Bulletin Daily Paper 12-28-12

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Serving Central Oregon since1903 75l t

FRIDAY December28,2012

ee -0-cnowonsovein snow Bow preview LOCAL• B1





ew new aws

Russian adoptiondan

— For Americans enmeshed in the costly, complex adoption process, Vladimir Putin's deci-

sion to endorse the banhasa deeply personal effect.A2

Milk matters — With the focus on the fiscal cliff, the farm bill has all but been forgotten,

and consumers could pay the

• ICnown for famous trials, retiring JudgeSullivan hopesfor a broader legacy



Economy,environment — The U.S. could havea

healthier economy if it encour-

By Lauren Dake

aged more biodiversity, according to one study.A3

The Bulletin

SALEM — Hundreds of new laws took effect at the start of 2012, from lowering fines for certain traffic violations to wiping out loopholes allowing drivers to chat on their cellphones. But this year, in part because the last legislative session was abbreviated,fewer than 15 state laws will take effect on Jan. 1, 2013. This New Year's Day, it's more likely all eyes will be on the federal government as it looks increasingly possible the country will take a dive off the fiscal cliff. But there are a couple of new state laws worth noting.

Data defore dating —The once-little-known credit score

has become anincreasingly important number, usedto qualify for credit — and size up a potential mate.AS

Retiring dabydoomers

— They'll either be adrain on the economy or the beginning of new market opportunities,

experts argue.CS

And a Wed exclusive-

Child sex abuse reporting

A triple-amputee veteran forms a brotherly bond with his ther-

Perhaps the most high-profile new law is the expansion of state's list of m andatory reporters of child sex abuse. The change came in wake of the scandal at Penn State, in which assistant coach Jerry Sandusky wa s c h arged with abusing multiple children for more than a decade. Now, employees of higher education, coaches, assistant coaches and anyone who provides "guidance, instruction or training in youth development activity" will be added to the list of mandatory childsex abuse reporters,which already included K-12 school employees and social workers. Ron Paradis, spokesman for Central Oregon Community College, said the college has already started training staff on the new law and how to report sex abuse if it's seen on campus or in an environment unaffiliated with work. "The law has to do with child abuse, obviously, and we don't work with children, but we do work with adults," Paradis said. "And now the law says if any of us witness child abuse whether related to work or not, we need to report it. So, it's a big change and will take some training on our part to make sure employees understand."

apist — even though theymay seem like the odd couple.



Rob KerriThe Bulletin

Deschutes County Circuit Judge Michael Sullivan poses next to a plaque in his office; pictured is the native Portlander and former president of the Central Oregon Bar Association in1988, the year he was appointed to the bench.

GLi f War's

'Stormin' Norman' dies at 78 Bulletin wire reports Retired Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, who topped an illustrious military

career by commanding the U.S.-led international coalition that drove Saddam Hussein'sforces out of Kuwait in 1991 but kept a low public profile in controversies over the second Gulf War against Iraq, died Thursday. He was 78. Schwarzkopf died in Tampa, Fla., where he had lived in retirement, from complications arising from a recent bout

By Sheila G. Miller •The Bulletin

hen Deschutes County Circuit Court Judge Michael Sullivan enters the courthouse Monday, nearly every employee knows what he'll say. He's said it daily since he started as a judge there in 1988: "Just another day in paradise." But Monday will be Sullivan's final day in the relative paradise of the courthouse. After nearly 25 years on the bench and a long list of accomplishments, Sullivan is retiring. "He says that daily, and he means it," Judge Alta Brady said. "There's never been any doubt that he loves his job and loves the work that he gets to do. Sometimes there's a little sarcastic tone when he says it, but that was his daily line." Sullivan, 64, grew up in Portland and attended the University of Oregon for law school. He worked in Lane County before moving east to Jefferson County in 1974 to serve first as deputy district attorney and then as district attorney until 1988. Sullivan was appointed to the bench in 1988 by Gov. Neil Goldschmidt. He's had a hand in creating various specialty courts; he settled hundreds of cases before

they reached trial, and he was instrumental in the creation of Mary's Place. He also served as the court's presiding judge between 2004 and 2011. Sullivan became a well-known figure around Oregon, and the world, when he was Jefferson County district attorney. In the early 1980s, the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and some 7,000 followers descended on a ranch in Antelope and began making power grabs that pushed Sullivan into the spotlight. The group voted to create their own city on the commune, tried to take over the local school district and wanted to rename Antelope. They also allegedly poisoned Sullivan's coffee. SeeSullivan/A6

Higher minimum wage Starting the first of the year, the state's minimum wage will increase by15 cents,from $8.80 to $8.95 per hour. Oregon is one of 10 states that annually adjusts minimum wage based on inflation, according to the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries. SeeNew laws/A6

"It was a time when everything had to be examined, and there was lots of pressure. I gained a real appreciation for why we have constitutions, and why we have the law." — Michael Sullivan, about the near-deadly Raineesh affair, during which he was a district attorney

of pneumonia, said his sister Ruth Barenbaum. A much-decorated combat soldier in Vietnam, Schwarzkopf was known popularly as "Stormin' Norman" for his explosive temper. He served in his last military assignment in Tampa as commander-inchief of U.S. Central Command, the headquarters responsible for U.S. military and security concerns across the eastern Mediterranean to Africa. He was there in 1988, and when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait three years later, he commanded Operation Desert Storm, the coalition of some 30 countries that succeeded in driving the Iraqis out. SeeSchwarzkopf/A6

As bookstoresclose, libraries prepare for a revival By Karen Ann Cullotta New York Times News Service

At the bustling public library in Arlington Heights, Ill., requests by three patrons to place any title on hold prompt a savvy computer tracking system to order an additional copy of the coveted item. That policy was intended

TODAY'S WEATHER Partly cloudy High 33, Low 19

Page B6

to eliminate the frustration of long waits to check out best-sellers and other popular books. But it has had some unintended consequences, too:The library's shelves are now stocked with 36 copies of "Fifty Shades of Grey." They'll eventually go to the used-book sales counter.

"A library has limited shelf space, so you almost have to think of it as a store and stock it with the things that people want," said Jason Kuhl, the executive director of the Arlington Heights Memorial Library. Renovations going on there now will turn a swath of the library's first floor into

an area resembling a bookshop, where patrons will be pampered with cozy seating, a vending cafe and, above all, an abundance of best-sellers. As librarians across the nation struggle with the task of redefining their roles and responsibilities in a digital age, many public libraries

INDEX All Ages D1- 6 C lassified E1 - 6 D ear Abby D6 Obituaries B 5 C1-6 Busines s/Stocks C7-8 Comics/Puzzles E3-4 Horoscope D6 Sports D6 Calendar B2 Crosswords E 4 L o cal & StateB1-6 TV/Movies

The Bulletin AnIndependent Newspaper

vol. 109, No. 363, 66 pages, 6 sections

are seeing an opportunity to fill the void created by the loss of traditional bookstores. Indeed, today's libraries are increasingly adapting their collections and services based on the demands of library patrons, whom they now call customers. SeeLibraries/A4

+ .4 We userecycled newsprint

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By David M. Herszenhorn

FiSCal Cliff talkS tOday —President Barack Obamawill meet with congressional leaders at theWhite Housetoday in search of a compromise to avoid a year-end "fiscal cliff" of across-the-board tax

increasesanddeepspendingcuts.Thursday'sdevelopmentcapped a day of growing urgency in which Obamareturned early from vacation and Speaker John Boehner called the House back into session

for a highly unusual Sundayevening session. While there wasno guarantee of a compromise, Republicans andDemocrats said privately elements of any agreement would likely include an extension of

middle class tax cuts with increased rates at upper incomes aswell as cancellation of the scheduled spending cuts.

and Erik Eckholm

EPA Chiof to roSign —Lisa Jackson is stepping down as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agencyafter a four-year

New York Times News Service

MOSCOW President Vladimir P u t i n' s d e c ision Thursday to endorse a ban on the adoption of Russian children by U.S. citizens dealt a serious blow to an already strained diplomatic relationship, but f o r h u n dreds of Americans enmeshed in the costly, complicated adoption process,the impact was deeply personal. Robert and Kim Summers of Freehold, N.J., have already paidforthree seats on a flight home from Russia next month. They are scheduled to pick up a 21-month-old boy they consider their son in the city of Kaluga on Jan. 14, after a required 30-day waiting period that began when a judge approved their adoption. They plan to call the boy Preston, and their house is filled with toys and clothes and pictures of him, said Kim Summers, 49. "I'm appalled," she said of news that the ban would become law. "I can't even fathom what is happening, something so political that has absolutely nothing to do with children." If the ban comes into force Tuesday, as called for in the law, it stands to upend the plans of many U.S. families in the final stages of adopting in Russia. Already, it has added wrenching emotional tumult to a process that can cost $50,000 or more, requires repeated trips overseas, and typically entails lengthy and maddening encounters with bureaucracy. The ban would apparently also nullify an agreement on adoptions between Russia and the United States that was ratified this year and just went into effect Nov. 1.

tenure that began with high hopes of sweeping action to address climate change and other environmental ills but ended with a series

of rear-guard actions to defend theagency against challenges from industry, Republicans in Congress and, at times, the Obama White House. Jackson, 50, told President Barack Obama shortly after his

re-election in November that shewanted to leavethe administration early next year. She informed the EPA staff of her decision Thursday

morning. No successor was immediately named. StOrm dlaStS nOrthWard —A muted version of a winter storm that has killed more than a dozen people across the eastern half of

the country plodded across the Northeast on Thursday, trapping airliners in snow or mud and frustrating travelers still trying to return home after Christmas. The storm, which was blamed for at least16

New York Times News Service

Russian President Vladimir Putin says he will sign a bill barring Americans from adopting Russian children. The law would mean the approximately1,000 orphans who find homes in the U.S. each year and the 46 children who are already in the process of being adopted — such as the 21-month-old that Kim Summers, of Freehold, N.J., considers her son — would remain in Russia.

deaths farther south andwest, brought plenty of wind, rain and snow to the Northeast when it blew in Wednesday night. Lights generally

remained onand cars mostly stayed on the road, unlike many harderhitplacesincludingArkansas,where200,000homes and businesses lost power. Snow is expected to keep falling across the region.

Newtnwn SCam —A Bronx, N.Y., womanwho police say posed

criticism that the law would deny some Russian orphans the chance for a much better life in the United States. In 2011, about 1,000 Russian children were adopted to Americans, more than to any other f oreign country, but still a tiny number given that nearly 120,000 children in Russia are eligible for adoption. "There are probably many places in th e w o rld w h ere living standards are better than ours," Putin said. "So what'? Shall we send all children there, or m ove t here ourselves?" U.S. officials have criticized the measure and have urged the Russian government not to entangle orphaned children in politics. Internally, however, Obama administration officials have been debating how strongly to respond to the adoption ban, and the potential implications for other aspects of the country's relationship with Russia. The United States relies Putin's promise heavily on o v erland routes The bill was approved unan- through Russia to ship supplies imously by t h e F e deration to military units in AfghaniCouncil, the upper chamber stan and has enlisted Russia's of Parliament, on Wednesday. help in containing Iran's nuclePutin said that he would sign ar program. The former Cold it as well as a resolution also War rivals also have sharp disadopted Wednesday that calls agreements, notably over the for improvements inRussia's civil war in Syria. child welfare system. The bill that includes the "I intend to sign the law," Pu- adoption ban was drafted in tin said, "as well as a presiden- response to th e M a gnitsky tial decree changing the pro- Act, a law signed by Presicedure of helping orphaned d ent B arack O b am a t h i s children, children left without month that will bar Russian parental care, and especially citizens accused of violating children who are in a disad- human rights from traveling vantageous situation due to to the United States and from their health problems." owning real estate or other Putin also brushed aside assets there. The Obama ad-

ministration had opposed the Magnitsky legislation, fearing diplomatic retaliation, but members of Congress were eager to press Russia over human rights abuses and tied the bill to another measure granting Russia new status as a full trading partner.

as an aunt of a 6-year-old boy killed in the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in order to solicit donations was arrested

Thursday and chargedwith lying to federal agents. Nouel Alba, 37, used her Facebookaccount, telephone calls andtext messagesto solicit money for a "funeral fund," according to a criminal complaint

filed in U.S. District Court in Connecticut. Alba denies shehadposted any messages on Facebook soliciting donations. If convicted, Alba

faces a maximum of five years in prison and$250,000 fine. Now YOrk gUnmnn —Thegunman who lured two firefighters to

American responses

their deaths died of a self-inflicted shot to the head and wasn't hit by

return fire from a police officer, NewYork State Police said Thursday.

The response against the ban has been equally emotional in the United States, where three Russian adoptees, including Tatyana McFadden, 23, a medal-winning P a ralympics athlete who uses a wheelchair, waited in the snow and rain Wednesday to deliver a petition against the ban to the Russian Embassy in Washington. Meanwhile, U.S. supporters ofthe ban said there were more than enough U.S. children in n eed o f a d option, and critics of i n ternational adoption generally reiterated complaints that the process is overly profit-driven and sometimes corrupt. But for parents with their hearts set on adopting Russian children, th e p o litical discourse has been little more than background noise to their own personal agony. Senior officials in Moscow have said they expect the ban to have the immediate effect of blocking the departure of 46 children whose adoptions by U.S. parents were nearly completed. Adoption agency officials in th e U n ited States who work regularly with Russian orphanages said there were about 200 to 250 sets of parents who had identified children they planned to adopt and would be affected.

But investigators still hadn't made a positive identification of the body found in William Spengler's burned house. They have said they be-

lieve the remains arethose of his 67-year-old sister, Cheryl Spengler, who also lived in the house near Rochester.

Egyptian COup plat? —Egypt's chief prosecutor ordered an investigation on Thursday into allegations that opposition leaders committed treason by inciting supporters to overthrow Islamist President

Mohammed Morsi, a dayafter the president called for a dialogue with the opposition to heal rifts opened in the bitter fight over an Islamist-

drafted constitution just approved in areferendum. Theprobe was almost certain to sour the already tensepolitical atmosphere in the country. CBII for Syrinn trnnSiiion —Lakhdar Brahimi, the international envoyona missiontoDamascusseekinganendtotheescalating civil conflict in Syria, said Thursday a transitional government with full executive authority should be established, perhaps within months, and should rule the country until new elections could be held. Brahimi did not say who would serve in such a government, but

his comments suggested that if President BasharAssad remained in the country, he would retain no authority.

Japan'S Slavery apOIOgy —A top official hinted Thursday that Japan's newly installed conservative government might seek to revise

a two-decade-old official apology to womenforced into sexual slavery during World War II, amovethat could outrage South Korea andother former victims of Japanese militarism. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga refused to indicate clearly whether the new prime minister

would uphold the1993 apology. Most historians say thewomen were coerced and were not prostitutes, as nationalists have claimed.

Turmoil in Central Africa —RebelsonThursday inched closer to the capital of the Central African Republic, one of Africa's most fragile states, threatening to topple an elected government that has had

an unsteady grip on powerfor nearly a decade.Thousands of civilians fled cities and towns into dense forest as embassies and humanitarian aid organizations evacuated many of their staff members. — From wirereports



. The military has an ex. cessive number of generals/flag officers. There seems to be a four-stargeneral assigned to every hot spot around the world. They used to be only servicechiefs and major command and component commanders. How many are there compared with the height of the Cold War or Vietnam era? • There are fewer such of-

A• ficers (G/FOs) now than

at the end of the Cold War in 1991, but there aren't as many uniformed military personnel, said Ben Freeman, a national security investigator for the Project on Government Oversight, a nonpartisan watchdog. As of October, there were 936 G/FOs in the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marine Corps, according to the Department of Defense, compared with 1,017 G/FOs at the end of the C old War, but there are 6.7 per 10,000 uniformed military personnel compared with about five per 10,000 in '91. Spokeswoman Eileen Lainez told F o reignpolicy.com that the Department of Defense "is on track" to "eliminate" 102 G/FO positions and reduce 23 additional positions to lower ranks.

Do you have a question about nation or world news? Submit it to Cox News Service editors in Atlanta



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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Friday, Dec. 28, the 363rd day of 2012. There are three days left in the year.




8 milk might be just over the diff

Fiscal cliff — President Barack Obama andthetop four congressional leaders will meet today.A2

HISTORY Highlight:In1912, San Francisco's Municipal Railway

By Jia LynnYang The Washington Post

began operations with Mayor James Rolph Jr. at the controls

the first U.S. vice president to

By Kenneth EL Weiss

Add another, more prosaic item to the list of things Congress has left until the last minute to resolve this year: the price of milk. Distracted by dealing with the Bush tax cuts, lawmakers are running out of time to pass the latest version of the country's sweeping farm bill and avoid what's become known as the "dairy cliff" (no

resign, stepping down because of differences with President

Los Angeles Times

joke). If Congress misses the

L OS ANGELES — P o verty and diseaseoften come together. That much is well understood. But how much does poverty foster disease? Or, how much can diseaseperpetuate poverty? And what's the role of nature, given that so many infectiousdiseases are spread by mosquitoes or spend part of their life cycle outside of the human body'? A new s t udy f i nds t h at certain types o f i n f ectious and parasiticdiseases have a significant influence on economic development a cross the world and accounts for some ofthe differences in percapita income between those who live in countries in the tropics or those in temperate latitudes. And the team o f e conomists and ecologists suggests that healthy forests or other ecosystems,with broad diversity of plants and animals, can ease the burden of parasitic diseases and those spread by mosquitoesor other vectors. The authors, writing in the Public Library of Science Biology, make theseassertions based on an extensive analysis of data from the World Bank on per-capita income in 139 countries and the burden of parasiticand vector-borne diseasesas measured by lives lost as well as time lost to illness. Although many economists now recognize that malaria and hookworm can hamper economic growth, the authors write, "an intense debate remains on the relative importance of general disease burden on global patterns of wealth and poverty." Many of the extremely poor

Jan. I deadline, the price of milk could rise significantly — some say by more than $3 a gallon, to reach an average $8 — as thecountry's farm policy reverts back to laws dating from 1949. The Agriculture Department said prices would not jump immediately in 2013 and that the agency is exploring all options for heading off a mess. But hopes are diminishing that lawmakers will deal with the farm bill in time to avoid throwing the nation's farm policy back more than six decades. "The best outcome would be for Congress to do its job and pass a five-year bill," Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said last week. "The worst outcome is for us to continue to see Congress do nothing and for permanent law to come into effect."

of Streetcar No. 1 as 50,000

spectators looked on. In 1612, Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei observed the planet Neptune, but mistook

it for a star. (Neptunewasn't officially discovered until1846 by Johann Gottfried Galle.)

A new study looks at the role of nature in the spread of infectious and parasitic diseases and indicates that the U.S., along with many tropical nations, would have a healthier economy if it spent more on health care and encouraged more biodiversity.

In1832, John Calhoun became

Andrew Jackson. In1846, lowa became the 29th state. In 1856, the 28th president of the United States, Thomas

Woodrow Wilson, was born in Staunton, Va. In1897, the play "Cyrano de

Bergerac," by EdmondRostand, premiered in Paris. In1917, the New York Evening

Mail published "ANeglected Anniversary," a facetious, ficti-

tious essay byH.L. Mencken recounting the history of bathtubs in America. In1945,Congress officially recognized the Pledge of Allegiance. In1961, the Tennessee Williams play "Night of the Iguana"

opened onBroadway. Former first lady Edith Bolling Galt Wilson, the second wife of

President Wilson, died inWashington at age 89. In 1972, Kim II Sung, the premier of North Korea, was

named the country's president. In1987, a mass killing came to

light as the bodies of14 relatives of Ronald Gene Simmons

were found at his homenear Dover, Ark., after Simmons shot and killed two other peo-

ple in Russellville. (Simmons was executed in1990.) Ten years ago:TheU.N. nuclear watchdog decided to pull its inspectors out of North Korea

by New Year's Eve, astep demanded by the North.

Five yearsago:President George W.Bushused a"pocket veto" to reject a sweepingdefense bill because he objected to a provision that would have

exposed the lraqi government to expensive lawsuits seeking damagesfrom theSaddam Hussein era. Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was

The Associated Press file photo

Pakistani day laborers sleep under a mosquito net in the middle of a road in Islamabad. Economists say diseases like malaria can hamper economic growth. live in the tropics, the latitudes that tend to harbor more infectious diseases. The study, led by Matthew B onds, an e c onomist a n d ecologist at Harvard Medical School's department of global health and social medicine, wanted to look beyond how the differences in latitudes correlate with disease and poverty. They also wanted to control for other economic influences, such as well-functioning government, legal and economic institutions. D isentangling cause a n d effect can be tricky, and the authors used a statistical approach to evaluate the relative importance of various causal factors, while controlling for variables. "Our model indicates that vector-borne an d p a r asitic

particular, the model predicts that the burden of disease will rise as biodiversity falls." The study explains that some diseases, such as Lyme disease and malaria, rely on other hosts for part of their life cycle and can increase as these non-human hosts multiply with the loss of predators and competitors. For example, rodent populations soar when coyotes,wolves, owls or other predators aren't around to eat them. "Our study shows that biodiversity also seems important i n b o osting economic welfare — probably through its impact onbuffering disease outbreaks," said Andrew Dobson, a co-author who studies infectious diseases at Princeton University's department of ecology and evolutionary

diseases (VBPDs) have sys- biology. tematically affected economic development," th e a u t h ors write. "Importantly, we show that the burden of VBPDs is, in turn, determined by underlying ecological conditions. In

Their findings suggest, he said, "that the U.S. and many tropical nations would have much healthier economies if they spentmore on health care and saved more biodiversity."

is produced throughout the

year. At the heart of the trouble is an old provision designed t o create a f loor for h ow much dairy farmers are paid for milk — a kind of minimum wage. The formula for calculating that price, however, is based on assumptions that are a century old, predating the improvements in dairy farming. That old formula, if not replaced by a new farm bill, would push

prices higher.

How much higher is difficult to determine because o f the complexity of m i l k pricing. There are middlemen who help determine the priceof the supermarket gallon, including processors Beyond dairy and companies such as Dean It's not just milk that's in Foods that m a rket d a i ry limbo. The farm b il l a l so products to consumers. includes disaster relief for The government's dated farmers and foreign food aid mechanismforcontrollingthe that expired Oct. I because price of milk is also remarkof inaction by lawmakers. ably indirect. The USDA in And i f C o n gress does effect offers to buy bulk butnot pass the bill by March, ter, nonfat dry milk and chedwhen it's time for farmers dar cheese in blocks and barto start planting crops, the rels in order to alter the price antiquated laws could begin of milk. (The government to roil production for other bought so much cheese in the products, from peanuts to early 1980s that it had to give corn, by applying quotas dis- it away to families.) Such a carded years ago. process wouldn't cause prices "It would be an administra- to spike overnight. tive nightmare," said James The Senate has already Dunn, a professor of agri- p assed a f a r m b i l L T h e cultural economics at Penn House Agriculture CommitState University. "The farm- tee approved a version earers would lose a lot of flex- lier this year, but the House ibility in what they produce." leadership has not allowed The milk situation is im- the bill to be debated by the mediately dire because milk entire House.

laid to rest as the country's army tried to quell a frenzy of

rioting in the wakeof herassassination. David Letterman's

production company reached an interim agreement with the Writers Guild allowing his talk

show as well asCraig Ferguson's to return to the air. One year ago:North Korea's new leader, Kim JongUn,escorted his father's hearse in an

elaborate state funeral, bowing somberly and saluting in front of tens of thousands of citizens

who wailed and stampedtheir feet in grief for Kim Jong II.

Kaye Stevens, asinger and actress who performed with the Rat Pack and was a frequent guest on the Carson "Tonight Show," died in Florida at 79.

BIRTHDAYS Comic book creator Stan Lee is 90. Former United Auto Workers union president Owen Bieber is 83. Actor

Martin Milner is 81.Actress Nichelle Nichols is 80. Actress Dame Maggie Smith is 78.

Rock singer-musician Charles Neville is 74. Sen. Rock singermusician Edgar Winter is 66.

Actor DenzelWashington is 58. Country singer Joe Diffie is 54. Actor Chad McQueen

is 52. Actor Malcolm Gets is 48. Actor Mauricio Mendoza is 43. Comedian Seth Meyers

is 39. Actor BrendanHines is 36. Rhythm-and-blues singer John Legend is 34. Actress

Sienna Miller is 31. Actor Thomas Dekker is 25. Actress

Mackenzie Rosman is23. Pop singer David Archuleta ("American Idol") is 22. — From wire reports

A turtle project takes adark twist By Jeffrey Collins

Herzog asked a c lass of The Associated Press about 110 students getting CLEMSON, S.C. — Clem- ready to take a final whether son University student Nathan t hey had i n tentionally r u n Weaver set out to determine over a turtle, or been in a car how to help turtles cross the with someone who did. Thirroad. He ended up getting a ty-four students raised their glimpse into the dark souls of hands, about two-thirds of some humans. them male, said Herzog, auWeaver put a realistic rub- thor of a book about humans' ber turtle in the middle of a relationships wit h a n i mals, lane on a busy road near cam- called"Some We Love, Some pus. Then he got out of the way We Hate, Some We Eat." and watched over the next W eaver wants t o f i g u r e hour as seven drivers swerved out the best way to get turtles and deliberately ran over the safely across the road and keep animal. Several more appar- the population from dwindling ently tried to hit it but missed. further. Among the possible "I've heard of people and solutions: turtle underpasses or from friends who knew people an educationcampaign aimed that ran over turtles. But to see at teenagers on why drivers it out here like this was a bit shouldn't mow turtles down. shocking," said Weaver, a 22The first time Weaver colyear-old senior in Clemson's lected data on turtles, he chose School of Agricultural, Forest a spot down the road from a and Environmental Sciences. big apartment complex that To seasoned researchers, caters to students. He counted the practice wasn't surprising. 267 vehicles that passed by, The number of box turtles seven of them i ntentionally is in slow decline, and one big hitting his rubber reptile. reason is that many wind up He went back out about a as roadkill while crossing the week later, choosing a road asphalt, a slow-and-steady trip in a more residential area. He that can take several minutes. followed thesame procedure, Sometimes humans f e el putting the fake turtle in the a need to prove they are the middle of the lane, facing the d ominant species o n t h i s far sideof the road. The secplanet by taking a t w o-ton ond of the 50 cars to pass by metal vehicle and squishing that day swerved over the cena defenseless creature under ter line, its right tires pulverizthe tires, said Hal Herzog, a ing the plastic shell. " Wow! That d i d n't t a k e Western Carolina University psychology professor. "It is the long," Weaver said. dark side of human nature." Why doturtles even crossthe

road? It takes a turtle seven or eightyears to become mature enough to reproduce, and in that time, it might make several trips across the road to get from one pond to another, looking

for food or a place to lay eggs.


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By Keith Bradsher

and Charles Duhigg /Vew York Times News Service

CHENGDU, China — One day last summer, Pu Xiaolan was halfway through a shift inspecting iPad cases when she received a beige wooden chair with white stripes and a high, sturdy back. At first, Pu w o ndered if someone had made a mistake. But when her bosses walked by, they nodded curtly. So Pu gently sat down and leaned back. Her body relaxed. The rumors were true. When Pu was hired at this Foxconn plant a year earlier, she received a short, green plastic stool that left her unsupported back so sore that she could barely sleep at night. Eventually, she was promoted to a wooden chair, but the backrest was much too small to lean against. The managers of this 164,000-employee factory, she surmised, believed that comfort encouraged sloth. But in March, unbeknown to Pu, a critical meeting had occurred between Foxconn's top executives and a high-ranking Apple official. The companies had committed themselves to a seriesofwi de-ranging reforms. Foxconn, China'slargestprivate

chronic problems remain at overseasfactories.Many laborers still work illegal overtime and some employees' safety remains at risk, according to interviews and reports published by advocacy organizations.

An inspector's push

"This is a disgrace!" shouted Terry Gou, founder and chairman of Foxconn, the world's largest electronics manufacturer and Apple's most important industrial partner. It was March of this year and Gou — seen by activists as a longtime obstacle to improving conditions inside his factories — was meeting with his top deputies in Shenzhen, China. In 2011, The New York Times had begun sending Apple and Foxconn extensive questions about working conditions in factories manufacturing A pple p r oducts. The resulting articles in late January detailed problems ranging from excessiveovertime and underage workers to sometimes deadly hazards. An explosion in Pu's Foxconn plant that killed four workers. In January, Applepubliclyreleased the names of many of its suppliers for the first time. Additionally, the company made the unusual move of joining the employer, pledged to sharply Fair Labor Association, one of c urtail workers' hours a nd the largest workplace monitorsignificantly increase wages ing groups. Auditors from that — reforms that, if fully carried association were soon inspectout next year as planned, could ing Apple's partners in China, create a ripple effect that ben- starting with Foxconn. efits tens of millions of workers Now, Gou was learning the across the electronics industry, results of those examinations. employment experts say. Foxconn was still failing to The changes also extend stop illegal overtime, the asto California, where Apple is sociation's lead inspector told based. Apple, the electronics Gou and his lieutenants, aci ndustry's behemoth, in t h e cording to multiple people with last year has tripled its corpo- knowledge of the meeting. The rate social responsibility staff, company was failing to keep has re-evaluated how it works student interns off night shifts. with manufacturers, has asked Foxconn had not put sufficient competitors to help curb exces- safety policies into practice and sive overtime in China and has had exposed potentially hunreached out to advocacy groups dreds of thousands of workers it once rebuffed. to at least 43 violations of ChiExecutives at companies like nese laws and regulations. Hewlett-Packard and Intel say But the inspector was not those shifts have convinced done. He turned to the only many electronics companies Apple executive in the room, they must also overhaul how the senior vice president for optheyinteract with foreignplants erations, Jeff Williams. Apple and workers — often at a cost to needed to change as well, the their bottom lines, though, ana- inspector said. Apple, to its lysts say, probably not so much credit, had been working for as toaffectconsumer prices. years to improve conditions in Even with t hese reforms, overseasfactories,butthe com-

Libraries Continued from A1 Today's libraries are reinventing themselves as vibrant town s q uares, s howcasing the latest best-sellers, lending Kindles loaded with e-books, and offering grassroots technology training centers. Faced with the need to compete for shrinking municipal finances, libraries are determined to prove they can respond as quickly to the needs of the taxpayers asthe police and fire department can. "Ithink public libraries used to seem intimidating to many people, but today, they are becoming much more user-

the need for providing good information, which often can only be found at the library." Cheryl Hurley, the president of the Library of America, a n onprofit publisher in N e w York "dedicated to preserving America's best and most significant writing," said the trend of libraries catering to the public's demand for bestsellers is not surprising, especially given the ravages of the recessionon publicbudgets. Still, Hurley is confident that libraries will never relinquish their responsibility to also provide patrons with the opportunitytodiscover literaryworksof

Gilles Sabrie New York Times News Service

„ //.s

Improving workingconditions at Foxconn The Fair Labor Association assesses and monitors labor practices at manufacturing plants and recommends improvements. After Apple joined in January, the FLA inspected three huge Foxconn factories in China that make iPads, iPhones and other devices. Inspectors identified 360 specific remediations to address a host of issues. In an August report, the FLA said Foxconn had carried out 284 of those improvements.

Seven of these recommended changes call for16- to 17-year-old workers to be relocated to lower-risk jobs and

not work at night, related training of managers and continued monitoring. Another15 relate to changing fire alarm buttons that are not in the local language. 24 of these

• 5555 5 5 5 • 55555 5 • 55555 5 • 5555 5 5 5 • 5555 5 5 5 • 5555 5 5 5 • 55555 5 • 55555 5 •5555 5 •5555 5





Earlier this year, Foxconn

announcedthatbynextsummer no employee would be allowed to doing work they're not work more than an average of 49 paid for. hours a week. Previously some employees worked schedules that approached100 hours a week.


Health and safety

FOXCONN FACTORYIMPROVEMENTS The status of 360 specific remediations regarding working conditions at three Foxconn factories that supply Apple, as of June 30.

recommendations focus on employees

• 5555 5 5 5 5 5 • 5555 5 5 5 5 5 • 5555 5 5 5

Many Foxconn workers were

Workers' names and time spent in

unaware that they

the toilet were posted in public.

were represented by a union, and union committees were often staffed by

factory managers.

• 555 5 • 55


Environmental Compensation Hours of work protection

Recruitment, Industrial hiring and relations personnel development

Change is hard


workers were posted.

I I 8I I I Gnevance system

Source Fair Labor Association

pany was treating such problems too much like engineering puzzles, the inspector said. "Long-term solutions require a messier, more human approach," that inspector, Auret van Heerden of the Fair Labor Association, tol d W i l l iams. Instead of concentrating on writing more policies, Apple needed to listen better to workers' complaints and advocacy groups' recommendations.

Also, names of

55 55 5 55 55 5 55 55 5


Workplace Termination conduct and and discipline r e trenchment New York Times News Service

tive, Timothy Cook. Foxconn has also shifted. After the meeting with the Fair Labor Association, Foxconn, which is based in Taiwan, announced that by July 2013, no employee would be allowed to work more than an average of 49 hours a week — the limit set by Chinese law. Previously, some Foxconn e m p loyees w orked schedules that a p proached 100 hours a week. Hewlett-Packard also makes products at Foxconn factories,

as does almost every major electronics f i r m . F o x conn, more than any other company, has proved that Chinese plants can deliver obsessive attention to quality. The company has helped make China into a manufacturing juggernaut through strict discipline that is visible everywhere, from the salutes employees give visiting executives to morning calisthenics for workers. T hat discipline, say f o r mer Apple executives, is one

reason every iPhone is put together so well. It is also one reason thereforms enjoyed by employees like Pu — who received the new chair — have not spread quickly. Foxconn, in a s t atement, said it h a d " a l w ays b een among the fastest to adopt change and reform." Its policy, the company said, is "to treat employees with respect and if we find any transgressions, they are immediately investigated and addressed."

When Williams, who declined to comment for this article, returned from that March meeting to California, changes

began. Amongthem, saypeople with firsthand knowledge, was the hiring of roughly 30 professionals into Apple's social responsibility unit in the last year, which tripled the size of that division and brought high-profile corporate activists into the company. Two widely respected former Apple executives — Jacky Haynes and Bob Bainbridgewere recruited backto help lead the unit, reporting ultimately to Williams and the chief execu-


t r T1

,r~ ~~Ilff (gt tti,PQM i ' j, Readers rapidly gravitate to e-books

'Nm Year's Eve

America's obsession with digital tablets is driving a boon in e-

book reading, a newsurvey shows, a trend that is dampening the appeal of printed books and shaking the centuries-old publishing

OPen Late, SPecial Entreesin

business. The share of Americans who reade-books grew to 23 percent from 16 percent over the past year, while the number of adults who read printed books fell to 67 percent from 72 percent, ac-

cording to a study releasedThursday by the PewInternet &

P addition

American Life Project. The swift and dramatic shift in reading habits was brought on

to Regular Menu

by the rising popularity of tablets and e-reader devices, which

SPecial Entrees include:

are now owned by one-third of the U.S. population, the survey showed. And tablets — a category jump-started by Apple just

• Fi,let Oscar

two years ago —havesurpassed e-readers such as Barnes 8 Noble's Nook or Amazon's Kindle as the preferred device for reading digital books, Pew found. One out of four e-books is being

• Halibut Oscar

read off a tablet, up from oneout of10lastyear. — The Washington Post

• Prime Ri,b



II Ij'

friendly, and are no longer these big, impersonal mausoleums," said Jeannette Woodward, a former librarian and author of "Creating the Customer-Driven Library: Building on the Bookstore Model." "Public libraries tread a fine line," Woodward said. "They want to make people happy, and get them in the habit of coming into the library for popular best-sellers, even if some of it might be considered junk. But libraries also understand

talks with a worker at a Quanta factory that makes Hewlett-Packard computers in Chongqing, China. In addition to the counselors, the factory also offers its workers a free cafeteria and dorm with a movie theater, television rooms, karaoke bars and other perks.


merit, be it the classics, or more recent fiction from novelists like Philip Roth, whose work is both critically acclaimed and immensely popular. While print books, both fiction and nonfiction, still make up the bulk of most library collections — e-books remain limited to less than 2 percent of many collections in part because some publishers limit their availability at l ibraries — building renovation plans these days rarelyinclude expanding shelf space for print products. Instead, many libraries are culling their collections and adapting floor plans to accommodate technology training programs, as well as miniconference rooms that offer private, quiet spaces frequently requested by consultants meeting with clients, as well as teenagers needing space to huddle over group projects. Though an increase in book weeding these days — a practice long known in library parlance as deselection — might be troubling to some biblio-

philes, library officials say, many books removed from libraries enjoy a happy life after being sold at used-book sales. A recent visit to the Friends of the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County Warehouse Sale proved to be not unlike wandering into a reader'snirvana for Jeff Borden, 61. A writer and adjunct professor from Chicago, Borden said he and his wife, J ohanna Brandon, left t h e November sale with shopping bags brimming with an eclectic and bargain-priced assortment of fiction and nonfiction, including the noir novel "The Leopard" by Jo Nesbo, and "Go Down Together: The True, Untold Story of Bonnie and Clyde" by Jeff Guinn. "Great fiction is still being written, as well as rotten fiction," Borden added. "To my way of thinking, you needto get them in the door of the library first, and ifsomeone's search for 'Shades of Grey' leads them to read D.H. Lawrence, well, that's not a bad deaL"

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ven u i wans o now ourcre i score By Jessica Silver-Greenberg


his own low one could create tension in their relationship. sl As she nibbled on strawWhen the coupleleased a car il berry s h o r tcake, J e s sica in October, Hendrix had to LaShawn, a flight attendant leave his name off the confrom Chicago, tried not to get tract because his poor credit ahead of herself and imagine scuttled his chances for the this first date turning into anbargain interest rate that his other and another, and maygirlfriend qualified for. be, at some point, a glimmerHendrix said he resented ing diamond ring and happily that his credit score, which he I ever after. said was marred by a single She simply couldn't help it, contested cable bill, has limthough. After all, he was tall, ited his access to credit. "I always pay my bills so it's from a religious family, raised by his grandparents just as pretty ridiculous that a billing she was, worked in finance Nathan Weber / New York Times News Service Yana Paskova/ New York Times News Service error can ruin your score," he and even had great teeth. said. His girlfriend declined "I take my credit score seriously and so my Her musings were sudden- "It was really awkward because he kept telling to be interviewed. ly interrupted when her date me that I was the perfect girl for him, but that S arah Klein, wh o m a n date can take me seriously." asked a decidedly unromanages myFICO Forums, an a low credit score was his deal-breaker." — Josephine La Bella online discussion group, liktic question: "What's your credit score'?" ens credit scores to dieting — Jessica Lashawn "It was a s i f t h e m u s ic because both affect dating stopped," LaShawn, 31, said, but often are shrouded in serecalling how the date this crecy. To motivate members year went so wrong so quick- agement, a financial advisory matters after you graduate," to view the credit scores of job candidates, D percent of to openly discuss and rehaly after she tried to answer firm. "It's a shorthand way to she said. potential dates who agree to e mployers surveyed by t h e bilitate their c r edit scores, his question honestly. get a sense of someone's fiJosephine La Bella, 25, who provide the numbers. Society of Human Resource the site runs an online con"It was really awkward be- nancial past the same way an works at a payroll company, On another site, DatemyManagement in July per- test called the myFICO Fitcause he kept telling me that STD test gives some informa- likes to tackle the delicate creditscore.com, a member formed credit checks on all ness Challenge, where parI was the perfect girl for him, tion about a person's sexual subject head on. L a B e lla, posted on the website's home job applicants. ticipants try to increase their but that a low c redit score past." who has vigilantly monitored page that others should "stop scores. (FICO is a name deMarriage onhold It's difficult t o q u a ntify her credit score since gradu- kidding" themselves and rewas his deal-breaker." rived from Fair Isaac Corp.) The credit score, once a how many daters factor cred- ating from Rutgers in 2009, alize that credit scores do Lauren Dollard, a 26-year- Last year, more than 24,000 little-known metric derived it scores into their romantic has found that broaching the matter. old assistant at a nonprofit in members participated. from a complex formula that calculations, bu t f i n a ncial topic of her own credit score Dating someone with poor Houston, said her low credit In a post on the forum, one incorporates out s t anding planners, marriage counsel- causes her suitors to open up, credit can have real implicascore had helped to stall her member asked for advice afdebt and payment histories, ors and dating site executives too. t ions. Banks r emain w a r y r omantic p l ans. He r b o y - ter finding out that her boyhas become an increasingly all said that they were hearI n August, L a B e lla r e - of making loans to borrowfriend is wary of m a rrying friend'scredit score hovered important number used to be- ing far more concerns about c alled, while a t d i n ner i n ers with t a r nished scores, her until she can significant- around 400. Some members stow credit, determine hous- credit than in the past. Bayonne, N.J., a date blurted typically 660 and below; the ly pay down the more than denounced the member as "I'm getting twice as many ing and even distinguish beout his credit score on the best scores range from 800 $150,000 she owes in student petty and materialistic while tween job candidates. questions about credit scores first outing. Instead of mak- to 850, and scores above 750 loans and bolster her credit others counseled her to run It's so widely used that it as I did prerecession," Thakor ing things more awkward, are considered good. A low score, she said. away from him. has also become a bigger fac- said. she said, a really productive score could quash dreams of D ollard's credit score i s LaShawn, the flight attentor in dating decisions, somediscussion followed. S ince buying a house and result in so low, around 600, that she dant from Chicago, said that hasn't been able to qualify times eclipsing more tradi- Growing interest then, La Bella tries to bring steep interest rates, up to 29 she was still shocked that her tional priorities like a good Executives who run online up the topic soon after meet- percent,for credit cards, car for a car loan. She sympa- creditscore could sabotage ing someone. financing and o t her u n se- thizes with her b oyfriend's a potentially great date. She j ob, shared i n t erests a n d financial advice forums say "I take my credit score seri- cured loans. physical c hemistry. T h at's that topics about credit and position because he "doesn't had accumulated creditcard according to interviews with dating receive hundreds of ously and so my date can take A middling credit score can ever want to be accountable debt and sporadically fallen more than 50 daters across responses w i t hi n m i n u tes me seriously," she said. also torpedo an application for the irresponsible financial behind on bills, and explained the country, all under the age of being posted. Alexa von A handful of small, online for an apartment and drive decision I made," she said. that she wasn't sure of her of 40. Tobel, founder and chief exdating websites have sprung up the cost of cellphone plans Her boyfriend declined to be credit score but was positive "Credit scores are like the ecutive of Learnvest.com, a u p to c ater specifically t o a nd auto i n s urance. A n d interviewed. that it wasn't very good. dating equivalent of a sexu- financial planning firm, said singles looking for a partner while eight states, including John Hendrix, a 33-yearDays after her failed date, ally transmitted disease test," that members are more in- with a t i ptop credit score. California, Illinois and Maryold chemist in San Francis- she said, she got an apologetic s aid Manisha T h akor, t h e terested in credit scores than "Good Credit Is Sexy," says land, have passed laws limitco, said he worried that the text message. Her date reiterfounder and chiefexecutive ever before. one site, Creditscoredating. ing employers' ability to use vast disparity between his ated that the problem "wasn't "It's the only g r ade that of MoneyZen Wealth Mancom, which allows members credit checks when assessing girlfriend's credit score and me, it was my credit score." ltitl,

New York Times News Service




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Schwarzkopf Continued from A1 "Gen. Norm Schwarzkopf, to me, epitomized the 'duty, service, country' creed that has defended our freedom and seen this great nation through our most trying international crises," President George H.W. Bush, who himself remains hospitalized, said in a statement. "More than that, he was a good and decent man — and a dear friend." At the peak of his postwar national celebrity, Schwarz-

kopf — a self-proclaimed political independent — rejected s uggestions that he run f o r office, and remained far more private than other generals, although he did serve briefly as a military commentator for NBC.

The second Iraq War While focused primarily in his later years on charitable enterprises, he c ampaigned

for President George W. Bush in 2000 but was ambivalent about the 2003 invasion of Iraq, saying he doubted victory would be as easy as the White House and Pentagon predicted. In early 2003 he told The Washington Post the outcome was an unknown: "What is postwar Iraq going to look like, with the Kurds and the Sunnis and the Shiites? That's a huge question, to my mind. It really should be part of the overall

feld and the Pentagon for mistakes that included inadequate training for Army reservists sent toIraq and forerroneous judgments about Iraq. "In the final analysis I think we are behind schedule.... I don't think we counted on it

tempered with aides and subordinates, he was a friendly, talkative and even jovial figure who didn't like "Stormin' Norman" and preferred to be known as "the Bear," a sobriquet given him by troops. He also was outspoken at turning into jihad (holy war)," times, including when he dehe said in an NBC interview. scribed Gen. William Westmoreland, the U.S. commandIn his father's footsteps er in Vietnam, as "a horse's S chwarzkopf w a s bo r n ass" in an interview. Aug. 24, 1934, in Trenton, N.J., As a teenager Norman accampaign plan," he said. where his father, Col. H. Nor- companied his father to Iran, Initially Schwarzkopf had man Schwarzkopf Jr., founder where the elder Schwarzkopf endorsed the invasion, saying and commander of the New trained the country's national he was convinced that former Jersey State Police, was then police force and was an advisSecretaryof State Colin Powell leading the investigation of the er to Reza Pahlavi, the young had given the United Nations Lindbergh kidnap case, which Shah of Iran. powerful evidence of I r a qi ended with the arrest and 1936 Norman studied there and in weapons of mass destruction. execution o f G e r m an-born Switzerland, Germany and ItaAfter that proved false, he said carpenter Richard Hauptmann ly, then followed in his father's decisions to go to war should for stealing and murdering the footsteps to West Point, gradudepend on what U.N. weapons famed aviator's infant son. ating in 1956 with an engineerinspectors found. The elder Schwarzkopf was ing degree. After stints in the He seldom spoke up during named Herbert, but when the U.S. and abroad, he earned a the conflict, but in late 2004, son was asked what his "H" master'sdegree in engineering he sharply criticized then-De- stood for, he would reply, "H." at the University of Southern fense Secretary Donald Rums- Although reputed to be short- California and later taught mis-

Deschutes County Circuit Judge Michael Sullivan works a case during his final weeks on the job. Sullivan has a reputation of being fair, if stern. "He'll give you an opportunity to do what you're supposed to do," a local attorney says. "And if you don't do it, you're toast."

Sullivan Continued from A1

"I suppose(the Rajneeshees)

might be in a position to know whether I was poisoned better than others," Sullivan said. "There was a lot of investigation that went on, and I don't think that it can be said beyond a reasonable doubt that I was poisoned." During the Rajneesh affair, he often received 200 phone calls a day from local, national and international press. He spent time with locals worried about what was happening to their hometown. And he dove deeply into the Oregon and U.S. constitutions. "It was a time when everything had to be examined, and there was lots ofpressure," Sullivan said. "I gained a real appreciation for why we have c onstitutions, and wh y w e have the law." Since that time, Sullivan has handled many high-profile criminal and civil cases. He presided overthe longest trial in Oregon history, a 14month event. The trial centered on Dennis and Diane Nason and their "Celebration Family," which included six biological and 80 adopted children. Three children died while in the couple's care, and there were a l legations the couple abused many of their adopted children. At the close of the trial, in 1996, the couple was acquitted of manslaughter,neglect and abuse but sentenced to 60 days in jail and fiveyears'probation for racketeering and forgery. But those aren't the trials Sullivan is most proud of. He's more interested in long-term changes he had a hand in. W hen Sullivan f i rst b e came the p r esiding j udge, then-trial court administrator Ernie Mazorol worried Sullivan might be too controlling. That was never a problem. "He didn't really tinker a whole lot; he was always moving on to the next big issue," Mazorol said. "He wanted to leave a legacy. He didn't want to leave something piecemeal. ... He wanted to leave a lot of

Rob Kerr i The Bulletin

speeding the cases through the courts. Mazorol believes Sullivan's greatest legacy is his work with children and families. He remembers Sullivan being one of few judges who wanted to start family court, a national model that seeks to cut down on conflicting court orders and tries to r eunify parents and children when possible. Sullivan wa s i n s trumental in procuring permanent funding for Mary's Place, a safe spotfor supervised parenting time o r e x changing children. Local attorney Angela Lee said she's brought juvenile clients tohis chambers and he's put them in a holding cell for a few minutes or shown them pictures of what meth does to

a person's physical appear-

ance, to try to stop them from reoffending. "It's not his case," Lee said. "He has no dog in the fight.... He just cares." Sullivan said that at first he thought big criminal cases would be his calling, but over the years he's become most dedicated to domestic relations. "That deals with the future, and primarily with children," Sullivan s aid. "Sometimes dealing with felony cases or civil cases, it's about the past and how we're going to resolve that in the present. "(In domestic relations casbig things." Sullivan takes particular es), I'm looking for a solution pride in c h anges to court- that disentangles people and h ouse security. W h e n h e won't lead to them coming started at t h e c o u rthouse, back to court." a nyone could just walk i n , Divorce cases don't draw and people carried weapons a lot of spectators. They're into the courts. not covered by th e m edia. " I could see t hem f r o m But, Sullivan said, "They're where I sat," he said. raw emotion. It's people who One person showed up to feel very strongly about their court with a machete; a wom- children.Some feel betrayed an once slit her wrists in an- and some arefranticfor some other courtroom. safety net that may not exist." T oday e v e r yon e goe s What may be most obvithrough a metal detector, and ous when Sullivan leaves the Deschutes County s heriff's bench is simply his absence. deputies attend the front desk Former D eschutes County of the courthouse. D istrict Attorney Mike Du"I won't say it's impossible, gan said the judge often arbut it would be far more dif- rived at his office around 7:45 ficult for that to happen now," a.m. and didn't leave until 6 he said. "It makes it s uch p.m. He was also known to be that people aren't apt to be readily available to sign off on intimidated by people in the search warrants or to conduct courthouse." emergency hearings at odd There have b ee n o t h er hours. changes too, including the adChief Deputy District Atdition of courtrooms and the torney Mary Anderson said use of video from the jail. Sullivan made it clear to law Sullivan has also been in- enforcement and her o f fice tegral in the creation of spe- that he was always available cialty courts that help people for a late-night phone call. "He invited that level of d ealing with p a r ticular i s sues, including mental health, work," she said. He's the kind of guy, Mazof amily l i t igation an d d r u g problems. One program Sul- rol said, who always showed livan has been very involved up, and showed up prepared, in is the domestic violence who kept a jury trial moving deferredsentencing program, at a quick clip. which focuses on first-time And both defense attorneys domestic violence offenders, and prosecutors said Sullivan putting them in a " b atterer always made time for them, i ntervention program" a n d providing them counsel and

feedback. "He's never afraid to say, 'This is where you blew it,'" Lee said. S ullivan will a lso be r e m embered for hi s c alm, i f stern, temperament. Deschutes County District Attorney P a trick F l a herty remembers his first trial in front of Sullivan, in which he repeatedly objected to a piece of witness testimony, calling it hearsay. Sullivan agreed, and the defense attorney took umbrage. When the jury was cleared from the room, Flaherty said, the defense attorney approached Sullivan's bench and slammed a law book on the desk.

probation, " Flaherty said. Sullivan has said he'll return to the courthouse to help out when needed. But without his constant presence, colleagues say, it just won't be the same. "We're all replaceable," Mazorol said. "But if you could clone about five or

six of (Sullivan), we'd be in good shape here in Deschutes County." — Reporter: 541-617-783l, smillerQbendbulletin.com

"I thought, 'He's going to go

to jail,'" Flaherty said. Instead, Sullivan gave the attorney a steely look, got up and walked back to chambers. A few minutes later, the attorneys stood before the judge. "He made it clear that was beyond the pale. But it's a perfect example of j u dicial restraint. Many judges would have held him in contempt, and it would have been entirely appropriate. But Judge Sullivan recognized this was a hotly contested trial." Dugan remembers pros-

with Bush's decision to stop the war rather than drive to Baghdad to capture Saddam, as his mission had been only to oust the Iraqis from Kuwait. While he later avoided the

public second-guessing by a cademics and t h in k t a n k experts over the ambiguous outcome of Gulf War I and its impact on Gulf War II, he told The Washington Post in 2003, "You can't help but ... with 20/20 hindsight, go back and say, 'Look, had we done something different, we probably wouldn't be facing what we are facing today.'" AfterretiringfromtheArmy in 1992, Schwarzkopf wrote a best-selling autobiography, "It Doesn't Take A Hero." Of his Gulf war role, he said, "I like to say I'm not a hero. I was lucky enough to lead a very successful war." Schwarzkopf a nd hi s wife, Brenda, had three children: Cynthia, Jessica and Christian.

New laws

governor has to appoint them and ... we need the LegislaContinued from A1 ture to approve the funding In 2002, voters approved a this session." ballot measure that increased The last time th e b ench the state hourly m i n imum grew was in 1977, increasing wage to $6.90 an hour and from six judges to 10. One of called for the BOLI commis- the new judges then included sioner to adjust the figure each Betty R oberts, th e s t ate's September based on any infirst female Oregon appellate crease during the previous 12 Judge. months inthe consumer price index. The measure requires Other laws the new wage to take effect They include: Jan. 1 of the next year. • Mandating each s chool The federal minimum wage district to adopt a policy on >s $7.25 an hour. how to h andle teen dating violence. A bigger appeals bench • Exempting t he O r e gon House Bill 4026 allows the Department of Transportation Oregon Court of Appeals to from obtaining local permits beef up its bench from 10 to 13 beforeofficials remove trees. judges. • Ensuring t h e Ore g o n The court's cases have be- Health Authority m aintains come more complex, with a lead poisoning prevention inballooning number of Depart- formation on its website. ment of Human Services and • Requiring ignition interfoster care cases, which de- lock devices for people conmand first priority. But, there victed of driving under the are a few more steps to take influence of intoxicants who before the appellate court can killed someone while doing officially expand. so,for five years after the of"The statute says we're au- fender's driving privileges are thorized to increase from 10 to restored. 12; the new judges begin their — Bulletin staff contributed to term on October 1," said Chief this report. Reporter: 541-554-1162, Judge Rick Haselton. "So the ldake@bendbulletin.com


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ecuting a perjury case before Sullivan and c atching the defendant in a lie during cross-examination. "I kind of stomped around on him for a while," Dugan sa>d. Later, Sullivan pulled Dugan aside, telling him: "You didn't have to go and stomp and spatter their blood all over the courtroom." But that doesn't mean Sullivan was willing to let defendants off easy. "The first time I met him I thought, 'He seems really nice, but I don't think I want to make him mad,'" Lee sa>d. She said Sullivan is sometimes c a l l ed "Maximum Mike" by defendants in the j ail fo r h a n ding ou t l o n g sentences. Sullivan is known for giving a defendant until the end of thebusiness day to report to the j ai l f o r p r o cessing. He's also known for checking to ensure everyone reported; if not, he issues arrest warrants. "He absolutely means it. There are no excuses," Lee said. "He'll give you an opportunity to do what you're supposed to do. And if you don't do it, you're toast." Lee once had a client who, as part of his sentence, was expected to c o m plete 160 h ours o f c o m m unity s e r vice. The man completed 158 hours. Sullivan gave him until the end of the day to finish the final two hours. "Every time he imposes a sentence on someone he is very clear what the result will be if, say, they violate their

sile engineering at West Point. In 1966 he volunteered for Vietnam and served two tours, first as a U.S. adviser to South Vietnamese paratroops and later as a battalion commander in the U.S. Army's Americal Division. He earned three Silver Stars for valor — including one for saving troops from a minefield — plus a Bronze Star, a Purple Heart and three Distinguished Service Medals. While many career officers left military service embittered by Vietnam, Schwarzkopf was among those who opted to stay and help rebuild the tattered Army into a potent, modernized all-volunteer force. After Saddam invaded Kuwait in August 1990, Schwarzkopf played a key diplomatic role by helping to persuade Saudi Arabia's King Fahd to allow U.S. and other foreign troops to deploy on Saudi territory as a staging area for the war to come. Schwarzkopf said he agreed

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~SitfBHl h

By Amy Gardner• The Washington Post

The day after Labor Day, just as campaign season was entering its final frenzy, FreedomWorks, the Washington-based tea party organization, went into free fall. Dick Armey, the group's chairman and a former House majority leader, walked into the group's Capitol Hill offices with his wife, Susan, and an aide holstering a handgun at his waist. The aim was to seize control of the group and expel Armey's enemies: The gun-wielding assistant escorted FreedomWorks' top two employees off the premises, while Armey suspended several others who broke down in sobs at the news. The coup lasted all of six days. By Sept. 10, Armey w as gone, with a promise of $8 million, and the five ousted employees were back. The force behind their return was Richard Stephenson, a reclusive I llinois millionaire who h as exerted increasing control over one of Washington's most influential conservative grass-roots organizations. Stephenson, the founder of the for-profit Cancer Treatment Centers of America and a director on the FreedomWorks b oard, a greed t o co m m i t $400,000 per year over 20 years

The Associated Press file photo

in exchange for Armey's agree- With former House majority leader Dick Armey at the helm, the ment to leave the group. The episode illustrates the growing role of wealthy donors in swaying the direction of FreedomWorks and other political groups, which increasingly rely on unlimited contributions from corporations and financiers for their financial livelihood. Such gifts are often sent through corporate shells or nonprofit groups that do not have to disclose their donors, making it impossible for the public to know who is funding them. In the weeks before the election, more than $12 million in donations was f u nneled through two Tennessee corporations to the FreedomWorks super PAC after negotiations with Stephenson over a preelection gift of the same size, accordingto three current and former employees with knowledge of the arrangement. The origin of the money has not previously been reported. These and other new details about the near-meltdown at FreedomWorks were gleaned from interviews with two dozen currentand past associates, most of whom requested anonymity in order to speak freely. The disarray comes as the c onservative m o vement i s struggling to find its way after the November elections, which b rought a s econd term f o r President Barack Obama and Democratic gains in the House and Senate. Armey said in an interview that the meltdown at his former group has damaged the conservative cause. " FreedomWorks wa s t h e

Washington advocacy group FreedomWorks arguably did more than any other organization to build up the tea party, despite accusations it was an "astroturfer" laying claim to a grass-roots movement. "FreedomWorks was the spark plug, the energy source, the catalyst for the movement," says Armey, who has since split from the group. "Harm (has been) done to the movement." Works. Like Armey, Stephenson was an early supporter of Citizens for a Sound Economy, the c o nservative l o bbying group founded by oil billionaires Charles and David Koch in 1984 that split into FreedomWorks and A m ericans for Prosperity 20 years later. The Kochs, known for b ankrolling a variety of conservative causes, kept control of AFP, while Stephenson and Armey stayed with FreedomWorks. FreedomWorks has b e en on a remarkablerun in recent election cycles, growing its annual budget from $7 million to $40 million in just a few years and helping lead the tea party movement against Obama's

family, who were involved in arranging the donations, the sources said. S tephenson a t t ended a FreedomWorks retreatin Jackson Hole, Wyo., in August at which a budget was being prepared in anticipation of a large influx of money, according to severalemployees who attended the retreat. At the retreat, Stephenson dictated some of the terms of how the money would be spent, the employees said. "There is no doubt that Dick Stephenson arranged for that money to come to the super PAC," said one person who attended the retreat. "I can assure you that everyone around the office knew about it." agenda. The group was among Among other things, Steseveral that rose up last week phenson wanted a substantial in opposition to a failed propos- sum spent in support of Rep. Joe al from House Speaker John Walsh, R-Ill., a tea party favorite Boehner toraise federal taxes and Stephenson's local conon millionaires. gressman, several who attendThe group played a crucial ed the retreat recalled. Walsh role in ushering a wave of tea garnered national headlines party candidates into office in during the campaign when he recent years, staging rallies, questioned whether his oppohawking books and videos and nent, Tammy Duckworth, a fororganizingmedia appearances mer Blackhawk helicopter pilot with conservative personalities who lost both legs in Iraq, was such as Glenn Beck and Rush a "true hero." Despite internal Limbaugh. misgivings about the value of "I've enjoyed my associa- the investment, FreedomWorks tion with FreedomWorks," said spent $1.7 million on ads supSen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, who porting Walsh; he lost the race. defeated incumbent Bob BenTwo watchdog groups respark plug,the energy source, nett with help from the group. cently asked the Federal Electhe catalyst for the movement "Matt Kibbe and Dick Armey tion Commission and the Justhrough the 2010 elections," endorsed me earlyin my can- tice Department to investigate Armey said, referring to the didacy for the U.S. Senate, and the donations from the two TenGOP midterm sweep. "Harm they were a big help to me." nessee companies. The groups, was done to the movement." Democracy 21 and the CamStephenson, 73, declined a The group's struggles paign Legal Center, say the arrequest for an interview. Matt Despite such testimonials, rangement could violate federal Kibbe, the group's president, FreedomWorks has struggled laws that prohibit attempting and Adam Brandon, its senior with accusations that it is an to hide the true source of a povice president, declined to dis- "astroturfer" — a national or- litical contribution by giving cuss the issue. ganization ofbig-money donors it under another name. (Bran"I don't comment on donors," that swept in to lay claim to an don declined to comment on Brandon said. "He's on our independentmovement. the complaints, but he said the board, he's a board member Accordingto public records, group's books were in order.) like anyone else. That's it. I see FreedomWorks received more him at board meetings." than $12 million before the Unlikely pairing election from two corporations For years, FreedomWorks Quiet player based in Knoxville, Tenn.: Spe- was headed by an unlikely duo: Stephenson, a longtime but cialty Investments Group and Armey, 72, the old-guard pol little-known player in conser- Kingston Pike Development. who wears a black cowboy hat vative causes, is a resident of The firms were established even when he's not on his TexBarrington, IIL, a n orthwest within a day of each other by as ranch, and Kibbe, 49, who suburb of Chicago known for William Rose III, a local bank- sports mutton-chop sideburns its affluence and sprawling ruptcy attorney. and has a passion for the Gratehorse estates such as his TuR ose, who could not b e ful Dead. dor Oaks Farm. He founded reached for comment, has said But the most important rethe CancerTreatment Centers publicly he would not answer lationship appears to be the of America in 1988 following questions about the donations. bond between Kibbe and Stehis mother's death from blad- But according to three current phenson, who bridged their age der cancer, according to the and former F r eedomWorks gap through shared libertarian c ompany's website and h i s employees with knowledge of views and Kibbe's battle with own public remarks. Stephen- the donations, the money origi- testicularcancer a decade ago, son also holds investments in nated with Stephenson and his Armey and others said. They a broad portfolio of other busi- family, who arranged for the said Kibbe, after being given nesses, including finance and contributions from the Tennes- a terminal diagnosis, was enreal estate companies. see firms to the super PAC. couraged by Stephenson to get Stephenson has a passion Brandon, F r eedomWorks' treatment at his cancer clinics; for libertarian politics stretch- executive vice president, told more than a decade later, they ing back to the 1960s, when he colleagues starting in August said, he is cancer-free. attended seminars featuring that Stephenson would be givUntil this year, the partner"Atlas Shrugged" author Ayn ing between $10 million and ship between Kibbe and Armey Rand and economist Murray $12 million, these sources said. worked well. Armey's renown Rothbard, according to those Brandon also met repeatedly as aformer Housemember drew who know him at Freedom- with members of Stephenson's media attention and crowds of

conservative activists — most of them oldenough to remember Armey's role in the Republican revolution in Congress in 1994. And Kibbe's youthful intellectualism drew a new generation of libertarian soldiers into the FreedomWorks fold. The partnership came to a crashing end when Armey marched intoFreedomWorks' office Sept. 4 with his wife, Susan, executive assistant Jean Campbell and the unidentified man with the gun at his waist who promptly escorted Kibbe and Brandon out of the building.

Botched attempt By nearly all accounts, including from those loyal to him, Armey handled his attempted coup badly. Armey says he was stepping in because of ethical breaches by Kibbe and Brandon, accusing them of improperly using FreedomWorks staff resources to produce a book — ironically, named "Hostile Takeover" — for which Kibbe had claimed sole credit and was collecting royalties. The use of internalresources for Kibbe's benefit could jeopardize the group's nonprofit tax status; the

group denies any impropriety. "This is not only about this one incident," Armey said. "But that one incident was a matter of grievous concern." Armey also accused Brandon, Kibbe and other staff m embers loyal t o t h e m o f squeezing him out of media appearances and management decisions while using his name to market the group. Armey appeared out of touch and unsure of how FreedomWorks operated when he took over that Tuesday morning, according to interviews with more than a dozen employees on both sides who witnessed the takeover. Sitting in a glasswalled conference room visible to much of the staff, he placed three young female employees on administrative leave, then reversed himself when they burst into tears; his wife lamented aloud that maybe they

had "jumped the gun."

In s ubsequent m eetings, Susan Armey passed her husband notes that several employees assumed contained suggestions on what to say. According to a recording of a staff conference call provided to The Washington Post, Armey bewilderedhis audience by demanding more FreedomWorks support for Todd Akin, the Missouri Republican whose Senate campaign hadalready cratered after his comments about "legitimate rape." "It was clear that under Armey'sleadership,the organization as we knew it was going to be driven into the ground," said one junior employee. E nter S t ephenson, w h o agreed to the multimillion-dollar financial incentive to push Armey out and install Kibbe back at the helm. Brandon, back in the No. 2 spot as executive vice president, scoffed at the notion that the group was in trouble or that the dispute with Armey was indicative of a larger problem for the tea party. He said FreedomWorks has 2.1 million members, nearly 4 million fans on Facebook and a budget that has grown sixfold in five years. He also pointed to the elections of Senate conservatives Ted Cruz in Texas and Jeff Flake in Arizona as evidence of the group's electoral success. "We doubled our budget, and we doubled our membership," Brandon said, referring to the group's growth s ince 2011. "That's how we ended up the year."


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Shooting suspect delays plea The attorney for a man accused of shooting at two Bend

residents in northwest Bend in August said

he hopes to reach a settlement in the next

week. Stephen Kemm Mitchell, 32, is currently in the Deschutes County jail on

an ro erma a vesruc a ain By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

The Home Federal Bank in downtown Bend was robbed Thursday afternoon, the fourth in what police believeisa series ofBend bank robberies carried out by the same man. Lt. Ben Gregory of the Bend Police Department said descriptions of the suspect match descriptions of the man

who robbed the same branch of Home Federal Bank in July, and the Bank of the Cascades on U.S. Highway 97 near Walmart in March and last December. Using surveillance video and witness statements from the three prior robberies,police have described the suspectas a heavyset man between 30 and 40 years old, and roughly 5 feet, 8 inches to 5 feet, 10 inches tall.

charges of attempted murder, menacing and unlawful use of a Police said Mitchell fired at least three

shots from a revolver ers on the corner of Newport Avenue and Northwest13th Street.

One of the men was the shotgun shells, but was not injured. Mitchell appeared

by video Thursday in Deschutes County Circuit Court with his at-

torney, Reid Kajikawa.

Sheriff's Office were assisting Bend officers, Gregory said, and two Bend police dogs were in the area attempting to track the suspect. Gregory said the suspect was last seen on foot, heading west from the bank. As of Thursday evening, police had released few details of the incident. See Robbery/B2

What yourcity repuiresyouto do Most cities in Central Oregon require residents and business owners to clear snow and ice from sidewalks within a certain time period, unless ice is covered with sand, ash or something similar.

struck in the neck with

wadding from one of

An association of Oregon banks and credit unions is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect in those three robberies. Police began arriving at Home Federal Bank at the corner of Franklin Avenue and Bond Street shortly after the robbery was reported at 4:44 p.m. Units from t h e D e schutes County

s n ow! 's e aw

ove a


built to fire shotgun shells at two strang-



BendClear snow

Red m Ond

and ice from sidewalks in thefirst six hours of daylight in commercial areas, one dayin others.

Businesses must clear s n ow and ice from sno w and ice from public sidewalks in sid ewalks in the first t hefirst six hours si xhours of daylight o f d a ylight after

Mad r as clear

Pr i neville No

La PineAdopts

s n o w and ice specific regulaf r o m sidewalks in t i o ns. thefirst six hours of daylighton

county regulation, which requires snowto be cleared, but not in a specific time frame.

after snow stops falling snow has stopped. business days. on business days.

Kajikawa said he is in the midst of settling

the case. Judge Michael Sullivan set Mitchell's plea

hearing for 1:30 p.m. Jan. 10.

Remove the berm created by plows in your driveway, but don't dump it in the street or right-of-way; the snow must go on your property.

Property line

Redmondschool worker arraigned A Redmond School

District employee accused of having sex with a 16-year-old boy

appeared for arraignment Thursday in Des-


chutes County Circuit Court.

Amanda Hinshaw, 28, was arrested in

early December for allegedly having sex


Property line

/ r

providing him and other minors with alcohol between late October

Clear around fire hydrants

and early November. She faces one count of second-degree sex abuse and six charges

Sources: City governments

of furnishing alcohol to

By Hillary Borrud

See Briefing /B2




with the teenager, a Gilchrist resident, and

minors. Hinshaw is free on $20,000 bond. She has not yet entered a plea to the charges.


