Bulletin Daily Paper 10/29/12

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MONDAY October 29,2012

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Still no cause given for Pole Creek blaze

By Elon Glncklich The Bulletin

By Dylan j. Darling The Bulletin

Seven weeks after the Pole Creek Fire erupted southwest of Sisters, the cause of the largest wildfire in Central Oregon this year has yet to be announced. A draft report about the cause of the fire is complete, and a final one should be released soon, Dan Smith, patrol captain for the Deschutes National Forest, said late last week. While the fieldwork portion of the investigation ended two weeks after the fire was first spotted, the investigation continued for more than another month. "It's been very time-intensive," Smith said. The investigation included about 100 interviews of people who saw the early stages of the fire, he said. These include hikers who were in the Three Sisters Wilderness when the fire started, as well as the first firefighter to respond to the fire and weather experts. Smith declined to say if the cause of the fire looks to be either human- or lightning-caused. Over the last decade Central Oregon has averaged about 400 wildfires each year, forest officials have said. Usually about 60 percentofthe fires each year are caused by lightning, and the other 40 percent are caused by

The Oregon Department of Transportation plans to start a multiyear project next summer that would reconfigure the southern end of the Bend Parkway where it meets Southeast Third Street and extend Murphy Road to Brookswood Boulevard. Plans released by ODOT and the city of Bend show an extension of Murphy Road, which currently ends at Third Street. It would cross over the parkway, which is also U.S. Highway 97, on an elevated bridge and eventually connect to Brookswood Boulevard.

If completed as planned, the project would connect Brookswood and Highway 97 for the first time. ODOT expects to start working on the project next summer, said spokesman Peter Murphy, with work extending two or three years. Plans also call for three new roundabouts: one at Murphy and Parrell roads; one at Murphy and Third Street; and another at Murphy and Brookswood. The stoplight at Highway 97 and Third Street would be removed. See ODOT/A5

Major changescoming The Oregon Department of Transportation is gearing up for a major project on U.S. Highway 97 south of Pinebrook Boulevard next summer. ODOTpurchased four acres of land west of the highway that will

make wayfor Murphy Roadto be extendedwest andconnect with BrookswoodBoulevard.



Landpurchased hs 000T Murphy Rd.extension

Reed Market R





New overpasses MurphyRd.

Source' ODOT




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The Pole Creek Fire burned 26,795 acres — nearly42 square miles — of the Deschutes National Forest between Sisters and the Three Sisters. It was first reported on Sept. 9 and was fully contained Oct. 17. Fighting the fire cost the U.S. Forest Service about $18 million. See Pole Creek/A5

Satellite image courtesy Oregon Explorer; map by Greg Cross /The Bulletin

Groupsseek Sandy's fury adds solitude in anever to nightmare more wiredworld



IBM: Breakthrough hints at ever-smaller microchips, A3 TODAY'S WEATHER

election scenario

Chance of showers High 64, Low 45

By Peter Baker

Page Bo

New York Times News Service

WASHINGTON — In th e dark of n i ght, when they get what little sleep they get these d ays, the people running t h e campaigns for p r esident have more than enough fodder for 'Cities nightmares. Worse, come daybrace for b r e ak, they realize they may yet fury, A3 co m e true. Dancing in t h eir h eads are • Evacuees visions of r e counts, contested range of ballots and lawsuits. The Possibility that their candidate could emotion win the popular vote yet lose the g4

INDEX Calendar C3 Local News B1-6 E1-4 Obituaries Classified B5 C4-5 Oregon News B5 Comics D I-6 Crosswords C5, E2 Sports Editorials B4 Sudoku C5 C1-6 TV&Movies cr Green,Etc.


The Bulletin


An Independent Newspaper Vol. 109, No. 303, 28 pages, 5sections

8 .O We userecycled newsprint



New rouudadouts 'ge/trgg~

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ell shot, readers! Seemore of your fall color photos on B3 Submitted by Glen Schaumloeffel

Even the outside chance of an Electoral College tie that throws the contest to Congress. Now add to that parade of potential horrors one more: a freak two-in-one, wrath-of-God storm that could, if the more dire forecasts prove correct, warp an election two years and $2 billion in the making. See Election /A4

By Martha lrvine The Associated Press

CHICAGO — When was the last time you were alone, and unwired? Really, truly by yourself. Just you and your thoughts — no cellphone, no tablet, no laptop. Many of us crave that kind of solitude, though in an increasingly wired world, it's a rare commodity. We check texts and emails, and update our online status, at any hour — w h en we're lying in bed or sitting at stop lights or on trains. Sometimes, we even do so when we're on the toilet. We feel obligated, yes. But we're also fascinated with this connectedness, constantly tinkering and checking in — an obsession that's starting to get pushback from a small but growing legion of tech users who are feeling the need to unplug and get away. "What might have felt like an obligation at first has become an addiction. It's almost as if we don't know how to be alone, or we are afraid of what we'll find when we are alone with ourselves," says Camille Preston, a tech consultant based in Cambridge, Mass. See Solitude/A5


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The a viser Romneytrusts

cloud looms

By Michael Barbaro and Ashley Parker

By Norimitsn Onishi New York Times News Service

RENO, Nev. — Rep. Shelley Berkley, battling for a Senate seat, flew to northern Nevada hours after appearing with Vice President Joe. Biden at a rally in her Las Vegas district. On Oct. 19, before returning south for the start of early voting, Berkley crisscrossed Washoe County, the battleground where her

image has been largely shaped by a barrage of television advertisements from her rival attacking her ethics. With Berkley, a Democrat, locked in a very tight race for one of the most fiercely fought Senate races in the country, her Republican opponent, Sen. Dean Heller, was calculating that he could scrape his way to re-election with an unrelenting focus on the ethics cloud surrounding her, analysts said. Hellermade no publicappearances during the week, but his ubiquitous television ads have hammered at the congresswoman, who is being investigated by the House over allegations that she used her office to help her husband's medical practice. The race has remained tight despite the investigation, experts said, because of Berkley's popularity in her district, which she has represented for seven terms, her tenacious campaigning and the formidable support of Sen. Harry Reid' smuscular machine. In the early morning cold, Berkleysought votes from Teamster m embers at a United Parcel Service center before heading to a breakfast here with a receptive group ofolderresidents. "I will stand with you, I will work with you, and I will fight

for you," she said, pledging to protect Medicare and Social Security.

Wider implications A victory by Heller is critical to Republican hopes of wrestingthe Senate from Democratic control and dislodging Reid, this state's senior senator, as majority leader. A former congressman who was elected to a safely Republican district here in 2007, Heller was appointed last year to succeed John Ensign, another Republican, who resignedfrom the Senate over a sex scandal. Still reeling from the nation's highest unemployment rate and one of its highest home foreclosure rates, Nevada has emerged as one of the most contested states in the presidential battle, and the Senate race has also become a proxy, pitting two candidates with records of voting along partisan lines. A onetime stockbroker who referredto the unemployed as "hobos" in an unguarded moment, Heller, 52, is a conservative who has attacked Berkley for supporting President Barack Obama's economic policies. But more than a nything, Heller's television ads, as well as those financed by super PACs pouring money into Nevada, have aimed at Berkley's ethicsproblems. A House panel is investigating whether Berkley wrongly intervened with Medicare officials in 2008 to keep open a troubled kidney transplant center with ties to her husband's practice. The investigation has hurt Berkley among voters like Steven Foremaster, 47, a lawyer who was watching the Hispanic parade. An Obama supporter, he said Berkley would not get his vote because of the investigation. "That was the main thing for me," he said. In an interview, Berkley repeated her position that Nevadans workedtogetherto save the state's only kidney transplant center and that her husband's ties to it were widely known. Speaking of her opponent's focus on her ethics — his latest ad called her "one of the most corruptmembers of Congress" — she said, "He doesn't have anything else." But Heller clearly believes it is enough to win, analysts said.

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In tight Senate race, an ethics

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Discoveries, brealzthroughs, trends, names in the news — thingsyou need to hnow to start your day. Until Election Day, this page will focus on politics.

It's Monday, Oct. 29, the 303rd day of 2012. There are 63 days left in the year.

when henee s aturnaroun

HAPPENINGS • Schools and transit systems up and down the EastCoast, as well as the New York

Stock Exchange, close in preparation for Hurricane

New York Times News Service

BOSTON — When M itt Romney's record at Bain Capital first came under assault, his beleaguered campaign staff turned to Bob White, an informal adviser. He quickly recruited researchers to conduct a deal-by-deal autopsy, searching for uplifting examples to share with voters to counter rivals' accounts of exploitative ones. When Romney's team of longtime aides risked becoming insular, White navigated a minefield of office politics to ensure that Ed Gillespie, a veteran Republican operative brought in from the outside, had a major hand in strategy decisions. And when Romney was portrayed as a robotic Mr. F ix-lt, unwilling to tell h i s personal story, White pushed to recast him as a compassionate church leader, selfless neighbor and adoring father. White, a f ormer college h ockey player with a p r onounced Boston accent, has

emerged asa singular force within the Romney campaign. A designated troubleshooter and in-house consultant, he helped steady a wobbly candidacy and reverse its trajectory in recentweeks, according to interviews with a dozen Romney aides and advisers. Little seen and little known to the public, White — a multimillionaire businessman who has the nebulous title of campaign chairman and accepts no salary — plays an outsize role.Variously described by aides as the candidate's alter ego, his aide-de-camp, his genial enforcer and his gut check, White gained his stature entirely through his long relationship wit h R o mney, who hired him 31 years ago for a management consulting job. His place in a Romney White House, should there be one, is all but guaranteed. "Bob's voice in Romneyworld c a r r ies e n o rmous weight, both internally and externally," said Spencer Zwick, the campaign's finance chief. "People crave his approval and his sign off. They know Mitt listens to him." White, 56, jokes that his job is "Friend of Candidate." Romney calls him "my wingman." Their partnership is devoted and durable, with Romney relying on White as an informal adviser at every stage of his career: Bain, the Massachusettsgovernorship, the Olympics and both presidential campaigns. Inside a campaign that long favored hammering on President Barack Obama and playing down the details of Romney's biography, White has pushed for transparency, arguing that the benefits outweighed the risks. He advocated that Romney discuss his Mormon faith, publicly embrace his financial success and releasehis recent income taxes, taking to a white board to tutor a campaign media relations team befuddled by the candidate's far-flung investments and trusts. Aides, who say nothing in the campaign is achieved without exhaustive consensus, said Romney's emergence in the final stretch of the

Sandy. A1, A3 • A trial is set to begin in the Riverside, Calif., shooting death of Jeff Hall by his10-

year-old son.

IN HISTORY Highlights: In 1618, Sir Walter

Raleigh, the English courtier, military adventurer and poet,

was executed in London. In 1929, Wall Street crashed on

New York Times NewsService fue photo

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks with Bob White earlier this month during a flight to Nevada. White, a multimillionaire businessman who has the nebulous title of campaign chairman andaccepts no salary, has emerged as a singular force within the Romney campaign. race as a moderate-sounding pragmatist, talking about his charitable acts, business career and record as governor, bore White's fingerprints. He "wants people to see the Mitt Romney he knows," said Ron Kaufman, a top campaign adviser. "He wants to give people a reason to go to the polls." Neither White nor Romney would talk for this article about their relationship. But by granting White access to every meeting and any aide, Romney has revealed something about his own leader-

ship style, suggesting the limits of his faith in political operatives and his enduring belief in the problem-solving powers of fellow management consultants. At Romney for President headquarters here, Whitepeppers advisers with provocative questions, tests their assumptions and challenges their plans, just as he and Romney did at Bain Consulting. "Why are we running this ad now2" he has asked. "Is this the best useofm oney?" White may not apply the same clear-eyed s crutiny to his friend the candidate, though, that he does to campaign operations. At l east publicly, he speaks of Romney with near-reverence, unable or unwilling to find fault. White, a silver-haired father of six, has a barking laugh and an easy grin. His lucrative career at Bain, where he is still an investor, has given him the freedom to help out Romney and pursueenthusiasms, like his part ownership of the Boston Celtics. But he grew up far from the wealthy Michigan suburbsand eliteprep schools of Romney's youth. The son of an Irish-Catholic factory machinist and a telephoneservice representative in Woburn, Mass., he was the first member of his family to attend college — Bowdoin, on financial aid. He was the goalie on the hockey team, "which at Bowdoin is like being the starting quarterback on a college football team," said David Binswanger, a classmate. But White stood out for blending in, splitting his time between the jocks and the A students. "You would have expected somebody like that to be the ego, orthe big man on cam-

pus," Binswanger said. That understated quality, colleagues said, drew Romney to him. After recruiting White

the National Organization

for Women wasformally organized during a conference in Washington D C In1998

to Bain Consulting in 1981, Romney made him the first employee of Bain Capital, the private equity firm he founded three years later. White's trademark, thenand now: making change without making waves. Respected and well liked, White

Sen. John Glenn, at age 77, roared back into space aboard the shuttle Discovery, retracing the trail he'd blazed

for America's astronauts 36 years earlier. Ten years ago: A Minneapolis memorial service for the late Sen. Paul Wellstone turned into a virtual political rally as friends and relatives

generally gets his way. Campaign aides said White has pulled off the tricky job of being Romney's close friend while earning the trust of the candidate's staff, by making clear that much of what he learns will remain confidential. He works from an office on the second floor of the Romney campaign office in B oston's N orth End, where a w h i te board is covered in handwritten charts. But he is frequently on the road, sitting a row behind Romney on the candidate's plane, offering jokes and counsel. He has a knack for figuring out when Romney is feeling disconnected from headquarters and should be looped in on a conference call, or when he needs a break in his tight schedule. And if Romney makes it to the White House? White is on the team planning the transition, and aides cannot imagine that Romney would not turn to

urged Minnesotans to honor his memory by putting a Democrat in his seat on Election Day.

Five years ago: Authorities in Chad charged six French charity workers with kidnapping after they tried to

put103 children on a plane to France, claiming they

were orphans from Sudan's conflict-wracked Darfur region. (The charity workers were later convicted, jailed

for several months, then pardoned.) One year ago: A"white Halloween" storm with

record-setting snowfalls brought down trees across the northeastern U.S., knocking out power to millions; 39 deaths were blamed on the weather.

him again. White has at least contemplated a role for himself in the capital. Back in the 1990s, he interviewed a job candidate at Bain Capital named Marc Walpow, who said he had asked White what he wanted to do after his time at the firm. Walpow still remembers his answer: "I might go to Washington with Mitt."

BIRTHDAYS Actor Richard Dreyfuss is 65. Actor Dan Castellaneta ("The

Simpsons") is 55. Comic strip artist Tom Wilson ("Ziggy"l is 55. Singer Randy Jackson is 51. Actress Winona Ryder is 41. — From wire reports

Qi; r



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IBM reports nanotube chip breakthrough By john Markoff

In recent decades, however, there has been growing unSAN FRA NC I S CO certainty over whether the — IBM scientists are re- technology will continue to porting progress in a chip- improve. The end of the mimaking technology that is croelectronics era would inlikely to ensure the shrink- evitably stall a growing array ing of t h e b a sic d igital of industries that have fed off switch at the heart of mod- the falling cost and increasern microchips for more ing performance of computer than another decade. chips. The advance, first deC hip makers h av e r o u scribed i n t h e j o u r n al tinely doubled the number of Nature N a n otechnology transistors that can be etched on Sunday, is based on on the surface of silicon wacarbon nanotubes, exotic fers by routinely shrinking molecules that have long the tiny switches that store held out promise as an al- and route the ones and zeros ternative material to sili- that are processed by digital con from which to create computers. They have long the tiny logic gates that are since shrunk t h e s w i tches now used by the billions to to less than a wavelength of create mi c r o processors light, and they are r apidly and memory chips. The approaching dimensions that IBM researchers at the T.J. can be measured in terms Watson Research Center of the widths of just a few in Yorktown Heights, N.Y., atoms. have been able to pattern To continue the process, an array of carbon nano- semiconductor engineers tubes on the surface of have had to consistently pera silicon wafer and u se fect an array of related manuthem to build chips that facturing systems and mateare hybrids of silicon and rials that continue to perform c arbon n anotubes w i t h at an ever tinier scale. more than 10,000 working transistors. Against a l l ex p e ctations, the silicon chip has continued to improve in both speed and capacity COVERINGS for the last five decades. New Yortt Times News Service

•I • I


Luke Sharrett / New York Times News Service

A four-picture combination shows boarded-up restaurants Sunday near the boardwalk in Rehoboth Beach, Del. The computer models forecasting the track of Hurricane Sandy over the next three days are converging upon a landing around southern New Jersey that could create record coastal flooding and a big enough storm surge that state and local officials have ordered mandatory and voluntary evacuations along the coast from Delaware to Connecticut.

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' NORTHWEST CROSSING By James Barron New Yortt Times News Service

Hurricane Sandy, a menacing storm that forecasters said would bring "life-threatening" flooding, churnedtoward some of the nation's most densely populated areas on Sunday, promptingwidespread evacuations and the shutdown of New York City's transit system. Officials warned that the h urricane, c r eeping n o r t h from the Caribbean, where it killed more than 60 people, could disrupt life in the Northeast for days. New York went into emer-

cane center reported that the storm was packing sustained winds of almost 75 miles an hour. "We're going to have a lot of impact, starting with the storm

surge," said Craig Fugate, the administrator of the Federal Emergency Management

Agency. "Think, 'Big.'" The subway closing began

at 7 p.m. to darken every one of the city's 468 stations for the second time in 14 months, as officials encouraged the public to stay indoors and worked to preventa storm surge from damaging tracks and signal gency mode, ordering more equipment in the tunnels. than 370,000 people evacuated The closingthisyear seemed in low-lying communities from more ominous. The shutdown Coney Island in Brooklyn to before TropicalStorm Irene B attery Park City i n M a n - last year began at noon on a hattan and giving 1.1 million Saturday, and service resumed schoolchildren a day off today. before the workweek started The city opened evacuation Monday. This time, officials shelters at 76 public schools. warned, it might be WednesThe N ational H u r r icane day before some trains were Center said it expected the running again. storm to swing inland, probThe storm preparations and ably this evening. The hurri- cancellations were not con-

fined to New York. Amtrak said it would cancel most trains onthe Eastern Seaboard, and Philadelphia shut down its mass transit system. The nation's major airlines canceled thousands of flights in the Northeast. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which operates the three major airports in the New York City area, said it expected major carriers to cease operations entirely by Sunday evening. The Coast Guard closed New York Harbor — cruise ships were told to go elsewhere — and the Northeast faced the possibility of being all but shut down today. Federal offices in the Washington area will be closed; only emergency employees willbe on the job. The Washington transitsystem — its Metrorail subway and its buses — will also be shut down. The United Nations canceled all meetings at its headquarters in Manhattan. Broadway shows were can-

celed on Sunday and today, as were performances at Carnegie Hall. Schools in Washington, Baltimore and Boston called off today's classes. Many public libraries said their reading rooms would be closed for the day, and parks department workers in Central Park told people to leave on Sunday and to stay away until the storm passed. The New York Stock Exchange, which initially said i ts trading f loor w ould b e open today, decided to close the floor and handle trading electronically. Forecasters said the hurricane was a strikingly powerful storm that could reach far inland. Hurricane-force winds from the storm stretched 175 miles from the center, an unusually wide span, and tropical storm winds extended outward 520 miles.Forecasters said they expected high-altitude winds to whip every state east of the Mississippi River.

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Tsunami watch lifted, no major damageseen

from Canadaquake By Jeremy Hainsworth

t sunami advisory for H a waii Sunday morning just V ANCOUVER, Br i t i s h before 4 a .m. l ocal t i me, Columbia — A magnitude t hree hours a f ter d o w n 7.7 earthquake struck off grading from a warning the west coast of Canada, and less than six hours afbut there were no reports ter the waves first hit the of major damage. Residents islands. in parts of British ColumMeanwhile, the National bia were e v acuated, but Weather Service canceled the province appeared to tsunami advisories for Canescape the biggest quake in ada, Alaska, Washington, Canada since 1949 largely Oregon and California. unscathed. Tsunami Warning Center The U.S. Geological Sur- officials said wave heights vey said the powerful tem- w ere diminishing i n H a blor hit the Queen Charlotte waii, though swimmers and Islands just after 8 p.m. local boatersshould be careful of time Saturday at a depth of strong or unusual currents. about 3 miles (5 kilometers) The biggest waves — about and was centered 96 miles 5 feethigh — appeared to (155 kilometers) south of hit Maui. Masset, British Columbia. It There were no immediate was felt across a wide area reports of damage, though in British Columbia, both one person died in a fatal on its Pacific islands and on crash near a road that was the mainland. closed because of the threat "It looks like the damage near Oahu's north shore. and the risk are at a very low Hawaii Gov. Neil Aberlevel," said Shirley Bond, crombie said the state was British Columbia's minister lucky to avoid more severe responsiblefor emergency surges. "We're very, very gratemanagement said. "We're certainly grateful." ful that we can go h ome The P a c ifi c T s u n ami tonight counting our blessings," Abercrombie said. W arning Center lifted i t s The Associated Press


Chinese plant plans scrapped after protests BEIJING — Officials in the coastal city of Ningbo, China, promised Sunday night to halt the expansion of a petrochemical plant after thousands of demonstrators clashed with the police during three days of protests that spotlighted the public's mounting discontent with industrial pollution. T he protests, which f o l lowed s i m ilar d e m onstrations in other cities in the past year, point to the increasing willingness of the Chinese to take to the streets despite the

perils of openly challenging the country's authoritarian government. Although l o ca l o ff i c ials were undoubtedly a l armed by the size and ferocity of the protests, their decision to bend

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Police would not d i rectly identify the suspect arrested Sunday, but media including the BBC and Press Association reported he was the 68year-old Glitter.

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U.K. police arrest Gary Glitter in BBCcase LONDON — The sex abuse scandal surrounding the late BBC c h i l dren's t e l evision host Jimmy Savile widened on Sunday as police arrested former glam rock star and convictedsex offender Gary Glitter in connection with the case, British media said.

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anic e evacLia ions mix wi nonc aance in sorm's a By Cara Buckley New Yorh Times News Service


They streamed out of lowlying New York apartments and grand Connecticut shore homes, a steady, often reluctant parade of evacuees with rolling suitcases and duffel bags; birds and cats in cages; Fruit RollUps and stacks of magazines. Hundreds of thousands of residents from East Haven, Conn., to Cape May, N.J., were ordered toleave their homes Sunday as Hurricane Sandy bore down on the Eastern Seaboard. Many complied, departing by car or ferry, school bus or subway train, though not w ithout stress oranger,as people in Lower Manhattan jostled tensely for taxis and yelled at others for jumping ahead of them. The exodus out of Connecticut was so large that some gas stations ran out of fuel. "Everyone is panicky — oh



' Q j 'f f

Michael Appleton / New YorkTimes News Service

People wait for taxis to evacuate the Battery Park City neighborhood Sunday as Hurricane Sandy approaches in New York.

my God, they bring in any kind of container they can think of and fill it up with gas!" said A nn Persaud, owner of t h e South 7 Citgo station in New Milford. S ome evacuations w e r e more complicated: Some 60 patients and 180 nursing home residents were moved by ambulance and bus from Long Beach Medical Center to higher ground in Nassau County and elsewhere. "We're all being taken out; I don't want to go," said Carol Mule, 74, a patient. "But it's better than staying here being looded to death." f Still, with memories of last year's less-than-ferocious Hurricane Irene still fresh, some residents simply would n ot move, expressing skepticism and a New York-style nonchalance, despite Mayor Michael Bloomberg's warning that they were risking their safety by staying. "Last time they made such a big hype out of it and nothing happened," said John Miller, 27, who chose to stay in his Bat-


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OzierMuhammad / New York Times News Serwce

Residents leave Fire Island under a mandatory evacuation order Sunday on a ferry from Ocean Beach, N.Y. tery Park City apartment, having evacuated last year to New Haven, Conn., and been stuck there for a week because it was hit harder than New York. This time, Miller was hunkering down, stockpiling water, soup, crackers and pasta and filling his bathtub with water. His friend Paola Boettner was remaining, too. "It's more painful to evacuate than stay,"

Ruth Fremson/ New York Times News Serwce

A woman leaps down the last four steps in haste to catch one of the last trains leaving Manhattan for Connecticut on Sunday.

she said. Bloomberg ordered people l iving in Z one A — w h i ch includes parts of all five boroughs — to evacuate. People who stayed behind would not f ace arrest, but Bloomberg said they would not only put themselves at risk, but also possibly endanger the livesofemergency responders. "We hope you don't face

those kinds of dire situations, but you could." Bloomberg said the decision to evacuate came after forecasters said that flooding from the storm would be graver than originally thought: a s t orm surge of 6 to 11 feet was forecast for New York. Areas of New Jersey and Connecticut were put under evacuation orders, too.


N ovember before a winner is declared. Continued from A1 Of all the messy outcomes, Despite th e m e t iculous the one that seems likeliest planning, careful strategiz- is a candidate winning the ing, polling, advertising and presidencythrough the Elecget-out-the-vote efforts, toral College despite losing the the election could produce popular vote, much as Bush the sort of messy outcome did in 2000. If it happens again, that defies expectation and it might be in the opposite way, prognostication. with the Republican, Romney, Polls show such a tight race in range of a popular majorbetween President Barack ity and the Democrat, Obama, Obama and M it t R omney with an apparently easier route heading into this final week to an Electoral College victory. that the two sides are playCharlie Cook, awell-known ing out any number of wild political handicapper, said possibilities. the chance of that happening The approach of Hurricane was 10 to 15 percent. Stanley Sandy served to remind them Greenberg, a longtime Demojust how out of their control cratic pollster, put the odds at "one in three." democracy can be. "Interms ofhowit affectsthe "Not t r ivial," Greenberg election, I don't think anybody said of the chances. "If that really knows," David Axelrod, happens, it is because the antithe president's senior strate- Obama vote, mostly in the gist, said of the storm on CNN's South, turns out in big num"State of the Union" on Sunday. bers," while the pro-Obama "Obviously we want unfettered vote is not as overwhelming accessto the polls because we in Democratic states but pulls believe that the more people him over the top in vital places come out the better we're going like Ohio, Iowa and Nevada. to do. But I don't know how all If Obama wins a second the politics will sort out." term while losing the popuThe storm forced both can- lar vote, it would once again didates to scrap campaign throw a harsh spotlight on stops, and will require Obama the Electoral College, an artiin particular to balance the fact ofthe 18th century. Each roles of president in an emer- statehas one electorfor each gency and candidate with of its members in the House eight days until Election Day. and Senate. With 538 electors, That couldbenefit or hurt him, it takes 270 to win. If no one depending on howvoters view does, the House decides. his performance, and distract In 1800, Thomas Jefferson from efforts by both camps to received the same number of advance a closing argument. electoral votes as Aaron Burr. Early voting, which Obama The House sided with Jefferhas counted on to bolster his son. In 1824, none of four canchances of a second term, will didates received an electoral likely grind to a halt in some majority, and John Quincy places along the Eastern Sea- Adams won in t h e H ouse board, while power failures although he trailed Andrew could last much of the week Jackson in both the popular and conceivably until Election and the electoral votes. Day in some places. It went Two other presidents, Ruthunnoticed by no one that Vir- erford B. Hayes in 1876 and ginia, among the most tightly Benjamin Harrison in 1888, c ontested states, may b e won in the Electoral College among the most affected. even though they lost the popMeteorology is only one ular vote. wild card facing the camThe Electoral College has paigns in the final week. On been attacked almost fromthe Election Day, the winner may start.Over 200 years, more not be known right away; one than 700 proposals to elimior more statesmay be close nate or revise it have been enough to merit recounts. In introduced in Congress, and Ohio, which could decide the more constitutional amendelection, so many provisional ments have been proposed ballots may be cast — and to change the system than on by law are not counted right any other subject, according away — that it may be mid- to the National Archives.



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professor of c ommunication studies at Puget Sound University in Washington state, also

Continued from A1 "It's easier to keep doing, than it is to be in stillness." One could argue that, in this economy, it's wise to be constantly wired — to stay on top of things, to please the boss. Preston knows people who get up in the middle of the night to see if their boss has sent them an email. But she and others also see more hints of limit-setting going on, this movement of solitude-seekers with roots in the technology industry, ironically

finds herself envying a colleague who regularly unplugs. "He will drive two hours to go to the coast just to step away, just have time to think," she


says. She's not there yet but is finding small ways to set limits. Her family has a rule, for instance — put c ellphones away during dinner unless there's a crisis. She, too, has noticed more after-hours tech limits in the business world. But it can be as difficult to set those limits with close colleagues or friends who've come to expect instant responses, and get miffed if they don't get one. "The friend is saying, 'But wait! It's me!'" says Cacioppo from the University of Chicago. "But you have to wonder — what kind of friend are they?" The key, he and others say, is to develop a reputation for being responsive, but not hyperresponsive. He sets those limits


enough. "When I think about truly d isconnecting, I look to m y truly techy friends," says Cathy Davidson, a Duke University professor who co-directsthe school's PhD Lab in D igital Knowledge. Those friends, she says, take long, unwired vacations and set "away messages" telling people to write back after they return. "And they stick to it," Davidson says, wishing she could do the same. "They've come up with a socially acceptable convention fortheirown absence from the world of technology and everybody recognizes it." One organization called Reboot has started the Sabbath Manifesto, a call to unplug one day a week to find solitudeor to simply take a day of rest with family and friends.

Bigger corporations, some outside the tech industry, are starting to catch on to this type of limit-setting. To encourage work-life balance, Volkswagen shuts off mobile email in Germany 30 minutes after employees' shifts end and turns it back on 30 minutes before their next shift starts. Google, Nike and the Huffington Post, among others, providespace foremployees to take naps, or to meditate. The idea is that employees who take time to themselves to re-energize will be more productive. John Cacioppo, a University of Chicago psychologist, thinks there might just be something tothat. He has spent much of his career tackling the topic of loneliness and isolation, which researchers have proven can affect humans adversely, all the way down to gene expression. "Feeling ignored sparks feelings ofloneliness," says Cacioppo, director of the University of

Pole Creek Continued from A1 In its first couple of days, the fire forced the evacuation of about 30 hikers and campers from the Three Sisters Wilderness Area and destroyed four cars. It damaged another three cars. Fourteen cars were left unharmed. The cars were all parked at the Pole Creek Trailhead, a gateway to the wilderness accessed by a 10-mile drive from Sisters along dirt roads, which was busy the Sunday the fire was first reported. The fire started about a third of a mile from the trailhead, Smith said. "It wasn't near a trail or road system," Smith said.

ODOT Continued from A1 An elevated traffic bridge would take traffic on Third Street to the southbound lanes of the highway. "Trucks h ate s t oplights," Murphy said. "They aren't very e f f icient f o r fr e i g ht travel." The intersection of T h ird Street and the highway is also one of the more dangerous traffic areas in Bend, Murphy said. Streamliningtrafficthere would eliminate the possibility of cars running red lights and crashing at the intersections. "Part of it is a safety factor," Murphy said. The city of Bend has discussed the plan with state officials for about a decade, said Nick Arnis, the city's transpor-

tation engineering manager, noting the need for improved traffic flow there. ODOT has been slowly buying up land in the area over the last 10 years, in anticipation of the upcoming Murphy Road project, D eschutes C ounty propertyrecords show. In five separate transactions, ODOT purchased five tracts of land in the areabetween2002 and2007, totaling more than 8 acres.

Mary Altaffer/The Associated Press

Dan Rollman is the co-founder of a movement called the Sabbath Manifesto, which encourages people from all backgrounds to unplug one day — any day — of the week.

"The more responsive you are, the more trivial things you get queried about."

