Serving Central Oregon since1903 75It
SATURDAY June 28,2014
eurnin o e io'ssea a
ares ancer enerse oo en LOCAL• B1
U.S. kills thousands of Oregon animals
Organic food —what's the difference? Dispelling misconceptions about one of the biggest trends in food.A3
Plus: Presidential menus
By Andrew Clevenger
— The first lady is known for her health initiatives, but the food on Air ForceOnedoesn't always reflect those goals.A4
The Bulletin
WASHINGTONLast year, a branch of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture killed more than 200,000 animals in
InSports — Catching up
Oregon as part of its mission to manage conflicts
with Ashton Eaton. Plus, how youth are driving the growing popularity of U.S. soccer. C1
between humans and wildlife.
The vast majority of the C3
animals killed — 176,350 out of 205,283 GraPhiC total — were
Iraq in crisis — In aneffort to form a newgovernment, Kerry turns to Saudi Arabia.A2
on A5
Eu r o pean starlings that flocked around feedlots
And a Wedexclusive-
and were poisoned, ac-
San Francisco's creative community laments the demiseof guerrilla artwork.
cording to annual figures from Wildlife Services,
a subsection of the De-
partment of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. But
• Homeowners who havedisputes with contractors now havemoreoptions
the total also included
thousands of predators,
By Joseph Ditzler
The Bulletin
Marriage: what has changed, what hasn't By Jonnelle Marte The Washington Post
WASHINGTON — When the Supreme Court ruled a
year ago to strike downthe Defense of Marriage Act,
a lot of things got easier for gay couples. Now that their marriages
are recognizedbythe federal government, same-sex couples have acquired a simplertax-filingprocess, broader family protections and other federal benefits.
process, Jessup said.
As the construction industry makes
crease in complaints against licensed
Total complaints statewide for 201013 filed with the OregonConstruction Contractors Board andthe number filed by residential homeowners.
contractors alleging unresolved defects and poor workmanship.
Year Total filed: :Residential . :'homeowners
a comeback in Central Oregon, officials at the state Construction Contrac-
tors Board anticipate an eventual in-
Many of those complaints will end
up in the courts, CCB officials said,
2010 :
1,6 2 8 : :
thanks to a change in state law that took from the state agency the author-
2011. :
1,2 8 3 : :
ing into the courts. The financial crash
Wildlife Services as a
that leveled the building industry may account for that, he said. "It's probably not something we would have noticed," Hall said. Homeowners have a year to file com-
to "assist the public with
"service agency" that provides expertise and skills wildlife conflicts." "We receive requests from the general public, from local governments, from the state wildlife managementagencies, federal land management agencies and wildlife m anagementagencies," he said. "We're a service agency, so we're not just driving around looking for animals to disperse or trap or shoot."
plaints about unresolved problems in-
2 012 960 :' 560 ity to make final decisions on complaints through arbitration hearings. 2 013 : 934 : 570 The change took effect in July 2011 Source: Oregon Construction Contractors Board and requires complainants, which can include prime contractors, subcontractors, employees and suppliers, as well as homeowners, to submit instead to centive to resolve their disputes in mediation by the CCB. mediation." If the two sides cannot reach an The Legislature made the change, agreement, they may take the com- he said, to cut the cost of CCB hearplaint to state court. "I don't think it's made a lot of dif-
no increase in thenumber ofbreach-ofcontract suits against contractors mov-
including 202 bears and 4,233 coyotes. David Williams, Wildlife Service's state director for Oregon, describes
Jeff Hall, trial court administrator for Deschutes County, said he's seen
ings. Rather than increase license fees
volving contractors. The number of all complaints declined from 1,628 in 2010 to 934 last year, according to data sup-
plied by the CCB. Complaints filed by homeowners statewide between 2010 and 2013 fell steadily from 766 to 570.
The state requires residential contractors to have a minimum $20,000 performance bond, an amount that
sometimes discourageshomeowners from filing a complaint with the CCB, said Jacob Zahniser, a lawyer with Ball Janik LLP who specializes in construc-
ference in terms of a lot of complaints
on contractors in a struggling economy to fund the approximately $1.2
filed," said Stan Jessup, interim man-
million biennial cost of
ager of CCB dispute resolution services. "It gave homeowners an in-
hearings in 2011-13, lawmakers opted sard. to include the courts in the complaint
a r bitration
Some of Wildlife Ser-
vice's duties include keeping birds away from air-
tion defects. Most claims exceed that amount, he
ports so they don't cause
crashes by getting sucked into jet engines.
See Contractors/A5
But ayear after the ruling, some basic rights granted to
See Wildlife /A5
opposite-sex married cou-
ples remain complicated for same-sex couples. "The good news is there's been alot of progress — the
U.S. doser to land mine ban
administration has done
(a Iot) over a short period of time," said William Moran, an adviser with Merrill Lynch Wealth Man-
By William Branigin
Ottawa Convention, the U.S.
The Washington Post
agement."Butthere are still things that need tobe
United States declared Friday
delegation said the ban on production or acquisition of the antipersonnel land mines,
that it will not produce or ac-
or APLs, will also prevent the
quire any antipersonnel land mines and is pursuing other steps toward eventually signing a 1997 treaty banning the weapons.
United States from replacing existing stockpiles as they expire. "Our delegation in Maputo
The most notable disparities were singled outby the Justice Department last
weekin a report that pointed out many same-sex couples are still unable to daim
At the conclusion of a
benefits from the Social Se-
A U.S. Army mine sweeper looks for weapons during a raid on a
conference in Maputo, Mozambique, to review the Mine
curity Administration and Veterans Affairs in states
farm just outside Tikrit, Iraq, in 2003.
Ban Treaty, also known as the
Karel Prinslcc I The AssociatedPress file photo
made clear that we are dil-
igently pursuing solutions that would be compliant with and ultimately allow the United States to accede
to the Ottawa Conventionthe treaty banning the use,
stockpiling, production and transfer of APL," National
Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said in a statement. The administration is
studying how to reduce the risks of forgoing land mines, and "other aspects of our landmine policy remain under consideration," she said.
See Land mines/A5
that don't recognize their unions. But financial advis-
ers and gay rights advocates say those aren't the only
TODAY'S WEATHER Partly cloudy High 71, Low41 Page B6
areas where improvements
areneeded. See Marriage/A4
' SM Q L I C H
'm o t o
r <s~
V Unoai
The Bulletin
INDEX Business Calendar Classified
C5-6 Comics/Puzzles F3-4 Dear Abby 82 Community Life D1-6 Horoscope 06 F1-8 Crosswords F 4 L o cal/State 81-6 TV/Movies
1A D6
Q Weuserecyclednewsprint
vol. 112, No. 179
s sections O
88 267 0 23 2 9
Wnen ee tent Soesup.ZEKB-SR ' l2RQKtif il
I ' I
The Bulletin
HOW to reaChuS VA review —In a scathing appraisal, a review ordered by President Barack Obama of the troubled Veterans Affairs health care system concludes that medical care for veterans is beset by "significant and chronic system failures," substantially verifying problems raised by whistle-blowers and internal and congressional investigators. A summary of the review by deputy White House chief of staff Rob Nabors says the Veterans Health Administration must be restructured and that a "corrosive culture" has hurt morale and affected the timeliness of health care. The review also found that a 14-day standard for scheduling veterans' medical appointments is unrealistic and that some employees manipulated the wait times so they would appear to be shorter.
541-385-5800 Phone hours: 5:30a.m.-5 p.m. MoncFri. ,6:30a.m .-noonSat.-eun.
King Abdullah
and Secretary
of State John
Kerry wait for a meeting
MiSSiSSippi primary —The long and bitter Republican primary fight between Sen.ThadCochran and his tea party challenger descended into accusations andcountercharges over voter fraud Friday, with the defeated candidate, state Sen.Chris McDaniel, making clear he would not accept the results anytime soon. Meanwhile, a tragic note was introduced into the intraparty fight Friday when a tea party leader committed suicide. Theman, Mark Mayfield, had been accused of being part of a conspiracy to photograph RoseCochran, Cochran's wife, in the Mississippi nursing homewhere shelives.
at the king's
private resi-
dence Friday in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia.
Brendan Smialowski /The Associated Press
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By Michael R. Gordon New York Times News Service
JIDDAH, Saudi Arabia Si sil.Am
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia assured U.S. officials on Friday that he would use his influence with Sunni leaders in Iraq to try to speed the formation of a
ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool..........54t-363-0374 Publisher Gordon Black .................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa........................541-383-0337
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CORRECTIONS The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you knowof an error in a story,call us at541-363-0356.
multisect government there, a senior State Department official said. The king's assurance marks a shift in the Sunni monarchy's
Friday urged the country's divided political factions to select a new prime minister by early next week, in apublic call for a political solution that increases pressure onthe embattled prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki. Speaking from the holy city of Karbala, Abdul Mahdi al-Karbalai, a cleric representing GrandAyatollah Ali al-Husseini al-Sistani, called on Iraq's political blocs to select a new leader before the recently elected parliament sits Monday. The grand ayatollah's messagecameasthe president of Iraqi Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, challenged both the central government's authority and the cleric's wishes.
CatfiSh inSpOCtinn —TenAsian and Pacific nations have told the Office of the U.S.TradeRepresentative that the Agriculture Department's catfish inspection program violates international law. The countries say that the inspection program is atrade barrier erected under the guise of afood safety measureandthat it violates the United States' obligations under World TradeOrganization agreements. In a letter, the nations express concern that the inspection program could lead theAgriculture Department to expand its ability to regulate seafood exports to the United States.
— New Yorfr TimesNews Service
Secretaryof State John Kerry formation process underway
Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sis-
in Baghdad.
tani, Iraq's top Shiite cleric, had
"The two shared a v i ew tant to support the formation of a new Iraqi government until it that all of Iraq's communities became dear that Prime Min- should be participating on an ister Nouri al-Maliki would not urgent basis in the political be given a third term. process to allow it to move forThe failing security situation ward, and that both the secin Iraq, which has bought mili- retary and King Abdullah in tants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant to within
urged the selection of a Shiite prime minister by then. T he Saudis' d i sdain
"I don't trust this man," Abdullah told John Brennan, the CIA director who was then
Obama's c o unterterrorism leaders would conveythatmes- director, in a March 15, 2009, sage directly to them," added meeting, according to classithe official, who spoke on the fied cable that was made public condition of anonymity under by WikiLeaks. "He is an IraniState Department protocol. an agent." The Iraqi parliament is scheduled to begin the process of forming a new government their conversations with Iraqi
Kurdish parties and al-Mali-
on their choice for parliament
alternative. "Both the secretary and the
time, in an i nformal under-
ki's Shiite rivals in backing an
al-Maliki is longstanding.
striking distance of the Saudi border in western Iraq, appeared to have led to a change in Saudi calculations. The Saudis also appeared to be calculating that al-Maliki's ability to secure a third term was in jeopardy and that the 'Ittesday. To keep the political best way to block him was to process on track, U.S. officials encourage Sunni parties to join would like the Sunnis to settle
rebuked congressional Republicans on Friday for opposing his economic initiatives, saying they should be held accountable for not doing enough for the middle class. The president, looking ahead to the midterm congressional elections this fall in which his party is fighting to keep control of the Senate, is seeking to insulate Democrats from the anti-Washington sentiment that polls show is increasingly potent among voters. Republicans want to bind Democrats ever more tightly to Obamaand to cast the blame onthem for the slow pace of job growth. Buffer ZOnOS —OnFriday, the morning after the Supreme Court struck down restrictions in Massachusetts that had created no-protest buffer zones nearabortion clinics, a handful of demonstrators were among the first anti-abortion activists to exert their restored rights, as a fewpolice officers looked onand avolunteer escort stood ready to bring patients inside the clinic. State officials said they were reviewing the decision and existing laws and considering what additional measures might be needed to prevent harassment near clinics.
FOrming a neWgOVernment — Iraq's topShiite cleric on
stance and was conveyed to in a 3t/~-hour meeting here. The Saudis had been reluc-
Odama'S eCOnOmiC meaSureS — President BarackObama
Afghan OIOC'tinnS —Thousands of supporters of Afghan presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah poured into the streets of Kabul on Friday, blocking roads andclogging squares asthey demanded that allegations of election fraud beaddressed. It was the second such protest on behalf of Abdullah, who hasaccused his opponent, Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, of orchestrating widespread ballot stuffing with the help of the nation's election commission. As many as15,000 people crammedinto the streets of the capital, a show of force that eclipsed past efforts and drew people from well outside of the city. — From wire reports
speaker by then. For some 0
standing, a Shiite Arab has king believe that the security been prime minister, an ethnic challenges that Iraq faces re- Kurd president and a Sunni quire a new government," said Arab speaker. the State Department official, Kerry underscored in his referring to the government meeting with the k ing t hat
• aa
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Ukraine'saccordwith New York Times News Service BRUSSELS — Dealing a defiant blow to the Kremlin,
President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine signed a long-delayed trade pact with Europe on Friday that Moscow had b itterly o pposed. H e t h e n
T he completion of t h e agreement between the European Union and U k r aine
marked a severe setback for President Vladimir Putin of Russia.
"The big loser in all this is
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European leaders,meeting Friday at a summit in Brussels, announced that they
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declared he would like his Putin," said Amanda Paul, a country to one day become a researcher at the European full member of the European Policy Centre, a Brussels reUnion. search group. "He has gone In so doing, Ukraine's new out of his way to create probleader has in effect raised a lems internally in Ukraine but risky bet on the West that has only pushed Ukraine further cost his country hundreds of into the arms of the West than lives and the loss of the Crime- it ever would have gonebefore. an peninsula to Russia and It totally backfired for Putin." has set off a low-level civil war Putin blamed the months in its eastern border region. of crisis in Ukraine on WestBy signing the trade pact ern leaders, saying they had at th e B r u ssels headquar- forced Kiev to choose between ters of the European Union, Russia and the European Poroshenko revived a deal Union. "The anti-constitutional whose rejection in November by his predecessor, Viktor coup in Kiev and attempts to Yanukovych, set off months artificially impose a choice of pro-European protests in between Europe and Russia Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, on theUkrainian people have and pushed the West into its pushed society toward a split biggest test of wills with Rus- and painful confrontation,"
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kovych and drove pro-Russian activists in Crimea and the eastern region of Donetsk
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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day
It's Saturday, June28, the 179th day of 2014.There are 186 days left in the year.
HAPPENINGS RuSSian rOCket — TheAngara booster, in development for two decades, is scheduled to launch after it failed to do so on Friday.
HISTORY Highlight:In 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, Sophie, were assassinated in Sarajevo by Serb nationalist Gavrilo Princip — the event that sparked World War I. In1778, the Revolutionary War Battle of Monmouth took place in NewJersey; it was from this battle that the legend of "Molly Pitcher" arose. In1836, the fourth president of the United States, James Madison, died in Montpelier, Va. In1838, Britain's Queen Victoria was crowned in Westminster Abbey. In1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed in France, ending the First World War. In Independence, Mo., future president Harry Truman married Elizabeth Virginia Wallace. In1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the National Housing Act, which established the Federal Housing Administration. In1939, Pan American Airways began regular trans-Atlantic air service with a flight that departed NewYork for Marseilles, France. In1944, the Republican national convention in Chicago nominated NewYork Gov. Thomas Deweyfor president and Ohio Gov. John Bricker for vice president. In1950, North Korean forces captured Seoul, the capital of South Korea. In1964, civil rights activist Malcolm X declared, "We want equality by any means necessary" during the Founding Rally of the Organization of Afro-American Unity in New York. In1978, the SupremeCourt ordered the University of California-Davis Medical School to admit Allan Bakke, awhite man who argued he'd beena victim of racial discrimination. In1989, about 1 million Serbs gathered to mark the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo in 1389. In1994, President Bill Clinton became the first chief executive in U.S. history to set up a personal legal defense fund and ask Americans to contribute to it.
built reefs earlier than first thought
Concern about the safety and value of the food we eat
is motivating more and more shoppers to fill their grocery
ous certifiers compete with one
another for business. So, if an inspection is rigorous, a farmer
ganic." According to USDA statistics, annual spending on organic food and drinks has jumped from about $1 billionto $28 billion in the past 20 years. But how is organic defined, and is it always the healthiest choice?
have found the remains of the oldest known animal reef system in the world.
The reef was constructed 548 million years ago in what was once a shallow sea. Prior to its discovery, the oldest
may opt to work with a com-
peting certifier that does a less thorough job. The official USDA certifi-
cates guaranteeingthat a product is organic are relatively easy to forge. And because the organicrules are designed for larger-scale commercial op-
If a product is labeled
• organic, it hasn't been exposed to herbicides or
JoeKline/rhe Bulletin filephoto
Organic apples are sold at the Bendhealth foods store Natures.
known reef system construct-
ed by animals was 530 million years old. If you could snorkel over this ancient reef all those millennia ago, you would find a
Only the "100% Organ- Organic foods are rising in popularity, but plenty of misinformaic" label guarantees the U.S. tion surrounds them. Department of Agriculture's
definition of organic. That means meat, eggs and dairy
tilizers free of synthetic or
been constructing primitive limestone reefs for 3 billion
produced in distant lands may
But every once in a while
sewage components; and no Whether organic food is genetically modified organ- more nutritious is another
also come to U.S. stores with a Food labeled USDA Organsocial cost. What are the work- ic that originates outside the
isms are part of the product.
ing conditions for the farm la-
question. While the Ameri-
But the label doesn't neces- can Academy of Pediatrics borersand factory employees sarily mean zero pesticides says that lower pesticide lev- who tend and process those or herbicides.Other factors els in organic foods could products? And how fair are contribute to whether food reduce the risk of ingesting their wages? meets the USDA's varying drug-resistant bacteria, "in Products labeled organic
you would come across a more sophisticated struc-
United States is supposed to meet U.S. standards. But the
same potential problems confronting domestic certification
are exacerbated when food is imported. Employees of the organic definitions and those the long term, there is cur• are inspected to guaran- third-party certifiers rarely followed by organic purists: rently no direct evidence that tee their purity. travel overseastom ake inspecWhat's in the water used to consuming an organic diet Each apple or asparagus tions. Instead, the certifiers irrigate the crop? What might leads to improved health or spear isn'tchecked for its or- contract with local firms operwaft over a field from nearby lower risk of disease." And a ganic veracity, nor is every ating in the source countries. factory smokestacks? What controversial 2012 Stanford container filled with processed Such an extended bureaucratic pesticides drift onto crops University study reported food and labeled organic ap- chain increases the opportunifrom adjacent convention- that it's a waste of money to proved before it's stocked on ties for fraud and lax enforceal farms? What GMO crops paymore for the organic label market shelves. Such metic- ment, especially when food is pollute organic fields? Last in an attempt to buy the most ulous diligence would be im- imported from places rife with year a field of conventionally nutritious food available. practical and inefficient. corruption, such as Ukraine grown wheat in Oregon was "There isn't much difference The inspection process for and Kazakhstan. corrupted by GMO wheat, between organic and conven- products labeled organic often Food that does not meet U.S. and Jackson County resi- tional foods, if you're an adult is superficial, and it is fraught organic standards can also be dents responded by voting and making a decision based with inconsistencies and po- shipped through third counto ban genetically modified solely on your health," wrote tential conflicts of interest. At tries with loose regulatory enfarming. Dena Bravata, the study's least once a year, a third party forcement. Italian authorities F or products w it h t h e lead researcher. However, inspects farms and food man- point to Malta as a transit point USDA "organic" label, only critics of that study's condu- ufacturers that c l aim t h eir where paperwork is laundered 95 percent of the ingredients sions point out that the re- wares are organic. The rigor to mark conventional food as must be organic. There are searchers narrowly defined of these visits ranges from sim- organic. Though sometimes about 200 non-organic sub- "more nutritious" as contain- ply looking over paperwork to impractical, the best guide stances producers can add ing more vitamins. mucking about in the fields to when shopping for organic to food without sacrificing Organic food is better conducting detailed interviews food is: Think globally, but buy the organic claim. And that • for the environment. with farm owners and work- locally. non-organic 5 percent could There's no question that be sprayed with herbicides keeping farmland free of and pesticides. The other 95 pesticides is better for the p ttih 50. percent could be exposed to environment. So are other 541-548-2066 USDA-approved biological aspects of organic farming, or botanical pest controlssuch as crop rotation and peAdjustable Bend or even chemicals from a list riodically allowing land to lie Beds Redmond of allowable compounds poi- fallow. But just because food sonous to weeds and bugs but is organic doesn't mean its John Day supposedly safe for people. production and distribution Burns Products with th e l abel are necessaril y good for the Lakeview "made with organic ingre- environment. Consider a can IjV&TRESS La Pine dients" can have as little as of organic black beans from G allery - B e n d 70 percent organic content. Bolivia, a bag of organic rice 541.382.6447 541-3$0-50$4 Consider a bag of corn chips from China or a box of made with organic corn and ganic apricots from Armenia. non-organic oil: Since about Transporting such products 25 percent of a chip is oil, the to your neighborhood groprocessed product meets the cery store creates a carbon government standard. footprint much bigger than Organic food is better transporting locally grown • foryou. products. It is logical to think that Additionally, converting organic food is healthier if natural habitat to vast tracts it is relatively free of most of farmland can harm loherbicides and pesticides. cal flora and fauna. CoastThe residue of such poisons line-preserving mangroves on conventional food is not in Southeast Asia are ripped SWIVEL-STEERINGBAGGED UPRIGHT supposed to be a danger to out, for example, to make
ture — a small thicket of cor-
nucopia-shaped shells that look like a stack of ice cream cones fitted into one another. The hard structures were at-
tached to one another by a cement-like material.
This early reef system was built by an animal species known as Cloudina, which is the first animal known to
have a hard shell, said Amelia Penny, a Ph.D. student at
the University of Edinburgh's School of Geosciences. Penny was the lead author of a paper
describingthe reef's discovery published Thursday in the journal Science. Cloudina were a filter-feeding animal, but nobody knows exactly what they looked like because fossil ized remains of their soft tissue have never
been found. Prior to this study,
scientists also didn't know how they spent their liveswhether they laid around on
the seafloor or if they attached themselves to rocks.
aj B~ dU 1~
"We found them in life position, forming a reef," said Penny. "So this study reveals at least one of the ways in which they definitely grew." shells appear to have a little drill hole in them, suggesting there were creatures that
were preying on these small animals. That in turn implies
that the ecology of this time, more than 5 million years before the Cambrian explo-
sion when life went through a rapid diversification, was ly thought. "Thisreefdates back to a pivotal piece of t ime when
life is just starting to get complicated and complex," said
WILSONSof Redmond
more complex than previous-
N Iagnes ium AS
Rachel Wood, a professor of
geosciences at the University of Edinburgh, who worked the very beginning hint of the modern world." about the evolutionary pressures that drove these ani-
stands may be exempt from inspections if they yield no more than $5,000 a year in sales. So, whether food really meets organic standards is more a mat-
products are free of antibi-
more than four miles. Most of it would be covered by mounds of green slime createdby microbes that had
Wood and Penny said they were interested to learn more
erations, mom-and-pop farm-
human health, but since they space for palm-oil plantations, ter of trusting purveyors than kill weeds and pests — and rice paddies an d c o conut trustingthe organic label. otics and growth hormones; accumulate in human bodies farms. Imported products laproduce is grown with fer- — it makes sense to avoid the Organic food grown and • beledasorganicm eetU.S.
vast system that stretched for
IYibot ""Siii~ the.""..8~P'
~''-Webor gives i'vi~)"iif ikiiae:oftoig"j~ . ps. cheap stuH destirlecj for q,fqndfIll, Lastlo9 :
' ~ l i t y is aiotoys the:~ ' vriiot."'::: "'-"":~'<': "
mals to build shells for themselves and then to congregate in reefson the seafloor.
"We are only just starting to delve into this subject and
— From wire reports
ers, along with processors and transporters. The farmers and food processors inspected pay certifiers for the opportunity to be approved, and the vari-
Special To The Washington Post
At the edge of a desert in southern Namibia, scientists
with Penny on the study. "It is
Comedian-movie director Mel Brooks is 88. Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is 76. Actress Kathy Bates is 66. Actress Alice Krige is 60. College and Pro Football Hall of Famer John Elway is 54. Actress Mary Stuart Masterson is 48. Actor John Cusack is 48. Jazz musician Jimmy Sommers is 45.
By Peter Laufer
Los Angeles Times
designation mean'? And what are the benefits of organic food?
By Deborah Netbum
The researchers also noted that some of the Cloudina
4/2 years.
Organic farming has grown into a multibillion-dollar industry. But what does the organic
carts with food labeled "or-
Ten years ago:The U.S.-led coalition transferred sovereignty to the interim Iraqi government two days ahead of schedule. The Supreme Court ruled that the war on terrorism did not give the government a "blank check" to hold a U.S. citizen and foreign-born terror suspects in legal limbo. The United States resumed direct diplomatic ties with Libya after a 24-year break. Five years ago:Soldiers ousted Manuel Zelaya,thedemocratically elected president of Honduras; congressional leader Roberto Micheletti was sworn in to serve until Zelaya's term ended in January One year ago:Thefour plaintiffs in the U.S. Supreme Court case that overturned California's same-sex marriage ban tied the knot, just hours after a federal appeals court freed gay couples to obtain marriage licenses in the state for the first time in
get to grips with the complexity we suspect is there," said
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Located next to W hole Foods
n Air Force ne, no cuttin
ac on ur ersan ca e
Continued from A1 H ere is
a r u n d own o f
what's grown easier for samesex couples and what could be improved: Social Security benefits: After the ruling, same-sex married couples living in
LateSt rulillil —A federal appeals court on Friday put on hold a judge's order striking down Indiana's gaymarriage ban, bringing same-sex marriages to ahalt and leaving those who've already tied the knot in legal limbo. TheU.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago issued the order two daysafter U.S. District Judge Richard Younghadruled that Indiana's prohibition on same-sex marriage wasunconstitutional. — The Associated Pess
states that recognized their
marriages are entitled to So- forany other married couple. according to a 2007 report By Emmarie Huettsman
The food on the presi-
New York Times News Service
dent's plane
WASHINGTON — A bluecheese burger with l ettuce,
tomato and garlic aioli, accompanied by Parmesan-sprinkled fries. Chocolate fudge cake. Pasta shells stuffed with four cheeses, topped with meat sauce an d
is plentiful in quantity and broad in
i4 ':~
appeal, but not always
the perfect
mirror of the
s h r edded
mozzarella, and served with a garlic breadstick. Cake in-
fused with limoncello. Buffalo
tions of first lady Michelle
wings with celery, carrots and homemade ranch dip.
Such was the fare served to
Luke Sharrett New York Times News Service
passengers aboard Air Force One during a particularly grueling three-state day on the
campaign trail just before the 2012 election. Not much has fied with the menu. on the menu. "They seem to b e p retty changed since. Chaudhary, who estimates "It's American fare, in that
it's not going all arugula on people," said Arun Chaudhary, who wa s P resident Barack Obama's videographer
well-rounded meals," said Jar-
that he flew on Air Force One
ed Favole,a former reporter
about three times a week, said the Obamas' taste for healthier
for The Wall Street Journal
who particularly enjoyed the yogurt and granola some-
fare had in fact shaped some
of the current menus. He said
gressively nutritious."
m o r n i ng the president enjoyed more flights when he was covering nutritious food like salmon,
To say the least. The food on Air Force One is well known
Barack Obama. almonds and broccoli (unlike Many others dismiss ques- the elder George Bush, who
among White House staff
banned the mother-approved
from 2009 to 2011. "It's not ag-
times served o n
tions about the food's nutrimembers and reporters for tional value by pointing out
being plentiful in quantity and that grapes, apples and other broad in appeal, but not al- fruit are always available in ways the perfect mirror of the bowls in each cabin. nutritional recommendations
And there is no f ryer on
vegetable from his plane). Barack Obama also has a soft spot for Honest Tea, a low-cal-
orie, caffeine-free drink Black ForestBerry flavor,to
coming out of the office of the first lady, Michelle Obama, who has made healthy eating and living her mission. According to the Agricul-
board, although for safety, not be specific. health, reasons. The Obamas indulge in "While everything is pretty burgers and pizza, and on much top-notch, the fries are occasions when the m otoralways soggy," Chaudhary cade passesa restaurant that
ture Department's MyPlate
guide, unveiled by Michelle
boasts the world's best wings,
The menu tends to reflect
Obama in 2011, fruits and
vegetables should make up half of a meal. (White potatoes alone will not do the
trick, as the first lady wrote in a recent editorial.) Michelle Obama has also emphasized the need to reduce the consumption of sugar, salt and fat in her fight to improve school lunches as part of her Let's Move initiative against child-
hood obesity. It is unclear whether MichelleObama has urged extending those standards to the
president's plane, where the meals are prepared on board by enlisted Air Force personnel who have credentials from military and civilian culinary schools. The White House directed questions about the meals to Air F orce One officials,
who declined to comment on whether they had spoken
for example, Obama may the preferences ofthe presi- ruin his dinner along with his dent, who generally eats the s auce-drenched staff m e m same thing as the rest of the bers, Chaudhary said. "He's like the rest of us," he travelers, said Mark Knoller, a CBS News correspondent who SBld. has reported on every presiThe grocery bills for a plane dent since Gerald Ford. equipped to feed up to 100 Jim Watson, an A g ence people at a time can add up. France-Presse photojournalist According to documents oband "picky eater" who sub- tained by CBS News through sists on peanut butter and jel- a Freedom of Information Act ly sandwiches on presidential request, the administration trips, said George W. Bush's spent more than $18,600 supplane featured more meat plying the plane with food and and potatoes. One day in 2002 cooking supplies for a ninewhen Bush was in Florida to day presidential trip to Asia promote fitness, the official in 2010. The price for a threeAir Force One lunch, printed day trip for the 2011 Group of on gold-edged menu cards for 20 summit meeting was more every passenger, consisted of than $4,700. a corned beef sandwich, steak The staff stocks up the way fries and strawberry cheese- many Americans would for a cake. (Bush ordered off the major trip: at grocery stores menu that day, choosing egg like Safeway and Harris Teesalad on toast.) ter and at bulk d istributors Ronald Reagan was always like Costco and Sam's Club. popping jelly beans, a habit Often overlooked is the fact
with Michelle Obama about the food they serve. But they
that spread to others on his
that staff members and report-
plane, said Kenneth Walsh,
wrote in an email that healthy
a journalist for U.S. News & World Report who w rote a
ersare charged fortheirmeals aboard Air Force One. (News organizations pay airfare for
food had always been on the dards of Let's Move. "I've got to imagine the only thing tougher than getting elementary school kids to eat healthy is getting a cabin full
book about Air Force One. travel on Air Force One, as And before going vegan after they would on a commercial leaving office, Bill Clinton had airline.) a well-known fondness for burgers and fries. But there is one person who can overrule the president,
of reportersto do the same,"
Knoller said.
menu and that they strove to tailor the cuisine to the stan-
"You could tell by the food said Sam Youngman, who covered the White House for whether Mrs. Clinton was on the newspaper The Hill during the plane," he said, meaning the early days of the Obama salad and other greens were administration. Some reporters and staff
cial Security spousal benefits,
That's because the Internal
such as survivor and spousal
Revenue Service allows gay Progress, a progressive think couples to file as married tank. Now those companies
retirement benefits. But as the Justice Department pointed
on their federal tax returns,
out last week, federal rules eliminating the cumbersome specify that Social Security filing process some couples benefits need to be based on faced previously when they the law of the state the mar- could file as married on their ried couple lives in, prevent- state returns but had to file ing those in states that don't as single on their federal allow for same-sex marriage returns. from taking advantage of Some couples are still facspousal benefits. ing complications preparing Congress would need to returns in states that don't step in to guarantee that gay recognize their unions. While and lesbian couples could they can now file as married take advantage of Social Se- on their federalreturns,some curity benefits regardless of states are requiring couples to where they live. The Social file as single on state tax reSecurity Administration did, turns or to provide additional however,recentl y issue guid- documentation that is not reance saying that the agency quired of opposite-sex marwill issue spousal benefits to ried couples. same-sex partners in states Family leave: The Labor that don't recognize same- Department proposed a rule sex marriage but do allow last week that would allow civil u n ions o r do m estic workers to take time off to partnerships. care for a same-sex spouse Veteran benefits: The De- regardless of whether they p artment of V e terans A f - live in states that recognize
by the Center for American can offer health benefits tax-
free to same-sex spouses, just as they would an opposite-sex spouse. Couples that previously paid taxes on health care benefits may be able to file amended tax returns
to get the money back as a refund.
Because the S u preme Court ruling did not require employers to offer health benefits to same-sex spouses, the accessibility of health benefits for same-sex couples
can still depend on state regulations. Companies in the states that recognize same-
sex marriages may be compelled to extend these benefits to same-sex partners,
said Deena Fidas, director of Workplace Equality Programs for the Human Rights Campaign. But in some of the states that haven't legal-
ized same-sex marriage, "the work continues as it always spousal benefits on the laws Supreme Court ruling, those has to work with private-secof the state a couple lives rights were only clearly ex- tor employers t o i n c lude in. That means couples liv- tended to couples living in same-sex partner benefits," ing in states that don't allow states that allow same-sex Fidas said. same-sex marriage are de- marriage. The Labor DepartImmigration: The Departnied marriage-basedveteran ment rule, which would apply ment of Homeland Securibenefits, such as the ability to private-sector employers ty recently announced that to file for dependency claims only, could be finalized this same-sex marriages will be fairs is also required to base
t heir marriages. After t h e
and survivor pensions. Here,
treated the same as oppo-
too, lawmakers would need Health care: Even before site-sex marriages for immito act to make those benefits last year's Supreme Court rul- gration purposes.U.S. Citizen available to same-sex cou-
ing, about two-thirds of For-
and Immigration Services
ples regardless of where they tune 500 employers offered live. The National Cemetery health benefits to employees' Administration, however, is same-sex spouses, according allowing same-sex spouses to the Human Rights Camof veterans to be buried with paign, a gay rights group.
will generally consider a same-sex marriage valid if it
their partners.
The catch was that workers
nent residents can file peti-
Income taxes:As a result of the Supreme Court de-
and employers had to pay taxes on those benefits be-
cision, meeting the annual April 15 tax deadline is now
cause the marriages weren't
tions to sponsor their samesex spouses when it comes to family-based immigrant visas and that U.S. citizens can
took place in a state that al-
lows the unions. That means that U.S. citizens and perma-
recognized by the federal usually no more complicated government, costing workers file to get visas for a fiance of for same-sex couples than up to $1,000 more each year, the same sex.
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Real Possibilities
Contractors Continuedfrom At "The CCB has only really been effective to resolve
small-money claims," said Zahniser, who has represented homeowners in Bend. "It
has neverbeen an eff ective mechanism to resolve larger
claims." Often, the dispute between homeowner and homebuilder
has festered long enough that neither side is talking to the other and mediationbecomes
Andy High, staff vice pres-
On theWeh
ident of government affairs
for the Central Oregon Builders Association, said the organization focuses on giving consumers information they need to ensure they choose
Checkoutyourcontractor bycontacting the Oregon Construction Contractors Board at 503-378-4621
or visiting thewebsiteat The boardwill: • Verifythe contractor's license andbond amount. • Checkthe contractor's complaintandbusiness history. Boardrecords available online cross-referencethe samecontractor's previous licenses and complaints under other business names.
complaints arise, mediation may resolve conflicts between homeowners and con-
tractorsfaster,hesaid. "We like to stress that the more that the consumer re-
searches the contractor, (the better)," High said. "If (con-
Land mines
have little material effect on existing U.S. stockpiles Continuedfrom A1 (which number in the mil"The United S t a t es lions) for many, many years shares th e
manyyears after being planted. Officials have said that smart mines might be needed
to protect U.S. troops from being overrunby enemies.
h u m a nitari- to come," Kimball said. Un-
an goals of the Ottawa C onvention an d
less the Obama administration changes course, he added, the 2004 policy of the George W. Bush administration remains in effect, "per-
i s th e
world's single largest financial supporter of humanitarian mine a ction,
Besides the United States,
35 countries have not acceded to the Mine Ban Treaty.
They include Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Burma and North and South Korea. Stephen Goose, co-founder of the International Cam-
providing more than $2.3 mitting the indefinite use of billion in aid since 1993 self-destructing, self-deactiin more than 90 countries vating antipersonnel mines for conventional weapons anywhere in theworld." destruction p r o grams," The administration's comHayden said. mitment Friday t o s t udy
paign to Ban Landmines and a participant at the Maputo
conference, said Friday's announcement represents prog-
difficult; that's when lawyers get involved, Zahniser said. The dispute will usually center on money, not the contractor remedying the problem, hesaid. "The (mediation) process tion goes unmet. The board
tractors) don't want to give
The U.S. statement to
military alternatives to land
references, hand over the license or show the bond, you
the Maputo conference,
mines as part of a goal of eventually signing the Mine
need tobe cautious."
1,000 participants from
Policing job sites against
around the world, was de-
Kimball said, "but the fail-
unlicensed contractors is part of the Construction Contrac-
livered by Douglas Griffiths, the U.S. ambassa-
ure of President Obama to
reported. He also welcomed
has a place, and I've used it," Zahniser said. "It does pro-
tors Board's mission. For example, a CCB sweep of 99job
dor to Mozambique. The
provide more decisive and prompt leadership on this issue is disappointing." An administration policy review on land mines, under-
the U.S. intention to join the treaty, although he noted that
tectahomeowner,butonlyup to a certain point, and after a certain point it j ust doesn't
may suspend a contractor's
license even if the complaint is never filed with the board but the homeowner files suit,
sites thisweekin Eastern and
Central Oregon turned up 19
instead, said Bruce Ehrlich, a violations, Jessup said. protect the homeowner." CCB compliance specialist. W orking w i thout a c o n Filing a complaint with the In that event, homeowners tractor's license may draw CCB serves another purpose, who prevail in court need to a $1,000 fine on the first ofhowever. It allows the CCB to provide the CCB with a certi- fense, and $5,000 for each retain authority over the con- fied copy of the judgment, he subsequent offense. Unlitractor's license in the event said. censed work that d amages "When the amount ofcon- property may draw a $5,000 of a judgment against the contractor. Plus, filing even struction is fairly slow and fine immediately, he said. a large claim through the reasonable, contractors are Nearly 4 0 0 co m p l aints board preserves the home- doing the work themselves, against unlicensed contracowner'splace inline to collect so complaints are few and far tors advertising on Craigslist on the contractor's bond in between," Ehrlich said. were filed between January "If things get really crazy, and June, Jessup said. the event others make similar "It's a big issue," he said. claims. if it picks up, we'll expect to The CCB will impose an see a shortage of (subcontrac- "Especially with places like order, in addition to any tors) and unlicensed people Craigslist, where they're adcourt judgment, that allows start creeping in. We'll start vertising but not licensed." the state to suspend the con- to see complaints pick up — Reporter: 541-617-7815, tractor'slicense if restitu- again."
w hich drew
m or e t h a n
Continuedfrom At But the agency's critics, in-
cluding Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Springfield, claim the agency's willingness to pre-emptively kill predators at the request of private entities constitutes an unnecessary federal
subsidy to ranching and farminginterests. "(Wildlife Services) have sort of a super license to go beyond state laws," and the killings are often doneinways that are cruel and objectionable, DeFazio said. "Every farmer and rancher has a right to protect his or her (livestock), but not to
Wildlife Services While the number of animals killednationwide eachyear by Wildlife Services has remained relatively stable since 2008, the number of animals killed by theagency in Oregonskyrocketed between 2009and 2010andhave stayed at higher levels since. The vast majority of the animals killed in Oregonbetween 2008 and 2013 wereEuropeanstarlings. ANIMALS KILLED OREUTHANIZED IN OREGONInthousands 3OO 250 2OO I50 1OO 50 0
country has a history of land-mine use and casualties dating from decades of warfare that ended in
might come onto their land,
but Wildlife Services will do that for them," he said."That's
a pretty sweet deal for private interests."
Williams said that people are increasingly living and working in areas he described
201 2
201 3
go out onto federal land and
slaughter everything within 10 miles because (a predator)
20 1 1
4,0OO 3,0OO 2,0OO 1,OOO 0
from Maputo is useful in
that it underscores landmines are not essential to
2 011 2 01 2
their way out, but it falls
1991, although it is estimat-
s hort of w h a t c a n a n d
ed to maintain a stockpile of
to d r if t
should be done," Daryl K imball, executive d i rector of the Washing-
m ore than 9 mi llion of t h e
Obama's term in office." Mac-
weapons. Under previous adminis-
Nairn said the U.S. declara-
ton-based Arms C ontrol
trations, U.S. officials have
A ssociation, said i n
sought to explain the refusal tojointhetreatybydrawing a
most cost effective and effi-
"We're not out there making
decisions to do something with wildlife, eliminate this speciesor that species. We do
it inwhat is actually a carefully orchestrated wildlife man-
agement scheme on the state level." W ildlife S e rvices h a s around 50 employees in Oregon, which includes five or six seasonal workers, Wil-
liams said. Its funding sources include $415,000 from the Oregon Departments of Agriculture and Fish and Wild-
life, $1.3 million from county governments, and it "might getupwards of another $1 million" from private entities as well as other federal and state
agencies, saidWilliams. D eFazio has tried, to n o
avail, to get a full accounting of Wildlife Service's books andprocedures. "It was easier for me to ob-
tain classified information regarding Homeland Security expenditures than it is for me
to getcleardataoutof Wildlife Services about their accounts, their methods," said DeFazio,
who spent eight years as a member of the House Committee on Homeland Securi-
ty. "Once ayear they put out this gross summary list by state, but there are a number
of whistle-blowers within the
statement. He noted that the United States already
had no plans to produce
distinction between so-called "smart" land m i nes, which
are allowed by U.S. policy
mi nes
barred by the treaty and that the Pentagon is carrying out n o r e search and development on the weapons.
b e y ond P r esident
tion Friday "also fell short by not committing to a full ban" on the use of antipersonnel
land mines.
because they can be set to self-destruct o r de a ctivate
automatically, and "dumb" mines, which can detonate
changingsmiles Denture & ImplantCenter
ing stockpile of landmines and on a schedule, the pledge not to produce or acquire landmines will
Call 541-388-4444 for $100 OFF
your new denture
have some responsibility to managethe conflicts,"he said.
U n ited States
"runs the risk of allowing its landmine policy review
have to be r esolved. These
in the reality of today. So we
ing that th e
AndyZeigert/The Bulletin
ative nature has "made it the
a happy equilibrium or level
The United States has not used land mines since
a d m i nistration's
failure to set deadlines, say-
201 3
that the numbers are not par-
imize our impacts. And like it or not, nature doesn't find
about th e
Source: U.S.DepartmentofAgriculture/AnimalandPlantHealthInspection Service
agency who say pretty much
"Man is here, and man is
mand-detonated or that target vehicles are notbanned.
wildlife leads to conflicts that
probably here to stay, and we need to responsibly min-
Goose said the U nited States should at least set a
as "residential-agricultural interface," and the overlap with
can range from cougars and coyotes preying on livestock, or beavers flooding roadways and disrupting structures that control the flow of water, or bears damaging young trees by peeling bark to snack on naturalsugars, he said.
line to do so.
1992. It has been a focus has taken far too long, and no target date to join the treaty, deadlines have been set for immediately pledge not to completing either the review use land mines and begin deAdvocates of a global or the study on alternatives, struction of its stockpiles, AP ban on land mines welhesaid. reported. "It gives us great relief that comed the U.S. declaraMore t ha n 1 6 0 n a t ions tion but said the Obama have signed the Mine Ban the U.S. is banning the proadministration did not go Treaty, which prohibits the duction of these deadlyweapfar enough toward getting use, development, p r oduc- ons," Elizabeth M a cNairn, rid of the weapons, which tion, stockpiling or transfer executive director of Handkill or maim an estimatof antipersonnel land mines. icap International U.S., said ed 4,000 people a year in They weapons are defined in a statement."To hear them dozens of countries where as explosivesdesigned to be speak about accession to the they have been planted detonated by "the presence, treaty as a foreseeable goal is and often forgotten. proximity or contact" of peo- a causeforcelebration." "The U.S. s t atement ple. Land mines that are comBut she, too, complained
the United States exist20 1 O
there is no guarantee or time-
for years of international efforts to clear land mines.
"Without a commitment
2 009
mines, the Associated Press
way since November 2009,
to destroy some or all of
2 008
has always reserved the right to produce more land
Ban Treaty is also "positive,"
U.S. security and are on
ress, since the United States
cient program in the federal government in the areas of and two other members asked wildlife damage management the Department of Agricul- and public health and safety," Last September, DeFazio
t ure's inspector general t o
the letters state.
investigate Wildlife Services. Othergroups arenotassupThe government shutdown in portive of Wildlife Service's Octoberpostponedanyaction, efforts. People for the Ethical and DeFazio hopes an audit T reatment of A n i m als h a s may be forthcoming later this a page dedicated to Wildlife year. Services on its website, where According to Wildlife Ser- it maintains that Wildlife Services' annual reports, the vices uses cruel and archaic number of animals killed methods to kill millions of anin Oregon totaled 34,657 in imalseach year because they 2008 and 37,603 in 2009. But are consideredpests. "Not only are (Wildlife Serthe following year, the total soared to 259,767 and has not vice's) methods cruel, they been below 205,283 any year are also largely ineffective since. Nationally, the total has because, without modifying fluctuated between 3,352,387 areas to exclude newcomers, and 5,008,928 over the same more animals simply move period. in to replace those who were Williams said there weren't killed, resulting in a perpetuany policy changes that ac- al, vicious kill cycle," PETA's count for the sudden spike in website states. kills in Oregon. Brooks Fahy, executive di"Other t h a n m o n i toring rector of Eugene-based Predthe impacts that we may or ator Defense, a wildlife conmay not be having on wild- servation group, said all of the life populations, it's really not agency's lethal practices are a numbers game for Wildlife objectionable. "They kill native species, Services. It's about going out and managing the conflicts not just starlings and exotics, and the damage to tolerable in the millions. They're using levels. And we do that in con- poisons, traps, and shootings," junctionwith state and federal hesaid. wildlife agencies so that we According to Fahy, the are not negatively impacting most dangerous method is the any wildlife population," said spring-loaded M-44 sodium Williams, who has spent 17 cyanide ejector, which sprays yearswithWildlife Servicesin poison gas when an animal Oregon. triggerstheburiedtrap. "The U.S. g o v ernment Earlierthisyear, 169organizationsandassociationswrote should not be in the business to members of the House and of doingthis," Fahysaid. Senate Appropriations comDeFazio said i n a t l e a st mittees urging them to con- one case, an M-44 had killed tinue funding for W ildlife a constituent's pet dog and Services. Oregon groups join- posed a threat to the owners, ing in the letters of support in- who rushed to help their dog cludedtheOregon Cattlemen's whilethe gaswas stillpresent. "It's only a matter of time Association, Oregon Dairy Farmers Association, Oregon until a kid pulls on one of Farm Bureau Federation, Or- those things and gets killed," egon ForestIndustries Council DeFazio said. and Oregon Seed Council. — Reporter: 202-662-7456, Wildlife Service's
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Save-the-Date, Ben ! Bank of the Cascades is proud to co-sponsor Bend's Fourth of July Firework Celebration. Please join us with the Bend Bulletin and our friends and neighbors on Friday, July 4'" in celebration of this great community event.
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Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5 Weather, B6
County set to take on
• Oregon City
canal piping
• Oakland
• lane County: Assessorsin Eugene and six other county seats are going after businesses that avoid paying owed personal property taxes,B3 • Oakland:A historic butabandoned home that set off a debate over stray cats is being restored,B3 • OregonCity: A county corrections officer files suit, alleging antiSemitism at work,B3 • Statewide:Many more motorcycle crashes thisyear so far,B3 • Politics:A retiring Republican, spurning a GOP nominee ,endorses anIndependentfora state Houseseat, B3
controversy By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin
• Treatment will begin nextweek at the Bendhospital's expanded, $13milion center
week on the impact of a By Tara Bannow
During a
local irrigation district's
The Bulletin
media tour of the St.
T yp
Charles campus Thursday, Dr. Linyee
proposal to replace nearly a mile of open canal with a closed pipe. The conflict between the Central Oregon Irrigation
panding the St. Charles Cancer Cen-
Chang, med-
District and several dozen
ter, the health system's leaders saw an opportunity to change that.
ical director of the newly
homeowners who live along the district's Pilot
expanded cancer center,
Butte Canal has often been heated since the district
talks about
last year proposed piping
the new, open oncology room where patients get
about 4,500 feet of the
into soil, and piping the
ically, when cancer patients get chemotherapy infusions, they spend those four to six hours facing a nursing station. In ex-
In the new second-floor infusion
room — bright with natural light from the floor-to-ceiling windows that line three of its four sides — patients will
sit with their chairs facingthe mountains, a front-row view of Pilot Butte to their left. Cameras perched nearby
will monitor their progress. "Sometimes you just want nature out there," said Linyee Chang, the cancer center's medical director.
for area farmers.
Residents have said irrigation district officials have tried to bully them
into signing documents saying they're on board with the plan.
At several public meetings in front of Deschutes County planning commissioners, residents have also said piping the canal would
devastate their property
values and damage their quality of life. A Wednesday public hearingbefore county commissioners will cover
n P'
a request by the district to
change part of the county development code to allow canal piping as an accepted use in certain, low-density areas.
and tell us a bit about
where and when you took them. We'll choose the bestfor publication.
g+ I
Recent show of support
y J,;,
Submission requirements: Include ss much detail ss possible — when snd where you took it, and any special technique used — ss well as your name, hometown snd phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.
The irrigation district
got some support from A
the city of Bend last week,
albeit symbolic. All seven city councilors voted to
send a letter to Deschutes
County commissioners urging them to approve the code change. The
News of Record, B2
Have a story idea or sudmission? Contact us!
The Bulletin Call a reporter Bend .......................541-e17-7829 Redmond..............541-548-2186 Sisters...................541-548-2186 La Pine ..................541-383-0367 sunriver ................541-383-0367 Deschutes.............541-e17-7820 Crook....................541-383-0367 Jefferson..............541-383-0367 State projects......541-410-9207
o.c.......................202-e62-745e Business..............541-383-0360 Education.............541-e33-2160 Health...................541-383-0304 Public lands..........541-617-7812 Public safety.........541-383-0376
Submissions • Letters and opinions: Email: letters© Mail: My Nickel'3Worth or In MyView P.O.Box6020 Bend, OR 97708 Details ontheEditorials page inside. Contact: 541-383-0358
• Schoolnews andnotes: Emailnewsitemsand notices ofgeneral interest to Email announcements ofteens' academicachievements to Email collegenotes, military graduationsandreunion infoto bulletin© contact: 541-383-0358
• Communityevents: Email events tocommunitylife@ bendbulletin.comorclick on "Submit anEvent" online at onthe
calendarpageinside. contact: 541-383-0351
• Births, engagements, marriages, partnerships, anniversaries: The Milestonespagepublishes Sunday in Community Life. contact: 541-383-0358
nals lose water that seeps
Road would preserve water
Reader photos
• We want to see your photos for the next special theme ofWell shot! — "psyched about summer" — to run in the Outdoors section. Submit your best workat buutfbullutiu.cum/ summur2014and we'll pick the best for publication. • Email other good photos of the great outdoors to ruadurphutusO buutfbullutiu.cum
canal. The district says its castretch near Northeast 18th Street and Old Deschutes
and you just want to watch what is
Well shot!
Deschutes County commissioners will hear two vastly different takes next
Photos Joe Kline/The Bulletin
Pilot Butte Canal and the
After little more than a year of construction, the $13 million,
A Construction workers set
homes it runs along lie just
plants in the garden outside
outside Bend city limits,
18,000-square-foot expanded cancer center in Bend will open
the new cancer center on Thursday. Patient areas inside are lined with floorto-ceiling windows facing
putting the land use decision at Deschutes County's
to patients this summer. Treat-
ments begin Tuesday in the Les SchwabMedicalOncology Wing, and the Picchetti Family Radiation Oncology Wing is expected to be finished by Aug.8. St. Charles Health System treats 1,100 to 1,200 newly di-
agnosed cancer patients each year, Chang said. Although the number of cancer patients dipped during the recession as people left Central Oregon, Chang said, moving forward the hospital projects a 10 to 15 percent
out toward a landscaped garden and pond.
But Bend City Councilor Mark Capell said the support is about giving irriga-
< The new lobby. Currently, St. Charles sees more than a thousand cancer patients
tion districts flexibility to preserve as much water as possible that comes out of the Deschutes River.
moving through its cancer
center, and that number is projected to rise as the
region's population does. chairs and stations scattered around the
increase in cases annually because of the
area's aging demographics and growing population. The new infusion area also has sepa-
raterooms forpatientswho preferprivacy. But Chang said she's found that about
75 percent of the patients who receive infusions and their family members tend to form informal support groups while they wait. The new, wide-open space, with
room, will encourage that, she said. "They're on a schedule, but they usually end up getting on the same schedule as other people so they sort of bond and their families bond," Chang said. Currently, St. Charles patients receive
chemotherapy infusions in a rented building near Northeast Courtney Drive and 27th Street. The cancer center itself,
including radiation therapy, is in a build-
ing adjacent to the main hospital. Driving from one building to another can be a hassle for patients who are receiving infusions and radiation.
"After four hours of infusion, to have to then go over and have radiation when you're not feeling well — it's a problem," Chang said. The expanded cancer center will bring allthe services under one roof. See St. Charles/B6
Ifyouio What:Deschutes County public hearing for Central Oregon Irrigation District canal piping proposal Where:Deschutes County Services Building, 1300 N.W. Wall St.,
Bend When:5:30 p.m. Wednesday
250ICfor servicestargeting theyoungest andneediest By Tyler Leeds The Bulletin
wWe'll be COOrdinating With a lOt Of SerViCeS already Out there in the three
To better serve the region's roughly 11,500 at-risk children younger than 7, the state has offered Central Oregon about
counties, but with the hub, we'll create an avenue where there can be more collaboration and coordination among early-learning activities."
$250,000 to help coordinate
but with the hub, we'll create an avenue where there can be
more collaboration and coordination among early-learn-
— Jeffrey Davis, with the recently established Wellness and Education Board of Central Oregon ing activities," said WEBCO
Executive Director Jeffrey
the various services targeting these children and their families. The Wellness and Education Board of Central Oregon
the youngest residents of De-
will host the region's new
includes on its board a com-
Early Learning Hub, an organization charged with co-
missioner from each of the
ordinating education, health,
there in the three counties,
social and otherservicesfor schutes, Jefferson and Crook counties. WEBCO, which three counties and a member of the High Desert Education
Davis. In 2012, there were approx-
Service District, was established in 2011 to coordinate
ing the total number of them to 14 statewide. The charge
public and behavioral health services. Recognition by the state as an Early Learning Hub was granted earlier this
of coordinating services is
imately 17,500 children from newborn to 6 years old in the
seen as a path toward better
three-county area and the
preparing young children for kindergarten. "We'll be coordinating with a lot of services already out
Warms Spring Reservation, which will be included in some of the hub's programs. SeeServices/B6
week to WEBCO and seven
other regional groups, bring-
ENm a
Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communityli or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
TODAY PACIFICCREST WEEKEND SPORTS FESTIVAL:Including bike tours, triathlons, kids events and more; 6 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sunriver location; www. CENTRAL OREGONSUMMER MARKET:Featuring a street fair, flea market, farmers market, live music and more; free; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; Deschutes CountyFair& Expo Center, 3800 S.W.Airport Way, Redmond; www.streetfair2014. com, bill© or 541-385-3364. GARAGESALE:A benefitforthe Bethlehem Inn; 8 a.m.; A-1Westside Storage, 317 S.W.Columbia St., Bend; or 541-317-5700. MT. BACHELORKENNELCLUB'S DOG SHOW,AGILITYAND OBEDIENCETRIALS:W atchdogs perform in obedience, agility, fieldwork, herding and more; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.;DeschutesCounty Fair & Expo Center, 3800 S.W.Airport Way, Redmond; or 541-548-2711. COUNTRYQUILTSHOW:Featuring a quilt show and araffle; $2; 9 a.m.4 p.m.; Crooked River Elementary School, 640-641 N.E.Third St., Prineville; www.crookcounty.k12. or 541-416-2636. MADRASSATURDAYMARKET:9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sahalee Park, Seventh and B streets; 541-546-6778. PATIO AND BAKESALE:9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Holy RedeemerCatholic Church, 16137 Burgess Road, La Pine; or 541-536-3571. SENSORY FRIENDLYMOVIE SCREENING: Screening of "Howto Train Your Dragon 2," lights will be on in the theater, sound will be turned down, advertisements and previews will be removed, special dietary
needs areallowed tobring snacks from home; $5; 9 a.m.; Madras Cinema 5, 1101U.S. Highway 97;, stephanieO or 541-408-1092. CENTRALOREGONSATURDAY MARKET:Featuring local artists and crafters; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; parking lotacross from Downtown Bend Public Library, 600 N.W.Wall St.; 541-420-9015. NORTHWEST CROSSINGFARMERS MARKET:10a.m.-2 p.m.; NorthWest Crossing, Mt. Washington and
The Bulletin file photo
The Mt. Bachelor Kennel Club trials are today and Sunday at the fairgrounds. Northwest Crossing drives, Bend; or 541-312-6473. BITE OFBEND:Food festival includes local booths offering bites of their creations, a beer garden, wine, a live Top Chef competition, a children's area and live music; free admission; 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; downtown Bend; or 541-323-0964. CRUXAPALOOZA III: Brewery party with live music by Polyrhythmics, World's Finest and more, a pig roast and beer; free;11:30 a.m.-10 p.m.; Crux Fermentation Project, 50 S.W. Division Street, Bend;,
info©cruxfermentation.comor 541-385-3333. CENTRAL OREGONPRIDE: Featuring vendors, food carts, live music, comedy, face painting and more in celebration of the LGBT community; free; noon; Drake Park, 777 N.W.Riverside Blvd., Bend;, humandignitycoalition© or 541-385-3320. STORY STARSWITH JUDY SIERRA: Featuring Judy Sierra, children's author, storyteller and puppeteer; free tickets available at all libraries;1 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; or 541-317-0700. LAST SATURDAY:Surf-and-skate inspired artifacts and sculptures, with live music; free; 6-10 p.m.; The Workhouse at Old Ironworks,
50 S.E. Scott St., Bend; www. or 347-564-9080. MICHAELFRANTI8[SPEARHEAD: The pop-reggae star returns to Bend, with SOJA, Brett Dennen and Trevor Hall; $42 plus fees; 6 p.m., gates open 5 p.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; or 541-322-9383. ERIC TOLLEFSON BAND:The Seattle-based blues-rock group performs; free; 7 p.m.; GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 S.W.Century Drive,
Bend; www.goodlifebrewing.comor 541-728-0749. "COMMUNICATINGDOORS": A time-traveling comic thriller by Alan Ayckbourn about a woman who stumbles into a murder plot; $19, $15 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; or 541-389-0803. "SWEENEY TODD:THE DEMON BARBEROFFLEETSTREET": Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler's humorous musical about a murderous barber and culinary crime; $22, $19 students/ seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend;, or 541-312-9626. LARRYAND HISFLASKBENEFIT: Featuring Harley Bourbon, Mosley
Wotta, Patrimony, NoahStroup and the High Desert Hooligans; $10 suggested donation; 8 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; www or 541-323-1881.