The Bulletin

As snow piled up in Bend this week, so did the complaints by people who told city workers that their neighbors and local businesses were not removing it from sidewalks. Bend volunteer coordinator Cheryl Howard said she received approximately 25 calls on Wednesday. "We usually get them the day after the first snow event," Howard said of sidewalk complaints. "Yesterday was a very busy day, just because we had the holiday and people saw a complete lack of compliance all over town."



r r r r r r r



Clear sidewalks adjacent to your property within 24 hours. Andy Zeigert / The Bulletin

Snow and ice on sidewalks can be dangerous for pedestrians,and Bend residentsand businessesare required by law to remove the snow. Businesses must remove snow from the sidewalk within the "first six hours of daylight after the snow has fallen or otherwise accumulated" and residents must shovel sidewalks within one day of the snowfall, according to city code. "It's a violation of city code not to (remove snow), but with only one code enforcement officer, it's impossible to police the entire city," city spokesman Justin Finestone wrote in an email. See Snow/B2 Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

sessjde Portland Albany

• Seaside:A newplan is expected to end flooding on U.S. Highway101.

• Portland:union longshoremenat Northwest grain terminals returned to work but under a contract they rejected last weekend. • Albany:A Linn County official has halted

operations at a log transfer yard. Stories on B3

Well shot! reader photos • We want to see your best photos capturing

fun in sno-parks for another special version of Well shot! that will run in the Outdoors

section. Sendyour best workto readerphotos© bendbulletin.com,

with "sno-parks" in the subject line, and we'll pick the best for


Officials dig for answers to road 'void'

PAUL ECKMAN 1935-2012

Physicianmade abig difference in his community

By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin

Bend public works employees are searching for the cause of what Public Works Director Paul Rheault described Thursday as "a very large void under the road" at the intersection of Olney Avenue and First Street. The space is approximately seven feet wide and could be a small lava tube, or the result of a leak inthe sewer system. The cause could also be soil that was not properly compacted when a gravity sewer line was installed in 1913, Rheault said. A newer, pressurized sewer line also runs under Olney Avenue. "We don't know what caused the void," Rheault said. The problemcameto light on Dec. 21, when city employees visited the area to check on a problem with a private sewer connection that was reported by a business in the area, Rheault said. The city was able to patch up the system enough to get through Christmas, and employees returned early Thursday for further investigation. They sent a remote-controlled camera into the old gravity sewer line and determined there were no ruptures in the line between First Street and Second Street, Rheault said. This line transports most of the wastewater from downtown Bend and south Bend out to the treatment plant. See Void /B2

By Megan Kehoe The Bulletin

Ryan Brennecke i The Bulletin

Mike Gillette lowers a remote-controlled camera into a manhole Thursday near the intersection of Second Street and Olney Avenue. Officials thought a broken sewage line might be the cause of a void beneath the pavement, but the camera detected no break.

At this time of year, it wasn't unusual for Dr. Paul Eckman to dress up as Santa Claus and deliver a little Christmas cheer to women and children at a local women's shelter. But this holiday season, he was unable to carry on the tradition that meant so much to him and to those at the shelter. On Christmas Day, Eckman died at his Bend home after a months-long battle with cancer. He was 77. "He just loved taking care of people and doing things for the community," said his wire, Kathie Eckman, a former Bend City Councilor. "There's a huge hole in our lives now." Eckman was born in Portland and raised in Pendleton and Seaside. He came from a family that valued education, and he attended Duke University, then earned his medical degree at the University of Alabama. He completed his residency at Stanford University School of Medicine, and was a neurologist at the Palo Alto Medical Clinic for almost a decade. See Eckman /B2



Robbery a'et

4 tx


Rob Kerr /The Bulletin file photo

Dr. Paul Eckman delivers Christmas baskets to Central Oregon Battering & Rape Alliance Executive Director Toni Anderson in 1999. Well-known for his philanthropy and community involvement, Eckman died of cancer on Christmas Day at age 77.

Eckman Continued from B1 In 1975,Eckman moved to Bend and started the city's first neurological center. "He would have gone to the ends of the world for his patients," Kathie Eckman said. "He was that kind of old-time doctor in that he took his time and did a thorough job." The Eckmans had been together since 1989. They first met at the center, after Kathie had been referredto him for migraines she'd been having. S he said that h e w a s a larger-than-life character with a big personality. Eckman's desire to help others extended into his free time, too, especially after he retired from practicing medicine in 2001. He was on several boards and commissions, including the Redmond Airport Commission, the Central Oregon Community College Foundation Board, Saving Grace and Bend's Accessible Advisory Committee, to name a few. He served as president of Rotary Club of Bend, and was

instrumental in building Centennial Park in Redmond. "He was a man of courage and great strength," Kathie Eckman said. "He liked being involved, and when he did something, he did it with

Continued from B1 Lt. Chris Carney said police were regarding it as an armed robbery, though he said he was uncertain if a weapon was displayed or implied by the suspect. No one inside the bank was injured, he said. An hour after the robbery, Carney said officers were busy talking to employees of the bank and surrounding businesseslooking for potential witnesses. With help from the dogs, a dditional o f f i cers we r e searching a wide area around the bank, he said, to the west where the suspect was last seen heading, east to Third Street, and south to Arizona Avenue. Carney said it was unclear




Alex McDougall/ For The Bulletin

Police stand outside Home Federal Bank in downtown Bend on Thursday after it was held up by a man officials suspect may also be responsible for three other bank robberies in the city. if the dogs would be able to pick up the suspect's scent in the busy downtown area. Even if a dog could find the

scent, following the trail to the suspect could be challenging. "Just because you leave on foot doesn't mean you contin-

ue on foot, he could have had a car, a bike waiting," he said.

at b e ndneighborhoods.org, also have volunteers who are willing to remove snow from sidewalks for residents who have limited mobility, are elderly or a r e l ow-income, Howard said. For those who can afford to pay, contractors usually advertise reasonably priced snow-removal services on craigslist.org, Howard said. Regardless of who removes the snow, it should be placed on the property and not in the street, H o ward s a i d. Otherwise, it can create ice dams that prevent water from reachingstorm drains. S idewalks can a lso b e come dangerous when property owners fail to recalibrate their sprinkler systems for fall and winter, and irrigation water covers sidewalks with

a sheet of ice. "We've had a number of people, cyclists and pedestrians alike, go down pretty hard," and some people have been seriously injured, Howard said. Local officials also made an effort to recognize businesses that do a good job of removing snow, with the annual Safe Sidewalks Award from the Deschutes County Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. Miller Lumber Co. has won the award several times, Howard said. "Safe sidewalks shows a commitment to keeping all the people in th e community safe," Howard said. "I think that's just really good business."

— Reporter:541-383-0387, shammers@bendbulletin.com

gusto." For nearly a decade, Paul Eckman dressed up as Santa Claus and visited the Saving Grace women'sshelter during the holiday season. "That was pretty important to him," Kathie Eckman said. "Some of those women had never had a real Christmas before. Those kids and women meant so much to him." Over thepast year, Eckman had been having trouble with his back, and had been confined to a wheelchair. In October, he was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on his back. He died on Tuesday, not only Christmas Day but also his grandson's 9th birthday. "It was a real blow," Kathie Eckman said. "But we still celebrated — we celebrated him that day." — Reporter: 541-383-0354, mltehoe@bendbulletin.com


Finestone said commercial property owners who do not Continued from B1 clear sidewalks can be issued Howard said b u sinesses a citation for up to $400 per that do no t r e move snow incident, and residents can from their sidewalks could be be citedfor up to $200 per liable for the injuries suffered incident. by pedestrians who slip and The city relies upon volunfall on the concrete. teers and work crews from Howard calls businesses the Deschutes County juveto let them know they are nile detention center to rerequired to shovel sidewalks move snow from many of the and provides door-hangers sidewalks along city-owned with a summary of the rules. property, Howard said. Some Howard said she works with of these people also help reCode Enforcement Officer move snow from priority corJames Goff to bring business- ridors that would otherwise es and residents into compli- be cleared entirely by private ance, but the city has not cit- citizens and businesses. Exed any offenders. That could amples are 27th Street and soon change, however. N ewport A v e nue, w h e r e "We are starting to actively m any pedestrians walk t o track those that have com- bus stops, Howard said. plaints against them," HowSome of the neighborhood ard said. associations in Bend, listed

— Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.com

NEws OF REcoRD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358.

PiftebrookBoulevard. Theft — Atheft was reported at11:56 a.m.Dec.24,inthe63000 blockof Nels Anderson Road. Theft — A theft was reported at 2:54 p.m.Dec.24,inthe 63400blockof Hunnell Road.

Redmond Police Department Theft — A theft was reported and an Bend Police Department arrest made at 3:46a.m. Dec.15, in Theft — A theft wasreportedat 4:52 the 300block of Southwest Rimrock p.m. Dec. 24, in the1700block of Way. Southeast Tempest Drive. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reportedat 9:02 a.m. Dec.17, in the reportedenteredat11:04 p.m. Dec. area of South U.S.Highway 97and 24, in the100block of Southeast Southwest Airport Way. Airpark Drive. Theft — A theft was reported at1:59 DUII — Miftdy Jo Buck,50, was p.m. Dec. 17, ift the 4500 block of arrestedon suspicion of driving Under Southwest Elkhorn Avenue. theinfluenceof intoxicants at12:26 Criminalmischief — An act of a.m. Dec. 25, in the area of Northeast criminal mischief was reported at GreenwoodAvenueand Northeast 2:29 p.m. Dec. 17, in the1600block of Eighth Street. Northeast Sixth Street. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was Theft — A theft wasreported at 2:40 reportedenteredat11:36 a.m. Dec. p.m. Dec.17, inthe 2200block of 25, ift the 20700block of Wandalea Southwest Obsidian Avenue. Drive. Burglary — A burglary wasreported Unlawful entry — A vehicle was at 4:11 p.m. Dec.17, in the 2700block reportedenteredat12:10 p.m. Dec. of Southwest Canal Boulevard. 25, in the 63400block oi Crestt/iew Theft — A theft was reported at Drive. 5:30 p.m. Dec.17, in the 300blockof Burglary — A burglary wasreported Northwest OakTree Lane. at7:40p.m.Dec.25,inthe20800 Theft — A theft was reported at blockof King HezekIahWay. 5:38 p.m. Dec. 17, in the 600block of DUII — Nichlaus Rocklan Stich, 32, Southwest Sixth Street. was arrestedon suspicion of driving Theft — A theft was reported at12:27 under the influence of intoxicants at a.m. Dec. 18, in the 2100block of 11:43 p.m. Dec. 25, in the 1100block Northeast Fifth Street. of Northwest NewportAvenue. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was Criminal mischief — An act of reported at 9:18 a.m. Dec. 18, in the criminal mischief was reported at area of U.S. Highway 97near milepost 11:56 a.m. Dec. 26, in the 700block of 119. Northwest Wall Street. Theft — A theft wasreported at 9:20 Criminal mischief — An act of a.m. Dec.18,in the 700block of criminal mischief was reported at 12:32 p.m. Dec. 26,in the 600 block of Southwest Sixth Street. Northwest Wall Street. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 9:25 a.m. Dec. 18, in the Unlawful entry — A vehicle was area of East state Highway126 and reportedenteredat 3:55 p.m. Dec. 26, SoutheastVeteransWay. in the 20600block of Nicolette Drive. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was Theft — A theft wasreportedat 5:27 reportedat11:35 a.m. Dec. 18, in the p.m. Dec. 26, in the19800 block of 1300blockof West Antler Avenue. PorcupineDrive. Theft — A theft wasreported and att Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported enteredanditems stolen and arrest made at12:45 p.m. Dec.18, in the 300block of Northwest OakTree anarrest made at 3:33 p.m. Dec. 21, Lane. in the 2600block of Northeast U.S. Theft — A theft was reported at1:34 Highway 20. p.m. Dec.18, in the1900blockof Theft — Atheft wasreportedaftd an Southwest Timber Avenue. arrest made at5:28 p.m. Dec.15, in the1500blockof Bear Creek Road. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at5:10 p.m. Dec.18, in the Criminal mischief — Anact of 400 block of Northwest OakTreeLane. criminal mischief was reported at 7:47 a.m. Dec. 24, in the100block of Theft — A theft wasreported at 6:06 p.m. Dec. 18, in the 700block of Southeast Bridgeford Boulevard. Northwest Fifth Street. Theft — A theft wasreportedat 8:25 a.m. Dec. 24, in the 61300 block of Theft — A theft wasreported aftd arrests made at8:44 a.m. Dec.19, Rock Bluff Lane. in the 800block of Southwest Sixth Unlawful entry — A vehicle was Street. reportedenteredat 8:40 a.m. Dec. 24, in the1000 block of Northeast Quimby Theft — A theft was reported at 9:53 a.m. Dec. 19, in the800 block of Avenue. Northeast Larch Avenue. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at12:27 p.m. Dec.19, ift the 8:59 a.m. Dec. 24, ift the100block of 3600blockof Southwest 21st Place. Southeast Bridgeford Boulevard. Criminal mischief — Att act of Unauthorized Use — A vehicle was criminal mischief was reported at reportedstolen at1:38 p.m. Dec.19, in the 2400block of Southwest Wickiup 9:04 a.m. Dec.24, in the100 block of Southeast Bridgeford Boulevard. Court. Criminal mischief — An act of Theft — A theft wasreported at 2:13 p.m. Dec. 19, in the1300 block of criminal mischief was reported at Southwest Obsidian Avenue. 9:12a.m. Dec. 24, in the100 block of Southeast Bridgeford Boulevard. Theft — A theft wasreported at 3:25 p.m. Dec. 19, in the300 block of Criminal mischief — Att act of Southwest Sixth Street. criminal mischief was reported at 9:15 a.m. Dec.24, in the 900 block of Theft — A theft wasreported at 3:35 Southeast Textron Drive. p.m. Dec. 19, in the3000 block of SouthwestCascadeVista Drive. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at Theft — A theft was reported at 4:54 11:27 a.m. Dec. 24, in the 900block of p.m. Dec.19, ift the 300 block of SoutheastTextron Drive. Northwest OakTree Lane. Theft — A theft was reported at1'I:35 Vehicle crash — Anaccident was a.m. Dec. 24, in the 20100block oi reportedat6:11 p.m. Dec.19, inthe

area of North U.S. Highway 97and Northwest Maple Avenue. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 9:39 a.m. Dec. 20,in the1200 block of Southwest Highland Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported at 8:52 a.m. Dec. 21, in the1300block of Southwest KalamaAvenue. Theft — Atheft wasreportedat11:02 a.m. Dec. 21, in the 3100block of Southwest 41st Street. Theft — Atheft was reported at11:20 a.m. Dec. 21, in the1800block of Southwest Canal Boulevard. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief wasreported at 12:39 p.m. Dec. 21, in the 2300block of Northwest Cedar Avenue. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported enteredat 2:47 p.m. Dec. 21, in the 300block of Northwest Oak Tree Lane. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief wasreported at 3:35 p.m. Dec. 21, in the 2300 block of Northwest Cedar Avenue. Theft — Atheft was reported and an arrestmade at4:15 p.m. Dec. 21, in the 300block of Northwest OakTree Lane. Criminal mischief — Acts of criminal mischief aftd theft were reported and arrestsmade at5:44 p.m. Dec. 21, in the1700blockof Northeast Second Street. Theft — Atheft was reported and an arrest made at6:49 p.m. Dec.21, in the 900block of Southwest Veterans Way. DUII — Nicholas Robert Burns, 20, was arrestedonsuspicion of driving underthe influence of intoxicants at 3:10 a.m. Dec. 22, in the area of South U.S. Highway 97 andSouthwest VeteransWay. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief wasreported at 8:31 a.m. Dec. 22, in the area ofNortheast Sixth Street andNortheast Negus Way. Vehicle crash — An accident was reportedat9:12a.m. Dec. 22, ifi the area of SouthwestReservoir Drive and Southwest Wickiup Avenue. Theft — A theft wasreportedat10:28 a.m. Dec. 22, in the 300block of SoutheastJacksonStreet. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at11:31 a.m. Dec. 22, in the 1500blockof Southwest Highland Avenue. Theft — Atheft wasreportedand an arrest made at12:51 p.m. Dec. 22, in the 900blockof Southwest Veterans Way. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reportedenteredat 3:08 p.m. Dec.22, in the 200block of Southwest Ninth Street. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reportedat12:01 a.m. Dec. 23, in the 500blockof Northwest 24th Street. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief wasreported at 6:20 a.m. Dec. 23, in the1900block of Southwest 29th Street. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief wasreported at 7:47 a.m. Dec. 23, in the 3300block of SouthwestMetolius Meadow Court. Vehicle crash — An accident was reportedat11:03 a.m. Dec. 23, in the area of Southwest 25th Place and Southwest YewAvenue. Vehicle crash — An accident was reportedat12:32 p.m. Dec. 23, in the

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Continued from B1 "My concern still is, we

found some big pieces of (1913) clay pipe in there," Rheault said. It is unclear where those pieces originated, so public works employees will check a section of the pipeline that runs underthe railroad west of First Street to make sure it is intact. The work could take place as early as today. The Public Works Department is coordinating with businesses in the area to fix their connections to the sewer line, because the area has many utility lines, Rheault said. During that construction project, the city will fill in the underground void.

At the time of her arrest,

Hinshaw was working as a campus monitor at Ridgeview


The district has since placed

tor, but imposed a list of other

her on paid administrative

conditions with which she must

leave. In court Thursday, Judge

comply to remain free on bail. Hinshaw is not permitted to keep or consume any alcohol, orto enter bars or other places where alcohol is the primary purpose of business. She may

Alta Brady heard arguments from prosecutorsthat Hin-

shaw should be required to wear an alcohol monitor, an electronic device that detects

the presence of alcohol in the wearer's body. Hinshaw's attorney, Foster

not have any contact with the

alleged victims, Redmond School District properties or staff, and any contact with

Glass of Bend, told Brady his

minors must be pre-approved

client is not a problem drink-

by DHS. Hinshaw is scheduled to be

er, and has not consumed any alcohol since the date of the alleged incidents.

Glass said because Hin-

back in court for an indictment hearing Jan. 30. — Bulletin staff reports

alcohol rehabilitation center

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risk factors they've ever had." Brady declined to require Hinshaw to wear the alcohol moni-

partment of Human Services sent her to a local drug and


for an evaluation. Her results, Glass said, showed the "lowest

High School, a position she had held since last March.

Monday 12:11 p.m.— Authorizedcontrolled burning, 21520DaleRoad. 15 — Medical aidcalls. Tuesday 12 — Medical aidcalls. Wednesday 11:47 a.m.— Authorized controlled burning, in thearea of EastU.S. Highway 20. 3:55 p.m.— Chimney orflue fire, 2130 N.E Eighth St. 25 — Medical aid calls.


— Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.com

Continued from Bf

shaw is the mother of two young children, the state De-

Providing unparalled service across a variety of industries since 1983.

The problems did not appear to have affected businesses in the area on Thursday. Nelli Millard, owner of Nelli Millard Fashion House on the southeast corner of Olney Avenue an d F i r st Street, said her business was closed for Christmas, when the problem occurred. Jenn Fishback, an office assistant at CS Construction on the north side of Olney Avenue, said several businesses in the area have faced sewer issues and the people who w ork there know th e o l d sewer line is fragile. "And the train goes by here severaltimes every day and it just shakes the ground," Fishback said.



400 SW Bluff Dr Ste 200 Bend, OR 97702



3100blockof Southwest Highland Avenue. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at12:54 p.m. Dec. 23, in the area of Northwest Ninth Street and Northwest ElmAvenue. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at1:20 p.m. Dec.23, in the 800blockof East state Highway126. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at1:22 p.m. Dec.23, in the 1500blockof Southwest OdemMedo Road. Theft — A theft wasreported at 3:22 p.m.Dec. 23, in the 900block of Southwest Veterans Way. Theft — A theft was reported at 4:47 p.m.Dec. 23, In the 300block of Northwest OakTreeLane. Burglary — A burglary wasreported at7:09 p.m.Dec.23,inthe200 block of Northeast Hemlock Avenue. Prineville Police Department Theft — A theft wasreported at l1:37 a.m. Dec. 26,in the area of Northwest Harwood Street. Theft — Atheft was reported at I: l6 p.m.Dec. 26, in the areaof Southwest Rimrock Road. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reportedenteredand items stolen at 6:05 p.m. Dec.22, in theareaof Northeast Fourth Street. Criminal mischief — Aft act of criminal mischief wasreported andan arrest made at 7:54 p.m. Dec. 26,in the area of Northeast Seventh Street. Oregon State Police Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reportedat10:30a.m. Dec. 26, in the area of U.S. Highway 20near milepost 4. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at10:40 a.m. Dec. 26, in the area of U.S. Highway126 near milepost 3. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported Dec.26, ift the area of U.S. Highway 97near milepost128. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at4:54 p.m. Dec.26, in the area of U.S.Highway97 near milepost l77. DUII — StacyLynBenner, 38, was arrestedoft suspicion of driving under the influence of ifttoxicants at 3:54 a.m. Dec. 27, in theareaof Northwest Bond Street and Northwest OregonAvenue in Bend.

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a easi e new an

Linn County shuts down log yard — A Linncounty official has ordered a halt to operations at a log transfer yard east of Albany

that was a lumber mill 70 years ago, sat idle for decadesand then got busy in October loading timber on rail cars. Residents have complained about noise, the early hours, and hazards for schoolchildren.

"It's my conclusion that this is a heavy industrial use andshould

not take place in the middle of a rural residential community," said County Planning Director Robert Wheeldon. Trucks hauling logs from

private timberland deliver their cargo bound for export to the yard at By Lori Tobias

Crabtree for reloading onto rail cars, The Albany Democrat-Herald reported. The yard east of Albany created about 30 jobs in Linn County

The Oregonian

SEASIDE — In Seaside, it's as predictable as the winter gray: The rains come, high tides roll in and sure enough U.S. 101 floods, four times already this year. Sometimes, traffic is only restricted. Other times, the road must be closed completely. And sure enough, there's always that one driver who thinks he can make it through

and in Rainier, where its operator, Teevin Bros., has headquarters. The Albany & Eastern Railroad disputed Wheeldon's conclusions,

saying the yard canoperate aslong as an appeal is filed on time in January. "Contrary to the director's interpretation and the opinion of some of the county commissioners, the Albany & Eastern Railroad believes we are operating within our jurisdiction," railroad spokes-



man Jared Cornell said. "We believe wehave until Jan. 3 to appeal."



After community meetings to air concerns about the operation, the railroad, through the Portland law firm Perkins Coie, had asked the


county for a code interpretation. Theappeal would be heard by the board of commissioners.

— and fails, prompting a res-

Eugene settles with formerutility hoard memder —The

cue from the ODOT crews. But this winter may be the last that drivers will need to time their journeys around the Necanicum River by Beerman Creek, just south of town. Afteryears ofteamwork between a nonprofit organization and a handful of local and state government agencies, they've come up with a solution that

former Eugene Water & Electric Board Commissioner has accepted $87,000 from the city of Eugene to settle the lawsuit she filed, claim-

has everyone grinning. "It seems to me like it's a win, win, win, win, win and just keeping adding the wins behind it," said Ed Wegner, Clatsop County Public Works director. "It will help Seaside, it will help ODOT, it will help anyone who uses the road. Tourism. Emergency services. If you lived in Cannon Beach and there was flooding you c ouldn't get through to t h e nearest hospital. You'd have to go to Tillamook. You name it, there is a win for it."


The city does not admit any liability as part of the settlement with JoAnn Ernst, nor does it agree with Ernst's allegations. The predawn

raid included the use ofpercussion grenades, one ofwhich hit one of Ernst's adult daughters on the head while she lay in her bed. The suit named the city and two officers as defendants. Police believed

Ernst's son wasdealing cocaine and heroin from their home. No weapons, heroin or cocaine were found in the Ernst home. Ernst's Cars negotiate floodwaters as they pass Circle Creek RV Park and Campground on U.S. Highway 101 south of Seaside. A new plan designed to alleviate seasonal flooding on the highway is getting a warm reception from motorists and officials.

Firefighters back off hoarder house —Portland firefighters say they retreated from the interior of a vacant houseThursday

on an ODOT right of way. So they figured their only choice was to wait a few years until they could raise the money. Then Voelke got a call that seemed almost too good to be true. Because ODOT's road projects often impact waterways and wetlands, the state agency is required by law to enhance wetlands in other areas to mitigate their impact. ODOT was

looking for a big chunk of land to do a wetlands project in order to earn wetlands credit. "It's like a bank that is storing wetlands instead of money," said Voelke. "ODOT knew if they rehabbed 100 acres, that's what they needed to be able to do all road maintenance they need to do in terms of wetlands impact over the next 20 years. The trick was finding a landowner willing to create 100 acres of wetlands."

A stroke of luck And then came that stroke of serendipity that left everyone scratching their h eads — in the best possible way. "A guy from ODOT called me one day," Voelke said. "He said, 'Any chance you guys are looking to do a big wetlands project that we could do instead and fund it'?'" Work on the project is al-

morning when they found it was stuffed with the belongings of a hoarder who had lived there. Firefighters said they had to sort through what they called "significant clutter" to get to the fire, which was in the basement, first floor and attic. Given the danger posed by the material and the vacancy, the fire department said it shifted from

ready under way, with plans for removing the dirt levee set for the first sign of dry weather. "One of the benefits that is great for people and the habitat is that by opening up the wetlands, we are going to make this a 100-plus acre water storage area,"she said."Instead of just letting these winter surges of water flush back in to the ocean, it will store the water so the stuff can seep instead. "It restores ground water, soaks the wetlands areas that support wildlife," she said. "These wetlands are essentially connected to the stream, so you have the stream channel and wetlands side channels. Those are really great juvenile rearing habitat for salmon. It is very cool." From a motoristperspective, as well. "The people i n C a n n on Beach are going to be particularly happy," said ODOT spokesman Lou Torres. "Many people i n C a n no n B e ach work in Seaside and they really needed to pay attention to what was happening as far as flooding. You didn't want to be on the wrong side. How

an offensive strategy inside to adefensive one outside. Firefighters said later in the morning that the blaze was mostly out, nobody had

been injured, a causehadn't been determined, and adamageestimate was forthcoming.

Umatilla man was shot to death, says DA — umatiila County District Attorney DanPrimus says a manfound dead Sunday along Highway 730 east of Umatilla was shot to death. The East Oregonian reported authorities are investigating the killing of 32-year-old

Luis Jaime Diaz ofUmatilla.

Apartment fire injureS OCCupant —Afire early Thursday at a Hillsboro apartment building was extinguished by automatic sprinklers. Hillsboro Fire and Rescue says the person living in the second-floor apartment where the fire started was treated at a

hospital for smoke inhalation. Investigators determined the fire was caused by an electric wheelchair. The fire damage was contained to one unit of the Rolling Green Apartments. Six other apartments have

water damage.

Woman's deathwashomicide, autopsy determines — An autopsy showedthat the suspicious death of a 33-year-old

woman at her Southwest Portland apartment was a homicide. Detectives are checking with friends and tracing the activities of Jaime Lyn

Larson in previous days in hope of finding her killer. Her bodywas found Christmas night.

— From wirereports

Find Your Dream Home

all U.S. grain exports move The Associated Press through nine grain terminals PORTLAND — Longshore- on the Willamette River and men at grain terminals in Port- Puget Sound. Th e d i spute land and Vancouver, Wash., initially involved six of those went to work Thursday under terminals that operate under the contract terms they sound- a single collective bargaining ly rejected last weekend. a greement with th e I L W U : The terminal owners imple- C olumbia Grain, b ased i n mented the terms of their "last, Portland; United Grain, based best and final" offer at 6 a.m. in Vancouver; Louis D reyafter declaring talks to be at fus Commodities, which has an impasse. grain elevators in P ortland The I n ternational L o n g- and Seattle; and Temco, which shore and Warehouse Union has elevators in Portland and could have called for a strike. Tacoma, Wash. Instead, the employees showed Longshore workers at Coup for work as the union de- l umbia Grain a n d U n i t ed cides its next move. Options Grain, both Japanese-owned, other than a strike include ac- arrived for w ork T h ursday, cepting management's offer, and officials from both ports filing an unfair labor charge said there were no slowdowns or working under the terms or workplace disruptions. " Everything seems to b e while seeking further talks. An ILWU spokesman, Jen- working just fine," said Therenifer Sargent, declined to dis- sa Wagner, a Port of Vancoucuss union strategy. ver spokeswoman. The last contract expired The issue was moot for longSept. 30, and a disagreement shoremen at LD Commodities. over workplace rules has been The company'sterminal in Portthe obstacle to a new deal. land, which handles wheat, is The pro-management terms not operatingthis weekbecause implemented Thursday elimiof construction to upgrade its elnatesome employee perks and evator near the Steel Bridge. Its grievance procedures while Seattle terminal, which handles giving employers more discorn and soybeans, has been cretion in hiring and staffing idle for months. decisions. Management, for The terms u nder w h i ch example, can expand shifts to Temco employees are working 12 hours, if needed, and use el- remained a mystery Thursday. evator employees to help load The U.S.-owned firm broke ships. away from the alliance earlier M ore than a q u a rter o f this month and is believed to

are you going to go shopping, get to work? We're going to be happy we can finally shut off the water faucet there."


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be negotiating separately with the union. Farmers from as far away as the Midwest have been keeping abreast of the situation. Besides the labor dispute in the Northwest, they must contend with low water levels on the Mississippi River, which could impede barge transportation. "We like to pride ourselves as being the lowest-cost provider, and that's predominantly due to our transportation superiority compared to South America," said Mike Steenhoek, executive director of the Iowa-based Soy Transportation Coalition. Steenhoek said 78 percent of U.S. soybean exports go down the Mississippi and the rest go through the Pacific Northwest.

i,lliil II iII'

Yoiihavearight toknowwhat your government is doing. CurrentOregonIaw requires public notices to be printed itt a newspaper

whosereaders are affected by the notice. But federal, state, and local government agencieserroneously believe they can save money by posting public noticeson their web sites instead of in the local newspaper.

If they did that,you'd have to know in advance where, when, and how to look, and what to lookfor, in orderto be informed about government actions that could affect yott directly.

Less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government web site daily,' but 80% of all Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once during att ** average week, and 54% read public notices printed there.

Keeppublic notices inthenewspaper! 'Ut cenmr sureau Moy 2009 "Ame«<anoprn>anRrrror<h aereron rrt trprrmrrrr 2010

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Centraj Oregon


in Real EState

Longshoremen go to work despite unpopular contract By Steven Dubois

The Associated Press G RANTS PASS — A former insurance agent and amateur archaeologist convicted of l o oting ancient Indian graves in the Nevada desert and later offering $10,000 in opals for a hit man to kill a former business partner has died in prison. The Department of Corrections confirmed Thursday that Jack Lee Harelson, 72, of Grants Pass,died Dec. 14 in the Oregon State Penitentiary in Salem. The agency said he died of natural causes in the prison infirmary. His death was first reported by the Grants Pass Daily Courier. When he was arrested in 1995, a U.S. Department of Interior archaeologist said that Harelson's unauthorized excavations of the Elephant Mountain Cave in Nevada's Black Rock Desert in the early 1980s destroyed the historical record of a site that was inhabited by ancestors of the Paiute Tribe for 5,000 years. Harelson served 30 days in jaiL In 2005, Harelson was convicted of trying to hire a hit man to kill Lloyd Olds of Brookings, a partner in an opal mine whom Harelson blamed for his grave-robbing conviction.

sonwas chargedwithpossessionofmethamphetamineand sentenced to probation.

The Associated Press file photo

salmon and wildlife habitat. "But we also knew the levee was there and it was having a negative impact on the ecosystem," said Executive Director Katie Voelke. "We knew that there would be a benefit to the ecology if we were to remove the levee, but we didn't know if it was feasible." When they reached out to the local communities, there Levee traps river was interest, but the trouble Including t h e env i r o n- w as, everyone seemed t o ment. Long b efore anyone think it was someone else's was thinking about protect- responsibility, said V o elke. ing salmon, rareforest eco- But after five years of talksystems or w i l dlife habitat, ing, Clatsop County, ODOT, farmers cleared trees from the cities of Astoria, Cannon about 120 acres bordering the Beach, Warrenton, Gearhart, Necanicum River to be used Seaside and the Port of Asas pastureland for dairy cows. toria all came together. They Then, in the 1960s, develop- pooled theirmoney and comers sought to build in the flood missioned a study to figure plain. out the best way to handle the And in order to keep the water. river of f t h e d e velopment, And, as suspected, NCLC they built a levee. The devel- had been right. opment never happened, but now the river was sandwiched Finding the money between the highway and the Removing the l evee was levee, and the flooding began relatively inexpensive — espein earnest. cially compared to the alternaForty-odd years later, in tive of raising the road, which 2 003, the n o nprofit N o r t h came in at a cost of more than Coast Land Conservancy pur- $10 million. But it still came chased 364 acres — including with a price tag of more than the previously cleared land$1 million. And th e ODOT with an eye toward protecting couldn't use highway funds to rare Sitka spruce wetlands, help becausethe levee wasn't

Convicted grave robber dies in prison

ing that police usedexcessive force in a raid on her home in2009.

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The Bulletin



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regon's state transparency website was designed to give citizens a clearer look at their government, and last week it got a bit better at its job. It added several links to information about its Public Employee Retirement System. The links take readers to a variety of documents that lay out such things as how much participating government agencies owe the system and what rates they will pay in the coming year. Though the numbers and percentages vary widely from agency to agency, the overall picture is grim. Oregon, its cities, park districts and other units of government collectively owe PERS $16 billion. Paying off that debt will take more from government next year than it did this, a trend that may not change anytime soon. It's no wonder, then, that PERS reform is an extremely hot topic in Salem these days. Gov. John Kitzhaber's reform proposals, as one example, would bring close to $1 billion to the state's coffers next year, money that schools and other agencies won't see without changes.

million comes from that change. The balance would come from changing the system so that retirees who donotpay Oregon income taxes do not receive extra money given for that purpose. Yet reform is no slam-dunk, though it is more likely to happen if Oregonians make clear to their lawmakers that reform of the system is a priority statewide. That's where the transparency website comes in. Unless citizens can get a handle on the system, what it is owed and who owes it, it will be difficult for them to understand what different proposals mean to them and their neighbors. The information on the state's website makes the task of sorting things out far less difficult. Is it perfect'? No. Despite a glossary, understanding what the numbers mean canbe difficult for those Kithaber's plan would cap cost- who find numbers confusing. of-living increases, tapering them Even so, it is far better than off as benefits rise above $24,000 nothing, andinterestedOregonians per year. Of the $865 million Kitz- should take time to explore it at haber proposes to save, fully $810 oregon.gov/transparency.

M Nickel's Worth Excell ent letteraboutfires Gun ownership is my right What an excellent letter to the edi-

Oregoninvestment changes could lead to bigsavings ots of government functions have been outsourced to save money, but Oregon Treasurer Ted Wheeler wants to go the opposite direction. He says the state can save $12 million a year by hiring more staff and reducing fees to outside firms for managing part of the state's retirement fund. If further study affirms the savings, it's a plan that deserves support. The proposal comes on the heels of a report that shows the state spending more than its peers for investment management fees. The analysis by CEM Benchmarking of Toronto compared Oregon's Public E m ployees R etirement Fund with 18 other large funds. Although Oregon got good returns, it spent $400 million on fees in 2011, which amounted to 0.69 percent of assets, while its peers in the study spent 0.59 percent. Because the Legislature limits staffing at Treasury, the state must use outside firms to manage a large segment of the fund, leading to higher fees, according to Treasury spokesman James Sinks. Sinks said Wheeler plans to


introduce a proposal from the Oregon Investment Council asking the Legislature to give the council control of the investment division that now works for the treasurer, including its staffing decisions. The council, which makes investment decisions for the state, is composed ofthe treasurer and four members appointed by the governor. The change would allow the council to make its own hiring decisions and staff up as needed to manage more of the investments internally. The Oregon Treasury invests the retirement fund and therefore controls the cost of investment management, but has no role in benefits or other features. If it can reduce those management costs, more money stays in the fund. The annual $12 million would amount to $24 million per biennium, and would grow further as it earns returns in the fund. If the investment council can manage the funds at a lower cost without hurting returns, it's clearly a good move for taxpayers.

tor by Scott Linden on Dec. 19. That should be printed in every Western newspaper. Many of us throughout the Western stateshave wondered why fires are allowed to get so big, take so long to attack, and cost millions of dollars. A classic example of American greed! He makes several excellent points. None of us begrudge the firefighters on the ground, and all of us appreciate their hard work. But the millions of dollars going to contractors, the ramp-up to build firefighting camps and small towns is overkill. Using old commercial or military aircraft that were not designed for delivering water to fires is a great example of waste and their safety record is poor. The Canadians have been using their specially designed CL-415, 1,600-gallon tanker plane with excellent results and no fatalities. A fleet of eight of these — based in Oregon, California and Colorado — would make quick work of any fire. They are STOL (short take off

The first sentence of Ann Byers' Dec. 20 letter "Guns kill children" stated that "guns do kill people." What she forgot to mention is the fact that so do many other things. When someone has the intent to kill and the lack of sanity, oftentimes they will not be stopped. They will find a way and a means. One way they could be stopped, or the damage minimized, is by a law-abiding citizen who is lawfully carrying a weapon. She states that our right to bear arms is"so-called" and the consequences of that "so-calledn right are dead children and educators. This argument is false, inane and ridiculous. Last time I checked, the right to bear arms is still in the Second Amendment of ou r C onstitution. The terrible shooting in Connecticut was the consequence of a sick luna-

tic going on a rampage.

Unfortunately, there is no way to totally put a stop to these awful incidents, but we can protect ourselves and landing) craft, picking up water and our children by being aware on small lakes nearby and drop- and realistic. ping on the fire without lengthy Conscience and sanity cannot be flights back to a base to refuel or be legislated through more gun conrefilled. trol. Criminals and/or crazy people Linden's point is poignant. They don't follow the existing laws and are not trying to put out fires. The goal is to spend the firefighting never will. Guns are out there and always will be. I choose to own them budget. You, the reader, need to let the lawfully; it is my right. If you choose Forest Service know you value the not to, so be it. Just don't tell me that trails, wildlife, timber and other I shouldn't own them because a deactivities the forest provides other ranged killer picked one up. If anythan a place for our federal govern- thing, it solidifies our need and right to bear arms even more than before. ment to burn money. Jason Bur!e! gh Dan Cosgro Bend Bend

Not a new idea State money to the federal government? Gov. John Kitzhaber's idea to help the federal Forest Service manage public forests in Oregon is

a good one. Such a strange thing has happened before on a much smaller scale. When I was state recreation trails coordinator, working for the State Parks Department, Russ Pengelly, a biology teacher in Burns, suggested that the state should help develop the Desert Trail, most of which would be on federally man-

aged lands. He had tried to get help from the National Park Service, which sent a trail guy to evaluate the idea, and was turned down because it would cost too much and only a few people would use it. P engelly came to me and t h e Oregon Recreation Trails A d v i-

sory Council (ORTAC) and we all thought it would work. So, out of an already skimpytrails budget, I arranged for $500 to be turned over to the Bureau of Land Management. It was used to erect rock cairns along the proposed route through the Pueblo Mountains, across land managed bythe BLM. That became a popular segment of the Mexicoto-Canada Desert Trail, which is

enjoyed by many people who appreciate the vast beauty of the high desert. Guidebooks are available from the D e sert T r a i l A s s o ciation, Box 34, Madras, OR, 97741. Jack Rem! ngton Bend

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Armed citizenry is the only solution to gun violence By Bill Birnbaum In 1950 and 1951, Sen. Estes Kefauver, a Democrat from Tennessee, chaired a Senate commission whose purpose was the elimination of organized crime. Many Americans believed that if Kefauver wassuccessfulin breaking up organized crime syndicates, we law-abiding folks could then go about our lives unthreatened. Unfortunately, those who thought so were wrong. The vast majority of us live our entire life without having any direct contact with organized crime because crimesyndicates aren'tthe threat. Instead, the real threat is that occasional crazy person. Following the terrible tragedy in a Connecticut elementary school on Dec. 14, we are all left wondering how to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future. In

considering "how to prevent," we should recognize tw o i m p ortant truths. First, the police can't be everyw here. I t s i m p l y i s n ' t possible to station a police officer in each aisle of every movie theatre, in each

store of every shopping mall, or in each classroom of every elementary school. The second important truth is that criminals can always obtain guns, despite laws designed to keep them

from doing so. I llinois' gu n c o ntrol l aw s a r e among the most restrictive in the nation, yet gunshot deaths in Chicago are nearing 500 for 2012, according to the Huffington Post. And while some suggest that a nationwide gun ban might keep guns away from criminals, consider that

smuggling is big business. Frequently

smuggled cargo includes such large items as marijuana by the ton and hu-

man beings by the dozen. Smuggling a couple of hundred handguns at a time would be a cinch. Given the truths that (I) QlFW the police can't be everywhere and (2) criminals can always obtain guns, we're left with just one way to stop violent crime. And that's an armed citizenry. While reading of the recent mass shooting in a theater in Aurora, Colo., I wondered, "Wasn't there an armed citizen seated in that theater near the assassin?" While reading of the shooting in a shopping mall in Clackamas, I wondered, "Wasn't there an armed citizen standing close to the assassin'?" In both of those instances, a citizen l egally armed and trained in t h e use of his or her weapon might have saved human lives.

Yes, I know that many — perhaps most — law-abiding folks will cringe at my suggestion of an armed citizenry. I realize that this solution smacks of "the Wild West." But if you accept the truths of "the police can't b e e verywhere" and "criminals can always obtain guns," then there is no other solution. Protecting children in school is an especially difficult problem. Unlike movie theaters and shopping malls, where we might reasonably expect one of many nearby citizens to be legally armed, a classroom typically contains just one adult. And it's unreasonable to expect that every schoolteacher in America would welcome the opportunity to carry a handgun each and every

day. The only way to effectively guard our kids at school is to secure the school with fences, locked gates and

locked doors. And to hire one or more armed guards per school. While I believe that this would be an effective way to protect our kids, I cringe at the thought of imp lementing this solution, for t w o reasons. First and most obvious is the fiscal challenge. School district superintendents would have a difficult time finding the funds to pay for gated fences and armed guards. The second reason is less obvious, but more important. The solution sends a terrible message to our children. N o longer would they think of their school as a safe, nurturing place. Instead, they would feel as we adults do when entering an airport. But terrible as this message would be, it may well be the price we need to pay for the safety of our kids. — Bill Birnbaum lives in Sisters.




BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Dr. Paul Eckman, of Bend Feb. 7, 1935 - Dec. 25, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home is honored to serve the family. 541-382-2471 www.niswonger-reynolds. com Services: 1'I:00 a.m., Saturday, December 29, 2012, Graveside at Pilot Butte Cemetery followed by a Memorial Service, 2:00 p.m., at the LDS Church, 2555 Shevlin Park Rd. Bend.

Mary Annette Midgett, of Redmond Aug. 8, 1943 - Dec. 24, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals-Redmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: Celebration of Life will be held at 1:00 p.m., Sat. Dec. 29, 2012, at the home of Michele 8 Bill Doty.

Mary Ellen Pesek, of Redmond Nov. 17, 1931 - Dec. 22, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: A private service will be held at a later date. Contributions may be made to:

The charity of the donors choice.

Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254

By Paul Foy The Associated Press

Lylan E. Pritchard

W EST V A L LE Y C I T Y , Utah — Jessica Fiveash sees nothing wrong with arming teachers. She's one herself, and learned Thursday how to safely use her 9 mm Ruger with a laser sight. "If we have the ability to stop something, we should do it," said the elementary school teacher, who along with nearly 200 other teachers in Utah took six hours of free gun training offered by the state's

Fed. 16, 1928 - Dec. 17, 2012

leading gun lobby.

Lylan E. Pritchard, born February 1 6 , 192 8 , i n Tacoma, Washington, died a t her home in B e nd, Or e gon, o n De c e m be r 1 7 , 2012. S he is s u r v ived b y h e r husband of 64 years, Vernon D. Pr itchard; her sist er, C l e ati s J o h n so n o f Bonney Lake, Washington; her four c h i l dren, Vernon R. Pritchard, Carolyn Curtis, Jonathan Pritchard and N ancy B r en n a n ; six g randchildren a nd fiv e great-grandchildren. L ylan gr ew up in T acoma, W ashi n g t o n , g raduated f r o m L i n c o l n High School, and attended Washing State College. She was a Bend resident for 44 years, and for many y ears w o r k e d f o r Cr a i g C oyner L a w Of f i c e s i n downtown Bend. A memorial service w i l l b e held a t 2 : 0 0 p . m., o n December 30, 2012, at the C ascade Seventh-day A d v entist Ch u r c h , 606 7 0 Brookswood B l v d., B e nd, OR. P lease sig n o u r on l i n e g uest b oo k a t w ww . n i s wonger-reynolds.com

It is among the latest efforts to arm or train teachers to confront assailants after agunman killed his mother andthen went on a rampage through Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., killing 20 children and six adults before killing himself. In Ohio, a firearms group said it was launching atest program in tactical firearms training for 24 teachers. In Arizona, the attorney general is proposing a change to state law that would allow an educator in each school to carry a gun. The moves to train teachers come after the National Rifle Association proposed placing an armed offi cerateach ofthe nation's schools, though some schools already have police officers. Parents and educators have questioned how safe the proposal would keep kids and whether it would be economically feasible. S ome educators say it i s dangerous to allow guns on campus. Among the potential dangers they point to are teachers being overpowered fortheirweapons or students getting them an d a ccidentally or p urposely shooting classmates. "It's a terrible idea," said Carol Lear, a chief lawyer for the Utah Office of Education. "It's a horrible, terrible, nogood, rotten idea." Kristen Rand, the legislative director for the Violence Policy Center, a gun control advocacy organization, said

John R. Blaylock, of La Pine May 26, 1961 - Dec. 20, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 www.autumnfunerals.com Services: A gathering of family and friends will be announced.

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be rttn for one day, bttt specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They maybesubmitted by phone mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.

un rou eac es eac ers

Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details.

Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

Deaths of note from around the world: Fontella Bass, 72: St. Louisborn soul singer who hit the top of the R8B charts with "Rescue Me" in 1965. Bass

CalabresewasChicago mobster, himself, described his brother's murderous style: He beat his F rank Ca l a brese, a l s o victims, strangled them with a known as Frankie Breeze, a rope and then cut their throats. Chicago loan shark and hit And his son Frank Jr., who man responsible for at least 13 had once served time in the murders,died in prison Tues- same prison with his father, day in Butner, N.C. He was 75. told how he had volunteered to His death, at the Federal cooperate with the FBI, writing Medical Center at the Butner a letter from his cell, and had Federal Correctional Complex, recorded conversations with was confirmed to The Associat- his father in which he spoke ed Press by Ed Ross, a spokes- about mob killings. He had man for the Federal Bureau of wanted his father to back away Prisons. No cause was given, from the mob, Frank Jr. said, but Calabrese was known to be explaining his decision, and in poor health, with heart dis- his father had promised to do ease and other ailments. so but had not. Calabrese, an e s pecially At the sentencing hearing, vicious member of the Chi- another son, Kurt, testified cago organized crime fam- that his father had beaten and ily known as the Outfit, was threatened him , p r o mpting serving a life sentence after Judge Zagel to remark, "I've his conviction, with four other never seen a case in which a men, on racketeering charges brother and a son — and countin September 2007 in what ing today, two sons — testified became known as the Family against a father." Secretstrial. The judge added, speaking The trial was the result of to the defendant, "I just want years of federal investigation to say that your crimes are aimed at weakening the Out- unspeakable." fit and clearing 18 unsolved Calabrese was born on the murder cases dating to the West Side of Chicago on March 1970s. 17, 1937. According to his testiA j ur y f o un d C a labrese mony at his trial, he attended the perpetrator of seven of several grade schools, fared the murders, but at a sentenc- poorly and eventually discoving hearing in January 2009, ered he was dyslexic. Judge James Zagel of U.S. DisHe sold newspapers on the trict Court, by his own read- street as a boy, but grew up to ing of the evidence, held him become a thief. He said he was responsible for six additional in the Army after the Korean killings. War, but he deserted. The trial was a sensational By the early 1960s he was one, with testimony for the running his own loan sharkprosecution from Calabrese's ing business when he was apclosest relatives. His brother, proached by Angelo LaPietra, Nick, an a dmitted gangster a rising member of the Outfit


first hit the charts with Bobby McClure in a duet "Don't Mess Up a Good Thing," before recording "Rescue Me," her own composition. Died Wednesday in St. Louis. Elwood Jensen, 92:A medical researcher whose studies of steroid hormones led to new treatments for breast cancer that have been credited with saving or extending hundreds of thousands of lives. Died Dec. 16 in Cincinnati.

loan sha mnvictedmurderer New York Times News Service

another responsibility. You can't just leave your gun lying around," Aposhian said. "Not for a minute." The teachers at the basic gun training applied for a concealed-weapons permit, submitting fingerprints and a mug shot for a c r iminal •e background check. The class kicked off as an instructor in r'ji the "psychology of mass violence" offered various tactics to disrupt an assailant. E nglish t e acher K e v i n Stephen Pratt, a third-grade teacher from Alpine, Utah, is fingerLeatherbarrow said he often printed for a gun carry permit during concealed weapons training felt threatened while workfor 200 Utah teachers. ing at an inner-city school in Buffalo, N.Y., where he got a license to carry a pistol. He to believe that a "teacher Clark Aposhian, chairman moved less than a year ago would be successful in stop- of the Utah Shooting Sports to Utah, where he feels safer. ping someone who has made Council, the state's biggest But he said gun violence can the decision to engage in a gun lobby. "They should lock break out anywhere. shootout is just not rational." downthe classroom. But a gun Leatherbarrow said he was Gun-rights advocates say is one more option if the shoot- highly trained in h a ndling teacherscan actmore quickly er"breaks into a classroom. guns — and was taking critithan law enforcement in the The group waived its $50 cism from parents who don't critical first few minutes to fee for the training. Instruc- appreciate his views on school protect children from the kind tion featured plastic guns and safety. "I'm in agreement not evof deadly shooting that took emphasized that people facplace in Connecticut. They ing deadly threats should an- erybody should be carrying emphasized the importance nounce or show their gun and firearms in school. They're of reacting appropriately untake cover before trying to not trained. But fo r s o me der pressure. shoot. They cautioned teachers parents to think we're cow"We're not suggesting that about the liability that comes boys, that frustrates me," he teachers roam the halls" look- with packing a gun in public. said. "I wish parents would "It's going to be a hassle. It's understand." ing for an armed intruder, said /


New Year's Holiday Deadlines



By Bruce Weber

Photos by Rick Bowmer/The Associated Press

Joanna Baginska, a fourth-grade teacher from Odyssey Charter School in American Fork, Utah, using a 40-caliber Sig Sauer during concealed-weapons training for teachers Thursday in West Valley City, Utah. Standing behind Baginska, Clark Aposhian, president of Utah Shooting Sport Council, demonstrates with a plastic gun. The council offered six hours of training in handling concealed weapons in the latest effort to arm teachers to confront school assailants.

who became his mentor. Calabrese never denied loan sharking, but he claimed at his trial that he had nothing to do with any murders. Calabresewas marriedtwice and had three sons, Frank Jr., Kurt and Nick. Information about survivors was unavailable Thursday. Frank Calabrese Jr. wrote a bout his f a mily, hi s o w n criminal activities and his part in convicting his father in a 2011 book, "Operation Family Secrets: How a Mobster's Son and the FBI Brought Down Chicago's Murderous Crime Family," written with Keith and Kent Zimmerman and Paul Pompian. "There were many people on the streets of Chicago's South Side who played by my dad's rules," Frank Jr. wrote. "But if you crossed Frank Calabrese he was fast and furious. My father had multiple personalities, and what made it hard was that I never knew which one I might be dealing with at any given time. He was a chameleon and could change in an instant. A lot of people knew about his dual personality, but only a tight core knew about his third, the deadly one. "The first was the caring and loving provider, the patriarch. The second was the controlling and abusive father, demanding and strict, the streetwise Outfit member who ran a vicious and profitable crew. And the third was the killer, whose method of murder was strangulation, followed by a knife to the throat."

PAID OBITUARIES Tuesday 1/1 ....................... Wednesday 1/2..................

DEATH NOTICES Tuesday 1/1 .................... Wednesday 1/2...............

DEADLINE .... Monday 12/31 10 a.m. .... Monday 12/31 10 a.m. DEADLINE .... Monday 12/31 11:30 a.m. .... Monday 12/31 11:30 a.m.

The Bulletin

— From wire reports

Obituary Dept. 541-617-7825

Paul B. EchmanMD February 7, 1935- December 25, 2012 Paul wasborn in Portland, Oregon onFebruary 7,1935 and died on December 25, 2012 al his home in Bend,Oregonwith his wife andfamily by his side. Paul was preceded in death byhis parents, Colonel Walter and Marie Eckman. He is survived by his wife, KathieEckmatt, daughter Karen(Cam)Primaveraol Aplos, CA,step-children, Ed(Vicloriaj Wenick ol Seattle, WA,Talie (Jerryj Roupe ol Bend, Jay (Barbara)Goldsmith ol Toronto, CN, andGail (Bob) Worthington, ol Raleigh-Durham,NC; his brothers, David (Laurie) Eckman ol Houston, TX, Walter (Dinxi Eckman MD ol Ttipelo, MS, and Larry (Cii dy) EckmanMD, ol College Station, TX; grandson, Brandon, and granddaughters, Aubrie, Abbie, Bella, Kiera, andPaloma. Paul wasraised in Pendleton andSeaside, Oregonand graduatedfromthe American School in the Philippines. He graduated fromDukeUniversity in1956, received his Doctor ol Medicine fromthe University ol Alabamain1960. He wasResident in Internal Medicine, Resident, andChief Resident aIStanford University School ol Medicine from 1960 lo1964. Paul did aPostdoctoral Fellow aINational Hospital in London, Englandfrom1964-1965 andwas a Clinical Fellow in Pediatric Neurology al Massachusetts GeneralHospital, Boston, Massachusetts. Hewasalso a Clinical Instructor andAssistant Professor in Pediatrics and Neurology aI Stanford University School ol Medicine from1965 lo1975. In1972 heworked onthe Project Hope in Natal, Brazil. Paul was aNeurologist with the Palo Alto Medical Clinic, Palo Alto, California from1966 I01975. Paul movedlo Bendin1975 wherehe started the Neurological Center. HewasBend's first neurologist and practiced here until his retirement in 2001. Hecontinued Io work asa Neurological Consultant until October 2012. Paul lovedcamping andfishing ol all kinds with his wile, family and friends in DeschulesCounty, or anywherethey traveled including many placesaround theworld. Paul wasvery involved in his community, served on manyboardsand commissions, including Saving Grace,the RedmondAirport Commission, COCC's Foundation Board, HousingWorks, the City ol Bend'sAccessible Advisory Committee, and the MethAction Coalition. His greatest love wasthe Rotary Club ol Bend where heserved as President and wasawarded the Districl's Club President ol the Year oul ol 63 club presidents. He foundedthe endowmentfund with the club's foundation lo ensurethe funding for future scholarships. He and his wife, Kalhie, delivered over100wheelchairs lo Lithuania onbehalf ol the RotaryInternational service project in 2005. Hisfavorite role was that ol Santaeveryyearfor thewomen'sshelter al Saving Graceand being a husband, father, grandfather, and friend. Services will be ottSaturday, December29. Graveside11 a.m. aIthe Pilot Butte Cemetery, Memorial Service at2:00 p.m. at the Church ol JesusChrist ol Latter Day Saints, 2555 NWShevlin Park Road, Bend,Oregon. Reception Io follow aI AwbreyGlen Country Club, 2500 NWAwbrey GlenDrive, Bend,Oregon. In lieu ol flowers donations may be sent lo Bend Rotary Club Foundation, Paul Eckman EndowmentFund,PO Box 305,Bend,Oregon 97709, or the Opportunity Foundation ol Central Oregon, PO Box 430, Redmond, Oregon 97756. Pleasesign our online guest book at: www.niswonger-reynolds.com



W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012. •


Today: Partly cloudy

Tonight: A few clouds overnight, chilly temperatures.

to mostly

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HoustotI t t 67/39

Chihuahua 58/26

lando 2/58 • Miami 79/71

La Paz 71/49

Anchorage 29/25

Juneau 36/33






Monterrey Mazatlan • 78/55


+ 5 ++



A near

repeat of Sunday.





32 21

33 23

35 24

Sunsettoday...... 4 35 p.m F ull L ast N e w First Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:40 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 4:36 p.m l• Moonrisetoday.... 5:19 p.m Moonsettoday .... 7:36 a.m Dec. 28 Jan. 4 Jan.11 Jan.18

• Pl



Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....6:56 a.m...... 3:41 p.m. Venus......6:03 a.m...... 3:06 p.m. Mars.......9:15 a.m......631 p.m. Jupiter......2 25 p m...... 5 28 a.m. Satum......2:49 a.m......1;15 p.m. Uranus....11:41 a.m.....11:55 p.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low..............37/16 2 4hoursendmg4pm*. .000" Record high........ 61 m 1967 Month to date.......... 2.82" Recordlow.......... 3in1985 Average monthtodate... 1.95" Average high.............. 39 Year to date........... 10.51" Average low ..............23 A verageyeardate.. to 11.11"

Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.07 Record24 hours ...0.85 in 2002 *Melted liquid equivalent



Partly clou dy, mild.


S aturdayThe higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.

Astoria ........48/39/0.15....45/37/sh......45/36/c Baker City.......32/8/0.04.....31/14/c......28/1 3/c Brookings.... not available....48/37/sh......48/35/c Burns.......... 25/1/trace......29/7/c.......29/7/c Eugene........47/36/0.04....40/34/sh......40/33/c Klamath Falls ...32/17/000 ....34/16/c ... 31/10/c Lakeview........28/7/0.00 ...31/13/pc.......28/9/c La Pine........38/12/0.00.....30/16/c.....31/15/pc Medford.......45/37/0.04.... 44/30/rs......35/26/f Newport.......45/37/0.23....46/38/sh......46/37/c North Bend.....48/39/0.14....48/37/sh......47/35/c Ontario....... 33/21/trace.....33/18/c......31/16/c Pendleton......39/27/0.01 .....36/23/c......39/26/c Portland .......47/38/0.03....42/35/sh......41/33/c Prineville....... 35/1 2/0.02.....30/21/c......38/1 6/c Redmond...... 38/14/trace.....32/15/c......37/14/c Roseburg.......45/39/0.13.....45/33/c......40/32/c Salem ....... 46/37/0 01 ...42/34/sh ... 42/33/c Sisters......... 35/I 7/0.00.....31/1 9/c......33/1 6/c The Dages......45/27/0.00.....34/26/c......38/28/c

for solar at noon.

Snow accumulation in inches

1 L 0

ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires

Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass.... Chains or TT, agvehicles Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at OchocoDivide........ . . . . . . . No report

Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth AnthonyLakes ..... . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . 51-55 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .39-71 Mt.Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . 92-123 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . 96-120 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . 107 Mt. HoodSkiBowl...........0-0......52-55 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . 119

Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Willamette Pass ....... . . . . . . 14 . . . . . .44-82 Aspen, Colorado..... . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . 21-25 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 10. . .133-1150 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . .34-55 SquawVagey, California..... .. . 9 . . 6 3-127



contiguous states):


A few clouds, staying dn.

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:40 a.m Moon phases

Yesterday F r iday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W


Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass .. Chains or TT. all vehicles Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .24-58 Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake .. Chains or TT.all vehicles Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . .33 37 Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . .17-23 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to thelatest ski conditions visit: www.skicentral.com/oregon.html www.tripcheck.com or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,cclouds, h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, sn-snow,i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace



48I37 xv s « «

EAST Pg Mostly cloudy ntarlp skies and season33/I8 ably cold. Valev


xx'39/35 g Coos Bayxx 8x N N

Baker Ci 31/14

• Mitchell 32Q2

isters t 31/19 .



Expect a chance of light snow in the mountains.


33/18 Union




La Grande


W arm Springs •

«'Eugene~h' ~vc'4M4 x~






320 8


8 8x x x '







Wa owa • PendletOn z905 • Enterpris 36/23 • Meacham 31/13



~ Government

• Hermiston 35Q5


D a ges 35/25 ' 3< 26

Ca mP 29/26 xx 42/34• xx x t



Th e Blggs

Tigamook• iig ' . i sx x x S a ndy X 8 Xw h 40/34 45/3l! ~; McMiqnviilq « > « 6 ii i ' Lincoln Cityt ' 5xx 5aemr« I

A mostly cloudy day, morning snow for southern locations.




W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms



oO 3 4 4 4' 4




* * * +

' ** * * *

+xt+xt+ Rain F l urries Snow



I r


Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/yy Hi/Lo/yy Abilene, TX......50/26/000...42/24/s .. 47/26/s Grand Rapids....32/19/0.00...30/23/c. 31/25/sn RapidCity........13/8/001... 24/11/c.32/I5/pc Savannah.......56/34/000..60/44/pc. 61/41/sh Akron..........32/28/004...31/23/c. 32/21/sn Green Bay.......26/23/0 00...28/I8/c ..28/I4/sf Reno...........36/26/000...36/22/c. 37/20/sn Seattle..........46/41/019..43/38/sh. 42/36/sh Albany..........32/26/067 ..33/17/pc. 28/16/sn Greensboro......48/34/0.00 ..49/37/pc. 44/27/sh Richmond.......50/39/000 ..49/31/pc. 43/30/sh Sioux Falls.......19/10/017... 20/3/sn .. 18/4/pc Albuquerque.....40/25/000 ..39/18/pc .. 42/27/s Harusburg.......36/33/017 ..34/23/pc. 33/23/sn Rochester, NY....29/24/026 ..28/23/pc. 29/22/sn Spokane........30/25/005... 36/25/c .. 35/25/c Anchorage......29/18/000...29/25/c. 36/21/sn Hartford,CT.....38/34/0.37..35/22/pc. 30/24/sn Sacramento......51/36/000...48/39/c. 50/34/sh SpringfieldMO ..37/19/000..36/18/pc.33/20/pc Atlanta.........43/34/000 ..54/42/pc. 50/26/pc Helena...........21/8/1.00 ..28/11/pc. 27/14/pc St. Louis.........35/28/000...36/26/c.31/21/pc Tampa..........66/43/000 ..70/63/pc...77/50/t Atlantic City.....49/36/002 ..43/29/pc ..39/32/rs Honolulu........82/69/0 00... 79/66/s .. 80/68/s Salt Lake City....29/25/018 ..31/14/pc. 33/19/pc Tucson..........55/33/000... 52/31/s .. 60/37/s Austin..........45/21/0.00 ..64/29/pc.. 53/30/s Houston ........50/31/0.00... 67/39/1.. 57/35/5 SanAntonio.....48/29/000 ..69/31/pc. 55/34/pc Tulsa...........37/21/000 .. 36/17/pc .. 39/24/s Baltimore .......42/36/0.03 ..39/28/pc..38/29/rs Huntsville.......38/34/0.00 ..50/38/sh.. 44/24/s SanDiego...... 60/51/trace..62/46/pc.60/48/pc Washington,DC.43/37/002 ..39/30/pc..38/31/rs Billings..........21/4/000 ..27/15/pc.33/14/pc Indianapolis.....34/24/0.00...33/25/c .. 32/16/c SanFrancisco....54/49/0.00.. 53/42/sh. 52/40/sh Wichita.........35/20/0.00.. 29/12/pc.. 37/21/s Birmingham.....39/33/0.00 ..53/42/pc. 47/26/s Jackson, MS.... 46/31/0.00. 59/42/sh.. 46/28/s SanJose........54/41/000.. 54/42/c. 52/36/sh Yakima.........36/32/000...32/23/c.. 34Q3/c Bismarck.........14/6/005...14/4/c..16/5/pc Jacksonvile......59/34/000..63/49/pc.71/42/sh SantaFe........35/19/000 ..30/10/pc 34/18/s Yuma...........63/41/000... 63/41/s .. 59/43/s Boise...........35/27/001..34/16/pc.. 31/15/c Juneau...........22/5/0 20..36/33/sh. 39/34/sh INTERNATIONAL Boston..........47/30/1.68 ..37/25/pc. 35/27/sn KansasCity......35/17/0.00 ..30/15/pc. 29/18/pc Budgeport,CT....40/36/028 ..38/27/pc. 36/27/sn Lansing.........30/21/0.00...29/22/c. 29/21/sn Amsterdam......48/41/040 46/46/sh 50/42/pc Mecca..........91/70/000 . 85/64/s .. 84/65/s Buffalo.........26/23/020 ..29/24/pc. 30/22/sn LasVegas.......54/33/0 00..48/35/pc. 50/33/pc Athens..........64/44/000..60/46/pc. 55/47/sh Mexico City......72/48/000 ..76/46/pc. 73/42/pc Burlington,VT....25/16/074..27/12/sn.27/10/sn Lexington.......31/28/000...44/33/0..35/23/rs Auckland........75/68/000...73/60/c. 71/58/sh Montreal........25/16/1.47...28/9/pc... 20/5/c Caribou,ME......25/7/026...25/8/sn .. 18/2/pc Lincoln...........25/3/0.00...23/6/pc. 25/11/pc Baghdad........62/46/000... 63/49/s. 64/48/pc Moscow........34/32/038 31/28/sn .. ..26/17/sf Charleston, SC...56/35/000 ..59/44/pc. 61/40/sh Little Rock.......33/19/0.00... 43/28/i .. 43Q4/s Bangkok........91/77/000 ..93/73/pc. 95/73/pc Nairobi.........77/61/000... 74/59/t...72/58/t Charlotte........52/32/000..51/39/pc. 52/32/sh LosAngeles......62/51/0.00..62/48/pc. 62/51/pc Beifng...........23/5/000...29/19/c... 24/5/s Nassau.........77/73/000..81/69/pc.83/71/pc Chattanooga.....39/35/000..50/37/sh.47/29/pc Louisville........36/28/0.00...40/31/c. 33/21/pc Beirut..........66/55/000 ..66/56/pc. 65/55/pc New Delh/.......63/46/000...69/49/s .. 68/47/s Cheyenne........21/7/000 ..26/11/pc.31/12/pc MadisonVY I.....26/21/0 00..31/21/sn .. 27/12/c Berlin...........48/36/000...35/29/s. 41/32/pc Osaka..........45/25/000...49/36/s. 53/46/sh Chicago.........33/28/000...33/27/c .. 32/20/c Memphis....... 42/26/0 0043/31/sh. 39/25/pc Bogota.........66/54/000 ..73/49/pc.. 73/47/s Oslo............27/12/000 .. 20/16/pc. 37/33/sh Cincinnati.......32/28/000... 36/28/c, 35/20/c Miami . . . . 74/55/0 00 79/71/pc 84/64/pc Budapest........46/32/007...36/25/c .. 33/23/s Ottawa.........23/14/047 28/10/pc... .. 20/7/c Cleveland.......33/28/0.06...33/27/c.. 33/26/c Milwaukee..... 29/26/0.00 ..32/26/sn.. 31/18/c BuenosAires.....75/57/000 ..82/63/pc. 86/67/sh Faris............52/45/013 .. 51/49/sh. 49/40/sh Colorado Spnngs.32/15/001...30/9/pc .. 39/I6/s Minneapolis......21/8/0 03...24/I3/c .. 22/7/pc CaboSanLucas ..75/57/000 ..74/55/pc.. 77/55/s Rio deJaneiro....93/78/000 ..91/77/pc...88/74/t Columbia,MO...36/23/000 ..33/21/pc. 27/19/pc Nashville........36/33/0.00..46/35/sh. 40/25/pc Cairo...........68/52/0.00... 67/52/s. 67/53/pc Rome...........57/45/0.00... 58/43/s .. 56/40/s Columbia,SC....57/35/000 ..56/41/pc. 54/33/sh New Orleans.....50/39/0.00... 69/49/t .. 57/37/5 Calgary......... 5/-11/0.00 .. 29/23/c 26/11/sf Santiago........84/55/0.00 83/67/s .. 86/67/s Columbus, GA...48/37/000 ..59/46/pc. 55/28/pc New York.......39/33/0.68 ..39/30/pc. 32/28/sn Cancun.........81/70/000 ..84/70/pc. 84/71/pc SaoPaulo.......82/72/000... 82/68/t...77/68/t Columbus, OH....30/28/000...32/26/c. 34/21/sn Newark, NJ......40/34/0.95..39/29/pc. 33/29/sn Dublin..........45/37/000...51/44/c. 44/36/pc Sapporo ........19/16/001 ..25/18/pc...34/17Ii Concord,NH.....32/26/060 ..33/11/pc. 28/16/sn Norfolk VA......49/41/000..48/34/pc. 48/33/sh Edinburgh.......39/34/000 ..48/41/sh. 41/35/sh Seoul............28/7/000 .. 32/20/pc..36/18/rs Corpus Christi....59/47/000 ..69/39/pc. 58/42/pc Oklahoma City...35/20/0.00 ..34/18/pc .. 39Q3/s Geneva.........50/41/063...43/37/c. 51/39/pc Shangha/........48/41/018..53/29/sh.49/29/sh DallasFtWorth...45/23/0.00 ..45/28/pc.. 47/27/s Omaha..........24/8/0.04.... 25/7/c .. 23/11/s Harare..........79/63/000... 80/61/t...77/62/t Singapore.......84/77/000... 85/76/t...87/78/t Dayton .........29/23/000...33/25/c. 33/18/sn Orlando.........61/37/0.00 ..72/58/pc...80/47/t HongKong......68/63/000..71/62/sh. 71/55/sh Stockholm.......36/21/000 ..26/18/pc..34/30/rs Denver...........27/6/000...31/8/pc .. 33/I3/s PalmSprings.....63/40/000. 60/39/pc. 58/40/pc Istanbul.........57/50/000 ..55/43/pc. 47/44/sh Sydney..........75/61/000 ..82/65/pc .. 76/65/s DesMoines.......24/8/000...28/15/c .. 22/9/pc Peoria..........31/23/000...33/23/c ..29/I7/sf lerusalem.......57/47/0.01... 61/46/s .. 60/45/s Taipei...........75/64/0.00 ..74/62/pc. 68/55/sh Detroit..........32/26/001 ...30/26/c .. 31/23/c Philadelphia.....43/37/0 03..39/28/pc. 36/28/sn Johanneshurg....75/59/015... 84/64/t.. 86/66/s TelAviv.........68/52/000...66/51/s .. 66/52/s Duluth.......... 22/2/000 ..25/I2/sn... 22/4/c Phoeuix.........58/41/000... 59/42/s .. 64/44/s Lima...........77/68/000...77/65/c. 78/65/pc Tokyo...........45/34/000 ..46/37/sh. 54/42/sh El Paso..........56/32/000... 50Q5/s .. 52/31/s Pittsburgh.......32/27/0 01 ..31/27/pc. 34/24/sn Lisbon..........57/43/000 55/47/s 59/48/sh Toronto.........27/19/037 2I24/c 28/20/c Fairbanks....... -8/19/000 .. 2/10/pc..10/3/pc Portland, ME.... 32/26/I 25 ..36/17/pc. 29/16/sn London.........46/43/022..53/51/sh.52/38/sh Vancuuver.......41/37/008..42/37/sh.. 41/34/c Fargo...........18/-5/0.01 ....19/1/c.. 11/0/pc Providence......48/34/0.91..37/24/pc. 36/28/sn Madrid.........41/28/000...51/32/s. 52/37/pc Vienna..........46/32/000..40/27/pc. 41/31/pc Flagstaff........31/10/003...31/5/pc.34/15/pc Raleigh.........50/35/000..50/38/pc. 50/30/sh Manila..........84/75/041 ..89/75/pc. 89/75/pc Warsaw.........43/36/007...33/21/s .. 34/21/c












arge s t u r m ture f







• M ~AT T R E S S G ~alle r y - B e n s l i


I B'

IN THE BACI4: BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NE%S > Scoreboard, C2 Sports in Brief, C2

Prep sports, C4 C o l lege football, C5



College basketball, C3

© www.bendbulletin.com/sports



Local players land all-state awards Three Central Oregon football players have


For OSU,stopping Texasisa test in discipline

been awarded firstteam all-state honors.

