Bulletin Daily Paper 03-29-14

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SATURDAY March 29,2014

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bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD

Memorial is to ay or slainBen woITlan

Risky building — Evenin the aftermath of disasters like Washington's landslide, it's difficult to legislate where people can build.A4

By Shelby R. King

Pivoyne Cas-

The Bulletin

A memorial for the woman

whose body was found by the side of a Bend highway earlier this month is scheduled for 11

a.m. today at the Victory Baptist Church, 1034 N.E. 11th St., according to information from

the Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home. The service will be conducted in English.

tro-Luna, 42, was reported

homicide in~

missing March 10. Bend police found her body C a stroMarch 16 off Luna U.S. Highway 20 east of Bend near Hamby

Road. An autopsy determined "blunt force trauma" was the cause of death and a criminal

"She was very, very de-

vestigation was

pendable and honest," Hicks

opened. Castro-Luna

said. "She would buy gifts for (my) kids and would always

worked for Bend

resident Christy Hicks, 45, for nine years. Hicks considered Castro-Luna a friend and describes her as "incredibly loyal and incredibly loving."

Terrariums —Thetiny gar-



cleaned her home, worked

with her when she hosted parties and helped with her three children. See Memorial /A4

The faces of Pilot Butte

— Two longtime volunteer hosts are stepping downafter thousands of hours worked.D1


fold their blankets in a special

way." Hicks said Castro-Luna

• Property owner says rules onfarm weddings infringe on religious rights

a a saomraceseu

dens are trendy again, with just atouchofart.D1

By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

A photo Story —Yakand

A long-running dispute between Deschutes County and a Sisters-area landowner over weddings on his property took a new, strange twist last week,

buffalo at auction.B2 Ukraine — Putin reachesout to Obama, seeking talks.A2

after the county sent him a

code violation warning for holding church services in his home. Now John Shepherd says Deschutes County is

And a WebexclusiveA freed man, fabricated evidence and anear100 percent conviction rate raise questions on Japan's justice system. beettbelletie.cem/extras

threatening his freedom

ofreligion and suppressing his right to bring in extra income through the

weddings. Shepherd has had the


county's attention since

at least 2011. He was one

Autographs hard to read in the era of scribbles

of several landowners who petitioned county

commissioners to allow commercial weddings and other events on land zoned

exclusively for farm use. But after the county tweaked its code in 2012

to allow them, Shepherd ran into additional hurdles.


Photos by Joe Kline l The Bulletin

The county granted some permits for owners whose

By Tyler Kepner

properties are used main-

New Yorh Times News Service

ly for farming purposes. Shepherd said the soil on his 216-acre property, 14 miles northeast of downtown Sisters, isn't suitable for farming, despite being

The walls of the steak-

house at Yankee Stadium are decorated with signa-

tures of past New York Yankee greats. David Rob-

Bert Hinkley, of Bend, above, steers toward a gate Friday on the

ertson, the team's young

course of the Riverhouse Rendez-

closer, marvels at the fact that he can read the names.

vous slalom kayak race on the

zoned for it. See Farm /A4

"All the old-time auto-

graphs are really neat," Robertson said. "It's a lost art." Robertson, 28, is the

heir to the retired Mariano Rivera, who leaves behind

a legacy ofbrilliance in the bullpen and precision with a pen. Rivera may have spent more time on his signature than any of his peers, meticulously craft-

ing his M's and R's and all the lowercase letters that followed.

Deschutes River behind the River-

Marriage: good for your heart

house in Bend. At right, Will Day, of McCall, Idaho, holdsup a length of rope to string across the river as he and other volunteers setup gatesforthe race. The race is set for 10 a.m. Sunday but the course will continue to beopen today for practice runs.

By Marilynn Marchione The Associated Press

For a video preview of the course, see H bendbulletin.com/slalom.

Love cansometimes break aheart but m~

Few modern players take similar care. In the

seems to do it alot of good.

last generation or so, the classic script of Babe Ruth,

Astudyof morethan3.5

Harmon Killebrew and Ri-

involving Cobalts, Saturn Ions

marriedpeople ave less likelythan singles, divorcedor widowed folks to suffer heart orbloodvesselproblems. This wastrue atanyage, for women as well as for men,

and other recalled models, a

and regardlessofotherheart

grim picture is taking form. The now-recalled vehicles were predominantly entry-lev-

diseaseriskfactorstheyhad such as high cholesterol or

millionAmericans findsthat

vera has largely deteriorated into a mess of squiggles and personal branding. It is not just baseball, of course. The legible sig-

GM flaws, young drivers a deadly mix

nature, once an indelible

Bloomberg News

mark of personal identity, is increasingly rare in mod-

SOUTHFIELD, Mich. When Bill Trautwein offered

ern life. From President

to buy his daughter a car to drive to college classes, she went for the blue one — a used 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt

Barack Obama, who sometimes uses an autopen, to patrons at a restaurant, few

take the time to carefully sign their names. Baseball fans still clam-

or for autographs — as keepsakes, commodities or

By Jeff Green and PatrickG.Lee -

that matched the color on

the Florida Gators uniform her big brother wore on the

Sarah Trautwein was driving the car on a June morning in 2009 when she left the road,

struck a tree and died. While Bill Trautwein says he assumed his daughter had fallen asleep at the wheel, General Motors' recall of models including Sarah's has made him reconsider: The

way to two national football

ignition switches in these cars can inadvertently click off,


GM said last month, cutting

power to the engine and airbags, steering and brakes. A driver would find herself behind a hard-to-muscle wheel of a coasting car, with sudden-

ly stiffer brakes. Sarah, then 19 years old, probably wouldn't have

el cars marketed to first-time

known what to do, Trautwein

said. "She was a young driv-

experts, may have been among theleastprepared

er," he said. "It would have

to react to a sudden loss of

probably freaked her out." Years after fatal accidents


diabetes, researchers found.

"Itmightbethatif some-

drivers. These same drivers,

one ismarried,they have

according to safety and auto

aspousewho encourages themto takebetter care of

See GM/A5

themselves," said Dr. Jef-

frey Berger, apreventive cardiologist. See Marriage/A4

both. But today's treasures

have little of the elegance of those that came before. A recognizable signature, let alone an artful one, now seems as quaint as a Sun-

day doubleheader. See Autographs/A4

TODAY'S WEATHER T-storms possible High 54, Low31 Page B6

The Bulletin

INDEX Business Calendar Classified

C5-6 Comics/Puzzles F3-4 Dear Abby D5 Obituaries B3 Community Life D1-6 Horoscope D5 S I F1-8 Crosswords F 4 L o cal/State B1-6 IV/Movies

B5 C1 4 D5

AnIndependent Newspaper

Vol. 112, No. ee 32 pages, 5 sections

Q l/i/e userecycled newsprint

': Illlljllll III o

8 8 267 02329



The Bulletin


HOW to reaCh US

Talidan attaCkS WrOng target — Talibanassailants apparently thought they wereattacking an unprotected Christian-run day care center. But they mistakenly burst into the compound next door, where a U.S. government contractor's employeeswere heavily armed and ready, according to accounts the contractor and theAfghan police gave Friday of afour-hour shootout in the capital, Kabul. While the gunbattle was underway, police wereable to rescue two dozen foreigners next door, at what apparently had been the Taliban's intended target, a Christian-run day carecenter that had noarmed guards and normally left its front door open.


541-385-5800 Phonehours:5:30a.m.-5 p.m. MoncFri. ,6:30a.m .-noonSat.-eun.



MiSSing Plane —Objects spotted floating in a newsearch area for debris from the missing Malaysian jetliner need to berecovered and inspected before they can belinked to the plane, Australian officials said today. Eight planeswere ready to combthe newly targeted area off the west coast of Australia after several objects were spotted Friday, including two rectangular items that were blueand gray, and ships on the scenewill attempt to recover them, theAustralian Maritime Safety Authority said. "The objects cannot beverified or discounted as being from MH370until they are relocated andrecovered by ships," the authority said in a statement.


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Si sil.ArL


U.S. anIi Syria —President Barack Obamareassured King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia onFriday that the United States remained committed to strengthening the moderate opposition in the Syrian civil war, administration officials said. But aides declined to reveal whether Obama andthe king agreed to anysignificant expansion of the covert program to train andarmthe Syrian opposition. Relations between the two countries havebecomestrained in recent months, in part over Saudi frustration with the U.S. reluctance to provide arms that could end up in the hands of jihadi andextremists in Syria.

ggi '

Andrew Lubimov 1 The Associated Press

A Ukrainian serviceman sits next to packed things Friday before leaving the Belbek airbase near Sevastopol, Crimea. Ukraine has started withdrawing its troops and weapons from the province, now

controlled by Russia. Russia's president says Ukraine could regain somearms and equipment of military units that did not switch their loyalty to Russia.

uinca s ama, wan aine

VeneZuela CriSiS —TheVatican says it's willing to help facilitate talks betweenVenezuela's government and its opponents aimedat ending weeks of deadly unrest that haveparalyzed much of the country. President Nicolas Maduro onThursday said he waswilling to sit down with the opposition under thewatch of anoutside observer. He floated the name of Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who served astheHolySee'sambassadortoVenezuelabeforebeing called to Romelast year.

MiChigan gay marriage —Thefederal governmentwill recADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool..........54t-363-0374 Publisher Gordon Black .................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa........................541-383-0337

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CORRECTIONS The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you knowof an error in a story,call us at541-363-0356.

By Peter Baker,Michael D.Shear and David M.Herszenhorn New York TimesNews Service

lated internationally. While the White House account of

the call emphasized the pos-

WASHINGTON — P r esi- sible diplomatic movement, dent Vladimir Putin of Rus- the Kremlin's version stressed sia reached out to President Putin's complaints about "ex-

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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org and individual lottery websites

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawnFriday nightare:


020~0gO MO»

The estimated jackpot is now $20 million.

to support a diplomatic path in close consultation with the

government of Ukraine and in support of the Ukrainian

peacefully resolve the interna-

on the table the fate of Trans-

people with the aim of de-es-

tional standoff over Ukraine, a surprise move by Moscow to pull back from the brink of an escalated confrontation that has put Europe and much of the world on edge. After weeks of provocative moves punctuated by a menacing buildup of troops on Ukraine's border, Putin's unexpected telephone call

nistria, another pro-Russian breakaway province outside his borders. Neither U.S. nor European

calation of the crisis," the White House said in a state-

officials expect Putin to easily

reversehisseizure ofCrimea, the largely Russian-speaking Ukrainian peninsula that Moscow annexed last week

ognize more than300 same-sex marriages that were performed in Michigan last weekend,Attorney General Eric Holder said Friday, aday after Michigan's governor said his state would not. Holder's announcement caps aweekof rapid changeand uncertainty over the status of same-sex marriage in Michigan. On March 21, afederal judge struck down the state's ban onsame-sex marriage, andthe next morning gay couples rushed toexchangevows. Bylate that afternoon, however, an appeals court stayed thejudge's ruling. While the appeals play out, the legal status of those unions hasbeenuncertain.

scored to President Putin that the United States continues

Barack Obama on Fridayto tremists" in Ukraine and indiscuss ideas about how to troduced into the mix of issues

ChriStie SCandal —Republican Gov.Chris Christie has spent the past few days putting down traffic cones to separate himself from scandal. The usually garrulous governor and possible 2016presidential contender hadavoided news conferences andinterviews for more than two months until Thursday, the day areport he commissioned cleared him of any involvement in the politically motivated plot to create huge traffic jams at theGeorgeWashington Bridge lastyear.

ment. "President Obama made

clear that this remains possible only if Russia pulls back its troops and does not take

any steps to further violate Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty."

— From wire reports

afterRussian troops took control there. Indeed, the Kremlin

statement made no mention of Crimea, suggesting that Putin leaders agreed tohave their considers that a fait accompli top diplomats meet to discuss and no longer up for discusconcreteproposals for defus- sion. Analysts said the Rusing the crisis that has gener- sian leader might be seeking ated the most serious clash some sortof de facto accepbetween Russia and the West tance of that new status quo since the end of the Cold War. in exchange for not sending But it remained uncertain troops massed on the border whether Putin was seriously into eastern Ukraine. to Obama offered a hint of a

possible settlement. The two

interested in a resolution that

would go far enough to satisfy

Obama took the call from Putin at the Ritz Carlton Ho-

tel in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, after Obama finished a twoing a diplomatic advantage at hour dinner with King Abdula time when he has been iso- lah to discuss Iran, Syria and the United States, Ukraine and Europe, or instead was seek-


Home deliveryandE-Editien:

other security issues. "President Obama under-

Britain holds first same-sexweddings By Jill Lawless

riage that have taken place in

The Associated Press

LONDON — Gay couples in

France. Same-sex marriage has

Britain waited decades for the

been welcomed with enthu-

right to get married. When the siasm by Britain's Conservaopportunity came, it took just tive-led government. Raina few minutes to make history. bow flags went up overtwo Londoners Sean Adl-Taba- government buildings Friday tabai and Sinclair Treadway in what Deputy Prime Miniswere among the first to tie ter Nick Clegg called "a small the knot when Britain's new symbol to celebrate a massive marriage law came into effect achievement." today. Treadway and Adl-TabataThe two men wed in front of bai, a 32-year-old TV producer about 100 guests at their local from London, were married town hall in the London bor- by the mayor of Camden, ough of Camden — one of sev- Jonathan Simpson, who deeral locales holding late-night clared the occasion "a huge ceremonies to mark the occa- step forward in civil rights for sion. By 10 minutes past mid- our country and also a big acnight they were married, with knowledgment that love cona kissand a registrar' s decla- quers all." They emerged to ration: "You are now husband loud applause and the strains of "I Go tYou,Babe" by Sonny and husband." It's a sign of a profound and Cher. "It's amazing and surreal," shift in attitudes in a country that little more than a decade Adl-Tabatabai said. "It did feel ago had a law on the books like a historic moment. When banning the "promotion" of the mayor was saying those homosexuality. things, it really hit me." "Some people say, 'You It would have been unthinkgays are trying to redefine able in the 1980s, when Prime marriage,' but th e d efini- Minister M a rgaret T h atchtion of marriage has already er's government passed a law changed," said Treadway, a banning schools and local 20-year-old student originally authorities from "promoting" from Los Angeles. "Now it's homosexuality o r de p ictbetween two people who love ing it as "a pretended family each other." relationship." Most Britons agree. Polls That law wasn't repealed show about two-thirds of peo- until 2003. Yet when Parliaple in the country back gay ment legalized same-sex marunions, and support is highest riage in July, it was by a wide among the young. Britain has margin and with the backing seen none of the large street of Conservative Prime Minisprotests against gay mar- ter David Cameron.



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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day

It's Saturday, March 29, the 88th day of 2014. Thereare 277 days left in the year.




Crimean TatarS — IVlembers of the ethnic group will meet to discuss whether they will yield to Russia's annexation or try to keeptheir ties to Ukraine.

Odama trip — Thepresident will return to Washington after his visit to Europeandthe Middle East.

HISTORY Highlight: In1951, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg wereconvicted in NewYork of conspiracy to commit espionage. (They were executed in June1953.) In1638, Swedish colonists settled in present-day Delaware. In1790, the10th president of the United States, JohnTyler, was born in Charles City County, Va. In1812, the first White House wedding took place asLucy Payne Washington, the sister of first lady Dolley Madison, married SupremeCourt Justice ThomasTodd. In1912, British explorer Robert Falcon Scott, his doomed expedition stranded in anAntarctic blizzard after failing to be the first to reach theSouth Pole, wrote the last words of his journal: "For Godssake look after our people." In1943,World War II rationing of meat, fats and cheese began. In1951, the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical "The King and I" opened onBroadway. In1962, Jack Paarhosted NBC's "Tonight" show for the final time, although the network aired a repeat the following night. (Johnny Carson debuted as host the following October.) In1971, Army Lt. William L.

Calley Jr. was convicted of murdering 22 Vietnamesecivilians in the MyLai massacre. (Calley ended upserving three years under house arrest.) A jury in Los Angeles recommended the death penaltyfor Charles Mansonandthree female followers for the1969 Tate-La Bianca murders. (The sentences were later commuted.) In1973,the last United States combat troops left South Vietnam, ending America's direct military involvement in the Vietnam War. In1974, eight Ohio National Guardsmen wereindicted on federal charges stemming from the shooting deaths of four students at Kent State University. (The chargeswere later dismissed.) Chinesefarmers digging a well discovered the Terracota Warriors, an "army" of sculpted soldiers dating from the third century B.C.

Ten years age: President George W.Bushwelcomed seven former Soviet-bloc nations (Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Latvia and Estonia) into NATO during a White Houseceremony. In a stinging rebuke, Secretary-General Kofi Annan fired one top U.N.official and demoted another for security failures leading to theAugust bombingoftheU.N.'sBaghdad headquarters that killed 22 people. Five years age: General Motors CEORick Wagoner resigned under White House pressure. One year age: President Barack Obama promoted a plan to create construction and other jobs by attracting private money to help rebuild roads, bridges and other public works projects during a visit to a Miami port that was undergoing $2 billion in upgrades paid for with government and private dollars.

BIRTHDAYS Political commentator John McLaughlin is 87.Comedian Eric Idle is 71. Proand College Football Hall of FamerEarl Campbell is 59. Comedian-actress Amy Sedaris is 53. — From wire reports

i s'ineec

e e ea A 42-year study originally investigating childhood cognition found that infants given fulltime day care through age 5 grew up far healthier than children who were not.

Travis Dove/New YorkTimes News Service

Frances Campbell, a child development researcher with the Carolina Abecedarian Project, which followed a group of low-income children since1972, holds a picture of one of her subjects in her office in Chapel Hill, N.C.


Do animals haveasenseof

humor? Researcherssayyes By Peter McGraw and Joel Warner

the other groundbreaking discoveries scientists like Bekoff Slate are making about animal beRight now, in a high-se- havior: They have found dogs c urity research lab a t that understand unfaimess, Northwestern University's spiders that display different

By Sabrina Tavernise

the participants' abilities as in-

fants were about the same, but by age 3 they had diverged. By Carolina started following two age 30, those in the group given groups of babies from poor special carewerefourtime s as families. In the first group, likely to have graduated from the children were given full- college. "Forty years ago, it was all time day care up to age 5 that In 1972, researchers in North

included most of their daily

meals, talking, games and other stimulating activities. The other group, aside from baby formula, got nothing. The scientists were testing whether the special treatment would lead to better cognitive abilities in the

about cognition," Heckman said. "But it turned out that

when you expand these capabilities — not only cognitive but

social and emotional — one of the effects is better health. Nobody thought about that at the time."


Frances Campbell, a senior

vocal similarities between

poking at the bellies of the rats

the species matched their

in their lab, their ultrasonic recording devices picked up

Chimps and bonobos, our closest relatives, boast the most laughterlike kind of panting, while the noises of gorillas, further down our family tree, sound less like laughing. And orangutans, our truly distant cousins, pant in a


Animal jokes Nonhuman

pr i m a tes

don't just laugh — there's evidence they can crack their own jokes. Koko, a gorilla in Woodside, Calif., who has learned more than 2,000 words and 1,000 American

Graham Child Development

Sign Language signs, has been known to play with

entific evidence that hardship

signed, "rock" and "work." She also once tied her train-


er's shoelaces together and

for agroup of risk factors that

a professorofeconomics atthe together substantially raise the University of Chicago who led chancesforheartdisease,diathe data analysis. "But it also

choice of words makes sense.

But what about o ther members of t h e a n i mal

kingdom — do they have

775SW BonnetWay,Suite120•Bend 541-728-0321 ~www.elevationcapital.biz

koff, University of Colorado-Boulder professor of ecology and evolutionary biology and author of "The


E motional Lives of A n i mals," believes they do. In fact, he thinks we're on the

Nothing welcomes your family home like a quality Mendotal

cusp of discovering that

thing about it, that poverty is

mammals. The idea that animals can appreciate com-

As for women, those in the

686 NW York Drive, Ste.150 Bend, OR I 541-306-3263

f unny bones? Marc B e-

many animalshave a sense

trol group hadthe syndrome. "These are real biological The findings come amid a markers, blood tests, physical political push by the Obama results," Campbell said.

Plae Well, Retire Well

signed, "chase."

betes and stroke. In contrast, a shows us that we can do some- quarter of the men in the connot just a hopeless condition."

leagues are testing a new antidepressant medication on rats,

different meanings of the

to you that we were expecting to seemuch ofa difference at

none had developed metabolic

experiment: He and his col-

We met Burgdorf at his office to see if it makes them "laugh," or chirp happily. If allgoes well, where as a biomedical engi- Burgdorf believes the resulting neering professor he's contin- medication could eventually be ued his rat-tickling efforts. He approved for humans. Rats, so was cautious, however, about often seen as a malicious pest, overselling what's happening could end up making the world with his rodents. "I don't nec- ahappierplace. essarily call it laughter, I call it a signal of positive effect," Burgdorftold us.His careful

of that's hard?" the gorilla

health," said James Heckman,

go v ern-

nal they're experiencing happiness. Hence the "laughing pill"

improvements, "I would not say

syndrome, the medical term

ment-funded preschool for 4-year-olds. But a growing

these rats' ultrasonic noises sig-

istence of rat laughter, people the world over were opening up their rat cages and engaging Pinky and Mr. Pickles in

Not everyone was convinced same word. When she was he and Panksepp had uncovasked, "What can you think ered real rat laughter when

matters and it does affect adult

administration f o r

news media trumpeted the ex-

who startedworkontheproject in the 1970s, said of the health

in early childhood has lifelong treatment group, now mostly in health implications. But it goes their mid-30s, were less likely further than outlining the prob- to develop hypertension than lem, offering evidence that a those inthe control group. They particular policy might prevent also had significantly higher it. levels of "good" cholesterol, and "This tells us that adversity

produced that same laughterlike noise. The rats eagerly chased their Whether you call it laughter fingers for more. Soon, as the or not,Burgdorf is convinced

the same 50kilohertz sounds.

at Northwestern's Falk Center,

researchers found something that they had not expected to see: The group that got care was far healthier, with sharply lowerratesofhigh blood pressure and obesity, and higher levels of "good" cholesterol. The study, published in the journal Science on Thursday, is part of a growing body of sci-

But that is precisely what researchersfound. Men in the

tions to stimulate the reward centersof rats'brains, the rats

m ost primitive full-scale tickle wars.

scientist at the Frank Porter


door that reads "Know It All,"

temperaments and bees that

Therapeutics, scientists are tickling rats. Their goal? To develop a pharmaceutical-grade happiness pill. But their efforts might also

Forty-two years later, the

Institute at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,

quick-witted guy with a boyish face and a sign on his office

has been obsessed with that canbetrainedtobepessimistic. strange rat noise he first heard As Bekoff points out, Dar- in 1997. win argued that the difference He seems to be on to somebetween human and animal thing. While tickling isn't intelligence is a matter of de- always pleasant — thus the producesome ofthe bestev- gree, not of kind. Or as Bekoff term "tickle torture" — in mulidence yet that humor isn't put it, "If we have a sense of hu- tiple experiments Burgdorf something experienced ex- mor, then nonhuman animals has demonstrated the rats' 50 clusivelyby human beings. should have a sense of humor, kilohertz chirping is only assoScientists believe human too." ciated with positive experienclaughter evolved from the es. For example, the rats only distinctive panting emitted Tickling rats made this sound during rough by our great-ape relatives A similar sentiment inspired and tumble play when the aniduring rough and tumble psychologist Jaak Panksepp to mals were of similar size. The ions changed when play; that panting functions enter his lab at Bowling Green vocalizat as a signal that the play is State University in Ohio one one of the animals involved all in good fun and nobody's day in 1997 and tell undergrad was much larger than the othabout to tear anybody else's Jeffrey Burgdorf, "Let's go er, when it was no longer fun throat out. In a clever bit of tickle some rats." The lab had and games and instead looked scientific detective work, already discovered that its rats more like bullying. And when psychologist Marina Davi- would emit unique ultrason- givena choice,Burgdorf's rats la-Ross of the University of ic chirps in the 50 kilohertz would push a bar to play a rePortsmouth in the United range when they were chas- cording of the 50 kilohertz Kingdom analyzed digital ing one another and engag- chirpas opposed to other rat recordings of tidde-induced ing in play fighting. Now the noises, suggesting they had a panting from chimps, bono- researchers wondered if they preference for the sound. Fibos, gorillas, and orang- could prompt this chirping nally, when Burgdorf and his utans, as well as human through tickling. Sure enough, colleagues used electrodes, laughter, and found the when the researchers began opiates, and other manipulaFalk Center for Molecular

evolutionary relationships. New York Times News Service

their rodent-tickling activities first went public. But whatever you want to call it, Burgdorf, a


of humor, maybe even all edy isn't as far-fetched as it sounds, considering some of


C@ •



treated group were less likely to develop pre-hypertension number of experts, Heckman or abdominal obesity, which among them, believe that more tends to be a risk factor for effective public p r ograms heart problems. They also had would start far earlier — in

healthier habits. They were

infancy,for example, because life and become a successful

significantly less likely to have started drinking before age 17, and more likely to be physically active and eat nutritious food,

adult are acquired.

than the women in the control

that is when many of the skills needed to take control of one's

The studyin Science drewits group. data from the Carolina AbeceSome have criticized the darian Project, in which about Abecedarian study as not per100 infants from low-income suasive because it is too small families in N o rt h C a rolina and too old, Heckman said. He

were followed from early infan- argued that results were strikcy to their mid-30s. The project ing even with its small size, and is well known in the world of the fact that it was randomsocial science because of its ized and that the participants design: The infants were ran- have been followed for decades domly assigned to one group shows the results are real and or the other, allowing research- long-lasting. ers to isolate the effects of the Addressing criticism t h at program. Such designs are the the program would be too exgold standard in medical re- pensive to apply more broadsearch but are rarely used in ly, Heckman said the cost of investigations that influence the Abecedarianproject was domestic social policy. about $16,000per child peryear The researchers had al- in 2010 dollars. His research ready answered their original group is now analyzing how question about cognitive development: whether the treated

that might compare to the costs

of medicalcare for the poorchildren would, for example, er health outcomes that tend be less likely to fail in school. to be typical for low-income The answer was yes. Overall, Americans.

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overnments in it ar to

restrict ui in inris areas


gation, and Bend Police Chief Hicks said. Jim Porter said all inquiries "When we came back Pivo must go through the DeHickses then left for vacation,

Continued from A1 Hicks' kids, 12-year-old had written a letter thanking Sarah, 11-year old Thayer and Caroline for the chocolate," 7-year-old Caroline, all loved Hicks said. "The letter said, Castro-Luna, Hicks said. But 'God bless your family.' That Caroline, who attends a Span- was pretty much the last we ish immersion school, had the saw of Pivo."

By John Schwartz

closest relationship with the

New York Times News Service

slainwoman. "Pivo would bring Caroline gifts to help her learn Spanish," Hicks said. pearance and named him as

After disasters like the Oso landslide in Washington state,

a common question is why people are allowed to live in such dangerous places. On the website of Scientific American, for example, blogger

schutes County District Attor-

ney's Office. District Attorney Patrick Flaherty could not be

reachedforcomment Friday. Hicks said a m emorial fund has been set up to raise

Police determined C a stro-Luna was with Bend resident Honorio De Horta-Frias, 40, near the time of her disap-

money for Castro-Luna's two children. Proceeds will go toward a college fund for them. Donations are being accepted in Castro-Luna's name

Caroline wrote Castro-Luna an appreciation letter and

a person of interest. Investigatorsbelieve De Horta-Frias left

at all Home Federal Bank

gave her a chocolate as an assignment for school. The

the Bend area headed south. The case is under investi-

— Reporter: 541-383-0376, sking@bendbulletin.com


Dana Hunter wrote, "It infu-

riates me when officials know an area is unsafe, and allow

people to build there anyway." But things are rarely simple when government power meets property rights. The government has broad authority to regulate safety in


pany, Life Line Screening

and researchers had blood

Inc. Some of these screen-

pressure and other health

Continued fromA1 But "we can't prove by any means cause and effect," he

decisions about where and


how to build, but it can count Fred R. Conrad/ New York Times News Service on trouble when it tries to re- The Grand Casino in Biloxi, Miss., was destroyed by Hurricane

This is the largest look at marriage and heart health,

strict the right to build.

ing tests, for various types measures. of cancer and other diseases The study found: or conditions, are not recom• Married people had a mended by leading medical 5 percent lower risk of any dis e ase groups, but people can still cardiovascular get them and pay for them compared to single people. themselves. Widowed people had a 3 The study authors have percent greater risk of it and no financial ties to the com- divorced people, a 5 percent pany and are not endors- greaterrisk, compared to ing this type of screening, married folks. Berger said. Life Line gave • Marriage seemed to do its data to the Society of Vas- the most good for those uncular Surgery and New York der age 50; they had a 12 perUniversity to help promote cent lower risk of heart-relatresearch. ed disease than single people The results are from peo- their age. ple who sought screening • Smoking, a major heart from 2003 through 2008. risk, was highest among diTheir average age was 64, vorced people and lowest in nearly two-thirds were fe- widowed ones. Obesity was male and 80 percent were most common in those single white. They gave informa- and divorced. Widowed peotion on smoking, diabetes, ple had the highest rates of family history, obesity, ex- high blood pressure, diabetes ercise and other factors, and inadequate exercise.

"Often, it ends up in court," said Lynn Highland, a geographer with the U.S. Geological Survey's landslide program in

Katrina in 2005. In a way, the aftermath of the hurricane was a lab-

said Dr. Carlos Alviar, a car-

oratory of what happenswhengovernment power meets property rights, as planners came upwith sweeping safety proposals only to be repeatedly told by homeowners andbusinesses attempting

diology fellow who led the study with Berger. Previous

to recover that their interference was unwelcome.

married to single people and lacked information on di-

Golden, Colo.

Her agency provides scientific information about geologic features and risks, but it has

no regulatory authority, and state and local regulations are a patchwork, she said. When

disaster strikes, people find that their insurance policies do not cover landslides with-

out special riders that can be ruinously expensive. "We tell people 'buyer beware'" when buying or building a home, Highland said, because riskdisclosure require-

ments vary so greatly from

The government constantly

LandSlide aftermath —The grim workof recovery at the site of last week's landslide in Osowascompounded Friday by rain and wind but also by growing anxiety over howbadthe disaster might get, as emergency officials declined again to confirm numerous reports by volunteers and families about retrieved bodies. Officials have beenslow to update the death toll, even as volunteers and family members working at the site, about 55 miles northeast of Seattle, reported numerous bodies that had beendiscoveredand,insomecases,removed.ThecountFriday morning was still17 people who were killed in the slide or who died later of injuries, with 90 more missing and 35 reports still being investigated. Snohomish County officials had said that at least eight other victims were located in the debris but haveyet to be recovered.

versity of Sydney. "We have really overbuilt

on really dangerous ground Hurricane Sandy, Gov. Chris all over the country," Blakely Christie backed programs said. to help New Jersey's coastal Communities have occaresidents stay in their homes, sionally been moved out of hazardous areas after disas-

ters. The tiny town of Valmeyprograms that would provide er, Ill., was destroyed in the incentives for those along the 1993 Mississippi River flood, shore to move. Congressional and residentsrecreated the efforts to reduce incentives town on a nearby bluff about to rebuild in areas that flood 400 feet higher than the sodrepeatedly have been signifi- den predecessor, using $35 cantly weakened with a bill million in federal money. In passed this month that de- Washington state, King Counlays costincreases for flood ty began buying homes in an insurance. unincorporated neighborhood After H u rricane Katrina,

in the 1990s that was subject

planners came up with sweep- to repeated, dangerous floods. ing proposals to rebuild a Over 20 years, the county safer, stronger New Orleans, bought 60 homes. consolidating its smaller population into neighborhoods on Property rights higher ground and transformR estricting the r ight t o ing low-lying areas into park- build is hard, said J. David land and drainage. Rogers, a professor of geologi"I took a lot of fire on that," cal engineering at the Missousaid Joseph Canizaro, who ri University of Science and headed the Bring New Orle- Technology in Rolla. "That's ans Back Commission. "We Big Brother," he said. were trying to save lives," Builders and developers he added, but people did not rarely want to hear bad news, want to be told where to live said Rogers, who has served and what to d o w i t h t h eir

homes. Edward Blakely, who led the New Orleans recovery effort, said that when he discussed some ofthe proposals,

"people either laughed at me or were very upset." New Orleans is not unique,

said Blakely, a professor at the U.S. Studies Center at the Uni-

Or they just looked at heart attacks, whereas this one included a full range from clogged arteries and abdominal aneurysms to stroke risks and circulation prob-

lems in the legs. Researchers used health questionnaires that people

filled out when they sought various types of tests in community settings around the

countryfrom an Ohio com-

— New YorkTimes NewsService

struggles with the issue. After

while next door in New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo favored

c o m pared

vorced and widowed ones.

state to state and even from county to county.


studies mostly

they tend to come up short on questions of l ocal h azards,

said Frank Popper, an expert in planning at Rutgers University. The town o f W e st, Texas, did not tell the fertiliz-

Autographs Continued from A1 "Fans say, 'Can you put your number on there'?'" said JavierLopez, a reliever for the San Francisco Giants.

he noted, and disaster struck

"Because there's no chance they can read them."

when the facility exploded last year.


er plant in its midst to move,

He said that little had been

done to prepare the East Coast for storms like Hurricane Sandy and that coastal

residents rationalized away problems like hurricanes and rising sea levels, telling themselves "I'll sell the place before that" or "The scientists don't

know what they're talking about" or "My neighbor will get hit, but not me." Those who are skeptical of

government regulation argue that it can be difficult to pin down a danger zone in most

places, making attempts at restricting development overly

Curtis Granderson, a veteran New York M ets out-

fielder, said he used to write his name neatly. But as a young player, he often found himself with hundreds of items to sign at a time — for memorabilia companies, for his team, for fans. F or a p erson with a 1 0-letter last name, it w as

overwhelming. "As you're sitting there signing, your thought process is, 'How do I get out of here as quick as possible?'" Granderson said.


the director of litigation at the

Granderson added: "A lot successive generation of players paying less care to their penof people just want the fact manship, the baseball autograph has lost some of its luster, and that you signed it. They re- the few players who do still sport a clean signature often cite a ally don't care how it looks." relative or a keyteacher as an inspiration. If they do care, fans of

"You could say everywhere on the Eastern Seaboard is in striking distance of a hurricane,"said James Burling,

Pacific Legal Foundation, a group that promotes property stability risks. Soil and slopes rights. can often be shored up, he Government powers to regsaid, but "when you tell them ulate safety in building are what it's really going to cost to broad, said Ilya Somin, a law stabilize, they go ballistic on professor at George Mason you." He said, "I was the most University, and when governfired consultant in the west- ment acts and property ownern United States." ers challenge a rule, "usually While local governments it's very hard for landowners focus on regulating growth, to win." as a c onsultant evaluating

Carlos Gonzalez, Cliff Lee, Tim L i ncecum an d o t h er


three or four years now." Community Development

couples who called this week,

Continued fromA1

Department staff countered

summer 2015. He doesn't see any reason why the weddings

has located at the property w ithout required l an d u s e

approval." The letter ha s

S hepherd

fuming. He said he's emailed a Christian civil liberties group for guidance and calls the notice a likely violation of his

asking about reservations for shouldn't be allowed.

"I haven't had a single complaint from neighbors," Shepherd said. "This doesn't hurt anyone." Still, Lelack said any commercialweddings Shepherd hosts over the summer would violate county code, though it's uncertain at t h i s p o int

what steps the county would take. Lelack said county commissioners would ultimately

have to decide. At least one commissioner, Tony DeBone, said he's inter-

esting in visiting Shepherd's property. DeBone said the church issue is about building safety, not religious freedom. DeBone said he hopes Shepherd and the county can reach can better determine whether an agreement on the church or not permitsarerequired for and wedding issues. "I support private prophis church." Meanwhile, Shepherd host- erty rights and a citizen utied a full slate of weddings on lizing those rights," he said his property last summer. He Thursday. said he's reluctant to cancel Shepherd said he wants to weddings planned for this meet with all three commissummer, which couples resioners, or have them visit served last year. He declined his property as soon as next to say how many he scheduled month.

First Amendment rights. "This is one new piece in a series of harassment from the county," Shepherd said this for this summer. But he said he week. "It's been going on for had to turn down two Portland

— Reporter: 541-617-7820, egluci'zlich@bendbulletin.com

New York Times News Service file photo

Autograph seekers surround Babe Ruth in1944. With each

great signature. Even Pete

prime offenders will be dis- Vuckovich, he's notoriously appointed. Toronto's R .A. grumpy about autographs, Dickey, a former Cy Young but you can read his signaAward winner, said he had a ture. Ozzie Smith signed neat version he might use in nicely. Rollie Fingers' is like a private setting. But at the

ballpark, he said, he makes two discernible letters and

moves down the line. Washington reliever Drew Storen, 26, said h e

But he's been unable to get that they're trying to follow formal approval for weddings, state safety guidelines for despite holding them each of buildings with a "commercial" the last four years. use involving members of the Deschutes County Com- public, which a church could missioners voted to hold off fall under. on any fines against Shepherd Planners haven't looked at last summer, essentially giv- Shepherd'shome, Communiing him a free pass. ty Development Department Shepherd, 56, is a pastor. Director Nick Lelack said He said he hosts small, nonde- Thursday, and the county nominational services out of wouldn't move forward with his home on the property, with an actual violation until they about 12 regular attendees. did. They didn't know about He said he was surprised the church until Shepherd inand angered by a letter from formed them he was holding Deschutes County's Com- the services. "We're not pursuing any munity Development Department, dated March 18, other code enforcement at this informing him of "an alleged point in this case," Lelack said. violation of the County Code The county's legal counsel "is associated with your proper- researching the issues that Mr. ty; specifically, that a church Shepherd has raised, so we


how things start to shorten and shorten and shorten."

c ould

signature. Ruth attended St. Mary's Industrial School for

not have been tolerated.

your own little logo, because

Whatever players' upmost of the time you're sign- bringing, signatures mostly ing a card, so they know stayed legible for decades. who it's supposed to be." Even after Depression-era Some players, like Brett budget cuts de-emphasized Gardner, Manny Machado handwriting i n sc h ools, a nd Mike Trout, offer l i tGladstone said, people born tle more than initials. Even in the 1940s, '50s and early Jackie Bradley Jr., a Boston '60s tended to be taught by Red Sox prospect who usu- well-trained instructors. Today's players, many ally spells out each letter, can lapse into the habit. He

born in the 1980s, were not.

once signed for Scott Mor-

Children learned print and cursive then, as now, but handwriting was generally less of a priority in curricula.

timer, a fan and avid collector from Merrimack, N.H., with a simple "JBJ."

Changeovertime Mortimer, 43, said he was

"In the '80s, we started to

have people basically say, 'Oh, handwriting's not im-

not very choosy; he just en- portant, because in five or joys the pursuit and the ex- 10 years everything in the perience. But he also has a world will b e c omputersignature on nearly every ized,'" Gladstone said. "But card in the 1983 Fleer set I don't think we're yet at the and can say with authority stage of typing our names that times have changed. onto baseballs." " You can make out t h e

names of everyone," he said, referring to the players from 1983. "Bob Forsch had a

by recreating his signature across the right-field wall at

Target Field. When young Twins playsigns big. Carl Yastrzems- ers signed baseballs, Killeki's got that cool, looping Y. brew watched closely, said You can almost go through Tom Kelly, a former manthe entire Hall of Fame, and ager of the team. If t h eir they all had nice signatures." penmanship did not meet Kate Gladstone, a hand- his standards, he corrected writing instructor from Al- them until it did.

usually, but I think of it as a design," Storen said. "I Boys, a Baltimore orphanchallenge people to try to do age and boarding school it, to see if they can, but it's where a scribbled name, just autopilot for me, like, Gladstone guessed, would 'Boom.' It looks cool. It's like

2011, the Twins honored him

artwork. Don Sutton always

rarely read the autographs he collected growing up. Now his signature looks bany, N.Y., and director of more like a butterfly than a the World Handwriting Conname. test, said Ruth had a model "I put my number on it,

the dean of the dignified autograph. After he died in

A piece of history "I had a swerve like everybody else — a T and a line, a dot dot, an H and a line,

and something like a t," said Torii Hunter, a veteran out-

fielder who now plays for Detroit.

But, he added, Killebrew told him a story. " Think a bout

t h is : 1 50

years from n ow, y ou're dead and gone, and kids are playing in a field," Hunter recalled Killebrew saying. "A kid hits a home run, hits

the ball in the weeds — far. They're looking for the ball, they find it, and it says, 'T, line, dot dot, H.' They don't know who it is. They're like, 'Oh, we found another ball

to play with,' because they can't read it. "But just rewind that. A

kid hits a ball, hits it in the weeds, they're looking for it, they pick it up and they can read it. It says, 'T-o-r-i-i H-u-n-t-e-r.' And they're like,

'Wow.' So they go and look it up and they see this guy was a pretty good player, and they put it on the mantel and

cherish it." Killebrew s aid, "You er who played from 1954 to didn't play this long for 1975, mostly for the Minne- somebody to destroy your sota Twins, was considered name," Hunterrecalled. Killebrew, a Hall of Fam-



ro ram e sveeransin rison By Matthew Hay Brown• The Baltimore Sun

WESTOVER, Md. — Christian Rojas has a plan: The Iraq War veteran wants to get his paralegal certificate. Then, he figures, he'll go


into business for himself, helping people write New York Times News Service file photo

A 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt was involved in a fatal crash in 2009, in Hartsville, S.C. The model is often driven by younger motorists.

their wills and file motions in court. He dreams of earning a law degree eventually and practicing law. Kim Hairston I Baltimore Sun

RecallexpandedContinued from A1 "It's a young person's car," said Bill Visnic, senior editor at auto website Edmunds.com

and a veteran of more than 20 years of vehicle test drives. "When you turn off the ignition and you lose power steering, especially, it's a very panicky feeling." GM, in announcing its 1.6 million-vehicle global recall, linked the ignition flaw to 12

deaths. More broadly, hundreds of deaths have been reported to regulators in crashes

of the recalled models in which airbags failed to deploy. Now, plaintiffs' attorneys are seek-

ing to establish whether some of those deadly events may have started when an ignition

key was rattled or bumped out of position. The prospective examples that are emerging span the country and include the old and the young, but strikingly the young. A description of S arah

General Motors said Friday that it was expanding its ignition switch recall to an additional 971,000 cars worldwide that mayhave been repaired with defective switches — in addition to the 1.6 million cars, made in the2007 model year and earlier already recalled. The company realized it had sold thousands of defective switches to dealers and parts wholesalers that could have beenused in newer cars that never had the defect. Theexpansion of the recall comes asGM faces increasing pressure from federal regulators and lawmakers to explain why it took more than adecadeto address the ignition switch problems. — News YorkTimes News Service

First, though, he has to get out of prison. Rojas, 33, is at Eastern

it seems like it's been getting County, where he is serving lessness or other problems. more difficult. I suspect we are seven years for holding up The VA services that he can making a difference." a couple of fast-food restau- offer can lead a judge to send Dennis Ferrell, th e s tate rants in Severn in 2011. a veteran to treatment instead prison system's assistant diThe good news for Ro- of prison, can persuade a pa- rector for transition services, jas: Jim Haskell is ready to role board to release a veteran, called the work of Haskell and help. or set up a veteran who has the VA "very helpful to us." the services that individuals need," he said.

cords with prison records,

the first state prison system to

tem, that works out to more

than 1,700 incarcerated vet-

Kelley Blue Book, a car information website. It priced them

reach out to them and make

to compete with Toyota's Colawsuit against GM for eco- rolla small car and the Honda nomic damages on behalf of Civic, he said. "Their audience was aging," two plaintiffs and a proposed group, listed eight possible vic- Brauer said. The antidote, he

sure that they're getting the proper services that they

tims of malfunctioning GMs


need," Haskell said. "Basically, that's what we do, is

connect veterans to those

Offering support

Trautwein, were 25 years old or younger people buy." younger. Soon after the cars hit the The fate of such drivers market, GM's dealers began promises to come to the fore receiving complaints about

Haskell travels to prisons t hroughout th e s t ate t o

next week a s

S enate and unintentional shut-offs, includ-

meet with incarcerated for-

House committee members ing at least 16 from parents. A grill GM executives over why Colorado woman told a dealer-

mer service members. He

As partofthe program,

assesses the housing, treatment and job training they

the company didn't mount its

ship that her 19-year-old son's

recall sooner. Mary Barra, GM's chief executive officer

Cobalt stalled as he entered an offramp at 70 miles an hour, sending him crashing into a

will need when they are re-

ers, is due to testify. Barra, who ditch. He hit his head and lived. has apologized for GM's delay, The complaints, from March

to courts, parole boards

with her as a mother. The families of several young people who died in crashes involving the recalled cars have said they

among 90dealeraccounts that were read into a deposition

plan to attend the hearings.

"As we've previously said, we deeply regret the circumstances that led to the recall," GM said in an emailed statement Thursday. "We have launched an internal review to

give us an unvarnished report on what happened. We will

The agency estimates that

with mental health condi-

liard in federal court in Corpus Christi. The motion, part of a

2005 through April 2009, were

leased, connects them with those services, and reports and probation officers. Many of the veterans

tomer states now scared to put

her daughter in the car," read an Ohio dealer' s summary

eralengineers deposed in the Georgia lawsuit testified that

key rings, lest the extra weight inadvertently turn the key. Sev-


set him up w ith a v eterans

re-entry group at the Maryland VA Medical Center in Bal-



P lg Qf TP

Thiie olld!l C~!I K'xthisimige is sjilsylle„ fa!sft siggrj estsy tjry igmgleristrstltsll, Itis mii~linitItr@sil:; + n.vlw4law+

and steering lost power, the cars could be maneuvered.

s pokesman, said in a 2 0 05 s tatement issued after t w o

newspaper auto reviewers reported unexpected shutdowns.

"The engine can be restarted after shiftingto neutral." Adler dedined a request to yond those GM has offered on the recall.

While several auto-safety

experts and driving instructors

who have already lived for years with the soul-searching

said younger drivers would be particularly challenged by the recalledmodels'power losses, others said the scenario could jar any driver. Very few drivers

53-year-old retired military pi- would easily adapt to a car that lot, whose daughter was killed loses power on the highway, on her trip between their home said Allen Robinson, who has in Lexington, S.C., and the been training driving instrucnearby University of South tors for 40 years. "It's going to be a real probCarolina in Columbia. Referring to new lawsuits against lem and most people are not GM, he said: "Money isn't the goingto knowhowto deal with object. But hopefully it stops it," said Robinson, the CEO of someone else from dying." the American Drivers Traffic The r e c alled mo d els Safety Education Association, emerged during a period of se- which represents traffic safe-

vere cost-cutting in the years

ty educators and manages the

beforeGM's 2009 bankruptcy reorganization, according to several people with knowledge of the company at the time. GM

National Student Safety Program. "These sorts of mechanical failures are so infrequent

that you can't really prepare people for them."



,'ftI OtdGrrltsrtsfSfsat '

"The Cobalt is still control-

round of questions for parents

designed Cobalts and Ions to

was released in 2012, Haskell


even if these models' brakes

highway. Others said their kids make additional comments be-

that the loss of a child brings. eYoucan't replace her. What can I do?" said Trautwein, a

ommendations for treatment with the court. When Ames

them recording their stories

4 srlmlaftttf siti sttf rsfsi syatttt ts hslft tttlsl fstf cl'fOI



• trN4l,srN Wl

ments, GM dealers were receiv- lable" if it loses power inading complaints from owners vertently, Alan Adler, a GM

banks or other cars. The recalls demand a new

'Damn, I'm glad now,'" remembered Ames, now 61. "I figured this was maybe an opportunity to get my life back in order." Haskell administered a psychosocial evaluation and sharedthe resultsand his rec-

read into the deposition. An-

loss in a Cobalt by restarting the engine in neutral and proceeding on their way. For many drivers, it wasn't so simple. Around that same

had crashed into ditches, snow-

f rom the VA , I w a s l i k e ,

Recent re orts have revealed that the avers e s e of s csr on the road is 11 years — bringing awareness to what some would cau a Car Health Crisis. According to Murray & Holt Motors, local csr dealer For The People, "Our roads are ctuttered with old cars that people seem to be hanging on to, despite the need to upgrade to a healthier ride, snd I want to change that. rmonsmissiontohel e o l e e t r i d o f t heoldcsrthe hatesorve

"Customer states how the

car shut off on daughter at 55 miles per hour yesterday. Cus-

asking dealers to tell customers to take heavy items from their

their cars to a halt, often in the middle of an intersection or

ing to greet him. "Just hearing somebody

for the Library of Congress' timore and a bed at Baltimore Veterans History Project. Station, a residential treatment Veterans groups in several facility for veterans. specialists into county, state prisons raise money for vetSharon Cole, supervising and federal prisons to develop erans charities. The group at attorney with the Office of the treatment plans for former ser- Roxbury Correctional Insti- Public Defender in Baltimore, vice members as they prepare tution in Hagerstown holds said veterans' "entanglement to re-enter society. what state officials believe is in the criminal justice system" The VA is studying the im- the only inside-the-wire POW- is often "just a manifestation pact of the work of Haskell MIA Remembrance Day cer- of issues" such as substance and his counterparts in other emony in the country. State abuse, homelessness and states on the veterans they are Veterans Affairs Secretary Ed PTSD. trying to serve. It is not clear Chow spoke at the ceremoHaskell, she said, "helps prohow many stay off drugs, off ny in September,which was vide for an effective interventhe streets and out of trouble, held at the veterans' memori- tion. Obviously, jail is an inefor whether they fare any bet- al in the middle of the prison fective intervention." ter than nonveteran prison- compound. Ames now works at Baltiers who are ineligible for VA One of the veterans Haskell more Station's Code Blue shelservices. first met at Central Booking ter program. When his stay But Haskell believes he's was Williams Ames. thereends thisyear,he wants having a positive effect. The Baltimore native, a for- to get his own place and find "When I first started going mer nuclear missile mechanic work as a cook. "The re-entry program gave to Baltimore Central Booking, with the Air Force, said the it didn't seem like I had any anxietyhe has suffered since m e a chance," he said."I'm 61. trouble finding veterans," he he worked in the missile silos I want to enjoy what I've got said. "But as time has gone on, at Ellsworth Air Force Base left."

in Georgia that GM settled in September.

faulty switches as early as 2001. In 2005, GM said in a statement that drivers should be able to respond to a power

models were shutting down unexpectedly. Many c ame from parents who said their young drivers had brought

Haskell was at Central Book-

in a w r ongful-death lawsuit

other, from a Georgia mother who complained of stalls: "Cusimprove our processes so our tomerisbeggingforanew car. customers do not experience She is too afraid the car will this again." do it again while her daughter GM has told regulators that drives it." some employees knew of the GM countered concerns by

whose Cobalts, Ions and other

in a string that stretched back years. But for the first time,

erans. Since 2007, the VA has sent social workers and other

hold ourselves accountable and

time, according to court docu-

in February 2011 was the latest

enabling the VA to locate about 8 percent of the U.S. have incarcerated former sertwice as many former ser- prison population has served vice members training service vice members — is now ex- in the military. Among the dogs for wounded veterans, to panding nationwide. roughly 22,000 inmates in have them cleaning state vet"Because so many people Maryland's state prison sys- erans cemeteries and to have

by Texas attorney Bob Hil-

has said the events hit home

1970s drove him to abuse co-

caine and heroin. His arrest on drug charges

piloted a program in Mary- war, and the Pentagon looks to State programs land that allows the agency reduce the number of service State prison officials have to identify more veterans members on active duty, the promoted programs for vetin prison. That program VA is stepping up its services erans. Spokesman M ark — which matches VA reforincarcerated veterans. Vernarelli said Maryland's is

tions and substance abuse conditions are winding up in the judicial system, it's really incumbent upon us to

and the mother of two teenag-

in South Dakota in the early

"We can never provide all

Haskell is a clinical so- served time for a chance at cial worker in B altimore success on the outside. with the D epartment of As the military winds down Veterans Affairs, which has after more than a decade of

target first-time buyers, said Karl Brauer, senior analyst for

— seven of whom, including

Haskell works with suffer

Correctional Ins t i tution from post-traumatic stress disin Westover in Somerset order, substance abuse, home-

Trautwein's accident appeared in a motion filed on March 24

said, was to build "attractive, small, entry-level cars t h at

Christian Rojas, 33, who is nearing release from the Eastern Correctional Institute in Westover, Md., after serving time for armed robbery, is a veteran of the Iraq war. He left the Army in 2010.

ollssrst ,


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Guzekseeksdeath sentence review An attorneyrepresenting RandyGuzek on March20filed abrief withthe OregonSupreme Court requesting adirect review ofhis deathsentence. Guzekwas18in1987 whenhe and two other men shotRodand Lois Houser andransacked their Terrebonnehome. Thethree menthenstaged the scenesoitappeared to be a ritualmurder,according to Bulletin archives. In 1988Guzekwas convicted ofaggravated murderand sentencedto death, butthe casewas overturned.Sincethen, three otherjuries, thelast in 2010,sentencedGuzek todeath.

2nd Bendpot shop gets OK'ddystate

Irrigators, 0 IA SOOll residents City ef Bend water treatment plant split over canal work

0 By Hillary Borrud

proved the city's application for the

The Bulletin

project, which is west of Bend in an unincorporated area. People who

Bend public works employees expect to break ground for the city's first drinking water filtration plant by late April or May.

disagree with the land use decision have until 5 p.m. Monday to file an appeal. As of Thursday morning, If the city sticks to that timeline, no appeal had been filed. Additionproject manager Heidi Lansdowne al project questions from bidders said she expects the plant to be oper- and other issues caused the project ating by December 2015. timeline to slide a bit from the origiThat means the city will miss its nal goal of breaking ground in early latest deadline this October to begin April, Lansdowne said. Cities across treating drinking water for crypto- the nation face a federal deadline to sporidium. Bend already received treat surface water for the microoran extension of the original 2012 ganism cryptosporidium. federal treatment deadline. The city The project has been contentious, expects to spend up to $33.5 million with much of the controversy foto complete the plant on top of at cused on its cost. In 2009, a consulleast $5 million it spent on the proj- tant studied various water treatment ect design as of fall 2013. options and found that a membrane "We just tried to rush things, and filtration system was the best option they're not rushing as fast as we for Bend. The City Council voted wanted them to go," Lansdowne said on Tuesday. A Deschutes Coun-

5-2 in December 2010 to build such

ty land use official recently ap-

See Bend/B5

The state onFridayapproved theapplication of secondmedicalmarijuana dispensary inBend. The application from Bloom WelInc. l onNortheast Divisionreceivedthe OKfrom theOregonMedical MarijuanaDispensary Program. An application from Doctor Jolly's onSoutheastThird Streetgained approval March21. Dispensariesmayopen for businesswhenthey receive their registration certificates, accordingto the dispensaryprogram. The totalnumberof approveddispensaries statewidewas22as of Friday. In additionto Bend, theyarelocatedin Corvallis, Eugene,Hermiston, Portland,Salemand Springfield.


The city of Bend hopes to break ground on a drinking water filtration plant by the end of April or early May next to its existing Outback water treatment and storage facility west of the city. a

Lower Tomalo Creek Watershed

By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin


between the Central Oregon

alo Cree

Irrigation District and several dozen property owners just

Outdack facility SLYAners o

Stormwater workshopsset Bendresidentsare encouraged toshare their inputonthe city's stormwatersystemattwo workshopsnextweek. The city is revising its 2008 draft Stormwater Master Plan,which lays outoptions fordealing with stormwaterwithin city limits. The first workshop will be 5:15to 6:30 p.m.

Wednesdayat theBend Utilities Annex,60975 Boyd AcresRoad.The second willbe from11:30 a.m. until1 p.m. atCity

over the fate of an irrigation canal that winds through their backyards. The irrigation district feet of the Pilot Butte Ca-

Source: City of Bend

Greg Cross l The Bulletin

nal with a closed pipe. But neighbors say removing the century-old canal would gut their property values and give COID a green light to take out other canals across the

county. A resolution in the case is still months away.

During a hearing Thursday with Deschutes County

planning commissioners, irrigation district officials said




the Pilot Butte Canal has for years lost water due to leak-

age, resulting in less water for farmers east of Bend.

The proposed piping area would start between Northeast 18th Street and

Old Deschutes Road and go downstream to meet a section of canal the district piped off

more than 10 years ago, between Bend and Redmond. The Pilot Butte Canal "los-

es the most water per mile of any stretch of our canal system," irrigation district Ir


manager Steve Johnson told planning commissioners Thursday. The homeowners don't want to see the canal go. About 80 people showed up to a public hearing two weeks ago, and most were back Thursday, saying Johnson and other officials have tried to intimidate them into ac-

cepting the plan. Some of them argued Thursday the irrigation district's canal piping plan isn't about conserving water for farmers, but about adding

power to its hydroelectric plant that operates along the canal. Jeff Perreault, a retired

hydrologist who lives in the proposed canal piping area, argued Thursday that water seeping from the canals into

~f /.

the soil isn't lost. It's instead

/ Rob Kerr/The Bulletin

Jud Seaman, left, and Ron Bradeen, of Bradeen Real Estate and Auction, go to work selling two buffalo bulls during the first auction in years at the Pine Mountain Ranch located east of Bend. Buffalo and yak were sold to ranchers. The consignment auction helped

provide transportation, slaughter or temporary holding for its buyers. See a photostory on Page B2.

absorbed into an underground reservoir called an aquifer, which keeps it in the Upper Deschutes Basin. SeePipe/B5

BendFilm hiresits newdirector; Sex abuse suspect start date scheduledfor mid-April arranges settlement By Scott Hammers

the position. "I think what really struck

The Bulletin

BendFilm has hired a new director, filling aposition that

us is he's passionate about independent film and values

has beenvacant sincethe film

what that can add to our community," Munks said. In December, the BendFilm board split the director's role

festival board reorganized its

management in December. Friday, the group an-

Hall,710 N.W.Wall St. — Bulletinsraffraport



northeast of Bend city limits

wants to replace about 4,500

More chargesIn shootIng IncIdent Newchargeshavebeen added tothe casepending againsta Madrasman accused ofshooting his then-girlfriendinthe face. ThomasKnapp,18, hasbeenintheJeff erson County Jail sincethe Novemberincident that's said to haveseriously injured 23-year-oldJessica Haynes.Knappwas originallychargedwith second-and third-degree assault. OnMarch12, Knappwasarraignedon one counteachoffirst-degree assaultandattempted murder,accordingto courtI'ecords. He pleadednotguilty toall charges.Knappis scheduled toappearApril 17in JeffersonCountyCircuit Court toenter aplea andbe sentenced.

A nearly yearlong, heated dispute continued Thursday

nounced it has

into two positions, creating a

selected Todd Looby. BendFilm board member April Munks said Loob y is sched-

thrector and a progl am manager. Orit Schwartz, director

uledto start work April 18. A onetime construction


manager, Loobytransitioned to full-time filmmakingin

Are you holding anevent to educate voters in the lead-up to the Mayelection? Submit the information toelections© benribulletin.com.We will not publish information about political fundraisers.

2008 andhas written,shotand

directed avariety of films and commercials. Looby also has servedas theexecutive direc-

tor of a nonprofit that operates aboarding school in Liberia. Munks said Loobymade a goodimpression onher and other board members when he visited Bend to interview for

for the four prior film festivals, left the organization.

"He's passionate

By Shelby R. King

not to use or possess alcohol

The Bulletin

while on probation, Ander-

about independent film and values what

A former Bulletin employee accused of sexually abusing at least one underage girl and

son said. She also said in an email that he must "continue

that canadd to our community." — April Munks, BendFilm board member

soliciting a prostitute pleaded

guilty to lesser charges and was sentenced this week, according to Deschutes County

With the reorganization,

success with his workwith the

of second-degree sex abuse, a felony. A negotiated settle-

Loobywill take on the role of servingasthe"faceofBend-

Liberianboarding school and

ment was reached on Tuesday

Film,"Munks said,oversee-

how to approach fundraising efforts in Central Oregon. "Anybody can fundraise and somepeople are more successfulthan others, buthe

ing fundraising and setting the overall vision for the organization. The program manager will work more dosely with filmmakers, Munks said, helping to select the lineup of films for eachyear's festival. Munks said BendFilm has notyet

hired aprogram manager, but expects to do so shortly after Looby starts work

Munks said Looby has a

seems to have a good sense of

reallyunderstood how importantitis tobuild and maintain

relationships in the communityto build and sustain Bend-

Film," she said. Thisyear's festival is scheduled for Oct. 9-12. — Reporter: 541-383-0387, simmmers@bendbulletin.com

Second-degree sex abuse is defined as sex without consent or sex with

Circuit Court records. Kevin O'Connell, 36, was arrested in 2012 on suspicion

trackrecord offundraising

treatment," but did not specify what the treatment was for.

someone under 18 who therefore

.. s@ / ca nnot legally give consent. A person who O'Connell

co n t r ibutes to

and O'Connell pleaded guilty to contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor, a misdemeanor, according to Deschutes County Chief Dep-

the sexual delinquencyofaminorengages in sexual intercourse with an underage person.

uty District Attorney Mary

from his position at The Bulletin in August 2012. He asked

Anderson. The second-degree sex abuse charge was dismissed. O'Connell was sentenced to 36 monthsofsupervised probation. He was ordered to register as a sex offender, have no sexual contact with minors, no contact with the victim and

O'Connell was terminated

if he could retrieve personal

files from his work computer, but his request was denied. Instead,the human resources

director told O'Connell she would retrieve the documents and forward them to him.



Ron Bradeen, wearing a bolo tie of his father's that features an auction-

eer's gavel, gets set to auction off some buffalo and yak.

Bradeen, owner of Bradeen Real Estate and Auction in South Dakota, said

his family has been in the business for more than 90 years.

' 0:P

Auctioneers Ron Bradeen, front left, Jud Seamanand buyers look over two female buffalo in the auction pen at Pine Mountain Ranch last week. The two pregnant cowsfetched a good chunk of money, but their buyers still got a bargain, according to Bradeen, who encouraged the buyers by comparing the prices to those in his home state of South Dakota, where a buffalo costs

much more.

By Rob Kerr • The Bulletin

Last week, Pine Mountain Ranch east of Bend staged its inaugural auction, and 21 potential buyers showed up to place their bids. Longtime auctioneers Ron Bradeen and Jud Seaman of Bradeen Real Estate and Auction led the auction, which was billed by ranch owner Loretta Spahmer as the only buffalo auction in the Pacific Northwest and the only yak auction in the country.



4r ,yhg

A rare white yak stands next to a morecommondark yak in a holding pen. This white yak and three others were transported and sold from actor Steven Seagal's Mt. Shasta, Calif., ranch to the consignment auction here. In all, Seagal had 22 yak for sale at the auction.

A Pine Mountain Ranch owners Loretta Spahmer, left, and Alan

Rousseau keep track of buffalo as they are moved in and out of an

auction pen ontheir ranch east of Bend. Spahmer said the ranch

was formerly a feed lot and had a history of livestock auctions. Now the ranch has buffalo, yak, poultry and other

grass-fed animals.

Male buffalo await auction, each weighing in at more than 1,400 pounds.

i h j' W » ,

Tibetan yak feed and wait their turn at the auction. Spahmer deemed the auction a success, with at least three Oregon farmers buying animals to start up yak operations.





em orssi na sowc an e • Seismologissays t quakesoriginating in GovernmentCamp

"No one should start to batten down the hatches." — lan Madin, chief scientist with the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries

By Chad Garland The Associated Press

SALEM — A s w a r m o f little earthquakes has been

rumbling this week beneath Mount Hood, Oregon's tallest peak, but geologists say there's no cause for alarm. Sensors have r ecorded

flank are normal, but a large quake right under its peak or a sustained series of quakes that build in magnitude could Don Ryan/The Associated Press file photo

ernment Camp, an unincorporated community in Clackamas County, since Sunday morning, with the largest being magnitude 2.3, barely big enough to feel.

The spateofrecent quakes beneath Mount Hood have been attributed to the Cascades Range slowly stretching out in a process that spans millions of years. And at magnitude 2.3, the temblors likely won't be felt by anyone in the area.

The 11,240-foot mountain

Mount Hood is in a chain stretch. It'sa processthathas of volcanic peaks, called the been happening over millions Cascade Range, stretching of years. from Canada into California. Seismologist Seth Moran at

and climbers. It is also volca-

t h e h a tches," quakes on Mount Hood ap-

said Ian Madin, chief scientist with the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.

the Cascades Volcano Obser-

vatory in Vancouver, Wash., said it's not clear where exactly the quakes originatedthey are small and deep, and there are not enough seismic stations in the area to pin-

looks like, he said. They can then compare the "normal" against activity that may be a

precursorofgreaterthreats. Geologists say the last conf irmed eruption o f

M o unt

Hood was more than 230 years ago, and it's hard to p redict when i t


$19, $16for students andseniors;

OPEN STUDIOS:Caldera artistsin-residence present their work followed by a tour, film viewing and

dinner; free,$45andreservation

Submitted photo requested for dinner; 1-3 p.m.; Caldera Arts Center, 31500 Blue Lake Solas, a Celtic bend, is set to play the Sisters Folk Festivel's Winter Concert Series at 7 tonight at Sisters High School. For more inforDrive, off of U.S. Highway 20, west of Black Butte Ranch; 541-419-9836 mation, call 541-549-4979 or visit www.sistersfolkfestival.org.

or www.calderaarts.org.


HUNTINGHERITAGE BANQUET AND FUNDRAISER:Featuring dinner, drinks, raffle, and silent and live auctions; proceeds benefit the National Wild Turkey Federation;

$65, $85 percouple; 7 p.m., doors

open 5:30 p.m.; Elks Lodge, 63120 N.E. Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541693-4597 or www.facebook.com/ bendnwtf. SOLAS:The Celtic band plays the Sisters Folk Festival's Winter Concert Series; $30 plus fees in advance, $35at the door; $10for students; 7 p.m.,doorsopenat6:30 p.m.; Sisters High School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road; 541-5494979 or www.sistersfolkfestival.org. "FUNNY MONEY":Acomedy about a mild-mannered accountant accidentally picking up a briefcase full of money and trying to explain himself to a police detective; $19, $15 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3890803 or www.cascadestheatrical. OI'g.

removedabandonedtree plafforms, climbing ropesandcamping supplies that belonged to anti-logging activists protesting theWhite Castletimber sale. SpokesmanDwesHutson saidthatdeputies patrolling thesite eastof Myrtle Creeknoticedit hadbeen abandonedfor at leastseveral weeks.The forest cleanupfolloweda10-month tree-sitorganizedby CascadiaForest Defendersprotesting the 187-acretimber sale.Cascadia Forest Defenders memberBenJones told the newspaperthat tree-sitters leftaftertwo other groups suedto stopthetimber harvest. Hesaid thegroup operates ona tight budgetandwill talkto the Sheriff's Office about recovering its supplies. Birthday beating —Police saya mancelebrating his47thbirthday was seriously injuredin afightata southeastPortlandbar.Sgt. PeteSimpson saidDannyRayGrall wasinsidethe bar lateThursdaywhen 24-yearold JaredChristensencamein andbegan assaulting Grall for noapparent reason. Simpsonsaid Grall suffered"multiple traumatic injuries" andwas taken to ahospital. Christensenwent to the hospital for less serious injuries and wasarrestedfollowing his release.Hewas bookedinto jail on suspicion of assault.

w ill b low

again. Any of the volcanoes in the Cascades could erupt again "in our lifetimes," Moran

2 p.m.; Holy Trinity Church,18143 Cottonwood Road, Sunriver; 541-593-1635. "HELEN ONWHEELS": Cricket Daniel's play about a gun-totin', whiskey-drinkin' granny in Oklahoma;

CENTRAL OREGONGOSPEL CONCERT: A non-denominational choir concert; free; 7 p.m.; Redmond HighSchool,675 S.W .Rim rockWay; 541-815-3724 or ccraun5©gmail.

Cleaning SieitSafter prateSt — DouglasCountySheriff'sdeputies

that "regular state of being"

performs; free, donationsaccepted;

SOLAR VIEWING:Observe the sun; free; 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sunriver Nature Center 8 Observatory, 57245 River Road; 541-593-4394 or www.

