Bulletin Daily Paper 11/28/12

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Serving Central Oregon since1903 75f t

WEDNESDAY November28,2012


mericanGof gifts

uieo uin SAVVY SHOPPER • B1



Burning zirconium couds skies in Prinevi e


By Ben Botkin


Former e ucator aces new

The Bulletin

A smoke cloud generated by a pile of burning zirconium Tuesday attracted attention but posed little hazard to anyone in and around Prineville, according to a Crook County Health Department official. Crook County Fire and Rescue said the large plume that blossomed just before noon posed a risk only to anyone with respiratory problems and advised those people to stay indoors. The smoke can prove at worst an irritant but zirconium itself is considered non-toxic, according to the Chemicool website. It is, however, highly combustible. The outdoor fire started at EnviroTech Services, which makes road de-icer and dust products at the Prineville Freight Depot, a transportation hub three miles west of Prineville on Buss Evans Road. A spark from a worker's shovel ignited a pile of metal filings that included zirconium, according to the fire department. It responded at 11:18 a.m. Firefighters arrived to find employees of EnviroTech and SMAF Environmental putting dry cement on the zirconium to quench the fire, officials said. Applying water to burning zirconium will only make it worse, the fire department said. SeeClouds/A6

Zirconium fireBus Evans d

• Bremontto besentenced for sexualabuseFriday; new chargesareunrelated By Sheila G. Miller The Bulletin

Photos by Rob Kerr / The Bulletin

Mai Tomlin, 9, of Eugene,builds a snow tunnel at Dutchman Flat Sno-park near Mount Bachelor on Tuesday.

now cim s evers rime ur winter sports season

Dutchman Fiat SwampyLakes

Sno-park Sno-park

is fast upon us. Mt. Bachelor's alpine

Houston Lake Rd.


are openforclassic and skate skiAndy Zeigert / The Bulletin

Mt Bachelor

season is in full swing, and its groomed nordic trails and ski oval

Cascade 4 6 Lakes Hwy.

6,350 ft. 5,800 ft.



5,034 ft.

Mefssner Sno-par



ers who buy a day or season pass.

5,400 ft.



C Andy Zeigert /The Bulletin

giving us new places to play. At the lower-elevation parks, — particularly at Virginia

RICE:Republican senators still have doubts,A3

Meissner — enthusiasm is building, too. Meissner Nordic, the nonprofit that runs the

MILITARY:Women sue

enough snow. To check trail conditions, visit www.meissnernordic.org. And before you

over combat exclusion,A3

gets sta ed in Senate The Bulletin

Along the Cascade Lakes Highway, snow is building at the higher-elevation sno-parks,


Hunters' bi By Andrew Clevenger


Edison Butte

Sno-park 46

The former Redmond Proficiency Academy directoris due to be sentenced Friday and begin serving time for sexually abusing a former student, but this week two ne w c ases were filed against the former local educator. Michael Bremont, 39, now faces one count of Br e mont f irst-degree theft a n d one count each of attempting to elude a police officer and reckless driving. Bremont's attorney, L. Todd Wilson, did not return a call for comment. According to court records,the first-degree theft charge is from a September 2011 incident. Chief Deputy D i strict A t t orney Mary Anderson wrote in an email that the theft charge, filed Tuesday, stems from Bremont stealing computers and computer equipment intended for RPA. SeeCharges/A4

park, plans to open Saturday and groom some of the 40 kilometers of trails if there's go to any of the area's sno-parks, buy a winter recreation pass at an area merchant.


WASHINGTON — A bill designed to give hunters and anglers more access to public lands stalled in th e S enate Monday amid concerns over it s funding source.

The Sportsmen's Act of 2012 combined 17 var-


ied provisions into one I N D.C. piece of legislation. The bill would steer additional funds to conserving fish and wildlife and their habitats and ease government efforts to buy land that increases hunters' and anglers' access to publicly owned land. In addition, it would allow bow hunters to carry their bows through national parks en route to areas where they can use the weapons legally. SeeBill/A4

Late showers High 45, Low 33

Page Co )oJ

INDEX Business E1-4 Local News C1-6 C alendar B 3 O b ituaries C 5 Classified F1-4 Oregon News C3 Comics B 4-5 Shopping B1-6 C rosswords B5, F2 Sports D 1-6 D ear Abby B3 Stocks E2 - 3 Editorials C 4 S udoku B5 Horoscope B3 I V & Movies B2

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An Independent Newspaper

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The Bulletin Vol. 109, No. 333, 32 pages, 6 sections

Qoeo *' Ztfti,

Dusty Johnson, 74, left, and John Kamna, 64, finished a cross-country ski excursion at Dutchman Flat Sno-park on Tuesday, then stopped at Virginia Meissner Sno-park, pictured, for lunch in Jane's Yurt.

A sign on the Skinny Skis Cafe trailerdisplays enthusiasm about getting the crosscountry ski season under way this weekend at Meissner.

• Coming Thursday:Findout about nordic skiing at Bachelor in Outing

Saving power at data centers By Will Oremus Slate

In September, The New York Times ran a provocative front-page story about the data centers that power the Internet. "A yearlong examination by The New York Times has revealed that this foundation of the information industry is sharply at odds with its image of sleek efficiency and environmental friendliness," the story said. In fact, the data centers that store our YouTube videos, run our Google searches, and process our eBay bids use about 2 percent of all electricity in the nation. SeeData centers/A4








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Practicingfor cyberwar

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333rd day of 2012. There are 33 days left in the year.

The Pentagon is building a virtual city that will enable government hackers to practice attacking and defending the computers and networks that increasingly run the world's water, power and other critical systems. To reinforce the effect of those attacks, the

cyber-range, known as"CyberCity," will include a scale model of buildings and other facilities that will physically respond when attacks have beensuccessful — or unsuccessful.



• There will be a groundbreaking

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~o~k ".


General Private s tore ho m e Goffee s hop

Center at the Wall at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.


- III) •

Rocket launcher ms Public works


ceremony for theEducation

• gl • • • • • • • I

Soc i a l media

I n ternet s e r vice

Tr a nsportation de p artment Bank ms Hospltal ms statton ~ Power & 5 pla~ t

• U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice Ratl road

will continue meeting with

senators concerned about her role in describing the Sept. 11 Benghazi attacks.A3

541 -383-0348 N EW S R O O M



Once the range is operational, "cyberwarrior" teams, somemembers of whomarethousands of miles

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pimppop App.

away, will attempt to thwart attacks inside CyberCity. A few training scenarios:


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Oregon Lottery results Ae listed at www.oregonlottery.org

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn Tuesday night are:

QSQ12 ~ ©2Q49 ©O The estimated jackpot is now $12 million.



Terrorists have

"Hacktivists" hijack the

To prevent interference

Intelligence reveals that a

commandeered arocket

electrical utility and post

with a scheduled rescue

VIP has beentargeted to

launcher and are making extortion demands. Warriors must gain access to the rocket

unreasonable demands on the utility's website. They create a brief system-wide blackout to demonstrate their ability.

operation, warriors must analyze traffic patterns and target intersections that are most likely to be

Warriors must recover access to the grid,

creating traffic jams to block them while keeping green lights on for rescuers to exit.

receive a drug overdose during his stay at the hospital. Warriors must ensure that he's not administered Vicodin, to which he is highly

launcher's contol system and disable the rockets.

Preventive methods • Track down andscan the control system to


Highlight:In1520, Portuguese

disable invasive backdoor

mechanisms and lockout

gain unprivilegedaccess. • Locate the rocket launcher's command console andexplore it with read-only access.

the intruders.

• Exploit a flaw in the

• Exploit similar flaws to

software to gainaccess to the controls. • Identify commands that control the direction of thelaucher.

• Reverse-engineerthe

Preventive methods

• Study compromised webpage to identify hackers' openings. gain access to the utility's network. • Disable the code that

provides accessand control to the attackers.

used by adversaries,

Preventive methods • Find a traffic-reporting website and exploit it to

gain access andescalate privileges.

• Capture, inspect and correlate control system data while observing traffic light changes. • Create traffic control tools.

• Manipulate traffic while

launch tool to bypass the

observing lights.

launch coderequirement. • Disable the launching


allergic. The hospital staff regularly visits the coffee

shop. Preventive methods • "Sniff" the coffee shop's WiFi traffic. • Hack into the hospital

email server. • Access the email of the patient's doctor. • Reset the doctor's

An enemy is transporting a weapon of mass destruction to an

unknown location via railroad. Warriors must

manipulate a drawbridge control system to derail the shipment.

Preventive methods • A sensor on the track counts the number of times that trains pass. After a certain number of

passes, the drawbridge control system instructs trains to stop and raises the drawbridge. • Break into the control system and manipulate data being delivered by

the sensor device.

The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — CyberCity has all the makings of a regular town. There's a bank, a hospital and a power plant. A train station operates near a water tower. The coffee shop offers free WiFi. But only c e r tain p eople can get in: government hackers preparing for battles in

cyberspace. The town is a virtual place that exists only on computer networks run by a New Jersey-based security firm working under contract with the Air Force. Computers simulate communications and o perations, including email, heating systems, a railroad and an online social networking site dubbed FaceSpace. Think of it as something like themockdeserttownsthatwere constructed at military facilities to help American soldiers train for the war in Iraq. But here, the soldier-hackers from the Air Force and other branches of the military will practice attacking and defending the computers and networks that run the theoreticai town. In one scenario, they will attempt to take control of a speeding train containing weapons of mass destruction. To those who participate in the practice missions, the digital activity will look and feei reaL The "city" will have more than 15,000"people" who have email accounts, work passwords and bank deposits. The power plant has employees. The hospital has patients. The coffee shop's customers vtri ll come and go, using the insecure WiFi system, just as in real life. To reinforce the real-world consequences of cyberattacks, CyberCity will have a tabletop scale model of the town, including an electric train, a water tower and a miniature traffic light that will show when they have been attacked. "It might look to some people like a toy or game," Ed Skoudis, founder of Counter Hack, the security firm in central New Jersey that is developing the project, said recently while giving a reporter a tour of the fledgling system. "But cyber-

closelyguardedplans forcyberwar. It also reflects the government's growing fears about the vuinerabiiities of the computers that run the nation's critical infrastructure. Last month, Defense SecretaryLeon Panetta said that digital attacks "could be as destructive as the terrorist attack on 9/11" and virtually paralyze the country. "If a crippling cyberattack were launched against our nation, the American people must be protected," he said. "And if the commander inchief orders a response, the Defense Department must be readyto obey that order and to act."

Troublesome fears Behind those fears is an unsettling reality: Networks in the United States will remain vulnerable to attacks for some time to come because no one understands cyberspace well enough to ensure security. In the four decades since the Internetbegan, most cybersecurity research has been conducted on the fly or as an afterthought, accordingtointerviews with security specialists and computer scientists. Now, with the world linking up its communications, infrastructure, military, banking, medical and other systems at a lightning pace, the dynamic of cyberspace has grown too complex. Rigorous scientific experimentation that might lead to security break-

throughs is only beginning. In the meantime, attackers

hold a huge advantage. They can choose the time, place and method of strikes. Defenders almost always have to settle for reacting, making fixes after the damage has been done. CyberCity aims to prepare government hackers to hold their own until long-term solutions can be found. "The problem is the bad guys are getting better much faster than we are," Skoudis said. "We don't want to fall further behind on this." CyberCity is one of h u ndreds of virtual environments — often known as cyber ranges

or test beds — launched in recent years by military, corporate and academic researchers to confront the mind-bending securitychallenges posed by cyberspace, where millions of attacks or intrusions occur ev-

ery day. Some small ranges study the effects of malicious software and viruses. Some hope to emulate the Internet itself and become scientific instruments of sorts, akin to mountaintop telescopes or particle accelerators, that will enable researchers to seek out the elusive fundamentais of cyberspace. The most ambitious of these, the National Cyber Range, was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. It has cost about $130 million since 2008. The agency said seven large-scale experiments have been conducted by Pentagon researchers. Creating realistic virtual environments is extraordinarily challenging. In cyberspace, a global network of networks, more than 2 billion people interact with at least 12 billion computers and devices, including global positioning systems, mobile phones, satellites, data routers, ordinary desktop computers and industrial control computers that run power plants, watersystems and more. In many cyber ranges, the simulated Web servers, routers, mobile phones and other network devices operate essentially as they do in the real world, but they have few if any physical components. The virtual devices simply exist as computer code. Merit Network, a nonprofit technology group in Michigan, just launched a cyber range at Eastern Michigan University that promises to conduct "live fire" exercises. The Defense Department runs the Information Assurance Range in Stafford County, Va. It gives cyberwarriorsa safe,closed environment to practice intrusions and security testing. In Hampshire, England, and Miiiersville, M d. , N o r throp Grumman runs cyber ranges that allow corporate and government clients in Britain and

Mombasa airport. Fiveyearsago:O.J.Simpson pleaded not guilty in LasVegas to charges of kidnapping and armed robbery stemming from a confrontation with

sports memorabilia dealers. (Simpson and aco-defendant were later convicted.) One yearago:Egyptians, despite a recentwave of unrest, waited peacefully in long lines to vote in the first parliamentary

BIRTHDAYS "Late Show" orchestra leader The Washington Post

warriors will learn from it." CyberCity provides insight into some of the Pentagon's

attacks in Kenya, three suicide bombers killed14 people at an Israeli-owned hotel, while at least two missiles were fired at — but missed — an Israeli jetliner taking off from

Hosni Mubarak; Islamist parties were the big winners.

passwol'd. • Exploit medical practice software to adjust the patient's prescription and remove the dose of lethal Vicodin.

er i es overnmen acers rain o wa a ac s By Robert O'Harrow jr.

passing through the strait that now bears his name. Ten yearsago: Intwin

elections since theouster of

medical records system

Source: Counter Hack

navigator Ferdinand Magellan reached the Pacific Ocean after

the United States to create modeis of their own networks and employee activity. Northrop officials liken their systems to flight simulators. C hristopher Valentino, a research and development director in the cyberinteiiigence division of Northrop Grumman information Systems, said one keyto a successfulrange is closely approximating the way

Paul Shaffer is 63. Actor Ed Harris is 62. Actress S. Epatha

Merkerson is 60. Comedian Jon Stewart is 50. — From wire reports


Making a flLI VaCCine


the virus By Kai Kupferschmidt

human psychology plays out


on real networks. "It's very hard to find 'normal,'" he said.

A new vaccine strategy couidmakeflushotscheaper, safer, and easier to produce. Using synthetic messenger RNA instead of proteins purified from viruses, German scientists have shown they can protect mice, ferrets, and pigs against influenza. "This is a very interesting new approach," says HansDieter Kienk, a virologist at the University of Marburg in Germany who was not invoived in the work. Now, most flu vaccines consist of h e magglutinin and neuraminidase, the two proteins covering the surfaceofthe virus.To produce these molecules, the three predominant i nfluenza strains are cultured in fertilized chicken eggs or, increasingly, in cell culture. Virus is then harvested and broken up so that the two proteins can be purified. How well a given strain grows in either eggs or cells is hard to predict, however, and producing enough virus for millions of vaccine doses takes many months every

Creating CyberCity The idea f o r C y b erCity grew out of conversations that Skoudis had two years ago with senior Air Force officials eager to convey to cyberwarriors the impact that hacking can have on real-world operations such as water plants and

power grids. At the time, the Pentagon had recently declared cyberspace t he newest domain of w a r. U.S. forces also had secretly launched cyberattacks against Iran's nuclear enrichment faciiities, disabling almost 1,000 uranium centrifuges in2009 and 2010. That attack, disclosed this year, involved a malicious computer "worm" known as Stuxnet. It is the most notable attack on critical infrastructure that has come to light. Skoudis ran a network-hacking training program called NetWars through the SANS Institute, a l eading security organization that has trained thousands of government and civilian employees. Working through SANS, he agreed to create CyberCity for less than $1 million. It would be a modest range with an urgent, focused


"We're not trying to do a lot of theoretical work here," Skoudis said. "Our focus is on very p r actical a p plications, training cyberwarriors." The Air Force believes that

training on cyber ranges is a key to keeping pace with changing threats from criminais, terrorists or even nationstates. The practice missions in CyberCity are expected to begin in the next few weeks.

year. N ow, scientists at t h e Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute

(Germany's Federal Research Institute for Animal Health), and biotech company CureVac in Tiibingen have developed a new approach. By injecting synthetic mRNA into the skin of mice, the researchers coaxed the animals' cells into producing the virus protein themselves. This elicited an immune response that later protected the animals from infection with otherwise lethal doses of influenza virus.




Servicewomensue over policy keeping them from combat

IN BRIEF Rebels see noend in sight in Syrian war HAREM, Syria — Before the civil war, Ramiz Moussa was a middle-class civil servant who processedfines for littering, illegal construction and disturbing the peace in Aleppo, Syria's largest city. Now, the 40-year-old squats with other rebels in damaged, abandoned homes in this embattled town. He rarely sees his family and thinks of little beyond thenext attack on government soldiers. "We no longer count the days," he said, standing in a rubble-strewn alley, with a rifle and two rocket-propelled grenades. "Today we're in a battle, but we can't remember when it started, much less the past battles. You could ask me what day it is, but I can't tell you." A dark realization is spreading across northern Syria that despite 20 months of violence and recent rebel gains, an end to the war to topple President Bashar Assad is nowhere in sight. As a result, civilians and

rebel fighters are digging in, building an infrastructure to secure rebel towns, care for the wounded and escalate the fightagainst Assad's forces.

Israeli premier seen as vulnerable in election JERUSALEM Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who appeared to be cruising to re-election a few

weeks ago, suddenly appears vulnerable as t h e c o u ntry prepares to go to the polls in January. The political comeback of a

popular former foreign minister on Tuesday, coupled with the ruling Likud Party's selection of an especially hard-line slate of candidates, has suddenly raised questions about Netanyahu's prospects. Eager to portray Netanyahu as an extremist, opposition parties see an opportunity to mount a formidable challenge to the Israeli leader. O usting N e t anyahu r e mains a formidable task, but the return of Tzipi Livni, who served asIsrael's foreign minister and chief peace negotiator from 2006 to 2009, injected a high-profile name into what had been a lackluster race. Well-respected internationally, Livni immediately took aim at what she called a "leadership vacuum" and promised

an aggressive push for peace with the Palestinians.

Obama meets new Mexican president WASHINGTON — Mexico's incoming president told President Barack Obama on Tuesday that he hopes to help him pass a comprehensive overhaul of U.S. immigration policy. The two leaders delivered their remarks at the start of their meeting in the Oval Office. Obama didn't d i rectly address immigration, but he acknowledged President-elect Enrique Pena Nieto's interest in the issue. Democrats are hopeful that long-stalled immigration efforts will gain traction on Capitol Hill among Republicans chastened by the party's performance among Hispanics in the Nov. 6 elections.

Powerball jackpot boosts lottery revenue DES MOINES, Iowa — The historic P owerball j a c kpot boosted to $500 million on Tuesday was all part of a plan lottery officials put in place early this year to build jackpots faster, drive sales and generate more money for states. Their plan appears to be working. Powerball t i ckets doubled in price in January to $2, and while the number of tickets sold initially dropped, sales revenue has increased by about 35 percent over 2011. Sales for Powerball reached a record $3.96 billion in fiscal 2012 and are expected to reach $5 billion this year, said Chuck Strutt, executive director of the Des Moines, Iowa-based MultiState Lottery Association, the group that runs Powerball. There has been no winner since Oct. 6, and the jackpot has reached a record level. — From wire reports

By Craig Whitlock

District of Columbia. In both cases, the women WASHINGTON — Four are accusing the Pentagon female service members of moving too slowly to recfiled a federal lawsuit Tues- ognize the reality of modern day seeking to overturn war zones, where the milithe Pentagon's exclusion of tary has become dependent women from many combat on female troops to fight the roles, arguing that the re- enemy even though on paper strictions are unconstitu- they arebarred from doing so tional and have hindered in many cases. In addition to their careers. Hunt, the plaintiffs are MaThe plaintiffs have all rine Capt. Zoe Bedell, Marine served in Iraq or Afghani1st Lt. Colleen Farrell and Air stan and each performed Force Maj. M ar y J e nnings dangerous combat-related Hegar. missions. Two were awardResponding t o pr e ssure ed Purple Hearts — a com- from Congress and female bat decoration after veterans, the Pentagon anthey were wounded on the n ounced in F e bruary t h at battlefield. it would open about 14,000 "The shrapnel that tore combat-related positions to through the vehicle that female troops, including tank day didn't stop because I'm mechanics and i n telligence a female," Army Staff Sgt. officers on the front lines. Jennifer Hunt, who was inBut the Defense Department jured in Iraq by a roadside said it would keep 238,000 othbomb while she was riding er positions — about one-fifth in a Humvee, said in a tele- of the regular active-duty milphone interview. She said itary — off-limits to women, the Pentagon's combat ex- pending further review. Virtuclusion policy assumes that ally all of those jobs are in the women are less capable Army and Marine Corps. than men, "which is I think one of the biggest errors the military can make." The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in San Fran541-548-2066 ciscoagainst Defense SecAdjustable retary Leon Panetta, is the latest legal attempt to force the Pentagon to lift its longstanding ban on w omen serving in m ost g r ound combat units. In May, two female A rm y r e s ervists MN'TRESS filed a similar lawsuit in G allery- B e n d U.S. District Court in the 541-330-5084 The Washington Post

Susan Walsh /The Associated Press

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., center, flanked by Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., left, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., speaks Tuesday on Capitol Hill in Washington, following a meeting with U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.

3 in GOPstill critical of Rice after discussionswith her By Jeremy W. Peters

senators emerged from the meeting voicingeven deeper WASHINGTON — Susan reservations about Rice's role Rice, the U.S. ambassador to in the messy aftermath of the United Nations, conceded the Benghazi attack, which Tuesday that she incorrectly resulted in the deaths of four described the attack on the Americans. "We are significantly trouU.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, in September as following bled by many of the answers a spontaneousprotest,rather that we got, and some that we than being a terrorist attack. didn't get," Sen. John McCain But she said she based her of Arizona said to reporters. statement on the intelligence Sen. Lindsey Graham of available at the time and did South Carolina said, "Bottom not intend to mislead the U.S. line: I'm more concerned than public. I was before" — a sentiment Rice's a c k nowledgment, echoed by Sen. Kelly Ayotte of in a meeting on Capitol Hill New Hampshire. with three Republican senaTheir statements — comtors who had criticized her ing after Rice's conciliatory earlierstatements in a series remarks during a m e eting of television interviews afdesigned to mend fences with ter the attack, seemed to do her three critics and smooth little to quell their anger. The the way for her nomination as New Yorlz Times News Service

secretaryof state if President Barack Obama decides on her as the successor to Hillary Clinton — attested to the bitterness of the feud between the White House and Republicans over Benghazi. Republicans have seized on Rice's initial account as a politically motivated cover-up by the administration. The White House has defended Rice by saying she was simply articulating talking points produced by intelligence agencies. Rice had asked for the meeting and was accompanied by the acting CIA director, Michael Morrell, amid signs that McCain and Graham were softening their opposition to her potential nomination. Rice's meetings with the senators will continue today.


IM l

WILSONSsf Redmond

Palestinians onverge of U.N. 'observer' role The WashingtonPost NEW YORK — The U.N. General Assembly is poised to recognize Palestine as a "non-member observer state" on Thursday, a move that will strengthen the Palestinians' legal basis for pursuing possible war-crimesprosecutions against Israeli troops and set up a showdown with the United States and Israel. Supporters hope the vote will provide a d esperately needed political boost to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, whose Fatah party has been eclipsed in recent weeks by rival Hamas, the militant movement whose f ortunes have r i sen w i t h those of its Islamist allies in Egypt and elsewhere. The Palestinians are expected to win the Thursday vote by a n o v erwhelming margin, according to U.N. diplomats. To date, 132 coun-

tries have recognized the state of Palestine. "I think that the great majority of nations will vote with us because there is a global consensus on the two-state solution," said Riyad Mansour, the Palestinians' U.N. representative, adding that 60 states have agreed to cosponsor the resolution. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said his country would back the Palestinian quest, telling the French parliament on Tuesday that Paris would support a resolution recognizing Palestine as an observer state, the same status accorded to the Vatican. The vote is likely to roil U.N. diplomatic waters and highlight a rift in Europe over Palestinian statehood. It is also likely to provoke a diplomatic backlash from Israel and concern in Washington.

Protesters gather in Cairo streets again McClatchy Newspapers CAIRO — Tens of thousands of protesters poured into Tahrir Square on Tuesday night to contest what they believe is Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi's illegal declaration that his decisions are exempt f ro m j u dicial oversight, marking the largest protests ever against the newly elected president. It was not clear whether the chants of thousands calling for a second revolution would lead Morsi to rescind, modify or wait out opponents to his 5-day-old constitutional declaration. Instead, it appeared the crowds, notably absent o f the I slamists who a r e Morsi's base, simply reflected an i n creasingly p olarized electorate. Indeed, many who were protesting Tuesday said they boycotted the election that led


Allstate Agent Dan Peterson is proud to support the Bend South Little League.

to Morsi's presidency or voted for his rival. If Morsi sticks to his declaration, the feud over who has the final say over the nation's judicial matters will come to a head Sunday when the courts are expected to make three

key rulings. The courts will determine whether Morsi acted legally when he changed the temporary constitution in Julyto end military rule and giving Morsi final say over military matters, the first time a civilian has had such power in Egypt's modern history; whether the assembly chargedwith crafting a permanent constitution is legal, since it was elected by the now-defunct Parliament, which the courts earlier ruled was illegally constituted; and whether the Shura Council, the upper house of Parliament, should be dissolved.

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New Chernobylshelter underway By jim Heintz The Associated Press

CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR POWER STATION, Ukraine — Workers have raised the first section of a colossal archshaped structure that eventually will cover the exploded nuclear reactor at the Chernobyl power station. Project officials on Tuesday hailed the raising as a significant step in a complex effort to clean up the consequences of the 1986 explosion, the world's worst nuclear accident. Upon completion, the shelter will be moved on tracks over the building containing the destroyed reactor, allowing work to begin on dismantling the reactor and disposing of radioactive waste. Suma Chakrabati, p resident of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which is leading the project, called Tuesday "avery significant milestone, which is a tribute to the ongoing commitment of the international donor community, and an important step towards overcoming the legacy of the accident." The shelter, shaped like a gargantuan Quonset hut, will be 843 feet by 492 feet when completed and at its apex will be higher than the Statue of Liberty. The April 26, 1986, accident in the then-Soviet republic of


Efrem Lukatsky/The Associated Press

A playground stands deserted Tuesday in Pripyat, Ukraine,less than 2 miles from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Workers on Tuesday raised the first section of a colossal arch-shaped structure that is planned to eventually cover the reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power station. Ukraine sent a cloud of radioactive fallout over much of Europe and forced the evacuation of about 115,000 people from the plant's vicinity. A 19-mile area directly around the plant remains largely off-limits and the town of Pripyat, where the plant's workers once lived, today is a ghostly ruin of deteriorating apartment towers. At least 28 people have died of acute radiation sickness from close exposure to the shattered reactor and more than 6,000 cases of thyroid cancer have been detected in people who, as children or ado-


lescents, were exposed to high levels of fallout after the blast. Officials who showed reporters around the construction site Tuesday were clearly delighted at the colossus taking shape before them, but concerned about th e c h allenges ahead. The shelter is to be moved overthe reactor building by the end of 2015 — a deadline that no one wants to miss given that the so-called sarcophagus hastily built over the reactor building after the 1986 explosion has an estimated service life of about 30 years.

formalized a deal cut last summer tocurb federalspending. "It spends m or e m o ney Continued from A1 "I think there's broad sup- than we agreed to spend on port in the conservation com- this item 15 months ago when munity for 99 percent of the the Budget Control Act was bill," said Whit Fosburgh, presi- passed in order to raise the dent of the Theodore Roosevelt debt ceiling in America," SesConservation Partnership. "I sions said. think everything that was obSessions called for a vote jectionable to anybody, with a on the budget point of order, few exceptions, has been taken and needing 60 votes to waive out along the way." it, the measure failed by a 50One of t h e c o ntroversial 44 vote. Oregon's Democratic exceptions was a p r ovision Sens. Jeff Merkley and Ron that would have granted a Wyden supported overriding one-time amnesty for hunters the budget issue and advancto bring the remains of 41 po- ing the measure. lar bears they had previously The bill included a provision killed into the U.S. from Can- that would have specifically ada. The animal is listed as an stopped the E n vironmental endangered species, making Protection Agency from enit illegal to bring the trophies forcing limits on lead and othinto the country. er pollutants in ammunition But it wasn't polar bear re- and fishing tackle. mains that tripped up the bill, Some conservation groups, but duck stamps. To pay for the including the Humane Sociadditional federal spending, ety and the Natural Resources the bill authorized the Depart- Defense Council, o b jected ment of the Interior to raise the that this would undercut the price of duck stamps, which agency's ability to enforce the permit bearers to hunt the wa- Toxic Substances Control Act terfowl across state lines. and reduce the potential exSen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., posure to lead for animals and the ranking member of the humans. Senate Budget Committee, obFosburgh pointed out that jected to this provision, saying the use of lead shot in hunting it wrongly gave bureaucrats waterfowl was banned in 1991, the ability to raise taxes, which and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife is the exclusive purview of Service as well as state agenCongress. He also said the new cies already have the authorspending violated the terms of ity to enforce the ban. "It makes no sense to ban the Budget Control Act, which

lead, which is about half as expensive," he said. Instead, it would unfairly drive up costs for sportsmen who use their guns at firingranges where the spent ammunition does not pose an environmental danger, he said. "That is not an ecological harm to anybody," he said. "To ban it across the board is way


monitoring. Upon release, he'll face 60 months of probation. Bremont cannot have any contact with the victim, must registeras a sex offender and can have no contact with female minors other than his children and except as allowed by the courtor probation officers. Bremont will also not be allowed to work or volunteer in schools. Meanwhile, in Jun e, Bremont wa s a r r ested f or sexually abusing a 17-year-old female student when he was principal of Central Linn High School in Halsey in 2005 and 2006. He was charged with one count of second-degree sexual abuse. He entered a no-contest plea to that charge last week and is serving a 30-day sentence in the Linn County Jail. That sentence is concurrent with the expected 19 months in prison he'll serve for abusing the RPA student. According t o A n d e rson, there isa separate plea offer in the reckless driving and attempt to elude case, and she does not expect it to affect negotiations in the sex abuse and theft cases, for which he will be sentenced Friday. "The defendant was already in custody when the report on the elude was received by our office," Anderson wrote in an emaiL Anderson said she will discuss the new charges at Friday's sentencing.

in March. According to court docuContinued from A1 ments, Redmond Police re"There was an investigation corded three phone calls beconducted by the Redmond tween Bremont, the student Police Department and infor- and the student's mother. In mation provided by the insurer calls with the student's mother, of RPA, Travelers Insurance," Bremont acknowledged kissshe wrote. ing and touching the girl, and In aseparate case, Bremont that he thought he loved her. is accused of driving reckThe student told Redmond lessly on U.S. Highway 97 Police the r elationship got near milepost 114 north of physical during a class trip. Redmond, and attempting to Bremont drove the group, in elude a police officer on Oct. his motor home, to visit a col26. Attempting to elude is a lege in the Willamette Valley. class C felony. Bremont offered to give the girl According to a n O r egon a ride home, then took a detour S tate Police log from l l : 16 and parked the vehicle in an p.m. Oct. 26, a trooper caught area of empty lots in northeast on radar B r emont's south- Redmond. There, he initiated bound 2002 white BMW trav- sexual contact with the girL eling at speeds in excess of She told investigators she 75 mph. According to the log, never had sexual intercourse when the trooper turned on with Bremont, but they conhis lights to conduct a traffic tinued to have some physical stop, Bremont's car sped away contact in his office and the The trooper checked the radar server room at the school. The again and found Bremont was physical contact ended in Febdriving 103 mph. ruary 2010, the student told The charges are just the lat- authorities. est in a string of legal problems Last month, Bremont pleadthat started in February, when ed guilty by Alford plea to one Bremont was a r rested and count each of second-degree charged with 14 crimes, rang- and third-degree sexual abuse. ing from attempted rape to An Alford plea allows a defensodomy to sexual abuse. The dant to plead guilty without adcharges were linked to a sex- mitting wrongdoing. By makual relationship he had with a ing an Alford plea, a defendant 15-year-old female student be- acknowledges the prosecution ginning in late 2009. is likely to prove the charge. Bremont became thedirecAs part of the plea agreetor of RPA, a public charter ment, Bremont i s e x pected school, when it opened in 2009. to be sentenced Friday to 19 He was placed on paid admin- months in prison. He may reistrative leave immediately af- ceive credit for time served, ter his arrest, and he resigned but no credit for electronic

beyond addressing any problem out in nature." Michael Whitney, the president of the Bend chapter of the Oregon Hunters Association, said the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife works with private landowners to assure that hunters who bid on access and habitat tags that allow them to hunt designated areas of public land have access to them. Locally, there aren't many sites where h u nters c a n't access d e sirable h u n t i ng grounds, he said, but there is a wilderness area near John Day that is surrounded by private land, said Whitney, who hunts elk and deer, mostly on lots a few hours east of Deschutes County. "A lot of people would hunt that on horseback or on foot," he said, because motorized vehicles are banned in the wilderness area. "But getting to it is aproblem, because the access is blocked."

Data centers

Rather, they're weighed down by smaller and less-InternetContinued from A1 focused firms that run their The Times reported that, own data centers, often using in some data centers, up to 90 antiquated equipment and dispercent of this electricity is credited practices. simply wasted. By contrast, Google's stateThe story was no doubt an of-the-art data centers use, eye-opener for the 51 percent on average, just 12 percent of Americans who were unas much energy to cool their der the assumption that "the servers as they do to power cloud" has something to do them. How does Google do it? I with the weather. Far from spoke with Joe Kava, the comsome meteorological phenom- pany's vice president of data enon, the cloud is in fact a mas- centers, to find out. He says sive collection of warehouses the company has improved jammed with rows and rows the layout of its data centers by of power-sucking machines. using precise testing to figure But once you've gotten past out the exact times and locathe fundamental realization tions at which energy is being that the cloud is a hulking, pol- lost. The fundamental prinluting, physical thing, there's ciple is to keep hot air separate another story to tell. It's the from cold air. The more they one about how some of the mix, the more energy you m ore forward-thinking I n waste. Data centers typically ternetcompanies are coming do this by creating "hot aisles" up with wildly creative ways behind the servers and "cold to cut down on all that waste. aisles" in front. Kava says Facebook is building its lat- Google quickly realized that est data center at the edge of a lot of heat was escaping the the Arctic Circle. An industry hot aisles when technicians consortium is sponsoring a had to go into them to work "server roundup" and hand- on the machines. So it began ing out rodeo belt buckles to customizing its servers to put the Internet company that all the plugs on the front. Now can take the largest number you can fix them all from the of energy-leechingcomatose cold aisle. servers offline. And Google At Google, though, the term "cold aisle" is something of a has saved huge amounts of energy by allowing its data misnomer. "There's a fallacy that data center workers to wear shorts and T-shirts. centers have to be like meat Why shorts and T-shirts? lockers — they have to be cold Well, let's back up. There are when you walk in," Kava says. two main ways that server "And it's absolutely not true. farms hog power. One is run- The servers all run perfectly ning the servers. The other fine at much warmer temis keeping them cool so they peratures." Instead ofkeeping don't overheat and c r ash. its data centers at the tradiAmazingly,many data cen- tional 60 to 65 degrees Fahrters expend as much — or enheit, Google's often run at a more — energy on cooling as balmy 80 degrees. That's why on computation. The Uptime its technicians now work in Institute, a private consortium shorts and T-shirts. Keeping that tracks data-center indus- the temperature a little higher try trends, estimates that com- has also allowed the company panies a decade ago spent an to switch from using giant, average of 1.5 times as much power-hungry chillers to an energy coolingtheir servers evaporative "free cooling" sysas running them. These days tem that relies on outside air. that figure is closer to 80 or 90 On the few days when it's too percent — a big improvement, hot for free cooling, the comthough still ugly. But these pany can switch to chillers statistics do not count only the temporarily — or simply shift big Internet companies whose its computing load to a differs ervers make up what w e ent data center. Google's data usuaiiy think of as the cloud. center in Belgium was among

the first anywhere built without any chillers at all. Other companies have begun to experiment with data centers in f r i gi d c l imates. Facebook, for i n stance, is building its newest facility in Lulea, Sweden, just 25 miles south of the Arctic Circle. The temperature there has n ot risenabove 86 Fahrenheit for more than 24 hours since 1961, according to the Telegraph. There are limitations to that strategy — data centers are most effective when they're located near large population centers — and cold air brings its own challenges for server maintenance. But the location, on the site of an old paper mill, has the environmental advantage of being on a river that produces plenty of relatively clean hydroelectric power. Google's center in c h illy Hamina, Finland, also draws on hydroelectricity, and it's cooled with water from the adjacent Baltic Sea.

Big companies like Google and Facebook have an advantage when it c omes to data-center efficiency, thanks to deep pockets,economies of scale and the fact that they often have thousands of servers doing essentially the same thing. Forbes' Dan W oods argued persuasively that the Times piece's biggest error was to conflate these big Internet companies'server farms with the much smaller (and necessarily less efficient) data centers run by the IT departments of non-Internet companies. Much of what the Times called "waste" is actually essential redundancy for companies that can't afford a total server crash. Still, experts say less-cutting-edge firms can also clean up their acts significantly. When Google first began re-

porting its eye-popping power usage effectiveness numbers in 2008, Kava recalls, "people said, 'Wow, that's amazing, only Google could do that.' So then we started publishing a whole seriesof white papers

on how you could apply some very simple and cost-effective techniques to any data center."

— Reporter: 202-662-7456, aclevengerC<bendbulletin.com

— Reporter: 541-617-7831, smiller@bendbulletin.com

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Intrigue over finding by Curiosity on Mars fuels speculation

er earso ecine, aiornia s owssi nso economic row By Adam Nagourney

"earthshaking." New York Times News Service Webster noted that "a reThe Mars rover Curiosity ally big announcement," if one has found something — some- should occur, would most likely thing noteworthy, in a pinch of be made at NASA headquarMartian sand. But what is it'? ters in Washington and not at The scientists working on an academic conference. the mission who know are not Whatever is revealed will be saying. Outside that team, lots linked tothe work of Curiosity's of people are guessing. sophisticated chemistry laboraThe intrigue started last tory, Sample Analysis at Mars week, when John Grotzinger, — SAM, for short. The rover's the Mars mission's project sci- robotic arm dropped the first entist, told National Public Ra- bit of sand and dust into the dio: "This data is going to be instrument on Nov. 9, and the one for the history books. It's scientists have been analyzing looking really good." and contemplating ever since. And then he declined to say One of the main goals of anything more. SAM is to identify organic molFossils'? Living m i crobial ecules, but it would be a big surMartians'? Maybe the carbon- prise for organics to show up based molecules known as or- in a first look at a sand sample ganics, which are the building selected more as a test exercise blocks of life? That so much than with the expectation of a excitement could be set off by breakthrough discovery. a passing hint reflects the enCuriosity wil l b e h e aded during fascination of both sci- toward layers of clays, which entists and nonscientists with could be rich in organics and Mars. are believed tohave formed "It could be al l k i nds of during a warm and wet era things," said Peter Smith, a early in the planet's history. planetary scientist at the Uni- But Curiosity has months to versity of Arizona who was drive before arriving at those the principal investigator for locations. NASA's earlier Phoenix Mars The Curiosity scientists have mission but is not involved with learned through experience Curiosity. "If it's historic, I think that it pays to double-check it's organics. That would be his- their results before trumpeting toric in my book." them. An initial test of the MarGrotzinger and other Curi- tian atmosphere bythe same inosity scientists will announce strument showed thepresence their latest findings Monday of methane, which would have in San Francisco at a meeting been a major discovery, possiof the American Geophysical bly indicating the presence of Union. Do not expect pictures living microbes. But when the of Martians, though. scientists ran the experiment Guy Webster, a spokesman again, the signs of methane disfor NASA's Jet P ropulsion appeared,leading them to conLaboratory in Pasadena, Ca- clude that the methane found in lif., which operates Curios- the first test had come from air ity, said the findings would the spacecrafthad carried to be "interesting" rather than Mars from Earth.

Scientists caution of melting permafrost

corner," said Enrico Moretti, a professor of economics at the University of California, Berkley. He said the recovery was creating regional lines of economic demarcation — "We are going to see a more and more polarized state," he said — but that overall, California was emerging from the recession. Richard Green, the director of the Lusk Center for Real Estate at the University of Southern California, saidthe foreclosure storm was beginning to nm Wilson/ New YorkTimes NewsService subside,and fewer foreclosed California Gov. Jerry Brown speaks earlier this month at a homes were flooding the marnews conference about tax measures in Sacramento, Calif. ket. That has meant homes are The state is showing signs of growth in the job and housing selling faster at higher prices — which means fewer hommarkets and increasing economic stability. eowners under water. "The most important thing said California might post a jor problems. The economic is, if you look at job growth $1 billion surplus in 2014. That recovery is hardly uniform. in California for the last 18 was due in no small part to Central California and the In- months or so, it's been higher voter approval of Proposition land Empire — the suburban than averageforthe country," 30, promoted by Gov. Jerry sprawl east of Los Angeleshe said. Brown to raise taxes tempo- continue to stagger under the In one sign of a new spirit, rarily to avoid up to $6 billion collapse of the construction some Californians are again in education cuts. market, and some economists promoting the idea of their "The stat e'seconomic recov- wonder if they will ever jointhe state setting the cultural and ery, prior budget cuts and the coastal cities on the prosperity policy pace for the rest of the additional, temporary taxes train. Cities, most recently San country, a meme that, if ever provided by Proposition 30 Bernardino, are facing bank- true, appeared at least queshave combined to bring Cali- ruptcy, and public employee tionable as California endured fornia to a promising moment: pension costs loom as a major cuts that diminished its oncethe possibleend of a decade of threat to the state budget and great higher education system. acute state budget challenges," those of many municipalities, Rick Jacobs, the head of the report said."Our economic including Los Angeles. the Courage Campaign, a liband budgetary forecast indiA federal report this month eral advocacy group, argued cates that California's leaders said that by some measures, that Californians, by voting to face a dramatically smaller California has the worst pov- raise their taxes to pay for serbudget problem in 2013-14." erty in the nation. vices, set a model Washington And 38 percent of CaliforStill, the fear among many should follow in negotiations nians say the state is heading Californians that the bottom over how to avert the so-called in the right direction, accord- had fallen out appears to be fiscal cliff. "One might argue that what ing to a survey this month by fading. Economists said they USC Dornsife/Los Angeles were spotting many signs of happened in California will Times. For most places, that incipient growth, including a set the trend for what will hapfigure would seem dismal. surge in rental costs in the Bay pen in the country, meaning But it is double what it was 13 Area, which suggests an influx that opposition to taxing the months ago. of people looking for jobs. wealthy is opposition to the fu"I thinkthe state is turning a ture," he said. California still faces ma-

New York Times News Service

By Kenneth Chang

LOS ANGELES — After nearly five years of brutal economic decline, government retrenchment anda widespread loss of confidence in its future, California is showing tentative signs of a rebound. There is evidence of job g rowth, economic stability, a resurgent housing market and rising spirits in a state that was among the worst hit by the recession. In September, California posted its biggest month-tomonth drop in unemployment in the 36 years the state has collected statistics, even as its rate remains, at 10.1 percent, the third highest in the country. Last month, California payrolls swelled with 45,000 new jobs, the largest gross number of any state in November. The unemployment rate in Orange County was 7.2 percent in October, below the national average. The housing market, whose collapse in a storm of foreclosures helped worsen the economic decline, has snapped back in many, though definitely not all, parts of the state. Houses are sitting on the market for a shorter time and selling at higher prices, and new home construction is rising. There was a 25 percent jump in home sales in Southern California in October compared with a year ago. Afteryears ofspending cuts and annual state budget deficits larger than the entire budgets of some states, last week the independent California Legislative Analyst's Office projected a deficit for next year of $1.9 billion — down from $25 billion at one point — and










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By Erika Bolstad McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON — S cientists who study the Arctic say they're worried that nations meeting this week to set targets


for reducing greenhouse gas emissions aren't a dequately considering how much carbon dioxideand methane could be releasedfrom the world'srapidly thawing permafrost. Researchers have k n own that permafrost is warming for some time, but they've only recentlybegun to accurately measure just how much carbon is in the Earth's frozen regions. And they're only beginning to understand the consequences of such unanticipated greenhouse gas emissions, which weren't factored into th e e missions targetsworld leaders are considering this week at the U.N. climate talks in Doha, Qatar. P ermafrost, g r ound t h a t stays frozen for at least two years in a r ow, stores vast amounts of decayed plant matter. As the Earth warms, that frozen organic matter thaws and is released in the form of carbon dioxide or, more troublingly, methane. Global warming is creating a feedback loop — as the Earth warms, higher temperatures put the permafrost at greater risk. And melt-

ing permafrost releases greenhouse gases. As they learn more about the carbon in permafrost, scientists say the possible emissions must be factored into climate talks. A report issued this week by the U.N. Environment Program urges the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to assessthe impact of permafrost carbon dioxide and methane emissions. The report relies heavily on research done in Alaska by scientists with the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Colorado and the University of Alaska-Fairbanks. "The message is that policymakers have to be aware of the p o ssible c o nsequences of a n alr e ad y c h a nging w orld," said V l a dimir R o manovsky of the University of Alaska-Fairbanks.

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O g ggp gLj ej.

romstresso t.om at ut By Tony Perry Los Angeles Times

LACKLAND AI R FORCE BASE, Texas — Not long after a Belgian Malinois named Cora went off t o w a r , she earned a reputation for sniffing out the buried bombs that were the enemy's weapon of choice to kill or maim U.S. troops. Cora could roam a hundred yards or more offherleash,detect an explosive and then lie




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down gently to signal danger.

;— .:r.„ 'F

All she asked in return was a kind word or a biscuit, maybe a play session with a chew toy once the squad made it back to base. "Cora always thought everything was a big game," said Air Force Tech. Sgt. Garry Laub, who trained Cora before she deployed. "She knew her job. She was a very squared-away



rare like-mindedness between

Christian fun d amentalists come together? It's unusual," W hen H e r nandez a n d said Chris Steinbach, the chief her parents balked at the so- of staff for a Republican state called SmartID, the school lawmaker who has filed a bill agreed to remove the chip but to outlaw the technology in still required her to wear the Texas schools. badge. The family refused on The concept isn't new, but hasn't exactly caught on nareligious grounds, stating in a lawsuit that even wearing tionwide. In 2005, the Amerithe badge was tantamount to can Civil L i berties Union "submission of a false god" be- raisedconcerns about a simicause the card still indicated lar initiative at a California her participation. schooL That same year, a subA state district judge had urban Houston school district been expected to decide to- began putting the chips in its day whether Northside Inde- student IDs. pendent School District could Ronald Stephens, executransfer Hernandez to a differ- tive director of the nonprofit ent campus. But the family's National School Safety Cenattorney said Tuesday the ter, said he didn't believe the hearing was canceled after technology to be widespread the district asked that the case but predicted "it'll be the next wave" in schools. The chips be moved to federal court. A new hearing hasn't been set. use radio-frequency identi"How often do you see an fication (RFID) transmitters issue where the ACLU and and only work on campus.

typically opposing groups.

The Associated Press

AUSTIN, Texas — To 15year-old Andrea Hernandez, thetrackingmicrochip embedded in her student ID card is a "mark of the beast," sacrilege to her Christian faith — not to mention how it pinpoints her location, even in the school bathroom. But to her San A ntonio school district, those chips carry a potential $1.7 million in classroom funds. Starting this fall, the fourthlargest school district in Texas is experimenting with "locator" chips in student ID badges on two campuses, allowing administrators to track the whereaboutsof4,200 students with GPS-like precision. Hernandez's refusal to participate isn't teenage rebellion, but has launched a debate overprivacy and religion that has forged a


dog. But after months in Iraq and dozens of combat patrols, Cora changed. The transformation was not the result of one traumatic moment, but possibly the accumulation of stress and uncertainty brought on by the sharp sounds, high emotion and ever-present death in a war zone. Cora — deemed a "push-button" dog, one without much need for supervision — became reluctant to leave her handler's side. Loud noises startled her. The once amiable Cora growled frequently and picked fights with other military working dogs. When Cora returned to the U.S. two years ago, there was not a term for the condition that had undercut her combat effectiveness and shattered her nerves. Now there is: canine post-traumatic stress disorder. "Dogs experience combat just like humans," said Marine Staff Sgt. Thomas Gehring, a dog handler assigned to the canine training facility at Lackland Air Force Base, who works with Cora daily. Veterinarians an d s e nior dog handlers at Lackland have concluded that dogs, like humans, can require treatment for PTSD, including conditioning, retraining and possibly medication such as the antianxiety drug X anax. Some dogs, like 5-year-old Cora, just need to be treated as honored combat veterans and allowed to lead less-stressful lives. Walter B u r ghardt, c h i ef of behavioral medicine and military working-dog studies at Lackland, estimates that at least 10 percent of the hundreds of dogs sent to Iraq and Afghanistan to protect U.S. troops have developed canine PTSD. Cora appears to have a mild case. Other dogs come home traumatized. "They're essentially broken and can't work," Burghardt said. There are no official statistics, but Burghardt estimates that half of the dogs that return with PTSD or other behavioral hitches can be retrained for "useful employment" with the military or law enforcement, such as police departments, the Border Patrol or the Homeland Security Department. The others dogs are retired and made eligible for adoption as family pets. The decision to o f ficially label the dogs' condition as PTSD was made by a working group of dog trainers and other specialists at Lackland. In most cases, such labeling of animal behavior would be subjected to peer review and scrutiny in veterinary medical journals. But Burghardt and others in the group decided that they could not wait for that kind of lengthy professional vetting — that a delay could endanger those who depend on the dogs. Since the terrorist attacks of 2001, the military has added hundreds of canines and now has about 2,500 — Dutch and German shepherds, Belgian Malinois and Labrador retrievers — trained in bomb detection, guard duty or "controlled aggression" for patrolling. Lackland trains dogs and dog handlers for all branches of the military. The huge base, located in San Antonio, has a $15 million veterinary hospital devoted to treating dogs working for the military or law enforcement, like a Border Patrol dog who lost a leg during a firefight between agents and a suspected drug smuggler.

