Bulletin Daily Paper 12-28-13

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Serving Central Oregon since190375

SATURDAY December28,2013

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es oo<san mnviesn COMMUNITY LIFE• D1

Cheryl Strayed

bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD



City ready to manage its own growth

Warmingoceans —Not only is sea life threatened, so are the people whodependon it to survive.A7

By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

Six years after La Pine residents voted to incor-

Homework —Underanew

porate into an official city,

grading system, some schools aren't counting it.AS

the community is gearing up for another step toward self-sustainability. On Jan. I, La Pine will

NASA —The agencyhasbig plans for flagship missions, but no way to payfor them. A3

launch its own community development department. The transition means La

Pine residents looking for building and electrical permits, or other services involving buildings in

COCktail Cadin —Tobacco-infused rum andother flavors coming to Bend.CS

~-'~g ~n

town, will work with the

ln national news — A


judge OK's theNSA'scollection of phone records.A2

city, rather than Deschutes County.

c" '

With the move, La Pine

also inherits a 15-year-old plan drawn up by the county to encourage develop-

And a Wedexclusive

ment within the city limits.

— The 'Bone Finder' uses ground-penetrating radar to find lost graves. bendbulletin.cnm/extrns

For years, county leaders have grappled with residential sprawl around the city. New subdivisions platted outside the boundaries

during the 1980s, '90s and early 2000s led to a series


of sprawling, subpar septic systems, rather than a sin-

New York Times News Service

'Men are stuck' in

genderroles, study says By Emily Alpert Reyes

Probably the most famous example of an endangered species, the bald eagle recovered well enough that it was delisted in 2007.

gle, centralized system that

could serve all or most of the community.

• The law has beena frustration for many industries, however, especialy timber By Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin

Forty years ago today President Richard Nixon signed the federal Endangered Species Act into law. Since Dec. 28, 1973, the ESA has

been a "tremendous success story," said Paul Henson, state supervisor for

Oregon. Henson, who worked his way up from the field as a biologist to the supervisor'soffice, speaks from 20 years of experience with the ESA. "Job one for the Endangered Species Act is to keep species from going extinct and it has done a great job at that," he said.

the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in

See La Pine/A4

earned the praise of conservation groups and ire of resource-based industries, particularly the timber indus-

1.3 million lose jobless benefits

try in Oregon. The 1990 ESA listing of the northern spotted owl as threatened contrib-

uted to the downturn of logging in the state.

SeeSpecies /A5

Over its four decades, the ESA has

Los Angeles Times


Kroeger pores over nasty

Endangeredspeciesinandnear Central Oregon

online comments about

stay-at-home dads, wondering if his friends think

By Annie Lowrey New York Times News Service

those things about him. The father from Rowland


Heights, east of Los Angeles, remembers high school classmates laughing when he said he wanted to be a "house husband." He avoids

mentioning it on Facebook. "I don't want other men to look at me like less of a

emergency federal program that acts as a lifeline for 1.3 million jobless workers will end today, drastically curtailing government support for the long-term unemployed and setting the stage for a major political fight in the newyear. The program, in place since the recession started in 2008, provides up to 47 weeks of supplemental unemployment insurance payments to jobless people looking for work. Its expiration is expected to have far-reaching ramifications for the economy, cutting job growthby about 300,000

+j.cr, 1

BULL TROUT Listed as threatened

PACIFIC LAMPREY Species of concern


GRAY WOLF Listed as endangered

Image courtesy U.S. Fish 8 Wlldlife Service

Proposed asthreatened

Image courtesy U.S. Fish 8 Wildlife Service





Candidate species

PEREGRINEFALCON Delisted, once endangered

Listed as threatened

Proposed asthreatened

BALD EAGLE Delisted, once endangered

Roh Kerr The Bulletin file photo

Image courtesy U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Image courtesy U.S. Forest Service

Image courtesy U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Image courtesy U.S Fish & Wildlife Service

Image courtesy U.S. Fish 8 Wildlife Service

man," Kroeger said.



Ryan Brennecke The Bulletin file photo

The Associated Press file photo

His fears are tied to a

bigger phenomenon: The gender revolution has been lopsided. Even as American society has seen

sweepingtransformations — expanding roles for women, surgingtolerance for homosexuality — popular ideas about masculinity seem to have stagnated.

While women have broken into fields once

dominatedby men, such as business, medicine and



positions next year and

pushing hundreds of thousands of households below the poverty line. SeeJobless/A5

law, men have been slower

to pursue nursing, teach preschool, or take jobs as administrative assistants.

Census data and surveys show that men remain rare

in stereotypically feminine positions. SeeGender/A5

Correction A report headlined, "Pick your health plan today," which appeared Thursday, Dec.26, on PageA1, included the incorrect deadline to renew orenroll in an individual or family health plan with RegenceBlueCross BlueShield of Oregon. The deadline is Dec.31. The Bulletin regrets the error.

Hospicesusenon-terminal patients to boost profits By Peter Whoriskey nnd Dan Keating

life expectancy of six months

dying, a Washington Post

50 percent between 2002 and

or less.

investigation has found.

The Washington Post

Hospice patients are ex-

But over the past decade, the number of "hospice sur-

Healthier patients are more profitable because they re-

pected to die: The treatment

vivors" in the United States

quire fewer visits and stay

focuses on providing comfort to the terminally ill, not finding a cure. To enroll a patient, two doctors certify a

has risen dramatically, in part because hospice companies earn more by recruiting patients who aren't actually

enrolled longer. The proportion of patients who were discharged alive from hospice careroseabout

2012, according to a Washington Post analysis of more than 1 million hospice patients' records over 11 years in California, a state that makes public

TODAY'S WEATHER Partly cloudy High 46, Low28 Page B6

detailed descriptions and that, by virtue of its size, offers a

portrait of the industry.

The Bulletin

INDEX Business Calendar Classified

C7-8 Comics/Puzzles F3-4 Dear Abby D6 Obituaries B3 Community Life D1-6 Horoscope D6 S oI Ff-8 Crosswords F 4 L o cal/State Bf-6 TV/Movies

B5 C1-6 D6

AnIndependent Newspaper

Vol. 111, No. 362,

36 pages, 5 sections

The average length of a stay in hospice care also jumped substantially over that time, in California and

nationally, according to the analysis. Profit per patient quintupled, to $1,975, California records show. SeeHospice/A4


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8 8 267 02329





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Rahmat Gul/The Associated Press

NATO forces examinethe remains of a car after a suicide car bombattack on the Jalalabad-Kabul road in Kabul, Afghanistan. The target was aconvoy of international troops in an eastern district of the Afghan capital of Kabul on Friday, killing three service membersandwounding six Afghans, officials said.

Taliban spokesmanZabiullah Mujahid said the insurgent group wasbehind theattack. Television images showed remains of the exploded car in the street, and several armored vehicles stopped nearby. The International Security Assistance Forcedidn't provide details on the identities or nationalities of the three service members killed.

Si sil.rr«

u eu o s s one o ro ram


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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org and individual lottery websites

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawnFriday nightare:

4sQ4s Q4QsQsQ OO The estimated jackpot is now $47 million.

By Adam Liptak and Michael S. Schmidt

made in recent months by se-

New York Times News Service

nior government officialsincluding former FBI Director

gram that collects enormous

had it been in place before the

Amendment's prohibition of

unreasonable g o vernment searches. WASHINGTON — A feder- R obert Mueller — t hat t h e Pauleydisagreed. "The collection of breathal judge on Friday ruled that a program might have caught National Security Agency pro- the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers taking amounts of information unprotected by the Fourth

trovesof phone records is le- attacks. Amendment does not transLeon, in Washington, took form that sweep into a Fourth gal, making the latest contribution to an extraordinary de- the opposite view, saying the Amendment search," he wrote. bate among courts and a pres- government had failed to make idential review group about the case that the program is how to balance security and

"The government does not cite a single instance in which

at stake and how the ConstitLf-

tive that was time-sensitive in nature," he wrote.

Indian diplomats —India's diplomatic corps — still seething over the arrest and strip-search Dec. 12 of Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade in NewYork — continued its tit-for-tat campaign against U.S. diplomats this week, revoking privileges, beginning tax investigations and issuing newconsular identity cards that say the cardholder can bearrested for serious offenses. Thedispute could havea long-term impact on arelationship that both sides say is crucial. Khobragade, 39, wasarrested on charges that she fraudulently obtained a work visa for her housekeeper, forced her to work longer hours than agreed to andpaid her less than the minimum wage. — Fromwirereports

ment in achieving any objecThe presidential review group took a middle ground, although it seemed to lean to-


vent possible terrorist attacks, either in the United States or somewhere else in the world." But it added that its own re-


~+%~X~-X~-X~ X~+X~

that on at least a few occa-

sions" the program "has contributed to its efforts to pre-

view suggested that the program "was not essential to

Kerr,a law professor atG eorge Washington University. "It's matter and antimatter." The case in New York was

preventing attacks" and that less intrusive measures would

brought by the American Civil Liberties Union, which said it would appeal. "We are extremelydisappointed with this decision,

The group recommended that bulk storage of telephone records by the government be halted in favor of "a system in which such metadata is held


Egppt CIICkdOWIl —Defying the Egyptian government's crackdown against its foremost political opponent, the Muslim Brotherhood, supporters of the more-than-80-year-old Islamist movementmarched in cities across Egypt onFriday, andat least three people werekilled in Cairo, Damietta andMinya as officers fired tear gasandbird shot at protesters who threw rocks, burned tires andsetfire to police vehicles. Egypt's Interior Ministry said it hadarrested 265 people.

or otherwiseaided the govern-

ward Leon's position. It said the security agency "believes

privacy implications of the

LebaneSe bembillg —A powerful car bomb killed a prominent Lebanese politician critical of Syria and its ally Hezbollah, hitting his SUV Friday as it drove through a ritzy business district near Beirut's waterfront, shredding trees andscattering glass and twisted scraps of metal across the pavement. Allies of the slain politician, former finance minister MohammedChatah, indirectly blamed the Shiite Hezbollah group for the bombing, raising tensions betweenLebanon's two main political camps at atime when the country's factions are already deeply at odds over the civil war in neighboring Syria.

metadata collection actually stopped an imminent attack,

more different from one issued Dec. 16 by Judge Richard Leon in Washington. Leon ruled that the program was "almost Orwellian" and probably

which misinterprets the relevant statutes, understates the

Thai UhfeS'i —Gunmenkilled an anti-government protester and wounded two others in theThai capital on Saturday, raising fears that the country's deepening political crisis was headed toward sustained violence onthe streets of Bangkok. Theovernight attack took place close to aprotest camp in the city center, according to a government-run medical center. It happenedhours after the country's powerful army chief said hedidn't want the military dragged into the conflict as someprotesters would like, but also refused to rule out the possibility of a coup.

analysis of th e N SA's bulk

York, could not h ave been

The decision Friday "is the exact opposite of Judge Leon's in every way, substantively and rhetorically," said Orin

Ifell llllke telkS —Iran is taking steps to improve its ability to speed up uranium enrichment that could delay implementation of a nuclear deal with six world powers becauseTehran's moves areopposed by the United States and its allies. Iran's nuclear chief, Ali Akbar Salehi, said that his country is building a newgeneration of centrifuges for uranium enrichment but they needfurther tests before they can be massproduced. His comments appearedaimed at countering criticism from Iranian hardliners by showing their country's nuclear program is moving aheadand has not beenhalted by the accord.

needed to protect the nation.

privacy in the era ofbig data. In just ll days, two courts have come to opposing condusions on every significant question before them, including the intelligence value of the program, the privacy interests tion figures in the analysis. The latest decision, from Judge William Pauley in New

U.S. ill Libya —Four U.S. military personnel assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, Libya, weredetained Friday andthen released after being held for hours by the Interior Ministry, U.S. officials said. The four were believed to havebeenreviewing potential evacuation routes for diplomats whenthey weredetained, according to initial information received by officials in Washington. After running into a problem at acheckpoint — many of which are run by local militias — they were detained andlater moved to the Interior Ministry, said administration officials who askednot to be identified becausethey were discussing internal reports.


instead either by private pro-

viders orby aprivate third party." Access to the data, it said,

sur v e illance should require a court order.

and misapplies a narrow and outdated precedent to read

The two judges did not limit t h eir d i sagreements away core constitutional pro- to how well the program tections," said Jameel Jaffer, a worked. They also drew diflawyer with the group. ferent conclusions about its A

Ju s t ic e De p a rtment constitutionality.

spokesman said, "We are pleased the court found the NSA's bulk telephony meta-

"While robust discussions are underway across the na-

tion, in Congress and at the

data collection program to be White House, the question lawful." for this court is whether the The next stops for the paral- government's bulk telephony lel cases are the appeals courts metadata program is lawful," in New York and Washington. Pauley wrote Friday. "This Should the split endure, the Su-

court finds it is."

preme Court is likely to step in.

The main dispute between the judges was over how to in-

In the meantime, the deci-

sions, along with recommen- terpret a 1979 Supreme Court dations issued Dec. 18 by the decision, Smith v. Maryland, in presidential review group, which the court said a robbery illustrate a complete absence suspect had no reasonable exof agreement about the effec- pectation that his right to pritiveness and legality of the vacy extended tothe numbers program, which, Pauley said, dialed from his phone. "vacuums up i n f ormation "Smith's bedrock holding is about virtually every

t e le- that an individual has no legit-

phone call to, from or within the United States." That information is "metadata" — the

imate expectation of privacyin information provided to third

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parties," Pauley wrote.

phone numbers i nvolved, But Leon said that advances when calls were made and in technology and suggestions how long they lasted. in concurring opinions in later The two judges had starkly Supreme Court decisions had differing understandings on undermined the Smith ruling. how valuable that program is. The government's ability to Pauley, whose courtroom construct a mosaic ofinformais just blocks from where the tionfrom countlessrecords,he World Trade Center towers said, called for a new analystood, endorsed arguments sis of how to apply the Fourth

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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day

It's Saturday, Dec.28, the 362nd day of 2013.There are three days left in the year.



Crime hidden in



Unemployment beneflts — About1.3 million Americans will be cut off as emergency payments expire. A1

World's oldest bankShareholders of Monte dei Paschi di Siena in Italy will vote on whether to issue more shares in order to prevent the bank's nationalization.


is u e isno asam iious p

By Monte Morin

Los Angeles Times

Big exploratory missions — especially those to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, the best bets for HISTORY

crime victims help authorities spot theirvictimizers'?

finding life in our solar system — are at risk.

Highlight:In1973, the En-

dangered Species Act was signed into law by President Richard Nixon. A1 In 1612, Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei observed the planet Neptune, but mistook it for a star. (Neptune wasn't officially discovered until 1846 by Johann Gottfried Galle.) In1832, John Calhoun became the first vice president of the United States to resign, stepping down because of differences with President Andrew Jackson. In1846,lowa became the 29th state to be admitted to the Union. In1856, the 28th president of the United States, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, was born in Staunton, Va. In1879, a section of the Tay Bridge in Dundee, Scotland, collapsed as a train was traveling over it, sending an estimated 75 people to their deaths in the river below. In 1912,San Francisco's Municipal Railway began operations with Mayor James Rolph at the controls of Streetcar No. 1 as 50,000 spectators looked on. In1917, the NewYork Evening Mail published "A Neglected Anniversary," a facetious essay by H.L. Mencken supposedly recounting the history of bathtubs in

America. In 1937, composer Maurice Ravel died in Paris at age 62. In 1945,Congress officially recognized the Pledge of Allegiance. In 1961, the Tennessee Williams play "Night of the Iguana" opened on Broadway. Former first lady Edith Bolling Galt Wilson, the second wife of President Woodrow Wilson, died in Washington at age 89. In 1972, Kim II Sung, the premier of North Korea, was named the country's president under a newconstitution. n 1973, Alexander Solzhenitsynpublished "TheGulag Archipelago," an expose of the Soviet prison system.

By Joel Achenbach The Washington Post


sini spacecraft is in splendid shape as it circles Saturn. Conceived in the 1980s, launched in 1997, Cassini arrived at the

gas-giant planet in 2004 and

amajor discoveryin2005when it found geysers erupting from


tag at $8.8 billion. The Mars Science Laboratory mission,


also ran nearly a billion dollars over its $1.6 billion budget.

but NASA now puts the price which put Curiosity on Mars,


These overruns drain money

from otherscience missions. They also make the budget


writers nervous. They wonder:

Can the scientists be trusted with flagship-class spacecraft?

familiar faces reflected in

the pupils of someone who was photographed 84 per-

what appears to be a subsur-

University planetary scientist

cent of the time, researchers

face sea on the moon Enceladus that scientists believe

0 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18

who has worked on the Curi-

could harbor some form of ex-


said. When the reflected images were of unfamiliar people, observers were able to match the person to a second mug shot with 71 percent accuracy. "Criminal investigations often use photographic evidence to identify subjects," wrote study authors Rob Jenkins, a psychologist at

otic life. Cassini also mapped the surface of the huge moon Titan, which has a dense atmo-

sphere, and lakes, and rivers,


m Launch

osity mission, acknowledged that the science community

In development

did not help itself with the cost overruns,buthenotedthat they


8 6

are domg custonuzed, exper-


imental work for which costs

said Carolyn Porco, aplanetary scientist at the Space Science

are hard to estimate. "They've never been done before," Bell said. "They're one-offs." 0,'03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 The budget for NASA's planetary division fluctuates as Sources: NASA, the Planetary Society The Washington Post big missions such as Curiosity ramp up and ramp down, but Will Cassini get funding? whether through telescopes, inthe past couple of years ithas Will other high-priority pro- robotic probes or h uman plummeted. With Curiosity's grams? The scientists who spaceflight. costs declining, the Obama addepend on this funding are Space beckons, but it is a ministration requested $1.217 anxious. They have made hostile and unforgiving en- billion for planetary science in their to-do list for the coming vironment, with fierce head fiscal 2014, a sharp drop from decade, and it includes some wmds. the $1.5 billion budget in 2012. multibillion-dollar proposals. Planetary science depends For example, scientists are ea- Asteroids, Mars andmore on a steady and reliable stream ger to send a probe to Jupiter's Congress and th e W h i te of NASA funding; there is liticy moon Europa, another po- House tell NASA what to do tle private-sector investment tential abode of extraterrestrial (the agency is now under or- in solar-system exploration. life. ders to visit an asteroid by The entrepreneurial "New NASA officials tried to settle 2025 and put humans in orbit Space" people want to build everyone down a few days later around Mars by the 2030s), rocket ships, but they are not by disseminating a new state- but there is a c hronic mis- as focused on space science. ment from Bolden saying that matchbetween aspirations and Knowledge is powerful, but not "NASA remains committed to dollars. The result is a lot of always profitable. planning, launching and oper- contortions. John Grunsfeld is the astmnaut-scientist who has been ating flagship missions." The In 2013, NASA had about gist is that NASA cannot start $17 billion to work with. The to space five times and made a new flagship mission right agency has been commanded three trips to the Hubble telenow, but perhaps the fiscal situ- to build a new, heavy-lift rock- scope to fix and replace ination will improve in the future. et and a new space capsule struments. Now, as the head of The Obama administration — that's $3 billion a year. The NASA's science directorate, he argues that NASA is being agency has also been told to would liketo see a fundamental forced to fit 20 pounds of pro- operate the international space change in the agency. "I believe getting a human on grams into a 10-pound bag. station, develop advanced aeroOfficials note that Congress be- space technologies, study the the surface of Mars is a top prigan squeezing NASA's budget Earth from orbit and funnel ority, but I want that person to in 2010, and then the sequester money to a new "commercial" be a scientist, to be an astmbitrimmed it further, leaving the launch industry to help get ologist or a planetary scientist," agency about $2 billion short that off the ground. And also he said. "A science-led stratof where it had been in 2009. explore distant planets with egy would actually be more NASA had to find a way to ab- robotic probes. And launch successful." sorb those cuts, even as cost space telescopes to peer into the NASA remains an agency overruns on certain science depths of the cosmos. driven by its human spacemissions made officials wary of A problem in one part of flight division. If NASA has an the jumbo, multibillion-dollar NASA can have cascading ef- original sin, it is that the agenprojects. The administration fects across the agency. That cy was spawned by the Cold essentially wants to go back is what happened when the War and its early exploration to the "faster, better, cheaper" James Webb Space Telescope activities were a technological philosophy that had been the was delayedbysevenyears and battle against the Soviets for NASA mantra in the 1990s. ran disastrously over budget. high-ground superiority; sciAgency officials emphasize There is no consensus on what ence was essentially a fringe that they continue to push for- the tel escope was supposed to benefit of this quasi-military ward with a long list of science cost — at one point it was pro- enterprise. missions, most of them costing less than a billion dollars. They

Institute in Boulder, Colo., and

include the Maven probe that

though there's no water — the

liquid is made of hydrocarbons such as methane and ethane, as if the place had been designed bythe oil and gas industry. Fuel is running low on Cassini, but there's enough for an-

otherfour years ofmaneuvering. Technicians at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., have mastered the

art of using Titan's gravity to steer Cassini into new, interest-

ing orbits. NASA hopes to send the spacecraft diving inside the majestic rings of Saturn to

study their composition. The extended mission would cost about $60 million a year. But that moneyhas not mate-

rialized in the NASA budget. If there is no funding, NASA will have to end the Cassini mission next year. For robotic spacecraft, the greatest hazard in the

solar system turns out to be the NASAbudget. The mere possibility that

such luxury-class missions could be shut down reveals the budgetary stress at NASA and

calls into question whether the agency in coming years will be able to go forward with some of

the big, ambitious exploratory programs that scientists have

made their top priority. NASA cannot simply abandon Cassini, because it could

crashsomeday into Enceladus and could contaminate the hypothetical biosphere with Earth microbes that are lurk-

relatives of Ronald Gene Simmons were found at his home near Dover, Ark., after Simmons shot and killed two other people in Russellville. (Simmons was executed in 1990.) Tea years age: Libya, for the first time, allowed U.N. nuclear officials to inspect four sites related to its nuclear weapons program. Five years age: A bomb-loaded SUV exploded at a military checkpoint in Afghanistan, claiming the lives of 14 school children in a heartbreaking flash captured by a U.S.security camera. The Detroit Lions completed an awful 0-16 season — the NFL'sworst ever — with a 31-21 loss to the Green BayPackers. One year age: Russia's President Vladimir Putin signed a law banning Americans from adopting Russian children.

igators at JPL would be forced

— From wire reports

Budget in billions of dollars (adjusted for inflation)

According to new research published in the journal PLOS One, high-resolution photographs can be "mined" for hidden information. Specifically, the authors said that photographs of faces can reveal enough visual information on bystanders to identify them. In a small sampling of 32 study participants, test subjects were able to spot

Jim Bell, an Arizona State

ing aboard it. Instead, the nav-

Comic book creator Stan Lee is 91. Former UnitedAuto Workers union president Owen Bieber is 84. Actress Nichelle Nichols is 81. Actress Dame Maggie Smith is 79. Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., is69. Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., is 67. Rock singer-musician Edgar Winter is 67. Actor Denzel Washington is 59. Actor Malcolm Gets is 49. Comedian Seth Meyers is 40.

jected at about $2.5 billion-

The unmanned probe scored

In 1987,the bodies of 14


Funding forNASA'splanetary missions

has continued to deliver stun-

ning images of the jewel of the solar system.


the eyes of photographed

to aim the $3.5 billion spacecraft directly at Saturn, which is presumably lifeless, and let it disintegrate as it enters the

atmosphere. " I think i t

w o uld b e t h e

height of follyto terminate such a profoundly successful mission when we're not done yet,"



the University of York in En-

gland, and Christie Kerr of the University of Glasgow in Scotland. "By z ooming in o n high-resolution face photographs, we were able to recover images of unseen bystanders from reflections

in the subject's eyes .... For crimes in which the victims are photographed (e.g. hostage taking, child sex abuse), reflections in the eyes of the photographic subject could help to identify perpetrators," the authors wrote.

The study notes that the word pupil comes from the Latin word pupilla, which can mean young girl or doll, and conveys the idea that when one looks into

someone else's eyes, they see a tiny doll-like version of themselves reflectedback. In the study, Jenkins and Kerr photographed eight individuals, who were them-

selves looking at four people who were behind the cam-

era. Study subjects were asked to either match the images to a series of mug shots, or to identify people who were familiar to them in the eye reflections. The

authors said humans were extremely adept at identifying human faces, even if the images were verypoor.

mplements 1fse,e ' 3nke r i s ~ a 70 SW Century Dr., Ste. 145 Bend, OR 97702• 541-322-7337 complementshomeinteriors.com

the leader of the imagmg team is on its way to study the atmofor Cassini. sphere of Mars and the Osiris

No newbig missions

REx spacecraft that is sup-

posed to fly to an asteroid, grab The bet within NASA is that a tiny sample and bring it back the O bama a d m inistration to Earth. Among already apand Congress will find a way proved flagships are the James to keep Cassini flying. And it's Webb Space Telescope, schedvirtually certain that they will

scrape together the money to extend the operation of the Cu-

riosity rover on Mars.

uled for a 2018 launch, and a 2020 Mars rover that will be a virtual duplicate of Curiosity.



+~+4.» A


L4 '


But the space science com-

But earlier t h i s m o n t h, munity, which indudes astroNASA Administrator Charles physicists and Earth scientists,

Bolden popped into a meeting of a NASA science advisory

feels it is facing a new era of limits even as the universe itself committee and made an unex- is screaming to be explored. pected announcement: There One of the biggest space will be no new flagship-class stories of the year was the anmissions.




V~~ Pp






space telescope, that our Milky

Hubble Space Telescope and Way galaxy alone is likely to such legendary spacecraft as have about 40 billion planets Viking and Voyager. that are roughly the size of the Bolden's comments, first re- Earth and in orbits that could portedby spacepolicy reporter potentially allow water to exist Marcia Smith, landed in a del-



nouncement in November,

Those are projects that cost based on an extrapolation from $1 billion-plus. Flagships in- observations by NASA's Kepler dude Cassini, Curiosity, the



g4t(d Wedg ~kintftnd'

at the surface.

icate period in which the agenBut even as scientists feel opcy's fiscal 2015 budget is being timistic that the galaxy hosts a drafted by the president's Of- multitude of habitable worlds, fice of Management and Bud- NASA is struggling to come up get, in consultation with NASA. with the money for exploration,

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Hospice This vast growth took place

as the hospice "movement," once led by religious and community organizations, was evolving into a $17 billion industry dominated by for-profit companies. Much of that is paid

for by the U.S. governmentroughly $15 billion of industry

tions only, and there has been no determination ofliability. "VITAS follows the rules. We

revenue came from Medicare

last year. for-profit chains, hospice patients kept on living. About 78 percent of p atients who

hospice care in 1983, follow-

Care branch in nearby Foley, Ala., alive. And at the one in

Bob Miller/for The Washington Post

Twenda Blount helps her grandfather Chocolate Blount, 91, with his wheelchair outside their home in

dischargedfrom the hospice Pine Hill, Aia. Three years ago, Chocolate Blount wasdischarged from hospice care after about a year. alive. "It was definitelygood news," said Bessie Blount, whose fa- joined several of these lawsuits, But according to The Washtherreceivedhospicecarefrom induding the one against Ase- ington Post's analysis, the In California, the typical hospice the Monroeville outfit and left raCare and Vitas, the nation's growth in the average duration makes about $2,000 net profit after about ayear, she said. largest hospice provider. of hospice care stems lessfrom per patient, but somechains About three years later, her Jim Barger, a Birmingham, the decline in the proportion of make two or three times that father, Chocolate Blount, 91, is Ala., lawyer who has filed sev- cancer patients than from anstill alive. eral of the suits, said the root other trend. Patients suffering amount. "He has good days and bad of the problem is that a com- from a non-cancer ailment be- Net profit per patient, days," she said. pany profits when it admits gan staying longer on hospice: adjusted for inflation The work that the hospice patients who aren't dying, and Theiraverage stay in hospice $6 000 Odyssey nurses, aides and counselors it is the hospice itself that helps care grew from six weeks to $6,111


do, often in the most trying clrcumstances, ls demandl11g)

determine whether a patient

emotionally and physically. It typically allows patients to die at home or in other familiar surroundings — and for fami-

certify a patient for hospice

is dying. While two doctors

almost 11 weeks on average between 2002 and 2012.

patients care initially, the patient must W ooing periodicall y be reapproved for While the lawsuits against hospice care. The reapprovals the for-profi t hospices vary lies of the dying, the comfort it typically are done by hospice in the details, as a whole they offers can provide enormous physicians. depict an industry in which "Honestly, it makes me ill," companies compete for new relief. Barger said. Because of the patients and provide services to Afinancial incentive lawsuits, "defense firms make patients who are not eligible for But the survival rates at money and my firm has made them. AseraCareare emblematic of money. I'd like nothing better Hospice "outreach speciala problem facing Medicare, at this point than for my job to ists" and "community educawhich has created a financial become obsolete." tion representatives" seek out "It must be strange to be told patients in a variety of ways: incentive for hospice companies to find patients well before you're dying, and then not die." They solicit doctors and hospideath. For five years, Medicare's tals who might regularly deal Medicare pays a hospice watchdog group has been rec- with the terminally ill; they about $150 a day per patient ommending that the payments make connections at nursing for routine care,regardless of to hospice companies be re- homes, assisted-living develwhether the company sends a vised to eliminate the financial opments and Meals on Wheels nurse or any other worker out incentivefor improper care, groups. They show up at the on that day. That means health- but Medicare has not yet done "health fairs" held at senior ier patients, who generally need so. To ensure that patients are centers with, for example, maless help and live longer, yield appropriately selected for hos- chines that test blood pressure. more profits. picecare,Medicare relies on For families struggling to take The trend toward longer strict medical documentation care of a loved one, they offer stays on hospice care may be requirements, a spokesman thepromise of extrahelp. costing Medicare billions of sard. At AseraCare, officials gave dollars ayear. The hospice industry is op- advice to their recruiters on In 2011, nearly 60 percent posed to fundamental chang- how to close a deal with famof Medicare's hospice expen- es to the payment system. ilies that are "not ready yet" diture of $13.8 billion went Jonathan Keyserling, senior for hospice, according to a toward patients who stay on vice president of health policy company presentation for Alahospice care longer than six at the National Hospice and bama employees. It instructed Palliative Care Organization,

care watchdog group created an industry group, said that by Congress, has reported. the current payment system Some of those patients sim- is sound and that tampering ply outlived a legitimate prog- with it could have unintended nosis of six months. consequences. He noted that But much of the data sug- two doctors certify alife expectancy of six months for hospice

recruitersto "focus families"

by stressing the urgency of a decision, and saying things like "We only have 10 minutes left."

"Effective communication is the transfer of emotion, not information," the presentation sald.












4 ,000"--"--"-- ~ 3,000 ~ 2,000""""""

0 '10

" "









The private septic systems

hooked up to homes spread across La Pine have sparked major concerns over groundw ater

c o n tamination. F o r

VistaCare, noted that its for-

at home," Kubler-Ross testified

in the industry that a longer

to the Senate Special Committee on Aging in 1972.

length of stay is going to be


Source: Washington Post analysis

while costly in itself, promised keting at Delta Hospice in other compensating savings California, where one of the for Medicare: Patients would company's branches had one be choosing home care rather of the highest discharge rates than expensive end-of-life medical treatment.

last year — 63 percent. "If they come in very sick and die right away, it's difficult to run a busi-

ness thatway." Mason, who had previously worked at nonprofit hospices, said she left Delta Hospice in

part because "I wasn't willing to sign on people who weren't appropriate for hospice.... It wasn't a good fit."

ceives visits from nurses, aides,

social workers and others. The benefit was quickly embraced by Americans and

Hospices noted that while

everybody up," and medical staffers felt pressured to admit patients regardless of whether they were appropriate. And at Angels of Hope hos- benefit. By 2012, that figure has factors that can be out of their pice in LaGrange, Ga., audio re- risen fivefold, to $15.1 billion. control. cordings cited in the complaint But as m o r e A m ericans Karla Wicks, a spokeswomdescribed how some salespeo- have taken up hospice care, a an for Delta, said in a statement ple found patients: by cruising profound change has been un- that the company provides the neighborhoods, looking for el- derway: Big businesses have highest level of training to its derlypeople with disabilities. movedin. staff and is committed to strict "How do you solicit paWhen Medicare paid its first compliance with M edicare tients?" a marketer is quoted hospice benefit, the vast major- guidelines. The company is unas saying. "You see somebody ity ofhospice-care providers aware of any employee who left sitting on the front porch in were nonprofit groups. Over the company because ofbeing a wheelchair and you hit the the past decade, however, the asked to sign up people who for-profits have come to domi- weren't appropriate for hospice brakes." AseraCare denied the alle- nate the industry. care, she said. "Live discharges occur due gations outlined in the lawsuit In 2000, 70 percent of hospicinitiated by whistleblowers at es were run by nonprofit orga- to avariety of reasons," the Delthe company. nizationsorgovernment agen- ta statement said. "To state the "AseraCare provides an im- cies. Today, nearly 60 percent obvious, terminal prognosticaportant and valuable service are for-profit companies, and tion is not an exact science." to patients and their families they may account for an even facing difficult end-of-life de- larger share of patients. Live Downtown cisions," the company said in The profits appear to be a statement. "Our policies and substantial. Work Downtown programs comply with the The profit margins as meaCongressional intent of the hos- sured by MedPAC, the MediWorkout Downtown pice benefit to reduce the stress care watchdog, climbed to 8.7 and anxiety of the end of life of percent in 2011. a loved one," the company said. The per-patient operating "Doctors for each patient profit has risen from $353 in


take include launching an ur-

— Reporter: 541-617-7820, eglucklich@bendbulletin.com


2002 to $1,975 in 2012, accord-

ing to the analysis of California data. The returns have attract-

ed some prominent financial firms, whose analysts have


run the numbers and decided

to invest. Among the private investment companies that have

Not your odinary

put down bets on hospices in

Health Club!

recent years are Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., KRG Capital Partners and Summit Partners.

Seefor yourself.

The vast majority of those profits flow from the U.S. gov-

550 NW Franklin Ave. ¹328 Bend, Oregon

ernment and Medicare, which


makes an estimated 85 to 90 percent of all payments to hospices.

www.benddac.com " Local, first timeguests, minimum 18yearsold.

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revitalize downtown areas. In

a halt in 2008. Pahlisch lost the 26-acre parcelto foreclosure,

Future steps La Pine could

of living patients in the state

some hospice patients prove care paying for hospice care for not to be terminally ill, patients more than 1.2 million people sometimes drop out of hospice annually. In 2000, Medicare care to seek a cure, and othspent $2.9billion on the hospice er timesto change providers,

build on land just west of U.S. for development," said La Pine Highway 97, between First City Manager Rick Allen. "At Street and Burgess Road, at this point, the cost to build a discount. But developers new still exceeds what's availwould have to pay extra to able in the (real estate) market. build outside that area. The demand has to grow beFor a few years, the plan fore we're really going to see worked. Bend building com- any new development." pany Pahlisch Homes bought Allen said the city's focus land in the development area, is on running a smooth comand started developing a munity development departroughly 100-lot subdivision. ment when it launches on Pahlisch also bought an adja- Wednesday. Officials have cent,26-acre piece ofland. been working in recent weeks But construction ground to tosetup feesforvariousdevelopment services. The city has contracted with Deborah Mc-

more lucrative," said Rachel Mason, who worked in mar-

continues to grow, with Medi-

recent years, the Main Street Building up La Pine's local program has pumped more government has been a steady, than $15 million worth of pubdeliberate process since resi- lic and private investments dents voted to incorporate in into Albany, Baker City, Mc2007, Mulenex said. The last Minnville, Roseburg, Corvalmajor step came in July 2012, lis, Baker City and Salem. when the city launched a waThe addition of new departter and sewer district, giving ments, city regulations and reLa Pine some local control vitalization efforts are all part over its groundwater issues. of an effort to make La Pine an "We've slowly built our or- area of growth and business dinances and regulations up," opportunity in the future, Muhe said. "All this stuff, permits, lenex said. "We're about 1,674 people, licenses,sewer service, went through the county in the past. and it's really, in a way, a small Every day, we're meeting and community," he said. "But stepping forward with these there's a lot of passion down new pieces. Eventually we're here.... I think these changgoing to be operating like a es will be significant for the full city." community."

"I think it's still premature

manage costs and "maintain a

The government b enefit,

Mahon, a local land use con- ban renewal district to mainsultant, to work as the city's tain the city's commercial this week, said they would plannerand handle much of core. likely table the development the new department's day-toTo help with that effort, city program until it's actually day operations. Staffing could leaders hope to tap into a state n eeded. Vacant an d f o r e - grow in the future, based on program called Oregon Main closedproperties around the demand. Street, which links cities with area can still be bought at a The city is also preparing local businesses, volunteers discount. to issue business licenses for and state planning officials to the first time, said Mayor Ken Mulenex.

tunes depended on its ability to

patient base with a sufficiently long length of stay." The company also warned that "cost pressures resulting from shorter patient lengths of and the patients the spiritual, stay ... could negatively impact emotional, and financialhelp in our profitability." "It is common knowledge order to facilitate the final care

according to county records. La Pine officials, reached

years, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has Just two permits for new been working with Deschutes single-family homes have County and La Pine to address been issued in the city over the issue. the past year, according to County leaders in 1998 set Deschutes County p ermit up a program giving devel- records. opers an incentive to buy and

ing a resurgence of interest in end-of-life care, sparked in part by the publication of "On Death and Dying" by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. "We can give families more help with home care and visiting nurses, giving the families

The treatment of a hospice $3,894 patient typically focuses on Aseracare treating pain and symptoms, . $2 , 197 rather than grasping at a cure. State avg The hospice patient, who is $1,975 most often living in a private residence or nursing home, re-

longer stays is a response to the patients. At Odyssey Healthcare, one financial incentive. As for the whistleblowers, of the nation's largest hospice Consider the d i fference Keyserling said that they, too, companies, representat ives between the nonprofit and have financial incentives. earned bonuses if they met in question determined that "I don't know what moti- their goals for new patients, ac- the patient needed hospice for-profit hospices: While the average nonprofit serves a pa- vation might prompt a whis- cording to that complaint. The care, and e x pressed their tientsfor69 days,the average tleblower suit, but obviously case led to a $25 million settle- clinical judgment by signing for-profi thospice serves a pa- there is a monetary reward ment with the company. the required physician certitient for an average of 102 days, — the larger the program, the A t V i tas, a d i v i sion o f fications. Other independent according to MedPAC. largerthe reward," he said. Chemed, a company thatalso and well-qualified physicians Moreover, multiple allegaKeyserling and others in the owns the Roto-Rooter plumb- reviewed the charts of these tions have arisen from former industryattribute the rise inthe ing service, the corporate cul- patients, and overwhelmingly hospice workers who say that number of hospice survivors to ture encouraged staff members agreed with the original conthe businesses took in peochanging patient demograph- to admit as many patients as dusions that these patients ple who weren't in dedining ics, not fraud: A larger portion possible, regardless of whether were entitled to receive the hoshealth. Four of the 10 largest of patients today have diseases they were eligible for hospice picebenefit." hospice companies in the Unit- whose outcomes are harder to care, according to the lawsuit. The company declinedto ed States, including AseraCare, predict. That'sbecausethepor- The lawsuit said the compa- identify the doctors who certihave been sued by whistleblow- tion of hospice patients suffer- ny paid bonuses based on the fied the patients in Alabama. ers alleging that patients were ing from cancer, a disease that number of patients enrolled. A spokesman for Angels receiving care they didn't need. has amore predictable course, One former manager said the of Hope similarly denied the The Justice Department has has shrunk, they said. company philosophy was "sign allegations made by the whis-

Continued fromA1

who stay for a long time. The annual report in 2004 forone large hospice provider,

Medicare began paying for

cent of patients left the Asera-

La Pine

profitably is to enroll patients

Medicare payments

enrolled at the Mobile, Ala., branch left the hospice's care alive, according to company figures. As many as 59 per-

gests that the trend toward

2004. It noted, too, that the payment rate was about 10 percent

higher than costs. arewidely recognized forreguIndeed,it has been an open latory complianceprograms secretin the industry that, bethat exceed industry standards cause of the method of payand regulatory requirements." ment, the way to run a hospice

At AseraCare, for example, one of the nation's largest

months, MedPAC, the Medi-

cifically the incentives that they

"The Department of Justice's offer — have drawn criticism allegations are unjustified, and repeatedlyfrom government we will continue to defend our- watchdog agencies. "Several aspects of the hosselves vigorously," Vitas said in a statement. "It is import- pice per diem payment methant to emphasize the Justice odology may not reflect how Department's statement that hospices currently d eliver 'The daims asserted against services," the Government AcChemed and VITAS are allega- countability Office reported in

Continued fromA1

Monroeville, 48 percent were

Those payments — and spe-

tleblower, as did representatives of Vitas.

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Species Continued from A1 N oah Greenwald, for t h e

site and support the ESA. "I think the record shows the ESA is working very well," Stevens said. When listing the successes

Center for Biological Diversity's Portland Office, sees of the ESA, the bald eagle, the the listing of the spotted owl emblem of the United States, as partof the success of the is often the first species that ESA. He said it led to the pro- comes up. The bald eagle was tection of old growth forest. listed for ESA protection in The ESA, he said, has dramat- 1978, going on the endangered ically changed the connection list for much of the country Americans have with wildlife and threatened list for Oreand natural resources. "Before gon, Washington, Michigan, the Endangered Species Act, Minnesota an d W i s consin. we just didn't protect species The Fish and Wildlife Service hardly at all," he said. credits t h e E n v i ronmental But Tom Partin, president of Protection Agency's banning the American Forest Resource

of DDT in the 1970s and pro-

Council in Portland, sees the tections of the ESA — which spotted owl as an example of accelerated recovery through what is wrong with the ESA. captivebreeding programs, He said the listing of the birds increased law e n f orcement and setting aside woods for its against people who harmed habitat haven't stopped barred the bird and enhanced proowls from encroaching on tection of habitat around nests spotted owl territory and wild- — for significant increases in fires from burning up habitat. bald eagle populations around Partin said he wants the the country. The agency delistFish and Wildilfe Service to ed the bald eagle in 2007. take an approach to repairing The Center for Biological and preserving ecosystems by Diversity put together a webworking with public agencies site, www.esasuccess.org, listand private landowners that ing the achievements of the single out species and protect ESA in reviving species that them with top-down directives were potentially headed tofrom the government. While

ward extinction.

falcon as endangered from 1973 until 1999. Bald eagles

and peregrine falcons are found in Central Oregon. Now the Fish and Wildlife

Service is considering wheth-

— or any plan, for that matter,

Continued from A1 A n e x tension o f

th e

unemployment program

l o n g-term

un em p l oyment

before they left for the holi- a s t h i s deeply entrenched days?" asked Michael Steel, a problem at a time when the spokesman for John Boehner economy seems to be growof Ohio, the speaker of the i n g," said Christine Owens House. of the National Employment

er to list another bird, the

did not make it i nto the two-year budget deal that

greater sage grouse, and an amphibian, the Oregon spot-

was passed just before Congress left on its winter

"This crisis gested continuing the pro- a dvocacy group. gram for three months, with o f l ong-term unemployment

ted frog, under the protections

recess. When the federal

the estimated $6 billion i n

of the ESA. The sage grouse is

program expires, just 1 in spending offsets coming from remains unprecedented. It 4 unemployed Americans agricultural subsidies in the u nderscores that we need will receive jobless bene- farm bill. t o m a i ntain a n d f r a n k l y fits — the smallest proporBut some conservatives strengthen the kind of suption in half a century. have s h ow n st a uncher p o rts that long-term unem"I really depend on un- opposition. ployed w o r k ers "I do support employment," said David need to get jobs." E conomists e x Davis of Chantilly, Va., unemployment I r e a lly adding that the $1,600 a benefits for the 26 g e p e fIg pr i pect t hat the end of month he receives is help- weeks that they're the emergency jobII y l ess benefits w i l l, ing keep him afloat while paid for," said Sen. he interviews for new poRand Paul, R-Ky., me n t , I'Ve surpri s ingly, l e ad sitions. "I've got a resume on Fox News. "If gpt g reSume t o a sharp drop in that knocks your socks off. you extend it be- th t k o k the unem ploy ent The reason for this long yond that, you do a rate, by as much period of unemployment disservice to these yOur SOCkS as 0.5 p e rcentage is that the work just isn't workers. Wh e n p ff The point. T hat is i n p a r t there." you allow people f At one point Davis, 68, to be on unemploybecause the loss of made more than $100,000 ment insurance for th iS IPrlg benefi t s might spur a year as an information 99 weeks, you're pe p jpd pf s ome wor k e rs t o intensify their job t echnology expert a n d c ausing them t o search o r a c c ept Web designer. He is now become part of this u ~ I ~ y living on ramen noodles perpetual u n em- me n t iS that an of fe r they might and $140 he counted out ployedgroup in our the vvpf j kuSt have turneddown. Since her federal from his change jar. Since economy." " benefits e x pired, being laid off over the sumThe loss of benmer, he has missed mort- efits is e xPected >ayjd payje Jamie Young, a scientist gage payments, forcing to drain billions in IT ezpe< library living in Portland, him to take out a reverse consumer spendhas acceptedapartmortgage on his home. ing from the econHe sold his car and got a omy next year. People losing time job, taking a large reduclate-1990s model Taurus, their federal benefits — often tion in her income. "It's embarrassing for me," and he is looking to cut his benefits they expected to conutility and cellphone bills. tinue to receive for weeks or s h e s aid. "I dread going to Soon, he might start tak- monthsinto2014 — described parties or social functions ing Social Security. cutting back on Christmas, and having people ask me "It's very stressful," Dadriving less, turning off the w hat I do." vis said. "At least I've had heat, draining r etirement Her un e mployment has the ability to maneuver my a ccounts, applying for food a lso spurred her t o d o finances so I don't wind up stamps, readying to move in n ate her eggs for $6,000 in homeless. That's one goal, with relatives and missing compensation. But the unemployment rate to avoid living on the street mortgage payments. or in my car." The psychological toll is w i l l primarily drop as workDemocrats on Capitol significant, too. ers,especiall y older workers, "I getup. Icheck my mes- drop out of the labor force. Hill are pushing for an extension of the program, sages. I go through my ritu- T hose receiving unemployalthough the constrained al," said Margie Bogash, 52, ment benefits are required

found in Central and Eastern

Oregon, on sagebrush range east of Bend. The spotted frog is found in riverside wetlands, particularly around Sunriver and even in the Old Mill District in Bend. Fish and Wildlife officials have said both are be-

ing considered for protection because of habitat loss. As a rancher near Burns, Tom Sharp said the ESA list-

ing of the sage grouse, and possibly the spotted frog, could impact his business. He's trying to be ahead of any comingregulations andserves as the chair of the ESA committee for the Oregon Cattlemen's Association. The group represents the cattle industry in the state. He tells ranchers to consid-

er the ESA and the animals it protects now and it may protect in the future, when mak-

"It's put hundreds of spehe said the ESA is well meaning decisions about how to ing, he said it isn't working. cies on the path to recovery," manage their land. "It doesn't seem like it has Greenwald said. "The (Endangered Species) been the correct approach to Along with the bald eagle, Act is alive and active and I save the critters," Partin said. the group lists the revival of see that continuing for at least Greenwald and Sean Ste- the peregrine falcon among the next 40 years," he said. vens, executive director for the ESA successes. The Fish — Reporter: 541-617-7812, Oregon Wild, argue the oppo- and Wildlife Service listed the ddarling@bendbulletin.com.

Gender Continued from A1 When it comes to gender progress, said Ronald Levant, editor of the journal Psychology of Men and Masculinity, "men are stuck." The imbalanceappears at work and athome: Working mothers have become ordi-

Some Democrats have sug- L a w Project, a research and

fiscal environment makes its r einstatement some-

a laid-off medical laboratory

Members of the Republi-

cation process. "When I' m

h a sb een unprecedented and

t o d e monstrate that they are

manager in P ennsylvania, actively looking and applying what less likely, aides said. describing her j o b a ppli- f o r jobs. Without those bene-

nary, but stay-at-home fathers

exist in only 1 percent of married couples with kids under age 15, according to U.S. Census Bureau data. In a recent survey, 51 per-

fi t s , and requirements, econ-

can leadership have indicated that they might be

cent of Americans told the Pew

Liz o. Baylen /Los Angeles Times

Research Center that children C.J. Duron loves stereotypicaily giriy things, such as dolls, were better off if their mother princesses and pink. The Durons, who use pen names In writings was at home. Only 8 percent



about their family, at first struggled with how to react to C.J.'s

said the same about fathers. gender nonconformity before coming to accept and cherish his Even seeking time off can be unconventional style. troublesome for men: One Uni-

versity of South F1orida study found that college students than 2 percent of preschool and rated hypothetical employees kindergarten teachers were wanting flexible schedules as men. less masculine. In the last 40 years, "womOther research points to en have said, 'Wait a minute, an enduring stigma for boys we are competent and asserwhose behavioris seen as fem- tive and ambitious,'" daiming inine. "If girls call themselves a wider range of roles, said tomboys, it's with a sense of Michael K i mmel, executive pride," said University of Illi- director of the Center for the nois at Chicago sociology pro- Study of Men and Masculinifessor Barbara Risman. "But ties at Stony Brook University. boys make fun of other boys if But "men have not said, 'We're they step just a little outside the kind, gentle, compassionate rigid masculine stereotype." Blld nurturmg. Two years ago, for instance, As the Durons and other a Global Toy Experts survey families have discovered, mesfound that more than half of sages of gender norms trickle mothers wouldn't give a doll to down early. In Oregon, Griffin someone else's son, while only Bates was stunned when the 32 percent said the same about little boy she was raising with giving cars or trucks to a girl. her lesbian partner at the time Several studies have found that came back from a visit with bending gender stereotypes in Grandma and Grandpa withchildhood is tied to worse anx- out his beloved tutu andtiara. iety for men than women in "They were perfectly OK adulthood. with his mother being gay," In the southern end of Or- Bates said. "But they weren't ange County, Calif., former OK with their grandson playfriends have stopped talking to ing dress-up in a tutu." Lori Duron and her husband. Boys stick with typically Slurs and threats arrive by masculine toys and games email. Their son calls himself a much more consistently than boy, but has gravitated toward girls adhere to feminine ones, Barbies, Disney princesses and Harvard School of P ublic pink since he was a toddler. In Health r e search a s sociate a blog and a book she wrote, Andrea Roberts found. BioDuron chronicles worries that logically male children who would seem trivial if her child defy thosenorms are referred were a girl: Whether he would to doctors much earlier than be teased for his rainbow back- biologically female ones who pack. Whether a Santa would disdain "girl things," said Jolook askance at him for want- hanna Olson of the Center for ing a doll. Transyouth Health and Devel"If a little girl is running opment at Children's Hospital around on the baseball team Los Angeles. Even the criteria with her mitt, people think, for diagnosing gender dys'That's a strong girl,'" said her phoria were historically much husband, Matt Duron, who, broader for effeminate boys like his wife, uses a pen name than for masculine girls. Why? "Masculinityis valued to shield the boy's identity. "When my 6-year-old is run- more than femininity," Unining around in a dress, people versity of Utah law professor think there's something wrong Clifford Rosky said. "So there's with him." less worry about girls than Beyond childhood, the gen- about boys." der imbalanceremains stark Gender stereotypes do seem when students choose college to have loosened: The Global

quarters of Americans surveyed said stay-at-home dads were just as good at parenting as stay-at-home moms. But while attitudes may have

shifted, Rosky said, "nothing changes until men are willing to act."

Some experts say economic barriers have stopped men from moving further into feminized fields. Jobs held by women tend to pay less, an imbalance rooted in the historical as-

sumption that women were not breadwinners. Women had an

done cleaning up around o m ists said, many might give my house, I sit down, I go on up. willing to extend the ben- again.WhenIcan'tsleep,Igo Ana l y sts also believe the efits but only if Democrats on again. The past year has end of the federal program offset the new spending beenverystressful — it'sstill w i l l l ead to an increase in with other cuts. just very stressful." poverty. Already, cuts to unOn Friday m orning, Bogash said the loss of ben- employment insurance payPresident Barack Obama efits has spurred her husband ments and reductions in the called Sen. Jack R eed, to collect his Social Securiw e eks of benefits have meant D-R.I., and Sen. Dean Hell- ty payment early, meaning t hat the program has lifted er, R-Nev., to extend his smaller benefit checks in f e wer people out of poverty: 1.7 million Americans in 2012, support for their proposal perpetuity.

to extend emergency unemployment benefits for

Extending the program for down from 2.3 million in 2011 a year would cost an estimat-

a n d 3.2 million in 2010.

three months.

"The president said his administration would, as

"The o pportunities t h at ed $25 billion. But because recipients tend to immediately were there for my brother and spend the money they receive my parents, they don't seem

it has for several weeks

in u nemployment b enefits,

t o be there," said Brett Ivey, a

now, push Congress to act the effect on the economy will 29-year-old college graduate promptly and in bipartisan beamplified,economistssaid. i n S e attle, who lives on his fashion to address this ur-

The left-of-center Economic

gent economic priority,"

Policy Institute has said that said Josh Earnest, a White the end of the program will House spokesman. cut job growth in 2014 by As the last payments about 310,000 positions. are distributed, Democrats Michael Feroli, the chief have initiated a campaign U.S. economist at JPMorgan aimed at shaming Repub- Chase, has estimated that lican members — partic-

the loss of income will cut

the country's annual growth rate by about 0.4 percentage

Yet it isn't just economics

ularly those in leadership and in swing districtsfor letting the program expire over the holiday season. Republican aides said they remained willing to negotiate. "Why didn't they offer

that keeps men from typically

a plan that met the speak-

economicreason totake many of the jobs monopolized by men, particularly college-educated women trying to climb the economic ladder. "But if men made the switch,

they'd lose money," New York University sociologist Paula England said. female jobs. Men are still rare

in nursing, for instance, despite respectable pay. England and

er's requirements — fiscally responsible, with something to create jobs

points in the first quarter of 2014.

"We are certainly seeing


$ 3 29-a-week unemployment

i nsurance payment and about $ 15 a week in food stamps. "There's hundreds of people fighting for the same job, just t r y ingtogetby."




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other scholars see that dearth

as another form of sexism, in which things historically associated with w omen are


Men who do enterheavily femalefields are often prodded

into other ones without even searching, as other people suggest new gigs that better fit the masculine stereotype, said Ju-


lieKmec, associate professor of

sociology at Washington State University.


While women have "come

out" to their families as people who want a life outside the home, men have not "come out" at work as involved fathers, Kimmel said. And that,

in turn, holds many working mothers back, Risman argued. Familiar measures of progress toward gender equality, such as women working in management or men picking up housework, began to plateau in the 1990s. Cohen found majors: Between 1971 and Toy Experts survey found that that in the first decade of the 2011, a growing share of de- most mothers would let their millennium jobs stayed simigrees in biology, business and own sons play with dolls and larly segregated by genderother historically male majors dress-up sets, even if they shied the first time since 1960 that went to women, an analysis by from buying them for other gender integration in the workUniversity of Maryland, Col- boys. Parents in some parts of place had slowed to a virtual lege Park, sociologist Philip Los Angeles said their boys got halt. "If men don't feel free to go Cohen shows. Yet fields like ed- barelyany fl ak for choosing ucation and the arts remained pink sneakers or toting dolls to into women's jobs," said Risheavily female, as few men school. And in a recent online man, a scholar at the Council moved the oppositew ay.Feder- survey by advertising agency on Contemporary Families, al data show that last year less DDB Worldwide, nearly three "women are not really free."

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Final report

on SandyHook killings released )i


By Matt Flagenhetmer New York Times News Service


Authorities in Connecticut

"All visual images depicting the deceased have been withheld," he added, "as well

released a final report Friday as written descriptions whose outlining the shooting at San- disdosure would be highly ofdy Hook Elementary School fensive to a reasonable person in Newtown on Dec. 14, 2012,

and would violate the consti-

providing the most complete tutional rights of the families." account to date for one of Ita

Bradford said that balanc-

the nation's most wrenching massacres. It contained hundreds of photographs, hours of video and voluminous crime scene reports.

ing the "often competing interests of government transparency and individual privacy has been difficult." The records' release Friday

Care was taken to conceal

followed afar shorter report

the most graphic crime scene last month from the office of images. Yet painfully detailed Stephen Sedensky, the state's descriptions

a c c ompanied attorney in Danbury, which

the oft en-redacted pages, re- focused in large measure on laying eyewitness accounts the home that Lanza shared from students and school

with his mother.

staff members, and snapshots At the time, the account of emergency workers dash- provided the most detailed ing to locked doors, at times NathanWeber / New York Times News Service

report yet about Lanza's fi-

straining to convince terrified nal months — his bedroom

A classroom Is designed to look like a tradtng floor, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champatgn. The work of Scott Irwtn, an Illinois

teachers on the other side that

windows covered with black

professor, has been widely quoted byopponents of commodities trading reforms, but Wall Street's influence over academia —Irwin

theywere officers. There were new details concerning the g u nman, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, who killed 20 first-graders

trash bags, as he was preoccupied with video games and

and six adults in the school.


consults for investment banks, and the Iab was built with money from the Chtcago Mercantile Exchange — often goes unmentioned.

ca emics' avora e vlewS ostere mmmo it in ust 'smone By David Kocientewskt New York Times News Service

food, fuel and cotton. Pirrong's research was cit-

Signs of the energy business ed extensively by the plainare inescapable in and around tiffs in a lawsuit filed by Wall Houston — the pipelines, refin-

Street interests in 2011 that

eries and tankers that crowd fortwo years has blocked the the harbor, and the gleaming limits on speculation that had office towers where oil compa- been approved by Congress nies and energy traders have as part of the Dodd-Frank fitransformedthe skyline. nancial reform law. During And in a squat glass building that same time period, Hrrong on the University of Houston has worked as a paid research campus, a measure of the in- consultant for one of the lead dustry's pre-eminence can also

plaintiffs in the case, the Inter-

who sits at the nexus of com-

his disdosure form.

siderations have not influenced change and a bank and a company that makes futures-tradsay that when academics fail to ing software. The commodities disclose financial ties, they do firm Trafigura contracted him a disservice to the public and toconductaresearchproject. undermine the perception of When asked about Pirrong's impartiality. disclosure, Richard Bonnin, "If those that are creating the a university spokesman said culture around financial regu- only that all employees were lation also have a significant, if given annual training on the hidden, conflict of interest, our school's policy, which requires public is not likely to be well researchersto report paid outserved," said Gerald Epstein, side consultant work. their work. But ethics experts

an economicsprofessor at the

be found in the person of Craig national Swaps and Deriva- University of Massachusetts, Professors aspitchmen Pirrong, a professor of finance, tives Association, according to Amherst. Concerns about academic merce and academia. As energy companies and

Pirrong has been compensated in the last several years traders have reaped fortunes by the Chicago Mercantile Exby buying and selling oil and change, the commodities tradother c o mmodities d u r i ng ing house Trafigura, the Royal the recent boom in the com-

Bank of Scotland and a hand-

modity markets, Pirrong has ful of companies that speculate positioned himself as the hard- in energy, according to the disnosed defender offinancial dosure forms. speculators — the combative, The disclosure forms do not occasionally acerbic academ- requirePirrong to reveal how ic authority to call upon when much money he made from his difficult questions arise in Con- consulting work. When asked gress and elsewhere about the multitrillion-dollar global com-

modities trade. Do financial speculators and

about the financial benefits of his outside activities, Pirrong

replied, "That's between me and the IRS."

Speculationinthe market

come a major issue among Financial speculators are in- business professors and econ-

vestors who bet onprice swings without any intention of taking

the market.

business, The New York Times

centgyrations were not caused

sure forms in March, the Uni-

has found. While his university's financial ties to speculators have been the subject of scrutiny by

by the influx of speculative versity of Houston said none money. Pirrong has also ar- were required of him. The disgued that the huge inflow of closure forms Hrrong ultimateWall Street money may actu- ly filed in November indicate ally lower costs by decreasing that since 2011, he has been what commodities producers paid for outside work involving payto manage their risk 11 dients. Some fees are for his Pirrong and the University of work as an expert witness, tesHouston are not alone inpublic- tifying in court cases on behalf ly defending speculation while of the Chicago Mercantile Exaccepting financial help from

ter repeated requests by The Times under the Freedom of Information Act, that the Uni-

versity of Houston, a public institution, insisted that Pirrong

submit disdosure forms that speculators.Other researchshed some light on those finan- ers have received funding or cial ties. paid consulting jobs courtesy Interviews with dozens of ac-

of major commodities traders

ademics and traders, and a re- including AIG Financial Prodview of hundreds of emails and ucts, banks including the Bank other documents involving two of Canada or financial industry highly visible professors in the groups like the Futures Induscommodities field — Pirrong try Association. and Scott Irwin at the Universi-

ty of Illinois — show how major

One of the most widely quot-

ed defendersof speculation in players on Wall Street and else- agricultural markets, Irwin where have been aggressive in of the University of I l linois, underwriting and promoting Champaign-Urbana, consults academic work. forabusinessthatserveshedge The efforts by the financial funds, investment banks and players, the interviews show, other commodities speculators, are part of a sweeping cam- according to information repaign to beat back regulation ceivedby The Times under the and shape policies that affect Freedom of Information Act. the prices that people around Pirrong, Irwin and other the world pay for essentials like scholars say that financial con-

omists since the financial cri-

sis. In 2010, the documentary delivery of the physical com- "Inside Job" blasted a handful modity. They can help smooth of prominent academic econothe volatility of the market by mists who did not reveal Wall adding capital, spreading risk Street's financial backing of and offering buyers and sell- studies which, in some cases, ers a kind of price insurance. extolled the virtues of finanBut an assortment of studies cially unsound assets. Two by academics,congressional years later, the American Ecocommittees and consumer ad- nomic Association adopted vocate groups found evidence tougher disdosure standards. suggesting that a wave of specEven with the guidelines, ulation that accelerated in 2003 however, financial firms have had essentially overwhelmed been able to use the resources

commodity index funds drive up prices of oil and other es- Debating to a stalemate sentials, ultimately costing conNo one disputes that a subsumers? Since 2006, Pirrong stantial portion of p r ice inhas written a flurry of influen- creasesin oil and food over tial letters to federal agencies the last decade were caused by arguing that the answer is an fundamental market factors: emphatic no. He has testified increased demand from China before Congress to that effect, and other industrializing counhosted seminars with traders tries, extreme weather, currenand government regulators, cy fluctuations and the diverand given countless interviews sion of grain to biofuel. for financial publications abBut so m uch s peculative solving Wall Street speculation money poured into marketsof any appreciable role in the from $13 billion in 2003 to $317 price spikes. billion at a peak in 2008 — that What Pirrong has routinely many economists say that the left out of most ofhis publicpro- floodbecame afactor of its own nouncements in favor of spec- in distorting prices. ulation is that he has reaped Others assert that commodfinancial benefits from specu- ities markets have historically lators and some of the largest gone through intermittent price players in the commodities bubbles and that the most re-

the news media and others, it was not until last month, af-

conflicts of interest have be-

and credibility of academia to

As gasoline topped $4 a shape the political debate. gallon in the summer of 2008, The Chicago Mercantile ExCongress tried to soothe angry change and the University of motorists by pushing for re- Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, strictions on oil speculation.

for example, at times blur the

Pirrong jumped into the line between research and pubfray wit h h i s t r ademark lic relations. tenaciousness. The exchange's public reWhen oilcompany execu- lations staff has helped Irwin tives, traders and investment shop his pro-speculation essays banks cited speculation as a to newspaper op-ed pages, acmajor cause of surging pric- cording to emails reviewed by es which, by some estimates, The Times. His studies, writwas costing U.S. consumers ings, videotaped speeches and more than $300 billion a year, interviewshave been promPirrong dutifully contradicted inently displayed on the exthem. change's website and an online Over the years, Pirrong has magazine run by the exchange. resisted releasing details of his A spokesman for the exown financial dealings with change said Irwin was just one speculators, and when The of a "large and growing pool of Times firstrequestedhis disdo- esteemed academics, govern-

communicated with his moth-

er only through email, even thoughtheywere onthe same

Lanza also killed himself and According to the new rehis mother, Nancy, who told port, Nancy Lanza traveled an acquaintance the day before the shooting that she had

to New Hampshire on Dec. 11 and returned on the evening

traveled to New Hampshire of Dec. 13. During a lunch in for abrieftrip as "an exper- New Hampshire with an aciment to allow Adam to stay

quaintance, the interviewee

at home alone for a few days," said, Nancy Lanza "described the documents said. a difficult life but gave him The report also included the impression that she was manyphotographs of the con- courageous and 'handling tents of their house, including everything.'" one of a young child holding She added that she "acceptwhat appears to be a gun, ed the obligations of caring with ammunition in his lap. for Adam" and was "very Lanza's father, Peter, who proud of Adam's accomplishwas divorced from Nancy ments," the acquaintance Lanza, appeared in sharper said. focus, too: He supplied docuOther interviews sketched ments that included resourc- a more complete portrait of es he had sought out about the gunman. He could play autism and Asperger's syn- the saxophone, the docudrome, which his son report- ments said, and had taken edly had. There was also a private lessons in Mandarin. birthday card, signed "Love, Writings recovered from Dad," with an offer to take his

son"hiking or shooting." Then there were the re-

his computer included two f ictional works about b e -

ing attacked by babies and a screenplay or script called "Lovebound," describing a relationship between a 10-yearold boy and a 30-year-old ings their childrenhad leftbe- man. "The shooter had recenthind. Other loved ones asked to tour the school. ly begun to drive," another For all its material, the re- entry read, "after previously port didnot appearto alter the not wanting to get his driver's ports about the families of the victims, some of whom, less than a month later, could not yet bear to receive the belong-

broader understanding of the


shooting, for which the auThe report also included thorities have not established the most exhaustive infora clear motive. The state's Department

mation yet from inside the

Public Protection said the

a locked entrance around 9:34

school, where Lanza blasted of Emergency Services and through the glass windows at release of the full report was a.m. (By 9:40, the police said, "indicative that this State Po- he had shot himself in Classlice criminal investigation is room 10, a first-grade room.) conduded." Although the names, physQuestions ofhow and when ical descriptions and belongto release sensitive investiga- ings of adults were included, tive details from the shooting information about the chilhave been prevalent since dren was omitted, even as the shortly after the massacre.

macabre scenes were relayed

In a letter accompanying in detail. The victims were the report, Reuben Brad- first identified using numbers, ford, the commissioner of the

3 through 26. Lanza was as-

state's Department of Emer- signedthe number 27."Once gency Services and Public all the victims were removed Protection, said the names

and "contextually identifying information of involved children" were withheld.

from the school," one docu-

ment read, "only the shooter's body remained within the


mental editors and editors in

the mainstream press" whose work it follows and posts on its

15-Year Fixed

various publications. While the

CME has given more than $1.4 million to the University of Illinois since 2008, most has gone

to the business school and none to the School of Agriculture

and Consumer Economics, where Irwin teaches.



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ci i in oceans u sea ie, an oo or mi ions, a ris •

Deal to move base on Okinawa

wins approval By Hiroko Tabuchi and Thom Shanker New York Times News Service

By Craig Welch The Seattle Times


TOKYO — Even as of-

Washington, as at Tokyo, and what locals see as the excessive concentration of U.S. bases on Okinawa. The Okinawa

— He sat shirtless on his thin

ficials on both sides of the prefecturemakes up a fracPacific hailed an agree- tion of Japan's total land area,

bamboo floor in a home built

ment to resolve a tangled

on posts rising out of the Banda Sea.

dispute over a Marine base American bases, and half of on Okinawa, fierce opposi- the 50,000 U.S. service person-

HOGA ISLAND, Indonesia

Tadi had just returned in his

dugout canoe from scanning crevices in a nearby reef for octopus. He and his neighbors spend every day this wayscouringthe ocean forsomething to eat or sell. Fishing, here, is about survival. Their stilt village has no industry, no land, no running water. They dive without oxygen, wearing hand-carved wooden goggles, and carry spear guns hacked from logs with their machetes. They eat what they catch and sell the

to fish this way. Laoda has

countlessothers across the since taught his son, Adi. The Sama people, or Baglobe, is on a collision course with the industrialized world's jau, are known as sea gypsies fossil-fuel emissions. or sea nomads because they H undreds of m i l l ions of once lived mostly on boats. people around the world rely They roamed Southeast Asia on marine life susceptible to between Malaysia, the Philipwarming temperatures and pines and Indonesia, living off ocean acidification, the sour- the sea, until governments being of seas from carbon diox- gan encouraging them to setide emitted by burning coal, tle. Tadi's offshore village was oil and natural gas. built in the late 1950s. That i n cludes Northwest Today, up to a m i l lion oyster growers and crab- sea nomads are sprinkled bers in the frigid Bering Sea, throughout the Coral Triangle. who now face great uncer- Their lives are a blend of old tainty from shifts in marine ways and new. chemistry. Some divers in Tadi's vilBut from Africa to Alaska, lage ruptured their eardrums many coastal c ommunities as kids to make equalizing face a substantially greater easier. Women dab theirfaces risk. These cultures are so with rice paste for sunscreen. thoroughlydependent on ma- Villagers stack dead coral for rine life threatened by CO2 support around the poles that that a growing body of re- hold their homes. Even fishing search suggests their children weights are sometimes homeor grandchildren could strug- made, forged by melting lead gle to find enough food. in aluminum cans over small The science of decipher- open fires and pouring it into ing precisely who might see wooden molds. seafood shortages remains Diesel generators provide embryonic. electricity a few hours each But with many of the most night, and some residents use at-risk coastal communities it to power televisions. Some already facing poverty, ma- fishermen w ea r e x p ensive rine pollution, overfishing and dive watches. On a mound of rising seas, the potential for coral rubble beneath one hut calamity is high. is a surprisingly well-main"I can't tell you how many tained billiard table. people will be affected," said After centuries of t r avelSarah Cooley, at Woods Hole ing far and wide, the Bajau's Oceanographic Institution in relocation concentrated their Massachusetts, who studies

human waste and limited the

links between acidification and food security. "But it's going to be a very big number." Said Andreas Andersson, an acidification and coral reef

range of their fishing. This happened just as some in their village adopted the destruc-

expert with the Scripps In-

stitution of Oceanography in San Diego: "These people are literally going to be fighting for their lives." Among the most vulnerable

tive practices of Asia's worst

fishing fleets. A few here fish with coral-destroying bombs or cyanide. Some from the vil-

lage and nearby islands gather colorfulreef fish for sale to the

aquarium trade. Commercial trawlers from elsewhere cause

to changing ocean conditions more damage. It all takes a are people like Tadi and his toll. "There's been a pretty sub1,600 fellow villagers — even if they don't quite view it that

s tantial d ecrease i n


catchesper amount of effort since the 1990s," said Paul

Fishing for survival

t h eir

Simonin, a Cornell Universi-

From his elevated perch

ty graduate student who has sheltered from t h e m i dday tracked Bajau fishing data. Tadi's neighbors and nearby sun, Tadi could see huts with wispy thatch roofs connected island communities still land by the rickety planks of his vil- plenty of fish, but their reefs lage boardwalk. Everything have seen better days. Everystood a dozen feet above emer- one works a bit harder to find ald waters. food. Like many in his village, And a coming storm from he's uncertain of his age. But CO2 will only make things for as long as he can remem- worse. ber, Tadi has netted, trapped, hooked or speared grouper, Warming world snapper, wrasses and parrot-

Scientists are still navigat-

fish. Sometimes the men in his ing the complex ways carbon village disappear to the open dioxide can alter the marine sea for days tochase small

world. But some impacts are


clear. Rising temperatures al-

Women swarm the tide flats

tion to the deal in Okinawa, and Prime Minster Shinzo Abe's recent visit to a war shrine, cast a shadow over

nel stationed in Japan.

The Bajau of Indonesia

The strongest response came from Susumu Inamine, the mayor of Nago City, near the diplomatic celebration. where the new base would be Despite the United States' built and also near to anoth-

travel every-

expressed satisfaction with

er, smaller, U.S. installation,

where by boat. Some

the agreement,a congrat- Camp Schwab. Following Naulatory telephone call ex- kaima's decision, Inamine told

women dab

pected Friday between U.S.

reporters in Okinawa that he

their faces withrice

Defense Secretary Chuck "definitely opposed" the plan Hagel and his Japanese and had told the governor so.

paste to pro-

counterpart, Itsunori Onod-

Inamine is up for re-election

tect against the sun.

era, was put off, U.S. officials said.

next month,and how much

Photosby Steve Ringman ISeattle Times

tion process would hinge on less to do with complica- whether he will prevail over a tions in Okinawa as Wash- pro-base candidate, backed by ington's concerns over Abe's rulingparty. Abe's appearance this week "The battle lines are now

he will complicate the reloca-

The postponement had

rest, using the money to buy everything else they need: boat fuel, root vegetables, rice, wood. Without f i shing, "how Tadi said through a translawould I feed my family?" tor. "I never caught any small asked Tadi, who like many In- fish." donesians has only one name. Tadi taught his son, Laoda, Now Tadi's community, like

but hosts almost three dozen

waters more corrosive and re-

at the Yasukuni Shrine, which honors the nation's

duces carbonate ions, which then makes it harder for marine creatures to build their shells and skeletons.

Acidification can directly harm animals throughout the

food web, from microscopic plankton to some fish. It endangers corals, weakening

' lP


•Q,. .%0

drawn" for the Jan. 19 ballot,

war dead, including sever-

Inamine said. Opponents of the relocation

al war criminals who were

plan have accused Nakaima

executed after Japan's de- of betrayal for reversing his feat in 1945. The visit was previous opposition. On Friday, viewed with alarm by some Nakaima, himself, expressed of America's other allies in personal skepticism, saying he the region, especially South also would prefer that the base Korea, for its glorification of

be moved out of the region.