2-6p.m.;TheSummit Saloon 8 Stage, 125 N.W.Oregon Ave., Bend; www.pintsforpolio.org. HIGH DESERTFRIENDS OF NATIONALRIFLEASSOCIATION FUNDRAISER:Featuring dinner, raffles, auctions and more; $60; 4:30 p.m.; The RiverhouseConvention Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River Court, Bend; 541-974-3555 or www. friendsofnra.org. AUTHORPRESENTATION:Phillip Margolin reads from his book "Worthy Brown's Daughter"; free, reservation requested; 5 p.m.; Sunriver Books & Music, Sunriver Village Building 25C; 541-593-2525 or www.sunriverbooks.com. LAST SATURDAY:Event includes art exhibits, demos, live music, food and drinks and more; free; 6-10 p.m.; The Workhouse at Old Ironworks, 50 S.E. Scott St., Bend; www. theworkhousebend.com. AUTHORPRESENTATION: Josephine Walker presents "Willing to Die: The TrueStory of John M untean"; $5;6:30 p.m.;Paulina Springs Books, 422 S.W.Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491.

q u akes

SOLAR VIEWING:Observe the sun; free; 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sunriver Nature Center 8 Observatory, 57245 River Road; 541-593-4394 or www. sunrivernaturecenter.org. HANDBELLSUNLIMITED!:A Portland handbell duet team


$25 in advance,$30dayof event;

BiCyCliSt OXpOCtOd tOQIWIIfO — Portland police saya24-year-old bicyclist remains incritical condition, but is expectedto survivethe head injury hesufferedin aThursday nightcrash. Investigators determinedthat Ryan Egge wasriding fast whenhecut through aconveniencestore parking lotand continuedriding on Northeast Killingsworth Street,wherehe strucka DodgeDart driven bya64-year-old womanwhocooperated with police andwasnot impaired. Sgt. PeteSimpsonsaid the investigationis not over andcitations maybeissued.

EaSternlhegOO gllffiti Spree — Policearresteda17-year-oldboy they say isresponsible foraspree of graffiti vandalismin EasternOregon. Hermiston policeChief JasonEdmiston said inawritten statement that investigators believe the boy isresponsible for threeacts of graffiti in Hermiston, morethan adozenincidents in Boardmanandnumerous more in Arlington. MorrowCountySheriff's deputies saidtheyfound the teen Wednesdayandbookedhim intothe juvenile detention facility in The Dalles. Hermiston detectiveRandyStudebaker questioned theteenthere andcited him for vandalism.Thepolice chief said Studebakeralso interviewedthe "rather uncooperative" mother ofthe teenin Arlington andissuedhera citation for failure tosupervise. — From wire reports

HOOD00 RODEO DAY:Featuring a chili cook-off and mechanical bull riding; free; 9 a.m.-9 p.m.; Hoodoo Mountain Resort, summit of SantiamPasson U.S.Highway 20, west of Sisters; 541-822-3799 or

PINTSFOR POLIO PUB WALK: Support the eradication of polio with a pub walk; proceeds benefit the Global Polio Eradication Initiative;

Moran said. L i t tle

ENm a



The quakes this week fit

within the broad category of what is normal in the region,

pear to be caused by tectonic point them — but he thinks plates shifting, possibly along most occurred near Governa nearby fault line deep in the ment Camp. He said "bursty" earth, as the Cascades slowly swarms of small earthquakes sard.


ACAPPELLA BLAST:Featuring the Bella Acappella Harmony Chorus, The SenateAires and UpBeat! Quartet; $7.50 in advance, $10 at the door; 2 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541383-3142 or acappellafun@gmail.

be cause for alarm.

like these give scientists a better understanding of what

nic. But researchers say the recent quakes are normal ac- The chain i n cludes Mount tivity and aren't signs of vol- St. Helens, just to the north canic activity, such as mag- of Mount Hood, which eruptma heating up and starting to ed violently in 1980 and last flow beneath the mountain. erupted in January 2008. "No one should start to Geologists say the recent batten down

danger innorthwestOregon.TheOregon Department of Geologyissueda warning Thursdayfor slides onsaturated slopesin the Coast Range,Wilapa Hills, north OregonCascadesand ColumbiaRiver Gorge.Oregonstate geologist Vicki McConnelsai l d landslides arecommon overthewinterand most poselittle risk. But residents should beaware of theterrain around their homesandwhereslides haveoccurred in the past.

under the mountain's south

nearly 40 tremors near Gov-

is a mecca for skiers, hikers

InCreaSedlandSlide riSk — Steadyrainhas raisedthelandslide

ages 2-12, free for members; 8-10 p.m.; Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory, 57245 River Road; 541-593-4394 or www. sunrivernaturecenter.org. TOMMY CASTRO 8t THE PAINKILLERS:The California bluesrock band performs; $20 plus fees in advance, $25 at the door; 8:30 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www.belfryevents.

com. AGNOZIA:The Oregon band plays melodic metal, with High Desert Hooligans and Obscured By Shadows; $3; 9 p.m.; Big T's, 413 S.W. Glacier Ave., Redmond; 541-504-3864. HEADLESS PEZ: The Portland thrash metal band performs, with Hog's Breath and GraveWitch; free; 9 p.m.; Third Street Pub, 314 S.E. Third St., Bend; 541-306-3017. THEADARNA:The Seattle rock band performs, with Voodoo Highway; $5;9 p.m.;VolcanicTheatre Pub,70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-3231881 or www.volcanictheatrepub. com.

3 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. BALLROOM DANCESHOWCASE: Choreographed routines are

performed; $20; 4p.m., doorsopen 3:30 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. MinnesotaAve.,Bend;541-3144398 or www.dancewithtravis.com. POETRY READING:Featuring original poetry by High Desert Poetry Cell; donations benefit Saving Grace; free, donations accepted; 4-5 p.m.; Dudley's Bookshop Cafe, 135 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-7492010 or dudleysbookshopcafe© gmail.com. BOND ANDBENTLEY:The Baltimore rock band performs, with Kayleb James and Split Atom; $5; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www.volcanictheatrepub.com.

MOMDAY SUCCESS:The Seattle pop-punk band performs, with Western Settings and Tuckand Roll; $5; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www.volcanictheatrepub.com.



"HELEN ONWHEELS": Cricket RIVERHOUSE RENDEZVOUS:A Daniel's play about a gun-totin', whitewater slalom kayak race with whiskey-drinkin' granny in Oklahoma; paddlers divided by age group, $19, $16 for students and seniors; type of boat and gender; free for 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 spectators;10 a.m.-3 p.m.; The N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312Riverhouse Convention Center, 9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. 2850 N.W. Rippling River Court, NIGHT VIEWING:Observe the Bend; 541-389-3111 or www. night sky; $8, $6 for children tumalocreek.com.


Recycling ofcomputers up more thanone-fourth The Associated Press

to the benefit of eliminat-

EUGENE — The county that's home to the Universi-

ing tailpipe emissions from

ty of Oregon is a front-runner in recycling old computers and other electronic

cars for one year.

gon E-Cycle collection locaDespite housing less than tions — an increase of more 10 percent of the state's pop- than 37percent compared to ulation, Lane County a c- when the program first got counted for nearly 4 million underway in 2 009. There of the 27.7 million pounds are more than a dozen such collected statewide last year sites in the Eugene-Springin the Oregon Electronics field metropolitan area. Recycling Program known Michelle Martin, a mateas Oregon E-Cycles. The rials management specialcounty total was up 27 per- ist with the DEQ, said the cent from 2012,compared collection locations have with a 4 p ercent increase been added to provide more statewide, according to state convenience. Department o f En v i r o nShe said the state is eager mental Quality figures re- to expand the program in leased this week. January, when it will also "Lane C ounty c i t i zens start accepting printers and are really resourceful and other computer equipment have an ethic toward reuse," such as keyboards and Lane County waste reduc- mice. tion specialist Sarah Grimm Despite the strong showsaid. She says the county ing in Lane County, Grimm also has an aggressive pub- said she still meets people lic relations program. who are unaware that comSince the program's start, puters and other electronic Oregon E-Cycles has col- devices are banned from lected 123.5 million pounds state landfills. "It's important that peoof electronics for recycling and 158,335 units for reuse. ple understand that banned By DEQ estimates, that items really should feed into translates into greenhouse our economic development" g as reductions o f a b o ut by being dropped off at sites 141,500 metric tons of car- where they can be recycled bon dioxide — comparable or reused, she said.

WEDNESDAY OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY PRESIDENTIALADDRESS: OSU President Ed Ray provides an update on the university's accomplishments in the past year; free; 5:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org.

Find It All Online

XEws OF REcoRD Filed March 20 14CV0201 —RayKlein Inc., dba Professional Credit Service, v. Nicolas A. Watson andAshlee D.Watson, complaint, $10,995.99 14CV0202 —U.S.BankN.A.v. Joshua R.Griffin, U.S. BankN.A., Dennis K. Griffin and Jodi G.Griffin, $183,185.10 Filed March 21

14CV0204 —Goldman Sachs Mortgage Company v.MikeS. Galarneau, Timothy K.Curran and

Wells Fargo BankN.A., complaint, $231,994.32 pius interest, costs and fees 14CV0205 —Portfolio Recovery Associates LLCv. Gary A. Gasper, complaint, $11,295.67 14CV0206 —Portfolio Recovery Associates LLCv. Fred E. Boone, complaint, $12,775.86 14CV0207 —Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC v.Lisa M. Torres, complaint, $13,069.83 14CV0208 —Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC v.Kenneth Schumacher, complaint, $11,761.51

14CV0209 —Everbank v. Richard W. Bodily, Claudia L Bodily, William T. Bodily, SusanBodily, Jerry B. Bodily, Rebecca Bodily, unknown trustees of the Richard and Clatfdia Bodily JointTrust, First Horizon HomeLoan Corporation andBank of Eastern Oregon, complaint, $124,971.17 Filed March 24

14CV0210 —JPMorgan ChaseBank N.A.v. Brian D.Stevens, Joseph P. Tennant, John T.Tennant, Thomas A. Tennant, Mary F.Tennant-Laier, MichaelJ.Tennant,Anne M.TennantBuell, Robert E.Tennant, Nora Brady dba Tennant Investors, Robert

Statewide, there are now more than 300 official Ore-




more than 30,000 passenger

Tennant, Tillium Village Homeowners Association Inc. andKevin D. Padrick, chapter11 trustee, complaint, $331,600 plus interest, costs and fees 14CV0211 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.v. Mark M. Pickens, complaint, $177,624.49 plus interest, costs and fees 14CV0212— W ashington Federal, successor by merger to SouthValley Bank andTrust, v. Import Pine Sales Inc., complaint, $31,796.08 14CV0213 —Wiliam D. Stevenson v. Tyler L Robertson, complaint, at least $100,000


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0O 06

oters have a chance to help solve a problem for the Deschutes County Circuit Court. Steven Kurzer has withdrawn from the race. He will still be on the ballot. It's too late for his name to be removed. VotingforKurzer could be bad for justice in Deschutes County. The county circuit court could be down a judge for months. Here's how it might work: Deschutes County C i rcuit C ourt Judge Barbara Haslinger is retiring after the May 2014 primary. If one of the remaining two candidates running for her position — Randy Miller or Thomas "T.J" Spear — doesn'tget more than 50 percent of the vote in the May election and automatically win the position, there will be a runoff in November. Undervotes or votes for Kurzer could easily undercut the ability of Miller or Spear to get more than 50 percent of the vote. A clear victor in May means the

victor could be appointed immediately. A runoff means Deschutes County may get a substitute judge from time to time, but there aren't enough of those to fill the need of every county. Justice in Deschutes County will be slowed. Families won't get resolution of divorce or custody matters. Criminal cases will take longer to resolve. Business disputes may just have to wait. The Deschutes court already needs one more judge and one more judicial referee to serve a growing community of this size. We expect that request to go before the 2015 Legislature. Justice in the community certainly wouldn't get better with one fewer judge. We'll have an endorsement in the race in the next few weeks, but just don't waste your vote on Kurzer.

Free textbooks aren't answer to rising costs f it's free, what is it worth? That's a question worth pondering as c o llege textbook prices continue to climb, prompting efforts to replace them with free online materials. T he U.S. G overnment A c countability Office says textbook pricesclimbed an average of 82 percent between 2002 and 2012, according to a Baltimore Sun report published in The Bulletin Friday. The College Board estimates the average student is spending $1,200 each year on textbooks. That's an excess that requires a marketplace correction. Some see an answer in free electronic textbooks created using "open source" materials not protected by copyright. Unfortunately, the concept doesn't account for the time and expertise required to pull together those materials into properly focused and vetted textbooks. If it's all free, who pays for that time and expertise? So far, most of the experimentation has depended on grant funding and donated time from college and university educators. Facultymembers who have tried to save students money by pulling together their own materials have found the effort far more difficult and time-consuming than they envisioned. It's also a challenge to


The existing model of teXtbOOk PrOduCtiOn

t7aSPlenty Of PrOblemS,

including editions being unnecessarily updated, thus increasing their cost. Online OPtiOnS Offer the

opportunity to eliminate production costs in paper and ink and transport. get other instructors to accept material written on a volunteer basis. The existing model of textbook production has plenty of problems, including editions being unnecessarily updated, thus increasing their cost. Online options offer the opportunity to eliminate production costs in paper and ink and transport. But the costs of creating the intellectual material don't go away. In fact, it's a whole new task to take effective advantage of the interactive opportunities electronic textbooks offer. The old t extbook approach isn't working, but the replacement hasn't yet been found. The marketplace will need to find a sustainable business model that doesn't depend on free labor.



M 1ViCkel'S WOrth NIMBY call to sue

are more interested in providing for the college funds of children of their

Well, why am I not surprised? attorneys.

Badneighbors? I n a M a rch 21 article on t h e

Carol Sanner OSU-Cascades Campus, OSU Trustwith apparently more money than Bend ee Kirk Schueler said people who have "an inherent distrust" of the unisense have begun to amass a war chest to oppose the chosen Oregon versity's planning efforts have "a bad State University-Cascades Campus neighbor perspective." I've known Randy Miller for years. site, recruiting others with their clarSchueler said the university had ion call: "Sue!" As such, I was not surprised the Or- invited feedback at public meetings I liked the woman who had the egon Supreme Court Justice, W. Mi- and throughthe Campus Expansion courage to propose participation chael Gillette (ret. 2010), endorsed Advisory Committee. True to form, well-heeled NIMBYs

Miller for judge

with OSU-Cascades in the planning

Miller's candidacy for circuit court

Schueler was the moderator at a

and design process. Rather than judge. He said: "I have known Ranapproach OSU-Cascades to include dy Miller since he was a student of them as stakeholders in their plan- mine in law school. Randy showed a ning, so that their concerns are ad- great ability then, and has continued dressed throughout the process, this to do so ever since. In addition to his group has chosen to fall back like intelligence and legal ability, Randy is most who act out of ignorance and the kind of person who understands fearand have decided to threaten le- people, which is the first and most gal action. important qualification of a judge. I Sooner or later, that site would be recommend Randy highly." developed, and I would think that There's no question that Miller has there are plenty of opportunities to the intelligence and legal ability to having OSU-Cascades as a neigh- be our next circuit court judge. But

public meeting on Feb. 27. Many folks present at that session were interest-

bor, rather than some of the land use

I agree with Justice Gillette; it's the

mitted its Phase I application to the

alternatives. Resalepropertyvalues? Maybe future faculty would want to buy in their neighborhood. Perhaps these residents might enjoy the cul-

intangibles, occasioned by Miller's city several hours earlier. Any input broad life experience and commit- provided at the CEAC couldn't possiment to services that will make him blybe incorporated into the plan. an excellent judge. Miller has a record These actions by OSU-Cascades of servic e to our country and com- foster distrust — the distrust is not

tural activities and events of the

nearbycampus.Or maybe even take munity as a Marine combat veteran, a course in community planning to police officer, director and president learn how rational citizens partici- of various nonprofits. Miller also volpate in public planning processes. unteered as a multiyear parks and As a society, we want to a have recreation coach and as a Special public university system with an in- Olympics volunteer. Miller's long, formed andeducated electorate who undeniable record ofserving others, contribute to our economy. Segre- coupled with his impressive backgating campuses from host commu- ground in public safety and the fact

ed in transportation issues. When

askedto open abrief Q&A session for the entire group on the transportation study just presented, Schueler re-

fused, saying that Q&A was not part of the agenda. When the CEAC met on March 13

to hear recommendations from task forces on transportation, sustainability and livability, attendees learned

that the university had already sub-

inherent. Even The Bulletin, a supporter of

the campus, has raised issues about OSU-Cascades' "flimsy commitment

to openness" in a March 14editorial. University officials seem to be able to envision how the campus will

work; the rest of the community apparently can't. I ask that OSU-Cas-

nities increases costs for students

that he's the only candidate with a

and reduces the disposable income students have to spend within the community. Apparently, these residents haven't thought much about their roles as citizens to support the

dedicated civil business and individu- munity even if it isn't finalized, rather al rights practice makes him the best, than taking a "trust-us" approach to

education system. It seems if it might

even hint at inconvenience, they are not willing to allow it. Perhaps they

cades share that vision with the com-

well-balanced candidate for circuit


court judge. I agree with our retired Justice Gillette — "I recommend Ran-

The community isn't trying to be a bad neighbor. But it's feeling more

dy highly."

and more like OSU-Cascades is.

Dave Souther

Marie Bernardy



Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcomeyourletters. Letters should be limited tooneissue, containno more than 250words andinclude thewriter's signature, phonenumberandaddress for verification. We edit letters for brevity, grammar,tasteandlegal reasons.Wereject poetry, personalattacks, form letters, letters submittedelsewhereandthose appropriate forothersections of The Bulletin. Writers arelimited to oneletter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30days.

In My Viewsubmissionsshouldbe between550and 650words, signedand include thewriter's phone numberand address forverification. Weeditsubmissions for brevity, grammar,taste andlegal reasons. We reject those publishedelsewhere. In MyViewpieces run routinely in the spacebelow, alternating withnational columnists. Writers arelimited to one letter or Op-Edpieceevery30 days.

Pleaseaddressyour submission toeither My Nickel'sWorth or In MyViewand send, faxor emaithem l to TheBulletin. Write: My Nickel'sWorth/In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR97708 Fax: 541-385-5804

Email: bulletin@bendbulletin.com

Healthy sage grouse habitat beneficial to Central Oregon By George Wuerthner ing? Well, we'll start with fishermen. am disappointed in the article Fishermen are negatively impacted by on sage grouse published in The the externalization of costs of ranchBulletin on March 23. It focused ers. One of the critical habitat elements almost entirely on the ranchers' per- for sage grouse are riparian areas. spective and failed to report on the The chicks rely on wet meadows and benefits of sage grouse listing for riparianareas for food during their most citizens. first month or so oflife. So healthy, wet The problem is that the ranching meadows and healthy riparian areas industry for too long has been permit- are good for sage grouse,but theyhapted to externalize many of their costs pen to be good for fish. So improving of operations on to the land and other sage grouse habitat will eventually impeople. If livestock operations were prove fishing opportunities. done properly, the sage grouse would Who and what else will benefit? not be declining in numbers, nor How about hunters'? Many hunters w oulddozens ofotherspecies.In fact, are negatively impacted by the extermore western wildlife species are neg- nalization of costs by ranchers. Huntatively impacted by livestock grazing ers like to go after game birds, includthan by logging, and any other factor. ing sage grouse. Good grouse habitat Ranchers are "externalizing" their is good for hunting other grouse specosts of operations on to everyone else cies as well. Good sage brush habby degrading rangelands. If the land- itat is also good for mule deer and scapeishealthy,sage grouse do not pronghorn. decline. It's that simple. Bird watchers are affected by the Who are the others inthe Bend area externalization of costs by ranchthat will benefit from sage grouse list- ers. Black-tail jackrabbits are more



grouse is listed. How about fires'? Taxpayers are harmed by livestock externalization

abundant in good sage brush habitat and birds of prey like golden eagles of costs. It turns out that one of the depend on the jackrabbits for prey. things threatening the grouse is wildThere are many other bird species firesthatare enhanced by the spread that depend on sagebrush habitat, of cheatgrass. Does cheatgrass magfrom sage sparrow to sage thrasher to ically appear'? No way. The reason many birds of prey that rely on good cheatgrass is so widespread is that sage grouse habitat for their home. cattle destroy biological crusts by Other species of wildlife depend trampling. These crusts inhibit the on good sage habitat as well. Wild- establishment of cheatgrass and other life watchers will benefit if the sage

exotic plants. So the annual wildfires

grouse is listed and livestock externalization is diminished. The sage grouse is an umbrella for many species in the sagebrush steppe. For instance, the Oregon spotted frog, which is proposed for listing under the Endangered Species Act, is also dependent on healthy, wet meadows and riparian areas. The pygmy rabbit is another species that was petitioned for listing under the ESA due to declines in sage brush habitat quality. These and many other species will benefit if sage

thateveryone must endure aredirectly related to the presence of livestock

on our public lands. I could give you even more ways to explain how listing of the sage grouse benefits most Americans and even

most Central Oregon residents who rely upon healthy sagebrush habitat for a host of values. — George Wuerthner is a former BLM botanistlbiologist and published "Welfare R anching — the subsidized destruction of the American West."He lives in Bend.

The problem is that

the ranching industry fOrtOOlang haS been permitted to externalize many Of their COStsOf

operations onto the land and Other PeOPle.

If livestock operations Were dOne PrOPerly,

the sage grousewould nOt be deClining in numberS, nOr WOuld

dozens of other species. In fact, more western wildlife species are negativelyimpacted by livestock grazing than by logging and any other factor.


BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Lyjah W. Armstrong, of Boise, Idaho Dec. 11, 1994 - Mar. 1, 2014 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home of Bend 541-382-0903 www.bairdmortuaries.com

Services: Services have been held in Boise, Idaho.

Allie N. Jensen, of Bend Nov. 5, 1948 - Mar. 25, 2014 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 www.autumnfunerals.net Services: At her request, no services will be held. Contributionsmay be made to:

St. Charles Cancer Treatment Center.

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld:

Oswald Morris, 98: A British cinematographer who helped redefine the color in Technicolor with filters, fog machines


mak e shift

devices, like the brown silk stocking he stretched over a lens for the life-in-amber look of "Fiddler on the Roof." Died

March 17 in Fontmell Magna, England. Richard Cunniff, 91: Vice chairman of t h e S equoia Fund, which he founded with

William Ruane and has outperformed market benchmarks for much of its 44-year

history. Died March 23 in Lloyd Harbor, N.Y. — From wire reports


Denton, anex-senator, was captured, tortured By Robert D. McFadden New Yorh Times News Service

what is happening in Vietnam, because the only news sources

Jeremiah Denton Jr., a for-

I have are North Vietnamese.

mer U.S. senator from Ala-

But whatever the position of my government is, I believe in it, I

bama and a celebrated Navy

pilot who was shot down over support it, and I will support it North Vietnam and tortured in as long as I live." his years as a prisoner of war, It was a daring answer, but at one point signaling Ameri- the North Vietnamese, who cans of the abusebyblinkingin lost face, were even more outM orse code during a televised raged when they learned that



High schooler heading for NY. memory championship

Continued from B1


However, a new City Council voted 4-3 in February 2013

to re-examine the type of facility to build. The council asked a citizen committee to r e -

search treatment options, but the committee was ultimately

By Josephine Woolington

tails journalist Joshua Foer's To memorize faces and The (Eugene) Register-Guard journeyto becoming the 2006 names, Kyle said he picks a EUGENE — A l l S o uth national memory champion. defining featule ofa person's Eugene High School junior Kyle started researching face and associates that with a Kyle Morrison needs is 30sec- memorization techniques on memorable image. For examonds to memorize a 12-digit the Internet after reading the ple, he said if someone had a number. book He began practicing largenose,he would remem"OK, I've got it," the 17-year- dailyin July andregistered for ber them by associating their old said while rubbinghis face the competition. face with atruckrunningover He'll compete against a anose. before reciting the number 'That's what memorizing both forvmd and backward. range of participants, indudKyle has been training off ing an eighth-grader from is," Kyle said. 'It's just creatand on for the last two years New Jersey, a neurologist ing focus and visualization. to compete in a national mem- from Maine and last year's There's no p h otographic ory championship. He is the memory champion, Ram Kol- memory. It's alltraining." onlypersonhom Oregonwho li, a 20-something business His goal is to place in the will compete against 74 other consultant from Virginia. competition's top 15. That "mental athletes" in the 17th The keyto memorizing is to would require him to memoannual memory competition associate numbers, words or rize a 500-number sequence to be held today in New York faces withimages, Kyle said. infiveminutes;117names and City. He remembered the 12-dig- faces in 15 minutes; a 50-line 'Xly mom thinks I'm pea- it number by imagining an unpublished poem (induding nuts for liking to memorize," image that represents every punctuation) in 15 minutes; Kyle said, laughing. "But she number from 00to 99. and two decks of shuffled supports it. My dad thinks it's For example, Kyle asso- playingcardsin five minutes. really cool. c iates the number 9 w i t h His father, Larry Morrison, "It's kind of weird when lipslick The number 39 rep- said his son has always been someone asks what my hob- resents his friend Mack, and curiousaboutscienceand the bies are, and I say I like to sit the number 12 represents the brain. "He loves to learn and goes around memorizing things," action of sipping something. hesaid. So, the n u mber 39129 through phases where he Kyle learned about the would ~ e to " Mac sip- takes a deep interest in somecompetiiion two years ago ping lipstick," which sticks in thing," Morrison said. 'The after reading "Moonwalking his mind more than just num- memory has been his latest with Einstein," a book that de- bers, he said. lllferest.

split on the issue. City officials, consultants and the citizen committee estimated the

cheaper option, an ultraviolet light treatment plant, would cost $12 million to $14 million. Ultraviolet light would deactivate cryptosporidium; the filtration system will remove it.

In November, the City Council voted once again to proceed with the membrane filtration

project, this time with a 4-3 split. Councilors who voted to proceed with the membrane

filtration plant said it probably would be more reliable, be-

causeitis supposed to remove sediment from a wildfire or other event that might otherwise force the city to switch entirely to well water until the sediment subsides. The nonprofit Central Or-

egon LandWatch raised several objections to the water

filtration plant project, according to the Deschutes County hearings officer's land use decision in favor of the project. LandWatch argued during the county review that the city

should have included in the filtration plant plans a new water transmission pipeline that will connect to the plant. LandWatch and WaterWatch

of Oregon filed a federal lawsuit last year, seeking to stop the pipeline project. A judge has yet to reach a decision on the case but did allow the city to begin installing a new $24 million pipeline along Skyliners Road to bring drinking water from Bridge


the issue this year. They don't have the final say. The planContinued from B1 ning commission is supposed to make a for"This canal is not too leaky," Perreault mal recommendation to Deschutes County said. The water "is not wasted, it's not lost. commissioners, who will make a ruling afIt goes essentially undiminished, straight to ter another public hearing. the aquifer." A recommendation by planning commisPlanning commissioners seemed unsure sioners isn't expected until May. what to make of the arguments. Thursday's

Creek to customers in Bend.

According to the hearings of-

— Reporter: 541-617-7820, eglucklich@bendbulletin.com

public hearing was the third they've had on

interview, died Friday in Vir-

the interview, broadcast on U.S.

ginia Beach, Va. He was 89.

television on May 17, 1966, held a secret message — the com-

ment plant is a separate project and the city could connect

miral, died at Sentara Hospice mander, in Morse Code, blinkHouse, said his son, Jeremiah ing out " T -O-R-T-U-R-E." It

it to the existing 1920s and 1950s lines even if LandWatch and WaterWatch prevail in

Denton, a retired rear adDenton III.

was the first confirmation that

He called himself "an average product of Middle America," but his story was anything but ordinary — a war hero appalled by what he called America's moral degeneracy, a crusading spokesman for right-wing Christian groups, a one-term Republicansenator

American POWs were being tortured. The commander was beaten all night.

in the patriotic matrix of President Ronald Reagan. It was a

in the first group of prisoners released.

During his captivity, Denton


ity, dating back to 2002. She

contactedpolice,because on that list were allegedly the

Continued from B1 When she accessed the

names of at least six girls

files she found a list of ap-

who were 17 years old or younger at the time of the

was awarded the Navy Cross

proximately 70 women with

and promoted to captain. In 1973, after ~ s i dent Richard Nixon announced a Vietnam peace agreement, Denton was

whom O'Connell reportedly had engaged in sexual activ-

sexual contact.

The list also allegedly

ficer, the city stated the treat-

stated O'Connell had sex with a prostitute. O'Connell was not available for comment. A call to

stopping the new pipeline project. LandWatch Executive Director Paul Dewey did not return a

O'Connell's attorney was not returned.

call for comment Wednesday.

— Reporter: 541-383-0376, sking@bendbulletin.com

— Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.com

political life shaped by indelible His ordeal in Vietnam was experiences in Vietnam. graphically chronided in a On July 18, 1965, Denton,

1976 memoir written with Ed

leadingasquadron of 28A-6In- Brandt, "When Hell Was in truder attack jets and flying his Session," and made into a 1979 12th mission over North Viet- NBC television movie starring nam, took off from the aircraft

carrier Independence in the


Hal Holbrook and Eva Marie Saint.

In 1980, capitalizing on his in over the heavily defended war-hero image and running Thanh Hoa Bridge on the Ma on aplatform of strongnational River, anti-aircraft b atteries defense, he was elected to the opened up. The fliers bailed out Senate, defeating Democrat and were captured. James Folsom Jr. He was Ala"Dazed and bleeding as I bama's first Senate Republican was, my principal emotion since Reconstruction and the was fury," Denton recalled. "I first former admiral elected was mad as hell at being shot to the Senate. He served from down andeven angrier atbeing 1981 to 1987. captured." Jeremiah Andrew Denton South China Sea. As he came

Over the next seven years


I •


I '' I l


I • I




' /( /


Jr. was born in Mobile, Ala., on

and seven months, Denton was July 15, 1924, one of three sons held in various prison camps, of Jeremiahand Irene Steele induding the notorious "Hanoi

Denton. He studied at Spring

Hilton," and endured beatings, Hill College in Mobile, but in starvation, torture and more 1943 entered the U.S. Naval than four years of s olitary Academy at Annapolis, Md., confinement, including peri- and graduated with honors in odic detentions in coffinlike engineering in 1946. boxes. He was often punished In 1946, he married the forfor urging others to resist. He mer Kathryn Jane Maury. The also devised ways for prison- couple had seven children. ersto communicate by signsor Kathryn diedin 2007. Besides numbers, tapping on a wall or his son Jeremiah, Denton is coughing signals in a sequence. survived by his second wife, Ten months after his capture,

Mary B elle

. c"'

B o rdone; four

he was selected for a propagan- sons, William, Donald, James da interview to be broadcast on and Michael; two daughters, Japanese television. Madeleine Doak and Mary To a question about Ameri- Beth Hutton; a brother, Leo; can "war atrocities," the com- 14 grandchildren and six mander said: "I don't know great-grandchildren.

Obituary policy Death Notices are freeand will be run for oneday, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. Theymay besubmitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.

Deadlines: Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by4:30 p.m. Friday for Sundaypublication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Mondaythrough Thursday for publication on the second dayafter submission, by1 p.m. Fridayfor Sunday publication, and by 9 a.m. MondayforTuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; pleasecall for details.

Phone: 541-617-7825


Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254

P.O. Box 6020

Bend, OR97708





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4g4'3R Thp Dalles 5g/36 Arlington

P end le t o • 58/36


shri/Nd 4




Ruggs • 54/40

49/40 4

~g'gca 4 44

44 4

c'.4 4 4

53/43 4 4 4 k qy d 4 4 ' , 5 4 g 414 4 4 Yachan d 44 4BV hIc d d44dd4 d4 '.~vu4

ric- Qsqp112» CENTRAL 4 9/20: Rain and snow 31+ showers likely until late afternoon. Highs 42 tp 55.


Madras '


Rain early. Chance of precipitation 90 percent. Highs 50



5 6/43

d d

Yesterday's stateextremes

Blrdyo III nISI4 4 d 49I 4 ( 4

• ' ""'I

dd d d

• xxxxx xx x

4» 4» a. a ri»qi'

i ii i i ~

x xx xx

• 63'

8 1x x x x x x


' 24'




d d d d d cr ) 4 4 4 4 4% 748/»JBsk


Pg ~O S ~105 ~20s ~30 4 Vancouver':

Yesterday's extremes (in the 48 contiguous states):

30/M c /22

5 5 /4 g:. j ig 5~gnlings ':.7 4P 7'012/29, Port~land 7

• 98'



McAllen, TX

~...-c-- ....

Crane Lake, MN

San Francisco U ".-



Bismarck 60/31



• 4.76n Gulfport, Ms


. 38/25

,Rapid .ity------- ,44ii~~4 4


/41 g l behver


Detroit •



L "'" ewyork

.--- ' — "- " ':





- tI "


.j Washington, DC

57/43 »'-TSt.ILoui/sIJ:»fr ~Louisv ine..j C'haslutt'e

K ansas City .,

Irashville~ 4 '

6'6/41l »





Monterr ey




~ Houstoii 79/53



'""'" 5 • p»JH»su 75/48 '

Chihuahua 78/50





' t l i 68js'6 /

B~™nghaini 67/38 '

Orlando 83/60


New 0'rleans 74/53






Juneau 43'/23








Ski report from around the state, representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday: Snow accumulati ons in inches Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakm..................... 4" ...................... 63Hoodoo................................ 3" ...................... 48" Mt. Ashland......................... 0" ...................... 66"



*** * *

: u c ca

+O+su+ Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow 4 4 4 ' * *** * *


Cold W arm Stationary

YesterdaySaturday Sunday Hi/Lo/Pcp Hilto/yy Hilto/yy City

Yesterday Saturday Sunday Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/WHi/Lo/W City

8$56 0.00 75/50 i 82/58 pc Grand aapidi, IA48/340AO 40I23 pc 51/33 pc Green Bay,Wl 39/32 0.38 3»R5 pc 5C/37 pc Greensboro,NC 60470.00 69/42 is 61/34pc Harrisburg, PA 63/360.14 51/32 r 51/34 r uariford, CT 5534 0.1 1 57/36 sh 43/33 r Aihnia,6A 6053 0.47 68/56 r 64/42 s Helena, MT 53/22 0.02 51/30 sh 4707 8 Au»ntic rJty,NI 6$39 0.00 5041 r 54/35 sh Honolulu, ui 82/700.08 83/69 is 82/69 is Austin, TX 89/68 0.00 77/52 pc 78/58 pc Houston,TX 85//0 0.02 79/53 pc 77/56 pc Baltimore, MO 66I35 0.05 56/41 r 53/35 sh Huntsville, AL 64I51 0.01 6837 sh 63/39 pc Billings, iur 53/25 0.00 61/29 is 4409 sn Indianapolisiu 52/41 0.22 4407 sn 57/38 s Birmingham,AL 64/57 1.48 67/38is 66/39 s I»ason,645 76%0 2.81 TC/42 pc71/42 s alslluick, ND 33/160.00 60/31 pc 41V17 pc Jacksonville,FL 81/520.00 77/49 ii 73/43 pc Boise, iu 55/36 0.00 55I39 ii 53/33 sh Juneau,Ax 42/190.00 43/23 Pc 43/27 pc eosion MA 60/35 0.01 50/38 sh 43/33 r KansasCity, Mo 51/35 0.00 6C/42 Pc 73/52 pc Burialo, NY 52/40 0.21 38/30 i 38/28 sn lansing, Ml 4%370.15 38I23 Pc 51/32 pc 41/32 0.10 4M3 r 39R7 sn ms V»9»SNV 75500.00 82/60 Pc 73/52 pc Burii~,Vr Caribou, ME 33/1 6 0.03 3806 pc 34RT in lexington, KV 68500.25 5$29 r 58/35 s casper,wv 49/29 0.00 60/35 Pc 54/30ii lincoln, NE 49/21 0.00 61/43 Pc 76/47 pc Charleston,SC 75/49 0.00 78/48 u 68/43 s i uk Rock, AR 68/68 0.42 66/41 Pc 68/51 s Charlotte, NC &848 0.00 72/42 is 64I37 s los Angeles,CA 67/53 0.00 67/56 I 67/54 sh CTwu»nooga,TN 6153 0.22 66/38 is 63/38 s louisville,KV 65/50 0.22 47/30 r 61/39 s cheyenne,wv 4DO0.02 62/38 pc 63/33 pc Madison, Wi 4»330.29 45/31 pc 61/45 pc Chicago, it 55/35 022 41R» pc 6$43 pc Memphis,TN 75/581.33 64I43 pc 68/49 s Cinri nnari ,OH 61/49 023 41/27 sn 53/34 pc Ssiami,FL 82/71 0.00 86/70 ii 82/62 pc Clevela»4OH 56/42 0.23 38/26 sn 44I30 pc Milwaukee,Wi 50/340.55 4N28 pc 54/40 pc Colo. SPBs,CO 56/29 0.00 66/40 pc 70/35 pc Minneapolis, Mu38/290.00 4034 pc 59/39 pc columbia,Mo 47/37 046 57/36 pc 72/50 pc Nashville, Tu 68/55 0.57 58/37 sh 62/41 s columbia,sc 65/48 0.11 75/44 ii 68/38 s New Orleans, iA 72/63 2.42 74/53 Pc 7$52 s Columbus,GA 62/55 1.78 73/46 ii 68/42 s ucw YOric Nv 59/37 0.04 52/43 r 52/37 r Columbus,OH 63I50 O.OZ 36/27 sn 50/31 pc Newark, ui 58/35 0.03 51/43 r 51/37 r Concord, NC 43/32 0.12 47/34 r 37/33 Norarik, VA 75/43 0.08 68/47 is 53/48 sh CorpusChristi, IX 98/69 0.00 8059 pc 79/63 pc Okla. City, OK 6C/45 0.00 69/45 s 77/53 pc Oaiias IX 80/66 0.00 75/47 pc 80/56 pc Omaha NE 38/26 0.01 60/42 pc 74/48 pc oaylon, ou 56/49 0.06 3605 in 58/34 pc Orlando, FL 84/61 0.00 83/61 is 77/51 pc Denver, CO 54/29 0.08 68/48 pc 71/36 pc PalmSprings,CA 81540.00 85/60 Pc 78I55 pc O»s Moines,IA 39/33 0.15 56I39 s 72/51 pc Peoria,it 46/40 0.01 51/32 pc 64/4i pc Detroit Ml 52/42 0.03 41/22 II 49/31 pc Philadelphia, PA 65/36 0.02 53/43 r 55/35 sh Dvlvlh, MN 32/15 0.05 34/26pc 45/26cd Phoenix, AZ 79/55 0.00 85/56 pc 83/59 pc Ei Paso,IX 74/56 0.08 77/52 pc 8061 pc Pittsburgh, PA 61/520.00 4608 sh 47/30 Ii Fairhmks,AK 37/1 0.00 36IO s 37/5 pc Porrianri ME u»340.00 4532 Pc 37/33 Fargo, uu 32/12 O.OD47/31 pc 43/Zi pc Providence,al 57/33 0.00 53/40 sh 49/34 u Flagstaff, AZ 57/Zi 0.00 62/35 pc 57/26 pc Raleigh, NC 69I44 0.02 72/45 is 63/35 pc

• Chi«agoi: Coluin~bus 60/42 »:x..------ 4jt/28 LI Qg . 36~/27 /


Albucluerque Honolulu 83/69

52/43 r 50/25 8 53/39 is 48R4 8 56/40 r 49/31 8 41/29 8 45/29 8 59/42 r 53/42 r 56/43 r 57/33 sh 57/35 sh 54/41 r 49/32 sh 47/32 sh 59/43 r 55/41 r 45/31 sh 58/36 sh

55/39 0.00 48RT sn 4408 pc Albany, NY 43/35 0.65 45/37 r 41/34 r Albuquerque,NM63/43 0.00 72/46 pc 76/43 pc Anchorage,AK 3»n 8 0.00 38/21 pc 41/18 pc

» Portland

Omaha ' .


5'alt LakeCity

Las Vegas

51/44 is 5430 is 54/40 is 52/28 is 56/42 is 47/29 47/27 is 45/29 sh 58/40 is 53/43 ts 54/43 ts 59/39 is 58/37 is 55/44 ts 56/29 ts 56/31 ts 56/41 is 55/43 is 52/31 is 59/40 is


Halifax 42'/39'


To o

, Cheyenne

. . .

i uebec QQ


~ 32/-4


• 6o




iriniPeJg QSaskatoon: TW ~ 26/4, ~ ~32/1 2 : : T hun ergay



[ 88s] ~9 0s ~100 ~

M OS ~50s 6 0 s ~ 7 s




PLANET WATCH T E MPERATURE PRECIPITATION Tomorrow Rise Set Yesterday through 4 p.m. at BendMunicipal Airport Mercury..... 9:04Pm..... 8:17a.m. High/Low..............ss'/35' 24hoursendingdpm*.. PPP" Venus.........751 pm.....620am. Remrdhigh....... 77'in1994 Monthiodai».......... 040" Mars.........11:10 a m....1027 p m. Remrdlow.........12' in1975 Averagemonthtodale... 059" Jupiter........ 2:32 a.m..... 5:53 p.m. Averagehigh.............. 56' Yeariodate............ 3.53" Saturn........ 1:49 p m....II:44 p m. Average low............... 27' Averageyeartodate..... 2 21" Uranus....... 9:50 p.m....10:34 a.m. Barometricpressure4 p.m. 29.79" Remrd 24hours .. 0.43 in 1989 *Melted liquid equivalent



55/47 1.12 46/24 0.03 52/48 1.51 53/30 0.15 SS/48 1.02 51/35 0.03 49/34 0.10 48/33 0.00 63/44 0.07 51/48 1.26 56/50 0.98 55/34 0.03 54/35 0.29 53/47 1.73 53/39 0.02 57/39 0.00 54/48 0.61 55/48 1.08 48/34 0.37 54/43 0.42

Partly d-dy.

Mt. HoodMeadows...........11"....................131 Snow level and road conditions representing condiM t. Hood Ski Bowl............... 0" ...................... 26" tions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key: T.T. = Traction Tires. T i mberline..........................12" ...................... 73" Willamette Pass................... 0"......................26" pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit.................. Carry chains / TT. I-84atCabbage Hill......................Carrychains/T.T. 12 7p Aspen CO Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass.............. Carry chains / TT. Mammoth Mtn Hwy.26 atGovernment Camp.....Carrychains/T T. Park «ity, UT........................ 6" .................--. 80 Hwy.26 atOchocoDivide.............Carrychains/T.T. Squaw Valley,CA.................O"......................22" Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass..........Carry chains/T T. S u n Valley, ID.......................O"......................41" Redmond Ros»hurg Hwy.138 atDiamond Lake...........Carrychains/T.T. Taos, NM.............................I"......................53" Saie Hwy.242 atMcKenziePass..........Closedforseason Vail, CO................................6" ...................... 78" Sisters For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to the latest ski conditions visit: The Dages www.tripcheck.com or call 511 www.onthesnow.com Lcgend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partialclouds,c-clouds,h-haze,shehowers,r-rain,t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries,sn-snow, i-ice, rs-rain-snowmix,w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle, tr-trace Ia Pine Iak»vi»w M»dford Newport North Bend Oniano Pendleton Porihnd Prin»viB»

47/2 9



Eugene Klamaih Falls

tp 57. Breezy.

Ham pton • Rj iey

m '8 4 4 4 d 444 44 44W c

d 4» clcwczuunguo 4 4 4 o 4 d 4 4 4 4 4 4 a458338 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 444 444 44 44 4 d 4


52 31

Asioria Baker City Brookings Bums


48pffhg 4 4»Q II $ 4 4 4 <~<;4 cr,zsBpck » c hristmasyalley I d ddd d d d


47 31

Yesterday Saturday Sunday The higher the UVIndex number, the greater City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W the need for eyeand skin protection. Index is for solar at noon. Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totaIs through 4 p.m

• 50/31



ceht d.aRkdx d g dppm e

• 4 4" 4d d d d d d


47 31


John Day/

prine v i e 49/31

Florenced4 Ewrs@nksfl4 4 4 4 4,j 4,'4 4 4 56/43»4 4 II/ f 4 d 4 4 4 4 3J d 4 4 4 4,



Wi l low l e

Newporx 4



GrandW;- 40 ., +



Ra inand snow showers.

45 3 2

Sunrisetoday...... 6:51 a.m Moon phases Sunsettoday...... 7:28 p.m New F i rst Full Sunrisetomorrow .. 6:49 a.m Sunsettomorrow... 7:29 p.m Moonrisetoday....6;05 a.m. Moonsettoday....6:38 p.m. Mar30 Apr7 A p r 15 Apr 22

Showers in the morning. Skies will be cloudy. Breezy. a ' Bltprfr/Ife 7 Highs around 55.





' g tP ' A 4 4 d 4 4 d d d 4 d d

IT4 d 1 4 4 d d 4 4 d d 4 Seaside I d qITTII


Rain and snow showers.


a 4 xc~



Raina nd snow showers.

Ic e

YesterdaySaturday Sunday Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City

YesterdaysaturdaySunday Hi/Lo/Pcp Hilto/yy Hilto/yy

Rapid cey, so 33/22 0.05 6»I37 pc 52/25 ii Scaul»,Wa Renu NV 62 / 38 0.00 56/34 r 5i/32 cd Sioux Falls,SD

53/45 0.66 55/45 is 53/43 r 32/i70.00 53/38 I 63/38 pc Richmond, VA 7iil45 0.08 67/47 sh 56/36 sh Spokane,WA 48/330.08 53/35 is si/32 is Roch»st»C NY 57/39 0.13 38I30 i 3909 sn springii»ld, Mo 54/33 O.i1 57/35 Pc 78/49pc Sacramen»C CA 68/52 0.00 62/48 is 65/47 pc St Louis, MO 52/41 0.04 57/38 pc 70/47 pc Salt lake City, UT 59/39 0.01 68/41 cri 52/37 il Tampa,FL 7/V630.00 78/57 ii 69/50 pc San Antonio, TX 95/67 0.00 81/53 pc 81/57 pc Tvcscvl, AZ 75/46000 85/SS Pcausz pc San Diego, CA 68/57 0.00 65/57 pc 6056 pc Tulsa, OK 55/43 0.02 66/38 s 78/56 pc San Francisco, CA71/55 0.00 60/54 r 5850 pc Washingtan, OC 6$460.04 57/43 r 55/37 sh San Jose, CA 71/50 0.00 63/48 r 63/47 pc Wichil», KS 58I35 0.00 68/47 s 76/52 pc Smsi Fe, NM 61/30 0.0068/36 pc 72/33 pc Yakima,WA 53/310.03 5933 is 59/35 m Savannah, 64 75/52 O. OO 78/47 is 71/45 i Yuma,AZ +0.00 88/60 pc 83/53 pc

INTERNATIONAL Amsterdam Athens Auckhnd

62/42 s Mecca 10C/75 0.00 9805 s 96/75 s 64/48 r Mexico Cily 82/55 0.00 82I55 pc 80/53 s 75/53 pcMontreal 39/26 0.00 41/28 r 39/28 cd Baghdad 87/68 i MOsmw 37/280.00 42/17 i 37/22 s Bangkok 93/az 0.08 96/80 cri 96/80 pcNairobi 80/62 0.00 78/59 pc 78I60 cd Bcijing 73/51 0.00 75/48pc 73/50 s Nassau 80/690.00 84/73 pc 8875 is Beirut 75/530.00 73/57 s 75/55 pc New Delhi 8%680.00 87/64 pc 8/I»6 pc Buiio 4»I37 0.00 60/42pc 64/41 s Osaka 69/42 0.00 69/53pc 64/41 is Bvgcri» 71/46 0.08 69/46pc 71/48 pc Oslo 51/44 0.08 55/44pc 57/46 pc Budapest 66/41 0.00 66/41 s 6035 i ou»wa 41/24 0.00 42/21 r 35/24 cd BuenosAires 77/68 0.00 78/71 is 78/71 pc Pans 60/350.08 60I42 pc 66/46 pc C 6oS»nmus 84/66 0.08 87/68 ai 87/69 pc Rio4»Janeiro 82/730.00 84/71 is 86/73 is Cairo auss 0.0086/60 s 86I57 s Rome 62/41 0.00 64/44 s 68/44 s Calgary 23/1 2 0.00 30/22 I 3an7 snS»o/iago 75/44 0.00 75/46 s 75/44 s c»hcull 86/78 O.OD86/75 pc »N69 cds»o paulo 82/640.00 80/66ii 8868 ii Dublin 46/39 0.00 46/41 pc 53/44 r sapporo 37/37 0.00 51/35 s 46/33 r Edinburgh 4041 0.00 46/39 r 55/41 pc Seoul 75/46 0.00 62/48 r 66/48 s Geneva 59/33 0.00 62/39 s 66I39 pc Shanghai 68/55 0.00 69/59 r 69/51 is H»I»l» 77/59 0.00 78/55 s 8$55 pc Singapore 95/73 0.00 93/71 s 95/73 is Hong Kong 84/71 0.00 8801 pc 82/69pc Stockholm 55/280.00 51/30 s 57/30 s istanbul 6850 0.00 62/4i is ST/4Z r Sydney 77/640.00 88/66 pc 77/66 ii Iervsalem 86/48 0.00 8857 i 80/57 s Taipei 80680.00 88/68 pc 82/64pc Iohannesburu -/-0.00 75/55 r 71/55 r T»l Aviv 86/48 0.00 82/57 s 78/57 s lima 77/66 0.00 BC/68 pc 77/66 s Tokyo 6»I460.00 69/57 pc 68/53 r Lisbon 57/44 0.00 57/42 r 60I48 r Vanmuver st/44 0.00 48/44 r 48/42 r lcnricll 57/39 0.00 55/44 r 62/46pc Vienna 62/42 0.00 62/42 i 66/44 s Madrid 59/37 0.00 62/41 pc 55/41 r Warsaw 62/420.00 6N39 s 53/28 s Manila sinso.oo93//5 s 8105 s 62/410.00 62/42 s 6853 0.00 68/50 s 69/55 0.00 73/53 s 78I60 0.08 82/59 s




See Store for Details

M See Store for DetailsM










, 'I










I 82

IN THE BACK BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NEWS W Scoreboard, C2 N BA, C3 Sports in brief, C2 NHL, C3 Golf, C2 College hoops, C4 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 2014


AD's letter dacks OSij's Rodinson CORVALLIS — Inan apparent show of support for his beleaguered men's basketballcoach, Oregon State athletic director Bob DeCarolis on Friday sent a letter to media commenting on Craig Robinson. The 51-year-old Robinson recently concluded his sixth season at OSU, where his teams have an overall record of 93-104 (39-69 in Pac12 play). TheBeavers finished this season 16-16,capped by a disappointing loss to Radford in the opening round of the College Basketball Invitational before an announced crowd of just1,351 at Gill Coliseum. The following is an excerpt from the DeCarolis letter: "Many of you have recently sentyour thoughts to meabout the OSUmen's basketball program. Noone is more disappointed in our inability to reach our goals than headcoach Craig Robinson and myself. "Coach Robinson and I have metmultiple times in the past two weeks, and hehas presented mewith a plan that will move the Oregon State men's basketball program forward to achieve the goals that this university supports. Our goals in every sport are to win a conference title; to play in NCAApostseason events; to compete with character and integrity; and to help guide our student-athletes to graduate andsucceed

9 w w w.bendbulletin.com/sports



Offensive onslaught lifts Ravens Inside

Bulletin staff report -

Ridgeview's • Class 4A all-conference basketball selections. Prep notebook,C4 strength is its hitting. And on Friday, it was on full display at the • Outlaws win two gamesin Arizona. White Buffalo Spring Classic. Prep roundup,C4 The Ravens banged out 17 hits MADRAS

against Class 4A Special District 1

but the two teams — the only two

foe Crook County en route to a 14-1 members of SD1 — got an early baseball tourney win in five innings. nonleague glimpse of each other at "We wanted to set the tone early," the White Buffalo Spring Classic on Ridgeview coach Josh Davis said. Friday. "We wanted to let them (the CowMitch Springer went 4 for 4 to boys) know right off the bat that ev- pace Ridgeview (6-1), and George ery time we play them, it's going to Mendazona added a 4-for-4 perforbe a battle." mance that included two doubles.

County (2-3) to just two hits. "Ourfirstthree guys— Mendazona, (Collin) Runge and Springerthey're the engine for our offense," Davis said. "They get us going. And if we can get a guy like Kahl Malott to go 3 for 3, if we get other guys to step up, that's always nice."

Petr David Josek/The Associated Press

Jared Wheeler and Dylan Blasius

After winning gold with the Canadian Olympic

logged the Cowboys' lone hits, and

team,Shannon Szabados signed onwith a

Trevor Slawter drove in their only run.

men's minor league team in Georgia. What she and other gifted athletes really need is

"I think we are where we expect-

ed to be," Davis said. "But we have some other things that we need to

The Ravens and Cowboys are Kahl Malott was 3 for 3 with a dou- go over, little things that we need to already scheduled to face off in a ble, while pitchers Tyrus Reitz and work on. Overall, we're pretty hapthree-game series later this season, Springer combined to limit Crook py with where we're at."

— Bulletin staff report


Friday's Games Tennessee

3 71



Louisville 69 Sunday's Game No. 2 Michigan s No. 8 Kentucky 2 p.m.

Szabados inspiring, bLit women

deserve more A

fter leading Canada to a gold medal at the Sochi Olympics, Shannon

Szabados took on a more imposing challenge: playing against the guys. Szaba-

dos did not look overmatched


of the few


women to

compete in a men's professional hockey league, starting two games in goal for the Columbus (Ga.) Cottonmouths late in the season. She lost them both, each by a single goal, but she stopped nearly 90 percent of the shots that


came her way and was even named the third star in one of the contests. More important, she surely inspired plenty of young girls to pursue their dreams, no matter how much the odds are stacked against them. But the fact that Szabados' only real play-

ing option after Canada's thrilling victory

in life.

"I'm looking forward to watching Coach Robinson continue to build our program. He is a man of great character and someonewho represents OregonState University with integrity. I ask for your continued support of Beaver basketball." Robinson's contract with Oregon State runs through the 2016-17 season.

more leagues of their own.

was to sign on with the low-level Southern

Professional Hockey League shows just how far women's sports still lags behind, despite all the progress in the last four decades under Title IX.

At the least, Szabados and so many other female athletes deserve leagues of their own. Outside of the Women's National Basket-

ball Association, there is virtually no conduit for women to make a decent wage in North Photos hy Joe Kline/The Bulletin

Above, Jessie Ferguson, right, and Alyssa Booren, both of Madras, ride during their working pairs routine Friday at the OregonHigh School Equestrian TeamsCentral District meet. The three-day event runs through Sundayat the Deschutes County Fair 8 ExpoCenter in Redmond. Thisweekend'smeetisthesecond of three events on theschedule for the Central District, whose members include Bend, Mountain View, Summit, Redmond, Ridgeview, Madras, Crook County, La Pine,Sisters and Trinity Lutheran high schools, among others. The third district event is set for April 18-20, also at the fairgrounds in Redmond, which will host the OHSET state championships May 15-18. Competition today andSunday starts at approximately 8:30 a.m. eachday. At right, Redmond's Region Hayden, left, and Karlynn McCarthy finish their working pairs.

American team sports after their high school and college careers are over. That is why Szabados eagerly joined the SPHL for a few games, even though some viewed it as nothing more than a publicity stunt for a team averaging fewer than 3,000 fans a game. That is why Jen Welter — all 5 feet 2, 130 pounds of her — is playing in a men's football league, taking on guys more than twice her weight. They have no choice; their options are limited. "The goal is ultimately to get women's sports to the popularity level that the men are," Welter said when reached on her way to practice with the Texas Revolution of the

Indoor Football League. "If women's sports had the support and sponsorship and viewership that men's sports did, then women

wouldn't have to go to a men's league to really be treated like top-level pro athletes."



Friday's Games onnecticut 1 lowa State 73


Family playskeyrole in Colter's unionpush

Virginia 59 Sunday's Game

• Former Northwestern quarterback is key a player in getting athletesthe right to collectively bargain

No. 4 Mlchlgan St. 11 a.m. SOUTH REGIONAL

Today's Game No. 11 Dayton vs No. 1 Florida 3 p.m.

By Jay Cohen andTim Reynolds The Associated Press


K a i n Co l t er's ban Denver to a football revival at

Today's Game No. 2 Wisconsin vs No.1Arizona 5:45p.m.

Tamara Lush /The Associated Press

Kain Colter, a former quarterback for Northwestern University, could leave e legacy as the athlete who formed the foundation of a dramatic

overhaul of college sports.

letes' performance. "Looking out for people and making sure peopleare treated fairly has always been in our family morals," Colter said in an interview with The Associated Press in Bradenton, Fla., where he is train-

Northwestern, Colter has a circle ing for the NFL draft. "Obviously of people around him who say they people come from different backare not surprised he is succeeding grounds and different situations, in his fight. but everybodydeserves to betreatfirm. After a decision this week by a ed fairly and they deserve basic Those conversations planted a regional director of the National rights and basic protections." seed for Colter, who would go on Labor Relations Board who said Colter's grandmother, Betty to become a quarterback at North- full scholarship players can be con- Flagg, died last month and was western University — and the face sidered employees of the university, buried in some of his Northwestern of an exploding movement to give he also could leave a legacy as the gear. She watched television only college athletes the right to form athlete who formed the foundation when the Wildcats were playing. unions and bargain. of a dramatic overhaul of college Colter, 21, said he thinks his grand"He understands that he's been sports that could potentially give mother would be proud of his role put on this earth to serve people," athletes a chance to fight for a piece in the unionization effort. said Colter' sfather,Spencer. of an industry that generates bilSeeColter I C4 grandmother often spoke about rights and equality, values she broughthome from her job managing an office of a Colorado law


From a start in sports at Cherry Creek High School in subur-

lions of dollars based on the ath-





Time TV/Radio

NASCAR Sprint Cup, Martinsville practice NASCAR Truck Series, Martinsville qualifying NASCAR Sprint Cup, Martinsville final practice NASCAR Truck Series, Martinsville Formula One,Malaysian GrandPrix

7 a.m. FS1 8 a.m. FS1 10 a.m. FS2 11:30 a.m. FS1 1 a.m. NBCSN


MLB Preseason, Seattle at Colorado College, OregonState at Arizona

noon Root 5 p.m. P ac-12, 940-AM

College, Utah atCalifornia

9 p.m.

P a c-12


Women's NCAA Tournament, Baylor vs. Kentucky 9 a.m. ESPN Women's NCAA Tournament, Notre Damevs. Oklahoma State 11:30 a.m. ESPN Men's College, NCAADivision II Final, Central Missouri vs. West Liberty noon CBS Women's NCAATournament, BYU vs. UConn 1:30 p.m. ESPN NCAA Tournament, Dayton vs. Florida 3 p.m. TBS Women's NCAA Tournament, DePaul vs. TexasA&M 4 p.m. E S PN NCAA Tournament, Wisconsin vs. Arizona 5 :30 p.m. T BS EQUESTRIAN

Horse Racing, DubaiWorld Cup

10 a.m.



PGA Tour,TexasOpen PGA Tour,TexasOpen LPGA Tour, KiaClassic

10 a.m. G O LF noon NBC, Golf 4 p.m. GO L F


ON DECK Today Baseball:GrantsPassat MountainView(DH), 1 p.m.; AtVolcanoesSpring Tournament in Keizer: Summivs. t Wilamette,9a.m.; Summit vs. Cleveland,11a.m.;WestSalemat Redmond,11a.m.; La Pine,Madras,Ridgeview, CrookCounty at Madras Tournam ent Trackandfield: Summ it atSweet HomeDecathlon/ Heptathlon,10a.m. Equestrian:Oregon HighSchool Equestrian Teams CentralDistrictmeetat Deschutes County Fair& ExpoCenter, Redmond,8:30a.m.

Sunday Equestrian: Oregon High School Equestrian Tea ms Central Districtmeetat Deschutes County Fair 8 ExpoCenter, Redmond, 8:30a.m.

BASKETBALL Men's college NCAATournament AU TimesPDT

ATP, SonyOpen, women's final Women's College,OregonatUCLA

10 a.m. ESPN2 1 p.m. P a c-12


NASCARSprint Cup: STP500 IndyCar, Firestone GrandPrix Df St. Petersburg

9 :30 a.m.


FD x


At NewYork Today'sGames Uconn81,lowaState76 MichiganState61,Virginia 59 RegionalChampionship Sunday'sGame Uconn(29-8) vs.MichiganState(29-8),11:20 a.m.

SOUTHREGIONAL RegionalSemifinals At Memphis,Tenn.


Dayton 82, Stanford72 Florida79, UCLA68

RegionalChampionship Today'sGame Dayton(26-10)vs.Florida(352), 3 09pm.

NationalInvitationTournament AU TimesPDT At NewYork Semifinals Tuesday,April 1 Minnesota(23-13)vs.FloridaState(22-13), 4p.m. Clemson(23-13) vs.SMU(26-9)z6;30p.m. Championship Thursday,April3 Semifinalwinners,4 p.m.

CoUegelnsider.com Tournament AH TimesPDT Semifinals

7 a.m. FS2 Tuesday,April1 Yale(22-12)at VMI(22-12), 4p.m. 10:30 a.m. FS1 Pacific (18-15)atMurrayState (21-11), 6p.m. Championship 11 a.m. ESPNU Thursday,April3 noon P a c-12, TBD 940-AM

MLB, L.A. Dodgers at SanDiego

5 p.m.

E S PN, 940-AM


Women's NCAA Tournament, Maryland vs. Tennessee 9 a.m. E S PN NCAA Tournament, Regional Final 11:10 a.m. CBS Women's NCAATournament, Louisville vs. LSU 11:30a.m. ESPN2 Women's NCAA Tournament, Penn State vs. Stanford 1:30 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Tournament, Regional Final 1:55 p.m. CBS Women's NCAA Tournament, North Carolina vs. South Carolina 4 p.m. E SPN2 NBA, Memphis at Portland 6 p.m. BlazerNet, 1110-AM, 100.1 FM GOLF

PGA Tour,TexasOpen, PGA Tour,TexasOpen LPGA Tour, KiaClassic HOCKEY NHL, Boston at Philadelphia NCAA Tournament, Northeast Regional Final NCAA Tournament, West Regional Final NHL, Chicago at Pittsburgh SOCCER EPL, Fulhamvs. Evertun EPL, Liverpool vs. TottenhamHotspur

1 0 a.m. Go l f noon NBC, Golf 4 p.m. Golf 9 a.m. NBC 2 p.m. E SPNU 4:30 p.m. ESPNU 4:30 p.m. NBCSN 5:30 a.m. NBCSN 8 a.m. NBCSN


ATP,Sony Open,men' sfinal

11:30 a.m. ESPN

CollegeBasketballInvitational AH TimesPDT Championship Series (Besl-of-3) (x-if necessary) Monday'sGame Siena08-17)at FresnoState(20-16), 7p.m. Wednesday, April 2 FresnoStateat Siena,7p.m. Saturday,April 5 x-FresnoStateatSiena,TBA

Women's college NCAATournament AU TimesPDT LINCOLNREGIONAL

RegionalBemifinals At Lincoln,Neb. Today'sGames Uconn(36-0) vs.BYU(28-6),1;30 p.m. DePaul(29-6)vs.TexasA&M(26-8), 4 p.m. Monday'sGames RegionalChampionship Semifinalwinners,6:30p.m. STANFORD REGIONAL

RegionalSemifinals At Stanford,Calif. Sunday'sGames Stanford(30-3)vs.PennState(24-7)z1:30 p.m. SouthCarolina(29-4) vs.North Carolina(26-9), 4p.m. RegionalChampionship Tuesday'sGames Semifinalwinners,6p.m. NOTREDAMEREGIONAL RegionalSemifinals At NotreDame,Ind.

Today'sGames Kentucky (26-8)vs.Baylor (31-4), 9a.m. NotreDame(34-0) vs.OklahomaSt. (25-8),11:30a.m. RegionalChampionship Monday'sGames Semifinalwinners,4:30p.m. LOUISVILLEREGIONAL

RegionalSemifinals At Louisville, Ky. Sunday'sGames Tennessee (28-5) vs.Maryland(26-6), 9a.m. Louisville(32-4)ys.LSU(21-12),11;30a.m. RegionalChampionship Tuesday'sGames Semifinalwinners,4 p.m.

SPORTS IN BRIEF BASEBALL WetZler, DaViS dOminate fOr BeaVerS — BenWetzler vvas dominant, holding Arizona tDthree hits in 7'/ innings in an11-2 Oregon State win over theWildcats in the series opener Friday night. The Beavers tallied three triples, oneshy Dftying the schDDI's single-game record, and OSU (20-5 overall, 5-2 Pac-12) gave Wetzler (5-Oj a 2-0 lead before the lefty threw a pitch. Dylan Davis led theBeavers with five runs driven in asthejunior had a 4for 6 night with twD doubles. Jeff Hendrix also hadfour hits while Michael CDnfurtD hadthree in the victory. Wetzler now has 29career victories, which is the nation's active leader andoneshy of tying Ken Noblefor most in OSUhistDry. The lefty struck Dut six andhas a0.47 earned run average in38 innings this season. Opponents havejust12 hits off him and he has walked 10, giving him aWHIPDf0.66. Wetzler has wun 15consecutive games dating back tD last season and the Beavers are20-1 when he starts during that stretch. Arizona fell to 11-17and1-6.

11th inning hit giveS Cardinal SweePOver DuCkS —StanfDrd's Tommy Edman hit a twD-Dut, walk-off sacrifice fly in the 11th to

score ZachHDffpauir and give the Cardinal a 2-1win in over Oregon in the second half of a Friday doubleheader at Stanford. TheCardinal won the first game 6-3. TheDucks (18-8 overall, 5-3 Pac-12) scored their lone run in the fifth Dn aMark Karaviutis single tD score Kyle Karlick and tie the gameat1. Oregon starter Matt KrDDkwent seven innings and allowed onerun DntwD hits, and Darrell Hunter (2-1) took the loss. John HDchstatter get the win in relief for the Cardinal (10-10, 3-2). In the first game, theCardinal scored three runs in the first and never trailed after that. TommyThorpe (3-3) took the loss, giving up five runs Dneight hits in 3'xd innings. Mitchell TDlmanwas 3 for 4 with twD RBls for Oregon. — Bulletin staff report


Eastern Conference AtlanticDivision GP W L OT Pts GF GA 73 50 17 6 75 42 26 7 73 40 24 9 73 33 26 14 75 36 31 8 73 30 29 14 74 27 39 8 73 20 45 8

NationalInvitationTournament AU TimesPDT Third Round Friday'sGame

UTEP 68, Colorado60 Guarterfinals

Sunday'sGames Indiana (21-12)atSouthDakotaState(25-9), noon SouthFlorida(22-12)at Mississipi St.(22-13), 3 p.m. Monday'sGame Rutgers (25-9)at Bowling Green(30-4),4 p.m. Washington(20-13)at UTEP(27-7), 6p.m.