By Paul j. Weber


Continued from A1 In general, zirconium is used in a variety of industrial settings, including as found-


ry sand, polishing powder for


'~i' s

Tony Perry/ Los Angeles Times file photo

Cora, a Belgian Malinois who works with Marine Cpl. Drew DanielAdams, at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, was once an ace at sniffing out buried bombs in lraq. She was put out of action by what military dog handlers say is canine post-traumatic stress disorder. "He's doing fine, much bet- Burghardt said. ter," the handler yelled out The goal is to "rebuild and rewhen asked about the dog's condition" an afflicted dog, said condition. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Charles Cora received her i n itial Rudy, instructor supervisor at training here and then addi- the dog training school. "It's really counter-conditional training with Laub at Moody Air Force Base in Geor- tioning," Rudy said. "You find gia. Before they could deploy, out what the dog doesn't enjoy however, Laub was transferred and then find what will overto Arkansas, and Cora shipped power that." off to Iraq with a different hanIf the dog is afraid of the dler,much to Laub's regret. dark, exercises involve a de"I'll always remember her as creasing amount of light, with the girl who got away," Laub the dog given treats and posisaid. "She and I had clicked so tive reinforcement each time welL" it successfully enters a dimly The bond between handlers lighted space. The same apand military working dogs is proach isused ifthe problem legendary. Army1st Sgt. Casey involves places that are noisy Stevens has a catch in his voice or crowded with people. when he mentions Alf, the GerA t a c o mpact 60 o r s o man shepherd with whom he pounds, Cora is fit and brightdeployed to Iraq. Alf survived eyed, her coat is shiny and she the war and died in the U.S. of can still outrun most other natural causes. dogs. Thanks to retraining and "He saved my lifeseveral shielding her from battle, she times; he had my has calmed down back," Ste v ens somewhat. said. "Some guys "Some guys She no longer talk to their dogs talk to their s narls a t o t h er m ore than t h e y dogs. But neither dogs more do to their fellow does she anticisoldiers. T h ey're than they do pate her handler's definitely not to their fellow orders or q u iver equipment." with excitement at soldiers. " Equi p m e n t " the idea of sniffing They're is a kind of dirty out hidden exploword among dog sives. Like many definitely not h andlers. In t h e a human veteran, Vietnam War, the equipment." Cora is m a rked military left behind — Army 1st Sgt. forever by having hundreds of workCasey Stevens, gone to war. ing dogs, determinOne recent day, dog handler ing that they were Cora a p p eared excess equipment. to work well with That w i l l n e v er Cpl. Drew D a noccur again, military officials iel Adams, a trainee from the promise. Marine base in Yuma, Ariz. But when some of the curCora stayed close by Adams rent generation of war dogs but gave off a vibe to other hureturned to the U.S., their han- mans of "don't get too close to dlers noticed the lingering ef- me." fects of battle. Sometimes Cora will appear Stevens has seen once-con- to respond to a command and fident dogs freeze up when then decide that, no, she would going through an easy train- rather sit down and rest. "Sometimes she just doesn't ing exercise. "They would just shut down," he said. "I think do what she's asked," Rudy they w er e g o in g t h r ough said. But her occasional moodimemories." ness makes her an excellent Just why Cora's behavior trainer of trainers. "It's benefichanged is unknown. One pos- cial because (the trainees) get sibility is that she sensed the to see not just when things are apprehension of her handler or working right, but when things other troops around her — that aren't working. That increases classic battlefield concern that their skills." after months of survival, your Trainees admire Cora as a luck is running out. A working combat veteran. But admiradog has been trained to under- tion and affection may be two stand and even anticipate the differentthings. handler's needs and moods. Asked about whether the "There's a saying in canine t rainees l ik e C o r a , R u d y handling: Your emotion goes laughed. "I can't say specifi'down the leash,'" Laub said. cally, but I'm willing to bet they "The handler's stress goes right don't appreciate her quirks at to the dog." first." Calling C o ra's c o ndition If Adams cannot control canine PTSD drives home a Cora, he might not pass the point that Burghardt feels is course. Better that Adams or key: "This is something that any trainee wash out now rathdoes not get better without er than be unable to work with intervention." a balky dog in Afghanistan. "Corahas proven a challenge Two factors slowed down the decision to label canine PTSD. for him and that's good," GehFor one, Burghardt and others ring said. "Cora is still working did not want to suggest disre- forus." spect for the military personnel Another thing about Cora who have been diagnosed with hasn't changed. She still loves the disorder. a pat on the head or a biscuit, Second is the problem faced reminders of a younger dog by any v e terinarian. "You who seemed to see everything can't ask t he m q u estions," as a game.

lenses,ceramic glazes and enamels, according the U.S. Occupational Safety 8 Health Administration website. No injuries were reported due to the fire and no evacuations resulted. P r ineville schools kept students indoors for the day. By 3 p.m., Crook County Fire an d R e scue t u r ned t he scene over t o S M A F Environmental. The fire department coordinated with Crook County Emergency Management, the Crook County Sheriff's Office, Pioneer Memorial Hospital, Crook County Health Department and schools. Karen Yeargain, p u blic health emergency preparedness coordinator for the county Health Department, said it received about six calls t hroughout th e d a y f r o m people inquiring about the smoke. At 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, she

Submitted photo

Crook County Fire and Rescue was dispatched to a fire Tuesday morning at the Prineville Freight Depot where the chemical zirconium was burning. The smoke from the fire should be fully dissipated today, according to the Crook County Health Department. said she could no longer smell the chemical odor outside. By today, the smoke should be completely dissipated, she sa>d. "If somebody who has respiratory problems can go outside and smell it , t h ey

buildings in danger. EnviroTech Services didn't respond to a r e q uest f or comment.

should probably go inside,"

— Reporter: 541-977-7185, bbotkin@bendbulfetin.com

Yeargain said.

M att Wiederholt, a c u s tomer servicemanager atthe depot, said the fire didn't disrupt its operations or put any


Save up to 65'. C olumbia Sp o r t swea r II E d di e B a ue r O u t l e t N ike Factory Store II P e ar l iZumi ll Va n H e u se n

HOLIDAY GIFTAWAY T ext JINGLE to 75309 for y ou r c h a n c e t o receive p r i zes all se a so n l o n g . Message and d at a r a tes may a p p ly. Visit website for deta ils.


' -




r •

TV 5 Movies, B2

Dear Abby, B3 Comics, B4


IN BRIEF Bend garage offers free parking To make holiday

shopping more attractive, parking will be free on weekends in the downtown Bend

parking garage through December, according to the Downtown Bend

Business Association website. The first three hours

© www.bendbulletin.com/savvyshopper

• This year's shoppershope to give thegift of Americanpride and help local economies,too

Nina Flebbe, designer and owner of Ninotchka Goods,shows an antiqued copperpendant that she says is a huge seller. Besides this full-time jewelry business, Flebbe and her husband are freelance set suppliers for TV commercials.

will be free onweekdays

Retail nostalgia, shelved by online


as usual. After that,

parking costs $5 per day. Vehicle access to the garage is from Lava

By Lee Siegei New Yorit Times News Service

For all the feverish talk this last campaign season about taxes, immigration, taxes, Benghazi, taxes, Medicare, taxes, Iran, taxes, etc., there was one topic whose absence left me disappointed: department stores. Yes, departmentstores. They are vital to the future of the

Road. Contact: www.down townbend.org.

jeweler to host shopping parties Saxon's FineJewelers, in Bend's Old Mill District, is hosting

several events during the holiday shopping season.


A trunk show Dec. 7 will coincide with the First Friday Art Walk. Mary Wildman, of Noble Silver, will display neck-

They are essential to the preservation of American democracy. Among civilized people, it is part of Christmas tradition to deplore the coarse commercialization of Christmas tradition. Stores putting up their holiday decorations earlier and earlier every year? The retail equivalent of the melting Arctic ice cap. Black Friday'? An annual violation of human rights. But when the Founding Fathers penned those immortal words, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, they were thinking of Bloomingdale's. You might say that departmentstores run in my blood. I grew up in northern New Jersey, and Northern New Jerseyans do department-store retail the way 15th-century Florentines did painting and sculpture. As a boy, I was the Botticelli of Bamberger's. See Stores/B3

laces, earrings andbracelets made from sterling

silver andvarious stones from 6 to 8 p.m. Also, local vintner Tom May, of Tesoaria, will be on hand offering wine tastings. On Dec. 19, the jew-

n I'

eler is hosting a Men's Panic Party from 5:30 to 8 p.m. There will be

"manly" giveawaysand prizes, as well as beer and brats.

Saxon's FineJewelers is located at 360 S.W. Powerhouse Drive. Hours are10a.m. to 6

p.m. Mondaysthrough Fridays and11 a.m. to

6 p.m. Saturdays. From Dec. 13-23, hours will be 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays. Also, it will be open

noon to 5 p.m. Sundays through December and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Christ-

mas Eve. Contact: www.saxons finejewelers.com or 541-389-6655.

Indoor Swap Meet doubling its space The Bend Indoor

Swap Meet, a marketplace featuring a variety

Photos by Don Barttettt / Los Angeles Times

Joianta Vizbaras, 38, owner of the Zarjo design company,models one of the many shawls that she sells at the Crafted marketplace located at the Port of Los Angeles. Her floral designs are handmade felt applied to silk, chiffon and merino wool. She makes all the fashion accessories in Costa Mesa, Calif.

of rotating vendors, will double its retail space starting Saturday to 16,000 square feet.

By Shan Li • Los Angeles Times

et ready for a red, white and blue

The swap meet, located at 694 S.E. Third St. in the same mall as Grocery Outlet, is expanding into what

Christmas. With a sluggish economy, high un-

once was acard shop.

employment and a just-finished presidential

The additional space will allow it to grow from 45 to 75 vendors. The ven-

election laser-focused on jobs, many consumers

dors are primarily local

say they are more eager than ever to buy gifts

residents who sell items

ranging from handmade aprons to antiques to coats for dogs. The swapmeet is open

made right here in America. Shoppers don't have to rifle through stores or

10a.m. to 5 p.m. Thurs-

flip over labels this

days throughSaturdays. Contact: www.bend


year. Many

Downtown Bend boutique expands

ers are proudly toutmade-in-the-USA These earrings were designed and made by Teresa Cheung, owner of Salvageshop. She meticulously crafts each item from leather remnants from furniture and automobile manufacturers.

space and its wares. The shop, located at 114 N.W. Minnesota Ave.,

has long specialized in soapsandbath accessories. It has expanded to

include clothes, scarves, accessories andjewelry. different organic soaps, including beersoaps.


Dream Pebbles is

open11 a.m. to 6p.m.

Contact: 541-3507818. — Heidi Hagemeier, The Bulletin



, nn" '

credentials in hopes of wooing shoppers eager to show their patriotism t h rough their pocketbooks.

an i

It carries more than 80

days, it's also openfrom noon to 4 p.m.Sundays.

r etail-

ing their wares with

Downtown Bend boutique Dream Pebbles Broom Closet: A Little of This and a Little of That has moved next door, roughly doubling its

Mondays through Saturdays. Through the holi-

Toys safer than ever; still, shop carefully


Sat Tamayo, 35, owner of Against the Grain,shoulders a timber of "r escued" wood once used as dunnage by a steelshipping company. He salvages the cast-off exotic hardwood from the Port of Los Angeles and makes tables, chairs and benches.

"Finding presents that are made here makes them special. It's usually more unique and not something that you can find just in Target," said Jodi Dirk, 31, of the Los Angeles area. "So if I find stuff this holiday that's made in the U.S., that's a big bonus." That's not always an easy task. Industry experts say that 85 percent of the toys sold in America are made in China and more than 95percent of the clothes are produced overseas. Most consumer electronics, too, are assembled beyond U.S. borders. So most of the Hanukkah gifts and presents under Christmas trees this year are likely to be manufactured outside the country. See USA/B6

By jennifer C. Kerr The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Toys are safer than ever before, consumer advocates say, but parents should remain vigilant in keeping their little ones away from powerful magnets and small items that can easily cause choking. "The main trend that we saw this year was that we didn't find as many toxic toys as we thought we would," said Nasima Hossain, a public health advocate for U.S. Public Interest Research Group. PIRG examined more than 200 toys on store shelves at major retailers and dollar stores and tested about three dozen toys for lead and chemicals called phthalates, which are used to make plastic products softer but have been linked to reproductive defects and other health problems. A 2008 product safety law ushered in new standards for children's products, including strict limits on lead and phthalates allowed in toys. Of the toys tested, only one — a Morphobot action figure — turned up lead levels that exceeded the new stricter federal limit on how much metalcan be in the toy. See Toys/B6



a M O V I ES

Another don't-miss season of 'The Hour' "The Hour" 9 tonight, BBC America

elites. He's also hopelessly in love with news producer Bel

Rowley (Garai), a seductive, By Tirdad Derakhshani

slick in tellectual. The pair have th e perfect screen paIf you get a kick out o f l a v er, aBogie-and-Hepburn d -forth that's a dewatching lords and ladies b a c k-an flirt while fox hunting, then l i g ht to w atch. stick with "Downton Abbey." Wes t plays the newsmagBut if y o u 're azine's s q uarelooking for Brit- Ty gppTL~gHT jawed an c h or, ish period drama Hector Madden, t hat'll get y o ur an u p p er-class p ulse going and your mind wa r h e rowho makes the girls r acing, then turn t o B B C sw o o n wherever he goes. A merica's "The Hour," which Set i n 1956 amid the Hunreturnsfora six-episode sec- garian Revolution and the ond season tonight. (It wil l S u e z Cr isis, the first season be preceded by a marathon was framed by a diabolically showing of the first season.) t w i s ty py s yarn. Led by their Created by the celebrated g entle, principled boss, Clarplaywrightand screenwriter ence Fen dley (Anton Lesser), Abi Morgan ("The Iron Lady," t h e trio found dirty secrets in "Shame"), "The Hour" is a Br i t a in's intelligence services. smart, well-written, and brilThey also discovered, too l iantly acted drama about pol- l a te, t h at Clarence was a itics, espionage, murder, sex, K G B ag ent who planned to racism, and war in 1950s Brit- u se the show as a subversive ain as seen through the eyes w e apon of TV newsmen and women. The second season opens Romola Garai ( " A tone- n i n e mo nths later. "The Hour" "Emma"), "The is no lo nger unique: BBC's ment," Wire's" Dominic West, and r i v al, ITV , has an edgy news Ben Whishaw, who stole the s h owof its own. Clarence, now show as the new Q in "Sky- i n p r ison , has been replaced by fall," star as pioneering BBC t h e enigm atic Randall Brown journalists who help create (Peter Capaldi), a George Orone of the first independent w e l l-quoting obsessive-comnews shows on TV. pulsive intent on bringing the Called "The H our," th e a v a nt-ga rdeto TV. weekly newsmagazine is a The f irst two episodes set controversial, if not danger- u p the season's new habitat: ous, proposition in an er a In s t eadof focusing on interwhen the press is still under n a t i onalpolitics, the series the thumb of a government t a k es on London's organized that prefers to see the BBC as cr ime families and the lucrai ts own propaganda mill. tive p r i vate clubs, after-hour Whishaw i s t e r r ific a s j o i n ts, nd a sleazy sex parlors tenacious reporter Freddie they run. It's too early to tell Lyon. The ultimate outsider, w h ether the new season will he's a nebbish perpetual ado- h a ve the intelligent plotting, lescent from a lower-middle- t e nse pa cing, and superb coclass family trying to survive h e sion Morgan and her acin a world ruled by private- t o r s bro ught to the first. But school-educated media it ' s off to a good start. The Philadelphia tnquirer



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ARGO (R) 12:15, 3, 5:45 A LATE IlUARTET(R) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:45, 6 THE SESSIONS(R) 1, 4, 7 SKYFALL (PG-13) Noon, 3:15, 6:30 Disney via The Associate Press Victor Frankenstein, voiced by Charlie Tahan, with Sparky, apTHE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING pear in "Frankenweenie," which is playing at McMenamins DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 12:30, Old St. Francis School in downtown Bend. 3:30,6:I5 a.m., noon, 2, 3, 4:50, 6:05, 8, 9:10

Stadium 16 & 1MAX

WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 12:15, 3:50, 6:50, 9:35

ARGO (R) 12:40, 3:30 CLOUDATLAS(R) 12:20, 4:05, 7:50 FLIGHT (R) 11:45 a.m., 3:10, 6:20, 9:30 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG)9:35 LIFE OF PI(PG) 12:30, 6:30 LIFE OF PI3-D (PG) 12:50, 3:25, 4:15, 7:10, 9:25, 10:05 LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 12:05, 3:05, 4:25, 6:25, 7:45, 9:45 THE METROPOLITANOPERA: THE TEMPEST (no MPAArating) 6:30 RED DAWN(PG-13) 1, 3:45, 7, 9:45 RISE OFTHEGUARDIANS (PG) 11:15 a.m., 12:25, 1:40, 3:55, 4:35, 7:05,7:35, IO:05 RISEOF THE GUARDIANS 3-D (PG) 10:55 a.m., 1:45, 4:40, 7:25, 10 SKYFALL (PG-13) 11:50 a.m., 3:35, 6:45, 9:55 SKYFALL IMAX (PG-13) 11:55 a.m., 3:20, 6:35, 9:50 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 11:10

McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562



1535S.W. DdemMedo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777


After 7 p.m., shoyvsare 21 and older only. Younger than 21 may attend screenings before 7 p.m.if accompaniedby a legalguardian.

Tin Pan Theater

SISTERS Sisters Movie House 720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800


869 N.W. Tin PanAlley, Bend, 541-241-2271

The Tin Pan Theater will host "Spaghetti Ififestern Wednesdays" tonight. The event begins at6p.m. andincludes an all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner. As of press time, the Western film has not been selected.

SelfReferrals Welcome






856 NWBond • Downtown Bend• 541-330-5999 www.havenhomestyle.com

1101 S.W. U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505


PRINEVILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1014

RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG) 6 THE TWILIGHTSAGA:BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (LIPSTAIRS — PG-13) 6:15 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.




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Also see us for

Hear Ceoter

change after press time.

Madras Cinema 5

Regal Old Mill 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347

at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 tI /MAX. • There may be an additional fee for3-Oand IMAXfilms. Movie times are subject to

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*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/BlackButte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine

tRRRX~RKHK~RKR2RRRK~RRK~RREK~RKR2RREI~~RRKREEK~XKEHt EHK~RDiRH t 1RK KATU News World News K A TU News at 6 (N) n cc Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune A Charlie BrownChristmas 'G ' Modern Family Suburgatory (N) Nashville Lovesick Blues(N)'PG' KATU News (11:35) Nightline

N ightly News Newechannei 21 at 6 (N) « Jeop ardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Christmas in Rockefeller Center Saturday Night Live SNL Christmas Popular holidaysketches. (N)'14' N e ws Jay Leno News Evening News Access H. Ol d Christine How I Met 30 Rock n '14' Survivor: Philippines (N) n cc C r iminal Minds (N) n '14' CSI: Crime Scene Investigation News Letterman KEZI 9 News World News K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The Insider (N) A Charlie Brown Christmas 'G' M odern Family Suburgatory (N) Nashville Lovesick Blues(N)'PG' KEZI 9 News (11:35) Nightiine Videos Two/Haif Men Two/Haif Men Big Bang Big Bang The X Factor The remainfiing nalists perform. (N) n '14' cc News KFXO iDi IEI IEI IEIAmerica's Funniest Home TMZ (N) n 'PG' The Simpeons Famiiy Guy '14' Nature n 'PG' « NOVA n (Part1 of 2) 'PG' « A Ho r izon Guide Into DeepSpace: Birth of ALMA KOae 0 B Q B Wild Kratts Y Electric Comp. Equitrekking B usiness Rpt. PBS NeweHour (N) n « Newechannel 8 NightlyNews Newechannel 8 News Live at 7 (N) I nside Edition Christmas in Rockefeller Center Saturday Night Live SNLChristmas Popular holidaysketches. (N)'14' N e wechannel 8 Jay Leno KGW 0 Sup e rnatural Hunteri Heroici '14' Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeid 'PG' 'Tii Death '14' 'Tii Death '14' KTVZDT2IEI 0 B lH We ThereYet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement A r row Muse of Fire (N)'14' « Baking Made Taete This! 'G' Outnumbered Laet of Wine C i rque du Soleil - Flowers in the Deeert n 'PG' Fun ny Ladies World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Roee (N) n 'G' cc PBS NewsHour n cc OPBPL 175 173

KTvz 0 0 0 0 News

KBNZ 0 KOHD 0 0 0 0

*ASIE 130 28 18 32 The First 48 '14' ac

Storage Wars Storage Wars Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty CSI: Miami Open Water Two people CSI: Miami Shock A spoiled heiress is CSI: Miami A girl dies whenher family ** "Poseidon" (2006, Adventure) JoshLucas, Kurt Russell, JacindaBarrett. A ** "Poseidon" (2006,Adventure) JoshLucas, Kurt Russell, JacindaBarrett. 11 *AMC 102 40 39 killed on acruise ship. n '14' fou n d dead. n '14' cc is trapped. n '14' « luxury liner capsizes inthe NorthAtlantic. « luxury liner capsizes inthe NorthAtlantic. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Monsters Inside Me'PG' cc Swamp Ware n 'PG' cc River Monsters: Unhooked 'PG' Wild Amazonn 'PG' cc Wild Amazon n 'PG' cc Wild Hawaii rt 'PG' cc WildAmazon rt 'PG' ac BRAVO1 37 4 4 Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Life After Top Chef The Real Housewives of Atlanta Life After Top Chef (N) (10:01) TopChef: Seattle (N) '14' (11:01) LOLwork What Happens CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne'PG' Roeeanne 'PG' Reba 'PG'cc Reba 'PG'cc Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG'ra Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG'cc Redneck Islandn 'PG' Redneck Island n 'PG' Redneck Island n 'PG' CNBC 54 36 40 52 The FacebookObsession American Greed: TheFugitives A merican Greed Mad Money American Greed: TheFugitives American Greed Quit Your Job! Superemile 'PG' CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper360 (N) cc P i e rs Morgan Tonight (N ) Ande rson Cooper360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront COM 135 53 135 47(4:58) Futurama Always Sunny Always Sunny (8:29) Tosh.0 Colbert Report Daily Show C h appelle Show Key 8 Peeie S outh Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Key & Peeie (N) Daily Show C o lbert Report COTV 11 Dept./Trans. C i ty Edition B e nd City Council Work Session Bend City Council Kristi Miller Ci t y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin 8 Ally n Austin 8 Ally n Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie Shake it Up! 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' Dog With a Blog Good.Charlie A.N.T. Farm n 'G' cc Austin & Ally n Phineae, Ferb Austin 8 Ally n Jeeeie 'G' cc *DISC 156 21 16 37 Moonshinere A Price toPay '14' Moonehiners n '14' « Moonehinere Rise 'n Shine! '14' M oonshinere n '14' « Moonehiners (N) n '14' « Moonshinere (N) n '14' « Moonshiners n '14' « *E! 1 36 2 5 Justin Bieber: MyWorld 'PG' N i c ki Minal: My Nicki Minal: My E! News (N) The E! TrueHollywoodStory'14' iceLovesCoco IceLovesCoco TheSoup '14' Love You C helsea Lately LoveYou ESPN 21 23 22 23 (4:30) CollegeBasketball MichiganState at Miami C o llege Basketball Ohio State at Duke(N) (Live) Sportecenter (N)(Live) « Sportscenter (N)(Live) « Sportecenter (N)(Livei « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Basketball College Basketball GeorgiaTech at Illinois (N) (Live) Sportecenter Audiblee (N) NFL Live (N) ra NBA Tomght (N) (10:45) SporteNatton ra World/Poker ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Boxing « Stories of... L o ng Way Down « White ShadowMainstream « AWA Wrestling « College Football FromNov.26, 2010. « H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Press H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203Sportscenter (N)(Live) cc Sportecenter (N)(Live) cc Sportscenter (N)(Live) cc *** "Up" (2009)Voicesof EdAsner, Christopher Plummer. *** "Aladdin"(1992)Voicesof Scott Weinger, RobinWiliams. FAM 67 29 19 41 "HomeAlone: TheHoliday Heist" (2012) MalcolmMcDoweii. 'PG' The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reilly Factor (N) cc Hannity (N) On Record, GretaVanSueteren The O'Reilly Factor ra Hannity On Record, Greta VanSueteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Beet Dishes P auia'e Cooking Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible 'G' Restaurant: Impossible 'G' Restaurant: Impossible (N) Res t aurant Stakeout (N) Restaurant: Impossible FX 131 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men ** "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" (2009, ScienceFiction) Shia LaBeouf, MeganFox. American Horror Story: Asylum American Horror Story: Asylum HGTV 176 49 33 43 House Hunters Renovation 'G' H o use Hunters Renovation 'G' H o use Hunters Renovation 'G' P r operty Brothers 'G' « Buying and Selling (N) 'G' « Hou s e Hunters Hunters Int'I P r operty Brothers 'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 Pawn Stare 'PG' Pawn Stare P awn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stare 'PG' Pawn Stare 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Restoration R e storation In vention USA invention USA Cajun Pawn Cajun Pawn LIFE 138 39 20 31 My Life Ie a Lifetime Movie '14' T he Houetons The Houetons The Houstone The Houstone The Houstone The Houetons The Houetons The Houetons My Life Is a Lifetime Movie '14' M y Life Ie a Lifetime Movie '14' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Ed Show(N) TheRachelMaddow Show (N) The Last W ord The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 (4:50) Catfish: The TV Show n C a tfish: The TV Show Kim8 Matt Totally Clueless Pranked (N) '14' Pranked (N) '14' Ridiculousness The Challenge: Battle of Seasons The Challenge: Battle of Seasons Teen Mom 2 n 'PG' NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Drake & Josh Drake &Josh Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' TheNanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Friendsn '14' (11:33) Friends OWN 161103 31 103Breaking Downthe Bare n '14' B r eaking Down the Bars n '14' B r eaking Down the Bare n '14' U ndercover Boss n 'PG' « Undercover Boss n 'PG' « Undercover Boss n 'PG' « Und e rcover Boss n PG « ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Bensinger Ma r k Few Show College Basketball Mercer New at Mexico (N)(Live) Seahawke Sp o rts Unlimited Seahawks He a rtland Poker Tour '14' cc The Dan Patrick Show ** "S.WA.T." (2003,Action) Samuel L Jackson,Colin Farrell. Premiere.n ** "S.W A.T." (2003,Action) SamuelL Jackson,Colin Farrell. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (4:30) ** "Swordfish" (2001)JohnTravoita, HughJackman. n Deal-Dark Side Deal-Dark Side Ghost Hunters n cc SYFY 133 35 133 45Ghost Hunters n ra Ghost Hunters n ac Ghost Hunters Frighternity cc Gho st Hunters n cc Ghost Hunters (N) n cc TBN 05 60 130 Behind Scenes Turning Point Joseph Prince End of the Age Praise the Lord 'Y' « Always Good Jesse Duplantis The Christmas Crefio Dollar F all Praise-A-Thon *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Big Bang Big Bang Con a n (N) '14' cc ***"TheTimeMachine" (1960,ScienceFiction) RodTaylor, Alan Young.A ** "The Andromeda Strain" (1971, ScienceFiction) Arthur Hil, David Wayne. (9:15) *** "So/aris" (1972, Drama)Nataiya Bondarchuk, DonatasBanionis, Juri Jarvet. A cosmonautinvestigates TCM 101 44 101 29 scientist travels intothefuture via his invention. «(DVS) A crashedsatellite releasesdeadly bacteria. « oddphenomena ataspacestation. *TLC 178 34 32 34 Say Yes, Dress Say Yee, Dress Island Medium Island Medium Little People Big World: Wedding Cake Boss: Next Great BakerGameOn! rt 'PG' Ca k e Boss 'PG' Extreme Cougar Wives '14' « Ca k e Boss: Next Great Baker rt *TNT 17 26 15 27 Castle Eye of the Beholder 'PG' T h e Mentalist Red Letter n '14' T h e Mentalist n '14' « Caetle SuicideSqueezen 'PG' C a stle n '14' ra Castle Tick, Tick, Tick ... n 'PG' P e rception Shadow '14' cc 'TOON 84 MAD 'PG' Re g ular Show Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time NiniaGo: Metre Dragons: Riders Ben 10 King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Man v. Food'G' Man v. Food 'G' Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food'G' Manv.Food'G' BggageBattles BggageBattles ToyHunter'PG' Toy Hunter'PG' Toy Hunter'PG' ToyHunter'PG' Manv.Food'G' Man v.Food'G' *A*S'H 'PG' M'A'S*H 'PG' M*A'S*H 'PG' CoebyShow Coeby Show Coeby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot, Cleveland Hap. Divorced Hot, Cleveland Hap. Divorced TVLND 65 47 29 35 BonanzaBlack Friday 'PG'«M NCIS Sharif Returns 'PG' cc NCIS FriendsandLovers n 'PG' NCIS Dead Man Walking n 'PG' N CIS Brothers in Arms 'PG' ra NC IS Trojan Horse n 'PG' cc NC I S Angel of Death n '14' USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS Suspicion n 'PG' ~c Couples Therapy rt '14' Couples Therapy(N) rt '14' Cou p les Therapy rt '14' VH1 191 48 37 54 Greatest Prnks (5:25) 40 Greatest Pranks 3 'PG' ** * "8 Mile"(2002) Eminem.A Detroit mantries to achieve successas arapper. ** "National Lampoon's Vacation" 1983'R' « Return to LonesomeDove(N) 'PG' « "Piratesot the Caribbean" ENCR 106401 306401"Piratesotthe Caribbean" (6:10) ** "The Quick andthe Dead" 1995Sharon Stone. 'R' « **"Tooth Fairy"2010,ComedyDwayneJohnson.'PG'« ** "Tooth Fairy"2010,ComedyDwayneJohnson.'PG'« ** "She's AyThat"1999 « FMC 104204104120** "lce Age: Dawnofthe Dinosaurs" 2009, Comedy'PG' « UFC ReloadedUFC92: Evansvs. Griffin Forrest Griffin againstRashadEvans. Training Day(N) Best of PRIDEFighting UFC: Franklin ve. Le RichFranklin vs. CungLe. FromMacau, China. FUEL 34 Big Break Greenbrier Top 10 Goif Centrai G o if Centrai Top 10 Top 10 GOLF 28 301 27 301Golf Central (N)(Live) *** "TheTownChristmas Forgot" (2010)Lauren Holly. 'PG' « "It'sChristmas,Carol!" (2012,Fantasy)Carrie Fisher. 'G' « "MatchmakerSanta" (2012, Romance)Lacey Chabert. 'G' « HALL 66 33175 33 (4:00) "A Ho/idayEngagement" REAL Sports Bry- 2417Pacquiaol (8:15) *** "X2: X-Menunited" 2003, Fantasy Patrick Stewart, HughJackman, ian McKeiien. A ** "Fina/Destination 5" 2011,Horror NicholasD'Agosto, Boardwalk Empire Gypmakeshis Treme Tipitina Davis' goodbyeto the HBO 25501 425501 ant Gumbel M a rquez 4 'PG' right-wing militarist pursuesthemutants. n 'PG-13' cc Emma Bell, Miles Fisher. n 'R' cc move in Atlantic City. 'MA' cc musician's life. rt 'MA' cc "Leatherface:TheTexasChainsaw Massacre III" I FC 105 1 0 5 Trapped in the Closet 'MA' (7:45) *** "StarTrekII: TheWrathof Khan" 1982Wiliam Shatner. 'PG' (10:15) ** "StarTrekGenerations" 1994 Patrick Stewart. 'PG'

HuntedHourglasssammeetssome- HuntedKismetAidanuncoverssome HuntedAmbassadorssamawakesin HuntedPolyhedrussamandstephen **"A VeryHaroldaKumar3oohristmas"20tt,com- *"ThisMeansWar"2012ReeseWitherspoon.TwoCIA of Sam's secrets, rt 'MA' the hospital. 'MA' « edy Johncho, KaiPenn.rt R « agents battle over thesamewoman. « grow closer. rt 'MA' « Border WarsWar Games'14' Bo r der Wars (N) '14' Hell on the Highway(N) '14' Bor d er Wars '14' Hell on the Highway '14' Border WarsWarGames'14' Bor der Ware 'PG' N GC 157 1 5 7 A v atar: Air. Pl anet Sheen Planet Sheen SpongeBob S p ongeBob A v atar: Air. Av atar: Air. Dr agon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 115189115Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Odd Parents Odd Parents A vatar: Air. Outdoorsman Amer. Rifleman Impossible G u n Nuts Mid w ay USA's Shooting USA « Best Defense Midway USA's Impossible Am er. Rifleman OUTD 37 307 43 307Midway USA's Shooting USA « ** "Agai nsttheRopes"2004,DramaMeg Ryan,OmarEpps,TonyShai- Untold History of the UnitedStates Homeland TwoHatsSaul teamsup Inside the NFL (N) rt 'PG' « JimRome on Showtime (N) 'PG' Inside the NFL rt 'PG' « S HO 00 5 0 0 houb. A femaleboxing-managerbondswith a fighter. n 'PG-13' The Bomb n '14' « with Virgil andMax. n 'MA' SPEED 35 303125303Pinks - All Dut 'PG' Drag RaceHigh Drag RaceHigh Barrett.Jackson Special Edition Pinks - All Dut 'PG' Drag RaceHigh Drag Race High Barrett.Jackson Special Edition Unique Whips 'PG' ** "VanHe/sing"2004,FantasyHughJackman.n 'PG-13'« STARZ 00408 00408Bad Teacher 'R' ** "Thei inside"2004 RyanPhilippe. 'R' « (710) ** "youAgain" 2010Kristen Bell. n 'PG' « (11:15) ** "Bad Teacher" 2011 "Assassin inLove"2007 DamianLewis.A hitman be- ** "Redemptio n (4:15) "Ten Inch Hero" 2007 El i s abeth *** "Down and Out in Beverly Hi l s" 1986, Comedy Ni c k Nol t e. A bum saved ** "The Lucky Ones" 2008, Drama Rachel McAdams. Three sol d i e rs bond TMC 2 5 25 Harnois. rt 'R' « from drowning charmsa newly richcouple, rt 'R' « during anunexpected roadtrip acrossthe country. rt 'R' comes abaker in a remoteWelshvilage. rt Road" 2010 Onward Notre Dame NFL Turning Point (N) 'PG' NFL Turning Point 'PG' Sports iiiustrated 'PG' NFL Turning Point 'PG' Poker After Dark 'PG'a« NBCSN 27 58 30 209College Basketball *WE 143 41 174118Bridezillas Tabby &Christine Bri d ezillae Tabby Davina 8 « Bri d ezillas Cristai loses her mind. Wedding- Davu Unveiled My Fair Wedding My Fair Wedding My Fair Wedding M AX 00508

5 0 8one fromher past. rt 'MA'




Husbandcan't getoverpain of discoveringwife's past Dear Abby: My wife and I have been married for f ive years. Irecently discovered that she made between 10 and 20 porn videos when she was 19. We got married when she was 27. We have four kids from two previous marriages. I am devastated. When I confronted her about it, she cried harder than I had ever seen. She said she was lost, and it's the biggest regret of her entire life. I understand how hard it can be to tell someone you have done something like this. I haven't led a perfect life, either, and I have my own skeletons and things that I would never mention. But still, I can't get over this. I have never felt pain like this in my entire life and don't know what to do. I love my wife and don't want a divorce, but it haunts my every thought. We have had a great life, and I trust her completely. What should I do to get over this? — Devastated in the U.S.A. Dear Devastated: A gi a nt step in t h e r i gh t d i rection would be to accept that you BOTH had a history before you married each other, and you both have done things you aren't proud of. Then make a list of all the GOOD things you have together, and forgive your wife for making some painful mistakes in the past that she was too ashamed to tell you. It certainly beats divorcing a woman you love over something she can't change. If that doesn't work, then you'd be wise to seek marriage

counseling. Dear Abby:My wife verbally abuses me constantly. We have an 11-month-old child, which is the only reason I tolerate it. While I try hard not to curse back, once in a while I end up dotng so. I have sought professional help to cope with her behavior, but the suggestions haven't

DEAR ABBY helped much. The situation is becoming unbearable, and I don't see it changing any time soon. What should I do? — Unbearable in Virginia

Dear Unbearable:The suggestions haven't helped because you weren't the person who needed the professional help; your wife does. In a moment when she is calm, tell her that as much as you care about her and your child, you do not intend to spend the rest of your life being her verbal whip-

ping boy, and if she doesn't get helpfor her anger issues, you will leave. If she refuses, you should follow through and make sure you get equal custody, if not more, because her volatility could be harmful to your child. Dear Abby:We are a pair of senior citizens who are very much in love. We have a lot in commonandenjoyourcompanionship. Marriage is not an option because of pensions, bank accounts and predetermined heirs — you know the story. We would like the whole world to know we are committed and devoted to each other. Would it be unusual, at this late stage, to become engaged with no intention of setting a wedding date? — Blissful in Florida Dear Blissful: Rather than become engaged with no intention of f o rmalizing your union, why not have a commitment ceremony and invite friends and family to celebrate your love for each other with you? Ask a member of the clergy to bless your union. I'm sure one would oblige because it has been done before. — Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Wednesday,Nov.28, 2Q12 meantime. Tonight: Celebrate. By Jacqueline Bigar This year you often will switch from VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) one outlookto the next. You even ** * Decide to loosen uprather might feel like a humanseesaw of than fight city hall. A boss could be sorts. For some ofyou, a person in demanding, whichmightcausea your inner circle could try to reflect conflictfor you with someonewho the opposite opinion of what you has other plans. At the moment, you choose. Instead of using black-andare seeing the situation as blackand white thinking, try to see that both white. Try to find away in which both viewpoints could work, and strive demands can bemet. Tonight: A must to find some middle ground. If you appearance. are single, you could meet someone LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) significant to your life history, but ** * * * T he unexpected marks you could have difficulty with the a situation. You might be trying to differences between you. Ifyou are hold on to something that really attached, resist the urge to fight isn't doable at the moment. Let it go. with the one you love. GEMINIcan News from a distance might impress challenge you. you, or at least makeyou smile. Know The Stars Showthe Kind of Day thatyou are heading in the right You'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; direction. Tonight: Act on an idea. 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ARIES (March 21-April19) ** * * You could be seeing a lot ** * * The unexpected occurs, like of back-and-forth in several of your it or not. You might feel as if you can't more substantial friendships. Know make a situation conform to your that there is very little you can do to expectations — or anyone else's, change this. Remain true to yourself, for that matter. Stop attempting to yet be willing to discuss a financial handle this issue, and just let it flow matter with a key person. Tonight: naturally. Tonight: Make calls before Say "yes" to an offer. deciding. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ** * * Having to juggle mixed ** * If ever there was atime not energy, incoming requestsand some to make a moneycommitment, it is irrational behavior could throw anyone today. Use care, evenwhen counting off. Remain focused onwhat's most your change. If you feel as though important, andyou will weather the you are fiscally careless in some storm. Stay ontop ofthese hassles and area, decide to change that pattern — if not immediately, then in the very allow greater give-and-take.Tonight: Go with someone'ssuggestion. near future. Tonight: A lucky turn of CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) events. ** * Pace yourself, and you'll GEMINI (May 21-June 20) accomplish a lot more than you ** * * You could be overwhelmed by everything that is happening right thought possible. Understand that you might need to cut someone off or now; however, know that you might ignore a situation altogether in order be the linchpin in this case. Though at first you might not be able to get a to do this. Avoid getting involved in others' issues; use this day for you. grasp on the situation, you will, and faster than you think. Tonight: Enjoy Tonight: Get someexercise. the roller-coaster ride. AGUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * * * You see a situation CANCER(June 21-July 22) differently from others. Youoften come ** * Full Moons greatly affect up with somefar-fetched ideas, and you, as your planetary ruler is the Moon. This particular Full Moon is an this is yet another example.Your drive and energy helpyou turn animportant eclipse, which promises changes in the next few months with a child or a idea into reality. Friendship will prevail, even if a quarrel begins.Tonight: Spend relationship. The outcome could be very good. Go with the flow, and take time with a favorite person. it easy. Tonight: Listen well. PISCES (Fed. 19-March 20) ** * * S tay anchored, know what LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) is happeningand make choices ** * Something that you want accordingly. You could be alittle might fall into your lap in a most off-kilter because of what someone secretive manner... perhaps not today, but in the near future. A friend does. Understand that you do not need to putyourself in the line of fire; could complicate your life. It is up instead, you can withdraw and refuse to you whether you will make afuss about it or just let it go. Remain to take part in this person's scenario. focused on a different matter in the © 2012 by King Features Syndicate



Pleaseemail event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351. Fair & ExpoCenter, 3800S.W.Airport Way, Redmond;541-548-7483 or www .redmondhospice.org/festival-of-trees. GRIMES'CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYBOOKSALE: The Friends SCENE:A display of lighted of the Bend Public Libraries hosts and mechanical Christmas a sale featuring books, CDs, audio decorations; open through Dec. books and more; free admission; 24; free; 2-6 p.m.; Crook County 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Deschutes Library Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Administration Building, 507 N.W. Prineville; 541-447-5006 or Wall St., Bend; 541-389-1622. grimes@crestviewcable.com. CROOKEDRIVER RANCH KNOW HUMOR,THE FUN & ART OLDE FASHIONEDCHRISTMAS OF IMPROVCOMEDY:Learn CELEBRATION:Includes visits with about improvisational comedy Santa, a parade, an illumination of from the local improv troupe the ranch Christmas tree and more; Triage; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown FRIDAY free; 11 a.m., 3:30 p.m. parade; Bend Public Library, Brooks Crooked River Ranch Administration Room, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A Building, 5195 S.W. Clubhouse 312-1032 or www.deschutes display of lighted and mechanical Drive; 541-548-8939. library.org/calendar. Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-7 p.m.; JINGLEBELL RUN/WALK FOR "GREENFIRE— ALDO Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. ARTHRITIS: Runners and walkers LEOPOLDANDA LANDETHIC Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 don holiday costumes for these 5K FOR OUR TIME": A screening or grimes©crestviewcable.com. and fun-run races; proceeds benefit of the documentary about the the Arthritis Foundation; $25, $15 conservationist Aldo Leopold; BEND HOLIDAYTREELIGHTING: With carolers, live music and dance, ages12 and younger; 9:30 a.m. free; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Central registration, 11 a.m. awards, 11:30 Oregon Community College, with Santa; 6 p.m.; corner of Wall a.m. races start; downtown Bend; Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 Street and Newport Avenue; 888-845-5695 or www.bend N.W.College Way, Bend;541www.downtownbend.org/ jinglebellrun.kintera.org. 728-3812 or www.onda.org. holiday-tree-lighting. BEND CHRISTMASPARADE: "HOW DIDWE GET HERE?" "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: Parade theme is "A Picture Perfect THE TEMPEST":Starring LECTURESERIES: Dennis Jenkins Christmas"; free; noon; downtown Audrey Luna and Isabel Leonard talks about "Oregon's Earliest Bend; 541-388-3879. in an encore performance of Inhabitants; Archaeological Shakespeare's masterpiece; Investigations at the Paisley Caves"; GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A opera performance transmitted $10, $8 Sunriver Nature Center display of lighted and mechanical in high-definition; $18; 6:30 members, $3 students, $50 for Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 1-7 p.m.; p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 series; 6:30 p.m.; Central Oregon & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Community College, Hitchcock Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 Bend; 541-593-4394. or grimes@crestviewcable.com. PUB QUIZ:Answer trivia on "AS YOULIKEIT": The La Pine High topics from pop culture to HOEDOWNFORHUNGER: Featuring School drama department presents performances by more than 20 politics; ages 21 and older; proceeds benefitthe Kurera a play by William Shakespeare; $5, bands and a chili feed; proceeds Foundation; $40 donation per $4 students and seniors, $1 off with benefit the center's Feed the Hungry team requested; 6:30-9:30 donations of nonperishable food; Program; $20, $10 students, seniors and children ages16 and younger; p.m.; The Summit Saloon & 7 p.m.;LaPineHigh School,51633 1-9 p.m.; Bend's Community Center, Stage, 125 N.W. Oregon Ave., Coach Road;541-355-8400. 1036 N.E. Fifth St.; 541-312-2069 or Bend; 541-306-0864, vivien@ FRIDAYNIGHTLIVE:The Crook kurerafund.org or www.kurera www.bendscommunitycenter.org. County High School drama fund.org. "THE NUTCRACKER": The Central department hosts a variety show THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read featuring improv games, comedy Oregon School of Ballet performs the and discuss "A Visit from the sketches, short films and more; classic dance; $17 inadvance or $20 donations accepted;7 p.m.;Crook at the door; $6 ages12 andyounger in Goon Squad" by Jennifer Egan; free; 6:30 p.m.; Sisters Public County High School, Eugene advance or $7 at the door; 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541Southwell Auditorium, 1100 S.E. 312-1074 or www.deschutes Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 54l-416-6900. Sixth St.; 541-362-6004 or www .centraloregonschoolofballet.com. library.org/calendar. A NOVELIDEAUNVEILED: Witness the unveiling of the book selection SATURDAY for this year's A Novel Idea ... Read THURSDAY Together program; free; 6-7:30 p.m.; VFW BREAKFAST: Community Downtown Bend Public Library, GRIMES'CHRISTMAS Christmas buffet breakfast; $8.50, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or SCENE:A display of lighted $7.50 seniors and children ages12 www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. and younger; 8:30-11 a.m.; VFW and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. Hall,1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; AVERY LAMB CHOP HOLIDAY:A 24; free; 2-6 p.m.; Crook County 541-389-0775. holiday celebration featuring Shari Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Lewis' daughter, Mallory Lewis, "THE METROPOLITANOPERA, Prineville; 541-447-5006 or with Charlie Horse, HushPuppyand LA CLEMENZADl TITO": Starring grimes@crestviewcable.com. Lamb Chop; $12, $8children12 and Lucy Crowe, Barbara Frittoli and younger, plus fees; 6 p.m.;Tower "EDGE OFAMERICA":A Elina Garanca in a presentation Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541of Mozart's masterpiece; opera screening of the 2003 New 317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. Mexico film about a girls' high performance transmitted live in school basketballteam, based high definition; $24, $22 seniors, HOSPICECHRISTMAS AUCTION: on a true story; free; 6:30-8:30 $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal An auction with dinner and a p.m.; Central Oregon Community Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 raffle; proceeds benefit Pioneer College, Boyle Education Center, S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; Memorial Hospice; $5; 6 p.m.; Crook 541-382-6347. 2600N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend; County Fairgrounds, Carey Foster 541-383-3782. Hall,1280 S. Main St., Prineville; FESTIVAL OFTREES:The 29th 541-447-251 0. "AS YOU LIKEIT": The La Pine annual event showcasesdecorated High School drama department Christmas trees; with live music, atree POKER TOURNAMENT ANDFAMILY presents a play byWilliam auction, visits with Santa, children's BINGO NIGHT:Proceeds benefit Shakespeare; $5, $4 students and games and more; proceeds benefit the Sunriver Community Christmas seniors, $1 off with donations of the Hospice of Redmond; freedaytime Basket Program; free admission; 6-9 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners nonperishable food; 7 p.m.; La family festivities, $40 evening event; Pine High School, 51633 Coach 10 a.m.-2 p.m. family festivities, 5 Aquatic & Recreation Center, 57250 Road; 541-355-8400. p.m.evening gala;DeschutesCounty Overlook Road; 541-593-1978.

"AS YOULIKEIT": The La Pine High School drama department presents a play by William Shakespeare; $5, $4 students and seniors, $1 off with donations of nonperishable food; 7 p.m.;LaPineHigh School,51633 Coach Road; 541-355-8400. KEITHGREENINGER AND DAYAN KAI:The folk musicians perform; $15-$20suggested donation; 7 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; The Barn in Sisters, 68467 Three Creeks Road; 775-233-1433 or dooleysbarn@gmail.com. DON WENOW OUR GAY APPAREL PARTY: With live music, food and drinks, various holiday costume contests and prizes; proceeds benefit the Human Dignity Coalition; $5; 7:30 p.m.; SevenNightclub, 1033 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-385-3320 or www.humandignitycoalition.org. THE MEN OF WORTH: The Celtic folk musicians perform; $15-$20 suggesteddonation;8 p.m .,doors open at 7 p.m.; HarmonyHouse, 17505 Kent Road, Sisters; 541-548-2209.


into Varvatos boots in preparation for a new life. It is like those moments in Homer when a god casts a protective glow over a favored mortal. For a moment, the iron laws of economics surrender to the idea of equality. If the custodians of p u blic o r der knew what depths of anarchy lurked in such moments of retail grace, they might not allowthem. But there is nostalgia clinging to department stores now, if not outright pathos, as on-


MONOPHONICS:The San Francisco-based funk-rock band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. AWNATEIXEIRA:The Canadian singer-songwriter performs; $5; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www .silvermoonbrewing.com.

upholstered sofa the way the Allies had planned D-Day. Yet Continued from B1 when the item arrived with That bygone house of the ceremony of a lifetime's treasures was where my crowning achievement, my friends and I first discov- mother immediately entombed ered the alchemy that lay it in a thick plastic sheet and in p u r chasable t h i ngs. made touching it a taboo on Racing up and down the the order of incest. magic-beanstalk e s c ala- Among the f u rniture for tors, we played hide-and- sale, however, I could loll on seek, taking refuge on the the sofas like the man of the different floors. It was the house, sit behind mahogany height of the Cold War. We desks with an air of my father's were steeped in Bond and (waning) authority. I could be spy movies. Our parents physically intimate with unatmight have been scream- tainable things. That was how ing at each other at home (it eros first entered my life. was also the time of counAn atmosphere of eros surtercultural temptation and rounded the environment of crumbling marriages), but items for sale. The realms of moving among the dark floors, of d i f f erent departsuits and somber raincoats ments. P a s sing thr o u gh of the Men's Department, Housewares, and Electronics, as if on secret business in and Dining Room Furniture, East Germany, you had a and Bedding, and Sporting special destiny that made Goods and Toys, it was as if you invulnerable to mere you were passing through the domestic strife. M i ssoni seasons andthe cycles of life. Impossible. And though so many of these Each floor was a world experiences — the men's suits, unto itself. In the Women's the grownup furniture — lay Department, you could slip in the future, you knew that into an o v ersized Anne as time went on, they could be Klein coat and barely sup- acquired. The fact that these press your giggles as your things could be yours, and that pursuing friends walked thereforelife seemed under right by you. From there, your control, gave you a sense you sneaked up to the fur- of power. niture floors, where you It was almost inevitable that could reign over principali- I had my first jobs in departties of things that were off ment stores. And it was just limits at home. as inevitable that I had my My p a r ents h a d , i t first romantic and sexual exseemed, spentyears talk- periences with the girls who ing about buying a fancy worked there beside me.

Maybe the energy of purc hasable goods t h a t w a s transferred to th e p otential of winnable women was not the healthiest of associations. But what I learned was that, in order to successfully gain a woman's favor, you had to give her things. And to get the things, you had to work among thethings. When Iwas achild, I played among Toys and Electronics. But when I grew up, I put away childish things and found work in Men's Furnishings. What can I say? Hemingway had the First World War. I had Gimbels. I grew older, and the lessons turned into blessings. As an impoverished graduate student living on the Upper West Side, I discovered that precious gift to upward mobility: the Barneys warehouse sale. One day, I was surrounded by the pedigreed scions of wealth, my frayed sleeves and cheap shoes betraying my humble origins and straitened circumstances. The next I was an Armani-clad, Prada-shod prince. There is nothing like the melting pot of the final feverish minutes of the warehouse sale, when prices are slashed by 80 percent and you can pick up a Calvin Klein sport jacket for the price of a bag of organic potatoes. Kids from the South Bronx are plowing bins of Brioni shirts alongside bankers and movie producers. Refugees who have fled from some of the most tragic places on Earth are slipping their feet

SUNDAY BREAKFAST WITH SANTA:Eat breakfast and visit with Santa; reservations requested; proceeds will provide a meal and Santa visit for area foster families; $12, $8 children 10 and younger; 9-11 a.m.; The Pine Tavern, 967 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-598-3026. GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 1-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds,1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes©crestviewcable.com. HOLIDAY BOOKSALE: The Friends of the Bend Public Libraries hosts a bag sale featuring books, CDs, audio books and more; free admission, $4 per bag; 1-4 p.m.; Deschutes Library Administration Building, 507 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-389-1622. KEITHGREENINGER AND DAYAN KAI:The folk musicians perform; $15-$20 suggested donation; 1 p.m.; Higher Ground, 2582 N.E. Dagget Lane,Bend;541-306-0048. NOTABLES SWINGBAND:The big band plays swing, blues, Latin, rock 'n' roll and waltzes; $5; 2-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center,1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-639-7734 or www.notablesswingband.com. REDMOND COMMUNITYCONCERT ASSOCIATIONPERFORMANCE: Presidio Brass performs original arrangements for brass, piano and percussion; $50 season ticket, $20 students, $105 family ticket; 2 and 6:30p.m.;Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave.; 541-3507222, redmondcca@hotmail.com or www.redmondcca.org. "THE NUTCRACKER":The Central Oregon School of Ballet performs the classic dance; $17 in advance or $20 at the door; $6 ages 12and younger in advance or $7 at the door; 3 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-362-6004 or www.centraloregonschoolof ballet.com.

line shopping approaches its final triumph. No more poor kids jostling with f i n ancial titans over Armani sweaters. No more stealing your first kiss in a stockroom among boxes of s h oes l ik e s m itten actors smooching in the wings between acts. No more warehouse sales or M acy's one-day sales, in which capitalism lowers its fences and teeming humanity rushes in, like Walt Whitman's masses, in hopes of achieving through appearance what seems less and less attainable by merit alone. So in this twilight of the department-storebehemoths, bring on th e h oliday sanctums of retail. Say what you will about the many virtues of online convenience, without the tutelary symbolism of fitting rooms and escalators, the middle class will have one less inspiration on the road to fulfillment. Prada boots, start walking.
















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No- cLoussAII!


Delightful collection By FRANK STEWART CZl

Tribune MediaServices

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Most bridge books are instructive. Books that focus on the whimsical side of the game are a w elcome addition. "It's All in the Game" by J eff Rubens and Bob Ewen i s a charming collection of stories by two renowned authors. In a mystery/parody titled "One Murder Is Worth Two F i nesses," South takes the ace of diamonds, leads a trump to West's ace and wins the spade return. He should next take a high club without drawing trumps, a no-lose play. When West has no clubs but no more trumps, South can cash the king of diamonds and two m ore clubs and crossruff for the rest.