"I'm a better friend when I don'thave my phone in my hand," says Jones, who is 35 and vice president of social and emerging media at Olson public relations. For her, solitude might simply be sitting home and watching a few episodes of TV. "I might tweet while I watch it, but it's a perfectly acceptable way to spend an afternoon,"

— John Cacioppo, psychologist, University of Chicago

Chicago's Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience. But getting away, he says — "that's the opposite of being lonely." It's time that you take by choice, Cacioppo says. So while the cognitive effects are still being studied, he says it's very likely that that type of solitude is good for the brain. Dan Rollman had little doubt of that when he and a few others from Reboot, a group of Jewish "thought leaders," gathered in 2009. That's when they created the Sabbath Manifesto, inspired by the traditional Jewish sabbath, but aimed at people from any background who are encouraged to unplug one day — any day — of the week. The idea came to Rollman when he found himself craving a simpler time, when stores closed on Sundays and life slowed down. "I knew I wanted a day of rest," says Rollman, who is CEO of the company RecordSetter.com. The Manifesto— described as "a creative project designed to slow down lives in an increasingly hectic world" — has 10 principles. They are suggestions ranging from "avoid t echnology" a n d "connect

Adding to the difficulty of determining the cause of the fire is a lack of eyewitnesses. "There was nobody there," Smith said. "And there was no definitive evidence (of the cause of the fire)." The Forest Service team compiling the cause investigation report is made up of four law e n forcement officers and two special agents, the agency's equivalent to a d etective, Smith s aid. T h e team includes officials from the Deschutes National Forest and otherforests around Oregon and Washington. An Oregon State Police arson investigator also helped with the investigation.

with loved ones" to "get outside," "drink wine" and "find silence." To help with this, the organization has created "The Undo List" — an email that arrives Friday afternoons "with ideas for conversationtopics,readings, local outings and creative endeavors to ease the time awayfromtechnology and help make the day better. " There also are specific activities for subscribers in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Rollman himself avoids doing work on Saturdays, whenever he can, and often unplugs altogether then — and encourages his employees to do the same. "There's a huge sense of relief," Rollman says. "It is a liberating feeling to walk out of one's door and not have your cellphone in your pocket." Leah Jones, a 35-year-old Chicagoan, hasn't gone quite that far. But she has cut back, turning her cellphone to "silent" mode from ll:30 p.m to 6 a.m. and putting it away when she

himself — has given up Facebook and generally answers emails or texts from colleagues or students within half a day, if it's nothing too urgent. If you make yourself available all the time, people come to expect it even more, he says. "And the more responsive you are, the more trivial things

she says.

Is t h a t r e a ll y s o l itude, you get queried about." though? Davidson, from Duke, says Davidson, at Duke, thinks it it also helps when there is a "built-in alibi" — the message 1S. "For some people it's danc- from a work or social circle ing and blasting rock music," where unplugging is accepted, she says. "We tend to think of and even welcomed. it as solitude, which is sort of But Jones in Chicago says a lofty term, when in fact for you also have to let yourself off many people, it's also about be- the hook and resist the urge to ing joyful. constantly check in to see what "The real issue is fun vs. friends are doing. work." Social networking "makes And often, she says, her stu- it seem like everybody's doing dents are better at it than she something awesome," she says. "But you can't always worry 1S. "They seem very fine to go about what other people are off on a bike ride and leave a dolng. "You have to give yourself cellphone," she says. Renee Houston, an associate permission to miss out."

mplements HOME INTERIORS 70 SW Century Dr. Suite145 Bend, OR 97702 t' 541 322 1337

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Some see Mondays as the end of a weekend. ~ •

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Others see them as the

m o n th , t h e

agency bought slightly more than 4 acres of vacant land west of the parkway for $1.06 million. ODOT still needs to purchase some additional land west of the parkway before Murphy Road can be f u lly extended. T he p r oject's p r ic e t a g — $45 million — necessitates breaking it up into two phases, Murphy said, with the bridges and work east of the parkway likely coming first, and the extension of Murphy Road to the west likely coming later. A bout $25 million of t h e p roject i s bei n g fun d e d through the 2009 Oregon Jobs and Transportation Act, which increased revenue for ODOT through a 6-cent per-gallon gas tax hike, which took effect Jan. I, 2011. The first phase of the project isn't expected to interfere too much with traffic flow on the highway. But travelers will be urged to use caution in the area when the project starts, Murphy said. "People will see the construction and heavy equipment there," Murphy said. — Reporter: 541-617-7820 eglucklich@bendbulletin.com

New York Times News Service ATHENS, Greece — The Greek policearrested and then quickly released the ownerandeditorofarespected investigative magazine on Sunday morning, hours after he published a list of more than 2,000 Greeks who were said to have accounts at a bank in Switzerland, throwing new controversy into a scandal over whether the government is actively pursuing suspected tax cheats. The d r amatic m o ves, which were being followed by tens of t housands of Greeks on t h e I n t ernet, came days before Greece's European partners are to meet to decide whether to grant tens ofbillions of euros in new aid to the financially struggling nation. Greece's lenders have long said that the government must crack down on tax evasion to be eligible for more aid. The police said they had been ordered to take the editor, Kostas Vaxevanis, who runs Hot Doc magazine and who is one of the nation's most famous investigative journalists, into custody on misdemeanor charges. The Greek news media reported that the charges concerned the violation of the privacy of those on the list. Vaxevanis posted a message to his Twitter account early Sunday saying that 15 officers had surrounded the home of a friend with whom he had been staying "like Greek storm troopers in German uniforms."

Varicose Vein Expert s

— Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarling@bendbulletin.com

E arlier t h i s

Greek editor arrestedafter publishing Swiss bank account list

start of something even better.

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Reader photos, B3 Obituaries, B5 Editorials, B4 Weather, B6 O www.bendbulletin.com/local






Rain, cooler temps in store for week


Incorporating a rain

A disease

jacket into your Hal-

loween costume this year might be agood

strikes a 2nd time n the lonely, frustrating world of rare diseases, the Hintons, of Terrebonne, are an inspiring success story. They are also a terrifying reminder of what can go wrong. Megan Hinton, 15, is steadily recovering from an almost decadelong battle with Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or POTS, for short. For the first time since she was 7, she hasn't used a wheelchair all year. But just weeks after Megan began to improve, her twin sister, Katie, was diagnosed with POTS. "It's just absolutely surreal to be pushing a wheelchair and look down to see Katie's head, not Megan's," says their mother, Kerry Hinton. When Megan was 6, she started coming home from her weekly gymnastics lessons pale, shaky and nauseated. A couple of years later, she went for a walk with the family and returned home exhausted. Days of fatigue turned into weeks, then months. Her appetite evaporated. Kerry took her from doctor to doc-

idea given the weather

forecast for the weekin Bend. "It is just going to be

kind of a wetweek," said Rob Brooks, forecaster for the National Weather


tor, begging for a diagnosis. She received many: Low blood sugar, liver disease, allergies. One doctorsuggested that Kerry was imagining her daughter's symptoms. Eventually, the 9-year-old was referred to Bend's only pediatric cardiologist, Dr. Urszula Tajchman, who diagnosed POTS. When a healthy person stands up, gravity pulls about one-third of the blood into the lower body. The brain senses this and triggers a threepartresponse: heart rate increases, blood pressurerisesand vessels in the lower half of the body constrict. This forces blood back into the upper body, often in just two heartbeats. When a person with POTS stands up, however, these responses go haywire. Blood isn't properly redistributed, so the rapid heart rate and abnormal blood pressure continue. Reduced blood flow to the brain causes dizziness, fainting, fatigue and poor concentration. About 80 percent of patients outgrow the disorder by their mid-20s. But managing the disease — which has no known cure — can be tricky, and few doctors are willing to take on patientswith severe cases. There are only a few POTS specialists in the country, all on the East Coast. Cardiologists don't treat POTS patients because the problem lies in the brain, not the heart. Eventually, Dr. Michael Feldman, a kidney specialist at Bend Memorial Clinic, took on Megan's case. Now a de facto expert in the disorder, he has about 50 POTS patients from all over the West Coast. Early last year, an adjustment to Megan's medications spurred promising signs of improvement. She had the energy to jump rope and play capture the flag. She participated in her fir st-ever three-legged race.She was able to stand through a choir performance instead of sit down. But in March of 2011, Katie walked out of a 90-minute ballet class with a headache, achiness and other flulike symptoms. Doctors thought it was a virus, bu tafterweeks turned into months and still the illness lingered, the symptoms seemed all too familiar to the Hintons. Sure enough, she has POTS. It's unknown whether genes are involved in the illness. "I'd never really imagined myself as the sick one," Katie says. "I'd always beenthe one to care for Megan." This October is the first-ever Dysautonomia Awareness Month, to increase understanding of a group of diseases, including POTS, that affect the part of the nervous system that controls unconscious bodily functions such as blood pressure, digestion and temperature control. The Mayo Clinic estimates that one of every 100 teenagers develops POTS before adulthood. Here in Central Oregon, one or two children or teens are diagnosed with POTS each week.Most have mild cases. A POTS support group is meeting at6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 5 at The Bridge Church of the Nazarene, located at 2398 W. Antler Ave. in Redmond. Patients, friends and family are all invited to attend. — Lily Raff McCaulou isa columnist for The Bulletin. 541-61 7-7836, Iraff@bendbutletin.com

Service in Pendleton. Some warm layers under that costume

would be wise, too. While today through Wednesday should

have high temperatures around 60 degrees, the weather is expected to

turn chilly Halloween night. Brooks said Wednesday night tem-

peratures could drop into the 30s. Thursday and Friday

should have highs around 50 and lows in the 30s, according to the National Weather

Photos byJoe Kline/The Bulletin

Ace, a border collie, keeps some cattle ln lineduring a training session Sunday at the Timber Creek Farm outside Redmond.


Like the rainstorms

over the weekend,which Brooks said dropped

• StOCk dOgS uSe inStinCtS to mOVe Cattle arOund a COmPetitiOn-Style COurSe

0.01 of an inch of rain

on Bend, the rainfall

By Dylan j. Darling • The Bulletin

this week is unlikely to add up to a substantial


REDMOND — A 45-pound border collie makes a 700-

amount. In all, less than half

an inch of rain is expect-

pound bull comply through stares and intimidation, relying

ed to fall this week in town, said Josh Smith, a meteorologist with the weather service in Pendleton. The wettest day this week will likely


on instincts tied to the breed.


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Those instincts were on display this weekend at Timber Creek Farm on the O'Neil Highway outside Redmond, as k'

about 20 stock dog handlers practiced pushing livestock


be Thursday, hesaid, with a fifth of an inch

expected. Although rain clouds should regularly roll over town this week, Brooks said there

through a competition-style course with their dogs. The "play days" on Saturday and Sunday allowed newbies to see how

should be somewindows of sunshine. "There (arej going

they and their dogs handled the challenge. "He knows more of what he should do than I do," Karen

to be slight breaks," he

Jackson-Simmons, 54, said of her nearly 2-year-old dog Rastus. "That's why I'm such a beginner." SeeStock dogs/B2


Karen Jackson-Simmons, of Princeton, pets her dog, Rastus, after practicing herding Sunday. "He knows more of what he should do than I do," she said.

— Bulletin staff report

Itifeather map, B6


Walden ad lists auomplishments

All ballots for the

Nov. 6 general election must be returned by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Voter turnout as of late

• It also shows he canafford TV ads, while opponent refuses, onprinciple

Friday afternoon, by county:

Nov.6 For our complete coverage, visit

By Andrew Clevenger The Bulletin

WASHINGTON — Rep. Greg Walden's campaign will begin airing a new television commercial today in major media markets in or near his district, including Bend, Portland and Medford. Titled "Glitch," the

30-second spot features Walden sitting in front of a backdrop of patriotic photos, describing some of his military-related accomplishments while in office. "When Private First Class Chelsea Wells was denied her enlistment bonus, we uncovered a National Guard paperwork



glitch that had wrongfully rejected thousands of military bonuses," Walden says. "Today I am proud to report those soldiers are paid and that glitch is gone." But in addition to touting the Hood River Republican's achievements in of-

Crook.......... 25% Deschutes...... 19% Jefferson....... 23%


fice, the ad — his third this election cycle — points to a fundamental difference between Walden and his challenger, Democrat Joyce Segers. He can afford to advertise on television, and she cannot. SeeWaldenIB2

News of Record and Public Officials, B2

~ Bendroad work


— Road closed - - Local traffic only — Detour • • Lane closures

Empire Ave.

0 SIMPSON AVENUEAND MT. WASHINGTON DRIVE The intersection of Simpson Avenue and Mt. Washington Drive reopened to traffic on Friday.

Br sonBlvd.<,~ ' "tt ~ 4."

6 PARKWAY LANESSUBJECT TO CLOSE The Oregon Department of Transportation on Sundaybeganfelling


trees in the Parkway median south of Empire Boulevard. The work will continue for about a week, with intermittent lane closures both

northbound and southbound expected from about 7 a.m. until noon. 6 TUMALO FALLSROAD REOPENS

Stte ep/7

evere Av


ForestService Road 4603,also known as Tumalo Falls Road and

nwo ve.

located 6 miles west of Bend at theend of Skyliners Road, has been alveson ve

reopened. Access to the Tumalo Falls Trailhead and Tumalo Falls Day

Use havealso been reopened. TheForest Service closed the road to accommodate replacement of awater line by Bendcity contractors as part of its multimillion-dollar improvement of the city water system. However, a U.S. District judge in Eugene halted work by

Skyliners Rd. iQ

Av .

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granting project opponents a preliminary injunction while the dispute is addressed. 0 EMPIRE AVENUEAND18TH STREET The intersection of18th Street and EmpireAvenue is closed through mid-November for the construction of a new roundabout. Traffic will be detoured around the intersection.

R ed'lVlk Powers MILE

0 BROOKSWOOD BOULEVARD ANDPOWERS ROAD The intersection of Brookswood Boulevard and Powers Road is closed through mid-November for the construction of a new roundabout. Traffic will be detoured around the intersection. Sources: City of Bend, Oregon Department of Transportation

Seflfl R

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Murp Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin



PUBLIC OFFICIALS For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulletin.com/officials.

CONGRESS U.S. Senate l

Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.: 107 Russell SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone: 202-224-3753 Web: http://merkley.senate.gov



Bend office: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-318-1298 /oe Kllne/The Bulletin

Karen Jackson-Simmons, of Princeton, practices herding cattle with her dog Rastus at Timber Creek Farm outsideRedmond on Sunday.

Stock dogs Continued from B1 As a day worker for a ranch near Princeton, Jackson-Simmons uses Rastus to find and move cattle. Now she's thinking about giving competitions a try. Sunday she was there, like the other dog handlers, to learn from a competition

regular. T om Blasdell, owner o f Tuf Stockdogs, led the lessons at thefarm, where he raisesand trains stock dogs. He said he goes to about 10 competitions a year, traveling around the state, as well as to California, Idaho, Nevada and Washington. The weekend's play days were the first at the farm, and Blasdell said the plan is to start

holding two sets of them each year — one in the spring and one in the fall. H e said h e i s "showing someone they can get more done with their dog.n Jackson-Simmons b ought Rastus from B l asdell, who raisesfour or five stock dogs per year. She and her husband, John Simmons, 59,made the m ore than 200-mile drive from southeast Oregon to the farm so she couldtry the competition-style course and they could deliver some hay to cover part of Rastus' $1,500 cost. Stock dogs have long been a fixture on ranches, where ranch hands use them to track down cattle and guide them through rough terrain, John Simmons said. nA good working cow dog

is worth two or three guys on horseback," he said. On th e c o mpetition-style course atthe farm, the dogs moved cattle three head at a time through a chute, around a barrel and past other obstacles. While much smaller than the bulls and cows, the dogs use strong eyes and posturing to compel the cattle through the course, Blasdell said. The course contrasts with gathering cattle on a ranch, where the goal is to move the animals from o n e g eneral place to another, said Katie S tarr, 30, who works on a ranch in Paulina. " It's just much m ore r e fined," she said. "It takes a lot more work." — Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarfing@bendbulletin.com


"I don't believe in taking (electianS) fOr Continued from B1 According to th e Federal granted. I believe you Election Commission's most oweit to voters to recent figures, Walden has tell them what you're raised more than $2.4 million doing and ask for their during this campaign. Segers,

nered almost 75 percent of the vote, neither the Republican nor Democrat national congressional committees think the racemerits spending cash that could be more effectively spent elsewhere. But nationally, outside mona retiree from Ashland who support." ey has poured into numerous used to own a medical billing races, topping more than $1 company, has collected less — Greg Walden, R-Hood River billion in 2012, according to the than $31,000. Center for Responsive Politics. The seven-term incumbent's So-called "shadow money," or nlt kept coming back to the money without any disclosure $1.6 million in expenditures to date — including a $485,000 fact that this would not be of its source, has surpassed media buy in September — rep- something that would be ex$200 million, with more than resent more than 50 times the pected, and it was a way to 88 percentspent on negative total amount Segers has raised. have people understand about attack ads. Segers said there were two my belief on money in poliNone of Walden's ads have main reasons behind her de- tics," she said. attacked Segers. Just like a liberate decision to not accept Throughout the campaign, product or brand, it's imporcontributions from corporate Segers has emphasized her op- tant to advertise to remind votspecial interest groups or in- position to the U.S. Supreme ers what you care about and dividual donations larger than Court's 2010 ruling in Citizens what you're working on, he $500,even though federalelec- United that unions and corpo- said. tion law allows up to five times rations may spend unlimited Plus, there are always newly that amount. amounts of money on political eligible voters and people who First, money may be tight campaigns. In addition, the may have onlyrecently moved for many families, and Segers ruling opened the door for Su- into the district, he said. " I don't b e lieve i n t a k was uncomfortable a sking per PACs, fundraising groups people to give a larger sum. that can also spend unlim- ing (elections) for granted," Second, she says it represents ited amounts on elections — in he said. nl believe you owe a principled stand on her part some cases without disclosing it to voters to tell them what against th e o v ersized r ole their funding sources — so you're doing and ask for their that money plays in political long as they don't coordinate support. "Fires," another 30-second campaigns. with the candidate on how they nI talked to the campaign spend the money. Walden ad, features copy he staff about the possibility of To date, there has not been wrote himself as he reflected limiting donations as a (way) any outside spending — mon- on th e d e structive b l azes of making a statement in terms ey other than that spent by his district had experienced of running against someone as either candidate's campaign recently. "I was so moved after this entrenched as Congressman — in the Walden-Segersrace Walden,n she said. to represent Oregon's 2nd summer, I wanted people to Segers and he r a d visers C ongressional d i strict, a n know that (healthy forests and discussed the idea for about indication that party leaders rangelands are) something I six weeks, then decided to do don'texpect much of a con- care about," he said. it, she said. It's a decision she test. In a rematch of the 2010 — Reporter: 202-662-7456, hasn't regretted. election, in which Walden garaclevenger@bendbufletin.com

Sen. RonWyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.205 IO Phone: 202-224-5244 W eb: http://wyden.senate.gov Bend office: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite 107 Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-330-9142 U.S. House of Representatives

Rep. GregWalden, R-Hood River 2182 Rayburn HouseOffice Building Washington, D.C.20515 Phone: 202-225-6730 W eb: http://walden.house.gov/ Bend office: 1051 N.W. BondSt., Suite 400 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452

(includesJefferson, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ferrioli

Email: rep.mikemclane©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/mclane Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-District 53 (portion of Deschutes County) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whisnant

Sen. Chris Telfer, R-District 27 (includes portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email: sen.christelfer@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/telfer


1300 N.W. Wall St. Bend, OR 97701 Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-District28 Web: www.deschutes.org (includes Crook, portion of Deschutes) Phone: 541-388-6571 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Fax: 541-382-1692 Salem, OR97301 County Commission Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett©state.or.us Tammy Baney,R-Bend Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whitsett Phone: 541-388-6567 Email: Tammy Baney© House co.deschutes.or.us

Rep. JasonConger, R-District 54 Alan Unger, D-Redmond (portion of Deschutes) Phone: 541-388-6569 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Email: Alan Unger©co.deschutes. Salem, OR97301 ol.us Phone: 503-986-1454 Email: rep.jasonconger©state.or.us Tony DeBone, R-La Pine Web: www.leg.state.or.us/conger Phone: 541-388-6568 Email: Tony DeBone@ Rep. John Huffman, R-District 59 co.deschutes.or.us (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 tntert'a/nmentI Phone: 503-986-1459 •• Tho e ucen MdtadtEtffE Email: rep.johnhuffman@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/huffman


I',lc'© Hot oint


Rep. Mike McLane, R-District 55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1455

GE Hotpoint Laundry Pair 8 wash cyc/es 4 dry cyc/es

STATE OF OREGON N ORT H W E ST Gov. John Kitzhaber, Democrat 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4582 Fax: 503-378-6872 Web: http://governor.oregon.gov

Secretary ofStateKateBrown, Democrat 136 State Capitol Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email: oregon.sos@state.or.us Superintendent of Public Instruction SusanCastillo 255 Capitol Street N.E. Salem, Oregon97310 Phone: 503-947-5600 Fax: 503-378-5'l56 Email: superintendent.castillo ©state.or.us Web: www.ode.state.or.us Treasurer TedWheeler, Democrat 159 OregonState Capitol 900 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4329 Email: oregon.treasurer Ostate.or.us Web: www.ost.state.or.us Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum Democrat 1162 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4400 Fax: 503-378-4017 Web: www.doj.state.or.us

Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian 800 N.E.OregonSt., Suite1045 Portland, OR 97232 Phone: 971-673-0761 Fax: 971-673-0762 Email: boli.mail©state.or.us Web: www.oregon.gov/boli



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CIVIL SUITS Filed Oct. 9

12CV1020:Citimortgage Inc. v. Warren D. Snyder, Claudia P.Snyder aka Claudia P. I/alle and Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc., solely as nominee for Citibank N.A., complaint, $160,227.99 plus interest, costs and fees Filed Oct. 10

12CV1022:Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Daniel Penaand Lisa J. Pena, complaint, $266,715.40 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1024:Discover Bankv. Tim Carpenter, complaint, $12,580.99 12CV1025:Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. R. Corey Egner, Washington Mutual Bankand RHWEnterprises Inc., complaint, $416,770 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1026:JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. successor in interest by purchase from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as receiver for Washington Mutual Bank fka Washington Mutual Bank FAv. Caroline R. Payne, Kevin S. Payne,Stonehedge on the Rim Association Inc. and Citibank N.A. as successor in interest to Citibank South Dakota N.A., complaint, $294,665.84

12CV1033:6320 Hayne Blvd. Inc.v. Lancair International lnc., complaint, $147,787.07 Filed Oct. 11

12CV1029:Citimortgage Inc.v. Greg Leagjeld aka Gegory Lawrence Leagjeld and state of Oregon, complaint, $176,026.01 plus interest, costs and fees 12VC1030:Heather Merrill v. Caitlyn Baker, complaint, $91,000 12CV1031:U.S. Bank N.A. v. Mark W. Kennedyand Pinewood Country Estates Association Inc., complaint, $219,159.61 12CV1032:David S. Clark v. BendLa Pine School District, complaint, $400,000 Filed Oct. 12

12CV1034:Asset Acceptance LLC v. James Hickson,complaint, $19,045.82 12CV1035:Asset Acceptance LLC v. Michael Holland, complaint, $35,237.69 12CV1037:Asset Acceptance LLC v. Rachelle Yegge, complaint, $16,351.51 12CV1038:Asset Acceptance LLC v. Kevin D. Lewis, complaint, $17,858.92 Filed Oct. 17

12CV1048:Wells Fargo Bank N.A. as

trustee for WAMU Mortgage Passthrough certificates series 2006PR2 Trust v. Elizabeth J. Hull, aka Elizabeth J.Chesney,and JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.successorin interestto Washington Mutual Bank, complaint, $140,968.77 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1049:PHH Mortgage Corporation v. David Pilling, Roxane L. Pilling, Tetherow Crossing Property Owner's Association and USAA Federal Savings Bank, complaint, $107,523.86 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1050:Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as trustee of the Indymac IMSC Mortgage Loan Trust 2001-F1 Mortgage Pass-through certificates series 2007-F1 under the pooling and servicing agreement datedMay1, 2007 v.W ayneG. Cowan, Cheryl R. Cowan and Bank of the Cascades, complaint, $766,084.02 12CV1051:Residential Credit Solutions Inc. v. Cecilia Gilman and Citifinancial Inc., complaint, $129,907.20 Filed Oct. 18

12CV1052:Central Oregon Irrigation Districtand North Unit Irrigation Unit v. Unknown heirs of Ethel Dugan

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We asked our readers for fall color photos, and you delivered.



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'z Matt Lathrop

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L Byron Dudley

Maralee Park





Glen Schaumteeffet




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Tem Hignell

Can you work a camera, and capture a great photo? Email your color or black-and-white photos to readerphotos@bendbulletin.com and tell us a bit about where and when you took them. We'll pick the best for publication in the paper and online. Submission requirements: Include in your caption as much detail as possible — who, what, when, where, why; any special technique usedas well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered. Bill McDonald




The Bulletin



BETsY McCooc


Gottoott Bcnctt


Jotttt Cosmn

Fditur in-Clnrf Editor of Edttorials


on' snea c an eson ami ies

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nstead of military families getting clearly defined health care benefits from a grateful country, the families could feel like, well, the country is ungrateful. Some activeduty servicemembers, retirees and their families could lose access to the top tier of the military's health care plan when a new contractor takes over the plan in the spring. Tens of thousands would not be able to obtain what is called TRICARE Prime. It's a managed-care plan similar to an HMO. More families would have to make the switch to TRICARE Standard. It's a fee-forservice plan and requires families to do their own claims paperwork. What's in store is essentially less access to care. United Healthcare is taking over the administration of TRICARE in Oregon and other Western states on April l. U.S. Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River, says reports indicate it will offer TRICARE Prime to only a sliver of the military population — only those within 40 miles of military treatment facilities. There are two military treatment facilities in Oregon, one in Astoria and another in North Bend. When the first hints of the change came out in Army Times, Department o f De f ense s pokeswoman Cynthia Smith told that publication the switch was an effort to improve health care for active-duty populations near military treatment facilities that have been understaffed "due to the deployment requirements of military medical providers."

What's in store is

essentially less access to care. United Healthcare is taking over the administration of TRICARE in Oregon and other Western states on April 1. That's a semblance of a justification. And we'd also bet that TRICARE Prime is more expensive to administer than TRICARE Standard. But where the Defense Department failed military families is in letting them know what's going on and

why. Smith says no final decision on a switch has been made, but it's apparently been building since 2007. Walden sent a letter to the Defense Department to try to get some answers. The entire Oregon delegation followed up a few days later with a bipartisan request for the same thing. It may be that the Department of Defense has a good argument that what it has offered in the past is no longer affordable or feasible. What is it'? Trying to sneak this major change quietly along is no way to treat military families.


Political leaders must rise above tendency to stereotype groups By Billy Hardin tainly the world's, needs. adio, television, pods, pads, Two thousand years ago, impecomputers and streetsounds rial Rome sought peace through extol the virtues and vices of violence, victory and subjugation current world leadership. Past and and making all survivors Romans. current leadership are demonized It failed to survive. Concurrently, a and glorified (more often demon- movement inspired by Jesus and folized) for political, economic, social lowers was alsoseeking peace, but and every other human and natu- through nonviolence, justice and ral condition. Whether it is the poor sharing with one another. It is still blaming the rich, the conservative alive, though not dominant in the blaming the liberal, the white blam- modern world. Is America the new ing colors, they all have one ailment imperial power'? What are the powin common: brand halo. erful forces leading us to the unendBranding is the tendency to iden- ing search for domination of others? tify the "we and they, them and us" Cloaked in the guise of religious categories of society. It starts on righteousness and martial protecthe playground and progresses to tion of th e d owntrodden, today's our adult world, which then trains p olitical forces are trying t o d e the next playground cycle. Halo ef- velop profit-driven power through fect is the tendency to believe all the the tools of conquest and internanthey's" are such and such and all the tional c o mmerce. C aring a b out nwe's" are likewise all of one kind. others' welfare and striving to help Dispassionately, we can agree others achieve a modern peace on that not all dogs are the same. Well, their own terms is contrary to their neither are all people of a "brand" ideology. the same. But when emotions get Like the imperialists of ancient in the act, it is obvious we fall to Rome, they are filled with dreams branding and haloing such as: "all of making the world fit their own liberals are tree-hugging, econo- design. It is analogous to a military my-destroying eggheads versus all drill instructor who trains soldiers conservatives are fanatical dogma- by destroying what the trainee was tists who use their heads only as a before enlistment. "Break him down place to perch hats and halos; the and then build him up," was the acindigent are the worst scum of hucepted formula for making a aman" manity versus the rich are selfish forthe armies. money-grubbing despots; and every Our world abounds with private religious person is a fanatical robot armies, clandestine organizations, pledging to overtake the world ver- remote killing, culture assaults and "justifications" for breaking down sus those who don't share our faith are Satan's children and are headed o thers while a ttempting t o "imto hell." prove" the world by making "them" H aving others t o b l a m e a n d like "us.n A better view of society scapegoat may be a b alm t o o u r is that maltreatment of others, for distraught senses but leads only to whatever reason and at whatever revolution, as in the Wall Street 99 age or gender, is unjustified. We percent movement or much worse. It cannot save a l l f r o m i n j u stice, doesn't ease the strains plaguing ap- starvation, or even suicide. But we proximately 60 percent of our popu- can help provide an environment lation facing financial stress. People wherein people may at least have an are frightened and angry. opportunity to survive without havOur problems are failures of our ing others add to the misery in their systems: g overnment, f i n a ncial, lives. business, political, morality and othAs voters in a d e mocracy, the ers. We should be focusing on solu- best we can do is support nominees tions rather than name-calling and who are willing to work for societal blaming our favorite scapegoats. changes rather than for maintaining P olitical l eadership m us t r i s e the status quo of politics and power above petty politics and take seri- both at home and globally. ously the resolution of our, and cer— Billy Hardin lives in Terrebonne.

M Nickel's Worth Conger deservesyour vote

though. What are we talking about — mortgage deduction, the chariJason Conger deserves your vote. table deduction'? His legislative productivity includes Romney: The devil's in the deexpanding O r egon's E n terprise tails, the angel is in the policy, which Zone, moving the funding toward a is creating more jobs. four-year university in Bend, helping Chris Wallace of Fox fared no betreduce tax burdens on small busi- ter with Ryan: nesses and supporting legislation Wallace: You haven't given me designed to allow parents choice of the math. schools for their children. Ryan: (laughs) Well, I don't have If re-elected, he will continue his the time. It would take me too long efforts to push for increasing En- to go through all the math. terprise Zones across the state that In debate two, President Obama will boost jobs, to expand OSU- asked, "If somebody came to you, Cascades Campus, and to correct governor, with a p la n an d said, 'Here, I want to spend $7 or $8 trilthe fiscal instability of an uncontrolled PERS system that directly lion and then we're going to pay for threatens funding to our schools. it,' but we can't tell you until maybe Meeting water quality compliance after the election how we're going to standards while protecting the en- do it, you wouldn't have taken such vironment as well as keeping tax- a sketchy deal." payers'costs down is the crux of Romney/Ryan won't provide spelegislation he has introduced. cifics because they can't run and Conger devotes his energies to win on the Ryan budget. A plan so the promotion of economic and job unpopular, Republicans who passed opportunities, expansion and suc- it are now running away from it. Yet, cess of businesses, volunteering in that's their plan. How do I know? I his church and communities and take Grover Norquist at his word: "All we have to do i s r eplace raising his five children. Conger will support, and strive to improve, the Obama. We are not a uditioning needs of our community in our edu- forfearless leader.We don'tneed a cational programs, our business and president to tell us in what direction jobs development and water quality to go. We know what direction to go. compliance. Vote for the man who We want the Ryan budget. We just already hasearned a fine record of need a president to sign this stuff." accomplishments. He deserves your Etch-a-Sketch Romney fits that vote. description perfectly. Gaii Ervin Mari Thompson Bend Bend

Licensesand citizenship

Big decision onNov. 6

It has come to my attention that to register to vote all you need is a driver'slicense number. The Oregon registration form asks if you are a U.S. citizen, however, you do not need to show proof. Since our governor has stated that he would like illegal aliens to receive Oregon driver's licenses, does that mean that people who are not citizens of our country could be voting in our elections? All they would have to do is say yes to the citizenship question. In addition, having just served jury duty, I learned that they get the names for jury duty from Oregon driver's licenses. So if all you need to register to vote is an Oregon license, does that apply for jury duty as well? What? Does this bother anyone besides me? We need a better system for this, proof of citizen-

On Nov. 6 we will make the biggest decision in America's history. The America that I came to in 1950 from Norway was a patriotic nation that managed to win two wars at the same time and save the world from fascism. Young people may n ot know how close we were to losing — for if the technology we got from German scientists to get the atom bomb had been completed by Hitler, the outcome would have been different. If we were bound by the political correctnessprevalent today, we would not have won. Under President Reagan we got into an economic war with the Soviet Union (capitalism vs. socialism). The result was the fall of the Soviet Union and the removal of the wall between East and West Germany. Socialism cannot get the results that capitalism produces, so why do we want the government to implement the programs that bankrupted Greece and caused riots when trying to fix it? Obama's idea to redistribute wealth is not new; Karl Marx believed it was the wayto get the wealth from the rich to benefit the poor. T he real decision you will b e making Nov. 6 is whether you will put your trust in a successful busi-

ship perhaps? Jan Griffin-Kundert Bend

Don't know details Three debates and we still don't know Romney's economic plan. In discussing his plan on n60 Minutes," this exchange took place: Pelley: The devil's in the details,

nessman who has created jobs and balanced the budget as governor, or a president with no business experience that took a failing economy and made it worse with every decision he made. I could use another 250 words listing the decisions and the consequences. Niis Kristiansen Bend

Check civicsbook for facts Presidential debates feature candidates in fairly civil discourse. Not so, some of the SuperPac and Internet claims. Some of the claims made on talk radio and Internet today remind me of Chicken Little rushing around screaming, "The sky is falling!" One recent claim is that Obama will become a dictator. Check back toyour elementary school civics book for some facts: 1. Congress has equal power with the president. Republicans will control the House of Representatives for at least the next two years, and perhaps the Senate also. 2. The Supreme Court has equal power with the president and Congress. Supreme Court justices, selected for life, are not beholden to any political party. When the hugely popular Franklin Roosevelt tried to enlarge the court with his chosen

judges, he was sharply rebuffed by both parties. 3. No president can totally control his own party, much less other branches of government. (See recent news.) Thank goodness for our wise constitution. Our country has zigzagged between different parties for more than 200 years, with hysterical claims being made during many elections, but we have moved along much better than many nations. Winston Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst form of government — except for all the other forms of government." I agree. Allan Smyth Prineville

Tires, feet spread seeds Regarding a letter on causes of invasive weeds from Oct. 8: The gentleman failed to mention the excessive number of many noxious weed seeds carried out of Bend on tires,dogs' feet and shoes. A few of us pull some when we are walking, but a few of us do not make much of an impact on the number of plants allowed to go to seed both by private parties and the City of Bend. One or

two big dogs can spread a five-bysix-foot plot of ground with goat's beard seed that come up so thick it's unbelievable. Joan Williams Bend

Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcome your letters. Letters

In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification.

should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250 words and include the writer's signature, phone number

and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste

We edit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons.

and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters

We reject those published elsewhere.

submitted elsewhere and those appropriate for other sections of The Bulletin. Writers are limited to one

the space below, alternating with national columnists. Writers are

letter or Op-Edpieceevery 30 days.

