple opt for a prescription. Nix said it's been a proven strat- of years." — Reporter: 541-617-7828, According to the new rec- egy in several European counommendations, children 6 tries for a number of years. hhagemeier@bendbulletin.com months and older without severe signs in their ears and outward symptoms of ear infection don't necessarily need antibiotics. But a follow-up plan should be discussed in case the child's condition gets worse. Yet the recommendations advise that children ages 6 Are you between the ages of 18 and 75? months to 2 years with isIf the answer is yes, you may be eligible to sues in both ears but without participate in a clinical research trial looking at severe symptoms should still take a course of antibiotics. whether an investigational medication is safe and They also r ecommend effective for people whose rheumatoid arthritis giving the child medica(RA) is not responding to existing treatments. tion for pain regardless of whether the infection is bacYou may be able to participate if you: terial or if the ear symptoms • are between the ages of 18 and 75 aresevere.Typicalearinfec• have been diagnosed with RA tion symptoms include pain, • have active RA (a flare-upl, with more than five fever, difficulty hearing and tender and five swollen joints crankiness. Kingsaidthese guidelines • have active RA, despite receiving previous will make it easier to talk treatment with an anti-TNF-a therapy with parents about the best • are currently taking methotrexate prescribed course of action for treating by your doctor. an ear infection. S omething we d o The clinical trial will last 15/2 months. During the first 12 months, could be telling the parents there will be weekly visits with a team of experienced doctors to give more Tylenol," she and nurses who will assess your symptoms, monitor your health, and provide advice on future treatment options.Trial-related said."It couldbe tellingthem assessments and trial medication will be provided at no cost. to try some nasal sprays, or some decongestantsfor older kids, instead of always bm e T otalqare" reaching for antibiotics. BeBend Memorial Clinic ~c. ca II 541.322.3656 cause we really want to save
Dr. Susan Gorman
H ea l t h C a r e
' nl,
1e p . ga
H ea l t h C a r e
High-fiber, vitamin-packed potatoes may bebetter for you than you think Jill Souto-Maior, a registered dietitian from St. Charles Bend, we will tell you about foods you shouldincorporateinto your diet.
|~j -'
WEEK THREE: POTATOES Potatoes often get a badrap because of their
Lookfor potatoes that are firm, well shaped and relatively smooth.
high carbohydrate content, but if they're cooked without extra fat, potatoes can be a low-calorie,
high-fiber food that offers significant protection against cardiovascular diseaseand cancer. Potatoes provide vitamins B6and C,copper, potassium, manganeseand dietary fiber, and a
variety of phytonutrients that have antioxidant ac-
tivity. Several compounds in potatoes act against free radicals and offer protection against cardio-
vascular disease, respiratory problems andcertain cancers. An analysis of some kinds of potatoes showed phenolic compounds (antioxidants) content comparable to broccoli, spinach and Brussels sprouts.
SANTA ANA, Calif. — Sitting in a booth at the La Palma Chicken Pie Shop in Anaheim, Calif., takes you back to a time long before Starbucks. The coffee they serve atthe pie shop — which opened in 1955, the same year as Disneyland — is Farmer Brothers, of Torrance, Calif., a tough, nononsense brew that costs $1.20 for a bottomless cup. "We've been using that coffee all along," says Otto Hasselbarth, who has owned and operated the restaurant with his w i fe, A ntje, since 1972. "People sure like it, and that's the reason we've never switched." We're no longer happy with that simple cup of joe, or even four of them.
New York Times News Service file photo
Benefits and drawbacks
Caffeine levels A safe limit for caffeine
consumption has never been determined, but some medical experts say 400 mg should be roughlythe
daily limit for adults. Here's a sampling of the dosagein five popular products.
Liquid energy
1. Aeroshot caffeine
Led by strong coffeesales and an explosion in the popularity of energy drinks, our addiction to caffeine has intensified. It's estimated that 90 percent of Americans consume caffeine daily, with more than half of us drinking down at least 300 milligrams of it. Although a safe limit for caffeineconsumption has never been determined, some medical experts say 400 mg should be around the limit for adults. Caffeine is safe for the vast majority of people who consume it, and those who overindulge usually endure symptoms no worse than jitteriness or sleeplessness. But ignoring the caffeine content in certain products, or not knowing about it at all, can bring trouble. Over the past few months, there have been several reports illustrating the dangers of overconsumption of c a ffeine, for young people and adults. In October, the FDA said it knew about five deaths in the previous three years that were possibly linked to Monster Energy drinks; less than a month later, the agency said it had received reports of 13 deaths possibly linked to 5Hour Energy shots. At the heart of this nationwide caffeine jolt is the pursuit
inhalant: 100 mgpercartridge, good for 4-6 puffs. 2. Starbucks coffee: 330
mg in a Grandecup (16oz.) of medium roast 3. 5-Hour Energy shot:
215 mg per shot (1.93 oz.). 4. Red Bull energy drink: 164 mg per can(16oz.) 5. Monster Energy drink: 184 mg percan(16 oz.) Source' Consumer Reports
of an elusive, prized commod-
ity called "energy." As we juggle home and work schedules, trying desperately to hold on to a job or pass a final exam, we're open to just about any product that will keep us alert just a little longer. There are hundreds of products that give
us our daily (or hourly) fix, from those ubiquitous beverages to candies, mints, beer and even inhalants. "The weird thing about all of this is, you've got to listen to your body: If you're really that tired, go to sleep," said Matthew Ganio, an assistant professor at the University of Arkansas who has conducted research on the physiological effects of caffeine. "Unfortunately, our lives don't usually lend themselves to doing that. That's why we turn to caffeine."
a burlap or paper bag in acool, dry place (but not the refrigerator). Potatoes originated in the Andean mountain
region of South America andhavebeen cultivated by the Native tribes there for between 4,000 and 7,000 years. — Anne Aurand, TheBulletin
often manifests as wet or dry rot. They should
It's estimated that 90 percent of Americans consume caffeine daily, often by drinking coffee or energy drinks.
The Orange County Register (Catif)
indicates that they may contain the toxic alkaloid solanine, giving them an undesirable taste. So they don't sprout and dehydrate, store potatoes in
The potato skin is a concentrated source of dietary fiber, so to get the most nutritional value from this vegetable, eat both the flesh and the skin. Potatoes should be firm, well shaped and relatively smooth, and should be free of decay that
a eine uzzisa a ou ow muc is oomuc By Landon Hall
not be sprouting or have greencoloration, which
The reason we use caffeine is that it works: It boosts alertness and improves cognitive
and physical performance, for a period of time, which can vary widely, depending on the individual. Ganio has studied the influence of caffeine on athletes, and he says just the
right dosage — 3-6 mg per kilogram of body mass, or 245490 mg for a 180-pound person — can improve endurance. Which is one of the reasons runners love those packets of
energy gel: Some contain from 25 mg to 100 mg. The way c affeine works its magic is this, Ganio says: A molecule called adenosine attaches to receptors in the brain, causing a reaction that leads, over time, to fatigue and drowsiness. Caffeine "actually blocksthat receptor, and does not allow drowsiness to occur," Ganio said. It gets complicated after that, because after the dosage reaches its peak, about an hour after consumption, the level in the blood begins to go downhill. After five hours, the level is down 50 percent from the peak, Ganio says. And so the body can start to crave it again, leading to withdrawal symptoms. F or habitual u s ers, n o t feeding the habit can bring weariness an d h e a daches, which is why many need that midafternoon fix to keep from crash-landing. There are other negative effects from this push-and-pull between a caffeinebuzz and withdrawal, too: Our sleep patterns get disrupted (caffeine lingers in the bloodstream for several hours) and it can cause stomach problems and elevate
It is possible for the same kind ofbeer to varyfrom batch Continued from D1 to batch, although Faivre said Deschutes Brewery lists "Dark beer is not necessaripart of his job is to strive for calories (per12-ounce ly bitter, heavy or calorie-loadconsistency. serving) for its beers at: ed. Likewise, lighter beer is In the caloric ranges reprewww.deschutesbrewery. not necessarily sweeter, easier sented here, the lower end of com/brews/list to drink or lower in calories." the range would be more accuConsider that G u i nness rate when the beer tastes drier, Draught, a popular dark-asor less sweet. The higher end This site doesn't cater night stout, has fewer calories of the range would be more to Central Oregon than Budweiser. accurate if the batch of beer is microbreweries, but has Unless it says "light," or maltier, or sweeter. caloric information about sometimes "lite," on the label, Faivre said, as a personal a few other beers you you're probably getting a caaside, that he wouldn't want to might like: loric whammy. Light beers relimit himself to a certain type www.realbeer.com/edu/ move the calories by removing of beer — especially one that's health/calories.php some of the alcohol, as well as less satisfying. So, for about most of the residual sugars, in three years, he's been workthe brewing process, "which ing with a registered dietitian is why lite beers tend to have that's what is driving in craft to learn how to enjoy beer in such a watery taste," Suddeth (brewing)." moderation. said. Faivre said calories in beer H e looks a t w h ere h i s Which is not what most come primarily from the car- calories come from overall, craft beer enthusiasts are go- bohydrates and sugar found in throughout a day, and if he ingfor. malt extracts. needs to make room fora beer, Beers with rich or sweet In the process offermen- he'll compensate by trimming flavorsprobably have more tation, a m i xture of w ater the carbohydrates from his caloriesthan blander beers, and sugar from malt is used. dinner or limiting his sweets. "You s tart w o rking a t Suddeth generalized. Roughly 55 to 67 percent of "Likewise, h igher-alcohol sugar in the mix is fermented a brewery and you're surbeers will always be higher into alcohol, Faivre said. A rounded by so much beer," in calories, with all else being portion of the sugar is left over he said. "My goal was to find equal, as alcohol is the single — 45 to 33 percent. That un- balance for general health and item that contributes the lion's fermented sugar is sometimes nutrition." share of the calories to a beer," referred to as the final gravity Eris Craven, the registered he said. and is one factor in a compli- dietitian with whom Faivre M icrobreweries ar o u n d cated calculation that deter- works, said drinking beer can Central Oregon are gener- mines caloric content of beers. fit into a healthy diet — even ally more concerned with the Faivre said, in more technical microbrews, which tend to taste of the beer than the calo- terms, there are differences have a higher caloric content. "It's about moderation, like ries, said Deschutes Brewery in densities at various points Brewmaster Brian Faivre. of the fermentation process everything else in our diet," And the Deschutes Brewery that are used in the calorie she said. Moderate drinking, marketing director said lowcalculation. for a man means two beers. calorie beer is not really what The bottom line is, caloric For a woman, it's one per day. the company'scustomers are value comes from grams of If someone wants to drink looking for. alcohol and grams of unfer- beer, they need to cut calories "We have not received con- mented sugar inthe final prod- elsewhere or exercise more, sumer feedback or input stat- uct. And brewers can modify she said. Since exercise has so ing they're looking for lower- the proportions if they want to many extra benefits, she said that's always a good choice. "If calorie beer," said Jeff Billing- alter the calories or the taste. "You can really sweeten a the motivation to get out there sley, the director of marketing at Deschutes Brewery. "It's beer and remove alcohol and is 'so I can have that beer,' not something we take into get the same caloric count as a great." account. ... It's about best- drier beer with more alcohol," — Reporter: 541-383-0304, quality and best-tasting beer; Faivre said. aaurand@bendbutletin.com
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MoNEY It's the law:Somestates are allowed to keeppatients in the dark onmedical costs the national spotlight sinceTime maga-
game" will shoparound to helpkeep
require andhowwell they disseminate it
zine devoted its entire March 4 issue to an investigation by Steven Brill.
prices down. But, the authors of the re-
— public websites earn high points, for
Most consumersareunaware of
port card note, consumerscannot make informed decisions without beingableto
Reform, a consortium of health care
the tremendous variations in price. For
comparison-shop on the basis of either
purchasers such asGE,Wal-Mart and Boeing, andthe Health CareIncentives
instance, prices for kneereplacement surgery in thesameCalifornia market
price or quality. "Consumers deserve tohaveas much
example. The grades also discriminate between "charges" — theprices that hospitals say theychargefor services — and what aconsumerand herinsurance companyactually pay. There is
released last week gives 29 states an "F" and seven states a"D" for policies that
Improvement Institute, a nonprofit group seeking to improve health care with evi-
can range from $15,000 to more than $100,000, depending on the hospital,
information about the price of their health care as they do about restaurants,
often little connection between the two. States that require disclosure of actual
keep patients andtheir families in the
dence-basedincentive programs.
with no discernible difference inquality.
The high prices that American health care providers charge, often with little
cars and householdappliances," the report says.
prices earnedhigher grades.
dark on prices. The failing grade went to
Wonder whyyou can't geta straight
Only two states, Massachusetts and
answer about how much a health care
New Hampshire, rate an "A," and even
procedure will cost you?Onebig reason:
they could improvetheir laws, according to the report by theCatalyst for Payment
state laws that allow hospitals and other providers to keep costs hidden until they send you the bill.
A report card onprice transparency
those with practically no transparency requirements.
connection to actual costs, havebeenin
High-deductible insurance plans are
becoming morecommon,with employers hoping consumerswith "skinin the
About half of all young children and 30 percent of teens have taken dietary
Special to The Washington Post
I didn't take vitamins growing up, so when I pass the supplements aisle at the grocery store and see bottle after gleaming bottle of children's vitamins — in their enticing chewable, candy-flavored and cartoon-shaped glory — I can't help but wonder: Is this really necessary? Do kids actually need supplements? Many parents seem to think so. After all, about half of all young children (and 30 percent of teens) have taken dietary supplements, according to a 2004 study in Pediatric Annals. But scientists aren't so sure. "In general, the data regarding the benefits of taking vitamins is weak," said biochemist Thomas Sherman, a neuroendocrinologist and an associate professor atGeorgetown University School of Medicine. "And the data for children is pretty much nonexistent." What researchers do know is that most kids can get the nutrients they need from a healthful diet alone. Thanks to fortified milks, cereals and other foods, even children with less-than-ideal diets will still be okay, said William "Biff" Rees, head of the Virginia chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. "I've been in practice a long t ime," said Rees, who h a s been seeing families in Fairfax County for 37 years, "and I can't remember seeing a vitamin-deficient child who didn't have some sort of illness underlying the deficiency. "
supplements, according to a 2004 study. But experts say kids can get all the nutrlents they need from a healthful diet
,'. ( 4>hhegs
Health careoverhaul expected to raisecost of claims by32 percent
Andy Tullis The Bulletin file photo
tamins and minerals they need for good health, along with great eating habits for the rest of their lives. But there are a few exceptions where food alone won't do the trick. The big one is vitamin D, which is critical for building strong bones and may protect against cancer and some other diseases. Very few foods naturally have high levels of vitamin D. Our bodies produce most of the Vitamin D we need through exposure to sunlight — or at least they are supposed to. Although researchers disagree over how much vitamin D we need — the Institute of Medicine recommends 400 to 800 international units a day, but some experts call for as many as 5,000 IUs — they know that many of us don't get enough. That means kids, too: A 2008 study found about 40 percent of children have inadequate or less than optimal levels. Many experts recommend vitamin D supplements for kids of all ages, from babies to teens. Breast-fed babies especially should get that extra vitamin
Focus onfood So if your child is healthy, the bottom line seems to be that you don't need to worry about a daily multivitamin or, for the most part, individual ones. Both Sherman and Rees recommend getting children the vitamins they need by focusing on food instead. Wellbalanced meals with plenty of fruit and vegetables will provide kids with most of the vi-
omega-3 fatty acid — usually in the form of fish oil pills — in the past 30 days. There's no q uestion that omega-3s, which are found in salmon, sardines and other s eafood, are i m p ortant t o health. They are thought to help protect heart and brain health as we age and to play a critical role in normal growth and brain development. Studies have linked omega-3s to a variety of things, including sharpened vision in infants and higher scores in reading and
spelling in grade-schoolers.