Together, souring seas and Laoda hauls a colorful reef fish warming can be worse than called a sweetlips to the sur-

Japanese militarism in the Nakaima also said he would last century. call for the closure of the old A U .S. State D epart- base in five years although the ment spokeswoman, Jen plan lays out a relocation proPsaki, said in a statement cess that lasts twice as long. "I gave my legal approval," that the United States was "disappointed that Japan's Nakaimasaid at anews conferleadership has taken an ence broadcast live on national

the sum of their parts.

face after shooting it with his

action that will exacerbate

television. "But the relocation

spear gun in Indonesia. Laoda,

tensions with Japan's neighbors," echoing a statement Thursday by the new U.S. ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy.

will not be easy. In fact, I don't thinkits feasibilityis veryhigh.


s k eletons, i n h ibiting

growth, and increasing the likelihood of bleaching. In fact, acidification even accelerates the dissolution and breakdown of the reef.

"Temperature has zapped a lot of reefs so far, but longer-term effects are likely to come from acidification," said Charles Sheppard, a professor at England's University of Warwick who studies clim ate-change impacts on coral reefs.

These ocean changes may

like many villagers, dives with-

out oxygen and usually wears hand-carved wooden goggles.

Still, both U.S. and Japtemplate a reef with almost

no fish. The prospect, to her, seemed amusing. "I am an old woman," Mbil-

not directly hit the octopus and fish Tadi catches, but will

ia said. "I'm not thinking a lot

almost certainly rearrange the

Tadi and Laoda usually don't think about it much, either. But there are days when fishing is so slow it's a possibility they just can't ignore.

foods available for those crea-

tures to eat. And loss of coral, by itself, usually translates to fewer fish and marine creatures — often substantially

about that."

"Sometimes we eat every-


thing in one day," Laoda said. E arlier t h i s m o n th , r e - "But if we can't find anything, searchers working on reefs we don't eat." naturally bathed in CO2 in Some Bajau don't believe Papua New Guinea reported humans can alter the marine finding half as many small in- world. Even harder to grasp vertebrates — crabs, shrimp, is the possibility that actions sand dollars, marine wormsnow could cause future decay. as on healthy corals. For some here, successful fish"Think about a coral reef ing is dictated by the whims of as a city, a lot of buildings testy sea gods. "They do not see a causeand houses," Andersson said. "Without the houses, you have a nd-effect r elationship t h e no inhabitants." way we do," said Julian ClifScientists are still learning ton, a University of Western how much — or how littleAustralia professor who has marine life might adapt. Some studied Tadi's village. "The corals appear more resilient Bajau get characterized as than others, and bleaching backward because they don't doesn't always ruin healthy get this idea. But their relareefs, said David Kline, a coral tionship with time is different and climate change scientist at from ours. They live in a sort Scripps. of constant present." It's in part why villagers But reefs across Southeast Asia, in particular, already don't know their own ages. are a fraction of what they If fishing worsens dramationce were, according to a 2007 cally for Tadi, options appear analysis. And reefs taxed by limited. Fishermen could keep pollution or overfishing are pushing out into the ocean, or more susceptible to mat-form- the village could fold up and ing algae. In the worst cases, move away, or turn to fish after bleaching, this weedy farming. The first might be slimecan smother corals for possible. The second two are good. much harder. Sheppard has seen how bad The Bajau are short on monthings can get. A few years af- ey and clout. They remain ter a 1998 bleaching off Qatar, among the region's poorest he went diving on a nearby coastal residents, an ethnic reef. minority often disparaged by Except for weeds, "I didn't others. And by the time they see one other living thing," could face real trouble, others he said. "No fish, urchins, around the world may have starfish, mollusks. Nothing. similar problems, straining reFor acresand acres,itw as all sources that otherwise might dead." help. He likened the stress many At least 6 million people in reefs face to a person suffering 99 countriesfish coral reefs, multiple illnesses. according to research pub"A bit of temperature rise. lished in the journal PLOS

gathering clams, sea cucum- ready wreak havoc on corals. bers, urchins and sea grass. Warming waters can cause A bit of acidification. A bit of They then paddle to a fish corals to eject the algae that overfishing. These things add market on n e arby K aledu- give them their vibrant color, up," he said. "If someone has pa Island, where even meaty weakening or killing reefs and measles and influenza and catches fetch just a few dollars. turning them white. This pro- chickenpox and malaria all at Among his peers, Tadi is cess is known as bleaching. the same time, they're probaconsidered one of the best Without reductions in global bly going to die." spear fishermen. And no won- emissions, 90 percent ofreefs der: He said he stabbed his by midcentury are projected to DNicult to accept first fish when he was barely see severe bleaching episodes In the grassy shallows a few older than a toddler. everyyear. hundred yards from Tadi's That childhood in the ocean Ocean acidification will just hut, his neighbor Mbilia sat left an impression. Every an- compoundtheproblem. curled in her canoe, plucking imal seemed huge. Sea life A q u arter o f t h e C O 2 sea urchins from the water teemed wherever he looked. spewed by cars and power and halving them with her "I could choose with my plants winds up in the ocean. machete. spear whatever fish I want," That lowers the pH, makes She could not even con-

I think moving the base outside

Okinawa is abetter plan." About 2,000 people gathered at the Okinawa prefectural of-

anese officials separately fice to protest Nakaima's move. offered high praise for a Senior officials in both Jadecision by the governor of pan and the United States had Okinawa, Hirokazu Nakai- acknowledged that additional ma, to allow landfill work

hurdles could arise over the

coast on Okinawa's main

base at Henoko Bay. But they

to begin on a new base that 10-year timetable required to would occupy a remote replace Futenma with the new island. took pains, following NakaiNakaima's ap p roval ma's ambivalent remarks, to came after longstanding note that the deal was now opposition on Okinawa to complete. move the Marine Corps' Air Station Futenma, which

occupies a crowded urban area, to Henoko Bay in Nago, in the north.

The move would advance efforts by the Pentagon to rebalance U.S.

m i l i tary

forces across the Asia-Pacific region, as well as efforts by Abe to raise his

country's strategic posture. Under the plan, the approximately 18,000

M a r ines

now stationed at the base on Okinawa would drop to about 10,000 once the new

base is completed over the next decade. Swift and angry opposition from some local leaders in Okinawa, who continue to demand the base

be moved off the island altogether, has raised some

questions on how smoothly the relocation can proceed. Much of the ire remains directed, not so much at

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One in June. Another 400 mil-

lion or more are tied indirectly to coral. Indonesia alone is


home to nearly 1,000 inhabit-

ed islands, many of which are filled with people who depend


on reefs. "In the 15 or 16 countries

we've surveyed, 50 to 90 percent of their protein comes

from fish," said Johann Bell, a fish expert helping Pacific Island nations deal with

threats to seafood. "It's a huge problem. There are going to be many who just fall below the radar."



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newtren in ra in: our omewor oesn'tmunt off' of getting the grade in the grade book," said Karen Hargadine, executive director of pre-K and elementary educa-

By Jessica Bock St. Louis Post-Dispatch

ST. LOUIS — The proud parents who attended

tion for the Rockwood School

Lincoln Elementary's honor roll assemblies years

Beckner said. "Just doing what you were told, doing y our homework, got y ou points, helped your grade. Those things are life skills

District, which has been phas- that are really important, but ing in the standards-based we don't want to report them ago assumed the school was a shining example of model. in exactly the same way as Under the new grading ap- learning." academic achievement. Kids by the dozens lined proach, the focus on masterFor teachers, the shift away ing a subject is so important from traditional classroom up to be celebrated for earning grades that put that students are given new grading can be scary. latitudes. Katie Nease gradually bethem on the honor roll. For example, if they bomb gan to make changes in her on a test, they can retake at middle school classroom in Then the school got state test results. least that portion of it. The Rockwood over 10 years after same thing goes for other as- the district began to discuss Stephanie S. Cordle/ St. Louis Post-Dispatch signments, which, depending standards-based g r a ding. Most of the students failed, districts also have tried new Niki Stilwell in Fenton, Mo., works on her laptop while her children on the school, could be resub- She initially was concerned casting doubt on the school's ways of looking at grades. — Kyle, 12; Danika, 11; and Natalie, 9- do their homework. Their mitted for a better grade. that students were not going success and challenging the Each district varies in its use homework won't count toward their grades. Rather, they'll be gradAnd it's on those points that to do the work she knew they validity of many of it s stuand how widespread the con- ed on what they learn from it. some parents such as Boz- needed. dents' glowing report cards. cept is, but the ideas have all dech disagree with what they Not counting h o mework A dministrators k ne w t h e y evolved from what's called view as a lack of real penalties and not marking zeros were had a problem. standards-based g r a ding. "It was 45 minutes of gnash- to take remedial courses in or immediateconsequences. the most frightening changes, "That's not real l i fe," he What they did next upend- And some of those details ing of teeth," said Paul Boz- college. but had the most payoff, she ed everything parents, teach- have sparked opposition. dech, a parent at Rockwood's In Missouri, about 36 persard. sard. "Once I made that shift, it ers and students thought they Critics say the approach LaSalle S p rings M i d dle cent of high school graduates knew about grading. may sound good as a concept. School. "The generalmood of who enter a public college or 'Always a repercussion' was remarkable the changes St. Charles joined a national Who doesn't t h in k g r ades the room was, 'This isn't how I university must take at least When Ethan Dobbs heard I saw in the classroom," said movement that — sometimes should be based on what kids had it growing up.' " one remedial course. Nation- his Algebra I teacher at Park- Nease, now a social studies amid a formidable backlash are actually learning? ally, only 26 percent of high way North High School say content facilitator i n R o ck— is rebuilding how a child's But what that means in the A growing trend school seniors met college they would be able to retake wood. "For some students, performance in a class or classroom or at home is anNew approaches to tradi- benchmarks in four subjects portions of tests, he almost getting a zero was a pass out. course is calculated. other matter, they say. tional grading have picked this year, according to ACT couldn't believe what he was This sends a message that It's a switch that seeks to T ake, fo r e x a mple, t h e up steam in the last 15 years, data. hearing. your learning is important." "High school is free; if you "I realized immediately it move away from rewarding de-emphasis of homework in an era of accountability on Teachers who like stanstudents merely for complet- a student's final grade for a teachers and schools that has fail in college, you have to was going to be a little bit dif- dards-based ideas say they ing work, and instead bas- subject. more recently focused on in- pay," says Ken O'Connor, a ferent," he said. still stress the importance of es grades on mastery of a Under s t a ndards-basedd ividual student growth i n former teacher turned auHomework also wasn't fac- doing homework, by notifysubject. grading, students face no pen- learning. thor and consultant known tored into a final grade. Stu- ing parents if it's not complete Swept away are points for alty — pointwise — for failing Schools also have a new as "The Grade Doctor." "We dents who had taken the class or not allowing students to finished homework assign- to turn in homework. Instead, set of standards to measure don't do kids any favors when the yearbefore were jealous retake tests until they comments, or good behavior and homework is viewed as sim- that growth by. In the last few we inflate their grades be- — it seemed like the younger plete the assignments. A few class participation. Instead, ply a tool to help them master years, nearly all states also cause at some point, they are kids had it easier than they schools are even trying havgrades are more heavily a subject. have adopted the Common going to fall on their face." did. ing students stay in during rebased on exam results and the There are no zeros. More- Core, an outline of what a A t t h e h e ar t o f st a n And while some kids "kind cess until missing homework quality of work. over, students can redo aschild should know and be able dards-based grading is the of abused" the homework pol- is complete. signments multiple times and to do in each grade. thought that students should icy, Dobbs said most students Still, there are some teachA new system even retake tests. Such a shift has introduced be awarded grades for demon- got the idea that if they didn't ers and parents who say the "There are kids that are The changes — which run discrepancies like the one at strating they have mastered do the work, they probably new ideas are not in line with good at playing the game of counter to how school has Lincoln Elementary, with re- a subject — not for the work weren't going to know what their expectations for kids. school," said Julie Williams, functioned for generations sults of standardized testing they completed along the way. they were doing on the test. In a St. Louis Post-Dispatch principal of Lincoln Elemen- — have triggered fears from seeming to be at odds with Advocates of the idea say Teachers could also give poor letter to editor this month, a tary, which began to overhaul parents who worry their kids how student performance is traditional grading can mask "citizenship" grades, separate Lafayette High teacher said grading along with other St. would simply slack off. reflected in report cards. academic failure. For examfrom academic marks. the policies conflicted with fu"There's always a repercus- ture employers' expectations Charles elementary schools in S ome teachers sa y t h e That has led educators to ple, a student might score no 2008. "If you don't ever do well concept isn't working in the question what the grades they better than a D when tested in sion in some way," said Dobbs, of timely, proficient work, and on tests, but you raise your schools that have adopted it. gave were really saying about math. But because tradition- now a junior. that due dates were impossihand every time, those kids J ust this m onth, a h i g h what a student knew. al grading awards points for Kevin Beckner, Parkway's ble to enforce. "Parents trust that schools can score well in the tradition- school teacher took her critAnd there are other trou- handing in math homework, coordinator ofstudent assessal system. But when they are icism public. And when new bling discrepancies, such as that student may earn a C or ment, says it's not about edu- are preparing their children tested on a state tests, it expos- grading policies were ex- straight-A students in high better in the class. cators chasing a fad. for life after high school," Me"The learning is what's im" We have a c u l t ur e o f lissa Schumacher wrote. "We es the weaknesses." plained to middle school par- school not performing as well Some St. Louis-area school ents this year, jaws dropped. on the ACT, or being forced portant, it's not just the 'check points, percents and letters," are letting them down."








MATTRESS',."::.".. • Gallery-Be nd

Calendar, B3 Obituaries, B5 Weather, B6 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2013

BRIEFING Cougar sighting reported in Bend Deschutes County Sheriff's Office deputies responded to the possible sighting of a cougar south east of Bend onThursday, prompting authorities to warn residents to take precautions should they come across evidence of cougar activity. Deputies were called out to Arnold Market

Road about a possible sighting of the animal but were unable to locate the cougar. The Sheriff's Office reminds community members that if they comeacross a cougar, they should move slowly away, not run. If there are confirmed cougar sightings in your area, do not walk your dog at night. If you come across animal carcasses that could possibly be a cougar-kill, do not disturb them. Call law enforcement if you believe you or the community are in danger.


8 Bi" 0 I

a enra By Dylan J. Darling

8 5 BS l i"8

"This time of year it comes in a flood. But other

The spirit of giving during the holiday season has led to a rush of donations at home-

times of the year, not so much."

and the food bank said. "It's an ongoing thing, so hopefully people won't forget that we need food drives to happen all the time," said Sandy Klein, food resources specialist for NeighborImpact. The Redmond-based nonprofit group manages the

near the top of the donation wish list. to 90 people at the old Econo

managing director, Bethlehem Inn Lodge, the Bethlehem Inn provides thousands of meals

the shelves at a Central Oregon food bank stocked. end with the start of the New Year, officials at the shelters

meats and chicken, are also Along with shelter for up

— Chris Clouart,

less shelters in Bend and left

help and donations won't


• We want to see your photos of snow for another special version of Well shot! that will run in the Outdoors section. Submit your best work atbendboUetio.com /snow2013and we'll pickthe bestfor publication. • Email other good photos of the great outdoors to readerpbotosO bendbuUetin.com

r e onnOn rOiS

The Bulletin

But the need for financial

Well shot!

per year. Redeemable bottles

CentralOregon food bank. At the Bethlehem Inn on Northeast Third Street in

Bend, Chris Clouart, managing director for the homeless shelter for individuals and

families, said around Christmas people were stopping by to drop off donations about

every five minutes during the day. "This time of year it comes in a flood," he said, "but oth-

er times of the year, not so much." While grateful for the generosity of donors, Clouart said the donations don't always match the needs of the shelter. He'll still take leftover

sweets and sandwiches from holiday parties, but ideal donations are cash, gas station gift cards and toilet paper. Canned food, particularly proteins such as tuna, potted

and cans are also an appreciated donation, Clouart said, because the shelter is able

to quickly process them and turn them in for money. At the Shepherd's House on Northeast Division Street in Bend, three months of steady donations are coming to a

close, said Curt Floski, executive director of the shelter

for men. SeeDonations/B5

and tell us a bit about

where and when you took them. We'll choose the bestfor publication. Submission requirements: Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — aswell as your name, hometown and phonenumber.Photosmust be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.


— Bulletin staff report U.S. SENATE • SEN.JEFFMERKLEY, D-ORE. 107 RUSSELLSENATE OFFICEBUILDING W ASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 PHONE: 202-224-3753 WEB:http://merkley. senate.gov BENDOFFICE: 131 N.W. HAWTHORNE AVE., SUITE208 BEND, OR 97701 PHONE: 541-318-1298 • SEN.RONWYDEN, D-ORE. 223 DIRKSEN SENATE OFFICE BUILDING W ASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 PHONE: 202-224-5244 WEB:http://wyden. senate.gov BENDOFFICE: 131 N.W.HAWTHORNE AVE., SUITE107 BEND, OR 97701 PHONE: 541-330-9142 U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES • REP.GREGWALDEN, R-HOOD RIVER 2182 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING W ASHINGTON, D.C. 20515 PHONE: 202-225-6730 WEB:http://walden. house.gov BENDOFFICE: 1051 N.W.BONDST., SUITE400 BEND, OR 97701 PHONE: 541-389-4408 FAX:541-389-4452



• Cortfellis:Someare saying theperceived decline innoisearound the OSUcampus comesasa resultofthe school's partnership with citizens' groupsand the city,B3

News of Record, B3

Have a story idea or submission? Contact us!

The Bulletin Call a reporter Bend .......................541-617-7829 Redmond..............541-548-2186 Sisters...................541-548-2186 La Pine..................541-383-0367 Sunriver ................541-383-0367

Deschutes............541-383-0376 Crook....................541-383-0367 Jefferson..............541-383-0367 State projects...... 541-410-9207 Salem ....................541-554-1162 D.c....................... 202-662-7456 Business..............541-383-0360 Education.............541-633-2160 Health...................541-383-0304 Public lands..........541-617-7812 Public safety.........541-383-0387 Special projects...541-617-7831

Rob Kerr •The Bulletin

nstructor Luanne Hopson watches student Hayley Corbett, 21, as she gives a haircut to customer Riley Hogue, 18, at Phagans' Central Oregon Beauty College. The vocational school, which is located at 1310 N.E. Cushing Drive, has been in Bend since 1953 and is one of six run by the company in Oregon.

Submissions • Letters andopinions: Mail:My Nickel's Worth or In MyView P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR97708 Details onthe Editorials page inside. Contact: 541-383-0358, bulletinObendbulletin.com

• Civic Calendarnotices: Email eventinformation to news@bendbulletin.com,with "Civic Calendar" inthesubject, andincludeacontact name and phone number. Contact: 541-383-0354


Attorney: LandWatchmissing 'big picture' By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

Oregon's U.S. Attorney has

issued a response to a lawsuit filed in connection with

Among other things, the suit suggests the Forest Service's findings are wrongly based on the claim the city will not divert more than 18.2 cubic feet

apart ..."

LandWatch is overlooking the "big picture," Marshall wrote, that the replacement

Email newsitemsand notices ofgeneralinterest to news@bendbulletin.com. Email announcementsofteens' academic achievements to youth@bendbulletin.com. Email collegenotes, military graduationsandreunion info to bulletin@bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0358

Bend's Bridge Creek water

per second from Bridge Creek, while the city's

of the aging intake and pipelines would leave more water

project, dismissing objections raised by an environmental group as "hypertechnical

water rights allow it to take up to 36 cfs.

in Tumalo Creek than occurs

• Obituaries, DeathNotices:

after the Forest Service ap-

• School newsandnotes:

Details onthe obituaries page inside. Contact: 541-617-7825,


• Community events: Email eventsto communitylife@ bendbulletin.com orclick on "Submit anEvent" onlineat bendbulletin.com.Details onthe calendarpageinside. Contact: 541-383-0351

• Births, engagements, marriages, partnerships, anniversaries: The Milestonespagepublishes Sunday inCommunity Life. Contact: 541-383-0358


Bend-based Central Oregon LandWatch filed the

suit against the U.S. Forest Service in November, shortly proved a special use permit neededforthecity to proceed with the construction of its

suit in late 2012, after the diverting water for city use could affect the health of

S. Amanda Marshall is serv-

Tumalo Creek before issuing the special use permit. Among other things, the suit suggests the Forest Service's findings are wrongly based on the claim the city

the Forest Service. In her response filed Monday in U.S. District Court, Marshall wrote that LandWatch's claims are not really

$24 million pipeline project. will not divert more than 18.2 A tributary of Tumalo cubic feet per second from Creek, Bridge Creek supplies Bridge Creek, while the city's around half of Bend's water. water rights allow it to take The city has proposed replac- up to 36 cfs. Larger divering the two aging pipelines sions are "reasonably forethat currently divert Bridge seeable," LandWatch claims, Creek water for city use with as both the proposed pipea new, larger pipeline. lines and water treatment The LandWatch suit facility have the capacity to alleges the Forest Service

failed to fully consider how

under the current system. LandWatch filed a similar

exceed 18.2 cfs.

As Oregon's U.S. Attorney,

ing as the defense counsel for

about the adequacy of the ForestService's environmen-

Forest Service issued an earlier permit for similar work at the Bridge Creek water

intake. A federal judge issued an injunction blocking the city from moving ahead with construction last winter, but beforethe court ever issued a ruling in the suit, the city

tal analysis. Marshall suggested Land-

withdrew its application.

Watch's objections "would be

in place, however, the city has chosen to suspend con-

more appropriate for an academic setting, as if the Forest Service should be defending

No injunction is currently struction activity related to the project until Jan. 27.

a Ph.D. thesis before a hostile

LandWatch rs scheduled to

assemblage of tenured facul-

file its response to Marshall's

ty members whose mission it is to scrutinize it with a

filing in early January.

fine-tooth comb and pick it

— Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammers@bendbulletin.com

STATE •GOV.JOHNKITZHABER, D 160 STATE CAPITOL, 900 COURT ST. SALEM, OR 97301 PHONE: 503-378-4582 FAX:503-378-6872 WEB:http://governor. oregon.gov • SECRETA RYOFSTATE KATEBROWN, D 136 STATE CAPITOL SALEM, OR 97301 PHONE: 503-986-1616 FAX:503-986-1616 EMAIL:oregon.sos© state.or.us • TREASURER TED WHEELER,D 159 OREGON STATE CAPITOL 900 COURT ST.N.E. SALEM,OR97301 PHONE: 503-378-4329 EMAIL:oregon. treasurer@state.or.us WEB:www.ost.state. 01;us

• ATTORNEYGENE RAL ELLENROSEN BLUM, D 1162 COURT ST.N.E. SALEM, OR 97301 PHONE: 503-378-4400 FAX:503-378-4017 WEB:www.dol.state. oi'.Us •LABORCOMMISSIONER BRADAVAKIAN 800 N.E.OREGONST., SUITE1045 PORTLAND,OR97232 PHONE: 971-673-0761 FAX:971-673-0762 EMAIL:boji.mail©state. OI'.Us

WEB:www.oregon. gov/boji SENATE • SEN.TEDFERRIOLI, R-DISTRICT30 (JEFFERSON, PORTION OFDESCHUTES) 900 COURT ST.N.E., 8-323 SALEM,OR97301 PHONE: 503-986-1950 EMAIL:sen.tedferrioli@ state.or.us WEB:www.leg.state. or.us/ferrioli


Jason Anderson braids a mannequin's

Photos by Rob Kerr The • Bulletin

hair. Phagans' Beauty College students will complete 2,300 hours of curriculum before


Its roots in Bend reaching back to 1953, Phagans' Central

OregonBeautyCollege is a local institution of sorts. According to the school's director, Debbie Patrick, who's been with the coll ege for33years, Phagans'graduates roughly 100 students per year, providing them with the technical and customer-service skills they'll need to make a go of it on their own. The vocational school's students must amass about 2,300 hours of 2

work in a combination of hair design, nail tech and aesthetic curriculum to graduate.


= ww~

In need of a break fromcaring for family in the hospital, customer Rae Ludlow, center, is pampered with a manicure by Phagans' Beauty College student Tracy Schaffer, left, and instructor Dallas Leffler. A win-win, the fully active salon offers students a chance to improve their skills and work on customer service. Phagans' offers discounted

prices and free services for veterans.

-~) yyelcome ve Voo Ho« long ha serioos~Vbeen onsrdenng co e C;o. meroloN rstrY



02 «reioio

«i Coe

Practice and relax: Student Rhiannon Alexander, 18, enjoys her turn for a hair washing by fellow student Lacey Samples, 22.

g Phagans' Beauty College employee Jason Hagendelivers a presentation to prospective students during a workshop inNovember. Hesaid the school has been in Bend since 1953 and is one of six run by the same company in Oregon.

aerut Collea•

«r% er

Two students collaborate on a creative manicure.

Taking home schoolwork: Phagans' Central Oregon Beauty College students Rosemary Blake, left, and Chloe Babcock, clutching two mannequin heads in her arms, head home after a long day of school earlier this month.




an. rin ss aeo new aws By Jonathan J. Cooper

• Employers and universi- Disorder will be added to the list of conditions that qualSALEM — As 2013 becomes nabbed 3,500 people for such quiring workers, students and ify a patient for the Oregon 2014 on Wednesday, dozens of violations and issued anoth- applicants to provide access Medical Marijuana Program. new laws will be taking effect er 1,600 warnings, according to their personal Facebook, Lawmakers responded to adacross Oregon. to authorities. That's up from Twitter and other social media vocates who said marijuana Expect a few higher fines 2,151 citations and 1,878 warn- accounts. might help them minimize the • A rodeo event known as effects of PTSD, such as flashand fees, new crimes to avoid ings last year. committing and new w o rk• Cigarette taxes will dimb "horse roping" will be illegal. backs, anxiety and avoidance place rules. 13 cents to $1.31 a pack. The It's performed only at one ro- behaviors. • Mammogram providers Tobacco taxes will go up, state Revenue Department says deo in the state, in Jordan Valand you'll face a fine if you're tobacco taxes bring in about ley, a town in the southeastern will be required to notify womcaught smoking one of those $250 million a year to support part of the state. Critics call the en who are discovered to have more expensive cigarettes in a the Oregon Health Plan and the practice "horse tripping" and dense breast tissue. Experts car with a minor. state general fund. Most of the say it's cruel. say dense breast tissue — a low Minors will be prohibited additional revenue will go to • Photo studios won't be al- proportion of fat compared to from tanning beds. Employers mental health services. lowed to offer ultrasound mov- breast and connective tissues won't be allowed to demand • Officerswillbe abletowrite ies or photos as keepsakes to — can make tumors more difaccess to their workers' social tickets for people they catch expecting parents. A new law ficult to detect. • Timber companies will be media accounts. Fines will go smoking in a vehicle if a minor will restrict "medical imaging" up for using a cellphone while is present. It will be a second- proceduresto me dicalpurpos- able to sue activists who try to drlvlng. ary offense, which means the es, ordered and interpreted by interfere with logging activity Here's a look at a some of the officer will only be able to issue a licensed provider. on state forests. • Tanning salons will have • The minimum wage will wide variety of new laws that a citation if the vehide is pulled hit the books on Jan. 1: over for committing another to keep minors out of their tan- go up to $9.10 per hour, an in• Standard fines for using traffic violation, like speeding ningbeds.Children and teens crease of 15 cents. This one's a cellphone while driving will or running a red light. will be allowed in if a doctor not a new law. Rather, it's a increase $50 to $160, and judg• Tying up a dog in a manner recommends it f o r m e dical result of an older one that says es will be allowed to go as high that causes an injuryto the ani- reasons. the minimum wage is indexed • Post-Traumatic S t ress to inflation. as $500 — double the current mal willbe a crime. The Associated Press


maximum. So far in 2013, Oregon State Police troopers have

ties will be prohibited from re-

Jerry's andFrancesca's; proceeds

benefit the KIDSCenter; weather dependent; donationsaccepted; 2-5 p.m.; Ben 8 Jerry's, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-312-0131. JAZZATTHEOXFORO: TheOregon Piano Summit, with two pianos and Gordon Lee,Randy Porter, Ben Darwish and Darrell Grant; SOLDOUT; 5 p.m.; TheOxford Hotel, 10 N.W. MinnesotaAve.,Bend;541-382-8436 or www.jazzattheoxford.com. "MCCONKEY": A screening of the documentary about the examination

The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log whensuch arequest is received. Anynewinformation, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358.

BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT DUII —ThomasMichael Myers, 29, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of Intoxicants at9:41 p.m. Dec.22,intheareaof Northeast Ninth Street and Northeast Franklin Avenue. DUII —Skye LucyWatson, 18, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of Intoxicants at 1:1 t a.m. Dec. 24, In thearea of Northwest Galveston Avenueand Northwest Harmon Boulevard. Theft —Atheft was reported and an arrest made at t 1:21a.m. Dec.24, In the 2500 block of Northeast U.S. Highway 20. DUII —Janna JaneFenwick, 38, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of Intoxicants at 1:09 p.m. Dec. 24, In the 2t300 block of Evelyn Court. Theft —Atheft was reported and an arrest made at7:11 p.m. Dec.24, Inthe 20100 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. DUII —Marlene Elizabeth Zwicki, 57, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of Intoxicants at 7:53 p.m. Dec.24, Inthe area of Northwest Wall Street and Northwest Portland Avenue. Unlawful entry — Avehicle was reported entered at 12:48 p.m.Dec. 26, In the 500 block of Northeast Irving Avenue. Theft —Atheft was reported at 2:17

Portland arefinding benchesandwalkways coveredwith birddroppings. A touristfrom Philadelphia,JoeGoodman,saidit's a disgusting mess.Parks and Recreationdevelopment managerBarrettAnderson said anunusually large numberofcrowsare occupyingthe square. Hesaid if the dryweather continues, thestaff will pressurewashthe sidewalksafter the first of the year. looted libraries —Someonehasdishonoredthespiritoftwo Little Free Libraries inSalem, taking mostof the books insteadof justone. The Little FreeLibraries arepartof a movementoriginating afewyears ago in Wisconsin.Thelibrariesare boxesthat looklike birdhousesonpoles. People putthemin ayard or public place,stockedwithbooks. Passers-by take avolume,replaceitwith another or returnit. Someof the boxesare homemade,othersare boughtfrom thenonprofitsponsoring organization. In Salemthis month,onelibrary wascleanedout, another stripped of most volumes, includingtheguest bookwherepatrons makenotes. Theshelves didn't remainemptyfor long,however.Volunteers offeredmorethan enoughto restock — four boxesofbooks showedup onone librarian's doorstep.

Child pee allegatieh — Amanalreadyinjail on sexchargesis now facing 24counts related tochild pornography.Michael DeanMurray of Medford pleadednot guilty Thursdayto 24counts of encouraging sex abuse —the criminal chargerelatedto child pornography —in Jackson County Circuit Court inMedford. Investigators saidtheyfoundimageson his computer ofchildren engagedin sexacts. Policedidnotsay wherethe children were from. Murraywasarrestedin Septemberontwo countsof sodomy.Thegrandjury indictedhim onMonday. TWelltlf-ifeaf'Selltelloe —TheU.S.attorney's office says amanwith 10felonyconvictions hasbeensentenced to 20years in prison afterthreatening acouple inthe parking lot of a Portland conveniencestore. Prosecutors said 34-year-oldSidEdwardWilis Jr. served10years ondrug charges andhadbeenoutfortwomonthsinMay2012whenheshowedahandgun to a woman parked in her car,andthen pointeditat her boyfriend's face. Police arrestedWilis downthe streetand seizedaloaded revolver.

ENm a DEVIL: ThePortlandblues-punk band performs, with DonQuixote and Blackflowers Blacksun; $5; 9p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70S.W.Century Drive, Bend;541-323-188t or www. volcanictheatrepub.com.

<i~, f i



Bend photographer Josh Sanseri has been photographing musicians for about a decade. See his work on display at Ranch Records, located at 831 N.W. Wall St. For more information, visit www.sanseri.com or call the record store at 541-389-6116.

of the legacy oneathlete left to sport; $10 plus fees inadvance, $13at the door; 7 p.m., doors open at6 p.m.; TowerTheatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org. BENEFITCONCERT:FeaturingTom and DarleneLeonard, Kurt Silva, Dirk VanHouweling and Phil Paige; proceeds benefitthe "Feedthe Hungry" program; free,donations accepted;7-10 p.m., doors openat6 p.m.; Bend's Community Center,1036 N.E Fifth St.; 541-390-0921 orwww. bendscommunitycenter.org. BILL WADHAMS BAND:Theformer Animotion front manandhis band

perform; free; 7p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 orwww.


LIVE COMEDY SHOW:Portland comedians DonFrostand Alex Rios perform; $10; 7p.m.; VolcanicTheatre Pub,70S.W.Century Drive, Bend;54t323-1881 orwww.bendcomedy.com. JAZZATTHEOXFORD:The Oregon Piano Summit, with two pianos and Gordon Lee,RandyPorter, Ben Darwish andDarrell Grant; SOLDOUT; 8:15 p.m.; TheOxford Hotel,10 N.W. Minnesota Ave.,Bend; 541-382-8436 or www.jazzattheoxford.com. HOPELESS JACK5 THEHANDSOME

SCIENCEPARTY: ELECTRICITY!: Learn entertaining information about electricity; $3 for members, $5for nonmembers;11:30a.m. and t:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum,59800 S. U.S. Highway97,Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. CARRIAGERIDES IN THEOLD MILL DISTRICT:Ride inthe Cowboy Carriage, locatedbetweenBen &

Jerry's andFrancesca's;proceeds benefit the KIDSCenter; weather dependent; donationsaccepted; 2-5 p.m.; Ben 8Jerry's,680 S.W. PowerhouseDrive, Bend; 541-312-0131.

MOMDAY SCIENCEPARTY: ELECTRICITY!: Learn entertaining information about electricity; $3 for members, $5for nonmembers;11:30a.m. and t:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum,59800 S. U.S. Highway97,Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. "THE CROODS": A screening of the

2013 animatedcomedy(PG);free; t p.m.; RodriguezAnnex, Jefferson County Library,134 S.E ESt., Madras; 541-475-3351 or www.jcld. OI'g.


CraWS leaVetheir mark —Visitorsto ChapmanSquareindowntown

— From wire reports

TODAY BEND INDOORSWAP MEETANO SATURDAY MARKET:Featuring arts and crafts, collectibles, antiques, children's activities, music and more; free admission;10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Bend Indoor Swap Meet, 679S.E Third St.; 541-317-4847. FREEZEYOUR FANNY RUN:A3-mil e run/walk with optional swim and chili feed; proceeds benefit Juniper Junction: A MountainStar Family Relief Nursery; donations accepted, registration requested;11 a.m., 9:30 a.m. registration; Madras Aquatic Center,1195S.E. KemperWay; 541-948-332t. SCIENCEPARTY:ELECTRICITY!: Learn entertaining information about electricity; $3 for members, $5 for nonmembers; 11:30a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High DesertMuseum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97,Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. CARRIAGERIDES IN THE OLD MILL DISTRICT:Ride in the Cowboy Carriage, locatedbetween Ben8


p.m. Dec. 26, In the600 block of Northeast RevereAvenue. DUII —Noella RaeGibson, 63, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of Intoxicants at 5:22 p.m. Dec. 24, in the1800 block of Northeast Third Street. Theft —Atheft was reported and an arrest made at4:24 p.m. Dec.24, in the 3100 block of North U.S. Highway 97. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief and atheft were reported and anarrest made at 7:43 p.m. Dec. 24, in the 500 block of Southeast Third Street.

CIVIL SUITS Filed on Nov. 12 13CV1460 —Capital One Bankv. Pat J.O'Tooleand Macly Plumbing LLC, complaint, $19,609.21 13CV1482 —RayKlein, dba Professional Credit Service, v. Jessica K. Starr, complaint, $33,401.04 Filed Nov. 13 13GV1461 —Jennifer Bear - Loftus v. Szechuan Chinese Restaurant, complaint, $29,007.62 13CV1462 —Nichole A. Christiansen v. Geico Causalty Corporation, complaint, $38,000 13CV1463 —Midfirst Bank v. Clinton C. Crotwell Jr. and Christiana Trust, adivision of Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB astrustee for Knoxville 2012 Trust, complaint, $70,504.11 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV1464 —Francis Hansen and Martin LLP v. Melvin 0. Jahn, complaint, $17,185.86

Filed Nov. 14

13CV1465 —Selco Community Credit Union v. David M.EngelandJennifer G. Engel, complaint, $61,050.02 13CV1466 —Sterling Transportation LLC v. RoleTrans LLC,Ivan Burakand Oleg Burak, complaint, $170,487 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV1468 — Asset Acceptance LLC v. Gary M. Stevenson, complaint, $t 0,785.42 13CV1469 —Tony Radmilovich v. St. Charles Health System Inc., dbaSt. Charles Medical Center andSt. Charles Medical Center, Bend, complaint, $5,947,789.29 13CV1470 —7 and 8 LLCv. Ray Pearson, complaint, $43,264.40 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV1471 —Victor B. Ellingsen v. Fraley andAssociates LLC,Fox's Billiard Lounge LLC,Lorna A. Nolte dba Nolte Properties, Bradford W. Fraley and Kami L.Fraley, complaint, $266,221.22 13CV1472 —Timothy S. Horton v. JamesE Boyd,complaint,$207,500 Filed Nov. 15 13CV1473 —Dick G.Zitek and Myrna A. Zitek v. RoyZitek, Sandra Zitek, State of Oregon —Department of Revenueand Department of the Treasury — Internal RevenueService, complaint, $153,500 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV1474 —Fireside Distributors of Oregon Inc.v. UB Insulation LLCand Brian O'Malley, complaint, $29,295.36 Filed Nov. 18 13CV1475 —Ray Klein Inc. dba Professional Credit Service v. JanE Vantassel, akaJane E VanTeassel, and Nicholas D.Vantassel, complaint, $'I 1,982.07 Filed Nov. 19 13CV1476 —Juli M. Porterfield v.

Macy's West StoresInc.,aka Macy's Bloomingdales andMacy's Corporate Services Inc., complaint, $110,002.27 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV1477 —Roofline Inc., subsidiary of SRS Distribution Inc., dba Roofline Supply and Delivery, v. Sonny S.Sinay, complaint, $25,122.27 13CV1478 —Gerald andSherrie Adams v. Kathryn I. Hartleyand Kristine L. Hartley, complaint, $'I3,000 13CV1479 —Jason Raines v. Phat Matt's Brewing Co.LLC, dbaPhat Matt's Brewing Co., complaint, $49,999 13CV1480 —LeeBennettv. Kenny Marks dbaAveDiscount Motorsports and Western PowerSports Inc., dba Fly Racing, complaint, $250,000 13CV1481 —Nicole R. Kerr v. Umbrella Properties Inc., complaint, $225,000 Flled Nov. 20

13CV1483 —Rick R. andJoyce E Wescott v. Joseph R.Ottlinger, dba Ottlinger Custom Building, complaint, $22,000.79 Filed Nov. 21 13CV1484 —Hibu Inc., fka YellowbookInc.,v.Guzman Inc.,dba Furniture Outletand David D.Guzman, complaint, $11,774.52 Filed Nov. 25 13CV1486 —Portfolio Recovery Associa tes LLC v.EvelinaV.Davidson, complaint, $10,920.29 13CV1487 —Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC v.Jodi Sanford, complaint, $11,181,24 13CV1488 —Dynamic Strategies Inc. v. James M.Glad, akaJames Martin Glad, complaint, $17,211.95 13CV1489 —RayKlein Inc., dba Professional Credit Service, v. Kenneth E Schumacher, complaint, $19,234.56


Corvallis said tobe getting a bit quieter The Associated Press

pus and more resources de-

C ORVALLIS — E ff o r t s vised for the student conduct to reduce rowdiness in the and Greeklife offices.

neighborhoods around Oregon State University appear to be bearing fruit. Police reports from September through November show markedly reduced levels of disturbances, fights and loud parties this year,

• Efforts by property managers and landlords to en-

when compared with the

ior changes when all of the adults — neighbors, land-

same three months a year ago. It said instances of loud

music, hosting a party for minors and minors being in possession of alcohol also are down, although not by a large margin.

force tenant behavior rules

and to cooperate on educationand outreach. One man-

ager hired a private security firm to patrol. "It is

c lear t hat b ehav-

lords and police — are on the

samepage and say,'No,'firmly and clearly," said Charlyn Ellis, who lives in the Chin-

timini Park area and worked on the recommendations. Some neighbors think that

additional security measures grown in recent years, ten- by landlords are simply movsions have risen in the neigh- ing the parties and noise elseborhoods nearby where stu- where. And some residents dents live and party. say the noise has continued. Among the i n itiatives, "I see little change in the many began in response to number of noisy parties in recommendations from a the blocks adjacent to our group called the Collabora- house," said Courtney Cloyd, tion Corvallis project: president of the Central Park • Increased fines for alco- Neighborhood Association. A s th e

u n i versity h a s

hol violations and a provision that allows the city to charge

he said. "In all but a couple

for officer time and other

of cases where I've talked to

costs when police issue what

the party hosts, they have dealt directly with the noise

are calledspecial response notices for various violations. Previously, the charges were made only if there was a second infraction in 30 days. • A university requirement that freshmen live on cam-

But the news isn't all bad,

and havethanked me fornot

calling (the police)," he said. "That doesn't necessarily mean they won't host anoth-

er party...butthey remember for a few days or a week."

$300ICgrant to spur minorities' successes By Canda Fuqua Corvallis Gazette-Times

The cultural centers serve

as gathering places and resource centers for black,

Oregon State University has been awarded a $300,000 Hispanic, Native American grant to expand services at

and Asian students.

for university relations and

The new Native American

marketing. "This grant will allow for expanded programs and staff to carry out the programming," Clark said. "We have made a major emphasis around not only recruiting

Longhouse opened l a st

students of diversity but also

nie B. Harris Black Cultural

"For these students, havits four cultural centers in an effort to improve minority ing someplace to go where studentsuccess. they feel culturally engaged The t w o-year g r a nt, and a part of a community awarded by the Meyer Me- that looks like them and has m orial T r u st, w i l l fun d the same issues is a very imacademic support and en- portant attribute of the unig agement programs f or versity," Clark said. students beginning in fall The university has al2014, according to Steve ready invested in new buildClark, OSU's vice president ings for its cultural centers. winter, and construction on

the Centro Cultural Cesar Chavez will be complete in four to six m onths, Clark

said. Next year, construction will begin on the new Lon-

(ensuring) that they are able Center and Asian & Pacific to academically succeed and Cultural Center buildings, move on to graduation." he said.



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he Oregon's Business Energy Tax Credit program

6nlllLOcK O«ON1r

is a zombie.



The Legislature killed it in 2010, and it's still not dead. Remember the hope for a 160-acre field of solar panels in Christmas Valley? A dentist from W ashington state hoped to build it. It would have been a $50 million project. There would be 133,000 solar panels. The areas's lack of rain and sunny skiescould mean 6.7megawatts of power. The Oregonian recentlyexamined what happened. Oregon's Energy Department backed the project in 2009 with a $10 million tax credit — if the project was built in three years. The project was never built. Some 180 solar panels were put up. They were taken down. They never sent any electricity into the grid. The Energy Department staff never visited the site.

But they kept hitting renew on the project's eligibility for the tax credit. They say the project showed signs of construction before the Legislature's deadline of April 15, 2011. So now, even though what may be built there will not be done by the same company and may not be the same kind of solar project, the department says it is still

eligible. Lynn Frank, aformer director of Oregon'sEnergy Department told The Oregonian, that is not how the rules say the program is supposed to work. It's like there are no rules, except: Whatever is possibly green

goes. That's no way to manage the state's taxpayer dollars, even if you believe in renewable energy.

There's goodand bad in 2014'scoming laws


ext Wednesday marks the start of 2014, and with it new laws on a variety of subjects in Oregon. Some of the changes are good; others, not so much. On the plus side: Fines go up for talking or texting on a cell phone while driving. That's a good thing, if higher fines actually reduce the number of people still willing to gamble that their reflexes are faster than a speeding car. Today fines for talking and texting range from $60 to $250. Next week they'll jump to $142 to

$500. Oregon colleges, universities and employers will no longer be able to require students, job applicants and others to turn over access to social media accounts such asthose with Facebook. Given how much we'vecome to accept the notion that all sorts of people are entitled to our private information, it's nice to know that we won't have to facilitate snooping by people and institutions that have controlover us in some way. Websites that post mug shots of criminals will be required to take the photos down if a subject can

prove he or she is not guilty of the charges involved, if the charges were dropped orifthe record of them is expunged. That's only fair; such websites are viewed by millions of Americans, and the men and women whose photos don't belong there should be able to have them removed. Not so good: Adults won't be able to smoke in cars while children are present. Of course,tobacco smoke is bad. And it's bad to stick kids in this situation. But this law seems close to unenforceable. It's hard to imagine an effective enforcement strategy. There's also a ban on teen tanning and a requirement that businesses grant employees two weeks of paid bereavement leave. While we agree that tanning booths pose a risk to young skin — and to old skin, for that matter — and that good bosses allow their employees time to heal in the wake of a death, we don't believe it's up to the state to make such requirements law. Parents should have the final say on what their kids do or do not do. As for bereavement leave, employers, not the state of Oregon, should be left to decide when it is granted.

Assa o c

s po io vaccine


ust when you thought you had

opposition doctors and medical per-

the measure of the war crimes in


Syria, the Assad regime goes one


The Syrian government is blocking efforts to distribute polio vaccine


sonnel. "The government tries to

bomb field hospitals," Tajaldin says. "I was100 meters away from a hospital when it was bombed in Latakia.

Many of my doctor friends have been

to children in opposition-controlled

imprisoned or killed." Last week, a

areas, who are the most endangered cross-border aid fearful that their after an outbreak in October. More operations in Damascus will suffer shocking, the United Nations and the reprisals," complains Dr. Joanne Liu, international community are bowing president of Medecins sans Fronto Assad and failingto get the vaccine tieres International, a private aid to the children. agency that sends medical aid across This timidity could spark a polio the border. epidemic throughout the Mideast. The U.N. stance means the Syrian Two months ago, doctors working government is in charge of the vacin the rebel-held area of Deir al-Zour cination effort. True, U.N. personnel in northeast Syria reported the initial and Syrian health workers do take cases. Polio had been nearly wiped big risks crossing endless checkout globally, and this was the first points to deliver vaccine to many

British doctor arrested by the regime ayearago,andfinally setforrelease

outbreak in Syria since 1999.

parts of the country. But tens or even

Clearly an emergency vaccination hundreds of thousands of children in campaignwas needed. With sanitary opposition-controlled areas are not conditions deteriorating under regetting the vaccine. (Children in argime bombs, the outbreak could ex- eas of Damascus and Homs besieged plode if spread throughout the region by government soldiers are getting by Syrian refugees. no medicine at all.) But here's the kicker. The fastest

Last week, I met Dr. Bashir Tajal-

after international pressure, was

foundhanged in his cell — an alleged sulclde. In contrast to the government, Ta-

jaldin says that the opposition's medical network can go door to door with vaccines, the optimum procedure for

anti-polio campaigns. He also claims he got a "verbal p romise from senior WH O a n d UNICEF officials" that they would

deliver polio vaccines to Gaziantep in early December. Aid groups could then ferry the vaccine in without re-

quiring U.N. agencies to violate their rules on sovereignty.However, the

vaccines have not arrived. Asked about Tajaldin's daim, Cairo-based WHO spokesperson Rana

wayto reach many endangered areas din, an epidemiologist with the op- Sidani replied: "We cannot confirm wouldbe totransport vaccines across position's transitional government in that such apledge hasbeen made." the 'Iltrkish border; opposition medi-

Gaziantep. He insisted that WHO's

cal personnel and activists in Turkey two vaccination campaigns since the and Syriaorganized a task forcefor October outbreakhave failed. distribution within Deir al-Zour and Tajaldin says Assad's health minother northern districts. istry sent the vaccine to its office in However, U.N. agencies that pro- Deir al-Zour, which sits in a small vide such vaccines — the World government-controlled area in the

If it hasn't been made, it should

be. After almost eradicating polio, it is criminal for the United Nations to riska resurgence for reasons of

politics. Although WHO says there are 17 confirmed polio cases, Tajaldin says Health Organization and the United middle of rebel territory. In order to there are 66, with two more recently Nations' Children's Fund — will only collect the vaccine, health officials discovered in Tal Abyad, right on the work through governments, mean- have to cross abridge from rebel-held TI1rkishborder. Foreachknown case, ingthe Assad regime. to regime-held territory. "Every he says, there are 200 asymptomatic WHO and UNICEF won't deliv- day five, 10 people are killed on this carriers who could be spreading the er aid across the 'II1rkish border to bridge," Tajaldin says. "Some subdis- disease. Whoever is correct, the disSyrian children, because the Assad trict employees fear to go." ease has not been contained. r egime won't OK i t . "United ¹ Their fears are enhanced by the — Trudy Rubin is a columnist tions agencies do not provide such regime's brutal campaign against for the PhiladelphiaInquirer.


In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to oneissue, contain no more than 250words andincludethe writer's signature, phonenumber andaddress for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar,tasteandlegal reasons. We reject poetry, personalattacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereand those appropriate for othersections of The Bulletin. Writers arelimited to one letter or Op-Edpiece every 30days.

In My Viewsubmissions should be between550and650words, signed and includethe writer's phone number and addressfor verification. Weedit submissions for brevity, grammar,taste and legal reasons. Wereject those publ shed elsewhere. In MyView piecesrun routinely in thespacebelow, alternating with national columnists. Writers are limited to oneletter or Op-Edpieceevery 30 days.

Pleaseaddress your submission to either My Nickel'sWorth or In MyView and send,fax or email themto The Bulletin.

Write: MyNickel's Worth/In MyView P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804

Email: bulletin@bendbulletin.com

The plight of homelessness deserves our attention By Les Gapay

ing.When you don'thave much to collecting aluminum cans, his giant start with, it's easyto fall off the edge. plastic bags filled with cans hanging ecently, in my old hometown in O nce, on abench outside a coffee overthe handlebars ofhisbicyde.ReMontana, aman died of expo- shop, I ran into a homeless guy I had cently, he said, he had stashed some ure. According to news reports, seen before at a hostel on the Califor- bags behind a dumpster at the chapel's he was a Wal-Mart employee in the nia coast, when he had a suitcase and main church to pickup later. But when town of Miles City, homeless and living was dean-shaven and flirting with he returned, his cans hadbeen thrown inhis car whenthe weather plungedto women. This time he was dirty, after out by the church. He said he was told 27degreesbelowzero. sleeping in a field. He was panhan- neverto come ontotheproperty again. We tend to shrug off the homeless dling for money, having sold his sleep- I invited him to sit next to me at the when we see them pushing shopping ingbagtobuy food. lunch and have a free meal. Thepriests carts or holding up signs asking for When I was homeless, I generally in attendance ignoredhim. money. They're mentally ill, we as- spent the winters in the desert. At my I never panhandled for money. But sume, or drug addicts. But I know from then-church in Palm Springs, I used once when I was homeless, a wealthy experience that a lot of the homeless to come across a skinny homeless woman gave me some money to check are like that man in Montana: strug- man who attended services and then into a motel for a couple of days. Anglingto make itbut not quite able to. askedformoney afterward, claiming otherwoman once forced a $20 bill For the6/2 years I was homeless, he needed it to treat an eye problem. into my hand, even though I told her I I never had a shopping cart, nor did I A priest told parishioners not to give didn't want it. She was a saint to me. I have a mental illness or a drug prob- him money because he used it to buy neversaw heragain;Ineverforgother lem. I was just a regular guy out of drugs. He admitted to me that he did. kindness. I've been in an apartment for five work in a poor economy. I did writing One day, I read inthepaperthathehad work while living out of my pickup been found dead, sleeping in the entry- years now. It took more than three truck at campgrounds but never made way of a drugstore on a cold night. years of being on a waiting list to get enough to rent an apartment until I hit I met a thin, homeless guy in Palm my place. Currently, hundreds of peoSocial Security retirement age and Desert when he stopped by a chapel ple are on the waiting lists for subsiqualified for low-income senior hous- lunch to complain. He spent his days dizedhousing at each of the apartment Los Angeles Times

complexes in my area. When I lived at campgrounds, I saw families with children who were doing the same thing. I met a guy living in a

for homeless people to go to during the dayforashower andlunch'? Thehomeless shelters in this long desert valley are relegated to the extreme east and

west ends — many miles apart. There an recuperating in a tent after cancer are no homeless services in between, surgery. I myself recuperated in my in the wealthy tourist corridor where truck from knee surgery after a car people don't want to seethe homeless. accident. As a Christian, I can't help but boat parked in the desert and a wom-

In recent weeks, the newpope, Fran-

think about Jesus at this time of

cis, has been speaking out about pov- year when we celebrate his birth. erty. He says he wants a church for the Lately, I've pondered the story Jesus poor. That will take some doing. I am told about Lazarus, a homeless man Catholic, and I went to Catholic Chari- who died at the door of a rich man. ties when I was homeless and couldn't The man had denied Lazarus even get any help getting a roof over my the scraps from his table. When the head. Later, a Jewish organization rich man died, he was sent to hell. helped me. He cried out to heaven,asking that I worry that it's becoming easier Lazarus dip his finger in water and and easier to ignore homelessness. My put it on his hot tongue to cool it. He affluent town of Rancho Mirage has was told by Abraham that would be low-income housing onlybecause state impossible. law mandates it. Although the city is Whether you see that story as methappy to offer sweet deals to develop- aphor or literal truth, it's worth thinkers ofhigh-endbusinesses, it draws the ing about. line at reaching out to the homeless. — Les Gapay, a freelance wnter, Would it be so hard to offer a spot wrote this for the Los Angeles Times.




Wo er to rocee inl a o, es ite rotestso ri ts rou s


Paratroo er e a a onetattac urin I(orean War ByMattschudel The Washington Post

"I was hurt bad and

Rodolfo Hernandez, an Army paratrooper who re-

getting dizzy. I knew

ceived the Medal of Honor af-

ter single-handedly carrying out a bayonet assault on ene-

my forces during the Korean War, died Dec. 21 at a veterans' hospital in Fayetteville, N.C.

He was 82. He had been treated for can-

the doctors could not

repair the damage. I thought I might as well end it now." — Rodolfo Hernandez

cer and other ailments, the

Fayetteville Observerreported.

He had bayonet wounds in

his back and through his lower old Army corporal when, de- lip and appeared to be lifeless. spite being severely wounded, He was about to be carried he leapt from his foxhole and away when a medicnoticed Hernandez was a 20-year-

ran toward

N o rt h K o r ean some movement in Hernandez's fingers. He was evacuat-

troops, armed with nothing more than the bayonet on his disabled rifle. He was a member of Com-

ed to a series of military hospitals and did not regain consciousness for a month. He had lost several teeth,

pany G of the 187th Airborne R egimental C o mbat T e a m and his shattered lower jaw

when his unit was hit by an ar- was rebuilt. Skin grafts covtillery barrage about 2 a.m. on ered a plastic plate that was May 31, 1951. Amid the rain-

inserted in his skull. He had to

soaked darkness on what U.S. learn to talk and walk all over troops called Hill 420, Her- again and could speak only a nandez and his foxhole mate

few words by the time he was fired on enemy positions, even presented the Medal of Honor after both were wounded by by President Harry Truman in shrapnel. the White House Rose Garden "I was struck all over my on April 12, 1952.

body by grenade fragments," Hernandez told Larry Smith

Hernandez was one of eight Hispanic Americans — and

By John Miller

attorney told Dale that a wolf

The Associated Press

derby taking place on Forest Serviceland that surrounds Salmon should be required to get the same kind of special permit as any other competitive gathering, including running races or snowmobile

BOISE, Idaho — A federal

judge Friday allowed a wolfand coyote-shooting derby to proceed on public land in Idaho this weekend, ruling its organizers aren't required to get a special permit from the U.S. Forest Service. U.S. District


"People are trying to kill as many animals as they can in two days in order to win the

M a gistrate

Judge Candy W a gahoff Dale issued the ruling in Boise hours after a morning hearing.

prize," Sarah McMillan told

the judge. Meanwhile, attorneys for

WildEarth Guardians and

the U.S. Forest Service coun-

other environmental groups had sought to stop the derby, Gary Kramer / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/ The Associated Press file photo arguing the Forest Service Every year, predator derbies are staged across the Westand was ignoring its own rules much of the rest of the country, where hunters compete to bag that require permits for com- the most coyote, fox and other animals. petitive events.

The agency, meanwhile, countered, saying no permit perimeter." was needed and conduding Steve Alder, an organizer of that while hunting would Idaho's derby, said dozens of take place in the forest today people had already arrived in and Sunday, the competitive the area to participate. He was portion of the event — where elated following the decision. "We won," A l der s a i d. judges determine the $1,000 prize winner for the biggest "You've got a lot of people who wolf killed — would take have drivenfrom fardistancplace on private land. es to Salmon, today. A lot of Dale decided derby promot- motels have a lot of occupants; ers were encouraging use of a lotof money has been exthe forest for a lawful activity. pended for this event. It's good "The derby hunt is not like

for Salmon, but I don't want to

a foot race or ski race, where sendthem packing home." organizerswould require the Every year, predator deruse of a loop or track for all bies are staged across the participants to race upon," West and much of the rest of she wrote of events that might require such permits. "Rath-

the country, where hunters

throughout the forest, hunt-

But wolves — and the no-

compete to bag the most coyer, hunters will be dispersed ote, fox and other animals.

damage. I thought I might as borne unit and parachuted into war zones in Korea. Although his commander After receiving the Medal of had ordered a retreat, Hernan- Honor, Hernandez spent years dez summoned the will to keep in therapy and rehabilitation. fighting, later saying he was Volunteers in Fresno, Calif., driven forward by his "inner built a house for him near a man." He fixed a bayonet to his veterans' hospital where he He spoke with difficulty for the rest of his life and never regained full use of his right

reans, then charged out of

his foxhole, shouting, "Here I come!" "Every time I took a step," he

During the melee, Hernan-

nandez of Fayetteville; three

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deathsofnote from around

while gliding to make catch-


es that former teammates still

Paul Blair, 69:An eight-time Gold Glove center fielder who helped the Baltimore Orioles

win a pair of World Series titles

marvel at more than four decades later. Died Thursday in Baltimore. — From wire reports

Obituary policy Death Notices are freeand will be run for oneday, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. Theymay besubmitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.

Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by4:30 p.m. Fr!day for Sundaypublication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second dayafter submission, by1 p.m. Fridayfor Sunday publication, and by 9 a.m. MondayforTuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; pleasecall for details.

Phone: 541-617-7825


Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254


Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Volunteer Tiffany Smith, right, and fellow employees of Redof food Thursday evening at Neighborlmpact Food Bank in Redmond.

Injured all over his body children from his first marfrom grenades, bullets and riage; two sisters; and three artillery shrapnel, Hernandez brothers. collapsed on the battlefield. At a Veterans Day parade in His body was found the next Morehead City, N.C., in 2007, morning,bloody and muddy, Hernandez was reunited with surrounded by the corpses Keith Oates, the medic who, 56 of the enemy troops he had yearsearlier,rescued him on killed. the battlefield.

P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

theirexcursions were associated with a contest. "There's nothing to

s t op

cess, but we're finally here,"

The Associated Press

City College and later worked

He retired in 1979 and moved

otes — regardless of whether

people who intended to particcies Act p r otections were ipate in the derby from going lifted, and WildEarth Guard- forward and taking the same ians executive director John action, killing coyotes and Hornung said many people wolves, and just not particibelieve the big carnivores pating in the derby," Hurwit still face threats that are com- told Dale. "The derby doesn't pounded when they're hunted change hunting — hunting for prizes. will happen throughout the "To go from that position a seasonregardlessofthislawmere twoyears ago,to contest suit. The derby hunters will hunts, is just incredibly disso- have to comply with state nant to groups like ours, and I regulations." think, a lot of the public. It just Wolves became biggame doesn't make sense," Hornung animals in Idaho, Montana said from his office in Santa and Wyoming after federal Fe, N.M., adding he believes Endangered Species Act procontest hunts are "all about a tections were lifted in 2011.

By Kristen Wyatt

mond's Consumer Cellular work together on packing boxes

dez stabbed six enemy soldiers to Fayetteville. to death with h i s b ayonet. His marriage to Bertha His one-man assault caused Martinez Hernandez ended in the North Koreans to retreat divorce. and allowed his Army unit Survivors include his wife of time to regroup and launch a 18 years, Denzil Pridgen Hercounterattack.


arm, but he attended Fresno

recalled in 1986, "blood rolled for the Veterans Administradown my face. It was hard to tion in Los Angeles, counselsee." ing other wounded veterans.

end shooting wolves and coywildlife advocates on a large scaleafterthey learned ofthe Idaho derby. It's been just two years since the Endangered Spe-

Legal potlicenses dispensedin Denver

well end it now."

six grenades at the North Ko-

ers could be in the woods and fields near Salmon this week-


He joined the Army in 1949, volunteered to serve in an air-

was being treated.

A t t orney

tion that hundreds of armed scorched earth approach to After reintroduction in the sportsmen might head to the these native carnivores." state in the mid-1990s, Idaho and not in a prescribed lo- hills to shoot at them for cash In Friday's telephone hear- has about 680 wolves, accordcation within a designated — captured the passions of ing, WildEarth Guardians' ingto 2012 estimates.

Fowler and Bakersfield, Calif.

otherwise useless rifle, threw

Assistant U .S.

Joshua Hurwit also said hunt-

ing at their own pace and in their own preferred territory,

for the 2003 book "Beyond one of only three paratroopers Glory: Medal of Honor Heroes — to receive the Medal of Honin Their Own Words." A piece or in the Korean War. from an artillery shell pierced Rodolfo Perez H ernanHernandez'shelmet, shearing dez was born April 14, 1931, off part of his skull. in Colton, Calif. His parents Then his rifle jammed. were migrant farmworkers, "I was hurt bad and getting and he grew up primarily in dizzy," he told the Fayetteville Observer in 1986. "I knew the doctors could not repair the

tered that no permit was needed.


Places togive

Numerous organizations around Continued from B1 Central Oregon help people The nonprofit also offers in need. Herearejust a few of meals and services for men, them, what donations they take women and children. and how to find or contact them. The shelter sees anincrease • Neighborlmpact — The food in donations in October, Nobank accepts moneyand food vember and December, he donations, particularly canned sald. "It is a very important time or nonperishable food. 2303 S.W. First St., Redmond. 541of year," he said. Like NeighborImpact and 548-2380 • Bethlehem Inn — The the Bethlehem Inn, Floski said homeless shelter accepts monthe Shepherd's House also ey, clothing, food anddry good takes donations throughout ons.Cash,canned meats the year. And with winter just donati starting, he said desired do- and toilet paper areparticularly nations include coats, gloves, helpful. 3705 N.U.S. Highway97 socks, winter boots and sleep- Bus!ness Route (behind Midas), Bend. 541-389-2820 ingbags. • Shepherd's House —The "Those kind of things are homeless shelter accepts monalways welcomed gifts," he ey, clothing, food anddry good satd. He also mentioned toilet- donations. Cash,warm clothes ries, canned foods and coffee. and sleeping bagsare particAt the Goodwill on South- ularly helpful this time of year. east Third Street, there is also 1854 N.E. Division St., Bend. 541-388-2096 a rush of donations this time • Goodwill — The nonprofit of year. Along with the spirthrift store accepts clothes, it of giving, it is also driven furniture, electronics and more. by the sense of saving — on 61315 S. U.S.Highway97, Bend. taxes. The nonprofit takes all

said Justin Jones, owner of T h e f i r s t Dank Colorado, a retail shop.

batch of Denver businesses approved to sell recreational marijuana got their licenses Friday, the owners mugging for pictures and saying they

Recreational pot for adults over 21 has been legal in Colorado for more than a year, but retail sales of the drug

never thought they'd see the

Jan. 1. Washington state, the

day when they'd get a permit to sell pot. Applause broke out and cameras whirred when the first license was issued from

only other state to allow recreational pot use by adults,

the city's Department of Ex-

ipalities and seven counties

cise and Licenses. The city awarded eight licenses for

in Colorado that will allow

aren't allowed until 8 a.m. on

plans to have stores open by late spring of next year. Denver is one of 19 munic-

retail sales of recreational pot. pot growers and four licensOnly existing medical es for makers of cannabis-in- marijuana businesses are fused products such as pot now allowed to make the brownies. transition t o r e c r eational One businessman joked sales. The licensed shops about getting arrested for were handed red posters having a joint at a 1971 Black Friday and stacks of fliers Sabbath c oncert. O t h ers instructing pot customers hugged and shared stories on marijuana limits, includabout marijuana's route to ing the fact that users can't legalization. consume pot in public, drive "I think i t's about time high or take pot out of state. "These are big businessthat adults can imbibe in marijuana," said Donald An- es that have been operating drews, who's affiliated with in good standing in our city one of the eight shops, LoDo for a long time," said AmWellness Center. ber Miller, spokeswoman The licensed sellers went for Denver Mayor Michael through a state and local li- Hancock. censing process that includColorado has approved ed public hearings to ask 348 marijuana business lineighbors about shop loca- censes. More than a hundred tions. Owners also under- of those are still pending in went more than a dozen fire Denver, meaning the city is and building inspections for likely to have many more each shop. shops in the first few months "It's been a grueling pro- of 2014. retail shops, 30 licenses for


sorts of items, from sports "It just keeps coming, and gear to dining sets, and will give receipts back for tax we get a lot more of it," he said. purposes. Dan Stephenson, He didn't have a list of prestore manager at the Bend ferreditems from donors. "We'll take anything they Goodwill, said the time between Christmas and Jan. 1is give," he said. busy with a steady stream of — Reporter: 541-617-7812; donations.


Weekly Arts & Entertainment Every Friday In M TheBulletin

New Year's Holiday Deadlines PAID OBITUARIES Wednesday 1i1 .................. Thursday 1i2......................

DEATH NOTICES Wednesday 1/1 ............... Thursday 1/2...................

DEADLINE .... Tuesday 12/31 10 a.m. .... Tuesday 12/31 10 a.m. DEADLINE ..... Tuesday 12i31 11:30 a.m. ..... Tuesday 12i31 11:30 a.m.

The Bulletin

Obituary Dept. 541-617-7825



W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided byWeather Central, LP ©2013.






• I'



e Today: 1 Partly cloudy


Tonight:1 Mostly clear



WEST Partly sunny skies with patchy fog.







River The Biggs

48/40 — T


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Josep La Grande• 35n3 Union 33/1 8 36/22


Baker C

• Mitch 8 42nz 50/40

Florence• 57/37 ~


Cotfade O akridgzi 4ma p~• e Grovel 45/31

Coos Bay

,• Mrewsente


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Frenchglen 40/22


• 54'





Chiloquin 44/20

• Klamath



Yesterday's stateextremes

Jordan Hey

Christmas Rey • Silver 42/16 Lake

— 47/17




32n 8

• Burns urnS

43/1 7



45/1 7



• Bearri


• Br ers 40/ 1

' e 4215

Por80rford -


350 8

• Crescent • Fort Rock 4N17

Lake g 44na g





pa ma 38/18


Sunf'iver Ben • g' 43/20e

37/1 7


IIedmnnd •


33/1 6




Eugene •

6I2IL I ~

• Lakeview

McDermitt 43ns ~


40/1 7

Falls 40/17




Baker City


-o a

' Vancouve •



(in the 48 states):

30s ) •

Bn .


heyen 41/tam San Fr cis«o 63/4

alt Lak City Vegas 34/17 63/41

Los Angele 74/51

Tijuana 69/4s

Bgs -

~ De in e , " BS. ~ 49/10 Mca ' I 47/28 Omah

Denver 48/17

ansas ci

Phoenix Albuquerqu 69/4 51/29

• Dallas


6 1/40


H AWA I I Chihuahua 63/35

-tos -os Anchorage 26/21 0

La Paz 71/61

Houston 59/42 e

i l adelphia

/ecoufsjrufe II St. Louis, 54/325 '

—— '

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, 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 e.

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LS • Miami 82/73

Monterrey 4 4 dad ~~ 8 4 4 4 4 d d d d d d d • 7 9/68 4 4 4 4 4 4 4









ew York

4O '


38/27 ton

e ,$0$ ~ 56/42 Little Rockf Nashv~i Wd 4 4 4 4 e Okl homa City • 57/36

70s '

Honolulu ~




Qufllayute, Wash.


'-+ +




• -17' • 0.45"

, +29/ a etpS vr + O + +

Thunder Bay ~

Bismarck 19/-13

Billings 30/9 +

Yorba Linda, Calif Silver Bay, Minn.



or a 43/32

• 87'




•Seattle 44/37



o~ o ~o S



Partly sunny


Partly cloudy






46 29

50 33

50 28

50 30

Partly cloudy




Yesterday' sw eatherthrough 4 p.m .inBend Tomorrow Rise Mercur y....7:52a.m......4:27p.m. High /low... ...........48/30 24 hoursending4p.m.*..0.00" Venus......842 am......615pm. Remrdhigh........61 in1967 Monthtodate.......... 202" Mar s ......1220am.....1209pm. Remrdlow.......... 3in1985 Averagemonthtodate... 195" Jupiter......s:03 p.m......8:22 a.m. Average high..............39 Year todate............ 6.60" Satum......346 a m...... 1:45 pm. Average low...............23 Averageyeartodate.... 11.11" Uranus....11:50 a.m.....12:20a.m. BarometricPressureat4 P.m30.15 Remrd24hours ...0.85 in 2002

Sunrise loday...... 7:40 a.m. MOOnphaSeS Sunsettoday.. " 4:35 Pzo New First Fu ll Last Sunrisetomorrow .. 7:40a.m. Sunsettomorrow... 4:35 pm Moonnse today 317 a m Moonsettnday .... 1:33 p.m Jan.1 Jan.7 Jan.15 Jan g3


*Melted liquid equivalent


Astoria ........ 44/31/0.06.....48/32/c.....49/33/pc Baker City .33/2/0 00....33/1 6/pc.....33/18/pc Brookings 54/43/0.00..... 56/39/f...... 60/40/f Burns.......... .36/9/0 00....37/1 6/pc......38/16/s Eugene 41/31/0.00..... 40/30/f...... 39/31/f Klamath Falls ...35/14/000....40/17/pc......41/18/s Lakeview....... .43/9/0.00.....40/17/s......42/20/s La Pine........ 48/1 6/0.00.....42/15/s......44/1 5/s Medford 33/28/0.00....40/28/pc.....39/28/pc Newport 54/36/0.00....50/36/pc......53/35/s North Bend.....52/39/0.00....51/36/pc......55/37/s Ontario .17/8/0.00....32/1 8/pc.....30/16/pc Pendleton 32f20/0.00....38/23/pc......39/25/s Portland 39/32/0.00..... 43/32/f...... 43/32/f prineville 45/30/0.00.....45/25/s......46/26/s Redmond 48/23/0.00....45/20/pc......45/24/s Roseburg 45f34/0.00.....45/33/f..... A6f35/c Salem 38/31/0.00..... 41 /31/f...... 41 /31/f Sisters......... 46/23/0.00.....44/21/s......44/24/s The Dages 31/27/0.00....41/30/pc......37/32/s

1 L





Ski report from around the state, representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday: Snow accumulation in inches Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ....... . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . . . . 42 Hoodoo....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Mt. Ashland.................0.0...no report

Snow levelandroadconditions rePresenting condi tions at 5 P.m.yesterday. Key:T.T. = Traction Tires.

ijmbe~rirne 00 2g warner canyon........ . . . . . .0.0... no report Pass Conditions Wi gamette Pass ........ . . . . . 0 .0... no report 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1.84 at CabbageHig.......... Carry chains or T.Tires AsPen, Colorado....... . . . . . . 0.0.... ..29-33 Hwy. 20 at cantiam pass ...... Carry chains or T. Tires Mammoth Mtn., California.....0.0... . ..18-30 Hwy. 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hmi 26at Och~o Divide..... Carechains or T Tires Squaw Valley, California.......0.0... . . .19-21 Hwy 58atWigameuepass.... (arrychainsoryiires SunValleY ldaho....... . . . . . . 0 0 . . . . . .1519 Hwy. 138 at DiamondLake .... Carry chains or T.iires Hwy.242 atMcKenzi e Pass........Ciosed forseason For links to the latest ski conditions visit: For up-to-minute conditions turn to: www.trip«he«k.com or call 511 www.skicentral.com/oregon.html Legend:W-weatherPcp-precipitation, s-sun, pc-parlial clouds,c-clouds, hhaze, shshowers, r rain,t thunderstorms,sfsnowflurries,snsnow, i ice,rs rainsnowmix,w wind,f fog, drdrizzle,tr trace


wv w o a a w

Yesterday's extremes

Partly cloudy


Yesterday Saturday Sunday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Hi/Lo/Pcp H i /Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eyeandskin protection. Index is City Precipitationvaluesare 24-hourtotalsthrough4 pm for solar at noon.


. Warm Prings •


Partly cloudy skies. EAST Partly cloudy skies.