In My View pieces run routinely in limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.

Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or in My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.com




Medford volunteers work to repair LarsonCreek

BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Robert Gene Goldsmith, of Prineville

By Mark Freeman Mail Tribune

Feb. 27, 1937 - Oct. 18, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals of Redmond, 541-504-9485, www.autumnfunerals.net Services: Memorial service to be held at Eastside Church, 3174 NE 3rd. St., Prineville on Saturday, Nov. 3, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. Contributions may be made to:

Central Oregon Youth for Christ, PO Box 86 Madras, OR 97741 or Eastside Church Youth Program, Eastside Church, 3174 NE 3rd. St., Prineville, OR 97754.

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeralhomes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all

correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, DR 97708

The Associated Press file photo

Avante-garde composer Hans Werner Henze,pictured in Essen, Germany, in 2009, wrote operas and symphonies that straddled musical genres. He died Saturday at age 86.

Germancomposer HansWemerHenze known for innovation By Geir Moulsoa The Associated Press

BERLIN — German composer Hans Werner Henze, whose prolific and wide-ranging work included a wealth of operas and 10 symphonies, died Saturday, his publisher said. He was 86. Henze died in the eastern German city of Dresden, longstanding pu b l i sher

tiwar drama "We come to the River," produced in collaboration with writer Edward Bond and first performed in London in 1976. H enze was born July I , 1926, in Guetersloh in western Germany and grew up as the Nazis tightened their grip on the country. After studying and starting his career in music and theater in West

Schott Music said in FEAT URED Germany, he left the a statement, calling Q g p ' country in 1953 and

him "one of the most important and influential composers of our time." It didn't disclose the cause of death. H enze's wor k o v e r t h e decades straddled m u sical genres. He composed stage works, symphonies, concert os, chamber works and a requiem, and once said that DEATHS "many things wander from the concert hall to the stage ELSEWHERE and vice versa." His operas ranged fr om Deaths of note from around the 1950s "Ein Landarzt" ("A the world: Country Doctor"), based on Anthony P. Browne, 70: A a story by Franz Kafka, to onetime rock 'n' roll manager "L'Upupa," written i n 2 0 02 turned interior designer whose and the only opera for which star clientele included media Henze wrote his own libretto. magnate Oprah Winfrey and Other works included the mucomposer Andrew Lloyd Web- sical dramas "Elegy for Young ber. Died Oct. 13 in Washing- Lovers" and "The Bassarids," ton, D.C. and the oratorio "The Raft of Fiorenzo Magni, 91: A bicycle the Medusa" — dedicated to racing champion known for the Cuban revolutionary Che victories i n E u r ope's most Guevara. prominent road races in the T he S e mperoper o p e ra postwar years. Died Oct. 19 in house in D r esden recently Monza, Italy, north of Milan. kicked off a tribute to Henze — From wire reports with a performance of his an-

went to live in Italy. A longside his o p eras, Henze was known for his symphonies, among them "Sinfonia N. 9," finished in 1997 — a choral symphony based o n A n n a S e g hers' novel "The Seventh Cross" that reflected his anti-fascist convictions. His final symphony, "Sinfonia No. 10," completed in 2000, was premiered by Sir Simon Rattle with the City of Birmingham S y mphony Orchestra. As well as composing, Henze took teaching assignments in Austria, the U .S., Cuba and Germany. He served as composer-in-residence atthe B erkshire Music Center i n Tanglewood, Mass., and at the Berlin Philharmonic, Schott Music said. Henze founded the Cantiere Internazionale d'Arte festival and summer school in Montepulciano, Italy, in 1976. Information on s u r vivors and funeral arrangements was not immediately available.


uatics uatters tar et o newstate re uations • Increase in complaints impetusfor change The Associated Press PORTLAND Oregon residents who live rent free on boats are facing eviction next year when they'll have to move at least five miles every 30 days under new state regulations. The so-called "aquatic squatters" believe they are being targeted by the new rules, which become effect ive in January. "We're such a small population," said Johnny Brett, 35, who has lived in his 26-foot boat on the Willamette River forthe past four years. "More people live in a doorway on one street downtown t h an here. How can we be that big of a problem'?" A tough economy and a chance tolive rent-free have resulted in a recent spike of boat dwellers who call various inlets and docks on the Willamette

and Columbia rivers home, according to The Oregonian. The increase has prompted complaints from residents of riverside homes. Under the new rules, boat residents who don't relocate face civil penalties of up to $1,000 per day. Under the current regulations, boat residents must move every 14 days, but there's no rule on how far they must travel. The five-mile rule w ould cause severe hardship for people who have jobs or need access to services and shopping, Brett said. Multnomah County Sheriff's Office Deputy Josh Atkins, a river patrol unit member, has

behavior. Atkins said callers are unhappy with the presence of crafts anchored long-term. The new rules will give authorities tools to shoo boat residents along, he said. "Quite honestly, many of those I'vecontacted are very friendly and I feel sympathetic toward them," he said. "But neither do we like getting these complaints." The complaints led to Multn omah County o ff icials t o contact the state after learning they had no jurisdiction over boaters in state waterways. "I'm really torn," Commissioner Deborah Kafoury said. "These are obviously people who lack the money to dock at a private facility, but those living along the river have their rights, as well."

logged growing numbers of complaints about the boaters. Most of the complaints do not involve allegations of criminal

Find Your Dream Home TheBulletin

M EDFORD — T r y i n g to get one little elderberry starter plant into the hardpan along southeast Medford's Larson Creek shows just how tough it can be to bring life to damaged urban waterways. Eighteen-year-old Damian Van Mater leans all his weight onto a gas-powered auger to start a hole, then fellow Job Council worker Austin Underwood primes it with water to help loosen for what passes as soil. Then Underwood shovels out more dirt and rocks before installing the elderberry shoot, some good soil, a little fertilizer and a protective coating of bark mulch. "This i s r id i c ulously hard, but it's not impossible," said Underwood, 17, of Grants Pass. "We're getting it done." The stream in southeast Medford is in the midst of a major makeover this fall, the latest step in an ongoing effort to revitalize this u rban tributary o f B e ar C reek to m ak e i t m o r e salmon-friendly and to restore stream health in an aesthetically pleasing way. Other work calls for replacing two c ulverts beneath two streets where wild salmon migration is halted at times, expanding accessto upstream portions of Larson Creek that are in better shape. " We're looking at t h e big picture of getting more large pieces o f L a r s on Creek more fish-friendly," says Greg Stabach, a natural project leader in the Natural Resources Department of the Rogue Valley Council of Governments. The work includes planting of nearly 13,000 native plants over the next month

that will do more than just create a nice, shady canopy to cool the creek and invite songbirds and other wildlife, including urban hikers. The plantings will help capture some filthy urban runoff during storms, creating healthier water and reducing the drastic rises and drops that are customary in urban creeks surrounded by surfaces impermeable to rain. "That's a no-brainer," said Chuck Fustish, an Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife fish biologist who has studied and worked on Larson Creek. "Anything that can be done on these urban streams that can help bring them back to more natural conditions is a benefit." Just as critical, however, are separate projects making culverts under Ellendale Avenue and Larson Creek Drive more conducive to regular migration of wild steelhead, chinook salmon and c oh o s a lmon, which are listed here as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act. Though adult fish such as spawning winter steelhead can at times make it past the culverts, the impediments block upstream passage ofjuvenile salmon and steelhead that take refuge in Larson Creek when storms and urban runoff make Bear Creek uninhabitable. By altering the pitch and water speed through the culvert, more young salmon will be able to take advantage of upstream portions of Larson Creek already improved during past projects. That will allow more wild salmon to share southeast Medford neighborhoods with local residents. Larson Creek flows through

large southeast Medford residential areas, past St. Mary's School, Rogue Valley Manor and into Bear Creek near Interstate 5's new south Medford interchange. The areas tapped for planting were earlier cleared of invasive blackberry p l a nts to make room for an array of native plants such as ash, Or-

egon grape, cedar, pine and elderberry, said Kelly Miller, a natural resources technician working on the planting effort Friday with the Job Council. The planting will continue through N o vember, M i l l er

says. The planting is being done now because cool weather and rain will give the young plants a better shot at survival, Stabach said. It also gives Stabach time to create some form of irrigation system for them, such as tapping into water systems for the Manor and other nearby businesses to create a drip system. "It's about community partnerships for us," said Sarah Smith, the Manor's director of marketing. "We're just always looking to host projects like this that help the community. The community partnership was a big factor in garnering a nearly $30,000 grant from Pacific Power's Blue Sky Habitat program last year, says Adrian McCarthy, c o m munications director of T h e F r eshwater Trust, which administers the program for Pacific Power.

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Second, deliver your answers to our office (in person or by mail by November 9th) and you'll be entered to win a

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W P P I C K Y W S U I R 0 R F P D N Z T 0 R Q V A

E L K Z H X X R L J P T 0 R T Y E K R U T D N E B

Q A R M V J E M N H C S Z S X B T L Z D 0 0 0 R T

E P W D N H G E R W S E C V L S N Z G C C P C U T D Z H N J Z W j: Y D X F V T L S D D K 0 E Y L M R

K C A T Q B V Q Q 0 V X X 0 S E R T 0 j: V K P A L

A Z T R Y X Z L C P N X Y 0 j: D T R J P Y A P M U


N R W P D P U P M K S R j: 0 H C Y R Q 0 B K G C J

U G Z C J D S S N N E H 0 C S Z M J J U W T P H 0


P W T K P S U A L C A T N A S N 0 I T A R E P 0 T

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W P N 0 W E E S T P R J j: G Q A Z R




Mail o r deliver your game entry to: 1777 SW Chandler Avenue, Bend OR 97702 541-385-5800 • www.bendbulletin.com




F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.


• •

I l h


• h

Today: Chance of


Slight chance of showers.



Partly sunny.

Partly cloudy.

showers. CHANNE



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• Klamath

Yesterday's state extremes • 71'

Falls 6)/39


• 33'




Winnipe 40/29

• 4.14

ismarc 51/37


Que (

Thunder Bay


I, 40S

xxhHJ3/55 xxtxxm'msss xxvsxx x x s s x '


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xlx x x



Ka nSaS City



66/42 •

• «I 60/37




p~ Houston (


. >'v ghi'ollxl ' • 56 / 36

hill 54/35 Atlanta> • Birmingham 55/34

69/45OH New Orleans i -



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5 /34 '

ok~l x • x

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Omaha, Des Moines49/»



'Xoetroit '50 t 44 46/37 o) I W Ph il e j phjag 4 Columbus



Cheyenne 608

/ San Francisco 67/54



land 1/47


Anchorage 26/16

La Paz 86/65 Juneau 34/22


Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 63/52 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Record high........79 m 2003 Month to date..........0.28" Record low......... 10 in 1946 Average month todate... 0.50" Average high.............. 56 Year to date............ 7.02" Averagelow ..............31 A verageyeartodate..... 7.68"

Barometricpressureat 4 p.m29.96 Record24 hours ...1.45 in1950 *Melted liquid equivalent


Yesterday M onday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W


Tuesday Bend,westofHwy97.....Low Sisters..............................Low The following was compiled by the Central H i /Lo/WBend,eastoiHwy.97......Low La Pine...............................Low Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as Redmond/Madras........Low Prineville..........................Low

Astoria ........ 57/54/0.87....59/52/sh...... 60/54/r Baker City......45/35/0.18....62/38/sh.....62/35/sh Brookings......63/54/0.01 ....62/53/sh......60/52/r Burns......... 66/33/trace.....62/35/c.....64/34/sh Eugene........ 65/58/0.46....63/54/sh...... 64/52/r jtjamath Falls .. 63/33/0 07 ....61/39/c ...60/39/pc Lakeview....... NA/NA/NA ...61/40/pc.....61/41/sh La Pine........59/46/0.00....61/41/sh.....57/33/sh Medford.......66/51/0.00....67/51/sh.....65/50/sh Newport....... 57/54/0.88....58/53/sh...... 59/53/r North Bend.....63/61/0.23....61/55/sh.....61/54/sh Ontario........50/37/0.04....66/44/sh.....66/39/sh Pendleton......59/48/0.21 ....69/50/sh.....68/43/sh Portland .......63/55/0.62....63/55/sh......63/52/r Prinevige....... 59/50/0.04....61/46/sh.....61/41/sh Redmond.......63/53/0.02....65/44/sh.....66/42/sh Roseburg.......71/57/0.03....66/54/sh.....66/51/sh Salem ....... 63/59/0 55 .63/55/sh ... 63/54/r Sisters.........60/50/0.00....62/44/sh.....57/38/sh The Dages......64/47/0.23....67/49/sh.....65/46/sh

Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme

a service to irrigators and sportsmen.

Reservoir Acre feet C a pacity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 35,293...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 124,776..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 72,377...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . 16,662...... 47,000 The higher the JJV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 82,584..... 153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 277 for ar at noon. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 250 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ...... . N/A MEDIUM HIGH Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 172 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . N/A Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . . 822 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res..... . . . . N/A Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 77.9 Updated daily. Source: pollen.com Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 7.27 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 172 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 MEDIUM LOWI or go to www.wrd.state.or.us

To report a wildfire, call 911





o www m

Yuma, Ariz. • 12 P Angel Fire, N.M


Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....9:56 a.m...... 6:46 p.m. Venus......4:35 a.m...... 4:44 p.m. Mars......11:08 a.m...... 7:53 p.m. Jupiter......7 47 p m.....10 59 a.m. Satum......7:12 a.m...... 5;55 p.m. Uranus.....4:39 p.m......458 a.m.

Legend Wweather,Pcpprecipitation, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,h haze, shshowers,r rain,t thunderstprms,sf snowflurries,snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace









• Pl

City Precipitationvajuesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.

Mostly cloudy with scattered showers.


• Lakeview

Sunsettoday...... 5 59 p.m F ull L ast N e w First Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:40 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 5:57 p.m l• Moonrisetoday.... 552 p.m Moonsettoday .... 7:35 a.m Oct. 29 Nov. 6 Nov. 13 Nov. 20



q Brookingk~ ~~~~ Ashland

• 91'

55 32




X X • 67/shx

(in the 48 contiguous states):


55 33

a good chance of showers.



iii Med fOrd

x BM55.

CENTRAL Cloudy skies with



rallts ~

• Beac


63 38

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:39 a.m Moon phases

WEST Cloudy with occasional showers.

Asto y l a'. x x x x x x x x x xxxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

xhhx39/52XXX X X X X X X X x x x i x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

5 8/53





• Miami 77/54 Monterrey

Mazatlan • 86/69




''* * * * * ++

W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Ram Flurnes Snow


Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hj/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......63/33/0 00...71/44/s.. 75/48/s Grandjiapids....51/33/0 00..46)36)pc..41/37/rs RapidCity.......53/22/000...62/40/c. 65/40/pc Savannah.......74/59/0 00.. 65)41)w.. 60/39/s Akron ..........45/41/069...45)37)r. 47/35/sh GreenBay.......47/26/0.00...48/32/s.48/34/pc Reno...........73/36/0.00..74/39/pc. 74/41/pc Seattle..........58/49/0.31..58/51/sh...58/52/r Albany..........61/50/0.00...57/54/r...62/47/r Greensboro......68/55/0.00..52/38/sh. 47/36/sh Richmoud.......60/54/0.01... 53/40/r. 49/37/sh Sioux Falls.......51/31/0.00 .. 52/33/pc.. 55/33/c Albuquerque.....66/37/0.00...72/44/s.. 73/45/s Harusburg.......60/53/0.01...53/42/r...46/39/r Rochester, NY....45/44/033... 49/48/r. 54/45/sh Spokane........52/41/010 ..59/48/sh. 55/49/sh Anchorage ......33/16/0.00...26/16/s.. 25/16/c Hartford,CT.....59/53/0.00..58/54/w . 61/50/sh Sacramento......79/50/0.00 ..78/52/pc.78/53/pc Springfield, MO..51/25/0.00.. 56/35/pc.. 59/38/s Atlanta ........69/50/trace..55)34)w. 56)37)pc Helena..........60/35/0.00..58/38/sh.. 62/38/c St. Louis.........52/34/000... 54/34/s .. 55/35/s Tampa..........76/65/000...72)49)s.. 70/56/s Atlantic City .....59/55/0.48..62)52)w. 54/48)sh Honolulu........85/73/0.00...86/71/s.. 85/71/s Salt Lake City....67/46/0.00..70/44/pc .. 71/45/s Tucson..........90/54/0.00...88)54)s.. 87/54/s Austin ..........67/38/0.00...70/45/s.. 78/52/s Houston ........68/42/0.00...72/49/s.. 75/59/s SaoAntonio.....68/48/0.00...70/47/s .. 78/56/s Tulsa...........58/28/0.00..66/40/pc.70)40/pc Baltimore .......60/54/0.00... 53/40/r. 45/38/sh Huntsville.......62/48/0.00... 54/34/s .. 58/35/s SaoDiego.......77/57/000...77/59/s .. 73/60)s Washington,DC..61/54/002... 52/40/r. 44/37/sh Billiogs.........60/30/000..60/41/sh. 65/43/pc Indianapolis.....50/36/0.00..50/36/pc.. 46/36/c SaoFrancisco....72/56/000..69/54/pc.67/56/pc Wichjta.........57)27)OJI..67)41)pc.69/41/pc Birmingham .. 61/49/000...54/37/s. 57/40/s Jackson, MS.... 62/40/000. 61/36/s. 66/46/pc SaoJpse........76)49)000..74)54/pc 72/52/pc Yakima.........59/40/017. 64/44)sh. 60/42/sh Bismarck........36/28/000...51/37/c. 56/35/pc Jacksonvile......75/57/000.. 68/38/w.. 67/41/s SantaFe........64/25/0.00... 65/40/s .. 65/40/s Yuma...........91/57/0.00... 90/62/s .. 91/63/s Boise...........61/43/003...65/43/c. 67/40/pc Juneau..........31/23/000... 34/22/s. 34/34/sn INTERNATIONAL Boston..........56/52/0 04 .. 63/58/w...66/53/r KansasCity......52/27/0 00 ..60/37/pc .. 60/40/c Bodgeport, C1....61/55/000 .. 61)54)w.60/50/sh Lansing.........49/33/0.00...44/34/c...41/37/r Amsterdam......50/30/000 .. 49/46/r 52/44/c Mecca.........102/79/000 .99)7ms .. 97/77/s Buffalo.........43/41/0.27... 45/43/r...51/44/r Las Vegas.......80/53/0.00... 80/56/s .. 81/56/s Athens..........79/72/000...79/61/r.69/63/pc MexicpCity .....75/48/000...72/51/t.. 69/49/t Burlington, VT....57/51/000 ..64/57/sh...69/53/r Lexington.......47/43/0 00...48/35/c ..42/35/rs Auckland........66/52/000 ..65/56/sh.69/50/pc Montreal........55/48/000..61/54/sh. 62/51/sh Caribou,ME.....57/39/0.00...56/52/c...61/52/r Lincoln..........53/29/0.00..58/34/pc .. 60)35)c Baghdad........82/62/0.00... 80/60/s .. 84/61/s Moscow........39/32/0.82 ..35)26)pc...33)30/i Charleston, SC...73/61/000 .. 64)42)w.60)42)pc Little Rock.......60/37/0.00 ..60)37)pc. 66/42/pc Bangkok........99/82/000 ..92/72/pc...94/80/t Nairobi.........77/61/0 55 ..80/55/pc...80/61/t Charlotte........69/56/000 .. 56/36/w. 49/35/sh LosAngeles......83/59/0 00...75)5is .. 71/58/s Beifng..........59/39/000 ..63/31/pc .. 46/32/s Nassau.........82/75/000... 76/66/s. 75/65/pc Chattanooga.....52/50/000..54/36/pc.55/35/pc Louisvile........52/42/0.00..51/37/pc.47/35/sh Beirut..........79)68)000...83/70/s. 85/73/pc New Dejh).......84/61/000...89)67/s .. 89/68/s Cheyenne.......54/32/0.00 ..63/39/pc.. 65/38/s Madison,Wj.....49/24/0.00...48/28/s .. 47/26/s Berlin...........46/27/000...44/33/s.42)38)sh Osaka..........68/61/066 ..68/49/pc.65)49/pc Chicago.........49/38/000...49/35/s. 48/36/pc Memphis....... 58/38/0 00 .. 57/37/s. 61/41/pc Bogota.........70)45)000..70)48)sh.68)53)sh Oslo............34/19/000.. 36/31/rs.32/24/pc Cincinnati.......49/45/0.00... 49/36/c.44/36/sh Miami..........82/71/0.00... 77/54/s.. 73/59/s Budapest........41)36)061...41/26/c.40)24)pc Ottawa.........43/41/010..56/52/sh. 60/48/sh Cleveland.......47/41/088...47)40)r...49)40)r Milwaukee......47/36/0.00...48/34/s. 48/35/pc BuenosAires.....81/61/000 ..73)54)sh. 64/50/pc Paris............50/32/000... 53/40/c. 51/39/pc ColoradoSpnngs.54/24/000..67/39/pc.. 67/38/s Minneapolis.....46/29/0 00 ..48/30/pc. 49/30/pc CabpSanLucas ..86/64/0.00... 86/68/s .. 86/70/s Rio deJaneiro....84/84/0.00... 88/74/t...90/76/t Columhia,MO...50/30/000 ..54/32/pc.. 56/35/s Nashville........59/45/0 00... 54/35/s. 57/36/pc Cairo...........84/64/0.00.. 85/67/s 86/66/s Rome...........63/52/0.00..60/42/pc. 59/48/sh Columhia,SC....77/61/000..62)41)w. 54/37/pc NewOrleans.....66/49/000...65/46/s. 67/52/pc Calgary.........41/21/0.02 .. 44/32/rs 41/29/c Santiago........81/52/0.00... 74/52/s .. 75/50/s Columbus, GA...73)54)0.00 .. 63)36)w.. 62/39/s New York.......59/55/0.00.. 59)54/w. 55/47/sh Cancun.........86/68/000..79/66/pc.78)67)pc Sap Paulo.......93/73/000... 88/68/t...88/70/t Columbus, OH....47)41)0.28..44/36/sh..40/38/rs Newark, Nl......60/56/0.00.. 57)54/w...54)45)r Dublin..........46/43/0.10..48/35/sh .. 47/43/c Sapporo ........54/48/0.11..59/43/sh.. 56/43/c Concord, NH.....54/50/0.00... 57/54/r...63/49/r Norfolk,VA......63/60/1.22... 57)46/i. 52/42/sh Edinburgh.......50/39/000 ..43/33/pc. 49/45/sh Seoul...........64/46/000..62/35/pc.. 57/31/s Corpus Christi....72/59/000... 74/55/s .. 81/63/s OklahomaCity...60/30/0 00..66)42)pc. 73/45/pc Geneva.........39/32/000 ..40/29/pc .. 44/31/c Shangha)........73/57/000 ..69/54/sh. 69/50/pc DallasFtyyonh...64/3$000...69/45/s .. 75/52/s Omaha.........52/34/000..56/35/pc.. 57/36/c Harare..........81)63)000 ..81/53/pc. 82)58)pc Singapore.......91/79/000 ..87/80/pc...87/78/t Dayton.........48)41)000 ..46)34)sh..41/37/rs Orlando.........73/62/0 00...71/47)s .. 68/47/s HongKong......86/77/0.00 .. 82/66/sh...82/68/r Stockholm.......37/19/0.00 ..38/36/sn..37/25/rs Denver....... 63/31/0.00..68/37/pc.67/36/pc PalmSprings.... 89/61/0.00...91/62/s.. 92/61/s Istanbul.........77/70/0.00 76/64/sh. .. 70)60/sh Sydney..........66/57/0.00 .. 73/50/pc. 84/50//K DesMoines......50/32/000..54/35/pc. 55/34/pc Peoria..........52/31/000...51/31/s.. 50/30/s lerusalem.......75/56/001...81/59/s. 82/62/pc Taipei...........81/73/000..79)64)sh...77)63)r Detroit..........50/39/0.00 ..46/37/sh...46/39/r Philadelphia.....60/55/0.22... 56/45/r. 49/43/sh Johannesburg....73)54/0.00... 70/55/t.71)53)sh Tel Aviv.........84/63/0.00... 85/68/s. 86/71/pc Duluth..........39/28/001 ..42/30/pc.. 42/26/s Phoeuix.........90/59/000...90/61/s .. 90/60/s Lima...........68/63/0.00... 69/62/c .. 70/62/c Tokyo...........63/59/0.00.. 70/52/pc.. 67/53/c El Paso..........73/42/0.00... 77/52/s .. 78/51/s Pittsburgh.......46/43/0.31... 45/39/r ..47/36/rs Lisbon..........64/50/000 ..56/53/pc 63/50/pc Toronto.........43/41/032... 49/40/r. 55/47/sh Fairhanks.........20/4/000...22/7/sn... 14/2/c Portland,ME.....53/46/0.00... 59/54/r...63/52/r London.........50/34/000..51/40/sh .. 50/43/c Vancpuver.......57/48/070..53)50)sh...56)50)r Fargo...........36/23/000...42/34/c.45)36)pc Providence......58)52)0.01.. 61)56/w...64/5ur Madrid .........54/39/000...55/34/s.55)37/sh Vienna..........41/32/015..35/22/sn .. 41/25/c Flagstaff........69/23/0.00...66/25/I .. 67/26/s Raleigh.........64/55/0.00 ..53)39)sh. 47/37/sh Manila..........86/75/000..87/77/pc. 88/77/pc Warsaw.........36/27/011..32/29/pc.. 33)29/c


For Corvalliscruciverbalist, art of word puzzlesisa learned skil By Canda Fuqua Corvalfis Grzzette-Times

CORVALLIS — Computer programs can assemble words into a grid, but only a human can come up with a c l ever theme and then build a crossword puzzle around it. "Making a fresh theme that the solvers are going to like is what the editors are looking for," said Dave Sarpola, 29, a cruciverbalist who's had eight crosswords printedin puzzle magazines, the L o s A n g eles Times and The New York Times. In fact, on Oct. 8, his byline appeared On The New York Times crossword and the Los Angeles Times crossword. Crossword construction is by no means a full-time job, he said. The New York Times pays $200 per puzzle. GAMES

Magazine pays $50. "It takes me hours to make One, and in 2'/2 yearS, I'Ve had eight published," Sarpola said, "so that's not exactly a living


Crossword method By day, Sarpola is a manufacture and test engineer at Videx, a Corvallis company that produces security products. He grew up in Corvallis, graduated from Crescent Valley High School, went on to earn a bachelor's degree in m echanical

engineering from Oregon State University. He and his wife Allison live in Independence. He began solving crosswords in high school and continued the hobby through adulthood. It didn't occur to him to try his hand at creating one until his friend, who had attempted to get a few crosswords published, introduced Sarpola to a crossword puzzle documentary, "Wordplay." Sarpola's method was crude in the beginning. He used an Excel spreadsheet to build the grid and an online dictionary to help find words to fit. He printed out the finished version and mailed it to potential publishers. Most crossword publishers thesedays only accept submis-

"It's a learned skill. Sometimes people will say, 'I'm not smart enough to do a



garbage truck, baseball game and tackle box. What do they have in common? They all contain flies.

'An interesting clue'

Once he comes up with a theme, he lists as many words can learn to do it. It as possible that fit the theme. He writes them on graph pajust takes time." per, using one letter per square, — Dave Sarpola, so he can immediately see the cruciyerbalist in Coryallis length of the word. Once he picks the best words that are the correct length to fit in a sions by email, he learned, and standardpuzzle,he is ready to the grid took about 12 hours to begin constructing the grid on build. his software. He begins with He now u ses Crossword the theme words and tries not Compiler, which formats the to work his way into a corner. puzzle and allows him to rightHis Crossword Compilerproclick on spaces to show possible gram has an option to automatanswers that would fit in the ically fill the grid with words, spot. His first published cross- but he considers that cheating word ran in the Los Angeles and prefers to handpick each Times. word. Words with rare letters "It was April 26, 2011. It was like Q, Z, K and J are preferable a TueSday," he Said.nlt WaS Very becausethey are less common. exciting — one of the best days He balances choices that aren't of my life because I had been obvious but aren't too obscure. "It's especially good if you trying for a full year to do that." A standard crossword puzzle can get livelier, flavorful words published in a daily newspaper that can have an interesting followsseveralrules.Each puz- clue that solvers don't see in zle is 15-by-15 squares and the puZZleSSOOften," he Said, nbut grid pattern — where the black also that are not so obscure that squares are placed — is sym- it's an alternate spelling of a metrical so that if the puzzle is French word that nobody's goturned upside-down, the pat- ing to know." tern is the same. The puzzle The cluescome last. Somecontains no more than 38 black times editors will tweak crosssquares and no more than 78 word clues so that the level of words. Two-letter words are difficulty will match the day prohibited, and al l l e ttered of week it's published, Sarpola squares have to be used by two said. The Los Angeles Times words. publishes its easiest crosswords "Sometimes you can bend Monday and they get progresthose rules, but I never do be- sively more difficult throughout cause it has to be an especially the week. good theme for (editors) to warSarpola says that n ovice rant going outside those rules," crossword p u z zl e s o l vers Sarpola said. should start with the Monday The process begins with a puzzle and work their w ay notebook, where he lists ideas up. There are certain things for potential themes. The ion- you pick up along the way, he gest words in the crossword said, like if the clue contains u sually have something i n an abbreviation, the answer is common that is not immediate- abbreviated. "It's a learned skill," he said. ly obvious and is often a play on words. For example, the longest "Sometimes people will say, answers in his crossword pub- 'I'm not smart enough to do lished in The New York Times a crossword,' but anyone can this month were dungarees, learn to do it. It just takes time."

crossword,' but anyone

NOVEMBER 2 - 3 , 2 012 • R E D M O ND , OR f



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T estate o cimate

cane on Nov.7 By John M. Broder New Yorft Times News Service

WASHINGTON — For all their disputes, President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney agree the world is warming and that humans are at least partly to blame. It remains wholly unclear what either of them plans to do about it. Even after a year of record-smashing temperatures, drought and Arctic ice melt, none of the debate moderators

DeschutesCollaborative ConservationFund Students from the Yale School of Forestry 8 Environmental Studies wrote a business plan that seeks to improve forest health and

create an industry that would make and sell products made from biomass and other woody material generated by thinning projects.