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This book is a celebration of how bridge inspires the imagination. The authors' sentiment in the Introduction is right on: "If all you get from bridge is winning, you are missing an awful lot." "It's All in the Game," 240 pages of fun, $28.90 postpaid to the U.S. from The Bridge World, PO Box 2 99, Scarsdale N Y 1 0 5 83 .T o subscribe to The Bridge World (a must fo r a s piring p l ayers), see bridgeworld.com.





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Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 Blue toon 6 Stats at Anaheim's "BigA" 10 Thyme rackmate

E-mail:bholbtook( Cogmail.com


© 2012 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved


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Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested bytheabove cartoon.


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Answer here: (Answerstomorrow) Yesterday'E

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BA G RS A I S R G D A Y E ED T R Z I OR E LH I A L O T L A K E 11/28/12




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©20( 2 TribuneMedia services, (nc. 4 All Rights Reserved


14 Garbage can

DOWN 1 Sound of an angry exit 2 Actor O'Shea 3 D e g. issuer 4 Rachael Ray

Jumbles: HUNCH STOMP BIGGER WINNER Answer: Everyone at the party thought the pinata was a — BIGHIT

literalfeature of the answers to the starred clues 59 Composer Bartok 62 Privy to 63 Pizzeria order 64 Folk singer associated with Dylan














53 59 6 0



52 54


56 5 7



65 As is proper 64 66 Chromosome components 67 Student's surprise 67 68 This, in Havana 69 Bouquets By Doug Peterson





(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

11/28/1 2


USA Continued from B1 But not if Yvonne Lopez has her way. The Los Angeles accountant wants to give gifts that are made in America this holiday, and she's willing to search for them. "If I spend money, I'd rather spend it on a local designer and support the local economy, which is so important right now," she said. Across America, experts

These purses were designed and made by Teresa Cheung, owner of Salvageshop at Crafted at the Port of Los Angeles.

say, shoppers like Lopez are on the lookout, and stores and designers of all kinds say they are pushing their homegrown roots. " Consumers c a r e mo r e about products made in the U.S. now, and all of our branding is crafted around being made here," said David Koral, co-founder of high-end denim line Koral Los Angeles, which Photos by Don Bartletti/ Los Angeles Times makes all its jeans in Southern Patsy Johnson, 58, holds one of the many quilts that she designs, makes and sells at Crafted, a California. marketplace for handcrafted goods located at the Port of Los Angeles. Johnson quit a 25-year Whether you're a r e cent career as an insurance broker, saying she was tired of corporate life. convert or a faithful supporter of goods made here, experts offer some creative — and often thrifty — tips to wrap this holiday with stars and It's no easy task finding stripes. Finding A me r i can-made just the right holiday gift, toys among the sea of dolls, especially one madein trucks and games can be a the U.S. Shopping experts

Among the best resources for made-in-Americapresents this holiday may be your laptop orsmartphone. Searching for "Made in America holiday gifts" brings up millions of links to stores and guides. Online retailers offer a wide selection of U . S.-made options. San F r ancisco-based ModCloth, for example, carries morethan 1,700 pieces of clothing, accessories and gifts made by independent American designers, co-founder Su-

magazine'sDecember holiday gift guide called "Great American Things." It's all part of the same buylocal movement that has boosted farmers markets into the mainstream and pushed restaurants to source ingredients from neighborhood producers, experts say. Now consumers are increasinglyeager to buy a necklace made in Los Angeles or a pair of jeans made in Brooklyn, N.Y., for loved ones this holiday season. san Gregg Koger said. With that i n m i nd , b oth Other Web markets such small businesses and giant as Etsy, which specializes in companies like Caterpillar Inc. handmade or vintage items, have brought some production function like the digital ver- back to America. There's also sion of the craft fair. Shop- a wave of l a id-off workers pers can find all manner of who have started their own inventive and handmade gifts, small ventures baking cupespecially after the recession cakes, creating jewelry or depushed more out-of-work cre- signing dresses. Even people ative types into crafting goods not directly affected by the to sell online, said Matt Stinch- sluggish economy know that comb, the company's vice buying American-made goods president of brand and social promotes American jobs. "It's connected to the buyresponsibility. Dave Schiff and two bud- local movement, but it's also dies left well-paying ad ex- connected to buying green," ecutive jobs this year to start a said Joseph of the Made in flash-sale site called the Made the USA Foundation, which Collection, which specializes recently released a 115-page in products manufactured in holiday gift guide, "since you the U.S. He also co-founded an don't have to ship them thouadvertising agency dedicated sands of miles across the to companies manufacturing Pacific." only tn the U.S. Schiff of the Made CollecThe Made Collection has tion said shoppers are ready the rustic A m ericana vibe for fashionable and luxurious down pat, selling items such as American p r oducts. "Now, hand-tooled leather bags, flan- p eople are m o t ivated a n d nel skinny ties and guitars. Es- realize purchases of Ameriquire then came calling — so can-made things can help this the site collaborated on the country."

Tips on finding U.S.-madegifts:

challenge for any shopper.

offer some tips for hunting

T hat's b ecause a n "overwhelming amount" of toys are produced in foreign countries such as China, Indonesia and Mexico, said Jason Moser, an industry analyst at M o t ley Fool. The labor and production costsare usually much lower than in America, he said, and as a result, the price is often right. A m o dest s e lection o f U.S.-made playthings can be found at big retailers such as Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Toys R Us. But parents who are serious about made-in-the-USA toys will have to devote more time to tracking them down. Simply searching the Internet will turn up an array of toy makers that have been in business for decades churning out kid-friendly items here at home. But think classic toys, such as building blocks, rather than high-tech ones with remote controls, smartphone applications and other digital

down the perfect gift:

• Look online: A simple Internet search willturn

up plenty of sites selling made-in-the-U.S. items, and refining the search further with keywords can swiftly deliver the right Web retailer. These tend

Rings and bracelets made by Nina Flebbe, of Ninotchka Goods, are made by electro-forming copper on polished agate stone.

to be smaller companies and mom-and-pop shops, however, so don't expect

Abboud p r o udly s p l ashes "made in the New America" on its website, while contempoeasy navigation tools rary chain Club Monaco rolled of huge retailers and out a Made in USA collection multinational corporations. of men's clothing. High-end • Gift guides: A few groups label The Row, helmed by acdedicated to American tresses-turned-design-moguls manufacturing publish gift Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, guides for the holidays. uses garment factories in New Even Esquire magazine's York and California. December issue includes Los Angeles is a fashion hub helpful tips for buying full of designers creating beaupresents that are U.S.tiful clothing and accessories made. appropriate for the season. Organizations dedicated American Apparel has a vato promoting the made-inriety of cold-weather apparel the-USA movement, such such as jackets, fishermen's as ChooseMadelnUSA.com pullovers, scarves and beanies or American Made Matters, whirligigs. that can be stocking stuffers also put out lists of At Maine-based Roy Toy, or wrapped up under trees. products and the stores co-owner Sue Dennison said Chief Executive Dov Charney that carry them. shoppers scoop up the compredicted that velvet might There are always items pany's wood b uilding sets. even be creeping into mensat your neighborhood Some best-sellers — including wear soon. mall, but it can often a 37-piece kit for a log cabinThose looking for p r etty require a major hunt, since have been produced since Roy frocks for holiday shindigs can merchants rarely highlight Toy was founded in the 1930s. try on outfits from a flotilla of those made inAmerica. "In the 1990s, making our Southern California brands It sometimes helps to ask toys i n A m e r ic a a c t ually such as Single, Karen Kane a clerk to point out the worked against us in a lot of and Morgane Le Fay. American-made products, ways because everybody was Eva Franco designs a Los experts say. importing from China," DenAngeles brand under her own "If you're looking for nison said. "Now you would name that can sometimes be clothes, you can goto b e hard-pressed to f i n d a found at Neiman Marcus and a store like American small mom-and-pop store that Nordstrom. She recently undidn't have a section of madeApparel, or for higher-end veiled her holiday collection, in-America toys." things go to a department chock-full of lace, brocade and store like Nordstrom," said The 2007 recalls of leadsequined dresses priced up to Joel Joseph, chairman tainted toys made in China $300. (One of Mitt Romney's of the Made in the USA pushed parents to scrutinize daughters-in-law wore one of Foundation. "When you where their children's dolls, the designer's dresses during start talking about toys, it's model cars and other playRomney's concession speech, easier to go online." things came from, said Laurie Franco noted.) Schacht, co-publisher of The Everything is designed in a Toy Insider guide. As a result, studio in downtown Los Ansome companies moved at geles and then contracted out least part of their production "Also, I'd r ather get some- to local factories, Franco said. back home to soothe shopper t hing m o r e u n i q u e t h a t "We have people hand-cutting worries and also burnish their can'tbe found at every store lace flowers and stitching on brand's reputation. everywhere." the flower by hand," she said. "I'm doing Chanel and Valen"That big panic was one of the first things that really Wearin'American tino couture in L.A." pushed the button on made in Dapper and stylish AmeriBuy something unique America," she said. cans have been buzzing this With safety top of m i n d, fall about f a shion c r eated Holiday markets typically Irene Lopez, 62, of Los Anhere at home, especially after draw local artisans selling knit geles is carefully hunting for R alph Laurencame under fire scarves, glittery o r naments gifts tagged "made in Ameri- this summer for outsourcing and hand-soldered jewelryca." The homemaker says she the manufacture of the Olym- making them top destinations worries that her g r andchil- pic uniforms for Team USA. A for finding A m erican-made dren might chew or handle surprising amount of clothing presents. toys with toxic components. sewn in America can be found At the Crafted market at the "You always want to make at the neighborhood mall. Port of Los Angeles, Jennifer sure they're OK," she said. Menswear designer Joseph Priest sells an eclectic col-


the slick site designs and

that could come loose were all listed as small enough to cause Continued from B1 a child to choke. F or phthalates, the t o y s The group also highlighted all met the federal standard renewed concerns about magfor what's allowed, though a nets, especially the high-powDora the Explorer backpack ered magnets i n e x ecutive had levels that would trigger desktop toys for adults or a findisclosure under Washington ger-play magnet toy for kids state and California law, the called Snake Eggs that PIRG report said. found at a dollar store. Small toys that could choke PIRG cited government eschildren and loud toys that timates of 1,700 emergency could possibly lead to hearing room visits between 2009 and loss were the primary concern 2011 involving the ingestion of this year's repott. of h i gh-powered m a gnets. A Dora the Explorer guitar Most cases involved children and a set of colorful toy car between 4 and 12 years old. keys for infants were cited for Older childrenhave accidenbeing excessively loud. Play tally ingested the balls while food sets of everything from trying to mimic tongue pierclittle strawberries to minia- ings. The magnets, such as the ture sausage, as well as small ones in the popular Buckyball dragster cars with tiny rubber desktop toys, can cling togethtraction bands on the wheels er if swallowed, pinch inter-

lection of home goods under the Hydrangea Hippo brand. For the holidays, she offers glass snowman ornaments, scrapbooks and beer mugs etched with cheerful holiday

greetings. "People are looking for more handmade items because they want unique gifts, but also because of the economy," the Hesperia, Calif., resident said. "You can go into any store and buy what's made in China, but that doesn't help create jobs here."

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nal tissue and lead to serious injuries. The Toy Industry Association's Stacy Leistner says his






group agrees that strong magnets are a risk for children and should not be available to them. The C o nsumer P r o duct Safety Commission this summer sued New Y o rk-based Maxfield and Oberton, the maker of the Buckyball desktop toys, to stop their sale. The




finger-fidget toys are designed for adults, but CPSC said it was seeing too many injuries involving children. Maxfieldhasmaintainedthe toys are for adults, marketed to adults and carry clear warning labels — but it announced last month that it would stop making the Buckyball series. CPSC is considering a ban on high-powered magnet sets.

For more information call 541-385-8500. 1010 NE Purcell Boulevard Bend, OR 97701

541-385-8500 Premier Retirement Lifestyles •

News of Record, C2 Obituaries, C5 Editorials, C4 Weather, C6 THE BULLETIN e WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2012

ecem er ecisionex e e

LOCAL BRIEFING Pile burns start today on U.S.97 Several prescribed pile burns will take place

near Sunriver and along U.S. Highway 97 today and Thursday, the Bend

Fort Rock Ranger District said. The pile burns will

be along the highway near Lava Butte and at the Sunriver exit. Burns

will also take place along Cottonwood Road and north of Sunriver.

Smoke may bepresent in the area for several days following the


O www.bendbulletin.com/local

in en noise-or inance ria By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin

Bend Municipal Court Judge Brian Hemphill said Tuesday he expects to decide by mid-December whether a concert venue violated the city noise ordinance. In August, police issued the first citation for violating a new city noise ordinance to The Horned Hand on Colorado Avenue. Wesley Ladd and his wife, Callie Young, who own The Horned Hand, were in municipal court on Tuesday afternoon to ask Hemphill for leniency. The ticket could cost The Horned Hand

up to $750. Hemphill said he needed to review the new city law before rendering a decision. Ladd and Young presented their own case. They said police enforcement of the noise law has been subjective and one neighbor is calling in most of the complaints. Ladd said The Horned Hand might close after its lease ends, because "I'm just tired of dealing with all of this." An officer from the Bend Police Department explained why police cited Ladd and Youngthe night ofAug. 29.

Officer Kecia Weaver said that shortly before 10 p.m., she responded to a noise complaint called in by Roger Bennett, who lives approximately one block from The Horned Hand. Bennett did not attend the trial Tuesday. Weaver said Ladd offered to stop the music, but police nonetheless cited him for violating the noise ordinance. Weaver said police officers were instructed that as of mid-August, there was a "no tolerance" policy for excessively loud music at The Horned Hand. SeeNoise/C2

More poached deer discovered

sc oo cinic

overthe weekend southeast of Bend.

A headless buck and a doewerefound Sunday about seven found four deaddeer in

• A unique community medical clinic will open Monday at Redmond's Lynchschool

heads removed. The OSP Fish and Wildlife Division is seeking information about the identity of the poachers who killed the

deer, and theOregon Hunters Association

is offering a $1,000 reward for information that leads to arrests in

the cases.


STATE NEWS '~ / Salem Albany Grants Pass h

• Albany:A light plane to break up in flight

moments before the crash, according to witnesses. The two

men aboard the plane were killed. • Salem:West Salem

residents are asking public officials to test soil and water in the

area where young people havebeen diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in recent years. • Grants Pass:Afederal judge has blocked 11 state timber sales

while she considers a lawsuit that contends the sales threaten the survival of the marbled

murrelet, a protected seabird that nests in

old-growth forests. Stories on C3

To Bend



Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin

County will

seek I'1.1M for new

Bulletin staff report The Deschutes County Road Department plans to ask the federal government for $1.1 million to replace the Fall Creek bridge on Cascade Lakes Highway. Road Department engineer George Kolb said the county, if successful, must match the grant from the Federal Lands Access Program with 10.27 percent of the project cost. The federal grant would provide the remainder, he said. The grant program replaced the expiring Forest Highway Program on Oct. I, the beginning of fiscal year

2013. The highway program

Anyone with information is asked to call the Turn-In-Poachers tip line at 1-800-452-7888 or the OSP at 541-3886213.

that crashed in a Linn County field appeared

Devils Lake

Fall Creek

miles south of where wildlife filmmakers the Kotzman Basin on Nov. 17, according to the Oregon State Police. Three of the four deer, which were shot the day before, also had their

Bridge ',

bridge over

Two illegally killed

deer were discovered

; Trail to Trail to', = ,' South Green Sister Lakes',

Andy Tullie/The Bulletin

Ruth Longstroth, left, a registered nurse from Redmond,counts immunization supplies in the refrigerator at what will soon become Lynch Community Clinic, inside Redmond's M.A. Lynch Elementary School. Carina Classen, of Bend, a registered nurse and nurse practitioner, records the inventory numbers. By Lesfie Pugmire Hole The Bulletin

n a one-of-a-kind concept in Central Oregon, patients of all ages will soon have accessto low-cost medical care at a Redmond clinic originally designed to treat only children. Mosaic Medical, a nonprofit organization that operates clinics in Bend, Prineville and Madras, will take over operation of the clinic based at M.A. Lynch Elementary School, 1314 S.W. Kalama

Ave., beginning Monday. The facility, Lynch Community Clinic, will operate as a partnership between the Redmond School District, Mosaic and Deschutes County Health Services. "This is a pilot that's never been done before," said Elaine Knobbs, director of programs and development for Mosaic. "The future of medicine in-

LynchCommunity Clinic Opens:Monday Where:M.A. Lynch Elementary School, 1314 S.W. Kalama Ave., Redmond.

Operators:A partnership between nonprofit Mosaic Medical, the Redmond School Districtand Deschutes County Health Services.

volves the integration of primary care and public health, and this is one way to do that." The history of the clinic began in 2008, when Deschutes County Health Services and Redmond School District partnered on grants, now expiring, that would offer on-site basic health care to Redmond children on a sliding fee-

scale basis. The district provided the location, a modular classroom building next to Lynch, as well as support services such as custodial and utilities. The county ran and staffed the clinic. "The numbers we were serving in the beginning were huge," said Martha Hinman, executive director of student servicesforthe Redmond School District. But since the clinic could not serve entire families, only children, there was a shift of patients to a "medical home" primary careprovider that would see everyone. Patient numbers shrank at the clinic. Another factor, Hinman added, was that as more children became eligible for Oregon's Healthy Kids Plan, their choice of providers broadened. SeeClinic /C2

"The future of medicine involves the integration of primary care and public health, and this is one way to do that." — Elaine Knobbs, director of programs and development, Mosaic Medical

Well shot!

provided 100 percent of project costs for approved road projects that passed through U.S. Forest Service property, said Road Department Director Chris Doty. Because the program expired, the county will now pick up a share of the $9.8 million projected cost to reconstructSkyliners Road, Kolb said. At Fall Creek, the wooden bridge is showing its age, Doty said. The "sufficiency rating," a measure of the ability of the bridge to remain in service, is 47.1 out of 100, he said. Replacing it will cost $13 million, he said. "It's outlived most of its useful life," Doty said. The "old fashioned" bridge 26 miles west of Bend includes wooden cross beams and wooden piers in the stream, Doty said. It's subject to stress from high water and waterborne debristhat catches on the bridgework. Weight restrictions imposed on the bridge prevent its use by commercial vehicles, such as log trucks, for example, he said. The county would replace the bridge with an allconcrete structure to make it available again for commercial use. That also would qualify the highway as a parallel, or redundant, route to U.S. Highway 97 in the event of an emergency or if U.S. 97 is blocked. The new span, construction of which would not start for several years, would measure about 30 to 40 feet. The county's share of the cost, if the grant application is successful, would come to about $117,000, Kolb said. SeeBridge/C2

reader photos • We want to see your best photos capturing winter scenes in Central Oregon for a special

Fast on skis,quick in the classroom

version of Well shot!

Send your best work to readerphotos©

By Megan Kehoe The BuI leti n

bendbulletin.com, with

"winter scenes" in the subject line, by Dec. 7, and we'll pickthe best

for publication. Submission requirements:

Include ae much detail ae possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number.Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide ahd 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.

OUR SCHOOLS, OUR STUDENTS Educational news and

activities, and local kids and their achievements. • School Notes and submission info,C2

Most days, Jack Widmer can be found doing one of two things. He might have his head buried in a textbook, working hard to maintain his stag-

gering 4.3 grade point average. Or, he can be found out in the woods, flying across snowy fields on a pair of skis. Jack, 17, and a Bend High School senior, has little time for anything else. "He's very dedicated to what he does, and he always does a thorough job," said Ron Crawford, Jack's physics teacher and

cross-country ski coach. Jack was first put on a pair of skis when he was just 4 years old, and hasn't taken a break since. "I like the peacefulness of it," Jack said. "Plus, there's also a little bit of an adrenaline rush from competing." He made Bend High's varsity cross-country ski team his freshman year, and since then has been training hard with the goal of qualifying for the USSA Cross Country Junior Nationals. For Jack, skiing is a yearround sport. SeeWidmer /C2

Andy TullieI The Bulletin

Bend High School senior Jack Widmer, 17, maintains a 4.3 GPA and qualified for the USSA Cross Country Junior Nationals for cross-country skiing last year.



NEWS OF RECORD Theft —Atheft was reported and an arrest made at1:25 p.m. Nov. 20, in the 300 block of Northwest Oak The Bulletin will update items Tree Lane. in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any Theft —A theft was reported at1:55 new information, such as the p.m. Nov. 20, in the 200 block of dismissal of charges or acquittal, Northwest Greenwood Avenue. must be verifiable. For more Theft —Atheft was reported and an information, call 541-383-0358. arrest made at 3:57 p.m. Nov. 20, in Bend Police Department the 900 block of Southwest Veterans Criminal mischief —An act of Way. criminal mischief was reported at Theft —Atheft was reported and 10:09a.m. Nov.20,in the 700 block an arr estmade at6:38 p.m.Nov.20, of Northwest Georgia Avenue. in the 300 block of Northwest Oak Theft —Atheft was reported and an Tree Lane. arrest made at11:36 a.m. Nov. 20, Theft —Atheft was reported at 8:37 in the 900 block of Northeast10th p.m. Nov. 20, in the 400 block of Street. Northwest Larch Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was DUII —Lloyd Matthew May, 23, reported entered at 4:24 p.m. Nov. was arrested on suspicion of driving 20, in the 20400 block of Empire under the influence of intoxicants at Avenue. 3:35a.m.Nov.21,inthe2900 block Unlawful entry —A vehicle was of Southwest Umatilla Avenue. reported entered at 4:41 p.m. Nov. Burglary —A burglary and an act 20, in the 3100 block of Northeast of criminal mischief were reported Saber Drive. and anarrestmadeat3:35 a.m.Nov. Criminal mischief —An act of 21, in the 2900 block of Southwest criminal mischief was reported at Umatilla Avenue. 9:38 a.m. Nov. 21, in the area of Theft —A theft was reported at1:02 Southwest Reed Market Road and p.m. Nov. 21, in the1600 Northwest Southwest Bond Street. Ivy Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at Vehicle crash —An accident was 2:24 p.m. Nov. 21, in the 200 block of reported at 2:03 p.m. Nov. 21, in the Northwest Irving Avenue. 1200 Southwest Highland Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was Theft —A theft was reported and an reported entered at 9:50 a.m. Nov. arrest made at 5:13 p.m. Nov. 21, in 25, in the 900 block of Northwest the 1700 block of Southwest Odem Carlon Avenue. Medo Road. Theft —Atheft was reported and an Theft —A theft was reported at arrest made at 12:35 p.m. Nov. 19, in the 2200 block of Northeast Third 11:06 p.m. Nov. 21, in the 3300 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Street. Unauthorizeduse —A vehicle was Criminal mischief —An act of reported stolen at 5:05 a.m. Nov. 22, criminal mischief was reported and in the 1200 block of Southwest 32nd an arrest made at 8:23 a.m. Nov. Court. 20, in the 500 block of Northeast Burnside Avenue. Unauthorizeduse —A vehicle was reported stolen at 5:29 a.m. Nov. 22, DUU —Cameron David Dibavand, in the100 block of Northwest Cedar 20, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of Avenue. intoxicants at 4:26 p.m. Nov. 21, in Theft —A theft was reported at the area of Southeast Tempest Drive 10:10 a.m. Nov. 22, in the 2400 block and Southeast15th Street. of Northwest Cedar Avenue. DUII —Toni Victoria Stanovich, 58, Unlawful entry —A vehicle was was arrested on suspicion of driving reported entered at10:53 a.m. Nov. under the influence of intoxicants 22, in the 1000 block of Northwest at 6:46 p.m. Nov. 21, in the area Canyon Drive. of Southeast Third Street and Theft —A theft was reported at Southeast Reed Market Road. 12:39p.m.Nov.23,inthe200 block DUII —Brian Earl Mickey,42, was of Northwest Cedar Avenue. arrested on suspicion of driving Vehicle crash —An accident was under the influence of intoxicants reported at 2:58 p.m. Nov. 23, in the at 6:34 p.m. Nov. 22, in the 61300 area of Southwest Sixth Street and block of South U.S. Highway 97. Southwest Highland Avenue. DUII —Salvador Alfredo Molina Alava, 25, was arrested on suspicion Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 3:53 p.m. Nov. 23, in of driving under the influence of the100 block of Southeast Jackson intoxicants at1:41 a.m. Nov. 23, Street. in the area of U.S. Highway 20 and Empire Avenue. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 6:17 p.m. Nov. 23, in the Criminal mischief —An act of 2000blockofSouthwestCanyon criminal mischief was reported at 10:01 a.m. Nov. 26, in the 3000 block Drive. of Northeast Fairmont Court. Theft —Atheft was reported and an arr estmade at3:06a.m .Nov.24, Criminal mischief —An act of in the1200 block of Southwest 27th criminal mischief was reported at 10:27a.m. Nov. 26, in the100 block Street. of Southwest Columbia Street. Theft —A theft was reported at Criminal mischief —An act of 7:28 a.m. Nov. 24, in the100 block of Northwest Elm Avenue. criminal mischief was reported at 11 a.m. Nov. 26, in the100 block of Burglary —A burglary was reported Southeast Logsden Street. at12:08 p.m. Nov. 24, in the 2200 block of Southwest Timber Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at Theft —A theft was reported at 2:47 11:38 a.m. Nov. 26, in the1600 block p.m. Nov. 24, in the 2100 block of of Southwest Simpson Avenue. Southwest 28th Street. Theft —A theft was reported at Criminal mischief —An act of 3:35p.m.Nov.26,inthe800 block criminal mischief was reported and of Northeast Sixth Street. two arrests made at1:13 a.m. Nov. Criminal mischief —An act of 25, in the 300 block of Northwest criminal mischief was reported at Oak Tree Lane. 2:51 a.m. Nov. 21, in the 1000 block DUD —Casey Edward Cooper, 37, of Northwest Saginaw Avenue. was arrested on suspicion of driving Criminal mischief —An act of under the influence of intoxicants at criminal mischief was reported and 2:16 a.m. Nov. 25, in the 700 block of an arrest made at 7:06 p.m. Nov. Southwest Sixth Street. 20, in the 1700 block of Southeast Criminal mischief —An act of Tempest Drive. criminal mischief was reported at 3 Redmond Police a.m. Nov. 25, in the 2800 block of Department Southwest Juniper Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at Theft —A theft was reported at 8:18 a.m. Nov. 19, in the 500 block of 5:04a.m.Nov.25,inthe2000 block Southeast Lake Road. of South U.S. Highway 97. Theft —A theft was reported at 8:45 Theft —Atheft was reported and a.m. Nov.19, in the 2100blockof an arrest made at10 a.m. Nov. 25, Southwest Timber Avenue. in the 300 block of Northwest Oak Theft —A theft was reported at Tree Lane. 9:33a.m. Nov.19, inthe1500block Theft —A theft was reported at of Northwest Kingwood Avenue. 12:43p.m. Nov.25,inthe2200 block Criminal mischief —An act of of Northeast Fifth Street. criminal mischief was reported at Vehicle crash —An accident was 11:36a.m. Nov.19, in the 2500 block reported at 2:56 p.m. Nov. 25, in of Southwest 23rd Street. the 300 block of Southwest Canyon Unlawful entry —A vehicle was Drive. reported entered at 5:53 p.m. Nov. Burglary —A burglary was reported 19, in the 2000 block of Southwest at 5:35 p.m. Nov. 25, in the 2100 BadgerAvenue. block of Southwest 36th Street. DUII —Derek ReeseAnderson, 34, was arrested on suspicion of driving Theft —A theft was reported at 9:12 p.m. Nov. 25, in the1700 block of under the influence of intoxicants Northwest Larch Wood Court. at11:28 p.m. Nov. 19, in the area of Southwest 31st Street and Prineville Police Department Southwest Xero Avenue. Burglary —A burglary and theft Vehicle crash —An accident was with an estimated loss of $5,100 reported at 3:29 a.m. Nov. 20, in were reported at 8:47 a.m. Nov. 26, the1000 block of Southwest12th in the area of Northwest Ewen Street. Street. Vehicle crash —An accident was Burglary —A burglary was reported reported at11:15 a.m. Nov. 26, in the at10:52 a.m. Nov. 20, in the1500 area of Southeast Combs Flat Road. block of Northeast Fifth Street. Theft —A theft was reported at Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 2:56 p.m. Nov. 26, in the area of 11:34 a.m. Nov. 20, in the 2700 block Northwest Pinkston Court. of Southwest Salmon Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of Theft —A theft was reported and criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at12:33 p.m. Nov. an arr estmade at5:26 p.m.Nov.26, in the area of Southwest Claypool 20, in the1700 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Street.



Jack Widmer

Continued from C1 He trains year-round, even in summer. In the fall, he trains two hours a day, five days a week, In the winter, it's six days a week. Recently,

Age:17,a senior at Bend High School. Favorite TV Show: "Community" Favorite Movie:"Star

Wars" Favorite Book:"Eragon"

he gave up playing soccer to dedicate all his efforts to

skiing. "Skiing was just more important to me," Jack said. Last year, he attained his goal, and qualified for junior nationals at Soldier Hollow, Utah, in March. "I was stoked," Jack said. "It was the culmination of so much hard work." Though he didn't progress in the competition, his sights are already set on qualifying for next year's nationals in Fairbanks, Alaska. When he's not t r aining, Jack focuses on maintaining his high GPA while taking some of the most challenging classes offered by Bend High. He's in t h e school's International Baccalaureate

by Christopher Paolini

Favorite Musician:Beck

program and also takes time to volunteer each Monday at the local Boys & Girls Club to help students with their reading. He says he's motivated to do well in school because of an internal drive to succeed. "If I know I can do better, then I'm going to do the best that I can," Jack said. "I'm always wanting to challenge myself." Jack says his favorite subjects are math and physics, and that ever since he was young, he's had a f ascina-

tion with space and space exploration. He doesn't know exactly what he wants to do in terms of a career yet, though one thing is for certain: "No matter what I end up doing, I want to make a difference in the world," Jack said. Jack has applied to several universities for next yearincluding Creighton University, Marquette University and Macalester College, among others. Unfortunately, most of the universities he's applied to don't have ski teams. He says he's sad to leave racing behind at the end of this school year, but he's also looking forward to a break from his rigorous training regimen. Crawford says that Jack is a student who works hard, both in the classroom, and out on the slopes. "He's one of those kids who attacks a problem and doesn't give up until he gets through it," Crawford said. — Reporter: 541-383-0354, mhehoe@bendbulletin.com


NO~ES TEEN FEATS Ade Morganrecently attained the rank of Eagle Scout from the

Boy Scouts of America. Morgan is a member of Troop 25 in Bend and attends Summit High School. For his Eagle Scout project, he and volunteers constructed a carport shelter for the Bend VFW transport vans. Morgan is a three-sport athlete at Summit High and has been involved with Boy Scouts

since secondgrade. Heis the son of Scottand KathyMorgan, of Bend.

How to submit Teen feats:Kids recognized recently for academic achievements or for participation in clubs,

choirs or volunteer groups. (Please submit a photo.)

Clinic Continued from C1 "This will offer a more cohesive service for families," said Hinman. "Lynch's principal and nurse are very excited about the possibilities of expanding the services to families." Lynch operates under a community s c hool g r a nt, offering many before- and after-school services to kids and outreach to parents. According to Knobbs, the Lynch clinic will offer anything patients require in the way of primary care: walk-in minor injury and illness, immunizations, sports physicals, vision screening and medication management. An electronic patient record system will enable patients to easily use services at other Mosaic clinics, such as obstetrics or mental health. Under the new arrangement, Mosaic is contracting with the county to keep its

Noise Continued from C1 That was the only reason she and other officers decided to write the citation that night, she said. Ladd said he was not informed of the no-tolerance

policy. "I had no clue I was under a no-tolerance policy and would have been much more gun-shy i f I h ad known," Ladd said. W eaver brought a l i st

several pages long of calls to the Deschutes County Dispatch Center r egarding issues at The Horned Hand. But the officer said she did not know if any of

pediatric nurse practitioners on site, offering patients the choice of pediatric-only care on Tuesdays and T h u r sdays and all ages Mondays, Wednesdays and F r i days, with patients seen by family practice physician Dr. Chad Lowe. "We know that when parents don't have a culture of

care and follow-up has been

a big help."

The sliding s cale p a yment system under Mosaic management will be slightly different than t h e c o unty system, said Knobbs. As a Federally Qualified Health Center, the Lynch Community Clinic must meet government standards. seeing a primary provider As for funding, the nonwhen they are sick — or even profit is not operating the when healthy for preventa- school-based clinic u n d er tive care — then kids don't, any grant this year, but it either, and we really want to plans to apply for some in the encourage kidsto come in," future. "We're going to learn a Hinman said. Early statistics from the lot with t his project," said school-based clinic showed Knobbs. " Our board h a s that having it on site reduced been hearingfor some time absenteeism among students, that there is a big need in she said. the Redmond area, so we've "The clinic has also probudgeted the clinic for this vided value in its partnership year. It's our mission to meet with th e s chool, bringing the needs of the community — especially the more vulstaff into classrooms to talk about health subjects like nerable populations — so we won't deny care to anyone. " nutrition, toothbrushing or asthma," Hinman said. "Hav— Reporter: 541-548-2186; ing quicker access to medical 1pugmire@wescompapers.com

the other noise complaints had been substantiated. Ladd said Bennett continues to call in many noise complaints against The Horned Hand, most recently on Nov. 23, despite Ladd's and Young's efforts to resolve the problem by talking with Bennett. Ladd and Young said Bennett told them he thought that people at The Horned Hand were worshipping Satan. The City Council enacted the noise ordinance in May after residents complained about loud music at a concert at Troy Field downtown during the Bend Summer Festival and at the Century Center. The law restricts noise between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.

Fines for violating the noise ordinance escalate as violators rack up more citations. The maximum penalty for the first violation in a one-year period is$750.The second violation within a year costs up to $1,500, the third up to $5,000 and the fourth and any subsequent violations cost up to

$10,000. Citations go to m unicipal court, where, if the court determines a violation occurred, it must impose at least 50 percent of the maximum penalty. Each day on which a violation continues is a separate violation. — Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.com

Contact: 541-383-0358,

youth©bendbulletin com Mail:P.O. Box 6020,Bend, OR 97708

Other schoolnotes: College announcements, military graduations or training completions,

reunion announcements. Contact: 541-383-0358,


Story ideas School briefs:Items and

announcements of general interest. Contact: 541-633-2161,

news©bendbulletin.com Student profiles:Know of a kid with a compelling story? Contact: 541-383-0354,


Bridge Continued from C1 By contrast, the county's share of costs it would bear for th e S k y l iners Road project comes t o a b o ut $800,000. The county would use the last of its rural schools payment from the federal government to pay for that project, Kolb said, which involves rebuilding eight miles of the roadway. Both the Skyliners Road

and Fall Creek bridge projects qualify f o r f e d eral funds because they pass through the Deschutes National Forest.

Providing unparalled service across a variety of industries since 1983.

541-389-1505 400 SW Bluff Dr Ste 200 Bend, OR 97702




For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit w ww.bendbulletin.com/of ficials.


Sen. TedFerrioli, R-District 30 (includesJefferson, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ferrioli

(portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1454 Email: rep.jasonconger©state. ocus Web: www.leg.state.or.us/conger Rep. John Huffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: rep.johnhuffman@state. or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ huffman

Sen. Chris Telfer, R-District 27 (includes portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Rep. Mike McLane, R-District 55 Email: sen.christelfer©state.or.us (Crook, portion of Deschutes) Web: www.leg.state.or.us/telfer 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Sen. DougWhitsett, R-District Phone: 503-986-1455 28 (includes Crook, portion of Email: rep.mikemclane©state. Deschutes) ocus 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Web: www.leg.state.or.us/mclane Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-District 53 Email: sen.dougwhitsett@state. (portion of Deschutes County) ocus 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ Salem, OR97301 whitsett Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant@state. House ocus Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ Rep. JasonConger, R-District 54 whisnant

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Judge blockssales of state-ownedtimber over seabirdnesting


By jeff Barnard The Associated Press

Mark Yten/Albany Democrat-Herald via The Associated Press

lnvestigators from the Federal Aviation Administrationand National Transportation Safety Board examine the wreckage of an RV-6 two-seat airplane Tuesday in a pasture near the Linn County hamlet of Crabtree. Witnesses to the Monday crash reported seeing the plane break up in flight, and one of its wings was found on Oregon Highway 226, some distance from the crash site. Both men aboard the plane were killed.

Witnesses:Plane rokeupin li ht The Associated Press ALBANY — A s m all airplane that crashed in the Willamette Valley appeared to have broken up in flight, witnesses said. The t w o -seater c r ashed Monday afternoon near Albany, killing the two people aboard. I nvestigators believe t h e 16-year-old silver aircraft departed the Lebanon Municipal Airport shortly before 3:30 p.m. on a pleasure flight. Witnesses reported seeing the plane turn left over Oregon Highway 226 when part of a wing separated and fell on the highway, Linn County Undersheriff Bruce Riley said. J enissa Currey, 17, w a s

driving home from Scio High tell you it was a plane." School when s h e n o t iced Killed in th e c rash were s omething falling f rom t h e 45-year-old Jeff Earl "Tebo" sky. Kropf of Halsey and 46-year"It took me a few seconds to old Timothy Dean Carter of realize what it was," she told Portland, the pilot. the Albany Democrat-Herald. The plane was described as "It had only one wing on the an RV-6. plane, and it wasn't fully put Gus Funnell, a t e chnical together." support employee at V an's The plane fell into a cow Aircraft of Aurora, which uses pasture about 400 yards from the RV label on its kit planes, the road. said the company was searchTom Bishop o f L a comb, ing its records Tuesday. who was on his way to work It appeared the plane was in Albany, arrived at the scene built from plans rather than minutes after the crash. There a kit, and its serial number were no wings on what was wasn't in th e c ompany releft of the plane, he said. cords, he said. "It was just a big ball," he The RV-6 model hasn't been said. "All you could see was sold for 11 years, although the tail fin on it, to basically builders are still working on

some of them, Funnell said. Such planes are labeled experimental because the Federal Aviation Administration classifies them that way, he said. F light i n s t ructor J e r r y W ilken of A l bany told t h e Democrat-Herald he flies an RV-6 and describes them as strong and good at handling both fast and slow speeds, making them a popular small aircraftdesign. "I don't know what could have happened," Wilken said. " Wings shouldn't fall off of them. They're built just amazingly strong.... The way it's put together, it's hard for me to believe a wing would just fall off."

West Salemresidents seekprobe of rarecancer The Associated Press SALEM — Residents are petitioning for water and soil testing in West Salem, where

young people have been diagnosed with a rare bone cancer in recent years. Among the victims was Lisa Harder, 17, a senior and homecoming queen at West Salem High School who died earlier this month. State and f ederal health authorities are discussing the request, the Salem Statesman Journal reported. One petition at West Salem High School has about 600 signatures. A second petition online has nearly 800. Lynnette Miller, who has a daughter at the school, started the online petition. "The comments that people are writing, you just hear the pleas," Miller told KGW-TV. "Please, please do something, find out what it is."

Danielle Peterson /Statesman Journal via The Associated Press

Tyler Prosser, left and Lisa Harder, both with a rare form of bone cancer, were members of the West Salem High School homecoming court in September. Harder died Nov. 4 at age 17. Oregon's state epidemiologist, Dr. Katrina Hedberg, said there have been three or four confirmed cases i n r e cent years, which is not statistically

unusual, given the way the casesare divided between two counties and among separate census tracts. And while any pollutants

uncovered as aresult of testing ought to be cleaned up, the process wouldn't tell health officials what caused the cancers, she said. "We don't know what chemicalscause osteosarcoma," she said. "I feel for these families and these kids. It's an extremely difficult thing to have a child with cancer," Hedberg said. "That's the backdrop to it, and I understand why people are wracking their brains or trying to assess what the cause of it might be." E PA s p okesman M a r k MacIntyre said the agency had only recently learned of the concern in Salem. It's difficult to know what sort of a c t ion t h e a g ency will take until the petition is received, he said. "Before we ge t p e titions from people, we don't do a lot of speculating," he said.

G RANTS PASS — A federal judge has put 11 stateforest timber sales on hold while she considers a lawsuit contending they threaten the survival of the marbled murrelet,a protected seabird that nests in old-growth forests. The preliminary injunction issued last week was a blow to the new endangered species conservation policy adopted by the state to produce more timber from state lands. Besides the 11 t i mber sales, the order covers all stands occupied by murrelets on the Clatsop, Tillamook and E l l iot s tate forests. In issuing the order, U.S. D istrict Judge An n A i ken in Eugene wrote that conservation groups have shown they are likely to win the lawsuit on its merits, and leaving the sales

A bomb squad checked the items at the bank and determined they were harmless Kelly was jailed on disorderly conduct an d m e nacing charges. He'll also have a mental evaluation. — From wire reports


Board, with logging proceeds going to the Common School Fund. T he 11th sale i s o n t h e Tillamook. The state managed the Elliott for years by protecting habitat for threatened and endangeredspecieslike the murrelet, but scrapped that approach last year after federal biologists refused to approve revisions that allowed more logging. Instead, th e s t ate adopted a policy used by private timberland owners that refrainsfrom logging where protected species are actually


Oregon Department of Forestry spokesman Dan Postrel said the order was expected. He added that a separate oropen to logging could cause der from the judge removing irreparable harm. the state Board of Forestry At issue is whether the and state Land Board as destate's logging goals on fendants in the lawsuit sugthe three forests violate gested that the endangered the Endangered Species species conservation policy Act by destroying habitat they adopted may not be held for the marbled murrelet, responsible. a threatened species. The Jim G eisinger, executive bird lives at sea, but it flies director of the Associated Orup to 50 miles inland to lay egon Loggers, said the loss of its eggs on the large, mossy the timber was a big blow to branches of mature and nearby timber communities. old-growth trees. He added he was disappointed "This ruling should send that the judge would block the a signal to the leadership of timber sales on state lands, Oregon that balanced forest when the murrelet's habitat plans are critically needed needs were supposed to be to truly protect the murre- satisfied entirely on f ederal let," Francis Eattherington, lands. conservation director for G eisinger said t h e n e w Cascadia Wildlands, said policy should be preferable, in a statement. "The state because it prohibited any indiof Oregon'sforestpractices viduals of a protected species are the most reckless in the from being killed, while habiPacific Northwest and are tat conservation plans allowed pushing the marbled mur- some individuals to be killed relet closer to extinction." incidentally. Earlier this year, the state Department o f F o r estry withdrew the sales pending the outcome of the lawsuit, and planned instead to offer a smaller number of $ r„""'" > perfectcolorssince1975 alternative sales elsewhere.



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northeast of Oregon City. OR EGON IN BRIEF On Monday, th e h o rses stepped in the mud, couldn't Estranged husband Crockett. get out and panicked. Fairview Police Chief Ken MacFarlane said she called accused of killing wife J ohnson said the g ir l w a s 911. The firefighters dug away SALEM — Salem authori- found dead at home Saturday the mud. ties say the estranged husband morning in an apartment. One horse, a 27-year-old of a 30-year-old woman has Johnson said Chandra Ilene mare named Shaia, was able been accused of fatally shoot- Rose, 34, was booked Sunday to get out herself. ing her. on c r i m inal m i s t reatment F irefighters t i e d r op e s Marion County detectives and reckless endangerment around the legs of the other, say 45-year-old David Paul charges. a 30-year-old gelding named Eaton was arrested Tuesday. Other children in the home Dillon, and pulled him out. T he detectives said t h e have been taken into protecBoth got exams and medivictim's name wouldn't be re- tive custody. c ation f o r s o r eness.. D i l leased until they were able to lon was g iven i n travenous notify family members in her Capitol tree lighting electrolytes. country of origin. set for Thursday Investigators said E a t on Odd-actingman first told detectives his wife SALEM — A 31-foot Noble arrested at bank came at him with a knife in fir from the Tillamook State a south Salem house, and he Forest will be lit Thursday as SALEM — Police arrested a shot her in self-defense. the state Capitol Christmas 23-year-old man Monday after Then, police say, he said he tree. some bizarre behavior at a Sashot her after she reneged on The Statesman Journal re- lembank. a divorce settlement agree- ports volunteersare decoratThe Marion County Sheriff's Office says Danny Dean ment, and he took a knife from ing the tree and the building a kitchen drawer to put in her in the theme of "Whimsical Kelly took off his shoes and hand. Wonderland." socks and put them in a waste He ischarged with murder. The tree was erected Mon- basket with some other items day by forestry workers. with wires. Dad's girlfriend held He then put a portable raFirefighters pull out dio on the bank counter. He in death of daughter was wearing a metal vest. As horses stuck inmud FAIRVIEW — Police in the he left the bank, he put on a east Portland suburb of FairO REGON CITY — F i r e - dog muzzle and boarded a v iew ar e i n vestigating t h e fightershave rescued a pair of bus. death of a 10-year-old girl and elderly horses who got stuck in The S t atesman J o urnal have arrested the girlfriend mud 2 feet deep in Clackamas reported a d eputy stopped of the child's father on sus- County. the bus and arrested Kelly, picion of m i streatment and Sharon M acFarlane t o ld a Salem resident who h a s endangerment. The Oregonian the mud was a criminal history that i n The Oregonian r eported in a strip left after a drainage cludes cartheft and robbery the girl was named Miranda pipe was buried at her place convictions.

The Oregon Department of Forestry estimated the withdrawal of the 10 sales on the Elliott would cost the Common School Fund $9.85 million in lost income next year. Unlike other state forests, the Elliott is controlled by the State Land

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he Sagebrush Classic put on by Deschutes Brewery had been a major moneymaker for local nonprofits since 1990. It brought in more than $2 million over the years — through a feast, agolf tournament and more. But lately the website for the Sagebrush Classic said this: "Stay tuned for an announcement this fall regarding Sagebrush in 2013." The announcement came this week that the event has been put on "permanent hold." It's a shame, but it was the only realistic option. In better times the event lured in more than a dozen of the world's top chefs. It was not the fundraiser for everyone, but it had a special way of capturing some of the excitement Bend offers and transforming it into charity. How can you argue with millions more for charities that help children and families? Admission was steep. In 2008, a ticket for the feast was $225. In 2010, $195. Sponsorships were available from a couple thousand dollars up to $35,000.

After the recession arrived, the event struggled. It raised about $80,000 in 2009 and less in 2010. In 2011 it tried new events and lost money. Deschutes Brewerystepped up and made theadmirable decisionto cover the difference. The event was put on hiatus in 2012 andnow thepermanent hold. With or without Sagebrush, local nonprofits such as the United Way are still struggling for donations and volunteers.There are plenty of efficient means to donate to charity. Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum has a database on her website that identifies legitimate charities. Or you could just drink more beer. Deschutes Brewery donates $1 for every barrel it sells. A barrel contains more than 320 12-ounce beers.

Entitlements must be acknowledged, addressed


r esident Obama won r e election at least partly by convincing enough voters that the nation's fiscal problems could be solved if the wealthy simply paid more taxes. The vilification of the rich allowed voters to ignore the contrary evidence; it's so much easier to decide that somebody else should pay the bill. The reality, however, doesn't go away because we wish it would, and a report this week from former members of President Clinton's tax reform commission shows it's even worse than most of us knew. Writing for The Wall Street Journal, Chris Cox and Bill Archer say government financial statements hide the extent of the problem because they don't show the unfunded liabilities of entitlement programs such as Medicare and Social Security, among others. If the complex effects of such liabilities were accurately reported, Cox and Archer write, it would become obvious that current levels of entitlement would force the government deeperinto debt even if it annually confiscated all the adjusted gross income of taxpayers earning more than $66,193 per year plus the equivalent of all the taxable corporate income in 2006, the peak year before the recession. Cox is a former chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee and the Securities and Exchange Commission. He is now president of Bingham Consulting.

Archer is a former chairman of the House Ways 8 Means Committee and now a policy adviser for PricewaterhouseCoopers. Most current discussion of the nation's fiscal trouble focuses on the 2012 budget deficit of $1.1 trillion and the national debt of $15.96 trillion, they report, while ignoring the actual liabilities of $86.8 trillion. Most deficit calculations don't include numbers such as the $7 trillion annual accrued expense of Medicare and Social Security for the year ending Dec. 31, 2011, according to Cox and Archer. If government had to follow the same reporting requirements that most private enterprises do, they write, policymakers and voters would be able to see the extent of the challenges. Trying to address the crisis with tax increases, even on all taxpayers, "would amount to bailing out the Pacific Ocean with a teaspoon," they say. No solution is possible without addressing unrealistic entitlement obligations. The so-called third rail of American politics must not just be touched, it must be tackled. First, we need financial statements that make the problem clear. Then, we need political leadership that looks at facts, not fictions. Yes, we need more revenue, as even some Republicans acknowledge. But that will solve nothing without entitlement reform that we've been hiding from for decades.

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Not quite ready for the next disaster By Lane Filler

be the only ones. But throughout the storm and t's not as if m y f a m ily went in the weeks since, I found myself into Superstorm Sandy totally struggling with a quandary that's unprepared. been bugging me since 1999, and We bought six gallons of milk, good old Y2K. because there's nothing better than On one end of th e spectrum, a powerless fridge full of warm, de- you've got the guy who has dedilicious milk after a week or so. We cated his life and his savings to purchased plenty of bread, which, preparing fo r t h e p o s t-disaster although no one was willing to eat society. He's got guns, bullets, a it after day two, could have eventu- concrete fortress installed under ally proved useful: I'm pretty sure the vegetable garden, and 14,000 you can kill or stun a looter with an cans of food. He's got water tanks, 11-day-old baguette by swinging it gasoline reserves and generators. like a Louisville Slugger. And if he set up his stash on the We even made sure we had plen- eve of the year 2000, he has DVD ty of candles, so we would be able editions of "The Sixth Sense" and to see the boredom and hatred on "Fight Club" to keep the family eneach others' faces clearly, night af- tertained post-apocalypse. ter night. On the other end of the scale, We just didn't, as it turned out, you've got the family whose only buy any of the things that actually emergency preparations are seven could have helped us with this par- packs ofMarlboros, a case of Fresticular emergency. No generator, ca and the number "911" written on no extra gasoline, and not nearly a Post-it note stuck to the freezer. enough of the really good HallowAnd we decide which of those een candy. guys is sane and which of them is Honestly, my family had a pret- crazy based on the uncontrollable ty easy storm. We were without occurrences, like weather, that acpower for only four days, thanks to tually happen to happen. living on a main road, in an apartWe laughed at the Y2K loonies ment complex, next to a large hos- because society didn't disintegrate pital. There aren't many advantag- into madness on Jan. I, 2000. If es to living on a main road, in an the computers had gone kerflooey, apartment complex, next to a large the neighbor I called "Bomb Shelhospital: Quick power reconnec- ter Barry" through the early part tion after storms and quick treat- of this millennium would instead ment after domestic accidents may have been known as "Brilliant BarNewsday


ry," and my wife probably would have sold me into his slave army in exchange for three cans of fancy cling peaches. In a world of unlimited resources, the bomb shelter guys would be right. If we live long enough, something terrible will happen, and it's better to be prepared for it than not. There's no way to get prepared once the horrible thing happens, or even when it's on the way. By then the gas, generators, batteries and "Fight Club" DVDs are all gone. But we do not live in a world of unlimited resources. So generatorsthat cost $5,000 and hundreds of gallons of water and gasoline and piles of unspoilable food that must be stored have to be balanced against all the other things we want. Stuff like food we can actually eat today, and college tuition, and bicycles and cars and clothing and circus tickets. If it were easy to buy survivalist gear when we need it most, we'd own a lot more of it. But it's mostly only possible to purchase such stuff once the stingof unpreparedness has worn off. And the need doesn't feel nearly as pressing when the heat is working, and the ice cream is staying frozen. Generators? We don't need no stinkin' generators. At least not today. — Lane Filler is a member of the Newsday editorial board.

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The Bulletin.