D, because breast milk tends to have lower vitamin D levels than fortified formulas do. And if your child has to follow a special diet or has special nutritional requirements, it may be worth considering other supplements. Kids who don't eat meat or dairy products, for example, can miss out on key nutrients. The risk with meat- or dairyfree diets is that your child may not be getting enough iron, calcium or B vitamins. Rees suggests working with your pediatrician to monitor your child's diet and vitamin and mineral intake. Medical conditions (such as cystic fibrosis) that limit how well a person can absorb vitamins from food may also make supplements important. In all cases,parents should ask their pediatricians what's needed.
What aboutomega-3? One supplement that's especially popular right now is omega-3 fatty acid. In a national study that used data from 2002 and 2007, 40 percent of a dults who said t hey t a ke supplements reported using
— Russ Mitchell, Kaiser Health Neuus
scope of thepricing datathat states
o i snee gg eggep g orare By Gisela Telis
The groups plan to update the state
report cards annually.
The grades reflect the quality and
So should your child take fish oil pills? Here, again, experts recommend turning to food first. Eating fish twice a week will take care of your child's omega-3 needs, Sherman said, without need for the supplements, which even in the sweetened gummy version have a slight fishy taste and smell. "It's cheaper to buy canned sardines or anchovies than to buy supplements, and you'll
get rich, high-quality omega3," he said. "Now, if your child doesn't eat fish or you're worried about mercury poisoning, then you can try to give your kids fish oil. But I have a hard time picturing them taking it." For Sherman, the supplement question became the s ubject of discussion in h i s own household. In the end, he and his wife decided to give their three children vitamin D supplements and let healthful meals do the rest. But he says he understands wanting to use supplements as insurance to make sure your kids don't miss anything they need. "Whatever you decide, it's not a choice you should have a tremendous amount of angst about," Sherman said. "It isn't a life-or-death choice."
By Rlcardo Alonso-Zaldivar The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — A new study finds that insurance companies will have to pay out an average of 32 percent more for medical claims on individual health policies under P r esident Barack Obama's health care overhaul. What does that mean for you? It could increase premiums for at least some Americans. If you are uninsured,
or buy your policy directly from an insurance company, you should pay attention. But if you have an employer plan, odds are you don't have much to worry about. T he e s t imates f r o m the Society of A c tuaries could turn into a political headache for the Obama a dministration at a t i m e when much of the country remains skeptical of the Affordable Care Act. T he administration i s questioning the study, saying it doesn't give a f ull picture — and costs will go down. The study says claims
care sennces. The Obama administration challenged the design of the study, saying it focused only on one piece of the puzzle and ignored cost relief strategies in the law, such as tax credits to help people afford premiums and special payments to insurers who attract an outsize share ofthe sick. The study also doesn't take into account the potential pricecutting effect of competition in new state insurance markets that will go live Oct. I, administration oNcials said. Another striking finding of the report was a wide disparity in cost impact among the states. While some states will see medical claims costs per person decline, the report concluded that the overwhelming majority will see double-digit increases in their individual health i n surance m a rkets, where people purchase coverage directly from insurers. Part ofthe reason for the wide disparities is that states have different populations and insurance rules. In the relatively small number of states where insurers were already restrict-
costs will go up largely be- ed fromcharginghigher rates cause sicker people will join to older, sicker people, the cost the insurance pool. That's impact is less. because the law forbids insurers from turning down those w it h pr e -existing DOUBLE SAVINGS NOW! medical problems, effective $25-50 rebates on select Jan. 1. Everyone gets sick Hunter Douglas products, sooner or later, but sicker and matching instant dealer people also use more health rebates (thru 4/2/1 3)
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FITNESS Tips for good gymhygeine can help you avoid grime, germs If you don't already wipe down gym equipment before you useit,
forget about your sneakers. Like your your feet — ascleanand fungus-free dirty clothes, slip them into a plastic as possible.
attentive. Try these tips. • Buya detter bottle: Plastic water bottles tend to hold bacteria.
hands or a combination of the two, keeping your hands cleancanhelp makesuregym germs don'tdoany damage. Keepyour own little area organized andhygienic, and you're going to be protected. After using each machine or set of weights, use
The only ones youcan besure of are
the hand sanitizer and wipes that
metal. To clean the bottle properly,
should be provided byyour gym to keep germs at bay. • Clean your gear: Dirty, dark, moist gym bagsare great for fungi
the next day. • Shower smarter: Although
you might want to start. The key to a
cleaner workout session? Simply be
just wash it in hot, soapywater. Also, keep an eye onyour bottle to make sure someone (like nearly half of the people in onesurvey!) doesn't sneak a sip while youaren't paying attention.
• Wipe, wash, repeat: Whether
you decide to constantly wipe down
the equipment, cleanseyour own
bag before throwing them into your
• Take a rest day: Don't go to the
gym bag. Then, onceyou get home,
gym if you have areally bad cold and you're sneezing andyour nose is running. Also, if you have anopen wound, you might want to stay away
wipe them off with a disinfecting
wipe (including the bottoms), let them air dry and toss themback in
from the gym that day to avoid infection, or infecting anything you might touch while you're working out.
they're not completely foolproof, flip-
• Holdoff on the hot tuds: If you have an openwound, or skin or other
flops will provide a barrier between you and the floors and you and the
— they'll grow just fine in the inte-
rior. There areseveral ways to avoid contaminating your gym bag.Put your dirty clothes in a plastic bag, take them out and empty the plastic bag right into the washer. And don't
shower room. But take note: Once
infections, absolutely do not use
they get wet in the shower, fungal
Jacuzzis or commonpools. If you do,
spores can still get on your feet. To
you'll not only transmit bacteria, but you'll be more susceptible to bacteria that are already lurking in the water. — Women's Health magazine
minimize the risk, soak your sandals in a10% bleach solution once in a while. That'll help keep them — and
Senior Continued from D1 "He's a tenacious son of a gun," said Thom Hunter, Clark's 70-year-old personal trainer at the Sport&Health c lub i n G a i thersburg, M d . "They built them tougher in those days. He doesn't say he can't do it until he tries and sees he can't." In a single 151-pound package, Clark embodies some of the greatest hopes and concerns that public health experts have for the fitness and health of the "older old," the
Before youstart working out•.•
your physician before beginning any newworkout regimen.
Finding the right gym or
• Go4Life:This National Institute on Aging campaign is
beginning a training regimen can be confusing, if not intimidating, for older people who have not worked out
devoted to fitness for people over 50 (go4life.nia.nih.gov). • American Council on Exercise: This nonprofit
regularly. A good idea is to start with an assessment and
lesson from a personal trainer. Some gyms will offer the first
organization certifies trainers
and offers a list of trainers
by location. It also offers one free. exercises for older folks and A small but increasing number answers to frequently asked of trainers are middle-aged questions about seniors and or older; if you think they'll fitness (www.acefitness. understand your goals and limitations better, don't be shy org/acefit). about seeking oneout. • AARP: General health and fitness information from the Here are someresources nation's largest advocacy for older people interested group for people 50and older in beginning anexercise program. As always, consult (www.aarp.org).
growing population of people over 85. Clark ha s significantly improved his strength, balance, endurance and range of motion over the past three years, staving off frailty, possibly saving untold medical costs and proving that gains can be made at any age. But there are far too few like him. According to the National I nstitute on A ging, only 11 percentof people 85 and older engage in any regular exercise, despite clear evidence that the vast majority could work out safely, particularly if shown how. Fewer than 15 percentof people 65 and older do any regular strength training, at a time in life when sarcopenia — the natural decline in muscle mass and strength — contributes to some of the most troubling, and preventable, conditions of old age. "If I had to do only one thing for the frail older person, it would clearly be weightlifting exercises, and not any other form of exercise," said Maria Fiatarone Singh, a professor at the Universityof Sydney School of Medicine, who has been studying the value of strength exercises for the elderly for the pastquarter ofa century. In 1988, Singh and her colleagues put older people who were in nursing homes on an "intense" (for them) resistance program and soon doubled and tripled their strength. In 2003, another of her studies showed that a year of weightlifting after a h i p f r a cture — one of the most debilitating injuries of the very old — reduced nursing home admissions and mortality by more than 80 p ercent compared with other therapies. In 2012, a program of balanceexercises and strength training significantly reduced falls among older people, according to another of her studies. Singh said she believes that more than80 percent ofpeople 85 and older could safely work out, and Tom Prohaska, dean of the College of Health and Human Services at George Mason University, said studies show that 95 percent of all older peoplecan safely exercise, including those with arthritis, hypertension and heart disease. Many people don't realize that problems they a ssociate with old age actually are caused by poor f itness, experts say, and many others simply don't know how to get started. "If you're 85, where do you turn to exercise?" asked Scott Trappe, director of the human performance laboratory at Ball State University. "Most people don't know how to exercise, and if you're 85,
It's not just you getting sweaty in the gym:Make sure to w ipe down the equipment that you use, before and after your workout.
Ray Clark's weekly workouts focus on maintaining or improving the102-year-old's balance, strength and range of motion, says his trainer, Thom Hunter, left.
to osteoporosis, falls, obesity, difficulty climbing stairs and rising from a chair and lower tolerance for heat and cold, among other problems. Yet, simple weight-bearing exercise is quite effective in slowing and reversing it. "At first glance, it may seem
Clark toted a 40-pound toolbox to work on New York's
'l'heJ UIletin
subways and played some
baseball in industrial leagues, but he never worked out in any systematic way until Dennis and his wife, Joan, brought him to see their personal trainer, Hunter. impossible, (but) it's really Clark w a s o v erwhelmed quite feasible," Singh said. at first, but soon became in"Exercise is really, really, spired. He is on his third pacereally p owerful" m e dicine, maker, is losing his eyesight to Trappe added. "And if done macular degeneration and has right, it can have some great difficulty hearing. But workeffects." ing out is something he can T o w a tch C l a r k mo v e do. around the gym during his In addition to the weekly weekly half-hour workout is sessions with Hunter, he does to understand what is possible push-ups off the kitchen island for the oldest members of soci- at the home he shares with ety, as well as the adaptations his son and daughter-in-law. that must be made for them. He takes walks around the H e warms up for 3 m i n - cul-de-sac with a walker and utes 30 seconds on a rowing recentlycovered a few blocks machine, not a treadmill, be- without it. "It gives him a lot of conficause it works both his upper and lower body. He does 10 dence," Dennis Clark said of reps with 60 pounds on the his father's exercise routine. "pullover" machine, catches "That confidence that he has, and hoists the bouncing kettle you can't replace that." bells, then moves 60 pounds 10 It also wears him out. After times on the "seated row" ap- a recent Friday workout, Clark paratus. His pushups are done had only one plan. "I think I'm gonna go home," leaning against the steel bar of a weightlifting rack. Then he said, "and do nothing." he scoots part way under the bar and does a version of a
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"We have no mercy," Hunter sa>d. But he does, of course. As Clark walks the floor of the large health club, he places one hand lightly on Hunter's shoulderforbalance. Hunter is more careful with Clark's hydration than he might be with a younger client. He repeatedly offers Clark water during breaks between exercises. After three years, Hunter is no longer trying to build Clark's strength or i mprove his balance, though the pair is still working on Clark's flexibility. Now the task is mostly preserving Clark's abilities, to help ease and slow the inevitable physical decline that comes with age. "What we're looking to do is maintain the muscle mass he does have, maintain or increase his range of motion and to maintain his balance," Hunter said. Clark quit schoolto help support his family during the Dewhere do you go?" pression and spent most of his S ingh lays m o r e b l a me life as a mechanic, including a on the medical community, period when he helped build Pwhich, she said, hasn't suffi- 47 fighters during World War ciently incorporated regular II, according to his son, Dennis exercise into its treatment of Clark, 72, who works out at the older people. same club. Ray Clark retired According to a video pre- in New York in 1976. His wife sentation on the Go4Life web- died in 2007 and his daughter site of the National Institute passed away in 2009. on Aging, sarcopenia can lead During parts of his career,
' ame'is so on
rones're urns
ing Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage), Stannis Baratheon "Game of Thrones" ( Stephan Dillane) an d t h e "kingslayer," Jaime Lannister 9 p.m. Sunday, HBO (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau). Even By David Wiegand Robb Stark (Richard Madden) San Francisco Chronicle shows a moment of weakness A s th e t h i r d s e ason o f with regard to his relationship HBO's "Game of Thrones" bewith his mother in the new gins Sunday, we're more hardseason. Some of these men pressed than ever to identify may find themselves out on absolute good guys and absovery shaky limbs in the third lute bad guys. That's just one season, but even if they seem of the reasons why the series to avoid a comeuppance for is so great. now, we suspect they are ridThe new season technically ing for a fall eventually. picks up where Season 2 endViewers unfamiliar with the ed, but in a larger sense, the books were shocked by the points of demarcation between first season execution of Ned seasons are somewhat artifiHBO viaThe Associated press Stark (Sean Bean), largely cial: "Game of Thrones" is an Lena Headey portrays Cersei Lannister in a scene from "Game of because they were given to ongoing epic combination of Thrones," which is returning for a third season Sunday. expect that Stark was a hero many stories, all of which are in the mold of traditional film in a constant state of evolution, and television and, thus, his as aremany of the characters. ple we perceive as villainous maneuver the men a r ound would be the central story line That's one way of saying there can demonstrate surprising them. as the series continued. But by will be no spoilers here, but but still credible compassion Catelyn S t ar k ( M i c helle the second season, the audiwhat is it beyond the show's at times. Fairley) may be motivated at ence came to understand how powerfulperformances, visuNot coincidentally, many first by traditional maternal much larger author George als, special effects, sex and of the female characters are and marital instincts, but life R.R. Martin's vision is, anothblood-churning battle scenes as powerful as the men who and loss in the Seven King- er reason that "Thrones" is unthat sets "Game" apart? would be kings. Some women, doms soon toughened her into like most TV series. First and foremost, it's about like Brienne of Tarth (Gwen- a formidable adversary to any The series focuses on the character,so much so that as doline Christie) and y oung man who threatens her family "game" of the eternal powereye-popping as th e b attles, Arya Stark (Maisie Williams), or her husband's legacy. play among t h e m y t h ical sex scenes and special effects display that power in t radiAt the same time, the men Seven Kingdoms t o d e terare, they are only some of the tional male ways: Brienne can are often victims of their own m ine who w il l o ccupy t h e reasons the show appeals to wield a sword as well as any masculine hubris. The series Iron Throne. At base, it is a viewers of every age, male and man, while Arya i mperson- continues to focus on men in multisided chess match, more female. ated a boy in order to survive danger of becoming intoxicat- than a little suggestive of geoPower is the tipping point after her father'sexecution. ed by their own power, includ- politics in any age in human for many of "Thrones'" char- Others, like Cersei Lannister ing Petyr "Littlefinger" Bailish history. acters. Seemingly good char- (Lena Headey) and Daenerys (Aidan Gillen), the arrogant The series is so good, it acters can go bad because of Targaryen (Emilia Clarke), boy-king Joffrey Baratheon isn't seriously harmed by its power. At the same time, peo- frequently out-think and out- (Jack Gleeson), the schem- few minor flaws. Much of the
Lay ownt e emet aw or i s
dialogue is b r illiantly w r i tten, revelatory and credible. From time to t ime, though, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss give in to their fanboy sides and throw in some bloviated howler of a line that feels as though it was lifted directly from a comic book. There are also certain plot patterns in "Thrones." At times, if a male and female character start off sniping at each other like a Medieval Tracy and Hepburn, you can probably count on them at l east becoming friends, if not falling in love. And ifone character seems to be getting the better of another character, you shouldn't be surprised to see the tables turn sooner rather than later. With seven kingdoms of action and characters to mine, HBO has a seemingly limitless opportunity to introduce new cast members. Among this season's newcomers are Cieran Hinds as Mance Ray-
missed a golden opportunity to remind parents that they are the parents, and because they are responsible for their child's safety, THEY are in
charge! What has happened to plain old "parenting"? Time and again, I see children make their own rules because the parents have shrugged off the responsibility of parenting. You should have told them to tell their child that if he won't wear a helmet, his bike will be taken away until he does. — Bill in Bartlesville, Okla. Dear Bill:You and many readers are right. I DID overlook the issue of parenting in my reply. Mea culpa! Read on: Dear Abby: Have "Overprotective Mom" ask her son if he thinks firefighters, fighter pilots, police of-
HAPPYBIRTHDAYFOR THURSDAY,MARCH28, 2013: This year youeasily could belinked to the unexpected. You'll enter a room,and something surprising will occur. Learn to balance your newfound independencewith your sensitivity Stars showthekind toward others. This of day you'll have ac t will take work. If ** * * * D ynamic you are single, you ** * * P ositive co uld go through ** * A verage ase q uence of ** S o-so different sweeties. * Difficult Your love life will be exciting, and the right person will fit perfectly with your lively personality. If you areattached, the two of youareonaseesaw ofemotions.Make communication a priority in order to change the balance betweenyou. SCORPIOalways has a different perspective. ARIES (March 21-April19) ** * * L isten to what is being offered, andknow thatyoudo nothavetoagree.A partner or anassociate has strong ideas. You might be surprised byyour impulsiveness and willingness to veer in a new direction. Tonight: Don't allowanyone to slowyou down — you are aroll.