• 34/1 7





• Meacham



Governmen Cam a m 36/30 P





I '

* * , ** * * * d d 4 '* e* * e

:+++n • 0 4d 44

Cold W arm Stationary

4 e


Showers T-storms Rain F lurries S now I c e

Yestenhy 5aturday Sunday Yesterday Sahirday Sunda y YesterdaySaturday Sundya Yesterday SaturdaySunday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W HiRo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hrio/ /LW City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,1X......58/24N.00 ..61/34/pc.. 42/22/c GrandRapids....37/27N00..4ll29/pc. 33/11/sn RapidCity.......54nBN00... 39/0/sn. 18/13/pc Savannah.......61/45N.IN .. 59/56/sh. 70/46/sh Akron ..........47/28/0.00 ..47/3Npc..41/23/rs Green Bay.......33/12N00..33/17/pc„19/1Nc Reno...........39/21N.00 ..47/23/pc.. 47/24/5 Seattle......... A$32N.01...44/37/c .. 45/39/c Albany..........34/20N.00 ..42/2Npc. 4$25/sn Greensboro......52/25N00..57/36/pc. 43/34/sh Wchmond.......52/25N.00... 59/41/s...47/36/r Sioux Falls.......42/1N000...36/ 5/sf...2/ 5/pc Albuquerque.....49/28/0.00... 51/29/s.43/22/pc Hamsburg.......45/19/000... 45/29/s ..41/3Nrs RoihesieNY....3420N.01...43/34/c. r, 44/22/sn Spokane........33/JtNJN... 33/23/c .. 32/24/c Anrhorage.......151N.00..2921/pc.. 25/23/c Hartford,CT.....3N19/000...41I29/s...42/31/r Saoamento......5N31N.00...64/36/5 .. 64/39/s SpringfielzMO t ..57/25N JN... 56/3Ns.. 31/13/c Atlanta .........52/33N.00... 52/42/r. 53/36/sh Helena..........SN30/000..31/17/pc..34/19/sf St. Iouis.........56f28/0.00... 54/32/s.. 35/12/c Tampa..........70/60/002.. 81/69/sh...7$63/t AtlanticCity.... A6/19N.iN... 52/33/s...53/43/r Honolulu........83/73/0.00 .. 82/68/pc. 81/65/pc Salt lake City....32/13N00..34/17/pc. 32/I6/pc Tucson..........6545/ON ..6N39/pc .. 64/38/s Austin..........58/41N.iN..61/4Npc. 63/31/pc Houston........58/4$000..59/42/pc. 65/41/pc SanAntnnio.....58/48IO27..64/43/pc. 67/33/pc Tulsa...........6N29N.00...59/2%s .. 31/15/c Baltimore.......49/22/0.00... 52I37/s...42/36/r Huntsville.......5N24/0.00...53/39/r. 5N33/sh SanDiajo.......79/48/0 00..69/52/pc .. 7452/s Washington,DC.50/JON.JN...54/39/s...43/38/1 Billings .........5N36/000... 30/9/sn.. 30/19/c Indianapolis.....47/26/0.00... 47/32/s.42/18/sh SanFrancisco....57/43/0.00... 61/44/s.. 62/45/s Wichita........ A$19NJN... 56/21/s.. 25/14/s Birmingham.....55/25/0.00... 51/43/r. 54/38lpc Jackson,MS.....54/28/0.00... SE/4Nr. 60/37/sh SanJose........60/36/0.00... 65/4Ns.. 6N41Is Yakima.........35/13N.00..36/22/pc. 35/24/pc Bismarck........44/1 5N 00. 19/13/sn. -1/10/pc Jacksonvile......58/50/000 71/63/sh...75/48/t .. Santare........49RO/0.00...46/2Ns.35/16/pc Yuma...........7945N 00... 71/46ls .. 71/47/s Boise...........32/1 5N 00..37/21/pc. 35Rt/pc Juneau..........33/30N.1 3... 35/30/r .. 35/30/c INTERNATIONAL Boston..........35/28/0 00 ..42/33/pc...42/32/r Kansas City......52/23N00... 51/21/s... 21/8/c Bridgeport,CT... AO/28/0.00... 44/32/s...42/34/r lansing.........36/26N00..4N2Npc.. 33/Nsn Amsterdam......487/0.42 ..4438/sh.43/38/pc Mecra..........91/72I0.00... 85/67/s .. 84/62/s Buffalo .........34/22N.01...4N34/c.40/19/sn las Vajas.......66/40N00.63/41/pc .. 63/39/s Athens..........61/54/0.47..6N4Nsh. 57/48/pc Mexim City......59/48/000..68/49/pc. 67/43/pc Burlington, VT....31/23/0.01...37/27/c. 34/2Nsn Lexington.......5N25/0.00... 53/37/s..47/29/rs Auckland........72/57/0.00... Tt/54/1.73/55/sh Manueal........25/14N05 ..36/12/pc. 2$14/sn Caribou,ME..... 2N40.00... 28/4/sn... 9/Nsn Linmln..........62/15/0.00.. 55/11/pc.. 16/5/pc Baghda ........32/28/000... 27/24fi.29/24/pc d........59/35N00..65/53/pc.68/55/pc Moscow Charleston, SC...60/4M.00..59/55/sh. 70/46/sh Little Rock.......56/2$000 ..57/36/pc. 542Npc Bangkok........82/61/0.00...86/61/s.. 87/63/s Nairobi.........77/59$.00..77/55/sh.76/55/pc Charlotte........53/25N 00..56/42/pc. 49/34/sh LosAngeles......83/51N00 ..74/51lpc.. 73/51ls Beiling.........34/21N00...29/21/s.31/22/pc Nassau.........Bt/73NOO..7N73/pc .. 79n4/c Chattanooga.....54/26/0.00... 56I40/c.53/33/sh Louisvile........52/26$00... 54/38/s.47/27/sh Beirut ..........6$55N.00..69/54/pc. 57/51lsh NewDelhi.......61/48N.00... 7N47/s.. 67/47/s Cheyenne.......56/29N00..41/14/pc.31/21/pc Madison, Wl......35/9N00 .. 36/2$pc.22/1$sn Berlin.......... 4941N.00..46/39/sh .. 41/36/c Osaka......... A$39N.01 ..41/36/sh..42/40/rs Chicago........ AO/21N.00... 47QNs .. 28/0/sn Memphis........57/27/000..59/40/pc. 56/30/pc Bogota.. .......66/45N.00...66/43/s..67/44/s Oslo............41/32N.IN... 39/36/r. 32/26/pc Cincinnag.......49/24N.00... 50/37/s.45/26/sh Miami..........80/6$0.1 2 .. 82/73/pc...83/7Nt Budapest........52/340.14..42/40/sh.. 40/36/c Ottawa.........23/12N 01 .. 36/24/sn..26/1 5/sf Cleveland.......42/29N00..48/32/pc..43/23/rs Milwaukee......36/1 5N00 .. 3N24/pc..26/+sn BuenosAires.....917/OI0.06...97/73/s101/73/pc Paris............55/41N.03 ..46/38/pc. 43/3Npc CuloradoSprings.57/19N00..54/19/pc.31/19/pc Minneapolis.....sN14N00... 36/1/sn ..2/15/pc CaboSanLucas ..79/54/0.00...79/59ls .. 79/58/s Rio deJaneiro....91/72N.iN .. 89/74/sh...89/76/t ColumbiaMO , ...53/25N.00... 53/26/s... 29/9/c Nashvile........55/21N00.. 57/40/pc. 54/30/sh Cairo...........7$54/0.00... 66/47/s.. 62/49/s Rome...........57/41N 00 .. 56/51/sh. 55/44/sh ColumbiaSC....57/30N.00 , .. 56/49/pc. 55/39/sh NewOrleans.....59/450.00... 54/46/1. 60/4gpc Calgae.........48I38N.00... 1 NS/pc.. 3Nl4/c Sanliago........91/59N.iN...93/66/s .. 91/64/s ColumbvS GA...55/35N.00... 50/49/r. 59/39/sh NewYork.......4N31/0.00... 49/37/s.. AB/34/r Canrun.........82/66/0.25... 81/72/t. 83/74/pc SaoPaulo.......91/72N.00... 83/69/t...83/70/t Columbus, OH....45/32/0.00... 48/35/s. 42/25/sh Newark,NJ..... A2/28I0,00, ..48/35/s...47/34/r Dublin......... 48I37N.92.. 39/37/rs. 46/4Nsh Sapporo ........41/36N.19..29/19/sn..28f22/c Conmrd, NH......33/1N.00.. 39/22/pc..3924//5 Norfolk,VA......49/28N.00... 60/44/s...59/41lr Edinb urgh......46/39N.00..39/33/pc..38/36/c Seoul...........25/16/0JN... 27/28/s. 33/28lpc Corpus Christi....58/51N09... 63/44/c. 69/43/pc Oklahoma City...61/29N.00 .. 57/26lpc.. 29/15/c Geneva.. .......43/28/0.00...37/25/r.33/23/sn Shanghat.......39/28N.00... 41/32/s .. 42/34/s DallasFtWorth...58/32/0 00..61/4Npc.. 46/25/c Omaha.........61/19N.00... 50$pc .. 14/1/pc Harare..........79/66N.00 ..82/61lsh. 81/61lsh Singapore.......88/77N03 ..87/77/sh. 87/76/sh Daytim ........ A6/31N.00... 47/35/s.42/23/sh Orlando.........73/6NO01 ..80/65/sh...79/60/t Hong Kong......61/52N.00... 5552/s.. 5N5Ns Stockholm.......41/32/0.00... 39/38/c .. 37/35/c Denver..........60/30$00... 48/17/s. 3422/pc Palm5prings.....76/5NO00..74/48lpc .. 73/4Ns Istanbul.........57/50N00 ..51/43/pc. St/44/pc Sydney..........77/64/0.00 ..86/65/pc. 72/64/pc DesMoines..... AB/17$00..49/10/pc..11/3/pc Peoria......... A5/22/0.00... 47/27/s.. 29/Nsn Jerusalem.......62/48N.00 ..62/49/pc. 52/41lsh Taipei...........54/52N.IN...55/50/c. 55/52/pc Detroit..........39/27800..46/3Npc.37/12/sn Philadelphia.... 46/25N.00... 48/35/s...47/36/r Johannesburg....71/59N 01.. 79/59/sh. 70/55/sh TelAviv.........72/45N.00.. 7$56/pc. 61/47/sh Duluth.......... 35/-1N.07. 29/-11/sn.-3/-24/pc Phoenix.........74/46$00 ..69/45/pc .. 69/45/s lima ...........77/66/0.00 ..77/66/pc. 77/65/pc Tokyo.......... A6/39N.JN... 42/3Ns .. 41/33/s El P410..........56/26N.00... 55/32/s.55/27/pc pitisburgh.......47/240.00..46/37/pc..39/24/rs lisbon..........61/54/0.00 .. 53/42/sh.. 5$42/c Toronto.........30/21N.iN ..37/stIpc ..37/21Irs Fairbanks......-31/ 38N00..-1 I/ tNc. -2/12/pc Portland,ME......32IIN00 ..38/27/pc..34/24/rs London.........52/45/0.07..42/32/sh.42/4Npc Vancou ver......46/JEN.07...43/37/c..43/38/c Fargo.......... AN26/0.00. IS-t 7/sn. -8/-24/pc Providence......37/25N.00...44/32/s...45/33/r Madrid .........55/48N.00 ..49Q9/pc. 46/33/pc Vienna......... A$36N.38 ..43/39/pc. 4835/sh Flagstalf....... A6/28/0.00 ..46/1Npc.. 4l/19/s Raleigh,,,..,,,.52/26000..5540/pc. St/3Qsh Manila..........8477N.t 1 ..82/74/pc. 83/73/pc Warsaw........ 4N37N.OD ..4439/pc .. 39I33/c


New Mount St. Helensphotos unearthed By Tom Vogt TheColumbian


They're brand new images of a Northwest icon that disap-

and it was finally developed. standards. Maybe he didn't When Fay Blackburn had a trust the camera; it was the chance to see new examples

only roll he shot with that cam-

of her husband's work, she recalled how he was feeling

era on the flight.

peared more than 33 years ago left out during all that volcano — the conical summit of Mount St. Helens. Above is a1980 photo showing Mount St. Helens, which was taken by The Coltlmbian's photographer Reld Blackbuitt. Below, are Blackburn's negatives that jhfera recently diaoyvered in a storage box.

than onecamera, said former Columbian photographer Jerry

He did express his frustra- Coughlart, who worked with



We all had two or three

cameras,"setUp fora variety of

other staffers were booking

r r e r a A u d i Cer rereAudLcom e

e •




story in the backyard of a regional newspaper," said Dietrich, who now writes historical fiction and Northwest environmental nonfiction. OWe were all

pumpedup and fascinated."


possibilities. Riding in a small flights to photograph Mount St. plane, "you didn't want to be Columbian, a newspaper serv- Helens, "he was shooting high fumbling for lenses," Coughlart ing the area, Blackburn set the school sports." said. roll Of film aside. It was never When hi s s h i f t r o t ated Former Columbianreporter developed. around, "he was excited to get Bill Dietrich teamed up with On May 18, 1980 — about intO the air, u Fay BlaCkburrt Blackburn during one of those five weeks later — Blackburn salcL early April flights. O died in the volcanic blast that Columbian microfilm shows Reid was a remarkable genobliterated the mountainpeak. Reid Blackburn was credited tleman, with the emphasis on Those unprocessed black- with aerial photos of Mount St. gentle," Dietrich said. "He was and-white images spent the Helens that ran on April 7 and an interested human being, next three decades coiled in- April 10 of that year. with agreat eye. He saw stuff. "As a reporter, that's a great side that film canister. The CoHe would have shot that Lmlumbian's photo assistant Lin- developed roll on one of those thing about working with phoda Lutes recently discovered assignments. Maybe he didn't tographers. They see things," the roll in a studio storage box, feel the images were up to his Dietrich said. volcano. When he got back to The



Reid Blackburn tookthe pho- tion. He was on a night rotatographs irt April 1980 during tion,n Blackburn, paper's editoa flight over the simmering rial page assistant, said. While

Reid Blackburn/Tha Columbian


But he would have had more

"The newsroom was so electrified when the volcano first awoke. It was an international

The May 18, 1980, eruption still is a historical landmark, as

well as a huge scientific event: That's why the roll of film was

discovered a fewweeks ago. A photo editor working on a geology book contacted Lutes. She'd come across a Columbian photo of a logjam on the Cowlitz River, taken on the day of the eruption, on a website

andwanted the image. Lutes sorted through a cou-

ple of boxes labeled "Mount St. Helens" and tried — unsuccessfully — to find that film.

She did, however, find a ripped paper bag with Blackburn's negatives spilling out.

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IN THE BACK BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NEWS W Scoreboard, C2 Sports in brief, C2 College football, C3 NBA, C3

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O www.bendbulletin.com/sports


i secon u aer e s ava ears


Ducks' DCAliotti set to retire




Longtime University of Oregon defensive coordinator Nick Aliotti said Friday he will retire following Monday's game against Texas in theAlamo Bowl, revealing that he wanted to step away after last season but did not once ChipKelly bolted for the NFL. Aliotti has spent 24 years with the Ducks, including 17 asdefensive coordinator. After Oregon won the Fiesta Bowl last season, Aliotti said he was so certain that he had coachedhis final game that he grabbeda chunk of turf from the

Bulletin staff report PREP GIRLS There was nothing speBASKETBALL cial about Bend High's second-quarter performance on heading into the final period. Friday afternoon. The Lava Jessica McClay finished Bears, according to Bend with 10 points for Bend (5-2), coach Todd Ervin, were sim- while Marissa Hayes and ply making shots. Lisa Sylvester chipped in The Class 5A Bears with nine points apiece. "That's what we need," outscored 6A Lincoln of Portland 18-10 in the second Ervin said of his team's balperiod, allowing Bend to ancedscoringattack."We grab a 29-20 halftime lead en really do have quite a few route to a 53-39 girls basket- kids that can put the ball

field and stuffed it in a

plastic bag, which remains in his briefcase. But when Kelly left

as Oregon's headcoach to coach the NFL'sPhiladelphia Eagles, Aliotti said he stuck around to ease the transition for new Ducks headcoach Mark Helfrich. "In a perfect world, if I was really selfish, I wouldn't have coached this year," Aliotti said.

Aliotti said Helfrich

suggested to him that now was the best time to make theannouncement, and not wait until after Monday's game. "This isn't a ploy," Aliotti said. "This isn't 'Let's win one for the Gipper.' I want to make that perfectly clear." Aliotti's defense allowed 21.6 points per game this seasonfor the No. 10 Ducks. Oregon finished rankedfourth in the Pac-12 intotal defense, giving up 381.2 yards per game,but first in yards per playallowed at 4.69.

Aliotti spent 38 years in coaching, including a brief stint in the NFL

as an assistant for St. Louis in the 1990s. — The Associated Press

Friday's Games Military Bowl Marshal Maryland

1 20

Texas Bowl Minnesota

1 17

Fight HungerBowl BYU

1 16

in the basket. I think that's

Oregon Holiday Hoopfest at Summit High School.

what we're really going to

"Our shot selection was

pretty good the whole game," Ervin said. "But in

have to rely on." Eve Goldman totaled 14

points to lead Lincoln (3-5),

that second quarter, we were

which takes on Grants Pass today at 9 a.m. at Summit

just making shots."

High.Hailey McPhee added

Kendall Kramer posted 15 points to pace the Lava

11 points for the Cardinals.

Bears, who held the Cardinals to just one field goal in the third quarter and extend-

ed the margin to 15 points

"I don't want this to be

misconstrued. I felt like it would be for the betterment of the program if I stayed." Aliotti, 59, said he always planned to retire by 60. He acknowledged having some second thoughts about never taking a head coaching job but said he was grateful to leave the profession on his terms.

ball win in the Les Schwab

The Lava Bears advance to the semifinals of the tourney, where they will play Willamette, the reigning Class 5A state champion, at 2:15 p.m.

Losses insports in 2013: Musial, Weaver,Griffith top long list of icons

.'EG)4. Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Mountain View's Nick Hjelm fights his way to the basket during the first half against Lakeside (Wash.) during the Les Schwab Oregon Holiday Hoopfest at Mountain View on Friday night.

By Fred Lief The Associated Press

The soundtracks could not

have been more different. One was the stinging crack of the bat of yet another dou-

ble in the gap and the folksy harmonica strains of some song from long ago. The other soundtrackwas rough and grating — a snarling, profane, arm-flailing argument that often ended with home

plate covered with dirt. Stan Musial and Earl

W eaver, men ofdisparate times and temperaments, both died in 2013. The

• An 11-0 run helpsMountain View take a69-40 victory over Lakeside(Wash.j during the LesSchwabOregon Holiday Hoopfest ByGrant Lucas The Bulletin

St. Louis Cardinals' Stan Mu-

of baseball's planets, came

spring training in1958. Musial died Saturday, Jan. 19, 2013. He was 92.

hours apart on Jan. 19. Musial — Stan the Man,

"baseball's perfect knight," as a statue inscription reads-

win over Lakeside (Wash.) in the Les Schwab Oregon Holiday Hoopfest at Mountain View.

There was a moment in the fourth quarter The chemistry between Cattell and Lannin Friday night when Grant Lannin approached is still developing, Mountain View coach Craig Cade Cattell. Reid said. The two players have been friends The two Mountain View seniors locked eyes, since eighth grade, but Cattell was playing and Cattell began to laugh. Just a few moments Friday in just his fifth game as a Cougar after earlier, Cattell had called his shot. transferring from crosstown Summit. Early in the period, Cattell let Lannin in on Still, on Friday night, it seemed like the his plans the next time he had the ball. Cattell newcomer was beginning to settle in nicely at was going to drive the lane and find Lannin. Mountain View. "They both have a very good feel," Reid said And Lannin was going to finish with a flush. Two plays later, Cattell dribbled to the middle of Cattell and Lannin. "They pass well for big of the key and threaded a bounce pass to the guys. They're starting to develop a chemistry." baseline. Lannin stepped into the pass and delivLannin finished the night with a game-high ered a two-handed dunk. That play sparked an 16 points to go along with eight rebounds, and 11-0 Mountain View run and put the host Cou- Cattell totaled seven points and six assists. garsup 59-34en routeto a69-40boys basketball SeeCougars/C4

The Associated Press file

deaths of the two Hall of Famers, in an odd alignment

was 92 when he died at home in suburban St. Louis. Weav-

sial poses for a photo during

Musial, simply put, was one of the best hitters in

er, the Baltimore Orioles' longtime manager, was 82 and on a Caribbean cruise. They underscored a year

baseball history. With his

of losses in sports: Emile Griffith and Ken Norton in

a 22-year career — all with St. Louis — that lifted the

boxing; Bill Sharman and

entire sport.

Jerry Buss in basketball; Pat Summerall, on the football

He won seven batting titles and was the MVP three

field and in the broadcast

times before retiring in 1963.

booth; Deacon Jones in the NFL; Ken Venturi in golf;

He led the Cardinals to three

and Michael Weiner, on


baseball's labor front.

left-handed, corkscrew

stance, he played with a proficiency and elegance during

World Series crowns in the SeeLosses/C5

• Roundup,C3

Today's Games

An Olympiccity that did it right

Pinstripe Bowl At New York

Notre Dame(8-4) vs. Rutgers (6-6j, 9 a.m. (ESPN)

COMMENTARY • Salt Lake City could Hilton, president and CEO of the Utah host the gamesagain Olympic Legacy Foundation. "For us, a living legacy." with facilities built in 2002 it'sThe Olympic oval in suburban Ke-

Belk Bowl At Charlotte, N.C.

Cincinnati(9-3) vs. North Carolina (6-6j, 12:20 p.m. (ESPN)


ly abandoned after costing billions of dollars to build. Then there is Salt Lake City, where

arns, where speedskating was held during the Salt Lake City Games, is still a valued part of the community. So is the Utah Olympic Park, home of the bobsled and luge runs as well as the towering ski-jumping hills. Both are hosting U.S. Olympic trials this weekend, continuing to provide a dynamic winter sports legacy. In fact, every venue used during

the legacy of the 2002 Winter Games

the Salt Lake City Games — the last

The Associated Press



e have seen the sad pictures: weed-coveredOlympic venues that were quickly of no

Russell Athletic Bowl At Orlando, Fla. Miami (9-3) vs. Louisville (11 1), 3:45 p.m. (ESPN) Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl At Tempe, Ariz. Kansas State (7-5) vs. Michigan (7-5), 7:15 p.m. (ESPN)

By Paul Newberry

use after their2t/2weeks of glory, large-

Rick Bowmer/The Associated Press

Jonathan Kuck competes in the men's 5,000-meter during the U.S. Olympic speedskatingtrialsonFridayinKearns, Utah. Thisweekend'strialsarebeingheldat the site of the 2002 Winter Olympics.

carries on vibrantly nearly 12 years

Olympics staged in the United States


— remains fully functional, open to

It is a lesson all cities bidding for big- everyone from world-class athletes to time sporting events should heed. locals who can barely stand on a pair "We view legacy not so much as of skates. memorials and museums," said Colin SeeOlympic/C5





TODAY Time TV/ R adio Men's college, Nebraska atCincinnati 9 a.m. ESPN2 Men's college, Jackson State at Memphis 9 a.m. ESPNU Men's college, Florida International at Georgetown 9 a.m. Fox Sports1 Men's college, NJIT atButler 10 a.m. Fox Sports 2 Men's college, Villanova atSyracuse 11 a.m. CBS Men's college, Eastern Michigan at Duke 11 a.m. ESPN2 Men's college, Prairie View A&M atWisconsin 1 1 a.m. ESP N U Men's college, UCIrvine at Arizona State Pac-12 11 a.m. Men's college, Samford at Marquette 11 a.m. Root Men's college, Brooklyn HoopsFestival, Columbia vs. St. John's 11:30a.m. Fox Sports1 Men's college, Louisville at Kentucky 1 p.m. CBS Men's college, Akron at South Carolina 1p.m. ESPNU Men's college, St. Catherine at Utah Pac-12 1 p.m. Men's college, BYU at Loyola Marymount 1 p.m. Root Men's college, WakeForest at Xavier 2 p.m. Fox Sports 1 Men's college, Brooklyn HoopsFestival, Kansas State vs. Tulane 2 p.m. Fox Sports 2 Men's college, Providence atMassachusetts 3 p.m. ESPNU Men's college, Furman atCalifornia Pac-12 3 p.m. Men's college, OldDominion at Richmond 3:30 p.m. N B CSN Men's college, Brooklyn HoopsFestival, Boston College vs. Virginia Commonwealth 4:30 p.m. Fox Sports 2 Men's college, Missouri at N.C.State 5 p.m. ESPN2 Men's college, SantaClara at Gonzaga 5 p.m. ESPNU Men's college, Pac-12 Mississippi Valley State atWashington State 5 p.m. NBA, Miami at Portland 7 p.m. BlazerNetwork, BASKETBALL

Men's college,Alabama atUCLA Men's college, Georgia atColorado Men's college, SanFrancisco at Portland

1110-AM, 100.1-FM ESPN2

7 p.m 7 p.m 7 p.m

Pac-12 Root


College, NewEraPinstripe Bowl, Notre Damevs. Rutgers College, Belk Bowl, Cincinnati vs. North Carolina

9 a.m. ESPN, 940-AM 12:20 p.m.

E S PN, 940-AM

College, Russell Athletic Bowl, Louisville vs. Miami

3:45 p.m.

ESPN, 940-AM

College, Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl, Kansas State vs. Michigan

7:15 p.m.

ESPN, 940-AM

SOCCER English Premier League, Cardiff City FC vsSunderland AFC A-League, Adelaide United vs. Newcastle

9:30 a.m. NBC 10 p.m. Fox Sports 2


U.S. Olympic Trials, speedskating noon U.S. Olympic Trials, Women's Hockey,Canadavs.UnitedStates 1 p.m.



NFL, Baltimore at Cincinnati NFL, Carolina at Atlanta NFL, Denver atOakland NFL, St. Louis at Seattle NFL, Philadelphia at Dallas

Time 10a.m. 10a.m. 1:25 p.m. 1:25 p.m. 5:20 p.m.

TV/Radio CBS Fox CBS Fox NBC


U.S. Olympic Trials, ski jumping, nordic combined U.S. Olympic Trials, speedskating

10:30 a.m. noon


11 a.m.



Men's college, Texas Southern atTexasChristian Women's college, Southern Methodist at Louisville Men's college, Morgan State atOregon

noon noon


Pac-12, 1110-AM, 100.1-FM

Women's college, Boston College at Providence noon Women's college, Cincinnati at Connecticu t 2p.m. Men's college, Canisius at Notre Dame 2 p.m. Women's college, Notre Dame atOregon State 2 p.m. Men's college, ChicagoState at Creighton 2 p.m. Men's college, Tulsa atMaryland 4 p.m. Men's college, Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo at Stanford 4 p.m. Men's college, GeorgiaTechat Charlotte 4 p.m. Men's college, Hartford at Washington 6 p.m. Men's college, Quinnipiac at OregonState 8 p.m.

Fox Sports1 ESPN ESPNU

Pac-12 Fox Sports1 ESPNU Pac-12 Fox Sports1 Pac-12 Pac-12, 940-AM

Listingsarethe mostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible forlatechangesmadebyTV orradiostations.

SPORTS IN BRIEF BASKETBALL Thiinder'S WBStdrOOk Oiit —Oklahoma City Thunder guard Russell Westbrook has undergonearthroscopic kneesurgery and won't return until after the All-Star break. General managerSam Presti says in astatement Friday that Westbrook has been playing pain free, but"recently had experienced increasedswelling" in his right knee. Presti says the teamconsulted with a surgeon in LosAngeles and anMRI determined therewas "an area of concern that had not previously existed."

BASEBALL AngelS Sign Veteran OF Raul IdaiieZ — Veteran outfielder Raul Ibanez hasagreed to a one-year deal with the Los Angeles Angels. The club announced the deal Friday. The41-year-old Ibanez batted.242 with 29 homers and 65RBls for the Seattle Mariners last year. He hit his final homer of the season atAngel Stadium on Sept. 21, tying TedWilliams' record for the most homers by a40-andover player. Ibanezhas300 career homers and is seven hits shy of becoming the18th active major leaguer with 2,000 hits. He played his first major league gamewith Seattle in1996, also making stops with the Royals, Phillies andYankeesbetween three stints with the Mariners. — From wire reports

ON DECK Today Boys basketball: Bendvs. MountainViewat Les SchwabOregonHoliday Hoopfest at Summit, 4 p.m.; Summiat t Les SchwabOregon Holiday HoopfestatSummit, TBD;Redmondvs. Pendleton at WilsonviffeTournament, 12:45 p.mcRidgeview vs. Bell Jeff(Calif )7LaSalle(Calif.) at MaxPreps Holiday Classic in PalmSprings, Calif., 10:30 a.m./5 p.m.;Madrasat Stayton HolidayClassic, TBD; CrookCountyat Astoria Tournam ent, TBD; Gilchristvs.MazamaJVat Bonanza ClassicTournament,2p.m. Girls basketball: MountainViewvs. Liberty at Les Schwab OregonHolidayHoopfestat Summit,12:30 p.m.; Bend vs. Wilametteat LesSchwabHoliday HoopfestatSummit, 2:15p.m.; Summit vs. Forest Grove atLesSchwabOregonHoliday Hoopfest at Summit5:45 , p.m4Sandyat Redmond,2p.m4Madras vs.Scap pooseorYamhil-Carlton at Stayton HolidayClassic,noon;Ridgeviewat Stayton Holiday ClassicTBD; , Trinity Lutheranvs. Crow,6:30 p.m.; Crook County atAstoria Tournament, 8a.m. Wrestling: Ridgeview,Madras, Culver at Freeberry Tournamentin Pendleton, 10a.mcRedmond at SierraNevadaClassic, TBD;Bendat NWDualsat Westview HighSchool, TBD Swimming:Madrasat GreshamInvitational, TBD

FloridaSt. 8. 5



Men's College

www.gocomics.comfinthebreachers lsivB

Friday's Games No game sscheduled


Boston Tampa Bay Montreal Detroit

"There! Smell it? That's the smell of fearf ... Go get him, Fifi!!"


y-NewEngland Miami N.Y.Jets Buffalo y-Indianapolis Tennessee Jacksonvile Houston

y-Cincinnati Baltlmore Pittsburgh Cleveland

West W L T P ct PF PA y-Denver 12 3 0 .800 572 385 x-Kansas Cit y 1 1 4 0 . 7 33 406 278 San Diego 8 7 0 . 533369 324 4 11 0 .267 Oakland 308 419

Friday's Games East SetonHall90,Lafayette58 South Mercer98,St.Andrews56 NorthCarolina75, N. Kentucky60 Midwest DePaul57,Northwestern56 Oakland87,Defiance 66 OhioSt.71,Louisiana-Monroe31 Far West CS Northridge86,MorganSt. 80 San DiegoSt.118, SaintKatherine 35 Washin gton95,MVSU 80

Women's College

AMERICAN CONFERENCE W L T P ct PF PA 11 4 0 .733 410 318 8 7 0 . 533310 315 7 8 0 . 467270 380 6 9 0 . 400319 354 South W L T Pct PF PA 10 5 0 .667 361 326 6 9 0 . 4 00346 371 4 11 0 .267 237 419 2 13 0 .133 266 412 Norlh W L T Pct PF PA 10 5 0 .667 396 288 8 7 0 . 533303 318 7 8 0 . 467359 363 4 11 0 .267 301 386


BASKETBALL In the Bleachers Cl 2013 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Uclick

Sunday Boys basketball: Bend,MountainView,Summit at Les SchwabOregon Holiday Hoopfest,TBA; Ridgeview at MaxPreps Holiday Classic in Palm Springs,Calif., TBD Girls basketball: Bend,Mountain View,Summit at LesSchwabOregonHolidayHoopfest,TBA Wrestling: Ridgeview,Madras, Culver at Freeberry Tournamentin Pendleton, TBD



—WinandSeattle loss Clinches NFCWest and home-field advantage throughoutNFCplayoffswith: —WinandSeattle lossandCarolina lossortie New Orleans(vs. TampaBay) ClinchesNFCSouthandfirst-round byewith: —WinandCarolina loss Clinchesplayoff spotwith: —Win,OR —TieandArizonatie, OR —Arizonaloss Arizona(vs. SanFrancisco) Clinchesplayoff spotwith: —WinandNewOrleanslossor tie, OR —TieandNewOrleansloss Dallas (vs. Philadelphia) ClinchesNFCEastwith: — Win GreenBay(at Chicago) ClinchesNFCNorth with: — Win

HolidayBowl At San Diego Arizona State(10-3) vs.Texas Tech (7-5), 7:15p.m (ESPN )

Tuesday,Dec.81 Advocare V100Bowl At Shreveport, La. Arizona(7-5) vs. BostonCollege(7-5), 9:30 a.m (ESPN ) Sun Bowl At El Paso,Texas VirginiaTech(8-4) vs.UCLA(9-3),11 a.m.(CBS) Liberly Bowl At Memphis,Tenn. Rice(9-3)vs.Mississippi State(6-6),1 p.m.(ESPN) Chick-fil-ABowl At Atlanta TexasA8M(84) vs.Duke(103),5 p m.(ESPN)

Toronto Ottawa Florida Buffalo

EaclernConference Atlantic Division GP W L OT PlsGF GA 3 8 26 10 2 5 4 111 77 3 7 23 11 3 4 9 106 87 3 8 22 13 3 47 96 84 39 17 1 3 9 4 3 99 108 4 0 19 16 5 43 110 116 40 15 18 7 3 7 111 131 3 8 14 19 5 33 88 123 3 8 10 24 4 24 69 109

Metropolitan Division GP W L OT PlsGF GA P ittsburgh 4 0 2 8 11 I 5 7 125 91 W ashington 38 20 14 4 4 4 120 114 P hiladelphia 37 17 16 4 38 93 104 C olumbus 38 17 17 4 3 8 103 107 N .Y.Rangers 39 18 19 2 38 90 105 N ew Jersey 39 15 16 8 3 8 93 101 Carolina 3 8 1 4 1 5 9 3 7 89 109 N.Y.lslanders 38 11 20 7 29 96 129 WesternConference Central Division GP W L OT PlsGF GA Chicago 40 27 7 6 6 0 152 109 St. Louis 3 6 24 7 5 5 3 128 85 3 7 23 11 3 4 9 108 95 Colorado Minnesota 4 0 20 15 5 45 92 102 Dallas 37 1 9 12 6 4 4 110 108 Winnipeg 4 0 17 18 5 39 109 120 Nashville 3 8 16 18 4 36 86 113 Pacific Division GP W L OT PlsGF GA Anaheim 3 9 2 7 7 5 59 127 98 L os Angeles 38 25 9 4 5 4 106 76 SanJose 3 8 2 4 8 6 54 125 97 V ancouver 39 22 11 6 5 0 106 93 P hoenix 3 7 1 9 1 0 8 4 6 114 114 C algary 38 1 4 1 8 6 3 4 95 120 E dmonton 40 1 3 24 3 2 9 103 135 NOTE: Twopoints for a win, onepoint for overtime loss.

Wednesday,Jan. 1 Heart of Dallas Bowl At Dallas 2014 ProBowlPicks East Pro Bowl draft will take place Jan. 22. UNLV(7-5)vs.NorthTexas(8-4), 9a.m.(ESPNU) W L T Pct PF PA Sunday,Jan. 26 Gator Bowl Philadelphia 9 6 0 . 600418 360 At Aloha Stadium At Jacksonville, Fla. Friday's Games Dallas 8 7 0 . 533417 408 Honolulu Nebraska (8-4) vs.Georgia(8-4), 9a.m.(ESPN2) Columbus 2, NewJersey1, SO N.Y.Giants 6 9 0 . 400274 377 OFFENSE Capital One Bowl Toronto 4, Buf f al o 3,SO Washington 3 12 0 .200 328 458 At Orlando, Fla. Quatferbacks—TomBrady,Patriots; DrewBrees, SanJose4, Phoenix3, SO South W L T P ct PF PA Saints; PeytonManning, Broncos; CamNewton, Wisconsin(9-3) vs. SouthCarolina (10-2), 10 a.m Boston5, Ottawa0 (ABC) x-Carolina Washington 3,N.Y. Rangers2 11 4 0 .733 345 221 Panthers;Philip Rivers,Chargers; Russell Wilson, OutbackBowl s. Pittsburgh4, Carolina 3, OT NewOrleans 10 5 0 .667 372 287 Seahawk W ide Recei v ers — An t o ni o Bro wn, S t e e l e rs; De z At Tampa, Fl a . Chicago 7, Co lorado2 Atlanta 4 11 0 .267 333 422 (8-4) vs.LSU(9-3), 10a.m.(ESPN) Winnipeg 6, Minnesota4 TampaBay 4 11 0 .267 271 347 Bryant,Cowboys; JoshGordon, Browns; A.J.Green, lowa Rose Bowl Bengals;AndreJohnson, Te xans; Calvin Johnson, Dallas 4,Nashvile1 Norlh At Pasadena,Calif. maryius Thomas Edmonton 2, Calgary0 W L T P ct PF PA Lions; BrandonMarshall, Bears;De Stanford (11-2) vs. Mi c hi g an State (12-1), 2 p.m Today'sGames (Broncos). 8 7 0 . 533417 445 (ESPN) Tackles —BrandenAlbert, Chiefs;JasonPeters, BostonatOtawa,4p.m. 7 7 I . 5 00 384 400 Fiesta Bowl TyronSmith, Cowboys;Joe Staley, 49ers;Joe MontrealatTampaBay,4 p.m. 7 8 0 . 4 67382 362 Eagles; At Glendale, Ariz. Detrolt atFlorlda,4p.m. 4 10 I .300377 467 Thomas,Browns; TrentWiliams, Redskins. B aylor (11-1) vs. UC F (11-1), 5:30 p.m. (E SP N ) Guards — J a h r i E v a n s , S a i n t s ; B e n Gr u b b s , NewJerseyat N.Y.Islanders, 4 p.m. West ChicagoatSt. Louis,5 p.m. W L T Pct PF PA Saints; Mikelupati, 49ers;LoganMankins, Patriots; Thursday, Jan. 2 x-Seattle Los Angeleat s Nashvile,5 p.m. 12 3 0 .800 390 222 LouisVasquez, Broncos;MarshalYanda,Ravens. Sugar Bowl Centers — RyanKalil, Panthers;Alex Mack, Phoeni xatAnaheim,5p.m. San Francisco 11 4 0 . 7 33 383 252 At New Orl e ans B rowns; Mike Poun c ey, Dol p hi n s; Max i ) nger, Sea P hiladel p hi a atEdmonton, 7p.m. Arizona 10 5 0 .667 359 301 Alabama (11-1) vs. Oklahoma(10-2), 5:30 p.m St. Louis 7 8 0 . 467339 337 hawks. Sunday'sGames (ESPN ) x-clinched playoffspot TigM Ends — JordanCameron, Browns;Vernon WashingtonatBuffalo 2p m Friday, Jan. 3 Davis,49ers;JimmyGraham, Saints;Julius Thomas, y-clincheddivision Montrealat Florida,2p.m. OrangeBowl Broncos. Pittsburghat Columbus,3p.m. At Miami RunningBacks— Jamaal Charles, Chiefs;Matt Sunday'sGames St. Louisat Dalas, 3p.m. Forte, Bears;FrankGore, 49ers; MarshawnLynch, OhioState(12-1)vs.Clemson(10-2), 5p.m.(ESPN) HoustonatTennessee,10a.m. CarolinaatToronto, 4p.m. Cotton Bowl Seahaw ks; LeSean McCoy, Eagles;AdrianPeterson, Detroit atMinnesota,10a.m. N.Y.Rangersat Tampa Bay, 4p.m. Af Arlington, Texas Vikings. CarolinaatAtlanta, 10a.m. Vancouverat Calgary,4:30p.m. Missouri(11-2)vs.OklahomaState (10-2), 4:30p.m N.Y.IslandersatMinnesota, 5p.m. Fugbacks—MarcelReece, Raiders;MikeTolbert, 0leveland atPittsburgh, 10a.m. Panthers. (FOX) Washington at N.Y. Giants,10a.m. Winnipegat Colorado, 5p.m. DEFENSE Baltimore at Cincinnati,10 a.m. Anahei m atSanJose,7:30p.m D efensive Ends — G reg H ar dy, P an th ers; Ca m Jacksonville atIndianapolis,10a.m. Betting line eron Jordan,Saints; RobertQuinn,Rams; Cameron N.Y.JetsatMiami,10a.m. DEALS Wake,Dolphins; J.J. Watt, Texa ns; Mario Wiliams, NFL Denver at Oakland,1:25 p.m. Bigs. KansasCityatSanDiego,1:25 p.m. (Hometeamsin CAPS) Inledor Li n emen — G er al d M cc oy, Bu cs; H al o Favorfle Opening Currenl underdog St. LouisatSeattle, 1:25p.m. Transactions ti Ngata,Rave ns; Dontari Poe,Chiefs; JustinSmith, Sunday SanFranciscoatArizona,1:25 p.m. BASEBALL 49ers;NdamukongSuh, Lions; KyleWiliams, Bils. Panthers 7 6.5 FAL CONS Green Bayat Chicago, I:25 p.m. AmericanLeague Outside Linebackem — JohnAbraham, CardiBEARS 3 3 Packers TampaBayatNewOrleans,1: 25p.m. LOSANGELESANGELS—Agreed to termswith nals;Ahma d Brooks,49ers;TambaHali, Chiefs;Justin TITANS 6.5 7 Texans Buff aloatNewEngland,1:25p.m. Ibanezonaone-year contract. Houston,Chiefs;Robert Mathis, Colts; TerreffSuggs, STEELE RS 7 7 Browns OF Raul Philadelphiaat Dallas, 5:30p.m. Ravens. GIANTS 3.5 3.5 Red skins TEXASRANGERS— SignedOFShin-Soo Choo End ofregularseason to a seven-year contract. DesignatedIB Chris McInside/MiddleLinebackers—NaVorroBowman, BENGA LS 5.5 6 Ravens 49ers;VontazeBurfict, Bengals;LukeKuechly, Pan- COLTS 11.5 1 1. 5 Jag uars Guinessfor assignment. Playoff Scenarios National League thers;PatrickWilis,49ers. Eagles 2.5 6.5 CO WBOYS AFC CHICAGO CUBS — Agreedto termswith RHP Comerbacks — Brandon Flowers, Chiefs;Brent DOLPHIN Clinched S 6.5 6.5 Jets Jose Veras on a one -contract. Grimes,Dolphins; JoeHaden, Browns; Patrick Pe- VIKINGS 3 3 Lions Denver —AFCWest andfirst-round bye BASKETB ALL terson, Cardinals; DarregeRevis, Bucs; Richard PATRIO TS NewEngland—AFCEast 9 9.5 Bigs National Basketball Association Sherman,Seahawks; Aqib Talib, Patriots; Alterraun SAINTS 12.5 1 2. 5 Bu ccaneers Cincinnali —AFCNorth NBA — F i n e d Me mp h i s F ZachRandolph$25,000 Verner,Titans. Indianapolis — AFCSouth Broncos 12 12 RAIDERS FreeSafeties—Jairus Byrd, Bigs; EarlThomas, 49ers Kansas City—playoff spot 1.5 PK CARDINALSfor publiccriticismof officiatingfollowing aDec. 26 Seahawks;EricWeddle, Chargers. Denver (atOakland) CHARG ERS 9.5 9.5 Chiefs loss toHouston. FOOTBAL L StrongSafelies —EricBerry, Chiefs; KamChan- SEAHAW Clincheshome-field advantagethroughout AFCplayKS 10 10 Rams National Football League cellor,Seahawks;TroyPolamalu,Steelers. offs with: NFL — Fi n e d T a mp a B a y S Dashon Goldson SPECIAL TEAMS —Win ortie, OR College $60,000for his helmet-to-helmet hit on St. Louis Punters —BrandonFields, Dolphins;Johnny — New Englandlossortie Today, Dec.28 RamswidereceiverStedmanBailey inaDec. 22game. Hekker,Rams. New England(vs. Buffalo) PinstripeBowl inedSt.LouisLBJo-Lonn Dunbar $21,000for ahelPlacekickers — Matt Prater, Broncos;Justin Notre Clinches first-roundbyewith: Dame 16 14 . 5 Rut gers F met-to-helmethit. FinedNewYork Jets DLSheldon Tucker,Ravens. —Win ortie, OR Belk Bowl R Punt Returnem — A ntoni o Brown, S tee l e rs; De x— Cincinnatilossortie andIndianapolis lossortie N. Carolina 2. 5 2.5 Cinc innati ichardson$15,750forroughing ClevelandQBJason Campbell. Clincheshome-field advantagethroughout AFCplay- ter Mccluster,Chiefs. Russell Athletic Bowl BILLS—SignedWRCordell Roberson Special Teamem— Justin Bethel, Cardinals; Louisville offs with: 3 3.5 Miam i-Fla BUFFALO from thepracticesquad. PlacedSAaron Wiliams on Matthew Slater, Patriots. —WinandDenver loss Buffalo Wild WingsBowl i n jured reserve. Cincinnati(vs.Baltimore) Kansas St 3 3.5 Michigan CHICAGO BEARS—Agreed totermswith KRobClinches first-roundbyewith: College bie Gouldona four-year contractextensionthrough — WinandNewEnglandloss Monday,Dec. 30 the 2017 se a so n. Indianapolis (vs. Jacksonville) Bowl Glance Armed ForcesBowl LIONS— Placed DEIsrael Idonije on Clinches first-roundbyewith: All TimesPST 6 6.5 Mid Tenn St DETROIT injuredreserve.SignedCBAkwasi Owusu-Ansahfrom — Win andNewEngland loss andCincinnati loss Music City Bowl e ad. ortie Friday, Dec. 27 Mississippi 2.5 3 Geo r gia Techthe practicsqu GREENBAYPACKERS— SignedCBJumalRoge Miami(vs. N.Y.Jets) Military Bowl Alamo Bowl from the practi cesquad. Clinches playoffspot with: At Annapolis, Md. Oregon 13 14 Texas JACKSONVI LLEJAGUARS— SignedDTSen'Der—WinandBaltimore lossor tie, OR Marshal31, l Maryland20 HolidayBowl — WinandSanDiegowin,OR Texas Bowl ArizonaSt 13.5 14 Tex as Techrick Markstoafour-yearcontract. MINNES OTAVIKINGS—Placed LBAudie Cole on — TieandBaltimore lossandSan Diegoloss ortie, Af Houston injuredreserve.SignedCBRobert Steeples fromthe Syracuse 21, Minnesota17 Tuesday, Dec.31 OR practicesquad. —TieandBaltimoretie andSanDiegotie Fight HungerBowl AdvocareV100Bowl Baltimore (at Cincinnati) At San Francisco Arizona 7 7 Bos ton College NEWENGLANDPATRIOTS—SignedRBSamMcGuffie tothepracticesquad. Released RBCierreWood Washington31,BYU16 Sun Bowl Clinches playoffspotwith: practicesquad. ReleasedWRAustin Collie. —WinandSanDiegoloss ortie, OR ucla 7 7 Virgmia Tech from the OAKLANDRAIDERS— Signed DBNnamdiAso—WinandMiamilossortie, OR Friday, Dec.27 Liberly Bowl —TieandMiamiloss andSanDiegoloss ortie, OR Military Bowl MississippiSt 7 7 Rice mughato a one-day contractand announced his retirement. —TieandMiamitie andSanDiego loss,OR At Annapolis, Md. Chick-fil-ABowl SEATTLESEAHAWKS — Activated CB Walter — Miami lossandSanDiego loss andPittsburgh Marshal(9-4) l vs.Maryland(7-5),11:30 a.m.(ESPN) Texas ABM 1 2.5 1 2 .5 Duke Thurmondfromroster exemptstatus. Relea sed CB loss ortie Texas Bowl PerrishCox. Wednesday,Jan. 1 San Diego(vs. KansasCity) Af Houston HOCKEY Gator Bowl Clinches playoffspotwith: Minnesota(8-4)vs.Syracuse(6-6), 3p.m. (ESPN) National HockeyLeague — WinandMiamilossortie andBaltimore loss or Fight HungerBowl Georgia 9 9 Nebraska C AROLINA HURRI CANES — Rec alled F Zach At San Franci s co Heart of Dallas Bowl tie, OR —TieandMiamiloss andBaltimore loss N. Texas 6.5 6.5 Unlv Boychukfrom Charlotte (AHL).Activated GAnton BYU(8-4)vs.Washington(8-4), 6:30p.m. (ESPN) Capital OneBowl Khudobinfrominjured reserveandassignedhimto Pitlsburgb (vs.Cleveland) Wisconsin 2.5 I S. Carolina Charlotte.PlacedDJayHarrisononinjured reserve. Clinches playoffspotwith: Today, Dec.28 — WinandMiamilossandBaltimore loss andSan DALLAS STARS—ActivatedDAaron Romefrom Pinstripe Bowl OutbackBowl Lsu 7.5 7.5 lowa injuredreserve.PlacedDSergei Gonchar on injured Diegoloss At NewYork reserve. NFC NotreDam e(8-4) vs.Rutgers(6-6), 9a.m.(ESPN) Rose Bowl MichiganSt FLORIDA PANTHERS—Recalled DAlex Petrovic Clinched Belk Bowl Stanford 15 5 and FDrewShore fromSanAntonio (AHL). PlacedD Seatlle —playoffspot At Cbarlotle, N.C. Fiesta Bowl oninjured reserve. Carolina — playoff spot Cincinnati(9-3)vs. NorthCarolina (6-6), 12:20p.m. Baylor 17.5 17 C. Florida Erik Gudbranson NEWJERSEY DEVILS — PlacedRW Dami enBrunSanFrancisco— playoff spot (ESPN) ner oninjuredreserve, retroactiveto Dec.20. Activated Seafge (vs.St. Louis) Russell Athletic Bowl Thursday,Jan. 2 LW Ryane C low e f r om i n j u red re s erve. Clinches NFCWest and home-field advantage At Orlando, Fla. Sugar Bowl TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING— Recalled D Dmitry throughout NFCplayoffswith: Miami(9-3)vs.Louisville (11-1),3:45p.m.(ESPN) Alabama 1 4.5 1 5 . 5 Oklahoma —Win ortie, OR KorobovfromSyracuse(AHL). Buffalo WildWingsBowl COLLEGE —SanFranciscoloss ortie Af Tempe,Ariz. Friday, Jan. 3 DELAW ARE— Agreedto terms with field hockey Carolina (atAtlanta) KansasState(7-5) vs. Michigan(7-5), 7:15 p.m. Cotton Bowl ClinchesNFCSouth andafirst-round byewith: (ESPN) Missouri 1 I OklahomaSt coachRolfvandeKerkhof on afive-year contract extension. —Win ortie, OR OrangeBowl FRESNO STATE — Announced sophomore WR — New Orleanslossortie Monday, Dec.30 OhioSt 5 2.5 Clemson DavanteAdamswil entertheNFLdraft. Clincheshome-field advantagethroughout NFCplayArmed ForcesBowl offs with: At Forl Worlh, Texas Saturday, Jan. 4 MARQUElTE — Announcedfreshman G Duane —WinandSeattle lossandSanFranciscowin Middle Tenne ssee(8-4) vs. Navy(8-4), 8:45 a.m. CompassBowl Wilsonwill redshirt thisseasonbecause of a left leg Philadelphia (atDallas) (ESPN) Vanderbilt 3 2.5 Houston injury. ClinchesNFCEast division with: Music City Bowl NEBRA SKA— Suspended LBJared Afalava, WR —Win ortie At Nashville, Tenn. Sunday,Jan. 6 RichardWynneand WRIshmail Jacksonfor theGator Chicago(vc. GreenBay) Mississippi(7-5)vs.Georgia Tech(7-5), 12:15p.m. Go DaddyBowl Bowlfor violatingteamrules. ClinchesNFCNorth with: (ESPN) Ball St 8.5 8.5 Arkansas St NOTREDAME — Announcedsophomorebasket—Win ortie Alamo Bowl ball G-FCamBiedscheid planstotransfer. San Francisco(at Arizona) At SanAntonio Monday,Jan. 6 OREGO N—Announcedtheretirementofdefensive ClinchesNFCWest andfirst-round byewith: Oregon(10-2)vs.Texas(8-4), 3:45p.m. (ESPN) BCSChampionship coordinatorNickAliotti followingtheAlamo Bowl. NATIONALCONFERENCE





as in tonscores i t un er owvicto 'Hawks The Associated Press

touchdown record and the Huskies went on to beat BYU 31-16 in the

record held by George Wilson (1923-25). with coach Steve Sarkisian leaving Price then led a touchdown drive for the same job at Southern Cal- to open the third quarter, capping it ifornia. Chris Petersen was hired with a well-placed throw to Seferiaway from Boise State to take over an-Jenkins on third-and-8 to make

Fight Hunger Bowl on Friday night.

at Washington and quarterbacks


blow past Avs

The game capped a whirlwind

B i shop month for the Huskies that began

Sankey ran for 95 yards and two scores to tie Washington's career

it 28-16.

coach Marques Tuiasosopo coached pass to Austin Seferian-Jenkins, the bowl game on an interim basis. and John Ross returned a kick 100 The Huskies won just their second yards for another score to help the bowl game since Tuiasosopo led Huskies (9-4) win their most games them to that Rose Bowl win over since going 11-1 and winning the Purdue 13 years ago. Rose Bowl in 2000. The defense led the way this Taysom Hill threw for 293 yards game, holding the Cougars to four and ran for 133 yards and a score field goal attempts and one touchfor the Cougars (8-5), who had their down on five drives inside the Husfour-game bowl winning streak kies 30. snapped. Justin Sorensen kicked The Huskies were much more efthree field goals but also missed one ficient on their scoring drives with in the third quarter after an inter- Sankey scoring on a pair of 11-yard ception by Robertson Daniel gave runs in the first half to give him 38 BYU prime field position. career touchdowns, tying the school Keith Price added a 16-yard TD

The Associated Press

Also on Friday: Syracuse 21, Minnesota 17: HOUS-

CHICAGO — After be-

ing kidded about being one of the old men on his team, Chicago's Patrick Sharp celebrated his 32nd birthday in style on the ice Friday night. Sharp scored three goals for his third career hat trick

TON — Terrel Hunt scrambled 12 yards for a touchdown with 1:14 re-

maining to lift Syracuse to a victory over Minnesota in the Texas Bowl. Brisly Estime set up Hunt's touch-

down with a 70-yard punt return. Marshall 31, Maryland 20: ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Rakeem Cato threw for337 yards and three touch-

and set up one of Jonathan

downs, and Marshall used two fourth-quarter scores to rally past Maryland in the Military Bowl. The

Thundering Herd (10-4) trailed 2017 before Cato brought them back.

MarcioJose Sanchez ITheAssociated Press

BYU running back Jamaal Williams, left, is tackled by Washington's Hau'oli Kikaha, right, and Danny Shelton, bottom, during the first half of Friday

night's Fight Hunger Bowl inSanFrancisco.

Toews' two scores to lead the Blackhawks past the Colorado Avalanche 7-2.

Toews added two assists as both he and Sharp finished with four points.

Michal Handzus and Kris Versteeg also scored for the Blackhawks, w h ose


Undefeated Ohio State rolls to win The Associated Press COLUMBUS, Ohio — So much for the undercard. Now No. 3 Ohio State

must take on the heavyweights in the main events

remaining on its schedule. Lenzelle s cored 1 7

S m i t h Jr. po i nt s a n d

LaQuinton Ross added 15 to lead the Buckeyes past overmatched and u nder-

manned Louisiana-Monroe 71-31 on Friday night. An a n nounced crowd

Durant leadsThunder over Bobcats The Associated Press

lo scored 23 points to lead five

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Kevin Durant insists he can't do it alone.

teammates in double figures and Orlando snapped a threegame skid by beating Detroit. Pelicans 105, Nuggets 89:

The Oklahoma City forward said he's going to need help picking up the slack, with running mate Russell

ed Denver its fifth straight

All-Star break following knee surgeryFriday. "I need Reggie Jackson. I need Serge Ibaka. I need Ken-


drick Perkins. I'm not afraid to say that," Durant said. "I need

reer-high 18 rebounds, DeMar

Raptors 95, Knicks 83: NEW YORK — Jonas Valanciunas had 16 points and a caDeRozan scored 25 and Toronto rallied to beat New York.

to lean on those guys, just like we need to lean on each other.

Timberwolves 120, Wizards

That is what team is about. So

through adversity we just have to lean on each other."

and finished with 12 rebounds as the Thunder held on to de-

a landslide. Many left be-

feat the Charlotte Bobcats 8985 Friday night.

bounds, and J.J. Barea scored 17 points off the bench to help

g 1

stretch. Durant scored 14 of his 34

points in the fourth quarter

The team announced before

98: MINNEAPOLIS — Kevin Love had 25 points and 11 re-


But at least on this night, the Thunder leaned heavily on

game and the first 15 of the second half — to turn it into


NEW ORLEANS — Tyreke Evans had 19 points and 10 assists, and New Orleans hand-

Westbrook out until after the

Durant, especially down the

ally enjoy playing such lopsided games.



undergoing arthroscopic surgery on his right knee in Los Angeles. Durant did get some help. Ibaka had 12 points and

play some of these teams

nine rebounds and

that are not as good as you are, you actually play down to (their level). That's not good for teams. That's not what you're supposed to do.

Sefolosha had 12 points and a pair of free throws with 3.5

Definitely when we come

As for Jackson, Brooks said to steal the win with 3.9 secBut Jackson, who started he has confidence that "he'll onds left but Josh McRoberts in place of Westbrook, was get better. He'll challenge missed a wide-open 3-pointer only 4 of 19 from the floor and himself to shoot better and he from the left wing. SefolosPerkins failed to score despite will." ha was fouled and clinched it playing more than 25 minutes. Kemba Walker led the Bob- with two foul shots on the oth"Obviously, it was an emo- cats with 18 points and seven er end. tional day with Russell, but I assists. Al Jefferson added 16 In other games on Friday: thought we did a good job of points and 11 rebounds. Magic 109, Pistons 92: ORhandling that," Thunder coach This one came right down LANDO, Fla. — Arron Affla-

out in Big Ten play, it's going to be teams that are just as good as us and we're going to have to play better." Amedeo Della V alle chipped in with 14 points for the Buckeyes (13-0), who have won their first 13 games in a season for the

Bobcats' Al Jefferson (25) defends during the first half of Friday T h abo night's game in Charlotte, N.C.

seconds left to seal the vic-

Scott Brooks said. "Now we've

tory for the Thunder, who have won seven straight road games and 11 of 12 overall.

got to work and improve the

fifth time in school history (1961, '62, '91 and 2011). Ohio State opens Big Ten play on Dec. 31 at Purdue.

sin, No. 5 Michigan State, No. 22 Iowa and the rest of

All TimesPST

that lie ahead, that's what

guys sign up for when they come to play at Ohio State.

There's going to be some tremendous battles every night we take the floor."

Also on Friday: No. 19 North Carolina 75, N. Kentucky 60: CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — James Michael McAdoo scored 12 of

his 14 points in the second half to help North Carolina beat Northern Kentucky.

No. 20 San Diego St. 118, St Katherine College 35: SAN DIEGO — Winston

Shepard scored 21 points and Dwayne Polee had 19 points and 12 rebounds as

San Diego State won its ninth straight. Washington 95, Mississippi Valley State 80: SEATTLE

— Nigel Williams-Goss and Andrew

A n d rews e a ch

scored 18 points and helped spark a decisive second half run as Washington pulled away to beat Mississippi Valley State.

from an embarrassing Christ-

how he assisted on Toews' second goal of the game against the A v alanche. That score put Chicago ahead 5-0 midway through the second. Colorado leading scorer

v i c tory over

Sharp's hat trick — notched

in an eight-minute span

Matt Duchene was bearing

bounds and made a putback

down on Chicago rookie

dunk with 2.1 seconds remain-

Antti Raanta on a break-

ing to lift Utah over depleted Los Angeles. Warriors 115, Suns 86: OAKLAND, Calif. — Stephen Curry had career highs of 16

away. But Sharp caught up to Duchene just as he was about to shoot, hooked his

assists and 13 rebounds to

go with 14 points, and Golden State beat Phoenix for its fourth straight victory.

Kings 108, Heat 103: SACRAMENTO, Calif. — DeMarcus Cousins had 27 points and

stick and stole the puck.

Sharp then turned deep in his zone and wheeled a pass to Toews. Toews

moved in,faked and beat a helpless Jean-Sebastien Giguere. Also on Friday: Bruins 5, Senators 0: -

17 rebounds, Rudy Gay scored 26 and Sacramento rallied


from an early 17-point deficit

his fourth shutout of the

to beat undermanned Miami

season, and Reilly Smith scored two goals to pace

in overtime.


Rask made 33 saves for

las Backstrom had a goal and an assist, and Eric Fehr scored the tiebreaking


said. "Just from the standpoint of th e challenges

game, Charlottehad a chance

to date. Consistency, both

Capitals 3, Rangers 2:

Buckeyes will be tested by

March,'"coach Thad Matta

After tailing most of the

"(Sharp) had a g reat game," Quenneville said. "He's had his best season


the likes of No. 4 Wiscon-

"We tell our guys, 'You've got 18 battles coming up (and) the war's decided in

rest of the season."

to the wire.


Boston's rout of Ottawa.

After not facing a ranked opponent up to now, the

the conference's bullies.

Oklahoma City Thunder's Kevin Durant (35) shoots as Charlotte

"Tonight, I was getting set up with some good plays, and once you start scoring the way we were tonight, you get a good feeling and you just want to keep that going." Chicago coach J o el Quenneville liked what he

late in the first and early in the second periods — was

LAKE CITY — Derrick Favors had 18 points and 14 reChuck Burton /The Associated Press

makes it feel even better.

tovic added 19 off the bench and Brooklyn r ebounded

Milwaukee. Jazz 105, Lakers 103: SALT

miss at least 27 games after

Sharp has 21 goals this season and 10 in his past nine games. "It's special any time you can do it (score a hat trick)," Sharp said. "But on a birthday, where some of the guys are giving me heat for being an old-timer, it

sides of the puck." More impressive than

streak with a

the game that Westbrook will

them to 7-1-1 in their past nine.

Minnesota top Washington. Nets 104, Bucks 93: NEW YORK — Shaun Livingston scored 20 points, Mirza Tele-

mas Day performance by ending its four-game losing

tion, the more exciting the games are for us," Ross said. "Sometimes during the nonconference as you

better c o mpeti-

o ff e nse

powered them to a second

straight win and improved

of 18,534 didn't see much drama after the Buckeyes rolled to a big lead — scoring the first 12 points of the

fore the end. Not even the players re-



Easlern Conference d-Indiana d-Miami Atlanta d-Toronto Charlotte Washington Detroit Boston Chicago Cleveland Brooklyn NewYork Orlando Philadelphia Milwaukee

W L 23 5 22 7 i6 13 12 15 14 16 12 14 14 17 i2 17 ii 16 10 18 10 19 9 20 9 20 8 20 6 23

Pd GB 82i 759 I'/z 552 T'/z 444 10'/2

467 10 462 10 452 10'/z

414 u'/z

407 11'/2

357 13

345 13'Iz 310 14'/z 310 14'/z 286 15

Minnesota at Milwaukee,5:30p.m. Philadelphiaat Phoenix, 6 p.m. Miami atPortland,7p.m. Utah atLA,Clippers,7:30p.m. Sunday'sGames Atlantaat Orlando,3p.m. GoldenStateat Cleveland, 3p.m. HoustonatOklahomaCity, 4p.m. Sacramento atSanAntonio, 4p.m. Philadelphiaat LA. Lakers, 6:30p.m.

Summaries Friday's Games

Jau105, Lakers103

LA. LAKERS I103) Johnson 0-20-00,S.Williams2-60-04,Kaman 2IIT 17i/2 7-115-619,Farmar6-133-416,Meeks4-152-213, Western Conference Henry5-70-212, Kelly1-1 0-0 2, Young10-17 O -i W L Pd GB 21, Hill 5-6 6-816,Sacre0-20-0 0. Totals 40-80 d-Portland 24 5 II28 16-23 103. Oklahoma City 24 5 II28 UTAH (105) d-SanAntonio 767 1~/2 23 7 Jefferson 2-7 2-27, M.Wiliams6-141-216, Fad-LA. Clippers 20 11 645 5 vors 9-150-018,Burke6-100-014, Hayward 9-17 Houston 20 u 645 5 4-5 24,Burks3-96-713, LucasIII 0-6Ij-00, Kanter Phoenix 17 u 607 6'/z 3-62-2Ij,Evans2-41-25,Rush0-00-00.Totals GoldenState 18 13 581 7 40-88 16-20105. Dallas 16 13 552 8 LA.Lakers 23 29 29 22 — 103 Denver 14 14 500 9'/z uiah 25 30 28 22 — 105 Minnesota 14 15 483 10 NewOrleans i3 14 481 10 LA. Lakers 13 17 433 11'A Pelicans105, Nuggets 89 Memphis 12 16 429 11i/2 Sacramen to 9 19 32i 14'/z DENVER (89) u~ah 9 23 28I 16'/z Chandler 7-20 5-6 22, Hickson 7-9 2-6 16, d-divisionleader Mozgov 4-80-08,Lawson3-128-814,Hamilton 5-130-212,Robinson0 30-00, Randolph3-12-28, Friday's Games AMiller 0-30-00, Foye 0-1 0-00, Q.Miler 4-60-09. Orlando109,Detroit 92 Totals 33-8217-24 89. Oklahoma City 89, Charlotte 85 NEWORLEANS(105) Toronto95, NewYork83 Amimu 5-81-2 11,Anderson6-190-0 i6, Davis Brooklyn104,Milwaukee93 7-123617, Holiday 8-13Ij 017, Morrow3 8008, Minnesota 120,Washington 98 AIinca2-30-04, Evans7-174-419, Roberts 0-40-0 NewOrleansi05, Denver89 0, D.Miller3-42-31i, Amundson1-I 0-02. Totals Utah105,LA.Lakers103 42-8910-15105. Sacramento1IIB,Miami103, OT Denver Goldenstateu5, phoenix86 New Orleans Today'sGames Cleveland at Boston,10 a.m. Timberwolves120, Wizards 98 Brooklynat Indiana,4 p.m. Detroit atWashington, 4p.m. WASHINGTO N(98) NewYorkatToronto, 4p.m. CharlotteatAtlanta, 4:30p.m. Ariza 3-92-210, Booker5-7 0-0 IO, Gortat 3-6 Dallas atChicago,5p.m. 2-2 8,Wall u-203-3 26,Beal5-122-214, Webster 4-110-0 0, Nene 4-105-813, PorterJr. 1-20-02, NewOrleansat Houston,5p.m. Denverat Memphis, 5p.m. Vesely1-1 0-02, Temple0-1 0-00, Singletoni-30-0

2, Maynor 0-10-00. Totals 38-8314-1798. MINNESOT A(120) Brewer4-92-210, Love8-187-725, Pekovic6-13 6-818, Rubio2-5 7-811, Martin5-122-5 22, Cunningha m3-70-06,MbahaMoute1-22-24,Shved 3-t5613, BareajI-100017,Muhammadi-1 002, Price0-00-00, Humm el1-1 0-02, Dieng0-00-00. Totals 42-8531-38120. Washington 23 24 27 24 — 98 Minnesota 22 39 27 32 — 120

Raptors95, Knicks83 TORONTO (95) Johnson3-61-I 7, Ross4-80-011, Valanciunas 7-u 2-416, Lowry4-105-815, DeRozan7-13 9-14 25, Salmons4-i0 0-011, Patterson1-60-0 2, Hansbrough0-24-44, vasquez1-72-2 4. Totals 31-73 23-33 95. NEWYORK(83) Bargnani6-174-518, J.Smith 7-150-217, Chandler 3-71-3 7,Udrih6-112-215, Shumpert 0-2Ij-0 0, Martin 0 40 00,Harda wayJr. 5-131-115, Stoudemire2-53-6 7, World PeaceO-i 0-00, Murry1-4 2-24.Totals30-7913-21 83. Toronto 18 22 26 29 — 95 New York 25 24 22 12 — 83

Nets104, Bucks93

Oladipo5-125-816, Harkless1-60-0 2, Lamb0-0 0-00, Price3-40 07,Maxiel 2-30-04,O'Quimn0-0 1-21, Jones Ij-1 0-00.Totals45-8515-23109. Detroit 21 27 18 26 — 92 Orlando 26 29 30 24 — 109

Thunder 89, Bobcats 85 OKLAHOM ACITY(89)

Durant14-28 4-634, Ibaka6-80-012, Perkins 0-3 0-2 0,Jackson4-19 1-2 10, Sefolosha3-53-4 i2, Jones0-0 0-0 0, Lamb4-101-210, Adams1-1 4-6 6, Fisher 1-4 0-03, Collison0-2 2-22. Totals 33-80 15-2489.

CHARLOTTE (85) Tolliver 2-50-06, McRoberts 5-130-013, Jefferson 7-162-216,Walker6-174-618, Henderson6-12 1-1 14,Zeller0-53-43, Biyombo1-20-02,Sessions 2-34-59, Douglas-Roberts0-32-22,Gordoni-40-0 z Totals 30-8016-20 85. Oklahoma City 2 1 21 20 27 — 89 Charlotle 20 16 24 25 — 85

Kings108, Heat103 (OT) MIAMI (103) James12-235-633,Battier3-50-09, Bosh8-15 2-21II, Chalmers 4-u 2-41I, MasonJr. 1-5 i-i 4, Cole 4-63-413,Haslem 2-70-14,Beasley3-93-39, Lewis1-5 0-0 2.Totals38-8616-21 103. SACRAME NTO(108) Gay 0-193-326,Thompson5-6 0-010, cousins 10-21 7-1027, Thomas7-165-6 22,McLemore1-4 0-02,Williams1-40-02,0utlaw2-50-04,Thornton 1-44-4 7,Acy3-32-2 8, Fredette0-10-0 0. Totals 41-83 21-25108. Miami 32 23 18 16 14 — 103 Sacramento 19 26 29 15 19 — 108

MILWAUKEE (93) Middleton3-1i 7-7i5, llyasova2-1i 2-2 6,Henson 4-50-0 8,Knight 4-132-4 ii, Antetokounmpo 5-12 5-6 16,Butler0-7 0-0 0,Mayo5-13 0-0 13, Sanders4-5 2-610, Wolters2-5 0-0 5, Ridnour3-5 0-0 7,RadulIica1-1 0-OzTotals 33-8818-2593. BROOK LYNIi04) Johnson2-121-2 6, Pierce4-114-513, Garnett 3-5 4-5 10,Wiliams4-9 Ij-0 9, Livingstont-11 8-8 20, Teletovic7130019, Terry470II12, Plumlee 2-41-45, Anderson 1-51-23, Evans1-23-45, Taylor 86 0-02-22,Shengelia0-00-00.Totals34-7924- Warriors115, Suns 32 104. PHOENIX (86) Milwaukee 18 19 23 33 — 93 Tucker3-6 5-6 11,Frye3-9 2-2 9, Plumlee4-9 Brooklyn 31 17 28 28 — 104 i-i 9, Bledsoe3-91-1 7, Dragic3-9 2-2 8, Mark. Morris 4-130-0 9, G.Green3-9 0-0 7, Marc.uorris 2-82-37, Goodwi0-31-21, n Christmas1-43-45, Magic109, Pistons 92 Smith4-70-0 8, Kravtsov2-31-2 5. Totals 32-89 18-23 86. DETROIT (92) GOLDEN STATE(115) Smith 2-131-2 5,Monroe3-90-2 6, Drummond Iguodala3-40-08,Lee7-103-417, Bogut4-80-0 5-12 0-410,Jennings7-16 6-7 21, Caldwell-Pope 0-2 0-00, Stuckey 3-6 0-06, Singler3-50-07, Har- 8, Curry5-173-514, Thom pson9-111-1 21,Barnes rellson 4-80-0 9, Bynum8-13 1-1 18, Datome1-6 4-102-211,Bazemore2-40-04, D.Green4-72-211, 0 02, Jerebko3-51-28. Totals 39-95 9-1892. Speights3-62-28,Douglas2-42-46, Armstrong1-I ORLANDO (109) 2-44, Nedovi1-30-03. c Totals45-8517-24115. Harris 6-104-616, Davis7-150-1 14, Vucevic Phoenix 22 18 24 22 — 86 9-16 2-220,Nelson3-7 0-0 6, Afflalo 9-113-4 23, GoldenState 28 31 26 30— iis

goal with 5:09 left to carry

Washington over the New York Rangers. Penguins 4, Hurricanes 3 : R A L EIGH,

N .C.

James Neal scored at 1:03 of overtime, and Pittsburgh

beat Carolina. Blue Jackets 2, Devils 1: NEWARK, N.J. — Cam Atkinson scored the lone

goal in the shootout to lead Columbus past New Jersey. Jets 6, Wild 4: WINNIPEG, Manitoba — Blake

Wheeler scored two goals in Winnipeg's victory over Minnesota.

Maple Leafs 4, Sabres 3: TORONTO —

J o nathan

Bernier stopped all three B uffalo shooters i n


shootout to give Toronto the win.

Oilers 2, Flames 0: CALGARY, Alberta — R y an

Smyth scored both goals and Devan Dubnyk made 27 saves to lead Edmonton to a victory over Calgary. Sharks 4, Coyotes 3: GLENDALE, Ariz. — Pat-

rick Marleau scored in regulation and in the shootout,

Joe Pavelski had a goal and an assist, and San Jose beat Phoenix.

Stars 4, Predators 1: D ALLAS — E r i k C o l e scored two goals in the sec-

ond period to lead Dallas to a victory over Nashville.