SUMDAY PACIFICCREST WEEKEND SPORTS FESTIVAL:Including bike tours, triathlons, kids events and more; 6 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sunriver location; www. CENTRALOREGON SUMMER MARKET:Featuring a street fair, flea market, farmers market, live
music andmore;free; 8 a.m.-4
p.m.; DeschutesCounty Fair& Expo Center, 3800 S.W.Airport Way, Redmond; www.streetfair2014. com, bill© or 541-385-3364. MT. BACHELORKENNELCLUB'S DOG SHOW,AGILITY AND OBEDIENCETRIALS:W atchdogs perform in obedience, agility, fieldwork, herding and more; 8 a.m.-4p.m.;DeschutesCounty Fair & Expo Center, 3800 S.W.Airport Way, Redmond; or 541-548-2711. SPLASH, PEDALANDDASH:Kids mile and half-mile dashes; $12; 8 a.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road;541-408-7747. BITE OFBEND:Foodfestival includes local booths offering bites of their
creations, abeergarden,wine, alive
Top Chef competition, a children's area and live music; free admission; 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; downtown Bend; or 541-323-0964. "FUTURE OFFOOD": A screening of the 2004 film about unlabeled genetically engineered foods, Q&A after film; free; 2 p.m.; Brooks Room, Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; www.deschuteslibrary. org or 541-389-0785. RANDY MCALLISTER: The gospel, rock and zydeco artist performs; free; 2:30 p.m., gates open at1 p.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; www. or 541-322-9383. "SWEENEY TODD:THE DEMON BARBEROFFLEETSTREET": Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler's humorous musical abouta murderous barber and culinary crime; $22, $19 students/ seniors; 3 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend;, 2ndstreettheater© or 541-312-9626. THE ARTOF WILDNESS: Featuring live music, artand film inspired by the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act; $5,donationsaccepted;4-8 p.m.; Lava Lands Visitor Center, 58201 U.S. Highway 97; Ineidhart@ or 541-815-0400.
MONDAY AUTHORPRESENTATION:Fred Couzens will present on his book "Blood on Their Hands"; free; 9 a.m.-noon; Starbucks, 61470 U.S. Highway 97, Bend; fred.couzensO or 541-588-0883. BARK INTHEPARK: Bring your onleash and friendly dog to the baseball game, benefiting the HumaneSociety of Central Oregon; $6; 6:30 p.m.; Vince GennaStadium, Southeast Fifth Street and Roosevelt Avenue, Bend; or 541-382-2537.
TUESDAY LEAPIN' LOUIECOMEDY SHOW: A chemistr yandsciencecomedy show; free;1 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; www.comedytricks. com, heatherm©deschuteslibrary. org or 541-617-7099. GREEN TEAM MOVIENIGHT:A screening of the film "Inequality For All" about how the widening
NEws OF REcoRD Northeast ConnersAvenue. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 2:40 p.m. June24, in the 1700 block The Bulletin will update items in the of Southeast KarenaCourt. Police Log whensuch arequest Unlawful entry —Avehicle was is received. Anynewinformation, reported entered at 4:45 p.m. June25, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more in the1300 block of Northeast 27th Street. information, call 541-633-2117. Theft —A theft was reported at 8:50 p.m. June 25, in thearea ofBoydCourt BEND POLICE and Northeast Warner Place. DEPARTMEMT Theft —A theft was reported at 2:03 p.m. June 26, in the100 block of Theft —Atheft was reported at 5:39 Northwest Minnesota Avenue. p.m.June20,inthe20000 blockof Pinebrook Boulevard. Theft —A theft was reported at 6:05 p.m.June26,inthe2400blockof Burglary —A burglary was reported Northwest Summerhill Drive. at11:53 a.m. June21, inthe 2400 block of Northeast SaranacPlace. Theft —A theft was reported at 5:11 p.m.June23,inthe63000 blockof Burglary —A burglary was reported Northeast 18th Street. at10:05 a.m. June23, in the1700 block of Northwest First Street. Criminal mischief —Anact of DUII —Blake Stone Pucell,26, was criminal mischief was reported and arrested on suspicion of driving under an arrest madeat12:05 a.m. June the influence of intoxicants at12:19 25, in the 61300 block of South U.S. Highway 97. p.m. June 23, in the1100 block of Northwest Bond Street. Unlawful entry —Avehicle was Criminal mischief —Anact of reported entered at10:30a.m. June criminal mischief was reported at 2:02 24, in the 600 block of Northeast p.m.June23,inthe2300 blockof Bellevue Drive.
PRINEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 3:55 a.m. June 26, in thearea of Northeast Third Street.
OREGON STATE POLICE Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 8:23 a.m. June25, in the area of U.S. Highway 20near mile post11. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 6:32 p.m. June25, in the area of U.S. Highway 20near mile post 82.
BEND FIRE RUNS Wednesday 5:16 p.m.— Smoke odor reported in the area of Southwest Chandler Ave. 8:26p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 62999 O.B. Riley Road. 10 —Medical aid calls.
PUBLIC OFFICIALS CONGRESS U.S. Senate • Sen. JeffMerkley, D-Ore. 107 Russell SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone: 202-224-3753 Web: Bendoffice: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-318-1298 • Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone:202-224-5244 Web: Bendoffice: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite107 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-330-9142
U.S. House efRepresentatives • Rep. GregWalden, R-HoodRiver 2182 Rayburn HouseOffice Building Washington, D.C.20515 Phone:202-225-6730 Web: Bendoffice: 1051 N.W.Bond St., Suite 400 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452
STATE OF OREGON • Gov. John Kitzhaber, 0 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301
Phone:503-378-4582 Fax:503-378-6872 Web: • Secretary ofState KateBrown, D 136 State Capitol Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email: oregon.sos© • TreasurerTedWheeler, D 159 Oregon StateCapitol 900 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4329 Email: • AttorneyGeneralEllen Rosenblum,D 1162 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4400 Fax:503-378-4017 Web: • LaborCommissionerBradAvakian 800 N.E. OregonSt., Suite 1045 Portland, OR 97232 Phone: 971-673-0761 Fax: 971-673-0762 Email: boli.mail© Web:
• Sen. TedFerrioli, R-District30 (Jefferson, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1950 Email: Web: • Sen. TimKnopp,R-District 27 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301
Phone: 503-986-1727 Email: Web: • Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-District28 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett© Web:
House ef Representatives • Rep. Jason Conger, R-District 54 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1454 Email: rep.jasonconger© Web: • Rep. John Huffman, R-District59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: Web: • Rep. MikeMcLane, R-District55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1455 Email: Web: • Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-District53 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant© Web:
Who kneW? Running iS healthy,butCan alSO be lOadSoffun ThrOugh GirlS on the Run, a PrOgram atBOyS & GirlS Club, our COaCheS teaCh girlS abOut PhySiCaland emOtiOnal health — and Offer ftin, interaCtiVe running gameS.The
coolest part? Ourkids are building a lifetime appreciation for health and fitness — andgreat newfriendships. For more information or to take atour, email SOUTHEASTBEND DOWNTOWN BEND REDMOND TERREBONNE
income gap is affecting the American economy; free; 6:30-8 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; or 541-815-6504. LEAPIN' LOUIE COMEDY SHOW: A chemistr y andsciencecomedy show; free; 6:30 p.m.; Highland Magnet School, 701 N.W.Newport Ave., Bend;, heatherm© or 541-617-7099. POSSESSEDBYPAULJAMES: The Texas country folk band performs with Acousta Noir; $7 in advance, $10 at the door; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; or 541-323-1881.
WEDMESDAY LEAPIN' LOUIE COMEDY SHOW: A chemistry and sciencecomedy show; free; 10:30 a.m.; American Legion Community Park, 850 SWRimrock Way, Redmond; www.comedytricks. com, heatherm@deschuteslibrary. org or 541-617-7099. LEAPIN' LOUIE COMEDY SHOW: A chemistr yand sciencecomedy show; free; 1:30 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; www.comedytricks. com, heatherm@deschuteslibrary. org or 541-617-7099. BEND FARMERSMARKET: 3-7 p.m.; Brooks Alley, between Northwest Franklin Avenueand Northwest Brooks Street; www.
MUSIC IN THECANYON:Featuring live music by Countryfied, food vendors and more; free; 5:30-8 p.m.; American Legion Community Park, 850 SW Rimrock Way,Redmond;
THURSDAY BESTOF CENTRALOREGON SHOWCASE: View prize-winning and favorite movies from this year's Central Oregon Film Festival; 6 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; www., or 541-312-7089. STEELYDAN:The hit-making
pop-rock bandperforms; $45, $99 reserved,plus fees;6:30 p.m., gates open at 5 p.m.; LesSchwab Amphitheater, 344 S.W.Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; or 541-322-9383.
EDj To
The Bulletin
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t's been nine months since Prineville put Police Chief Eric
~p ,~ge$I4IN$
Bush on paid leave and ordered an investigation of a per-
Tes WASwovstoH
sonnel matter described as unrelated to his conduct as a law enforcement officer. Citizens have waited far too long for an explanation, and it now appearsthey might never get one. That's unacceptable. The city reported Thursday it has received an investigative report prepared by the Local Government Personnel Institute, which the city asked to investigate the secret allegations. City Manager Steve Forrester said no information wouldbe made public until an internal review is completed.And even then, he said, the reportwon't be released unless the city decides to take action against Bush. Bush has been on the Prineville police force since 1990 and its chief since 2003. He's also a brigadier general in the Oregon Army National Guard who served 14 months in Iraq and won the Bronze Starand the combat infantry badge. In July 2013, he was assignedto train Korean and American forces, a job that meant he would split his time between Prineville and Korea. He expected to be gone from Prineville for one weekend amonth and 45 addition-
No matter what the city
- • )9"
decides to do about Bush's status as police chief, taxpayers need to know what this fuss was all about and whatit cost them.
M 1Vickel's Worth
al days for a total of 74 days a year. That announcementcame roughly two months before the city placed him on leave. No matter what the city decides to do about Bush's status as police chief, taxpayers need to know what this fuss was all about and what it cost them. The chief has been on unpaid leave for nine months, likely causing overtime or other expenses in the department while Capt. Michael Boyd filled in. More important, putting Bush back in office with no explanation would leave suspicion hanging over a critiMpublic officer, one inwhom the public needs to have unqualified confidence. A full airing of the allegations is needed, no matter what action the city decides to take.
Governor shouldrepresent
Gov. John Kitzhaber wants to
help the state's budget, by helping the state's employees, by having us — the taxpayers — pay an exorbitant amount of our hard-earned money to make it possible for state employees to only pay 3 percent of their premium if they choose the cheapest plan available to them or 5 percent for all other plans. Another
win-win for state employees; another lose-lose for us taxpayers! Why wouldn't the unions love this idea
from their governor! Wouldn't it be great if the governor represented the people who pay for these Cadillac plans and not just the unions who pay for his re-elections! Jackie Kisiing Redmond
Please volunteer for ci, coun committees
t least two local governments, the city of Bend and Deschutes County, are looking for citizens willing to serve on publicbodies. In Bend, it's the planning commission and a series of urban growth boundary technical advisory committees; in the county, volunteers are needed for both the audit committee and the animal control board of supe~sors. The audit committee oversees internal and external audits at the county, while the animal control board decides the fate of dogs involved in chasing, wounding or killing livestock. The city planning commission conducts hearings and makes recommendationsto the City Council regarding landuse matters; UGB advisory groups will provide information to the UGB steering committee. These are not glory jobs, clearly, and the work canbe downright uncomfortable from time to time. Deciding a dog must be euthanized is no doubt painful for all concerned, while planning commissioners of-
ten are the first stop for development that may be controversial. Yet without members of the public, the city councils and county commissions could not do their work as well as they otherwise might. We live in a society where ordinary citizens are given an extraordinary amount of say in how their government runs. We elect everyone from members rural fire protection boards to the president of the United States. Moreover, we ask volunteers to advise those whom we electon a wide range of subjects, locally from Deschutes County's behavioral health advisory board to the Bend's transportation safety advisory committee. If you'd like to get involved, now is your chance. As many volunteers know, when you give your own time to some worthy causeand surely how well the city and county in which you live run are worthy causes — you're likely to get at least as much out of the experience as you give.
Support drivercards
editors argued: What about busiance anddrive safely on the roads. nesses that might want to expand? Issuing driver cards will be a step Wouldn't this be poor precedent and that will benefit all of us. Join me in government overreach'? supporting driver cards. This is an ethical matter, not simRebecca Easton ply a legal one. OSU-Cascades has an Bend exdusive option to buy the remaining land, pursuant to an environmenFurther planning is tal impact study. This is privilege enough to suggest further planning theethicalthing to do — including a full transportation imThe Bulletin's editorial of June 15 pact study for the next 15 years. on the lack of planning for the proWhy is the city allowing a project posed OSU-Cascades campus was that doesn't fit the site or conditions on themark, based on my experi- just because the land was zoned as ence at the June 11 public hearings. commercial in the 1990s to accomThe transportation plan presented modate a big-box store? For once, in favor of the west-side site was done let's do reasonable planning regardin 1998 and projected out until 2014. less of the minimal code requireThe proponents argued that our ex- ments. The more information that isting infrastructure is adequate. No comes out about the existing plan, mention was made of growth over the less inviting the current location the next 15 years and its impact on is for a campus. transportation and traffic — when Celeste Brody communities, purchase car insur-
Bend is expected to grow to 125,000
or more — nor mention of the growth Cynthia Kendoll's recent submis- that also is expected in the region. sion regarding driver cards for unThe report was limited in scope documentedworkers has contributed — focusing on the roundabouts on confusion to the issue. The law grant- Century Drive, Reed Market Road ing driving rights to immigrants is and Mt. Washington Drive. Congesabout safety, more than anything tion due to school starts was waved else, and will not affect the economy away as a problem that could be in ways that Kendoll suggests. solved by asking (requiring?) Bend Many of my friends who are im- public schools along the Mt. Washmigrants, and unable to become ington corridor to adjust their start legal here, will find a way to get to times. Really? And what about the their jobs, license or no. Many have additional schools that are now beleft terrible circumstances in their ing planned along the Mt. Washinghome countries to seek out a better
Beautiful Pilot Butte belongs to all Seriously, now. You really want to propose banning all vehicles from Pilot Butte? I don't smoke, nor do
I eat McDonald's burgers. I am a 67-year-old retired person who en-
joys the spectacular view from the top of the butte. When I drive up there, I am fully aware of all others
sharing the road and would not put them in harm's way. I also enjoy
ton corridor? taking visitors up there who come Jeffrey K l einman, t h e a t t o r- to enjoy our beautiful city. I believe ney for Truth in Site, asked that that my tax dollars are also used to OSU-Cascades be required to pres- maintain these lovely spaces meant
life for themselves and their children. They are hired because they are dependable, hardworking employees. Wages are depressed for many reasons, but don't blame im-
ent a full plan for the entire acreage for all of us. Let's for goodness' sake under consideration, but The Bulle- try to accommodate everyone! tin is against this because it is not a Dorothy Gallagher requirement under Bend code. The Bend
migrants. The vast majority want
to be responsible members of their
Letters policy
In My Viewpolicy How to submit
We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereandthose appropriate for other sections of TheBulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.
In My View submissions should be between 550and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. Weedit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating withnational columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.
Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or In My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Email submissions are preferred. Email: lelters© Write: My Nickel's Worth / In MyView P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804
Not proud of President Obama, for many reasons By David Biahnik
his piece directly contradicts the one recently submitted by
Harry Lonsdale. That piece is nothing more than pablum for the
measurement,then we have not over-
ic failures of 2008. In between, they opposed him on everything except the passage of Medicare Part D, tax
come racism. Other things, such as reform and No Child Left Behind. previous governing ability or vision, They also criticized the Iraq and Af"low information" voters. It cherare more important. I did not vote for ghanistan wars even after Bush went ry-picks those things that Lonsdale him because I feared the policies he to Congress and got approval. feels the president has done well but would impose on the country. With I am not proud of a president that ignores things that make many of us his election, I even thought that race would ram a far-reachingbill through lessproud of our president.Essen- arguments by the likes of Jesse Jack- Congress — Obamacare, which had tially, Lonsdale says, as a nation we son and Al Sharpton would cease. no Republican votes. Good bills must should beproud that Barack Obama No such luck. Instead we have the have the support of both parties for is our president in spite of the fact left complaining that opposition to the country to accept them. I am not that he really did not have the quali- Obama's policies are first rooted in proud of how Benghazi was handled. fications to be president. racism and then in obstructionism. As The president should have sent help Lonsdale says even though Obama a result ,racism has increased rather to people working at that embassy. had no background in running orga- than decreased. It is the job of the op- He abandoned them. nizations of any size, we should still position party to try to at least modify Look at the case of Sgt. Bowe be proud. Lonsdale conveniently for- policies of the party in power; after all, Bergdahl. This soldier is very likely gets he had no foreign policy experi- each has a different political philoso- a deserter. The Uniform Code of Milence either. Lonsdale would have one phy. The Democrats were at George itary Justice will adjudicate that, but believe we should be proud because Bush's throat for eight years. Liberals look at the measures Obama took to we electedsomeone of a certain race. thought that was just fine. First, they not leave him behind. Bergdahl verRace, or any single factor, should said his presidency was illegitimate sus Benghazi is not something that never be used to measure our pride because of the Florida recount. Then, evokes pride. in apresident.When race becomes a itwas because he caused the economI am not proud of an administra-
Race, or any single factor, should never be used to measure our pride in a president. When race becomes a measurement, then we have not overcome racism. Other things, such as previous governing ability or vision, are more important. tion that uses the IRS to stifle political voices that want to be heard. I am not proud of an administration that only
matters little that the VA has had various problems over time. What does matter is that President Obama said
hears bad news when they read it in early in his presidency that he would the paper. Why does President Obama fix it. Not only has he not fixed it but have all those political czars as advis- his Obamacare supporters have used ers? I am not proud of a president who the VA as the hallmark of health care ignores law after law and refuses to run by the government. Should we enforcesome justbecause he and the still be prideful of this president'? attorneygeneralthinktheyare unconFitting of Father's Day, I will gladly stitutional. Our political system works concede that Obama is a good father. differently. Obamacare has b e en On the other hand, he has not been
changed bythe president dozens of and may never become a good prestimes without constitutional authority.
ident. Move over, Jimmy Carter, for
If these actions don't leave pride last place. reeling, turn to the VA scandals. It — David Blahnik lives in Bend.
Continued from B1 "The only way to really improve stream flows is to make the irrigation district
(Nelson) Hickman
Martha "Frlck" Croal, of Bend Oct. 5,1951 - June 23, 2014 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals of Bend 541-318-0842 Services: July12, 2014 from1 PM to 5 PM at the family home. Contributionsmay be made to:
Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF) TOK Corporate Centre, Level 1, 459 Toorak Rd., VIC, 3142.
Mary F. Raff, of Redmond Oct. 7,1922- June 25, 2014 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals Redmond is honored to serve the family.
Services: A burial will take place at Redmond Memorial Cemetery at a later date.
Daniel Alan Berner Nuv.16,1963- June 24, 2014
August 20, 1960 — June 18, 2014 Janice Hickman of Suthe rlin, O R , p a s sed a w a y from a tr agic car accident i n Flagstaff, AZ , o n J u n e 18, 2014, at the age of 53. H er s o n , w ho w a s also in the car,
away at t he t im e of the accident. Two viewings Janice Hickmanwill held at B aird M e m o r ia l Ch a p e l l ocated a t 16 4 6 8 F i n l e y Butte Rd., in L a Pi ne: Frid ay, Ju ne 27, 20 14 , 3:00-5:00 p.m., and on Satu rday, J u n e 28, 20 1 4 , 9:00-11:00 a.m. A graveside service wi l l be held on Saturday, June 2 8, 2014, 1:00 p.m., at L a P ine C o m m u n it y Cem etery located at the end of Reed Rd., in La Pine. J anice was born o n A u gust 20, 1960, to G aylord
systems more
Mary Raff was born in Alpena, Arkansas to E.M. and G race Dreier. H e r f a m i l y moved to Kansas when she was one y ea r o l d . Sh e
water flows, which would
The AssociatedPress
provide more power for a small hydroelectric plant it
Bobby Womack, acolorful and highly influential R8zB singer-songwriter who influenced artists from the Rolling
operates farther north on the canaL District officials
haven't denied the power
Stones to Damon Albarn, has
generation is part of the ra-
died. Hewas 70. Womack's publicist, Sonya
tionale but say it's primarily aboutpreservingwater.
Kolowrat, could provide no
Opponents scored a vic-
other details Friday. Womack was diagnosed
torylast monthwhen county planning commissioners
with Alzheimer's disease two
voted against the irrigation
years ago and overcame addiction and multiple health issues, including prostate cancer, to pull off a second act in The Associated Pressfile photo his career. Musician BobbyWomack posesfor a photo to promote a new
district's code change proposaL But their vote isn't binding: The three-mem ber county commissionhas the final say.
Womack performed recent-
album, "The Bravest Man in the Universe," in 2012.
graduated from high school
t n Clyde, Kansas. B e g i n ning at age 17 Mary taught school for four years, then worked in the Pentagon unt il he r m a r r i age t o W m . D ale Raff o n F e b ruary 3 , 1946. They l i ved in J unction City, Kansas, and had one daughter before moving to E u gene, Oregon in 1 955. I n Eug e n e M a r y w orked i n i n s u r ance f o r about 15 years. Mary enjoyed her family, home, friends, traveling and church. S he is s u r v ived b y h e r husband of 6 8 y e ars; one daughter; t w o g r a n d children; t wo gr ea t - g r andchildren; tw o s i sters; and one brother. She was preceded i n d e a t h b y tw o s ons, Wm . M i c h ae l a n d D ave Mc K i nley; he r p a r ents; one brother; and one sister. A utumn F u n e ral s R e d mond is handling arrangements.
Arts Festival and seemed in
good health and spirits. He had been scheduled to perform at multiple events across
Europe in July and August. He told the BBC in 2013 the
lated to his case of the plague,
Thursdayin Manhattan. Leslie Manlgat, 63: Former
which had almost killed him). Julius Rudel, 93: Austri-
e lection in 1988 only to b e ousted 4'8 months later. Died
Friday after a long illness.
— Bobby Womack, in a 2012 interview
confident the county com missioners will echo the
Now," which was covered and
was nothing short of miracuby the Stones and became the lous at the time, and he still toband's first No.1hit. day continues to battle his deHis songs havebeen record- mons and his illness. But he's ed by multiple artists, and he a beautiful person and when played as a session musician he opens his mouth and that in Memphis in the 1960s.
c o m mission's
"We're fighting to save our homes, our livability, our way of life," Hignell
voice comes out, it is some-
Albarn and XL Recordings thing that is somehowtouched president Richard Russell byGod." helped Womack regain his Gospel singer Candi Stacareer with 2012 comeback ton knew Womack since they album "The Bravest Man in the Universe." The album was
probably would face numerous appeals. Tom Hignell, one of the area residents protesting the plan, said Friday he is
ty commissioners are just as intelligent as the seven
planning commissioners." — Reporter 541 6177820
were children and she toured withhim.
"He had a style that nobody a departure for Womack, full of electronic music and beats. else could ever capture," she But it was lauded by critics for said in a statement. "I loved a simple reason: That distinc- him and I will miss him so, so tive voice of his still brought verymuch." chills. "I don't think he ever really
Find YourDream Home In Real Eslate TheBulletin
thought that he would do any-
thing again," Albarn said of Womack in March."Watching
his rehabilitation and watch-
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— Fromwire reports
Death Notices are freeand will be run for oneday, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. Theymay besubmittedby phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services orabout the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.
Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second dayafter submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication, and by 9 a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; pleasecall for details.
Mall: Obltuarles P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR97708
Fax: 541-322-7254
t ake several y ears
... They didn't know when to turn it off"
Obituary policy
bly pipe the canal without a code change, if it can secure a conditional use permit. But that process could
"I think the biggest move for me was to get away from the drug scene. It wasn't easy. It was hard because everybody I knew cfid drugs.
an-born conductor who raised
the New York City Opera to a venturous golden age with highbrow music for the masses. Died Thursday in
Rollin King,63: San Antonio
The district could possi-
ly at the Bonnaroo Music &
bodies with her mother. Died
itary-organized presidential
the district just wants to re-
place the canal to speed up
diagnosis came and Ada Pauline (Arnold) Alzheimer's after he began having difficulN elson in R e no, NV . S h e grew up with two brothers ty remembering his songs and the names of people he had and two sisters.
Haitian president who took power in a controversial mil-
Critics of the plan aren't buying it. They've argued
By Chns Talbott
novelforyoung people about day in Santa Fe of gastroina teenage girl who switches testinal cancer gikely unreOct. 7,1922- Jun. 26, 2014
Water preservation vs. power generation
sin er wit rave n act
On August 26, 1989, Jan- workedwith. D aniel A la n B e r ner o f i ce married Gregory A l a n And there h ave b een Bend, died on June 24th afH ickman i n Ren o , NV . ter a long and courageous T hey w e r e b l e ssed w i t h many. The soul singer cut a battle with cancer, he was three sons and one daugh- wide path through the music business as a performer 50. ter. and songwriter in a c a reer A celebration of h i s l i f e J anice worked as a c a r w il l be e giver fo r t h e e l d e rl y a t that spanned seven decades. h eld o n adult foster care homes, Womack was inducted into Sunday and was a Nail Technician. t he Rock and Roll H all o f J une 2 9 , She was a Member of the Fame in 2009, long after he'd 11:00 AM Camas V a l l e y C h r i s t i an lost his fortune and his career to 5:00 F ellowship an d t h e S u t h PM. A ll e rlin Family C h u r ch. Sh e to addiction. He spoke of kicking his friends e njoyed v o l u nteering f o r substance abuse problems are in - church and community. in a 2012 interview with The vited. S he l o v e d t h e col o r D an w a s Associated and all the oil painting, gar- friends he'dPress Dan Berner b orn i n purple, lost to drugs over dentng, sewing, horseback Bishop, California, the son theyears. riding, collecting pigs, and o f th e l a t e V e r no n T h e - spending t i m e w i t h h e r "I thinkthebiggest move for odore B e r n er , J r. an d grandkids and family. me was to get away from the W anda Berner. He w a s a Survivors i n c l u d e h er drug scene," Womack said. "It 1 982 gr aduate o f M am - husband of 24 years, Greg moth High School (CA) H ickman; t w o s o n s , A u - wasn't easy. It was hard bew here h e ex ce l l e d i n dleigh (wife, Angelia) and cause everybody I knew did drugs.... They didn't know s ports, p a r t i cularly f o o t (wife, E1Iie) Hickb all. H e a t t e n ded S a n t a Axcyl m an; he r d a u g h ter, A n - w hen to turn i t o ff . So f or Barbara City C o l l ege, Sidrea (husband, Deke) De- me looking at Wilson Pickerra College and National M ars; h e r mo t h e r , A d a ett, close friends of mine, Sly U niversity i n S a n D i e g o Pauline (Arnold) Nelson; Stone, Jim Hendrix, Janis Jopw here h e r ec e i ve d h i s h er b r o t h er , J e ff (w i f e , lin, and I can go on and on and B achelor o f S c i e nc e d e - G lenda) N elson; he r t w o on, and I say all of them died gree in 1992. s isters, Carol Snyder a n d An a v i d out d o o r sman, J erri ( h u s b and , R o b e r t) because of drugs." According to the Rock and Dan was at his best when ardner; and f ou r g r a n d- Roll Hall o f F ame website, fishing, hunting, skiing or G children, Bryce and T y l er supporting his boys' many D eMars, a n d L e a h an d Womack was born in Clevea ctivities as they grew u p land and sang gospel music at Aydreann Hickman. She is with their dad. a young age, performing with p receded in d eath b y h e r He is survived by his bes on, A m oz H i ck ma n ; his brothers in The Womack l oved w i f e , Co l e t t e o f son-in-law, Layne ' P okey' Brothers. Under the influence Bend, the pride and joy of Fugate; her father, Gay- of gospel and R&B legend his life; his wonderful and lord Nelson; and b r o ther, Sam Cooke, who signed the c ourageous s o n s , B l a k e Joe Nelson. group to his personal label, a nd Grant o f B e n d , w h o Baird M e m o r ia l C h a p el r epresent t h e v e r y b e s t i n La P in e i s h o n ored t o Womack moved into secular q ualities of t h ei r d ad ; h i s s erve M r s. H ick m a n ' s music. In the early 1960s his mother, Wanda of Bend family. group recorded "It's All Over and his brother, Bill (Constance) of Ten n e s see; along w it h n i e ces, n ephDEATHS ELSEWHERE ews, cousins and extended family throughout the Pacific Northwest, California Deaths ofnote from around businessman who helped start and Florida. theworld: Southwest Airlines and creThe entire Berner family w ishes to th ank t h e h u g e Mary Rodgers,83: Daughter ate a new age of competition network of f r i ends, family of composer Richard Rodgers in the airline industry. Died a nd caregivers t ha t h a v e who wrote songs and chil- Thursdayin Dallas. p rovided u n e n d in g l o v e dren's books; best known for John Tull, 65: New Mexico and support. writing the music for "Once lawyer who was found to have Memorial co n t r i b utions may be m ade t o P a rtners Upon a Mattress," the fairy- bubonic plague during a visit In Car e of Ben d tale farce about a love-hun- to New York in 2002, promptgry princess that made Carol ing alarm that the infection, or Burnett a star in 1959, and might have been caused by the American Cancer Society. for writing "Freaky Friday," a bioterrorism. Died Wednes-
Mary F. Raff
e f f icient
Capell said Friday.
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IN THE BACK BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NEWS Scoreboard, C2 G o lf, C4 Sports inbrief, C2 Tennis, C4 MLB, C3 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, JUNE28,2014
Elks cruise past Sweets 14-4 Bendtookitsrecord to.500withitsfourth
a ona i n a ew u r e s A regretful
consecutivevictory,a 14-4routof Walla Walla in West Coast League actiononFridaynightat Vince GennaStadium. Coming offaninegameroadtrip, the Elks (10-10) tookadvantage ofsixerrorsbythe Sweets(6-10) and base-clearing doubles by Josh Cushing and NickOsunaintheseventhandeighthinnings, respectively. Fiveruns intheseventhandthree
egonisprogressingtoward theworld-classlevelinyet
gameopen. ZachClose andOsunaeachhad three hitsfor Bend. Sam Finferhadadoubleand two RBls. Reliever Michael Bennetpickedupthe winon themoundforthe Elks. The Elksand Sweets continuetheirthreegameseriestoday at6:35p.m.before concluding theseries Sundayat5:05p.m.
Withno WorldChampionshipsorOlympicstaking
• The decathlon star from CentralOregonisfinding successin a new event this season ByMarkMorical AsthereigningOlympic championandworld-record
transferredhisfocusthisyear fromthegruelingdecathlon tothe400-meterhurdles. Atacompetitionin
holderintrackandfield's 10-eventdecathlon, Ashton
Oslo, Norway,on June 11,Eatonwonthe400
ton,reachedbyphone athishomeinEugene
thefirstdecathlete evertowinaneventat
thisweekjustbeforehe wastotraveltoLosAn-
Somaybeitshouldcome asnosurprisethat the 26-year-oldfrom CentralOr-
justtodosomethingdifferent havefun,andnothavethe
wouldwinhisfirstworld titleinthedecathlon. Hehad
beenstrugglingthrough injuriesandwasadmittedly stressedout. Hiscoach, HarryMarra,offeredaprofound suggestion Harrysaidweneedto notdodecathlonsnextyear, andIagreed,"Eatonrecalled Mypremisewas,ifI'mgoing
gelesforaphotoshoot aprestigious Diamond Eaton withNike,hismain Leaguemeet. Afew sponsor."Thislast trip dayslaterhesetapersonal toEuropekindofconfirmed recordof48.94secondsand that(focusingonthehurdles) finishedthirdinthe400hurwasagoodidea dlesatameetinthe Czech ThatideahaditsbeginRepublic. ningsinMay2013,some "Thegoalforthisyearwas threemonthsbeforeEaton
tobesuccessfulin2015,'16 and'17, Idon't thinkIshould
dodecathlonsthisyear,be causeI'lljustrunmyselfinto
theground See Eaton/C4
At thedeadendof apri vate,woodedroadabout20
milesnorthof Chicagositsa two-storyhousebelongingto Gene Melchiorre, ashort,pi geon-toedgrandfatherof 15 knownbyhismanyfriends as Squeaky. Familyphotos decoratehisoffice,butone artifactisunliketheothers
a63-year-oldcomicbook drawingof agiant,youthful Melchiorrewearinga No.23 basketballjersey, asuperhero
Panthers make Ekblad top pick PHILADELPHIAWiththefirstpickofthe
inshortshorts Melchiorre,86, aformertwo-time
NHLdraft,the Florida Pantherswentwith 15 secondsofdramatic pausebeforeannouncing thename. Thesilencefeltmuch longerfor AaronEkblad. "I wasjustsitting therejustkindofscared andexcitedatthesame time,"hesaid. Atlast, generalmanager DaleTallonmade thecallfor Ekblad, selecting thedefenseman withthefirstpickon Fridaynight.
all-American at Bradleywho
wasoncecalled the"greatestlittlemaninbas ketball,"wasthe
inthe 1951 NBAdraft. Buthe c
holdsanunusualdistinction Heistheonly No. 1 pickin
' '" 4 . "
theleague Plentyof top draftpicks haveflamedout, sometimes inspectacular fashion. But PhotosbyRyanBrennecke/TheBulletin
bythe Baltimore Bullets
Melchiorrewasbarredfor lifefromthe NBAforhisrole inthepoint-shavingscandal of 1951. He andmorethan 30otherplayers fromseven universitieswerearrestedin
thescandal Thetroublebeganin 1949 while Melchiorre'steamwas in New Yorkforthe Nation alInvitation Tournament
Agambler from Brooklyn named Nick Englisis(widely knownas Nickthe Greek)
Ontario, withthefirst
selectionat the Wells Fargo Center. "Thatistheburden ofexpectation. Ichase it," Ekbladsaid."I want thatburdenofexpectation. I want thatfeelfor motivationandI want to succeedunderthat." The Panthershad atop-threepickinthe
The69thannual Crooked River Roundup kicked off on Fridaynightin Prineville. Above, JaceDavis, of
tel, accordingtoanaccount
Adrian, competes in the steerwrestling eventon
Melchiorregaveto Look magazinein 1953. Soon
Friday. At left, Nick Gutzwiler, of Cheney,Wash
Melchiorreandtwoteammateswereina r oomwith
fights tostayon Little Darling while competing in the barebackriding event. TheCrooked River Roundup
three gamblers,who"toldus thecollegeswere gettingrich onbasketballandweought tobe gettingsomething for it
continuestonightwitha7o'clockshow, followedby afinal competition on Sundayat2p.m. Thereare 357 competitors expected to compete over theweekend
Theconversationchanged Melchiorre'slifedramatically. Hecouldhavebeenan NBAlegend — "Melchiorre knowseverytrickthatcan shakeamanloose,"Ken
Formore information, seewww.crookedriverround
tuckycoachAdolph Ruppde claredin 1951. But thatnever
happened See Melchiorre/C4
U.S. gets a boost from young fans By EddiePells
Hisconceptforasoccerpubneardowntown Denveristakingoff,andanewgeneration DENVER — Nevermindthattherewere of American-bornsoccerfanspiledinbythe dozensofTvsetsatthebar,manyturnedtopro hundredsThursdaytowatchthe U.S.advance wrestling,pokerandbowlingtoprovidebacktotheWorld Cupknockoutrounddespitea 1-0 groundnoiseearlyoneweekendmorning. Jon lossto Germany. Forgetwalkedin,askedthebartendertochange Forget's success at the 3-year-old Three Lioneset tosoccerandgotlaughedoutofthejoint. ons pub is a microcosm of what is happening Fast-forwardalmost20yearsandthereisno aroundAmericaduringtheWorld Cup roomtositat thebar Forgetrunsthesedays. See U.S./C4 TheAssociatedPress
the 10thtimeonthe
Afterreturning from backsurgery, Tiger missesthecutforonly
picklike Squeaky Melchi orre. Afterbeingchosenfirst
214-pounddefenseman who playedfor Barrie intheOntario Hockey League, isthefirst defensemanto go No.1 since St. Louistook Erik Johnsonin 2006. Withoutaclearcut No.1ontheboard, Tallon wasopento trading the pick. Inthe end,hedecidedtotake the 18-year-olddefensemanfrom Belle River,
Woods out at Congressional
M e lchiorre
Ekblad, a6-foot-4,
• Gene Melchiorre is the only No draft pick to never play in the league ByLouieLazar
C2. — TheAssociatedPress
New York TimesNewsService
— Bulletinstaffreport
timeinthe pastfive years. Thefirst threedefenseman Erik Gudbranson(in2010), wing Jonathan Huberdeau (2011) andcenter Aleksander Barkov(2013) — all playedsignificant roleslastseason. TheSabresselected center SamReinhartwith thesecondoverallpick. The EdmontonOilers selectedcenter Leon Draisaitl withthethird overall pick, Calgary tookcenter SamBennettwiththefourth pick andthe NewYork Islanderspickedforward MichaelDalCollefifth. For Fridaynight's results,seeScoreboard,
turn helps lead to a unique
NeXt uP: United States vs. BelgiumWhen:Tuesday,1p.m. TV:ESPN
Fanscelebrateafter the United Statesadvancedtotheroundof 16 despitelosing 1-Oto Germanyat the Arena PernambucoinRecife Brazil,onThursday.
EuropeanTour, BMWInternational Open PGA Tour,Quicken LoansNational PGA Tour,Quicken LoansNational Champions Tour,Constellation Senior Players LPGA Tour ,NW ArkansasChampionship EuropeanTour, BMWInternational Open
Time TV/Radie 4:30 a.m. G o lf 1 0 a.m. Go l f noon CBS noon Golf 2 p.m. Golf 3:30 a.m. Golf
Wimbledon Championships SOCCER World Cup, Brazil vs. Chile World Cup, Colombiavs. Uruguay MLS, Seattle at D.C.United MLS, Los Angeles atSanJose
5 a.m.
8:30 a.m. ABC 12:30 p.m. ABC 4 p.m. Roo t 7:30 p.m. NBCSN
MLB, ChicagoWhite Soxat Toronto MLB,MinnesotaatTexas MLB, Boston at NewYork Yankees MLB, Cleveland atSeattle MLB, Cincinnati at SanFrancisco
10 a.m.
1 p.m. 4 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m.
FS1 Fox Roo t MLB
IndyCar, GrandPrixof Houston, Race1 NASCAR,Sprint Cup, QuakerState 400 NHRA, Route 66Nationals, qualifying
noon N B CSN 4:30 p.m. T NT 5 p.m. E SPN2
U.S. Outdoor Championships U.S. Outdoor Championships EQUESTRIAN The Gold Cupat SantaAnita
1 p.m. NBC 3 p.m. Universal 4 p.m. NBCSN
Arena, Spokane atLosAngeles AFL Premiership, Adelaide vs. Port Adelaide
7 p.m. 11 p.m.
Columbus Houston Philadelphia Chicago Montreal
Easl Division W L W enatchee AppleSox 12 7 Y akima Valey Pippins 10 6 WallaWallaSweets 6 10 KelownaFalcons 6 12 South Division W L MedfordRogues 11 5 CorvaffisKnights 10 9 BendElks 10 10 KlamathFalls Gems 6 12 West Division W
Begingham Bells 9 KitsapBlueJackets 8 CowlitzBlackBears 1 0 VictoriaHarbourcats 5
Pcf GB
.632 .625 r/2 375 41/2
.333 5
Pcf GB .688 .526 2'Iz .500 3 .333 6
L 5
Pcf GG .643 7 .533 1'/~ 9 .526 t'/2 11 .313 5
Friday's Games
Cowlitz 9,Victoria5 Medford11,KlamathFalls 5
Bend14,Wala Wala 4 Wenatchee 5,Coryallis 2 Yakima Valey 8, Kitsap2 KelownaatBegingham,lategame Today'sGames Victoria atCowlitz, 6:35p.m. MedfordatKlamathFalls, 6:35p.m. WallaWallaatBend,6:35p.m. Wenatchee atCorvallis, 6:40p.m. KitsapatYakimaValley, 7:05p.m. Sunday'sGames Victoria atCowlitz, 1:35p.m. MedfordatKlamathFalls, 5:05p.m. WallaWallaatBend,5:05p.m. KitsapatYakimaValley, 5:05p.m. Wenatchee atCorvaffrs,6:05 p.m. Monday'sGames KelownaatBend,6:35p.m. MedfordatCorvallis, 6:40p.m. WallaWallaatYakimaValley, 7:05p.m. KitsapatVictoria, 7:11p.m.
Friday's Summary
Walla Walla D 0 0130 DOO — 4 10 6 Bend 220 D20 53X — 14 11 0 O'Neil, Fisher(6), Porras(7), Greisman(8) and
U.S. Outdoor Championships U.S. Outdoor Championships
FS1 Martinez.Carter, Hamann (5), Bennet (5), Wilcox(8), (9) andFinfer. 28—Walla Walla:Frabasilio, E S P N2 Albrecht Robinson,Martinez;Bend:Finfer, Cushing,Osuna(2). HR — W ala Walla: Gonzales. N B CSN
noon Universal 1 p.m. NBC
MLB, Cleveland atSeattle MLB, St. Louis at LosAngeles Dodgers or Cincinnati at SanFrancisco MLB, Boston at NewYork
1 p.m.
Roo t
1 p.m. 5 p.m.
1 0 a.m. noon noon 2 p.m.
Go l f CBS Golf Golf
PGA Tour,Quicken LoansNational PGA Tour,Quicken LoansNational Champions Tour,Constellation Senior Players LPGA Tour ,NW ArkansasChampionship SOCCER World Cup, Netherlands vs. Mexico World Cup, Costa Ricavs. Greece
8:30 a.m. ESPN
12:30 p.m. ESPN
Wimbledon Championships
4 a.m.
Listingsarethe mostaccurate available. TheBulletin is not responsible for latechangesmadeby T)/or radio stations.
Atlanta Connecticut
Chicago Washington Indiana NewYork
Phoenix Minnesota SanAntonio Tulsa Seattle
EasternConference W L Pcf GB 10 8 7 7 6
4 7 8 9 8
. 7 14 .5 3 3 2 '/2 .4 6 7 3'Iv .4 3 8 4 .4 2 9 4
4 11
. 2 67 6'/2
10 11 7 6 7 5
. 7 69 . 6 88 '/2 .4 6 7 4 .4 6 2 4 . 412 5 .3 8 5 5
WeslernConference W L Pcf GB 3 5 8 7 10 8
Friday's Games
Phoenix81, Indiana76 Washington 69, Connecticut 63 Chicago73, NewYork69 Seattle81,Minnesota71
Today'sGame LosAngelesatTulsa,3p.m. Sunday'sGames Connecticutat NewYork, noon SanAntonioatWashington,1 p.m. PhoenixatTulsa, 1:30p.m. Atlantaat Indiana,3 p.m. SeattleatMinnesota,4 p.m.
SOCCER TimderS Shut Out dy SPOrting KanSaSCity — Lawrence Olum scored thegame's only goal and Eric Kronberg earnedhis league-leading seventh shutout asSporting Kansas City beat the Portland Timbers1-0 in Portland Friday night. Thewin movedSporting KC (7-5-4) into a tie for first place with DCUnited in the Eastern Conference. Portland (4-5-8j remained in sixth place in theWestern Conference. In ascrappy match, with more flying kick attempts and fouls than quality goal-scoring chances,Sporting KCscored in the 24th minute. A longthrow-in by Seth Sinovic into the Portland penalty area was knocked byKevin Ellis into the path of Olum.TheKenyan put a right-footed shot past goalkeeperDonovanRicketts for his first goal of the season.Theassists were the first for both Ellis and Sinovic. Portland dominated possession for most of the game,andespecially in the second half, but wasunable to convert it into much of anattacking threat. Kronberg needed tomakethree saves to earnthe shutout. It was the first leaguematch for the teams in two weeks, thanks to a break in the MLSschedule during the group stages of theWorld Cup.
MOTOR SPORTS KOSOIOWSkiSetS traCk reCOrd, earnS POle — BradKeselowski had a track-record speedof188.791 mph in a Ford to win the pole for today's NASCARrace at Kentucky Speedway in Sparta. A day in which 23 drivers broke DaleEarnhardt's year-old mark of183.636 mph in the first round of knockout qualifying alone endedwith the 2012 winner of the 400-mile race shattering it by more than 5mph. Keselowski overtookPenskeRacingteammate Joey Logano,who turned a lap of187.175after leading the first two rounds. Jeff Gordon will start third in a Chevy,salvaging asession in which Hendrick Motorsports teammates Jimmie Johnsonand DaleEarnhardt Jr. didn't make it past the first round. DennyHamlin wasfourth in a Toyota. HarViCkClaimSNatiOnWide Will — Kevin Harvick passed Kyle Busch on the final restart and held off Brad Keselowski to win the NASCAR Nationwide Series raceFriday night at Kentucky Speedwayin Sparta. After failing to pass Busch on an earlier restart, Harvick succeededwithanotherchanceonLap196.HisChevygained enough space from Keselowski, who rallied from 17th following a passthrough penalty with 50 laps left to finish second in aFord. Before the pit road speeding penalty, Keselowski seemedheadedfor a second straight victory at the track in leading 138 laps.
COLLEGE Cal nameS farmer wreStler interim AD —Californiaannounced a change in leadership in the athletic program onFriday, signaling the end of a10-year run byathletic director Sandy Barbour that featured great success in non-revenuesports as well as recent struggles on and off the field for the high-profile football team. Chancellor Nicholas Dirks said the department needed a"fresh perspective" and said former Cal wrestler Michael Williams will take over asinterim AD while the school seeks afull-time replacement for Barbour. Williams was a collegiate wrestler at Calandgraduated in1982 with a degree in economics. Heworked for Barclays Global Investors for more than 16 years before retiring in 2009. He currently serves as vice chair of the UC BerkeleyFoundation and is apast chair of the foundation's Campaign Steering Committee. — From wire reports
Friday Af The AH England LawnTennis fk Croquet Club London Purse:S42.5million (GrandSlam) Surface: Grass-Outdoor Singles Men SecondRound FelicianoLopez(19), Spain, def.AntePavic, Croatia,6-4, 7-6(4), 7-5. SantiagoGiraldo, Colombia,def.MarcelGranogers (30), Spain4-6, , 7-6(2), 1-6,6-1, 7-5. JerzyJanowicz(15), Poland,def. LleytonHewit, Australia,7-5,6-4, 6-7(7), 4-6,6-3. Third Round KevinAnderson(20), SouthAfrica, def. Fabio Fognini (16),Italy,4-6,6-4, 2-6,6-2, 6-1. Jo-WilfriedTsonga(14), France,def.JimmyWang, Taiwan,6-2,6-2,7-5. NovakDjokovic(1), Serbia, def. GiffesSimon, France, 6-4,6-2,6-4. LeonardoMayer, Argentina,def. AndreyKuznetsov, Russia,6-4, 7-6(1), 6-3. JeremyChardy, France,def. SergiyStakhovsky, Ukraine,6-3,6-7(4),6-3,6-0. GrigorDimitrov(11), Bulgaria,def.AlexandrDolgopolov(21), Ukraine,6-7(3), 6-4,2-6,6-4, 6-1. AndyMurray(3), Britain,def.Roberto Bautista Agut (27), Spain6-2, , 6-3, 6-2. MarinCilic (26),Croatia,def.Tomas Berdych(6), CzechRepublic, 7-6 (5), 6-4,7-6(6). Women SecondRound SimonaHalep(3), Rom ania, def. LesiaTsurenko, Ukraine,6-3, 4-6,6-4. BelindaBencic, Swilzerland,def. VictoriaDuval, UnitedStates,6-4, 7-5. Third Round CarolineWozniacki (16),Denmark, def. AnaKonjuh, Croatia,6-3,6-0. EkaterinaMakarova(22), Russia, def.Caroline Garcia, France, 7-5, 6-3. BarboraZahiavovaStrycova, Czech Republic, def. Li Na(2),China,7-6(5), 7-6(5). Peng Shuai, China,def. LaurenDavis, United States,0-6,6-3, 6-3. Tereza Smitkova,CzechRepublic, def.BojanaJovanovski,Serbia,4-6,7-6(5),10-8. LucieSafarova(23),CzechRepublic, def.Dominika Cibulkoya (10), Slovakia,6-4, 6-2. Agnie szka Radwanska (4),Poland,def.Micheff e LarcherdeBrito, Portugal,6-2,6-Or PetraKvitova(6), CzechRepublic, def. VenusWilliams(30),UnitedStates,5-7, 7-6(2), 7-5.
SOCCER World Cup
6 2 6 8 5
18 17 15 14 11
W L T Pls Seattle 10 3 2 32 R eal SaltLake 6 2 7 25 Colorado 6 5 4 22 FC Dallas 6 7 4 22 Vancouver 5 2 7 22 Portland 4 5 8 20 L osAngele s 4 3 5 17 SanJose 4 5 4 16 C hivas USA 2 7 5 11
1 8 18 1 6 29 22 27 2 2 25 1 3 26 GF GA 32 23 25 2 1 2 1 18 2 8 28 25 20 2 8 28 16 1 1 1 5 14 14 2 6
NOTE: Threepoints forvictory, onepoint fortie.
Friday's Games NewYork2, TorontoFC2,tie SportingKansasCity1, Portland0 Today'sGames Seattle FC atD.C. United,4 p.m. PhiladelphiaatNewEngland, 4:30p.m. FC DallasatColumbus, 5p.m. Vancouver at Colorado, 6p.m. Los Angeleat s SanJose, 7:30p.m. RealSaltLakeat ChivasUSA, 7:30p.m. Sunday'sGames HoustonatMontreal, 4:30p.m.
PGA Tour
Elks14, Sweets 4
5 9 7 4 7
SUNDAY United SportsCar Series Racing, Watkins Glen Ba.m. noon NHRA, Route 66Nationals IndyCar, GrandPrixof Houston, Race2 noon
4 5 3 2 2
Guicken LoansNational Friday At Cong ressional CountryClub Bethesda,Md. Purse: $6.5 million Yardage:7,569; Par71 SecondRound 70-66—136 MarcLeishman 70-66—136 OliverGoss 67-69—136 RickyBarnes PatrickReed 68-68—136 HudsonSwafford 69-68—137 StuartAppleby 70-67—137 70-68—138 Morgan Hoff mann FreddieJacobson 67-71—138 Billy Horschel 70-68—138 George McNeiff 69-69—138 JustinRose 74-65—139 Brendon deJonge 71-68—139 RusselKnox l 73-67—140 Brendan Steele 74-66—140 RetiefGoosen 69-71—140 Matt Every 71-69—140 Biff Haas 68-72—140 PeterHanson 72-68—140 BenMartin 72-68—140 BrandtSnedekre 70-70—140 K.J. Choi 69-72—141 MichaelPutnam 69-72—141 Cameron Tringale 70-71—141 Tim Wilkinson 70-71—141 Carl Pettersson 72-69—141 Erik Comp ton 68-73—141 Shawn Stefani 74-68—142 JasonBohn 71-71—142 GeoffOgilvy 70-72—142 Bo VanPelt 71-71—142 RichardH. Lee 74-68—142 PatrickRodgers 73-69—142 TyroneVanAswegen 68-74—142 BradyWatt 71-71—142 DanielSummerhays 70-72—142 DavisLoveIII 72-70—142 Brendon Todd 72-70—142 AndresRomero 70-72—142 Billy HurleyIII 69-73—142 KevinKisner 75-68—143 SpencerLevin 69-74—143 J.J. Henry 74-69—143 StewartCink 74-69—143 RobertoCastro 71-72 — 143 73-70—143 RobertGarrigus KevinChappeff 71-72—143 AndrewSvoboda 71-72 — 143 Seung-YulNoh 73-70 — 143 72-71 — 143 GaryWoodland 73-71—144 SeanOH ' air 75-69—144 BenCurtis 71-73 — 144 HunterMahan 71-73 — 144 CharlesHowell III 72-72—144 ScottBrown 72-72—144 Charl eyHoff man 72-72 — 144 HeathSlocum 72-72 — 144 JohnRoffins 69-75—144 NickWatney 72-72—144 JohnHuh 72-72—144 J.B. Holmes 74-70 — 144 JordanSpieth 73-71 — 144 Steven Bowditch 73-71—144 D.H.Lee 73-71—144 RyanPalmer 66-78 — 144 GregChalmers 74-70 — 144 AndrewLoupe 71-74—145 JamesDriscoll 74-71—145 RobertStreb 74-71—145 TrevorImmelman 75-70 — 145 ScottStaffings 71-74 — 145 AngelCabrera 71-74—145 RorySabbatini 72-73—145 BrianDavis 74-71 — 145 JohnMerrick 72-73 — 145 WebbSimpson Failed to make the cut CamiloVilegas 75-71—146 74-72—146 TroyMerritt Sang-MoonBae 78-68—146 ArjunAtwal 73-73—146 KyleStanley 73-73—146 MikeWeir 74-72—146 JasonDay 73-73—146 Vijay Singh 71-75—146 BrianHarman 73-73—146 NicholasThompson 74-73—147 JoshTeater 72-75—147 Y.E.Yang 74-73—147 Martin Laird 75-72—147 RusselHenl l ey 75-72—147 AaronBaddeley 76-71—147 BudCauley 72-75—147 James Hahn 73-74—147 DannyLee 73-74—147 TedPotter,Jr. 71-76—147 JonathanByrd 73-74—147 ChadCoffins 72-75—147 CharlieBeljan 75-73—148 JasonDufner 74-74—148 Will MacKenzie 78-70—148 BryceMolder 77-71—148 Jhonattan Vegas 73-75—148 Jim Ren ner 72-76—148 Martin Flores 73-76—149 WoodyAustin 73-76—149 ErnieEls 73-76—149 Justin Hicks 73-76—149 TigerWoods 74-75—149 CharlieWi 73-76—149 Keegan Bradley 75-75—150 RobertAffenby 72-78—150 PatrickCantlay 77-73—150 WesRoach 75-76—151 MarkWilson 76-75—151 DerekErnst 74-77—151 79-73—152 DavidLingmerth ChessonHadley 71-81—152 HarrisonFrazar 77-75—152 BriceGarnet 74-79—153 75-79—154 Johnson Wagner 78-81—159 Pat Perez
NWArkansasChampionship Friday At PinnacleCountryClub SECOND ROUND Rogers, Ark. Saturday'sGames Purse: $2million Brazil vs.Chile,9 a.m. yardage:6,375;Par71(36-35) Colombivs. a Uruguay,1 p.m. First Round Sunday'sGames a-denotesamateur Netherlandsvs. Mexico, 9a.m. 32-33—65 AlenaSharp CostaRicavs. Greece,1 p.m. 33-33—66 Aleiandra Llaneza Monday'sGames 35-31—66 Micheffe Wie France vs. Nigeria,9a.m. 33-34—67 PazEcheverria Germany vs.Algeria,1 p.m. 33-34—67 ShanshanFeng Tuesday'sGames 35-32—67 Caroline Hedwaff Argentinavs.Switzerland, 9a.m. 35-32—67 EmmaJandel Belgiumvs.UnitedStates 1p.m, 32-35 — 67 MoriyaJutanugarn 34-33—67 Ji YoungOh 34-33—57 Pornanong Phatlum MLS 34-33—67 GerinaPiler 35-32—67 MAJORLEAGUE SOCCER JenniferRosales AH TimesPDT So YeonRyu 34-33—67 Na Yeon Choi 35-33—68 EasternConference VictoriaElizabeth 35-33—68 34-34—68 W L T P t s GF GA JessicaKorda S porting KansasCity 7 5 4 2 5 2 2 1 4 Mo Martin 35-33—68 D.C. 7 4 4 25 2 2 1 6 AzaharaMunoz 33-35—68 N ew England 7 5 2 23 21 1 8 Lee-Anne Pace 33-35—68 T oronto FC 6 4 2 20 17 1 5 SuzannPettersen 35-33—68 NewYork 4 5 7 19 2 4 2 4 JennyShin 35-33 — 68 All TimesPDT
KarinSjodin Angela Stanford LineVedel ChristelBoeljon Dori Carter Silvia Cavafferi MoiraDunn Jodi EwartShadoff Hee-WonHan Juli Inkster JenniferJohnson JiminKang StaceyKeating CristieKerr LydiaKo CatrionaMathew HaruNom ura HeeYoungPark InbeePark DewiClaireSchreefel AmyYang CheffaChoi IreneCoe MinaHarigae HannahJun Medlock SueKim Katherine Kirk CandieKung MeenaLee StacyLewis a-GabyLopez CarolineMasson Megan Mcchrystal AnnaNordqvist AshleighSimon AlisonWalshe Marina Alex AmyAnderson CarlotaCiganda JacquiConcolino Veronica Felibert MariaHernandez HaejiKang Kim Kaufm an BrittanyLang f heeLee MiHyangLee Xi YuLin Ai Miyazato BrookePancake MorganPressel Sarah JaneSmith Lexi Thomp son YaniTseng MariajoUribe Katie M. Burnet NicoleCastrale LauraDiaz JulietaGranada MiJungHur VickyHurst KarineIcher Eun-HeeJi ChristinaKim Rebecca Lee-Bentham Mika Miyazato Se RiPak JanePark EricaPopson JenniferSong KellyTan SunYoungYoo Julia Boland JayeMarieGreen MeganGrehan JenniferKirby AmeliaLewis BrittanyLincicome Giulia Molinaro PaolaMoreno BeckyMorgan PaulaReto LizetteSalas Kris Tam ulis AyakoUehara Lindsey Wright
35-33—68 34-34—68 35-33—68 35-34—69 35-34—69 34-35—69 36-33—69 35-34—69 36-33—69 35-34—69 33-36—69 34-35—69 34-35—69 36-33—69 35-34—69 36-33—69 34-35—69 35-34—69 34-35—69 35-34—69 35-34—69 35-35—70 37-33—70 35-35—70 34-36—70 34-36—70 33-37—70 36-34—70 36-34—70 36-34—70 35-35—70 32-38—70 35-35—70 37-33—70 35-35—70 36-34—70 37-34—71 34-37—71 37-34—71 35-36—71 35-36—71 36-35—71 38-33—71 36-35—71 37-34—71 37-34—71 39-32—71 36-35—71 35-36—71 37-34—71 37-34—71 36-35—71 37-34—71 36-35—71 34-37—71 36-36—72 38-34—72 39-33—72 35-37—72 37-35—72 36-36—72 38-34—72 36-36—72 37-35—72 37-35—72 38-34—72 40-32—72 38-34—72 36-36—72 37-35—72 35-37—72 40-32—72 36-37—73 38-35—73 36-37—73 33-40—73 37-36—73 37-36—73 36-37—73 38-35—73 37-36—73 40-33—73 37-36—73 39-34—73 36-37—73 38-35—73
Champions Tour Senior PlayersChampiunship Friday Af FoxChapel Gulf Cluh Pittsburgh Purse: $2.7 million Yardage:g,ggg; Par: 70 SecondRound BernhardLanger 65-64—129 64-67—131 DougGarwood 67-64—131 Bill Glasson 68-64—132 JohnRiegger 68-64—132 MichaelAllen Joe Durant 64-68—132 MarkMcNulty 66-66—132 PeterFowler 65-68—133 KennyPerry 70-63—133 MarkBrooks 66-67—133 MarkO'Meara 67-66—133 LorenRoberts 68-66—134 66-68—134 MarcoDawson 65-69—134 Larry Mize 65-69—134 CoreyPavin 69-66—135 JohnCook BarryLane 66-69—135 Bart Bryant 65-70—135 DavidFrost 64-71—135 Tommy Armour III 66-70—136 WesShort, Jr. 65-71—136 BobbyClampett 67-69—136 StevePate 65-71—136 Olin Browne 65-71—136 67-69—136 BradBryant 70-66—136 RussCochran 69-67—136 Jeff Sluman TomLehman 67-69—136 SteveJones 72-65—137 EstebanToledo 71-66—137 RoccoMediate 67-70—137 Jeff Brehau t 70-68—138 John Inman 70-68—138 Billy Andrade 67-71—138 DanForsman 69-69—138 71-67 — 138 WayneLevi 69-69—138 Colin Montgom erie 70-68 — 138 MarkCalcavecchia BruceVaughan 71-68—139 BobGilder 70-69—139 Jay Haa s 69-70—139 Dick Mast 69-70—139 TomByrum 69-70—139
MOTOR SPORTS NASCAR Sprint Cup QuakerState400Lineup Afler Fridayqualifying; racetoday At KentuckySpeedway Sparta, Ky. Lap length: 1.5miles (Car numberin parentheses) 1. (2) Brad Keselowski, Ford,188.791mph. 2. (22)JoeyLogano, Ford,187.115. 3. (24)JeffGordon,Chevrolet,186.832. 4. (11)DennyHamlin,Toyota,186.374. 5. (4) KevinHarvick, Chevrolet,186.104. 6. (42)KyleLarson, Chevrolet,186.034. 7. (31)RyanNewman, Chevrolet,186.014. 8. (1) JamiM ecMurray Chevrolet 185.957. 9. (41)KurtBusch,Chevrolet,185.95. 10. (10)DanicaPatrick, Chevrolet,185.803. 11. (15)Clint Bowyer, Toyota,185.414. 12. (27)PaulMenard, Chevrolet,185.096. 13. (14)TonyStewart, Chevrolet,185.854. 14. (20)MattKenseth, Toyota,185.714. 15. (47)AJAffmendinger,Chevrolet,185.503. 16. (3)AustinDilon, Chevrolet,185.344. 17. (55)BrianVickers, Toyota,185.096. 18. (18)KyleBusch,Toyota,185.052. 19. (78)MartinTruexJr., Chevrolet,184.761. 20. (5)KaseyKahne, Chevrolet,184.464. 21. (17)RickyStenhouseJr., Ford,184.307. 22.(43)AricAlmirola,Ford,184.3. 23.(99)CarlEdwards,Ford,184.106. 24.(16)GregBiffle, Ford,183.138. 25. (48)JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet,183.661. 26. (13)CaseyMears, Chevrolet,183.424. 27.(9) MarcosAmbrose,Ford,183.163. 28. (51)JustinAggaier, Chevrolet,182.815. 29. (88)DaleEarnhardt Jr., Chevrolet,182.803. 30. (26)ColeWhitt, Toyota,182.778. 31. (36)ReedSorenson, Chevrolet,181.916. 32. (7)MichaelAnnett, Chevrolet,181.464. 33. (23)AlexBowman,Toyota,181.287. 34. (98)JoshWise,Chevrolet,181.196. 35. (32)TravisKvapil, Ford,180.421. 36. (34)David Ragan, Ford,179.7. 37. (40)LandonCassiff, Chevrolet, Owner Points. 38. (33)David Stremme, Chevrolet, Owner Points. 39. (83)RyanTruex,Toyota,Owner Points. 40. (66)JoeNemechek,Toyota, Owner Points. 41. (38)DavidGiffiland, Ford,Owner Points. 42. (93)MikeBliss, Toyota,Owner Points.