106 233 153 91 195 188 89 217 195 80 195 209 80 218 235 74 210 246 62 178 240 48 139 218

MetropolitanDivisioa GP W L OT Pts GF GA x-Pittsburgh 74 47 22 5 99 228 184 N.Y. Rangers 75 41 30 4 86 200 183 Philadelphia 73 39 27 7 85 210 206 C olumbus 73 3 7 30 6 80 205 198 Washington 73 34 27 12 80 212 218 NewJersey 73 31 28 14 76 177 190 C arolina 7 3 3 2 3 2 9 73 184 205 N.Y.lslanders 73 28 35 10 66 204 246



College, Tulane atMarshall College, BaylDr atWest Virginia College, Kentucky at Vanderbilt College, OregonState at Arizona


x-Boston Montreal TampaBay Detroit Toronto Ottawa Florida Buffalo

x-St. Louis Chicago Colorado Minnesota Dallas Winnipeg Nashville

WesternConference Central Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA 73 50 16 7 75 42 18 15 73 46 21 6 74 37 26 11 73 35 27 11 74 33 32 9 75 32 32 11





NCAATDurnament, Unionvs.Providence noon E S P N2 MIDWESTREGIONAL NCAATournament, Boston College vs. Denver 1 p.m. E SPNU RegionalSemifinals Aflndianapolis NCAA Tournament, Minnesota vs. Robert Morris 2:30 p.m. ESPN2 Today'sGames NCAA Tournament, Midwest Regional Final 3:30 p.m. ESPNU Michigan73,Tennessee71 Kentucky 74,Louisville 69 NCAATournament, Notre Damevs. St. Cloud 6 p.m. E SPNU RegionalChampionship Bunday'sGame SOCCER Michigan(28-8)vs.Kentucky(27-10), 2:05p.m. EPL, Manchester United vs. Aston Villa 5:45 a.m. NBCSN WEST REGI ONAL EPL, Crystal Palacevs. Chelsea 8 a.m. NBCSN RegionalSemifinals At Anaheim, Calif. EPL, Arsenal vs. Manchester City 10:30a.m. NBCSN Thursday'sGames 1 p.m. NBCSN Wisconsin69,Baylor 52 MLS, Chicago at D.C.United Arizona70, SanDiegoState64 5:30 p.m. Root MLS, Portland at FC Dallas RegionalChampionship Today'sGame A-League, Perth Gloryvs. Newcastle Jets 1 a.m. FS2 Wisconsin(29-7)vs.Arizona(33-4), 5:49p.m. TENNIS


107 238 164 99 247 196 98 224 200 85 183 188 81 210 210 75 206 216 75 186 226

PacificDivision GP W L OT Pts GF GA x-San Jose 75 47 19 9 103 230 181 x-Anaheim 73 47 18 8 102 234 186 Los Angeles 74 43 25 6 92 185 157 Phoenix 74 3 6 2 6 12 84 205 209 Vancouver 75 34 30 11 79 183 201 C algary 7 4 3 1 3 6 7 69 189 217 E dmonton 74 2 6 39 9 61 184 244 x-clinchedplayoff spot Friday'sGames Philadelphia4,Toronto 2 Pittsburgh2, Columbus1 Ottawa 5, Chicago 3 Dallas 7,Nashville 3 Calgary4, N.Y.Rangers 3 Edmonto n4,Anaheim3,OT Today'sGames BostonatWashington, 9:30a.m. SanJoseat Colorado, noon TampaBayatBuff alo,4p.m. Detroit atToronto,4 p.m. Montrealat Florida,4 p.m. NewJerseyat N.Y. Islanders, 4p.m. Columbus at Carolina, 4p.m. Dallas at St. Louis,5p.m. Minnesota at Phoenix, 6 p.m. AnaheimatVancouver,7 p.m. WinnipegatLosAngeles,7p.m.

Kia Classic Friday At AviaraGolfClu Carlsbad,Calif. Purse:$1.7miUioa Yardage:6,593; Par:72(36-36)

SpringTraining AH TimesPDT

Friday'sGames Detroit 6,TampaBay3 Boston 4, Minnesota0 Toronto5, N.Y.Mets 4 N.Y.Yankees3, Miami 0 Pittsburgh 3, Philadelphia0 Houston 6, Texas5 Kansas City5, Milwaukee4 Cleveland16,SanDiego4 Chicago Cubs3, Arizona1 Seattle 3, Colorado2 L.A. Dodgers 5, L.A.Angels 4,10 innings Saturday'sGames Minnesotavs. Boston atFort Myers, Fla.,10:05a.m. N.Y.Metsvs. Toronto atMontreal, 10:05a.m. PittsburghatPhiladelphia,10:05a.m. Miami vs.N.Y.YankeesatTampa,Fla.,10:05a.m. Houston vs.TexasatSanAntonio,11:05 a.m. Detroit atWashington,11:05 a.m. Kansas CityatMilwaukee,11:10a.m. Seattlevs.ColoradoatScottsdale, Ariz.,12;10 p.m. SanFranciscovs. Oaklandat Phoenix,1:05 p.m. Cleveland atSanDiego,1:10 p.m. Chicago CubsatArizona,1:10 p.m. LA. DodgersatLA. Angels, 6:05p.m. NATIONALLEAGUE


L.A. Dodgers atSanDiego, 5:05p.m.

College Pac-12 Standings AU TimesPDT

Conference Overall 6-1 6 -1 5 -2 5 -3 3-2 4 -4 3 -3 3 -4 1-3 1-7 0-7

Washington UCLA Oregon State

Oregon Stanford ArizonaState Washington State USC California Arizona Utah

17- 5 16- 8 20- 5 18- 8 10 - 10 13 - 11 9-1 2 13 - 11 12 - 11 11 - 17 9-1 5


Stanford 6-2, Oregon3-1 Washington8, USC2 UCLA 7,ArizonaState3 WashingtonState4, SanJoseState4,ppd. Oregon State11 Arizona2 California 4,Utah2

Today'sGam es SanJoseStateatWashington State, 2p.m. OregonatStanford, 2p.m. ArizonaStateatUCLA, 2p.m. Washin gtonatUSC,2p.m. OregonStateat Arizona, 4p.m. SOCCER Utah atCalifornia, 7p.m. Sunday'sGames MLS SanJoseStateatWashington State, noon Utah at Cal i f ornia, noon MAJORLEAGUESOCCER OregonStateat Arizona, noon Oregon atStanford,1 p.m. AU TimesEDT ArizonaStateatUCLA,1 p.m. EasternConference Washi n gton at USC,1 p.m. W L T Pts GF GA

Houston 2 0 0 6 5 0 Columbus 2 0 0 6 5 1 TorontoFC 2 0 0 6 3 1 Philadelphia 1 1 1 4 3 3 SportingKansasCity 1 1 1 4 2 2 Chicago 0 1 2 2 4 5 NewYork 0 1 2 2 3 6 NewEngland 0 2 1 1 0 5 Montreal 0 3 0 0 2 6 D.C. 0 2 0 0 0 4 WesternConference W L T Pts GF GA FCDallas 2 0 1 7 7 4 Seattle 2 1 0 6 4 2 Vancouver 1 0 2 5 5 2 RealSaltLake 1 0 2 5 5 4 ChivasUSA 1 1 1 4 5 6 Colorado 1 0 1 4 3 1 Portland 0 1 2 2 2 4 SanJose 0 1 1 1 3 4 Los Angele s 0 1 1 1 1 2

Today'sGames ChicagoatD.C. United,1p.m. Montrealat Philadelphia,1 p.m. SportingKansasCity atColorado,3p.m. HoustonatVancouver, 4p.m. PortlandatFCDallas,5:30 p.m. TorontoFCat Real Salt Lake, 6:30p.m. Columbus at Seattle FC,7p.m. NewEnglandat SanJose,7:30 p.m. Sunday'sGames ChivasUSAat NewYork, noon

MOTOR SPORTS NASCAR SprintCup-STP600Lineup After Fridayqualifying; raceSunday Af MarlinsviUeSpeedway Marlinsviue,Va. Lap length:.626 miles (Car num berin parentheses) 1. (18)KyleBusch,Toyota,99.674 mph. 2. (11)DennyHamlin, Toyota, 99.548. 3. (22IJoeyLogano,Ford, 99.428. 4. (48 JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet, 99.178. 5. (24 JeffGordon, Chevrolet, 99.048. 6. (20 MattKenseth, Toyota, 99.048. 7. (14 Tony Stewart, Chevrolet, 98.883. 8. (99)CarlEdwards,Ford, 98.846. 9. (t) JamieMcMurray,Chevrolet, 98.625. 10. (10)DanicaPatrick, Chevrolet, 98.165. 11. (16)GregBiffle, Ford,97.764. 12. (15)Clint Bowyer,Toyota,97.382. 13.55) BrianVickers,Toyota, 98.965. 14.I2) BradKeselowski, Ford,98.929. 15. (47)AJAffmendinger,Chevrolet, 98.888. 16. (31)RyanNewman, Chevrolet, 98.877. 17. (9)MarcosAmbrose, Ford, 98.712. 18. (4)KevinHarvick, Chevrolet, 98.707. 19.23) AlexBowman,Toyota, 98.661. 20.I43)AricAlmirola, Ford,98.625. 21. (27)PaulMenard, Chevrolet, 98.61. 22. (41)KurtBusch,Chevrolet, 98.61. 23.13CaseyMears, Chevrolet, 98.599. 24.I34I DavidRagan, Ford,98.599. 25. (51)JustinAllgaier,Chevrolet, 98.43. 26. 88) DalE earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet,98.379. 27. 5) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 98.359. 28. 42) KyleLarson,Chevrolet, 98.333. 29. 32)TravisKvapil, Ford,98.246. 30. (17)RickyStenhouseJr., Ford,98.206. 31. (78)MartinTruexJr., Chevrolet, 98.2. 32.95Michae lMcDoweff ,Ford,98.002. 33.I98IJoshWise,Chevrolet,97.957. 34. (3)AustinDilon, Chevrolet, 97.886. 35.26ColeWhitt, Toyota,97.82. 36.I40I Landon Cassill, Chevrolet,97.759. 37.33DavidStremme, Chevrolet, ownerpoints. 38.I83I Ryan Truex, Toyota, owner points. 39. (38)DavidGililand, Ford,ownerpoints. 40.7) MichaelAnnett, Chevrolet, ownerpoints. 41.I30)ParkerKligerman,Toyota, owner points. 42. (36)ReedSorenson,Chevrolet, ownerpoints. 43. (66)JoeNemechek, Toyota, ownerpoints.

GOLF PGA ValeroTexas0pen Friday Af TPCSan Ant olllo BanAntonio

Purse : $6.2 mi Uion

Yardage:7,435; Par:72 (36-36) SecondRoundLeaders Steven Bowditch 69-67—136 ChadCollins 71-66—137 AndrewLoupe 67-70—137 CameronBeckman 69-70—139 Pat Perez 68-71—139 DanielSummerhays 72-68—140 KevinNa 70-70—140 FreddieJacobson 70-70—140 James Hahn 71-70—141 TrevorImm elman 70-71—141 JoshTeater 71-70—141 Will MacKen zie 69-72—141 AaronBaddeley 70-71—141 ZachJohnson 70-71—141 WesRoach 75-66—141 BrianHarman 70-72—142 JasonKokrak 71-71—142 Martin Flores 71-71—142 JerryKelly 71-71—142 ChessonHadley 69-73 —142 Matt Kuchar 70-72—142 FredFunk 70-72—142 Justin Hicks 69-73 — 142 Bo Van Pelt 69-73 — 142 BrianDavis 71-72 — 143 7 4-69 — 143 GeoffOgilvy MichaelPutnam 72-71—143 ScottGardiner 74-69 — 143 RyanPalmer 72-71 — 143 WilliamMcGirt 72-71 — 143 70-73—143 Carl Pettersson 70-73—143 BriceGarnet RusselKnox l 74-70—144 70-74—144 ScottBrown BrianGay 73-71—144 71-73—144 CamiloVilegas 74-70—144 Tim Wilkinson 72-72—144 RobertStreb BrinyBaird 72-72—144 70-74 —144 Jim Furyk 71-73—144 Alex Prugh 70-74—144 AlexAragon 71-74—145 Cameron Tringale 74-71—145 Stephen Ames 71-74 — 145 AndresRomero 73-72—145 BrendondeJonge 76-69—145 JustinLeonard 69-76—145 MiguelAngelCarballo 73-72—145 TroyMerritt 73-72—145 JamieLovemark 75-70—145 Jordan Spieth 70-75—145 MichaelThomp son 72-73—145 JohnSenden 70-75—145 Charl eyHoff man 70-75—145 BenCurtis 72-73—145 TroyMatteson Seung-YulNoh 69-76—145 71-74—145 BrooksKoepka 72-73—145 Branden Grace 72-74—146 Jeff Magge rt 73-73—146 Johnson Wagner 74-72—146 LukeGuthrie 73-73—146 AndrewSvoboda 74-72—146 JohnPeterson 70-76—146 CharlieBeljan 73-73—146 GregChalmers 73-73—146 CharlieWi 73-73—146 Jim Herma n 74-73—147 Morgan Hoff mann 76-71 — 147 JimmyWalker 74-73 —147 KevinFoley 74-73—147 Joe Ogilvie 71-76—147 TyroneVanAswegen 72-75—147 RichardH.Lee


Dori Carter StacyLewis CristieKerr LizetteSalas TiffanyJoh MariajoUribe ChegaChoi LexiThompson Shanshan Feng PaulaCreamer AshleighSimon JulietaGranada Se RiPak InbeePark AnnaNordqvist JennySuh Ai Miyazato


So YeonRyu AyakoUehara AzaharaMunoz Mi HyangLee LydiaKo JennyShin Ji YoungOh YaniTseng Giulia Sergas KarrieWebb CarlotaCiganda I.K. Kim MeenaLee KatieFutcher KarineIcher Katie M.Burnet BrookePancake MichelleWie Jodi Ewart Shadoff Sydnee Michaels Julia Boland ChristinaKim

GiuliaMolinaro Na YeonChoi SeonHwaLee BelenMozo Eun-HeeJi KatherineKirk GerinaPiler Rebecca Lee-Bentham Mo Martin BeckyMorgan HeeYoungPark MinaHarigae JenniferSong HaejiKang DewiClaireSchreefel Hee-Won Han HaruNomura HeeKyungSeo Mirim Lee P.K.Kongkraphan SilviaCavalleri VeronicaFelibert VictoriaElizabeth KellyTan BrittanyLang MorganPressel MariaHernandez PazEcheverria Xi YuLin CatrionaMathew ChristelBoeljon LauraDiaz NatalieGulbis AmeliaLewis SarahJaneSmith AmyYang SunYoungYoo

70-64—134 70-66—136 68-68—136 69-68—137 69-69—138 67-71—138 74-65—139 69-70—139 68-71—139 67-72—139 71-69—140 70-70—140 70-70—140 69-71—140 73-68—141 72-69—141 70-71—141 70-71—141 70-71—141 69-72—141 68-73—141 74-68—142 73-69—142 72-70—142 71-71—142 75-68—143 75-68—143 73-70—143 73-70—143 73-70—143 71-72—143 71-72—143 70-73—143 70-73—143 70-73—143 68-75—143 76-68—144 73-71—144 73-71—144 73-71—144 72-72—144 72-72—144 72-72—144 71-73—144 71-73—144 71-73—144 70-74—144 70-74—144 70-74—144 77-68—145 76-69—145 76-69—145 75-70—145 75-70—145 74-71—145 74-71—145 74-71—145 73-72—145 72-73—145 71-74—145 71-74—145 70-75—145 70-75—145 76-70—146 76-70—146 75-71—146 74-72—146 74-72—146 74-72—146 73-73—146 73-73—146 73-73—146 73-73—146 73-73—146 73-73—146 70-76—146

DEALS Transactions BASEBAL L

AmericanLeague BOSTONREDSOX— OptionedOFJackieBradley Jr., LHPDrakeBritton and0 Ryan Lavarnwayto Pawtucket(IL). DETROITIGERS—Agreedto termswith1B MiguelCabreraona10-year contract. SEATTLEMARINERS — Optioned RHPs Blake BeavanandBrandon Maurer, LHPLucas Luetge and INF NicFra k nklin toTacoma(PCL). ReassignedRHPs ZachMiner,Dominic Leone,Ramon Ramirez and CarsonSmith; 0 Humberto Quintero;andOFEndy Chavezto minor leaguecamp. Selectedthe contracts of LHPsRoenis Elias andJoeBeimel fromTacoma. DesignatedOFXavier Avery andINFCarlos Triunfel for assignm ent. TEXAS RANGERS—Claimed CChris Gimenezoff waiversfromOakland. Designated LHPMichael Kirkmanforassignment. NationalLeague CHICAGOCUBS— Released28RyanRoberts. PHILADE LPHIAPHILLIES—Optioned RHPJonathanPettiboneto LehighValley (IL). ST.LOUISCARDINALS— AssignedOFJoeyButler outright toMem phis (PCL). PurchasedtheMemphis Redbirds(PCL). BASKETB ALL

NationalBasketballAssociation NBA —FinedBrooklynGJorge Gutierrez$15,000 for makingexcessivecontact abovethe shoulders duringWednesday's game. NEW JERSEYNETS—SignedGJorgeGutierrezto amultiyearcontract. SACRA MENTOKINGS—Signed F-CWilie Reed for theremainderof theseason. FOOTBALL

NationalFootballLeague OAKLANDRAIDERS— SignedRBMauriceJonesDrewandDLC.J. Wilson. PHILADEL PHIA EAGLES— ReleasedWRDeSeanJackson.SignedQBMarkSancheztoaone-year contract. SANFRANCISCD49ERS—Re-signed CBPerrish Cox toaone-yearcontract. WASHIN GTON REDSKINS — SignedOL Mike McGlynn. HOCKEY NationalHockeyLeague PITTSBU RGHPENGUINS—AssignedGEricHartzell fromWgkes-Barre/Scranton (AHL) to Wheeling (ECHL). SAN JOSE SHARKS — Reassigned F Freddie Hamiltonto Worcester (AHL). TAMPABAY LIGHTNING — AssignedF Danick GauthierfromSyracuse(AHL) to Florida (ECHL). SOCCER MajorLeagueSoccer COLOR ADORAPIDS—Signed GClint Irwin and DChrisKlute. L.A. GAL AXY— Loaned GBrian Rowe, FChandler Hoffman and DTommy Meyer to L.A. Galaxy II (USLPRO). TORO NTOFC—SignedMIsseyNakajima-Farran. COLLEG E GEORGEWASHINGTON — Si gned men' s basketball coachMikeLonerganto acontract extension throughthe2020-21season. GEORGIA TECH — Suspended RB Dennis AndrewsandWRAnthonyAutry twogames. MINNES OTA— Fired women's basketball coach PamBorton.

Mickelson barelymakescut, Bowditch takes lead The Associated Press


SAN ANTONIO — Phil Mickelson made

thecuton the number in the Texas Open Bowditch holed out from 83 yards for an on Friday, blasting out of a greenside water eagleon the par-4.The 30-year-oldtopped hazard t05 feet tosetup abirdie onthe final the leaderboard at the end of around for the hole. first time in his PGATour career. Mickelson shot a 2-under 70 after openChad Collins and rookie Andrew Loupe ing with a 77 at TPC San Antonio's ATJi'cT were a stroke back. Collins shot 66, and Oaks Course. Lefty was 11 strokes behind Loupe had a 70. leader Steven Bowditch, the Australian who Also on Friday: had a 67toreach 8-Lmder 136. Carter starts strong to take lead: Mickelson was in the styv.am that runs in CARLSBAD, Calif. — Dori Carter might

ing six of the first seven holes on the back

nine, Carter bogeyed the final two holes for an 8-under 64. The round was her lowest in competition and broke the Aviara course record. Winless on the LPGA Tour, the for-

mer University of Mississippi player had ll birdies and three bogeys. At 10-under 134,

she had a two-stroke lead over Stacy Lewis and Cristie Kerr.

Europe still leads: KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Thailand's Prayad Marksaeng and South Korea's Kim Hyung-sung helped

front of the 18th green after attempting to

have gotten a bit ahead of herself late in

reach the par 5 in two from 288 yards with

the second round of the Kia Classic. She Cup, beating Danes Thomas Bjorn and still left everyone else behind. After birdie- Thorjorn Olesen 4 and 3 in foursomes play.

a 3-wood.

Asia cut Europe's lead to 7-3 in the EurAsia



Szabados Continued from C1


change the way a lot of folks — both men and womenview female athletes.

While it i s i nevitable at times like this to wonder if

"I want to show people that it's OK for girls to play

there will ever come a day

football," Welter said. "It's not

only about overcoming physally be good enough to earn ical challenges, but percepa spot in the National Hockey tional challenges."

when a woman might actu-

League or National Basket-

The NHL, NFL, MLB and

ball Association or National Football League or Major

Major League Soccer need to do their part now, much like former NBA Commissioner David Stern put his league's quiteconsiderable resources behind the founding of the

League Baseball, that is total-

ly missingthe point. Frankly, it is not going to happen, certainly not in any of our lifetimes. WNBA in 1996. Without that "It's just two different lev- support, there is little doubt els, honestly," said Nebras- that the fledgling organizaka basketball star Jordan tion would have collapsed Hooper, who was the Big Ten like just about every other women's player of the year. attempt at starting a women's "Boys are more athletic than pro sports league. Now, with girls. That's kind of common the NBA gradually backing








The Associated Press

But even in basketball,

away, the WNBA stands at 12 teams and is getting set for its

which is by far the most lucrative of the team sports for

18th season. It continues to struggle for

women, sacrifices must be attention, to be sure, but it is made. The top players earn still here.

CHICAGO — The Portland Trail Blaz-

the bulk of their salaries in

ershad dropped threestraightgames and appeared in danger of losing considerable playoff ground in the tough Western Conference before LaMarcus Aldridge returned to the lineup on Thursday. Two games later, the Blazers seemed to have turned things following a pair of comfortable wins, the latest a 91-74 victo-

ry over the Chicago Bulls on Friday night. Is the turnaround as easily explained

as the return of an All-Star performer'? Well, yeah, the Blazers say. "Other than us getting our best player back, which changes everything, I think our urgency is going up," Damian Lillard said. "After the loss at Orlando (on Tuesday), we realized, 'All right, it's time to turn it around now. We can't wait and we can't have all of these lackadaisical

Charles Rex Arbogast/The Associated Press

efforts.' Portiand's Mo Williams shoots over Chicago's Taj Gibson for two of his 18 points in the "Everybody's got on the same page and, Trail Blazers' 91-74 win over the Bulls on Friday night. during these last two games, we've really defended and done everything together." Mo Williams scored 18 points to lead

Maybe it is time for the oth-

better-paying leagues over- er major leagues to put some seas, then return home to money and influence behind play in the WNBA during women's sports. For instance, the summer months. There there are surely enough good is essentially no offseason, female hockey players for the but you will not hear many NHL to help set up a WNHL, complaints. and it does not necessarily "We're making huge leaps require the massive financial and bounds from where we commitment the NBA made. were even five years ago," There could be four to six Hooper said. "We're getting teams, perhaps all based in our own publicity and our the Northeast or M i dwest own athletes that are really to cut down on travel costs. going forward in our own They could play doubleheadrealm in sports, so I don't ers in conjunction with the even know if we need to step regular NHL games, which into the men's." would give early arrivals a

added 11 points and 10 rebounds.

five Blazers in double figures. Lillard had 16 points, Nicolas Batum and Robin Lo-

In other games Friday night: Spurs 133, Nuggets 102: DENVERpez each had 13, Wesley Matthews had 11 Marco Belinelli scored 27 points, Tim and Thomas Robinson added 10. Duncan had 20 and San Antonio extendThe Blazers got past the Bulls easily, ed their winning streak to 16 games. despite a quiet night from Aldridge, who Heat110, Pistons 78: AUBURN HILLS, was playing just his second game after Mich. — LeBron James had 17 points, 12 missing two weeks with a back injury. assists and 10 rebounds to help Miami He had five points and 13 rebounds in 29 build a big lead, and then rested in the minutes after having 25 points and 16 re- fourth quarter. It was James' first tribounds in Atlanta. ple-double of the season and No. 37 for his "His presence on the court puts pres- career. sure on everyone," Portland coach Terry Wizards 91, Pacers 78: WASHINGStotts said. "He does a lot more to help us TON — John Wall scored 20 points in win than just his field-goal percentage." Washington's upset of conference-leading No one in the Bulls' locker room would Indiana. disagree. Raptors 105, Ceitics 103:TORONTO"He is a load down there; a great play- Amir Johnson scored the winning basket er," Joakim Noah said. "You can tell when with seven seconds remaining, and Tohe is on the court, whether he scores or ronto clinched its first playoff berth in six not. He changes their team. He is one of seasons. the best in the game." Timberwoives 143, Lakers107:MINNECarlos Boozer had 16 points and 12 re- APOLIS — Minnesota's Kevin Love had bounds in 24 minutes to lead Chicago.D.J. 22 points, 10 rebounds and 10 assists for Augustin had 15, Taj Gibson 13 and Noah his second career triple-double.

Thunder 94, Kings 81: OKLAHOMA CITY — Kevin Durant scored 29 points to extend his streak of scoring at least 25

points to 37 games. Nets 108, Cavaliers 97: NEW YORK-

Paul Pierce scored 17 of his 22 points in a flawless first quarter, and Brooklyn got its 12th straight home victory. Pelicans102, Jazz 95: NEWORLEANS

Welter does not have that

chance to take in two games

option. She signed with the Revolution knowing that everyone she faced would be bigger,

for the price of one. The hope would be that, over time, more fans an d c o rporate

stronger, faster. In the sea-

sponsors would be attracted to the women's league, giving

son-opening game, she ran

it a chance to stand on its own

feet and growing the game 1-yard gain, the other time for everyone. thrown for a 4-yard loss. For Szabados and those But the fans loved it. And little girls she is inspiring, it statistics are not the most im- istime. portant thinghere, anyway. Time for a league of their W elter really w a nts t o own. the ball twice — once for a

— Tyreke Evans had 22 points and a career-high 15 assists, and the short-handed

Pelicans overcame a first-quarter injury to Anthony Davis to extend their winning

streak to a season-high five games. Magic 110, Bobcats 105: ORLANDO, Fla. — Nikola Vucevic had 24 points and


23 reboundsforOrlando, and Jameer Nel-

son scored five points in overtime. Warriors 100, Grizzlies 93: OAKLAND, Calif. — Stephen Curry scored 33 points, including a tiebreaking 3-pointer late as Golden State beat Memphis at home for the first time in six meetings. Suns 112, Knicks 88: PHOENIX — Go-

ran Dragic scored 32 points in 32 minutes and Phoenix won its sixth straight.



All TimesPDT


EasternConlerence y-Indiana y-Miami x-Toronto Chicago Brooklyn Washington Charlotte Atlanta NewYork Cleveland Detroit Boston Orlando Philadelphia Milwaukee

W L 52 2t 49 22 41 31 40 32 38 33 37 35 35 38 31 40 30 43 29 45 26 46 23 49 21 52 15 57 14 58


x-SanAntonio x-Oklahoma City d-LA. Clippers Houston Portland GoldenState Phoenix Memphis Dallas Minnesota NewOrleans Denver Sacramen to LA. Lakers Utah d-divisionleader x-clinchedplayoffspot y-clincheddivision

W L 56 16 53 19 51 22 49 22 47 27 45 27 44 29 43 29 43 30 36 35 32 40 32 4t 25 47 24 48 23 50

Friday'sGames Orlando 00, Charlottet05,OT Washington91,Indiana78 TorontoI05, Boston103 Brooklyntgt, Cleveland97 Miami110,Detroit 78

Portland91,Chicago74 Minnesota143,LA.Lakers107 Oklahoma City 94,Sacramento81 NewOrleans102,Utah95 SanAntonio133,Denver102 Phoenix112,NewYork88 GoldenState100,Memphis 93 Today'sGames Detroit atPhiladelphia,4:30p.m. LA. Clippers at Houston, 5p.m. Atlantaat Washington, 5p.m. Sacramento at Dallas,5:30 p.m. Miami atMilwaukee,5:30p.m. NewOrleansatSanAntonio, 5:30p.m. Suttda y' sGames Utah atOklahomaCity, noon Indiana at Cleveland, noon Torontoat Orlando, 3p.m. MinnesotaatBrooklyn,3 p.m. Chicag oatBoston,4p.m. NewYorkatGoldenState,6 p.m. Memphisat Portland,6p.m. Phoenixat LA.Lakers, 6;30p.m. Monday'sGames SanAntonioat Indiana,4 p.m. Washington at Charlotte, 4 p.m. PhiladelphiaatAtlanta,4:30 p.m. Milwaukee atDetroit, 4:30p.m. Torontoat Miami,4:30p.m. Sacramentoat NewOrleans, 5p.m. Bosto natChicago,5p.m. LA. Clippers at Minnesota,5 p.m. MemphisatDenver, 6p.m. NewYorkat Utah,6 p.m.

Pct GB

.712 .690 2 .569 10'/r ,556 11t/r

.535 13 ,514 14'/r .479 t T .437 20 .411 22 .392 23'A ,361 25'/r .319 28'/r .288 31 ,208 36t/r .194 37t/r

Pct GB

.778 .736 3 .699 5'/r 690 6'A .635 10 .625 t1 ,603 12'/r .59/ I3 ,589 13t/r

.507 19'/r .444 24 .438 24'A .347 31 .333 32 .315 33'A

Trail Blazers91, Bulls74

Raptors105, Celtics103

SIIIjS112, KIIiCkS 88

BOSTON (103) Green7-140-016, Bass3-5 2-2 8, Humphries 3-6 2-2 8, Rondo 5-8 t-2 11, Bradley3-7 4-4 u,

NEWYORK(88) Anthony8-20 3-5 21, Stoudemire 8-16 3-5 tg, Chandle0-4 r 1-21, Felton2-6 I-I 6, J.Smith6-14 t-t 15, Shumpert3-6 0-0 7, PrigioIti 1-t 0-0 3, Hardaway Jr. 2-11 0-0 5, Aldrich0-0 0-0 0, Murrr 2-4 1-2 5,Brown3-5 0-0 6, Tyler 0-0 0-0 0. Totals35-8710-1688. PHOENIX (112) Tucker4-112-211, Frye0-4 3-43, Plttmlee5-6 1-211, Bledsoe6-152-216, Dragic 11-175-7 32, Mark.Morris5-74-416,Green2-80-06, Marc.Morris 4-120-09, Goodwi0-11-21, n I Smith0-10-00, Len 1-2 0-02, Christmas1-20-0 3,Randolph1-20-0 Z Totals 40-8818-23112. New York 26 14 26 22 — 88 Phoenix 34 28 26 24 — 112

Sttllirtger 4-122-4 11, C.Johnson2-3 2-2 6,Olyttyk

PORTLAHD (91) Batum4-t01-213, Aldridge2-101-2 5,Lopez6-9 1-2 13, Lillard 6-141-216, Matthews 4-122-211, Robinson 4-52-3 10,Barton0-20-00, Wiliams7-12 3-3 18,WrIght2-50-05, Claver0-00-00, McCollttm 0-0 0-0 0,Leonard0-10-0 0, Watson0-00-00. Totals 35-8011-1691. CHICAGO (74) Dunleavy1-9 0-0 2, Boozer8-15 0-0 16, Noah 5-121-2 11,Hinrich0-60-00, Butler3-93-310, Augustin 7-I/0-015, Gibson6-101-213, Mohammed 0-1 0-0 0, Snell 2-20-04, Fredette1-3 0-03. Totals

4-6 2-210,Bayless8-132-2 20, Pressey1-2 0-0z Totals40-7617-201lj3. TORONTO (105) Ross6-134-417, AJohnson4-8 0-08, ValanciUnas 367813, Lowry4131-29, DeRozan1227 6-630, Salmons2-40-05,Hayes3-30-06,Vasqttez 5-0 2-2 t5, Hansbrough t-t 0-02, Novak0-00-00. Totals40-86 20-221lj5. Boston 26 27 20 30 — 103 Toronto 32 24 29 20 — 105

Porlland 19 28 26 js — 91 Chicago 16 20 22 16 — 74 3-PointGoals—Portland10-22 (Batum4-7, Lillard 3-5, Williams1-2, Wright1-3, Matthews1-5), Chicago3-17 (Fredette1-2, Butler 1-4, AugtlstirI 1-7, Hirtrich0-1, Dtlnleavy0-3). FouledOttt—None. Rebognds —Portland 52(Aldridge13), Chicago51 Boozert2). Assists—Portlandtg (Lilard, Batum4), hicago23(Augustin 7). Total Fouls—Portland14, Chicago 16.A—22,055(20,917).

SACRAM ENTO(81) Gay3-0 1-1 7,Evans1-42-24, Cousins2-80-0 4, McCallum6-16 0-3 13,McLemore 5-165-6 18, Thompson 5-90-010,Outlaw 6-130-017,Acy2-7 2 4 6,Gray1-I 0 0 zTotals31-85 10-16 81. OKLAHOM ACITY (94) Durant9-118-8 29, Ibaka2-6 4-4 8, Adams1-2 3-6 5, Westbrook 7-124-418, Roberson3-3 0-06, Thabeet 0-1 0-00, Lamb5-0 0-313, Butler2-100-0 6, Fisher1-40-0 3,Collisort1-3 0-02,Jones0-3 0-0 0, RWilliams 2-30-04. Totals33-6919-25 94. Sacramento 15 23 13 30 — 81 Oklahoma City 3 2 22 28 12 — 94

33-84 5-774.

Pelicajjs102, Jazz 95 UTAH (95) Jefferson3-82-39, Favors6-96-918, Kanter 4-7 0-0 8, Burke 3-8 5-512, Hayward 6-138-8 21,Williams5-121-212, Garrett3-60-08, J.Evanst-30-0 2, Clark2-20-05. Totals33-6822-27 95. NEWORLEANS(102) Aminu 5-103-4 13, Davis0-1 0-0 0,Stiemsma 1-1 002, TEvans9204722,Morrow7113420, Ajinca3-63-39, Babbitt3-62-29, Rivers5-91-2 12, Miller 3-75-612, Withey0-03-4 3. Totals36-71 24-32 102. Utah 22 16 28 29 — 95 jjew Orleatts 20 2 3 29 30 — 102

Wizards91, Pacers78 INDIANA (78)

George6-226-6 19,West 4-102-2 10,Hibbert 3 8 2 5 8,GHIII 3 62 28, Stephertson 3-137813, Scola5-80-0 10,Turner0-40-00, Sloan3-40-07, Mahinmi1-2 1-2 3,Copeland0-20-0 0, Butler 0-0 0-00, S.HIII0-00-00, Allen0-00-00. Totals28-79 20-2578.


Ariza 2-126-611, Booker3-3 0-06, Gortat8-15 1-1 17,Wall 9-2t 1-t 20, Beal2-132-2 7, Webster 3-62-211, Harrington5-101-I 12, GoodenI-51-2 3, Miller 1-22-24, Temple 0-00-00. Totals 34-87 16-17 91. Indiana 21 16 19 22 — 78 Washington 24 20 30 17 — 91

Heat110, Pistons78 MIAMI (110) James7-13 2-2 17, Bosh6-10 1-1 15, Haslem 8-111-217, Douglas3-73-49, Jones3-81-210, Cole 4-93-512, Lewis4-6 0-09, Andersett 4-65-6 13, Battier3-60-0 6,Hamilton 0-10-00, Beasley1-2 0-0zTotals 43-7916-22110. DETROIT (78) Smith4-140-09, Monroe5-142-412, Drummond 4-71-2 9, Jennings2-84-6 8, Singler 4-9 3-311, Stucke y4-70-08,Jerebko3-70-06,Caldwell-Pope 1-4003,Bynum 3-55-612,Siva0-20-00,Datome 0-20-00, Mitchel0-00-00. l Totals 30-7915-21 78. Miami 28 29 35 18 — 110 Detroit 23 19 18 18 — 78

Thunder94, Kings81

Nets108, Cavaliers97 CLEVEL AND(97) Deng7-155-620,Thompson7-100-014, Hawes

6-131-216, Jack4-120-0 9, Waiters6-18 5-520,

Dellavedova 3-6 0-08, Varejao 3-82-3 8, Zeller O -I 0-00, Geet-40-OZTotals37-8713-1697. BROOK LYNI108) Johnson6801 14,Pierce567722, Plumlee1-2 1-23, Wiliams 5-101-213, Livingston4-50-08, Teletovic3-0 0-09,Thornton3-103-3 IO, Blatche4-52-4 10, Anderson 6-10 0-0 13,Gtltierrez 0-12-2 2,Collins 1-20-02,Tsagttet-t 0-02. Totals39-71 16-21108. Cleveland 29 21 27 20 — 97 Brooklyn 29 32 24 23 — 108

Magic110, Bodcats105 CHARLO TTE(105) Kidd-Gilchrist 5-11O-I 10, McRoberts8-16 2-2 24,Jeff erson10-160-020,Walker8-256-724,Henderson7-130-014, Zeller3-53-49, Douttlas-Roberts 1-50-02, RidnOtlr1-50-02, BiysmtO0-00-00,TOIiver 0-10-00. Totals43-9711-14105.

ORLANDO (110) Harkless4-60-29, O'Qtinn 5-103-5 t3, Vucevic 11-22 2-224,Nelson4-90-011, Afflalo 3-99-1017, Nicholson 0-20-00, Oladipo5-124-614, Harris5-11 5-615, Moore1-51-23,Lamb1-I 224. Totals398726-35 110. Charlotte 30 2 0 31 16 8 — 105 Orlando 16 25 33 23 13 — 110

SPIIrs133, Nuggets102 SANANTO NIO(133) Leonard 6-0 0-1 14,Duncan9-152-320, splitter 4-7 0-0 8,Parker2-9 0-0 4, Belinelli10-151-2 27, Girtobili 2-7 3-4 7,Diaw5-7 0-0 u, Mills T-u 1-1 16, Ayres0-0 0-00, Joseph4-51-1 9, Daye4-7 0-0 11, Baynes 2-42-26. Totals55-9810-14133. DENVER (102) Miller 0-62-22,Faried5-128-10 IB,Mozgov3-8 1-2 7, Eawson 5-0 3513,Foye7-132-220,Arlhur3-13I-t 8, Randolph2-52-26, Vesely2-41-45, Fournier6-103-3 15, Brooks 2-53-48. Toa tls 35-8726-3510z SattAtttottio


Timberwolves143, Lakers107 LA. LAKERS (107) Bazemore9-182-3 21, Hill 5-12 0-010, Kaman 1-2 0-0 2,Marshall 0-60-0 0,Meeks6-136-6 tg, Johnson6-100-0 t3, Young3-12 2-2 11,Nash2-5 0-04, Sacre6-112-4 14,Kelly4-11009, Brooks2-2 0-04.Totals44-10212-15107. MINNESOT A(143) Brewer 3-65-511, Love6-107-922, Pekovic9-10

8-826, Rttbio4-52-3 10,Martin 7-122-217, Dieng

5-5 4-7 14,Budinger3-74-4 11,Barea3-6 0-0 8, Mbah aMottte1-2 0-0 2, Cunningham4-6 0-1 8, Hummel 0-00-00,Muhammad4-40-09,Shved2-3 1-15.Totals51-7633-40143. LA. Lakers 24 19 34 30 — 107 Minnesota 41 33 37 32 — 143

Warriors100, Grizzlies93 MEMPHIS (93)

Prince3-41-4 7, Randolph10-161-2 21, Gasol 71635 t7, Conley81723 20, CLee571-t 11, Allen1-70-02, Calathes 3-61-1 7,Kottfos 3-30-06, Miller O-t0-00, Leuer0-20-00, Johnson1-20-02. Totals 41-819-1693. GOLDEN STATE(100) Iguodala2-30-05,Speights7-91-215, Bogttt0-1 0-0 0, Curry13-222-333, Thompson6-162-2 14, O'Neal2-76-710, Barnes2-70-04, Blake2-30-05, Green 5-110-012, Crawford1-200 z Totals40-81 11-14100. Memphis 27 25 24 17 — 93 Golden State 30 2 3 26 21 — 100

Leaders Through Thursday's Games Scoring Durartt,OKC Anthony,NYK James,MIA Love,MIN Harden,HOU Griffin, LAC Curry,GOL Aldridge,POR DeRozart,TOR Cousins,S/tC George,IND Davis,NOR Jefferson,CHA Nowitzki,DAL Irving,CLE

Jordan,LAC Drummond,DET Love,MIN 31 31 3 5 36 — 133 Howard,HOU 23 20 31 28 — 102 Cousins,SAC

G FG FT PTS AVG 70 738 612 2257 3z2 69 685 417 1945 28.2 67 668 374 1809 27.0 67 572 454 1764 26.3 63 479 460 1571 24.9 73 664 432 1771 24.3 68 551 276 1597 23.5 6t 581 265 1430 23.4 69 531 443 1563 2Z7 6t 491 388 1370 2z5 72 526 359 1574 21.9 62 505 331 1343 21.7 63 598 160 1359 21.6 7t 552 308 1522 21.4 64 487 263 1354 21.2 Rebottnds G OFF DEFTOT AVG 73 295 708 1003 13.7 70 364 532 896 tz8 67 198 649 847 1z6 68 226 613 839 tz3 61 195 527 722 u .8

Mike Munden/The Associated Press

Pittsburgh goalie Marc-Andre Fieury blocks a shot by Columbus' Boone Jenner during the second period of the Penguins' 2-1 win Friday night.

Penguinsbeat Jackets to clinch playoff spot The Associated Press COLUMBUS, Ohio Chris Kunitz and Beau Ben-

nett scored goals 47 seconds apart midway through the third period and Marc-Andre Fleury made 35 saves and the Pittsburgh Penguins clinched a playoff spot with a 2-1 win over the Columbus Blue Jackets on Friday night. James Wisniewski scored a power-play goal for Co-

Cammalleri had a goal and an assist to lead Calgary. Cammalleri has scored 10 times since the NHL's trade d eadline on March 5 a n d

four of them have been winners, including his goal with 7.8 seconds left in the second.

Oilers 4, Ducks 3: EDMONTON, Alberta — Andrew Ference scored at 3:51

of overtime, Ben Scrivens stopped 48 shots and Ed-

lumbus with 3 m i nutes, 6 monton pulled off an upset of

seconds left, with Pittsburgh hanging on as Fleury made huge saves on Brandon Dubinsky and Cam Atkinson during a scrum in the final seconds.

Anaheim. Ference intercepted the puck at center ice with the teams playing three aside in overtime and unleashed a shot just across the blue line. Senators 5, Biackhawks 3:

Curtis McElhinney, tak- OTTAWA, Ontario — Craig ing the place of the ill Sergei Anderson had 46 saves and Bobrovsky, stopped the first

C larke MacArthur ha d

28 Penguins shots before

goal and two assists for Ot-


Kunitz notched his 34th with 9:25 left.

tawa. Ottawa scored twice in the third and killed off a 34

In other games Friday: second two-man advantage Flyers 4, Maple Leafs 2: to hold off the Blackhawks. PHILADELPHIA — V i nny Stars 7, Predators 3:DALLecavalier, Scott H artnell, LAS — Dallas had seven Claude Girouxand Wayne players score goals in a victoSimmonds scored goals to ry over Nashville. Alex Golilead Philadelphia. Toronto's goski had three assists, tying James van Riemsdyk scored his career high. Colton Scev4 seconds into the second, iour, Trevor Daley and Ryan matching an NHL record for Garbutt each had a goaland fastest goal from the start of an assist. Valeri Nichushkin, the period. Cody Eakin, Vernon Fiddler Flames 4, Rangers 3:CAL- and Alex Chiasson also had GARY, Alberta — Mike goals.





ass a s e con elence eamssee e

Frank Franklin II/The Associated Press

Connecticut's Nieis Giffey celebrates during the Huskies' 81-76 win over lowa State in the East Regional semifinals Friday night.

Bulletin staff report Petterson picked up firstAll-league teams for boys team honors, senior guard and girls basketball have Savannah Spear was selected b een announced, an d 1 3 to thesecond team, and seCentral Oregon players from niorposts Claire Henson and Class 4A high schools have juniorCierra Mann recei ved been recognized for their per- honorable mention. formances during the 2013-14 Sara Kesling of Elmira season. was the Sky-Em player of the In the Tri-Valley Confer- year, and Elmira's Mike Lay ence, junior guard Jered was voted the league's coach P ichette o f Ma d r a s w a s of the year. named player of the year. Former Panther e arns White B u ff al o t e a mmate ali-America honor: Travis Reshaun Holliday, a senior Simpson, a 2011 graduate of wing player, received hon- Redmond High, picked up the orable mention. La Salle's first indoor all-America hon-

became the 24th SOU wres- in scoring at 15.6 points per tler ever to place third at the game and led the league

Jared Curtiss was voted the

or of his career at the NAIA

standout etched her name in

league's coach of the year. Senior Sam Wieber, a guard for the La Pine boys, was named to the all-Sky-

Track & Field Indoor National Championships in Ohio ear-

Em League first team, while

Hawks senior wing Zack Smith received honorable

UConn to Elite Eight

mention. Sisters junior forw ard J u stin H a r re r a n d

as big underdogs

selections. Cottage Grove's Garrison King and Sweet

The Associated Press DeAndre Daniels scored 27 points, 19 in the second

In other games Friday night: Michigan St. 61, Virginia 59: NEW YORK — Branden

half,and UConn held off Dawson had 24 points and 10 Iowa State 81-76 on Friday to

rebounds and Michigan State

reach the East Regional fi- beat top-seeded Virginia. nal a year after the Huskies Michigan State overcame were barred from the NCAA tournament.

a horrible start to the second

after halftime, the only Husky

vance to the regional finals for

to make a field goal for over

the eighth time since 1985-

half and then withstood a late Daniels hit his first six shots run by the Cavaliers to ad-

sophomore forward Hayden Martinez were second-team Home's Hunter Jutte shared

the player of the year honor, while Donn Pollard of Cot-

national meet, going 6-1 at the

with both a 46.2-percent clip

tourney to finish the season from 3-point range and an 22-4. Johnson's only loss at 87.7 free-throw percentage. nationals was a quarterfinal

Kersey finished the season

setback to eventual champion Jesse Hellinger of Dickinson State (N.D.). Area pole vaulter part of OSU history: Last season,

with a program record 154

Oregon State hosted its first track and field meet since 1988 at the White Track and Field Center. At the OSU Invitational earlier this month,

made free throws. Jordan

Wilcox, a junior guard for Warner Pacific College, an NAIA school i n P o rtland, p aced her t eam w i t h 9 . 9

points per game and hit double-digit scoring 15 times during the season en route to receiving all-Cascade Cola former Summit H i gh lege Conference honorable mention. She hit 77 percent

Beaver history. Annie Sidor, of her free-throw attempts a 2013 Summit grad who fin- while shooting 38 percent lier this month. The Eastern ished runner-up three times from 3-point range. Her 61 Oregon junior finished third in the pole vault at the Class 3-pointers made this season in the high jump, clearing a 5A state c hampionships, tied for fifth-most in Warner personal-best 2.09 meters (6 was one of the first two OSU Pacific history. feet, 10 '/4 inches). It was the women ever to compete in Summit grad part of consecond all-America distinc- the pole vault. The Oregon ference hockey championtion of Simpson's collegiate State freshman cleared 10- ship: Jetta Rackleff, a 2009 career after he placed fifth at 11 '/4 to take second behind Summit High graduate, bethe NAIA outdoor champion- teammate and fellow fresh- came a part ofRochester ships last spring. man Helen Ann Haun. Institute of Technology hisRedmond grad takes third Ali-conference nods for Wil- tory on March 8 when the at nationais: After placing coxes: Twin sisters Kersey Tigers claimed the College fifth at the NAIA Wrestling

National Championships last tage Grove was named the season, Redmond High alum league's coach of the year. Taylor Johnson returned to The La Pine girls had take third at 197 pounds in three all-Sky-Em players, Kansas on March 8. The 2009 including senior wing Katie Redmond graduate was one Mickel, who was a first-team of six all-America wrestlers selection. Senior guard Holli for Southern Oregon, which Glenn and junior post McK- finished fourth as a t e am. enna Boen were named to the Only the team champion, second team for the Hawks. Grand View (Iowa), boasted Sisterssenior guard Jacobie more all-Americans. Johnson

and Jordan Wilcox, both Hockey America conference Mountain View alumnae, re- championship in just their

ceived all-league basketball honors in

second season as a Division

t h eir r e spective I program. Rackleff, a sopho-

conferences. Kersey, a junior guard for NCAA Division II Humboldt State (Calif.), was named the newcomer of the year for the California Collegiate Athletic Association and was voted to the

all-conference first t eam. She was third in the CCAA

more goaltender, appeared in eight of the Tigers' 38 games this season, including six as a starter. In 421 minutes,

Rackleff, who played behind junior and CHA goaltender of the year Ali Binnington, made 198 saves and allowed 27 goals.

8t/2 minutes. Hi s 3 - pointer all under coach Tom Izzo. gave seventh-seeded UConn a MIDWEST REGIONAL

49-32 lead. The Cyclones rallied late, pulling within 67-63 with 2'/z

Kentucky 74, Louisville 69: I NDIANAPOLIS — A a r o n Harrison m ade a 3 - p ointe r with 3 9 seconds left t o

minutes remaining. But senior Niels Giffey hit a 3 in the cor- give Kentucky the go-ahead ner for his first points since the

points. Harrison, Julius Ran-

game's opening moments, and dle and Dakari Johnson, all when the Huskies (29-8) made finished with 15 points for the their free throws in the final eighth-seeded Wildcats. minute, the UConn fans packMichigan 73, Tennessee 71: ing Madison Square Garden INDIANAPOLIS — J o r dan could celebrate. Morgan scored 15 points and Dustin Hogue scored a Nik Stauskas had 14 for seccareer-high 34 p oints for ond-seeded Michigan. Tenthird-seeded Iowa State (28-8), nessee had a chance to take but Big 12 player of the year the lead, but Jarnell Stokes Melvin Ejim was 3 of 13 for was called for an offensive seven points.

foul with 6 seconds left.

Miller, Ryanseek 1st Final Fourappearances By Beth Harris

21 straight victories during

The Associated Press

the season, they want to deliv-

ANAHEIM, Calif. — Sean er for Miller, who has restored Miller has been on Bo Ryan's the program's luster in his radar since th e m i d-1970s. five years. That's when the future Ari" What w e h a v e d o ne

zona coachcame toMadison, Wis., for the first time at Ryan's behest.

during the season has validated how good we are," said 7-foot center Kaleb Tarczews-

Miller was a 9 -year-old ki, who was in foul trouble in hot shot point guard, and their semifinal comeback win Ryan was a Wisconsin assis- over San Diego State. tant looking for some juice The Badgers (29-7) haven't to enliven a night designed been to a Final Four since to drum up interest in Bad- 2000, shortly before Ryan gers basketball. He called up took over in Madison. They've Miller's father, a coach who reached just one regional fiagreed to send his son from nal during 13 straight trips to Beaver Falls, Pa., to help out. the NCAA tournament, makThe young Miller donned ing it every year since Ryan a Superman cape made by assumed control of a program one of the coaches' wives and where he was an assistant showed off his ball handling from 1976-85. and shooting skills. He turned 69 earlier this "Sean more than handled week, and the team is feeling himself," Ryan recalled Fri- a sense of urgency to deliver day. "He was great." for a coach, who in the words Ryan, a l ong-ago point of guard Josh Gasser, is "getguard himself, sees a lot of ting up there." "He deserves it," Gasser s imilarities in how h e a n d Miller view basketball these said. "We all want it and we days. Their teams — No. 2

seed Wisconsin and No. 1 seed Arizona — square off

all want it for him." The only 1-2 matchup in the Elite Eight features two teams

Saturday in the West Regional final, with a spot in the Final Four at stake. Neither Ryan, who has 703

with similar defensive styles

career victories, nor Miller,

i zona f r e s hman Ro n d ae Hollis-Jefferson.

with 249 wins to his credit, has ever gotten that far. "It's hard to get to a Final Four," said Miller, who start-

who rebound with abandon.

"We are tough, nasty a nd relentless," said A r The Badgers could say the same about themselves, but

when asked how Arizona ed his coaching career as a might describe them, Frank Badgers assistant in 1992. Kaminsky dea d panned, "You can be really good and "White guys." not make it, both as a coach, a

team and a player." The Wildcats (33-4) have not advanced out of the re-


Tar c z e wski

and Kaminsky, who had 19 points and six blocked shots in the Badgers' semifinal win over Baylor, give each team a

gional in Anaheim in three previous tries, dating to 1998. 7-foot center to make the inWith eight weeks at No. I and side game interesting.


outaws ic u twowinsinArizona Bulletin staff report

freshman Jacob Burney finished the game. Sisters High bounced back Cody Kreminski had a from a loss during the first monster game at the plate for day of the Salt River Classic the Outlaws, going 2 for 3 with baseball tournament Thurs- a grand slam and five RBIs. day and won two games Fri- Morgan was 3 for 3 with four day to end pool play with a 2-1 RBIs and a two-run homer. SCOTTSDALE, Arrz.

record. The Outlaws started the

Sisters continues the tournament today with bracket

day with a 4-2 victory over Valley Union (Ariz.) as freshman starter Ryan Funk struck out nine and walked none in five innings of work. Justin Harrer earned a sixout save, pitching the sixth and seventh innings. "Funk was outstanding," Sisters coach Steve Hodg-


es said about his freshman

pitched for La P ine, while

In other Friday action: BASEBALL

4: MADRAS — The Hawks


walking none. He hit one bat-

ter. Madras took a 1-0 lead in the top of the first inning but failed to score the rest of the

game. Games postponed dueto rain: Bend High and Summit each had two games cancelled on Friday because of rain. The Lava Bears' home

doubleheader against West Yamhill-Carlton 9, La Pine Albany has been rescheduled for next Saturday at 1

Baseball White BuffaloSpring Classic At MadrasHighSchool

(5 innings)

Ridgeview 34 1 24 — 14 17 1 C rookcottnty 100 00 — 1 2 3 LaPine 003001 0 — 4 4 Yamhill-Carlton 002 700 x — 9 4

Madras Pleasant Hill

100 000 0 — 1 2 2 000 002 x — 2 5 4

Salt River Classic Itt Scottsdale, Ariz. Valley Union 000 002 0 — 2 4 1 Sisters 102 010 x — 4 6 1

dropped to 1-6 on the season p.m., while Summit's con(5 innings) after falling to the Tigers at tests against Willamette and phoettix Chrisrtan 000 00 — 0 2 5 Sisters 2(10)2 Sx — 17 111 the White Buffalo Spring Cleveland will be played this Classic. Tristan Cox struck morning at the Volcanoes out eight in 3 2i3 innings Spring Tournament in Keizer.

standout during his first var- Casey Schneider fanned five sity start. "He's throwing all in 2 I/3 innings. Keagen Morthree of his pitches for strikes."

Donald gave up just five hits while striking out one and

ton doubled for the Hawks,


Brown leads at heptathlon: SWEET HOME — Summit junior M iranda Brown

is Summit freshman Megan

Cornett, who placed third in the shot put on her way to 1,925 points. In the decathlon

Senior catcher Joey Morgan and Josh Simmons drove in led the Outlaws (3-1 overall) in a run. their early game with a triple Pleasant Hill 2, Madras 1:

placed first in the high jump standings, Storm frosh Kyle

and two RBIs. Later in th e

at the end of the first day of the Sweet Home Decathlon/

the 100 and tied for fifth in the high jump. Thurston's

Heptathlon. Brown's total of

Grant Shurtliff leads through

MADRAS — Alec McDonday Sisters ald pitched an "absolute gem" cruised to a 17-0 win against for the White Buffaloes, but

and the 200-meter run to Cornett is f i fth w it h 2 ,388 earn a first-place standing points after taking fourth in

Phoenix Christian (Ariz.). Pleasant Hill scored two runs 2,219 points through four of five events with 3,137 points. Senior pitcher Austin Olgivie in the bottom of the sixth in- the heptathlon's seven events The decathlon and heptathearned the win, throwing two

ning to earn the White Buffa-

leads Sisters' Michaela Miller,

innings of shutout ball before lo Spring Classic victory. Mc- who has 2,089 points. In fifth

Colter Continued from C1 " We were talking at t h e funeral and they were telling

for university relations, said Friday in a statement. "The life of a student-athlete is extremely demanding, but the

academic side and the athletic stories about how she came side are inextricably linked." from picking cotton to workGrowing up, Colter was reing as an office manager in garded as one of the top prep the firm," he said. The attorney at the firm described how

athletes in Colorado. Listed

at 6 feet and 195 pounds, he she fought for certain employ- played point guard on his ees to receive fairbonuses for high school basketball team their work. and competed in the long "She was doing that, fight- jump and triple jump for track ing for their rights and fight- and field. "Whatever h e ch o osing for them to be treated fairly, basically," Colter said. es to do, he can do it, and I Colter will never benefit mean that sincerely," Cherry from a union of college ath- Creek basketball coach Mike letes if one is formed, but he Brookhart said. "He's just one was thrilled by the decision of those kids that gets it and that moved the issue forward. has it." Northwestern immediately He had the most success on said it would appeal the de- the football field, following in cision to labor authorities in the footsteps ofhis father, who Washington, D.C., and the was a safety on Colorado's NCAA came ou t s t r ongly 1990 national championship against the ruling classifying team, and his uncle, Cleveland athletes as employees of the Colter, who was an All-Ameruniversity. ica safety at Southern Califor"Unionization and collec- nia. Kain Colter helped Chertive bargaining are not the ap- ry Creek High reach the state propriatemethods to address championship game during the concerns these students his junior year, accounting for are raising," Alan Cubbage, 31 touchdowns. Northwestern's vice president

"He was one of the more

lon wrap up today at Sweet

Home High School.

respected kids at school," said in Chicago, Colter presented Brookhart, who coached Col- himself as calm and precise ter in football and basketball. — and was not afraid to chal"He was a great leader." lenge the school. At N o rthwestern, Colter He spoke about abandonhelped the Wildcats return to ing his hopes of entering a respectability in college foot- pre-med program because of ball. He passed for 76 yards time demands Northwestern and rushed for 71 more when makes on football players. He Northwestern beat Missis- said chemistry was offered sippi State in the 2013 Gator

at times that conflicted with

Bowl for its first postseason football practice. win since 1949. "When he got there, I re-

ally could see the fire in his eyes from day one," former Northwestern linebacker Da-

vid Nwabuisi said. "He was always the kind of guy that was always trying to push the team further, always expecting more of us." Nwabuisi said he helped recruit Colter to the school, and they quickly became friends. Colter set Northwestern re-

"You fulfill the football re-

quirement and, if you can, you fit in academics," he said at the time. "You have to sacri-

fice one. But we can't sacrifice football.... We are brought t o th e u n iversity t o p l a y

football." This week was pretty much

business as usual after the NLRB ruling. Colter got right back to training at IMG Acad-

emy on the southwest coast of Florida, where he is preparing

cords for single-season rush- for a possible late-round draft, ing yards by a quarterback or to get a free-agent offer to and a career rushing yards go to an NFL camp. "To the people that think by a quarterback. He also played some receiver with the Wildcats, and that is the posi-

I'm shaking the boat, I 'm

tion he is hoping to play in the pros. During hearings on the union effort earlier this year

a rebel, I'm this, I'm that," he

changing the status quo, I'm said, "I'm just a guy out there doing what's right, doing what I believe in."


NASDAQ 16,323.06





Saturday, March 29, 2014

O» To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbugotin.com/business. Also sooarecap in Sunday's Businesssection.

S&P 500




1 860 "

The Commerce Department reports on Tuesday its latest data on U.S. construction spending. Economists anticipate that spending posted a tiny increase for the second month in a row in February. Construction spending edged up 0.1 percent in January, as strength in housing helped to offset declines in nonresidential building and government projects. Still, spending was significantly lower than December's 1.5 percent gain.

1,840 " ""'10 DAYS











Change: 8.58 (0.5%)



D ' J

Source: FactSet










15,000 '










14 500


HIGH LOW CLOSE 1641 4.86 16267.77 16323.06 DOW Trans. 7511.52 7411.81 7451.36 DOW Util. 527.38 524.00 526.94 NYSE Comp. 10473.12 10398.42 10434.87 NASDAQ 4203.49 4144.69 4155.76 S&P 500 1866.63 1850.07 1857.62 S&P 400 1367.75 1351.54 1358.20 Wilshire 5000 19924.54 19726.03 19809.28 Russell 2000 1167.52 1149.61 1151.81





CHG. %CHG. WK +58.83 40.36% +39.93 40.54% V +1.06 40.20% +61.43 40.59% +4.53 4 0.11% V +858 4 0 46% V +7.29 4 0.54% V +83.25 40.42% V +0.37 4 0.03% V



MO QTR YTD V -1.53% L +0.69% +7.41% +0.33% W V -0.50% W +0.50% W +1.17% W +0.52% -1.02% W V

NorthwestStocks NAME



.... Close: 16,323.06 Change: 58.83 (0.4%)







16,040" ""' 10 DAYS "

l 0.1 0.1




Vol. (in mil.) 2,929 1,976 Pvs. Volume 3,660 2,225 Advanced 2184 1311 Declined 894 1279 New Highs 74 33 New Lows 10 38




1 650'


GOLD $1,293.80


52-WK RANGE o CLOSE Y TD 1YR V O L TICKER LO Hl C LOSE CHG%CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN (Thous)P/E DIV L L + 23.7 +45 .7 7 0 8 1 2 1 . 00f A LK 50.31 ~ 93.95 9 0. 7 3 - .85 -0.9

CRUDEOIL $1 01.67




' 8g




Dow jones industrials

Close: 1,857.62






Construction spending



SptP 500

Eye on construction


10 YR TNOTE 2.72%



Major stock market indexes crept up Friday following news of a modest increase in consumer spending last month. Microsoft led the 30 big companies in the Dow Jones industrial average on news that it will make its Office products available for use on Apple's iPad. Biotechs took another spill, and King Digital Entertainment, which makes the "Candy Crush Saga" game for mobile devices, fell for the third straight day after its market debut. Eight of the 10 sectors in the Standard& Poor's 500 index rose,led by energycompanies and consumer discretionary stocks. Health care and telecom companies lost ground. The S&P 500 finished the week with a slight loss. PG&E PCG Visa V Close:$41.89 V-1.75 or -4.0% Close:$212.09 V-3.68 or -1.7 4 The power company said it will likely Wal-Mart is suing the world's largest face federal criminal charges for its processor of debit and credit card role in a fatal gas pipeline explosion payments over fees it was charged for transactions. $240 230

in 2010.