TAURUS (April20-May20) ** * Do your best to takecare of errands and other responsibilities. Youeasily could be overwhelmed, soopt for achange of pace, whether it be napping, shopping or pursuing someother pastime. Fill your day with different activities. Tonight: Think"early weekend."
GEMINI (May21-Jane20) ** * * * You simply can't rein in your imagination, no matter how hardyou try. You might decide not to discuss your flights
ficers and football players are "uncool." They all wear helmets! — James ln Hastings, Neb. Dear Abby: Not wearing a bike helmet to be "cool" is knuckling under to peer pressure. Those parents should use this opportunity to explain peer pressure and its consequences to their son. He needs to understand that he must make decisions for himself, and his "friends" should accept him for who he is. He needs to learn to stand his ground and be who he wants to be despite what others think of him. He also needs to learn to make decisions that affect his life based on facts, and not follow the crowd. True friends will most often make the same sound decisions that he makes, or accept his decision without pressuring him. One other comment: Require the kid to wear a helmet or forfeit the right to ride a bike. It's called "tough love" and although it is tough, it is also rewarding. More parents need to have sound, well-thought-out rules and stick to them. — Parent First, Friend Second Dear Abby: Patients cannot be
used as exhibits, even with the best of intentions. It would be unethical and also illegal under HIPAA laws. A better option would be to contact the injury prevention office at a local children's hospital and ask for tips. If your readers don't live near one, there are websites filled with helpful information. — Laurie In Dallas Dear Abby: It's true that there is no state code law in Texas regarding bicycle helmets, but many municipalities, including Dallas, have ordinances that require riders to wear them. That mother should check her city code. — Concerned In Texas Dear Abby: "Overprotective" should let her son choose a "cool" helmet and be sure it's fitted correctly. Going to a bike shop may be the best bet. Serious bikers are cool and will be supportive. The boy should select the style and color he wants and decorate it with hot stickers or whatever he wishes. If that doesn't work, then take the bike away. It's the kind of cause-and-effect discipline that really works. — Barbara in Rumford, Maine — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069
SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21)
YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar
of fancy. A relationship with a newfriend delights you to noend. Ameeting takes an interesting turn. Tonight: Continue as you have.
CANCER (Juna 21-July 22) ** * If you can isolate yourself, you will get more done.Youlike a cozy environment, so consider adding aplant or painting to your office; it will add to your productivity. Schedule abrainstorming session toward the end of theday.Tonight: Let itall hang out.
LEO (July23-Aug.22) ** * * Respond to all of your messages, calls and meetings. Bewilling to go along with someone's off-the-wall idea or suggestion. It could sound crazy, but it just might work. Sometimes, theelement of surprise works in your favor. Tonight: Mosey on home.
VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * Take into account the cost of what needs to bedone. It is better to take asolid look at the budgetfor a project before going forward. Be moredirect with a loved one. An associate or afriend could surprise you with his or her suggestion. Tonight: Meet friends for munchies.
LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct. 22) ** * * Use today to the max for any situation or project that you feel is important. Others will surprise you with their responses. Caring evolveswhen you canget past initial reactions andunderstand where others are coming from. Yourpersonality melts barriers. Tonight: Your treat.
** * Play it low-key. Morefacts and information will emerge ifyou observe, listen and perhapsmakeasubtle comment here and there.Youcould besurprised at what you might havemissed. Consider how to avoid this information gap in the future. Tonight Be confident.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Oec.21) ** * * Use the daylight hours to maximize your interests. Youmight be involved with an important project or akeyinteraction. Others are receptive to you right now. Present your ideas in apositive manner. Theunexpected marks your love life. Tonight: Make it early.
CAPRICORN(Oec.22-Jan. 19) ** * * T ake a stand, but don't be upset if someone has a strong reaction. Just for now, let go of traditional thinking asyou approach a problematic situation. Beinnovative, and you'll get better results. Afamily member could be creating anuproar.Tonight: Be where crowds are.
AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb.18) ** * * Detach, and you will understand more. Yousucceed becauseyou arewilling tolookbeyond theobvious.Howyou see a personal matter could change.No matter whatyou do andwhyyou do it, the end results will be thesame. Beastraight shooter. Tonight: Tillthewee hours.
PISCES (Feb.19-March20) ** * * A n unexpected event or comment might influence your self-image, and could work against fluid communication. You simply are trying to digest too much, too fast. If you need tostep awayfrom a conversation or meeting, do.Tonight: Let the good times rock androll. ©20t3 by King Features Syndicate
8 p.m. on (CW), "TheVampire Diaries" —Their search for Katherine brings ElenaandRebekah (Nina Dobrev, Claire Holt) to a small town in Pennsylvania, where Elena meets up with another old acquaintance: Elijah (Daniel Gillies). Stefan (Paul Wesley) reveals a plan for the future that surprises Damon (lan Somerhalder). Klaus (Joseph Morgan) gains new insight into Silas' powers in the new episode "American Gothic." 8p.m.onHBO, Movie:"Fallto Grace" —In this documentary, Alexandra Pelosi follows former New Jersey Gov.Jim McGreevey, who resigned after coming out of the closet, as heembarks on his new calling: ministering to female inmates and training to becomean ordained pastor.
der and Diana Rigg as Lady O lenna Tyrell. Her character's introductory scene is fantastic,
but a few episodes in, Rigg gets
9 p.m. on H R), "Grey's Anatomy" —A gastanker explosion on the highway brings multiple injury cases into the hospital. Meredith and Jo (Ellen Pompeo, Camilla Luddington) try to help a frantic mom (guest star Sarah Chalke) get answers about her son's mysterious illness. Alex (Justin Chambers) must work with Jo's boyfriend in the new episode "Can't Fight This Feeling."
a chance to demonstrate the full range of her considerable experience and it's magical. You'll alsonoticethat some of the younger cast members are doing what younger cast members do: grow up. Maisie Williams, as Arya, is now a young woman, but Bran Stark's (lsaac Hempstead Wright) growth is even more noticeable: His voice
has changed.
9 p.m. on (CW), "Beautyand the Beast" —Cat(Kristin Kreuk) is forced to reveal somesecrets in orderto protect Vincent(Jay Ryan) and saveher relationship with Tess (Nina Lisandrello). Evan (Max Brown) seesCat doing something that makes him even more determined to find the beast, while Gabe(Sendhil Ramamurthy) remains suspicious of everyone in the new episode "Partners in Crime."
MOVIE TIMESTDDAY • There may beanadditional feefor 3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. I
Dear Abby: As a law enforcement officer, I would like to comment on your reply to "Overprotective Mom" (Dec. 26). I agree with your solution to have the boy who wouldn't wear his bike helmet because it was "uncool" visit a facility that t reats people w ith DEAR traumatic brain inABBY juries. However, you
8 p.m. on H K3, "Community" — Troy and Abed's (Donald Glover, Danny Pudi) study group friends tag along with them to a convention for "Inspector Spacetime" fans. There, they meet Abed's email "pen pal" (Matt Lucas), who poses athreat to his friendship with Troy. Annie (Alison Brie) enjoys the hotel's amenities, and Jeff (Joel McHale) chats up an attractive fan (Tricia Helfer) in "Conventi ons ofSpaceandTime."
Regal Old Mill Stadium f6 8 IMAX,680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • ADMISSION(PG-f 3) 12:20, 3:55, 7:30, f 0:05 • THE CALL (R) 10:55 a.m., 4:45, 7:50, 10:25 • THE CROODS (PG) f 0:25 a.m., 1 f:45 a.m., 1, 3,3:45, 4:40, 6, 6:35 • THECROODS3-D(PG)f0:40a.m.,f:15,4:15,6:50,9:25 • A DEEPER SHADEOFBLUE(no MPAArating) 7:30 • ESCAPEFROM PLANET EARTH (PG)f0:30a.m. • G.I. JOE:RETALIATION(PG-13) I:10, 4:10, 7:05, 9:45 • G.l. JOE:RETALIATION3-D (PG-13) 10:35 a.m.,1:20, 4:05, 7:05, 9:50 • G.l. JOE:RETAILATIONIMAX (PG-f3) 10:45 a.m., f:25, 4:15, 7:f5, 10 • THE HOST (PG-13) 9: IO • IDENTITY THIEF(R) f 1:50 a.m., 3:05, 6:05, 9:50 • THEINCREDIBLE BURT WONDEESTONE (PG-I3)10:45 a.m., f:20,4:25,7:40, f0:f5 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER(PG-13) 3:20, 9:40 • JACKTHE GIANT SLAYER 3-D(PG-f3)Noon,6:40 • LIFE OF PI(PG)12:10, 3:10 • OLYMPUSHASFALLEN(R) 12:30, 3:30, 7: I5, 10:10 • OZTHE GREAT AND POWERFUL (PG)1020 a.m.,f2:15, 1:45, 3:25, 4:30, 6:45, 9:45, 10:15 • 01THE GREAT ANO POWERFUL 3-O (PG)f: 30,7:25 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 9:05 • SPRING BREAKERS (R) 10:50 a.m., f:40, 7:45, 10:20 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. f
10 p.m. on FX, "Archer" —Apparently this episode wasmade before PopeBenedict XVI stepped down. The pope is the target of an assassination plot, which Archer (voice of H. Jon Benjamin) must foil by using Woodhouse (voice of George Coe) as adecoy. Operation Bad Habit is given the go-ahead in the new episode "ThePapal Chase." ©Zap2it
NorthWesf Crossiag
Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • DJANGOUNCHAINED(R) 4 • EMPEROR (PG-13) 1:15, 4:15, 6:45 • QUARTET (PG-13) 1, 3: I5, 7 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 12:f 5, 7:15 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 12:45, 3:30, 6:30 • STOKER (R) 12:30, 3:45, 6: I5 • WESTOF MEMPHIS (R)Noon,3,6 I
McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 54I-330-8562 • GANGSTERSQUAD (R)9:I5 • THE H08BIT: AN UNEXPECTEDJOURNEY(PG-13) f • LINCOLN (PG-13) 5:30 • After 7 p.m., shows are21and older only. Younger than21 mayattendscreenings before 7 pm.ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. f
GB K 3 & QQ 5
IN l
WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066 Adjustable
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • A PLACE ATTHETABLE(PG) 8:30 • ALL TOGETHER (No MPAArating) 6 I
G allery- B e n d 541-330-5084
Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I -548-8777 • THE CROODS (PG) f 1:15 a.m., 1:30, 3:45, 6:15,8:30 • G.l. JOE:RETALIATION(PG-f3) ff:30 a.m., 2,4:30, 7, 9:30 • THEINCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE (PG-I3)9:30 • OLYMPUSHASFALLEN(R) 11a.m., 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 • 01THE GREAT AND POWERFUL (PG)10:30a.m.,1:15, 4, 6:45
iPpurk &0A 6 50.
rdU a~ B~ Bend Redmond
Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt,541-549-8800 • THE CROOOS (PG) 4:15, 6:15 • THEINCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE (PG-13)4:45,7 • OLYMPUSHASFALLEN(R) 4:30, 7 • OZTHE GREAT AND POWERFUL (PG)4:15,6:45 r/
John Day Burns Lakeview
Madras Cinema 5,1101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • THE CROODS (PG) Noon, 2:15,4:30, 6:50,9:10 • G.l. JOE:RETALIATION(PG-f3) 4:30, 9:40 • G.I. JOE:RETALIATION3-D (PG-I3) 1:15, 7 • THEINCREDIBLE BURT WONDEESTONE (PG-I3)12:50, 3, 5: IO, 7:20, 9:30 • OLYMPUSHASFALLEN(R) 2, 4:40, 7:10, 9:45 • 01THE GREAT ANO POWERFUL (PG)f: 50,7 • 01THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3-D(PG)4:10,9:40 •
Pine Theater, 2f4 N. Main St., 54f-4f6-10f4 • THECROODS (UPSTAIRS — PG)4,6:30 • G.I. JOE:RETALIATION(PG-13) 4, 7 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibility.