2D14 NHL Drafl Selections Af Wells FargoCenter Philadelphia Friday Firsl Round 1. Florida,AaronEkblad,D,Barrie(OHL). 2. BuffaloSam , Reinhart, 0, Kootenay(WHL). 3. Edmonton,LeonDraisaitl, 0, PrinceAlbert (WHL). 4. Calgary,SamBennett, C,Kingston(OHL). 5. N.Y. Islanders,MichaelDal Coffe,LW,Oshawa
(OHL). 6. Vancouver, JakeVirtanen,RW,Calgary (WHL). 7. Carolina,HaydnFleury, D,RedDeer (WHL). 8. Toronto,WiliamNylander,C/RW , Modo(Sweden). 9. Winnipeg,NikolajEhlers,LW , Halifax(QMJHL). 10. Anaheim(fromOttawa), NickRitchie, LW,Peterborough(OHL). 11. Nashvile,KevinFiala, LW , HV71Jr.(Sweden). 12. Arizona,Brendan Perlini, LW , Niagara(OHL). 13.Washington,Jakub Vrana,LW/RW,Linkoping (Sweden ). 14. Dallas,Julius Honka, D,Swift Current(WHL). 15. Detroit,DylanLarkin, 0, USAUnder-18(USHL). 16. Columbus,Sonny Milano, LW,USAUnder-18 (USHL). 17. PhiladelphiaTra , vis Sanheim,D,Calgary(WHL). 18. Minnesota,AlexTuch,RW,USAUnder-18(USHL). 19. Tamp aBay, AnthonyDeangelo, D,Sarnia(OHL). 20. Chicago (fromSanJose), NickSchmaltz, 0, Green Bay(USHL). 21. St.Louis,Robert Fabri, C,Guelph(OHL). 22. Pittsburgh,Kasperi Kapanen, RW,Kalpa(Finland). 23. Colorado,ConnerBleackley, C, RedDeer (WHL). 24. Vancouver(from Anaheim), JaredMccann, C, SaultSte.Marie(OHL). 25. Boston,David Pastrnak, RW ,Sodertalje (Sweden). 26. MontrealNi , kitaScherbak,RW , Saskatoon(WHL). 27. SanJose(from Chicago), Nikolay Goldobin, RW , Sarnia(OHL). 28. N.Y.Islanders(fromTampaBayvia N.Y. Rangers), Joshua Ho-Sang, C,Windsor (OHL). 29.LosAngeles,AdrianKempe,LW,Modo(Sweden). 30. New Jersey,JohnQuennevile, 0,Brandon(WHL).
COMMISSI ONERu2019S OFFICE— Suspended Seattle OFsJamal Austin (Jackson-SL)andJabari Blash(Tacoma-PCL) 50 gamesfor violationsof the Minor LeagueDrugPrevention andTreatment Program. AmericanLeague BALTIMOR EORIOLES—Placed RHPBud Norris on the 15-dayDL,retroactive to Sunday.Recaled RHPsEvanMeek andKevin Gausman from Norfolk (IL); Gausma nasthe26thman. BOSTONREDSOX— Sent18MikeCarptoPawtucket(IL)for arehabassignment. DETROIT TIGERS — Assigned RHP Evan Reed outright toToledo(IL). HOUSTO NASTROS—Agreedto termswith RHP DanielMen gden on aminorleaguecontract. MINNESOTATWINS — Pl aced INF/OF Danny Santanaonthe 15-dayDL, retroactiveto Thursday. RecalledRHPYohanPinofromRochester (IL). NEWYO RKYANKEES—Agreedtotermswith LHP JonnyDrozdonaminor leaguecontract. SEATTLEMARINERS — Optioned 1B/DH Jesus Montero to Tacoma(PCL). ReinstatedOFMichael Saunders fromthe15-day DL TAMPABAYRAYS— RecalledRHPAlexColome from Durham (IL). TEXAS RANGERS—Announced1B/OFBradSnyder refused outright assignment to RoundRock(PCL) andbecam eafreeagent. TORONTOBLUEJAYS— AssignedSSAlexDiaz outright toBuffalo(IL). National League ARIZONADIAMONDBACKS — Optioned RHP ZekeSpruiff to Reno(PCL). Selectedthe contract of INF/OF Nick Evansfrom Reno. CINCINN ATI REDS—Agreed to terms with RHP RaiselIglesiasonaseven-yearcontract. ReleasedOF RogerBernadina. COLORADOROCKIES — Optioned 0 Jackson Williams toColoradoSprings (PCL). Reinstated0 MichaelMcKenryfromthe bereavement list. Sent LHPBooneLogan to Colorado Springs for a rehab assignment. MIAMIMARLINS— OptionedINFJustin Bourto NewOrleans(PCL). Recalled LHPBrian Flynnfrom NewOrleans.SentOFChristian Yelich to NewOrleans for a rehab assignment. NEWYOR KMETS —Agreedto termswith RHP TylerBadamoonaminorleaguecontract. PHILADE LPHIAPHILLIES—Placed0 Carlos Ruiz on the7-dayDL.Selectedthecontract of 0 Koyie Hil from LehighValey (IL). Agreedto termswith 0 Scott Tomasse tti onaminorleaguecontract. PDTSBURGHPIRATES— TradedRHPJasonGriff i to theL.A.Angelsfor RHPErnesto Frieri. ST. LOUIS CARDINALS— Sent RHJoe Kely to Memphis(PCL)for a rehabassignment. SignedRHP BryanDobzanski. SAN DIEGO PADRES— Claimed INFIrving Falu off waiversfromMilwaukee.Transferred LHPRobbie Erlin tothe60-dayDL WASHIN GTON NATIONALS — Sent OFBryce Harperto Harrisburg (EL)fora rehabassignment. FOOTBALL National Football League ATLANTA FALCONS— SignedWRCourtneyRoby. DALLASCOWBOYS — Signed GUcheNwaneri. PlacedGTyronneGreenon injured reserve. HOCKEY National HockeyLeague ARIZONA COYOTES—Bought outthecontract of 0 MikeRibeiro. CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS—Agreedto termswith Fs BenSmithandJeremyMorin andGAntti Raanta on two-yearcontractextensions. Acquiredthe No. 20 pickandchoiceNo.179(6th round)fromtheSan JoseSharksfor the27th pickand62ndselection (3rd round) inthe2014draft. DETROI TREDWINGS— SignedGJonasGustavsson to aone-year contract. NEW YORKISLANDERS — Acquired theNo.28 pick fromtheTampa Bay Lightning for picksNo.35 (2nd round)andNo.57(3rdround)inthe2014draft. PDTSBU RGH PENGUINS — Acquired F Patric HornqvistandFNickSpaling fromtheNashvile Predators forFJamesNeal. SANJOSESHARKS— Re-signedFTravisOleksuk to a one-year contract. TAMPABAY LIGHTNING — Re-signedD Mark Barberio. VANCO UVERCANUCKS— Traded 0 RyanKesler to Anaheim for 0 NickBonino, DLucaSbisa and the 24thoverall pick inthe2014draft, andDJason Garrison, therights to FJeff Costello and a2015 seventh-rounddraft pick to TampaBay for a 2014 second-rounddraft pick. Acquired FDerekDorsett from theNewYork Rangers for a 2014third-round draft pick. WASHINGTON CAPITALS— NamedLaneLambert assistantcoach. COLLEGE NORTHEAST -10 CONFERENCE — Named Kerri Faganassociatecommissioner for sportadministration and championships. CALIFOR NIA— Named Michael Wiliams interim athletic director. FORDHA M—NamedJohnBarrett seniorassociate athleticdirectorfor businessaffairs. HOFSTR A—Announcedthe resignation of men's andwomen'scrosscountrycoachPeterAlfano.Named TracyKochinterim men's andwomen'scross country coach. MIAMI—AnnouncedFJoeThomasistransferring from Niagara andwil haveoneyear of eligibility. SAM HOU STONSTATE— Named Matt Deggs baseballcoach. UNLV—Agreedtotermswith baseball coachTim Chambers onafive-year contract.
FISH COUNT Upstream daily movement of adult chinook,jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonThursday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wsllhd B onneville 2,868 63 1 6 5 9 33 6 The Dalles 2,412 4 4 1 3 8 2 198 John Day 2,322 4 0 2 184 90 McNary 2,184 2 9 9 1 6 8 60 Upstreamyear-to-date movement of adult chinook, jackchinook, steelheadandwild steelhead at selectedColumbiaRiver damslast updatedon Thursday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 252,609 38,306 13,246 4,222 The Dalles 191,537 29,225 3,507 1,183
John Day 164,949 25,887 5,044 1,877 M cNary 142,695 21,323 2,275
OR LEAGUE BASEBALL cstandings All TimesPDT AMERICANLEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB Toronto 45 37 .549 Baltimore 42 37 .532 1'/r NewYork 41 37 .526 2 Boston 36 44 .450 8 TampaBay 33 49 .402 12 CentralDivision W L Pct GB Detroit 43 33 .566 Kansas City 41 38 .519 3'/x Cleveland 38 41 .481 6'/r Minnesota 36 42 .462 8 Chicago 37 44 .457 Br/x West Division W L Pct GB Oakland 49 30 .620 LosAngeles 44 34 .564 4'/r Seattle 43 37 .538 6'/r Texas 36 43 .456 13 Houston 35 46 .432 15
Friday'sGames Tampa Bay5, Baltimore 2,1st game N.Y.Yankees6, Boston0 Baltimore4,TampaBay1, 2ndgame Chicago WhiteSox5, Toronto 4 Oakland 9, Miami5 Texas 5, Minnesota4 Houston 4, Detroit 3,11innings Kansas City8, LA.Angels 6 Seattle 3, Cleveland2 Today'sGam es ChicagoWhite Sox(Sale6-1) at Toronto(Stroman 4-2),10:07a.m. L.A. Angel(H. s Santiago 0-7) at KansasCity (Ventura 5-6), 11:10 a.m. Minnesota(P.Hughes 8-3) at Texas(Darvish 7-4), 1:05 p.m. Tampa Bay(Bedard 3-5) at Baltimore(W.chen7-2), 1:05 p.m. Detroit (Scherzer 9-3) at Houston (Keuchel 8-5), 1:10 p.m. Oakland (Gray7-3) at Miami(Eovaldi 5-3),1;10p.m. Boston(Lester8-7) at N.Y.Yankees (Tanaka 11-2), 4:15 p.m. Cleveland(Tomlin4 5)atSeattle (Elias7-5),710 pm. Sunday'sGames ChicagoWhiteSoxat Toronto, 10:07a.m. Oakland atMiami,10:10a.m. Tampa Bayat Baltimore,10:35 a.m. Detroit atHouston,11:10a.m. L.A. Angelat s KansasCity,11:10a.m. Minnesota atTexas,12:05p.m. Cleveland atSeatle,1:10 p.m. Bostonat N.Y.Yankees,5;05 p.m. NATIONALLEAGUE
Atlanta Washington Miami Philadelphia NewYork
Milwaukee St. Louis Cincinnati Pittsburgh Chicago SanFrancisco LosAngeles Colorado SanDiego Arizona
East Division W L 41 41 39 36 36
38 38 41 43 44
W L 50 32 44 37 41 38 41 39 34 44
West Division W L
46 34 45 37 35 45 34 46 34 48
Pct GB .519 .519 488 2'/r
.456 5
450 5'/2
Pct GB .610 543 5'/r .519 7'/r
.513 8 .436 14
Pct GB .575 .549 2 .438 11 .425 12 .415 13
Friday'sGames Chicag oCubs7,Washington2 Atlanta 4, Philadelphia2 Pittsburgh3, N.Y.Mets 2,11innings Oakland 9, Miami5 Milwaukee 3,Colorado2 Arizona2,SanDiego1 St. Louis3,L.A. Dodgers1 Cincinnati 6,SanFrancisco2 Today'sGam es Washington(G.Gonzalez4-4) at ChicagoCubs(Beeler 0-0),10:05a.m.,1st game Atlanta(E.Santana5-5) at Philadelphia(R.Hernandez 3-6), 11:05a.m.,1stgame N.Y.Mets(Niese4-4) at Pittsburgh(Cole6-3), 1:05 p.m. Colorado (Chacin1-6) atMilwaukee(Garza4-5),1:10 p.m. Oakland (Gray7-3) at Miami(Eovaldi 5-3),1:10p.m. Atlanta(Hale2-2) at Philadelphia(O'Sullivan 0-0), 4:15 p.m.,2nd game St. Louis(Lynn8-5) at L.A.Dodgers (Greinke9-4), 4:15 p.m. Washington(Treinen 0-3)at ChicagoCubs(Samardzija 2-6),4:15p.m.,2ndgame Cincinnati(Simon10-3)at SanFrancisco (M.cain 1-6), 7:05 p.m. Arizona (Collmenter 6-4)at SanDiego(Stults 2-10), 7:10 p.m. Sunday'sGames Oakland atMiami,10:10a.m. Atlantaat Philadelphia, 10:35a.m. N.Y.Metsat Pittsburgh,10:35a.m. Colorado at Milwaukee,11:10a m. Cincinnatiat SanFrancisco,1:05 p.m. Arizona at SanDiego,1:10 p.m. St. LouisatL.A.Dodgers,1:10 p.m.
American League
Mariners 3, indians2 SEATTLE —EndyChavez homered for the first time in more than ayear and Chris Youngcombined with five Seattle relievers in the Mariners' win over Cleveland. Chavez singled andscored in the first inning, then endedthe nightfor Cleveland starter Trevor Bauer with a solo homerun into the right-field seats with one out in the seventh. It was Chavez's first homer since May30, 2013, at San Diego, aspan of 265 plate appearances.
Vargas andAngels counterpart Matt Shoemaker (5-2) combined to give up14 runs on 20hitsfour of them homeruns. Neither got an out in the fifth inning.
Diamondbacks 2, Padres1 SAN DIEGO — Arizona's Brandon McCarthy went seven innings and won for just the second time this season, pitching Arizona past San Diego. McCarthy (2-10) limited San Diego to one runand sjx hits. He struck out sevenwith no walks as he beat the Padresfor the second time this seasonandfourth in five career decisions.
LosAngeles KansasCity ab r hbi ab r hbi Cowgillrf 3 0 1 0 L.cainrf 5 2 3 1 Calhonph-rf 2 0 0 0 Hosmer1b 5 1 1 0 Troutcf 4 1 2 1 BButlerdh 4 1 2 1 Pujols1b 3 0 0 1 Ciriacopr-dh 0 0 0 0 JHmltnlf 4 0 1 0 AGordnlf 3 0 0 1 HKndrc2b 4 0 0 0 S.Perezc 4 1 3 0 Aybarss 3 1 1 0 Infante2b 4 1 1 4 Crondh 4 2 2 3 Mostks3b 4 0 0 0 Freese3b 4 1 1 0 AEscorss 3 1 2 0 lannettc 3 1 1 1 JDysoncf 4 1 1 0 Congerph 1 0 0 0 Totals 3 5 6 9 6 Totals 3 68 137 LosAngeles 110 040 000 — 6 Kansas City 00 7 100 Ogx— 8 E—Freese (1), Infante(3). DP—Kansas City 1. LOB— LosAngeles4,KansasCity8.28— Freese(6), B.Butler(17),A.Escobar(21). 38—L.cain(2). HR Trout (18),Cron2(8), Infante(5). SB—A.Escobar 2 (20). SF —Pujols, A.Gordon.
LosAngeles ShoemakerL,5-2 4 D.carpenter Cor.Rasm us KansasCity Vargas MariotW,1-0
IP H 3 1
San Diego ab r hbi ab r hbi Inciartcf 4 0 1 0 Ecarerss 4 0 0 0 GParrarf 4 0 0 0 S.Smithlf 4 0 0 0 Gldsch 1b 2 1 0 0 Thayer p 0 0 0 0 MMntrc 4 1 1 0 Headly 3b 4 0 2 0 Arizona
A .Hill2b 4 0 2 0 Grandlc 4 0 1 0 DPerltlf 4 0 1 2 Venalerf 4 0 0 0 Prado3b 4 0 0 0 Goeert1b 3 0 0 0 Gregrsss 3 0 1 0 Maybincf 3 1 1 0 McCrthp 1 0 0 0 Amarst2b 3 0 1 0 Kschnc ph 1 0 1 0 T.Ross p 1 0 1 1 Ziegler p 0 0 0 0 Qcknsh p 0 0 0 0 A.Reed p 0 0 0 0 ATorrs p 0 0 0 0 Denorfiph-If 1 0 0 0 Totals 3 1 2 7 2 Totals 3 11 6 1 Arizona 000 200 000 — 2 S an Diego 0 0 0 0 1 0 000 — 1 E—D.Peralta (3). DP—Arizona 1, San Diego1.
11 8 8 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
4 9 6 11 - 3 0 0 K.HerreraH,6 12 - 3 0 0 W.DavisH,15 1 0 0 G.HollandS,23-24 1 0 0
6 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
2 0 0
Vargaspitchedto6 batters inthe5th. HBP —by D.carpenter (A.Gordon, A.Escobar). PB — S.Perez. T—3:02. A—35,461(37,903).
Rangers 5,Twins4
Keith Srakocic/The Associated Prese
Chamberlain Alburquerque 1 B.HardyL,0-1
Houston 62-3 7 Peacock D.DownsH,5 1 - 3 0 VerasBS,1-1 1 0 Qualls 1 0 Sipp 1 1 J.Buchanan W,1-1 1 0 WP—Verlander. PB—J.castro. T—4:05. A—22,386(42,060).
1 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1
1 2
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0 0 Cleveland Seattle ab r hbi ab r hbi Bourncf 5 0 3 1 EnChvzdh 4 2 2 1 Acarerss 4 0 0 0 J.Jonescf 4 0 1 0 Brantlylf 3 0 0 1 Cano2b 4 0 0 0 W hite Sox 5,BlueJays4 CSantn1b 3 0 0 0 Seager3b 4 0 3 1 Kipnis2b 4 0 2 0 Morrsn1b 4 0 2 0 TORONTO — Jose Abreu hit two Chsnhg3b 4 0 1 0 Zuninoc 4 0 0 0 YGomsc 4 0 0 0 MSndrsrf 4 1 2 0 solo home runs, Alexei Ramirez S wisherdh 3 1 1 0 Ackleylf 2 0 0 0 added a two-run blast and the DvMrprf 3 1 0 0 BMigerss 3 0 1 1 Totals 33 2 7 2 Totals 3 3 3 113 Chicago White Soxsurvived a C leveland 001 0 0 0 001 — 2 shaky ninth inning to beatToronto Seattle 100 100 10x — 3 E—Morrison (1). DP—Cleveland2. LOB—Cleve- for its second win in ninegames. land 9, Seattle 8. 28 —Bourn (7), Kipnis 2 (13), DayanViciedoalsowentdeepas Chisenhag(20), Seager (20), M.Saunders (7). HRthe White Soxwon for the second En.chavez (1). SB—En.chavez(1). SF—Brantley. IP H R E R BBSO time in12 road games and conCleveland BauerL,2-4 61 - 3 9 3 3 2 5 nected four times off Blue Jays Crockett 2-3 2 0 0 0 1 knuckleballer R.A. Dickey (6-7). Pestano 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Hagadone 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 Chicago Toronto Seattle ab r hbi ab r hbi C.YoungW,7-4 5 4 1 1 1 4 LeGarccf 5 0 0 0 Reyesss 5 0 0 1 BeimelH,6 1 0 0 0 0 2 GBckh2b 4 0 1 0 Mecarrlf 5 0 2 0 FarquharH,7 1 0 0 0 1 1 Gillaspi3b 4 0 0 0 Encrnc1b 4 1 1 1 MedinaH,12 2 3- 0 0 0 1 0 JAreu1b 3 2 2 2 DNavrrdh 4 1 1 1 FurbushH,11 1 - 3 1 0 0 0 0 A .Dunndh 3 1 1 0 Glennrf 3 0 0 0 RodneyS,22-24 1 2 1 1 0 1 AIRmrzss 4 1 1 2 CIRsmsph 1 1 1 1 Crockettpitchedto2 batters inthe8th. Viciedo rf 4 1 1 1 StTllsn 3b 2 0 1 0 HBP—byC.Young (A.cabrera). WP—Bauer. Sierrarf 0 0 0 0 JFrncsph-3b 2 0 0 0 T—3:05.A—28,084 (47,476). DeAzalf 4 0 1 0 Kawsk2b 3 1 2 0 F lowrsc 4 0 1 0 Gosecf 4 0 1 0 T holec 3 0 0 0 Royals 8, Angels6 L indph 1 0 0 0 Htchsnpr 0 0 0 0 — Omar KANSAS CITY, Mo. Totals 35 5 8 5 Totals 3 7 4 9 4 Chicago 0 00 020 300 — 5 Infante capped aseven-run inning Toronto 0 00 002 002 — 4 with his first career grand slam, E—AI.Ramirez (8), Gigaspie (6), Reyes(10). DP — Toronto 1. LOB —Chicago 5, Toronto 7. 28and KansasCity held on to beat (20), St,Togeson (5). HR—J.Abreu 2 the Los AngelesAngels on arough Me.cabrera (25), AI.Ram irez (8), Viciedo (7), Enca rnacion (25), nightfor starting pitchers. Jason D.Navarro(5), Col.Rasmus(11). SB—G.Beckham(2).
5 2 2 1
0 1 0
MILWAUKEE — Ryan Braun was hit by a pitch in the seventh inning that scored a runand hadan RBI single in the ninth, lifting Milwaukee to a win overColorado. Mark
a single off reliever Matt Belisle (2-3) and advanced on asacrifice Hanignc 2 0 0 0 Hundlyc 4 1 2 2 Forsyth2b 3 0 0 0 Flahrty2b 3 0 0 0 by Jean Segura. Scooter Gennett Schoop ph-2b 1 0 0 0 Totals 31 1 5 1 Totals 3 3 4 10 4 pinch hit for Francisco RodriT ampa Bay 0 1 0 0 0 0 000 — 1 guez (3-2) andwas intentionally Baltimore 010 0 0 1 20x — 4 walked. The runners advancedon DP — Baltimore1. LOB—Tampa Bay4, Baltimore a passed ball by catcher Michael 10. 28 —AJones2 (17). HR—Loney(4), NCruz(25), Hundley(1). McKenry. After Rickie Weekswent IP H R E R BBSO down swinging, Braun drilled BeTampaBay Odorizzi 5 6 1 1 4 6 lisle's first pitch up the middle.
R ER BBSO J oycerf 3 0 0 0 LoughIf 4 0 2 0
1 1 Jo.Peralta 1 3 1 0 C.Ramos Baltimore TillmanW,7-4 8 4 Z.BrittonS,10-12 1 1 T—3:05. A—34,895(45,971).
1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0
2 1
National League
Cardinals 3, Dodgers1 LOS ANGELES— Jhonny Peralta hit a tiebreaking two-run double and Yadier Molina homered, leading St. Louis to avictory over the Los Angeles Dodgers. Cardinals right-hander Carlos Martinez couldn't make it out of the fifth inning despite the two-run lead. Manager MikeMatheny pulled him after a one-out single byDeeGordon and awalk to Yasiel Puig, but Seth Maness (3-2) retired Adrian Gonzalez onadouble-playgrounder. Maness allowedone hit through
ab r hbi ab r hbi Mcrpnt3b 4 1 1 0 DGordn2b 4 0 3 1 H ollidylf 3 1 1 0 Puigrf 3010 Boston 000 000 000 — 0 MAdms1b 4 0 1 0 AdGnzl1b 4 0 1 0 New York 100 3 0 0 0 2x— 6 hPerltss 4 0 1 2 Kemplf 4 0 1 0 LOB —Boston6, NewYork5.28—Holt (14), Drew JYMolinc 4 1 1 1 VnSlykcf 2 0 0 0 (3), Egsbury (17). HR —Gardner (7), Mccann(9), Ke. C raig rf 4 0 0 0 Ethier cf 1 0 0 0 Johnson (5). S—Gardner.SF—Teixeira. Neshekp 0 0 0 0 uribe3b 3 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBSO R osnthlp 0 0 0 0 A.Egisc 3 1 1 0 Boston Jaycf-rf 4 0 1 0 Rojasss 3 0 1 0 WorkmanL,1-1 7 7 4 4 2 5 M .Ellis2b 4 0 1 0 Ryup 2000 Breslow 1 2 2 2 0 0 CMrtnzp 2 0 2 0 CRonsnph 1 0 0 0 NewYork Maness p 1 0 0 0 League p 0 0 0 0 NunoW,2-4 52- 3 2 0 0 2 5 SFrmnp 0 0 0 0Mahlmp 0 0 0 0 Betances 11-3 1 0 0 1 2 Bourjoscf 1 0 0 0 Warren 1 0 0 0 0 1 Totals 35 3 9 3 Totals 3 0 1 8 1 Thornton 1 0 0 0 0 1 S t. Louis 000 1 2 0 000 — 3 T—2:42.AM8,522 (49,642). LosAngeles 010 000 000 — 1 DP — St. Louis 2, LosAngeles1. LOB —St. Louis BrdlyJrcf 3 0 0 0 Totals 3 0 0 3 0 Totals
3 16 9 6
Oneoutwhenwinning runscored. E—Verlander (4), Avila(3), Singleton(4), Vilar (12). DP —Detroit 2, Houston 2. LOB—Detroit 5, Houston 6. 28 —Altuve (24). HR —Casteganos (6), J.castro(7).SB—Altuve2(32). S—Villar. Rays 5, Orioies 2(First Game) IP H R E R BBSO Detroit BALTIMORE — Nelson Cruzand Verlander 6 6 3 3 1 8 2-3 1 0 13 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 11 - 3 2 1
0 2
Reynolds led off the ninth with
HOUSTON —JasonCastro'ssolo homer in the 11th inning lifted Boston NewYork Houston to a win overDetroit ab r hbi ab r hbi H oltrf 3 0 1 0 Gardnrlf 3 1 1 1 tosnaptheTigers'seven-game edroia2b 4 0 0 0 Jeterss 4 1 2 0 winning streak. Castro launched a P D.crtizdh 3 0 0 0 Ellsurycf 3 0 1 0 pitch from Blaine Hardy (0-1) into Napoli1b 3 0 0 0 Teixeir1b 3 1 2 1 JGomslf 2 0 1 0 Beltrandh 4 0 0 0 the seats in right field with one Navaph-If 2 0 0 0 Mccnnc 4 2 2 2 out in the11th to give Houston the Przynsc 4 0 0 0 BRorts2b 4 0 0 0 2 /s innings with two strikeouts. Bogarts3b 3 0 0 0 ISuzukirf 4 0 0 0 victory. St. Louis LosAngeles Drewss 3 0 1 0 KJhnsn3b 2 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Quackenbush 2 - 3 1 0 0 1 A.Torres 1-3 0 0 0 0 Thayer 1 1 0 0 0 WP—T.Ross. T—2:34.A—25,897 (42,302).
Pittsburgh Pirates' Josh Harrison runs away from his teammates after he drove in Clint Barmes with the game-winning run in the 11th inning of Friday night's game against the New York Nlets in Pittsburgh. The Pirates won 3-2 in 11 innings.
McCann added atwo-run homer for New York, which haswon six of the eight meetings with Boston this season.
Houston ab r hbi ab r hbi Kinsler2b 5 0 3 0 Altuve2b 5 2 4 1 TrHntrrf 5 0 0 0 Springrrf 4 0 1 0 Micarr1b 4 0 0 0 Singltn1b 4 0 0 0 VMrtnzdh 5 0 00 MDmn3b 5 0 0 0 JMrtnzlf 5 1 2 0 Jcastroc 4 1 1 1 Cstllns3b 4 1 1 1 Guzmndh 4 0 1 0 AJcksncf 3 0 0 0 Presleycf 4 0 1 0 A vilac 4 0 1 1 Hoeslf 4 1 1 0 Suarez ss 3 1 1 0 Villar ss 3 0 0 0 Totals 3 8 3 8 2 Totals 37 4 9 2 Detroit 010 1 0 0010 00 — 3 Houston 1 0 0 0 2 0 000 01 — 4
Brewers 3,Rockies2
Chicago Minnesota Texas Joh.Danks W,7-6 6 5 2 2 0 2 ab r hbi ab r hbi GuerraH,2 1 0 0 0 1 2 D ozier2b 5 0 1 0 Choolf 4 1 3 1 PutnamH,11 1 1 0 0 0 2 KSuzukc 5 0 0 0 Andrusss 3 1 1 0 BelisarioH,6 1-3 3 2 1 0 0 Mauer1b 3 0 1 0 C.Pena1b 4 0 1 0 Surkamp 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wlnghlf 2 1 0 0 ABeltredh 3 1 1 3 PetrickaS,2-3 2 - 3 0 0 0 0 0 K Morlsdh 4 1 1 0 Riosrf 4 0 0 0 Toronto Arciarf 3 1 1 1 LMartncf 4 0 1 0 DickeyL,6-7 6 5 5 5 1 9 EEscor3b 4 1 0 1 Gimenzc 2 1 0 0 Loup 1 1 0 0 0 2 Fuldcf 4 0 1 0 Sardins3b 3 1 1 1 Santos 1 2 0 0 1 3 F lormnss 2 0 0 0 Odor2b 3 0 0 0 Rasmussen 1 0 0 0 0 1 JPolncph-ss 2 0 1 2 Dickeypitchedto 3battersinthe 7th. Totals 34 4 6 4 Totals 3 0 5 8 5 Surkamp pitchedto1batter inthe9th. M innesota 0 0 0 0 0 0 004 — 4 WP — Joh.Danks. Texas 200 020 01x — 5 T—2:58.A—24,173 (49,282). E—Sardinas (4). DP—Minnesota1. LOB —Minnesota 7,Texas4. 28—K.Morales (4), Choo(13), Sardinas(2). 38—J.Polanco(1). HR —A.Beltre (9). Yankees 6,RedSox0 SF — A.Beltre. IP H R E R BBSO NEW YORK —VidalNunoreMinaesota CorreiaL,4-9 6 6 4 4 2 3 bounded from two awful starts Duensing 1 0 0 0 0 1 to pitch two-hit ball into the sixth Guerrier 1 2 1 1 0 1 inning, Kelly Johnson and Brett Texas Tepesch W,3-3 7 1-3 3 0 0 2 5 Gardner hit consecutive homers, 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 and the NewYork Yankees beat Frasor 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Cotts series Soria 1 3 4 3 1 1 Boston in the opener of a HBP —byTepesch(Wilingham). between struggling powers. Brian T—2:59. A—38,111(48,114).
ZieglerH,19 A.Reed S,18-21 1
San Diego
Astros 4, Tigers 3(11 innings)
ton 4, Chicago 8. 28—Zimmerman (11), Ruggiano (7), Valbuena (20), Jo.Baker(3). HR —LaRoche(10). CS — Rendon(1). IP H
Washington RoarkL,7-5 6 10 Blevins 2-3 2 3 Barrett 1-3 0 0 T.Hill 1 1 Chicago HammelW,7-5 6 1 - 3 5 Schlitter H,11 2-3 0 WWright 1 2 Grimm 1 0 WP — Blevins, Hammel. T—2;49. A—30,683(41,072).
4 4 3 0 0 0
1 2 0 0
2 1 1 0
2 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
6 0 1 0
2 0 0 0
Pirates 3, Mets2 (11 innings) PITTSBURGH — Josh Harrison doubled homethewinning run with two outs in the bottom of the
11th inning to give Pittsburgh a victory over the NewYork Mets. Jordy Mercer hit a two-run single for the Pirates (41-39), who moved LOB —Arizona5, SanDiego4. 28—Gregorius (2). two games above.500 for the first CS — A.Hil (1).S—McCarthy. SF—TRoss. time since April10. They havewon IP H R E R BBSO the first two games of the fourArizona McCarthyW,2-10 7 6 1 1 0 7 game series.
1 1 3 2 3
ARLINGTON, Texas— Adrian Beltre homered, Shin-Soo Choo had three hits in his return to the leadoffspotandTexassnapped its longest losing streak in nearly nine years, holding on to win over Minnesota. Nick Tepesch (3-3) allowed only three singles over 7/s scoreless innings for the Rangers, who entered the series opener mired in an eight-game losing streak for the first time since August 2005.
Blevinsp 0 0 0 0 Schlittrp 0 0 0 0 B arrettp 0 0 0 0 Wrghtp 0 0 0 0 Frndsn ph 1 0 1 0 Schrhltph 1 0 0 0 T .Hillp 0 0 0 0 Grimmp 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 2 7 2 Totals 3 6 7 13 7 W ashington 01 0 1 0 0 000 — 2 Chicago 020 200 30x — 7 DP — Washington 1, Chicago1. LOB —Washing-
6, LosAngeles6. 28—Jh.Peralta (22), M.Egis(5). HR — YMolina (7). CS—Kemp(4). St. Louis
NickHundleyhomeredtoback C.Martinez 41-3 6 1 1 3 4 Maness W,3-2 2 1-3 1 0 0 0 2 a commanding pitching perforS.Freeman H,6 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 mance by Chris Tillman, andBalNeshekH,10 1 0 0 0 0 0 R osenthal S,24-27 1 0 0 0 1 1 timore beat theTampaBay Rays Angeles 4-1 for a doubleheader split. In the Los 7 9 3 3 1 7 RyuL,9-4 League 1 0 0 0 0 0 opener, rookie AlexColomegave Mahol m 1 0 0 0 0 1 up two hits over 5/s innings and SFreeman pitchedto1batter inthe8th. Brandon Guyer hit three doubles T—2:48. A—48,159(56,000). to lift TampaBayto a 5-2 victory. TampaBay Baltimore ab r hbi ab r hbi DJnngscf 5 0 0 0 Markksrf 3 1 1 0 K iermrrf 5 0 1 0 Pearcelf 3 0 0 0 Zobristss 3 0 1 0 A.Jonescf 4 0 0 0 Longori3b 3 0 0 0 C.Davis1b 2 0 0 1
Loney1b 3 1 0 0 N.cruzdh 4 0 0 0 Guyerlf 3 2 3 1 JHardyss 4 0 0 0 Joycedh 3 2 2 2 Machd3b 3 1 2 1 SRdrgz2b 4 0 1 1 Schoop2b 3 0 0 0 JMolinc 4 0 1 1 CJosphc 3 0 0 0 Totals 33 5 9 5 Totals 2 9 2 3 2 T ampa Bay 0 2 0 1 0 2 000 — 5 B altimore 100 0 0 0 100 — 2 E—Longoria (6). DP—Tampa Bay2, Baltimore1. LOB —Tampa Bay 6, Baltimore 4. 28—Guyer 3 (7),
Reds 6, Giants2
SAN FRANCISCO — Billy Hamilton and Jay Brucedrove in two runs apiece to leadCincinnati to a win over SanFrancisco. Johnny Cueto (8-5) pitched a three-hitter over 8/s innings and theRedswon their third straight and sixth of seven overall.
Pittsburgh ab r hbi ab r hbi Grndrsrf 5 0 0 0 GPolncrf 4 0 0 0 T ejadass 4 1 1 0 Sniderlf 5 0 0 0 DnMrp2b 5 1 2 0 AMcctcf 4 1 1 0 Duda1b 4 0 1 2 NWalkr2b 5 0 1 0 CYounglf 5 0 0 0 RMartnc 5 0 2 0 Campg3b 5 0 1 0 I.Davis1b 4 1 0 0 Lagarscf 4 0 1 0 PAlvrz3b 1 0 1 0 dArnadc 4 0 3 0 SMartepr 0 0 0 0 deGrmp 2 0 0 0JuWlsnp 0 0 0 0 Edginp 0 0 0 0 Melncnp 0 0 0 0 Familip 0 0 0 0 GSnchzph 1 0 0 0 BAreuph 1 0 0 0 JHughsp 0 0 0 0 Mejiap 0 0 0 0 Barmesph 0 1 0 0 Black p 0 0 0 0 Mercerss 4 0 1 2 Cumptnp 2 0 0 0 JHrrsnph-3b 3 0 2 1 Totals 39 2 9 2 Totals 3 8 3 8 3 Newyork 0 0 0 2 00 000 00 — 2 Pittsburgh 000 200 000 01 — 3 Twooutswhenwinningrunscored. DP — New York 2, Pittsburgh 1. LOB —New York 7, Pittsburgh10.28—Dan.Murphy(19), J.Harrison
(11). SB —J.Harrison (7). CS—Dan.Murphy (4), C.Young(3). S—deGrom,Mercer. IP H
NewYork deGrom 62-3 5 2 2 3 Edgin 2-3 0 0 0 0 Familia 2-3 0 0 0 0 Mejia 2 2 0 0 1 BlackL,1-2 2-3 1 1 1 1 Pittsburgh Cumpton 7 6 2 2 1 JuWilson 1 0 0 0 1 Melancon 1 2 0 0 0 J.Hughes W,4-2 2 1 0 0 0 HBP—bydeGrom(PAlvarez). WP—Cumpton. T—3:45. A—37,952(38,362).
4 1 0 4 1 4
1 Colorado Milwaukee 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi 3 Blckmnrf 4 0 0 0 RWeks2b 4 1 1 0 S tubbscf 3 0 1 0 Braunrf 4 0 1 2 M ornea1b 4 0 1 0 Lucroyc 4 0 2 1 Tlwlzkss 4 0 1 0 CGomzcf 4 0 1 0 Dickrsnlf 3 0 0 0 ArRmr3b 4 0 1 0 Interlea ue Rutledg2b 4 2 3 1 KDavislf 4 1 2 0 RWhelr3b 4 0 1 0 MrRynl1b 3 1 1 0 Athletics 9, Marlins5 Belislep 0 0 0 0 Segurass 2 0 0 0 McKnrc 4 0 2 0 Lohsep 2 0 0 0 MIAMI — CocoCrisp scored the Matzekp 1 0 0 0 Overayph 0 0 0 0 Barnesph 0 0 0 1 Maldndph 1 0 0 0 go-ahead run in the ninth inning Massetp 0 0 0 0WSmithp 0 0 0 0 on a replay reversal, andOakland Brothrsp 0 0 0 0 FrRdrgp 0 0 0 0 Ottavinp 0 0 0 0 Gennettph 0 0 0 0 bounced backafter blowing a fourCulersn3b 0 0 0 0 run lead to beat Miami. Josh RedTotals 31 2 9 2 Totals 3 2 3 9 3 C olorado 000 0 0 0 101 — 2 dick's two-out RBI triple tied the M ilwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 1 101 — 3 game in the eighth, andOakland Twooutswhenwinning runscored. DP — Milwaukee2. LOB—Colorado6, Milwaukee scored four times in the ninth off 9. 2B —Tulowitzki (16), Rutledge(5), R.Weeks(8), K. Marlins closer Steve Cishek (4-3). Davis 2(20). HR —Rutledge(2). CS—Dickerson(4), C.Gomez (3). S—Malzek, Barnes, Segura2. Oakland Miami IP H R E R BBSO ab r hbi ab r hbi Colorado Crispcf 5 1 1 1 RJhnsnlf 4 0 0 0 Matzek 6 5 1 1 0 3 Callasp2b 5 1 2 0 Mrsnckcf 1 0 0 0 Masset 1-3 1 1 1 1 0 Sogardpr-2b 0 1 0 0 Dietrch2b 4 0 0 0 Brothers 1-3 0 0 0 1 1 Ottavino 11-3 1 0 0 0 1 Cespdslf 4 3 2 1 Stantonrf 4 1 2 0 4 1 2 0 McGeh3b 4 1 2 0 BelisleL,2-3 2-3 2 1 1 1 1 Moss1b Dnldsn3b 4 0 1 3 GJones1b 2 1 2 1 Milwaukee Lowriess 5 1 2 1 Ozunacf-If 4 1 1 1 Lohse 7 7 1 1 2 4 DNorrsc 2 0 1 0 Solanoss 4 1 1 1 W.SmithH,20 1 1 0 0 0 0 ogtc 3 1 2 1 Mathisc 4 0 1 1 FrRodriguezW3-2BS,3-29 1 1 1 1 0 V Reddckrf 5 0 3 2 DeSclfnp 1 0 0 0 2 J chavzp 3 0 0 0 Flynnp 1 0 0 0 HBP—byOttavino(Braun). PB—McKenry. Oterop 0 0 0 0 JeBakrph 1 0 1 1 T—3:09.A—34,132 (41,900). Cookp 0 0 0 0 Morrisp 0 0 0 0 Jasoph 1 0 0 0 Greggp 0 0 0 0 Grgrsnp 0 0 0 0 Lucasph 1 0 0 0 Braves 4, Phiiiies 2 Puntoph 1 0 0 0 Cishekp 0 0 0 0 D oolittlp 0 0 0 0 JaTrnrp 0 0 0 0 PHILADELPHIA — Freddie FreeTotals 42 9 16 9 Totals 35 5 10 5 man homered, doubled anddrove Oakland 2 00 110 014 — 9 Miami 000 005 000 — 5 in all four Atlanta runs to backJuDP — Oakland1. LOB—Oakland9, Miami8.28lio Teheran's strong pitching and Solano(1),Mathis(2). 3B—Donaldson (2), Reddick (4). SF —Donaldson. lead the Bravesover Philadelphia.
Teheran (7-5) allowed two runs — one earned —andsix hits in seven innings.
Oakland J.chavez 5 6 4 4 3 OteroBS,3-4 1 2 1 1 0 Cook 1 1 0 0 1 Gregerson W2-1 1 1 0 0 0 Doolittle 1 0 0 0 0 Miami DeSclafani 3 5 2 2 0 Flynn 3 4 2 2 1 MorrisH,7 1 0 0 0 0 GreggBS,1-1 1 2 1 1 0 CishekL,4-3 2-3 5 4 4 1 Ja.Turner 1-3 0 0 0 0 J.chavez pitchedto4 batters inthe6th. HBP—byJ.chavez(Dietrich). WP—J.chavez. T—3:14. A—18,666(37,442).
5 0 0
1 Philadelphia 2 ab r hbi ab r hbi Buptoncf 5 1 1 0 Reverecf 4 1 3 0 2 ASmnsss 4 2 1 0 Roginsss 4 0 0 1 3 FFrmn1b 5 1 3 4 Utley2b 3 1 1 0 0 Gattisc 1 0 0 0 Howard1b 4 0 0 0 1 L airdc 3 0 1 0 Byrdrf 3 0 1 1 0 Heywrdrf 3 0 0 0 Asche3b 4 0 0 0 0 J.uptonlf 3 0 1 0 Mayrrylf 4 0 1 0 C Jhnsn3b 4 0 1 0 Ruppc 3 0 0 0 uggla2b 4 0 1 0 DBrwnph 1 0 0 0 Tehernp 2 0 0 0 Kndrckp 2 0 0 0 LaStegph 1 0 0 0 CHrndzph 1 0 1 0 Leaders JWaldnp 0 0 0 0 Rosnrgp 0 0 0 0 Kimrelp 0 0 0 0 Through Friday's Games Totals 35 4 9 4 Totals 3 3 2 7 2 AMERICANLEAGUE Atlanta 3 10 000 000 — 4 BATTING —Altuve, Houston, .342; VMartinez, Philadelphia 000 200 000 — 2 Detroit, .328;Beltre,Texas, .325; Brantley, Cleveland, E—A.Simmons(6), Rupp(1). DP—Atlanta2, Phil.322; Micabrera,Detroit, .321; Cano,Seatle, .320; adelphia 1.LOB —Atlanta 8, Philadelphia6. 28—F. Trout,LosAngeles,.313. Freeman (23), Laird(5). 38—Revere(5). HR—F.FreeRUNS— Dozier,Minnesota,60;Donaldson,Oakman(13).SB—Revere(22). S—Teheran. land,55;Encarnacion, Toronto, 55;Bautista, Toronto, IP H R E R BBSO 54; Kinsler,Detroit, 54;Brantley,Cleveland,53;Trout, Atlanta Los Angeles,53. TeheranW,7-5 7 6 2 1 0 9 RBI — Ncruz,Baltimore,66; Encarnacion,Toronto, J.Walden H,7 1 1 0 0 1 2 65; Micabrera,Detroit,64; JAbreu,Chicago,63; DonKimbrelS,23-27 1 0 0 0 1 2 aldson , O a kland,59;Trout,LosAngeles,59;Moss, Philadelphia Oakland,57. K.KendrickL,3-8 8 9 4 4 2 8 HITS — Altuve, Houston, 111;Mecabrera, ToronRosenberg 1 0 0 0 0 2 103;AJones,Baltimore, 99; Kinsler,Detroit, 98; HBP—by K.Kendrick (J.upton). WP—J.Walden. to, Markakis,Baltimore,97;VMartinez,Detroit, 95; MiPB — Laird. Cabrera,Detroit, 94;Cano,Seatle, 94. T—3:11.A—38,100 (43,651). HOME RUNS —JAbreu, Chicago, 25; NCruz, Baltimore,25; Encarnacion,Toronto, 25;VMartinez, Detroit, 20; Donal d son,Oakland, 18; Moss,Oakland, Cnbs 7, Nationais2 18; Ortiz,Boston,18;Trout,LosAngeles,18. Atlanta
Cincinnati San Francisco ab r hbi ab r hbi tncf 5 1 3 2 Blancocf 3 0 0 0 Joyce(16). HR —Machado (5). CS—Kiermaier (2), BHml F razier3b 4 1 3 1 Petitp 0000 Guyer (1). IP H R E R BBSO Phigips2b 5 0 1 0 Ariasph 1 0 0 0 B rucerf 4 0 2 2 Pencerf 4 0 1 1 TampaBay ColomeW,1-0 5 2-3 2 1 1 4 3 Mesorc c 4 1 1 0 Posey c 3 0 0 0 CHICAGO — Light-hitting catcher 1b 3 0 0 0 Sandovl 3b 4 0 1 0 Boxberger 11-3 1 1 1 0 4 B.Pena John Baker hadthree hits, a walk BalfourH,3 1 0 0 0 0 0 H eiseylf 4 1 1 0 Morself 4 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 Duvag 1b 3 0 0 0 McGee S,2-3 1 0 0 0 0 2 Cozartss and four RBls, andChicagoCubs Cuetop 3 1 0 0 Bcrwfrss 3 0 0 0 Baltimore starter Jason Hammelagain masGausmanL,3-2 5 7 5 5 4 1 Achpmp 0 0 0 0 B.Hicks2b 2 1 0 0 Bmgrnp 1 0 0 0 Meek 2 1 0 0 0 2 tered Washington. Bakercapped Colvinph-cf 2 1 1 1 Brach 2 1 0 0 0 4 Totals 36 6 126 Totals 3 0 2 3 2 his big day with a bases-loaded, Gausman pitchedto 2battersinthe6th. incinnati 000 0 6 0 1 00 — 6 three-run double off reliever Jerry HBP— byGausman(Guyer).WP— Colome2,Gaus- C San Francisco 000 002 000 — 2 man. E—Philips (2). DP—Cincinnati 1, SanFrancisco Blevins in the seventh inning. T—3:14.A—15,614 (45,971). 1. LOB —Cincinnati 6, SanFrancisco 3. 28—B.Hamilton (14),Mesoraco(11). 3B—Colvin (3). SB—B. Washington Chicago Orioies 4,Rays1(SecondGame) Hamilton(33), Frazier(11), Bruce(9). CS—B.Hamab r hbi ab r hbi ilton (10), Frazier(5). S—Cueto. Span cf 4 0 0 0 Sweenyrf 5 0 2 2 TampaBay Baltimore IP H R E R BBSO Rendon 3b 4 0 2 0 Ruggincf 5 1 2 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Cincinnati Werthrf 4 0 0 0 Rizzo1b 5 0 1 0 DJnngs dh 4 0 0 0 Markksdh 4 0 0 0 CuetoW,8-5 8 1 - 3 3 2 2 2 3 LaRoch1b 4 2 2 1 Scastross 3 1 0 0 Kiermr cf 4 0 1 0 Machd3b 3 0 0 0 A.chapman S,16-17 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 Zmrmn If 4 0 1 1 Valuen3b 3 2 1 0 Zobrist ss 4 0 0 0 A.Jonescf 4 1 4 0 San Francisco WRamsc 3 0 1 0 Coghlnlf 4 2 2 0 Longori3b 4 0 3 0 N.cruzrf 411 2 BumgarnerL,9-5 6 9 5 5 1 3 Dsmnd ss 3 0 0 0 JoBakrc 3 1 3 4 Loney 1b 4 1 1 1 C.Davis1b 2 0 0 0 Petit 3 3 1 1 1 2 Espinos 2b 3 0 0 0 Barney2b 4 0 1 1 Guyerlf 3 0 0 0 JHardyss 41 1 0 T—2:44. A—41,046(41,915). Roarkp 2 0 0 0 Hammlp 3 0 1 0
NATIONAL LEAGUE BATTING —Tulowitzki, Colorado,.351; Lucroy, Milwaukee,.330; MaAdams, St. Louis, .327; AMcCutchen,Pittsburgh, .314; Stanton,Miami, .312; McGehee,Miami,.311;Gennett, Milwaukee,.311. RUNS —Tulowitzki, Colorado,61; Goldschmidt, Arizona,58;Pence,SanFrancisco, 57;Stanton, Miami, 56;Rizzo,Chicago,53; Mcarpenter, St. Louis, 52; Frazier, Cincinnati, 51; FFreem an, Atlanta, 51; CGomez,Milwaukee,51. RBI — Stanton, Miami, 59; Morneau,Colorado, 57; Goldschm idt, Arizona,53;Howard, Philadelphia, 50;AdGonzalez,LosAngeles,48;AMccutchen,Pittsburgh ,48;Scastro,Chicago,47;McGehee,Miami,47. HITS — DanMurphy, NewYork, 97; Lucroy,Milwaukee,96; McGehee, Miami,95; AMccutchen, Pittsburgh,94;Pence, San Francisco, 94; Stanton, Miami, 94; Goldschmidt,Arizona,93;CGomez, Milwaukee, 93; TulowitzkiCol , orado,93. HOMERUNS—Stanton, Miami, 21; Tulowitzki, Colorado,18;Frazier,Cincinnati, 17;Rizzo,Chicago, 17; Gattis, Atlanta,16; Jupton,Atlanta, 16; Goldschmidt,Arizona,15.
Four tied forCongressionallead;Woodsout advances to fourth round The Associated Press Quicken Loans National because he BETHESDA, Md. — Tiger Woods felt strong enough, and because it was back. Just not for very long. benefits his foundation. Woods missed a 36-hole cut for Marc Leishman of A ustralia only the 10th time on the PGA Tour turned potential bogey into unlikewith a game that showed signs of ly birdie when he holed out from rust from being out of competition 127 yards on the par-5 ninth hole on for more than three months. Right his way to a 5-under 66 and a fourwhen he was poised to make a run, way share of the lead going into the Woods made four straight bogeys weekend. on the back nine at Congressional to Oliver Goss, another Aussie who end any hopes of playing the week- is making his second pro start, had a end at the Quicken Loans National. bogey-free66 and joined Leishman He shot a 4-over 75 on Friday and at 6-under 136 along with Ricky missed the cut by four shots. Barnes (69) and Patrick Reed (68), It was the first time he missed the who already has won twice this year. cut and saw it as a positive, starting Also on Friday: with the fact he could play. He had Sharp tops field in Arkansas: back surgery March 31 and had ROGERS, Ark. — Michelle Wie hoped to return for the British Open shot a bogey-free 5-under 66 in her
Women's Open last weekend at Pinehurst, leaving her a stroke be-
next month. Instead, he played the
ond-round lead.
first round since winning the U.S.
manthis season. Eaton
Continued from C1 The question then was,
since his days as a burgeoning track and field icon at UO — is what should Eaton do in 2014? admittedly intrigued by the The 400 meters,the base of idea of holding world records his decathlon training, had in both the decathlon and the always been one of Eaton's
400 hurdles.
"That would be interesting," strongest events. But he wanted to take on a new challenge, he said, not at all eschewing to compete in an event he had
the idea. "That would be fun
never really tried before — not to try to do. I think it would be even in his days as a track and fun to try to have an (Olympic) field star at Bend's Mountain gold medal in two different View High School and later at events." the University of Oregon. But those events, Eaton not"When you do something ed, would most likely be the you've never done, you get decathlon and the long jump. s harp again," Eaton e x - Advancing through the Olymplained. "I just really wanted picrounds of the 400 hurdles to do something completely would be too demanding to atdifferent. (The 400 hurdles) tempt in addition to the taxing was the perfect choice, be- two days of the decathlon, he cause it's not an event you can said. In the long jump, Eaton just pick up right away, like could potentially record one the 400 or something. There's solid jump and be done. "If I can get my long jump technique and strategy, and every race is different." really dialed in, and just hit Eaton's first race in the 400
it on the first one, then that
hurdles against premium in-
would be amazing,"Eaton ternational talent took place said. "It would really have to June 8 at a World Challenge be a timing thing, where the meet in the Netherlands. He decathlon is the last few days recalled this week that he was of the Olympics and long jump extremely nervous the night is, like, the first two days. I think I'd bevery successbeforethe race and could not don't sleep. So he watched YouTube ful if the long jump was after videos of some of his compet- the decathlon, no matter how itors, taking special note of much time I had." how quickly they burst out of While Eaton seeks to conthe blocks. That, he said, led tinue to improve his marks in to a change in strategy, and he the decathlon, the 400 hurdles, credited his second-place fin- and the long jump, he said he ish with his focus on coming also wants to push the limit for out of the blocks quickly. the next generation. His influ"I've had the same strategy ence on Central Oregon multigoing forward," Eaton said. event athletes is evident in the "That technical strategy along success of Mitch Modin, the with, hey, I'm just having fun, up-and-coming UO decathI don't care too much about lete, also from Mountain View the time, I'm just trying to get High School, who this week places and see what happens. finished third in the USA JuEach raceis fun because I'm nior Decathlon. adjusting my strategy to see Eaton said he and Modin how fast I can go." cross paths frequently in Focusing on the 400 hurdles Eugene. "I wanted to show people has also improved his limited decathlon training this sea-
that this is an option," Eaton
ed over two days and includes
Mountain View, you can do
the 100 meters, long jump, shot put,high jump and 400 me-
this if you want. It's great to be able to inspire young kids
ters on the first day, and the
if that's what they want to do." Eaton's next c o mpetitive
son. The decathlon is contest- said. "From Bend, Oregon,
110-meter hurdles, discus, pole
decathlon will likely not be second day. until May 2015, in advance of "Essentially, I'm training a the World Championships in lot less, but I feel better, and Beijing. He now plans to head
vault, javelin and 1,500 on the
I'm actually doing better in the
back to Europe to race the
(decathlon) events in practice," 400 hurdles at more Diamond Eaton said. "I'm doing so little League and World Challenge that I just kind of feel good all meets this summer. While he is in the prime of the time." Eaton said he is aiming to his athletic career, he is wise
hind leader Alena Sharp in the NW
Arkansas Championship. Langer shoots 64 for Champions
day, shooting a 6-under 64 to take
grass and rolled over twice, his racket
Wimbledon title and seventh Grand
the lead in the Senior Players Championship. Several share lead in Germany: COLOGNE, Germany — Local fa-
flying from his hand. His new coach, Boris Becker, stood in the player's box and looked on gravely. Slowly, Djokovic rose from the turf, still holding his arm across his
Slam championship. Djokovic will have two days off before an intriguing matchup Monday against another Frenchman, the free-swinging 14th-seeded Jo-Wilfried Tsonga. Djokovic's injury scare came on a
vorite Martin Kaymer missed the cut in the BMW International Open in his first event since winning the Willett, Spain's Pablo Larrazabal
and Rafa Cabrera-Bello and Argentina's Emiliano Grillo share the sec-
In the U.S., soccer is a youth-driven
Merritt Paulson, who owns M ajor chise that regularly sells out its 21,000-seat
nered for an event not involving American
stadium, calls the burgeoning group of 20-somethingsoccerfans— many having
football. The Germany game averaged
taken their high school passion into recre-
most-watched World Cup game ever on
made him the centerpiece of their rebuilding effort,
drafting him first overall. When asked about the
what they want to do once
their track careers are over.
different event in Rio, say, the 400 hurdles?
we want to do?"