By Cliff Kirkpatrick

In selections an-

Corvallis Gazette-Times

nounced this week, Mountain View seniors

John Carroll (receiver) and Chad Bach (offensive line) were named to the Class 5A all-state first team on offense,

and Redmond senior J.D. Abbas was selected to 5A first team

Nextup Alamo Bowl,

Oregon State vs. Texas • When:


defense as a linebacker. Abbas helped lead the

3:45 p.m. • TV:ESPN

Panthers to an 11-1 record and a berth in the state semifinals this season, while Carroll

• Radio: KICE-AM 940, KRCO-AM 690

SAN ANTONIO — When Oregon State football defensive coordinator Mark Banker reviewed the video on the Texas offense, he saw Boise State in orange instead of blue, and the players bigger and faster. T he Beavers have had f i t s with the Broncos over the years, so that caused Banker some concern. Co-offensive coordinator Bryan Harsin came from Boise State to Texas two years ago and installed parts of that offense before

he left for the head coaching job at Arkansas State after the regular season. "We'll see a lot of pre-snap shifts and motions," Banker said. "It's constant movement all the time. That's a challenge." Texas coach Mack Brown said nothing will change about the offense with the other co-offensive coordinator, Major Applewhite, calling the plays now for Saturday's Alamo Bowl. That's good and bad for the Beavers.There is something to study, but then they have to stop the Boise State style of offense

with better athletes. "We have our hands full," Banker said. "It's just a good scheme to not let you concen-

trate on one thing. They are multiple and they use some tempo. Then they remind me of the U.S. Olympic track team." However, since those defensive nightmares, the Beavers have changed their style. They play morenickeland dime packages to not only stop the passing attacks but to put more speed on the field against the running teams. SeeAlamo/C5

David Ash will start at quarterback for Texas on Saturday.


Sue Ogrocki / The Associated Press

and Bach were keycontributors on a Cougars squad that advanced to the state quarterfinal



Bach and Abbas

were also both chosen for the all-state second team, Bach as adefensivelineman andAbbas as a punter. Redmond's

f ' {"l

Jacob Breitling was selected to the all-state

t't I , ,

second team as anoffensive lineman.

Several area 5Aplayers received all-state


honorable mention: Abbas, as a kicker, and

teammates Sumner Saulsbury (offensive line), Cam Peters (defensive back) and Josue Nieves (defensive line);

Will history repeat itself for Oregon after holidaybreak? By Bob Clark The Register-Guard

Oregon men's basketball is back from a holiday break to resume practicing, and coach Dana Altman is hoping his Ducks can emulate what happened in a similar situation a year ago. "We really made a big jump after Christmas break," he said. Recall those Ducks? They finished up the nonconference portion of their schedule with three lackluster wins at home, over teams that should not have been capable of defending Oregon but did. The Ducks were struggling offensively. They could not seem to find a set lineup. They went from that to shooting 70 percent from the field in a rout of Wash-

gL%> $I-

Mountain View's Austin

Phillips (center) and Chadd Taulai (defensive line); and BendHigh's Logan Powers (offensive line). At the 4A level, the

honorable mention list includes Madras senior Devin Ceciliani (defensive back) and Crook County's Gunner Crawford (linebacker). The all-state football

teams are voted on by coaches and tallied by

The Oregonian newspaper. For a complete listing of the 5A all-state foot-

ball teams, see Prep Scoreboard onC4.

ington State in Spokane to open the Pac-12 season, and then went on to win six of their first eight conference

games. Yeah, that was some turnaround. What precipitated it? Altman said he told his players before they left on the 2011 break: "'Fllass,

we're struggling, and when we come back we've all got to be ready for change,' and they were." Altman said the difference in the Ducks of last season following their holiday break was primarily on offense. "Our ball movement was awful before Christmas, and after Christmas it got real good and our numbers reflected that," Altman said. See Ducks/C6

— Bulletin staff report



Summit losesto

Today's bowls at a glance Here is a quick look at

start own tourney

today's three matchups:

IndependenceBowl, Ohio vs. LouisianaMonroe, 11 a.m., ESPN:

Louisiana-Monroe (8-4) wants to make a good impression after advancing to the postseason for the first

time since moving up

Ryan Breonecke /The Bulletin

Sisters' Savannah Spear (24) shoots over Ridgeview's Hosanna Wilder (5) and Shae Wilcox (12) to score during the third quarter on Thursday night in the Sisters Holiday Tournament at Sisters High.

to the Football Bowl Subdivision in 1994.

Ohio (8-4) is in a bowl game for the fourth straight season. Russell Athletic Bowl,

Rutgers vs. Virginia Tech, 2:30 p.m., ESPN: Rutgers (9-3) has won

Bulletin staff report The smallest school in this year's Les Schwab Holiday Hoopfest, Horizon Christian of Tualatin, more than held its own Thursday against host Summit, connecting on 30 shots from the field as the Class 3A Hawks rolled past the Storm 77-61. Horizon Christian's 6foot-6 senior, wing Michael

Inside • More prep sports coverage,C4 Loomis, was too much for Summit and scored a gamehigh 31 points. The Hawks will play Newport, Wash., today at 7:30 p.m. in the Holiday Hoopfest semifinal round. SeeSummit/C4

, ".;," i t

Peters (11)

five straight bowl games

and is making its eighth bowlappearancein school history. Virginia

Tech (6-6) is looking to end its 2012 season on a high note after stumbling to its first single-digit-wins season since 2003.

Meineke CarCare Bowl, Minnesota vs.

Texas Tech, 6 p.m., ESPN:The Red Raiders

(7-5) return to a bowl after having their 18season bowl streak snappedlastyear. The Gophers (6-6) are looking for their first bowl win since 2004.

For a complete look at the remaining bowl schedule, see Scoreboard onC2. — The Associated Press

Summit's Austin

• The Outlaws win the first game of their own holiday tournament Bulletin staff report SISTERS — Sisters High may have come out flat, but a halftime chat from coach Julianne Horner settled down the Outlaws en route to a 67-43 girls basketball win over Ridgeview on the first day of the Sisters Holiday Tournament. "You try to tell your team not to overlook the underdog, and they came out a little slow, and we didn't hit our shots," Horner said. "I got a hold of them at halftime and told them, 'We're 0-0 guys.You've got to come out and prove yourselves.'" Sisters did just that, riding a second half that "really blew things up," according to Horner, before sealing the tournament win. Leading the way with a game-high 22 points for the Outlaws was Taylor Nieri, who Horner said is her most versatile player.

"She can be a (point guard) or a (center)," Horner said. "She's got great court awareness. ... Taylor just takes care of business and can play any role. She exceeds my expectations." Jacobie Petterson scored 15points, Savannah Spear finished with 11, and Sisters improved to 7-1 on the season while earning a matchup against La Grande today at 7 p.m. "They're sitting right below us in the (OSAA) rankings, so we're excited to play them," Horner said of the Tigers. "If we do what we know we're good at and not get taken out of our game, if we can continue to attack and find an open seam, these girls can play with anybody." Kendal Durre paced Ridgeview (1-8) with 11 points, and Hosanna Wilder added 10. The Ravens play Henley of Klamath Falls today at 5 p.m.

N(I iLt

attempts a shot during the first half of Thursday night's

game against Horizon Christian in the Les Schwab Holiday Hoopfest at Summit High School Ryan Breonecke / The Bulletin



ON THE AIR: TELEVISION TODAY FOOTBALL 11 a.m.: College,lndependence Bowl, Louisiana-Monroe vs. Ohio, ESPN.

2:30 p.m.:College, Russell Athletic Bowl, Rutgers vs. Virginia Tech, ESPN.

6 p.m.: College, MeinekeCar CareBowl,Minnesotavs.Texas Tech, ESPN.

BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:Men's college, Providence at Brown, NBCSN.

5 p.m.:Men's college, Baylor at Gonzaga, ESPN2. 6:30p.m.:Men'scollege, College of Idaho at Utah, Pac-12 Network.

7 p.m.:Men's college, Missouri at UCLA, ESPN2. 7:30 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail

Blazers at Los Angeles Lakers, Blazer Network (Ch. 39).


Virginia, NBCSN.

3 p.m.: Men'scollege,Idaho State at Washington State, Pac12 Network.

4:30p.m.:Men'scollege, Washington at Connecticut, ESPN2.

5 p.m.:Men's college, Harvard at Cal, Pac-12 Network. 7 p.m.:Men's college, Idaho at Seattle, Root Sports. 7 p.m.:NBA, Philadelphia 76ers at Portland Trail Blazers, Comcast SportsNet Northwest.

7:30p.m.:Men'scollege, Lafayette at Stanford, Pac-12 Network.

10 p.m.:College, Pac-12 Network, Coppin State at

Arizona State (same-day tape), Pac-12 Network.

GOLF 1 p.m.:PGA Tour, Skills

Challenge, day1 (taped), NBC. MIXED MARTIALARTS 5 p.m.:UFC155, preliminary bouts, FX.

HOCKEY SOGGER 9 p.m.:College, Boston U. at 6:55 a.m.:English Premier Denver (same-day tape), Root League,,Manchester United vs. Sports. West Bromwich, ESPN2.

FOOTBALL 8:45 a.m.: College, Armed Forces Bowl, Air Force vs. Rice, ESPN.

12:15 p.m.:College, Pinstripe Bowl, Syracuse vs. West Virginia, ESPN. 1 p.m.: College, Fight Hunger Bowl, Arizona State vs. Navy, ESPN2.

3:45 p.m.:College, Alamo Bowl, Oregon State vs. Texas, ESPN.

7:15 p.m.:College, Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl, Michigan State vs. Texas Christian, ESPN.

SUNDAY FOOTBALL 10a.m.: NFL, Houston Texans

at lndianapolis Colts, CBS. 10 a.m.:NFL, regional coverage, Carolina Panthers at

1 p.m.:NFL, regional coverage, Green BayPackers at Minnesota Vikings or Arizona

NFL NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGUE All TimesPST AMERICAN CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA 11 4 0 733 529 331 7 6 0 467 26B 269 6 9 0 400 272 347 5 10 0 333 316 426


y-Houston x-Indianapoiis Tennesse e Jacksonvile

Cardinals at San Francisco 49ers or St. Louis Rams at Seattle Seahawks, Fox. 5:20 p.m.:NFL, Dallas Cowboys

at Washington Redskins, NBC. GOLF 11 a.m.:World Long Drive

Oregon State, Pac-12 Network.

Championship (taped), ESPN2.

1:30 p.m.:Men's college, Orange Bowl Classic, Air Force

1 p.m.:PGA Tour, Skills

2 p.m.: Men'scollege, Governor's Holiday Hoops


Patriots or Kansas City Chiefs


vs. Florida, Root Sports.

Saturday Boys basketball: Bend,MountainView,Summit at Les Schwab Holiday HoopfestatSummit High,TBD; Ridgeviewat Sisters Tournament, TBD,Madrasat StaytonTournament, TBD;Redmondat Abby's Holiday Tournam ent in Medford, TBD;Gilchrist at Bend frosh tourneyTBD Girls basketball: Summivs. t Wilsonat theSummit HolidayTournament, 11:30a.m.; Bendvs The DallesWahtonkaattheSummit HolidayTournament, 3p.m.,MountainViewvs.WestAlbanyattheSummit HolidayTournament, 3pm.; Madrasat Stayton Tournam ent,TBD;Central Christian, Trinity Lutheran atTrinityLutheranTournament, TBD;Redmond, Ridgeview,SistersatSistersToumament, TBD Wrestling: Bend at NWDuas at WestviewHS, TBD; Redm ond at Pacilic CoastChampionships in Vancouver,Wash., TBD;CrookCounty, Culver, Ridgeview atFreeBerry Invite in Pendleton,10a.m.

1 p.m.:NFL, regional coverage, Miami Dolphins at NewEngland

Clara at Duke, ESPN2. 11 a.m.:Men's college, UNLV at North Carolina, ESPN2. 11 a.m.: Men's college, Hartford

1 p.m.:Men's college, Towson at

Today Boys basketball: Bendvs. Ashlandat l.esSchwab HolidayHoopfest atSummit High,9 a.m.; Mountain Viewvs.West AlbanyatLesSchwab Holiday Hoopfest atSummitHigh, 2:15p.m.; Summit vs. Sandy at LesSchwabHoliday Hoopfest at Sum mit High, 10:45a.mcSistersvs. Creswegat Sisters Holiday Tournam ent, 5 p.m.; Ridgeviewvs. Scappooseat Sisters HolidayTournam ent, 7 p.m.; Madrasvs Central at StaytonTournament, 5:15 p.m.; Culver at SouthWascoCounty, 4 p.m.; Redmondvs.South MedfordatAbby's HolidayToumament in Medford, 7:45pm.; LaPineatLakeview,7p.m. Girls basketball: Bendvs. Corvagis atthe Summit HolidayTournam ent; 12:30p.mcMountain View vs Spragueat theSummit HolidayTournament, 12:45 p.mc Summivs. t North Medford at the Summit HolidayTournament, 5:45p.mc Madras vs. Brookings-Harborat Stayton Tournam ent, 3 p.mc CentraChristianvs. Monument70ayvi le at Trinity LutheranTournament, 6 p.m.; Trinity Lutheranvs.C.S. LewisAcademy atTrinity Lutheran Toumamnt,e 7:30p.mc Redmond vs. LaSale at Sisters HolidayTournament, 3 p.m.; Sisters vs La Grande at Sisters Holiday Tournament, 7 p.m.; Ridgeviewvs. TBAat Sisters HolidayTournament, 5p.mcCulverat SouthWasco County, 4 pmc La Pine atLakeview,2:30 p.m Wrestling: Bendat NWDuals at Westview HS,TBD, MountainViewat Sierra NevadaClassic in Reno, TBD;Redmondat Pacific CoastChampionships in Vancouver, Wash.,TBD

Bay Buccaneers at Atlanta Falcons or Philadelphia Eagles at New York Giants or Chicago Bears at Detroit Lions, Fox.

at Denver Broncos or Oakland Raiders at San DiegoChargers,

Bowl Classic, Florida State vs. Tulsa, Root Sports. 1 p.m.: Men's college,Kentucky at Louisville, CBS.


New Orleans Saints or Tampa

BASKETBALL 9a.m.:Men's college, Santa

at Colorado, Pac-12Network. 11 a.m.:Men's college, Orange


Classic, Old Dominion vs.



USC, Pac-12 Network.


W L T 9 6 0 6 7 0 6 7 0 4 11 0 South W L T 13 2 0 7 6 0 6 9 0 6 9 0 North W L T 11 4 0 9 6 0 9 6 0 4 11 0

Pct PF PA 600 40B 370 533 35B 372 533 367 337 267 273 402


Pct PF PA 700 370 260 667 392 232 500 266 326 333 237 330



FOOTBALL 6:45 a.m.:College, Armed Forces Bowl, Air Force vs. Rice, ESPN. 3:45 p.m.: College, Alamo Bowl,


Oregon State vs.Texas, KICE-

Tech, KICE-AM 940.

Blazers at Los Angeles Lakers,

AM 940, KRCO-AM 690. 7:15 p.m.:College, Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl, Michigan State vs. Texas Christian, KICE-AM 940.

Blazer Network, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690.

BASKETBALL 7 p.m.:NBA, Philadelphia 76ers

BASKETBALL 7:30p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail

at Portland Trail Blazers, KBNDAM 1110, KRCO-AM 690. Listings are themostaccurate available. The73uletinis not responsible for late changesmadeby TVor radio stations.

Pct PF PA 667 361 321 600 366 303 467 312 304 333 292 344

Pct PF PA y-Denver 600 443 266 San Diego 400 326 329 Oakland 267 269 419 Kansascity 2 13 0 133 20B 367 NATIONALCONFERENCE


2:30 p.m.:College, Russell Athletic Bowl, Rutgers vs. Virginia Tech, KICE-AM 940. 6p.m.:College, Meineke Car

Pct PF PA 600 400 303 667 329 371 333 292 451 133 235 406

W L T 12 3 0 6 9 0 4 11 0

Challenge, day 2 (taped), NBC. BASKETBALL 4p.m.: Men's college, Dayton at


W L T 12 3 0 10 5 0 5 10 0 2 13 0 North W L T 10 5 0 9 6 0 7 6 0 5 10 0

x-San Francisco 10 4 1 x-Seattie St. Louis Arizona

10 5 0 7 7 1 5 10 0

Pct PF PA 667 402 277 467 423 410 400 367 377 400 313 325

Pct PF PA 733 399 299 600 342 314 600 349 253 267 346 411

x-ciinched playoffspot;y-clincheddivIslon Sunday'sGames

JacksonvilleatTennessee,10a.m. CarolinaatNewOrleans, 10a.m. N.Y.Jetsat Buffalo,10 a.m. BaltimoreatCincinnati, 10am. Cleveland at Pittsburgh,10a.m. Houston atIndianapolis,10a.m. PhiladelphiaatN.Y.Giants,10 a.m. ChicagoatDetroit, 10a.m. TampaBayatAtlanta, 10a.m. OaklandatSanDiego,1:25p.m. Arizona atSanFrancisco,1:25 p.m. St. LouisatSeatle, 1:25p.m. KansasCity at Denver, 1.25p.m. GreenBayatMinnesota,1:25p.m. Miami atNewEngland, 1:25p.m. Dallas atWashington, 5:20p.m.

NFLTeam Game HighsandLows


Pinslripe Bowl

W. Virginia

Oregon St In the BleaChers © 2012 Steve Moore. DiSt. by UniVersal UcliCk






1 3. 5 Texas Buffalo WildWingsBow I Michigan St 2 25

Monday Music CityBowl






Liberly Bowl 2.5 (T) 1 Chick-Fil-ABowl

lowa St


Nc State


Sun Bowl

GeorgiaTech Tulsa

4 5. 5 Clemson Tuesday Hearl of DallasBowl OklahomaSt 16 17 Purdue Gator Bowl Mississippi St 2 2 Northwestern OutbackBowl S. Carolina 4 .5 6 Michigan Capital OneBowl Georgia 9 10 Nebraska Rose Bowl Stanford 6 6. 5 Wisconsin OrangeBowl FloridaSt 14 1 3.5 N Rlinois Wednesday, Jan. 2 SugarBowl Florida 14.5 14 Louisville Thursday,Jan. 3 Fiesta Bowl Oregon 6 9 Kansas St Friday, Jan. 4 Cotlon Bowl Texas ASM 3 .5 4 . 5 Oklahoma Saturday,Jan.5

www gocomics.com/tnthebleachers




CompassBowl 2

3. 5



Go Daddy.comBowl ArkansasSt 2 4 Kent St Monday,Jan. 7 BCSChampionship Alabama 6 .5 9 . 5 NotreDame

ThroughWeek16 POINTS Most 59, New Englandvs. Indianapotis ff/16 56, Seattlevs. Arizona12/9 55, Baltimore vs. Oakland11/11 55, GreenBayvs.Tennessee12/23 52,New EnglandatBuff alo9/30 52, N.y.Giantsvs. NewOrleans12/9 TOTALYARDS Most 653, Houston vs.Jacksonvitie11/16(OT) 621, San Franciscovs. Bufalo 10/7 604, NY.Giantsvs. TampaBay9/16 563, Detroit atTennessee9/23(OT) 560, New England atBuffalo 9/30 Fewest 117, Jacksonvillevs.Houston9/16 119, Kansas City atOakland12/16 137, Arizona atN.Y.Jets12/2 143, Chicago at SanFrancisco11/19 145, N.Y. Jetsvs SanFrancisco9/30 RUSHING YARDS Most 352, Kansas City vs.lndianapolis 12723 311, San Franciscovs. Bufato1077 264, Seattlevs. Arizona12/9 276, TampaBayatOakland11/4 273, Kansas City atNewOrleans9/23 (OT) Fewest 7, Arizona vs. SanFrancisco10/29 10, CarolinaatTampaBay9/9 10, Kansas Cityat Oaktand12n6 14, CincinnatiatPittsburgh12/23 19, Dallasvs. NYGiants 10/26 NET PASSINGYARDS Most 510, N.Y. Giantsvs. TampaBay9/16 504, Houston vs.Jacksonvige11/18 (OT) 446, New OrleansatDallas12/23 (OT) 443, Detroivs. t Attanta12/22 442, Detroit atTennessee9/23(OT) Fewest 41, Arizona atAttanta 11/18 43, Minnesotavs.Arizona10/21 44, MinnesotaatSeattte f1/4 52,Jacksonvillevs.Houston9/16 56, Arizona atN.y.Jets 12/2

Music City Bowl Vanderbilt(6-4)vs.N.C.State(7-5), 9a.m.(ESPN) Sun Bowl GeorgiaTech(6-7) vs. SouthemCal (7-5), 11 a.m.


Liberly Bowl lowaState(6-6) vs. Tulsa(10-3), 12:30p.m.(ESPN) Chick-fil-A Bowl

LSU(10-2)vs.Clemson(10-2), 4:30p.m.(ESPN) Tuesday Hearl of DallasBowl Purdue(6-6) vs.OklahomaState(7-5),9 a m (ESPNU) Gator Bowl MississippiState(6-4) vs.Northwestern (9-3), 9 a.m. (ESPN2 ) Capital OneBowl Georgia(11-2) vs.Nebraska(10-3),10 am.(ABC) OutbackBowl South Carolina(10-2) vs. Michigan(6-4), 10 a.m. (ESPN) Rose Bowl Stanford(11-2)vs. Wisconsin (6-5), 2p.m.(ESPN) OrangeBowl NorthemII inois (12-1) vs. FloridaState(11-2), 5:30 p.m.(ESPN) Wednesday,Jan.2 Sugar Bowl Florida(11-1)vs.Louisville (10-2), 5:30p.m.(ESPN) Thursday,Jan. 3 Fiesta Bowl KansasState(tf-t) vs. Oregon (11-1), 5:30 p.m. (ESPN) Friday, Jan. 4 Cotton Bowl TexasASM(10 2) vs Oklahoma(10 2),5 p m.(Fox) Saturday,Jan.6 BBVACompass Bowl Pittsburgh(6-6l vs.Mississippi (6-6l, 10a.m.(ESPN) Sunday,Jan.6 GoDaddy.com Bowl Kent State(11-2) vs. ArkansasState (9-3), 6 p.m. (ESPN ) Monday, Jan. 7 BCSNational Championship Notre Dame g2-0) vs. Alabama(12-1), 5:30 p.m. (ESPN)

Betting line NFL


Thursday Military Bowl SanJoseState29, Bowling Green20 Belk Bowl Cincinnati46,Duke34 Holiday Bowl Bayior49,UCLA26 Today IndependenceBowl Louisiana-Monroe (6-4l vs.Ohio(6-4),11am. (ESPN) Russell Athletic Bowl VirginiaTech(6-6) vs Rutgers(9-3),2 30pm. (ESPN) MeinekeCarCareBowl Minnesota(6-6l vs.TexasTech(7-5), 6p.m.(ESPN) Saturday ArmedForcesBowl Rice(6-6)vs.AirForce(6-6),6:45am. (ESPN) Fight HungerBowl ArizonaState(7-5) vs.Navy(6-4),12:15p.m.(FSPN2) Pinstripe Bowl Syracuse(7-5) vs. WestVirginia (7-5), 12:15p.m.

(ESPN) Alamo Bowl Texas(6-4)vs OregonState(9-3), 345pm.(ESPN) Buffalo Wild WingsBowl MichiganState(6-6) vs.TCU(7-5), 7:15p.m.(ESPN) Monday

Men's college Thursday'sGames EAST Canisius67,AlcomSt. 74 SOUTH FAU61,Troy54 W. Kentucky76, FIU63 MIDWEST Akron63,TexasSouthern66 IUPUIBB,IPFW74 NewMexico55, Cincinnati 54 W. Illinois73, Oakland63 SOUTHWES T Arkansas St 67 LouisianaLafayette 70 FAR WEST BYU64 NArizona54 LoyolaMarymount 79,MorganSt. 62 SaintMary's(Ca) 62, RhodeIsland59

Women's college Thursday'sGames EAST

Hampton 62, St.Peter's 40

SOUTH Middl eTennessee66,NorthTexas64 MIDWEST Ohio St.66,VCU50

DEALS Transactions BASEBALL Major LeagueBaseball MLB —Freeagent OFHideki Matsui announced his retirement.

National League

MIAMI MARLINS — Agreedto terms with RHP John Mainon e aminorleaguecontract. PITTSBU RGHPIRATES— Designated RHPChad Beckforassignment. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association NBA —SuspendedMiami GDwyaneWade one gamefor flailing his legandmaking contact with the groin of the Charlotte'sRamonSessions during a Dec. 26gameat Charlotte. FinedLosAngeles Lakers CDwightHoward$35,000for his FlagrantFoulTwo againstDenver'sKennethFariedduring aDec.26game at Denver BROOK LYN NETS— Fired coachAvery Johnson. Promoted assistant coachPJ. Carlesimoto interim coach. FOOTBALL National Football League BALTIMORERAVENS — Placed WR LaQuanWilliams oninjuredreserve. CAROLINA PANTHERS—PlacedGAmini Silatolu on injuredreserve HOUSTO NTEXANS—SignedTESteveSkelton to

(Hometeamsin Caps) Open Current Underdog Sunday BILLS 3.5 3 Jets PATRIOTS 10 5 10.5 Dolphins BENGAL S 3 2. 5 Ravens STEELE RS 7 7 Browns Texans 4 7 COLTS TITANS 4 .5 4 . 5 Jaguars GIANTS 9 .5 7 . 5 Eagles REDSKINS 3 .5 3 Cowboys Bears 3 3 LIONS Packers 3 3. 5 VIKINGS FALCON S 3 3 Bucs SAINTS 4 .5 5 . 5 Panthers the practice squad. BRONC OS 16 16.5 Chiefs JACKSO NVILLEJAGIJARS— Signed DBCurtis CHARGE RS 7 7 Raiders Holcomb to thepractice squad. 49ERS 15 5 16 Cards NEWVDR K JETS— PlacedCBAaron Berry on SEAHAW KS 10 10.5 Ram injuredreserve. PITTSBURGHSTEELERS — SignedDB WalterMcCollege FaddenandWRBert Reedtothe practice squad. Today SEATTLE SEAHAWKS — SignedTE CooperHelfet Independence Bowl to thepracticesquad. UL-Monroe 6 7 Ohio ST. LOUIS RAMS Signed DEMasonBrodineto Russell Athletic Bowl the practicesquad. VirginiaTech 1 2 Rutgers TAMPABAYBUCCANEERS — Signed S Nick MeinkeCarCareBowl Saenztothepractice squad. TexasTech 13 13 Minnesota COLLEGE Saturday CREIGH TON—Announcedsenior GJoshJonesis ArmedForcesBowl quittingthemen'sbasketball teamfor medical reasons. Air Force 1(R) 3 Rice FLORIDA — AnnouncedS De'AnteSaunders and Fight HungerBowl OT MattPatchanare leavingthe football teamandwil ArizonaSt 14.5 14.5 Navy transfer. Favorite

FBS BowlGlance Subjectto Change All TimesPST


SPORTS IN BRIEF FOOTBALL USC'S Barkley out —Matt Barkley came to Southern California as ahot-shot

declared without any hint of a smile.

season finding out whether or not Willis,

In what has been a bizarre season, the Jets' wacky quarterback situation took

their All-Pro linebacker and defensive leader, is correct. Smith is unlikely to


yet another twist. Greg McElroy hasa

play Sunday in the regular-season finale

Wade SuSPended —Miami Heat guard DwyaneWadehas beensuspended

recruit, seemingly destined to be the Trojans' next star quarterback. For the

concussion — which he didn't reveal until Thursday — and will be replaced by Mark

against Arizona because of a partially torn left triceps. The injury could force Smith

one game without pay by the NBA for flailing his leg and making contact with the

most part he delivered on that promise during a record-breaking four-year run as

Sanchez asthestarting quarterback in the

to miss some orall of the postseason. The San Francisco defensehas beengouged

groin of Charlotte Bobcats' RamonSessions. The suspension wasannounced

USC's starter. Barkley, though, won't get

for big yardage and points since Smith

Thursday by Stu Jackson, the NBA's

to give a grand finale. Hewon't play in the

roy, preparing to makehis second NFL start in place of the benchedSanchez,

was injured early in the third quarter Dec.

executive vice president for basketball

Sun Bowl against Georgia Tech on New

went to the team's training staff Thursday

16 at New England.Butthe NFL's second-

and revealed he was suffering concussion-like symptoms after being sacked11

ranked defensehopes to regroup and regain momentum for the playoffs against

operations. The incident happened with 8:12 left in the fourth quarter of the Heat's

times in the Jets' 27-17 loss to San Diego

an Arizona team that ranks last in the league in total offense. "You can't

for a foul on the play. Wade will serve the

really put into words what hemeansto this

suspension tonight when theHeatvisit the

defense," Willis said Thursday. "We most certainly miss him and hopefully we'll get

Detroit Pistons.

Year's Evebecause of alingering injury to his right shoulder. Doctors didn't clear him to play, coach Lane Kiffin said. "It's e a tough day, Barkley said.nAs you heard

season finale at Buffalo on Sunday. McEl-

last Sunday.

from Coach Kiffin I won't be playing on the 31st. I've worked as hard as I could to get back for this game, but nature's not

allowing it and the doctors aren't allowing it, which is the most important thing. They're looking out for my best interest,

and I trust theirejudgment in how things

have turned out. Kiffin said Max Wittek will start. The redshirt freshman will be

making his second career start. Barkley, the only three-time captain in USC history,

owns 20 school records and10 Pac-12 records. He is thePac-12's leader in total offense (12,214), yards passing (12,327), completions (1,001), TDpasses (116) and combined rushing andpassing TDs(122).

Seahawk winS aPPeal —Evenwhen others weresuggesting hedrop his case and accept his punishment, RichardSher-

105-92 victory over the Bobcats on Wednesday night.Sessionswascalled

me on the free throw line and make me shoot free throws. It was the same kind n ofthing.

N.M. tOPS No. 8 GinCI —Alex Kirk scored15 points and blockedSean Kilpatrick's shot just before the buzzer Thursday night, preserving New Mexico's 55-54 win that handed host No. 8 Cincinnati its first loss. New Mexico (13-1) rallied in the second half behind its 7-foot center, who

hit a 3-pointer, got a team-high seven rebounds and slappedaway Kilpatrick's jumper off an inbounds play. Theloss by Cincinnati (12-1) left Duke, Michigan, Arizonaand Wyoming asthe only unbeaten teams in Division I.

him back for the playoffs. But wehave a

HOward fined —Los Angeles Lakers

man never strayed from his steadfast belief

great defense and I truly believe that."

that his four-gamesuspension would be overturned. Asunlikely as it seemed,Sher-

center Dwight Howard was fined $35,000 by the NBA on Thursday for a flagrant

G0WdoyS' Brent Well OVer limit-

foul against Denver's Kenneth Faried.

man was right. The Seattle Seahawks will

Dallas Cowboys nose tackle Josh Brent

was driving with a suspended licenseand had a blood-alcohol content more than

Howard was ejected with 5:02 left in the third quarter in the Lakers'126-114 loss

MBtSUI f0tigSS —Freeagent slugger

now haveoneof the bestyoung cornerbacks in theNFLavailable for the playoffs after Shermanwonhis appeal of asuspension for use ofperformanceenhancing substances onThursday. Sherman's appeal wasbased onerrors in the chainof

totheNuggetsonW ednesdaynight.He

fessional baseball, saying he is nolonger

was called for a flagrant foul 2 when he jammed his hand in Faried's face as the

able to perform at the level that made him a star in two countries. The 2009 World

Denver forward drove the lane.Faried

Series MVPwith the NewYork Yankees

custody of his urine sample and that there

old Brent was tested after the crash in the

tumbled to the floor, but shook off the fall to stay in the game. After the game, How-

were mistakes madebythe tester.

early hours of Dec. 8 at0.189percent, well

ard acknowledged it was ahard foul and

and a three-time Central League MVP with the Tokyo Yomiuri Giants struggled in a brief stint with the Tampa Bay Rays last

above the Texas limit of 0.08. One police report said Brent was intoxicated, driving

twice the legal limit at the time of the car crash that killed teammate and friend

Jerry Brown, according to documents released by police Thursday. The24-year-

ence with a warning. "You're not going to

49ers can still be a great defense even without All-Pro tackle Justin Smith. The

one lane when he struck a curb in lrving, a suburb of Dallas, causing the car to flip

that it looked bad when seeing it on replay, but he didn't think it merited ejection.nl was surprised it was a flagrant 2,n he said. "My intention was never to hurt Faried. I like the young fellow and my intention

believe this one," the NewYork Jets coach

49ers might have tospendthe rest of this


was just to foul. I comedown the lane,

SanCheZ to Start —Rex Ryan stepped to the podium, looked out at the cameras andopenedhis news confer-

somebody is going to foul mehard, put

49erS mOVe 00 WithOut Star —Patrick Willis believes theSanFrancisco

over the speed limit and swerving out of

BASEBALL Hideki Matsui retired Thursday from pro-

season and recently made uphis mindto call it a career after 20 years — the first10 in Japan. Overall, Matsui batted.282with 175 homers and 760 RBls for the Yankees, Angels, Athletics and Rays. — From wire reports





Net loss: Brooklyn fires coach Johnson



', y gFgj,



No. 3 Arizona is Pac-12 favorite, but contenders abound



By Bob Clark


The Register-Guard


By Brian Mahoney The Associated Press

NEW YORK — Coach of the month in November, out of a job by New Year's. The Brooklyn Nets have elevated expectations this season, and a .500 record wasn't good enough. Coach Avery Johnson was fired Thursday, his team having lost 10 of 13 games after a strong start to its first season in Brooklyn. "We don't have the same fire now than we did when we were 1 1-4," general manager Billy King said at a news conference in East Rutherford, N.J. "I tried to talk to Avery about it and we just can't figure it out. The same pattern kept on

happening." Assistant P.J. Carlesimo w ill coach th e N ets o n an interim basis, starting with Friday's home game a gainst C harlotte. K i n g said the Nets may reach out to other candidates, but for now the job was Carlesimo's. The GM wouldn't comment on a report that the team planned to get in touch with former Lakers coach Phil Jackson. King said the decision to dismiss Johnson was made by ownership after a phone discussion Thursday morning. Owner Mikhail Prokhorov had expressed faith in Johnson before the season. "With the direction we were going we felt we had to make a change," King sard. The Nets have fallen well behind the first-place New York Knicks, the team they so badly want to compete with in their new home. But after beating the Knicks in their first meeting Nov. 26, probably the high point of Johnson's tenure, the Nets went 5-10 and frustrations have been mounting. The Nets were embarrassed by Boston on national TV o n C h r istmas, then were routed by Milwaukee 108-93 on Wednesday night for their fifth loss in six games. "For whatever reason we're just no t c l i cking," King said. Star guard Deron Williams recently complained about Johnson's offense, and Nets CEO Brett Yormark took to Twitter after the loss to Celtics to voice h is displeasure with t h e performance. B rooklyn s t a rted t h e season 11-4, winning five in a row to end November, when Johnson was Eastern Conference coach of the month. But he couldn't do anything to stop this slump, onethe Nets never a nticipated after a 8 3 5 0 million summer spending spree they believed would take them toward the top of their conference. Johnson has been the Nets' coach for a little more than two seasons. He went 60-116 with the Nets, who moved from New Jersey t o Brooklyn to start t h e 2012-13 season. Johnson coached the Dallas Mavericks to a spot in the NBA Finals in 2006. This is the NBA's second coaching change this season following the dismissal of Mike Brown by the Los Angeles Lakers. Johnson arrived in New Jersey with a 194-70 record, a .735 winning percentage that was the highest in NBA history, but had little chance of success in his first two seasons while the Nets focused all their planning on the move to Brooklyn. They looked to make a splash this summer when they re-signed W i l liams and fellow starters Gerald Wallace, Brook Lopez and Kris Humphries, traded for Atlanta All-Star Joe Johnson, and added veteran depth with players such as Reggie Evans, C.J. Watson and Andray Blatche.

'+'' Jae C. Hong /The Associated Press

Boston Celtics' Paul Pierce, right, passes the ball against Los Angeles Clippers' Blake Griffin in the first half of Thursday night's game in Los Angeles.

erst um win t strai From wire reports LOS ANGELES — Fifteen and counting. That's how the Los Angeles Clippers are

rolling. The Clippers won their NBA-best 15th consecutive game by running over the Boston Celtics, 106-77, on Thursday night at Staples Center. That is the largest margin of victory for a Los Angeles Clippers team over Boston. The Clippers won a game with just one of t heir starters (Willie Green) playing in t h e fourth quarter and without Chris Paul having one ofhis bettergames. The two leadingscorers were reserves Matt Barnes (21 points) and Jamal Crawford (18), and that was a big reason why the Clippers still have the best record in the NBA at 23-6, a half-game ahead of the Oklahoma City Thunder. As for the Clippers' starters, Paul had just eight points, missing eight of his 11 shots. But he did have 11 assists and two steals. Blake Griffin had 15 points and eight rebounds and Caron Butler was solid with 14 points for a game the Clippers basically put away in the third quarter when they extended their lead to 21 points. The last team to win 15 consecutive games or more wasthe Celtics during the 2008-09 season, when they won 19 straight. This winning streak started in late November, so the Clippers haven't lost a game in December, winning 14 consecutive games. They last lost a game on Nov. 26, at home against the New Orleans Hornets. The Celtics had said before the game that they didn't want the Clippers to get a lot of dunks. So when Griffin went up for one of his emphatic dunk attempts with 4 minutes 48 seconds left in the third, Celtics rookie Jared Sullinger fouled Griffin hard, drawing a flagrant foul one. That little dust-up seemed to get the Clippers rolling again. Griffin made just one of two free throws, but then he forced Paul Pierce into a tie-up for a

jump ball.

e tics,

National Basketball Association ConferenceGlance All TimesPST


EASTERNCONFERENCE Clippers106, Celtics 77 W L Pc t GB 20 6 . 7 69 BOSTON (77) 21 8 . 7 24 ~/~ P i erce 5-13 2-212,Garnett6-11 4-416, Collins 3 0 0 0-0 0, Rondo 4-12 0-0 10, Terry 4 100-0 10, 17 9 . 6 54 d-Indiana 16 12 .571 5 Bass1-31-1 3, Sullinger i-z 2-2 4,J.Green3-9 2-2 Milwaukee 15 12 . 556 5~/~ 8, Lee 5-90-0 I2,Joseph0-21-21, Varnado0-1 1-2 Chicago 15 12 .556 5'/z 1. Totals 29-72 13-15 77. Brooklyn 14 14 .500 7 L.A. CLIPPERS (106) Boston 14 14 .500 7 Bu t ler6-120-014, Griffin6-113-715,Jordan 3-3 Philadelphia 14 15 . 483 7'i~ 1-37,Paul3-u 1-18,WGreenz-70-0 9,Odom 2Orlando 12 16 .429 9 6 0-04, Barnes7-132-2 21,Crawford7-15 2-217, 2-20-24, Hollins1-1 2-54. Toronto 9 2 0 . 31012~/~ Bledsoe1-41-23, Turiaf Detrot 9 2 2 . 29013~/~ Totals 41-8512-24106. Charlotte 7 2 1 . 250 14 Boston 20 27 20 10 — 77 Cleveland 7 2 3 . 233 15 L A. Clippers 30 3 02 2 24 — 106 Washington 3 2 3 J 1 5 17 WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pc t Thunder111, Mavericks105 (OT) d-LA. Clippers 23 6 . 7 93 d-Oklahoma City 22 6 . 7 86 I/2 DALLAS(105) d-SanAntonio 22 8 . 7 331I/2 Da.Jones 0-2 0-00, Marion5-124-4 14, Kaman Memphis 18 8 . 6 923I/) 7-14 3-317 Dcollison 13-22r-2 32,Mayo1-71-3 GoldenState 19 10 .655 4, Nowttzki3-112-29, Brand3-5 0-0 6, Carter3-10 Houston 16 12 . 571 61/ 0-0 9,Douglas-Roberts2-50-04, Crowdert-2 1-14, Denver 16 14 .533 7li) Do.Jones 2-51-1 6. Totals 40-9514-16105. Portland 14 13 .51 9 OKLAHOMA CITY (111) Minnesota 13 13 .500 Sli) Durant 13-2810-1040,Ibaka7-105-8 19,Perkins 8I/ uisn 15 15 . 500 0-60-00, Westbrook7-202-316,Sefolosha3-70-0 LA. Lakers 14 15 .483 9 8, Martin 6-124-41B,N.Colltsor 0-12-22, Thabeet Dallas 12 17 . 41 4 1-2 0-1 2, Jackson2-7 0-06. Totals 39-93 23-28 Phoenix 0 1 8 . 3 79 111. Sacramen to 9 1 9 . 321]3iy Dallas 29 16 36 17 7 — 105 NewOrleans 6 2 2 . 2 14'I6I/ OklahomaCity 21 22 30 25 13 — 111 d-divtstonleader d-Miami d-NewYork Atlanta

Thursday'sGames oklahoma city 01, Dallas105,QT LA. Clippers106,Boston77 Today's Games Phoenixat Indiana,4p.m. OrlandoatWashington, 4p.m. Atlanta atCleveland,4:30 p.m. Charlotteat Brooklyn,4:30 p.m. Miami atDetroit, 4:30p.m. Toronto at NewOrleans, 5p.m. DenveratDalas, 5:30p.m. Housto natSanAntonio,5:30p.m. LA ClippersatUtah,6p.m. NewYorkatSacramento, 7 p.m. PhiladelphiaatGoldenState 7:30p.m. Portlandat LA. Lakers 7:30p.m. Saturday's Games IndianaatAtlanta, 4p.m. NewOrleansat Charlotte, 4 p.m. Toronto at Orlando,4p.m Clevelandat Brooklyn, 4:30p.m. WashingtonatChicago,5p.m. Oklahoma City atHouston,5 p.m. DenveratMemphis, 5p.m. Phoenixat Minnesota,5p.m. Miami atMilwaukee,5:30p.m. PhiladelphiaatPortland, 7p.m.

Pac-12standings Conference play begins next week:

Team Arizona Arizona State

Oregon Colorado Oregon State UCLA California Stanford

Washington Washington State Utah


W-L f 2-0 10-2 1 0-2 9-2 9-2 9-3 8-3 8-4 8-4 8-4 7-4 4-8

want to compete for that

championship." That seems a certainty, with an infusion of talent in transfer Mark Lyons and

a highly regarded group

Griffin won the tip, which led to a three-pointer byPaul fora 76-57 Clippers lead. Then Lamar Odom blocked Pierce's shot, leading to another tie-up. Odom won that jump ball, which led to a Butler basket over Kevin Garnett and a 78-57 Clippers lead late in the third quarter. The Celtics are one of the NBA's historic franchises, but Boston (14-14) is struggling now, and the Clippers are playing some of the best basketball in the NBA. "This is now and this is a new time for the organization and team," Clippers coach Vinny Del Negro said. "We expect to win, but in order to do that, we have to go out there and perform at a high level and play the right way and play the way we're capable of. If we do that, good opportunities will present themselves." The Clippers put themselves in good position from the very beginning. They ran out to a 24-9 lead in the first quarter, dropping 30 points on the Celtics in that quarter. The Clippers shot 52.2 percent from the field in the first, 50 percent (four for eight) from threepoint range. Boston made a quick run early in the second quarter, cutting the Clippers' lead to four points. But the Clippers hit the Celtics with another spurt, opening a 15-point lead again before settling into a 60-47 halftime lead. Also on Thursday: Thunder..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Mavericks ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 OKLAHOMA CITY — Kevin Durant scored 40 points while Russell Westbrook added eight of his 16 points in overtime to help the Thunder beat the Mavericks for their 11th straight win at home. SergeIbaka added 19pointsand matched his season-high with 17 rebounds as Oklahoma City charged back from 10 points down in the final 7:17 of regulation and found a way to win after losing back-to-back games for the first time this season. Darren Collison scored a season-best 32 points for Dallas.

Boston at GoldenState,7:30 p.m.

It's hard to argue with Arizona being the favorite to win the Pac-12 men's basketball title, so UA coach Sean Miller didn't even try to contest it. He looked back over his previous three seasons with the Wildcats, and found the prognosticators had been almost spot-on in predicting the conference fate of his team. " This y ear w e we r e picked first," Miller said on a conference call. "Hopefully the p redictions are right. So far, our team is

in a good place. We just



Varejao,CLE Randolph,MEM Asik, HOU Howard,LAL Lee,GOL Htckson,POR Noah,CHI Jefferson,UTA Duncan,SAN Faried,DEN

Rondo,BO S Paul, LAC Holiday,PHL Westbrook,OKC Vasquez,NOR Williams,Bro Calderon,TOR Parker,SAN Lawson,DEN


25 138 223 361 14.4 26 124 204 328 1z6 28 93 238 331 0 .8 29 105 236 341 11.B 29 93 231 324 0.2 26 108 180 288 11.1 27 98 187 285 10 6 29 65 230 295 10.2 29 51 240 291 10 0 30 121 180 301 10.0 ASSISTS G AST AVG 25 292 11.7 29 277 9.6 25 221 8.8 28 243 8 7 28 242 8.6 27 216 8 0 29 220 7.6 28 201 7.2 30 214 7.1 26 180 6.9

All-Star Voting Game:Feb.17 atHouston



Frontcourt LeBronJames, M<am>,970,314;Carmelo Anthony, NewYork,891,759, KevinGa I nett, Boston, 328,716; Chns Bosh,Miami, 308,194; Tyson Chandler, New York,260,000; Paul Pierce, Boston,171,601; Joakim Noah,Chicago,129,331; Josh Smith, Atlanta,111,260;AndersonVarejao, Cleveland, 99,955; AmaI'eStoudemire,NewYork, 90,996;ShaneBatier, Miami, 88,800;AndrewBynum,Philadelphia, 84,939;

Luol Deng,Chicago,76,400; BrookLopez, Brooklyn, 67,991 ;JeffGreen,Boston,52,785. Backcourt DwyaneWade,M>ami,645,875;Raion Rondo, Boston,574,272, DeronWiliams, Brooklyn,309,778; Leaders Kyrie Irving, Cleveand,258,193; RayAllen, Miami, 195,142;MontaEllis, Milwaukee,71,287, Raym ond ThroughThursday's Games Felton,NewYork,66,745; Jrue Holiday,Philadelphia, SCORING G FG FT PTS AVG 56,683; JasonTerry,Boston, 52,833;BrandonJenBryant,LAL 29 300 212 876 30.2 ntngs, Milwaukee,49,122 Anthony,NYK 24 235 152 684 2a5 WESTERN CONFERENCE Durant,OKC 28 258 235 798 285 Frontcourt Harden,HOU 27 206 233 697 25.8 Kevin Durant, OklahomaCity, 924,898; Dwight James,MIA 26 259 111 665 25.6 Howard,LA. Lakers,616150;BlakeGriffin, L.A.ClipWestbIook,OKC 28 206 143 594 21.2 pers, 489,795;Tim Duncan,San Antonio,299,434; Aldridge,POR 25 210 108 528 21.1 PauGasol,LA.Lakers,197,377;Kevin Love,Min29 202 97 588 20.3 nesota, 189,949; OmerAsik,Houston,131,002; Rudy Curry,GO L Pierce,BOS 28 185 145 565 202 Gay, Memphis, 125,562;SergeIbaka Oklahoma 23 175 107 464 20.2 city, u1,963;MarcGasol, Mem phis, 99,271;zach Wade,MIA 29 241 95 577 19.9 Randol ph, Memphis, 97,778; LaMarcus Aldridge, Lee,GO L Portland, 97,090; Di r k No wi t zki , Dal las,93,491; Metta Ellis, MIL 27 193 1I9 526 195 L.A. Lakers,85,279; Chandler Parsons, Mayo,DAL 29 190 95 545 1a8 World Peace, Parker,SAN 28 204 103 525 18.8 Houston,78,235. Backcourt Walker,CHA 28 191 104 522 186 KobeBryant,LA Lakers,977,444;Chris Paul,LA. Lillard, POR 27 172 95 501 1a6 Gay,MEM 25 174 80 455 1a2 C ippers, 542,564;JeremyLin, Houston,496,133; Holiday,PHL 25 181 63 452 1a1 James Harden,Houston,283,691, Ru ssell WestbIook, Grlin, LAC 29 215 91 523 1ao OklahomaCity, 232,074; SteveNash,LA. Lakers, DeRozan,TOR 29 194 111 514 17.7 166,262;TonyParker,SanAntonio, 11L032; Ricky REBOUNDS Rubio, Minnesota,96,466; StephenCurry, Golden G OFF DEFTOT AVG state,78,380;ManuGinobili, sanAntonio, 70,81a

of freshmen to an already solid group of players that included all-league candidates Nick Johnson and Solomon HilL Who can contend with the Wildcats? It seems likely to be the team, or teams, that makes the m o s t im p r ovement early in the season to be in a strong position for that stretch run. That could be Colorado, though the Buffs have had issues with t urnovers. It should be UCLA, or coach Ben Howland is likely to be standing more than usual to avoid his seat turning hot. A case could be made for the Civil War rivals Oregon and Oregon State, making that opener on Jan. 6 at Gill Coliseum all the more

intriguing. Certainly not to be left out of c onsideration are California and Washington, though the early results for both teams weren't strong indicators o f co n t ender status. And what about those teams that had such major makeovers in the offseason, such as Utah and Arizona State? They both enter the conferenceseason with winning records, as do a total of 11 of the teams. Yes, it looks like a stronger Pac-12 overall than the conferenceof lastyear that sent only two teams on to the NCAA Tournament. "We have made strides from top to bottom," Washington c o ac h L o r e nzo Romar said. "Our bottom teams, and right now we're at the bottom, are better than last year and there are some teams stepping up, which is great for our league." The Huskies have scuffled through their schedule so far, perhaps because of some significant injuries, but it has made them along with Stanford perhaps the two biggest early disappointments. Will that continue? Washington does have that great home-court advantage, but it won't be

available early in the season as the Huskies open their Pac-12 schedule with three consecutive road games, among five of their first seven away from Seattle. And two of their first three home games include visits by Colorado and Arizona. So who challenges Arizona? Again, it seems likely to be the team that makes early strides toward reaching its potential because seemingly every team in the conference is counting heavily on either transfers or freshmen. Or both. "There are a lotof teams similar to us, with not a lot of vets, mixing and matching, trying to figure out what's the b est combination and h o w does this combination all fit together," Oregon coach Dana Altman said. "A lot of us are searching, trying to put our teams together." Even Arizona is using a transfer as its point guard, and has two freshmen in the starting lineup. The D ucks also start two freshmen, one at point guard. And so on it goes. UCLA not only counts heavily on freshmen, but the point guard is a transfer, though Larry Drew III is leading the Pac12 in assists. But the Bruins are also down to eight scholarships, four of them freshmen, aftera couple of early season defections by returningplayers who saw their minutes declining with the influx of new talent. What the Bruins do have again is a home court, with the renovation of Pauley Pavilion completed while UCLA played at other venues last season. "There's a better feeling of the fans being in the game," Howland said. "It's louder ... it's a better situation." Which might also describe the Pac-12 heading into the opening of conference play next Wednesday. "My gut feeling is that we're all doing a better job than we did last year," OSU coach Craig Robinson said. "But we won't be able to tell until we get to the end of the season and see how many teams we're getting into the (NCAA) Tournament." Varicose Vein Experts

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Mountain View ir s


e e Grants Pass at Summit tourne Bulletin staff report Down six points midway through the fourth quarter, Mountain View rallied past Grants Pass to top the Lady Cavers 47-45 at Summit High on Thursday during the first day of the Les Schwab Holiday Hoopfest girls basketball tournament. Emma Plattner hit a game-changing three-pointer and later contributed the assist on the Megan McCadden basket that proved to be the game-winner. "The difference (in the game) is that our experience is starting to pay off," said Cougar coach Steve Riper, whose roster boasts nine seniors. "That last 4'/2 minutes, we kept our composure. Last year we would have lost that game by one or two points. " McCadden led a balanced Mountain View offense with 14 points. Ciera Waldrup added 13 points and Rhiannon Alexander scored 13 points for the Cougars, who improved to 5-2 on the season. "We were a little more aggressive on defense (late in the fourth quarter) and kept players in front of us," said Riper, whose team continues tournament play today at 12:45 p.m. against Salem's Sprague High a t C a scade Middle School. "We let (Grants Pass) make mistakes and we were in better positions to take advantage of them." In other prep events Thursday: GIRLS BASKETBALL R edmond... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 J unction City... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 S ISTERS — T h e P a nthers i m proved to 6-3 on the season with a nine-point victory over Junction City on the first day of the Sisters Holiday Tournament. Shelby Bergum paced Redmond with 11 points and nine rebounds, and Brittny Benson, Mattie Watt and Chantel Dannis chipped in with eight points apiece. Benson added six boards, Baileigh Baker finished with four steals, and Riley Sappington dished out five assists. The Panthers play at 3 p.m. today against La Salle in the tournament's semifinals.

fest. The Cougars, which played at Mountain View rather than the host facility at Summit because of a late schedule change, outscored Ashland 15-0 in the fourth quarter to turn a 10point lead into a 25-point win. Garrett Roth posted 11 points for Mountain View (7-0), and Kaimi Kurzynowski tallied nine points and seven boards. The Cougars match up with West Albany today at 2:15 p.m. at Summit. N orth Medford.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 R edmond... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 MEDFORD — Matt Dahlen scored a game-high 18 points and Trevor Genz added 14 for the Panthers, but the Black Tornado hit a go-ahead threep ointer with 14 seconds left in t h e fourth quarter to knock off Redmond in the first round of the Abby's Holiday Classic. The Panthers (5-3), who play South Medford today at 7:45 p.m., led 27-24 at halftime, but came out flat in the third period, according to Redmond coach Jon Corbett."We had our bus legs in the third quarter," Corbett said. "We just had no energy." North Medford led 40-33 at the end of the third period before the two teams traded leads in the fourth. The Panthers had a chance to win the game on their final possession, but Dahlen's jump shot from about eight feet out came up short. W est Albany..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 B end .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 The Bulldogs jumped out to a 19-11 lead in the first quarter and held on to defeat the Lava Bears in the first round of the Les Schwab Holiday Hoopfest at Summit High. West Albany led 3022 at halftime and 43-30 at the start of the fourth quarter. Bend, which fell to 3-4 with the loss, plays Ashland today at 9 a.m. at Summit in the consolation bracket of the three-day tournament. S isters.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6


Scappoose........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

SISTERS — Eli Harrison ended the night with a game-high 36 points, 25 of which came in the second half, to lead the Outlaws past the Indians in Roseburg....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 the first round of the Sisters Holiday B end .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 Tournament. Brandon Pollard added Molly Maloney scored a team-high 19 points in a game that Sisters trailed 13 points and Delaney Crook added 12 35-24 at halftime. The Outlaws outpoints, but the Lava Bears could not scored Scappoose 42-21 in the second slow down a hot-shooting Roseburg half as Harrison took over the game. squad during the first day of the Les Sisters' 6-foot-5 wing, who has comSchwab Holiday Hoopfest at Cascade mitted to play at Dartmouth College Middle School. The undefeated Indi- next season, hit three three-pointers ans (7-0) outscored Bend 37-30 in the and was nine of 11 from the foul line. second half after leading 25-21 at half- The Outlaws play Creswell today at 5 time. "They can flat-out shoot," Lava p.m. in their tournament's semifinal Bear coach Todd Ervin said. "They've round. got solid guards, their posts are good. C reswell... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 They've got a nice team." Lisa Sylves- Ridgeview ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ter added nine points for Bend (4-3), SISTERS — The Ravens hung with which continues tourney play today the Bulldogs in the second half, outagainst Corvallis at 12:30 p.m. scoring Creswell by two in the third S ummit... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 and fourth quarters, but a three-point L iberty..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 second quarter put Ridgeview (2-7) in Shannon Patterson pulled down a 22-point hole before falling on the 18 rebounds to go along with eight first day of the Sisters Holiday Tourpoints to lead the Storm past the Fal- nament. The Ravens take on Scapcons from Hillsboro on the first day of poose tonight at 7 o'clock. the Les Schwab Holiday Hoopfest at M adras ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Summit High. Emily Hasenoehrl post- T illamook.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 ed a team-high 12 points, and Raja STAYTON — After a sluggish first Char finished with 11. Summit (5-3) half, Madras dominated the second rides a two-game winning streak into half and won going away over the its matchup against North Medford to- Cheesemakers in the opening round day at 5:45 p.m. of the eight-team Stayton Tournament. M adras .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Jered Pichette scored nine points and Scappoose........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Rodney Mitchell and Devon Wolfe STAYTON — M a r i a h S t a cona added eight apiece to lead the White scored 19 points to lead the White Buffaloes (7-3), who trailed 22-18 at Buffaloes to victory in t h eir open- halftime but outscored Tillamook 29ing game of the Stayton Tournament. 11 in the second half. "We just wore Stacona added 11 assists and six them down," said Madras coach Allen steals for Madras (4-6), which jumped Hair. "We really struggled in the first out to an 18-4 lead in the first quarter. half, but when we made our run in the "Right out of the gate we did a really third quarter, we were able to get stops good job with our full-court press, and defensively, and our stops led to some g etting steals," Madras coach M i easy baskets at the other end." Madras chael Osborne said. Vanessa Esquivel advanced to a championship semifinal added 13 points, eight steals and three game today at 5:15 p.m. against reignassists, while Inez Jones contributed ing Class 4A state champion Central. with eight points. The White Buffa- R iverside .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9 loes take on Brookings-Harbor today C ulver... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 at 3 p.m. CULVER — Gerson Gonzalez finR iverside.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6 ished with 25 points and four steals, C ulver... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Joe Daugherty pulled down e ight CULVER — The Bulldogs struggled rebounds, but t h e B u l ldogs could early on offense, falling behind 20-2 at not overcome a 35-13 halftime defihalftime, before dropping their non- cit before dropping their nonconferleague contest against the 3A Pirates ence contest against the Pirates from of Boardman. Lori Sandy led Culver Boardman. Culver (5-4) travels to with five p oints and 1 2 r ebounds Maupin today to take on South Wasco and Andrea Retano contributed two County ina nonleague matchup. points and eight boards, but the BullWRESTLING dogs (2-7) managed just seven field Four Cougs still alive in Reno tourney RENO — Mountain View's J.T Ayers goals in the game and went eight of 26 from the foul line. "The effort's there," (113 pounds) and Trevor Roberts (195) Culver coach Scott Fritz said. "We just both advanced to th e q u arterfinal weren't aggressive enough." The Bull- round of the 84-team Sierra Nevada dogs play their final nonleague game Classic at the Reno Livestock Events of the season today against South Center. Ayers and Roberts each went Wasco County in Maupin. 3-0 to help the Cougars end the first BOYS BASKETBALL day of the 64-man bracket tournament M ountain View..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 in 21st place with 56'/2 points. Two othA shland .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 er Mountain View wrestlers are also Mitch Modin scored 20 points and still competing in the tournament: Kaposted four steals, Erik Siefken fin- leb Winebarger went 4-1 on Thursday ished with 12 points, seven rebounds and is in the 126-pound consolation and two b locks, and th e C ougars bracket, and Tracy Pitcher was 3-1 cruised past the Grizzlies on the first and will wrestle in the 145-pound conday of the Les Schwab Holiday Hoop- solation bracket.

Ryan Brennecke i The Bulletin

Summit's Nick Moyer (12) shoots over a Horizon Christian defender during thefirst half of Thursday night's game at Summit High School in the Les Schwab Holiday Hoopfest.

Summit Continued from C1 "They had a run there at the end of the first quarter and beginning ofthe second quarter where they got up by 12," Storm coach Jon Frazier said. "It pretty much stayed a 10-point game the rest of the way. We'd hit a shot to get (the lead) back down to seven or eight points, and they'd go right down and match it."

Austin Peters and Cade Cattell scored 16pointsapiecetolead Summit, which will play Sandy today at 10:45 a.m. in the consolation round of the tournament. The Storm (3-5) were right with Horizon Christian, last season's 3A state runner-up, in the second half — the Hawks outscored Summit 43-40 — but the tourney hosts could not overcome a 34-21 halftime deficit. "That's a very good team," Frazier said about Horizon, which

improved to 6-0 on the year. "You can see why they've had the success they've had.... And Loomis is very, very tough to guard. Their other guys play well off him." Cattell added three steals to go with his 16 points and Michael Menefee contributed 10 points and six rebounds for Summit. "It was a good basketball game," Frazier said. "We just had a fiveminute dry spell and never could get back over the hump."

PREP SCOREBOARD Boys basketball Thursday'sresults LesSchwab HolidayHoopfest At MountainView MOUNTAINVIEW(66) — Mitch Modin20, Siefken12, Roth 11,Haugen9, Kurzynowski 9, Holly 2, Hielm2, Webb 1, Heffner,Carroll, Logan.Totals 28 9-1266. ASHLAND (41) —GabeStanley12, Kaegi 10, Fredrickson 8, Feinberg 7, Layton2,Atteberry2,Macomb,Walters,Crenshaw, Hasscamp. Totals 1310-15 41. Mountain View 14 18 19 15 66 Ashland 8 1617 0 41 Three-poingoal t s—Mountain View Haugen;Ashland:Stanley 2,Feinberg,Fredrickson,Kaegi. LesSchwab Holiday Hoopfest At Summit HORIZON CHRISTIAN(77) —Michael Loomis31, Marleau15,Anderson14,Pihas13, Hall2, Belan2, Cosner, Daniel Parsons,David Parsons Totals 3013-16 77. SUMMIT(61) —Austin Peters16, CadeCattel16, Moyer 11, Menefee10,Rasm ussen4, Lucas2 Ritchey2, Dermon, Mullen,Higlin,Reeves. Totals 25 6-11 61. H orizon Christian 19 1 5 2 1 22 — 7 7 Summit 14 7 20 20 51 Three-poingoal t s— HorizonChristian: Marleau3, Phias; Summit:Cattell 2,Peters2, Moyer.

Abby's HolidayTournament REDMOND (50) — MaNDahlen 18, Genz14, Rodby 9, Powell 2,Davies2,thomas2, Bordges2, Cravenst Totals 20 7-13 50. NORTH MEDFORD(51) —JulianGray15,Bailey1z Holmes 7, DeBerry 6, Kiug5,Sherboume3,Reyes2,Km t Totals 19 10-16 51. Redmond 16 11 7 16 50 Norlh Medford 9 15 16 11 51 Threepointgoals Redmond Dahlen,Genz, Rodby; North Medford:Gray,Bailey,Holmes.

Sisters HolidayTournament SCAPPOOS E(56) —Smith 24,Kramer7, Harres7,Tinning 6,Davis5,Hanson3,Loss2,Scrubbs2,Reads1,Stahn.Totals 19 12-17 56. slsTERsI66) —Eli Harrison 36,Pollard19, Moore6,Harrer 4,Luloff t Totals2315-20 66. Scappoose 24 11 10 11 56 Sisters 11 13 19 23 66

Three-poingoal t s—Scappoose: Smith 3, Kramer, Hanson; sistersHarrison3,pollardz StaytonTournament

TILLAMOOK (33) — IsaacStelflug 13, McRae7, Trabers 4, Hurliman 4, waudz Armstrong2, Hancookt Meyerwright, Bryant,Sundling.Totals 13 6-933. MADRAS (47) —JeredP>chete 9, Mitchell 8,Wolfe8, Haugen 6,Philips 5,Fine4,Yeahquo4,T. Smith 3,Spino, J.Smith, Sullivan.Totals 20 4-1047. Tillamook 15 7 8 3 33 Madras 10 8 16 13 47 Three-poingoal t s—Tilamook:Stelflug; Madras:Mitchell 2, T.Smith.

Nonconference RIVERSIDE (69) — GreggShimer 19,Velzquez15,Gon-

zelez10,0.Murillo 9,Amaral 7, Mendoza5,Corpus4, E.Murilo. Totals 30 6-869. CULVER(43) — GersonGonzalez 25, Fritz 4, Gibson4, Daugherty3, slaght 3, Leeper z McDonald 2, Lofting, Beeler. Totals 1510-1743. Riverside 15 20 12 22 69 Culver 8 5 14 16 43 Three-poingoal t s— Riverside: 0. Murilo, Velazquez, Mendoza;Culver:Gonzalez2,Fritz.