$50 45 40



J F 52-week range

52-week range $39.42~



M $ 235 .50

Vol.:12.7m (4.4x avg.) PE: 22.9 Mkt. Cap:$19.17b Yie l d: 4.3%

Vol.:3.7m (1.2x avg.) P E: 27.0 Mkt. Cap:$106.96b Yi e ld: 0.8%

Red Hat

Tesla Motors

RHT Close:$52.23 V-3.90 or -6.9% An outlook that many considered weak overshadowed better-than-expected quarterly earnings from the

TSLA Close:$212.37%5.05 or 2.4% The U.S. closed an investigation into electric car battery fires after the company agreed to install more shields beneath its cars. $300

Alaska Air Group Avista Corp AVA 25.55 — 0 30.34 29 .94 + . 0 9 +0.3 L L L +6.2 +14. 5 57 7 16 1. 2 7f open-source software company. Bank of America BAC 11 . 23 t -t 18.0 3 16 . 98 -.03 -0.2 W L L + 9.1 +39 . 3 78531 17 0 .20f $65 Barrett Business B B S I48 . 08 ~ 102.2 0 57. 99 - 1 .29 - 2.2 V V V -37.5 + 1 6.9 4 7 24 0.72 60 BooingCo BA 8 3 .80 ~ 144. 5 7 12 4.46 +1.25+1.0 L w v -8.8 +45.5 2832 21 2.92f 200 ty 55 Cascade Bancorp C A C B 4 . 31 6.95 5 . 5 2 + . 1 0 + 1.8 T L L +5.5 -19.1 32 5 Trade deficit ColumbiaBnkg COL B 19.85 ~ 3 0.3 6 27.99 . .. . .. W L L +1.8 +30 . 2 19 9 2 3 0 . 48f Economists predict the U.S. trade J F M J F M Columbia Sportswear COLM 55.58 ~ 8 8.25 81. 7 7 +. 1 5 +0.2 W W L +3.8 +40 .9 77 30 1. 1 2f gap narrowed slightly in February 52-week range 52-week range Costco Wholesale CO ST 103.20 ~ 1 26.1 2 11 1.66 -.37 -0.3 V W V -6.2 + 6 . 2 2 661 2 5 1 . 24 after widening a month earlier. $41.69~ $6 1.45 $40.21 ~ $ 265 .00 Craft BrowAlliance B R EW 7.13 ~ 18.70 1 4. 9 3 - .28 -1.8 W W W -9.1 +104.2 5 3 cc The trade deficit grew 0.3 Vol.:7.1m (4.4x avg.) PE : 57 . 4 Vol.:9.6m (1.0x avg.) P E: .. . FLIR Systems F LIR 23.00 ~ 35.66 35.2 5 +. 4 8 41 .4 L L L +17.1 436 .5 57 3 2 3 0. 4 0f percent to $39.1 billion in January Hewlett Packard Mkt. Cap:$9.9 b Yield:... Mkt. Cap:$26.16 b Yield: ... HPQ 19 . 07 — 0 33.12 32 .04 + . 1 1 +0.3 L L L + 14.5 +37 .9 11066 12 0 .64f as oil imports and other goods Homo Federal Bncp ID HOME 11.54 ~ 1 6.0 3 15.55 +.21 +1.4 V L L +4. 4 + 23.5 36 dd 0.24 Amazon.com AMZN BlackBerry BBRY offset a solid increase in exports. A Intel Corp I NTC 20.75 ~ 27.12 25.6 2 +. 3 1 +1 .2 L L V -1.3 +20.1 22593 14 0 . 90 Close: $338.29V-0.18 or -0.1% Close: $8.41 V-0.64 or -7.1% higher trade gap acts as a drag on Koycorp K EY 9 .29 ~ 14.70 14. 1 4 +. 1 6 +1.1 V L L t 5.4 +41. 4 8 0 62 1 4 0 . 2 2 There is considerable buzz about a Quarterly losses were not nearly as economic growth because it means Krogor Co KR 3 1 .52 — 0 45.25 43 .95 + . 32 +0.7 ~ L L +11 . 2 + 3 3.7 4186 1 5 0 . 66 streaming service from the online re- bad as expected as it transitions U.S.companies are making less w L +37 . 5 + 4 0.2 8 6 4 c c Lattice Semi LSCC 4.17 ~ 8.00 7.55 - .09 -1.2 L tailer, which is holding a news confrom a smartphone company to a overseas then their foreign LA Pacific L PX 14.51 ~ 22.46 18.5 8 +. 0 2 +0 .1 V V V -10.5 -22.9 1659 14 ference next week. software business. competitors are earning in U.S. MDU Resources MDU 23 .37 tt - 35.10 33.87 +.09 +0.3 L W L +1 0.9 +40.5 403 23 0.71 $450 $12 sales. The Commerce Department Mentor Graphics M EN T 1 7.06 ~ 24.31 2 1. 5 8 -.10 -0.5 V V V -10.3 +22.6 3 9 2 1 7 0 . 20f 400 10 Microsoft Corp MSFT 2 7.96 — o 40.99 40 .30 + . 94 +2.4 L L L +7.7 +42 . 3 42916 15 1 . 1 2 reports its latest trade gap figures 350 Nike Inc 8 N KE 57.98 ~ 80.26 73 .5 4 +. 2 2 +0 .3 V V V -6.5 + 2 7.0 2 812 25 0 . 9 6 on Thursday. NordstromInc J WN 53.36 ~ 63.72 61. 8 3 +. 0 5 +0.1 V L ... +15.6 1184 17 1.32f J F M F M J Nwst Nat Gas NWN 39.96 ~ 45.89 4 3. 6 8 -.01 . . . L L L + 2.0 +4.2 108 20 1.8 4 52-week range 52-week range PaccarInc PCAR 47.12 ~ 68.81 66. 5 6 +. 6 4 +1.0 W L L +12. 5 +3 4 .9 1 496 20 0 .80a $245.25~ $40 6.06 $5.44 ~ $16.59 Planar Systms P LNR 1.55 ~ 2.93 2.03 -.05 -2.4 T W T -20.1 + 3 . 5 10 6 dd Vol.: 4.0m (1.0x avg.) P E : 573.4 Vol.:74.6m (2.8x avg.) P E: 1 .5 Plum Crook PCL 40.73 o — 54.6 2 41 . 64 + . 71+1.7 v w v -10.5 -17.3 141 4 31 1.76 Mkt. Cap:$155.36b Yield : ... Mkt. Cap: $4.43 b Yield: ... Proc Castparts PCP 180.06 ~ 274. 9 6 24 7.58 +2.97 +1.2 V V V -8.1 +28.9 7 8 5 2 1 0. 1 2 SafowayInc SWY 22.26 ~ 40.25 3 7. 3 0 -.21 -0.6 v w L +14. 5 +4 5 .4 11520 3 0 . 80b Finish Line FINL SolarCity SCTY Schnitzor Stool SCH N 23.07 ~ 3 3.3 2 28.55 -.01 . . . V L V - 12.6 + 9 . 2 1 4 4 d d 0 . 7 5 Close:$27.05%0.57 or 2.2% Close:$61.38 L0.64 or 1.1% Sherwin Wms SHW 162.22 ~ 20 8.63194.69 +.48 +0.2 W W L $- 6.1 +15.9 362 27 2.20f The athletic apparel retailer beat Raymond Jamesstepped back from StancorpFncl S FG 40.32 ~ 69.51 65. 0 5 +. 0 9 +0.1 V V V -1.8 +54.5 1 6 1 1 3 1 . 10f profit expectations for the second earlier doubts about the value of the solar company, and upgraded its StarbucksCp S BUX 56.15 ~ 82.50 73.7 0 +. 3 0 +0 .4 V L V -6.0 +30.6 3241 3 1 1 . 04 quarter and comparable-store sales jumped 6.3 percent. shares to "outperform." Triquint Semi TQNT 4.62 — 0 13.62 13 .06 -.01 -0.1 V L L +56.6 + 1 60.4 7701 d d $30 $100 UmpquaHoldings UM PQ 11.45 ~ 1 9.6 5 18.04 +.06+0.3 W L W -5.7 +40.2 8 3 6 2 0 0 .60a US Bancorp U SB 31.99 ~ 43.66 42.3 0 +. 0 4 +0 .1 V L L +4.7 +27. 9 4 4 1 2 14 0 . 9 2 28 80 WashingtonFodl WA F D 15.79 ~ 2 4.5 3 22.84 +.04+ 0.2 W L W - 1.9 +32.9 2 0 2 1 5 0 . 40 26 60 Job watch Wells Fargo & Co WF C 3 6 .19 — o 49.97 49 .29 + . 1 9 +0.4 L L L +8.6 +36. 0 14859 13 1 . 2 0 Harsh winter weather cut across the Woyorhaousar W Y 2 6.38 ~ 33.24 29. 1 8 +. 3 4 +1.2 W W W -7.6 -4.2 2581 25 0 . 88 J F M J F M U.S. economy in February, but didn't 52-week range 52-week range $1795 ~ $26 .66 $16.00~ $66.35 put job growth in a deep freeze. Employers added 175,000 jobs DividendFootnotes:3 - Extra dividends werepaid, ttut are not included. tt - Annualrate plus stock. c - Liquidating dividend. 9 -Amount declaredor paidin last t2 months. f - Current Vol.:2.4m (3.4x avg.) PE:2 0 . 0 Vol.:4.9m (1.0x avg.) P E: .. . annual rate, whichwasincreased bymost recentdividendannouncement. i —Sum of dividends paidafter stock split, no regular rate. I —Sumof dividends paidthis year.Most recent Mkt. Cap:$1.33 b Yie l d : 1. 2% Mkt. Cap: $5.62 b Yield: ... for the month, a sharp increase dividend wasomitted cr deferred. k - Declared or paidthis year, acumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m — Current annualrate, which wasdecreasedbymost recentdividend announcement. p — Initial dividend, annual rate nct known, yield nct shown. r —Declared or paid in preceding 12months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximate cash from January and December. The SOURCE: Sungard AP value on ex-distrittuticn date.PEFootnotes: q —Stock is 3 clcsed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc —P/Eexceeds 99. dd - Loss in last12 months. increase came even as the severe weather forced many factories to InterestRates NET 1YR closeand kept shoppers home. Did TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO QTR AGO employers continue to ramp up hiring in March? Find out on Friday, 3 -month T-bill . 0 4 .0 4 .07 Friday's close: $29.50 when the Labor Department Investors welcomed CBS 6-month T-bill . 0 6 . 06 ... w V w .10 compan Outdoor Americas as its Once the offering is Headquarters: New York, NY delivers its latest jobs data. 5 2-wk T-bill .11 .11 ... V L .12 shares jumped in their complete, CBS will own First day change: 5.4% 2 -year T-note . 4 5 .45 ... L L L .25 more than 80 percent of Nonfarm payroiis, in thousands first day of trading. Stock The yield on the in the outdoor advertising ar m of C B S Outdoor. CBS plans to 5-year T-note 1 .75 1 .72 + 0.03 L L L .78 Monthly change 10-year CBS rose $1.50, or 5.4 percent, di v est its shares of CBS Outdoor 1 0-year T-note 2.72 2.69 +0.03 W L W 1.8 5 Treasury note to close at $29.50. through a split-off later this year. 30-year T-bond 3.55 3.53 +0.02 V V w 3.11 rose to 2.72 i 2014 CBS Outdoor's initial public Onc e that happens, CBS 250 percent Fnday. 192 offering included 20 million Outdoor plans to convert to a Yields affect NET 1YR 200 shares priced at $28 per share. re a l estate investment trust. rates on BONDS YEST PVS CHG WK MOQTR AGO That's was at the high end of the In 20 1 3, CBS Outdoor mortgages and 150 Barclay s LongT-Bdldx 3.35 3.32+0.03 W W W 2 .81 expected range of $26 to $28 reported $1.29 billion in revenue. other consumer Bond BuyerMuni Idx 4.74 4.73 +0.01 w w w 4. 1 5 100 per share. The New York That was up slightly from $1.28 CEO Jeremy Male, left and Barclays USAggregate 2.37 2.38 -0.01 W L W 1. 8 5 company raised $560 million in bil l ion in the previous year. chairman Lesiie Moonves, 50 PRIME FED Barcl aysUS HighYield 5.28 5.26 +0.02 W L W 5.67 center, at the New York Stock RATE FUNDS M oodys AAA Corp Idx 4.29 4.33 -0.04 w w w 3. 8 7 Exchange AP YEST3.25 .13 0 N D J F M Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.90 1.88 +0.02 W L L 1.0 4 6 MO AGO3.25 .13 Source: FactSet Barclays US Corp 3.07 3.08 -0.01 W L W 2. 7 6 1 YRAGO3.25 .13 AmdFocus SelectedMutualpunds ~

Outdoor CBS Outdoor debuts CBS Americas (CBSO)



PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR BYR 1 3 5 AmericanFunds BalA m 24.5 2 + .09 +0.9 +15.0 +12.0+16.1 A A A CaplncBuA m 58.46 +.22 +1.4 +10.6 +9.4+13.8 8 A 8 CpWldGrlA m 45.48 +.20 +0.7 +18.2 +10.5+16.8 C C D EurPacGrA m 49.02 +.34 -0.1 +16.7 +6.7 +15.1 8 8 C S&P500ETF 908182 185.49 +.91 FnlnvA m 51. 1 5 +.26 -0.4 +20.5 +12.7+19.1 C D C BkofAm 785306 16.98 -.03 GrthAmA m 43.03 +.09 +0.1 +23.3 +13.9+18.8 8 8 D BlackBerry 681313 8.41 -.64 INVESCOGlbCEqtyA m AWSAX IncAmerA m 20.91 +.08 +2.1 +13.2 +11.1+16.5 8 A A Facebook 657336 60.01 -.96 InvCoAmA m 37.07 +.14 +1.4 +22.9 +13.8+18.2 A C D iShEMkts 647195 40.74 +.32 VALUE B L EN D GR OWTH NewPerspA m37.41 +.17 -0.4 +18.9 +11.2+18.3 8 8 8 iShChinaLC 530887 35.83 +.73 WAMutlnvA m39.69 +.21 +1.1 +21.7 +15.2+19.6 8 A 8 SiriusXM 519720 3.16 +.03 Cisco 489883 22.33 +.31 Dodge &Cox Income 13.69 -.01 +2.3 +2 .4 +4.8 +7.6 A 8 B iShR2K 462484 114.29 -.11 IntlStk 43.90 +.37 +2.0 +24.3 +9.0+19.7 A A A Zynga 457771 4.42 -.05 Stock 170.30+1.03 +1.5 +27.7 +16.7+23.2 A A A Fidelity Contra 94.94 + .19 -0.2 +22.6 +14.6+20.0 C 8 B Gainers GrowCo 120 . 76 -.32+1.3 +28.5 +16.2+23.3 A A A NAME L AST C H G %C H G LowPriStk d 50.06 +.30 +1.2 +23.2 +15.5+23.6 B A 8 Fidoli S artan 500l d xAdvtg 66.13 +.30 +1.0 +20.8 +14.8+20.4 C 8 B InterCld wt 5 .11 +1 . 0 8 +2 6 .8 EKodak wt 1 6.06 + 2 . 9 6 +2 2 .6 Dc FrankTomp-Franklin Income C m 2. 51 +.01 +3.6 +12.1 +9.4+16.7 A A A IntrCloud n 8 .09 +1 . 4 9 +2 2 .6 03 IncomeA m 2. 4 8+.01 +3.8 +12.3 +9.9+17.2 A A A EKodk wtA 1 4.67 +2 . 5 2 +2 0 . 7 Oakmark Intl I 26.39 +.21 +0.3 +23.1 +12.4+23.1 A A A IderaPhm 4 .53 +.65 +16 . 8 Do Opponhoimor RisDivA m 19 . 70 +.11+0.1 +15.9 +12.2+16.5 E D E BioAmb wt 2 .19 +.28 +14 . 7 RisDivB m 17 . 62 +.09 -0.2 +14.9 +11.2+15.5 E E E Morningstar OwnershipZone™ Bofl Hld 87.90 + 11.06 + 1 4 .4 RisDivC m 17 . 52 +.10 -0.1 +15.1 +11.3+15.7 E E E ParametS 1 3.49 +1 . 5 6 +1 3 . 1 OeFund target represents weighted SmMidValA m45.18 +.32 +2.0 +23.6 +11.0+20.1 B E E RestorHdw 7 1.93 + 8 . 1 2 +1 2 .7 average of stock holdings SmMidValBm 38.04 +.27 +1.8 +22.6+10.0+19.2 B E E JetPay 2 .42 +.27 +12 . 6 • Represents 75% of fund's stock holdings T Rowo Price Eqtylnc 32.95 + .21 +0.9 +17.8 +13.4+20.4 D C B Losers CATEGORY World Stock GrowStk 51.5 1 + .02 -2.0 +26.6 +15.8+21.6 A A A NAME L AST C H G %C H G MORNINGSTAR HealthSci 60.0 8 - . 66 +3.9 +36.7 +28.4+29.6 B A A RATING™ * *oo o Newlncome 9. 4 3 -.01+2.1 -0.3 +3.8 +6.0 C C D -1.89 -35.1 Whiting Tr 3.50 LipoSci 3.03 -.74 -19.6 ASSETS $1,055 million Vanguard 500Adml 171.27 +.80 +1.0 +20.8 +14.8+20.4 C 8 8 -1.12 -17.0 BiP GCrb 5.48 500lnv 171.27 +.80 +1.0 +20.7 +14.6+20.3 C 8 8 EXP RATIO 1.34% ConatusP n 8.42 -1.56 -15.6 CapOp 47.85 -.12 +3.6 +27.3 +16.6+21.6 A A A MANAGER Stephen Thomas -3.32 -14.5 Tekmira g 19.50 Eqlnc x 29.98 -.03 +1.5 +18.7 +16.4+21.0 D A A SINCE 201 0-08-10 IntlStkldxAdm 27.84 +.22 +0.1 +12.0 +4.7 NA D D RETURNS 3-MO +1.2 Foreign Markets StratgcEq 30.90 +.17 +3.0 +28.2 +17.5+26.0 A A A YTO +0.6 TgtRe2020 27.44 +.07 +1.2 +11.3 +8.9+14.5 A A B NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +17.0 Tgtet2025 15.93 +.05 +1.1 +12.7 +9.4+15.5 8 8 C Paris 4,411.26 +32.20 + . 74 3-YR ANNL +6.4 TotBdAdml 10.69 -.02 +1.9 -0.3 +3.7 +4.8 C C E London 6,61 5.58 +27.26 + . 41 5-YR-ANNL +13.8 Totlntl 16.65 +.13 +0.1 +12.0 +4.6+14.7 D D C Frankfurt 9,587.19 +1 35.98 +1.44 TotStlAdm 46.98 +.20 +1.1 +21.5 +14.8+21.3 8 8 A Hong Kong22,065.53 +231.08 +1.06 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT TotStldx 46.96 +.20 +1.0 +21.4 +14.7+21.2 8 8 A Mexico 40,048.20 +1 37.19 +.34 Corning Inc 3.21 Milan 21,498.24 +324.34 +1.53 USGro 28.66 +.07 -0.1 +23.4 +15.2+19.8 8 A C ACE Ltd 2.29 Tokyo 14,696.03 +73.1 4 +.50 Welltn x 38.38 -.10 +1.8 +13.8 +11.3+15.5 8 A 8 2.17 Stockholm 1,346.48 + 4.79 + . 36 NASDAQOMXGroup, Inc. Fund Footnotes: b -Feecovering marketcosts is paid from fund assets. d - Deferredsales charge, cr redemption Sydney 5,376.80 +17.10 + . 32 Rogers Communications, Inc. Class 8 2.01 fee. f - front load (salescharges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually amarketing feeandeither a sales or Zurich 8,373.23 +45.30 + . 54 Merck & Co Inc 2 redemption fee. Source: ittornirgstar.

Invesco Global Core Equity had a slight majority of its portfolio Marhetsummary invested in non-U.S. stocks as Most Active of the end of last year, with 44 NAME VOL (00s) LAST CHG percent invested in the U.S. A. Velga, J. Sohn • AP


Commodities The price of copper extended its recent rise after the world's largest producer reported a drop in output. In other trading, wheat fell, while corn and soybeans were unchanged.

Foreign Exchange The ICE U.S. dollar index, which measures the strength of the dollar against six currencies, rose. The U.S.

currency grew stronger against the yen but fell against the pound and euro.

55Q QD



CLOSE PVS. 101.67 101.28 Crude Oil (bbl) Ethanol (gal) 3.27 3.00 Heating Oil (gal) 2.96 2.95 Natural Gas (mmbtu) 4.49 4.58 UnleadedGas(gal) 2.94 2.94 METALS

Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 1293.80 1294.70 19.77 19.69 1404.70 1397.20 3.06 3.04 774.10 761.00

%CH. %YTD + 0.39 + 3 . 3 +0.50 +71.0 +0.35 -3.9 - 1.16 + 6 .0 - 0.17 + 5.5 %CH. - 0.07 + 0.42 + 0.54 +1.58 + 1.73

%YTD + 7 .7 + 2 .2 + 2 .5 -11.1 + 7 .9


CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 1.47 1.46 + 0.02 + 8 . 9 Coffee (Ib) 1.81 1.76 +2.41 +63.1 Corn (bu) 4.92 4.92 +1 6.6 Cotton (Ib) 0.94 0.93 +1.27 +1 0.8 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 334.40 335.50 -0.33 -7.1 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.51 1.50 +0.17 +10.3 Soybeans (bu) 14.37 14.37 +9.5 Wheat(bu) 6.96 7.11 -2.11 +1 4.9 1YR.

MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6645 +.0029 +.17% 1.5189 Canadian Dollar 1.1 055 +.0022 +.20% 1.0165 USD per Euro 1.3751 +.0004 +.03% 1.2822 JapaneseYen 102.79 + . 6 2 + .60% 9 4 . 13 Mexican Peso 13. 0820 -.0071 -.05% 12.3564 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.5012 +.0017 +.05% 3.6389 Norwegian Krone 6 . 0086 +.0105 +.17% 5.8378 South African Rand 10.5886 +.0105 +.10% 9.1933 Swedish Krona 6.5 0 15 + .0261 +.40% 6.5088 Swiss Franc .8868 +.0005 +.06% . 9 490 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar 1.0810 +.0008 +.07% .9603 Chinese Yuan 6.2122 -.001 8 -.03% 6.2165 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7584 +.0003 +.00% 7.7628 Indian Rupee 59.895 -.420 -.70% 54.286 Singapore Dollar 1.2587 -.0060 -.48% 1.2401 South KoreanWon 1067.21 -1.99 -.19% 1113.61 -.02 -.07% 2 9.89 Taiwan Dollar 30.47

© www.bendbulletin.com/business



icroso won' rea our mai

Mew Bendbar may open inMay Mitch Cole, former co-owner of Elk Lake Resort, plans to opena new restaurantand bar in the defunct Blue Pine Kitchen andBarspace on Southwest Century Drive. Cole said the restaurant, to be namedCabin 22, will have atheme similar to the resort with upscale bar cuisine that will cost about $10 to $12 a plate. Hehopes to open in May,but said it depends on thehow long it takes to get permits from the city and complete the remodel. "We're rebuilding the whole front, putting in probably Bend's biggest outdoor patio out there," Cole said. In December, five pipes in Blue Pine broke during the freeze, flooding the bar, bathrooms and kitchen, said building owner Josh Maquet, resulting in at least $40,000 worth of damage. In addition to waiting for repairs, he said the operators of Blue Pine didn't want to run the restaurant anymore because of the high cost.

By Nick Wingfield

Those agencies can then ob-

internal team at Microsoft,

its own terms of service, the

New York Times News Service

tain court orders to inspect

came when Microsoft read the private Hotmail emails

will no longer snoop on cus-

private communications on Microsoft's Internet services,

company faced criticism from privacy advocates who

tomers' private communica-

which include Outlook.com

tions during investigations of stolen property, the company's general counsel said Friday. Instead, the general coun-

and Skype. The change came a week

sel, Bradford Smith, said

portant break in that inquiry,

the searches appeared to be

which was conducted by an

legal and in compliance with

SEATTLE — Microsoft

Microsoft would hand over any such investigations to law enforcement agencies.

roar over the methods it used

and instant messages by an warned that it would discourunidentified French blogger, age bloggers, journalists and which led it to the former others from using Microsoft Microsoft employee, Alex communications services. Kibkalo. Reactions to Microsoft's Microsoft said it performed investigation were intensified

in 2012 to investigate the sus-

such searches of private

by the fact that the company

pectedleak ofsoftware code by a former employee. An im-

communications only in rare circumstances. Even though

and its industry peers have been vocal critics of spying by the U.S. government, practices that have been re-

after Microsoft faced an up-


e 0

BEST OFTHE TUESDAY • What's Brewing? Bend Chamber ofCommerce: Speaker KirkSchueler, "What I learnedabout the health carebusiness during mythreeyears at St. Charles;" networking starts at 5 p.m.; $15for members, $20 for nonmembers;5:30 p.m.; VolcanicTheatre Pub, 70S.W. Century Drive; 541-323-1881 orwww. bendchamber.com. WEDNESDAY • Digital Liability ina RegulatedWorld, Risks and Solutions:Learn about the growing liability involved with accessingand handling private information; registration required; free; 9-11:30a.m.; Mt. Bachelor Village ResortConference Center,19717 Mount Bachelor Drive,Bend;541389-5900 orwww.westontech.com/seminar. • Business Startup Class: Learn what it takes torun a business, howto reach your customerbase,funding options, moneyneededto get started andlegalities involved; registration required; $29;6-8 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W.Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7290. APRILS • Boot Camp: Central Oregon RegionalCouncil of the Community Associations Institute; topics: impacts of the Federal FairHousingAct impacts onyour HOArules, the great reservedebate and running yourboard meetings according tothe law; registration required; $25 for members,$40for nonmembers; 8a.m.-noon; The Oxford Hotel,10 N.W. MinnesotaAve., Bend; 541-382-8436, contactus© caioregon.org orwww. caioregon.org. APRIL19 • Marketing101:Learnto create aFacebook pageand use social media tomarket your product; registration required; $50perfarm/ ranch, one-timefee; 9 a.m.-noon;Central Oregon Community College Crook County OpenCampus,510 S.E Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-480-1340 ortcf@ cbbmail.com. APRIL23 • Howto Select the Right Franchi se:Off eredby COCC'sSmall Business DevelopmentCenter, workshop designed tohelp participants decidewhether franchise ownership is rightfor them, registration required; 6-9 p.m.;COCC Chandler Building,1027 N.W. TrentonAve., Bend; 541-383-7290. • For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visitbendbulletin.com/bizcal

further on this issue, and

as aresultofconversations we've had internally and with advocacy groups and other experts, we've decided to take an additional step and make an important change to

our privacy practices," Smith sard.

Benefits contribute

Jimmy John's Gou rmet Sandwiches

to couple's

Pi Itt



lavish lives By Brittany Shammas (Florida) Sun Sentinel Greg Cross/The Bulletin

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Andrea and Colin Chisholm III fancied them-

JIMMY JOHN'S 2675 U.S. Highway20, Bend

Rachael Rees/The Bulletin

— Bulletin staff report


vealed by Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor. "Over the past week, we've had the opportunity to reflect

Owner:True North Associates Architect:A.D. Arizado General Contractor:SunWest Builders Contact:541-548-7341 Details: A secondJimmy John'sGourmet Sandwiches is scheduled to open inBendthis June. Construction began March 6,and anentire exterior and interior remodel of the former Sofcu Community Credit Union building on U.S. Highway 20 is underway to give the restaurant the look of other Jimmy John's restaurants across the country.

"The whole exterior is going to get a brick veneer," said Mark Maxwell, senior project manager for SunWest Builders. "Then the inside was acomplete tear out and refinish, taking all the walls and the interior finishing out right down to the studs andthe concrete slab." According to information from Jimmy John's, the restaurant has morethan1,800 corporate and franchised locations in 42 states throughout the U.S. Tyson Adams, whosecompanyalso owns the Jimmy John's in the Old Mill District,

2,000-square-foot space will cost him between $300,000 and$400,000. Adams openedhis first Bend JimmyJohn's in December2010and saidhe'shadademand to broaden the restaurant's delivery radius. But the only way to dothat, he said, was by opening another location. "We've done incredibly well and got a lot of local support, so that's what led us to opena second location," he said. Adams expects the restaurant to employ between 25-30 part-time employees.

said he estimates the remodel of the nearly


selves Scottish aristocrats, insisting on being called Lord and Lady and leading a lavish lifestyle fitting of royals. They owned a $1.2 million, 83-foot yacht that was docked

in South Florida. They lived in waterfront homes in Minnesota and in Lighthouse

Point, Fla., and had $3 million tucked away in various bank accounts.

He was the successful, wealthy executive of a Miami-based broadcasting business; she, the owner of a company that bred pedigree Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, including one that won an award at the Westminster dog

BofA may beheaded for a dismissal in lawsuit over misleading investors

show. And all the while, for about a decade, the Chisholms col-

lected food stamps, Medicaid and welfare. First they got it from the state of Minnesota, then Florida, then — for about

a year — both, simultaneously. When Andrea gave birth to a son in Palm Beach in

By Erik Larson andKeri Geiger Bloomberg News

NEW YORK — Bank of

America Corp. should win dismissal of a Justice Department lawsuit accusing

"The complaint contains no factual allegations

ing they were originated by outside brokers. Some

that the defendants' statements occurred within thejurisdiction of the FHFB or affected

were "PaperSaver" loans that didn't require proof of

its decisions."

borrowers' income, the U.S.

Sunshine State, Florida kept


paying out theirbenefits. "These rich folks ripped off

it of misleading investors about the quality of loans

Bank of America, the sec— U.S. Magistrate Judge David Cayer ond-largest bank in the U.S.,

hard time." If they can find them. Of-

Finance Board, which is

ficials in Minnesota say they believe Andrea Chisholm,

to dismiss the case, arguing the government failed to

false statements wasn't

properly supported, U.S. Magistrate Judge David Cayer in Charlotte, N.C., said Thursday in a recommendation to dismiss the case. The U.S., which filed a

nancial Institution Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989, known as FIR-

REA, which allows the government to sue an individual

or group, rather than charge them with a crime for fraud

notice that it will object, will

that affects a federally insured financial institution.

have a chance to challenge

While rarely used, FIR-

the recommendation before a district court judge and

REA has its benefits: it

appeal any dismissal. The proposal is a setback for the government as it seeks to punish companies for wrongdoing that helped trigger the financial crisis. The case and others like it allege violations of a law that's a relic of the savingsand-loan crisis of the 1980s,

of proof than needed for a criminal case and poses the

allowing civil suits to reach back further in time to tar-

get bad behavior and seek larger damages in court. If the case is dismissed, it will be a first for about a

demands a lower burden prospect of hefty penalties of more than $1 million for each fraudulent statement

or act. The law also gives prosecutors 10 years to file a

case, rather than a five-year deadline required under some criminal and civil statutes.

Lawyers for several banks defending such suits have fought to have the actions

dismissed — to no avail. In a New York case, Bank of

it was ordered to go to trial

over claims that its Countrywide unit defrauded Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by selling them billions of dollars in bad mortgages. U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff is

now decidinghow much ofa penalty to impose. Bank of New York Mellon

Corp. faces a FIRREA case broughtby Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara's

office alleging that the bank's foreign exchange operations disadvantaged its

own customers, giving them poor pricing execution and allowing the bank to pocket the profits. In the Bank of America case in North Carolina, the

the system," said Hennepin

case by claiming the bank lied to the Federal Housing

gage-backed securities, a judge said. The government's allegation that the bank made

America was found liable by a federaljury lastyearafter

more than two years in the

ment's attempt to justify the

asked the court in November

been targeted under the Fi-

$22,000 tab. When the couple moved north after a little

County attorney Mike Freeman, who announced fraud charges against the couple on Friday. "And I will assure you that this office is going to do every darn thing we can do to makesurethesepeopledo

tied to $850 million in mortdozen companies that have

2007,Minnesota picked up the

make adequate claims.

In his nine-page ruling, Cayer rejected the govern-

regulated by the federal government. "The complaint contains

no factual allegations that the defendants' statements occurred within the jurisdiction of the FHFB or affected

its decisions," Cayer said. Lawrence Grayson, a spokesman for the Charlotte-based bank, said the

company is pleased with Cayer's recommendation that the case be dismissed. The bank this week said it

agreed to a $9.5 billion setJustice Department said the tlement over claims tied to lender had portrayed bonds faulty mortgages and boostas being backed by prime ed its dividend for the first loans vetted by its staff, even time since 2007 in its latest though most were riskier steps to put the financial criwholesale mortgages, mean- sis behind it.

54, and Colin Chisholm, III,

62, have left the country and headed "someplace warm." The Lord and Lady have been on the run for about six weeks. In Florida, the Department

of Children and Families is still reviewing the case.

Ifevidence offraud is turned up here, another investigation could be launched, according to Ashley Carr, a spokeswoman for Florida Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater.

In all, the Chisholms fraudulently took $167,420 in benefits from Minnesota, according to a criminal complaint filed in Hennepin County.

PEOPLE ONTHEMOVE • David Kinghasjoined John L.Scott in Bendasa real estate broker. King previouslyownedakayaking business in Washington. • Oleta Yancey hasbeenappointed to the GovernmentAffairs Committeefor Central Oregon Association of Realtors. • Kathy Gaulthasbeenawarded agrant from theNational PianoFoundation to attend therecreational music-making

• CNine BurkehasbeennamedBig Sister of theYearfor the stateof Oregon bythe BigBrothers BigSistersof America. • MelindaThomashas beennameda King Ya ncey T h omas shareholderat Bryant, Lovlien &Jarvis. Thomas, an attorneyat the firm, is also training atthe MusicTeachers National the chairwomanofthe Oregon State Bar Association conferenceinChicago in Litigation Sectionandon theboard of March. directorsfor theDeschutesChildren's

Jarvis. Hansen,anattorneyat thefirm, focuses onbusiness, realestate lawand employmentlaw. • ShelleyArnold, realtor at JohnL.Scott Hansen Arnold F e ingold in Bend,hasearnedthe 2013President's Award and earnedher designation asa certified sellermarketingspecialist. Foundation. • Cliff Feingoldhas joined Coldwell • Heather Hansenhas been named ashareholderat Bryant, Lovlien & BankerMorris RealEstateasabroker.

IN THE BACK ADVICE Ee ENTERTAINMENT W Support groups, D2 Religious services, D2-3 Volunteer search, D4 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 2014

O www.bendbulletin.com/community


A cappella show today in Bend Bella Acappella Harmony, an acappella women's chorus in Bend, will host its annual regional competition send-off show Acappella Blast! today. The program includes the Salem SenateAires, an international bronze-winning men's chorus, the UpBeat! Quartet and Bella Acappella. The show will be from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road. Tickets are $7.50 in advance and$10 at the door. Advance tickets are available by calling 541-383-3142 or emailing acappellafun@ gmail.com.

• This couple loggedmorethan a combined 17,474hours ashosts of Pilot Butte — now they're movingon, but their stewardship of the state park isn't over




Autism Walk soon in Redmond An Autism Walk will take place for the Autism Society of Oregon April 5 at Highland Baptist Church in Redmond (3100 S.W.Highland Ave.). The event begins at 10 a.m. and will include raffles, face painting, crafts, a bounce house, community resource tables, a silent auction, children's musician Janellybean, asensory table and anappearance from Elmo. Freefood is provided by Holaand Subway. Cost is $14 adults, $11 ages2-12, free ages 2andyounger. Those who register will receive a T-shirt. The walk begins at 11:30 a.m. andendsat 2 p.m. Contact: 888-2884761, http://autismsocietyoregon.org or www.facebook.com/ coautismwalk.

Joe Kline/The Bulletin

Bill and Carol Smith hold their cat, Striker, at the foot of Pilot Butte on Wednesday. For 10 years, the couple have volunteered as park hosts for the state park in Bend; they're passing the torch at the end of the month.

ea o r one as

Realtors plan fashion fundraiser A spring fashion show, HauteGala, will take place May1 as a fundraiser for Central Oregon Chapter of the Women's Council of Realtors and BendArea Habitat for Humanity. The event will take place at SHARC,57250 Overlook Road inSunriver, from 5 to 9 p.m. It will feature collections of spring fashions from eight local stores showcased down arunway. The event will begin with drinks from Twist Cocktails and appetizers from Tate 8 Tate. Therewill also be a silentauction, and the show will begin at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $35 per person and can bepurchased beginning next week at Central Oregon Association of Realtors, 2112 N.E. Fourth St.,

Bend or online at www.hautegala.com.

Sisters Kiwanis seeks donations The Kiwanis Club of Sisters is accepting donations of antiques, furniture, jewelry or other vintage items to sell at its third annual fundraising sale May24. For more information or to donate an item, call 541-480-1412. — From staff reports

Contact us with your ideas • Email story ideas to communitylife@bend bulletin.com. • Email event information to events@bend bulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 days before the desired date of publication.

— or now By Alandra Johnson •The Bulletin arol Smith f i r mly

b e lieves there's

something special about Pilot Butte State Scenic Viewpoint, a spirit there

"It's been wonderful. It's been really healing for us."

that inspires people. Smith should know. For the past 10 years, she and her husband, Bill, have served as hosts at the park in the middle of Bend for part of each year. While living on-site, they clean bath- down the butte.

— Carol Smith

"It's been wonderful. It's been really healing

Carol dedicated 9,477 hours and Bill 7,997 to the

state parks, which Barnum says is probably the highest hour total for any volunteer in the state parks. "Their dedication and devotion to the park has

really impressed our staff and visitors," said Barnum, who says when the Smiths are not around, people ask about them. "It's the overwhelming

love that people have for them that I apprecifor us," said Carol. ate. We don't get that with all of our hosts," said is often referred to as the Butte Lady or Butte AnCarol also finds inspiration in the people she Barnum. The primary reason Bill and Carol are leaving gel, spends hours walking up, down and around meets, many of whom are trying to help imthe butte each day, all the while greeting everyone prove the park in some way. "People want to be is to devote more time and energy to another passhe meets with a cheery smile and "Hi, honey!" involved; people want to volunteer," she said. "I sion — a nonprofit they formed last year to help "Carol is a force, man. She is on that butte sun think it's the spirit here." improve the butte. "The trails are being loved up to sun down," said Josie Barnum, park ranger At the end of March, Bill and Carol will leave to death," said Carol. So although they won't be for Pilot Butte State Scenic Viewpoint. their posts as park hosts, which are volunteer po- cleaning bathrooms anymore, in many ways the Carol credits her walks on the butte with resitions. The Smiths served for about four months Smiths will be serving the park even more. "They'll probably be able to do more for the ducing her crippling migraines and helping re- each year, and new park hosts will take their lieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia, a condition place. park long term with that organization than they of chronic and widespread pain. She has tallied Last year, they were named park hosts of the have as volunteers," said Barnum. as much as 600 miles a month walking up and year for the entire state system. From 2008-13, See Butte/D4 rooms and pick up litter. But for them, there's a lot

more to it than those mundane tasks. Carol, who

Designers take the terrarium to newheights By Rosemary Ponnekanti

lately discovered the old-fash-

The (Tacoma, Wash.) News Tribune

ioned art of makingterrariumsTACOMA, Wash. — In a small tiny gardens inside glass containstore window here, there's an un- ers. Only she's giving them a spin usual landscape. Strewn across that 19th-century indoor gardenhot white sand like abandoned ob- ers would never have thought of. "Terrariums are becoming jects on a "Star Wars" planet sit a Bulbosa airplant, lime-green moss trendy," says Kinoshita, "but toand a large quartz crystal. Near- day's terrariums are more per-

a porcelain Chinese baby doll, looking like a bizarre giant amid the plants. An airplant might be tucked inside a shell, creating an alien octopus sprawled on aqua glass rocks. Cacti might share space with a deer jawbone, emerging from the soil like the myth about dragon's teeth. A martini

glass might sport a nubby succulichen, lemon-y Scotch moss and, encapsulating not only plants but lentlounging under a papercockarchingover everything, a curly moments in time, like mementos." tail umbrella. Plants live with barram's horn. As in, from a sheep. For Kinoshita, though, those nades, driftwood, mirror shards. It's the window of Moss + Min- mementos take her terrariums to And then there are the containLui Kit Wong /The News Tribune i MCT eral, a design store/art gallery unusual places. Amid tiny spring ers Kinoshita uses. Artist Lisa Kinoshita looks through one of her creations. where artist Lisa Kinoshita has flowers and ivy she might place SeeTerrariums/D2 "Terrariums areart andlandscape, a diorama," she says. by is a tiny forest, with lush ferns,

sonal and even contemplative,


SUPPORT GROUPS The following list contains support group information submitted to The Bulletin. Submissions must beupdated monthly for inclusion. Tosubmit, email relevant details to communitylifeO bendbulletin.com. ABILITREEPEER GROUP FOR PERSONSAFFECTEDBYA DISABILITY: 541-388-8103. ABILITREE YOUNG PEER GROUP: 541388-8103 ext. 219. ABILITREE BRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-8103. ADHDADULTSUPPORTGROUP: 541-420-3023. ADOPTIVEPARENT SUPPORT GROUP: 541-389-5446. ADULTCHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS: 541-633-8189. AGE WIDEOPEN (ADULTCHILDREN SUPPORT GROUP): 541-410-4162 or www.agewideopen.com. AIDSEDUCATION FOR PREVENTION, TREATMENT, COMMUNITY RESOURCES ANDSUPPORT (DESCHUTES COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT): 541-322-7402. AIDSHOT LINE:800-342-AIDS. AL-ANON: 541-728-3707 or www. centraloregonal-anon.org. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (AA):541548-0440 or www.coigaa.org. ALS SUPPORT GROUP: 541-977-7502. ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION: 541-548-7074. ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-330-6400. ALZHEIMER'S/DEMENTIA CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP: 541-948-7214. AUTISMRESOURCE GROUP OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-788-0339. BENDATTACHMENTPARENTING: 541-385-1787. BENDS-ANON FAMILY GROUP: 888-285-3742. BEND ZENMEDITATION GROUP: 541382-6122 or 541-382-6651. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUPS: 541-382-5882. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUP/ADULTSAND CHILDREN: 541-383-3910. BEYOND AFFAIRSNETWORK: A peer groupfor victims of infidelity, baninbend©yahoo.com. BRAININJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-382-9451. BRAINTUMOR SUPPORTGROUP: 541-350-7243 CANCERFAMILYSUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-5864. CANCER INFORMATION LINE: 541-706-7743. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-536-7399. CELEBRATE RECOVERYBEND: Faith Christian Center,541-383-5801; Westside Church,541-382-7504; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATE RECOVERYLAPINE: Grace Fellowship, 541-536-2878;High Lakes Christian Church,541-536-3333; Living WatersChurch,541-536-1215; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATE RECOVERYMADRAS: Living HopeChristian Center,541-4752405 or centraloregoncr.org. CELEBRATE RECOVERYREDMOND: RedmondAssembly ofGodChurch, 541548-4555 orcentraloregoncr.org. CENTRALOREGON ALZHEIMER'S/ DEMENTIACAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP: 541-504-0571. CENTRALOREGONAUTISM ASPERGER'8SUPPORTTEAM: 541-633-8293. CENTRALOREGON AUTISM SPECTRUM RESOURCEAND FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-279-9040. CENTRALOREGON COALITION FOR ACCESS(WORKING TO CREATE ACCESSIBLE COMMUNITIES): 541-385-3320. CENTRALOREGONDEPRESSION AND ANXIETY GROUP:541-420-2759 CENTRALOREGONDISABILITY SUPPORT NETWORK:541-548-8559 or www.codsn.org. CENTRALOREGONFAMILIES WITH MULTIPLES: 541-330-5832 or 541-388-2220. CENTRALOREGONLEAGUEOF AMPUTEESSUPPORT GROUP (COLA): 541-480-7420 orwww.ourcola.org. CENTRALOREGON RIGHT TO LIFE: 541-383-1593. CHILDCAR SEATCLINIC (PROPER INSTALLATIONINFORMATION FOR SEATAND CHILD): 541-504-5016. CHILDREN'S VISION FOUNDATION: 541-330-3907. CHRISTIANWOMEN OFHOPE WOMEN'SCANCER SUPPORT ROUP): 541-382-1832. CLAREBRIDGEOFBEND (ALZHEIMER'8 SUPPORT GROUP): 541-385-4717 or rnorton1O brookdaleliving.com. CO-DEPENDENTSANONYMOUS BEND: 541-610-7445. CO-DEPENDENTSANONYMOUS REDMOND:541-610-8175. COFFEEANDCONNECTION CANCER SUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-3754. COMPASSIONATEFRIENDS (FOR THOSEGRIEVINGTHE LOSS OF ACHILD):541-480-0667 or 541-536-1709. CREATIVITY & WE LLNESS — MOOD GROUP: 541-647-0865. CROOKED RIVER RANCHADULT GRIEF SUPPORT: 541-548-7483. DEFEATCANCER: 541-706-7743. DESCHUTES COUNTYMENTAL HEALTH24-HOUR CRISIS LINE: 541-322-7500. DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR SUPPORT ALLIANCE:541-549-9622 or 541-771-1620. DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR SUPPORT: 541-480-8269 or suemiller92©gmail.com. DEPRESSIONSUPPORT GROUP: 541-617-0543. DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP: 541-598-4483. DISABILITY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-8103. DIVORCE CARE:541-410-4201. DOUBLE TROUBLERECOVERY: Addiction andmental illness group; 541-317-0050. DYSTONIASUPPORTGROUP: 541-388-2577. ENCOPRESIS (SOILING): 541-5482814 or encopresis©gmail.com. EVENINGBEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP: 541-460-4030 FAITHBASED RECOVERYGROUP: Drug andalcohol addictions; pastordavid©thedoor3r.org. FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 541-389-5468. GAMBLERSANONYMOUS: Redmond 541-280-7249,Bend541-390-4365. GAMBLINGHOT LINE:800-233-8479.

GERIATRIC CARE MANAGEMENT: info©paulbattle.com or1-877-867-1437. GLUCOSECONTROL LOW CARB DIET SUPPORTGROUP:kjdnrcd@yahoo. com or 541-504-0726. GLUTENINTOLERANCE GROUP (CELIAC):541-390-2399. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:Supportfor pregnant teensandteen moms; 541-383-3515. GRANDPARENTSRAISING OUR CHILDREN'SKIDS:541-306-4939. GRANDPARENTSSUPPORTGROUP: 541-385-4741. GRIEFSHAREGRIEFRECOVERY SUPPORTGROUP:541-382-1832. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP:541-3066633, 541-318-0384 ormullinski@ bendbroadband.com. GRIEFAND LOSS SUPPORT GROUP: 541-508-4036 orwww.gohospice.com, GRIEFSHARE (FAITH-BASED) RECOVERY CLASS:541-389-8780. HEALINGENCOURAGEMENT FOR ABORTION-RELATEDTRAUMA (H.E.A.R.T.):54I-318-I949. HEALTHYFAMILIESOF THE HIGH DESERT:Homevisitsforfamilies with newborns; 541-749-2133 HEARINGLOSS ASSOCIATION:541390-2174 orctepper@bendcable.com. HEARTSOFHOPE:Abortion healing; 54 I-728-4673. IMPROVEYOUR STRESS LIFE: 541-706-2904. INFERTILITY SUPPORT GROUP (RESOLVE):541-604-0861. LA LECHE LEAGUEOFBEND: 541-317-5912. LIVINGWELL(CHRONIC CONDITIONS):541-322-7430. LIVING WITHCHRONICILLNESSES SUPPORT GROUP:541-536-7399. LUPUS &FIBROMYALGIA SUPPORT GROUP:541-526-1375. MADRAS NICOTINEANONYMOUS GROUP:541-993-0609. MATERNAL/CHILDHEALTH PROGRAM(DESCHUTES COUNTYHEALTHDEPARTMENT): 54 I-322-7400. MEMORY CARESUPPORT GROUP: 541-848-4144 oracs©touchmark.com. MEN'SCANCER SUPPORT GROUP: 54 I-706-5864. MENDED HEARTSSUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-4789. MISCARRIAGESUPPORT GROUP: 54 I-514-9907. MOMMY ANDMEBREASTFEEDING SUPPORT GROUP:Laura, 54 I-322-7450. MULTIPLESCLEROSIS SUPPORT GROUP:541-706-6802. NARCONON: 800-468-6933. NARCOTICSANONYMOUS (NA): 54 I-416-2146. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESSOF CENTRAL OREGON (NAMI):541-408-7779, 541-504-1431 or email: vonriedlpn@yahoo.com. NAMI BEND - EXTREMESTATES:541647-2343orwww.namicentraloregon.org NAMI BENDCONNECTIONS:541480-8269, 541-382-3218 orwww. namicentraloregon.org NAMI BENDFAMILY SUPPORT GROUP:whitefam©bendcable.com or www.namicentraloregon.org. NAMI MADRASCONNECTIONS:For peers, 541-475-1873 orNAMlmadrasO gmail.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILYSUPPORT GROUP:541-475-1873 or NAMlmadras©gmail.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILY-FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP:541-475-3299 or www.namicentraloregon.org NAMI REDMOND FAMILYSUPPORT GROUP:namicentraloregon@gmail. com. NAMI REDMOND CONNECTIONS: 541382-3218 or541-693-4613. NEWBERRYHOSPICEOF LA PINE: 54 I-536-7399. OREGON COMMISSIONFOR THE BLIND:541-447-4915. OREGON CURE:541-475-2164. OREGONLYME DISEASE NETWORK: 541-312-3081 orwww.oregonlyme.org. OVEREATERSANONYMOUS: 54I-3066844 or www.oa.org. PARENTS/CAREGIVERSOF CHILDREN AFFECTEDBYAUTISM SUPPORT GROUP:541-771-1075 or http:// coregondevdisgroupaso.ning.com. PARENTSOFMURDEREDCHILDREN (POMC)SUPPORT GROUP: 541-410-7395. PARISH NURSES ANDHEALTH MINISTRIES:541-383-6861. PARKINSON'SCAREGIVERS SUPPORTGROUP:541-317-1188. PARKINSON'SDISEASE SUPPORT GROUP:541-280-5818. PARTNERS IN CARE:Homehealth and hospice services; 541-382-5882. PAUL'S CLUB:Dadsandmale caregiver supportgroup;541-548-8559. PFLAGCENTRALOREGON:For parents, families andfriends of lesbians and gays;541-317-2334 or www. pflagcentraloregon.org. PLANLOVINGADOPTIONS NOW (PLAN):541-389-9239. PLANNED PARENTHOOD:888-875-7820. PMS ACCESS LINE: 800-222-4767. PREGNANCYRESOURE CCENTERS: Bend,541-385-5334; Madras,541475-5338; Prineville, 541-447-2420; Redmond,541-504-8919. PULMONARY HYPERTENSION SUPPORTGROUP:541-548-7489. SAVINGGRACE SUPPORT GROUPS: Bend, 541-382-4420;Redmond, 541-504-2550, ext.1; Madras, 541-475-1880. SCLERODERMASUPPORT GROUP: 54 I-480-1958. SEXAHOLICSANONYMOUS: 541-595-8780. SOUPANDSUPPORT:For mourners; 54 I-548-7483. STEPMOM SUPPORTGROUP:541-3253339orwww.insightcounselingbend.com. SUPPORTGROUP FOR FAMILIES WITHDIABETICCHILDREN: 541-526-6690. TOBACCOR FEEALLIANCE:541-322-7481. TOPSOR:Bend,541-388-5634; Culver, 541-546-4012;Redmond,541-923-0878. TYPE2DIABETESSUPPORTGROUP: 541-706-4986. VETERANS HOTLINE: 541-408-5594 or 818-634-0735. VISIONNW:Peersupport group; 541-330-0715. VOLUNTEERSIN MEDICINE: 54 I-330-9001. WOMEN'SRESOURCE CENTER OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0747 WOMEN SURVIVINGWITH CANCER SUPPORTGROUP:541-706-5864. YOUNGPEOPLEWITH DISABILITIES PEERGROUP:831-402-5024. ZENMEDITATION GROUP:541-388-3179.

RELIGIOUS SERVICES To submit service information or announcements for religious organizations, email bulletin@bend bulletin.com or call 541-383-0323.

SERVICES ANTIOCHCHURCH:Guest speaker Dr. Celestin Musekra will speak; followed by ReduxQ&A; 9:30a.m. Sunday; BendHigh School, 230 N.E.Sixth St., Bend. BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: Bill Martin; "Learning toLovethe Mess";10a.m. Sunday;4twelve youth group, 7p.m. Wednesdays; 19831 RockingHorseRoad, Bend; 541-382-6006orwww. bendchristianfellowship.com. BENDCHURCHOFTHE NAZARENE: Pastor Matthew Bissonnette; "By Morning Light ...MissionAccomplished"based on Daniel 6; 9a.m. (Hispanic) and 10:15 a.m. Sunday;1270 N.E.27th St., Bend. COMMUNITYBIBLE CHURCH AT SUNRIVER: Pastor Glen Schaumloeffel; "Jesus, TheLiving Word," based onHebrews4:12-13; 9:30 a.m. Sunday; 1Theater Drive, Sunriver; 541-593-8341 or www. cbchurchsr.org. COMMUNITYOFCHRIST: Evangelist Clint Jacks; "OpenYour Eyes" based onJohn9:1-41; 11 a.m. Sunday,10:45a.m. praise singing before service; 20380 Cooley Road,Bend; 503-307-7083. COMMUNITYPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Pastor RobAnderson; "Have YouBeenHealed?," basedon John 9:1-12; 9and11 a.m.Sunday; 529N.W.19thSt.,Redmond. CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION:TheRev. Wilis Jenson; "The GospelAwakensfrom Death to Life Eternal," basedon Ephesians 5:14and"GodGives Christ Ears that Hearkenunto God's Word for All Menand Saves," based onPsalm40:6; 11 a.m. Sunday (Divine service); 1 p.m. Sunday (VespersService); TerrebonneGrangeHall, 828611th St., Terrebonne. DISCOVERYCHRISTIAN CHURCH:Minister DaveDrullinger; "Principles of Faith," basedon Matthew14:22-33; 10 a.m. Sunday; Adult Bible study, 9 a.m. Sunday;334N.W.Newport Ave., Bend;541-382-2272 or discoverychristianchurch.com. EASTMONTCHURCH:Pastor John Lodwick; "Is JesusReligious?" part of "Jesus Journey: 40Days in the Footsteps of Christ," based on Matthew 6:1-6; 9 (classic) and10:45 a.m. (contemporary) Sunday; 62425EagleRoad, Bend; 54 I-382-5822.

FATHER'SHOUSE CHURCH OF GOD: Pastor RandyWills; "I Am theGood Shepherd" as part of the series "I Am"; 9and10:45a.m. Sunday;Youth Group, 7 p.m. Wednesdays; 61690Pettigrew Road, Bend. THE FELLOWSHIPAT BEND:Pastor Loren Anderson; "Followthe Leader," based onEcclesiastes 8; Sunday10 a.m.; Summit High School,2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend. FIRSTUNITED METHODIST CHURCH: The Rev.Thom Larson; Emergency PreparednessFair, learn what you can do nowto beprepared for an emergencyevent;11 a.m.; Service10 a.m. Sunday;680N.W.BondSt., Bend; 541-382-1672. FOUNDRY CHURCH: MikeCoughlin; "Sharing theLife of Jesus";10:15a.m. Sunday; 60N.W.OregonAve., Bend. GRACEFIRST LUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Joel LiaBraaten; "Seeing Again for the First Time" and "Playing Peea-boo"; 9:30 a.m. Sunday; 2265 N.W. Shevlin Park Road,Bend. JOURNEY CHURCH:Pastor Keith Kirkpatrick; "I Am Jonah," starting a series about the book ofJonah; 10a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday;youth group 6:30 p.m. Monday, 70N.W.Newport Ave., Bend. NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH: Pastor Chris Kramer; "Called by the grace ofGod,wereach out to all people with the love of Jesus Christ"; 9 (informal) and11 (formal) a.m. Sunday; Bible study,10a.m.Wednesdays; 60850 Brosterhous Road,Bend; 541-388-0765. NEWPORTAVENUE CHURCHOF CHRIST:Minister DeanCatlett; "The Making of aServant," based on Philippians 2:1-11;10:45 a.m. and6 p.m. (devotional) Sunday;adultstudy group 6 p.m.Wednesday;554 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. SHILOHRANCH COWBOY CHURCH: Pastor JordanWeaver; 9and10:30 a.m. Sunday, 7p.m. Monday; Men's Biblestudy7a.m. Thursday; TheRim Rock Riders Equestrian Facility Cafe, Brasada Ranch,17037 S.W.Alfalfa Road, Powell Butte; Women's Bible 101, 7 p.m.Thursday atJenay Brewer's home, 541-241-4220 for directions. SPRINGSOFLIFE MINISTRIES: Evangelist and Bible teacherEddie Cienda; 7 p.m.Wednesdays; The Sound GardenStudio, 1279 N.E. Second St., Bend. ST. PAUL'S ANGLICANCHURCH: Father JohnPennington; "AreTwo Heads Better ThanOne?" basedon Galatians 4:21-31;Sundayat IO:30 a.m. (Fourth Sunday inLent);1108 W.Antler Ave., Redmond. TAIZECHOIR OF CENTRAL OREGON: Meditative nondenominational Taize music andsilence at monthly ecumenical services; Thursday,April 3, at 7 p.m.; St. Francis Catholic Center

ministry for men andwomen,

(St. Clare Chapel), 2450 N.E.27th St., Bend;541-383-4179orelnhammond@ gmail.com. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH: Rev. David A. Carnahan; "Candlepower," based on Ephesians 5:8-14; 8 a.m. (guitar-led worship) and11 a.m. (organ/piano-led worship) Sunday; Potluck supper and lenten worship 7 p.m.Wednesday; 2550 N.E.Butler Market Road; 541-382-1832 or www. trinitylutheranbend.org. UNITARIANUNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIPOF CENTRAL OREGON: Tom WykesandBryn Hazelwill speak; "Transforming EnemyImages"; 11 a.m. Sunday; at theOldStone Church, 157 N.W.Franklin Ave., Bend.; 541385-3908 or www.uufco.org. VERTICALCHURCH OF GOD: Pastor Jeremy Seibert; 10:30 a.m.Sunday; youthnight,6p.m.W ednesdays; 52460 Skidgel Road, LaPine. WESTSIDECHURCH:Pastor Ken Johnson; "Negative to Positive"; 6:30tonightand8,9and10:45a.m. Sunday; 2051 N.W.Shevlin Park Road, Bend. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor Jim Stephens; "The Next Right Thing, Toolkit"; 10:30 a.m. Sunday;1245 S.E. Third St., Bend. WESTSIDESISTERS CAMPUS: Pastor Jerry Kaping; "LIFEExam: Heart Attack"; 10:30 a.m.Sunday;442 Trinity Way, Sisters. WESTSIDEONLINE CAMPUS: Pastor Ken Johnson; "Negative to Positive"; 6:30tonightand 8,9and10:45 a.m . Sunday; www.westsidelive.org. WESTSIDERADIO CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel prior weekservice; "Seven"; 8:30a.m.Sunday; Heirborne radio show onKBND,AM1110. ZIONLUTHERAN CHURCH:Pastor Eric Burtness; "How DoForgive I SomeoneWho HasHurtMe?"aspart of the series, "How DoKnow?"; I 8:30 and11 a.m. Sunday;SoupSupper and Lenten Vespers, 6:15p.m. Wednesday; 1113 BlackButte Blvd., Redmond.

Madras Aglow will feature speaker Eddie Cienda, an international bible teacher; April 5, 10 a.m., Meet and greet at 9:30 a.m.; Living Hope ChostIan Center, 25 N.E. A St.; 541-771-8844. APRIL 12 "IT'S A GRANDSLAM":Featuring a dinner and silent auction; proceeds benefit the Fellowship of Christian Athletes; $25, registration requested; 4 p.m.; EastmontChurch,62425 Eagle Road, Bend; 541-815-1274 or


THE KNOXBROTHERS: Six brothers sing Southern gospel music; free, donations accepted; 6 p.m.; Redmond Assembly of God Church, 1865 W. Antler Ave.; 541-923-0898 or sgmO bendbroadband.com. APRIL 14

A NOVEL IDEA, MENNONITES IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST:Jerry Barkman traces the beliefs of the Mennonites and their movement throughout the world, then to the U.S. and the Pacific Northwest; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7050 or www. deschuteslibrary.org. PASSOVER COMMUNITY SEDER:A family-friendly, festival Passover Seder led by Rabbi Johanna Hershenson, with Seder customs; open to the public; $35, $15 for children ages 6-12, free for children age 5 and younger, reservations required by April 7; 6 p.m., doors open 5:15 p.m.; St. Charles Bend conference center, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-3888826 or www.bethtikvahbend.org.


APRIL 15 A NOVEL IDEA, MENNONITES IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST:Jerry Barkman traces the beliefs of the Mennonites and their movement throughout the world, then to the U.S. and the Pacific Northwest; free; noon; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1070 or www.deschuteslibrary.org.

THURSDAY DARRELL EVANS:Participate in live worship, a discussion about worship, followed by music; $5, group of five for $20, reservations requested; 6-8 p.m.; Book8 Bean, 395 N. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-3778 or www. darrellevansbandb.eventbrite.com.

APRIL 18 GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE:Join us for Good Friday Service; 7 p.m.; First United Methodist Church, 680 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541382-1672, firstchurch©bendumc. org or www.bendumc.org.


Find Your Dream Home In Real Estate


Continued from 01 Moss + Mineralfocuses on midcentury design like

• •


teal '70s chairs and '50s

footstools ,somost oftheterrariums live in vintage glass vessels: golden-brown rectangles, huge goblets, discs like the Space Needle.

It's gardening done by an


"I take a

di fferent ap-

proach than a gardener would," Kinoshita explains.

I p





"I look at plants as raw ma-

terial, rather than a garden. Terrariums are art and landscape, a diorama. You're cre-

atjngamicrocosm — ithas a reallyevocative quality." Landscape designer Sue Goetz agrees. Down at The Urban Garden Co., also in

Tacoma, she sells plenty of terrariums, plus unique glass containers she finds


I '



to put them in, and unusual

plant specimens. "It's like a mini-landscape

I• •I•

without the p l ot," Goetz says. "Terrariums are hot right now. We sell a lot to

people who want a garden ontheir desk, if they're stuck in a cubide or a high-rise."



Like K i noshita, Goetz

gets creative with what she puts in her terrariums. Right

now she loves old glass lampshades she finds at Earthvvise Salvage and tall

glass lanterns that can hold a pot on a dish. It's a handy

111 WAYS

trick for enclosed terrari-


ums, where water evaporation and condensation can drip onto the glass bottom

rather than the soil, avoiding moldy, soggy plants. Other terrariums indude

big Mason jars, daw-footed glass bowls, foot-high


Victorian greenhouses and

tiny glass teardrops that can hang by the window with an airplant inside. Goetz's biggest caution'? D on't overwater. But


Presenting the


mOSt COmPrehenSiVe guide to PlaCeS, eVentS and aCtiVitieS to keeP you entertained thraughOut the year. The Bulletjn'S 131 WayS to DiSCOVerCentral OregOn jS One of the mOSt COmprehenSiVe VjSjtor'S guide jfl the Trj-

your plants do die, it can help if you're looking at the terrarium as art. "It's t r ial a n d e r r or," Kinoshita says. "You start out wi t h i ne x p ensive

plants, group them for similar needs and put them out of direct light or heat.

And if they die, you just put them on the compost heap and feel better about it."


Quirky terrarium tips at bendbulletin.com/quirky

a rea's

WHEN TO LOOK POR IT: PUBUSHIIG TWOEDITIONSAVEAR • Spring/Summer: April Fall/Winter: October (Dates to be announced)

county area. This colorful, information-packed magazine can be found at Central Oregon reSOrtS, ChamberS OfCOmmerCeand Other key POintS of intereSt inCluding tOuriSt kjOSkSaCrOSS the State. It jS alSOOffered to DeSChuteS COunty

Expo Center visitors throughout the year.

SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 2014 • T HE BULLETIN D 3 "Celtic Cross" Christianity

"The Wheel of Dharma" Buddhism


"Star of David"

(South of Portland Ave.) Church Service8 Sunday School: 10 am Wed. Testimony Meeting: 7:30 pm Childcare provided.



You AreThe IvtostIm portant Part of Our Services

Reading Room: 115 NW Minnesota Ave. Mon. through Fri.: I I am - 4 pm Sat. 12 noon-2 pm




Omkar» (Aum)


Yin/Yang» Taoist!



"Star F Crescent" Islam

FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTKR 1049 NE 11th St.• 541.382.8274

This Sunday at Faith Christian Center, Pastor Brian Mercer - interim pastor, wiff share his message titled "Dream" in the Sunday morning service beginning at 10:30 am.


Fr.Theodore Nnabugo,Pastor www.holyredeemerparish.net Parish Office: 541-536-3571 HOLY REDEEMER, LA PINK

16137 Burgess Rd Tuesday, Wednesday F Friday Mass 9:00 am Sunday Mass• 10:00 am Confessions: Saturdays -3:00-4:00 pm

Childcare is provided in our Sunday HOLY TRINITY,SUNRIVER moming service. FCC Youth Ministries 18143 Cottonwood Rd. and Family Night is on Wednesdays at 7 Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; pm. A number of Faith Journey Groups Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm meet throughout the week in small Sunday mass 8:00 am Confessions: Thurs. 9:00 - 9:15 am groups, please contact the church for details and times. OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS, Glichriot The church is lacated on the corner of 120 Mississippi Dr Greenwood Avenue and Sunday Mass - 12:30 pm NE 11th Street, www.bendfaith.com Confessions: Sundays 12:00• 12:15 pm REDMOND ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1865 W Antler• Redmand 541-548-4555 SUNDAYS Morning Worship 8;30 am 8 10:30 am

Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm WEDNESDAYS FAMILY NIGHT 7 PM

Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery Wednesday NITE Live Kids Youth Group Pastor Duane Pippitt


near Chirlotmas Valley 57255 Fort Rock Rd Sunday Mass - 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3:15 pm ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI CATHOLIC CHURCH

Rev. Julian Cassar Rev. Joseph K. Thalisery 541-382-3631 NEW CHURCH 2450 NE 27th Street Masses Saturday• Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7;30 AM, 10:00 AM Domingo 12:30 PM• Misa en Espanol

ReHgilon of the Lightand Sound ofGod Spiritual Experiences Past Lives, Dreams, Soul Travel Introductory presentation 8 discussion Saturday, March 22 3:00 pm at the East Bend Library 62080 Dean Swift Rd., Bend Try a spiritual exercise, explore the possibilities of learning from your dreams and past lives and leam what soul travel means.

EASTMONT CHURCH "Displaying theRealit¹ of Christ in UirdeiuableWays"

62425 Eagle Road, Bend 541-382-5822

www.eastmantchurch.com Sunday Services Classic (Blended) Service 9;00 am Contemporary Service 10:45 am Hispanic Service 6:0 0 pm For more information about weekly ministries for the whole family, contact 541-382-5822 or email info@eastmontchurch.com FOUNDRY CHURCH (FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST) » A Heart for Bend in the Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862

Pastors Mike Coughlin 8 Al Hulbert SundaySchoolclassesare at9:00am and our Worship Service at 10:15 am This Sunday at Foundry Church, Mike Coughlin will be speaking on "Sharing the Life of Jesus."

THE SALVATION ARMY 541 NE DeKalb Ave., Bend 541-389-8888

ST. THOMAS CATHOLIC CHURCH 1720 NW 19th Street Redmond, Oregon 97756 541-923-3390 Father Todd Unger, Pastor ~Mas S~he ~l:

Web site: ccbend.org Sundays: 8:30 8 10:30 am Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm YouthGroup: Wednesday 7pm Child Care provided Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are available, call for days and times.

"Teaching the Word of God, Book by Book"


20080 Pinebrook Blvd.• 541-389.3436

April 6: Sunday School lOAM April 11: Friday Evening Service 7PM (Note Later Start Time) April 19: Community Seder 4PM 541-389-4912 for ReservationsDoors Open 3:30PM April 25: Friday Evening Service 7PM April 27: Sunday School IOAM Reserve Your Place At The Table; April 19th Community Passover Seder at ShalomBayitSynagogue TEMPLE BETH TIRVAH

Munch E Torah Study Saturday, April 19• 10:30 amTorah Services

For the complete schedule of Services F Events go to: www.bethtikvahbend.org For information about our Religious Education programs, call Kathy Schindel at 541-388-8826

All services are held at the First United Methodist Church 680 NW Bond Street 541-388-8826

REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th


MISSION (LCMS) The mission of theChurch istofor¹ive sins through theGospelandthereby grant eternalJife. (St. John 20:22.23, Augsburg Confession XXVIII.8, 10

10 am Sunday School 11 am Divine Service

Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am,

March 30: Vespers: I PM. April 6: Vespers; I PM.

Pastor Randy Myers

April 17; The Festival of Maundy Thursday, Divine Service: 7 PM.

WKSTSIDE CHURCH Westside Church invites you to join us

Contact us at 541-382.7504 or www.

Cowboy Fellowship Saturdays Potluck 6 pm Music and the Word 7 pm Sunday Worship Services 8:30 am - 10:15 am - I I am Nursery F Children's Church Pastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, Ozzy Osbome and Glenn Bartnik 13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte 541-548-3066 www.powellbuttechurch.com


1155 SW Division, ¹D8, Bend Saturday 12:00• 3:00 pm Worship/Dance•Study •

Food/Fellowship Hebrew Roots Fellowship worshipping in Spirit and Truth 541-410-5337 Children Welcome www.livingtorahfellowship.com

Senior Pastor Virgil Askren SUNDAY 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 9;00 am Hispanic Worship Service 10:15 am Worship Service

Friday, April 25 - 7:00 pmKaballat Shabbat Services

Lent/Holy Week schedule: Concordia Lutheran Mission.

5:00 to 5:45 pm and on Saturdays fram 4:30 to 5:15 pm

www.redmondchristian.org Sunday Worship 9:00 am 8 10:45 am

Visit us on the web at www.houseofcovenant.org or contact us at 541-385-5439

BEND CHURCH OF THE NAZARKNK 1270 NE 27 St.• 541-382-5496

Celebrate New Life at New Hope Church!

at any of our weekend services. No matter what your expectations are, we hope your time spent with us brings you a little closer to understanding, knowing and growing in a relationship with Jesus Christ. In our opinion, that's what really matters.

CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF REDMOND 536 SW 10th, Redmond 541-548-2974

• Davidic dance and worship • Children's ministry and nursery • Hebrew classes • Home groups • Teaching from the Torah and the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) • Biblical Feasts • Lifecycle Events • End-times prophecy

westsidechurch.org March 298 30, 2014 at Westside Church —WEST CAMPUS

Pastor Ken Johnson will share the message "Negative to Positive" at 6:30pm on Saturday and at 8, 9 and 10:45am Sunday at Westside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend.

March 30, 2014 at Westside Church —SOUTH CAMPUS Pastor Jim Stephens will share the message "The Next Right Thing, Toolkit" at 10:30am on Sunday at the Westside Church South Campus, 1245 SE 3rd St., Bend.

April 18: The Festival of Good Friday, Divine Service: 7 PM.

The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor 828611th St. (Grange Hall) Terrebonne, OR

• •


I •

CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTKR 21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241

SundayMoming Worship 8:45 am 8 10:45 am

GRACE FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 382.6862

Spacious Christianity essay collection written by the pastors available as a companion to the teachings. Find details at www.bendfp.org.

Wednesday Noon Worship followed by 12:30pm Contemplative Prayer Youth Events http://www.faceboak.com/ bendyouthcollective

Choirs, music groups, Bible study, fellowship and ministries every week 230 NE Ninth Street, Bend

www.bendfp.org http://www.facebook.com/bendfp 541 382 4401


"Diverse Beliefs, One Fellowship" We are a Welcoming Congregation March 30 at 11:00am

"Transforming Enemy Images"Lay-Led Service with Tom Wykes and Bryn Hazel, Guest Speakers

We have religious education classes for children K-8, and provide childcare for infants and toddlers. Meeting place: THE OLD STONE CHURCH 157 NW FRANKLIN AVE., BEND Mail:PO Box 428, Bend OR 97709

www.uufco.org (541) 385-3908 •


(In the Heart of Downtown Bend) 680 NW Bond St. / 541.382.1672 Everyone isWelcome! Rev. Thom Larson Celebrating the Mission of the LOFT Celebrating the Emergency Preparedness Fair ONE SERVICE —10;00am 11-1pm - Emergency Preparedness Fair Come andlearn whatyoucandotobe prepared for an emergency event.

Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur

Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Rev. Thom Larson firstchurch@'bendumc.org

21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241

Wednesday Lenten Service 6:30 p.m.



(3/4 mile north of High School) Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 548-3367


Sunday Worship Services at 8:30 am 8 11:00 am Sunday School for all ages 10:00 am

Wednesdays: Soup Supper 6:15 pm8 Lenten Vespers at 7:00 pm

Sunday Services 8 am (No child care) 10;00 am Contemporary Worship Service (Full children's ministry) Sunday Night Church 6:30 pm For information, please call ... Senior Pastor - Mike Yunker•

Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor

4 Saturdays and TMC: $1 I 5

9:00 am Contemporary Warship 9:00 am Nursery Care 9:15 am Children F Youth Sunday School 9:30 am Adult Education 11:00 am Traditional Worship

5 Saturdays and TMC: $138

Children's Room available during services Come Experience a warm, March 298 30, 2014 at Westside Church Youth Groups friendly family of worshipers. —ONLINE CAMPUS High School - Sunday I I:00am-12:30pm Everyone Welcome - Always. A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich Middle School - Wednesday Join us at our online campus where and diverse music program for all ages 6:00-7:30pm Pastor Ken Johnson will share the Coff ee,snacksandfeliowsfup 541-312-8844 message "Negative to Positive" at after each servi c e Associate Pastors 6:30pmSaturday andat8,9and 10:45am Mondays Mike Sweeney 8 Jeff Olson on Sunday at Westside Church, 2051 NW M-W-F Women' s Exercise 9:30 am 6;30 pm Centering Prayer "Loving people one at a time." Shevlin Park Rd, Bend. Wed. Bible Study at noon www.real-lifecc.org 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study Wednesdays I:00 pm 5:30 pm Prayer Service 3rd Tues. Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner KASTMONT COMMUNITY SCHOOL March 30, 2014 Westside Church Youth and Family Programs "Educating and Developing the Whole —ON THE RADIO Active Social Outreach Small Groups Meet Regularly Child for the Glory of Gad" (Handicapped Accessible) Pre K-5th Grade Pastor Steve Mickel will share the 1113 SW Black Butte Blvd. Please visit our website for a complete 62425 Eagle Road, Bend• 541-382-2049 message "Seven" on the Redmond, OR 97756 - 541.923-7466 listing of activities for all ages. Principal Lonna Camahan Heirbome radio show at 8:30am Pastor Eric Burtness www.eastmontcommunityschool.com Sunday morning on KBND - AM 1110 www.zionrdm.com www.redmondcpc.org •

Wednesday In Lent Pastor led teachings by Steven Koski, Jenny Warner and Ron Werner Wednesdays March 19-April 16, 5:30-7:00pm Simple dinner, teaching, discussion and worship. Adults and children welcome.