"Even if I did break the
He said he has always had an interest in technology and
w orld record, I'm th e t y p e
innovation, and he has been "It's stuff that has nothing to do with track and field, but
that's kind of the fun part of
challenges. I think I would kind of get bored of (just one) it for Brianne and I," he said. event. I go to practice now, and "What kind of people are we I barely do anything. With 10 outside of athletics?" events (in the decathlon), pracAs he has pushed the limits tice is our whole deal. We're of what is possible in his sport, always trying to sharpen our it seems likely that Eaton will technique and not l ose the have no problem breaking sharpness in something else." new ground in his next career, But, Eaton being Eaton, he whatever it is. does not discount the possi-
But first, he has some unfin-
bility of one day breaking the ished business — setting more world record of 46.78 seconds world records, and winning in the 400 hurdles. His current more gold medals. personal best (48.94) is the — Reporter: 541-383-0318, third-fastest time run by a U.S.
lion), according to Nielsen. NBC Sports televises Premier League games; Fox has the UEFA Champions League andtakes
over the World Cup telecasts starting in 2018. All in all, it is a much different land-
scape from the one 30 years ago, when the onlyregular soccer programming in America was the reliable PBS stalwart,
"SoccerMade In Germany." "For decades, there was this wariness about soccer within U.S. culture and wari-
ness that affected people at the top," said Jay Coakley, a professor who examines sports' role in society. "Now, that wariness
is disappearing. People at the top are seeing soccer as a means of marketing their own interests."
Though America's major league, the MLS, has work to do to bring its level up to
the European leagues, the league's steady expansion, improving talent level and fan-friendly pricing will keep the sport on the radar after the World Cup ends. The farther the U.S. goes in this year's World Cup, the higher the number could riseoverthenextfouryears. All of which has Forget looking to expand his soccer-pub business. "I'vehad people come to the pub because a friend dragged them down here," he said. "They'll spend two hours watch-
ing a game and they'll walk out the door and say, 'I'm coming back next week.' It can be a defining moment for people. It's very, very different than what we've been used to here in America."
nobody wanted tohire me." didn't bring it up," Schramm He eventually found work in SBld. a factory, then returned to his hometown, Highland Park, Ill.,
and workedasalettercarrier. He played briefly in a semipro league in Scranton, Pa., but it was poorly run, he said, and "that was the end of my
basketball" career. He was in his mid-20s. After feeling sorry for himself "for a couple years," he said, he "got busy trying to raise a family and stay afloat." He co-owned a TV and appliance store and a women's sportswear line, and he
Melchiorre n ever
t a l k ed
about his basketball days much with his family, either. "I think he just kind of moved
on," said his daughter Martha Feid. In 2012, Melchiorre was fi-
nally inducted into Highland Park High School's Athletic
Hall of Fame. He was honored during a ceremony and was introduced at halftime of a bas-
ketball game. "I think it meant a lot to him," his son, Mark Melchiorre, said.
played in a park district softMelchiorre does not follow ball league. After games he the NBA - "The pro game commercial that M e lchi- Melchiorre, the NBA barred would join his teammates for doesn'tdo much forme," he orre appeared in with Joe him for life. beersata localtavern.Chuck said — and he has never seen DiMaggio. For the next six m onths, Schramm, who played softball an NBA draft. He had no inA fter M e l chiorre l e d Melchiorre said last week, he with Melchiorre, said that no terest in starting this year. ReBradley to a 32-6 record in stayed indoors. When he final- one talked about the scandal. gardless, the timing conflicted "Everybody res p ected with his routine: Bedtime is his senior season, the Bul- ly ventured out, he said, it was lets, who had finished with "very difficult finding a job; Squeaky so much, we just 7:30p.m. the NBA's worst record,
set at the 2012 U.S. Olympic Trials at Eugene's Hayward Field. So, if he somehow breaks that record before the 2016 Olympic Games, would he be inclined to try to qualify for a
d ecathlon provides that i n every competition, different
that what we were doing was
wrong, but not too wrong, Continued from C1 because we weren't going to One morning recently, throw any games." Melchiorre sat at a table inIn February and March side his bright and spacious 1951, Manhattan's district athome beside his young- torney arrested several players er brother, Deno, 84, who from City College and Long pointed proudly to a thick Island University on bribery scrapbook resting on the charges. In July, Melchiorre table. and several other Bradley G ene groaned a n d players were arrested. waved at it dismissively. Melchiorre eventuallyplead"Lot of better ballplayers ed guilty to a misdemeanor than me," he said. and received a suspended senBut inside were relics tence. The scandal ended the from his stardom: photos in careers of two NBA All-Stars major newspapers, his first- and the nation's leading scorer, team all-American hon- Sherman White, who served or, a script for a television nine months in jail. As for
world record of 9,039 points,
of person that just needs researching solar power and change," Eaton said. "And the electric cars.
10.7 million viewers, making it the third-
ational adult leagues — the "on-demand the network. generation." Tapping into a population that has be"They want what they want, when they come more ethnically diverse, the number want it and how they want it," Paulson of U.S. networks televising soccer grew said. "It's that shorter attention span. The from 11 to 21 and programnung hours fact that soccer games are two hours, start rose from 2,600 to 3,890 over the last to finish, win, lose or draw, with very con- four years — a 43 percent increase that densed action, fits very well into the psy- matched the increase in TV advertising chographics of those folks." spending (from $266 million to $378 mil-
the subject. But in a 1953
great time to just call it'?" Eaton wondered aloud. "What do
the 18.22 million who watched on ESPN
League Soccer' s Portland Timbers fran- were the most the network has ever gar-
not compete in track and field
and it's just like, wow, this is a
pop, whatever you call it," he said later. day that also featured the elimination "I feared maybe it might be a dislocat- of second-seeded woman Li Na and ed shoulder or somethinglike that." a battle between Petra Kvitova overIt wasn't. coming five-time champ Venus WilAfter a medical timeout and treat- liams 5-7, 7-6 (2), 7-5.
sport;about 70 percent of "core" soccer Continued from C1 players — thosewhoplay26ormoretimes Social media numbers are strong, TV ayear— areages6to 17,according tothe ratings are setting records and, other than most recent numbers from the Sports and Brazil, no country's fans have bought Fitness Industry Association. more tickets to the games than those from These days, instead of leaving the game the United States. after high school, that age group is graduAll this in a country that long fought atinginto the most vocal segment of fans. against soccer's global intrigue, even Of the 3.1 million tweets about the U.S. though the number of American kids vs. Ghanagame earlierthis month,53perplaying the game has been rising slowly centcame from tweeters age 18 to 34,acfor decades. cording to Nielsen Social. And 69 percent "Over the past 25-30 years, you've seen of those checking in on their Facebook peoplecome over here from around the accounts from host cities in Brazil were in worldand they know the game and they that age group. start influencing Americans," Forget said. Networks and sponsors covet younger "This generation has the proper training, viewers, which helps explain ESPN's dea lot more have played at a high level. cision to go all in on World Cup telecasts; They understand the game. It's not boring every game has been televised live since tothem." 1998. The U.S.-Portugal game last Sunday In fact, just the opposite. drew 24.7 million viewers overall — and
the 2015 World Championships in Beijing and the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. He said he also hopes to break his own decathlon
Brianne gets a gold, I get a gold, break the world record,
chest and made his way to his chair. "When I stood up, I felt that dick or
U.S.Open, while England's Danny
scandal today, Melchiorre falls silent, then changes
"What happens if in 2016,
ment from a trainer, the top-seed-
Langer overpowered vulnerable Fox Chapel for the second straight
lead: PITTSBURGH — Bernhard
enough to know that he can-
ton,herselfaprofessionalheptathlete, have been pondering
LONDON — Novak Djokovic lay crumpled on Centre Court, clutching
his upper left arm and grimacing. He ed Djokovic needed just four more felt something pop and feared the games tocomplete a 6-4,6-2,6-4 win worst. over France's Gilles Simon on Friday, Djokovic had lunged for a shot sending him into the fourth round behind the baseline, tumbled on the and keeping alive his bid for a second
compete in the decathlon in
forever. He said that lately, he and wife Brianne Theisen-Ea-
The Associated Press
Get ySLI tS-faot WithOut- SPending.jROt:Of„,qaSh!
article in Look magazine ti-
gse oargerchsn4se S eciat'. aeier Sule~"
tled "How I Fell for the Basketball Bribers," Melchiorre
described his downfall. The gamblers he met in the hotel room told him
that point-shaving was widespread and had been going on for years. Players were using the money to start businesses after graduation. "It's not as if y ou're throwing a game," a gambler said. "All you have to do is win by more points or fewer points than the bookmakers think you're supposed to." They assured the players there was no chance of get-
ting caught. Melchiorre
rg<~ 0
16' SAILBOAT gith trailer, V-berth,
works great. admi t t ed
in the artide to accepting money during his career.
Sell or trade.
But he denied ever altering
his play to manipulate the point spread. "Why did we do it?" Melchiorre said in the 1953 article. "Well, none of us
had any money. We justified ourselves, I guess, by saying the colleges were making plenty out of us. We argued to ourselves
Item Priced at: Your Total Ad Cost on: • Under $500.......................................................................$29 • $500 to $999...................................................................$39 • $1000 to $2499.............................................................. $49 • $2500 and over............................................................... $59 Includes: 2 in length, with border,full colorphoto, boldheadlineand price. *Ad runs until SOLD Or Up to 8 weeks (whichever comes first!)
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*private parly merchandise only - excludes pets 8 livestock, autos, Rvs, motorcycles, airplanes, ond garage sale categories.
BRIEFING Old Cash SCarry going industrial The former Cash & Carry Smart Foodservice building on Nels Anderson Road isexpectedtobecome industrial space for multiple companies, according to Compass Commercial RealEstate Services. Bend FDCLLC purchased the property for $525,000 and plans to redevelop the 16,360-square-foot building and property near Brandis Court into smaller industrial units, according to a newsrelease. Theyare expected to be available for lease by August. "This was aunique building because it was older and had avery low ceiling," Patrick Kesgard, principal broker and partner of Compass Commercial, said Thursday. "It was built to be a grocery store on the more budget side." Kesgard said the new owners plan to divide the building into 1,500and 2,000-square-foot spaces for manufacturers that do not need large buildings. "It's repurposing that building without spending a fortune," he said. "We don't have alot of
o ause oi t is wanna e viia vi eo By Rachael Rees The Bulletin
Despite the skepticism Scott Elnes received in October
from economic development and Bend city officials, he has completed the first phase
"l had to do a lot of soul searching about the project when it very unexpectedly blew up in my face. I started this with the absolute best of intentions, and that has never changed."
of "Beer, Rec 5 Tech" — a humorous music video about
for Flick Five Films in Bend. "I started this with the absolute best of intentions, and that has
neverchanged." With his video, Elnes said, he's trying to help guide the discussion about the future of Bend and Central Oregon.
from your typical promotional work," he said.
Noelle Fredland, marketing director for the Old Mill District, said the Old Mill was not
contacted in advance about the filming at the amphithebeing a sponsor. "I was aware that Flick Five
in August. He would like to
er at Mt. Bachelor, confirmed
release the video by the end of September, when students
the company has sponsored the video, but said he couldn't
come back to school.
providefurther comment. Elnes said he couldn't dis-
was featured in the first seg-
ute segment of the film highlightsBend'scraftbeerscene
close how much Mt. Bachelor
ment of the video."
contributed to the project.
and features Worthy Brew-
"They came through at a time when I was questioning
Elnes said he plans to ask for permission from the Old
whether or not this would
the video is released. He hopes the music video
The first, nearly two-min-
ing Co., the Cycle Pub, the Les Schwab Amphitheater,
Films was moving forward with the concept," she said. "However, I was surprised to see that our private property
Mill before the final version of
He moved to Bend for the beer
cost about $50,000. He said
be the right thing to do," he said. "It gave us some higher credibility and support for the vision." Ted Howe, owner of Cas-
and the recreation, but he
Mt. Bachelor is the first of
cade Cottons on Northwest
community? Is it going to be
thinks the area's tech industry
what he hopes will be many financial sponsors. He is funding the remainder of the project, he said. Drew Jackson, marketing
Wall Street, provided clothing for the video. He said his goal was to help promote and give positive exposure to Central Oregon.
that thing that draws that
needs to be fostered. Since February 2013, Elnes has been working on the video, a hip-hop spoof, and plans on resuming production
Billionaire-inventor Alfred Mann's almost decadelong quest to develop an inhalable form of insulin for diabetics won approval Friday from U.S. regulators. His Valencia company, MannKind Corp., got the OK to sell the drug called Afrezza, although regulators warned the product shouldn't be used by diabetics with asthma or a serious lung disease. TheFood and Drug Administration said Friday it cleared Afrezza for Type 1and Type 2 diabetes. The drug labeling will warn that spasms in the airways of the lung have been seen inpatients with asthma andchronic obstructive pulmonary disease andwill advise against smokers using the medicine, theagency said in a statement. Mann and his firm spent more than $2 billion bringing the drug to market, and it took almost eightyears seeking approval of the diabetes therapy since starting late-stage clinical trials.
— Scott Elnes, production manager for Flick Five Films in Bend ater and has not committed to
Bend and its assets that he
hopes will go viral. "I had to do a lot of soul searching about the project when it very unexpectedly blew up in my face," said Elnes, production manager
Inhalable insulin gets FDAbacking
Mt. Bachelor ski area and
FoundersPad, thetech startup incubator. Elnes expects the video to
and communications manag-
"It's nice to change it up
will reach 500,000 hits, but his
mission goes beyond that. "My more direct goal is does this video work for the
25-year-old prodigy that knows how to program code
to move to Bend?" — Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbullet
Confidence is up Consumer confidence rose slightly this month as Americans reported the strongest gains in their personal financial situation in sevenyears, according to results of a leading private survey released Friday. The consumersentiment index from theUniversity of Michiganand Thomson Reuters rose to 82.5, from 81.9 inMay. The increasewasslightly above analysts' expectations. Thereadings are important because consumers account for about 70 percent of all economic activity.
the1,500- to-2,000-
square-foot spaces in Bend. They've pretty much beenleased up. Because the units are smaller, they'll be affordable." — From staff reports
BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • SundanceMeadows public grandopening: MontevistaHomes celebrates the opening of Sundance Meadows, in southeast Bend; free; 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sundance Meadows model home, 21146 KaylaCourt, Bend; lukep© SUNDAY • SundanceMeadows public grandopening: (See above) TUESDAY The BusinessofBeing a Veteran:Discuss barriers and opportunities in jobs, entrepreneurship and more at thenext What's Brewing? Bend's Town Hall. RSVP online; $15 BendChamberof Commerce members, $20 nonmembers, plus $5 at-the-door; $5 veterans with preregistration;5 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub,70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www. WEDNESDAY • BusinessStsrtup Class: Learn to run abusiness, reach your customerbase, find funding options,assess how much moneyyou need to start and understand legalities involved; registration required; $29; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.;COCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W. TrentonAve., Bend; 54 I-383-7290. JULY8 • Membership101Driving YourMembership: New andcurrent members can connect andlearn about the benefits available through the chamber. RSVP required; free;10 a.m.; BendChamberof Commerce,777NW Wall St., Suite 200; 541382-3221 or shelley@ JULY11 • ConstructionContractor Course:Two-day testprep course that meets the OregonConstruction Contractors Board testeducation requirement. Continues Saturday, July 12. Prepayment required; $305, includes Oregon Contractor's Reference Manual;8:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central OregonCommunity College, BoyleEducation Center, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-383-7290 or ccb© • For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visit
1X By Brianna Sacks
be issued July 7. The state's Liquor Control Board has not
Los Angeles Times
Here's a new twist to the food truck fad: A converted
confirmed whether it will li-
school bus featuring marijuana-infused sandwiches and
rants, but has made it clear that no food requiring heat or
other treats is set to open for
refrigeration will be allowed
business in Washington state this weekend.
in recreational marijuana
cense food trucks and restau-
stores. Customers should expect to fork over more money if they
The Samich bus is the latest
example of businesses that are sprouting to cash in on the growing pot industry. It is a promotion for Seattle-based Magical Butter, a company
dine at the Samich food truck.
fused entrees will cost around $10 more than a typical en-
that sells a kitchen appliance
that creates cannabis-infused cooking oils, herbs and spices at home.
Washington and Colorado are the only two states with
laws supporting recreational marijuana use. Next week,
California since 1996.
But because recreational marijuana retailers can't legally sell edibles in Washington until July, only customers wielding medical marijuana
tree," Angel told the Canna-
could expect to pay$25 at our place" — because the food served
bist. "If you go to a restaurant where something would normally cost $15, you could expect to pay $25 at our place." After debuting in Denver
at this food truck in Washington state is infused with pot.
on the unofficial weed hol-
cards can order Samish's
truck is to roll into the MMJ Universe Farmers Market in Black Diamond, Wash., this
The Associated Press file photo
"Our infused entrees will cost around $10more than a typical entree," says Garyn Angel, with Seattle-based Magical Butter. "If you go to a restaurant where something would normally cost $15, you
In a story headlined "Sunriver hosts spirits show," which appeared Friday, June27, on Page C6,the number of tokens included with admission and the price for additional tokens were incorrect due to incorrect information provided to TheBulletin. Ten tokens are included with admission to the Northwest Spirits 8 Mixology Show, and additional tokens cost 25 cents each. The Bulletin regrets the error.
iday 4/20, the Samich food
New York is expected to join 22 states, along with the Dis-
trict of Columbia, that have legalized medical marijuana usage in some form. Medical marijuana has been legal in
— From eire reports
"This will be a high-end
meal either way, but our in-
weed-laced dishes such as
truffle popcorn, peanut butter and jelly, and a Vietnamese pork banh mi. Garyn Angel, Magical Butter's chief executive and food truck operator, said his truck
is serving medical marijuana and thus falls into a gray area
when it comes to the state's weed regulation. He said the dishes contain weekend. Magical Butter will up to 100 milligrams of THC, a also be selling its MB2 marelatively high amount. Colora- chine, which retails for about do considers 10 milligrams of $170. THC a substantial single dose. And in case you were wonLicensesforthe first20 dering, Samich stands for recreational-marijuana retail SavoryAccessibleMarijuana stores in Washington are to Infused Culinary Happiness.
Investors whobought foreclosedhomesin bulk look to sell New York TimesNews Service A year ago, buying foreclosed homes to rent out was the sure-thing trade for
investment firms backed by money from private equity companies, hedge funds and pension systems. But with the supply of cheap foreclosed homes dwindling, some early investors are looking to cash
out a bit by flipping homes to competitors.
homes, which are largely rent-
stitutional investors in the market for foreclosed homes have
is changing as institutional
ed, are being shown to other
The Waypoint Real Estate
companies backedby investor money that have also scooped
slowed theirpace of acquisitions in response to anincrease
expanding their operations to manage tens of thousands
up distressed houses in states
in home prices and a dearth of
of homes across the United
including Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois and
foreclosed homes that do notrequire significant renovation. The single-family home market, after a wave of acquisitions by companies backed by Wall Street money,
States. Industryparticipants say that the rapid buying of
Group, one of the first companies to raise money from private investors to buy foredosed
homes in bulk, is quietly shopping as many as 2,000 houses in California that it acquired
in the last fewyears in several private investment funds. The
Waypoint is considering selling about half of its 4,000 homes. Some of the biggest in-
buyers now focus more on
foreclosed homes has ended
and that they expect other early institutional buyers to sell homes to lock in profits.
PEOPLE ON THE MOVE • Sarah Lindsey wasrecently hired as a staffing and recruitments specialistfor Barrett Business Services in Bend. Lindsey has15 years of experience in thehumanresources and recruiting fields with local companies BendBroadbandandSt. Charles Health System. • Leading Aviation in Bendhas hired the following new flight instructors:Mike Kloch, KsmsronKeller, Carl Henning, JohnSopher, Cody Morrison,Patrick Hammond,Adam Sserley, AnniePaya, Matt Hsndrix, Dave Matula, Matt Brantner,JasonWilson and Mike Grover. • The following local professionals recently completed theEarth Advantage Commercial Project Steward Training:Heidi Slaybaughand Kevin Shaverwith BBTArchitects; Neal Huston
with Neal Huston &Associates Architects and Scott Rogerswith WenahaGroup. The Earth Advantage Commercial program is anonprofit, third-party green building certification program. • Real estated brokerJulie Guidryrecently joined Better HomesandGarden Real Estate Northwest Living in Bend. Prior to moving to Bend, Guidry managedinvestment properties and a remodeling business inTexas. • David Hamakerrecently became a volunteer counselor at SCORE. The nonprofit organization of retired business executives provides small-business owners with free advice and mentoring.Hamakerownedand operated a massmarketing business with approximately100 employees.
S eerley
Pay a
Slaybaugh Shaver
M a t ula Br a ntner
Morrison Hammond
G r over
IN THE BACK ADVICE Ee ENTERTAINMENT W Religious services, D2-3 Volunteer search, D2 Support groups, D5 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 2014
movie screening Madras Cinema 5will host a sensory-friendly showing of "How to Train Your Dragon 2" at 9 a.m. today. This special private viewing is an opportunity for families to enjoy a first-run feature film in a safe andaccepting environment. Thetheater will have its lights up and volume lowered. The movie will have no prior previews or ads. Families are permitted to bring their own gluten-free and casein-free snacks from home,and audience members are invited to get up and dance, walk, shout or sing. To register, visit www Contact: stephanie© or 541-408-
1092. c
Nonprofit to host desert conference The OregonNatural Desert Association is accepting registrations for its 27th Desert Conference, held Sept. 1920 in downtown Bend. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act, the conference will feature panel discussions, presentations and guided hikes. Keynote speakers include Roderick Nash, John Leshy, Jarold Ramsey andEllen Waterston. Tickets for the twoday event are $60. Only 200 spots are available, so organizers suggest registering in advance. The OregonNatural Desert Association aims to protect, defend and restore Oregon's High Desert. Contact: www.onda. org or 541-330-2638.
Youth theater seeks students Bend Theatre for Young People is still accepting students for its Summer Conservatory. Designed for students entering fourth to ninth grade, the program will run from 9 a.m. to noon July 7-31. Taking place at the Greenwood Playhouse, located at 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave. in Bend, the conservatory for experienced and beginning students will focus on pantomime, stage movement, improvisation, voice and diction. Tuition is $275. Contact 541-4191395.
Donations sought for Redmondpark The Kiwanis Club of Redmond andtheCity of Redmond areseeking help raising money to secure amatch of $112,500 pledged to the renovation of Sam Johnson Park. In May, ananonymous donor pledged to match up to $112,500 in community pledgesand contributions for the project. The fundraising deadline is Tuesday. Donations of any size are welcome. Recyclable cans and bottles can be donated to the cause through the Community Presbyterian Church. Monetary contributions can bemailed to the Redmond Kiwanis Foundation, P.O.Box 253, Redmond, 97756, or donate online at www.samjohnsonpark. com. Contact: 541-4800100. — Fiom staff reports
oi c
Photos hy Ryan Brennecke i The Bulletin
Jeanne Wolfe prepares for a flight at the Bend Airport. Wolfe recently renewed flying lessons after a 57-year hiatus.
5Z yearslater,a dream is
• A 91-year-old climbsback into the pilot's seat, rekindling a passionthat fell by the wayside ByMac McLeane The Bulletin
eanne Wolfe's flight log looks like it was written by someone who never got tired of speeding down a runway, pulling back on her control lever and soaring through the air in a small passenger plane. Every page in the leather-bound volume is full of entries detailing her flights — where she went, how long she was in the air, what type of a plane it was — since her first lesson on Jan. 31, 1957. "On my first lesson, I saw two planes
of her first plane.
crash and fall into a schoolyard," Wolfe said as she looked back to her first experience in
"Even when I was a baby, I was drawing," said Wolfe, who keeps a few sketches of
the cockpit. "My instructor was shocked.... He thought I wouldn't want to fly after that,
babies and birds she did as a toddler in her
1957,after about a dozen pages, each of which has enough space to record 10 flights.
apartment at the Aspen Ridge Retirement Community in Bend. "My parents encouraged it." Wolfe kept drawing as she grew up in Southern California and eventually put to-
It doesn't start up again until April 14, 2014,
gether a series of illustrations that filled in
when Wolfe celebrated her 91st birthday by climbing into the cockpit of a single-propel-
the otherwise empty pages that separated the sections of her high school yearbook.
but I still did." But the list of entries stops on Oct. 23,
ler Cessna 4725 and rekindled her dream
of getting her pilot's license after a 57-year hiatus. "It's fun," Wolfe said after a June 24 flight
Jeanne Wolfe, 91, looks through her flight logbook from 1957 prior to taking e flying lesson at the Bend Airport.
She used these drawings to find a job at a
local publishing company and later moved up the ladder until she was designing fashion and movie ads for the Los Angeles Her-
that took her from Bend to Prineville and ald-Express, an evening newspaper that back. "I haven't flown for so long that I for- The artist merged with the now defunct Los Angeles got a lot of things. But it's all coming back to W olfe made name a forherself as an art- Herald-Examinier in 1950. me now." ist long before she climbed into the cockpit See Flight /D4
'No body talk' rule shifts kids'
focus fromlooksto personality Alyson Krueger New York Times News Service
Last August, on a clear summer day, Tom and Mau-
ra Gould were driving their 12-year-old daughter from Eden Village, an organic farming camp in Putnam Valley, N.Y., to their home in
Cambridge, Mass., when they started talking about family members who were particularly hairy.
"Why would you want to talk about that?" their daughter, Aviva, asked from the back seat. "There are much
better things to talk about than someone's looks." For many people, including children, talking about physical attributes would be no big
At Eden Village, staff mem-
bersand campers followsomething called the "no body talk" rule. "The specific rule is while at camp, we take abreak from mentioningphysical appearance, includingclothing," said Vivian Stadlin, who founded
the camp sixyears ago with her
deal. But for Aviva, this kind
husband, Yoni."And it's about
of talk sounded an alarm,
myself or others, be it negative,
mostly because she had not heard it at camp.
neutral or even positive." SeeBody talk/D4
Danny Ghitis / New York Times News Service
Vivian and Yoni Stadlin run the Eden Village summer camp in Putnam Valley, N.Y., where campers follow a "no body talk" guideline, refraining from compliments or insults in an effort to create a
low-pressure environment.
RELIGIOUS SERVICES To submit service information orannouncements for religious organizations, email bulletin© orcall 541-633-2117.
SERVICES ANTIOCH CHURCH:Pastor Ken Wytsma; "ArtSunday";9:30 a.m. worship; youth group 7p.m. Wednesdays, churchoffice;BendHigh School, 230 N.E SixthSt.,Bend;www. BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: Pastor DaveMiller; "Raising up"; 10 a.m.Sunday;4twelveyouthgroup, 7 p.m. Wednesdays;19831Rocking Horse Road,Bend;541-382-6006 or BENDCHURCHOFTHE NAZARENE: Pastor Virgil Askren; "Worship Essentials," basedon1 Timothy 2:815; 9 a.m.(Hispanic) and10:15a.m. Sunday; 1270N.E27th St., Bend;541382-5496 or COMMUNITYOFCHRIST: Evangelist SusanGregory;"Extend Welcome," basedonMatthew10:40-42;10a.m. (continental breakfast) 10:30a.m. (worship) Sunday;20380 Cooley Road, Bend; 541-388-1011. COMMUNITYPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Pastor RobAnderson; "Never Under EstimateThe Powerof aCupof Cold Water," based onMatthew10:4042; 9and11 a.m.Sunday; 529N.W. 19th St., Redmond;541-548-3367 or CONCORDIALUTHERANMISSION: The Rev.Willis Jenson; "Through the Cross of Christ Christians Die to the Condemnation of theLawandGain Life Eternal," based onRomans6:4; 10 a.m. Sundayschool,11 a.m. service Sunday; TerrebonneGrangeHall, 828611th St., Terrebonne;541-3256773 or concordialutheranmission. EASTMONT CHURCH:Pastor John Lodwick; "REAL CHURCH:Hypocrisy in RealChurch?," basedonActs 5:116; 9 a.m. (classic) and10:45 a.m. (contemporary) Sunday;62425 Eagle Road, Bend;541-382-5822 or www. FATHER'SHOUSECHURCHOF GOD:Pastor RandyWils; "Chasing a Pure Relationship with God,"part of "The Law ofLove" series; 9and 10:45 a.m.Sunday; youth group, 7 p.m. Wednesdays;61690 Pettigrew Road, Bend;541-382-1632 or www. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Jason Medina; "BehindTheScenes," based onGenesis 3712-35; 9 and10 45 a.m. and5:01p.m. Sunday; 230N.E. Ninth St., Bend;541-382-4401 or www. FIRSTUNITED METHODIST CHURCH: Pastor ThomLarson; Pastor Thom Larson's last service,10:30a.m. Sunday; picnic celebration to follow in The Fellowship Hall; 680N.W.BondSt., Bend; 541-382-1672 orwww.bendumc. org FOUNDRY CHURCH:Al Flulbert; "I Am the GoodShepherd" partof the"I Am" series; 10:15a.m. Sunday; 60N.W. Oregon Ave.,Bend;541-382-3862 or HOLYCOMMUNION EVANGELICAL CATHOLIC CHURCH OF BEND:Bishop James Wilkowski andFather James Radloff; 9 a.m.and 5p.m. Sunday; Bend Senior Center,1600 S.EReedMarket Road, Bend. MISSIONCHURCH:Pastor Brent Hofen; "Who doyouthinkyou are?"; 5:30 tonight; 9 and10:45a.m. Sunday; online atsametimes at www.; 2221 N.E. Third St., Bend;541-306-6209 orwww. MOSTSACREDHEART,ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPEL:Father Bernard; Traditional Latin Mass;8:30 a.m. (confessions) 9a.m.Sunday; 1051 S.W. HelmholtzWay,Redmond; 541-548-6416. NATIVITYLUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Chris Kramer; "Season ofPentecost" based onRomans6:12-23, Psalm 89:1-4,15-18 andMatthew10:40-42; 9 a.m. (informal service),11 a.m. (formal service) Sunday;10a.m. Bible study Wednesday;60850 Brosterhous Road, Bend;541-388-0765 or www.
VOLUNTEER SEARCH ST. PAUL'SANGLICANCHURCH: Father JohnPennington; "NoExcuse for Excuses," based onLuke14:16-24; 10:30 a.m.Sunday; 1108W. Antler Ave., Redmond;541-604-1029. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH:Rev. Patric kRooney;"Shalom,"based on Matthew10:34-42; 8:15a.m. education hour, 9:30 a.m.worship; 2550 N.E. Butler Market Road;541-382-1832 or WESTSIDECHURCH: PastorSteve Mickel; "Ephesians:StandTogether"; 6:30 tonight; 8, 9and10:45a.m. Sunday; 2051N.W.Shevlin Park Road, Bend;541-382-7504 orwww. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Special Guest AndrewDueber; "Ephesians: Stand Together";10:30 a.m.Sunday; 1245 S.E.Third St., Bend. WESTSIDESISTERSCAMPUS: Pastor Jerry Kaping; "Ephesians:Stand Together";10:30 a.m.Sunday; 442 Trinity Way,Sisters. WESTSIDE ONLINECAMPUS:Pastor Steve Mickel; "Ephesians:Stand Together"; 6:30 tonight and 8, 9and 10:45a.m.Sunday;2051N.W .Shevlin Park Road,Bend;www.westsidelive. org. WESTSIDERADIO CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel; "Ephesians:Stand Upfor Yourself"; 8:30a.m. Sunday;Fleirborne radio show onKBND,AM1110. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH:Pastor Eric Burtness; "WhyShould I CareAbout People Who Don'tComeToChurch?," part of the series"Just Wondering, Jesus..."; 10a.m. Sunday; 1113S.W. Black Butte Blvd., Redmond;541-9237466 or
THE EXPERIENCE GAME:Learn about yourself,networkand uncoveryour soul purpose; free; 6p.m.; David &Suzy Kell y'sHome,20657 WhiteDove Lane, Bend; 408-966-5886. SUNDAY "SONG OFTHEPROPHET": Service and workshopwill focus on"The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran;$20 suggested donation;7-9p.m.;TheOld Stone,157 NWFranklin Ave., Bend; 541-508-1059, sacbend© or www.spiritualawarenesscommunity. com. TUESDAY GREENTEAMMOVIE NIGHT:A screening of thefilm "Inequality For All" about howthe widening incomegap is affecting theAmerican economy;free; 6:30-8 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend;541-815-6504. THURSDAY COMMUNITYHEALING NIGHT AND CANNED ANDNON-PERISHABLE FOOD DRIVE:Fooddrive to benefit Neighborlmpact; practitioners of Reiki, Kofutu, Qigong,Matrix andanyform of touch healing or intuitive reading invited; 5-7 p.m.;TheOld Stone, 157 NW Franklin Ave.,Bend;541-3227273, orwww. FRIDAY, juLY 4 PET BLESSING:Free;9a.m.; First united Methodist Church, 680NW Bond St., Bend;541-382-1672 or www. SATURDAY, JULY 5 MADRAS OREGONAGLOW MEETING: Brenda Sanbornwill bethe featured speaker; 9:30a.m. (social) 10 a.m. (meeting); MadrasOregonAglow, 25 N.E A St., Madras;541-771-8844. MONDAY, JULY 14 VACATION BIBLESCHOOL:"Weird Animals: WhereJesus' Love isone-ofa-kind," open toagesfour through fifth grade; free; 9a.m.-noon; Community Presbyterian Church,529N.W.19th Street, Redmond. FRIDAY7 juLY 25 ST.THOMAS ALTAR SOCIETY ANNUALRUMMAGE SALE:Featuring clothing, furniture, collectibles, books and morewith proceedsgoing toward Altar Society projects; free; 9a.m.noon; St. ThomasChurch, 1720N.W. 19th St., Redmond;541-923-3390 or St Thomas©
SERVICES ADULTBASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT (COCC): Margie Gregory, or 54I-3I8-3788. or Caitlin Krutsinger, 503-419-9514. ALYCEHATCHCENTER: Andy Kizans, 541-383-1980. BEND PARK 0 RECREATION DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. BIGBROTHERS BIGSISTERS OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-3126047 (Bend), 541-447-3851, ext. 333 (Prineville) or 541-325-5603 (Madras). BOY SCOUTSOF AMERICA: Paul Abbott, paulabbott© or 541-382-4647. BOYS &GIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL OREGON:, info@ or 541-617-2877. CAMP FIREUSACENTRAL OREGON: campfire© or 541-382-4682. CASA(COURTAPPOINTED SPECIALADVOCATES): www. or 54I-389-16I8. CHILDREN'S VISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. CIRCLE OFFRIENDS: Beth, beth© or 541-588-6445. DESCHUTES COUNTYSHERIFF'S OFFICE — CENTRALOREGON PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH:, COPY© or 541-388-6651. FOSTERGRANDPARENTS PROGRAM: Steve Guzanskis, 54 I-678-5483. GIRL SCOUTS: 541-389-8146. GIRLSON THE RUN OF DESCHUTES COUNTY: www. or info© GRANDMA'SHOUSE: 541-383-3515. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:ww w. or 541-383-6357. HIGH DESERTTEENS VOLUNTEER PROGRAM:www. or 54 I-382-4757. IEP PARTNERS: Carmelle Campbell at the OregonParent Training and Information Center, 888-505-2673. J BAR JLEARNINGCENTER:Rick Buening, rbuening© or 54 I-389-1409. JUNIPERSWIM Ik FITNESS CENTER:Kim, 541-706-6127. KIDS CENTER: Lisa Weare, Iweare©, 541-383-5958. LA PINEHIGHSCHOOL: Jeff Bockert, jeff.bockert@bend.k12. or 541-355-8501. MEADOWLARK INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM: Teal Buehler, 541-617-9576. MOUNTAINSTARFAMILY RELIEF NURSERY: 541-322-6820. NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, ext.115. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE:541548-6088, 541-447-6228 or 541-475-3808.
Praying for theworst By Elizabeth McAllster Los Angeles Times
Portugal's soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo is suffering from tendinitis in hi s k nee,
which kept him out of a recent match against Greece. And a
Ghanaian traditional priest named Nana Kwaku Bonsam has claimed credit for the
injury. B onsam r e cently
for Obama: Psalm 109.8." People who see the slogan on bumper stickers and T-shirts
may not realize that Psalm 109.8 is a negative prayer that reads, "May his days be few; may another take his office." The next line is chilling: "May his children be fatherless, and
his wife a widow." N egative p r ayer
al s o
a n - "works" in the worldview of nounced on Ghanaian radio m any in H aiti, where I r e that for four months he had been "working on" Ronaldo, in hopes of sidelining the world's top soccer player before Ghana and Portugal met in the
search what I call "aggressive prayer" in both the evangelical and vodou sectors. Many people in Haiti consider incidents of sickness, layoffs, theft, ac-
World Cup. "They can never cidents and death to be the resee what is causing the injury, sult of a spiritual attack. But it because it is spiritual," he said. is hard to find tradition Isn't it a g ainst the r u les Nana Kwaku Bonsam is unof religion to pray against a usual in his brazen announce-
person? Hardly. Negative prayer is actually quite common. And praying for harm to befall another — called "imprecatory prayer" — is by no means the
Be a smart shopper.
ment that he prayed against Ronaldo. It's easy to dismiss the Ghanaian priest's claims
as a bid for publicity combined with sheer coincidence. But
ANIMALS AND E MVIRONMEM T BENDSPAY0 NEUTERPROJECT: 541-617- I 010. BRIGHTSIDEANIMALCENTER: volunteer© or 541-923-0882. CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION& FOSTERTEAM(CRAFT): www., 541-389-8420 or 541-598-5488. CHIMPS, or 541-410-4122. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: or 541-330-0017. DESCHUTESNATIONALFOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean, 541-383-5576. EASTCASCADESAUDUBON or 541-241-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER: or 541-385-6908. EQUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OFBEND:www. or joan© or 541-419-3717. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDING CENTER: Darcy Justice, 541-382-9410. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, jennifer© or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOF THE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 54 I-389-9115. PACIFICCRESTTRAILANGEL: 541-604-4494. districts/prineville/recreation/host. php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING: LexaMcAllister, or 541-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER0 OBSERVATORY:541-593-4442. VOLUNTEERCAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS:TomMottl, 541-416-6859.
HEALTH AMERICANCANCER SOCIETY: Charlie Johnson, 541-434-3114. AMERICANREDCROSS: 541-749-4111. THE BLOOM PROJECT:www. or Heidi Berkman at h.berkman© or 541-241-8845. HOSPICEOF REDMONDSISTERS:www.redmondhospice. org or Volunteer Coordinator at 541-548-7483. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL: JoDee Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE:541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, or 541475-3882, ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregon© NEWBERRYHOSPICE: 541-536-7399. PARTNERSINCARE:www. or Melanie Price, 541-382-5882. RELAYFORLIFE:Stefan Myers, 541-504-4920. ST. CHARLESIN BENDAND ST. CHARLESIN REDMOND: 541-706-6354. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: Kristi, 54 I-585-9008.
GOVERNMENT, CITY AND COMMUNITY THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resources©ojd.state. or 888-530-8999. CITY OFBEND:Cheryl Howard, or 541-388-5505. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher, 541-317-3186 or 541-388-6525. DESCHUTESRIVERWOODS NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION: or Barbara at info@ or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSON COUNTYVOLUNTEER SERVICES: Therese Helton, 541-4756131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIREPROTECTION DISTRICT:Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARDDISTRICT NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION: www.orcharddistrictneighborhood. com. SCORE:BruceMichalski, www. or 541-316-0662. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE: 541-593-8149. VISIT BEND: or 541-382-8048.
MISCELLAMY CENTRALOREGON LOCAVORE: or Niki at info@centraloregonlocavore. com or 541-633-0674. HIGH DESERTSPECIAL OLYMPICS: 541-749-6517. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS:, or 541-306-4774. SACREDARTOF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-4179.
Find It All Qnline
Step up to Boscht ttSHE43RL5UC
Stainless steel 4 wash cydes
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m0679 PluI • ¹SHE3AR52 whilefiant, $499 Emited uanNies
7%1SW10th • Redmand • (541) 5484616
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STOP 0 ' Garnishments STOP I wsuih/Harassment STOP
Friday,7/4 GO!......................................... Tuesday,7/l 5 pm Friday, 7/4................................................ Tuesday,7/1 noon Saturday,7/5............................................ Tuesday,7/l noon Sunday, 7/6..............................................Tuesday,7/l4 pm
Tuesday /AtHome...............................Wednesday,7/2noon
in the power of positive prayer gions in the developing world. and positive thought? And in Some American evangeli- cases of winning and losing, cals also have participated in isn't positive prayer for one high-profile prayer campaigns side the equivalent of negative aimed at bringing adversity to prayer for another?
For the last five years, for example,one such campaign has urged Americans to "Pray or 541-388-8103, ext. 217. AMNESTYINTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. ASSISTANCELEAGUEOF BEND: 541-389-2075. BEND COMMUNITYCENTER: volunteer©bendscommunitycenter. org or 541-312-2069. BETHLEHEM INN: www. or 541-322-8768. BRIDGING GAPS:bendbridginggapsO or 541-314-4277. CENTERFOR COMPASSIONATE LIVING (PREVIOUSLYPEACE CENTER OFCENTRAL OREGON): or Beth Flansen, 541-923-6677. CENTRALOREGONVETERANS OUTREACH: or 541-383-2793. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES: Therese Helton, Therese.M.Helton© state, or 541-693-8988. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES CROOK COUNTY: Valerie Dean, 541447-3851, ext. 427. DISABLED AMERICANVETERANS (DAV):Don Lang, 541-647-1002. FAMILY KITCHEN: Cindy Tidball, cindyt© or 541-610-6511. FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 541-389-5468. HUMANDIGNITYCOALITION: 541-385-3320. HUNGERPREVENTION COALITION: Marie, info© or 541-385-9227. LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 541-536-1312. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisq© or 541-548-2380, ext. 106. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: or JohnC. Schwechten at 541-383-2646. PFLAGCENTRAL OREGON: or 541-317-2334. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE:Teresa, 541-318-4950. SAVINGGRACE:541-382-9227 or 541-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF, president© or 541-728-0820. ST. VINCENTDEPAULSOCIAL SERVICES: 541-389-6643.
exclusive domain of tribal reli-
— ElizabethMcAlister is a professorof religion at Wesleyan University. Shewrote this for the Los Angeles Times.
don't many Americans believe
CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION: Julie, 541-383-7779. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: 541-389-1813,10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. DESCHUTESPUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM:541-312-1032. FRIENDSOF THE BEND LIBRARIES: or Meredith Shadrachat 541-617-7047. HIGHDESERT CHAMBER MUSIC: www.highdesertchambermusic. com or Isabelle Senger at info© or 541-306-3988. HIGH DESERTMUSEUM: 541-382-4754. LA PINEPUBLICLIBRARY:Cindylu, 541-317-1097. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Brad, or 541-382-4366. THE NATUREOFWORDS: or 541-647-2233. REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY: 541-312-1060. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE (R.I.C.E.): Barb, bonitodia© or 541-447-0732. TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: 541-317-0700.
3st .gp V4g,yg (54l)388< l06 call Nowto beginyourFREsHsTART! ',
Friday ,7/4.....................................Wednesday,7/2 Noon Saturday ,7/5..................................Wednesday,7/2 3pm Classifieds • 541-385-5809
The Bulletin
Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th Sunday Services 8 am
(No child care) 10:00 am Contemporary Worship Service (Full children's ministry) Sunday Night Church 6:30 pm For information, please call ... Senior Pastor• Mike Yunker541-312-8844 Associate Pastors Mike Sweeney F leff Olson "Loving people one at a time."
You Are The Jvtost Imfiortant
Part ofOur Services
"Yin/Yang" Taoist/ Confuoanism
"Star 8 Crescent" Islam
Do we have your summer schedule? •
"Educating and Developing the Whole Child for the Glary of God" Pre K• 5th Grade 62425 Eagle Road, Bend• 541.382.2049 Principal Lonna Carnahan
HOLY COMM U N ION CHURCH "In the Evangelical Catholic Tradition" Rev. JamesRadloff, Pastor
This Sunday at Faith Christian Center Pastor Brian Mercer- interim pastor, will share his message titled "Enlarging our Circle of Love" in the Sunday moming service beginning at 10:30 AM.
Sunday Mass Schedule 9a.m,and 5p.m. atthe Bend Senior Center 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road
(South of Portland Ave.) Church ServiceS Sunday School: 10 am Wed. Testimony Meeting: 7:30 pm Childcare provided.
Reading Room: 115 NW Minnesota Ave. Mon. through Fri.: I I am - 4 pm Sat. 12 noon-2 pm
Childcare is provided. FCC Youth Ministries and Family Night is on Wednesdays at 7 pm. A number of Faith Joumey Groups meet throughout the week in small groups, please contact the church for details and times. The church is located on the comer of Greenwood Avenue and NE 11th Street. REDMOND ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1865 W Antler• Redmond 541-548-4555 SUNDAYS Moming Warship 8:30 am 8 10:30 am
Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm WEDNESDAYS FAMILY NIGHT 7 PM
Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery Wednesday NITE Live Kids Youth Group Pastor Duane Pippitt •
"Offering hopethroughthe proclamation ofthe ¹ospe(" JOIN us for WORSHIP
Sunday (downtown at the Boys8 Girls Club, 500 NW Wall St.) 9:30 AM — Bible Study 9:30 AM — Children's Class 10:30 AM — Worship Service 10:30 AM — Primary Class Wednesday (up the hill from the Old Mill, 500 SW Bond St.) 7:00 PM — Prayer Meeting 8 Growth Groups 7;00 PM- Kids 4 Truth
FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1551 NW First St.• 541-382-6100
KCKANKAR RELIGION OF THE Parish ONce: 541-536-3571
Lightand Sound of God
16137 Burgess Rd Tuesday, Wednesday B Friday Mass 9:00 am Sunday Mass - 10:00 am Confessi ons:Saturdays-3;00-4:00 pm HOLY TRINITY ROMAN CATHOLIC,SUNRIVER
18143 Cottonwood Rd. Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm Sunday mass 8:00 am Confessions: Thurs. 9:00 - 9:15am OUR LADY OF THK SNOWS ROMAN CATHOLIC, Gilchrist 120 Mississippi Dr Sunday Mass - 12:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 12:00• 12:15 pm HOLY FAMILY ROMAN CATHOLIC,
near Christmas Valley 57255 Fort Rock Rd
Sunday Mass - 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3;00-3:15 pm ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH
Rev. Julian Cassar Pastor Rev. Joseph K. Thalisery 541-382-3631
Worship Service Listen to a reading, Experience a HU song and quiet
contemplation, followed by a talk and discussion, refreshments and fellowship "The Creative Power of Soul" Saturday, August9th2:00pm-3:00pm at the Sisters Public Library 110 N. Cedar Street, Sisters
"If you can achieve an improvement over yesterday, even if it's small, you have gained significantly. You are taking charge of your own world. You are becoming a creator." Harold Klemp "Language of Soul" For more information 541-728.6476 •
Sunday Services St. Helens Hall, 231 NW Idaho Ave 8 am and 10:15 am The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector I 541-382-5542 Mail:469 NW Wall St Ma¹ we Aaveeyestoseethat novisitorarrives without agift and noguestJeaveswithout 4 blessing.
EASTMONT CHURCH "Dispja¹in¹theReality ofChristin Undeniab(eWa¹s"
Sunday Services Classic (Blended) Service 9;00 am Contemporary Service 10:45 am Hispanic Service 6:0 0 pm For more information about weekly ministries for the whole family, contact 541-382-5822 or email FOUNDRY CHURCH (FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST) "A Heart for Bend in the
Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastors Mike Coughlin F Al Hulbert
SundaySchoolclassesare at9:00am and our Worship Service at 10:15 am
Monday-Friday after 7:00 AM Mass to 6:00 PM Tuesday (Family Holy Hour) 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Reconciliation Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM
CALVARY CHAPEL BKND 20225 Cooley Rd. Bend Phone: (541) 383-5097
Web site: Sundays: 8;30 6 10:30 am Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm Youth Group: Wednesday 7 pm Child Care provided Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are available, call for days and times.
"Teaching the Ward of God, Book by Book"
WKSTSIDK CHURCH Invites you to join us at any of our
weekend services. No matter what your expectatlans are, we hope your time spent with us brings you a little closer to understanding, knowing and growing in a relationship with Jesus Christ. In our opinion, that's what reaffy matters.
First Wednesday service is happening on July 2. Join us at 6:30pm at our West Campus or Online for this once a month worship service. WEST CAMPUS
Pastor Steve Mickel will share the message "Ephesians: Stand Together" at 6:30pm on Saturday and at 8, 9 and 10:45am Sunday at Westside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend. June 29, 2014 at Westside ChurchSOUTH CAMPUS Special Guest, Andrew Dueber will share the message "Ephesians: Stand Together" at 10:30am on Sunday at the Westside Church South Campus, 1245 SE 3rd St., Bend. June 29, 2014 at Westside Church-
541-548-2974 Sunday Warship 9:00 am8 10:45 am
Sunday School for all ages Kidmo• Junior Church Greg Strubhar, Pastor Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor
Pastor Jerry Kaping will share the message "Ephesians: Stand Together" at 10:30am at the Westside Church Sisters Campus, 442 Trinity Way, Sisters. lune 28 F 29, 2014 at Westside Church-
is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. Our members represent a wide range of Jewish backgrounds. We welcome interfaith families and Jews by choice. Our monthly activities include: Services, religious education for childrenS adults, Hebrewschool, Torah study, social action projects and social activities
for Jews and Christians alike. If you're interested in leaming the Bible from a Hebrew perspective, come join us at:
Behind The Scenes Sunday, June 29 lason Medina leads the service 9:00am contemporary 10:45am traditional 5:Olpm peacefulf prayerful Nursery-care provided
Bear Creek Center 21300 Bear Creek Rd. Bend, OR. 97701 Our Shabbat Services are on Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Our ministries include: • Davidic dance and worship • Children's ministry and nursery • Hebrew classes • Home groups • Teaching from the Torah and the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) • Biblical Feasts • Lifecycle Events • End-times prophecy Visit us on the web at or contact us at 541-385-5439 LIVING TORAH FKLLOWSHIP
O La Roca Church 1155 SW Division, ¹D8, Bend Saturday 12:00 - 3:00 pm Worship/Dance•Study • Food/Fellowship Hebrew Roots Feffowship worshipping in Spirit and Truth Children Welcome
Saturday, June 28 at 10:30 amTorah Service Bat Mitzvah af Abi Hershenson Congratulations to Abi and her family
BEND CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1270 NE 27 St.• 541-382-5496
Saturday, July 5 at 9:00 amTorah Study Saturday, July 5 at 10:30 amTorah Service
9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service 10:15 am Worship Service
For the complete schedule of Services F Events go to; All services are held at the First United Methodist Church 680 NW bond Street 541-388-8826
Senior Pastor Virgil Askren SUNDAY
Nursery Caref Children's Church ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all Worship Services "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM 8:30 am Sunday WEDNESDAY
6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study THURSDAY
MISSION (LCMS) ThemissionoftheChurch istoforgive sins throughtheGospelandthereby grant eternalJife.
Life Groups Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. •
The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor 8286 11th St. (Grange Hall) Terrebonne, OR concordialutheranmission Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission Phone: 541-325-6773 GRACE FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH
Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Child Care Available) Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ZION LUTHKRAN CHURCH ELCA Worship in the Heart of Redmond
Sunday Worship Services at 10:00 am
I •
CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER 21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241
Sunday Moming Worship 8:45 am 8 10:45 am
Wednesday Mid-Week Service Children S Youth Programs 7:00 pm Nursery Care Provided for All Services Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur 21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241
Children's Room available during services Come Experience a warm, friendly family of worshipers. Everyone Welcome - Always. A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich and diverse music program for all ages Coff ee,snacksaadfeJ(owsfup after eachservice M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am Wed. Bible Study at noon 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study I:00 pm 3rd Tues. Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner Youth and Family Programs Active Social Outreach 1113 SW Black Butte Blvd. Redmond, OR 97756 - 541-923-7466 Pastor Eric Burtness
Sunday, 3:00pm Antioch Building 255 SW Bluff Drive, Bend
(3/4 mile north of High School) Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 548-3367 Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor
I 'll
Youth Events
bendyouthcollective Choirs, music groups, Bible study, fellowship and ministries every week 230 NE Ninth Street, Bend
"Drverse Behefs, One Fellowshrp" We are a Welcoming Congregation June 29 at 10:00am "The Human Side of Immigration"Callie Killibrew, Guest Speaker
We are acquainted with many of the issues surrounding immigration, but there is a very human side that may escape our notice. There are stories of frustration, confusion and sometimes success that help us understand what it means to be in the legal immigration arena. Callie Killibrew, an experienced immigration attorney, will describe her experiences. She will be accompanied by her assistant,VanessaSischo,who will share her own story — one that is compelling and has good news.
All our Religious Education students will be together this Sunday, talking aboutfreedom.
Look for our employment opportunity —Director of Religious Education —in today's classifieds. Meeting place: THE OLD STONE CHURCH 157 NW FRANKLIN AVE., BEND Mail:PO. Box 428, Bend OR 97709 (541) 385-3908 •
(In the Heart of Downtown Bend) 680 NW Bond St. / 541.382.1672 Everyone isWelcome! Rev. Thom Larson "I've Been Changed for Good" Pastor Thom's last Sunday ONE SERVICE ONLY
10:30 am - Celebrating Thom's Retirement Childcare provided *During the Week: Women's Groups, Men's Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music 8 Fellowship
Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Rev. Thom Larson
9:00 am Contemporary Worship 9:00 am Nursery Care 9:15 am Children S Youth
4 SaturdayS and TMC: $120
Sunday School 9:30 am Adult Education 11:00 am Traditional Worship
The Bulletin:
Youth Groups High School —Sunday 11:00am-12:30pm Middle School — Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm
Mondays 6:30 pm Centering Prayer
8:30 Worship Center 10:30 Contemporary Service Wednesdays Worship Center Sunday School 2 years.5th grade 5;30 pm Prayer Service 10:30 Traditional Service Historic Chapel Nursery 0-2 years NurseryS Children's Church June 29, 2014Westside ChurchSmall Groups Meet Regularly ON THE RADIO Pastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, Visitors Welcome! Pastor Steve Mickel will share the (Handicapped Accessible) and Ozzy Osbome 541.241.6210 message "Ephesians: Stand Up for Please visit our website for a complete 13720 SWHwy 126, Powell Butte www.bendmennon(techurchCagmai).com Yourself' on the Heirbome radio show at 541-548-3066 Visit our Facebook page; listing of activities for all ages. 8:30am Sunday morning on KBND — AM1110 Bend Mennonite Church
Vacation Bible School Time To Register! July 21-July 24, 9:00am — 12:00pm This year's theme: Weird Animals Where Jesus' Love Is One-Of-A-Kind Registration is underway for kids age 4 through 5th grade Vacation Bible School
Childcare for infants and toddlers is provided downstairs.
Meeting at the Golden Age Club 40 SE 5th St., Bend Just 2 blocks SW ofBend High School Sunday Worship 10:00 am Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated to worshiping God and teaching the Bible truths recovered through the Reformation. Call for information about other meetings 541-420-1667 • •
Summer Worship July and August One moming worship at 10:00am Coffee and donuts at 9:30am One evening worship at 5:01pm A great opportunity to try something new, Meet new friends And live into the beauty of a Central Oregon summer. Nursery care is provided at bath services.
The Greater Community Collection to be received June 29 is dedicated to the Latino Community Association.
10:00 am 50+ Bible Study
(Across Ninth St, from Bend High) All Are Welcome, Always!
Rabbi Johanna Hershenson
Join us at our online campus where Pastor Steve Mickel will share the message "Ephesians: Stand Together" at6:30pm Saturday andat8,9and 10:45amon Sunday atW estsideChurch, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend.
June 286 29,2014at Westside Church-
536 SW 10th, Redmond
21555 Modoc Lane, (Comer of Ward and Modoc in Bend) unless otherwise noted. Regular Services, Sunday and Hebrew School will resume in the Fall
2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 382.6862
Mass Schedule: Weekdays 8:00 am (except Wednesday) Wednesday 6:00 pm Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm For Kidztown, Middle School and First Saturday 8:00 am (English) High School activities Caff 541-382-3862 Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am(English) 12:00 noon (Spanish) HIGHLAND BAPTIST Confessions on Wednesdays from CHURCH, SBC 5:00 to 5:45 pm 3100 SW Highland Ave., and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm Redmond• 541-548-4161
Far complete calender:
Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am, Pastor Randy Myers
Contact us at 541-382-7504 or
ST. THOMAS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1720 NW 19th Street Redmond, Oregon 97756 541-923-3390 Father Todd Unger, Pastor
This Sunday at Foundry Church, Al Hulbert will continue speaking on the I AM series with "I Am the Good Shepherd".
Sunday Worship Services: 8;00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am Sunday Life Groups 9;30am F 11:00am Saturday Worship 7:00 pm Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor
Celebrate New Life at New Hope Church!
Exposition 8 Benediction
All Services held at our Dedicated Synagogue Building
10 am Sunday School 11 am Divine Service
541 NE Dekalb Sunday School 9:45 am Children 8 Adult Classes Worship Senrice — 11:00 am
Corner of NW Franklin8 Lava Saturday 8:00 AM Sunday 4:30 PM Monday- Friday 7:00AM F 12:15 PM
Services: July 5: Bat Mitzvah Gillian Fritz —Torah Service lOAM Congratulations to the entire Fritz Family
Rabbi Jay Shupack- Bend's First Resident Rabbi Rebbitzin• Judy Shupack
(St. John 20:22.23, Augsburg Confession XXVIIL8, 10
NKW HOPK EVANGELICAL 20080 Pinebrook Blvd.• 541-389.3436
For information, call 541-385-6421 Please Visit:
541 NE DeKalb Ave., Bend 541-389-8888
Major's Robert S Miriam Keene
62425 Eagle Road, Bend
We Welcome Newcomers, Interfaith Families and Jews by Choice Involvement Encouraged
HOUSE OF COVENANT Messianic Synagogue Est. 1994 We provide a congregational setting
Masses Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM Domingo 12:30 PM• Misa en Espanol Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM
(JEWISH COMMUNITY OF CENTRAL ORKGON) A Warm and Welcoming Community Serving Central Oregon for 24 years.