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'Lincoln' movie shows politics at its best in a master's hands


e live in an anti-political mo- in order to make that vision a reality. ment, when many people To lead his country through a war, — young people especially to finagle his ideas through Congress, — think politics is a low, nasty, cor- Lincoln feels compelled to ignore court rupt and usually fruitless business. decisions, dole out patronage, play It's much nobler to do community legalistic games, deceive his supportservice or just avoid all that putrid ers and accept the fact that every time noise. he addresses one problem he ends up I hope everybody who shares this creating others down the road. anti-political mood will go out to see Politics is noble because it involves "Lincoln," directed by Steven Spiel- personalcompromise for the public berg and written by Tony Kushner. good. This is a self-restrained movie The movie portrays the nobility of that celebrates people who are prupolitics in exactly the right way. dent, self-disciplined, ambitious and It shows that you can do more good tough enough to do that work. in politics than in any other sphere. The movie also illustrates another You can end slavery, open opportu- thing: that politics is the best place to nity and fight poverty. But you can develop the highest virtues. Politics achieve these things only if you are involves such a perilous stream of willing to stain your own character in character tests that the people who order to serve others — if you are will- can practice it and remain intact, like ing to bamboozle, trim, compromise Lincoln, Washington or Churchill, are and be slippery and hypocritical. incredibly impressive. The challenge of politics lies preThe movie shows a character-buildcisely in the marriage of high vision ing trajectory, common among great and low cunning. Spielberg's"Lincoln" politicians, which you might call the gets this point. The hero has a high trajectory from the Gettysburg Admoral vision, but he also has the cour- dress to the Second Inaugural. age to take morally hazardous action In the Gettysburg phase, a leader

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expresses grand ideas. This, frankly, is relatively easy. Lots of people embrace grand ideals or all-explaining ideologies. But satisfied with that they become morally infantile. They refuse to compromise, insult their opponents and isolate themselves on the perch of their own solipsism. But a politician like Lincoln takes the next step in the trajectory. He has to deal with other people. Spielberg's "Lincoln" does a nice job celebrating an underappreciated art, the art of legislating. The movie is about pushing the 13th Amendment through the House of Representatives. The political operatives Lincoln hires must pay acute attention to the individual congressmen in order to figure out which can be appealed to through the heart and which through the wallet. Lincoln plays each potential con-

vert like a musical instrument, appealing to one man's sense of idealism, another's fraternal loyalty. His toughest job is to get the true believers onhis own sideto suppress themselves, to say things they don't believe in order not to offend the waverers who are needed toget the amendment passed. That leads to the next step in the character-building trajectory, what you might call the loneliness of command. Toward the end of the Civil War, Lincoln had to choose between two rival goods — immediate peace and the definitive end of slavery. He had to scuttle a peace process that would have saved thousands of lives in order to achieve a larger objective. He had to discern the core good, l egal equality, among a f l urry o f otherissues.He had to use a constant stream of words, stories, allusions and arguments to cajole people. He had to live with a crowd of supplicants forever wanting things at the door without feeling haughty or superior to them. If anything, the movie understates

how hard politics can be. The moral issue here is a relatively clean one: slaveryor no slavery. Most issues are not that simple. The bill in question here is a constitutional amendment. There's no question of changing this or that subsection and then wondering how much you've destroyed the

whole package. Politicians who can navigate such challenges really do emerge with the sort of impressive weight expressed in Lincoln's Second Inaugural. It's a speech that acknowledges that there is moral ambiguity on both sides. It's a speech in which Lincoln, in the midst of the fray, is able to take a vantage point above it, embodying a tragic and biblical perspective on human affairs. Lincoln's wisdom emerges precisely from the fact that

he's damaged goods.

Politics doesn't p roduce many Lincolns, but it does produce some impressive people and, sometimes, great results. Take a few hours from the mall. See the movie. — David Brooks is a columnist for The New York Times.






Lehnherr Donna J. Stampke, of Bend April 27, 1930 - Nov. 26, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471 www.niswonger-reynolds.com

Services: Memorial, 10:00 AM, Saturday, December 1, 2012, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Chapel on 27th Street, Bend.

By Craig Welch

Nov. 26, 2011 - Nov. 9, 2012 Greyson Riley L ehnherr, o f Bend, OR , b ecame an A ngel a n d w a s s e n t to H eaven, on N o v ember 9 , 2012, in the loving arms of his Mommy and Daddy. Greyson, s 11 m o n t h s b orn a twin three months 26 ,

Doris L. Walker, of Redmond

Portland Greyson Riley O R to June 26, 1927 - Nov. 24, 2012 Lehnerr Brian and Arrangements: A manda L e h n h e rr . He Deschutes Memorial w eighed I l b . I o z . G r e y Chapel, (541)382-5592; s on spent most of hi s l i f e www.deschutesmemonalchapel.com u p a t O r e go n H e a l t h Services: Science Umversity, due to Mrs. Walker has his prematurity an d h e art requested no services. conditions. He was able to Contributions may be made come home in A p ri l 2 012, to: to await his heart surgery. Partners In Care Hospice, He had hi s h eart s u rgery 2075 NE Wyatt Ct. Bend, in October 2012, but after a OR 97701. three-week effort, his heart j ust w ou l d n ' t r eco v e r . Heaven was ready for their Mary Louise Angel. (Slaughter) Beede, of G reyson w a s tr u l y a La Pine Miracle from God. He went Nov. 22, 1945 - Nov. 19, 2012 through s o m u c h i n h i s Arrangements: short-lived life, and fought Baird Memorial Chapel, until the end. He t o uched La Pine, 541-536-5104 so many l i v es, and c ould www.bairdmortuaries.com j ust melt y ou r h e art w i t h h is big b lue eyes and h i s Services: b ig smile. He wa s a v e r y A Celebration of Life will happy boy. be held at 1:00 p.m. on G reyson i s s u r v i ved b y Saturday, December 1, h is p a r e nts, B r i a n and 2012, at Community Bible A manda L eh n h e rr , of Church, located at 1 Bend, OR; a brother, TanTheater Drive in Sunriver. ner Lehnherr, of Bend, OR; Contributions may be made to: p aternal g r an d m o t h er , Susan G. Komen For The B etty L e h n h err , o f W i l Cure, 5005 Lyndon B l amina, O R; mate r n a l Johnson Freeway, Dallas, g randmother, Maria H o f f TX 75244, (972) m an o f R a p i d C i t y , S D ; 855-1600, a nd nu me r o u s aun t s , ww5.komen.org; or uncles, cousins & friends. Pregnancy Resource Greyson was preceded in Center of Central Oregon, death by his twin b r other, 1051 N.E. 4 St., Suite Peyton M i l es, on N o v em102, Bend OR 97701, b er 2 6 , 20 1 1 , a n d h i s 541-385-5334. g randfathers, H a rr y L e h nherr and JeffSisemore. A celebration of life will be held on S aturday, December I, 2012, I:00 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE 9t h S t r eet, Bend, May 5, 1985- Nov. 13, 2012 with a reception to follow. may be Taggart Dertinger passed Contribution s away N ov . 13 , 2 0 12 , i n made to First Presbyterian Church, Bend, OR 97701 Oklahoma City, OK. The family would love to H e wa s b o r n i n B e n d , OR, on May 5, 1985, to Ja- thank al l o f t h e d o c t ors, n is K. Fuller an d A l a n L . n urses, surgeons an d a l l Dertinger. Tag was r aised staff who had some part of G reyson's l i f e , a n d w h o in Bend, and upon gr adum ade w ha t l i f e h e h a d , a ting from Mt . V iew H i g h School, he moved to Okla- possible. h oma C i ty . W h i l e t h e r e , t he idea fo r D i r t y W a t e r Coffee was born, and Tag's v ision b l o ssomed i n t o a s uccessful b u s iness u n t i l Death Notices are free and his untimely d eath. T ag's will be run for one day, but enthusiasm for a dventure, specific guidelines must be f un and p r a nk s w a s l o v followed. Local obituaries i ngly sh ared w i t h f a m i l y are paid advertisements and friends. He brought so submitted by families or much joy to all of us, and we wil l f e e l h i s a m a zing funeral homes.They may be i mpact o n o u r l i v e s f o r submitted by phone, mail, ever. He had a w o n derful email or fax. The Bulletin ability to b r in g p eople toreserves the right to edit all gether and make us all feel submissions. Please include so loved and special. contact information in all T ag w a s p re c e ded i n correspondence. death by his grandparents, For information on any of L eonard an d Fr an c i s these services orabout the Dertinger and J a mes and Olga Fuller. He is survived obituary policy, contact by his parents, Janis Fuller 541-617-7825. and A l D e r t i n ger; s i ster, Deadlines:Death Notices L eanna D e r t i nger ; a u n t , are accepted until noon L inda F u l l er , a u n t an d Monday through Friday for u ncle, J a n e a nd Ste v e next-day publication and by Dertinger; many cousins in 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday Michigan and Denver; and and Monday publication. his l o vin g p a r t n er , S t a ci Patton, and her family. Obituaries must be received A Memorial Service wi l l by 5 p.m. Monday through b e held at Mt . V iew H i g h Thursday for publication S chool o n D e c ember 2 7 , on the second dayafter 2012 at I:00 p.m. submission, by In lieu of flowers, please 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or make a donation to Living Monday publication, and by Options For Teens. 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Sept. 8, 1948 - Nov. 15, 2012 Fax: 541-322-7254 J anet passed aw ay , u n Mail:Obituaries expectedly, at her home in P.O. Box 6020 Bend, she was 64. Born in Bend, OR 97708 L os A n g e l es , C A, sh e moved to Oregon in 1973, and w a s co- o w n e r of Crane Prairie Resort until DEATH 1 985. A r et i r e d b oo k k eeper, t h ose t h a t k n e w h er best, k n e w s h e w a s ELSEWHERE always willing to h elp; an avid lover of f o o tball, th e o utdoors, s he enj o y e d Deaths of note from around hunting b u t h e r p a s s i on theworld: was fishing. J a net is surPatrick Edlinger, 52: A verv ived b y h er dau g h t e r , satile and charismatic French B obbie Schatz o f S a l e m , rock c l imber w h o h e l ped OR, h e r so n , W ay n e popularize competitive sport Schatz and hi s w i f e , St acey an d t h e i r d a u g h t er, climbing in the 1980s. Died J ewel, of Bend. A p r i v a t e Nov. 16 in La Palud-sur-Verdon, France. family service will be held — From wire reports at a later date.

Taggart Fuller Dertinger

Obituary policy

Janet M. (Schatz) Lewallen

Garrett was


appraiser of antiques By Rebecca Trounson


Sea changes inocean now may harm foodchain later

Los Angeles Times

Wendell Garrett, a hist orian and a uthority o n American decorative arts who was w idely k nown for his appearances as an appraiser on the long-running PBS series "Antiques Roadshow," has died. He was 83. Garrett died Nov. 14 of natural causes at a hospice facility in W i l liston, Vt., where he had moved recently from Manhattan. His former wife, Elisabeth Garrett Widmer, confirmed his death. Known for his broad expertise, a courtly manner and his delight in sharing knowledge, Wendell Garrett appeared o n e v ery season of the American version of "Antiques Roadshow" since its launch in 1997. He will also appear on the show's next season, which was filmed last summer and premieres Jan. 7. "He was a very generous teacher and a lways

approached his appraisals from the point of view of making sure people had an understanding of what the objects could teach about the past," said M a r sha Bemko, executive producer of the program, which is modeled after a British series of the same name. "He was a mensch of a man and a true historian." Garrett wrote and edited many books on antiques and American style, including "Victorian America: Classical R o manticism to Gilded Opulence" (1993), "Monticello and the Legacy of Thomas Jefferson" (1994) and "American Colonial: Puritan Simplicity t o G e orgian G r ace"

(1995). He wa s a l s o a s sociated for many years with Sotheby's, where he was a senior vice president in the American decorative arts department. From 1972 to 1990, he was editor of the magazine Antiques a nd remained an editor at large for the fine arts publication until his death. On "Antiques R o adshow," which sends experts across the country to appraise art and collectibles brought in by the public, Garrett handled a range of objects. Among his on-air assessments: a copper kettle for making apple but-

The Seattle Times

SEATTLE — S c i entists years ago figured out that a group of tiny snail-like sea creatures crucial to marine food webs may one day be

an early victim of changing ocean chemistry. Researchers pre d i cted that pteropods, shelled animals known as sea butterflies, could begin dissolving by 2038 as human-caused carbon-dioxide em i s sions begin souring the seas in a process known as ocean acidification. But new research by Seattle scientists concludes that corrosive seas are damaging pteropods right now — decades earlierthan expected. And that damage was recorded in the south Atlantic Ocean, where surface pH doesn't dip as low as it has off the Washington coast or in Puget Sound. The finding suggests that changing s e a ch e m istry already could be h arming pteropods in the Northwest, with potentially vast implications for the marine food chain. And it comes as a panel of experts organized by Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire this week plans to u nveil recommendations for ways Washington can attempt to combat changes to o cean chemistry. "This is really an important discovery because here in the Northwest, our pink salmon, for e x ample, are dependent on pteropods for survival in the open ocean in their first year of life," said Richard Feely, a scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Seattle, and an acidification expert. Feely p a r ticipated in the research. "More than 50 percent of their diets are these pteropods."

tant species are expected to n a r sek discovered the shells ripple though the food chain. w e r e dissolving. This research, published W hi l e t h e damage wasn't Sunday in the journal Nature e n ough to kill the animals, Geoscience, is different. It it w e a kened them, making places pteropods,which are them more vulnerable to eaten by many fish, among p r e dators andinfection. And, a mere handful of m arine a s s cientists before her had species worldwide being im- p r e dicted through lab work, pacted right now. The others t h e d e gree o f d i s solution are Pacificoysters along the worsened in creatures taken Northwest coast and tropical f r o m waters containing more corals in the South Pacific. car b o n dioxide. "It was a surprise to me to see that level of damage in a HumanS driVe ChangeS wild field population," said The d i scovery prompted a Dave Mackas, a s c ientist b i g q uestion: "When we eswith Canada's Department t a b lished that we had dissoof Fisheries and Oceans who l u t i on, we wondered, 'What's has studiedpteropods in the d r i v in g t h i s?'" B e dnarsek Northwest. "I think we should a s ked. take it as another warning A s i t t u rns out the answer, signal." in part, is: humans. Because deepfrigid water Tifif but >BfY imPoftBAt normally holds more carbon Like corals, pteropods are d i o xide, its pH is naturally central to many ocean eco- l o w er t han that of surface systems. They're not much w a t ers. South Atlantic wabigger than pepper grains, t e r s, n aturally, would d i sbut they eat plankton and oc- s o lve pteropods if they lived cur in great clusters that are a t depths below 1,000 meters. easily scooped up by fish. But these creatures were "They're a great example beingdissolved in some cases of some tiny non-charismatic j u st 200 meters below the sea creature that is incredibly im- s u r face — up where pteroportant," said Gretchen Hof- p o ds actually live. mann, a University of CaliThat d e ep water has alfornia at Santa ways welled up Barbara b i o lofrom below, but gist and ocean- jf y P U 're iri<jie t he addition o f

acidification ex"They're Pert. small, but carry

gr l teff'Otjgclrig c

arb o n di o x ide

fossil fuels See g ye~Ut(fU/ from had pushed it past e n ormous emPe"P" the threshold that

an amount of nutrition and are eaten even by very

big fish. If you're in the Antarctic and see a beautiful emperor pen-

pe r i g Ujri, jt

p terop o ds c an

epjS)S py

withstand. "The deep wat er c o ming u p

ecftirIQ fiS jl Uridey (jle


keep s g e t-

t ing m or e a n d more acidic," said guin, it exists by tjipSe fjSjl ed~ Hofmann. eating fish under pgeppppQS " The r esearchthe sea ice. And ers only saw par— Gretchen ticularly s e rious t hose fish e a t Hoffmann, damage in one pteropods." a biologist at spot, which l eft The new disthe University of other q u estions covery was made California un a nswered. by an i n t ernaat Santa Barbara "Was that a tional team of reChanging ocean chemistry searchers led by worse-case event Scientists have long known Nina Bednarsek, that hap p ened that greenhouse-gas emis- who was affiliatto hit that site'?" sions from the burning of fos- ed with the British Antarctic a s ked Mackas, the Canadian sil fuels were being taken up Survey. She since has been scientist. "Or is it common by the seas and slowly chang- hired by NOAA in Seattle. or persistent there? I'm sure ing ocean chemistry, but reDuring a 2 008 research s o meone is looking at that search in recent years shows cruise south an d e ast o f r ig h t now." those changes are coming far the Falkland Islands off the It's t oo soon to fully grasp faster than initially expected. t ip of South America, Bed- t h e i m p l ications o f B e d As a result, scientists in labo- narsek gathered samples of n a r sek's work, especially in ratories around the w o rld Limacina helicina a ntarc- t h e Pacific Northwest. have been scrambling to fig- tica, a southern Atlantic speMack a s has found that one ure out how those changes cies of pteropod. Some of the p o pulation of pteropods off will affect marine life. samples came from an area V a n couver I sland a ppears This lab work has shown where colddeep water wells already to have begun dethat increasing carbon diox- up from below — much as c l i n i ng; it just isn't clear why. ide in the oceans eventually it does off the Washington B u t a nother, similar species could kill, endanger or alter coast. nearby actually seemed to be "We brought the samples g r o w ing in number. the behavior of many marine " We definitely n eed t o organisms, from crab and back home and saw these squid to clownfish and clams. really tiny changes on th e c h e ck this out more," Mackas The most sensitive species shell," Bednarsek said. said. are those that rely on calcium Pteropods create extremeIn fa c t , that, said Feely, is carbonate to form shells or ly thin shells that are highly w h y Bednarsek cameto work other body parts, such as the susceptible to che m i ca l i n S eattle. She will be studyinnerpartsof many fish ears. changes in seawater. Using i n g pteropods in and around Significant changes to impor- a complex set of tests, Bed- W a shington.

Se> jce grid

ter (appraised at $2,000); a circa-1850 mosaic-topped

table ($8,000); and a 19thcentury cabinet decorated with s t u f fed s o n gbirds (he appraised it at up to $11,000 and gently advised the owner to take care handling it, saying the birds may have been preserved with arsenic). G arrett, who had h a d a form of muscular dystrophy since the age of 19, had used a wheelchair in recent years, including on his "Antiques Roadshow" appearances. But he never let his disability slow him down, Bemko said, making his trips by train to keep up with the traveling show. Wendell Douglas Garrett was born in Los Angeles on Oct. 9, 1929, the eldest of four children of Ennis and Lucille Garrett. After graduating from Wilson High School, he attended UCLA and, until he encountered organic chemistry, planned to become a doctor, Widmer said. He switched to history, earning a bachelor's degree. He then enrolled at the University o f D e l aware, receivinga master'sdegree from its renowned Winterthur program in early American culture. He later earned a second master's degree in American history from Harvard.

California prosecutorwants hiscounty to changepolicy onilegal immigrants tion's most lenient immigration policies. Rosen contends SAN JOSE, Calif. — Mar- the year-old county policy tin Moreno roughed up his unnecessarily endangers the ex-girlfriend like an "animal" community by allowing illeuntil police arrested him at gal immigrants with a histogunpoint, according to a witry of violent or serious crimes ness. Juan Flores bashed a to be released rather than man in the head with a beer held for U .S. I mmigration bottle, producing a w ound and Customs Enforcement, that required 2 5 s t itches. known as ICE. And Francisco Gomez twice The county's policy must punched a 2-year-old with his change, Rosen argues, "to closed fist — hard enough to protect public safety, protect triggera brain hemorrhage. taxpayer's dollars and proAll three were in this coun- tect victims' rights." try illegally and could have Tinkering with i m migrabeen deported under federal tion policy is a touchy matlaw if Santa Clara County ter in a county where one in had been willing to hold them four residents was born in a for immigration agents. Inforeign country. Staunch adstead, they were treated like vocates of the county policy, U.S. citizens and released ei- including ambitious local polther on probation or on bail iticians and some defense atunder a county policy that ef- torneys, argue that engaging fectively bars all immigration local authorities in immigra"holds." Since then, they've tion enforcement undermines thumbed their noses at the immigrant comm u n ities' criminal justice system and trust in the police, making gone on the lam. people afraid to report crimes Armed w i t h d i s t urbing as a witness or even a victim. examples like these, District They also point to abuses of Attorney Jeff Rosen is urging authority by ICE and note the county board of supervi- that many defendants were sors to rescind one of the na- brought to the U.S. when they By Tracey Kaplan

San Jose Mercury News

w ere young c hildren and have deep roots here. But the prospects for at least tweaking the policy are greater now that its main proponent, Supervisor George Shirakawa, is under heavy fire for charging thousands of dollars o f q u estionable expenses on his t axpayerfunded credit card. The board of supervisors is expected to vote whether to change the policy early next year, after a group of law enforcement officials, including Rosen, Acting Public Defender Molly O'Neal and Sheriff Laurie Smith, recommends a course of action. Smith supports honoring ICE detention requests for illegal immigrants with a h i story of violent or serious crimes; O'Neal is open to discussing the issue but has concerns. The issue exploded last year when Santa Clara County became only the second jurisdiction in the nation after Chicago's Cook County to release illegal immigrants with a history of committing serious or violent crimes onto the streets.




F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.


Today: Dry in the morning, wet in the afterCHANNE


noon and evening.





WEST Generally breezy to windy with periods of rain throughout the

v Astpl la'. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x i h x t st/46%%i, t X X X X X X N + xx x k k k k x x f fppckx+xxx x x x k k k x x x umati(la 5885jdeox++ x x h h h h x h h h h i«4 1/34 i X ' ' tx x x X X X X 55/45 . Cannon Beach'i'.Rxxx x « R i t t t ' • Hermiston41/33,q i x ' , x x x x x x i lyet 4 2 t x' Thh « x p 4 x i i ,,

<si x


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42/35 ',


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41 4 4 4



.>>x'st/48 N'Chhi f a l l s 45/34',

' „

• 16p Rome




• 57p Tillamook


l " l " t " sxxx


„ '


o www m '' ' " +"+ %X 'Vancouve'r

(in the 48 contiguous states):


3p Blsmarck •




Albuquerque 60/30

Phoenix I

Sos 8

oklahomacity 63/45•




-t O B Anchorag 20/5

• Os


39/26 ton 42/29

il d I h


• L

4 2/ 2 9

• Louisvigeg 5Q B


I St.Loujss, N~

~ ~~

50/34 ' ~ Nashville I 50/30

Little Rock 57/34

char j « «

• 56/29 —



64/48 •



' WO

66/47 '



Halifax 31/25 • ortland




40732 •



Tijuana 66/53


. e tk tt tk vt + m to »»» ' o T o ronto P~ ' reen Baj// • 35 /22 4/23 • > 32/24 I Detroit ' osuffajp+ . 39/2 8

Kansas City



Thunder Bay Vt m m 21/8 + vt • pOB ++ ~

chepenne 48/28 ~


Vegas 4 4 4608 70/51 62/57

Honolulu ~ 82/65



qvs Angelek p


Billings 55/23•


Eglin AFB, Fla.

t roWM



4 a„t

Wakefield, Mich

• 1.17

• •

'rtjand~~t, 48/4( i i28 I .xxxxxx x x 'i i 68

• 84p Phoenix, Ariz.




44 37

46 37

42 35

La Paz 82/57





• Miami 77/68

Mazatlan «8 5/65


SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 717 a m Moon phases Sunsettoday...... 4 29 p.m F ull L ast N e w First Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:1 a.m 9 Sunset tomorrow... 4:29 p.m l• Moonrisetoday.... 4:48 p.m Moonsettoday .... 7:1 9a.m Nov. 28 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 19

• Pl



Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....5:34 a.m...... 3:41 p.m. Venus......4:48 a.m...... 3:11 p.m. Mars.......9:51 a.m...... 6:32 p.m. Jupiter......436 pm......744 a.m. Satum......4:32 a.m...... 3;06 p.m. Uranus.....1:39 p.m......157 a.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 41/23 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........67in1929 Monthtodate.......... 0.61" Recordlow......... -1 in1993 Average monthtodate... 1.20" Average high.............. 42 Year to date............ 7.64" Average low .............. 25 Average year to date..... 8.97"

Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.04 Record24 hours ...0.42 in1945 *Melted liquid equivalent



Yesterday Wednesday Thursday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:

for solar at noon.

Astoria ........ 52/43/0.00....51/46/sh...... 52/45/r BakerCity......43/1 8/0.00....42/30/sh.....42/34/sh Brookings...... 56/46/0.00....57/49/sh...... 56/52/r Burns..........37/17/0.00....41/27/sh.....45/32/sh Eugene....... 40/32/trace....49/44/sh.....53/44/sh Klamath Falls .. 48/27/0 00 ...45/34/sh ... 43/39/rs Lakeview....... 54/1 9/0.00 ... 44/35/rs..... 43/38/rs La Pine........42/28/0.00....46/18/sh..... 41/32/rs Medford.......43/36/0.00....56/42/sh.....49/46/sh Newport....... 52/43/0.00.... 55/50/sh...... 54/49/r North Bend.....54/43/0.00....56/48/sh......55/51/r Dntario........41/23/0.00....44/34/sh.....49/38/sh Pendleton......32/28/0.00....45/36/sh.....47/40/sh Portland .......47/35/0.00....48/45/sh.....51/45/sh Prinevige.......45/24/0.00....46/23/sh.....47/37/sh Redmond.......33/24/0.00....49/34/sh.....48/37/sh Roseburg....... 48/43/0.00.... 54/45/sh..... 53/48/sh Salem ....... 46/32/000 .48/45/sh ... 51/45/r Sisters.........37/31/0.00....47/21/sh.....44/33/sh The Dages......39/36/0.00....44/33/sh.....47/40/sh

Snow accumulation in inches







ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires

Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . .no report Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .21-32 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 27 Mt. Hood Ski Bowl..... . . . . . . 0 .0 . . .no report Timberline...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-0. . . . . . . . 36

Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Wigamette Pass ........ . . . . . 0.0...no report

Aspen, Colorado...... . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .19-20 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 0.0... . . .26-36 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . . . . 24 Squaw Valley, California..... . .0.0.. . . . . .5-22 SunVagey, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0 0 . . . . . . .8-18 Hwy. 58 at Wigamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .1012 Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . 0.0... . . . . . 18 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to the latest ski conditions visit: www.skicentral.com/oregon.html www.tripcheck.com or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation, s-sun,pc-partial clouds,c-clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstprms,sf-snowflurries, snsnow, i-ice,rs-raip-snowmjx, w-wind, f-fog,dr-drjzzle,tr-trace

Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires



YeSterday'S extremes


42 36

City Precjpitationvajuesare24-hpur totals through4 p.m.

Yesterday's state extremes

Mostly rain, some light snow.


are possible across the region today. ntano Expect partly to mostly cloudy • skies across the Nyssa area. 43/34






More rainfall through


ttJt tv5'bi5i g 4i

CENTRAL Scattered showers



xx 5 x xx Redmpnd,ixxx xv i t «8 i xx 4 7 /3S i e "a u ' ma42/tsii i i i i i i 4 ~ Eutt9 enegxxx x x xvr)/21 Fjorencea 4 • . . « i i xixixixix m i .~ . Lxxx t qw i . 49/<29 , % %i

t t t

Widespread rain show-



Lincoln Ci <

A cloudy and wet day.

Tonight: More rainfall through the night.

33 I





.o+ • +++ t ' ++


4 4 4 t a >

'' * * * * * ++

W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow


YesterdayWednesdayThursday YesterdayWednesdayThursday YesterdayWedpesdayrhursday YesterdayWednesdayrhursday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lp/W Hi/Lp/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lp/W Hi/Lp/W Abilene, TX......55/32/000...68/47/s. 73/51/pc Grandjlapids....37/20/0.00 ..37/26/pc. 44/33/pc RapidCity.......37/13/000... 48/28/s.46/30/pc Savannah.......63/42/0.02... 65/42/s.66/43/pc Akron ..........35/29/0.01..38/24/pc. 42/29/pc Green Bay.......31/11/0.00..32/24/pc.34/29/pc Renp...........52/25/000 ..52/37/sh.57/43/pc Seattle..........50/35/000 50/47/sh. .. 54/48/sh Albany..........36/26/0.01..40/23/pc. 40/21/pc Greensboro......51/44/0.04...52/27/s.. 53/30/5 Richmond.......48/41/0.12... 49/29/s .. 51/29/s SipuxFalls.......38/15/000.. 43/24/pc. 41/26/pc Albuquerque.....57/27/000..60/30/pc. 62/30/pc Harusburg.......37/33/0.36..39/26/pc.. 41/27/s Rochester, NY....38/29/0.00 .. 38/26/sp.40/23/pc Spokane........39/27/000 ..41/33/pc. 43/36/sh Anchprage .......12/1/0 00....20/5/s... 20/4/s Hartford,CT .....36/26/0 14..42/26/pc.42/24/pc Sacramento......62/4/0.00... 59/52/r .. 63/53/c Springfield, MO ..43/20/0.00... 54/35/5.. 61/42/s Atlanta .........58/50/002...58/38/5.. 59/40/s Helena..........33/19/0.00..47/30/pc.47/37/pc St.Louis.........41/22/0.00...50/34/s.. 58/39/s Tampa..........78/59/0 00... 78/56/s. 81/60/pc Atlantic City.....43/29/0.27..44/32/pc.. 46/37/s Honolulu........81/71/0.00...82/65/s.. 81/64/s Salt Lake City....53/28/000 .. 58/42/pc.58746/pc Tucson..........82/48/0.00 80/50/pc .. .. 76/50/s Austin..........61/50/000...68/44/s.. 70/58/c Houston ........63/52/0 00...69/50/s...71/60/t SanAntonio.....64/48/0.14... 68/49/s .. 70/58/c Tulsa ...........48/24/0.00...60/41/s.65/48/pc Baltimore .......42/37/021 ...47/34/s .. 48/29/s Huutsvige.......57/43/0 08... 56/30/s.. 61/3Is SanDiego.......66/52/000.. 63/56/pc. 66/54/pc Washington, DC..45/39/0.06...46/33/s.. 49/29/s Bigings.........39/24/0.00 ..55/23/pc. 50/30/pc Indianapolis.....40/26/0.00...44/28/s .. 49/34/s SanFrancisco....61/49/0.00... 63/53/r .. 62/54/c Wichita.........45/16/0.00... 59/37/s.62/42/pc Birmingham .. 61/45/034...58/34/s. 62/41/s Jackson, MS.... 64/46/057. 61/35/s .. 67/46/s SanJose........62/48/000.. 62/52/r 64/54/pc Yakima.........40/27/000 41/31/sh. 41/35/sh Bismarck........34/14/000..39/16/pc.27/17/pc Jacksopvige......76/44/000..,68/49/s. 70/50/pc SantaFe........55/19/0.00..57/29/pc.57/31/pc Yuma...........82/56/0.00... 77/54ls .. 79/53/s Boise.......... 44/26/000 ..51/36/pc.54/41/sh Juneau..........24/15/000... 31/26/s. 27/24/sn INTERNATIONAL Boston..........39/34/014..42/29/sh.43/27/pc KansasCity......41/14/000...54/36/s. 59/42/pc 884gepprt,CT....41/32/043 ..43/28/pc. 42/27/pc Lansing.........35/19/0.00..37/25/pc. 43/31/pc Amsterdam......46/36/0 02 .. 47/42/c 44/37/c Mecca..........93/73/000.87/69/sh.. 88/71Is Buffalo.........36/29/000 ..38/29/sn. 40/27/pc LasVegas.......66/45/0 00..70/51/pc. 67/50/pc Athens..........62/44/000.. 66/64/sh. 66/59/pc Mexico City .....73/45/000... 73/43/s. 71/47/pc Burlington, VT....35/24/000 ..37/15/sn. 33/16/sn Lexington.......40/33/0 06...45/28/s .. 53/34/s Auckland........66/57/000 ..64/55/sh.66/51Ish Montreal........34/16/000.. 29/20/sn. 24/11/sn Caribou,ME.....277107000...27716/c... 23/9/c Lincoln...........45/8/000...51/25/s .. 57/32/s Baghdad........66/50/0.00... 66/47/s .. 69/47/s Moscow........34/30/0.00... 29/25/c. 28/23/sn CharlestonSC...62/39/028...63/39/s .. 63/41/s Little Rock.......52/37/000... 57/34/s .. 63/43/s Bangkok........82/77/0.82... 93/77/t...90/79/t Nairpbi.........82/61/0.00... 78/61/t. 78/57/sh Charlotte........58/45/003...56/29/s.. 56/32/s LosAngeles......67/53/000..62/57/pc.65/53/pc Beiyng..........45/21/0.00... 31/19/s .. 31/23/s Nassau.........79/68/0.00..77/66/pc. 77/67/sh Chattanooga.....51/46/035...57/31/s.. 60/37/s Louisville........46/35/002...47/31/s .. 55/36/s Beirut..........70/597000... 71/61/s. 72/63/pc New Dejhi.......75/48/0.00...77/52/s. 76/53/pc Cheyenne.......57/16/000 ..57/35/pc. 56/33/pc MadisonWj.... 33/1 1/000..37/24/pc. 44/29/pc Berlin...........48/417000..45/40/sh.41/34/sh Osaka..........50/41/0.00..55/44/pc. 55/47/sh Chicago.........33/17/000...40/32/s.46/37/s Memphis....... 48/36/000 ..56/34/s..62/42/s Bogota.........66/487000.. 73/48/sh. 68/48/sh Oslo............32/32/007...31724/c. 24/15/pc Cincinnati.......42/30/0.03...44/26/s.. 51/33/s Miami..........81/68/0.01 ..77/68/pc...77/69/t Budapest........59/41/000 .. 52/46/pc. 53/33/sh Ottawa .........32/19/000..31/16/sn..24/12/sf Cleveland.......35/29/000 ..41/30/pc.. 46/33/s Milwaukee......31/16/000..37/29/pc. 42/35/pc Buenos Aires.....88/57/0.00 .. 79/63/pc.. 75/66/c Paris............46/43/0.04...45/43/c.. 47/35/c ColoradoSpnngs.55/20/000...62/35/s .. 63/33/s Miuneappjis.... 39/16/0 00..34/23/pc. 36/27/pc CabpSanLucas ..88/70/0.00... 88/62/s .. 88/63/s Rio deJaneiro....77/73/0.00... 83/72/t. 86/69/pc Cplumbia,jvj0...39/16/000...51/33/s. 59/42/pc Nashvige........45/39/007...50/30/s .. 59/39/s Cairp...........72/57/0.00... 73/58/s. 75/61/pc Rome...........66/50/0.00...61/50/r. 55/47/sh CplumbiaSC....57/39/007...60/34/s .. 62/35/s New Orleans.....67/54/073... 64/48/s. 68/57/pc Calgary.........28/14/0.00 ,17/15/pc...15/5/sf Santiago........88/55/000..77/48/pc. 72/51/pc Columbus, GA....56/50/053...64/40/s.. 64/41/s New York.......42/34/053 ..43732/pc.. 42/33/s Cancun.........82/66/000 ..79/69/sh.80/71/sh SapPaulo.......82/63/0.00... 82/67/t. 85/61/pc Columbus OH....40/32/000...42/24/s .. 48/31/s Newark NJ......40/33/046 ..43729/pc.. 43/29/s Dublin..........45/32/0 00 .. 41/30/pc. 40/37/pc Sapporo ........37/30/0.19.. 38/23/rs. 36/17/pc Cpncprd,NH.....35/17/000...37/20/c .. 36/19/c Nprfplk VA......62/43/005...49/34/s .. 51/34/s Edinburgh.......45/36/0.00... 39/32/c.41/32/pc Seoul...........43/23/0.00..44/26/pc. 37/24/pc Corpus Christi....72/59/005 ..66/61/pc...75/61/t OklahomaCity...50/27/000...63/45/s. 68/50/pc Geneva.........4369/1 99..42/37/sh..39/29/rs Shanghai........55/37/0.00..56/47/pc. 55/50/sh Dallas FtWprth...54742/000...66/47/s. 71/57/pc Omaha.........44/15/0 00...48/29/s .. 53/33/s Harare..........72/61/0 00 .. 74/55/pc. 81/57/sh Singappre.......88/75/0.23...87/77/t...85/78/t Dayton .........36/26/000...43/24/s .. 49/32/s Orlando.........79/55/000...76/56/s. 77/57/pc Hong Kong......68/55/0.96 .. 72/66/sh. 73/66/sh Stockholm.......41/36/000.. 37/33/rs..34/29/sf Denver..........59/15/000...64/35/s. 62/35/pc PalmSprings.....81/55/000. 78/58/pc. 74/55/pc Istanbul.........55/43/0.00... 59/54/s. 66/57/pc Sydney..........75/66/0.00...76/65/t. 79/66/pc DesMoines......37/12/000...47/33/s .. 51/35/s Peoria..........35/16/0.00...43/29/s. 50/37/pc Jerusajem.......63/48/0.00... 64/48/s. 67/52/pc Taipei...........64/55/0.00..73766/sh.73/67/sh Detroit..........36/23/000... 39/2ms.41/33/pc Philadelphia.....42/37/050..42/29/pc .. 44/32/s Jphanneshurg....79/52/000.. 75/60/pc.77/59/pc TelAviv.........70/59/0.00...70/55/s. 73/56/pc Duluth..........25/15/009 ..26/19/pc .. 25/23/c Phoeuix.........84/55/0 00... 77/52/s .. 76/52/s Lima...........72/64/0.00 ..72/64/pc.72/65/pc Tokyo...........55/46/0.00..55/43/sh.57/43/pc El Paso..........65/36/000 ..68/43/pc .. 69/47/s Pittsburgh.......37/33/0 01 ..39/25/pc. 43/28/pc Lisbon..........55/45/000 54I46/sh 58/42/s Toronto .........37/28/0 00 35/22/c 31/27/c Fairbapks...... -14/-21/000..-14/-18/s-14/-27/pc Portland,ME.....37/21/0.00...39/26/c.. 39/23/c London.........48/43/0 36 .. 46/37/sh. 42/30/pc Vancpuver.......45/34/0.00..50/46/sh...50/45/r Fargo...........27/15/000 ..30/13/pc.24/197pc Prpvidence......38731/0 24..42727/pc. 41/247pc Madrid .........48/32/0.00 .. 53/34lpc.49/30/pc Vienna..........46/43/0.00..54/43/pc.48/35/pc Flagstaff........56/18/000..57/23/pc.56/257pc Raleigh.........58/43/009...52/27/s.. 53/29/s Manila..........91/75/000 ..89/76/pc. 89/76/pc Warsaw.........48/39/0.07..45/40/pc. 44/39/sh


Anet ics e ateover S MOL IC H ~ C) C) I

em O S Ont eC ea By Alan Zarembp

fication of children." Other expertssay they see LOS ANGELES — Dr. Er- no problem with the arrangenest Zeringue was looking for ment, although the business a niche in the cutthroat indus- model and the issues it raises try of fertility treatments. are to be discussed at a meetHe seized on price, a huge ing in January of the ethics obstacle for many patients, and committee of the A merican in late 2010 began advertising Society f o r Rep r o ductive a deal at his Davis, Calif., clin- Medicine. ic unheard of anywhere else: Zeringue said the concerns Pregnancy for $9,800 or your are overblown. money back. Most ofhis customers have That's about half the price run out of money and patience for in v i tr o f e rtilization at by the time they come to his many other c l i nics, w hich clinic, he said: "They're kind do not include money-back of at the end of the line." guarantees. Typically, insurN atosha Dukart an d h e r ance coverage is limited and husband, Brad, an oi l f i eld patients pay again and again w orker, spent m o r e t h a n until they give birth — or give $100,000 without producing a child. They ran up credit cards, UP. Those patients Use their own flipped houses and moved four eggsand sperm — orcarefully times to help finance round afselect donors when necessary ter round of IVF. — and the two arecombined I t was never clear if t h e in a petri dish to create a batch problem was her eggs or his of embryos. Usually one or sperm. two are then transferred to After eight unsuccessful atthe womb. Any embryos left tempts, Natosha took to the over arethe property of the Internet and found Zeringue's customers. clinic, California IVF: Davis Zeringue sharplycuts costs Fertility Center Inc., and its by creating a single batch of embryo program, California embryos from one egg donor Conceptions. With no finanand one sperm donor, then cial risk, there was nothing to divvying it up among several lose. "It was a n e asy choice," patients. The clinic, not the customer,controls the embry- Natosha said. os, typically making babies Last month, at age 39, she for three or four patients while gave birth t o a h e althy 7paying just once for the donors pound girl with blue eyes and and the laboratory work. dark hair. The couple named People buying this option her Milauna. uShe iS abSOlutely perfeCt," from Zeringue must accept concessions: They have no ge- Natosha said. netic connection to their chilNatosha, who was adopted dren, and those children will at birth, said adoption was probably have full biological their backup plan. But finding siblings born to other parents. a child, especially a healthy Inside the industry, Zeri- infant, can take years and cost ngue's strategy for m a king far morethan $9,800 in lawyer embryos on th e cheap has and agency fees. spurred debate about the ethiAnother option is k nown cal boundaries of creating life. as embryo donation. There " I a m h o r r i fied b y t h e are more than 500,000 frozen thought of this," said Andrew embryos left over from IV F Vorzimer, a Los Angeles fer- procedures inthe U.S. Most tility lawyer alarmed that a patients leave their embryos company — not would-be par- in storage or destroy them. A ents — controls embryos. "It is small number — perhaps a nothing short of the commodi- few hundred a year — donate Los Angeles Times

them to other couples trying to have children. But the waiting lists can be long, and there is no guarantee that the embryos will work. Most were created from

the eggs and sperm of couples with fertility problems. In contrast, the eggs and sperm used in the Davis program come from y oung healthy donors, raising the chances that the embryos will be viable. The clinic gives patients three attempts t o b e come pregnant within a year — each time using embryos from a different batch. Most women under 55 are eligible for the guarantee. Nearly 200 patients have used the program so far, and the clinic said that 95 percent of them had asuccessful pregnancy — and about half of them wound up with twins. The clinic, which employs several doctors, still does traditional IVF. Bu t Z e r ingue said growth is being driven by the embryo program. By next year, with an expansion of his laboratory, he expects the program to enroll up to 40 patients a month. He recently raised the fee to $12,500 — still a bargain, he Satd. Before the clinic makes a batch of embryos, it sends an extensiveprofile of a sperm donor and an egg donor to prospective parents. Once the clinic gets buy-in from a few patients, it purchases the sperm from a sperm bank, harvests eggs from the egg donor and combines them in the laboratory.

A single pairing can result in a dozen embryos, and the clinic keeps the extras frozen while it looks for patients who want them. uWe Want tO keep the em-




8 I',


The clinic usually has a supply of about 10 unclaimed embryos available, he said.






R A M 2012 RAM 3500 CREW CAB4X4 GUMMIIIS OIESEL Smolich Discount....$7,500 Rebate.....................$3,500

QFF M$RP Sale Price.........$45,695

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2012 RAM 1500 QUADCAB4X4


sijl 7011 2137, vim C8290858;sik 40712155, VIII' 05290857;stk mt12147, vj8' 65284815 sik 40712157,VIII' 05308301;stk mt12134, vj8' 65298856

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MSRP................... $49,185 Smolich Discount....$6,500 Rebate.....................$3,500


QFF M$RP SalePrice.........$39,185

bryos moving," Zeringue said. "The goal is not to create a bank."

•8I .





MSRP................... $32,125 Smolich Discount....$5,000 Rebate.....................$4,000

QFF M$RP Sale Price.........$23,125

I •

All sale prices after dealer discounts, factory rebates and applicable incentives. Terms very Ses dealer for det Limite tock on hand Manufacturer rebates and incentives subject to change. Art for illustration purposes only. Subject to prior sale Not responsible f pos. 0 pproved Credit Dodg4, Ram and Hemi are registered trademarks of Chrysler Group LLC.Expires 11/30/12

Scoreboard, D2 College football, D4 College basketball, D3 NFL, D5 Skiing, D3 Tee to Green, D5-D6 NBA, D3

© www.bendbulletin.com/sports




Tulane, ECU to join Big East in 2014


The Big East moved

ea er

quickly to replace Rutgers and braced for more possible departures, getting Tulane and East Carolina to agree to join the re-invented conference in 2014.

Marvin Mi er

"I would go asfar to

say as this is a historic day for Tulane University ... the Big East is coming to the Big Easy," school President Scott

Cowen said Tuesday.


Tulane, in New Or-

leans, and EastCarolina, in Greenville, N.C., will make it six Conference USA schools to join the Big East in the past two

By Richard Goldstein New York Times News Service

years. Rutgers announced

Marvin Miller, an economist and labor leader who became one of the most important figures in baseball history by building the major

one weekago that it would leave the Big East for the Big Ten. Cowen and athletic director Rick

league players union into

Dickson said serious talks with the Big East

a force that revolutionized the game and ultimately transformed all of professional sports, d>ed Tuesday at his home in New M ille r York. He was 95. His death was announced by the Major League Baseball Players Association. He had livercancer,his daughter,Susan Miller, said. When Miller was named executive director of the association in 1966, club owners ruled much as they had since the 19th century. The reserve clause in players' contracts bound them to their teams for as long as the owners wanted them, leaving them with little


began about aweekago. "This is an unprecedented opportunity to join a national confer-

ence," Dickson said. Rutgers would like to join the Big Ten by 2014, along with Maryland, but the Scarlet Knights have left their departure date from the Big East

ambiguous. Conference bylaws require members to give the league notification of two years and three months before departing, but the Big East has negotiated

early exits for Syracuse, Pittsburgh and West Virginia in the pastyear. West Virginia joined the Big 12 this year. Syracuse and Pitt will begin play in the Atlantic

bargaining power. Come

Coast Conference in September.



With Maryland leaving the ACC, there has


been strong speculation

oe //

that Connecticut or Louisville will be the next to

' //


leave the BigEast asthe Terps' replacement. If either does, the

conference is still on target to have12 football members in 2014,

just not the sameones it will have in 2013 when the new Big East debuts. — The Associated Press

Photos byRyan Btennecke/The Bulletin

In the above photo,golf gear can be difficult to buy for those unfamiliar with the game. But weather-specific items, such as waterproof clothing and golf shoes, and technology, such as GPS units or laser range finders, are often appreciated by a typical Central Oregon golfer. In the photo below, clothing such as Ping's Ranger Pullover ($69.95, at rear), which can come with college logos such as the University of Oregon and Oregon State, Sun Mountain's Weathershield jacket ($79.95, front left), Rainflex LT Pullover ($89.95, front right), and Monsoon Pants ($79.95, center), help golfers play in the elements.

contract time, a player could expect an ultimatum but not much more. The minimum salary was $6,000 and had barely budged for two decades. The average salary was $19,000. The pension plan was feeble, and player grievances could be heard only by the commissioner, who worked for the owners. By the time Miller retired at the end of 1982, he had secured his place on baseball's

Mount Rushmore by forging one of the strongest unions in America, creating a model for those in basketball, football and hockey. SeeMiller /D4


Tour of California to take new route LOS ANGELES — For the first time in its history, the Amgen Tour of California will begin in the south and take

cyclists on a northward route in 2013.

The roughly 750-mile stage race will begin in Escondido in San Diego

County on May12 and take riders through

Santa Barbara, San Jose and SanFrancisco before ending in Santa

Rosa on May19. Escondido hosted the race finish in 2009. Tour of California ex-

ecutive director Kristin Bachochin says a north-

ward route has long been considered and race officials are thrilled it could be done for the

eighth annual edition of the road race. Robert Gesink won

the race this year, when it began in Santa Rosa and ended in Los An-

geles. — The Associated Press

COLLEGE BASKETBALL No.1 Indiana routs North Carolina Center Cody Zeller

scores 20 points for Hoosiers in victory,D3

• Options exisfor t the nongolfer whostrugglesto find that perfect present By Zack Hall The Bulletin

Matching a golfer with a gift can be like ordering a pizza: Just about anything will work, but the difference between the perfect order and something less satisfying can be dramatic. For those who spend little time around the game,

choosing golf equipment for a beloved golfer can be daunting. So just what makes a great golf gift? Like so many things, it depends on the golfer. And therein lies the difficulty. For a nongolfer, the odds of choosing just the right driver for a golf enthusiast are only slightly better than hitting Ca a Powerball jackpot. And even if a gift-giver does p ick right, there is no guarantee it will be the right club by the start of golf season. "Golf equi p m ent tends to change drastically in the spring," s ays Terry A n derson, head pro at Black Butte Ranch's Big Meadow course

Inside • More Tee to Green, D5-06

and a veteran of the industry. "If you bought a (TaylorMade) R9 you might find out that the new R14 is the one that's the hot one." Gift cards — or purchasing a club at an area store or pro shop that will fit the club to its new owner after the holidays — can be a safer bet than a shiny new golf club. But don't limit your options. Here aresome other suggestions, cobbled together with advice from retailer Pro Golf of Bend and some of Central Oregon's golf pros. (All prices are estimated retail prices and can vary among retail outlets.) See Gift/D5

Solo puts herfoeus on Ireland By Anne M. Peterson The Associated Press

PORTLAND — Hope Solo diffused the drama surrounding her personal life as the gold medal-winning U.S. women's soccer team prepared for an exhibition match against Ireland. "My life is great," the goalkeeper said. "My life is


Solo made her first appearance with the national team since she was married to former NFL tight end Jerramy Stevens in Washington state on Nov. 13, a day after his arrest at a party for domestic violence. A judge determined there wasn't enough evidence to hold Stevens, but the matter remained under investigation. Solo spoke after a workout with her fellow U.S. teammates at Portland's downtown Jeld-Wen Field. The national team plays Ireland tonight on its U.S. appreciation tour following a 2-1 victory over Japan in the final match at the London Games. SeeSolo /D5





TELEVISION Today SOCCER 11:55 a.m.: English Premier

League, ManchesterUnited FC

Thursday 4a.m.: Men's college, Idahoat Washington State (same-day

vs.West Ham United FC,ESPN2. BASKETBALL

tape), Pac-12 Network.

4 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail

at Notre Dame, ESPN2.

Blazers at Washington Wizards,

5 p.m.:Men's college, George

Comcast SportsNet Northwest.

Mason at Rhode Island, CBSSN. 5p.m.: NBA, San Antonio Spurs at Miami Heat, TNT.

4 p.m.: Men's college, Virginia at Wisconsin, ESPN2.

4 p.m.:Men's college, Kentucky

4 p.m.:Men's college, George Washington atJamesMadison,

6 p.m.:Men's college, Marquette


6p.m.:Men's college, Lewis &

4:30 p.m.:Men's college,

Clark State at Gonzaga, Root

Michigan State at Miami, ESPN.

Sports. 7 p.m.:Men's college, TexasSan Antonio at Oregon, Pac-12

5 p.m.:Men's college, ArkansasPine Bluff at Arizona State, Pac12 Network.

6p.m.:Men's college, Georgia Tech at lllinois, ESPN2.

6 p.m.: Men's college, Mercer at New Mexico, Root Sports.

6:30p.m.:Men's college, Ohio State at Duke, ESPN. 7 p.m.:Men's college, Northern Arizona at Arizona, Pac-12 Network.

9p.m.:Men's college, St. Louis at Washington, Pac-12 Network.



at Florida, ESPN2.

Network. 7:30p.m.: NBA, Denver Nuggets at Golden State Warriors, TNT. GOLF 6:30 a.m.:Sunshine Tour, Nedbank Challenge, first round, Golf Channel. Noon:PGA Tour, World Challenge, first round, Golf

Channel. FOOTBALL 4:30 p.m.: College, Louisville at

Today Boys basketball: Gilchristat CulverJV,5pm. Girls basketball: Gilchristat CulverJV,3:30p.m. Wrestling: Gilchrist atCulverNovice,5p.m.

In the Bleachers © 2012 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Ucrick www gocomics.com/inthebreachers

Thursday Swimming: Summiatt CVCRelaysat KrocCenter in Salem,TBDMountainViewatSpringfield Relays, 4 p.m. Friday Boys basketball: Wiilamette at Summit, 7 p.m.; CrookCountyat Madras,7 p.m.; Lakeviewat La Pine, 8 p.m.,Culverat ShermanCounty Tournament,TBD;Central Christian at Gilchrist JVTournament,TBD;Rldgeview,LaPineat LaPine Tournament,TBD;Estacadaat Redmond, 7p.m. Girls basketball: Springfield at Bend, 7 p.mz RedmondatEstacada,7 p.m.;Madras atCrook County,7p.m.;CulveratShermanCounty Tournament,3 pm., Central ChristianatGilchrist JVTournament,TBD;Trinity Lutheranat HorizonChristian Tournament, TBD;Summit atAlohaTip-Off Tournament,TBD,Ridgeviewat LaPine Tournament, TBD, Lakev iew atLaPine,645 p.m.


BASKETBALL Men's college Tuesday'sGames

Swimming: Bend,Summit, Redmond, Ridgeviewat MadrasRelays,1 p.m.;;Sistersat KRO CCenter in Salem, 2p.m. Wrestling: Bend,Mountain View,Redmond,Madras, Ridgeview, CrookCounty, Culver,Gilchrist at C.O DfficialsTournamentatMountain View,10a.m.