Money fromthese sources ... Fees for tourism

and recreation services

asked about climate SC IENCE change, nor did any of the candidates broach the topic — nor will they, it seems, before voters go to the polls on Nov. 6. Throughout the campaign, Obama and Romney have seemed most intent on trying to outdo each other as lovers of coal, oil and natural gas — the very fuels most responsible for rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Obama has supported broad climate change legislation, financed extensive clean energy projects and pushed new regulations to reduce global warming emissions from cars and power plants. But neither he nor Romney has laid out a legislative or regulatory program to address the fundamental questions arising from one of the most vexing economic, environmental, political and humanitarian issues to face the planet. Should the United States cut its greenhousegas emissions, and, if so, how far and how fast? Should fossil fuels be more heavily taxed? Should any form of clean energy be subsidized, and for how long? Should the U.S. lead international mitigation efforts? Should the nation pour billions of new dollars into basic energy research? Is the climate system so fraught with uncertainty that the rational response is to do nothing? SeeClimate /C6

... would goto a nonprofit CommunityDevelopment Financial Institution••

... and fund: Thinning and other forest health

projects to create a stable supply of material

Water surcharge Returns on equity investments

andl oan paymentswoul d be returned to the fund over time

CommunityDevelopment Financial Institution

Property tax

Capital investments to help mills and otherwood products companies retool; train employees

Government, gifts, private investment

IIII Help for businesseswith pricing, cost reduction, marketing andbusiness development

Source: Deschutes Collaborative Conservation Fund proposal done by a team from the Yale University School of Forestry & Environmental Studies as part of the National Forest Foundation's forest management business plan competition

Greg CrossI rhe Bulletin

• Plan suggests property tax, surcharge, recreation fees would create jobs, industry By Rachael Rees • The Bulletin

Climate policies versuscompany profits: a survey By Jim Efstathiou Jr. Bloomberf, News

Almost half of global investors say government efforts to combat climate change will have little effect on corporate profits, while most say global warming is a danger to the planet, according to a recent survey. "Business must realize that without some form of socially responsible behavior with regard to concernsover the environment, very high costs will fall upon society eventually," John O'Connell, chief executive officer of the Toronto-based investment firm Davis Rea Ltd., said in an email. "I do not see a major impact on profitability." Measures to control heat-trap-

ping gases from power plants and factories vary by nation. The United States never ratified the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement adopted in 1997 that aims to limit greenhouse gases from industrial nations. The European Union has set a target of cutting the emissions in its nations by 20 percent in 2020 from 1990 levels. Actions to limit pollution will have "not much impact" on profitability, according to 49 percent of respondents in the Bloomberg Global Poll, while a third said profit may fall. Eight percent of the investors, analysts and traders surveyed among Bloomberg's globalcustomers said such efforts would have a positive impact on corporate profitability in their nation. SeeSurvey /C6

oney from a new property tax, surcharges and recreation fees could help restore the health of the Deschutes National Forest, generate jobs and create an industry using the material cleared out of the ++~ woods, according to a recent award-

produced via forest restoration," according to the report, "The Deschutes Collaborative Conservation Fund: Sustainable funding for a restoration-based economy." "In practice, a lack of appropriate financingandashortageofentrepreneurial

The Barrett competition, which received entries from universities throughout the country, challenged teams to create business plans to help solve national challenges in forest management using fresh ideas, said Bill Possiel, president of the National capa c ity place major constraints on Forest Foundation. the forest products industry." The Yale team sought a new approach to winning proposal. The report's authors, four students manage forests in ways that will curb the The money would create a fifrom the Yale University School of logjams that have plagued forest managenancial fund called the Deschutes Forestry 8c Environmental Studies, ment for decades. Collaborative Conservation Fund, GR E E N too k first place Oct. 15 in the Barrett Logging has dwindled in the national which would help make loans and Foundation Prize competition and forests, leading to the build up ofbrush and investments in businesses that hire won $50,000 from the National Forest small trees that fuel massive forest-killing workers to thin the brush and small trees F oundation for their Deschutes National wildfires. To improve the health of the forfrom the forest and other companies that F o rest business management plan. ests,the undergrowth must be removed, would turn that material into products like The g r oup identified a major limiting but to do so hasn't been cost effective. "The old timber economy has colwood chips and animal bedding. factor in forest restoration: the need for "In theory, any number of businesses stable and consistent funding to support lapsed," said Michael Parks, a Yale team — from biomass electricity facilities to post- the process, said Pete Caligiuri, forest ecol- member. "The issue is about how you reand-pole manufacturers — should be able o g ist with The Nature Conservancy who connect people with the forests." to make profitable use of forest materials r e viewed a draft of the proposal. SeeForestry/C3

How smart is that smartphone'? • A variety of appsunveil the tricks of the trade for iPhonesand Androids By Kit Eaton

turn to a few of the many apps that reveal those tips. These apps I confess to being one of those ar e a lso handy if you're look"never reads the manual" people, in g at a brand-new device in mainly because of impabewilderment. ct tience. This is true for nearAmong the best iPhone O "tips" apps I've found is ly everything from Ikea fur"Tips for iPhone — Tricks niture to the mystical script in the instructions for my 8 Secrets" (currently free robot vacuum cleaner. For on iTunes). This has been folks like me, the arrival of TECH fr esh l y updated for iOS 6 and touch-screen smartphones has hoards of handy hints was a dream because and tricks. they're meant to be incredibly The real joy of this app is its easy to use. I can pick one up and he a v y reliance on graphics. In the understand it instantly. centerofthe screen is a photo ora But that does mean I've not exg ra p hic demonstrating a gesture, plored every trick in my phone's al l o f which are clear and simple. repertoire. For help with that, I Bene a th this is a bright red banNew Yorft Times News Service

ner bearing a title that's akin to a newspaper headline for the tip in question. A tap or drag on this banner brings up a short text summary of the tip itself. If you're simply curious to learn, then you can just swipe through each tip on a whim and pull up details on the ones that intrigue you (the banner headline "The Bluetooth Fairy" always catches

my eye, for example). This app can also take you directly to a tip to help you understand an iPhone feature or perhaps solvea problem. The easiest way to find a specific hint is to use the app's built-in search powers.


Emoticons Attention: You need iOS 6 to get our new emoticons!! They are for iOS 6 only! Here are 100 of the new emoji in our app!

45 ~e' Q i tuai % 4 Z H

4"lffj 4 4 9

8 ©6 8

© OV U M U Q 4

J ( bb


f'-" Q Ill'r ~

0 C' 0"" ®4 C ~ 1


k D a, ~ + ~ " e u <'-~ ®

• ® i ~ O Q i) Q 4 j 5 4

346 © © ogO© ©

You want to use these little, cute emoji Handout via New York Times News Service

The "Guide for iOS 6 — Tips & Tricks" app is one of the many apps that help reveal the tricks in your phone's repertoire.





Political a sout; ake politicosin



By Frazier Moore The Associated Press

It seems you just can't watch TV without confronting politics. And that's not just the glut

Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347

of campaign coverage and advertising, now reaching its feverish climax. No, the high drama of this p olitical season h a s b e en echoed by episodic TV t h is season. If candidates in real life are often criticized for playing roles and relying on scripts, these TV shows' pretend politicos make no bones about it. This isn't a nything new. Years ago, viewers celebrated the presidency of Jed Bartlet on "The West Wing." Fans of "The Wire" savored the ascent of Tommy Carcetti from the Baltimore City Council to the Maryland governor's office. Michael J. Fox, and then Charlie Sheen, worked for New York Mayor Winston on the sitcom "Spin City." And don't f o rget H B O's hapless Vice President Selina Meyer. Played by Julia LouisDreyfus, she'll be back with the comedy "Veep" next year. Who's in office right now? • CBS' "The Good Wife" is set in a Chicago law firm, but it has always had a political streak, thanks to Peter Florrick, estranged husband of attorney Alicia Florrick (series star Julianna Margulies). Played by Chris Noth, he was the state's attorney who,when the series began, was brought down by a sex and corruption scandal. He then clawed his waybackto his old job. Now he's running for governor of Illinois. • A parallel gubernatorial race is unfolding in Illinois on the just-concludedsecond season of the Starz drama "Boss," as, even more dramatically,

longtime Chicago kingpin Tom Kane (Kelsey Grammer) is struggling to maintain his

grip as mayor. • On A B C 's n e w s e r i es

ARGO (R) 1:15, 3:50, 6:25 ATLAS SHRUGGED: PART II (PG-13) 12:15, 6:15 BEASTS OFTHESOUTHERN WILD (PG-13) 1, 7 CHICKENWITH PLUMS (PG-13) 3:15 END OFWATCH(R) I2:30, 3:30, 5:55 THE MASTER(R) Noon, 3, 6 THE PERKSOF BEING A WALL FLOWER (PG-13) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 SEARCHINGFOR SUGAR MAN (PG-13) 4

HBO/ rhe Associated Press

Julia Louis-Dreyfus portrays the hapless Vice President Selina Meyer in the HBO comedy series "Veep." The high drama of this political season has been echoed by the make-believe politicos in "Veep," CBS' "The Good Wife" and Showtime's "Homeland."

Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347

"Nashville," Teddy Conrad is running for mayor of Music City. Up to now he's been the i n-the-shadows husband of country legend Rayna Jaymes (Connie Britton). But with the help of Rayna's father, ruthless tycoon Lamar Wyatt, Teddy

is more powerful than President Fitzgerald Grant, whom Olivia previously served as White House Communications Director — and with whom she's had a passionate affair. Serious business! But makebelieve politics isn't always so (played by Eric Close) hopes to dramatic. Nor is it always so big-time. Think Leslie Knope, a win a spotlight of his own. • Showtime's "Homeland" dedicated public servant in fichad a national hero in Marine tional Pawnee, Ind., on NBC's Sgt. Nicholas Brodywhen here- comedy "Parks and Recreation." turned home aftereight years' Played by Amy Poehler, Leslie imprisonment in Afghanistan. used to be deputy parks direcNone of his admirers could tor, then she won a seat on the have dreamed t hat B r o dy City Council. Her boyfriend has (played by Damian Lewis) had moved to Washington to manbeen turned against the U.S. by age a congressional campaign. his al-Qaida captors and was Butfornow Leslie's still aplucky primed to carry out a terrorist change agent in Pawnee. attack on American soil. Now, And that's as it should be. in the series' second season, Leslieserves as a reminder Brody has been elected to Con- that all politics is local — right gress and is being groomed for on your TV. the vice presidency. • ABC's "Scandal" is also SelfReferrals Welcome set in D.C., where Olivia Pope and her staff are crisis management specialists. Her firm's elite clientele often puts Olivia

(played by Kerry Washington)

Hear Ceoter

in contact with the nation's biggest power brokers. And none

ALEX CROSS (PG-13) 1:55, 4:55, 7:30, 10:05 ARGO (R) 12:05, 3, 6, 9 CHASINGMAVERICKS(PG) 12:15, 3:05, 6:05, 9:05 CLOUDATLAS(R) Noon, 4, 7:45 FRANKENWEENIE(PG) 12:55, 4:05, 6:35, 9:25 FUN SIZE (PG-13) 12:45, 3:35, 6:30, 9:20 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG)2, 4:30, 7:10, 9:45 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA3-D (PG) 3:30, 9:15 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG) 12:35, 6:20 JESUS CHRISTSUPERSTAR UK ROCKSPECTACULAR (no MPAA rating) 7:30 LOOPER(R) 3:20 PARANORMAL ACTIVITY4 IMAX (R) 1:45, 4:45, 7:55, 10:15 PARANORMALACTIVITY4 (R) 1:40, 4:40, 7:45, 10:10

PITCH PERFECT(PG-13) 12:20, 3:15, 6:15, 9:10 SILENT HILL: REVELATION(R) 1:30 SILENT HILL: REVELATION 3-D (R) 3:55, 7:15, 10 SINISTER (R) 1:25, 4:10, 7:20, 9:55 SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS(R) 1:05, 4:15, 6:55, 9:35 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 1:15, 4:25, 7, 9:40 TROUBLEWITH THE CURVE (PG-13) 12:30

McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562

Due to Monday Night Football, no movies will be shown today.

Tin Pan Theater

EDITOR'S NOTES: • Accessibility devices are available for some movies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 ti IMAX.

• There maybean additional fee for 3-D and IMAX films. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.



869 N.W. TinPanAlley, Bend, 541-241-2271

As of press time, complete times were unavailable. For moreinformation, visit www.tinpantheater com.

SISTERS Sisters Movie House 720 DesperadoCourt, Sisters,541-549-8800


Madras Cinema 5 1101 S.W. U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505



REDMOND Redmond Cinemas 1535 S.W. DdemMedo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777

FUN SIZE (PG-13) 4:45, 6:45

214 N. Main St., Prineville,541-416-1014

HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG)4,7 TROUBLEWITH THECURVE (LIPSTAIRS — PG-13) 6 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.

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*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/BlackButte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine

tRRRX~RKHK~RKR2RRRK~RRK~RREK~RKR2RREI~~RRKREEK~XKEHt EHK~RDiRH t 1RK KATU News World News K A TU News at 6 (N) n cc Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Dancing With the Stare: All-Stare (N) n 'PG' cc KATU News (10:01) Castle (N)rt 'PG'« (11:35) Nightline

I'j Nightly News Newsohannel 21 at 6 (N) « Jeop ardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune The Voice Vocalists compete against eachother. (N) 'PG' « Jay Leno KTVZ 0 0 0 0 News ( 10:01) Revolution (N) '14' « New s News E vening News Access H. Ol d Christine How I Met 30 Rock n '14' How I Met Pa r tners (N) '14' 2 Broke Girls Mike & Molly n Hawaii Five-0 Mohai (N) n '14' N e ws Letterman KBNZ 0 KEZI 9 News World News K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The Insider (N) Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars (N) n 'PG' « KEZI 9 News (11:35) Nightline KOHD 0 0 0 0 (10:01) Castle (N) n 'PG' « Poetgame'G' Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Big Bang Big Bang New s KFXO IDi IEIIEIIEI (4:30) 2012 World SeriesSanFrancisco Giants at Detroit Tigers(N) n (Live) ae TMZ (N) n 'PG' The Simpeons Family Guy '14' Antiques Roadshow n 'G' « Mar k et Warriors (N) n 'G' « Ind e pendent Lens (N) 'PG' Secrets of the Dead n 'PG' Koae O B Q B Wild Kratts Y Electric Comp. This Old House Business Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N) n « NeweChannel 8 NightlyNews NeweChannel 8 News Live at 7 (N) I nside Edition The Voice Vocalistscompeteagainst eachother. (N) 'PG' cc KGW 0 (10:01) Revolution (N) '14' cc N e weChannel 8 Jay Leno Gos sip Girl (N) n '14' « Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' KTVZDT2fEI 0 B fH We ThereYet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement 9 0210 Into the Wild (N)'PG' « Lidia's Italy C h efe A'Field My Family Tim e Goes By Mariachi High - PBS Arts 'PG' H a vana, Havana! - PBS Arts 'PG' World News T avis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose (N) n cc PBS NewsHour n cc OPBPL 175 173

Hoarders Kevin;Mary'PG' « Hoa r dere 'PG' « Hoardere Joni 8 Millie 'PG' « Hoa r ders Susan Mic8hael 'PG' I n tervention Al (N) « (11:01) Intervention Cher'14' ** "Pumpkinhead"(1988, Horror) LanceHenriksen, Jeff East. A maninvokes ** "Friday the 13th" (1980,Horror) Betsy Palmer, AdrienneKing, Harry (400) ** "Land oithe Dead" (2005, (1015) * "Friday the13th, Part2" (1981)AmySteel, John Furey. Ahulking *AMC 102 40 39 Horror) SimonBaker. a demon toavengehis son's accidental murder. « Crosby. Counselorsdieviolently at CampCrystal Lake. « killer stalks counselors atCampCrystal Lake. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 The Haunted n 'PG' ac The Haunted DemonHouse'PG' Swamp Ware n 'PG' cc Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence BRAVO1 37 4 4 Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Miami What Happens What Happens ** "Footloose" (1984,Drama)Kevin Bacon,Lori Singer, JohnLithgow. n cc CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne 'PG' Roeeanne 'PG' Reba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc Behind/Music CNBC 54 36 40 52 Ultimate Factories Frito Lay Ame r ican Greed: The Fugitives A merican Greed Mad Money American Greed: TheFugitives American Greed Teeter HangUps Hair Loss CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper360 (N) cc P i e rs Morgan Tonight (N ) Ande rson Cooper360 cc ErinBurnetteutFront PiereMorgantonight AndereonCooper360cc ErinBurnettoutFront coM 135 53 135 47(4:56) Futurama Always Sunny Always Sunny (6:29) Tosh.0 Colbert Report Daily Show (7:59) Futurama Futurama '14' South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Brickleberry S o uth Park 'MA' Daily Show C o lbert Report COTV 11 Dept./Trans. C i ty Edition P a i d Program Krieti Miller D e sert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW The Yoga Show The YogaShow Kristi Miller C i t y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today *DIS 87 43 14 39 Shake It Up! 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' Phineae, Ferb Good-Charlie Austin & Ally n Jeeeie 'G' cc A .N.T. Farm 'G' **"HocusPocus" (1993)Bette Midler. n cc Phineae, Ferb Phineae, Ferb Jeeeie 'G' cc S hake It Up! 'G' *DISC 156 21 16 37 American Chopper n 'PG' « Ove r haulin'1967 Camaro n 'PG' Overhaulin' n 'PG' « Overhaulin': Deconstructed (N) American Chopper (N) n « Jes s e James: Garage: Rebuilt A m erican Chopper n « *E! 1 36 2 5 Keeping UpWith the Kardaehiane Jonae Jonae E! News(N) Studio E! (N) Ice Loves Coco Fashion Police '14' Keeping UpWiththe Kardaehiane Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 Monday Night NFL Football SanFrancisco49ers at Arizona Cardinals (N) (Live) Sportsoenter (N)(Ltve) « NFL PrimeTime(N) « sportscenter (N)(Livei « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 2012 World Series of PokerFinal TableFromLas Vegas. (N) (Live) SporteCenter Football Live NFL Presents Baseball Ton. SportsCenter (N) (Live) cc SporteNation cc ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Battle of the Network Stars cc AWA Wrestling cc UWF Wrestling PBA Bowling « AWA Wrestling « College Football FromNov. 3, 2007. « H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Press H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SporteCenter (N)(Live) cc SporteCenter (N)(Live) cc ** "TheGoonies" (1985,Adventure) SeanAstin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen. *** "The Mummy" (1999,Adventure)BrendanFraser,RachelW eisz,JohnHannah. FAM 67 29 19 41 "TheSorcerer'sApprentice" The700Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reilly Factor (N) cc Hannity (N) On Record, GretaVanSueteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, Greta VanSueteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Best Dishes B eet Dishes D i ners, Drive D iners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive $24 in 24 (N) Mystery Diners Health Inspect ** "Ghost Rider"(2007,Action) FX 131 How I Met Ho w I Met Two /Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men ** "Ghost Rider" (2007)NicolasCage. A motorcycle stuntmanis a supernatural agentoi vengeance. HGTV 176 49 33 43 House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters Love It or List It 'G' « Love It or List It Ed 8 Martine 'G' Love It or List It (N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I L o ve It or List It 'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 Pawn Stare 'PG' Pawn Stare 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stare 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stare 'PG' Pawn Stare 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' American Pickere 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stare 'PG' (11:02) OutbackHunters '14' ** "Orphan"(2009,Horror) VeraFarmiga, Peter Sarsgaard, Isabelle Fuhrman.« LIFE 138 39 20 31 Celebrity Ghost Stories 'PG' My Ghost Story: Caught My Ghost Story: Caught Prank MyMom Prank My Mom Prank My Mom MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Ed Show(N) TheRachelMaddow Show (N) The Last W ord The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Totally Clueless Totally Clueless Totally Clueless Totally Clueless Totally Clueless Pranked: Love Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Inbetweeners Ridiculousness Ridiculousness NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Drake & Josh Figure ItOut'Y' FullHouse'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' TheNanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Friendsn '14' (11:33) Friends OWN 161103 31 103Sins & Secrets Aspen'14' « Sine & Secrets Shreveport '14' Si n s & Secrets Nantucket n '14' D ateline on OWN n '14' « Datehneon OWNn 14 « Dateline onOWN(N) n '14' Dateline on OWN n '14' « ROOT 20 45 28* 26 College Basketball Beneinger Co l lege Football Idaho State at Montana UFC Unleashed 'PG' World PokerTour: Seaeon10 ** "Star Wars:Episode il —Attack of the Ciones" (2002,Science Fiction) EwanMcGregor, Natalie Pottman. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 ** "StarWars:Episode II —Attack of the Clones" (2002)EwanMcGregor, Natalie Portman.n Repo Gamesn SYFY 133 35 133 45HalloweenH20 * "Pulse" (2006, Horror)Kristen Bell, lan Somerhalder,SteveTalley. Sca re Tactics Scare Tactics Scare Tactics Scare Tactics Scare Tactics Scare Tactics Scare Tactics Scare Tactics Scare Tactics TBN 05 60 130 Behind Scenes Living Edge K i ngdom Conn. Jesse Duplantis Praise the Lord 'Y' « Joel Osteen M anna-Fest L i v e-Holy Land Creflo Dollar P r aise the LordCl TBN assics *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n '14' Friends n '14' King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Conan (N) '14' cc ***"Inheritthe Wind"(1960, Drama)Spencer Tracy, Fredric March,Gene (7:15) ****"Judgmentat Nuremberg"(1961, Drama)SpencerTracy, Burt Lancaster, RichardWidmark. AYankeejudge conductsthe ***"Guess Who's Comingto Dinner" (1967) Spencer TCM 101 44 101 29 Kelly. Bible oratorandliberal lawyer debate Darwinism. 1948 trial ol Nazi warcriminals. « Tracy, KatharineHepburn. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 Four Weddings rt 'PG' cc Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Long Island Me Long Island Me Long Island Medium: Extended Long Island Me Long Island Me Long Island Me Long Island Me *TNT 17 26 15 27 The Mentalist n '14' ac The Mentalist Redwood n '14' The Mentalist Red Handed '14' T h e Mentalist Miss Red n '14' T h e Mentalist Blood Brothers '14' The Mentalist n '14'« CSB NYOedtpus Hex'14' cc 'TOON 84 Ed, Edd n' Eddy Billy & Mandy Regular Show Annoying Adv enture Time Adventure Time Regular Show Annoying Kin g of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy 'PG' 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdain: NoReservations Biz a rre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food'G' Manv.Food'G' Bourdain:No Reservations B ourdain: No Reservations Bourdain: No Reservations Airp ort 24/7: Mi Airport 24/7: Mi M*A*s'H 'PG' M'A'S*H 'PG' M*A'S*H 'PG' CoebyShow Coeby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 Bonanza 'G' ~~ NCIS Blowback n 'PG' cc NCIS: Loe Angeles n 'PG' cc W W E Monday Night RAW Did CMPunk survive the monster Rybackat Hell in aCell? (N)n c~ USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS Sharii Returns 'PG' cc (11:05)"Resident Evil: Afterlife" Basketball Wives LA rt '14' Basketball Wives LA(N) rt '14' T . l. and Tiny C h riesy & Jones Behind the Music rt 'PG' « Basketball Wives LA rt '14' VH1 191 48 37 54 * "FridayAtter Next" (2002, Comedy)Ice Cube,Mike Epps. rt *ASIE 130 28 18 32 The First 48 '14' «

Stephen King's Storm of theCentury '14' « "ANightmareonElmStreet 3: DreamWarriors" ENCR 106401 306401(4:30) *** sMenin Black" rt (6:10) *** "Ghostbusters"1984 Bill Murray. rt 'PG' « (11:10) *** huen inBlack"n ** "Premonition" 2007,SuspenseSandra Bullock. 'PG-13' « * "Shutter" 2008 'PG-13' « * "Shutter" 2008,Horror JoshuaJackson. 'PG-13' « FMC 104204104120** "Premonition" 2007,SuspenseSandra Bullock. 'PG-13' « UFC: Diaz vs. Miller Prelims Prelimsfor UFC:Diaz vs. Miler. UFC 101 UFC Tonight UFC Reloaded UFC68:Sylvia vs. Couture RandyCouture comesout ol retirement. FUEL 34 Big Break Go l f Central C h asing Chas in g Big B reak Greenbrier The Golf Fix GOLF 28 301 27 301Top 10 (N) L o ngest Drive Chasing Cha s in g Big B reak Greenbrier Little House on thePrairie 'G' Lit t le House on the Prairie 'PG' NUMB3RS Noisy Edge'14' cc NU MB3RS Man Hunt 'PG' cc Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Fraeier n 'PG' HALL 66 33175 33 (4:00) Home 8Family 'G' cc * "Big Mommas: Like Father, LikeSon"2011 Martin Lawrence.Malcolm and "TheBig Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia" Real TimeWith Bill Maher Editor *** "The Girl" 2012, Docudrama Toby Jones, Sienna ** "Ethel" 2012 EthelKennedydiscusses family, marHBO 25501 425501 his stepsongounder cover at agirls school. cc 2012 NR cc Chrystia Freeland. n 'MA' cc Miller, Imelda Staunton. rt cc riage andpolitics. n 'NR' ~~ sher:WarZone"2008,ActionRayStevenson.'R' I FC 105 1 0 5 * "Puni (7:15) ** "Teeth"2007,ComedyJess Weixler, John Hensley. 'R' (9:15) * "Punisher:WarZone" 2008, Action RayStevenson, Dominic West. 'R' * Superstition TheLegendoi RonBurgundy" 2004, (11:40) HuntedLB (4:30) *** "The Matrix"1999,ScienceFiction Keanu (6:45) **"TakingLives"2004,SuspenseAngelinaJolie,EthanHawke.An ** "Transit"2012 JimCaviezel. Bank robbersstash their ** 'ytnchorman: M AX 00508 5 0 8Reeves, LaurenceFishburne. n 'R' cc 'MA' cc FBI profiler helpsdetectives search for a kiler, rt 'R' « loot in a vacationingfamily's car. rt 'R' ComedyWill Ferrell, Paul Rudd. rt 'NR' « Alaska State Troopers '14' To Catch aSmuggler (N)'14' Co c aine Ware '14' To Catch a Smuggler '14' Cocaine Wars '14' Alaska State Troopers '14' Border WareRiver Standoff '14' N GC 157 1 5 7 S p ongeBob A v atar: Air. A v atar: Air. D r agon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 115189115Moneuno'Y7' Odd Parents The Troop 'G' The Troop 'G' The Troop 'G' The Troop 'G' Odd Parents Ddd Parents Spongesob Fisher's ATV Dirt Trax TV D estination Pol. PBR Outdoors Best of West Headhunters TV Grateful Nation Fieher's ATV Dirt Trax TV D estination Pol. Savage Wild OUTD 37 307 43 307Legends of Fall Hunt Masters Profess. Dexter SwimDeepNewleads in the Homeland QHArt 'MA' « (6:10) *** "FrightNight" 2011,HorrorAntonYelchin, Colin Farrell. A teen- Dexter Swim DeepNewleads in the Homeland Q&A rt 'MA' « S HO 00 5 0 0 (4:30) *"TheTrouble With Bliss" 2011 Michael C.Hall. « ager discoversthat his newneighbor is a vampire. n 'R' « Wayne Randalcase. l n 'MA' WayneRandall case. n 'MA' SPEED 35 303125303Gearz 'G' Ge ar z'14' H ot R od TV '14' Hot Rod TV n Truck U (N) 'G' Truck U 'G' G e a rz 'G' G ear z '14' H ot R od TV '14' Hot Rod TV '14' Truck U 'G' T r u ck U 'G' U ni q ue Whips '14' STARZ 00408 00408(5:05) *"TheSonoi NoOne" 2011n 'R' « (6:40) ** "Pirates of the Caribbean:OnStranger Tides" 2011Johnny Depp.'PG-13' *** huoneyball" 2011, DramaBrad Pitt, JonahHill. n 'PG-13' « Country Strong ** "Finishing theGame"2007Roger Fan. Studiochiefs ** "TheTwilight Saga:Eclipse" 2010,RomanceKristen Stewart. Bella must (10:05) *** "Tomorrow, Whenthe WarBegan" 2010Caitlin Stasey. Eight• (4:50) ** "Wisegi r is" 2002, Cri m e Drama Mi r a Sorvi n o, TMC 2 5 25 Mariah Carey,MeloraWalters. rt 'R' « seek a replacementfor the lateBruce Lee, choose betweenEdward andJacob. rI 'PG-13' « teenagersbandtogether to light an invadingarmy. 'R' Costas Tonight Poker After Dark 'PG' « Poker After Dark 'PG'a« NBCSN 27 58 30 209Return to London: XXXOlympiad Return to London: XXX Olympiad Return to London: XXXOlympiad Sports lllustrated 'PG' *WE 143 41 174118Roseanne 'G' Roeeanne 'PG' Roeeanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roeeanne'PG' Roeeanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' GhostWhieperern 'PG'cc Joan & Melissa: Joan




Grandfather's pinuppic hits too close tohome Dear Abby: The other day at my in-laws', my mother-inlaw, father-in-law, "Bert," and I were in their computer room. Bert has pictures of his family posted on his bulletin board, and we often look at them when we're in the room. One of the photos he posted recently I found disturbing. It was of a young, well-endowed woman in her early 20s wearing a tight tube top. What disturbed me was that Bert has printed my 16-year-old daughter's name underneath and the date "2017." When I asked him about it, he said that was what she will look like at 21. My mother-in-law said she thought it was crude, and I think it's unnerving for a grandfather to be picturing his only granddaughter in such a manner. We have a great family life and I wouldn't want that to end over a picture, but I don't want to look at it, and I don't think this is behavior that's expected from a man in his 60s. How should I broach the subject that the photo needs to come down? — Concerned Father from Great Lakes Dear Concerned Father: Grandpa "Bert" appears to be a dirty old man. I'm not sure "you" should talk to him about this. It would have more impact if you, your wife AND your mother-in-law do it together. When you do, tell him that putting your daughter's name under the picture was in poor taste and you ALL want the picture with your daughter's name shredded. (That

way you're sure it's gone.) Privately, your wife should ask your daughter if Grandpa Bert has ever done anything that made her uncomfortable. If the answer is yes, confront him. If not, explain your concerns to your daughter, tell her you and your wife love her, and she can always come to you with any concerns of her own.

DEAR ABBY Dear Abby: I'm a young mother who dropped out of high school because I didn't have enough credits. I started a great job in fast food and have a very understanding boss. I met my boyfriend at work. We've lived together since before my son was born, and he has helped me to raise my boy. (His biological dad left me and has had no contact since I was two months pregnant.) Lately I have been incredibly depressed. I'm nowhere I wanted to be in life, I'm miserable in my relationship and I've started to hate my job. I'm clini-

cally diagnosed as bipolar and on medication. I have also been seeing a therapist since I was very young. I don't know what to do. I don't want to throw my life away. I love my son and want the best for him. Any advice on how to pick myself up? — Down Deep in Cleveland

Dear Down Deep:Yes. Tell your therapist you are cycling into a depression. Your medications may need to be adjusted. Next, explore completing your high school education by getting a GED, which may widen your employment opportunities. Once you're feeling better, you should consider whether you want to end the r omantic r e l ationship y o u have with y ou r b o y f riend. When your emotions are on an even keel, you'll be better able to make that decision. P.S. If you're not receiving child support, contact the department of social services in your state, because your child's father should have been contributing regularly. — Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Monday,Oct. 29, 2012 By Jacqueline Bigar Charisma and intensity markthis year. You will look at life more deeply. You often swing from being emotional to being highly intellectual. Make not a e ofwhichm ood works better for you. You will need some time alone to processyour feelings. If you are single, a slew of admirers follow you nearly wherever you go. You might date several people before you meet someoneyou feel comfortable with. If you are attached, your relationship is exciting, yetyou will note a back-and-forth emotional struggle. If those feelings are new, they are likely to disappear in ayear. If you need more space, say so rather than act out. TAURUS can challenge your very foundations. The Stars Showthe Kind of Day You'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * C urb a possessive streak, as it could cause a problem in your interactions. You also might become quite competitive with someone, which could strain the trust that exists between you. Confusion and mixed messages are amplified right now. Curb your need to win. Tonight: Don't let others pressure you. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ** * Your will could be tested by someone who is just as strong as you are. Others might not want to be around you with this power struggle going on. Be willing to seek an alternative way of doing something. Tonight: Make peace, not war. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** You might want to be hard to find with today's Full Moon looming over you. Recognize a tendency to be more sensitive than you realize when dealing with others. You could make an assumption, thus taking the first step to a misunderstanding. Tonight: The wise shall not be found. CANCER(June 21-July 22) ** * * You might be on the verge of achieving a long-term goal, and you havemany people rooting for you. Confusion surrounds communication. Realize the different possibilities that surround a key relationship. Make time for this person. Tonight: You soon will have a lot to smile about. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * You can't seem to escapethe limelight. You might feel tired and withdrawn when dealing with others' issues, and amisunderstanding could occur as a result. You will have alot of errands and tasks to complete. Don't worry; you will do just that. Tonight: A

mustappearance. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ** * * Reach out to someone at a distance. This person often makes suggesti onsthatyou seeas unusual yet effective. You have alot to juggle, andsomehow youwillm anage not to drop any balls. Cancel plans if you feel overwhelmed. Tonight: Decide on a trip in the near future. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * D eal with a partner on a one-on-one level. You could prevent a misunderstanding, though you might need to clarify a plan of action first. Do not be overgenerous, as you ultimately could create a problem, whether it has to do with the other person or with your finances. Tonight: Be with a special friend. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * * D efer to others and appease their requests rather than get into a power struggle. You will be much happier as a result. You will have many invitations, so choose according toyour preferences. Be with people you enjoy. Tonight: Let someone else make the first move. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * You might choose to take a practical approach at this point, butyouhavesome concernsthat you have not chosen to share. You could be experiencing a low-level depression and not really be able to isolate what is going on within yourself. Tonight: Move forward with a project. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * * Y our creativity surges. You also could feel quite amorous and just be waiting for the right time to express your deeper feelings. Don't wait too long, though, or you could discover that the apple of your eye has lost interest. Not everyone is as patient as you are. Tonight: Follow your feelings. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * You are able to relax around those you know well. You might be feeling as if you want to spend more time at home, yetyour work or commitments force you to be out more and more. You intuitively will know what to do. Do not play into today's Full Moon frenzy. Tonight: Make it easy and stay at home. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ** * * You have a lot to say, and your words could trigger multiple reactions. Use care and just smile. Others might be more confused than you realize. Your intuition will kick in, and you will know exactly what to say. Tonight: Hang out with friends. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate



Pleaseemail event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

TODAY "BRINGOUT YOUR DEAD!" LECTURESERIES:Featuring a presentation on "An lllustrated History of Plague";free; 6-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7786. BELLYDANCESHOWCASE: The High Desert Bellydance Guild performs belly dances in a variety of styles; free; 6:30-8 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop & Ale Cafe, 1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Suite 1, Bend; 541-728-0703 or www.highdesertbellydance.org. "JESUSCHRISTSUPERSTAR UK ROCK SPECTACULAR": A screening of the Andrew Lloyd Webber rock opera, starring Ben Forster, Tim Minchin and Melanie Chisholm; $18; 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347.