TRINITY KPISCOPAL CHURCH All arewelcomethroughourreddoors 541-617-2814
5 Saturdays and TMC: $144
Every Saturday on the
church page. $24 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday CO Marketplace: The First Tuesday of each
month. $24 Copy Changes: by Monday I week prior to publication
Call Pat Lynch 541-383-0396
r t t4
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I;,:„;:srrr".,irs2~i'-" Photos by Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Jeanne Wolfe, 91, and her flight instructor Jill Sweeney check the fuel for contaminants during their pre-flight inspection of the plane prior to taking a flying lesson at the Bend Airport.
delayed marrying her second in its Wall Street location. husband, Girdon Wolfe, for Though there was one thing Continued from 01 way too long because of it. Girdon never let Wolfe do in all "'Girdon' means reward, the time they spent together: During this job, Wolfe met James Raymond, an advertis- and he certainly was that for fly. "He loved to fly," Wolfe said, ing executive she used to tease me," Wolfe said as she looked because he wa s c o lorblind back on her second husband, explaining her second husand wore terrible clothes. She to whom she was married for band preferred first class to changed her mind one after- 36 years before he died in July the cramped cabin of a single noon when she saw Raymond 2007. "Anything I wanted to do propeller plane. "But he didn't wearing the uniform he had was fine with him and he sup- want to fly with me." from his days as a pilot with ported it." the U.S. Army Air Forces in Wolfe said Girdon fully sup- Thepilot World War II, and eventually ported her decision to go back Wiltse has a kind way of she fell in love. to col lege and pursue both her explaining why Girdon didn't Wolfe and Raymond were bachelor's degree and a Master want his wife in the cockpit of married for 22 years, had one of Fine Arts degree when she aplane. "He was a very safe type of child and adopted two others was in her mid-50s. — one of whom, Heidi Wiltse, He also helped her write and guy," Wiltse said while sitting lives in Bend — and raised illustrate a children's bookin the Bend Airport's lounge them in their Southern Califor- "The Wild World of Green," after her mother's flight to niahome. which tells a story about a time Prineville. "He just wasn't real She said Raymond also when Wiltse wished she could comfortable doing the private owned three planes and even- grow wings and fly — that she pilot thing.... (He) wasn't real tually convinced her to take up published in 1983 when she keen on that." flying. In 1957, Wolfe almost was 60 years old. But Wolfe never forgot about got her pilot's license but never The two even spent some flying. tookthe test. time in Bend, where they ran Eventually, Wiltse got tired Wolfe andRaymond even- a small store called The Tim- of saying, "Yeah, OK," whentually divorced. Wolfe said the berwolf that sold some of her ever Wolfe talked about how sting from this divorce stuck artwork, her etchings and her much she wanted to fly and around for a while and she books along with other items decided to surprise the 91-year-
An etching created by Jeanne Wolfe, 91, during her career as an artist.
old on her birthday with a flight lesson from Professional
changed their minds so Wolfe count toward a current license could practice her takeoffs and — no one's ever asked her if Air. landings at the airport in Bend. a person can take a 57-year "(Wolfe) has such a good "We got one hour in to- break from flight school and go time," said Jill Sweeney, a flight day," Sweeney said when they back. But even if this time does instructor with P rofession- stepped out of the plane so count, there is one obstade al Air who has worked with Wolfe could record her flight that stands in the way of Wolfe Wolfe since that first lesson. in her logbook. It was the fifth reaching her goal. "I'll step in when I need to, but entry Wolfe had put in her logBefore she can get her pifor the most part she does it book since she and Sweeney lot's license or even head out all." started flying again this spring. on her first solo flight, Wolfe During their last flight to Based on the entries in her needs to pass a medical exam Prineville, Sweeney let Wolfe log book, Sweeney said Wolfe that has been administered by take the lead as she flew the had logged more than enough a medical examiner licensed Cessna over Powell Butte and time in the plane to get a pri- with t h e F e deral A v i ation the seemingly unending High vate pilot's license in 1957. She Administration. "It's pretty basic," Sweeney Desert terrain. She noted that had completed a handful of Wolfe wasn't fazed by the solo flights as well as a few lon- said, explaining the medical choppiness of the air — it was ger-distance flights between exam looks at a person's generwindy that day as a storm was Glendale, Calif., and Oxnard, al health and well-being, heart, making its way through town Calif. hearing and eyesight. "But — or the gliders that streaked
"She completed all her solo
they can be pretty strict when
acrossthe sky. Following Sweeney's in-
requirements 50 years ago," it comes to the rules." said Sweeney, who wasn't sure — Reporter: 541-617-7816,
structions, Wolfe touched her
if Wolfe's previous time would
plane down at Prineville Airport's runway for a quick landing before turning it around so shecould take offand head back toward the southwest.
~<~ ~coolsculpting
The pair thought about do-
ing a flyover at Sunriver but
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mplements 1feeuc '3vl fce'tee'J
Danys ettle faranyone burap l asticsurgean for CoolsrulP6ng'
70 SW Century Dr., Ste. 145 Bend, OR 97702• 541-322-7337 '541-388-3006
just more engaging things
and people actually pay atten-
that women could spend their
tion to the sort of person that I
Continued from 01 time thinking about than their On Friday afternoon, when bodies." the campers, girls and boys While eliminating body talk from 8 to 17,are dressed in may seem extreme, it is part white and especially polished of a movement among organifor the Sabbath, they refrain zations, especially those dealfrom complimenting one an- ing with children, to take the other's appearances. Rather, pressure and focus away from they say, "Your soul shines" or physical appearance. "I feel so happy to be around Last year, New York City you" or "Your smile lights up ran an ad campaign to imthe world," Stadlin said. prove the self-esteem of girls, Signs posted on the mirrors putting up posters on buses in the bathroom read, "Don't and subways that declare in check your appearance, check part: "I'm a girl. I'm a leader, yoursoul." adventurous, outgoing, sporty, Haley Binn, who owns fash- unique, smart and strong. I'm ion-focused luxury magazines beautiful the way I am." with her husband, Jason, and Independent schools around whose 9-year-old attended New York City have hired psyEden Village last year, said chologists and counselors to that unlike her family's life in work with students on their New York City, where clothes body-image issues, including and looks are paramount, the eating disorders. camp's "no body talk" rule Even New Y or k F ashion makes i t
" t h i s w o n derful, Week joined the trend last
utopian kind of place where you'renot judged on anything except your spirit." Eden Village may be one of the newest institutions to embrace the "no body talk" rule, but it is certainly not alone. Farm & Wilderness, a network of seven summer camps
in Vermont, has used the rule since the 1970s to teach campers how to appreciate their
friends for their character, rather than theirappearance. At Rosie's Girls, a chain of
day camps across the country that introduces girls to traditionally masculine skills such as carpentry and firefighting, the "no body talk" rule is taken even further by covering mirrors so participants can't analyze their own bodies, let alone those of others.
A larger movement Mina Samuels, author of "Run Like aGirl," a book and
blog that helps women tackle body-image and confidence issues by using sports, encourages her adult readers to stay away from body talk. "I started noticing that all t he
language that women use, they are constantly like: 'Oh, you look great. Have you lost weight'?'" she said. "It's all just damaging, but it's also just a waste of time. There are so
many more interesting — I won't even say important-
am,"she said."Yourdressisn't really you; it's just something you bought. But whether you are a good friend, that's truly you."
bendbroadband we're the local rtog. we better be good
At Farm & Wilderness, the
rule is so ingrained in most a lumni that many o f
t h em
stop thinking it is something special or different. "It's something that we've been doing for so long that it doesn't seem
like a new or a novel thing," said Pieter Bohen, an alum-
"" " ' JULY 4T"
nus and the camp's president.
"It's just part of the way we operate."
The other side Some psychologists, however, don't see the spread of
the "no body talk" rule as a good thing. They worry that it could lead children to bury important issues that need to be discussed.
"Precisely because the foSeptember by staging its first plus-size fashion show, a col- cus on physical appearance lection by Eden Miller. The is so pervasive, the conversaDaily Mail was one of many tion should be had," said Lisa publications to hail this devel- Morse, a clinical psychologist opment, calling it a "victory in in New York City who works the size-zero war." Perhaps because of its se-
A>gySANS, LIVEMUSIC, OgggS ~gg() h.
Live Music hosted bySabrina of New Country 99/7TheBull •
•t •
Community Entertainment brought to you byBendPark6 Recreation
with many parents of teens.
"Difficult and uncomfortable verity (eliminating conversa- issues don't go away because tion very natural in our cul- people hope they will. And ture), the "no body talk" rule they don't go away because elicits passionate responses they are ignored." "Kids need to learn how to from its most ardent supporters as well as its critics. process these feelings, nothow For Stadlin, adopting the to push them away," she said. rule for Eden Village was "And I think it's a perfect opan obvious choice. "This is portunity in a summer camp. good," she remembered think- Where else are they learning ing. "This is powerful. This is how to deal with it productively?" (Eden Village and Rosie's magical." And campers, knowing that Girls do hold body-image prono one will comment, seem grams to help campers deal more willing to experiment with these issues.) with their image, wearing Because of these arguments, capes, ninja outfits or big hair- the "no body talk" rule can still dos. (Stadlin said that the oth- be found in only a handful of er campers would engage with places. But its proponents say them by saying things like, that the rule creates effects "Oh, you're wearing a cape, let that last well after participants me fly with you," or "Tell me have left them and have re-enabout your superpowers.") tered the "real world." Rachel Steinig, a 14-year-old Rachel Steinig said that the high school freshman from feelings of strength and secuMount Airy, Pa., who has at- rity that she received at camp tended Eden Village for three stayed with her throughout years and is attending this the school year. "If I'm feeling summer, believes that because sad about things, about how I her fellow campers can't com- look or just about anything," ment on her clothing, they fo- she said, "I just remember my cus on who she is as a person. friends from Eden Village, "People really like me for who and I just remember that they I am and not what I look like, love me for who I am."
OldFashionedGames for kids of all ages!
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FREEBIKEVALETat Drake Park during event. Alternative transportation .; encouraged.BESTPARKINGat downtown parking garage,outer perimeter cf downtown & Harmcn Parkarea. NOTE:Riverside Blvdclosed.
The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since r903
A LP I N E Pl~
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CSpl C
So, how do nudistsfeel about the 'naked reali show' trend? By Emily Yahr The Washington Post
You know how it goes with reality TV. Once an idea starts a piece of the action — that's
why we have so many shows about storage lockers. So it may not have been a surprise
Chris give an
ty. On the other hand, shows formly praise the trend — she the nudist environment; we like "Naked and Afraid" add stressesthat because people are now recognized as a spethe nude element to throw in already have so many ques- cial set of people who consti-
TLC via The Washington Post
that once "Naked and Afraid" took off on Discovery last
more publicity. "I do like the emphasis on
Naked," which is mostly set in a real-life nudist communi-
interview on the new TLC series nBuying Naked."
working, everyone else wants
AANR's president, Susan W eaver, is hesitant to u n i -
Nudists Christina and
another twist to a d r amatic situation. "Most nudists don't live in a survivalist environment," Schroer pointed out. "That's kind of unreal ... and starts to
summer — that's the show in
border on sensationalism. In
which two people survive the outdoors in the buff — TLC's Jackie Youngblood as she sells "Buying Naked" and VHI's property in the popular nud"Naked Dating" were soon in ist area of Pasco County, Fla., the works. debuts tonight. ("Naked and After all, t here's nothing Afraid" kicks off new episodes like throwing the word "na- on Sunday, while "Naked Datked" in the title to get everyone ing" premieres July 17.) giggling and also maybe tunSo how do actual nudists ing in to watch. That's what feel about these shows that network executives bank on, depict their very niche lifeand it's worked. The "Buying style? Two executives from Naked" specials that aired the American Association last year did so well that TLC for Nude Recreation (AANR) ordered a whole season. The have some thoughts on the show, which follows Realtor topic and shared them by
other words, the nudity is just there to attract attention." On "Naked and Afraid," a pair of adventurers work to-
phone from the Avalon Resort
in West Virginia, a popular nudist destination. To sum up'? "I think it's kind
of a mixed blessing," said Bill Schroer, AANR's executive director. He does like the fact
that more people are finally being exposed (sorry) to the idea of what's known as
"social nudity," with regular people going about their daily lives — they simply happen to go clothes-free. That's true especially on "Buying
tions and possible misconceptions about the nudist life-
style, it would be ideal keep things as real as possible. On reality TV, she acknowledges, that's almost impossible. For example: In "Buying Naked," the couples looking for houses tend to be on the very a ttractive side. A n d
tute both normal and unusual
in the same way," she said. "That we are normal as everyone else but have found an ad-
ditional dimension to life that gives us so much pleasurethe desire to show that to the
public is very admirable."
Both Schroer and Weaver m o s t hope that people tuning in will
people in the nudist commugether to battle the elements nity look, well, like normal without a stitch of clothing. people. "I think callingthem'reality (On TV, certain areas are blurred in the front, but not in shows' is a misnomer," Weavthe back.) In Sunday's episode, er said. Though she wishes the two strangers coexist as they shows would rely on actual traipse across the savannah in nudists to participate in these Namibia. Challenges include shows — instead of the "rooklack of food, and in this par- ie" nudist enthusiasts who just ticular circumstance, a thorny happen to be beautiful — she landscape provides potential enjoys the fact that her betrauma. loved community is getting
recognize the positives of a nude lifestyle, which they say includes emotional, physical and spiritual benefits (plus, the beautiful homes for sale
in nudist communities). Body acceptance is also a fundamental component of nudism.
Once you strip away (again, sorry) all pretenses of worrying about how you look, you can get to know people on a whole new level.
The following list contains support group information submitted to The Bulletin. Submissions must beupdated monthly for inclusion. Tosubmit, email relevant details to communitylife© ABILITREEPEER GROUP FOR PERSONSAFFECTED BYA DISABILITY:541-388-8103. ABILITREE YOUNG PEER GROUP: 541388-8103 ext. 219. ABILITREEBRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-8103. ADHDADULTSUPPORTGROUP: 541-420-3023. ADOPTIVEPARENTSUPPORT GROUP: 541-389-5446. ADULTCHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS: 541-633-8189. AGE WIDEOPEN (ADULT CHILDREN SUPPORT GROUP):541-410-4162 or AIDSEDUCATION FOR PREVENTION, TREATMENT, COMMUNITY RESOURCES ANDSUPPORT (DESCHUTES COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT): 541-322-7402. AIDSHOT LINE:800-342-AIDS. AL-ANON: 541-728-3707 or www. ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS (AA):541548-0440 or ALS SUPPORT GROUP:541-977-7502. ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION: 541-548-7074. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-330-6400. ALZHEIMER'S/DEMENTIA CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-948-7214. AUTISMRESOURCE GROUP OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-788-0339. BENDATTACHMENTPARENTING: 541-385-1787. BEND S-ANONFAMILY GROUP: 888-285-3742. BEND ZENMEDITATION GROUP: 541382-6122 or541-382-6651. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORTGROUPS: 541-382-5882. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUP/ADULTSAND CHILDREN: 541-383-3910. BEYOND AFFAIRSNETWORK: A peer group for victims of infidelity, baninbend© BRAININJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-382-9451. CANCERFAMILYSUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-5864. CANCERINFORMATION LINE: 541-706-7743. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-536-7399. CELEBRATE RECOVERY BEND: Faith Christian Center,541-383-5801; Westside Church,541-382-7504; CELEBRATE RECOVERYLAPINE: Grace Fellowship, 541-536-2878; High Lakes Christian Church,541-536-3333; Living WatersChurch, 541-536-1215; CELEBRATE RECOVERYMADRAS:
541-388-8103. DIVORCE CARE:541-410-4201. DOUBLETROUBLERECOVERY: Addiction andmental illness group; 541-317-0050. DYSTONIASUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-2577. ENCOPRESIS (SOILING):541-5482814 or EVENINGBEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP: 541-460-4030 FAITHBASED RECOVERY GROUP: Drug andalcohol addictions; pastordavid© FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 54 l-389-5468. GAMBLERSANONYMOUS:Redmond 541-280-7249, Bend541-390-4365. GAMBLINGHOT LINE:800-233-8479. GERIATRICCARE MANAGEMENT: info© or 1-877-867- l437. GLUCOSECONTROL LOW CARB DIET SUPPORTGROUP:kjdnrcd© yahoo. com or 541-504-0726. GLUTENINTOLERANCEGROUP (CELIAC):541-390-2399. GRANDMA'S HOUSE:Support for pregnant teensand teenmoms; 54 l-383-3515. GRANDPARENTSRAISING OUR CHILDREN'SKIDS:541-306-4939. GRANDPARENTSSUPPORTGROUP: 54 l-385-4741. GRIEFSHAREGRIEFRECOVERY SUPPORTGROUP:541-382-1832. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: 541-3066633, 541-318-0384 ormullinski© GRIEFAND LOSS SUPPORT GROUP: 541-508-4036 or, GRIEFSHARE (FAITH-BASED) RECOVERY CLASS:541-389-8780. HEALINGENCOURAGEMENT FOR ABORTION-RELATEDTRAUMA (H.E.A.R.T.): 541-318-1949. HEALTHYFAMILIESOFTHEHIGH DESERT: Homevisits forfamilies with newborns; 541-749-2133 HEARINGLOSS ASSOCIATION: 541390-2174 orctepper© HEARTS OF HOPE:Abortion healing; 541-728-4673. IMPROVE YOUR STRESS LIFE: 541-706-2904. INFERTILITY SUPPORT GROUP (RESOLVE):541-604-0861. LA LECHE LEAGUEOFBEND: 541-317-5912. LIVING WELL (CHRONIC CONDITIONS): 541-322-7430. LIVING WITHCHRONICILLNESSES SUPPORT GROUP:541-536-7399. LUPUS8tFIBROMYALGIA SUPPORT GROUP: 541-526-1375. MADRAS NICOTINE ANONYMOUS GROUP: 541-993-0609. MATERNAL/CHILDHEALTH PROGRAM(DESCHUTES COUNTYHEALTHDEPARTMENT): 541-322-7400. MEMORY CARESUPPORT GROUP: 541-848-4144 MEN'SCANCER SUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-5864.
Meet The Author 1
Sunriver resident Fred Couzens will be holding a book presentation
• •
signing in Bend. jr t
Date: Monday, June 30 Time: 9 a.m. tonoon
>0 I M
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Flace: Starbucks South 61470 U.S. 97 Business
1 8 8 t
Come and Hgogr
SUPPORT GROUP:541-771-1075 or http://coregondevdisgroupaso.ning. com. PARENTSOFMURDEREDCHILDREN (POMC)SUPPORT GROUP: 541-410-7395. PARISHNURSESANDHEALTH MINISTRIES:541-383-6861. PARKINSON'SCAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP:541-317-1188. PARKINSON'SDISEASE SUPPORT GROUP: 541-280-5818. PARTNERS IN CARE:Homehealth and hospice services; 541-382-5882. PAUL'SCLUB:Dads andmale caregiver supportgroup;541-548-8559. PFLAGCENTRALOREGON:For parents, families andfriends of lesbians and gays; 541-317-2334 orwww. PLAN LOVINGADOPTIONS NOW (PLAN):541-389-9239. PLANNEDPARENTHOOD: 888-875-7820. PMS ACCESS LINE: 800-222-4767. PREGNANCY RESOURCECENTERS: Bend, 541-385-5334; Madras,541475-5338; Prineville, 541-447-2420; Redmond, 541-504-8919. PULMONARY HYPERTENSION SUPPORT GROUP: 541-548-7489. SAVINGGRACE SUPPORTGROUPS: Bend, 541-382-4420; Redmond, 541-504-2550, ext. 1;Madras, 541-475-1880. SCLERODERMASUPPORT GROUP: 541-480-1958. SEXAHOLICSANONYMOUS: 541-595-8780. SOUPANDSUPPORT:For mourners; 541-548-7483. STEPMOM SUPPORTGROUP:
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2 LocationsinBend
541-325-3339 orwww. SUPPORTGROUP FOR FAMILIES WITHDIABETICCHILDREN: 541-526-6690. TOBACCO FREEALLIANCE: 541-322-7481. TOPSOR:Bend, 541-633-7399; Culver, 541-546-4012;Redmond, 541-923-0878. TYPE 2DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-4986. VETERANS HOTLINE: 541-408-5594 or818-634-0735. VISIONNW:Peersupportgroup; 541-330-0715. VOLUNTEERSINME DICINE: 541-330-9001. WOMEN'SRESOURCE CENTER OF CENTRALOREGON:541-385-0747 WOMEN SURVIVINGWITH CANCER SUPPORTGROUP:541-706-5864. YOUNGPEOPLEWITH DISABILITIES PEERGROUP:831-402-5024. ZEN MEDITATIONGROUP: 541-388-3179.
775 WBonnetWay,Seite120•Bend 541-728-0
g )
2014 Desehutes County Fair Talent Show Wednesday, July 30, Noon-3p.m. on the Eberhard's Food Court Stage Singers, Musicians, Dancers, Bands, Magicians, Jugglers 8 Acts of all kinds!
4 acts will each win a $150 prize & perform again on Saturday Please call 541-548-2711 for Audition Instructions or visit the Deschutes County Fair Talent Show website at:
Aii audition materials must be submitted b Saturda, Jui 19'"! Notification will be completed by Sunday, July 20th. • Up to 24 acts will be chosen to compete on Wednesday, July 30th • All acts must be residents of Deschutes County (an act from a neighboring county that does not participate in the State Fairis eligible). • A panel of three judges will evaluate each act! • Four acts will be chosen for the $150 prizes and the right to perform again in a10 to12 minute performance on Saturday, August 2nd. • Three acts MAY qualify for the State Fair Talent Show — 1 children (1-9) — 1 youth (10-17) —adult 1 (18+) • A sound system will be provided with a sound tech and a CD player. • CD accom animents must have the lead vocal tracks com letel removed! Instrumental and harmon t~raaks are oka . • Bands will be expected to provide their own amps, keyboards, drums, etc. and to set-up and remove their equipment. • All performances must be suitable for the family atmosphere at the stage. • Performers under16 get a pass and one for a parent/guardian. Performers16 and over get a pass for themselves. SOl4 De s c l a mtes Cmssstg • For more information, call 541-548-2711.
'Dome'returnswit a Kin -penne episo e TV SPOTLIGHT
wanted to be a part of t h is
"Under the Dome" 10 p.m. Monday, CBS By Kate O'Hare and John Crook Zap2it
In real world terms, the TV
series adaptation of Stephen King's best-selling novel "Underthe Dome" held CBS viewers captivated for 13 weeks
"We all saw it
t h e same covet it,'" Lefevre says. "She's way, that nobody should be a reluctant hero, I think. I'm safe under the Dome, that ev- really excited about allowing erybody was eligible to go," a female character to take the King says. "We talked very, reins in a more physical role. very seriously about hanging Last season Barbie was the Barbie at the end of Season 1, action hero on the show, and and CBS said, 'You can't do Julia is going to take a lot of that, because we all love him.' that role this season." That was a great vote of conKing says he's more than
last summer and pretty much rewrote the book on network
programming strategy during
ii •
the "off season."
In the show's setting of rustic Chester's Mill, Maine, however, it's only been two weeks
since a mysterious transparent dome slammed down o n the town, cutting it o f f
from the world around it. As the thriller returns Monday,
Submitted photo
Rachelle Lefevre stars in "Under the Dome," returning Monday on CBS.
events pick up at the same fe-
means the show's de facto hero, Dale "Barbie" Barbara
(Mike Vogel), is standing on a scaffold about to be hanged afterbeing framed fora murder actually committed by power-mad city councilman "Big Jim" Rennie (Dean Norris, "Breaking Bad"). Barbie's execution is interrupted, though, as the Dome goes nuts, emit-
fidence in Mike, and I'm glad he's stuck around." King says the show's cen-
During a break in produc- wrote — being filmed. "After the f irst season, I tion on the show's set near Wilmington, N.C., Vogel tells went to Neal Baer and Brian a visiting reporter that he's Vaughn, the producers of the happy his TV alter-ego es- show, because I was fascinatcaped the noose, but he as- ed with what they had done, sumes nothing as the show especially with Mike Vogel continues to unfold. as Barbie," King says. "So I "There's always that thing asked, 'Would you like me to in the back of our minds that write the first episode of Seait's a Stephen King show and son 2'?' and they said yes, and anyone atany time can go I said, 'OK, well, tell me what's anywhere," he says. "There's going to happen. How does a lot of secrets coming up the arc go?' And they said,
ting a series of high-powered magnetic pulses that causes this season, which is exciting most of the townspeople to
for us, because that's the rich
lose consciousness and draws anything magnetic — like guns, and nails that are, you know, holding buildings together — irresistibly to its invisible walls.
stuff we get to play with." The actor may be especially mindful of King's influence because the horror king is on the set that day to watch the
season premiere — which he
Dear Abby: I'm 17 and a junior in high school. My family has recently been hit with hard times. We lost our home and are living in a motel, and I am struggling
DAY, JUNE 28, 2014: This yearyou will be more dynamic than you've been in the past. Your personal life will take priority. Some of you will be in a position to buy a new home after July. You are likely
to see apayraise headyour waythis
year. If you are single, others find you to be extremely attractive. You have to sort out who you would Starsshowthe kind enjoy reiating to of dayyon'll have and who offers
** So-so * Difficult
yo u whatyou
need. If youare
attached, the two
of you enjoyyour
life together more and more if you remember to be more sensitive to each other. Re-enact one of your first dates together in order to add more romance to the mix. A fellow CANCER is as tempera-
some rules as the creative team moves forward with the
series. "To have a little window into
Sam Verdreaux (Eddie Cahill, "CSI:NY"), a recluse with ties
Stephen's head is pretty darn to the Rennie family, and a cool," the actor says. "The town barber (the producers things that he is envisioning are wooing Dwight Yoakum and wanting for this season's for the role, King says). characters is exactly what "Actually, Sam got intro- we want. It will come down duced, in a way, in the first to whether we can convince episode of the first season," CBS of it. This is not a typical 'We have noidea.'To me that King says. "Sheriff Linda show (for CBS). For a network was like a blank check. So we says, 'Sam Verdreaux says he drama even to be able to comsat down and started to figure heard a hell of a bang.' So he pete with cable drama, they're it out." was sort of there (already).... just going to have to push the King, who also has a tiny But you've got to bring new envelope a bit. It's impossicameo in the season premiere people in and you have to do ble to stay squeaky clean and as a diner customer seeking it in such a way that the audi- keep up with a 'Breaking Bad' a coffee refill, says he also ence doesn't say, 'Now, wait a or 'Homeland.'"
something that should be support-
p ositive
finds trying to anticipate network constraints to be "like working for the Kremlin." Vogel is totally in t u ne with King's desire to break
season, those newbies include
members and friendshave start-
ed by all of the adults in your life. ed inundating us with hand-meIf possible, go back to the school downs (some ask first; others you were attending and talk with are just dropping things off). I a counselor or the principal about really don't want any of these with depression. I haven't attend- your family's circumstances — in- items. However, I don't want to ed school since last September. cluding your struggle with depres- seem ungratefulor rude because However, I am feelsion. Whether you the well-wishers seem so exciting well enough to can resume stud- ed to give me these things. The the point where I'd ies at your f ormer way I was raised, I have a hard DEP,R like to start attendschool may depend time turning down offers such ABBY ing school again. upon whether the as these. How do I k i n dly t ell I would be willing motel you're staying these people I don't want their to take more t h an in is within the dis- hand-me-downs'? six periodsand, if necessary, I trict. But a counselor should be — Conflicted in Philly would be willing to attend sumable to help you to transfer if that Dear Conflicted: Thank the domer school. I want to graduate becomes necessary. nors warmly for their thoughtfrom high school, but I don't know I wish you the best of luck. Your fulness and generosity, and say if that's possible. mother should be proud of you be- you already have all the things My mother has never been OK cause I certainly am. you need for the new baby. It is with any decisions I have made, Dear Abby: I am pregnant with not necessary to allude to the fact so I don't know how to tell her. I my third child. There has been a they are "hand-me-downs." If the don't want to disappoint her, but large gap between baby No. 2 and person insists on giving them to I do want to do this. Any advice baby No. 3. With my second child, you anyway, donatethem to a you are willing to give would be my husband and I were just start- charity such as a homeless shelter. appreciated! ing out and used hand-me-downs. (Warning: To avoid possible hurt — Anonymous Girl But now we are established and feelings, do NOT include them in Dear Girl: You are clearly an in- can purchase items to suit our a yard sale.) telligent young woman, and your preferences. — Write to Dear Abby at determination to finish school is Many well-meaning family or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA90069
*** Average
ects for television, although he
Mill is hermetically cut off from the rest of the worldposes a creative challenge in terms of continuing to introduce new characters. This
eenwantsto et ac ontrac
** * *
happy to consider other proj-
tral premise — that Chester's
ver pitch where they left off at the end of Season 1. As fans will remember, that
minute! I haven't seen him un-
particularepisode because, der the Dome!'" on top of several other surIn other new developments, prises, it includes the death look for Julia Shumway (Raof a couple of very popular chelle Lefevre) to grow into characters. That's parfor the her role as the new Dome-orcourse, however, in this TV dained "monarch," which the world that's the shared vision actress finds very exciting. "One of my favorite quotes of King and executive producers Neal Baer and Brian K. is that 'Power is best used in Vaughan. the hands of those who don't
YOUR HOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar
** * * Take news with a grain of salt. You might feel very upbeat right now, and
that will encourage apositive response. Check out the details and facts of a situation before you give the OK. Beas clear as possible with others. Tonight: Opt to be entertained.
level. A child or new friend could become quite rebellious. Try to maintain a more centered, quietapproach with this person. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Tonight: Ever playful. ** * * You might want to see a situation
CANCER (June21-July 22)
evolve to whereyoucanrelate ona one-
** * * You could feel tired and pushed to themax. Justthesame, youseem to be more stable than you normally are. You have the ability to be direct in how you handle situations and people. A family member could be on the warpath. Tonight: Say "yes" to a pleasing offer.
on-one level with a friend. You could be low on energy, yet your intuition will tell you to actanyway.You m ightbeamazed athow good youfeelonceyou make a move. Tonight: All smiles.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
** * * Defer to others, and try to get a better sense of direction. The unexpected might occur with a partner, whether a new direction; however, keep your you like it or not. A disagreement could thoughts to yourself for now. You might evolve out of the blue with someone who want to accomplish a lot on your own. If mental as youare! is essential to your community involvean irate friend or loved one shows up, stay ment. Tonight: Go with a loved one's ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * You might want to understand cool. Nothing will be gained by getting an- suggestion. gry. Tonight: Choose personal and quiet. more of what triggers excitement and AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18) VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ** * * You might want to listen to feedunpredictability in your life. If you enjoy this element of the unexpected in your life, ** * * * You could be more confused back from someone who is far more serithan you realize. You suddenly might be then do not worry about it. Your stability ous than you are. You could disagree, but able to turn a situation around, no matter this person will enlighten you about other comes forth in these situations. Tonight: how unsure you are about your choices. Happy at home. styles and ways of handling a situation. You knowwhat isacceptable,andyou Consider a trip in the near future. Tonight: TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Invite friends over. ** * * I f someone repeatedly seeks the won't opt for anything less. Tonight: Where your friends are. same response, understand that he or PISCES (Feb.19-March 20) she is testing you. You'll gain unexpected LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * You could discover that someone ** * Tension builds to a new level, insights, though you could be quite frushasbeenholding backand notsharing trated by this situation. A new beginning where you easily could feel like a firesome of his or her negative feelings. You becomes possible later on. Tonight: Catch cracker. Be conservative with your funds, might be the recipient of the sum total. up on aloved one's happenings. no matter how great an idea might seem. Be diplomatic, and back away, for now. Remain optimistic about a decision you Have a discussion once the waters are GEMINI (May 21-June20) ** * * You might consider an alternative have yet to make. Just give yourself time. calm. Tonight: Kick up your heels. Be a Tonight: All eyes turn to you. kid again. approach to a situation, especially as you see what is happening on a different SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) © King Features Syndicate
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** Know whenyou needto movein
MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may fte an additional fee for 3-D and INfAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to changeafter press time. r
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • 22 JUMP STREET (R) 12:50, 3:45, 7:15, 10:05 • BLENDED (PG-13) 12:30, 3:20, 6:10, 9:20 • CHEF (R) 11:20 a.m., 2:15, 4:55, 7:50 • EDGE OF TOMORROW(PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:35, 6:40, 9:35 • THE FAULT INOURSTARS(PG-13) 10:45 a.m., 1:45, 4:35, 7:55 • GODZILLA (PG-13) 10:55 a.m., 6, 9:10 • HOW TOTRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (PG)10:50a.m.,1:35, 2:50, 4:15, 7, 9:30 • HOW TO TRAINYOUR DRAGON 2 3-D(PG)11:30a.m., 2, 4:40, 7:20, 9:50 • JERSEY BOYS (R) 11:10 a.m., 2:20, 5:25, 8:30 • MALEFICENT (PG) 11:25 a.m., 2:10, 440, 740,10:10 • A MILLION WAYS TODIEIN THEWEST(R) 1, 4:05, 7:05, 9:55 • TRANSFORMERS: AGEOFEXTINCTION (PG-13)10:45 a.m., 12:40, 2:30, 4:30, 6:15, 9, 10 • TRANSFORMERS: AGEOFEXTINCTION 3-D (PG-13) 12:20, 3:55, 7:30 • TRANSFORMERS: AGEOFEXTINCTION IMAX3-D (PG13) 11 a.m., 2:45, 6:30, 10:15 • X-MEN: A DYS OF FUTURE PAST (PG-I3)1:10,4:20,8 • Accessibility devices are available forsome movies. •
McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) 2 • THE LEGO MOVIE (PG) 11a.m. • THEOTHERWOMAN(PG-l3)9 • TRANSCENDENCE (PG-13) 6 • After 7p.m.,showsare21andolderonly.Youngerthan 21 may attend screenings before 7p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. t
TV TODAY 8 p.m. on LIFE, Movie: "Outlaw Prophet: Warren Jsffs"Based on a true story and the book by Stephen Singular, this new telepic tells of the rise and fall of Warren Jeffs, the Mormon leader who was ultimately convicted of child sexual assault in 2011. The film follows the FBI pursuit of Jeffs for arranging the marriages of underage girls.
Tony Goldwyn ("Scandal") stars as Jeffs, with Martin Landau
("Crimes andMisdemeanors"),
Molly Parker ("Deadwood") and Joey King ("Fargo") also in the cast. 9 p.m. on 2 9, "The Assets"Sandy (Jodie Whittaker) collides with senior officer Jeanne Vertefeuille (Harriet Walter), who's conducting an investigation into the CIA mole, in the new episode "What's Done Is Done." The situation worries Ames (Paul
Rhys), who's underpressure from the Soviets to relay even more inside information. As if that isn't enough for him to deal with, Ames also has domestic
concerns causedby his wife's
free-spending shopping habits. 9p.m. onSYFY, Movie: "Snakehead Swamp" — Louisiana is full of terrifying creatures: crooked politicians, rampaging Mardi Gras attendees, drunks. Add another to the list with this new two-hour horror that sees geneticallyaltered snakehead fish terrorizing denizens of the Louisiana swamps. Terri Garber ("Dynasty"), Antonio Fargas ("Starsky & Hutch") and Ayla Kell ("Make It or Break It") star. 10 p.m. on 58, "The Blacklist"
— Liz (MeganBoone)helps Tom (Ryan Eggold)mentally prepare for their adoption. Red (James Spader) reveals that the next person on the Blacklist is a woman from his past (guest star Jennifer Ehle). During a party at the Syrian Embassy, Red talks Liz into pulling off a covert heist in "Madeline Pratt." Diego Klattenhoff and Harry Lennix also star. 10 p.m. on TLC, "Buying Naked" — Nudists flock to Pasco County on Florida's central Gulf Coast, because it boasts the largest concentration of clothing-optional communities in the country. And someone has to sell them homes, right? This new series follows real estate agent Jackie Youngblood as she tries to match these buyers with properties that don't clash with their lifestyle, taking into consideration such potential hazards as counter height, sharp corners and carpeting. Youch! O Zap2it
See us for retractable awnings, exterior solar screens, shade structures. Sun ehen you wantit, shade ehen Jou needit.
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • FED UP (PG) 4 • JODOROWSKY'8 DUNE(PG-13)8:30 • UNDER THE SKIN (R) 6 I
Redmond Cinemas,1535S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • 22 JUMP STREET (R) 11:30 a.m., 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30 • HOW TO TRAIN YOURDRAGON2(PG) 11a.m., 1:30, 4, 6:30,9 • TRANSFORMERS: AGEOFEXTINCTION (PG-13) 11 a.m., 11:45 a.m., 2:15, 3, 5:30, 6:15, 8:45, 9:30 Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • 22 JUMP STREET (R) 5:15, 7:45 • CHEF (R) 2:45 • THE FAULT INOURSTARS(PG- l3) 7:155 • HOW TOTRAIN YOUR DRAGONS 2 (PG)2:45,5 • JERSEY BOYS (R) 2, 4:45, 7:30 • TRANSFORMERS: AGEOFEXTINCTION (PG-13)3:45,7 Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W.U.S.Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • 22 JUMP STREET (R) 12:15, 2:40, 5:05, 7:30, 9:55 • HOW TOTRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (PG)11:45a.m.,2:05, 4:25, 6:50, 9:10 • MALEFICENT (PG) 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30 • TRANSFORMERS: AGEOFEXTINCTION (PG-13)Noon, 3:15, 6:30, 9:45 • TRANSFORMERS: AGEOF EXTINCTION 3-D (PG-13) 1:35, 5, 8:25 Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • HOW TO TRAIN YOURDRAGON2(Upstairs — PG) 1, 4,7 • TRANSFORMERS: AGEOFEXTINCTION (PG-13)Noon, 3:30,7,10 • The upstai s screening ioom has limited accessibility.
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How to repair dead grass A patch of dead grass on an otherwise lush lawn canbe a frusttating eyesorefor homeowners.Whether lawn care is yourpassion orjust something you do to maintain the value of your home, dead grass can be exasperating. But as unsightly as dead yass canbe, addressing it and restoringthe deadpatchescan besomewhat simple. Beforeyou can restore grass, however, you must first identify the source of the problem. Grass often dies because of urine damage, which is typically characterized by a dead spot surroundedbyotherwise green yass. Grub infestation might be at fault when dead yass appears, and such an infestation often producespatches oflightbrownyassthat are scatteredthroughout the lawn. It's alsopossible that deadgrass is aresult ofhumanerror. Ifyour lawn was overfertilized, then patches of gray-yeen grass may appear. Fungaldiseaseisanothercommon culpritbehind dead yass,and such disease can manifest itself in different ways. Once you have identified why the grass is dead, which may require the help of a professional, then you can begin to treat your lawn.
Identifying the source of the problem is the first step to addressing dead grass Courtesy Metro Editorial
Urine damage
Insect damage
Fertilizer damage
Urine damage is often limited to a patticular area of the yass Addressing dead spots caused by insect damage can be a little where your family pet routinely relieves itself. Once a particular more complicated, and some homeowners may prefer to hire a patchof grasshas worndown,thepetmaymoveontoanotherspot. professional. If you want to handle the problem onyour own, apply But if you quickly notice a dead spot due to urine damage, you can pesticide to the affected areas so the insects behind the problem are trainthe animaltourinate elsewhere, limitingthe damageit causes. killed.Oncetheinsectsarenomore,cuttheyass,raking theaffected Whenrepairing theyass, digaholethat's roughlyfourinches deep area to remove the dead yass and any additional debris. Scatter and fill it with fresh soil until it's levelwith the soil surrounding the grass seed over the affected areas and then apply an appropriate deadpatch. Thenyou can sprinkle seed ontop of the freshlylaid soil fertilizer and water immediately. Professionals may know just the and water the spot. Grass should grow in and Mygreen so long as right fertilizer for your lawn, so even if you want to go it alone, visit a local lawn care center to ask for advice about addressing your you prevent further urine damage. particular problem.
Fertilizer damage can also prove difficult to address, as applying fresh seeds too soon can kill any freshlygrowing seedlings. So yass that has been damaged by overfertilization must first be allowed
to fully die. Once that has happened, the yass can be cut and any remainingdebrisordead yass can beremoved. Seed can then be scattered, and you can even add some additional soil before laying down an appropriate amount of fertilizer and watering the lawn immediately. If you don't trust yourself to use fertilizer correctly,
then hire a professional to do the job for you. This will cost a little more, but you likely won't wake up to more dead patches of yass down the road.
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Gorgeous home with 50141 Collar Dr., home upgraded f i n ishes on 5 acres, backs to throughout. 3 bdrms, hundreds of acres of 2~/2 baths, great floorp public land. AD¹1652 lan with gas fireplace, TEAM Birtola Garmyn granite counters and High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 hickory cab i nets, stainless appliances, www.BendOregon tiled baths, distressed hardwood flo o r s, $224,500• Turnkey beautiful fenced and .2 Bdrm, 2 bath and l andscaped ya r d . 1168 sq.ft. home is in immacu Couble car garage late condition a nd •Eagle Crest townhome move-in ready. •9th fairway and mtn $287,000. Text views. VIEW7871TO 878787 Jeanette Brunot, then call Tina Rob Broker erts, Broker, 541-771-1383 541-419-9022 Windermere Total Property Central Oregon Resources Real Estate
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Nestled in Central 1368 sq ft, this creekGroup, LLC the master suite, ofthe Pines, AD¹1672 side property has so fice, great room, forTEAM Birtola Garmyn many options as ei- mal d ining, l a rge 190 Acre Horse Prop- ther a great investor High Desert Realty laundry room and half erty - Less than 1 mile 541-312-9449 or p erfect b athroom. Do w n from city limits. 2160 property www.BendOregon commercial location incl: 3 l a rge sq ft 2 b edroom, 2 for a variety of uses- stairs bath home. Several or as a comfortable bdrms, 2 f ul l b ath, 1187 Acre Ranch ( outbuildings including and well-maintained wine cellar, full laun$1,695,000 barn with o u tdoor home close to all the d ry r o om , la r g e • 142 acres irrigation, arena. 3 tax lots, 120 downtown co n v e- family/media r o om. borders BLM acres in the Urban niences. Open living You will love the pri• Year round Bridge views from two Reserve. $495,000. and dining a reas, vate 310 Willis Lane, Creek very large decks. This Call Kris Warner at 2 3190 Rickard R d ., incredible NW style es- • 2 homes, barn, newer hardwood floors, RV home also includes 541-480-5365 Custom home on pri parking with hookup large storage spaces tate on almost 90 shop MLS¹201206667 v ate 5 a c res w i th and natural gas. Ex• MLS 201404404 acres. Ad ¹1362 the home. And Duke Warner Realty tensively remodeled in under great Cascade views. TEAM Birtola Garmyn Brandon Fairbanks, lets not forget the at541-382-8262 the '90s. Easy access Ad ¹1232 High Desert Realty Broker, SRES, 3-car garage. TEAM Birtola Garmyn to Madras Hwy/Hwy tached 541-312-9449 GRI, CDPE Easy yard mainte1 90-Degree View o f High Desert Realty 126. $129, 9 00. nance on a large lot. 541-383-4344 www.BendOregon Ochocos - One of a ¹201309248 541-312-9449 kind home with beau- Dennis Clark, Principal $859,000. www.BendOregon Dave Dunn, Broker 15016 Fall River Dr., tiful cherry cabinets, Broker, 541-771-8730 541-390-8465 Spectacular Fall River tile counters, very Century 21 Cascade Sotheby's $859,000 3158 Shevlin Home. Ad ¹1662 large custom master Gold Country Realty International Realty MORRIS Meadows, Bend TEAM Birtola Garmyn with office attached. •R.D. Building 8 design REALESTATE High Desert Realty Look at: Fully expansive deck •Newly completed con 541-312-9449 off master and kitchen 360' M t n and Smith struction www.BendOregon for viewing or enter- for Complete Listings of Rock views, p a ve 2,240 sq ft, 4 bdrm, 2 •3553 sq.ft. & 42x16 RV b ath home i s i m - taining. 5-car garage Area Real Estate for Sale road, 4.92 acres in garage Tetherow Crossing, $339,000 • 9 Acre maculate and g o r- with 220 for those se• 3 Bdrm, 2 full baths mec h anics,3419 N W Fai r way septic fees approved. Ranch geous. Master Suite rious and 2 half baths, bo ~3-4 bdrm, 2 bath MLS ¹ 20 1 4 04802. includes a secluded large enough for RV, Heights Dr. - This nus room plus office •1959 sq.ft. home s itting r o o m an d boat, sled or camper. 4670 sq ft home fea- $189,999. Call Pam Jake Moorhead, Broker mraftsman, rustic Master Bath. A fire- Quality home is very tures top quality wood Lester, Principal Bro541-480-6790 d e c orated finishes in a g r eat ker, Century 21 Gold design interior place in th e L iving lovingly John Taylor, Chef"s with the best items, room that i n cludes Country Realty, Inc. ~3 bay shop Room, Broker •Mtn views, b orders Kitchen, Bar, vaulted and it shows. 6 sky- gourmet kitchen. Only 541-504-1338 541-480-0448 BLM land ceilings and formal lights throughout for top quality appliances Windermere ligh t ing. with beautiful s lab Dave Disney, Broker dining room were built natural Central Oregon ¹201310264 granite countertops in USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 541-410-8557 for entertaining. InReal Estate John L. Scott Real this home. Upstairs Windermere Central door laundry room, includes the master Door-to-door selling with Oregon Real Estate attached garage, ce- Estate 541-548-1712 $225,000• Awbrey Lot suite, office, g reat fast results! It's the easiest dar deck, landscaped, •0.47 acre lot on Aw $129,500 • 1.49 Acre good neighbor fence 191 Highland Meadow room, formal dining way in the world to sell. brey Butte Homestead and garden are just a Lp., Eagle Crest Re- area, large laundry •Gentle slope ~3 Bdrm, 2 bath room and half bathfew of t h e s pecial sort, 2321 sq. ft., 3 The Bulletin Classified •Mountain views •Private master bdrm touches. Just minutes bdrms, 2~/~ baths, of- room. Downstairs in•Very low HOA 541485-5809 ~Wrap around decks fice and formal dining. cludes 3 large bedfrom skiing, snowmoClair Sagiv, Broker •Large kitchen and din biling, clear mtn lakes Great room plan. All rooms, 2 full baths, 541-390-2328 ing area close to schools premium fi n ishes. wine cellar, fully laun- 3802 NW SummerfieldWindermere .Turn around driveways yet and shopping $397,097. Lynn dry room & large fam- Light, bright & spaCentral Oregon Dave Disney, Broker $185,000. MLS Johns, Principal Bro- ily/media room. You cious family home on Real Estate 541-410-8557 201404258 ker, 5 4 1 -408-2944, will love the private 0.7 peaceful acre in Windermere Central $272,000• Big home, Wes Johns, Broker v iews from 2 v e r y Wyndermere. Light & Cascade Realty, Oregon Real Estate big lot l arge decks. T h is b right with log a c Dennis Haniford, Princ. 541 408-2945. Cen.2615 sq.ft. single story 65440 Tweed Rd., Broker 541-536-1731 tral Oregon Resort home also includes cents and expansive home Bend. Immaculate large storage space mahogany decks. ArRealty 16160 SW Dove Rd. • 1/2 acre lot, RV park 20 acre estate with under the home, and chitecturally designed 6.1 acre corner lot w/ ing, 3 bath garage Cascade views and attached 3-car g a5 bedroom home has 26695 Horsell Roadaccess from paved with shop guesthouse. E as y ya r d vaulted ceil i ngs, st., power installed, Recently remodeled rmage. •lots of storage Ad ¹1102 aintenance on a omfort style a n d terrific mtn. & green 3bd, 2 bath, 2070ysf large lot. $879,000. cspace. Bob Ahern, Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn 2 masters provalley views, n ear farm house on 67.9y MLS¹201401762. 541-420-3891 High Desert Realty v ide f l e xibility f o r 39 . 7y Steelhead Falls and a cres w it h Windermere 541-312-9449 David Dunn, Broker family's needs. Radii r r igation. D eschutes Riv e r . acres o f Central Oregon www. BendOregon ReMax Key ant heat i n m aster 1344ysf building for $79,900 MLS Real Estate Properties. bath and A/C Office/Recreation/Stu201205646 541-390-8465 Cell throughout. Remoddio, 4502y sf building 541-728-0033 $340,000• Single level, $199,000• La Pine Juniper Realty Offi ce eled kitchen has slab with 12' door & man SE Home 541-504-5393 granite, gas cook top .3 Bdrm, 2.5 bath. 2529 door for shop/RV/Toy •3 bdrm, 2 bath 173 Highland Meadow BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS and beautiful slate /Boat storage 8 i nsq.ft. • 1702 sq.ft, 9 7 a c r e Lp. Eagle Crest ReSearch the area's most floors. Views to the •Large lot, RV parking door gardening. New lot, private well sort. 2321 sq. f t.,3 comprehensive listing of east, garden beds and 750y deep well being and sun porch •MLS ¹201404817 bdrm, 2~/2 bath, office drilled to provide a classified advertising... r oom for an TV o r Steve Walterscheid, •Formal living and din and formal d ining. year-round source of real estate to automotive, boat! Come have your ing rooms Broker Great room plan. All private tour t o day! •Fenced backyard domestic water. New merchandise to sporting 541-480-0376 fi n i shes. gas log fireplace will goods. Bulletin Classifieds $639,000. Rinehart, Dempsey and premium Windermere MLS¹ 201300723 MLS¹201403999 Phelps, Brokers be installed. $625,000. appear every day in the Central Oregon $410,713. Lynn Johns, print or on line. Debi Corso, Broker MLS¹201401400 541-480-2100 Real Estate P rincipal Brok e r, ReMax Key 541-480-5432 Bobbie Strome, Call 541-385-5809 5 41-408-2944, W e s Properties. Call The Bulletin At Principal Broker 541-408-4770 J ohns, Broker 5 4 1 John L Scott Real 541-280-3309 Cell Windermere 541-385-5809 408-2945, Central Or- Estate 541-385-5500 541-317-1876 Direct The Bulletin Central Oregon Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Serving Central Oregonsince 503 egon Resort Realty Real Estate At: $719,900• Golf Course $319,000 • Impressive Home • 1920 sq.ft. single level ~3 Bdrm, 3.5 bath, open on 4.58 acres floor plan .4 bdrm, 2 bath •Gourmet K itch e n, •Great room layout wood floors, outdoor •Vaulted ceilings kitchen •(aver patio, firepit, hot Mike Everidge, Broker tub, RV hookup 541-390-0098 Barbara Myers, Broker Windermere 541-923-4663 or Central Oregon 541-480-7183 Real Estate Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate $379,000• Old Mill area ~3 Bdrm, 2.5 bath, open $147,000 - $167,000• floor plan Desirable Condos •Master on main, gran • 10 Bend W condo's ite and hardwoods ~2 bdrm, 1 bath, 680 •Entertainment deck sq.ft. Mike Wilson, Broker •Professionally man541-977-5345 aged and maintained. Windermere Jake and Loretta Central Oregon Moorhead, Brokers Real Estate 541-480-6790 54'I -480-2245 TURN THE PAGE Windermere For More Ads Central Oregon The Bulletin Real Estate 16707 Old Military Dr., $55,000 • 17780 Wilt Rd custom built, •11.25 acres, secluded spectacular views, complete privacy. parcel near Sisters Ad ¹1032 •Recreational property off the grid TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty •Please call listing bro 541-312-9449 ker for directions. www.BendOregon Bill Kammerer, Broker SOmetimeS you need a little mOre frOm yOur lender. 541-410-1200 Windermere Like hOW abOut being aVailable? Here'S yOur reminder $180,000• Cozy Home Central Oregon •3 Bdrm, 2 bath that I WOrk On the WeekendS and I Can helP you With all Real Estate ~Workshop space, sun 3357 NW W i ndwood yaur Client needS — frOm PrequalifiCation, to WOrking Out room and hot tub Way, Aubrey Butte •Private, large lot with make-SenSe finanCing SOlutiOnS,OrjuSt keePing you grapes, berries and fine living and b ig Cascade views. Ad apples. COmPany at that lOnely OPen houSe. YOu'll And a lot mare ¹1292 Diana Barker, Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-480-7777 frOm EVergreen too: High Desert Realty Windermere 541-312-9449 Central Oregon • We'reGinnieM ae,FreddieM ac and FannieM ae approved www.BendOregon Real Estate 8356 SW Pumice Ct. $389,000 • 1st Time on Affordable loan programs and competitive rates Ready to move in. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath home •Custom Market Built h o m e Fast, responsive service with status updates located in the heart of with great mtn views CRR on 1 acre. Large •5 bdrm, 3 bath When you need them garage/shop. Located •great and family rooms on a cul-de-sac which plus office • We originate, fund and service loans provides privacy. MLS ~3 car garage. ¹201404446. Barbara Myers, Broker $132,000. 541-923-4663 or Juniper Realty, 541-480-7183 TWO lOCatiOnS SerVing all Of CentralOregOn 54'I -504-5393 Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate 60462 Elkai Woods Dr. 3 b d rm, 3 bat h . 21920 Obsidian Ave., Builder's own. Bam Bend. 30+ acre para boo floors, lots of ex dise with huge Cas 685 SE 3rd Street, Bend, OR 97702 tras. $495,000. Pamir cade views. Ad ¹1552 ML-3213-10 Properties, Inc., Mara TEAM Birtola Garmyn Stein, Broker High Desert Realty 541-420-3400. 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon $247,000 • Gated Community 220 NW Meadow Lakes Drive, Prineville, OR 97754 •2 bdrm + den 36 Acre estate, Bend •Open floor plan, wide ML-3213-5 Cascade Nursery. hall, tile roof and cov Ad ¹1122 ered patio TEAM Birtola Garmyn •HOA managed land High Desert Realty scaping 541-312-9449 Diana Barker, Broker www.BendOregon 541-480-7777 Windermere $338,000• Overlooks NMLS 3182 Central Oregon River Real Estate ~Views of the mtn ©2014Evergreen HomeLoansIsa registeredtrade nameof EvergreenMoneysourceMortgage Company Remarkable Deschutes •Passive solar NMES ID3182.Trade/service marksarethe propertyof EvergreenHomeLoans. All rights reserved. R iver & Can y o n •Sits on 2 a c r es, 3 Licensedunder:OregonMortgage Lending LicenseML-3213.5/14. Views! AD¹1222 bdrm, 2 bath+ more TEAM Birtola Garmyn Shannon Hall, Broker "Appliesto purchase loansonly Toqualify, buyer'sSecurity PlusApproval/Seller GuaranteeAddendummusthavebeen High Desert Realty 541-788-9027 i s sued by E ve rgreen and the Seler shallhaveexecutedtheaddendumwith their signatureatthetimetheyexecute the 541-312-9449 Windermere PurchaseAndSale Agreement onsubject property. Certainloantypes do not qua1ifyfor thisoffer. Restrlctionsapply. www.BendOregon Central Oregon Askfor details. Real Estate
• •
The Garner Group Real Estate Greater client service. Global marketing. Same local owners.
You need a lender that works when you do.
1582 NW Erin Ct. • Two-story great room • Vertical grain floors • Hand textured walls • Four paver patios • Priced at$449,900 DIRECTIONS: West on Sheviin Park Rd., leftonSilas Pl., righton BensCt., left on Erin Ct.
1385 NW Fort Clatsop St. • Classic Tudorstyling • Formal living room • Exposed woodenbeams • Large kitchen, two sinks • Inglenook with gas stove • Pnced at $489 000 DIRECTIONS:West onShevlin Park Rd., left on Mt. WashingtonDr., left on NWLemhi Pass 0r., right on NW Fort Clatsop St.
2182 NW Lolo Dr. • Unparalleled design • Master on main level • Superb kitchen features • Bonus room w/wet bar • Priced at $829,900 DIRECTIONS:West onSkyliners Rd., right on NW Mt. Washington Dr., right
on NWLolo Dr.
1897 NW Monterey Mews • Cottage condominium • HOA covers yard work • Decorator finishes • Near Newport Ave. shops • Priced at $849,900 DIRECTIOMS: West on Newport Ave./ Shevlin Park Rd., right on NWPence Ln., left on NW Monterey Pines, right on NW MontereyMews. HIDDEN
•5 •5
20600 caugar peak Dr. • Vaulted great room with fireplace • Island kitchen with corner pantry • Isolated master suite in rear • Roomy master bath • Priced at $814,900 DIRECTIONS: South on Brosterhous Rd., left on Marble Mountain Ln., left on
Ruby PeakLn., left on Cougar PeakDr.
20783 Hollis Ln. • Optional den or formal DR
g • Enclosed bonus room • Open greatroom plan • Island kitchen • Priced at$329,900
DIRECTIONS: From Parkway exit Reed Market Rd. eastbound, right on SE15th St., right on SEHollis Ln.
S2938 Fresca St. • Fencedentry courtyard • Premium finishes • Open greatroom • Master on main level • Priced at $899,900 DIRECTIONS:North on 0.8. Riley Rd., left on BronzeSt., left on FrescaSt.
61263 Morning Tide Pl. • Granite tile counters • Stainless appliances • Immaculate landscaping • Neighborhood pool & park • Priced at $825,000 DIIIECTIONS:South on Brosterhous Rd., right on SunMeadowWay, right on Morning Tide Pl.
Bend ~ 541-318-5500
19492 Century Dr. • Striking architecture • 11.5-ft great roomceiling • Master on main level • Frontage roadnewlypaved • Priced at $587,900
Prineville ~ 541-416-7480
DIRECTIONS: From BendParkway, exit Colorado Ave.westbound, left on SW Century Dr., continue toward Mt. Bachelor, watch for frontage road onright past Campbell Way.