"It's been an hour. Let's resume

the game ... I don't think he's going to come back from that injury."

Rutgers, ESPN.


Today BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail


Blazers at Washington Wizards,

7 p.m.: Men'scollege,Texas-San Antonio at Oregon, KBND-AM

KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690.


Listings are the mostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changes made by TV or radio stations.

Semifinals At Jeld-WenField, Portland Saturday's Games LakeDswegovs. Tigard, noon Jesui tvs.Sheldon,4p.m. CLASSBA Final At Hillsboro Stadium Saturday's Game Marist vs.Sherwood,7:30p.m CLASS4A Final At HiUsboroStadium

Saturday's Game NorthBend/OR CoastTechvs. Baker,1 p.m. CLASS3A


Football • Penn State's Bill O'Brien

named Big 10coach nf year: Penn State head coach Bill

O'Brien on Tuesdaywas named the Big Ten's coach of the year,

earning accolades from fellow coaches andthe sportswriters reporting on the conference. O'Brien, then the New England Patriots' offensive coordinator, was hired earlier this year to

replace Hall of Fameheadcoach Joe Paterno, who wasfired last year in the aftermath of child sex abuse chargesagainst now imprisoned assistant coach Jerry Sandusky. O'Brien led the Nittany Lions to an 8-4 record,

going 6-2 in conference play. His eight wins are themost by a first-year Penn State coach. Six Penn State players obtained first-team All-Big Ten status

under his coaching. • Kentucky hires FSUassistant Mark Stoops ascoach: Kentucky hired Florida State defensive coordinator Mark Stoops as the Wildcats' foot-

ball coach. Stoops replaces Joker Phillips, who was fired on Nov. 4. Phillips went13-24 in three seasons at Kentucky and the Wildcats were 0-8 in

the Southeastern Conference this year. Kentucky made the

announcement on Tuesdayand the 45-year-old Stoops will be introduced at a news confer-

ence on Sunday. No.13 Florida State (10-2) plays Georgia Tech Saturday in the Atlantic Coast

Conference championship garn. • TroubledWACloses Denver, addsGrandCanyon:

who went on to become afivetime All-Pro linebacker andan NFL coach, hasbeendiagnosed family said Tuesday.Thecancer has spread to other organs and

leave during the investigation. Upham didn't offer details about whether the allegations involved sports betting or other

forms of gambling. Uphamsays the university's executive vice president, Kevan Buck, will be the acting athletic director while

Parmley is on leave. • NFL great Jack Pardee III

with cancer:Jack Pardee, one of Bear Bryant's"Junction Boys"

Saturday's Game Oaklandvs. PortlandChristian,4:15p.m. CLASS1A Final At CottageGroveHighSchool


Camas Valley vs. St Paul,noon

the 77-year-old plans to move to a Denver hospice where the College Football Hall of Fame inductee's wife, Phyllis, has been

receiving care since having a stroke, daughter AnnePardee confirmed to The Associated Press.

Baseball • Bonds, Clemens, Sosa set to de on Hall dallot: Barry

Bonds, Roger Clemensand Sammy Sosaareset to show up on the Hall of Fameballot for the first time, and fans will soon find out whether drug allegations block the former stars from reaching baseball's shrine. The 2013 ballot will be announced today. Craig Biggio, Mike Piazza and Curt Schilling are certain to be among the other first-time eligibles. Jack Morris, Jeff Bagwell and Tim Raines are the top holdover candidates. Longtime

members of the Baseball Writers'Association of America will vote through next month. The much-awaited results will be announced Jan. 9, with players needing to be listed on 75 percent of the ballots to gain induction.

Boxing • Andre Ward,Kelly Pavlik agree to Jan. 26bout: Super

school — and quickly — in among the world's top handful of order to keep its automatic quali- pound-for-pound fighters, with fying berths in the NCAA men's a perfect career since winning a and women's basketball tournagold medal at the AthensOlymments. pics. Pavlik (40-2, 34 KOsi has • Gamblinginvestigation revitalized his career with four prompts Tulsa AD leave: Tulsa straight victories since losing his athletic director Ross Parmley two middleweight titles to Sergio has been placed onleave asthe Martinez in April 2010. Steadman Uphamissued a brief statement Tuesdaysaying Parmley will be on paidadministrative

CLASS2A Final At Hillsboro Stadium

with gall bladder cancer and has sixto nine months to live, his

middleweight champion Andre Ward will defend his WBC The troubled Western Athletic and WBA belts against former Conference is adding Grand middleweight champion Kelly Canyon University to replace the Pavlik on Jan. 26 at the Galen University of Denver, which is Center in downtown Los Anbolting for the Summit League geles. Ward's promoter, Dan after just one year in the WAC. Goossen, announced the bout But the WAC must find another Tuesday. Ward (26-0, 14 KOS) is

school investigates gambling allegations. University President

Final At CottageGroveHighSchool Saturday's Game Dayton vs CascadeChristian 4 p.m.

FOOTBALL NFL NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGUE All Times PST AMERICANCONFERENCE East W L T P ct PF PA NewEngland 8 3 0 7 2 7 407 244 Miami 5 6 0 .455211 226 N.y. Jets 4 7 0 . 364221 290 Buffalo 4 7 0 .364243 319


W L T P ct PF PA 10 1 0 .909 327 211 7 4 0 6 3 6 230 273 4 7 0 .364238 335 2 9 0 .182188 308 North W L T P ct PF PA Baltimore 9 2 0 .818283 219 Pittsburgh 6 5 0 .545231 210 Cincinnati 6 5 0 .545282 247 Cleveland 3 8 0 .273209 248 West W L T P ct PF PA Denver 8 3 0 .727318 221 San Diego 4 7 0 . 364245 237 Oakland 3 8 0 2 73218 356 KansasCity 1 10 0 .091 161 301 NATIONALCONFERENCE

Houston Indianapo is Tennessee Jacksonville


N.y. Giants Washington Dallas Philadelphia Atlanta

TampaBay NewOrleans Carolina Chicago GreenBay Minnesota Detroit San Francisco Seattle St. Louis Arizona

W L T 7 4 0 5 6 0 5 6 0 3 8 0 South W L T 10 I 0 6 5 0 5 6 0 3 8 0 North W L T 8 3 0 7 4 0 6 5 0 4 7 0 West W L T 8 2 1 6 5 0 4 6 1 4 7 0

P ct PF PA .636305 226 .455295 285 4 55 242 262 .273184 282 P cf PF PA .909294 216 . 545310 254 4 55 308 304 .273214 265 P ct PF PA 7 2 7 277 175 .636273 245 .545248 249 3 6 4 267 280 P ct PF PA 7 7 3276 155 .545219 185 .409205 254 .364180 227

Thursday's Game NewOrleansatAtlanta, 5:20p.m. Sunday'sGames Seattle atChicago,10a.m. MinnesotaatGreenBay,10 a.m. San Franciscoat St.Louis, 10a.m. CarolinaatKansasCity, 10a.m. HoustonatTennessee,10 a.m. Arizona at N.y Jets,10 a.m. Indianapois at Detroit, 10 a.m. Jacksonville atBuffalo,10a.m. NewEnglandatMiami,10a.m. Tampa Bayat Denver,105 p.m ClevelandatOakland,1:25 p.m. Cincinnatiat SanDiego,1:25 p.m. PittsburghatBaltimore,1:25 pm. Philadelphia at Dallas 5:20p.m. Monday's Game N.y. GiantsatWashington, 5:30 p.m.

paynextmonth,unlessleague owners and players settle their

issues by then. Wild spokesman Aaron Sickman confirmed

employees weretold of the cutbacks inacompany-wide meeting Tuesday,whenthe lockout reached its 73rd day. All NHL gameshavealready been canceled through Dec.14. — From wire reports


NewHampshireat Wofford,11a.m CentralArkansasatGeorgia Southem,11 am. CoastalCarolinaatOld Dominion, 11a.m. llinois St.atAppalachianSt.,11 a.m. Cal PolyatSamHouston St.,1 p.m. SouthDakotaSt.at North DakotaSt.,1 p.m. WagneratEWashington,3p.m. StonyBrookatMontanaSt, 4p.m Top 25 Schedule All Times PST Friday No. 8 Stanfordvs. No.17 UCLA, Pac-12 championship, 5p.m. No. 18KentStatevs. No.19 Northernllinois, MAC championshipatDetroit, 4 p.m. Saturday No. 2Alabam avs. No.3Georgia, SECchampionship at Atlanta,1p.m. No. 7KansasStatevs. No.23Texas, 5p.m. No. 12Oklahomaat TCU, 9a.m. No.13 FloridaStatevs.Georgia Tech,ACCchampionship atCharlotte,N.c., 5p.m. No.14Nebraskavs. Wisconsin,BigTenchampionship at Indianapolis,5:15p.m. No. 16OregonState vs. Nicholls State,11 30a.m. No. 24OklahomaStateatBaylor, 9a.m. No. 25BoiseStateat Nevada,12:30 p.m.

Bowl Glance Subject to Change All Times PST Saturday, Dec. 15 New MexicoBowl At Albupuerpue MWCvs. Pac-12,10a.m (ESP N) FamousIdahoPotato Bowl At Boise, Idaho MAC vs .WAC,I:30p.m.(ESPN) Thursday, Dec. 20 Poinsettia Bowl At San Diego San DiegoSt. (93)vs. BYU(7-5), 5 pm.(ESPN) Friday, Dec. 21 St. Petersburg (Fla.) Bowl Big Eastvs. C-USA,4:30 p.m.(ESPN) Saturday, Dec. 22 New OrleansBowl C-USAvs. SunBelt, 9am (ESPN) Las VegasBowl MWCvs. Pac-12,12:30 p.m.(ESPN) Monday, Dec. 24 Hawaii Bowl At Honolulu SMU(6-6)vs.MWC,5 p.m. (ESPN) Wednesday,Dac.26 Little CaesarsPizzaBowl At Detroit Big Tenvs. MAC,4.30p.m.(ESPN) Thursday, Dec.27 Military Bowl

At Washington ACCvs.At-large, noon(ESPN) Belk Bowl

At Charlotte, N.C.

ACCvs.BigEast,3:30p.m. (ESPN) Holiday Bowl At San Diego Big 12vs.Pac-12, 6:45 p.m.(ESPN) Friday, Dec. 28 IndependenceBowl At Shreveport, La. ACCvs.SEC,11a m (ESPN) Russell Athletic Bowl At Orlando, Fla. ACCvs.BigEast,2:30p.m. (ESPN) MeinekeCar CareBowl At Houston Big Tenvs.Big12,6p.m.(ESPN) Pac-12 Standings All TimesPST North Stanford Oregon OregonState Washington California Washington State UCLA USC ArizonaState Arizona Utah Colorado



8-1 8-1 6-3 5-4 2-7 18

Conf. 6-3 5-4 5-4


3-9 3-9


4-5 3-6 1-8

9-3 7-5 7-5 75 5-7


Friday's Game Pac-12Championship, UCLAat Stanford,5 p.m.

Schedule All Times PST

2012All-Pac-12 Conference Team Offensive Player of theyear: MarqiseLee,USC Defensive Player of theyear: Will Sutton,Arizona State FreshmanOffensivePlayer of theyear: Marcus Mariota,Oregon FreshmanDefensive Player of the year: Leonard Williams,USC Coach of theYear: DavidShaw, Stanford


Friday's Games

MIDWEST MACChampionship, N.Illinois vs.KentSt. atDetroit,

4 p.m.

FAR WEST Pac-12Championship, UCLAatStanlord, 5p.m.

Saturday's Games

EAST San Diego atMarist, 9 a.m. KansasatWest Virginia, 11:30a.m.

Cincinnatiat Uconn,12.30a.m. SOUTH Louisiana-Lafayette atFAU,noon SECChampionship, Alabamavs. Georgia atAtlanta, 1 p.m. PittsburghatSouth Florida, 4p.m.

First TeamOffense QB —MarcusMariota, Fr.,Oregon RB —Kenion Barner, Sr., Oregon RB —Ka'DeemCarey,So., Arizona WR —Marqise Lee,So., USC WR —Markus Wheaton,Sr., OregonState TE Zach Ertz,Sr.,Stanlord OL —HronissGrasu,So, Oregon OL —KhaledHolmes, Sr.,USC OL —BrianSchwenke, Sr.,California OL —XavierSu'a-Filo, So.,UCLA OL —DavidyankeyJr Stanlord SecondTeamOfense

DL Henry Anderson,Jr., Stanford DL —MorganBreslin, Jr., USC DL —BenGardner, Sr., Stanford DL —DatoneJones, Sr., UCLA LB —KikoAlonso,Sr., Oregon LB — MichaelClay,Sr., Oregon LB BrandonMagee,Sr., ArizonaState DB —DeoneBucannon,Jr, WashingtonState DB —AldenDarby, Jr., ArizonaState DB —TJ. McDonald, Sr., USC DB —Nickell Robey,Jr., USC First Team Specialists PK Vince D'Ama to, Jr., California P— JeffLocke,Sr., UCLA RS —ReggieDunn,Sr., Utah ST —JordanJenkins, Sr., OregonState SecondTeamSpecialists PK AndrewFurney,Jr., Washington State P Josh Hubner,Sr, ArizonaState RS —MarqiseLeeSo USC ST —DavidAllen, Sr., UCLA Honorable Mention ARIZONA:WRDanBuckner,SrzLBJakeFischer, Jr.; OLKyleQuinn, Sr; DBJaredTevis, So ARIZONA STATE: LBCarl Bradford, SozDBDeveron Carr,Sr.; TEChris Coyle, JrzOLEvanFinkenberg, Jrc RBD.J.Foster,Fr.;RBMarlonGrice,Jr.; DTJaxon Hood,Fr.,DBOsahonIrahor, Jr., DBKeelan Johnson, Sr.; QB Taylor Kelly, So.; RSRashadRoss,Sr. CALIFORNIA:WRKeenanAllen, JrzRSBrendan Bigelow,So; DBJoshHiI, SrcLBChris Mccain, So; STAverySebastian, So.;DBSteveWiliams, Jr. COLORADO:DBKenneth Crawley, FrcTENick Kasa,Sr.;OLAlex Lewis, So., DBMarques Moseley, Fr.; OLDanielMunyer,So.; P DarraghO'Neill, Soz DL Will Perciak,Sr.; RBChristian Powell, Fr.; OLYuri Wright, Fr OREGON:OLJake Fisher, So.; DLTaylor Hart, Jrc WR Josh Huff, Jr.; DLWade Kelikipi, Jrz TE Colt Lyerla,So.;DBTerrance Mitchell, So., DLIsaacRemington Sr; RS De'AnthonyThomas, So. OREGONSTATE: WR Brandin Cooks, So; OL Gran tEnger,Jrz DB Raashad Reynolds,JrzPK TrevorRom aine, So.; DLAndrewSeumalo; OLIssac SeumaloFr. , STANFORD:DBUsuaAmanam,Sr.; DBTerrence Brown,SrzDBAlex Carter, FrcSTAlex Dehniak, Srz OL CameronFleming, Jrc RBRyan Hewitt, Sr.; QB KevinHogan,So4RSTyMontgomery,So4DBJordan Richards,So.; LBShayneSkov, SrcDLTerrenceStephens,Sr.; RSDrewTerrell, Sr.;TELevineToilolo, Sr.; PDanielZychlinski, Sr. UCLA: DB AndrewAbbott, Src OLJakeBrendel, Frz WRShaqEvans, Jr.; TEJoseph Fauria, Src QB Brett Hundley, FrzI.BEric Kendricks, SozDLCassius Marsh,Jrz RSDamienThigpen, Jr. USC: LBDionBailey, So.;QBMatt Barkley, Sr.;ST Tony Burnett,Sr.; TEXavier Grimhle, So., PKAndre Heidari, So.; DLWesHorton, Sr.; OLJohnMartinez, Jr.; PKyleNegrete, SrcLBHayesPullard, So.;RBSilas Redd,Jr.;DLMaxTuerk, Fr; DLGeorgeUko, So.; DL LeonardWiliams,Fr. UTAH: DBBrianBlechen, Jr.; DLNateFakahafua, So.; DLJoeKruger,Jrc TEJake Murphy,So., OLJeremiahPoutasi,Fr.;LBTrevor Reily, JrcDBEric Rowe, So.; PSeanSellwood, Sr; OLTevita Stevens,Sr.; RB John White, Sr WASHINGTON: LBTravis Feeney, Frc STJustin Glenn,Sr.; DLAndrewHudson, So.;DBSeanParker, Jrc RB BishopSankey, So.; OLDrewSchaefer, Sr.; DL DannyShelton, So4LBShaqThompson, FrcLBJohn Timu,SocWRKasenWilliams, So WASHINGTON STATE: WRBrett Bartolone,Fr.; OL Elliott Bosch,Jr.; RSTeondrayCaldwell, Fr.; LB Cyrus Coen,So.; DLXavier Cooper,Fr.; LBTravis Long,Sr.;LBDarryl Monroe,Fr.; DBDaniel Simmons, Sr.

10-2 11-1 8-3 7-5

x-NichollsStateatOregonState,11:30 a.m.

Louisville atRutgers,4.30p.m.

QB Matt Scott,Sr.,Arizona RB —JohnathanFranklin, Sr., UCLA RB —StepfanTaylor, Sr.,Stanford WR —AustinHill, So.,Arizona WR —RohertWoods Jr USC TE —Austin Selerian-Jenkins, So.,Washington OL Jeff Baca,Sr.,UCLA OL —DavidBakhtiari, Jr, Colorado OL —SamBrenner, Sr., Utah OL —KevinDanser, Sr.,Stanford OL —SamSchwartzstein Sr, Stanford First TeamDefense DL Scott Crichton,So., OregonState DL — DionJordan,Sr., Oregon DL — StarLotulelei, Sr. Utah DL —Wil Sutton,Jr., ArizonaState LB —AnthonyBarr, Jr., UCLA LB —TrentMurphy, Sr.,Stanlord LB Chase Thom as,Sr., Stanlord DB —IfoEkpre-Olomu, So.,Oregon DB —JordanPoyer, Sr., OregonState DB — Ed Reynolds,Jr., Stanford DB —DesmondTrufant, Sr.,Washington


College (Sublect tochange) Thursday'sGame

• Wild staff brace for pay cuts:Minnesota Wild staff will take a 20 percent reduction in

ACCChampionship, Georgia Techvs. Florida Stateat Charlotte,N.C.,5pm MIDWEST C-USAChampionship, UCFatTulsa, 9a.m. TexasatKansasSt., 5p.m. Big TenChampionship, Nebraskavs. Wisconsin at Indianapolis,5:15p.m. SOUTHWES T OklahomaSt. atBaylor, 9a.m. Oklahoma atTCU,9a.m. Middl TennesseeatArkansasSt.,noon NewMexicoSt.atTexasSt.,1 p.m. FAR WEST NichollsSt.at DregonSt.,11:30 am. BoiseSt.at Nevada, 1230 p.m. SouthAlabamaat Hawaii, 8p.m. FCS Playoffs



MidTenn St FLA ATLANTIC S.Al abama Confer enceUSA Championship TULSA PK I C. Flo rida SECChampionship Alabama 7 .5 7 , 5 Georgia ACCChampionship Florida St 13 5 14 Geo rgia Tech Big 10 Championship Nebraska 3 3 Wisco nsin

MAJOR LEAGUESOCCER Time PST MLS CUP Saturday,Dec.1: HoustonatLosAngeles,1:30 p.m.

TBD; Summiat t AiohaTip-Off Tournament, TBD; La Pine,Ridgevlewat La PineTournament, TBD; Culver atShermanCounty Tournament,TBD


10 9 6


Saturday Boys basketball: Sistersat CrookCounty, 7 p.mz CentralChristianatGichrist JVTournament, TBD; Ridgeview,LaPineat La PineTournament, TBD; Culver atShermanCounty Tournament,TBD Girls basketball: CrookCountyat Sisters, 7 p.m.; CentralChristianatGilchrist JVTournament, TBD; Trinity Lutheranat HorizonChristian Tournament,

5:20 p.m.: NFL, New Orleans Saints at Atlanta Falcons, NFL Network.


ARKANSA SST 10 UL-Lafayette 9. 5 HAWAII 4


Betting line NFL



Bengals COWB OYS Giants


Cincinnati Pittsburg Oklahoma KANSAS ST Oklahoma St BoiseSt W. VIRGIIA N TEXAS ST

(Hometeams in Caps) Open Current Underdog Thursday 4

3. 5



EAST Bucknel62, l Dartmouth49 Lehigh77,Quinnipiac66 NJIT98,LyndonSt 42 Pittsburgh70,Howard46 Providence 61, HolyCross 42 Vermont85, Harvard78 SOUTH Alabama75,Lamar 47 McNeese St.93, Centenary 62 Minnesota 77,Florida St.68 Mississippi St 60AlcornSt 42 NC Central70,UtahValey52 Nebraska 79,WakeForest 63 North Florida71,Bethune-Cookman65 Presbyterian 97,ToccoaFalls 38 SouthernMiss.61, Denver 50 Tuane69,LoyolaN057 UAB75,Troy55 VirginiaTech95, lowa79 MIDWEST BowlingGreen70, Detroit 65 Butler 97,Hanover73 DePaul 85, Fairfield 78 Ill.-chicago58,N. Illinois 46 Indiana83, NorthCarolina 59 Maryland77,Northwestern57 Michigan 79, NCState72 SOUTHWES T Texas65,SamHoustonSt. 37 FARWES T Colorado 85,TexasSouthern80, 20T Portland78,l.ewis 8 Clark73 Sacramento St.77, Dominican (Cal.l 68

Wom en's college Tuesday'sGames

EAST AmericanU.85,UMBC57 Boston U.54, RhodeIs and29 Canisius61, Binghamton48 Fairfield 51,Vermont47 Northeastern 80, Dartmouth 45 Rider68,Lalayette64 SOUTH IUPUI61,Belmont53 Liberty76,UNC-Greensboro 56 McNeese St 90, Centenary 33 Mississippi62,MVSU60 N. Kentucky 66,YoungstownSt. 64 SC State94,SouthemWesleyan 46 Sc-Upstate51,W.Carolina 48 Samford62, Auburn-Montgomery24 Tennessee Tech74,Alcorn St.57 UAB58,HighPoint 53 MIDWEST lowaSt.87, Drake45 W. Ii inois69,Valparalso 55 WichitaSt. 62,Gramhling St. 44 SOUTHWE ST Baylor89,Rice49 Houston55, UTSA42 Texas-Arlington 77, HoustonBaptist 71 FAR WEST Idaho68,E Washington 66 NewMexico67,WeberSt. 44 SouthernCal62, UCSantaBarbara51 Utah92,UtahSt.64 Washington70, Pepperdine 51

DEALS Transactions BASEBALL COMMISSIONE R' S OFFICE— Suspended Philadelphia CCarlos Ruiz 25gamesfor a violation of the Major League Baseball's Joint DrugPrevention and TreatmentProgram.


BOSTONRED SOX— Assigned 28 Ivan DeJesus outright toPaw tucket (IL). CHICAGO WHITESOX—Named Daryl Bostonfirst basecoach,BobbyThigpenbullpencoachandHarold Baines assistant hitting coach CLEVELAND INDI ANS— Assigned RHP Fabio Martinezoutright to Columbus(IL). Announced28 Brent Lillibridge refusedoutright assignment and

electedfreeagency. National League CHICAGO CUBS—Agreedtotermswith RHPScott Feldman onaone-yearcontract. HOUSTON ASTROS—Agreed to termswith OF TrevorCrowe,LHPSergio Escalona, RHPEdgar GonzalezandRHPJoseValdezonminor leaguecontracts. Announced theresignation ofvicepresident ofmarketing and strategyKathleen Clark. FOOTBALL National Football League BALTIMORERAVENS— PlacedDB Anthony Levine on injuredreserve. CAROLINAPANTHERS—PlacedDT RonEdwards on lniuredreserve.SignedDTFrank Kearsefromthe practicesquad. CHICAGOBEARS Signed OL Andre Gurode. Waived DTAmobi Okoye. ReleasedWRRaymond RadwayandGChris Rileyfromthe practice squad. Signed OLDerek Dennis andWRDale Mossto the practicesquad. CINCINNATI BENGALS ReleasedCScot Wedige andLBBenJacobsfrom thepracticesquad.SignedOT DanKnappandTEBryceDavis tothe practice squad. JACKSONVI LLEJAGUARS— SignedDERyan Davis to thepracticesquad. HOUSTONTEXANS Rel easedRB DavinMeggett. SignedLBCameron Collins. MINNESOTA VIKINGS— Signed RB Jordan Todman from the practicesquadandRBJoe Banyard to the practicesquad. NEW ORLEANSSAINTS PlacedOTBryceHarris on injuredreserve.SignedTEMichael Higginsfrom the practice squad. NEW YORKGIANTS— Signed RB Ryan Torain and RBKreggLumpkin. ReleasedOLSelvish Capers. Terminatedthe practice squad contract of RB Joe Martinek. NEW YORKJETS—WaivedGHayworth Hicks. PHILADE LPHIA EAGLES—Released DE Jason Babin. SANDIEG OCHARGERS PlacedSAtari Bigbyon injuredreserve.SignedLBBrontBird. SignedSSean

Cattouseto thepracticesquad. Seahawk s SANFRAN CISC049ERS—Agreedtotermswith LB Vikings NaVorro Bowmanonafive-yearcontract extension. 7 7 RAMS SEATTLESEAHAWKS— Released QB Josh Portis 3 .5 4 . 5 Cardinals from thepracticesquad. SignedWRPhil Bates to the 3 3 CHIEFS practicesquad. 4 4. 5 Colts TAMPABAY BUCCANEERS—Placed S Cody 6 6 Jaguars Grimm andT JeremyTrueblood on injured reserve. 7 75 DOLPHINS Claimed WR)KRDavid Gilreath off waiversfromPitts5 5. 5 TITANS burgh.ReleasedGChrls Scott fromthepracticesquad. 6.5 7 Buccanee rs SignedSSeanBakerto thepractice squad. NL NL Steelers TENNESSEE TITANS— Re-signed Ol.KyleDeVan. NL NL Browns Placed RBDarrenEvansoninjured reserve. 1 ISD) 1.5 CHARG ERS HOCKEY 9 9 Eagles National HockeyLeague Monday ANAHEIMDUCKS—Reassigned F RyanLasch 2 .5 2 . 5 REDSK INS from Norfol(AHL) k to FortWaynelECHL). COLLEGE College NCAA —NamedVal Ackermanconsultant andadviThursday 2.5 3 Louisville sor torwomen's basketball. BIG EAST CONFERENCE—Announced Tulane is Friday joining forall sportsandEast Carolina for football for MACChampionship the 2014-15 aca demic year. 5 6 KentState SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE — Fined MisPac-12Championship 10 9 Ucla sissippi $5,000atter fans rushedthe fleld followlng the football team' s vi c tory over Mi s si ssippi Stateon Saturday 5.5 5 CONNE CTICUT Saturday. KENTUCK Y—NamedMarkStoopsfootball coach. 6 6 S. FLOR IDA MDNTCLAIRSTAT E—Named Elliott Lightfoot 7 6. 5 TCU m en's a n d w o men' strackandfieldcoach. 10.5 11.5 Texas SOUTHER N MI S SI S SIPPI—Announced football 4 .5 4 . 5 BAYLOR 8.5 9 NEVADA coachEllisJohnsonwil notberetained —Placed athletic director Ross Parmley 20 20 Kansas onTULSA leave.Named university executivevice president 12 5 13 NewMexicoSt Kevan Buckacting athletic director. 4 9

4 9




Leader Mazemay beVonn's biggest rival for overall title By Pat Graham

The Associated Press






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Darron Cummings /The Associated Press

Indiana's Cody Zeller puts up a shot against North Carolina's Marcus Paige during the second half of Tuesday night's game in Bloomington, Ind. Indiana defeated North Carolina 83-59.

O. O.

n ianaro S aS aro ina

The Associated Press BLOOMINGTON, Ind. Maybe Roy Williams should have watched Tuesday night's game on two screens. On one, he could have dissected what went wrong with No. 14 North Carolina. On the other, he might have actually enjoyed seeing No. 1 Indiana play basketball its

COLLEGE BASKETBALL ROUNDUP it happened again, this time against the H oosier State's

might even silence some of the murmurs No. 2 Duke was clos-

best team. Indiana (7-0) led

ing the gap with Indiana (7-0),

murmurs the Hoosiers were aware of when they took the court Tuesday night. Also on Tuesday: N o. 3 Michigan ...... . . . . . . . 79 way. range. No. 18 North Carolina State ..72 "I like my team, I don't like ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Trey Cody Zeller finished with 20 points and eight rebounds, the way we played tonight," Burke had 18 points and a cawhile Victor Oladipo and Will Williams said. "For us, it was a reer-high 11 assists without a Sheehey both added 19 points tough night to say the least." turnover to lead Michigan. in a stunning 83-59 rout in the Zeller and his teammates N o. 21 Minnesota...... . . . . . 77 ACC-Big Ten Challenge. were readyto send the college F lorida State..... . . . . . . . . . . 68 "If you like Indiana basket- basketball world a m essage TALLAHASSEE, Fla. ball, you had to enjoy tonight, Tuesday: America's No. 1 team Joe Coleman scored 16points and I like Indiana basketball really is America's best team. and Rodney Williams added Did they ever. 14 for Minnesota, which beat but not nearly as much as I like North Carolina basketThey gave up only t hree defending Atlantic Coast Conball," Williams said somberly. points in the first 8 '/2 minutes ference champion Florida State "We've got to get things going of the second half, and offen- in the ACC-Big Ten Challenge. a little bit better together." sively, the Hoosiers were their N o. 19 Colorado..... . . . . . . . 85 The good news is that the usual balanced selves. T exas Southern ...... . . . . . . 80 Tar Heels might not get anothZeller was eight of 13 from BOULDER, Colo. — Josh er dose of Indiana basketball the field with four blocks, one Scott scored the first two basany time soon. steal and an assist. Oladipo kets of the second overtime for A week ago, North Carolina and Sheeheywere both eight of Colorado, which fought back (5-2) trailed by 29 points before 12 from the field. Senior guard from an early 15-point deficit. falling to t wo-time national Jordan Hulls was five of eight, The Buffaloes (6-0) withstood runner-up Butler in the semifi- including three 3-pointers, and a 39-point performance by nals of the Maui InvitationaL finished with D points, eight Omar Strong, who made nine 3-pointers, including three in In North C a rolina's first assists and two steals. game back on the mainland, The dominantperformance the extra sessions. by as many as 32 points during a dreadful second half in which North C arolina shot 27.8 percent from the field and was zerofor five from 3-point

ASPEN, Colo. — Classical music echoed through the hotel's basement halls, drawing an audience around the person sitting behind the piano. And who should be pounding the keys on the hauntingly enchanting piece? It was none other than Slovenian skier Tina Maze, who simply slid onto the bench and started in on the melody after a news conference following her third-place slalom finish in Aspen, Colo. Her rendition was flawless, too, much like her recent performances on the slopes. Maze has been in tune all season as she's jumped out to a nice lead in the overall World Cup standings heading into the races this weekend in Lake Louise, Alberta. Sure, it's early,but she's emerged as reigning champion Lindsey Vonn's top rival for the crown this season. Oh, and Maze can sing a little bit, too. She has a song out that's topping the charts in her country. These days, things are going awfully well forthe 29-year-old Maze (pronounced MAHzeh). Even her demeanor and disposition seem to be different. Once thought to be a very serious person, she appears to be lightening up. Someone recently asked if she's still an "angry" person, or if she's finding more happiness. "I'm still angry," Maze said, laughing. "The problem is there's nothing to be angry about now." No, there's really not. Maze switched ski technicians before the season and they've instantly been in harmony. She won the giant slalom in Aspen last weekend for her first win on U.S. slopes. To celebrate, Maze did a cartwheel — in ski boots, no less. It was Maze having fun. She's been showing a side she hasn't really displayed before. Not quite like this, at least. She's funny. She's witty. She's charismatic. And she's musical. "I've learned that maybe sometimes it's better to show people who you are and what you are thinking about," Maze said. "That way, you can be more relaxed with yourself." Just forkicks, Maze recently made a music video entitled, "My way is my decision," a catchy pop tune written for her to sing by a friend. So far, there have been more than 800,000 hits on Youtube. One of the lines in the song seems extremelyapropos: "So I' ve got to be stronger. I've got to prove I'm a winner. Lead them into the light. I've got to show them all that I'm right." She's definitely on her way. Maze has come so close to winning an overall crown in recent seasons. But Vonn has been standing in the way. The American has won four of the last five titles. Vonn just recently returned to the slopes after battling a bad stomach bug that required her to spend some time in the hospital. She's still regaining her strength as the tour


Nathan Bilow/The Associated Press

Slovenia's Tina Maze speeds down the course during the women's World Cup slalom ski race in Aspen, Colo., on Sunday. stops in Lake Louise for two downhill races and a super-G this weekend. This is t y pically a p l ace where Vonn shines. She's been so dominant at the venue that it's become affectionately known as "Lake Lindsey." The same can't be said of Maze, who's never finished higher than seventh in Lake Louise. T his time a r ound, she's loaded w i t h confidence. A fast start has her believing she can possibly unseat Vonn. Everything is just coming together after a strong offseason training program, which included grueling workouts on the beach. "I was fighting with myself all summer to push myself to be stronger," said Maze, who won silver medals in the super-G and giant slalom at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. "It's working really well." Can she capture the overall crown? "I was dreaming about that. But dreaming is not enough," she said. nYou need to make your dreams become reality. It's five years of working and trying to get on top of racing." E ver so steadily, she's moved up t h e standings: • In 2010, she was fourth. • In 2011, third. • In 2012, second. "In mathematics, it's called missing No. I, n Maze said with a big grin. "Of course, that's

a goal." As for her singing career, she said she will just stick with her day job — for now. However, she does think of her song as she glides down the course. "It's good motivation to hear your song, to hear your voice, to hear your words," Maze said. "But I'm not a singer. I've never even tried to sing in front of people. I'm not sure if I could do a concert. I'd rather do a concert on skis."


Mavericks suffer 100-98 loss to76ers The Associated Press PHILADELPHIA — The 76ers won again with Elton Brand having another strong game and earning a hefty paycheck from the organization. Brand just couldn't celebrate because his effort was wasted with Dallas. Evan Turner scored 22 points and Thaddeus Young had 20 to lead Philadelphia to a 100-98 win over the Dallas Mavericks on Tuesday night. Brand scored a season-high 17 points for the Mavericks in hi s f i rst game against the Sixers since they used their one-time amnesty provision over the summer in the new labor deal to let him go. The move meant the $18.1 million Brand was owed in the final season of his $80 million, five-year contract did not count against the salary cap for Philadelphia, though it still owed him about $16 million. The two-time All-Star forward didn't stay unemployed for long, and the Mavericks won the bidding at $2.1 million to land him off waivers. With Andrew Bynum out with a bone bruise, Brand was the most expensive player the Sixers were paying to play in this game. He saw some familiar play in the fourth quarter when the Sixers startedrunning, forced some turnovers, and worked their way inside for easy buckets. "I was a part of it last year. We used to do it time and time again," Brand said. "It was just hustle plays and being in the right spot at the right time." Jrue Holiday had 18 points and seven assists for the Sixers, who snapped a sixgame losing streak to Dallas. Philadelphia shot six of 14 on 3-pointers and won its second straight game. Chris Kaman scored 20 points and Shawn Marion also had 17 for the Mavericks. Vince Carter added 15 and was clutch in the fourth quarter in trying to bring Dallas back from a 10-point hole. The 76ersfinally created some space in a back-and-forthgame when they snapped a tie with a 10-0 run midway

Matt Slocum /The Associated Press

Philadelphia 76ers' Spencer Hawes (00) shoots against Dallas Mavericks' Elton Brand in the second half of Tuesday's game in Philadelphia. Philadelphia won 100-98.

through the fourth. The highlight came when Holiday stole the ball, took off running and dished to a driving Young down the lane for a threepoint play and a 90-81 lead. Carter, long a nuisance against Philadelphia, ended the Sixers' streak with a 3-pointer for a Dallas team trying to stay afloat with Dirk N owitzki (knee) out about another month, at least. The Mavericks whittled it to five until Young hit a mid-range jumper for a seven-pointlead and the Sixers forced a turnover on the next possession with 90 seconds left. But they failed to score and Carter delivered again, sinking his third 3 to make it a four-point game. Carter made a left-handed layup to bring the Mavericks to 100-98 with 37 seconds

left. O.J. Mayo was fouled on a wild drive with 2.7 seconds to go but missed the first free throw attempt. Mayo also missed the second,but the Mavs recovered. Jae Crowder'slast-gasp jumper was off the mark, leaving Dallas with a 2-5 record on the road. The Mavericks had turnovers on five straight possessions during one miserable stretch in the fourth. They finished with eight overall in the quarter. "They were untimely and completely out of character to how we played to that point," Dallas coach Rick Carlisle said. "We have to eliminate those turnovers right now. In games like this, it's how you manage mistakes." In other games on Tuesday: P acers...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 L akers...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 LOS ANGELES — George Hill's higharching shot over Dwight Howard went in with 0.1 seconds left, and Indiana withstood Kobe Bryant's 40-point performance for Los Angeles. Hill scored 19 points and hit that enormous clutch shot for the Pacers, who won their third straight road game over the Lakers. Rockets ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Raptors...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 HOUSTON — James Harden scored 24 points and matched a career high with 12 assists to lead Houston over Toronto. T imberwolves...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Kings.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..89 SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Kevin Love had 23 points and an NBA season-high 24 rebounds to help Minnesota stop a five-game losing streak by beating Sacramento. S uns ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 C avaliers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 CLEVELAND — Goran Dragic scored 19 points, Michael Beasley added 15 and Phoenix took control late in the third quarter to beat Cleveland. The Suns scored the final 14 points of the third to take a 71-59 lead they did not relinquish, sending Cleveland to its 10th loss in 11



ConferenceGlance AllTimesPST EASTE RN CONFERE NCE W t Pct G B 10 3 .769 d-Brooklyrr 9 4 .692 i NewYork 9 4 .692 1 d-Milwaukee 583 2r/t 7 5 Atlanta 8 4 667 i t/t Philadelphia 9 6 .600 2 571 2'it Boston 8 6 Charlotte 7 6 .538 3 Indiana 7 8 .467 4 Chicago 6 7 .462 4 Orlando 5 8 .385 5 Detroit 4 0 .267 7 Cleveland 3 1 2 .200 8 Toronto 3 12 .200 8 Washington 0 1 2 000 9 1/2 tNESTE RN CONFER ENCE W L Pct G B d-Memphis 10 2 .833 'ir SarrAntonio 12 3 800 d-Oklahoma City 11 4 .733 1 d-GoldeitState 8 6 .571 3r/t LA. Clippers 8 6 .571 3'/t Denver 8 7 .533 4 utah 8 7 .533 4 Houston 7 7 500 4 1/2 L.A. Lakers 7 8 .467 5 Phoenix 7 8 .467 5 Dallas 7 8 .467 5 Minnesota .462 5 6 7 429 5r/t Portland 6 8 NewOrleans 4 9 .308 7 Sacramen to 4 1 0 286 7r/t t -divisionleader tt-Miami

40, Jamison1-71-43, Duhon 0-30-00, J.Hill1-2002,Meeits0-30-00.Toials24-7623-4377. Indiana 25 15 21 18 — 79 L.A. takers 21 12 24 20 — 77

Timderwolves 97, Kings 89 MINNESOTA (97) Kirilenko5-i24-414, Love8-175-623, Peitovic 6-13 4-6 16,Ridirour8-13 2-2 18, Lee4-6 0-0 10, Barea1-50-0 2, Shved3-8 0-0 8, Cunningham3-7 0 0 6, Howard 0-20 00 Totals 38-83 15-1897.


Salmons 2-50-05,Thompson3-81-27,Cousins 9-22 2-2 20,Brooks2-7 2-3 7, Evans9-14 0-0 20, Thomton 5-130-012,Robinson1-30-02,Thomas4-

64-5 12,Johnson1-I 0-02,Hayes1-5 0-2ZTotals 37-849-14 89.

Minnesota Sacramento

27 21 27 22 — 97 26 19 22 22 — 89

Rockets117, Raptors101 TORONTO (101)

McGuire 0-1 0-0 0, Bargnani 8-12 2-2 2i, t/alarrciunas 5-10 2-3 12, Lowry 3-101-1 7, DeRozan 5-102-312, Ross 9-170-019, Calderon4-90-012, Davis 5-62-212, Johnson2-5 O-t 4, Kleiza0-10-0 0, Lucas1-5 0-0 2, Gray0-0 0-0 0. Totals 42-86 9-12101.


Parsons7-132-218, Patterson7-146-7 22,Asiit 6-91-213, Lin7-91-216, Harden9-192-324, Morris 4-6 1-1 11,Smith 1-53-4 5, Douglasi-4 0-0 3,

Cook2-40-05Jones0-00-00,Motieiunas0-00-0 0 Totals 44-8316-21 117. Toronto 23 28 28 22 — 101 Houston 29 32 38 18 — 117


Phoenix91,Cleveland78 Philadelphia100,Dallas98 Houston u7,Toronto101 Minnesota 97, Sacramento89 Indiana79, LA. Lakers77 Today's Games Sait AntonioatOrlando 4 p.m. Portlandat Washington 4 p.m. BrooklynatBoston,4:30p m. CharlotteatAtlanta, 4:30p.m. PhoenixatDetroit, 4:30tt.m. Dallas atChicago,5p.m. TorontoatMemphis,5 p.m. Utah atNewOrleans, 5p.m. Houstonat Oklahoma City, 5p.m. NewYorkatMilwaukee,5 p.m. Minnesota at LA. Clippers,7:30p.m. Thttrsday'sGames SanAntonioatMiami, 5p.m. Denverat GoldenState, 7:30pm.

Summaries Tuesday'sGames

Pacers 79, Lakers 77 INDIANA(79)

George5-130-2 12,West7-15 2-4 16,Hibbert 4-7 O-i 8, G.Hill 7-12 4-5 i9, Stephenson 2-8 0-0 4, Mahinmi2-5 7-1011, Green1-8 0-03, Augustin 1-5 i-i 3, Young 0-4 0-00,THarrsbrottgh 0-23-43. Totals 29-79 17-2779.

L.A. tAKERs I77)

World Peace1-81-4 4,Gasol 2-9 6-610, Howard 7-103-1217, Morris0-61-41, Bryant12-28 n-t3

76ers100, Mavericks 98 DALLAs I98) Marion 6-124-4 17,Crowder1-50-0 2, Kam an 9-13 2-220, Do.Joites0-5 2-22, Mayo4-10 2-411, Carter6-100015, Collison 5-112-212, Brand5-10 7-817, DaJones1-30-02, Murphy0-20-00. Totals 37-81 19-22 98. PHILADELPHIA (100) Turner8-124-5 22, TYoung7-146-11 20,Allen 2-2 2-2 6, Holiday7-134-4 i8, Richardson2-8 0-0 6, DWright1-5 002, Hawes 3-5 00 6, NYourtg 1-5 0-02,Wayns 2-84-4 10,Brown 2-3 2-4 6,Wilkins 0-0 2-2 ZTotals 35-75 24-32 100. Dallas 31 25 17 25 — 98 Philadelphia 28 2 5 22 25 — 100

Suns 91, Cavaliers78 PHOENIX (91) Beasley6-8 2-215, Morris 2-50-0 4, Gortat3-7 0-4 6, Dragic6-114-4 19, Brown4-90-0 9, Scola 6-10 2-314, Dudley5-70-011, Tucker 0-3 2-22, Telfair1-6 0-1 2O'Neal4-91-2 9, LZeller0-10-0 0, Johnson 0-20-00 Marshal0-10-00.Totals37-79 11-1891. CLEVELAND (78) Gee3-7 6-712,Thompson1-7 3-45, Vareiao1015 0-0 20, Pargo3-121-2 8, Waiters7-20 2-316, Miies3-112 28, TZeller1-40-02, Casspi 240-05, Samuels0-41-21, Sloarr0-00-00, Lerter0-01-21, Walton 0-00-00.Totals 30-8416-2278. Phoenix 19 18 34 20 — 91 Cleveland 13 19 27 19 — 78



Miller Continued from D1 Never had the dugout been so businessminded. The average playersalary had reached $241,000, the pension plan had become generous, and players had won free agency and werehiring agents to issue their own demands. If they had a grievance, they could turn to an arbitrator. Peter Seitz, the impartial arbitrator who invalidated the reserve clause and created free agency in 1975, called him "the Moses who had led Baseball's Children of Israel out of the land of bondage." But not only them. If Miller had one overarching achievement, it was to persuade professional athletes to cast aside the paternalism of the owners and to emerge as economic forces in their own right, often armed with immense bargaining power. The changes he wrought in baseball ripThe Associated Press file photo pled through all of professional sports, and it could be said that he, more than anyone On April 13, 1972, Marvin Miller,executive director of the Major League Baseball Playelse, was responsible for the professional ers Association, announces an end to the baseball strike at a news conference in New athlete of today, a kind of pop culture star York. Players shown are, from left, Gary Peters of the Boston Red Sox, Wes Parker able to command astronomical salaries of the Los Angeles Dodgers, and Joe Torre of the St. Louis Cardinals. At right is Dick and move fromone team to another. Moss, general counsel for the association. Miller, the union leader who created free Still, though his contributions to baseball agency for baseball players and revolutionized professional sports with multimillion dolwere compared to those of Babe Ruth, who lar contracts, died Tuesday in New York. He was 95. made the home run an essential part of the game, and Branch Rickey, who broke the majorleagues' color barrier when he The players had a union of sorts, but their network payments to baseball for rights to signed Jackie Robinson to the Brooklyn association, established in 1954, had no telecast the World Series, All-Star Game Dodgers,Miller has not been recognized full-time employees, did not engage in col- and Game ofthe Week. The pension fund by the Baseball Hall of Fame. lective bargaining, had never challenged received a third of baseball's receipts from "There's been a concerted attempt to the reserveclause and had just $5,400 in national TV rights, but that cut went from downplay the union," Miller told The New the bank. $8.3 million a year to $15.5 million annualYork Times, referring to the Hall, when he Baseball stars Jim Bunning (later a U.S. ly for four years in the contract agreement narrowly missed out on election in Decem- senator from Kentucky), Harvey Kuenn reached in May 1980. ber 2010, the fifth time he had been on the and Roberts sought a professional barBut free agency remained a highly conballot. "It's been about trying to rewrite gainer who would get ballplayers better tentious issue. On June 12, 1981, the players history rather than record it. They decided pensions. Miller was recommended to began a 50-day strike over the owners' dea long time ago that they would downgrade them by George Taylor, who ran the War mands concerning compensation to teams any impact the union has had. And part of Labor Board when Miller worked for it. that lost players who became free agents. Miller was uncertain about entering the Management ultimately obtained only mithat plan was to keep me out of it." professional sports world, and many play- nor concessions. A series of showdowns ers were hesitant about creating a formal Kenneth Moffett, the f ederal mediaMiller, an economist by training, had union. Most were relatively uneducated, tor in the 1981 strike, became the union's bargained on behalf of the steelworkers' had little experience with unions and had executive director in January 1983, when union but lacked the charisma of fiery old- been told by the owners for years that they Miller retired, but he was dismissed after 10 style labor leaders like the mineworkers' should be grateful to be paid for playing a months and ultimately replaced by Donald John L. Lewis. A silver-haired man with a boys' game. Fehr,the union'sgeneral counsel since 1977. mustache he had cultivated since he was 17, In the spring of 1966, when Miller toured Fehr guided the union through a host was typically described as calm, patient, the training camps in Arizona and Florida of battles with management, including even-keeled. Nonetheless, he got results. to speak with the players before they voted a strike that canceled the 1994 World Se"Miller's goal was to get his ballplayers on whether to hire him as executive direc- ries. He retired from his union post in 2009 to think like steelworkers — to persuade tor, he was often met with suspicion. and was replaced by Michael Weiner, the m embers of the professional class to learn Before Miller's first meeting with the union's general counsel at the time, who refrom members of the working class," Mal- team, "we were all expecting to see some- mains as its chief. Fehr is nowthe executive colm Gladwell wrote in The New Yorker in one with a cigar out of the corner of his director of the National Hockey League 2010. mouth, areal knuckle-dragging 'deze and Players' A s sociation, w h ic h r e m ains Everett M. Ehrlich, a business economist doze' guy," Jim Bouton, the former New locked in a labor dispute with owners that and an undersecretaryof commerce in the York Yankees pitcher, was quoted as say- has delayed the opening of the season. Clinton administration, felt that Miller's ing by John Helyar in the book "The Lords victories owed much to the changing struc- of the Realm: The Real History of Baseball" Shut out of Cooperstown Miller's candidacy for the Baseball Hall ture of the game — particularly baseball's (1995). But the players were surprised, he expansion to the West Coast and the South, said, when "in walks this quiet, mild, ex- of Fame fell short five times in balloting bewhich led to greater television and atten- ceedingly understated man." tween 2003 and 2010 by committees voting Working with his newly hired general on candidates who had not been elected dance revenue. The new money allowed many clubs to spend heavily on players no counsel, Richard M. Moss, Miller educat- in the regular balloting by baseball writlonger tied to their teams. ed the players to trade-union thinking. In ers. In December 2007, when Miller was "Luck is the residue of opportunity and 1968, the union negotiated the first collec- turned down for a third time, Kuhn, the design," Ehrlich wrote on his blog in 2010, tive bargaining agreement in professional baseball commissioner who had been his quoting Branch Rickey. "Free agency was sports. In 1970, players gained the right longtime adversary and had died the prean important accomplishment and it made to have grievances heard by an impartial vious March, was elected to the Hall. The management of the Hall does not baseball better, but it also happened at a arbitrator. In 1973, they achieved a limited propitious moment. It takes nothing away right to have salary demands subjected to vote on candidates for Cooperstown. But the from Miller to note that." committees that considered Miller — their arbitration. numbers ranging from 12 to 84 over the Although Miller never convinced the On April I, 1972, just as spring trainowners that they could prosper from an ing camps neared their close, the players years — have included baseball executives. upheaval of baseball's economic orderstaged the first major strike in professional The breakdown of the voting has not been they would discover that eventually — he sports history in a dispute over the level of known, since the Hall asks voters not to reoutmaneuvered them at every turn. owner contributions to their pension plan. veal whom they selected or turned down. "I loved baseball, and I loved a good Miller wrote in his memoir that when In 2010, Miller received 11 of the 12 votes fight, and, in my mind, ballplayers were the strike was announced, Paul Richards, required from a 16-member committee, among the most exploited workers in a longtime baseball man who was an ex- consisting of eight Hall of Famer players or America," Miller wrote in his memoir "A ecutive with the Atlanta Braves at the time, managers, four executives and four baseWhole Different Ball Game" (1991), recall- remarked that "Tojo and Hirohito couldn't ball writers. Miller's candidacy will be up ing his decision to take charge of the play- stop baseball, but Marvin Miller could." for a vote again in 2013. Miller advised the union as a consulers association when it was in effect a comThe strike caused the cancellation of 86 pany union. regular-season games before a compro- tant through his 80s. He spoke out against He had his share of fights. The players mise accord was reached. contractual givebacks and changes in went on strike for 13 days in 1972 (part Later in 1972, outfielder Curt Flood, hav- baseball's economic structure that might of the exhibition season and nine regu- ing refused to accept a trade from the St. weaken the union. While in his 90s, he critlar-season days); they were locked out of Louis Cardinals to the Philadelphia Phil- icized the union's acceptance of mandaspring training for almost a month in 1976; lies, was rebuffed by the Supreme Court tory drug testing, saying that it could hurt they struck for the final eight days of the when he challengedthe reserve clause. union solidarity and that "it was clear that 1980 exhibition season; and they staged a But in December 1975, Seitz, the base- the government was going to get involved, 50-day strike that began in the middle of ball arbitrator, ruling in a case brought by and when the government gets involved the 1981 regular season. pitchers Andy Messersmith and Dave Mc- they will pick out targets and the media Miller was portrayed by many on the Nally and argued by the union, invalidated just goes along with it." management side as a harbinger of eco- the reserve clause in the standard player Besideshis daughter he is survived by nomic ruin. contract. his son, Peter; a sister, Thelma Berenson; "There was about Miller a wariness one Seitz found that this clause, allowing all and a grandson. His wife, Terry, died in would find in an abused animal," Bowie contracts to be extended for one year at 2009. Kuhn, the baseball commissioner during management's option upon their expiraAs playersgrew richer,and the baseball most of Miller's tenure, wrote in his mem- tion, did not mean that contracts could be figures from his union days faded from the oir, "Hardball" (1987). "It precluded trust or extended in perpetuity. Once a player re- scene, Miller worried that pioneering bataffection." fused to re-sign after the expiration of that tles were being forgotten. "I do feel a little irked and chagrined B ut Miller did wi n t h e t r ust of t h e one-year extension, Seitz ruled, he could ballplayers. sell his pitching prowess or hitting skills to when I realize that the players have no "I don't know of anyone who changed the highest bidder. idea that it was the union that changed the game more than Marvin Miller," said The owners immediately fired Seitz, everything," he told The New York Times Robin Roberts, a Hall of Fame pitcher for mounted a futile court challenge to his rul- in 1999. "What's taken for granted are the ing and, in late February 1976, expressed salaries, the perks, free agency rights, salthe Philadelphia Phillies who played a key role in the hiring of Miller by the play- their rage by putting off the opening of ary arbitration rights, all of which were ers' union. "His legacy is that through his spring training camps. Kuhn, the com- tremendous struggles." work, ballplayers for the first time attained missioner,ordered the camps opened in Still, Miller said, the owners tried hard mid-March. to "turn back the clock" during his tenure dignity from owners." Marvin Julian Miller was born in New In July 1976, the union and manage- — and, he added, "I don't believe they've York on April 14, 1917, and grew up rooting ment agreed on limitations to free agency: ever given up." for the Brooklyn Dodgers. His father, Alex- A player would need six years of major But baseball management and labor ander, was a salesman for a clothing com- league servicebefore he could seek a deal have beenatpeace since the 232-day strike pany, and as a youngster Marvin walked a with another club. That accord seemed that forced cancellation of the 1994 World picket line in a union organizing drive. His like a concession that Miller did not need Series. Today's ballplayers in the union that mother, Gertrude Wald Miller, who taught to make. But he concluded that limiting the Miller built nearly a half century ago earn elementary school, was a member of the stream of free agents would fuel the clubs' an average of more than $3 million a year. New York City teachers' union. bidding wars. In his mid-90s, Miller expressed satisfacMiller graduated from New York UniHe was proved correct. In 1976, the av- tion over more than the huge salary gains versity in 1938 with a degree in economics. erage annual player salary was $51,000. and freedom of movement his members He resolved labor-management disputes Soon the checkbooks were opened. George enjoy and he ultimately came to believe for the National War Labor Board in World Steinbrenner signed two future Hall of that the players finally appreciated what War II and later worked for the Interna- Famers for the Yankees: the power-hitting unionism meant. "Succeeding generati ons of players tional Association of Machinists and the outfielder Reggie Jackson, who received United Auto Workers. He joined the staff a five-year, $2.9 million contract after the know so much more about trade unionism, of the United Steelworkers Union in 1950, 1976 season, and the relief pitcher Rich solidarity and what it can produce than became its principal economic adviser and Gossage, who got a six-year, $3.6 million their predecessors did," he told Sports Ilassistant to its president, and took part in deal afterthe 1977 season. The spending lustrated in 2011. "I'm proudest of the fact negotiating contracts. sprees eventually encompassed the entire that I've been retired for almost 29 years Late in 1965, there were stirrings within major league landscape. at this point and there are knowledgeable the major league ballplayers' ranks about As salariessoared, so did revenue flowobservers who say that this might still be the need for improvements in a pension ing to the players' pension fund during the strongest union in the country. I think plan implemented by management in 1947. Miller's tenure, a result of a major rise in that's a great legacy."