Girls basketball Thursday'sresults LesSchwab HolidayHoopfest At Summit

GRANTsPAss (45I — Bice18,Miler10, Philips8, Jordan 4,Henderson3,Porter 2, Davidson, Blacksmith. Totals 16 11-17 45. MOUNTAIN VIEW(47) — MeganMcCadden14,Waldrup 13, Alexanr11, de platner4, Reeves2,warrenz Booster1, cant, JohnsonBaileyTotals1711-1547. Grants Pass 11 9 16 9 45 Mountain View 16 8 6 17 47 Three-pointgoals— Grants Pass: Miler 2;Waldrup,Platner. ROSEBUR G(62) —Shelby Snook19, Gianotti15, Backen 10, Humphrey 7,Johnson7, Gnggs4, Fox.Totals1912-13 62. BEND(51) Molly Maloney13,Crook12, Sylvester9, McClay 3, Hayes3,Mattox, Burnham.Totals1714-20 51. Roseburg 9 16 18 19 62 Bend 9 12 13 17 51 Three-pointgoals—Roseburg: Gianotti 3, Snook2, Humphrey;Bend:t.undy,Hayes. LIBERTY (50) — SydneySmalley 18, Oster 8, Flores6, Wruble4, Langbehn4, Flinn 4, Driscoll 2,Smotherman2,Maki2, Grentell,MedickTotals209-NA50. sUMMITI55) — Em>lyHasenoehrl 12,cuniff 0, char11, Patterson 8,Heimly7,Powers5,Trejot Totals 191525 55. Liberty 8 11 16 15 50 Summit 20 10 10 15 55 Three-poingoal t s—Liberty:Oster; Summit: Heinly, Char. Sisters HolidayTournament RIDGEVIEW (43) —Kendal Durre11, H.Wilder10, Hidalgo

8, wilcox5 c. smmons3, B.smmons2, D.wilder z Kenny2, Stroup.Totals16 9-1843. SISTERS(67) — Taylor Nieri22, Peterson 15, Spear 11, Henson8, Mann6, Rowe2,Cornis 2, Hudson1, Knoop, Ricker, Craig Totals2220-3367. Ridgeview 4 11 16 12 43 Sisters 9 22 19 17 67 Three-poingoal t s—Ridgeview. Durre2; Sisters. Nieri3. MADRAS (58) —MariahStacona19, Esquive 13,Jones8, Hunt 4K.Adams4,T. Adams4,J. Adams2, Suppah2, Sloan2, Wolfe Munson. Totals 280-1 58.

scAPPOOsE I29) — LaceyUpdike10,catlow8, Kessi6,

Keierlever2, Maclnnis2, Hoglundt Wight, Tinning,Courtney, Vardanega, Bailey. Totals 11 5-829. Madras 18 11 15 14 58 Scappoose 4 12 9 4 29 Three pointgoals Madras:Stacona,EsquevalScappoose: Updike2 JUNCTION CITY(46) —Jamila Gambee12,Nord9, Puderba ugh9,Bowers7,Bol ton4,Straube2,Day2,Lemhouse1, Devorak, Norris Totals 1418-3846. REDMOND (55) —Shelby Bergum11, Benson 8,Watt 8,

Dannis8, wilson7, wiliams6, Baker 4, current z sappington t Totals 2014-2655.

8 9 12 17 46 Redmond 15 9 14 17 55 Three-poingoal t s—JunctionCity: None; Redmond:Benson.


Nonleague RIVERSIDE (36) Leon 9, Pratt 6, Lezama5, Smith 5, Gonzalez4,Shimer3 Mendoza2, Calvil02, Jiminez,Hernandez, Gurerra. Totals14 6-16 36. CULVER (22) —Lori Sandy5 Hannah Lewis5, Seehawer 4, Slaght3,Retano2, Fritz 2,Hoke1, Oliveraz,McKinney.Totals 7 8-26 22. Riverside 11 9 5 11 36 Culver 2 0 6 14 22 Three-poingoal t s—Riverside: Leon,Lezama,Culver.none.

Football Class 5A All-state teams Offensive players of the year — JakeLaCoste, West Albany Co-defensive players of the year — Joseph Balfour, Sherwood; andChris Garcia, Silverion Coach ofthe year—JohnMannion, Silverlon First-team offense —KamerunSmith, sr.,qb,Marist; Jake LaCoste,jr., rb,WestAlbany; Christian Morris,sr., rb,Sherwood; JohnCarroll,sr., wr,MountainView;JoshHarper,sr., wr., Marist; JacobBrooks,sr.,te,Sherwood;NickRowlands, sr.,center, Sherwood;JoeyChamberlain, sr.,ol, Sherwood;Colton Brant, sr.,ol, WestAlbany;MichaelAlley, sr., ol,Sherwood; ChadBach,sr., ol, MountaiVi new;lanBoozer,sr., k,Churchil. First-team defense —NickRowlands, sr., dl, Sherwood; HarrisonShelbume,sr, dl, Sherwood;MattCraig, jr., dl, Silverton,JoshHarper,sr.,dl, Marist;JosephBalfour,sr.,lb,Sherwood; ChrisGarcia,sr, Ib,Silverton;J.D.Abbas,sr.,Ib, Redmond;Taylor Travess, jr., db,Springfield;AustinBaird, sr.,db,Marist, Christian Morris, sr.,db,Sherwood;RichardRamsey, sr, Milwaukie;Nick Teubelsr., , db,Silverton; lanBoozer,sr., p,Churchil.

Second-teamoffense—ColeChandler,so., qb,Silverton; AustinBaird,sr., rb, Marist;Tanner Shipley,sr., rb,Wilsonvile; KendrickBourne,sr wr,Milwaukit,; PrestonKirk, sr., wr,Silverton; Tunner Pollman,sr., te,wilsonvile; JosephKuenzi, Ir., center, silverton;JacobBreitling, sr.,ol, Redmond;roreyThompson,jr., ol, Marist;will Dawson,sr., ol, Churchill; KevinTakamori, Ir., k, Crescent Valey; JacksonChase,jr., k,Wilsonvile. Second-teamdefense—JohnnyRagin, sr., dl, Wilsonville, Bryson Bodon,sr, dl, CrescentValley, Tanner Gardner,sr., dl, WestAlbany;ChadBach,sr., d, MountainView;MasonMontgomery,jr., Ib,Ashland,ZachWildgrube, sr., Ib, Wilson;Quinn Dreher,sr., b, Silverton;CodyKing, jr, Ib, Marist;RyanWalsh, sr., db,Wilsonvile; NickHighbergeI sr.,db, Wilsonvile; Jordan Skipper,sr., db,Corvallis; R.J.Atteterry, sr., db,Ashland;J.D. Abbas,sr., p,Redmond. Honorable mention offense —Tanner Sanders, jr., qb, CrescentValley;CoryHinks,sr., rb,Wilson; ChrisGarcia,sr., rb, Silverton;JonEmerald, sr., wr.,Springfield; RyanWalsh, sr.,wr, wilsonville;SamKane,sr.,te, Crescentvalley; Austin Philips, Ir., center,MountainView; Matt Wilis, jr.,ol, Silverton;LoganPowers, sr.,ol, BendJakeLeary, sr., o, Milwaukie;Sumner Saulsbury sr. ol,Redmond;J.D. Abbas,sr., k Redmond.

Honorable mention defense — Wil Daw son, sr., dl,

Churchill, Korey Thompson, jr., dl, Marist,JakeLeary, sr., dl, MilwaukieJosue ; Nieves, sr.,dl, Redmond;ChaddTaulai, sr.,dl, MountainView;Tanner Fiez, sr.,Ib, CrescentValey; GabeStone, jr., Ib,WestAlbany; KyleBateman, sr., Ib, Sandy; CamPeters, sr., db, Redm ond;AndrewBennion, sr., db,Churchill; AntonioBella, sr., Roose velt; HenryVy,sr., db,Parkrose;BrandonMarquez,sr., db,Lebanon;Justi m Adams,sr.,p,Sandy.




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By Kirk Bohls

their play will reflect it. At no time other than the SAN ANTONIO1984 Freedom Bowl was that regon State is salivating more true.Like this one,Texas over this game. opened the season with high The Beavers' practic- expectations, but t hat c l ub es on the Incarnate Word cam- lost four of its final five games, pus have beencrisp,the level none more humiliating than a of excitement palpable. 55-17 blowout at the hands of Other than t h e n a t ional Hayden Fry's Iowa team. c hampionship game or t h e Of course, the next time the Rose Bowl, their head coach, Longhorns were to face Iowa, Mike Riley, can't think of an- they rectified matters by slipother place his 15th-ranked ping past the Hawkeyes 26-24 team would rather be. in this same Alamo Bowl. RedOregon State clearly wants shirt freshman Colt McCoy, a to be here. second-year player like curTexas says it does, too, al- rent Longhorns quarterback though bowl teams' success David Ash, rallied his team very often follows along the from a 2 1 -10 third-quarter lines of a Realtor's mantra. hole with the help of a 72-yard Location, location, location touchdown pass to J amaal can make all the difference in Charles to win in 2006. Like players' mindset, and the 8- this year, Texas was playing 4 unranked Longhorns have on the heels of back-to-back to consider this an exotic lo- losses that season. "I can imagine they'd be cale instead of a site an hour or so away from their home a little disappointed coming campus. here,"said Oregon Statesenior Seeing is believing, and wide receiver Markus WheaLonghorns fans want to see ton, a Dallas native. "But we for themselves that their favor- can't take them for granted. iteteam can overcome consec- They're still coming to get the utive losses that kept it out of job done." " Texas is k n own f o r i t s the Cotton Bowl and the exit of offensive coordinator Bryan football," Beavers linebacker Harsin to Arkansas State. Michael Doctor said. "That Apparently, they're curious makes us that much hungrier." enough to show up to see if The Alamo Bowl is counting their team does as well. Texas on a couple of hungry teams. "I know Texas wants to finhas sold all but a hundred of their allotment of 12,500 tick- ish strong," Alamo Bowl exets. The Alamo folks expect a ecutive director Rick Hill said. full house. Oregon State sold "And when you don't go to a more than two-thirds of it s bowl game for two years like 9,500 tickets, but airfare from Oregon State, they're fired up. Corvallis, to San Antonio has When it comes to bowl games, ranged from $800 to asteep brand name helps, the Heis$1,400. man helps, but this is one (that It's difficult to say if Texas' stands) on merit. If both teams fan base trusts its erratic team play competitive, people will to play well or simply is in- tune in." trigued with a game against a V iewers usually do. T h e very underrated Pac-12 team Alamo Bowl holds three of that beat Rose Bowl-bound the top five ratings for the Wisconsin and lost by four on most-watched, non-BCS bowl the road to league champion games in ESPN history. Stanford. New play-caller Major Ap"If the fans are concerned plewhite does not expect any we don't want to be here, that's mental hangover from Texas. "I don't think t eams are definitely not the case," Texas junior offensive guard Mason flat; I think players are flat," Walters said. "With the focus said Applewhite, who will be a nd intensity we've had i n calling plays for the first time practice up,there'sno need for since he did so for Alabama in concern." 2007. "I thinkyou have individWhile there may be a no- uals that don't get themselves t iceable lack of buzz — a t focused and ready to p lay. least in Austin — surrounding Maybe you have four or five this game, everything from of them, and they make two the quality of opponent and mistakes apiece, and that's 10 the historically c ompetitive snaps that you've wasted." Alamo Bowls to Texas' need Texas has already wasted for redemptionaftera subpar enough this season. But Apregular season culminating in plewhite said he expects the a two-game losing streak all players to play with an edge suggest otherwise. Saturday. "We'retryingto find out who That had better be the case because traditionally speak- loves football, who doesn't," ing, if the Longhorns aren't Applewhite said, "and play interested in the proceedings, with the motivated ones." Cox fvewspapers




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The Associated Press file

Clockwise from top left, Notre Dame, Alabama, Florida and Oregon are the top four teams in the polls. But would those teams make a four-team playoff if the Bowl Championship Series had been scrapped this season?

owa our- eam a 0 mi isseason By David Teel (Newport News, Vad Daily Press

he playoff will be better. Decades overdue, the four-team tournament coming to major college football in the 2014 season will not only double the present championship pool but also upgrade other prominent bowls. But the playoff, selecting and seeding its participants, will be difficult. It will be messy and controversial, though heaven help us if it is not transparent. Case in point, this season. Notre Dame, Alabama, Florida and Oregon are th e c onsensus top four teams in the USA Today coaches' poll, Harris Interactive poll and Bowl Championship Series standings. But I'm not sure a selection committee, which the playoff will employ, would have rubberstamped that group. T he Bowl S u bdivision's sole u n beaten, Notre Dame (12-0), is the clear top seed, and not simply because of its unblemished record. The Fighting Irish defeated three teams among the BCS top 20: No. 6 Stanford, No. 11 Oklahoma and No. 18 Michigan, the Sooners on the road. Only two of Notre Dame's opponents, Boston College and Wake Forest, finished the regular season with losing records, and all six computers used to calculate the BCS standings tab Brian Kelly's team No. 1. Consider that football's version of the Rating Percentage Index (RPI), the computer-generated rankings so crucial in choosing the NCAA basketball tournament field. With an u n precedented six teams among the BCS top 10, the Southeastern Conference wasregular-season royalty, and as champion of that league, reigning national titlist Alabama (12-1) would be a playoff lock this year. Question is, would the Crimson Tide merit the No. 2 seed'?


Yes, league commissioners have mandated anemphasis on conference championships, but compare Alabama's credentials with those of SEC rival Florida

(II-I). They did not play one another, and while the Tide's loss, at home to Texas A&M, did not cost it a spot in the SEC title game, the Gators' loss to Georgia on a neutral field, did. Luck of the draw there. Florida is the only team with four victories over top-15 BCS opponents: No. 8 LSU, No. 9 Texas A&M, No. 10 South Carolina and No. 12 Florida State. The Gators played the nation's 14th-toughest schedule, according to Jeff Sagarin's calculations, 20 spots ahead of Alabama. Basketball's selection panel o f ten cites nonconference strength of schedule because these arethe teams you choose to play. Florida has the edge here, too. Its FBS non-league opponents — 8-4 Bowling Green, 11-2 Florida State and 8-4 Louisiana Lafayette — were a combined 27-10in the regular season. The Tide's — 3-9 Florida Atlantic, 7-5 Western Kentucky and 8-4 Michigan — were 18-18. Why parse the Nos. 2 and 3 seeds — I would make Florida the two and Alabama the three — when they clash in the playoff semifinals (neutral site) regardlessof order'?Because itprepares us for choosing the fourth playoff team. This is where the committee's deliberations become as thorny and critiqued as the Obama-Boehner budget taffy pull. Oregon and Kansas State are both 111, Stanford and Georgia both 11-2, and LSU, Texas A&M, South Carolina and Oklahoma all 10-2. Each would be, in selection parlance, on the board. Eight teams for one spot. Good luck. Like conference champs'? Kansas State won the Big 12, Stanford the Pa-

cific 12. Strength of s chedule: Oklahoma's is No. 5, Stanford's No. 6, again, per Sagarin. But although the Sooners lost to teams that are a combined 21-1, Notre Dame and Kansas State, I'm eliminating theSooners. They are the only one of the eight without a victory over a team in the BCS top 20. As the lone one-loss conference champ among the eight, K-State makes a strong case. But that defeat was by four touchdowns to 7-5 Baylor. Punt the Wildcats. Among the SEC quartet, LSU is the strongest with conquests of South Carolina and Texas A&M, and narrow losses to Florida and Alabama. Which leaves us with Stanford, Oregon and LSU for the No. 4 seed. Oregon has the best record and most head-turning offense, but the Ducks lost at home to Stanford, and their only win over a top-25 BCS team was at No. 13 Oregon State. The Cardinal boasts three such victories: No. 4 Oregon and No. 17 UCLA twice, the latter in the Pac12 championship game. Both ofStanford's losses were on the road, at Notre Dame and Washington, by a combined 11 points. But the Huskies went 7-5 and face-planted, 41-3, at LSU. So could a four-team playoff include the SEC's Alabama, Florida and LSU? Since there will be no limit on conference representation, the answer is yes, but the immeasurable is how much value the committee will place on league championships. My fourth team would be LSU, but my hunch is the panel would pick Stanford. No matter the choice, the subsequent howling would be louder than Pit Road at Daytona. A fair price for progress.


Bears blitz Bruins49-26 in Holiday Bowl The Associated Press SAN DIEGO — Glasco Martin ran for threetouchdowns, Nick Florence threw for two scores and ran for another, and Baylor overwhelmed UCLA 49-26 in the Holiday Bowl on Thursday night. Lache Seastrunk rushed 16 times for 138 yards and one score for Baylor, which outgained UCLA 494-362. The Bears came in leading the nation in totaloffense with 387.7 yards per game. Florence completed 10 of 13 passes for 188 yards,giving him 4,309 forthe season to break Robert Griffin III's school season record of 4,293 set in 2011. Baylor's defense came up big, too. The Bears sacked Brett Hundley six times, including two by Chris McAllister, and shut down UCLA's career rushing leader Johnathan Franklin. Franklin, who averaged 130.8 yards this season, gained 12 yards on his first carry of the game but was a non-factor after that, finishing with just 34 yards on 14 carries.

and three touchdowns to set UCLA's season passing record with 3,740 yards. The old record was 3,470 by Cade McNown in 1998. The Bruins were never in this one. Baylor raced to a 21-0 lead by early in the second quarter on Martin's 4-yard run and Florence's TD passes of 8 yards to Antwan Goodley and 55 yards to Tevin Reese. Also on Thursday: C incinnati.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 D uke .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Duke running back Josh Snead fumbled at the Cincinnati 5 with 1:20 left and Brendon Kay threw an 83-yard touchdown pass to Travis Kelce with 44 seconds to go, lifting the Bearcats to an improbable win over the Blue Devils in the Belk Bowl. Kay threw for 332 yards and his four scoring passes were a Belk Bowl

goal, Snead fumbled with 1:20 left and Bearcats defensive lineman John Williams recovered. Kay then connected with Kelce down the middle for the goahead score. Cincinnati (10-3) sealed it on the next series when Maalik Bomar came crashing into Duke quarterback Sean Renfree, forcing a deflection that Nick Temple returned 55 yards fora touchdown. N o.24San Jose State ..... . . . . . . . . . 2 9 B owling Green..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 WASHINGTON — David Fales, who led the nation in completion percentage during the regularseason, completed 33 of 43 passes for 395 yards and two touchdowns to lead San Jose State in the Military Bowl. Fales led the drive that set up Austin Lopez's 27-yard field goal with 4:43 remaining, and De'Leon Eskridge's 1-yard run with 2:34 left provided the insurance. San Jose State (11record. Duke (6-7) appeared to have 2), in the national rankings for the first the game in hand and was driving for time since 1975, capped the year with a the go-ahead score — and its first bowl seven-game winning streak for its first Baylor (8-5) won its final four games victory since 1961 — but the final 80 11-win season since 1940, a remarkable and five of six. UCLA (9-5) lost its final seconds proved disastrous. With the turnaround for a program that was 1-12 three. game tied at 34 and the Blue Devils po- just two years ago in Mike MacIntyre's Hundley was 26 of 50 for 329 yards sitioning themselves for a winning field first season as coach.

Alamo Continued from C1 That has led to more success against the misdirection style of offenses that have become popular. OSU allows

130.5 yards per game rushing and 223.2 yards passing. "The thing that stands out is how hard they play," Applewhite said of the Beavers. "The tempo and passion with how they play jumps out. A scheme isa scheme, but how you do it is important. That says a lot about coach Banker and what they do." Creating big plays has been the Beavers' forte while not allowing many against them. Oregon State has 19 interceptions and ll f umble recoveries this season. "We just have to be sound," Beaver cornerback Rashaad Reynolds said. "They do a lot of moving and shifting to mess with your eyes and mess with your calls. They are going to try to get us out of our base defense." OSU expects to see a heavy dose of the run fromthe Longhorns, who average 176 yards

per game on the ground. Stellar ball carriers Johnathan Gray and Joe Bergeron are offensivestapleswho have combined for 1,248 yards and 19 touchdowns.

"The offensive line is extremely a t h l etic," B a n k er said. "We've seen athletic offensive lines at USC and they are every bit as good as we've seen out of USC. They pull a lot and get out on the edge. They can run with big bodies, and two quality running backs." Q uarterback D avi d A s h throws for 223.5 yards a game and runs for 10.8. His mobility creates a problem, but the extra defensive back is typically the counter. "They remind me of TCUnot from a schematic stand-

point, (but) they love to play football," A p plewhite s aid.

"They play hard and play good defense. They present a challenge, but we play hard, too." The Beavers' plan as usual starts with stopping the run and forcing Ash to pass into their aggressive secondary and force turnovers. If they stay sound with their assignments,they should have a good chance to keep up with the athletic Longhorns. "At the end of the day, it's about us," Reynolds said. "If we do what we are supposed to do right, it doesn't matter what they do. If we have our best day and they have their best day, we'll come out on top."





T in int eProBow'?

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By Jim Litke

That's the problem facing every pro sport that stages an all-star game these days: It's tough to tell whether anyone's heart is in it

The Associated Press

Nathan Denette /The Canadian Press tna The Associated Press

Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson (3) runs the ball against the Buffalo Bills during the first half of a game in Toronto earlier this month. Wilson, a rookie, has led the Seahawks to the playoffs.

n eatte, ison oins air o eite roo ie Liarter ac s By Judy Battista New York Times News Service

The NFL has never seen a rookie class make a larger impact than this year's group. Now, with the playoff field nearly set, the extraordinary nature of these rookies iscoming into focus. For the first time since the NFL's merger with the American Football League in 1970, the NFL will probably have three rookies starting at quarterback in the playoffs, pro-

viding a showcase for players who are the future of the league. They have also seized the present. The Indianapolis Colts' Andrew Luck and the Seattle Seahawks' R u ssell Wilson secured their playoff spots Sunday, and R obert Griffin III has the Washington R edskins positioned to w i n their first NFC East title since 1999, if th e R edskins beat the Dallas Cowboys at home Sunday night in the regularseason finale. The Redskins could also make the playoffs as a wild card if they lose and

get some help. Before 2008, only six rookie quarterbacks had started a playoff game; Dan M a r ino was the first, for the Miami Dolphins in 1983. But in 2008, Joe Flacco (Baltimore Ravens) and Matt Ryan (Atlanta Falcons) made it, the first time more than one rookie quarterback started a playoff game in a season. Last year, Andy Dalton (Cincinnati Bengals) and T.J. Yates (filling in for the injured Matt Schaub with the Houston Texans) started in the postseason. But thi s s eason's group might best reflect the forces that have combined to make rookie quarterbacks so successful so quickly. There is little time or patience to wait for their development in the win-now NFL, but t here is also little need to. Because of the increasing similarities in the offensive styles of college football and professional football, quarterbacks are far betterprepared to take over immediately. L uck an d G r i f fi n w e r e tagged as stars from the moment they left college. Wilson? He was supposed to be a backup. The Seahawks signed


Matt Flynn as a free agent, and even when they drafted Wilson in t h e t h ir d r o und last spring, the expectation was that Flynn would emerge from training camp with the job. But Wilson impressed the Seahawks immediately with his preparation and maturity. W ilson was no t a f i r s t round pick for one reason: at 5 feet 11 inches, he is several inches shorter than the prototypical NF L q u a rterback. The move to make him the starter came with some risk, but Seattle was able to insulate Wilson with a powerful running game and a top-notch defense. In the past seven weeks, Wilson's game has caught up to his maturity. He has thrown for 15 touchdowns with two interceptions in that time, and the Seahawks have gone 6-1. Seattle has won its past three games by a combined 150-30, culminating w it h S u nday's 42-13 smackdown of the San F rancisco 49ers, wh o h a d looked like the league's best team after a road win over the New England Patriots. Wilson threw four touchdown passes — the first time he had done that — an d t h e S eahawks converted a ridiculous 11 of 13 third-down chances, with one of the failures coming on a kneel-down. With 25 touchdown passes, Wilson is one short of P eyton M anning's single-season rookie record. "Russell played like crazy tonight," Seahawks coach Pete Carroll said after the game. Wilson's most riveting plays were his scrambles — during one, he might have covered 25 yards going side to side before he finally ran forward — but his accuracy and his ability to throw deep have made him such a recent threat. In the seven-game stretch, Wilson's yards gained per pass attempt have never slipped below 7.21, according to Pro-Football-Reference.com. Carroll made a point to say that the offense had changed — Wilson was no longer a caretaker but a playmakerbut that Wilson had not. For that, the Seahawks are fortunate. Wilson played football and baseball at North Carolina State and also took 18

At 10-2, the Ducks are only a game better than the 9-3 mark Continued from C1 they put together before their Oregon has one more non- break last season. But who conference game, on Monday can question that this version against Nevada at Matthew of Oregon basketball is not to Knight Arena,before opening this point better than last year, the Pac-12 portion of its sched- when the Ducks finished tied ule on Jan. 6 at Oregon State. with California fo r s econd In the practices before the place in the Pac-12, a game beNevada game on New Year's hind Washington? Eve, and then in the sessions E.J. Singler, a senior and leading up to the conference one of only two Ducks playing opener, Altman said the em- in his third season with Altphasis will b e o n o f fensive man, certainly thinks the curexecution a nd def e n sive rent team is further along than communication. the past two. "We've got a lot of areas "We've done b etter and to work on and I h ope our picked it up quicker than in guys realize that," he said. "I the past, especially with the think all the parts are there younger guys," Singler said. and we can have a good team Still, h e ac k n owledged, (but) we've got a tremendous "we're not there, we've got amount of progress to make a lot of improvements to do and we've got to get started ...we're so much better than we've been playing." and make it h appen pretty quickly." What needs to get better?

credits a semester. He transferred to Wisconsin for his final season of football after graduating from N.C. State. Wilson said that coping with his father's death i n 2 010, combined with playing in big games in packed stadiums, prepared him for the rigor of the NFL. "To be honest, the thing that helps me is all the things that went on in my life," Wilson said in a r e cent interview. "My dad passing away, the personal struggle y ou have, going through stuff, it r eally toughens you up , i t keeps things in perspective." Carroll said W i lson won t he Seahawks over, and it was easy to see how. In that i nterview, Wilson said t h e only thing he feared about the NFL was not being prepared enough. It seems unlikely he will ever reach that point. "It's not a strange dynamic; I try to b e myself," Wilson said of becoming a leader of a veteran team. "In terms of veterans and getting that respect, you earn that respect by the way you prepare and the attitude you have, through great times and bad times. I always try to bring positive attitude, I try to work my tail off, study tons of film, take tons of notes. To be a great quarterback in the NFL, from what I've seen, everybody can throw well — you have to be a great, great leader, with amazing attention to detail. Finally, you have to have a relentless competitive n ature. T h at's what I try to bring every day to the Seattle Seahawks." It is similar to what Luck has brought to Indianapolis and Griffin to Washington. The Seahawks have secured at least a wild-card spot and can win the division if they beat the St. Louis Rams at home while the 49ers lose to the Arizona Cardinals next Sunday in S a n F r a ncisco. That seems unlikely, which means Seattle will probably be on the road for the playoffs, where it is 3-5 this season. The good news: the first

game might be at Washington, against Griffin, providing a snapshot of what could be more than a decade of duels to come.

W hat changes need to b e made? Altman said it will be "nothing drastic," though "we've got to change some things and whether our guys adjust to that remains to be seen. "We've just got to do everything better," Altman added. "We didn't change much last year, we just got the ball moving (on offense), that was the

biggest thing." T he result wa s t hat t h e Ducks shot better from the field, scored h igher t otals, and won more often. And this year? It remains to be seen, and not always on the court

FL c ommissioner R oger G o odell warned players a while back that he was prepared to drop the Pro Bowl if they didn't pick up the level of play. Next thing you know, he'll be threatening to hold his breath. Instead of calling his bluff, which is what anyone who doesn't get the consolation prize of a week's vacation in Hawaii should have done, they promised to try harder. At the time, it sounded like one of those things kids say just to get their parents off their backs. That seemed even more true this week, when cellar-dwelling Kansas City somehow managed to get five players selected to the AFC squad. That's three more than the number of wins the Chiefs have posted so far this season — when they were supposed to be tryingwhich raises the question: Will anyone who tunes into the Pro Bowl on Jan. 27 be able to tell the difference? That's the problem facing every pro sport that stages an all-star game these days: It's tough to tell whether anyone's heart is in it anymore. Most veterans would rather take the days off than whatever cash or exposure it provides, and nearly all of them can afford it. More than two dozen passed on an opportunity to show up for last year's 59-41, do-noharm win by the AFC over the NFC. By the end of that one, defenders were waving ballcarriers by with the kind of flourishes usually reservedforbullfights. Even a solid company man like Goodell had to admit it was an embarrassment. "If we cannot accomplish that kind of standard," the commissioner said during a radio interview in October, referring to the league's high-intensity regular season, "I am inclined to not play it. It is really tough to force competition, and after a long season, to ask those guys to go out and play at the same level they

played is really tough." Impossible, though, is more like it. Because the Super Bowl is played at a neutral site, Goodell can't follow the lead of baseball boss Bud Selig and try to coax players into caring about the outcome by awarding home-field advantage to the w inning side. There's nothing to be borrowed from the NBA's version, either, because basketball — unlike football — can be entertaining without anyone actually playing defense, as fans of the Charlotte Bobcats can attest. And there's no reason to even mention the NHL in this context, since nothing that commissioner Gary Bettman has come up with during his




tenure is likely to be worth stealing. So what should Goodell do? Exactly what he's doing now: Pretend to be concerned, and leave it at that. Despite a few head-scratching decisions this year — sticking too long with replacement referees; trying to punish the New Orleans Saints more than Bountygate warranted — Goodell hasn't lost his touch. He's not about to cancel the Pro Bowl. The one lesson that's been reinforced time and again since he took the job five years ago is that there's no such thing as too much NFL — on the tube, online and even when most of the players are on vacation. Nearly five million people tuned into the league's scouting combine at some point this spring to watch players who hadn't even made the cut lift weights and run around in shorts and T-shirts. And last year's Pro Bowl game, bad as it was, still pulled in better numbers than any of its rivals — an average of 12.5 million viewers, even if most of them were asleep by the end. So Goodell knew exactly what he was doing when he suggested the NFL might skip the game and instead honor the players selected to the Pro Bowls rosters during a ceremony. All-Star games are popularity contests after all, and the NFL's participants are chosen according to a vote among the league's players, coaches and fans, with each group given equal weight in the process. But if you've followed the arguments about who was left out, you'll find very little griping between the first two groups — with the possible exception of players who promised the family a week in Hawaii. Instead, it's coming from the same fans who will doze off during the game, but can't for the moment imagine how the Cowboys' Dez Bryant didn't get picked, or how overrated but still popular Green Bay center Jeff Saturday got the nod over linemate Josh Sitton, or why all those Chiefs are hanging around. So consider this your wake-up call, fans, even if it came a month early. — Jim Litkeis a national sports columnist for The Associated Press. Write to him atjlitke@ap.org and follow him at TwittercomlJimLitke.




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during games. "In the two years I've been here (with Altman as coach), we've always done better in the Pac-12 season and that's because of practice,"Singler said. "Everything you do to get better is in practice time."



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C7 © To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbulletin.com//buiinss. Alsosee8recapin Sunday's Businesssection.


4 25

S&P 500 1,418.10




Fnday, December 28, 2012

Home sales indicator

Pending home sales percent change, seasonally adlustatu 104.8


GOLD $1,662.60 ~

S&P 500

1,440 "

Steady job gains and record-low mortgage rates have been making buying homes more attractive this year. Are the sales trends holding up heading into 2013? The answer may be found in the National Association of Realtors' pending home sales index for November, due out today. An increase in the index, which measures the number of Americans who signed contracts to buy homes, typically points to a pickup in sales of previously occupied homes in months ahead.

10 YR T NOTE 1.74%

Change: -1.73 (-0.1%)

1 ,400

1 32QQ, •


Close : 1 3,096.31

Change: -18.28 (-0.1%)

10 DA Y S



13,800 -







13,200; . 1,400 12,900 1,360 .


+ -.11 '

12,600 .

1 320


StocksRecap NYSE NASD

Vol. (In mil.) Pvs. Volume Advanced Declined New Highs New Lows

2,792 2,246 1382 1651 52 35

1,323 1,046 1058 1388 31 26



DDW DDW Trans. DDW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000




HIGH LOW C LOSE 13141.74 12964.08 13096.31 5287.52 5220.99 5265.70 452.52 446.52 450.98 8426.95 8317.52 8399.83 2993.66 2951.04 2985.91 1422.80 1401.80 1418.10 1014.30 1001.21 1011.51 14937.95 14724.10 14888.46 827.72 837.40 839.74



C H G. -18.28 -22.03 -1.04 + 4 . 34 -4.25 -1.73 -0.42 -17.67 -1.49




%CHG. wK Mo OTR YTD -0.14% L T +7.19% -0.42% L +4.90% -0.23% T -2.95% L +12.34% +0.05% -0.14% T T +14.62% -0.12% T +12.76% -0.04% L +15.05% -0.12% L T +1 2.88% -0.18% L T +1 3.02%


ALK 31.29 99.5 99 3 AVA 22.78 99 BAC 5.27 M J J A 3 0 BBSI 1568 Source: FactSet BA 66.82 CascadeBancorp CACB 4.12 CascadeCp CASC 42.86 Columbia Sporlswear COLM 43.26 Costco Wholesale COST 78.81 Business barometer Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5 62 A closely watched index of FLIR Systems FLIR 1 7.99 business activity is expected to Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35

~ ~ — —

0 0

~ $$— 0

45.15 28.05 11.63 39 49 77.83 6.3 0 65.45 58.47 105.9 7 8 92 27.06 30.00 12.00 29.27 9.12 27.11 71 .2 19,08 3.2 1 17 . 3 7 32.95 57 41 58.44


Close:$21.50 V-1.02 or -4.5% The musical instrument maker completed an evaluation of strategic alternatives and decided not to sell its band instrument unit. $26 24


4 3.2 6 -.22 -0 5 w A 2 3. 8 1 08 -0.3 T A 11 .47 -.07 -0.6 A L 38 .12 +.09 +0.2 w A 7 5.8 3 -.19 -0 2 w 5.95 +.24 +4.2 V A 64 .30 + .02 . . . ~ w 5 2. 2 5 14 - 0.3 V V 97. 9 2 -.76 -0.8 w w 6 26 +.02 +0.3 w v 2 2.2 0 +.13 +0.6 1 4. 0 4 -.08 -0.6 11 .86 -.11 -0.9 w A 2 0. 5 1 -.14 -0.7 V A 8.42 -.03 -0.4 w L 2 5.9 6 -.14 -0.5 w v 3.86 -.12 -3.0 w w 18 .71 + . 11 +0,6 w i 21.20 +.04 +0.2 W A 1 6 .87 + .07 +0.4 V A 26.9 6 +. 1 0 +0 .4 w ~ 5 176 + 43 + 0 8 V A 51. 7 8 +. 3 8 + 0.7 w w

4 +1 5 . 2 + 1 4. 4 4 2 8 1 1 T -7.5 - 3.5 34 5 1 6 A +106 .3 +106.8204904 30 i +91.0 +93 .6 22 34 t3.4 +5. 2 3 9 9 1 1 4 A +3 58 +2 3 1 11 dd

1 . 16 0 .04 0.5 2 f

0 N 52-week range



Crude inventories weekly change, mtaons of barrels 15 1.09

0 84

0.5 0.0 -0.5


-1.0 -1.5

Investors may soon be Cptnpnny majority of the voting power able to own stock in $ppti~ght of the com pany'sshares Shamu. SeaWorld after the IPO, the company Entertainment on Thursday filed s aid in a filing with the Securities for an initial public stock offering and Exchange Commission. that could raise $100 million. Blackstone bought SeaWorld The size of the offering is from beer brewer Anheuserlikely to change as the Busch InBev in 2009 in a deal company's bankers gauge worth at least $2.3 billion. investor interest. The Orlando,Fla.,company Private equity firm Blackstone plans to use money from the Group,which owns SeaWorld, IPO to pay debt and make a will likely sell some of its stake in payment to Blackstone. It did not the deal, but will still own a list a date for the offering.


-0.98 -1 47


Properties: Theme and water parks including SeaWorld,Busch Gardens and Sesame Place

Proposed ticker: SEAS



-2.38 t t / t e t t / 2 3 t t / 3 0 1 277 12/14

Source FactSet



This highly volatile fund has made perhaps the most brazen bet of its 15-year existence. Contrarian Most Active manager Ken Heebner has built VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG a 15 percent short position in 11.47 —.07 long-term Treasurys. 2049035

Marketsummary NAME BkofAm S&P500ETF FordM RschMotn PwShs QQQ SPDR Fncl Facebook 0 BariPVix rs iShEMkts NokiaCp

1544556 1071507 494310 449196 439693 427949 418463 402688 402552

141.56 -.19 12.76 -.03 CGM Focus 11.76 —.07 64.40 —.10 VALUE 16.31 -.06 -.46 26.05 cC o 33.71 —.03 $$ $o 43.54 + . 25 Cc 4.00 -.05



Gainers NAME BCD Semi

LAST 7.41 Enphase n 3.51 TrovaGn wt 2.65 MethesE 0 3.61 ZuoanFash 3.33 Regulus n 5.72 PetroArg 3 5.20 RuckusW n 21.95 SthcstFn 4.75 DeckrsDut 38.11

CHG %CHG +3.43 +.48 +.28 +.36 +.32 +.54 +.49 +2.01 + .41 + 3.23

+ 8 6 .2 + 1 5.8 «C + 1 1.8 $$ + 1 1 .1 «C + 1 0 .6 $o + 1 0 .4 Morhihgstar Ownership Zone™ + 1 0 .4 + 1 0 .1 O s Fund target represents weighted +9. 5 average of stock holdings +9. 3 • Represents 75% offuhd'3stock holdings

Losers NAME LAST CstlCon grs 6.05 B ostPrv wt 3 . 0 3 E -TrcSilv 4 2 . 36 WrlsRon rs 2 . 15 FieldPnt 3.42

CHG %CHG -1.44 -19.2 —.65 -17.7 -7.49 -15.0 -.29 -11.8 -.45 -11.6

Foreign Markets NAME Paris

LAST 3,674.26 London 5,954.30 Frankfurt 7,655.88 Hong Kong 22,619.78 Mexico 43,469.32 Milan 16,408.28 Tokyo 10,322.98 Stockholm 1,110.91 Sydney 4,661.43 Zurich 6,862.55

CHG %CHG + 21.65

+ .59


CATEGORY Large Growth MORNINGSTAR RATING™ *AAo o ASSETS $1,420 million EXP RATIO 1.05% MANAGER G. Heebner SINCE 1997-09-03 RETURNS3-MD +4.8 YTD +11.8 1- YR +10.4 3-YR ANNL -1.6 5-YR-ANNL -11.3

+ 19.65 + . 2 6 + 78.60 + . 3 5 TOP 5HOLDINGS -26.42 -.06 Citigroup Inc + 74.33 + . 46 + 92.62 + . 9 1 Lennar Corporation t 2.98 t 15.82


Morgan Stanley DR Horton lnc —.39 US Treasury Bond 3.125%

t .27 t .3 4

Debut d ate:target not identified



PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 American Funds BalA m 20.34 -.01 +13.9 +13.5 +9.9 + 37 A A A BondA m 1 2.95 +5.9 +6.5 +6.6 + 42 D C E CaplncBuA m 52.65 +11.6 +11.7 +7.6 + 1.0 8 8 C CpWldGrlA m 37.05+.02 +18.6 +18.6 +5.7 - 08 8 D C EurPacGrA m 40.97+.03 +18.5 +18.5 +3.8 - 15 8 C A FnlnvA m 4 0.5 3 -. 02 +16.4 +15.9 +8.9 + 09 A C C GrthAmA m 34. 0 9 -.03 +19.6 +19.1 +8.2 + 08 A C C IncAmerA m 18 .01-.01 +11.6 +11.6 +9.6 + 31 C A 8 InvC0AmA m 30 .02 -. 01 +15.1 +14.8 +7.5 + 07 8 D C NewPerspA m 31.06 +20.0 +19.8 +7.6 + 1.3 A 8 A WAMutlnvA m 31.11 -.02 +12.1 +11.6 +10.5 + 1.5 D A 8 Dodge 8 Cox Inco me 13.86 +.02 + 7 .9 + 8 . 6 + 6 .6 +7.1 8 C 8 IhtlStk 34.58 +.18 + 20.8 +21.2 +4.9 -1.9 A 8 A 121.19 -.24 + 21.3 +20.9 +9.3 -0.5 A 8 D Stock Fidelity Contra 76.89 +.02 + 15.2 +14.5 +10.3 +1.7 8 A 8 GrowCo 92.25 -.14 + 17.1 +16.2 +12.1 +3.3 8 A A LowPriStk d 39 . 19 +.04+ 17.6 +17.1 +12.1 +4.7 A A A FrankTemp-Fraukliln ucome A m 2.24 ... +13.7 +13.7 +9.7 +4.4 A A 8 RisDivA x 17.3 1 - . 04 +12.1 +11.4 +8.8 +1.0 D C 8 Oppeuheimer RisDivB x 15.6 9 - . 01 + 11.0 +10.3 +7.8 +0.1 E D D RisDivC x 15.6 1 - . 02 + 11.2 +10.5 +8.0 +0.3 E D C SmMidValA m 32.15 -.04 +8.6 +7.6 +6.1 -2.6 E E E SmMidVal8 m 27.15 -.04 +7.7 +6.6 +5.2 -3.4 E E E PIMCO TotRetA m 11.2 4 - .11 + 9 .9 + 10.8 +7.3 +8.1 A 8 A T Rowe Price Eq t ylnc 26.33 -.05 + 16.7 +16.2 +9.7 +1.4 A 8 8 GrowStk 37.40 + . 01 + 17.7 +16.8 +10.7 +2.4 A A 8 HealthSci 41.0 2 - . 09 +31.3 +30.9 +18.9 +9.6 A A A Vanguard 500Adml 130.61 -.14 t15.3 +14.6 +10.3 +1.5 8 A 8 500lnv 130.62 -.13 t15.2 +14.5 +10.1 +1.3 8 A 8 CapDp 33.42 -.05 t17.7 +16.9 +6.8 +1.9 A E 8 Eqlnc 24.10 -.03 t13.3 +12.7 +12.6 +3.0 D A A GNMAAdml 11.00 42.4 +2.8 +5.7 +6.1 C A A MulntAdml 14.37 45.7 +6.1 +5.8 +5.5 8 8 8 STGradeAd 10.87 44.5 +4.8 +4.0 +4.2 8 8 8 StratgcEq 21.55 -.01 +17.5 +16.0 412.4 +2.1 8 A C Tgtet2025 13.85 +.01 +12.9 +12.6 +8.3 +2.2 C 8 8 TotBdAdml 11.10 +.01 +4.2 +4.8 +6.1 +6.1 E D C Totlntl 14.92 +.05 t17.7 +17.7 +3.8 -3.1 C C 8 TotStlAdm 35.41 -. 03 +15.6 +14.8 +10.7 +2.0 8 A A TotStldx 35.40 -. 03 t15.5 +14.7 +10.5 +1.9 8 A A USGro 21.05 -.01 t17.3 +16.4 +8.9 +1.6 A C 8 Welltn 34.52 -.02 t12.4 +12.4 +8.9 +4.2 8 A A WelltnAdm 59.63 -.04 412.5 +12.5 +9.0 +4.3 8 A A FAMILY

0 N 52-week range

$24.24 ~


$2D.61 ~


P E: 25.9 Vol.:10.7m (2.7x avg.) P E: . . . Yield :... Mkt. Cap:$3.06 b Yiel d : 4 .2%


B CD S Marvell Technology

Close:$7.41 A3.43 or 86.2%

Semiconductor components maker Diodes said that it agreed to buy rival BCD Semiconductor for about $151 million in cash.



Close:$7.14 Y-0.26 or -3.5% Ajury found the chip maker liable for $1.17 billion in a patent infringement case filed by Carnegie Mellon University. $10

1 . 9 4f

annual rate, wh>chwas mcreased by most recent dludend announcement. l - Sum ot dividends pau after stock split, no regular rate. l - Sum of uvldends pau th>syear. Most recent uudend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or pau th>syear, a cumulative issue with dividends m arrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - Imtlal dividend, annual rate not known, y>eld not shown. r - Declared or paid ln precedmg 12 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid ln stock apprcumate cash value on ex-distrittution date.Fe Footnotes:q - Stock ls a closed-end fund - no P/5 ratio shown. cc - P/5 exceeds 99. dd - Loss ln last12 months



Vol.:49.1k (2.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$267.87 m


A + 3 6. 3 + 41.5 3 0 9 1 4 1 . 4 0 0 N D ~ V + 12. 2 +1 4 .5 99 18 0.88 52-week range ~ w +17. 5 +2 6 .1 2 001 24 1 .10a $3,27~ $7,$0 ~ w +4.0 +4.9 17 48 Vol.: 3.8m (45.8x avg.) P E: . . . ~ -11.4 13.1 8 6 4 1 6 0. 2 8 Mkt. Cap:$135.35 m Yield :... ~ -45.5 43.4 16007 dd 0 .53 Home Federal Bucp ID HOME 8.67 — 0 > +14. 0 +1 4 .4 1 9 59 0. 2 4a increase for the third month in a BPZ Resources BPZ Intel Corp INTC 19.23 ~ W -15.4 - 11.8 31205 9 0 . 90 I ow. Close:$3.03 %0.25 or 9.0% Keycorp K EY 6 . 8 0 ~ w +9.5 +10 . 9 7 830 10 0 . 2 0 Economists anticipate that this The oil and gas company said it KR 2 0 . 98 ~ x + 7.2 +8.6 27 5 2 2 1 0 . 60f sold a 49 percent interest of an oil month's reading of the Institute for Kroger Co Lattice Semi LSCC 3.17 ~ + -35.0 34.1 68 4 1 4 reserve off of Peru's shores to PaSupply Management'sChicago LA Pacific L PX 7 , 66 — 0 i +131, 8 + 129,6 1046 dd cific Rubiales Energy. business barometer will be 51. A MDU Resources MDU 19 .59 ~ 2 W -1.2 + 2 . 4 4 1 6 3 3 0 . 69f $3.5 number above 50indicates U.S. ME N T 12.85 $$A +24. 4 +2 4 .2 9 0 8 1 4 3.0 economic activity is growing, while Mentor Graphics Microsoft Corp M SFT 25.76 ~ w + 3 .9 +6. 4 38769 15 0 . 9 2 readings below 50 suggest the 2.5 Nike Inc 8 NKE 4 2 55 ~ X +7 4 +7 3 3856 2 2 0 8 4 f economy is contracting. Nordstrom Iuc JWN 46.27 ~ w +4.2 +5.3 19 8 5 1 6 1. 0 8 0 N D Nwst Nat Gas NWN 41.01 ~ 50.8 0 43. 8 2 + . 0 3 +0.1 w w -8.6 -5.5 10 2 1 9 1 .82f 52-week range OfficeMax Iuc DMX 4. 10 ~ 10.62 9.50 +.09 +1.0 w w A +10 9 .3 + 102.8 1083 2 0.0 8 $2.01~ $4.$4 PaccarIuc PCAR 35 21 ~ 48 22 44.62 -.15 -0.3 V A A + 19. 1 +2 2 .0 1 650 13 0 .80a Vol.:2.0m (4.1x avg.) P E: .. . Planar Systms PLNR 1.12 ~ 2 60 1.38 +.01 +0.7 w A A -27.7 - 29.0 11 6 d d Mkt. Cap:$354.3 m Yield: ... Plum Creek PCL 35,43 — 0 44 99 44.39 +.10 +0.2 A A A + 21. 4 +2 4 .6 6 2 1 3 9 1. 6 8 Prec Castparts PCP 150.53 ~ 1 89.4 5 187.93 +.72 +0.4 w L 4 +14.0 +13 .9 2 7 5 2 1 0. 1 2 Smith & Wesson SwHC Safeway Iuc SWY 14 73 ~ 23 16 17.72 20 -1.1 V A X -15.8 - 12.0 3722 8 0. 7 0 Close:$8.26 %0.30 or 3.8% Schuitzer Steel SCHN 22.78 ~ 47.45 30.26 -.25 -0.8 X A X -28.4 - 29.0 175 3 1 0 . 75 After a recent selloff in shares, the Sherwin Wms SHW 89,09 — 0 15 9 ,80152.73 +.13 + 0.1 A V A +71. 1 +7 1 .9 6 0 4 2 8 1. 5 6 gun maker said that it plans to Staucorp Fucl SFG 28.74 ~ 41.99 36.54 -.16 -0.4 w A x -0.6 + 1 . 5 1 4 7 1 2 0 . 93f spend an additional $15 million buying back its own stock. StarbucksCp SBUX 43 04 ~ 62 00 53.24 +.11 +0.2 W A i +15.7 +18 .5 4 5 39 3 0 0 . 84f $12 Triquiut Semi TQNT 4.30 ~ 7.26 4.75 -.01 -0.2 w w w -2.5 -4.0 1824 dd Umpqua Holdings UM P Q 11.17 ~ 1 3.88 1 1. 7 5 -.09 -0.8 W W W -5.2 - 2.5 54 7 1 4 0 . 36 10 US Baucorp USB 26.84 ~ 35.46 3 2. 0 2 -.04 -0.1 w w w +18. 4 +1 9 .9 9 128 11 0 . 7 8 Washington Fedl W A FD 13.79 ~ 18.42 1 6. 5 8 -.05 -0.3 v A v +18. 5 +2 2 .1 3 6 1 1 3 0. 3 2 WellsFargo& Co WF C 2 7.08 ~ 3 6.6 0 34.18 -.15 -0.4 W A W +24. 0 +2 6 .719038 11 0 . 8 8 0 N D 52-week range Crude oil cache West Coast Bcp OR WCBD 15.33 ~ 2 3.0 0 22.11 +.02 +0.1 v A v +4 1.7 +35.6 64 13 0.20 $4.$5~ $11.25 WY 1 8 .10 — 0 28.82 28 .00 -.04 -0.1 w A x + 50. 0 +5 7 .7 2 996 48 0 .68f The Energy Department reports its Weyerhaeuser Vol.:6.1m (1.6x avg.) P E: 9 . 5 latest weekly tally of U.S. crude oil DividendFootnotes: a -Extra dividends werepaid, ttut are not included. tt - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. e - Amount declared or paid ln last12 months. 1 -Current


Herbalife HLF Close:$28.30%0.89 or 3.2% Shares of the nutritional supplements company continue to rise after saying it would hold an analyst day to discuss its business. $60 40


BCD Semiconductor


Alaska Air Group Avista Corp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co



Stocks fell Thursday for the fourth day in a row, crimped by a report that consumer confidence has plunged to its lowest level since August. The holiday shopping season so farhas been the weakest since the financial crisis of 2008. And Washington's stagnating negotiations over a looming slate of higher taxes and lower government spending compounded the market's pessimism, despite government reports that jobless claims fell and sales of new homes rose. The Dow Jones industrial average, S&P 500 index and the Nasdaq composite were each down less than 1 percent. Trading volume was light, with many investors still on Christmas vacation. Steinway Musical



101 9

stockpiles today. The nation's crude oil supplies fell two weeks ago by 0.3 percent to 371.6 million barrels. That translates to a decline of about 1 million barrels, about half of what analysts expected. A drop in the nation's crude oil inventories typically boosts the price of oil.








Dow Jones industrials

Close: 1,418.10


+ +.20



PCT 10.74 9.09 8.94 Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption 8.47 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee ahdeither a sales or 8.18 redemption fee. Source: Morningstac

Mkt. Cap:$547.27 m

Yield :...

0 N D 52-week range $$.9$ ~ $16.86 Vol.:35.3m (2.8x avg.) PE: 1 3 .1 Mkt. Cap:$3.82 b Yiel d : 3 .4%

Oculus Innovative


Close:$0.52 V-0.08 or -14.0% The drug, medical device and nutritional products maker said that it received a U.S. patent for its treatment of skin ulcers.

$1.0 0.8

o.ej 0 N 52-week range $0.$0~

D $1.4$

Vol.:385.1k (6.0x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$19.29 m

P E: . . . Yield: ...

Parexel Int'I PRXL Close:$29.07%-0.44 or -1.5% The pharmaceutical research contractor said that it will acquire Liquent, a software maker, for about $72 million. $34 32


0 N 52-week range $2$.11~

D $$3.1$

Vol.:2.1m (3.7x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$1.71 b

P E: 25 .5 Yield:... AP

SOURCE: Sungard


NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO OTR AGO 3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill 52-wk T-bill

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell to 1.74 percent Thursday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.

. 07 .08 . 1 1 .13 .14 .14

-0.01 A -0.02 A

2-year T-note . 2 6 .27 5-year T-note . 7 4 .76 10-year T-note 1.74 1.75 30-year T-bond 2.91 2.92

-0.01 V


-0.02 V -0.01 W -0.01 W

Oil fell slightly after a reported drop in consumer confidence and growing pessimism that a budget deal can be reached in Washington. Gold rose. Wheat, corn and soybeans fell.

Foreign Exchange The dollar hit a two-year high against the yen on expectations that Japan's new government will lower interest rates.

The euro rose against the

dollar, while the British pound fell.

h5N4 QG



.01 .04 .10



L .91 X 1.92 A 2.92


Barclays LongT-Bdldx 2.48 2.52 -0.04 W Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.11 4.10 +0.01 Barclays USAggregate 1.77 1.77 . . . W PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 6.12 6.12 . . . A RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.68 3.68 ... W YEST 3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx .98 1.01 -0.03 W 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 B arclays US Corp 2 .73 2.73 ... W 1 YR AGO3.25 .13





+ A V A A A


2.45 4.86 2.35 8.44 3.94 1.04 3.8 6

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Dil (bbl) 90.87 90.98 -0.12 -8.1 Ethanol (gal) 2.21 2.21 + 0.09 + 0 . 2 Heating Dil (gal) 3.07 3.05 + 0.69 + 4 . 7 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.35 3.39 - 1.12 t 1 2 .2 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.82 2.82 + 0.20 + 5 . 0 FUELS


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 1662.60 1659.80 30.18 29.98 1531.80 1534.90 3.59 3.58 707.35 691.40

%CH. %YTD + 0.17 + 6 . 2 + 0.67 + 8 . 3 - 0.20 + 9 . 4 + 0.20 + 4 . 6 4 2.31

47. 9

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Cattle (Ib) 1.29 1.29 - 0.39 + 4 . 8 Coffee (Ib) 1.48 1.48 -0.27 -34.8 Corn (bu) 6.92 6.93 - 0.25 + 7 . 0 Cotton (Ib) 0.76 0.77 -1.36 -17.2 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 386.40 390.50 -1.05 +56.4 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.30 1.31 -0.23 -22.9 Soybeans (bu) 14.19 14.25 -0.40 +18.4 Wheat(bu) 7.72 -0.29 +18.3 7.75 AGRICULTURE

1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6108 —.0022 —.14% 1.5670 Canadian Dollar .9949 +.0005 +.05% 1 . 0183 USD per Euro 1.3242 +.0022 +.17% 1 . 3069 Japanese Yen 8 6.02 + . 3 9 + . 45 % 77 . 8 5 Mexican Peso 12. 9 881 —.0293 —.23% 14.0150 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3. 7282 —. 0074 —. 20% 3.7752 0200 —. 36% 5.9614 Norwegian Krone 5. 5736 —. South African Rand 8.4843 —.0944 -1.11% 8.1384 6. 5023 —. 0051 —. 08% 6.8483 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9133 —.0002 —.02% .9340 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9636 -.0007 -.07% . 9 828 Chinese Yuan 6.2405 -.0012 -.02% 6.3197 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7519 +.0014 +.02% 7 .7773 Indian Rupee 54.955 +.110 +.20% 5 3.030 Singapore Dollar 1.2228 -.0013 -.11% 1.2955 South Korean Won 1072.30 -1.40 -.13% 1156.48 Taiwan Dollar 29.07 + .02 +.07% 30 . 33

© www.bendbulletin.com/business


CentralOregon fuel prices Price per gallon for regular unleaded gas and diesel, as posted Thursday at AAA Fuel Price Finder

(www.aaaorid.comj. GASOLINE • Chevron,61535 S. U.S. Highway97, Bend $3.02 • Ron's Oil,62980 U.S.

Highway97, Bend ..$3.23 • Chevron,61160U.S. Highway97, Bend $3.29 • Safeway,80 N.E. Cedar

St. Madras .......$3.29 • Chevron,1095 S.E. Division St., Bend. $3.32

• Chevron,3405 N.U.S. Highway97, Bend $3.34 • Texaco,178 S.W. Fourth St., Madras $3.36 • Chevron,1210 S.W. U.S. Highway 97,

Madras......... $3.36 • Chevron,1501 S.W. Highland Ave.,

Redmond ....... $3.36 • Chevron,2005 U.S. Highway 97,

Redmond ....... $3.36

umane ocie s r i s ore ansmove o ers ace By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

The Humane Societyof Central Oregon will soon have a new thrift store headquarters, adding about 70 percent more space to its operation. The organization purchased the former Benjamin's Home Furnishings building on Southeast Third Street in Bend — across the street from Walmart — and it hopes to move in by July 1, said Sabrina Slusser, executive director. Furniture Outlet currently leases the building, but that lease expires April 30, said PeterLowes, principal broker with The Lowes Group and a co-owner of the building. He said the furniture company will vacate the building then, giving the Humane Society about two months to set up before its anticipated opening. Moving in to the 24,000square-foot Benjamin's building could make way for a new

HumaneSociety purchasesbuilding

low-income petowners, Slusser said, but those discussions are preliminary at this point. The HumaneSociety of Central "Our staff and board (of diOregon will take overthe former rectors) are working together Benjamin's HomeFurnishings on a business plan to see if we building on Southeast Third Street. can turn it into something that would provide services for low-income members of the community," Slusser said. The organization for several years had looked into buying a new thrift store building and consolidating its operations in one place. FormerBeniamin's The Humane Societyof Central Oregon currently has about 14,000 square rphy d feet of combined space at its Greenwood thrift store, the Paws and Shop store in the Old Mill District and a small Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin warehouse for storage near use for the Humane Society's Southeast Wilson Avenue and currentthriftstore headquarSoutheast Ninth Street. ters on Northeast Greenwood All of those operations, Avenue.That couldinclude poincluding the warehouse, will tentially re-opening the buildbe consolidated in the new ing as a veterinary office for building.

"This way, we'll be able to generatemore money forour animals," Slusser said. "The efficiency of our operation is going to be improved, and the shopping experience for our customers will be improved." The Humane Societyof Central Oregon relies on its thrift store sales to fund operations at its animal shelter, located on Southeast 27th Street. Sales of clothing, home furnishings and other items supplement the money the organization takes in through donations and fundraising. The organization paid $1.36 million for the Benjamin's building, according to a Dec. 24 deed filed with the Deschutes County Clerk's Office. The building previously sold in 2000 for $1.4 million, county property records show. — Reporter: 541-617-7820 egluclzlich@bendbulletin.com

• Texaco,539 N.W. Sixth St., Redmond.... $3.36

• Chevron,398 N.W. Third St., Prineville $3.39

ra on


• Ron's Oil,62980 U.S. Highway97, Bend .. $3.75 • Chevron,1210 S.W. Highway 97,

Madras......... $3.96 Aehley Brothers /The Bulletin

BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • Edward Jones Coffee Club: Current market and economic update including current rates; free; 9 a.m.; Starbucks, 61470 U.S. Highway97, Bend; 54 I-6 l7-8861. • Free TaxFriday: Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541385-9666 or www. myzoomtax.com; free;2-4 p.m.; ZoomTax,963 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend;541-385-9666. WEDNESDAY • Know Digital Books: 9:3011 a.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N.Cedar St.; 54I-3 I2-1070. • Know Coffee, Know eBooks: Learn about eReaders andhow to download eBooks and audiobooks from Deschutes Public Library; eReaders are available or bring your own; free; 1:30-2:30 p.m.; Bellatazza Coffee, 869 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-617-7083. • Business Network International BendChapter weekly meeting: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 54 I -749-0789. THURSDAY • Know digital books: 10:30 a.m.-noon; La PinePublic Library,16425 First St.; 54 I-536-0515. • Business Network International Wildfire Chapter weekly meeting: Visitors are welcomeand first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; BendHonda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765. FRIDAY, JAN. 4 • Know digital books: 2-3:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1 050. SUNDAY,JAN. 6 • Know money, real life buried treasure: Gold prospecting talk including metal detector and gold panning instruction; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. • Know money, stretching your food dollars: Learn howto work within yourfood budgetto create healthy meals; 2 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N.Cedar St.; 541-3 I2-1070.

For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday's Bulletin or visit bendbulletin.comlbizcal

e e conom?

Seattle Mariners baseball, Portland Tim-

bers soccer and other programming from Root Sports network will not be aired over

BendBroadband's cable system after Monday. BendBroadband

and Root, the regional sports network, could

not reach a contract agreement, according to both companies. While acknowledg-

ing the loss of Mariners baseball and Timbers

soccer, BendBroadband believes Roots haslost much of its most popu-

lar programming to other networks, like the new PAC12 Networks, the

Bend companywrote in a Dec.17 blog post. Root Sports was willing to lower its

rates, the blog post stated but it would have

remained one of the cablecompany'smost expensive channels. Dropping it will allow

BendBroadband to help pay for rate increases from other, more popular networks, according

First-time jobless claims decline WASHINGTONFirst-time claims for un-

employment benefits fell to 350,000 last week, close to the 4/~-year

By Franco Ordonez and Casey Conley McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON — With millions of baby boomers reaching retirement age, fears are mounting of the economic impact if they follow the pattern of previous generations by curbing spending and draining Social Security and Medicare benefits. But the 78 million boomers — born from 1946 to 1964 — have always broken the mold in terms of setting trends, and some investors and business and community leaders see their retirement as no different. They see an unprecedented, multi billion-dollar opportunity to offer new productsand services to an active demographic group that's expected to live longer than previous generations. When Elizabeth Reighard started her fitness training business in Myrtle Beach, S.C., four years ago, most of her students were in their mid-30s. But now her client list is made up mainly of boomers, such as Mary Smith, 58, who hired Reighard to help her "keep up with the grandkids." The demand forfitnesstrainers such as Reighard is expected to jump 24 percent in thenext decade, largely because of baby boomers who want to stay healthy longer, according to the Department of Labor's Occupational Outlook Handbook released in March. The CensusBureau projectsthat Americans 65 and older will make up 19 percent of the population by 2030. On the labor front, the health care industry is the most obvious benefactor of a longer-living active community. Demand for home health aides is expected to grow 70 percent in the next decade, according to the Department of Labor. Demand also will be high in less obvious fields, such as for architects, who will be called on to build senior-friendly communities; financial advisers to help boomers plan their retirements; recre-

BendBroadband drops RootSports

to the blog.


• Chevron,1001 Railway, Sisters .. $3.39


low, the Labor Department said Thursday. The figure for the week that ended Saturday was down12,000 from the revised reading

of the previous week. It brought weekly jobless claims down to the level

that economists say is consistent with moderate job growth.

The less-volatile four-week averagealso dropped last week, by 11,250 to 356,750, as the jobs market contin-


Steve Jeeemore/Myrtle Beach Sun-Newe

ued its recovery from a spike in claims last month caused bySuperstorm Sandy. The four-week aver-

Personal Trainer Elizabeth Reighard (center) talks client Mary Smith through her workout at the North Myrtle Beach Aquatic Center in North Myrtle Beach, S.C.

age was the lowest since March 2008. Last

ation workers, who will lead boomer-tailored excursions; and job trainers, who will teach the new workers called on to replace retirees. "It's only in Washington that 100 million people are viewed as an unaffordable cost and financial burden," said Jody Holtzman, a senior vice president at AARP. "In the private sector, 100 million people are called a market." Concern about a drain on entitlements from retiring baby boomers has increased as talks intensify over avoiding the fiscal cliff. Boomers have been depicted as the elephant in the room. The Congressional Budget Office warned in June of a shortfall for entitlement programs, as aging boomers would consume a "sig-

of states that had to

nificant and sustained" share of benefits from Social Security, Medicare and longterm-care services financed by Medicaid, the health care program for the poor. Those projections fail to take into account that boomers are expected to work longer and they've never followed in the footsteps of previous generations, said Matt Thornhill, an author of "Boomer Consumer," a book that examines marketing to the baby boomer generation. "We became the generation ofconsumption and p ersonal gratification," Thornhill said. "Boomers are not going to spend at all like the prior generations did at 65. They're going to spend at boomer levels. And there's millions more of them."

week's data included an unusually large number estimate their claims figures because of government office closures for Christmas, the Labor Department said. The latest reading

on the jobs market beat analyst expectations of about 360,000 new

claims andcomes about a week before thegovernment releasestheDecemberunemployment report. — From staff and wire reports

Time runsshort to avert dock strike By David B. Caruso and Scott Mayerowitz The Associated Press

NEW YORK — In just a few days, a walkout by thousands of dock workers could bring commerce to a near standstill at every major port from Boston to Houston, potentially delivering a big blow to retailers and manufacturers still struggling to find their footing in a weak economy. More than 14,000 longshoremen are threatening to go on strike Sunday — a wide-ranging work stoppage that would immediately close cargo ports on the East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico to container ships. The 15 ports involved in the labor dispute move more than 100 million tons of goods each year, or about 40 percent of the nation's containerized cargo traffic. Losing them to a shutdown, even for a few days,

Elsewhere • Longshoremen at Northwest grain terminals returned to work Thursday under contract terms they rejected last weekend,B3 could cost the economy billions of dollars. "If the port shuts down, nothing moves in or out," said Jonathan Gold, vice president of supply chain and customs policy at the National Retail F ederation. And w h e n t h e workers do return, "it's going to take time to clear out that backlog, and we don't know how long that it's going to take." Shipments of such varied products as flat-screen TVs, sneakers and snow shovels would either sit idle at sea or get rerouted, at great delay and expense. U.S. factories also rely on container ships for parts and raw materials,

meaning supply lines for all sorts of p roducts could be squeezed. Joseph Ahlstrom, a professor at the State University of New York's Maritime College and a former cargo ship captain, called container ships the "lifeblood of the country." "We don't fly in a lot of products. It's just too expensive," Ahlstrom said. "The bulk of the products we import come in inside containers." The master contract between the International Longshoremen's Association and the U.S. Maritime Alliance, a

group representing shipping lines, terminal operators and port a s sociations, e x pired in September. The two sides agreed to extend it once already, for 90 days, but they have so far balked at extending it again when it expires at 12:01 a.m. Sunday.

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New art classes for children Local art teacher


Mare Schelz is offering new art classes start-

ing in early January to children ages5-12. Classes take placeone

adults be productive

day a week for eight

weeks. Thesessions run from 3:45 to 5:15 p.m.

Monday, Tuesdayor Thursday or 2:15 to 3:45

p.m. Wednesdays. Cost is $150, and the

Editor's Note:The Bulletin's All Agessection regularly profiles local organizations designed to help families and seniors. To suggest an organization, contact Alandra Johnson at ajohnson@bendbulleti n.com or 541-617-7860.

classes take placeon the west side of Bend. Contact Schelzat

www.mareschelz.com or artplaylife©gmail. com.

Parents a factor in kids' pot use

By Alandra Johnson

A new study appearing in the Journal of Drug Issues indicates that parents play a larger role in determin-

The Bulletin

YouthButld >s a local program that helps get teenagers and young adults back on a productive path after they have stopped attending school. The program, which is part of Heart of Oregon Corps, allows students ages 16-24 a chance to earn a GED or high school diploma while also teaching them construction skills. The students work together with professional guidance to build or remodel homes for local low-income families.

ing whether or not their

children use marijuana than the school environment. The study is

based on evaluations from more than10,000 students, teachers,

parents and administrators. The researchers looked atthe bonds be-

tween parents and children — such as trust,

"These are young people who have disengaged from

active engagement and open communica-

traditional learning environments," said Amy Mentuck, director of development for the Heart of Oregon Corps. YouthBuild is based in Redmond and students attend school at Brown Education Center. Students work to recover high school credits and earn a GED or diploma. Mentuck says students can also work to earn scholarship money. Many of the students become the first in their families to attend college. "It's transformative for themselves and their families," said Mentuck. She says students also respond positively to being able to contribute to the community through providing low-income housing. Seeyoutheuild /D4

tion — as well as the

school's positive environment for learningsuch as teacher morale, teacher's abilities to

address student needs and extracurricular activities. The students with strong bonds with parents were less likely

to use marijuana even when their school environment was strongly lacking. The students

with strong school environment and low

levels of family bonding were more likelyto be using.

Santa to a Senior was a success Todd and Lori

Sensenbach, the owners of Bend's Home Instead Senior Care franchise, said this

year's Be a Santa to a Senior program, which delivers presents to low-income seniors


• Assistance for those with hearing loss iswidely available at public places

in Central Oregon,

was successful. The franchise owners said in a press release they collected and distributed 571 gifts this year, which is100 more gifts than they collected in 2011.

Back surgeries popular in Bend Local seniors were the third likeliest

group of Medicare beneficiaries on the West Coast to undergo

elective back surgery in 2010, according to the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care in a report published by the Dartmouth lnstitute that tracks how Medi-

care services are used across the country's 306 hospital referral


Released on Dec.12, the report found 6.7 out of every1,000 Medicare beneficiaries in the Bend Hospital Referral Region — an area that includes hospitals in Bend, Burns, John Day, Madras, Prineville and Redmond — underwent this surgery two

years ago. The LI.S. average rate was 4.7 patients per 1,000. The Ventura, Calif„and Eu-

gene hospital regions had the West Coast's first and second highest rates. — Alandra Johnson and Mac NfcLean

By Mac McLean •The Bulletin

Special wireless ear pieces attached to a hip belt receiver let the Tower Theatre's guests follow the action on stage even if they may not normally be able to hear the person who's sitting next to them. "They're pretty high quality pieces ofgear," Tower Theatre Director Ray Solley said as he described the wireless ear pieces that make up a n as s i sted-listening-device system the Bend theater installed as part of a 2004 renovation. "You hear everything that goes into our speakers." For the past two decades, public venues and meeting places have been required to provide devices that help the hearing impaired listen in.From the Tower's ear pieces to a special sub-floor w ir e t h at transmits audio signals to hearing aids, there are several options. These devices will continue their usefulness in the coming years as millions of baby boomers reach an age where their hearing starts to fail. If you suffer from hearing loss, know what technology is available to help you hear at concerts, meetings and more.