*During the Week: Women's Groups, Men's Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music 8 Fellowship

Women's Bible Study, Tuesday 9:15 a.m. Men's Bible Study, Wednesday 7:30 a.m.

Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America www.gracefirstlutheran.org

Spacious Christianity Ron Wemer and Marcus Borg share a conversation about scripture Sunday, March 30 9:00am contemporary 10:45am traditional 5:01 pm relaxed Sunday School: 3 years to 6th grade Nursery-care provided

Wednesday Mid-Week Service Children 8 Youth Programs 7:00 pm Nursery Care Provided for All Services

Worship in the Heart of Redmond

Pastor Jerry Kapping will share the message "LIFE Exam — Heart Attack!" at 10:30am at the Westside Church Sisters Campus, 442 Trinity Way, Sisters.

Meeting at the Golden Age Club 40 SE 5th St., Bend Just 2 blocks SW ofBend High School Sunday Worship 10:00 am Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated to worshiping God and teaching the Bible truths recovered through the Reformation. Call for information about other meetings 541-420-1667 www.sovereigngracebend.com


March 30, 2014 at Westside Church —SISTERSCAMPUS


www.lutheransonline.com/ concordialutheranmission Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission Phone: 541-325-6773

Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Child Care Available) Sunday School 10:20 a.m. Education Hour 10:45 a.m.

FIRST PRESBYTKRIAN CHURCH 230 NE Ninth, Bend (Across Ninth St. from Bend High) All Are Welcome, Always!

To create the world that exemplifies our values, we need to liberate ourselves from enemy images — the thinking that says there is something wrong with the people whose actions ar values we don't Nursery Care 8 Children's Church agree with. Whether our enemy images ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all are with politicians, individuals with Worship Services religious convictions different from our "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM own, leaders of the corparate world, or our neighbors next door, lasting social 8:30 am Sunday change isn't possible until we learn how to transform these enemy images into WEDNESDAY strategies where everyone's needs can 6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study be met. Bryn Hazel, from the Center for Compassionate Living, and Tom Wykes THURSDAY will discuss how wecan move beyond 10:00 am 50+ Bible Study the limiting images of people we WEEKLY disagree with. Life Groups Please visit our website for a complete A special Community Collection offering will be received for the Center for listing of activities for all ages. Compassionate Living. www.bendnaz.org •

Weekdays 8:00 am (except Wednesday) Wednesday 6:00 pm Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm First Saturday 8:00 am (English) Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am(English) 12:00 noon (Spanish) Canfessions on Wednesdays from


CALVARY CHAPEL BKND 20225 Cooley Rd. Bend Phone: (541) 383-5097

Major's Robert F Miriam Keene

Reconciliation Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8;00 AM


For complete calender: www.hbcredmond.org

541 NE Dekalb Sunday School 9:45 am Children E Adult Classes Worship Service —11:00 am

Corner of NW Franklin 8 Lava Masses Saturday 8:00 AM Sunday 4:30 PM Monday• Friday 7:00AM F 12:15 PM Exposition F Benediction Monday-Friday after 7:00 AM Mass to 6:00 PM Tuesday (Family Holy Hour) 5:00 PM• 6:00 PM


Messianic Synagogue Est. 1994 We provide a congregational setting for Jews and Christians alike. If you're interested in leaming the Bible from a All Services at our Dedicated Synagogue Building located at: 21555 Modoc Lane, Hebrew perspective, come join us at: Bend unless otherwise noted. Bear Creek Center For information, call 541.385.6421. 21300 Bear Creek Rd. Or visit; www.jccobend.com Bend, OR. 97701 Our Shabbat Services are on Rabbi lay ShupackBend's first resident Rabbi Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Rebbitzin - Judy Shupack Our ministries include:


Sunday School for all ages Kidma• Junior Church Greg Strubhar, Pastor Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor

Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am Sunday Life Groups 9:30 am 8 11:00 am Saturday Worship 7:00 pm Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor

Sunday Services St. Helens Hall, 231 NW Idaho Ave 8 am and 10:15 am The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector www.trinitybend.org I 541-382-5542 Mail:469 NW Wall St Ma¹we haveeyestoseethat novisitor arriveswithout a gift and no guestJeaveswithout a blessing.

Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM

For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Caff 541-382-3862 www.bendchurch.org

CHURCH, SBC 3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond• 541-548-4161

TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Ail are welcome through ourred doors



(Jewish Community of Central Oregon) A Warm and Welcoming Community Serving Central Oregon for 24 years. We welcome newcomers, interfaith families and encourage involvement.

is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. The Spiritual Laws of Life Our members represent a wide range of Saturday, March 29th Jewish backgrounds. 3-4:30pm We welcame interfaith families and Jews by choice. Room 103 OSUCascades Building Our monthly activities include: 2600 College Way Services, religious education for "We begin to have experiences in the Light and Sound of God, and thus we children 8 adults, Hebrew schoal, Tarah develop a greater understanding of the study, social action projects and social activities spiritual laws of life. Knowing these laws, then we can make our own life easier." Rabbilahanna Hershenson Harold Klemp "The Dream Master Mahanta Transcripts Book 8" Annual Passover Community Seder Monday, April 14 at 6:00 pm For More Information For information 8 reservations: www. www.eckankar.org bethtikvahbend.org www.eckankar-oregon.org 541-728-6476 Saturday, April 19 - 9:00 am-

www.redmondag.com •


FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1551 NW First St.• 541-382-6100


The Bulletin: Every Saturday on the church

page. $23 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday CO Marketplace: The First Tuesday of each month. $23

Copy Changes: by Monday









I week prior to publication

Call Pat Lynch

>4i-383-0396 plynch@bendbuljetin.com




Pilot ButteSummit Seekers

Continued from 01

What it is:A nonprofit formed by longtime park hosts Bill and Carol Smith. Its goal is to raise money to help improve conditions at the Pilot Butte State Scenic Viewpoint. Event:The group will put on an event, Simply My Best, all day May10 at the state park in Bend.People canearn moneyfor the park by walking and hiking — the moremiles tallied, the more money raised. Theevent is free andopen to the public (and dogs are welcome). More:The group is also raising money through memberships: $10 for individuals or $15per family. Contact:Learn more about the group andthe event or register to participate at www.pilotbuttesummitseekers.org.

History Bill and Carol Smith, both 57, began hosting 10 years ago whenboth of them experienced fibromyalgia. Turns out, park h o sting a t P i l ot Butte, Smith Rock and Silver

Falls became a way for them to regain their health, as they

credit the exposure to nature, exercise and interaction with people with their turnarounds. Last year the Smiths want-

ed to do a little something extra to give back to the butte

and the large community of people who visit the site each day (a recent estimate put the

number at 900 people a day visiting the butte for fitness). They came up withan idea for a May event that would focus on people who walk the butte.

"It took off," said Bill. "We couldn't stop it," added Carol.

fitness, according to Bill. FoCheck out video of the Smiths in action on the butte cusing on that fitness aspect will be a goal of the Summit atbentibulletin.com/piletbutte Seekers. Bill hopes the group can developafive-year master "Not everyone is capable of plan of projects to tackle. running up the butte.... It's Barnum says rogue trails more a positive idea for some on the butte are a problem, as people carve their own pathpeople," said Barnum. Joe Kline/The Bulletin Those who participate can ways and then others follow. Bill and Carol Smith empty the garbage at Bend'a Pilot Butte State Park on Wednesday. While living on- vote on which projects they These can be dangerous and site, the park hosts also clean bathrooms and pick up litter. But there's a lot more to the work than that. most want to see accom- cause erosion.


"People want to be involved; people want to volunteer," Carol Smith said. "I think it's the spirit here."

Through word of mouth, people spread information

"Their dedication and devotion to the park has My Best. Close to 400 people answer was, they couldn't. really impressed our staff and visitors. It's the about the event, called Simply

same time?" asked Bill. The

participated in 2013, and the "We never expected it would event raised about $3,400, all turn out this way," said Carol. of which will go to help fund Butte spirit projects to improve the butte. Based on the event's recepPeople who come to the

overwhelming love that people have for them that I appreciate. Wedon't get that with all of our hosts."

tion and the enthusiasm it gen-

— Joaie Barnum, park ranger for Pilot Butte State Scenic Viewpoint

butte on a regular basis — and erated, Carol and Bill decided there are many — often want to to form a nonprofit, Pilot Butte find ways to improve the area. Summit Seekers. The group The Smiths know of a num-

couraging words and cheers traveled and each personal has a board of directors and ber of individuals and groups for those who were struggling best reached by an individual 140 members, who receive a that have sprung into action. to make it up the hill. There's (distance or time) helps earn newsletter with updates from There's a group that shows up a nother volunteer who h a s money. A local business, let's the park. Kristin Kelso, trea- each Friday morning to work focused on hanging boxes for say, might volunteer to kick surer for the group, says she on the trails. The Pilot Butte bluebirds, trying to bring them in $300 once the group colwas happy to join when Carol Partners are another group to the butte. lectively walked 300 miles, or "It's like that here. People when a certain number of peoapproached her to participate. dedicated to helping maintain She's hoping to improve the thebutte.There'san 80-some- are trying to just be helpful," ple reached a personal-best trails and help control erosion thing-year-old man who made said Bill. goal. Last year, individuals and perhaps develop an off- it his mission to pick up litter rackedup more than 600miles leash area for dogs. Kelso calls every day, to the point where Simply MyBest and 60 percent of participants Carol verygregarious, with an litter became less of a problem. The event is a little compli- reached a personal best. infectious personality. "They "It boggles your mind, what cated to explain. It's relaxed, Barnum believes Simply My are two very loving, very ener- he's done," said Bill. He speaks free form. Individuals (and Best will draw a large crowd getic people." fondly of a man who died, who dogs) can participate in the all- when it takes place May 10; After the success of Simply used to kick rocks off the trails day affair by walking any of she says it's generating a lot of My Best, Bill and Carol came so runners wouldn't trip. Or the butte's trails and keeping buzz. She believes this event is to a realization. eHow can we another woman who served track of how far they go and a great fit for the users of the host and do all of this at the as acheerleader, off ering en- how fast they do so. Each mile park, compared with a race.

plished at the butte. Bill and

Carol work as go-betweens with Oregon State Parks to try to get those wishes met. Last

Future Bill and Carol plan to return to Smith Rock State Park at

year, this led to the bathroom lock at the top of the butte getting replaced. Perhaps the biggest success in Bill's mind was a reflec-

some point and will likely host again. Later this year, they plan to travel to Alaska to go

tion of the spirit of the people

ollovesgrizzly bears and has

involved. Bill and Carol had signed on to haul away all of

s potted dozens during t h e

the trash after the event, but

stints to the area. "It was like

tent camping for two months in Denali National Park. Car-

couple's previous two-month

they found that many people grizzly heaven," said Carol. took their trash home with them. In the end, after attract-

But before that, while plan-

viewpoint, not as a center for


ning for Simply My Best kicks ing more than 400 people, into high gear, the couple will the event had generated just move their RV out o f P i lot three small bags of trash. Ev- Butte State Scenic Viewpoint erybody they saw that day, at the end of March and to a too, was staying on trails and local RV park. Bill is excited keeping dogs on leashes. "Ev- about the hot tub and weight erybody was following all of room. They admit it will be the rules," said Bill. odd to no longer serve as The overall challenge for hosts. " Your identity is k in d o f the nonprofit will be to raise enough money and to devel- wrapped up in that Iob," sard op a plan to try to combat Bill. The good news is the couerosion and improve trails ple is excited to move forward: on the butte. From the state "We really like what we're park's point of view, Pilot moving on to." Butte is classified as a scenic — Reporter: 541-617-7860,

VoLUNTEER SEARGH Volunteer Search is compiled by the Department of HumanServices Volunteer Services. Theorganizations listed are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. Toseeafull list, and for additional information on the types of help needed, goonline to www. bendbulletin.com/volunteer. Changes, additions or deletions should besent to 1300 N.W.Wall St., Suite 103, Bend 97701,email Therese.M.Helton© state.or.us or call 541-693-8988.



SERVICES ADULT BASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT (COCC):Margie Gregory, mgregory© cocc.edu or 541-318-3788. AFS-USA: www.afsusa.org or Caitlin Krutsinger, 503-419-9514. ALYCE HATCHCENTER:Andy Kizans, 541-383-1980. BEND PARKltRECREATION DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. BIGBROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF CENTRALOREGON:541-3126047(Bend), 541-447-3851, ext. 333 (Prineville) or541-325-5603 iMadras). BOY SGOUTSOF AMERICA: Paul Abbott, paulabbott©scouting.org or 541-382-4647. BOYSltGIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL OREGON: www.bgcco.org, info© bgcco.org or541-617-2877. CAMP FIREUSA CENTRAL OREGON: campfire©bendcable.com or 541-382-4682. CASA(COURTAPPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES): www. casaofcentraloregon.org or 541-389-1618. CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: Beth, beth© acircleoffriendsoregon.com or 541-588-6445.

DESCHUTESCOUNTYSHERIFF'S OFFICE— CENTRALOREGON PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH: www.deschutes.org/copy, COPY@ deschutes.org or541-388-6651. FOSTERGRANDPARENTS PROGRAM:SteveGuzanskis, 541-678-5483. GIRL SCOUTS: 541-389-8146. GIRLS ONTHE RUN OF DESCHUTES COUNTY:www.deschutescountygotr. org or info@deschutescountygotr.org. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:541-383-3515. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:ww w.myhb. org or 541-383-6357. HIGH DESERTTEENSVOLUNTEER PROGRAM: www.highdesertmuseum. org or 541-382-4757. IEP PARTNERS:Carmelle Campbell at the OregonParent Training and Information Center,888-505-2673. J BAR JLEARNINGCENTER: Rick Buening, rbuening@lbarl.org or 541-389-1409. JUNIPERSWIM rtFITNESS CENTER: Kim, 541-706-6127. KIDS CENTER:Lisa Weare, Iweare@ kidscenter.org, 541-383-5958. LAPINE HIGH SCHOOL:Jeff Bockert, jeff.bockert@bend.k12.or.us or 541-355-8501. MEADOWLARK INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM: Teal Buehler, 541-617-9576. MOUNTAINSTARFAMILY RELIEF NURSERY:541-322-6820. NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, ext. 115. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY EXTENSIONSERVICE:541-548-6088, 541-447-6228 or541-475-3808. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY MASTERGARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM:http://extension. oregonstate.edu/deschutes or 541-548-6088. READ TOGETHER: 541-388-7746. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: 541-923-4807. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER:Zach Sartin, 541-923-4854. REDMOND YOUNGLIFE: 541-923-8530. SCHOOL-TO-CAREERPARTNERSHIP: Kent Child,541-355-4158. SMART (STARTMAKING A READER TODAY):www.getsmartoregon.org or 541-355-5600. TRILLIUM FAMILYSERVICES: 503-205-0194. VIMA LUPWA HOMES: www. lupwahomes.org or 541-420-9634. YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0470.

ANIMALS AND ENVIRONMENT BEND SPAYii tNEUTER PROJECT: 541-6 I7-10 IO. BRIGHTSIDEANIMAL CENTER: volunteer@brightsideanimals.org or 541-923-0882. GAT RESCUE,ADOPTION ltFOSTER TEAM (CRAFT):www.craftcats.org, 541-389-8420 or541-598-5488. CHIMPS, INC.:www.chimps-inc.org or 541-410-4122.

DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 54I-330-00l7. DESCHUTESNATIONALFOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean,541-383-5576. EAST CASCADES AUDUBON SOCIETY:www.ecaudubon.org or 541-241-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTALCENTER: www.envirocenter.org or 54I-385-6908. EQUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www.equineoutreach. com or joan©equineoutreach.com or 54I-4 l9-37 l7. HEALINGREINSTHERAPEUTIC RIDING CENTER:Darcy Justice, 54 I-382-9410. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, jennifer©hsco.org or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOF THE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 54 I-389-91 I5. PRINEVILLEBLM:www.blm.gov/or/ districts/prineville/recreation/host.php or541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING: LexaMcAllister, Imcallister©cocc.edu or 541-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER8t OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442. VOLUNTEERGAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS: TomMottl, 54I-4l6-6859.


88.9KPOV, BEND'S COMMUNITY RADIOSTATION:info@kpov.org or 541-322-0863. ART COMMITTEEOF THEREDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:Linda Barker, 541-312-1064. ARTS CENTRAL STATION: 541-617-1317. CASCADES THEATRICAL COMPANY: 541-389-0803. CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION: Julie, 541-383-7779. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: 541-389-1813, 10a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. DESCHUTESPUBLICLIBRARY SYSTEM:541-312-1032. FRIENDSOF THE BEND LIBRARIES: www.fobl.org or Meredith Shadrachat 541-61 7-7047. HIGHDESERT CHAMBER MUSIC: www.highdesertchambermusic. com or Isabelle Senger at info@ highdesertchambermusic.com or 541-306-3988. HIGH DESERTMUSEUM: 541-382-4754. LA PINEPUBLICLIBRARY: Cindylu, 541-317-1097. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Brad, volunteer©latca.org or 541-382-4366. THE NATUREOFWORDS: www.thenatureofwords.org or HEALTH 54 l-647-2233. REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE AMERICANCANCER SOCIETY: LIBRARY:541-312-1060. CharlieJohnson,541-434-3114. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL AMERICANREDCROSS: EXCHANGE (R.LC.E.): Barb, 541-749-4111. bonitodia©msn.com or THE BLOOMPROJECT:www. 541-447-0732. thebloomproject.org or Heidi Berkman TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: at h.berkman@thebloomproject.org 541-317-0700. or 541-241-8845. DESCHUTESCOUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Tuesday Johnson, Tuesday Johnson©co.deschutes. or.us or 541-322-7425. HOSPICEOF REDMONDSISTERS:www.redmondhospice. org or Volunteer Coordinator at 541-548-7483. MOUNTAINVIEWHOSPITAL:JoDee Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext.5097. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE:541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, tschultz©mvhd.org or 541475-3882,ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregon@ gmaikcom. NEWBERRYHOSPICE: 541-536-7399. PARTNERS INCARE:www. partnersbend.org or SarahPeterson at 541-382-5882. RELAYFORLIFE: Stefan Myers, 541-504-4920. ST. CHARLESIN BENDAND ST. CHARLES INREDMOND: 541-706-6354. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: Kristi, 541-585-9008.

HUMAM SERVICES ABILITREE:volunteer©abilitree.org or541-388-8103,ext. 217. AMNESTYINTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. ASSISTANCE LEAGUEOFBEND: 541-389-2075. BEND COMMUNITYCENTER: volunteer©bendscommunitycenter. org or 541-312-2069. BETHLEHEM INN: www. bethleheminn.org or 541-322-8768. BRIDGINGGAPS:bendbridginggaps© gmail.com or 541-314-4277. CENTERFOR COMPASSIONATE LIVING (PREVIOUSLY PEACE CENTER OFCENTRAL OREGON): www.compassionatecenter.org or Beth Hansen, 541-923-6677. CENTRALOREGONVETERANS OUTREACH: covo.org@gmail.com or 541-383-2793. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES: Therese Helton, Therese.M.Helton@ state,or.us or 541-693-8988. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES CROOK COUNTY:Valerie Dean, 541-

Where Buyers And Sellers Meet Gassrfreds

447-3851, ext. 427. DISABLEDAMERICANVETERANS (DAV):Don Lang, 541-647-1002. FAMILYKITCHEN:Cindy Tidball, cindyt©bendcable.com or 541-610-6511. FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 541-389-5468. HUMANDIGNITYCOALITION: 541-385-3320. HUNGERPREVENTION COALITION: Marie, info© hungerpreventioncoalition.org or 541-385-9227. LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 541-536-1 312. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisq@ neighborimpact.org or 541-548-2380, ext.106. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: www.abridgetopeace.org or JohnC. Schwechten at 541-383-2646. PFLAGCENTRAL OREGON: www.pflagcentraloregon.org or 541-317-2334. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE:Teresa, 541-318-4950. SAVINGGRACE:541-382-9227 or 541-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF BEND:www.sibend.org, president@ sibend.org or 541-728-0820. ST. VINCENTDEPAULSOCIAL SERVICES: 541-389-6643. VOLUNTEER CONNECT:www. volunteerconnectnow.org or 541-385-8977. WINNINGOVER ANGER 8t VIOLENCE: www.winningover.org or 541-382-1943. WOMEN'SRESOURCE CENTER OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0750.



GOVERNMENT, CITY AND COMMUNITY THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resources©ojd.state. or.us or 888-530-8999. CITY OFBEND:Cheryl Howard, choward©ci.bend.or.us or 541-388-5505. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher, 541-317-3186 or 541-388-6525. DESCHUTESRIVER WOODS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.drwna.org or Barbara at info@ drwna.org or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSON COUNTYVOLUNTEER SERVICES: Therese Helton, 541-4756131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIREPROTECTION DISTRICT:Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARDDISTRICT NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION: www.orcharddistrictneighborhood. com. SCORE:BruceMichalski, www. scorecentraloregon.org or 541-316-0662. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE: 541-593-8149. VISIT BEND: www.visitbend.com or 541-382-8048.

MISCELLAMY CENTRALOREGON LOCAVORE: www.centraloregonlocavore.com or Niki at info@centraloregonlocavore. com or 541-633-0674. HIGHDESERT SPECIAL OLYMPICS: 541-749-65 l7. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS: www.oregonadaptivesports.org, info@oregonadaptivesports.org or 541-306-4774. SACREDARTOF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-4179.



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' ow

e our o er'meesisen


"We'vespent nine years writing about it, and I

"How IMet Your Mother" 8 p.m. Monday,CBS

still don't feel like we've come close to distilling it down. Marriage is a series of lots of little stories ... kind of like a sitcom. You have to

By Kate O'Hare Zap2it

keep it interesting, you have to keep it fun, and

Boy meets girl; boy marries girl; boy and girl have a boy and girl; boy tells his boy and girl how he met his girl. In a nutshell, that's the prem-

there'll be twists and turns in the plot." — Carter Bays, co-creator, "How I MetYour Mother" show together, got married

ise of the CBS comedy "How I Met Your Mother," which ends

person," he says. "At the same

time, it's wonderful. It's great. point did they become boring. There is no right time; there Says Bays, "Marshall and is no checklist you have to Lily have been almost like hit. You have to be open to it, immortals, almost like Greek and you have to find someone gods, representing marital who's open to it, and who you love. They've always been get along with. "When you superhuman in that way, and do that, it's great. It's the best they continue to be. thing I've ever done." "They have trouble — and As to whether the Mother there's a l i ttle bumpiness resembles his wife, Bays says, ahead for them — but there's "I'm nervous about comparing just some wonderful stuff the two. I definitely think the coming up. They're two peo- way Ted loves his wife comes ple who follow their gut, and directly from how I love my and had a baby — but at no

after nine seasons with a onehour series finale Monday. If all goes as fans hope, by the time the last credits roll, New York architect Ted Mosby


(Josh Radnor) will at long last Cristin Milioti stars as the "Mother" in "How I Met Your Mother," lock eyes — and who knows, which endsits nine-season run Monday. maybe even lips — with "The Girl With the Yellow Umbrella" (Cristin Milioti), his future wife time in paradise with his wife behind the show's creators, and the "Mother" of the title. and two children was intend- who loosely based "HIMYM" Also,retiredplayboy Barney ed to help him from the stress on their own experience as Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) and exhaustion of getting buddies sharing an apartment will have exchanged vows with "HIMYM" (as fans call it) over in New York. Both Thomas and news anchor Robin Scher- the finish line. Bays are husbands and fathers, batsky (Cobie Smulders), Ted's Of all the turns of the final but it was not always thus. ex-girl friend, and spouses and season (which has played out "At the beginning of the senew parents Marshall and as one very long weekend be- ries," says Bays, "I related to Lily (Jason Segel, Alyson Han- fore Barney and Robin's wed- Ted, because I was single, and nigan), Ted's longtime pals, ding) and the finale, the end I hadn't met my wife yet. Now, will continue to be the adorable has always been in sight. I feel much more like Marshall "I feel like the less we say and Lily, although there is a couple they've always been. Carter Bays, who co-creat- about the finale, the better," lot of Ted and the Mother in ed and executive-produces the says Bays. "This is the ending my wife and I. There are a few show with his own longtime we conceived when we con- details that are taken directly pal and writing partner, Craig ceived the show 10 years ago. from life." Thomas — they met when It's what we've been steadfastWhile Ted and B arney Thomas became the drummer ly writing towards ever since." stand in for many singles who for Bays' band at Wesleyan If Barney and Ted finally are either looking for true love University — is just back from both make it down the aisle, or merely just a good time, a week in Hawaii. Spending they'regoing to be a few years Marshall and Lily started the

that's what their love story

wife, for sure. I don't think I'd

has been about. It's about their be able to write that stuff if I hadn't gone through it myself." feelings for each other." While Ted always had one As for the nature of love and eye on the altar, Barney let his marriage, Bays says, "We've eyes roam. "What else is there spent nine years writing about to do with a character like that it, and I still don't feel like than watch him grow up?" we've come close to distilling Bays says. "The last few epi- it down. Marriage is a series of sodes will give a real acceler- lots of little stories. "I guess a marriage is kind ated view into just how much Barney grows up." of like a sitcom. You have to Having found his bride, keep it interesting, you have Bays can heartily recommend to keep it fun, and there'll be the married state to any bach- twists and turns in the plot. elors watching the show. You have to stick with it, just "You have to meet the right keep the central cast together."

Datin co i eswit teen'smoras

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-0and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. t

Dear Abby:I'm 13, and my classmates are just beginning to "date." Sometimes what this means is, "Hey, doyou want to go to my house, get drunk and have sex?" There's already a pregnant girl in our school. She's 12.

I'm trying not to get involved in any of this, but I'm constant-



Dear Too Young:There's an old saying, "Birds of a feather flock together," and it's usually true. If the price of being popular at your school is being pregnant at 12, then accept that you are better off NOT running with the popular crowd, even if Jon is "nice." Not all of the students in your class

Dear Abby:I'm in an awkward position. I started working for my uncle's plumbing business four months ago. I'm a laborer, not an

apprentice or mechanic, so I don't know a lot about the trade. I'm not qualified to do a lot of the basic

tasks like welding or pipe fitting, but I work hard. I come in early and stay late. I'm respectful and try

to have a positive attitude. The problem is most of the guys let alone not having you to avoid the ones here regard me as the arrogant, had my first kiss. I who are and social- spoiled nephew (which I'm not). have learned to deal with it, but my ize with the ones whose values are They think I'm incapable and only problem is there's this one guy who like yours. If you do, you will never got the job through my family ties. has been flirting with me. have to worry about someone getHow do I prove myself to them'? "Jon" is sweet and nice, but he's tingyou "buzzed" and taking ad- I want to earn their respect. If I ask part of the popular crowd. I'm afraid vantage of you. my uncle to talk to them, they won't if he asks me out, he'll end up trying Before you go anywhere with trust me and it will make me look to get me drunk. He's different from anyone, your parents should have bad. Help me, please. holding a guy's hand,


the people he hangs out with, but I still don't know if I can trust him. I want to stay a virgin until I get married. I won't drink until I'm 21,

are into sex and drinking. It's up to

met the p erson. There should

and I never intend to use drugs. But supervising. how do I say no if Jon asks me out Equally important: If you ever

Dear Underestimated: I know it's difficult, but if you want to earn their respect, keep doing exactly what youaredoing. Come in early, stay late and learn all you can

and tries to have sex with me or

find yourself in a situation in which

about the business. In time, your

gets mebuzzed? I can't hide my entire junior high to high school life and not accept a date. Can you help? — Too Youngfor Trouble,

you are not comfortable, call your parents immediately so they can pick you up. Got it? You don't have to be a prude, but you do have to set

efforts will be recognized. What you are experiencing is something

boundaries, and your parents can

— Write to Dear Abbyat dearabbycom or P.o. Box 69440, LosAngeles, CA90069

Columbia, Mo.

be a clear understanding about where you'll be, what time you'll

— Underestimated in Virginia

be home and which adult will be

and should help you to do that.

HAPPY BIRTHDAYFORSATURDAY, MARCH 29, 2014:This year you often clash with close associates and partners. Understand that they are more likely to be the agitators in these scenarios. Still, you will need to deal with their discontent on some level. If you are single, you will know when you meet Mr. or Ms. Right, as the connection will be instantaneous. The Stars showthe kind most likely period of dayyou'Ilhave for this encounter ** * * * D ynamic will be after spring ++++ positlve 2014. If you are attached, the two of you often find * Difficult yourselves in heated discussions. Make sure to respect each other's views. Summer could be memorable and passionate for you as a couple. Do not test the limits of another ARIES.

ARIES (March21-April 19) ** * Read between the lines if someone

is hemmingand hawing.Somepeople just get shy; others become nervous. You will want to see more of what is happening, and you finally might be able to stabilize the situation. Tonight: Choose to do something rewarding.

that happens to anyone who enters

By Jacqueline Bigar

special. You will have a much easier time with this person if you do. Note the need to slow down. Tonight: Let your wild side

emerge. CANCER (June21-July 22)

** * * You might want to make time to have some relaxing moments today. Choose a type of entertainment that allows your mind to drift, and let go of any tension. A new romance could be difficult at the moment. Just stay clearheaded. Tonight: Happiest at home.

LEO (July23-Aug.22) ** * * Defer to someone else in order to come to a better understanding of what needs to happen. Follow through on an offer that really might be too good to refuse. Determine what needs to happen with a person at a distance. Is it time for a trip? Tonight: Be forthright aboutyour desires.

VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22)

** * * Someone will want to bridge an emotional gap between the two of you. You have your limits, and you might feel like stating your boundaries. Work on TAURUS (April 20-May20) ** * * * T his is the perfect day to meet adding in a touch of diplomacy. Make it OK to respect different views. Tonight: up with friends and make the most of agood old-fashioned date? what is happening. Letting off steam and How about dissolving some stress will become fun. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Make the most out of the moment. A key ** * * Decide to get your errands done person could become very uptightat the before leaping into a fun happening with last moment. Tonight: Nap, then decide. friends and a loved one. You might find GEMINI (May 21-June 20) thatyouneed to use a good part of the ** * * Friendships determine your day for a project. Make plans with others for later in the evening. Tonight: Where decisi ons.You know what is needed to make an important person in your life feel you are, the action is.





McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • AMERICANHUSTLE(Rj 9 • FROZEN(PG) 11:30 a.m., 2:30 • JACKRYAN:SHADOW RECRUIT(PG-13)6 • After 7 p.m., shows are 21and older only. Younger than 21 may attend screenings before 7p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guadian.

** * * You could be in touch with many people, butyou will be happiest today with one person whom you really care about. Together you will conjure up some fun plans. Understand thatyou don't need anything or anyone, just each other to have a good time. Tonight: Play the night away.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21) ** * * You might want to put a difficult situation behind you, but a knee-jerk reaction could prevent it. Work on responding to situations and not reacting. Once you achieve that self-control, you will create more of what you desire. Tonight: Make it a party with friends.

GAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan. 19) ** * * * Examine a personal matter in order to root out an issue. Consider changing your plans, if need be,though you might want to be wary of disappointing a friend. Look at the situation from a different per-

spective, butmakethe necessary choices. Tonight: The action is at your place.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18) ** * * * U nderstand that you might need to handle a personal matter. Recognize what is happening with your finances, as you could feel as though they are dwindling. Explore opportunities openly, and get others' feedback. Tonight: Have dinner with friends.

PISCES (Feb.19-March20) ** * * You will want to be where your friends are; however, news might cause you to rethink your plans. You could discover the power of excellent communication as you discuss your options with a loved one. Tonight: This is the first day of the rest of your life. © King Features Syndicate

1p.m. on29, "Celebrity Wife Swap" —In this 2012 episode of the stars-swap-spouses spinoff, wrestler Mick Foley's wife, Colette, moves in with the family of actor Antonio Sabato Jr., whose fiancee, Cheryl, goes to stay with the Foley family. The culture shock we've come to know from the noncelebrity edition is apparent here; Sabatoand his partner are neat freaks who live by a daily checklist, while the Foleys are ... not. 7 p.m.on WE, "Joan 8tMelissa: Joan KnowsBest?" — A

new seasonopenswith Joan appearing on Kris Jenner's talk show and deciding that she wants a family empire like the Kardashians' — and that to make

it happen,sheneedsher own

sextape. Nowall she hasto do is find a co-star. Melissa has a man in her life — someone newbut the relationship isn't going smoothly in "The SexTape." 8 p.m.onNICK,"Nickelodeon's 27th AnnualKids'Choice Awards" —Mark Wahlberg hosts the slime-errific yearly special in which young viewers pick their favorites in the field of movies, TV, music andsports, among other categories, including the new additions favorite app, favorite villain, favorite funny star, favorite animated animal sidekick and most enthusiastic athlete. Top nominees this year include singer Katy Perry, the boy band One Direction and the movie"The Hunger Games:Catching Fire." 8 p.m. on HBO, Movie:"The Heat" —Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy merge their

comedic stylesasseemingly mismatched law enforcers in this 2013 action comedy that reteams McCarthy with her "Bridesmaids" director, Paul Feig. Theaction isn't shortchanged asBullock plays an uptight FBI agent teamedwith an earthy Boston cop (McCarthy) to find a violent drug kingpin. Co-stars include Demian Bichir, Marlon WayansandJane Curtin. 9 p.m.on OPBPL, "Austm City Limits" —Bonnie Raitt takes the stage in this episode from 2012 to perform songs from her19th album, "Slipstream." 9 p.m. on STARZ, "DaVinci's Demons" —As Pope Sixtus

(JamesFaulkner) bringspowers together, Leonardo (Tom Riley) calls on his brainpower in an effort to save Florence. Nico (Eros Vlahosl fights backagainst Riario's (Blake Ritson) temptations in the new episode "The Blood of Brothers." Lara Pulver also stars. © Zap2it

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Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • 12 YEARS A SLAVE(R) 6:15, 9:20 • 300: RISEOFAN EMPIRE(R)3:55,9:55 • 300: RISE OF ANEMPIRE 3-0 (R) 12:50, 7:15 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) 12:20, 1:20, 3:35, 4:30, 6:50, 7:40, IO • GOD'SNOT DEAD (PG)11:50a.m.,2:50,6:05,9:05 • THEGRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL (Rj11:45 a.m .,2:45,6,9 • THE LEGO MOVIE(PG) 12:40, 3:20, 6:25, 9:10 • THEMONUMENTS MEN (PG-13j1:40,4:40,7:30 • MR. PEABODY tt SHERMAN(PG) 12:35, 3:05, 6:40, 9:15 • MUPPETSMOSTWANTED(PG) 12:05, I:10, 3, 4: IO, 7:05, 9:45 • NEED FOR SPEED(PG-13j 1:45, 4:45, 7:50 • NOAH(PG-13j Noon,1, 3:15, 4:15, 6:30, 8, 9:35 • NOAH IMAX(PG-13) 12:15, 3:30, 6:45, 9:50 • NON-STOP(PG-13) 1:30, 4:25, 7:25, 10:05 • SABOTAGE (R) 12:30, 3:45, 7, IO • Accessibility devices areavailable for some movies.


Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • AFTERNOON OFA FAUN:TANAQUIL LECLERCQ (no MPAA rating) 4 • THEBROKEN CIRCLE BREAKDOWN (no MPAA rating) 8:15 • THE ROCKET (no MPAArating) 2, 6 I






Redmond Cinemas,1535S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • 300: RISE OF ANEMPIRE (R) 11:30 a.m., 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30 • DIVERGENT (PG-13j 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9:I5 • MUPPETSMOSTWANTED(PG)11:15 a.m.,1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 • NOAH (PG-13j12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) 3:45, 7 • HER(Rj 7:30 • THEMONUMENTS MEN (PG-13)2:30,5 • MUPPETSMOST WANTED (PG)1:45,4:15,6:45 • NOAH (PG-13j 1:45,4:30, 7:15


WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066

Adjustable Beds

Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W.U.S.Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) 12:40, 3:40, 6:40, 9:35 • GOD'SNOT DEAD (PGj1:50,4:20,6:50,9:20 • MUPPETSMOST WANTED (PG)Noon,2:20,4:40,7, 9:25 • NOAH (PG-13j12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 • SABOTAGE (R) 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:40 •


G allery - B e n d 541-3$0-50$4 Pure. &rrc/6 Co.

Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • DIVERGENT (Upstairs — PG-13) 1:10, 4:10, 7:15 • NOAH(PG-13)1,4, 7 • Theupstairsscreening room has limitedaccessibility.

• Find a week's worth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's 0 GO! Magazine


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get in the way of fun. Priced from the low $500,000s. Open house Saturday and Sunday,

Reed Market, or contact your Gleneden Community Manager to learn more about this exciting opportunity to find or build your new home today!


12-4. Take Century Drive to Tetherow, turn

right on Meeks Trail. Call Judy at 541-3901411 or Natalie at 541-508-9581.


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West Side Community •


tetherow.com/live •

• -

e •

As the sun rises over Bend today, the

sweet ping of golf balls being hit will replace the low hum of construction sounds as golf season begins at Tetherow. The start of their 2014 golf season is just one of many much-anticipated events the Tetherow Golf Club has experienced recently, with many more on the immediate horizon. Cradled between Deschutes National Forest and downtown Bend, Tetherow is a 700-

Available c o mpleted h o me s s t ar t at raculously survived the Awbrey Hall fire in $900,000. Th e T r i p leknot T o w nhomes, the early 1990s. Move just a few streets to which are situated along the 10th and 11th the north and west, and these homes and

stargazing. Tetherow Lodges, the new 50-room over-

greens of the golf course, boast one- and two-level floor plans and European-inspireddesign accentsand startat$529,750. Driving around the various neighborhoods, the design diversity is nearly as

house, opens Thursday, April 17. Rooms include double queens, deluxe kings and suites ranging from $179 to $449, depending on room type and season. With a separate storage area for skis, paddleboards, golf clubs and other gear, along with pet-friendly roomsand easy access to the Deschutes

homesites offer Cascade and golf course views for miles.

The club'scross-generational membership has an active mindset and consists of a nearly equal representation across the striking as the mountain views. While all ages. For golf members, the club offers tourhomes conform to the community's archi- naments, mens and ladies days, inter-club tectural design standards, they embrace a play and clinics, along with unlimited golf. range of modern designs with simple, clean Other activities include a summertime,

acre golf and recreational community. With a growing membership, golf and dining, full Cascade views, a variety of real estate lines to homes that reflect the area's rich options and activities for all ages, this com- timber resources with thick beams and a munity on Bend's west side is experiencing solid, organic feel. its most robust growth since it opened. Homes on the eastern edge of Tetherow, In the past 18 months, Tetherow has written more than 73 real estate contracts and

which borders the Broken Top community, are nestled amongst the large pines that mi-

100-foot slip-n-slide on the range, wine and beer events, fitness classes and holiday celebrations. For the young at heart, wee links

par-3 nights offer family time with golf and dinner, and campouts on the range include fire pits, movies, glow golf and unbeatable

gained nearly 100 new members. In the fall of 2013, the new 450-person event area was completed and the new restaurant, The Tetherow Lodges,the new overnight accommodations, are slated to open Thurs-

day, April 17 and will provide a 50-room, boutique style experience. The real estaterebound is perhaps the

most telltale sign of Tetherow's resurgence.

National Forest, Tetherow Lodges embrace

the best of Central Oregon. Tetherow realizes that without the support of Central Oregon residents, it could not have successfully weathered the recent economy. In return, they donate to a variety of local and regional fundraisers, and their Golf Marathon raises funds for local children'scharities and provides scholarships to the Junior Golf Performance Academy.

Building on the current momentum and looking to the future with optimism, Tetherow is positioned to become one of the most sought-after communities on Bend's west side. It is a must-visit destination for those from the Pacific Northwest.

In the past 12 months, Tetherow has closed 60 real estate transactions, while 22 more

are currently pending. Homesites at Tetherow start at $209,000,

night accommodations that flank the club-

Tetherow actively sponsors a variety of local events and hosts fundraising events for the KIDS Center "Cork 8r Barrel" and Hayden Homes First Story annual fundraiser. Tetherow is proud to help charitable organizations that continually work to improve the lives of those in the community.

Row, opened in late December.

and the average homesite size is .5 acres.

II • •



Beautiful upscale and comfortable living in Broken Top. This three bedroom master suite home each with their own bathroom, two with stand alone shower and garden tub will be just what you were looking for. The fully appiianced kitchen with vaulted ceilings opens up to the living area with a gas fireplace and sliding glass door leading to the private back patio with a BBQ grill for your entertainment. The property has gas forced air heat and A/C for the hot summer days!

• •

' •






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New Listings

Commercial/lnvestment Properties for Sale

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Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Sunriver i $288,900 Awbrey Butte Fine Log accent home and Single level on almost Wonderful Awbrey • horse property on 40 1/2 acre. Won't last Butte Home, i i Fenced storage yard, • 1389 sq.ft. In the beautiful city of living and big Cascade views! Ad ¹1292 acres. Ad ¹1252 long! Ad ¹2102 $619,900 building and o ff ice• 3 bedroom, 2 bath La Pine in Central Oracre on cul-de-sac egon, this 9 unit mo- TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn • 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2963 trailer for rent. In con- •• .22 High Desert Realty High Desert Realty High Desert Realty sq.ft. venient Redmond lo- MLS 201401798 tel is a great investGary Rose, 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 • Concrete & butcher cation, 205 SE Railment with chance to Broker, MBA www.BendOregon www.BendOregon block counters e • • • • road Blvd. Reduced to grow & exp a n d. www. BendOregon 541-588-0887 RealEstate.com RealEstate.com RealEstate.com • Large upstairs with $700/mo. Avail. now. Beautiful mt n & bonus room 541-923-7343. meadow views. 2 of RENTALS Centrally Located. Remarkable Deschutes • Flat lot & wrap-around TURN THE PAGE the units are bachelor 603 - Rental Alternatives $224,900 River & Canyon 0 deck u nits rented o n a • 1796 Sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 For More Ads Views! AD¹1222 604 - Storage Rentals • Offers the best of NW weekly or m o nthly bath, forced air, AC, TEAM Birtola Garmyn The Bulletin 605 - Roommate Wanted Bend living! MORRIS rate. Owner is in pro- Built 1999, updated High Desert Realty Grant Ludwick, Broker 616- Want To Rent REAL ESTATE cess of putting in new mfg. 541-312-9449 541-388-0404 or Home / Shop and guest 627- VacationRentals & Exchanges carpet & li n oleum.• Attached double gaOffice space a v ail. IM p W dy~ ~ a ~ 4 www.BendOregon studio on fenced .5 541-633-0255 630- Rooms for Rent Right on the busiest rage 300-500- sq. ft., priRealEstate.com acre. ¹1452 Windermere Central hwy in Oregon. Lots • Fenced 8 landscaped 631 - Condominiums & Townhomes for Rent vate bath and conferFind exactly what Birtola Garmyn Oregon Real Estate ence room, all util. you are looking for in the of parking 8 next to all • Gated com. pool, court Like New River Canyon TEAM 632 - Apt./Multiplex General High Desert Realty conveniences. A must Estate, $394,500 paid. $300-$450 mo. & spa 634- Apt./Multiplex NE Bend Too many upgrades to 541-312-9449 CLASSIFIEDS see for the serious in- Mike Everidge, Broker • Large open, sunny + dep. C all Jim at list! in this 1946 sq. ft. 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend www.BendOregon 541-480-4744 vestor. $ 1 ,250,000. 541-390-0098 or great room 3 b d rm, 2 y 2 b a t h RealEstate.com 638- Apt./Multiplex SE Bend 732 • 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath 8 MLS 2712469. Cas541-388-0404 home. Landscaped, 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend cade Realty, Dennis laundry room Commercial/lnvestment Windermere Central Complete Tumalo f enced, in a qu i et • Large patio with firepit Haniford, Princ. Bro642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond Oregon Real Estate Package, $700,000 cul-de-sac. $239,900. Properties for Sale ker 541-536-1731 • BBQ, water feature 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished • 3645 sq.ft. custom MLS 2013 1 0535. [Pp op ~Q Complete 2008 remod• Amenities: pool, gym 648- Houses for Rent General home on small acrePam Lester, Principal PRIME COMMERCIAL Investor O p portunity! eled canal home on 8 tennis age Broker, Century 21 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend PROPERTY. Charm Six rented homes plus 1/3 acre. AD¹1132 • Stunning mtn views & Gold Country Realty, ing updated Madras 2 lots in La Pine, OR. TEAM Birtola Garmyn PSbrokers©yahoo.com 652 - Houses for Rent NW Bend 541-410-8084 or easy care property Inc. 541-504-1338 building, located on $179,000. High Lakes 654- Houses for Rent SE Bend High Desert Realty 541-848-7590 • Commercial green Hwy. 97, Cat 5 wire Realty & Pr o perty 541-312-9449 656 - Houses for Rent SW Bend Windermere Central SW Bend single level house & pond system, h a r dwood Management www.BendOregon Oregon Real Estate • Detached office build658- Houses for Rent Redmond ranch on almost as floors 8 o ff s t r eet 541-536-0117 726 RealEstate.com 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver acre. Ad ¹1192 ing & hobby building parking. $ 1 39,900. Needs some TLC! 3/2, Timeshares for Sale Birtola Garmyn 660 - Houses for Rent La Pine River view Condo. Mt. ¹ 201305319 Pam 738 1136 sq. ft . s ingle Rinehart, Dempsey & TEAM High Desert Realty Phelps, Broker Lester, Principal Bro Multiplexes for Sale Bachelor Village. 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville story home on almost 541-312-9449 $5000-$35,900 Enjoy ker Century 21 Gold 20% Equity share. 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 1/3 acre lot (.30), vi www.rinehartdeplsey.com Eagle Crest all year Country Realty, Inc. www.BendOregon Windermere Central Ad ¹1552. nyl windows, dbl. ga 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 2 Bdrm, 2 bath as a fractional owner. 541-504-1338 RealEstate.com TEAM Birtola Garmyn rage, plenty of room Oregon Real Estate 664- Houses for Rent Furnished Duplex unit on Benefits of being an High Desert Realty for RVs. $99,900. Wonderful single level Nearly 1/2 acre, 3 bdrm, large lot. Ad ¹1392 C ommercial bldg f o r 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent Eagle Crest Owner at 54'I -312-9449 MLS 201310719. Pam on large fenced lot! 2 bath, view of Black a "fraction" of the cost. small business, 432 TEAM Birtola Garmyn 675 - RV Parking www.BendOregon Lester, Principal Bro High Desert Realty sq. ft., with golf course AD¹1232 Butte. AD¹1082 Home-ID FRAC 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space RealEstate.com ker, Century 21 Gold 541-312-9449 TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn Eagle Crest Properties view, paved d r ive, 682 - Farms, Ranches and Acreage Country Realty, Inc. www. BendOregon spacious parking, y2 Pre-sold home on High Desert Realty High Desert Realty 866-722-3370 541-504-1338 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease RealEstate.com 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 acre lot. $ 1 29,950 Aubrey Butte with 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent ¹ 201300318 Call great views. www.BendOregon www.BendOregon Call The Bulletin At is the only duplex RealEstate.com RealEstate.com Nancy Popp, Princi This Ad ¹1322 • N e w Listings REAL ESTATE 541-385-5809 Broker, in Gilchrist townsite TEAM Birtola Garmyn pal 705 - Real Estate Services and has been very Almost 1800 sq.ft., 4 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 541-815-8000. High Desert Realty Bend Golf 8 Country 713- Real Estate Wanted bdrm home in south USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Crooked River Realty well maintained. 4 541-312-9449 At: www.bendbulletin.com Club I $475,000 bdrms, 1 bath each Bend. 719 - Real Estate Trades www.BendOregon • 3048 sq.ft., remodeled Door-to-door selling with side, plus living room, New construction 3 Ad ¹1472 BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS 726 - Timeshares for Sale RealEstate.com • 3 bedroom, 3 bath fast results! It's the easiest kitchen, laundry area bdrm, 2 bath, 1705 TEAM Birtola Garmyn • .32acre, golf course Search the area's most 730 - New Listings and bonus room up Stunning Panoramic way in the world to sell. sq. ft, 23 acre lot, tile High Desert Realty comprehensive listing of views 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale stairs. Single car ga Views, $333,000 floors, tile backsplash, 541-312-9449 • MLS 201401501 classified advertising... rage, fenced back • Immaculate, 2350+ The Bulletin Classified 738 - Multiplexes for Sale landscaped, fenced. www.BendOregon Don Kelleher, Broker real estate to automotive, yard, covered patio sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2.5 $179,900. MLS¹ RealEstate.com 740 -Condominiums 8 Townhomes for Sale 541-385-5809 merchandise to sporting and & separate bed 201209125 Pam 744 - Open Houses goods. Bulletin Classifieds $179,999 lan d scaping. bath Commercial property floorplan Lester, Principal Bro appear every day in the Cascade Realty, Den • 0.23 acre corner lot, NW style es745 - Homes for Sale with tons of exposure Incredible ker Century 21 Gold tate on almost 90 print or on line. 746- Northwest Bend Homes Hwy 97. AD¹1202 nis Haniford, Princ. landscaped Country Realty, Inc. acres. AD¹1362 Call 541-385-5809 TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Broker 541-536-1731 • Composite decking 541-504-1338 747- Southwest Bend Homes Birtola Garmyn www.bendbulletin.com High Desert Realty • 3 car garage 8 shop 748 - Northeast Bend Homes High Desert Realty Duplex on large lot and area Newer one level 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 749 - Southeast Bend Homes The Bulletin adjacent duplex for craftsman, $214,900 REAL ESTATE www.BendOregon Gail Rogers, Broker ServingCentral Oregonsince 19IB www.BendOregon sale too. ¹1382 • Vaulted great room 750 - Redmond Homes RealEstate.com d~ A 541-604-1649 or RealEstate.com Commercial LandTEAM Birtola Garmyn design 541-388-0404 753 - Sisters Homes Big Deschutes Riveri Beautiful log home with High Desert Realty La Pine Windermere Central • 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1450 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes NEW CON S TRUC $298,000 Cascade views, • Dillon/Box Way 1.29 541-312-9449 sq.ft. Oregon Real Estate TION! Split m aster 756- Jefferson County Homes • 1700 sq.ft. www. BendOregon • Tiled floors through$329,900 acres, $84,000. MLS • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 2500 sq.ft., large open floor plan, 3 bedroom, 757 - Crook County Homes River's Edge Golf ¹201107218 RealEstate.com out home 2 bath, 1640 sq.ft., tile • .5 acre, shared dock • Bluewood Pl . 61 Course backing 14th • Oversized garage living spaces/flex 762 - Homes with Acreage floors/backsplash. RV • MLS 201401375 T-Box. Ad ¹9952 space, 1.87 acre, low acres next to Bi-Mart, 2 Unit duplex in NW (24X26) 763- Recreational Homes and Property parking. $ 1 79,900. Bend. Ad ¹1332 TEAM Birtola Garmyn • Close to river 8 forest maintenance, $185,000. MLS 764 - Farms and Ranches MLS¹ 201 3 0 1880 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty secluded ¹201301353 lands Lester, Principal 771 - Lots High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 • Highway 97/RoslandDave Disney, Broker • Deck, shop, 2 car car- Pam Broker Century 21 541-312-9449 773 - Acreages www.BendOregon port . 85 acres next t o 410-8557 Gold Country Realty, www. BendOregon RealEstate.com • Master suite with Gordy's, Windermere Central $325,000 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes Inc. 541-504-1338 RealEstate.com sauna & balcony MLS ¹2900977 Oregon Real Estate 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land Wonderful Bend home Gail Rogers, Broker MORRIS • Spring River Rd Fu3 Bdrm, 2 bath, Almost and awesome moun- Corner lot 1380 sq. ft., 3 740 541-604-1649 or 648 REAL ESTATE ture develop potential, 1600 sq.ft. Nestled in tain views. Ad¹2002 bdrm, 2 bath, vaulted 541-388-0404 17 acres, $500,000 Condo/Townhomes TEAM Houses for the Pines, AD¹1672 Birtola Garmyn ceilings, gas heat, and Windermere Central MLS 201310960 for Sale TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty Rent General double car g arage. La Pinei $112,000 Oregon Real Estate Clyde Browning, High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 • 1404 sq.ft. manufac$156,900. MLS Principal Broker, Redmond Townhome541-312-9449 www.BendOregon Bend's exclusive mtn PUBLISHER'S tured 201309158 541-480-4520 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1887 www.BendOregon RealEstate.com high community. NOTICE • 3 bedroom, 2 bath Pam Lester, Principal Eagle Commercial sq ft, jetted tub, BraRealEstate.com Ad ¹1622 All real estate adver- • 1.02 acre, fenced B roker Century 2 1 Real Estate Check out the zillian Cherry floors, tising in this newspa- • MLS 201401452 Gold Country Realty, TEAM Birtola Garmyn 10 Acres, Gorgeous d ouble gara g e . classifieds online High Desert Realty Inc. 541-504-1338 per is subject to the Rachel Lemas, Broker C ommercial Lots I n MLS201400831 Mtn Views www.bendbufletirLcom Crooked River Ranch: 541-312-9449 F air H o using A c t One level ranch home Great opportunity to $134,900. Pam Lester, www.BendOregon • 30x60 insulated shop which makes it illegal Updated daily 604 w/4 bays, workshop & Brok e r, on 9 acres, $339,000 start a business or P rincipal RealEstate.com to a d vertise "any Storage Rentals office Gol d Residential or • 3-4 bdrm & 2 full baths relocate an existing C entury 2 1 preference, limitation Commercial. • 1959 sq.ft. & covered Very motivated seller. • Single level home business. Near res- Country Realty, Inc. disc r imination For rent, 8'x20' container or 541-504-1338 Possibilities, $269,900. front porch Beautiful home in SW built in 2000, 1728 sq. t aurants, hotel a nd in secure facility. Dry, based on race, color, ft. Redmond with very AD¹1162 • Craftsman, rustic golf course. Owner clean, only $90/mo. Call religion, sex, handi745 • 10 acres, 6 irrigated, TEAM Birtola Garmyn design interior motivated seller. This terms avail. Business cap, familial status, REAL ESTATE 9th Street RV Storage fully fenced, pastures 4 bedroom, 2 bath Homes for Sale High Desert Realty • 36X28 3-bay shop Circle, Lot 82:- 1.05 marital status or naCenter, 541-420-6851. l~ ~ d Op mB angiecox.johnlscott.co 541-312-9449 building home is ready for its acres, $25,000. Lot 50 tional origin, or an inm/37392 new owners. Small Energy efficient SE www.BendOregon • Lots of room to park -1.30acres & Lot 51tention to make any NE Bend i $275,000 630 Angie Cox, Broker RealEstate.com equipment shop with hot tub and 1.23 acres, still availBend Home on 3 such pre f erence,• 1592 sq.ft. 541-213-9950 Rooms for Rent Acres. Ad ¹1142 Dave Disney, Broker gazebo in backyard. able at $35,000 each limitation or discrimi- • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath 755 Acres of Wild John L. Scott 410-8557 MLS 201308103 or purchase both for TEAM Birtola Garmyn nation." Familial sta- • .26 acre on cul-de-sac Loveliness. $650,000 Real Estate, Bend Large mstr bdrm, pri- tus includes children • MLS 201401513 John L. Scott Real High Desert Realty • Off-grid living solar set Windermere Central $60,000. Juniper Revate b ath, w a lk-in under the age of 18 541-312-9449 Oregon Real Estate Estate 541-548-1712 www.johnlscottbend.com alty 541-504-5393 closet, use of house 8 living with parents or www. BendOregon • Up 1600 SF home, 3 bed, Commercial Pa r cel, appliances, f e nced legal RealEstate.com cus t odians, 2 bath, built in 2004 Wickiup Junction backyard for p e ts. pregnant women, and • 60X40 metal shop & Great com m ercial Immaculate and well $500. 541-815-1171 people securing cuscorrals parcel ready to excared for 2000 sq.ft. tody of children under • Ride for miles, 25 min. pand. Has rental inranch rambler. 632 18. This newspaper to Bend come and Hwy 97 Ad ¹1072 Apt./Nlultiplex General will not knowingly acREAL ESTATE frontage. Great future TEAM Birtola Garmyn Kathy Neal, Broker cept any advertising 541-923-4663 or location fo r a n tici- High Desert Realty CHECK YOUR AD for real estate which is 541-420-4978 pated La Pine expan541-312-9449 in violation of the law. NW Bend i $318,000 Windermere Central sion. Many a c tive www. BendOregon O ur r e aders a r e • 1100 sq.ft. businesses on frontOregon Real Estate RealEstate.com hereby informed that • 3 bedroom, 2 bath age road, tire center, all dwellings adver- • .15 acre, fenced .54 Acre overlooking restaurant, sp o r ts Tumalo Home on 5 AC, tised in this newspa- • MLS 201401445 Farewell Bend Park. Incredible Mtn Views! pub, bowling alley, are available on Mark Valceschini PC, Ad ¹1012 on the first day it runs per motel, pizza parlor, AD¹1042 an equal opportunity TEAM Birtola Garmyn to make sure it is cor- basis. To complain of mini mart/gas station. TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty rect."Spellcheck" and d iscrimination Property includes 4 High Desert Realty ca l l 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 human errors do octax lots. Easy access t o l l-free at www.BendOregon cur. If this happens to HUD f rom Hwy 9 7 vi a www. BendOregon The RealEstate.com RealEstate.com your ad, please con- 1-800-877-0246. Wendy Rd & Pam Ln. toll f ree t e lephone tact us ASAP so that $265,000. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath home on number for the hearUpdated! Owner w i ll corrections and any MLS201310830 acres in the high ing im p aired is REAL ESTATE carry - 3 b d rm, 2 4.89 adjustments can be Clyde Browning, desert. Ad ¹1282 1-800-927-9275. Easy, flexible, and affordable ad packages bath, 1440 sq.ft., on TEAM made to your ad. Principal Broker, Birtola Garmyn .34 acre. Large deck 54'I -480-4520 541-385-5809 High Desert Realty Ridge At Eagle Crest i and oversized garage/ are also available on our Web site. The Bulletin Classified Eagle Commercial 541-312-9449 654 $179,900 shop. $11 9 ,900. www.BendOregon Real Estate • 1255 sq.ft. townhome Houses for Rent MLS¹ 201 3 08373 634 • 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath RealEstate.com Great location with es- Pam Lester, Principal SE Bend • Cascade Mountain Apt./Multiplex NE Bend tablished tenants in B roker Century 2 1 Incredible setting, To place your Bulletin ad with a photo, views the heart of d own- Gold Country Realty, ewer 4 b d r m S E , • MLS 201401764 immaculate home, 2 bdrm1 bath $675 Nmaster town La Pine. Newer Inc. 541-504-1338 visit www.bendbulletin.com, click on main l evel, $449,000 2bdrm2bath 725 built strip mall with 3 2100 SF, large yard, • Gorgeous mountain "Place an ad"and follow these easy steps: A/C 8 w/d in every apt. very n ice. $ 1 595. tenants plus 960 sq ft The perfect 3 bdrm, 2 views! h eated pools, r e c 541-480-9200 house built in 1930 bath starter home with • 4.85 AC between center, covered parkgg Choose a category, choose a classification, which has been conviews. Ad ¹1172 Bend 8 Redmond ing, covered parkng. verted to commercial TEAM Birtola Garmyn • Open floor plan 8 ~ and then select your ad package. Stonebriar Apts. 659 High Desert Realty u se an d i s al s o vaulted ceilings 541-330-5020 rented. 16 p a rking 541-312-9449 Houses for Rent • 2.6 AC irrigation, pond I W rite your ad and upload your digital photo. www.norris-stevens.co REAL ESTATE spaces with easy acwww. BendOregon 8 fenced Sunriver m/stonebriar cess to Hwy 97. LoRealEstate.com Rinehart, Dempsey 8 cated on busy HunII Create yOur aCCount With any majOr Credit Phelps, Broker Just bought a new boat? VILLAGE PROPERTIES SE Bend Loti tington Rd, close to All the room you need. www.rinehartdeplsey.com card. Sell your old one in the Sunriver, Three Rivers, $284,900 $109,000 Ace Hard w are, Windermere Central La Pine. Great classifieds! Ask about our • Flat .16 acre • 2598 Sq.ft., 3 bdrm 8 Bi-Mart, South Valley Oregon Real Estate All ads appear in both print and online Super Seller rates! Selection. Prices range • RV parking allowed Bank. Tenant opera- 2.5 bath 541-385-5809 $425 - $2000/mo. • $4500 Credit for wations include Sandy's • Full of upgrades & 80' RV pa r king! Please allow 24 hours for photo processing before your View our full ter SDC Hair Design Salon, amenities $179,900. 1616 sq. fgt. ad appears in print and online. Call for Speciafs! inventory online at • MLS 201401390 DMV office, r e tail• Great room, family 3 bdrm, 2 bath home Limited numbers avail. Village-Properfies.com Brent Landels, Broker room & den with dbl. garage, gas space & real estate 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. 1 -868-931 -1 081 541-550-0978 office, all busy ten- • Hot tub & on a corner fireplace, pantry, split W/D hookups, patios bedroom f l o orplan To place your photo ad, visit us online ants. $499,000. MLS lot or decks. • MLS¹201400897 201208716. with great room con People Look for Information a www. en u e in.com NOUNTAIN GLEN, Barbara Myers, Broker cept. ¹ 20 1 309527 Clyde Browning, 541-383-9313 About Products and 541-923-4663 or or call with questions Principal Broker, Pam Lester, Principal Professionally Services EveryDaythrough 541-385-5809 MORRIS 541-480-7'I 83 54'I -480-4520 Broker, Century 21 managed by Norris & The Bvlletin Classiffeds Windermere Central REAL ESTATE Eagle Commercial Gold Country Realty, Stevens, Inc. Oregon Real Estate Inc. 541-504-1338 d~ A Real Estate •




Advertise with a full-color photo in The Bulletin Classifieds and online.