TUESDAY SLIGHTLYSPOOKY STORIES: Storyteller Heather McNeil entertains with family-friendly songs and "Slightly Spooky, Somewhat Silly Stories"; for ages 3 and up, costumes encouraged; free; 6:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-6177080 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. HISTORYPUB:A presentation by Harriet Langmas, legendary Bend clothes designer and socialite; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. THE CAPITOLSTEPS:A parody, with music, of contemporary politics; sOLD OUT;7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org.

WEDNESDAY HOWL-0-WEEN:With pet photos, a costume contest, refreshments and more; proceeds benefit the Humane Society of Central Oregon; free; 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Humane Society of Central Oregon, 61170 S.E. 27th St., Bend; 541382-3537 or www.hsco.org. PUMPKIN PATCH: Free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. OLD MILL DISTRICT HALLOWEEN PARTY: W it h pumpkin painting, crafts, trickor-treating, wagon rides, circus performers and more; free; 4-7 p.m.; Center Plaza, the Old Mill District, Southwest Powerhouse Drive between TheGapand


free admission; 3 p.m.; The Old Stone, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-390-6213. FIRSTFRIDAY GALLERY WALK: Event includes art exhibit openings, artist talks, live music, wine and foodin downtown Bend andthe Old Mill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; ethroughout Bend. "IT'S ONLYMONEY": Opening night of Cascades Theatrical Company's presentation of the musical comedy about mixing love and money; with achampagne and dessert reception; $24, $18seniors, $12 Thinkstock students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Howl-o-ween lets your pet get into the Halloween spirit, too. Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood The event is Wednesday at the Humane Society of Central Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. Oregon insoutheast Bend, and costumes are encouraged. cascadestheatrical.org. "MOONRISEKINGDOM": A Anthony's,Bend;541-312-0131 or p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond screening of the PG-13-rated 2012 www.theoldmill.com. St., Bend; 541-388-0116. film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, REDMONDFIREANDRESCUE 134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541-475HALLOWEEN PARTY: Trick-or-treat 3351 or www.jcld.org. at the Redmond fire station, with THURSDAY games and information about fire HIGH DESERTCHAMBER MUSIC — ENLIGHTENMENT TRIO: String safety; free; 4-8:30 p.m.; Redmond "BONESBRIGADE,AN Fire & Rescue,341 N.W. Dogwood AUTOBIOGRAPHY":A screening musicians play selections of Ave.; 541-504-5000. chamber music; $35, $10 children of the unrated 2012 film about a skateboarding team in the1980s; and students; 7:30 p.m.; The COMMUNITY HARVESTPARTY: Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota $8; 6 p.m., doors open at 5 p.m.; Featurin g games,candyand more; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436, info© free; 6-8 p.m.; Calvary Chapel highdesertchambermusic.com or 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382Redmond, 616 S.W. Ninth St.; 5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. www.highdesertchambermusic. 541-923-8614. com. "GREENFIRE":A screening HALLOWEEN HALL: Trick-or-treat of the documentary film about THE INFAMOUSSTRINGDUSTERS: at the college's Juniper Hall; for The progressive bluegrass band ages12 and younger; free; 6-8 p.m.; legendary conservationist Aldo hosted bytheOchoco performs, with Polecat; $15 plus Central Oregon Community College, Leopold, National Forest service; free; 6-8:30 fees in advance, $20 at the door; 2600N.W.College W ay,Bend; p.m.; Crook County High School, 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. 541-383-7593. Eugene Southwell Auditorium, Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788HAUNTEDHOUSES:Featuring three 1100 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 2989 or www.p44p.biz. haunted houses; "Dark lntentions" 541-416-6647. JOSH ANDMER:The Portlandand "the Haunt at Juniper Hollow" SCOTT PEMBERTON BAND: The based indie-rock act performs, with are recommended for ages 12 and Portland-based rockers perform; BrokenDown Guitars;$5;8:30 p.m.; older; "Distortions" 3-D haunt is all free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport ages; proceeds benefitthe Oregon Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. Athletic & Educational Foundation; $12, $20 two haunts, $25 all haunts; St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. 7 p.m.; old Parr Lumber buildings, 443 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; "IT'S ONLYMONEY": Preview night SATURDAY of Cascades Theatrical Company's www.scaremegood.com. presentation of the musical comedy LORD'S ACRE DAY:The 66th annual FOR ANIMALSSAKEART about mixing love and money; $10; event features a sale of crafts, AUCTION:Featuring live music, 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, baked goods and art, live music, a food, a costume contest and more; 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; barbecue dinner, an auction, 10K proceeds benefit the Redmond 541-389-0803 or www.cascades run, 5K walk and more; proceeds Humane Society free; 7:30 theatrical.org. benefit Powell Butte Christian p.m.; Ambiance Art Co-op, 435 "JESUSCHRISTSUPERSTARUK Church projects; free admission, Evergreen Ave., Redmond; www. ROCKSPECTACULAR":A screening $10 barbecue, $15 in advance ambianceartonline.com. of the Andrew Lloyd Webber rock or $25 day of event to race; 7:30 CABINPROJECT: The Portlandopera, starring Ben Forster, Tim a.m. registration, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. based folk-pop band performs; $5; Minchin and Melanie Chisholm; $18; events; Powell Butte Christian 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium Church, 13720 S.W. state Highway Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879. 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse I26; 541-548-3066 or www. THE REVERENDPEYTON'S BIG Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. powellbuttechurch.com. DAMN BAND:The Indiana-based PROPHETS OFADDICTION: The ART PARTY:View and purchase country-blues act performs, Seattle-based rock band performs; art from a variety of artists; food with Harley Bourbon and Boxcar $6,plusfeesinadvance;8 p.m., and drink available; a portion of Stringband; $10 plus fees, $13 doors open at 7:30 p.m.; The Sound proceeds benefits the St. Charles at the door; 8:30 p.m., doors Garden, 1279 N.E.Second St., Bend; Foundation and Sara's Project; free; open at 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 541-633-6804 or www.bendticket. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Harkness-Williams 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; com. home,1 Beech Lane, Sunriver; 541-788-2989. 541-593-2127 or sunriversister© MOON MOUNTAINRAMBLERS: The chamberscable.com. Americana band performs, with a LOCALAND LOVIN' IT:Morethan 70 FRIDAY scream contest; $7, $5 vendors; blood drive for American with a costume; 9:30 p.m.; Silver DIA DELOS MUERTOS Red Cross, canned food drive Moon Brewing & Taproom, CELEBRATION: Celebrate the Day for Saving Grace, yoga, zumba 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; of the Dead with live music, a DJ. and a fashion show;10a.m.-4 541-388-8331. traditional art installations, Mexican p.m.; The RiverhouseConvention THRILLERDANCE PARTY:W ithMC folkloric ballet and food; proceeds Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River Mystic and Gainon the lllyrikill, a benefit Rise Up International and Court, Bend; 541-389-3111 or costume contest and more; free;10 Recursos para Derechos Humanos; prbystormie@hotmail.com. (

which are generally created to provide financial assistance Contlnued from C1 to low income areas or those The Deschutes Collabora- underserved by traditional fitive Conservation Fund, a po- nancial institutions. tential model for a nonprofit The Deschutes fund would community financial institu- use the majority of its money tion, would supply money to to make low-cost loans and get the restoration projects buy stakes in small forestoff the ground, making forest products businessesto help thinning projects more finan- jump-start the industry. "The fund itself will be ficially attractive. Phil Chang, program ad- nancially sustainable," the ministrator for th e Central proposal said. "At the same Oregon I n t ergovernmental time, as the capacity of the Council, said animal b ed- forestproductindustrygrows, ding, juniper flooring, wood the value of forest products chips and other products can will increase, leading to both be made out of the material. more restoration and new inBut he said only a few prod- dustry development." ucts are commercially viable The fund would be created right now. through a property tax, a sur"There are things we can charge onwater bills and fees make out of small wood right paid by hikers, mountain biknow that consumers will buy, ers,skiers and others taking but these businesses are un- part in recreation activities. der capitalized," Chang said. Those visiting area brewer"If they had more (funding) ies or following the Bend Ale to work with, they could do Trail would also contribute to more marketing and grow the fund through a fee. demand, invest in equipment The plan proposes a camand make production more paign called Destination Desefficient." chutes, which would tap into New markets for the mate- some of the key attractions rial gathered in restoration or that bring tourists to the rethinning projects need to be gion such as breweries, raftdeveloped. ing and nordic skiing. "There's this sweet spot of For example, one i d ea, what's technologically fea"Hops for H a bitat," could sible and what's economically bring in funds through partviable," he said. "The more nerships with Central Oreof those enterprise opportu- gon's brewing industry. Parnities, the more we can use ticipants on the ale trail could markets to help us get our for- pay $1 per brewery visited ests restored." toward the program, and 25 In the proposal, the collab- cents per beverage collected orative fund would be struc- from at least two regional tured as a Community Devel- brewery festivals would go opment Financial Institution, toward the campaign.


"There's this sweet spot of what's technologically feasible and what's

economically viable. The more of those enterprise opportunities, the

more we can use markets tohelp us get our forests restored." — Phil Chang, program administrator, Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council "Raft for Restoration" could feature a $1 optional forest restoration fee. Scott Silver, executive director of W il d W i lderness, said the public wouldn't supp ort a property tax or w a ter surcharge tofund forest health. "People will say there's no real r e lationship b e tween these items and conservation," said Silver, whose organization has opposed private commercialbusinesses operating in national forests. "It's a mandatory fee that's been stuck on arbitrary things." S ilver said p eople w h o participate i n r e c reational activities have no motivation to pay because they already pay a hostof other fees associated with using the forest, like day-use fees. He said the amount people would choose to donate toward restoration would be minimal.

While the Yale plan has its skeptics, it also has the support of John Allen, Deschutes National Forest supervisor, who wrote a letter in support of the proposal: "The Forest Service is committed to accelerating the pace of restorationonthe Deschutes National Forest; nevertheless, there remain c o nsiderable economic and socialbarriers to accomplishing restoration goals," he wrote. "I believe that the Deschutes Collaborative Conservation Fund would enhance the region's ability to increase the scale and intensity of restoration." The Yale team selected the Deschutes National Forest, in part, because of the existing and ongoing restoration efforts, said Parks, one of the authors. "The Deschutes is a place that has a lot of the same problems as the great Western forests. It has a lot of people working towards a restoration economy," he said. "Our goal is to say, 'There's a really great vision here; what's the next step?'" While the business plan focuses on th e D eschutes, its authors hope it will serve as a model for public lands throughout the West, Parks sard. As he and hts teammates wrote in the proposal: "If it i s n o t p o ssible to build a successful restoration economy in Central Oregon, it is unlikely to be possible anywhere." — Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulfetin.com









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South mistimed the play slightly, and to hi s cost. After h e d raws trumps, he should continue with the A-K and a third club. Suppose East wins and leads the jack of diamonds. South takes the ace and exits with a spade, and when West wins, he must lead either a diamond, letting South's queen score, or a black card, letting declarer ruff in dummy and d i scard a d i amond. Either way, South makes his game.




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one spade, you bid two hearts and he rebids two spades. What do you say? ANSWER: Yo u h a v e e n o ugh values to bid again and invite game. Abid of 2NT would suggest balanced distribution but is unattractive with such weak diamonds. Raise to three spades; your J - 1 0 i s a d e quate support.If your jack of spades were the ace, you could probe for the best game with a bid of three clubs. North dealer Both sides vulnerable


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T o start th e w e ek , t est y o u r technique asdeclarer.Against your four hearts, West leads the king of spades. I expect you'd start by taking your ace — there is n o a dvantage in ducking — and drawing trumps with the ace and queen. What is your next play? In real life, declarer exited with a spade. When West won and shifted to a club, South took the A-K and led a third club, but East won and led the jack of diamonds. South took the ace, led a trump to dummy and returned a diamond to his queen. West took the king and led a diamond to East's ten for down one.


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By FRANK STEWART Tribune MediaServices

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by David L Hoyt and Jeff Knurek


I need everyone here the next two weekends. 1 put in for Ii 1 make vacation a one more Iwnttt clock 1'm Ega.


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THE CLDCK FACTDRY NEEDEDNow arrange the circled letters io form the surprise answer, as suggested bytheabove cartoon.

Print answer here: to-29

© Laughingstock International tnc, Dist by UniversalUc/tck for UFS, 2012

"I could have left you a tip if you hadn't talked me into that cheesecake."


ACROSS 1 Golf pros regularly break it 4 Gemologist's weight 9 Force back 14" had it up to here!" 15 Single-celled critter 16 Bo's'n's "Hold it!" 17 Blink of an eye 18 Rocky, for one 19 Midterms and finals 20 Do-or-die moment 23 "Para , oprima

(Answe/s tomorrow) Jumbles: PRESS CLASH TUNEUP EXPERT Answer: When the baby wouldn't sleep, the parents goi — RESTLESS

DOWN 1 The Fishes of the zodiac

38 Rooftop rotator 39 Uncertain

52 Wall-mounted candleholder 53 Embark 55 "Holy molyl 57 "Date Night" actor Carell 58 Destroy, as documents 60 Miss Trueheart of "Dick Tracy" 61 Nobel Peace Prize city 62 Painter's deg. 63 Caribbean liquor



40 Wide-screen technique 3 Bon Appetit introduced in the offering '50s 4 Mountain retreat 5 BP merger partner 41 Island in the Aegean 6 Drugstore name 42 CSA general derived from the 47 Antipasto tidbits prescription 49 Beach house, symbol maybe 7 Genesis sibling 51 At one's post 8 Infield protection 9 Betting odds, e.g. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 10 Bring into S T O P A T V A C U UM E D balance 11 Deli meat E U R E K A W R O N G O N E 12 Body shop quote: P R O L I X T I M A L L E N numero dos": Abbr. customer service T I N F 0 I L H A T I T R Y 13 Many USMA option AN O RE I N E R grads 24 Woos F I TN E S S R O O M 21 Card worth a 27 Crystal ball fortune? A L P H A D O G V E S P A consulter 22 Squid relatives D I S U S E S P I T E S 28 Bringing up the 25 Palm smartphone A T E S T rear T A P E D E C K 26 Mail out 31 Cut back B A C H E L O R P A D 29 Belittle 32 Offbeat N OB A I L P E T 30 Trinity member 35 Cowboy's C O M P A R C A D E G A M E 33 Deer mom footwear O 34 Sex for A D O A N N I E E R O I C A 37 Pieces on a Dummies" author, R I O T G E A R E M I N E M board familiarly N A N T E S 38 When the Brontes 36 " War": Shatner L E G H O R N S wrote 10/29/1 2 xwordeditorteaol.com novel 44 Arrow-shooting


Unscramble these four Jumbles one letter io each square, io form four ordinary words.

Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce NicholsLewis

43 Cannes crony

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V g ~ +rOQQ


god 45 Prez before Jack 46 Prefix with

2 Opposed (toj
























second 48 Computer

operator 50 Bottom-line concern 54 Hole for a shoelace 56 Heart, soul, or heart and soul 59 Precisely 62 Cheer for a diva 64 Fragrant compound

65 Game based on crazy eights 66 Seethed 67 Underground Railroad traveler 68 Fort Worth sch. 69 Stockpile 70 Repaired, as a shoe O 71 But then again ..."






28 2 9


32 3 3 38 3 9








37 42

45 48



55 59






50 5 1 57











By Don Gagliardo & C.C. Burniker (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Ino.

10/29/1 2


"Polls show very clearly that two-thirds of Americans think this is a real problem and needs to be addressed." — Andrew Steer, World Resources Institute, on climate change

Survey Continued from C1 When asked to predict the effects of climate-change actions, 37 percent cited an adverse impact on corporate profitability. In the U.S., 48 percent foresee falling profit, exceeding the 31 percent in Europe and 29 percent in Asia. Rick Arnold, a bond broker at Toronto-based Shorcan Brokers Ltd., said c l i mate policies in Ontario have raised energy costs while doing little to curb emissions. "I do not believe that man is warming the planet through g r eenhouse emissions, bu t r e g a rdless, all government programs do nothing to decrease carbon,' Arnold said in an email. "It is just a tax that will impact businesses and consumers." O'Connell, the investor, was among the 78 percent ofrespondents who called climate change either a major or minor threat. Still, he remains skeptical of government programs to tax carbon fuels or to allow polluters to trade carbon credits. "Further investigation into the costs, benefits and unintended consequences of these controversial policies should be pursued," O'Connell said. oWho pays for pollution and

Survey of investors onclimate policies Question: "Regardless of what your country is doing to address climate change, what do you predict will be the impact of any

governmental action on corporate profitability in your country?" •

Ad verse

Not m uch

Po sitive

g No idea

8% 6% These investors say they believe climate change is ... •

A major threat • A minor threat • Not a real threatg No idea

1 9%


This Bloomberg Global Poll of 847 Bloomberg customers was conducted Sept. 4 by Selzer & Co. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.

Bloomberg News

how do yo u a l locate those costs along the food chain is a highly complicated question." There is less concern in the U.S. about the threat of climate change, where 26 percent said it wasn't a threat, compared with 16 percent in Europe and 13 percent in Asia. In a move to curb emissions that doesn't need approval from Congress, the Obama administration has required automakers to double by 2025 the average fuel economy of passenger


climate change a nonissue. The two most studied ways Continued from C1 of reducing global warming Many scientists and policy pollution — taxing it or regulatexperts say the lack of a se- ing it — are politically toxic in a rious discussion of c l imate year when economicproblems change in t h e p r e sidential are paramount. After a bill died contest represents a lost op- in the Senate in 2010, Obama portunity to engage the public a bandoned his support f o r and to signal to the rest of the cap and trade, a market-based world U.S. intentions for deal- method to l imit g reenhouse ing with what is, by definition, gas emissions, and he has giva global problem that requires en little hint of what regulatory global cooperation. policies he intends to pursue if "On climate change, the po- he wins a second term. Aides litical discourse here is mas- said he would not propose a sively out of step with the rest carbon tax or other energy tax, of the world, but also with the but that he would consider supcitizens of this country," said porting one as part of a larger Andrew Steer, the president of budget and spending deaL the World Resources Institute As governor of Massachuand a former special envoy for setts, Romney considered joinclimate change at the World ing a regional cap-and-trade Bank. "Polls show very clearly system, then abandoned it bethat two-thirds of Americans cause of uncertainty over costs. think this is a real problem He has opposed Obama's steps and needs to be addressed." to regulate emissions from Steer noted that c l imate power plants an d v ehicles. change was no longer a par- He has said he would reverse tisan issue in Europe and that Obama's air quality regulations China, Japan, Australia and and would renegotiate the 54.5 South Korea had recently tak- mpg efficiency standard that en significant steps to reduce automakers agreed to by 2025. emissions and invest heavily in The struggling economy has clean energy technology. "The made it difficult for emerging real question in this country," clean energycompanies to get said Steer, a British citizen, "is the capital they need to reach why politicians don't see it as commercialscale and compete in their interest to discuss it." with producers of traditional The list of reasons is long. energy sources. Government Any seriouseffortto address programs to provide that seed climate change will require a money are highly controversial, transformation of the nation's as the fight over tax breaks for system for producing and con- wind power companies and suming energy and w i ll, at the recent failures of the solar least in the medium term, mean panel maker Solyndra and the higherprices for fueland elec- advanced battery manufacturtricity. Powerful incumbent in- er A123 Systems showed. The dustries — coal, oil, utilitiesObama administration providare threatened by such changes ed $90 billion in new financing and have mounted a well-fi- from the 2009 stimulus packnanced long-term campaign age forclean energy projects, to sow doubt about climate but most of that money is gone. change. The Koch brothers and Although there is little doubt others in the oil industry have that the burning of fossil fuels underwritten advertising cam- and deforestation have altered paigns and grass-roots efforts the Earth's c l imate, some to support like-minded can- uncertainty r e mains a bout didates. And the Republican whether and when such changParty has essentially declared es will become unmanageable.

vehicles sold in the U.S. Kim Caughey Forrest, an analyst at Fort Pitt Capital Group Inc. in Pittsburgh, who was among the 19 percent that believe climate changerepresentsnorealthreat, said the policy will limit choices forconsumers and compromise safety. "The move to smaller more efficient cars will happen

as gas prices rise," Caughey said in an email. "We saw this happen in the past few years. I don't know if the market needs the artificial incentives."

Huge technological challenges persist in transforming the energy generation system. Both Obama and Romney refer to "clean coal," shorthand for capturing the carbon dioxide emissions from coal-burning power plants, but the technology is still in its infancy. International efforts to address climate change, which showed promise when Obama took office, have sputtered in recent years because of fears that limiting carbon emissions means l i m i tin g e c o nomic growth. There is also considerable resistance to any plan that would require the United States and other wealthy countries to take stronger measures than those demanded of China, India and other fastgrowing economies that are responsible for the bulk of the growth in global emissions. Romney's chief d o mestic policyadviser,Oren Cass, said the United States should not take unilateral steps. He said Romney's answer was not to tax emissions or impose new regulations or subsidize clean energyventures, bu tis "technological innovation" by private industry, without the thumb of government on the scale. J oseph A l dy, a for m e r Obama adviser on climate and energy, said Obama's approach to climate change was his clean energy standard, a proposal to produce as much as 80 percent of the nation's electricity using clean sources by 2035. About 30 statesnow requirevarying amounts of powerto come from wind, solar, nuclear, hydro and other nonpolluting sources. Aldy said these plans would spur innovation and provide a consistent market for renewable energy, which today is not competitive with fossil fuels. They also would avoid taxes and direct regulation, he said, although they would be easy to abandon if energy prices rose as a result and voters became disenchanted.


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TENNIS Serena Williams wins WTAtitle ISTANBUL — Serena Williams beat Maria

Sharapova 6-4, 6-3 Sunday to win the WTA

Championships for the third time and finish the year with another title, but not the top ranking.

Williams endedthe year with a 59-4 record. Since her first-round

loss at the FrenchOpen, she is 31-1, winning Wimbledon, the Olym-

osseason a on a ew a sawa • State next step for many Central Oregon football, volleyball andcross-country teams he football regular season is over for the larger-classification high schools,state cross-country is in five days, and volleyball

teams are preparing for playin matches Tuesday. Yes, the postseason is fi-

pic gold medal andthe U.S. Open. The 31-year-old Wil-

liams becamethe oldest player to capture the

year-end championships. She wonseven

nally here. Here's a quick rundown of what is going on this week with football and volleyball.



(Soccer's regular season does not end until Tuesday.)


See more photos from the past week in prepsports: benddnlietin.com/preppics



Redmond, Mountain View and Bend advance to the Class 5A postseason, and Crook County, Ridgeview and Madras are still alive in 4A. The Panthers (9-0 overall) are off this Friday during

the play-in round, having secured one of eight automatic byes into the 5A state playoffs by finishing the season No. I in the Oregon School Activities Association's rank-

ings. This Friday, the No. 12

game when the league's

Cougars (5-4 overall) host

runner-up, Gladstone, finished the regular season as 4A's top-ranked team that did not win its conference. Gladstone (8-1) received an automatic berth into the 4A playoffs and Madras was awarded the home play-in game that the TVC's secondplace team would have gotten if not for Gladstone's high OSAA ranking. The Gladiators finished No. 3 in the 4A rankings. SeePostseason /D5

No. 21 Parkrose (4-5) and the

No. 16 Lava Bears (2-6) entertain No. 17 Lebanon (4-5) in the 5A play-in round. Winners advance to the 5A state playoffs, which start on Nov. 9. In 4A, Madras (4-5) hosts

Crook County (5-3) on Friday in an all-Central Oregon play-in contest. Despite finishing third in the Tri-Valley Conference, the White Buffaloes earned a home play-in

titles this year. "Now that I can be

honest, I really wanted


to win," Williams said. "I wanted it so bad but I didn't want to say it.... It was really important for me to end the year with this title in particular." But she will finish the year ranked No. 3, behind No. 1 Victoria Azarenka and No. 2


Perfect teams

•1 -4 •

Sharapova, because she did not play aswell

could miss out

in the first half of the

year. Azarenka lost to Sharapova in the semifinals.

"I had such agood year, it was important to end on agood note," Williams said. "It was

on BCS

good for my sanity to win. I really wanted it although I didn't need it." In 2001 and '09 Williams also won the elite,

By Greg Bishop

year-end tournament

New York Times News Service

that brings together the top eight players. — The Associated Press

At the end of another crazy college football weekend, after Florida and Oregon State and Southern California lost, the top end of the bowl picture became moreclearbut also more muddled. By Sunday, the top of the Bowl Championship Series rankings consisted of four undefeated teams, each with a legitimate, late-season claim to a spot in the national championship game. No. I Ala-

toe Kllnei The Bulletin

Category A racers ride the Halloween Cross Crusadecyclocross course on Sunday in the Old Mill District in Bend.

Serena Williams holds her trophyafter her

bama and Oregon appeared

tennis victory against Maria Sharapova in Istanbul, Turkey,


• Costumes rule the day during Sunday'sHalloween cyclocrossevent in Bend

NFL Bears Panthers

23 22

Browns Chargers Seahawks

28 24

Packers Jaguars

24 15

Colts Titans

19 l3

Patriots Rams

45 7

Dolphins Jets

30 9

Falcons Eagles

30 17

Sleelers Redskins

27 12

Raiders Chiefs

26 16

Giants Cowboys

29 24

Broncos Saints

34 14


n Sunday in Bend's Old Mill District, s uperheroes, skeletons and animals of all types were everywhere,either racing their bikes orscattered around the course cheering on others who were competing during the Halloween Cross Crusade cyclocross event. Of course, those cyclists — about 800 in total — were not literal superheroes,skeletons or animals, but rather part of the menagerie of costumed riders who turned out for the Halloween Cross Crusade, which concluded its two-day run in Central Oregon with its annual costume day. As is customary for the costume day, participants showed up decked out in their Halloween finery. In fact, at


AMANDA MILES least during the afternoon races, it was rare to spot a racer who was not in costume. And to go along with this year's Cyclo du Soleil theme, related to amusement and entertainment, a Ferris wheel camped on the Deschutes Brewery lawn was spinning

all day, and nearby, free juggling lessons were available. " 'Cross has a real nice community for people who just like to have fun and get out and ride their bikes," offered Bend resident Ryan Ness, who

DETROIT — Finally pressed in the World Series, the San Francisco Giants finished off a most unexpected and stunning sweep. Marco Scutaro delivered one more k ey hit t his October, hitting a g o ahead single with two outs in the 10th inning that lifted the Giants over the Detroit Tigers 4-3 in Game 4 on Sun-

earlier in t h e p l ayoffs, the Giants s ealed their second title i n t h r e e seasons when Triple Crown winner Miguel Cabrera looked at strike three right down the middle for the final out. On a n i ght o f b i t ing c old, stiff breezes and some rain, the Giants combined the most important elements o f c h a m pionship b a seball — great pitching, timely hitting and

day night.

sharp defense.

The Associated Press

(above) leadsAtlanta over Philadelphia, • NFL roundupD3

• NFL scoreboardD4

— in reference toperformance-enhancing drugs — around his neck like anecklace. See Crusaders/D5

ians ecaw i ers,earn i eswee By Ben Walker

Quarterback Matt Ryan

used gear shop, as well as a syringe


• San Francisco claimsits secondWorld Seriestitle in three seasonsby rolling over Detroit in four games

Falcons go to 7-0 with road victory

was 16th in the men's masters 35+ A division on Sunday. "It's competitive, but it's not intimidating competitive like some of the other bicycling racing, like road bike racing." Ness, 37, rode dressed as Lance Armstrong, the A m erican cyclist who was stripped of his seven consecutive Tour de France titles earlier this month. Ness wore a replica of Armstrong's 2000 Tour de France yellow leader's jersey from when the Texan rode for the U.S. Postal Service squad, which he bought from a local

unbeatable. Kansas State and Notre Dame seemed no less formidable. So the questions lingered: What if all four of those teams finish the 2012 season undefeated? Which two would face off in Miami in early January for the title'? Jerry Palm is an expert on such matters for CBSsports. com. And althoughOregon occupied the fourth position in the BCS rankings this week — Kansas Statecame in second, Notre Dame third — if the all-undefeated situation played out, he predicted an Oregon-Alabama final. "I want to see what the voters have to say," he said. "They're the ones who really decide. If they can't, that's where the computers come in. So far, they're strong on the Oregon bandwagon. It will be hard for Notre Dame to overcome that. SeeBCS/D5

Nearly eliminated over and over

See Giants /D4

The San Francisco Giants celebrate after winning Game 4 of the World Series against the Detroit Tigers Sunday in Detroit. The Giants won the game 4-3 in 10 innings. David t. Phillip/The Associated Press






2 a.m.:Women's college, Arizona State at California

(same-day tape), Pac-12 Network. SOCCER 1 p.m.:English Premier

League, ArsenalFCvs. Queens Park Rangers FC (taped), Root Sports.

7 p.m.: Men'scollege,UCLA at Washington, Pac-12 Network. FOOTBALL

5:30 p.m.:NFL,SanFrancisco 49ers at Arizona Cardinals, ESPN.

Tuesday BASKETBALL 5 p.m.:NBA, Boston Celtics at Miami Heat, TNT. 7:30 p.m.:NBA, Dallas

Mavericks at LosAngeles Lakers, TNT. Listings are the most accurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changesmade by Tllor radio stations.


Cross-country • Oregonwomen claim Pac-12 title:Jordan

Hasay's runner-up finish led third-ranked Oregon to the women's team title at the

2012 Pac-12 cross-country championship meet, staged Saturday at Robinson Ranch Golf Course in Santa Clarita, Calif. The Ducks placed three runners in the top five to win their first women's title since 1995 and the eighth in UO history. Oregon State finished 11th in the 12-team women's competition. In the men's portion of the meet, Oregon placed third behind champion

Colorado and runner-up Stanford in a nine-team field that did not include Oregon State. Trevor Dunbar and Parker Stinson finished 3-4 to lead the Duck men.

Skiing • Llgety winsWorld Cup opening GS dy2.75 seconds: Ted Ligety won the first men's World Cup giant slalom of the

season on Sunday by2.75 seconds over Manfred Moelgg of Italy. In difficult conditions due to fog and snowfall, Ligety finished the race on the Retten-

bach glacier in anoverall time of 2minutes,36.02 seconds.