Baancin wins an osses wit o arsan cents By Ralph D. Russo

The Associated Press

Deciding whether to fire a college football coach often comes down to balancing wins and losses with dollars and cents. Five coaches were fired Sunday, including Gene Chizik at Auburn just two years after he led the Tigers to a national championship. The five schools are on the hook for about $14 million in buyouts to their former employees. Auburn owes Chizik $7.5 million. That's a lot of money to pay someone to not work for you, but it can be even more costly to keep a coach who is not

only losing but draining a program in other ways. "What we all look for is: Is there a plan in place? Is the plan showing signs of progress? Is there energy around the program'?" Ole Miss athletic director Ross Bjork said Monday. "If there is no energy, no sign of hope, we're not gaining traction in recruiting or in people investing in our program, and we'renot winning, you've gotto make a change." The 39-year-old Bjork is in his first season at Ole Miss after quickly working his way up the ladder in intercollegiate athletics. Before he was hired by Mississippi in March, he was the AD at Western Kentucky. He didn't hire Rebels coach Hugh Freeze, but he's definitely not in the market for a replacement after a promising 6-6 first season in Oxford. Making the decision to change coaches in any sport is as much about the future as the present. Colorado fired Jon Embree on Sunday after only two seasons, a rarity even in today's win-now atmosphere. The Buffaloes were one of the worst teams in the country, going 1-11 with an inexperienced roster and a first-time head coach. At a news conference Monday, Colorado AD Mike Bohn said he was most concerned about the "trajectory" of the

program. "The importance of the third year, and if you don't have the momentum ... you begin to think we did not make the decisions quick enough," Bohn said. Bohn said lagging ticket sales and waning interest from fans was a factor. It always is. As much as athletic directors can't be expected to make decisions that satisfy the whims of fickle fans, the folks who buy tickets definitely have a say. "You operate off a zero-base budget," Bjork said. "Let's say looking at past trends you budget $14 million in football ticket sales and halfway through the season you are projecting $11 or $12 million. That's a problem." Especially after a university spends a few hundred million to renovate its stadium — as California just did. The school invested $321 million on renovations and the newly remodeled Memorial Stadium opened this season. Jeff Tedford could not have picked a worse season to have the worst record of a mostly successful 11-year tenure as Bears coach. He went 3-9 and AD Sandy Barbour faced this choice: Fire a coach the school still owes $6.9 million or face the prospect of brand new luxury boxes being left vacant. Barbour decided the short-term loss would be outweighed by the long-term gain of a new coach revitalizing the fan base. Cal is one of 12 FBS schools with a head coaching vacancy, including four in the Southeastern Conference. Ole Miss made a similar decision after last season when it fired Houston Nutt, who had three years left on his deal and a $6 million buyout. "Right now that's holding us back in terms of our full commitment to football because that's looming out there," Bjork said. The Catch-22 is no coach is going to take a contract without a significant buyout these days because schools are so quick to cut guys loose in search of the next big thing. And once acoach does have some success,schools feelobligated to quickly give long extensions because, well, what recruit is going to commit to play for a coach with two years left on his contract? "That's always a tough balance," Bjork said. "If you're not investing are you committed? If you're over invested and you negotiate a big buyout are you making a mistake you'll have to pay for later'?" Heisman watch Johnny Manziel speaks. The Texas A8 M quarterback has been off-limits to the media throughout his spectacular first season playing for the Aggies. With his regular season over, and Manziel the Heisman front-runner, ARM decided to lift the restrictions on Johnny Football and held a teleconference with reporters for him on Monday. "It's kind of nice now to be able to kind of let you guys know how I am a little bit more," he said. "There's so many question marks out there." This is certain: Manziel is poised to become the first freshman to win the Heisman Trophy. He's the front-runner in the straw polls conducted by Heismanpundit.com and ESPN. He'll benefit from the fact that there are no serious Heisman candidates playing for Alabama or Georgia in the biggest game of the weekend. Alabama quarterback AJ McCarron saw his Heisman chances vanish with that late interception in a loss to Texas A8 M.Georgia quarterback Aaron Murray has put up great numbers, but played poorly in the Bulldogs' big games against South Carolina and Florida. Collin Klein and Kansas State play this Saturday against Texas, trying to sew up a Big 12 title. Klein threw three picks in a loss to Baylor to relinquish Heisman frontrunner status to Manziel, but a great game against the Longhorns could tighten the race again. Robert Griffin III

sealed up his Heisman last year by lighting up the Longhorns in the season finale. If you're looking for a player who could make a final statement capable of changing the Heisman race, keep an eye on Georgialinebacker Jarvis Jones. He's one of the best players in the country and is capable of having the type of game that forces voters to rethink their ballots the way former Nebraska defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh did when he wrecked Texas back in 2009. Quick hits • It has no BCS implications, but the Sun Belt championship will be decided in Jonesboro, Ark., on Saturday when

Middle Tennessee (8-3, 6-1) faces Arkansas State (8-3, 6-1). Both will be heading to bowl games. • With the hirings and firings at this time of year also comes the squelching of speculation and rumors. Florida State coach Jimbo Fisher and Boise State's Chris Petersen spent part of their Mondays batting aside questions about other jobs.


Solo Continued from D1 "It's unfortunate what the media can do to judge before the facts are out there. It's hard to see, but it's a hard truth, and it's part of life," she said. "I'm happy. I'm happily married. I would never stand for domestic violence. I've never been hit in my life." Solo has had a stellar career with the national team, helping the team to two straight Olympic gold medals. But she's never shied from attention: From her Twitter criticism of former national team member Brandi Chastain during the London Games to appearing on TV's "Dancing with the Stars." Police say that they were called to a disturbance at a home in Kirkland, a Seattle suburb, in the early morning hours on Nov. 12. Solo and her brother blamed a disturbance on three unknown men. Officers maintained they hadprobable cause to arrestStevens because they observed evidence of an altercation, including a cut on Solo's elbow, and his admission that the two had argued, according to court documents. The next day, Solo and Steven were married. Solo, 31, posted a smiling


photo of herself with Stevens, 33, to Twitter two days later. Stevens was selected with the No. 28 pick of the 2002 draft by the Seahawks after a stellarcareer atWashington. But he also was involved in incidents away from football that included recklessdriving charges for

The Bulletin welcomes contributions to its weekly local golf results listings and events calendar. Clearly legible items should be faxed to the sports department, 541-385-0831, emailed to sports@bendbuHetin.com, or mailed to P.O. Box 6020; Bend, OR97708.

Club Results

crashing into a nursing home.

DESERTPEAKS Thanksgi ving Flag Tournament,Nov.22 Nine-Hole FlagTournament 1, Dean Hunt.2,DonGish.3,MikeFunk. SundayGroupPlay, Nov.25 Blind Draw Gross:1,JimWyzard/FredBlackman,154.2(tie), Carl Lindgren /Carl Daniels, 158;SpudMiler/FrancsicoMorales,158.Net:1, Dea nI-lunt/TrimbleCannon, 135. 2,RussSchog/DennyStory,141. KP — GaryHopson. LD — Denny Story.

His best season with the Seahawks was in 2005 when he started a ca-

reer-high 12 games and had 45 receptions as the Seahawks won the NFC championship. Solo also went to Washington. The two started dating following the London Games. "Like I said, we're happy, and ultimately that's all that matters," she said. Today's match is the sixth of the U.S. team's Fan Tribute Tour. Jill Ellis, women's development directorfor U.S. soccer, is coaching the U.S. team against Ireland. Former Australian national team coach Tom Sermanni takes over the national team in January, replacing Olympic coach Pia Sundhage, who stepped clown. Ireland and the United States will play again in Glendale, Ariz., on Dec. 1 as the tour continues.

Abby Wambach practices with the U.S. women's soccer team in Portland, Tuesday. The team is scheduled to play Ireland on today in an exhibition game.

EAGLECREST Men's Club, Nov.22

at RidgeCourse Low Net(1,2,3, etc.)

Hole-In-One Report Nov. 23 ASPENLAKES Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin

GPS units and laser rangefinders can make a perfect gift. As a rule of thumb, laser range finders such as Leupold's GX-4i ($499.95), at front right, offer precise measurements to any point on a golf course. GPS units, which track a player's position to certain points on a golf course, come in all shapes and sizes, including the Callaway uPro ($249.95) front left, the WR62 GPS Golf Watch ($179.95) and the Golf Buddy voice GPS ($199.95).

Continued from D1

Play the weather To play golf in Central Oregon is to accept all sorts of conditions: rain, wind, snow, frost and sometimes searing heat. And that's just a typical June around these parts. Layering can make a big difference, and every major golf clothing manufacturer has made strides in making lightweight, waterproof top l a yers. Items such as Ping's Ranger Pullover

($69.95), which can be adorned with college logos such as the University of Oregon and Oregon State, offer a thin layer that protects golfers from the elements while staying lightweight enough to not alter a golf swing. And for golfers who make trips to the Willamette Valley, a sturdy pair of rain pants, such as Sun Mountain's

With eye onthe playoffs, Saints prepare for Fakons By Brett Martel The Associated Press

METAIRIE, La. — Drew Brees happily entertains playoff possibilities for the New Orleans Saints, figuring that the question of whether a 5-6 team deserves to be in the NFC wild card race is irrelevant. He has a point. Despite an 0-4 start and their latest loss on Sunday to San Francisco, New Orleans remains one game out with five games left. To Brees, that means the Saints are virtually in control of their playoff fate — even if that is not entirely the case. "Regardless of how t hi s season started, that seems like so long ago," Brees said Monday, a day after New Orleans saw its three-game winning streak snapped. "We've justcome so far sincethen. We really have everything lined right in front of us. Despite everything, we've got it all right in front of us. We really control our own destiny." Had the Saints prolonged their w inning streak against the N F C West-leading Niners, they would have arrived at work on Monday tied for the final NFC Wild Card spot at 6-5 because Seattle, Minnesota and Tampa Bay — the teams New Orleans is chasing — all lost on Sunday. So the Saints head to their Thursday night showdown at NFC South Division rival Atlanta (10-1) still alive for a postseason berth, but with minimal room for error and a tough schedule ahead. New Orleans will n eed Seattle, Minnesota and Tampa Bay to lose. Of those teams, only the Buccaneers appear on t h e S a ints' remaining schedule. "The margin for error is very slight right now. We've kind of used up our nine lives," Brees said. "So we've got to really bear down here and just understand what's at stake every time we step on the field." After New Orleans visits Atlanta, its next game is at the NFC East-leading New York Giants, which will cap a string of three straight games against NFC division leaders. For Brees, even the loss to San Francisco was an indication of how far the Saints have come since stumbling from their offseason bounty scandal to an early season losing streak. The Saints held a 14-7 lead late in

NFL the first half before the Niners returned two interceptions for touchdowns. The Saints still rallied for another touchdown and remained very much in the game in the second half. " It's tough because I k now w e played well enough to win in so many ways and yet, two plays like that can just completely change the outcome of a game, which obviously those did. I was really encouraged walking away from that game in a lot of ways," Brees said. "I feel like we can beat that team, should beat that team. But listen, they're really, really good. They're going to be in the hunt just like we want to be in the hunt. We might see them later on. For us, it's a short week. We've got to be able to turn it right around." Meanwhile, the Saints' defense, although still ranked last in the NFL, continued showing i m p rovement, giving up a relatively few 17 points to the 49ers' offense and allowing fewer than 400 total yards for the first time all season. "The defensive guys came out and played with the right attitude," firstyear defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo said, adding that there is "more confidence in our room than before. "We need to carry that into Atlanta because this is another good offense that we're facing and we don't have a lot of time to prepare," Spagnuolo continued. "We are getting better as a unit. It is coming together. There's no question. Guys are making plays. They're more comfortable. There's more reacting than reading. A lot less tentative play." Before losing to the Niners, the Saints had rallied to even their record at 5-5 and re-establish themselves as realistic playoff hopefuls. "I feel no differently about our football team right now than I did yesterday morning when we woke up and (had) won five of our previous six games," assistant head coach Joe Vitt said. "This team works hard. This team is together. This team does not point fingers. We are moving on." Brees noted that when a good team loses, it can't wait to get back on the field, so that is what is good about

playing on Thursday night.

1, BobMow lds/John Boynton/Terry Back/Peter Brown,127.2(tie), HankMcCauley/PeterO'Reilly/Dan Myers/MattConner, 128;JimHawkes/Jim Kelly/Lee Roehlke/Ch uck Scrogin, 128.4, RonWolfe/Dennis O'Donne g/Alan Falco/Bil McCullough, 131.5, Tim Swope/ GregPluchos/JoeKosanovic/MacHeitzhausen, 132.



Den Ryan/The Associated Press


Jim Sanger, Sisters No.12...........9-iron........134yards

Calendar The Bulletin welcomes contributions to its weekly local golf events calendar. Items should bemailed to P.O.Box6020, Bend, OR97708; faxed to the sports department at 541-385-0831; or emailed to sports@bendbuRetin.com. TOURNAMENTS

GPS units offer more general information to ideal locations, such as the yardage from where a golfer stands to the center of the green rather than the pinpoint position a laser can offer. GPS devices — like the Callaway

Saturdays — Winter Gamesevent at MeadowLakesGolf Coursein Prinevige.Individual stroke-playtournaments areopento the public andruneachSaturdaythroughthewinter, weatherpermitting. Costis$20plus greenfeefor eachevent,andincludesgrossandnetpayouts, grossandnetskinscontests andKPs. Formore inlormation orto register,calltheMeadowLakes

uPro ($249.95) — offer maps and ad-

pro shopat541-447-7113. Nov. 30 — CentralOregonWinter Series

vice on ideal routes to the hole for average golfers who don't quite play to exact measurements.

Lighten the load Few things beat a good walking bag. For frequent course walkers, a golf bag should weigh between 3'/a and 5 pounds and use a strap system (most commonly resembling a b a ckpack strap) that will be comfortable for a

golfer to carry, Heinly says.

Thankfully, most golf bags these days fill the bill. For those who might want to walk without hauling a bag over their shoulder, a high-quality pushcart might be a Monsoon Pant ($79.95), and shoes de- welcome gift. signed to withstand a soggy course Gone are the days of rickety rental (such as Nike's Lunar Bandon, $139.95) pushcarts. can be the difference between playing New carts — such as Bag Boy's a full 18 holes or quitting after a rain- Tri-Swivel Cart ($229.95) — are lightsoaked nine. weight and fold up to fit easily in the "Golf attire now makes it possible trunk of a car. to stay warm and not be bulky," says Andy Heinly, Pro Golf of Bend's co- Odds and ends • Spikelessgolf shoes — such as owner and a longtime area pro. That sort o f s eason-specific gift Oakley Ciphers ($119.95), Ashworth makes sense for hearty golfers who Cardiffs ($119.95) and Adidas women's play year-round, says Josh Willis, head Adicross ($69.95) — are designed more like a sneaker than a conventional golf professional at Crosswater Club in Sunriver. shoe, which is designed more like a Winter-related gifts "really are great dress shoe. Spikeless shoes tend to be more gift ideas, specifically during the frigid winter months in Central Oregon," comfortable and are ideal for the hard, Willis says. dry fairways we frequently find here Such gifts include portable heaters on the High Desert, Heinly says. • A high-quality water bottle, such for golf carts and covers that fully enclose a golf cart, are relatively easily as those designed by Bend-based Hyremoved and fit nearly any cart model. dro Flask, are invaluable to a golfer. "There are several golf cart cover • Beacon Phoenix wireless mobile companies, but beware of the inexpen- speakers ($99.95) sync with a smartsive covers as they will last only a few phone to play music and make great rounds," says Willis, using Champion gifts, suggests Caleb Anderson, head Golf Cart Covers ($209) as an example pro at Bend's Tetherow Golf Club. Betof a high-quality cover. ter yet, they are designed to fit in a golf cart's cup holder. Finding your way • A lessons package with a favorite instructor can be useful, even for highModern range finders fall into two categories: a laser-guided system that ly skilled golfers. "While it is not 'flashy,' lessons are gives precise measurements, and GPS units that use satellites to pinpoint a something that 99 out of 100 players golfer's position. could benefit from, but also something Both are good systems, says Heinly, that I see time and again people not but which one is best depends on the spending their (own) money on," says golfer. Dan Ostrin, head pro at Widgi Creek Heinly suggests that laser systems, Golf Club in Bend. • Finally, one gift is sure to please such as Beaverton-based Leupold's topend Gx-4i model ($499.95), offer such EVERY golfer: golf itself. Golf courses precision that they are best for highly throughout the region often use the skilled golfers in need of an exact mea- holidays as a way to promote package surement to any point on a golf course. deals or gift certificates that can be "They are also very easy to use and used for play during the golf season. don't require downloading courses or Your f a vorite g o l fer w i l l not updates and can benefit anyone's golf complain. game," says Dan Wendt, head pro at — Reporter: 541-617-7868, zhall@bendbulletin.com. Brasada Ranch in Powell Butte.

event atEageCrest Resort's RidgeCourse in Redmond.Shamble beginswith an11a.m.shotgun Two-personteamswith no morethan one professionalallowedperteam Costis $30for professionals,$50for amateurs Costincludes gross andnet skins competitions. Cart costs extra. AR players must signup bynoon onthe Thursdaybeforetheevent.Toregister orfor more inlormation,call PatHuffer, headpro atCrooked River Ranch,at 541-923-6343or email himat crrpatrlcrookedriverranch com. Dec. 8 — ChristmasGooseGolf Tournament atMeadowLakesGo)Coursein Prinevi le. Chapmanis for twoperson-teamsandteesoff with an 10a.m.shotgun. Costis $20plusgreen fee. Toregister orlor moreinlormation, call the Meadow Lakesgolf shopat541-447-7113. Dec. 8 — Toysfor Totsgolf toumament at the Clubat BrasadaRanch. Four-personscramble beginswith an11a.m.shotgunstart. Costis $20 plustwo newunwrappedtoys perperson. Deadlineto register is Dec.7 at4p.m. Formore inlormation orto register, call BrasadaRanchat 541-526-6380or email eventcoordinator Dan Wendt atdaniewO brasada.com. Jan. 18 — Central OregonWinter Series event ai Kah-Nee-TaHigh Desert Resort near Warm Springs. Better-ball tournamentbegins with an11a.m.shotgun. Two-personteamswith no morethanoneprofessional allowedperteam. Cost is$30forprofessionals, $50foramateurs. Cost includesgrossandnetskins competitions. Cart costsextra.ARplayersmust sign upbynoon on theThursdaybefore theevent. Toregister or for moreinformation,call PatHuffer, headpro at

CrookedRiverRanch, at541-923-6343 or email him atcrrpatOcrookedriverranchcom Feb. 1 — Central DregonWinter Senes eyent atMeadowLakes Golf Club in Prinevile. Triple-six tournamentbegins with an 11 am shotgun Two-personteamswith no morethan one professionalallowedper team.Cost is $30 for professionals, $50 for amateurs Cost includes grossandnetskins competitions Cart

costs extra. AR players mustsign upby noon on theThursdaybefore theevent. Toregister or for moreinformation,call PatHuffer, headpro at CrookedRiverRanch, at541-923-6343 or email him atcrrpat@crookedriverranch.com. Feb. 2 — SuperBowlScramble atMeadow LakesGolf Coursein Prinevigeis atour-person scrambleEvent . teesoff with a10a.m.shotgun. Cost is$15plus greenfee.Formore information or to register,call theMeadowLakespro shopat 541-447-7113.

Feb. 22 — Central DregonWinter Series event at CrookedRiver Ranch. Aggregate shamblebeginswith an 11am shotgun Twopersonteamswith nomorethanoneprofessionai allowedperteam Costis $30for professionals, $50 for amateurs.Costincludesgross andnet skins compe titions. Cartcostsextra. ARplayers must signupbynoonontheThursdaybeforethe event. Toregister or for moreinlormation, call Pat Huffer,headproat CrookedRiver Ranch, at 541-923-6343oremail himat crrpat@crookedriverranch.com. March 2 — Polar BearOpenis an individual stroke-platournam y entat MeadowLakes Golf Coursein Prinevil e. Individualstroke-play tournament teesoff witha10a.m.shotgun. Cost is $20 plusgreenfee. For moreinformation or to register,call theMeadow Lakes proshopat 541-447-7113.

March 15 —CentralOregonWinter Series event atJuniperGolfCoursein Redmond Beterball tournamentbeginswith an11amshotgun Two-person teamswith nomorethanoneprofessional allowedperteam.Cost is $30for professionals, $50for amateurs. Costincludes gross and netskins competitions. Cartcostsextra. AB play er smustsignupbynoonontheThursday beforetheevent. Toregister orlor moreinformation, call PatHuffer,headproat CrookedRiver Ranch,at 541-923-6343or email himatcrrpat© crookedriverranch.com . March 22 —CentralOregonWinter Series event atPronghomClub's NicklausCourse near Bend.Scramblebeginswith an11a.m.shotgun. Two-personteamswith nomorethanoneprofessional allowedperteam.Cost is $30for professionals, $50for amateurs. Costincludes gross and neiskins competitions. Cartcostsextra. AB player s mustsignup by noonon the Thursday beforetheevent. Toregister orformoreinformation, call PatHuffer,headproat CrookedRiver Ranch,at 541-923-6343or email himatcrrpatO crookedriverranch.com . April 5 — Central OregonWinter Series event atBrasadaRanch Golf Coursein Poweg Butte. Better-ball toumam ent begins with an11 a.m. shotgun.Two-person teamswith no more than one professional allowedperteam.Cost is $30 for professionals,$50for amateurs.Cost includesgrossand netskinscompetitions Cart costs extra ARplayers mustsign upby noon on theThursdaybefore theevent Toregister or for moreinformation,call PatHuffer, headpro at CrookedRiverRanch, at541-923-6343 or email him atcrrpatOcrookedriverranchcom

Profe ssgonal a


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Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin

Spikeless golf shoes — including Adidas Women's Adicross ($69.95, at front left), Ashworth Cardiffs ($119.95, front right), and lightweight Oakley Ciphers ($119.95, back right) — have grown in popularity, are built for comfort and work well on Central Oregon's hard, dry fairways. For those who play in less-thanideal conditions, shoes such as Nike's Lunar Bandon ($139.95) will keep feet dry even in the soggy Willamette Valley.

PGATour MoneyLe aders Final Trn YTD Money

Rank Player 1 RoryMcllroy 2 TigerWoods 3 Brandt Snedeker 4 Jason Dulner 5.BubbaWatson 6.ZachJohnson 7. JustinRose

8. Phil Mickelson 9. HunterMahan 10 Keegan Bradley 11. MattKuchar 12.Jim Furyk 13. CarlPettersson 14. LukeDonald 15. LouisOosthuizen 16. ErnieEls 17 Webb Simpson 18. Steve Stricker 19 DustinJohnson 20. RobertGarrigus 21. RickieFower 22 NickWatney 23 Bot/anPelt 24. Lee Westwood 25 Adam Scott

16 19 22 22 19 25 19 22 23 25 22 24 26 17 19 22 22 19 19 26 23 26 24 15 16


$6,133,158 $4,989,739 $4,869,304 $4,644,997 $4,504,244 $4,290,930 $4,203,821 $4,019,193 $3,910,658 $3,903,065 $3,623,805 $3,538,856 $3,512,024 $3,460,995 $3,453,118 $3,436,758 $3,420,021 $3,393,820 $3,206,530 $3,066,293 $3,044,224 $3,043,509 $3,016,569 $2,899,557





nc ore u ersse o ace an

WORLD CHALLENGE Site:Thousand Oaks, Calif.

Schedule:Thursday-Sunday. Course:Sherwood Country Club (7,053 yards, par 72). Purse:$5 million. Winner's share:

By Michael Buteau Bloomberg News

Anchored putters, which have drawn converts including Ernie Els and critics such as Tiger Woods while being used to win three of the past four major titles, probably will be banned in a decision to be announced by golf's rulemakers today. The leaders of the U.S. Golf Association and the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of Scotland and their respective rules and equipment directors will participate in a news media conference call, a ccording to a statement issued by the

$1 million.

Television:Golf Channel (Thursday, noon-3 p.m.; Friday, noon-3 p.m.; Saturday, 10a.m.noon; Sunday, 10a.m.-noon) and NBC (Saturday-Sunday, noon-3 p.m.). Field:KeeganBradley, Jason Day, Jason Dufner, Rickie Fowler, JimFuryk,DustinJohnson,Zach Johnson, Matt Kuchar, Hunter

Mahan, GraemeMcDowell, lan Poulter, Webb Simpson, Brandt Snedeker, Steve Stricker, Bo Van Pelt, Nick Watney, Bubba Watson,

Tiger Woods. Last year:Woods won his own


tournament for the fifth time for his first victory since the Australian Masters in November

Joe Goode, a spokesman for the Far Hills, N.J.-based USGA, said that the issue of anchoring will be addressed. He declined to provide more details. "It's going to be tough for a lot of people," Webb Simpson, who used an anchored putter to win the U.S. Open in June, told reporters during l a st month's PGA Grand Slam of Golf event in Bermuda. Any decision won't take effect until Jan. 1, 2016, when the newest edition of the Rules of Golf will be published. It will affect players worldwide, Craig Litten/The New YorkTimes from millionaire profession- Charlie Owens, seen here in Tampa, Fla.,in early November, als to weekend duffers, as well developed a long putter in the 1980s and used it with some as a clubmaking industry that success on the Senior Tour. has struggled through the past decade. The increasing use of long the youngest competitor in The long putter has also puttersanchored to a player's the history of the event, golf's been a boon to club manumidsection, chest or chin has first major of the season and facturers battling a drop in drawn criticism from many the only one never won with a marketplace worth almost of the game's top players, in- an anchored putter. $150 million. A ba n l i kely cluding Woods and Arnold The USGA sets the rules for would draw opposition from Palmer. the United States and Mexico, club makers. In the past two years, pro- while the R&A covers the rest Putter c ompanies h a ve fessionals Keegan Bradley, of the golf world. struggled to sell clubs in the Simpson and Els have won Long putters have been past decade. In 2011, sales of major championships while used in golf for more than 20 putters at golf courses and in using putters anchored to years, at first primarily on the golf-specific shops accounted their body. Guan Tianglang, 50-and-over senior tour. for $141.3 million, down 30 a 14-year-old Chinese golfer, Paul Azinger was the first percent from $200 million in used a so-called belly putter to to use the belly putter in a 2003, according to data prowin the Asia-Pacific Amateur U.S. PGA Tour event and the vided by Kissimee, Fla.-based Championship this m o nth, first to win with it, at the 2000 G olf Datatech. It w a s t h e earning a spot in April's Mas- Sony Open, according to Tour ninth straight year of declinters Tournament. He will be records. ing sales.

2009. Zach Johnson wassecond a stroke back.

Notes: Woodsalsowon in2001, '04, '06 and '07. He won three PGA Tour titles this year to push

his career total to 74. Theevent is his last of the year.... McDowell won the 2010 tournament, beating

Woods in a playoff.

Sunshine Tour NEDBANKCHALLENGE Site:Sun City, South Africa.

Schedule:Thursday-Sunday. Course:Gary Player Country Club (7,590 yards, par 72). Purse:$5 million. Winner's share: $1.25 million. Television:Golf Channel (Thursday-Friday, 6:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.;Saturday,4 a.m .-9:30 a.m.;

Sunday, 4:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m.). Field:Nicolas Colsaerts, Peter Hanson, Paul Lawrie, Garth Mulroy, Carl Pettersson, Charl Schwartzel, Bill Haas, Martin

Kaymer, Francesco Molinari, Louis Oosthuizen, Justin Rose, Lee Westwood.

Last year:Westwood won for the second straightyear, shooting a course-record 62 in the third round en route to atwo-stroke victory over Robert Karlsson. All Times PST

• •

anchoring a club to a player's body. "If people have become failed putters in t h e c o nventional way, why should they have a crutchto come back and compete against me when I haven't failed in the conventional way," Dawson said in July. "That's the general a rgument o ne hears. But we're also seeing now people who can putt perfectly well in the conventional way, thinking that an anchored stroke gives them an advantage. That's the fundamental change that we've witnessed in the last couple of years." W oods, the winner of 14 major tournaments, said he's a "traditionalist" and has never used a long putter in competition. He proposed a rule that bars a player from using a putter longer than the shortest club

already in his golfbag. The possible decision to ban the club may also end up costing players millions in earnings, long-putter users argue. "It should have been banned

20 years agoifthey weregoing

to ban it," Tim Clark, a 36-yearoldSouth African who anchors his putter to his chest with his left hand, told reporters during the U.S. PGATour's Wyndham Championship in August. "The fact that they haven't by now, I body. think they've left it too long and Following his w in , o ppo- too many guys have made their nents such as Woods began to career out of using a certain speak out more, saying long piece of equipment that they're putters violated the spirit of the suddenly going to take away game and reduced the need from them."


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for steady hands. There is currently no specific rule against


• •

Peter Dawson, chief executive of the R&A, based in St. Andrews, Scotland, said his group and the USGA are focused on a player's stroke, not the club itself. "Anchoring is what we're looking at, method of stroke," Dawson told reporters after Els, 43, used a belly putter to win the British Open in July. "It's all about putting around a fixed pivot point, whether that fixed pivot point is in your belly or under your chin or on your chest. I don't distinguish between the two." Having used a belly putter since 2004, Simpson, 27, is among those players opposed to a ban. However, he recently began practicing with a traditional-length putter in case a change is implemented. "I'll be ready," he said. "We all know that the R&A and USGA like to keep the game as original as possible. It's nothing personal and I know they are trying to do it for the betterment of the game. But, I don't think it's a good decision." When Bradley, 26, jammed the end of a 43-inch-long Callaway Golf Co. club against his stomach to win the 2011 PGA Championship, it was the first time one of golf's four major titles was won with a putting method in which the top of the shaft is anchored to a player's


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IN BRIEF Incomes rise in Central Oregon Per capita personal incomes rose in all three Central Oregon counties between 2010 and 2011, according to data

released Mondayby the U.S. Bureau of Eco-

nomic Analysis. The averageDeschutes County resident earned $37,084 in 2011,

up from $35,874 the year before, according to the data.

Crook County residents earned anaverage of $30,496 in 2011,

compared with $28,872 in 2010. In Jefferson County,

the average resident earned $27,875 in 2011,

versus $26,722 the year before. The wages for Crook and Jefferson counties are all-time highs, according to the BEA data, which has been tracked

annually since 1969.

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onSumer mn i enee a


By Christopher S. Rugaber The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — U.S. consumer confidence rose this month to its highest level in almost five years, helped by a better outlook for hiring over the next six months. The Conference Board said Tuesday that its consumer confidenceindex rose to 73.7 in November from 73.1 in October. Both are the best readings since February 2008. The index is still below the level of 90 that is consistent with a healthy economy. It last reached that point in December 2007, the first month of the Great Recession. But the index has increased from the all-time low of 25.3 touched in February 2009. Higher consumer confi-

es i n dence could translate into a more robust holiday shop-

ping season and stronger economic growth. Consumer spending drives nearly 70 percent of economic activity. The report also supported the findings of a separate survey from the University of Michigan released last week, which showed consumer sentiment at a five-year high. Still, both surveys increased at slower rates than the previous month. Americans are growing more optimistic because they see the job market improving, the Conference Board said. Employers added 171,000 jobs in October and m ore jobs were created in August and September than first thought. SeeConfidence/E3


Ideologiesexpected 2 e a r Sto clash at conference Confidencerises The consumer confidence index rose to 73.7 in November, its highest level since February 2008. It remains well below 90, the level that indicates a

healthy economy. 90

November 73.7

80 70

60 50 40


—Recession I

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: The Conference Board The Associated Press

By Eric Pfanner New York Times News Service

PARIS — Every time an Internet user watches "Gangnam Style" on YouTube, packets of digital data course through the global telecommunications system,

converging on an iPhone, a tablet or a laptop. Having missed out on most of the lucrative revenue that the explosion of digital contenthas generated for Internet companies, telecommunications providers in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere now want to charge them for carrying this traffic. No way, the content providers say. This commercial and ideological clash is set for a showdown next week, when

representativesofmore than 190 governments, along with telecommunications companies and Internet groups, gather in Dubai for a oncein-a-generation meeting. The ostensible purpose of the World Conference on International Telecommunications is to update a global treaty on technical standards needed to, say, connect a telephone call from Tokyo to Timbuktu. The previous conference took place in 1988, when the Internet was in its infancy and telecommunications remained a highly regulated, mostly analog business. Critics of the International Telecommunication Union, the U.N. agency that is organizing the meeting, see a

darker agenda. SeeInternet/E4

Deschutes County

wages peakedat $39,216 in 2008, before dropping to $35,204 the


following year. All three counties have seenaverage pay


increase in 2010 and

2011, after declining in 2009 as the recession

depressed wages in Central Oregon.


Medical office to open in Redmond

inHP's ,

, t//,~g W~~ -!


Mosaic Medical, a Central Oregon non-

lashes out

profit health care center,

has leased building space for an office in Redmond, according to a news release from Compass Commercial


By Michael Liedtke The Associated Press


Real Estate Services.

The care provider, founded in 2002 in Prineville, has offices in Bend, Prineville and

Madras. The new Redmond office is located at111 N.W. Larch Ave., across the street from St. Charles-Redmond. It is expected to open in March.

Gasoline prices drop in Oregon

Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin

The average price of a gallon of regular gasoline dipped to $3.48 this

Brycen Glenn, 11, and other students use computersTuesday at the Boys & Girls Club of Bend. Technology is an important part of education as students enter middle school, said Derek Beauvais, the club director for the Boys & Girls Club of Bend. The club has partnered with BendBroadband in a plan to give about 20 Bend families with middle school students access to computers and the Internet through a program called Connect2Compete.

week, down from $3.52

legal proceedings about

last week, according to data from AAA of Or-

egon/Idaho. The state drop came amid a roughly half-cent

rise in national prices, up to about $3.42 versus an average of $3.41 last week.

The gap between Oregon's averageprices and the national average has shrunk considerably since the summer. A gal-

lon of gas in Oregoncost $4.23 in June, 66 cents higher than the national

$3.57 averagethen. — From staff reports

Holiday shopping Americans spent more over the four-day weekend than they did a

yearago. THANKSGIVING WEEKEND SHOPPING (Stores and online)

• BendBroadband teamsupwith the Boys 8Girls Club to give low-incomestudents computers, Internet access By Rachael Rees The Bulletin

Three low-income Bend families have gained access to the Internet through a partnership b etween B endBroadband and the Boys 8 Girls Club of Bend. The digital literacy program, modeled on a national nonprofit initiative called Connect2Compete, is aiding low-income Bend families with middle school students by providing them with discounted, refurbished computers and broadband service.

The pilot program is expected to reach at least 20 more families. "In Deschutes County and Central Oregon we have excellent broadband deployment," said Amy Tykeson, CEO and president of BendBroadband, the Bend cable TV, Internet and telephone company. "About 100 percent have access to broadband, but about 89 percent actually have Internet at home. Why doesn't that 11 percent have Internet?" Tykeson attributed the digital divide to

three primary reasons:People can't afford it, they don't have a computer or they don't have digital literacy skills. "Being a local company, we feel we can make a difference for those families with school-age kids that don't have that opportunity right now for broadband at home," Tykeson said. BendBroadband is providing free installation, free modems and two years of high-speed Internet for $9.95 a month through the program, she said. The Boys & Girls Club of Bend is identifying the families that are eligible and helping them through the application process. SeeConnect/E3

2011 2012 Millions of shoppers 2 26 2 4 7 Average spent overall $398 $423 Average spent online $150 $172 Percentage spent online 38% 4 1 % Total spent (in billions)$52.4 $59.1 Note: Number of shoppers is the sum of daily totals People who shopped multiple days are counted for each day they

shopped. Source: National Retail Federation AP

SAN FRANCISCO — An executive vilified by Hewlett-Packard Co. on allegations of an accounting ruse is escalating his counter-attack on the company accusing him. In a letter to HP's board released Tuesday, former Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch fiercely defended his integrity. He also questions whether HP is using the charges of financial shenanigans to cover up damage caused by its own ineptitude. HP fired back with a statement that predicted its findings of misconduct will be proven in anticipated

Steeringchildren toward fruitfulcareers By Cindy Krischer Goodman The Miami Herald

t o pu rsue this interest, or stron gly steer her in another d i r e tcion.

M y daughter, a high-school junior, wants to be a Today, coaching teacher. That doesn't AT ItoRK our kids about career sit well with my huspaths is complicated. band, who worries Many of my reporter a bout the state of education and editor friends who wita nd the job outlook. He and nes s ed an overhaul of the I regularly debate whether medi'a world are highly opwe should encourage her posed to their kids becoming

journalists. Where parents of the past pushed their kids to follow in their footsteps, we want the generation of college-bound kids we raise to go where the jobs will be. American workers' experiences during the recession and the uncertainty of the globaleconomy have made many of us more opinionated

about what careers our kids pursue. We have witnessed job loss and burnout. We have seen highlyeducated professionals such as lawyers and bankers lose their jobs. And worse, we have seen college graduatingclasses face an overwhelmingly tough employment arena. SeeCareers/E3

the dispute. Lynch's missive represented his most extensive remarks since HP accused him last week of deceiving the company aboutthe growth of Autonomy, a business software maker that HP bought for $10 billion last year. He had previously denied HP's accusations in interviews with various news organizations. HP absorbed an $8.8 billion charge to reflect Autonomy isn't worth what the company paid. About $5 billion of that charge stemmed from improper accounting, according to HP. "Can HP really state that no part of the $5 billion write-down was, or should be, attributed to HP's operational and financial mismanagement of Autonomy since the acquisition?" Lynch wondered in his letter. He demanded that HP's board provide more specifics about how it arrived at its calculations. The Autonomy mess has deepened a steep decline in HP's stock price, which has cut the Palo Alto, Calif., company's market value in half since the beginning of the year. HP had already

been struggling because its personal computer and printer businesses have been faltering as more people buy smartphones and tablet computers. See HP/E3


HP Continued from E1 HP's stock fell 38 cents Tuesday to close at $12.36. HP CEO Me g W h i t man said last week that she fired Lynch in May because Autonomy wasn't hitting its financial targets. After Lynch d eparted, Whitman said a whistleblower t r iggered an

Connect Continued from E1 Requirements for families to participate in Connect2Compete include having middle school students who are members of the Boys & Girls Club, meeting the club's scholarship requirements and qualifying forfree or reduced lunch, said Derek Beauvais,club director for the Boys & Girls Club of Bend. "As children make the transition from elementary school to middle school, technology becomes alarger part of their education process," Beauvais said, referring to why middle schoolstudents are being selected. "People who are low-

Careers Continued from E1 While it's true that a college degreeusually guarantees better wages, the mantra of parents clearlyhas become: Can you land a decent-paying job with that degree? As parents, we're just beginning to understand that the next generation will have to navigate the workplace differently. Experts forecast that workers starting out now will switch careers — that's careers, not jobs — an average of more than three times during their lives. Should parents, then, worry less about guiding our kidsinto careers and focus more on helping our kids identify skills to succeed in the new economy? Whether my daughter becomes a teacher or an engineer, her success likely will come from a mastery of technology, languages and communica-

extensive investigation that culminated in H P's conclusion that it had been duped before it agreed to buy the British company. HP said it has handed its findings over to securities regulators in the U.S. and the U.K., as well as the U.S Justice Department. Even if authorities don't file charges, HP said it plans to take legal action against the

people it believes manipulated Autonomy's finances. "We look forward to hearing Dr. Lynch and other former Autonomy employees answer questionsunder penalty of perjury," HP said in a statement. The honorific in HP's statement refers to L y nch's doctorate in computing. HP, meanwhile, faces at least one shareholder lawsuit.

On Monday, a s t ockholder who owns 200 shares accused HP of concealing problems with A utonomy an d o t h er acquisition. Lynch said he wished he had been given a chance to help "make HP great again. I have been truly saddened by the events of the past months, and

income don't typically have as much access to technology, including the hardware or access to Internet. So this program will enable them to be academically competitive with their peers." Some families just n eed a computer,others need Internet, and some need both, Beauvais said. A fter f a m i lies a r e ap p roved, Beauvais said t h e club purchasesthe computers and sends the applications to BendBroadband so I n ternet service can be installed. Discounted computers will cost families $150, but for those who can't afford it, Beauvais said,a $4,000 scholarship fund — $2,000 donated by b oth

BendBroadband and the Partnership to End Poverty — will cover the cost. The p r o gram of f i c ially launched Sept. 17, Beauvais said. About a month later the first computer was delivered and broadband service was installed. Beauvais said three families have completed the application, and about 24 more are in the application process. Of the three families, all have acquired Internet access and two have received computers. Participation with the first Bend families is part of a pilot program, Tykeson said. "Everybody realizes what a difference this can make for some of the families here in

Central Oregon," she said. "If we were somehow able to provide broadband service to all of these children that don't have it at h ome, and/or need a computer, that would be a w o n derful accomplishment, but I think it is a challenge to identify the right families and provide the kind of support they need to get them connected to these resources." In January, she expects to evaluate the p ilot p r ogram with the help of the Boys & Girls Club to determine how to expand Connect2Compete into other areas of Central Oregon.

tions skills. Most importantly, she will need the mind-set to be a problem solver, innovator, risk taker and self-marketer. She will need to be prepared to continuously acquire new skills, a lesson my generation has learned the hard way. "We are fooling ourselves to think young people will get a degree and spend the next 20 years at a single company or in a single industry," said John Swartz, regional director of careerservices at Everest College, which has campuses in 30 cities. "They will have to be more focused on dealing with change. In this new world order, they have to follow the jobs in demand, acquire the right skills or at least transferable skills, and know that the skill set needed might change." For example, Swartz said,

later were able to apply those skills to other jobs in health care. "Parents need to help their kids soul-search, then support their decision whatever they choose, understanding

will help her gain a skill she can use in any profession — problem-solving. He also has been brutally honest with her about the demands of the profession and its job prospects. "Law is a wonderful profession; however, it's time-consuming. You don't have the ability to control your time in the same way you do in other professions." A lvarez explained to h i s daughter that supply and demand will dictate whether there will be jobs when she graduates, and he encouraged her to have a back-up plan. In coaching our kids about career paths, business ownership has become an increasingly realistic back-up plan. I recently attended the Women's Success Summit i n M i a m i. A panel of female business owners spoke about their experiences growing profitable businesses after having earlier careers. These women saw opportunity later in life and took

he has seen young people get training to become medical assistantsbecause they have a passion to help others. They

requires more skill," Swartz sa>d. Cesar Alvarez, executive chairman of Greenberg Traurig law firm, factors this concept into how he advises his four children, ages 28, 27, 22 and 21. For centuries, the law profession has attracted smart, principled men and women. Yet in the past few years, we've seen lawyers underemployed, law partners burned out and law school graduates without jobs. I asked Alvarez whether he has encouraged any of his children to enter the legal profession. Alvarez said he has a daughter in her second year of law school. But rather than encour-

agingher to become a lawyer, hehassuggestedthatlawschool


cen t er

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• •

Warehouse Prices


Colsprtw Costco

CrattBrew FLIRSys HewlettP HmFedlD Intel

Keycorp Kroger Lattice LaPac MDURes MentorGr Microsoft

YTD Div PE Last Chg%Chg

.53 ... 12.36 -.38 -5zo

StancrpFn .24f 56 11.14 +.33 +7.1 Starbucks .90 9 1 9.93 +.05 -1 7.8TriQuint .20 9 8. 2 3 -.25 +7.0 Umpqua .60f 23 24.86 +.25 +z6 US Bancrp 14 3.96 -J1 -33.3 WashFed 17.03 -.58 +111.0 WellsFargo .69f 18 20.51 +.07 -4.4 WstCstBcp 13 14.47 —.08 +6.7 Weyerhsr

Div PE Last Chg%chg 1.68f 21 1.08 17 1.82t 19 .08 2 .80 13 1.68 37 .12 20 .70 8 .75 27 1.56 29 .93I 11 .84f 28 .36 14 .78 11 .32 13 .88 10 .20 13 .68i 46

Confidence among households earning $50,000 and Continued from E1 higher slipped to 88 from 91.7 The Conference Board sur- in October. But among the veyed approximately 2,500 poorest households, those households in the first two earning less than $15,000, weeks of the month. Those confidence jumped to 56.2 surveyed were asked how from 50.2. they felt about the economy Many of the participants in and job market now, as well the Michigan survey said they as where they see both going expect the u n employment in six months. They were also rate to drop over the next six asked if they planned to make months. Still, some expressed a major purchase or take a va- concerns about the " fiscal cation in the next six months. cliff," a package of sharp The survey found that most tax increases and spendpeopleviewed current condi- ing cuts that will take effect tions the same as in October. next year unless Congress But the percentage of Ameri- and the White House can recans who expect more jobs place them. The tax increases to be available in the next six would leave consumers with months roseto 20.3 percent, much less money to spend. from 19.7 percent in October. A better housing market And th e p e rcentage of may also be contributing to Americans who say jobs are consumers'bettermood. "plentiful" rose to 11.2 percent Standard & P oor's/Casefrom 10.4 percent in the previ- Shiller r e ported T u esday ous month. That's the highest that its 20-city index of home level in four years and a good prices rose 3 percent in Sepsign for hiring this month. tember compared with the More Americans said they same month last year. Prices plan to buy a home, an appli- also gained 3.6 percent in the ance or take a vacation, the July-Septemberquartercomsurvey found. About 6.9 per- pared with the same quarter cent said they planned to buy in2011. a home, the highest on record. Across the nation, prices But the percentage expecting increased in 18 of 20 cities to buy a car fell. over the 12-month period.

it because they believed they could make money on their own terms using skills they acquired over decades. Ginny Simon, founder of Ginnybakes, which sells organ-

the course. In guidingher four sons, ages 24 to 17, Simon said she advises them to think broadly about the education and skills they go after, leaving themselves ic, gluten-free baked goods and leeway to be opportunistic. "I mixes, said she would encour- tell my sons, 'Do not lock yourage an aspiring entrepreneur selves in too tightly. Make sure to get a business education. But there's room for movement in she said the key skill they will whatever field you choose.'" need in entrepreneurship is As a parent, I also want listening. Simon found a niche my daughter to have enough in the market as a holistic nu- room in her choice to create tritionist when she listened to the kind of work-life balance what her clients were seeking. that allows her to earn a good Even without abusiness degree, paycheck without sacrificing she has landed her products on family, health or sanity. I guess the shelves of major chains by we both should be prepared for understanding trends, staying a career exploration process flexible and having enough that may be rife with twists and passion for her products to stay turns — and opportunities.

0' b m

C T otalcare

97.01 -.65 +.7 5456 -.08 +9.0 43.28 +.05 -9.7 10.03 +.42 +1 20.9 4357 -JO +15.2 1.22 +.01 -36J 41.74 -.29 +14.2 179.05 +.60 +8.7 16.54 +.13 -21.4 27.15 -.93 -35.8 157.15 -.84 +76.0 33.64 -.16 -8.5 50.21 -.68 +9.1 4.60 -.01 -5.5 0.76 -.14 -5.1 32.10 -.29 +18.7 16.22 -.08 +15.9 32.63 -.27 +18.4 21.85 +.01 +40J 26.56 ... +42.3



.92f 15 27.08 —.31 +4.3

Preeious metals P r ime rate Metal





NY HSBC BankUS NY Merc Gold NY Merc Silver


$1749.00 $1749.50 $34538

Last Previousday Aweekago

3.25 3.25 3.25

Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg BschMotn 832599 10.72 -1.26 Facebookn 811792 2615 +.21 SiriusXM 568539 2.70 -.06 Cisco 52 4211 18.96 +.05 Intel 442 859 'l9.93 +.05

GainerS (S2ormore) GetlleIs (S2 or more) GainerS IS2ormore) Name L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %Chg GCSaba 4 .20 +1.05 +33.3 Arrhythm 2.40 +.45 +23.1 AcadiaPh 5.43 +353+136.1 Ralcorp 88.80+18.57 +26.4 PacBkrM g 5.44 +.91 i20J Immersion 6.32+t63 +34.8 CitiR2K9-14 u.60 t1.31 +12.7 Ever-Glory 2.20 +.25 i12.8 FstFnB wt 5.47 +.73 +15.4 Edenor 2. 0 3 + .22 +12.2SL Ind 1 8 .77 +1.45 +8.4 MonstrBvs 51.97 +6.09 +13.3 ZuoanFash 3.26 +.29 +9.8 IncopR 3 . 3 5 +.25 +8.1TransceptP 5.31 +.62 +13.2 LOSerS tS2ormore) LOSerS tS2or more) LOSerS tS2ormore) Name L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %Chg

McMoRn 858 -1.47 -15.2 MexcoEn ChinaDigs 2.07 -.28 -11.9 Vsngo Thorlnds 38.60 -5.00 -11.5 RareEleg NBGreece 2 08 -.21 -9 2 GoldRsvg IRSA 7.04 -.59 -7.7 Augustag

Diary Advanced Declined Unchanged Totalissues NewHighs NewLows

5.31 3.52 3.36 313 2.60

-.40 -7.0 Synutra 4.23 -.54 n 1.3 -.23 -6.1 RschMotn 1 0.72 -1.26 n 0.5 -.20 -5.6 ChinBAK rs 2.38 -.27 -10.2 -.17 -5.2 Bazaarvcn 9 46 -.98 -9 4 -.14 -5.1 NexstarB 10.21 -.95 -8.5

Diary 1,346 Advanced 1,697 Declined 116 Unchanged 3559 Total issues 105 New Highs 12 New Lows

Diary 203 226 35 464 10 7


Indexes Nasdag

CheniereEn 67592 15.62 +.34 Vringo 3 5 032 3 52 -.23 Rentech 28587 z82 +.07 NwGoldg 21513 10.22 -J2 NA Pall g 20648 1.51 +.07


Most Acttve (Sc or more) Most Acttve (Ss or more) Most Acttve (St or more) BkofAm 1439452 9.66 -.18 SBP500ETF 1151682 14033 -72 NokiaCp 707198 3.17 -.19 SPDR Fncl 483593 15.64 -J4 Corning 403294 12.13 +.78


for appointments

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Market reeap YTD


10 42.27 -.21 +1z6 NikeB 1.16 16 23.20 -.02 -9.9 Nordstrm .04 25 9 .66 -J8 +73.7 NwstNG .52f 29 31.68 +1.27 +58.7 OtficeMax 1.76 13 74.49 +.22 +1.6 Paccar 4.83 -.33 +10.3 PlanarSy 1.40 13 64.96 +.02 +37.7 PlumCrk .88 20 56.72 —.07 +21.8 PrecCastpt 1.10 25 9651 +25 +158 Safeway 48 6.26 —.09 +4.0 Schnitzer .28 14 20.04 +.17 -20.1 Sherwin

$174z20 $33.982


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Northwest stoeks AlaskAirs Avista BkofAm BarrettB Boeing CascdeBcp CascdeC p

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the events of the past week."