.I, •





Tastefully upgradedand professionally decoratedwith granite, stone floom, stainless, decorator finishesandthoughtful design elements. Move-in ready. Stunning architectural details, vaulted ceilings.4thbedroomsuite hasit's ownentrance. Large lot with adorable front porch andbackpatio for entertaining. Masterseparation. Roomfor oÃiceandexercisearea. Oversized garagewith lots oflight. $6j5,000

Imagine having a place for everyone and everything. This home has it alI. Gorgeous finishes, office, bedroom andfull bath on the main level. Gourmet kitchen w/butlers pantry. 3 beds upstairs w/bonus, laundry and a gigantic master closet. Meticulously maintained. Move right in. Loads of upgrades including /y'C, central vac, security. Large3-garage, nice flat backyardfor entertaining andplay areas.Comerlot. $(t49,000

Karen Malanga, aronef

Karen Malanga, aroker






Homes for Sale



Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale •

Home s for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

137233 Mohawk Drive. 70' RV parking! New 3 Broken Topl Deschutes River View! Former model home for Great home & shop on 3 bdrm, 1 bath 1600 bdrm, 2 bath 1590 sq. • 4 bedrooms, 2 baths Crescent Creek a huge 0.41 acre lot in $1,100,000 • 2392 sq. ft. on 1.5 AC, Over 2300 sq ft, 3 sq. ft., assumable 4% ft. home coming soon! • 4460 sq.ft. Redmond. Sgl story, 3 loan. Beautiful great Pick your colors! Gas • 3 bedroom, 4.5 bath 3 tax lots bedrooms, 2.5 baths, bdrm, 2 bath, 1792 sq room, extended bar, fireplace, upgraded • 17th fairway & pond • Large kitchen & open o pen f l oo r pl a n , ft home on a v e ry French doors to out appliances and cabi views beam vaults vaulted ceilings, light roomy lot. Updated • MLS 201400886 side patio, attached nets, t i l e flo o rs, www.Jackson-Anderand bright w indow beautiful h a rdwood lan d Darrin Kelleher, Broker son.com g arage. Over 2 . 6 f enced a n d p ackage, cus t om flooring, kitchen cabiacres backs to BLM scaped, and more! The Kelleher Group Candice Anderson, paint finishes through- netry with glass acland. Master with bath $194,900. too new for 541-788-0029 Broker 541-788-8878 out. Master bedroom cents, granite counand walk-in closet. MLS¹201400132 John L. Scott a nd d en/office o n tertops with tile back Count on our group of local real estate Renai water heater, Pam Lester, Principal Real Estate, Bend main level. Covered splash and large isplumbed for propane Broker, Century 21 www.johnlscottbend.com back porch/ patio and land. Living room Plus professionals to help you navigate. or elect. in kitchen Gold Country Realty, newly l a n dscaped Family Rooml Forced Need help fixing stuff? and laundry room, Inc. 541-504-1338 yard — too many up- air heat with central MORRIS heat pump and fa fur 7.55 Acres With Views Call A Service Professional grades and features A/C. Huge 1380 Sq Ft REAL ESTATE nace. Storage shed find the help you need. to list. New price of shop with 12' roll up l $997,000 and covered storage, • 5628 sq.ft. custom only www.bendbulletin.com $239,000. door and storage loft concrete drive walk home MLS201209207 will work for your RV! Cabin on Deschutes! 2 way and e ntrance.• 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath Clyde Browning, Fenced b a c kyard, bed cabin overlook- Deschutes River View New lawn in 2013. • View & River Frontage ing Deschutes river l $650,000 Principal Broker, storage shed and lots • 2776 sq.ft. 541-480-4520 of paved parking area. $239,000. MLS w /separate gue s t 201308728 2 01401156 Ker r y • MLS Eagle Commercial ¹201401030 John L. quarters 8 dbl garage. • 3 bedroom, 3 bath Diane Lozito, Broker • Slab granite, wood 541-815-6363 Real Estate Scott Rea l E s tate MLS 2013 0 8238. 541-548-3598 floors 541-548-1712 Cascade Realty, $239,900.Nancy 541-306-9646 Popp, Principal Bro- • MLS 201401269 The Bulletin JJ Jones, Broker Need to get an ker 541-815-8000 To Subscribe call FIND ITl 541-788-3678 Crooked River Realty BIIQ ITI ad in ASAP? 541-385-5800 or go to www.bendbulletin.com SELL IT! You can place it Classic Redmond MORRIS The Bulletin Classifieds Home - New Listing online at: REAL ESTATE Going Green at The • 4 bed,2 bath on.46 www.bendbulletin.com Greens! Bea u tifulGreat location. Great I&q W e ~ ~ ~ d acre nicely treed lot MORRIS contemporary single bones in this 3 bdrm, • Park-like setting with 80 Acres l $875,000 REAL ESTATE 541-385-5809 level custom Red- 2 b a t h Re d mond 1939 sq.ft, 2 bedroom, RV space mond home w/new h ome. 1920 sq. f t . • Updated windows are 2 bath 17280 SE Renegade solar power. Quiet w/large utility room light & bright • 0 • • Duplex - $309,900 4 stall barn, loafing cul-de-sac, easy ac- w hich could b e a Loop, $230,000. • $189,000 won't last • NE Bend single level sheds 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1 acre, Borders federal land to long! cess to Hwy 97. Light • 3 bedroom, 2 bath computer room, too. 1280 sq.ft. home w/2 & Bright kitchen with Step-down v a u lted Kathy Denning, Broker • 2 bedroom, 2 bath south stall barn. Minutes granite countertops, 541-480-4429 • Fenced yards & 2-car living room w/woodMLS 201401359 from Prineville. eating bar, stainless stove. Attached large John L. Scott tandem garages Christy Hartman, MLS ¹201306623 appliances & til e shop & 2-car garage. Real Estate, Bend www.johnlscott.com/44 Principal Broker Winderemere Swifterra flooring. Family room Oil monitor for heatwww.johnlscottbend.com 02 541-312-7263 150 NW 4th St., w/gas fireplace 8 Kellie Cook, Broker ing w/above ground 503-866-8255 Prineville, OR. Look at: built-ins PLUS a Liv- oil t a nk. $ 2 99,900 541-408-0463 541-447-7502 ing Room. Spacious Bendhomes.com John L. Scott ¹201306715. master bed r o omJohn L. Scott Real Real Estate, Bend for Complete Listings of 1.9 Acres - Views l w/vaulted cei l ing, Estate 541-548-1712 www.johnlscottbend.com Area Real Estate for Sale $415,000 large closet, walk in $43g QQQ $739 QQQ • 1500 sq.ft. updated MORRIS Delight! 1.44 shower & access to Handsomely appointed Copper Canyon - 3 bd, Equestrian home REAL ESTATE a cres fenced a n d the rear deck. Extra 2.5 ba in 2350y sf. Vista Meadows. 3 • 3 bedroom, 2 bath IA p Mmly~ M O~ d cross-fenced, 2-stall deep 2 car garage. in Nice, newer home in 2 baths, 2013 • Shop, fenced, Swalley 1582 NW Erin Ct. b arn, 1352 sq. f t . Screened RV parking. bdrms, A LIFE IN PARADISE! SW Bend. The Old s q. ft. , h i g h e n d Irriqation home with western ¹201400490. John L. • Two-story great room 2 Bdrm, 1 bath, 800y Mill, river, parks, rec- accents. $ 1 8 4,900 Scott Rea l E s tate stainless appliances • MLS 201400856 • Vertical grain floors Sq.ft., rustic cottage reation and shopping ¹ 201401334 and light fixtures. New Deborah Benson PC, Call 541-548-1712 on a 2.99y acre par• Hand textured walls are a short distance Nancy Popp, Princi fencing. $2 7 9,900 Broker, GRI, cel. Come view this away. Great room liv- pal Broker, 541-815- Golfers Retreat! Hand- ¹ 201300620. Jim • Four paver patios Preview Specialist amazing piece of ing that i s l i ght & 8000. Crooked River somelyupdated home Hinton, 541-420-6229 541-480-6448 • Priced at$459,900 paradise on the outbright. Gas log fire- Realty Central Oregon Realty over looking the 5th DIRECTIONS: West on Shevlin Park Rd., skirts of Redmond. Group, LLC place with slate surfairway i n Ri v er's left on Silas Pl., right on BensCt., left Built on the curve of round. Kitchen has Edge. Open f l oor the Deschutes River, slate floor, h ickory on Erin Ct. Call a Pro plan, spacious mas- Home on 4.9 Acresthis perfect small cabinets, fully appli- Whether you need a MORRIS Extremely well mainter, large back deck, home has amazing anced and a pantry. fence fixed, hedges 2679 NW Shields Dr. REAL ESTATE convenient to shop- tained 3 bdrm 2 BAviews of the mounLarge open loft family bath s i ngle s t o ry ping. $415,000. tains and the river. • Home w/600 sf AD!j room (currently used trimmed or a house h ome o n 4 9 fla t Scott McLean, Detached garage has as a bedroom by ten• Deck, privacy upgrades 2241 NW Awbrey Rd., built, you'll find acres. 2208 sq. ft., Principal Broker a studio-type room Bend. Hand crafted ants). Larger fenced rock fireplace, dbl ga• Hickory flooring 541-408-6908 professional help in with an extra bath and rear yard for enterhome with attention to rage, gas fireplace, • Master on main level Realty Executives shower attached. taining, kids & pets. The Bulletin's "Call a detail on a l l f i nish central air & m o re. • Priced at$579,000 $425,000 Chain link fence dog Service Professional" work. This is a must 201 3 10722 Great Bend single level MLS¹ MLS¹201309622 e nclosure & sm a l l DIRECTIONS: West on Shevlin Park Rd preview pro p erty. $345,000. Pam Directory home nestled on a Bobbie Strome, s torage shed t o o . left on NWMt. Washington Dr., left on Solid fir doors, cusLester, Principal Broquiet cul-de-sac close Principal Broker 541-385-5809 tom clear vertical fir $249,000. NW Shields Dr. to the popular Lark- ker, Century 21 Gold MLS¹201401159 cabinets & ceiling fans John L Scott Real Country Realty, Inc. spur trail featuring 3 Estate 541-385-5500 Bobbie Strome, in all rooms. Great European Feel bdrms, 2 bath, 1423 541-504-1338 Principal Broker • Seldom found acreroom floor plan with Beautiful Custom Home sq. with nice tile, new John L Scott Real wood floors & a fireage with irrigation in Premiere Golf paint in and out, great Horse Property 3 bdrm, Estate 541-385-5500 • Convenient to all of place surrounded by Community office area, large in- 2 bath, 1823 sq. ft., cabinetry. 3 bedroom, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths Bend Custom with Cascade • Remodeled and added sulated garage and a dbl garage on 2 .3 A LL A R O U N D 2.5 bath, large mas- Gourmet kitchen acres, pellet stove, great large deck to views, Corian, Vac, to t er b e droom w i t h w/huge center island l iving a n d bo n u s enjoy. Lot is .26 acre bayed wind ows, • Total privacy with walk-in closet, Granite & cabinets dbl-attached garage, views of Cascades as and is easy to main- r oom, central a i r , built-ins 8 bath with all galore tain with the sprinkler 2-stall barn/tack room, 2 0x24 s h o p wi t h well the extras. M ature 0.63 acre w/lush landsystem. All this at the hay storage, fenced overhead door, hot • Unique to Bend with landscaping with scaping and cross fenced, RV "sell fast price" of t ub r o om , la r g e lots of possibilities paver paths. Close to Danielle Snow, Broker $29 9 , 900. $ 235,000. 42 4 S E cover. f enced area. M L S downtown Bend 8 has Sharon Abrams, CRS, 541-306-1015 Mustang Place, Bend. ¹ 201401392. P a m 1899 NW Monterey Mews 201305717. $299,000 Principal Broker, plenty of parking for John L. Scott Lester, Princ. Broker, Heather Hockett, Bro- Call Nancy Popp, 541-280-9309 • Charming cottages uests & toys. Real Estate, Bend Gol d ker, 54 1 - 420-9151 C entury 2 1 Principal Broker John L. Scott 459,000 • 2 & 3 bedroom plans www.johnlscottbend.com v Country Realty, Inc., C entury 2 1 Gol d 541-8'I 5-8000 MLS¹201308330 Real Estate, Bend • High end finishes 541-504-1338 Country Realty. Crooked River Realty Beautiful Lodge www.johnlscottbend.com Bobbie Strome, • Central location Style Estate Principal Broker • Homes pricedfrom$299,000 5 acres with Cascade John L Scott Real Mtn views Estate 541-385-5500 DIRECTIONS: West on NWNewport 5398 sq. ft., 6 BR, 4 Ave./NW Shevlin Park Rd., right on NW 22555 McardleBA Pence Ln., left on NW Monterey Pines $574,000 3200 sq. ft. shop Dr. Property on right. • 20 acres of mountain w/large office views 24'x36' barn - 4 acres • 3 bed, 2.5 bath + Bo- irrigation HIDDEN 610NI Ruby Peak Ln. nus room Granite, travertine, t H!LLSf • Vaulted great room • 2560 sq. ft. marble finishes • 15 acres irrigation + Shelley Arnold, Broker • Attractive finishes Barn 541-771-9329 • Vaulted master BR www.johnlscott.com/76 John L. Scott • Island kitchen 924 Real Estate, Bend • Priced at$8&,900 Kathy Caba, Principal www.johnlscottbend.com Broker 541-771-1761 DIRECTIONS: South on Brosterhous Beautiful & John L. Scott Rd., left on Marble Mountain Ln., left on Spacious. Real Estate, Bend Ruby PeakLn. www.johnlscottbend.com eautiful property with comfortable spaces S1662 Daly Estates Dr. for varied family inter2305 NW Grimes Rd. • Bright southern exposure $875,000. Great farm ests. Exquisite teakwood flooring in foyer, located in the agri• Open floor plan cultural valley, north living area and gour• Laminate wood floors met kitchen. Kitchen of Prineville. 5 Bdrm, • Large kitchen 3.5 baths, 438/4 sq.ft. has granite counter• Priced at$289,900 property includes 75 tops, large i sland, acres. Must see! MLS p lanning desk a n d DIRECTIONS: From Hwy. 20 East, south numerous oak cabi201309754. on 27th St., right on Capella Pl., right on Winderemere Swifterra n ets. Master b e dDaly Estates Dr. room on main level 150 NW 4th St., l Prineville, OR. with luxurious bath541-447-7502 room an d p r i vate deck. Large e 1472 NW Portland Ave. 26695 Horsell Road f amily/media r o o m • Ready for 5.8 kW solaarray r Recently remodeled and game/rec room. 3bd, 2 bath, 2070ysf $542,500 • Bright southern exposure MLS¹ farm house on 67.9y 201303078. • Fully remodeled, updated a cres w i t h 39 . 7 y Bobbie Strome, • View of city & Paulinas acres of i r r igation. Principal Broker • Priced at$463,000 1344ysf building for John L Scott Real Office/Recreation/Stu- Estate 541-385-5500 DIRECTIONS: West on !VWNewport dio, 4502y sf building Ave., right on NW11th St., left on NW with 12' door & man BEND PARK Park-like Portland Ave. door for shop/RV/Toy setting. Main dwelling guest /Boat storage 8 in- plus 62938 Fresca St. door gardening. New house/rental on a to750y deep well being tal of 0 .55y acres. • Fenced entry courtyard Main dwelling floors drilled to provide a • Premium finishes are engineered hardyear-round source of r'" • Open greatroom wood in living, dining, domestic water. New • Master on main level gas log fireplace will & bedrooms. MitsubI • Priced at$429,900 be installed. $625,000. ishi electric heating & c ooling syst e m. MLS¹201401400 DIRECTIONS:North on O.B. Riley Rd., left Kitchen has fantastic Bobbie Strome, on BronzeSt., left on FrescaSt. cabinets with Corian Principal Broker countertops. Adjacent John L Scott Real guest house and main Estate 541-385-5500 62712 Lerkview Rd. h ome together f o r • Upstairs bonus room 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath 3005 $510,000 • Heat pump with AC s q. ft. home t o be MLS¹201309647 mja ta built on 2~/~ acres. Bobbie Strome, • Hardwood floors Daylight b a sement, Principal Broker • Deck with hot tub office, f a mily/bonus John L Scott Real R • Priced at$295,000 Purchas eprice$350,000,20% down,Loanamount$280,000,30yearfixed. R RR rooms, up g raded Estate 541-385-5500 nn I I!!unt I .: Oinaotlona: From Hwy.20east, north c abinets new n e w Bend's Premiere H S. & more on ME27th St., right on NEYellow Ribbon Awbrey Glen $349,000.Pam Lester, • 4 bedrooms+ sepaDr., left on NEHawkview Rd., right on NE Princ. Broker, CenLarkview Rd. Jumbo purchaseprice /value Ss00,000 — 20% down /equity,S640,000 loan amount. rate office tury 21 Gold Country Offer valid as of date of ad, restrictions may apply. Rates/fees subject to change. On Approved Credit. • Recently remodeled Realty, Inc., 541-50420140 Red Sky Ln. beautiful kitchen 1338 ¹201401392. • Corner location across • Gated golf community 5 A cres w / Mountain from tennis courts • 2.5 landscapedacres • I • • I• •I• I • Danielle Snow, Broker Views - 3 b drm, 2 cmc • Two master suites 541-306-1015 bath, 1620 sq ft, irri•Bonusroom,den/of fi ce John L. Scott gated, 36x40 shop, • Cascade, golf course views fenced, ex t e nsive Real Estate, Bend • 3-car attachedgarage sprinkler sys t em. www.johnlscottbend.com M LS¹ 2809 2 2 5. Brasada Ranchl • Golf court garage $265,000. Pam n • Priced at$819,000 $429,000 ou rv. never at'one avhen auene doiny jloru" Eun ... Lester, Principal Bro- • 1711 sq.ft. furnished ker, Century 21 Gold cabin Country Realty, Inc. • 3 bedroom suites 541-504-1338 • Granite counters, hardwood floors $62,000 will buy this • MLS 201310654 one level M a dras MORTGAGE CORPORATION home. 3 b d rms, 2 Kirk Sandburg, Broker 541-556-1804 baths, 1096 sq. ft., 3rd i i bdrm ha s o u t side fteettor af the Yeer I casey NM!.s1ae44e Jennifer NMLS 2aa550 door, 9148 sq. ft. Iot, 2013 property CORP ORLIC.!I ML-2421 CORPIIMLSI3113 tax=$564.57.¹201400 MORRIS 826. Call Everett, at REAL ESTATE John L. Scott Real Estate 541-548-1712 IA ~ m lyo •






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o • •

' •





. 's



- pwi

~ Expansive northeasterly views of the Ochoco Mo untains and Pilot Butte

• .29 of acre lot in Rivers Edge ~ This homesite offers 120 feet in w i d t h

providing opportunity for many design options

• Near river trail, golf, shopping and schools

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086


• Only 7 minutes from downtown • Tetherow is a planned 700 acre community backing tonational forest and is the perfect home base for discovering the best of Central Oregon from biking and

hiking, rafting and kayaking or dining and shopping Contact Brian for more information or a private tour. www. Tetherow.com C all Brian add, rinapal roker, irector o o t a l es 541408-3912 l brianrrbendpropertysource.com

armen n ook, icensed regon rokerl carmsells@att.net

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerl 541-408-3912 brianebendpropertysource.com

• •

• Outstanding contemporary home with main level master! • 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms • Hardwood floors, built-ins, new exterior & interior paint • Large two-car garage and on a corner lot! • Lovely fenced backyard with pergola, pavers and privacy! MLS¹201402051


• •

New Master-Planned Townhome Development in Midtown! • 3 bedroom townhomes starting at $252,500 • 4 unitsnow underconstruction • Price includes custom level finishes with full landscaping, slab quartz countertops and energy efficient construction • Location supports the active Bend lifestyle with easy access to parks, trails, river and downtown www.8thStroetCottagos.com

• • 8 •


• Beautifully maintained NW Craftsman designed home • Situated on a private .70 acre homesite offering desirable sun exposure • Recently updated kitchen with slab granite and stainless steel appliances • Traditional in style this home offers wonderful entertaining areas • Triple car garage is a bonus • Close proximity to downtown Bend

• 3000 SF, 4 bed, 2.5 bath • Office/den on the main • Central A/C • 3-car garage • Fenced yard - view Pilot Butte • Closing cost incentive - possible MLS¹201401597 Call CJ Neumann, Broker 54 - 10-3710 or Lisa Lamberto, Broker 541-610-9697 www.CJLIsa.com

Call Shelly Swanson,Broker l 541-408-0086


o 8• 8

11 Unit Apartment Complex Near St. Charles • Great rental history • Terrific investment

• 90% occupied MLS¹201310762

Call Kelly Horton, Broker l 541-508-9163

Call Mary tratton, Bro er, RI 541-41 -6 4 maryselhmsrrgmail.com



• Don't miss this stunning end unit townhome in NW Crossing - hasonly beenused asa second home •Lotsofupgradeshave beenaddedtomakethisawarm inviting home for the demanding buyer, 2220SF • Master on mainlevel, 2 nice sized bdrms &full bath upstairs •Home hasamplestorageanda niceoversized 2-cargarage •NW Cross ing hasnice parks,easyaccessto schools& downtown MLS¹201311030 2499 NW Crossing



• • •

• 84 acres, 10 acresirrigation • Spectacular viewsfrom Mt. Bachelor to Mt. Jefferson • Clear-span barn,hay barn, shelters • Office/lab building, temperature controlled storage • Well, 2 septics, 600ampelectrical service • Build your dreamhome

Call Robin Yeakel, Bro er, RS l 541-408-0406

• Stunning Shevlin Ridge one level home, large 3-car garage • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3456 SF • Mountain inspired custom home • Upscale popular neighborhood • Gorgeous craftsm anship • Large kitchen, living space • Expanded deck 8t landscaping for rear privacy MLS¹201310941 Call Bri Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912

all Ron Davis, Pri ipal Brok l 541480-3096

Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker, GRI, CRSl 541-408-4309

Resort Properties Specialist

www.bendpropertysource.com• brianrrbendpropertysource.com



• Beautiful architecture, wood windows, extensive use of granite, tile, Brazilian hardwoods, alder cabinetry • Gourmet kitchen, great room offers rock fireplace • Master suite overlooks pond, water feature. • Large bonus/media room • Lovely perennial gardens and landscaping • 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 3008 SF. MLS¹201309160

• New construction on level 1+ Acre lot • Stunning Northwest style w/high end finishes • Open great roomhoor plan comfortable yet elegant • Master+ Den on main level, 3 additional bedrooms up • Oversized 3-car garage & 3 outdoor living areas • Gated community w/tennis courts, clubhouse & trails MLS¹201303701

o '


• 8 •8 8


x • •

• • •


• 3 bed, 3.5 bath, 3795 SF • Lodge style home in Broken Top backing 6th hole of golf course • Four masonry fireplaces, hand troweled plastering throughout and two great rooms • Gourmet kitchen w/knotty alder cabinetry, granite countertops & butler's pantry • Large exterior tiled patio w/powered sunshade and natural gas BBQ outlet • Interior & exterior water feature plus hot tub

• • • • • •

7991 SF 2.8 acres with 400' of private river frontage 800 SF guest cabin 4 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, indoor lap pool River 8t golf front property Adjacent 3.49 acre lot available at $799,000


Exceptional quality & award winning architecture designed after the "Legends of the Fall" lodge.RARE recreatlonal property adjoining NFS & only 4 miles from town! Captivating Cascade Mountain views with 2 stocked ponds and water features, amazing garden cottage, apple & pear orchard, stable, shop, hay barn & cattle/horse setup. Bring all your livestock, family, friends and toys. Plenty of room for all! Main lodge offers over 6600 SF of comfortable estate living and full guest quarters. Perfect for a B&B, weddings and events of all kinds! Additional approved CUP on 10 acres of property. Qualified buyers by appointment only.

Deb Tebbs, Broker/President l 541419-4553 debtebbs group@bendluxuryhomes.com l www.debtebbsgroup.com

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerl 541-408-3912

Call Jodl Satko, Broker l 541-550-0819 l satkosellsoregonOgmall.com


Residental, Resort & Farm, Ranch& Recreation Specialist - 25 Years Experience!

Beautiful in Yardley Estates ( $425,000

61455 Ward Rd., Bend ( $699,000

• New construction, justcompleted • Great roomliving • Extensivehardwoodfloors, fine finishes • Bonus room andden • Fully fenced with RVparking • 3 bedroom,2.5bath, 2612SF

usa SS






Call Jodi Kearney, Broker l 541-693-4019

Call The Norma DuBols and Julle Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-4042 l wwwTeamNormaAndJulie.com




• •

o I •


• 5 beds, 3 baths, 2971 SF • 5 acres, 3 acres irrigated • 3-Stall barn • FULL CASCADE VIEWS! • Charming country flair! • Close to town! MLS¹201402091

e •

61330 Tam McArthur Loop ) $735,000 • Beautiful single story • 3 car garage • On 4th fairway in Broken Top • 3 bedrom, 2.5 bath plus den • Vaulted ceilings • 2 fireplaces


• 4 bed, 3 bath, 3381 SF • 10 irrigated acres w/wheel line • Cascade views • Shop 1 -2car garage+ office & den • Shop 2 - 5 cargarage • 2 pollds


Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581

Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker l 541-480-2356





Close to Town Country Living ( $815,000

e •



Lot in Super Hot Tetherow ( $212,000

Quiet Street in SE Bend ( $230,000

Call Chris Sulak, Broker l 541-350-6164 chrissulak¹¹bendbroadband.com

Northwest Crossing ( $400,000

Peaceful Sunriver Location ( $439,900

• Updated ranch home with slab granite counters, stainless appliancesandwood flooring • Newer vinyl windows, roof and septic tank • This home sits on over an acrewith irrigation • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2050SF MLS¹201402020

• Single level • Modern, minimalist design

Call Chris Sperry, Principal Brokerl 541-749-8479

The Norma DuBoisand Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-4042l www. TeamNormaAndJulie.com

chris@chrissperry.com www.chrissperry.com

60405 Snap Shot Loop ~ $469,750

19664 Aspen Ridge Dr.( $499,900

541-948-5196 www.PointsWestBend.com

•StunningRenaissanceHome • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3-car • garage i,i • 3354 SF on a .24 acre lot • Finest of finishes " • Gourmet kitchen • Open & brightfloor plan • Large outdoor living - • Community pool¹i park Call Melanie Maitre, Broker ABR, SRES, ePRO 541480-4186 l melanie¹¹melaniemaitre.com

On theRim Whychus Creek "Sisters"( $645,000

NWX with Apartment ( $649,000

• OwnerprivilegesatSeventhMountain Resort • Next to WidgiCreek&theDeschutas

RiverTrail MLS¹201307670

Call Jordan Grandlund, Principal Broker 541-420-1559 or Stephanie Ruiz, Broker

•Customhome,3bed,2.5bath • Single level 2773SF • Open floor plan w/upgrades • Stunning views, 2.5 acres • Large backdeck • Oversized 2-cargarage MLS¹201310275

Call Rod Hatchall, Broker l 541-728-8812


• New interior paint • Corner lot • Nest Thermostat MLS¹201401185


Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-4084086

3 727sn,sI s

ll an y o moos, roer,


• Dramatic foyer & living area


• Exquisite master suite .

• 3346 SF • Beamed cathedral ceilings & loft • 4 bedrooms, 2 full, 2 half baths • Beautiful extensive decks • Top end hot tub • 26 Siskin Lane


Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222 www.gregsellscentraloregon.com

• Lower level entertainment area

• Private yard, nothing can be built below

Call Carol Osgood & Korren Bower, Brokers 541-541-5043839l www.carolosgood.com


Stunning North Rim Home ( $1,550,000 • 4 bed, 4.5 bath, 5294 SF •Chef's dream kitchenw/ Dacor & Thermador appliances • 1 acre with mountain views

, „

• Big media/bonus room • Heated floors • 3-car garage with workshop MLS¹201310071

The Winter Spring Edition of our Magazine available now on stands or online at KTVZ.com



myra. amteam¹¹cascadesir.com

• 4bed,3 bath,1903 SF • Updated appliances & windows • Clean & welmai l ntained; large fireplace • Upstairs loft with built-in bunk style beds


1349 NW 18th Street • 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1759 SF • Triple car garage • Newly remodeled kitchen • Open floor plan w/vaults • Fenced & fully landscaped


• Perfect vacation rental property

• Sold fully furnished MLS¹201400495 e Tebbs, ro er President debtebbsgroup@ bendluxuryhomes.comj www.debtebbsgroup.com

• •0 • 0 •


Stones Throw to River ( $525,000

3 full baths • Gourmetkitchenw/eating bar




• Master on main,4 beds,

Call Susie Halfer, Broker, GRIl 541-410-3114


Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222

Awbrey Park Home ( $659,000


Call yra Gerod, Broker l 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker l 541-788-6767



Call Stephanie Ruiz, Broker l 541-948-5196

Lot 15 Lucus Ct. • Magnificent lot close to river trails! • Nestled in ponderosas and natural outcroppings! • Perfect pad with boulder entrance! • View of city, golf and Smith Rock • Private westside sanctuary, yet close to it all! • Bring your builder to the BEST lot on the Butte! MLS¹201305703


Call Natalie Vandenborn, Brokerl 541-508-9581


Single level ranch style Large sunny lot (.29 acre) 3 beds, 2 baths, 1608 SF Overlooking Bend Golf 8t Country Club • Views of 3 ponds and several fairways • Convenient location MLS¹201401492

2782 SE Pilot Drive, Prineville •2500 SF barely lived inhomewith beautiful hardwoods andwoodwork throughout thehome • 3 beds,2bathsall onthe main floor with abonusroom abovedouble car garage • 2000 SF hangar andprivate airstrip in the neighborhood • Planeisalsoavailable


• 5.25 acres w/1.25 irrigated • HUGE Cascade Mountain views • Beautifully remodeled • Fully fenced with barn, pasture • RV garage with office MLS¹201310641


• • • •

Pilot's Dream Neighborhood! ) $510,000

2. 5 It I ,


se 0 •


• Attached 3-car garage MLS¹201401383

In Winston Ranch ( $869,000

• Cascade Mountainviews! • ChristianGladuDesignhomeand Timberline Construction collaborated to design thisspacious&efficient home inTetherowGolf Club • Homepositionedfor passivesolar ainsand2ndfloor viewsofCascades • urrently under constructionand slated tobecompletethissummer! Call formoredetails!

• 17613 (¹10) Sparks Lane, Sunriver • 4 bed/2.5 bath, 2385 SF • Decks on levelsandlots of paved parking area • Charming greatroomdesign • Lava rockfireplace, vaulted wood ceiling • Close to SHARC aquatic & the

• Mountain views


Brand New Construction In Tetherow

chrfs¹¹chrfssperry.com www.chrissperry.com

• Fenced backyard • Banquettein breakfastnook • Lightly lived in and beautifully maintained • 3 bed, 2 bath, 1412 SF

• Main house 3 beds, 3 baths +2880 SF • Apartment 1 bed, 1 bath +680 SF • Office or 4th bedroom • Bonus room

Call Ken Renner, Principal Brokerl 541-280-5352



61885 Walter Court ( $385,000

• MLS¹201105898

• Easylivinginapark-likesetting

backyard • Single-level townhome • Vaulted ceilings and lots of windows • Lots of storage • 2 bed, 2 bath, 1168 SF MLS¹201402119

Call Chris Sperry, Principal Brokerl 541-749-8479

• Great location between Sisters & Bend • Build your dream home while you live in loft area or your RV

• New construction,luxurytownhome • 4bedroom,3.5bathroom • 254II SF &2-carattached garage • Granite, hardwood&tile throughout

• Amazing riverfront property offers 2 bedroomsand 2 bathrooms • Detached two-car garage and guest bungalowwith full bath • The property offers its own privat e dock,yard and hottub • Only minutes to Sunriver Resort MLS¹201303837

The Norma DuBoisand Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-4042l www. TeamNormaAndJulie.com

• Permitted GP Building w/living quarter/loft • Bath, laundry area, septic, well & pumphouse • RV hookups inside & out, 100 amp breaker in shop


56458 Eclipse Dr, Bend ( $349,000

• Great location across from Tetherow • Walking trail in your



The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-4042 l www. TeamNormaAndJulie.com

17940 Parkway Lane ( $350,000

Call Joanne McKee, Brokerl 541-480-5159

Braeburn ( $265,000

• Watch the fireworks from the upstairs deck • Quiet loop with newer homes • Spacious rooms 8< storage • 2 master suites, one with deck access • Great room plan • 4 bed, 3.5 bath, 2080 SF

Lot 33 on Cozy Dryer Court • Flat, easy to build lot is tucked into the eastern edge of Tetharow, called The Glen, allowing for privacyand quiet but close enough to all the amenities Tatharow has to offer • Tatharow community is more than an award winning golf course, it offers open spaces, miles of trails and direct access to Deschutes National Forest just minutes from downtown Bend! MLS¹201310156


Call Nicolette Jones, Broker l 541-241-0432 Nicollete.jones@cascadesothebysrealty.com


's •

0 • 0• 0

0•0• 0




• Amazing finishes, not a drive by • Office/den or guest suite on main level • Bonus room or 5th bedroom • 10 ft. coffered ceilings in the great room MLS¹201402348

• 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3167 SF • Rooftop terrace Cascade View • Gourmet kitchen, built-ins • Walking access to town/trails • Upgrades throughout • 2-car garage, personal elevator

MLS¹201311003 see video at http://www.36swwallstreet.com/ Call or text Jane Flood, Brokerl 541-350-9993 janeflood00©gmail.com





Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerl 541-408-3912 www.bendpropertysource.comabrian@bendpropertysource.com


• •

a I •


a •



• Stunning Cascade ,r Mountain views • 5 acres bordering BLM • Beautiful home: 4220 SF, 4 bed, 3 bath • Brazilian cherry/travertine, radiant floors, gas fireplace, gourmet kitchen • 1596 SF shop/garage with bath & office • Landscaped,gated/fenced,m inutesfrom town MLS¹201310701

• Cascade Mtn viewswith unmatched seclusion • 280 acres w/95 acresirrigation • Custom main home4416SF 4 bed, 5.5 bath •Guesthome:1850SF,3bed,2bath • Barn with office, gated paveddriveway, LOPtags • Varied topography, 2 canyons,2 stocked ponds • Recreational lifestyle property minutes from Bend www.boxsranch-johnsonrdbend.com MLS ¹201 306094

Pam Mayo-Phillips, 541480-1513 or BrookHavens, 541404-0788, PrincipalBrokers l www.desertvalleygroup.com

Pam Mayo-Phillips, 541480-1513 or BrookHavens, 541404-0788, PrincipalBrokersl www.desertvalleygroup.com


• •


¹a •


E6 SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 2014 • THE BULLETIN Homes for Sale


• H o mes for Sale •

Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


• H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Just Listed!!! Updated Location Location, Lo- NE Bend j $265,000 NW Bend j $524,500 Recently r e modeled,SE Bend home fea- S unburst Park - I m - T he W i ndsor, N W West Hills. 4 Bdrm, 3.5 1701 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, c ation! 5 B d rm, 2 • 1710 sq.ft. craftsman • 2168 sq.ft. Pahlisch clean and well laid out tures great room lay- maculate single level Redmond - Main floor bath, in 4040y sq.ft., 2.5 bath home, open bath, 1 6 0 0 sq . f t.• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath built single level home on a out w/ vaulted ceil- 3bd, 2ba, 1630 sq ft den/4th bedroom, lots delightful w e s tside living with pellet stove, manufactured home • Hardwood floors • 3 bedroom, 3 bath very private 4.6 acre ings, hardwood floors, home on nearly 0.46 of natural light, eating home with panoramic • Hardwood floors, low maintenanceback with add-on's nestled • MLS 20140'I 161 lot. New paint in and a large kitchen w/ acre featuring pan- bar in kitchen, land- C ascade an d c i t y granite kitchen out, newer laminate, b reakfast ba r a n d oramic Cas c ade scaping, 3 bdrm, 2i/~ views on a spacious yard, dog run, extra on 6.5 acres. Living Jan Laughlin, Broker, • MLS 201401052 parking. $235,000. room, dining room, ABR, CRS, GRI, CSP carpet & flo o ring, nook, formal dining views. Rear yard is bath, 2235 s q ft. lot with high desert Scott McLean, kitchen and master 541-350-6049 Debbie Johnson, Broker Stainless appliances, room, dow n stairs fully fenced; includes $309,900. Call Jim natural landscaping. Principal Broker suite hav e n e w er 541-460-1293 centra heat, l a rge guest bedroom, main a paved RV parking Hinton, 541-420-6229 Two gas fireplaces, 541-408-6908 laminate flo o ring. concrete patio. Fully floor master suite w/ site with (2)-30-amp Central Oregon Re- one in living room and 4i Realty Executives Ideal for starter home, landscaped yard, at- Travertine s h o wer, plug-ins 8 a sewage alty Group, LLC one in master bedrental property, temtached double garage jetted tub, & private dump. Great room is room. Master bedKeystone Ter r ace. porary home, while Hard to find single story and detached shop deck, two large up- vaulted and light & room has c offered MORRIS Three fully occupied building a new home. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1491 with large attached s tairs guest b e d- bright with a woodceiling and slider to MORRIS REAL ESTATE 3182ysf tri-plexes lo- A great private county sq. ft. on almost 1/4 carport/RV area, stor- rooms, double vanity stove (also plumbed upper deck with hot REAL ESTATE cated just a few setting. Shared well, 2 age shed on top of guest bath, a bonus for gas if a g aslog acre in great location tub. Master bath has blocks from shopping storage buildings, 400 New Construction! Sgl. 5000 g al . p o t able room, private land- fireplace is desired). close to t r ails and deep soak tub, large & the facilities of Juni- AMP service to home story home, 1724 sq. $19 9 ,999 t iled s h ower a n d water concrete cis- scaped and fenced Kitchen 8 utility room parks. NW Redmond j per Park. Exterior of and 100 AMP service ft. 3/2 move-in ready! Pam double sinks. Great t ern. Al l o n fu l l y back yard w/ irriga- are also plumbed for ¹ 201401175. buildings have vinyl to pump house. This Landscaped $175,000 Lester, Princ. Broker, room is light and airy fenced lot with auto- tion, RV parking, & gas, if that is your with • 1725 sq.ft. siding and are neat is a m ust p review sprinklers & fenced. C entury 2 1 Gol d with expansive city matic gate. $215,000. play structure along preference for cook• 3 bedroom, 2 bath and attractive. property, if you do, ¹ 201309890 w/ a covered Trex ing or clothes drying. Country Realty, Inc., and Cascade views. $189,900. ¹201304779. $325,000 for each tri- you will see its poten- Pam Lester, Princ. • Close to Dry Canyon John L Scott Realty, deck 8 paver patio. Jenn-Air range, May- 541-504-1338 Kitchen is efficiently plex. & schools tial. $212,000. MLS Broker, Century 21 541-548-1712. tag r e frigerator & laid out with granite $565,000 ¹201400800 Tumalo Ranch j • MLS 201400737 MLS ¹201309427, ¹201400038 John L. Scott Real Amana d i shwasher tile counters, newer Gold Country Realty, 20'l309433, $549,000 Minda McKitrick, Bobbie Strome, Estate 541-548-1712 were installed in 2007. • 2 homes, appliances, p a ntry Inc., 541-504-1338 River Rim j $319,900 multiple outBroker, GRI 201309444 Principal Broker Large walk-in pantry buildings and hardwood floor• 1799 sq.ft. 541-260-6148 Bobbie Strome, John L Scott Real Secluded Serenity too! MLS¹ 201401439 • 33.12 ing. Triple garage with Newer large home on • 4 bedroom, 2 bath Acres, fenced, Principal Broker close to Bend Estate 541-385-5500 almost 1/4 acre, 3000 $317,300. Ultimate floor. Wired • Great room plan cross fenced John L Scott Real • 35 acre and 14 acre Bobbie Strome, for security system. sq. ft. 3 b d rm, 2i/~ 4i • MLS 201309843 • Cascade Mountain Estate 541-385-5500 Lodge Like Feel, irrigation Principal Broker Wired for stereo with bath, landscaped and Darryl Doser, Views John Day Area • 2 arenas and a round John L Scott Real s peakers on m a i n fenced with RV gates. La Pine j $85,000 Broker, CRS • MLS 201400239 • 5 acres outside of MORRIS pen Estate 541-385-5500 floor i n 4 zon e s. $299.900. • 2 bedroom, 1 bath 541-383%334 Dawn Ulrickson, Broker, John Day, OWC REAL ESTATE • 60x60 barn with stalls 5-zone heating sys¹ 201304622 Pam cabin CRS, GRI, CHMS • Energy efficient pasSunriver j $549,000 I M~ rl y~ ~ Op «0 and hay storage Lester, Principal Bro tem. Two levels of ce• Well & septic on site 541-610-9427 sive solar • House is close to 1700 • 2264 sq.ft. d ar d e cking p l u s ker Century 21 Gold 4i • 10 flat, treed acres • Beautiful vaulted wood Country Realty, Inc. • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath sq.ft. paver patio. Plumbed Advertise your car! • MLS 201310161 ceilings • .30 acre Jean Nelsen, Broker in humidification sys541-504-1338 Add A Picture! Kelly Neuman, MORRIS • Large shop, RV • MLS 201400042 541-420-3927 Reach thousands of readers! tem. $610, 0 00 Principal Broker REAL ESTATE hookup JackJohns, New Listing! $199,900 Call 541-385-5809 John L. Scott MLS¹ 201301639 541-480-2102 • Turkey, elk, deer & IA p Mmly~ M O~ d Broker, GRI • 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths- The Bulletin ClassiTieds Real Estate, Bend MORRIS Bobbie Strome, bald eagles out back www.johnlscottbend.com 541-460-9300 high ceilings Principal Broker REAL ESTATE Theresa Ramsay, Bro- • Fenced, sprinklers, Panoramic Cascade John L Scott Real I~ ~ ~ Op m 1 River Rim j $424,900 ker 541-815-4442 Single Level, Shop, F/B yards Estate 541-385-5500 Views j $699,000 sq.ft, single level John L. Scott .97 Acre • Large kitchen, break- • 5004 sq.ft, 4 bedroom •• 31800 Vacation 24/7 bedroom, 2 bath MORRIS Real Estate, Bend • 3+ Bedroom, 2 bath, • Beautiful primary or fast bar, pantry • Gourmet kitchen, the- • Fenced, mature landWhispering Pines. 3 REAL ESTATE www.johnlscottbend.com www.johnlscott.com/12 guest cottage second home, 1 ater room MORRIS scaping bdrm, 2 bath property • Paver tile sidewalk & owner 100 • 2.18 acres, extensive • MLS 201401042 REAL ESTATE has complete perimLovely SW Bend • 3043 SF, many upPeggy Lee C ombs, decking patio Greg Miller PC, e ter fencing and is Where can you find a Craftsmanl • Great for animals or grades Broker 541-480-7653 • MLS 201400616 Broker, CRS, GRI neat and well main• 3 bed/2 bath, 2054 sq. John L. Scott • Conveniently located, gardening helping hand? Jim Moran, Broker Tanglewood j 541-408-1511 tained with trees and ft., open living space Real Estate, Bend www.johnlscott.com/88 very quiet area $398,500 541-948-0997 From contractors to • Fenced backyard, shrubs. Home has 139 • Lots of privacy, great www.johnlscottbend.com • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath been lightly lived in landscaped w/sprinyard care, it's all here Peggy Lee Combs, • Hardwood floors, for entertaining has a wonderful klers Broker 541-480-7653 www.sharona.johnlscot and in The Bulletin's cherry cabinets Just too many sunroom and appeal• Great location, close John L. Scott t.com • .21 acre lot, 3-car "Call A Service floor plan with MORRIS to Old Mill, schools, collectibles? Real Estate, Bend Sharon Abrams, CRS, ing garage MORRIS l arge d eck, s h o p Professional" Directory river trail REAL ESTATE www.johnlscottbend.com Principal Broker, • MLS 201400230 REAL ESTATE building is a p prox. • $269,000 www.angl&~ dy ~ ~ ap d 541-280-9309 Sell them in Jerry Stone, Broker l~ ~ d Op mB 4000 sq.ft. w/ 4 12x12 iecox.johnlscott.com The Bulletin Classifieds Lava Ridges j John L. Scott 541-390-9598 Take care of d oors and a m a n Angie C ox , B r o ker $329,000 Real Estate, Bend Rural But Close 541-213-9950 • 2456 sq.ft. Private & se c l uded your investments www.johnlscottbend.com door. The is a com• 35 acres, 14 acres irplete office w/bath, John L. Scott • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath 541-385-5809 home, yet close to with the help from r ec, k i t chen a n d • Hardwood floors, Real Estate, Bend town. All new kitchen rigation • 2 arenas and a round m eeting room i n www.johnlscottbend.com stone & tile a ppliances. Lin e d The Bulletin's Tick, Tock MORRIS NOTICE: cluded in th e 4 000 • MLS 201310214 pond for swimming 8 pen "Call A Service REAL ESTATE sq.ft. This property is Madras Hwy, All real estate adver- water fun w/pool filter • 60x60 barn w/stall & Tick, Tock... Jane Strell, a must preview, must Reduced to $250,000. tised here in is sub- system & water fea- hay storage Professional" Directory Broker, ABR, GRI ...don't let time get see facility. The shop 22.3 acres within the ject to th e F ederal ture. Passive solar • House has many im541-948-7998 Fair Housing A ct, Tetherow Crossing and dwelling have city limits, 21.1 acres h eat sink p art o f provements away. Hire a Sisters Horse Property. www.johnlscott.com/26 Country horse propseparate electric of irrigation rights. which makes it illegal heating system. Great professional out 10.8 acres w/8+ acres erty is fenced 8 cross Hwy frontage, to advertise any pref- room affords easy 268 m eters. Shop a n d pas t ure, fenced w/New Zeald welling share t he dividable/backs to erence, limitation or family living. Great Jean Nelsen, Broker irrigated of The Bulletin's large home w/sepa- and electric fence & discrimination based natural light from large 541-420-3927 Avion water meter, Ochoco Creek. "Call A Service MORRIS rate guest quarters. electric gate. Views of L. Scott 2nd gar a ge/shop MLS ¹201307351 on race, color, reli- w indows 8 do o r s. John REAL ESTATE Mt. Views, p rivate Professional" Cascades, p r i vate 1025 sq.ft. $499,500. Winderemere Swifterra gion, sex, handicap, Enjoy the treed sur- Real Estate, Bend setting and g a ted. setting, 40x60 shelter MLS ¹201400070 150 NW 4th St., familial status or na- r ounding, pond & www.johnlscottbend.com Directory today! $675,000. tional origin, or inten- water feature. Huge for horses, 20x30 hay Bobbie Strome, Prineville, OR. LAZY RIVER SOUTH Scott McLean, storage, 40x60 chain Principal Broker 541-447-7502 tion to make any such family r e c roo m Vacation Condo R emodeled 3535 y Principal Broker link dog pen. 2 proJohn L Scott Real preferences, l i mita- w/plenty of b u ilt-in Garage Sales • 2 bedroom, 1 bath Sq.ft. home with 4 541-408-6908 pane gas free-stand- • Large loft Estate 541-385-5500 tions or discrimination. storage cabinets & bdrm + office and 3 Realty Executives Get your We will not knowingly counters. 5 bedrooms Garage Sales ing stoves, 1 in family • Pool, tennis baths. Master bath and 1 in living room. accept any advertis- (2 in main level 8 3 on business Candice Anderson, with large jetted tub 8 747 Skyliner Summit j ing for r eal e state 2nd floor). Small barn Garage Sales Wood blinds throughBroker 541-788-8878 Southwest Bend Homes new tile shower. Me$393,000 out, hardwood floors, which is in violation of with 2 s t alls, t ack John L. Scott dia room, family room, • 2525 sq.ft. this law. All persons room, shop area 8 Find them carpet & vinyl. Close Real Estate, Bend h uge kitchen w i t h a ROW I N G • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath to Deschutes River. www.johnlscottbend.com 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2110 are hereby informed storage room. handcrafted cabinets in • .11 acre lot sq. ft. home, 3-car gathat all dwellings ad$368,000. & granite counters, with an ad in $650,000 MLS¹ • MLS 20'I 309912 $399 ,999. The Bulletin ¹201400248. vertised are available 201302745 The Washington, NW rage. walk-in pantry, sunThe Bulletin's Craig Smith, Broker John L. Scott Real on an equal opportu- Bobbie Strome, Redmond. Main floor 60826 Scotts Bluff, room with hot t ub. Classifieds 541%22-2417 Estate 541-548-1712 "Call A Service nity basis. The Bulle- Principal Broker master suite w/sitting High Lakes Realty & Home has cedar eves M a n agetin Classified room, walk-in closets Property John L Scott Real 541-385-5809 with copper accents. Professional" in all rooms, 3 bed, ment 541-536-0117 Estate 541-385-5500 E xterior siding o n Find It in Directory NW Bend j $319,500 2.5 bath, 2147 sq ft. home, garages & The Bulletin Classlfieds! MLS¹201310072. • 2080 sq.ft. SE Bendj $319,900 storage bldg have just • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Good classified ads tell MORRIS 541-385-5809 $299,000 Jim Hinton, • 2496 sq.ft. been painted. Watch NE Bend j $249,500 • Covered front porch Redmond Homes the essential facts in an • 3 bedroom, 3 bath sq.ft. REAL ESTATE Central Oregon Rethe wildlife from the •• 1728 • MLS 201401314 interesting Manner. Wri t e 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath I I ~ m l y O a lty G r o up , LL C $260,000 - Beautiful • .19 acre, fenced yard The Davis, NW Redwrap-around deck or • .16acre cornerlot Brandon Fairbanks, from the readers view not • MLS 201309521 mond 3 bdrm (den or 541-420-6229 go to your private ac- • MLS 201309188 u pgraded cha l e t Broker, SRES, the seller's. Convert the Spacious Home in The 4th bdrm), 2 i/~ bath, c ess to 300y f t o f Amy Halligan, Broker Craig Long, Broker w/double garage loGRI, CDPE facts into benefits. Show Cliffs $279,900 Light 541-480-7647 1929 sq f t . h o me. Little Deschutes River Want to impress the cated on the 18th hole 541-410-9045 541-383-4344 the reader howthe item will 8 bright interior, huge Open great r oom, relatives? Remodel frontage for fishing, of the R i dge G olf help them insomeway. walk-in pantry, three tons of cabinet space swimming or floating. Course at Eagle Crest 4i your home with the car tandem garage. in kitchen, 2nd floor This $495,000 4i in Central Oregon. MLS ¹ 20 1 308975. laundry rm, $291,000. help of a professional advertising tip MLS¹¹201309267 MLS ¹201301534. Call Vicci B o wen, ¹ 201307047. Jim from The Bulletin's Bobbie Strome, brought to you by MORRIS Eagle Crest MORRIS MORRIS 541-410-9730 Hinton, 541-420-6229 Principal Broker REAL ESTATE "Call A Service Properties REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE The Bulletin Central Oregon Realty John L Scott Real Central Oregon Realty Professional" Directory IA p Mmly~ M O~ d Sernng Central Oregon since1%8 866-722- 3370 Group, LLC hd~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ Group, LLC Estate 541-385-5500 •





SAT. Sr.SUN. 12PM - 3PM RV parking. Fenced on 3 sides. Welcoming 1756 sq.ft. Tamarack home. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Just painted inside. Log accents.

Saturday Hosted 6 Listed by: VIRGINIA RO SS Broker, ABR, CRS, GRI

541-480-7501 Sunday HOSted byr


541-480-6621 •


I g




I deal f a mil y

Enjoy mountain views from 2 decks! Spacious 3123 sq.

ft. home is open & bright. Kitchen w/ island makes entertaining a delight. Huge 65419 Barton View Place driveway & RV parking on Dirvcfions:Hs797S eui on both sides plus 3 cargarage CooleyRd, righton BoyJAcresRd., with shop. Great close-in le/f on XEBarton CrossingWay. home with room for out-of$4qS,000 sight parking for toys. Easy access to the parkway!

Principal Broker


Raiu. Esrzm SsnncasLLC ~




SAT. 12 - 3PM Spacious, single-level new construction home in NW Redmond. Open floor plan with 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 2020 SF. 3-car garage, gourmet kitchen w/stainless appliances & 3088 NW 17th, Redmond custom tile work. Corner f/irrrtioiis: N, OnHwy97,L onoiiinceArr,, R fireplace, office/den and oii 1Ih sk Loii//frspruceAx, /Loiiftr/7th, full landscaping & fencing. bouse onrigbtPastTeakwoodIn.

Hosted by: SUSAN TUNNO




541-815-0764 Lis<ed by Principa/Brokers:


4 bed, 4 bath on 1.09 acres.




h o me,

vacation retreat or, full time residence. Vaulted wood ceilings, venetian plastered walls, 3 master suites & slab granite. Enjoy the riverfront 16454 Bates Street boat access. Mt Bachelor Dirvcfions:From Bendheadsou!h on97 to Varidervert. Left on South only 22 miles away & Century6 stay on ¹/or approx. Sunriver 10 m i n utes. 5 miles to Forest Lane 6 turri left. Borders BLM land. 3975 SF, Turn right onto Bates.


Fldchng Value to-geal Kgats


Enterforachancetowin up to f!2500 for attendingthis openhouse facebook.conv%h reatestate

more information and plans.

Hosted & Listed by: RHIANNA KUNKLER







SAT. R SUN. 11AM - 3PM

Homes starting in the Iow $200,000s. Brand new homes in Bend with the quality Pahlisch is known for stainless steel appliances, laminate wood floors, solid surface Chroma q u artz counters (even in baths) with 20781 NE Comet Lme under-mount stainless steel sink in kitchen, extra attention Directioss:North on Boyd Acres, given to allow for tons of Right on Sierra, Izg on BlackPowder, natural light a much more. Sght on CometLane. Lookfor signs.

Come by the model home for





1917 NE Yellowstone Ln. Directions:East on Butler Market //d, righ! on Nadison Are.,rlght on Yellowstone.

3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1972 sq. fi., master on mam level. Loft/bonus room Nice established neighborhood.

65525 Stacy Lane Ihrsctio|rsiNorth on Boyd Acres, mst on Nicolette.


starting in the low


Hosted 6 Listed by: CURT GRANT Broker

R s A

t. T 0 R s





THURS. - SUN. 12PM - 4PM


B eautifu l P a h l i s c h H omes c o m m u n i t y f eaturin g a m a z i n g n eig h b o r h o o d a menities: pool, h o t tub, clubhouse, sports 208(j2 GoldenGatePlace, Bend center, gym, game room Dfrvcfions:from theParkcay, eu! and more! Come tour a r/arket,southon 15th,then variety of single level on Reed/ and 2-story floor plans. follonr sigm.

Hosted 6 L 'sted by: TEAM DELAY

Homes Starting Mid-$300s

Principal Broker

Wonderful m i d - town location close io everything Bend has io offer. Large private, fenced yard. Master on main, open beam living room with windows 2448 NE Ravenwood Dr. providing natural light, plus Directions:Off of 8th street. newer gas fireplace. Large loft space with 3 beds $105.16 per sq. ft. upstairs & 2934 SE Needs Enter fora chance to win some updating. up to $2500 for attending this open house! Hosted & Listed by: facebook.com/bhgrealestate

SATURDAY 10PM - 1PM Home sits on a corner lot with mature landscaping that is very private and completely fenced. There is also an area with raised garden beds, fire pit and 2603NE Brian Ray Ct., Bend paver patio. Wood stove w/ Directions: Wells Acres/WeePing river rock in great room. 3 Willow. bdrm, 2 bath charmer has

open floor plan.

Hosted 6 Listed by: K IM BI SH O P








R 5 A L



R 8


Bster for a cbalce tocui»uP to N500 for uttend/ng tNs oPeebouse, Fncebook.co~bgreulestate




Redmond Homes

Redm o nd Homes

• Redmond Homes•




Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes


• Redmond Homes S


un r i ver/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine Homesj

$244,000 - Recreate all $344,500 - Small $754,900 - Knockout Eagle Crest Resort Spacious family home 145055 Birchwood 52571 Doe Lane, La mountain vi e w s! 1792 sq ft Desert Sky centrally located 8 $49 950 Nice 840SF Pine, 850 sq. ft. 1.13 year round when you acreage with i rriown this lovely 3 bed, gated pasture over3863 sq.ft. custom Home - Cascade a cross f ro m V e r n 2 bdrm, new w ell. acre, RV pole barn. 2.5 bath Forest Green l ooking pond & home. Office,outMountain views, ga- Patrick Elem School. High Lakes Realty & $94,500. High Lakes townhome. Fully fur- fenced pas t u re buildings and shop. rage with s t orage in Redmond. 2416 sq. Property M a nage- Realty & Pr o perty n ished & r eady to ready for horses or MLS¹ 2 0 1 106428 above, 2 b e droom, ft., 4 bdrm, 2.5 bath, ment 541-536-0117 Management move-in! 541-536-0117 other critters. DeCall Charlie or Vir2.5 bath, large bonus extra large B o nus 146532 Old Cabin MLS¹201310566 tached garage shop room, luxury upgrade Room! Large Master ginia, Principal Bro3 bdrm, 2 61746 Rock View Eagle Crest w/storage. kers 541-350-3418 package in c ludes b edroom w/h u g e $160,000. heat pump, hot $99,700. Home, shop, Properties MLS¹201307823. Redmond RE/MAX h ardwood & sl a t e closet 8 double sink bath, tub. High Lakes Re- super clean! H i gh 866-722- 3370 Call Don C hapin, L and & Hom e s flooring, granite tile vanities in the master alty 8 Property ManLakes Realty & PropPrincipal Br o k er Real Estate kitchen counters, Al- bath! Light & bright 541-923-0855 54'I -771-7786 erty Man agement What are you der cabinetry, ceiling kitchen w/ eating bar agement 541-536-0117 541-536-0117 Redmond RE/MAX fans 8 more. HOA that opens to a family looking for? Land & Homes room, formal dining 8 14746 C a mbium $895,000 - Located in dues include most Real Estate Madras, this pristine, exterior maintenance formal living room. $110,000. 3 bdrm + Beautifully updated and You'll find it in well-maintained home 541-771-7786 one-of-a-kind l o wer & all landscaping. All Extra wide hallways, den, multiple o u tThe Bulletin Classifieds resort amenities are large pantry, forced buildings. High Lakes in q uiet n o rth-end Deschutes home is loc a tion. $349,900 - Energy Star known for its blue rib- included w/ownership. air heat & A/C, large Realty & Pr o perty Sunriver Fully furnished 3 bedhome built by Sage in bon rainbow trout 8 $259,500. patio & fenced back Management Vista R i m ! NW room, 2.5 bath, 2212 541-385-5809 yard. $199 , 000. 541-536-0117 steelhead fis h ing. Lynn Johns, Principal sq ft with large masCraftsman w / g reat Remodeled in 2005 Broker, 541-408-2944 ¹201310177 John L. $249,900 2236 room plan, contempo- MLS ¹201301789 ter suite o n m a in. Central Oregon Scott Rea l E s tate151628 Hackamore Sq.ft., 5 bdrm home Custom 1325 sq. ft. Generous living area, rary luxury finishes & Resort Realty 541-548-1712 Eagle Crest w/master suite on wood floors. Expanh ome with wor k - kitchen, guest bath. Properties each level. Living shops. $24 4 ,900. Kitchen is light and s ive views east o f 866-722- 3370 Find exactly what Have an item to room w/gas f i reSmith Rock. MLS High Lakes Realty & bright with updated you are looking for in the Property place. RV parking & M a n age- appliances 8 granite ¹201308726 sell quick? Adorable Cottage in the unique gar d en. CLASSIFIEDS Eagle Crest ment 541-536-0117 c ountertops. G r e at Heights. $ 1 2 4,900. If it's under MLS¹201306110 room has cozy gas Properties Arched e n t ryways, 1 5924 Jackpine R d . Call Kelly or Virginia, '500 you can place it in The Jefferson in desir866-722- 3370 fireplace Large deck oak hardwood floor$40,000 2 bedrooms, Principal Brokers able NW R e dmond near town on .94 acre. is just off main living ing, large lot w/RV acThe Bulletin 541-923-0855 786 $399,900 - Peaceful neighborhood, single High Lakes Realty 8 area overlooking treed cess, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, Redmond RE/MAX 5.08 acres - Single Classifieds for: common area; front level, 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, Property 1227 sq. ft., 500 sq. ft M a n age- d eck i ncludes M t . Land & Homes level, vaulted ceil2020 sq. ft. $297,000. basement. MLS ¹ ment 541-536-0117 Real Estate ings, 4 large bedviews. '1 0 - 3 lines, 7 days ¹201306374 Bachelor 201308245. Vicci Bo541-771-7786 r ooms, 2 bath , Call Jim Hinton, Downstairs has sauna 15951 Tallwood Ct wen 541-410-9730 ' 1 6 3 lines, 14 days master b e d room Central Oregon Realty 541-420-6229 $214,900. 3 bdrm, 3 off the bathroom & 2 $263,900 - A great 2 2 , 157 (Private Party ads only) Central Oregon Realty bath, bonus r oom, bedrooms. Ideal for a b edroom 2. 5 b a t h separation, Group, LLC sq.ft. 3-car garage. Group, LLC shop. High Lakes Re- family r e treat or home to relax in while MLS¹201308350 $49 5 ,000. Greens Townalty & Property Man- rental. staying at Eagle Crest Call Kelly Starbuck, Charming home on a Forest MLS201308795 - 1484 sq ft, 3 Looking for your next agement $103,000 - 3.39 acres $199,900 - Enjoy this Resort. Enjoy all the very large .51 acre lot home Principal Broker Clyde Browning, 2.5 bath, 541-536-0117 r eady f o r you r emp/oyee? beautiful view f rom amenities Eagle Crest in. Close to schools & bedrooms, 541-771-7786 Principal Broker, reat room floor plan, Place a Bulletin help 1 6045 Strawn R d HOME! MLS¹ has to of fe r! Redmond RE/MAX shopping centers in the Sisters to Smith 541-480-4520 ully furnished w/hot 201100749 Cal l wanted ad today and MLS¹201306058 Rock on the deck of Redmond. 3 bdrms, 2 tub. Golf course set$73,000. 2 bdrm, 1 Land & Homes Eagle Commercial Travis L. Hannan, reach over 60,000 Eagle Crest baths, good condition. this townhome. This Real Estate bath, .84 acre, ready Real Estate ting. $227,900 PC, Principal BroProperties readers each week. h ome comes f u r G arage has b e e n Lynn 541-771-7786 for TLC. High Lakes Johns, Principal ker 541-788-3480 866-722- 3370 Your classified ad converted to l i ving Broker, nished with a p pliRealty & Pr o perty New Construction in 541-408-2944 Redmond RE/MAX will also appear on ances, washer, dryer 295 Vista Rim Dr. En- $430,000 - U ltimate space. $189,900. Management Sunriver - Rare opCentral Oregon Land & Homes bendbulletin.com ¹201308901 John L. and refr i gerator. family home, 4 bed541-536-0117 p ortunity to own a ergy Star home built Resort Realty Real Estate which currently reMLS¹201100663 Scott Rea l E s tate room, 3 bath, over 7 brand new home in by Sage in Vista Rim! 541-771-7786 ceives over 54'I -548-1712 16565 Beesley Pl Eagle Crest acres, 20x40 heated Sunriver in a superb Large Bonus Room NW Craf t sman 1.5 million page $209,000. 3 bdrm, 2.5 Properties MLS location which backs w/great room plan, pool. $ 223,900. Lots o f Just bought a new boat? views every month bath, 1800 sq.ft., 2 car 866-722- 3370 to a large common contemporary luxury ¹ 201305932 C a l l Creekside Townhome- natural light. 4 Bdrm, Sell your old one in the at no extra cost. garage. High Lakes Travis L. Hannan, 1871 sq ft, 3 b e d- 2~/~ Bath, spacious area. 5 bedrooms, 4.5 finishes 8 wood classifieds! Ask about our Bulletin Classifieds Realty & Pr o perty PC, Principal Brorooms, 2.5 bath, awe2 215 Condor D r baths, 2700+ sq ft . rooms, freshly Super Seller rates! floors. Designed for ker 541-788-3480 Get Results! Management some location on the Northwest Craftsman an a c t ive fa m ily O pen, roomy a n d 541-385-5809 painted. Dual panCall 385-5809 or 541-536-0117 creek, upgrades ga- tries. Call Jim Hinton, home in private gated w/mud room, full size Redmond RE/MAX bright Great Room place your ad on-line Land & Homes lore, main level mascommunity at Eagle 541-420-6229, Cenfloor plan with three pantry 8 utility room 1715 Mare C ourt 1272 Trail Creek - Casat Real Estate ter. $254,900. master suites and a tral Oregon Realty cade Mountain views! Crest. Reverse-living w/extra built-ins. Den $145,000. 1809 sq. ft., bendbuffeti n. com 541-771-7786 Lynn Johns, Principal Group, LLC 3 large bdrms, 30x60 bonus room/loft up.41 acre lot backs to floor plan thoughtfully & extra bonus room Broker, 541-408-2944 shop. High Lakes Re- stairs. Granite counter creek & walking path. designed to capture w/walk-in closet. En- $478,000 - Gated Central Oregon 755 thro u ghout, People Lookfor Information alty 8 Property Man- tops 2681 sq ft, 3 bdrm, gorgeous views of the joy tranquil setting on community! 4 bedResort Realty m ountains, lan d - the pond & peaceful raised panel wood 2.5 bath, triple car About Products and Sunriver/La Pine Homes agement r oom, 3. 5 ba t h , scape 8 t ree tops. sounds o f doors and plenty of n e a rby 541-536-0117 garage. $458,868. Services EveryDaythrough Quality construction water feature from 3208 Sq.ft.. Private Culverl 10y Acreswood accents make Mu t t onshop Lynn Johns, Principal The Bulletin Classifferfs 123741 resort living, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 2-car g racious rooms & Set-up for horses, the home cozy and your back patio. Ex- year-round or 2nd Street, I m m aculate Broker, 541-408-2944 garage, 2.3 a c res, well appointed. Ex3-stall barn, numer- Roomy single l e vel chalet located on an beautiful fin i shes pansive views east of home. Central Oregon throughout. P r ivate Smith Rock, mtns & ous o u t buildings, home on a large lot in acre. Gravel drive, 146504 Bills Road. cellent vacation rental Resort Realty MLS¹201305107 $79,900. High Lakes potential. $ 5 99,000 guest rooms will ac- city lights from front. guest quarters 8 Stonehedge in Red- covered porch, wood Realty & Call Charlie or Pr o perty MLS¹201306692 c ommodate lar g e Plumbed for central more. stove, slate hearth, 1367 Highland V iew mond. Open floor plan Virginia, Principal Management gu e sts. v ac. H eat/cool i s Clyde Browning, MLS¹201305577 s piral staircase t o Loop - Furnished family o r with v a ulted l i ving Brokers Call Charlie or Principal Broker, sleeping loft. 2 bdrms 541-536-0117 Creekside townhome Large lot with easy to ductless system. 2 room Plus a family 541-350-3418 care for landscape. 541-480-4520 Virginia, Principal bedrooms, 2 baths, with outstanding setroom, kitchen fea- on main floor and util. 4 bdrm/2 bath, 1755 sq. Redmond RE/MAX One-of-a-kind home! Brokers Eagle Commercial 1 919 sq f t . ML S room. Hickory cabi ting! Patio backs to f t. o n 1 . 2 7 a c r e. tures plenty of cabinLand & Homes 541-350-3418Redm Real Estate nets, garden window, $79,000 52360 Whislarge common area 3 b e drooms, 2 . 5 201308726. $349,900 Real Estate etry, eating counter, ond RE/MAX Land plenty of storage. This pering Pines H igh with m ature l a nd- b aths, 2204 s q f t . Robyn Fields, Principal large pantry, dining open 541-771-7786 MLS 2013 0 9730 Broker, Eagle Crest & Homes Real Esfloor plan with its Lakes Realty & Prop- Two bdrm, 1 bath 720 scape, providing a area with access to frame home on tate 541-771-7786 Properties recessed lighting is lovely, private back- $359,900. erty Man a gement sq.ft. $599,900 Outstanding the huge back deck. 1 a c re . D e tached 971-255-9866 the i deal v a cation 541-536-01'I 7 yard exp e rience.Robyn Fields, Principal detail in design and M aster bedr o om 2-car garage, finished Broker, Eagle Crest Great room floor plan Go l f separation from addi- home. Minutes from c onstruction of t h i s E agle C r ee k $320,000 4.77 Properties pump house for extra Willamette Ski Pass, 5 1325 E vans W a y . Course Chalet 1447 with soaring ceilings, tional two bedrooms. beautiful Sage Buildacres, 1 acre of irri971-255-9866 sq.ft., 1.12 acre, storage. Not far off of floor to ceiling winers home. Located on sq ft, 3 bedrooms, 2 Two offices or hobby t rails a n d lak e s. 1836 gation. Pond, shop city utilities. $235,000. Hwy 31. $ 105,000. baths, new hardwood $ I 69,000. MLS dows, built-ins 8 gas the 18th hole of the rooms. Landscaped 1 60 0 s q . ft. MLS 201401070 01302230. Ke r r y High Lakes Realty 8 f ireplace. New f u r - 227 Highland Meadow and Challenge Course at floors & heat pump, front and back with 2 MLS¹ 541-815-6363 Property M a n age-Cascade Realty, Dennace and heat pump. Loop, beautifully situ- house. Eagle Crest Resort, double car garage. fenced back yard that Cascade 201307143 Call nis Haniford, Princ. Realty, ment 541-536-0117 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, ated lot! 2681 sq ft, 3 Travis L. Hannan, you will have access 18th Fairway of the has lots of trees for Broker 541-536-1731 Course, privacy. Forced air 1303 Elk Dr - $182,500. 51375 Evans Way 1 419 sq f t . ML S bdrm, 2.5 bath, triple PC, Principal Broto all of the amenities Ridge car garage. $433,388. 201400649 $219,000 with ownership. MLS $269,000. gas with central air Quality thru-out. 4 ker 541-788-3480 $65,000. A f rame, Check out the Lynn Johns, Principal Robyn Fields, Principal Lynn Johns, Principal cond. $199 , 9 00 bdrm, 2224 SF. High outbldgs, RV hook-up. ¹2615599 classifieds online Broker, 541-408-2944 Redmond RE/MAX Broker, Eagle Crest Broker, 541-408-2944 Eagle Crest ¹201310177 John L. Land & Homes Lakes Realty & Prop- High Lakes Realty & www.bendbulletm.com Central Oregon Central Oregon Properties Properties Scott Rea l E s tate erty Real Estate Man a gement Property M a n ageResort Realty 971-255-9866 Resort Realty 541-548-1712 Updated daily 866-722- 3370 541-771-7786 541-536-0117 ment 541-536-0117 3 bdrm, 2-bath 1486 sq. $ 143,500 - 3 b e d ft. home on 1 acre room, 2 bath, 1234 with Cascade views, sq ft in great north c overed porch, o r Redmond location. ganic garden, potting MLS¹201401199 shed, dbl. g arage, Call Travis L. Hanarden shed, fenced. nan, PC, Principal 184,500. MLS Broker 201307988. Call 541-788-3480 Nancy Popp, Redmond RE/MAX 541-815-8000 Land 8 Homes Crooked River Realty Real Estate 541-771-7786 10264 Sundance Ridge Loop - Northwest $169,900 - 1657 sq. c ontemporary w i t h ft. Newer 3 beroom stunning panoramic + den, master suite views. Walls of winw/walk-in cl o set, dows & luxurious fin- slider to back patio. ishes throughout this Living room w/gas gorgeous c u s tom fireplace home. Park-like set- MLS¹201309588 ting with waterfall and Call Kelly Starbuck, mature l a n dscape. Principal Broker Expansive c overed 541-771-7786 deck overlooks priRedmond RE/MAX vate backyard. 4 car Land & Homes garage with RV bay Real Estate and workshop. Per541-771-7786 fect for entertaining 8 guests with 2 master 173 Highland Meadow suites, 2 bonus rooms Loop - Smith Rock & home offi ce.4 bed- views! .30 acre lot, rooms, 3. 5 b a t hs, 2321 sq ft, 3 bdrm, 4 702 s q f t . ML S 2.5 bath, triple car 201307976 $799,900. garage. $402,777. Robyn Fields, Principal Lynn Johns, Principal Broker, Eagle Crest Broker, 541-408-2944 Properties Central Oregon 971-255-9866 Resort Realty

• •




On a corner lot with RV parking. 3 bedroom, Lots of opportunity to make this your dream 2 bath,1232 sq.ft., naturalgas heat,skylights, home! Near downtown and established local vaulted ceilings and newer interior paint and businesses. $235,000CALLTERRYSiqERSAAAT

carpet. $200,000 CALL AUBRE CHESHIRE 541-383-1426. MLS:201402153 AT 541-598-4583 OR BROOK CRIAZZO AT 541-550-8408. MLS:201402004 1F '


Spectacularsetting with view of the Cascades THIS HONE! and Smith Rocks.79.56 acres, 63.2 acres of Fantasti c light throughout this 4 bedroom, irrigation. 3502 sq.ft.,4 bedroom,3.5 bath home 2.5 bath home on .21 acre comer lot. Mtn includingguest quarters.G reat horse barn,hay view from master. Private, fenced, landscaped barn and outdoor arena. $824,000 CALL KRIS backyard. Large garage, storage. CALL BECKY WARNER AT 541-480-5365 MLS: 201402156 OZRELIC AT 541-480-9191. MLS:201402157

t : ' '4%


FANTASTIC SINGLE LEYEL HOME PRAIRIE STYLEAWBREYYILLAGE HOME In NE Bend located on a quiet cul-de-sac.3 Superb craftsmanship throughout! Light, bright and bedroom,2 bath 1767 sq. ft. with open floor plan private, at 2312 sq. ft., this home provides great and vaulted ceilings. Private fenced backyard with separation. Naster bedroom is on the main!!oor as the laundry room. Upstairs has 3 bedrooms and a large deck. $238,000 CALLTRACY GEORGE is a full bathroom. $495,000 CALL BILL PANTON AT 541-408-3024. MLS: 201402383 AT 541-420-6545. MLS: 201401814

i ew a

o u r is t i n s a

it io n a

TURN OF THE CENTURY CHARM ROOMY 4BEDROO!4EASTSIDEHOME 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath,2081 sq. ft. 3 bedrooms,2 baths upstairs w i th one with special finishes. $539,900 CALL bedroom, bonusroom and bath downstairs. TANNY SETTLEMIERAT 541-410-6009. Large shop,storagerooms,all onquarteracre MLS: 201310532 lot. $229,900 CALL BECKYOZRELIC AT 541-480-9I9I. MLS:20140074I




NW Tuscan design with mountain views. Great room, main level master, wine cellar and more.Pond and irrigation complete the package. $1,286,000 CALL jAYNEE BECK AT

3 bedroom,3.5 bath,3816 sq.ft.hom e perched over the 11th fairway of Broken Top's signature hole. $1,045,000 CALL TAMMY SETTLEMIER AT 541-410-6009. MLS: 201307193

541480-0988. MLS: 201310033

ot o s a n


m ore at


3 bedroom, 3 bath, 3072 sq. ft. home with Great income producing property. 2 masteron main.Chefskitchen with abundant buildings, main building is 19,429 sq. ft counter tops and cabinets. $690,000 CALL Second building is 6,420 sq. ft. $1,500,000 TERRY SKJERSAA AT 541-383-1426. CALL CANDY YOW AT 541-410-3193 MLS:201307992 MLS: 201304214



4bedroom,2.5 bath,2135sq.ft.fonmermodel Beauti fulhome,approx..3253 sq.ft.on 4.5 home. Hickory floor, Alder cabinets, granite acres with .5 acre irrigation. Private well, tile. $349,900 CALL LARRYJACOBS AT pond,close in,pri vate & secluded.$672,900. 541-480-2329. MLS: 201311042 CALL CAROLYNEMICKAT 541-419-0717. MLS:2013O4783


~W STUNNING MOUNTAIN YIEWS 3 bedroom,2 bath,1850 sq.ft.home on almost 5 acres. Irrigated pastures with pond Great horse property. $490,000 CALL ICITKORISHAT 541-330-2120. MLS: 201308768

EXQUISITE CRAFTSMANBUNGALOW DUPLEX WITH A PARK SETTING B rand new home i n N W X h a s Ranchstyleduplexwithhugeprivatefenced 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath with open layout backyards. 2 bedrooms and den, 1150 sq. and designer finishing touches. $529,000 ft. each. OIf street parking. $289,900 CALL CALLTERRYSKJERSAA AT 541-383-1426. TAMMY SETTLEMIER AT 541-410-6009.