Overall World Cupchampion Marcel Hirscher of Austria trailed Ligety by 3.12seconds in third place. It was Ligety's 12th career win, all of which have been inGS.

Soccer • NBCsecures English Premier Leaguesoccer rights: NBC's network will televise the English Premier

League under a $250 million, three-year deal that begins next season. The network will show every match from the world's most popular soccer league, taking coverage away from Fox and ESPN. NBC

picked up Major League Soccerlastyear and had success with its soccer broadcasts during the London Olympics. NBC's English-language networks will televise six live

games a week.

Football • South Caroliffa running

back dislocated knee:Marcus Lattimore had his right knee dislocated and sustained

ligament damageagainst Tennessee, yet South Carolina coach SteveSpurrier believes the junior could eventually return to football. Spurrier said team doctor Jeffrey Guy was able to put Lattimore's

knee back in placesoon after he was taken from the field to the hospital. Guy said in a statement that Lattimore's

knee was hyperextendedand resulted in injuries to several

ligaments. Guysaid there were no fractures, broken bonesor other injuries and Lattimore's

surgically repaired left knee was not affected. Spurrier said the injury was significant, but discounted speculation Lattimore would never play football again. — From wire reports

ON DECK Today Girls soccer: Sistersvs. JunctionCity at Cottage Grove, 3p.m.

Tuesday Boys soccer: Madrasat Molaga,6p.mz Mountain View atSisters, 4:30 p.m. Girls soccer: Molagaat Madras, 6p.m. Volleyball: Cass 5Aplayin, Wilson at Mountain View, 6p.m.; Class4Aplay-in, Ridgeviewat CottageGrove,6 p.m. Friday Football: Class5Aplay-in game,Parkrose at Mountain View,7p.muClass5Aplay-ingame,Lebanon atBendHigh7p.m.;Class4Aplay-ingameCrook CountyatMadras, 7p.m.; Class4Aplay-in game, Ridgeview atSiuslaw, 7p.muCulveratWaldport, 7 p.m.; Gilchrist atChiloquin, 7p.m.

Saturday Cross-country: Class5A,4Astatechampionships at LaneCommunity Collegein Eugene,11:15a.m. Volleyball: First round Class5A, 4A, 2A, state playoffs,TBA


Tuesday'sGames WashingtonatCleveland,4 p.m. BostonatMiami, 5p.m. Dallas atL.A Lakers,7:30pm. Wednesday'sGames IndianaatToronto, 4 p.m. DenveratPhiladelphia, 4 p.m. Houstonat Detroit, 4:30p.m. Sacramentoat Chicago, 5p.m. SanAntonioat NewOrleans, 5 p.m. Dallas atUtah,6 pm. GoldenStateatPhoenix, 7p.m. Memphisat L.A.Clippers,7.30p.m. LA LakersatPortland,7:30p.m. Thursday'sGames NewYorkat Brooklyn, 4p.m. Oklahoma City atSanAntonio,6:30 p.m.

FOOTBALL College Schedule

All Times PDT

(Subject to change) Thursday's Games

SOUTH VirginiaTechat Miami,4:30p.m. Midd eTennesseeatW.Kentucky,6:15p.m. MIDWEST E. MichiganatOhio, 3 p.m.

Friday's Game FAR WEST

WashingtonatCalifomia, 6 p.m. Saturday's Games EAST Air Forceat Army,9a.m. Miami(Ohio)atBufalo, 9 a.m. Towsonat Delaware, 9 a.m. William 8Maryat NewHampshire, 9a.m Yale atBrown,9:30a.m. DartmouthatCornell, 9:30a.m. Lehigh atHolyCross, 9:30a.m. WagneratAlbany(NY), 10a.m. SacredHeart atBryant,10 a.m. Fordham at Buckneg,10 a.m. LafayetteatColgate, 10a.m. ColumbiaatHarvard,10 a.m. 0CSIJ at Monmouth(NJ), 10a.m. PennatPrinceton, 10a.m. TCU at West Virginia, noon JamesMadisonatMaine,12:30p.m. FAUatNavy,12:30 p.m. DuquesneatRobert Morris, 12:30p.m. San Diego at Marist, 1 p.m. VMI atStonyBrook, 3pm SOUTH Missouri atFlorida,9a.m. TexasA8Mat Mississippi St., 9a.m. Houstonat East Carolina, 9a.m. Vanderbilt atKentucky,9 a.m. Templeat Louisvile, 9 a.m. Tennessee St. atMurray St., 9a.m. Troy atTennessee,9a.m. NewMexico St.atAuburn,9:30a.m. GeorgiaTechat Maryland, 9:30a.m. Virginia atNCState, 9:30a.m. ValparaisoatCampbell,10 a.m. Hamptonat Howard, 10a.m. Davidsonat MoreheadSt.,10a.m. Bethune-Cookman at MorganSt.,10 a.m. JacksonvilleSt.atUT-Martin,10a.m. CoastalCarolinaatGardner-Webb,10:30 a.m. FloridaA&MatNCABT,10:30 a.m. SouthernU.atAlabamaA8M,11 a.m. Culver-StocktonatAustin Peay,11 a.m. AppalachianSt.atGeorgia Southern, 11a.m. AlcornSt.at MVSIJ, 11a.m. Memphisat Marshall, 11a.m. DelawareSt.atNCCentral,11a m. Savannah St.at Norfolk St., 11a.m. Elon atTheCitadel,11 a.m. E I linois atTennesseeTech,11:30 a.m. JacksonSt.atGrambling St.,noon WoffordatSamford, noon Mississippi atGe orgia,12:30 p.m. Old Dominionat GeorgiaSt., 12:30p.m. CharlestonSouthernatLiberty,12:30 p.m. FIU atSouthAlabama,12:30 p.m. Rice atTulane,12:30p.m. Chattanooga atW.Carolina, 12:30p.m. BostonCollegeatWakeForest,12:30 p.m. UTSAat LouisianaTech,1 p.m. Louisiana-Lafayette at Louisiana-Monroe,I p.m. McNeese St.at NichogsSt.,1 p.m. RhodeIsandatRichmond,3p.m. Clemsonat Duke,4 p.m. Uconn atSouthFlorida,4 p.m. SMU atIJCF,4p.m. IJAB atSouthernMiss., 4:30p.m. Alabama atLSLI, 5p.m. MIDWEST Jacksonville atButler,9a.m. Syracuse at Cincinnati, 9 a.m. OklahomaatlowaSt., 9a.m. Michiganat Minnesota,9a.m. W. Michigan atCent. Michigan,10a.m. Drakeat Dayton,10 a.m. Akron atKentSt.,11 a.m. N. DakotaSt.at Missouri St., 11a.m. S. UtahatNorth Dakota,11 a.m. E KentuckyatSEMissouri,11a.m. N. IowaatW.Illinois, 11 a.m. SouthDakotaatYoungstownSt.,11 a.m. NlinoisSt.atIndianaSt.i11:05 a.m. S. DakotaSt.atS.Illinois, noon Iowa atIndiana,12:30p.m. Nebraska atMichiganSt.,12:30 p.m. UMassatN. Illinois,12:30 p m. Pittsburghat Notre Dame, 12:30p.m. Nlinois atOhioSt.,12.30 p.m. PennSt.at Purdue,12:30p.m. Oklahoma St. atKansasSt., 5p.m. SOUTHWEST Tulsa atArkansas,9:21a.m. Aabama St.atPrarrie View,noon SE Louisiana at SamHouston St., noon Ark.-PineBluff atTexasSouthern, noon Kansas at Baylor,12 30p.m TexasatTexasTech, 12:30p.m. Arkansas St. atNorth Texas, 2p.m. Lamarat StephenF. Austin, 4 p.m NorthwesternSt.atCent. Arkansas,5p.m. FAR WEST Stanfordat Colorado,11a.m. WashingtonSt.atutah, noon TexasSt.at UtahSt., noon MontanaatWeberSt.,12:30 p.m. NewMexicoatUNLV,1p.m. N. Coloradoat PortlandSt., I:05p.m. ColoradoSt.atWyoming,1.30p.m. Cal Polyat EWashington,1:35 p.m. SanJoseSt.atIdaho,2p.m. N Arizonaat IdahoSt.,3 p.m. Hawaii atFresnoSt., 4p.m. OregonatSouthern Cal, 4 p.m. MontanaSt.atSacramento St., 4:05 p.m. SanDiegoSt. atBoise St., 7:30 p.m. ArizonaatUCLA,7:30p.m. ArizonaSt.at OregonSt., 7:35p.m. Polls The APTop25 The Top 25teamsin TheAssociated Presscollege football poll,withfirst-placevotesin parentheses,records throughDct.27, total pointsbasedon25points

forafirst-placevotethroughone pointfor a 25th-place vote,andpreviousranking R ecord Pts P v 8-0 1,500 I 1. Alabama (60) 8-0 1 ,412 2 2. Oregon 8-0 1,382 4 3. Kansas St. 4 NotreDame 80 1 , 344 5 7-1 1 ,216 6 5. LSIJ 9-0 1,158 9 6. OhioSt. 7 -1 1 ,145 1 2 7. Georgia 7-1 1 ,075 3 8. Florida 8 -1 1 ,046 1 1 9 FloridaSt. 7-1 9 1 4 14 10. Clemson 7-2 8 2 3 17 11. SouthCarolina 8-0 8 1 7 16 12. Louisville 6-1 762 7 13. Dregon St. 5-2 758 8 14. Dklahoma 6-2 6 2 7 19 15. Stanford 6-2 5 8 0 22 16. Texas A8M 7-1 5 5 9 13 17. MississippiSt. 6-2 4 1 8 10 18. SouthernCal 7-1 4 0 6 21 19 BoiseSt. 6-2 3 8 8 15 20. Texas Tech 6-2 2 4 9 NR 21. Nebraska 7-1 2 0 9 24 22.Louisiana Tech 5-2 1 2 6 25 23. West Virginia 5-3 1 0 6 NR 24.Arizona 6-2 1 0 3 NR 25. IJCLA Others receiving votes:Toledo 88, Rutgers74, Oklahoma St.72, Texas55, Kent St.33,Tulsa17, N. Nlinois 12,Washington8, Northwestern 7,Ohio4, Wisconsin4, Michigan2, Louisiana-Monroe1 USA TodayTop25 The USA Today Top25 footbagcoachespoll, with first-place votes in parentheses,recordsthroughOct 27, total points basedon 25 points for first place throughonepoint for 25th,andpreviousranking: Record Pts P vs 1. Alabama (59 ) 8-0 1,4 7 5 1 2 Oregon 80 1 , 391 2 3 Kansas State 8-0 1 ,366 4 4. NotreDame 8-0 1 ,307 5 5. LSIJ 7-1 1 ,225 6 6. Georgia 7 -1 1 ,149 1 1 7 FloridaState 81 1 ,121 1 0 8 Florida 7-1 1 ,024 3 9. Clemson 7-1 9 7 6 13 10. Louisville 8-0 8 8 8 14 11. SouthCarolina 7 2838 16 12. Dklahoma 5-2 7 58 7 13. DregonState 6-1 6 84 9 14. BoiseState 7-1 6 3 4 18 15. Stanford 6-2 6 2 6 19 16.TexasA8M 6-2 5 9 2 21 17 SouthernCalifornia 6- 2 583 8 18. MississippiState 7- 1 569 I2 I9. WestVirginia 5-2 3 2 6 22 20.TexasTech 6-2 2 8 4 17 21. Nebraska 6-2 2 8 3 NR 22.Texas 62 20 0 24 23. Louisiana Tech 7 1 191 NR 24. Oklahoma State 52 166 NR 25. Rutgers 7-1 1 5 1 15 Others receivingvotes: Northwestern77; UCLA 61; Toledo59;NorthernNlinois 39;Kent State26; Tulsa 19;Wisconsin 15;Arizona14; Mrchigan11; Louisiana-Monroe10;Ohio9; Cincinnati 8; lowaState 6, UtahState4, Westem Kentucky 4; Mississippi 3, ArizonaState2; MichiganState1.

7— SanFrancisco-NewYorkGiants 6— LosAngeles-Brooklyn Dodgers 5— CincinnatiReds

5— PittsburghPirates 4 Detroit Tigers 3— Atlanta-Milwaukee-BostonBraves 3— BaltimoreOrioles

3— ChicagoWhite Sox 3 — MinnesotaTwins-Washington Senators (origi-

Jimin Kang, $4,360 BeckyMorgan,$4,257 Mi JungHur,$4,106 a-Ssu-ChiaCheng TirananYoopan $4106 a-Jaywe Agojo ChristelBoeljon,$4005 MengChuChen, $3,953 a-YuHsinChang

73-78-78-73 —302 77-72-76-79—304 74-79-79-74—306 73-75-81-77—306 80-72-75 79—306 78-77-73-79—307 79-78-69-81—307 80-76-75-79—310 80-82-78-77—317


PostseasonGlance All Times PDT


(Best-of-7; x-if necessary)

All games televised byFox San Francisco 4, Detroit 0 Wednesday, Oct. 24.SanFrancisco 8, Detroit 3 Thursday, Oct.25: SanFrancisco 2, Detroit 0 Saturday,Oct.27: SanFrancisco 2,Detroit 0 Sunday,Oct. 28:SanFrancisco4, Detroit 3, 10innings

27.4, 2


2— ChicagoCubs 2 ClevelandIndians 2— ForidaMarlins 2— NewYork Mets 2— TorontoBlueJays 2— PhiadelphiaPhigies I — Arizona Diamondbacks 1— LosAngeles-Anaheim Angels 1 Kansas CityRoyals

TENNIS ProfessionaI WTAChampionships Sunday At Sinan ErdemDome Istanbul Purse: $4.9 million (TourChampionship) Surface: Hard-Indoor


Championship SerenaWiliams (3), United States, def. Maria

Sharapova (2), Russia,6-4, 6-3.

Swiss Indoors Sunday At St. Jakobshalle Basel, Switzerland Purse: $2.5 million (WT500) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Championship Juan Martindel Potro(2), Argentina,def. Roger Federer(1) Switzerland6-4 6-7(5) 7-6(3) Valencia Open500


At Ciudad delas Artes y lasCiencasValencia Valencia, Spain Purse: $2.72 million (WTBO D) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Championship DavidFerrer(1), Spain,def. AlexandrDolgopolov Ukraine,6-1,3-6, 6-4.


Champions Tour AT(TTChampionship Sunday At TPCSanAntonio (ATTCanyonsCourse) San Antonio Purse: $1.85mil lion Yardage: 6,923;aPr: 72 Final x-won onsecondhole of playoff x-DavidFrost(278), $277,500 71-71-66—208 Bernhard Langer (163), $162,800 74-68-66—208 Mark Ca cavecchia(133), $133,200 67-69-74—210 Tommy Armour NI(110), $110,075 73-71-67—211 Kirk Triplett(81),$80,938 74-69-69—212 Willie Wood (81), $80,938 70-72-70—212 MarkMouland(63), $62,900 72-74-67—213 TomLehman(63),$62,900 75-68-70—213 ChienSoonLu(46),$46,250 74-71-69—214 Jay Haas(46),$46,250 72-73-69—214 Jay Don Blake(46),$46 250 74-70-70—214 KennyPerry(46), $46,250 70-70-74—214 SandyLyle,$34,225 75-73-67 215 Gil Morgan,$34,225 72-73-70—215 TomKite,$34,225 MarkWiebe,$34,225 Mike Goodes,$27,750 JoelEdwards,$27,750 Fred Funk,$27,750 Mike Reid$21,645 , Jeff Hart,$21,645 Ted Schulz$21,645 , Bill Glasson,$21,645 Esteban Toledo, $21,645 Larry Mize,$16,121

LorenRoberts, $16,121 Larry Nelson,$16,121 CoreyPavin,$16,121 PeterSenior,$16,121 Jim Thorpe, $16,121 Chip Beck,$16,121 MichaelAllen,$12,210 SteveJones,$12,210 Jeff Freeman, $12,210 MarkBrooks,$12,210 StevePate,$12,210

RussCochran,$9,805 RogerChapman,$9,805 TomPerniceJr., $9,805 DavidPeoples,$9805 BobbyWadkins, $9,805 GaryHagberg, $7,400 Joe Daley,$7,400 AndrewMagee,$7,400 BenBates,$7,400 Bob Niger,$7,400 BradBryant,$7,400 MarkO'Meara,$7,400 BradFaxon,$7,400

70-74-71—215 72-70-73—215 76-71-69—216 74-70-72—216 73-69-74—216 74-73-70 217 76-70-71—217 75-70-72—217 73-72-72—217 74-67-76—217 77-75-66—218 76-73-69—218 77-71-70—218 75-72-71—218 73-73-72—218 75-69-74—218 71-71-76—218 76-74-69—219 76-72-71—219 76-70-73 219 72-73-74—219 74-70-75—219 79-77-64—220 77-70-73—220 72-74-74—220 74-72-74—220 70-74-76—220 78-73-70—221 76-75-70—221 78-72-71—221 77-73-71—221 71-77-73—221 77-71-73—221 74-74-73 221 74-67-80—221 78-71-73—222 75-73-74—222 77-73-73—223 77-73-73—223 74-76-73—223 73-73-77 223 74-79-71—224 79-75-70—224 77-74-73—224 75-75-74—224 77-73-74—224 79-75-71—225 75-76-74 225 76-75-74—225 75-76-74—225 78-72-75—225 75-76-75—226 76-75-75—226 84-73-70—227 75 76-76 227 77-75-76—228 78-73-77—228 79-77-73—229 77-77-75—229 80-77-74—231 78-78-76—232 80-75 78—233 79-79-76—234 84-75-75—234

CIMB Classic Sunday At The MinesResort andGolf Club Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia Purse: $6.1 million Yardage: 6,909;Par:71 Final Nick Watney,$1,300,000 7 1-65-65-61—262 Mark McNulty,$5,550 RobertGarrigus,$485,000 64-64-69-66—263 Dlin Browne,$5,550 Harris Top25 Bo VanPelt,$485,000 70 - 65-62 66—263DavidEger,$4,579 The Top 25teamsin theHarris InteractiveCollege BrendondeJonge,$265,000 68-65-66-66—265 GeneSauers,$4,579 FootballPoll,withfirst-placevotesin parentheses,re- Chris Kirk,$265,000 69-66-63-67 —265 TrevorDodds,$4,579 cordsthroughOct. 27,total pointsbasedon25 points TigerWoods,$265,000 6 6 -67-69-63—265 RobinByrd,$4,579 for a first-pacevotethroughonepointfor a25th-place Carl Pettersson,$200,000 69-67-68-62—266 Morris Hatalsky,$3,700 vote and previousranking: Jbe' Kruger, $175,000 66- 64-69-6826— 7 Rod Spittle,$3,700 Record Pts P vs Pat Perez,$150,000 67-68-68-65 —268 Jeff Sluman, $3,700 1. Alabama (109) 8-0 2,8 6 8 1 GaganjeetBhugar, $102,500 65-72-65-67 269 Dick Mast,$3,700 2. Oregon (5) 8-0 2,725 2 BrianHarman,$102,500 6 4-70-66-69—269 TomJenkins, $3,700 3 Kansas State (1) 8 02, 6 5 6 4 KevinNa,$102,500 67-66-69-67 —269 DuffyWaldorf,$2,775 4. NotreDame 8-0 2,553 5 Scott Piercy,$102,500 7 5 - 68-64-62 —269 Bob Gilder,$2,775 5. LSIJ 7-1 2,382 6 Ben Crane,$87,000 68-66-68-68—270 Rick Fehr,$2,775 6. Georgia 7 -1 2 ,205 1 1 Seung-YulNoh,$87,000 7 1-66-67-66—270 LanceTenBroeck,$2,775 7. FloridaState 8 -1 2 ,193 1 0 GregChalmers,$79,000 6 6-66-69-70—271 BobbyClampett, $2,775 8 Florida 7-1 2 ,061 3 JasonDufner,$79,000 68 72-64-67 271 BlaineMccagister,$2,128 9. Clemson 7 -1 1 ,91 7 13 Bill Haas,$79,000 70-65-68-68—271 SteveLowery,$2,128 10. Louisville 8 -0 1 ,714 1 4 Jeff Overton,$79,000 64-70-68-69—271 Jim Gallagher, Jr., $1,795 1 1. South Carolina 7 21, 5 8 8 1 6 John Senden,$79,000 72 - 66-66-67—271Mike Mccugough, $1,795 12. Dklahoma 5-2 1 ,473 7 ThawornWiratchant,$79,000 72-65-68-66—271 PeterJacobsen,$1,573 13. DregonState 6-1 1 ,449 8 RickyBarnes,$71,000 66 - 71-66-69—272Phil Blackmar, $1,573 I4. Stanford 6 -2 1,307 1 8 J.B.Holmes,$71,000 66-70-68-68—272 Jim Rutledge, $1,351 1 5. Mississippi State 7 - 1 1, 23 1 1 2 MarcusFraser,$67,000 7 0 -70-65 68—273Hale Irwin,$1,351 16. IJSC 62 1 20 0 9 69-66-71-67—273 CharlieWi,$67,000 BenCrenshaw,$1,221 17. BoiseState 7 -1 1 ,142 1 9 TomGigis,$60,600 65-70-66-73—274 Wayne Levi, $1,147 18. Texas A8M 6-2 9 9 6 21 70-68-68-68—274 ScottSimpson,$1,073 John Huh,$60,600 19. Texas Tech 6-2 6 0 4 17 MasanoriKobayashi,$60,600 69-71-66-68—274 DanForsman,$962 20. West Virginia 5-2 5 5 4 22 AnirbanLahiri, $60,600 7 1 -66-68-69 274— TomPurtzer,$962 21. Nebraska 6-2 5 4 2 NR Martin Laird,$60,600 68- 67-69-7027— 4 22.Texas 6-2 3 9 2 24 Trevor Immelman,$56,500 72-63 68 72 275 23. Rutgers 7-1 3 5 4 15 SOCCER KevinStadler,$56,500 67 - 68-76-64 —275 24. Louisiana Tech 7 1 304 NR Bob Estes,$53,500 69-68-70-69 —276 2 5. OklahomaState 5-2 245 NR roy Matteson,$53,500 6 3 -69-73-71—276 MLS Other teamsreceiving votes: Northwestern135, T CameronTringale, $53,500 71-69-70-66—276 Toledo109;UCLA85;Arizona 81;Tulsa 74; Northern Johnson MAJOR LEAGUESOCCER Wagner, $53,500 70-69-67-70—276 Nlinois 58;KentState54; Michigan28; Ohio25;TCU PromMeesawat, $50,000 70-69-68-70—277 Afl Times PDT 19; Cincinnati15;Louisiana-Monroe11;UtahState 6; SeanO'Hair,$50,000 69-72 65-71 277 ArizonaState5, Wisconsin5; lowaState4, Virginia RyanPalmer,$50,000 Eastern Conference 69 - 68-70-70 277— W L T Pts GF GA Tech 3; Washington 2; Central Florida1. Marc Leishman,$48,000 75-67-66-70—278 y-Sporting KansasCity 18 7 9 63 42 27 Kyle Stanley,$46,500 69- 70-74-66 27— 9 x-D.C. 17 10 7 58 53 43 JimmyWalker,$46,500 6 9 -68-71-71 279— x-NewYork 1 6 9 9 5 7 57 46 Betting line DannyChia,$45,000 66-75-73-67 —281 x-Chicago 17 11 6 57 46 41 David Lipsky,$43,500 68 - 73-71-70 282— NFL x-Houston 14 9 11 53 48 41 WilliamMcGirt,$43,500 7 0 -70-73 69—282 (Home teamsin Caps) Columbus 15 12 7 52 44 44 Favorite Opening Current underdog SiddikurRahman,$42,000 73-74-69-68—284 Montreal 12 16 6 42 45 51 Shaaban Hussin, $41,000 74-73-70-68—285 Today Philadel p hi a 10 18 6 36 37 45 $40,000 70-77-70-70 —287 7 7 CARD INALS Scott Hend, 49ers NewEngland 9 17 8 35 39 44 TorontoFC 5 21 8 23 36 62


38. (31)JoshWise,Ford, brakes,85,33.7, 6. 39. (21)MichaelMcDoweg,Ford, brakes,61,34, 5. 40. (40)DavidStremme, Toyota, accident, 46, 29.9,4. 41. (38)JoeNemechek, Toyota, brakes,35,28.5, 0. 42. (36) ScogRiggs, Chevrolet, overheating, 22,

Drivers Standings (After17of 20 races) 1. Sebastian Vetel, Germany, Red Bull,240points. 2. Fernando Alonso, Spain, Ferrari,227. 3. KimiRaikkonen,Finland, Lotus,173. 4. MarkWebber, Australia, RedBull,167. 5. LewisHamilton, England,McLaren,165. 6. JensonButton, England,McLaren,141. 7. NicoRosberg,Germany Mercedes, 93. 8. RomainGrosjean, France,Lotus,90. 9. FelipeMassa,Brazil, Ferrari,89. 10. SergioPerez,Mexico, Sauber,66. 11 KamuiKobayashi, Japan,Sauber,50. 12. NicoHukenberg, Germany,ForceIndia,49. 13 Paul diResta,Scotland, ForceIndia, 44. 14.MichaelSchumacher,Germany,Mercedes,43. 15. Pastor Maldonado,Venezuela, Wiliams,33. 16. BrunoSenna,Brazil, Wiliams,26 17. Jean-EricVergne,France,Toro Rosso, 12. 18. DanieRi l cciardo, Australia,ToroRosso,9.


WesternConference LPGA Tour W L T Pts GF GA Sunrise TaiwanChampionship y-SanJose 1 9 6 9 6 6 72 43 Sunday x -Real SaltLake 1 7 1 1 6 5 7 46 35 At Sunrise Golf andCountry Club x-Seattle 15 8 11 56 51 33 Yang Mei, Taiwan x -LosAngeles 16 1 26 5 4 59 47 Purse: $2 million x-Vancouver 11 13 10 43 35 41 Yardage: 6,506; Par:72 FC Dalas 9 13 12 39 42 47 Final Round Colorado 11 19 4 37 44 50 a-amateur Portland 8 16 10 34 34 56 SuzannPetersen,$300,000 69-65-66-69—269 ChivasUSA 7 18 9 30 24 58 65-69-64-74—272 NOTE: InbeePark,$185,159 Threepoints for vrctory, onepornt for tie. YaniTseng,$134,320 67- 69-66-71—273 x- clinchedplayoff berth CatrionaMatthew,$103,907 70-66-68-70—274 y- clinched conference So Yeon Ryu,$83,633 71 - 70-69-68 278— AnnaNordqvist, $62,852 71-69-68-71—279 Sunday's Games 70-69-67-73 279 Cristie Kerr,$62,852 Columbus2,Toronto FC1 AzaharaMunoz, $45,449 71-68-69-72—280

FC Dallas 2,ChivasUSA2, tie Na YeonChoi, $45,449 7 4 - 67-66-73 280— Los Angeles I SeattleFC0 Juli etaGranada,$45,449 70-69-68 -73— 280 End of Regular Season 71-69-68-73 —281 Ai Miyazato,$36,747 73-68-66-74 —281 Giants 4, Tigers 3 (10 innings) BelenMozo,$36,747 PaulaCreamer, $33,250 6 9 -73-67-73—282 MOTOR SPORTS $29,465 72 69 69-73 283 San Francisco AB R H BIBB SD Avg. Lexi Thompson, 72-69-68-74 —283 Pagancf 5 0 0 0 0 2 .125 NheeLee,$29,465 NASCAR 69-71-68-75 —283 Scutaro2b 4 1 2 1 1 0 .250 ChegaChoi, $29,465 71 - 72-70-71 284— Sprint Cup Sandoval3b 5 0 1 0 0 2 .500 BeatrizRecari,$26,357 MomokoUeda,$24,634 7 3-70-71-71—285 TUMSFast Relief 500 Arias 3b 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 71 - 71-71-72 285— Sunday Poseyc 4 1 1 2 0 .267 Hyo JooKim,$24,634 aSergas,$22,505 75-74-69-6 8— 286 At Martinsville Speedway Pencerf 4 1 1 0 0 3 .286 Giuli Mariajo Uri b e, $22,505 7 3 73 68-72 286 Ridgeway, Va. Belt1b 3 0 1 1 1 1 .077 Haeji Kang,$22,505 72-70-68-76—286 Lap length: .526 miles G.Blanco If 4 0 1 0 0 2 .267 72 - 73-71-71 287— (Start position in parentheses) Theriot dh 4 1 1 0 0 1 .200 Mina Harigae,$18,667 74-72-69-72 —287 B.crawfordss 3 0 1 0 0 0 .250 Mo Martin,$18,667 1. (1) JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet, 500laps, 135.8 N icole Castral e , $18,667 6 8-75-70-74 — 28 7 rating, 48points. Totals 364 9 4 2 13 AlisonWalshe,$18,667 7 1 -67-75-74 —287 2. (3) KyleBusch,Toyota,500,108.4, 42. Detroit AB R H Bl BB SD Avg. JenniferJohnson,$18,667 73-69-69-76—287 3. (15)KaseyKahne, Chevrolet, 500,112.5,42. Wie,$18,667 71-72 68-7 6— 287 A .Jackson cf 4 1 0 0 1 2 .23 1 Michege 4. (10)AricAimirola, Ford,500 77.7,40. Pornanong Ph a t l u m,$18,667 68-73-69-77—287 Berry If 3 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 5. (8) ClintBowyer,Toyota, 500,127.9,40. a -A.Garciph-rf a 0 0 0 0 1 0 .0 0 0 PernigaLindberg,$15,611 73-68-72-75—288 6. (32)BradKeselowski, Dodge,500,95.3, 39. b -D.Kegy ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .00 0 PaigeMackenzie,$15,611 72-71-70-75—288 7. (11)JeffGordon,Chevrolet, 500,123.6, 38. M i.cabrera 3b 4 1 1 2 1 3 .23 1 CandieKung,$14,395 73 - 71-72-73—2898. (2) Brran Vickers, Toyota, 500,112.4, 37. Frelder1b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .07 1 HeeYoungPark,$14,395 68-76-72-73—289 9. (18)BobbyLabonte,Toyota, 500,79.5,35. D .Young dh 4 1 2 1 0 2 .35 7 GerinaPiger,$13,229 73 - 72-74-71 290— 10. (30)GregBiffle, Ford,500,79.6,34. 73-71-70-76 —290 Dirks rf-If 4 0 1 0 0 1 .11 1 JennyShin,$13,229 11. (17)RyanNewman, Chevrolet, 500, 80,33. 74-71-71-75 —291 J h.Peralta ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .06 7 SandraGal,$12,216 12. (9)PaulMenard, Chevrolet, 500,77,32. 74-73-69-75 — 291 I nfante 2b 3 0 1 0 0 0 .33 3 KarineIcher,$12,216 13. (27)SamHomishJr., Dodge,500,85,0. 1 -Worth pr-2b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 KarenStupples,$10,152 73-75-77-67—292 14. (6)MattKenseth, Ford,500, 67.2,31. G.Lairdc 4 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Katie Futcher,$10,152 77 - 71-70-74 292— 15. (19)KurtBusch,Chevrolet, 500, 92.8,29. Totals 35 3 5 3 3 12 Hsuan-YuYao,$10,152 7 5 -72-71-74—29216. (14)JoeyLogano,Toyota,500, 78,28. 75-71-70-76—292 17 (24)JamieMcMurray,Chevrolet, 500,76.6, 27. SanFrancisco 010 002 000 1 — 4 9 0 MeenaLee,$10,152 Detroit 002 001 000 0 — 3 6 0 JessicaKorda,$10,152 7 668-70 78 292 18. (23)CarlEdwards, Ford,500, 86.4,26. a-walkedfor Berry in the 8th. b-struck out for LizetteSalas,$10,152 69- 71-73-7929— 2 19. (34)LandonCassig,Toyota,500, 56.6,25. A.Garcia in the10th. SarahJaneSmith, $10,152 71-73-69-79—292 20. (25) JuanPablo Montoya, Chevrolet, 500,75.6, 1-ran forInfanteinthe9th Dewi ClaireSchreefel, $8,008 70-74-75-74 293 24. LOB —San Francisco5, Detroit 6. 28—Pence (1). We>LingHsu, $8,008 75 - 74-69-75 293— 21. (20) DaeEamhardtJr., Chevroet, 500, 96.4, 38 — Belt(1). HR —Posey(1), offScherzer; MiCabrera CarolineHedwag, $8,008 74-71-72-76—293 23. 71-73-69-80 —293 Vicky Hurst,$8,008 22. (4)JeffBurton, Chevrolet, 499, 66.6,22. (I), off M.carn;D.Young(1), off M.cain. DP — Detroit 2. Jodi Ewart,$8,008 72-71-69-81 —293 23. (12)MartinTruexJr, Toyota, 499,84.9,21. a-DorisChen 72-72-74-76 —294 24. (33)MarcosAmbrose,Ford, 499,53.7, 20. San Francisco IP H R ERBBSDNPERA VeronicaFelibert, $6,893 7 3-71-72-78—294 25. (22)CaseyMears, Ford, 499,56.9,19. M.cain 7 5 3 3 2 5 1 02 3 86 Eun-Hee Ji, $6,893 75 69-71-79 —294 26. (16)DavidRagan,Ford,499,544,18. Affeldt I 2-3 0 0 0 I 4 2 9 0.00 Lindse yWright,$6,893 73-70-72 -79— 294 27. (7)TonyStewart, Chevrolet, 498, 72.6,17. SCasigaW,1-0 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 . 00 KatherineHull, $6,082 72 - 72-74-77 295— 28. (26) A JAgmendinger, Chevrolet, 498,63, 16. Romo S,3-3 1 0 0 0 0 3 1 5 0.00 JenniferRosales,$6082 7 4-73-71-77—295 29. (28)KenSchrader,Ford,495,39.6,15. Detroit IP H R ERBBSDNPERA DaniegeKang, $6,082 68 - 75-74-78 —295 30. (35)DavidGigiland,Ford,494,446,14 Scherzer 61-37 3 3 1 8 9 0 4.26 Mindy Kim,$6,082 76-73-68-78 —295 31. (41)TravisKvapil, Toyota,492, 47.4, 14. Smyly 1-3 0 00 0 0 5 5 . 40 SydneeMichaels, $6,082 76-69-71-79—295 32. (13)KevinHarvick, Chevrolet, engine,473, 69.1, Dotel 11-30 0 0 1 1 1 8 0.00 Karin Sjodin,$5,373 74-75-72-76 —297 12. CokeL,0-1 2 2 1 1 0 4 27 2 . 70 Yun-JyeWei,$5,373 75-73-70-79 —297 33. (5)DennyHamlin, Toyota, 466,86.7, 12. T 334.A 42,152(41,255). SophieGustafson,$4,967 72-74-74-78—298 34. (42)StephenLeicht, Chevrolet, brakes,253,32.9, JennieLee,$4,967 73-73-74-78 —298 10. Most World Series Championships CindyLacrosse,$4,967 7 5-71-72-80—298 35. (37)DaveBlaney, Chevrolet, brakes,193,41.6, 27 — New YorkYankees Amanda Blumenherst,$4,765 74-76-72-77— 299 9. 11 — St.LouisCardinals Maria Hjorth,$4,562 78-73-69-80 —300 36 (29) David Reutimann,Chevrolet, overheating, Jennifer Song, $4,562 71-73-75-81 300 9 Oakland-Kansas City-Philadelphia Athletics 185, 46.7,8. 7— BostonRedSox Kristy McPherson, $4,562 76-70-72-82—300 37. (43)ScottSpeed,Ford, suspension, 116,36.2, 7.