Audio loopsystemfor the hearing impaired Induction loopsystemsconsist of athin wirethat is placedaround alistening area and connectedtoaspecial amplifier andmicrophone. Speechis amplified and circulatedthroughthe wire loop, creating amagnetic energyfield. Thefield is detectedandamplified by thetelecoil, circuitry built into many hearing aidsand cochlear implants tomakethem compatible with telephones.The loop system provides ahigh-quality, amplified reproduction ofthe original speechsignal that can beclearly heardabovebackgroundenvironmental noise. Speaker with microphone P.A. system speaker Audio loop amplifier

Audio loop wire

periencedsome degree of hearing loss this year according to a report from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communications Disorders. SeeHearing /D2

Audio loop wire

Hearing-impaired listeners The telecoil circuitry already installed in their behind-the-ear hearing aid, in-the-ear aid or receiver with earphones will pick up signals from the audio loop wire. source: ovalwindowAudio.com

Editor's Note:Good Question is a recurring feature in which a local expert in a particular field answers a question related to families. Have a question? Send it to family@ bendbulletin.com

By Mac McLean The Bulletin


. I'm a grandparent and . think my adult children need help when it comes to

raising their children (my


Requests for help Even with changes at the workplace and better use of protective equipment, more than 32 million adults — about 17 percent of the country's total population — ex-

Should adult kids be given advice on parenting?

Listeners with normal hearing Use the existing public-address system speakers

Greg Cross/The Bulletin

grandchildren). How should I approach the situation, should I give them advice or should I stay out of their way'? • Roni Stein is a Parent . Coaching Institute-certified parenting coach who offersher services over the phone and through her website www.ronistein.com. She has an doctorate of education in child and youth studies and 40 years of experience in education from preschool to the university level. First and foremost, Stein said, the most important part of the phrase "adult children" is "adult." This means grandparents must let their children take the lead in raising their children, even if it looks like they are struggling, without telling them what to do. SeeParenting /D4

5 0-PLU S



SUPPORT GROUPS The following list containssupport group information submitted to

TaimyA(varez/Sun Sentinel

Zelda Luxenberg and Robert Levinson thought their love story was a good example that it's never too late to find happiness. So they decided to write about it and self publish it, so others could enjoyit.

eniorS wi S orieS 0 e em racese- u is in By Diane C. Lade Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Fla.)

Getting older seems to bring out the author Lt people. And seniors are discovering the booming self-publishing in dustry is their path to every author's deepest desire: a book. There are far more pay-topublish options today, including on-demand printing that lets customers order one book at a time. Local libraries now are more likely to place donated copies on their shelves, given t h a t sel f -published works like the erotic "Fifty Shades of Grey" have turned into blockbusters. Plus, thanks to advanced technology, authors can birth a book for less than the price of a weekend getaway. "You can be a big shot for a few hundred dollars," joked Robert Levinson, 87, a senior development officer at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Fla., who previously was CEO of the nation's largest steel door manufacturing firm. He and "permanent fiance" Zelda Luxenberg, whom he met three years ago in the luxury Delray Beach, Fla., retirement community where they both became widowed, paid $1,000 to bring their "he saidshe said" love story to literary life. So far, with about 500 print and electronic copies of their book "Full Circle" being sold or gifted to friends and family, they haven't come close to recouping their investment. But it doesn't really matter. Their goal, the couple said, was to inspire their peers with the idea that romance and happiness

are ageless. Plus there's nothing like feeling the weight of bound pages in your hands to make you feel like you've accomplished something. "To see your name on a book cover? I wish my parents were alive," Luxenberg said.

Ready to write Recent research by Bowker, the world's largest information provider for t h e p u blishing industry and libraries, show book self-publishing has taken off, growing by 287 percent from 2006 to 2011. In 2011, according to Bowker data, the 148,424 self-published print books comprised 43 percent of that year's traditional print output. While Bowker had no statistics by age, other sources suggest older writers are major

the editing, printing and marketing of "No More Cherries in the Bowl," a 70,000-word reflection on his life and preWorld War II New York City. He's disputing the amount, saying the royalties are less than he was led to believe. But Kahn, a retired salesman who as a kid dreamed of being a journalist, said he has no regrets. "I think the book is great, naturally.. Everything was written by me, every punctuation mark," said Kahn. He Robert Levinson and Zelda ordered 40copies,giving them Luxenberg paid $1,000 to pubto the staff and his friends at lish "Full Circle". the Boca Raton assisted living center where he's a resident. At the other end of the specdrivers of the trend. trum, those savvy enough for Keith Ogorek of A u t hor- do-it-yourself operations like Solutions, the nation's larg- Amazon.com's C r eateSpace est self-publishing house that can walk away with a book for produces 28,000 titles annu- less than $10. ally, estimates half of their clitrue' ents are 55 or older. Ogorek, 'Dreams come Mid-life and senior wordt he marketing senior v i c e president, said the company smiths range from retired ennow has a major presence at gineers who wrote their last AARP's massive national con- essay in high school to longventions, hosting book sign- time media professionals, like ings as well as reaching out to Sandi Krawchenko Altner, 56, literary wannabes. of Boca Raton. A former CanaJudy Borich, the publisher of dian television news reporter, Middle River Press in Oakland she's not only self-published Park, Fla., said about 50 per- her first novel but has built cent of her clients were seniors a second career on helping when she and her husband people tell, publish and market Bruce Borich started the busi- their stories. ness eight years ago. Today, it's She and her husband this about 75 percent. year started Franklin and GalAmong them: an 85-year- lagher, an authors' services old man who had written his company that self-published autobiography i n l o n ghand Altner's historical fiction book shortly before he went blind; a "Ravenscraig" in the United retired gay doctor who penned States. "What self-publishing does a memoir about coming out at age 65; and an amateur histo- is helppeople'sdreams come rian's look at Florida pioneer true. Their families can say, 'Hey, Grandma wrote a book!'" women. Borich puts her older clients she said. "Ravenscraig" is one of 12 into two categories: those who want a book to give to their books to be featured in the family and friends, and those annual Delray Beach Public who think they have a story Library's local authors showto sell. Some had first tried the case on Jan. 13. Five of the 12 traditional publishing route, authors selected are senior she said, but found it too ex- self-publishers, said showcase pensive, too time-consuming organizer Bonnie Ste)zer, who or closed to first-time writers. every year has more elder au"Most of them say, 'I have thors submit. been working on t his book The oldest presenter this and now I am ready. At this coming year is a great-grandage, I don't want to wait,'" said mother in her 90s. Her book, "Dance Until the Music Stops," Borich. While e-books are an alternative, she said her writis a mix of personal reminisers usually want a print vercence and advice on producsion "that they can take down tive aging. from a bookshelf and turn the As elder authors talk about pages." why they took up a pen instead What authors must pay for of golf i n r e tirement, "they that privilege varies widely. usually say they felt they had Joesph Kahn, 95, said he's a book in them their whole now given $6,000 to a large lives," said Stelzer, the library's self-publishing house toward community relations director.

CHRISTIANWOMEN OF HOPE (WOMEN'SCANCER SUPPORT The Bulletin. Submissions must be GROUP):541-382-1832. CLAREBRIDGEOFBEND updated monthly for inclusion. To (ALZHEIMER'SSUPPORT GROUP): submit, email relevant details to communitylife@bendbulletin.com. 541-385-4717 or rnorton1© brookdaleliving.com. COFFEEAND CONNECTION ABILITREEYOUNG PEER GROUP: CANCERSUPPORTGROUP: 541-388-8103 ext. 207. 541-706-3754. ADHD ADULT SUPPORT COMPASSIONATEFRIENDS GROUP:541-420-3023. (FORTHOSE GRIEVING THE ADOPTIVEPARENTSUPPORT LOSS OF A CHILD): 541-480GROUP:541-389-5446. 0667 or 541-536-1709. AGE WIDEOPEN (ADULT CHILDREN CORILSUPPORT GROUP: SUPPORTGROUP): 541-410-4162 541 388-8103, ext. 203. or www.agewideopen.com. CREATIVITY 5 WELLNESSAIDSEDUCATION FOR MOOD GROUP:541-647-0865. PREVENTION,TREATMENT, CROOKEDRIVER RANCHADULT COMMUNITYRESOURCES GRIEF SUPPORT:541-548-7483. AND SUPPORT(DESCHUTES COUNTYHEALTHDEPARTMENT): DEFEATCANCER:541-706-7743. 541-322-7402. DESCHUTESCOUNTYMENTAL AIDSHOT LINE:800-342-AIDS. HEALTH24-HOURCRISIS LINE:541-322-7500. AL-ANON:541-728-3707 or www.centraloregonal-anon.org. DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR SUPPORT ALLIANCE:541ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS 549-9622 or 541-771-1 620. (AA):541-548-0440 or www.coigaa.org. DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR SUPPORT:541-480-8269 or ALSSUPPORTGROUP: suemiller92@gmail.com. 541-977-7502. DEPRESSIONSUPPORT ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION: GROUP:541-617-0543. 541-548-7074. DIABETICSUPPORT ALZHEIMER'S/DEMENTIA GROUP:541-598-4483. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP:541-948-7214. DISABILITYSUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-8103. AUTISMRESOURCE GROUP OF CENTRALOREGON:541-788-0339. DIVORCECARE:541-410-4201. BENDATTACHMENT DOUBLETROUBLERECOVERY: PARENTING:541-385-1787. Addiction and mental illness BEND S-ANONFAMILY GROUP: group; 541-317-0050. 888-285-3742. DYSTONIASUPPORT BEND ZENMEDITATION GROUP: GROUP:541-388-2577. 541-382-6122 or 541-382-6651. ENCOPRESIS (SOILING): 541-548BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT 2814 or encopresis@gmail.com. GROUPS: EVENINGBEREAVEMENT 541-382-5882. SUPPORTGROUP:541-460-4030 BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT FAITHBASED RECOVERY GROUP: GROUP/ADULTSAND Drug and alcohol addictions; CHILDREN:541-383-3910. pastordavid@thedoor3r.org. BEYOND AFFAIRSNETWORK: A FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER: peer group for victims of infidelity, 541-389-5468. baninbend@yahoo.com. GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS: BRAIN INJURYSUPPORT Redmond 541-280-7249, GROUP:541-382-9451. Bend 541-390-4365. BRAINTUMOR SUPPORT GAMBLINGHOT LINE: GROUP:541-350-7243 800-233-8479. BREAST-FEEDINGSUPPORT GLUCOSE CONTROLLOW CARB GROUP:541-385-1787. DIETSUPPORT GROUP: kjdnrcd(e CANCERFAMILYSUPPORT yahoo.com or 541-504-0726. GROUP:541-706-5864. GLUTENINTOLERANCE GROUP CANCER INFORMATIONLINE: (CELIAC):541-389-1 731. 541-706-7743. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:Support CAREGIVERSUPPORT for pregnant teens and teen GROUP:541-536-7399. moms; 541-383-3515. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: GRIEFSHAREGRIEFRECOVERY 541-706-6802. SUPPORTGROUP:541-382-1832. CELEBRATERECOVERY: New GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: 541Hope Church, Bend, 541-480306-6633, 541-318-0384 or 5276; Faith Christian Center, mullinski@bendbroadband.com. Bend, 541-382-8274; Redmond GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: Assembly of God Church, 541-548-7483. 541-548-4555; Westside GRIEFSUPPORTGROUPS:For Church, Bend, 541-382-7504, the bereaved; 541-771-3247. ext. 201; Metolius Friends Community Church, 541-546GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: 4974; Agape Harvest Fellowship, 541-447-2510. La Pine, 541-536-4384. GRIEFSHARE(FAITHCENTRAL OREGONALZHEIMER'S/ BASED)RECOVERYCLASS: DEMENTIACAREGIVERS 541-389-8780. SUPPORTGROUP:541-504-0571 HEALINGENCOURAGEMENT FOR CENTRAL OREGONAUTISM ABORTION-RELATEDTRAUMA ASPERGER'SSUPPORTTEAM: (H.E.A.R.T.):541-318-1949. 541-633-8293. HEALTHYFAMILIESOF TH E HIGH CENTRAL OREGONAUTISM DESERT:Home visits for families SPECTRUMRESOURCE with newborns; 541-749-2133 AND FAMILYSUPPORT HEARINGLOSS ASSOCIATION: GROUP:541-279-9040. 541-848-2806 or CENTRAL OREGONCOALITION hlaco2©gmx.com. FOR ACCESS(WORKING HEARTS OF HOPE: Abortion TO CREATE ACCESSIBLE healing; 541-728-4673. COMMUNITIES):541-385-3320. IMPROVE YOURSTRESS LIFE: CENTRALOREGON 541-706-2904. DEPRESSIONANDANXIETY LA LECHELEAGUEOFBEND: GROUP:541-420-2759 541-317-5912. CENTRAL OREGONDISABILITY LIVING WELL(CHRONIC SUPPORTNETWORK:541-548CONDITIONS):541-322-7430. 8559 or www.codsn.org. LIVING WITHCHRONIC CENTRAL OREGONFAMILIES ILLNESSESSUPPORT WITH MULTIPLES: 541-330GROUP:541-536-7399. 5832 or 541-388-2220. LUPUS 8( FIBROMYALGIA CENTRAL OREGONLEAGUE SUPPORTGROUP:541-526-1 375. OF AMPUTEESSUPPORT MADRAS NICOTINE ANONYMOUS GROUP(COLA): 541-480GROUP:541-993-0609. 7420 or www.ourcola.org. MATERNAL/CHILDHEALTH CENTRAL OREGONRIGHT PROGRAM(DESCHUTES TO LIFE:541-383-1593. COUNTYHEALTHDEPARTMENT): CHILD CARSEATCLINIC 541-322-7400. (PROPERINSTALLATION MEN'S CANCER SUPPORT INFORMATIONFOR SEAT AND GROUP:541-706-5864. CHILD):541-504-5016. MOMMY ANDMEBREASTCHILDREN'SVISION FEEDINGSUPPORT GROUP: FOUNDATION: 541-330-3907. Laura, 541-322-7450.

MULTIPLESCLEROSIS SUPPORT GROUP:541-706-6802. NARCONON:800-468-6933. NARCOTICSANONYMOUS (NA): 541-416-2146. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESSOFCENTRAL OREGON (NAMI): 541-4087779, 541-504-1431 or email: vonriedlpn(eyahoo.com. NAMI BENDFAMILY SUPPORT GROUP:541-480-8269, namicentraloregon(ogmail.com or www.namicentraloregon.org. NAMI MADRAS CONNECTIONS: For peers, 541-475-1873 or NAMlmadras(ogma(l.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILY SUPPORTGROUP: NAMlmadras©gmail.com. NAMI REDMONDFAMILY SUPPORTGROUP: namicentraloregon(ogmail.com. NEWBERRY HOSPICEOF LA PINE: 541-536-7399. OREGON COMMISSIONFOR THE BLIND:541-447-4915. OREGONCURE: 541-475-2164. OREGON LYMEDISEASE NETWORK:541-312-3081 or www.oregonlyme.org. OVEREATERSANONYMOUS: 541-306-6844. PARENTS/CAREGIVERSOF CHILDRENAFFECTEDBY AUTISMSUPPORTGROUP: 541-771-1075 or http:// coregondevdisgroupaso.ning.com. PARENTS OFMURDERED CHILDREN(POMC) SUPPORT GROUP:541-410-7395. PARISH NURSESANDHEALTH MINISTRIES:541-383-6861. PARKINSON'SCAREGIVERS SUPPORTGROUP:541-317-1188. PARKINSON'SDISEASE SUPPORT GROUP:541-280-5818. PARTNERSIN CARE: Home health and hospice services; 541-382-5882. PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: For parents, families and friends of lesbians and gays; 541-317-2334 or www.pflagcentraloregon.org. PLAN LOVINGADOPTIONS NOW (PLAN):541-389-9239. PLANNEDPARENTHOOD: 888-875-7820. PMS ACCESSLINE: 800-222-4767. PREGNANCYRESOURCE CENTERS:Bend, 541-3855334; Madras, 541-475-5338; Prineville, 541-447-2420; Redmond, 541-504-8919. PULMONARY HYPERTENSION SUPPORTGROUP:541-548-7489. RECOVERINGCOUPLES ANONYMOUS(RCA):541-389-0969 or www.recovering-couples.org. SAVINGGRACE SUPPORT GROUPS:Bend, 541-382-4420; Redmond, 541-504-2550, ext. 1; Madras, 541-475-1880. SCLERODERMASUPPORT GROUP:541-480-1 958. SELF-ESTEEMGROUP FOR WOMEN:541-389-7960. SEXAHOLICSANONYMOUS: 541-595-8780. SOUPANDSUPPORT:For mourners; 541-548-7483. SUPPORT GROUPFOR FAMILIES WITHDIABETIC CHILDREN:541-526-6690. TOBACCOFREEALLIANCE: 541-322-7481. TOPS OR: Bend, 541-388-5634; Culver, 541-5464012; Redmond, 541-923-0878. TYPE2 DIABETESSUPPORT GROUP:541-706-4986. VETERANSHOTLINE: 541-408-5594 or 818-634-0735. VISIONNW:Peer support group; 541-330-0715. VOLUNTEERSINMEDICINE: 541-330-9001. WOMEN'S RESOURCECENTER OF CENTRALOREGON:541-385-0747 WOMEN'S SELF-ESTEEM GROUP:541-389-7960. WOMEN'S SUPPORTGROUP FOR ANGER,ANXIETY, OR DEPRESSION:541-389-7960. WOMEN SURVIVING WITH CANCERSUPPORT GROUP:541-706-5864. YOUNG PEOPLEWITH DISABILITIES PEER GROUP: 831-402-5024. ZEN MEDITATIONGROUP: 541-388-3179.

When parents needhelp: How tospot and react to signsof dedine By Krlsten Gerencher

care manager in San Antonio. "Come up with a plan." Feeling overwhelmed may prompt you to spend money on the wrong things, such as full-time care, when your parent just needs delivered meals or someone to run errands a few times a week. Here are some tips:

concerns tothe doctor,and if you havepower ofattorney for Pay close attention to your a parent's health care, attach aging parents this holiday seaa copy of that document, says son. Does the normally tidy Linda Fodrini- Johnson, a gerihouse now seem neglected'I?s atric care manager in Walnut there hoarding? Do you notice Creek, Calif. memory problems, confusion Also consider hiring a gerior physical unsteadiness? atric care manager — a social Discovering that a parent's worker, nurse, psychologist or physical or mental health is gerontologist with additional decliningcan be heavy on the Assess needs training and certificationheart. It also can be hard on Ask your p arent's physi- for a consultation or an assessyour finances. cian what his or her physical ment. They know the nuances "The first thing we tell our and mental deficits are — as- of elder care and local orgaclients is, don't panic," says suming your p arent allows nizations that help seniors reByron Cordes, president of you to sit in on appointments main independent, says Ms. the National Association of or consentsto the release of Fodrini- Johnson. Professional Geriatric C are their m e dical i n f ormation. A o n e-time c o nsultation Managers, and a g e r iatric- You can always send written costs about $150. An assessMarketWatch

ment typically runs $500 to $700, Cordes says. You can find a geriatric care manager near you at caremanager.org.

Your local Area Agency on Aging offers information on in-home support, transportation, adult day care, skilled nursing facilities and senior Take stock of benefits nutrition programs. See a diVisit Bene f itsCheckUp. rectoryof those agencies here org, a site run by the National www.n4a.org/. Council on Aging, to find out Is your parent a veteran or what benefits, discounts and the widow or spouse of one? programs your parent may be Eldercare.gov, a governmenteligible for. sponsored site, ca n d i r ect A search for a M e dicare you to your local veterans' reb eneficiary wh o o w n s h e r source centerfor help applyArizona home and has three ing for benefits, among other chronic medical c onditions services. turned up 11programs, includ-

ing a discount drug program, free legal assistance and caregiver respite.

Medicaid coversthem under certain conditions. Ifyour parent needs Medicaid coverage, timing matters,

says Gregory French, presi-

dent of the National Academy of Elder Law A ttorneys, or NAELA, and an elder-law attorney in Cincinnati. Eligibility can be harmed if your parent makes cash gifts or transfers assets within five years of applying for Medicaid, he says. In a best-case scenario, families work with an elder-law attorney before the aging parent loses the ability to make Timing is everything decisions. Medicare d o esn't c o v er Find a N A E L A m e mber most long-term care costs. here www.naela.org.




eot ert eo in-aw ro em By Nara Schoenberg Chicago Tribune

Does your husband's family time include listening to his father tell him all the ways he doesn'tquite measure up? Didyour wife spend December entertaining siblings who seem to have forgotten how to clear a plate, bring a salad or operate a dishwasher'? The hostile in-law gets most of the attention in pop culture, with films such as "Monsterin-Law" and "Meetthe Fockers" highlighting the tensions that can arise when the relative-by-marriage fails to meet the expectations of a doting mom or dad. Many of us this holiday season may have been less concerned with how our in-laws treatedus,and more worried about how we did or did not respond when they criticized or misused our long-suffering spouses or partners. "That is a little challenging — to say the least," says clinical psychotherapist Deanna Brann, author of "Reluctantly Related: Secrets to Getting Along With Your Mother-inLaw or Daughter-in-Law" (Vi-

sion Run).

The good news is that there are approachestohandlingthe situation and you, the spouse of the family punching bag, can often make a difference, experts and observers say. "Having a supp o r tive spouse orpartner helps a lot," says Fred Telegdy, founder of the blog "I Hate My In-Laws!" (ihatemyinlaws.com). "You can say: 'You know, we don't have to go to your family's house. We can go on vacation. We can go to Hawaii. We can have a lot of fun and do our own thing.'" If you want to help your spouse deal with the problem, start by a s k ing q uestions, Brann says. Does the situation even bother your mate'? If so, what could you do to help him deal with it? "The beauty of talking to your partner is your partner now feels like they have an ally — all those years they might have felt they were alone," Brann says, "so just feeling that someone really hears you and gets it and understands your pain can sometimes give you enoughconfidence to take a step." If your spouse doesn't see

a solution to, say, a parent's constant criticism and wants your help, you can suggest setting some firm boundaries. A sample script for your spouse might read, "You know, Dad, I don't want to hear it anymore, so the next time you put me down, I'm going to leave the room." The idea, Brann says, is to say this in a clear, loving and noncombative way, and to follow through. Don't discuss the issue, she says. Don't argue. "Don't try to get them to understand; they never wilL So change your behavior," she

nonchalant, Brann says, but don't offer wiggle room. If your spouse doesn't want to act, you probably shouldn't go it alone, Brann says. Odds are, you'll make the situation worse. "The family has no vested interest in you, per se," she says. "It's harder for families to stay angry at family members — and it's easier for them to hold grudges against nonfamily members. That's typically what will happen." Susan Forward, therapist and author of the best-seller "Toxic Parents: Overcoming says. Their Hurtful Legacy and ReA certain kind of dad will claiming Your Life" (Bantam), figure out pretty quickly that, says that if the situation is unif he wants to spend time with acceptable and your partner his son, he has to change a cer- isn't willing to take action, you tain behavior. He may think do have an option - albeit one this is ridiculous, but he'll get that isn't likely to be particuwith the program. larly good for your marriage: With f amily f r eeloaders, You can tell your partner he's Brann suggests a similar no- on his own. "You can say, 'You deal nonsense approach. If your spouse wants to act, agree with them whatever way you that he, or both of you, will want to, but don't involve me,'" make specific, time-sensitive Forward says. "'If you need to requestsforhelp from unhelp- see them, I'm not going with ful houseguests: "Mom, I need you and I'm not going to have you to watch the kids while them here because they make I'm in the shower." Be nice and me miserable.'"


The Bulletin file photo

Participants in the annual Polar Bear Plunge jump in the pool at the Sunriver Resort. a.m.; Fort Funnigan, 17600 Center Drive, Sunriver; 800-486-8591 or www.sunriver-resort.com.

FRIDAY SURVIVOR,ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. highdesertmuseum.org.

TUESDAY POLAR BEAR PLUNGE: Takean icy plunge into the Lodge Village's outdoor pool; hot chocolate served; free; 10 a.m.; Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive; 800-486-8591 or www.sunriver-resort.com/ traditions. SURVIVOR,ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. highdesertmuseum.org.

SATURDAY INDOOR SWAP MEET: Featuring 70 local vendors, with new and used items, antique collectibles, crafts and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; no venue, 694 S.E. Third St, Bend; 541-317-4847. SURVIVOR,ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. highdesertmuseum.org.

WEDNESDAY SURVIVOR,ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. highdesertmuseum.org.



SURVIVOR, ANIMALSADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. highdesertmuseum.org.



THURSDAY SURVIVOR,ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. highdesertmuseum.org.



::.4k '

Photos hy Joe Kline /The Bulletin

Construction Manager Rich Blanchette, left, talks to Stephen Crabtree, 18, of Redmond, about some work to do under the sink at a house being rehabbed in Redmond.

YouthBuild Continued from 01 The students in YouthBuild train with a crew leader, who is a licensed contractor, to learn the construction trade.

Details M entuck says m o s t o f the students in the program are teenagers. Frequently, she says, the students have dropped out of school and are hoping to reengage in s ome way. Both men a n d women are involved in the program and th e students come from throughout the


house as part of the YouthBuild

program. Students in the program can earn a $1,175 scholarship if they compiete certain benchmarks.

region — she says one young woman is currently commut-

ing from Warm Springs to attend. YouthBuild is able to assist with some transportation needs for the students involved. It is a six-month program and staff members follow up with the students for a year afterward. About 20 students are enrolled in each session. Students in the program receive a living stipend of between $100 to $175 a week, and by completing certain benchmarks can earn a scholarship of $1,175. Throughout the program, students work with a n a d vocate who helps them with education and personal goals. Afterthe program concludes,

Cruz Hernandez,18, of Redmond, right, and Michael Jones, 16, of Redmond, scrape plaster off the ceiling while working to rehab a

students have access to the advocates for the next year. They offer career guidance, tips on interview skills, resume writing and more. Mentuck says about half of the students in the YouthBuild end up completing the

program each year. The program is nationwide and is headquartered in Boston. The group partners with nonprofit F i r s t S t o r y in Redmond to identify low-in-

come families and to work on projects with them.

"The goal is to help young

people challenge themselves in a new environment," said Mentuck. A nd while many o f t h e students plan to go into the construction industry, many choose another career path. But learning to work in a professional environment is still valuable. "We help t h e m d r e am

SURVIVOR,ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. highdesertmuseum.org. ROCKIN' NEWYEAR'S EVE: Featuring cardboard instruments, singing and more; reservations requested; $70; 6:30 p.m.-12:30

YouthBuild information session

and should let their adult chil- when a someone is struggling dren have the same opporshe said g r andparents Continued from 01 tunity even if it means they should stay close and make " They're going t o m a k e make mistakes,she said. themselves available so their their own way as best they Rather than o f fer t h eir children can turn to them if can," she said. Grandpar- adult children advice or tell they need help. "How do you want your ents must keep in mind they them what they should dolearned how to b e p arents two things that can lead to re- co-workers or supervisors to largely though trial and error sentment and anger, at a time help you at work," she said,

Jan.4 SURVIVOR,ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. highdesertmuseum.org.

STORY TIMES and library youth events

What: Learn more about YouthBuild during an information session When:5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Jan. 8 Contact:541-633-7834

• For the weekof Dec. 28to Jan. 3. Story timesare freeunless otherwise noted.

or www.heartoforegon. org; details about the program andapplications are available online

19530 Amber MeadowDrive, Bend; 541-388-1188 • STORYTIME:All ages; 11 a.m. Thursday.

about what a successful future would look like," said Mentuck. The group is currently accepting applications for the coming s ession. M e ntuck says students should be "motivated to re-engage and complete their education." People should also have the ability to commit the time for six months and complete a background check (although not all criminal activity would disqualify an applicant). Y outhBuild is f und e d t hrough a g r ant f ro m t h e D epartment of L a bor a n d some funding from private foundations, with some help from the Redmond School District. — Reporter: 541-617-7860, ajohnson@bendbulletin.com

I i

comparing the r elationship between grandparents and their adult children to relationships that exist in the professional world. "You don't want them hovering over you or micromanaging you." — Reporter: 541-617-7816, mmclean@bendbulletin.com

:I I

2690 N.E U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242 • ONCE UPON ASTORYTIME: All ages; 11 a.m. Friday. I



:' I I



• ~

175 S.W. MeadowLakesDrive, Prineville; 541-447-7978 • PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: Ages 3and older; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and11 a.m. Thursday. • WEE READ: Ages 0-3; 10 a.m. Monday andWednesday. I I





601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7097 • OLD FASHIONED FAMILYGAMEDAY:All ages; 2 p.m. Wednesday. • MUSICALADVENTURES: Ages 0-5; Cascade School of Music hosts event; limited space; 11a.m.Thursday. I '


62080 DeanSwift Road; 541-330-3760 • Storytimes resume week of Jan. 7.

59800S.U.S.Highway97,Bend;www.highdesertmuseum.org;541-382-4754 • Unless noted, eventsincluded with admission ($15 aduits, $12ages 65 and older,$9ages 5-f2, freeages 4and younger) • WILD WEDNESD AYS:Ages 7-12; treasure hunt; 12:30 p.m. to close Wednesday. • BACKPACK EXPLORERS:Ages3-4; explore museum's animal habitat, share stories and songs;10 to11 a m.Thursday; $15 per child nonmembers, $10 per child members. I


• •


241 S.W. Seventh St., Madras; 541-475-3351 • SPANISHSTORYTIME: All ages; 1 p.m. Wednesday. j


16425 First St.; 541-312-1090 • Storyti mes resume weekof Jan. 7. I




I '


827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1054 • Storyti mes resume weekof Jan. 7. 110 N. CedarSt.;541-312-1070 • BLOCK PARTY: Ages 6and older: Lego Universe; 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday. I

56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1080

• Storyti mes resume week of Jan. 7.




moe ma e or ai-wa in romance By Simon Romero

cats, fish and rodents like the Mongolian gerbil, the focus is clearly on dogs. Juliana Lima, 24, a psychology student who works at Animalle grooming and bathing dogs, said that demand for the dog motel was robust, even though it was not yet clear whether any of the coupling sessions were set to

New York Times News Service

Submitted photo

Passersby loveBiggie Say hello to Biggie, a13year-old "BHD" (big hairy dog). Biggie was rescuedfrom a high-kill animal shelter as a puppy, and not knowing his true lineage isactually a bonus because somany people stop to ask about him — they like

guessing his breedmix. He has perfected the lean-in, which most of the time leads to

passersby petting him. Biggie lives in Bendandcommutes to downtown every day with owner Deb Kraus. His favorite past-

times are skiing atWanoga's dog-friendly trails or walking on the Deschutes River Trail.

To submit a photo for publication, email a high-resolu-

tion image alongwith your animal' sname,ageandspecies or breed, your name,age, city of residenceandcontact information, and afew words about what makes your pet

special. Sendphotos to pets© bendbulletin.com; drop them off at1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. in Bend; or mail them to The Bulletin Pets section, P.O. Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708. Contact: 541-383-0358.


BELO HORIZONTE, Brazil — Heart-shaped ceiling mirror: check. Curtains drawn against the bright day: check. Red mattress: check. T he e s tablishment t h a t o pened here this year h as features that demanding clients naturally expect from a produce offspring. "We've only been open for a love motel. Brazil, after all, is a world leader in these shortfew months," Lima said, "and stay pleasure palaces,which this is a new thing." beckon couples for trysts away 'Lovely'ambiatKe from prying eyes with names like Swing, Absinthe and AliThe dog motel taps into a bi, and design motifs like mecertain fascination in Brazil dieval castles or the American with short-stay accommodaWild West. tions for sexual activities. Brazil's "moteis" (the singular in But Belo Horizonte's newest love motel stands apart from Portuguese is simply "motel") the crowd in one crucial asare similar to American motels pect. It is for dogs. in that many are on roadsides Animalle Mundo Pet, an and offer easy — and, some eight-story enterprise in an upPhotos by Lalo de Almeida/ New York Times News Service customers hope, anonymous scale district in this city of 2.4 Teresa Cristina Carvalho brought Mel, her Shih Tzu, to the pet motel at Animalle Mundo Pet in Belo — access for motorists. But in million people, introduced its Horizonte, Brazil, to show him the accommodations. She plans to bring him back when he's in heat. this country, they share certain dog motel alongside aisles feafeatures, like their architecture turing items like beef-flavored and thematic settings, with JaDog Beer (nonalcoholic), a shops in the country generate pan's renowned love hotels. dog spa with a Japanese ofuro more than $6 billion in total The dog owners filing into soaking tub and canine apparannualrevenue. Animalle often cannot resist el emblazoned with the symTo open the dog motel, the gawking behind the blinds of bols of the local soccer clubs siblings leased a former chil- the Motel Pet. dren's hospital in Gutierrez, a "The a mbience here i s Atletico Mineiro and Cruzeiro. "I adore the romantic feel leafy area of Belo Horizonte. lovely," said Teresa Cristina of this place," said Andreia They now offer lodging for Carvalho, who showed her Kfoury, 43, a manager at a dogs and cats, a pet taxi that Shih Tzu puppy, named Mel t echnology c o mpany w h o picks up and delivers animals, ("Honey"), the accommodapeeked inside the Motel Pet a dog cafe selling delicacies tions. "We'll r eturn when one recentmorning while she like b e ef-flavored m u f f ins Mel is in heat," she said, addand her husband were on a and a store selling specialty ing that in the meantime she clothes-buying spree for their products like Chic Animale, a would buy her puppy a bottle Yorkshireterrier,Harley. The perfume for dogs that is pro- of Dog Beer. "Mel gets agitated with so couple, who are motorcycle Mauricio and Andreia Kfoury said they would bring their Yorkshire duced in Porto Alegre, a city in enthusiasts, bought about $500 terrier, Harley, to Animalle Mundo Pet's dog motel to breed. southern Brazil. It sells for $40 much stimulation, and needs worth of imported Harley-Daabottle. to relax a bit," Carvalho said. vidson brand items for their While parts of the estab- "Come to think of it, I need dog. cats has been opened; and was taking off," said Daniela lishment cater to owners of some peace and quiet as well." "I'm definitely bringing Har- some plasticsurgeons provide Guimaraes Loures, 28, a Dalley back here when it's time Botox injections for dogs. matian owner who invested SelfReferrals Welcome for him to breed," a smiling Since an economic stabili- $1 million with her brother to "He is very maKfoury said. zation program was put into open Animalle in July. Refercho, and would be a hit in this effect in the 1990s, per capita ring to figures published in place." income has risen sharply in Brazilian t r ad e m a gazines Whether dogs like Harley Brazil, to about $10,700 a year, like Pet Business, she said pet actually need a romantic, cur- according to the World Bank, tained-off suite to breed seems allowing people to spend more beside the point. Some dog on pets. Families have gotten owners simply like the concept smaller, with Brazil's fertilof a love motel for their amo- ity rate declining to less than rous pets and are willing to 1.9 children per woman, from pay about $50 for each session, 2.5 in the 1990s, according to s which Animalle will happily government statistics, giving • arrange. If it does not work out pets new importance in many as planned, some are prepared homes. And life expectancy to pay even more for artificial has climbed to 73, from 67, in insemination, another of Ani- that time, adding to the years SPOPTS malle's services. people may turn to pets as PPESENTED BY THE BULLETIN 8t PINE MOUN Al companions. Emerging doggie culture The emergence ofa middleThe beehivelike atmosphere class Brazil, in particular, has at Belo Horizonte's pet mega- led to a rapid growth in serstore, which employs a staff of vices for dogs and their enthu35 (not counting the veterinar- siastic owners. In some niches, ians on call), points not only to Brazil surpasses the United Brazil's surging pet dog popu- States and other high-income lation, now about 36 million, countries: The nation is No. I in but also to major changes in per capita ownership of small Brazilian society after years of dogs (weighing 20 pounds or economic growth and shifting less), with nearly 20 million, demographic patterns. Simiaccording to Euromonitor, a lar stores thrive in other large market research company. skis, TREK 8 SantaCruzbikes, clothing, shoes, "I was tired of practicing law Brazilian cities; in Sao Paulo, sunglasses, outerwear, split boards & more! a public hospital for dogs and and saw that the dog market

Hear Ceoter

Submitted photo

More than just ears Meet Marvin, a 1-year-old Chihuahua mix who is more than just ears. He would love a

lap to snuggle in, but is always up for the next adventure. He

loves peopleand attention and has a great temperament. He likes other dogs and seems to do well with cats. If you would like to meet Marvin, or any other animal available for adoption at the shelter, visit 61170 S.E. 27th St., Bend. All adoptions include

spay or neuter surgery, a free health exam at alocal vet, microchip ID, collar, leash or carrying box, ID tag, training DVD,

free food andmore. Contact: 541-382-3537.





Win attd ttse it for:

One Winter Winner

PETS CALENDAR Meadow Drive, Suite D, Bend; Mare Shey at 541-312-3766 or www .dancinwoofs.com. BEGINNEROBEDIENCE:Basic PUPPY KINDERGARTEN CLASSES: skills, recall, leash manners; $110Training, behavior and socialization 125; 6 p.m. Mondays or Tuesdays; classes for puppies 10 to 16 weeks preregister; call for directions; old; $80; 6:30 p.m. Thursdays; Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or preregister; call for directions; www.PawsitiveExperience.com. Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or INTERMEDIATE OBEDIENCE: Of fwww.PawsitiveExperience.com. leash workand recall with distractions PUPPY LIFE SKILLS: $120 for six $110; 6 p.m.Wednesdays; preregister; weeks; 5 p.m.; Tuesdays; Desert call for directions; Meredith Gage, SageAgility,24035 Dodds Road, 541-318-8459 or www.Pawsitive Bend; Jan at 541-420-3284 or Experience.com. www.desertsageagility.com. K9 NOSE WORK: Drop-in class for advanced students; $15 per session; PUPPYMANNERSCLASS: Social skillsfor puppies upto 6 months; 6 p.m. Fridays; preregister; Friends $110 for seven-week class, cost for Life Dog Training, 2121 S.W. includes materials; 6-7 p.m. Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Dennis Mondays; preregister; Friendsfor Life Fehling at 541-350-2869, Pam Dog Training, 2121 S.W.Deerhound Bigoni at 541-306-9882 or www Ave., Redmond; DennisFehling at .friendsforlifedogtraining.com. 541-350-2869 or www.friendsforlife OBEDIENCE CLASSES: Six-week, dogtraining.com. drop-in classes; $99.95; 4 and 5p.m. Six-week, Mondays, 4 and 5 p.m. Fridays, and PUPPY OBEDIENCE: drop-in classes; $99.95; 10 a.m. 12 p.m. Saturdays; Petco, 3197 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; Loel Jensen Saturdays; Petco, 3197 N. U.S. Highway97, Bend; Loel Jensen at 541-382-0510. at 541-382-051 0. OBEDIENCE FORAGILITY: Six TREIBALLCLASS: $120 for six weeks; $120; 5 p.m. Mondays; weeks; Saturdays, call for times; Desert Sage Agility, 24035 Dodds Desert Sage Agility, 24035 Dodds Road, Bend; Stephanie Morris at Road, Bend; Jan at 541-420-3284 or 541-633-6774 or www.desertsageagility.com. www.desertsageagility.com. ANNE GESER:In-home individual PUPPY101:Puppies ages 8 to 13 marker training with positive weeksold mayjoin anyweek;$85 reinforcement; 541-923-5665. for four weeks; 7-8 p.m. Tuesdays; Dancin' Woofs, 63027 N.E Lower CASCADE ANIMALCONNECTION:


S.A.N.E. Solutions for challenging dog behavior, Tellington TTouch, private lessons; Kathy Cascade at 541-516-8978 or kathy@ sanedogtraining.com. DANCIN' WOOFS:Behavioral counseling; 63027 Lower Meadow Drive, Suite D, Bend; Mare Sheyat 541-312-3766 or www.dancin woofs.com. DIANN'S HAPPY TAILS: Private training, day care, boarding/board and train; La Pine Training Center, Diann Hecht at 541-536-2458 or diannshappytails©msn.com or www.diannshappytails.com. DOGSLTD8 TRAINING: Leash aggression, training basics, day school;59860 Cheyenne Road, Bend; Linda West at 541-318-6396 or www.dogsltdtraining.com. FRIENDSFOR LIFEDOG TRAINING: Private basic obedience training and training for aggression/serious behavior problems; 2121 S.W. Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Dennis Fehling at 541-350-2869 or www .friendsforlifedogtraining.com. LIN'S SCHOOL FOR DOGS: Behavior training and AKCring-ready coaching; 63378 Nels Anderson Road,Suite7,Bend;LinNeumann at 541-536-1418 or www.linsschool fordogs.com. PAWSITIVEEXPERIENCE:Private training and consulting; Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or www .PawsitiveExperience.com.

One SpringWinner One SummerWinner One Fall Winner Gift card will beactivated at the beginning of its season.Thewinter gift card will be activated on January31, 2013.

Additional entryforms are available m newspapers for salethroughout Central Oregon and in the lobby of TheBulletin. Last dayto enter is noon. January iS. 2013. Aii four wmners will be drawn andannounced at noon on January 31, 2013 ai Pee Mountain Sports.

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n emore arewe oi ic a r TV SPOTLIGHT By Rich Heidenfeis Attron Beacon Journal


New Year's Eve lost some of its luster in April. Dick Clark, the music and TV mogul and frequent personality, diedthen, endingmore than half a century in television. Part of his video legacy is "Dick Clark's The Associated Press file photo New Year's Rockin' Eve," a lateDick Clark broadcasts from Times Square in New York during New night mainstay since the 1970s, Year's festivities in 1996. with Clark long the host and the

show even adding a prime-time component. A fter he suffered a stroke in 2004, Clarkmissed that year's telecast; he returned in 2005 but with a reduced role — and Ryan Seacrest as the de facto host. In 2008, the show was renamed "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve With Ryan Seacrest." That will still be the name again this year, and Clark will be part of the programming. At 8 p.m. Monday, ABC will

present the two-hour special "New Year's Rockin' Eve Celebrates Dick Clark," which promises to revisit "through clips and reminiscences, the legendary television personality who rang intheNew Year forfourdecades and launched and nurtured the careers of countless artists." It will be followed at 10 p.m. by an hour of "Dick Clark's Primetime New Year's Rockin' Eve With Ryan Seacrest," then a break for local news before "New Year's

Rocking Eve" at ll:30 p.m. rolls on until 2:12 a.m. Tuesday. Taylor Swift, Carly Rae Jepsen and Flo Rida are among the scheduledperformers, but I will be thinking about Clark. I admired Clark's indomitable determination to come back to "Rockin' Eve" after his stroke — that, as I said after his 2005 return, his presence was a reminder to people that a stroke may slow you down, but it doesn't necessarily stop you.





8 p.m. on H Cl, "Shark Tank" — In a first for the show, an entrepreneur who walked away from a deal is back to try again. James Martin of Oregon gets advice from Jim Koch, co-founder of the Boston Beer Co.— makers of Samuel Adams — as he considers a new offer to invest in his wine-in-a-cup business.


This guide, compiled by Orlando Sentinel film critic Roger Moore, is published here every Friday It should be used with the MPAA rating system for selecting movies suitable for children. Films rated G, PG or PG-13areincluded, along with R-ratedfilms that may have entertainment or educational value for older children with parental guidance. "PARENTALGUIDANCE" Rating:PG for some rude humor What it's about:When their kids drop off THEIR kids at granny and grandpas, child-rearing turns old school, thanks to Bette Midler and Billy Crystal. The kid attractor factor:Kids behaving badly, toilet jokes, Bette and Billy. Goodlessons/bad lessons: "There's no such thing as 'The Perfect Parent.'"

Violence:Off-camera fisticuffs, bullying. Language:Quite tame. Sex:A little flirtation, a few crude trips to the toilet. Drugs: Wine is consumed. Parents' advisory: The family friendliest of the holiday season comedies, suitable for all ages. "THE GUILTTRIP" Rating:PG-13 for language and

some risque material What it's about:A hapless son takes his micro-managing mom along on a cross country salestrip to meet ex-flames - his, and hers. The kid attractor factor:Seth Rogen and Barbra Streisand in a tiny red rental car, griping all the way. Good lessons/bad lessons:Mother knows best, especially when it comes to traveling on a budget. Violence:A punch is thrown. Language:A teensy bit of cursing.

8 p.m. onQ~3,"DreamWorks Dragons:Gift of the Night Fury" — Based on the hit animated film "How to Train Your Dragon," this special returns to the villagers of Berk as they prepare for the winter holidays. As the festivities approach, the dragons make a sudden mass exodus, leaving Hiccup, Astrid, Stoick and the rest of the gang saddened by the loss of their winged friends. A wild turn of events leads Hiccup to discover a mysterious, neverbefore-seen island and learn exactly why the dragons left.

Paramount Pictures via The Associated Press

Seth Rogen and Barbra Streisand star in "The Guilt Trip." Sex:Discussed, and a strip club is visited. Drugs:Alcohol is consumed.

Pa r ents' advisory: Quite mildmannered for a PG-13 movie, suitable for10 and up.

In- aws are insensitive to trauma MOVIE TIMESTODAY

8:38 p.m. oniDr, "Ice Age: A MammothChristmas" — This holiday special, based on the "Ice Age" films, finds the arctic herd busily decorating for the holidays. In his rush to help, Sid destroys Manny's favorite decorations. Manny is so upset that he convincesSid he is now onSanta's naughty list. Joined by Crash, Eddie and Peaches, Sid takes off for the North Pole to plead his case to Santa. Meanwhile, Manny, Ellie and Diego race to find Peaches.

• There may beanadditional fee for 3-Dand IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. I

Dear Abby:My daughter was repeatedly date-raped at the age of 16. Her predator threatened to kill her if she ever told, so she kept it to herself until she could get away from him. It was a very scary time in her life, but with the help of counseling she is working DEAR through it and movABBY ing on with her life. T he problem i s , while visiting with my in-laws it was pointed out to us that my mother-in-law had made a collage of pictures and included in it the person who raped my daughter. In all, there are five pictures of him in group settings. When my husband asked her calmly to rem ove them,she refused. She says it would punish the other grandchildren if she removed the pictures, and it would "ruin her collage." We have asked her three times, but she refuses to budge. She says WE all need counseling and that the request is completely out of line. Do you think our request was out of line'? — Appalled in Illinois Dear Appalled: Of course not! Was your m other-in-law aware of what this person had done to her granddaughter when the collage was created?Ifso, her reaction is bizarre and unbelievably insensitive. Approach her once more and

ask if she would agree to take the

collage to a photographer so your daughter's attacker can be digitally edited out of it. If that's not possible, perhaps she would agree to take down the collage when your family visits. However, if the response to that request is also negative, I wouldn't blame you if you went there very rarely, if ever. Dear Abby: What do you say to people when they tell you they will "pray for you" when you're dealing with an illness or other life tragedy if you are a nonbeliever'? Statistics say that 34 percent ofAmericans are nonbelievers, so please address this to the 34 percentwho share my feelings of appreciation for the sentiment, but feel like hypocrites for playing along to reciprocate their kindness. I wonder if any of your nonbeliever readers can share how they internally deal with this dilemma. — Nonbeliever, But Grateful Dear Nonbeliever: I'm sure they will,in droves. However, because nonbelievers physically resemble those who ARE believers, and nonbelievers don't usually wear symbols indicating their nonbelief, it's understandable that someone of faith would attempt to offer comfort that way. And most people battling a serious illness welcome a "blast of positivity," whether it is couched

HAPPYBIRTHDAYFORFRIDAY, DEC. 28, 2012:This yearyou often think one wayabout an issue but act on it in a different way. You'll feel one thing, but thinkyou should do something else. This internal conflict helpsyou discover which voiceto respond Stars showthe kind to. Many times, the of day you'll have pe ople around you ** * * * D ynamic don't know how to ** * * P ositive re s pond to these ** * Average mixed signals. If ** So-so you continue to * Difficult flip-flop in this way, both professional and personal relationships could suffer. If you are single, you will meet someonewho knocksyour socks off. You knowwhatyou want and what to do. If you areattached, openly discuss your mental process in order to avoid any negative responses. CANCERhas the same issues as you. ARIES (March 21-April19) ** * * You could find yourself on both the giving and receiving end of asurprise. On some level, you might feel as if you must answerto someone; ontheotherhand,you also recognizeyour own needs. Apartner might be difficult when it comes to financial matters. Tonight: Flex.

TAURUS (April20-May20) ** * * * K eep conversations moving, especially if you think there is anunderlying problem. Yes, youeventually will have to deal with this issue, but the timing is off right now. Realize that many people areoffkilter. Tonight: Hang out with a loved one.

GEMINI (May21-June28) ** * Know what is going on behind the scenes. You might find that you're not ready to deal with all of the consequences involved with a partnership and/or a money

YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacquetine Bigar

matter. Your lack of energy very well could have colored your thinking. Tonight: Do whatfeels right.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) ** * * * T he Full Moon points to you. As a result, you might be reactive and cause yourself a problem. You'll try to take command of your life, but there are so many unpredictable elementsthat it might not work out. Know that you canadjust to the situation. Tonight: Do your thing.

LEO (July23-Aug. 22) * **Much is goingon behindthe scenes. Acting on whatyou think could be difficult at best. Gather information, but avoid making a judgment for about a week, if possible. Today's events will have a different appearance at that point. Tonight: Not to be found.

VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * * Keep your eyethe onprize. Do not get distracted by all the hoopla, unexpected events and emotional statements from others. This, too, will pass, given a little time and caring. If a conversation feels stilted, you can besure thatyou're not getting all the facts. Tonight: Join friends.

in religious terms or not. When someone offers to pray for you, it's usually because the person cares about you, knows you are sickand feelshelpless to offer anything more to help. Accept it for what it is, and say thank you rather than tell the person that what they offered is, in your eyes, worthless. That's called being gracious — re-

gardless ofyourreligiousornonreligious convictions. Dear Abby:My husband of eight years will not resolve his foot odor problem. We live in a small apartment, and it's humiliating when we have company and half the apartment smells like stinky feet. He refuses to wear socks, and his solution in winter is to open all the windows and turn on the fan as soon as he returns from work. The "airing out" never completely gets rid of the smell — and I freeze! How can I get himto change'? — Fed Up in Manhattan Dear Fed Up:You obviously can't c hange your husband, but y o u don't have to risk getting pneumonia, either. Shoe repair shops sell deodorizing products in the form

of sprays and powders. Or buy a large container of baking soda, and when your husband removes his shoes, dump a cupful into each one. The next day the smell should

be gone.




— Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P.O. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069

** * * * Y ou might want to deal with a situation differently. Howyou handle a personal matter could change once some of the intensity of the moment dies down. You could beoverserious or too demanding. Detach for a better perspective. Tonight: Wherethere is music.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21) ** * * A creative endeavor takes an unusual turn. A partner could be reactive, especially with finances. Youcould be making matters worse. Address a low-level depression, and understand thatyou can handle this problem. Tonight: Answer any questions that are posed.

CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan. 19) ** * * * T h e Full Moon affects you socially and emotionally. You might wonder what is going on with an important person in your life. If you are having difficulty explaining this person's behavior, don't get uptight. He or shemight not be able to, either. Tonight: Goalong with the program.

PISCES (Feb.19-IVlarch28)

** * You might feel pushed beyond your limit. Rather than express your ** * Pressure builds. On some level, you exasperation, hold backand do something could feel out of sync asyou look at the panorama of your life. You will become the for yourself. Friends also could be unusually ringmaster if you just relax and allow others demanding. Your finances will take a strange twist if you are not careful. Doubleto help out. Do not makeany commitments checkyourchange.Tonight:Only whatyou of your time or money for a while. Tonight: want. TGIF. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate



I Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347

• •

• ANNAKARENINA(R) 3:15, 6:45 • ARGO(R) 11:45 a.m., 3, 7:15, 9:50 • HITCHCOCK(PG-13)12: l5, 9:45 • THEHODDIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)Noon, 3:30, 7 • LES MISERADLES (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:30, 6,9:30 • A ROYAL AFFAIR (R) 2:45, 9 • SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK(R) 12:30, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15 • SKYFALL(PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 5:35 I

McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 54I-330-8562 • RED DAWN (PG-13) 6 • SEVENPSYCHOPATHS(R) 9 • WRECK-ITRALPH(PG) Noon, 3 • After7p.m., shows are 2l and older only. Younger than 2l may attend screenings before7pm. ifaccompanied by a legal guardian.

Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • GREGORYCREWDSON: BRIEFENCOUNTERS (noM PAA rating) 3:30 • HOLY MOTORS (no MPAArating) 8:30 • SAMSARA (PG-13) 6 I



Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 2:45, 6:15, 9:30 • THEHODDIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)2:30, 6:05, 9:30 • JACK REACHER (PG- l3) 3: I5, 6:15, 9:l5 • THIS IS 48(R) 2:45, 5:45, 8:45 Sisters Movie House, 720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • THEHODDIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)2:30,6 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 3:30, 6:30 • LES MISERADLES (PG-'l3) 2:45, 6:15 • PARENTALGUIDANCE (PG) 2:I5,4:30,7

AQUARIUS (Jan.28-Feb. 18) ** * * Y ou could be past the pointof no return when dealing with an associate. You also might give this person an unexpected jolt. Though atfirstyoumightfeel guilty about it, try to view your words as awakeup call .Tonight:Getsomemu ch-needed RandR.

9 p.m. onTLC,"SayYesto the Dress" —If you thought finding someone to marryyou was hard, just try putting brides-to-be in dresses that everyone can agree on. Randy Fenoli and the gang are back as the beloved TLC series returns to NewYork's famous Kleinfeld Bridal salon for its ninth season.



LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.22)

SCORPIO (Dct.23-Nov.21)


Regal Old Mill Stadium168 IMAX,680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • CIRQUEDU SOLEIL:W ORLDS AWAY (PG)1:40 • CIRQUE DU SOLEIL:WORLDSAWAY3-D (PG) 11:15a.m., 4:30, 6:50, 9: IO • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 10:50 a.m., 12:35, 2:30, 4:10, 6:05, 7:45, 9:40 • THE GUILTTRIP(PG-13)11:15 a.m., 1:45, 4:25, 6:55, 9:35 • THEHODDIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-D (PG-13) 10:40 a.m., 6:20, 10 • THEHODDIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)10:35 a.m.,2:15, 6:15, 9:55 •THE HODDIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY IMAX (PG-13) 10:45 a.m., 2:25, 6:25, 10:05 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 12:55, 3:55, 7:05, IO: I5 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2, 4, 6, 7:30, 9:30 • LIFE OF PI (PG)3:25 • LIFE OF Pl3-D (PG) 11:05 a.m., 7, 10:05 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:10 a.m., 2:30, 6, 9:20 • MONSTERS,INC.(G)1:25 • MONSTERS,INC.3-D (G)11a.m., 3:45, 7 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG) 10:55 a.m., 1:50, 4:40, 7:15, 10:20 • RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG)1:05, 3:35 • SKYFALL(PG-I3) 6:10, 9:25 • THIS IS 48(R) 12:45, 3:50, 6:55, I0: I0 • THETWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART 2 (PG13) 2:20 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies.

Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 1:30, 4:50, 8:20 • THEHODDIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-D (PG-13) 12:50, 4:30, 8:10 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 1:20, 4,6:40, 9:20 • PARENTALGUIDANCE (PG) I2:35,2:50,5:05,7:20,9:40 • THIS IS 48 (R)1:10, 4:05, 6:50, 9:35 Pine Theater, 214 N. Main St., 541-4'l6-1014 • THEHODDIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (UPSTAIRS — PG-13) 3:20, 7 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG) 4, 7:10 • The upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.

• Find a week's worth of movie times plus

film reviews inside today'sGD!Magazine.


s •




' •



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ON PAGES 3&4. COMICS & PUZZLES ~ The Bulletin

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O r e g o n

9 g 7 ~



Gardening Supplies Gardening Supplies & Equipment • & E q uipment

Hay, Grain & Feed

Maremma Guard Dog BUYING Prineville Habitat Wanted: Irrigated farm pups, purebred, great The Bulletin reserves Lionel/American Flyer ReStore ground, under pivot irSUPER TOP SOIL trains, accessories. Building Supply Resale dogs, $300 e a ch, the right to publish all BatkTurfSoil.com rioation', in C e ntral www.hershe sotlandbark.com 541 -546-61 71 . 541 -408-21 91 . OR. 541-419-2713 1427 NW Murphy Ct. Screened, soil 8 comads from The Bulletin 541-447-6934 post m i x ed , no PROMPT D E LIVERY Just bought a new boat? newspaper onto The BUYING & SE L LING Open to the public. rocks/clods. High huBulletin Internet web- All gold jewelry, silver 54X-389-9663 Just too many Sell your old one in the mus level, exc. f or classifieds! Ask about our site. and gold coins, bars, 267 collectibles? 202 flower beds, lawns, Super Seller rates! rounds, wedding sets, Fuel & Wood Have Gravel, will Travel! gardens, straight Want to Buy or Rent 541 -385-5809 The Bulletin class rings, sterling silFarm Equipment • gen tng Central Oregon tmre tgla Cinders, topsoil, fill mate- s creened to p Sell them in s o il. ver, coin collect, vinPOODLE PUPS, AKC rial, etc. Excavation 8 & Machinery Bark. Clean fill. Detage watches, dental AlI Year Dependable WANTED: Tobacco The Bulletin Classifieds septic systems. Abbas toys. Small, friendly, 8 haul. pipes - Briars, Meergold. Bill Fl e ming,Firewood: Sp lit, Del. Construction CCBI7884O liver/you 541-382-941 9. Bend. Lod g epole, 541 -548-3949. shaums and smoking loving! 541-475-3889 • Crafts & Hobbies • Cal8541-548-6812 2005 John Deere Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 54 1 -385-5809 accessories. POODLES, Toy, 4 mos. Rockhound Equipment Firewood holder 790 tractor w/box for $350. Cash, Check WANTED: RAZORSVery social; parents here 4' tall, $30. Saw, grind, sand 8 blade, loader, or Credit Card OK. • Lo s t 8 Found Gillette, Gem, Schick, Find exactly what $300. 541-520-7259 541 -504-1 1 23 quick-connect forks, p olish. L o rtone 8 541 -420-3484. etc. Shaving mugs you are looking for in the Highland Park Bend. only 143 hrs, Farmers Column LOST: D bl . s t r and and accessories. QueenslandHeelers GENERATE SOME DRY JUNIPER $185/ cLAssf Ff EDs $12,500. pearl bracelet, senFair prices paid. standard & mini,$150 & Info 541 280-5574 EXCITEMENT split, or $165 rounds 10X20 STORAGE Call 541 -390-7029 timental, 12/24. Reup. 541-280-1537 242 IN YOUR per cord. Delivered. 541 -350-3921 between 10 am-3 pm. ward! 541 -760-61 50 BUILDINGS rightwayranch.wordNEIGBORHOOD. Call 541-977-4500 or Exercise Equipment for protecting hay, press.com For newspaper Plan a garage sale and 541-678-1590 R EMEMBER: If you firewood, livestock delivery, call the don't forget to adverhave lost an animal, Save/donate your de- Inversion table used for etc. $1496 Installed. Pets 8 Supplies Circulation Dept. at tise in classified! don't forget to check Need to get an spine decompression. 541 -61 7-1 1 33. posit bottles/cans to 541-385-5800 541-385-5809. The Humane Society ad in ASAP? local al l v o l unteer, $85. 541-330-9070 CCB ¹173684. To place an ad, call in Bend 541-382-3537 The Bulletin recomnon-profit animal resGET FREE OF CREDIT kfjbuildersOykwc.net You can place it 541-385-5809 Redmond, mends extra caution cue, to help with cat CARD DEBT N OW! or email online at: 541-923-0882 when purc h as- spay/neuter costs & Cut payments by up classtbedobendbullebncom Maschio 7-ft rotary tiller, Wanted: Irrigated farm Prineville, ing products or serother veterinary bills. to half. Stop creditors www.bendbulletin.com virtually new, less than 5 g r ound, under pivot ir541-447-71 78; vices from out of the The Bulletin CRAFT Cans for Cats from calling. hrs. $7500 new; asking rigation, i n C e n tral gen tngCentral Oregon anre t903 OR Craft Cats, area. Sending cash, trailer w il l b e at: .357 mag Rossi, lever 866-775-9621 . OR 541-419-2713 54 1 -385-5809 $5000.541-421-3222 541 -389-8420. checks, or credit inaction rifle, 20" bbl, NIB, Jake's Diner, 2210 E (PNDC) f ormation may b e $449. 541-788-6365 Hwy. 20, Bend, thru Guild Wars 2 PC game, subjected to fraud. 1 2/31 . Petco, by Kel-Tec P-11, new Brand NEW! Changed ( For more i nforma- Applebee's, Bend, 1/1 9mm in box , $299. mind. $40/offer. tion about an adver- 1/14. Eagle Crest O 541-788-6365 541 -382-6806 tiser, you may call private clu b house, gl l, the O r egon State 1/15 -1/28. 389-8420, Ammo 223 and 7.62x Highspeed Internet EVAttorney General's 39, $1 p e r r o und. ERYWHERE By Satwww.craftcats.org & 541-280-2815. Office C o n sumer Facebook for info. ellite! Speeds up to Protection hotline at AR15 Smith & Wesson, 12mbps! (200x faster 1 -877-877-9392. $1300, with Red Dot, than dial-up.) Starting like new. 541-420-7100 at $49.95/mo. CALL The Bulletin NOW & G O F A ST! Sewing Central Oregon ttnre t903 CASH!! 1 -888-71 8-21 62. For Guns, Ammo & (PNDC) Reloading Supplies. Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, 541 -408-6900. all colors, starting at Shih-Mas and DachsPeople Look for Information $250. Parents on site. hund babies, beauti- Custom AK-47 rifle, unAbout Products and ful puppies, $350 8 Call 541-598-5314, f ired. N l B , $5 0 0 . Services Every Day through $300. delivered part 541 -771 -9902 541 -788-7799 The Bulletin ClassiNeds way 541-530-9490 H & H FIREARMS bella cLL-ET.E ... na charley2901 Ogmail.com Studded tires on Honda Buy, Sell, Trade, whls. 165/R-13, (2) Consign. Across From ~OO $60 541-504-1123 Butte Drive-In MorePixatBendbuletin,com Pilot 541 -382-9352 The Bulletin Offers h Wolf-Husky pups, $400; Private Party Ads Boxer/English Bulldog pure Siberian Husky pups New Beretta 3901, 12 •Free ALL PHASES 3 lines - 3 days g a., $5 5 0 ; .25 7 (Valley Bulldog) puppies, $400. 541-977-7019 C ONCR E T E Weatherby Ma r k V, • Private Party Only ~CKC Ra 'd, n i dlea & • Flatwork Ithaca Mag10 • Total of items adverfawns, 1st shots. $900. Yorkie AKC pups, small, $695; Grade, $695. tised must equal $200 • Foundation 541-325-3376 ready now! Health guar., Supreme -•'' or Less shots, potty training, pixs 541 -480-71 00. W e Ca n H e l p ! • Stamped avail,$650. 541-777-7743 Ruger Bisley Vaquero FOR DETAILS or to • Pressure washer PLACE AN AD, . 357 e x c . con d , Ca II 541 -385-5809 210 leather holster, more Fax 541-385-5802 Furniture 8 Appliances $500. 503-347-7562 Wanted- paying cash SKS rifle. Seal your concrete to DACHSHUND PUPS for Hi-fi audio & stug protect against the A1 Washers&Dryers 541 -603-0669 AKC mini longhaired Service dio equip. Mclntosh, $150 ea. Full warharsh winter elements! 8M $500 eF $600 Wanted: Collector J BL, Marantz, D y ranty. Free Del. Also 541 -598-741 7 seeks high quality naco, Heathkit, San54 1 -350-61 20 wanted, used W/D's fishing items. sui, Carver, NAD, etc. 541-280-7355 Dachshund pups, mini, Call 541-678-5753, or Call 541-261 -1 808 smooth. Permanent love 503-351 -2746 • a f or t h e N e w Ye a r . GENERATE SOME ex261 $250 ea, 541-815-3799 citement i n your Medical Equipment neighborhood! Plan a garage sale and don't Medical Alert for Se's>4 ~~W~%W forget to advertise in 60" WIDE S C REEN niors - 24/7 monitorcolor TV, rolling stand, P classified! Taste of the Wild ing. FREE Equipment. gI works great, $ 1 25 FREE Shipping. Na541-385-5809. OBO. 541-526-5478 r DOG FOOD 38 S O LB tionwide Ser v i ce. I German Sh e pherd NEED TO CANCEL 257 $29.95/Month CALL YOUR AD? pups, parents on site. Medical Guardian ToThe Bulletin Musical Instruments Ready Now! $ 5 00. 3 O F F A il Flavors day 8 8 8 -842-0760. Classifieds has an 541 -280-21 1 8 (PNDC) "After Hours" Line Blue Buffalo Jack Russell m ale puppy, CalI 541 -383-2371 RE-ROOFSPECIAllSTSI DOG FOOD 9 wks,long legs, smooth 24 hrs. to cancel Roof Repairs, Tools qae coat, t r i-color. $ 2 50. your ad! ContinuousGutters 503-717-351 6 'a• Bill-Jax 5-ft & 3-ft scaf•a Ottoman, loveseat and Black oil Wild Bird New Construction couch, tan, new! $500 Piano, Steinway Model fold sets, 10-ft aluminum & p l ywood s c a ffold Sunflower Seeds Seed obo. 541-408-861 1 Residential/Commercial 0 Baby Grand I 91 1, boards, casters, levelers artist qual- & braces, nice set, paid W hirlpool stac k e d gorgeous, Flat, Metal & Green Ro ofs 5II LB $23" SO LB 15 ity instrument w/great $3600, asking $2000. e e e washer & dryer set, action Labradoodles - Mini 8 & S t einway's Roof Snow R e m o val med size, several colors large capacity, many warm, rich sound. Will 541-350-3921 W 541-923-2400 options, works great! adorn any living room, Delta bench band saw, 6 541-504-2662 CCB 1187151 4626 SW Quarry Ave, ~ g g www.alpen-ridge.com $35 0 . 541-416-0296 church or music stubrand new, w/access. Redmond dio perfectly. New re$145. 541-504-1123 BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! tail $ 6 9,000. Sacri-Rockwell 10n contractors ->t www.quarryavenuefeed.com . „.yg' The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are fice at $26,000 OBO, still over 2,000 folks in our community without saw w/mag starter, good call 541-383-3150. permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift c ondition, $175. C a l l camps, getting by as best they can. 541-389-2600 The following items are badly needed to help them get through the winter: Contact your Bulletin Advertising Regresentative for more information or Building Materials5 @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ Bend's Indoor Swap New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. Meet - A Mini-Mall full Nena CIOSe: 54I -383-0395 e email: nCIOSe@WeSCOmPaPerS.COm La Pine Habitat 8 WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. of Unique Treasures! RESTORE TOnya MCKiernan: 54I-6I7-7865 e email: tmCkiernanoWeSCompaperS.Com 3rd St. & Wilson Ave. PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT Building Supply Resale 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER Quality at 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. Buying Diamonds LOW PRICES /Gold for Cash 52684 Hwy 97 For Special pick up please call 541-536-3234 Ken @ 541-389-3296 Saxon's Fine Jewelers PLEASE HELP, YOU CAN MAKEA DIFFERENCE. 541 -389-6655 Open to the public .


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Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities


Thursday • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N oon Wed. Fr i d ay . . . . . . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate • • • • • • • • • • • 11:00 am Fri • Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . 3 : 0 0 pm Fri. • • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Sunday. • • • • Starting at 3 lines

"UNDER '500in total merchandise

OVER '500in total merchandise

7 days .................................................. $10.00 14 days................................................ $16.00

Garage Sale Special

4 days.................................................. $18.50 7 days.................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50

4 lines for 4 days..................................

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FURNITURE OUTLET has entry level position available, part time, 20-35 hours a week. Must be able to work weekends, retail/customer


ence helpful.

is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702

you may call I tiser, the Oregon State


LThe BulletttT, g


KOrj0rj 528

Loans & Mortgages

INTERFOR Gilchrist, OR location:

• Lumber Graders Seeking experienced Graders; pine graders with 1 year

• Planer Technician

Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809

Co n s umert I Office Protection hotline at l I 1-877-877-9392. I

only at 1735 NE Hwy 20, Bend. MANUFACTURING

Call a Pro

I Attorney General's I

Apply in person

exper. preferred.

PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday.