I r •
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Adopt a nice CRAFT Donate deposit bottles/ Labradoodles - Mini & La-Z-Boy Big Man chair, Sauna, 2-person infraWHEN BUYING cat f r o m Tu m a locans to local all volun- med size, several colors swivel rocker recliner, 240 rds of PMC .223 Springfield XD40 as new, red, hardly used, ste541-504-2662 b rown c l oth, $1 5 0 . factory ammo, $200. w/gear, $575; a mmo reo, light, must see. sanctuary, Pet Smart, teer, non-profit rescue, to FIREWOOD... 541-382-6310 after 3pm $900. 541-389-2919. or Petco! Fixed, shots, help w/cat spay/neuter www.alpen-ridge.com avail. 541-728-6663 541-647-8931 To avoid fraud, vet bills. Cans for Cats ID chip, tested, more! La-Z-Boy oversized reThe Bulletin 541-389-8420. Open trailer at Bend Pet Ex- Labrador, black male, 7 cliner, light tan u ltra- 260 rds of .308 ammo, Stoger 12qa 28" bbl, like Wanted- paying cash recommends paygreat family dog, for Hi-fi audio 8 stu160gr,$200 new, $400. Ammo. Sat/Sun 1-5, 6 5480 ress, 420 NE Windy yrs, ment for Firewood f r o mhealthy, loves cats. Free suede, great s hape! 541-647-8931 dio equip. Mclntosh, 541-604-5115 78th, Bend. 389-8420. n olls a c ross good home o nly. $200/obo. 541-306-3662. only upon delivery J BL, Marantz, D y Costco, thru April 9. Do- to Photos 8 info at rds of factory .223 Taurus single action .357 naco, Heathkit, Sanand inspection. Mon-Fri © Smith 541-536-7960 LaZ-Boy rocker recliner 260 ~ Want to Buy or Rent www.craftcats.org & like nate ammo, 55gr., $200. m ag, 6" b b l , $500. sui, Carver, NAD, etc. • A cord is 128 cu. ft. Signs, 1515 NE 2 nd; Labradors, AKC: black 8 microfiber casual oak, us on Facebook. 541-647-8931 4' x 4' x 8' Ammo. 541-604-5115 CRAFT, Tumalo a ny choc; 1st shots, athletic $175. 541-788-8276 Call 541-261-1808 WANTED: Tobacco Just bought a new boat? time. 541 - 389-8420; • Receipts should 30-06 ammo: 2 30cal pipes - Briars and parents, $350-450. Ready Loveseat, plum color, WANTED! Cash paid WH EN YOU SEE THIS include name, Sell your old one in the c ans with 1 9 2 r d s for old cartridge colsmokina accessories. classifieds! Ask about our www.craftcats.org 3/23. 541-410-9000 exc. cond., only 6 mo. phone, price and each bandiliers, cardWANTED: RAZORSSuper Seller rates! Miniature Pinscher AKC pd. $ 4 00 , as k i ng boards & clips $225 kind of wood purGillette, Gem, Schick, 541-385-5809 DO YOU HAVE puppies, red males only. $325. 541-382-2046, each or both for $425, etc. Shaving mugs MorePixatBeodbolletin,cooi •chased. SOMETHING TO Champion b l oodlines, Firewood ads Boxer X English Bulldog Also 896 rds ball in 8 and accessories. Wanted: Collector On a classified ad Recliner, oversized, dark SELL vaccinated 8 w ormed. MUST include spepups, CK C re g 'd. rd clips, 456 rds 150 Fair prices paid. seeks high quality go to choc bonded leather, FOR $500 OR $400. Call 541-480-0896 $800. 541-325-3376 cies and cost per fishing items. Call 541-390-7029 www.bendbulletin.com $250/obo. Unique 2-pc gr soft point in 8 rd LESS? cord to better serve between 10 am-3 pm. People Lookfor Information or to view additional Poodle pupsAKC toys. storage ottoman, 3 6" clips. $9 per 8 rd in Call 541-678-5753, Non-commercial 503-351-2746 our customers. photos of the item. Loving, cuddly compan- square, $150/obo; both in clip. 541-548-0675 About Products and advertisers may ions. 541-475-3889 grt shape! 541-306-3662 300 rds of Winchester Services Every Daythrough place an ad with The Bulletin 45 acp FMJ, $200. oul' ammo, NIB, 300 rds, Pets & Supplies The Bulletin Cleeeifieds Queensiand Heelers Commerc!al/Officeg Tempur-Pedic set 541-647-8931 "QUICK CASH $1 25 541 536 3543 standard 8 mini,$150 8 CATS: male, 3 yrs, indewith brushed nickel 360 rds of 30 carbine Equipment 8 Fixtures 1 cord dry, split Juniper, SPECIAL" up. 541-280-1537 The Bulletin recom- pendent but loving; febed; Cal-King; ex$190/cord. Multi-cord www.rightwayranch.wor ammo in bandoleros, cellent condition; mends extra caution male, 6 yrs, indoor only, • Computer touch screen discounts, 8 y2 cords e k~ eeks ke! dpress.com Computers $200. 541-948-2646 $700.00 when purc h as- shy but affectionate. Free order system for ResAd must include available. Immediate 541-548-3774; 4 AR-15 .223/.556 30-rd ing products or ser- to good homes only. Rodent control experts price of single item T HE B U LLETIN r e - taurant. Great cond. A delivery! 541-408-6193 541-536-7960 plastic p-mags, NIB, vices from out of the rear f i nd . $1 2 0 0. (barn cats) seek work of $500 or less, or quires computer adAll Year Dependable $100. 541-647-8931 area. Sending cash, in exchange for safe multiple items Dachs. AKC mini pups vertisers with multiple 559-285-8300/local The Bulletin Firewood: Seasoned checks, or credit in- www.bendweenies.com shelter, basic c are. whose total does AR15, .223 Bushmaster, ad schedules orthose Lodgepole, Split, Del. f ormation may b e All colors. 541-508-4558 Fixed, shots. Will de- recommends extra like new, 2-30 rd mags, selling multiple sysnot exceed $500. k • e -I $1725 obo 503-250-0118 Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 liver! 541-389-8420. Tools subjected to fraud. tems/ software, to dischasing products or, for $335. Cash, Check For more i nforma- Doberman AKC pups Call Classifieds at close the name of the A R-15 9mm 3 2 r n d champion lines, black Rodent control experts or Credit Card OK. services from out of I tion about an adverRyobi drill press 10", 541-385-5809 8 rust, 1 male red, 6 www.bendbulletln.com (barn cats) seek work in the area. Sending I[ magazine, $45 new. business or the term $ 75; 1 0e Craftsman 541-420-3484. tiser, you may call "dealer" in their ads. exchange for safe shel- c ash, checks, o r 541-318-6368. wks now ready 3/24. the O r egon State arm saw with Seasoned Juniper$150/ ter, basic care. Fixed, l credit i n f o rmation Bend local pays CASH!! Private party advertis- Radial $1000 F,$850 M. Attorney General's cabinet, $150; Router cord rounds; $170/ ers are defined as shots. W i l l del i ver! may be subjected to Office Co n s umer bbest242@yahoo.com table and misc. bits, for all firearms & cord split. Delivered in German Shepherds, AKC 541-389-8420. those who sell one 541-659-9058 e l FRAUD. For more Protection hotline at ammo. 541-526-0617 $100. 10 table saw Central OR, since www.sherman-ranch.us computer. 1-877-877-9392. 1 /2 HP with 1 HP dust 1970! Call eves, Donate deposit bottles/ 541-281-6829 Schnauzer mi n i ature information about an ~ Bushmaster AR-15 223 541-420-4379 cans to local all volAKC puppies, ready to advertiser, you may l cal. + Red Dot scope collector, $150; Delta 4" belt and 6 " d i sc The Bulletin unteer, non-profit res- Hounds, started, 1 fe- go, $500. 541-416-0941 call t h e Or e gonI $1,499. Brand new in • Mis c . Items e 269 State At tor n ey ' sander, $50; 10 Delta cue, to h elp w /cat male (2.5 yrs); 1 male box. 541-279-1843 l General's O f f i c e bandsaw and stand + Gardening Supplies spay/neuter vet bills. (2.5 yrs); 1 male (16 Diamonds e Consumer Protec- • B ushmaster for Cats trailer mo.); house broke, AR-1 5 Buying extra blade, $100; 16 8 Equipment Adopt a nice CRAFT cat Cans /Go!d for Cash t ion ho t l in e at I Model XM1 5 E2S Toro Electric snow Grocery Outlet, SE $250ea. 541-447-1323 from Tumalo sanctuary, at w/little use, w/Crimson Saxon's Fine Jewelers blower 1 yr. old, $150. 20 assorted gardening l 1-877-877-9392. Pet Smart, o r P e tco! 3rd/Wilson, thru 3/19; 541-389-6655 laser g rip, B a rska Call between 8 a.m. tools, plus self-propelled t hen Bend Pet E x Fixed, shots, ID chip, Lab Pups AKC, black krlleting scope, 3 30-rd mags, and 8 p . m . R alph, mower, sell separately press, 420 NE Windy BUYING tested, more! Open Sat/ Scottish Fold, 6 weeks, 8 y ellow, Mas t e r 140 rds ammo. $1600 Lionel/American Flyer 541-382-7773. Knolls, 3/20-4/9. Door all, $250. E-mail Sun 1-5, 65480 78th, $300. Scottish Fold/ Hunter sired, perforobo. 541-408-2427 sgin 0bendbroadband.com trains, accessories. Bend. 54 1 - 389-8420. nate Mon-Fri O Smith mance pedigree, OFA Manx, 8 months $175. 212 or call 541-516-8646 Signs, 1515 NE 2nd; 541-408-2191. Photos, map, more at CASH!! Other litter ready 4/5. cert hips & elbows, Antiques & Building Materials COMPOSTUMBLER, www.craftcats.org & like CRAFT, Tumalo any Call 541-771-2330 For Guns, Ammo 8 541-241-4914 BUYING & SE L LING time. 541-389-8420; us on Facebook. Reloading Supplies. www.k!nnamanretr!everacom Collectibles 37 gal. New $239; sell All gold jewelry, silver www.craftcats.org REDMOND Habitat Seniors 8 Ve t e rans! 541-408-6900. $100. 541-389-3511 and gold coins, bars, Adopt a c o mpanion Antiques wanted: furniRESTORE rounds, wedding sets, Building Supply Resale cat from Tumalo resture, marbles, beer DONII MISS THIS For newspaper class rings, sterling silQuality at cue, f e e wai v ed! cans, early B/W phover, coin collect, vindelivery, call the LOW PRICES Tame, fixed, shots, ID tography, old hardware/ tage watches, dental Circulation Dept. at chip, tested, m ore! 1242 S. Hwy 97 fixtures. 541-389-1578 DO YOU HAVE gold. Bill Fl e ming, 541-385-5800 541-548-1406 389-8420. Photos etc: SOMETHING TO 541-382-9419. To place an ad, call Powers cookstove rewww.craftcats.org. Open to the public. SELL 541-385-5809 buc k board Like us on Facebook. stored; FOR $500 OR FAST TREES, Potted Just bought a new boat? or email wagon; ha n dpump; LESS? Grow 6-10 feet yearly! clakkifed@bendbulletin com Sell your old one in the Seniors & Ve t e rans! White treadle sewing Non-commercial $16-$22 delivered. classifieds! Ask about our mach. 541-318-1500 Adopt a companioncat www.fasttrees.com The Bulletin advertisers may Super Seller rates! 286 286 from Tumalo rescue, fee The Bulletin reserves Sewing Central Oregon eece 1903 or 509-447-4181 place an ad 541-385-5809 waived! Tame, f i xed, Estate Sales Sales Northeast Bend Sales Northeast Bend with our shots, ID chip, tested, the right to publish all ads from The Bulletin "QUICK CASH ESTATE SALE Whole h o use/garagemore! Photos etc: Tegon newspaper onto The SPECIAL e www.craftcats.org 3/29-3/30 9-2pm. ** FREE ** sale. Furn., kitchen YOUR AD WILL RECEIVE CLOSE TO 2,000,000 Bulletin Internet web1 week3lines 12 541-389-8420. 0&$$ified items, bedding, office EXPOSURES FOR ONLY$2SO! 60673 Teton Ct., Garage Sale Kit site. OI' Like us on Facebook. Bend. 541-389-7961 supplies, f a b ric/noAdvertising 0 g C l « a dk d ee gk k e « % i 0 k N p p I'«l l k k e Place an ad in The k k ke! ~ t ions, tools, and a Yorkies! 7 wks, 1 male, 2 The Bulletin Bulletin for your gaNetwork Weekof March 25, 2013 Ad must whole lot more! Fri & females, tails docked & Ser eg Central Oregee e eeel903 Estate Sale, Fri. & Sat., rage sale and reinclude price of S at. 9-3. 2 58 3 N E dewclaws, $600. Can dei l e ke f k k e o 8 -5, 51 0 S E 6th , ceive a Garage Sale 245 e~ Wintergreen Dr. liver. Call 541-792-0375 Prineville. Drop front Kit FREE! or less, or multiple Golf Equipment Serving Central Oregon since 1903 items whose total se cretary, ki t c hen 210 KIT I NCLUDES: 541-385-5S09 table and chairs, love • 4 Garage does not exceed 290 Golf Membership Sale Signs Furniture & Appliances $500. seats, easy c hairs, • $2.00 Off Coupon To Brasada Ranch,long Sales Redmond Area coffee and end tables, Use Toward Your term lease. oak desk, dbl. bed Next Ad Call Classifieds at 541-408-0014 A1 Washers&Dryers Garage Sale, Fri-Sat, DIVORCE$155. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, support, frames dressers, chest • 10 Tips For "Garage 541-385-5809 $150 ea. Full war8-5 - Lots of everywww.bendbulletln.com of drawers, sewing Sale Success!" property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks 246 ranty. Free Del. Also thing! NW Spruce machine, Serger, tread possible. 503-772-5295.www.paralegalalternatives.com divorceOusa.com wanted, used W/D's Guns, Hunting Place, in Redmond. mill, cedar chest, full DPMS AR-15 M4 .556 541-280-7355 & Fishing kitchen glassware and PICK UP YOUR rifle w/4 30-rd mags, NIB, c ollectibles, rid i n g GARAGE SALE KIT at mowers, golf cart, yard Couch 6' - recliners on 12 Ga. Browning Auto- $1375. 541-647-8931 1777 SW Chandler John DavisTruckinghasopeningsfor CDL-ADrivers 8 MaintenanceMechanics in Battle tools, leaf blower, lawn Ave., Bend, OR 97702 • Sales Other Areas • m atic, e xc . c o n d , DPMS Panther AR-10, Mountain, NV. Wageis D.O.E. Call 866-635-2805for application or www.jdt3d.net m ower, h an d a n d $200. 541-504-4314. $650. Barreta Silver .308, 2 mags, like new, $2500. 541-419-7001 We value our drivers as our most IMPORTANT ASSET!! YOU make us power tools, patio set, The Bulletin Pigeon 12 ga. pump., Saturday Only Moving Fridge & d i s hwasher BBQ, canning jars, $450. 541-549-1236. F S-Browning successfull! Top Pay/Benefits Package! CDL-A Required. Join our team Cam o Sale! 3/30/1 3 Kenmore, $150 both. house and shed full! NOW! 1-888-414-4467www.GOHANEY.com 9:00-5:00 BPS 12g pump shot541-771-5552 1650 rds of 22LR facN anette's Estate & 14484 SW Peninsula un, excellent shape, GORDON TRUCKING-CDL-A Drivers Needed! Dedicated & OTR Positions t ory a m mo , NlB , Moving Sales. Garage-Moving sale Crooked River Ranch 550. Baikal MP153 Fri. & Sat. 8 a.m. $200. 