Buffs advance toconsolation championship Bulletin staff report

tourney, was outscored 13-6 in the second quarter and never recovered. "We're still trying took Thursday's loss person- points to lead Crook County to put together 32 minutes of ally. And on Friday afternoon (3-4), Kimmer Severance had basketball," Panthers coach STAYTON — Madras coach Zach Lillebo believed his team

run in the third to secure the Astoria Tournament victory. Michaeline Malott totaled 11

at the Stayton Holiday Classic, the White Buffaloes took it out

10 points and 11 rebounds, and Kelsie Smith finished with 10

on Hidden Valley. A day after falling to Seaside 36-25, Madras poured in 17 first-quarter points while holding Hidden Valley scoreless en route to a convincing 59-22 girls basketball win. "They took (Thursday's loss) to heart," Lillebo said. "And they showed the true meaning

points. The Cowgirls wrap up the tournament today at 8

Jon Corbett said.

assists. Devon Wolfe chipped in with 18 points. Rainier 51, Crook County 27: ASTORIA — The Cowboys

fell to 1-5 overall after dropping their game at the Astoria

Summit 62, Vanier (British Tournament. Columbia) 35: The Storm musRiverside 53, Culver 43: cled their way to a 25-4 lead af- BOARDMAN — The Bulldogs

a.m.. ter the first quarter en route to Central 61, Ridgeview 41: the Les Schwab Oregon Hol-

entered halftime tied with the host Pirates 25-25, but RiverSTAYTON — T h e R a vens iday Classic win at Summit side outscored Culver 18-7 in dropped just their second High. Summit (3-3) logged 18 the third quarter to take con-

offensive rebounds in the vic- trol of the nonconference conthe Panthers in the semifinal tory to go along with 16 steals. test. Tom McDonald led the round of the Stayton Holiday Nick Moyer led the way for Bulldogs (1-6) with 13 points, Classic. Ridgeview (5-2) con- the Storm with 13 points, Josh Tristan Bogart added 11points of Madras basketball." tinues tournament play today Cherry added 10, and Isaac and Adam Knepp recorded 12 Mariah Stacona, Vanessa in the consolation round. Dermon dished out six assists rebounds to go with his five Esquivel and Kalan Wolfe Riverside 54, Culver 30: to go along with four points. points. each posted 12 points for the B OARDMAN — T h e B u l l - Bryce Olsen paced Vanier Bend frosh 52, North Lake Buffs (5-4), who play Scap- dogs struggled against Riv- with 10 points. Summit faces 37: Cameron McCord logged poose today at noon. Staco- erside's strong offense after Evergreen (Wash.) tonight at 14 points and 14 rebounds, na added eight assists, eight getting outscored 29-10 in the 7:15 at Summit, while Vanier but the Cowboys fell to the steals and six rebounds, while first half, but they were able plays Milwaukie of Portland Bend freshmen at the Holiday Esquivel and Wolfe each re- to respond after the break. at 10:45 a.m. at the same site. Hoopfest at Bend High. Matcorded five steals. The Bulldogs (1-6) were led by Liberty 30, Bend 57: The thew Henkel had 12 points, In other Friday action: Hannah Lewis and Raeanne Lava Bears built an early lead seven boards and seven asGIRLS BASKETBALL Slaght, who had eight points and never let off the gas to pick sists for North Lake (1-4), and Forest Grove 64, Mountain each. up the Les Schwab Oregon Ethan Murphy tallied eight View 38: The Cougars were Trinity Lutheran 42, Pacific Holiday Classic win at Moun- points and six rebounds. The plagued by turnovers ear- 34: CROW — Katie Murphy, tain View High. "They played Cowboys face off against the ly on, giving the ball up 12 back in the lineup after an in- a slow pace, which we weren't Mountain View freshmen at times in the first half, as the jury, scored 21 points to lead used to," Bend coach Scott Bend High today at 12:30 p.m. Vikings rode their height and the Saints over the Pirates Baker said. "But we brought it Bonanza 67, Gilchrist 55: defensive pressure to a 25-10 in the opening round of the back to our level in the second B ONANZA — D e s pite 2 7 first-quarter lead en route to Crow Cougar Classic. Sad- half." Bend (3-3) was led by J.J. points by Hunter Nelson and the victory at the Les Schwab dled with foul trouble in the Spitler, who scored 14 points. 24 points by Trinton Koch, Oregon Holiday Hoopfest at first half, Murphy broke loose Jaylin Robinson totaled 12 the Grizzlies (4-1) were dealt Summit High School. Emma for 17 points after the break as points for the Bears, who play their first loss of the season, Platner led the Cougars (1-4) Trinity Lutheran overcame a Mountain View today at 4 p.m. this one at the Bonanza Clas24-18 halftime deficit. Mariah

View could not climb out of the 15-point hole. Kaitlin Ja-

Murphy added 10 points, five steals and four rebounds for

geview 69: PALM DESERT,

plays Mazama JV today at 2 p.m.

mieson had 14 points for For-

the Saints, Erin Cowan had

Calif. — Trailing by three


est Grove, and Madi Andresen eight points, and Megan Clift finished with 13 points. The had eight rebounds and five Cougars continue the tourna- steals. Trinity Lutheran (3ment at Summit High at 12:30 4) plays in the championship p.m. today against Liberty, final tonight at 6:30 against while Forest Grove plays Sum- Crow. mit at 5:45 p.m. North Lake 37, Mountain View frosh 17: Karrah David-

ah Heinly scored 24 points son scored eight points and and Sarah Reeves added 22 Kendra Murphy and Kira as the Storm easily moved Thomas combined for 22 reinto the semifinal round of

bounds to lead the Cowgirls

their own Les Schwab Ore- in a Holiday Hoopfest game gon Holiday Hoopfest tourna- at Bend High School. North ment. Leading 36-25 at half- Lake (5-2) plays the Summit time, Summit (5-2) outscored freshmen today at 10:45 a.m. Liberty 18-10 in its own gym BOYS BASKETBALL during the third quarter to put The Dalles Wahtonka 60, the game away. Kaely Gor- Redmond 50: WILSONVILLE don added seven points for — Michael Belmontes scored the Storm, who made 29 field a game-high 20 points and goals and went 10 of 18 from Derek Brown added 17 for the free-throw line. Summit the Panthers, but Redmond

at Summit High.

Cabrillo (Calif.) 72, Ridpoints with three seconds to

sic T ournament.

G i l christ

Lava Bears 2-2 at NW Duals:

LesSchwab OregonHolidayHoopfest At Summit HighSchool Summit 62,Vanier (British Columbia)35 Vanier (35) —BryceOlsen 10, Li 8, Biggins 5, Chase4, B. Balon 2, Derycke2,J. Balon2, Knopp 2. Totals 147-1335. Summit (62) —Nick IIIIoyer13, Cherry10, Reeves7, Waterman6, Dermon4, Cornett 4, McCormick4, Shelton 3, Machowski 3,J. Garcia 2,D.Hurley 2, O.Garcia2, J.Hurley2. Totals 274-10 62. Vanier 4 12 9 10 — 35 Summit 25 12 10 15 — 62 Three-poingoal t s—Vanier: none;Summit: Moyer 2, MachowskiRe , eves.

ends with an arbitrator yet to

race in an area packed with fans cheering the passing runners. Three people were killed and more than 260 injured, including at least 16 who lost limbs. Authorities say brothers

2011 NL MVP who had pre-

Dzhokhar a n d

championship last season. Daejon Davis and Erik

viously denied using banned substances, accepted a 65game suspension. 5. Hernandez arrest: On Jan. 20, New England Patri-

ots tight end Aaron Hernan-

T a m erlan dez had nine catches for 83

Tsarnaev, ethnic Chechens yards in an AFC championfrom Russia who emigrated ship game loss to Baltimore.

Muslim countries.

sists, and Tanner O'Neal had

lowed with a 36-34 win over

15 points. Jack Bowman finished with 10 points and seven assists for Ridgeview, and Garrett Albrecht racked up 21 rebounds to go along with

Lake Oswego. Later, Bend

six points. The Ravens con-

about what we did consider-

tinue tournament play today against Bell Jeff (Calif) at 10:30 a.m. and La Salle (Calif.) at 5 p.m. La Grande 70, Madras 63:

lost to St. Helens, 42-40, and to

Snohomish (Wash.) 55-14. "We wrestled some quality teams today, and I feel real good ing we're giving up 18 points on forfeits," said Lava Bears coach Luke Larwin, noting

that his squad was not represented in three weight classes.

STAYTON — The White Buf-

Girls basketball

Hidden Valley (22) — AshleyHeeter 7, McGuinnes s6,Larson4,Schiavone2,Ottosen2,Devos 1.Totals 93-1422. Madras 17 20 16 6 — 59 H iddenvalley 0 5 7 10 — 2 2 Three-poingoal t s— Madras:Esquivel 2, Stacona2; HiddenValey: Heeter.

N inety-six b allots w e re submitted from U.S. editors

and news directors. Voters n andez awaits trial a m i d revelations of a history of vi10 sports stories of the year, olence by the player. with the first-place story 6. Red Sox win: Boston's receiving 10 points, the sec- 2011 season ended with a ond-place story nine points collapse and tales of fried and so on. chicken and beer in the clubThe marathon attack rehouse; 2012 ended with a were asked to rank the top

c eived 761 points and 67

Davis Holly rang up three 3-pointers as part of his 11 points to help the Cougars (32) get past Lakeside, a squad from Seattle that lost in the


Rottsolk paced the Lions with

points that we've scored. As-


last-place finish and 93 loss-

first-place votes. It was also es. New manager John Farsecond in AP's nationaUin- rell and his bearded sluggers ternational story of the year embraced "Boston Strong" poll. and tied for thebest record in The No. 2 sports story, the majors in a turnaround Lance Armstrong's admis- few predicted. With timely sion of doping, had five first- hits up and down the lineup place votes and 517 points. throughout the playoffs, the The top five stories were Red Sox beat the St. Louis grim: t errorism, p erfor- Cardinals in six games for mance-enhancing drug use, their third World Series title legal settlements, murder in a decade. charges. The first on-field 7. Ravens super: The action came in at No. 6 power came back on, and the Boston Red Sox's worst- Baltimore held on. Ravens to-first World Series title, coach John Harbaugh beat though even that was tinged younger brother Jim's San by the city's heartache less Francisco 49ers 34-31 in the than seven months earlier. Super Bowl in an unpreceHere are 2013's top 10 dented sibling showdown. stories: But the game will be remem1. Boston marathon bomb- bered most for the 34-minute ings: The throngs of specta- outage at the Superdome in tors lining the streets at a sto-

New Orleans. Baltimore star

ried big-city marathon were once a wholesome scene of civic pride and friendly support. April's attack came as a haunting reminder that the crowds at a high-profile event are also a vulnerable target. Bag searches and metal de-

linebacker Ray Lewis rode into retirement with a ring. 8. Awesome Auburn: The Tigers' turnaround from a

de France titles, releasing

the national title game Jan.

3-9 record to the national title

game was stunning enough. Even more shocking was how they did it. A deflecttectors were a common sight ed 73-yard touchdown pass at games the rest of the year. with 25 seconds left gave As victims persevere onpros- Auburn a 43-38 win over thetic limbs, the 118th edition Georgia on Nov. 16. The play of the world's oldest mara- that ended their next game thon is set for the spring, with will go down as one of the security undoubtedly height- most memorable in college ened but runners determined football history: Chris Davis' to take part. return of a missed field goal 2. Lance Armstrong: The attempt more than 100 yards disgraced cyclist was also to beat No. 1 Alabama 34-28. 9. Te'o hoax: Heisman Trothe No. 2 sports story last year. In 2012, the U.S. An- phy runner-up Manti Te'o ti-Doping Agency stripped struggled in Notre Dame's him of his record seven Tour lopsided loss to Alabama in mounds of evidence that he 7. Nine days later, his name used PEDs to win them. In became forever linked to a January, after years of de- most bizarre sports story. fiant denials, Armstrong That tragic tale about his finally admitted it, telling girlfriend's death told over Oprah Winfrey: "It's this and over as the linebacker myth, this perfect story, and starred for an undefeated it wasn't true."

Class 3A Washington state

rule. In July, Ryan Braun, the

Bears opened with a 39-33 victory over Silverton and fol-


t h e b e nch, an d

bombs exploded near t he finish line of the April 15

later, he was charged with murder. Prosecutors accuse him of shooting a friend to death on a secluded gravel road for talking to the wrong people at a nightclub. Her-

margin on the boards. "We've With th e w i n , M o untain 12 points apiece, while Kiki been struggling with that a lot View advances to the semifiBoyle and Mike Padden con- lately. That was definitely a fo- nals. The Cougars will take on tributed eight points each. cus for us." Bend at4 p.m. today at SumMountain View knew this As was ball movement, ac- mit High. Lakeside, meanmatchup would be big, espe- cording to R e id. M ountain while, faces Liberty for a 12:30 cially coming off an eight- View was averaging about 10 p.m. tipoff at Summit. "We looked at this game point loss to Churchill of Eu- assists per game but finished gene after the Cougars had led with 16 on Friday night. as a big one," Reid said. "It's "Our big thing today was a tough tournament. But our by double digits at the half. The Cougars built a 36-19 making the extra passes," goal is to win it. If we can conh alftime advantage on F r iReid said. "We haven't had tinue to get better, then we day night and held Lakeside enough assists in the last cou- have a good shot." to just six points in the fourth ple games for the amount of — Reporter: 541-383-0307,

points off

ciated Press. Two pressure c ooker

out the bombings in retaliation for U.S. involvement in

nin, whose team held a plus-10

game with a great spark." Roth chipped in with 13

vote conducted by The Asso-

Northwest Duals tournament at Westview High. The Lava


p ractice. He came into t h e

selected the sports story of the year Friday in an annual

Just more than five months

sists come from making the extra pass, getting that open

er keys tonight was Garrett Roth," Reid said. "I thought he did a great job. He had bruised ribs after the Churchill game (last Friday), sat out Monday's

NEW YORK — The Boston Marathon bombing was

Alex Rodriguez's 211-game suspension was the longest of the 13 announced in Augustforplayersconnected to a Florida anti-aging clinic accused of distributing banned PEDs. The Yankees' slugger was the only one to contest the penalty, and the year

dren, planned and carried

"Our biggestaspect was our rebounding," said Lan-

"I thought one of the oth-

The Associated Press

to the United States as chil-

LesSchwab OregonHolidayHoopfest At Mountain ViewHighSchool Mountain View69, Lakeside (Wash.)40 Lakeside I40) —Daejon Davis12, ErikRottsolk 12, Boyle8,Padden8.Totals165-1540. Mountain View(69) — Grant Lannin 16, Roth Stayton HolidayClassic 13, Holly 11,Hjelm9, Cattell 7, Haugen6, Albin 3, La Grande 70, Madras63 Johnson 2,VanceI, Cheney1.Totals 22 18-3269. Madras (63) —JeredPichette26, Wolfe18, Lakeside 9 10 15 6 — 40 6, Rauschenburg5, Sullivan 4, Rehwinkel 2, Mountain View 1 8 18 12 21 — 69 Holliday 2. Totals 308-13 63. Three-point goals — Lakeside:Boyle 2, Padden; Estrada La Grande (70) — TroyWiliams20, Daal13, MountainView:Holly 3, Lannin2, Roth, Albin. Kevan12,Wicklander9,Powell 9, Boyd3, Cederholm 2, Kreutz 2. To t als 348-10 70. LesSchwab OregonHolidayHoopfest Madras 16 17 8 22 — 63 At Mountain ViewHighSchool La Grande 16 16 13 25 — 70 Bend 57, Liberty 30 Three-point goal s — Madras: Pichette 2, Holliday Liberty (30) —Mast10, Alverado6, Walker 6, 2, Rauschenburg; La Gr ande:Wiliams 5, Powell, Greenle3, e Magera3, Bolinger 2.Totals12 3 6 30. Wicklander. Bend (57) — J.J. Spitler14, Robinson12, Parsons10, Harmeson8,Scott4,Beaumarchais2,JohnSonconference son 2,Kearsley 2, Holliday,2, Warinner1.Totals21 Riverside 53,Culver43 12-15 57. Culver (43) — Tom McDonald 13,Bogart 11, Liberly 7 8 7 8 — 30 Slaght 7,Knepp5, Sledge5, Mueller 2. Totals 13 Bend 17 12 9 19 — 57 Three-pointgoals—Liberty: Walker, Mast, Magera; 10-20 43. Riverside (53) —Amaral16, Schimer12,CorBend:Spitler 2, Harmeson. pus 8, Mendoza 7, Olivera 3, Vileges3, Murillo 2, Wilsonville Tournament Velasquez 2.Totals 2011-23 53. TheOallesWahtonka60,Redm ond50 Culver 16 9 7 11 — 43 Redmond(50) — MichaelBelmontes 10, D. Riverside 14 11 18 10 — 53 Brown17,Benson9, Moss2, T. Brown2. Totals17 Three-pointgoals—Culver: McDonald 3, Bogart 3, 7-12 50. Sledge;Riverside:Olivera,Vileges.

Continued from C1

By Rachel Cohen

two in pool competition at the

3-pointer fell i n nocently to

LesSchwab OregonHolidayHooptest At Summit HighSchool Forest Grove64, MountainView38 Mountain View(38) — Emm aPlatner21, Van DerZwiep5, McClain5, Bailey 4, Serbus2, Breckel1. Totals1111-1938. Forest GroveI64) — Kaitlin Jamieson14,AnAstoria Tournament dresen13,Long9,Vilalobos 9,Hutchins 8,Anderson CrookCounty45, Rainier 30 6, Swanson 5. Totals 2513-19 64. Rainier (30) —JennyWestlund14, Thurston4, Mountain View 1 0 14 10 4 — 38 3,Garman2, Taylor 2, Pedersen2, Crape2, ForestGrove 25 1 6 13 10 — 64 Saylors Schimmel t Totals11 8-1730. Three-poingoal t s— Mountain View:Platner4, Mccrook county (45) — MichaelineMalott 11, Clain;ForestGrove: Long. Sever ance10,Smith10,Ovens7,Wood3,Mar ti n2, Sappi ngton2.Totals186-1145. LesSchwab OregonHolidayHoopfest Rainier 6 5 6 1 3 — 30 At Summit HighSchool C rookcounty 15 6 1 6 8 — 4 5 Summit 72, Liberly 47 t s —Rainier: none;CrookCounty: Liberty (47) —Oster 10,Driscoll 8, Neum eyer Three-poingoal Malott 2,Ovens. 7, Gallegos7, Retumo 6, Wiliam 4, Smotherman3, Grenfell 2. Totals18 5-847. Summit (72) —SarahHeinly 24, Ree ves 22, Sonconference Gordon7, Cornett6, Hasenoehrl4, Huntsman2, Char Riverside 54,Culver30 1.Totals 2910-18 72. Culver(30) —Hannah Lewis8, RaeanneSlaght Liberly 6 19 10 12 — 47 8, Hoke 5, Fritz 4, Robinett 3,Badillo 2. Totals 12 Summit 18 18 18 18 — 72 6-15 30. Three-pointgoals— Liberty: Oster2, Smotherman, Riverside (54) —JennaShimmer 11, Smith 8, Neumeyer;Summit: Heinly 4. Hernandez 8, Pratt 8, Calvillo 8, Jimenez4, Mendoza 3, Guerra 2, Gonzalez1, Sanchez1. Totals 22 8-24 LesSchwab OregonHolidayHoopfest 54. At Summit HighSchool Culver 6 4 9 1 1 — 30 Bend 53, Lincoln 39 14 15 15 11 — 54 Lincoln (39) — Eve Goldman 14, McPhee 11, Riverside Three-poingoal t s —Culver: none;Riverside; not Eakin 6, Johnson4, Cador 2, Cook2. Totals 1311available. 17 39. Bend I53) — KendalKramer l 15,McClay 10, CrowCougarClassic Hayes9, Sylvester9, Burnham4,Wheeler 3, S.JackTrinity Lutheran42, Pacific 34 son 3.Totals2011-1653. Pacific (34) — RileyEngdahl 12,Figueroa11, Lincoln 10 10 6 13 — 39 Byme 5, Keeler 3, Althof2, Finley1. Totals 11 11Bend 11 18 12 12 — 53 20 34. Three-pointgoals—Lincoln: Goldman,Eakin; Bend: Trinity Lutheran(42) — Katie Murphy21, M. McClay,Sylvester. Murphy10, Cowan 8, Martin 2, Clitt1. Totals 20 2-4 42. Staylon HolidayClassic Pacilic 9 15 5 5 — 34 Madras 59,HiddenValley 22 Madras(59) —MariahStacona12, VanessaEs- Trinity Lutheran 14 4 10 14 — 42 quivel12,KalanWolfe12, Frank6, Whipple6, S.Scott Three-poingoal t s— Pacific: Byrne;Trinity Lutheran: 5, J. Adams 4, Suppah2. Totals 263-459. none.

MaxPrepsHoliday Classic At Xavier HighSchool, PalmDeserl, Calif. Cabrillo (Calif.) 72, Ridgeview69 Cabrillo (72) —ChadBrodhead 45,Abayari 8, Harris 8,Enger6, Reshawn3, Gonsalez3, Zacarias1. Totals19 28-4072. Ridgeview I69) —GeorgeMendazona18, O'Neal15, Bowm an10, Manselle 8, Albrecht6,Alvarez3, Ross 3, Stanton2,Stiles 2.Totals 2513-16 69. Cabrillo 20 22 17 13 — 72 Ridgeview 13 28 10 18 — 69 Three-pointgoal— s Cabrilo: Brodhead6;Ridgeview: Mendaz ona2,Alvarez,Bowman,Ross,O'Neal.

bombing pickedAP sports story ofyear

the floor, dealing Ridgeview a loss at the MaxPreps Holiday Classic. George Mendazona paced the Ravens (4-2) with 18 points and four as-

PREP SCOREBOARD The DallesWahtonka(60) —Nelson15, Wilson 11,Conneley11, Nunan6, Wilson 5, Esquio4, Bartels 4,Coffer3, Schull1. Totals 2215-2260. 13 6 12 19 — 50 Redmond TheDallesWahtonka 13 13 13 21 — 60 Three-poingoal t s—Redmond: Belmontes4, Benson 3,D.Brown2;TheDallesWahtonka:Conneley.

Boston Marathon

PORTLAND — B end H i gh won two m atches and lost

play, the Ravens' desperation

Top performers of the day for faloes came out strong but lost Bend included Cade Foisset momentum in the third quar- (182 pounds), Noah Haines plays Forest Grove today at fell to 0-5 on the season with ter, getting outscored 13-8 in (152) and Logan Blake (160)5:45p.m. its loss to the Eagle Indians in the Stayton Holiday Classic all with 3-1 records. The Bears Crook County 45, Rainier 30: the consolation round of the loss. Madras (5-4), which plays conclude pool competition this ASTORIA — The Cowgirls Wilsonville Tournament. Red- Sweet Home today at 4:30p.m., morning with matches against grabbed a 15-6 lead after the mond, which plays Pendleton was led by Jered Pichette's 26 Glencoeand Aloha, then enter first quarter and used a 16-6 today in its final game of the points, five rebounds and five bracket competition.

Boys basketball

line of the Boston Marathon in April in Boston.

game of the season, a rout by

with 21 points, but Mountain

Summit 72, Liberty 47: Sar-

Charles Krupa/The Associated Press file

An emergency responder and volunteers, including Carlos Arredondo, wearing acowboy hat,pushJeffBauman ina wheelchair after he was injured in anexplosion near the finish

team? She didn't exist. Te'o

3. NFL concussion settle- insisted he was duped into ment: The NFL's settlement believing the woman he nevof lawsuits brought by thou- er met in person was real. sands offormer players will 10. Heat title: One more cost the league $765 million free throw or one more debut won't end the turmoil fensive rebound, and the over head injuries in football San Antonio Spurs prevent — or the litigation. The re- Miami from repeating as tirees, who had accused the champion. Instead, Ray AlNFL of concealing the long- len made one of the biggest term dangers of concussions, shots in NBA Finals histowill be eligible for compen- ry, knocking down a secsation for certain neurologi-

ond-chance 3-pointer with

cal ailments. The league did 5 seconds left to send Game not admit to any wrongdoing 6 to overtime. The Heat won after mediation resulted in a in the extra period and again settlement in August. in Game 7 to give LeBron 4. Baseball drug bans: James another title.


Losses E ven the H al l o f F a m e

was overtaken by his body of work, surrendering to the scope ofhis achievements by saying on his plaque that he "holds many National League records."

"Stan will be remembered in baseball annals as one of the pillars of the game," Hall of Fame president Jeff Idelson said. "The mold broke with Stan. There will never be another like him."

Musial played off-Broadway in St. Louis, never enjoying the mythic acclaim of Joe DiMaggio or Ted Williams. But he never seemed to mind,

happy to deliver season after season, all the while busting out tunes on his harmonica or

delighting in his magic tricks. The word gentleman followed him wherever he went.

"I never heard anybody say

a bad word about him," fellow

Hall of Famer Willie Mays said. "Ever." S urely that wa s no t t h e

case with Weaver. Opponents and umpires all had a few select words of their own for the

pugnacious 5-foot-6 fighter in the dugout. But in Baltimore, where he managed for 17 seasons, a statue of him stands at Camden Yards. "His passion for the game and the fire with w hich he

managed will always be remembered by baseball fans everywhere,"Orioles great Cal Ripken said. Weaver understood what

made players tick and how to coax the most out of a pitching staff. Let others bunt and

move runners along; Weaver waited for the three-run hom er. Baltimore went to t h e

World Series four times under him, winning in 1970. But the casual fan saw less

ligent presence, in everyone's living room, week after week. Tennis and golf also sounded


Continued from C1 Administrators:Jim Garvey, 70; Henry Lee Parker, 88; Bill Shapland, 57. Arl:John Antonio, 83. Auto Racing:John Cardinale, 47; Maria de Villota, 33; SeanEdwards, 26; Jason Leffler, 37;RalphSanchez,64;MarcyScott,42; Allen Simonsen, 34; DickTrickle, 71; Kramer Williamson, 63. Aviation:Paul Poberezny, 91. Baseball:Wally Bell, 48; TomBorland, 80; Gates Brown, 74;Rick Camp,60; Frank Castillo, 44; JohnConnelly, 85; RonFraser, 79; Ray Grebey, 85;Epy Guerrero, 71;Grady Hatton, 90; EnzoHernandez,63; Edith Houghton, 100; Bill Kane,75; Johnny Kucks, 81;Sophie Kurys, 87; Christopher Lane,22; Brad Lesley, 54;Johnny Logan,86;StephenMartinSr., 66;Stan Musial,92;AndyPafko,92;Lavonne Paire-Davis, 88; Richie Phillips, 72; Frank Pulli, 78; Marv Rotblatt, 85; George Scott, 69; Victor Torres, 61;GusTriandos, 82; Virgil Trucks, 95; EarlWeaver,82; MichaelWeiner, 51; Earl Williams, 64; Hiroshi Yamauchi, 85. Basketball:Zelmo Beaty, 73; Walt Bellamy, 74; Sergei Belov, 69; WesBialosuknia, 68; Marty Blake, 86; TomBoerwinkle, 67; Jerry Buss, 80; Charlie Coles, 71;Jack Curran, 82; lanDavies,57;JoeDean,83;MichaelGage, 75; Joe Glynn, 19; BobGregory, 63; Marv Harshman, 95; Phil Henderson, 44; Bob Kurland, 88; John McManus, 88; Cliff Meely, 65; Dean Meminger, 65; JoeMeriweather, 59; Vern Mikkelsen, 85; Leland Mitchell, 72; Bob Nichols, 82; Mary Ostrowski, 51; Monica Quan,28;FlynnRobinson,72;Ossie Schectman, 94; Bill Sharman, 87; Bonita Spence, 51; M.K.Turk, 71; Matthew White, 53; Greg Willard, 54; RayWilliams, 58; Marv Wolfenson, 87. Bodybuilding:JoeWeider, 93. Bowling:Billy Hardwick, 72. Boxing:Emile Griffith, 75; TonyMartin, 52; Jacob Matlala, 51; Julius Menendez,90; Jerimiah Moen, 29; TommyMorrison, 44; Ken Norton, 70; Alexis Urbina, 17;Carl Williams, 53.

Bullfighting:Patricia McCormick, 83. Cricket:Tom Maynard, 23; Darryn Randall, 32.

Cycling:Junior Heffernan, 23; Burry Stander, 25; Stanislaw Szozda,62.

Qiving:Nicholas Mevoli, 32. Equestrian:Raimondo D'Inzeo, 88; Tom Gadsby, 26. Football: BudAdams,90;ScottAdams,46; Bill Austin, 84; John Bozick, 88; JackButler, 85; Rick Casares, 82; FrankChamberlin, 35; Todd Christensen, 57; KenClark, 46; Bobby Crespino, 75; Ulysses Curtis, 87; JackDavis, 80; Steve Davis 60; Paul Dietzel, 89; Jack Donaldson, 86;ArtDonovan,89;MikeDunbar, 64; PeteElliott, 86; Jack Eskridge, 89; Dick Evey,72;ChuckFairbanks,79;Cullen Finnerty, 30; JackGotta, 83; L.C. Greenwood, 67; HermHarrison, 71; Harlon Hill, 89;Jim Hudson,70;JohnJoseph Idzik,85; Don James, 80; DaveJennings, 61; Deacon Jones, 74; Mirko Jurkovic, 44; Dick Kaizmaier, 82; Doug Kenna,88; Frank Lauterbur, 88; Jeff Lewis, 39; Errol Mann, 71;Polo Manukainiu, 19; Darris McCord, 80; Mike McCormack, 83;MalMoore,73;ChuckMuncie,60; PaulOliver,29;BobOwens,77;JackPardee, 76; Ace Parker,101; Nick Pasquale, 20; Francis Peay,69; BumPhillips, 90; Demarius Reed,20;John Reger, 82;Jon Richardson, 53; Eddie Robinson Jr., 70; ReggieRogers, 49; Jim Rountree, 77;GeorgeSaimes, 71; George Sauer, 69; Jerry Seeman,77; Bruce Smith (CFLplayer); 63; Park Stevens, 20; Bryan Stoltenberg, 40; JamesStreet, 65; Pat Summerall, 82; Jim Sweeney,83; Walt Sweeney, 71;BobbyThomason, 85; Frank Tripucka, 85; Frosty Westering, 85; Wilford White, 84; Chandler Williams, 27; Sam Williams, 82; Willis Wilson, 21; Jerry Wolman,

Lacrosse:Kristina Quigley, 30. Media:Denis Brodeur, 82; David Coleman, 87; Richard BenCramer, 62; Lynn DeBruin, 51; Johnny Esaw,87; Larry Felser, 80; Lou Gerard, 86; Jim Gintonio, 65; PatHarmon, 97; Stan Isaacs, 83; Wheatley Marshall Johnson,92;BobLyons,73;BillMazer,92;Paul Moran, 67; DaveO'Hara, 86; Lou Requena, 93; Fred White, 76; Shelby Whitfield, 77.

foot-stomping confrontations with the men in blue. This

some Foursome. He was a pass-rushing terror for the Los Angeles Rams who left his stamp not only on the bodies of countless quarterbacks

but on the vocabulary of the game: He coined the term "sack."


players from their only championship team - receiver George Sauer and safety Jim

Olympics:Berthold Beitz, 99. Rugby:Louis Luyt, 80. Saili ng:TedHood,86;Andrew Simpson,36. Snowboarding:Chelone Miller, 29. Snowmobiling:Caleb Moore, 25. Soccer:Julio Chavez,19; Pal Csernai, 80; Heinz Flohe, 65; Bill Foulkes, 81; Riccardo Garrone, 76; Bruno Metsu, 59; Gylmar dos Santos Neves, 83; Ricardo Portillo, 46; Hector Sanabria, 27; Nilton Santos, 88; Josie Seebeck, 19; Richard Swanson, 42; Bert Trautmann, 89; IvanTurina, 32; Ottmar Walter, 89; Phil Woosnam,80. Softball:Charles Fobbs, 47. Speedskating:Hjalmar Andersen, 90. Squash:Adrian Dudzicki, 23. Sumo:Taiho, 72. 86; Bob Yates Jr., 74. Golf:Miller Barber, 82; William Campbell, 90; Swimming:Esther Williams, 91. Table Tennis:Zhuang Zedong, 72. Frank Stranahan, 90; JosVanstiphout, 62; Tennis:Brad Drewett, 54; GeneMako, 97; Ken Venturi, 82. Gussie Moran, 89; AlexRovello, 21; Rene Gymnastics:GeneWettstone, 100. Hockey: Shawn Burr,47;WayneFleming,62; Simpson, 47. Track andField: Lesley Cantwell, 26; Pietro George Gund III, 75; Pentti Lund, 87; Allan Mennea, 60; Alain Mimoun, 92; JohnThomStanley, 87; TimTaylor, 71. as, 71. Horse Racing:Kirk Breed, 73; Henry Cecil, 70;John Coughlin,63;T.J.Kelly,93;Simone liiathlon:Berton Bosman, 37; Kevin Staessen, 29. Montgomerie, 26; Kenneth Noe,Jr., 84; Donald Smith, 69. Horses (Giant Victory, 25; Water Polo:DezsoGyarmati, 85. Nehro, 5; Rocknroll Hanover, 11;Storm Cat, Weightlifting:Soraya Jimenez, 35. 30; Unbridled's Song, 20). Wrestling:Nicolae Martinescu, 73. Pro: WilHunting:Larry Benoit, 89. liam Moody (Paul Bearer), 58; Maurice "Mad Dog" Vachon, 84. Judo:ElenaIvashchenko,28.

Also gone was another fierce defensive end — L.C. Greenwood, 67, a key part of Pittsburgh's "Steel Curtain" of the 1970s. The New York J ets are now w i t hout t w o

Hudson. Art

D o novan, the

Baltimore Colts' star lineman, was 89 and kept the rollicking stories coming. He said the only weight he ever lifted was a beer can.

Football's coaching ranks thinned: Bum Phillips (Oilers, Saints), Jack Pardee (Bears, Redskins), Chuck Fairbanks (Oklahoma, Patriots), Don James (Washington), Paul Dietzel (LSU). Two key figures passed from baseball's union-management struggles — Ray Grebey and Weiner.Grebey, 85, tangled with Marvin Mill-

er during the 50-day strike that split th e

1981 season.

Weiner succeeded Donald Fehr as head of the players' union in 2009. He inherited harsh terrain, with labor re-

lations still rough. But in not much time, and with a lighter

touch, he managed to smooth the field. He died at 51 of a brain tumor.

Auto racing's Dick Trickle, who embraced an unconventional name and let the good

times roll on small tracks around the country, died at 71, a suspected suicide.

He died at 75 of pugilistic dementia. Griffith was quick and savvy in the ring, flicking jabs and punishing opponents. One night of punishing work

year, losing two other champions, both heavyweights:

in Boston and became one of

Ken Norton, who in 1973 def eated Muhammad Ali a n d

shooters. He latercoached the Los Angeles Lakers of Wilt

The Laker family also lost

denied until his chaotic end

its patriarch in Jerry Buss, 80, the owner who gave his franchise a celebrity dazzle in Chamberlain, Jerry West a city where there is no highand Gail Goodrich when they er calling. His team won 10 won 33 in a row, and as an ex- championships and became ecutive hepresided over the the gold standard, from the team's Showtime run. Showtime era of Magic John-

that he had the AIDs virus. recapture hi s w e lterweight Carl "The Truth" Wi lliams, title. A comatose Paret died who lost title fights to Mike

Fame as a player and coach Football in 2013 lost not its and died at 87. Two footnotes: heart but its voice. Summer-

was someone who was once ejected from both games of a doubleheader. Former umpire Don Denkinger recalls the in 1962 would haunt Griffith time Weaver came to home for the rest of his life. plate before a game and said H e battered Benny " T he Kid" Paret on national TV to he was quitting. "I told him that if he ever ran out of money to call the

a lot better with him around. W hen Jones died at 7 4 , football lost one of its Fear-

Medicine:Daniel Garza, 43; Lewis Yocum, 66. Memorabilia:Richard McWilliam, 59. Mixed Martial Arts:ShaneDel Rosario, 30. Mountaineering:George Lowe, 89. Music:Lambert Bartak, 94; TomConnors,

of the managerial shrewdness than his nose-to-nose, h at- t u r n e d - b a c k w a r d ,


broke his jaw, was 70; and Tommy Morrison, 44, w ho

beat George Foreman and later tested positive for HIV but

umpires' association and we'd take up a collection for him," Denkinger said. "We'd do anything just to keep him off the field and away from us."

the game's best free-throw

He made it to the Hall of

son to Kobe Bryant.

Sports in 2013 also mourned a man whose first love was boxing and who understood better than anyone just how much sway, how much force these games can carry. In 1995, when he stood in the middle of a Johannesburg stadium, wearing a green rugby jersey — the game of the apartheid regime now banished — he knew precisely what he was doing. "Sport has the power to

10 days later. The fight shad- Tyson and Larry Holmes, owed boxing for many years. died of cancer at 53. Griffith, suddenly cast in the The Celtics-Lakers rivalry role of villainous killer, was that once defined the NBA never the same. At times, he had a unifying thread in L ike Mu s i al , Gr i ff i t h was afraid to leave his hoteL Sharman. He teamed in the brought elegance to his craft. Boxing was hit hard this backcourt with Bob Cousy

Sharman introduced the pre-

all, 82, spent 10 years in the

game shootaround; as a baseball player, he was called up by the Dodgers in 1951 and was in the dugout when Bobby Thomson hit his famous

NFL, kicking field goals for the Chicago Cardinals and

change the world," Nelson Mandela, 95, would say years

New York Giants. But it was

later. "It has the power to in-



Continued from C1 What a contrast with other

cities. Take Athens, which host-

ed the Summer Games two years after Salt Lake City. Many of those facilities were

post-Olympics operations, a fund that was initially targeted at $40 million but wound up o ther arena i n P r ovo w a s being $76 million because of downsized after the games the financial success of those and turned over to the BYU Olympics. hockey program. A third rink Nearly 12 years later, the in Ogden continues to host endowment remains at$65 community events on the cam- million even after the Great urban West Valley City hosts

a minor-league hockey team and numerous concerts. An-

largely abandoned after the pus of Weber State University. Olympics, quickly of no use to But the crown jewels are a country that found itself on the Olympic Oval and the the verge of financial collapse. Olympic Park, which are opThe images of crumbling sta- erated by the nonprofit legacy diums should have provided a foundation. Fortunately, the stern warning to other cities, Salt Lake City organizers had but no one seemed to notice. the foresight to include an enBeijing spent billions for dowment in their budget for its coming-out party in 2008, leaving behind an impressive

home run.

afterward, behind a television spire. It has the power to unite microphone, where he be- people in a way that little else came a steady, calming, intel- does.

cluding most members of the women's national ski jumpvenues fo r e l i t e a t h l etes, ing team) were growing up in though nearly every winter this area during the 2002 Salt sport holds a major competi- Lake City Games. They were tion in the Salt Lake City area inspired to go for the gold, and each year. A larger purpose the lasting vestige of those is served during the exten- games gave them a conduit to sive time they are open to the make it happen. Recession. That allows its two public — hosting youth sports, Salt Lake City is already exmain complexes to remain teaching local residents to ploring a bid for another Winopen despite a hefty operating skate, inspiring the next gen- ter Games. Hilton estimates it deficit, which is an unavoid- eration of young athletes to would cost about $2.5 billion able due to the high costs of pursuetheirOlympic dreams. to bring the Olympics back to running the facilities. The It is n o t s u r prising that Utah, a far cry from the boonoval, for example, has an an- many of the athletes compet- doggle in Sochi. "Part of our wish is that the nual shortfall of $1.2 million ing in various sports for spots that is covered by the legacy on the U.S. Olympic team (in- Olympic movement does look They are more than just

at a more sustainable model for hosting the games," he said, "where you don't have to spend billions of dollars building facilities that become

white elephants." Perhaps the I nternational Olympic Committee will start

rewarding cities that already have the facilities in place. A city such as this one.

"We love our winter sports," Hilton said. "We're active with our winter venues. Some day,

if the Winter Games look to come back to us, we've got the infrastructure and citizens to

host another great games."

A Free Public Service

national stadium, the Bird's

Nest, that goes largely unused except as a tourist attraction.

Sochi is preparing to host the Winter Olympics in February after doling out more than

$50 billion — far more than any other Olympics, winter or summer — to essentially build

every venue from scratch. Rest assured, there is no chance of Sochi getting more than kopek on the ruble for its investment. In fact, it seems

highly likely that five ice arenas and the main stadium-

all clustered together along the Black Sea, far from the city

Over 80 Oregon Newspapers, from 36 Counties

center — will become a complex of white elephants as soon as the torch is extinguished. Not so in Salt Lake City,

which skipped the quest for gaudy architectural achievements to assure that its venues would remain an i mportant part of t h e c ommunity for


years to come. "We're four times busier now than we were ahead

of the games," Hilton said. "There's not too many Olympic cities that can talk about

beingbusier after the games." S ure, the s t adiums a n d arenas were spread out over

rather long distances in 2002, but they were placed in areas where they would remain via-

ble after the 17-day Olympics were long gone. A 10,000-seat arena is sub-



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iswee i'swinor o ome or our eams By Barry Wilner

Arizona (10-5): After show- the AFC South for first time ing vulnerability at home for since 2009, and place-kickthe first time in two seasons er Adam Vinatieri needs six

The Associated Press

Two NFC showdowns, one for the North title and one for the East crown.

— and since Russell Wilson

A returning star quarterback in Green Bay and a sidelined one in Dallas. A pair of the NFL's most heated rivalries determining

not be easy, because the Rams

playoff spots. Delicious. O ne thing th e N F L a b -

St. Louis has only one victo-

ry in Seattle since 2002, when

Everybody's well aware of the great history between the

Green Bay Packers and the Chicago Bears." And McCarthy gets back Aaron Rodgers, who missed seven games and most of an eighth because of a broken leftcollarbone suffered Nov. 4 against the Bears. "We're in it," said Rodgers, who saw the Packers go 2-51 without him. "You know we have a chance against our

rivals, and what a better way than to go down there and get some redemption and host a

home playoff game." While R odgers c omes back, the Cowboys will be without Tony Romo, who damaged his back in a tight win at Washington last Sun-

day. Kyle Orton will step in as Dallas plays a winner-takeall finale against a division opponent. "Everything we are and we have accomplished over

the last few years, that you believe in and you hold on to, is because of him," said tight end Jason Witten, the Cowboy franchise leader in catch-

es who came into the league with Romo in 2003. "What he creates week in and week

out, day in and day out, I don't think you look at a couple of plays and determine. I


Washington (3-12) at New York Giants (6-9): Very possibly the final game in Mike offs, Arizona would be the Shanahan's four-year run as more desperate team. But San Washington coach. He's 24Francisco is eager to pounce 40 and last season was the if Seattle stumbles — and only winning one for him with could get the top overall con- the Redskins. They have lost ference seed ifCarolina also seven straight games and are falls. The 49ers have won five winless in the NFC East. in a row. Giants coach Tom Coughlin

the NFC West was formed. With the Niners in the play-

score in their sector. "Wouldn't want it any oth-

That's what's in front of us.

game in the same season for

played the Seahawks tough in the second time in franchise October, losing 14-9. history and first time since

solutely got right in recent years was making all Week 17 games between division teams. It's worked again with the Eagles visiting the Cowboys in the Sunday night game, a little while after the Packers and Bears settle the er way," Green Bay coach Mike McCarthy said. "This is what you fight for, an opportunity to be in the playoffs.

points to become the seventh

became the starting quarter- member of the 2,000-point back — by losing to Arizona, club. Seattle needs a win or tie to The Jaguars are 4-3 since securehome-field advantage their bye week and are trying in the NFC playoffs. It might to win a fourth AFC South

The Cardinals could be the

almost certainly will r eturn

second 11-5 team, joining the if he wants to. But aside from Tim Sharp/The Associated Press 2008 Patriots, not to m a ke his two Super Bowl victories After suffering a broken collarbone, Green Bayquarterback Aaron Rodgers will come off the bench the playoffs if the Saints also — a big aside — the Giants this week looking to lead the Packers against Chicago for the NFC North title. win. have missed the playoffs five Denver (12-3) at Oakland times under the league's oldest (4-11); Buffalo (6-9) at New En- coach. think that would be foolish right place, but we're just not dling archrival Cleveland and gland (11-4): Right now, the Houston (2-13) at Tennesfor anybody to do that." winning the one-on-ones or let things fall however they top two seeds in the AFC are see (6-9): From projected Philadelphia (9-6) at Dal- you missed atackle," Bears may. the Broncos and Patriots. But Super Bowl contender after las (8-7); Green Bay (7-7-1) defensive coordinator Mel Carolina (11-4) at Atlanta (4- should Denver slip up against consecutive AFC South titles at Chicago (8-7): The Eagles 'Ibcker said. 11); Tampa Bay (4-11) at New the Raiders — a long shot at to, uh, earning the top overall have been the more balanced New York (7-8) at Miami (8- Orleans (10-5): Pretty simple best — New England could pick in the draft. That's how team, with a d e f ense that 7); Baltimore (8-7) at Cincinnati what can happen here. And grab the top spot with a win. Houston's season has gone, pretty much improved as the (10-5); Cleveland (4-11) at Pitts- complex. Peyton Manning has 51 TD with 13 straight losses and season progressed and a sen- burgh (7-8); Kansas City (11-4) If the Panthers win at Atlan- passes, most in a season, and Gary Kubiak already fired as sational offense. And they at San Diego (8-7):Four teams ta, they take the NFC South, figures to throw a few more coach. will have their quarterback: chasing the final AFC wild going from a last-place tie in against the inept Oakland Mike Munchak's tenure in Nick Foles leads the league card. Who has the edge? 2012 to the title the Falcons defense. He needs 266 yards Tennessee also could end, eswith a 118.8 rating, has 25 M iami, because it's a t won a year ago. If Carolina, passing to break Drew Brees' pecially if the Titans can't hanTDs and two interceptions, home against a team it easi- which has won 10 of 11, loses single-season mark of 5,476 dle the league's worst team. and is healthy. ly handled earlier, might be to the faltering Falcons, New set in 2011, and the Broncos RB Chris Johnson needs 50 They also have LeSean Mc- the one. But the Jets will play Orleans can sneak into the need 18 points to break New yards to reach 1,000 for a sixth Coy, who can become the first hard, sensing a win might be top spot in the division with a England's single-season mark straight season. Philadelphia running back enough to save the job of the vtctory. of 589 set in 2007. Detroit (7-8) at Minnesota "The work is not done," said to lead the league in rushing coach the players adore, Rex The Raiders need an 11th (4-10-1): The Lions completed since Hall of Famer Steve Van Ryan. Panthers safety Mike Mitch- straight non-playoff season to their collapse from NFC North Buren in 1949. So Baltimore, with its cham- ell, who recognizes a win end. leaderto heading home be"I don't care who's quarter- pionship pedigree, fits the role. earns a bye for the wild-card Buffalo has never won fore the new year when they backing, who's playing," Foles Except the Bengals are unde- round. "We are in the play- in Gillette Stadium, which lost to the Giants in overtime said of the challenge on Sun- feated at home and still have a offs, but it's not time to relax. opened in 2002. But the Bills last weekend. QB M atthew day night. "If you're not up for shot at the No. 2 overall seed. We can make it a lot easier for lead the NFL in sacks, so Tom Stafford has an N F L-worst that, I don't know if you'll ever That leaves the Chargers, ourselves and earn some rest Brady might not be all that 14 turnovers (including 12 inbe up to play football." perhaps. The Chiefs have and let other teams beat them- comfortable against a team terceptions) over the last six Orton last started a game in nothing to play for, secure in selves up." he has beaten 21 out of 23 weeks, five losses. It's the final game in the 2011 with Kansas City. the No. 5 slot in the AFC seedThe Saints still can miss the times. At Soldier Field, both teams ings, and San Diego has been postseason, though, if they Jacksonville (4-11) at India- Metrodome. The Vikings will will be searching for a sem- coming on. lose and Arizona beats San napolis (10-5):The Colts know move to the University of Minblance of defense in one of the Maybe the team with the Francisco. And Carolina can theywillbe at home nextweek nesota's outdoor stadium for most meaningful meetings of least pressure on it is Pitts- sink to the sixth seed by los- in the wild-card round, bar- the next two seasons while the 187-game (and counting) burgh. Knowing the Steelers ing while the 49ers and Saints ring losses by the Patriots and a new stadium is being built rivalry. Chicago ranks 29th, need those other three con- win. Cincinnati and an Indy win on the site of the Metrodome, Green Bay 26th on defense. tenders to lose, they might St. Louis (7-8) at Seattle that would deliver a bye. The which will be torn down next "Sometimes we're in the simply pay attention to han- (12-3); San Francisco (11-4) at Colts can complete a sweep of month.

49erseachget eight Fa cons' Gonza ez rea to retire? Chiefs, players pickedfor ProBowl By George Henry The Associated Press

By Oskar Garcia


San Francisco linebackHONOLULU — K a nsas er NaVorro Bowman said City and San Francisco will he thinks it would be weird have plenty of clout in Ho- to have to tackle Gore or nolulu if they don't make it Pro Bowl tight end Vernon to New Jersey for the Super Davis. "I might not tackle him," Bowl. The NFL r e vealed Fri- Bowman said. "Just let him day that t h e C h iefs and score and get his yards or 49ers each had eight play- whatever. Yeah, that'd be ers voted into the Pro Bowl, weird because that hasn't

Gonzalez is having a harder time saying goodbye to the NFL than he imagined. As he prepares to host 40 family members and friends in Atlanta's season finale, Gonzalez sounds as if he isn't entirely

ready to walk away. When theFalcons announced in March that he would return this year, the 13-time

Pro Bowl tight end was "100 percent certain" he would retire after the season.

including running backs happened since training Jamaal Charles of Kansas camp. City and Frank Gore of San Seattle cornerback RichFrancisco. ard S h erman r e ceived Denver quarterback Pey- 552,600 votes by fans, the ton Manning was selected most for any defensive playto his 13th Pro Bowl after er. Houston defensive end receiving the most votes J.J. Watt ha d j ust u n der among fans, 1.43 million. 410,000 fan votes.

Now Gonzalez wonders if he could

change his mind again if Atlanta returns to playoff contention next fall and general manager Thomas Dimitroff gives him a call. "I'd have to cross that bridge when I get to it, but right now I don't have any plans,"

he said. "I know for sure I won't be on an opening day for roster anybody. I'm going



to — this is it. This is it."

Meeting with reporters Friday, Gonzalez focused most of his answers on the

Tony AvelarI TheAssociated Press

Atlanta Falcons tight end Tony Gonzalez is looking to retire after17 seasons in the NFL.

end of his career. The 37-year-old insisted that he's pleased to "go out on his own terms" and

play on opposite sides.

The Associated Press

New Orleans quarterback

San Francisco is set to

Drew Brees was second among fans with 1.2 million

send eight players to the game for the second year in a row, though its players

votes. still turn the season around.

added that he's "thankful for the opportuBy the first of December, though, Gonnity" to have stayed healthy and produc- zalez took a d i fferent approach with tive for 17 seasons. reporters, reminiscing about his earGonzalez ranks second in careercatch- ly-morning drives from hectic Buckhead es, fifth in yards receiving and sixth in to the picturesque mountain view at team touchdown catches. No other NFL tight headquarters. end ever put up such numbers, but GonHe talked about missing quality time zalez hardly returned this year to pad his with his kids but also feeling grateful to stats. former teammates and coaches in Kansas He craved playing in his first Super City and those he's worked with in AtlanBowl, winning a championship and mak- ta the last five years. "I know Icould come back and play a ing a legendary exit. The Falcons, though, never had a couple of more years if I wanted to, but it's time for me to go," Gonzalez said. "It's chance. Julio Jones, Sam Baker and Kroy Bi- time for me to get back to my family, get ermann suffered season-ending injuries. back to California, where I'm from and Sean Weatherspoon played in only seven explore that next chapter of my life. I'm games. Roddy White made 12 starts and going to have fun with it." Steven Jackson made 11, but both players Television work is a possibility for Gonwere hurt most of the year. zalez, but playing football might not be Quarterback Matt Ryan was harassed out of the question. all season behind a weak offensive line, The Falcons, after all, signed him to a and Atlanta's defense was gouged repeat- two-year, $14 million contract last March, edly for big plays. and if they get off to a strong start next Not surprisingly, Gonzalez's pro- season,Gonzalez might reconsider,but ductiondropped offas opponents dou- he stopped short of saying that he plans to ble-teamed his routes. file retirement papers with the NFL. In October and early November, GonThen again, the aches and pains of a 16-game season aren't getting easier, this zalez openly discussed his frustration and held out hope that the Falcons could despite the Falcons' allowing him to miss

overthree weeks of training camp and preseason games last summer. "Like I said, don't anybody ever feel bad for me," Gonzalez said, smiling. "The things I've accomplished in my career are more than anybody ever deserves." With one full day remaining before Atlanta (4-11) hosts the playoff-bound Carolina Panthers (11-4), Gonzalez is eager to go out with a victory. He had a good ride with the Falcons in

his first four years, helping the team go 45-19 and win his first playoff game last January. But after narrowly beating Seattle in the divisional round, Atlanta fell 10 yards short against San Francisco in the NFC

title game. "You neverknow when it can come to

an end, and that's always been my approach," Gonzalez said. "I've never said that I've arrived with my accomplishments. I've never, ever said that that's

good enoughforme orI'vecaughtenough balls to last a lifetime. I always wanted to keep working and keep working in case this is it, and now that I'm coming into my last one, I'm glad I've done it that way. "It worked out, and hopefully I'll carry those habits into my next career, whatever that is."

The NFL combines votes missed the game earlier this from fans, players and coach- year because the 49ers made es todetermine 86 of 88 Pro the Super Bowl, losing to Bowl players; the other two Baltimore. players are long-snappers seKansas City's eight selected by Pro Bowl coaches. lections are up from six last Voting ended Thursday. year. The Chiefs are 11-4 this Under a new format this year — up from 2-14 last year year, NFL greats Jerry Rice — and the No. 5 seed in the and Deion Sanders will div- AFC playoffs heading into a vy up the players in a two- largely meaningless game day draft before the Jan. 26 for them against San Diego game. Offensive and defen- on Sunday. sive players with the most Chiefs coach Andy Reid votes who don't make it past said Friday he has nevthe divisional playoff round er been big on Pro Bowl will serve as active player selections. "I'm happy for the guys captains. Charles said Friday night when and if they make it. on a reveal show on the NFL I'm proud of them for it," Network that he should be

picked first.

Reid said. "But we don't get

caught up in all of the individual accolades. (We're) just set of anybody on the roster," getting ourselves ready to Charles said. "I think I can play." play wide receiver and then Manning was one of five put the ball in my hand, also. players selected from DenThe only thing I can't do is ver, which has a shot at putthrow the ball." ting up the most points of The sch o olyard-style any team in NFL history. selections mean it's l ikely For a complete Pro Bowl teammates will be forced to list, see Scoreboard,C2. "I think I got the best skill-


16,478 ~4~1


O» To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbugetin.com/business. Also seearecap in Sunday's Businesssection.

N AsDAQ ~ 1 0 5 0



............ Close: 1,841.40

Home loan monitor

1 820 "

Are rising mortgage interest rates deterring some would-be homebuyers? Applications for home loans have been mostly declining in recent weeks as mortgage rates have ri sen.The slide comes even though interest rates remain low by historical standards. The Mortgage Bankers Association's latest weekly survey of home loan applications is due out Thursday.

1,760 ' " " " ' 10 DAYS

Case-Shiiier home price index





1,840:" 1,760:"

Change: -0.62 (flat)

2 pp


Close: 16,478.41 Change: -1.47 (flat)







15,000 '


14500 '






Source: FactSet


HIGH LOW CLOSE 16529.01 16461.23 16478.41 DOW Trans. 7373.57 7320.19 7352.08 DOW Util. 489.31 486.26 487.94 NYSE Comp. 10360.85 10333.31 10353.22 NASDAQ 4175.36 4153.64 4156.59 S&P 500 1844.89 1839.81 1841.40 S&P 400 1339.23 1334.58 1336.30 Wilshire 5000 19667.72 19605.96 19623.62 Russell 2000 1165.86 1157.73 1161.09



CHG. -1.47 -11.56 + 0.82 +21.54 -1 0.59 -0.62 + 0.91 -12.95 -1.43


%CHG. WK -0.01% L -0.16% L t 0 .17% V t 0 .21% -0.25% L -0.03% L t 0 .07% L -0.07% L -0.13% L

MO QTR YTD L +25.75% L +38.54% +7.69% L +22.62% L L +37.66% L L +29.11% +30.95% L L +30.87% L L +36.70%

Spotlight on auto sales Analysts anticipate that U.S. auto sales inched higher in December

versus the same period a year ago. A J.D. Power and LMC Automotive forecast estimates auto makers will report on Friday that sales grew to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 15.3 million in December, up from 15.2 million in the same month a year earlier. The forecast also

calls for U.S. consumer spending on new vehicles in December to exceed $34 billion.

Prices stabilizing? Standard & Poor's releases its S&P/Case-Shiller index of home prices for October on Tuesday. The 20-city index rose 0.7 percent from August to September, a smaller increase than the 1.3 percent gain from July to August, reflecting slower buying in late summer and fall. Other recent reports show that home prices rose modestly in October, when the partial shutdown of the federal governmentdelayed some sales.

MBA's weekly mortgage applications survey Weekly percentage change 3%




78.53 7 2. 0 1 -.81 -1.1 v w 29.26 28.1 5 +. 0 7 + 0 .2 V L 15.98 15 .67 + . 02 +0.1 L W 98.00 93.74 + . 55 +0.6 L L 142. 0 0 13 6.90 -1.37 -1.0 L L 7.18 5.10 +. 0 1 +0.2 L L L 28.37 27 .91 - .28 -1.0 L 79.12 79 .97 + . 0 7 +0.1 L L 126.1 2 11 8.53 -.10 -0.1 W 18.70 1 6. 1 4 -.15 -0.9 L W 33.82 29.7 6 +. 0 9 t0 . 3 L L 28.70 28.19 -.12 -0.4 L L 6.03 14.96 -.02 -0.1 L W 25.98 25 .60 -.10 -0.4 L L 13.55 1 3. 4 0 -.04 -0.3 L L 43.85 3 9. 5 4 -.31 -0.8 V V w 5.77 5.37 - .02 -0.4 22.55 18.7 9 +. 0 2 +0 .1 L L 30.97 30 .45 + . 26 +0.9 L L 24.31 24 .00 + . 0 8 + 0.3 L L 38.98 3 7. 2 9 -.15 -0.4 L W 80.26 78 .16 - .03 . . . L V 63.72 6 1. 4 2 -.19 -0.3 L W 46. 55 42 . 98 + . 0 5 +0 .1 V L 60.00 58 .47 -.25 -0.4 L L L 2.75 2.56 - .05 -1.9 T 54.62 46. 4 0 +. 1 6 +0.3 L L 27 1 .99268.72 -2.05 - 0.8 L L 36.90 3 2. 5 0 -.19 -0.6 v w 32.99 32 .05 + . 5 6 + 1 .8 L L 195. 3 2 18 2.50 -.32 -0.2 L w 66.8 0 6 6. 0 7 -.39 -0.6 L L 82.50 7 8. 5 7 -.31 -0.4 L W 8.98 8.16 -.04 - 0.5 L L 19.65 19 .19 -.07 -0.4 L L 40.83 40 .37 + . 0 8 +0.2 L L 24.00 23 .65 -.05 -0.2 L L 45.64 45 .50 -.04 -0.1 L L 33.24 3 1. 3 0 -.03 -0.1 V L


+67. 1 +6 8 .4 4 8 6 1 2 0. 8 0

L +16.8 +22 .6 1 2 5 1 8 1. 2 2 L +35. 0 +3 5 .9 39252 21 0 . 04 L +14 6 . 1 +146.5 41 38 0 . 7 2f L + 81. 7 +8 4 .4 2 135 24 2 .92f T -18.5 -10.9 3 0 5 L +55. 6 +6 0 .9 1 6 4 2 4 0 . 44f L +48.2 +52 .5 11 6 2 8 1. 0 0f L +20.1 +2 1 .4 94 9 2 6 1. 2 4 L +1 49.1 +161.1 4 0 cc V +33.4 t 36. 1 30 3 19 0. 3 6 L +97.8 + 1 04.5 6780 10 0 . 5 8 L +20. 4 +2 7 .2 2 5 88 0.2 4 L +24.2 +28 .8 12753 14 0.90 L +59. 1 +6 1 .6 2 488 15 0 . 2 2 V + 52. 0 +5 5 .0 2 0 06 1 3 0 . 66f


+34. 6 + 3 5.4 5 5 9 7 7

L - 2.7 L + 43. 4 L +41.0 L +39. 6 L +51.5 L +14. 8 L -2.8 L +29. 3 L +79.0 V t 4.6 L +41.9


+79. 7


+5.7 +18. 6 +80.2 +46. 5 +68. 9 +62. 8 + 26.4 +40. 2 + 33.1 +12. 5

+ 0 . 9 1 102 1 1 +4 6 .0 35 1 4 6 0 . 71f +43 .5 34 0 2 7 0. 1 8 +4 3 .0 13735 14 1 . 1 2 +54 .0 2 2 36 2 7 0 . 96f +2 2 .2 5 2 4 1 6 1. 2 0 +2. 2 95 20 1.8 4 f +3 5 .0 52 0 1 9 0 . 80a +90 .5 49 dd +8.3 506 29 1. 7 6 +44 .7 29 4 2 5 0. 1 2 +8 6 .7 1 266 18 0 . 8 0 +5.7 182 dd 0.7 5 +2 1 .1 29 4 2 5 2. 0 0 +84 .1 74 14 1.1 0 f +5 0 .1 2 21 4 35 1 .04f +7 2. 3 6 3 8 d d +6 7 .7 81 9 2 0 0 . 60a +28 .2 3 3 45 1 4 0. 9 2 +4 4 .2 20 6 1 6 0. 4 0 +3 6 .0 6 7 79 1 2 1. 2 0 +1 4 .6 1 503 27 0 . 8 8

ANI Pharmaceuticals surges Investors poured into ANI Pharmaceuticals production to its own manufacturing facilities COmp on Friday after the company immediately and expects to begin announced that it had acquired 31 rolling out those medications in the generic drugs from Teva Pharmafourth quarter of 2014, the ceuticals. Stock in the Minnesota company said late Thursday. company jumped 16 percent. ANI ANI Pharmaceuticals posted currently has 7 drugs on the $11.7 million in revenue in the first Pharmaceut iCalS, Inr. market. half of 2013. ANI is paying Teva $12.5 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries million in cash and a percentage of gross profits from is based in Israel, and it is the world's largest maker of sales of the drugs. It will begin the transfer of generic drugs.

9 -12

Nov. 15 22 2 9

Dec. 6 13 20 Source: FactSet


riday 's close: $19.89

Price-earnings ratio (Based on trailing 12 month results):Lost money 1-YR return:163% 3- YR*: -35% 5-YR *: -17% AP

Total returns through Dec. 27




Close:$27.03 V-0.85 or -3.0% The carrier was one of the biggest losers in the S&P 500 after a computer glitch enabled travelers to score extreme bargains. $35 30 25

General Motors

GM Close:$40.94 V-0.58 or -1.4% The automaker and its main Chinese partner will recall almost 1.5 million cars to replace a fuel pump bracket that could crack. $45 40 35

N 0 52-week range $11.46~

D $2 9.44

N 0 52-week range $26.19~

D $4 1.86

Vol.:10.0m (O.sx avg.) PE: 11.2 Vol.:10.0m (O.sx avg.) Mkt. Cap:$23.13b Yie l d: 0.9% Mkt. Cap:$56.86 b

PE: 1 3.8 Yield: ...

TXT Twitter TWTR Close:$36.61 XOAt or 1.1% Close:$63.75 V-9.56 or -13.0% The parent company of Cessna AirAfter watching shares more than craft will buy Beechcraft for $1.4 bildouble since its initial public offering, lion after its recent exit from bankMacquarie Capital downgraded the ruptcy protection. social mediacompany. $40 $80 35 30

60 40 0 N 52-week range


Market value:$189 million


Source: FactSet


0 N 52-week range

D $3 7.43

Vol.:3.8m (1.6x avg.)


D $ 74.73

PE:2 2 . 2 Vol.:60.0m (5.9x avg.)

Mkt. Cap:$10.29 b

P E: . . . Yield: ...

Yie l d: 0.2% Mkt. Cap:$34.72 b

A NI P The Pantry

ANI Pharmaceuticals

Close: $19.89L2.77 or 16.2% The drugmaker said it's buying 31 generic drugs from Teva Pharmaceuticals in a very significant expansion of its porffolio. $20 15

PTRY Close:$16.75 V-0.61 or -3.5% With shares up nearly 40 percent this year, Benchmark downgraded the convenience store citing valuation, but raised its target price. $20 15






WPCS International

PE: . . Yield : ..



Vol.:150.2k (1.0x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$394.19 m

P E: . . . Yield : ...

W PC S Real Goods Solar

Close:$2.53%1.02 or 67.5% The communicati ons company announced a beta software plafform that will allow bitcoin traders to operate on five exchanges.

RSOL Close:$2.81 L0.26 or 10.2% Cowen & Co. upgraded the solar energy company, seeing lower costs after it acquired Syndicated Solar and Mercury Energy.





0 N 52-week range

D $6 .27

Vol.:33.2m (34.4x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$3.94 m


52-week range $23.00

Vol.:658.9k (9.8x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$188.56m



52-week range

PE: . Yield:.

0 N 52-week range $0.60~

D $ 7.17

Vol.:4.3m (1.2x avg.)

P E: .. .

Mkt. Cap:$102.1 m

Yield: ...

SOURCE: Sungard




The yield on the 10-year Treasury note rose to 3 percent Friday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans.


PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR BYR 1 3 5 BalA m 2 4.34 +21.3 +21.7 +13.0+15.0 A A A CaplncBuA m 58.37 +.26 +14.6 +14.8 +9.8+12.1 8 A C CpWldGrlA m 45.17 +.23 +24.4 +24.9 +11.3+15.1 C 8 O EurPacGrA m 48.89 +.49 +19.7 +20.4 +7.6+14.1 C 8 8 Facebook 594217 55.44 -2.29 FnlnvA m 51. 7 8 +.93+31.0 +31.8 +14.7+18.8 C C 8 Twitter n 574202 63.75 -9.56 GrthAmA m 42.81 -.91+33.2 +34.2 +15.3+18.9 C 8 C DryShips 547734 4.68 -.02 FrankTemp-Franklin Utils A m FKUTX IncAmerA m 20.60 +.94+18.0 +18.3 +11.8+14.8 8 A 8 S&P500ETF 543387 183.85 -.01 InvCoAmA m 36.59 +.95 +32.0 +32.6 +14.5+16.8 C C O Sprint n 505973 10.79 +.83 VALUE B L EN D GR OWTH NewPerspA m37.40 +.15 +26.2 +27.0 +12.3+17.6 8 8 8 BkofAm 392521 15.67 +.02 WAMutlnvA m39.30 -.92 +31.5 +31.9 +16.6+17.2 C A 8 iShEMkts 328239 41.30 +.63 SiriusXM 325158 3.52 -.08 Dodge &Cox Income 13.52 .. . + 0.6 + 0.6 +4 .5 +7.5 A 8 8 BlackBerry 304425 7.30 + .24 IntlStk 42.84 +.44 +25.7 +25.9 +8.9+17.4 A A A AriadP 295533 6.64 -.36 Stock 168.16 +.54 +40.0 +40.8 +17.9+20.5 A A A Fidelity Contra 95.74 - . 2 6+33.6 +34.8 +15.8+19.3 C 8 C Gainers GrowCo 119 . 25 -.42+36.9 +38.6 +17.5+23.4 A A A LowPriStk d 49.26 +.97+33.8 +34.8 +16.7+22.6 C A 8 NAME LAST CHG %CHG Fideli Spartan 50 0 ldxAdvtg65.23 -.91+31.8 +32.6 +16.0+18.6 C 8 8 NV5 wt 2.50 +1.45 +138.1 FrankTemp-Franklin Income C m 2. 44 +.91 +13.5 +13.5 +9.6+15.8 A A A WPCS rs 2.53 +1.02 + 67.5 «C VisnChina 31.20 +6.90 + 2 8.4 63 IncomeA m 2. 4 2+.91 +14.2 +14.2 +10.3+16.4 A A A InterCld wt 10.20 +2.26 + 2 8.4 FrankTemp-Templeton GIBondAdv 13.97 +.93+2.3 +2.8 +5.4 +9.6 A A A KandiTech 10.34 +2.13 + 25.9 Co Oakmark Intl I 25.98 .. . +27.7 +28.7 +12.3+21.3 NetElem 3.44 +.67 + 2 4.2 RisDivA m 19 . 62 -.91+26.7 +27.4 +13.5+15.2 E D E Morningstar OwnershipZone™ Oppenheimer Biolase 2.60 +.45 + 2 0.9 RisOivB m 17 . 56 - .91+ 25.5 +26.3 +12.4+14.2 E E E Barracuda n 35.49 +6.00 + 2 0.3 OeFund target represents weighted RisDivC m 17 . 45 -.91+25.7 +26.5 +12.6+14.3 E D E IntrCloud n 15.20 +2.30 + 17.8 average of stock holdings SmMidValAm 44.21 -.95+37.3 +38.4 +11.6+20.4 8 E D Medgen wt 2.80 +.40 + 1 6.7 • Represents 75% of fund's stock holdings SmMidValBm 37.25 -.95+36.1 +37.2 +10.7+19.4 8 E D Losers CATEGORY Utilities PIMCO TotRetA m 10 . 68 +.91 -2.4 -2.2 +3.9 +6.6 D C C NAME L AST C H G %C H G MORNINGSTAR T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 32.75 +.94 +29.4 +30.0 +14.7+17.7 D C 8 RATING™ ***w w 52.28 -.20 +38.4 +39.8 +17.6+22.8 A A A -9.56 -13.0 GrowStk Twitter n 63.75 Edenor 5.11 -.75 -12.8 ASSETS $3,305 million HealthSci 57.43 -.29 +50.4 +51.2 +29.7+28.3 8 A A -1.60 -11.0 DB AgriLg 12.99 EXP RATIO 0.76% Vanguard 500Adml 169.70 -.92 +31.8 +32.6 +16.0+18.7 C 8 8 SinoGlob 2.45 -.29 -10.6 500lnv 169.70 -.93 +31.7 +32.4 +15.9+18.5 C 8 8 MANAGER Blair Schmicker -.60 -10.2 EuroTech 5.30 CapOp 45.95 -.95 +42.0 +42.8 +16.4+22,1 A 8 A SINCE 2009-12-31 Eqlnc 29.68 +.95 +29.7 +30.0 +17.7+17,8 D A 8 RETURNS 3-MO +3.0 Foreign Markets StratgcEq 29.85 -.96 +40.8 +425 +189+233 A A 8 YTO +13.3 TgtRe2020 27.92 +.92 +15.5 +15.8 +9.4+13.3 A A C NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +13.8 Tgtet2025 15.70 +.92 +17.8 +18.2 +10.1+14.2 8 A C Paris 4,277.65 +59.24 +1AO 3-YR ANNL +12.6 TotBdAdml 1 0.56 . . . -2.2 -2.2 +3.3 +4.4 D D E London 6,750.87 + 56.70 + . 85 5-YR-ANNL +12.4 Totlntl 16.63 +.10 +14.2 +14.7 +5.4+12 8 E E C Frankfurt 9,589.39 +1 00.57 +1.06 TotStlAdm 46.50 -.91 +33.0 +33.9 +16.1+19.6 8 A A Hong Kong23,243.24 + 63.69 + . 27 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT TotStldx 46.48 -.92 +32.8 +33.7 +15.9+19.5 8 8 A Mexico 42,753.22 +212.90 + . 50 Duke EnergyCorporation 4.97 Milan 18,956.52 +259.37 +1.39 USGro 28.51 -.95 +34.6 +36.0 +16.5+19.9 8 A C Dominion Resources Inc 4.58 Tokyo 16,178.94 +4.50 + . 03 Welltn 37.86 +.94 +19.4 +19.5 +11.9+14,2 8 A 8 4.54 Stockholm 1,334.42 +13.86 +1.05 NextEra Energy Inc Fund Footnotes: b -Feecovering marketcosts is paid from fund assets. d - Deferredsales charge, cr redemption -1.60 -.03 Sempra Energy 4.31 fee. f - front load (salescharges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually amarketing feeandeither a sales or Sydney 5,323.80 Zurich 8,221.90 +114.80 +1.42 Edison International 4.25 redemption fee.Source: Momirgstar.

Morningstar calls this fund a top FAMILY choice among utilities funds, Marhetsummary offering low expenses and strong AmericanFunds Most Active risk-adjusted return; Duke Energy NAME VOL (90s) LAST CHG has been a top holding. A. Velga, J. Sohn • AP

EURO +.0041 1.3734+

' 77


$1.32~ DividendFootnotes:a - Extra dividends werepaid, but areaot included. b -Annual rate plus stock. c - Liquidating dividend. 6 -Amount declaredor paid in last 12 months. f - Current annual rate, whichwasincreased bymost recentdividendannouncement. i —Sum of dividends paidafterstock split, ro regular rate. I —Sumof dividends paidthis year.Most recent dividend wasomitted cr deferred. k - Declared or paidthis year, acumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m — Current annualrate, which wasdecreasedbymost recentdividend announcement. p — Initial dividend, annual rate nct known, yield nct shown. r —Declared or paid in preceding 12months plus stock dividend. t - Paid ia stock, approximate cash value on ex-distributioa date.PEFootnotes: q —Stock is a closed-ead fund - ao P/E ratio shown. cc — P/Eexceeds 99. dd - Loss in last12 months.