I 605 I Roommate Wanted I credit i n f o rmationI I may be subjected to Sharecozy mobile home FRAUD. I in Terrebonne, $275+ ya more informautils. 503-679-7496 I For tion about an adver- I

8 DiEflxcs@

is seeking applicants for the following positions at their

The Bulletin bendbuuetln.com



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Remember.... The Bulletin A dd your web a d dress to your ad and I Recommends extra caution when purreaders on The products or I Bulletin' s web site chasing will be able to click services from out of area. Sending through automatically I the c ash, checks, o r to your site.

WARNING The Bulletin recom-


Rooms for Rent A

Houses for Rent General

Northeast Bend Homes

Take care of your investments with the help from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory

Redmond Homes

Sweetest 4 bdrm, 2 bath in Bend! 1635 sq ft, great Rented your proplovingly erty? The Bulletin neighborhood, upgraded for 7 years. Classifieds O pen f loorplan, R V has an "After Hours" parking, garden, hot tub, Line. Call & so much more. For 541-383-2371 24 details 8 photos go to hours to www.tangocreekhome.com d!

Seller Financing Avail! Not Bank-ownedNot a Short Sale! 11185 DesertSky Lp. Houses for Rent 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,350 sq. Redmond ft., 1-level home in desirRidge a t E a gle Newer 2326 sq.ft. deluxe able Crest Resort. Beautiful home, 3/3, gas fire- fully furnished home with place, 7500' lot, fenced hot tub & gas fireplace. yard, 1655 SW Sara- Move-In ready! $179,900 soda Ct. $ 1 195/mo. Call Peter for more 541-350-2206 into at 541-419-5391 www.gorillacapital.com 687 658

q uiet r o o m n e a r Commercial for downtown & College. No smoking or drugs. Rent/Lease $350 incl. util. $100 dep. 541-815-9938 Spectrum professional building 350' - 500' Studios 8 Kitchenettes Furnished room, TV w/ $1.00 per ft. total. No cable, micro 8 fridge. N NN. C a l l An d y , 541-385-6732. Utils & l inens. New owners. $145-$165/wk

mends you use caution when you provide personal 541-382-1885 information to companies offering loans or 634 credit, especially Apt./Multiplex NE Bend those asking for advance loan fees or companies from out of e GREAT wlNTER e DEAL! state. If you have 2 bdrm, 1 bath, concerns or questions, we suggest you $530 & $540 w/lease. Carports included! consult your attorney or call CONSUMER FOX HOLLOW APTS. HOTLINE, 1-877-877-9392.

(541) 383-3152

X'DjD jrj

Looking for yournext employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at


Homes for Sale


Good classified ads tell Cascade Rental the essential facts in an Management. Co. BANK OWNED HOMES! BANK TURNED YOU FREE List w/Pics! interesting Manner. Write Ca/I for Specials! DOWN? Private party ence required; Sawwww.BendRepos.com from the readers view - nct mill/Planer experiwill loan on real es- Limited numbers avail. bend and beyond real estate the seller's. Convert the 20967 yeoman, bend or 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. tate equity. Credit, no 421 421 476 ence preferred. facts into benefits. Show W/D hookups, patios problem, good equity Schools & Training Schools 8 Training Employment the reader how the item will or decks. is all you need. Call • Millwright Get your help them in someway. Opportunities MOUNTAIN GLEN, now. Oregon Land Minimum 2 years A IRLINES ARE H I R- Oregon Medical TrainThis business 541-383-9313 Mortgage 388-4200. Heavy Industrial exing PCS - Phlebotomy ING - Train for hands advertising tip Professionally classes begin Jan. 7, perience required; on Aviation MainteM~i ll i h f brought to youby 2013. Registration now Sawmill/planer expe- Ever Consider a Re- managed by Norris 8 a ROW I N G nance Career. FAA verse Mortgage? At Stevens, Inc. Southport Forest Product P "::~ rience preferred. approved p r ogram. medicaltrainin .com The Bulletin least 62 years old? Southport Lumber Co. Financial aid if quali636 541-343-3100 Stay in your home & with an ad in Please apply to fied - Housing availWe are a Southern 773 increase cash flow! Apt./Multiplex NW Bend debb.kraft@intertor.com The Bulletin's able. Call Aviation InOregon Coast sawI nterfor o f fers a Safe & Effective! Call 410 Acreages TURN THE PAGE stitute of "Call A Service mill utilizing state-ofNow for your FREE Small studio close to licompetitive salary Private Instruction Maintenance. the- art machinery, For More Ads and benefits packDVD! Ca l l Now brary, all util. pd. $550, Professional" BY OWNER 20.6 acres 1-877-804-5293. seeking an experi888-785-5938. $525 dep. No pets/ The Bulletin age. All applicants on river in Redmond, Directory Music Lessons for All (PNDC) enced Millwright. smoking. 541-330offered a p o sition (PNDC) on 83rd St. owner will Ages! Find a music We are located in a 9769 or 541-480-7870 must s u ccessfully finance. $ 5 9 5,000. COL L E GE TRUCK SCHOOL teacher! Ta k eLes-ATTEND Brand New On The beautiful area that LOCAL MONEyr We buy complete a pre-em541-421-3222. 100%. sons offers affordable, ONLINE www. IITR.net Market. 642 offers many outdoor secured trustdeeds & ployment drug test. safe, guaranteed mu- *Medical, B u s iness, Redmond Campus activities. We offer note,some hard money Apt./Multiplex Redmond 40 acres overlooking Equal Opportunity Jus t i ce, Student Loans/Job s ic l e s sons wi t h *Criminal McKay Creek valley. CHECK YOUR AD competitive wages, loans. Call Pat Kellev Employer *Hospitality, *Web. Waiting Toll Free teachers in your area. 2100+ sq. ft. home Please check your ad benefits and a 401k 541-382-3099 ext.13. 2 bdrm, 1 bath duplex Job placement assisOur pre s c reened 1-888-387-9252 Plan. Experienced unit, $550 mo.+ $635 built for allergen sen- on the first day it runs tance. Comp u ter teachers specialize in Where can you find a sitivity. Wood floors, to make sure it is corMillwrights may send 573 dep. 1326 SW O b476 singing, guitar, piano, available. F i n ancial tile counters, partial rect. Sometimes inresumes by email to helping hand? Business Opportunities s idian, Avail Feb. 1 . if qual i f ied. d rums, Violin, a n d Aid basement, new Trex s tructions over t h e Employment LonnieWOsouth541-728-6421. From contractors to more. Call SCHEV a u thorized. decking & more. Set portforest.com or phone are misunderOpportunities A Classified ad is an 1-866-974-5910! Call 866 - 688-7078 648 up for horses. Fenced stood and a n e r ror mail to PO Box 298, yard care, it's all here EASY W A Y TO www.CenturaOnline.c (PNDC) & cross fenced. You Coos Bay, OR in The Bulletin's Houses for can occur in your ad. Licensed Tax Preparer REACH over 3 million om (PNDC) have to see to appre- If this happens to your 97420. Pacific Northwestern(LTC preferred) for "Call A Service Rent General ciate. $525,000. Check out the ad, please contact us BUSY La Pine office. $5 2 5 /25-word Call The Bulletin At Professional" Directory ers. Laina Ryan Principal classifieds online We are seeking a c lassified ad i n 3 0 the first day your ad PUBLISHER'S 541-385-5809 Broker, GRI t eam-player for u p - Plumber Journeymen, appears and we will daily newspapers for wvvvv.bendbulfetin.com Place Your Ad Or E-Mail NOTICE Cascade/Sotheby's coming tax s eason. needed for new con- CAUTION READERS: 3-days. Call the Pabe happy to fix it as All real estate adverUpdated daily Int'n Realty At: www.bendbulletin.com Salary DOE. Please s oon a s w e ca n . struction. Start immedicific Northwest Daily tising in this newspa541-419-7540 send resume & cover a tely. C a l l Ga r y , Ads published in "Em- Connection Deadlines are: Week(916) per is subject to the Nurses - Registered letter to: i n fo@cen- 541-410-1655. days 11:00 noon for ployment Opportuni- 2 88-6019 o r em a i l F air H o using A c t NOTICE Community Counseling Solutions is recruit- traloregontax.com next day Sat 1 1 00 t ies" i n c lude e m - elizabeth@cnpa.com which makes it illegal All real estate advering for Registered Nurses to work at Juniper ployee and for more info (PNDC) to a d v ertise "any tised here in is sub- a.m. for Sunday and Ridge Acute Care Center located in John Day, Vice President i ndependent po s i -Advertise V A CATION preference, limitation ject to t h e F e deral Monday. OR. Juniper Ridge is a S ecure Residential 541-385-5809 tions. Ads for posior disc r imination F air H o using A c t , Treatment Facility providing services to indiThank you! SPECIALS to 3 m i lbased on race, color, which makes it illegal tions that require a fee Oregon State Universityviduals with severe mental illness. These posilion P acific N o rth- religion, sex, handiThe Bulletin Classified or upfront investment to advertise any prefCascades in Bend, Oregon tions provide mental health nursing care includwesterners! 30 daily cap, familial status, must be stated. With Associate Vice President ing medication oversight, medication related newspapers, six marital status or na- erence, limitation or any independent job 775 discrimination based treatment, follow physician's prescriptions and states. 25-word clas- tional origin, or an inopportunity, p l e ase on race, color, reliManufactured/ procedures, measure and record patient's gen- Oregon State University-Cascades in Bend is sified $525 for a 3-day tention to make any investigate thoreral physical condition such as pulse, tempera- recruiting for an Associate Vice President a d. Cal l (916) such Mobile Homes pre f erence, gion, sex, handicap, oughly. ture and respiration to provide daily information, (AVP) for Finance and Strategic Planning. 2 88-6019 o r vis i t limitation or discrimi- familial status or national origin, or inteneducate and train staff on medication adminiswww.pnna.com/advert nation." Familial staFACTORY SPECIAL extra caution when tration, and ensure documentation is kept ac- The Associate Vice President (AVP) for Use ising pndc.cfm for the tus includes children tion to make any such New Home, 3 bdrm, applying for jobs onpreferences, l i mitacording to policies. This position works with the Finance and Strategic Planning provides and Pacific Nor t hwest $46,900 finished under the age of 18 line and never protions or discrimination. treatment team to promote recovery from menCon n ection. living with parents or on you site,541.548.5511 vide personal infor- Daily We will not knowingly tal illness. This position includes telephone con- analyzes information to guide the expansion of legal cust o dians, accept any advertis- www.JandMHomes.com mation to any source (PNDC) sultation and crisis intervention in the facility. the campus from an upper division campus you may not have repregnant women, and ing for r eal e state Qualified applicants must have a valid Oregon with 750 students to a 4-year campus with searched and deemed BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS people securing cus- which is in violation of Registered Professional Nurse's license at the 3,000 to5,000 students by 2025. The AVP is to be reputable. Use Search the area's most tody of children under this law All persons time of hire, hold a valid Oregon driver's license entrepreneurial in seeking diversified funding 18. This newspaper are hereby informed extreme caution when comprehensive listing of and pass a criminal history background check. sources, developing strategic partnerships, r esponding to A N Y classified advertising... will not knowingly ac- that all dwellings ad- Meet singles right now! Annual wage $48,000-$72,000 DOE, plussign- and ensuring the campus' short and long-term online e m p loymentreal estate to automotive, cept any advertising vertised are available No paid o perators, ing bonus. Please visit the Oregon Employment financial viability. Aspects o f s t r ategic ad from out-of-state. for real estate which is on an equal opportu- just real people like merchandise to sporting Department, our website at planning include real estate, facilities, staffing, goods. Bulletin Classifieds in violation of the law. nity basis. The Bulle- you. Browse greetcommunit counselin solutions.or ings, exchange mesand forecasts of revenue and costs. The AVP We suggest you call appear every day in the O ur r e a ders ar e tin Classified or contact Nina Bisson at 541-676-9161, P.O. reports directly to the Vice President for sages and connect hereby informed that the State of Oregon print or on line. Box 469, Heppner, OR 97836. live. Try it free. Call OSU-Cascades (CEO of the campus). all dwellings adverConsumer Hotline at Call 541-385-5809 now: 8 7 7-955-5505. 1-503-378-4320 tised in this newspaFOR SALE www.bendbulletin.com Press Supervisor (PNDC) Minimum requirements include a Masters or per are available on The Bulletin is seeking a night time press suan equal opportunity When buying a home terminal degree and relevant experience in For Equal Opportunity pervisor. We are part of Western CommunicaL aws: Oregon B ubasis. To complain of 83% of Central Widow seeking higher education or equivalent experience tions, Inc., which is a small, family-owned group discrimination cal l Oregonians turn to reau of Labor & Inwithin the discipline. Progressive finance and widower consisting of seven newspapers, five in Oregon dustry, C i vil Rights Extreme Value Adver- HUD t o l l -free at strategic planning responsibility and experiand two in California. Our ideal candidate will between the tising! 30 Daily news- 1-800-877-0246. The Division, serves central ongon s>nre a03 ence in a complex organization. Minimum of 5 manage a small crew of three and must be able papers $525/25-word toll f ree t e lephone ages of to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A years senior m anagement experience. 971-673-0764 classified, 3-d a ys. number for the hearCall 541-385-5809 to 60 and 70. t/a hands-on style is a requirement for our 3 Demonstrated ability to complete quantitative Reach 3 million Pa- ing If you have any quesim p aired is place your 916-822-4630 tower KBA press. Prior management/leaderand qualitative analysis and financial models. cific Northwesterners. 1-800-927-9275. Real Estate ad. tions, concerns or ship experience preferred. In addition to our A demonstrable commitment to promoting and For more information comments, contact: 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous enhancing diversity. call (916) 288-6019 or Classified Department commercial print clients as well. In addition to a email: The Bulletin competitive wage and benefit program, we also elizabeth©cnpa.com For a complete position description view 541-385-5809 provide potential opportunity for advancement. for the Pacific Northhttp://oregonstate.edu/jobs and use posting If you provide dependability combined with a west Daily Connecnumber 0010018 to apply on-line. The closing positive attitude, are able to manage people and tion. (PNDC) date is 01/11/2013. se~ingcentral oregon sincel9te schedules and are a team player, we would like Call54I385 5809tc prOm OteyO urSerViCe AdV ertiSefOr 28daySStarting at'l40lrls~hcsl packageaetavailableeoawebshel to hear from you. If you seek a stable work environment that provides a great place to live and For information regarding this position please raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact eicontact: Shawn Taylor, Executive Assistant ther; Keith Foutz, Corporate Circulation 8 Opto the Vice President, OSU-Cascades Building/Contracting Handyman Landscaping/Yard Care erations Director at kfoutzowescompapers.com at Shawn. Taylor@osucascades.edu or anelsonowescompapers.com with your orJohannah Goodwin, Human Resources, NOTICE: Oregon state Margo Construction N OTICE: O RE G O N complete resume, references and salary OSU-Cascades at Check history/requirements. Prior press room experilaw req u ires anyLLC Since 1992 Landscape ContracJohannah.Goodwin©osucascades.edu. ence required. No phone calls please. Drug one who c o n tracts • Pavers • Carpentry tors Law (ORS 671) The Bulletin Classified OSU is an AA/EOE. test is required prior to employment. EOE for construction work • Remodeling • Decks r equires a l l bus i to be licensed with the • Window/Door nesses that advertise C onstruction Co n - Replacement • Int/Ext to p e rform L a n dIndependent Contractor tractors Board (CCB). scape C o nstruction Paint • CCB 176121 A n active lice n se 541-480-3179 which inclu d es: means the contractor p lanting, dec ks , * Supplement Your Income * I DO THAT! i s bonded an d i n - Home/Rental repairs fences, arbors, Sales s ured. Ver if y t h e Small jobs to remodels w ater-features, a n d contractor's CCB installation, repair of Independent Contractor Sales Honest, guaranteed c ense through t h e irrigation systems to We are seeking dynamic individuals. work. CCB¹151573 CCB Cons u mer Dennis 541-317-9768 be licensed with the Website Landscape ContracDOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? www.hirealicensedcontractor. t ors B o a rd . Th i s • OUTGOING & COMPETITIVE Home Improvement com 4-digit number is to be • PERSONABLE 8 ENTHUSIASTIC or call 503-378-4621. included in all adver•CONSISTENT & MOTIVATED The Bulletin recom- Kelly Kerfoot Const. tisements which indimends checking with 28 yrs exp in Central OR! cate the business has Our winning team of sales & promotion the CCB prior to con- Quality & honesty from a bond, insurance and tracting with anyone. carpentry & handyman workers compensaprofessionals are making an average of jobs, to expert wall covSome other t r ades $400 - $800 per week doing special tion for their employalso req u ire addi- ering install / removal. events, trade shows, retail & grocery ees. For your protecSr. discounts CCB¹471 20 tional licenses and We are looking for independent constore promotions while representing Licensed/bonded/insured tion call 503-378-5909 certifications. or use our website: tractors to service home delivery 541-389-1413 /410-2422 THE BULLETIN newspaper www.lcb.state.or.us to routes in: as an independent contractor USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! check license status before con t racting yyE OFFER: • Han d yman with th e b u s iness. Door-to-door selling with •Solid Income Opportunlty" Must be available 7 days a week, early mornPersons doing landERIC REEVE HANDY fast results! It's the easiest *Complete Training Program" ing hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle scape m a intenance SERVICES. Home & way in the world to sell. *No Selling Door to Door * do not require a LCB Commercial Repairs, *No Telemarketing Involved* Please call 541.385.5800 or license. Carpentry-Painting, The Bulletin Classified *Great Advancement Opportunity' www.bendbuiletin.com 800.503.3933 Mon.-Fri., 8-4 or Pressure-washing, * 541-385-5809 * Full and Part Time Hours apply via email at Honey Do's. On-time Painting/Wall Coveringl promise. Senior Autumnridge Const. online © bendbulletin.com FOR THE CHANCE OF A Discount. Work guarQuality custom home Now is an excellent time LIFETIME, anteed. 541-389-3361 improvements No job for interior painting! or 541-771-4463 too big or small. Vef 8 Sr. Jeff A. Miller Painting Call Adam Johnson Serving Central Oregon since T903 Bonded & Insured Discounts! CCB¹t 98284 541-404-2826 541-410-5521, TODAY! CCB¹181595 Ca/I 541-300-0042 CCB¹194196 Minimum 3 years machinist experi-


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Fri day, December 28,2012

Looking for luck

ACROSS 2Call an end to a hike zo Biblical prophet who railed against idolatry zs Big-eyed toy ze Mythological lyrist 27 Kids whose parents fight? ze On delivery? ze Hammered zo" et

By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services

say? ANSWER: Opening-bid styles change,and I'm sure many modern experts would open one heart. Sure, they would prefer another high-card point or two, but the hand contains the ingredients to open: winners, defensivetricks and a comfortable r ebid. I f you wou l d p a ss , I u nderstand. I would nei t h e r understand nor advocate opening three hearts. North dealer Both sides vulnerable

Rose, my club member whose kindness is so admirable, has tried to h elp U nlucky L o ui e s t o p h i s impulsive play. "He'll never get anywhere," Rose sighed. "When opportunity knocks, he's out l o oking f o r f o u r -leaf clovers." Louie, today's declarer,played dummy's king on the first spade, and East won and returned a spade. West then led the ten of clubs: queen, king. Louie won East's club return, took the ace of diamonds, led a trump to dummy and returned the queen of diamonds, pitching his last club. West produced the king; down one.

Ballades" (Victor Hugo work) zz Sitcom characters Borland and Bundy 23 Evan's best friend in

NORTH 4IK 6 0 K 109 6 4 CI QJ10 4AQ4


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also known as mellophones ss He could walk on water, in myth se Think through s7 Musician/radio host Steven Van se White trash?

37 Like some Mideast

movements ss Grp. that may call on its reserves? se French (language overseer) 41 TV character who said "K.o." instead of "O.K." 4z Kylver Stone letter 43 Glance over



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(C) 2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

















DOWN 2 Union enemies z Rule of (comedy writer's maxim) 3 Target 4 Elementary school percussion instrument s Poster mailer's need e One raised in Amish country 7 It may result from a discovery s Make a slit in e Lawrence who wrote the screenplay for "Raiders of the Lost Ark" zo c h o r us

V A N D Y 22 Org. that disarmed in K 2005 E

zz Barcelona is its capital zs Way down 24 Piece keepers zt Bowles of the SimpsonBowles commission z4 Tibia's place


















24 26


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Opening lead — 4 Q

11153 2.You are the deater with neither side vulnerable. What do you

dance partner of Nureyev ss Leaf bisectors se What excellence is the best deterrent to, per Oprah Winfrey

"Superbad" z4 Box for a drill zs Form a mass ze Minor-league 47 Prone team of Toledo 4e Cockney pal of 29 Mr. Hockey's Mary Poppins surname 4e Lighter so Keep up compound

Rose explained how four hearts was cold. Dummy must play low on WEST EAST the first spade. If West leads another 45 Q J 1093 4A874 spade, East must shift to a diamond, 9 Q g None a nd Louie has time to set up a 0 K85 3 C I97 6 4 2 IIIK J 7 6 diamond trick for a club discard. 4 1098 If instead West leads a club at Trick Two, Louie takes the ace, leads to the SOUTH ace of diamonds, reaches dummy 452 twice in trumps to ruff diamonds, and 9 AJ 8 7 5 3 2 exits with a spade. East must concede 0A a club trick to the queen or yield a +532 ruff-sluff.


32 More interested sz Pick on 34 1960s-'70s ss Instruments

ND 1123


























zs Pit that's sometimes spit

33 Queso relleno cheese 34 Missing nothing zy Black Hawk War ss In the Mafia combatants 37 24-Down cover zs Fright when it's 4o Blowgun dart light? poison so Never-ending 44 Go door to story? door, possibly 31 Up in the air 4s Void

4e Gets settled 4e Crooked 4e Decision-maker so "This could get ugly"

sz Nursery purchase s4 Graffitize

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554.

Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO



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Edited by Rich Norris and JOyCe NiCholS LeWiS







SAFE HAVENS gefIW, P,SoVT Il'ot/IEoFcouizsE I 6ee QI5 Hot)6$ A6 A PLACE Ir(EC)4'7. Ifou+ FAIzEPI<g 4I 'RI6ED g& GISIOA rty SV'( I Do. I A )IISIzB lAk' cLI&I4Ts LIQE glIITIPI FIV& )4.'IP5 HEIZE I/OITIIoUV SoII4& )Iu'B... 1II&iZE. NIU5'T lvtk' P/5(fz&AT5' I ALI/IAY'5 GA'FI 56oAF'6 rIIE 43rIZE55 OF 'pO. Hou66... <ou HAVE 5 rAfzpr7 m...Ac ALMIQ/5 IzEFVQE Iz& 5OMSTHBIIBie Vr!FgAF'E:VTIC 1 FIZ/2/YI FANtg! AyI Ryt(PLE.,1)014 r A9047 I I r. /.I)

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O2012 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World egbte reserved

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by David u Royt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter Io each square, Io form four ordinary words.

EGAIL ,—. I'I c4lj • 17~XII '5977-' ! ! //


Good luck o R I GI N I I L end thanks ~L757I651 g for Jumbling! CART47QZI I 6

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02012 Tzbune Media Services, Iec. „ AO Rights Reserved.


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Now arrange the circled letters Io form the surprise answer, 88 suggested by the above cartoon.




0 Laughegetock Ieterneteeal Inc, Dist W Ue versal UCI ck for UF8, 2012

"I can't bring the car back 'tll low tide."


(Anewere tomorrow) J umbles: IRONY BR I N G LES S O N WIN E R Y Answer: HI8 job at the mine wa8 and wasn'tBORING

ACROSS 1 Drop 5 Watery, perhaps 9 Informal eateries 14 Volkswagen brand 15 Staff addition 16 Acid used in

DOWN 1 Commercial buil d ing with a co ni c al roof, traditionally 2 Backless shoe 3 Start of a project 4 They bind soap-making 5 Dentist's 17 Somnambulist's recommendation icebox raid? 6 German article 20 Dollhouse 7 Golden Fleece vessel plaything 21 Neither esta nor 8 Di d n't quit esa 9 Rurn concoctions 22 King's value, 10 Have it sometimes 11 Burlesque 23 Hot porridge accessory ingredient 12 Peak near the 25 Work requiring Jungfrau oversized 13 Public row 18 Rap's Salt-Nshelves, briefly 26 Otto I's realm: 19 Mightily miffed Abbr. 24 Qualified 27 Personalized 27 Is shy, in a way gauze? 28 Graham , co33 Like some still-life fou n der of the items Hollies 34 Stately tree 29 Scheduled to go 35 Power problem to 38 Channel watched 30 Winged in many a bar chatterbox 31 Take it slow 39 EZor MT, e.g. 42 Bridge beam 1 2 3 4 43 Bundle 14 45 WWII craft 46 Anderson of 17 18 uWKRP in Cincinnati" 20 47 Big problem at 23 KFC? 51 Derby-wearing 27 2 8 29 30 Addams 53 La-la leader 33 54 Likely 55 Justice Fortas 38 56 Array in many an NBA game 58 Old oddball 47 63 After-hours spa service? 51 52 53 66 Intellectual 55 56 67 uMe next!"

68 Easy-peasy thing 69 Airport freebie 70 Airport data, for short 71 Slippery swimmers

32 Therapy subject 5 0 All-purpose 36 Bunch of buds vehicles 37 Pennsylvania port 51 Literary feet 40 Md. institution 52 C l a ssic V-8 since 1845 57 Monthly acct. 41 They're good update enough for the 59 L a tin 101 verb time being 60 Billy of "Titanic" 44 Appropriate 61 Eve n , to Yves 48 Bit of a bluff 62 Cru n ches, e.g. 49 First name in 64 Pe e ples in '80s-'90s pictures morning talk 65 St r ong joe


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By Marti DuGuay-Carpenter (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.




Mot o r homes •

Boats & Accessories •

oQll II



I Place an ad in The I

with o u r

sp e c i al rates for selling your I I boat or watercraft!


Travel Trailers •

Fifth W heels




Trucks & Heavy Equipment

Antique & Classic Autos

Antique & Classic Autos


1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 '55 Chevy 2 dr . wgn Ford Mustang Coupe G R X AT PROJECT car, 35 0 19 6 6 , original owner, speed, with car alarm, small block w/Weiand V 8 , a utomatic, great CD player, extra tires on rims. Runs good. dual quad tunnelrim shape, $9000 OBO. Clean. 92,000 miles Hyster H25E, runs with 450 Holleys. T-10 530-515-8199 MONTANA 3585 2008, 29' 2 0 07, o n m o t or . $ 2 6 0 0 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, Immaculate! Springdale well, 2982 Hours, exc. cond., 3 slides, j slide,Bunkhouse style, OBO. 541-771-6511. Weld Prostar whls, Beaver Coach Marquis $3500,call king bed, Irg LR, Arcsleeps 7-8, excellent 541-749-0724 extra rolling chassis + 40' 1987. New cover, $ 1 6 ,900, tic insulation, all opextras. $6000 for all. GMC 1978 4x4 Heavy new paint (2004), new condition, tions $37,500. 541-389-7669. Duty Camper Special inverter (2007). Onan 541-390-2504 Advertise your car! 541-420-3250 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, Add A Picture! 2500, 3 5 0 e n gine, parked covered $35,000 NuWa 297LK H i tch- Reach thousands of readers! GMC Vgton 1971, Only auto., 40k miles on obo. 541-419-9859 or Hiker 2007, 3 slides, Call 541-385-5809 $19,700! Original low new eng., brakes & 541-280-2014 an good. $ 2 495. 32' touring coach, left The Bulletin Classifieds mile, exceptional, 3rd tires 541-504-3833 kitchen, rear lounge, owner. 951-699-7171 extras, beautiful Weekend Warrior Toy many c ond. inside & o u t , Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, 1966 GMC, 2nd owner, j OBO, Prinevtoo many extras to list, fuel station, exc cond. $32,900 541-447-5502 days $8500 obo. Serious buysleeps 8, black/gray ille. 8 541-447-1641 eves. I nternational Fla t ers only. 541-536-0123 i nterior, u se d 3X , Int. 1981 Model DT466 Bed Pickup 1963, 1 Monaco Dynasty 2004, $24,999. dump truck and heavy dually, 4 s p d. loaded, 3 slides, die541-389-9188 Plymouth B a r racuda ton duty trailer, 5 yd box, trans., great MPG, el, Reduced - now 1966, original car! 300 e verything wor k s , could be exc. wood $119,000, 5 4 1 -923hp, 360 V8, center$8000. 541-421-3222. hauler, runs great, 8572 or 541-749-0037 lines, (Original 273 Fifth Wheels • new brakes $1950. eng & wheels incl.) 541-419-5480. Pilgrim In t e rnational 541-593-2597 Chevy C-20 Pickup 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; PROJECT CARS: Chevv Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 auto 4-spd, 396, model 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & Fall price $ 2 1,865. CST /all options, orig. Chevy Coupe 1950 541-312-4466 Peterbilt 359 p o table owner, $22,000, rolling chassis's $1750 water t ruck, 1 9 90, 541-923-6049 ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, Southwind 35.5' Triton, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 complete car, $ 1949; 2008,V10, 2slides, Du0 p ump, 4 - 3 n hoses, by Carriage, 4 slideCadillac Series 61 1950, pont UV coat, 7500 mi. camlocks, $ 2 5,000. outs, inverter, satel2 dr. hard top, complete RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L Bought new at 0 D , 4 541-820-3724 w/spare f r on t cl i p .,hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, lite sys, fireplace, 2 $132,913; am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. flat screen TVs. $3950, 541-382-7391 asking $93,500. 925 541-420-3634/390-1285 $60,000. Call 541-419-4212 Utility Trailers DON'TIISS THIS 541-480-3923 Chevy Wagon 1957, FIND IT! 4-dr., complete, VW Karman Ghia CHECK YOUR AD SUY IT! Sport Utility Vehicles j $7 000 OBO trades 1970, good cond., SELL IT! 908 please call new upholstery and Big Tex LandscapThe Bulletin Classifieds 541-389-6998 convertible top. Aircraft, Parts ing/ ATV Trailer, $10,000. dual axle flatbed, & Service Chrysler 300 C o upe 541-389-2636 7'x16', 7000 lb. 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, GVW, all steel, lease chec your a auto. trans, ps, air, $1400. on the first day it runs frame on rebuild, re541-382-4115, or Buick Enclave 2008 CXL to make sure it is coru a .~ a ril, -.~~ painted original blue, AWD, V-6, black, clean, 541-280-7024. rect. Sometimes inoriginal blue interior, mechanicall y sound, 82k Winnebago It a s ca structions over the original hub caps, exc. miles. $20,995. Sundancer 26' 1987, phone are mis- • chrome, asking $9000 Call 541-815-1216 Walton 14' dump 51K mi., exc. cond. understood and an error 1/3 interest in ColumVW Thing 1974, good or make offer. trailer power bia 400 l o cated at $8000. 541-419-9251 can occur in your ad. 541-385-9350 cond. Extremely Rare! Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. up/power down, If this happens to your Only built in 1973 & Call 541-647-3718 7,000 Ib tandem ax Sales ad, please contact us oe SEND 1974. $8,000. HertZGar les, used very little the first day your ad 541-389-2636 new $11,900; mine appears and we will $7200. 933 be happy to fix it ~ Chrysler SD 4-Door 541-350-3921 as soon as we can 1930, CD S R oyal Pickups Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' If we can assist yo, Standard, 8-cylinder, 2005 Chrysler T&C 2004, on1y 34K, loaded, 931 please call us: body is good, needs Chevy Colorado AT, Minivan too much to list, ext'd 541-385-5809 1 /3 interest i n w e l l- Automotive Parts, some r e s toration, 2005, Auto, ¹590105A ............$5,995 warr. thru 2014, $54,900 The Bulletin Classified equipped IFR Beech Boruns, taking bids, Vin ¹287420 Service & Accessories 2000 Ford Expedition Dennis, 541-589-3243 nanza A36, new 10-550/ 541-383-3888, $7,995 Eddie Bauer,loaded prop, located KBDN. Alpine Premiere Quick 541-815-3318 ¹812704..............$6,995 a $65,000. 541-419-9510 2005 ChevyColorado Zf)8 Fit Tire Chains, size OF BEND Only 57K Miles 1 530, $ 30 . N e v e r Executive Hangar 541-647-2822 ¹2s7420 ..............$7,995 used. 541-388-0345 at Bend Airport HertzBend.com 2005 Buick LeSabre COACHMEN (KBDN) NEED HOLIDAY $$$? Limited AT,Very Clean, 1 DLR4821 1979 23' trailer Fleetwood Wilderness 60' wide x 50' deep, We pay CASH for Owner, Leather, Vs 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, w/55' wide x 17' high Fully equipped. Junk Cars & Trucks! ¹140S03 ..............$9,995 rear bdrm, fireplace, bi-fold door. Natural Also buying batteries & $2000. 2010 Chevy Cobalt 1Lt FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, 541-312-8879 AC, W/D hkup beau- gas heat, office, bathcatalytic converters. 4-Dr sedan, AT,pL, pw, CD, door panels w/flowers tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. room. Parking for 6 Serving all of C.O.! Skip the Pumps or 541-350-4622. & hummingbirds, 541-815-2380 c ars. A djacent t o ¹224786........... $11,995 Call 541-408-109g white soft top 8 hard Frontage Rd; g reat 2011 Kia Rio LX top. Just reduced to Ford 250 XLT 1990, visibility for a viation 4-Dr Sedan, AT,Super Fuel $3,750. 541-317-9319 6 yd. dump bed, bus. 1jetjock@q.com Antique & sager andpRIGEDToNovE/ or 541-647-8483 139k, Auto, $5500. 541-948-2126 ¹960522............$12,777 Classic Autos 541-410-9997 2011 HyendaiAccent GLS P iper A r cher 1 9 8 0, 4-OrSedan,AT,SuperFuelSaver based in Madras, al¹615414 ............$12,777 K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 ways hangared since 2008 VW RabbitnSn Springdale 2005 27, 4 slide, AC, TV, awning new. Ne w a n n ual, AT, AC, PL, PW, fowmiles 21k siide in dining/iiving area, NEW: tires, converter, 1921 Model T ¹008110 ............$13,995 sieeps 6 Iow mi $1 5 000' batteries. Hardly used. auto pilot, IFR, one Delivery Truck piece win d s hield. $15,500. 541-923-2595 2009 ChevyHHR obo 541 408 381 1 Ford Galaxie500 1963 Fastest Archer Restored & Runs Ford F350 2008 Crew 4-0r, AT,VeryLowMiles 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, ¹517726 .............$1 3,995 around. 1750 t o t al $9000. 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & Cab, diesel, 55K miles, 2006 FordExplorer Honda Civic LX 2006~ t ime. $68,5 0 0 . 541-389-8963 radio (orlg),54'1-419-4989 fully'loaded,'$32,000. 4-dr sedan, exc. cond, 541-325-3556 Eddie Bauer, Ltd, Loaded 541-480-0027 31K miles, AC, p.s, dr ¹840784...... Only$1 4,995 T-Hangar for rent locks & windows, pre2004 GMC Sierra 2500 I In 12 DAYS! mium wheels, new at Bend airport. Crew CabSLT "The Bulletin

et .rv r

B ulletin w i t h

ou r

I 3-month package I

2007 Ski-Doo Renegade I which includes: 600 w/513 mi, like new, very fast! Reduced to I *5 lines of text and $6295. 541-221-5221 a photo or up to 10

Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7 Firecats: EFI Snowpro 8 EFI EXT, excellent cond, $2800 ea; 541-410-2186

I lines with no photo. *Free online ad at I bendbulletin.com *Free pick up into I The Central Oregon I Nickel ads.


I Rates start at $46. I Call for details! 541-385-5809

gThe Bulleting Snowmobile trailer 2002, 25-ft Interstate & 3 sleds, $10,900. 541-480-8009 860

Motorcycles &Accessories


citement in your neigborhood. Plan a garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809.

The Bulletin

Sennng Central Oregon trnre 1903

CRAMPED FOR• CASH? Use classified to sell those items you no longer need. Call 541-385-5809

The Bulletin

' Ij II

Used out-drive parts - Mercury OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 4.3 (1993), $1995.

So~ Asr/

541-389-0435 Harley Davidson SoftTail D eluxe 20 0 7 , 875 white/cobalt, w / pasWatercraft senger kit, Vance & Hines muffler system 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. 2007 SeaDoo c ond, $19,9 9 9 , 2004 Waverunner, 541-389-9188. excellent condition, LOW hours. Double Harley Heritage trailer, lots of extras. Softail, 2003 $10,000 $5,000+ in extras, 541-719-8444 $2000 paint job, 30K mi. 1 owner, For more information Ads published in nWaplease call tercraft" include: Kay541-385-8090 aks, rafts and motoror 209-605-5537 Ized personal HD Screaming Eagle watercrafts. For Electra Glide 2005, "boats" please see n 103 motor, two tone Class 870. candy teal, new tires, 541-385-5809 23K miles, CD player, hydraulic clutch, exServing Central Oregonsince 1903 cellent condition. Highest offer takes it. 880 541-480-8080. Motorhomes

The Bulletin

Softail Deluxe 2010, 805 miles, Black Chameleon.

$17,000 Call Don @ 541-410-3823 Boats & Accessories

13' Smokercraft '85, good cond., 16I-IP gas Evinrude + Minnkota 44 elec. motor, fish finder, 2 extra seats, trailer, extra equip. $2900. 541-388-9270 17' 1984 Chris Craft - Scorpion, 140 HP inboard/outboard, 2 depth finders, troll-

ing motor, full cover, EZ - L oad t railer, $3500 OBO. 541-382-3728.

18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 Volvo Penta, 270HP,

low hrs., must see, $15,000, 541-330-3939 Look at: Bendhomes.com for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale


20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO. 541-379-3530

Country Coach Intrigue 2002, 40' Tag axle. 400hp Cummins Diesel. two slide-outs. 41,000 miles, new tires & batteries. Most options.$95,000 OBO 541-678-5712


MorePixat Bendbjletin.com






studded tires, chains, AM/FM -CD, all records I

Call 541-382-8998

from 2009, 24-40 mpg,



11!$12,eeor rr . I

Trucks & Heavy Equipment


Want Results from qualified local buyers? Call us at 541-385-5809 and ask about our Whee/Deal special!

CAN'T BEAT THIS! Look before you buy, below market vafue! Size & mileage DOES matter! Class A 32' Hurricane by Four Winds, 2007. 12,500 mi, all amenities, Ford V10, Ithr, cherry, slides, like new! New low price, $54,900.



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Diamond Reo Dump Truck 19 7 4, 1 2 -14 yard box, runs good,


$6900, 541-548-6812




Hunter's Delight! Package deal! 1988 Winnebago Super Chief, 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t shape; 1988 Bronco II

t ow, 1 30K

mostly towed miles, nice rig! $15,000 both. 541-382-3964, leave

rirPN ~LL(t



Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please see Jayco Seneca 2007, Class 875. 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy 541-385-5809 5500 d i e s el , toy hauler $130 , 000. 541-389-2636. Serrrng Central Oregon smce 1903


ClaSS ifieds got it dOne!"

Econoline RV 1 9 8 9, fully loaded, exc. cond, 35K m i. , R e ducedI Jeff L. $16,950. 541-546-6133

4 x4 t o

tg MI


SNOW MOBILES 8I ANsONLY Call theBuletin Classified Dept. 541-385-5809or541-382-1811 forratestoday!


The Bulletin



2012 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS Sperl - Auto, convertible, fuel effiuent 2 4 4 cyl


' The Bulletin

2010 Subare Forester 2.5X, AT, AWD

¹795497.................St 9,259

Kisltes tfou rt 8afe and JIappt/JYero Pear!,

2007 ChevyTahoeLS 1500 Nicely equipped ¹1 525s2.................$20,777

2010 Nissan Maxima AT, Leather


2012 HyundaiTucson

The Bulletin will de closed on Tuesday, January I

LimitedAwo, AT,with Factory Warranty ¹454193.................$24,995

2012 Subare Outback2.5 PremiumAT,AWD

¹217592 .............. $26,259

Retail & Classified Display Advertising Deadlines

2008 Mercedes-Benz M-Class 3.5 Liter, Loaded,

PUBLICATION ...... .........................................DEADLINE Wednesday 1/2.............................................. Friday, 12/28 Noon Thursday 1/3 .............................................. Monday, 12/31 Noon Friday GO! Magazine 1/4........................... Monday, 12/31 Noon

Low Miles ¹435853A ............ $27,777

2011 ToyotaTacomaTRD Oogble Cab,4x4, ogly17k miles ¹078811.. .$29t947 . .

. .

. .

2011 NissanArmada Nicely Equipped, AT

awff ¹tsots4s ...$35,995 2010 Dodge2500 Gead Cab CemmissTurboDiesel


AT, CrewCab, NewWheels/ Tires, Only 38KMiles ¹123352.................$39,995

Tuesday, 1/1 - Deadline is Noon Monday, 12/31 Wednesday, 1/2 - Deadline is Noon Monday, 12/31

Through t/3/ts

Allvehicles subjectto pgorsale, does got includetax, hcegsegr title agd reg-

Classifieds • 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Circulation Telephone Service at 541-385-5800 will be open 1/1 from 6:30 amto10:30am to help with your delivery needs. i


irtratign processinfee g of tt00. Vinirs posled at dealership. SeeHertz Car Sales glBendlor details. Oealer¹482t

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BSSl 1C •

/ •

To place your ad, visit www.bendbulletin.com or call 541-385-5809

0 g




ISport Utility Vehicles S p ort Utility Vehicles •

Aut o mobiles

Subaru Forester LL Bean edition 2005,

Chevy Suburban LTZ 2007, 4x4, leather, moonroof, 3rd row seat. Running boards, low miles.


2.5 XS, leather,

Ford Crown V i ctoria 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., V 8, o r i g . own e r , Vin¹ 228919. Vin¹ 703121 Was $30,999. 70,300 mi., studs on, Was $15,995. 1000 1000 reat condition. Now $28,488. Now $14,995. Legal Notices 3000. 541-549-0058. Legal Notices • Legal Notices • L e g al Notices S UBA R U . U. 4@ I S UBAR SUBRRUOPBBUU COM Honda Accord 2006 Richards, CommuLEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 68k mi., ¹060146 nity D e v elopment TRUSTEE'S NOTICE IN TH E C I R CUIT T RUSTEE'S NO 877-266-3821 877-266-3821 $14,988 Director, Redmond C OURT OF T H E OF SALE T ICE O F SAL E Dlr ¹0354 Dlr ¹0354 City Hall, 716 SW STATE O F O RThe Trustee under the PLEASE TA KE E vergreen, R e d Toyota 4 Runner SR5 Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 E GON FOR T H E terms of t h e T r ust N OTICE that t h e mond, Ore g o n, Deed 4x4. 120K mi, Power 1997, 4X4, 182K mi., Oregon COUNTY OF DESdesc r ibed foregoing in s t ru541-923-7756, seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd a uto, n e w tire s AutnSonrce C HUTES S T A T E herein, at the direc- ment shall constiheather.richards©ci row s eating, e x tra (Goodyear Wrangler) OF OREGON, Acttion of the Beneficiary, tute notice, pursu541-598-3750 .redmond.or.us. tires, CD, pnvacy tint- on front wheels, sun aaaoregonautosource.com ing by and through hereby elects to sell ant to ORS 86.740, The packet can be ing, upgraded rims. roof, running boards, the Department of t he p r o perty d e - that the Grantor of Fantastic cond. $7995 tow pkg., roof racks, reviewed in City Hall Human S e r vices, scribed in the Trust the Trust Deed deHonda Civic LX Contact Tim m at at the C ommunity cruise, well m a int., Estate A d ministraDeed to satisfy the scribed below has 2008, like new, 541-408-2393 for info $4995. 541-633-0255 D evelopment D e tion Unit, Plaintiff, v. obligations s e cured defaulted on its obalways garaged, or to view vehicle. partment b etween D ONALD W Y C K thereby. Pursuant to ligations to benefiloaded. 27k mi., 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 O FF SMITH a n d ORS 86.745, the folciary, and that the Ford Expedition one owner. Vans Mond a y JOSHUA S M I T H, p .m., lowing information is Beneficiary and Bauer Edition 2000, $13,500. through Friday, exDefendants. Case provided: 1. PARTIES: Successor Trustee Loaded. Vin ¹812704 541-550-0994. c ept h o lidays o r No. 12CV 0 859. Grantor:WARREN R. u nder t h e Tr u s t $6,995 they may be viewed PUBLICATION OF GARRISON AND Deed have elected on the City's webBEVERLEY J. GAR- to sell the property Hyundai Sonata 2012, S UMMONS - T O : site at: www.ci.redWyc k off RISON. Tru s t ee: secured by the Trust 4 d oor, a u to, C D , Donald CPR BENC mond.or.us. Smith and Joshua FIRST A M E R ICAN Deed: TRUST bluetooth, pw, pl, tilt, 541-647-2822 Smith, Defendants. TITLE COMPANY OF DEED AND PROPcruise. Vin ¹322715. Chevrolet G20 SportsT he City o f R e dHertzBend.com IN THE NAME OF DESCHUTES ERTY D E S CRIPWas $19,999. man, 1993, exlnt cond, DLR4821 mond does not disT HE STATE O F COUNTY. Successor TION: This instruNow $17,988. $4750. 541-362-5559 or criminate on the baOREGON, you are T rustee: NANCY K . ment makes 541-663-6046 QQ~ S UBAR U. sis o f dis a b ility CARY. B e neficiary: r eference t o th a t required to appear Ford Explorer 4x4, SUBBRUOPBRRUCOM status in the admisWASHINGTON FED- certain deed of trust 1991 - 154K miles, 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend and defend plaintiff's ChevyAstro sion or access to, or C omplaint file d ERAL FKA W A SH- d ated March 2 3 , rare 5-speed tranny 877-266-3821 Cargo Van 2001, t reatment, or e m against you in this INGTON F E D ERAL 2007 and recorded & manual hubs, Dlr ¹0354 pw, pdl, great cond., ployment in its procase before the exSAVINGS. 2.DEon April 4, 2007, as clean, straight, evbusiness car, well grams or activities. p iration o f thi r t y SCRIPTION OF Instrument No. eryday driver. Was maint'd, regular oil Say Ugoodbuy Anyone needing acdays from the date PROPERTY: The 2007-19530, in the $2200; now $1900! changes,$4500. commodation to of the first publicareal property is dereal property to that unused Bob, 541-318-9999 Please call p articipate i n t h e t ion of t h i s s u mscribed as follows: Lot r ecords o f Des 541-633-5149 item by placing it in meeting must notify mons which date is Two (2), Block One chutes County, OrMike Viegas, ADA The Bulletin Classifieds December 21, 2012. (1), REPLAT OF A egon, wherein 60 Chev 1994 G20 c uscoordinator, at least If you fail to appear PORTION OF LOT 2, AVIATION, LLC, an tomized van, 1 2 8k, 4 8 hours i n a d or defend, plaintiff BLOCK 1 , M E T TS Oregon limited 3 50 motor, HD t o w 5 41-385-580 9 vance of the meetw ill apply t o t h e SUB-DIVISION, Des- ability company, is e quipped, seats 7 , ing at c ourt t o e n te r a chutes County, Or- t he Grantor, a n d sleeps 2. comfort, util- Mitsubishi 3 00 0 G T judgment a g a inst (541)504-3032, or egon. 3.RECORDWESTERN TITLE & ity road ready, nice GMC Envoy 2002 4WD through the T e le1 999, a u to., p e a r l Donald Wyc k o ff ING. The Trust Deed ESCROW COMcond. $4000?Trade for w communications $6,450. Loaded, hite, very low m i . Smith and Joshua was recorded as folPANY, is the origimini van. Call Bob, Leather, Heated Relay Service (TRS) $9500. 541-788-8218. Smith for the sum of lows: Date Recorded: nal Trustee, a nd 541-318-9999 w hich enab l e s seats, Bose sound O ctober 16 , 1 9 9 5. NW BEND, LLC, a $31,500, t o gether system. Ext. roof rack Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 people who h ave w ith i n t erest o n Recording No.: Delaware limited lidifficulty hearing or (218) 478-4469 7 -pass. v a n wit h $ 31,500 at 7 p e r 95-36027 / 387-2876 ability company, as the p ower c h a i r lif t , c ent pe r a n n um speaking i n Official Records of successor in interGMC Yukon Denali telephone to com$1500; 1989 Dodge from September 12, Deschutes C o unty, e st to B A N K O F 2003, leather, moonTurbo Van 7 - pass. municate standard 2005, until date of Oregon. 4.DEFAULT. THE C ASCADES, roof, premium wheels, has new motor and voice telephone usjudgment, together The Grantor or any an Oregon 3rd row. Very nice. t rans., $1500. I f i n - "My Little Red Corvette" with plaintiff's costs e rs. If any o n e other person o b li- state-chartered Vin ¹128449. needs TDD (Teleterested c a l l Ja y 1996 coupe. 132K, and disbursements commercial bank, is gated on the T rust Was $15,999. 503-269-1057. 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. communications i ncurred her e i n. Deed and Promissory the Beneficiary (the Now $13,788. Device for the Deaf) Note secured thereby "Trust Deed"). The Chrysler T & C 2005, $1 2,500 541-923-1781 N OTICE T O D E or STS (Speech to FENDANTS: READ is in default and the aforementioned S UB A R U . Auto, Mini-Van! Speech) assistance, SUBBRUOPBBRB COM CAREFULLY! YOU Beneficiary seeks to Trust Deed covers Vin ¹90105A please use one of 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Vehicle? MUST "APPEAR" foreclose the T r ust the Grantor's right, $5995 the following TRS 877-266-3821 Call The Bulletin IN THIS CASE OR Deed for f ailure to title, an d i n t erest numbers: Dlr ¹0354 and place an ad toTHE OTHER SIDE pay: M o nthly pay- under a lease dated 1-800-735-2900 OF BENB day! WILL WIN A UTOments in the amount February 7, 2007, Honda CRV 2005, ( voice o r tex t ) , 541-647-2822 Ask about our M ATICALLY. T O of $702.00 each, due b etween Ban e y 4WD, moonroof, alloy 1-877-735-7525 "APPEAR" YOU "Whee/Deal"! t he f i rs t o f eac h Corporation, an OrHertzBend.com wheels, very clean. (STS English) or for private party MUST FILE WITH month, for the months egon corporation, as DLR4821 Vin ¹027942. 1-800-735-3896 advertisers THE COURT A LEof July 2012 through tenant, and the City Was $12,799. (STS Spanish) GAL PAPER October 2012; plus of Bend, Oregon, as Now $10,988 Automobiles C ALLED A UMOlate charges and ad- landlord, a s asU The Bulletin TION" OR ANvances; plus any un- signed to Grantor by S UBA R U . U U SWER. THE MOpaid real p r operty an assignment of SUBBRUOPBRRB COM To SubSCribe Call U TION OR taxes or liens, plus lease dated April 2, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend "ANSWER" interest. 5.AMOUNT 2 007, betw e e n (OR 541-385-5800 or goto 877-266-3821 "REPLY") MUST BE DUE. T h e a m ount Baney Corporation Dlr ¹0354 WWW.bendbulletjn.Com GIVEN T O THE due on the Note which and Grantor (collecLEGAL NOTICE COURT CLERK OR i s secured b y t h e tively, the "Lease") Honda Ridgeline BMW Z4 Roadster ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE OF PUBLIC Trust Deed referred to which covers real RTL 2006, 4x4, 2005, 62K miles, exHEARING WITHIN 30 D A YS herein is: P r i ncipal property (the "PropVTec V6, Auto, Nissan Sentra, 2012cellent cond. $14,000. OF THE DATE OF Redmond balance in the amount ertys) described as: leather, bed liner, 12,610 mi, full warranty, 541-604-9064 Comprehensive Plan FIRST P U BLICAof $52,946.77; plus PARCEL 1: A conrunning boards, tow PS, PB, AC,8 more! Buick Lucerne CXL TION S P ECIFIED Amendment to interest at the rate of crete footing used pkg. Vin¹ 512698. $16,000. 541-788-0427 2009, $12,500, low H EREIN A L O NG Amend the Redmond 7.875% per a nnum for the purpose of Was $17,999. low miles; 2000 Buick WITH T H E REHistoric Landmarks from June 1, 2012; supporting an exNow $16,788. Century $2900. You'll Inventory QUIRED FI L I NG plus late charges of isting airport hangar, not find nicer Buicks FEE. IT MUST BE $80.55; p l u s ad- located in the S UBA R U . One look's worth a Notice i s h e r eby IN PROPER FORM vances and foreclo- Southwest Quarter 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend thousand words. Call AND HAVE PROOF given that the Redsure attorney fees and of th e N o r thwest 877-266-3821 Bob, 541-318-9999. mond City Council OF SERVICE TO costs. 6.SALE OF Quarter (SW1/4 Dlr ¹0354 for an appt. and take a Porsche 911 1974, low THE PLAINTIFF OR will hold a p u blic PROPERTY. The NW1/4) of Section drive in a 30 mpg car! mi., complete motor/ ITS ATTORNEY TO hearing on Tuesday, Trustee hereby states Twenty (20), Towntrans. rebuild, tuned SHOW THAT THE January 8 , 2 0 1 3, that the property will ship Seventeen (17) Jeep Wrangler 4x4, Buick Le Sabre suspension, int. 8 ext. 7:00 p.m. at the City OTHER SIDE HAS be sold to satisfy the South, Range Thir1997 6-cyl, soft top, Limited 2005, refurb., oil c o oling, B EEN G IVEN A of Redmond Counobligations secured by teen ( 13), W i l roll bar, front tow auto, very clean, one shows new in 8 out, cil Chambers, 777 COPY OF IT. IF t he Trust Deed. A lamette M e r idian, bar, new tires, owner, V-6, leather, perf. mech. c o n d. Y OU H AV E A N Y SW Des c h utes, Trustee's Notice of Deschutes County, chrome rims, 103K Vin ¹140803 Much more! Redmond, Oregon QUESTIONS, YOU Default and Election Oregon, and being miles, gd cond, $9,995 $28,000 541-420-2715 SHOULD SEE AN to consider Ordito Sell Under Terms more pa r t icularly $5700 obo. nance No. 2013-02, ATTORNEY IMMEof Trust Deed has d escribed as f o l 541-504-3253 or PORSCHE 914 1974, an Ordin a nce been recorded in the lows: Beginning at 503-504-2764 OF BENB Roller (no engine), D IATELY. I F Y O U amending the RedHELP O fficial Records o f the South w est lowered, full roll cage, NEED 541-647-2822 F INDING AN A T mond ComprehenDeschutes C o u nty, comer of said con5-pt harnesses, racHertzBend.com Jeep Wrangler s ive Plan t o a d d YOU Oregon. 7. TIME OF crete fo u ndation, ing seats, 911 dash 8 TORNEY, DLR4821 UnllmltedX 2008, 4x4, p roperties t o th e SALE. Date: March 7, which bears North instruments, d ecent M AY C A L L TH E U Hard top, tow pkg., Redmond H i storic 05'38'22 OREGON S T ATE 2013. Time:11:00 East, shape, v e r y c o ol! premium wheels, CHECK YOUR AO B AR'S LA W Y E R Landmarks I nvena.m. Place: Des1091.20 feet f rom $1699. 541-678-3249 sunroof, running Please check your ad tory and to delete R EFERRAL S E Rchutes County Court- the West q u arter boards, very low on the first day it runs V ICE A T (503) properties from the house, 1 1 6 4 NW comer of said SecToyota Camrys: miles. Vin¹ 572535. to make sure it is cor684-3763 OR Redmond H i storic Bond Street, Bend, t ion 2 0 ; the n c e Was $25,999. rect. Sometimes in1984, $1200 obo; TOLL-FREE IN Landmarks I nvenOregon. 8.RIGHT TO North 00 '5 9 ' 4 1" s tructions over t h e Now $23,788. 1985 SOLD; tory. OREGON AT (800) REINSTATE. Any East, 60.10 feet to a phone are misunder4 52-7636. You w i l l person named in ORS point which bears 1986 parts car, S UBA R U . stood and an e rror Questions or c o nfurther take notice 86,753 has the right, S outh 04 '0 7 ' 1 2 $500. 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend can occur in your ad. that this Summons cerns regarding this at any time that is not East, 1499.37 feet Call for details, If this happens to your hearing should be 877-266-3821 is published by Orlater than five days from the Northwest 541-548-6592 ad, please contact us Dlr ¹0354 der of the Honordirected to Heather before the T r ustee comer of said Secthe first day your ad able A . Mi c h ael Richards, Commuconducts the sale, to t ion 2 0 ; the n c e appears and we will Toyota Corolla 2004, Jeep Wrangler Adler, Judge of the nity D e v elopment have this foreclosure S outh 89 '0 0 ' 1 9 be happy to fix it as auto., loaded, 2 04k Director, Redmond UnlimitedX 2007, 6 above-entitled court, d ismissed and t h e East, 60.22 f e et; miles. orig. owner, non s oon as w e c a n . made and entered City Hall, 716 SW Trust Deed reinstated thence South Speed, 4x4, 3.8 Liter Deadlines are: Week- smoker, exc. c o nd. on November 28, E vergreen, R e d - b y payment to t h e 0 0'59'41" Wes t , V6, running boards, Prin e ville 2012, directing pubdays 12:00 noon for $6500 mond, Ore g on, Beneficiary of the en- 60.10 feet; thence premium wheels, low 503-358-8241 next day, Sat. 11:00 541-923-7756, miles. Vin¹ 147938. lication o f this tire amount then due, N orth 89 '0 0 ' 1 9 a.m. for Sunday; Sat. S ummons on c e heather.richards@ci other than such por- West, 60.22 feet to Was $24,999. VW Beetle, 2002 12:00 for Monday. If .redmond.or.us. each week for four tion of the principal as the point of beginNow $22,788. we can assist you, 5-spd, silver-gray, black consecutive weeks The packet can be would not then be due ning. PARCEL II: A leather, moonroof, CD, please call us: S UB A R U . reviewed in City Hall in a ne w spaper had no default oc- concrete foo t ing loaded, 115K miles, 541-385-5809 p ublished an d i n at the C ommunity curred, by curing any used for the purwell-maintained 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend The Bulletin Classified D evelopment D e general c irculation other default that is pose of supporting 877-266-3821 (have records) in Deschutes partment between c apable o f bei n g an existing airport extremely clean, Chrysler PT C ruiser Dlr ¹0354 County, O r e gon. 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 cured by tendering the hangar, located in 2006, au to, pw, pl, $4650 obo. Date of first publicap .m., Mond a y performance required the Sout h west 541-546-6920 crus, tilt, tinted winNissan Armada SE through Friday, extion: December 21, under the obligation or Quarter o f the dows, Vin ¹224778. 2007, 4WD, auto, 2 012. Date of l a st c ept holidays o r T rust Deed and b y Northwest Quarter Was $7,999. leather, DVD, CD. The Bulletin recoml they may be viewed J a nupaying all costs and (SWI/4 NW 1/4) of Vin¹ 700432. Now $5,999. mends extra caution ~ publication: a ry 1 1 , 2013 . on the City's webexpenses actually inS ection Twe n t y Was $16,999. when p u r chasing ~ ELLEN F. ROSENgykSUBARU. site at: www.ci.redcurred in enforcing the (20), Tow n ship Now $14,488. f products or services BLUM, Attorney mond.or.us. obligation and Trust Seventeen (17) 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend from out of the area. General, Gretchen Deed, together with South, Range ThirS UB A R U . 877-266-3821 f S ending c ash , Gunn Merrill T he City o f R e dt he t r ustee's a n d teen (13) East, WilDlr ¹0354 checks, or credit in2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend mond does not disAssistant a ttorney's fees n o t lamette M e r idian, formation may be I ¹873006, 877-266-3821 Attorney G e neral, criminate on the baexceedingthe amount Deschutes County, J subject to FRAUD. Dlr ¹0354 sis o f dis a b ility Department of Jusprovided i n ORS Oregon, and being For more informatice, Of A t t orneys status in the admis8 6.753. Y o u ma y more p a r ticularly f tion about an adversion or access to, or for Plaintiff, 1162 reach th e O r e gon d escribed as f o l tiser, you may call ourt Street N E , t reatment, or e m State Bar's L awyer lows: Beginning at I the Oregon State I C Salem, OR ployment in its proReferral Service at the Sout h west Attorney General's ~ ChryslerSebring 2006 T elegrams or activities. 503-684-3763 or comer of said conOffice C o n sumer 97301-4096, Fully loaded, exc.cond, Anyone needing actoll-free in Oregon at crete phone: (503) fou n dation very low miles (38k), f Protection hotline at 9 34-4400. Trial At commodation to 800-452-7636 or you which bears North Porsche Cayenne 2004, 1-877-877-9392. U always garaged, 05'54'36 torney for Plaintiff. p articipate i n t h e may visit its website East, 86k, immac, dealer transferable warranty meeting must notify at: w w w .osbar.org. 1031.31 feet from LEGAL NOTICE maint'd, loaded, now incl. $8100 obo Serving Central Oregon since 1903 Mike Viegas, ADA Legal assist ance may the West q u arter $17000. 503-459-1580 NOTICE OF PUBLIC 541-848-9180 coordinator, at least b e available if y o u comer of said SecHEARING 4 8 hours i n a d have a low income t ion 2 0 ; the n ce Proposed 0 5 vance of the meetand meet federal pov- N orth 00 59 ' 4 1 • • Amendments to the • ing at e rty guidelines. F o r East, 60.10 feet to a Redmond City Code, (541)504-3032, or more information and point which bears Chapter 7 - Business through the T e lea directory of legal aid South 03' 5 5 ' 23 on your General Merchandise communications programs, go to East, 1559.24 feet Notice i s h e reby Relay Service (TRS) classified ad. http://www.oregonfrom the Northwest given that the Redw hich enab l e s lawhelp.org. Any comer of said Secmond City Council Place an ad in the people who h ave questions regarding t ion 2 0 ; the n ce will hold a p u blic difficulty hearing or this matter should be South 89'0 0 ' 19" Bulletin Classifieds and hearing on Tuesday, • IL ioirirv speaking i n the directed to Lisa Sum- E ast, 60.22 f e e t; J anuary 8 , 2 0 1 3 , telephone to commers, Paralegal, (541) t hence South for only $2.00 more 7:00 p.m. at the City municate standard 686-0344 West , (TS 00'59'41 of Redmond Counyour ad can run in the voice telephone us¹15148.30809). 60.10 feet; thence cil Chambers, 777 a Il g rs. If any o n e DATED: October 15, N orth 89 '0 0 ' 1 9 SW Des c h utes, e needs TDD (Tele2012. /s/ Nancy K. West, 60.22 feet to Redmond, Oregon New Today communications Cary. Nancy K. Cary, the point of beginto consider O rdiDevice for the Deaf) Successor T r ustee, n ing. A ls o c o m Classification nance No. 2013-01, or STS (Speech to H ershner Hun t e r, monly described as: an Ordin a nce Speech) assistance, LLP, P.O. Box 1475, 63048 Powell Butte amending the RedCall today and speak with ~ g TheB Ileting please use one of Eugene, OR 97440. Highway, Bend, Ormond City C ode, the following TRS egon 97701 The tax Uur classified team to Chapter 7 - B u s inumbers: n u mber(s) wBUBU.IIendbuileun.com ness.. Needhelpfixingstuff? aparcel place your ad 1-800-735-2900 re: 17 1 3 2 0 0 0 Private art ads onl ( voice o r tex t ) , C and 17 13 all AServiceProfessional 00200A5 Questions or con1-877-735-7525 20 00 00200A7 The •g• cerns regarding this find thehelpyo(j need. undersigned hereby (STS English) or hearing should be 1-800-735-3896 directed to Heather WWW .bef)dbulletin.Com certifies that she/he


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Legal Notices

has no knowledge of any assignments of the Trust Deed by the Trustee or by the Beneficiary or any appointments of a Successor Trustee other than the appointment of JEFFREY C. GARDNER, as Successor Trustee as recorded i n the property records of the county in which t he Property d e s cribed above i s situated. Fu r t her, the und e rsigned certifies that no action has been instituted to recover the debt, or an y p a rt t hereof, no w r e maining secured by the Trust Deed. Or, if such action has been instituted, it has been dismissed except as permitted by ORS 86.735(4). The name and address of Successor Trustee are as foll ows: J effrey C . Gardner Successor Trustee Ball Janik LLP 101 SW Main Street, Suite 1100 Portland, O r egon 97204-3219


Trust Deed is not a "Residential T r u st Deed", as defined in ORS 86. 7 05(3), thus th e r e q uirements of C h apter 19, Section 20, Oregon Laws 2008, a nd Chapter 8 6 4 [S.B. 628], Oregon Laws 2009, do not apply. DEFAULT BY BORROWER: There are continuing an d u n cured defaults by 60 AviaU tion, LLC (the Borrower") that, based on the provisions of the Trust Deed and the w ritten d o cuments for Loan No. 50131047, i n cluding the promissory note dated and effective as of March 23, 200 7 , as amended b y an Extension-Modification of Note Agreement dated January 1 5, 2008, an d a Change in T e rms A greement d a t ed June 11, 2010 (collectively, the "Note"), a u t horize the foreclosure of the Trust Deed and t he sale and a s signment o f the Grantor's interest in t he Lease of t h e Property described a bove, which u n cured and continuing defaults include but are not necessarily limited to the following: The Loan secured by the Trust Deed matured on J une 5, 2 0 12, a t which time the entire p rincipal b alance owed together with all accrued interest plus B eneficiary's un -

paid fees, c osts, and expenses was immediately due a nd payable b y Borrower to Lender. Borrower has failed to pay to Lender a total of not less than $706,717.04 (the "Indebtedness"), which total amount

is comprised of an unpaid pri n cipal balance of $673,166.08


gether with accrued and unpaid interest through and includi ng O c tober 2 6 , 2012 of $23,352.53 plus B e neficiary's unpaid fees, costs, and collection ex-

penses of not less than $1 0 ,198.43. Interest on account of the unpaid principal portion of the Indebtedness continues to accrue from and after October 26, 2012, at a rate that i s cur r ently 7.590% percent per annum or $139.98 per die m ALL AMOUNTS are now

due and p a yable along with all costs and fees a ssociated with this foreclosure. As to t he d efaults which do not i nvolve p a yment of money to the Beneficiary of the Trust Deed, the Borrower must cure each such default. Listed below are the d efaults which do not i nvolve p a yment of money to the Beneficiary of t he T r us t D e e d . Opposite each such l isted default is a brief description of the action necessary to cure the default and a description of t he documentation necessary to show that the default has been cured. The list does not exhaust all possible other defaults; any and all defaults identified by Beneficiary or the Successor Trustee that are not l i sted b e l ow must also be cured. OTHER DEFAULT Description of Act ion R equired t o C ure an d D o c umentation N e cessary to Show Cure Non-Payment of

Legal Notices Taxes and/or Assessments. Deliver to Successor Trustee written proof that all taxes and a s s essments a gainst th e R e a l Property are paid c urrent. TOT A L U NCURED M O N ETARY (PAYMENT) DEFAULT: By reason of said uncured and continuing defaults, the B e neficiary has accelerated and declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by the Trust Deed and the Lease of the Property immediately due and payable. The sums due and p a yable being the following: Unpaid pr i n cipal amount owing pursuant to the Obligations, as of October 26,


$ 673,166.08 Un paid interest owing pursuant to the Obligations as of Octob er 2 6, 2012 : $23,352.53 Accrued and u npaid fees, costs and collection e x penses, including attorneys fees and costs to October 26, 2012: $10,198.43 TOTAL DUE: $706,717.04 Accordingly, the sum owing on the obligation secured by the Trust Deed is $706,717.04, as of October 26, 2012, together with interest accruing on the principal portion of that amount, plus additional costs and expenses incurred by Bene f iciary and/or the Successor Trustee (including their respective a ttorney's fees , costs, a n d ex-

p enses).

EL E C -

TION TO SELL: Notice is hereby given that the Beneficiary,

by reason of the uncured and continui ng d e faults d e scribed above, has elected and d oes hereby elect to forec lose s ai d T r u st Deed by advertisement and sale pursuant to ORS 86.735 et seq., and to cause to be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cas h , the Grantor's interest in t he Lease of t h e subject P r o perty, which the G rantor h ad, or h a d t h e power to convey, at the time the Grantor executed the Trust Deed in favor of the Beneficiary, a long with any interest the Grantor o r the Grantor's s u ccessors in interest acquired after the execution of the Trust Deed, to satisfy the obligations secured by the Trust Deed as well as the expenses of the sale, including compensation of the Trustee as provided by law, and the reasonable fees of T r ustee's attorneys. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the sale will be held at the hour of 11:00 a.m. in accordance with the standard of time established by ORS 187.110, on March 25, 2013, on the f r on t i n t erior steps just inside the main entrance doors to th e D e schutes County Courthouse, 1 164 N W Bon d S treet, Bend, O r egon 97701. RIGHT OF RE I NSTATEM ENT: Notice i s further given t h at any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five (5) days before the date last set for the sale, to have this f oreclosure pr o ceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed s atisfied by (A) payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due, other than such portion of the principal as would notthen be due had no default occurred, t ogether wit h t h e costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the terms of the obligation, as well as Successor Trustee and attorney fees as p r escribed b y OR S 86.753); and (B) by curing all such other continuing and uncured defaults as noted in this Notice.