541-647-8931 Now Open! $1000 SIGN ON BONUS. Consistent Miles, Time Off! Full Please no Early Sales. Follow signs to the semi-auto 12g shotantiques, crafts, books, Benefits, 401k, EOE,Recruiters Available 7 days/week! 866-435-8590 Fire Hall, turn right on un, excellent shape, household items, 200 rds .40 WinPeninsula just before Driver - Qualify for any portion of $.03/mile quarterly bonus: $.01Safety, $.01 Dkvltt I 350. 503-440-1333. 282 63235 Peterman Ln. chester white box. Fire Hall. Visit our HUGE In Sisters. Production, $.01 MPG.Tworaises in first year. 3 months recent experience. Sales Northwest Bend Jacketed Hollow home decor 800-414-9569 www.driveknight.com Points JHP. Not ball. Kel-Tec PMR-30. New HUGE MOVING SALE! consignment store. MOVING SALE, house180 Grain. Personal in box. $995 OBO. 9-4, Thur. thru Sat., New items NOTICE hold items, e lectric 289 Softail Drive off Defense ammo. Call 541-475-6892 arrive daily! clothes dryer, 4 cu ft Remember to remove $160./ 200rds 9mm after 2 p.m. Bear Creek Rd. 930 SE Textron, IF YOU USED THE MIRENA IUD between 2001-present and suffered freezer, fishing gear, your Garage Sale signs Federal Champion Bend 541-318-1501 Remington mdl 700, 7 electric trolling motor. (nails, staples, etc.) perforation or embedment in the uterus requiring surgical removal, or had 115 gr. FMJ $110. www.redeuxbend.com mag with Burris Sig2669 NW HavreCt,off Last Saturday Sale after your Sale event David 415-606-0547 a child born with birth defects you may be entitled to compensation. Call nature scope, as new, M t. W ashington 8 by Northwest Pickers! is over! THANKS! Johnson Law and speak with female staff members. 1-800-535-5727 $650. 541-923-7128 COCC. Sat, 3/30, 10-3. 6-mo. Iease is up. GENERATE SOME ex- 200 rds of 9mm factory From The Bulletin Lots of bargains! and your local utility citement i n you r Remington Wingmaster ammo, FMJ, neighborhood! Plan a Sat. 10-4 at companies. Model 8 7 0L W 20 $100.541-647-8931 People Look for Information Mason's Building, garage sale and don't auge shotgun, $500. CHEAP LAND!OwnCheap Oregon Land. LowDown,LowMonthly Payments. About Products and The Bulletin forget to advertise in 200 rds of Winchester 1036 NE 8th, all Eric SeektegCentral Oregon e ee rekk Guaranteed Owner Financing! EVERYONEQualifies! NO Credit Checks! Services Every Daythrough off Greenwood Ave. classified! 45acp hollow points, 541-639-7740 for Call: 503-746-8814See: www.Bu USALand.com The Bulletin Claeeifieds behind 7-11 www.bendbulletin.com 541-385-5809. $160. 541-647-8931 pictures/details. •
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Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809 EAGLE CREST 2 Bdrm condo, April 6-13. 516-318-6051 630
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oQrj rj Snowmobiles
14' 1982 Valco River Sled, 70 h.p., FishFinder. Older boat but
Boats & AccessoriesI
with o u r spec i al rates for selling your I price includes trailer, I boat orwatercraft! 3 wheels and tires. All for $1 5 00 ! Cal l I Place an ad in The 541-416-8811 B ulletin w it h ou r
I 3-month package I
Single Male, 61, em- 3bd/2bath, 1999 Mfd. ( 2) 2000 A rctic C a t 15' Smoker Craft Alas- I which includes: ployed, seeks carehome in C r escent.Z L580's EFI with n e w kan, 1999, 25hp Merc, taker living arrange- Fenced, front 8 back covers, electric start w/ galvanized trailer, many I *4 lines of text and i n c luding a photo or up to 10 ment. 54'-389-3639. deck. Detached ga- reverse, low miles, both accessories trolling motor, I lines with no photo. rage with partial sec- excellent; with new 2009 electric 627 very low hours, $3500. 2-place trailer, *Free online ad at tion of the garage fin- Trac-Pac 541-536-6081 Vacation Rentals off/on w/double tilt, i shed. Sold a s i s . drive I bendbulletin.com lots of accys. Selling due 8 Exchanges $64,900 MLS *Free pick up into to m e dical r e asons.
Thursday • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N oon Wed. Fr i d ay . . . . . . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate • • • • • • • • • • • 11:00 am Fri • Gold C rown! Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . 3 : 0 0 pm Fri.5-star Exc. 2 bdrm, Sunriver, next to amusepar k A v a il. • • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • ment Sunday. • • • • 4/4-11 & 4 / 1 1-18. PRIVATE PARTY RATES
Boats & Accessories
Studios & Kitchenettes Furnished room, TV w/ cable, micro 8 fridge. Utils 8 l i nens. New owners. $145-$165/wk 541-382-1885 634
Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 8 GREAT WINTER 8
Cascade Realty, Dennis Haniford, Princ. Broker
I The Central Oregon I I Nickel ads.
$8000 all. 541-536-8130
• Yamaha 750 1999 Mountain Max, $1400. I Rates start at $46. I • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 Call for details! 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 EXT, $1000. 541-385-5809 BANK OWNED HOMES! • Zieman Volvo Penta, 270HP, 4-place FREE List w/Pics! low hrs n must see, trailer SOLD! www.BendRepos.com All in good condition. $15,000, 541-330-3939 bend and beyond real estate Located in La Pine. 20967 yeoman, bend or Call 541-408-6149. 18.5' Sea Ray 2000, GENERATE SOME ex4.3L Mercruiser, 190 NOTICE citement in your neig860 hp Bowrider w/depth All real estate adverborhood. Plan a gatised here in is sub- Motorcycles & Accessories finder, radio/CD player, rage sale and don't rod holders, full canject to t h e F e deral forget to advertise in B MW K100 L T 1 9 8 7 vas, EZ Loader trailer, F air H o using A c t , classified! 385-5809. which makes it illegal 52k miles, b ronze, exclnt cond, $13,000. 707-484-3518 (Bend) extra wind s hield, to advertise any prefServing Central Oregon srnre 1903 trailer hitch, battery erence, limitation or discrimination based charger, full luggage hard bags, manuals on race, color, reliWatercraft gion, sex, handicap, and paperwork. Always garaged. $3200. familial status or naDon, 541-504-5989 Ads published in nWational origin, or intentercraft" include: Kaytion to make any such Harley Heritage 18'Maxum skiboat,2000, aks, rafts and motorpreferences, l i mitaSoftaili 2003 ized inboard motor, g reat personal tions or discrimination. $5,000+ in extras, cond, well maintained, watercrafts. For We will not knowingly $2000 paint job, $9995 obo. 541-350-7755 "boats" please see accept any advertis30K mi. 1 owner, Class 870. ing for r eal e state For more information 541-385-5809 which is in violation of please call this law. All persons 541-385-8090 are hereby informed or 209-605-5537 20.5' Seaswirl Spythat all dwellings adder 1989 H.O. 302, vertised are available 285 hrs., exc. cond., on an equal opportustored indoors for nity basis. The Bullelife $11,900 OBO. tin Classified 541-379-3530 541-536-1731
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The Bulletin
749 Harley Limited 103 2011, Southeast Bend Homes many extras, stage 1 & air 21' Crownline 215 hp Sea Kayaks - His & e n g ine Hers, Eddyline Wind cushion seat. 18,123 mi, in/outboard Gardening Supplies Employment Employment 310 hrs, Cuddy Cabin Dancers,17', fiberglass 20688 White Cliff Circle. $21,990. 541-306-0289 Carports included! sleeps 2/ 3 p e ople, boats, all equip incl., 8 Equipment Opportunities Opportunities 4 Bdrm, 2 bath home FOX HOLLOW APTS. paddles, personal floportable toilet, exc. FSBO, . 46 a c r e , cond. Asking $8,000. tation devices,dry bags, (541) 383-3152 single level, w/ office, SUPER TOP SOIL Chief Engineers spray skirts,roof rack w/ Cascade Rental www.hersbe soilandbark.com OBO. 541-388-8339 OPB Seeks Chief En- Looking for your next laundry room, paved towers 8 cradles. ReScreened, soil & comemployee? Management. Co. driveway, hardwood gineers excited about duced price $1100/boat post m i x ed , no the possibilities of the Place a Bulletin help f loors, w h it e v i n y l Take care of 636 Firm. 541-504-8557. rocks/clods. High hu$260 , 000. evolving broadcast in- wanted ad today and Apt./Multiplex NW Bend fence. HD Fat Boy 1996 your investments mus level, exc. f or dustry and h e lping reach over 60,000 OBO. 541-317-5012. Completely customized flower beds, lawns, 470 O PB m a i ntain a readers each week. with the help from Must see and hear to Motorhomes Small studios close to ligardens, straight Your classified ad 750 statewide b r oadcast Domestic & brary, all util. paid. appreciate. 2012 The Bulletin's s creened to p s o i l . will also appear on presence. There are Redmond Homes In-Home Positions $550 mo.w/ $525 dep. Award Winner. 17,000 Bark. Clean fill. Debendbulletin.com "Call A Service two positions avail$495 mo.w/$470 dep obo. 541-548-4807 liver/you haul. which currently Retired male RN seeks able, one located in No pets/ no smoking. Professional" Directory 541-548-3949. receives over 1.5 Looking for your next HD Screaming Eagle live-in long-term care op- Medford and one in 541-330- 9769 or million page views emp/oyee? La Grande. These are Electra Glide 2005, portunity. 30 yrs exp ICU/ 541-480-7870 n every month at Place a Bulletin help Ads published in the 103 motor, two tone ER, total patient care, full-time, salaried, exLost & Found no extra cost. "Boats" classification wanted ad today and 642 candy teal, new tires, living assistance, nutri- empt, regular status reach over 60,000 include: Speed, fish- 2003 Fleetwood Disp ositions with b e n- Bulletin Classifieds 23K miles, CD player, tion, therapies. ProfesApt./Multiplex Redmond covery 40' diesel moFound Flash Drive at sional, compassionate. efits. For more inforGet Results! readers each week. ing, drift, canoe, hydraulic clutch extorhome w/all Redmond Fred Meyer References. Call 385-5809 Your classified ad house and sail boats. mation and i nstrucCall cellent condition. Country Living! Upstairs options-3 slide outs, self checkout Station 541-382-4891 ext. 107. or place will also appear on For all other types of tions on how to apply, Highest offer takes it. duplex, small kitchenon 3/20. Call to idenyour ad on-line at watercraft, please see satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, bendbulletin.com to: 541-480-8080. go ette, 1 bdrm, den, outetc. 3 2 ,000 m i l es. tify 541-923-3792 bendbulletin.com which currently reClass 875. 476 http://www.opb.org/inside deck. 17735 NW Wintered i n h e ated ceives over 541-385-5809 sideopb/careers/jobs/. Lone Pine Rd., TerrebFound Toyota key, off Employment shop. $89,900 O.B.O. 1.5 million page onne. $500 per mo. China Hat Rd. Call to ATVs Opportunities 541-447-8664 views every month 541-504-0837 identify: 541-948-3624 Serving Central Oregon smce 1903 Dental insurance RKRESS at no extra cost. & Collections 648 Found women's s unBulletin Classifieds 8 Bbz8mm Full-time position glasses, Nordeen x-coun- CAUTION READERS: Get Results! Houses for try trail 3/23. 541-290-1220 with attractive Call 385-5809 or 32' Fleetwood Fiesta Rent General Ads published in nEmplace your ad on-line benefits package. 2003, no slide-out, Lost: set of Keys on ployment Opportuniat Triton engine, all Fun, family-like PUBLISHER'S 3/1 6, b y W e s tside t ies" i n clude e m bendbulletin.com Yamaha Banshee 2001, amenities 1 owner team. Musthave Church o r F r a nklin ployee NOTICE and Boat loader, elec. for custom built 350 motor, perfect, only 17K miles, All real estate adverunderpass. Call i ndependent po s i - dental experience race-ready, lots of extras, pickup canopy, extras, $22,000 firm! 541-420-3216. tising in this newspa771 tions. Ads for posi528 with work refer$4999/obo 541-647-8931 $450, 541-548-3711 541-504-3253 per is subject to the tions that require a fee Lots ences to apply; Loans & Mortgages REMEMBER: If you F air H o using A c t or upfront investment Dentrix helpful. have lost an animal, which makes it illegal must be stated. With Nice flat lot in Terrebdon't forget to check WARNING to a d v ertise "any onne, any independent job .56 a c r es, The Bulletin recomThe Humane Society Fax resume to preference, limitation opportunity, p l ease p aved s t reet, a p mends you use cauin Bend 541-382-3537 541-475-6159 or disc r imination proved fo r investigate thorc a p -fill tion when you proRedmond, based on race, color, oughly. (Madras). septic, utilities are at vide personal 541-923-0882 religion, sex, handiinformation to compa- cap, familial status, t he lo t l i n e . M L S Call54I 3855809toprgmcteyourservice 'Advertise for 28 daysstarting at I'4) irgisspecialpedegersnetavoilaileenovrnebsttt Prineville, Use extra caution when ¹ 2012001172 Pam nies offering loans or 541-447-7178; marital status or naapplying for jobs onDO YOU NEED Lester, Principal Brocredit, especially OR Craft Cats, tional origin, or an inline and never proA GREAT ker, Century 21 Gold those asking for ad541-389-8420. tention to make any Country Realty, Inc. Building/Contracting vide personal inforEMPLOYEE vance loan fees or Landscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Carel pre f e rence, mation to any source RIGHT NOW? companies from out of such limitation or discrimi- 541-504-1338 you may not have reCall The Bulletin state. If you have NOTICE: Oregon state Nelson nation." Familial stasearched and deemed 773 before 11 a.m. and concerns or queslaw req u ires anyLandscaping & tus includes children to be reputable. Use KjhKRSR get an ad in to pubtions, we suggest you Acreages one who co n t racts under the age of 18 extreme caution when Maintenance Zorff',tz gaaErip lish the next day! consult your attorney for construction work living with parents or Serving Central r esponding to A N Y 541-385-5809. or call CONSUMER to be licensed with the Zacug gas.e, ~,. legal cus t o dians, (440) Dryland Acres Oregon Since 2003 online e m p loyment HOTLINE, VIEW the C onstruction Con - More Than Service pregnant women, and 5 miles east of AshResidental/Commercial ad from out-of-state. 