I90 ACRE HORSE PROPERTY... less than I mile from city limits. 2160 sq. ft., 2 bedroom. 2 bath home. 3 tax lots, 120 acres in the Urban Reserve. $540,000 CALL KRIS WARNER AT 541-480-5365.

AMAZING SUNSETS! Big mountains and river views. 5.89 acreswith 2 acres irri gation. Property borders Tumalo State Park. $1,350,000 CALL jAYNEE BECK AT 541-480-0988.

LIYE IN ONE, RENT THE OTHER Two separate units on one tax lot. Unique personality homes. Front home has street access, 2 bedroom and rear home is a one bedroom. $260,000 CALLjASEN CHAVEZ

NLS: 201401609

NLS: 201304573

MLS: 201206667

MLS: 201303572

AT 541-891-5446. MLS: 201400486

YOU'RE GONNA LOYEIT! 3 bedroom,2bathhome,w i th heatpump/ AC. 20X27 garage, 20XI3 shop, fenced private back yard, enclosed garden area. $209,500 CALL BECKY OZRELIC AT 541-480-9191. MLJ: 201402006

INCREDIBLE HOME ON ACREAGE Custom features in every room. Looking for lodge style homesurrounded bywildlife, this is it. 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath. $899,900 CALL CANDY YOW AT 541-410-3193. MLS: 201304445

BETTER THAN NEW 6 bedroom,4.5 bath,4296 sq.ft.with many upgrades, 2 bonus rooms and daylight basement. $549,999 CALL CAROLYN EMICKAT 541-419-0717. MLS: 201301804

CUSTOM NWX HOME GO ON YACATION! 5 bedroom home inSunri ker.Greatrentalhistory. Open floor plan and vaulted ceilings with mainand 2addi tionalbedrooms Enjoythe SHARC pooland allthatSunri ker masteronthe ofers. $399,000CALLjACQUIESEBL!LSKYAT downstairs with bonus room. $539,000 511-280-4419 OR MICHELEANDERSON AT CALL TERRY5!qERSAAAT 541-383-1426.






MTN HIGH SINGLE LEYEL! Low main tenance2bedroom,2.5bath,2043 sq.ft.tucked beneath gracious Ponderosas. $299,900 CALL TAMMYSETTLEMIERAT 541-410-6009. MLS:201306412





Homes with Acreage






Manufactured/ Mobile Homes Want to move in and 14482 SW Pony Trail in Bend Country Home on Sgl. story 3 b drm, 3 5 Acre lots SE Prinev- Ridge At Eagle Crest j $155,000 - Private $50,000 2.16 Acresenjoy life? This Ma- CRR. Like new home 2 + a c r es . Ne w bath 1680 sq. ft. home ille. $75 , 000 P ossible Ow n e r 1980 sq.ft. home, newly $119,900 gated c ommunity! dras home is loaded built in 2001 that has Hardi-plank s i d ing, on 4 acres with 3 acre $ 82,500. Ready t o • .38 acre lot 20 Acres! Powell Carry! Short walk to updated kitc h en, with upgrades. Well always been a vaca- interior d o or s & state w ater r i ghts build with wells and • Views to north and Butte w/easy acDeschutes R i ver. fenced/gated, h u ge maint. and boasts a tion home. U n ob- knobs, garage doors Updated home w/vi paved roads. east cess t o a i r ports, Very private setting. bonus room, w/sepalarge tiled entry way, structed mtn views, 2 & more! BLM access nyl windows, carpet Scott McLean, • Close to upper athshopping, r e cre- Enjoy c o mmunity rate entrance, natural ceiling fans, recessed bdrm, 2 bath on 2.58 close to property for and laminate floors, Principal Broker letic facility ation. Al l C e ntral amenities of g o lf, kght. 1-acre. $154,900 l ighting, large l o f t acres. Master bath trail riding. 4 bedroom, F/A furnace, A/C heat 541-408-6908 • MLS 201307552 Oregon has to offer. fishing, swimming & - MLS 201308329 Call area, a master bdrm has garden tub and 3 bath has plenty of pump and wood stove Realty Executives Greg Floyd PC, Broker Well, septic feasibilmore. MLS Nancy Popp, Princiwith w a lk-in closet, separate wal k - in new updates. All new- heat. Trex deck, com 541-390-5349 ity done. Ready for 201303502pal Broker, 541-815$97,000 - 2.59 acres. window cov e rings shower, New Pergo kitchen with custom piete u n d erground your dream home. Call Charlie or 8000. Crooked River to bu i l d. throughout. Garage is flooring and windows. cabinets, tile coun- sprinkler system, pri Ready MLS¹201303502 Virginia, Principal Realty finished with ceiling Large composite t ertops, bam b o o vate well and 1600 sq. MLS¹201100751 Call Charlie or Brokers storage rack and you decking, Hardi-plank floors, new f ixtures ft. shop plus 1080 sq. Call Travis L. HanVirginia, Principal 541-350-3418 Where can you find a PC, Principal have great views from siding. $110,000. and more. Bathrooms ft. barn. Fenced and nan, Brokers Redmond RE/MAX MORRIS helping hand? the back deck. VA asJuniper Realty, have new tile. Recent x-fenced. $379,000. Broker 541-350-3418 Land & Homes REAL ESTATE 541-788-3480 From contractors to 541-504-5393 sumable if e l igible. carpet, windows & ¹201400236 Redmond RE/MAX Real Estate Redmond RE/MAX paint. Covered porch, John L. Scott Real Land & Homes 541-771-7786 $124,900 MLS¹ yard care, it's all here Land 8 Homes The Bulletin's Vacant Lot in Crooked 201304344 triple car attached ga- Estate 541-548-1712 Real Estate in The Bulletin's 5.5 acres, septic, power Real Estate "Call A Service Heather Hockett, PC, rage, and pull-through River Ranch $34,500. 541-771-7786 541-771-7786 water installed. "Call A Service Level & treed build- 10 Acres. 15805 Sixth and Broker, Century 21 Professional" Directory s hop. P roperty i s Very nice home, great near the en- Professional" Directory Gold Country Realty, is all about meeting agent owned. o pen f eeling a n d Broken Top j $269,000 able lot, 1.44 acres. St., La Pine, Owner Located 541-420-9151 Enjoy all the ameni- Financing available. trance of the Ranch. $289,900 but will en- bdrms on both ends • .45 acre lot MLS 864 sq.ft. shop w/heat, yourneeds. $119,900 tertain offers. 22837 for privacy, Irg master, • Backs non-developties or ranch living. $99,900. High Lakes 201104846 Call Linda RV pad w/dump, 3 757 w/ Irg walk in closet, ¹ 201309880. Gai l Abilene Ct. in Bend. ment zone Call on one of the & Pr o perty Lou Day- Wright. 541- bdrm, 2 bath beautiCall Heather Hockett, kitchen has c orner• Flat terrain Day, 5 4 1-306-1018 Realty Crook County Homes 771-2585 C r o oked fully appointed home. professionals today! Management Central Oregon Re- 541-536-0117 PC, Broker, Century pantry, counter space, • MLS 201400288 River Realty Enclosed garden, with 21 Gold Country Re- laminated f l o oring, Cathy Del Nero, alty Group, LLC Large Prineville Home. 145241 Corral Ct. La and extends into din 16160 SW Dove Rd. raised beds. "DynaBroker, CSP 2290 sq.ft. home with Pine, 3/2, 1620 sq.ft., alty, 541-420-9151 Need to get an Wooded acre, w e l l, mite" Cascade views. 6.1 acre corner lot, 541-410-5280 kitchen island, wood mfd home on 1 .65 Great horse property, 4 ing area. 36x36 ga septic. $22, 9 0 0. Mtn. views, near Desad in ASAP? One acre. $139,900 burning fir e place, acre, shop. $139,900. stall loafing shed with rage, shop wired and 53215 Day Road, La chutes River. $79,900 MLS 201309296 fini s hed. You can place it soaking tub, and a 2 High Lakes Realty 8 auto watering, opens partially Pine. High Lakes Re- MLS 201205646 Nancy Popp, Principal car garage. $175,000. Property M a n age- to fenced area, ap- metal siding and roof, online at: alty 8 Property ManBroker 541-815-8000 Fenced a re a for Juniper Realty Scott McLean, ment 541-536-0117 agement www.bendbulletin.com Crooked River Realty prox. 40x80 shed for horses, with a 541-504-5393 Principal Broker MORRIS 541-536-0117 152671 Long Prairiehay or what have you. cover-all, 2 d/~ acres 541-408-6908 16535 SW Chinook Dr. FACTORYSPECIAL REAL ESTATE $ 249,000. 4 b d r m, Fenced and c ross fenced an d c r o ss Realty Executives You won't find another 5.68 acres, R i ver 541-385-5809 New Home, 3 bdrm, ~ y~ ~ ~ d 3.55 acres, h o rse f enced wit h m a n y fenced. $164,900. acres lot like this one. $46,500 finished v iews, owner w i l l 7 965 SW R i ver R d . barn, arena. H i gh s eparate areas. 2 MLS 201302690 Cas 762 Central Oregon, Prinevlot ha s b e en carry. $225,000 MLS on your site. Lakes Realty & Prop- bdrm, 2 bath with sky- cade Realty, Dennis ille. Grandfathered-in This 2.79 acres, near the J and M Homes groomed 201106408. Juniper D eschutes Homes with Acreage erty Ma n agement lights, walk-in closets, Haniford, Princ. Bro one acre building sites completely Riv e r . 541-548-5511 with a fence, gravel Realty 541-504-5393 541-536-0117 dining area with built ker 541-536-1731 $49,000 ¹201009429 on paved dead end driveway, fire pit, and 16751 SW Dove Rd. in in hutch. Large living Landscaped with lots of 16685 SW Chinook Dr. Juniper Realty road. Ideal summer benches to enjoy the CRR, One level 2500 1.56 acres, 1620 sq.ft. room and wood stove. Views Galore! Smith trees is where you will 541-504-5393 ac r e s with retreats for snowbirds evening fire, log cabin 6.9 sq. ft. c ustom log Tastefully done spa- $179,900 find this 4 bdrm mfd MLS Rock views on a quiet or year round living. look a like s t orage Crooked River and Lot 16 SW Shad Rd. home on 4.9 acres. cious home sitting on 201108032. Cascade dead-end h ome. Has a l a k e co u ntry Power & water, wild- shed has also been Smith Rock v iews, the CR rim, dble gaFloor to ceiling win acres located on a view where you can Realty, Dennis Hani- road. Spacious 2700 life. Near to mtns, riv- built. Great lot for RV owner w il l ca r ry. 2.7 street. Mt. Jef j ust si t b a c k a n d dows with views of the rage with a ttached ford, Princ. Broker sq. ft. home boasts 3 ers & lakes. 6 miles to use. Just off of paved $189,000 MLS paved Mtns. Hickory hard tack room and horse 541-536-1731 ferson & Smith Rock watch th e w i l dlife. bdrms, 2 baths, huge 201008671. Juniper new hospital & shop- road. $47,500. MLS views. $58, 5 0 0. Home has newer viwood & t ile f loors, stall. Located off a country kitchen, dinRealty 541-504-5393 gourmet kitchen incl. paved road. $229,000 Great location w/unob- ing area, large util. ping. $34,500. Terms. 201309821 MLS¹ 201208266 n yl w i ndows, i n For sale by owner. Cascade Realty, Den- $300,000 - This 64-acre Juniper Realty cherry cabinets, gran MLS 201309151 structed view of 8 mtn room and a b a se- 541-350-4077 ground watering sysnis Haniford, Broker 541-504-5393 ite counters, farmers Linda Lou Day-Wright. irrigated Culver proppeaks. Nestled betem, 10x12 storage m ent which i s i n 541- 771-2585 1-541-536-1731 erty has e xpansive Lot 1, Mustang Road in b uilding & 8 x 4 0 f t sink and stainless ap tween Bend & Redcluded in the sq. ft. Great Investment j Crooked River Realty pliances. The stacked Cascade M o u ntain mond and only mo- Also has extra area container. $249,900 River Ranch, cargo 773 views. This is a rare Crooked rock w o od-burning 1643 Yoke Rd. 2188 sq. m ents away f r o m upstairs and all bdrms • Deschutes River & MLS acre corner lot $79,500. fireplace is perfect for ft. home on 10 acres, Hwy. 97 for an easy are on the main level. Pilot Butte views Acreages find with both building 5.11 on paved street with 201305511 Cascade these chilly days. qualifications and a w ith 4 0 x6 0 s h o p . c ommute. Built i n The dbl. garage is • Build in Bend's best views. $95,000. Realty, Dennis Hani20+ ACRES in West renewable lease with mtn. 201310051 $499,999 ¹201208751 $369,500. High 1994 on 2.5 acres large. This property is kept secret ford, Princ. Broker Powell Butte Estates, the current farm ten- MLS Juniper Realty, Lakes Realty & Prop- w/2494 sq.ft. of living 1.5 acres with 1 acre • .37 acre lot 541-536-1731 Juniper Realty, 541-504-5393 gated co m munity, ant. MLS¹201307637 erty Ma n agement space. Oversized liv- irrigation, fenced and • MLS 201307954 541-504-5393 mtn. views, private Eagle Crest 541-536-0117 ing room & d i ning ready fo r h o rses. Bonnie Savickas, Motivated Seller! Nice well, paved roads with Properties Lot 21 SW Chipmunk Mfd JMobile Homes room make comfort- $5000 allowance to Broker, EPRO, SRES 3 bdrm ranch- style access t o BLM. 866-7223370 Rd, in CRR. 5.16 level able environment for buyers at closing with 541-408-7537 with Land house with a nice floor $169,000 MLS with 2 storage family living & enter- accepted of fer. 3.18 acres g randfa- acres, plan, country kitchen, 201305077. s heds. Partial m t n 3 bdrm, 2 bath mobile taining. New 5-panel $289,900. 12333 NW thered in. Septic and nice brick fireplace, Pam Lester, Principal w ater o n t h e l o t , view. community wafir doors & glass panel 10th St., Terrebonne. home for sale or rent. nestled on 4+ acres B roker Century 2 1 front door. Oak lami- Call Heather Hockett, installed. $60,000 Private, power at the road. ter along COI caPowell Butte q u iet Gold Country Realty, ¹201300800 nate flooring in living PC, Broker, Century MLS 2012 0 8989 nal. 541-389-2636 MORRIS country lane. Fenced, 360' View/Top of Butte r oom, hallways & Inc. 541-504-1338 Juniper Realty 21 Gold Country Re$79,900. Call Linda REAL ESTATE corral, shed, shop in Terrebonne. Home, 541-504-5393 baths. 4 bdrms, 3 are alty, 541-420-9151 Cute as can be 2 bdrm, Day- W right P rime p r operty a t Lou dy ~ ~ ~ d area, along with stor- shop, mansion building master suites. New 541-771-285 Crooked Views! Views! Views! 2 bath, extra building Crooked River Ranch age rooms. 2 acres ir- site. 2% to broker. See: Hardi-plank s i d ing, back. Landscap763 Cascade views! River Realty $149,900. Flat, open, out rig., mtn and Smith bend.craigslist.org/reo/ r oof, t r im , wa t e r Recreational Homes Hager Mountain Estates with and much more! 4382262025.html buildable 9.7 acres in ing com Rock views. Local h eater an d la w n . 4 lots, $25,000 each lo- Property i s MLS Butte. $120,000.201 3 03383. pletely fenced. Cor USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Powell small Powell Butte 3 bdrm, on 6.48 acres. ¹201400552. John L. & Property cated in Silver Lake. MLS ¹201310923. D a v id ner lot, near firehall. Charter School. Cen- with multiple garages, Scott Rea l E s tate Underground power 201303383. Linda Lou Door-to-door selling with Franke, 541-420-5986 $79,900. MLS¹ tral location commut- 1183 Crescent Cut541-548-1712 Fishing camp: dock, Day-Wright Broker and conduit for phone ing distance to Bend, Off Rd., Crescent. wave breaks, electric and internet. Views of 20140064. Call Linda fast results! It's the easiest Central Oregon Realty 541-771-2585 Lou Day-Wright. 541Group, LLC Prineville 8 Redmond. $174,900. High Lakes Lake Front P roperty to dock, f ully f u rway in the world to sell. Hager Mountain. Sep- 771-2585 Crooked River Realty C r o oked Not a bad package at Realty 8 Pr o perty with Bre a thtaking nished, extra bunks tic feasibility for stan775 River Realty $ 279,900! 1052 5 Management Views! $89 5 ,000. in pump house, by The Bulletin Classified BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS dard system. The Illlanufactured/ F leming Rd. Cal l 541-536-0117 Remodeled in 2006. water only on North area is a sportsman's 13601 SW Canyon Dr. 541-385-5809 Search the area's most Heather Hockett, PC, 1296 sq. ft. home and Loft area, spacious 1 0 Mobile Homes Mi l e Lake . paradise. comprehensive listing of 1.13 acres in CRR, 32.42 Acres in Urban Broker, Century 21 master suite, 3 fire541-404-7595. Bobbie Strome, classified advertising... Mt. Jefferson views, shop with two Gold Country Realty, 28x48 Growth Bo u ndary,20784 Valentine, 1998 real estate to automotive, Principal Broker 12' overhead doors on places, 4 bedrooms, 2 owner w il l ca r ry. 541-420-9151 2 bdrm + office (Den), 4500 sq ft to The 771 John L Scott Real merchandise to sporting 4.28 acres adjoining 7 bathrooms, $58,500 ¹201106385 Adjacent on 6.8 acres. MLS¹ Greens, kitty corner to very open floor plan, goods. Bulletin Classifisds Estate 541-385-5500 Lots Juniper Realty Overlooking C rooked miles of public land. 2 01400129. attached double ga Da v i d new Ridgeview High appear every day in the 541-504-5393 River Gorge, Im $144,900. 201301345 Franke, 541-420-5986 Half acre commercial lot School. $7 5 0 ,000. rage, turn key and print or on line. maculate home on the Call Nancy P opp, Central Oregon Realty $25,000 - $65,000 near Sunriver near move-in c o n dition. MLS ¹ 201 2 03193 P rincipal Brok e r, S pectacular lots i n Call 541-385-5809 r im features a s pa store, restaurant and TURN THE PAGE $56,550. Group, LLC Pam Lester, Principal Yarrow s u bdivision, other www.bendbulletin.com cious & open great 541-815-8000. bu s inesses. Cascade Village For More Ads Broker, Century 21 room design, a large Crooked River Realty Large home with guest the newer develop- Now only $45,000. Homes N.W. LLC Gold Country Realty, The Bulletin ment in the east hills The Bulletin bonus room with a full Scott McLean, quarters. 4bdrms, 3 541-388-0000 5780 NW 66th Lane Inc. 541-504-1338 Seyyidty Central Oregan yiddd ydts of Madras. Very near bath, a spacious mas Redmond. 4 bdrm on 5 baths, on 5.27 acre Principal Broker the new aquatic Cent er, l a r g e gu e s t acres, 40x50 shop, 541-408-6908 horse property fenced bdrms, newer paint, fenced, borders BLM. and x-fenced, shop ter, middle school and Realty Executives COCC campus. Home carpet and flooring in $289,000. 541-815-1216 area with s t orage. ID YARROW Eagle Call The Bulletin At side and new exterior 5.82 acres 3 bdrm, 2 $369,900. Call Gail Crest Prop e rties 541-385-5809 paint, a circular drive, b ath, 1560 sq . f t . Day 541-306-1 01 8 immac. landscaping Large 28x32 sq. ft. Central Oregon Realty 866-722-3370 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail with irrigation system, LLC dble car garage. Group, $129,000 - Beautiful At: www.bendbulletin.com a fenced and irrigated shop, ¹201401229 Fenced for h orses. golf course lot behind garden area, chicken NW Bend Lot j Near the entrance of Near Smith Rocks, gor- the gates and Eagle coop, attached ga $149,000 the ranch. $279,000 Crest. Half an acre on rage with shop space, geous 3 bdrm, 3 bath, • .37 acre lot MLS 20130955 the fairway of the Re • Possible Smith Rock & central heat, p ellet 3880 sq.ft. $694,000 Call Linda Lou stove and exc. p ri ¹ 201300784. Call sort Course. Owner Mtn views Day-Wright, Broker, Linda Lou Day-Wright. ship benefits for this • Near community colvacy. $260 , 0 00 541-771-2585 ¹201308441 541- 771-2585 Crooked gated community in lege Crooked River Realty clude access to an • MLS 201401078 John L. Scott Real River Realty additional private pool Estate 541-548-1712 Carolyn Priborsky PC, te n ni s cou r t . Say "goodbuy" New carpet & p a int & Broker, ABR, MLS¹201400733 12250 NW Dove Rd. in r eady to m ove i n . CRS, GREEN to that unused Eagle Crest CRR. Custom Quiet location 3 bdrm, 541-383-4350 Properties c edar-sided h o m e item by placing it in 2 bath on 5.16 fenced 866-722-3370 with floor to ceiling The Bulletin Classifieds acres. Private well, windows. Immaculate close to golf course. 1841 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 $185,000. 6760 SW $149,900 - Build your bath h o m e with B uckskin, in C R R . dream home on this 5 41-385-580 9 MORRIS large gently sloping lot tongue 8 groove caMLS 201310512. REAL ESTATE with views of Mt. Jefthedral ceilings, gas 8479 SW High Cone Juniper Realty, dy ~ ~ ~ d ferson & Mt. Hood; FOr 27 yearS, EVergreen haSfOCuSed On PurChaSe buSineSS, So We free-standing stove, Drive. Large 4 bdrm, 2 541-504-5393 also adjacent to the wood floors. S paResidential bath located in t he knOW a thing Or two abOut the unique needS Of real eState trail and pond. c ious k i tchen i n - heart o f Building Lots Cr o okedNew listing! Country sgl walking Easily accessible on • Marsh Hawk Rd .48 cludes Corian River Ranch on 1.20 level 3 bdrm, 2 bath PrOfeSSiOnalS and homebuyerS. counters, b r eakfast acre. Wonderful out- home on 5 acres and the corner of High- acres OWWII, paved is newly painted inland View Loop 8 bar and separate prep door area for enterThat'S Why We'Ve deVelOPed an infraStruCture With SyStemS and s treet, $49,5 0 0 island. Large decks to taining or r e laxing. side & out. New floor T rail C r eek. M L S MLS¹201103380 v a u lted ¹201400392 PrOCedureS that allOW uS to quiCkly PrOCeSS lOanS So that We CIOSe enjoy the views. All of Oversized 2-bay shop coverings, • Lost Ponderosa Rd., this on 4.81 acres. w ith s t orage a n d living room ceiling and Eagle Crest Properties La Pine 1 . 0 a cres On Time and aS PrOmiSed'. In faCt, Our entire PlatfOrm iS MLS plenty of room to keep even wire shelving in 866-722-3370 $385,000 Wickiup Jct. paved the closets and panengineered to CIOSe PurChaSe tranSaCtiOnS in 14 dayS". 201101447. Juniper the toys out of t he street, $50, 0 0 0. Realty, 541-504-5393 weather. $ 1 43,000. try. Db. attached ga- 1.71 acres, septic ap- MLS¹201310270 rage with opener ha proved power and • Marsh Hawk Rd .51 201300653 14198 SW Nine Peaks mls lots of s pace and water at the street. acres OWWII, paved Teamwork, strength and focus: that's what Juniper Realty, Pl., CRR Mtn. views shelves. Fairly secul- $39,900 ¹201307972 St, 541-504-5393 $59,900 you get when you work with Evergreen. from this 1960 sq. ft., ded but close to town, Linda Lou Day-Wright. MLS¹201301116 541- 771-2585 3 bdrm., 2 bath home raised garden beds, • Auklet Dr .49 acres, on 1.16 acre. 936 sq. Need to get an ad large corral, pig pen Crooked River Realty c leared & rea d y , ft. garage has a shop and chicken coop, $64,500 in ASAP? area plus 2 bays. RV too! $259,900, 4055 Fenced acre with water MLS¹201307999 covered storage & NE Walnut, Redmond. and sewer. $28,500. Clyde Browning, carport. $1 2 9 ,500 Fax it ts 541-322-7253 Heather Hockett, Bro- 54700 Wolf St. High Principal Broker, MLS 201208272 ker, 54 1 - 420-9151 Lakes Realty 8 Prop541-480-4520 ;„, 4d dz"&Stg Juniper Realty, C entury 2 1 Gol d erty Man a gement The Bulletin Classifieds Eagle Commercial 541-536-0117 541-504-5393 Country Realty. Real Estate Kevin Pangle LindaFisher-Berlanga Brad Haun Lisa Hawes NMIS 89521 NMLS210118 NMLS221546 NMLS404405 JeffersonCounty Homes Homes with Acreage Homes with Acreage





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• R.D. Building & Design • Newly Completed Construction • 3553 SF & 42X16RVgarage • 3 bed, 2 full baths & 2 half baths, bonus room plus office

541-480-6790 m-( JAKEMOORHEAD BROKER

541-480-0448 JOHNTAYLOR BROKER '.

• Spectacular mountain & Smith Rock views • 39 fenced & cross fenced acres & 38 AC of irrigation • 3 bed, 2 bath home & 1530 SF • 36X48' six stall barn with wood floors, hay loft & tack room •Two ponds,greenhouse,outbuildings& chickencoop • Hay/livestock pasture


$215,000 I CENTRALLY LOCATED • 1796 SF, 3 bed & 2 bath, forced air, AC, Built1999 updated mfg. • Attached double garage

„.- •

m IILl

$289,900I 3016 CLUBHOUSE, BEND • 5th fairway in Rivers


-' 'f l E dge Village • Near river trails 8 shopping rmsmmiik • Master on main with %.:IQg~ walk-in closets 8 large master bath • Open great room, loft/ 541-977-1852 office, 1 bed 8 bath upstairs TONY LEVISON • Townhome BROKER

$394,500I 19777 BANEBERRYAVENUE, BEND • Beautiful River Canyon Estate • Large,open & sunny great room • 3 bed, 2.5 bath 8 3-car garage • Large patio, gas firepit & BBQ • Clubhouse & walking trails

$689,900I 18380 PINEHURSTROAD, BEND •Tumalohome&landpackage • 9.84 fenced acres • 2704 SF home • 4 AC irrigation • Mountain& water views • Superior location


$579,900I 21420 BELKNAPDRIVE, BEND • 2910 SF • Stunning kitchen • Two master suites • 0.46 AC fenced lot • Gorgeous openfloor plan



'I J' .

' .

$199,000 I 20017 SEQUEBECCOURT • One of the last available properties in Sundance • Great price • Flat 3.65 AC • Build your dream home • On a cul-de-sac

. 541-410-8084 SUSAN PITARRO BROKER $119,900 I YES, IT'S IN BEND! • 3 bed & 2 bath

• On an acre • New carpet & new stove • Built in 1995 • Deck overlooking acre lot!

$586,000IRESTAURANT G LOUNGE • Full Service Restaurant & Lounge • Banquet room on main floor • Full Service Bar / Lounge on main floor • Located in Klamath Falls, Near ThreeMotels • 7,448 SF


541-891-9441 DON ROMANO BROKER




cF su


, „


' -

$272,000ISPACIOUS HOME 0 CORNERLOT • RV parking, dump 8 lawn • Large living & dining rooms • Open kitchen with storage • Large bright, utility room & office • 3 car garage with big shop area

541-420-3891 808 AHERN BROKER

$224,500 I EAGLECREST RESORT • Turn key 2 bedroom, 2 bath • 1168 SF • Double detached garage • Eagle Crest Town Home Within private Community • Overlooks 9th fairway 541-771-1383 on The resort course, Cascades, Smith Rock, JEANETTEBRUNOT BROKER OchocoMountainvews.


$284,000QUALITY BUILT-QUALITY NEIOHBORHOOO • Fieldstone • 2598 SF with lots of

$220,500 INVESTMENT PROPERTY • Spacious duplex in NE Bend • 2 bed, 1 bath with



, W " 541-604-1649 GAILROGERS BROKER

• RV parking • Open floor plan • Master bedroom separation • Fenced garden & storage shed • MLS(r201401930





• Fenced & landscaped • Gated community pool, court & spa



• 2352 SF on .23 acre Private Corner Lot • 3Bdrm/2.5 Bath, Great Room, & Bonus Room • 500+SF Outdoor Deck Living w/views • Beautiful private fenced side yard • Triple Garage/shop w/ loads of level driveway • www.Central0regonLife.com

• 4 bed & 3 bath • 2217 SF • Brazilian Cherry wood floors • 0.49 AC lot • Located on 11th green


541-848-7590 PAM BELL BROKER


living space • Great Room, Den,Family Room with wet bar • Granite & Tile Counters & hardwood floors • Upgraded to the Hilt • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath


• 4.9 Buildable Acres • 2.5 Acres of COIflood irrigation • Horse Friendly • Septic feasibility approved: Powerbox at street



single car garages • Light & bright open floor plans • Professionally managed



• 2124 SF homeon

4.89 acres • Outstanding Family room


• Hardwood floors through out • Shop, Barn, HayShed & more • Great Views & 10 Minutes Terrebonne


• 3 bed • 2 bath • Slab Quarts Counter Tops • 2097 SF • Old growth Juniper • 1/2 acre lot • 6134 SF

• 2 bed, 2.5 bath units • 100% occupied &

fj • m•m

professionally managed • Unique & spacious floor plans • Large yard • Multi-level living • Bedrooms on separate floors

mm m


$375,000IDESIRABLE NORTHWEST CROSSING • Well appointed & immaculate • Master on main • Tons of storage • Move-in ready

• Tuscany style luxury in Bend • 2910 SF • Single level living • Stunning kitchen • Two master suites • 0.46 AC fenced lot • Gorgeous openfloorplan

$314,900 I 61194 TRAILBLAZERLANE, BEND • 3 bed & 2bath • 1568 SF

• Upgraded and updated $299,900ICUSTOM HOME R MOUNTAIN VIEWS throughout • Custom built home • Situated on large quiet lot L II • 2185SF at the end of a cul-de-sac • 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath I • Close to Lake • RV parking 541-633-0255 • 1.17 Acres GRANT LUDWICK • Mountain Views PRINCIPALBROKER



• 1940 SF • 3 Bed, 2 Bath • Huge Loft


• Gorgeous mountain views! • 4.85AC between Bend& Redmond • Open floor plan & vaulted ceilings • 2.6 AC irrigation, pond & fenced

• Open Floor Plan


• MLS 201402291


$500,000I2268 HAWK OWL COURT, REDMOND /Il .


Lll '

• The Ridgeat EagleCrest •Cascade&SmithRockviews •Exceptionalsecondhome • 2 master suites • 2 bedroomw/ bonusroom • Very private


$679,000ICUSTOM HOME, SHOP, BARN • Beautiful 2897 SF home • 4 bed & 2 bath • 2 master suites • Hardwood 8 slab granite • 28.72 AC irrigated • Great mountain views • 6393 SW Quarry Ave, Redmond






• 9.84 fenced acres • 2704 SF home • 4 AC irrigation • Mountain & water views • Superior location •

ql OUp

Rineha! t, Dempseg 8 Phelps Exp r l f s e Y o u T r u * l I C o e | t e

$155 000I8640 NW19™ REDMOND

. Hl .

5 I~ . 8

• Well maintained manufactured home • 3 bed & 2 bath -- • Livingroom&family

$189,900I SOUTHWESTAREA • Near SageElementary • Free standing gasstoves • Updated roof • RV parking • Corner lot • 2452 & 2486 SW


541-891-9441 DON ROMANO BROKER

• Open floor plan • Fresh paint • Granite counters • Two balconies • Detached garage

• 2 bed & 1 bath units

room • Well designed kitchen

Wickiup Ave, Redmond


t You V l ue





Patty Dempsey 541-480-5432 Andrea Phelps 541-408-4770 Cleme Rinehart 541-480-2100 WWW. RINEHARTDEMPSEY. COM





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RBR .mjl


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PARISATBROKENTOPl $449,900 ROS EMMYGOOBWIH • 3 bedroom,3 batha craftsman • Hardwood floors,crownmolding BRO KER,CERTFIED • 19476 BlueLakeLoop NEGO TATOL 541-706-1897 • MLS 201401385

cu ' INlll


BROKEN TOPl $769,000 SHELL YHUMMEL, ' 2649 sq ft BROKER ,CRS, GRI, ' 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath

• 10 acres, 8 mountain views • 8000 sq.ft. home • 5 bedroom, 6 bath


• Overlooks 12th green

g54T-383-436T • MLS 201401768

• MLS 201401911




20 ACRE SIN SISTERSl $749,500 BCCKYBR UNOE,• ' 2272 sq ft farmhouse BROKER ' • + 3 bedroom, 2 bath •

P Breathtaking Cascadeviews

541-350-4772 • MLS 2013071 41

NORT HWESTCROSSINGf $725,006 MARGO DEGRAy~ • 3572 sq.ft. customhome • 4 bedroom, 5 bath BROKER , ABR, • P Marble counters cherry floors CRS 541 480 7355 • MLS 201310012

I a

'+... 4





' 2594 sq.ft. custom built • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Barn, storaqe building, RVhookkp

• MLS 201400839

SUNRISE VILLAGEl 670,000 3705 sq.R KARINJOHNSON • Remodeled • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath BROKER • Office 541-639-6140 • MLS 201306633

2.5 ACRES l $625,000 MK'HCU E85p[L p(' BROKER , ABR, EJ'RO I541-390-3490


• 2594 sq.ft. home • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath

• Saltwater, solar heated pool

• MLS 201402286




• 2352 sq.ft. midkentury modern • Sage Builders newconstruction

• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • MLS 201401887

DANAMILLER, PRINCIPAL BROKER, • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • Large backyard, patios, fire pit ABR,AHWO 541-408-1468 • MLS 201402147

a I

rI 4'


' I~ »


PARKS ATBROKENTOPl $449,900 JFM &ROXANNE • 2245 sq.ft. craftsman CHENEY , BROKERS • 3 bedroom,3 bath 541-390-4050 • Hardwoodfloors, crownmolding 541-390-4030 • MLS 201401385


ASPEN RIM l $425,000

• 1711 sq.ft. furnished cabin • 3 bedroom suites • Granite counters, hardwoodfloo

MARCIBOUCHARD, • 2690 sq.ft, green built • 3 bedroom,2.5 bath BROKER • Cherrywood, granite 54T-977-1230 • MLS 201401046

541-420-7080 • MLS 201310654

I 144r

SUNDANCE l $419,000 MATTROBINSON • 2344 sq.ft, energy efficient BROKER • ' 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 4.1 acres

541-977-5811 • MLS 201401049

2.2 ACRE SINNEBENDl $395,000 IYNNECON NELLEY, 1967sq.ft. BROKER, CRS • + 2 bedroom, 2 bath • Artist sludio/shop 541-408-6720 • MLS 201401494

.p 4



RIVER RIMf $319,900 SUSANAGLI, • 4 bedroom, 2 bath BROK ER,ABR, • Great room plan ALHS 8SRES a 541 408-3773 • MLS 201309843

NW BEND$319,500 f NRKVALCISCHINIFC • 2080 sq.ft. BROKER, CRS,GRI ' 3 bedroom,2.5 bath • Covered front porch 541-383-4364 • MLS 201401314


NW BEND$318,000 l DEBBIE HERSHEY, • 1100 sq.ft. BROKER , CRS, GRI • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .15acre, fenced 4T-420-5170 • MLS 201401445


MTHHIGHWILLOWCREEKf $310JOI JUUABUCKLAND • 1894 sq.ft. BROKER ABR • P 2 bedroom, large den, 2 bath ALHS,CRS,GRI • Private lot on golf course 541-719-8444 • MLS 201401639

• 1.36 ACRES INLAPINEI $269,980

SHERR YPERRIGAN 1731 sq ft 3 bedroom • • Open cathderal great room BROKER • Insulated 3-bay shop 541-410-4938 • MLS 201306446



NE BEND$265,000 l JOHN SHIPFIH, HOLER MBA,AIR,CRS,GLI 541-312-7273 541-948-9090

NE BEND l $245,000

• 1432 sq,ft, singlelevel • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Fenced corner lot 541-815-4786 • MLS 201402092



• 1710 sq.ft. craftsman • 3 bedroom,2.5 bath • Hardwood floors • MLS 201401161


NE BEND ACREAGEl $239,900 • 19.68 acres • 16 ac. irrigated • 15 minutes to medical &shopping

41-480-2966 • MLS 201400819

4.5 ACRES l $220,000 • 1620 sq.h.


• .39acre lot BROKER GRI • s End of culde-sac loion cat • City water 8 sewer


41-322-1500 • MLS 201400429


• 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Recently renovated

541-480-6621 • MLS 201402068



NE BENDf $205,900

• 1321 sq.ft. JUDYMEYERS, BROKER , GRI,CRS • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Private .18 acre lot

541480-1922 • MLS 201401365

CROO KE DRIVERRANCHl $190,000 JIIH TH IFFIH,BROKER, • 3 bedroom, 2 bath MBA,ABR,CRS,GRI Ready 541-312-7273 • 1.2 acres Horse 541-948-9090 • MLS 201401498


RIDGE ATEAGLECRESTl $174,900 LESTE RFRIEDMAN, • 1328 sq.ft. chalet • 3 bedroom, 2 bath P.C., BROK ER • .05acre on thepond

41-330-8491 • MLS 201400300

SEBENDl $130,000 PAT PAIAZZI, BROKER 41-771-699

• 1464 sq.ft. manufactured • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .52acre lot

• MLS 201309914


• Cascade views

• NearOldMill & FarewelBend l Park 41-312-7271 • MLS 201402038



• .12acrelevellot

I • 1




• 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .17acre on culkle-sac

541-948-5880 • MLS 201401085

MADRAS $90,000 l

• 1788 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 22 acre fenced backyard 541-383-4334 • MLS 201401458 DARRYL DOSER, BROKER , CRS


• 12 acre culkfe-sac lot • Alley access • Utilities at street

41 419 8639 • MLS 201401111

• FOR LEASE l $0.85/SF


• 6300 sq.ft. restaurant

• 28 ft. 8 12 ft. hoods • Busy Bendmtersection

41-419-8900 • MLS 201310861

PAUIAVANVIECIC • 11,448 sq.ft. space BROKER

P Excellent midtown location + Concrete floor, new paint

541 280 777P • MLS 201310330


Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 2014 • •



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Pets & Supplies

Furniture 8 Appliances

Guns, Hunting & Fishing


Misc. Items

Compaq computer Guaranteed Income For monitor, works like new Your Ret i rement. CASHII e 19 $5. 541-548-6642 Avoid market risk & For Guns, Ammo & l caution when purITEMS FORSALE 264- Snow Removal Equipment Reloading Supplies. Computer desk chair, get guaranteed inchasing products or I in r etirement! 201 - NewToday 265 - BuildingMaterials 541-408-6900. y ou p i ck-up, $ 1 0 . come services from out of I CALL for FREE copy 202- Want to buy or rent 266- Heating and Stoves 541-548-6642. t the area. Sending t of our MONEY 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 267- Fuel and Wood IOI'T Il lI STIS Glass-top m e tal/wood GUIDESAFE ' cash, checks, o r ' 202 Plus Annuity 204- Santa's Gift Basket 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers l credit i n f ormation computer desk, you pick- Quotes from A-Rated 205- Free Items may be subjected to 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment Want to Buy or Rent up, $20. 541-548-6642. Companies! DO YOU HAVE 208- Pets and Supplies l FRAUD. For more 270- Lost and Found Wanted: $Cash paid for SOMETHING TO T HE B ULLETIN r e - 800-908-7035. 210 -Furniture & Appliances information about an c vintage costume jewSELL GARAGESALES quires computer ad- (PNDC) advertiser, you may I 211- Children's Items elry. Top dollar paid for FOR $500 OR 275 - Auction Sales vertisers with multiple How to avoidscam / call t h e Or e gon / 212 -Antiques & Collectibles Gold/Silver.I buy by the LESS? ad schedules or those and fraud attempts 280 - Estate Sales Atto r ney ' 8 up. 541-280-1537 ' State 215- Coins & Stamps Estate, Honest Artist Non-commercial selling multiple sys- YBe aware of internal General's O f fi ce 281 Fundraiser Sales www.rightwayranch.wor 240- Crafts and Hobbies Elizabeth,541-633-7006 advertisers may tems/ software, to dis- tional fraud. Deal loConsumer Protec• 282Sales Norlhwest Bend dpress.com 241 -Bicycles end Accessories place an ad close the name of the cally whenever post ion ho t l in e at I 208 284Sales Southwest Bend 242 - Exercise Equipment with our business or the term sible. 210 i 1-877-877-9392. Pets & Supplies "QUICK CASH 286- Sales Norlheast Bend "dealer" in their ads. 243 - Ski Equipment Furniture & Appliances SPECIAL" 288- Sales Southeast Bend Private party advertis- Y Watch for buyers 244 - Snowboards I TheBulletin > 1 week3lines 12 who offer more than Serving Central Oregon since 1903 ers are defined as 245 - Golf Equipment 290- Sales RedmondArea The Bulletin recom- 3 piece display cabinet your asking price and OI' those who sell one 246-Guns,Huntingend Fishing 292 - Sales Other Areas mends extra caution w/lights, glass who ask to have 20! 212 ~2e e ke computer. 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. when purc h asshelves, faux finish money wired or FARM MARKET Ad must ing products or ser248- HealthandBeauty Items looks like stone, end Antiques & 257 handed back to them. 308- Farm Equipment andMachinery include price of vices from out of the s ections 7 0 " tal l , 249 - Art, Jewelry and Furs Fake cashier checks Collectibles e l e te of 5500 Musical Instruments 316- Irrigation Equipment ~ area. Sending cash, middle section 80" tall, and money orders 251 - Hot TubsandSpas or less, or multiple 325- Hay, Grain and Feed 72" width. $450. Call checks, or credit inare common. 5' crosscut saw with 253 - TV, Stereo endVideo items whosetotal 333- Poultry,RabbitsendSupplies formation may be after 11 a.m. VNever give out perhandles, $75. 255 - Computers does not exceed 54'I -330-8177. subjected to fraud. 341 - Horses andEquipment 541-815-7330 sonal financial infor$500. 256 - Photography For more informamation. 345-Livestockand Equipment 257 - Musical Instruments Dark oa k 2 d rawer tion about an advers/Trust your instincts A1 Washers8 Dryers 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals Call Classifieds at 258 - Travel/Tickets tiser, you may call dresser, curved front, $150 ea. Full war541-385-5809 and be wary of 350 Horseshoeing/Ferriers 259 - Memberships the O r egon State $250. White wicker www.bendbulletln.com ranty. Free Del. Also someone using an 358- Farmer's Column Attorney General's baby crib, u n ique Beautiful Lowrey 260- Misc. Items wanted, used W/D's escrow service or 375 Meat and Animal Processing Office C o n sumer $250. Large dark oak Adventurer II Organ 261 - Medical Equipment 541-280-7355 agent to pick up your Fishing camp on North Protection hotline at roll top desk, $800. Absolutely perfect 383- Produce andFood 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. merchandise. 10 Mile Lake. See ad 1-877-877-9392. Surveryor's tr a nsit condition, not a 263- Tools in Recreation Proper1930-1940, orig. box scratch on it, about • Chandelier, n The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon srnce 1903 ties .541-404-7595. The Bulletin 22" diameter x 17 $350. C ASH 4-feet wide, does Serving Central Oregon sincetggg 541-923-5960 everything! Includes Little G r een c a r pet high, 12 lights, a nice bench, too. bronze & crystal, shampooer, perfect Adopt a rescued cat or has 6 arms (2 lights The Bulletin reserves $1600 obo. for apt. or RV, $79 the right to publish all teen kitten! F ixed, 541-385-5685 on each arm), obo 541- 330-9070 ads from The Bulletin shots, ID chip, tested, $300 obo. newspaper onto The Milkshake blender, old more! 65480 7 8th, 541-923-7491 Bulletin Internet webTumalo, T h urs/Sat/ USE THF CLASSIFIEDS! style, $10. Toaster, site. $10. 541-388-1256 Sun 1-5, 3 8 9-8420 Left Handed Stag Cherry 6-sided island, Door-to-door selling with www.craftcats.org Arms AR15, Model Formica top, 36"H, The Bulletin Stag 15, L-3 EOfast results! It's the easiest 280 2ee 292 Sewing Central Omgon sincetggg Natural gas Ruud Aussie Mini AKC par- $50. 541-390-7649 Tech ESPS2 red dot way in the world to sell. tankless water Estate Sales Sales Southeast Bend S a les Other Areas ents on site. Shots/ Desk, maple with green 215 scope w/quick deheater, brand new! wormed. Sta r ting leather top , $ 1 2 5. Coins & Stamps tach mount, over The Bulletin Classified 199 Btu, $1800. ESTATE SALE - EverySat. 9 a.m., 21234 $350. m/f blue merle 541-977-5178 NOTICE 2000 rounds of high Also brand new 80 thing goes! Bedroom Capella. Desk, micro541-385-5809 541-598-5314 Remember to remove quality Federal 62 gal. electric water sets, dining room table & wave, bar stools, 6x6 your Garage Sale signs Just bought a new boat? g rain g r een t i p heater, $500. chairs, matching couch & dog kennel, dog Terriers, 8 wks, 1st Sell your old one in the (nails, staples, etc.) Cairn 5 .56/223 am m o . DRUM SETS: sofa, end tables, dress- house, rocking chair shot, wormed twice, $500 In Sunriver area. classifieds! Ask about our after your Sale event $2500. Ludwig drum set, ers, lamps, romantic w/foot-rest, TV stand 503-501-0462 or 530-938-3003 Super Seller rates! is over! THANKS! cash. 541-350-7017 d rums o nly, n o books, tools, lots of very w/matchingbookcase. 541-419-8676 541-385-5809 From The Bulletin hardware, 26" base *REDUCE nice Christmas decor, YOUR and your local utility Dining set, folk art, 4 13", 16", and wall pictures, blankets, Just bought a new boat? Ruger SR9 9mm, (3) drum, HELP YOUR AD 0 0 CABLE BILL! Get an companies. chairs, darling set. linen, desk, bar chairs, Sell your old one in the 17-rnd clips, case, 18 toms, 14 snare, stand out from the All-Digital Sa t e llite $125. 541-977-5178 sewing machine, lots of classifieds! Ask about our rest! Have the top line clean, excellent cond, $500. REMO MasThe Bulletin system installed for porcelain potpourri, lots of Super Seller rates! $400. Ruger 10/22, ter Touch drum set, Sereing Central Ckegon sincetgtg in bold print for only FREE and programpetite clothlnq. Thursno 541-385-5809 s imulated stoc k , drums o nl y $2.00 extra. www.bendbuffetfn.com Dining table m ing s t a rting a t Fri-Sat-Sun, 8-5, 2330 Simmons 3x9 scope, hardware, 22" base Beautiful round DACHSHUND PUPS $ 24.99/mo. FRE E SW IndianAve, Redmond 8", 10", 12", 290 The Bulletin $150. 541-419-0438 drum, AKC Mini longhaired oak pedestal table Serving Cenerel Oregon sincelgtg HD/DVR upgrade for 1 3", 1 6 e and 18" Just bought a new boat? Sales Redmond Area with 4 matching n M$500/ F$600 new callers, SO CALL 541-385-5809 284 t oms, 1 4 snare Sell your old one in the 541-598-7417 chairs, table is 42" NOW (877)366-4508. $800. Both in Sales Southwest Bend Lakeview Estates Yard USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! in diameter and in Private collector buying classifieds! Ask about our drum, (PNDC) excellent condition. Super Seller rates! Sale 3285 NE 25th, Door-to-door selling with Donate deposit bottles/ postagestamp albums 8 brand new condi541-410-4983 HUGE MOVING SALE! Redmond, 3/28, 29, cans to local all vol., 541-385-5809 Reduce Your Past Tax collections, world-wide tion, as are the Fri. 9-5, Sat. 8-3. Bill by as much as 75 and U.S. 573-286-4343 Wanted: Collector seeks 30. Gates open at 8 fast results! It's the easiest non-profit rescue, for chairs. Priced at Electronics, camping, feral cat spay/neuter. Percent. Stop Levies, a.m. Tools 8 related way in the world to sell. Vlohn/flddle stand, $400. 541-447-3342 (local, cell phone). high quality fishing items cooking, blankets, Cans for Cats trailer Liens and Wage Garshop items, yard, lift & upscale bamboo fly folding like new, $30. 242 at Bend Pet Express books. Etc., etc., etc. nishments. Call The chair, crafts, fishing, The Bulletin Classified 541-330-9070 rods. Call 541-678-5753, 19546 SW Brookside. you-dig plants, misc. E; or donate M-F at Dining table, glass & Tax DR Now to see if Exercise Equipment 541 485-5809 or 503-351-2746 Smith Sign, 1515 NE brass, glass pedestal, 258 you Qualify household. Prices nee 2nd; or a t C RAFT, Just bought a new boat? gotiable Sat. & Sun. 253 1-800-791-2099. 60 x40". $450. Call Pilates XP297; Pilates Travel/Tickets Tumalo. Call for us to after Sell your old one in the 11 a.m. chair, fluidity bar, call TV, Stereo & Video (PNDC) classifieds! Ask about our pick up large quant- 541-330-8177. for info. 541-408-0846 Advertise V A CATION Lee Rennolds Super Seller rates! ites, 5 4 1-389-8420. cassette player/ SPECIALS to 3 mil541-385-5809 www.craftcats.org Dining table w/3 chairs, ProForm 380CSX sta- AM/FM ESTATE SALE retro style, $35. lion Pacific N o rthtionary bike, all digital turntable, $45. 5 4 1 -388-1256 541-388-1256 1240 NW 4th, Redmond westerners! 29 daily Free barn/shop cats, after 7pm. read-out, like new, $200 286 six fixed, shots. Will deFri. March 28 • Sat., March 29 obo. 541-548-0324 DirectTV 2 Year Sav- newspapers, Sales Northeast Bend G ENERATE SOM E 25-word clasliver! 541-306-4519 Iv 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ings Event! Over 140 states. 243 EXCITEMENT in your sified $540 for a 3-day Sunvision Pro msg. Crowd control admfttance numbers channels only $29.99 a d. neighborhood! Plan a Ca l l (916) 28LX Tanning Bed Ski Equipment Issued I 8:00 am Frfday. a month. O nly Di** FREE ** 2 88-6019 o r vis i t Has only 300 hours, garage sale and don't (Take Hwy 97 north to exit 119, follow south torecTV gives you 2 forget to advertise in Helly Hansen ski suit, YEARS www.pnna.com for the jlamps have average Garage Sale Kit wards town, pass HomeDepot and Wa/-Mart, of s a vings classified! Nor t hwest ilfe of 800-1000 hours Place an ad in The men's Med., qreen, exlnt and a FREE Genie Pacific and go to Kingwood, turn left and go to 4th. 541-385-5809. Co n nection. of effective tanning Bulletin for your gaSaleis on corner of 4th& Kingwood/ cond, $75. 5401-388-0811 upgrade! Call Daily (PNDC) usage). 1 owner, rage sale and re- Nice sale in 1949 home - so quite a few collect1-800-259-5140. Just bought a new boat? 245 great condition, ceive a Garage Sale ible items: Duncan Phyfe table, 5 chairs & 2 HAVANESE PUPPIES Sell your old one in the (PNDC) 260 includes manual, Kit FREE! Golf Equipment leaves;Large bookcase unit;Beaded furcape 8 AKC, Dewclaws, UTD classifieds! Ask about our DISH T V Ret a iler. Misc. Items goggles & head Super Seller rates! fur muff; 1920s calenders; Sofa 8 matching shots/wormer, non-shed, KIT INCLUDES: pJ1low. $900. Starting ai 541-385-5809 CHECK YOUR AD chair; Queen size bedroom set, no mattress; hypoallergenic, $850 • 4 Garage Sale Slgns Call lo see! $19.99/month (for 12 Buying Diamonds Double bed & dresser; Hats & purses; linens; 541-480-1277. • $2.00 Off Coupon To 541-385-9318 in Bend L oveseat Jgeige gx c . mos.) & High Speed /Gofd for Cash tablecloths; Books; Pots & pans; Dish set: Use Toward Your COIlrt . $80. Internet starting at Labrador Puppies, $300 Saxon's Fine Jewelers stoneware; Lots o f l u ggage; Refrigerator; Next Ad $14.95/month (where The Bulletin Offers $350. 1st shots. vet 541-977-5178 541-389-6655 • 10 Tlps For "Garage washer and dryer; Lovely Hide-a-bed & match- & available.) SAVE! Ask Free Private Party Ads Sale Success!" ing chair; Recliner; Side chairs; Lamps; Cro- checked. 541-416-1175 NEED TO CANCEL BUYING About SAME DAY In• 3 lines - 3 days cheted pieces; Electrical appliances; some jew- Labrador, yellow unfixed YOUR AD? on the first day it runs stallation! CALL Now! Lionel/American Flyer • Private Party Only elry; 1st edition Boy Scout Manual; 1930-31 male, 1 yr, free to good The Bulletin trains, accessories. to make sure it is cor- 1-800-308-1563 • Total of items adverPICK UP YOUR Juniper Annual; Rocker; White formica table and home w/lots of room. Classifieds has an 541-408-2191. rect. 0Spellcheckn and (PNDC) tised must equal $200 GARAGE SALE KIT at 4 maple captains chairs; Glassware; File cabi- 541-977-7439, 3:00 p.m. "After Hours"Line human errors do ocLess 1777 SW Chandler nets; Two fur stoles & two leather coat & jacket; Call 541-383-2371 YOUR BUYING & SE LLING or cur. If this happens to REDUCE Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Hoover vacuum; Fabric & sewing notions 8 Looking to buy 4 or 5 CABLE BILL!* Get a All gold jewelry, silver FOR DETAILS or to 24 hrs. to cancel your ad, please conPLACE AN AD, gold coins, bars, white doves for outMahogany desk; New in boxes; bread whole-home Satellite and your ad! tact us ASAP so that rounds, wedding sets, Call 541-385-5809 The Bulletin buttons; machine & steam mash machine; 6' & 10' lad- d oor a v iary. C a l l system installed at Serving Central oregon since 1303 corrections and any Fax 541-385-5802 Just bought a new boat? rings, sterling sil541-382-2194 ders; Few tools; Electric Stove from 60s; NO COST and pro- class adjustments can be Sell your old one in the ver, coin collect, vinGlasses 8 mugs 8 kitchen tools; Quilt frame; made to your ad. ~ramming starting at classifieds! Ask about our watches, dental Wanted: crew memMoving sale everything Savage 99F 308 cal. Rifle; Marlin 1895G rifle; 1 9.99/mo. FRE E tage 541-385-5809 Super Seller rates! gold. Bill Fl e ming, bers to sail Winchester must go - furniture, Lots of 45/70 ammo. Lots of other misc. items! HD/DVR Up rade to Bay, OR to San FranThe Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809 541-382-9419. kitchen supplies and Handled by Mini Aussie Toy pups, new callers, 30 CALL cisco and return, apmore. Fri-Mon, 10-6, Deedy's Estate Sales Co., LLC toy size, assorted col- Oak hutch, removable Hard t r avel c a s es, NOW Classical music CDs, prox. 3 wks this sum541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves 341 NE Isaiah Dr. ¹4 o rs, $ 3 3 0 ca s h . top, 3 t o s e ll, $40 Datrek and SKB $50 1-866-984-8515. played once or never, mer. Call Mark, or call 541-610-3784 www.deeedysestatesales.com 541-678-7599 each. 541-390-7649 each. 541-815-0213 541-233-8944 (PNDC) $1 ea. 541-548-6642 Norwich rare AKC male pup, 11 wks, house raised; 3 3/~-year-old Norwich male, house r aised 8 g ood o n leash. $1800 each. 54'I-487-45'l1, or sharonmOpeak.org POODLE pups, toy. 12-20 wks. $175-$250 & up. 541-475-3889 Queensland Heelers Standard & Mini, $150

The Bulletin recommends extra '



l l






541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com

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Can be found on these pages:




410 - Private Instruction 507- Real Estate Contracts Monday • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • 421 - Schools andTraining 514 - Insurance 454- Looking Ior Employment 528- Loans andMortgages 306 Tuesday.••• • • • .Noon Mon. Farm Equipment 470 470- Domestic & In-HomePositions 543- Stocks andBonds Domestic & 476 - EmploymentOpportunities 558- Business Investments & Illachinery Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tues. In-Home Positions 486 - IndependentPositions 573 - BusinessOpportunities (4) 5'x12' horse panels, Care for 476 476 476 Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. $75/ea. Assorted wa- Companion Senior - Do you need

Friday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri.

Saturday • • • Sunday. • • • •

• . 3:00pm Fri. • • 5:00 pm Fri • Place aphoto in yourprivate party ad foronly$15.00per week.

PRIVATE PARTY RATES Starting at 3 lines

*UNDER '500in total merchandise

OVER '500 in total merchandise

7 days.................................................. $10.00 14 days................................................ $16.00

Garage Sale Speclal

4 days.................................................. $16.50 7 days.................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 26 days .................................................$61.50

4 lines for 4 days ................................. $20.00

!call for commercial line ad rates)

nilliust state prices in ad

A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN (*) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin The Bulletin bendbulletin.com reserves the right to reject any ad at any time. is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702


PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. 260


Misc. Items

Medical Equipment

Wanted- paying cash for Hi-fi audio 8 studio equip. Mclntosh, J BL, Marantz, D ynaco, Heathkit, Sansui, Carver, NAD, etc. Call 541-261-1808 WHEN YOU SEE THIS


MOreP iXatBendbulletil,COm


• Building Materials REDMOND Habitat RESTORE

Flatscreen Magnifier Optlec Clearview+ viewer, magnifier for reading, writing and viewing for those who have vision loss. $900 obo. (Otheritems listed previously have been sold) In Bend, call 541-480-6162

Building Supply Resale Quality at LOW PRICES 1242 S. Hwy 97 541-548-1406

Open to the public. 267

Fuel & Wood

On a classified ad go to All year Dependable www.bendbulletin.com Firewood: Seasoned; to view additional Lodgepole 1 for $195 photos of the item. or 2 for $365. Cedar, split, del. Bend: 1 for Just bought a new boat? $175 or 2 for $325. Sell your old one in the 541-420-3484. classifieds! Ask about our BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809 Search the area's most Dry, split Juniper, comprehensive listing of $190/cord. Multi-cordclassified advertising... discounts, & I/Rcords real estate to automotive, avail. Immediate demerchandise to sporting Meet singles right nowl goods. Bulletin Classifieds livery! 541-408-6193 No paid o perators, appear every day in the just real people like print or on line. Pine & Juniper Split you. Browse greetCall 541-385-5809 ings, exchange mes- www.bendbulletin.com sages and connect PROMPT DELIVERY live. Try it free. Call 541-389-9663 The Bulletin •

now: 877-955-5505.

Sening Central Oregon since tgta



Fuel & Wood

Seasoned Juniper $150/ cord rounds; $170/ cord split. Delivered in Central OR, since 1970! Call eves, 541-420-4379 269

Gardening Supplies & Equipment



Garden Shelf, 3 t ier, green pwdr coat, $49 new. 541-330-9070

BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com

ter and feed tubs, call help with transportation, Employment Employment Employment for prices. shopping/errands, light Opportunities Opportunities Opportunities 541-923-9758 housekeeping, meals & BANKING reminders? Call Auto Parts BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS med Stephanie, 541-408-6190 CounterpersonEMPLOYMENT Search the area's most Now taking applications! automotive and comprehensive listing of Immediate opening for Some computer experience A new Behavioral classified advertising... caregiyer in the Sisters required. We can train Health Centeris real estate to automotive, area. 541-598-4527 opening in the Bend/ from there. Starting COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION merchandise to sporting La Pine area. All posipay based on experi- is seeking a dynamic goods. Bulletin Classifieds tions available, inc!uding: ence. Send resume to and service-driven 476 appear every day in the • Counseling Staff individual to fill a PO Box 960, La Pine, Employment print or on line. • Dietary OR 97739. Ordrop off Full-time Teller • Housekeeping Opportunities Call 541-385-5809 at Napa Auto Parts, role in our www.bendbulletin.com 51477 Hwy97, in La Bend South Branch. • Maintenance • Support staff Add your web address Pine. • Clerical The Bulletin to your ad and readTo view the fulljob Serving Central Oregon sincelggl Competitive benefits and ers onThe Bullet/n's description and to wages. Please email N ew H o lland 2 5 5 0 web site, www.bend- USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! app/y, p/easevisit your teuer of interest and swather, 14' header bulletin.com, will be our website at: to with conditioner, cab able to click through Door-to-door selling with www.on ointcareers.com Emil ©resume kleancenter.com heat/A/C, 1300 orig. automatically to your fast results! It's the easiest BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS hrs. $29,000 obo. website. way in the world to sell. 1486 International, cab Search the area's most comprehensive listing of heat/A/C, 5 4 0/1 000Just bought a new boat? The Bulletin Classified Pto, 3 sets remotes, Sell your old one in the classified advertising... H ELP W A NTED i n nice tractor. $18,000. classifieds! Ask about our real estate to automotive, western North Dakota. 541-385-5809 541-419-3253 Super Seller rates! merchandise to sporting Great Northern Ag is 541-385-5809 goods. Bulletin Classifieds a pulse processing / 326 appear every day in the seed facility in need of staff. Full details at Hay, Grain & Feed print or on line. www.greatnor!hernag. Call 541-385-5809 Serving Cenrraf Oregon since f903 or call Mixed Grass Hay, 1st www.bendbulletin.com com 701-497-3082. quality, big bales, 3'x3'x8', Home Delivery Advisor barn stored, $230/ton. (PNDC) The Bulletin Serving Cenfral Oregonsince eta Patterson Ranch Sisters, The Bulletin Circulation Department is seeking 541-549-3831 a Home Delivery Advisor. This is a full-time Caregiver Housekeeper - Private and consists of managing an adult Prineville Senior care homes cleaning team USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! position h ome l ooking f o r member needed, week carrier force to ensure our customers receive Caregiver for multiple days only, no weeksuperior service. Must be able to create and Door-to-door selling with shifts, part-time to ends, eves or holidays. perform strategic plans to meet department fast results! It's the easiest objectives such as increasing market share full-time. Pass way in the world to sell. criminal background 541-815-0015 and penetration. Ideal candidate will be a check. 541-447-5773. self-starter who can work both in the office The Bulletin Classified and in their assigned territory with minimal 541-385-5809 supervision. Early a.m. hours are necessary with company vehicle provided. S t r ong 341 customer service skills and management skills are necessary. C o mputer experience is Horses & Equipment required. You must pass a drug screening AUSTRALIAN SADDLE and be able to be insured by company to drive Administrative Assistant misc. tack, $ 2 4 5; vehicles. This is an entry-level position, but we believe in promoting from within, so 541-548-0875 Provides administrative support to the IS deadvancement within company is available to partment. Duties include data entry; answer345 the right person. If you enjoy dealing with ing phones; responding to questions and repeople from diverse backgrounds and you are Livestock & Equipment quest for i nformation; accounts payable; energetic, have great organizational skills and education and travel coordination; scheduling FREE Saanen Buck, 7 interpersonal communication skills, please meetings and taking minutes; assisting with m o., fo r b r eed o r send your resume to: vendor communication and contracts; office The Bulletin butcher, 541-390-5211 organization; and maintaining records. c/o Kurt Muller PO Box 6020 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Requires 3 years administrative experience; Bend, OR 97708-6020 knowledge of Microsoft Office; experience or e-mail resume to: Door-to-door selling with making education and travel arrangements; kmullerObendbuffetin.com strong written and verbal communication fast results! It's the easiest No phone calls, please. skills; excellent customer service skills; ability way in the world to sell. The Bulletin is a drug-free workplace. EOE to work independently, ability to manage time and multiple priorities; and ability to work with The Bulletin Classified all staff levels. 541-3II-5809 Les Schwab has a reputation of excellent customer service and over 400 stores in the Northwest. We offer competitive pay, excellent benefits, retirement, and cash bonus. Please go towww.lesschwab.com to apply. Applications will be accepted through April 9, 2014. No phone calls please.