The Garner Group Real Estate
fteattor of the ye+z s
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
• H o mes for Sale •
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Near Old Mill j $352,900 • 1763 sq.ft. townhome • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • Corner lot, fenced backyard • MLS 201403302 Darryl Doser, Broker, CRS
Pick Your Colors - New Ridge At Eagle Crestj S TUNNING Widg i NOTICE Creek sign ature $179,900 All real estate adver- home on 0.15 AC in • 1255 sq.ft. townhome home! 3 bdrm, 3 bath, tised here in is sub- private neighborhood. bedroom, 2.5 bath 3281 sq. ft., Master ject to th e Federal 1425 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 •• 2 with fireplace a nd F air Housing A c t , bath & 2-car garage. Cascade Mountain views gym, vaulted ceilings, which makes it illegal $139,900. • MLS 201401764 maple inlaid f l oor, to advertise any pref- MLS¹201402233 Pam Lester, Principal Cliff Feingold, Broker magnificent rock wall erence, limitation or Broker, Century 21 541-480-8796 fireplace, s p acious discrimination based 541-383-4334 light kitchen, central on race, color, reli- Gold Country Realty, island eating bar ion, sex, handicap, Inc. 541-504-1338 seating for 6., T ile Iamilial status or na- Picturesque Ponderosa roof, pavered drivetional origin, or inten- Setting - B eautifully way, triple garage tion to make any such landscaped, MORRIS RV w /storage. Dec k s MORRIS preferences, l i mita- parking. 3 bedroom, REAL ESTATE overlooking 11th Tee, REAL ESTATE tions or discrimination. 2.5 bath, 2443 sq ft. and lake, and private We will not knowingly Offered at $469,500. fenced pavered deck. Riverfront I $949,000 accept any advertisCate Cushman, NE Bendj $249,500 $ 797,500. Pami r • 3962 sq.ft., 13+/ing for real estate Principal Broker • 1728 sq.ft. Properties, Inc., Mara acres which is in violation of 541-480-1884 • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Stein, Broker this law. All persons • 1437 ft. Deschutes • .16 acre corner lot 541-420-3400. are hereby informed Powell Butte Jewel - 3 River frontage • MLS 201309188 that all dwellings ad- bdrm, 2.5 bath home, • Cherry cabinets 8 Amy Halligan, Broker vertised are available 2352 sq ft. Granite & hardwood floors Get your 541-410-9045 on an equal opportu- frosted glass walk-in • MLS 201404263 business nity basis. The Bulle- shower is just one of Diane Lozito, Broker 541-548-3598 tin Classified the many custom de541-306-9646 NW Bend j $420,000 tails this home has to a ROW I N G • 1637 sq.ft. offer! Don't miss the MORRIS • 3 bedroom, 2 bath outdoor sauna on the with an ad in REAL ESTATE • Paver patio, water deck. $500 , 000 The Bulletin's feature MLS¹201405135 MORRIS • MLS 201405084 Scott McLean, "Call A Service New Construction REAL ESTATE Benson PC, Principal Broker 1425 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 Deborah Professional" Broker, GRI, 541-408-6908 bath, private neighDirectory Preview Specialist Realty Executives borhood, landscaped, 541-480-6448 with spri n klers. Pristine country setting Room for Everyone $134,900. S pacious home i n S unburst Park - I m with b eautiful r o ck maculate single level MLS¹201402230 -e outcropping 8 valley Eagle's Landing. 3 2ba, 1630 sq ft Pam Lester, Principal bedroom, 2~/~ bath, 3bd, views. 3 bedroom, 1 home on nearly 0.46 Broker, Century 21 bath, 1 134 s q ft 2387 sq ft. Offered at acre featuring panMORRIS Gold Country Realty, $335,500. single-level home is oramic Cas c ade REAL ESTATE Cate Cushman, Inc. 541-504-1338 on a large, immacuviews. Rear yard is Principal Broker IA $ A $ y ~ M ~ lately landscaped lot, fully fenced; includes New Cu s to m 3 541-480-1884 and has tons of charpaved RV parking Bdrm/2.5 Bath, 2024 NW Bend j $524,500 a acter. Ne w pa i nt, • 2168 sq.ft. Pahlisch site with (2)-30-amp sq.ft., home on large great shop with carbuilt lot w /R V p a r king. for Family and plug-ins & a sewage port, finished f ront Room dump. Great room is Granite slab counter • 3 bedroom, 3 bath Hobbies. Large .48 deck, covered back • Hardwood floors, tops, professions seacre fenced lot with vaulted and light & patio, fire pit, mature granite kitchen ries SS appliances, p lenty of r oom f o r bright with a woodl andscaping. O n l y your MLS 201401052 pantry, wood & t i le •Debbie family and their stove (also plumbed blocks to P r ineville Johnson, Broker floors, gas Fireplace, hobbies. Living room for gas if a gaslog C ountry Club a n d 541-480-1293 2 skylights. Fam- fireplace is desired). fenced & central air. minutes from the res- with ily room has a gas Kitchen 8 utility room $225,900 ervoir. $13 2 ,500 MLS¹201402794 f ireplace wit h t i l e are also plumbed for ¹201404713 Pam Lester, Principal hearth and surround. gas, if that is your Jodi Clark, Principal Broker, Century 21 Seller will give credits preference for cookBroker, 541-771-8731 MORRIS Gold Country Realty, for new dishwasher ing or clothes drying. Century 21 REAL ESTATE Inc. 541-504-1338 and a new range/oven Jenn-Air range, MayGold Country Realty at close of escrow tag r efrigerator & IA $ A $ y ~ M ~ New Custom Home- NW (CLA). Storage build- Amana d i shwasher Con t emporary, Beautiful finishes, 9' Call a Pro ing and dig pen in- were installed in 2007. Stellar L ocation ceilings, Crown moul- 4018 sq ft, 4 b e d- Whether you need a cluded. The home has Large walk-in pantry ding thro u ghout. fresh interior paint. too! MLS¹ 201401439 oom, 3 5 b ath, 2 fencefixed,hedges Master suite has sev- rmasters MLS ¹ 201 4 04338 $317,300. - one on the eral custom features trimmed or a house $325,000. Bobbie Strome, w/deck. Addiand nice mtn views. main Principal Broker built, you'll find Bobbie Strome, Landscaped, fenced tional theatre room John L Scott Real Principal Broker music s t udio. professional help in yard, gutters & 8' ga- and John L Scott Real Estate 541-385-5500 Westside lo c ation, rage door. $224,900. The Bulletin's "Call a Estate 541-385-5500 c lose to trai l s . Sunriver j $499,000 MLS¹201401861 $529,000. Call Angie Service Professional" Call Jaynee Beck at • 2264 sq.ft. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Cox, Broker, Directory 541-480-0988 • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath 541-213-9950 541-385-5809 Duke Warner Realty • .30 acre Door-to-door selling with John L. Scott 541-382-8262 • MLS 201400042 Real Estate, Bend fast results! It's the easiest P rivate 1 . 2 5 ac r e Jack Johns, cul-de-sac l o c ation Where can you find a way in the world to sell. Broker, GRI with Cascade views. 541-480-9300 One Acre Buildable lot. helping hand? The Bulletin Classified Septic in with 100 gal. B eautiful treed l o t From contractors to ready to build. Newer tank Connection to 541-385-5809 yard care, it's all here septic and well. close CRR water, 30x40 garage shop with conto La P i n e r ecrein The Bulletin's RV Parking! Large Lot! ational areas, lakes, crete floors, windows 3 bedroom, 2 bath MORRIS "Call A Service hunting and moun- and 16x10 overhead home, Northeast side REAL ESTATE dooI'. Professional" Directory MLS tains. MLS of town. MLS $$$ M $ $ ~ ~ 0~ $ 201302066. $85,900. 201401875. 201405258; New Custom Solar/ADA Jayci Larson, Broker Nancy Popp, Princi$185,000. Call Don Super Nice 8 Quiet NW Home - 3 master Broker 541-325-3955 pal Chapin, Broker, Redmond Property - 3 541-815-8000 suites, 3.5 ba, 3022 John L. Scott 541-350-6777. edroom, 2 bat h , Crooked River Realty Redmond Re/Max Land b s f, 0.5 A C i n g o lf Real Estate, Bend 1 576 sq f t o n 2 . 8 course comm., sun- www.johnlscottbend. P rivate Broken T o p 8 Homes Real Estate. acres. Beautiful, maroom, spa, wood & tile com ture landscaping and - Custom built, floors, RV park, mtn Opportunity Knocks! 5 3Estate SE Bend j $237,900 yard. 48x24 2-bay inbedroom, 3.5 bath, • 1639 view 8 more. sq.ft. sulated & heated shop on one lot, all 3541 sq ft home with • 4 bedroom, $469,000. MLS units 2.5 bath & 220 volt. Recent rented out. They are open great room floor • Paver deck, land201302802 paint, too! Plenty of manu f actured plan and radian floor scaped Pam Lester, Principal all $949 , 900. room for horses, RV homes, on city ser- heat. Broker, Century 21 • MLS 201405087 and toys! ¹201308783 $289 , 900. MLS¹201300357. Call Jan Laughlin, Broker Gold Country Realty, vices. Tammy S e ttlemier, John L. Scott Real ¹201403281. Inc. 541-504-1338 ABR, CRS, GRI, CSP Estate 541-548-1712 541-410-6009. John L. Scott Real 541-350-6049 Duke Warner Realty Newer home near park. Estate 541-548-1712 SW Bend I $489,900 541-382-8262 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, + Panoramic C a scade • 2936 sq.ft. NW style den or 4th bdrm, 2382 View - Beautiful 8 Private Sanctuary on • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath sq.ft., built in 2008, peaceful Powell Butte Deschutes River - 70+ • Vaulted ceilings, master on main level, home on 10.36 acres acres on the Big Deshardwood floors MORRIS island kitchen w/gran- 2/89.33 acres of irri- c hutes R iver w i t h • MLS 201403256 REAL ESTATE ite counters, hard- gation. Rebuilt in 2004 Cascade M o untain Greg Miller PC, I~ ~ ~ O$ m $ wood floors, water (original house built in v iews. 5000+ sq f t Broker, CRS, GRI feature and pond, RV 1975 pe r co u nty log-style home fea- Single Level in Stone541-408-1511 parking fenced. MLS records). Open loft tures 40x40 g r eat hedge - Roomy home ¹201405420. den overlooks the liv- room, 2 master suites on large lot with open $225,000. Call Pam ing & d ining areas on main level, gour- floor plan, vaulted livLester, Principal Bro- w/soaring vau l ted met kitchen, unfin- ing room plus a famker, Century 21 Gold ceilings. S p a cious ished rooms in a day- ily room. Kitchen feaMORRIS Country Realty, Inc. kitchen and utility/mud light basement. Triple tures pl e nt y of 541-504-1338 REAL ESTATE room with tile flooring. car garage with stor- cabinetry, eating l&$ & $ y ~ & 0~ $ Wrap-around porch, age above. A t ruly counter, large pantry, Newport Landing. 3 2-car beautiful pr o perty! dining area with acBdrm, 2.5 bath, 1550 detached SW Bend Duplex j garage $1,395,000. cess to the huge back sq.ft. on 2049 sq.ft lot. drive-through $287,600 & 1008 sf barn/shop MLS¹201404855 deck. Master bedStorage space for ev- with a 720 sf lean-ton • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Ainslie Reynolds, room separated from unit erything. West side fenced pasture, pond, Principal Broker 2 a d ditional b e d living with Pahlisch l andscaped • 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath ya r d . ReMax Key rooms. 2 offices or unit quality t h r oughout. $472,500. Properties. hobby rooms. Land• Close to Old Mill 8 Terrific central loca- MLS¹201402783 541-410-1054 Cell scaped front & back river trail tion. Close to restau541-728-0033 Offi ce John L. Scott Real with fenced backyard • MLS 201402883 rants, shopping, Estate 541-548-1712 and lots of trees for Dawn Ulrickson, Broker, downtown Bend and Quail Crossingj privacy. Forced air COCC. Solid quartz Panoramic Cascade $359,000 CRS, GRI, ABR gas with central air countertops, stainless ViewsI $699,000 • New 1853 sq.ft. con541-610-9427 conditioning. appl. walk-in closet, • 5004 sq.ft, 4 bedroom struction $199,900 • Gourmet kitchen, thefireplace. Pri v a te • 3 bedroom, 2 bath ¹ 201310177 • .23acre, RV parking backyard loaded with ater room John L. Scott Real warmth and charm. • 2.18 acres, extensive • MLS 201404914 Greg Floyd, PC, Broker Estate 541-548-1712 Front yard landscap- decking MORRIS ing and r ear y a rd • MLS 201400616 541-390-5349 Spacious and affordREAL ESTATE fencing and p a tio. Jim Moran, Broker able living! 2 b e d$$$ W $ y ~ ~ ~ d 541-948-0997 $375,000. MLS room, 2.6 bath, 1416 ¹201404506 Terrango Glen. 4 Bdrm, sq ft home has gas Bobbie Strome, fireplace, vaulted 2 bath, 1501 sq.ft. on Principal Broker MORRIS ceilings, slate in the .2 acre. Light and John L Scott Real REAL ESTATE guest bathroom and bright single level in Estate 541-385-5500 MORRIS tiled cou n tertops. Terrango Glen. CorREAL ESTATE bedroom has ner lot with beautiful Rare Metolius River- Master BULLETINCULSSIFIEDS private access to the front yard landscapfront property with Search the area's most Living - Beau- cabin in Camp Sher- outside an d l a r ge ing, incl. trees, shrubs comprehensive listing of Peaceful plants. L arge tiful custom home ap- man, w/paved roads. bathroom with plenty and classified advertising... of closet space. Great fenced rear yard with prox 3253 sq ft on 4.5 1 bdrm, 1 bath plus real estate to automotive, acres, with .5 acre irplan includes a Trex deck and paver loft, sleeps 6, granite floor merchandise to sporting double attached ga- patio just a w aiting rigation. Private well, counters, huge deck, goods. Bulletin Classifieds pond, close-in, priLarge patio over your final t o uches. r i v e r rage.garage appear every day in the vate and s e cluded u nobstructed is w ell Hardiplank siding and views & access. Fully the print or on line. Large great with too many extras furnished. $399,000. shaded in the after- gutters. noon for entertaining. room has a gas fireCall 541-385-5809 to mention. $672,900. MLS 201402947 place with tile MLS¹201304783. Pam Lester, Principal $119,900 round and attractive ¹201404958 Call Carolyn Emick, Broker, Century 21 The Bulletin Clark, Principal wood mantel. Four 541-419-0717 sewingcen$v oregon since 1$$ Gold Country Realty, Dennis Broker, 541-771-8730 bdrm so one could Duke Warner Realty Inc. 541-504-1338 easily be a den or ofCentury 21 541-382-8262 Northwest Crossing j fice. This is definitely Red Rock Ranch Gold Country Realty $552,250 Peace & Quiet 3 beda must preview home. Spectacular s e tting • 2100 sq.ft. room, 2 bath, 1344 sq with view of the CasSpacious Home$255,000. MLS • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath ft home on 10 acres 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, ¹201404904 c ades a n d Sm i t h • Open floor plan, huge with oversized deck in Rock. 79.56 acres, 2207 sq ft on .19 acre Bobbie Strome, windows front and back, and 63.2 acres of irriga- corner lot, tile kitchen Principal Broker • MLS 201402766 underground s prin- tion. 3502 sq ft 4 bed- c ountertops, l a r g e John L Scott Real Jerry Stone, Broker klers. $340 , 000. room, 2.5 bath home bedrooms. B arbara Estate 541-385-5500 541-390-9598 MLS¹201403958. Bro k er, including guest quar- Jackson, Call Karolyn Dubois, The Davis, NW Redters. G reat h o rse 541-306-8'I 86 541-390-7863 mond 3 bdrm (den or John L. Scott barn, hay barn & out0 Duke Warner Realty Real Estate, Bend 4th bdrm), 2~/~ bath, door arena. $824,000. 541-382-8262 1929 sq f t . h o me. Call Kris Warner, MORRIS Open great r oom, 541-480-5365 Pheasant Run j Spectacular home on tons of cabinet space REAL ESTATE MLS ¹201402156 $299,900 acreage. I M~ rl y~ ~ 0 $ «$ Duke Warner Realty •SE Bend on 4.81 acres in kitchen, 2nd floor • 1579 sq.ft. craftsman laundry rm, $289,900. 541-382-8262 Northwest Cr o ssing• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath - $519,900 ¹ 201307047. Jim • Close to river trails & Home - Wonderful 3 Remodeled Contempo- •4 Bdrm, 3 b a t h & Hinton, 541-420-6229 parks bedroom, 2.5 bath turary Style - Located in den/office Central Oregon Realty dor-style home with • MLS 201404753 the Old Mill District, 4 •M aster on main , Group, LLC Craig Long, Broker master on the main, b edroom, 3 bat h , triple-car garage 8 541-480-7647 located on a corner lot 2098 sq ft. $330,000. The Highlands - Gated, barn/shop from Compass Park. Call Aubre Chesire, m ountain views. 2 $619,000. 541-598-4583 or 10-acre parcels. Of436 MLS¹201404282. Brook Criazzo at fered at $550,000. Kellie Cook, Broker Call Terry Skjersaa, 541-550-8408, 541-408-0463 Cate Cushman, 541-383-1426 MORRIS MLS¹201403010 Principal Broker John L. Scott Duke Warner Realty REAL ESTATE Duke Warner Realty Real Estate, Bend 541-480-1884 541-382-8262 541-382-8262550 IA $ A $ y ~ M ~
4 $
$ -
gh sc
Beautiful customhome,approx. 3253sq.R.on Located inthe OldNill District. 4 bedroom, On 10acres. Wideopenviewsfromthis custom 4.5 acreswith.5 acre irngation. Privatewell,pond, 3 bath, 2098 sq. ft. $330,000 CALL 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2384sq.!t. hom e built in 2006. close in, private and secludedwith too many AUBRECHESHIREAT 541-59!I4)83 PP OPen floor pan with hardw ood floors, vaulted extrasto mentions.$672,900.CALLCAROL'/N ' '" ' ' """ " 'I3<Sm C/l.iou EAnlt!ICII!IF/,ln EMICr,AT50I419-0717. NLS:201301783 DAVVILELAT511-987236I IILS,IQIW QILI
Custom 3 bedroom, 2bath, 1950 sq. ft. home 5 bedroomhome in Sunriver. Greatrental history. Two separate units on one tax lot. Unique on A.36acres.Bam,hay storageand36x36shop.. Enjoy the SHARCpool and all that Sunriver personality homes. Front home has street $360,000 CALLCANDYYOWAT 541-410-3193 ofFers.$399,000CALLIACQUIESEBULSKYAT access, 2 bedrooms,and rear home is a one bedroom. Both havefenced yards inWiestona
511-280-1119 ORMICHELEANDERSON AT Addition. $249,900 cALL IAsENcHAvEz 541-633-9760.MLS:201310062 AT 541-891-5116.MLS:201100486
3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 3432 sq. R. 4ome on Big Cascade Mountain and Deschutes River 1.5 acres. Work with the builder to customize views.g89acreswith 2acresirrigation. Property this home to your taste. $1,140,XO. CALL MICHELE ANDERSON AT 541-633-9760 OR bogers TumaloSute PKI' Room for everyone »'I eveghng. $1,295,000 CALLIAYNEE IACQUIE AT541-280-4449. MLS:201305601 BECK AT 541-480-0988$MLS:201303572
PRIYATEBROKENTOPESTATE Custombuilt 3bedroom,35bath,3541sqft. home with open great room floor plan andradiantfloor heat. $949,900 CALL TAMMYSETTLEMIER AT 541-410-6009. MLS:201300357
EAGLECREST TOWNHOME Stunni ng and spacious3 bedroom,2.5 bath townhome on the Eagl e Crest gol f course could be yours! $359,000 CALL TERRY SlqERSAA AT 511-383-1126. HLS:201405387
UNOBSTU RCTEDCASCADEMTNYIEWS! 190 ACRE HORSEPROPERTY Qualitynewconstruction 1784sq.!t, 3 bedroom, Less than I mile from city limits. 2160 sq.IL, 2.5 bath,mainevelmaster:Outstandingviewsfrom the great room, master, upstairs, andbackdeck. $289,900cALLNTRINASWISI-IERAT51I-120-3318 OR ROB EGGERSAT501-518-9785MLS:201006065
2 bedroom. 2 bath home.Several outbuildings including barn with indoor arena. 3 tax lots, 120 acres in the Urban Reserve. $495,000
CALL KRIS WARNER AT 511-480-5365. MLS:201206667
PEACE ANDQUIET DRAKEPARK NEIGHBORHOOD PRIMELOCATION 3 bedraom, 2 bath, 1344sq.R. home on Feel the history in this stately home on Great Providence location at the end of a 10 acres with oversized deck in front a beautiful double lot. Short stroll to cul-de-sac.3bedroom,2.5bath,l834sq.rt.lzrge and back and underground sprinklers. downtown orMirror Pond. $968, 000 lotwlthmaturelandscapingand pavedandgated $320,000 CALL KAROLYN DUBOIS CALL IJT KORISH AT 541-480-2335 RV parking. $200,000 CALL 0MWARNER AT 541-390-7863.HLS:201403958 MLS:201102653 AT 541-410-2475.NLS:201405854
View all our listings, additional photos and more at
3 bedroom, 2bath, 1506sq.R.home, French Located intheheart ofthe Old Mill District. City water and sewer to 1st, Buildable doors to private diningroom. Custommoldings 3 maste rsuites,3.5 baths,3070 sq.R.with and dividable. Adjoining lot for sale also. NC, large master bedroom with Jacuzzitub viewsofthe ri verand mountains. Stand- Purchase both for $80,000. $52,500
Beautiful landscaping.$260,000 CALLLARR Y alone unit. $829,000 CALLjAYNEE BECK CALL CANDYYOW AT 541-410-3193. NLS:201405898 JACOBS AT 541-480-2329: MLS:201405037 AT 541-180-0988MLS:201100102
HOME ON NICELOT 20A4ACRES BEAUTIFUL20ACREHOMESITE Older home on lot with well and If you want privacy and your own getaway With 10 acresirrigation. $349,900 CALL septic . City water and seweralso to lot. ntreat this property is it Breathtaking views TAHHY SETTLE MIERAT 541-410-6009. Buildable anddividable. Adjoining lot for of the CascadeMountains. Electricity s on the MLS:201101808
sale also. $52,500 CALLCANDYYOW property. $144000CALLKAROLYN DUBOIS AT 541-410-3193.MLS:201405916 AT 541-390-7863.MLS:201309971
20ACRES FOR$!80,000
Treed .64 acn lot just a block of Foster East side of Bend. Big mountain views, 3bed, 2bath manufactured homeon 1.07aczs. Road, close to DeschutesRiver,skiing, tshing, and wildernessarea out your back door. Close to fishing, hunting and easyaccessto LaPine State Park and recreation. $22,500 Possible terms. CALL KIT KORISH La Pine orBend.Basicsfor a gnat home instead
AT 541-480-2335.MLS:201304808
CALL BECO' OZRELIC AT 541-480-9191. NLS:201403352
of paying ~nt! $65,m CALL BILLPANTON AT 541-420-6545.MLS:201309245
$w $"$ .i R
54 I -480-2329
54 I -788-3733
Fred Johnson
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Homes for Sale
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Homes for Sale
NorthwestBend Homes Northeast Bend Homes R e d m ond Homes
The Ridge at E a gle Tumalo I $275,000 Crest. Perfect vaca- • 1120 sq.ft. tion getaway. 1822 • 2 bedroom, 1 bath sq.ft. home, 3 bdrm, • .41acre, fenced yard 2.5 bath, w/triple tan- • MLS 201403890 dem garage, open JJ Jones, Broker living space with lots 541-788-3678 of windows to enjoy the sunrises. M LS ¹201404270. $339,222. Call Pam Lester, Principal BroMORRIS ker, Century 21 Gold REAL ESTATE Country Realty, Inc. 541-504-1338 Tumalo Ranch I The W i n dsor, NW $549,000 Redmond - Main floor • 2 homes, multiple outden/4th bedroom, lots buildings of natural light, eating bar in kitchen, land- • 33.12 acres, fenced, scaping, 3 bdrm, 2y2 cross-fenced bath, 2235 s q ft. • Cascade Mountain $309,900. Call Jim views Hinton, 541-420-6229 • MLS 201400239 Central Oregon Re- Darrin Kelleher, Broker The Kelleher Group alty Group, LLC 541-788-0029 People Lookfor Information About Products and Services Every Daythrough The Bullutiu Clussiffuris MORRIS Three Rivers South I REAL ESTATE $159,900 l&~ m ly ~ ~ ~ • 1536 sq.ft. • 2 bedroom, 1 bath Need to get an • 1 acre • MLS 201403434 ad in ASAP? Gary Rose, You can place it Broker, MBA online at: 541-588-0687
Ultimate Home - 5 bed- West Hills. 4 Bdrm, 3.5 Whispering Pines. 3 Woodlands Golf Exceptional NW 65390 NE Stacy Lane- $540,000• 3867 NW room, 6 bath with ofbath, in 4040y sq.ft., bdrm, 2 bath property Course; open great location, skyline 3 b drm, 2 . 5 b a t h Way, Redmond fice, family room, rec delighfful w e s tside has complete perim- room with mountain views and privacy. home with 1921 sq ft • 'I9.55 acre property room and 2 master home with panoramic eter fencing and is and lake views, 4 Custom craftsman of living space. Large with 12 irrigated acres suites. Other features C ascade and c i t y neat and well main- bdrm, 6 bath, 5,096 Tour Home borders m aster s u it e w i t h •Updates 2052 s q .ft. include sun r o om, views on a spacious tained with trees and sq.ft., o ff ered at Quail Park by Awbrey soaking t u b and ranch style home m walk-in closet. Close cludes 3 bdrm, 2 bath, solarium and an awe- lot with high desert shrubs. Home h as $1,195,000. Golf. Interior upsome greenhouse all natural landscaping. been lightly lived in Cate Cushman, to schools 8 s hop- ss appl, new furnace grades, Courtesy to on over 10 acres with Two gas fireplaces, and has a wonderful Principal Broker Realtors. $575,000. ping. MLS¹201404922 and new septic mountain views. one in living room and sunroom and appeal541-480-1884 •Gorgeous mtn views 2772 NW Rainbow $239,000. •Horse property, 5/6 $999,000. one in master bed- ing floor plan with Ridge Dr Scott McLean, MLS¹201403687. room. Master bed- l arge deck, s h o p 541-848-0040 Principal Broker stall barn, arenas and 541-408-6908 Call Candy Yow, room has c offered building is a p prox. outbuildings 541-410-3193 ceiling and slider to 4000 sq.ft. w/ 4 12x12 Realty Executives JML Realty Group Tick, Tock 541-480-6790 Duke Warner Realty upper deck with hot d oors and a m a n 541-382-8262 tub. Master bath has door. The is a comTick, Tock... 541-390-5286 Where can you find a 541-480-2245 deep soak tub, large plete office w/bath, Just too many helping hand? ...don't let time get t iled s h ower a n d r ec, k i tchen a n d Windermere Under a Mile to Old Mill double sinks. Great m eeting room i n collectibles? From contractors to away. Hire a Central Oregon $209,900. 3 Bed- room is light and airy cluded in the 4000 Real Estate yard care, it's all here professional out room, 2.5 bath, 1504 with expansive city Sell them in This property is in The Bulletin's sq ft., great room with and Cascade views. sq.ft. of The Bulletin's a must preview, must The Bulletin Classifieds Check out the fireplace, 2-car ga"Call A Service Kitchen is efficiently see facility. The shop "Call A Service classifieds online rage with alley aclaid out with granite and dwelling have Professional" Directory cess. Call Ed Green, tile counters, newer separate Professional" 541-385-5809 electric Broker, 541-598-5666 Updated daily appliances, p a ntry m eters. Shop a n d Directory today! John L. Scott and hardwood floor- d welling share t h e Real Estate, Bend ing. Triple garage with Avion water meter, Ultimate floor. Wired 2nd gar a ge/shop for security system. 1025 sq.ft. $499,500. Wired for stereo with MLS ¹201400070 Views of Smith Rock - 3 Bobbie Strome, b edroom, 2 bat h , speakers on m a in Principal Broker 1431 sq ft home on f loor i n 4 zon e s . John L Scott Real 6 .9 a c r es . Thi s 5-zone heating syswell-maintained home tem. Two levels of ce- Estate 541-385-5500 has multiple outbuild- d ar d ecking p l us paver patio. Plumbed ings and room for ~eG a G p R e al Estat youl' horses. in humidification sys- Garage Sales t em. $599, 0 00 $349,500. MLS¹ 201301639 MLS¹201403555 Garage Sales Bobbie Strome, Duke Warner Realty Principal Broker 541-382-8262 Garage Sales John L Scott Real • a s Estate 541-385-5500 Find them $ 541-385-5809 West Hills - 4 bd, 3.5 ba in in 4040y sf delightful Good classified adstell MORRIS Turn-Key C r aftsman westside home. PanThe Bulletin essential facts in an REAL ESTATE Home - Located in oramic Cascade & city inthe teresting Manner.Write Classifieds I M~ dy~ ~ Op t 1 one o f P r i neville's views on spacious lot. the readers view not Top of the world views premiere n e ighbor- 2 gas fireplaces, 1 in from 541-385-5809 the seller's. Convert the of the Cascade Mtns hoods. This h o me living rm, 1 in master facts into benefits. Show on 4.5 very private features a great room b edroom that f e a acres, backing miles layout, kitchen pantry, tures coffered ceiling the reader howthe item will Wonderful Home stainless appliances, 8 slide to upper deck help them in someway. of public lands! 2 Plenty of privacy and This b edroom, 2 bat h , formal dining room w/hot tub. Light & airy room to park your RV. great room, efficiently advertising tip 1 562 sq f t , c o m - main floor master & Wraparound deck has brought to you by pletely remodeled in upstairs master suite. laid o u t kit c h en just been restained 2011 including very 2 downstairs guest w/granite c o unters, and is ready for endo w n - newer Bulletin a p p liances, The new laminate wood b edrooms, Sen 'ny CentralOre9onsince f9t8 tertaining and relaxflooring in the living stairs guest bathroom, pantry & h a rdwood %• 3 b e droom, 2 room k itchen, cus- bonus room, utility flooring. Triple ga- West Side Cottage - 2 ing. bath, 1745 s q ft. r oom w / sink, a t - rage w/ultimate floor. t om tiled b aths 8 bedroom located one natural wood accents tached double garage, Wired fo r s e curity block from the Des- $205,000 system & for stereo chutes River, 3 blocks MLS¹201404961 gealtor Of theYqqi throughout. Loft third central gas heat & Call Jasen Chavez, guest room or den heat pump. Fenced, with speakers on main from Drake Park footI 541-891-5446 sprinkled & ni c ely floor in 4 z ones. 2 bridge. Corner lot. makes the open floor Duke Warner Realty landscaped backyard levels cedar decking + Detached garage. It's plan w it h v a u lted 541-382-8262 patio. ceilings work for all of w/excellent privacy & paver about l o cation! large patio, RV parkPlumbed-in humidifi- all your living n eeds. ' $329,900. r I s I Is ing along with interior cation system. MLS¹201403862 $167,900 & e x t erior p a i nt. $610,000. Find exactly what ¹201400568 Call Larry Jacobs, $269,900. MLS¹201301639 Jodi Clark, Principal you are looking for in the 541-480-2329. John L. Scott Real Broker, 541-771-8731 ¹201400977 CLASSIFIEDS Duke Warner Realty OffiCe lOCated in NOrthWeSt CrOSSing541 383 4360 TheGarnerGrouP.Com John L. Scott Real Estate 541-548-1712 Century 21 541-382-8262 Estate 541-548-1712 Gold Country Realty •
Excellent Service... • ~t
• 'I
$8 I 9,000
• 3113 SF,S bedrooms,3 baths • Stunning Cascade views • 40'x60'5 stall barn wtih corral
• 34 x 42' dream shop • Backs to BLM on cul-de-sac Danlelle Snow, Broker 54 l-306- I 0 I 5 '
'. '
i I
5 fenced acres /4 acres irrigation 5398 SF,6 bedrooms,4 baths 3200 SF 3-story shop 24'x36' barn with loft Granite,travertine, marble finishes 2 heat pumps,2 bonus rooms ShelleyArnold, Broker 54I-77I-9329
' l i
i i '
l l '
• 4 bedroom,3.5 bath,plus office • 3148 SF with bonus room • 1.30 acres, quiet hillside location • Travertine, bamboo hardwood floors • Red oak cabinets,granite counters • Custom built in 2011 95 ww w GreggHayden,Principal Broker 54I-390-6I39
s' • 2 tax lots = 4.83 acres
Candice Anderson, Broker 54 I-788-8878
' •' I
• I
I; Iaii
• 9.5Acres,7.5 acres irrigated • Beautiful shop • 275' x 125' outdoor arena • Single level living • Farm deferral, Room for animals & toys •
' N~
• 3 bdrms,2.5 baths,2584 SF •C herryfloors,custom aldercabinetry,tile • Gas fireplace, bonus room •Fenced yard,large patio,stone pillar •
Peggy Lee Combs, Broker 54I-480-7653
• 3 bedrooms,2 bath plus bonus room • Master on main level
• 4 bed,3.5 bath • 1988 SF
• 4 bedroom,2 bath,2250 SF
• 2 master suites, one on main level
• 2588 SF • Parking for RV & Boat • Stainless steel appliances • www
• Stainless steel appliances • Large deck off kitchen, gas fireplace • $3000 carpet allowance •
• 3 tax lots / Redmond • Newer master suite
MarallnBaidenmann, Broker 54 I-325-I096 I
• 4 car garage & RV packing • 232 NW Canyon Dr. • Corner lot in town
Theresa Ramsay, Broker 54I -8I 5-4442
NarallnBaidenmann, Broker 54 I-325- I096
$I 30,000
Priority Home Lendlnu, LLC.
! • NLS 20 I401805 • 6.85 acres • Near Brasada • Panoramic Cascade views Gary Fiebick, Principal Broker 54 l-390- I602
• Peace & quiet on this .28 acre lot • Easy drive from Cottonwood • This is a flat lot with pines •
Susanna Robinson, Broker 54 I -5 I 0-8039
CHARLES "CHARLIE" SANFORD Home Mortgage Consultant Branch Manager I NMLS 403898 Direct: 541.693.8786
• 3 bedroom,2 bath, mobile only • Open floor plan,vaulted ceilings • Fenced backyard with shed • Community park & clubhouse • Landscaped, sprinklers & carport •
Cell: 54'I.788.8870 vinnner.CSanfonLnet
Kathy Denning, Broker 54I-480-4429
• '
Redmond Homes
Redm o nd Homes
• Redmond Homes •
Redmond Homes
Sunriver/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine Homes Homes with Acreage
H o mes with Acreage H o mes with Acreage j
Custom built in 2005, 1 908 N W 1 8 t h S t . 940 Cinnamon Teal Dr. Single Level custom 3 16650 Apache Tears. Very clean, well main 6666 NW Rainbow Rd. Views Galore! Smith 1.56 acres, 1620 sq.ft. Eagle Crest 2356 sq. $279,900. 3 Bdrm, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 2356 3bdrm, 2 i/2 bath, of- tained 3 bdrm, 2 bath Ideal horse property, Rock views on a quiet Tastefully done spa$479,000 co u ntry cious home sitting on ft. 3 bd r m/2'/~bath, bath, 2152 sq.ft., The MLS¹201403685 sq. ft. Eagle Crest f ice, c e ntral v a c . f rame home o n 2 level 4 . 8 5 ac r e s, dead-end single level with mtn Cliffs. Handsome fire- G reat home o n t h e home, built in 2011. $209,900. High Lakes acres. Built in 2006, cleared, fenced and road. Spacious 2700 the CR rim, dble gaview f ro m b o n us place, built ins, huge Ridge Golf Course ¹2 Fabulous kit c h en Realty & Pr o perty 2080 s q .ft., l i v ing cross fenced. Huge sq. ft. home boasts 3 rage with a t tached r oom. M an y up - pantry, 2 car tandem tee. 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath great room plan, triple Management room and great room, 1700 sq.ft. shop/barn bdrms, 2 baths, huge tack room and horse 541-536-0117 grades. $419,777. garage. MLS + den & bonus rm off garage. $ 4 7 9,000. large bedrooms. Rus with 4 horse stall and country kitchen, din stall. Located off a MLS 201404253 ¹201308975. master bed r oom. MLS 201401643 tic outdoor fireplace hay loft. Home is 1512 ing area, large util. paved road. $229,000 3-car garage, 3rd bay Lynn Johns, Principal 16772 Elk Ct., $99,000. for the evening gather sq.ft. with mtn views. r oom and a b a s e MLS 201309151 Lynn Johns, Principal Vicci Bowen, Broker Broker, 541-408-2944 541-410-9730 walled off & has 220 Broker, 541-408-2944 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 1620 ings. Home is on 1 Located close to pub ment which i s in Linda Lou Day-Wright. 541- 771-2585 Wes Johns, Broker 541 Central Oregon electric. Tile, granite Wes Johns, Broker 541 sq. ft. 1 acres. High acre and a dditional lic lan d . MLS cluded in the sq. ft. Lakes Realty & Prop408-2945 Central OrRealty Group, LLC on kitchen counters. 408-2945 Central Oracre lot located next ¹201404925 Also has extra area Crooked River Realty erty Man a gement egon Resort Realty Tile floors from entry egon Resort Realty l ot o v e r (15952 $214,900. upstairs and all bdrms 1643 Yoke Rd. 2188 sq. 541-536-0117 244 Volunteer Lane through hallway to Deedon Rd) is all in Juniper Realty, are on the main level. ft. home on 10 acres, SW Redmond - 2.4 $189,001 • NW $335,000 541-504-5393 kitchen. Slate r o ck s a le The dbl. garage is w ith 4 0 x6 0 s h o p Redmond acres with Cascade 1 7050 W h ittier D r . , cluded in t h e MLS MLS¹201401867 fireplace. East facing large. This property is price. •Open floor plan views. Irrigated horse $88,900. 3 bdrm, 2 High Wonderful views from back deck with per201310801 $250,000. 1.5 acres with 1 acre $369,500. $189,500 • bath, all appliances, •Large kitchen with din property. 4 bedrooms, Lakes Realty & Propthis 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath gola. Pullouts in lower Cascade Realty, irrigation, fenced and erty Mountain Views one acre High Lakes 2.5 baths. ing bar Ma n agement Highland Parks home cab i nets. MLS¹2012307823 ready fo r h o r ses. Realty & P r o pertyDennis Haniford, Princ. •Powell Butte View Es•Great room & gas fire with 3-car g arage. kitchen Great room. Master Broker 541-536-1731 $5000 allowance to 541-536-0117 tates Call Don Chapin Bro- Management place Hardwood floors in a v e r y l a rge •2+ acres buyers at closing with 1716 Te r re t Rd, 541-536-0117 • 1865 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2.5 hallway into kitchen. has ker 541-350-6777 w alk-in closet. I n accepted of fer . $354,000. 3 b d r m., •2+ bdrm, 2 bath and bath What are you Built-in hutch, maple cludes washer, dryer Redmond Re/Max Land 51460 Lasso Lane, La $269,000. 12333 NW 2611 sq.ft. home on 5 energy efficient Lori Schneringer, cabinets, gas c ook and refrigerator. En- & Homes Real Estate. Pine Charmer - 3 i Wood stove, huge 10th St., Terrebonne. acres, 3-bay shop. looking for? Broker 541-280-1543 stove and fireplace. joy all the amenities Updated Single Level bdrm, 2 bath, 1160 sq Call Heather Hockett, High Lakes Realty & d eck and 2 car g a Windermere You'll find it in O pen f l oor p l a n. Eagle Crest has to o n Large Lot - SW ft home. Gas f irePC, Broker, Century Property rage. M a n ageCentral Oregon Sunny dining area. o ffer! C a l l Di a n e Redmond. Offer ing 3 place, large kitchen Hunter, Broker 21 Gold Country Re ment 541-536-0117 Real Estate Window c o v erings Burns, 541-815-2712, bedroom, 2 bath, for i sland with l ots o f The Bulletin Classifieds Christin alty, 541-420-9151 541-306-0479 1811 Stallion Road. 3 throughout. Brushed or Nancy M atson, $178,500! Charming storage. Open great$339,000 • On the Windermere bronze fixtures. Baths 541-420-3123, Princi- ranch home on .32 r oom c o ncept & bdrm home amazing Canal $995,000 • Ranch Central Oregon 541-385-5809 remodel, 5 ac r e s. have tile floors. Mas- pal Brokers •Greens at Redmond acre lot, 1424 sq ft, double rear entry gaLiving Real Estate ter bath has double Heartland Realty LLC High •Picture perfect greenhouse, s h e d, rage. Large lot, built in •Harney County's Finest $249,900. 756 Lakes Realty & Propsink vanity. Raised new electrical, wood 2005. $137.500 •Great curb appeal •4 bdrm, 4 bath and Look at: Trex deck. A lot of erty Ma n agement •Open floor plan floors thr o ughout, MLS¹201404934 Jefferson County Homes cooks kitchen storage. Enjoy all the Call The Bulletin At •RV parking newer wood stove, Scott McLean, •Huge heated shop and 541-536-0117 amenities Eagle Crest for Complete Listings of Dee Baker, Broker 54t -385-5809 newer windows. Laura Want to move in and Principal Broker guest house 52916 Old Lake Rd., has to offer - 3 sport Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 541-977-7756 Hilton, Broker, GRI, 541-408-6908 enjoy life? This Ma- Area Real Estate for Sale •163 acres and 3 wells Silver Lake, OR. Two centers, 3 golf At: ABR, 541-306-1800 Windermere Central dras home is loaded Realty Executives Kathy Neal, Broker 1848 sq.ft. homes on courses, indoor/outOregon Real Estate John L. Scott with upgrades. Well 16751 SW Dove Rd. in 541-420-4978 40 acres. $199,000. 5 1884 Fordham D r . maint. and boasts a door swimming, ten- Adorable Cottage in the Real Estate, Bend Windermere CRR, One level 2500 High Lakes Realty & $350,000• Redmond & basketball. Miles Heights. $ 1 24, $249,500 4 bdrm, 3 large tiled entry way, sq. ft. c ustom log Central Oregon •3.84 acre - 2 acre wa nis Property M a n ageof biking and walking. Arched e n t ryways,Well Kept home in SW b ath, 2206 s q . f t . ceiling fans, recessed home on 4.9 acres. Real Estate tered ment, 541-536-0117 h ickory, t ile. H i g h l ighting, large l o f t Floor to ceiling winCall D iane B u rns, oak hardwood floor•Main house is 3 bdrm, 541-815-2712, $212,000. Lakes Realty & Propor ing, large lot w/RV ac- Redmond. area, a master bdrm with views of the 14149 SW Stallion Rd. 5+ semi-secluded acres Bdrm, 2.5 b ath, erty 3 bath Man agement with w alk-in closet, dows ancy Mats o n , cess, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, 3 Mtns. Hickory hard- CRR. Open floor plan with 3120 sq ft 3 bdrm 3 •2 rentals bring $1K per N 2414 sq.ft. new car- 541-536-0117 541-420-3123, Princi- 1227 sq. ft., 500 sq. ft window co v e rings wood & t ile f loors, from this 1907 sq. ft. bath home. 2 stone firemonth. pet throughout, large pal Brokers b asement. MLS ¹ upstairs bonus room. 51958 Mowich Lane, 3 throughout. Garage is gourmet kitchen incl. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, places, lots of Ponde•Fenced and pond Heartland Realty LLC rosa Pines + 45'x24' in201308245. Vicci Bo- MLS ¹ 20 1 402581. bdrm, 2i/2 bath, 1765 finished with ceiling cherry cabinets, gran- home on 3.27 acres. sulated Bob Ahern, Broker wen 541-410-9730 shop, all 5 miles rack and you ite counters, farmers Mtn. views from the 541-420-3891 Jeanne S c h arlund, sq. ft., 1 .22 a c re, storage Central Oregon Realty Broker 541-420-7978 r o o m and west of B a ker C ity, $214,900. High Lakes have great views from sink and stainless ap- great Windermere Central $395,000. 541-523-2368 Have an item to back deck. VA as- pliances. The stacked kitchen, oversized den Group, LLC Oregon Real Estate Central Oregon Realty Realty & Pr o perty the sumable if e l igible. could be a 3rd bedrock w o od-burning Group, LLC Management 8479 SW High Cone sell quick? Bank owned, 3 bdrm, Brand new C u stom $124,900 MLS¹ fireplace is perfect for room. Large deck with Drive Large 4 bdrm 2 If it's under 2.5 bath, 2080 sq.ft., Well-Kept Home in SW 541-536-0117 home 1032 Trail creek 201304344 pergola, fenced back- b ath located in t h e these chilly days. home built in 2 0 06 Redmond - $212,000. 5 2252 Polar R d. , 3 Heather Hockett, PC, $274,900 Drive. Frank Lloyd yard and patio area. heart o f ¹201404445 Cr o oked Wright inspired home, '500 you can place it in and located on 1 flat 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bath- bdrm, 2 bath, 1651 Broker, Century 21 Covered RV parking. River Ranch on 1.20 Juniper Realty, acre, new carpet and r ooms, 2414 sq f t . backing to the creek The Bulletin sq. ft., s h o p R V Gold Country Realty, 541-504-5393 $269,000. MLS acre. Wonderful outvinyl. Extended front New carpet through- cover. $216,000. High 541-420-9151 in Eagle Crest Resort 201402268 Classifieds for: door area for enterand rear decks. MLS out, large upstairs bo- Lakes Realty & Propwith mtn. views! 2681 Juniper Realty, taining or r elaxing. 201404793. nus r o om . ML S Sq Ft, 3 Bdrm, 2.5 erty Ma n agement Strawberry Heights541-504-5393 Oversized 2-bay shop '10 - 3 lines, 7 days Need to get an ad 201402581 Bath + office. Formal $194,900. Call P am 541-536-0117 3 Bed, 2 Bath, over w ith s t orage a n d Lester, Principal Bro- Call Jeanne Scharlund, dining, 3-car garage. '16 - 3 lines, 14 days 1200 sq ft in Madras. in ASAP? 14482 SW Pony Trail in plenty of room to keep 541-420-7978 5 5849 W oo d D u c k $79,000. 4 properties Luxury fini s h es(Private Party ads only) ker, Century 21 Gold CRR. U nobstructed the toys out of the Drive. Riverfront 5 Country Realty, Inc. Central Oregon throughout. $469,900. available! mtn views, 2 bdrm, 2 weather. $ 1 43,000. 541-504-1338 Realty Group, LLC bdrm, 2i/2 bath, 3587 Fax it to 541-322-72% MLS ¹201308237 MLS¹201405320 bath on 2.58 acres. mls 201300653 Large corner Lot in s q. ft. home . Lynn Johns, Principal Call Travis L Hannan, Master bath has garJuniper Realty, Redmond w / 4 $547,000. High Lakes The Bulletin Classifieds Broker, 541-408-2944 Looking for your next PC, Principal Broker, Say "goodbuy" den tub and separate 541-504-5393 bdrm, 2 bath home. Realty & Pr o perty 54'I -788-3480 Wes Johns, Broker 541 employee'? walk-in shower, New $229,000 MLS to that unused Management 408-2945 Central OrPlace a Bulletin help Redmond RE/MAX Pergo flooring and Cinder Butte Estates 2 01310490. Cal l 541-536-0117 egon Resort Realty wanted ad today and Land & Homes Motivated Seller! Nice windows ins t alled on 4.9 acres with item by placing it in Don Chapin, Princireach over 60,000 Real Estate 3 bdrm ranchstyle mtn views. S plit 2012. Large compos$275,000 • NW 55918 Snow Goose. Broker, pal The Bulletin Classifieds readers each week. house with a nice floor ite decking, Hardi- level home with upRedmond 541-350-6777 $229,000. 3 bdrm, 2 Your classified ad 757 plan, country kitchen, plank siding. per & lower living •3 bdrm, 2 bath bath near river and Redmond RE/MAX will also appear on nice brick fireplace, $110,000. Financing spaces. $389,776. •Open floor plan 541-385-5809 Sunriver. High Lakes Crook County Homes L and & Hom e s nestled on 4+ acres Available. MLS MLS 201401983 •New paint inside and Realty & Pr o perty Real Estate which currently reCall Don Chapin, Powell Butte q u iet ¹201008671 out Management Prineville High Desert country Cascade View Estates, ceives over lane. Fenced, Principal Br o k er Juniper Realty, •3 car garage, RV park- 2615 Cliff Hawk Court541-536-0117 Estates - 3 bdrm, 2 corral, shed, Redmond - 4 bdrm, 3 1.5 million page 541-350-6777 h op 541-504-5393 ing, XL paver patio Looking for that un- bath home with 2046 bath, 229 0 s q ft area, along withsstor views every month Redmond RE/MAX Beautiful 3 bdrm, 2 bath manuf. home. AmazCheryl Tanler, Broker usual property with sq ft of living. Amazat no extra cost. L and & Hom e s home with den could ing sunset views, well age rooms. 2 acres ir 1 45241 Corral Ct. L a 541-410-7434 the WO W f a c tor? ing Northeast view Bulletin Classifieds be 4th bedroom just established neighbor- rig., mtn and Smith Pine, 3/2, 1620 sq.ft., Real Estate Look no further... Lo- just a bove V a lley Windermere Central Get Results! add closet doors. This hood, on 2 a c res. Rock views. L ocal mfd home on 1 .65 Culver! 10y AcresOregon Real Estate cated on the Des- View Park. Call 385-5809 or small Powell B utte Palm Harbor home MLS¹201400058. acre, shop. $139,900. chutes River with a Set-up for horses, MLS¹201404003, place your ad on-line has custom floor plan, $165,000. Charter School. Cen High Lakes Realty 8 view from $254,900. 3-stall barn, numerDesert Sky sgl level spectacular at tral location commut upgraded lighting & Property M a n agethe deck, this home Scott McLean, ous outbuildings, Scott McLean, 1386 sq.ft. 2 bdrm, 2 has 4 bedrooms and stainless appliances. ing distance to Bend, ment 541-536-0117 Principal Broker Principal Broker guest quarters & bath Eagle C r e st 3.5 bathrooms. There Prineville & Redmond. V ery l arge o p e n 541-408-6908 more. $295,000 541-408-6908 home, open g r eat is a walking trail to the 755 m aster s uite, w i t h Not a bad package at 152671 Long PrairieRealty Executives MLS¹201305577 room floor plan, hot river for s wimming, Realty Executives $ 279,900! 105 2 5 master bath that in$ 249,000. 4 b d r m, Sunriver/La Pine Homes Call Charlie or tub and many upF leming Rd. Cal l 3.55 acres, h orse cludes garden tub, and hiking. Custom b uilt E a g le Virginia, Principal Brogrades. $ 2 3 2,900. picnicking TURN THE PAGE Heather Hockett, PC, walk in s hower & b arn, arena. H i g h If you like to entertain, Crest Resort beauty! 51377 Walling Ln., kers 541-350-3418 MLS201402779. Broker, Century 21 Lakes Realty & Prophouse is perfect. 5 bdrm/3i/~ bath, plus La Pine. cabin on 1.24 double sinks. Comes For More Ads Redmond RE/MAX Lynn Johns, Principal this Gold Country Realty, erty with a 120 sq. ft. stuMan a gement It is designed so that it bonus room and ofacre, pole barn, city Land & Homes The Bulletin Broker, 541-408-2944 541-420-9151 541-536-0117 i n c lude a fice. 4895 sq. ft. Tons utilities. $69 , 000. dio, huge back deck & Real Estate Wes Johns, Broker 541 could is backed on 2 sides mother-in-law or reo f c u stom w o r k. High Lakes Realty & 408-2945 Central Orto BLM. $ 249,000. turning older c h ild $749,000. MLS Property M a n ageegon Resort Realty MLS 201404379 apartment. Property is 201401829. Lynn Johns ment 541-536-0117 10085 Juniper Glen fenced an d c r o ss Principal Bro k e r,Great Horse property. 4 Cascade Realty, Dennis Haniford, Princ. Circle - 2321 sq ft, 3 fended, with a barn & 541-408-2944, Wes loafing shed with Broker 541-536-1731 bdrm, 2.5 bath, office shop. Water J ohns, Broker 5 4 1 stall auto watering opens or formal dining. Great f eature/pond is b i g 408-2945 to fenced area ap Beautiful Custom Built room plan, all pre- enough to keep the Central Oregon prox. 40x80 shed for Home on 7+ acres, mium finishes. kids thinking they are Resort Realty hay or what have you completely f e n ced $392,198. Eagle Crest in heaven on those his p r operty i s and private. Log ExLynn Johns, Principal warm summer after- Desert Sky 2 bdrm, 2 T an d c r o ss terior Home with covBroker, 541-408-2944 noons. All on 10 acres bath E agle C r est fenced with m a ny ered wrap a round or 541-408-2945, Wes with 7.5 acres irri- h ome, 1792 sq. f t . fenced separate Home deck viewing its own Johns, Broker 541 gated from irrigation Great room floor plan, has 2 areas. be d rooms, pond that has been Cascade views. Ga408-2945, Central Or- well. Come take a $259 , 900 2baths both have sky stocked with caffish. egon Resort Realty look - you may just rage. lites, both bedrooms Gazebo and fire pit MLS¹201401138. d ecide to stay ! 10235 Sundance Ridge have walk in closets, along with the maniLynn Johns, Principal $850,000. Lp, Eagle Crest 2681 MLS¹201403099 dining area has built cured property. InteBroker, 541-408-2944 sq. ft., 3 b drm, 2i/2 Wes Johns, Broker 541 in hutch. large living rior is just as amazing Kathy Hansbrough, baths, office & formal r oom and a w o od with log and stone ac408-2945 Central OrBroker dining. 3-car garage. stove to keep you cents, wood floors, tile egon ReMax Key Great room plan. All cozy. Must see this counter tops. Work Resort Realty Properties. premium fi n i shes. 541-408-2998 Cell property to a ppreci area in a s e parate $495,800. Lynn 541-781-0033 Direct Golf course chalet in ate all it has to offer. area with c o vered Johns, Principal BroEagle Crest with ga- $179,900. MLS docks, a 24x36 pole ker, 5 4 1 -408-2944, 7011 Robin Court, barn, Dog Room with rage. New hardwood 201108032 Wes Johns, Broker kennel, green house. f looring. New h e at Cascade Realty, $297,500 541 408-2945. CenMLS pump, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, Dennis Haniford, Princ. $399,000. MLS¹201309021 tral Oregon Resort Fabulous Fairway Vista 18th fairway of Ridge Broker 541-536-1731 201404644 Realty Cascade Realty, 3 bdrm, 2 bath town- Course. $ 2 6 9,000.16404 Burgess Road, Haniford, Princ. home on the 9th fair- MLS 201400035 La Pine. 2 bdrm, t i/2 Dennis Broker 541-536-1731 1036 SW Rimrock way of th e R esort Lynn Johns, Principal bath, 1354 sq. ft. 1.37 Way Redmond New C ourse a t Eag l e Broker, 541-408-2944 acre. $89,900 High comfortable 2 bed construction to be Crest. Fully furnished Wes Johns, Broker 541 Lakes Realty & Prop- Very room 2 b ath manf Built, 1800 Single with double garage. 408-2945 Central Orerty Man agement home on a very clean Story, 3 bdrms., 2 HOA's include water, egon Resort Realty 541-536-0117 corner acre. This is baths, 2 car garage sewer, deck & roof Harrier Ct. & Cooper 151628 Hackamore to sell - must with RV parking and m aintenance, l a wn Hawk Eagle C rest Custom 1325 sq. ft. priced see to appreciate it. Canyon View. Call c are an d a l l th e Resort. 2681 sq. ft., 3 h ome with wo r k - Has ceiling fans and Kevin 541-948-8700 amenities at E a gle bdrms, 2 i/~ baths, of$24 4 ,900. nice laundry room. $259,000. Crest Resort includ- fice and formal dining. shops. Lakes Realty 8 Dining area Lots of ing pools, golf, tennis, RV-Bay + 2-car ga- High Property M a n age- windows, so light and gyms and much more! 1151 Trail Creek Dr, c omfortable W o o d rage. Great r o om ment 541-536-0117 Call Diane B u rns, Eagle Crest 2681 sq. stove included plan. All premium fin- 15468 Ferndale Ct. 3 541-815-2712, or ft., 3 bdrms, 2i/2 baths, $82,500 MLS ishes. $513,380 N ancy Mats o n , bdrm, 2 bath, 1762 office and formal din- 541-420-3123, Princi- Lynn Johns, Principal M M , 0 sq. ft., 1.61 acres. 201400827 ing. 3-car g arage. Cascade Realty, Broker, 541-408-2944 $255,000. High Lakes Great room plan. All pal Brokers Dennis Haniford, Princ. Johns, Broker 541 Realty & Pr o perty Broker 541-536-1731 Heartland Realty LLC Wes premium f i n ishes. 408-2945 Central OrManagement $512,550. Lynn egon Resort Realty 541-536-0117 Johns, Principal Bro- 8434 Forest Ridge Loop Want to impress the ker, 541-408-2944 Killer views of Smith 15715 Sunrise Blvd. 2 $349,900. relatives? Remodel Wes Johns, Broker 541 Rock. SW Santa Fe bdrm, 2 b a th, 1276 MLS¹201401476 408-2945 Central Or- Fabulous, highly upstyle stucco home on sq. ft., 2-car garage. your home with the egon Resort Realty $179,000. High Lakes help of a professional g raded 1 - level, 3 5 acres, 3 b drm, 3 Realty & P r o perty from The Bulletin's 1272 Trail Creek Dri., bdrm, 2.5 bath, For- bath, 2399 sq.ft. Irri15 yr fixed= 4.250% APR- 4.443% P&l pmt= $1377.53 shop and pri- Management "Call A Service Eagle Crest Resort, est Ridge townhome gated, ate c o urt. ML S 541-536-0117 2681 sq. ft., 3 bdrms, on The Ridge Golf v Professional" Directory 30 yr fixed= 3.375% APR- 3.668% P&l pmt= $1984.53 Course at Eagle Crest ¹201405248 2i/2 baths, office and Jacobsen Road, Call Pam 15921 formal dining. 3-car R esort. F ully f u r - $489,900. 3 bar, 2 bath, 1863 Principal Broyou are looking for a garage. Great room n ished-turnkey w i t h Lester, ft., 35x52 shop, IfVery Jumbo 30 yr = 4.375% APR- 4.583% P&l pmt= $3195.43 Unique Home Century 21 Gold sq. plan. All premium fin- 2-car garage, utility ker, 189,900. High Lakes with Awesome Views, Country Realty, Inc. area & epoxy floor. 541-504-1338 ishes. $466,212 Realty 8 Pr o perty check this one out. Purchaseprice $350,000,20% down, Loan amount $280,000,30yearfixed. Lynn Johns, Principal Morning sun and afManagement Beautiful 3 Bdrm, 3.5 Jumbo purchaseprice /value $800,000 — 20% down /equity,$640,000 loan amount. Broker, 541-408-2944 ternoon shade on the M eticulously 541-536-0117 mai n ath, 3528 S q F t , Wes Johns, Broker 541 expansive, partially tained golf c o urse16066 Snowberry Lane, B Offer valid as of 06/13/2013, restrictions may apply.Rates/fees subject to change. OnApproved Credit. 1.86 Acres, vaulted 408-2945. Central Or- covered deck with golf home in 55+ active Stick built 4 bdrm, 2 ceilings, living room, egon Resort Realty course and Ochocco Eagle Crest a d u lt b ath, 1352 s q . f t . family room, dining Mtn views. L a rge 1525 Murrelet Drive. kitchen w i t h tile community, 2381 sq. $139,900. High Lakes room, game room and I ' I ,l• I 'I ' I' I I i I ' Eagle Crest, 2681 sq. countertops, pantry, ft., 3 bdrm, 2 i/~ bath. Realty & Pr o perty laundry room. great Upgrades galore & decks in the front and ft., 3 bdrm, 2i/2 baths, Management vacuum. Cus- mtn. views. 541-536-0117 office & formal dining. central back, pond with a wa •l tom slate f ireplace MLS terfall, L a ndscaped 3-car garage. Great w ith b u ilt-ins a n d $532,6400. 16206 Hawks Lair. 4 201405179 Lynn room plan. All pre- s eating. with sprinkler system. Cust o m 2i/2 bath, 3304 2 Car Garage with mium finishes. shower an d e x t ra Johns, Principal Bro- bdrm, ft . 2 ga r age. additional 40x52 de l $494,550. Lynn storage in the large ker, 5 4 1 -408-2944, sq. n $319,900. High Lakes Wes Johns, Broker Johns, Principal Bro- master with walk-in tached shop and stor ou re never atone w/ren we re doiny your Poan ... Realty 8 Pr o perty 541 408-2945. Cenage buildings. ker, 5 4 1 -408-2944, closet. C a l l D iane Wes Johns, Broker Burns, 541-815-2712, tral Oregon Resort Management $495,000. MLS 541-536-0117 541 408-2945, Cen- or Nancy M atson, Realty 201306582 tral Oregon Resort 541-420-3123, Princi- Single Level Charmer in 16559 Daisy Place 3 Cascade Realty, Realty bdrm, 2i/2 bath, 1397 Dennis Haniford, Pnnc. pal Brokers NW R e dmond f t . , gar age. Broker 541-536-1731 Heartland Realty LLC 1850 Murrelet Dr., $ 315,000. 4 be d - sq. M ORTGAG E C O R P O R A T I O N High Lakes Eagle Crest. 2020 sq rooms, plus o ffice/ $174,000. La Pine Retreat. Realty & P r o perty ft, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, den, 2.5 baths, 2410 Management Looks like a Park! Casey NMLs 189449 je nnifer NMLs 288550 sq ft. Brand new con- 541-536-0117 great room plan, all Take care of 52900 Bridge Rd. premium finishes. struction, fe n cing, $120,000. MLS your investments front lan d scaping,16563 Daisy Place, 2 201401915 Call Don CORP OR ML-2421 CORP NMLS tt3113 $386,290. Lynn Johns, Principal with the help from custom tile. bdrm, t i/2 bath, 1041 Chapin Principal Broker, 541-408-2944 MLS¹201310781 sq. ft., gas fireplace Broker The Bulletin's or Wes Johns, Broker Call Jim Hinton, $149,900. High 541-350-6777 541-408-2945 "Call A Service 541-420-6229. Lakes Realty & Prop- Redmond RE/MAX EQUALHOUSING Central Oregon Oregon Realty erty Man agement Land & Homes 371 SW Upper Terrace Dr., Suite 1, Bend, OR 97702 Professional" Directory Central LENDER Resort Realty 541-536-0117 Real Estate Group, LLC
Sll I.