1-877-877-9392. Classifieds at: tractors Board (CCB). people securing cusPeace Of Mind wood o n G r osner A n active www.bendbulletin.com lice n se Sprinkler of children under R d. S p ring a n d We suggest you call People Look for Information tody means the contractor Spring Clean Up Activation/Repair 18. This newspaper the State of Oregon pond. Good for seaAbout Products and i s bonded an d i n cleaning crew Back Flow Testing will not knowingly ac- sonal grazing, hunt•Leaves Consumer Hotline at Home member need week- Services Every Daythrough s ured. Ve r if y t h e cept any advertising ing/recreation. I Hay, Grain & Feed 1-503-378-4320 •Cones days only, no week- The Bulletin Claasifieds contractor's CCB Maintenance for real estate which is $330,000 firm. As is. • Needles • Thatch 8 Aerate c ense through t h e 1st quality grass hay, For Equal Opportunity ends, eves or holiin violation of the law. No • Debris Hauling agents. days. 541-815-0015 BANK TURNED YOU CCB Cons u m er • Spring Clean up 70- Ib bales, barn stored, L aws: Oregon B uur r e a ders ar e 541-205-3788, DOWN? Private party O •Weekly Mowing Website $250/ ton. Also big bales! reau of Labor & In- Remember.... hereby informed that 541-823-2397, Weed free Bark www.hireaiicensedcontractor. loan on real es- all dwellings adver8 Edging Patterson Ranch, 8 flower beds dustry, C i vil Rights A dd your we b a d - will dobales@msn.com com •Bi-Monthly 8 Monthly equity. Credit, no tised in this newspaSisters, 541-549-3831 Division, dress to your ad and tate or call 503-378-4621. problem, good equity Maintenance 971-673-0764 are available on readers on The The Bulletin recom- Lawn Renovation •Bark, Rock, Etc. is all you need. Call per an equal opportunity Aeration Dethatching Looking for your Just too many mends checking with Bulletin' s web site Oregon Land Mortbasis. To complain of If you have any quesOverseed next employee? will be able to click the CCB prior to concollectibles? gage 541-388-4200. ~Landaoa in discrimination cal l tions, concerns or tracting with anyone. Compost Place a Bulletin through automatically •Landscape HUD t o l l -free at comments, contact: Top Dressing to your site. Some other t r ades help wanted ad Construction BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS 1-800-877-0246. The Sell them in Classified Department also req u ire addi•Water Feature today and Search the area's most toll f ree t e lephone The Bulletin Classifieds tional licenses and The Bulletin Landscape Installation/Maint. reach over The Bulletin comprehensive listing of number for the hear541-385-5809 certifications. •Pavers Maintenance 60,000 readers I Recommends extra classified advertising... ing im p a ired is Full or Partial Service •Renovations caution when pureach week. 541-385-5809 real estate to automotive, 1-800-927-9275. Just bought a new boat? • Irngations Installation • Mowing eEdging chasing products or I merchandise to sporting Your classified ad The Bulletin Sell your old one in the • Pruning «Weeding services from out of ' goods. Bulletin Classifieds 650 will also classifieds! Ask about our Sprinkler Senior Discounts Adjustments i the area. Sending appear every day in the appear on Houses for Rent Super Seller rates! CHECK YOUR AD Bonded & Insured Need to get an c ash, c hecks, o r print or on line. 541-385-5809 bendbulletln.com Please check your ad 541-815-4458 NE Bend Fertilizer included i credit i n f o rmation ad in ASAP? which currently Call 541-385-5809 LCB¹8759 on the first day it runs with monthly program i may be subjected to www.bendbulletin.com A very sharp looking to make sure it is correceives over You can place it Debris Removal FRAUD. 1.5 million page 2000 sq.ft. 3 Bdrm/ rect. Sometimes inonline at: For more i nformaWeekly, monthly views every 2bath home, gas FP 8 s tructions over t h e JUNK BE GONE Call a Pro tion about an adveror one time service. www.bendbulletin.com furnace, tile floors & phone are misundermonth at no I Haul Away FREE i tiser, you may call Whether you need a carpet, open l i ving stood and an e rror extra cost. LOCAL MONEY: We buy For Salvage. Also the Oregon State EXPERIENCED 541-385-5809 can occurin your ad. Cleanups 8 Cleanouts fence fixed,hedges secured trust deeds & k itchen, dining. N o Bulletin i Attorney General's Commercial If this happens to your note,some hard money smoking/no pets. Call Classifieds trimmed or a house Office Co n s umer g Mel, 541-389-8107 & Residential Bike Mechanic Protection hotline at I loans. Call Pat Kellev 541-388-2250, or ad, please contact us Get Results! built, you'll find 541-382-3099 ext.13. the first day your ad Needed. Must have I 1-877-877-9392. 541-815-7099. Call 541-385-5809 Free Estimates Excavating appears and we will previous bike s hop professional help in or place your ad Senior Discounts be happy to fix it as exp. Send resume to LTlse Bullcti tT g Independent Contractor The Bulletin's "Call a on-line at 541-390-1466 info@4sro.com. s oon a s w e ca n . Levi's Concrete & Dirt bendbulletin.com Service Professional" Deadlines are: Week- Works - for all your dirt & Same Day Response days 11:00 noon for excavation needs. Con- N OTICE: Directory * Supplement Your Income* OREGON next day, Sat. 11:00 crete, Driveway Grading, Landscape Contrac541-385-5809 Augering. ccb¹ 194077 a.m. for Sunday and Horses & Equipment tors Law (ORS 671) 541-639-5282 Monday. r equires a l l bu s i Advertising Account Executive 541-385-5809 nesses that advertise SPRING CLEAN-UP! Thank you! Handyman to p e r form L a n d- Aeration/Dethatching The Bulletin is looking for a professional and The Bulletin Classified scape C o nstructionWeekly/one-time service driven Sales and Marketing person to help our I DO THAT! which incl u des: avail. Bonded, insured. customers grow their businesses with an Home/Rental repairs p lanting, deck s , Free Estimates! 775 Small jobs to remodels expanding list of broad-reach and targeted fences, arbors, COLLINS Lawn Maint. Honest, guaranteed products. This full time position requires a Manufactured/ w ater-features, a n d Ca/l 541-480-9714 1989 Logan 19' work. CCB¹151573 background in consultative sales, territory installation, repair of Mobile Homes 4-horse stock trailer, Dennis 541-317-9768 management and aggressive prospecting skills. irrigation systems to exc. cond., stored unbe licensed with the BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Two years of media sales experience is FACTORY SPECIAL der cover, many exERIC REEVE HANDY Landscape Contrac- Search the area's most preferable, but we will train the right candidate. New Home, 3 bdrm, tras, newer paint. SERVICES. Home 8 t ors B o a rd . Th i s comprehensive listing of $46,500 finished $4500. 541-41 9-1 078. We are looking for independent conCommercial Repairs, 4-digit number is to be classified advertising... on your site. The position includes a competitive tractors to service home delivery Carpentry-Painting, J and M Homes included in all adver- real estate to automotive, compensation package including benefits, and Pressure-washing, routes in: 541-548-5511 tisements which indi- merchandise to sporting Farmers Column rewards an aggressive, customer focused Honey Do's. On-time cate the business has goods. Bulletin Classifieds salesperson with unlimited earning potential. promise. Senior BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS a bond, insurance and appear every day in the 10X20 STORAGE Discount. Work guarworkers c ompensaMust be available 7 days a week, early mornSearch the area's most BUILDINGS print or on line. Email your resume, cover letter and salary anteed. 541-389-3361 tion for their employing hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle. comprehensive listing of for protecting hay, history to: or 541-771-4463 Call 541-385-5809 ees. For your protecclassified advertising... firewood, livestock Jay Brandt, Advertising Director Bonded 8 Insured tion call 503-378-5909 www.bendbulletin.com real estate to automotive, etc. $1496 Installed. Please call 541.385.5800 or CCB¹181 595 jbrandt@bendbulletin.com or use our website: merchandise to sporting 541-617-1133. 800.503.3933 Mon.-Fri., 8-4 or www.lcb.state.or.us to Sernng Central Oregons nre t903 CCB ¹173684. goods. Bulletin Classifieds or drop off your resume in person at apply via email at check license status appear every day in the • Janitorial Services kfjbuilders@ykwc.net 1777 SW Chandler, Bend, OR 97702; before co n t racting online © bendbulletin.com print or on line. Rafter L F Ranch & Or mail to PO Box6020, Send, OR 97708; Integrity Office Cleaning with t h e bu s iness. ALLEN REINSCH Call 541-385-5809 Farm Svcs.- Custom doing landYard maintenance & No phone inquiries please. www.bendbulletin.com Honest services tailored to Persons scape m aintenance Haying & Field Work your needs! Licensed & clean-up, thatching, Call Lee Fischer, Insured, Free Estimates. do not require a LCB plugging 8 much more! EOE / Drug Free Workplace 541-410-4495 Call Nikki, 541-419-6601 license. Call 541-536-1 294
2 bdrm, 1 bath, $530 8 $540 w/lease.
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By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services
In a Board-a-Match Teams, an o vertrick m a y det e rmine t h e outcome. Today's deal arose in such a n event a t the A C B L Fa l l Championships. Say West leads the ace of hearts against your slam, and dummy ruffs. Six spades doesn't look hard to bid — your opponents at the other table should get there — so all may depend on whether you can win 13 tricks. You can try to set up dummy's clubs with a ruff, but having ruffed the opening lead in dummy, you would run into trouble if t r umps broke 4-1. Do you see an option?
diamond, you bid one spade and he tries two hearts. What do you say? ANSWER: Your partner has a good hand — hi s tw o hearts is unlimited — and he probably has five or more diamonds. Since slam is likely, jump to f our diamonds to reassure him about the quality of your probable trump suit. If he has 8 2,AK 7 6, Q J 9 6 5,A4, he will try for a grand slam. South dealer N-S vulnerable
Assuming East has length in the minors, you can draw trumps and cash the good hearts, pitching a diamond and two clubs from dummy. With six tricks to go, East is stuck. If he saves three or more diamonds, you set up dummy's clubs. If he saves only two diamonds, you take the A-K, and your hand is high. Actually, you could afford to cash your last trump. The "trump squeeze" would no l o nger operate, but a "crisscross squeeze" would make the overtrick.
WEST 442 9 A 1098 7 5 3
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We s t
3 41
N orth Dbl 6 41
Eas t Pass All P a ss
You hold: 4 A J 10 7 9 No n e Opening lead — 9 A O AK 8 A K 9 8 6 3 2. Y o u open one club, your partner responds one (C) 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO
in the 2012 Republican primary si Enterprise counselor 62 Private performances? 64 Discuss in detail 66 Pull in the driveway, say 67 Orchestrate 68 Suffers from 66 What cats and
3s Hierarchical level: Abbr. 36 Charmin and others, for short 36 Started 4i Hi-
waves do zo Seafloor features
DOWN i Overshadows 2TraditionaI lrish brew 3 Radio format 4 Howl
44 48
45 50
28 31
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s Econ. stat 6 bla z e s 7 won d e r (Tone Loc or Crowded
26 "Carmina
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SOUTH 4KQ8 5 Q KQJ 6 O6543 4A 1o
EAST 4963 Q42 O 10972 4Q J54
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3i Be off 33 Press
42 Move like a 29-Across 43 Stipend source 44 "Bewitched" zo "Grand, wife, familiarly ungodly, godlike man" of 46 Norway's fiction patron saint 22 Latin lover's 46 Skedaddles whisper so Spin-heavy 23 It might avoid a shot collar s4 Spin-o!" 24 "No (360' hockey 26 Biblical hunter maneuver) 27 Last Pope ss Commercial Paolo, snack cakes numerically 26 Goose: gaggle sz Unbelievable, say : knot 3o Hotel room ss A satellite may option be kept in it
NORTH 41 A J 10 7 9 None 0 AK8 A K986 3 2
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LOS ANGELES TIMESCROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce NicholsLewis ACROSS 1 Short glasses? 6 1979 exile 10 "Collective unconscious"
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THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Unscramble these four Jumbles, One letter 10 eaCh Square, to fOrm faur Ordinary WOrdS.
INOON 02013 Tnbune Media services, ec. „ Ao Rights Reserved.
WHBN T Hev Ccx2NT Ecl THe PlelSDNER5, T He
Now arrange the circled letters to farm the SurPriSe anSWer, as suggested by the above cartoon.
o Laughngotock Intemauonal Inc Dist by Universal Ucock fo UFs 2013
"Someone stole two million dollars'worth of government toilet seats. The estimated street value is $1,200."
(AnoWero tamarrOW) J umbles: VIRUS D E C A Y FO U R T H HEA L T H Answer: He didn't get the joke about the ceiling because it wao this — OVER HIS HEAD
14 Necklace material 15 Big Island port 1 6"Beauty t h e
3 Wipe clean 4 One concerned with composition
and angles
5 Hunk
6 Wrapped ac c essory 7 Like links golf
eye ..."