ANI Pharmaceuticals (ANIP) F




Alaska Air Group A LK 42.63 ~ Avista Corp A VA 23.52 ~ Bank ofAmerica BAC 10 . 98 — o Barrett Business BB S I 3 7.40 — 0 Boeing Co BA 7 2 .68 ~ Cascade Bancorp C A C B4 .85 ~ ColumbiaBnkg COL B 17.47— o Columbia Sportswear COLM 47.72 — e Costco Wholesale CO ST 96.51 ~ Craft Brew Alliance B R EW 6.15 ~ FLIR Systems F LIR 21.48 ~ Hewlett Packard HPQ 1 3 . 60 — o Home FederalBncp ID HOME 10.84 ~ 1 Intel Corp INTC 20.10 — 0 Keycorp K EY 8 .27 ~ Kroger Co K R 2 5 .20 ~ Lattice Semi LSCC 3.82 ~ LA Pacific L PX 14.51 ~ MDU Resources MDU 20 .73 — o MentorGraphics M EN T 13.21 — e Microsoft Corp MSFT 26.28 ~ Nike Inc 8 NKE 50.59 — 0 NordstromInc J WN 50.94 ~ Nwst Nat Gas NWN 39.96 ty— PaccarInc PCAR 43.78 — o Planar Systms P LNR 1.32 ~ Plum Creek P CL 42.95 ~ Prec Castparts PCP 180.06 — 0 Safeway Inc S WY 17.08 ~ Schnitzer Steel SCHN 2 3.07 — 0 Sherwin Wms SHW 150.32 ~ StancorpFncl SFG 35.83 ~ StarbucksCp SBUX 52.39 ~ Triquint Semi TQNT 4.31 ~ UmpquaHoldings UM PQ 11.43— o US Bancorp USB 31.50 — 0 WashingtonFedl WAF D 15.79 — o WellsFargo & Co WF C 3 3.66 — e Weyerhaeuser W Y 2 6.38 ~

$1 00.32

Delta Air Lines

NorthwestStocks J








Major stock indexes ended lower on Friday amid light trading. Most of Wall Street remains on vacation for the Christmas and New Year's holidays. The market took notice of an analyst report downgrading Twitter stock to the equivalent of a "sell." The analyst contends that a recent rally for the social media company was overdone. Investors also watched the yield on the 10-year Treasury note climb at one point above the 3 percent mark. The yield hasn't consistently traded above that level since July 2011. Bond yields have been climbing since Dec. 18, when the Federal Reserve announced it will pare back its bondbuying economic stimulus program in January.

16,500 ."


Dow jones mdustnals "


Vol. (in mil.) 2,011 1,217 Pvs. Volume 1,941 1,154 Advanced 1573 1234 Declined 1495 1333 New Highs 2 50 2 0 7 New Lows 57 13




15,680 ' ""' 10 DAYS "






165 165




16,560 "

SPtP 500

Saturday, December 28, 2013

150 M

10-YRT-NOTE 3.00%

S&PBOO~ 1,841.40




3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill

. 0 6 .06 . 0 8 .08

... ...

52-wk T-bill






2-year T-note . 4 0 .41 -0.01 L 5-year T-note 1 .74 1 .7 4 ... L 10-year T-note 3.00 2.99 +0.01 L 30-year T-bond 3.94 3.92 +0.02 L




L 2.91




Barclays LongT-Bdldx 3.75 3.73 +0.02 L L L Bond Buyer Muni Idx 5.14 5.13 +0.01 L W L

2.48 4.1 1

Barclays USAggregate 2.50 2.50 ...

1.77 6.1 2 3.68 .98 2.73

YEST3.25 .13 6 MO AGO3.25 .13 1 YRAGO3.25 .13

L L W L Moodys AAA Corp Idx 4.59 4.57 +0.02 L Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.89 1.89 ... L L Barclays US Corp 3.28 3.28 ... L L



Foreign Exchange The dollar

advanced against the Japanese yen and other currencies. It fell versus the British pound and euro amid fears that the greenback might be overvalued.

55Q QD

.26 .74 1.74


PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 5.66 5.66 .. . RATE FUNDS

The price of oil rose on Friday amid growing optimism that the U.S. economic recovery will stoke greater energy demand Palladium led gains among metals. Crops declined.

.07 .11 .1 4

CLOSE PVS. Crude Oil (bbl) 100.32 99.55 Ethanol (gal) 1.96 1.95 Heating Oil (gal) 3.12 3.09 Natural Gas (mmbtu) 4.41 4.43 UnleadedGas(gal) 2.82 2.82 METALS

Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 1216.10 1214.10 20.01 19.89 1376.00 1362.70 3.47 3.45 711.05 699.85


%CH. %YTD + 0.77 + 9 . 3 -0.26 -10.7 + 0.95 + 2 . 6 -0.59 +31.5 - 0.14 + 0.2 %CH. %YTD +0.16 -27.4 +0.64 -33.7 +0.98 -1 0.6 +0.59 -4.7 + 1.60 + 1 .2


CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 1.34 1.33 + 0.87 + 3 . 0 Coffee (Ib) 1.16 1.15 +0.78 -1 9.1 Corn (bu) 4.28 4.26 +0.29 -38.8 Cotton (Ih) 0.84 0.83 +1.48 +1 2.0 Lumber (1,000 hd ft) 368.30 375.00 -1.79 -1.5 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.37 1.41 -3.29 +1 7.8 Soybeans (hu) 13.32 13.19 +0.97 -6.2 Wheat(hu) 6.09 6.06 +0.50 -21.7 1YR.

MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6459 +.0039 +.24% 1.6108 Canadian Dollar 1.0 7 14 +.0071 +.66% . 9 949 USD per Euro 1.3734 +.0041 +.30% 1.3242 JapaneseYen 105.14 + . 4 2 + .40% 8 6 . 02 Mexican Peso 13. 0662 -.0012 -.01% 12.9881 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.4867 -.0050 -.14% 3.7282 Norwegian Krone 6 . 1463 +.0055 +.09% 5.5736 South African Rand 10.5222 +.1590 +1.51% 8.4843 Swedish Krona 6.5 2 37 -.0262 -.40% 6.5023 Swiss Franc .8926 -.0036 -.40% . 9 133 ASIA/PACIFIC 1.1280 +.0035 +.31% .9636 Australian Dollar Chinese Yuan 6.0692 -.0057 -.09% 6.2405 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7551 -.0003 -.00% 7.7519 Indian Rupee 61.941 +.001 +.00% 54.955 Singapore Dollar 1.2687 -.0005 -.04% 1.2228 South KoreanWon 1054.45 -5.05 -.48% 1072.30 -.05 -.17% 2 9.07 Taiwan Dollar 29.99

© www.bendbulletin.com/business







The U.S.economy has grown faster thanexpectedinrecentmonths, and energizedAmericanshoppers arethe reasonwhy. In September,October and November,consumer spending increasedfaster thanit has inanythreemonth periodsincethe Great Recessionended. That surgecomeswith an all-too-familiar side note: In order tospend more, Americansare saving less. Workers' incomes still aren't risingvery fast — and they'renot rising enough tokeepupwith the increase inspending. Consumerssuddenly don'tseem tocarevery much aboutthat — perhaps becausetheyfeel buoyed byafinally healing housing market,afalling unemploymentrateand new optimism that the

economy isshaking off its slow-growth shackles. The nation'ssavings rate fell to justabove4 percent inNovember,the CommerceDepartment reported thisweek.That's closer to thelow savings rates thecountryexperiencedin themid-2000s during therun-up tothe financial crisis thanit is to the savingsratesfor the firstfewyears after the recessionended. There arereasonsto worryabout that trend, and therearereasons to think it's goodfor the economy — ornotaconcern,atleast. There'salso reason to thinkthe trendtells us somethingabout how much of amarkthe recession left onAmericans' savings habits. — Frvm wirereport


• ManagingDaytoDay Performance: Identify ways to improve productivity in the workplace; registration required; $95; 8 a.m.-noon; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7270. • project management certification:Coursefor experienced project managers looking to becomecertified and those seeking certification


Cattle up,

poised for a decline



By Elizabeth Campbell Bloomberg News h

CHICAGO — Cattle fu-



tures climbed to a record as


U.S. beef production is fore-


cast to drop to an 11-year low in 2014, while the improving economy signals increasing meat demand. U.S. beef output will fall 5.7


percentfrom 2013 to24.205 l

billion pounds next year, the lowest since 1993, the


Department of Agriculture

has forecast. Feedlotsadded 3.1 percent fewer cattle last month than a year earlier,

reducing the total inventory to the second-lowest for Dec. 1 since the USDA started Photos by RobKerr1The Bulletin

Phoebe and DougPedersen are transforming the onetime Astro Lounge space in Bendinto The Dogwood Cocktail Cabin.

OO By Rachael Ress The Bulletin

fter being vacant for more than two

years, the former Astro Lounge location in downtown Bend is being remodeled into The Dogwood Cocktail Cabin. Husband and wife Doug and Phoebe Pedersen plan to build a new bar and lounge in the space, located at 147 N.W. Minnesota Ave. It will

replicate their Colorado business, also named The Dogwood Cocktail Cabin, and serve specialty liquors ranging from tobacco-infused rum to butternut squash-infused vodka. "Our whole brand is

MONDAY • OregonAlcohol Server Permit Training:Meets the Oregon Liquor Control Commission minimum requirements to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.-f p.m.; RoundTable Pizza, 1552 N.E Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www. happyhourtraining.com. JAN. 7 • Introduction to Finding Funders:Free workshop for nonprofits seeking ways to find funding; 9-11 a.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-7089 or jennyp© deschuteslibrary.org • Three things inthree years: What are Bend'spriorities: Bend Chamber ofCommerce Town Hall; registration required; $15 for members, $20 for nonmembers; 5 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70S.W. Century Drive; 541-382-3221, bonnie©bendchamber.org or www.bendchamber.org. JAN. 8 • OregonAlcohol Server PermitTraining:Meets the Oregon Liquor Control Commission minimum requirements to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.-f p.m.; RoundTable Pizza, 1552 N.E Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www. happyhourtraining.com. • Business Start-up Class:Learn to reach your customers, where to find funding, how much you need to start and legalities involved; registration required; $29; 6-8 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7290. JAN. 9

'V ~


house-infused culinary cocktails," said Phoebe Pedersen.

"They're all one of a kind." The couple had been searching for a space in Bend for the past year and discovered the Northwest Minneso-

ta Avenue location about six

months ago.

OC Bl en WI

Bend restaurateurs, joined together in 2011to create a

burlesque-themedbar called The Ruby Room in the building. However, the bar project never got past the demolition phase. For 10 years before that,

piled by Bloomberg. Higher beef prices will raise costs for retailers from Hormel Foods Corp. to Jack in the Box Inc.,

while grocery shoppers will pay as much as 3.5 percent more for the meat next year, the government projects.


the roof leaked and water drained straight down the middle of the bar structure.

Thus, we closed the bar."

The Dogwood Cocktail Cabin

But this isn't the Pedersens' first renovation project.

logo is emblazoned on one of

Since 2008, they have been operating their Colorado bar

the business' windows. he wrote.

From faux furs and animal

the space housed The Astro

out of a renovated historic

Lounge, which relocated a few blocks away to North-

mining shed and are confi-

west Bond Street in June 2011.

Bend space into a successful bar. "It's definitely top rent for what it is, but it's also a top-

and an antique caboose, Doug Pedersen said the goal is to create a refurbished mid-century feel with a log

rent location," Phoebe Ped-

cabin twist that mimics the

ersen said, referring to the Bend location. "The owner

vibe of their Colorado bar. The cost of the project is yet

has been very accommodating on getting the space up and running." The couple applied for a

to be determined, he said.

$10,000 permit to remodel the front window, door and

Phoebe Pedersen said she will be the head bartender and her husband will be one of the DJs playing electronicdance music andother genres, such as underground hip-hop. They plan to hire eight employees: four full-

Josh Maquet, owner of both The Astro Lounge and Blue Pine Kitchen and Bar

on Southwest Century Drive, said the space gave him a lot of goodyears and made him a lot of money, but also had its share of issues.

Besides a small, 49-person capacity due to only one ap-

the basement with sewage

Pedersen wrotein an emaiL

about once a month, the roof leaked on and off for about

Gavin McMichael and James Orsillo, two former

median of 78 forecasts com-

— Phoebe Pedersen, owner, The Dogwood Cocktail Cabin

to home (Portland)," Doug

"It was totally gutted and empty when we got here," Doug Pedersen said.

a in aVOr

per capita beef consumption by 0.6 percent. The American economy will expand 2.6 percent next year from 1.7 percent in 2013, according the

also a top-rent location."

proved exit, he said the sew-

knew they had their work cut out for them.

Dec. 20. The USDA this month boosted its outlook for 2014

"It's definitely top rent for what it is, but it's

"We decided that it was time to open a second location and wanted to be closer

When the Pedersens leased the Bend space, they

collecting data in 1996, government figures showed on

age pump in the basement would overflow and fill up

seven years and there were electrical shorts that led to

frequent power outages. "We'd be right in the middle of service on a Friday night and all the power would go out," he said. "One night it rained so hard that

dent they can transform the

facade in December, according to the city of Bend's website, and have been painting, doing wood work and other aesthetic repairs to

the floors, brick and drywall in preparation for their expected Feb. 14 opening, Doug Pedersen wrote Friday. They also plan to apply for additional permits for electric

and plumbing infrastructure in a couple of weeks,

skin prints to restored furniture, a 12-by-9-foot mural

"It's a funky space and it just takes a lot of imagination," Phoebe Pedersen said.

time and four part-time. "We want to become the

stock has its rating lowered By Nick Turner Bloomberg News

NEW YORK — Ttrtritter, the

social-networking company thathas seen itssharessoar since debuting on the New

York Stock Exchange last month, was downgraded by Macquarie Capital, which said the stock has gone "too far, too fast." Ben Schachter, a Macquarie

analyst in New York, lowered his rating from neutral to underperform, the equivalent of

sell. The shares have jumped 40 percent since Macquarie initiated coverage on Dec.

place you go every night, not just special occasions," Doug Pedersen said.

in Twitter's fundamentals, Schachter said in a report.

11, without any improvement

— Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulletin.com

that Twitter as a company

"We continue to believe

has a bright future and many opportunities ahead," he said. "However, as a stock, we as associates in project management; sponsoredbythe project Management Institute, Willamette Valley Chapter; registration required by Dec. 31; $885 for chapter members, $985 for nonmembers; 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.; Water Reclamation Facility, 22395 McGrath Road, Bend;busch© teleport.com or www.pmiwv. Olg.

• Building YourBusinessfor Success, TheSmart Approach: Part of the BendChamberof Commerce Master Series, which will be presented in three modules through March. First topic: Business Development — Understanding You; registration required; call Bend Chamber for pricing; f p.m.; Smart Sales Solutions Inc., 1 23 S.W.Columbia St., Suite 110; 541-382-3221, bonnie@ bendchamber.org or www. bendchamber.org. JAN. 10 • CCB licensetest preparation course:Two-day course approved bythe Oregon Construction Contractors Board; fee includes required current edition of the Oregon Contractor's ReferenceManual; registration required; $305; 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way,Bend; 541-383-

7290 or ccb@cocc.edu. JAN. 13 • IOS AppDevelopment1 -FoundationSkills: Learn to create your first iOSapp; first ofthreeclasses,Mondaysand Wednesdays through Jan. 27; registration required; $169; 6-8 p.m.; COCC -CrookCounty Open Campus, 510S.E Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-383-7270. • MTA ServerFundamentals: Preparation class for the MTA exam in servers; Mondays andWednesdaysuntilFeb.3; registration required; $299; 6-9 p.m.; COCC -CrookCounty Open Campus, 510S.E Lynn Blvd., Prineviiie; 541-383-7270. JAN. 14 • Managing business social media presence:Learn to handle online marketing through social media andnot lose a day doing it; two sessions; registration required; $69; 9 a.m.-noon; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. CollegeWay,Bend; 541-383-7270. • Serious Success Motivational Seriesfor Women:Final of four parts; topic is Risk vs. Reward; noon-1 p.m.; EastBendPublic Library, 62080 DeanSwift Road; 541-617-0340, diane© eloquentexpressions.com or www.facebook.com/eventsl

183253898537357/?source=f • Computer essentials for the workplace:Learn to feel comfortable with the different technology andbasic software packages; one of two sessions; registration required; $69; 6-9 p.m.; Central OregonCommunity College, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-383-7270. • project management information meeting:Learn about project management skills, which are growing in demand, andbenefits of certification; registration recommended; free; 6-7:30 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W.Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7270. • Membership101 -Driving Your Membership:Hosted by the BendChamber of Commerce: learn about benefits available through the chamber; registration required; free; 10 a.m.; Charles Schwab 8 Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-382-3221, shelley© bendchamber.org or www. bendchamber.org.

• For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visit bertdbulletin.com/bizcal


believe nothing has changed over the last 15 days to justify


the rise in valuation."


it larger than Time Warner


• Dr. Scott Shaw,owner of the Westside PetHospital in Bend, hasbeenelected as president of the Central Oregon Veterinarian Medical Association. Shawwas previously a board member for five years. • Jason Moyerhasjoined EconomicDevelopment for Central Oregon asa local venture development professional. Moyer, who is currently a principal at Cascadian Group LLC,will manage the investment portion of the 2014Bend Venture Conference. • Gregg Harperhas joined The Oxford Hotel asgeneral manager. Prior to serving as the general managerat Suncadia Resort in CleElum, Wash., Harper spent six years as the director of operations at the Sunriver Resort.

Through Thursday, the stock had almost tripled from its $26 IPO price. The unprofitable company was valued at $41.6 billion as of Thursday's close, making Cable Inc., Viacom Inc. or Target Corp. Investors expect

Twitter to benefit from a surge of mobile-advertising sales. Still, the wide discrepancies

in analyst revenue estimates have raised concerns, Schachter said. Twitter's IPO

had a relatively small number of underwriters, leading to a situation where more than a

dozen banks initiated coverage without getting detailed guidance from management, he said. Twitter also needs time to build up its headcount,

Schachter said. The company has half as many employees as Facebook Inc., the world's

biggest social-networking site. "It takes time and people

to execute against opportunities," he said.

IN THE BACK ADVICE Ee ENTERTAINMENT W Religious services, D2-3 Volunteer search, D2 Support groups, D4 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2013

O www.bendbulletin.com/community

SPOTLIGHT D on ' t L et t h e

Boy Scoutsplan tree recycling Local Boy Scout troops begin collecting and recycling Christmas trees in Central Oregon today and Sunday at9 a.m. A second round of pickups is slated for Jan. 4-5. A $5donation is requested, but the Boy Scouts will accept any donation over that amount. All money raised goes to the individual Scout troops to fund local troop activities, community service projects and the replacement of camping and outdoor gear. People within the city limits of Bendand Redmond do not need tocall for pickup. Individual troops will post door fliers specifying which days they will pick up trees in your neighborhood. Trees should be cleaned of all decorations and placed in a visible location by the street. Checks should be written to "Boy Scouts of America" or as specified on the door flier, placed in a plastic bag and secured to the tree with a rubber band. For more information or special assistance, please call the appropriate number for your area: • Southwest Bend (west of Third Street and south of Newport/ Greenwood): 541-3853977

• Northwest Bend (west of Third Street and north of Newport/ Greenwood): 541-385-

Pigeo n


~ T @Ott,


D ri v e the


Bus! ttclgtSet techmehf se




l.ott'rh Icsr



film andbooks,accordingto Central Oregonians Cherrl Strayed


• Local library system, PaulinaSprings Booksand Sisters Movie Houseshare the year's most popular media By Alandra Johnsone The Bulletin

ow is the time when lists featuring the biggest-selling books andmovies ofthe year appear.We made our own list of Central Oregon's top movies and books, according to the Deschutes Public Library system, Paulina

' E,

Springs Books and Sisters Movie House. Here's a peek at the most popular media consumed by



• Northeast Bend (east of Third Street and north of Greenwood/U.S. Highway20): 541-385-2672

• Southeast Bend (east of Third Street and south of Greenwood/U.S. Highway20): 541-385-3942

• La Pine: 541-3853971 • Redmond: 541-3853989 • Sisters: 541-3852640

• Sunriver: 541-385-


Stafford celedratlons On Jan.11, the Downtown BendPublic Library will host the statewide kickoff of a monthlong celebration of the words andwork of William Stafford, Oregon's Poet Laureate from1974 to1989. The 2 p.m. event will include two of Stafford's children, Kim andKit Stafford, and close family friend and local author Jarold Ramsey. The library's Stafford events include talks, readings, a musical performance, a film screening, a visual-art workshop and more. All are free andopento the public. Toseethe schedule, visit www.deschuteslibrary.org. For more info about other Stafford celebrations in Oregon, visit www.oregonreads2014.com.

W i

Central Oregonians in 2013. (Note: These lists were compiled in the days before Christmas.)


of kindness. 6) "DreamAgain" byDennis McGregor 1) "Will: FromLost toFoundo — This is a children's book written and ayed Pacific Crest Trail" byCheryl Str This Oregon writer chronicles her p erson- illustrated by Sisters artist and musician McGregor. al and physical journey asshetrek s the 7)"Snow Chill"byFowynIvey— SePCT through California andOregon 2) "OneGloriousAmbition: TheCom. Ie c ted as the Novel Idea community reading book for 2013, this book tells the story passionate Crusade ofDorothea Drx, ofacouple in Alaska in1920who meeta a Novel" byJane Kirkpatrick — Local child seemingly created out of the snow. author writes a novel about 8) "CascadeSummer: Dix, a real-life womanwho My Adventure onOregon's crusaded for the rights of Pacific Crest lraH" byBob the mentally ill. Welch —Longtime columnist 3) "The Orchardist" by for the Register-Guard in EuAmandaCopHn— Oregon gene writes about his efforts author sets this novel in an to hike the Pacific Crest Trail orchard at the turn of the in Oregon in 2011. 20th century. The plot in9) "Between Heavenand volves two pregnant teenTexas" byMarie Bostwick age girls who seekrefuge — This novel from best-sellthere in the orchard. 4) "100 Hikes inthe ing author Bostwick tells the Central OregonCascales story of a woman in asmall Texas town andthe lessons (4th el.)" by WilliamSuHIvan —This is the local wilshe learns about sewing, love derness expert's most recent exploration and family. 10) "A Serpent's Tooth: AWalt Longof the best hikes in our region. 5) "Ranlom Acts of Kinlness'' by mire Mystery" byCraig Johnson— The Daphne RoseKingma —This boo k is nin t h volume in this series following Wya particularly aimed at children andeduca- oming sheriff features a lost boy looking tors, with the intention of inspiringacts f o r his mother.


Paulina Springs Books inSist

The Weinstein Company via The Associated Press

"Lee Daniels' The Butler" was the top film for 2013 for Sisters Movie House, at

which top-selling movies often stray from the mainstream.

Sisters Movie House Owner Lisa Clausensaid the top-selling movies at her theater differ from those making thenational list quite a bit. Nationally, shesays, most of the top movies feature superheroes. Meanwhile, the top films in Sisters are usually historical dramas, like "LeeDaniels' The Butler." "We are abit of an anomaly here. We skew older andtowards quality," said Clausen. 1) "Lee Daniels' TheButler" — This movie stars Forest Whitaker as abutler who served in theWhite House for many decades, encountering many different presidential administrations. 2) "HungerGames:Catching Fire" — The second installment of the Hunger Games series finds Katniss thrown back into the fray of the games,while helping to inspire an uprising. 3) "Captain Phillips" —Tom Hanks stars in this true-life story of an American cargo ship under siege from

Somali pirates. 4) "The Heat" —This comedy stars Sandra Bullock andMelissa McCarthy as cops. 5) "Frozen" —Disney princesses star in this animated movie about the bonds of sisterhood. 6) "Monsters University" —Sully and Mike areback in this Pixar prequel that shows the buddies during their college days. 7) "Gravity" —Sandra Bullock is an astronaut adrift in space in this technical feat of a film. 8) "42 — This movie tells the story of Jackie Robinson, the first black baseball player in the Major League. 9) "Silver Linings Playbook" — A 2013 best picture nominee. 10) "SavingMr. Banks" —Tom Hanksand Emma Thompson helptell the complicated story of getting "Mary Poppins" made into a movie. SeeBest of/D5

ose ara e oatwi cee rate emae iots By Hailey Branson-Potts

old, but they're coming and they're saying, 'Give me a blanketand hotcoffee,and we'll be fine,'" said Kate Land-

Los Angeles Times


many years, their service was largely forgotten.

deck, vice president of the

told her gently, "That's not

something women usually do, Flora Belle. But if you can figure out how, more power to you." Her teachers chided her, saying she needed to find

mestically, test-flew repaired

nonprofit Wingtip-to-Wingtip Association, which is sponsor- a "practical solution" to what ing the float. she wanted to be when she Flora Belle Reece, 89, will grewup. be one of eight WASPs to ride The WASP program gave atop the float, titled "Our Eyes her an opportunity. Are on the Stars" and built by Reece, who now lives in

military aircraft and ferried non-flying male military offi-

Fiesta Parade Floats. The theme of this year's pa-

Lancaster, Calif., was 19 when

cers around the country. But as the war neared its

rade is "Dreams Come True" — fitting for Reece, who had

at Avenger Field in Sweetwater, Texas, in November 1943

end and the men returned, Don Kelsen i Los Angeles Times their program was disbanded. Flora Belle Reece holds a photo fromhere days as aWASP, trainNearly 70 years later, with ing to be a pilot at Avenger Field, Sweetwater, Texas, in1943. millions of people watching,

wanted to fly since childhood.

for her training. Back then, she was Flora


their service will be celebrat-

• Story ideas: Email communitylife©bendbulletin.com.

ed in grand style with a float

planes I wanted to go see," she were amused she had never said. left Oklahoma before the When Reece told her father program. she wanted to be a pilot, he See Pilots/D5

Contact us with your ideas Have a story idea or event submission? Contact us! • Community events: Email event information to events©bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 days before the desired date of publication. Contact:

In the midst of World War

II, with legions of male pilots overseas, the 1,102 young women constituting the Wom-

en Airforce Service Pilots flew more than 60 million miles do-

in the 125th Rose Parade on


WASPs from across the country have been raising money for the float and the

trip to Pasadena for the reunion of a lifetime.

"They're all about 90 years

"I lived on a farm and watched the birds soar, and

everything that had to do with

she joined a group of women

Belle Smith — or "Smitty the Kid" to her friends, who


Missionschools' legacyin SouthAfrica By Samuel G. Freedman New York Times News Service

"Missionaries and other white Christians were

Of the hundreds of pages in Nelson Mandela's autobiography,"Long Walk to Freedom,"

alarmed by the idea that the equality of all

barely a dozen recount his col-

equal in public life. But the equality of believers is an idea they dropped into South Africa. And

lege education at the University of Fort Hare, established by white Christian missionaries.

He spent less than two of his 95 years there. Most obituaries made only a brief mention of

peoplebefore God m eans theyshould be it was constantly reinforced in the schools. And that made it a dangerous idea." — Richard Elphick, historlan at Wesleyan University

thatperiod. Mandela left Fort Hare part-

way through his studies during

dictator," Mandela wrote in his memoirs. As for himself, a

Mbeki, who w ould become

1940, "I was in an unpleasant state oflimbo."

later the leader of the Black

At a crossroads

school, St. Francis. Albert Lu-

post-apartheid South Africa's 22-year-old at that point in late second president. Steve Biko,

Mandela expressed were far from his alone. The entire enterprise of mis-

Consciousness m o vement, went to a Catholic boarding thuli, the Nobel laureate, both studied and taught at Adams College, whichhadbeenfoundedby U.S. missionaries.

sion schools in Africa stood at The accomplishments of an ambiguous, contestedcross- mission schools were both inroads. It was part of colonial- tentional and not. Their foundism, yet it educated students ers and faculties clearly parted who opposed colonialism. It ways with colonial leaders by avoided political involvement, believing in the educability of yet it inspired the quest for ra- black Africans and their capaccial equality through its reli- ity to be saved through Christ. gious ideals. Yet those beliefs were a long In the aftermath of M an- way from liberation theology. "I'mnotmakingmissionaries dela's death, in the fullness of time, mission education has heroes," said Richard Elphick, a earned a more positive re-eval- historian at Wesleyan Univeruation. Mandela himself did ul- sity in Connecticut and the autimately receive his bachelor's thor of "The Equality of Believdegreefrom FortHare by tak- ers," a book about Protestant ing courses off site, and in 2006 missionaries in South Africa. he was photographed beaming "Missionaries and other white as he wore hiscollegeblazer. Christians were alarmed by Whatever fl aws they hadthe idea that the equality of all condescension, timidity, elit- peoplebefore God means they ism — schools like Fort Hare should be equal in public life. producednotonly Mandela but But the equality of believers is an array of Southern Africa's anideathey droppedinto South blackleaders.FortHareeducat- Africa. And it was constantly ed Oliver Tambo of the African reinforced in the schools. And National Congress, Chris Hani that made it a dangerous idea." of the nation's Communist Party, Mangosuthu Buthelezi of the

mission schools in South Af-

ricawere educating far more Africans (about 215,000 compared to about 7,000) than were state schools, by Elphick's calculations. "For young black South Africans like myself," Mandela wrote about Fort Hare in his

autobiography, "it was Oxford and Cambridge, Harvard and Yale, all rolled into one." Before his r ancorous de-

Inkatha Freedom Party and

a conflict with its leader, a Scot- Robert Sobukwe of the Pan Aftish evangelist named Alexan- ricanist Congress. (A less celeder Kerr, about a student boy- brated alumnus is Robert Mugcott of college elections. abe, the dictatorial president of "At that moment, I saw Dr. Zimbabwe.) Kerr lessas a benefactor than Lovedale, another m i sas a n o t-altogether-benignsionary school, taught Thabo

The mixed emotions that

ing to Taiwo. In the mid-1920s,

and he did so from two perspectives:as the product of a

parture, he studied Latin and physics, joined the drama soci-

mission education in his native ety, ran cross country and lived Nigeria and as a Cornell Uni- in a hostel for Methodists like versity professor with expertise himself. in African studies. Just as important for the per"Under colonialism, there's son Mandelawould become, a tension between the missions

Fort Hare put him in a multi-

and the colonial authorities," racial community, said Daniel said Taiwo, author of the 2010 Massey, author of "Under Probook "How Colonialism Pre- test," a history of political acempted Modernity in Africa." tivism at the college. Mandela's "There was a missionary idea classmates included Indian and thatblackpeople couldbe mod- "colored" students, and even ern. And most churches cannot some white children of faculty come out and say some people members. The black students are not human. So you might were drawn from acrosstribal have a patronizing attitude, but and linguistic lines. if you don't think Africans can For all those reasons — acbenefit from education, why ademic, religious, culturalwould you set up schools?" mission schools like Fort Hare were anathema to Afrikaner Not unique to Africa nationalists. Speaking in 1938, Certainly, the model of mis- the political leader Daniel sion education was not unique Malan warned about the growto Africa. White U.S. mission- ing number of "civilized and aries played a similarly compli- educated nonwhites who wish cated role as emblems of both to share our way of life and modernity and noblesse oblige to strive in every respect for in China before the commu- equalitywith us." nist revolution. Many mission In the dozen years after wincolleges in South Africa mod- ning a majority in South Afrier eled their practical courses in ca's 1948 elections, ~ industry and agriculture — a nationalistsexertedstatecontrol curriculum known as "differ- over mission schools, imposing entiated education" or "adapted apartheid's segregation by raeducation" — on those of black cial category and tribal identity schools in the United States and pushing for education in such as Booker T. Washing- African languages rather than ton's'Ittskegee Institute. in English. Fort Hare, over the In whatever form it t ook,

protests of its students, was sub-

mission education was virtual- sumed under the government ly the only formal sort available policy of "Bantu education." to black Africans for much of Like so much else in South the colonial era. The first mis- Africa, that changed with Nelsion school in Nigeria opened son Mandela'srelease from Olufemi Taiwo offered a sim- in 1859, 50years before the first prison and the transition to mailarlynuanced endorsement, government school, accord- jority rule.

RELIGIOUS SERVICES Tosubmitserviceinformatlon orannouncementsfor religious organizations,emailbulletin© bendbulletin.com orcall 541-383-0358. ANTIOCH CHURCH:Sr. Pastor Ken Wytsma; "Timing in theChristian Life" ;Sundayat9:30a.m .Redux Q-and-A after; BendHighSchool, 230 N.E. Sixth St., Bend. EASTMONT CHURCH:Pastor John Lodwick; "TheChangesJesus Makesin aLife," basedonthe bookof Philemon; Sundayat9and1045a.m.; 62425 EagleRoad,Bend. FATHER'SHOUSECHURCH OF GOD: Pastor Randy Wills; "Godly Hospitality," as part of the series, "An Uncertain Journey to a Promised Land"; Sundayat 9 and10:45 a.m.; Youth Group; Wednesdays at 7 p.m.; 61690 Pettigrew Road,Bend. FIRSTPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Pastor Steven Koski; "WhatAreYour Pennies?";Sundayat 10a.m.;230N.E. Ninth St.,Bend. FIRSTUNITED METHODISTCHURCH: The Rev. ThomLarson; "APassionfor Celebration," based onLuke21-20; Sundayat10a.m.;680N.W.BondR., Bend. FOUNDRY CHURCH:Mike Coughlin; "The GodWhoWorks NewThings," based on Revelation 21:1-8; Sunday at10:15 a.m.; 60 N.W.Oregon Ave., Bend. GRACEFIRSTLUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor JoelLiaBraaten;"Loseof Innocen ts"and"TheW atch";Sunday at9:30a. m.;2265N.W .ShevlinPark Road, Bend. JOURNEY CHURCH:Chili and cinnamonrolls potluck; Sundayat10 a.m.; 70N.W.NewportAve. (inthe former LiquidLoungespace), Bend. NEW HOPE CHURCH:Pastor Jeff Hooper; "New Year's Revolution"; today at6p.m.,Sundayat9and1045a.m.; 20080 PinebrookBlvd., Bend. NEWPORTAVENUE CHURCHOF CHRIST: Minister Dean Catlett; "Twas the DayafterChristmas," basedon Luke 1:26-38; Sundayat10:45a.m.;554N.W. Newport Ave.,Bend. SPIRITUALAWARENESSCOMMUNITY OFTHECASCADES:KelseyCollins; "CompletingthePast"; Sundayat515 p.m.; heldatTheOldStoneChurch, 157 N.W.FranklinAve.,Bend. SPRINGS OFLIFE MINISTRIES: EvangelistandBibleteacherEddie Cienda; Wednesdaysat7p.m.;ongoing; The SoundGardenStudio, 1279N.E. SecondSt., Bend. TRINITY EPISCOPALCHURCH:Sunday at9a.m.; St.FrancisChurch,2450 N.E. 27th St.,Bend.

TRINITYLUTHERANCHURCH: The Rev. David Carnahanand The Rev. Patrick Rooney; Adialoguesermon on "GoodKing Wenceslas";Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; 2550N.E.Butler Market Road. UNITARIANUNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OFCENTRALOREGON: The Rev.Alex Holt;"Atonement: EndingsandBeginnings";Sundayat11 a.m.; atthe OldStone Church,157 N.W. FranklinAve.,Bend. WESTSIDE CHURCH:PastorJim Stephens;"Thankful";todayat6:30p.m. and Sundayat8,9and10:45a.m.;2051 N.W.ShevlinParkRoad, Bend. WESTSIDESOUTHCAMPUS:George Bender; "Resolution";Sundayat10:30 a.m.; 1245S.E.Third St., Bend. WESTSIDESISTERSCAMPUS: Jenna Javens;"Distractedwith the One"; Sundayat10:30a.m.;442TrinityWay, Sisters. WESTSIDEONLINE CAMPUS:Pastor Jim Stephens;"Thankful"; todayat6:30 p.m. andSundayat9and 10A5a.m.; www.westsidelive.org. WESTSIDERADIO CAMPUS: Pastor Ken Johnson; "Dwell: Godin Our Celebration";todayat8:30a.m.; HeirborneradioshowonKBND,AM IIIO. COMMUNITYPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Cyndi Wunder; "Saying Yes," based on Deuteronomy1:29-33; Sundayat11a.m.;529N.W.19th St., Redmond. EMMAUS LUTHERANCHURCH:The Rev. DavidPoovey; "God'sWil Wil Be Done,"basedon Matthew2:13-23; Sundayat1030am.;2175SW .Salmon Ave., Redmond. VERTICAL CHURCH OF GOD:Pastor JeremySeibert; Sundayat10:30a.m.; youthnight;Wednesdayat6p.m.; 52460SkidgelRoad,La Pine. COMMUNITYBIBLECHURCH AT SUNRIVER: Guestspeaker Mike Johnston;"IntheCareofthe Good Shepherd,"basedon Psalm 23; Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; 1Theater Dnve, Sunnver. CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: The Rev.Wilis Jenson; "Christ Saves by Fulfilling God'sCommandments for All Men,"basedonGalatians 4:5; Sundayat11 a.m.; held atTerrebonne GrangeHall,828611th St., Terrebonne. BURNING ONES:24-hour worshipand prayer with10-20churchesinOregon; Tuesdayat7p.m.- Wednesdayat7 p.m.; Research.Design.Develop.(RDD) Hangar,2244S.E. Airport Way,No.130, Redmond;541-201-2937orjreynolds@ mycapstone.org.

VOLUNTEER SEARCH Volunteer Search iscompiled by the Department of HumanServices Volunteer Services. The organizations listed are seekingvolunteers for a variety of tasks. To seeafull list, and for additional information onthe types of help needed, goonline to www. bendbulletin.com/volunteer. Changes, additions or deletions should besent to1300 N.W.Wall St., Suite103, Bend 97701, email Therese.M.Helton@state. or.us or call 541-693-8988.


CHILDREN, YOUTH AND EDUCATION SERVICES ADULTBASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT (COCC):Margie Gregory, mgregory@ cocc.edu or 541-318-3788. AFS-USA:www.afsusa.org or Caitlin Krutsinger, 503-419-9514. ALYCE HATCHCENTER:Andy Kizans, 541-383- I980. BENDPARK& RECREATION DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. BIGBROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-312-6047 (Bend), 541-447-3851,ext. 333 (Prineville) or 541-325-5603 (Madras). BOY SCOUTSOF AMERICA: Paul Abbott, paulabbott@scouting.org or 541-382-4647. BOYS GGIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL OREGON: www.bgcco.org, info© bgcco.org or 541-617-2877. CAMP FIRE USA CENTRAL OREGON: campfire©bendcable.com or 541-382-4682. CASA(COURTAPPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES): www. casaofcentraloregon.org or 541-389-1618. CHILDREN'S VISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. CIRCLE OFFRIENDS: Beth, beth@

acircleoffriendsoregon.com or 541-588-6445. DESCHUTESCOUNTYSHERIFF'S OFFICE— CENTRALOREGON PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH: www.deschutes.org/copy, COPY© deschutes.org or 541-388-6651. FOSTERGRANDPARENTS PROGRAM:SteveGuzanskis, 54 I-678-5483. GIRL SCOUTS: 541-389-8146. GIRLS ONTHE RUN OF DESCHUTES COUNTY:www.deschutescountygotr. org or info@deschutescountygotr.org. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:541-383-3515. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:ww w.myhb. org or 541-383-6357. HIGH DESERTTEENSVOLUNTEER PROGRAM: www.highdesertmuseum. org or 541-382-4757. IEP PARTNERS:Carmelle Campbell at the OregonParent Training and Information Center, 888-505-2673. J BAR JLEARNINGCENTER: Rick Buening, rbuening©jbarj.org or 54 I-389-1409. JUNIPERSWIM & FITNESS CENTER: Kim, 541-706-6127. KIDS CENTER:Lisa Weare, Iweare© kidscenter.org,541-383-5958. LA PINEHIGHSCHOOL:Jeff Bockert, jeff.bockert©bend.k12.or.us or 54 I-355-850 I. MEADOWLARK INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM: Teal Buehler, 541-617-9576. M OUNTAINSTARFAMILY RELIEF NURSERY:541-322-6820. NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, ext.115. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY EXTENSIONSERVICE:541-548-6088, 541-447-6228 or 541-475-3808. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY MASTERGARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM:http://extension. oregonstate.edu/deschutes or 541-548-6088. READ TOGETHER: 541-388-7746. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: 541-923-4807. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER:Zach Sartin, 541-923-4854. REDMOND YOUNGLIFE: 541-923-8530. SCHOOL-TO-CAREERPARTNERSHIP: Kent Child, 541-355-4158. SMART (STARTMAKING A READER TODAY):www.getsmartoregon.org or 541-355-5600. TRILLIUM FAMILYSERVICES: 503-205-0194. VIMA LUPWA HOMES: www. lupwahomes.org or 541-420-9634. YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0470.

ANIMALS AND ENVIRONMENT BENDSPAYGNEUTER PROJECT: 54 I-617-1010. BRIGHTSIDEANIMAL CENTER: volunteer©brightsideanimals.org or 541-923-0882. CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION G FOSTER TEAM (CRAFT):www.craftcats.org, 541-389-8420 or541-598-5488.

CHIMPS, INC.:www.chimps-inc.org or 541-410-4122. DESCHUTES LANDTRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 541-330-0017. DESCHUTES NATIONALFOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean,541-383-5576. EAST CASCADES AUDUBON SOCIETY:www.ecaudubon.org or 541-241-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTALCENTER: www.envirocenter.org or 541-385-6908. EQUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www.equineoutreach. com or joan@equineoutreach.com or 541-419-3717. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDINGCENTER:Darcy Justice, 541-382-9410. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, jennifer@hsco.org or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOFTHE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 54 I-389-9115. PRINEVILLE GLM:www.blm.gov/or/ districts/prineville/recreation/host.php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING: LexaMcAllister, Imcallister@cocc.edu or 541-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER & OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442. VOLUNTEERCAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS: TomMottl, 541-416-6859.

HEALTH AMERICAN CANCERSOCIETY: Charlie Johnson, 541-434-3114. AMERICANREDCROSS: 541-749-4111. THE BLOOM PROJECT:www. thebloomproject.org or Heidi Berkman at h.berkman@thebloomproject.org or 541-24 I-8845. DESCHUTES COUNTYHEALTH DEPARTMENT: Tuesday Johnson, Tuesday Johnson©co.deschutes. or.us or 541-322-7425. HOSPICEOF REDMONDSISTERS: www.redmondhospice. org or Volunteer Coordinator at 54 I-548-7483. MOUNTAIN VIEWHOSPITAL: JoDee Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE: 541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, tschultz@mvhd.org or 541475-3882, ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregonO gmail.com. NEWBERRYHOSPICE:541-536-7399. PARTNERS IN CARE:www. partnersbend.org or SarahPeterson at 541-382-5882. RELAYFORLIFE: Stefan Myers, 541-504-4920. ST. CHARLESIN BENDAND ST. CHARLESIN REDMOND: 541-706-6354. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: Kristi, 541-585-9008.

ARTS, MUSIC, CULTURE AND HERITAGE 88.9KPOV,BEND'S COMMUNITY RADIOSTATION:info@kpov.org or 541-322-0863. ART COMMITTEEOF THEREDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:Linda Barker, 541-312-1064. ARTS CENTRAL STATION: 541-617-1317. CASCADES THEATRICAL COMPANY: 541-389-0803. CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION: Julie, 541-383-7779. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: 541-389-1813, 10a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. DESCHUTESPUBLICLIBRARY SYSTEM:541-312-1032. FRIENDSOF THE BEND LIBRARIES: www.fobl.org or Meredith Shadrachat 541-617-7047. HIGHDESERT CHAMBER MUSIC: www.highdesertchambermusic. com or Isabelle Senger at info© highdesertchambermusic.com or 541-306-3988. HIGHDESERT MUSEUM: 541-382-4754. LA PINEPUBLICLIBRARY: Cindylu, 541-317-1097. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Brad, volunteer@latca.org or 541-382-4366. THE NATURE OFWORDS: www.thenatureofwords.org or 541-647-2233. REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:541-312-1060. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE (R.I.C.E.): Barb, bonitodia@msn.com or 541-447-0732. TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: 541-317-0700.



GOVERNMENT, CITY AND COMMUNITY THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resources©ojd.state. or.us or 888-530-8999. CITYOF BEND: Cheryl Howard, choward@ci.bend.or.us or 541-388-5505. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher, 541-317-3186or 541-388-6525. DESCHUTESRIVERWOODS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.drwna.org or Barbara at info© drwna.org or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSONCOUNTYVOLUNTEER SERVICES: Therese Helton, 541-4756131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIREPROTECTION DISTRICT:Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARDDISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.orcharddistrictneighborhood. com. SCORE: Bruce Michalski, www. scorecentraloregon.org or 541-316-0662.

SUNRIVERAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE: 541-593-8149. VISIT BEND: www.visitbend.com or 541-382-8048.

MISCELLANY CENTRALOREGON LOCAVORE:ww w. centraloregonlocavore.com or Niki at info©centraloregonlocavore.com or 541-633-0674. HIGHDESERT SPECIAL OLYMPICS: 541-749-6517. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS: www.oregonadaptivesports.org, info©oregonadaptivesports.org or 54 I-306-4774. SACREDARTOF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-4179. TUMALO LANGLAUFCLUB:Tom Carroll, 541-385-7981.

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You Are The Most lmportafit Part of our Services


Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! MISSION (LCMS) at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th The missionof the Churchis toforgive sinsthrough Sunday Services 8 am (No child care) the Gospeland therebygranteternal Jife. 10:00 am Contemporary Worship Service (St. John 20:22-23, Augsburg Confession (Full children's ministry) XXVIII.8, 10 Sunday Night Church 6:30 pm For information, please call ... 10 am Sunday School Senior Pastor - Mike Yunker - 541-312-8844 11 am Divine Service Associate Pastors Mike Sweeney 8 Jeff Olson The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor "Loving people one at a time." www.real-lifecc.org 8286 11th St. (Grange Hall) •

Terrebonne, OR


1270 NE 27 St.• 541-382-5496

Senior Pastor Virgil Askren

"Yin/Yang" Taoist/ Confuaanism


"Star 8 Crescent" Islam

"Educating and Developing the Whole Child for the Glory of God" Pre K - 5th Grade 62425 Eagle Road, Bend • 541-382-2049 Principal Lonna Camahan www.eastmontcommunityschool.com


9:00 am Sunday School for all ages

We are a Welcoming Congregation

10:15 am Worship Service

Nursery Care 8 Children's Church ages 4 yrs-4th grade during afl



1049 NE 11th St.• 541-382-8274

Fr. Theodore Nnabugo, Pastor

For Release on the Religion Section


for December 28, 2013

Parish Office:541-536-3571

This Sunday at Faith Christian Center,


special guest, Dr. Joseph Castleberry will be

16137 Burgess Rd

with us for our Holy Spirit Emphasis Sunday

Tuesday, Wednesday 8 Friday Mass

beginning at 10:30 AM.

9:00 am

Childcare is provided in our Sunday

Sunday Mass — 10:00 am

morning service. A number of Faith

Confessions: Saturdays — 3:00-4:00 pm

Journey Groups meet throughout the week in small groups, please contact the church for details and times. The church is located on the comer of Greenwood Avenue and NE 11th Street.



18143 Cottonwood Rd. Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm

Sunday mass 8:00 am

FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1551 NW First St. • 541-382-6100

(South of Portland Ave.) Church Service F Sunday School: 10 am Wed. Testimony Meeting: 7:30 pm Childcare provided. Reading Room: 115 NW Minnesota Ave. Mon, through Frio 11 am - 4 pm Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm


Religlon of the UUht and Sound of God Spiritual Experiences/Beyond Meditation. Introductory presentation and discussion Saturday, December28th 3pm at the East Bend Library 62080 Dean Swift Rd., Bend

Worship Services

8:30 am Sunday

"Atonement —Endings and Beginnings"-

www.lutheransonline.com/ Rev. Alex Holt, Interim Minister



Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission

6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study THURSDAY

Phone: 541-325-6773

This Sunday Rev. Alex will offer his annual

1865 W Antler• Redmond 541-548-4555

OUR LADV OF THE SNOWS, Gilchrist 120 Mississippi Dr Sunday Mass — 12:30 pm


Moming Worship 8:30 am F 10:30 am Life groups 9 am

Confessions: Sundays 12:00 -12:15 pm HOLY FAMILY,

Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am

near ChristmasValley

Evening Worship 6 pm

57255 Fort Rock Rd

Sunday Mass — 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3:15 pm



Adult Classes


Celebrate Recovery W ednesdayNITE Live Kids

Rev. Julian Cassar Rev. Joseph K. Thalisery

Youth Group


Pastor Duane Pippitt


NEW CHURCH 2450 NE 27th Street



"Displaying the Reality ofChrist in UndeniableWays" 62425 Eagle Road, Bend

Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM

Please visit our website for a complete

Sunday Worship 930 a.m. Sunday School 10:20 a.m. Education Hour 10:45 a.m.

www.eastmontchurch.com Sunday Services

Classic (Blended) Service 9:00 am Contemporary Service 10:45 am

Hispanic Service

6:00 pm

For more information about weekly ministries for the whole family, contact541-382-5822 oremail infoCaeastmontchurch.com

TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH 469 NW WallSt.•541-382-5542

Pastor Joel LiaBraaten

worshiping God and teaching the Bible


truths recovered through the Reformation.

8:30 am & 11:00 am

friendly family of worshipers. Everyone Welcome - Always.

SundaySchedule 8:00 am and 10:15am Historic St. Francis Church, 494 NW Lava St. at Franklin, Bend, OR

diverse music program for all ages

our Worship Service at10:15 am This Sunday at Foundry Church,

The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector

All are welcome through our red doors


Sunday School 9:45 am Children & Adult Classes Worship Service — 11:00 am

3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study

Mike Coughlin will be speaking from


Central Oregon for 23 years. We welcome newcomers, interfaith families and encourage involvement.


Father Todd Unger, Pastor

(except Wednesday) Wednesday 6:00 pm

High School activities

Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm

Call 541-382-3862

First Saturday 8:00 am (English)


Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English)


Confessions on Wednesdays from

Rabbi Jay Shupack Rebbitzin Judy Shupack January 3: Friday night Family Shabbat Potluck Dinner at 6 PM. January 9: Taize Interfaith Service at Shalom

3rd Tues. Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner

Youth and Family Programs

Redmond, OR 97756

Active Social Outreach

(541) 548-3367

1113 SW Black Butte Blvd.

Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor

9:30 am F 11:00 am


Dr. Barry Campbell, Iead pastor

www.redmondchristian.org Sunday Worship 9:00 am 8 10:45 am

For complete calender: www.hbcredmond.org

Sunday School for all ages Kidmo• Junior Church Greg Strubhar, Pastor


Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor

is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. Our members represent a wide range of Jewish backgrounds. We welcome interfaith families and Jews by choice. Our monthly activities include: Services, religious education for children & adults, Hebrew school, Torah study, social action projects and social activities

Phone: (541) 383-5097 Web site: ccbend.org

Pastor Eric Burtness


9:00 am Contemporary Worship

Sunday School 11:00 am Traditional Worship

157 NW Franklin Ave., Bend

Visitors welcome

Youth Groups

ChurchOffi ce:541-389-8787

6:30 pm Centering Prayer

Send to: PO Box 808, Bend OR 97709


530 pm Prayer Service Small Groups Meet Regularly


(Handicapped Accessible)

Messianic Synagogue

Please visit our website for a complete

Est. 1994

listing of activities for all ages.

We provide a congregational setting


interested in learning the Bible from a Hebrew perspective, come join us at:


(Across Ninth St.from Bend High)

EffectiveMay 1, 2013

Bear Creek Center

Our Shabbat Services are on Saturday momings at 10:00 a.m. Our ministries


What Are Your Pennies? One community service at 10:00am

• Davidic dance and worship • Children's ministry and nursery

• Hebrew classes • Home groups

Children join in worship Nursery-care provided Living Well Sermon Series Begins January 5th

• Teaching from the Torah and the Brit Hadashah (New Testament)

Preacher: Pastor Jenny Wamer

9:00 am contemporary 10:45 am traditional

5:01 pm relaxed

Rabbi Johanna Hershenson

• End-times prophecy

Sunday School: 3 yrs to 6th grade

Friday, December 28, "Snowshoeing with the Rabbi" Call for Information

Visit us on the web at

Nursery-care provided www.houseofcovenant.org


Tuesday, January 7, 7:00 pm Adult Education - Call for information

or contact us at 541-385-5439

Noon Worship followed by

Friday, January 10, 6 pm Family Shabbat Services


12:30 pm Contemplative Prayer Ca La Roca Church

Youth Events

Sunday Worship Services 8:30 am - 10:15 am - 11 am

Worship/Dance - Study-

Choirs, music groups, Bible study,

For information about our Religious Education programs, call Kathy Schindel at 541-388-8826


fellowship and ministries every week


All services are held at the First United Methodist Church 680 NW Bond Street 541-388-8826

I ' I




1155 SW Division, gD8, Bend


Hebrew Roots Fellowship worshipping in Spirit and Truth


230 NE Ninth, Bend

Child Care provided

Book by Book"

Rev. Thom Larson

All Are Welcome, Always!

YouthGroup: Wednesday 7 pm


Music 8 Fellowship


Saturday 10:30 am - 2 pm

13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte

Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting,


Services 8 Events go to: www.bethtikvahbend.org

"Teaching the Word of God,

*During the Week: Women's Groups, Men's

Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Mondays

For the complete schedule of

Osborne and Glenn Bartnik

ONE SERVICE - 10:00am

MiddleSchool —W ednesday 6:00-7:30pm

M usic and the Word 7 pm

Pastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, Ozzy

Scripture: Luke 2:1-20

High School - Sunday 11:00am—12:30pm

Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm

available, call for days and times.

December 29, 2013

9;30 am Adult Education

Potluck 6 pm

Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are

Rev. Thom Larson

9;15 am Children F Youth

Sundays: 8;30 F 10:30 am

Nursery 8 Children's Church

680 NW Bond St. /541.382.1672

9:00 am Nursery Care

• Biblical Feasts


Cowboy Fellowship Saturdays

(In the Heart of Downtown Bend)

Redmond, OR 97756 - 541-923-7466

• Lifecycle Events

20225 Cooley Rd. Bend POWELL BUTTE


Sermon Title: "A Passion for Celebration"

Lead Pastor


536 SW 10th, Redmond


Rev. Dr. Steven H. Koski

and on Saturdays from 4;30 to 5:15 pm


Everyoneis Welcome!

Bend, OR. 97701

Redmond • 541-548-4161

Sunday Bible Fellowship Groups

Nursery Care Provided for All Services

21300 Bear Creek Rd.

5;00 to 5:45 pm

8;00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am

Bayit 7 PM.

3100 SW Highland Ave.,

Sunday Worship Services:

(541) 385-3908

Wednesday Mid-Week Service

529 NW 19th Street

for Jews and Christians alike. If you're

January 12: Sunday School - Tu B'Shvat theme January 18: Torah Service led by Torah Study Group. 10 Commandments will be read from Torah - 10AM January 26: Sunday School

12:00 noon (Spanish)


E-mai): theriverCamai)shack.com

For information, call 541-385-6421.

Weekdays 8:00 am

For Kidztown, Middle School and

Pastor Randy Myers


"The God Who Works New Things."

Mail:PO Box428,Bend OR 97709

Children F Youth Programs 7:00 pm

(3/4 mile north of High School)


Our synagogue is located at: 21555 Modoc Lane, Bend.

Mass Schedule:

8:45 am F 10:45 am

I:00 pm

Major's Robert F Miriam Keene

Redmond, Oregon 97756

Revelation 21:1-8 with a message entitled

21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241

Wed. Bible Study at noon

Nursery 0-2 years

1720 NW 19th Street



Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00, 10;45 am,



M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am


SundaySchoolclasses are at9:00 am and

Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur

Exposition 8 Benediction

Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM

21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241

Monday - Friday 7:00 AM 8 12:15 PM

Pastor Syd Brestel


Sunday School 2 years - 5th grade


g •

Coffee,snachsandJeÃowshi p

Celebrate New Life at New Hope Church!

Heart of Bend"

• •

Sunday Morning Worship Children's Room available during services

Sunday 430 PM

60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862

Meeting place:


Sunday Worship Services at

Sunday, 3 pm at the Old Stone Church,

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Call for information about other meetings XION LUTHKRAN CHURCH


"A Heart for Bend in the

and toddlers. No Religious Education

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich and

We are grateful to the community for the outpouring of help

and then bum it all up

Nursery Care is available for infants

Sunday Worship 10:00 am

20080 Pinebrook Blvd.• 541-389-3436

Tuesday (Family Holy Hour)


Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated to



regrets or whatever we resolve to give up

40 SE 5th St., Bend

Saturday 8:00 AM

after 7:00 AM Mass to 6:00 PM

Just 2 blocks SW of Bend High School



Men's Bible Study, Wednesday 7:30 a.m.


541 NE DeKalb Ave., Bend 541-389-8888

ComerofNWFranklin F Lava


Come Experience a warm,

Christmas Day Masses 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM


Women'sBible Study,Tuesday 9:15 a.m.

Sunday School for all ages 10:00 am


Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM

Meeting at the Golden Age Club

For More Information www.eckankarorg www.eckankar-oregon.org 541-728-6476

Domingo 12:30 PM - Misa en Espanol


use flash-paper as a way to write down our


(Child Care Available)

Worship in the Heart of Redmond

informal service with nursery care only We

listing of activities for all ages.

Coming in 2014: Oregon Regional Seminar, "Travel the Road to Spiritual Freedom" Mar. 7-9 at the Unity Center of Portland and the Portland Eckankar Center.

Sunday 730 AM, 10:00 AM

and 12:30 PM - Misa en Espanol

atonement service. This will be a very

Life Groups




2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend

Confessions: Thurs. 9:00 - 9:15 am REDMOND ASSEMBLV OF GOD

December 29, 2013 at 11:00am:

"Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM


"Diverse Beliefs, One Fellowship"

9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service

10:00 am 50+ Bible Study •




'Ul'r'"v "Omkar" (Aum)


"Star of David"

230 NE Ninth Street, Bend

4 Saturdays and TMC: $115 5 Saturdays

and TMC: $138 The Bulletin: Every Saturday on the church page.

$23 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday CO Marketplace: The First Tuesday of

each month. $23 Copy Changes: by Monday 1 week prior to publication

Call Pat Lynch




Children Welcome








ressman's'news a ersi ewa ' 'Peephole driving' a public nuisance

By Bob Pool Los Angeles Times


Rudek loved his newspaper

By Kim Ode

said, adding that his neighbors

job so much that he construct-

Star Tribune (Minneapolis)

in St. Louis Park, Minn., still reg a rd him as a newcomer, as he

ed a sidewalk in front of his house out of frontpages. Pedestrians walking along La Prada Street in Highland Park step back in time as they


'st ~ •



pass by concrete "editions"

of newspapers reporting the news that "Yankees KO Dodgers, Again," or "Argentina Invades Falklands" and "How



Carter Saved Summit." All in

screaming headlines. And those who take a doser look may notice that dozens

p g JilIJlsn

of the front pages cover the

bottom of the slope behind his house, and hundreds more

serve as roofing shingles on the garage-workshop. "He chose the biggest headlines," said Rudek's widow,

Gary Friedman/Los Angeles Times

Molly Millar (left), Michael Dodge (middle) and former LosAngeles Times pressman EdPadgett are

Marta, of the newspaper photographed in front of Michael and Molly's home last month in the Highland Park area of Los Ansidewalk. geles. On the ground are concrete panels bearing the impressions of old LosAngeles Times front Rudek was a machinist for pages created by former pressroomemployee Leon Rudek. the Los Angeles Times for 27 yearsand used the plastic

printing plates, part of a pro- country. One day when he was cess long ago phased out, as going to a market to buy bread molds forthe concrete front for his family, German SS ofpages. ficers grabbed him and took At the end of his shift, him to a farm, where they put Rudek would gather some him to work. "They treated him like a of the more interesting front page plates — usually from slave," said his son Dr. Robert the "Late Final" street edition Rudek, asurgeon."Heescaped that used big headlines — and and found his way to England take them home. There, he and found a group of Poles put them in homemade molds who formed a Polish army. He and poured concrete on top. was just a kid, 16, too young to Once the heavy panels had fight. But he went to North Afhardened, he peeled away the rica and Italy anyway." plates to reveal readable imagThough the elder Rudek es of frontpages etched in con- had only a sixth-grade educrete — 60 of which he used to cation, after the war he was formthe sidewalk. unwilling to return to Poland

ironworker. He brought his young family to this country

which way to go. These days, the roboti c paper-movers are

in 1962 when architect Richard Neutra sponsored their

equipped with

l a sers t h at

direct them to the proper location.

immigration. Rudek had done some work Another son, Norbert, said for Neutra, who responded by the family grew up with repwriting "a beautiful letter of resentations of the Times evrecommendation" describing erywhere they looked. Not his skills and work ethic that only did the workshop-garage Rudek used to land his job at boast a blue plastic-plate roof, the Los Angeles Times in 1965, but Leon Rudek also built the Marta said. front gate out of castoff pressHis knowledge of how room mopandbroom handles. "He lived and breathed the things worked paid off when the newspaper opened its newspaper. Everything was printing plant downtown. The Otis Chandler this and Otis pressroom was equipped with Chandler that. We were imrobotic machines to m o ve mersed in L.A. Times lore," two-ton rolls of newsprint. said Norbert, a financial advis-

"I was born i n 1966, so and resume his education, said these events help set up a Marta, who now lives in Pas- But the robots malfunctioned chronology of my life," said adena. "He was afraid of the when being directed to turn John Rudek, one of the for- Coiiliiluillsts. at certain intersections. The mer newspaperman's sons. When he learned it would manufacturer sent engineers "There were these events tak- take about eight years to im- from New York to fix them, ing place, like the pope being migrate to the United States, but they couldn't locate the

er who works in Florida.

The front-page sidewalk still attracts attention. The current owners of the

home, artists Molly Millar and MichaelDodge, bought it in April. They plan to prereplaced and Nixon resigning. Rudek decided in 1948 to re- problem. "These were frames of refer- locate to A rgentina, where Rudek surmised that the serve Rudek's handiwork and ence for me." numerous Poles had fled af- electronic chips embedded in have invited people, including R udek retired f ro m t h e ter the war. That's where he the floor that directed the ro- former Times pressman Ed newspaper in 1991 and died 11 met his future wife, also a bots were in the wrong place. Padgett, to examine the colyears later at age 75. Polish immigrant. They mar- So he chiseled them out and lection of front pages and the Born in Poland, Rudek was ried in 1949 when Rudek was moved them to a spot where printing plate roof above what 13 when the Nazis invaded his working as a blacksmith and they could signal the robots theynowuse as an art studio.

Yeah,you — peering from the arrived only 16yearsago. "I had a couple of scares teensy opening you managed to scrapefrom the ice on your and have changed my ways," windshield. You're driving us he said. Now he starts his car, crazy and you're a public nui- parked outdoors, then scrapes sance. We alsosuspect you asitwarmsup."Thathelpsto don't care what we think. dean off the snow and ice from But dearing your the windows." car of snow and ice W asting f u e l? is the law. Legalities lt S Called M aybe. Bu t he ' s are almost beside "peephO/6 found that the easthe point, though, QrlVjri ier scraping (and gr giventhatfewthings then dimbing into a jack up a driver's the deathwarmed-up car) "is blood pressure in Qe f y irig Qejjef wor t h the 25 to 50 winter more t h an centsexpended." p " g the sight of you dooOne more tip: Af fuses rolling along in th r augh a t er yea rs of keeping yourtwo-tonigloos. FrjSbee SjZed his snow brush and "If someone drove scraper in the trunk, during the summer Zahner learned that it's better to k eep with car d board Irl yOUI' taped to their win- WlridShjejd them tucked somedows, they would be where in the front ticketed," said Caroseat. In sight, in line Thomsof Scan- yOu tOSee mind. dia, Minn. "It's Part peC/estriarIS S ubsidizing a n of living in Minnesoidling car makes ta, taking the time to Bt CrOSSWB/ks, m ore sense t h an CBI'$ iri scrape." risking a citation for A nd there it i s : Bgjojrijrig obscuredvision. the sad-but-true fact that, once it starts

While the actual statute says onlythat


windshield and front

liv i ng ha p l e S S

side windows must

biCyCliStS, regular occurrence h takes more time.

not be obscured "to such an extent as to "Just like we tell 60 g s Brld preven t p roper viPeoPle it's going to Othef'C/ue/6SS sion," Roeske said take you a little lonthe safest drivers ger to get places, it's dr iVerS. b rush snow f r o m going to take a little their hoods, roofs, longer to dear off rear windows, headyour car," said Lt. Eric Roeske of lights and taillights. the Minnesota State Patrol."Just T h i s should not be equated plan on taking that extra time."

wi t h rocket science.

It's called "peephole drivTru e, most drivers do a good ing," the death-defying belief job of brushing off the white that peering through a Fris- stuff (hey, we get to use that bee-sized porthole in your p h rase once in a winter) That's windshield enables you to see why t h e n e 'er-do-scrapers pedestrians at crosswalks, cars s t and out.

in adjoining lanes, hapless bicy- W h a t k eeps them from clists, leashless dogs and other taking a minute or two to do clueless drivers. the right thing? Let us guess: Joe Zahnerusedtobe apeep- They're cold. They're in a hurhole driver. "Of course, I had an ry. It's hard to scrape while on excusebecause I was new to the phone. They don't own a Minnesota from California," he scraper. They're dumb.

SUPPoRT GRoUPs The following list contains support group information submitted to The Bulletin. Submissions must be updated monthly for inclusion. To submit, email relevant details to communitylife©bendbUlletin.com. ABILITREEPEER GROUP FOR PERSONSAFFECTED BYA DISABILITY:541-388-8103. ABILITREEYOUNG PEER GROUP: 541-388-8103 ext. 219. ABILITREEBRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP:541-388-8103. ADHD ADULT SUPPORTGROUP: 54 I-420-3023. ADOPTIVEPARENTSUPPORT GROUP:541-389-5446. ADULT CHILDRENOF ALCOHOLICS: 54 I-633-8189. AGE WIDEOPEN (ADULT CHILDREN SUPPORTGROUP):541-410-4162 or www.agewldeopen.com. AIDSEDUCATION FOR PREVENTION, TREATMENT,COMMUNITY RESOURCES ANDSUPPORT (DESCHUTESCOUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT):541-322-7402. AIDSHOT LINE:800-342-AIDS. AL-ANON: 541-728-3707 or www.centraloregonal-anon.org. ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS (AA): 541-548-0440 or www.colgaa.org. ALS SUPPORTGROUP: 541-977-7502. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION: 541-548-7074. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 54 I-330-6400. ALZHEIMER'S/DEMENTIA CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-948-7214. AUTISM RESOURCEGROUP OF CENTRALOREGON:541-788-0339. BEND ATTACHMENT PARENTING: 541-385-1787. BEND S-ANONFAMILY GROUP: 888-285-3742. BEND ZENMEDITATION GROUP: 541-382-6122 or 541-382-6651. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUPS: 541-382-5882. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUP/ADULTSAND CHILDREN: 54 I-383-3910. BEYOND AFFAIRSNETWORK: A peer group for victims of infidelity, baninbend©yahoo.com. BRAININJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-382-9451. BRAINTUMOR SUPPORT GROUP: 541-350-7243 BREAKUPSANDDIVORCE SUPPORTGROUP:541-610-3060 or phoenixcounsel ingbend@gmail.com. CANCER FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: 54 I-706-5864. CANCER INFORMATIONLINE: 54 I-706-7743. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 54 I-536-7399. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP:541-610-3060 or

phoenixcounsel ingbend©gmail.com SUPPORTALLIANCE:541-549-9622 or 541-771-1620. CELEBRATERECOVERYBEND: Faith Christian Center, 541-383-5801; DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR Westside Church, 541-382-7504; SUPPORT: 541-480-8269 or centraloregoncr.org suemiller92@gmail.com. CELEBRATERECOVERY LAPINE: DEPRESSIONSUPPORT GROUP: Grace Fellowship, 541-536-2878; 541-617-0543. High Lakes Christian Church, 541DIABETICSUPPORT GROUP: 536-3333; Living Waters Church, 541-598-4483. 541-536-1215; centraloregoncr.org DISABILITYSUPPORT GROUP: GELEBRATERECOVERY MADRAS: 541-388-8103. Living HopeChristian Center, 541DIVORCE CARE:541-410-4201. 475-2405 or centraloregoncr.org. DOUBLETROUBLE RECOVERY: CELEBRATERECOVERY REDMOND: Addiction and mental illness group; Redmond Assembly of GodChurch, 541-548-4555 or centraloregoncr.org. 541-317-0050. DYSTONIASUPPORT GROUP: GENTRALOREGON ALZHEIMER'S/ 541-388-2577. DEMENTIACAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP:541-504-0571. ENCOPRESIS (SOILING): 541-5482814 or encopresls@gmail.com. CENTRALOREGON AUTISM EVENINGBEREAVEMENT SUPPORT ASPERGER'SSUPPORTTEAM: 54 i-633-8293. GROUP:541-460-4030 GENTRALOREGON AUTISM FAITHBASED RECOVERY GROUP: SPECTRUM RESOURCEAND FAMILY Drug and alcohol addlctlons; SUPPORTGROUP:541-279-9040. pastordavid©thedoor3r.org. FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER: CENTRALOREGON COALITION FOR 541-389-5468. ACCESS(WORKING TO CREATE ACCESSIBLE COMMUNITIES): GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS:Redmond 541-385-3320. 541-280-7249,Bend 541-390-4365. CENTRALOREGON DEPRESSION GAMBLINGHOT LINE: AND ANXIETYGROUP: 800-233-8479. 54 I-420-2759 GERIATRICCARE MANAGEMENT: GENTRALOREGON DISABILITY lnfo@paulbattle.com or SUPPORTNETWORK: 541-548-8559 1-877-867-1437. or www.codsn.org. GLUCOSECONTROL LOW CARB CENTRALOREGON FAMILIESWITH DIETSUPPORT GROUP: kldnrcd© MULTIPLES:541-330-5832 or yahoo.com or 541-504-0726. 54 i-388-2220. GLUTENINTOLERANCEGROUP GENTRALOREGON LEAGUE OF (CELIAC):541-389-1731. ANIPUTEESSUPPORT GROUP GRANDMA'SHOUSE:Supportfor (COLA):541-480-7420 or www. pregnant teensand teen moms; ourcola.org. 541-383-3515. GENTRALOREGON RIGHT TO LIFE: GRANDPARENTSRAISING OUR 54 i-383-1593. CHILDREN'SKIDS:541-306-4939. GHILDCAR SEAT CLINIC (PROPER GRANDPARENTSSUPPORTGROUP: INSTALLATIONINFORMATION FOR 541-385-4741. SEATANDGHILD): 541-504-5016. GRIEFSHAREGRIEFRECOVERY CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: SUPPORTGROUP:541-382-1832. 541-330-3907. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: 541-306CHRISTIANWOMEN OF HOPE 6633, 541-318-0384 or mulllnski© (WOMEN'SCANCER SUPPORT bendbroadband.com. GROUP):541-382-1832. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: CLAREBRIDGEOFBEND 541-548-7483. (ALZHEIMER'SSUPPORT GROUP): 541-385-4717 or rnorton1© GRIEF SUPPORT GROUPS: Forthe brookdalelivlng.com. bereaved; 541-771-3247. CO-DEPENDENTSANONYMOUS GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: BEND:541-610-7445. 541-447-2510. CO-DEPENDENTSANONYMOUS GRIEFSHARE(FAITH-BASED) REDMOND:541-610-8175. RECOVERY CLASS:541-389-8780. COFFEEAND CONNECTION CANCER HEALINGENCOURAGEMENT FOR SUPPORTGROUP:541-706-3754. ABORTION-RELATEDTRAUMA (H.E.A.R.T.):541-318-1949. COMPASSIONATEFRIENDS (FOR THOSE GRIEVINGTHE LOSS HEALTHYFAMILIESOF THE HIGH OF A CHILD):541-480-0667 or DESERT:Homevisitsfor families with 54I-536-i709. newborns; 541-749-2133 CREATIVITY 5 WELLNESSHEARINGLOSS ASSOCIATION: MOOD GROUP:541-647-0865. 541-390-2174 or ctepper@bendcable. com. CROOKEDRIVERRANCHADULT GRIEF SUPPORT: 541-548-7483. HEARTS OF HOPE:Abortion healing; 541-728-4673. DEFEATCANCER:541-706-7743. DESCHUTESCOUNTYMENTAL IMPROVE YOUR STRESS LIFE: HEALTH24-HOUR CRISIS LINE: 541-706-2904. 54 i-322-7500. LA LECHELEAGUEOFBEND: 541-317-5912. DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR

LIVING WELL(CHRONIC CONDITIONS):541-322-7430. LIVING WITHCHRONICILLNESSES SUPPORTGROUP:541-536-7399. LUPUS 8E FIBROMYALGIA SUPPORT GROUP:541-526-1375. MADRAS NICOTINEANONYMOUS GROUP:541-993-0609. MATERNAL/CHILDHEALTH PROGRAM(DESCHUTES COUNTYHEALTHDEPARTMENT): 541-322-7400. MEN'SCANCER SUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-5864. MENDEDHEARTSSUPPORT GROUP:541-706-4789. MISCARRIAGESUPPORT GROUP: 541-514-9907. MOMMYANDMEBREASTFEEDINGSUPPORT GROUP: Laura, 541-322-7450. MULTIPLESCLEROSIS SUPPORT GROUP:541-706-6802. NARCONON:800-468-6933. NARCOTICSANONYMOUS (NA): 541-416-2146. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESSOF CENTRAL OREGON (NAMI):541-408-7779, 541-5041431 or email: vonriedlpn©yahoo. com. NAMI BEND -EXTREME STATES:541-647-2343 or www. namicentraloregon.org NAMI BENDCONNECTIONS: 541-480-8269 or www. namicentraloregon.org NAMI BENDFAMILY SUPPORT GROUP:whitefam@bendcable.com or www.namicentraloregon.org. NAMI MADRASCONNECTIONS: For peers, 541-475-1873 or NAMlmadras@gmail.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILYSUPPORT GROUP:541-475-1873 or NAMlmadras@gmail.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILY-FAMILY SUPPORTGROUP:541-475-3299 or www.namicentraloregon.org NAMI REDMOND FAMILYSUPPORT GROUP:namlcentraloregon©gmail. com. NAMI REDMOND CONNECTIONS: 541-382-3218 or 541-693-4613. NEWBERRY HOSPICEOF LA PINE: 541-536-7399. OREGON COMMISSIONFOR THE BLIND:541-447-4915. OREGON CURE:541-475-2164. OREGON LYMEDISEASE NETWORK: 541-312-3081 or www.oregonlyme.