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r.-f , ARp-",, „ ,E IFAR2012 iFAR2agg


A look back at 2012's best albums, concerts and more, PAGES 3-9






Want some free music'? See Page 10for details on how to download the 2012 NEAR/FAR albums






insi e

Cover design by Althea Borck/The Bulletin; photo by Thinkstock

Ben Salmon, 541-383-0377 bsalmon I bendbulletin.com


ARTS • 12

Elise Gross, 541-383-0351 egross@bendbulletin.com David Jasper, 541-383-0349


• Bend jeweler uses many mediums • Library seeks elemental art • St. Charles Bendhaswatercolor show • Local groups get Oregon Arts Commission grants • Art Exhibits lists current exhibits

• A review of Hideaway Tavern

diasperIbendbulletin.com Jenny Wasson, 541-383-0350 iwassonObendbulletin.com

DESIGNERS Althea Borck, 541-383-0331 aborck@bendbulletin.com Lara Milton, 541-633-2116 Imilton I bendbulletin.com

SUBMIT AN EVENT GO! MAGAZINE is published each Friday in The Bulletin. Please submit information at least 10 days before the edition in which it is printed, including the event name, brief description, date, time, location, cost, contact number and a website, if appropriate. Email to: events@bendbulletin.com Fax to: 541-385-5804, Attn: Community Life U.S. Mail or hand delivery: Community Life, The Bulletin 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702

ADVERTISING 541-382-1811

Take advantage of the full line of Bulletin products. Call 541-385-5800. ull

OUT OF TOWN • 22 • James Beard on stage in Portland • A guide to out-of-town events

GAMING • 25 • 2012's best video games

OUTDOORS • 15 • Great ways to enjoy the outdoors




• Top local albums of the year • What others thought about the local music scene • Top national albums of the year • How to download this year's NEAR/FAR compilations

• Reviews of "The Guilt Trip" and "Parental Guidance" • "The Well-Digger's Daughter" and "The Words" are out on Blu-ray and DVD • Best films of 2012 • Brief reviews of movies showing in Central Oregon



CALENDAR • 16 • A week full of Central Oregon events


' "lP Iltal

• Scott Pemberton is back in Bend; so are the Clumsy Lovers PLANNING AHEAD • 18 • A listing of live music, DJs,karaoke, • A listing of upcoming events • Talks and classes listing open mics and more

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2012: theyear in music



I,' y





I fe...


Area musicians stayed busy this year, cranking out newmusic that ranged stylistically from pop, hip-hop andelectronica to folk, blues and roots-rock. And thematically, the best


loca l releases dealt with heavy subjects: race, faith, heartbreak, homesickness and life-changing confusion. Here's a roundup of the recorded sound of Central Oregon in 2012.

AMSTERDAM &GOODWILL, 'EARTH &SKY' It's amazing what agreat beat can do. That's true in the club or your car,

MOSLEY WOTTA,'KINKONK' Bend's unofficial Urban Culture Ambassador is no stranger to this list.

and especially if you're the guy with a mic in your hand and something

But in 2012, gregarious artist and MC Mosley Wotta (aka Jason Graham) u n took a jagged path on KinKonk, eschewing the highly accessible

tosay.Bend-based MC Amsterdam alwayshassomethingtosay;the Oregon hip-hop vet has recorded prolifically as asolo artist and with his

h sm 1

aesthetic — peace, love, toothy grins and friendly funk-hop — embodied

buddies. But this collaboration with regional producer Goodwill is his best album yet. As usual, you can hear Amsterdam smirking through

by his popular live band in favor of a dark, confrontational concept album

about the collision of race, culture and rapmusic. Thebeats are always interesting and MoWo's flow is as thoughtful and limber asalways, only

cleverly constructed rhymesabout ladies, sports and life, but what sets "Earth 8 Sky" apart are Goodwill's tracks, which boom and bap, but not

this time his spittle sizzles rather than soothes. Dance parties are fun, sure, but catharsis makes for better art.

at the expense of compelling melody. CHRISBELAND, 'DANGER OF LOVE' It's been morethan two years since Chris Beland discovered the identity


SILVERO,'SPIRITUAL VAMP' Say hello to the most sinister local record of the year, a strident, snarling ball of hisses and howls that has somewhere to be — somewhere a little

of his biological father (former Flying Burrito Brother John Beland) after n three decades of calling another manuDad. The resulting personal upheaval permeates "Danger of Love," onwhich Beland freely admits: uAII that I know, I don't really know." Across 12 tracks, the former Bendite and

scuzzy — but is in no particular hurry to get there. Only a trio, Silvero takes the miracle of electricity and runs it through guitar, bass and

amplifiers to infuse its syrupy, swaggering garage-blues skronk with liberal doses of lumbering crunch. With sevensongs clocking in at 46

current Californian wanders andwonders, searching for answers about faith, love and life in aworld turned upside down. Thesesongs sound

minutes long (including three that stretch past nine), "Spiritual Vamp" is proof that you don't have to play fast to melt faces.

shipped in straight from the '70s singer-songwriter scene, but Beland's story is that of a man with an eye toward the future, whatever it may hold.


ELLIOT, 'BORDERLINES' Let's make this clear from the beginning: Elliot's brand of overtly

On his third album in four years under the name Third Seven, prolific cellist and musical-fringe explorer Billy Mickelson creates a mood as

Christian music will not be for everyone. If the thought of listening to

much as asound. Like a nose-to-tail chef, Mickelson uses all parts of

a song about loving Godmakesyou uncomfortable (or worse), move on to another block of text, becausethis Bend-based, churchgoing


his instrument — along with lots of help from family and friends — to

weave a tapestry of tones sodense and neutral,uthey seem toenvelop

quintet's candle burns bright, with no bushel in sight. But regardless

an intensive listener's mind. Once you're inside Cascadia,n you're in Mickelson's part of the world, where mournful, classically influenced drone-folk comes painted in the dark grays and deep greens of the

of lyrical themes, Elliot crafts some of our region's most impressive music, layering soaring hooks andheavenly harmonies atop impeccable


pop-rock arrangements. After all, why should the devil get all the good music?

HILST& COFFEY, 'THELONELY GRANGE SESSIONS' Sometimes, it seems like making (and listening to) music in the 21st I


album's namesake region.

Isl. KmanBB


century means navigating a sea of studio trickery. But the sound of great

naturally emotive voice, the soft-spoken singer-songwriter worked

musicians expertly playing real instruments will always endure. The debut album from this popular local duo is aptly named; theacoustics

painstakingly on the most important album of his career, taking years to

ensure each part of "The Polar Ends" wasperfectly placed. Theresult is a model of sturdy music-making, where eight songs and 30minutes are

and attention to detail that surrounded its creation at Lonely Grange Recorders in Sisters are as important as the bright plucks of Tim


packed with well-played folk, pop, blues and rock and laid-bare tales of love, heartache, anger and everything in between. If this stuff resonates

Coffey's guitar, the deep,gorgeous timbre of Kat Hilst's cello and the Celtic-flavored chamber-folk-pop they make when they're together.


Akwanaut, 'Akwanaut' + akwanaut.bandcamp.com

4 Finn Miles, Winteresque 4Todd Haaby8 SolaVia, uNu Terra"

A slightly woozy blend of jazzy influences and glitchy bleep-bloops. Odd, in agood way. +CalicoLeaf, 'Inter View'

4 Subliminal, "Rise Up"

Local DJ harvests newsounds — airy,

+ Jackie Barrett, "Between ln andOut" u

4 Ventis, uLet Go"


soundcloud.com/calicolea/sets/inter-viewt-flk040 fluttering melodies, etc.— from the stagnant

For years, it seemed as if Eric Tollefson's productivity might not catch up to his potential. Gifted with a knack for earworm melodies and a strong,

with you, congratulations: You're a humanbeing.

state of bass music. %Hawkmeat, 'Winter Ghosts'

havvkmeat .bandcamp.com The name says it all: desolate, downcast folk songs for staring out the window and

An18-track sketchbook of JayTabideas setto the hypnogogic hip-hop of Oregon producer Dead Giveaway. +Thumdprint Collective, 'ListeningEnergy' thumbprintcollective.bandcamp.com

wondering what went wrong. Electronic excavations that burrow deep into the bass andsurface into a gloriously glitchy +Jay Tablet, 'White City' soundcloudcomljaytableksetslwhite-city-mrxtape future world.

2012: theyear in music


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s is often the case in a music scene brimming with musicians paying to record out of their own pockets, a bunch of this year's best local sounds came out on EPs, a format that favors four to seven songs rather than 10 to 12. Shannon Bex continued her comeback from made-for-MTV group Danity Kane with ul'm A Woman," a punchy combo of country and pop. The Selfless Riot packed seven tracks ot' lush acoustic pop onto "These Times of Our Lives." And two Redmond stalwarts put out uncompromising EPs: High Desert Hooligans filled «7 Hollow Points" with crusty buzzsaw-punk, and A.M. Interstate's Cy Erickson bared his soul via raw, minimalist folk on "Redmond, Oregon." But itw as a band of Bend youngsters — All You All — that mastered the short-but-sweet path, releasing two excellent EPs of jittery electro-fueled indierock called "Fluorescence" and "Incandescence." Add 'em together and you'd have a terrific album. Taken separately, they're perfectly portioned tastes of what All You All does so well.

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astyear,these pages were dominated by locals playing a fairly traditional strain of folk music, fea-

turing a guy and/or gal, stories, voice(s) and acous-

tic guitar. It was good stuff, but it wasn't exactly the kind of stuff that'd send you looking for earplugs. This year, it seems loud is the new quiet, as several local bands could be found spiking their roots music with healthy doses of rock 'n' roll. And peep the variety: Veteran bar band The

River Pigs' "... When Pigs Flyu is based in the blues but incorporatesbluegrass and even some reggae,whereas the Bobby Lindstrom Band's "Between a Rock and a Blue Spot" is straight-up old-school blues-rock. The poppy jams on The Mostest's uZara Dreams" are powered by deep polyrhythmic grooves. And Five Pint Mary takes an ancient sound — Celtic folk music — and gives it some punk punch. If it's too loud, you're too old!

Dance the night away in our Ballroom! DJ starting at 9 pm + $5 per person Includes partyfavors and Champagne

Join us in Crossings Lounge!


5 Large HDTV Screens • Pocket Pool Tables Shuffleboard • Local Microbrews on Tap lowly but surely, the vinyl revival is creeping into Central Oregon. A couple of years ago, Ranch Records expanded its selection ofLPs.And in October, a second shop specializing in vinyl — Recycle Music — opened in Bend, five years to the month after CD-focused Boomtown closed. Now, local artists are increasingly pressing their music to vinyl. In 2012, three-quarter-local poppunkers Tuck 8 Roll put out a split 7" with Portland's The Tanked, and Larry and His Flask released its R Hobo's Lament" EP on a beautiful picture disc,


Ryan Brennecke The Bulletin

benmacy " ars and permanence

I •

featuring a painting of a bird-flipping old man on r "g


-- '


one side and the band's name on the other. Finally, Ben Macy — a jazz pianist who grew up in Central Oregon and lived in Bend until recently — pressed vinyl copies of his new album "Of Scars and Permanence.u The weekly Portland Mercury called it "exploratory but never meandering" and said it "just sounds better on vinyl." Well, sure! Everything does.


541-389-8810 (dinner) • 541-389-3111 (Iodging)


g'verhouse HQTEL st C Q~Q



2012: theyear in music n



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By Ben Salmon• The Bulletin . ''-."'~ff tej$Wj,+".-; M ' -~-"@ >-.4 ',.'s ;;jf...$~t4„.:,;t-.'t,.".',tlI„'~%$ ~.

Kevin Prather Doc & VVyatt, Random Presents

1. The legendary Buck 65 in front of a



lucky 30 people at the Century Center via WinterFest. Amazing. 2. Hugging Brandi Carlile. Twice. 3.Jack Black'sunpubli shablesound check bouncing down the floater-filled



• e

corridor of the Deschutes.


4. Harley

Bourbon. l, 5. Hometown



• •


'l hero Mike Fish's

release of his self-produced, classic rock-influenced hip-hop

album "Rap/98.3." If you don't know,

ya better axe somebody! Matt Rocco Volunteer, TowerTheatre Top 5 memorable celebrity moments at the Tower

1. Ashton Eaton signing autographs for three hours, then posing for pictures with Tower staff and volunteers. 2. Peter Yarrow auctioning a

personally decorated guitar, then selling his son's string bass at a post-show reception — all to raise

money for the Tower's LessonPLAN programs. 3. John McEuen (Nitty Gritty Dirty

Band) graciously shelling out his own cash in the lobby to refund a patron's

CD purchase.

Phoebe Hunt plays a setat Angeline's Bakery during the 2012 festival.

5. Brandi Carlile heckling opening act

Secret Sisters from her dressing room window over the stage.

This was by far the best performance of the year. Milk Carton Kids' sweet

songsandharmonieswereSimon & Garfunkel-esque and their humor

was dryer than mymom's fruitcake. The Punch Brothers lived up to all the hype. They are truly virtuosos on their respective instruments and I love the

way they redefine them." — Mark Quon, half of The Quons

jordan Roberts Jones Road 1. Playing to a full crowd in Bend with

Floater! And Pete (Floater's drummer)

Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin file photo

3. High 8 Dry Bluegrass Festival. A

cancelled, and then the rioting (quietly) over the noise ordinance

whole lot of bluegrass, country, folk and a smidgeon of ukulele, with local

"John Fullbright at Sisters Folk Festival. Maybe 25 years old, just

and regional acts. Family-friendly

Wesley LaddandTheHorned Handfor

camping under the stars; singing along with the coyotes. How Central

2. Snoop Dogg cameto Bend. My

nominated for a Grammy for best Americana album. Powerful and understated at the same time. He just killed."

— Willie Carmichael, singer-songwriter "Abigail Washburn at the Sisters Folk Festival. Her Sunday set behind the Depot Deli with Kai Welch and a guest appearance by fiddler Phoebe Hunt

was mesmerizing. Washburn andher banjo takeyou on aworldly Asian Appalachian journey." — Michael Funke,hostofTheRadicalSongbook onKPDV "Having three police cars show up atthe Sisters Folk Festival because I was so loud. It was beautiful." — Pat Pearsall, bassist in Hobbs "Sisters Folk Festival. This is the music that does it for me. Not so much the 'folk' part of the title, but the focus on the song, the turn of a phrase, the attention to harmony. I admire songwriters because I am not good or practiced at it, which is why I choose to sing other people's songs. The fact that it is held in Sisters is icing."

— Elise Michaels, TheString Rats << g gilk Carton Kids and the Punch I V IBrothers at TowerTheatre.

"Taarka and Brian Blade at Sisters Folk Festival." — Drew Kelliher, High Desert Booking

4. Lindsey Buckingham feeding off the

packed, sold-out crowd, aseachguitar solo got louder and longer.

Joe Kline/The Bulletin file photo

came upandcoveredStoneTemple Pilot's "Plush" with us.:) 2. Hank III at the Domino Room. An

all-around great time for everyone. 3. Muse, "The 2nd Law." This album is great and reminds me of why I fell in love with Radiohead. 4. Deftones, "Koi No Yokan." The soundtrack to my truck. It's up, it's down, it's AWESOME.

5. Everything about our local music scene. Goingtosmallshowsand festivals and hearing our ownlocals tear it up or lay it down real smooth. You all rock!

Rick Miller, TK 5 DennisPlant Hosts of Center Stage on KPOV 1. 4 Peaks Music Festival. Wildly talented national/regional jam, funk,

Oregon, Part 2!

mother called and asked me if I was

going, remembering myobsession

of each month at Hola in downtown

ecstatic, and rocks his boots with

Bend. Want to catch a rising star? A theme is given to participating

musicians every month andupwards of15 acts choose acouple of cover songs to perform, ranging from good quality to absolutely jaw-dropping performances.

bells on. 4. The Lumineers. My new favorite nonlocal band. Their self-titled debut album is lilting and rustic and they have a top 40 hit with ... get this ... ACTUAL GUITAR ON IT, a rarity these days. 5. Getting invited to sing on local

<<The Fred Eaglesmith Band,

musician DanShanahan's album. Why isn't this guy famous?Secret national

with "Doggystyle" in '93. Yes, mom; hell yes. 3. Wilderness, my new favorite local band. Jared Nelson Smith is eclectic,

g I Tif Ginn and Bill Poss at the

treasure alert! Hey, Dan ... when is that album coming out?

— twice in Canada and twice in Texa

Wesley Ladd andCallie Young

— and his Central Oregonshow was • the best yet. A great songwriter with a stage presenceand hilarious, I mean g hilarious, commentary betweensongs. They are all funny andall damned good

Owners, The Horned Hand Top 5 reasons to thank the gods for Bend'sblossoming music scene

HarmonyHouse,Oct. 6. We've seen Fred five times sinceJuly 2011

jamie Houghton

lyrics on a movie screen to sing to. Tie The DreamSymphony dye and '60s-era grooviness with the 1. Bend residents rallying for local wafting of... what's that I smell? ... mmm, patchouli. Right on!

leading that good fight.

4. Broken Down Guitars and All You All performing at the Last Band Standing competition. The veterans and the new kids battled it out for the top spot. 5. Night Under the Covers, first Friday

reggae anddance bands. Dramatic performers. No CD will ever capture weather. Dancing,campingand what they do. I am almost a Fredhead." partying. Did I mention dancing? How — Michael Funke, host of Central Oregon! The Radical Songbook on KPOV 2. KPOV's Beatles Singalong. Six diverse local bands playing their unique versions of Beatles tunes with

Yeah,Bend! Getsome! And kudos to

music: first the outpouring of support for Bend Roots Revival after it was

1. Retail shops canserve beer and have live music (now fully endorsed by the Bend City Council); i.e. Crow's

Foot Commons, the notorious Horned Hand, Gossamer. 2. Bend's varied musical appetites support and drawacts ranging from Scott H. Biram, Whitey Morgan and

Possessed byPaulJames to Snoop Dogg, Michael Franti and DMX. Variety is the spice of life.

Continued next page

2012: theyear in music





,=Hi hli'hts of t e ear from:those closest to the 'music scene'.'> ei'

'r4: '%jMi ;; tt'


From previous page 3. Larryand His Flask and Mosley

Wotta are now international acts.


Thanks for putting us on the map

Chris Lohrey,aka Paranome


GrovePresents/Bend Rhythm

4. Central Oregon Music and Arts

Coalition (COMAC)andBend

Society/SurlyCamp Top 5 albums in no order

Residents for a Sensible Noise

• Macklemore & RyanLewis,

Ordinance (BRSNO)have united artists, promoters andvenuestowards a common goal, avery healthy music scene. 5. (Drum roll!) Judge Hemphill dismissing a court case concerning the noise ordinance, stating "lack of

• Mala, "Mala in Cuba" • Maya Jane Coles, "DJ-Kicks" • Nicolas Jaar, "Space is Only Noise" • Purity Ring, "Shrines"

clarity in the code" for his decision.

Don Hoxie

Three cheers for sensible humansin our legal system. Hip hip hooray! <<Qeriously, I watch alotof concerts Din many towns in Oregon, Idaho,

"The Heist"

The Subsitutes 1. The Fixx live in Bend, Aug. 9 2. KISS, "Monster" 3. Macklemore live in Bend. My

Californiaand Washington. Bend

son's favorite artist. v

shows areamazing. Thepeople (who) live here LOVE their live music. Keep

4. Vulcans Never Bluff,

it up, Bend. Our shows keep getting bigger and better. I think the people of

Bend need to beproud of how they are supporting and changing our music landscape here! Therearetwo seasons here in Bend:Winter and Music." — Jasmine Helsley, JAH Promotions, executive booker of Silver Moon Brewing



Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin file photo

5. H.E.A.T.,

anthemic rock like this. Actually,


one of Sam's newsongs is very reminiscent ... pure coincidence.

"Address the

Joe Kline/The Bulletin file photo

anniversary album, showing uswhat

Sean Garvin

being a bunch of rock stars is all about! Mick, Keith and the rest of the

Tuck and Roll, Boxcar Stringband 1. Alabama Shakes, "Boys & Girls." Can't wait to see them in Portland in

Schwab Amphitheater. I mean really, Ray, you were awfully tepid. A little

sugar in the diet never hurt anybody! 3. Band field trip to Eugene's Ninkasi Studios to start the first Broken Down Guitars album, due out early next year! 4. Steve Kimock"warming up" to our little city and creating the best

scene in downtown Bendhave I ever experienced, period! 5. The double album set of "It's A Beautiful Day" in steamy August. I can't listen to "White Bird" enough


times to get my fill of the psychedelic

LaMontagne showEVER,at Les


... local band's

Broken Down Guitars,Voodoo Highway Top 5 rock star moments of 2012 1. The Rolling Stones'50-year

something, seriously! 2. Dozing off next to my dad on the lawn at the most boring Ray



Stacie Johnson

band, please neverstop! If you do, the world may stop spinning on its axis or


'60s. Cheers!

too.Thisalbum hasbecome one

Elise Michaels The String Rats

• Chris Beland's "Danger of Love" album. I love Chris's voice and

his songwriting style. He is so thoroughly honest and not afraid to

Cemetery Sings." 3.Shovels& Rope, "O'Be Joyful." Again, thanks, KEXP, for this discovery. Too bad I missed them at Pickathon. 4. Bob Mould, "Silver Age." He put together a great lineup for this record. You can't go wrong with Jon Wurster

from Superchunk on drums. 5. Japandroids, "Celebration Rock." I wish Tuckand Roll wrote more

of my"stuck on a desert island" albums. •LocalBands Do Good. It

excites me that so much great music comes to Central Oregon. I remember the days when

Mackenzie's was the only place to hear music. But I am even more thrilled that several local bands are

March! 2. Father John Misty, "Fear Fun." Josh Tillman is definitely kooky... watch him live. I have yet to make it through his "Bed Bug Mountain" liner notes. Thank you, KEXP, for the heavy rotation of "Hollywood Forever

admit his fears, loves, and doubts. He surrounds himself with tight musicians that bring out the best in his ability to craft a beautiful melody,

making waves outside of Central Oregon: Larry and His Flask,

The Bulletin file photo

<Qounting Crows'Outlaw I VRoadshow.I love the Counting Crows, and it was sogreat to seethem

Mosley Wotta and The Autonomics. To be able to leave and follow their dreams AND get attention in the big, wide music world proves that you don't need to be from the big city to create music that resonates.

• Speaking for my band the String

in Bend. They never play in Oregon! Although I really hope Les Schwab

Rats, one of our favorite places to

Amphitheater doessomething about reserved seating (keeping fansaway from the stage), because in myopinion t really affected the performances."•

we tell them where we are playing. Yes, it is a grocery store, but that just

— Travis Ehrenstrom, singer-songwriter

play — ever — is C.E.Lovejoys. People alwaysdoadoubletakewhen goes to show you what a hip store and venue it is. Beer, wine, and food

sampling, good acoustics and music. It's awesome!

<< Qaving my babyboy, Hendrix, at I Isomeof my gigs to smile at me while I sing and play for him. The first one he came to was at Mt. Bachelor. Subliminal was playing outside on the

deck and mywife, Hannah, shows up with my little man in a snow suit that looked way too big for him. It ... made my heart melt enough to forget some lyrics. It was especially hard to sing 'In My Life' after dedicating it to him at the Beatles Singalong at the Century Center. I always get choked up on that one if he's there." — Andy Jacobs, Subliminal and Sons of Dirt

<< +udos to GoodLifeBreweryand WBroken Top Bottle Shop for

opening their spacefor musicand contributing to the scene. Both are great places to take your family to listen to the

talented people inourcommunity!"

— Jenny Wasson, Moon Mountain Ramblers


2012: theyear in music




4$V "e

By Ben Salmon• The Bulletin




Bver-the-topdrama-popand sludgyprog-metal. Pretty,shiftlessshoegaze and Southern-friedrap.Sunbaked, old-soulfolkand mystical Afro-psych. FuturisticRSBand bleak, pastoral drones. The best albums of 2012 are marked by one commonality: their individualities. Trend-searchers, step aside; this year, artists did things their way.

FUN., 'SOMENIGHTS' (Fueled By Ramen) The best album of 2012 or just the onethat clobbered the world over

BARONESS, 'YELLOw8EGREEN' (Relapse) Long considered one ofAmerica's most promising young metal

the head until it surrendered? Fair question. In a year of ubiquitous

bands, the sprawling third album from this group of glowering Georgians was both 2012's wickedest curveball and its epic-est epic.

songs (see: Jepsen,Gotye, PSY), this BayArea trio had the most impressive run, scoring massive hits from analbum packedwall-

On "Yellow 8 Green," frontman JohnBaizley andcompany have scraped awaymuch of the sludge of their previous work to reveal a penchant for catchy, heavy alt-rock marked by regular ascents into sparkling pop andsinuous prog. Don't misunderstand: Baroness can

to-wall with memorable tunes. Fun.'s formula isn't for everyone; shoegazers and cred hawks will cringe at the faux-indie band's combo

ofQueen-esquegrandeuranddrama-clubbombast.Butwhenthe hooks are this huge, it's best just to give in and sing along at the top

still snarl and crunch when they want to. It's just increasingly clear that this is a band that wants to do a lot more than that.

of your lungs. After all, you're only going to beyoung forever.

IGI ajjE



MIGUEL,'KALEIDOSCOPE DREAM' (RCA) Thanks to legal wrangling, poor promotion by adying record label

Say hi to the slow-growing album of the year, the second solo release from Lockett Pundt, better known as the integral guitar player in the

' lggg forever to get to this, the brilliant second album from new-school soul and a trio of amazing self-released teaser EPs, it feels like it took

big-indie band Deerhunter. Freedfrom the distinctive, someone-elsedriven aesthetic of that act, Pundt's own songs sound like ... well,

maverick Miguel. Boy, was it worth the wait. "Kaleidoscope Dream" comes roaring out of the gate with the grimy bass line of "Adorn"

(arguably 2012's best single) and never lets up. Across11 free-

Deerhunter, but more compact, less meandering. That's a good thing. On "Spooky Action," Pundt's guitar ripples through ahaze of reverb,

thinking and futuristic R8 B tracks, Miguel preens and purrs his way

creating patterns of sound that wash against your ears until erosion

sets in and persistent melodies flood your mind. This is dream-pop at its finest: subtly and sneakily seductive.

through an evidently endless supply of come-ons and innuendo. It's a style very much in vogue right now, but no oneelse sounds asfresh.

KILLER MIKE, 'R.A.P. MUSIC'(Williams Street)

GOAT, 'WORLD MUSIC' (Rocket Recordings)

Rock 'n' roll is better when it comes shrouded in mystery and with a sizable stash of psychedelics. The story behind Goat involves a

The consensuson 2012's besthip-hop album landed on "Good Kid,

M.A.A.D City," Kendrick Lamar's looong, cinematic masterpiece. But if you prefer your rap concise — beats, rhymes, no B.S.— Killer

remote Swedish village with a long tradition of voodoo ritual, and the

Mike offers an aptly named monument to all of the above. On "R.A.P. Music," he spits Southern fire and shows off his brawn and brains, mingling gritty street raps with motormouthed meditations on politics and literature. Alt-rap kingpin El-P's production is perfect; the

truth and fiction of that story is up for debate. Here's a fact, however: Whoever is behind this band's collection of masks created a wild and

wicked musical ride in 2012, using the finest ingredients: monstrous psych-rock, heavy fuzz-funk, West African dance music and whatever else infiltrated its bubble. That bubble has now popped, unleashing

Goat's wild-eyed, exhilarating sound on the world. Soak it in.

duo's disparate styles cometogether like afusion dish of dopeness. Know someonewho says hip-hop is dead? Buythem "R.A.P. Music."

DIIV, 'OSHIN'(Captured Tracks) That thing whenyou're listening to analbum and you haven't heard

JESSICAPRATT, 'JESSICAPRATT' (Birth) Jessica Pratt's self-titled debut is a songwriting record. There is no

of the band before but it turns out they are quite deft at turning six

pretense here. It came out of nowhere late this year on a label started primarily for its release. The production value is decidedly lo-fi; you

strings and anamplifier into the most mesmerizingly melodic album of the year andthen you keeplistening and youfind yourself getting

can hear the tapestart and stop and hiss in places. There's acoustic guitar, gently plucked andunadorned, and Pratt's porcelain voice is a

really, truly lost in this band's endless, gentle swirl of chiming guitars and pitter-patter rhythms that seem to float up and up and away

DIIV '.;

study in budding (but not quite there) confidence. But at the center of

until you nearly lose sight of them, but then they hop onanother

this little universe are Pratt's songs: simple, plaintive, left-of-center

reverberant riff and power your next daydream daze and the one after that, too ... do you know that thing? Yeah ... that thing.

folk sketches of time, love and life gone by. Pratt is a quirky old soul

NICHOLAS SZCZEPANIK, 'WE MAKELIFE SAD' (WeMe) This Chicago-based experimental musician's profile began to rise in 2011 when he released "Please Stop Loving Me," an album that consisted of one 48-minute track of dynamic and multi-textured drone music. This year, he followed that with "We Make Life Sad," a

collection of shorter numbers that could only be classified as "pop music" in his catalog, or maybe an apocalyptic landscape of sounds sentenced to a slow, wheezing death. "Sad" is a bleak exercise in

from San Francisco. Because of course sheis.


f sff e ~ +

PASSIONPIT, 'GOSSAMER' (Columbia) Pop music as therapy, as salve for the trials of life. Passion Pit's Michael Angelakos is not the first songwriter to find emotional solace

in the sounds that comeout of his head, but on the second Passion Pit album, he mines the upbeat songs/downcast lyrics formula more

successfully than most. "Gossamer" is a diary of dizzying highs and lows, where the electro-pop hooks are soebullient and irresistible,

fuzzy instrumental loops, fading memories andemotional decaythat

they nearly shroud Angelakos' stories of mental illness, substance abuse, domestic trouble and financial despair. It's a juxtaposition that

will burrow its way into the heart and mind of the patient listener.

might be jarring if it weren't so effortlessly listenable.


2012: theyear in music



Cool sounds fro iround the world PSYCH / PUNK / METAL


TY SEGALL, 'TWINS'(Drag City) /'SLAUGHTERHOUSE'(In the Red) No one in the underground rock scenehad a better year than been-around-forever-


but-still-young Ty Segall. The prolific Bay Area rager put out three albums of terrific

material in 2012, including "Hair," a collaboration with fellow time-warper White Fence. But "Slaughterhouse" (a heavyscorcher recorded with his touring band) and "Twins" (a more restrained, poppier solo album) were thecream of the crop, and a good starting point for the question: "Is there anything TySegall can't do?"



KA, 'GRIEFPEDIGREE'(Iron Works) Lots of rappers peddle street tales; Ka's "Grief Pedigree" puts you there. The underappreciated MC's strength is in his lyrics, which paint a picture of his rough


New York neighborhood that's so vivid, you'll be dodging cracks in the imaginary concrete beneath your feet. But don't confuse "vivid" with "colorful." This album is

a dark, dour story of city life anchored byKa's icy delivery, which rarely rises above



the level of an alleyway conversation when you don't know who's around the corner.



GREGFOATGROUP, 'GIRLANDROBOTWITH FLOWERS' (Jazzman) The expansive secondalbum from this British space-jazz combo sounds like it was

analog production to create a far-out atmosphere that sounds like slow-motion footage of a dying supernova. "Girl and Robot" is an interesting, interstellar trip.




BOB MOULD,'SILVERAGE' (Merge) A gang of bands made upof relatively, um, experiencedrockers released great


scooped up from the genre's fusion-happy '70s and — ZIPI ZAP! — transported into the 21st century. Foat, a pianist, and his mates are master travelers of the aural/

astral plane, using traditional instrumentation, modern synthesizers andwarm,

records in 2012, including Redd Kross, Nada Surf, OFFI and Mission Of Burma. But

the leader of this anti-youth movement waspunkicon Bob Mould, whose "Silver Age" is a bracing slab of muscular pop-rock, and his best work since Sugarwas rolling along in the early1990s. Top to bottom, the album melodically melts faces with the kind of force you learn naturally over three melodic-face-melting decades.

ANG FARRAR,JAMES, JOHNSON AND PARKER, 'NEW MULTITUDES'(Rounder) Take four acclaimed songwriters, give themaccess to WoodyGuthrie's seemingly bottomless trove of unused lyrics and let themwork their magic. You'd expect "New Multitudes" to be good, but notthisgood. Freed, perhaps, from the expectations of II

," )l~


their own work, JayFarrar (SonVolt), Jim James (My Morning Jacket), Will Johnson (Centro-matic) and Anders Parker harvest rustic folk, dust bowl drones, crunchy roots-rock and a generally reverberant feel from Ol' Woody's weathered poetry.






2012: theyear in music




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going out Looking for something to do? Check out our listing of live music, DJs, karaoke, open mics and more happening at local nightspots. Find lots more at www.bendbulletin.com/events.

DSCOTT PEMBERTONRETURNS On the Scott Pemberton Trio's Facebookpage, under the "Description" section, it says this: "If James Brown, Dick Dale and Jimi Hendrix planted

a fruit tree in Portland this sound might have fallen



off." That fruit tree must have strong branches, because a description like that puts Pemberton out D. 0 Q

on a limb. Fortunately, he candeliver. A virtuosic

t3 tD

guitar shredder with a predilection for funk grooves


andpsychedelicjams,Pembertonand hisband are a sight to see, which youcan dotonight at



TODAY TEXASHOLD'EM:$40; 6 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill 8 Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. LARK:Jazz; 6:30 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite190, Bend; 541-728-0095. RENOHOLLER:Pop; 7 p.m.; Niblick and Greene's, 7535 Falcon Crest Drive ¹100, Redmond; 541-548-4220. SCOTTPEMBERTON BAND:Rock;7 p.m .; McMenamins Old St. Francis School,700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; www.mcmenamins. com. BOBBYLINDSTROM'S BLACKBERRY JAM:Blues and rock; 8 p.m.; Kelly D's,1012 S.E.ClevelandAve., Bend; 541-389-5625. KARAOKE: 8 p.m.; Sandbagger Dinner House, 5165 Clubhouse Drive, Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-8655. HILST& COFFEY:Chamberfolk;8 p.m.; $5; The Horned Hand,507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; www.facebook. com/thehornedhand. RUCKUS: Rock; 8:30 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill,62860Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. HALOHAVEN:Hard rock, with Open Defiance andTentareign; 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge,70 N.W.NewportAve., Bend; 541-389-6999. DJT-WRECKS: Dance music, with DJ Harlo and DJCodiCarroll; 9:30 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116. WILDERNESS:Roots-rock, with Silvero; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331. DJ STEELE:10p.m.; The Summit Saloon & Stage, 125 N.W.Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-749-2440.

SATURDAY FREEPOKER TOURNAMENT: 1p.m .; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. RUNWAY RANCH:Bluegrass; 6:30 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse,19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite190, Bend;

541-728-0095. TEXAS HOLD'EMTOURNAMENT: 6:30 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E.Division St., Bend; 541-550-777 I. BOXCAR STRINGBAND:Americana; 7 p.m.; McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174. LAUREL BRAUNS:Folk-pop; 7 p.m.; portello winecafe, 2754 N.W.Crossing Drive, Bend; 541-385-1777. MAI & DAVE: Bluegrass and Americana; 7 p.m.; Parrilla Grill, 635 N.W.14th St., Bend; 541-617-9600. RENOHOLLER:Pop; 7p.m.; Niblick and Greene's, 7535 Falcon Crest Drive ¹100, Redmond; 541-548-4220. SASSPARILLA:Blues; $7; 7 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. MainAve., Sisters; 541-8159122 or www.belfryevents.com. KARAOKE: 8 p.m.; Sandbagger Dinner House, 5165 Clubhouse Drive, Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-8655. KARAOKE WITH BIGJOHN: 8 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. FIVE PINT MARY:Celtic-rock; 8:30 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill,62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. THUMBPRINTCOLLECTIVE:Electronica; 9 p.m.; The HornedHand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; www.facebook. com/thehornedhand. DJT-WRECKS: Dance music, with DJ Harlo and DJCodi Carroll; 9:30 p.m.; Astro Lounge,939 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116. THE SUBLIMINALEXPERIENCE:Reggaerock and Hendrix covers: $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331. DJ STEELE:10p.m.; The Summit Saloon & Stage,125 N.W.Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-749-2440.

SUNDAY BOBBY LINDSTROM:Bluesand rock; 1 p.m.; Strictly Organic Coffee Co., 6S.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-330-6061. POKER TOURNAMENT:1 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E.

Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. PAULEDDY:Twang-pop; 3 p.m.; Strictly Organic Coffee Bar, 450 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, Suite 400, Bend; 541-647-1402. LISA DAEAND ROBERTLEETRIO: Jazz; 5 p.m.; Northside Bar 8 Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. TEXAS HOLD'EMTOURNAMENT: 5p.m .; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill 8 Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. RUSSELNUTE: Americanaand country; 7 p.m.; Broken TopBottle Shop & Ale Cafe, 1740 N.W.PenceLane, Suite1, Bend; 541-728-0703. THE HOLLANDS!: Folk;7 p.m .; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; www.mcmenamins. com.

MONDAY TEXAS HOLD'EMOR OMAHA: 4 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. RISEUP NEW YEAR'S EVEBASH:W ith Larry & His Flask, Possessed byPaul James, Hopeless Jackand Terrible Buttons; $10-$13; 7 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; www. bendticket.com. STRINGSATTACHED:Ring in the New Year at 9 p.m; 7:30-9:30 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite190, Bend; 541-728-0095. MADNESS ATTHEMIDTOWN: Dance music with NastyNasty, Samples, Woody McBride, Medium Troyand more;ages 18 andover;$20-$25;8 p.m .;Midtown Ballroom, 51 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend www.slipmatscience.com. MOON MOUNTAINRAMBLERS:The Americana band performs, with Grit & Grizzle; $15; 8 p.m.; TheBelfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www.belfryevents.com. NEW YEAR'SEVE PARTY:Livem usicby FunBobby, an '80sdancecompetition, games, food and drinks; all ageswelcome $13, $10ages 21 andunder in advance, $15 at the door; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E.Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.newyearsmashup eventbrite.com. HOTTEA COLD: Blues-rock;$I0;8:30

McMenamins Old St. Francis School. Details below.

•CLUMSY LOVERS COME BACK TO BEND The Clumsy Lovers used to beregulars in Bend, stopping in once ayear or so to play their mix of bluegrass, folk, rockand Celtic music. It's been a

while, and though some of thefaces appear to have changed, the sound hasn't. Clumsy Lovers are still a high-energy live band known for its ability to fill a dance floor. They'll attempt to do just that Thursday night at The Sound Garden. Details are below. — !3en Salmon

p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. NEW YEAR'SEVEBASH: Rock and blues with Bobby Lindstrom; 8:30 p.m.; Velvet, 805 N.W.WallSt.,Bend;541-728-0303. NEW YEAR'SEVEWITH LINDY GRAVELLE: Country and pop; 8:30 p.m.; Niblick and Greene's, 7535 Falcon Crest Drive ¹100, Redmond; 541-548-4220. NEW YEAR'SEVE CELEBRATION:Live music with Harley Bourbon andAcross the Great Divide; $5; 9 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., Bend; www.mcmenamins.com. NEW YEAR'SEVEEXTRAVAGANZA: Music and dancing; 9 p.m.; Hardtails Bar and Grill, 175 N. Larch St., Sisters; 541-549-6114. NIGHTATTHEROXBURY COSTUME PARTY: 9 p.m.;SevenNightclub,1033 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-760-9412. RED SOLO CUPNEWYEAR'S EVEPARTY: Live music and prizes; 9 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar 8 Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 or www. maverickscountrybar.com.

TUESDAY ALLEYCATSJAZZ ENSEMBLE:Dance andlunch;10:30a.m .;Bend'sCommunity Center,1036 N.E. Fifth St.; 541-312-2069. LIVETEXAS HOLD'EM OR OMAHA: 3 p.m.; Millennium Cafe, 445 S.W.Sixth St., Redmond; 541-350-0441. TEXASHOLD'EMBOUNTY TOURNAMENT: 6 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill& Poker, 2650 N.E.Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. UKULELE JAM:6:30 p.m.; Kelly D's, 1012 S.E. Cleveland Ave., Bend;541-389-5625. POSSESSED BYPAULJAMES: Rootsrock, with TomVandenAvond, Hopeless Jackandmore; $5; 8 p.m.; TheHorned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.facebook. com/thehornedhand. BEATS & RHYMES:Local hip-hop; 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W.Newport Ave., Bend;541-389-6999.


Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. OPEN MIC: 6:30 p.m.;M & JTavern,102 N.W.Greenwood,Bend;541-389-1410. DJAND KARAOKE:7p.m.; Sandbagger Dinner House, 5165Clubhouse Drive, Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-8655. FRANCHOTTONE: Pop-rock; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; www.mcmenamins. com. KARAOKE: 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. REGGAENIGHT WITH MC MYSTIC:9 p.m.; Astro Lounge,939 N.W. BondSt., Bend;541-388-0116.

THURSDAY GREG BOTSFORD: Jam-pop;5 p.m.; Faith, Hope andCharity Vineyards, 70455 N.W. Lower Bridge Way,Terrebonne. TEXASHOLD'EMBOUNTY TOURNAMENT: 6 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E.Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. THE CLUMSYLOVERS:Folk-rock; $9 plus fees in advance; 6:30 p.m.; TheSound Garden,1279 N.E.Second St., Bend; 541633-6804orwww.bendticket.com. JEFF CROSBY8[ THEREFUGEES: Americana; 7 p.m.; McMenamins OldSt. Francis School,700 N.W .Bond St.,Bend; www.mcmenamins.com. LEROYNEWPORT'S BANJO JAM: Bluegrass; 7 p.m.; River RimCoffeehouse, 19570Amber Meadow Drive, Suite190, Bend; 541-728-0095. THE ROCKHOUNDS: Acoustic; 7 p.m.; Kelly D's, 1012 S.E.Cleveland Ave., Bend; 541-389-5625. OPENMIC:8p.m.;Northside Bar8 Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road,Bend; 541-383-0889. DISCOTHEOUENOUVEAU:Altelectronica, house music, dubstep and more; 9 p.m.; TheBlacksmith Restaurant, 211 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-318-0588. • To sUBMIT:Email eventsobendbullevn.com. Deadline is 10 days before publication. Please include date, venue, time and cost




Photos by Joe Kline /The Bulletin

Stuart Breidenstein lights a torch to enamel-fire a piece in his shop, Stuart's of Bend, on Friday. At right are finished enamel necklaces.

• Bend j eler Stuart Breidenstein works with many mediumsto create uniquepieces By David Jasper

belts made from v i ntage Formica, aviator goggles befitting rtist Stuart Breidenstein a "Mad Max" f i lm , f unctional bills himself as maker of metal pieces like tiny working "Bend's least normal jew- stoves and steam engines best elry," and a tour of his Old Iron- described as steampunk. It's all there, as varied as Breworks Arts District showroom and workspace seem to support idenstein's development as a vithat claim. sual artist. Large windows allow visitors The 47-year-old grew up in an a glimpse into the rear work- artistic home, where his father shop, where Breidenstein makes, used to make jewelry, and Breto name but a few things, charms idenstein began making wood from oxidized copper, bronze jewelry himself back in 1989. In amulets, silver rings dotted with the 1990s, Breidenstein, also a manzanita, copper hat badges, musician, was active in Southern The Bulletin


Alcoholburning stove

necklaces are made with copper and brass. Courtesy Stuart Breidenstein

California's e lectro n i c m u s i c s ce n e , while at the same time making j e w e l r y from found materials, including broken glass — after which his interest moved to making jewelry with metal. In 2001, he took a metalsmithing class, "which showed me how to do all the things I'd been doing wrong over the last decade," he says, chuckling. Breidenstein doesn't have a degree, but has

taken classes intwo-dimensional design, art for advertising, Web design and more. On the second floor of his Stuart's of Bend space, Breidenstein hosts guests during the Old Ironworks monthly L ast Saturday event, featuring food, drink, music and art. (Note: The event will resume Jan. 26.)

Continued next page



From previous page The wall along the staircase to the second floor offers a shadowbox retrospective of Breidenstein's artistic evolution, moving forward in time as one ascends the stairs. Beginning with a box from the 1980s that holds cedar-shingle earrings painted with acrylics and ending at one holding pieces made around the time he studied m e t alsmithing, Breidenstein'sprogression as an artist is startling. Jewelry-making became his full-time occupation in 2006, and five years ago, he moved from Southern California to forge a new life in Bend, sight unseen, on the recommendation of friends who thought he'd like it. In August 2010, he opened his shop in the Old Ironworks Arts District, located on Scott Street east of the Bend Park-

way (see "If you go"). Today, Breidenstein, uses bronze, Formica, sterling silver,brass,wood, plastic,resin and various other materials, including copper, his favorite material due to its clay-like softness afterannealing, or heating. Breidenstein doesn't like the


Arts District, 50 S.E. Scott St., Bend

Breidenstein began making bags, bracelets and belts from the material after he found a Formica desk for sale, and has morerecentlybeen ableto find Formica sample sets dating back to the 1950s for auction on eBay. The idea to use Formica in his work came to Breidenstein

Cost:Prices of works vary

while he doing a design-a-day


project he called "The Daily Bird," he says. "I did a (new)

If yougo What: Stuart's of Bend When:10a.m.to 5 p.m. Wednesday through

Sunday Where:The Old lronworks

com/FBStuart, stuart© breidensteindesign.com, Joe Kline /The Bulletin

Stuart Breidenstein shows a belt buckle he made in his shop, Stuart's of Bend. term "steampunk," but there's a good chance steampunk fans would like his work, some of which has been displayed in a 2011 steampunk exhibit in Seattle. As he pours alcohol into one of the two small working steam engines he's made, he admits it's difficult to avoid the steampunk label: "Since it is a steam engine, and it has that look, it's pretty hard to avoid it," he says. "And I like the aesthetic of steampunk stuff. But more than the aesthetic of it, I like functional stuff. I like functional art and kinetic art."

For readers unfamiliar with steampunk, it's a science fiction subgenre that has poured over int o o t he r m e diums, including a r t . S t eampunkw orkshop.com calls i t " t h e intersection o f te c h nology and romance. It's fashion, an aesthetic, a genre of fiction, a musical style, and a burgeoning subculture which delights i n making t hings that a r e a blend of the modern and anachronistic." Breidenstein, who doesn't pay much attention to steampunk movies or literature, says he began making items that

into the society's 47th Annual Transparent Media exhibition. An opening reception will be heldfrom 3 to 5 p.m. Jan. 4. The exhibit is open to the public daily, at all hours, at St. Charles Bend, 2500 N.E. Neff Road. Contact: lindartsylClgmail. com or 541-633-7886.

Tower, who chaired the review panel, as saying. "These awards represent modest inThe Friends Of The Bend vestments that return signifiLibraries Art Committee has cant value to Oregonians." issued a call for art for the upThe High Desert Museum coming exhibit "Earth, Water, received$4,500tosupport Wild Sky." Adventures, free preschool litUp to two pieces fitting that eracy and arts programming theme, in any w all-hanging aimed at developing children's medium, may be delivered to interest in reading. the Hutchinson Room at the Oregon Arts T he M useum a t Wa r m Downtown Bend Library, 601 Commission grants Springs received $5,600 to supN.W. Wall St., between 3 and 6 port an exhibit on the life and p.m. Feb. 5. Works should have T wo Central O regon o r work of the late tribal member outer frame dimensions of 16 ganizations and one city are and artist Apolonia Susana inches by 20 inches. among the 23 recipients of Santos, along with an Artist The exhibit will be on dis- 2013 Arts Build Communities Village to engage the complay through May 6. (ABC) grants. munity and museum visitors Contact: 541-389-9846. The grants, funded by the during the museum's 20th anOregon A r t s C o m m ission, niversary celebration in 2013. Watercolor show were issued this month to supThe city of Redmond report projects that address comceived $2,800, which will go to at St. Charles Bend munity issues including litera- support sculptor Ryan Beard's An exhibit of 20 award-win- cy, downtown redevelopment residency wit h e l ementary, ning works by Oregon water- and cultural inclusiveness. middle and high school stu"Each project demonstrates dents as he completes the decolor artists will be displayed in the Watercolor Society of creativity, local commitment, sign, construction and instalOregon's "Traveling Show," community partnership and lation of a public artwork for Wednesday through Feb. 28 at high-quality a rt s p r o grams Redmond's first roundabout. St. Charles Bend. created specifically to improve Contact: www.culturaltrust. The works were selected lives," a news release quotes org. — David Jasper from among th e 8 0 j u r i ed Arts C o m missioner L i b by


design a day for a hundred days, which was pretty grueling, especially toward the end." " The Daily B i rd" o f t h e project's name came about because he had developed a daily habit: coffee and/or a pastry from Sparrow Bakery, a short walk away from his storefront. " I needed to pay for m y S parrow h a bit," h e s a y s , laughing. " That's wh y i t ' s called 'The Daily Bird,' to pay for my daily Sparrow habit. But I also did it as a project to push my creativity." Ever sincehe posted Formica work to his Facebook, "It's been my most popular line of stuff," he says.


.com could easily fall under that heading before he'd ever the term. "Like this ring, I made it probably 10 years ago. That was long before I heard the term 'steampunk,' but it definitely falls into that category,"

he says. At the moment, though, it's his Formicapieces he's having trouble keeping in stock. "I think it's got that nostalgia factor. It's really colorful. It's really lightweight; it's great to work w i th," he says. "It works like a really hard wood or plastic. I can cut it with the band saw, shape it with grinders and hand-file the edges."

— Reporter: 541-383-0349, dj asper@bendbulletinicom


Call for earthy, watery, airy art

e e;,:jt




www.mockingdird-gallery.com KAREN BANDY DESIGN JEWELER 25 NW MINNESOTA AVE. ¹5 • 541-388-0155 WWW.kareilbandy.COm


www.sageframing-gallery.com PAUL SCOTT GALLERY 869 NW WALL ST. • 541-330-6000

www.paulscottfineart.com RED CHAIR GALLERY 103 NW OREGON AVE. • 541-306-3176


ljOWn xOWn.



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ALLEDAREALESTATE: Featuring works by Pam Jersey Bird; through Monday; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Suite 1, Bend; 541-633-7590. AMBIANCEARTCO-OP: Featuring gallery artists; 435 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; 541-548-8115. ARTISTS' GALLERYSUNRIVER: Featuring local artists; 57100 Beaver Drive, Building 19; www. artistsgallerysunriver.com or 541-593-4382. ATELIER 6000:Featuring "Branching Out" and "Objects" by local artists; through Jan. 28; 389 S.W. Scalehouse Court, Suite120, Bend; www.atelier6000.org or 54I-330-8759. BEND CITYHALL:Featuring "UNSEEN:WORLD," works exploring how Bend's unseen world inspires community; through March 29; 710 N.W. Wall St.; 54 I -388-5505. N CAFE SINTRA:Featuring 3 Points of View," a continually changing exhibit of photographs by Diane Reed, Ric Ergenbright and John Vito;1024 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-8004. CANYONCREEKPOTTERY: Featuring pottery by Kenneth Merrill; 310 N. Cedar St., Sisters; www.canyoncreekpotteryllc.com or541-549-0366. DON TERRA ARTWORKS: Featuring more than 200 artists; 222 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-1299 or www.donterra.com. DOWNTOWN BENDPUBLIC N LIBRARY:Featuring Art of Photography"; through Feb. 4; 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1037. FRANKLINCROSSING:Featuring "Oregon Wine in Art,N woven paper designs by Alice Van Leunen; through Monday; new exhibit, "Visions of Hope," works by Snake River Correctional Institution inmates to raise money for Ugandan orphans; through Jan.


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through January; 926 N.E. Greenwood Ave., Suite B, Bend; 541-728-0527. RED CHAIRGALLERY:Featuring N lce Blue," works by gallery members; through Monday; 103 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; www. redchairgallerybend.com or 541-306-3176. RESCUECONSIGNMENT:Featuring "Yellowstone," mixed media fiber art, and collage journals by Rosalyn Kliot; through Monday; 910 N.W. Harriman St., Bend; 541-312-2279. RUUD GALLERY:Featuring works by local and regional contemporary artists; 50 S.E. Scott St., Suite 2, Bend; www.ruudgallery.com or 541-323-3231. SAGE CUSTOM FRAMINGAND GALLERY:Featuring "Adventures in Change," works by Renne Brock; through Jan. 26; 834 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-382-5884. SISTERSAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE:Featuring fiber art by Rosalyn Kliot; 291 E. Main Ave.; 541-549-0251. SISTERSGALLERY6 FRAME SHOP:Featuring landscape photography by Gary Albertson; 252 W. Hood Ave.; www.garyalbertson.com or 541-549-9552. SISTERS PUBLICLIBRARY: Featuring works by Charlotte Milam and Annie Painter; through Monday; 110 N. Cedar Ave.; 541-312-1070.

Submitted photo

"Wine Country Quilt Series ¹7: 7 of Hearts," by Alice Van Leunen, will be on display through Monday at Franklin Crossing in Bend. 27; 550 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-382-9398. FURNISH.:Featuring works by Sue Smith; 761 N.W. Arizona Ave., Bend; 541-617-8911. GHIGLIERI GALLERY: Featuring original Western-themed and African-inspired paintings and sculptures by Lorenzo Ghiglieri; 200 W. Cascade Ave., Sisters; www.art-lorenzo.com or 541-549-8683. HELPINGYOU TAX 8i ACCOUNTING:Featuring paintings by Carol Armstrong; 632 S.W. Sixth St., Suite 2, Redmond; 541-504-5422. JENNIFERLAKEGALLERY: Featuring paintings by Jennifer Lake; 220 W. Cascade Ave., Sisters; www.jenniferlakegallery.com or 541-549-7200. JILL'S WILD (TASTEFUL) WOMEN WAREHOUSE:Featuring works by Jill Haney-Neal; Tuesdays and Wednesdays only; 601 North Larch St, Suite B, Sisters; www.jillnealgallery.com or 541-617-6078. JOHN PAULDESIGNS: Featuring

custom jewelry and signature series; 1006 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-318-5645. JUDI'S ARTGALLERY:Featuring works by Judi Meusborn Williamson; 336 N.E. Hemlock St., Suite 13, Redmond; 360-325-6230. KARENBANDYDESIGNJEWELER: Featuring fine custom jewelry and abstract paintings by Karen Bandy; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Suite 5, Bend; www.karenbandy.com or 541-388-0155. LUBBESMEYER FIBERSTUDIO: Featuring fiber art by Lori and Lisa Lubbesmeyer; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 423, Old Mill District, Bend; www. lubbesmeyerstudio.com or 541-330-0840. MAPPING CONTEMPORARY:An Old Mill pop-up galleryfeaturing works by regional artists; through Sunday; 425 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-330-8759. MARCELLO'SITALIAN CUISINE AND PIZZERIA:Featuring several local artists; 4 Ponderosa Road, Sunriver; 541-593-8300. MOCKINGBIRDGALLERY:

Featuring "Impressions of Nature," works by Troy Collins and Bart W alker; through Monday; 869 N.W. Wall St., Bend; www.mockingbirdgallery.com or 541-388-2107. MOSAIC MEDICAL:Featuring mixed-media collage paintings by Rosalyn Kliot; 910 S. U.S. Highway 97, Suite 101, Madras; 541-475-7800. PATAGONIA ©BEND:Featuring photography by Mike Putnam; 1000 N.W. Wall St., Suite 140; 541-382-6694. PAUL SCOTTGALLERY: Featuring patinaed steel and reclaimed wood art by Mytchell Mead and "Small W orks" byJulee Hutchison,Ned Mueller and Daniil Volkov; through Monday; 869 N.W. Wall St., Bend; www.paulscottfineart.com or 541-330-6000. PRONGHORN CLUBHOUSE: Featuring watercolor and acrylic paintings by Jerome Gaston; through Jan. 15; 65600 Pronghorn Club Drive, Bend; 541-693-5300. QUILTWORKS:Featuring works by Alice Pedersen and "Favorite Children's Book" by local quilters;

ST. CHARLESBEND: Featuring "Arts in the Hospital"; through Monday; new exhibit, "Feathers and Fiber," works by Kay Pearson and Linda Shelton, opens Tuesday; through March 28; new exhibit, the Watercolor Society of Oregon's Traveling Show, opens Wednesday; through Feb. 28; 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-382-4321. SUNRIVERAREAPUBLIC LIBRARY:Featuring works by Nancy Becker and Cheryl Griffiths; through Jan. 26; 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1080. SUNRIVERLODGE BETTY GRAY GALLERY:Featuring NTwo Rivers, Three Sisters," a quilt by local artists, and "Going to the Dogs," works by Kathy Deggendorfer and Tonye Belinda Phillips; both through Jan. 5; 17600 Center Drive; 541-382-9398. TOWNSHEND'SBENDTEAHOUSE: N Featuring lnked Surface," original prints and mixed media; through Wednesday; 835 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-312-2001 or www. townshendstea.com. TUMALOARTCO.: Featuring "Little Delights," art ornaments by gallery artists; through Monday; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 407, Bend; www.tumaloartco.com or 541-385-9144.



out oorS Outing shorts are trimmed versions of stories published in The Bulletinin the past several weeks. For the complete stories, plus more photos, visit www.bendbulletin.com/outing.






e I







I •

his close-to-Bend sno-park is a



perfect place to learn


cross-country skiing, or, judging from all the Subarus in the parking


lot, hone higher-tier

To Bend 46

Bend lifestyle skills. For

Virginia Meissner Sno-park

newbies, ski rentals are

Greg Cross/The Bulletin

available at a number

Anne Aurand /The Bulletin file photo

A group of snowshoe runners heads back after turning around at the Todd Lake turnoff.

f you love the rhythm of running,



woods, snowshoe running might

ones, ideal for jogging on packed-snow


II u)


If yougo Getting there:Follow Century Drive approximately14 miles west from Bend. Follow signs to Virginia Meissner Sno-park, on right.

~ Showshoe runningroute



Mt.pdchelor common corridor

Mt. Bachelor Ski Resort


Highway southwest from Bend about17 miles to Mt. Bachelor's main parking lot. Parkat the Mt.

Bachelor Nordic Ski Center. Cross the common -use corridor to reach the CascadeLakes Highway.

Difficulty:Easy to moderate

Cost:Sno-park permit required; $5 daily, $23 annually Contact:541-383-5300

ordic Lodge+ 1

toward Elk Lake or up Forest Road 370.

Getting there:TakeCascade Lakes

— Bulletin staff

// //

the Cascade Lakes Highway is a great

If yougo


(ClosedI for winter) /

paths. For a wide, flat, packed surface, place to start. You could run forever,

the Meissner shelter for

Cascade Lakes Hwy.t

be for you. These snowshoes are narrower and lighter than regular


and maybe a cup of hot

a warm-up by the fire


and you love getting out in the

of Bend shops. Ski into

Cost:Joining the weekly group is free. Parking at some of its destinations will require a permit.

Sno-park permits cost $3 daily, or $20 annually. Info:www.facebook.com/groups/ SnowshoeWithLaura Note:Anyone who parks in Mt.

A SustainableCup Dutchman

I tSno-par Greg Cross / The Bulletin

Bachelor's parking lot must pick up a free pass in the lodge in order to use the common-use corridor

Drink it up! • Fair trade coffee makes a thoughtful gift • Convenient before or after the mountain


• Supporting many of your favorite non-profits


to access the back country. The

corridor doesn't require a paid permit like the groomed nordic




• 2 great locations!


trails. Mt. Bachelor recently instated the free permit requirement.

' •





' t







TODAY SURVIVOR: ANIMALSADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30p.m.;High DesertM useum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. SCOTT PEMBERTON BAND: ThePortlandbased rockers perform; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. "FLOW STATE":A screening of the Warren Miller film about skiing and snowboarding; $10; 7:30 p.m.; Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive; 800-486-8591 or www.sunriver-resort. com. DJ T-WRECKS: The Los Angeles-based DJ performs, with DJ Harlo and DJ Codi Carroll; free;9:30 p.m.;Astro Lounge,939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116.


shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission;11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. THE HOLLANDS!:The folksy family band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School,700 N.W. Bond St.,Bend; www.thehollands.org.

MONDAY Dec. 31

SURVIVOR: ANIMALSADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission;11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. ROCKIN' NEWYEAR'S EVE:Featuring cardboard instruments, singing and more; reservations requested; $70; 6:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m.; Fort Funnigan, 17600 Center Drive, SATURDAY Sunriver; 800-486-8591 or www.sunriverresort.com. Dec. 29 RISE UPNEW YEAR'S EVE BASH: W it h FREEZE YOUR FANNY:Featuring a 5K run and performances by Larry & His Flask, 500-yard swim biathlon or 5K run and walk, Possessed by Paul James, Hopeless Jack and a chili and cornbread feed and a free pass Terrible Buttons; $10 in advance, $13 at the to swim or hot tub after the race; proceeds door; 7 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century benefit the Juniper Junction Relief Nursery; Drive, Bend; www.bendticket.com. donations requested; 10 a.m.; Madras Aquatic MADNESS AT THE MIDTOWN: With Center, 1195 S.E. Kemper Way; 541-948-3321. performances by NastyNasty, Samples, INDOORSWAPMEET: Featuring 70 local Woody McBride, Medium Troy and more; vendors, with new and used items, antique ages18and over;$20-$25;8 p.m .;M idtown collectibles, crafts and more; free admission; Ballroom, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; 694 S.E. Third St., Bend; 541www.slipmatscience.com. 317-4847. MOON MOUNTAINRAMBLERS: The SURVIVOR: ANIMALSADAPT!: Learn about Americana band performs, with Grit & Grizzle; animal adaptations to dramatic environmental $15; 8 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; The shifts in the High Desert, featuring live Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for 9122 or www.belfryevents.com. members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY: Live music by and1:30p.m.;High DesertM useum, 59800 FunBobby, an '80s dancecompetition,games, S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or food and drinks; all ages welcome; $13, $10 www.highdesertmuseum.org. ages 21 and under in advance, $15 at the SASSPARILLA:The Portland-based blues door; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. bandperforms;$7;7 p.m .,doorsopen at5:30 Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www. p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; newyearsmashup.eventbrite.com. 541-815-9122 or www.belfryevents.com. HOT TEACOLD: The Portland-based classic CASH LEVY: CROWD CONTROL: Stand-up rock act performs; $10; 8:30 p.m.; Northside comedian Cash Levy performs; $14 plus fees; Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. 8 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre. A NIGHT ATTHEROXBURY PARTY: OI'g. Featuring ULTRADJGIRL and a costume DJ T-WRECKS: The Los Angeles-based DJ party; 9 p.m.; Seven Nightclub, 1033 N.W. performs, with DJ Harlo and DJ Codi Carroll; Bond St., Bend; 541-385-3320 or www. free;9:30 p.m.;Astro Lounge,939 N.W. Bond humandignitycoalition.org. St., Bend; 541-388-0116. NEW YEAR'S EVECELEBRATION: Featuring performances by Harley Bourbon and Across the Great Divide; $5; 9 p.m.; McMenamins SUNDAY Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins. Dec. 30 com. SURVIVOR: ANIMALSADAPT!: Learn about RED SOLOCUP NEWYEAR'S EVEPARTY: animal adaptations to dramatic environmental Featuring live music and prizes; free; 9

p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar 8 Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 or www. maverickscountrybar.com.

TUESDAY Jan. 1 POLAR BEAR PLUNGE: Take an icy plunge into the Lodge Village's outdoor pool; hot chocolate served; free; 10 a.m.; Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive; 800-486-8591 or www.sunriver-resort.com/traditions. SURVIVOR: ANIMALSADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission;11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. POSSESSED BYPAULJAMES: The Texasbased folk act performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation.com/ venue/thehornedhand.

WEDNESDAY Jan. 2 SURVIVOR: ANIMALSADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission;11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. FRANCHOTTONE:The California-based poprock act performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins. com.

THURSDAY Jan. 3 SURVIVOR: ANIMALSADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission;11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. THE CLUMSYLOVERS:The Canadian folk act performs; $9 plusfees;6:30 p.m.;TheSound Garden,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541633-6804orwww.bendticket.com. JEFF CROSBY & THE REFUGEES:The Americana band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenaminscom. • SUBMIT AN EVENTat www.bendbulletim.comisubmitinfo or email events@bendbulletin.com. Deadline is 10 days before publication. Questions? Contact 541-383-0351.


t', DECEMBER 28, 2012

sm ~




• I ' t


Imagine life without New

Survivor: Animals Adapt!:Creatures are featured at the High Desert Museum.

Year's Eve parties. No confetti. No noisemakers. No champagne. No "Auld Lang Syne." Virtual strangers far less ame-


nable to a midnight smooch. A nightmare scenario, right?

Sassparilla:A blues band with attitude brings it to Sisters. W=


I I'







v vn .



SATURDAY Gash Levy:Havea seat — it's time for somestand-upcomedy attheTower.

Fortunately, NewYear's Eve parties are not only a thing, they're flourishing. Around Cen-

McBride, Medium Troy and

some 21 other DJs and producers will descend on Bend from Reno, Portland, Eugene, Colorado and elsewhere, in the Midtown, Domino Room and

Annex. If you're up in Sisters, Central Oregon faves Moon Mountain Ramblers will cook up their

tral Oregon, there will be plenty

special blend of Americana and

of live music, DJs DJing and

bluegrass with Grit 8 Grizzle at The Belfry. That's just a taste of what's

breakers breaking. No, really. At 2nd Street The-

ater, breakdancers, new wavers, Flashdancers and anyoneelse who remembers the '80s can

going on NewYear's Eve. For de-

bust their best dance moves at the New Year's Eve Party, where

on, see listings at left. — David Jasper

tails on these and other events

at which to get your canoodle

FunBobby will perform. But perhaps the '90s and

"What is Love" are more your a I •



thing. In that case, you'll want to dust off your shiniest purple suit and get thee to Seven Nightclub in Bend and the A Night at the Roxbury Party, with ULTRADJGIRL.

Also in Bend, local song-


smiths-made-good Larry 8 His Flask will delete this year in rau-

The Hollands!:The folksy family band hits the stage at McMenamins.

Year's Eve Bash, with support


from PaulJames, HopelessJack and Terrible Buttons.

Polar Bear Plunge:Welcome 2013 with an icy dip at Sunriver.

NastyNasty, Samples,Woody

cous fashion at the Rise UpNew

At Madness at the Midtown,



I ,



I '


I '











i att q





'It,:, I,"I' t




Run/ al

j. Arthritis

Talks 8 classes POETRYWORKSHOP:Learn about spoken-word poetry with poet Jerry Brunoe; $18 suggested donation; 1-4 p.m. Jan. 4; Human Dignity Coalition office, 155 N.W. Irving Ave., Bend; www. humandignitycoaltion.org or 541-385-3320. OPEN STUDIOCLASS:A weekly painting group with David Kinker; $25 per session;9:30 a.m .-12:30 p.m.or6-9 p.m.Mondays,Jan.728; Sagebrushers Art Society,117 S.W. Roosevelt Ave., Bend; www. sagebrushersartofbend.com or 360-880-5088.

Bulletin filephoto

Develop painting skills at a weekly group with David Kinker, beginning Jan. 7 at Sagebrushers Art Society in Bend.

From previous page JAN. 12 — STRANGLEDDARLINGS: The Portland-based alternative act performs; $5;9 p.m .;The Horned Hand,507 N.W. Colorado Ave.,Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation.com/venue/thehornedhand. JAN. 15— "A CORNISH FAMILY IN GEORGETOWN, COLORADO, 18751912":Bend Genealogical Society presents a program by Marilyn Burwell on research methods and townspeople; free; 10 a.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-317-9553 or www.orgenweb. org/deschutes/bend-gs. JAN. 15 — LOUDON WAINWRIGHT III: The folk artist performs, with Dar Williams; $35-$45 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. JAN.16 — "THE METROPOLITANOPERA:AIDA": Starring Liudmyla Monastyrska, Olga Borodina and Roberto Alagna in an encore performance of Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. JAN. 17 — BROWNEDITION: The Washington-based jazz and funk act performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com.

Arthritis Foundation® The Arthritis Foundation would like to thank all our sponsors, participants, team captains, volunteers and committee members who made the 21st

Annual Bend Jingle Bell Run/'Walk for Arthritis such a huge success. More than 1,400 participants joined together to help raise over $52,000 for the Arthritis Foundation.