8 Crooked 17 President who 9 Bloviator's talk appointed 10 Muslim holy war Sotomayor to the 1 1 Exploited 12 "Aida" backdrop Supreme Court 18 Loads 13 Macroeconomics 19 Beatles movie fig. 20 New Year's Day 21 Gem for a staple, familiarly Scor p i o, 23 One making perhaps sidelong glances 2 2 39-Across 24 Bias- tire automaker 25 Mil. roadside 27 Fake nail hazard material 26 Highest Df MLB's 28 "Semper Fi" org. "minors" 29 Carp family fish 28 Ode relic 30 Spanish Civil War 29 Animation unit battle site 32 Place to learn to 31 S nowshoe hare crawl? hunter 37 "Harold and 32 Narrow cut Maude" director 33 A re in the past? Hal 34 Emblem 39 Aptly named 2235 Pretentiously Down showy 40 Band since 1980 3 6 'V/ide Sargasso that disbandedin ": Jean Rhys 2011 novel 41 Freeway no-no 1 2 3 4 5 42 "The Wizard of Oz" device 14 43 It has a handle and flies 17 45 Comaneci score 46"Now I m e ..." 20 48 Getting-in approx. 23 49 90210, e.g. 50 Stylist's supply 26 27 52 Run in the heat? 56 Place to split a 32 3 3 34 split 60 Goes downhill 39 fast 61 Ricelike pasta 42 62 Worthless 63 Confined, with 46 UP 64 "Terrif!" 49 65 Lena and others 66 Surfers' guides 56 57 67 q u a non 68 What one might 60 see in a 20-, 32-, 43- or 56-Across 63 DOWN 1 Make a point 2 NOLA sandwich
38 Overpower 44 Plant in an underwater forest 47 Golf green
54 Doone who turned out to be Lady Dugal's daughter 55 Secret rendezvous 56 Furniture store that also sells Swedish meatballs 57 Quatre et un 58 "... s a w Elba" 59 Starting from 60 No. at the beach
49 Citrus peels 50 Certain strip native 51 Overact 53 California town
whose name means "the river"
A L E J I B O R O R O U N D H O D A N N ET O N A I NA U G A L O E R E F L E S H E S A O N O N I 0 I ND E P E N D L EA P R E D HO B O J A B A C I D O D O N H O E B DA D S E S xwordeditorfeaol.com 6
03/2B/1 3 10 1 1
28 35
29 3 0
48 50
By Jeff Hysoa and Victor Barocas (c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
Trucks & Heavy Equipment
Fifth Wheels
Chevy 1982 Class C, 4 1K miles, good a l l around condition, new fridge & battery, $6000 obo. 541-548-1502
Antique & Classic Autos
Sport Utility Vehicles
Au t o mobiles
Automobiles •
BMW 3 Series 2006, 330ci coupe. 44,464 mi. ¹L17603, $20,995
Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390
engine, power everything, new paint, 54K original m i les, runs great, excellent condition in & out. Asking $8,500. 541-480-3179
Get your business
with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
Hyster H25E, runs well, 2982 Hours, $3500,call
exc. cond., 3 slides, king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $35,000.
541-749-0724 GMC 1966, too many onaco Dynasty2004, extras to list, reduced to 541-420-3250 loaded, 3 slides, die$7500 obo. Serious buysel, Reduced - now Nuyya 297LK H i tchers only. 541-536-0123 Hiker 2007, 3 slides, $119,000, 5 4 1 -923iI t 32' touring coach, left 8572 or 541-749-0037 kitchen, rear lounge, many extras, beautiful Peterbilt 359 p o table RV c ond. inside & o u t , water t ruck, 1 9 90, CONSIGNMENTS $32,900 OBO, Prinev- 3200 gal. tank, 5hp WANTED ille. 541-447-5502 days p ump, 4 - 3 8 hoses, We Do The Work ... GMC Y~ton 1971, Only 8 541-447-1641 eves. camlocks, $ 2 5,000. $19,700! Original low You Keep The Cash! 541-820-3724 On-site credit mile, exceptional, 3rd owner. 951-699-7171 approval team, web site presence. • U t i lity Trailers • We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. Light equipment trailer, BIG COUNTRY RV P ilgrim 27', 2007 5 t h 3 axle, 8'x21' tilt bed. Bend: 541-330-2495 wheel, 1 s lide, AC, $3500. 541-489-6150. Redmond: TV,full awning, excelJeep Comanche, 1990, 541-548-5254 lent shape, $23,900. original owner, 167K, 541-350-8629 4WD, 5-spd, tags good • Automotive Parts, • till 9/2015, $3900 obo. Where can you find a Service & Accessories 541-633-7761 helping hand? set of 4 mounted Want to impress the From contractors to TIRES on rims + extra rim. yard care, it's all here 4 5% h w y tre a d , relatives? Remodel your home with the Southwind 35.5' Triton 225/60R16, $400 obo in The Bulletin's 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du 541-489-6150 help of a professional "Call A Service pont UV coat, 7500 mi from The Bulletin's Bought new at Professional" Directory "Call A Service $132,913; Antique & Professional" Directory asking $91,000. Classic Autos Call 503-982-4745
WinnebagoSuncruiser34' 2004, only 34K, loaded, too much to list, ext'd warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Dennis, 541-589-3243 881
Travel Trailers
Flagstaff 30' 2006, with slide, custom interior, like new, S a crifice,
In t e rnational
2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Model¹M-349 RLDS-5
Fall price
$ 2 1,865.
RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit
approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond:
1921 Model T Delivery Truck Restored & Runs $9000. 541-389-8963
Little Red Corvette1996 Mercedes-Benz E5 00 AntoSonrce 2005, Very c l e a n, WHEN YOU SEE THIS conv. 350 auto. 541-598-3750 loaded, v e r y lo w 132K, 26-34 mpg. 541-480-0781 aaaoregonautosource.com miles. ~OO $12,500 541-923-1781 Vin ¹688743. Wouldn't you really $16,988 On a classified ad like to drive a Buick? go to S UBA RU. Bob has two 75,000 BUBRRUOPBRNU COM www.bendbulletin.com mile Buicks, priced 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. to view additional fair, $2,000-$6000. 877-266-3821 photos of the item. Chevy Tahoe 1999, 4x4, Remember, t h ese Dlr ¹0354 most options, new tires, cars get 30mpg hwy! Fiat 500 Pop Hatch159K miles, $3750. Call back 2012, po wer 541-318-9999 Looking for your 541-233-8944 w indows, powe r next employee? doors, blue t ooth, Place a Bulletin help premium wheels. wanted ad today and Vin ¹125141. reach over 60,000 $13,988 readers each week. Nissan Sentra 2012 Your classified ad Buick Invicta1959! ©) S U B A R U . Full warranty, 35mpg, BUBRRUOPBRNU COM will also appear on 520 per tank all power. 2 door hardtop, 99.9 % Hwy 20, Bend. $13,500. 541-788-0427 bendbulletin.com Dodge Durango Limcomplete in 8 out. 2060 NE 877-266-3821 which currently reited 2004, Leather, $16,000. Dlr ¹0354 ceives over 1.5 milpower Wind o ws, 541-504-3253 lion page views power locks, tilt moon every month at roof. Need to get an ad no extra cost. BulleBuick LeSabre 1996. Vin ¹142655. Good condition, tin Classifieds $9,988 in ASAP? 121,000 miles. Get Results! Call Pontiac Grand P rix S UBA R U . Non-smoker 385-5809 or place
~4g ®
' -'"-j
4 :ROW I N G
I%%.JY X
MONTANA 3585 2008,
$2600 OBO.
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
The Bulletin Classifieds -
2004, super charged, your ad on-line at 109K m i. , l o a ded. bendbulletin.com $6000. 541-420-2262
Porsche Carrera 911 2003 convertible with v ery e x c . con d . hardtop. 50K miles, 62,500 mi. $10,750. new factory Porsche motor 6 mos ago with Call 541-647-6410 18 mo factory warranty remaining. $37,500.
ChevyCobalt LT 2010, Honda CRV 2004, power window, power $9,995. Call 541-610-6150 or see locks, tilt, XM satelite, Vin¹232901 http://bend.craigslist.org /cto/3676208637.html $12988
Ford Taurus wagon 2004, very nice, pwr everything, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 120K, FWD, good tires,
i S UBA R U .
877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
$4900 obo. 541-815-9939
Jeep Wr angler 4 . 0 Sport 1999, Hard top, running boards, premium sound. Chevy Malibu 2009 Vin ¹432663. 43k miles, loaded, $9,988 studs on rims/ Asking $12,900. fjQ S U BA RU. 541-610-6834. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. BUBBRUOPBRNU COM
Toyota Camrys: 1984, SOLD; 1985 SOLD; 1986 parts car only one left! $500 Call for details, 541-548-6592
Hyundai Sonata 2007 GLS, 64,700 mi, excellent cond, good tires, non-smoker, new tags, $9500. 541-280-7352
Good classified ads tell the essential facts in an interesting Manner. Write from the readers view - not the seller's. Convert the facts into benefits. Show the reader how the item will help them in someway. This advertising tip brought to yooby
The Bulletn I The Bulletin recoml
mends extra caution i I when pu r c hasing i i products or servicesi from out of the area. i S ending c ash ,i checks, or credit inI formation may be I
i subject toFRAUD. For more informa-
877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
I i
The Bulletin
Oldsmobile Alero 2004, Chevy C-20 Pickup classic 4-dr in showroom 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; condition, leather, chrome auto 4-spd, 396, model wheels, 1 owner, low CST /all options, orig. miles. $7500. owner, $19,950, 541-382-2452
Chevy 1955 PROJECT car. 2 door wgn, 350 Space for rent: 30 amp small block w/Weiand +water, sewer, gravel dual quad tunnel ram lot. $350 mo. Tumalo with 450 Holleys. T-10 area. 541-419-5060 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, Weld Prostar wheels, extra rolling chassis + E Fleetwood 31' Wilderextras. $6500 for all. n ess Gl 1 9 99 , 1 2 ' 541-389-7669. 0 D • O slide, 2 4 ' aw n ing, queen bed, FSC, outside shower, E-Z lift stabilizer hitch, l i ke new, been stored. $10,950. 541-419-5060 Chevy Wagon 1957, P ioneer 23 ' 19 0 F Q 908 4-dr., complete, 2006, EZ Lift, $9750. Aircraft, Parts 541-548-1096 $7,000 OBO, trades. & Service Please call 541-389-6998
Fax it to 541-322-7253
Toyota Corola 2011, i tion about an adverLincoln Town Car 2002, Keyless entry, cruise tiser, you may call I the Oregon Statei signature series, pearl and tilt. Attorney General's i Vin ¹630707. white ext., ta n i n t., Office C o nsumer $14,488 59K mi., 22-25 mpg., i Protection hotline at spotless. Never damS UBA R U . 1-877-877-9392. Chrysler Sebring 2004 aged, new topline inUPg 84k, beautiful dark gray/ t erstate battery, a l - 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. brown, tan leather int., ways garaged. $7200. SeWing CUUPPRP OPegonNUIB 1903 877-266-3821 Mercedes 450SL, 1977, Porsche 541-923-8868 Dlr ¹0354 Cay e nne$5995 541-350-5373 113K, well-maintained, Turbo 2005, Very low araged, bot h t o p s. miles, clean, loaded. 11,900. 541-389-7596 Vin ¹A92123. M: $29,488
Chevrolet Blazer LT 2000 -130k miles, Call for info. $3800 OBO
Automo b iles Toyota Corolla 2004, auto., loaded, 2 04k miles. orig. owner, non smoker, exc. c o nd. $6500 Prin e ville 503-358-8241
Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 Four Winds Class Carriage, 4 slides, Diamond Reo Dump A 32' H u r ricane by inverter, satellite sys, Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 2007. CAN'T BEAT fireplace, 2 flat screen yard box, runs good, THIS! Look before TVs. $54,950 $6900, 541-548-6812 you buy, b e low 541-480-3923 market value! Size & mileage DOES Say Ugoodbuy matter! 12,500 mi, to that unused all amenities, Ford V10, Ithr, c h erry, item by placing it in slides, like new! New low price, $54,900. The Bulletin Classifieds 541-548-5216 Laredo 2009 30' with 2 slides, TV, A/C, table & c h airs, s a tellite, 5 41-385-580 9 RV Tow car 2004 Arctic pkg., p o wer Honda Civic Si set up awning, Exc. cond! Forklift, Hyster H30E for flat towing with LPG, good condition, base plate and tow $28,000. 541-419-3301 607 hrs, $2000 OBO. brake, 35k mi, new 541-389-7596 tires, great cond. $13,500.
$17,500. 541-598-7546
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
What are you looking for? You'll find it in PROJECT CARS: Chevy 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & The Bulletin Classifieds Chevy Coupe 1950 rolling chassis's $1750 ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, 541-385-5809 complete car, $ 1949; Cadillac Series 61 1950, 4Ru n n er 2 dr. hard top, complete Toyota w /spare f r on t cl i p ., 1 993, blue, 4 d r . , 4WD, V6, 5 speed, $3950, 541-382-7391 t ow pkg., plus 4 studs tires on rims, r uns g reat. W a s Pickups $ 5500, no w o n l y $4000.541-659-1416
Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Loan No: H arder T . S . No. : 1306177OR R e f e rence is made to that certain deed made by, Reference is made to t hat c e r tain d e e d m ade by, JO N M .