Varicose Vein Experts

N ORT H W E ST l ase r

that every good high-wage job

am shocked and appalled by


Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Lows

1,106 1,333 120

2,559 57 27

52.Week High Lo w

N ame

13,661.72 11,232.16 Dow Jones Industrials

5,390.u 4,533.98 DowJonesTransportation 499.82 426.30 DowJonesUtilties 8515.60 6,89858 NYSE Composite 2,509.57 2,I50.17 AmexIndex 3596.93 2,507.72 Nasdaq Composite

1,474.51 1,158.67 S&P 500 15,432.5412,158.94 Wilshire5000 868.50 677.82 Russell2000

Net Last Chg

YTD 52-wk % Chg %Chg % Chg

-89.24 -7.42 +.30

-.69 +5.41 t1 1.44 -55 + 1.14 +7 . 56 +.07 -3.98 + 2.08


-.57 +9.01


-.09 +4.70 +8 . 84 -.30 +13.92 +17.98 -.52 +11.24 +17.05

12,878.13 5,077.07 446.18 8,150.77 2,385.46 2,967.79 1,398.94

14,649.39 807.74

World markets

-8.99 -7.35 -62.57 -1.28

+ 14.00

-.43 +0 .06 +16.72 -.16 +9.02 + 16.04


Here ishow keyinternational stock markets KeycurrencyexchangeratesTuesday compared withlate Monday in NewYork. performed Tuesday. Market Close %Change Dollarvs: E x changeRate Pvsoay Amsterdam Brussels Paris London Frankfurt HongKong Mexico Milan NewZealand Tokyo Seoul Singapore Sydney Zurich

33z92 2,404.94

3,50z13 5,799.71 7,332.33 21,844.03 41,768.72 15,479.81 4,009.61 9,423.30 1,925.20 3,011.91 4,473.39 6,176.98

+.61s +.18s +.03s +.22 s +.55s -.08 -.26 t -.26 t -.06 t +.37 s +.87 s +.25 s +.67s +.42s

AustraliaDollar BritainPound CanadaDollar ChilePeso ChinaYuan EuroEuro HongKongDollar

Japan Yen MexicoPeso RussiaRuble So. KoreaWon SwedenKrona SwitzerlndFranc TaiwanDollar

1.0448 1.6018 1.0057 .002081 .1606 1.2934 .1290 .012170 .076831 .0322 .000919 J494 1.0742 .0343

1.0458 1.6018 1.0064 .002078 .1605 1.2963 .1290 .012169 .076850 .0322 .000921 J 512 1.0768 .0344

Selected mutual funds YTD HiYldBd 7.97 +0.01 +14.3 Lgcap p 16.82 -0.06+12.5 Fidel 35.38 -0.18 +14.3 TotMktAdr4084 -0.18 +134 CapApp 42.01 -0.14 +13.0 Lord Abbelt C: RisingDivA17.16 -0.06 +10.5 EmMktS 32.27-0.06 +13.2 TotRetBdl 10.31 + 12s Windsor 49.59 -0.23 +16.3 TotlntAdmr23.98 -0.1 2+11.6 Name NAV Chg%Ret Cohen &Steers: FPA Funds: RtRateHir 9.93+0.01 +6.1 USBondI 11.94 i0.01 +4.3 IVA Funds: S hDurlncct4.67 + 5 . 3S&MdcpVI31.37 -0.13 +5.9 Eqlnc 25.84 -0.12 +13.8 Templeton Inslit: WdsrllAd 51.33 -0.26 +13.5 Totlntllnst r9593 -0.47 +11.7 Rltyshrs 6647 -032 +110 N ewlnco 10.62 +2 . 0 G NMA u.78 +2. 9 First Eagle: Wldwideln624 401 +57 Lord Abbelt F: Oppenheimer8: Eqlndex 37.82-0.19 +13.2 ForEqs 19.09 -0.01 +12.2 VanguardFds: Amer Centuy Inv: FPACres 28.50 -0.07 +7.3 Govtlnc 1064 +0.01 +29 GlblA 4916 -004 +90 InvescoFundsA: S htDurlnco 4 64 + 6 . 1RisingavB1550 -006 +9.6 Groe(h 37.1 6-0.12 +16.7 Thornburg Fds: Cap0pp 33.75 -0.11 +14.4 TotlntllPr 9595-0 47 +11.7 Eqlnc 7 .82 -0.03 +9.6 ColumbiaClassZ: 2235 +0.02 +98 CmstkA 17.17 -0.08 i14.2 MFS FundsA: s&Mdcpvl2650 -010 +5s Hlthsci 42.09-0.18 +29.1 IntValA p 26.53 + 1 1.5Dsdsro 1650 -0.07 +8.2 500 1 29A4 -0.67 +13.3 Growthl 27.56 -008 n2.2 AcomZ 3091 -005 +135 Farholme 29.72 -0.35 +28.4 Groco 9466 -041 +170 OverseasA p18.47 -0.06 +7.9 Energy 5891 -056 -01 TotBnd 11sa+0.01 +4.1 Grolnc 2079 -010 cs6 Forum Funds: EqlncA 9.09 -0.03 +10.8 TotRA 15.04 -0.04 +9.4 OppenheimerC&M: HiYield 6.87 +0.01 +12.7 IncBuildC Ultra 25.77 -0.11 +12.4 AcomlntZ 40so +0.03+17.5 FederatedInsll: Credit SuisseComm: TotRetsd 11.63 +0.02 +6.4 GrowCOF9471 -0.41 +17.2 Absstrlr 1 1.19 + 1. 3 GrlncAp 20.58 -0.10 +11.9 ValueA 25.07 -0.12 n3.4 as>ngDvcp1544-006 +97 InstlcpG 18.46-0.05 +14.5 IntValue I 27.14 +0.01 +11.9 Eqlnc 2392 -on +116 American FundsA: Frnk A: OppenheimerRoch: Explr 7886 412 +104 Totllntl 14 34 -0 07 +1 AmcpAp 21.12 -0.07 +12.6 ComRett 8.31 +0.05 +1.6 strvalDvls 4.99 -0.01 +6.0 GrovrthCO K9469 -0.41 +17.2 Frank/Temp HYMuA 10.27 +0.02 +15.0 MFS FundsI: IntlBond 10.07-0.02 +5.6 Tweedy Browne: Fidelity Advisor k p 12.99+0.02 +10.5 Ivy Funds: Valuel 2519 -012 +13.6 RcNtMuAx 773 +0.02 +198 Intl G&l 12.61-0.05 +9.5 GblValue 25.17 +0.04 +15.2 G NMA n.oo +2 s TotStk 34.99 AMutlAp 2798 -0.09 +'I0.0 DFA Funds: H>ghlnc r 9.25 +0.01 +12.6 FedTFA OppenheimerY: HYCorp 6.03 +1 2 .2 Vanguardlnstl BalAp 20n 406 +121 IntlcorEq 10s0 -005 rn 6 Nwlnsgh p22.48 -0.08 +14.0 Intsd 1 1.16 i0.01 +4.9 GrwlhAp 49.58 -0.11 +11.1 Assetsct 2469+003 +14.1 MFS FundsInsll: Intlstk 1396 -0.01 +136 VanguardAdmiral: 12.07 -004 +13.4 StrlnA 12.75 +0.02 +9.2 IntmMu 10.77 i0.01 +5.8 HYTFA p 11.15 +0.02 +12.7 AssetstAp2558 +003 +149 IntlEq 18.41 -0.03 +15.6 DevMktY 3358 -006+159 Midcap 5833 -034 +106 BalAdml 23.56 -0.06 +9.8 Hlthcre 145.24 -0.57 +12.9 Ballnst 23.56 BondAp 1297+0.02 +58 USCorEq1 IntlDisc 32.13 + 1 6.4IncomAp 2.18 -0.01 +10.1 Assetstrl r 25.85+0.04+15.1 MainStay Fundsk IntlBdY 6.55 +0.01 +9.7 MCapVal 2474-007 +15.7 CAITAdm 11.90 i0.01 +7.8 InflaPro 14.96 +0.03 +7.0 CaplBAp 5265 -011 +100 USCorEq211.93 -0.05 +13.8 Fidelity Advisor I: Davis Funds A: Nwlnsgtl 2280 -009+142 InvGrBd 1'l.70 +0.01 +5 6 R>sDvAp 37.60 -Oss +80 JPMorgan AClass: avldBA 609 +001 +11.3 IntsrowY 2993 +006 +17.3 NAsia l645 +0.01 +183 CpopAdl 77.98 -0.26 +14.4 IntlGr 18.57 -0.08 +13.6 DevMklnst 94S CapWGA p36.27 -0.08 +15.3 InvGB 8 02 +0.01 +6 3 Stratlncp 10.72+001 +109 CoreBdA 1215+0.01 +4.9 ManagersFunds: PIMCOAdminPIMS: r -0.17 +10.6 IntlVal 30.05 -0.19 +1 2.8 Extln 44.60 CapWAp 21.52 -0.01 +6.9 NYVenA 35.36 -0.14 +8.8 Fidelity Freedom: NewEra 4217 -032 +03 EMAdmr 34.58 FF201 0 14 25 -0 01 +9s LgcapVal 11.12 -005 +104 USGovAp 683 +14 JP MorganInsll: Yacktman p18.94 -0.08 +9.5 TotRtAd 11.60 +0.02 +9.6 N Horiz 3490 -Os3 +125 Energy 110.64 -1.06 ITIGrade 10.49+002 +90 Grwthlst 36.33 EupacAp 40.24+003 n44 Davis FundsY: F F2010K 1306 + 9 . 2 EqlnAdmn50s4 -024 +11.6 LowPr 3879 -009+136 Frank/rmp FrnkAdv: MdcpVal 28.14 -0.08 +18.5 YacktFoc 20.37 -0.08 +9.0 PIMCOInstl PIMS: N Inc 9 9 6 +001 +58 Lifecon 1720 -003 +78 FdinvAp 3991 -0.14 +13.9 NYVenY 3580 -014 +9.1 FF2015 n 91 -001 +9.3 LowPnKr 3877 -009+138 GlbsdAdv 13.52 + 14.0 JPMorgan RCl: Manning&Napier Fds: AIASetAut r1129 +0 02 +152 OverSSF 827-003 +130 ExtdAdm 44.60 -0.08 +134 LifeGro 2330 -0.08 +113 Infprolnst n 97 GOVtA p 14 59 +0.01 +2 2 Delaware InvestA: + 1 0.8Coresond 12.15+0.01 +5.3 Wld0ppA 750 -003 +13.2 AIIAsset 1274+001 +12.9 R2010 1657 -003 +103 500Adml129.46 -0.67 +135 LifeMod 2081 405 +95 Instldx 128 61 GwthAp 3366 410 +172 averlncp 9.44 i0.01 +6.5 FF2015K 1312 -001 +9.4 Magelln 72.59 -0.36 +15.5 IncmeAd 2.17 FF2020 14.41 -0.01 +10.1 Midcap 29.12 -0.12 +11.5 Frank/Temp +22 LTIGrade n.09+004 +12.7 InsPI 128.62 Frnk C: s htoursd 11 01 + 1 . 8MergerFd 1589 -002 +1.9 ComodRR 694+0.04 +8.6 R2015 12.88 -003 +n 2 GNMAAd 11.00 HlTrAp 1123 +0.02 +12.4 Dimensional Fds: Metro WeslFds: Divlnc 12 26 +0.03 +13.4 R2020 17.83-005 +12'I GrwAdm 3633 -Os4 +153 Morg 19.72 -0.09 +12.9 IncoAp 17.95 -0.03 +10.2 EmMCrEq1902 407+118 FF2020K 1354 -001 +10.3 Munilnc 13.77 +0.02 +9.1 Incomct 2.20 -0.01 +95 JPMorganSelCls: 31.69 EmMktV 2808 -011 +95 FF2025 11 99 -0 02 +11.2 TotRetBd 11.10 +0.01 +10.8 Hlthcr 61 30 -0.24 +130 NwMktr 17.88 i0.08 +18.1 Frank/Temp Ml l A&B: CoreBd 12.14 +0.01 +5.1 E mgMkcurl0.48 + 7 . 1 R2025 13 05 -004 +127 Mulnt 14.56 +0.01 +6.7 InsTStPlus IntsdAp 13.78+0.01 +2.7 +1 2 3 Prmcpcor 15.00 -0.06 +11.2 M>dCplst 2200 ICAA p 30.24 -0.12 +13.1 IntsmVa 15s9 -006 +13.7 FF2025K 1367 -002 +11.3 OTC 59.01 -0.02 +7.9 sharesA 21.96 -0.05 +11.6 HighYld 8.12+001 +125 TotRtBdl 11.09 >0.01 +11.0 EmMkBd 12.41+0.05 +14.9 R2030 18 74-006 +133 H >Yldcp 6.03 S htoursd 11.01 + 1 . 6Mutual Sesies: HiYld 9 .55 +0.01 +12.4 R2035 13.25-004+136 InfProAd 2938+0.06 +70 Prmcpr 68.97 -0.30 +11.7 STIGrlnst 10.87 NEcoAp 28.49 -0.05 +19.8 USLgVa 22.04 -0.14 +166 FF2030 1428 -001 +11.5 100lndex 'I006 -006 +14.'I Frank/Temp Tempk NPerAp 30.54 -0.05 +16.7 Ussmall 22.98 -0.02 +12.7 FF2030K 13.81 -0.02 +11.6 Puritn 1934 -004 +12s G IBdAp 13.56 + 1 3 7 USLCCrPls22.82 -0.12 +156 GblD>scA2942 -009 +10s InvGrCp 11.36 +0.02 +14.1 R2040 18 84-006 +137 ITBdAdml 12.21 +0.02 +7.1 SelValur 20.99 -0.06 +12.9 SClnst 37.70 GlbDiscZ 2986 -009 +10.4 Lowou 10.M +0.01 +5.8 SIIEB[I 4 85 NwWrldA 5275+001 +144 US SmVa26.48 -0.02 +14.8 FF2035 11.80 -0.02 +12.1 PuritanK 19.33 -005 +122 GrwthAp 18.76 -006+152 Janus TShrs: +27 ITsryAdml 11.82 +0.02 +3.0 STAR 2064 -005 +'I'l.2 61 -0.09 +70 SharesZ 22'Ia -006 +11.9 RealRtnl 1265 +0.02 +9.1 smcpstk 3532-011 +130 IntGrAdm 59.13 -0.25 +13.7 STIGrade 1087 +43 T Blst n 18 SmcpAp 3886 406 +171 Inilsmco 15.22 -0.05 +11.9 FF2035K 13.88 -0.02 +12.3 SAIISecEqF1287 -006+146 WorldAp 15.58 -0.05 +13.4 PrkMCValT21 +0. 9 FF2040 8.24 -0.01 +12.2 SCmdtystrl 912 +004 +1 8 Frank/Temp Tmp8&C: John HancockCI1: Neuberger&BermFds: shortT 99 0 +3.2 smcapval 38 TxExAp 1334+001 +10.1 F>xd 10.35 54 -0.10 +n 8 ITAdml 14.56 i0.01 +6.8 StratEq 2096 406 +143 Tslnst 35 01 IntVa 15.66 -0.11 +91 FF2040K 13.91 -0.03 +12.2 SCmdtystrF9.15 +O.N +2.0 GIBdC p 1359 + 1 3.4LSBal a nc 13.43 -0.03 +11.3 Genesl n st 50.27 -0.09 +8.3 TotRt 11 60 +0 02 +9.8 ITGrAdm 10.49 +0.02 +9.1 TgtRetlnc 1221 401 +73 WshAp 30.81 -0.15 +10.3 Specln 1295 +90 Valuelst 22.40 Glb5FXlnc n 30 +46 Fidelity Invest: Srslntsrw 11.64 + 15.1 GMOTrusl III: LSGrwth 13.34 -004 +120 Northern Funds: PIMCOFundsA: +2 s TgRe20102436 -003 +86 Arlisan Funds: Value 25 91 -0.11 +15.0 L tdTrAd 11.20 HiYFxlnc 745+001 +12.8 AIIAstAut t 11.22+0.02 +14.8 Principal Inv: 2 YGIFxd 1014 +1. 0 AllsectEq 1285 -005 +14.4 SerlntlGrF 11.68 + 15.4 Quahty 23.08 -0.07 +10.7 Lamrd Instl: LTGrAdml11.09 +0.04 +12.8 TgtRe201513.45 -0.03 +9.3 VanguardSigna Intl 23 . 98 +0.03 +20.9 AMgr50 16.27 -0.01 +9.6 SrslntVal 924 -0.02 +14.4 GMO TmslIV: EmgMktl 1911 -004 +137 OakmarkFundsl: RealRtAp 12.65 +0.02 i8.7 LgGGlln 1009 004 +136 LTAdml 11.99 +0.02 +9.5 TgRe202023.85 -006 +100 500sgl 10694 IntlVal r 29.60 +0.06 +18.0 Dodge&Cox: Eqtylncr 28.99 -0.08 +7.2 TotRtA 11.60 +0.02 +9.5 Putnam FundsA MCpAdml99.60 -0.35 +n.7 TgtRe202513.57 -0.04 +10.6 M>dCpldx 31.43 Midcap 38.04 -0.16 +15.5 Balanced 75.81 -0.35 +14.4 AMgr20r 1 3.34 + 6 . 1 SerlntlValF 9.27 -0.02 +14.6 IntllntrVI 2016 -Os3 +79 Longleaf Partners: MidcapVal21 28 -0.06 +80 Income 13.94 +0.01 +7.8 Balanc 20.01 -0.06 +11.4 SrlnvsrdF 'I'l.71 +0.02 +5.7 GMO Trusl Vl: Partners 25.90 -0.15 +13.2 Intl I r 19.87 +0.03 +20.1 PIMCOFundsC: GrlnA p 14.33 008+140 MUHYAdm11.45+0.02 +106 TgRe2030 23.26 -0.08 +11.2 Oakmark 4886 -025+17.2 TotRtC t 11 60 +0.02 +87 RoyceFunds: prmcapr 71.61 -0.31 +n 8 TgtRe203513.98 -0.06 +11.8 STBdldx 10.66 Bernstein Fds: Intlstk 33.07 -0.17 +13.1 BalancedK20.01 -0.05 +11.6 STBF 8 6 0 +001 +23 EmgMkts r11.11 -0.07 +8.0 Loomis Sayles: BluechGr 49.N -0.13 +15.6 LSBondl 1501 401 +128 Old Weslbury Fds: ReitAdmr 90.49 -0.48 +128 Intour 1426 +0.01 +55 Stock n702 -079 +167 Stratlnc 11.41 +001 +94 GoldmanSachsInsl: PIMCOFunds0: PennMulr 1175 0.03 +92 TgtRe20402296 -oso +'l20 Smcpsig 3391 CapAp 29.45 -0.12 +19.6 TOtalBd 1104 +001 +64 H>Yield 7.33 +0.01 +13.3 Strlncc 1535+0.02 +101 Glob0pp 758 +1 2 .8 TRtnp 1160+0.02 +9.6 Premierlr 2009 Os1 +85 S TsyAdml 10.79 + 07 TgtRe20451442 406 +120 TotBdsgl 11.18 avMu 15 00 +0.01 +39 Doubleune Funds: L SBondR 1495 + 1 2 5 GlbSMdcap14.85-0.04 +12.2 PIMCOFunds P: S TBdAdml 1066 + 1 9 BlackRockA: TRB(I I 11.40 NA Cplnc r 9.37 +0.02 +13.7 USBI 1194 +001 +42 HarborFunds: SchwabFunds: USGro 2095 407 +161 +1. 2 Wellsly 2448 -001 +93 TotStksgl 33.79 Eqtyos 1959 408 +95 TRBdNp 11.39 NA Contra 77.15 -0.31 +14.4 Value 73.94 -0.18 +16.5 Bond 13.06 +0.02 +89 StrlncA 15.26 +0.02 +10.8 LgCapstrat 9.75 -0.02 +11.2 AstAIIAuthP11.28+0.02 +15.1 1000lnvr 40 00 Oss +131 S htTrAd 1594 Dreyfus: ContraK 77.18 -0.31 +145 Fidelity Sparlan: CapApl n st 41.81 -0.17 +13.3 Loomis Sayles Inv: Oppenheimerk TotRtnP 11.60 +0.02 +9.8 S TIGrAd 1087 +4 . 4 Welltn 3400 -009 +10.7 Virlus FundsI: GIAIAr 1940 4.06 +7.5 S&P Sel 2220 Os1 +13.4 BlackRock 8&C: Aprec 43.78 -0.22 +9.3 avlntl 29.39 +1 5 .2 500ldxlnv 49.74 -0.25 +13.4 Intllnvt 59.56 -0.32 +14.5 Invsrsdv 12.80 +0.02+11.3 DvMktAp 3388 -006 +15.6 Perm PortFunds: ScoutFunds: SmCAdm 37.70 -0.07 +12.9 Wndsr 14.70 -0.06 +16.2 EmMktl 10 03+0.06 +16.1 GIAICt 18.02 -0.06 +6.8 Eaton Vance I: DivrslntKr 29.38 -0.01 +15.3 500ldx I 49.74 -0.26 +13.5 Intlr 6 0 .29 -0.31 +14.9 Lord AbbetlA: GlobAp 6211 -020 +14.9 Permannt 4915 -013 +6.6 Intl 32 .1 5 0.01 +15.8 TtlBAdml 11.18 +0.01 +4.2 Wndsll 28.91 -0.15 +13.4 Weslem Asset: BlackROckInsll: FltgRt 9 0 9 +7.5 Divsth 29.57 -0.10 +15.1 Fidelily Sparl Adv: Harllord FdsA: AffilAp n 67 -0.07 +12.0 GblQrlncA 4.32 + 1 1.9 Price Funds: Sequoia 163.540.92 +12.4 TstkAdm 35.01 -0.16 +13.5 Vanguard IdxFds: EquityDv 19.64 -0.08 +9.7 GblMacAbR916+001 +3.0 EqInc 46.29 -0.21 +14.3 ExMktAdr 39.66 -0.07 +13.1 CpAppAp 3287 -005 +141 BdDebAp 8.04+0.01 +11.2 IntBdAp 6.55+0.01 +9.2 BIChip 4502 -0.16 +165 TCW Funds: WellslAdm59.30 -0.05 +9.3 ExtMkt I 110.09 -0.20 +13.4 CorePlus I 11.68+0.01 +8.2 GlbAllocr 19.51 -0.06 +7.8 FMI Funds: EQII 19.27 -0.10 +12.6 500ldxAdv49.74 -0.26 +13.5 Harllord HLSIA: S hDurlncA p4.64 + 6 .0 MnstFdA 36.77 -0.16 +14.3 CapApp 23.22 -0.04 +12.6 EmMktln 9.37+0.03 +19.3 WelltnAdm58.72 -0.17 +10.8 MidcplstPI108.54-0.38 +11.8



If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323,email business@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Please allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication.






BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-749-0789. ORGANIZINGWITH OUTLOOK FOR BUSY PEOPLEWEBINAR: Discover how to integrate all the components of Outlook (email, calendar, tasks and contacts) to make your time rich and productive; hosted by SIMPLIFY; registration required; $65; 8 a.m.-9:30 p.m.; Camp Sherman; 503-260-8714 or info© simplifynw.com. BUSINESSAFTERHOURSATTHE OXFORDHOTEL: Reservations required; $25 for chamber members and $45 for nonmembers; 5 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-3823221 or www.bendchamber.org. NETWORK OFENTREPRENEURIAL WOMEN MONTHLY MEETING: An evening of networking, discussions and a workshop hosted by the Network of Entrepreneurial Women; registration required; $22 members and $27 nonmembers; 5-8 p.m.; St. Charles Bend, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-848-8598, amanda.albrich© gmail.com or www.networkwomen

COFFEECLATTER: 8:30-9:30 a.m.; The Plaza, 446 S.W. Seventh St., Redmond. EDWARDJONESCOFFEECLUB: Current market and economic update including current rates; free; 9 a.m.; Starbucks, 61470 U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-617-8861. CENTRALOREGONREAL ESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile©windermere.com. KNOW INTERNETSEARCHING: Reservations recommended; free;12:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-6177050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. FREE TAX FRIDAY: Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax. com;free;2-4 p.m.;Zoom Tax,963 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend; 541-385-9666. KNOW FACEBOOK: Reservations recommended;free;3-4:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org.


HOW TOSTART A BUSINESS: COCC Small Business Development Center workshops for people contemplating business ownership; registration required; $15; 6-8 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. CollegeWay, Bend; 541-383-7290. WHATARETHE LEGALITIES INVOLVED?:Registration required; $15; 6-8 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7290.

THURSDAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-610-9125. REPUTATIONMANAGEMENT AND CRISISPREPARATION FOR BUSINESSES:Learn the importance and the fundamentals of sustaining a strong, ongoing public relations effort, while preparing the company for unexpected crises; registration required; $25 for members and $45 for nonmembers; 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; St. Charles Bend, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-385-1992 or director© adfedco.org. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 2-3:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-6177050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765. GREENDRINKS:Network, learn about other businesses and their sustainability efforts and share a drink or two with like-minded community members; 5-7 p.m.; Anjou Spa & Salon, 225 N.W. Franklin Ave., Suite 3, Bend; 541-382-1138. CCB LICENSE TEST PREP COURSE:Three-day course for contractors; approved by the Oregon Construction Contractors Board and satisfies the educational requirement to take the test to become a licensed contractor in Oregon; course continues Nov. 30and Dec.1; $299;6-9p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E. College Loop, Redmond; 541-383-7290.

Continued from E1 T he b l ogosphere h a s

Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-610-9125. OPEN COMPUTERLAB:2-3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library,601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765. BEND CHAMBERMEMBER HOLIDAYPARTY:Mix and mingle in a relaxed, festive atmosphere with fellow members and celebrate the successes of 2012; registration required; $10 for members; 5 p.m.; HighDesertMu seum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97; 541-382-3221 or www.bendchamber.org.

been raging over supposed p lans led b y R u ssia t o snatch away control of the Internet and hand it to the

U.N.agency. That s eems u n l i kely. Any such move would require an international consensus, and opposition is widespread. Terry Kramer, the U.S. ambassador to the conference, has vowed to veto any change in how the Internet is overseen. Hamadoun Toure, secretary-general of the telecommunications union, has repeatedly said that it has no desire to take over the Internet or to stifle its growth. On the contrary, he says, one of the main objectives of the conference is to spread Internet access to more of the four and a half billion people around the world who still do not use it. And yet, groups as diverse as Google, the Internet Society, the International Trade Union Confederation and Greenpeace warn that the discussions could set a bad precedent, encouraging governments to step up censorship or take other actions that would threaten the integrity of the Internet. "This is a very important moment in the history of the Internet, because this conference may introduce practices that are inimical to its continued growth and openness," Vinton G. Cerf, vice president and chief Internet evangelist at Google, said during a conference call. Google set up a website last week, "Take Action," encouraging visitors to sign a petition for a "free and open Internet."The campaign is modeled on the successful drive last winter to defeat legislative proposals to crack down on Internet piracy in the United States.


OREGON CATTLEMEN'S ASSOCIATIONCONVENTION: The Convention will feature information and updates on production, conservation and sustainability practices, regulation challenges SATURDAY and new information on animal nutrition and health for higher MID-CONSTRUCTIONREMODELING profit margins; registration OPEN HOUSEAND WORKSHOP: required; $15-155;; The Riverhouse Tour the worksite at No. 14 McNary Hotel & Convention Center, 3075 N. Lane in Sunriver and learn about U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 503-361Neil Kelly's services; noon-2 p.m.; 8941 or www.orcattle.com. Neil Kelly, 190 N.E. Irving Ave., OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER Bend; 541-382-7580. PERMITTRAINING:Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission TUESDAY to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; BUSINESSNETWORK Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: www.happyhourtraining.com. Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend CENTRALOREGONREAL ESTATE Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 54 I-420-7377. a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 OPEN COMPUTERLAB:3-4:30 p.m .; Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile©windermere.com. Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. KNOW EMAILFOR BEGINNERS: 1-2:30p.m.;Redmond Public SMALL BUSINESSCOUNSELING: Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; SCORE business counselors will 54 I-312-1050. be available every Tuesday for FREETAXFRIDAY: Freetax return free one-on-one small business counseling; no appointment reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax. necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, com;free;2-4 p.m .;Zoom Tax,963 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend; www.scorecentraloregon.org. 541-385-9666. HOT MARKET,SELLER'SMARKET: KNOW EXCELFOR BEGINNERS: An overview of selling your home in 3-4:30p.m.;Redmond Public Central Oregon's real estate market, Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; with speaker Peggi Schoning; RSVP 541-312-1050. requested; two cans of food per person; 6-7 p.m.; Deschutes County Title Co., 397 Upper Terrace Drive, SATURDAY Bend; 541-788-4100.

A matter of business Analysts say the outcry over censorship and Internet governance is a red herring; the real business of the conference is business.

"The far bigger issue — largely obscured by this discussion — are proposals that are more likely to succeed that envision changing the way we pay for Internet services," Michael Geist, an Internet law professor at the University of Ottawa, said by email. In one submission to the conference, the European Telecommunications N e twork Operators' Association, a lobbying group based in Brussels that represents companies like France Telecom, Deutsche Telekom and Telecom Italia, p roposed that network operators be permittedto assess charges for content providers like Internet video companies that use a lot of bandwidth. Analysts say the proposal is an acknowledgment by telecommunications companies that t hey c annot compete in the provision of digital content. "The telecoms realize that they have lost the battle," said Paul Budde, an independent t e l ecommunications analyst in Australia. "They are saying, 'We can't beat the Googles and the Facebooks, so let's try to charge them.'" The European lobbying group says that w i thout

Dec. 8

WEDNESDAY Dec. 5 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-749-0789.

OREGON CATTLEMEN'S ASSOCIATIONCONVENTION: The Convention will feature information and updates on production, conservation and sustainability practices, regulation challenges and new information on animal nutrition and health for higher profit margins; registration required; $15-155;; The Riverhouse Hotel 8 Convention Center, 3075 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 503-3618941 or www.orcattle.com.



OREGON CATTLEMEN'S ASSOCIATIONCONVENTION:The Convention will feature information and updates on production, conservation and sustainability practices, regulation challenges and new information on animal nutrition and health for higher profit margins; registration required; $15-155;; The Riverhouse Hotel & Convention Center, 3075 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 503-3618941 or www.orcattle.com. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING:

Dec. 10


TECHNOLOGY PETTINGZ00: noon; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050.

TUESDAY Dec. 11 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377.

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Screenshot from www.google.com/takeaction/

Google launched a webslte last week called "Take Action," which encourages visitors to sign a petition for a "free and open Internet." the new fees, there will be no money to invest in the network upgrades needed to deal with a surge in traffic. Regulators have required European telecommunications operators to open their networks to rivals, and the market for broadband is fiercely competitive, with rock-bottom prices.

fore the 12-day conference has focused on a proposal from Russia that would effectively remove control of the Internet's infrastructure from a collection of decentralized and apolitical organizations, mostly based in the United States. "Member states, "Russia proposed, "shall have equal rights to manage the Internet, includClashing models ing in regard to the allotment, In the United States, by con- assignment and reclamation of trast, most telecommunications Internet numbering, naming, companies have been permit- addressing and identification ted to maintain local monopo- resources." lies — or duopolies, with cable Those functions are percompanies — in broadband, formed by the Internet Corp. keeping prices higher. And U.S. for Assigned Names and Numregulators have ordered broad- bers, a private organization band providers to give equal with an i nternational board priority to all Internet traffic. that operates under contract Such "network neutrality" is in- with the U.S. government. compatible with charging conRussia also proposed that "member states shall have the tentproviders forcarriage. Analysts say this may ex- sovereign right to establish and plain why U.S. telecommuni- implement public policy, incations companies have not cluding international policy, on joined the European call for a matters of Internet governance, new business model. and to regulate the national InPeoplewhohavebeenbriefed ternet segment, as well as the on theconference submissions activities within their territory say that not a single European of operating agencies providg overnment delegation h a s ing Internet access or carrying endorsed thetelecommunica- Internet traffic." tions operators' proposal, and This was widely interpreted the European Parliament has as a call to legitimize domestic passed a resolution denounc- censorship of the Internet. Yet ing it. Only governments, not analysts note that governments private groups or companies, inclined to filter the Web, like can put items on the meeting China and Iran, have not felt agenda. the need to wait for U.S. perElsewhere, the idea may mission to do so. have wider support. W hile In any case, Kramer, the U.S. many documents prepared for envoy to the conference, said the conferenceremain secret, he would reject the Russian several people who have seen proposals as well as those from submissionssay there isbroad telecommunications c o mpasupport for Internet connection nies to charge content providfees in French-speaking Af- ers. Like most U.N. agencies, rica and among Arab nations the telecommunications union — countries in which many customarily operates by contelecommunications c o mpa- sensus, so there is little chance nies are still owned or heavily that any p r oposal drawing regulated by governments. broad opposition could end up Much of the attention be- in the final document.

Aaron Meyer Concert Roclz Violinist Christmas Concert

TheB u lletin

at Broken Top Club

BANKRUPTCIES Chapter 7 Filed Nov. 20

Sean M. Klger,60831Sawtooth Mountain Lane, Bend Gary M. Cordes,2054 N.W .Ivy Place, Redmond Filed Nov. 21

Steven Bailey,20850 89th St., Bend Mark E. Carmichael,63215 Cimarron Drive, Bend William R. Peacock,20936 Desert Woods, Bend Filed Nov. 22

Ann M. Bell,141N.W. Portland Ave. Apt 5, Bend

Filed Nov. 26

Donna L. Hegg,24884 Cultus Lane, Bend Dennis J. Anderson,20366 Silver Sage St., Bend Klffany Horton,63245 Logan Ave., Bend Karen L. Mayo,528 N.W. 17th St., No. 29, Redmond Todd T. Smith,687 N.W. Pinkston Court, Prineville Chapter 13 Filed Nov. 21 Ronald W. Figglns,20001 McClellan Road, Bend Filed Nov. 26

Ronald M. Johnson,11453 N.W. Lister Ave., Prineville


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Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 54 t -385-5809 WANTED: RAZORS, Double or singleedged, straight razors, shaving

brushes, mugs & scuttles, strops, shaving accessories & memorabilia. Fair prices paid.

Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows


" ~






Furniture & Appliances

Guns, Hunting 8 Fishing

Misc. Items

Fuel & Wood

Lost & Found

German Shorthair AKC The Bulletin recom- Pups, bred to hunt! $550. TheBulletin mends extra caution recommends extra each. 541-598-6988 when purc h asloato na 0 Golden Retrievers, Ening products or serchasing products or • glish Cream 4M, 4F, vices from out of the services from out of I $700-$750. area. Sending cash, l the area. Sending l 541-279-6820. checks, or credit inI cash, checks, or ' f ormation may b e I credit i n f o rmation High Quality, Affordsubjected to fraud. may be subjected to able Spay 8 Neuter I FRAUD. For more For more i nformafor your pets! Pets tion about an adverinformation about an l who are fixed live 2 tiser, you may call advertiser, you may years longer! C a ll the O r egon State I call t h e Ore g onI today 541-617-1010 Attorney General's ' State Attor ney ' www.bendsnip.org! Office C o n sumer I General's O f f i ce Protection hotline at Consumer P rotec- • Lab Pups AKC, black t ion 1-877-877-9392. ho t l in e at I & yeilow, Ma s t erI 1-877-877-9392. Hunter sired, perfor-





The Bulletin

gen ng CentralOregon nnre 2003

V k a kga

Q Aussies, Mini 8 Toy sizes, all colors, 9 weeks $250 cash. 541-678-7599

Border Collie/New Zealand Huntaways, 2 male

pups, wonderful dogs, working parents, $300 each. 541-546-6171

Canary Males

Blue, $45. Red, $60. (541) 548-7947. Chihuahua pups $150-300. e-mail:

English Bulldog



advertisers may place an ad with our "QUICK CASH SPECIAL" 1 week3lines 12 ot'



2 0t

Ad must include price of

Antiques 8 Collectibles

or less, or multiple items whose total does not exceed $500.



WHEN BUYING All gold jewelry, silver and gold coins, bars, FIREWOOD... rounds, wedding sets, To avoid fraud, class rings, sterling silThe Bulletin ver, coin collect, vinrecommends paytage watches, dental ment for Firewood gold. Bill Fl e ming, only upon delivery 541-382-9419. and inspection. • A cord is 128 cu. ft. Find exactly what 4' x 4' x 8' you are looking for in the • Receipts should CLASSIFIEDS include name, phone, price and kind of wood purchased. • Firewood ads MUST include spe4 cies and cost per Call The Bulletin Clasto better serve sifieds today and have cord this attention getter in our customers. your classified ad.


LThe Btttleting

mance pedigree, OFA cert hips 8 e lbows,

Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, Call 541-771-2330 all colors, $200-$250. www kinnamanretrievera.com Parents on site. Call Labradoodles -Mini & 541-598-5314, med size, several colors 541-788-7799 541-504-2662


It e ms for Free

O "~


Holiday Craft Bazaar Sat Dec 1st 10am-2pm aagetreeacreaszayahoo ccm Awbrey House C hocolate Lab 6 m o . 2825 Neff Rd Bend male, good tempera541-317-8464 ment, good with kids. Live Music and Crafts of $200. 541-280-0955 all kinds! Multiple Raffles. Receive addiDO YOU HAVE tional raffle ticket by SOMETHING TO bringing a New PerSELL sonal Hygiene prodFOR $500 OR uct benefiting LESS? Non-commercial advertisers may place an ad with our' Saturday Market "QUICK CASH 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. SPECIAL" Mason's Building, be1 week 3 lines 12 hind 7-11 at 8th 8 ~ 2 k 20 ! Greenwood. Crafts, Ad must include Antiques & More! price of single item of $500 or less, or multiple items whose total does not exceed $500. Christmas Craft Sale 9to3, D ec.2 Call Classifieds at One Day only! 541-385-5809 719 West Antler Ave. www.bendbulletin.com Redmond. Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates!



Pets & Supplies

Call 541-390-7029 between 10 am-3 pm. WANT TO BUY: Trager smoker/ BBQ made in Mt. An g el , OR. Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, 541-536-1572. 1st shots, very social $700. 541-325-3376


' • 8



Wanted: $Cash paid for vintage costume jewelry. Top dollar paid for Gold/Silver.l buy by the Estate, Honest Artist

"~ A v

Pets 8 Supplies


Want to Buy or Rent

" d l

I $5 0 0



The Bulletin

Cardboard taped pack a ge found o n M t W ashington Dr i v e Call to iden t i fy 541-382-7044.

REMEMBER: If you have lost an animal, don't forget to check

The Humane Society

Hay, Grain & Feed

in Bend 541-382-3537 Wanted: Irrigated farm Redmond, ground, under pivot ir541-923-0882 rigation, i n C e n tral Prineville, OR. 541-419-2713 541-447-71 78; Wheat Straw: Certified & OR Craft Cats, Bedding Straw & Garden 541-389-8420. Straw;Compost.546-6171 286 Wheat Straw in shed, Sales Northeast Bend $2 bale or $400 all.

** FREE ** Garage Sale Kit Place an ad in The Bulletin for your garage sale and receive a Garage Sale Kit FREE!


9 • a0 2

C all after 6 p.m . 541-546-9821 Culver.

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results!

Check out the classifieds online www.bendbulletln.com t iful p u ppies, b o rn ads from The Bulletin www.bendbuiletin.com Wanted- paying cash Updated daily for Hi-fi audio 8 stu9/11, ready for loving newspaper onto The KIT INCLUDES: 1 cord dry, split Juniper, • 4 Garage dio equip. Mclntosh, families. Shots curSale Signs Bulletin Internet web- Remington 700 .22-250, $200/cord. Multi-cord rent, vet checked. 4 BL, Marantz, D y • $2.00 Off Coupon To stainless fluted syn, more. Jnaco, discounts, & 2/2 cords black males, left! $250 site. Heathkit, SanUse Toward Your $750. 541-419-1578 available. Immediate each. 541-610-2270 sui, Carver, NAD, etc. Next Ad delivery! 541-408-6193 • 10 Tips For "Garage geretng Central Oregon I nre l903 249 Call 541-261-1808 Lhasa Apso/ShihTzuPup Sale Success!" Simply adorable! $275. Art, Jewelry All Year Dependable 263 503-888-0800 (Madras) Firewood: Sp lit, Del. & Furs Crafts & Hobbies ~ Bend. Lod g epole, Tools Maremma Guard Dog PICK UP YOUR Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 GARAGE 2+ ct. European cut diapups, purebred, great SALE KIT at for $350. Cash, check Stamp Collector L ike n e w Ho n d a d ogs, $ 35 0 e a c h , Retired gent pays cash mond men's ring, seri- 1600W 1777 SW Chandler gen e rator o r credit card O K . 541-546-6171. ous only, 541-788-5343 Ave., Bend, OR 97702 541-420-3484. for stamps, new or $350. 541-410-3218 POODLE PUPS, AKC 251 used, old or new, alDRY JUNIPER $190/ toys. Small, friendly, 8 Victor Acetylene torch split, or $170 rounds bums or loose. just in Hot Tubs & Spas loving! 541-475-3889 mid-size tanks on cart per cord. Delivered. time for Christmas. Call 541-385-5809 541-279-0336 Costco Hot tub, 6-per- $225. 541-410-3218. POODLE TOY PUPPIES Call 541-977-4500 or 290 or place your ad Parents on site, son, like new, $2500 541-678-1590 242 Sales Redmond Area 265 on-line at $300 ea. 541-520-7259 obo. 541-389-9268 bendbulletin.com Exercise Equipment Building Materials 257 Queensland Heelers E STATE SAL E S a t . Gardening Supplies standard & mini,$150 8 Weslo cadence tread- Musical Instruments Dec. 1, 9-5, 2138 SW Call The Bulletin At La Pine Habitat up. 541-280-1537 or • & E q uipment P umice A v e. , b e m ill G40 $ 200 o b o RESTORE 541-385-5809 http://rightwayranch. tween 21st 8 23rd St. 541-388-1533 Building Supply Resale wordpress.com Low pnces. Cash only! Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Prompt Delivery Quality at Rock, Sand & Gravel At: www.bendbulletin.com Wolf-Husky Pups,$400! LOW PRICES Multiple Colors, Sizes INDOOR moving multi35 years exper. Can text Guns, Hunting 52684 Hwy 97 family sale. 3027 SW Instant Landscaping Co. pics. Call 541-977-7019 541-536-3234 & Fishing Pumice Ave. 1300 sq. Horses & Equipment l 541-389-9663 Open to the public . Yorkie AKC 2 male pups, ft. of treasures! Fri., Piano, Steinway Model SUPER TOP SOIL small parents, health 300 Winchester mag Sat. Sun., 9 a.m. www.herehe eoilandbark.com 3 rubber horse stalls 0 Baby Grand 1911, 266 uar., 8-wks, adorable! with scope Savage gorgeous, artist qualScreened, soil & comm ats, all f o r $ 4 0 . 650 & up. 541-316-0005 m odel 1 1 0 , $ 3 2 5 . Heating & Stoves Need to get an 541-410-3218. ity instrument w/great post mi x ed , no 541-389-7472. rocks/clods. High huaction 8 S t einway's ad in ASAP? NOTICE TO 358 mus level, exc. for Furniture & Appliances 3 80 Cobra, copy o f warm, rich sound. Will You can place it ADVERTISER flower beds, lawns, Farmers Column Taurus, SS. Two clips adorn any living room, Since September 29, online at: straight gardens, and h o l ste r and church or music stuadvertising for s creened to p s o i l . www.bendbulletin.com Wanted: Irrigated farm A1 Washers&Dryers ammo, $220. dio perfectly. New re- 1991, used woodstoves has Bark. Clean fill. Deground, under pivot ir$150 ea. Full war209-985-7015 tail $ 6 9,000. Sacri- been limited to modrigation, i n C e n tral ranty. Free Del. Also liver/you haul. fice at $26,000 OBO, 541-385-5809 els which have been People Look for Information OR. 541-419-2713 wanted, used W/D's 541-548-3949. call 541-383-3150. c ertified by the O r 541-280-7355 About Products and Baby Grand, egon Department of Services Every Daythrough Steinway pre-1925, $10,000. Environmental QualThe Bulletin Classifieds 541-410-2628 ity (DEQ) and the federal E n v ironmental Berretta AL391 Tenkys, 260 Protection Ag e n cy **: 12 ga., mint c ond. Misc. Items (EPA) as having met $1250 obo. T/C Pro Call The Bulletin Classmoke emission stansifieds today and have Hunter, SS 223 cus- 300+ romance books. dards. A cer t ified tom barrel, $ 1000 reas. prices not over this attention getter in w oodstove may b e obo. 541-383-3029 your classified ad. $1. 541-382-3039 identified by its certifi541-385-5809. CASH!! cation label, which is Buying Diamonds For Guns, Ammo 8 permanently attached /Gold for Cash Just too many Reloading Supplies. Saxon's Fine Jewelers to the stove. The Bul541-408-6900. collectibles? letin will no t k n ow541-389-6655 II I I I I I ingly accept advertisColt Diamond Back, 4" / BUYING ing for the sale of Sell them in barrel, as new, $850. Lionel/American Flyer uncertified 541-728-0445, The Bulletin Classifieds trains, accessories. woodstoves. 503-307-7347 541-408-2191. www.alpen-ridge.com The Bulletin reserves LABRADORS: beauthe right to publish all

Bridge of Faith $/00. 541-516-8225.

Call Classifieds at 541-385-5809

The Bulletin

The Bulletin

Oregonians agree



Pups ready for ChristChristmas stocking, w/ mas! 2 females, 1 male, GENERATE SOME exb l o odlines. citement i n your e mbroidered n a m eincredible nSkylar", red v e lvet Being raised with lots of neighborhood! Plan a back, needlepoint on love & attention. Taking garage sale and don't depositsnow; come pick forget to advertise in front. 541-419-5575 out your favorite! Willing classified! Free moving boxes, all to work with you on pay- 541-385-5809. sizes, you haul. Call ment option. Call Denise, L ooking for free b e d 541-306-6599. 541-740-3515 . f rames. Call i f y o u BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! have. 541-241-4296. The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are Twin poster head / footstill over 2,000 folks in our community without board 8 mattress set, + permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift dresser w/mirror, nice! camps, getting by as best they can. $400. 541-549-2253 The following items are badly needed to help them get through the winter: Two recliners: willing to trade for a l oveseat @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ sofa. 541-241-4296. New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets S WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves Whirlpool microwave 2009 range hood, 32" PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT 1000W, complete with THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER all mounted hardware 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. and mounting instrucFor Special pick up please call tions, like new condiKen @ 541-389-3296 tion, $125. In RedPLEASE HELP, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. mond 541-526-0687

0 •

iI fiII(I

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If they did that,you'd have to know ln advance where, when, and how to look, and what to lookfor, in order to be informed about gov-

TheB Ileting



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ernmettt actions that could affect you directly.

Less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government web site daily,' but 80% of all Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once duringatt ** average week, and 54% read public notices printed there.

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541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com


Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 36 "Hurry!" 1 Cavalry weapon 37 Some makeup

64 Paint swatch choice ... or a hint to 65 Common door 6 "And there it is!" 17-, 26-, 43- and sign 10 Argue (with) 58-Across 14 Spasm 39 Badlands DOWN 15 Hollywood has feature 1 Longtime some big ones 40 Unite senator 16 Summon 41 Whoosh! Thurmond 17 Actor Norris, 42 A bit 2 Now, in Nogales after gaining questionable 3 Bobby Orr, weight? 43 Thieves at an notably 19 Attendee of the all-night dance 4 Impatient fictional Lowood bash? person's wait, Institution for girls 47 Show some seemingly 20 ". . . qui t ! " respect to a 5 Conan O'Brien, 21 Symbols of Iudge e.g. speed 48 All riled up 6 Mideast capital 22 Flower part 52 Emo emotion 7 Bad fit 23 1993 Peace 54 Conceived 8 Entries in Nobelist 56 Sugar ending two Oscar 25 Hankering 57 Strike categories, 26 What a tosspot 58 Someone slangily fantasizes the responding to a 9 "That's all I clouds would party R.S.V.P.? 10 Address do? 60 Kr a bappel, 11 There used to 30 Designed to Bart Simpson's be a lot more of teacher pique interest, these on corners say 61 Boxer's fare? 12 Indian tourist 33 Toot 62 Kind of glasses locale 34 Collar 63 Dieter's amount 13 Country dance 18 District of ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Colombia? AV E S U S P S F O C A L 22 Knock off BO R A S O DA A R U B A 24 Stalactite producer F I R S T C L AS S C A B I N A L O HA S H O T A D E 25 Knocks off B AR I S T A A L I G N E D 27 Manhattan Project result, M E A N T I 0 N informally R EG I S T E R E D N U R S E 28 Guitarist Paul AAA NEA BEG 29 Shipboard P R I O R I T Y S E A T I N G punishment W I S S E T T E 30 Bar topic 6 T E E P L E L E T 5 6 E E 31 PC operator H E S P A P A I T A L L E X P R E 6 6 C H E C K 0 U T 32 Items for baseball scouts B A Y E R O T O E IN D O and highway A 68 T 6 MA I L T E E N patrol officers

QOrj0rj 421

Schools & Training






14 17



Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e 5:00 pm Frie

Tuesday•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e Noon Mone Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e Noon Tuese

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Thursday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. Fr i d ay. . . .. . • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri. Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3: 0 0 pm FrI • Sunday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5$00 Pm FrI •




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Puzzle by lan Livengood

35 Triple Crown winner Citation or Gallant Fox

42 Where many Greeks are found 44 Outlooks 37 Reason for an R 45 Part that may be rating pinched 38 Back of a public 46 Sufficiently, in poetry house, maybe 49 Tribal figure 39 Get wrong 50 Rhone tributary 41 Spice 51 Put on again

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Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Ranch Hand Progressive Cattle Ranch - Opportunity for Long-Term employment - Team Environment. W i l ling to work all aspects of ranch workwash trucks, move


PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. Wewill gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace eachTuesday.