Johnson takes points lead with victory By Hank Kurz Jr.

The Associated Press

MARTINSVILLE, Va. — Jimmie Johnson raced tohis seventh career Martinsville Speedway victory to take the season points lead with three events left, holding off Kyle Busch on a restart with five laps to go Sunday. The five-time series champion moved two points ahead of Brad Keselowski, who finished sixth for his highest career finish at the track. "I know t his championship's going to come down to Homestead," Keselowski said. "You've just got to be in position to where you've got a shot at it and we're doing the things it's going to take." Keselowski started 32nd, methodically worked his way forward, and was never reJo h nson ally a factor until he took a late gamble to grab the lead — and a crucial bonus point. He was leading the race briefly and he and Dale Earnhardt Jr. stayed out under a caution, while the other 16 cars on the lead lap all headed for pit road for fresh tires. "I think we've learned a lesson here in the past not pitting late, and that certainly came into play," Johnson said. "I felt like it was going tobe a problem forhim. We've been there before and stayed out and got beat." When the racewent back to green with 19 laps to go, Keselowski was a sitting duck whose best bet was to hang on for as long as he could and then avoid any Martinsville mayhem that cropped up in a furious dash to the finish. Johnson, who led eight times for 193 laps, passed him on lap 487 on his way to making the race a bonus points bonanza. He got one

for leading a lap, one for leading the most laps and three for the victory, wiping out a seven-point deficit. Busch was second, followed by Kasey Kahne, Aric Almirola, Clint Bowyer, Keselowski, Jeff Gordon and Brian Vickers. On the final restart, Busch said he was trying to avoid spinning Johnson heading into turn one, but nudged him. Johnson slowed, and Busch too, and "when I went back to the gas, I spun my tires and got loose, and he squirted away from me." Bowyer also had a great car, leading 154 laps, and Gordon led 92. While the championship race tightened at the top, it also eliminated Denny Hamlin, who seemed poised to get in the thick of it, and then had an electrical problem that sent him to a 33rd place finish and out of title contention. "When these things happen, you've just got to suck it up and move on," Hamlin said. "There's nothing I can do about it. One of these days it's going to be our time. It's just not right now." Until the problems arose, Hamlin had put on a clinic about how to pass cars on the 0.526-mile oval. After his first pit stop, Hamlin was penalized for entering pit road too fast, a penalty that moved him to the back of the lead lap, which was 31st. Immediately, he started quickly working his way forward. After 200 laps, he was contending and actually left pit road with the lead, but again, he was penalized for speeding entering pit road, again dropping him to the back of the lead lap, this time 28th. He again worked his way into the top five until his problems dropped him 34 laps behind. Bowyer is third in points, 26 back, and Kahne is 29 back. Hamlin dropped 49 points off the pace. Also on Sunday: Vettel wins F1 India GP GREATER NOIDA, India — Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel won the Indian Grand Prix to extend his Formula One championship lead, though rival Fernando Alonso of Ferrarikept up the pressure with a secondplace finish. Vettel won a fourth straight race for the first time in his career and now leads the drivers' championship by 13 points with threeraces to go, chasing a third successive Fl title. Red Bull's Mark Webber clung on to thirdplace, under pressure from McLaren's Lewis Hamilton, who was fourth.

IndyCar CEOsteps down Randy Bernard has stepped down as CEO of IndyCar. Jeff Belskus, President and CEO of series owner Hulman 8 Co., will step in as interim CEO. Bernard will stay on in an advisory position. The decision was reached following an executive session Sunday of the 11-member Indianapolis Motor Speedway board of directors. It ends a month of speculation about Bernard's future that reached a fevered pitch last week, when Bernard and an IMS spokesman denied a report that Bernard had been fired. Capps gets fIfth Funny Car win of season LAS VEGAS — Ron Capps raced to his fifth Funny Car victory of the season, winning the Big 0 Tires NHRA Nationals to cut Jack Beckman's series lead to four points with one race remaining. Seeking his first season title after finishing second three times, Capps beat Beckman with a run of 4.070 seconds at 315.12 mph in his Dodger Charger for his 38th career victory. Bob Vandergriff Jr. won in Top Fuel, Allen Johnson in Pro Stock, and Eddie Krawiec in Pro Stock Motorcycle. Vandergriff Jr. earned his second career Top Fuel victory with a run of 3.832 at324.75, edging seven-time world champion Tony Schumacher in the final.


cons erec

inover a By Rob Maaddl The Associated Press

PHILADELPHIA Asante Samuel stared directly at his former team's sideline and started trash-talking right after the coin toss. By the fourth quarter, Samuel was dancing on the field between

plays. Matt Ryan made it easy for his loquacious teammate to gloat. Ryan threw touchdown passes on Atlanta's first three possessions against the Eagles and new defensive coordinator Todd Bowles, and the Falcons remained the NFL's only unbeaten team with a convincing 30-17 win over Philadelphia on Sunday. "We're 7-0 over here baby," Samuel said. "If I was over there now, they have to go to work." The Falcons are 7-0 for the first time in the franchise's 47-year history, while the Eagles (3-4) lost after a bye for the first time in 14 games under coach Andy Reid since 1999. "That was an embarrassing performance," Reid said. "I'm stating the obvious. We need to get better. I need to do a better job. This is fixable. We have the talent." Ryan finished 22 of 29 for 262 yards and three TDs for his first win against his hometown team in three tries. Michael Vick didn't turn the ball over for once, but he played so-so and failed to beat his former team in his second start against the Falcons since returning to the NFL in 2009. "Whatever d e c ision coach makes, I support it," Vick said when asked about possibly being benched for rookie Nick Foles. "I know I'm giving it everything I have when I'm out there." Reid said he's going to evaluate whether he makes a quarterback change. The defense was the problem against Atlanta, however. The Falcons scored on their first six possessions before punting for the first time with 5:35 left. "When you do that, it's going to

be a good day," Ryan said. This was a validation win for Atlanta. The Falcons entered with no victories over a team with a winning record and their opponents were a combined 13-24 going into this weekend. Perhaps that's why they were a surprising 3-point underdog despite Philadelphia's recent struggles. "We like to have a lot of fun," Falcons coach Mike Smith said. "We have avery mature group. We have a bunch of guys who are mentors. We're good at focusing on the task at hand. We're on point when we kick off and guys have done a

good job focusing all season." Reid's Eagles have lost three in a row since starting 3-1. Reid fired Juan Castillo and replaced him with Bowles two days after Philadelphia blew its second straight fourth-quarter lead in an overtime loss to Detroit. Clearly, it didn't work. Castillo's defense allowed 18.5

Mel Evans/The Associated Press

Atlanta Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan (2) looks to pass against the Philadelphia Eagles during the second half of Sunday's game in Philadelphia. Ryan threw for 262 yards and three touchdowns in the 30-17 victory.

points per game, excluding two TD returns against the offense. In other games on Sunday: GIants..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 C owboys..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 ARLINGTON, Texas — Lawrence Tynes kicked two of his five field goals in the fourth quarter as Eli Manning and the New York Giants remained undefeated at Cowboys Stadium with a win after blowing a 23-point lead. Dallas celebrated what seemed to be a 37-yard game-winning touchdown catch by Dez Bryant with 10 seconds left. But the play was reviewed, showing that Bryant's hand touched out ofbounds first. L ions...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 S eahawks ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 DETROIT — Matthew Stafford threw a I-yard touchdown pass to Titus Young with 20 seconds left. Zach Miller made a spectacular, 16-yard catch on a toss from Russell Wilson with 5:27 left to put the Seahawks ahead. Seattle (44) couldn't stop the Lions (3-4) on their last possession. S teelers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 R edskIns..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 PITTSBURGH — T h e S teelers turned Robert Griffin III into just another rookie quarterback, swarming Washington's precocious star in a dominant win. Griffin completed just 16 of 34 passes for 177 yards and a score while

managing 8 yards rushing. B rowns...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Chargers .......... . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 CLEVELAND — Rookie Trent Richardson rushed for 122 yards and scored a touchdown in the

Browns' soggy, wind-whipped win. Richardson, pulled last week at Indianapolis when he was ineffective because of a rib injury, carried 24 times as the Browns (2-6) won their second straight game at home — and first for new owner

Jimmy Haslam. P atrIots...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5

ite, connecting with Donald Driver o n a 4-yard touchdown in t h e fourth quarter. Rodgers threw two touchdowns, passing Bart Starr for second place on Green Bay's all-time list, and Dezman Moses gave the Packers their first touchdown on a blocked punt in almost

R ams........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

22 years.

LONDON — Tom Brady led touchdown drives on the first five possessions and Ne w E n gland cruised at Wembley Stadium. The Rams looked ready to put up a fight when Sam Bradford hit Chris Givens with a 50-yard touchdown pass on the opening drive. But Brady cut through the St. Louis defense at will to give New England a 28-7 lead by halftime, then hit Brandon Lloyd for a 9-yard score to start the third quarter. C olts..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 T itans.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Andrew Luck threw a 16-yard touchdown pass to Vick Ballard at 4:49 of overtime. The Colts (4-3) have beaten Tennessee in seven of eight overall and seven of the past 10 in Nashville. The Colts did it with Luck leading a pair of 80-yard touchdown drives. B ears ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 P anthers...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 CHICAGO — R o bbie Gould kicked a 41-yard field goal as time expired to rally Chicago over Carolina. The Bears trailed 19-7 in the fourth quarter when the game turned in a big way. Chicago (6-1) took over on the Carolina 38 after Brad Nortman shanked a 6-yard punt, and Jay Cutler connected with Kellen Davis on a 12-yard scoring pass with just under seven minutes left. P ackers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4

D olphins...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 J ets.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 E AST R U T HERFORD, N . J . — Matt Moore stepped in for an injured Ryan Tannehill and Miami rolled to its third straight victory. Moore threw a touchdown pass to Anthony Fasano, Olivier Vernon recovered a blocked punt in the end zone for a touchdown and blocked a field goal, and the Dolphins smothered Mark Sanchez and the Jets' offense. R aIders...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6 Chiefs ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Carson Palmer threw for 209 yards and two touchdowns, and Oakland stuffed struggling Kansas City for its sixth straight win at Arrowhead Stadium. Sebastian Janikowski was perfect on four field-goal attempts, and the Raiders (3-4) nearly became the third straight team to keep the Kansas City offense out of the end zone.

More NFL • Standings and boxscores from Sunday's games,04

Jaguars .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 GREEN BAY, Wis. — Aaron Rodgers went back to an old favor-

Broncos.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 S aInts..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 DENVER — Peyton Manning shook off a bleeding right thumb after banging it on an opponent's helmet to throw for 305 yards and three scores and lead Denver to a victory over New Orleans. It was Manning's fifth straight 300-yard game, setting a franchise record for Denver (4-3) and matching his personal best. The Broncos won two in a row for the first time this season. They gained 530 yards against the Saints (2-5), who came in with the NFL's worst defense.


Watne s oots 1towininMaa sia I


The Associated Press KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Nick Watney took a few peeks at the leaderboard, and heard theecho ofraucous cheering atregular intervals in the distance as Tiger Woods was commencing his last-round charge. Watney, starting two groups behind Woods, knew it was going to take a very special kind of round Sunday to win the $6.1 million CIMB Classic. Hole-by-hole, birdie after birdie, the 31-yearold American could feel the momentum gathering pace. At the 13th hole, when he moved into a tie for first spot, he started to believe he could win the tournament in Malaysia. After the 14th hole, he started honing in on a rare round of 59. With 11 birdies in 17 holes, including six on the back nine, he went to the par-4 18th needing a birdie for a 59, but decided he was

playing only for the win. He made a bogey at

Peter LimIrhe Associated Press

Nick Watney lines up a putt on the 18th hole during the final of the CIMB Classic at the Mines Resort and Golf Club in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sunday. Watney shot a 61 Sunday for the victory.

the last, still good enough for a course record round of 10-under 61 and a 22-under-par total 262 to hold off defending champion Bo Van Pelt and Robert Garrigus by one shot to claim the $1.3 million first prize. "I saw Tiger got off to a good start, so I wasn't really thinking about winning when I teed off," said Watney, who started the day four shots off the pace and in a share of seventh place. "But the round sort of built momentum and things just kept getting better and better. I'm thrilled to have come away with the win." After five birdies on the first seven holes, Woods finished with a 63 to tie for fourth at 19 under with Chris Kirk and Zimbabwe's Brendon de Jonge. Also on Sunday:

Swede gets second EuropeanTour win SHANGHAI — Sweden's Peter Hanson won the BMW Masters for his second European Tour victory of the year, shooting a 5-under 67 to hold off Ryder Cup teammate Rory McIlroy by a stroke. Hanson finished at 21-under 267 on The Masters Course at Lake Malaren and earned $1,166,600 in the European Tour's richest regular event. He won the KLM Open last month in the Netherlands and has six career tour victories. Pettersen claims LPGA title in Taiwan YANG MEI, Taiwan — Suzann Pettersen won the Taiwan Championship for her second straight LPGA Tour victory, rallying to beat Inbee Parkby three strokes. Pettersen closed with a 3-under 69 in wind and drizzle on the Sunrise course. The Norwegian finished with a 19-under 269 for her 10th LPGA Tour title. Frost holds off Langer for ChampIons victory SAN ANTONIO — David Frost won the AT8r T Championship, beating B ernhard Langer with a birdie on the second hole of a playoff after overcoming a six-stroke deficit in the final round. Frost and Langer each shot 6under 66 to finish at 8-under 208 on TPC San Antonio's Canyons Course. Golfer's vIctory earns him PGA Tour card MCKINNEY, Texas — Justin Bolli closed with a 6-under 65 to win the Web.com Tour Championship, making him one of three players who moved into the top 25 on the money list to earn a PGA Tour card for next season. Bolli was No. 44 on the money list going into the Web.com Tour's final event of the year. He earned $180,000 to move to No. 9 with his twoshot victory over James Hahn, who birdied the last hole for a 69. The top 25 on the money list earned PGA Tour cards.




Chi — Jennings25interception return(passfailed),


Sunday's Games


Giants 29, Cowboys24 N.Y. Giants Dallas

1 3 10 0 6 — 29 0 10 14 0 — 24 First Quarter NYG —FGTynes41,11.53. NYG FGTynes37,7:11. NYG —A.Brown1 run(Tyneskick), 3:41. SecondQuarter NYG —FGTynes26,14.22. NYG Pierre-Paul 28 interception return(Tynes kick), 13:05. Dal — FJones4 run(Bailey kick), 5:22. Dal — FGBailey 51,:58. Third Quarter Dal Romo1run(Baileykick),916. Dal — Philtps 1 pass lrom Romo(Bailey ktck), 3:43. Fourth Quarter NYG FG Tynes 43,1020. NYG —FGTynes37,3:31. A—94,067. N YG 11 2 93

First downs TotalNetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntRetums KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet.

Dal 28 43 4

W L T Pc t PF PA N ew England 5 3 0 .6 2 5 262 170 Miami

Buffalo N.Y.Jets


3 3

Raiders 26, Chiefs16


First downs TotalNetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-Yards Lost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession

Oak 15 3 44

KC 17 29 9

34 135 22-102 2 09 19 7 3 -38 5 - 59 2 -46 2 - 52 2 -25 1- 1 7 14-28-1 22-34-2 0 -0 3 - 22 6-42.7 5-47 2 0-0 3-2 2 -20 5 - 40 28:58 31:02


Tennesse e Jacksonville

I 3 5 6

0 0 0 0

.8 5 7 .5 7 1 .3 7 5 .1 4 3

128 17 1 25 7 18 8

Baltimore Pittsburgh Cincinnati Cleveland

W 5 4 3 2

L 2 3 4 6

T 0 0 0 0

P c t PF PA .7 1 4 174 16 1 .5 7 1 1 6 7 14 4 .4 2 9 1 6 6 18 7 .2 5 0 1 5 4 18 6

216 136 162 103

Denver San Diego Oakand KansasCity

7 21 10 7 — 4 6



TampaBay NewOrleans Carolina

W 7 3 2 1

First downs

NE 29

SIL 17

Giants Continued from 01 Series MVP Pablo Sandoval and the underdog Giants celebrated in the center Of the diamond at Comerica Park after winning six elimination games thispostseason. "Tonight was a battle," said Giants star Buster Posey, who homered. "And I think tonight was a fitting way for us to end it because those guys played hard. They didn't stop, and it's an unbelievable feeling." Cabrera delivered the first big hit for Detroit, interrupting San Francisco's run of dominant pitching with a two-run homer that blew over the rightfield wall in the third. Posey put the Giants ahead 3-2 with a two-run homer in the sixth and Delmon Young hit a tying home run in the bottom half. It then became a matchup of bullpens, and the Giants prevailed. Ryan Theriot led off the 10th with a single against Phil Coke, moved Up on Brandon Crawford'ssacrifice and scored on Scutaro's shallow single. Center fielder Austin Jackson made a throw home, to no avail. Sergio Romo struck out the side in the bottom of the 10th for his third save of the Series. T he Giants f i nished t h e month wit h s even straight

Di v 2-0-0 2-1-0 1-2-0 0-2-0

Chicago Minnesota GreenBay

T 0 0 0 0

Pc t .7 5 0 .4 2 9 .42 9 .3 7 5

PF PA 234 161 120 155

H o m e A way NFC AFC Di v 3 - 1-0 3 - 1-0 5-2-0 1-0-0 2-2-0 2 - 2-0 1 - 2-0 1-3-0 2-1-0 1-0-0 1 - 2- 0 2 2 -0 3-3 0 0-1-0 1-1-0 1 - 2-0 2 - 3-0 3-3-0 0-2-0 0-1-0

1 37 162 213 227

L 0 4 5 6

T 0 0 0 0

Pc t PF PA 1. 000 201 130 .4 2 9 184 153 .28 6 190 216 .1 4 3 128 167

L 1 3 3 4

T 0 0 0 0

Pct .8 5 7 .6 2 5 .6 2 5 .4 2 9

PF PA 1 8 5 10 0 1 8 4 16 7 2 0 8 17 0 1 6 1 17 4


L 2 3 4 5

T 0 0 0 0

Pct . 714 . 571 . 500 . 375

PF 165 124 140 137

PA 10 0 11 8 13 4 18 6

H o m e A way 3 - 0-0 4 - 0-0 2 - 2-0 1 - 2-0 1 - 2-0 1 - 3-0 1 - 3-0 0 - 3-0

NFC AFC Di v 3-0-0 4-0-0 1-0-0 2-4-0 1-0-0 1-1-0 1-3-0 1-2-0 1-1-0 1-6-0 0-0-0 1-2-0

Ho m e 4- 0- 0 4- 1- 0 3- 1- 0 2- 1- 0

N FC 4 - 1-0 3 - 2-0 3 - 2-0 3 - 3-0

Thursday'sGame TampaBay36,Minnesota17 Sunday'sGames Green Bay24,Jacksonvile15 indianapolis19, Tennessee13,OT Chicago23,Carolina22 Miami30,N.Y.Jets9 Cleveland7,SanDiego6 Atlanta30,Philadelphia17

Hom e 3- 1 -0 3- 1 -0 300 3- 2 -0

A way 2 - 1-0 1 - 2-0 2 - 2-0 1 - 3-0

A FC D i v 2-0-0 1-1-0 2-1-0 1-0-0 2-1-0 1-0-0 0-1-0 0-2-0

Away NFC 2-1-0 3-2-0 1-2-0 2-2-0 1-4-0 3-4-0 0-3-0 3-3-0

A F C Div 2-0-0 1-0-0 2 -1-0 1-1-0 1-0-0 0-3-0 0 -2-0 2-0-0

Thursday, Nov.1 KansasCity atSanDiego,5:20p.m. Sunday, Nov.4 ArizonaatGreenBay,I0 a.m. Chic agoatTennessee,lga.m. Buffaloatl-louston,10a.m. CarolinaatWashington,10am. DetroitatJackso vin le,I0 a m. DenveratCincinnati, 10a.m. Baltimore atCleveland,I0 a.m. Miamiatlndianapolis10 , am. Minnesota atSeattle,1.05 p.m. Tampa Bayat Oakland,1:05p.m.

Detroit28,Seattle 24 Pittsburgh 27,Washington12 NewEngland45,St. Louis7 Oakland 26,KansasCity16 NY.Giants29, Dallas24 Denver34,NewOrleans14 Open:Baltimore, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Houston

3 9 0 3 — 16 7 7 0 1 0 — 24 First Ouarter Jac FG Scobee 38,8.23 GB — Cobb 5 pass trom Rodgers (Crosbykick),

SecondQuarter GB —Moses blockedpuntrecoveryinendzone (Crosbykick), 8:45. Jac — FGScobee22,1:03. Jac — Whimper1 passfromGabbert (passfailed), :17.

Fourth Quarter GB — Driver 4 passfromRodgers (Crosby kick),

12:36. Jac — FGScobee32,650. GB — FGCrosby25,:28. A—70,464.

First downs Total NetYards

Rushes-yards Passing PuntRetums KickoffReturns Interceptions Ret Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Ttme ofPossession


GB 18 20 3 41 23 8 20-62 26-66 279 172 1-0 1-0 4 -84 2 - 57 0-0 0-0 27-49-0 22-36-0 2 -24 2 - 14 6-33.8 5-45.0 3-1 1-1 7 -77 5 - 33 30;48 29:12

INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Jacksonville: Jennings 17-59, Parmele2-3,Gabbert1-0. GreenBay: Green22-54, Starks1 8,Rodgers3-4 PASSING —Jacksonville: Gabbert 27-49-0-

303. Green Bay: Rodgers22-35-0-186, Masthay

Pittsburgh atN.Y.Giants,1:25 p.m. DallasatAtlanta,5:20p.m. Open:N.Y .Jets, NewEngland,SanFrancisco,St. Louis Monday, Nov. 5 Philadelphia atNewOrleans,5:30p.m.

Today's Game SanFranciscoat Arizona,5:30p.m.

Jacksonville GreenBay



West SanFrancisco 5 A rizona 4 Seattle 4 St. Louis 3

RUSHING —Carolina: Stewart 17-42 Newton 5-37, D.Wiltams11-33, folbert 3-7. Chicago: Forte 15-70, Bush 3-5 Cutler1-4. PASSING —Carolina: Newton 20-39-2-314 Chicago: Cutler19-28-1-186. RECEIVING —Carolina: Smith 7-118, Stewart 4-38, LaFell3-88,Olsen3-23, Hartsock1-25, Tolbert 1-15, Barnidge1-7. Chicago: Marshal9-98, l Forte 5-24, Bennett3-47, Davis1-12,Hester1-5. MISSEDFIELD GOALS — Chicago:Gould 33

PaCkerS 24, JaguarS15

East L 2 4 4 5

North W 6 5 5 3


21 18 41 6 21 0 Dolphins 30, Jets 9 36-119 19-79 1 0 10 7 3 — 3 0 2 97 13 1 Miami 0 0 3 6 — 9 00 2- 1 1 N.Y. Jets First Quarter 0 -0 7 - 44 Mia — FGCarpenter 33,11:02. 1 -2 2- 2 7 Mia — Vernonblocked punt recoveryin endzone 20-39-2 19-28-1 kick), 359 2 -17 6 - 5 5 (Carpenter SecondQuarter 3-25.7 4-44.8 Mia — Thomas3 run(Carpenter kick),1408. 2-0 2-2 Mia — FGCarpenter 39,659. 3 -21 5 - 40 Third Quarter 36:38 23:22 NYJ—FGFolk 38,11:53. Mia — F as an o 4 passfrom Mat.Moore (Carpenter INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS


0-1-0 0

RECEIVING —Jacksonville: Shorts 8-116,Jennings 6-56,Blackmon 4-67,Thomas4-19,Lewis 221, Parmele1-16,Spurlock1-7, Whimper1-1 Green Bay: Ja.Jones7-78 Cobb5-28, Green4-28, Finley 2-24, Driver2-10, Boykin1-9,Starks1-9. MISSEDFIELD GOALS— Green Bay:Crosby 32 (WR).

All Times PDT

Lions 28, Seahawks24 473 326 28-152 23-107 321 219 3-16 1-0 1 -19 5 - 93 2-53 0-0 24-38-0 23-32-2 0 -0 2 - 25 2-56.5 4-48.8 0-0 2-0 8-42 12-102 28;54 3 1:06

I-(minus9). PASSING —New England: Brady23-35-0-304, Ma lett 1-3-0-17.St. Louis: Bradford22-30-1-205, Clemens1-2-1-39. RECEIVING —New England: Gronkowski

8-146,Welker 6-48, Woodhead 5-56, Lloyd 2-28, Hoomanaa w nui1-18, Vereen1-17,Edelman1-8.St. Louis: Kendricks4-32, D.Richardson4-(minus 3), Givens 3-63,Gibson3-46,Pettis3-15,Jackson2-22 McNeig2-12,Ouick1-39, Mulltgan1-18. MISSEDFIELD GOALS— None.


NE — Vereen1 run(Gostkowski kick),14:12. NE — Gronkowski 7 passtrom Brady(Gostkowski kick), 6:26. NE — Ridley1 run(Gostkowski kick),:10. Third Quarter NE — Lloyd9passfrom Brady (Gostkowski kick), 12:24. NE— FG Gostkowski26,6:55. Fourth Ouarter NE — Gronkowski 14passtromBrady(Gostkowski kick), 11:20. A—84,004.

N FC D i v 1-1-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 1-3-0 0-2-0 1-2-0

C ar

First downs Total NetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntRetums KickottReturns Interceptions Ret. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession

Browns 7, Chargers 6 0 3 3 0 — 6 7 0 0 0 — 7 First Quarter Cle — Richardson26run (Dawson kick), 417.

San Diego Cleveland

SecondQuarter SD — FGNovak43,:00. Third Quarter SD — FGNovak31,2:33. A—65,337. First downs





wins and their seventh Series championship. They h a n ded the Tigers their seventh straight World Series loss dating to 2006. "Obviously, there was no doubt about iL They swept us," Tigers manager Jim Leyland said. "So there was certainly no bad breaks, no fluke. "Simple, they did better than we did." An NL team won the title for the third straight season, a run that hadn't occurred in 30 years.Some find the streak s urprising, considering t h e AL's recent dominance in interleague play. Yet as every fan knows, the club that pitches best in the postseason usually prevails. Until the end, the Tigers thought one big hit could shift the momentum. It was an alltoo-familiar October lamentTexas felt the same way when the Giants throttled them in 2010, and the Tigers knew the feeling when St. Louis wiped them out in 2006. Howling winds made it feel much colderthan the 44 degrees at gametime. Two wrappers blew acrosshome plate

Tota NetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-Yards Lost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession

2 65 25 0 34-117 33-133 148 11 7 5-46 2-7 2 -32

2- 4 7


3 14 0

7 — 24


7 7 0 1 4 — 28 First Ouarter Sea FG Hauschka 23,5:30. Det — Broyles 6 passtrom Staford (Hansonkick), :00.

0-0 0-0 18-34-0 11-27-0 SecondOuarter 1 -6 2 - 12 Sea—Lynch77run (Hauschkakick), 14:43. 6-46.5 9-39.6 Sea —Rice9 passlromWilson (Hauschka kick), 2-1 2-0 3 -15 4 - 3 5 11'39. Det — T.Young46passfrom Stafford (Hansonkick), 30;52 29:08 8:49. Fourth Quarter INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS Det — Stafford1run (Hansonkick),11:35. RUSHING —San Diego: Mathews24-95, Brown

4-17, Battle3-6,McClain2-5, Meachem1-(minus 6). Cleveland: Richardson 24-122, Weeden4-4,Ogbonnaya1-4,Hardesty3-3, Cribbs1-0. PASSING —San Diego: Rivers 18-34-0-154. Cleveland:Weeden11-27-0-129. RECEIVING — San Diego: Brown 7-85,Floyd 4-43, Gates2-14 Rosario2-11, Mathews2-9, Clary 1-(minus8). Cleveland: Gordon3 46, Little 228, Watson1-14, Cam eron 1-12, Richardson1-12, Ogbonnaya1-9,Cribbs1-7, Smith1-1.

Sea—Miller16 passlromWilson (Hauschkakick),


Det — T.Young1 passfromStafford (Hansonkick),

:20 A—63,497.