PARKINSON'SCAREGIVERS SUPPORTGROUP:541-317-1188. PARKINSON'SDISEASE SUPPORT GROUP:541-280-5818. PARTNERS IN CARE: Home health and hospice services; 541-382-5882. PAUL'SCLUB:Dadsand male caregiver supportgroup;541-548-8559. PFLAG CENTRALOREGON:For parents, families and friends of lesbians andgays; 541-317-2334 or www.pflagcentraloregon.org. PLAN LOVINGADOPTIONS NOW (PLAN):541-389-9239. PLANNEDPARENTHOOD: 888-875-7820. PMS ACGESS LINE: 800-222-4767. PREGNANCY RESOURCECENTERS: Bend,541-385-5334; Madras,541475-5338; Prineville, 541-447-2420; Redmond, 541-504-8919. PULMONARY HYPERTENSION SUPPORTGROUP:541-548-7489. RECOVERINGADDICTS IN THE ADDICTIONFIELD:541-610-3060 or phoenixcounsel ingbend@gmail.com. SAVINGGRACE SUPPORT GROUPS: Bend, 541-382-4420; Redmond, 541-504-2550, ext. 1; Madras, 541-475-1880. SCLERODERMA SUPPORTGROUP: 541-480-1958. SEXAHOLICSANONYMOUS:

541-595-8780. SOUp ANDSUppORT:For mourners; 541-548-7483. STEPMOM SUPPORTGROUP: 541-325-3339 or www. insightcounselingbend.com. SUPPORT GROUPFOR FAMILIES WITH DIABETICCHILDREN: 541-526-6690. SURVIVORS OFSUICIDE LOSS SUPPORTGROUP:541-610-3060 or phoenlxcounsel lngbend@gmall.com. TOBACCO FREEALLIANCE: 541-322-7481. TOPS OR:Bend, 541-388-5634; Culver, 541-546-4012; Redmond, 541-923-0878. TYPE 2 DIABETESSUPPORT GROUP:541-706-4986. VETERANSHOTLINE: 541-408-5594 or 818-634-0735. VISION NW:Peersupport group; 541-330-0715. VOLUNTEERS INMEDICINE: 541-330-9001. WOMEN'S RESOURCECENTER OF CENTRALOREGON:541-385-0747 WOMEN SURVIVINGWITH CANCER SUPPORTGROUP:541-706-5864. YOUNGPEOPLEWITH DISABILITIES PEER GROUP:831-402-5024. ZEN MEDITATIONGROUP: 541-388-3179.


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Best of Continued from D1

Paulina SpringsBooks in Redmond

Warner Bros. via The Associated Press

"The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug" held off "The Wolf of Wall Street" at the box office on Christmas Day.

Christmas atthe movies: 'Hobbit' sequelbests 'Wolf of WallStreet' By Ryan Faughnder Los Angeles Times

As "Smaug" and "Wolf of

TOP CHILDREN'S BOOKS 1) "Diary of a WimpyKid: The Ugly Truth" byJeff Kinney 2) "Diary of a WimpyKid: The Third Wheel" by Jeff Kinney 3) "Diary of a WimpyKid: Cabin Fever" by Jeff Kinney 4) "Diary of a WimpyKid: Greg Heffley's Journal" by Jeff Kinney 5) "Diary of a WimpyKid: Dog Days" by Jeff Kinney (See a pattern among the top five children's books? This series aimed at elementary-age kids is incredibly popular here.) 6) "The Mark of Athena" by Rick Riordan —Book three in the "Heroes of Olympus" series follows heroes on a journey to find the Doors of Death. 7) "Diary of a WimpyKid: Rodrick Rules" by Jeff Kinney 8) "Diary of a WimpyKid: The last Straw" by Jeff Kinney 9) "The Son ofNeptune" by Rick Riordan —Book two of the "Heroes of Olympus" series features monsters, demigods and lots of adventure. 10) "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. Rowling —The first book in the Harry Potter series is still fantastically popular.

top, a pack of new films and holdovers competed for moviegoers' attention. "Anchorman 2: The Legquite enough box office riches to beat the "Hobbit: The end Continues" grossed $8.1 Desolation of Smaug" on million, while "The Secret Wednesday. Life of W alter M itty," the new 20th Century Fox mov-

Leonardo D i C aprio-star-ie directed by and starring ringdark comedy from Par- Ben Stiller, raked in $7.8 amount Pictures and Red million on its first day in theGranite Pictures, grossed an aters. Audiences were genestimated $9.1 million in the erally warm toward "WalU.S. and Canada, coming in ter Mitty," giving it a B-plus just behind "Smaug," which CinemaScore. looks like it generated around David Russell's acclaimed $9.3 million in ticket sales. 1970s con-artist d r ama "Smaug," the second part "American Hustle" grossed of the "Hobbit" trilogy based $7.4 million on Christmas, on the book by J.R.R. Tolk- indicating a solid start for ien, could be on its way to a its second weekend in wide third straight weekend as the release. "47 Ronin," the samurai highest-grossing film. "Wolf of Wall Street," a movie with Keanu Reeves, taleofunchained greed and took in an estimated $7 milexcess, has received gener- lion and earned a B-plus ally positive reviews, with grade. The film, debuting a 75 percent "fresh" rating after a couple delays, cost at from Rotten Tomatoes, while least $175 million to make. audiences gave the film a Sylvester Stallone and Robrelatively low grade of "C," ert De Niro duked it out in according to the polling firm "Grudge Match" for another CinemaScore. It's expected B-plus, and its first day in the to gross roughly $35 million ring resulted in about $4 milthroughSunday. lion in ticket sales.

Willems —Pigeon is at it again in this funny book from prolific children's author Wiilems. 7) "Via lacTea: A Woman of aCertain three different ethnic Age WalksTheCamibackgrounds as no" by EllenWaterston they compete at the — Waterston, a Bend Pendleton Round-Up author, penned a novel in1911. in verse of a woman 5) "Serpent's walking along the Tooth: AWalt LongCamino de Santiago Eeevs,1 i Lr, mire Mystery" by pilgrimage route in Craig Johnson Spain. 6) "Don't Let the 8) "Sweet Revenge Pigeon Drivethe Bus!" byMo of Celia Door" byKaren Finney-

frock —This is a book aimed at teens and tells the story of Celia, who is entering her freshman year of high school and must choose between revenge and friendship. 9) "Kenny 8 theDragon" by Tony DiTerlizzi —A sweet children's book about a rabbit that's friends with both a dragon and a knight set to do battle. 10) "Pie" bySarahWeeksAimed at children in elementary and middle school, this book tells the story of a woman's famous pie crust recipe that she willed to her cat, Lardo.

Deschutes Public Library system

Wall Street" battled at the

LOS ANGELES — Martin Scorsese's "The Wolf of Wall Street" didn't steal

"Wolf of Wall Street," the

1) "SnowChild" byEowyn ivey 2) "Bend, Overall" byScott Cook —This hiking book is filled with humor as well as helpful information about local outdoor spots. 3) "OneGloriousAmbition: TheCompassionateCrusade of Dorothea Dix, aNovel" byJane Kirkpatrick

4) "Red White Black: ATrue Story of RaceandRodeo" by Rick Steber —This book by local Western writer Steber follows three men from


Warner Bros. via The Associated Press

"Argo" was a popular DVDchoice for users of the Deschutes Public Library system in 2013.

2011 film by Alexander Payne Skloot —Skloot tells the story of west on a killing spree. an poor woman whose cells have 8) " The Black Box: A Novel" starsGeorgeClooneyasaman who uncovers unhappy truths been used in medicalresearch byM ichael ConneHyHarry — and experiments throughout the B osch links a bullet to a 20-year- about his wife after she falls into world. old murder of a female photogra- a coma in their home state of 6) "No EasyDay: The Autophe r during the1992 Los AngelesHawaii. biography of a NavySEAL: The ri o ts. 3) "Lincoln" —Steven SpielFirsthand Ac9) "NYPD berg directs this historical drama Red" by count of the about President Abraham Lincoln, ', James PatMission that with an Oscar-winning perfor• A TOP TEEN TITLES mance in the lead role by Daniel , terson and 1) "Catching Fire" by Suzanne Killed Osama : Marshall bin Laden" by ©f ot Day Lewis. Collins i K arp — This 4) "Life of Pi" —Ang Lee 2) "Mockinglay" by Suzanne Mark OwenA first-person directs the 2012movie of the Collins best-selling book about aboyadrift 3) "The HungerGames" bySu- account of the execution and NYPD dedicat- at sea with a tiger ascompanion. zanne Collins ed to the most 5) "Best Exotic Marigold planning of (The Hunger Gamestrilogy the raid on bin Hotel" —This 2012 part comedy, powerful and tops the teen reading list, with wealthy resipart drama, follows a group of its tale of Katniss forced to battle Laden. 7) "Wheat dents of Man- British retirees who move to a other youths to the death anda Belly: Lose hattan, some hotelin India. societal uprising.) l— rt~. the Wheat, of whom are 6) "SkyfaH" —The latest 4) "Insurgent" by Veronica Losethe being targeted James Bond film stars Daniel Roth .". by a killer. Weight, and ~.rr e. z Craig, with Javier Bardem asthe 5) "Divergent" by Veronica Find Your 10) "The villain. Roth Path Back to Forgotten" by 7) "The Artist" —This silent (These are the first two books Health" by David Baldac- French movie won the 2012Acadin this trilogy — the third, "AlWilliam Davis —Davis lays out ci— John Puller, an Army Special emy Awards best picture honor. legiant," came out late in 2013 8) "Silver linings Playbook" Agent, is investigating the murder — in which society is divided into the case against wheat. 8) "Killing Kenne dy: The End of his aunt in Florida. — Bradley Cooper andJennifer factions based onthe individuai's Lawrence star in this dramatic traits and teenagers must choose of Camelot" by Bill O'ReiHy and Martin Dugard —This book TOP EBOOKS romantic comedy about two which faction to join.) offers a historical narrative of messed up individuals living in 6) "The Lightning Thief" by 1) "Fifty Shades ofGrey" by how Kennedy was ki l l ed and t he Philadelphia. Rick Riordan — This is the first E.L. James —James rocked the cultural aftermath of that assas9) "The Help" —Based on a book in the incredibly popular publishing world with her tresination. best-selling book, this movie tells "PercyJacksonandTheOlympimendously popular and titillating, 9) "Proof of Heaven: ANeuro- erotic trilogy that follows a college the story of a young white woman ans" series. inJackson,Miss.,whowants 7) "The Fault in OurStars" by surgeon's Journey Into the Afstudent seduced by abusinessterlife" by EbenAlexander — A man. to help the struggle of the black John Green —Greendelivers a maids in her town. poignant book about a girl who is neurosurgeon describes his near 2) "Gone Girl: ANovel" by 10) "Flight" —Denzei Washdying of cancer, the unsentimen- death experience while hewas in Gillian Flynn i n gton earned aBest Actor Oscar a coma for seven days; he woke 3) "Wild: From Lost to Found tal way she views the world and up believing in Godand a soul. nomination for his turn as aherothe deep relationship she forms on the Pacific Crest Trail" by 10) "Behind the Beautiful ic, drunken pilot in this drama. with a boy shemeets in asupport Cheryl Strayed Forevers: (Life, Death, and 4) "Fifty ShadesDarker" by gl'oup. — Reporter: 541-617-1111, Hope in a Mumbai iindercity)" 8) "Before I Go toSleep: A E.L. James —Part two of the ajohnson@bendbulletin.com by Katherine Boo —This book Novel"byS.J.Watson— This erotic trilogy. chronicles the families who live in 5) "Fifty Shades Freed" by mystery follows Christine, who a slum near luxury hotels in Mum- E.L. James —Part three of the loses her memories every time bai as they strive for a better life. she falls asleep. erotic trilogy. 6) "The Racketeer" by John 9) "City of Bones" byCassandra Clare —Book one in the TOP ADULT FICTION Grisham "Mortal Instruments" series fol7) "Calico Joe" byJohn TITLES lows Clary, a girl in NewYork City 1) "GoneGirl: ANovel" by Grisham —This Grisham book who is sucked into the dark, mys- Gillian Flynn —This blockbuster is about baseball and afictional terious world of Shadowhunters. book is part mystery, part charplayer namedCalico Joe, but it is 10) "Life of Pi: ANovel" by acter study of a modern married also about the bonds of fatherYann Martel —A boy is adrift on couple. hood and more. 2) "A Wanted Man: AJack 8) "Deep Down" byLee Child an ocean in asmall boat, his only companion a hungry tiger — this Reacher Novel" by LeeChild — Jack Reacher is tracking down is the plot of this best-selling book. — The latest Jack Reacher story a spy who is also a soldier and follows him from wanting to catch one of four high level women in TOP ADULT a ride to unraveling a large conthe military. NONFICTION TITLES spiracy. 9) "Notorious Nineteen: A 1) "Wild: FromLost to Found 3) "The Racketeer: A Novel" Stephanie PlumNovel" by Janet on the Pacific Crest Trail" by by JohnGrisham — In Grisham's Evanovich Little ad Cheryl Strayed latest book, the body of a federal 10) "The Art of Deception" 2) "Unhroken: AWorld War H judge is found at his lakeside cab- by Nora Roberts —Published Story of Survival, Resilience, in alongside hisyoung secretary. in2000,thisbookfocusesonan savings! and Redemption" byLaura Hil4) "Notorious Nineteen: A artist involved in forgery. lenbrand —Theauthor of "SeaStephanie Plum Novel"byJanet biscuit" writes this true tale of a Evanovich —Plum investigates TOP DVDS young man lost at sea inWorld thedisappearance ofamanon 1) "Argo" —The2013 AcadWar II, a story of redemption and trial for embezzling millions from emy Awards best picture winner endurance. an assisted living facility. is the true story of how agroup of 3) "Quiet: The Power of ln5) "The Casual Vacancy" by Americans at the embassy in Iran troverts in a WorldThat Can't J.K. Rowling —This is Rowling's escapedthankstoafakemovie. 2) "The Descendants" —The Stop Talking" bySusan Cain first novel for adults and it is set — This book examines the traits in the seemingly quiet village of OFF MSRP of extroverts and introverts and Pagford. 6) "The SnowChild: ANovel" makes the casethat our society has come to favor extroverts too by Eowyn ivey 7) "Mad River" by JohnSandmuch. 4) "in the Garden ofBeasts: ford —Virgil Flowers investigates love, Terror and anAmerican teens running through the MidFamily in Hitler's Berlin" by Serving Central Oregon Erik Larson —A true story of an for over22 years! American ambassador to Germany in 1933 and his family and the Elevation Capital Strategies complicated, sometimes frightenEVERGREEN 775 Sw Bonnet way Suite 120 Bend ing experiences they shared. ln-Home Care Servlces 141 SE 3rd • Bend Main: 541-728-0321 Care for loved ones. Comfort for aii. 5) "The Immortal Life of 541-389-0006 www.elevationcapital.biz We bill Insurances www.evergreeninhome.com Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca •




' Qt+ptr gj~g,,


an's University and a private pilot.

Continued from D1 The women, she said, were assigned housing by

ble disappointment to all of us to quit flying those beau-

last name, and it was in the

tiful planes" after the pro-

Rohrer said it was a "terri-

barracks that she met Alyce gram's disbanding. "All the men were coming Stevens Rohrer from Provo, Utah. home and needed our jobs," Rohrer too will be atop she said. "So Congress just the Rose Parade float. She forgot the promise about milwas 18 when she joined the itarization and said, 'They're WASPs. women. Send them home.'" "I could fly a plane before W hen the w omen w h o I could drive a car," she said, wanted to continue careers laughing. in aviation applied for jobs, On a

r e cent afternoon, they often received letters

Reece and Rohrer, whose from airlines offering them friendship ha s s p anned stewardess jobs, Rohrer said. more than half a century,

She got one of those letters

laughed over stories of their — and tore it up. "There's nothing wrong WASP days in Rohrer's Pasadena home, where photos of

with being a

s t ewardess,"

both her and her husband in she said. "But I wasn't one." "We wanted to fly," Reuniform hang on the walls. Rohrer, 90, smiled at a ece said, shaking her head. photo of herself in a flight "That was the thing." suit with wide legs and a Both women said they cinched waist h i tched as

w ould have stayed in t h e

high as it could go. The wom- military if they had been en wore men's gear, she said, able to. They became school and it dwarfed them. A colo-

teachers: Rohrer taught his-

nel at their base made them tory and English at Arroyo wear turbans — which she High School in El Monte; hated — because he worried Reece taught mathematics in their long hair would get in Lancaster. their eyes. The WASPs were given Rohrer took on a high-risk military and veteran status assignment, testing prob- in 1977 and awarded the lem planes after they were Congressional Gold Medal repaired to see if they were in 2010. air-worthy. The planes were Thirty-eight WASPs were those used to train cadets

preparing for combat. "People ask me all the time, 'Why did you do it if it was so dangerous'?'" she said. "My only answer was,

killed in s ervice. Because they were not enlisted sol-

diers, many were buried with no military fanfare and

no flag on their caskets, and their families paid to bring

yes, but it wasn't anywhere

their bodies home, Landdeck

Rohrer flew AT-6 and BT-

the pilots and will be trav-

near as dangerous as my said. brother going on the beach The WASPs' reaction to in Normandy.... I don't even having a Rose Parade float think I thought of the danger. has been mixed, said LandI just enjoyed flying." deck, who knows many of 13 aircraft. Reece, who also eling to the parade. The test-flew repaired planes, WASPs are still fundraising, flew AT-6 and B-26 aircraft,

she said, to build the float

she said. She is thrilled that

and pay forthe women to

the Rose Parade float fea-

travel to Pasadena.

"This is a very frugal generation," Landdeck said. ised that they would later be "But they're so excited about classified as military, Rohrer having people know who said. But in 1944 — as more they are. It's so much fun to male pilots returned — a bill realize you can have hard

tures a replica AT-6 plane. The WASPs were prom-

that would have given them times and can be on a Rose m ilitarization w a s vo t e d Parade float when you're rr

down in Congress. The pro- 90 gram was disbanded in DeRohrer, who has lived in cember 1944 and the women Pasadena for more than 60 left the service as civilians,

just as they had begun. "It was like Rosie the Riveter getting kicked out of the

years, said she's a bit nervous about riding the float in

the cold weather at her age. But it will be well worth it,

factory as soon as the men she said. "There are still so many came back to take the factory jobs," said Landdeck, who people," she said, "who don't is a historian at Texas Wom- know anything about us."

Get a taste of Food. Home Sr Garden In




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' ommuni 'crew ac or season TV SPOTLIGHT

ten out of control, resulting in

By Kate O'Hare Zap2it

Love maybe allyou need to keep a "Community" together, but having its founder back in the house, and an Emmy or two, might also be nice.

darken the stage doors again. "None," says Harmon of

"We won the Critics' Choice

tome." But, for the benefit of those


In between screams and shouting from another part of

thinking of emulating Harmon's path, he suggests they instead look to Vince Gilligan, the creator of "Breaking Bad" (who's also a "Community" guest-star this season). "He's a great guy," says Harmon. "He gets rewarded for being great. He's very professional. He'll die with a bigger house

the set — with phrases such as

"I pull a sword," "I drink your blood; I eat your heart" and "I scalp you and send it to your family" being tossed around — McHale sits down in the

lounge to discuss his role in returning Harmon to the fold. "It's like the monarchy has

been restored," says McHale. "It's like the show was always

than me. It's always better to

Award," says series star Joel stayed with "The Wire" for its

mon, though, the show kept

McHale, r eferring t o t he show's win as best comedy for

whole run, "Community" cre-

its jokes but lost a chunk of its

ors from the Broadcast Television Journalist Association,

That left other writers to try to deconstruct his method and

ator Dan Harmon was fired 2012 in the second annual hon- after the end of Season 3. "which was thrilling, because keep the show about a dys-

is essentially the creation of one writer. While David Simon

lion, Robert Patrick, Paget

Brewster, Rob Corddry, Brie promise. "They haven't spoken Larson, Ben Folds and LeVar

Well, one out of two ain't

"I defer to just saying we are 'The Wire' of comedy." Also, like HBO's cops-andcrooks drama, "Community"

Walton Goggins, Nathan Fil-

what he had to compromise or

bad. Anyone arriving at the Paramount soundstage in Hollywood during production of the fifth season of the NBC comedy "Community," premiering Thursday, willseea largebanner with a picture of an Emmy chris Haston/NBC and the words, "Congratula- Gillian Jacobs, who plays Britta Perry, and the rest of the "Commutions, 0 Emmy Nominations" nity" cast are returning for a fifth season. above the show logo.

it was the critics, and they really watch the show.

They represent only a frac-

a chaoticproduction process, tion of this season's guest-star one would think the bosses roster, which includes "Arwould have a long list of de- r ested" creator M itch H u r mands to let that person ever witz, Paul Williams, Gilligan,

functional but lovable study

soul. In what amounts to a TV miracle, after a season away,

Harmon was brought back. As to how t his all c ame about, Harmon says, "I don't

group — led by unhappy (for- know. I'll just credit it to folmerly) disbarred lawyer Jeff lowing my laziness and my Winger (McHale) — at run- bliss and a universe that would down Greendale Community approve of that kind of thing. I College going. Without input don't know." from the brilliant but often er-

ratic and unpredictable Har-

be a wonderful professional person than it is to be a self-indulgent weirdo." On this particular day on the set, an episode that follows up on the second-season episode "Advanced Dungeons 5 Dragon" is in production, featuring a guest appearance by

in Dan's brain, and we needed Dan for the show to be.... I will

say, the scripts are some of the greatestwe've ever done. I'm

bragging." As for reports that he was instrumental in convincing NBC and studio Sony to r ethink

"Arrested Development" star

Harmon's ouster, McHale says, David Cross as Hank, the es- "They knew my opinion. Evtranged son of new character eryone always talks about six Professor Buzz Hickey, played seasons and a movie, so, for us Normally, when the creator by Jonathan Banks ("Wise- to get there, we had to have the of a show has, admittedly, got- guy," "Breaking Bad"). original voice back."

een won t eave a usive ome

MOVIE TIMESTDDAY • Theremaybeanadditionalfeefor3-0andIMAXmovies. • Movietimes aresubject to changeafter presstime. t

Dear Abby:Last week, my best friend, "Lana," tried to kill herself. I'm not sure anyone else knows.

with hi m

u n der t hese circum-

stances, she will be emotionally and financially dependent, and

Her brother beats her, and her it's not a healthy way to start a mom yells at her for being "un- relationship. grateful" when she asks to spend Point out that if she lives with a night elsewhere. her grandparents — who underMy family has stand how dysoffered se v eral times to let Lana

live with us, as p arents.

Af t e r



this week, I have

begged her to. She still refuses. Her plan is to move in with her boyfriend when she turns 18 in a


he does it? If you haven't, speak

up! And when you do, suggest he find a grief support group, where h e can talk

an d t al k u n ti l h e

h ome lif e h a s been — or your family, she will be in a safe place while she consid-

works through his loss better than he has. Until he does, you'll never be happy. Competing with a ghost is a fight you can't win. Dear Abby:I'm a college student ers he r o p t i ons who has never had a boyfriend. I about finding a job or getting have been on a few dates with a more education. guy I'll call "Richard," and while Once she's independent, she he's nice, I don't see this going will be in a stronger position to anywhere.

few months. He's a good guy, but I don't think it will be good for her. make wise decisions about her I know they always say to tell an future. adult about a situation like this Dear Abby: My boyfriend lost the "love of his life" to cancer two one, but Lana claims she's not strong enough to actually leave years ago. He talks about her and before then — and she kept a se- their life together endlessly. He cret of mine almost as big. says he wants to build a new life I'm scared and don't know what to do. I love Lana and I know do-

Dear Lover: As long as your boyfriend continues to compare you unfavorably with his lost love, the answer is no. Have you told him how it makes you feel when

with me, but he constantly criti-

cizes me because "she would han-

ing the wrong thing could end up dle the situation better." Abby, the woman was a physician from a wealthy family. I'm Dear Terrified: If Lana tried to a blue-collar worker who sinkill herself because of what's hap- gle-parented two children. My peningathome, shecan no longer parents passed away 20 years ago. remain there. Talk to her again. Is there any hope for a future with Moving in with her boyfriend is him? Can I ever feel comfortable not the answer. being who I am — not the ghost he It could be jumping from the wants me to be? frying pan into the fire. If she lives — Blue-collar Lover

with her dead. — Terrified BFF in Tennessee

On the other hand, I don't want to break it off just yet because it's nice having that kind of attention

for once. But is it leading him on? He likes me a lot more than I

like him, but he knows I'm going to transfer next semester. What should I do? — Confused Dater in Des Moines

Dear Confused Dater: You should be honest with Richard.

Tell him you like him as a friend and remind him that your plan is to transfer next semester. That

way, if he wants to continue seeing you, he'll know the score and you won'thave led him on. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P.o.Box 69440, LosAngeles, CA90069



Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • 47 RONIN(PG-13)4:20 • 47 RONIN3-0 (PG-13)1, 7:20, 10:20 • AMERICAN HUSTLE(R) 12:10, 3:30, 635 940 • ANCHORMAN 2: THELEGEND CONTINUES (PG-13) 11:25 a.m., 12:25, 2:15, 3:20, 5:05, 6:45, 8:05, 9:35 • THE BOOK THIEF (PG-I3) 12: I5, 3:25, 6:30 • FROZEN(PG) 12:35, 3:40, 6:20, 9:05 • GRUDGE MATCH(PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:05, 4:50, 7:40, 10:25 • THE HOBBIT:THEDESOLATIONOFSMAUG (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:30, 6:15, 9:50 • THEHOBBIT:THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG IMAX3-0 (PG-13) 11:05 a.m., 2:40, 6:30, 10 • THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE(PG-13) 11:20 a.m., 3:30, 6:45, 9:55 • JUSTIN BIEBER'8BELIEVE(PG)11:50 a.m., 2:10, 4:30, 6:55, 9:15 • NEBRASKA (R) 11a.m., 5:35 • PHILOMENA (PG- I3) 9:30 • SAVING MR.BANKS(PG-13) 11:45 a.m., 2:50, 6:05, 9 • THE SECRET LIFEOFWALTERMITTY (PG) 11:10a.m., 2, 4:45, 7:30, 10:15 • TYLERPERRY'8 A MADEA CHRISTMAS (PG-13)9:25 • WALKINGWITHDINOSAURS(PG) 1:55, 7:15 • WALKINGWITHDINOSAURS3-0 (PG)11:35 a.m., 5 • THEWOLF OF WALL STREET (R)Noon,1:45,4:10,8,9 • Accessibility devices are available forsome movies.

DAY, DEC. 28, 2013:This year you might be more deliberate in your choices than others realize. Follow-through counts. You also might choose to surround yourself with like-minded people. Still, know that you have a lot to gain from others whose minds work differently. If you are single, avoid getting involved Starsshowthe kind with someone of dayyou'Ilhave substantiaiiy oider ** * * * D ynamic than you. You wiii ** * * Positive have a very difficult time getting away from this person, should

you changeyour

mind. If you are attached, the two of you have strong commitments to other activities. Make it a point to get involved in a common interest. You both will enjoy being together more. SCORPIO understands you very well.

ARIES (March 21-April19) ** * * S pend your day with a loved one. It is inevitable that you will have a conversation about a touchy matter. You tend to express optimism, and others could find that attitude to be contagious. Discussions revolve around a public commitment. Tonight: Be a duo.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar

** * * You will want to make an effort to express yourself more fully. You might be tense most of the time, which

holds you back.You needto choosea time. You could feel tense, until you see the way through this stage of the project. You might decide to take a nap instead. Tonight: Relax at home.

relaxing pastime to share with a friend or loved one that will open you up. Tonight: The night is yours.

CANCER (June21-July 22)

** * Take off and go do whatyou want. You can head out alone or invite a like-minded person to join you. The sense of relaxation you experience as a result of this venture will help you return to your normal life feeling refreshed. Tonight: Use your free time well.

** * * * T ake time to play and enjoy yourself with a child or loved one. You might be determined to carry the fun spirit of Christmas through the weekend. A new friend might have difficulty expressing his or her feelings. Tonight: M ake ges a ture,and someone willopen

up. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * S taying close to home will suit you perfectly. You might want to handle a personal matter or have an important one-on-one talk with a friend. Be positive about what you want to do.Discuss a domestic change,which could involve moving furniture. Tonight: Stay anchored.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

** * * C onsider getting something off your chest in order to get past a problem. The other party will listen, but only to a certain point. Try to be open; TAURUS (April 20-May 20) otherwise, the listener could completely ** * * * D efer to someone else, and close down. Make fun plans with a child allow him or her to get past any negaor loved one in the late afternoon. Totivity or fear. Your positive attitude goes night: Hang out. far to loosen up a key person in your LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) life. Remember, you can't make this person lighten up, but you can point the ** * * B e sensitive to a family member and his or her needs. Don't risk havway.Tonight:Discuss a change on the ing to deal with this person's defiance. homefront. You will want to rein in your spending GEMINI (May 21-June20) and start budgeting again. Bills will ** * I t is time to get through a project. start coming in soon. Tonight: Fun does Make a point not to be too upset about not have to cost much. what you might be missing in the mean-

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * Calls come in and invitations will be extended. You might want to get out and forget the holidays by joining your contemporaries. Opt to do what you enjoy most, but remember to put

the companyyou choose as ahigher

priority. Tonight: Go to a spontaneous party.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * * Take charge, but also listen to someone who has been in a similar position. Perhaps you can delegate part of what falls on you to this person. Still, realize that the buck stops with you. Choosesomeone who you know willfollow through as you would like. Tonight: Meet friends.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March20) ** * * U nderstanding evolves in a discussion; you will be able to walk in

someoneelse'sshoesasaresult.You couldgain an understanding because of your willingness to be open. You also m ight seehow a m ix-up could have occurred. Tonight: Go along with an imaginative idea. © King Features Syndicate

9 a.m. on ESPN, "College Football" —ESPN's 14 hours ofbowlgame coveragekickoff at Yankee Stadium in NewYork, where the New Era Pinstripe Bowl pits a team from the American Athletic Conference against an at-large institution. Then teams from the AACand ACC go at it in Charlotte, N.C., in the Belk Bowl. That's followed by the Russell Athletic Bowl (AAC vs. ACC) in Orlando, Fla., and the Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl (Big Ten vs. Big 12) in Tempe, Ariz. 5 p.m. on TCM, Movie: "Gaslight" —You're not paranoid, dear; he is out to getyou. Director George Cukor brings a classy patina to this1944 big-screen adaptation of the creaky stage melodrama about a woman who begins to fear her husband is trying to drive her mad. Ingrid Bergman won an Academy Award for her portrayal of the mentally tortured wife of a man with a dark secret, while Oscar-nominated Charles Boyer and Angela Lansbury (in her film debut) are equally noteworthy. 8p.m. on 29, Movie:"JustGo With It" —Adam Sandler teams amusingly with Jennifer Aniston as he plays a plastic surgeon who learns how problematic a lie can become. A tall tale he tells his new love interest (model Brooklyn Decker) escalates, and he has to produce a soon-tobe-ex-wife; he enlists an office assistant (Aniston) to fill the role. Nicole Kidman has a surprising comedic turn in a supporting cast that features Nick Swardson, Bailee Madison, Griffin Gluck and music's Dave Matthews. 8 p.m. on 5, "WWETribute to the Troops" —The band Daughtry performs in this new special, taped at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington state. Also appearing are comedian Jeff Dunham, Michelle Beadle of "Access Hollywood," and numerous stars and divas from the WWEwrestling ring. Celebrities including Will Ferrell, Bruce Willis, Ryan Seacrest, Christina Applegate and Stephen Colbert offer shoutouts during the hour. 9 p.m. on ANPL, "Pit Bulls and Parolees" — In the new episode "Holiday Magic," Tia, her kids, the parolees, Villalobos volunteers and friends come together to celebrate the season, reminiscing about their most memorable rescue and adoption cases. Viewers will also catch up with favorite dogs at their new homes. © Zap2it



McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.BondSt., 541-330-8562 • CLOUDYWITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2 (PG) l1:30 a.m., 2:30 • ENDER'8 GAME (PG-13) 6 • JACKASSPRESENTS: BADGRANDPA(R) 9 • After 7p m.,showsare21and olderonly.Youngerthan 2f mayattendscreeningsbefore 7pm.ifaccompaniedby a legal guardian. t



Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • THEARMSTRONG LIE(R)6 • BLUEISTHE WARMEST COLOR (NC-17)8:30 • THE SECRET OFKELLS(no MPAArating) 4 I






Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • 47 RONIN(PG-13) 11:15a.m., 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 • ANCHORMAN 2: THELEGEND CONTINUES (PG-13)11 a.m., 1:30,4,6:30,9 • THEHOBBIT:THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG (PG-13) 11:45 a.m., 3, 6:15, 9:30 • WALKINGWITHDINOSAURS(PG) 11:15a.m.,1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:I5

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Vpu.fk 60Dd 6 60.

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John Day Sisters Movie House,720Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • ANCHORMAN 2: THELEGEND CONTINUES (PG-13) 2:30, 5, 7:45 • FROZEN(PG) Noon, 1:30 • THEH088IT:THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG (PG-13)4, 7:15 • SAVINGMR.BANKS (PG-13)2,4:45,7:30 • THEWOLF OF WALL STREET (R)Noon,3:30,7 r$•

Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W.U.S. Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • 47 RONIN(PG-13) 2:05, 4:40, 7:20, 9:50 • ANCHORMAN 2: THELEGEND CONTINUES (PG-13)2, 4:30, 7:10, 9:40 • GRUDGEMATCH (PG-13)1:50,4:25,7,9:30 • THEHOBBIT:THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG (PG-13) Noon,6:30 • THEHOBBIT:THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG 3-0 (PG-13) 3:10, 9:45 • WALKINGWITHDINOSAURS(PG) 12:35, 2:40, 4:45, 6:50, 9 •

La Pine 541.382.6447



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Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • ANCHORMAN 2: THELEGEND CONTINUES (UpstairsPG-13) 1, 4, 7:30 • THEHOBBIT:THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG (PG-13) Noon,3:20,7 • The upstairs screening room(UP)has limited accessibility.


Burns Lakeview

Find a week'sworth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's 0 GG! Magazine

• Watch movie trailers or buy tickets online at bendbulletin.com/movies










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After flat lining during

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sonable prices. Sellers can start the prothat began around 2008, erage of six to eight weeks, cess of selling their homes housing markets in Cen- according to the National by researching recently tral Oregon have shown Association o f R e a l tors. sold homes in their neighsigns of recovery. Those in Homework includes inves- borhoods, paying particuthe market to buy and sell tigatingneighborhoodsand lar attention to final sales may find the coming year school systems, comparing prices. This information presents an ideal opportu- the going rates of homes in may be available through nity to do just that. the area, as well as figur- tax records, and some real According to the real es- ing out which features are estate sites publish the data tate listing website, Zillow, desired in a home. online. Sellers can comhome values rose 22.4 perIt is also i mportant t o p are this i n f ormation t o cent in Bend and 22.7 per- hire a buyer's agent. Such what they still owe on their cent in Redmond over the professionals send buyers mortgages if their homes past year. Zillow forecasts listings that fit their home- are not paid off, and this a 5.6 to 5.7 percent increase search parameters, which should give sellers an idea in home values across the saves buyers a lot of time of their potential profits. region over the course of and effort. Some agents Sellers can also benefit 2014. preview homes for their f rom w o rk ing w i t h r e a l Buyers will need to be buyers, even going so far estate agents, as it c an prepared to purchase in- as to identify over-priced b e quite d i f ficult a n d ventory right away, while listings that can be avoided stressful for homeowners sellers will need to price or finding sellers who are to sell their homes on their their homes right for the willing to negotiate. own. Agents have access best chance of sale. A buyer's agent works for t o th e M u l t i pl e L i s t i ng Here are guidelines for the buyer, meaning there System (MLS) database both buyers and sellers to will be no conflict of inter- and i n d u str y con t a cts make the process easier: est. Agents assist buyers in — information that is quite

With a sharp rise in values and a forecast for a stabilizing market, 2014 may be a great year for home buyers and sellers alike. by CMS, for The Bulletin Advertising Department

to stepping into a home.

d o w nturn This research lasts an av-

the e conomic

As the newyear arrivesandhomevalues stadilize, many people mayfind nowis the time tofind their next home. Buyers

Having a plan is essen- the negotiation process by tial when buying a home, helping buyers make realistic offers that are more as such a purchase is not likely to be accepted, as something buyers should well as providing informatake lightly. tion about housing trends, Establishing a budget is area services and home the first step. This means improvement vendors. taking inventory of savWhen a selleraccepts ings, expenses and borrow- a buyer's offer, the buyer ing power. It is advisable to must have a home inspecsit down with a lender and tion conducted. An inspecdo a run through of what tion is oftentimes included you can afford. By provid- as a contract contingency, ing key financial informa- and most buyers have the tion, i ncluding earning right to cancel contracts if statements, existing debt

the inspection reveals that

and credit history, buy- a home is structurally uners can quickly learn how much they're qualified to satisfactory. borrow and how m u ch they are comfortable bor- Sellers rowing. This helps buyers Sellers competing for zero in on homes in their business in a thriving housing market also have to do price range. Being preapproved for a t heir share of work. It i s mortgage isadvantageous unlikely sellers will be able w hen i t

to list their homes for sale

c o mes t ime t o

valuable when selling a home. An agent wil l d o t h eir

own assessment of a home to help sellers price the home accordingly based on market conditions. In addition, real estate agents

can inform sellers about which, if any, repairs or changes may need to be made to make a home more attractive t o

p r o spective

buyers. Real estate agents also help sellers through the negotiating process and finding a balance between what the buyer wants to

pay and how much the seller wants for the home. The housing market is looking up once again. As the new y ear a r r ives and home values stabilize,

many peoplemay find now is the time to find their next

one day and have dozens home. Understanding the of offers the next. Today's process and getting guid-

make offers on properties. It shows sellers that buyers are serious and that the buyers are much more con-

servative, and homes will have to be presented in the best light and listed at rea-

bank has vetted them.

Many buyers conduct a lot of research online prior

jj + !l l IH

cess of buying and selling a home that much easier.

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Open Houses

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Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

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Beautiful commercial Style i n B r a detich Homes for Sale RealEstate.com 631 - Condominiums & Townhomes for Rent 541-480-1199 o ffice b u ilding i n 2241 NW Awbrey Rd., Park. 2 91 0 S q . ft.,• Fully fenced yard 632 - Apt./Multiplex General Bend. $599,000 High Retail Property & Per Pristine Large Family Bend. Hand crafted Single level living, 2 • $375,000 Theresa Ramsay, People Look for Information Lakes Realty 8 Prop- fect Exposure on Hwy Home or V a cation home with attention to master suites, .46 634- Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 541-815-4442 About Products and erty Man a gement 9 7, Getaway. $399,900 detail on a l l f i nish Acre lot, g orgeous Broker 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend $155, 9 0 0 John L. Scott 541-536-0117 AD¹1062 Services Every Daythrough work. This is a must Kitchen. 638- Apt./Multiplex SE Bend AD¹1572 Real Estate, Bend preview pr o perty. Eric Andrews, Broker The Bulletin Classifieds 5 1487 HWY 9 7 1 . 64 TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend www johnlscott com High Desert Realty Solid fir doors, cus541-388-0404 Acre commercial lot High Desert Realty 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 541-312-9449 tom clear vertical fir Windermere Beautiful & on Hwy. $ 675,000. 541-312-9449 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished www. BendOregon cabinets 8 ceihng fans Central Oregon Real Spacious. High Lakes Realty & www. BendOregon E3csnj j 648- Houses for Rent General RealEstate.com in all rooms. Great Estate Beautiful property with Property M a n age- RealEstate.com 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend comfortable spaces IRa ©alh ment 541-536-0117 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, Almost room floor plan with Big River Meadows Re 1600 sq.ft. Nestled in wood floors & a fire652 - Houses for Rent NW Bend 63080 STENKAMP for varied family interC ommercial Lots I n sort Home Backs Big place surrounded by DRIVE ests. Exquisite teak654- Houses for Rent SE Bend Crooked River Ranch: Commons! $349,000. the Pines, $164,900 cabinetry. 3 bedroom, Affordable horse prop- wood flooring in foyer, 656 - Houses for Rent SW Bend AD¹1672 Great opportunity to AD¹1022 2.5 bath, large maserty 1,700 sq.ft., 3 living area and gour658- Houses for Rent Redmond start a business or TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn t er b e droom w i t h Bdrm, 2 bath home met kitchen. Kitchen High Desert Realty 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver relocate an existing High Desert Realty walk-in closet, needs some TLC 8 has granite counter541-312-9449 business. Near res660 - Houses for Rent La Pine 541-312-9449 built-ins & bath with all updating, 2 stalls, tack tops, large i s land, www.BendOregon 726 t aurants, hotel a nd 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville www. BendOregon the extras. M ature room & hay storage. planning desk and RealEstate.com golf course. Owner RealEstate.com 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters Timeshares for Salel landscaping with 2.4 acres with under- numerous oak cabiterms avail. Business paver paths. Close to ground irrigation near n ets. Master b e d663 - Houses for Rent Madras Want to impress the Circle, Lot 82:1.05 Big Home on Big Acre $10,000 I Sun r iver downtown Bend & has thousands of acres of room on main level 664- Houses for Rent Furnished relatives? Remodel BLM! Condo. S i x w eeks acres, $25,000. Lot 50 Backing plenty of parking for BLM land for riding. with luxurious bath671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent your home with the per year (1/8 share). -1.30acres & Lot 51- $125,000. AD¹1662 uests 8 toys. $219,000 room an d p r ivate 675 - RV Parking help of a professional Fully furnished. Close 1.23 acres still avail- TEAM Birtola Garmyn 479,000 www.DavidFoster.Biz/ deck. Large able at $35,000 each High Desert Realty 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space to SHARC. 2 bed, 2 from The Bulletin's MLS¹201308330 Stenkamp f amily/media r o o m or purchase both for 541-312-9449 682 - Farms, Ranches and Acreage bath, 13 4 6 S F. Bobbie Strome, and game/rec room. David Foster, Broker "Call A Service www. BendOregon $60,000 541-639-6307 Secily 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease Principal Broker 541-322-0034 $542,500 MLS¹ Professional" Directory Juniper Realty RealEstate.com Luse, Broker John L Scott Real 541-213-9950 201303078. 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent 541-504-5393 541-610-5672 John L. Scott Bobbie Strome, Frame Built Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 Estate 541-385-5500 REAL ESTATE Veronica Theriot, Bro- Downtown Investment Custom Principal Broker Real Estate, Bend Home on Almost 2 b ath Ranch on A l $229,000 1.56 acres, 705 - Real Estate Services ker 541-388-0404 www.johnlscott.com John L Scott Real P roperty - 5 u n i ts Acres! $12 5 ,000 most 1 Acre, 1620 sq.ft. Tastefully 713- Real Estate Wanted Windermere Central Estate 541-385-5500 across from the river AD¹1512 $350,000. AD¹1002 done spacious home. $694,000 - Near Smith Oregon Real Estate 719 - Real Estate Trades on 1st St. 8 1509 NW TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn Home sitting on the Rocks, gorgeous 3 BEND PARK Park-like 2nd S t. Ori g i nal High Desert Realty 726 - Timeshares for Sale High Desert Realty rim, double car ga- b edroom, 3 $7,900-$40,000 Enjoy vintage 1917 home bat h , setting. Main dwelling 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 guest 730 - New Listings rage with a ttached 3 880 s q . ft . ML S plus Eagle Crest all year remodeled in 2007. 3 www. BendOregon www.BendOregon house/rental on a toas a fractional owner. BR, 3 bath, gourmet tack room and horse 201300784 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale RealEstate.com tal of 0 .55y acres. RealEstate.com stall. Located off a Benefits of being an kitchen, h a rdwood, 738 - Multiplexes for Sale Linda Lou Day-Wright. Main dwelling floors Eagle Crest Owner at granite & p aved r oad. M L S Wonderful 2002 Built 541- 771-2585 4-l e vel R emodeled Hom e , 740 -Condominiums 8 Townhomes for Sale are engineered harda "fraction" of the cost. elevator. Main living +400 sq.ft. O ffice/ Home on a creage! 201309151 Crooked River 744 - Open Houses wood in living, dining, Home-ID FRAC Linda Lou Day-Wright. Realty with vacation rentals S hop on 1 . 4 A C , $199,000. AD¹1342 & bedrooms. Mitsub745 - Homes for Sale 541- 771-2585 Eagle Crest Properties which will p r oduce $169,900. AD¹1582 TEAM Birtola Garmyn 866-722-3370 Crooked River Realty 70+ acres of seclusion ishi electric heating & 746- Northwest Bend Homes High Desert Realty most income. TEAM Birtola Garmyn c ooling syst e m. 541-312-9449 747- Southwest Bend Homes Attached va c a tion High Desert Realty $229,000 I Seller Will on Bi g D e schutes Kitchen has fantastic www.BendOregon rental is 1 BR, 1 bath, 541-312-9449 River with private har- cabinets with Corian 748 - Northeast Bend Homes Consider Tr a des. RealEstate.com • N e w Listings www. BendOregon great room & huge Rare 6 AC River Rim bor. Lodge style home countertops. Adjacent 749 - Southeast Bend Homes deck, separate RealEstate.com 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath, View of lot, private well drilled with expansive 40x40 guest house and main 750 - Redmond Homes For Lease j $6,930 entrance, heating, etc. Black Butte, on .33AC & septic approved. great room overlook- h ome together f o r The Bulletin 753 - Sisters Homes • 6300 sq.ft. restaurant MLS ¹ 2 0 1 309397. $215,000. AD¹1082 Area of nice homes. ing river, harbor, pvt 3 $510,000 • 28 ft. & 12 ft. hoods To Subscribe call 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes $1,500,000. TEAM Birtola Garmyn Crooked River Ranch acre lake 8 gorgeous MLS¹201309647 • Busy Bend intersecCall Ainslie Reynolds, 541-385-5800 or go to 756- Jefferson County Homes High Desert Realty amenities. Consider Cascade Mtn. views. Bobbie Strome, tion Principal Broker 201 3 05184. Principal Broker 541-312-9449 www.bendbulletin.com trades i n an o ther MLS¹ 757 - Crook County Homes • MLS 201310861 ReMax Key Properties. $1,395,000. www.BendOregon state. 541-480-7777 John L Scott Real 762 - Homes with Acreage Lisa Campbell, Broker 541-410-1054 Cell Spacious 1810 SF 3 Call Ainslie Reynolds, RealEstate.com Diana Barker, Broker Estate 541-385-5500 763- Recreational Homes and Property 541%19-8900 541-728-0033 Off ce i Principal Broker bed, 2 bath Corner Tumalo Home on 5 AC, 541-923-4633 BREATHTAKING ReMax Key Properties. 764 - Farms and Ranches Windermere Office building + home Unit Condo. $139,400 Incredible Mtn Views! 541-410-1054 Cell CASCADE VIEWS 771 - Lots Central Oregon Real + s hop. $ 178,000. AD¹1202 $489,000. AD¹1042 • Neil Hudson 541-728-0033 Off ice Estate 773 - Acreages 16480 William Foss, TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn Designed Home High Desert Realty La Pine. High Lakes High Desert Realty 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 541-312-9449 $259,000 I River Can- $92,000 I Walking Dis- • 4015 SF+1040 SF MORRIS Realty 8 Pr o perty 541-312-9449 shop 8 wine rooms 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land www. BendOregon yon Estates Town- tance To Everything REAL ESTATE Management www.BendOregon home. 3 bed, 2 bath, In Madras. 2 bed, 2 • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths RealEstate.com 541-536-0117 658 RealEstate.com • Fantastic Entertaining 1734 SF. Double car bath. Sliding doors to Home Houses for Rent Residential or Commer Remarkable Deschutes garage. Large back- patio. Fenced 8 land738 NW Redmond j cial Poss i bilities, R iver & Can y o n yard. Greatroom floor scaped ba c kyard. Danielle Snow, Broker Redmond $192,000 Multiplexes for Sale 541-306-1015 $269,900. AD¹1162 • 2346 sq.ft. Views! $ 1 ,200,000. plan. 5 4 1-639-6307 Double car garage TEAM Birtola Garmyn John L. Scott AD¹1222 Secily Luse, Broker with storage. Across Spacious 1800 sq.ft., 3 • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath DUPLEX High Desert Realty 541-610-5672 from park 8 near open Real Estate, Bend TEAM Birtola Garmyn bdrm, 2 bath home w/ • 3-car garage, corner • NE Bend, single level 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty Veronica Theriot, Bro- land. 5 4 1 -480-7777 www.johnlscott.com 2 car garage located lot • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths 8 www. BendOregon 54'I -312-9449 ker 541-388-0404 Diana Barker, Broker Bring your toys! Adorin S W Re d mond.• MLS 201310824 2 bdrms, 2 baths RealEstate.com Windermere Central 541-923-4633 www.BendOregon Large living room and John Snippen, Broker, • Fenced yards & 2-car able Contemporary on Oregon Real Estate Windermere MBA, ABR, CRS, GRI tandem garages RealEstate.com utility room. F ridge 1 a cre, b eautifully I mmaculate & We l l Central Oregon Real incl. $1200 mo. + sec. 541-312-7273 • $309,900 landscaped lot. 1628 Maintained SW Bend, 2100 Sq.ft., C l assic Just bought a new boat? Estate 632 541-948-9090 dep. 615-400-8915 www.johnlscott.com sq ft., master on the $225,000 AD¹1092 Home on Edge of Sell your old one in the /4402 main with 2 b a ths, Apt./Nlultiplex General TEAM Birtola Garmyn Canyon, $ 1 79,900. classifieds! Ask about our A LIFE IN open floor plan, 25 ft. Kellie Cook, Broker People Look for Information Super Seller rates! High Desert Realty AD¹1412 PARADISE! 541-408-0463 ceilings, custom CHECKyOUR AD 541-385-5809 About Products snd 541-312-9449 TEAM Birtola Garmyn 2 Bdrm, 1 bath, 800y John L. Scott woodwork and cabinwww. BendOregon High Desert Realty Services Every Dsythrough Sq.ft., rustic cottage MORRIS Real Estate, Bend $299,000 Custom with etry, 2 b aths down RealEstate.com 541-312-9449 The Bvlletin Classitieds www.johnlscott.com Cascade views, Co- on a 2.99y acre par- upstairs loft, bedroom, REAL ESTATE www.BendOregon rian, Vac, bayed win- cel. Come view this office half bath with Gorgeous Custom Built RealEstate.com 740 dows, d b l-attached a mazing piece o f geothermal h eating 659 Home on 3 3 AC Large 4700 sq.ft., 7 NW Redmond j Condo/Townhomes garage, 20x24 shop paradise on the out- and cooling. 2 car gaw/Views! $1,990,000 Houses for Rent on the first day it runs Bdrm, 7 B ath p lus with overhead door, skirts of R edmond. rage plus extra ga$193,000 AD¹1632 for Sale to make sure it is corSunriver Bonus Rooms, 4.77 hot tub room, large Built on the curve of • 1983 sq.ft. rage/shop with one TEAM Birtola Garmyn rect. "Spellcheck" and Acres! $49 4 ,900. fenced area. M LS the Deschutes River, door, half bath, oil bedroom, 2.5 bath High Desert Realty Attn. Outdoor Enthusihuman errors do oc- VILLAGE PROPERTIES •• 3 AD¹1132 this p erfect s m all 201305717 Open floor plan, gas heat, tons of storage 541-312-9449 asts. Fully furnished 1 cur. If this happens to Sunriver, Three Rivers, fireplace TEAM Birtola Garmyn home has amazing and work space. 2 Nancy Popp, www. BendOregon bdrm, 2 bath condo. your ad, please conLa Pine. Great High Desert Realty views of the moun- RV hook ups, tons of Principal Broker MLS 201310817 RealEstate.com Easy resort living with tact us ASAP so that Selection. Prices range •John 541-312-9449 541-815-8000 tains and the river. parking!! Snippen, Broker, MLS¹ everything you need. corrections and any $425 - $2000/mo. www.BendOregon Detached garage has 201310429 Crooked River MBA, ABR, CRS, GRI $69,000. MLS¹ Custom Home with Big adjustments can be View our full RealEstate.com a studio-type room 541-312-7273 Realty $249,900 201300532. Call Shop on Fenced 1.4 made to your ad. inventory online at with an extra bath and Call Ainslie Reynolds, $265 , 000 River Meadows Resort 541-948-9090 Paula Mellon, Broker. Acres! 541 -385-5809 I/illage-Properties.com $319,000 I Cu s t om shower att a ched. AD¹1522 Principal Broker 541-977-4009 Home Chalet! Home - 5 A cres The Bulletin Classified 1-866-931-1061 $425,000 ReMax Key Properties. Central Oregon Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn $194,900. AD¹1352 Near BLM. 3 bed, 2 MLS¹201309622 High Desert Realty 541-410-1054 Cell Group, LLC TEAM Birtola Garmyn bath. Knotty hickory Bobbie Strome, 541-312-9449 687 541-728-0033 Office High Desert Realty 634 i/~ bath, 1871 cabinets. Vau l ted 3 bdrm, 2 Principal Broker www. BendOregon MORRIS 541-312-9449 Commercial for People Lookfor Information Apt./Multiplex NE Bend sq. ft. condo in Eagle ceilings, formal dining. John L Scott Real RealEstate.com REAL ESTATE www.BendOregon Rent/Lease Large master bed- Estate 541-385-5500 Crest resort. Owner About Products snd RealEstate.com added upgrades in- River View Condo- Mt room suite. 2 3X23 Call for Specials! Services EveryDaythrough gar a ge. Aspen Rtm j $344,900 The Bvlletin Classitfeds Limited numbers avail. Commercial Building j Three Rivers South j cluding central vac, Bachelor Village, 20% $104,900 I One Acre In attached $1.80/sf/month whole Share, Vandervert 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. house Equity A c r e s. 541-480-9883 Audrey • 2323 sq.ft. home built $171,100 • Excellent visibility Broker in 2011 W/D hookups, patios stereo/amp to each $59,000. AD¹1542 1440 SF, 3 b ed, 2 Cook, CABIN IN THE • 1700 sq.ft. • 2700 sq.ft. or decks. room & outdoor patio, TEAM Birtola Garmyn WOODS! bath. Huge shop with 541-923-4663 • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Bank, credit union or High Desert Realty Windermere C e n tral • 4 bedrooms, 2 baths MOUNTAIN GLEN, new Italian d ining bay door. Turn-around • Fenced & landscaped • 1 acre lot fast food 541-312-9449 room lights, top of the Oregon Real Estate • 5 Acres 541-383-9313 driveway. One acre yard • MLS 201310807 • MLS 201310084 www. BendOregon • Oversized 2-car gaProfessionally line Hunter Douglas corner lot. , 1734 SF. • MLS 201310373 Darryl Doser, s ilhouette blin d s RealEstate.com rage managed by Norris & Paula Vanvleck, Broker Double car garage. $335,000 I Steps From Matt Robinson, Broker Broker, CRS 541-280-7774 Stevens, Inc. w/remote control & Large back yard. River. 3 bed, 3 bath, 541-977-5811 • $199,000 541483-4334 Best Priced Home in 1948 SF, 2 m a ster the list goes on! Unwww.johnlscott.com Greatroom floor plan. Redu c ed! 541-639-6307 Secily suites, 2 decks, Bobelievable High End DRW, /28599 nus room. NEAR HOSPITAL $184,999 AD¹1110 Furnishings & FurniEllen Clough, Broker, Luse, Broker 2 bdrm duplex, large TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-390-6123 Dave ture Package is In541-610-5672 ABR, CRS Lewis, Broker yard, garage. Avail541-480-7180 MORRIS cluded! $2 6 5,000. High Desert Realty Veronica Theriot, Bro- 541-388-0404 MORRIS MORRIS able now. $825 mo. 541-312-9449 MLS 201 3 07064. ker 541-388-0404 John L. Scott REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 541-480-9200 REAL ESTATE www. BendOregon John L Scott Realty, Real Estate, Bend Windermere Central Windermere C e n tral IM~& m ly ~ d~ 4 RealEstate.com Oregon Real Estate 541-548-1712 Oregon Real Estate www.johnlscott.com •




SAT R SUN 12 - 3PM

New 3 bedroom Prairie style home. Master on main level, loft upstairs. Large windows, contemporary interior, premium finishes, hardwood floors. Courtyard & separate patio. Great room, island kitchen, 3-car garage.

Picture window view over the city. Recent

remodeling includes

2203 NW Lemhi Pass Dr. Directions: West on Shevlin Park Rd., leji on /Vff Crossing Dr, le ft on Ã/71emhi PassDr.



Licted by: SHELLEY GRIFFIN Broker, ABR, Green



Charming 2 bedroom, 2 bath single family home w/2-car detached garage. Amazing Mtn. views, very close to the new Discovery Park. 1370 NWMt. Washington Dr. Washer, Dryer, Fridge Directions: Mt. Washington Dr. Included. Betmen Colter 6 LemhiPass

$SSS,000 Principal Broker





1PM - 4PM

Listed by: HOLLY POLIS



Listed by: LAURI MI LLER

thegarnergrouP •

Res l Btste LLC •

I ' ''I


gym, game room and 208fj2 GoldenGatePlace, Bend more! Come tour a variety Dfrvcfions:from theparkcay, eul r/artet,southon 15th,then of single level snd 2-stoly on Reed/ follonr si¹m. floor plans.

Homes Starting Mid-$300s

Just finished award winning Schumacher Construction custom home. Sitting on top of the Old Mill and on the canal, this centrally located 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, 3-car garage home offers quality that takes attention to detail.

-lj IatttI i ~ = .

61509 Blakely Rd., Bend DirectfoesrFrom Reed Market Rd., take Silverlake headed east until it turns into Blakely,


Principal Broker

Hosted 6 Licted by: JACOB G SCHUMACHER





Hosted & Listed by: EDIE DELAY




R 8


FiH Llg



541~80-8958 • I



I g I




Beautiful Pahlisch Homes community featuring amazing neighborhood amenities: pool, hot tub, clubhouse, sports center,

new bathrooms, kitchen, flooring, 1472 1VW Portland Ave. cabinetry, paint, roof, & more. Bright DirectiossrFrom Parkuay exit southern exposure. Lg Revere Ave. westbound, south on kitchen, alder doors & Wall St., r/ght on Portland Ave. woodwork. New back yard with garden.

5 you are looking for a home that's primarily one level living with additional space for guests, family home office, this home is a must see. The craftsmanship is outstanding with attention to details that you'd expect. This masters suite is separate from 2 guest bedrooms. The daylight basement offers another room that can be guests suite or office and a great room perfect for gameday or guests, private

992 NW Yosemite

Directions: From 97 take loc mt views, 3 car garage. /Ift. Washington. Go west on / r/t. Washington, r i gh t o n Listed by: Yosemite.








Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale •

Home s for Sale

CRYSTAL CLEAR MTN Historic Van d evert NE Bend j $169,000 VIEWS! Ranch - $1,795,000 • 1108 sq.ft. • 38+/- Acres with 37+/- Luxury lo g h o m e,• 3 bedroom, 2 bath Irrigated 8225 SF, 5 bedrooms, • .15 acre cul-de-sac lot • Beautiful 2608 sq.ft. 6 b aths, s e parate• MLS 201310233 home Margo Degray, guest quarters, his/her • Barn with stalls offices, media room, Broker, ABR, CRS Jean Nelsen, Broker exercise room 541-480-7355 541-420-3927 w /Endless Pool & John L. Scott much more! Stunning Real Estate, Bend views of Mt. Bachelor www.johnlscott.com from almost e very Private gated MORRIS Custom luxuryhome on room! equesTetherow's 12th fair- community, REAL ESTATE facilities, fly fishway with m ountain trian lake, rich natural v iews of N o rth & ing 8 miles of Northwest Crossing South Sister, Broken landscape, trails, 2 mean$725,000 Top and peek-a-boo ranch ering miles of t he • 3572 sq.ft. custom of M t . Bac h elor. d Desc h utes • 4 bedroom, 5 bath Single level living with Little 55975 Hash- • Marble counters, two guest suites up- River. Rd, Bend. MLS cherry floors stairs. Featuring ex- knife • MLS 201310012 201304971 quisite detail, custom Remington Real Estate Shelly Hummel, Broker, finishes, se p arate LLC 541-330-8929 CRS, GRI, CHMS main level den/office, www.remingtonrealtors.com 541-383-4361 open custom kitchen to great room with Home Sweet Homej butler pantry, sepa$249,900 rate main level activ- • 1200 sq.ft., 3 bedity room (with butler room, 1 bath MORRIS pantry pass through) • Hardwood floors, new REAL ESTATE opens to large stone interior paint patios and o utdoor • .22 acre, double gaentertainment area, rage, basement NW Bend j $359,000 enclosed breezeway • MLS 201310601 • 2150 sq.ft. new conaccess from o ver- Rookie Dickens, Broker, struction sized triple car ga• 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath GRI, CRS, ABR rage to mudroom with 541-815-0436 • Granite, tile, hardwood pet area. • MLS 201308189 Karen Malanga, Mark Valceschini PC, Broker Broker, CRS, GRI 541-390-3326 541-383-4364 Hasson Company MORRIS Realtors REAL ESTATE e Detroit Lake - Stunning I&~ w~ ~ Op d c ustom-built 201 0 Detroit Lake h o me Keystone Ter r ace. MORRIS that's perfect for large Three fully occupied REAL ESTATE gatherings, quiet es- 3182ysf tri-plexes locapes or year-round cated just a fe w living. A short walk blocks from shopping Need to get an ad from the marina, town & the facilities of Junior lake. This home per Park. Exterior of in ASAP? b oasts s o ma n y buildings have vinyl amenities that photos siding and are neat won't do i t j u stice! and attractive. Fax it to 541-322-7253 MLS¹201308216 $325,000 for each $549,000. Call Debtriplex The Bulletin Classifieds bie McCune, PrinciMLS¹201309427, pal Broker 201309433, Panoramic Cascade ReMax Key Properties. 201309444 Views $500,000 541-647-0052 Cell Bobbie Strome, • 1921 sq.ft. home 541-728-0033 Offi ce Principal Broker • 4 bedroom, 3 bath John L Scott Real Elkhorn Ridgej • 30 acres, shop, arena Estate 541-385-5500 $385,000 • MLS 201305128 • 2245 sq.ft. home Lynne Connelley, Lane Knolls Estates • 4 bedroom, 3 bath Broker, CRS • Landscaped, fenced • Custom$589,900 541408-6720 2580 sq.ft. yal'd • 3 bdrm, office, 3 bath • MLS 201308088 • 2.24 acres, Mt. BachMichelle Tisdel PC, elor view Broker, ABR, E-pro • MLS 201307975 541-390-3490 MORRIS Jim & Roxanne REAL ESTATE Cheney, Brokers 541-390-4050 541-390-4030 Check out the classifieds online MORRIS e www.hendbulletirLcom REAL ESTATE Updated daily I~ ~ ~ Op m 1 MORRIS ENJOY EAGLE CREST PARK-LIKE SETTING REAL ESTATE LIVING! WITH RV PARKING IM p W w ~ ~ a~ 4 • Wonderful home on • Single level home in Golf Course SE Bend LAZY RIVER SOUTH • 1312 • 2818 sq.ft. sq.ft. 353 5 y • 3 bedrooms, • 3 bedrooms, 3 baths R emodeled 2 baths S q.ft. home with 4 • $515,000 • $233,000 bdrm + offi e c and 3 www.johnlscott.com Arnold, Broker baths. Master bath Shelley /20002 541-771-9329 with large jetted tub 8 Faye Phillips, Broker John L. Scott new tile shower. Me541-480-2945 Real Estate, Bend dia room, family room, John L. Scott h uge kitchen w i th www.johnlscott.com Real Estate, Bend handcrafted cabinets www.johnlscott.com & granite counters, Equestrian Dream walk-in pantry, sunProperty $1,345,000 room with hot t ub. • 2787 sq.ft. home Home has cedar eves • 4 bedroom, 4 bath with copper accents. • 26.62 acres, barn, inE xterior siding o n door & outdoor arenas home, garages & • MLS 201307600 storage bldg have just been painted. Watch the wildlife from the wrap-around deck or go to your private acc ess to 300y f t o f Little Deschutes River frontage for fishing, swimming or floating. REAL ESTATE $495,000 MLS¹¹201309267 d~ A Strome, For the Horse Lover in Bobbie Broker Bend. End of the road Principal L Scott Real privacy and close to John town. 1620 sq.ft., 3/2, Estate 541-385-5500 5 stall barn w/shop Mountain High Luxury and storage, 3 acres $ 524,000. This i m irrigated. $350,000. maculate custom-built Scott McLean, home features 3586 Principal Broker sf, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 541-408-6908 baths, formal dining 8 Realty Executives living rooms, family Foxborough j room, bonus room w/wet bar, office/den, $234,900 • 1906 sq.ft. master bed r oom • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath w/private balcony, 3 • New paint & carpeting gas fireplaces, vaulted • MLS 201310454 ceilings and triple car Debbie Hershey, garage. Gated comBroker, CRS, GRI munity incl u d es swimming pool, club541-420-5170 house/ rec room and tennis courts. 20388 Buttermilk Ct., Bend. MLS 201300259 Remington Real Estate MORRIS LLC 541-330-8929 REAL ESTATE



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

PERFECT STARTER RIVERSIDE CONDO OR INVESTMENT ON BEND'S •Like new - complete WESTSIDE remodel • Wonderful home on •3 bdrm, 2 bath in quiet Golf Course neighborhood • 2818 sq.ft. •Huge fenced yard • 3 bedrooms, 3 baths .A/C, 2-car g a rage,• $515,000 $155,000 www.johnlscott.com/ www.johnlscott.com 20002 /44446 Faye Phillips, Broker Kathy Denning, Broker 541-480-2945 541-480-4429 John L. Scott John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend Real Estate, Bend www.johnlscott.com www.johnlscott.com RVers dream in Bend. Call The Bulletin At $550,000. 2.5 acres, 541-385-5809 2682 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1200 sq.ft. Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At: www.bendbulletin.com guest house, RV garage and shop. R ARE LOTScott McLean, ROMAINE VILLAGE Principal Broker • Nice flat lot with ma541-408-6908 ture trees surrounding Realty Executives • Water & e l e ctrical SE Bend $599,000 hookups present • Single car garage on • 2440 sq.ft. single-level • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath property • Ready for your double • .87 acre lot • MLS 201307336 wide! Colleen Dillingham, Sherry Perrigan, Broker Broker 541-788-9991 John L. Scott 541-410-4938 Real Estate, Bend www.johnlscott.com


Ready for t h e 4H Project, Bend. 5.75 MORRIS acres, 3318 sq.ft., 4 REAL ESTATE bdrm, 3.5 baths, 5.16 w~ ~ ~ d acre irrigated, RV garage/Shop, + income. SE Bend j $134,900 Scott McLean, • 1464 sq.ft. manufacPrincipal Broker tured 541-408-6908 • 3 bedroom, 2 bath Realty Executives • .52 acre lot Redmond Valley View • MLS 201309914 Pat Palazzi, Broker j $374,900 541-771-6996 • 3540 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • Ochoco, Powell Butte & Smith Rock views • MLS 201308306 Lester Friedman PC, MORRIS Broker, ABR,CSP, REAL ESTATE

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Shevlin Ridge $477,000 • 3353 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 3 bath MORRIS • Oversized 3-car tanREAL ESTATE dem garage • MLS 201303727 Scott Huggin Ridge at Eagle Crest Broker, GRI Level, nearly 0.6 acre 541-322-1500 parcel with utilities at 0 • the street. HOA fee i ncludes al l E a g le Crest amenities: 3 sports centers, pools, MORRIS t ennis c ourts, r e REAL ESTATE duced golf fees, use I& p ~ w~ ~ o~ d of restaurant, road and common ground Sisters maintenance. Large • 3000 sq.ft.$625,000 lot with golf course • 3 bedroom, 4 bath view. You must pre- • 1.03 acres, guest view this p roperty. house, greenhouse Eagle Crest offers • MLS 201309672 easy access to Bend, Susan Agli, Broker, Redmond & Sisters. ABR, ALHS & SRES The lot sits on the tee 541-408-3773 box of the 4th hole of t he Ri d g e Gol f Course! $1 4 9 ,900 MLS¹ 201308967 Bobbie Strome, MORRIS Principal Broker REAL ESTATE John L Scott Real Iw~ w~ ~ op «0 Estate 541-385-5500

Sisters Horse Property. 10.8 acres w/8+ acres irrigated pas t u re, large home w/separate guest quarters. Mt. Views, p rivate setting an d g a ted. $675,000. Scott McLean, Principal Broker 541-408-6908 Realty Executives


M , EA

Find exactly what you are looking for in the CLASSIFIEDS

•Single level home ~2.43 acres •Between Bend & Sisters •Many upgrades www.Jackson-Anderson.com Barbara Jackson, Broker 541-306-8186 John L. Scott Real E s t ate, Bend www.johnlscott.com Move-in Ready-

$259,000 - Fantastic b uy! This 2 188 s f

d k-. :


thegarnergroup+ •

Real E state LLC •

• 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath • .11 acre lot • MLS 201309912 Megan Power, Broker, GRI, CDPE 541-610-7318 •



For More Ads The Bulletin SNOWBERRY VILLAGE • Single level home in NE Bend • 1404 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • $62,500 Marilyn Rohaly, Broker 541-322-9954 John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend www.johnlscott.com STUNNING EXECUTIVE HOME • 3546 sq.ft., 3 b ed-

rooms, 2.5 baths • Den, f amily, living, fully furnished • Great rental history • Golf course Korina Chinchen, Broker 541-788-6154 John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend www.johnlscott.com STYLE & QUALITY •Style & q ua l ity $339,900 •3 bedroom, 2.5 baths, double garage •Pool, spa & amenities www.johnlscott.com /1 2841 Peggy Lee Combs, Broker 541-480-7653 John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend www.johnlscott.com


Sunrise Village $670,000 • Remodeled 3705 sq.ft • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath • Office • MLS 20'I 306633 Rosemary Goodwin, Broker, Certified Negotiator 541-706-1897 •

'r rl'









Skyliner Summit $429,900




• 2525 sq.ft.

finding the righthomeis hard.


GOLF COURSE & MOUNTAIN VIEWS .4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 3-car garage ~Wrap-around deck for BBQs •Floor-to-ceiling stone fireplace www.johnlscott.com/92 357 Peggy Lee Combs, Broker 541-480-7653 John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend www.johnlscott.com GREAT HOUSE IN NE BEND, MOVE IN READY! • Open living area w/fireplace • Built in 2007, 2207 sq.ft. • 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bath + loft • $249,900 www.angiecox.johnlscot t.com Angie Cox, Broker 541-213-9950 John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend www.johnlscott.com HALF-ACRE LOT! • Single level in a park-like setting • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1420 sq.ft. • Garden area & room for RV parking • $249,900 www.johnlscott.com/cyn dirobertson Cyndi Robertson, Broker 541-390-5345 John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend www.johnlscott.com



However you honor the season, may you be with those you love most.

r z dI f

3 0 year fixed AP R

15year fixed A P R

4.625'/o 4.767s/o 3.75'/o 3.981s/o Purchas eprice$350,000,20% down,Loanamount$280,000,30yearfixed.