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Finding the right homeis
hard. td
Homes with Acreage
H o mes with Acreage •
Custom built contem- Spectacular c a nyon,Serene setting on 1.386 .64 Acre Lot in DRRH- Historic Van d evert20.44 Acres - If you 9.55 Acres j $345,000 Cimarron Hills 5 Acre Views! Views! Views! porary raised ranch f armland and m t n. acre lot, looking out Treed lot just a block Ranch. Gated com- want privacy and your • SE Bend View Lot, Prineville. $149,900. Flat, open, for sale by o wner. views, 3 b d rms, 2 over 90 acre pasture, offFoster Road, close munity, views of Mt. own get-away retreat, • Cascade Mountain Ample room to build buildable 9.7 acres in 2706 sq . f t. 3-4 bath, 1582 sq. ft. Re- walking trails, and rec- to Deschutes River, Bachelor across open t his property is i t . views Butte. your dream home just Powell bdrms, 2~/~ baths, verse living at its best. reational park. Beskiing, fishing, La Pine m eadow. Uni q u e Breathtaking views of • Close to BLM land outside of the Prinev- ¹201310923. D a v id spacious kitchen and There is a view from yond the park are State Park and recre- acreage 2.02 acres. the Cascade Moun- • MLS 201404734 i lle ci yt limi t s . Franke, 541-420-5986 dining room, wet bar, e verywhere in t h i s miles and miles of ation. Full-time or va- Offeredat$229,000. tains. Electricity is on Carolyn Priborsky PC, South-easterly views, Central Oregon Realty home. 4.82 a cres, cation living. $22,500. Cate Cushman, the Broker, ABR, granite and heated public land adjoining property. paved roads, quiet Group, LLC stone, new c arpet, plenty of room to build the Deschutes with Call Becky Ozrelic, Principal Broker $144,000. CRS, GREEN natural setting w i ll Where Deer & Elk p rivate study, o a k a shop/garage. Ranch views of snow-capped 541-480-9191 541-480-1884 MLS¹201309974 541-383-4350 make for a great place Roam - 320 acres locabinets, newer heat activities are in f u ll Cascades. Septic inMLS ¹201403352 Call Karolyn Dubois, to call home. Protec- cated up B e lshaw 541-390-7863 tive CC&R's, power, pump, fir e places, swing! $339,000. MLS stalled. Underground Duke Warner Realty e a s t of 541-382-8262 Pozzi wood windows. 201405007. Call power on lo t l i ne. Duke Warner Realty well and septic feasi- Creek Find It in on 4.6 h ighly s e- Linda Lou Day-Wright. $67,500. MLS 541-382-8262 bility all i n p l a ce. Dayville, OR and west Bulletin Classifieds! "Builders S p e cial". of Mt. Vernon, OR. cluded, heavily 541- 771-2585 Crooked 201310707 914 Highland View LP. The541-385-5809 MORRIS Just bought a new boat? w ooded acres b e River Realty Nancy Popp Principal Eagle Crest, .44 acre Call for seller partici- Water guzzler with REAL ESTATE Sell your old one in the 1000 gallon trough for lot with p anoramicMountain views from classifieds! Ask about our t ween Bend & T u Broker, 541-815-8000 pation. $80,000. MLS wildlife. Add i tional malo, 3-car garage, Twin Lakes Ranch 5 Crooked River Realty Cascade Mtn views, 1.4 acres located off a ¹201404537 Super Seller rates! Acre Family Homeacreages available. irrig.system and waback to BLM, Bring paved road. Come Scott McLean, 541-385-5809 Owner w il l c a r ry. Amazing Sunsets! Big ter feature. $589,900 3 bdrm, 3 bath with $90,000 • 56119-56135 your builder or use Principal Broker built that dream home, 3.18 acres g randfa- Cascade Mountain & 2042 sq living space. Solar Dr. $172,000. 541-410-2098 or Sr541-408-6908 ours. $134,900. MLS power and water at thered in. Septic and D eschutes Call Duke Warner Built in 2005. Mani- •1.24 acres on channel Rive r siewert©bendbroad¹201307060 Realty Executives the road. $ 34,900. w ater o n t h e l o t , views. 5.89 acres with cured front & b a ck of t h e De s chutes Lynn Johns, Principal Realty Dayville, MLS 201206664 541-987-2363 lawns, flower beds. River power at th e r oad. 2 a cres i r rigation.Land in Madras - Prime Broker, 541-408-2944 Linda Lou Day-Wright. sprinkler •Community park and Wes Johns, Broker 541 MLS 2012 0 8989 Property borders Tu- and ready to b uilt, MLS¹201301683 Great location w/unob- Automated 541771-2585 a m azing boat ramp (t block) $79,900. Call Linda m alo S t at e P a r k . 2.44 acres located in 408-2945 Central Or- Crooked River Realty structed view of 8 mtn system, 775 Powell Bu t t e/Cas-•Less than 4 miles to Lou Day- W right Room for everyone an area of nice homes egon Resort Realty peaks. Nestled be- cade Mountain views, Sunriver Resort ever y thingl and conveniently near Manufactured/ Stunning view acreage 541-771-285 Crooked and tween Bend & Red- and tons of room for Bill Kammerer, Broker $1,295,000. Black Butte Ranch of surrounding buttes, River Realty Mobile Homes mond and only mo- play - f o rts, t rails, town. Lot is easy to 541-410-1200 Perfect location for Culver ag r i cultural320 Acres of Excep- MLS¹201303572 develop with w ater m ents away f r o m seasonal creek, play Windermere Call Jaynee Beck, fields, Crooked River your custom home. 20720 Hoopskirt Hwy. 97 for an easy structure, s a ndbox, tional Hunting and power nearby. Central Oregon 541-480-0988 Large wooded corner canyon. With water, Grounds - Located Owner terms may be 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1800 c ommute. Built i n basketball court! Don't Real Estate Duke Warner Realty .54 ac r e s. power at paved road lot, sq.ft., front and back 1994 on 2.5 a cres south of Canyon City available. $ 6 4 ,950 the massive 541-382-8262 $239,000 and septic approval. in the Murders Creed decks, needs carpet ¹201303181 w/2494 sq.ft. of living forget $52,500 • Bend 40x50 s hop/garage 1 .77 f l a t acr e s . unit. Cate Cushman, and a little tender love space. Oversized liv- with 12' doors to store Ti m ber , 2 Badlands WildernessJodi Clark, Principal building lot Principal Broker $59,900. MLS spring-fed and care. $49,500. po n d s, Out your back door! Broker, 541-771-8731 ing room & d i ning all the toys. 2 outdoor •6500+ sq.ft. homesite 541-480-1884 201402224 Bends Premier 55+ room make comfort- fire-pits with b r ick, •Close to schools season creek, fenced 20 acre homesite with Century 21 Nancy Popp Principal on 3 sides, LOP tags. CUP and mountain Gold Country Realty Adult Mfd Home able environment for river rock & shale de•Easy commute to Broker, 541-815-8000 Community. family living & enter- signs. Custom paint views. $18 0 ,000. Redmond $289,000. Breathtaking mtn views Crooked River Realty Cascade Village taining. New 5-panel inside; heat pump and •Utilities at property Call Duke Warner P ossible term s . Land in Powell Buttefrom 2-acre lot short Homes N.W. LLC fir doors & glass panel certified wood stove Realty Dayville, MLS¹201304808. Diana Barker, Vacant Lot in Crooked 480 acres, very rural distance from Des- River Ranch $34,500. 541-388-0000 541-987-2363 front door. Oak lami- perched on gorgeous Broker Call Kit Korish, setting yet minutes to chutes River, Steel- Level & treed buildnate flooring in living rock 541-480-7777 MLS¹201208906 541-0480-2335 Bend, Redmond and FACTORYSPECIAL hearth. head F a ll s and able lot, 1.44 acres. r oom, hallways & Windermere Duke Warner Realty Prineville. Wide open New Home, 3 bdrm, world-renowned fish- Enjoy all the ameniThe Bulletin's baths. 4 bdrms, 3 are $399,000. 541-382-8262 Central Oregon views in all directions, $46,500 finished MLS¹201403598. ing. Secluded build- ties or ranch living. master suites. New Scott McLean, Real Estate "Call A Service and contiguous to on your site. B eautiful 20-A c r e ing site. $79,900 MLS ¹ 201309880. Hardi-plank s i d ing, Principal Broker Gai l Professional" Directory thousands of acres of J and M Homes H omesite w i t h 1 0 BLM lands. Prineville 60763 G ol f Vi l lage 201310710 r oof, t r im , wa t e r Day, 5 4 1-306-1018 541-548-5511 541-408-6908 is all about meeting acres irri g ation. Reservoir 6 m i l es. Loop, .4 acre, over Nancy Popp Principal Central Oregon Reh eater an d la w n . Realty Executives $349,900. looks pond. Broker, 541-815-8000 alty Group, LLC your needs. Reduced TO $30,000! $344,000. MLS $495,000 Call Tammy Settlemier, $ 199,0000. Pa m i r Crooked River Realty ¹201400552. 2006 Super G o od ¹201303656 Ultimate family home, Call on one of the 541-410-6009 773 Properties, Inc., Mara Cents 1296 sq.ft. 3 John L. Scott Real Jodi Clark, Principal 4 bdrms, 3 baths on MLS¹201401808 Stein, Broker professionals today! Advertise your car! Estate 541-548-1712 Acreages Broker, 541-771-8731 bdrms, 2 full baths, over 7 acres, 20x40 Duke Warner Realty 541-420-3400. Add A Picture! walk in closets, all heated pool. 4005 Century 21 541-382-8262 Reach thousands of readers! 32.42 Acres in Urban appl., plus freezer. Gold Country Realty Lake Front P roperty NW Helmholtz Way, $575,000• Powell Butte Call 541-385-5809 5.77 acres, elevated, Growth Bo u ndary, Very clean, must be B uild Y o u r Dr e a m with Bre a thtaking $399,000. MLS •Panoramic views from The Buffetin Clnssifieds S W Q u ai l Ro a d , Adjacent t o The moved 541-382-6650 Crooked River Ranch Home Here 10 acres Views! $69 9 ,999. 201305932 Call Land in Prineville 20 this country home Greens, kitty corner to at the H ighland at acre $90,000. Pamir Remodeled in 2006. TRAVIS HANNAN, •S pacious, light a n d acres, very private Broken Top Lot j Properties, Inc., Mara new Ridgeview High Broken Top, setting with amazing Loft area, spacious Principal Br o k er made with quality Call a Pro $239,900 $7 5 0 ,000. $525,000. Stein, Broker School. master suite, 3 fire- 541-788-3480 views looking over the Whether you need a •6.75 acre property, pri • .44 acre lot on MLS ¹ 201 2 03193 Call 541-420-3400. Jacque Sebulsky, places, 4 bedrooms, 2 Redmond RE/MAX valley below. Power is vately gated cul-de-sac Pam Lester, Principal fence fixed, hedges 541-280-4449 or Land & Homes bathrooms, 4500 sq ft near, but not on the Bill Kammerer, Broker • Partial golf course 20+ ACRES in West Broker, Century 21 Michele Anderson, on 6.8 acres. MLS¹ Real Estate trimmed or a house 541-410-1200 Powell Butte Estates, Gold Country Realty, property. Great buildview 541-633-9760. 2 01400129. Da v i d ing site on top of the Windermere • Level site with pine gated com m unity, Inc. 541-504-1338 built, you'll find 763 MLS 201310547 Franke, 541-420-5986 h ill. $110, 0 0 0 mtn. views, private Central Oregon trees professional help in Warner Realty Central Oregon Realty Recreational Homes ¹201404078 Real Estate • MLS 201402848 well, paved roads with 5.17 acres. 65694 Old Duke 541-382-8262 Group, LLC Jodi Clark, Principal The Bulletin's "Call a a ccess t o BLM . Bend/Redmond Hwy, Christy Hartman& Property FIND IT! $169,000 MLS Mtn view, power, wa- B uild Y o u r DeCourcey, Dr e a m Broker, 541-771-8731 Service Professional" Sgg (7 I ter, septic approved. Home Here - 10 acres Century 21 201305077. Near Smith Rock, gor- Cabin hidden in woods Principal Broker Directory Gold Country Realty 541-312-7263 Pam Lester, Principal $174,000 O.B.O. Call at the Highlands at geous 3 bdrm, 3 bath, on trout stream, 637 SELL IT! Brad 541-419-1725, 541-385-5809 B roker Century 2 1 3190 sq.ft. $694,000 Broken Top. acres, 75 mi. from The Bulletin Classifieds ¹ 201300784. Cal l Gold Country Realty, or Deb 541-480-3956. $525,000. L evel, u sable 5 . 6 4 Bend, $695k. debraObendbroad Inc. 541-504-1338 Linda Lou Day-Wright. 541-480-7215 1483 Trail Creek Court MLS¹20'I310547. acres w/s t unning 780 541- 771-2585 Crooked .39 acre lot in Eagle views. Mfd JMobile Homes Call Jacquie Sebulsky, Cascade 16535 SW Chinook Dr. The Bulletin River Realty Crest with Cascade 541-280-4449 or Community/ w a t er, MORRIS 5.68 acre rim lot w/ 7.175 Unique acres lowith Land mtn. views and end of To Subscribe call Michele Anderson, power avail.. 10 min. REAL ESTATE amazing Smith Rock, cated on a paved road c ul-de-sac/ Flat l o t 541-633-9760. to Terrebonne shop541-385-5800 or go to Ready for Your Toys! Crooked River & mtn. Power and water at Linda Drive, La ping and highway ac- 1146 3 bdrm, 2 bath over that backs to B LM. views Located on the the road. L o cated Duke Warner Realty Pine. double wide, 2 Bring you builder or Hager Mountain Estates pavement close to the near Steelhead Falls. 541-382-8262 cess. $59,900. MLS car 2000 sq. ft. on 2 garage, s h op use ours! $175,000. 4 lots, $25,000 each lo- e ntrance o f C R R . $106,500. 201400715 acres. $ 1 8 5,000. 771 MLS $98,000. High Lakes MLS ¹201403407 BULLETIN CLASSIFIEBS Nancy Popp Principal MLS 20 1 4 02162 201106739 cated in Silver Lake. owner w il l ca r r y. Lots Realty & Pr o perty Lynn Johns, Principal Broker, 541-815-8000 Search the area's most Travis Han n a n, Underground power $225,000. MLS Linda Lou Day-Wright. Management 541- 771-2585 comprehensive listing of Crooked River Realty Principal Br o k er 13601 SW Canyon Dr. Broker, 541-408-2944 and conduit for phone 201106408. Juniper 541-536-0117 Wes Johns, Broker 541 and internet. Views of Realty 541-504-5393 classified advertising... 541-788-3480 Crooked River Realty 1.13 acres in CRR, 408-2945 Central Orreal estate to automotive, Lot 21 SW Chipmunk Redmond RE/MAX Hager Mountain. SepMt. Jefferson views, egon Resort Realty SW Chinook Dr. 7 965 SW R i ver R d . merchandise to sporting Land & Homes Rd, CRR. 5.16 level USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! tic feasibility for stan- 16685 Access to the propCRR. 6.9 acres with 2.79 a cres, g r eat goods. Bulletin Classifieds acres, with 2 storage Real Estate erty from 2 streets ex- 1.71 acres, septic ap- d ard system. T h e Crooked River a nd Door-to-door selling with views near the Desarea is a sportsman's Smith Rock views, all chutes River. and ter- appear every day in the s heds. Partial m t n pands the possible p roved power a nd fast results! It's the easiest print or on line. view. community waparadise. building sites. owner water at the street. Need help fixing stuff? util. installed. owner rific fishing at Steelter installed. $60,000 way in the world to sell. Bobbie Strome, Call 541-385-5809 Call A Service Professional will carry. $ 58,500 $39,900 ¹201307972 will carry. $189,000 head Falls. $49,000 Principal Broker ¹201300800 ¹201106385 Linda Lou Day-Wright. ¹20'l009429 find the help you need. MLS 201008671. Juniper Realty The Bulletin Classified John L Scott Real Juniper Realty 541- 771-2585 Juniper Realty Juniper Realty 541-504-5393 The Bulletin Estate 541-385-5500 541-385-5809 541-504-5393 Crooked River Realty 541-504-5393 541-504-5393 Serving CenOalOregon since 1$8 •
Real Estate
• •
• '
• ~
• '
~PR~ 2989 NE HOPE - $299,900 • 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths • Bonus Room • Hardwood Floors
2998 Rainier Dr - $259,900
2750 Great Horned Place - $264,900
ESTIMATED COMPLETION — August, 2014 ESTIMATED COMPLETION — OCTOBER, 2014 Home will be similar to home pictured • 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths Home will be similar to home pictured. Home will be similar to home pictured. • Bonus Room Upstairs • One Level • Master On Main • 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths • 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths
B •
• •
' • I I I
• •
,RR •B
3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths 1460 Sq Ft • Va ulted Ceilings • CentralAjr • Fully Fenced RaChel K8hler, BrOker 541-815-3658
• • • • • • •
Single Level Overlooking 12'" Fairway 3750 Square Feet 4 Beds, 4.5 Baths Gourmet Kitchen Myrtle Hardwood Floors Separate Casjta with Full Bath and partial kitchen Shelly Hummel, Broker 541-480-8523 •
• • • • •
3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths 1693 Square Feet New Construction Master Suite on Main Light and Bright Gourmet Kitchen RV Parking
• •
Fully Landscaped
Shelly Hummel, Broker 541-480-8523
' ' ' l l
3 Beds, 2.5 Baths, + Office
Open Floor Plan Mountain Views
Alley Access 2 Car Garage RaChel K8hler, BrOker 541-815-3658 •
B• B •Bn • • I
• •
$100,510 • 24865 Elk Lane, Bend 97701 • 3 Beds, 2 Baths • 1026 Square ft • 4. 9 Acres
• •
$102,414 • 1334 Hackett Dr, LaPine • 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths • 1782 Sq Ft $102,8M • 52674 SE Ammon Rd, LaPine • 4 Beds, 2 Baths • 1728 Square ft
• 3 Beds, 2 Baths • Op en Floor Plan • 4. 9 Acres • Luxury Tile and Stone Accents Throughout • Ou tdoor Living Space With Bar, Outdoor Fireplace, Fjre-pjt, And Multi-level Paver Patio T8rris ROSers, Broker 541-390-7878
$469,900 • • • • • • •
3 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths 21 36 Square Feet 2 M asters-O ne on Main Easterly Views End Unit Wo od and Slate Floors High Ceilings
Shejjy Hummej, Broker 54g-4SO-85gg
$106,646 • 1890 West Pierce St, Burns • 3 Beds, 2 Baths • 1218 Square ft •
• •
$134,473 • 16326 Carrington Ave, Bend, 97707 • 3 Beds, 2 Baths• 1404 Square Ft• 1.17 Acres
• I
Please Visit for more info and availability. •
PleaSe Call DOnna R8mS8y,
Principal Broker 541-420-6267
• '
• •
g 60284 Patriot Lane - Lot 19
• Quiet neighborhood in NE Bend • Level lot — easy to build on • Easyaccess to Cascade Village Shopping and nearby schools • .12 acre lot in a great location for only $65,000 MLS¹201400087 Call Myra Girod, Broker j 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker j 541-788-6767
• Only 7 minutes from downtown • Tetherow is a planned 700 acre community backingto national forest and is the perfect home base for discovering the best of Central Oregon from biking and hiking, rafting and kayaking, or dining and shopping
• 4 bedrooms, 3 baths
Contact Brian for more information or a private tour.
• Convenient to schools & Old Mill
Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker, Director of Lot Sales 541-408-3912 i
• • 8 •
s •
• 1727 SF, 2-story • Financing as little as 5% down • Landscaped and fenced yard • New exterior paint MLS¹201403463 Call CJ Neumann, Broker 541-410-3710 or Lisa Lamberto, Broker 541-610-9697
• • •
New Master Planned Townhome Development in Midtown! • 3 bedroom townhomes starting at $252,500 • 4 units now under construction • Price includes custom level finishes with full landscaping, slab quartz countertops and energy efficient construction • Locationsupportsthe active Bend lifestyle with easyaccessto parks, trails, river and downtown
Call BrianLadd,Principal Brokeri 541-408-3912 brlan©
• 1727 SF, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths • Hardwood floors, gas fireplace • New exterior paint, newer water heater • Large fully fenced & landscaped • On cul-de-sac and near park • Multiple living and dining spaces MLS¹201405361
• Build your dream on this 1.52 acre Westside home sitefeaturing mature landscape & impressiveCascade Mountain views • Generous oversized lot offers privacy & flexibility for many design options • Situated in a cul-de-sac location with expansive views • Close proximity to river trail, neighborhood park & downtown Bend
Call Nicolette Jones, Broker j 541-241-0432
Call Shelly Swanson, Broker j 541M8-0086
' • • ee 8 •
n • •
• 5private acres,1.9acres irrigation — in-ground, pop-up sprinkler system • Elegant 3300 SF,4bedroom, 4 bath home • Top quality finishes,tall vaulted ceilings, timber frameaccents • Single level, 2 mastesui r tes • Huge windows overlook irrigated pasture surroundedbytrees • Oversized3-cargarage MLS¹201310154
Call Kelly Horton, Broker j 541-508-9163
Call Ron Davis, Principal Broker j 541-480-3096
• Stunning Shevlin Ridge one level home, large 3-car garage • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 3456 SF • Mountaininspired custom home • Upscale popular neighborhood • Gorgeous craftsmanship • Large kitchen, living space • Expanded deck & landscaping for rear privacy MLS¹201310941 Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker j 541-408-3912
kelly© ~ brlan©
• 45 acres • 4100 SF, home, barn, shop • Irrigation • Magnificent views • Shown by appointment MLS¹201405310
• '
. •
Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerj 541-408-3912
Call Nicolette Jones, Broker j 541-241-0432
• 53557 Kokanee$490,000 Stunning custom home and lot with panoramic/river views. Large shop. MLS¹201304072 • 53610 Brookie -$420,000 Mature forest setting, private river access. Eco-conscious, Scandinavian inspired home. MLS¹201303936 • 14234Whitewater Lp - $425,000 Quality custom home with incredible workmanship: hickory cabinets, oak rails & floors. MLS¹201305640
• Live, work and play on this 3.21 acres • 2592 SF home, 5000 SF shop • Located between Bend & Redmond • Master on main, 500 SF bonus room • Guest suite in shop • Custom cabinets, wood doors & trim MLS¹201405371
63168 Peale Street, Bend • Don't miss this wonderful one owner craftsmen home in quality neighborhood • No HOA's • 3 bedrooms, with a nice office/den with built-ins, 2.5 bath, 2293 SF. • RV/ boat parking, open floor plan, granite counters, wood floors, huge backyard, open great room • Storage shed and so much more • Call for private showinq! MLS¹201405529 Call Mary Stratton, Broker, j 541-419-6340
• •• • 8 •
60699 Golf Village Loop • 3672 SF on 1.04 acre • 4 bedrooms, 3 full & 2 half baths • Large office, bonus room • Two living areas • Floor to ceiling stone fireplace • Australian cypress hardwood flooring • Well maintained • 5-car garage MLS¹201400563
• Three-story, 3 beds, 3.5 baths • Views from every floor, 2 decks • FantasticDeschutes
' -'
• Great accessibility to Old Mill • State-of-the-art security & lighting • Custom upgrades: wood & brick work MLS¹201404903
Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker j 541408-3912+
~ C a ll Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR,SFR,GREEN ~ 541-7884861 j bendluxuryhomes©
• 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3167 SF • Rooftop terrace Cascade View • Gourmet kitchen, built-ins ' • Walking access to town/trails • Upgrades throughout • 2-car garage, personal elevator MLS¹201311003 see video at
Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerj 541408-3912• brlan©
17940 Parkway Lane ( $335,000 •e
• 8• 8
• 3 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, 6512 SF • Southern facing custom home on two lots in BrokenTop • Designed by Neil Houston & custom built by Madsen Construction • Boasts natural stone, slate, granite, black walnut floors, knotty alder& mahoganycabinetsand4fireplaces •Largekitchenw/top-of-the-line Dacor,Bosch& GEAdvantium appliances &slabgranite countertops ML S ¹201309149 • Deb Tebbs, Broker/President j 541-419-4553 ~ debtebbs i
63109 De Haviland Court, Bend • Adorable home with covered porch andopenfloor plan • Appliance package,air conditioning, forced air heat & gas fireplace • 1282 SF, 3 bedrooms,2.5 baths • Detached 2-car garage •Easyaccesstojustabout everything MLS¹201405994
• Permitted GP building w/living quarter/loft • Bath, laundry area, septic, well & pumphouse • RV hookups inside & out, 100 amp breaker in shop • Great location between Sisters & Bend • Build your dream home while you live in loft area or your Rv MLS¹201301490
Call Joanne McKee, Brokeri 541-480-5159
Call Chris Sperry, Principal Broker j 541-749-8479 chrls©
• Crooked Riverfrontage with views of river,Smith Rockand Cascade Mountains • 105 acres with 39 acres irrigation • Custom 4773SF, 3bedroom, 4 bath home with viewsof river • Shop/RVgarage64x48 • Partial covered arena100x250, horsebarn with stalls & paddocks •Guesthome-1700 SF,3 bedroom,2 bath •Equipment/haypolebarn&bunkhouse • Private location, gated & 10minutesto Redmond MLS¹201 406034
• • • • • •
7991 SF 2.8 acres with 400' of private river frontage 800 SF guest cabin 4 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, indoor lap pool River & golf front property Adjacent 3.49 acre lot available at $799,000
Charming & SpaciousWestside Home) $459,000
Close to Town Country Living( $815,000
• Beautiful front yard plantings ' • Charming wrap-around porch • Spaciousroomsandspaces • Hardwood & slate floors on main level • Wood-wrappedwindows • 4 bedroom,3.5 bath, 2858SF MLS¹201406006
• 4 bed, 3 bath, 3381 SF • 10 irrigated acres w/wheel line I Cas cade views • Shop, 1 - 2 cargarage+ office & den • Shop, 2 - 5 cargarage • 2 ponds MLS¹201308637
Call Pam Mayo-Phillips, Principal Broker
Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerj 541408-3912
Call The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers
Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker j 541-480-2356
541-923-1376 j
541-312-4042 j www
1450 NW 17th St. Redmond( $227,000
61664 Rigel Way
20366 (Lot 3) Chase Road, Bend ) $274,000 • 1552 SF, 3 bed, 2.5bath, new
• 4 Bed, 2.5 bath 2188 SF • Lots of upgrades • Master on main • Large bonus room • Fireplace, tile counters • Fenced backyard • Close to shopping and dry canyon MLS¹201405411
construction '
• I
', 5 $
• Master onmainlevel, vaulted ceilings,openfloor plan • Quality ffnishes: tile countertops &
floor s , engineered woodfloors
• Fencedyard, landscaped, acrossthe street frompark • Additional homes &floor plansavail. MLS¹201310968
Call Rod Hatchell, Broker I 541-728-8812
Call Bruce Boyle, Broker I 541-408-0595
On the Dry Canyon - Redmond ( $259,000
• 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2364 SF • Master on the main • Huge bonus room • RV parking • Hardwood floors • Tiled baths • Gorgeous landscaping
Call Melanie Maitre, BrokerI 541-480%186
• Single level 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1618SF • All on 1/2 acre, openfloor plan • Sun room areaoff living room • Great deck for entertaining " • Oversized 2-car garageand room for the RV MLS¹201405908 Call Rod Hatchell, Broker I 541-728-8812 '
Wonderful Single Level Home in SWBend J$319,950 First Class "Snowbird" Property ~ $365,000
Peaceful Sunriver Location ( $398,880
Snap Shot Loop ( $479,750
• 17613 (¹10)SparksLane,Sunriver • 4 bed/2.5 bath, 1810SF • Decks on levelsandlots of paved parking area • Charming greatroom design • Lava rockfireplace, vaulted wood ceiling • Close to SHARC aquatic & the
• All in one 48x72building with 2000+ SF of customized liigaea uergiiirtin • 3 bays (42'RVstorage), 2 story living with great room Q 2 master bedrooms, tiled baths, gourmetkitchen • Views & moreon 5acres MLS¹201405705 Call Laina Ryan, Principal Broker, GRII 541-419-7540 laina©
2968 Chianti ( $499,000
Desirable Awbrey Village ( $525,000
19442 Cliffrose Drive • 3 bedroom, 2 baths,1656SF • Move in ready • Newer carpet • Newer interior paint • Great ffoor plan • Tiled baths m • Beautifully landscaped • RV Parking Call Melanie Maitre, BrokerI 541-480-4186 '
:.: • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2679 SF • Large bonus room • 4-car garage • Meticulously maintained MLS¹201404719 Call Greg Barnwell, Broker I 541-848-7222
Brand New Construction In Tetherow •Cascade Mountainviews! •ChristianGladuDesignhomeand TimberlineConstruction collaborated to designthisspacious&efficient homeinTetherowGolf Club • Homepositionedfor passivesolar ainsand2ndfloor viewsof Cascades • urrently under constructionand slated tobecompletethissummer! Call formoredetails! Call Shelly Swanson, BrokerI 541-408-0086
' '
Call Greg Barnwell, Broker I 541-848-7222
• 3 bedroom,2bath, 2178SF • Light & brightbonusroom/ art studio • Open greatroom • Tile floorswith radiant in-floor heat • 2 individualsingle+Garages • Multiple outdoorliving spaces MLS¹201404995
• Two-car tandem garage MLS¹201402948
Call Jodi Kearney, BrokerI 541-693-4019
18815 Peony Place ( $980,000
Awbrey Butte with Mt. Views ~ $1,250,000
Little Deschutes River ( $1,450,000
• Beautiful custom Widgi Creek home • 3 suites, master on each floor • Slab granite, hardwoods, stainless steel appliances • Overlooks the 6th green and pond • Triple car garage
,ur, 4 ¹n„'p
1985 NW Perspective Dr. • 24" Turkish Travertine tile floors • MexicanCanterastone @ Fireplaces/hood
gaaa x
• Custom wrought-iron raihngs & accents • Expansive deck w/mt. views • Main level master & guestroom • 4 bedrooms,4.5 baths,4900SF • .52acre lot
Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker I 541-508-9581
Call Ken Renner, Principal BrokerI 541-280-5352
• 562+ Acres with river frontage,
timber, meadows,wildlife & undisturbed beauty • 10 tax lots • Currently summerpasture • Private estate or development of prime homesites? • Bring alloffers MLS¹ 201400791 Call Laina Ryan, Principal Broker, GRII 541-419-7540 laina©
• Custom Pahlisch built
• Shop/RV garage • 5 bedroom • No HOA's • Close to CE Lovejoy's Shopping Center • Priced to sell
• Amazing finishes, not a drive by • Office/den or guest suite on main level • Bonus room or 5th bedroom • 10 ft. coffered ceilings in the great room
a or text Jane F oo, Bro er 541-350-9993
Call or text Jane Flood, Broker I 541-350-9993 janeflood00©
19134 Chiloquin Drive • Desirable Westside single level home situated on one of the largest home sites in Shevlin Pines • Meticulously maintained with sleek high-end interior finishes throughout • Beautifully designed 3 bedroom plus den/office offering lots of light • Covered outdoor living spaces create a perfect area for entertaining • Close proximity to Shevlin Park, schools, shopping and downtown Bend
Call Shelly Swanson, Broker I 541-408-0086
••8 Tj": a
• 5 beds, 3 baths, 2971 SF • 5 acres, 3 acres irrigated • 3-Stall barn • FULL CASCADE VIEWSI • Must see inside! • Close to town! MLS¹201402091
Carol Osgood & Korren Bower, Brokers 541-504-3839
61455 Ward Rd., Bend ) $649,000
Call Ken Renner, Principal BrokerI 541-280-5352
a g •
Call Melanie Maitre, Broker I 541-480-4186
Call Jordan Grandlund, Principal Broker 541-420-1559 or Stephanie Ruiz, Broker 541-948-5196
NW Bend Contemporary ) $649,000
3234 NW Bungalow Ct • 4 beds, 3.5 baths, 2740 SF • 0.23 acre lot • Cul-de-sac • Classic Craftsman design • Open floor plan • Bonus area
• Gorgeoushomesits overlooking golf course&CascadeMtnson 1.78 acrelot •Thishomehasthefinestof fini shesthroughout • Gourmetkitchenw/Viking appliances,slabgranite, MasassaTeakbar imported fromSouth Afri ca,mastersuiteonthemain,custom built-ins,soundsystems,etc. • Amazingoutdoor living with waterfeature plusa1835SFgaragewith RV parkingwith full hookups MLS¹201405401
•2completed luxurytownhomes • 4bedroom,3.5 bathroom • 2540 SF Ik 2-carattached garage • Granite, hardwood &tile throughout • Easyliving n apark-iike settmg • Ownerprivilegesat Seventh Mountain Resort • Nextto WidgiCreek&theDeschutes RiverTrail MLS¹201307670
8• 8
• •
'a •
• 8• 8
ar 'IaI
• 2355 SF on .53 acres • 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths • Oversized 3-car garage • 2 living areas and a sunroom • Lake and golf course views at Widgi Creek! • This private, turn key residence has been primarily used as a vacation home and is in immaculate move-in condition! Priced to sell! Call Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR, Green 541-788-4861 I bendluxuryhomes©
• 8•
• Sit in your backyardandenjoy being at the park • Property is fenced & crossfenced with New Zealand fencing • 35 acres of flood irrigation with 2 ponds • 4 stall horse barn with tack room,36x60shop wired with 220 • Home is updatedwith hardwoodfloors, tile floors & counter tops in kitchen,granite counter tops in bathrooomandnew vinyl windowsthroughout • Lots of room forsheep,cattle & horses • Property is totally self-sufficient MLS¹201403979 Call Kerri Jo Talburt, Broker I 541-980-7911
• • • • •
Situated on a private, flat lot Backs Anderson Ranch 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths 2828 SF on .23 acre 2-car garage with storage
• 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • Master, utility, kitchen and office all on main level • Views of Smith Rock and City of Redmond • Wall of windows • Heated travertine floors • Knotty alder solid wood doors MLS¹20140626
• Private outdoor hot tub
• Top quality finishes throughout • Convenient, desirable location Call Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR, Green 541-788-4861 I
Call Rhona McHugh, Broker I 541-550-6137 rhonda.mchugh©
• 4 bedrooms (2 main level suites), 3 baths • 3299 SF, .24 acre • One owner custom home with many quality features • Open, inviting great room, additional family room • 3-car tandem garage /2 with storage • Surround sound, radiant in-floor heat, heat pump, central A/C, wired for security. Call for more info! MLS¹201400474
allsilvia ig t, ro er, , reenlS bendluxuryhomes@
• Inspired mountain contemporary home • Master suite 8c junior master • Dramatic architecture • High ceilings • COBA Tour-level finishes/upgrades • Premium lot includes golf membership Call Brian Ladd, Principal BrokerI 541-408-3912
• Private riverfront setting10 acres
• 5544 SF custom home 4 bed, 3 bath • Quality Finishes - hardwood floors, granite countertops, 2 masters • 3-car garage and detached 2220 SF shop/garage • Patios, decks, landscaped to enjoy the outdoor living • Fly fish or float from your front yard! MLS¹201302701 Pam Mayo-Phillips, or roo avens, 541-6040788, Principal Brokers I www.desertva!!
• Situated on just over 4 acres on Bend's 'iig Westside • Hard to find mountain and river views • Tuscan-inspired architecture • Efficient ICF construction • Byzantine marble patios • Stone and rich woods tastefully placed • 5 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, 10,556 SF Call The Norma DuBoisand Julie Moe eam, ro ers 541-312-4042 I
' l l
,tg<',~g r
• • •-
l ••
,r BB}IM
/ I I s di
grl h
M OUNTAINHIGHf$329,900 ' 1894 sq ft • 2 bedroom, den, 2 bath • 60816 SE Wilow Creek Loop
• MLS 201405630
541-tf39-6140 • MLS 201401911
541-350-4112 • MLS 201307141
• 5 bedroom, 6 bath
AWBREY BUlTE f $664,900
• 2272 sq.ft. farmhouse • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Breathtaking Cascade views
KARIHJOHHSOH, • 10 acres, 8 mountain views BROKER • 8000 sq.ft. home
• 2822 sq.ft. Craftsmanstyle • 4 bedroom,2.5 bath • .49acre, fenced backyard 541-815-4786 • MLS 201405675 PDElTE ADAIR, BROKER , S.T.A.R.
GREG IAHGHAIM • 2817 sq.ft. remodeled BRpKER ~ • 4 b edroom, 3 bath •
+ Cascade Mountain views
541-316-5903 • MLS 201405709
v" .l '}'
SUNRISE VILLAGEf $635,000 • Remodeled3705 sq.ft.
• 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath • Office
541-948-9606 • MLS 201306633
4.34 ACR ES, SEBENDf $62S,OOD LYHHE CONHELLEY • 2100 sq.ft. single level • 3 bedroom, 2 bath BRpKERCRS • Earth Advantage, xeriscaped 541-408-6720 • MLS 201405568
• 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath,2606 sq.ft.
JOHN SHIPPEHIROKER IA MR CR 5 ' GII ' 541-312-7273 541-948-9090
• 6.4 acres • HugeCascadeMountainviews
• MLS 201307561
SUNRISE VILLAGEf $575~ • 2401 sq.ff • 3 bedroom,2bath • .33acre, large deck • MLS 201405587
SUNRIVER f $515,000
' 2415 "I " JANESTRELL BROKERABR GRI • 3 bedroom,2 bath
• Close to paths, river & forest
541-948-1998 • MLS 201404216
ilh =
elI t
DESC HUIESRIVERFRONTf SSSDJNB MICHE LLEIISDELPC, • 1934 sq.ft,, huge windows • 3 bedroom, 2 bath BROKER, ABR,
541-390-3490 • MLS 201405115
541-917-5811 • MLS 201402046
• Paver patio, fire pit
ASPENRIM f $509,900 • 3056 sq.ft. Renaissance built • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • Chef's kitchen, outdoor stone FP
CASCADE VIEWS f $425,000 • 2736 sq.ft. Iog home
' 3 bedioom 3 5 bat" ECO BROKER,PIEVIEWS ' 4.49 acres, backs state land
541-480-7501 • MLS 201401158
4 bednx}rn, 2 bath • 19.9 acres, Cascade views
541-588-0687 • MLS 201404143
SW REDMONDf $374,900 • 3540 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • Ochoco & SmithRockviews
• MLS 201402758
BROKER , CERTIFIED ' 3 bedroorn, 2 bath • Paver patio water feature NEGQTITAOR
541-706-1897 • MLS 201405084
NW BENDf $410,000 ROSEMA RYGOOBWIH • 1637 sq.h
NE BENDf $359,500 SUSAN AGU,
• 3 bedroom,2.5 bath • One year home warranty
541-408-3773 • MLS 201404531
NWBENDf $349,000 KPlT HUGGIN, • 2184 sq.ft. condo
• 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Fully finished basement 541-322-1500 • MLS 201404868 BROKER, GRI
~ D ESERT SKIES f $347,500 MARK VALCEKHINIPC, BROKER , CRS, • 4 b edroom, 2.5 bath
541 383 4364 ' MLS 201405448
541-312-7271 • MLS 201310090
• Landscapedyard, planter boxes
BROKENTOPLOTf $320AIOO • .65acre culde-saclot + Cascade Mountain views • 13th hole & lake views
I INW BEND- MONTEREY PINES JIM & RPXAI}IHE • 1715 sq.ft., one owner CHEHEY , BROKERS • Charming cottage & gardens 541-390-4050 • Large deck with view 541-390-4030 • Light 8 bright with high ceilings
• 2205 s I.H. • 4 bedroom,2.5 bath
• Low maintenanceyard
541-390-9598 • MLS 201403879
NE BENDf $269,900
REDMOHIP SDRYCAHYOH l$274,N B DEBBIE HERSHEY, BRQKERCRS GRI • 3 bedroom,2bath • Private backyard,tiki bar, hottub 541-420-5110 • MLS 201405813
• Earth Advantage Certified • 1749 sq.ft.
• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • MLS 201402983
• SW BEND f $269,900 ' 2014 sq ft I • 3 bedroom. 2.5 bath
• Tile floors, maple cabinets
541-948-5880 • MLS 201402909
1 1.36 ACRE SINLAPINEf $264,9DD SHERR YpERMGAH ' 1731 sq.ft., 3 bedroom • Open cathedral great room BROKER • Insulated 3-bay shop 541-410-4938 • MLS 201306446 '
MIDTOWNBEND f $249,900 • 1424 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Hardwood floors, built-ins
541-420-1080 • MLS 201404209
NWREDMONDf $249,500 • 1808 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath
• 12.5 acres, fenced • Barn, round pen, storage 541-480-2966 • MLS 201405715
• SE BEND f $231,900 SA MCC ARTHY, BRpKER ABR 'g
• 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Paver deck, landscaped 541-419-8639 • MLS 201405087
• .40acre, end of street lot • + Ba cks to 17th green '
541-815-0436 • MLS 201402405
a cl } }.
' 1.
• Palmer-built home • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Big, fencedbackyard
• MLS 201405847
• 1620 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Recently renovated
541-480-6621 • MLS 201402068
NE BEND $219,900 f JUDYMEYERS, BROKER , GRI, CRS SRES 541-480-1922
• 1393 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Covered front porch, fenced • MLS 201405104
pAT PAIAZZI g BROKER ' • ' 41-771-6996
NE BEND f $169,900 4. 9 2 acres, cltoose BLM
• FOR LEASE $0.61/SF PAUIAVAHVLECK • Established service center I • Center of Bend location BROKE R
• MLS 201405605
541-280-1114 • MLS 201310884
3 b edroom, 2 manuf bath actured • Loafing sheds, hay&storagebuildings
• Includes existing equipment
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1 7 7g
w . Qr!ag d i e r
A v e . , • B eg d
o r e g o ~
I' 280
Estate Sales
I 286
Sales Southwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Southeast Bend
Sales Redmond Area
Want to Buy or Rent
e 7 7 0 2
Pets & Supplies
Furniture & Appliances
Dachshund AKC blk/tan pups, $550.541-508-4558 go
A1 Washers&Dryers
Coins & Stamps
$150 ea. Full warranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's 541-280-7355 Entertainment c e nter,
beautiful, add'I plug-ins, $150. 541-350-5141
HELP YOUR AD stand out from the rest! Have the top line in bold print for only $2.00 extra.
Dachshund mini chocofor wood dress- late dapple male, $375, BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS Estate/Garage Sale JOIN US Huge Indoor Sale, in 6/28, 8-4, 20662 Cherry 3 Generation Yard Sale, CASH ers and wood diready now! Pics avail. in La Pine 6/27-28, 8-4. Saturday, June 28, 8-2 Trinity Lutheran High Tree Ln. Bikes, gar- 2 storage units of anSearch the area's most 541-416-2530 The Bulletin It's a Lollapalooza! comprehensive listing of 3rd Annual Storage School Gym, 2550 NE dening, toys, electron- tique furniture, many are nettes. 541-420-5640 Se««ineCentcel Onyon since Sel8 Something ofinterest for projects. Lots of small Facility Sale at B utler Market R d ., ics, houseware, sports. Seeking small furnished Donate deposit bottles/ classified advertising... 541-385-5809 everyone. To find us, A-1 Westside Storage, 6/27, 8-4, 6/28, 8-2. col!ectibles, sewing ma- ground-floor rooms/apt/cato local all vol., real estate to automotive, Sale, Sat 9-4; chines, tools. 8am Fri- sita w/sep entrance from cans take 6th St. to Dorrance 317 SW Columbia St., Clothes, fur n iture,Carport non-profit rescue, for merchandise to sporting Private collector buying Sun 9-3 1001 SE 15th Meadow to Brooks Lane; Sat, 6/27-28, 2465 SW 7/15-10/15; prefer east feral cat spay/neuter. goods. Bulletin Classifieds postagestamp albums 8 Bend. 10+ families household items, exfollow the signs. Suntree Village, Cascade Ave. side of Bend. Old retiree Cans for Cats trailer appear every day in the collections, world-wide hosting, plus a sale ercise equip., sports, ¹159« Hunting, golf, ammo, and U.S. 573-286-4343 uy from Deschutes Nat'I at Jake's Dlner, Hwy to benefit tools, children's items, gun-re!ated, H-D clothes. Annual 10-family gaprint or on line. ESTATE SALE (local, cell phone). orest, non-smkr, no pets; 20 E & Bend Petco The Bethlehem Inn. and lots more! Complete household, rage sale Fri.-Sat. 9-4 local Call 541-385-5809 refs. 541-279-3700 Freeice cream O10! Huge moving and yard Antiques, housewares, near Applebee's, kitchen, dining, living 242 Find exactly what room, 2 bdrms, ofSat.-Sun., 9-5 - We dug sale. 40-year collec- you are looking for in the mens items, childrens, Wanted: $Cash paid for nate M-F a t S mith Exercise Equipment furniture, and misc. vintage costume jew- Sign, 1515 NE 2nd; or The Bulletin fice, ele c tronics, deeper... many more tion of tools, furniture, SecnneCentral Saseeen since Se«e elry. Top dollar paid for CRAFT, Tumalo. Lv. camping, fi s h ing, treasures! Old saws, CLASSIFIEDS 2744 NW Canyon Dr. clothes, collectibles, weight set I buy by the msg. for pick up large Fridge side-by-side $75; 160¹ barbell collectables, old meinkwells, coffee table, bikes, childrens riding bench, like new, Garage Sale, Sat. 8-3, Gold/Silver. Estate, Honest Artist amts, 541-389-8420. small GE chest freezer, w/flat chanical toys, bedwomen's 3x clothing. toys, swimming pool ESTATE SALE 821 NW Spruce Pl., $110. 541-526-0798 Elizabeth,541-633-7006 $50. 541-548-4170 ding, bath, clothes, Pinebrook to Deer Valley and much more! Fri. & Complete household, Golf equip., househandicap ele c tric to 61101 Rustic Lane. Pursuit 310 CS Sat., 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. kitchen, dining, living hold items, and misc. 203 English Springer Spaniel G ENERATE SOM E New Exercise Bike, $50 scooter, golf, tools, 635 NE Norton Ave. room, 2 bdrms, ofpuppies. AKC, field EXCITEMENT in your Holiday Bazaar 286 Sale, Sat. and Coca-Cola dish colobo. 541-306-0166 fice, ele c tronics, Garage champion blood lines, neighborhood! Plan a Sun., 9-5. 2436 SW lection, old steel farm Sales Northeast Bend LARGE C O M M U NITY camping, & Craft Shows fi s h ing, liver & white, avail. 7/1. garage sale and don't Schwinn Exerciser bike, SALE! Sat. 6/28 from collectables, old me23rd St., Redmond wheel, utility trailer $800/ea. Beaver Creek forget to advertise in g ood c ond, $ 2 0 . 9-2. The Commons at chanical toys, bedHousehold & more. and lots more. 20889 40th Year of Central Annual Purge! Lots of Kennels. 541-523-7951 classified! 541-350-5141 Pilot Butte, next to ding, bath, clothes, Westview Dr., Bend. Oregon Sat. Market! stuff — Furniture, colHuge Annual Sale! 541-385-5809. Sat., 10am-4pm Open 9-5 June lectibles, everythinq from Pilot Butte trailhead. handicap ele c tric Ni-lah-sha Village and Open 245 Downtown Bend, Kenmore white fridge, 26 28-29. No Early A-Z! Fri 8-5, Sat 8-1, Moving Estate/Yard Sale, scooter, golf, tools, Desert Meadows behind Golf Equipment across from library. cu ft SxS, immac cond, Sales! 20913 Spinnaker St. Thurs-Sat, 6/26-28, Coca-Cola dish col- Wal-MartoffNegas.Way Largest selection of local $400/obo. 541-389-1356 too much to list! 9-3 FriDana Kenneth Johnson's 9am-4pm. 1153 NE Hol- lection, old steel farm day-Saturday, MOVINGI artists 8 crafters. 6/27-6/28. linshead Ct. Furniture, wheel, utility trailer KitchenAid down draft lifetime collection of Where the Maker ESTATE SALE toys, tools,kitchen appli- and lots more. 20889 Hotdogs and soda, $1.50 elect. cooktop, black DIECAST CARS. Num- ances, ls the Seller!! by Farmhouse lots more! Everyback by popular demand! $150. 541-331-6002. berinq well in excess of thing must go; no rea- Westview Dr. Open 541-420-9015 Frenchton Puppies. 75% 1985 Cub Electric Estate Sales 9-5, June 28-29. 10,000 models, every sonable offer refused. MOVING SALE 2 miles french bulldog, 2 5% NEED TO CANCEL Golf Cart Fri.-Sat., 9-4 205 scale. Thurs., Fri., Sat., No Early Sales! Boston terrier. Parents south of Redmond, Newer batteries, YOUR AD? 62615 Erickson Rd, Bend 9-4. 1153 NE Hollinson site. B or n 6 / 21. MOVING/GARAGE HWY 97. Items for Free The Bulletin good tires, in good Antiques: Large armoire, head Ct. Everything Garage Sale 6316 SAntiques $1350. Put your deposit 1395 NE Seward, Multi-Family BLD Classifieds has an condition, and runs table, curio, 2 bdrm sets. must go; no reasonable Sale Conestoga Hills, 5 mi E on Tools down now. 541-279-3588 Ave., Sat., 8-5, Many Materials HotWheels Free Bachelor Buttons, "After Hours" Line Rickard Rd. 6 / 27-28, well. $700. Leather couch, flatscreen offer refused. Other colitems, tools, Fri-Sat, 9-4. ATV, boat, tr- Crafts and more you dig, Call 541-383-2371 541 -447-7906 TV, 2 sets china, washer/ lectable toys and items household 541-548-2879 lawn mower, dining FRI 10AM ONGOING 24 hrs. to cancel dryer, crib-to-bed set, Irs, safe, furn, piano, comfor sale as well. table w/6 chairs, golf puter desk/hutch, file cabi- THE CLIFFS of RED- Free Manure will load, your ad! Tempur-Pedic adjustable CHECKYOUR AD clubs, clothing, more! Don't miss this one! More net, pellet stoye, kerosene MOND ANNUAL YARD bed, deep freeze, 2 Deschutes Mkt Rd., Oak dining table with heater, collectibles, tools, SALE! Fri 6/27, 8-4; Sat matching overstuffed arm than we can list. FundBend. 541-318-8707 Multi-Family Yard/ 6 chairs. $275. chairs, glider r ocker,raiser for "Herd U Garage Sale! Nice vari- clothes, much more! 6/28, 8-2, behind St. 541-548-4601 Printer table, treadmill, lawnmower, like Needed a Home" K-9 ety of interesting stuff! German Shepherd, 3 Catholic Church Sat. 7-3 & Sun 8-2 teen Thomas Free! new Jeep tires/wheels, Rescue 1st annual rumRefrigerator Maytag w/ y rs old, n ame i s off NW19th St. & Maple. 1114 NE Revere, 541-350-5141 fridge, table saw, Scuba mage sale, all proceeds 8-4 Fri-Sat., rain or shine. c lothes, 4 1 7 n tires, Louie. Needs a loving icemaker, very clean. o dds & e n ds. S E gear, Blu-ray player, Lon- go to rescue. Fri-Sat, 9-4, home. $300 adoption $450; 541-815-4811 on the first day it runs USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 208 gaberger baskets, kids 62685 Stenkamp Rd. Pre-moving Sale Sat. Bend between 15th 8 fee. Must be only dog to make sure it is cor27th off Ferguson. Pets & Supplies stuff, and so much more! 6/28, 8-3, 62934 Marsh in home! Neutered nSpellcheckn and Door-to-door selling with rect. Estate Sale, 2137 NE O rchid D r . , Fro m 61130 Hilmer Creek Dr. E rgo-motion See pixat v accinated, pot t y Twin human errors do ocfast results! It's the easiest 500 automatic bed Shepard Rd., Sat. 8-4. books, clothes, DVDs, cur. If this happens to Furniture, tools, antiques, furn., glassware, tools, The Bulletin recom- trained, knows basic with memory foam YARD SALE! way in the world to sell. commands, & micro your ad, please conPeople Lookfor Information dishes, kn i ckknacks,recliners 8 everything 61440 Steens Mtn Lp, mends extra caution mattress, like new, tact us ASAP so that About Products and lamps, glassware, linens. i n between all e x c. Bend, June 27 & 28, when purc h as- chipped. Comes with only used for a short The Bulletin Classified bed, blanket, toys, corrections and any Services EveryDaythrough ing products or sert ime. $ 75 0 o b o . cond & r e a sonably Fri-Sat, eam-3pm. 541-385-5809 collars, leash, mediadjustments can be vices from out of the 541-383-7603 The Bulletin Classiffeds priced! Follow signs. ** FREE ** cation and bowl. Call made to your ad. Yard Sale, Sat. 8 Sun. Yard Sale, Fri. & Sat., area. Sending cash, 541-598-4472. 541-385-5809 282 Garage Sale Kit Sale for Sarah behind 8-3, 6 0365 H o rse 2 409 SW 2 5t h S t . checks, or credit inThe Bulletin Classified the preschool at 2891 Butte Rd. Corner or S addles 8 f ormation may b e The Bulletin Sales Northwest Bend Place an ad in The Tac k , Bulletin for your gaNE C o nners Ave. Arnold Mkt & Horse bikes, parrot cage, subjected to fraud. recommends extra ' 246 Butte. 1920's dump movies & CD's, Salad For more informaHigh quality items. rage sale and reGARAGE SALE I caution when purrake, bicycles (need Guns, Hunting ceive a Garage Sale Benefit for cancer viction about an adverSat.6/28,8am-2pm, chasing products or, Master, quilting frame, repair), and misc. tim. Sat. 6/28, 9-5 Kit FREE! tiser, you may call & Fishing 848 NW 17th St. services from out of I misc. household 8 the O regon State Lots of varietythe area. Sending I knitting machine w/ Grant Thomas KIT INCLUDES: don't miss it> HAVANESE PUPPY cash, checks, or .22 mag Derringer, ribber, electric guitars. Attorney General's • 4 Garage Sale Signs ESTATE SALE Office C o n sumer AKC, Dewclaws, UTD i credit i n f ormation new in box. $150. Just bought a new boat? • $2.00 ff Coupon To 292 Protection hotline at shots/wormer, non-shed, may be subjected to 541-389-0049 16485 Beaver Drive Sell your old one in the Use Toward Your hypoallergenic, $850. 1-877-877-9392. South of Sunriver i FRAUD. For more Bend local pays CASH!l classifieds! Ask about our Next Ad Sales Other Areas 541-460-1277. Super Seller rates! Frjday June 27 • Saturday June 2e about an t • 10 Tips For "Garage for all firearms & The Bulletin Lab Pups AKC,black & information advertiser, you may I 541-385-5809 9 5 p.m. only Crescent Community Sale Success!" ammo. 541-526-0617 Take VandervertRd. to South Century Drive, turn Center June Flea Market I call t h e Or e g on I yellow, Master Hunter GARAGE SALE west past Thousand Trails and go to Foster Rd., June 27-28, Bam-6pm. 7-mo.-old pups, lots of sired, performance pedi- ' State Atto r ney 'Bushnell Archer's Range Sat-Sun, 9am-5pm, PICK UP YOUR follow about 1 Y~ miles to Beaver Dr., turn on Good assortment! Gun snow white w/black gree, OFA cert hips 8 el- i General's O f f i ce Finder, Model 600, $150. 20207 Morgan Lp. GARAGE SALE KIT at accessories, art, black gravel road to sale site!!! Consumer Protec• 541-548-8913 bows, 541-771-2330 Tools, exercise equip, highlights, great fam- 1777 SW Chandler powder items, motorNO CROWD CONTROL NUMBERS!! tion h o t line a t l some furniture, misc. ily dogs, parents on CASH!! home, gas appliances, Ave., Bend, OR 97702 This ls a SUPER SALE!! Kawai Baby Grand pi1 -877-877-9392. site. 3 @$150 each. Labradors AKC - Choc. For Guns, Ammo 8 valuable treasures & HUGE Sale! Sat-Sun, ano; Nice utility trailer; Leather Loveseat; 541-447-1323 & white, 2nd shots, 12 Reloading Supplies. much more. 420 Cres10-5, 65765 Hwy 20 The Bulletin Stacked Huge books coffee table; King Bed with cent Cut Off Rd, CresI Sarnng Cenrral Oregon ssnceSeea wormed, healthy/hip I TheBulletin Serang Central Oregon since Sena 541-408-6900. (near Tumalo). Furniture, Adopt a rescue cat or wks, large bridge over; Refrigerator; Washer & dryer; guar. 541-536-5385 OR. Don't miss out kitten! Altered, vaccihousehold items, kids Sofa,Loveseat, end & coff ee tables; Queen bed cent, on the great deals! toys, lots of great stuff. HOME & SHOP 212 IOW'I5S ll nated, ID chip, tested, with brass headboard set; Very large oak dining GARAGE SALE more! CRAFT, 65480 Min Pin AKC pups. Antiques & Iron Horse Antiques 1966 Riviera RS, 12' set with 6 chairs and 2 leaves - can go small; GAlhlGESALK 78th St, Bend, 1-5 PM Beautiful, potty trainArtwork; Large entertainment unit; Oak FLEAMARKET Collectibles alum. boat and motor, Mirrors; DO YOU HAVE display case; Silver plate flatware set & gold Sat/Sun. 389 8420, ing, shots, chipped. June 28, 10-3. Sat. June 28, 8 a.m. hand power t ools, Born 4/14/14 $600. SOMETHING TO lated flatware set; Triple dresser & chest; 210 NW Congress St. 2 lamps cranberry swirl Victorian era antiques. new Rigid wood lathe, 602-284-4110 SELL royhill recliner; Side chairs; Lamps; Bar stools; lass base, exlnt cond, River Ranch Yard sale 355 NW Co- new Decker p ack Sofa table; Hide-a-bed; Lrg wool rugs; Lots of Crooked FOR $500 OR C a nyon Petmate dog house for 150. 541-546-2891 lumbia. Tahiti, patio saddle with harness, kitchenware & electric appliances; 3 dish sets; 4 15960 S W LESS? small dog, never used, Antiques wanted: tools, Place (cross st. set, coolers, p/up tool- saddles & tack. Fri. & sets of stainless flatware; Glassware & mugs 8 View Aussie, mini/toy, Non-commercial box, Sat. 9-5 no early Sat. June 27-28, 8-4 female, 1st shots, $380 $30. 541-526-0798 furniture, marbles,early more dishes; New in box Budweiser twin set; Quail 8 River Road) advertisers may 62970 Deschutes Rd. Corner computer desk unit; Leather office chair; cash. 541-678-7599 B/W photography, birds place an ad YARD SALE! POODLE pups,toy. 100's of books including Harvard Classic set; Some furniture, guy stuff, Bichon Frise AKC pups, beer cans, jewelry. with our older pup to adopt. 541-389-1578 Record players (2) and records; Older comFri-Sat only, 9-4, "QUICK CASH Schnoodle pups also. Estate / Moving Sale! vet checked, hand raised, 9020 SW Meadow Rd., puter; Wood file cabinet; Older cameras & 541-475-3889 SPECIAL" 20149 Selkirk Mtn tVay, Bend Collector Ed. white wine 1980's movie cameras; Pictures & paintings; Crooked River Ranch. $500+. 503-856-6107 Elvis", 2 bottles, 1 week 3 lines 12 Thurs-Fri, 7am-6pm n Sat, 7am-2pm Queensfand Heelers "Always Weights; Inversion Table; Golf club set w/cart + Boxers AKC & Valley oi' Quality merchandise in good cond! Collectibles of other golf clubs; Skis 8 boots; About a NOTICE Bulldogs CKC puppies. Standard 8 Mini, $150 $95 both. 541-546-2891 ee eke ei n ~ from around the world, Lladros, Avon & other beer lots pair of new jeans; Lots of mens clothes, Remember to remove $700-800. 541-325-3376 & up. 541-280-1537 Rocker, Victorian white Ad must steins.FurnitureOaktable w/2leaves & 8 chairs, dozen T-shirts & new coats; Sawzall; Belt your Garage Sale signs Cairn Terriers pups 7 www.rightwayranch.wor wicker, excellent cond, include price of Redwood burl table, Ig curio cab, Italian tea cart, shoes, Small compressor; Hammers and other $95. 541-546-2891 (nails, staples, etc.) a~in le item ei eeeo recordplayer(33/78rpm), vinyls/CDs/tapes. Quality sander; wks, 1st shots, 2 Backpack blowers; Small generator; Ariafter your Sale event wormings, or less, or multiple kitchen items, crystal, completeDenby stoneware tools; The Bulletin reserves $500 will deSTUD SERVICEens very large snowblower with chains; Extenis over! THANKS! items whose total the right to publish all set,Bosewave acoustic sys, other electronics, Japliver to Redmond. Yorkie Silky 8 Ibs, sion & stepladders; Weed wacker; about 3 cord From The Bulletin does not exceed anese glass floats. Household items/decor, holiday of wood; Chains/rope; Patio table; Suitcases; ads from The Bulletin 503-501-0462 $350. 541-416-1615 and your local utility $500. decor, yard implements, tools, camping equip, 4 studded tires 175R-15 on Chevy(?) rims; Colnewspaper onto The companies. Corgis, AKC, 1 male, 1 Yorkies, small females, Myrtlewood pieces, pressure washer, Buffalo boots, lectibles, Cape Cod glassware and more!!!! Bulletin Internet webfemale, 1st shots, tails cute, playful, shots & Call Classifieds at vintageAlaskanwood snowshoes, pictures,books, The Bulletin done. $500 not req'd; docks, parents on site. site. 541-385-5809 Irg fireproof safe, Lifecycle exer. bike, luggage, lin- Hand/edby Deedy's Estate Sales Co. eennnec Central Oregonaince fe«Se 541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves $650 reg'd.541-447-4399 $550. 541-536-3108 or ens, jewelry, framed pictures, and lots,LOTSmore! The Bulletin www.deeedysestatesales. com text to 541-915-5754. sea«sncs central oreiien since secse
l i I
Sudoku High Fives
6 3 1 7 4
How to play: Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The num-
bers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the individual Sudokus.