HARDER AND KRISTIN P. HARDER, AS T ENANTS BY T H E ENTIRETY as Grantor to AMERITITLE, AN O REGON C O RPORATION, as trustee, in favor of ROBERT W. C IHAK AND D IA NE M. CIHA K , HUSBAND AND Ford 250 XLT 1990, WIFE OR THE SUR6 yd. dump bed, 139k, Auto, $4500. Toyota Land Cruiser VIVOR THEREOF, as B eneficiary, dat e d 541-410-9997 Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe 2000, Roof rack, tow 8/7/2004, r e c o rded 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, pkg., moonroof. 9/7/2004, in o f f icial &a auto. trans, ps, air, G MC Sierra S L T rrvnrVin ¹124783. records of Deschutes 2006 - 1500 Crew frame on rebuild, re$18,788 C ounty, Oregon i n Cab 4x4, Z71, exc. painted original blue, Prowler 2009 Extreme book/reel/volume No. cond., 82 k m i les, S UBA RU. E dition. Model 2 7 0 1/3 interest in Columbia original blue interior, XX at page No. XX, BUBMIUOPBRNU COM $19,900. original hub caps, exc. RL, 2 slides, oppos- 400, $150,000 located fee/fileiinstrumentlmi2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. O Sunriver. H o u rly chrome, asking $9000 541-408-0763 ing in living area, ent. rental c rofile/reception N o . 877-266-3821 rate (based upon or make offer. center, sep. bedroom, 2004-53619 (indi541-385-9350 Dlr ¹0354 approval) $775. Also: 2 new e x tra t i res, S21 hangar avail. for cated which), coverhitch, bars, sway bar s ale, or l e ase © ing the following de940 included. P r o-Pack, $15/day or $325/mo, scribed real property Vans anti-theft. Good cond, 541-948-2963 situated in said 'til c lean. Req . County an d S t a te, Chrysler SD 4-Door 4/20/15. $19, 9 00. to-wit: APN: 186785 1930, CD S R oyal 96 Ford Windstar 8 Ridgeline RTL 541-390-1122 LOT FORTY ( 4 0), Standard, 8-cylinder, Honda 2000 Nissan Quest, - ~ N S ea 2008, Hard t o p per, skslra@msn.com CROSSWATER body is good, needs both 7-passenger loaded, tow pkg, bed P HASES 1 AN D 2 , some r e s toration, liner, low miles. vans, 160K miles, DESCHUTES runs, taking bids, low prices, $1200 & RV Vin ¹534426. COUNTY, OREGON. 541-383-3888, $2900, and worth CONSIGNMENTS 1 /3 interest i n w e l l- 541-815-3318 $23,988 Commonly known as: every cent! WANTED equipped IFR Beech BoLot 40, C r osswater 541-318-9999 We Do The Work ... rggb SUBARU. nanza A36, new 10-550/ BUBRRUOPBRNU COM Phases 1 and 2, DesYou Keep The Cash! prop, located KBDN. chutes County, Or2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. On-site credit $65,000. 541-419-9510 egon Both the benefi877-266-3821 approval team, Chevy Astro ciary and the trustee Dlr ¹0354 web site presence. Cargo Van 2001, have elected to sell We Take Trade-Ins! pw, pdl, great cond., the said real property Free Advertising. business car, well to satisfy the obligaFIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, BIG COUNTRY RV maint'd, regular oil tions secured by said door panels w/flowers I nternational Bend: 541-330-2495 changes, $4500. Fla t trust deed and notice & hummingbirds, Redmond: Please call Bed Pickup 1963, 1 has been r ecorded 541-548-5254 white soft top & hard 1/5th interest in 1973 541-633-5149 t on dually, 4 s p d. pursuant to S e ction top. Just reduced to Cessna 150 LLC trans., great MPG, of Oregon 150hp conversion, low $3,750. 541-317-9319 could be exc. wood Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 86.735(3) Revised Statutes: the or 541-647-8483 time on air frame and hauler, runs great, 7 -pass. v a n wit h default for which the engine, hangared in new brakes, $1950. p ower c h a i r lif t , foreclosure is made is Bend. Excellentper541-41 9-5480. $1500; 1989 Dodge the grantor's: Installiormance & affordTurbo Van 7 - pass. ment of Principal and ab/e flying! $6,500. has new motor and Interest p l u s im541-382-6752 Springdale 2005 27', 4' t rans., $1500. I f i n - p ounds and/or a d slide in dining/living area, terested c a l l Jay v ances which b e Executive Hangar sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 503-269-1 057. came due on at Bend Airport (KBDN) FordGalaxie 500 1963, obo. 541-408-3811 60' wide x 50' d eep, 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 9/7/2009, along with 975 w/55' wide x 17' high bi- 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & late charges, foreclo2500 HD '03 hemi, fold dr. Natural gas heat, radio (orig),541-419-4989 RAM Automobiles sure fees and costs 8 • yg g i II 2WD, 135K, auto, CC, offc, bathroom. Adjacent any legal fees or adam/fm/cd. $7000 obro. to Frontage Rd; great vances that have be541-680-9965 /390-1285 visibility for aviation busicome due. Monthly Weekend Warrior Toy ness. Financing availPayment $ 1 ,816.67 able. 541-948-2126 or Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, Monthly Late Charge U"'/™, . NIRI'IIUMR8 CERTIFIED fuel station, exc cond. email 1jetjockoq.com $$90.83 By this reaCars-Trucks-SUVs • sleeps 8, black/gray Ford Model A 1930, son of said default the i nterior, u se d 3X , Call a Pro Sports Coupe. • gv Audi A4 1. 8 T 20 0 6, b eneficiary has d e $19,999 firm. R umble seat, H & H Turbo, co n vertible, clared all obligations Whether you need a 541-389-9188 rebuilt engine. W i ll leather. secured by said deed fence fixed, hedges cruise at 55mph. Must Vin ¹ 006994. of trust immediately trimmed or a house see to believe. Abso$17,988 due and payable, said Looking for your lutely stunning condisums being the folnext employee? built, you'll find lg@ SUBARU. tion! $17,500 l owing, to-wit: T h e Place a Bulletin help professional help in 2011 Toyota Tundra 541-410-0818 sum of $ 160,000.00 wanted ad today and CrewMax 4x4, moon, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. together with interest The Bulletin's "Call a reach over 60,000 877-266-3821 Ford Mustang Coupe leather, winch thereon at the rate of Dlr ¹0354 readers each week. Service Professional" 1966, original owner, ¹174496 $3 4 995 8% per annum from Your classified ad Directory V8, automatic, great 2009 Ford F150 Super until paid; plus all acwill also appear on shape, $9000 OBO. 541-385-5809 Crew ¹6321 $28,995 crued late c harges bendbulletin.com 530-515-8199 thereon; a n d all 2006 Silverado 3500 which currently rePiper A rcher 1 9 80, trustee's fees, fore4x4 crew cab, 71k. ceives over 1.5 milbased in Madras, alclosure costs and any Ford Ranchero ¹ 6258 $22,9 8 8 lion page views evways hangared since ery month at no 1979 2010 Lexus RX 450h BMW 740 IL 1998 orig. sums advanced by new. New annual, auto extra cost. Bulletin with 351 Cleveland owner, exc. c o n d. the beneficiary pursusilver, 44,354 miles pilot, IFR, one piece Classifieds Get Remodified engine. 101k miles, new tires, ant to the t erms of ¹ 6344 $38,9 9 5 windshield. Fastest Arsaid deed o f t r ust. sults! Call 385-5809 Body is in loaded, sunroof. cher around. 1750 tonotice AAA Oregon Auto • $8,300. 541-706-1897 Whereof, or place your ad excellent condition, tal t i me. $68,500. hereby is given that Source 541-598-3750 on-line at $2500 obo. 541-475-6947, ask for ~oo Corner 97 & w. Empire First American Title bendbulletin.com 541-420-4677 Rob Berg. Company, the underaaaoregonautosource.com MorePixatBendbulletin.com •
Le g al Notices
Legal Notices •
Legal Notices
signed trustee will on plus advances and LEGAL NOTICE 7/24/2013 at the hour The Mitchell School foreclosure attorney of 1:00 PM, Standard Board announces a fees and costs. 6. of Time, as e s tab- request for proposals S ALE O F PRO P lished b y sec t i on to provide bus mainERTY. The Trustee 187.110, Oregon Re- tenance for its fleet of hereby states that the vised Statutes, At the five district vehicles property will be sold to front entrance to the (three buses and two satisfy the obligations Deschutes Co u n ty autos). The full RFP secured by the Trust Courthouse, 1164 NW language is available Deed. A Tr u stee's Bond St., Bend, OR by contacting the dis- Notice of Default and County of Deschutes, trict at 541-462-3311. Election to Sell Under State of Oregon, sell The bids are due by Terms of Trust Deed a t public auction t o 4 00 p m. on has been recorded in the highest bidder for Wednesday, April 10. the Official Records of cash the interest in Deschutes C o u nty, the said d e scribed LEGAL NOTICE Oregon. 7. TIME OF real property which SALE. Date: June 13, NOTICE 2013. Time:11:00 the grantor had or had TRUSTEE'S OF SALE power to convey at The Trustee under the a.m. Place: Desthe time of the execuof t h e T r u st chutes County Courttion by him of the said terms house, 1 16 4 NW desc r ibed Bond Street, Bend, trust deed, together Deed herein, at the direcwith a n y int e rest tion of the Beneficiary, Oregon. 8. RIGHT TO which the grantor or REINSTATE. Any elects to sell his successors in in- hereby person named in ORS t he p r o perty d e terest acquired after scribed in the Trust 86.753 has the right, the execution of said at any time that is not Deed to s atisfy the trust deed, to satisfy later than five days s e cured the foregoing obliga- obligations before the T r ustee Pursuant to conducts tions thereby secured thereby. the sale, to ORS 86.745, the foland the costs and ex- lowing information is have this foreclosure penses of s ale, i nd ismissed an d t h e provided: cluding a reasonable 1.PARTIES: Trust Deed reinstated G r antor: charge by the trustee. JAMES D. ATWOOD b y payment to t h e Notice is further given A ND J ILL L . AT - Beneficiary of the ent hat a n y per s o n WOOD then due, Trus t e e: tire amount named i n Se c tion than such porA M E RICAN other 86.753 of Oregon Re- FIRST tion of the principal as TITLE I N S URANCE vised Statutes has the would not then be due C OMPANY OF O R right to have the forehad no d efault ocSu c cessor curred, closure p r oceeding EGON. by curing any T rustee: NANCY K . d ismissed an d t h e CARY. B e neficiary: other default that is trust deed reinstated bei n g FED- c apable o f b y payment to t h e WASHINGTON FKA W A SH- cured by tendering the beneficiary of the en- ERAL performance required INGTON F EDERAL tire amount then due under the obligation or 2. DE(other than such por- SAVINGS T rust Deed and b y SCRIPTION OF tion of said principal PROPERTY: paying all costs and The as would not then be expenses actually inreal property is dedue had no d efault scribed as follows: Lot curred in enforcing the occurred), t o g ether Seven (7), Block Two obligation and Trust w ith the cost s , SUNDANCE Deed, together with trustee's and (2), t he t r ustee's a n d EAST PHASE I, reattorney's fees a nd a ttorney's fees n o t corded July 28, 1972, curing any other deexceedingthe amount in Cabinet A, Page fault complained of in provided i n ORS 569, Desc h u tes the Notice of Default 8 6.753. Y o u ma y County, Oregon. 3. by tendering the per- R ECORDING. T h e reach th e O r e gon formance re q u ired State Bar's L awyer was reunder the obligation or Trust Deed R eferral Service a t as f o l lows: 503-684-3763 trust deed, at any time corded or Recorded: July toll-free in Oregon at prior to five days be- Date 22, 2010. Recording fore the date last set 800-452-7636 or you 2010-28433 Offifor sale. In construing No.: may visit its website cial Records of Desthis notice, the masat: w w w .osbar.org. chutes County, Orc uline g e nder i n - egon. 4. D E FAULT. Legalassistance may cludes the f eminine The Grantor or any b e available if y o u and the neuter, the have a lo w i ncome p erson o b l i- and singular includes plu- other federal povon th e T rust erty meet ral, the word "grantor" gated guidelines. For Deed and Promissory includes any succes- Note secured thereby more information and sor in interest to the a directory of legal aid in default and the grantor as well as any is programs, g o to Beneficiary seeks to other persons owing foreclose the T r ust http://www.oregona n o b ligation, t h e Deed for f ailure to lawhelp.org. Any performance of which pay: M o nthly pay- questions r egarding is secured by s aid this matter should be in the amount directed to Lisa Sumtrust deed, the words ments of $715.00 each, due "trustee" and mers, Paralegal, (541) he f i rs t o f eac h 686-0344 'beneficiary" i n clude tmonth, (TS for the months their respective suc- o f O c t ober 2 0 1 2 ¹15148.30845). January 25, cessors in interest, if t hrough Janu a ry 2DATED: any. Dated: 3/15/2013 013. /s/ Nancy K . 2013; pl u s late First American Title Nancy K. Cary, ad- Cary. C ompany 3 Fir s t charges a n d Successor T r u stee Amencan Way Santa vances; plus any un- Hershner Hunter, LLP paid real p r operty P.O. Box 1475, EuAna, California 92707 or liens, plus gene, OR 97440. Signature By: Cindy taxes 5. AMOUNT Engel, Authorized Si- interest. DUE. T h e a m ount gnor P1028307 3/28, due on the Note which USE THECLASSIFIEDS! 4/4, 4/11, 04/18/2013 i s secured b y t h e LEGAL NOTICE Trust Deed referred to 2002 Dodge belong- herein is: P r i ncipal Door-to-door selling with ing to Jeffery Majors/ balance in the amount fast results! It's the easiest Road Loans will be of $77,985.29; plus way in the world to sell. auctioned 3/29/13 by interest at the rate of MCT at 210 SE Rail6.500% per a nnum road Blvd., Redmond from September 1, The Bulletin Classified for the min. sum of 2012; pl u s late 541-385-5809 charges of $166.40; $2040.00.
To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809
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They raise farnilies, focus on their careers and still manage to find time to make a difference in their communities. They are the women ofCentral Oregon.
A bright, intelligent and inspiring magazine for your mind, body and self, this unique publication features topics of interest to today's women.
Covering subjects from health, style and professional success to personal goals and relationships, U Magazine offers its readers content to educate, empower and inspire. Each edition highlights women and the positive impact they have on
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Central Oregon and their communities.
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W HEN TOLOOK FOR IT: publishing six editions a year
Saturday, February 16 Saturday, April 6 Saturday, June 1 Saturday, July 13 Saturday, September 7 Saturday, October 19
Promoting the values of competition
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Featuring locally written content that is engaging and inforrnative. This publication has beendeveloped specifically for our senior and boomer population.
I '
The Central Oregon Council On Aging and The Bulletin have partnered to produce Ageless — a dynamic publication with content developed specifically for the largest and fastest growing segment of
IONf 4
our community — those over 40 years of age. With topics to inspire, engage and promote health and vitality, The stories published in Ageless reminds us to live our lives to the fullest — regardless of our
age. This publication is inserted into The Bulletin and can be found in select local businesses. INN ON NN WlfEO
W HEN TOLOOK FOR IT: publishing six editions a year
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Thursday, January 31 Saturday, March 16 Saturday, May 18 Saturday, July 27
Saturday, September 21
Saturday, November 16
<:I:Inar <TIN<l I I<'INIcn Tlle lll II nrslcl<T I II LNTTI.II
CENTRAL OREGON'S ORIGINAL HOME & LIVING MAGAZINE Look to Central Oregon Living for locally written features about our unique lifestyles. One of The Bulletin's premier publications,
this award-winning magazine features what's new and unique to the home building industry in Central Oregon and the lifestyle we enjoy. Featuring innovative
products, interior designs, gardening in the high desert, local expert columnists and more, this publication celebrates individuality and appreciation for the natural surroundings that inspire us,
W HEN TOLOOK FOR IT: publishingfoureditions ayear Saturday, March 2 Saturday, June 29 Saturday, October 5 Saturday, December 7
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