)REss P)5Io

8 M8mm


Growing dealership seeking salespeople looking for a performance-based pay p l an, p o tential commissions of up to 35% equaling $100,000 plus, Retirement Plan, Paid Vacation, and a competitive med i cal benefit package. Looking for a team player with a positive attitude, to operate with energy and to be customer service oriented. Will provide training. Send resume' to: bcrvhire@ mail.com

KOrj0j 00rj0rj X'GrjjD 528


Loans & Mortgages

Roommate Wanted




Redmond Homes

Boats & Accessories

NE Redmond, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1360 sq. ft., triple garage, office, bay f r ont w i n dow, large patio, mature landscaping, fenced yard. $128,000. MLS

:Qrj Ij


Commercial/Investment Pam Lester, Principal Snowmobiles • B roker, Century 2 1 Properties for Sale Gold Country Realty, Prime Hwy 97 commer- Inc. 541-504-1338 cial updated in 2006, Single level on 1 acre, 3 850 sq.ft., plenty of bdrm, 2 b ath, 1716 Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7 Firecats: EFI Snowparking in rear, cen- sq.ft., master separapro 6 EFI EXT, exlnt tral a i r . $1 1 9,900. tion, office, fenced, cond, $3700 ea; MLS ¹ 2 01 0 03034 f lower garden, R V $7000 both. Pam Lester, Principal parking. $ 1 4 5,000. 541-410-2186 MLS ¹ 201 0 07848. B roker, Century 2 1 Gold Country Realty, Pam Lester, Principal B roker, Century 2 1 Inc. 541-504-1338 Gold Country Realty,

13' Smokercraft '85, good cond., 15HP gas Evinrude + Minnkota 44 elec. motor, fish finder, 2 extra seats, trailer, extra equip. $3200. 541-388-9270

WARNING Share cozymobile home 17' 1984 Chris Craft The Bulletin recomin Terrebonne, $275+ yz - Scorpion, 140 HP mends you use cau- utils. 503-679-7496 inboard/outboard, 2 tion when you prodepth finders, trollvide personal 630 ing motor, full cover, information to compaEZ - Lo ad t r ailer, tive wages and 401K Rooms for Rent 541-343-3100 nies offering loans or benefits. $3500 OBO. credit, especially 541-475-6681. 541-382-3728. & Kitchenettes TRUCK SCHOOL those asking for ad- Studios Furnished room, TV w/ www.llTR.net vance loan fees or micro 8 fridge. Redmond Campus Remember.... companies from out of cable, Where can you find a Utils & l inens. New A dd your we b a d Student Loans/Job state. If you have owners. $145-$165/wk dress to your ad and 745 helping hand? Waiting Toll Free concerns or quesInc. 541-504-1338 541-382-1885 readers on The 1-888-387-9252 tions, we suggest you Homes for Sale Snowmobile trailer From contractors to 771 Bullefin' s web site consult your attorney 2002, 25-ft Interyard care, it's all here 634 will be able to click Lots or call CONSUMER BANK OWNED HOMES! 454 state & 3 sleds, through automatically in The Bulletin's Apt./Multlplex NE Bend 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 HOTLINE, FREE List w/Pics! $10,900. Looking for Employment to your site. Three 9148 Sq.ft. Iots, 1-877-877-9392. Volvo Penta, 270HP, "Call A Service www.BendRepos.com 541-480-8009 * cul-de-sac, ut i l ities $2991st mo rent!! bend and beyond real estate low hrs., must see, CAREGIVER - Christian Professional" Directory 20967 yeoman, bend or s tubbed i nt o P U E , GET THEM BEFORE $15,000, 541-330-3939 woman w ill work for CAUTION READERS: Take care of THEY ARE GONE! Cascade mountain close to West Can- Snowmobile trailer fits room tk board in Bend/ wo sleds o r tw o your investments 2 bdrm, 1 bath I views in R e dmond, yon Rim Park and ac- t4-wheelers, Redmond. 541-598-4114 Ads published in "EmThe Bulletin has new $530 & $540 with quality construc- cess to the dry canployment Opportuni- I Recommends extra with the help from Carports & A/C included! yon t r ail. $ 3 5 ,000, bearings, tires, hitch, t ies" i n clude e m - caution when purtion, near Golf course. 476 The Bulletin's FoxHollow Apts. M ove-in Read y ! $35,000 & $ 5 0,000. and complete re-wire. 20.5' 2004 Bayliner and chasing products or I ployee 411) 383-3152 MLS¹ 201 2 0 7692, $800.541-382-3409 Employment f5 205 Run About, 220 "Call A Service $287,000. i ndependent pos i - services from out of ' Rental Mgmt. Co 201207694, and YAMAHA 500 VMAX, HP, VB, open bow, Opportunities MLS ¹201 205860. tions. Ads for posi- l the area. Sending Professional" Directory Cascade *Upstairs only with lease 2 01207687. Pam exc. cond., very fast Cec DeClerck, Princ. tions that require a fee c ash, c hecks, o r 2043 mi, f yz" track, Lester, Principal Bro- $1500. 541-419-2268 w/very low hours, Broker, Coldwell Caregiver or upfront investment i n f o rmation BANK TURNED YOU Call for Specials! ker, Century 21 Gold lots of extras incl. Prineville Senior care must be stated. With ll credit Banker Mayfield Limited numbers avail. may be subjected to Country Realty, Inc. DOWN? Private party tower, Bimini 8 h ome l o oking f o r any independent job Realty FRAUD. What are you 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. 541-504-1338 will loan on real es541-420-0548 custom trailer, Caregiver for multiple opportunity, p l ease For more i nformaW/D hookups, patios tate equity. Credit, no looking for? $19,500. s hifts, p a rt-time t o investigate thor- tion about an adver775 or decks. 541-389-1413 problem, good equity NOTICE full-time. Pass oughly. You'll find it in l tiser, you may call MOUNTAIN GLEN, Manufactured/ All real estate advercriminal background is all you need. Call the Oregon State 541-383-9313 Mobile Homes now. Oregon Land tised here in is subcheck. 541-447-5773. Use extra caution when l Attorney General's The Bulletin Classifieds Professionally ject to t h e F e deral applying for jobs on- Office Co n s umerg Mortgage 388-4200. managed by Norris & F air H o using A c t , FACTORV SPECIAL Dog groomer needed line and never proProtection hotline at I LOCALMONEYrwe buy Stevens, Inc. which makes it illegal New Home, 3 bdrm, w/experience. Willing vide personal infor- I 1-877-877-9392. 541-385-5809 secured trust deeds & $46,900 finished to advertise any pref20.5' Seaswirl Spyto train someone who mation to any source note,some hard money 658 on you site,541.548.5511 erence, limitation or der 1989 H.O. 302, has experience with you may not have re- LTlae B itllctip 860 loans. Call Pat Kelley www.JandMHomes.com Houses for Rent discrimination based 285 hrs., exc. cond., dogs. Leave m e s- searched and deemed Motorcycles &Accessories 541-382-3099 ext.13. on race, color, relistored indoors for sage at 541-325-2946 to be reputable. Use New Construction - 3 Redmond gion, sex, handicap, extreme caution when bdrm, 2 b ath, 1548 Harley Davidson Soft- life $11,900 OBO. familial status or naPress Supervisor r esponding to A N Y sq.ft., vaulted, g as Newer 2326 sq.ft. deluxe Tail Deluxe 2 0 0 7, 541-379-3530 origin, or inten- furnace-range-water DO YOU NEED online e m p loyment The Bulletin is seeking a night time press suhome, 3/3, gas fire- tional white/cobalt, w / pasA GREAT pervisor. We are part of Western Communicaad from out-of-state. place, 7500' lot, fenced tion to make any such heater, fenced, land- senger kit, Vance 8 published in the tions, Inc., which is a small, family-owned group EMPLOYEE yard, 1655 SW Sara- preferences, l i m ita- scaped. $1 6 2 ,900 Hines muffler system Ads "Boats" classification We suggest you call consisting of seven newspapers, five in Oregon soda Ct. $ 1 195/mo. tions or discrimination. MLS ¹ 20 1 2 07750 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. RIGHT NOW? include: Speed, fishWe will not knowingly Pam Lester, Principal c ond, 541-350-2206 Call The Bulletin the State of Oregon and two in California. Our ideal candidate will $19,9 9 9 , manage a small crew of three and must be able accept any advertis- B roker, Century 2 1 ing, drift, canoe, before 11 a.m. and Consumer Hotline at 541-389-9188. to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A house and sail boats. ing for r ea l e state Gold Country Realty, 1-503-378-4320 get an ad in to pub671 hands-on style is a requirement for our 3yz which is in violation of Inc. 541-504-1338 For all other types of Harley Heritage lish the next day! Mobile/Mfd. KBA press. Prior management/leaderwatercraft, please se this law. All persons Softail, 2003 For Equal Opportunity tower 541-385-5809. ship experience preferred. In addition to our for Rent are hereby informed Want to impress the Class 875. $5,000+ in extras, L aws: Oregon B uVIEW the a week newspaper, we have numerous 541-385-5809 that all dwellings ad$2000 paint job, reau of Labor & In- 7-day Classifieds at: relatives? Remodel commercial print clients as well. In addition to a 30K mi. 1 owner, dustry, C i vil Rights competitive wage and benefit program, we also 3 bedroom, 2 full baths, vertised are available www.bendbulletin.com your home with the o n yz acre. G o o d on an equal opportuFor more information Division, sereng ceoew oregon «nze 1903 provide potential opportunity for advancement. help of a professional Cents home w/woodnity basis. The Bulleplease call 971-673-0764 If you provide dependability combined with a stove, garage, $750+ tin Classified 541-385-8090 O ffice m anager f o r from The Bulletin's positive attitude, are able to manage people and dep. 541-593-3134 or 209-605-5537 glass shop. 2 yrs exp., If you have any ques"Call A Service FLOAT 1 schedules and are a team player, we would like 750 Proficient in Q u icktions, concerns or Professional" Directory to hear from you. If you seek a stable work enbooks including pay693 Redmond Homes l YQUR BoAT ... l comments, contact: HD FAT BOY vironment that provides a great place to live and with o u r sp e c ial roll, MS Word and Ex- Classified Department Office/Retail Space raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact eiNEW HOME BUILT 1996 rates for selling your I cel, quote & schedule 32.42 Acres in Urban The Bulletin ther; Keith Foutz, Corporate Circulation & Opfor Rent $87,450! Completely rebuilt/ customers. $15/hour. Growth Bou n dary, l boat or watercraftr 541-385-5809 erations Director at kfoutz@wescompapers.com customized, low Bring resume and apAdjacent t o The Includes, garage, founor anelson@wescompapers.com with your 150 to 900 sq. ft. updation, a p p liances, miles. Accepting of- l Place an ad in The ply in person, 20584 Greens, kitty corner to complete resume, references and s a lary stairs office at 63356 fers. 541-548-4807 Painters Street, Bend. B ulletin w it h ou r new Ridgeview High central heating, heat history/requirements. Prior press room experiNels Anderson Road, School. pump ready. call to$59 9 ,000. l 3-month package ence required. No phone calls please. Drug day to schedule your all utilities paid, priMLS ¹ 2 01 2 03193 HD Screaming Eagle l which includes: test is required prior to employment. EOE Certified Nurses Assistant vate bath and confer- Pam Lester, Principal personal appointment. Electra Glide 2005, 541-548-5511, ence room, $150 to 103" motor, two tone l *5 lines of text and B roker, Century 2 1 541-350-1782 $900 per month. Gold Country Realty, a photo or up to 10 candy teal, new tires, www.JandMHomes.com Serving Central Oregon since 1903 541.480.4744, Jim Inc. 541-504-1338 23K miles, CD player l lines with no photo. *Free online ad at your own home for hydraulic clutch exCUTE! 3 bedroom, 2 Own less t ha n r e n ting. cellent condition. I bendbulletin.com Independent Contractor bath home, close to /n Care Centrally located in Highest offer takes it. *Free pick up <nto the lake on over an Madras. In- h ouse 541-480-8080. A career with countless rewards. The Central Oregon acre. This is a must A career with Partners In Care Hospice and financing opt i o ns l Nickel ads. see! MLS¹201206076 Home Health is more than a job. It's an opavailable. Call now at $45,000 541-475-2291 Softail Deluxe portunity to make a powerful and lasting difI Rates start at $46. I DBD Realty Group LLC 2010, 805 miles, ference in the lives of your community memCall for details! 866-346-7868 Rent IOwn Black Chameleon. bers. Rediscover the patient-centered care 541-385-5809 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes that drew you to your profession in the first Fieldstone crossing, 4 $2500 $17,000 down, $750 mo. place. The following positions are currently bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2130 Call Don © OAC. 541-548-5511, available at Partners In Care: iThe Bulletin sq.ft., gas fireplace, 541-410-3823 541-350-1782 tile countertops, slate www.jandmhomes.com Certified Nurses Assistant- two ositions entry, hardwood, huge d eck, f e nced, R V •Hospice House is seeking an on-call Certified area. $189,900. MLS Nurses Assistant to work in our inpatient facil¹ 2012059483. P a m ity. The hours/days are variable. Position is on Lester, Principal Broi l l I 'I i l 1 I 1 ' I I I I I 1 call with a maximum of 40 hrs a week with ker, Century 21 Gold availability for both day shift and night shift. Country Realty, Inc. •On-Call Certified N u rse A s s istant/Home 541-504-1338 Health Aide to provide care to patients in their Large Lot In SW Redhomes and facilities. On-Call Hours: Mon.-Fri., mond. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 8:00-5:00pm. We are looking for independent contractors to 1108 sq.ft, 9148 sq.ft. service home delivery routes in: lot, hot tub, sprinkler Applicants MUST have a c u rrent Oregon system, greenhouse. Certified Nursing Assistant Certification. Oregon Medical Train- pipe, process and ing PCS Ph lebotomy feed cattle, c lean classes begin Jan. 7, water troughs, etc. 2013. Registration now Must have positive P ": attitude - Competimedicaltrainin .com




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Cadittac C(S uto 6XC. dition, 900 OBO, 000-000-0000.

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Classifieds Call TheBulletin ClaSSifielI DeParlmenIat 541-385-5809 or541-382-1811 for ratestoday!


TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 ~Boats & Accessories

Motor h omes

T r a vel Trailers • 0 D

GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a ga-




Antique & Classic Autos


rage sale and don't Hunter's Delight! Packforget to advertise in age deal! 1988 Winnebago Super Chief, classified! 385-5809. 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t S pringdale 2005 27', 4' shape; 1988 Bronco II slide in dining/living area, Serving Central Oregon smte S903 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 mostly towed miles, obo. 541-408-3811 nice rig! $15,000 both. Used out-drive 541-382-3964, Ieave parts - Mercury msg. OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895;

The Bulletin

4.3 (1993), $1995. 541-389-0435

Watercraft 2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.

$10,000 541-719-8444 Ads published in nWatercraft" include: Kayaks, rafts and motorized personal

watercrafts. For " boats" please s e e Class 870. 541-385-5809

The Bulletin Motorhomes I

Country Coach Intrigue 2002, 40' Tag axle. 400hp Cummins Diesel. two slide-outs. 41,000 miles, new tires & batteries. Most options. $95,000 OBO 541-678-5712

~ OO

MorePixat Bendbulletij),com h


Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 7 -pass. v a n wit h p ower c h a i r lif t , Ford F250 XLT 4x4 $1500; 1989 Dodge L ariat, 1990, r e d, Turbo Van 7 - pass. 80K original miles, has new motor and 4" lift with 39's, well t rans., $1500. I f i n maintained, $4000 terested c a l l Jay obo. 541-419-5495 503-269-1057.

Chrysler SD 4-Door 1930, CD S R oyal Standard, 8-cylinder, body is good, needs some r e s toration, runs, taking bids, FORD RANGER X LT Chrysler Town & Country 541-383-3888, 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 LX, 2000,66Kmi, 1owner, 541-815-3318 very good cond, speed, with car alarm, araged, CD player, extra tires 5700. Call 541-923-3971 ~ ?ULl on rims. Runs good. Clean. 92,000 miles Automobiles o n m o t or . $2 6 0 0 OBO. 541-771-6511. slide,Bunkhouse style, 1/3 interest in ColumBuick Lucerne CXL sleeps 7-8, excellent bia 400, located at 2009, $12,500, low $1 6 ,900, Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, Jayco Seneca 2 007, condition, low miles; 2000 Buick 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy 541-390-2504 door panels w/flowers Call 541-647-3718 Century $2900. You'll & hummingbirds, 5500 d i e sel, to y not find nicer Buicks I nternational Fla t hauler $130 , 000. Need help fixing stuff? white soft top & hard Bed Pickup 1963, 1 One look's worth a 541-389-2636. top. Just reduced to Call A Service Professional thousand words. Call ton dually, 4 s pd. $3,750. 541-317-9319 trans., great MPG, find the help you need. Bob, 541-318-9999. or 541-647-8483 www.bendbulletin.com for an appt. and take a could be exc. wood 'I gaa. drive in a 30 mpg. car hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950. FIND IT) Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 541-419-5480. 29', weatherized, like BUY IT! n ew, f u rnished & SELL IT! ready to go, incl WineImmaculate! The Bulletin Classifieds ard S a tellite dish, Beaver Coach Marquis Galaxie 500 1963, 26,995. 541-420-9964 1 /3 interest i n w e l l- Ford 40' 1987. New cover, 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, equipped IFR Beech Bo- 390 Chevrolet Lumina new paint (2004), new pwr. steer & nanza A36, new 10-550/ radiov8,auto, 1997 4-door, inverter (2007). Onan (orig),541-419-4989 prop, located KBDN. One owner, low mile6300 watt gen, 111K mi, RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L Ford Mustang Coupe $65,000. 541-419-9510 age, clean interior. parked covered $35,000 1966, original owner, hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, Tires, body, paint in obo. 541-419-9859 or am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. Weekend Warrior Toy Executive Hangar good condition. V8, automatic, great 541-420-3634 /390-1285 541-280-2014 at Bend Airport $3050. Hauler 28' 2007,Gen, shape, $9000 OBO. 541-350-3109 fuel station, exc cond. (KBDN) 530-515-8199 935 60' wide x 50' deep, sleeps 8, black/gray Sport Utility Vehicles i nterior, u se d 3X , w/55' wide x 17' high Ford Ranchero bi-fold door. Natural $24,999. 1979 541-389-9188 gas heat, office, bathwith 351 Cleveland room. Parking for 6 modified engine. Monaco Dynasty 2004, c ars. A djacent t o Looking for your Body is in loaded, 3 slides, dieFrontage Rd; g reat next employee? sel, Reduced - now visibility for a viation excellent condition, Place a Bulletin help ChryslerSebring 2006 $2500 obo. $119,000, 5 4 1-923- wanted ad today and bus. 1jetjock@q.com 541-420-4677 Buick Enclave 2008 CXL Fully loaded, exc.cond, 8572 or 541-749-0037 541-948-2126 reach over 60,000 very low miles (38k), AWD, V-6, black, clean, readers each week. always garaged, mechanicall y sound, 82k Your classified ad transferable warranty miles. $21,995. -I)Q Clwill also appear on Call 541-815-1216 incl. $8300 Ford T-Bird 1966 bendbulletin.com 541-330-4087 s 390 engine, power Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 which currently reeverything, new paint, 4x4. 120K mi, Power ceives over 1.5 mil54K original miles, Ford Crown Vic. seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd Southwind 35.5' Triton, lion page views evONLY 1 OIIVNERSHIP 1997 4 door, 127k, runs great, excellent row seating, e xtra 2008,V10, 2 slides, Duery month at no SHARE LEFT! cond. in & out. Asking tires, CD, privacy tintd rives, runs a n d pont UV coat, 7500 mi. extra cost. Bulletin Economical flying in $8,500. 541-480-3179 ing, upgraded rims. looks great, extra Bought new at Classifieds Get Reyour ow n C e s sna Fantastic cond. $7995 set of winter tires on $132,913; sults! Call 385-5809 172/180 HP for only Contact Timm at rims, only $3000. asking $93,500. or place your ad $ 10,000! Based a t 541-408-2393 for info 541-771-6500. Call 541-419-4212 on-line at BDN. Call Gabe at or to view vehicle. bendbulletin.com Professional Air!

Econoline RV 1 989, Winnebago Suncruiser34' fully loaded, exc. cond, 2004, only 34K, loaded, 35K m i. , R e ducedtoo much to list, ext'd $17,950. 541-546-6133 warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Dennis, 541-589-3243 CAN'T BEAT THIS! Look at: Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 Look before you Bendhomes.com by Carriage, 4 slidebuy, below market value! Size & mileouts, inverter, satelfor Complete Listings of aqe DOES matter! lite sys, fireplace, 2 Area Real Estate for Sale Class A 32' Hurriflat screen TVs. cane by Four Winds, $60,000. 881 2007. 12,500 mi, all 541-480-3923 Travel Trailers amenities, Ford V10, Ithr, cherry, slides, like new! New low COACHMAN 1979 price, $54,900.

The Bulletin ~a f1 -388-00~1 DON'TMI SSTHIS To Subscribe call GMC Vgton 1971, Only $19,700! Original low 541-385-5800 or go to Ford Crown V i ctoria Trucks & mile, exceptional, 3rd www.bendbulletin.com 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., Heavy Equipment V 8, o r i g . own e r , Ford Explorer 4x4, 70,300 mi., studs on, 1991 - 154K miles, reat condi t ion. rare 5-speed tranny 3000. 541-549-0058. & manual hubs, Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT clean, straight, ev1965, Exc. All original, 1 999, a u to., p e a r l 4-dr. sedan, in storeryday driver. Bring w hite, very low m i . 2200 dollar bills! Diamond Reo Dump age last 15 yrs., 390 $9500. 541-788-8218. C o m pression Bob, 541-318-9999 Truck 1 974, 12 -14 High yard box, runs good, engine, new tires & lic ense, reduced t o GMC Envoy 2002 4x4, $6900, 541-548-6812 $2850, 541-410-3425. Loaded,144K, $6,450 (218) 478-4469, Matt G Xt E A T

Legal Notices










HEREIN, Defendants. NO.

12CV0 7 2 2.









STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re-

quired to appear and defend against t he allegations contained in the Complaint filed a gainst you i n t h e above entitled proceeding Within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this Summons upon you. If you fail to appear and defend this matter Within thirty (30)


Wright, de c eased; Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Lorena K. Wright, de c e ased; and Persons or Parties Unknown Claiming Any Right, Title, Lien, or Interest in the Property Described in the Complaint Herein, I N THE NAME O F THE STATE OF ORE GON: You ar e h ereby required t o appear and d efend against the a l legations contained in the Complaint filed a gainst you i n t h e above entitled proceeding within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this Summons upon you. If you fail to appear and defend this matter within thirty (30) days from the date of publication specified herein along with the r equired filing f e e , OneWest Bank, FSB will apply to the Court f or th e r e l ief d e manded in the Complaint. The first date of publication is November 7, 2012. NOTICE T O DE F ENDANTS: READ T HESE PAP E R S CAREFULLY! You must "appear" in this case or the other side will win automatically. To "appear" you must file with the court a legal paper called a "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or nanswer" must be given to the court clerk or administrator w i t hin thirty days along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof o f service o n t h e plaintiff's attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have a n at t orney, proof of service on the plaintiff. IF YOU HAVE ANY Q U ESTIONS, YOU S HOULD SE E A N ATTORNEY I M M EDIATELY. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may call the O r egon S t a te Bar's Lawyer Referral S ervice a t (503) 684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. The object of the said action and the relief sought to be o btained therein i s fully set forth in said complaint, an d is briefly stated as follows: Foreclosure of a Deed of T r ust/Mortgage. Grantors: The Estate of Lorena K. Wright, de c e ased; Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Lorena K. Wright dec e ased; Persons or P a rties Unknown C l a iming Any Right, Title, Lien, o r Interest i n th e Property Described in the Complaint Herein. Property address: 309 South Locust Street, Sisters, OR 9 7 759. P ublication: Ben d Bulletin. DATED this 30th day of October, 2012. Craig Peterson, OSB ¹120365, Robinson Tait, P.S., Attorneys for Plaintiff.

days from the date of publication specified herein along with the 541-548-5216 Hysfer H25E, runs r equired filing f e e, well, 2982 Hours, H SBC B an k U S A , $3500,call $16,000. 541-788-0427 Gulfstream Sc e n ic Fleetwood Wilderness Plymouth B a r racuda N.A., as Trustee on 541-749-0724 Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, 1966, original car! 300 GMC Yukon XL S LT behalf of ACE SecuriCummins 330 hp dierear bdrm, fireplace, hp, 360 V8, center- 2004, loaded w/facties Corp. Home Eqsel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 AC, W/D hkup beaulines, (Original 273 uity Loan Trust and tory DVD, 3rd seat, in. kitchen slide out, tiful u n it! $30,500. eng & wheels incl.) $6950.. 541-280-6947 for t h e re g i stered new tires, under cover, 541-815-2380 541-593-2597 holders of ACE Secuhwy. miles only,4 door rities Corp. Home EqPROJECT CARS:Chevy Kia Sportage 4x4 f ridge/freezer ice Need to get an ad 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & 1996, full power, air, Porsche 911 1974, low uity loan Trust, Series maker, W/D combo, Peterbilt 359 p o table Asse t mi., complete motor/ 2 005-HE6, Chevy Coupe 1950 Interbath tub & in ASAP? water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, rolling chassis's $1750 1 50K, hitch, S t o trans. rebuild, tuned Backed Pass-Through shower, 50 amp pro- Pioneer Spirit 18CK, master tow bar, lights 3200 gal. tank, 5hp suspension, int. & ext. Certificates will apply n 4-dr 1949, for towing, studded pane gen & m ore! 2007, used only 4x, AC, p ump, 4 - 3 hoses, ea., Chevy refurb., oi l c o o ling, to the Court for the recar, $ 1949; tires. Paint rough, but $55,000. electric tongue j ack, Fax It to 541-322-7253 camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000.complete shows new in & out, lief demanded in the Cadillac Series 61 1950, runs great! $3200 541-948-2310 $8995. 541-389-7669 541-820-3724 perf. m ech. c o n d. Complaint. The first 2 dr. hard top, complete obo. 541-280-0514 The Bulletin Classifieds Much more! date of publication is w /spare f r on t cl i p ., $28,000 541-420-2715 November 14, 2012. $3950, 541-382-7391 Utility Trailers • Lexus RX350 2010, NOTICE TO DEFENPORSCHE 914 1974, READ DOI'I IHISSTHIS AWD, ¹027076 Roller (no engine), DANTS: HESE PAP E R S $34,995 lowered, full roll cage, T You VW Karman Ghia 5-pt harnesses, rac- CAREFULLY! must "appear" in this 1970, good cond., ing seats, 911 dash & Big Tex LandscapK omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 or the other side C a/I 541-385-580 9 new upholstery and Oregon instruments, d e cent case ing/ ATI/ Trailer, slide, AC, TV, awning. win automatically. to r omote our service convertible top. AutoSnurce shape, v e r y c o ol! will dual axle flatbed, NEW: tires, converter, To "appear" you must $10,000. $1699. 541-678-3249 7'x16', 7000 lb. 541-598-3750 batteries. Hardly used. file with the court a le541-389-2636 aaaoregonautosource.com GVW, all steel, IBuilding/Contracting H o me Improvement $15,500. 541-923-2595 gal paper called a $1400. "motion" or "answer." Toyota Camrysr NOTICE: Oregon state Autumnridge Const. 541-382-4115, or The "motion" or "an1984, $1200 obo; 541-280-7024. law req u ires any- Quality custom home swer" must be given 1985 SOLD; one who co n t racts improvements. No job to the court clerk or 1986 parts car, for construction work too big orsmall. Vet& Sr administrator W ithin $500. to be licensed with the Discounts! CCB¹198284 thirty days along with Automotive Parts, Call 541-300-0042 C onstruction Con Call for details, MONTANA 3585 2008, Porsche Cayenne 2004, the required filing fee. VW Thing 1974, good tractors Board (CCB). 541-548-6592 It must be in proper exc. cond., 3 slides, Service & Accessories cond. Extremely Rare! 86k, immac, dealer Landscaping/Yard Care An active lic e n se king bed, Irg LR, Arcmaint'd, loaded, now form and have proof' Only built in 1973 & means the contractor o f service o n t h e tic insulation, all op- Four orig. equip. Hyun- 1 974. $8,000 . $1 7000. 503-459-1 580 Toyota Corolla 2004, OREGON i s bonded an d i n - N OTICE: dai tires, 205/55/R16 tions $37,500. plaintiffs attorney or, if 541-389-2636 auto., loaded, 204k s ured. Ver if y t h e Landscape Contracapprox. 12k mi. $300 Toyota 4Runner 2004 541-420-3250 miles. orig. owner, non the plaintiff does not tors Law (ORS 671) SR5 4WD, 54k mi., contractor's CCB obo. 541-312-4250 933 have a n at t orney, r equires a l l bus i - Nuyya 29 7LK Hi t ch$17,500 541-385-7286 smoker, exc. c o nd. proof of service on the c ense through t h e Pickups $6500 Prin e ville CCB Cons u mer nesses that advertise Hiker 2007, 3 slides, Michelin X - I ce (4) plaintiff. IF YOU 503-358-8241 940 to p e rform L a n d- 32' touring coach, left 205/55/1 6 s t udless Website HAVE ANY Q U ESwww.hirealicengedcontractor. scape C o n struction kitchen, rear lounge, tires, approx. 8k mi. Vans VW Beetle, 2002 TIONS, YOU com which inclu d es: many extras, beautiful $650 new, sell $450 5-spd, silver-gray, black S HOULD SE E A N or call 503-378-4621. p lanting, deck s , c ond. inside & o u t , obo. 541-312-4250 leather, moonroof, CD, A TTORNEY IMMEThe Bulletin recom- fences, arbors, $32,900 OBO, Prinev- NEED HOLIDAY $$$? loaded, 115K miles, DIATELY. If you need mends checking with w ater-features, a n d ille. 541-447-5502 days well-maintained help in finding an atWe pay CASH for • the CCB prior to con- installation, repair of & 541-447-1641 eves. (have records) torney, you may call Junk Cars & Trucks! Ford 250 XLT 1990, tracting with anyone. irrigation systems to 6 yd. dump bed, extremely clean, Also buying batteries & the O r egon S t a te Some other t rades be licensed with the $4850 obo. 139k, Auto, $5500. Chevrolet G20 SportsBar's Lawyer Referral catalytic converters. also req u ire addi- Landscape Contrac541-546-6920 541-410-9997 S ervice a t Serving all of C.O.!• (503) tional licenses a nd man, 1993, exlnt cond, t ors B o a rd . Th i s 684-3763 or toll-free Call 541-408-1090 • certifications. 4-digit number is to be $4750. 541-362-5559 or in Oregon at (800) 541-663-6046 Looking for your included in all adver452-7636. The object Debris Removal next employee? tisements which indi- Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th of the said action and Antique & Place a Bulletin help cate the business has wheel, 1 s lide, AC, ChevyAstro the relief sought to be wanted ad today and JUNK BE GONE Classic Autos a bond, insurance and TV,full awninq, excelCargo Van 2001, o btained therein i s reach over 60,000 workers compensalent shape, $23,900. I Haul Away FREE pw, pdl, great cond., fully set forth in said Ford F150 Lariat 4x4 readers each week. tion for their employ- 541-350-8629 For Salvage. Also business car, well complaint, an d is 2010, tow pkg, chrome Your classified ad ees. For your protecCleanups & Cleanouts maint'd, regular oil briefly stated as folpkg + run brds, Ithr, gawill also appear on LEGAL NOTICE tion call 503-378-5909 Mel, 541-389-8107 changes, $4500. lows: Foreclosure of a IN THE C I RCUIT raged, 1 owner,35,600 mi, bendbulletin.com or use our website: 1921 Model T Please call Deed of T r ust/Mort- C OURT OF T H E $25,500 firm. Call after 6 which currently rewww.lcb.state.or.us to I Han d yman Delivery Truck 541-633-5149 gage. Grantors: Dl- STATE O F pm,541-546-9821 Culver. ceives over 1.5 milORcheck license status Restored & Runs A NA NOVO T N Y; EGON lion page views DESERIC REEVE HANDY before co n t racting LARRY F U D ENNA; $9000. 1994 Chev full size van, every month at CHUTES COUNTY. Ford F250 2002 with th e b u s iness.Pilgrim SERVICES. Home & In t e rnational 541-389-8963 AND PERSONS OR seats 7, sleeps 2. Su- no extra cost. BulleWells Fargo Bank, Persons doing land- 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Supercab 7.3 diesel, Commercial Repairs, UNPARTIES per condition, 128K, tin Classifieds NA its successors 130,000 miles, great scape m a intenance Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 Carpentry-Painting, KNOWN C L AIMING famous 350 m otor, Get Results! Call in interest and/or shape with accessoPressure-washing, do not require a LCB Fall price $ 21,865. ANY RIGHT, TITLE, runs & looks like a mil385-5809 or place assigns, Plaintiff/s, ries. $13,900. license. Honey Do's. On-time 541-312-4466 LIEN OR INTEREST v. Stanley C. Paroz; lion! Ready for fun & 541-923-0231 day or your ad on-line at promise. Senior travel. Limit 1! $4000. IN THE PROPERTY bendbulletin.com Marlo H . Pa r o z; 541-923-2582 eves. Discount. Work guar- Nelson Landscape FIND YOUR FUTURE Bob, 541-318-9999 DESCRIBED IN THE Maintenance M ortgage Elec anteed. 541-389-3361 HOME INTHE BULLETIN COMPLAINT tronic R egistration Serving '• e g r e. W g'~ v or 541-771-4463 HEREIN. Pr o perty Chevy C-20 Pickup Systems, Inc. , Bonded & Insured Central Oregon Your future is just a page address: 2792 North- Solely as Nominee away. Whether you're looking 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; CCB¹181595 Residential west Fairway Heights for Northwest Mortfor a hat or a place to hangit, auto 4-spd, 396, model & Commercial Drive, B e nd , OR gage Group, Inc; I DO THAT! CST /all options, orig. The Bulletin Classified is 97701. P u b lication: and Occupants of Home/Rental repairs owner, $22,000, your best source. Bend Bulletin. DATED the Premises De541-923-6049 Small jobs to remodels • Fall Clean up this 2nd day of NoEvery day thousandsof Honest, guaranteed Storm Damage Clean fendant/s. Case No.: vember, 2012. Craig buyers and sellers of goods work. CCB¹151573 Up &Tree Debris .Oo 11CV1083. NOPeterson, OSB and services do busi n ess in x Dennis 541-317-9768 T ICE O F SAL E • Pruning t ¹120365, R o binson U NDER WRIT O F these pages.Theyknow 0 • Flower bed Tait, P.S., Attorney for EXECUTION you can't beat TheBulletin House Sitting clean-up Plaintiff. Classified Section for REAL PROPERTY. selection and convenience • Snow Removal I Do House Sitting and Notice i s h e r eby Chevy Wagon 1957, - every item isjust a phone BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS Animal Care. Good given that I will on 4-dr., complete, call away. references. Call Car Senior Discounts Search the area's most December 18, 2012 $7,000 OBO, trades, rie at 541-526-5854. Bonded & Insured comprehensive listing of at 11:00 AM in the The Classified Section is please call main lobby of t he 541-815-4458 classified advertising... easy to use. Every item 541-389-6998 Call the Bulletin ClassiTiedDept. Home Improvement LCB¹8759 is categorized andevery real estate to automotive, Deschutes County Offi c e , cartegory is indexed onthe Chrysler 300 C o upe 541-385-5809or541-382-1811 merchandise to sporting S heriff's W. Highway 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, Kelly Kerfoot Const. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! section's front page. goods. Bulletin Classifieds 63333 28 yrs exp in Central OR! auto. trans, ps, air, 20, Bend, Oregon, forratestoday! appear every day in the sell, at public oral frame on rebuild, reQuality & honesty, from Door-to-door selling with Whether youare lookingfor print or on line. carpentry & handyman fast results! It's the easiest a home orneed aservice, painted original blue, auction to the highyour future is in the pagesof original blue interior, est bidder, for cash jobs, to expert wall cov- way in the world to sell. Call 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified. ering install / removal. original hub caps, exc. www.bendbulletin.com or cashier's check, chrome, asking $9000 o the following real Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 The Bulletin Classified o Licensed/bonded/insured or make offer. property, known as The Bulletin 541-385-5809 vr ServingCentrai Oregon since 19ai 541-389-1413 /410-2422 541-385-9350 3040 S W Q u a rtz

23' trailer Fully equipped. $2000. 541-312-8879 or 541-350-4622.


Nissan Sentra, 201212,610 mi, full warranty, PS, PB, AC,8 more!

lYo~ Ler/



;ggM 2< "-Ãj



The Bulletin





L e gal Notices Place, R e dmond, Oregon 97756, to w it, Lot on e ( 1 ), B lock F o ur (4), Summerfield Phase Deschutes County, Or e gon. Said real property being more accurately described as: Lot one (1), Block Four (4), Summerfield Phase II, recorded October 22, 1992, in Cabinet C, P age 707, D e s chutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made u n de r a A mended Writ o f Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated November 2, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, recovered Corr e cted Stipulated General Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Redemption Period Against Defendants: 1) Stanley C. Paroz, 2) Marlo H. Paroz on J une 1 3 , 201 2 , against Stanley C. Paroz and Marlo H. Paroz as d efendant/s. B E FORE BIDDING AT T HE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE


INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest p ractices o n th e property; (e)Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in B en d B u l letin. D ate of F i rst a nd Successive Publications: November 14, 2012; November 21, 2012; November 28, 2012. Date of Last Publication: Dec ember 5 , 2 0 1 2 . A ttorney: Cal v i n Knickerbocker, OSB ¹ 050110, Rou t h C rabtree Ols e n , P.C., 511 SW 10th Ave., S t e 400, Portland, OR 97205, 503-459-0104.

Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r

cashier's c h e cks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. L A RRY B LANTON, Des c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: November 9, 2012.


Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Andrew S White; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV1091. AMENDED



A Notice of S a le w as mailed to a l l parties entitled to notice on November 14, 2012, indicating a sale date of December 18, 2012. The sale has been rescheduled to January 3, 2 0 1 3. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on January 3, 2013 at 1 1:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Of fi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 515 NW Columbia S treet, Bend, O r egon 97701, to wit, Lot Twelve, Block Six, Highland Addition, Des c h utes County, Or e gon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, d a ted November 2, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA, as p laintiff/s, re c o v-

Legal Notices ered General Judgment o f F o r eclosure Against: ( 1) Andrew S. W h ite, and Money Award Against Andrew S. White, on Septemb er 2 0, 2012 , against Andrew S. White as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SAL E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY

INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;

(b)Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, Des -

c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil Technician. D a t e: November 26, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of First and Successive P u b lications: November 28, 2012; December 5, 2012; December 12, 2012. Date of Last Publication: December 19, 2012. Attorney: Calvin Kni c k erbocker, OSB ¹ 050110,

Ro ut h

L e g al Notices •

Legal Notices •

uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R R Y B LANTON, Des c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil T echnician. D a t e: November 16, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of First and Successive P u b lications: November 21, 2012; November 28, 2012; December 5, 2012. Date of Last Publication: D e cember 12, 2012. Attorney: Calvin Knic k erbocker, OSB

12, 2012. Attorney: Erik Wilson, OSB ¹ 095507, Rout h

¹ 050110,

Ro ut h

Crabtree Olsen, PC, 5 11 SW

1 0th A v -

e nue, Suite 4 0 0 , Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459 - 0140. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r c ashier's c h e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale.

Crabtree Olsen, PC,

5 11 SW 1 0th A v -

e nue, Suite 4 0 0 , Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459 - 0140. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d ders must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r cashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately

upon the close of the sale. Sell an Item

FAST! If it's under$500 you can place it in The Bulletin Classifieds for:

$10 • 3 lines, 7 days $16 • 3 lines, 14 days


Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. An t hony S. Jones; and Occupants of th e P remises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0861. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.

Notice i s h e r e by given that I will on December 18, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Off i c e, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property further des cribed in th e a t tached Exhibit "A": 411 Southeast Evergreen A v e nue, Redmond, Oregon 97756. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated November 2, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, r ecovered St i p ul ated Gene r a l Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Redemption Period Against Defendant: 1) Anthony S. Jones, on September 4, 2012, against Anthony S.


INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor; (b)Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved

Good classified ads tell the essential facts in an interesting Manner. Write from the readers view - not the seller's. Convert the facts into benefits. Show the reader how the item will help them in someway. This advertising tip brought to you by


N.A., its successors in interest a nd/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Nick P. Williams; Wendy A. Williams; State of O r egon; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11 CV0772.



Notice i s h e r e by given that I will on December 18, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Off i c e, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 580 NW Utica Ave nue, Bend, O r egon 97701, to wit, Lots Fourteen (14) and Fifteen ( 15), Block Two (2), Bend View Addition, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated November 1, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., i ts successors i n interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, recovered Corr ected Gene r a l Judgment of Foreclosure on October 10, 2012, against Nick P . W i l liams, Wendy A. Williams, State of O r egon, and Occupants of t he P remises a s d efendant/s. B E FORE BIDDING AT THE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE


Crabtree Olsen, PC,

5 11 SW 1 0th A v e nue, S uite 4 0 0 , Portland, OR 97205,

(503) 459 - 0104. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r c ashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I R CUIT C OURT O F T H E STATE O F O RDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY.

Federal Na t i onal Mortgage Association, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. R e b ecca L. Lorentz; L yl e E. L orentz, Jr. ; a n d O ccupants of t h e Premises, D e f endant/s. Case No.: 11CV1007. NOT ICE O F SA L E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.

Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on December 4, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 106 Southeast 15th S treet, Bend, O r egon 97702, to wit,

Lot Six (6), Ramsay Estates No. 1, City of Bend, Deschutes County, O r e gon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, d a t ed October 22, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Federal National Mort-

gage A ssociation, i ts successors i n interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, recovered Corrected St i p ulated General Judgment

of Foreclosure and S hortening of R e d emption Per i od Against Defendants: 1 ) R e becca L . Lorentz, 2) Lyle E. Lorentz, Jr., on August 9, 2012, against Rebecca L. Lorentz and Lyle E. Lorentz, Jr., as defendant/s. BEFORE B IDDING AT T H E SALE, A PROS PECTIVE BID DER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY

INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;

(b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e)Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, De s -

c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h ony Raguine, Civil T echnician. D a t e: November 2, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of First and Successive P u b lications: November 7, 2012; November 14, 2012; November 21, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 28, 2012. Attorney: Tony Kullen, OSB ¹ 090218. Rou t h Crabtree Olsen, PC,

5 11 SW 1 0th A v INVESTIGATE: (a) e nue, Suite 4 0 0 , The priority of the Portland, OR 97205, lien or interest of the (503) 459 - 0101. judgment creditor; Conditions of (b) Land use laws Sale:Potential b idand regulations apders must arrive 15 plicable to the propminutes prior to the erty; (c)Approved auction to allow the uses for the propDeschutes County e rty; (d) Limits o n heriff's Office t o farming or f o rest S review bidd e r's p ractices o n th e f unds. Only U . S . property; (e) Rights urrency and / o r of neig h boring c ch e c ks property o w n ers; cashier's m ade payable t o and (f) EnvironmenDeschutes County tal laws and regulaSheriff's Office will tions that affect the accepted. Payproperty. L A R RY be ment must be made B LANTON, Des in full immediately c hutes Coun t y upon the close of Sheriff. Ant h o ny the sale. Raguine, Civil T echnician. D a t e: November 16, 2012. USE THECLASSIFIEDS! Published in Bend B ulletin. Dat e o f Door-to-door selling with First and Succes- fast results! It's the easiest sive P u b lications: way in the world tosell. November 21, 2012; November 28, 2012; December 5, 2012. The Bulletin Classified Date of Last Publi541-385-5809 cation: December



Legal Notices

Legal Notices




C OURT OF T H E STATE O F ORDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Edward M. Protas; and Occupants of th e P r emises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11C V 1005. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r e by given that I will on December 13, 2012 at 1 1:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Of fi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 544 S o ut h Oak Street, Sisters, Oregon 97759, to wit, Lot Three (3), Block Two (2), Loe Brothers Town N' Country Second Addition to the City of Sisters, Des c hutes County, Or e gon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, d a t ed October 25, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure on April 6, 2012, against Edward M. Protas and O ccupants of t h e Premises as defend ant/s. BEF O R E B IDDING AT T H E SALE,



S PECTIVE BID DER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;

(b)Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in B end B u lletin. Date of F irst and Successive Publications: November 14, 2012; November 21, 2012; November 28, 2012. Date of Last Publication: Dec ember 5 , 2 0 1 2 . Attorney: Erik Wilson, OSB ¹095507, Routh Crab t ree O lsen, P.C., 5 1 1 SW 10th Ave, Suite 400, Portland, OR 97205, (503) 4 59-0104. C o n d e

tions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 m i nutes prior to the auction to allow the Desc hutes Coun t y S heriff's Office t o review bid d e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r c ashier's ch e c ks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the s ale. L A RRY B LANTON, D esc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: November 9, 2012.


Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Judith R. Steele; Valleyview H omeowners Association, I nc.; a n d Oc c u pants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 12CV0401.





EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on January 8, 2013 at 1 1:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Of fi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 2552 Sou t hwest 35th Court, R e d-

m ond,

Ore g o n

9 7756, to w it , L o t

Sixty-Six (66), VALLEY VIEW, D e schutes County, Oregon. EXCEPT that portion dedicated to

t he City o f R e d mond for road purposes recorded May 11, 1987 in B o ok 145, Page 1 4 0 5, Deschutes County Records. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated November 13, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered Stip u lated General Judgment of Foreclosure and S hortening of R e d emption Pe r i od Against Defendant: 1) Judith R. Steele o n O c t ober 29 , 2012, against Judith R. Steele as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SAL E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY

INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor;

(b)Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e)Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in B end B u lletin. Date of F irst and Successive Publications: November 28, 2012; December 5, 2012; December 12, 2012. Date of Last Publication: December 19, 2 0 12. A ttorney: Holl y Hayman, OSB ¹ 114146,

Ro ut h

C rabtree

Ols e n ,

P.C., 511 SW 10th

L e g al Notices • LEGAL NOTICE



COURT O F THE STATE OF OREGON FOR D E SCHUTES COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Patricia Colleen Swa-

rens, Deceased. Case

No. 12 PB 0092. NOT ICE T O INT E R ESTED P E RSONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN that the u ndersigned have been appointed p e r sonal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to p r esent them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned p e rsonal representative at: Susan F. A ylor, 6496 SW Q uarry D r ive, Redmond, OR 97756 within four m o nths after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All p e rsons whose r i ghts may be affected by the proceeding may obtain additional inf ormation from t h e records of the court or the personal repres entative. Date a n d first published October 19, 2012. Susan F. A ylor, P e rsonal Representative. PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: S usan F. Aylor, 6496 SW Quarry Drive, Redmond, O R 97 7 5 6, (541) 923-9616. ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE, Charles N. Fadeley. C HARLES FADELEY, P.C., Attorney at Law, Post Office Box 1408, Sisters, OR 97759, (541) 549-0125, fadeobendbroad-

band.com (e-mail) The Bulletin is your

Employment Marketplace Call

5 41 -385 - 5 8 0 9

The Bulletin




that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative. All persons having claims against the Estate are required to p resent them, w i th vouchers attached, to the undersigned Personal Representative at Karnopp Petersen LLP, 1201 NW Wall S treet, S u it e 3 0 0 , Bend, Oregon

9 7701-1957, wi t h i n four months after the

EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby grven that I will on December 13, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 1884 Nor t h east Carson Way, Bend, Oregon 97701, to wit, Lot Twenty (20) in Block Two (2) of The Wi n c hester, City of Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 25, 2012, to me directed i n the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Federal National Mort-

date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All p e r sons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information gage Association as from the records of p laintiff/s, re c o v the court, the P er- ered General Judgsonal Representative or the attorneys for the Personal Repres entative, wh o a r e Karnopp P e t ersen LLP, 1201 NW Wall S treet, S u it e 3 0 0 , Bend, Oregon 977011 957. D ATED


f irst p ublished N o v ember 1 4 , 20 1 2 . Nancy Whittier Pabotoy, Personal Representative. PE RSONAL REPRESENTATIVE:

Nancy Whittier Pabotoy, 4073 Championship Court, Annadale, Virginia 22003. ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: K ARNOPP PETERSEN LLP,

Brent S . OSB¹

Ki n kade, 933301,

ment of

F o r eclo-

CIR C U IT sure on August 1,

A ve., S t e . 40 0 , Portland, OR 97205, to advertise. (503)459-0136. Conditions of Sale: www.bendbulletin.com Potential bi d ders must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Sennng Central Oregon s>nce 1903 Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o LEGAL NOTICE review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . IN TH E C I R CUIT C OURT OF T H E c urrency and / o r c ashier's c h e c ks STATE O F OREGON DESm ade payable t o Deschutes County CHUTES COUNTY. Sheriff's Office will Federal Na t i onal be accepted. PayMortgage Association, its successors ment must be made in full immediately in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, upon the close of the s ale. L A R RY v. Mary S. McGlynn; B LANTON, D e s - and Occupants of c hutes Coun t y the Premises, DeSheriff. Lisa Griggs, fendant/s. Case No.: Civil Tec h nician. 12CV0015. NOT ICE O F SAL E Date: November 26, 2012.

Legal Notices


INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w ners; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, D esc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civ il Technician. D a t e: November 9, 2012. Published in Bend B ulletin. Dat e o f First and S uccessive P u b lications: November 14, 2012; November 21, 2012; November 28, 2012. Date of Last Publication: December 5, 2012. Atto r ney: Tony Kullen, OSB ¹ 090218,

Rout h

Crabtree Olsen, PC, 5 11 SW 1 0th A v e nue, S uite 4 0 0 , Portland, OR 97205,

Legal Notices against Ch r istina Hietala, Dwight Hie tala an d O c c upants of th e P re-




INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor;

(b)Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in Bend B u lletin. Date of First and Successive Publications: November 28, 2012; December 5, 2012; December 12, 2012. Date of Last Publication: December 19, 2 0 12. Attorney: Tony Kullen, OSB ¹ 090218,

Ro ut h

C rabtree

Ols e n ,

P.C., 511 SW 10th

A ve., S t e . 40 0 , Portland, OR 97205, (503)459-0101. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d ders must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S. c urrency and / o r cashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the s ale. L A RRY B LANTON, D esc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: November 26,

(503) 459 - 0101. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r c ashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. 2012. LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I RCUIT LEGAL NOTICE C OURT O F T H E Notice of Public Hearing STATE O F ORMeeting Type: Public EGON DESHearing by CHUTES COUNTY. Police Chief Jeff Federal Na t i onal Sale as the Justice Mortgage AssociaAssistance Grant tion, its successors manager. in interest and/or Meeting Date: assigns, Plaintiff/s, Wednesday v. Christina Hietala; December 5, 2012. Dwight Hietala; and Meeting Time 9am. O ccupants of t h e Location: Bend Police Premises, D e fenDepartment 555 NE dant/s. Case No.: 15th Street, 1 1CV0884. NOBend, Oregon. T ICE O F SA L E Purpose: Public hearU NDER WRIT O F ing for written and oral EXECUTION views to the City of REAL PROPERTY. end for t h e p r o Notice i s h e r eby B posed use of the 2012 given that I will on Justice A s s istance January 3, 2013 at Grant for the City of 1 2:00 AM i n t h e Bend Police Departmain lobby of t he ment. You can direct Deschutes County q uestions or c o m S heriff's Of fi c e , ments on the above 63333 W. Highway d ate by call i n g 20, Bend, Oregon, 5 41.322.2992 fr o m sell, at public oral 9am to 9:30am. Conauction to the hightact f o r ad d i tional est bidder, for cash questions prior to this or cashier's check, meeting please call the following real Kim Morse property, known as 541.322.2974. Acces20776 Alpine Ridge sible meeting inforP lace, Bend, O r mation — this meeting egon 97701, to wit, event/location is acL ot 3 7 , Bar t o n cessible. Sign L anCrossing, Phase 2, guage, int e rpreter City of Bend, Desservice, assistive lischutes County, Ortening devises, mateegon. Said sale is rials in alternate formade under a Writ mat, such as Braille, o f E x ecution i n large print, electronic Foreclosure issued formats and any other out of t h e C i rcuit accommodations are Court of the State of a vailable upon a d Oregon f o r the vance request. Please C ounty o f Des contact Kim Morse no chutes, dated Nolater than 12/4/12 at vember 9, 2012, to 541.322.2974 me directed in the kmorse©ci.bend.or.us a bove-entitled a c providing at least 3 tion wherein Feddays notice prior to eral National Mortthe event will help engage A s sociation, sure availability. its successors in interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, Need to get an r ecovered St i p uad in ASAP? l ated Gene r a l Judgment of ForeYou can place it closure Aga i n st online at: Defendants: 1) Christina Hietala 2) www.bendbulletln.com Dwight Hietala 3) O ccupants of t h e P remises on A u 541-385-5809 g ust 9, 2012 ,


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