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ElackEutte Ranch'. T HER E I S



The Bulletin Snving Central Oregonsincelggg

Call54! 385580f tsprOm OteyO ur Se rV iCe• AdrertiSefOr 28daytStarting at' l40frtis Segclfseteteil not esiiebil onogrnefetel

For newspaper delivery, call the Circulation Dept. at 541-385-5800 To place an ad, call 541-385-5809 or email


Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Care

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Sorvrng Cennoi Oregon sinceSte


NOTICE: Oregon state NOTICE: Oregon Land270 law requires anyone scape Contractors Law who con t racts for (ORS 671) requires all Lost & Found Zdpe~Quu/rep businesses that adconstruction work to be licensed with the vertise t o pe r formLOST Cat 3/12, white & Za~<da Construction ContracLandscape Construc- ray/tan male, OB Riley/ Than Service tors Board (CCB). An More tion which includes: len Vis t a-Cooley? Peace Of Nind active license p lanting, deck s , Bingo is missed! Call means the contractor fences, arbors, 541-531-3699 is bonded & insured. Spring Clean Up water-features, and in•Leaves bought a new boat? Verify the contractor's stallation, repair of ir- Just Sell your old one in the •Cones CCB l i c ense at rigation systems to be classifieds! Ask about our •Needles www.hirealicensedl icensed w it h th e Super Seller rates! •Debris Hauling contractor.com Landscape Contrac541-385-5809 or call 503-378-4621. tors Board. This 4-digit Weed FreeBark The Bulletin recomnumber is to be in- Lost Kitty, 6 mo. recently & Flower Beds mends checking with cluded in all adver- neutered male, "Scooter, ' the CCB prior to contisements which indi- black & white, blind in left tracting with anyone. Lawn Renovation cate the business has eye. 6 mi out Juniper Some other t rades Aeration - Dethatching a bond, insurance and Canyon, Prineville 3/16. also req u ire addiOverseed workers c ompensa- REWARD! 541-447-9866 tional licenses and tion for their employ- or 541-604-1994 Compost certifications. ees. For your protecTop Dressing tion call 503-378-5909 or use our website: Custom Remodel & Tile Landscape www.lcb.state.or.us to T. Schellworth, Gen. Maintenance check license status Contractor/Builder Full or Partial Service CCB ¹166631 before contracting with • Mowing .Edging 541-588-0958 the business. Persons •Pruning oWeeding doing lan d scape Sprinkler Adjustments maintenance do not USE THE CLASSIFIEDSI r equire an LCB l i Fertilizer included cense. Door-to-door selling with with monthly program a Aeration/Dethatching fast results! It's the easiest 1-time or Weekly Services Weekly, monthly way in the world to sell. or one time service. Ask about FREEadded svcs w/seasonal contract! The Bulletin Classified Bonded & Insured. EXPERIENCED 541-385-5809 COLLINS Lawn Maint. Commercial Ca/I 541-480-9714 & Residential

Black Butte Ranch Career Fair Saturday,March 29th 8c Sunday, March 30th • 1:00-4pm Black Butte Ranch Community Center (/3895BishoPscaP-nesctto the welcomecenter!)

Check The Bulletin Classifieds

Black Butte Ranch would like to invite you to come to Dur Career fair as wehave current openings in Food tc Beverage, Golf,M aintenance, Recreation, the Bike shop, Spa, Housekeeping and ali our departments. We offer a friendly,safe and "fun"working environment which makes us one of the best resorts to work for in Oregon! Our team looks forward to meeting you!

For more information-visit our website at www.B!ackButteRanch.com or contact Human Resources at(541) 595-1525.

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Debris Removal

BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of 541-390-1466 classified advertising... Same Day Response real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting Mel, 541-389-8107 goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Domestic Services Call 541-385-5809 Serving Central www.bendbulletin.com Home is Where the Dirt Is Oregon Since 2003 9 yrs exp. in housekeepResidental/Commercial ing. Refs & rates to fit The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since tgta your needs. Julie & Sprinkler Hovana, 541-410-0646 Activation/Repair Allen Reinsch Yard or 541-728-1800 Back Flow Testing Maintenance& Mowing (& many other things!) Handyman Maintenance Call 541-536-1294 or «Thatch & Aerate 541-815-5313 • Spring Clean up I DO THAT! Villanueva Lawn Care. Home/Rental repairs .Weekly Mowing Maintenance,clean-up, Small jobs to remodels & Edging • Bi-Monthly & Monthly thatching + more! Honest, guaranteed Free estimates. Maintenance work. CCB¹151573 541-981-8386 Dennis 541-317-9768 •Bark, Rock, Etc.

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Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809

The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since1903


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your ad will a/so appearin: • The Bulletin, • Central Oregon Marketplace

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NEW YQRK TIME5 CRQ55WQRD will sbprtz

DAILY BRI DG E C LU B saturday,M~ch29,2014

Slice of life

ACROSS 10nes who think things are good as gold? 11Like metals used by 1-Across 15Feared sight on the Spanish Main 16Obema'5 favorite

By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency

No matter how you slice it, every question has two sides. Against today's 3NT, West leads a low spade, and South correctly ducks East's jack and queen. How should East continue? East can't beat 3NT b y l eading another spade. The deck has only 40 high-card points, dummy has nine, East has 11 and South has 16. If West has the king, he can't have an entry. East's best chance is to shift to a low heart, hoping West has the jack — or t hat S o ut h h a s A -J - x- x an d misguesses. Then a heart return will assure five tricks for the defense.

doubles, and the next player bids two diamonds. What do you say? ANSWER: Y o u r pa r t ner h a s opening values or more with support for the unbid suits (or a strong hand w ith a l o n g s u i t) . H i s h a n d i s probably short in diamonds. Since even a minimum hand for him such as A 10 6 5, A 9 7 6, 2, Q J 8 5 will offer a fine chance for 10 tricks, bid four hearts or cue-bid three diamonds. South dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH 4374

993 0 KQ105 4A1095 2

OVERTRICK On the actual deal, if South guesses right and plays the jack of hearts, he w ill m ak e a n o v e r trick. S o a t m atchpoint dup l i c ate , whe r e overtricks at a normal contract are vital, East might judge to lead the king of hearts at Trick Three, holding South to nine tricks. If East does lead a l o w h eart, should South guess right? Maybe so. If East'shearts were, say, K-10-8-2, he could lead the ten effectively as an "honor-trapping" play.

WEST 4 1KS6 5 2

Y ouhold: 4 Q J 3 9 K Q 4 2 0 96 3 4 K 7 3. T h e dealer,atyour left, opens one diamond. Your partner


9 10S6 OS42 4S4

QKQ42 0963


QAJ75 OAJ7 AQJ6 Nor t h 3 NT

Eas t All P a ss

Opening lead — 4 5 (C) 2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

Seeking 8 friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridg8.0rg. BIZARRO


37Volt-ampere 38Takesthe plunge 39 Peak transmission setting of old? 41 Declines, with Il



say 55 No-gooder 57 2012 baseball All-Star Kinsler 59 Some plans for the future, briefly 60 Rackets











11 16





1 Vaulted areas 2 Tall order at a British pub 3 Big picker-upper? 4 Frequent Monet subjects 5 Projection in the air, for short 6 Kind of bust 7" a men in Reno" ("Folsom Prison Blues" lyric) 8 Well-trained boxer, maybe 9 Punk rocker Armstrong with a 2012 Grammy 10 Reached 100, say 11 Near to one's heart 12 First drink ever ordered by James Bond 13 Do-gooder 14Composer called a "gymnop6diste" 22Woe, in Yiddish 24 Symbols of might 26Scuzz 29 Facebook connections in Florence? 31 Start sputtering, say 33Aid in fast networking 34 One getting messages by word of mouth?





42 Fall apart 44 Score abbr. 45 First name of Woodstock'5 last performer 46 Split second? 47Golden,in Granada 49 Hit with skits, for short 51 Get off the drive,



W est Pa s s

Analysis 33Art that uses


4 K7 3


S outh 1 NT


character on "The Wire" 17Like some parents 18Big long-distance carrier? 19Coastal fish consumers 20 Much may follow it 21 Composer of the opera "Rusalka" 23 Deal with 25 People might pass for them, for short 27 High line in the Middle East 28 Small cell 30 Brand of body washes

61 High spirits? 64 Land capturer, in literature 65 "Bummer" 66Tied 67 Whip wielder

32 Grp. with the Office of Iraq

No. 0222

28 33 3 4













39 42


























52 5 3


59 63



35 Site of the 1992 Republican National Convention

40 Weapon in "The Mikado" 43Telejournalist'8 item 45 Part of many a training regimen 48 Plant in subsequent seasons 50 "Swing Shift" Oscar nominee

36verysmall (and very important) matter 37 Like some missed field goals

52 In the back 53 Game stew 54 Locale of London Stansted Airport 56 "Good A'mighty!" 58 Side in an Indian restaurant 62 Certain sorority chapter 63Tappinggrp.

Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 388 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.




s 29.H.


BIIIJUR" +g2 KON 'TNE.JO x m9P ~ I P

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains everydigitfrom1 to9 inclusively.





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l hihA'44cL<e. 4-he hea('0

HOLJ f Ofilaf)l. C.

My boy4<ie~tI 4a.k vvty

W 4-ELL 4'1~ I'fVI 4('ecrkivy t)IE' LA)Ah h i M .

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THAT SCRAIHBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek


Unscramble these four Jumbles, 0ne letter to each square, 6 to form four ordinary words. E

CLEET much 146x my Iruck tlre?

Trucks, csrs an




all the same

prl ce. $60.

THE T$86 IZEPAIRMAN CHAR&et7 ANow arrange the circled letters

to form the surprise answs5 as suggested by the above cartoon. HERMAM~ 6 LaughingStock Intemalional Inc., Dist. by Univereal 00lick for UF8, 201 4

Print answer here: ~

~ (Answers Monday)

"I Baw that same look four years ago. He's got a royal flush."

Yesteda 4


subject 7 Arouses 8 One-named

Tevye portrayer



46 Prevails in 49 Listing 53 Ocean floor dwellers 54 Payback 55 Like some


J umbles: BLIMP SH O V E IN F U S E IOD I N E Answer. When his twin brother started mimicking him, he was — BESIDE HIMSELF

DOWN 1 Rough writer's output 2 Multimetallic Canadian coin 3 Guarneri relatives 4 Insta- relative 5 Cultural group

44 Used to hold food 47 Only 48 Many an "SNL"

36 Shorten, in a

















45 Poppycock

56 Slow-cooking method involving plastic bags 57 Circular 58 Not entirely

33 Reg. symbols 34 Without a peep 35 Like love potions

9 Frame in a way 50 Color slightly photo lab 38 Cooking crust darker than 10 20008 sitcom set 39 One-celled electric blue in Houston organisms 51 Work (out) 11 Spenser's "The 52 "To travel is to 40 Truman's U.K. Faerie Queene," counterpart Hans Christian for one Andersen 12 Its arrival is often 43 Tibia neighbors celebrated in ANSWER TO PREVIOUSPUZZLE: ritual 13 11th-century R E A L M K E B A B S L R Benedictine A Z T E C A T 0 L L T 0 0 philosopher F R E E M E N A N D A B A B Y 15 Crosses T A M U N E A D O R E S 22 Pribilof Islands A F T G I V E N S native T H E F R I L L I S G O N E 25 Action movie MA O R I C O L S N O W staple E L T 0 N I R S U N I T E 26 Cop (to) 27 Shepherd S K A A N Y A V I C E S memorably H A N G I N G B Y A F R E D rescued during D E N I S E B I 0 WWI A A C E L L A L L S P A 29 F neighbor F R O Z E I N T H E T O W E L 30 Japanese A I L A N E R A E R A S E hands-on healing practice R A D F E T A S R E N T S 32 Pair with xwordeditor(eaol.com 03/29/14
















34 35 37

36 41



6 Words before a

angels 80, IIOW

44014 THbune Content Agency,LLC All Righls Reeenred.

1 Lunch To-Go maker 9 Espresso feature 14 Inherit 15 Boring tool 16 A vacation often involves one 17 State birds of Connecticut, Michigan and Wisconsin 18 Tony Soprano, for one 19 Navajo relative 20 Super Smash Bros. Brawl console 21 Pole, for one 23 Party person 24 Building owner, often 28 Air traveler's concern 31 Real time news source 34 Many a Saudi 35 Quickly cooked cut 36 Seawater evaporation site 37 Brand no one wants 41 Time of existence 42 " chance!"


42 47


43 49







By Julian Lim (c)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC



45 50






8 6

SutIoku High Fives



Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The num-


The Bulletin

Serving Central Oregon since 1903



5 7 9 8 9 3

9 3 4 1 6 1 2

4 8

9 7 4 7

3 6 8 8 6 4 2 4



Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Black Butte Ranch Career Fair March 29th & 30th 1-4pm

Black Butte Ranch Community Center Job listings include Food and Beverage, lSupervisors, servers, line cooks, etc) and all departments hiring. For more information see our display ad in The Bulletin Classifieds. Visit our website at


or call HR at


LANDSCAPING Bend Park& Recreation District

Seasonal Park Aides Apply online at bend arksandrec.or EOE

Livestock Truck Driver Must have CDL, 2yes

exp., progressive co.,

401k, $50,000/yr, insurance 541-475-6661


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® Ãmlijjt m


• S.


Sales We are looking for experienced Sales professional to Join Central O r egon's 850 l argest ne w c a r 528 dealer Subaru of Snowmobiles Loans & Mortgages Bend. O ffering 401k, profit sharing, WARNING medical plan, split The Bulletin recoms hifts, an d p a i d mends you use cautraining. Please aption when you pro1989 Yamaha ply at 2060 NE Hwy vide personal 20, Bend. Exciter, information to compa2,000 miles, nies offering loans or original owner, credit, especially The Bulletin always garaged, those asking for advance loan fees or $600. from out of 541-480-7517 chasing products or ~ companies state. If you have services from out of concerns or quesI the area. Sending tions, we suggest you Arctic Cat 580 1994, EXT, in good c ash, checks, o r consult your attorney condition, $1000. I credit i n f ormation or call CONSUMER Located in La Pine. • may be subjected to HOTLINE, Call 541-406-6149. I FRAUD. 1-677-877-9392. For more informa860 tion about an adver- BANK TURNED YOU Motorcycles & Accessories I tiser, you may call DOWN? Private party the Oregon State will loan on real esI Attorney General's tate equity. Credit, no Office C o n sumer s problem, good equity Protection hotline at I is all you need. Call I 1-877-677-9392. Oregon Land Mortgage 541-368-4200. LThe Bulletin •





Receptionist/ Exec Ass't NW Crossing CPA TRUCK DRIVER Firm seeking profesWANTED sional that is detail Must have doubles oriented, works well endorsement. w ith c l i ents vi a Local run. Truck is parked in phone, e-mail, and in-person Pay Madras. 541-475-4221 $12.50/hr. Start Date 4/14. More I n f o: Looking for your next www.procfo.com/ employee? employmentopporPlace a Bulletin help tunities. wanted ad today and Send Resume to: reach over 60,000 info@procfo.com. readers each week. No Phone Calls Your classified ad Please. will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently SALES - M ake your receives over 1.5 own schedule. Commillion page views mission Based Sales every month at Program. Self-Starter, no extra cost. Motivated, Ex p e riBulletin Classifieds ence in A dvertising Get Results! Sales a plus. Send Call 385-5809 Resume to or place cecelia@cnpa.com or your ad on-line at fax 916-266-6003. No bendbulletin.com phone calls please! Clerical/Office We are looking for a full-time employee that is resourceful and self-motivated to assist a large staff and write daily clerical reports. This person should like working in a fast-paced environment and be able to meet tight deadlines on a daily basis. Prior writing or editorial experience preferred. Organization, flexibility and a high level of computer proficiency are essential. A solid knowledge of keyboard short-cuts and a typing speed of at least 50 WPM is required.

Ability to work for long periods of time doing detail-oriented work is necessary. This person must understand the importance of accuracy and thoroughness in all duties. Excellent customer service and interpersonal skills are required. Must enjoy working with the public. College degree or previous office experience preferred. Pre-employment drug screening is required prior to hiring.

To apply,please send a resume to: Box 20473443, c/o The Bulletin, PO Box 6020, Bend, OR 97706 EOE

MidOregon Credit Union Loan Officer — Contact Center (Financial Service Representative) Full-time lending position in Bend includes processing loans requested by phone; processing of dealer fax and online applications; monitoring of Contact Center loan queue to insure turnaround time meets service standards and making follow up calls to the member as necessary; outbound calling; loan maintenance requests; new member/loan retention closure requests, request for payoff; and other duties as assigned. Position requires excellent sales and customer service skills, sound decision-making, and the ability to understand and retain a variety of complex product and services information. Successful candidate must be Pc-proficient in a Windows environment. 1-2 years lending experience required. Go to www.midoregon.com for more information including job application. Please send resume, application, and cover letter to: Mid OregonFCU Attn: HumanResources P.O. Box 6749, Bend, OR 97708 Mid Oregon Credit Union is a drug-free workplace


Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell. The Bulletin Classified 541 485-5809 LOCAL MONEytWe buy

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secured trustdeeds 8 note,some hard money loans. Call Pat Kellev Harley Davidson 2009 541-382-3099 ext.13. Super Glide Custom, Stage I Screaming S TRUGGLING W I T H Eagle performance, YOUR M O R TGAGE too many options to and worried about list, $8900. foreclosure'? Reduce 541-366-8939 your mortgage & save money. Legal loan modification services. Free co n sultation. Call Preferred Law 1-800-335-6592. (PNDC) Harley Davidson 2011 Classic LimBusiness Opportunities ited, Loaded! 9500 miles, custom paint CLASSIFIED ADVER- "Broken Glass" by TISING! Reach Over Del Drago, 3 M i l lion Pa c ific Nicholas new condition, Northwesterners. handgrips, $540/25-word classi- heated fied ad in 2 9 d aily auto cruise control. $32k in bike, newspapers for 3-days. Call the Pa- only $20,000 or best offer. 541-316-6049 cific Northwest Daily Connection (916) 286-6019 or e m a il HDFatBo 1996 elizabeth@cnpa.com for more info. (PNDC) 573


newspapers $540/25-word classiCompletely fied 3-days. Reach 3 Rebuilt/Customized million Pacific North2012/2013 Award westerners. For more Winner information call i916) 286-6019 or e m ail: Showroom Condition Many Extras elizabeth Ocnpa.com Low Miles. for the Pacific Northwest Daily Connec$17,000 541-548-4607 tion. (PNDC)

Real Estate Designated Principal Broker position is being offered to someone outstanding in their field who wants to play a role in an progressive, successful Real Estate Company with a culture of synergy, training/education and broker services. Duties are unique in that you will work as a team member with current management, review and compliance of documents via a wpaperlessw system, assist with recruiting of Brokers, network with fellow brokers and be involved in COAR, Chamber and other events in the promotion of the Brokerage and current training and education. Broker should h ave oon the ground" experience in their own right doing sales and be familiar with compliance issues and governmental rules and regulations. Applicant could possibly continue to produce on their own. This is a perfect opportunity to take your Principal Broker license to the next level in a fun, exciting and progressive Brokerage. Confidentiality will be kept at all times. Do you meet the requirements? Want to work in a g reat e nvironment w it h r e s pect a n d appreciation? This is the position for you! Salary TBD upon experience, bonus program.

Please send your resume and cover letter via email, p l ease s t ate y o u r s a lary r equirement i n your res p onse to : pbjob©bendbroadband.com, each resume' received will be responded to in a confidential fashion. I nterviews w i l l be set up confidentially as well. Look forward to hearing from YOU!

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541-678-0240 Dlr 3665

V ictory TC 9 2 ci 2002, runs great, 40K mi., Stage 1 Performance Kit, n ew tires, r e a r brakes. $ 5 0 0 0. 541-771-0665 People Lookfor Information About Products and Services Every Daythrough The Belletie Claeeifieds Yamaha 750 Maxum, 1983, 19K, exlnt cond, 50mpg, shaft drive, $1305. 541-279-7092 870

Boats & Accessories 12'1969 Searsaluminum fishingboat, low hours on new 8 hp engine, with trailer and extras. Good shape! $1600. 541-362-2599 14'6 w LUND alum.

boat, 15 HP Merc

m otor, E Z L oad trailer. Never been in water due to illness i n fam i ly. $6500. 541-617-0646



Best Motor Home Selection In C.o.! Over 40 New &

Pre-Owned To Choose From! On the spot financing, low monthly payments. Over 350 RVs in Inventory! Best Selection! Best Value! Visit us online at www.bigcrv.com Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254

DLR ¹3447

Ct ~ ' e

Dodge Brougham 1978, 15', 1-ton, clean, 69,000 miles. $450O. In La Pine, call 541-602-8652

18'Maxum skiboat,2000, inboard motor, great cond, well maintained, $8995 obo. 541-350-7755 W~



2007 Winnebago Outlook Class "C" 31', solar panel, Cat. heater, excellent condition, more extras. Asking $58K. Ph. 541-447-9268 Can be viewed at Western Recreation (top of hill) in Prineville. Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please go to Class 875. 541-385-5609

Fleetwood Discovery 40' 2003, diesel, w/all options - 3 slide outs, satellite, 2 TV's, W/D, etc., 32,000 m i les. Wintered in h e ated shop. $84,900 O.B.O. 541-447-8664

Forest River Sunseeker Class C, 24-ft -Double bed, roomy bath/shower, lots storage, oak wood, dining area slide-out w/ new awning. Micro, air, newflatscreen TV& RV batt. On-board gen/low hrs, arctic pkg, full cover. Ford 450 V10, 36,300 mi, tow pkg, leather seats, no smoking/pets, sleeps 5-6 $31,500.

541419-6176 Generator Kubota 3500 gas, 60 h rs, $ 1000 Seroro Central Ore oo since 790/ CASH. 541-923-5960 Wanted: crew mem- Just bought a new boat? bers to sail Winchester Sell your old one in the Bay, OR to San Fran- classifieds! Ask about our cisco and return, apSuper Seller rates! prox. 3 wks this sum541-385-5809 mer. Call Mark, 541-233-6944

The Bulletin


541-548-0318 (photo aboveis of a similar model & not the actual vehicle)

Monaco Lapalma, 2002, 34'10" -Workhorse 6.1, Less than 18,000 mi, 5.5 Onan gen., 2 slides, 4 dr. refrig wficernaker, micro/convection oven, water purifier, hydraulic jacks, power pilot seat+ more options. Exceptionally clean. $59,900/make offer. 541-504-1008 BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com

The Bulletin Sere/ngCental Oregon since /9$


mxrv~ National RV 35-ft, Chevy Vortec engine, new tires, new awnings, 12-ft slide-out, queen bed, Italian leather couch and recliner, excellent condition. Ready to travel„ towing hitch included. $19,900. 541-815-4811

-=' E-

Navion RV 2008, Sprinter chassis 25'. Mercedes Benz diesel, 24,000 miles, pristine cond., quality throughout, rear slide-out w/ queen bed deluxe captain swivel front seats, diesel generator, awning, no pets/ no smoking. $75,500. 541-362-2430

TIFFIN ALLEGRO BUS 2010 - FULLY LOADED 40QXP Powerglide Chassis / 425HP Cummings Engine / Allison 6 Spd Automatic Trans / Less than 40K miles / Offered at $199K. Too many options to list here! For more information go to ww.m new w~ elle rocoe.com ~ or email trainwatert 57@ gmeil.com or call858-527-8627

Tioga 24' Class C Motorhome Bought new in 2000, currently under 20K miles, excellent shape, new tires, professionaly winterized every year, cutoff switch to battery, plus new RV batteries. Oven, hot water heater 8 air conditioning have never been used! $24000obo Serious inquines, please. Stored in Terrebonne.

The Bulletin ServingCentral Oregon since /903


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Euroway by Fleetwood 1996 27' trailer, excellent condition, 5 new tires, electric lift, A/C, micro, aluminum construction, fiberglass exterior, always garaged. $5100. 541-549-0605

KeystoneLaredo 31' RI/r 2006 with 1 2' slide-out. Sleeps 6, queen walk-around bed w/storage underneath. Tub & shower. 2 swivel rockers. TV. Air cond. Gas stove & refrigerator/freezer. Microwave. Awning. Outside sho w er. Slide through stora ge, E a s y Lif t . $29,000 new; Asking $18,600 541-4947-4805

People Lookfor Information About Products and Services EveryDaythrough The Belletin Claseiffeds




'«~ea g Winnebago Adventurer 2005 35t/e', gas,

less than 20,000 miles, excellent condition, 2 slide-outs, work horse chassis, Banks power brake system, sleeps 5 w it h a l l o p tions $69,000 / negotiable. Call 54 1 -308-671 1 or email aikistu©bendcable.com

Orbit 21'2007, used

only 8 times, A/C, oven, tub shower, micro, load leveler hitch, awning, dual batteries, sleeps 4-5, EXCELLENT CONDITION. All accessories are included. $14,511 OBO. 541-382-9441


Pacific Ridge by Komfort 2011

Mdl P 27RL 31', 15'

Winnebago Aspect 2009 - 32', 3 slideouts, Leather interior, Power seat, locks, win d ows, Aluminum wheels. w 17 Flat Screen, Surround s o u nd, camera, Queen bed, Foam mattress, Awning, Generator, Inverter, Auto Jacks, Air leveling, Moon roof, no smoking or p ets. L i k e ne w , $74,900 541-460-6900

Super slide, power jack, electric awning, solar panel, 6-volt batteries LED lighting always stored inside. Must see to appreciate.Asking $28,000. Call Bill, 541-460-7930


We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254


Providence 2005 Fully loaded, 35,000 miles, 350 Cat, Very clean, non-smoker, 3 slides, side-by-side refrigerator with ice maker, Washer/Dryer, Flat screen TV's, In motion satellite. $95,000 541-460-2019 RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit

approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond:


• 34D, 2 slides • Tires 80% • Just completely serviced • 39,000 miles • No trades • $48,000 firm 541-815-3150


Salem Cruise Lite 18', 2014 Only $10,999! Zero Down! $112 Per Monthl

$10,999, 0 Down, $112 per month, 132 months, 5.75% apr, Tier One credit score, on approved credit.

Winnebago Suncruiser34' 2004, 35K, loaded, too much to list, ext'd warr. thru 2014, $49,900 Dennis, 541-569-3243 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS!

Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell.

Over 350 RVs in Inventory! Best Selection! Best Value! Visit us online at www.bigcrv.com Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254

The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809

your web source for STATEWIDE classtfieds


w is a new Supported by Oregonnewspapers, wclassifieds.oregon.com website dedicated to bringing classified listings from around

ds published in wWa

Gulfstream S u nsport 30' Class A 1968 new f r idge, TV, solar panel, new refrigerator, 4000W generator, w h eelchair lift avail. Good cond. $11,500 obo

4 1 7 9 2 8 3 5 6


thestate ofOregon togetheron one easy-to-use website. Fromjobsto homes andinvestment properties,you'llfi ndthe fastest growingctassifi eds section is "classif ieds.oregon.com e


Watercraft tercraft" include: Kay aks, rafts and motor Ized personal watercrafts. Fo "boats" please se Class 870. 541-365-5809

2 9 3 4 5 6 1 8 7




6 4 5 2 3 9 8 7 1

Travel Trailers

Tropical, 1997,

Bigfoot Diesel 32' 2006, Su per C Duramax d i e sel, Allison trans., only 37K mi., do u b le slide, 5500 Onan diesel genm to many options to list. Vin¹ 534032, $79,995. BeaverCoach Sales &Service, Bend 541-914-8438

2 8 1 3 6 7 4 9 5

1 7 2 5 8 4 6 9 3



Triumph Da ytona 2004, 15K m i l es, perfect bike, needs nothing. Vin ¹201536. $4995 Dream Car Auto Sales 1801 Division, Bend DreamcarsBend.com

6 5 4 1 8 9 2 7 3

9 3 8 7 6 1 2 4 5


Nice bike, $2900.

Beaver Marquis, 1993 40-ft, Brunswick floor plan. Many extras, well maintained, fire suppression behind refrig, Stow Master 5000 tow bar,

3 9 7 4 5 2 1 6 8

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9 2 8 5 4 3 5 7 6 1 2 9 1 8 7 4 3 6 9 7 2 3 8 5 5 9 4 1 6 2 7 8 9 6 3 5 8 4 1 3 2 7


1994 37.5' motorhome, with awning, and one slide-out, Only 47k miles and good condition.

INotorcycles & Accessories


9 2 1 3 7 4 8 6

O 20132013 UFS, Dist.t/ Univ. Uciick for UFS


Job Fair

3 9


bers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the indivudual Sudokus.


3 7


6 5 1 4 9 4 7 8

How to play:















Travel Trailers

Fifth Wheels

Aircraft, Parts 8 Service

Antique & Classic Autos






I~ k..


SPRINGDALE 22' 2010 Exlnt cond, Q-bed+ di-

Monaco Lakota 32' 2002, 2 slides, AC, recliners, walk-around queen bed, sliding glass door closet, new tub & 10-gal water heater, good tires. Brand new 20' screen room available. Super clean, 1 owner, n o n-smokers.Cessna 182Q, 1977, $11,999. 541-447-7968 mid-time engine/

nette/small bed; bathroom w/tub/shower (not a "wet" bathroom), ceramic toilet; AC, gas heat, gas cook stove w/oven; gas water heater; micro, large 115v AC/gas fridge/ freezer; 2 hanging closets, 2 mirrors; cable TV & rooftop antenna hookups; MONTANA 3585 2008, exc. cond., 3 slides, stereo CD/radio, Ig rear king bed, Irg LR, window; roller awning; Arctic insulation, all load level hitch. options $35,000 obo. By owner$10,000. 541-420-3250 541447-8214 (Sisters)


Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell.

Tango 29.6' 2007, Rear living, walkaround queen bed, central air, awning, 1 large slide, $12,000. 541-280-2547 or 541-815-4121

prop, custom panel,

S-Tec 30 + altitude hold, Garmin 430, GPSS, oversized tires, digital fuel flow, excellent paint & interior. Must see to appreciate. Asking $68,000. Bill, 541-480-7930

Dodge Ram 1500 SLT uad cab 1999


Rolls Royce 1992 Silver Spur II,excellent! Midnight Blue exterior, Parchment leather interior, 15-inch chrome RR wheels, Alpine Sirius DVD/CD/AM/FM/GPS naviqation system, 77,200 miles, dealership maintained, always garaqed. New, about $250,000; sell $19,500.541-480-3348

Hangar for sale at Redmond Airport - not a T Hangar -$39,000.

Visit us online at www.bigcrv.com Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254



Canopies & Campers

Buick Skylark 1972 17K orig. miles. Please see Bend Craiglist for details. $18,900. 541-323-1898


overall length is 35' has 2 slides, Arctic package, A/C,table 8 chairs, satellite, Arctic pkg., power awning, in excellent condition! More pix at bendbulletin.com



1974 Bellanca 1730A 2160 TT, 440 SMO, 160 mph, excellent condition, always hangared, 1 owner for 35 years. $60K.

In Madras, call 541-475-6302

Chevy Ext. Cab 1991 with camper shell, ood cond., $1500 BO. 541-447-5504.


541.312.3986 DLR¹0205

6.0L VS, auto.,diesel, 4WD Vin¹D74407 Bargain Corral g $18,977 ROBBERSON g ~

maaa a

541.312.3986 DLR¹0205

Dodge Ram 2500 2008 Diesel, exc. towing vehicle, 2WD, 55,000 miles. New batteries, rear air bags, Roll-n-lock bed cover, spray-in liner. 5th wheel hitch available, too. $19,000. 541-604-1285

Priced tosell $21,500 541-350-6925

People Lookfor Information About Products and Services Every Day through The Bulletin Clessitteds

Ford Ranger 1990 K ing Cab, g o od BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS cond, new m otor, Search the area's most windows, bed comprehensive listing of tinted liner, 2 sets tires, classified advertising... pipe. Must see real estate to automotive, dual to appreciate. $4000 merchandise to sporting obo. 541-948-9061 goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Just bought a new boat? Call 541-385-5809 Sell your old one in the www.bendbulletin.com classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! The Bulletin 541-385-5809 sevinacenwl oregonsince faa

USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell. The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809

FORD XLT 1992 3/4 ton 4x4 matching canopy, 30k original miles, possible trade for classic car, pickup, motorcycle, RV $13,500. In La Pine, call 928-581-9190


respected automotive names in the Northwest. A company that is equally

Peterbilt 359 p otable water truck, 1 990, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp pump, 4-3" hoses, camlocks, $25,000. 541-820-3724

passionate about cars as i! is about doing the right thing in the showroom or around town, ICendall cares. I! is with a great deal of excitement that Kendall Auto Group begins ifs next journey in Bend. Thank you for making us a part of your community.



0 W; "

o. ~

Ford F-250 XLT 2006 SuperCab

member of the ICendall Auto Group family, we are proud to join one of the most

Cessna 150 LLC Antique & 150hp conversion, low Classic Autos time on air frame and engine, hangared in Bend.Excellent perKeystone Challenger formance 8 afford2004 CH34TLB04 34' able flying! $6,000. fully S/C, w/d hookups, 541-410-6007 1921 Model T new 18' Dometic awDelivery Truck ning, 4 new tires, new Restored 8 Runs Kubota 7000w marine $9000. diesel generator, 3 541-389-8963 slides, exc. cond. inside & out. 27" TV dvd/cd/am/fm e nterFord F150 1983, Nice, tain center. Call for 172 Cessna Share original Thunderbird more details. O nly IFR equipped, new canopy. needs motor used 4 times total in avionics, Garmin 750 $350. 541-410-3425 last 5ya years.. No touchscreen, center pets, no smoking. High stack, 160hp. retail $27,700. Will sell Exceptionally clean for $24,000 including & economical! sliding hitch that fits in $13,500. your truck. Call 8 a.m. Hangared in KBDN Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 to 10 p.m. for appt to Call 541-728-0773 engine, power everysee. 541-330-5527. thing, new paint, 54K orig. miles, runs great, Laredo 30'2009 exc. cond.in/out. $7500 obo. 541-480-3179 a


Ford Supercab 1992, brown/tan color with m atching full s i z e canopy, 2WD, 460 over drive, 135K mi., 6.0L Turbo diesel, full full bench rear seat, power, a u t omatic, slide rear w i ndow, 6-disc CD, cruise, fog bucket seats, power lights, running boards, seats w/lumbar, pw, tow pkg, bedliner, grill HD receiver 8 trailer guard, folding rear brakes, good t ires. seat. Tan cloth inteGood cond i tion. rior, metallic tan exte$4900. 541-389-5341 rior. 91,400 miles. 2006 XLT 4-door Crew Cab

A! Carrera Bend, we've been fulfilling dreams for over 32 years. As the newest

Set of 15" tire rims, 5 lug, fits S10 Chevy pickup, $60. 541-475-2872 1/5th interest in 1973

Chev Crewcab dually, Allison tranny, tow pkg., brake controller, cloth split front bench seat, only 66k miles. Very good condition, Original owner, $34,000 or best offer. 541%08-7826

Trucks & Heavy Equipment

2009 9yd Arctic Fox, Automotive Wanted loaded, gen., excellent, $24,900. 541-410-1312 DONATE YOUR CARFAST FREE TOWING. 24 hr. Response o Tax D eduction. UNITED BR E AST CANCER FOUNDAJust bought a new boat? TION. Providing Free Sell your old one in the M ammograms & classifieds! Ask about our Breast Cancer Info. Super Seller rates! 888-592-7581. 541-385-5809 (PNDC) CHECK yOURAD 931 908 Automotive Parts, Aircraft, Parts ervice & Accessories & Service 14" rims with tires 5-lug p attern, $6 0 o b o , on the first day it runs 541-279-8908 to make sure it is correct. "Spellcheck" and American Racing wheels human errors do oc(4), cast aluminum dish cur. If this happens to style, 15x7, 5 lug, 4.5" your ad, please conspacing. $250. 1/3interestin tact us ASAP so that 541-604-0963 Columbia400, corrections and any Financing available. adjustments can be BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS made to your ad. $150,000 Search the area's most 541-385-5809 (located © Bend.) comprehensive listing of 541-288-3333 The Bulletin Classified classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com Fleetwood Prowler 1/3 interest in well32' - 2001 equipped IFR Beech BoThe Bulletin 2 slides, ducted nanza A36, new 10-550/ serving centraloregonsince iaa heat & air, great prop, located KBDN. condition, snowbird $65,000. 541-419-9510 Michelin P225/45R-18 ready, Many upwww.N4972M.com low profile radials grade options, fimounted on 5spoke,5 nancing available! lug Chevy rims, $600 $14,500 obo. obo. 541-647-2640 Call Dick, 541-480-1687.

5 .2L V8 1 43,659 mi. Vin ¹628726 Bargain Corral. $5,977

2005 Diesel 4x4

Save money. Learn to fly or build hours with your own airc raft. 1968 A e r o Commander, 4 seat, USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 150 HP, low time, full panel. $23,000 Door-to-door selling with obo. Contact Paul at fast results! It's the easiest 541-447-5184. way in the world to sell.

WANTED We Do the Work, You Keep the Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond:

Ford F250 Camper Special 1966, AT w/limited slip rear end. A few issues but runs qood. Full aut o . , steel rack w/drs. $1950 R W D firm, cash. 541-420-0156

Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809


OPEN ROAD 36' 2005 - $25,500 King bed, hide-a-bed sofa, 3 slides, glass Sunriver Hangar - Hard The Bulletin Classified shower, 10 gal. wato find T-Hangar loter heater, 10 cu.ft. 541-385-5809 cated at Sunriver Airfridge, central vac, port will accommos atellite dish, 2 7 " date m os t si n gle TV/stereo syst., front engine and small twin front power leveling A u tomated jacks and s cissor aircraft. b i-fold door i s a p stabilizer jacks, 16' proximately 40'x11'. awning. Like new! Equipped with elec541-419-0566 t ric w i nc h & n e w fluorescent lighting in 2013. H o m eowner sults! Call 385-5809 dues are assessed or place your ad each January. HOA on-line at dues cover hazard inbendbulletin.com s urance, grou n d lease, snow removal 882 Recreation by Design and acco u nting. 2013 Monte Carlo, Fifth Wheels Self-serve f ue l is 38-ft. Top living room, 2 available at airport ofbdrm, has 3 slideouts, 2 f ice. $85,0 0 0 . A/Cs, entertainment MLS201108365 center, fireplace, W/D, Clyde Browning, garden tub/shower, in Principal Broker, great condition.$36,000 541-460-4520 obo. Call Peter, Eagle Commercial 307-221-2422, Afpenlite 29' 1993, Real Estate ( in La Pine ) with goo s eneck. WILL DELIVER T-Hangar for rent $4500 obo. Needs at Bend airport. new ref r igerator Call 541-382-8998. 541-306-1961. RV Leave message. CONSIGNll!IENTS 916

Best 5th Wheel Selection In C.O.! Over 45 New & Preowned To Choose From! On the spot financing, low monthly payments. Over 350 RVs In Inventory! Best Selection! Best Value

2012 Chevrolet Silverado LT 4x45.3 V8, Flexfuel, 14K miles, Extended Cab, tow pkg, Performance 20" wheels, Sirius XM, OnStar, bedliner, Snug Top, like new!$28,500. 541-923-8868


The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Re-

Ford F-350 4x4,

People Look for Information About Products and Services Every Daythrough The Bulletin Clessifieds






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2007Porsche Cayman


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2010Toyota iJ Cruiser





2012 Land Rover LR2

2010 GMCYukon Sll





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Plymouth B a rracuda 1966, original car! 300 hp, 360 V8, centerlines, 541-593-2597

2004Lexes RX330

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*Covsrage iseffective for upto12months fromvehicle purchosedote, or12,000 miles fromtheodometer s! sale.Forcomplete information regardingspedfic detoils, limitations and responsibilities, refer lo thelimited Power Train Vehide Service Contract. Pricesdonot includeti!le, registrotion, licenseor575admin fee.Subject toprior sale,seedealer for detals.Offersexp>re03/31/14,



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Mazda3 2012

Nissan Altima 2010 ' 44 .

Porsche 911 Turbo


AUTOS8ETRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles





Sport Utility Vehicles


BuickLacrosse CX 2008

GMC 2500 2003 HD SLE Crew Cab Jeep Compass Lati4-wheel drive, 6.6 tude 2012, roof rack, spoiler, keyless entry, liter V8 Turbo DieVin ¹508927 sel Duramax engine, Allison transmission, $22,999 many options, S US ARU. 107,000 miles. SSBLRUOSORUD.UOU Very good condition, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend.


FWD automatic, 4-Spd, 75,999 mi. Vin¹343933 $9,977 ROBBERSON y LIOCOL C ~


Dlr ¹0354

Nissan Rogue SV -2013 AWD, 16,500 miles, People Lookfor Information ¹610762 $ 22,995 About Products and Services Every Daythrough TheBefi etie Classlfi eds 541-598-3750 aaaoregonautosource.com

Ford Mustang 2004, V8, manual, RWD, power seats, r e ar spoiler, leather. VIN ¹232501 $14,999


Sport, 5 spd, leather seats, hatchback, FWD. 68,398 mi. vin¹532282 $17,977



541.312.3986 DLR ¹0205

541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205

Mazda Miata 1997 M-Edition Mica Green, 5-spd, All power options, leather, convertible boot, Tonneau Cover, synthetic oils, small alum.

Olds 98 Regency 1990 exc. shape, runs as new, one owner, 20 mpg in town. New battery, stud snow tires.$2000.


Ford Thunderbird 2002 c o nvertible with brand new tonneau cover, white with grey i nterior, loaded, 88,600 low miles, choice condition, everything works. Great fun car to d r ive. I l l ness forces sale $13,950 cash. C all Bil l


trailer, extra set tires and rims

Pontiac Grand AM SE1 2003





Cadillac Deville DHS 2000. Most options, exc. cond. 93,000 mi.. New tires. $4,800. 541-233-8944.

Ford Thunderbird 2004 Convertible



Hwy, Gray, Vin¹391666 $5,998 ROBBERSON LICCOLO ~

l l



541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205


Porsche 911 Carrera 993 cou e

541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205

Need to sell a Vehicle? Call The Bulletin and place an ad today!

A s k about our "Wheel Deal"!

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Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and AWD, running lights, reach over 60,000 Toyota Celica n ice w h eels. V i n readers each week. Convertible 1993 ¹507659 Your classified ad $16,999 will also appear on bendbulletin.com SUS A R Ll which currently reOUBSRUOSBUBD.cou ceives over 1.5 mil2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. lion page views 877-266-3821 every month at Dlr ¹0354 G T 2200 4 c yl, 5 no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Just bought a new boat? speed, a/c, pw, pdl, nicest c o n vertible Get Results! Call Sell your old one in the around in this price 385-5809 or place classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! range, new t i res, your ad on-line at 541-385-5809 wheels, clutch, timbendbulletin.com ing belt, plugs, etc. 111K mi., remarkable cond. i nside I The Bulletin recoml and out. Fun car to mends extra caution I d rive, Must S E E ! O' O when p u r chasing • $5995. R edmond. f products or services 541-504-1993 from out of the area. Subaru Legacy 2.5 GT f S ending c ash , Limited 2005, loaded, checks, or credit in- q leather, roof, a l loy BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS formation may be I wheels. VIN ¹210360 Search the area's most toFRAUD. $16,995 comprehensive listing of [ subject For more informaclassified advertising... SUS A R Ll about an adverreal estate to automotive, f tion tiser, you may call 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. merchandise to sporting I the Oregon Statel goods. Bulletin Classifieds Attorney General's I 877-266-3821 appear every day in the Office C o nsumer Dlr ¹0354 I print or on line. / Protection hotline at People Lookfor Information Call 541-385-5809 'I -877-877-9392. www.bendbulletin.com About Products and Services Every Daythrough SerVing Central Oregan SinCe19IB The Bulletin The Bulletin Clsssifieds Serving Cclurcl Oregonsince ULU





Check out the classifieds online www.bendbulletin.com Updated daily

1996, 73k miles, Tiptronic auto. transmission. Silver, blue leather interior, moon/sunroof, new quality tires and battery, car and seat covers, many extras. Recently fully serviced, garaged, looks and runs like new. Excellent condition $29,700 541-322-9647

f f












Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices


tive, Andrew C. BaComments must be l yeat. Dated a nd received by within 20 first published on days of the last date March 15, 2 0 14. of publication in the Michael Ray Hartnewspaper 03/29/14. man, Per s onal Comments should be Representative. sent to AC W P r oPERSONAL REPg ram, Water R e RESENTATIVE: sources Department, Michael Ray Hart725 Summer Street man, 568 Widgeon NE, Suite A, Salem, Rd., Redmond, OR OR 97301-1266. 97756, (541) 7 28-4103. LAW LEGAL NOTICE Y ER FO R P E R - USDA Forest Service SONAL RE P R E- Deschutes National SENTATIVE: Forest Andrew C. Balyeat, Bend-Fort Rock OSB ¹951927, BaRanger District lyeat 8 Eager, LLP, Notice of Opportunity 541-385-5809 the undersigned per- 920 NW Bond St., to Object sonal representative Suite 209, B end, Welcome Station Trail (photo for illustrationonly) Chevrolet TrailBlazer c/o the Law Office of OR 9770'I, ( 541) Connections Project 2003, auto, 4.2 liter, Carl W. Hopp, Jr., 168 322-0404 or (541) 322-0505 FAX, Chrysler Town & This legal notice ana lloy w heels, V i n NW Greenwood Avl com Country LXI 1997, e nue, B end, O R andy© balyeataw. nounces the availabil¹103029 beautiful inside & ity of t h e E nviron$7,999 9 7701, w ithin f o u r out, one owner, nonmonths after the date LEGAL NOTICE mental Assessment SUS A R Ll Ford Bronco 1990, for the Welcome Stasmoker,. loaded with of first publication of Notice of Application 5.9 351, 134k miles, options! 197,892 mi. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. t his notice, or t h e for Allocation of tion Trail Connections exc. cond. inside and Service rec o rds Project and also pro877-266-3821 claims may be barred. Conserved Water out. $3,295 or make available. $4 , 950. All persons whose CW-83 vides information on Dlr ¹0354 offer. 541-550-6328 how to object to the Call Mike, (541) 815r ights may b e a f 8176 after 3:30 p.m. fected by th e p ro- O n December 1 8 , proposed decision to ceedings may obtain 2013, 22 Landowners implement Alternative additional information on the Hurtley Lateral 2. The project is lofrom the records of ( Deschutes Ri v e r cated west of the City Honda Odyssey the court, the per- Conservancy (DRC), of Bend with a legal 1999. Very good sonal representative, 700 NW Hill St, Bend, description of Towncond. Runs well, or the lawyers for the OR 97701, R epre- ship 18 South, Range Corvette 1979 Two sets of tires on Ford Bronco II personal representa- sentative) filed an Ap- 11 East, Sections 5, L82- 4 speed. rims - summer and 4x4, 1989tive, Carl W. Hopp, Jr. plication for A lloca- 14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 85,000 miles winter. $2500. Automatic, power C o nserved 28, 32, and 33. Dated and first pub- tion o f Garaged since new. 541-593-2312 steering, stereo lished on March 15, W ater under O R S I've owned it 25 or 541-977-7588 537.470. Kevin Larkin, upgrade, set-up to 2014. CARL W. years. Never damHOPP, JR., Bend-Fort Rock Distow, runs good. aged or abused. 975 OSB¹751760, A ttor- The Department des- trict Ranger, has de$1700. $12,900. ney fo r Pe r sonal ignated the applica- cided to i m plement 541-633-6662 Automobiles Dave, 541-350-4077 tion as CW-83. The Alternative 2 as deRepresentative. Applicants propose to s cribed in th e E A . LEGAL NOTICE conserve water by re- The proposed deciIN THE COURT OF placing approximately sion authorizes the T HE STATE O F 6,450 feet of the TSID construction o f a OREGON FOR THE Hurtley Lateral water paved non-motorized COUNTY OF DESconveyance system path, des i gnated CHUTES PRO with, h ig h d e nsity single-track mountain fphoto forillustration only) CorvetteCoupe CORVETTE COUPE BATE DEP A RTbike trails, and a trailpolyethelyne (HPDE) Honda CR - V E X - L 1996, 350 auto, Glasstop 2010 MENT. In the Matter pipe. Replacement of head facility on Na2007, a uto, 4 W D , 135k, non-ethanol Grand Sport - 4 LT o f the E state o f the existing, dam- tional Forest System moon roof, leather, fuel/synthetic oil, loaded, clear bra J ANNICE H A R T - aged and leaky por- lands adjacent to and alloy wheels, privacy garaged/covered. hood 8 fenders. tions of the delivery around MAN, D e ceased. Cas cade glass. Vin ¹123594 Bose Premium Gold New Michelin Super Case No. system will eliminate Lakes Scenic Byway $21,995 system. Orig. owner Sports, G.S. floor 13PB0141. NOwater losses through Welcome Sta t ion. manual. Stock! mats, 17,000 miles, TICE IS H EREBY the irrigation delivery This project will esSUS A R Ll souosuolossD.UOU $10,500 OBO. Crystal red. GIVEN that the untablish the Welcome system. Retired. Must sell! 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. $42,000. dersigned has been Station as a portal to 877-266-3821 541-923-1781 503-358-1164. appointed personal The Hurtley Lateral public lands, provide Dlr ¹0354 r epresentative. A l l serves approximately connections between persons ha v i ng 102 acres, of which, established biking and claims against the 85.6 acres will be in- hiking trail networks, estate are required volved in this project. and create an opporA ltE P U B L I C to p resent t hem, T he project is e x - tunity for multi-modal with vouchers atNCYllCES pected to yield ap- access and alternatached, to the unproximately 0.434 cfs tive forms of transIM ~ RTA N M dersigned personal of conserved water portation between the representative at the from Whychus Creek city and public lands. law offices of BAunder Water R ight An important premise upon which the principle of LYEAT & EAGER, Certificate 74135 with T he a nalysis h a s a priority date of 1895. been completed and LLP, 920 NW Bond democracy is based is thatinformation about Street, Suite 209, It is p roposed that t he project is n o w government activities must be accessible in order Bend, OR 97701, 100% of t h e c o n- subject to the predewithin four months served water will be cisional a d ministrafor the electorate to make well-informed decisions. after the date of first protected i n stream tive review process Public notices provide this sort of accessibility to publication of t h is from the point of di- pursuant to 36 CFR notice, or the claims version (at approxi- 218 subparts A and B citizens who want to know more about government may be barred. All m ately River M i l e (the objection proactivities. p ersons who s e 23.5) to the conflu- cess). The EA and rights may be afence with the DesDraft Decision can be fected by the prochutes River and then obtained by contactRead your Public Notices daily in The Bulletin ceedings may obto River Mile 120 on ing Amy Tinderholt, classifieds or go towvvvv.bendbullehn.comand tain additional the Deschutes River Bend-Fort Rock information from the (near Lake Billy Chi- Ranger District, 63095 click on"Classi%edAds" records of the Court, nook). Deschutes M a r ket the personal repreRoad, B e nd , OR s entative, o r t h e Any interested per- 97701, by phone at The Bulletin lawyer for the person may comment in 541-383-4708 or you writing, on C W -83. can view these docusonal representaLEGAL NOTICE C IRCUIT COU R T , DLR¹0205 STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF DESBMW X3 2011 black the 940 Chevrolet H H R LS CHUTES. In on black, sport/prem 2009, tow pkg, FWD, Matter of the Estate of Vans packs, leather, 3.5i remotge keyless en- EDNA JO MATHERS, turbo, nav., 20k Deceased. No. try. Vin ¹618685 O Chrysler 2012 Town 8 miles, 19 wheels, 14PB0015. NOTICE $12,999 Country Touring mini TO INT E RESTED cold weather pkg, van, 27,500 mi. Xenons, warranteed SUS A R Ll PERSONS. NOTICE ¹286440 $ 2 0 ,995 souosuolossD.UOU IS HEREBY GIVEN to 9/2015.$38,000 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. that the undersigned One owner, 877-266-3821 503-789-9401 has been appointed Dlr ¹0354 personal representa(Portland) tive. All persons hav541-598-3750 ing claims against the Just bought a new boat? aaaoregonautosource.com estate are required to Sell your old one in the present them, w ith classifieds! Ask about our vouchers attached, to Super Seller rates! 541.312.3986






f o r private party l

L'"'" " "



FWD, V6 auto., 90k mi., 29 mpg Hwy, Vin¹572987 Bar ain Corral 6,977 ROBBERSON

2.2L 4 cyl. auto, 104k miles, 29 MPG

with hard & soft top, silver with black interior, all original, very low mileage, in premium condition. $19,900. 702-249-2567 (car is in Bend)


2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Subaru lmpreza 2.5i Dlr ¹0354 2011, 4 C y l ., a uto,


CHECKYOUR AD Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes inThe Bulletin Classified s tructions over t h e 541-385-5809 phone are misunderstood and an error I nternational Fl a t can occur in your ad. Kia Soul+ 2012 Bed Pickup 1963, 1 If this happens to your ton dually, 4 spd. ad, please contact us trans., great MPG, the first day your ad could be exc. wood appears and we will hauler, runs great, be happy to fix it as new brakes, $1950. Toyota 4Runner 2000, s oon as w e c a n . 541-419-5480. moon roof, running Deadlines are: Week2.0L 4 cyls, FWD, b oards, to w p k g ., days 12:00 noon for automatic, 43k alloy wheels. Vin¹ next day, Sat. 11:00 935 miles, 28 MPG Hwy, 290993 a.m. for Sunday; Sat. Sport Utility Vehicles vin¹438072 12:00 for Monday. If $8,999 $12,977 we can assist you, SUS A R Ll please call us: ROBBERSON'L 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 541-385-5809 « CL~ moom S S 877-266-3821 The Bulletin Classified Dlr ¹0354 541.312.3986 BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS DLR ¹0205 BMW X3 2 0 07, 99K Toyota Landcruiser Search the area's most miles, premium packcomprehensive listing of VX 1999 age, heated lumbar classified advertising... t.. 4. supported seats, panreal estate to automotive, oramic moo n roof, merchandise to sporting Bluetooth, ski bag, Xegoods. Bulletin Classifieds non headlights, tan & appear every day in the black leather interior, print or on line. n ew front & re a r 4.7L V8, 4WD, auto., Call 541-385-5809 brakes O 76K miles, 16 mpg Hwy, Vin¹ www.bendbulletin.com one owner, all records, 66902 Bargain Corvery clean, $16,900. ral $11,977 The Bulletin 541-388-4360 ScfungCentral Oregonsince fotu



C220 1996

GMC Sonoma 2001 4x4 Door-to-door selling with Ext Cab, 4.3L V6, 87,650 fast results! It's the easiest miles, very good cond. way in the worid to sell. $5500. 541-388-1714




Toyota Prius IV 2010, char. gray, 51k mi., ¹014996. $16,988.

Subaru Legacy 3.0 R 541-598-3750 Limited 2008, 6 Cyl., 2003 6 speed, X50 auto, AWD, leather, www.aaaoregonautosource.com added power pkg., m oon r o of , re a r 530 HP! Under 10k spoiler, alloy wheels. miles, Arctic silver, Vin ¹207281 gray leather interior, $24,999 new quality tires, and battery, Bose SUBA R Ll OUBSRUOCBUUD aou p remium so u n d stereo, moon/sun- 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. V olvo S40 T 5 2 0 0 5 877-266-3821 roof, car and seat AWD, sunroof, lux/winter covers. Many extras. Dlr ¹0354 pkgs, new tires, more! Garaged, p e rfect $6775 obo 541 330 5818 People Look for Information condition, $59,700. 541-322-9647 About Products and WHEN YOU SEE THIS Services Every Day through The Bulletin Classifieds Porsche Carrera 911 2003 convertible with On a classified ad hardtop. 50K miles, go to new factory Porsche www.bendbulletin.com motor 6 mos ago with to view additional 18 mo factory warranty remaining. photos of the item. $37,500. Subaru Outback 3.0R 541-322-6928 2006, AWD, leather, Find exactly what roof rack, CD. Vin you are looking for in the ¹300629 CLASSIFIEDS $17,995

2.5S 4cyl., FWD, CVT, 76k mi., 32 mpg„Tuscan Sun Metallic, vin¹443778 $11,997 ROBBERSON y


2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

541.312.3986 DLR ¹0205


U co

- jll~

BOATS 8 RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiies 860 - Motorcycies And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats 6 Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorbomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890- RVs for Rent

$21,500. 707-484-3518 (located in Bend)


ments on the Desc hutes website a t : http://data.ecosystemmanagement.org/ne-

the regarding proposed project or activity and attributed to the objector, unless the issue is based on

exp.php? project=4120 7.

new information that

paweb/nepa project

by e lectronic mail. F o r electronically mailed objections, the sender should norm a lly receive an automated electronic acknowledgement from the agency as confirmation of receipt. If the sender does not receive an automated acknowledgement of receipt, i t is the sender's responsibility to e n s ure ti m ely r eceipt b y oth e r means; submitted

arose a f t e r the opportunities for During the objection comment. The period, only individu- b urden is o n th e als or organizations objector to that submitted spe- demonstrate cific written or oral compliance with the comments (36 CFR requirement for 218.2) during a desig- objection issues 36 nated opportunity for CFR 218.8(c). public p a rticipation (scooping o r the Minimum 30-day public com- r equirements of a n ment period) may ob- objections area ject (36 CFR 218.5). described at 21 8.8(d). • Hand deliveries: Deschutes Fo r e st Notice of object must An objection must meet th e r e q uire- include a description Supervisor's Office, Attn: 1570 Appeals m ents of 3 6 C F R of those aspects of 218.2. Objections can the proposed project and Obje c t ions, Des c hutes be submitted in writ- a ddressed by th e 63095 ing, either electroni- objection, i n cluding Market Road, Bend, cally or in hard copy specific issues related Oregon, 97701. Hand but must be filed with to t h e pr o posed deliveries can occur the Reviewing Officer project; if applicable, between 8:00 AM and within 45 days follow- how th e ob j ector 4:30 PM , M o nday ing th e p u blication believes the through Friday except legal holidays; or environmental date of the legal notice of the opportunity a nalysis o r dra f t to object in The Bulle- decision specifically • Faxed to: Deschutes S u pervisor, t in, Bend OR. T h e violates law, regula- Forest publication date of the t ion, or poli c y; Attn: 1 570 Appeals legal notice is the ex- suggested remedies a nd Objections at clusive means for cal- that would resolve the (541)383-5531. culating the time to file objection; supporting additional an objection. Those reasons f o r the For information wishing to file an ob- reviewing officer to a concerning the lection to this draft consider; a n d act i v ities decision should not statement that specific rely upon dates or demonstrates the authorized with t his timeframe information connection between draft decision, you provided by any other prior specific written may contact: A my source. O b jections comments on the Tinderholt at ( 5 41) sent by mail must be particular p roposed 383-4708 o r A l i cia received before the project or activity and Underhill by p hone close of the fifth busi- t he content of t h e ( 541) 383-4012 o r ness day after the objection, unless the email objection filing period. objection concerns an aunderhill©fs.fed.us. issue that arose after Incorporation of the desi g natedJust bought a new boat? documents by opportunities for Sell your old one in the reference i s not comment. classifieds! Ask about our allowed, except for Super Seller rates! the following list of Objections may be: 541-385-5809 i tems that may b e referenced by • Postal Delivery: RePUBLIC NOTICE including date, page, v iewing Of fic e r , Notice of Public Sale a nd section of t h e Deschutes National Summit Self Storage, cited document, along F orest, Attn. 1 5 7 0 located at 720 SE 9th with a description of Appeals and Street, B en d OR its co n tent and O bjections, 63 0 9 5 97702, will conduct a a pplicability to t h e Deschutes M a r ket p ublic sale o f t h e objection: 1) all or any Road, B e nd , OR contents of the storpart of a federal law or 97701; age units to satisfy regulation; 2) Forest u npaid rents a n d Service directives and • Emailed to: other charges as alland m anagement objections-pnw-desch l owed under O R S plans; 3) documents utes@fs.fed.us. 87.685-693, Saturday r eferenced b y th e Please Put April 12th, 2014 at Forest Service in the OBJECTION and the 10:00am. Sale shall s ubject EA; o r 4 ) project name in the be for the following line. u nits: Wendy W i lcomments previously subject provided to the Forest Electronic objections liams (114 &075). Call Service by the must be submitted as office for description objector during public part of an actual e- of u n i t con t ents. involvement mail message, or as 541-385-4761. opportunities for the a n a t tachment i n proposed pro j ect Microsoft Word (.doc), where written comrich text format (.rtf), BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS ments were requested or portable document Search the area's most by the R esponsible format (.pdf) o nly. comprehensive listing of O fficial. A ll o t h e r E-mails submitted to classified advertising... documents must be addresses other than real estate to automotive, i ncluded w it h th e the ones listed above merchandise to sporting o bjection (36 C F R or in formats other goods. Bulletin Classifieds 218.8(b)). than t h os e li s t ed appear every day in the above or containing print or on line. Issues r a ised i n viruses w i l l be Call 541-385-5809 o bjections must b e r ejected. I t i s t h e www.bendbulletin.com based on previously r esponsibility of t he submitted sp e c ific objector to c o nfirm The Bulletin written co m ments receipt of objections Serving CentralOlcgao since UOS










0 'I I '/


NEW 2014 Ford Fusion SE Tech/MyFordTouch,RearView Camera


MSRP .............................. $26,045 TSS Discount ......................-$1,555 $24,490 Ford Retail Cash................... $1,500 * ..................-$500 Ford Credit Bonus Ford Retail Bonus Cash.............-$500




Must finance throughFMCC. OnApprovedCredit, VIN:13OOO6

Sale Price 21,990


NEW 2014 Ford Focus S 4-Door SedanAutomatic

siiwriiinl iiiie wll uir

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Ends Marcb 3 1

Ford Retail CustomerCash..... -$1000 TS&S Price........ $16,599

$1 k 0


$2,495Cashor Trade 36 Month Lease 10K MilesPerYear.Residual $9,802.35. OnApprovedCredit. VIN:219670 Due atSigning NEW 2014Ford Edge SELAWD NEW2014FordExpedition KingRanch Leather,Navigation, RearViewCamera, Power Lift Gate

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2014 S u b a r u Im p r e z a 2 .0 i CVT

Option Pkg01.Standardmodel. PopularPkg.¹2.Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink,BumperApplique Sedan,CargoTray 4D, All Weather FloorMats

MSRP.............................. $37,625 TSS Discount ......................-$1,925 $35,700 Ford Retail Cash................... $1,500 *FMCCFinancing Ford Credit Bonus * .............."" $500 On Approved Credit

Sale Price$33,700

vIN: A19007

MSRP ............ TSS Discount ...

......... $59,195 -$5,500 $54,195 Off MSRP! Ford Retail Cash........ ........... $3,000 * ... . . Ford Credit Bonus -$1,000 VIN:F09495 Ford Retail BonusCash.............-$500 *Must Finance throughFMCC .




















Safe Price

49 195

Navigation, PowerLift Gate, f0" Wheels, Heated Steering Wheel























MSRP .............. $47,220 TSS Discount ......-$7,500

Saie Price 1 8>995 vIN: 270612

NEW 2013 Ford Taurus SEL Leather, HeatedSeats, Rear Spoiler,19" Wheels, Rear ViewCamera

TSS Discount ......................-$3,500 Dff MSRP 030 Ford Retail Cash................... $3,250 VIN. 216849 * ..... . . . . . . . . . . -$1,250 Ford Credit Bonus *Must Finance Ford Retall Bonus Cash----- -$1,'000 throughFMC C

s2$,430 sale price

NEW 2014Ford F150XL4x4

MSRP .............. $35,610

Cash.................-$2,000 TS&S Price.........$31,550


~n ff MSRP!

Sale Price ..$39,720

NEW 2014Ford EscapeAWD



36 Month Lease

10KMiles PerYear. $2,495CaShOr• Trade Residual $21,088.00 Due atSigning OnApprovedCreditVIN:A84901 . •






MSRP $20,357. VIN: EH015780.ETB-01 Sale Price: $18,999

MSRP $20,782.VIN: E8257069. EEB-01 SalePrlce:$19,699

Cap reduction $2,042.68. Acquisition fee $595. Doc. fee $75. 42 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 570k $11,603.49. No Security Deposit. *Tier 1 linancing, 720 Beacon or higher. Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit.

Cap reduction $2,038.13. Acquisition fee $595. Doc. fee $75. 42 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 59% $12,261.38. No Security Deposit. *Tier 1 financing, 720 Beacon or higher. Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit.

2014 S u b a r u BRZ L i m i t e d 6MT

2,500:;":.;. 201 4 S ub a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i CVT

OPtion Package01.Standard Model, Auto-DimMirror/ComP,Cargo Tray Black,RearBumperApplique

Option Package01.Standard Model. RearSeat BackProtector, Rear BumperCover, 4 AuWeather Floor Mats

48$ MSRP .................... $30,730 TS&S Discount ........... $1,771 Ford Retail Customer Cash........................ $2,000 2.99% APR - 04 months - OAC On ApprovedCredit. VIN:865059,832717

I Automatic



26,999 Sale Price

MSRP............ TSS Discount ...

... $39,530 -$2,500 $37,030 ..... $1,750 .......-$750 ....... $500 Must tradem8 .......-$750 '95or newer.*Must .

Ford Retail Cash....... Ford Credit Bonus * .... STX BonusCash........ ** Trade-In Assistance





5.0 VB,Communication Pkg,SYNC,Satellite Radio

02 9 9

FordRiiiiii siisiiiiner '


NEW201 4FordF150STXSuper Crew

Power Epuip. Group, integrated Brake Controller, Communication Pkg.

Option Pkg01.Popular Pkg.¹1. Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink BumperApplique, CargoTray, AuWeather Floor Mats, Seat BackProtector


2,500:-":.-. MSRP ........ ...................... $22,995 TSS Discount -$1,000 $21,995 Ford CustomerCash.............. -$2,000 Ford Retail Bonus Cash.......... -$1,000

201 4 S ub a r u Im p r e z a 2 .0 i CVT


NEW 2014 Ford Mustang NEW 2013 Ford Explorer Limited V6


C onfiden c e i n M o t i o n


$33 2oo SalepljceIi CCIliIN:A4i909

MSRP $28,761.VIN: 5E9601079.EZE-01 Sale Prlce $26,999 Cap reduction $3,227.45. Acquisition fee $595. Doc. fee $75. 42 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 53% $15,243.33. No Security Deposit. *Tier 1 financing, 720 Beacon or higher. Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit.

3,600:-":.- . 201 4 S ub a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i CVT

Option Package21.Alloy Wheel Pkg.17"Alloy Wheels, 225/60 R1798TAuSeason Tires, Fog Lights, Rear SeatBackProtector, RearBumperCover, 4Au SeasonFloor Mats

Automatic MSRP $25,866.Subaru ofBend Discount $1,984 VIN: ¹E3259640 EDB-21 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.

;;:. 023,882 2014 S u b a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i Pre m i u m C V T

Option Package02.All-Weather Pkg.Heated Front Seats, Windshield WiperDe-lcer, Heated SideMirrors, Rear BumperCover, RearCargo Net, Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink, 4 Au Weather Floor Mats

NEW201 4Ford F350CrewCabLongBed NEW20 14FordF350CrewCabLongBox XL, Value Pkg,5thWheel Hitch, GooseNeck1itch,

King Ranch,Navigation, Moonroof,5th Wheel Prep


MSRP............ TSS Discount ...

$49,960 -$3,714 $46,246 . $2,500 VIN: A73457. -$1,000 *Must Finance -$1,000 throughFMCC. ...-$500 On Approved Credit.** Must trade in a'95 ornewer.

Ford Retail Cash...* Ford Credit Bonus Special Package... Trade-In Assistance

S41,24$ Saleprice

MSRP ........ TSS Discount

... $65,050


$59 850 = Off MSRPl $$2 '500 ** Must trade in a '95 or newer.*Must

Ford Retail Cash...... * ... Ford Credit Bonus Trade-In Assistance**

$55 em Sale PriceFMcctlii:A92073


MSRP $26,166.Subaru of Bend Discount $2,207 VIN: ¹3266902. EDD-21 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.

;;:. 024~u582

NEW 2014Ford F150Extended Cab4x4V-6 MSRP ..................... TSS Discount ............ Ford Retail Cash........ * ..... Ford Credit Bonus Trade-In Assistance ....




$28,499 SalePrice

P,'.'. $ 26


2 01444cubaru XV C r o s s t r e k Hybrid C V T

... $32,900 -$1,731 ..... $1,250 ....... -$750 ....... -$750 .

MSRP $28,433.Subaru ofBend Discount $2,207 VIN: ¹E3237679. EDD-02 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.

~ Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink,RearBumperCover, SplashGuards, All WeatherFloorMats, RearSpoiler I VIN: 2EH229477.ERH-01

~ W g i" **

Must tradein 8'95 or newer. *MustFinancethroughFMCCVIN:A45809






i I





Test Drive It Today!

I ,





• II Sale endsMarch 31, 2014





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