Jumbo 30 year fixed 5.125%

ApR 5.276%

Jumbo purchaseprice /value ssoo,ooo — 20% down /equity,$640,000 loan amount. Offer valid as of date of ad, restrictions may apply. Rates/fees subject to change. On Approved Credit.

h ome f e atures 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large l iving r o o m, • I • • l• •l• l• dining area, spacious kitchen w i t h new stainless appliances, laundry room, bonus room, deck, new interior 8 exterior paint, tile counters, flooring, n ourw never at'one when u Ien. doiny your Ean f ixtures an d l a n dscaping. m o untain views from living & master bed r oom, large private backyard, conveniently located t o sc h ools, MO RTG AGE CORPORATION shopping and medic al f a cilities. T h is home is m ove-in Casey NM!.s189449 jennifer NMLS 288550 ready! 1682 NE Diablo Way, Bend. MLS CORPOR UCilII!L 2421 CORPNMLS¹3113 •


ACADEMY,,' ~ 541-323-2191


Remington Real Estate LLC 541-330-8929



371 SW Upper Terrace Dr., Suite 1, Bend, OR 97702







Homes forSale Northeast Bend Homes • Redmond Homes •




Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes


• Redmond Homes

S u nriver/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine Homes~

SW Redmond Super nice. Well cared Extremely well m ain $ 149,900 I 6 5 5 S W $564,000 I F a bulousN ice and quiet N W The Davis, NW Red- Gorgeous 3 bdrm, 2 If you are looking for a for 3 bdrm, 2 bath, tained 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 23rd Street, R e d- Home In SW RedRedmond property. 3 mond - Open great b ath 1 4 5 6 s q . f t . very unique home $700,000 • 16.25 acres 1502 sq.ft. This one 1190 sq.ft., s i ngle mond. 3 bed, 2 bath. mond. 4730 SF home bdrm, 2 bath, 1576 room, tons of cabinet home, 2 acres with with awesome views, • Future development owner home has new level home built 2005. Covered front porch. on 4.32 AC. 6 bed, 5 sq. ft. on 2.8 acres. space in kitchen, 2nd shop! 1 204 Cheryl you must check this property carpet, interior paint, Dbl. garage, large pa Forced air furnace & bath. Ou t s tanding Beautiful mature land floor laundry room, 3 D r., in La Pi n e . one out. Beautiful 3 • 2139 sq.ft. Iog home light fixtures, sink fau tio, fenced, park set AC. 2 R V p a rking mountain views. Very scaping and yard. 48' bed (den or 4th bed- $174,900. High bdrm, 3.5 bath, 3528 • MLS 201307347 x 24' two bay insu cets, high quality dis ting w/picket fence, spaces. 541-480-9883 versatile home. Ridroom), 2.5 bath, 1929 Lakes Realty 8 Prop- sq.ft., 1 .8 6 a c r es, Lisa Campbell, Broker tressed ha r dwood roses, lilacs & more! Audrey Cook, Broker geview High School lated and heated shop sq ft. $291,000. erty Man a gement vaulted ceilings, living 541-536-01'I 7 541-419-8900 laminate in k itchen, MLS¹ 2013 0 9 238 541-923-4663 district. 541-480-7183 w/220V. Recent paint Call Jim Hinton, family, dining, game dining 8 utility rooms. $149,999. 541-420-6229 room 8 lau n d ry Pam Windermere C e ntral Barbara Myers, Bro- too! Plenty of room for 145241 C o r ra l Ct . Nice t i le d k i t chen Lester, Principal Bro Oregon Real Estate ker 541-923-4663 h orses, RV' s a n d Central Oregon Realty rooms Great decks in $149,000. La P i ne, counters, tiled floors ker Century 21 Gold $159,000 - Clean As A Windermere C e n tral toys! MLS Group, LLC front and back. OR 3/2, 1620 sq.ft., the ¹20'I308783 and counter in bath Country Realty, Inc. Whistle. New on the Oregon Real Estate Pond with a waterfall. mfd home on 1.65 NW The Jefferson MORRIS r ooms. Nice w o r k 541-504-1338 John L. Scott Real & sprinmarket in SW Red- Knockout cre, s h op. H i g h Landscaped Redmond - $299,000. a bench and cabinets in $359,900 - Reverse liv mond. Recently refur- $754,900 system. Attached REAL ESTATE mountain vi e ws! Estate 541-548-1712 Lakes Realty & Prop- kler Desirable NW neigh2-car garage, 40'x52' garage. Extraordinary ing floor plan thought bished; new s inks, 3863 sq.ft. custom dOp ~ Man a gement detached shop borhood, single level, erty landscape & w a ter fully designed to cap c ounters, Quiet Location on and ligh t s , home. Office, out541-536-0117 feature in vinyl fenced ture gorgeous views flooring, s p r inklers, buildings and shop. Cul-de-sac -$182,500. 3 bdrm, 2. 5 b a th, storage bu i ldings. Three Pines Contem15970 Old Mill Road, La MLS back yard. U n der of t h e t h r oughout, 2020 sq ft. ¹ 20 1 306582. porary $599,000 MLS¹ 2 0 1 106428 Updated o u ntains, 1279 SF, 3 b ed, 2 large fenced lot w/ RV MLS¹201306374 Pine. $187,000. Re- $525,000 • New construction ground sprinklers front landscape 8mtree bath. 5 4 1-815-9446 Call Charlie or Virtops. access. Open kitchen Call J i m H i n ton, modeled 3 bdrm, 2 2825 sq.ft. and b a ck . MLS Quality construction, Janelle Christensen, ginia, Principal BroCascade Realty, ¹201308584 2/natural light, easy 541-420-6229 b ath, 1844 s q . f t . 541-536-1731 • 4 bedroom, 3 bath Broker 541-923-4663 kers 541-350-3418 g racious rooms & Central Oregon Realty home. H i g h Lakes • .23 acre treed lot John L. Scott Real access to Bend. MLS Windermere Central Redmond RE/MAX Make this old homebeautiful fini s hes Group, LLC Estate 541-548-1712 ¹201310316. Realty 8 Pr o perty • MLS 201306372 Oregon Real Estate throughout. MLS L and & Hom e s stead, l ocated right Jim Hinton, Management, Karin Johnson, Broker Real Estate o ff Hwy 9 7 , y o u r ¹201309730 T he W i ndsor, N W 541-536-0117 Nice Orchard District $179,900 - 1657 sq. 541-420-6229. 541-639-6140 541-771-7786 Eagle Crest get-away ret r e at. Redmond - Main floor 1500 sq ft single-level ft. Newer 3 beroom Central Oregon Realty Properties den/4th bedroom, lots 2bdrm, t~/2 bath, 1354 Orig. home, garage home. 3 bedroom, 2 + den, master suite 80' RV parking! 1616 Group, LLC 866-722- 3370 of natural light, eating sq. ft. home, on 1.37 and storage shed built bath on ~/4acre. w/walk-in c l o set, sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 bath $89,900. 16404 in 1940. Very clean, RV parking; close to Exceptionally home with dbl. ga Ready to move into, 3 bar in kitchen, land- acre. mai n slider to back patio. Burgess Rd., La Pine. horse propshopping & hospital. Living room w/gas rage, gas fireplace, bdrm, 2 bath, 1248 scaping, 3 bedroom, High Lakes Realty & possible tained single story 3 MORRIS erty on 1.63 acres $250,000. 1811 NE pantry, split bedroom sq. ft. h o me, f ully 2.5 baths, 2235 sq ft. Property bdrm, 2 bath 1847 sq. fireplace REAL ESTATE M a n age$75,000. MLS Shepard Rd. By owner, ft. home on large lot. MLS¹201309588 floorplan with great fenced lot. R aised $305,000. ment 541-536-0117 ¹201300544 541-610-5702 Call Jim Hinton, room concept. garden beds, 2 storOpen floor plan with Call Kelly Starbuck, Cascade Realty, 541-420-6229 Principal Br o k er $179,900. 16445 White Buck, 4 MLS age sheds, insulated vaulted ceilings, RV Tumalo Home/Views! 541-536-1731 750 Central Oregon Realty Bdrm, 2~/2 bath, 2900 541-771-7786 201309527 Pam a nd h e ated. G a s parking and triple car $624,900 Group, LLC Redmond RE/MAX Lester, Principal Bro stove in t h e g reat sq.ft., on 2~/2 acres. Move in ready! Very Redmond Homes garage. $ 2 3 9,900. • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, Hom e s ker, Century 21 Gold room. covered car- Too many upgrades to $299 900. High well cared for with a MLS 20130344. Pam L and & 2606 sq.ft. Real Estate Country Realty, Inc. Lakes Realty & Proplot of extra improve70' RV parking! New 3 Lester, Principal Bro port an d g a rage. list~ in this 1946 sq ft • 6.4 acres 541-504-1338 erty Man a gement ments. Living Room $164,900. MLS bdrm, 2 bath 1590 sq. ker, Century 21 Gold 541-771-7786 • Huge Cascade 3 b drm, 2~/~ bath 541-536-0117 John L. plus a large Bonus ft. home coming soon! Country Realty, Inc. $249,900 - 2236 Cascade mountain Mountain views view 201310530. home. Landscaped, Rea l E s tate fenced, R oom, 2 Mas t e r Pick your colors! Gas 541-504-1338 Sq.ft., 5 bdrm home • MLS 201307561 form this charming 3 Scott 2611 sq.ft., 5 acres, 3 in a q u i et Bedrooms, 1 on each fireplace, upgraded w/master suite on Dana Miller, Principal bedroom, 2 bath 541-548-1712 bay shop. 1716 Ter- level. cul-de-sac. $239,900. $185,000 3562 SW Elect. F/A and appliances and cabi Reindeer, each level. Living Broker, ABR, AHWD home on .51 acres. $ 3 5 4,000. w oodstove. 2013 1 0535. ret Rd , RedCom nets, t i l e flo o rs, single l evel MLS room w/gas f ire541-408-1468 Good cond i tion.Roomy High Lakes Realty & Pam Lester, Principal mond. 3 bedroom, home on large lot in l a ndscaped f enced a n d lan d 2 .5 b a ths, o v e r place. RV parking & Property M a nage- pletely $194,300. MLS Broker, Century 21 with deck, covered scaped, and more! unique gar d en. 201308901. John L. S tonehedge. O p e n Gold Country Realty, ment 541-536-0117 plan with vaulted p atio and f ire p i t . $189,900. too new for 2500sq ft. Some of MLS¹201306110 Scott Rea l E s tate floor living room, f amily Inc. 541-504-1338 3 bdrm, 2~/2 bath, 2139 $290,000. MLS¹ P a m Lester, the best views in MLS Call Kelly or V i r541-548-1712 Redmond! r oom, kitchen f e a Very motivated seller. sq. ft. home, 3-car ga- 201304282 Cascade Principal Broker, Cen MLS¹201201489. MORRIS ginia, Principal BroLook at: $229 , 000. Realty, Dennis Hanitury 21 Gold Country tures plenty of cabin Beautiful home in SW rage. kers 541-923-0855 REAL ESTATE etry, eating counter, Redmond with very 16524 Charlotte Day ford, Princ. Broker Realty, Inc. Call Travis L. HanBendhomes.com 7 86 Redm o nd IM~ rl y~ ~ Op « 0 nan, Principal Bro541-504-1338 large pantry, dining motivated seller. This Dr., La P ine. High 541-536-1731 R E/MAX Land 8 for Complete Listings of ker, 541-788-3480 Lakes Realty & Propwith access to Homes Real EsVIEWS OF THE RIVER $229,000 - Turnkey Redmond RE/MAX Area Real Estate for Sale area bedroom, 2 b ath erty Man agement the huge back deck. 4home tate 541-771-7786 • 4 bedrooms, 2 baths is ready for its Land 8 Homes Jeffer son County Homes( Home In NW RedCharming cottage with Master bed r o om new owners. Small 541-536-0117 • 2392 sq.ft., 1.5 acres Real Estate $265,000 I Greens At hardwood floors, cozy separation from addi mond. 3 bed, 2 bath, • 3 separate tax lots shop with hot tub and 3 Bdrm, 3 bath, bonus 541-771-7786 Redmond. G o l fing fireplace, RV parking, tional two bedrooms. Want to move in and plus family r o om. • Motivated seller! in backyard. room, shop. 15951 enjoy life? This Ma Added insulation for $189,000 - Wonderful community. S i n gle mature landscaping. Two offices or hobby gazebo www.Jackson-AnderMLS 201308103 Tallwood Ct. La Pine. level with bonus room. dras home is loaded coziness. 1/3 AC ce- c halet w i t h rooms. Landscaped John L. Scott Real $124,900. MLS¹ gr e a t son.com $229,000. High Lakes with upgrades. Well dar privacy fencing. views of 2 fairways & 1850 SF, 3 bed, 2 201 308245. Call front and back with Estate Candice Anderson, 541-548-1712 Realty 8 Pr o p erty b ath, R V spa c e . maint. and boasts a Garage & s t orage the mountains. Wood Vicci Bowen fenced back yard that Management Broker 541-788-8878 building. Meticulous burning fireplace, ex Backs to 5th tee box. 541-410-9730 large tiled entry way, has lots of trees for 541-536-0117 John L. Scott ceiling fans, recessed e stablished lan d - pansive deck 8 knotty 5 41-977-7756 De e Central Oregon Realty privacy. Forced air Looking for your next Real Estate, Bend Baker, Broker scaping. 51275 Dianne Rd. La l ighting, l a rge l o f t Group, LLC gas with central air emp/oyee? pine finishes through www.johnlscott.com 541-923-4663 541-480-7777 Diana cond. $199,900. MLS Place a Bulletin help Pine $149,900. MH area, a master bdrm out. MLS¹ 201307239 Windermere Central Custom Home on 5.91 2 01310177 John L . Barker, Broker with shop and RV ra- with w alk-in closet, wanted ad today and Eagle Crest West Hills $475,000 Ac, P owell B u tte. Oregon Real Estate 541-923-4633 c o v erings Scott Rea l E s tate reach over 60,000 mada on 5 a c res. window Properties • 3535 sq.ft. $ 339,900. 36x4 0 Windermere Central 541-548-1712 High Lakes Realty & throughout. Garage is readers each week. 866-722- 3370 $279,000 - 5.82 acres, shop, woodstove & • 3 bedroom, 3 bath finished with ceiling Oregon Real Estate Your classified ad Property M a nage3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1580 • .44 acre landscaped $189,500 - Wonderful sq. ft., large 28x32 sq. Jacuzzi tub, main floor S ingle s t ory ment 541-536-0117 storage rack and you h o m e will also appear on lot suite. loaded wit h The Greens at Red- golf & mountain view. ft. shop, double car master have great views from up bendbulletin.com • MLS 201306398 52314 Ponderosa Way. the back deck. VA as mond. Large bonus Many new features garage, fenced for MLS¹201307493 Call grades. 1550 sq.ft., 3 which currently re4 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1922 John Snippen, Broker, Vicci Bowen, room, canal v iews. including new carpet, horses. Near the en- 54'I -410-9730 sumable if e l igible. bdrm, 2 bath, plus an ceives over MBA, ABR, CRS, GRI Golf sq.ft., 1 .1 3 a c r es. $124,500 comm u nity stove, bath r oom trance to the ranch. MLS¹ o ffice/ den. L a n d 1.5 million page 541-312-7273 Central Oregon Realty $249,000. High Lakes $279,000. MLS¹ flooring, roof and Trex MLS¹ 20130955 201304344 scaped with garden views every month 541-948-9090 Group, LLC Realty & Pr o perty 201308079 decking. Cheerful de- Call Linda Lou-Wright, Heather Hockett, PC, area. $169,900 MLS¹ at no extra cost. Management Vicci Bowen Broker, Century 21 cor, r ental h i story Gorgeouscustom home 201308225 Pam Bulletin Classifieds 541-771-2585. 541-536-01'I 7 541-410-9730 available, rare opporGold Country Realty, on the 1st green of the Lester, Principal Bro Get Results! Crooked River Central Oregon Realty tunity. Ridge Course at Eagle ker Century 21 Gold Cabin on 1.24 acre, 541-420-9151 Realty Call 385-5809 or Group, LLC MLS¹201308367 Crest. 3 b d rm, 2~/2 Country Realty, Inc. place your ad on-line pole barn, city water $320,000 4.77 MORRIS Eagle Crest b ath, 2839 sq . f t . , 541-504-1338 and sewer. $69,000. BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS at acres, 1 acre of irriGorgeous Tu r n-key REAL ESTATE Search the area's most Properties b eautiful views, e l bendbulletin.com 51377 Walling Ln., home. Pa n o ramic gation. Pond, shop 866-722- 3370 egant timeless f in- Spacious Home in The La Pine. High Lakes comprehensive listing of a nd 1 6 0 0 sq . f t. Cascade M o untain ishes thr o ughout, Cliffs I $ 2 79,000 Realty 8 Pr o perty classified advertising... MLS¹ West Hills. 4 Bdrm, 3.5 Views. This home fea $260,000 - Beautiful house. park-like setting on real estate to automotive, Management Light & bright interior, pgraded cha l e t 201307143 Cal l private cul-de-sac. merchandise to sporting bath, in 4040y sq.ft., tures new paint inside u huge walk-in pantry, • S i sters Homes 541-536-01'I 7 w/double garage lo Travis L. Hannan, Robyn Fields, Principal three car tandem gadelighfful w e s tside & out, a newly remod goods. Bulletin Classifieds cated on the 18th hole PC, Principal BroPine Loop Drive, appear every day in the Broker 971-255-9866, rage. home with panoramic eled kitchen w/ gran of the R i dge G olf MLS Aspen Lakes 3366 sq. 51765 ker 541-788-3480 Pine. 1950 sq. ft. and Rhonda McHugh, C ascade an d c i t y ite counters & SS ap print or on line. ¹ 201308975. Call ft. Fabulous home! on La Course at Eagle Crest Redmond RE/MAX home + 1000 sq. ft. pliances, ba m b oo Broker, 541-550-6137 views on a spacious Vicci Bowen, golf course $829,000 apt. + Shop Call 541-385-5809 in Central Oregon. hardwoods, slate, & Land & Homes $399,950 Eagle Crest Properties lot with high desert 541-410-9730 MLS 201309707.John High Lakes Realty 8 www.bendbulletin.com ¹201301534. Real Estate natural landscaping. high end carpet floor MLSEagle Huge home in desired Central Oregon Realty L. Scott Real Estate Property Crest 541-771-7786 M a n age- The Bulletin Two gas fireplaces, ing, a great room lay 541-548-1712 SW location. 3 bdrm, Group, LLC Properties ment 541-536-0117 Serving CentralOregan sime 5N e n o rmous - Small one in living room and out, a n $349,500 2.5 bath, 2880 sq.ft. 866-7223370 one in master bed- master suite w/ pri acreage with i rriHuge deck, fenced, room. Master bed- vate balcony, large $349,900 - Beautiful gated pasture overs prinklers & ya r d , room has c offered guest bedrooms w/ turn-key townhome in l ooking pond & move-in ready. ceiling and slider to Jack 8 Jill bathroom, Forest Ridge. 2 mas fenced pas t u re $ 215,000. MLS ¹ upper deck with hot utility room, spacious ters, 1 on main level, ready for horses or 201209154 Pam bonus room w/ fire tub. Master bath has w/king beds & other critters. DeLester, Principal Bro surround both deep soak tub, large place, master bath w/garden tached garage shop ker Century 21 Gold t iled s h ower a n d sound, 8 built in TV & tub & s hower. 3rd w/storage. Country Realty, Inc. double sinks. Great the home is wired for b drm w / bunks & MLS¹201307823. 541-504-1338 room is light and airy a backup generator. trundle. Call Don Chapin, MLS The deck has great 201308059. with expansive city P rincipal Bro k er Needs some TLC! 3/2, ¹a1 1136 sq. ft . s i ngle and Cascade views. views & covers a dbl 541-923-0855 Eagle Crest arage 2 0 1309010, story home on almost Kitchen is efficiently Redmond RE/MAX Properties 230,000 laid out with granite 866-722- 3370 L and 8 Ho m e s 1/3 acres lot, vinyl windows, dbl. garage, tile counters, newer John L. Scott Real Real Estate $439,000 - Sun Forest 541-771-7786 plenty of room for RVs appliances, p a ntryEstate 541-548-1712 is a 36 year old em $99,999. MLS and hardwood floorSingle $199,900 One of the $399,900 201310719. Pam ing. Triple garage with finest chalets at Eagle ployee-owned design/ level, vaulted ceilbuild firm that has Lester, Principal Bro Ultimate floor. Wired Crest. Beautiful views ings, 4 large bedker, Century 21 Gold for security system. of the 14th fairway on been chosen by over r ooms, 2 bat h , 500 custom home cli Country Realty, Inc. Wired for stereo with the Ridge Course. master b e d room 54'I -504-1338 ents in C entral Or speakers on m a in Has never been in the separation, 2 , 157 egon. f loor i n 4 zon e s . NEW CON S TRUC sq.ft. 3-car garage. 5-zone heating sys- rental pool. Freshly MLS¹ 201309468. TION! Split m aster MLS¹201308350 Eagle Crest tem. Two levels of ce- painted exterior and floor plan, 3 bedroom, Call Kelly Starbuck, stained decks. Properties d ar d ecking p l us newly 2 bath, 1640 sq.ft., tile P rincipal Bro k er 866-722- 3370 paver patio. Plumbed MLS¹201309403 floors/backsplash. RV 541-771-7786 Eagle Crest in humidification sysCustom Redmond RE/MAX parking. $ 1 84,900. Properties $449,000 t em. $610, 0 00 MLS¹ 201 3 0 1880 home on large, peace L and 8 866-722- 3370 Hom e s MLS¹ 201301639 Pam Lester, Principal ful corner lot with up Real Estate Bobbie Strome, Broker Century 2 1 Spacious & P r i vate! grades galore and 541-771-7786 Principal Broker Gold Country Realty, $154,500. Sun-filled, wonderful views of the 3 b d rm, 2~/2 bath John L Scott Real expansive deck, 2.31 Cascades! Master on 3005 sq. ft. home to Inc. 541-504-1338 Estate 541-385-5500 acres. Large kitchen, mail level with heated be built. Includes day New construction 3 impressive m a s ter t ile f loor a n d t i l e light basement, office, bdrm, 2 bath, 1705 WINDANCE bathroom. shower i n m a s ter 3 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, family & bonus rooms, sq. ft, 23 acre lot, tile MLS¹201310389. bath. 1673 sq.ft., 19 acre upgraded cabinets, floors, tile backsplash, MLS¹201310100 Call Gail Day, parcel an a p rivate near new high school landscaped, fenced. 541-306-1018 Eagle Crest MLS¹ setting with a view of Central Oregon Realty & more! $ 349,000. $179,900. Properties 201209125 Pam Pilot Butte, close to Too new for MLS¹ Group, LLC 866-7223370 s chools, parks 8 Pam Lester, Principal Lester, Principal Bro ker Century 21 Gold s hopping. Light 8 The Washington, NW $474,900 - Brand new Broker, Century 21 bright with many win- Redmond. Main floor to be built Craftsman Gold Country Realty, Country Realty, Inc. 54'I -504-1338 dows 8 custom lights, master suite w/sitting in sought after Vista Inc. 541-504-1338 fenced back yard with room, walk-in closets Rim n e ighborhood.$430,000 - Ultimate New construction in NW At EVergreen Home LOanS, We're PaSSiOnate abOut hOme pavered patio & large in all rooms, 3 bed, High-end finishes in family home, 4 bedRedmond. $182,900. double garage. Built in 2.5 bath, 2147 sq ft. clude wood flooring, room, 3 bath, over 7 finanCing. We knoW yOur home iS muCh mOre than a rOOf 3 /2, 1556 s q . f t . , speaker system, MLS¹201310072. granite kitchen, ex Stainless appliances, 20x40 heated vaulted ceilings with $ 297,900. Call J i m posed timber framing, acres, over your head — it's the place where memories are made. pantry, plumbed for pool. MLS recessed lighting 8 more. Hinton, 541-420-6229 ¹ 201305932 C a l l AC, fully landscaped, RV parking. $264,000 Central Oregon Realty MLS¹201309834. sprinkler sys t e m, Travis L. Hannan, • We're a local, direct lender focused exclusively • MLS¹201308272 Eagle Crest Group, LLC oversized garage door PC, Principal BroBobbie Strome, Properties w /opener. ML S ¹ ker 541-788-3480 On home lOanS Principal Broker 866-722- 3370 Corner lot 1380 sq. ft., 3 201305675. J eanne Redmond R E /MAX John L Scott Real bdrm, 2 bath, vaulted $103,000 - 3.39 acres Scharlund, B r oker, L and 8 Hom e s Estate 541-385-5500 • Full range Of PrOduCtS inCluding thoSe to helP ceilings, gas heat, and r eady f o r 541-420-7978 Real Estate you r double car garage. HOME! 541-771-7786 Central Oregon Realty firSt-time homebuyerS MLS 201100749 MLS¹ USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! $156,900. Call $459,000 - Between Group, LLC 201309158 Travis L. Hannan, Bend & R e dmond.New Construction • We Originate, fund and SerViCe home lOanS Door-to-door selling with Pam Lester, Principal PC, Principal BroD elightful 4.85 A C Single story 3 bdrm, Century 21 fast results! It's the easiest Broker ker 541-788-3480 2bath, 1724 s q ft property, Single level Gold Country Realty, Redmond RE/MAX in neighbOrhOOdS near you way in the world to sell. open concept home, move-in ready! Land Inc. 541-504-1338 Land & Homes Fenced for animals, scaped with s p rin Real Estate The Bulletin Classified CANYON RI M 3.6 AC of COI, with klers an d f e nced. VI L 541-771-7786 $189,900. MLS¹ pond. 541-923-3371 541-385-5809 LAG E. $30 0 ,000 TWO lOCatiOnS SerVing all Of Central OregOn 201304779 Pam Open floor plan fea $1,190,000 - Spa- Windermere Central Lester, Principal Bro Oregon Real Estate tures gas appliances, ciouscustom home, 746 ker, Century 21 Gold hardwood floors, cen 4652 sq.ft. Check $500,000The Ridge Country Realty, Inc. Northwest Bend Homes tral air w/heat pump out our Virtual Tour at Eagle Crest. Cas541-504-1338 and good separation at http://www.circl685 SE 3rd Street, Bend, OR 97702 ML-32!3-III cade & Smith Rock S tunning Ranch o n between master and epix.com/home/FVV views, Exceptional Newer large home on Awbrey Butte - 4 BR, other bedr ooms. 7WQ second home, 2 almost 1/4 acre. 3000 3 bath home w/open Built-in desk, upstairs MLS¹201303060 master suites, 2 bed- s q.ft., 3 b d rm, 2 .5 reat room design. bonus room, vaulted Call Charlie or Virroom w/ bonus room, bath, landscaped & lose to river, trails, ceilings, covered Principal BroVery private. fenced with RV gates. 220 NW MeadOw LakeS Drive, Prineville, OR 97754 ML-32!3-5 downtown, NW porch, underground ginia, kers 541-350-3418 541-923-3371 MLS¹ 2 0 1 304622 C rossing & m o r e! sprinklers, raised gar Redmond RE/MAX Windermere Central $299,900. Pam Formal dining area, den beds, e x cep L and & Hom e s Oregon Real Estate Lester, Prin c ipal beautiful stone tional l a n dscaping. Real Estate B roker Century 21 f ireplace opens t o MLS 201304759 $519,000 - Gated 541-771-7786 Gold Country Realty, b reakfast a re a & community! 4 bedJohn L. Scott Real Inc. 541-504-1338 gourmet kitc h en, Estate 541-548-1712 $127,500 - Great r oom, 3. 5 ba t h , cherry cabi nets, place to have your 3208 Sq.ft.. Private NEW HOME, 3 bdrm, family, 3 bedroom, 2 resort living, 2.5 bath + office, 1936 granite, hardwood 8 Updated! Owner w i ll NhAlS 3182 6-burner gas carry - 3 b d rm, 2 bath, 1008 sq.ft. year-round or 2nd sq. ft., gas heat, gas stovetop. Very private bath, 1440 sq.ft., on MLS¹201308704 home. range, gas fireplace, with mountain views. .34 acre. Large deck Call Travis L. MLS¹201305107 fenced, insulated ga MLS ¹ 201 3 09435 and oversized garage/ Hannan, Call Charlie or Virrage door w/opener. © 2013EverqreenHomeLoansisa registeredtradenameof EverqreenMoneysourceMortqaqe $750,000. Call Debbie shop. $119 , 900. PC, Principal Broker ginia, Principal Bro$229,900. MLS¹ Company'NMLS ID3182.Trade/service marksarethe property of Evergreen HomeLoans. AI! rights McCune, P r i ncipal MLS¹ 2013 0 8373 541-788-3480 kers 541-350-3418 201309300 Pam Broker Pam Lester, Principal Redmond RE/MAX Redmond RE/MAX Lester, Principal Bro reserved.Licensedunder: Oregon Mortgage Lending LicenseML3213.11/13. ReMax Key Properties. B roker Century 2 1 Land & Homes L and & Hom e s ker Century 21 Gold 541-647-0052 Cell Gold Country Realty, Real Estate Real Estate Country Realty, Inc. 541-728-0033 Offi ce Inc. 541-504-1338 541-771-7786 541-771-7786 541-504-1338





There's nothing quite like a home when it comes to inspiration.

Bend ( 541-318-5500

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Crook County Homes Homes with Acreage H o mes with Acreage









Manufactured/ Mobile Homes


MfdJ Mobile Homes with Land

Recently r e modeled,4 bdrm, 3t/s bath, 2498 Reduced!! Just finished $25,000 - $65,000 E state living i n T h e $195,000 I 6 . 5 AC Powell Butte j clean and well laid out sq. ft. on 2/s acres, country 4 b drm, 3 S pectacular lots i n Highlands at Broken C ontract Term s , $195,000 20784 Valentine - 1998 $199,900 - Nearly 7 t/s single level home on a 21886 Rincon Ave., b ath h o m e o n 2 + Yarrow s u bdivision, Top 10 acres, gated, Bend. Level acreage • 20 acres 2 bedroom + office acres with Cascade & very private 4.6 acre Bend. $429,500 High acres. New H a rdi- the newer develop- private well, utilities at with old growth juni- • Cascade & Ochoco (den), very open floor Deschutes River canlot. New paint in and Lakes Realty & Prop- plank siding, interior ment in the east hills lot, app for cap-fill pers & Mtn. views. views plan. Attached double yon views. 3 bdrm, 2 out, newwer laminate, erty Ma n agement doors and knobs, ga of Madras. Very near septic. $53 5 ,000. Scattered historic rock • Adjacent to BLM Land garage, turn-key and bath, with extensive 541-536-0117 • MLS 201309747 carpet & flo o ring, rage doors and more! the new aquatic Cen- MLS¹ 201 2 00937 croppings. 20% down, move-in c o n dition. decks. Double gaStainless appliances, BLM access close to ter, middle school and Pam Lester, Principal other terms n egoJulia Buckland, $56,550. rage and workshop. The Bulletin centra heat, l a rge p roperty f o r tra i l COCC campus. Home B roker Century 2 1 tiable. 440X648' lot • Broker, ABR, ALHS, Cascade Village MLS 201307097 To Subscribe call concrete patio. Fully riding. The kitchen is ID YARROW Eagle Gold Country Realty, MLS¹201304442. CRS, GRI Homes N.W. LLC Nancy Popp, 541-410-8557 Dave landscaped yard, at- 541-385-5800 or go to all new with custom Crest Prop e rties Inc. 541-504-1338 541-719-8444 541-388-0000 Principal Broker tached double garage www.bendbulletin.com cabinets, tile counter 866-722-3370 D isney, Brok e r 541-815-8000 FIND IT! 541-388-0404 Advertise your car! and detached shop tops, bamboo floors, $50,000 - Fairhaven Crooked River BVY IT! 2 bdrm, 2 bath home, Add A Picture! with large atached new light f i xtures, an Windermere C e ntral Realty established Reach thousands of readers! SELL IT! carport/RV area, stor- 36x40 shop, sheds bathrooms have new neighborhood, Oregon Real Estate has 5 Call 541-385-5809 age shed on top of on 5 acres @ 145040 tile. Recent carpet building lots avail4.95 acres with 1755 The Bulletin Classifieds 3.18 acres g randfaMORRIS The Bulletin Classifieds sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 bath 5000 g al . p o t able Hwy 31, L a P i n e, throughout and w in able! See online at thered in. Septic and REAL ESTATE Hager Mountain Estates water concrete cis- $135,000. High Lakes dows are recent as NWELMLOTS.com $144 , 900. $ 75,900 3 bdr m / 2 home. 4 lots, $25,000 each lo- w ater o n t h e l o t , Pr o perty well as interior paint. Call t ern. Al l on ful l y Realty & 15451 Sixth St., La baths owner will carry Frank, cated in Silver Lake. power at the road. fenced lot with auto- Management Covered porch, triple 541-480-9327 with a good down. Pine. High Lakes Re2012 0 8989West Powell Butte Es Underground power MLS matic gate. $215,000. 541-536-0117 car attached garage Redmond RE/MAX tates, gated commu New paint, newer car- alty 8 Property Manand conduit for phone $79,900. MLS 201309890 and a p ull through nity, mtn. views, pri pet. Located off a agement Land & Homes I Hi s t oric and internet. Views of Crooked River Realty vate John L Scott Realty, $339,000 Ext. of home is well, paved roads paved road. Near the 541-536-0117 Real Estate Lou Ranch On 9 AC, shop. Hager Mountain. Sep- Call L ind a 541-548-1712. to be painted. Prop with access to BLM. community park. MLS 50760 South Fawn, La 541-771-7786 Bend. 3-4 bed, 2 bath, erty is agent owned. 541-771-2585 tic feasibility for stanMLS 201303870 1959 SF, 36X28 3 bay Only $289,900 but will Fenced acre with water d ard system. T h e 32.42 Acres in Urban $169,000 762 Pine. Top-of-the-line 3 201305077 . Pam Linda Lou Day-Wright. shop building. 24X25 entertain bdrm 2 bath, 2100 sq. and sewer. $28,500. area is a sportsman's Growth Homes with Acreage offers. B o u ndary, Lester, Principal Bro 541- 771-2585 equipment c a rport. 22837 Abilene C t ., paradise. ft. home with shop, 54700 W o l f St., Adjacent t o The ker Century 21 Gold Crooked River Realty f e nced Bend. Heather Hock n orthwest La P i n e Bobbie Strome, $169,000. 1.13 acres. 3214 sq. ft. Custom 4 Completely Greens, kitty corner to Country Realty, Inc. Principal Broker High Lakes Realty & bdrm, 4t/s bath home with corals. Borders ett, PC, Broker, Cen area. High Lakes Renew Ridgeview High 541-504-1338 John L Scott Real Call a Pro Property M a nageon 2t/s acres. Triple BLM,MLS¹201306096 tury 21 Gold Country alty & Property Man- Estate School. $ 7 5 0,000. 5 41-410-8557 D a v e 541-385-5500 ment 541-536-0117 agement Realty, 541-420-9151 MLS ¹ 201 2 03193 garage, 36x40 shop D isney, Whether you need a Broke r 541-536-0117 with tow 14' overhead 541-388-0404 Nice flat lot in Terreb- Pam Lester, Principal Manufactured/ fence fixed, hedges Beautiful, well cared for doors, Cas c adeWindermere C e n tralViews Galore! Smith $39,900 - 1.71 acres, onne, .56 a c res, Broker, Century 21 3 bdrm 2 bath mfd. trimmed or a house Mobile Homes views, large deck 8 Rock views on a quiet Gold Country Realty, p aved street, a p septic approved home on 1 t/s acre Oregon Real Estate dead-end co u ntry power and water at proved fo r patio. $429,900. c a p -fill Inc. 541-504-1338 built, you'll find c orner lot close to MLS¹ 201304473 road. Spacious 2700 the s t r eet. ML S septic, utilities at lot 5.5 acres, septic, power $139,900 - 864 sq.ft. professional help in p avement, Wra p Call Nancy Popp sq. ft. home boasts 3 201307972 line. $42,000. MLS and water installed. f inished shop w i t h around kitchen with RV pad w/dump, The Bulletin's "Call a 541-815-8000. bdrms, 2 baths, huge Linda Lou Day-Wright. ¹ 2012001172 P a m Located near the en- 3heat, lots of counter and bdrm, 2 bath, beau- Service Professional" Crooked River Realty country kitchen, din Lester, Principal Bro- trance of the Ranch. 541- 771-2585 c upboard spa c e , tifully appo i nted ing area, large util. ker, Century 21 Gold MLS 201104846 Call home. Enclosed, garCrooked River Realty Directory laundry r oo m o ff Two 1848 sq.ft. 4 bdrm, oom and a b a s e Country Realty, Inc. L inda L o u Day - den w/raised beds, kitchen has back door 2 bath homes on 40 360' View/Top of Butte rment 541-385-5809 $97,000 - 2.59 acres which i s in 541-504-1338 Wright. 541- 771-2585 dynamite to garage area. with a cres. 5 2916 O l d in Terrebonne. Home, C a scade Ready t o bu i l d. cluded in the sq. ft. sliding glass door to Crooked River Realty L ake Rd., Sil v e r shop, mansion building SHEVLIN RIDGE MLS¹201100751 views. 1-acre MLS FACTORY SPECIAL Also has extra area cover deck. Nice dinLake, OR. $199,000. site. 2% to broker. See: Call Travis L. Han- 17,000 Sq.ft. Iot, ap201309296 New Home, 3 bdrm, upstairs and all bdrms 7965 SW River Rd. ing area. $ 154,900 High Lakes Realty 8 bend.craigslist.org/reo/ proved plans. More nan, PC, Principal Nancy Popp, Principal $46,500 finished are on the main level. 2.79 acres, near the MLS 201303530 Property M a nage- 4230611585.html Broker details and photos on Broker 541-815-8000 on your site. The dbl. garage is Deschutes River. Cascade Realty, Denment, 541-536-0117 craigslist. $149,900. Crooked River J and M Homes large. This property is 541-788-3480 $49,000 MLS nis Haniford, Princ. 541-389-8614 541-548-5511 $ 389,900 I Ranc h Redmond RE/MAX Realty 1.5 acres with 1 acre 201009429 Overlooking the Broker 541-536-1731 Barn, Shop. Land & Homes and Juniper Realty Crooked River Gorge, House, 773 LOT MODEL 6.39 AC, zoned for 2 irrigation, fenced $139,900 Nearly Real Estate 541-504-5393 h o r ses. Immaculate home on AC lots. 3 AC irriga- ready fo r 2-acres, 3 bdrm, 2 LIQUIDATION Acreages Just too many 541-771-7786 $5000 allowance to the rim features a tion & mtn views. 5 bath, 864 sq.ft. shop Prices Slashed Huge Where can you find a collectibles? spacious & open great s tall barn & 6 0 f t . buyers at closing with Broken Top Lot j 13601 SW Canyon Dr. w/power, c o n crete Savings! 10 Year of fer . room design, a large round pen, 210X105 a ccepted helping hand? $320,000 conditional warranty. 1.13 acres, Mt. Jefferfloor & 14' overhead bonus room with a full arena. Oversized ga- $289,900. 12333 NW • .65 acre cul-de-sac lot Sell them in From contractors to son views, owner will door, concrete RV Finished on your site. bath, a spacious mas rage & large shop. 10th St., Terrebonne. • Cascade Mountain carry. $58,500 MLS yard care, it's all here pad w/water, power, ONLY 2 LEFT! The Bulletin Classifieds Call Heather Hockett, t er, l a r g e gu e s t 541-480-9883 Audrey views Redmond, Oregon 201106385 sewer. MLS PC, Broker, Century • 13th Hole & Lake bdrms, newer paint, Cook, in The Bulletin's Broker 21 Juniper Realty 201309627 541-548-55'I 1 Gold Country Re views carpet and flooring in 541-923-4663 541-385-5809 "Call A Service 541-504-5393 Nancy Popp, Principal JandMHomes.com alty, 541-420-9151 side and new exterior Windermere Central • MLS 201310090 Broker 541-815-8000 Professional" Directory 16 SW Shad Rd. paint, a circular drive, Rent /Own Must see to appreciate Oregon Real Estate Wonderful acreage set David Gilmore, Broker Lot immac. Iandscaping 2.7 acres, Mt. Jeffer Beautiful and peaceful Crooked River Realty 541-312-7271 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes very clean move-in up for horses with son & S mith Rock waterfront property, $159,900 - 1980 sq.ft. $2500 down, $750 mo. with irrigation system, ready 3/2, 1512 sq. ft. a fenced and irrigated round pen, 4 - stall views. $78,500 MLS 21 acres with Cas Need to get an ad home, newly updated OAC. J and M Homes mfd home. New int. barn with c h icken 201208266 garden area, chicken 541-548-5511 paint, laminate floorcade m t n vi e w s. kitchen, fenced/gated, in ASAP? coop, attached ga coop, h a y storage Juniper Realty ing, slate entry, tiled $450,000. MLS huge bonus room, and complete bunk 541-504-5393 780 rage with shop space, floors. Mstr b edrm MORRIS w/separate entrance, 201310537. John L. central heat, pellet Fax it ts 541-322-7253 house. 40x60 shop/ separation. Front and REAL ESTATE 10 a c res. $ 9 9,900. Scott Rea l E s tate natural light. 1-acre. Mfd./Mobile Homes stove and excellent garage finished with back decks, garage. MLS 201308329 Owner financing avail. 541-548-1712 with Land privacy. MLS The Bulletin Classifieds bath. Hot house. 2 Nancy Popp, $124,999. MLS 1 5805 Sixth St. L a ponds. Iandscaped. Build your dream home ¹201308441 201300412. Cascade Principal Broker Need to get an Pine. High Lakes Re1146 Linda Drive, La John L. Scott Real mountain & meadow this 5.3 acre par 541-815-8000 alty & Property Man- On Pine. 3/2 1188 sq. ft. Realty, Dennis Haniad in ASAP? Estate 541-548-1712 $399,000 I Home - 40 views. 12 f rost-free cel just a few minutes Princ. Broker Crooked River agement double wide, 2 car ga- ford, faucets, wrap around south of P r ineville. - Barn. One You can place it 1-541-536-1731 Realty 541-536-0117 16751 SW DOVE RD. Acres rage, shop on 1 acre. decks on home and V iews of t h e C a s online at: One level 2500 sq. ft. level, 2052 SF ranch more. $375,000 MLS 16160 SW Dove Rd. cades and easy ac 1994 Marlette 2 bdrm, 1 $98,000. HighPrLakes ow! County s a y s Great room o pertyW1512 custom loghome on house. 201207852 Cascade www.bendbulletin.com 6.1 acre corner lot, cess off Davis Loop. bath, excellent shape, Realty & sq. ft. however floor plan. 2 master 4.9 acres.Floor to ceil s uites, Management Mtn. views, near Des- Septic approved and new furnace & air condi- 541-536-0117 there is an air condi150X 2 8 5 Realty, Dennis Haniing windows w/views arena & 40X52 available. tioninq, tioned 11.5'x14' bo541-385-5809 chutes River. $89,900 power no n -smoker. barn. ford, Princ. Broker of the Mtns. Hickory MLS 201205646 201302249 $35,750 $1 4,0()0. 541-526-5920 $159,900 - 4-bdrm nus room. Plus den, AC 8 mountain 541-536-1731 hardwood & tile floors. 39.10 Crescent Lake j John L. Scott Real Juniper Realty 541-480-9883 beautifully appointed util. room, 2-mo.-old $499,999 MLS views. $64,900 541-504-5393 Estate 541-548-1712 20711 Farenuff PlaceAudrey Cook, Broker home, nearly 1900 sq. heat pump with cool201208751 acre lot This house sits on 541-923-4663 ft., dbl garage + shop, ing, water heater is 2 Recreational Homes •• 1.26 Juniper Realty, 16535 SW Chinook Dr. Lot 21 SW Chipmunk Little Deschutes riverone of the most pri Windermere C e n tral• garden, new yrs old, 36x36 shop 541-504-5393 Rd. 5.16 acre, com5.68 acres, River & Property vate lots in the park. fenced-in front h as two 1 0 ' d o o r Oregon Real Estate flooring t h views, owner will munity water installed. • Year round road Huge windows allow 1.23-acres. roughout. a Motivated Seller! Nice MLS w/openers an d carry. $225 000 MLS $60,000 MLS 123741 Surveyor Road. maintenance the view of trees and 20'I308379 12x16 door. Add-on in 3 bdrm ranch- style 4 Bdrm, 5 bath, 3500 Crescent Lake. Im201106408 201300800 sq.ft., 2 shops, barn, • MLS 201308284 green belt into your house with a nice floor 3-car garage w/guest maculate chalet loPopp, Principal back is 16x36 with 10' Juniper Realty Juniper Realty home. Open plan, Nancy Odette Adair, door plus wood storplan, country kitchen, quarters, located on 5 cated on a n a cre. Broker 541-815-8000 541-504-5393 541-504-5393 Broker, S.T.A.R. with wra p -around age. Fenced chain nice brick fireplace, Crooked River Realty Gravel drive, covered 541-815-4788 decks. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, link with gate to govnestled on 4+ acres acres in middle of 16685 SW Chinook Dr. Lot 39 Big Sky Place, Rock. porch, wood stove, 6.9 acres River CRR. 4.12 acres, mtn 2-car garage, heat $199,900 - Home with ernment lands. Plus Powell Butte q u iet Smith slate hearth, spiral MLS¹ pump an d P e l let 4300 sq.ft. shop on boat storage. country lane. Fenced, $440,000. views all utilities inviews, border public Pam staircase to sleeping MLS stalled, owner carry. land, near Deschutes stove, over 1500 sq ft 5 .95 a c res. M L S $159,900. corral, shed, shop 201304982 loft. 2 bdrms on main Prin c ipal of space. $59,950. 20134458 Cascade 201209007 $189,000 MLS canyon. $89,000. area, along with stor Lester, floor and util. room. Broker Century 21 Cascade Village Linda Lou Day-Wright. Realty, Dennis HaniMORRIS 201008671 MLS 201309688 age rooms. 2 acres ir cabinets, garHomes N.W. LLC 541- 771-2585 ford, Princ. Broker, rig., mtn and Smith Gold Country Realty, Hickory REAL ESTATE Juniper Realty Juniper Realty, den window, plenty of Inc. 541-504-1338 541-388-0000 541-536-1731 Crooked River Realty 541-504-5393 541-504-5393 Rock views. Local Minutes from small Powell B utte 4 Bdrm, 2 bath 1836 storage. Willamette Ski Pass, Charter School. Cen sq.ft., 1018 Chapman Ode l l tral location commut St., Gilchrist, Oregon, C rescent 8 and the Little ing distance to Bend, on 2.84 acres, shop. Lakes, D eschutes Riv er. Prineville & Redmond. $214,900. High Lakes $169,000. MLS Not a bad package at Realty & Pr o perty 201302230. Call $ 279,900! 1052 5 Management Kerry 541-815-6363 F leming Rd. Cal l 541-536-0117 e • Cascade Realty, Heather Hockett, PC, Broker, Century 21 $579,900 I Powell Butte Start Your HOME SEARCH At Gold Country Realty, Home On Acreage. 141038 Crescent Moon Dr., Crescent Lake. 541-420-9151 3275 SF home. Priwww.JohnLScottBend.com vate 30 Acres. 4 bed, Seller willing to i n3 bath, 2 ma s t er clude the lot next door BREATHTAKIIG CASCADEYIEW HALFLOT! CRYSTAL CLEA Want to impress the SNOWBERRYYILLAGE suites. Incredible out- at the right price. 3 relatives? Remodel bdrm, 2 bath home door l iving. 4 0 X60 your home with the shop. 5 41-480-7183 sleeps 6 comfortably help of a professional Barbara Myers, Bro- with a detached gar age plumbed f o r from The Bulletin's ker 541-923-4663 bathroom with an exWindermere Central "Call A Service tra garage door for Oregon Real Estate Professional" Directory • Single level in a park-like setting • 38+/- Acres with 37+/- Irrigated snowmobiles. Make • Neil Hudson Designed Home • Single level home in NE Bend 5 ACRES with moun- an offer. $ 299,000 • 3 bedrooms,2 baths, 1420SF • 4015 SF +1040SFshop & wine rooms •Beautiful2608 SF home • !404 SF 6653 SW Daly Lane, tain views. 3 bdrm, 2 MLS 201302853. Call • Garden area & room for RV parking • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • Barn with stalls • 3 bedroom,2 bath Culver. Mtn. v iews b ath, 1620 s q . f t . Linda (541) 815-0606 •FantasticEntertaining Home • $249,900 • $62,500 from this 4 bdrm, 2 home, 36x40 shop, Cascade Realty • wwwjohnlscotr.com/cyndirobertson bath, 1992 sq.ft. home fenced, irrig., sprinDanielle Snow, Broker 54l.306.!0!5 jean Nelsen, Broker 54l.420-3927 Marilyn Rojtaly, Broker 54l-322-9954 Cyndi Robertson,Broker 54I.390.5345 built in 2008 on 4.77 kler sys. $279,000. $239,900 - Cabin on acres. Borders farm MLS 2809225. Pam D eschutes! 2 be d GREAT SE BEND,!r~!OY gQ STUNNING EXECUTIYE HOME C ABIN IN TH ODS ! ENJOY EAGLECREST LIYING! land. $195,000 Lester, 541-504-1338 cabin overlooking DeJuniper Realty C entury 21 , G o l d schutes river w/sepae 541-504-5393 County Realty rate guest quarters & d bl g a rage. M L S 12250 NW Dove Rd. 6760 S W B u c kskin, 201308238. N a n cy CRR. Custom cedar- Crooked River Ranch. Popp, Principal Brosided home with floor new carpet & paint ker 541-815-8000 to ceiling windows. r eady to m ove i n . Crooked River • 4 bedrooms, 2 baths • Wonderful home on Golf Course • Open living area w/fireplace • 3546 SF,3 bedrooms,2.5 baths Immaculate 1841 sq. Q uiet l o cation, 3 Realty • 5 Acres • Built in 2007,2207 SF • 2818 SF • Den, family, living, fully furnished f t. 3 b drm, 2 b a th bdrm, 2 bath on 5.16 • 3 bedrooms,2.5 bath + loft • Oversized 2-car garage • 3 bedrooms,3 baths home with tongue 8 fenced acres. Private •G reatrentalhistory • $I99,000 • $515 000 • $249,900 groove cat h edral well, close t o g o lf • Golf course • www.johnlscott.com/28599 ceilings, $1 8 5,000.• Lots • www.anglecox.johnlscott.com gas course. • www.johnlscott.com/20002 free-standing stove, MLS 201310512. Faye Phillips, Broker 54I-480-2945 Angie Cox, Broker 54l-2I3-9950 Korina Chincjten, Broker 54I-788.6!54 Ellen Clough,Breker,ABR,CRS541480718(j wood floors. S paJuniper Realty, Lot ¹ 5 Ce d arwood, $17,000. 1.12 acre flat RIYERSID c ious k i tchen i n 541-504-5393 ECONDO ON BEND'5WESTS!DE 63080 STENKAMP DRIYE DUPLEX RARELOT- ROMAINEVILLAGE cludes Corian b uildable lot. H i gh counters, b reakfast 8579 SW P anorama, Lakes Realty & Propbar and separate prep CRR. Wel l m a i n- erty Ma n agement island. Large decks to tained 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 541-536-0117 enjoy the views. All of 1404 sq. ft., view of this on 4.81 acres. mtns. Insulated shop LOTS FOR SALE rr " $385,000 MLS with power & c o n- A D ¹1892 - 1 / 2 A C crete floor. A c ross Central Oregon's Best • 653 SF,Ibedroom + Studio Affordable horse property - 1,700 SF, 3 BR, • NE Bend, single level •Niceflatlotwithmaturetreessurrounding 201101447 the street from the $15,500 2 bath home needs some TLC & updating, • 2 baths • 3 bedrooms,2 baths & 2 bdrms,2 baths •W ater& electricalhookupspresent Juniper Realty, comm. park & trails. 2 stalls, ctck room & hay storage. 2.4 acres 541-504-5393 • Fenced yards & 2-car tandem garages • Single cargarageon property A D ¹1902 - 0 . 6 A C • $95,000 withunderground irrigation near thousands $134,000. MLS Across from R iver • $309,900 • NLS¹ 201307899 of acres of BLM land for riding.$219,000 • Ready for your double wide! ¹201308611 Need help fixing stuff? $25,000 •www.johnlscott.com/4402 www.DavidFoster Biz/Stenkamp Juniper Realty, Call A Service Professional Colleen Dillingham,Broker 54I.788.9991 AD ¹1912 .50 AC Sep Teresa Brown, Broker 54l-788-866! Keiii e Cook, Br oker 54I 4080463 541-504-5393 David Foster, Broker 541-322-0034 find the help you need. tic App & U t i lities www.bendbulletin.com Extremely well main- $35,000 PARK.LIKESETTINGWITH RYPARKING PERFECTSTARTERORINYESTMENT YIEWS OF THE RIYER MOUNTAIN YIEWS! 3 bdrm, 2 bath AD ¹1622 - 5 AC Room 14198 SW Nine Peaks tained for Horses & T oys sq. ft . s i ngle Pl., CRR Mtn. views 2208 story home on 4.9 flat $69,999 from this 1960 sq. ft., rock fireplace, AD ¹1762 - 1.4 AC un 3 bdrm., 2 bath home acres. $100, 0 00 garage, gas fire- d er on 1.16 acre. 936 sq. dbl. $99,900 central air & ft. garage has a shop place, $365 , 000.A D ¹1772 - 4 . 4 A C area plus 2 bays. RV more! • Single level home • 4 bedrooms,2 baths • Single level home in SE Bend MLS201310722 Pam H orse Prop & M t n • Like new - complete remodel covered storage & Views $100,000 •3bdrm,2bath inquietneighborhood • 2392 SF, 1.5acres • 2.43 acres • 13I2 SF Lester, Principal Brocarport. $13 9 ,500 ker, Century 21 Gold A D ¹1732 - 1 . 7 A C • Huge fencedyard •3 separatetax lots • Between Bend & Sisters • 3 bedrooms,2 baths MLS 201208272 Backs River & Septic • A/C,2-car garage,$155,000 • Many upgrades Country Realty, Inc. • Motivated seller! • $233,000 Juniper Realty, App $115,000 541-504-1338 • www.johnlscott.com/44446 • wwwjackson-Anderson.com • www jackson-Anderson.com 541-504-5393 AD ¹1852 - .21 AC Lot ShelleyArnold,Bmker54l.77l.9329 CandiceAnderson, Broker 54I.788-8878 Barbarajackson,Broker 54I-306.8I86 Great horse property, 4 in A wbrey V i llage Kathy Denning, Broker 54l-480-4429 stall loafing shed with $139,900 STYLE 8r QUALITY BEAUTIFUL DECORATORHOME auto watering, opens AD ¹9912 - .19 AC Well OLF COURSE & MOUNTAINYIEWS to fenced area, ap- Treed 8 Quiet prox. 40x80 shed for $169,000 hay or what have you. AD ¹1872 - .59 AC r and c r oss Stunning Mtn Views 18989 Couch Market Rd. Fenced f enced with m a ny $249,900 Tumalo Equestrian s eparate areas. 2 AD ¹1782 - 19 AC of Facility! bdrm, 2 bath with sky- Gorgeous Mtn Views • 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 3-car garage 14.56ac, 144x72 indoor •Style& quality -$339,900 • 4 bedrooms,2.5 baths • 2 bedrooms, I bath lights, walk-in closets, $279,000 arena w/15 stalls & • Wrap-around deck for BBQs • 3 bedroom,2.5 baths, double garage • Gas fireplace & A/C • I I46 SF condo dining area with built AD ¹1882 1 AC North guest quarters + 5 stall in hutch. Large living Rim Comm u nity • Roor-to-ceiling stone fireplace • Pool, spa & amenities • Fully fenced yard barn, 3.476 sf home, • Pool, hot tub, tennis room and wood stove. $389,900 indoor pool, fenced • www johnlscoti.com/92357 • www.johnlscott.com/12841 • $375,000 • www jackson-Anderson.com MLS TEAM Birtola Garmyn 7.22 irr, awesome mtn $179,900 PeggyLeeCombs,Broker 54l-480-7653 PeggyLeeCombs,Broker 54I-480-7653 Theresa Ramsay,Broker 54I-S I 5-4442 CandiceAnderson, Broker 54I-788.8878 201108032. Cascade High Desert Realty views. $699,900. Realty, Dennis Hani541-312-9449 Call Peter at 541-419-5391 ford, Princ. Broker www.BendOregon s orllaCa tal.com 541-536-1731 RealEstate.com ~



pa pa











I • Expansive northeasterlyviews of the Ochoco M ountains and Pilot Butt e

• .29 of acre lot in Rivers Edge • This homesite offers 120 feet in width providing op po rt unity for many design options

• Near river trail, golf, shopping and schools

Call Shelly Swaasso, Broker i 541-408-0086

• Only 7 minutes from downtown • Tetherow is a planned 700 acre community backing tonational forest and is the perfect home base for discovering the best of Central Oregon from biking and hiking, rafting and kayaking or dining and shopping Contact Brian for more information or a private tour. www. Tetherow.com

• 1.2 ac. homesite • Sweeping Cascade Mountain view • Championship Golf Course • World class riding facility • Health and Wellness Athletic facility, with classes offered daily • Seller terms with acceptable offer

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker i 541-408-3912

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSi 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist


New Master-Planned Townhome PahllschHomes Development in Midtown! • 3 bedroom townhomes starting at $245,000 • Two units move-in ready • Price includes custom level finishes with full landscaping, slab quartz countertops and energy e%cient construction • Locationsupportsthe active Bend lifestyle with easy accessto parks trails river and downtown


CallBr!8 Ladd, PrincipalBrokl j 541-408-3912 brian@bendpropertysource.com

•I • ~ •8 •

• ~ •8 •


'I'I a


8 c"'

• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1724 SF, .11 acre • Fully fenced, landscapedbackyard • Located within walking distance of Pine Ridge Elementary • Well maintained homecomesturn-key with washer/dryer & all major kitchen appliances • Situated on a corner lot with beautiful landscaping that has been professionally maintained • Home feels light & bright and is move-in ready!

Call Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR,SFR, reen i 541-788-4861 bendluxuryhomes@lgma!I.com

Prestigious Eaglewood Development T- !I • 3 beds, 3 baths, 1916 SF • One of the few private, standalone condos ggit, lI!I!s available • 2 master suites w/their own bathrooms • Close to Deschutes River & Woodlands Golf Course • Complex has private pool plus home has private hot tub MLS¹201300048 '

• This desirable single level home is located in Mountain High • Spacious open floor plan with wonderful golf course views • The living room features large view windows and cozy gas fireplace. • The kitchen is light and bright with a wonderful breakfast nook/sitting area • Expansive outdoor living space is perfect for entertaining MLS¹20131118

Deb Tebbs, Broker/Presidenti 541-419-4553 debtebb sgroup@bendluxuryhomes.com i www.debtebbsgroup.com

• Beautifully maintained home backing to open 40 acre meadow, walking distance to river & elementary school • Everything you could want is in this home! • 4 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, all appliances, 3-cartandem garage, hot tub and luxury featuresthroughout MLS¹201311017

By appointment only Jodi Satko, CSP, Broker i 541-550-0819

Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerj 541-408-0086


• •






• • • • • •

4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths Beautiful slate entry and wood floors throughout! Craft room, office, bonus room, plus exercise room Formal dining and separate kitchen dining area! Great room with gas fireplace! Huge, private, fenced, manicured yard - lots of flowers! • Tandem 4-car garage - room for toys & shop! MLS¹201310596

Call Myra Girod, Broker i 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker i 541-788-6767

Nestled in tall Ponderosa Pines within an hour of Bend & Mt. Bachelor & only 20 min. from Championship Golf & Sunriver. •53557 Kokanee Way, $490,000: Thisbright& open custom-built 1998 home directly overlooks the river • 53610 Brookie Way, $420,000: Beautiful Scandinavian inspired design w/hand blown glass, ironwork & sauna • 53510 Brookie Way, $425,000: Hand-scribed C anadian Spruce log home w/covered porches,backs to N. Forest Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker i 541-408-3912 br!an©bendpropertysource.com

myra. amteam©cascades!r.com

• 4 bedrooms, 3 baths • 3040 SF,im maculate condition • Built-ins and upgrades • Huge loft area • 2 patios, fire pit & water feature • Community pool & park MIS¹201310897

• Wonderful architectural detail I •2701SF,4 bedrooms,3.5 baths ,as; m !To $I • Quality upgrades: granite, I cherry cabinets, tile • Appliances included (new stove) • Porte Cochere, mature landscaping • Backs to Tetherow Park & acrossfrom community park Iv!LS¹201310378

Call CJ Neumann, Broker 541-410-3710 or Lisa Lamberto, Broker 541-610-9697www.CJL!sa.com

Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker, GRI, CRS i 541-4084309 www.bestbendhomes.com

z •


' 8 • 8


~ •• 8

vl l



• Over an acre on Awbrey Butte / • Flat lot, mature landscaping • Exquisitely remodeled kitchen • 3 bedroom suites • Wrap-around deck • 4 beds, 4.5 baths, 4203 SF MLS¹201305997 The Norma DuBoisand Julie Moe Team, Brokers

• Beautiful architecture, wood windows, extensive use of granite, tile, Brazilian hardwoods, alder cabinetry • Gourmet kitchen, great room offers rock fireplace • Master suite overlooks pond, water feature. • Large bonus/media room • Lovely perennial gardens and landscaping • 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 3008 SF.MLS¹201309160

Call Robin Yeakel, ker, CRSi 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

541-312-5151 i www TeamNormaAndJul!e.com


• Stunning NW architecture • 4 bedrooms, 4 baths • Five acre home site with sweeping Cascade Mountain views • Oversized 3-car garage, room on the property for shop, RV storage • Immaculate mature landscaping, grounds MLS¹201308171

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSi 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

• • •

• Private Awbrey Butte cul-de-sac • Dream kitchen with large island & eating bar • Luxurious master suite • Separate in-law quarters on the main level • 5 bed, 5.5 bath, 5010 SF MLS¹201306569

The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Broke 541-312-5151 i www.TeamNormaAndJulle.com




• New construction on level 1+ acre lot •Stunning NorthwestStylew/high end finishes • Open great room floor plan, comfortable yet elegant • Master & den on mainlevel, 3 additional bedroomsup • Oversized 3-cargarage & 3outdoor living areas • Gated community w/tennis courts, clubhouse & trails MLS¹21303701

• 8200 SF situated on 18+ acres, joins BLM land • 6 bedrooms, 4.5 baths • 4 ponds, water feature, paver walks and patios • Stunning perennial

call Ro Da il, P i vpal Broke l 5414$0-3096

Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker, GRI, CRSi 541408-4309



Call Greg Yeakel, Principal Broker i 541-408-7733 or Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSi 541-408-0406

• 19 acres, 16acresirrigation, white vinyl fencing • Spectacular,panoramicCascadeviews •Beautifully remod eled2936SF 3bed/3bathhomewith quality finishes,KnottyAlderdoors&tl!m • Luxuriousmastersuite w/silting area& fireplace,2walk-in closetsandlarge bathw/radiant heated floor • Hardwood&travertine floors, Chef'skitchen,4-cargarage • Hugedl!ve-thruRVbarn/shopwith guest quarters, andoflice •MD barn,210x140arena,shelters&paddocb MLS¹201301029


gardens • 12,000 bottle wine cellar • Hobby barn with 4 stalls, paddocks, corrals MLS¹201307124 • Also available: Cinder Lakes Ranch Equestrian Facility, 160 acres

• • • • • •

7991 SF 2.8 acres with 400' of private river frontage 800 SF guest cabin 4 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, indoor lap pool River & golf front property Adjacent 3.49 acre lot available at $799,000

www.crosswaterriverretreat.com Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker, Director of Lot Sales 541-408-3912 i brian©bendpropertysource.com

S •











' •


0 J

Sparkling Clean!!! SE side of Bend) $194,500

Lot in Super Hot Tetherow ( $235,000

• ALL NEW interior flooring • Fresh new interior paint • Shows AWESOME! • Central air for those HOTdays • Gas fireplace for cold days • 3bdrms,2.5baths,1461 SF • Great location! WON'T LAST! MLS¹201307187

Lot 33 on Coty Dryer Court • Flat, easy to build lot is tucked into the eastern edge of Tetherow, called The Glen, allowing for privacy and quiet but close enough to all the amenities Tetherow hiu to offer • Tetherow community is more than an award winning golf course, it offers open spaces, miles of trails and direct access to Deschutes National Forest just minutes from downtown Bend! MLS¹201310156

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222

69322 Hackamore ( $236,500

Call Melanie Maitre, Broker ABR, SRES, ePRO

Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581

541-480-4186 l melanie©melaniemaitre.com

Nvandenborn¹¹gmail .com

17940 Parkway Lane ) $350,000

972 SE Briarwood Ct ( $407,000


• Build your dream home while you live in loft area or your RV • MLS¹201105893



Tamarack Home in River Rim ~ $459,900

60481 Coffee Ct. ( $464,750

19661 Harvard Place ( $478,000

Call Jordan Grandlund, Principal Broker 541-420-1559 or Stephanie Ruiz, Broker 541-948-5196 www.PointswestBend.com

Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581 Nvandenborn¹¹gmall .com

Westside Charmer ( $529,900

• Like new Renaissancehome in Aspen Rim, 5bedrooms, 3 baths ii,'iL'-¹ • 3000 SF, beautiful hardwoods, slab granite, stainless steel appliances, mud room andopen floor plan • 1 block to pool and park Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581

Call Mary Stratton, Broker l 541%19-6340



Private Tumalo Setting ( $779,000

Close to Town Country Living ( $815,000

Stunning NW Shevlin Ridge ) $745,000

•Cus tom home,3bed,2.5bath • Singlelevel2773SF • Open floorplanw/upgrades • Stunningviews,2.5 acres • Largebackdeck-turnkeyproperty • Oversized 2-cargarage MLS¹201310 275

establishedTanglewood • Large mast erw/gasfireplace &spa-like ensuitew/soakingtub, doublevanities &shower • Gourmetkitchenw/granite countertops,largeeating barand open to greatroomwith fireplace &built-ins • Main floordenw/frenchdoors • Triple tandem garage, RVparking • Private backyard w/large paverpatio

• RV hookups inside & out,100 amp breaker in shop • Great location between Sisters & Bend

Call Joanne McKee, Broker l 541-480-5159


• Beautiful cul-de-sac homein desirable,

• Permitted GP Building w/living quarter/loft • Bath, laundry area, septic, well &


• New construction,luxurytownhome • 4bedroom,3.5bathroom • 2540 SF &2-car attachedgarage • Granite, hardwood &tile throughout • Easyliving in apark-like setting • Ownerprivilegesat Seventh Mountain Resort • Next to WidgiCreek&theDeschutes RiverTrail MLS¹201307670

w/pcel table,bar&stools • 36x4¹ ffnished shop,16' RVdoor, workbench&shelves • Greenhouse, shedw/concrete flcec playhouse w/bunkbeds, playstructure, dog kennelDecks . on3sides

• Community offersclubhouse,pool, basketball courts &endlesstrails MLS¹201304627

Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581

• 4 bed, 2.5 bath, 2063 SF

w w w.desertvalle rou .com

• Garden tub inmastersuite • Great room w/vaulted ceilings, Mt. Bachelorviewsfromkitchen •Woodstove& bonusroom complete

windows, large great room,new septic on wonderful lot that backs to National Forest


• Beautiful 3/4 acre pine treed lot • 3400 SF, 3-car garage • Huge bonus/family room • Formal living & dining, 3 fireplaces • One ownerhomew/lots of extras • Wonderful decking private backyar d w/waterfeature - • Very popular location! • 1604 NW City View

- • 5 private acres, 1.9 acres irrigation, in-ground pop-up sprinkler system • Beautiful 3500 SF, 3 bdrm, qsf 4 ba t h home • Tall vaulted ceilings, timber frame accents • Single-level, 2 master suites • Huge windows overlook irrigated pasture • Over-sized 3 cer garage

•O ne le velhome • 4 bed, 3.5 bath, 3456 SF , • Mountain inspired custom home • Upscale popular neighborhood • Gorgeous craftsmanship • Large kitchen, living spaces • Large 3-car garage MLS¹201310941

Call Rod Hatchell, Broker l 541-728-8812

• Light, biight1971 SFhome, 3beds,2 baths on5acres, roomfor RV ,Biepit

home • New roof, new flooring, new

Call Rod Hatchell, Broker l 541-728-8812



5330 SE Hilltop Rd, Prineville J $249,000

• Great home in Tollgate in Sisters, OR • 3 bedroom, 1466 SFsingle level

• Large establishedtreesfor shade& privacy.Whygo anywhere else?

On the Rim Whychus Creek "Sisters" J $645,000


• Have your veryownvacation cottage onOchocoReservoir •A Privatedockismoored onbeach • Adorable 2 bed, 2bath homehas upper& lowerdecksthattake advantage ofbeautiful views •The.22acre lotisfenced and has auto spdinklers,Storage shed for toys. Horseshoe pit


0 •

• Unique townhomeoffering passive solardesign • Contemporary style with privatesun deckandfencedbackyard • Open kitchen andliving areawith southfacingorientation • Hardwood floors andvaultedceilings • 3bd, 3ba,doublecarattached garagewithspaciousdriveway • NearCostco,Medicalandschools Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

• 3 bed, 2 bath, 1224 SF • Very comfortable home for weekend getaways or full time living in the woods • Desirable development • Close to the Big Deschutes e MLS¹201206233

Charming Cottage on OchocoReservoir ) $290,000

• 4bedroom,3 bath, 2394SF • Large entertainment areadownstairs • 2.5 acresfenced&crossfenced • 10x20storageshed&loaiing shed • ConcreteRVpad &alarge driveway • Bring thehorsesor4-Hprojects MLS¹201309381

Call Stephanie Ruiz, Broker, 541-948-5196

Sunstone Solar Townhomes ( $165,000

• 55149 Forest Lane

Call Chris Sulak, Broker l 541-350-6164

' • Features stainless steel appliances, granite, slate, hardwood, central vac & A/C • Den, enclosed front patio, 3-car garage • Backyardincludeshottub, shed & waterfeature MLS¹201300339




Call Pam Mayo-Phillips, Principal Broker

541-923-1376 www.desertvalle rou .com

Whispering Pines! ( $299,000

Gem in the RoughThree ( Rivers South ( $149,900

•Casc adeMtnviewswithunmatchedseclusion • 2&0 acres w/95acresirrigation •Cust om mainhome4416SF4bed,5.5bath •Guest home:1&50SF,3bed,2bath •Barnwithofice,gatedpaveddriveway,LOPtags • Variedtopography,2 canyons, 2stockedponds • Recreationallifestyle property minutesfrom Bend www.boxsranch.lohnsonrdbend.com MLS¹201306094 Call Pam Mayo-Phillips, or Brook Havens, Principal Brokers

Call Mary Stratton, Broker l 541-419-6340


w w w .desertvalle rou .com

• Patio s,decks,landscaped to enjoy the outdoor living • Fly fish or float from your front yard! MLS¹201302701


Call Pam Mayo-Phillips, or Brook Havens, Principal Brokers

• Private riverfront setting - 10 acres •5544SF custom home 4 bed,3 bath • Quality finishes - hardwood floors, granite countertops, 2 masters • 3-car garage and detached 2220 SF

bordering BLM & Park • Custom home features 3365 SF, 3 bed, 3 bath • Radiant floor heating, solarium, sunroom, patios • Landscaped with sprinkler system, meandering irrigation ditch, & paved driveway MLS¹201306274

• Private Setting on 21 acres


www.bendpropertysource.com • brian©bendpropertysource.com


• 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3167 SF • Rooftop terrace Cascade View • Gourmet kitchen, built-ins • Walking access to town/trails • Upgrades throughout • 2-car garage, personal elevator MLS¹201311003 Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912

Call Laura Blossey, Broker l 949-887%377 laura.blossey©sothebysrealty.com '

' •



' . •

• Unbeatable location in town, on river • 2 bed/ 2 bath + office, 1960 SF • Covered garage parking + carport space • Also boasts Cascade Mountain & park views • Recently remodeled contemporary style • Large deck with room to BBQ & dine MLS¹201308451



• ¹bed,3bath,3381 SF • 10 irrigated acres w/wheel line • Cascade views

• Shop 1 - 2 car garage+ office & den • Shop 2 - 5 cargarage • 2 ponds MLS¹201300637


Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912

Call Ron Davis, Principal Broker l 541-480-3096

Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker l 541-480-2356

www.bendpropettysource.com• brlant¹bendpropertysource.com



1265 NW Remarkable Dr. ( $829,900

In Winston Ranch ( $869,000

New Home in Tetherow! ( $869,000

Deschutes River View Property ( $875,000

• Remarkab leAddress... Rem arkableView •3524SF,4bed,3bathhomesitsontopof the worldwitha1¹0 degreeviewofthe CentralOregonHighDesert • Travertineentry leadsupto expansiveviews

• 3727 SF, 3 bedroom 2.5 bath, bonus • 5.25 acres w/1.25 irrigated • HUGE Cascade Mountain views • Beautifully remodeled • Fully fenced with barn, pasture • RV garage with office MLS¹201310641

• Kitchenw/cheiiy cabinetry&aformal

diningarea • Outsideiswrap-aroundfront deck • Mastercmmainlevel withsoakertub • Downstairarea s withbai area • 3-cargarage,fencedbackyardw/hottub


Call Stephanie Ruiz, Broker l 541-948-5196

Call Chris Sulak, Broker l 541-350-6164 chrissulak©bendbroadband.com


Red Cloud Ranch - Powell Butte ( $899,900

L o c a ted on MirrorPond! ( $1,299,000

• Cascade Mtn viewsfrom private setting • 163 acres with 50acres diy landgrass •Cust om home-5¹10SF,7bed,4bath • Attachedapartment, customoak cabinets • Cedar deck,patio andlandscapedyard • Barn withtackroomandborders

• Stone's throw from downtown Bend • Elegant finishes, 5 bedrooms, 4 baths • Remodeled down to studs


• Backs to12th fairway w/ private and treed yard

• Includes full membership to Tetherow

'I iLI


Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912 www.bendpropertysource.com + brian¹tbendpropertysource.com

Call Jodi Kearney, Broker l 541-693-4019 jodirebroker©hotmall.com

Call Ken Renner, Principal Broker l 541-280-5352 ken.rennerC!sothebysrealty.com

Stone's Throw to River ( $539,900

8 Quail - Sunriver ( $515,000


Call Brook Havens, Broker l 541-604-0788 or Bruce Boyle, Broker l 541-408-0595

• Main house - 3bds, 2.5 ba,2450SF • Guestquarters- 2bds, 1bath,7¹B SF • MLS¹201301¹56

• January completion 'i,

in 2006 • 10 NW Drake Rd. • MLS¹201306173 Call for a Personal Tour!

public land .."'',:- - MLS¹201300754

• River views from nearly everyroom • Rich-toned oakhardwoodfloors • Custom distressedkitchencabinetry • Slab granitecounters • Pro-quality SS appliances • Montanastonefireplace

• 3,078 SF., 3-car garage



• Complete Remodel • Great room • Sun room • Master on Main Level • Hardwood • SS Appliances • 2 decks, patio, hot tub • Terrific rental history • MLS¹201303390

• Dramatic foyer & living area • Exquisite master suite

• 3346 SF • Beamed cathedral ceilings & loft • 4 bedrooms,2full,2 halfbaths • Beautif ulextensive decks • Top end hot tub • 26 Siskin Lane


Call Ken Renner, Principal Broker l 541-280-5352

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222 www.gregsellscentraloregon.com

ken.renner¹¹sothebysrealty.com • •


• J



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a'8 '.75 M M BIEIEIBI jEBTIIin

NORT HWESTCROSSINGl $429900 • • • 541-480-6621 •



New construction 1743 sq.ft. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath P nntalQuartzisland,hardwoodloors 2466 NW CrossingDrive


• Frankhn Brothers newconstruction

• 1501 sq.ft., Model home '66933 G yGt 541-480-1911 • MLS 201310337

AWBREY BUTTEl $998,700 ' ExpansivCas e cadeMouniain views




541-390-0504 • MLS 201306785

' 3 8 56 sq.ft. G3 bedroom, 3 bath

NORT HWESTCROSSINGl $725,088 • 3572 sq.ft. customhome JAHIAUGH IJH, BROKE RABR ('RS • 4 bedroom, 5 bak • Marble counters,cherry floors GRI,CSP 541-350-6049 • MLS 201310012

"'anl+ dnTP n '!