The Center Ort hopedic & Neurosurgical Care & Research Deschutes Rheumatology, LLC Therapeutic Associates Advanced Energy Genentech SELCO Community Credit Union Deschutes Brewery Timm Family Dentistry LaPaw Animal Clinic C.E. Lovejoy's Brookswood Market Mountain Medical Immediate Care Big Country RY Janssen Biotech, Inc. FootZone Dutch Bros. Coffee American Licorice

Jamba Juice StrictlyOrganic Coffee Tower Theater Foundation Robberson Ford Bank of the Cascades Coca Cola Bottling Company Old Mill District Bend Metro Park & Recreation District City of Bend Bend Christmas Parade Committee Horizon Broadcasting

And the many in-kind donations from Bend merchants ~ Special thanks to the 20l2 Jingle Bell Run/Walk Planning Committee for all their hard work and support.

Get A Taste For Food, Home SrGarden -



TheBu l letin

Thank you to our 20l2 Grand Marshals Zach Parsons and Do l o res Grotj an






IV< C» uu

ENI -np



t "C

Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

A "man cave" ambiance prevails at the Hideaway Tavern, a gourmet sports pub on Bend's south side. "This is my living room," explains owner John Nolan, who also owns the Victorian Cafe.

• The Hideaway Tavernfeatures a laid-back atmosphereand astandout menu By John GottbergAnderson

The decor is indeed reminiscent of For The Bulletin a spacious and dimly lit "man cave," f the Victorian Cafe is my with solid wood tables and chairs kitchen," said Hideaway Tav- throughout. Three large, flat-screen e ern owner John Nolan, "then televisions are abackdrop to a sunken this is my living room." sitting area with a quartet of four-seat It could become mine as welL sofas, flanked by a new felt-covered Ten years after buying "The Vic" pool table. Foosball and darts are and cementing its reputation as one played in a smaller adjacent room. of Bend's go-to places for eggs BeneThree more TVs hang on the walls dict and bloody Marys, Nolan took of the main upper dining area, where a side step this fall and opened the live music is presented Wednesday Hideaway. Now, this upscale sports through Friday nights on a small bar on Bend's south side is earning stage. There are an additional two recognition for its own distinctive televisions behind the reconstructed style of comfort, both in cuisine and bar. "We're a sports bar, no question," in ambience.

said Nolan. "But one of my (goals) here is to undersell and overdeliver. I want to give the customers more than they expect when they walk in the door."

New variations The gastro-pub menu features all the food you might anticipate being offered in a pub: wings, fries, salads, burgers, pizzas. But the wings aren't just wings.

They'repeppery "Buffal o drumsticks,"smoked, fried, sauteed and baked, then served with a housemade blue cheese dressing.

Continued next page

The HideawayTavern


Location:939 S.E. SecondSt. (at Cleveland Avenue), Bend Hours:11a.m. to close Monday to Friday, 9a.m. to close Saturday andSunday Price range:Starters $4 to $9, sandwiches $6 to $12,pizzas $12 to $19; breakfast (9 a.m. to1 p.m. Saturday andSunday) $6 to $9 Credit cards:American Express,


Discover, MasterCard, Visa Kids' menu:No

Vegetarian menu: Choices include creative salads and eggplant grinders Alcoholic deverages:Full bar Outdoorseating: Seasonal patio

Contact:541-647-6828, www

Scorecard OVERALL:A

Food:A. Creative pub menu is far more gourmet than at other area sports bars. Service:A. The kitchen is

speedy; servers are friendly and knowledgeable. Atmosphere:A. Spacious "man cave" ambience is like asports lover's living room.

Value:A. Prices are remarkably reasonable for the sizeand quality of dishes.




From previous page The house-cutfries can be presented Canadian-style; there are two versions of north-of-the-border poutine, one of them named for a notorious professional ice-hockey player of the 1970s and '80s. Dave Semenko Poutine is smothered in smoked-duck gravy and topped with cheddarcheese curd and scallions. Stuffed jalapenos are another winner. Oversized peppers are filled with a house-made pork-and-cheddar sausage, wrapped in bacon and grilled. The first one I tried was somewhat mild. The second set mypalate on fire. You can get a chopped salad or a Caesar here, but there's much more creativity in t his k itchen than in most veggie galleys. The roasted beet salad, served upon arugula with crumbled goat cheese, is topped with grape tomatoes and roasted pumpkin seeds. A salad dubbed "Brussels Baby!" couples the shaved leaves of Brussels sprouts and baby kale with toasted pine nuts, red onion, Reggiano cheese and a creamy Dijon vinaigrette dressing. The half-pound house b urger blends ground chuck with brisket. While its toppings of thick-cut bacon and Tillamook cheddar cheese might be predictable, a spread of smoked tomato aioli and its presentation on a Texas toast bun from the DiLusso Bakery are not. On another visit, I tried the pulled pork sando. Pork shoulder, which the Hideaway butchers and prepares inhouse, was tossed in an original barbecue sauce and served with a fresh apple slaw. I loved every bite.

Hand-tossed pizza And then there are the hand-tossed pizzas, which Nolan said represent 30 percent of all food sales. My favorite is the roasted chicken, which comes with bacon and sun-dried tomatoes on a roasted garlic cream base. It's finished with fresh basil pesto, which bringsadded zip to the cheesy recipe. The Hunter, essentially a meat lover'sfancy,and the Gatherer, designed for vegetarians, change daily. I tried the Hunter when it featured pork sausage, prosciutto and pepperoni, as well as jalapeno peppers. And I saw a Gatherer with artichoke hearts and chanterelle mushrooms. Also on the list of pizzas are a margherita with a spicy, house-made arrabiata sauce, tomatoes and fresh basil, and the house combo, with sausage, pepperoni, roasted peppers, mushrooms, black olives and onions. But my next pizza selection may be the Anytime Pie, which features prosciutto, asparagus, spinach and four cheeses on a garlicky olive-oil base — and is topped with eggs and white truffle oil. It's not pizza, but the Hideaway's

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Andy Tullrs/The Bulletin

Hideaway Tavern owner John Nolan, background, has a pitcher of beer and glasses at the ready, while Bethany Keesee offers a burger plate and house-cut fries and Robin Williams shows off a Hunter pizza and a roasted beet salad.

Next week: 5Fusion 8 SushiBar Visit www.bendbulletin.cnm

/restaurants for readers' ratings of more than150 Central Oregon

restaurants. soups deserve a special notation. At least, the soup du jour that I enjoyed — the tavern's version of minestrone — was outstanding. Pork shoulder, carrots, kale and ziti pasta went into the delicious mix. Chef Asa Kenney is the man responsible for most of these creative concoctions. Kenney spent two years as Tim Garling's sous chef at the Jackalope Grill after coming to Bend from Austin, Texas. And the Hideaway's general manager, Tim Hollenbeck, owned a restaurant in Delaware before moving to Bend five months ago.

Weekendbreakfast Weekend mornings, when East Coast sports telecasts begin early, the Hideaway serves a brunch menu from 9 a.m. until I p.m. That menu includes five breakfast plates, includ-

ing a poached-egg breakfast sandwich — but not the eggs Benedict for which Nolan's other restaurant, the Victorian, is locally famous. oI'd just be competing against myself," Nolan explained, even as he acknowledged that he may add a single Benedict option to the Hideaway's list. I'm a big fan of the wild steelhead hash. The fish is smoked in-house and served with a mix of roasted potatoes and onions, tomatoes and arugula. Then it's topped with a couple of

la, a lemon-and-garlic sauce that is a Moroccan equivalent of Hollandaise. My morning dining companion was equally pleased with a classic breakfast bowl. This also featured roasted potatoes and two poached eggs, tossing them together with pork sausage, bacon and cheddar cheese. It was served with a toasted sourdough English muffin. It's great to have a living room where you can feel as comfortable in the morning as you can in the afternoon or evening.

— Reporter: janderson @bendbulletin.com


' •

SMALL BITES Mexican chef Roberto Cardenas, who helped establish Amalia's in downtown Bend before opening Rio Distinctive Mexican Cuisine in Madras, has expanded into Sisters' Five Pine Resort. Open for lunch and dinner, Rio Sisters offers enchiladas, tacos and burritos, as well as ceviche, carne asada, chicken and pork dishes. Cardenas formerly was executive chef at La Rosa in Bend. Open 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.weekdays, noon to 9 p.m. weekends. 1001 Desperado Trail, Sisters; 541-549-6118, www.riosist ers. com. Also 221 S.E. Fifth St., Madras; 541-475-0424, www.riomadras.com. Just intime for chilly winter weath-

er,the Bend Soup Company opened

Dec. 12 in a new food trailer in the Old Mill Marketplace. Homemade chili, beercheese soup, clam chowder and minestrone are just a few of the weekday options, along with a choice of sandwiches. Open 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday. 550 S.W. Industrial Way, Bend; 541-200-5058, www. poached eggs and a ladle of charmou- facebook.com/bendsoupcompany.

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outo town The following is a list of other events "Out of Town."



• One-man showis atribute to the li e and legacyof JamesBeard By Jenny Wasson The Bulletin

efore cooking shows were a dime a dozen, and before Emeril Lagasse and Julia Child were household names, noted Oregonian James Beard stood alone. Born in Portland, Beard hosted the nation's first cooking show in 1946 and penned more than 20 cookbooks during his lifetime. Today, the James Beard Award is the highest honor given to food and beverage professionals, according to a news release. The Portland Center Stage will celebrate Beard's life and legacy with its new production, "I Love to Eat." The play runs Jan. 8-Feb. 3 at the Gerding Theater at the Armory in Portland. Written by James Still, the one-man show recreatesan evening at Beard's famous New York home.


Rob Nagle stars as James Beard in Portland Center Stage's production of "I Love to Eat" by James Still. Courtesy Patrick Weishampel

MK4eme.-~ ~ I

"I love that (James Beard) had an electric kitchen, that he hated cooking with gas," said Still in an interview on the James Beard Foundation website. "I love that in a creative pinch he could cook up something delicious with a clothes iron. But I was also surprised by his openness to strangers, taking phone calls from people in culinary distress and talking them through a crisis. He was many things to many people — and that was probably both his gift and his mystery." Starring Rob Nagle, the Portland production runs approximately 75 minutes with no intermission. Ticketprices range from $34 to $65,depending on day of performance and seat location. To purchase tickets and for more information, visitwww.pcs.org or contact503-445-3700. — Reporter: 541-383-0350, jwassonC<bendbutletin.com

Through Dec. 28 —Beats Antique, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Dec. 28 —Cherry Poppin' Daddies, WOW Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall.org or 541-687-2746. Dec. 29 —Supersuckers, Doug Fir Lounge, Portland; TF* Dec. 29-31 —Railroad Earth, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Dec. 30-31 —Storm Large,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Dec. 31 —Floydian Slips, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Dec. 31 —NewYears Evewith Pink Martini,Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.pcpa.com or 503-946-7272. Jan. 4 —Jenny Scheinman, Bill Frisell & Brian Blade,The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. Jan. 5 —The JennyScheinman Trio, McMenamins Mission Theater, Portland;

800-273-1530. Jan. 19 —Quicksand, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Jan. 19 —Slightly Stoopid/Karl Denson,McDonald Theatre, Eugene; *


Jan. 20 —Slightly Stoopid/Karl Denson,McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Jan. 23 —Down,Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Jan. 23 —TommyEmmanuel, Newmark Theatre, Portland; TW* Jan. 24 —Aesop Rock, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Jan. 24 —Pinhack, Wonder Ballroom, * Portland; TF Jan. 24 —Solas, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. Jan. 25 —E-40, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Jan.25 —Portland Soundcheck, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Jan. 25 —School of Rock — Portland, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Jan. 26 —Hot Buttered Rum/Fruition, WOW Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall.org or * CT 541-687-2746. Jan. 8 —KEANE/Youngdlood Hawke, Jan. 26 —Marc CohnTrio, Aladdin * McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Theater, Portland; TF * Portland; CT Jan.26— TheWalkmen, Roseland Jan. 11 —Floater, McMenamins Theater, Portland; TW* Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Feb. 1 —Black Prairie, The Shedd Jan. 11 —Jeff Peterson: Hawaiian Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or slack key guitarist; Unitarian Fellowship, 54 I-434-7000. Ashland; www.stclairevents.com or Feb. 1 —LeRoyBell & His Only 541-535-3562. Friends,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Jan. 11 —Monterey Jazz Festival 55th Feb. 4 —Excision, McDonald Theatre, Anniversary Tour,Hult Center, Eugene; Eugene; TW* www.hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000. Feb. 5 —Ben FoldsFive, Roseland Jan. 12 —Hell's Belles/ZeppareHa, Theater, Portland; TW* McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Feb. 6 —Ellie Goulding,McMenamins Jan. 12 —RJD2, Roseland Theater, Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* * Portland; TW Feb. 6 —Soundgarden, Arlene Jan. 13 —LoudonWainwright HI/Dar Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TW* Williams,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Feb. 6 —Suzanne Vega, Aladdin Jan. 13 —Tridal Seeds, Wonder * Theater, Portland; TF * Ballroom, Portland; TF Feb. 7 —LedZepagain, Aladdin Jan. 15 —Lady Gaga, Rose Garden, * Theater, Portland; TF Portland; www.rosequarter.com or Feb.7— TheW ood Brothers,WO W 877-789-7673. Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall.org or Jan. 16 —Chris Botti, Craterian Theater 541-687-2746. at The Collier Center for the Performing Feb.8— SuperDiamond,McMenamins Arts, Medford; www.craterian.org or Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* 541-779-3000. Feb. 8 —The WoodBrothers, Aladdin Jan. 16 —Dar WiHiams/Loudon * Theater, Portland; TF Wainwright HI,The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or Feb. 9 —Mark Kozelek, Aladdin * 541-434-7000. Theater, Portland; TF Jan. 18 —Sum41, Roseland Theater, Feb. 9 —RaRa Riot, Wonder Ballroom, * Portland; TW* Portland; TF Jan. 19 —Jackson Browne, Keller Feb. 10 —Hot Tuna, Aladdin Theater, * Auditorium, Portland; www.pcpa.com or Portland; TF


out of town


Feb. 11 —ShawnMullins, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Feb. 12 —Graveyard, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Feb. 13 —Marilyn Manson, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 15 —Afro-Cuban All Stars, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Feb. 16 —Afro-Cuban All Stars, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd. org or 541-434-7000. Feb. 16 —Leftover Salmon, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, * Portland; CT Feb. 16 —Victor Wooten, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Feb. 17 —Coheed & Cambria, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 17 —Mickey Hart, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Feb. 22-23 —SaHie Ford 8 The Sound Outside,Wonder Ballroom, Portland;

*Tickets TM: Ticketmaster, www .ticketmaster.com or 800-7453000 TW:TicketsWest, www .ticketswest.com or 800-9928499 TF:Ticketfly, www.ticket fly.com or 877-435-9849 CT:Cascade Tickets, www

.cascadetickets.com or 800514-3849



Feb. 23 —Galactic, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Feb. 23 —STS9,McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Feb. 28 —Toro y Moi, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF March 2 —Alabama Shakes, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, * Portland; CT March 2 —B.B. King, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* March 2 —Ken Peplowski, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. March 2 —The Reverend Horton Heat, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* March 3 —Why?,Wonder Ballroom, * Portland; TF March7 — G.Love8 SpecialSauce, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* March 7 —Great Big Sea, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* March 8 —Morrissey, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; RESCHEDULED * DATE (WASNOV.11); TM March 9 —Ladysmith Black Mambazo,The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. March 15 —Big HeadToddand The Monsters,McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* March15— Umphrey'sM cGee, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* March 22 —Iris Dement, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* March 23 —Sarah Brightman, Rose Garden, Portland; www.rosequarter. com or 877-789-7673. March 26 —Matt Costa, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF March 30 —DonavonFrankenreiter, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* April 7 —The Airborne Toxic Event, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, * Portland; CT April12 —Molly Ringwald,The Shedd

Submitted photo

Oregon-born trumpet prodigy Chris Botti brings his unique blend of jazz and pop music to the Craterian Theater at The Collier Center for the Performing Arts in Medford on Jan. 16. This is Botti's only Oregon appearance this year. Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. April 25 —John Pizzarelli, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. April 25 —Local Natives, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* April 26 —Arlo Guthrie, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW*

LECTURES L COMEDY Jan. 11 —"An Evening of Sit-Down Comedy with RobinWilliams andDavid Steinberg,"Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.pcpa.com or 503-248-4335. Jan. 12 —"An Eveningof Sit-Down Comedy with RobinWilliams andDavid Steinberg,"Hult Center, Eugene; www. theshedd.org or541-434-7000. Jan. 18 —Paula Poundstone, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Jan. 26 —ToddArmstrong and Scoot Herring:Comedy night benefits African wild dog conservation; Oregon Zoo, Portland; www.oregonzoo.org or 503-226-1561. Feb. 1 —Seth Meyers, Newmark Theatre, Portland; www.pcpa.com or 800-273- I530.

Feb. 2 —Lewis Black, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.pcpa.com or503-248-4335. Feb. 5 —The Moth, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.pcpa.com or503-946-7272. April 21 —DougBenson, WOWHall, Eugene; TM*

SYMPHONY L OPERA Through Dec. 31 —"The Pirates of Penzance": EugeneOpera;Hult Center, Eugene; www.hultcenter.org or 54 I-682-5000. Jan. 4 — Chamber MusicTolovana 2013,Coaster Theatre, Cannon Beach; 503-368-7222. Jan. 6 —"Inspector Crescendo": Kids Series Concert; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Jan. 12-14 —"Andre Watts & Beethoven's Emperor":Featuring pianist Andre Watts; music by Hindemith, Schumann and Beethoven; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Jan. 17 —"Mozart's Piano Concerto":

Featuring Alessio Bax; music by Mozart, Rossini and Prokofiev; Eugene Symphony; Hult Center, Eugene; www. hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000. Jan. 19 —"Ellis Hall: Ray Charles". Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Jan. 20 —"Swing, Swing, Swing!": Featuring Norman Leyden; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Jan. 26-28 —"Strauss' Four Last Songs":Music by Strauss and Mozart; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Feb. 1 —The Canadian Tenors:Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Feb. 1, 3, 7, 9 —"Tosca": Opera by Puccini; Portland Opera; Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* Feb. 9-7 —"Beethoven's Ninth Symphony": M usicby Hindem it h, Britten and Beethoven; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Feb. 14 —"A Roberta FlacK

Valentine":Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Feb. 16-17 —"Ballroom with a Twist": Created by four-time "Dancing with the Stars" pro Louis van Amstel; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Feb. 23, 25 —"HoughPlays Liszt". Featuring pianist Stephen Hough; music by Weber, Beethoven, Liszt and Hindemith; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. March 3 —"Dr. Seuss' 'The Sneetches'": OregonSymphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. March 9-11 —"Saint-Saens 8 Shostakovich": Musicby M ussorgsky, Saint-Saens andShostakovich;Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. March 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 —"Rinaldo". Opera by Handel; Portland Opera and Portland Baroque Orchestra; Newmark Theatre, Portland; TM* March16 —"The Legend of Zelda: Symphonyofthe Goddesses": Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. March18 —Andre Rieu,Rose Garden, Portland; www.rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. March 23-24 —"Dvorak's Eighth Symphony":Musicby Liszt, Rachmaninoff and Dvorak; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. April 6-7 —"Dave Frishberg & Patrick Lamb":Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Apri!13-15 —"LA Guitar Quartet": Music by Stravinsky, Rodrigo and Piston; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. April16 —Sonny RoHins:Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343.

Continued next page

out of town


Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343.

From previous page April 20-22 —"Fanfare for the Common Man":Featuring violinist James Ehnes; mu sic byAntheil, Berstein and Copland; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. April 27 —Blind Pilot: Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. May 4-5 —"Premonitions": Featuring Storm Large; music by Prangcharoen, Weill, Schoenberg, Schubert and Ravel; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. May10, 12, 16, 18 —"Falstaff": Opera by Verdi; Portland Opera; Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* May 18-20 —"Brahms' First Symphony":Featuring violinist Jennifer Koh; music by Suppe, Bartok and Brahms; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer

THEATERL DANCE Through Dec. 30 —"The Santaland Diaries":Play by David Sedaris; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; www.pcs.org or 503-445-3700. Jan. 1-6 —"The Book of Mormon":Tony Award-winning play by Trey Parker, Robert Lopez and Matt Stone; Keller Auditorium, Portland; SOLDOUT; 20 TICKETSAVAILABLE THROUGH ATICKET LOTTERYBEFOREEACH PERFORMANCE;www.pcpa.com or 503-946-7272. Jan. 3-5 —"All in the Timing": A collection of one-act plays by David Ives; Next Stage Repertory Company; Craterian Theater at The Collier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; www.craterian.org or 541-779-3000.

Find It All Online Z 0


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Jan. 8-13 —"Natasya Filippovna": Moscow New Drama Theatre's improvisational performance based on "The Idiot" by Fyodor Dostoyevsky; Artists Repertory Theatre; Alder Stage, Portland; www.artistsrep.org or 503-241-1278. Jan. 8-Feb. 3 —"I Love to Eat": New play celebrates the life and talent of chef James Beard; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; www.pcs.org or 503-445-3700. Jan. 8-Feb. 10 —"The Lost Boy": World premiere; play by Susan Mach; Artist Repertory Theatre; Morrison Stage; www.artistsrep. org or 503-241-1278. Jan. 12 —"Neil Berg's101 Years of Broadway Song &Dance," Craterian Theater at The Collier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; www.craterian.org or 541-779-3000. Jan. 16-Feb. 9 —"Next to Normal":Tony Award-winning rock musical and winner of the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama; Lord Leebrick Theatre, Eugene; tickets on sale Jan. 3; Jan.16 and17 are previews; www.lordleebrick.com or 541-465-1506. Jan. 24 —"Nunset Blvd.": Starring Cindy Williams; Craterian Theater at The Collier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; www. craterian.org or 541-779-3000. Jan. 24-Feb. 3 —Fertile Ground Festival:Featuring world premiere projects, staged readings, developing works and other arts events; various locations in Portland; www.fertilegroundpdx. org. Jan. 29-March 10 —"Venus in Fur":Play by David Ives; 2012 Tony Award nominee for Best Play; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; www.pcs.org or 503-445-3700. Jan. 31-Feb. 2 —Compagnie Marie Chouinard:The dance company will perform Igor Stravinsky's "Le Sacre de Printemps ("The Rite of Spring)"; part of the White Bird Dance Series; Portland State University, Portland; 503-245-1600. Feb. 15-Nov. 3 —"The Taming of the Shrew":This production of Shakespeare's play is part of "Shakespeare for a New Generation"; Oregon Shakespeare Festival; Angus Bowmer Theatre, Ashland; www.osfashland.org or 800-219-8161. Feb. 16-July 7 —"Two Trains Running":August Wilson's searing portrait of African-American life in the 1960s; Oregon Shakespeare Festival; Angus Bowmer Theatre, Ashland; www.osfashland.org or 800-219-8161. Feb. 17-Nov. 3 —"My Fair Lady":


Lerner and Loewe's adaptation of George Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion"; Oregon Shakespeare Festival; Angus Bowmer Theatre, Ashland; www.osfashland.org or 800-219-8161. Feb. 21-Nov. 3 —"King Lear":Contemporary staging of Shakespeare's tragedy; part of "Shakespeare for a New Generation"; Oregon Shakespeare Festival;Thomas Theatre (previously known as the New Theatre), Ashland; www. osfashland.org or 800-219-8161. Feb. 26-March 24 —"The Whipping Man":Play by Matthew Lopez is an extraordinary tale of loyalty, deceit and deliverance; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; www.pcs.org or 503-445-3700.

EKHIBITS Through Dec. 30 —Portland Art Museum:The following exhibits are currently on display: "Cindy Sherman" (through Dec. 30), "The Body Beautiful in Ancient Greece" (through Jan. 6), "Flesh & Bone: Photography and the Body" (through Jan. 6), "Mythologia: Gods, Heroes and Monsters" (through Jan. 27) and "NOH: Dance Drama of the Samurai" (through Feb. 24); Portland; www.portlandartmuseum.org or 503-226-2811. Through Dec.31 —Jordan Schnitzer Museum ofArt: The following exhibits are currently on display: "Good Grief! A Selection from 50 Years of Original Art from Charles M. Schulz's Peanuts" (through Dec. 31) and "The History of Photography" (through Jan. 10); Eugene; jsma.uoregon.edu or 541-346-3027. Through Dec. 31 —"Timberrr! A Nostalgic Look Back at Working in the Woods":Featuring vintage photographs and rare motion picture films; World Forestry Center Discovery Museum, Portland; www. worldforestry.org or 503-228-1367. Through Dec. 31 —ZooLights, Oregon Zoo, Portland; www. oregonzoo.org or 503-226-1561. Through Jan. 1 —Oregon Museum of Science and Industry:The following exhibits are currently on display"RACE: Are WeSo Different" (through Jan. 1), "Grossology: The (Impolite) Scienceofthe Human Body" (through Jan. 6) and "Simply Beautiful: Photographs from National Geographic" (through Feb. 10); Portland; www.omsi.edu or 800-955-6674. Through Jan. 5 —Museum of Contemporary Crafts:The following exhibits are currently on display: "Design with the Other

90% Cities" (through Jan. 5) and "Reflecting on Erik Gronborg" (through Feb.16); Portland; www. museumofcontemporarycraft.org or503-223-2654. Through May —"Noise!": Featuring interactive stations on sound, music and hearing; Science Factory Children's Museum & Exploration Dome, Eugene; www.sciencefactory.org or 541-682-7888. Through December 2013 —"The Sea & Me":A new children's interactive exhibit; Oregon Coast Aquarium Newport www aquarium.org or 541-867-3474. Jan. 24-April 27 —"We Tell Ourselves Stories in Order to Live".A survey exhibition showcasing the first nine Hallie Ford Fellowships in the Visual Arts; Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland; www. museumofcontemporarycraft.org or 503-223-2654. Feb. 2-May19 —"Carrie Mae Weems:Three Decades of Photography and Video": Exhibit presents more than 200 photographs, videos and installations tracing the evolution of Weems' career; Portland Art Museum, Portland; www. portlandartmuseum.org or 503-226-2811. Opening Feb. 8 —"MythBusters: The Explosive Exhibition":Exhibit is based on the popular Discovery Channel show "MythBusters," starring Jamie Hyneman, Adam Savage, Tory Belleci, Kari Byron and Grant lmahara; Oregon Museum of Science & Industry, Portland; www. omsi.edu or 800-955-6674.

MISCELLANY Jan. 1 —New Year's Day Peace Hike:Presented by the Yachats Trails Committee; Yachats; 541-547-3640. Jan. 12 —Robert Burns Supper: Presented by Newport-based Celtic Heritage Alliance; Shilo Inn Ballroom, Newport; www.ncfhg. com or 541-574-9366. Jan. 18-20 —ChocolateFest, Oregon Convention Center, Portland; www.chocolatefest.org or 503-228-1367. Jan. 25-27 —Oregon Truffle Festival,The Hilton Eugene, Eugene; www.oregontrufflefestival. com. Feb. 7-23 —Portland International Film Festival:Featuring more than 125 features, documentaries and short films, including the hit Australian film "The Sapphires"; presented by the NW Film Center; Whitsell Auditorium, Portland Art Museum, Portland; www.nwfilm. org or 503-221-1156.



gaming • From outer space to RevolutionaryAmerica to the soccerfield, it's been a goodyearfor action gamers By John Benyamine USgamer

2012 has been packed full of blockbuster video game hits, and we've compiled a list of our favorites of the year.

"Halo 4" (Xbox 360) Master Chief is one of gaming's most iconic figures. Having debuted on the original Xbox over a decade ago, the space marine returns in "Halo 4," and he proves he's not too old for this stuff. At first glance, it may look like Master Chief is fighting the same

ry McClatchy-Tribune News Service

"Halo 4" features old and new baddies, creative weapons, stunning visuals— and Master Chief. Enough said.

old baddies (the Covenant), but "Halo 4" brings with it a new race of enemies known as the Forerunners. "Halo" fans familiar with the series' backstory will know of the Forerunners from the game's companion novels, but "Halo 4" is the first time we get to meet them face-to-face.We're surprised at how scary these enemies are. The good news is you can use their ammo against them, and just when you thought you've seen it all, developer 343 Industries provides a number of really creative weapons that will make your inner geek's jaw drop. Xbox Live support for matches with your friends and the most stunning visuals we've seen yet make "Halo 4" thebest Xbox 360 exclusive for any action gamer.

"New Super Mario Bros. U"

(Wii U) What's a new Nintendo console without a Mario game? Thankfully, Nintendo isn't making us wait, giving the famed plumber a dayone launch with "New Super Mario Bros. U." If you aren't familiar with the "New Super Mario Bros." series, think about it like the oldschool Super Mario games: Move from left to r ight, stomp some goombas, collect some coins, and repeat until you defeat the evil

Bowser. Simple but awesome. In "New Super Mario Bros. U," Nintendo takes that classic gameplay and gives it a beautiful visual makeover thanks to colorful high-definition graphics. We also love the feature that allows you to play the game on the GamePad controller without having to turn on the television. "New Super Mario Bros. U" also has a bunch of multiplayer modes allowing you and three other friends to pick up Wii remotes and join the action. You can work together to complete the level, or sabotage each other. Add a fifth person with the tablet and they can create platforms to help (or harm) you. This is a must-have game for any Wii U household.

"Assassin'sCreed III" (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3,Wii U) "Assassin's Creed" is one of the most popular video game series to come out in the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 generation, and for good reason. Stealth skills combined with parkour elements and a variety ofoffensives make for a game that rarely disappoints. After a few games set in Italy during the Renaissance, "Assassin's Creed III" moves across the Atlantic dur-

ing the Revolutionary War. You play as Connor, an assassin with a Native American background thrust into the middle of the ongoing Templar war that is the common thread throughout the "Assassin's Creed" series. Connor must use his skills to uncoverthe people behind a tragedy that befalls his village. The story is compelling, and the ability to visit New York, Boston and Philadelphia during Revolutionary times is a great change of pace for an action game. "Assassin's Creed III" also has online multiplayer options, but we were

so engaged by the single-player mode that multiplayer took a back seat. If you're looking for a unique backdrop for an adventure game or if you're just up for killing some redcoats, "Assassin's Creed III" fits the bill.

"PlayStationAll-Stars Battle Royale" (PlayStation 3) "PlayStation All-Stars Battle R oyale" brings together all o f your favorite PlayStation characters (and a bunch you've probably never heard of) into a fun, a ction-packed fighter for up t o four players. Imagine suave "Uncharted" star Nathan Drake bat-

tling against world-weary "Tekken" expert Heihachi. Add Kratos ("God of War") and SackBoy ("LittleBigPlanet") to the mix, and now you know what to expect from AII-Stars. Controls are as simple as pressing a direction and one of the action buttons to unleash a variety of moves specific to that character. You also unlock special moves that have the ability to clear the entire stage of enemies. We found ourselves playing again and again just to see all the different moves from all the characters. Once you've mastered a few of your favorite characters, take them online via the PlayStation Network for competitive matches against gamers from around the world, or keep it local with up to four players battling it out on the same TV.

"Call of Duty: Black OpsII" (Xbox 360, Playstation 3,Wii U and PC) When a series continues to break sales records with every new title, you know it has to be good. "Call of Duty: Black Ops II" is the latest shooter from Treyarch and Activision, but instead of taking you to Vietnam or World War

II, they're taking us to the year 2025. Unlike other games that take place in the future, we're not talking about some far-fetched world. Instead, they did a good job of portraying a future that is entirely plausible. If you're a "Call of Duty" vet, you'll recognize a few of the characters as you go through the s ingle-player campaign, but i f you're new to the series, "Black Ops II" is a great way to jump into the action. Of course, there are millions of "Call of Duty" gamers out there who won't even touch the singleplayer campaign and will instead hop right into multiplayer. It's that good, no matter if you're playing a traditional deathmatch or one of the zombie modesthat serve as a refreshing change of pace. If the action gamer in your household hasn't played this one yet, do him a favor and pick up "Black Ops II."

"FIFA13" (Wii U, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360) "FIFA" racks up annual sales that rival games like "Call of Duty" and "Mario," with over 100 million copies sold since it hit the scene way back on the Sega Genesis. "FIFA" also delivers a quality soccer game that improves with every iteration, and "FIFA 13" is no exception. Whether you're a soccer newcomer or a veteran of "the beautiful game," "FIFA 13" adapts to your skill level from the start. Simple controls allow you to get a handle on the basics of passing, shooting and lobbing, while experienced gamers can quickly move onto using the analog sticks to perform moves that include juking defenders and dishing out one-touch passes to a r u shing striker. It also doesn't matter if you're a fan of the Premiere League, MLS or just International play, because "FIFA" will have the team for you. Visually, the game is represented as if you're watching the game on TV, and audio is one of "FIFA's" strength (yes, those are team-specific chants just for your team). Whether you're a soccer fan or not, "FIFA D" is a worthy addition to your gaming library.





' P-.gs

Seth Rogen and Barbra Streisand would have been better off not taking "The Guilt Trip."

8 S OU • Seth Rogen and Barbara Streisand's talents are wasted in theunfunnyfilm 'The Guilt Trip' n "The Guilt Trip," which features Barbra Streisand's first starring performance in more than 15 years, the definitive diva plays a lighthearted version of a stereotypical Jewish mother, eating candy in bed and doting on her only son, played by Seth Rogen. He is an aspiring inventor who has lined up a series of meetings across the country to try to sell his nontoxic household cleaner to box stores and other major retailers. Circumstance and a little affectionate subterfuge on his part lead him to invite her along.


Screenwriter Dan Fogelman's script for last year's "Crazy, Stupid, Love." ably pulled together a comedy of contemporary living with only-in-the-movies exaggerations,yethere he achieves no such balance: "The Guilt Trip" has little basis in reality — cultural, familial or otherwise. There is something promising about the match-up of an old-school show-biz kid such as Streisand with the modern, anxiously self-aware Rogen, but what could have been the multigenerational Thunderdome of Jewish Humor instead turns out bloodlessly

aV8 8 a 8 MARKOLSEN No star rating provided "The Guilt Trip" 96 minutes

PG-13, for languageand some risque material This film rras released Oec. 19. disappointing. It's hard to believe that Streisand came back to a leading role after supporting parts in the last two "Fockers" movies so that she could participate in an agonizingly long and unfunny scene in which her

character powers through a 50ounce steak dinner so she can get it for free. (Because, you know, she loves a bargain, etc.) A late story twist exists only to give Streisand a chance to go momentarily self-serious and verklempt. One could perhaps charitably remark that Streisand has a naturally at-ease screen presence at this point in her storied career (she's 70), yet the reality of her performance seems tobe that she barely showed up. Say what you will about her mugging turns in 1970s comedies such as "The Owl and the Pussycat" and "What's Up, Doc?" — at least she was making an effort. This leaves Rogen straining harder than Anne Hathaway hosting the

Om 8 Oscars to keep things afloat; notably, his biggest laughs come in moments without Streisand. Other talents such as Casey Wilson, Adam Scott and Ari Graynor have barely five minutes of screen time between them, unable to offer real support. Directedby Anne Fletcher,"The Guilt Trip" not only feels fake but looks it, too, sets appearing unabashedly assets.One of the few points of interest in the film is trying to decide which car scenes were done with a towing rig and which were green-screen process shots. Just as one would on a long car ride, during "The Guilt Trip," you look for excitement where you can. — Mark Olsen is a film critic for the Los Angeles Times.




'Parental Guidance' is no fun at any age t

t's hard to know exactly who "Parental Guidance" was made for. With a script that relies heavily on gags about vomiting, urinating and defecating — and that includes not only a crack about "melons" as a euphemism for breasts, but a shot of Billy Crystal getting hit in the crotch with a bat — this generationgap comedy about grandparents taking care of bratty grandchildren seems like it's not just made for children, but written by one. On the other hand, stale jokes about sciatica and the cluelessness of the elderly when it comes to tweeting and other forms of modern technology seem like they popped out of the VCR in the old folks' home. The answer is that the movie is perfect for f amilies. Assuming, of course, that: a) your family has traveled in time from 1995, when most of the jokes in the movie were first written; b) you have absolutely nothing better to do; and c) you have no taste whatsoever. "Parental Guidance" is not just dull; it's aggressively dull, as if the people who made it want to put you to sleep and then steal your wallet. (Check your pants before you leave the theater) It's also badly overact-

ed, syrupy, phony-looking, implausibly scripted, formulaic and about 15 minutes too long. When yuppie parents (Marisa Tomei and Tom Everett Scott) go out of town for a few days, they decide to leave their brood of three spoiled crumb-snatchers (Bailee




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MICHAELO'SULLIVAN No star rating was provided

"Parental Guidance" 105 minutes PG, for juvenile humor about bodily fluids and body parts. This film trtras released Oec. 25. Madison, Joshua Rush and Kyle H arrison B reitkopf) w i t h t h e grandparents (Billy Crystal and Bette Midler). What ensues is exactly what you would expect: disaster involving cake frosting on the

face and apoplectic mugging, followed by scenes of saccharine reconciliation so insincere they make Crystal's dye job and Midler's facelift look natural. The normally wonderful Tomei acts, with broad cartoonishness, as though shehas wandered off the set of a Nickelodeon sitcom. The three juvenile actors behave more like animatronic figures than real human beings. And Midler and Crystal (who also produced the film) are mired in a tar pit of schtick, like Borscht Belt dinosaurs. Little more remains to be said about "Parental Guidance," except this caution: No one should be allowed in the theater, even with the accompaniment of a parent or adult guardian. — Michael O'Sullivanis afilm critic forThe Washington Post.

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Twentieth Century Fox via The Associated Press

Artie (Bille Crystal) and Diane (Bette Midler) agree to babysit their three grandkids, from left, Turner (Joshua Rush), Harper (Bailee Madison) and Barker (Kyle Harrison Breitkopf), in "Parental Guidance."

Warner Bros. via The Associated Press

Bryan Cranston, left, stars as Jack O'Donnell and Ben Affleck stars as Tony Mendez in "Argo," a rescue thriller about the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis that is topping some "best of" lists.

r i ies wei i n on e es i m s o By Christy Lemire, David Germain

and Jake Coyle The Associated Press

The top 10 films of 2012, according to AP Movie Critic Christy Lemire: 1. "Argo" — Directing just his third feature, Ben Affleck has come up with a seamless blend of detailed international drama and breathtaking suspense, with just the right amount of dry humor to provide context and levity. He shows a deft handling of tone, especially in making difficult transitions between scenes in Tehran, Washington and Hollywood, but also gives one of his strongest performances yet in front of the camera. The story of a rescue during the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis sounds like eat-your-vegetables cinema, and mixing it with an inside-Hollywood comedy sounds i mpossible, but A ff l ec k a n d screenwriter Chris Terrio pull it all off. 2. "Beasts of the Southern Wild" — This is sheer poetry on screen: an explosion of joy in the midst of startling squalor and one of the most visceral, original films to come along in a while. The story of a little girl named Hushpuppy

(Quvenzhane Wallis) living with her daddy on a remote, primal

strip of eroding land in the southernmostreaches ofthe Louisiana bayou is so ambitious and so accomplished, it's amazing that it's only director Benh Zeitlin's first feature. His film is at once dreamlike and brutal, ethereal yet powerfully emotional. 3. "Skyfall" — One of the best James Bond films ever starring the best Bond yet in Daniel Craig. It's also the most gorgeous installment in the 23-film franchise, with Sam Mendes directing and Roger Deakins a s c i n ematographer. It's full of the requisite thrills but also complicated and meaty, featuring an agent who isn't always slick and doesn't always have the answers in hunting an elusive cyberterrorist (a fantastic Javier

a limousine all day, carrying out various assignments. Hop in and buckle up. 5. "Zero Dark Thirty" —A huge achievement from both technical and storytelling perspectives. Following the Oscar successof "The Hurt Locker," director Kathryn Bigelow reteams with vviter Mark Boal to tell an even larger and more complicated story: the decade-long hunt for Osama bun Laden. The attention to detail, to getting it right each step of the way, is evident in every element. And Jessica Chastain is relentless and selfpossessed in a rare leading role as a young CIA officer on the case. 6. "The Master" —Paul Thomas Anderson, long a master himself Bardem). of technique and tone, has cre4. "Holy Motors" — This movie ated a startling, stunningly goris just straight-up nuts, in all the geous film shot in lushly vibrant best ways. Writer-director Leos 70mm, with impeccable producCarax's journey provides a joy- tion design and powerful perforous, surprising and darkly funny mances from stars Joaquin Phoeexploration of all the best cinema nix, Philip Seymour Hoffman has to offer. Yes, this is a capital- and Amy Adams. But this story A art film, one that challenges the of a wayward man and the charviewer and leaves a lot of room ismatic cult leader who guides for interpretation, but that's part him — which may or may not of the adventure. Denis Lavant have been inspired by Church of gives a tour-de-force perfor- Scientology founder L. Ron Hubmance, assuming nine different bard — is also his most ambitious roles as a mysterious man who filmyet. travels around Paris in the back of Continued next page



From previous page 7. "The Imposter" —A gripping documentary about a missing boy filled with the kind of twists, turns and dramatic character revelations of a page-turner mystery. Director Bart Layton takes a story that was already fascinatingly weird to begin with and makes it even more compelling by structuring it as a shadowy film noir, offering information in expertly paced, precisely measured amounts to maximize suspense. 8. "Moonrise Kingdom" —If you love Wes Anderson, you'll love this: The best of what he can do is vibrantly on display. The screenplay, which he cowrote with Roman Coppola, has resulted in his sweetest and most sincere live-action movie since the one that remains his best, 1998's "Rushmore." The contradiction inherent to all of Anderson's films — the juxtaposition of the meticulous artificiality of the settings and the passionately wistful emotions that are longing to burst free — is at its most effective in a while in this tale of first love. 9. "Oslo, August 31st" — A film of quietly intense precision and vividly honest hu-



manity. A n ders D a nielsen Lie gives one of the great, underappreciatedperformances of the year as a heroin addict who's allowed to leave rehab for the day to head into the Norwegian capital for a job interview. Instead, he wanders around visiting old haunts, reconnecting awkwardly with friends and facing his demons. It's a performance of both subtlety and darkness, as director Joachim Trier leads him down an unpredictable and poignant path. 10. "This Is Not a Film" —Veteran Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi's homemade documentary is simultaneously depressing as hell and brimming with hope and defiance. With its stripped-down aesthetic, it finds beauty in the mundane and even boring details of daily life. And it's an inspiring must-see for anyone who feels the urgent need to create something beautiful and meaningful, regardless of the cost. Panahi shot it over the course of a day in his Tehran apartment while under house arrest and had it smuggled out in a cake. The most modest film on the list but also the most important.




The top10 films of 2012, according to Asso-

Here's what's showing onCentral Oregon movie screens. For

ciated Press movie writer David Germain: 1. "Moonrise Kingdom" 2. "Life of Pi" 3. "Zero Dark Thirty"

4. "Argo" 5. "Searching for Sugar Man" 6. "Rust and Bone" 7. "The Master" 8. "Lincoln"

9. "West of Memphis" 10. "Looper" The top10 films of 2012, according to AP entertainment writerJake

Coyla: 1. "Amour"

2. "The Master" 3. "Margaret" 4. "Moonrise King-

dom" 5. "Not Fade Away" 6. "Lincoln" 7. "Jeff, Who Lives at

Home" 8. "The Dust Bowl"

9. "Holy Motors" 10. "Premium Rush"





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showtimes, see listings on Page 31. Reviews byRogerEbert unless otherwise noted.

Another indulgent movie from the cinema's reigning junk-genre junkie, "Django" mashes together1960s Italian "Spaghetti Westerns" and '70s American "Blacksploitation" pictures. Only it's not that much fun here. Some scenesconvey Tarantino-esque tension. But Tarantino's unwillingness to trim anything slowsthefilm to a crawl. Rating: Twostars. 165 minutes.


— Roger Moore, McClatchy-TribuneNewsService "GregoryCrewdson:Brief WHAT'S NEW Encounters" —Acclaimed photographer Gregory Crewdson No newmoviesopenedtoday. doesn'tjust"take" his images,he creates them, through elaborate days and weeks of invention, design, and STILL SHOWING set-up. Theepic production of these movie-like images isboth intensely "Anna Karenina" —JoeWright's personal andhighly public: they daringly stylized newversion of "Anna begin in Crewdson's deepest desires Karenina" is staged largely within an and memories, but come tolife on actual theater, anduses not onlythe streets andsoundstages in the hills stagebutthe boxesand even themain towns of Western Massachusetts. floor — with seats removed —to In his decade-long project "Beneath present the action. Keira Knightly, the Roses" he useslight, color and almost distractingly beautiful here, character to conjure arresting images, stars as Tolstoy's heroine. Jude managing acrew of 60amidst logistical Law is her dryand proper husband, and creative obstacles. Filmedover a a government minister, andAaron decade, beginning in 2000, "Gregory Taylor-Johnson playsVronsky, the Crewdson: Brief Encounters" provides young military officer with whom an unparalleled view ofthe moment she begins a disastrous affair. A sumptuous film, extravagantly staged of creation of his images. It also and photographed, perhapstoo much reveals the life-story behind the work —through frank reflections on his soforits own good. Rating: Twoanda life and career, including the formative half stars. 129 minutes. (R) influences of his psychologist father "Argo" —BenAffleck directs and and his fascination with the work of starsin theincredible true story Diane Arbus. Childhood fears and of how, at the height of the Iranian ideals, adultanxieties anddesires, the hostage crisis, a CIAagentand a influences of pop-culture all combine couple of Hollywood professionals to form who weare, andfor Crewdson, dreamedupacockamamie scheme to motivate his work. Thefilm screens at free six Americans whowere not being Tin PanTheater in Bend. 79 minutes. held in the AmericanEmbassybut (no MPAArating) had found refuge with the Canadian — Synopsis from film's website Embassy. Kepttop secret for18 years, "The Guilt Trip" —Screenwriter the operation created afake sci-fi production named"Argo," convinced Dan Fogelman's script for last year's "Crazy, Stupid, Love." ably pulled the lranians it was real andused it to spirit the Americans out of the country. together a comedy of contemporary With lots of tension andalso some living with only-in-the-movies humor from JohnGoodmanand Alan exaggerations, yet here heachieves Arkin as the Hollywood pros involved. no such balance: "TheGuilt Trip" Rating: Four stars. 120minutes. (R) has little basis in reality — cultural, familial or otherwise. There is "Cirpoe doSoleil: Worlds Away" something promising about the — Cirque duSoleil movies are alot match-up of an old-school show-biz like ballet films — long onbeauty kid such asBarbra Streisand andthe and artistry, short on story. "Cirque modern, anxiously self-aware Seth du Soleil: Worlds Away" is a3-D Rogen, but what could have been catalog of the wonders of theCirque the multigenerational Thunderdome company's LasVegasshows, from of Jewish Humor instead turns out "Believe" and "Mystere" to "0" and bloodlessly disappointing. This "Viva Elvis." It is a feast for the eyes, film was not given astar rating. 96 an appreciation of the accomplished minutes. (PG-13) art of the jugglers, tumblers, mimes, contortionists, acrobats andaerialists — Mark Olsen, that have madeCirque a brand name Los Angeles Times for family-friendly wonders, evenin "Hitchcock" —Thesecond feature Sin City. On film? Thespectacle is a in a few months, after the made-forlittle less spectacular, the sappyEnyaHBO "The Girl," based on the life of ish score monotonous andthe "story" the great man.The screenplay centers takes on importance that it cannot to a distracting degree on his lifelong sustain. Their movies arewhat the live marriage to the screenwriter and shows never are —boring. This film Alma Reville (Helen Mirren). is available locally in 3-D. Rating: Two editor As "Hitchcock" tells it, Reville acted and a half stars. 88 minutes. (PG) as his chief adviser, censor, muse — Roger Moore, and friend, and steered him through McClatchy-TnbuneNewsService the uncertain waters leading up to "Psycho. "Anthony Hopkinswouldn't "DjangoUnchained" — Bullets, seem to be the first choice as bullwhips and beatings produce Hitchcock, but I quickly accepted him. slo-mo geysers ofblood. Pistoleros The makeupjobtheydidon Hopkins launch into soliloquies onslavery was transformative. Rating: Three and the GermanSiegfried myth. stars. 96 minutes. (R) "Django Unchained" is set in Quentin Tarantino's pre-Civil WarSouth. Continued next page




From previous page "The Hodbit: An Unexpected Journey" —Forthose who simply cannot get enough of MiddleEarth, Peter Jackson's "TheHobbit" promises to be theultimate Travel New Zealand miniseries. Heand his "Lord of the Rings" teamhavetaken J.R.R. Tolkien's dense but slight and more comical "Rings" prelude, asimple quest to rob a dragon, and blown it up into a trilogy. Andsincethe first installment, "An UnexpectedJourney," clocks in at almost three hours ... well, youseewhatliesaheadofus.The settings are gorgeous. Theeffects are spectacular. But in adding aprologue, in transposing characters from the "Rings" films into the narrative, and in having the luxury of including "Hobbit" minutia by the bushel basketful, I have to saythe bloat shows. This film is available locally in 3-D and IMAX. Rating: Twoand ahalf stars. 169 minutes. (PG-13) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune News Service "Holy Motors" — Anexasperating, frustrating, anarchic film about an unexplained man(Denis Lavant) who spendsalongday inthe backofa white stretch limousine, being driven from one "appointment" to another. In each appointment he embodies a different bizarre character, linked only by the desire of a mime orcomedian to entertain andamazeus. His personas are so diverse it would be futile to try to link them, or find a thread of narrative or symbolism. This film screens at Tin PanTheater in Bend. Rating: Three and ahalf stars. 116 minutes. (no MPAA rating) "Jack Reacher" —Whatever you think of TomCruise, you know he's not 6-feet-5 and well over 200 pounds, which is the wayauthor Lee Child describes his crime-solving/justicedispensing ex-military policeman, Jack Reacher. Buteven if Cruise isn't as physically imposing asthe guy, he can still bring the intimidation, as he proves in "JackReacher." Cruise carries off the part with a bruising panache, as athome in abrawl or car chase as heis in droll banter with the mere mortals who surround him. BasedonChild'snovel"One Shot," it's about an IraqWarsniper accused of mowing down acrowd of people

N EW D V D B LU- R A Y R EL E A S E S The following movies were released the week of Dec. 25.

"The Well-Digger's Daughter" — A remake of a1940 film by French novelist and filmmaker Marcel Pagnol, "TheWell-Digger's Daughter" feels old-fashioned but not necessarily in a badway. Its theme of the fallen woman — the18-year-old unwedmother referenced in the title — feels quaint and out of sync, not just with many of today's movies, but with the modern world in general. Still, the melodrama is classy and convincing, even if the scandal feels somewhat antique. Set just before the start of World War I, the movie is the directorial debut of actor Daniel Auteuil (who plays the widowed well-digger, Pascal, with a mixture of rustic dignity and cuddly curmudgeonliness). Pascal's daughter Patricia (Astrid BergesFrisbey) is pregnant andunmarried. Compounding that sexual taboo is the fact that the baby's father, Jacques (Nicolas Duvauchelle), is the son of a wealthy shopkeeper, while Patricia and herfamily are working class. Jacqueshas been called off to war, without so much as a chancetosaygood-bye.W ith

in Pittsburgh. Rating: Twoand ahalf stars. 130 minutes. (PG-13) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune News Service "Les Miserables" —There are moments early on in "Les Miserables" when viewers mayfeel like they're about to witness abona-fide disasterpiece, one ofthose spectacular miscalculations that can bealmost as entertaining — almost — asa superbly executed work of audacious


cBS films via Mcclatchy-Tribune News service

Zoe Saldana and Bradley Cooper star in "The Words." their only son atwar, Jacques' snooty parents initially rebuff the well-digger when heshows up seeking recognition of their son's parental responsibility. Pascal arrives sans shotgun, bringing only a sense of honor, humility and the expectation that people will do the right thing. Needless to say,they do not. No DVDand Blu-ray special features were listed for this film. 105 minutes. (no MPAArating) — The Washington Post "The Words" —A movie inspired bythe famous story of how Hemingway's first wife lost a briefcase of his early work on a train. That story is enfolded into another story based on it, written by a contemporary novelist (Dennis

ambition andscope.This adaptation of the mega-hit Broadway musical lives in that kinda-sorta, okay-not-great, this-worked-that-didn't in-between for which words like "better" and "worse" fall woefully short. Enough faint praise. There's plenty to cheerin "Les Miserables," not the least of which isthe presence ofsomegenuinely astonishing breakout performances. Based onVictor Hugo's novel, "Les Miserables" juxtaposesMarius' (Eddie Redmayne's) fight for political justice


Quaid). Bradley Cooper finds the missing briefcase in the Quaid novel and is later visited by a mysterious Jeremy lrons. The real Hemingway could havetold this with infinitely more economy. The plot opens room for three beautiful women (ZoeSaldana, Olivia Wilde and Nora Arnezeder), for which we can be grateful. DVDExtras: Two featurettes; Blu-ray Extras: Two additional featurettes. Rating: Two stars. 96 minutes. (PG-13) COMING UP:Movies scheduled for national release next week include "Looper" (Monday) and "Cosmopolis" (Wednesday). — "DIrD anrt Blu-ray Extras" from wire and online sources

with the morepersonal struggle of Jean Valjean, whom wemeet in the film's opening scene as an enslaved prisoner, played by anunrecognizably emaciated Hugh Jackman. It's all very big, all the time. Also stars Russell Crowe,Anne Hathaway,AmandaSeyfreid, Helena Bonham Carter. Rating: Twoand ahalf stars. 157 minutes. (PG-13) — Ann Hornaday, The Nlashrngton Post "Life of Pi" —Amiraculous achievement of storytelling and a

landmark of visual mastery. Inspired by a worldwide best-seller that seemed unfilmable, it is a triumph over its difficulties. It is also amoving spiritual achievement, amoviewhosetitle could have beenshortened to "Life." The story involves the 227daysthat its teenage hero(Suraj Sharma) spends drifting across the Pacific in the same lifeboat as aBengal tiger. Themovie quietly combinesvarious religious traditionsto enfold its story in the wonder of life. One of the year's best. This film is available locally in 3-D. Rating: Fourstars. 125 minutes. (PG) "Lincoln" —StevenSpielberg's new film focuses on only afew months of Lincoln's life, including the passageof the13th Amendment ending slavery, the surrender of the Confederacy and his assassination. Rarely has afilm attended morecarefully to the details of politics. Daniel Day-Lewis creates a Lincoln who is calmly self-confident, patient and willing to play politics in a realistic way. Notabout anicon of history, but about apresident who was scornedbysomeofhisopponents as a hayseedfrom the backwoods. He understood thembetter than they did him. Sure to win manyAcademy Award nominations. Rating: Four stars. 149 minutes. (PG-13) "Monsters, Inc." —Disney-Pixar realized they'd hit on acan't-miss formula for animated blockbusters about the time "Monsters, Inc." came out in 2001. Fromthe lives of toys when the kids aren't around to where scary monsters gowhenthey're not hiding in kids' closets or the private lives of clownfish, comic book superheroes orvideo gamecharacters, these familiar but imaginary worlds have proven tobefertile ground for animation. "Monsters, Inc." mayhave lost the best animated film Oscar to "Shrek." But askany parent which film is aging better, and the real winner emerges.Reasonenough for a prequel, "Monsters, University," to go into production. It comesout next June. Andthat's a good excusefor converting the computer-animated "Monsters, Inc." to 3-Dfor a special holiday release.This film is available locally in 3-D. Rating: Threeand ahalf stars. 92 minutes. (G) — Roger Moore,McClatchy-Tri bune News Service

Continued next page II





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PAGE 30. GO! MAGAZINE is exactly what youwould expect: disaster involving cakefrosting on the face and apoplectic mugging, followed Parental Guidance" — "Parental by scenes of saccharine reconciliation Guidance" is not just dull; it's so insincere theymakeCrystal's dye aggressively dull, as if the people job and Midler's facelift look natural. who made it actually want to putyou This film was not given astar rating. to sleep and then steal your wallet. 105 minutes. (PG) It's also badly overacted, syrupy, phony looking, implausibly scripted, — Michael O'Sullivan, The formulaic and about15 minutes too Ililashington Post long. Whenyuppie parents (Marisa "Red Dawn" — Openswith a hardTomei andTomEverett Scott) go out fought high school football game of town for a fewdays, they decide before the next day in Spokane, to leave their brood of three spoiled Wash., is interrupted by the thud of crumb-snatchers (Bailee Madison, bombs. The young gridiron stars of Joshua Rushand KyleHarrison the Wolverines raceoutside to see Breitkopf) with the grandparents (Billy enemy aircraft flying overhead in Crystal and Bette Midler). What ensues

From previous page

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formation, dropping paratroopers from the skies. Analarming sight, but the movie reassures us thatan invasion by communist North Korea can be vanquished bythemembersof the team and their girlfriends, using mostly automatic weapons stolen from the North Koreans themselves. They're all instinctive combat fighters, even a cheerleader. Light on dialogue, heavy on mindless action. Rating: One and a half stars. 93 minutes. (PG-13) "Rise of the Guardians" — Hyperactive 3-D animated fantasy regarding the plight of Jack Frost, who nobody seemsable to see. Called upon in acrisis to help the Guardians (Santa, the Easter Bunny,

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the Tooth Fairy, etc.), he savesthe day. Younger children like the breakneck action, magical ability to fly, and the young hero whohastired of being overlooked. Their parents and older siblings mayfind the 97-minute running time quite long enough. Rating: Three stars. 97 minutes. (PG) "A Royal Affair" — The principles that would inspire the FrenchRevolution first took practical shape inDenmark in the18th century. The ideasof Voltaire arrived there with Dr. Johann Struensee (MadsMikkelsen), aGerman physician whowashired to care for the deranged King Christian Vll (Mikkel Boe Folsgaard), andeventuallytook very good care indeed ofhis comely new queenfrom Britain, Queen Caroline Mathilde (Alicia Vikander). They convince herhusband totake everyday command ofhis kingdom, inspiring reforms alarming tothe conservative establishment. Directed by Nikolaj Arcel. Rating: Threeand a half stars. 137 minutes. (R) "Samsara" — Afilm composed of powerful images, most magnificent, some shocking, all photographed with great care in the highest possible HD resolution — or in 70mm, if you can find it. Filmed over a period of five years, in locations in 25 countries, it is the kind of experience yousimply sink into. It intensely regards the strangeness andwonder of our planet, drawing a sharp contrast between the awe of nature andthe sometimes ruthless imposition of man's will. Directed by RonFricke, who also made the notable "Baraka" (1992). This film screens at Tin Pan Theater in Bend. Rating: Four stars. 102 minutes. (PG-13) "Seven Psychopaths" — Colin Farrell stars as ablocked Hollywood screenwriter who finds inspiration from a loony group of psychopaths, some in his life and some inhis imagination. Christopher Walken excels as aprofessional dog-napper, Sam Rockwell is his partner and Woody Harrelson is a relentless gangster who comeslooking for Bonny, his belovedShihTzu,which they hold as hostage. Inspired goofiness written and directed by Martin McDonagh ("In Bruges"). Rating: Three and ahalf stars.109 minutes. (R) "Silver Linings Playbook" — Pat (Bradley Cooper) is confidentand upbeat for a manjust released from a mental hospital and under a restraining order from his wife. He's determined to surprise everyone by moving ever onward andupward. What stage of bipolar disorder would you guess he's in? His parents (Robert De Niro andJacki Weaver) are well-meaning but dubious. A prickly neighborhood widow (Jennifer Lawrence) wants to sleep with him and is offended that he's interested only because she's in touch with his exwife. This all somehow comesdown to intersecting bets about afootball game and a ballroom dancecontest. Written and directed by David O.Russell. Rating: Threeand ahalf stars.122 minutes. (R) "Skyfall" — "Skyfall" triumphantly reinvents 007 in one of thebest Bonds ever made. This is afull-blooded, joyous, intelligent celebration of a beloved cultural icon, with Daniel Craig taking full possession of a role he earlier played unconvincingly. The

film at last provides a roleworthy of Judi Dench, returning as M, who is one of the best actors of her generation. She is all but the co-star, with a lot of screen time, poignant dialogue, anda character who isfar more complexand sympathetic than weexpect. In this 50th year of the JamesBondseries, with the dismal "Quantum of Solace" (2008) still in our minds, I don't know what I expected in Bond No.23, but certainly not an experience this invigorating. If you haven't seen a007 for years, this is the time to jumpback in. Rating: Four stars. 143 minutes. (PG-13) "This Is 40" — Stupid freaking Judd Apatow, with his stupid freaking foulmouthed and sentimental "Hobbit"length comedies, his stupid freaking insistence onnot only peopling them with his old comic cronies, but his wife and cursing kids. Happy freaking R-rated holidays, America. Here's your "Meet the Parents" this year — longer and less funny. "This Is 40" — the very premise is flawed, since everybody knows "50 is the new40" — is a sort of sequel to"Knocked Up" that catches up with the struggling, funny and quite real sidekick couple of that film, Debbie andPete, played by Leslie Mann (Mrs. Apatow) andPaul Rudd. It's an intermittently amusing dance through generations of bad parenting comehometo roost, poor family planning andworseeconomic planning, when they both hit that milestone birthday, which tells Debbie they're getting old. "This Is 40" is more like Apatow's excruciating "Funny People" than "KnockedUp." If "This Is 40," one shudders to think what he'll serve up whenthat AARPcard arrives in the mail and he —and Mann— are faced with "This Is 50." Rating: Two stars. 131 minutes. (R) — RogerMoore,McClatchy-Tribune News Service "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2" — Fifth and final installment of the "Twilight" series, beginning where the previous one ended, as Bella Cullen (Kristen Stewart) gives birth to little Renesmee, and is introduced byherhusband, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), to her new life with vampire powers. In the process Bella hasalso been miraculously transformed into a much more interesting character, physically superb and emotionally uninhibited. The birth of the infant leads to a sensational climax involving the Washington state vampires andthe Volturi of Italy, self-appointed rulers of vampiredom. I suspect "Twilight's" audience, which takes thesefilms very seriously indeed, will drink deeply of its blood. Rating: Twoand ahalf stars. 115 minutes. (PG-13) "Wreck-It Ralph" — The newDisney animated feature for families takes place inside several arcade-style videogames,providing anexcuse for the backgrounds, ground rules and characters to constantly reinvent themselves. Its hero is one of those clumsy, misunderstood big guys who dream only of being loved. Ralph (voice by John C.Reilly) spends every dayknocking down an apartment building, which is constantly repaired by Fix-It Felix Jr. (Jack McBrayer). Lively, endlessly colorful nonstop action, also with Jane Lynchand Sarah Silverman. Rating: Three stars. 101 minutes. (PG)




M 0V I E T I M E S • Fo r the weekf Dec. o 28 • There may be an additional fee for 3-0and IMAXmovies.





Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347 • ANNA KARENINA (R) Fri-Thu: 3:15, 6:45 • ARGO (R) Fri-Tue: 11:45 a.m., 3, 7:15, 9:50 Wed-Thu: 11:45 a.m., 3, 7:15 • HITCHCOCK (PG- I3) Fri-Tue: 12:15, 9:45 Wed-Thu: 12:15 • THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY(PG-13) Fri-Thu: Noon, 3:30, 7 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) Fri-Tue: 11 a.m., 2:30, 6, 9:30 Wed-Thu: 11 a.m., 2:30, 6 • A ROYAL AFFAIR (R) Fri-Tue: 2:45, 9 Wed-Thu: 2:45 • SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK(R) Fri-Tue: 12:30, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15 Wed-Thu: 12:30, 3:45, 6:30 • SKYFALL (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 11:30 a.m., 5:35 I

• Accessibility devices are available for some movies at Regal Old Mill Stadiumt5 tI IMAX.


Warehouse Pr i ces


Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 54 I -382-6347 • CIRQUE DUSOLEIL:W ORLDS AWAY (PG) Fri-Thu: 1:40 • CIRQUE DUSOLEIL:W ORLDS AWAY 3-D (PG) Fri-Thu: 11:15 a.m., 4:30, 6:50, 9:10 • DJANGO UNCHAINED (R) Fri-Thu: 10:50 a.m., 12:35, 2:30, 4:10, 6:05, 7:45, 9:40 • THE GUILT TRIP (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 11:15 a.m., 1:45, 4:25, 6:55, 9:35 • THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-D (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 10:40 a.m., 6:20, 10 • THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY(PG-13) Fri-Thu: 10:35 a.m., 2:15, 6:15, 9:55 • THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEYIMAX (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 10:45 a.m., 2:25, 6:25, 10:05 • JACK REACHER (PG- I3) Fri-Thu: 12:55, 3:55, 7:05, 10:15 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2, 4, 6, 7:30, 9:30 • LIFE OF PI (PG) Fri-Thu: 3:25 • LIFE OF PI 3-D (PG) Fri-Thu: 11:05 a.m., 7, 10:05 • LINCOLN (PG-l3) Fri-Thu: 11:10 a.m., 2:30, 6, 9:20 • MONSTERS, INC.(G) Fri-Thu: 1:25 • MONSTERS, INC.3-D (G) Fri-Thu: 11 a.m., 3:45, 7 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE (PG) Fri-Thu: 10:55 a.m., 1:50, 4:40, 7:15, 10:20 • RISE OF THE GUARDIANS (PG) Fri-Thu: 1:05, 3:35 • SKYFALL (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 6:10, 9:25 • THIS IS40 (R) Fri-Thu: 12:45, 3:50, 6:55, 10:10 • THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART 2 (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 2:20 '

• Mo v ie times are subject to change after press time.


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Martin Freeman stars as the young Bilbo Baggins in "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey." • RED DAWN (PG-13) Fri, Sun, Wed: 6 Sat: 8:15 Tue: 6:45 • SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS (R) Fri, Sun, Wed: 9 • WRECK-IT RALPH (PG) Fri, Sun, Wed: Noon, 3 Sat: 11 a.m. Thu:11 a.m.,2 • Due to the New Year's Eve eventin the theater, no movies will be shown Monday. TheAlamo (3owfscreensat3:45 p.m. (doors open at 245 p.m.) Saturday, the Rose Bowl screens at 2 p.m. (doors at 1 p.m.) Tuesday and the Fiesta Sowi screens at 530 p.m. (doors open at 430 p.m.) Thursday. • After 7 p.m., shows are 21 and older only. Younger than 2f may attend screenings before 7 p.m. ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. •


Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, Bend, 541-241-2271 • GREGORY CREWDSON: BRIEF ENCOUNTERS (no MPAA rating) Fri, Thu: 3:30 Sat-Sun: 1:30 • HOLY MOTORS (no MPAA rating) Fri-Sat: 8:30 Thu: 6 • SAMSARA (PG-13) Fri: 6 Sat: 3:30, 6 Sun: 3:30 Thu: 8:30

• The theater will host "Spaghetti Western Fri, Wed-Thu: 3:30, 6:30 Wednesdays" this Wednesday. The Sat-Tue: 1:15, 4:15, 7:30 event begins at 530 p.m. andincludes • LES MISERABLES (PG- I3) an all-you-can-eatspaghetti dinner. As Fri, Wed-Thu: 2:45, 6:15 of press time, the Western film has not Sat-Tue 12:15, 3:45, 7:15 been selected. No films are scheduled to • PARENTAL GUIDANCE (PG) screen Monday and Tuesday. Fri, Wed-Thu: 2:15, 4:30, 7 Sat-Tue: 1:30, 4, 6:30 I



Redmond Cinemas, 1535 S.W.Odem Medo Road, Redmond,541-548-8777 • DJANGO UNCHAINED (R) Fri: 2:45, 6:15, 9:30 Sat-Tue: 11:30 a.m., 2:45, 6:15, 9:30 Wed-Thu: 12:30, 3:45, 7:15 • THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY(PG-13) Fri: 2:30, 6:05, 9:30 Sat-Tue: 11 a.m., 2:30, 6:05, 9:30 Wed-Thu: Noon, 3:30, 7:05 • JACK REACHER (PG- I3) Fri: 3:15, 6:15, 9:15 Sat-Tue: 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9 1I5 Wed-Thu: 1:15, 4:15, 7:15 • THIS IS40 (R) Fri: 2:45, 5:45, 8:45 Sat-Tue: 11:45 a.m., 2:45, 5:45, 8:45 Wed-Thu: 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 Sisters Movie House, 720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800 • THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY(PG-13) Fri, Wed-Thu: 2:30, 6 Sat-Tue: Noon, 3:30, 7 • JACK REACHER (PG- I3)


t $


Madras Cinema 5, 1101 S.W.U.S. Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505 • DJANGO UNCHAINED (R) Fri-Thu: 1:30, 4:50, 8:20 • THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-D (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:50, 4:30, 8:10 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 1:20, 4, 6:40, 9:20 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE (PG) Fri-Thu: 12:35, 2:50, 5:05, 7:20, 9:40 • THIS IS40 (R) Fri-Thu: 1:10, 4:05, 6:50, 9:35

Pine Theater, 214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1014 • THE HOBBIT:ANUNEXPECTEDJOURNEY (UPSTAIRS —PG-13) Fri, Mon-Thu: 3:20, 7 Sat-Sun: Noon, 3:20, 7 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG) Fri, Mon-Thu: 4, 7:10 Sat-Sun: 1, 4, 7:10 • The upstairs screening room has limited accessibili ty.




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