The Bulletin
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@20132013 UFS, Dist. b Univ. Uciickfor UFS
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Looking for your next employee'? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at
Careqivers Needed DID YOU KNOW 144
Carpet Cleaning Technician for STANLEY STEEMER Must have ability to move and/or lift 50 lbs.
(avg); have valid driver's license; pass a pre-hire background check and drug test. App/yln personat:
20727 High Desert Ct. Suite 1, Bend, 97701 (Ca/I 541-706-9390 for appointment prior to arrival.)
Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809 CDL Truck Driver Needed. Our wood chip and lumber drivers average 54K annually. Off weekends,paid vacation, health ins urance. For 3 5 years we have serviced Eastern Oregon, Central Oregon, Sou t hern O regon an d th e Boise Valley and you can live in any of these locations. We run late model P etes an d K e n worths all 550 cats with 13 speeds, our trailers are C urtin vans (no tarps to deal with) 4 0'-23' doubles year around work. We our looking for long term drivers, our average
w orked for us f o r over 8 years. So if you are looking for a home, give us a call 541.523.9202
million U.S.
A d ults
read a N ewspaper print copy each week? Discover the Power of
Local moving company seeks PRINT N e wspaper Class A and Class Advertising in Alaska, B CDL Drivers. Idaho, Montana, OrMust be able to egon, U t a h and work hard, pass Washington with just U/A and backone phone call. For a FREE adv e rtising ground check. No experience network brochure call necessary. 91 6-288-601 1 or
caution when pur-
products or I I chasing services from out of ~ f the area. Sendingf c ash, checks, o r / credit i n formation / ~ may be subjected to ~ FRAUD.
more informa- I I For tion about an adver- • / tiser, you may call / the Oregon State f Attorney General'sf C o n sumer g I Office Protection hotline at I I 1 -877-877-9392. I
email cecelia© Call Bill, (PNDC) 541-383-3362 D ID Y O U KNOW for more info. Newspaper-genera ted content is s o LThe Bulleting valuable it's taken and Find exactly what repeated, condensed, you are looking for in the TRUCK DRIVERS 486 broadcast, t weeted, Are you tired of being Independent Positions discussed, p o sted, CLASSIFIEDS away from home? copied, edited, and Looking for steady, Sales emailed c o u ntless Wildland year-round work? times throughout the Firefighters Come and work with Earn over day by others? Dis- To fight forest fires must us! Local hauls, home cover the Power of be 18yrs old & Drug $1,000 daily. Trucks are Newspaper Advertisfree! Apply 9am-3pm based in Madras, ing in SIX STATES Mon-Thurs. Bring two a week! Oregon. If you have a with just one phone forms of ID fill out good driving record, call. For free Pacific Welcome toYOUR Federal 1-9 form. a CDL with doubles Northwest Newspa- No ID = No Application NEIGHBORHOOD endorsement, and 2 per Association NetPUBLICATIONS. years experience, work brochures call We are establishing give us a call at 91 6-288-601 1 or a branch in 541-419-1125 or email Central Oregon. 541-546-6489 cecelia© We are looking for P ATRl c K (PNDC) responsible and TRUCK DRIVERS PatRick Corp. DRIVER DCT Chambers USA, ambitious individuals to 1 199 NE Hemlock, sell subscriptions to a leader in the transCDL Driver Redmond The Bulletin at portation of wood-reNational wholesale dis541-923-0703 EOE established sales sidual products, has tributor of w aterworks locations. an opening for an products in Redmond is Housekeeping/Laundry Person for downtown OWNER OPERATOR seeking motivated and looking for s teady, Control what you earn hard working part time/ Bend motel. Permanent by working a seasonal individual with a part-time. Start $11/hr. year-round work pullReferences & backdesignated local good attitude. Candiing our trailers. Must ground will be checked. territory and essentially date must have good have a reliable 3 or Starts immediately. build your own communication skills, be 4-axle truck tractor. business! professional, punctual, a Experience preferred. Your truck will run self starter, and work as Call for interview appt., loads out of Central 541 -706-9006 a team player. Primary Oregon. All trips leave To learn more about job duties are driving and a nd return o n t h e this new all warehouse functions. Get your same day. employment Secondary duties i nCall 541-419-1125 or opportunity business volve counter sales, an541-546-6489 please call us at swering phones, and 458-206-0905 various other d uties. IN G USET HE CLASSIFIEDS! or email us at Class A CDL is required. GR O W paperman09© Ability to operate a forkDoor-to-door selling with lift, climb a ladder, mawith an ad in n ipulate t o ol s an d fast results! It's the easiest Your Neighborhood The Bulletin's e quipment, lift u p t o Publications way in the world to sell. "Call A Service 100lbs, and type a minimum of 20 words per The Bulletin Classified Professional" minute is a must. We are 541-385-5809 ÃIM(jl CC) Directory looking to fill this position very quickly so please email your resume to PRODUCTION Truck Drivers f o r aaron.bondi@fer moving heavy maLeading ianufacif you are interested. The chinery and containof Fishing and Company is an equal op- turer Hunting wadersls ers. Local and OTR portunity employer as seekinga positions. Must have well as a g overnment 2 years lowboy exProduction contractor that s h a ll perience and valid abide by the requireSuperyisor 528 Class A CDL. ments o f 41 CFR for immediate hire. Loans & Mortgages W ages based o n 60-300.5(a), which pro- MUST have signifie xperience. B e n hibits dis c rimination cant experience in WARNING efits include health against qualified pro- Production and have The Bulletin recomtected Veterans and the supervisory s k i lls. insurance, 4 0 1(k) mends you use caurequirements of 41 CFR Hourly rate with benplan, paid vacation, tion when you pro60-741.5(A), which pro- efits. inspection b o n us vide personal hibits dis c rimination ll interested, e-ma/I program. Call Kenny information to compaagainst qualified indiresume to Western Heavy nies offering loans or viduals on the basis of Haul, 541-447-5643 credit, especially disability. those asking for advance loan fees or companies from out of state. If you have concerns or questions, we suggest you consult your attorney or call CONSUMER HOTLINE,
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>IIV5ge(( Sg („ "e>Illle tjII t ~>$S I „ Unlike unregulated lnternet advertising, we make every attempt to ensure that products sold in our classifieds are from a valid source.
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DOWN? Private party will loan on real estate equity. Credit, no problem, good equity is all you need. Call Oregon Land Mortgage 541-388-4200.
Business Opportunities
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Honda Rebel 250, 1986, gets 60 mpg, excellent commuter, 7213 miles, $1 300. 541 -788-6276 Piaggio/Vespa 3-wheel MP3 scooter 2009 with only 400 miles. Not a scratch! Like brand new! $5900. 520-360-9300, owner
3 4 2 8 1 6 7 5 9
2 6 9 1 3 8 5 4 7
4 1 7 5 6 9 8 3 2
5 8 3 4 2 7 9 6 1
3 4 8 9 2 1 5 6 7
1 9 5 3 6 7 2 4 8
2 6 7 5 4 8 1 3 9
4 7 3 6 8 2 9 1 5
5 2 9 1 3 4 7 8 6
6 8 1 7 9 5 3 2 4
Honda Goldwing 1985 ©60,000 miles. Has minor body damage but runs well $1500 O BO. Ca l l J o h n 541-306-7615
t8'M axum skiboat,2000, Allegro 28' inboard motor, g reat Class A 2008 cond, well maintained, Ford Vt0 gas, 50K $8995obo 541-350-7755 miles, 2 slides, satel9 ft. Pelican Scorpio lite, 2 TVs, Onan gen, D inghy, l i k e ne w rear & side cameras, hydraulic levelers, $200. 541 -280-051 4. 300w solar panel Ads published in th with inverter. "Boats" classification Oriqinal owner. include: Speed, fish$55,500. ing, drift, canoe, • 541-420-4303 house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please go to Class 875. • 541-385-5809 •
not only does newspaper media reach a HUGE Audience, they also reach an E NGAGED AUDIENCE. Triumph Da ytona Jerv n Central Ore on smce 1903 Discover the Power of 2004, 1 5K m i l es, Allegro 32' 2007, like Newspaper Advertis875 bike, needs new, only 12,600 miles. ing in six states - AK, perfect Watercraft nothing. Vin Chev 8.1L with Allison 60 ID, MT,OR, UT, WA. ¹201 536. transmission, dual exFor a free rate brohaust. Loaded! Auto-lev$4995 chure call eling system, 5kw gen, Dream Car 91 6-288-601 1 or power mirrors w/defrost, Auto Sales email 2 slide-outs with aw1801Division, Bend nings, rear c a mera, (PNDC) hitch, driyer door 541-678-0240 t 6' Old Town Canoe, trailer w/power window, cruise, Dlr 3665 spruce, cedar & canvas, exhaust brake, central Lake model, t o wner,vac, satellite sys. Asking very good cond, w/extras. $67,500. 503-781-8812 :4. $1000.541-388-3386
The Bulletin
ds published in "Watercraft" include: Kayaks, rafts and motorIzed personal watercrafts. For "boats" please see Class 870. 541 -385-5809
V ictory T C 850
Snowmobiles Arctic Cat 580 1994, EXT, in good
condition, $1000. Located in La Pine. Call 541-408-6149.
2 0 02, 40K mi., runs great, s tage t k it , ne w tires, rear brakes & more. Health forces s ale. $4,50 0 .
serv>ng central oregon since 790/
Boats & Accessories w~
liilotorcycles & Accessories
FXSTD Harley Davidson 2001,twin cam 88, fuel injected, Vance & Hines short shot exhaust, Stage I with Vance & Hines fuel management system, custom parts, extra seat. $10,500 OBO. Call Today 541 -51 6-8684
1 2' Aluminum boat with trailer, 3hp motor, good cond, $1200.. 503-307-8570
t2' aluminum fishing boat, t r ailer, motor, fish finder, accessories, $1200. 541-389-7234
2007 Winnebago Outlook Class "C" 31', solar panel, Cat. heater, excellent condition, more extras. Asking $58K. Ph. 541-447-9268 Can be viewed at Western Recreation (top o/ hill) in Pnnewlle.
12 ft. Porta-Bote, complete needs patch, Harley Davidson 2003 $200. 541-280-0514. Anniversary Road King, 14' aluminum Jon boat Alfa See Ya 2006 36' Stage 1, pearl white, ex- and t railer, $ 3 75. Excellent condition, t cellent condition, lots of 541-388-3833 owner 350 Cat diesel chrome & ext r a s. 51 000 miles 4-dr frig $13,999. 541-279-0846 icemaker, gas stove, 15' tri-hull fiberglas oven, washer/dryer, fishing boat, 1 971 non-smoker 3 shdes walk-thru, fish finder, generator, invertor, full top cover, 45 hp leather interior, satelEvinrude, tr a i ler, lite, 7'4" ceiling. spare tire, access., Clean! $74,500. good cond. $1200 541-233-6520 obo. 541-408-3811 Harley D a vidson 2006 FXDLI Dyna Call The Sulletin At Low Rider, Mustang 16.2' 1987 Barron Ma541-385-5809 rine, i/o, top cover, seat with backrest, Place Your Ad Or E-Mail new battery, wind$4,500 obo 541 -41 9-5731 At: shield, forward controls, lots of chrome, Screamin' Eagle exhaust, 1 1,360 miles. Well maintained! $8,650 in La Pine (928) 581-91 90
Harley Davidson 2011 Classic Limited, Loaded! 9500 miles, custom paint "Broken Glass" by Nicholas Del Drago, new condition, heated handgrips, auto cruise control. $32k in bike, only $20,000or best offer. 541-31 8-6049
FatBO 1996
Completely Rebuilt/Customized 2012/2013 Award Winner Showroom Condition Many Extras Low Miles.
$15,000 DID YOU KNOW 7 IN 541 -548-4807 10 Americans or 158 million U.S. A dults r ead content f r om n ewspaper m e dia each week? Discover the Power of the Pacific Northwest Newspaper Advertising. For HD Sportster, 2001 exc a free brochure call cond, t owner, maint'd, 9t 6-288-601 t or new t i res, cu s tom email chrome, leather saddle cecelia© bags, 32,400 mi, $4200. (PNDC) Tom, 541-382-650t
Beaver Marquis, 1993 40-ft, Brunswick floor plan. Many extras, well maintained, fire suppression behind refrig, Stow Master 5000 tow bar,
The Bulletin
LMONEy W b „
secured trust deeds & note,some hard money loans. Call Pat Kellev 541-382-3099 ext.13.
7 8 9 3 2 1 6 5 4
8 5 4 9 2 6 7 3 1 9 5 2 4 6 8 5 3 9 1 7 2
Motorcycles 8 Accessories Boats 8 Accessories
6 2 4 7 5 8 9 1 3
2 4 8 1 3 5 6 9 7
Serving Central Oregon since f903
Spanish-speaking, in Bend/Redmond area. We are a Christian home care agency that specializes in accommodating the Hispanic community. Must meet the following: • Hiqh school diploma or GED • Driver's license & insurance • Must 18 years or older • Have neat appearance • Pass criminal back ground check Call Mon.-Fri., 9am-3pm,
7 3 6 4 9 8 2 1 5
Bigfoot 29 2003,sleeps 5, walk-around queen bed, 57K mi, 7.3L power stroke t u rb o di e sel w/Banks power pak incl auges, torque lock & ake brakes. Power everything, auto levelinq jacks, air ride w/90psi compressor, 3.6kw prop ane gen set. V e r y clean, no pets, no smkrs, araged. N o sl i des. 36,500. 541-548-3985
Fl , j I L
Dodge Brougham 1978, 15', 1-ton, clean, 69,000 miles. $4500. In La Pine, call 541-602-8652
~ I0 ~
Cg/ I B
00 0 o 19gg I:LEETINO ' Wilderness slide, 24 bsd, ningi queen , pwFSC, outside sh -1 lift stabilizer h'tch, like new, 36! sstored.. Sleep $10,950 541-000-000
RV, motorcycle, Your auto, ot airplane tii Iit sells runs unti comes first!) twhicftever corn
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bold headline and price. Somereslriciions app/y
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Travel Trailers
Fifth Wheels
Aircraft, Parts & Service
Antique & Classic Autos
Fleehvood Discovery 40' 2003, diesel, w/all options - 3 slide outs, satellite, 2 TV's, W/D, etc., 32,000 miles. Wintered in h eated shop. $82,000 O.B.O. 541-447-8664
Pioneer Fleetwood 19', 2005 2 batteries, cat. Laredo 30'2009 heater, rear c arrier, vent covers, e lect. tongue jack, A/C, awning, 66 gal. wtr, 40 gal. Winnebago Adven- holding tanks, stabijacks, new tires, turer 2005 35ys', gas, lizer xtras, $6800. Like overall length is 35' less than 20,000 miles, many excellent condition, 2 new(541-536-2134. has 2 slides, Arctic slide-outs, work horse package, A/C, table Need to get an 8 chairs, satellite, chassis, Banks power ad in ASAP? Arctic pkg., power brake system, sleeps awning, in excellent 5, with a l l o p tions, You can place it condition! More pix $62,000 i negotiable. online at: at Call 5 4 1-306-8711or email a i kistu@bend$25,500 541-419-3301 541-385-5809
Winnebago Aspect 2009- 32', 3 slideouts, Leather interior, Power s eat, locks, windows, Aluminum wheels. 17" Flat Screen, Surround s o u nd, camera, Queen bed, Foam mattress, Awning, Generator, Inverter, Auto Jacks, Air leveling, Moon roof, no smoking or p ets. L ik e n ew, $74,900 541-480-6900
MONTANA 3585 2008,
Price Reduced! Komfort Pa c i fic Ridge 27 ' Like NEW deluxe NW des ign, 15 ' Su p er Slide, priv . b drm, power jack, electric awning, solar panel, 6-volt, led lights, always stored inside. A MU S T see! $23,500 obo! Call Pam 541-788-6767 or Bill 541-480-7930
exc. cond., 3 slides, king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $35,000 obo. 541-420-3250 .0
obo. 541-480-3179
Dlr ¹0354
Just too many collectibles?
Just bought a new boat? Sell them in Sell your old one in the The Bulletin Classifieds classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809 541-385-5809
2180 TT, 440 SMO, 180 mph, excellent condition, always hangared, 1 owner
Pontiac Firebird 1998 AlcoholFunny Car
In Madras, call 541-475-6302
$25,000 obo. 541-388-1929
for 35 years. $60K.
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend.
lines, 541-593-2597
1974 Beilanca 1730A
forillustration onlyl Chevrolet Trailblazer iphoto forillustration only) Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 tphotoF350 Super Duty Nissan fyturano 2012, 2008 4x4 engine, power every- Ford AWD, auto, cloth, CD, Cab 2001, big Automatic, 6-cylinder, thing, new paint, 54K Crew lift, AWD, pw, pdl, tilt; pw, pdl. orig. miles, runs great, tilt wheel, power winVin ¹A17200 Vin ¹229346 exc. $7500 dows, power brakes, Stock ¹82918B Stock ¹93013
Plymouth B a rracuda 1966, original car! 300 hp, 360 V8, center-
Updated interior, 36', 2 skdes, 42,600 miles, V10 as, 5000 watt generator, ydraulic levelers, auto steps, back-up camera, washer/dryer, central vac, ice m aker, l o aded, excellent condition. $27,500 541-620-2135 (SeeCraiqsiist ¹4470374489)
172 Cessna Share IFR equipped, new avionics, Garmin 750 touchscreen, center stack, 160hp. Exceptionally clean & economical! $13,500. Hangared in KBDN Call 541-728-0773
Sport Utility Vehicles Sport Utility Vehicles
Current certification,
air conditioning, key$17,979 less entry, 69K miles. Excellent condition; ® s u a aau tires have 90% tread. $11,995. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. Call 541-598-5111 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
Take care of your investments with the help from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
ton dually, 4 spd. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950. 541-419-5480.
black w/ leather seat trim, 3.4L V6, 27,709 miles. vin¹362484 6.977 ROBBERSON i
aN! I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1
Nissan Nurano SL
Chev Trailblazer LS 2004, AWD, 6 cyl, remote entry, clean title, 12/15 tags, $5995. 541-610-6150
a sua a
541-312-3986 dlr ¹0205
OPEN ROAD 36' 2005 - $25,500 WHEN ONLY THE Subaru Outback 2.5 HOLIDAY RAMBLER King bed, hide-a-bed BEST WILL DO! LTD 2013 27,219 mi. VACATIONER 2003 sofa, 3 slides, glass ¹291017 $27,995. 8.1L V8 Gas, 340 hp, shower, 10 gal. waworkhorse, Allison 1000 RV ter heater, 10 cu.ft. 5 speed trans., 39K, CONSIGNMENTS fridge, central vac, NEW TIRES, 2 slides, Winnebago Sightseer WANTED 1976 Cessna 150M s atellite dish, 2 7 " Ford Bronco II Onan 5.5w gen., ABS 27' 2002. workhorse We Do The Work ... Just over 3000hrs, 600 541-598-3750 TV/stereo syst., front brakes, steel cage cock- gas motor, Class A, You Keep The Cash! 4x4, 1989hrs since out of frame www.aaaoregonautofront power leveling pit, washer/dryer, fire- 8' slide living rm/diBuick Skylark 1972 (photo forillustration only) Automatic, power major, Horton Stol Kit. On-site credit jacks and s cissor Avionics: Apollo 65 GPS 17K orig. miles. Please Nissan Frontier 2013, lace, mw/conv. oven, new tires. spare steering, stereo approval team, stabilizer jacks, 16' ree standing dinette, nette, see for SV model, Crew cab, upgrade, set-up to tire carrier, HD trailer 8 additional radio (4 freweb site presence. awning. Like new! 940 was $121,060 new; now, hitch, water heater, details. $18,900. 4x4, 5 speed trans., quencies can be moniWe Take Trade-Ins! 541-419-0566 tow, runs good. $35,900. 541-536-1008 541-323-1898 Vans micro/oven, generatored at once). Tranpw, pdl. Free Advertising. $1700. tor, furn/AC, outside sponder w/mode C, JPI VIN ¹715664 BIG COUNTRY RV 933 541-633-6662 shower, carbon diox- Bend: Fuel Flow Monitor, digiStock ¹44326A 541-330-2495 tal density, temp & amp ide & smoke detector, Pickups Redmond: $25,979 fiberglas ext., elect. monitor. Nice paint 8 up541-548-5254 Ford Escape Limited holstery w/memory foam step, cruise control, © s u a aau 2010, 56k mi., silver, seat bottoms. Oil filter & CB radio, 60k miles, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. ¹C91461, $19,995. block htr. 1 owner past awning, TV antenna w Jayco Greyhawk Looking for your 877-266-3821 Recreation by Design booster, flat screen 14 yrs; always hangared, Chrysler Town & 2689 2005 next employee? 2013 Monte Carlo, Dlr ¹0354 23" TV. AM/FM/CD Place a Bulletin help no damage history. Country LXI 1997, 6K miles, 1 slide, N9475U.$26,000. stereo. $2 7 ,500. beautiful inside 8 sleeps 4, full bath in wanted ad today and 38-ft. Top living room, 2 935 541-598-3750 541-548-2554 bdrm, has 3 slideouts, 2 541%80-4375 out, one owner, nonrear, no bdrm, outside reach over 60,000 www.aaaoregonauto2005 Diesel 4x4 A/Cs, entertainment Sport Utility Vehicles smoker,. loaded with shower & BBQ, readers each week. Chev Crewcab center, fireplace, W/D, back-up camera, awoptions! 197,892 mi. Your classified ad 3000 sq. ft. Hanally, Allison tranny, garden tub/shower, in Service rec o rds ning, solar panel, will also appear on gar Bend Airport VolvoS6075 2013 tow pkg., brake congreat condition. $36,000 brand new tires, new available. $4 , 950. west side. 60' wide troller, cloth split obo. Call Peter, engine battery, protecCall Mike, i541) 815by 50' deep with 55' which currently refront bench seat, Winnebago 307-221-2422, tive sealants in/out, 8176 after 3:30 p.m. wide by 16' high ceives over 1.5 milonly 66k miles. lots more! Exc. cond, ( in La Pine ) Sightseer lion page views evbi-fold door, 14'x14' Very good condition $38,000 541-81 5-2737 WILL DELIVER ery month at no door rear side. Up30' 2004 Original owner, Ford Explorer 4x4 2001 extra cost. Bulletin graded with painted w ith l i ving r o o m $34,000 2-dr Sport, V6, heater/AC RV floor, windows, sky Classifieds Get Reslide, 48,000 miles, AWD, less than 11k or best offer. works great, tags good CONSIGNMENTS sults! Call 385-5809 lights, 240V/50 amp in good condition. 541-408-7826 mi., auto, 6 spd. 3/16, leather, good tires, WANTED outlets. or place your ad Has newer Michelin vin ¹202364 eyerything works. LeavWe Do the Work, on-line at $195,000. tires, awning, blinds, $30,977 ing town, need to sell! (photo forillustration only) You Keep the Cash! (520) 360-9300, carpet, new coach $3500 obo. On-site credit Owner Toyota Sienna 2011, battery and HD TV. 541-815-9939 ROBBERSON Providence2005 approval team, LE model, 7 passen862 Fully loaded, 35,000 $31,000 LINCOLN ~ I M s a a web site presence. ger, stow-n-go seatJeep Wrangler 2007 Call Dick at miles, 350 Cat, Very Fifth Wheels We Take Trade-Ins! 4 dr, silver, hard & soft ing, alloy wheels. 541-408-2387 541-312-3986 clean, non-smoker, Free Advertising. Vin ¹019106. top, new tires/ brakes Chevy Ext. Cab 1991 DLR ¹0205 3 slides, side-by-side 9=, , BIG COUNTRY RV Stock ¹43981A I runs great, $18,450. t• with camper shell, refrigerator with ice Bend: 541-330-2495 • • h% 541-536-9281 681 $24,999 good cond., $1500 maker, Washer/Dryer, Redmond: Travel Trailers OBO. 541-447-5504. GMC Envoy SLE S UBA R U . Flat screen TV's, In 541-548-5254 motion satellite. Save money. Learn 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. to fly or build hours $95,000 877-266-3821 541-480-2019 5th Wheel TransWILDERNESS 28' with your own airDlr¹0354 c raft. 1968 A e r o port, 1990 2000, heat, A/C, Roadmaster Stowmaster Low miles, EFI 460, shower, queen bed, Commander, 4 seat, 5000 tow bar 8 accesso975 4-spd auto, 10-ply nice condition. 150 HP, low time, JEEP WRANGLER ries, $200. Roadmaster 2005 4.2L 6 cyl., Automobiles tires, low miles, al$8775. full panel. $23,000 Chevy s/4 ton 1982, built Even Brake s y stem,Keystone Cougar 31' 2009 hard top 4WD, auto., 141k most new condition, 541-548-0875 obo. Contact Paul at 18,000 miles. auto$500. Both used, but in 2 004 2 350 with 450 HP and sl i d es, 2 miles, 20 MPG 541-447-5184. Sell for $3500. good cond. Cash only. bdrms, sleeps 7 with $1000 tires. $3000 matic, AC, tilt 8 Ford Focus SES Hwy,Vin¹303927 OR For Hire 541-389-9292 obo. 541-633-8951 cruise, power winr ear bunks, tub & Where can you find a BARGAIN CORRAL! Call for qUote T-Hangar for rent dows, power steerFIND IT! shower combo, elect. $6,977 helping hand? Ask for Theo, ing, power locks, alat Bend airport. tongue jack, s o lar Why buy new? ¹ftlg t77 541-260-4293 From contractors to Call 541-382-8998. loy wheels and ROBBERSON y pkg. all the bells 8 Check out this truck! SELL IT! running boards, whistles, and lots of LI II c 0 I5 ~ IM RD R yard care, it's all here 916 The Bulletin Classifieds storage, immaculate garaged. in The Bulletin's Trucks & $23,900. c ond., always g a 541.312.3986 2011 2 .0L 4 cyls, "Call A Service 541-419-5980 RV DLR¹0205 raged. Great for famHeavy Equipment FWD, automatic, CONSIGNMENTS ily v a c ations or Professional" Directory 52k miles, 34 MPG WANTED part-time home. $12,977 We Do The Work ... JeepWrangler 885 $16,400 obo 2005 Dodge Ram Arctic Fox 29' 2003, You Keep The Cash! Unlimited Sahara 541-480-9876 Diesel Dually 3500 ROBBERSON covered storage, slide- Canopies & Campers On-site credit 4x4, quad cab, towPb' out, exc. cond inside & approval team, ing & camper pkg, 5th outside 2016 tags, web site presence. hitch, rear air 'll!IiysPeterbilt 359 p o table wheel 541-312-3986 $14,500. 541-678-1449 We Take Trade-Ins! bags, air shocks, BMW X3 2 0 07, 99K water t ruck, 1 9 90, DLR ¹0205 or 541-410-8849 Free Advertising. brake controller, miles, premium pack3200 gal. tank, 5hp BIG COUNTRY RV age, heated lumbar pump, 4-3" h oses, spray-in liner, only Bend: 541-330-2495 37,000 mi.$26,000. supported seats, pan- 2012 3.6L V6, 4WD, Find It in camlocks, $ 2 5,000. Redmond: 541-382-4382 oramic moo n roof, automatic, 28k miles, Kia Forte EX 2011 Eagle Cap 850, 2005 541-820-3724 Keystone Laredo 31' The Bulletin Classifiedsf 541-548-5254 Bluetooth, ski bag, XeRV' 2006 with 12' with slideout, AC, micro, 20 MPG Hwy 541-385-5809 non headlights, tan & frig, heater, queen bed, 925 slide-out. Sleeps 6, $32,977 black leather interior, wet bath, exlnt cond, queen walk-around Challenger 32' 2005, 3 Utility Trailers n ew front & re a r ROBBERSON bed w/storage under- slide-outs, A/C, newer $16 900. 541-388-3477 brakes © 76K miles, leave message. neath. Tub & shower. TV/V CR, stereo, e tc. one owner, all records, 2 swivel rockers. TV. Good tires, oak interior. LEAR CANOPY 2003 very clean, $1 6,900. 2.0L 4 cyls, FWD, Air cond. Gas stove 8 $21,000. 541-410-3292 541.312.3986 blue, fits Ford F-350 541-388<360 automatic, 45k miles, DLR¹0205 refrigerator/freezer. s hort b o x , $5 0 0 . Dodge Ram 2500 36 mpg Hwy Microwave. Awning. CHECKYOUR AD 541-410-4354. TIFFIN ALLEGRO 2008 Diesel, Vin¹448537 Outside sho w er. Chevrolet Tahoe BUS 2010 - FULLY exc. towing vehicle, $12,977 Slide through stor2009 LT1 LOADED 40QXP 2WD, 55,000 a ge, E as y Li f t . SNUG TOP Big Tex Powerglide Chassis / ROBBERSON Pickup canopy for miles. New batter$29,000 new; Utility Trailer 5'x8', 425HP Cummings F250 short bed, L INCOLN ~ IM saa Asking$18,600 ies, rear air bags, drop ramp. Perfect Engine / Allison 6 541-447-4805 white in color, Roll-n-lock bed for hauling your dirt Spd Automatic Trans on the first day it runs 541-312-3986 like new, (photo forillustration only) cover, spray-in bikes, motorcycle, / Less than 40K miles to make sure it is cordlr¹0205 $675. MercedesML350 2003, liner. 5th wheel / Offered at $199K. quads, etc! Komfort Ridgecrest 23', rect. "Spellcheck" and 541-416-9686 AWD, moonroof, pw, 5.3L V8, 4WD, auto, Too many options to hitch available, too. 2008, queen bed, human errors do oc$995 Obo. 69k miles, 20 MPG pdl, power seats. list here! For more sleeps 6, micro & AC, cur. If this happens to $19,000. Buick LeSabre, 1995, 541-379-3530 Vin ¹414134 Hwy, Vin¹103597 information go to 541-604-1285 with 102K miles, autofull awning, living your ad, please conStock ¹44376A ww.m new 29,997 w~ room slider, yule matic air powerwintact us ASAP so that a tables, outside $7,979 dows, doors & seats. ~alle corrections and any ROBBERSON or email shower, 4 closets, Excellent cond, well adjustments can be Suaaau I I N0 c LI ~ sn sa a trainwater157@ fiberglass frame, as maintained, all records made to your ad. new, $11,500. La Pine available. Must see to 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 541-385-5809 541-312-3986 or call 858-527-8627 call 541-914-3360 appreciate! $3000 or best 877-266-3821 The Bulletin Classified dlr ¹0205 offer. 541-475-0537 Dlr ¹0354 Advertise your car! Ford F150 LIGHTNING Add A Picture! Tioga 24' ClassC Utility Trailer, 1993, 500 miles on reReach thousands of readers! 5'3" wide x 10' long built Motorhome 908 engine. Clean inteCall 541-385-5809 Bought new in 2000, The x 33" high. has rior & new tires. $7000, Bulletin Class!9eds Aircraft, Parts currently under 20K cranking tongue OBO. 541-647-8723 miles, excellent 8 Service Komfort Trailblazer 2003 jack, and 2x6 shape, new tires, 23-ft, with slide, $8995. Fleetwood Prowler decking, Tows professionaly winterFordF250 Lariat 32' - 2001 Call 541-647-2314 great, very nice ized every year, cut2008 Crew cab 2 slides, ducted condition. $795. off switch to battery, heat 8 air, great 541-977-9944 or plus new RV battercondition, snowbird ies. Oven, hot water 541-318-0068 ready, Many upheater & air condigrade options, fitioning have never nancing available! 931 been used! 1/3interestin $14,500 obo. $24,000 obo. Serious Automotive Parts, 6.4L V8, Diesel, Columbia400, Like NEW! Trail-Lite inquiries, please. Financing available. 4WD, automatic, Service 8 Accessories 2011 Crossover, 21-ft. Call Dick, Stored in Terrebonne. A/C, awning, AM/FM CD, 65k mi. Vin¹A32746 $150,000 541-480-1687. 541-548-5174 14" rims with tires 5-lug $33,977 custom queen bed, cusWe will be closed Friday, July 4th, 2014 (located I Bend) tom drawer pullouts. Dry 541-288-3333 p attern, $6 0 o b o , ROBBERSON~ axle wgt 2,566; dry un541-279-8908 RETAIL 8 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADVERTISING TOW EQUIPMENT wgt 2,847. Equa~ mam a Brake Buddy, $500; loaded F lexible vehicle t o w Flex suspension, exteDAY DEADLINE Guardian rock rior shower, indoor tub/ hitch, $275. 541-312-3986 +I s ts • shield, $200; shower combo, stabilizer 541-815-4811 DLR¹0205 Roadmaster 5000 Friday, 7/4GO!......................................... Tuesday,7/1 5 pm jacks, 2 batteries, plus tow bar, $450; Four 17" Chrome rims MORE!$12,995. Holiday Rambler OR $900 for ALL. f rom 2 0 0 7 Je e p Friday, 7/4................................................ Tuesday,7/1 noon Call 541-280-9516for Ford FQ50 4x4, 1/3 interest in wellAlumascape 28' Call 541-548-1422 Cherokee, $75. info, ortosee- in Bend. equipped IFR Beech Bo- Grand 2003,1-owner. Saturday,7/5............................................ Tuesday,7/1 noon nanza A36, new 10-550/ 541-280-0514. Self-contained, 8®~ 13' slide, 80W solar prop, located KBDN. 932 as, Sunday, 7/6.............................................. Tuesday,7/1 4 pm $65,000. 541-419-9510 panel, walkaround Antique & www. queen + sofa/bed, Tuesday/A tHome ...............................Wednesday,7/2 noon loads of storage Classic Autos 2006 XLT 4-door throughout. Excellent Crew Cab cond., licensed 2015. Ready to makememories! 2013 R-Vision 23RBS Must see!$15,700. Top-selling Winnebago Trail-Lite Sportby Mo6.0L Turbo diesel, full 541-389-9214 31 J, original owners, non- naco -Expedition pkg, power, a u tomatic, smokers, garaged, only Sport Value pkg, conye6-disc CD, cruise, fog Friday ,7/4.....................................Wednesday,7/2 Noon 18,800 miles, auto-level- nience pkg, elec. awning, lights, running boards, 1/5th interest in 1973 ing jacks, i2) slides, up- spare tire, LED TV/ent. Saturday ,7/5..................................W ednesday,7/2 3pm tow pkg, bedliner, grill Cessna 150 LLC graded queen bed, bunk system, outside shower, gl Chevy C-20 Pickup guard, folding rear 150hp conversion, low Classifieds • 541-385-5809 beds, micro, (3) TVs, elec. tongue jack, black 1969,was a special seat. Tan cloth intetime on air frame and sleeps 10! Lots of stor- flush sys, beautiful inteIU order, has all the exrior, metallic tan exteengine, hangared in age, maintained, very rior, huge galley, great rior. 91,400 miles. tras, and is all original. Bend.Excellent perclean!Only $67,995!Ex- storage, 1/2-ton towable, Kit Companion 1994, See to believe! Price reduced to alloys, queen bed. formance & affordtended warranty and/or figood cond. 26' with $14,000or best offer. $20,500 nancing avail to qualified Like new,asking $22,000 one slide, $4500 obo. able flying! $6,000. 541-923-6049 541-350-6925 buyers! 541-388-7179 Gordon,541-382-5797 541-389-5788 541-410-6007
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VOLVO XC90 2007 AWD, 6-cyl 3.2L, power everything, grey on grey, leather heated lumbar seats, 3rd row seat, moonroof, new tires, al-
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VW Jetta GLl 2012 People Look for Information TURN THE PAGE About Products and For More Ads CHECKYOUR AD The Bulletin Please check your ad Services Every Daythrough on the first day it runs The Bvlletie Classileds to make sure it is cor- Mercedes Benz e320, rect. Sometimes in- 1999 wagon, white Bluetooth, pl, pw, s tructions over t h e 120k mi., incl. studSubaru Outback 3.6R phone are misunder- ded tires, exc. cond., manual trans. Limited 2011, moon stood and an error $4500. 541-318-4502. Vin¹108574 roof, AWD, pw, pl, can occur in your ad. $18,977 leather, Vin ¹381548 If this happens to your BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Stock ¹44184A Suberu Legacy 2.5 GT ROBBERSON Ne e dto sella ad, please contact us I Search the area's most $23,979 Limited 2005, loaded, cllleecn ~ III Wme the first day your ad Vehicle? comprehensive listing of leather, roof, a l loy Call The Bulletin appears and we will classified advertising... © s U B ARU wheels. 541-312-3986 and place an ad be happy to fix it as real estate to automotive, VIN ¹210360 DLR ¹0205 today! 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. s oon as w e c a n . merchandise to sporting Stock ¹42935A 877-266-3821 Deadlines are: Week- l A s k about our goods. Bulletin Classifieds "Wheel Deal"! $14,979 Dlr ¹0354 days 12:00 noon for appear every day in the f o r private party l next day, Sat. 11:00 l print or on line. The Bulletin advertisers a.m. for Sunday; Sat. Need help fixing stuff? Call 541-385-5809 To Subscribe call 12:00 for Monday. If 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. Call A ServiceProfessional 541-385-5800 or go to we can assist you, 877-266-3821 find the help you need. please call us: Dlr ¹0354 The BuHetin Sereing Central Oregon sinse igl 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified
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KIINSALL Chrysler 200 LX 2012, pw, pdl, tilt, CD, auto. VIN ¹292213 Stock ¹83014
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2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
2009Sssbersl Impreza AWD
$8,975 Corvette 1979
L82- 4 speed. 85,000 miles Garaged since new. I've owned it 25 years. Never damaged or abused.
Dave, 541-350-4077
Dodge Avenger 2013, pw, pdl, tilt, CD, auto. Vin ¹535474 Stock ¹83015
$16,979 S UBA R U .
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
Ford Fusion Sport
2011 3.5L V6, AWD, auto. AWD, 45k
miles, 24 MPG Hwy, Vin¹190537
$20,977 ROBBERSON L INcoLN ~
Econom ical AW Dsafety! Hurry, this one won't last! VIN¹501533
Localownertrodewith exceptional servicehistory. Vllffi Z89584
2012Sslzstki Kizashi AWD
2008BNW 328i Selen
Sporty ,AWD,oodloadedwith options!VIN 100343
LowMiles,PremiumPkg ood more!VIN¹189584
2006Toyota Siennts XLI AWD
AVant OslattrO
I owner,lowlowmiles, rare, loaded,hurry! VIN¹ 074082
Hard to findAvantWagon, veiy low miles,like newVIN¹ 128117
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2011 Nissan Juke SL AWD
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I Owoer,lowmiles, like new,too manyoptionsto list! Vllffi 025616
! Owoer,only45Kmiles, Hurry it won't last VINtf066946
2014VW Tigslan 4-Notion
2009Volvo XC90 R-Deslin
Savethousandsovernew! Vllf¹ 510029
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Ford Thunderbird 2004 Convertible
with hard & soft top, silver with black interior, all original, very low mileage, in premium condition. $19,900. 702-249-2567 (car is in Bend)
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2011 Asscli lL4 Ossattro
2011 Jeep Wrangler Sahara
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Heatedleatherseats, oov,Tow Pkgondmore! VIN¹630239
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2012BNW 328i Sport Wtslon
Premium Plus Pkg, Hurry it won't last! Vllffi059839
BMWCertified, I Owner,Hoidto find wogoo VIN¹ 543189
2n13 volvo xc60
2012BNW XS 3.Si
(pfiotofor illustration only)
Hyundai Elantra 2011, Touring, leather, auto, CD, pw, pdl. Vin ¹090677 Stock ¹82995
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2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
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Only 2000miles, everyoption, save thousa nds!Vllffi 416676
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QQQD9 Mazda Miata 1991 fun car, good shape, 5 spd. $3500. 541-410-7282
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Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Hackney, Deceased, Deschutes C o unty Case No. 14PB0062. NOTICE TO INTERESTED P ERSONS. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, w ith vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal representative at c/o KERSTEN LAW GROUP, 260 COUNTRY CLUB R OAD, SUITE 210, EUGENE, OR 97401, within four months after the date of first publication of t his notice, o r t h e claims may be barred. All persons whose r ights may b e a f fected by th e p r oceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the lawyers for the personal representative, KERSTEN LAW GROUP, 260 COUNTRY CLUB R OAD, SUITE 210, EUGENE, OR 97401. Dated and f irst p u blished o n June 14, 2014. /s/ Susan Garretson, Personal Representative.
s u a aau 2008VW jetta
Legal Notices
*Covgroge is ellet agefor upig 12monthsframgehide purchasedate, or12,000miles fromthegtlometer ai sale. Forcomplete informationregarding specific details, limitationsandresponsibilities, refer to the Limited PowerTrain Vehicle Service Contract. Pri<esogddiscgugts goodonigstack vehicles ggly. Pricesdgnot include title, registration, licenseoi S75admigIee. All financingonapproved ogdib ngiall will qualify.Subiecitopriorsale, seedgaler igi details. Offersexpire06/30/14.
West Long C i rcle, Littleton, CO 80120. Attorney for Personal Representative: John D. S o r lie , OSB ¹95045, Bryant, Lovlien & Jarvis, P.C., 591 SW M il l V i ew Way, Bend, Oregon 97702, T e l ephone: (541) 382-4331, Fax: (541) 389- 3 386, Email: sorlie© LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO INTERESTED P ERSONS. PATRICIA McMEEN has been appointed Personal Representative of the ESTATE OF FRANK PAZ BEREZO, Deceased, by the C i rcuit C o urt, State of Oregon, Deschutes County, under Case Number 14-PB-0058. All persons having a claim against the e s tate m ust p r esent t h e c laim w i thin f o u r months of th e f i rst publication date of this notice t o H e n drix, Brinich & B e rtalan, LLP, at 716 NW Harriman Street, Bend, Oregon 97701, ATTN: Ken Brinich, or they may be barred. Additional information may be obtained from the c ourt records, t h e Personal Representative or the followingnamed attorney for the Personal Representative. Date of first publication: June 14, 2 014. HEND R I X BRINICH & BERTALAN, LLP, 716 NW HARRIMAN, B END, OR 97701, 541-382-4980.
LEGAL NOTICE This is an action for Judicial Foreclosure of real property commonly known as 848 NE Providence Dr., Bend, OR 97701. A motion o r a n s wer must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of f irst publication specified herein along with the required filing fee. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT O F THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF DE S CHUTES.
PNC B A NK , NA TIONAL A SSOCIATION, Pla i ntiff, v. ESTATE OF N O RMAN T. WELCH; THE UNKNOWN H E IRS AND ASSIGNS OF NORMAN T. WELCH; THE UNKNOWN DEV ISEES O F N O R M AN T . WEL C H ; W ASHINGTON M U TUAL BANK, FA NKA JPMORGAN CHASE BANK; A N D A LL PARTIES CLAIMING A N I N TEREST I N THE REAL P ROPE RTY C O M M O N LY KNOWN AS 848 NE PROVIDENCE D RIVE, BEND, O R 97701, D e fendants. Case No. 14CV0191FC. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION - ESTATE OF NORMAN T. WELCH; T HE UNKN O W N HEIRS A N D ASSIGNS OF NORMAN LEGAL NOTICE T. WELCH; THE UNNOTICE TO INTERKNOWN DEVISEES ESTED PERSONS OF N O RMAN T. Keith D. Scott has W ELCH; AN D A L L been appointed perPARTIES CLAIMING sonal representative A N I N TEREST I N of the Estate of Mary THE REAL P ROPE llen S c ott , De LEGAL NOTICE E RTY C O M M O N LY ceased, by the Circuit On July 5th, 2014 at KNOWN AS 848 NE C ourt, State of O rA P lus M ini PROVIDENCE egon, Des c hutes Noon, Storage will be havCounty, under case ing and Auction and D RIVE, BEND, O R 97701. TO D EFENnumber 1 4 PB0063. the disposi- DANTS: IN THE All persons having a handling tion of the entire conNAME OF THE claim against the estents of 4 units: Unit STATE OF OREGON: tate must present the ¹2 5x12, Margot AmYou are hereby rec laim w i t hi n fo u r Unit ¹17 5x12, quired to appear and months of th e f i rst mann, Tamara Poland, Unit defend the action filed publication of this no12 1 5 x10 B rady a gainst you in t h e tice to Sherron Urban, ¹Perreard & Unit ¹84 above-entitled cause Attorney at Law, PO within 30 days from Box 1135, Bend, OR Joseph Quidachay. the date of service of 9 7709-1135, Att n : this Summons upon Keith D. Scott, or they LEGAL NOTICE may be barred. Addiyou and if you fail to No. appear and defend, tional information may Probate NOfor want thereof, the be obtained from the 14PB0064. TICE TO I N TERPlaintiff will apply to c ourt records, t h e the court for the relief personal representa- ESTED PERSONS. demanded t h erein. tive or the following- IN THE C IRCUIT Dated: 6-2-14. PITE named attorney for C OURT OF T H E S TATE O F OR D UNCAN, LLP. B y the personal repreAmy Harrington, OSB sentative. Date of first EGON F o r the De s ¹123363, (503) publication: June 14, C ounty o f 345-9459, Facsimile: 2014. SHE R RON chutes. The Estate URBAN, ATTORNEY of KATHLEEN J . (858) 412-2775, aharrington@piteduncan.c A T LAW, P O B o x LINTON, Deceased. h e reby om, P i t e D uncan, 1 135, B E ND, O R Notice is 97709-1135, given that Gary D. LLP, 621 SW MorriHecht has been apson St., Suite 425, 541-617-1918. pointed P e r sonal Portland, OR 97205, LEGAL NOTICE Representative. All O f A t t orneys f o r NOTICE TO INTER- p ersons ha v i ng Plaintiff. NOTICE TO ESTED P ERSONS. claims against the DEFENDANT/DEE state o f Rob e r t Estate must present F ENDANTS R E A D Henry Goodwin, Case them, with vouchT HESE PAP E RS ers attached, within C AREFULLY. Y o u Number 14PB0060. must "appear" in this Notice: The C i rcuit four months after Court of the State of the date of first pubcare or the other side Oregon, f o r the lication of this nowill win automatically. To "appear" you must County of Deschutes, tice, as stated behas appointed David low, to the Personal file with the court a leGoodwin as Personal R epresentative a t gal paper called a "motion" or "answer". Representative of the Yturri Rose LLP, 89 Estate o f Rob e rt SW 3rd Avenue, PO The "motion" or nanswer" must be given Goodwin, deceased. Box "S", Ontario, All persons having O regon 9791 4 . to the court clerk or claims against said C laims no t p r e - administrator w i thin 30 days (or 60 days estate are required to s ented within t h e present the s a me, four months may be for Defendant United with proper vouchers barred. All persons States or State of Orto the Personal Rep- whose rights may egon Department of be affected by the Revenue) along with resentative, c/o John Sorlie, Bryant, Lov- proceedings may the required filing fee. lien & Jarvis, PC, 591 obtain ad d i tional It must be in proper SW Mill View Way, information from the form and have proof o f service o n t h e Bend, Oregon 97702 records of the Court, within four m o nths the Personal Repreplaintiff's attorney or, from the date of first s entative, o r th e if the plaintiff does not publication of this no- lawyers for the Perhave a n a t t orney, sonal Representatice as stated below, proof of service on the or t hey m a y be tive. Attorneys for plaintiff. If you have barred. All persons Personal R e p re- questions, you should whose rights may be sentative: Ryan H. see an attorney imOSB mediately. If you need affected by this pro- Holden, ceeding may obtain 130044, Yturri Rose help in finding an atadditional information LLP, PO Box S, 89 torney, you may confrom the records of SW 3rd A v enue, tact the Oregon State Ontano, OR 97914, Bar's Lawyer Referral the court, the Personal Representative, Telephone: (541) S ervice o nline a t or the Attorney for the 889-5368, Facwww.oregonstatebar. Personal Representa- simile: (541) org or by calling (503) tive. Dated and first 889-2432, 684-3763 ( in t h e published June 14, rholden@yturrirose. Portland metropolitan 2014. Personal Rep- c om. DATED a n d area) or toll-free elser esentative: Da v i d first published: June where in Oregon at Goodwin, 28 9 0 -C 21, 2014. (800) 452-7636.
areuoiuufas tEGettours nefore tijezare goneL!
I '/ I
o I
44Pto 72 months On Select Mocfels
On Approved Credit Tier 1 Financing on 720 Beacon or better
2014 FORD EXPEDITION KING RANCH Navigation, Power RunningBoards. VIN: F09495
MSRP ................... $59,195
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Ford Credit*
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.. . . . . . . . . . .
$52,495 $539
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36 MonthLease.First PaymentDusat Signing. Residual $30,189.45. On Approved Credit. FMCCTier 0-1. 10,500 MilesPeryear.
*Must FinancethroughFMCC
2014 FORD ESCAPE SE 4WD 2.0 Ecoboost, Loaded VIN: A30465 MSRP ......................... $29,465
TSS Discount
-$2,065 $27,400 Retail Customer Cash.......-$1,250 4th of JulySellathon OpenTrade....................-$1,000 .
Cash or TradeEquity
24 Mont hLease.FirstPaymentDusatSigning Residual$19,152.25.OnApprovedCredit. FMCC Tier 0-1.10,500 Miles Peryear.
2014 FORD F150 REGULAR CAB XLT ConveniencePackage,Satellite Radio YIN:A 47540 MSRP......................... $32,085 TSS Discount................. -$2,885 $29,200 F150 XLT BonusCash .......-$1,500 Retail Customer Cash....... -$1,500 Trade-InAssistance** ...... -$1,250 Ford Credit' .................. -$1,000
Nuge Saulngs!
C onfidence in M o t i o n
2 01 S u b a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i Premium CVT
2 01 4 Su b a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i Premium CVT
Option PKG 2,All-Weather Package. HeatedFront Seats, WindshieldWiperDe-lcer, HeatedSideMirrors, Popular Package ¹1 B. Auto-DimMirror/Comp/Homelink, SplashGuards, Rear BumperCover,Floor Mats/All Weather
Option PKG 2, Heated Front Seats, WindshieldWiper De-lcer, HeatedSideMirrors, RearBumperCover, Rear Seat Back Protector,CargoNet -Rear- Outback, Auto-DimMirror/Comp/Homelink, FloorMats/All Weather
MSRP $28,657. VIN: ¹E3271726 EDD-02 Subaru of Bend Discount $2,158.
MSRP $28,515. VIN: ¹E3260634 EDD-02 Subaru of Bend Discount $2,016.
*Must Finance through FMCC. Must trade in a'95 ornewer. OnApprovedCredit.
2015 FORD F250 CREW CAB Long Wide Bed,4x4, Power
EquipmentGroup, SYNC, 5th Wheel Prep VI:AI50 MSRP......................... $42,720 TSS Discount................. -$2,751 $39,969 Retail Customer Cash......... -$500
~28 499
2 014 S u b a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i Premium 6MT
2 01 4 Su b a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i Premium CVT
Option PKG 2,All-Weather Package. HeatedFront Seats, WindshieldWiperDe-lcer, HeatedSide Mirrors, RearBumper Cover,SplashGuards,Auto-DimMirror/Comp
Option PKG 2,All-Weather Package.Heated FrontSeats, WindshieldWiperDe-lcer, HeatedSide Mirrors, RearSeat Back Protector, RearBumperCover, Puddlelights, CargoNet, Auto-DimMirror/Comp/Homelink, FloorMats/All Weather
MSRP $27,352. VIN: ¹E1272914 EDC-02 Subaru of Bend Discount $1,853.
MSRP $28,759. VIN: ¹E3272267 EDD-02 Subaru of Bend Discount $2,260.
$39,469 2014 FORD EXPEDITION 4X4 Moon Roof, Leather, Driver Vision Package VIN:F40447
MSRP......................... $51,490 TSS Discount.................-$3,495 $47,995 Ford Customer Cash......... -$3,500 Retail Bonus Cash............. -$750 Trade-InAssistance"* ...... -$1,000 "Mniiradsin
$8p745 Off MSRP!
$42 745
Cash orTrade Equity 54 Months@2.25%APR. On ApprovedCredit. Tier 1 Credit.
2014 FORD F150 SUPER CREW 4x4, Leather, Chrome Package, XLT Package, Rear ViSiOn Camera. YIN:B47847 L
MSRP ......................... $44,460
TSS Discount.................-$3,475 $40,985 XLT RetailCash..............-$1,500 Retail Customer Cash.......-$2,000 Ford CreditBonus* ... . . . . . . . -$1,000 Trade-InAssistance** ...... -$1,250
*Must Finance throughFMCC. ** Must trade ina'95 or newer.OnApprovedCredit.
2014 FORD F150 SUPER CAB STX 4x4, SYNC, Tow Package, XM Radio. YIN:A55500 MSRP......................... $36,885 TSS Discount .................-$2,723 $34,162 F150 STX Cash................. -$500 Retail Customer Cash.......-$2,000 Ford CreditBonus* ..........- $1,000 Trade-InAssistance*" ...... -$1,250
*Must Finance throughFMCC. Must trade ina'95or newer. OnApprovedCredit.
2 014 S u b a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i Premium CVT
2 01 4 Su b a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i Premium CVT
Option PKG 2,All-Weather Package. HeatedFront Seats, WindshieldWiperDe-lcer, HeatedSideMirrors, RearSeat Back Protector, RearBumperCover, CargoNet, Auto-DimMirror/Comp/Homelink,FloorMats/All Weather
OptionPKG2, Heated Front Seats, WindshieldWiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors, RearSeat Back Protector, Rear BumperCover, CargoNet,Auto-DimMirror/Comp/Homelink, Floor Mats/AllWeather
2014 FORD F150 4X4 CREW CAB
Long Box,5.0 VS ,Power Equipment Group, SYNC, COmmuniCatiOn Pkg. YIN:B47e44 MSRP......................... $39,250 TSS Discount .................-$2,295 $36,995 0 Retail Customer Cash.......-$1,500 Ford CreditBonus".......... -$1,000 Trade-InAssistance** ...... -$1,750
d I
I r,a'EllkrIII>t
MSRP $28,515. VIN: ¹E3266162 EDD-02 Subaru of Bend Discount $$2,016.
*MustFinancethroughFMCC. Musttradeina'95 ornewer. OnApprovedCredit.
MSRP $28,515. VIN: ¹E3266153 EDD-02 Subaru of Bend Discount $2,016.
I .
I• Sale endsJuly2, 2014