NE BEND l $649,000

DOWNTOW NBENDl $699,000 DIANEROBINSON, • 2593 sq.ft. • 2 master suites BROKER , ABR


• Historic character - renovated

541-419-8165 • MLS 201301793

• C~~to~ 2152 sq ft. ' 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 3.59 acres, 3600 sq.ft. shop

• MLS 201306453

SINGLE LEVELl $499,000 • 2896 sq.ft. MNE ST RELL BRQKERABR gRI • 3 bedroom,3 bath


541-948-7998 • MLS 201304836

541-322-2417 • MLS 201305542

• 5 acres

WEST HILLSBEAUTYl $499,000 • 4 bedroom 2 5 bath • Cascade Mountain views

ELKAIWOODSl $497,750 G 2586 sq.ft. townhome pEIQIAH BEHSOHK • 3 bedroom, 3 bath BROKER , GRI Widgi Creek18thfairway PREV IEWSPECIALISl' • Overlooks 541-480-6448 • MLS 201208996




8 dl




ASPENBIM l $429,900 • 3030 sq.ft. Renaissancebuilt • 4 bedroom, 3 bath

NORTHWEST CROSSING l$389,000 • 1668 sq.h, townhome • 3 bedroom,2.5 bath BROKERGRI mmmilhl~lg • Hardwood floor customcabinets 541-280-2147 • MLS 201310994 JENBOWEN,

• Earth Advantage Certified

• MLS 201310605


ELKHOBN RIDGEl $385,000 • 2245 sq.lt. home ' 4 bedroom 3 bat" • Landscaped, fenced yard

• MLS 201308088


SUNBIVER l $320,000 • Light & cheerful • 1526 sq.ft. BROKER • 3 bedroom, 2 bath 541-480-2269 • MLS 201303490



SE BEND l $319,900 2496 sq h

BRpKER ' • w 3 bedroom, 3 bath • .19acre, fencedyard 541-480-7647 • MLS 201309521

' $$'ji",m+, g nnun ~ LELI


• Deschutes Riverfront ' I 47 ac'e • Build your dream home



POWELL BUTTEl $299,900 • I 846 sq.ft., 4.79 acres • 3 bedroom, 2 bath

• Barn, 2 stalls, next to BLM land 541-588-0687 • MLS 201309898

• MLS 201303902

DBEAMACRE AGE l $299,000

• Smith Rock &Cascade Mtnviews • 2.97 acres • 3 bedroom,2.5 bath


541-948-0997 • MLS 201304520

NE BENDl $279,000 INDAMCK ITRICK, • »» sq ft BRQKERORI • w4 bedroorn,2.5 bath • .17acre corner lot

541-280-6148 • MLS 201308521



TILUCUMVILLAGE l $275.000 • 1682 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .36acre lot

541-410-9045 • MLS 201306049






**n. 3'.



SW BENDl $249,900


1800 sq.ft. DARRIHKEUEHER • Franklin Brothers • New construction, single level BROKER

BONHIE SAVICKAS • DeschutesRiver &Pilot Butieviews • 3 bedroom, 2bath manufactured BROKER , EPRO, • .37 acre lot SRES 541-408-7537 • MLS 201 307954


k d pd! ( 6 6 3 541-788-0029 • MLS 201308645



• Cascade Mountain view • Close to ShevlinPark


541-480-1911 • MLS 201301093


SW BEND l $224,900


• 1419 sq.ft. townhome • 2 bedroom 2 bath 541-548-3598, • On the creek 541-306-9646 • MLS 201302108



• 1702 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2bath • .84acre lot

• MLS 201309806


SE BEND DUPLEX l $219,000

• 848 sq.ft. units • 2 bedroom, 2 bath each • Fenced backyards 541-390-9598 • MLS 201309180


THREE RIVERSSOUTHl $171,100 JACKJPHNS , • 3 bedroom, 2 bath BRpKERQRj • I acre lot 541-480-9300 • MLS 201310807

SISTERS l $169,900 DEBBIE JPHHSPhl, • 4 bedroom, 2 bath BROKER • .17acre, fencedbackyard 541-480-1293 • MLS 201309690 '


• 3 bedroom, 2 bath e Park 541-383-435 • I acre, near La PinState 541-896-1263 • MLS 201310343 '

• NE REDMONDl $145,000 RAYBACHMAN • 1148 sq.ft. BROKER GRI ' • 3bedroom,2bath • Landscaped front yardwithsprinklers 541-408-0696 • MLS 201310603



• 1922 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • I acre

541-383-4334 • MLS 201304830

SW REDMOND! $116,000 JOHN SHIFFEH,IRPRE R, MBAABLCR'SGRI ' • 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath 541-312-7273 • Close to schools& parks 541-948-9090 • MLS 201310825

RIDGE ATEA GLECRESTl $99,900 CHRISIYHARTMAN. Cascade Mountain views • .32 to .36 acre lots DECOU RCEY, • Golf, pool, tennis B, trails BROKER 541-312-7263 • MLS 201301147



• .38acre lot • Views to north and east • Close to upper athletic facility

41 390 5349 • MLS 201307552

PRINEVILLE l $99,000 JJ JONE S, BROKER 541-610-731 541-788-3678

• 2.04 acres • Cascade Mountain views • Crooked Riverviews

• MLS 2704850


Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2013 • •



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Pets & Supplies

Pets & Supplies

Furniture 8 Appliances

Crafts & Hobbies

Ski Equipment

Art, Jewelry & Furs

The Bulletin recommends extra '

Ponshers • Saws

Queensfand Heelers Standard & Mini, $150 8 up. 541-280-1537



www.rightwayranch.wor l caution when purchasing products or I Repair & Supplies dpress.com services from out of I s Chihuahua puppies, tiny, Rodent issues? Free 8 the area. Sending 8 Bandera Skis, poles, adult barn/ shop cats, ' cash, checks, o r ' 1st shots/dewormed, boots, $50; Kemper 241 fixed, shots, some $250. 541-977-0035 l credit i n formation Virtue Womens 152c friendly, some n o t. may be subjected to Bicycles & like new, $275. Will deliver. 389-8420 l FRAUD. For more 541-389-8563 Accessories information about an 8 Wolf-Husky pups, beau- advertiser, you may I tiful, gentle, $400 ea. l call t h e Want to impress the Ore g onl 541-977-7019 relatives? Remodel ' State Atto r ney ' O ff ice your home with the Dachshund mini pie- Yorkie male, 6 months, l General's GREAT personality! Consumer Protec- • help of a professional bald male, $450. Call $500. Can deilver. t ion ho t l in e at I 541-508-0386 for info. from The Bulletin'9 Call 541-792-0375 i 1-877-877-9392. 2005 Maverick ML7 "Call A Service Donate deposit bottles/ Mountain Bike, 15" 210 cans to local all vol., Professional" Directory I TheBulletin > frame (small). Full Serving Central Oregon since 190S non-profit rescue, for Furniture & Appliances suspension, Maverick feral cat spay/ neuter. s hock, SRAM X O 245 Cans for Cats trailer drivetrain & shifters, 9 212 at Bend Petco; or do- A1 Washers&Dryers Golf Equipment speed rear cassette, $150 ea. Full warnate M-F at S mith Antiques & 34-11, Avid Juicy disc Sign, 1515 NE 2nd; or ranty. Free Del. Also Collectibles brakes. Well t a ken CHECK YOURAD wanted, used W/D's at CRAFT, Tumalo. c are o .f $950 . 541-280-7355 Call for Ig. quantity 541-788-6227. pickup, 541-389-8420. www.craftcats.org People Lookfor Information Bed frame, beautiful A CtsJJCJgu CtsnctJPt Cali King, solid brass, bgctg" About Products and Fosters needed for 5 Services Every Daythrough Visit our HUGE on the first day it runs cats just rescued from $200. 541-508-2250 home decor The Bulletin Clnnniffnrfs to make sure it is coryears of confinement G ENERATE SOM E consignment store. rect. nSpellcheckn and alone in a bedroom EXCITEMENT in your Newitems 242 with minimal care. 2 human errors do ocneighborhood! Plan a arrive daily! cur. If this happens to had to be shaved and garage sale and don't Exercise Equipment 930 SE Textron, 4 need dental care. forget to advertise in your ad, please conBend 541-318-1501 tact us ASAP so that Nice cats, starved for classified! www.redeuxbend.com 208 206 a ttention. Res c ue 541-385-5809. corrections and any adjustments can be group needs help with Pets & Supplies • Pe ts & Supplies vet c o sts, f o sters NEED TO CANCEL The Bulletin reserves made to your ad. YOUR AD? 541 -385-5809 while they heal, 8 Aussie/Heeler mix, the right to publish all The Bulletin recomThe Bulletin caring per manent The Bulletin Classified shots & dewormed, ads from The Bulletin mends extra caution homes. 541 - 389- Classifieds has an $150. 541-977-4686 Life Fit R91 newspaper onto The when purc h as"After Hours" Line 8420 598-5488. PO The Bulletin Recumbent BikeBulletin Internet webing products or ser- Aussies, Mini, AKC Red/ Bx 6441, Bend 97708, Call 541-383-2371 To Subscribe call Absolutely like new site. vices from out of the Blue merle, Black Tris, 2 www.craftcats.org 24 hrs. to cancel with new battery541-385-5800 or go to area. Sending cash, litters. 541-788-7799 or your ad! operates perfectly! Labradors AKCThe Bulletin www.bendbulletin.com checks, or credit in202 541-598-5314. Serving Central Oregonsince Igttg Clean, always 2 chocolate males left! f ormation may b e housed inside home. Want to Buy or Rent Shots, wormed, health/ 246 subjected to fraud. Bichon Frise reg. AKC $2100 new; hip guar. 541-536-5385 215 more informaselling for $975. Guns, Hunting puppies and also a Wanted: Oak bedframe/ For www.welcomelabs.com tion about an adver- 6 -mo.-old male f o r Coins & Stamps Great Christmas gift! headboard for reg. or & Fishing e' tiser, you may call 541-647-2227 waterbed mattress. sale. 5 41-953-0755 the O r egon State 541-408-0846 or 541 - 9 12-1905. CASH!! HANCOCK & Attorney General's rwellette©yahoo.com For Guns, Ammo & IVIOORE SOFA People Look for Information Office C o nsumer People Lookfor Information Reloading Supplies Salmon/Coral cheAbout Products and Protection hotline at About Products and 541-408-6900. nille fabric with diaServices Every Day through 1-877-877-9392. Services Every Daythrough mond pattern. TradiP EKINGESE P U PThe Bulletin Clnnniffnrfn The Bnffnlin Clnsnifferfs Guns, reloading equipThe Bulletin PIES, small, spoiled, tional styling with HELP YOUR AD Serving Centrai Oregonstnce tggg ment, ammo, brass, loose pillow back, born 10/16/13, 1st stand out from the 205 knives & other sporting Nordic Trac A2350. shots, dews, back- down-wrapped seat rest! Have the top line goods. 541-576-4213 Presents beautifully. Items for Free Adopt a rescued kitten Cavalier Puppies, yard potty t rained, cushions, roll arms, in bold print for only Hardly used. A or cat! Fixed, shots, Ready 1/16/14. Takparents on site, $400. skirt, two matching $2.00 extra. perfect holiday gift. People Lookfor Information Stearns & Foster Calif. ID chip, tested, more! p illows and a r m 541-514-8160 ing deposits. Only King AND full mattress/ Rescue at 65480 78th $350.00 covers. L i ke new About Products and three left. $900/ea. The Bulletin boxsprings, sli g htly St., Bend, Thurs/Sat/ Sewing Central tomgon sinceSggg Cash and carry. POODLE pups AKC toy, condition. $1 000. Services EveryDaythrough 541-408-5909 or used. Moving; Free, lf Sun, 1-5, 389-8420. 541-390-1713. tiny teacup, cuddly people 541-526-1332 541-385-5809 541-548-4574. The BulletinClnssiBeds you haul. 541-647-2227 www.craftcats.org dogs. 541-475-3889

ITEMS FORSALE 201 - NewToday 202- Want to buy or rent 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 204- Santa's Gift Basket 205- Free Items 208- Pets and Supplies 210 - Furniture & Appliances 211- Children's Items 212 - Antiques & Collectibles 215- Coins & Stamps 240- Crafts and Hobbies 241 - Bicycles andAccessories 242 - Exercise Equipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246-Guns,Huntingand Fishing 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. 248- Health and Beauty Items 249 - Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 253 - TV, Stereo andVideo 255 - Computers 256 - Photography 257 - Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259 - Memberships 260- Misc. Items 261 - Medical Equipment 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. 263- Tools

264- Snow Removal Equipment 265 - Building Materials 266- Heating and Stoves 267- Fuel and Wood 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment 270- Lost and Found GARAGESALES 275 - Auction Sales 280 - Estate Sales 281 - Fundraiser Sales 282- Sales Norlhwest Bend 284- Sales Southwest Bend 286- Sales Norlheast Bend 288- Sales Southeast Bend 290- Sales RedmondArea 292 - Sales Other Areas FARM MARKET 308- Farm Equipment andMachinery 316- Irrigation Equipment 325- Hay, Grain and Feed 333- Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies 341 - Horses andEquipment 345-Livestockand Equipment 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers 358- Farmer's Column 375 - Meat andAnimal Processing 383- Produce andFood


l l




Rft ftz8®

14-kt white gold ladies wedding band with a bright polish finish, 1.66 carat diamond Hearts and arrows, round cut, Sl -1 Clarity, F color. Appraised at $15,000. Very unique piece. Asking $9500. 541-281-7815

Oil painting by noted NY artist Julie Heffernan, 22nx18n framed, $500. 541-546-0675 253

TV, Stereo & Video D irecTV - O ve r 1 4 0 channels only $29.99 a month. Call Now! Triple savings! $636.00 in Savings, Free upgrade to Genie & 2013 NFL Sunday ticket free!! Start saving today! 1-800-259-5140 (PNDC) DISH T V Ret a iler. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed I nternet starting a t $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-308-1563

(PNDC) The Bulletin To Subscribe call 541-385-5800 or go to www.bendbulletin.com S amsung 42 " LC D HDTV, 1080p + Samsung BluRay player 8 pwr strip, 2 HDMI cables, $300 obo. 541-306-3662

*Ad runs until SOLD or up to 8 weeks (whichever comes first!)

Includes up to 40 words of text, 2 u in length,

with border, full color photo, bold headline and price.

Item Priced af:

Your Total Ad Cost onl:

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-------------- $29

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The Bulletin 541-

........................... $49

........................... $59

5- 5


• The Bulletin, • Ce ntr'al Oregon Marketplace • The Central Oregon Nickel Ads ® bendbulletin.com 'Private party merchandise only - excludes pets 8 livestock, autos, RVs, motorcycles, boats, airplanes, and garage sale categories. Some restrictions apply.

wreckerf Sle&Arter m@ketmotor Jspumde. Ve0 Fast anuFUA. e ail servlce recomc fuoving fercess I l

$2000Oeo 541-000 000



541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com

AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Tuesday.••• • • • • • • • • • .Noon Mon. Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tues. Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. Friday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri.



:> Qty J~;QJlf~k

Hay, Grain & Feed

All Year Dependable First quality Orchard/TimFirewood: Seasoned; othy/Blus Grass mixed Cedar, Spl i t, D e l . hay, no rain, barn stored, Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 $250/ton. Patterson Ranch Sisters, 541-549-3831 for $325. Lodgepole 1 for $195 or 2 for $365. 541-420-3484. Looking for your 269 next employee? Place a Bulletin Gardening Supplies help wanted ad & Equipment today and reach over BarkTurfSoil.com 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad PROMPT D ELIVERY 541-389-9663 will also appear on bendbuHetin.com For newspaper which currently delivery, call the receives over Circulation Dept. at 1.5 million page 541-385-5800 views every To place an ad, call month at no 541-385-5809 extra cost. or email classifiedttbendbulletin.com Bulletin Classifieds The Bulletin Get Results! Serrlng CentralOregon rrnte tgta Call 541-385-5809 or place your ad 270 on-line at Lost & Found bendbuHetin.com Found: Black ski glove, Burton, zipper pocket, 341 by Newport Ave. Call Horses & Equipment 541-389-5922.

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FINANCEANDBUSINESS 507- Real Estate Contracts 514 - Insurance 528- Loans andMortgages 543- Stocks andBonds 558- Business Investments 573 - BusinessOpportunities




Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

r.=.-"-,.— .a

Add your web address SALES PERSON to your ad and read- Local floor covering store ers on The Bulletin's has immediate need web site, www.bendfor F-T salesperson. • Must possess com- chasing products or I bulletin.com, will be puter knowledge; have services from out of • able to click through sales & design experi- I the area. Sending automatically to your c ash, checks, o r ence website. • Knowledge of carpet, I credit i n f ormation • Placea photo inyourprivate party ad vinyl, tile, hardwood 8 may be subjected to PRIVATE PARTY RATES Information System I FRAUD. stone. for only $15.00par week. Starting at 3 lines Support Specialist • natural Responsible for show- For more informaH igh Desert ESD is *UNDER '500in total merchandise coverage, man- tion about an adverOVER '500 intotal merchandise hiring an Information room agement of individual you may call 7 days.................................................. $10.00 4 days.................................................. $18.50 System Support Spe- accounts for c lients I tiser, Oregon State c ialist w i t hi n our working on remodel I the 14 days................................................ $16.00 7 days.................................................. $24.00 General's Technology Depart- and/or new construc- Attorney *llllust state prices in ad C o n sumer s 14 days .................................................$33.50 ment. 4 0 hrs / wk, tion. Material selec- Office Protection hotline at f 28 days .................................................$61.50 Mon.-Fri., Garage Sale Special 230 tions, estimates, sales I 'I-877-877-9392. days/year. No l e ss agreements, ordering 4 lines for 4 days ................................. $20.00 (call for commercial line ad rates) than $16.67/hr. Paid product, i n stallation leave, full b enefits. work orders and inFor details 8 applica- voicing. Actively purFound Mt. B a chelor A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: tion: www.hdesd.org sue new accounts and teen ski pass, lan Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. rospects. 541-388-8897, Robert. * ages based on experiThuro-Bilt 3H NIGHT ATTENDANT BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN ( ) Lost: Men's prescrip- 2008 ence. Email resume Looking for your next slant Shilo, g reat Whispering W i n ds employee? REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well tion glasses 1 2/14 c ondition. and cover letter to: $ 5 9 0 0 Retirement is seeka Bulletin help possibly on north end obo. 541-317-0988. ing a person to work wall 970Ohotmail.com Place as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin wanted ad today and o f Bond o r Wa l l the night shift (1 0 p.m. bendbulletin.com reach over 60,000 reserves the right to reject any ad at 541-388-2596 Get your to 7 a.m.) Part-time readers each week. any time. is located at: position av a i lable. People Lookfor Information Your classified ad business Duties include light 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. About Products and will also appear on o INI] o laundry, misc. office Services Every Daythrough bendbulletin.com Bend, Oregon 97702 w ork. A b l e t o r e which currently The Bnllefin Clnssifiede spond t o re s ident receives over 1.5 emergencies if million page views PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction needed. Former carevery month at is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right egiving e x perience With an ad in no extra cost. REMEMBER:If you to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these helpful b ut not Bulletin Classifieds have lost an animal, newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party required. A p ply in The Bulletin's don't forget to check Get Results! Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. person to Whispering Call 385-5809 The Humane Society 421 Winds, 2920 NE Con- "Call A Service or place Bend n ers A v e. , B e n d. 255 266 260 266 Schools & Training your ad on-line at 541-382-3537 Pre-employment drug Prof essionai" Computers Travel/Tickets Rfisc. Items Heating & Stoves bendbulletin.com Redmond • testing required Oregon Medical 541-923-0882 Training PCS T HE B ULLETIN r e - Advertise V A CATION How to avoid scam NOTICE TO Prtne ilte Directory Phlebotomy classes C a lThe l Bulletin At ADVERTISER quires computer ad- SPECIALS to 3 miland fraudattempts 54t-44r-rtre; begin Jan. 6, 2014. vertisers with multiple lion Pacific N o rth- VBe aware of internaSince September 29, 54f 385 5809 n C ettoete ' Registration now open: ad schedules or those westerners! 29 daily tional fraud. Deal lo1991, advertising for 54t-see-e420. MECHANIC FOR FORKLIFT SHOP ore onmedicaitrainin .com selling multiple sys- newspapers, six used woodstoves has cally whenever posAt: www.bendbulletin.com 541 343 31 00 286 tems/ software, to dis- states. 25-word clasbeen limited to modBright Wood Corporation in Madras is seeking close the name of the sified $540 for a 3-day u'sible. els which have been Sales Northeast Bend EXPERIENCED mechanic to work in our Watch for buyers Plumber Journeymen an business or the term a d. C a l l (916) who certified by the Oroffer more than Find exactly what Nesd s d for new con- forklift shop. The most qualified candidates "dealer" in their ads. 2 88-6019 o r v is i t egon Department of will possess a minimum of 2 years experience asking price and Environmental Qual- ** FREE ** you are looking for in the struction. Start immediPrivate party advertis- www.pnna.com for the your ask to have atsly! Good Pay/bsnsfits working with hydraulic plumbing, automotive ers are defined as Pacific Nor t hwest who ity (DEQ) and the fedCg ASSIFIEDS Sale Kit wired or Call Gary 541-410-1655 electrical wiring, possess strong diagnostic/ those who sell one Daily Co n nection. money eral E n v ironmental Garage troubleshooting skills and be familiar with handed back to them. Place an ad in The computer. (PNDC) Protection A g e ncy Bulletin for your gadiagnostic equipment or have the ability to Fake cashier checks (EPA) as having met rage sale and relearn. A valid Oregon driver's license and Pressroom and money orders 260 smoke emission stangood driving record is required. Applicant are common. ceive a Garage Sale Night Supervisor dards. A cer t ified 257 Misc. Items must be able to lift 50 pounds, have your own YNever give out perKit FREE! The Bulletin, located in beautiful Bend, Orw oodstove may b e tools, possess good people skills, be selfMusical Instruments sonal financial inforegon, is seeking a night time press superviidentified by its certifiAuto Accident Attorney mation. motivated and be able to work independently KIT INCLUDES: sor. We are part of Western Communications, cation label, which is • 4 Garage Sale Signs INJURED I N AN YTrust your instincts and as a team player. A high school diploma Inc. which is a small, family owned group conpermanently attached • $2.00 Off Coupon To AUTO A CCIDENT? and be wary of or GED equivalent is required. sisting of seven newspapers: five in Oregon to the stove. The Bul- use Toward Your Call InjuryFone for a someone using an and two in California. Our ideal candidate will letin will not knowNext Ad free case evaluation. escrow service or Position is full-time 40 hours or more a week manage a small crew of three and must be ingly accept advertis- • 10 Tips For "Garage Never a cost to you. flexible hours to meet the demands of agent to pick up your able to l e arn o u r e q uipment/processes with ing for the sale of Sale Success!" Don't wait, call now! production. We offer a competitive hourly merchandise. quickly. A hands-on style is a requirement for uncertified 1-800-539-9913. wage and benefits package (after your introour 3t/~ tower KBA press. Prior management/ Mason & Hamlin (PNDC) ductory period) that includes medical, life The Bulletin woodstoves. leadership experience preferred. In addition to PICK UP YOUR Baby Grand Piano. Serving Central Oregon since tgtu insurance, vision, vacation, holiday and profit 267 our 7-day-a-week newspaper, we have nuGARAGE SALE KIT at Beautiful black lacBend Indoor Swap sharing. We are a drug free workplace and YOUR 1777 SW Chandler merous commercial print clients as well. We quer finish. Still unMeet - A Mini-Mall full *REDUCE Fuel & Wood equal opportunity employer. CABLE BILL! Get an Ave., Bend, OR 97702 offer a competitive wage and opportunity for der warranty. of Unique Treasures! All-Digital Sa t e llite advancement. A great Christmas 3rd St. & Wilson Ave. A clean pre-employment drug screen is system installed for The Bulletin If you provide dependability combined with a Gift! $25,000 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. WHEN BUYING SerrlngCentral Oregonsince retu mandatory. Qualified candidates should apply FREE and programpositive attitude, are able to manage people (orig. $47,000) FIREWOOD... in person at. m ing s t arting a t Buying Diamonds and schedulesand are a team player,we swingroll61 Ogmail. To avoid fraud, 292 $ 24.99/mo. FRE E would like to hear from you. If you seek a com /Gold for Cash Bright Wood Corporation, upgrade for The Bulletin Sales Other Areas stable work environment that provides a great 541-312-2425 Saxon's Fine Jewelers HD/DVR PersonnelDept., new callers, SO CALL recommends payplace to live and raise a family, let us hear 541-389-6655 335 Nyy Hess Sf., NOW (877)366-4508. ment for Firewood from you. NOTICE Madras OR 97741. only upon delivery (PNDC) BUYING Contact Al Nelson, Pressroom Manager at Remember to remove and inspection. Lionel/American Flyer REDUCE a ers.com wit h your YOUR • A your Garage Sale signs anelson©wescom cord is 128 cu. ft. trains, accessories. complete resume, references and salary hisCABLE BILL!* Get a (nails, staples, etc.) Pressman 4' x 4' x 8' 541-408-2191. tory/requirements. No phone calls please. whole-home Satellite • Receipts should after your Sale event Experienced press operator Drug test is required prior to employment. installed at is over! THANKS! Meet singles right nowl BUYING & SE LLING system include name, EOE. NO COST and proFrom The Bulletin Our Smith River, CA. production plant is seekNo paid o perators, All gold jewelry, silver phone, price and ramming starting at and your local utility ing an experienced Goss community press kind of wood just real people like and gold coins, bars, 1 9.99/mo. FRE E companies. operator. We have 8 units that have been well you. Browse greet- rounds, wedding sets, HD/DVR Upgrade to purchased. The Bulletin maintained and added to during the past sevings, exchange mes- class rings, sterling sil- new callers, SO CALL • Firewood ads SerrlngCentral Oregon since rstu The Bulletin eral years including rebuilt quarter folder. We MUST include sages and connect ver, coin collect, vin- NOW Serving Central Oregon sincergte tage watches, dental have CTP operation with Kodak equipment as live. Try it free. Call species & cost per 1-866-984-8515. www.bendbunetin.com gold. Bill Fl e ming, Prepress Systems Analyst well. cord to better serve now: 877-955-5505. 541-382-9419. (PNDC) our customers. (PNDC) The Bulletin is seeking a Prepress Systems We are Western Communications, Inc. a famThe Bulletin Offers Analyst. This person works with staff memily owned company that has 7 newspapers in Free Private PartyAds The Bulletin Serring CentralOregon since tgte bers in day-to-day production of The Bulletin's California and Oregon. Our company provides • 3 lines - 3 days products, and with Commercial Print customa great culture and work environment. This • Private Party Only ers, to ensure efficient prepress processing plant prints 2 of our publications plus a limited • Total of items adver- 1 cord dry, split Juniper, and successful runs on press. This position amount of commercial printing, which we hope tised must equal $200 $200/cord. Multi-cord requires knowledge of computer hardware, to grow. This is a 4-day, 32-hour shift that re• • C al l 5 4 I -385-5809 or Less discounts, 8 t/a cords software and operating systems, as well as FOR DETAILS or to quires hands on community press experience available. Immediate in-depth experience with litho plate production and ideal candidate will be willing to assist in PLACE AN AD, delivery! 541-408-6193 to r o m ote ou r s ervice and offset printing. The right candidate will other areas outside the pressroom such as Call 541-385-5809 have an understanding and background in prepress and mailroom as needed. Fax 541-385-5802 Banking graphic arts workflow, and a thorough knowlHandyman Adult Care WHEN YOU SEE THIS edge of prepress layout software. Smith Rwer is centrally located between Crescent City, CA, one of our papers that prints evLife Tree Personal I DO THAT! This is a hands-on position, involving work with Service LLCHome/Rental repairs ery Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday a.m. with Commercial Print customers during job planSenior Concierge Service Small jobs to remodels M approximately 5,000 circulation, and BrookCreditUnion Ore P i X a t B e n d iIj l e ti n . C O I I • Errands• Home Mgmt. ning, production, and with troubleshooting as Honest, guaranteed ings, OR. Our Brookings publication is also On a classified ad • Organizing 541-389-2591 required. The Bulletin is a drug-free workplace approximately 5,000 circulation that prints on work. CCB¹151573 go to Loan Officer and an equal opportunity employer. Dennis 541-317-9768 www.bendbulletin.com Wednesday andSaturday a.m. Both Crescent (Financial Service Representative) City and Brookings provide excellent quality of Building/Contracting to view additional Send a resume with qualifications, skills, life to raise a family. photos of the item. Full-time lending position in Bend includes experience and past employment history to: NOTICE: Oregon state ERIC REEVE HANDY Just bought a new boat? openingnew accounts,processing, approving law requires anyone SERVICES. Home 8 Sell your old one in the The Bulletin If this sounds like you, we would like to hear disbursing loan applications, and educat1777 SW Chandler Ave. from you. Please send resume with referwho con t racts for Commercial Repairs, classifisds! Ask about our and ing members about the features and benefits construction work to PO Box 6020 ences and salary requirements to: David DeCarpentry-Painting, Super Seller rates! of the credit union's products and services. be licensed with the Bend, OR 97708-6020 longe, Qu a lit y Con t ro l Sup e rvisor Pressure-washing, 541-385-5809 Construction ContracAttention: James Baisinger ( ddelonge@triplicate.com), PO B o x 2 7 7 , Honey Do's. On- time Position requires excellent sales and customer tors Board (CCB). An 262 by Friday, January 9, 2014. Crescent City, CA 95531. promise. Senior service skills, sound decision-making, and the active license Discount. Work guar- • Commercial/Office ability to understand and retain a variety of means the contractor anteed. 541-389-3361 Equipment & Fixtures complex product and services information. is bonded & insured. or 541-771-4463 Successful candidate must be PC-proficient in Verify the contractor's Bonded & Insured 2-drawer metal file cabi- a Windows environment. 1-2 Years lending CCB l i c ense at CCB¹18'I 595 net w/keys, $25. Call/text experience required. www.hirealicensed541-350-1555. contractor.com or call 503-378-4621. Go to www.midoregon.com for more informa263 Repairs, Remod tion including job application. Please send The Bulletin recom- Home els, Tile, Carpentry • Tools mends checking with Finish work, Mainte resume, application, and cover letter to: the CCB prior to conMid Oregon FCU, Attn:Human Resources, nance. CCB¹168910 tracting with anyone. Phil, 541-279-0846. P.O. Box 6749, Bend, OR 97708. Newin box, Some other trades or nearly new also req u ire addiMid Oregon Credit Vnion is a Craftsman Tools: drug-free workplace tional licenses and • 10 n Stationary certifications. Landscaping/Yard Care radial arm saw, 5.220100, CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE NOTICE: Oregon Land- Model ¹31 Debris Removal Immediate opening in the Circulation depart$375. scape Contractors Law • 10 n Stationary table ment for an entry level Customer Service Rep(ORS 671) requires all JUNK BE GONE resentative. Looking for someone to assist our saw w/guide rails, businesses that adI Haul Away FREE subscribers and delivery carriers with subvertise t o pe r form model ¹31 5.228590, For Salvage. Also scription transactions, account questions and $325. Landscape ConstrucCleanups & Cleanouts • 6-1/8 n Jointer delivery concerns. tion which includes: Mel, 541-389-8107 l anting, deck s , planer "Professional" Essential: P o s i tive a tti t ude, s tro n g ences, arbors, model ¹351.227240, service/team orientation, and problem solving $250 obo. Domestic Services water-features, and inskills. Must be able to function comfortably in a Call 541-504-6413 stallation, repair of irfast-paced, performance-based customer call daytimehours. rigation systems to be A ssisting Seniors a t center environment and have accurate typing, th e Home. Light house- l icensed w it h eolklskis phone skills and computer entry experience. tee keeping & other ser- Landscape Contrac265 errt rke te ig Most work is done via telephone so strong tors Board. This 4-digit • Building Materials vices. Licensed & communication skills and the ability to multi in' number is to be inh' dings itt grsat sh I Bonded. BBB Certithat Oldtired SetOfSkiSyou got frOmyOur Ski BumBuddy! „o RePlaCe task is a must. cluded in all adverfied. 503-756-3544 2 ssssonsttf use Bend Habitat tisements which indiI dittgs ittths RESTORE cate the business has Work shift hours are Monday through Friday A ssisting Seniors a t Supply Resale 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Under $500 $2tp bMe s d freshlywaxed Home. Light house- a bond, insurance and Building Quality at LOW • $500 fo $99 9 $39 keeping & other ser- workers compensaandtunedfor thesetN' " PRICES tion for their employMust be flexible on hours, as some Holidays, saso ouo vices. Licensed 8 • $1000 fo $249tP $4tP 740 NE 1st ees. For your protecweekends or early morning hours might occasat otts400 Bonded. BBB Certi• $2500 and over $59 541-312-6709 tion call 503-378-5909 sionally be required. Pre-employment drug fied. 503-756-3544 Open to the public. or use our website: testing required. Includes up to 40 words oftext, 2" in length, with border, www.lcb.state.or.us to Steel Building Drywall check license status Allocated Please send resume to: fullcolor photo, bold headline and price. Bargains ServingCentral Oregonsince rgta before contracting with ahusted © bendbulletin.com WALLS R US 40x60 on up • The Bulletin, • The Cent ralOregonNickel Ads the business. Persons 541-385-5809 Hang tape, texture, We do deals doing lan d scape The Bulletin • Central Oregon Marketplace s bendbulletin.com Some restrictions apply terrrng Central Oregon rrnre r903 www.goateelbuildings.com scraping old ceilings, maintenance do not Source¹ 18X & paint. 25 yrs. exp. r equire an LC B l i EOE/Drug free workplace 'Private partymerchandiseonly - excludespets&livestock, autos,RVs,molorcycles,boats, airplanes,ondgaragesalecolsgodiea Call Bob, 760-333-4011 cense. 541-227-6921

Saturday • • • Sunday. • • • •

•... . . . .

3 :00pm Fri.

• • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri •




The Bulletin




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C L U B sa~urday, December is,i013

Rubbing it in

ACROSS t It includes pinning and throwing s "Chicago" setting ts Rapture ts Skyrocket t7 Prepare to pull the trigger ts Couple seen at a baby shower ts Hard knocks soIt might hold up a holdup ssReason for a semiannual shift: Abbr. 23 Skunk and such 34 Star in Virgo ssAid in getting a

s4 First name among Italian hantom in explorers "The Phantom" ss With 34 Person ramifications with small ssGalls inventions sz Does some 37 Slam dunk stat farrier's work 4t Benchmark on mark 43 They have DOWN seats t One feeling 43 Crew's director 15-Across after -je?" 44 "Que Super Bowl III ("What do I 3Title name know?": Fr.) written "on 4s "The Great the door of this legended Caruso" title role player tomb," in poetry 4BPerpetual 10-year-old of 3 Home of TV Southeast Asia's largest 47 Wile E. Coyote gl'IP mosque buy ssCheck spec. 4 News briefs 4s Too, to Therese 37 Abyss sColombian game ssModern Persian 4BBoard kinfolk with black and s" 39 "That's clever!" see" white stones st California's so Pupil of 7 Like the human Sea (rift lake) Pissarro genome, before the 1990s ss Gota ssLike many 41-Across on laptop cameras s "St. John Passion" composer ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE BNow, to NicolAs BOS C 0 J A C K L O R D to Choice for a AXT 0 N RET R I E V E R long shot SNA R E A B O U T F A C E t t Sound in the comic "B.C." A D DAF I N ES T L E S UR I M E NDE L T I S ts Groveled EDA M L I ES C H I V E ts Tepid consent AL I E N P A I N E D t4 Sitcom pal of L I FE P RES E RV E R Barbarino and Horshack CE L I NE U L NAE AT L A S O V U M S O A P st Grammynominated Ford TAG P REM E D R U E 34 No-yeast feast CL E ARE D D N AT E S T HOT POT AT O W H I T E ss Parking meeter? ON I O N R I N G N AD E R 37 Cuts up W E T PA I N T SW A N S ss Adder's defense

By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency

A club player came to me for commiseration. "My partner is a good analyst," he said, "but short on empathy. He not only puts a finger on my faults, he rubs it in." My friend was declarer at 3NT. When West led a heart, East took the ace and returned the queen. "I took my king," South said, "and cashed the high clubs, hoping for a 33 break. When West discarded, I ran the spades aud next led a diamond. East claimed for down one. "My partner rubbed it in. He said I was wrong to jump to 3NT with only one heart trick and no aces; East was sure to have a fast entry to t he hearts."

opens one heart, you bid one spade aud hejumps to 2NT. What do you say? ANSWER: Partner promises 18 to 20 points (depending on your range for 1NT and 2NT opening bids) with balanced pattern. Your 16 points will surely produce a small slam, hence bid 6NT. If partner has the right maximum hand, he may take 13 tricks. But to bid a speculative grand slam, risking the loss of the smallslam bonus, would be unwise. North dealer N-S vulnerable NORTH

4AQ97 QJ O QJ 8 5 4AQ73

SPADES Even ifSouth had bid only 2NT, North-South would have reached game. If North was going to be critical, he could have cited South's play. After South takes the king of hearts, he must ruu the spades. East can pitch a diamond and a heart but is stuck ou the fourth spade. If he throws a second heart, South can safely force out the ace of diamonds, losing only three hearts besides. DAILY QUESTION

WEST 4 8643 2 954 06432 465

EAST 45 9 A Q10962 QA7 III J 1098 SOUTH 45K J10 QKS73 0 K109 4K42

North 10

Ea s t 19

Sout h 3 NT

W est All Pas s

Opening lead — 9 5 Youhold: 4 5 A Q 9 7 9 J 0 Q J8 5 4 A Q 7 3 . Y o urpartner (C) 2013 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.prg. BIZARRO

33 Billy who layed the






































No. 1 123





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so They're offlimits: Var.

ss Member of 31-Down's team 3t Pole star? 37 Geiger of 33 Its main island Geiger counter is unguja fame 34 Asset in a drag ss "You're not the only one!" contest ss Recess for a ssWhence a girl joint who's "like a samba," in song 4o Reaches

43 Leisurely strolls 4s It's often parried 4B Impolite interruption 4s Indigo source 49 Spinal cord surrounders st Rescue vessel? ss Relative of Aztec

Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswcrds from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 388 tc download puzzles, or visit nyiimes.ccm/mcbilexwcrd for more information. Online subscripticns: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nyiimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nyiimes.com/wcrdplay. Crcsswords for young solvers: nyiimes.com/learning/xwords.


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LOS ANGELESTIMES CROSSWORD Edited by Rich NOrriSand Joyce Nichols Lewis


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ACROSS 1 There may be tears in them 6 Track event 15 Like some office boxes 16 Track event 17 Yellow-flowered medicinal plant 18 Champing at the


1 Convince otherwise 2 More disturbed 3 Disdain 4 Skipjack, perhaps 5 Tinny

6 Nursery product WOI'd

7 Follies

bit, and then

some $9 © 2013 by King Features Syndicate, nc. World rights reserved

E-mai: bholbrook1@gmai 00m



SIXCHW 4409 Klng Feahws Syndlaale, Inc.



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Ni'r Q@ATs.

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33 Deco designer 34 Agreeing words 35 Latin quarters? 39 1996 film with


THAT SCRAIBBLED WORD GANIE by Dsvld L Rayt 4nd 44II Knul48


UnSCramble theSe fOur Jumbles, One letter Io eaCh Square, 10 fOrm fOur OrdinaryWOrdS.


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0 laughingStock Inlernational Inc., Disl by Universal 00lick tor UFS, 2013

"I wanted to ask you what you thought of gun control."

10 form Ihe surprise answer,88 suggested bythe above cartoon.

Print answer here: (A08Wers MOnday) CLING P A RISH T U X E DO Answer: When they decided Io name their island "Br88in"

y6519165y8 ~ Jumbles: ANKLE

698lyone thOught IIW88 —A GREAT IDEA

the tagline 'YIKES! They've Landed!" 41 Arlzona retirement community 45 Black-footed albatrosses 46 Ring materlal 47 Savory, e.g. 48 Tex.-based carrier 49 "Such a shame" 50 It'S a mess 52 Zen awakening 54 Daily reading for many 57 Nitpick 58 New members 59 Whence Icarus fled 60 Ones on the way

4 0 Caldwell's " Road"

53 Frank Kennedy 41 Most popular saved it from baby girl's name for e closure of 2011 and 55 M o ral lapse 2012 56 Twisty character















20 24






H L Y A A N T T Y T E A A R A R D S S E S A L S O E N E P Y T S E E T 11





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12 Dealer in old clothing 13 Way more than a 22 Camera that cold snap uses 70mm film 14 Darius I's succSssor 23 EXPloit 24 Casual evening? 20 Reacts to with an 26 Inedible orange eye roll, perhaps 27 Aspire to 25 Something to greatness test 29 "84, Charing 26 Cry of approval Cross Road" 28 Laugh line? novelist Hanff 29 Respect and others 30 Corrections 31 "Violator" band

36 Best kind of full 4 2 They may be civil house 43 a c id 37 Use lofty 44 Prairie predator words? 47 Bouncingoffthe 38 Pounced on walls 39 Short time? 50 L a rge amount

By Steve Salltau

(c)2013 Tribune Content Agency, LLC






SutIoku High Fives


5 8 46 23 8 9 17 3 5 6 1 7 2 9 4

3 3

3 3

1 4 5 8 9 3 2 7 6


How to play:


Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The num-



3 3

bers in any shared


Houses for Rent General

® Dz@zcm




Travel Trailers






Motorcycles & Accessories Boats & Accessories

Winnebago Aspect

Rexair 28-ft motorhome, 1991Ideal for camping or hunting, it has 45K miles, a 460 gas engine, new tires, automatic levelers, Onan generator, king-size bed, awning. Nice condition Sell or trade? $6700. 541-815-9939

O 20132013 UFS, Dist. b Univ. Uciick for UFS




2009 - 32', 3 slideouts, Leather inte-


Loans & Mortgages WARNING

The Bulletin recommends you use caution when you provide personal information to companies offering loans or credit, especially those asking for advance loan fees or companies from out of state. If you have concerns or questions, we suggest you consult your attorney or call CONSUMER HOTLINE, 1-877-877-9392. BANK TURNED YOU DOWN? Private party

will loan on real estate equity. Credit, no problem, good equity is all you need. Call Oregon Land Mortgage 541-388-4200. LOCAL MONEY:Webuy secured trust deeds & note,some hard money loans. Call Pat Kellev 541-382-3099 ext.13.

Check out the classifieds online www.bendbuttetin.com 1-600-927-9275. Updated daily S TRUGGLING W I T H Need to get an ad YOUR M O R TGAGE and worried about in ASAP? foreclosure? Reduce your mortgage & save money. Legal loan Fax ll to 541-322-7253 modification services. Free co n sultation.The Bulletin Classifieds Call Preferred Law 1-600-335-6592.



Homes for Sale

Business Opportunities A Classified ad is an EASY W A Y To REACH over 3 million Pacific Northwesterners. $5 4 0/25-word c lassified ad i n 2 9 daily newspapers for 3-days. Call the Pacific Northwest Daily Connection (91 6) 288-6019 or e m a il elizabeth©cnpa.com for more info (PNDC) Extreme Value Advertising! 29 Daily newspapers $540/25-word classified 3-d a ys. Reach 3 million Pacific Northwesterners. For more information call (916) 286-6019 or email: elizabeth@cnpa.com for the Pacific Northwest Daily Connection. (PNDC)

21' Sun Tracker Sig. series Fishin' Barge, Tracker 50hp, liye well, fish fndr, new int, extras, exc cond, $7900. 541-508-0679 Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please go to Class 875. 541-385-5609

The Bulletin Serein Central cre on since 19ta


Watercraft ds published in eWa tercraft" include: Kay

aks rafts and motor Ized personal watercrafts. Fo "boats" please se Class 870.

Gulfstream S u nsport 30' Class A 1988 new f r idge, TV, solar panel, new refrigerator, wheelchair l ift. 4 0 00W g enerator, G ood condition! $12,500 obo 541-447-5504

Call a Pro Whether you need a fencefixed,hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809

TIFFINPHAETON QSH 2007 with 4 slides, CAT

350hp diesel engine, $125,900. 30,900 miles, new Michelin tires, great cond! Dishwasher, w/d, central vac, roof satellite, aluminum wheels, 2 full slide-thru basement trays 8 3 TV's. Falcon-2 towbar and Even-Brake included. Call 541-977-4150


The Bulletin Seresng Central Oregon since t903




1994 37.5' motorhome, with awning, and one slide-out, Only 47k miles and good condition.

Tioga 24' Class C Motorhome Bought new in 2000, currently under 20K miles, excellent shape, new tires, professionaly winterized every year, cutoff switch to battery, plus new RV batteries. Oven, hot water heater & air conditioning have never been used! $24,000 obo. Serious inquiries, please. Stored in Terrebonne. 541-548-5174

KeystoneLaredo 31' RI/

20 06 w i th 1 2 '

slide-out. Sleeps 6, queen walk-around rior, Power s eat, bed w/storage underlocks wind o ws neath. Tub & shower. Aluminum wheels. e 2 swivel rockers. TV. 17 Flat Screen, Surround s o u nd, Air cond. Gas stove 8 refrigerator/freezer. camera, Queen bed, Microwave. Awning. Foam mattress, AwOutside sho w er. ning, Generator, InSlide through storverter, Auto Jacks, a ge, E as y Li f t . Air leveling, Moon $29,000 new; roof, no smoking or Asking $18,600 p ets. L ik e n ew, 541-4947-4805 $74,900 541-480-6900 The Bulletin To Subscribe call 541-365-5600 or go to www.bendbulletin.com

o0 0

PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the F air H o using A c t 850 Triumph Daytona which makes it illegal 2004, 15K m i l es, Snowmobiles to a d vertise "any perfect bike, needs preference, limitation nothing. Vin or disc r imination 1994 Arctic Cat 580 ¹201536. EXT, in good based on race, color, $4995 condition, $1000. religion, sex, handiDreamCar cap, familial status, Located in La Pine. Auto Sales Call 541-406-6149. marital status or na1801 Division, Bend tional origin, or an in860 DreamCarsBend.com tention to make any 541-678-0240 such pre f erence,Motorcycles & Accessories Dlr 3665 limitation or discrimination." Familial staLook at: tus includes children under the age of 16 Bendhomes.com living with parents or for Complete Listings of legal cus t odians, Area Real Estate for Sale pregnant women, and 2013 Harley people securing cusDavidson Dyna tody of children under Wide Glide, black, 16. This newspaper only 200 miles, will not knowingly ac- brand new, all stock, cept any advertising plus after-market for real estate which is exhaust. Has winter in violation of the law. cover, helmet. O ur r e aders a r e Victory TC 2002, Selling for what I hereby informed that runs great, many owe on it: $15,500. all dwellings adverCall anytime, accessorles, new tised in this newspa541-554-0384 tires, under 40K per are available on miles, well kept. an equal opportunity basis. To complain of Harley Davidson 2009 $5000. 541-771-0665 d iscrimination ca l l Super Glide Custom, HUD t o l l-free at Stage 1 Screaming 1-600-677-0246. The Eagle performance, 865 toll f ree t e lephone too many options to ATVs number for the hearlist, $8900. ing im p aired is 541-366-8939




Serving Central Oregonsince f903

e JFstKF



The Bulletin

3 6 7 2 8 9 5 7 6 1 2 4 4 8 9 3 1 5

4 2 3 8 9 6 1 7 5



set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the indivudual Sudokus.


2 1 3 5 8 7 59 6 3 14 9 2 4 6 7 8

9 1 7 5 3 2 4 8 6

Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' 2004, 35K, loaded, too much to list, ext'd warr. thru 2014, $49,900 Dennis, 541-589-3243

Layton 27-ft, 2001 Need help fixing stuff? Call A Satvica Professional find the help you need. www.bendbulletin.com 881

Travel Trailers

Front & rear entry doors, bath, shower, queen bed, slide-out, oven, microwave, air condItiontnq, patio awning, twin propane tanks very nice, great floor plan, $8695. 541-316-1388

Fleetwood Wilderness N.W. Edition 26' 2002, 1 slide, sleeps 6, queen bed, couch, stove/oven, tub/ Need to get an shower, front elec. ad in ASAP? jack, waste tank heatYou can place it ers, s t abilizers, 2 prop. t a nks, no online at: smoking/pets, winter- www.bendbulletin.com ized, good c o n d. $8500 OBO 541-385-5809 541-447-3425





TURN THE PAGE For More Ads The Bulletin

Harley Davidson 2011 Classic Llm-

lted, LOADED, 9500 miles, custom paint All real estate adver- "Broken Glass" by Nicholas Del Drago, tised here in is subnew condition, ject to th e F ederal Fair Housing A c t, heated handgrips, auto cruise control. which makes it illegal $32,000 in bike, to advertise any prefonly $20,000 obo. erence, limitation or 541-316-6049 discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or na- HDFatBo 1996 tional origin, or intention to make any such preferences, l i mitations or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertisCompletely ing for real estate Rebuilt/Customized which is in violation of 2012/2013 Award this law. All persons Winner are hereby informed that all dwellings ad- Showroom Condition Many Extras veitised are available Low Miles. on an equal opportunity basis. The Bulle$17,000 tin Classified 541-546-4807


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(photo aboveis of a similar model & not the actual vehicle)

N ayion R V 20 0 8 , Sprinter chassis 25'. Mercedes Benz diesel, 24,000 miles, pristine 541-548-4969 cond., quality throughout, rear slide-out w/ queen bed, d e luxe captain swivel f ront seats, diesel generator, Sunchaser Pontoon awning, no pets/ smokboat - $19,895 ing. $78,500 o b o . 20' 2006 Smokercraft Ready to deal! Financcruise, S-6521. 2006 ing avail. 75hp. Mercury. Full Fleetwood D i scovery 541-382-2430 camping e n c losure. 40' 2003, diesel mow/all Pop u p ch a nging torhome room/porta-potty, BBQ, options-3 slide outs, satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, swim ladder, all gear. Trailer, 2006 E asy- etc. 3 2 ,000 m i les. loader gal v anized. Wintered in h eated P urchased new, a l l shop. $84,900 O.B.O. records. 541-706-9977, 541-447-8664 Providence 2005 cell 503-807-1973. Fully loaded, 35,000 miles, 350 Cat, Very Need to get an ad clean, non-smoker, 3 slides, side-by-side in ASAP? refrigerator with ice maker, Washer/Dryer, Faxllto 641-322-7253 Flat screen TV's, In 18'Maxum skiboat,2000, motion satellite. inboard motor, great The Bulletin Classifieds $95,000 cond, well maintained, 541-480-2019

$8995obo. 541-350-7755

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Private parlymerchandiseonly- excludespets8livestock, aulos, Rvs, motorcycles, lxalr, airplanes,andgaragesalecategories.

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Travel Trailers

Travel Trailers

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Fifth Wheels

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Aircraft, Parts & Service

Antique & Classic Autos

Antique & Classic Autos




Orbit 21' 2007, used


Advertise your car! Add A Picture!

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Fifth Wheels

Tango 29.6' 2007, Rear living, walkaround queen bed, central air, awning, 1 large slide, $12,000. 541-280-2547 or 541-815-4121

Fleetwood Prowler 32' - 2001 2 slides, ducted heat & air, great condition, snowbird ready, Many upgrade options, financing available! $14,500 obo.


MONTANA 3585 2008,

exc. cond., 3 slides, king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $35,000 obo. 541-420-3250

1/5th interest in 1973

Cessna 150 LLC 150hp conversion, low time on air frame and engine, hangared in Bend.Excellent performance & affordable flying! $6,000. 541-410-6007

OPEN ROAD 36' 2005 - $25,500

King bed, hide-a-bed sofa, 3 slides, glass shower, 10 gal. water heater, 10 cu.ft. fridge, central vac, s atellite dish, 2 7 " TV/stereo syst., front front power leveling jacks and s cissor stabilizer jacks, 16' awninq. Like new! 541-419-0566

1974 BeHanca 1730A 2180 TT, 440 SMO, 180 mph, excellent condition, always

hangared, 1 owner for 35 years. $60K. In Madras, call 541-475-6302

J@ep CJ5 1979, 3/4 ton 4x4 Original owner, 87k matching canopy, miles, only 3k on new 30k original miles 258 long block. Clutch possible trade for Economical flying 15 factory options includ- package, Warn hubs. classic car, pickup, in your own 'Sloan docu- Excellent runner, very ing A/C. motorcycle, RV IFR equipped mentation." Quality reNorth$13,500. Cessna 172/180 HP for paint. COMPLETELY ori- dependable. 6 fys' plow, Warn In La Pine, call only $13,500! New inal interior & trunk area man 928-581-9190 Garmin Touchscreen PRISTINE). Engine com- 6000¹ winch. $7900 avionics center stack! partment is VERY MUCH or best reasonable Exceptionally clean! onginal. No r ust, n o offer. Where can you find a 541-549-6970 or Hangared at BDN. leaks, evervthino works! 541-815-8105. helping hand? Call 541-728-0773 $19,900. 541-323-1 898 From contractors to Chevy 1955 PROJECT Model T Touring 1923 916 car. 2 door wgn, 350 Good cond. $1 0,500 yard care, it's all here Trucks & small block w/Weiand obo. 503-559-6618 or in The Bulletin's Heavy Equipment dual quad tunnel ram madsenm1 ©comcast.net "Call A Service with 450 Holleys. T-10 Professional" Directory 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, Weld Prostar wheels, extra rolling chassis + extras. $6500 for all. 541-389-7669. I nternational Fla t Peterbilt 359 p otable Chevy pick-up truck Plymouth B a r racuda Bed Pickup 1963, 1 water truck, 1 990, 1954, all there, started 1966, original ton dually, 4 spd. car! 300 3200 gal. tank, 5hp restore, you finish! trans., great MPG, pump, 4-3" h oses, $6800. 541-480-3646 hp, 360 V8, center- could be exc. wood lines, 541-593-2597 camlocks, $ 25,000. hauler, runs great, 541-820-3724 new brakes, $1950. Call a Pro 541-419-5480. 929 Whether you need a Automotive Wanted fence fixed, hedges Need to get an trimmed or a house DONATE YOUR CARad in ASAP? built, you'll find FAST FREE TOWVW Bug Sedan, 1969, You can place it ING. 24 hr. Response professional help in fully restored, 2 owners, online at: Tax D e duction. The Bulletin's "Call a with 73,000 total miles, UNITED BR E AST $10,000. 541-382-5127 www.bendbulletin.com CANCER FOUNDA- Service Professional" TION. Providing Free Directory 933 541-385-5809 M ammograms & 541-385-5809 Pickups Breast Cancer Info. Nissan Frontier 2005 888-592-7581. Crewcab 4x4, 39,500 (PNDC) mi. ¹252005 $18,995


Need to get an ad Recreation by Design in ASAP? 2013 Monte Carlo, 38-ft. Top living room, 2 bdrm, has 3 slideouts, 2 A/Cs, Fax it to 541-322-7253 entertainment center, )'II I '•' ••5 fireplace, W/D, IB garden tub/shower, in The Bulletin Classifieds great condition.$36,000 or best offer. Call Peter, Dramatic Price Reduc307-221-2422, tion Executive Hangar For Sale at Bend Airport (KBDN) AILL DELIV/R 1990 5th Wheel 60' wide x 50' deep, People Lookfor Information w/55' wide x 17' high biTransporter Low miles, EFI 460, About Products and fold dr. Natural gas heat, 4-spd auto, 10-ply Services EveryDaythrough offc, bathroom. Adjacent 931 to Frontage Rd; great tires, low miles, alThe Bulletin ClessiBeffs visibility Automotive Parts, for aviation busimost new condition, ness. 541-948-2126 or Service 8 Accessories $3500. email 1jetjock@q.com Pirelli Scorpion snow & Ask for Theo, 00 541-260-4293 ice tires, 295/45-R20 on Oz Italian racing rims, used 1 season, fits Jeep Grand Cherokee. $2500. For the avid flyer, Jerry 541-480-9005 Madras Airport Hanger for sale, BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS $8000. Call for info. 541-4'I 9-8583 908 Search the area's most comprehensive listing of Aircraft, Parts Keystone Challenger classified advertising... 2004 CH34TLB04 34' 8 Service Want to impress the real estate to automotive, fully S/C, w/d hookups, merchandise to sporting relatives? Remodel new 18' Dometic awgoods. Bulletin Classifieds your home with the ning, 4 new tires, new every day in the Kubota 7000w marine help of a professional appear print or on line. diesel generator, 3 from The Bulletin's Call 541-385-5809 slides, exc. cond. in"Call A Service www.bendbulletin.com side & out. 27" TV dvd/cd/am/fm entertain 1/3 interest in Columbia Professional" Directory center. Call for more 400, $150,000 (located The BuHetin details. Only used 4 @ Bend.) Also: Sunritimes total in last 5~/~ ver hangar available for 932 years.. No pets, no sale at $155K, or lease, Antique & smoking. High retail @ $400/mo. $27,700. Will sell for 541-948-2963 Classic Autos $24,000 including sliding hitch that fits in Save money. Learn your truck. Call 8 a.m. to fly or build hours to 10 p.m. for appt to with your own airsee. 541-330-5527. c raft. 1968 A e ro 1921 Model T Commander, 4 seat, Delivery Truck Just bought a new boat? 1/3 interest i n w e ll- 150 HP, low time, Restored & Runs Sell your old one in the equipped IFR Beech Bo- full panel. $23,000 classifieds! Ask about our nanza A36, new 10-550/ $9000. obo. Contact Paul at Super Seller rates! 541-389-8963 prop, located KBDN. 541-447-5184. 541-385-5809 $65,000. 541-419-9510 Call Dick, 541-480-1687.

Arctic Fox 2003 Cold Weather Model 34 5B, licensed thru 2/15, exlnt cond. 3 elec slides, solar panel, 10 gal water htr, 14' awning, (2) 10-gal Just too many propane tanks, 2 batts, collectibles? catalytic htr in addition to central heatinq/AC, genSell them in tly used, MANY features! The Bulletin Classifieds Must see to appreciate! $19,000. By owner (no dealer calls, please). Call 541 -385-5809 or text 541-325-1956. CHECKYOUR AD

WEEKEND WARRIOR on the first day it runs Toy hauler/travel trailer. to make sure it is cor24' with 21' interior. rect. "Spellcheck" and Sleeps 6. Self-conhuman errors do octained. Systems/ cur. If this happens to appearance in good your ad, please concondition. Smoke-free. tact us ASAP so that Tow with ~/~-ton. Strong corrections and any suspension; can haul adjustments can be ATVs snowmobiles, made to your ad. even a small carl Great 541-385-5809 price - $8900. The Bulletin Classified Call 541-593-6266


Buick Skylark 1972 Matchless! 17K original miles! Sunburst yellow/ white vinyl/Sandalwood.

SuperhavvkOnly 1 Share Available



1966 Ford F250

Ford Model A 1930 Coupe, good condition,

3/4 ton, 352 V8, 2WD, P/S, straight body,

runs good. $2000. 541-410-8749

$14 000 541-588 6084



Just too many Chevy 1986, long bed, collectibles? four spd., 350 V8 rebuilt, custom paint, 'I Sell them in Price Reduced! great t i r e s and Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 wheels, new t ags, The Bulletin Classifieds obo. engine, power every- $5000 thing, new paint, 54K 541-389-3026 541-385-5809 orig. miles, runs great, exc. cond.in/out. $7500 obo. 541-480-3179

GNC M ton 1971, Only

$19,700! Original low mile, exceptional, 3rd owner. 951-699-7171

Ford Supercab 1992, (photo forillustrationonly) brown/tan color with Toyota Tacoma Xtram atching full s i z e cab Pickup 2000, 4 c anopy, 2WD, 4 6 0 2.7 liter, auto, over drive, 135K mi., Cyl., tow pkg., alloy full bench rear seat, 4WD, be d l i n er. slide rear w i ndow, wheels, bucket seats, power Vin¹648820 $10,988 seats w/lumbar, pw, HD receiver & trailer SuaWaLL SUBARUOPSEhHI.OOhl brakes, good t ires. Good cond i tion.2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 $4900. 541-389-5341 Dlr ¹0354


GMC Sierra 1977 short bed, exlnt o r iginal Find exactly what Check out the cond., runs & drives classifieds online great. V8, new paint you are looking for in the www.bendbulletin.com and tires. $4750 obo. CLA881FIED8 541-504-1050 Updated daily

Time to deCIUtter? Need SOme eXtra CaSh? NeedSOmeeXtra SPaCethe garage?

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Sport Utility Vehicles Sport Utility Vehicles

Auto m obiles












RIIIILI)NM Cadillac El Dorado WHEN YOU SEE THIS Porsche 911 Turbo I The Bulletin recoml 1994 Total Cream Puff! I mends extra caution I Body, paint, trunk as I when p u r chasing• showroom, blue MorePixatBendbjjlletin.com I products or services leather, $1700 wheels On a classified ad from out of the area. w/snow tires although (photo for illustration only) go to BMW X3 2 0 07, 99K (photo forillustration only) car has not been wet in (photo for iiiustration only) I S ending c ash , H onda F i t Spo r t Toyota Yaris Sedan www.bendbulletin.com miles, premium pack- Toyota RAV4 Sport checks, or credit in- e 8 years. On trip to 1000 2003 6 speed, X50 2010, 4 Cyl., 1.5 Liter, to view additional formation may be I age, heated lumbar 2007, 4 Cyl., 2.4 Liter, Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., Hatchback 2009, 4 supported seats, pan- auto, 4WD, tow pkg., $4800. 541-593-4016. Cyl., VTEC, 1.5 Liter, added power pkg., auto, FWD, photos of the item. I sublect toFRAUD. Legal Notices oramic moo n roof, alloy wheels, r o of a uto, F WD , re a r 530 HP! Under 10k Vin¹066953 For more informaNeed help fixing stuff? Bluetooth, ski bag, Xe- rack, Vin¹066992 spoiler, alloy wheels, miles, Arctic silver, $8,888 I tion about an adverLEGAL NOTICE Looking for your non headlights, tan & Call A Service Professional Vin¹040086 $15,988 gray leather interior, tiser, you may call of Application next employee? I the Oregon StateI Notice ® s u a aau black leather interior, © find the help you need. $13,988 new quality tires, eoaseeosaeee.eoll for Allocation of s u a ARLL www.bendbulletin.com Place a Bulletin help e Attorney General's e n ew front & re a r and battery, Bose Conserved Water © s I J a ARIJ. premium sound ste- 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. wanted ad today and > Office C onsumerI brakes O 76K miles, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. CW-82 877-266-3821 reach over 60,000 one owner, all records, 877-266-3821 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. reo, moon/sunroof, I Protection hotline at Dlr ¹0354 readers each week. very clean, $16,900. CHECKYOUR AD Dlr ¹0354 877-266-3821 car and seat covers. 1-877-877-9392. CW-82 was filed by 541-388-4360 Your classified ad Please check your ad Dlr ¹0354 Many extras. GaPine Meadow Ranch, will also appear on on the first day it runs Want to impress the raged, perfect conInc., PO Bo x 9 6 9, Serving Central Oregon sincetglu Call The Bulletin At bendbulletin.com to make sure it is cordition $5 9,700. Sisters, OR 9 7 759. relatives? Remodel which currently rerect. Sometimes in541-385-5809 541-322-9647 T he project is e x your home with the ceives over 1.5 mils tructions over t h e Place Your Ad Or E-Mail pected to yield aplion page views phone are misunderAt: www.bendbulletin.com help of a professional proximately 1 cfs of Just bought a new boat? every month at stood and an error from The Bulletin's conserved water from Sell your old one in the no extra cost. Bullecan occur in your ad. "Call A Service Volkswagen classifieds! Ask about our Wychus Creek under tin Classifieds If this happens to your Lincoln LS 2001 4door Touareg 2004 Super Seller rates! C ertificates 751 4 1 Professional" Directory ad, please contact us Get Results! Call sport sedan, plus set Meticulously main541-385-5809 (1885, 0.49 cfs), 293 385-5809 or place the first day your ad of snow tires. $6000. tained. Very clean (1886, 0.35 cfs), and Chevy Tahoe 2001 975 appears and we will your ad on-line at 541-317-0324. inside and out. V6. 44043 (1886, 0 . 16 5.3L V8, leather, Porsche Carrera 911 bendbulletin.com be happy to fix it as Automobiles Recently servicedcfs), by moving the air, heated seats, 2003 convertible with s oon as w e c a n . 60 point inspection point of diversion apfully loaded, 120K mi. hardtop. 50K miles, Deadlines are: Weeksheet. $7200 $7500 obo new factory Porsche Find them in proximately 1.25 miles days 12:00 noon for USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Call 541-480-0097 541-460-0494 motor 6 mos ago with d ownstream fr o m next day, Sat. 11:00 The Bulletin 18 mo factory warSec. 17, T15S, R10E, Door-to-door selling with a.m. for Sunday; Sat. ranty remaining. W.M. to Sec. 9, T15S, Classifieds! 12:00 for Monday. If fast results! It's the easiest $37,500. R10E, W.M. eliminatPeople Lookfor Information we can assist you, 541-322-6928 way in the world to sell. Mazda Miata 1997 ing approx. 1 mile of About Products and please call us: CorvetteCoupe Mwdition unlined open d i tch Services EveryDaythrough 541-385-5809 Mica Green, 5-spd, The Bulletin Classified 1996, 350 auto, losses The applicant The Bulletin Classified The Bulletin ClnseiBede 135k, non-ethanol original interior & exte541-385-5809 proposes to protect Ford Bronco II 4x4, 1989, rior. All power options, fuel/synthetic oil, Look at: the entire 1 cfs inauto, high miles, runs garaged/covered. leather, convertible stream. The project Bendhomes.com good. $1700. Bose Premium Gold boot, Tonneau Cover appears to be confor Complete Listings of 541-633-6662 system. Orig. owner & air screen. s istent with the r e Area Real Estate for Sale 114K miles, synthetic (photo forillustration only) manual. Stock! q uirements u n der Lexus RX330 2006 oils, new timing belt Subaru lmpreza Out$10,500 OBO. ORS 537.470. 96,000 miles. © 81K, extra set rims/ back Sport Wagon Retired. Must sell! ¹088156. $16,995 tires & more! $6195. 2009, 4 Cyl., 2.5 liter, 541-923-1781 Any interested pera uto, A WD , re a r 541-548-5648 son may submit writspoiler, roof rack, alten comments for the TURN THE PAGE loy wheels, a pplications. C o m Vin¹824283 541-598-3750 For More Ads ments must be r eCorvette 1979 Vehicle? $16,888 www.aaaoregonautoceived within 20 days The Bulletin L824 speed. Call The Bulletin source.com of the last date of 85,000 miles and place an ad © s u a aau publication i n th e today! Garaged since new. newspaper, Dec. 28, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. I've owned it 25 Ask about our 877-266-3821 2013. Com m ents 'Wheel Deal"! years. Never damshould be sent to the Dlr ¹0354 aged or abused. I f o r private party I attention of the ACW advertisers $12,900. Advertise your car! Program, Water ReAcura Legend, 1992, Dave, 541-350-4077 Add A Picture! sources Department, (photo forillustration only) black on black, chrome Reach thousands of readers! Serving Sentral Oregon since fgta 725 Summer Street Nissan Pathfinder SE Call 541-385-5809 wheels, new tires, 541-385-5809 NE, Suite A, Salem, The Bulletin Claeeifiede 1997, V6, auto, 4WD, beautiful cond! $2250. Q Need to get an ad OR 97301. roof rack, moon roof, Retail er classified Display 541-549-6589 running boards, alloy in ASAP? FIND IT! Advertising Deadlines LEGAL NOTICE wheels. Vin¹136692 BUY t7' We, the Sutherland's, $4,988 $ELL IT! at 314 NW Georgia Fax it to 541-322-7253 PUBLICATION ................ ................. DEADLINE A ve., B e nd , OR , SuaARU The Bulletin Classifieds aeasavosaerla.oon Thursday 1/2 ......................... ..... Monday, 12/30 8 am would like to apply for The Bulletin Classifieds 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. (photo forillustration only) a demolition permit for ..... Monday, 12/30 8 am Friday 1/3 ............................... 877-266-3821 Subaru lmprezn M(RX our historic building. BMW M-Roadster, Dlr ¹0354 Limited 2006, 4 Cyl., Friday GO! Magazine 1/3...... ........ Friday, 12/27 5 pm Anyone interested in 2000, w/hardtop. Turbo, 2.5 liter, 5 spd, purchasing any or part $19,500 AWD, moon roof, rear of t h i s str u cture Where can you find a 57,200 miles, spoiler prem i um lease write to 314 Titanium silver. Not helping hand? (photo for illustration only) wheels, Vin¹508150 W Georgia Ave., many M-Roadsters From contractors to Nissan Altima Hybrid Bend, OR 97701. $15,888 CLASSIFIED LINE AD DEADLINES available. (See CORVETTE COUPE 2009, 4 Cyl., 2.5 Liter, © yard care, it's all here Craigslist posting id Wednesday, 1/1 - Deadline is Noon Tuesday, 12/31 s u a A Ru Glasstop 2010 auto, FWD, leather, ¹4155624940 for in The Bulletin's Need to get an Thursday, 1/2 - Deadline is Noon Tuesday, 12/31 Grand Sport 4 LT rear spoiler, a lloy 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. additional details.) "Call A Service loaded, clear bra ad in ASAP? wheels, Vin¹102916 877-266-3821 Serious inquiries Classifieds • 541-385-5809 hood & fenders. $12,988 Professional" Directory Dlr ¹0354 You can place it only. 541-480-5348 New Michelin Super ® s uatlantvovsano a ARU. online at: Sports, G.S. floor con Subaru STi 2010, The BulletinCirculationTelephoneService HolidayHours(541-385-5800): www.bendbulletin.com mats, 17,000 miles, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 16.5K, rack, mats, cust Crystal red. snow whls, stored, one877-266-3821 NewYearsEve12/31: 6:00am- 3 pm • 1/1: 6:30am-10:30 am owner, $29,000, $42,000. Dlr ¹0354 541-385-5809 503-358-1164. 541.410.6904





I Th.Bu~ l






The Bulletin

'Nighsttyau a Salts und


The Bulletin will be closed on Wednesday, January 1

I The Bulletin I


(photo forillustration only) Buick LaCrosse CXS Nissan Pathfinder SE 2005, loaded, new 2005, V6, auto, 4WD, battery/tires, perfect roof rack, moon roof, $8495. 541-475-6794 t ow pk g . , all o y wheels. Vin¹722634 (photo for illustration only) $12,988 Ford Fusion SE2012, 4 SuaARU Cyl., 2.5 Liter, auto, aeasavosaerla.oon FWD, power seats, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. alloy wheels, 877-266-3821 Vin¹418211 Dlr ¹0354 Buick Regal S Cus$15,888 tom 1994, 6 1,752 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! mi., exc. cond., V6, 3.1 L, fuel injected, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 4 dr., FWD, exc. all Door-to-door selling with 877-266-3821 fast results! It's the easiest season tires, new Dlr ¹0354 battery and alternaway in the world to sell. tor, very clean, exc. The Bulletin a/c and heater, pb, To Subscribe call The Bulletin Classified pw and s t eering. 541-385-5800 or go to 541-385-5809 $4000. 541-419-5575 www.bendbulletin.com


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Porsche 911 Carrera 993 cou e


I OTORS 1996, 73k miles, Tiptronic auto. transmission. Silver, blue leather interior, moon/sunroof, new quality tires and battery, car and seat covers, many extras. Recently fully serviced, garaged, looks and runs like new. Excellent condition $29,700 541-322-9647



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M SRP $?A,487. Subaru ofBend Discount $999 VIN: E8221633.ERB-01 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included

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NEW 2014 Ford Fiesta SE NEW2074Ford F3504x4 Diesel Automatic, 4-Door

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Model DWO-11Tangerine Orange Exterior Color. Orange stitching on seats, shift boot, door arm rest and floor mats. Black headliner and upper interior trim. Black finish 17-inch alloy wheels, mirror housings and fender garnish. Exterior graphics. Sport Performance 1A, STI Short Throw Shift 5M/T, STI Shift Knob, Center Armrest. Dim Mirror/Com w/ Homelink. Black rear cup holder. SPT Perf Catback Exh System. Sirius Satellite Radio. Security Syst Shock Sensor. All Weather floor mats. SPT Carbon Fiber Trunk Trim. Black cargo tray.

Leather, PanoramicRoof, PowerLift Gate

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$20,999 2011Subaru Forester 2.5 X Alloy Wheels, VIN:BG739519

Alloy Wheels, VIN:BG701662


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2006 FordF250Crew Cab5.4 V8 2007FordExpedition 4x4Eddie Bauer Leafher,H avigalion,DVD,Heaied Seats, LoeNiies,ExcellentCond.


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$1 9,999


,$18,765 viu:nnnn no







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Sale endsDecember30, 2013


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