S ea Det First downs 21 26 Total NetYards 3 69 41 5 19-133 22-84 Rushes-yards Passing 2 36 33 1 MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None. 3-29 1-6 PuntRetums 4 -68 1 - 21 KickoffReturns 1 -0 1 - 26 InterceptionsRet. Bears 23, Panthers 22 Comp-Att-Int 25-35-1 34-49-1 0 -0 2 - 21 Sacked-YardsLost 3-48.3 4-44.0 Carolina 3 10 6 3 — 2 2 Punts 1-1 0-0 Chicago 7 0 0 1 6 — 23 Fumbles-Lost First Ouarter Penalties-Yards 2 -10 5 - 61 Chi — Forte13run(Gould kick), 4:32. Time ofPossession 25:17 34:43 Car FG Medlock34,2:01 SecondQuarter INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS Car Murphyfumblerecoveryin endzone(MedRUSHING —Seattle: Lynch 12-105, Turbin 4lock kick),14:45. 14, Wilson 1-9, Rice1-3, Robinson1-2 Detroit: Car — FGMedlock31,4:36. LeShoure10-46, Bell 7-25, Stafford 4-12, K.Smith Third Quarter 1-1. Car — FGMedlock22,6:47. PASSING —Seattle: Wilson 25-35-1-236. DeCar — FGMedlock43,1:30. troit: Stafford34-49-1-352 Fourth Quarter RECEIVING —Seattle: Tate 7-64, Rice 6-55, Chi — Davis 12 passfrom Cutler (Goud kick), Turbin 2-28,McCoy2-27, Miler 2-22, Martin2-17, 6:52. Washington 2-16,Robinson1-6, Lynch1-1. Detroit:

Charlie Riedel /The Associated Press

Saly FranCiSCO GiantS SeCOnd baSeman MarCO SCutarOhitS

an RBI single during the 10th inning of Game 4 of the World Series against the Detroit Tigers Sunday in Detroit.

a bobbing, whooping, pulsing posite-field fly to right — off

pack, showering themselves with sunflower seeds. A big league good-luck charm, Little League style. And once again, San Franciscotook an early lead. Pence hit a one-hop drive over the center-field fence for a double and Brandon Belt tripled on after leadoff man Angel Pagan the next pitch for a 1-0 lead in struck out, and fly balls played the second. tricks in the breeze. The next inning, Cabrera The Giants started with their gave the Tigers a reason to pregame ritual. They clustered think this might be their night. around Hunter Pence in the With two outs and a runner dugout, quickly turning into on first, Cabrera lofted an op-

TYoung9-100, Pettigrew7-74, Scheffler4-46, Bel 4-33, Johnson3-46, Broyles 3-37, LeShoure3-9, K.Smith1-7. MISSED FIELDGOALS—Seattle: Hauschka

61 (SH)


INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS BUSHING —New England: Ridley 15-127, Vereen7-22, Woodhead2-3, Brady1-3, Mallett 3(minus3).St. Louis: D.Richardson7-53, Pead3-32, Jackson7-23, Clemens2-5, Bradford 3-3, Hekker

7 0 0 0 — 7 First Quarler StL — Givens 50 passfrom Bradford (Zuerlein kick), 12:25. NE — Lloyd 19passfromBrady (Gostkowski kick),

A FC 4 - 1-0 2 - 3-0 2 - 4-0 2 - 4-0


RECEIVING —Oakland: Moore 5-96, McFadden 4-23, Myers3-49, Heyward-Bey 1-32, Streater 1-9. Kansas City: McCluster6-54, Moeaki4-57, Bowe 3-65,O'Connell 3-18,Charles3-6, Baldwin1-7, Draughn1-7,Hillis1-5. MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None.

New England St. Louis

Ho m e A way 4 - 0- 0 1 - 2-0 3- 0- 0 1 - 3-0 1- 2- 0 2 - 2-0 2- 2- 0 0 - 4-0

W L T P c t PF PA Ho m e A w ay A FC NF C 4 3 0 .5 7 1 2 0 4 15 2 3- 1- 0 1 - 2-0 3-2-0 1-1-0 3 4 0 .4 2 9 1 5 4 1 4 4 1- 2 - 0 2 - 2-0 3-2-0 0-2-0 3 4 0 .4 2 9 1 3 9 18 7 2- 1- 0 1 - 3-0 3-3-0 0-1-0 1 6 0 .1 4 3 1 2 0 20 9 0- 4- 0 1 - 2-0 0-4-0 1-2-0


Patriots 45, Cardinals 7

Ho m e A w ay A FC NF C Di v 3- 1 - 0 3 - 0-0 6-0-0 0-1-0 2-0-0 2-2-0 2-1-0 1-1-0 3- 1- 0 1 - 2-0 2- 2- 0 1 - 3-0 2-4-0 1-1-0 0-2-0 0- 3- 0 1 - 3-0 1-3 0 0-3-0 1-1-0


Total NetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession

INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Oakland: McFadden 29-114, Goodson 4-22, Palmer1-(minusI). Kansas City: Cassel7-35,Hilis 4-23,Quinn2-18, McCluster2-15, Draughn 2-7, Charles5-4. PASSING —Oakland: Pa mer 14-28-1-209. Kansas City: Cassel 20-30-1-218, Quinn 2-4-

2 - 1- 0 2 2 -0 3-2-0 1-1-0 1-1-0 1 - 2-0 2 - 2-0 2-3-0 1-1-0 0-2-0 2 - 3-0 1 - 2-0 3-4-0 0-1-0 2-2-0

1 50 126 171 227 168 200

6 4 3 1

Houston Indianapolis

Oakland Kansas City

Oak —FGJanikowski 35,14:44. KC — FGSuccop30, 10:21. KC — PGSuccop42, 4:12. Oak Moore 9 pass lrom Palmer(Janikowski kick),:49. Third Quarter Oak—FGJanikowski29,13:58. KC FG Succop 52,8:40. Oak—Heyard-Bey w 32 passfrom Palmer(Janikowskikick),5:40. Fourth Quarter Oak FG Janikowski32,8:14. KC — McCuster 10 passfrom Cassel (Succop kick), 2:27. A—74,730.

.57 1



3 10 10 3 — 26 0 6 3 7 — 16 First Quarler Oak— FG Janikowski36,9:51.


4 0 .429 5 0 .375

W L T P c t PF

28-103 17-19 190 41 5 1-1 2-8 4-86 6 -142 4-103 1-0 Comp-Att-Int 15-29-1 36 62-4 1 -2 4 - 22 Sacked-Yards Lost 6-47.8 4-41.3 Punts W 1-1 4-2 Fumbles-Lost N.Y.Giants 6 5 45 3 - 1 0 Philadelphia 3 Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession 27:42 32:18 Dallas 3 Washington 3 INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS

RUSHING —N.Y. Giants: Bradshaw 22 78, A.Brown3-21, Manning1-3, Wilson2-1. Dallas: FJones13-19 Romo2-0, Tanner2-0. PASSING —N.Y. Giants: Manning15-29-1-192. Dallas: Romo3662 4 437 RECEIVING —N.Y. Giants: Ntcks 4-46, Bennet 4-29, Hixon3-26, Randle2-68, Cruz2-23. Dallas: Witten18-167,Austin 9-133,Bryant 5-110, Phillips 3-14 Tanner 1-13. MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None.


H o m e A way A FC NF C Di v 2 - 1-0 3 - 2-0 4-1-0 1-2-0 2-0-0

6:44. Car — FGMedlock45, 2:27. Chi — FGGould 41,:00. A—62,254.

the bat, it looked like a routine out shy of the warning track. But with winds gusting over 25 mph, the ball kept carrying, Pence kept drifting toward the wall and the crowd kept getting louder. Just like that, it was gone. Cabrera's homer gave Detroit its first lead of the Series, ended its 20-inning scoreless streak and reaffirmed a pregame observation by Tigers Hall of Famer Al Kaline. "The wind usually blows to right at this time of year," Ka-

kick), 8:46.

Fourth Ouarter NYJ—Schilens 5passfromSanchez(passfai ed),

7;20. Mia — FGCarpenter 42,4:30. A—79,088.

Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet.

Comp-Att-Int Sacked-Yards Lost Punts

Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession

INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Miami: Bush 14-59, Thomas1542, Mat.Moore 4-(minus4). N.Y. Jets: Greene1577, Hilliard 3-15, Sanchez1-6, Grimes1-5, Tebow 1-2. PASSING —Miami: Mat.Moore 11-19-0-131, Tannehili 2-5-0-18 N.Y. Jets: Sanchez28-54-1283. RECEIVING —Miami: Hartline4-41, Bess4-28, Mar.Moore1-37 Gaffney1-30, Bush1-6, Fasano14, Thomas 1-3. N.Y.Jets: Gates7-82, Keller7-67, Kerley 5-43,Schilens4-29, Greene2-29, Hill 2-29, Grimes1-4. MISSED FIELDGOALS—N.Y. Jets: Folk 35



Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost PenaltiesYards Time ofPossession

17 25 2 55 35 5 21-86 27-140 1 69 21 5 2 -34 3 - 25 4 -97 3 - 51 0-0 0-0 16-35-0 24-33-0 18 1-7 4-37.8 3-50.7 1-0 0-0 7 -55 320 26:47 33:13

INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Washington: Morris13-59,Young 1-10, Morgan1-9,Griffin III 6-8.Pittsburgh: Dwyer 17-107, Rainey4-26, Roethlisberger2-6, BBatch 4-1.

PASSING —Washington: Griffin III 16-34-0177, Morgan0-1-0-0. Pittsburgh: Roethlisberger 24-33-0-222. RECEIVING —Washington: Morgan 5-46, Paulsen4-43, Moss4-21, Paul1-37, HankersonI16, Briscoe1-14. Pittsburgh: Wallace7-62, Miler 4 46, ABrown4-38, Sanders3-56, WJohnson2-8, B.Batch1-8,Dwyer1-8, Pope1-1, Rainey I-(minus MISSEDFIELD GOALS None.

Falcons 30, Eagles17 Atlanta Philadelphia

3 0 3

7 6 — 19

3 7 0 3 0 — 13 First Quarler Ten —FGBironas39, 7:35. Ind — FGVinatieri 20,106.

SecondQuarter Ten Wright 23 passfrom Hasselbeck (Bironas kick), 1:00. Third Quarter Ind — FGVinatieri 44,10.20. Fourth Ouaiter Ten —FGBironas30, 10:26. Ind — Carter I run(Vinatieri kick),3:24. Overtime Ind — Ballard16 passfromLuck,10:11. A—69,143. I nd

First downs TotalNetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet.

Te n

1 4 10 3 3 — 3 0 0 7 3 7 — 17

First Quarter Atl —Dr.Davis 15 passfrom Ryan(Bryant kick), 6:16. Atl—Sneing 3 pass from Ryan(Bryant kick), :32.

SecondQuarter Phi — McCoy2run(Henery kick), 8:18. Atl — Jones 63 pass from Ryan(Bryant kick), 6'33. Atl —FGBryant 43,:02. Third Quarter Phi — FGHenery33, 11:20. Atl —FGBryant 29,6:10. Fourlh Quarler At — FG Bryant 30,14:57

Phi — McCoy 7 pass fromVick (Henery kick), 7:18. A—69,144. Ftrst downs Total NetYards

Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns

Colts19, Titans13 Indianapolis

Total NetYards


M ia NY J 14 22 2 36 36 3 33-97 21-105 139 258 2-26 0-0 2-78 4 - 101 1-29 0-0 13-24-0 28-54-1 2 -10 4 - 25 6-53.3 7-39.1 1-1 1-1 4 31 5 - 45 28;47 31:13

First downs TotalNetYards

First downs

KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int

Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession

Atl Phi 24 20 3 92 27 0 37-146 24-92 246 178 1-11 1-7 2 -30 589 0-0 0-0 22-29-0 21-35-0 2 -16 3 - 13 2-26.0 3-48.0 1-0 2-0 6 -40 6 - 57 32:55 27:05

INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —At lanta: Rodgers 8-60, Turner2458, Ryan3-18, Jones1-9, Snelling 1-1. Philadelphia: McCoy16-45,Vick7-42,Brown1-5. PASSING —Atlanta: Ryan 22-29-0-262. Philadelphia: Vick21-35 0 191. RECEIVING—Atlanta: Jones 5-123, Rodgers 5-20, White 3-38, Gonzaiez3-29 Snelling 3-16, Dr.Davis 2-30, Turner1-6. Philadelphia: Maclin 6-33, Jackson5-59,Avant4-45, Celek3-32, McCoy 3-22. MISSEDFIELD GOALS— None.

30 20 457 339 34-171 25-112 2 86 22 7 Broncos 34, Saints14 1 -13 1 - 19 3-28 1-7 New Orleans 0 7 0 7 — 14 0-0 1-0 Denver 7 10 7 10 — 34 Comp-Att-Int 26-38-1 22-29-0 First Quarter 2-11 2-9 Sacked-Yards Lost Den—McGahee1 run(Prater kick), 439. 2-43.5 3-43.3 Punts SecondQuarter 2-0 1-0 Fumbles-Lost NO — Sproles 29 passfrom Brees(Hartley kick), Penalties-Yards 5 -45 8 - 6 5 14:53. Time ofPossession 33:56 30:53 Den Decker13passfromManning (Prater kick), 6:43. INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS Den—FGPrater 33,.00.

RUSHING —Indianapolis: D.Brown 14-80, Ballard 12-55,Luck6-28, Carter 2-8. Tennessee: C.Johnson21-99, Hasselbeck2-10, Reynaud1-4, Harper1-(minus1). PASSING —Indianapolis: Luck 26-38-1-297. Tennessee:Hasselbeck22-29-0-236. RECEIVING —Indianapolis: Wayne7-91, Hilton 5-35, Allen 4-56, Avery4-42, Fleener2-24 Ballard116, Moore1-13,Saunders1-11, Brazil1-9. Tennessee: Washington5-69,Wright4-47, Cook3-45, Bntt 3-34, C.Johnson 2-18, Stevens2-15, Hawkins1-7, Q.Johnson1-1,Wiliams1-0. MISSEDFIELDGOALS—Indianapolis: Vinat-

ieri 37(BK) Tennessee:Bironas45(WR).

Steelers 27, Redskins12 Washington Pittsburgh

0 6 3 3 — 12 1 0 10 7 0 — 2 7 First Quarter Pit — Pope1 passfrom Roethlisberger (Suisham kick), 7:55. Pit —FGSuisham48, 249 SecondQuarter Was —Moss2 pass from Griffin III (kickblocked), 11:33. Pit Miller 7 passfromRoethlisberger (Suisham kick), 6:I7. Pit —FGSuisham27,1:56. Third Quarter Was —FGForbath48,11:52. Pit — W.Johnson1 passfrom Roethlisberger (Suishamkick), 5:13. Fourth Ouarter Was —FGForbath45, 12:06. A—62,371. Was


line said. In the fourth, Max Scherzer and catcherGerald Laird teamed on a strike 'em outthrow 'em out double play. Scherzeryelled,firstbaseman Prince Fielder clenched his fist and the Tigers ran off the field on a chilly, windy, rainy evening. At last, it seemed, all the elements were in their favor. Trailing for the first time since Game 4 of the NL championship series, Posey and the Giants put a dent in Detroit's optimism. Scutaro, the NLCS MVP, led off the sixth with a single and clapped all the way around the bases when Posey sent a shot that sailed just inside the left-field foul pole for a 3-2 lead. Posey, the only Giants player on the field from the starting lineup in the Game 5 clincher in 2010, almost tripped nearing first base as he watched the ball and began his trot. Detroit wasn't about to go quietly, however. Young, the ALCS MVP, made it 3-all with another opposite-field homer to right, this one a no-doubt drive. Fielder finished one for 14

(.111) for the Series. All 24 teams to take a 3-0 lead in the World Series have won it all. In f act, none of those matchups even reached a Game 6. This was the first sweep for an NL team since

Third Quarter Den—D.Thomas I pass from Manning (Prater kick), 9:30. Fourth Quarter Den—Decker 2 passfrom Manning (Prater kick), 14:54.

Den—FGPrater 33, 5:27. NO — J.Graham 18 passfromBrees(Hartley kick), 2:03. A—76,832. First downs Total NetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession



14 29 252 530 17-51 41 225 2 01 30 5


4 - 43

0 -0 1 - 12 0-0 1-8 22-42-1 22-30-0 1-12 0-0 8-51.6 5-46.4 1-0 2-1 3 -15 5 - 34 24.46 35:14

INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —New Orleans: PThomas8-43, Ingram 3-7,Brees2-2, Sproles4-(minus1) Denver: McGahee 23-122, Hilman14-86, Ball 2-14,Manning 1-4 Dsweiler1-(minus1). PASSING —New Orleans: Brees22-42-1-213. Denver: Manning22-30-0-305. RECEIVING —New Orleans: Sproles 7-56, Coisto n5-63,J.Graham 5-63,Moore3-25,PThomas 2-6. Denver: D.Thomas 7-137, Decker4-43, Green 3-44, Tamm e3-33, McGahee2-33,Stokley 2-19, Hilman1-(minus4) MISSEDFIELD GOALS— None.

Cincinnati in 1990. Working on nine days' rest and trying to extend the Tigers' season, Scherzer kept them close into the seventh. Often recognized for his eyes — one is light blue, the other is brown — he's also known as a solid postseason pitcher. Ditto-plus for M att C a in, who was working on a nearly perfect year. The Giants' ace threw a perfect game in June, was the winning pitcher in the All-Star game in July, beat Cincinnati to clinch the division series and topped St. Louis in Game 7 of the NL championship series. The Giants became the first champion that hit the fewest home runs inthe majors since St. Louis in 1982. Sandoval's three drives in Game 1 started San Francisco's romp, and its dominant pitching took over from there. The parade to a s w e ep masked the p r oblems San Francisco overcame to get this far. Closer Brian Wilson pitched only two innings before an elbow injury ended his year. AllStar game MVP Melky Cabrera was suspended 50 games for a positive testosterone test, and not welcomed back when the ban ended. Two-time Cy Young winner Tim Lincecum struggled and wound up in the bullpen.




Continued from D1 "I still think Oregon is the favorite." S hould that c h ai n o f events play out, it would s urely incite fans of t h e Fighting Irish, who could cite a defense that has allowed seven touchdowns

Continued from D1 "With the whole Lance Armstrong investigation and the doping conspiracies in pro cycling, I've got the perfect jersey to wear ... to make fun of the whole situation," noted Ness, who was not the only "Armstrong" out racing on Sunday. When it came to dressing up, even the best cyclists in the bunch tended to play along. Jade Wilcoxson, of Talent, won the women's Category A division Sunday, her second victory in two days at the Halloween Cross Crusade. The first-year professional road rider for Optum Pro Cycling came dressed as a caterpillar, her costume including brown buggy legs attached to the green skin suit she earned as the top sprinter in the Cascade Cycling Classic this past summer. "It's a great scene. I love it, I absolutely love it," Wilcoxson said, referring to the Halloween Cross Crusade. "Actually, my team is racing in Boulder this weekend, Colorado. I was supposed to go up there and do that, but I couldn't pass up this. I knew it wouldn't be as good out there. How could you top this?" While Bend resident Tracy Miller did not win her own race, in the women's beginner division, her costume was top-notch. Miller, 50,

in eight games and a s chedule l o a de d wit h t eams that are l i kely t o

play in bowl games. The games against Big Ten opposition on that schedule, Palm said, have been diminished in a down year for the conference. But that is not Notre Dame's fault. And Notre Dame is still Notre Dame. "If Oregon has to watch its back for anybody, it's Notre Dame," Palm said. "They have a case for it. T heir name ma y m e a n something." At this point in the season, though, Palm said he could not recall a major un-

was elaborately dressed in a blue and gold genie costume. She purchased the billowy pants and cropped jacket at a thrift store last year, she said, and she made the gold shoes that fit

over her cycling shoes, the cropped top worn inside her jacket, and the turban that swathed her helmet. "I was a costume contest winner, but I was not a cyclocross winner because I'm slow," she said. As far as the actual racing went Wilcoxson, 34, was not the only repeat winner on Sunday. Lance Haidet (junior men); Susannah Hart, of Washougal, Wash. (junior women); Russell Thorstrom, of Boise, Idaho (men's masters

50+); Sam Rosenberg, of Eugene (unicycle); and Thomas Joyce (beginner men) all swept their divisions both Saturday and Sunday. And despite the levity of the atmosphere, the racing included several close finishes. Among them, Portland's Jay Rishel and Rocky Crocker of Wenatchee, Wash., were clocked in the exact same time in the men's masters 35+ B race; Rishel was awarded the win. Bend's Tim Jones defeated Joe Santos, of Portland by one second in the men's masters 35+ A division, and Portland'sAmy Rice edged Bend's Sarah Max by the same narrow margin in the women's masters 35+A division race. But Sunday was a day for the masses, not just those at the front. Said Miller: "This is really, I think, a chance for adults to be ... really silly and have fun.... I think people like pushing to see how bizarre they can go." — Reporter: 541-383-0393,amiles@bendbulletin.com.

game could argue a legitimate claim.

Oregon's offense has scored at a v i d eo-game rate: eight games, 59 touchdowns, at least 42 points each time. The Ducks hung 70 points on Colorado on Saturday. For Oregon, though, the toughest part of its Pacific12 schedule remains. This weekend, the Ducks play at USC, and tough conference games against Stanford and at Oregon State wait down the road. The Fighting Irish, meanwhile, held Oklahomato 13 points, and this after the Sooners scored 41, 63 and 52 points in t h eir t h r ee p revious g a mes. N o t r e Dame closes out its season against USC, on the road, but the games on the rest of the schedule — Pittsburgh, B oston C o l lege, W a k e Forest — look eminently winnable. Then there i s K a nsas State, the stepchild in this equation, at least in terms of pedigree. That despite the fact that the Wildcats' quarterback, Collin Klein, is the H e isman Trophy f ront-runner, a n d t h e i r c oach, Bill Snyder, is a strong contender for n ational coach of the year. T he W i l d cats h a v e proven they can score and defend. They rarely turn the ball over. They already toppled Oklahoma, West Virginia and Texas Tech. And the rest of their schedule — O k l ahoma State, Texas Christian, B aylor and Texas — is tough but not intimidating. And so another college football season continues to turn in unexpected directions. Remember when LSU and USC were the trendy national championship picks in August? Remember when A l abama seemed vulnerable? Well, that was a couple of months

ago. "I feel l ik e I 've m ade more BCS bowl predictions changes this year than I ever have," Palm said. "It feels like I'm making two to three changes a week. I'm not even changing the Big Ten team anymore, because I was doing it every week." J ust a n o t he r cr a z y season? "Why should this year be any d i fferent?" Palm sa>d.

HalloweenCrossCrusade Sunday, Bend Top-10 finishers Men Category A —1, Chris Sheppard, Bend,1:00:13. 2, CarlDecker,Bend,1:00:58. 3, KevinBradford, Parish, 1:01:03. 4 Molly cameron,portland,1:01:3z 5, ShannonSkerr>tt, Portand, 1:01:59. 6, Michael Gallagher,Portland, 1.02:04. 7, DonaldReeb, Keizer,

102:16. 8, SethPatla, Hillsboro, 1:02:34. 9, Josh Kelley,Portland,1:02:44.10,DamianSchmitt, Bend,

1.0z46. Masters 35+ A —1, TimJones, Bend,1:05:21. 2, JoeSantos,Portland, 1:05:22 3, AndrewSargent, Bend,eightlaps.4, Bart Bowen, Bend,eight laps.5, JohnRollert,Bend,eightlaps. 6,TimButler, Portland, eight laps. 7, MikeHenry,Damascus, eight laps.8, JaredRoy,portland, eight laps.9, Richcramer, Beavenon,eightlaps.10,JohnMitchem,eight laps. Category 8 — 1, Christian Buesch,Corvallis, 47:36 2, Cliff Eslinger,Bend,47:40. 3, Ryan O'Connell, Portland,48:20.4, BrianTobin, Portland, 48:51. 5,Jeremywhitman, 41:1z 6, LoganTrammell, Scio, 4126.7,TonyBroadman,Bend,41:27. 8,James Bradley,Portland,41.28. 9, Daniel Kappes,Portland, 41:35.10,TimothyScheumann, 41:35. Masters 35+ 8 —1,JayRishel, Portand,38.49. 2, Rocky Crocker,Wenatchee,38:49. 3, Andrew Steiner,Bend,39:10. 4, AndyLeritz, Portland, 39:15.

burg, 40:53.7,Johnwilson, corvallis, 40:57.8,Terry Knight ,Vancouver,Wash.,40:58.9,StevenThorne, Portland, 41 04.10, JosephHoerner, Portland, 41:07.

Masters 60+—1, RonStrasser, Portland, 44:21. 2,Mike Beall,Bend,44:35.3,Tom Negwood,45:30. 4, BobDaugherty,Portland, 38.45. 5, RussellSpeim, Wilsonville, 38:48. 6,TerryAtwood,Portland, 41:42 7, Edward Lanton, Portland,42:29.8, MalcolmJohnson, Portland,43:1z 9, TadHodgert, Bend,46:23.10, FrankFleetham,40:15. Clydesdale — 1, MattWilkin, Portland,42:4Z 2, ScottSmith,Portland,42:57. 3, JoeLarson, Bend, 44:08. 4, ToddStryker,Vancouver,Wash., 44:09. 5, Brian Malloy,OregonCity,44:15. 6,TysonHart, Portland,44:4z 7,seth Daniels, portland,45:56.8,James Peale,Portland,46:36 9,BradleyTayor, Bend,46:48 10, MikeHall, Portland,46:49. Beginner — 1, Thomas Joyce, 34:49. 2, David Miller, portland,35:19.3, Joshsnyder, corvallis. 4. ChadFischet Hilsboro.35:24.5 Ryan Schanno port land.35:55.6.JulesJohnson.36:Oa 7.Andrew Besson.Portland.36:30. 8. PeterGiardner, 36.30. 9. DanKaem ptt Portland.36:30.10. NickBesson. Portand.37:04. Junior — l, Lance Haidet, Bend, 28:21. Z

cameronBeard,Bend, 28:39. 3, samRosenberg, Eugene,28:49.4,Javiercolton, Bend,29:49.5,TannerRamey,Anchorage,Alaska,30:22 6,MicahMelkonian,TroutLake,30:5a 7, zachMik|Ielson, Hood River,31:27.8,AdamOliver, Eugene,31:39.9, Kilian Bailey,Vancouver,Wash., 31:46. 10,Will Reinking,

5,cortBuchholz,Lakeoswego,39:21.6,NicholasLeritz, Portland,39.26.7, JasonZadow,Portland, 39:29. 8,Bjom clouten,Happyvalley,39:3t 9,RobAngelo, Bend,39:4z 10,steve popp, Damascus,39:45. category c — 1, LukasJohnston, 40:08. 2, spencerArdt, springfield, 40u1. 3, soren clark.


portland,41JB.7,patrickReedy, portland,4u1a 8, Jacobwahry 41:2z 9,JohnGil, Happyvalley 41:25. 10, DaveKosanke,Portland,41 28. Masters 35+ c — 1, AndrewFiler, portland, 39:26. 2,KennyWolford,Bend,39:29.3,ChrisZanger, Bend, 39:45. 4, James Sestric, Gresham,39:47. 5, AdamWard, Portland, 39.47. 6 David Anderson, Bend,40:22.7,Judd Eustice, Portland,40:29.8, Patrick Palmer,West Linn, 40:47. 9, Curtis Milander, Portland,40:52.10,KenJohnson, Bend,40.56. Masters 50+ — 1, RussellThorstrom,Boise, Idaho, 39:41. 2, Jeffery otto, Beaverton,40:2z 3, charles stearns, 40:36.4, Bill Reed, 40:4a 5, Michae Nyberg,Bend,40:53.6,MarkBradley,Rose-


Portland. 40:40. 4. Justin Braunet Portland,40:49. 5, MikeTomlinson,Hilsboro,41u0. 6, MarkHolden,

Single speed— 1,LukeDemoe,Eugene,41:49. 2, cody peterson,Bend,42:23. 3, seth patla, Hilsboro, 4z4a 4,GeoffreyHuber, springfield, 43:01.5, Brian Kesselman,Portland, 43:35. 6, Chris Snyder, Portland,43:35.7,AndyRedden,HoodR>ver, 43:51. 8, LandonMasterfield, Portland, 43:53. 9,JoshArmagoSt,Portland,44.04.10TomKeller, Central Point, Unicycle — 1,SamRosenberg, Eugene.2, Jack Mahlet 3,SusannahHart, Washougal, Wash. 4, Brian Hart Jr.,Washougal, Wash. 5, ClaytonPeirce,Portland. 6, HartNathaniel. 7, SummerPross. 8, Ross Bode. 9,Emm aRosenberg, Eugene, and Ben Schoenberg, Portland. Women Category A 1, Jade Wilcoxson, Talent,1:03:36 2, SerenaBishopGordon, Bend,1:05:29. 3, Br>gette Brown,Portland,1:06:23.4, BrookeSnyder,Portland, seven laps. 5,TinaBrubaker, Keizer, sevenlaps. 6, LauraWinberry,Bend,sevenlaps. 7, KimMatheson, Portland,sevenlaps. 8, AexandraBurton, Portland,

sevenlaps.9, SarahPost-Holmberg, Portland, seven laps. 10,RebeccahBieri, CentralPoint,sevenlaps. Masters 35+ A 1, t myRice,Portland,40:47. 2, SarahMax, Bend, 40:48.3, MieleBlomberg, Portland,42:14. 4,MegHamilton, Eugene,42:1a 5, Erica Wescott,Bend,42:30. 6, EricaLurie, Portland, 43:05. 7,Michellecunha,Bend,43:07.8,LauraHagen, Bend,43:46.9, virginie calme,portland, 43:55.10, Ann Kennedy, Portland,43:57. Category 8 —1,JenniferJohnson,HoodRiver, 45:03. 2, JennLevo, Portland, 45:11. 3, Jennifer Pereau,Portand,45:16. 4, KateMassey, Portand, 45:46.5,Amy VanTassel, Portland,45:56. 6,Allison Medellin,Portland,45:58. 7,AimeeFurber, Bend,46:13. 8,Janelle Bicktord, Portland,46:16.9, Kim Danie son, Portand,46:33 10, LauraBeko, West Linn 46:36. Masters 35+ B —1, AndresThomas, 46:13.2, Martha Paulus,Salem,47:26.3,Unknown,47:30.4, Holly Pfeiffer,Bend,47:32 5, Cary Schwarz,Bend, 38:59. 6, Kate O'Brien-Clarke, Portland, 39:13. 7, Elaine PIause,Portland, 39:31. 8 AmandaDarlak,

scappoose,39:4z 9, Danaspring, 40:13. 10, shellie Heggenberger,Bend, 40:31. Category C — 1,KayleeJenness, Springtield, 39:19. 2, DianeDutcher, Portland,39.25. 3, Hilary Luther,Portland,39:30. 4,Julie Baird, 39:49.5, Emily Boscacci,Portand,40;08. 6,Julie Dea, Portand, 40:1a 7,AnnieNielsen,Milwaukie,40:19.8, t i z Book, 40:28. 9, JoFidler, 40.55. 10, Michelle John-

son, Vancou ver,Wash.,41 25. Masters 45+ —1, MarySkrzynski, Bend,43:58. 2, LoraMelkonian, TroutLake,44:33. 3, usaBelairsullivan,Lakeoswego, 44:5z 4, MichelleBazemore, Bend, 45:00. 5, Katherine christensen, portland, 45:556,Angela Horton Gapay,cornelius,46:07.7, PamReid, Portland,46:10. 8, KarenKenIlan, Bend, 46:33. 9,JuliaFudge,Eugene,46:47.10,MaryDallas, Bend,46.5z Beginner 1, JamieKrejci, Silverton. 2, Leslie Gnfhth, Bend,41:47. 3, Erin tolich, Portland, 41:56. 4, KalenRamey,Anchorage,Alaska,42:00. 5,Jessica Gill, Happyvalley, 42:09.6, claudiasterry, portland, 43:01 7,StephanieRoulan, Portland, 43:17.8, Cecilia Becerra,Portland,43:28. 9,Julie Donnelly, 43:49. 10, patti wolfe,Brownsvile,43:5a Junior — 1,SusannahHart, Washougal, Wash., 27:54 2, SharonHart, Washougal, Wash., 28:34. 3, Ivy Taylor,Bend,30:48.4, Gabnelle Lehnerl, Eugene, 30:55. 5,HannahMavis, Bend,31:17. 6, AnnaPeterson,31.50.7,HannahMcD de, a Tigard,31:5Z8,lmy ziehnert,Tigard,33:38. 9,Alyssauoyt, Lakeoswego, 34:00. 10,NataieShaw,Tigard, 34:31.

CYcLING CENTRAL IN BRIEF BMX • Central OregonBMXers busy:Redmond's Taylor Stephens took homethe title in the boys16 expert class at the Redline CupWest Finals, staged Oct. 1921 in Fresno, Calif. Stephenswonthe division based on his combined performance in races onthe Saturday and Sunday of theevent, as well as anearlier qualifying event. Just prior to competition, Stephens completed his fourth training stint at the U.S. Olym-

pic Training Center in ChulaVista, Calif. Stephens, a junior at Ridgeview High School, is currently ranked sixth in the country among 16-year-old boys andis scheduled to compete in theUSABMXGrand National next month in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Athlete ef the week:Mountain View senior Kyler Ayers rushed for171 yards and three touchdowns to lead the Cougars past Bend High, 41-14, on Friday night in the final

regular-season gameof the seasonfor both teams. Ayers also had a touchdown reception in the lntermountain Conference victory. Contest ef the week:Led by Devin Ceciliani's three touchdowns, Madras knocked off Estacada 28-7 on Friday to secure the Tri-Valley Conference's third and final berth into the Class 4A football play-in round.

LOOKING AHEAD Today Sisters vs. Junction City at Cottage Grovegirls soccer, 3 p.m.: The Outlaws (9-1 Sky-Em, 11-2 overall) and the Tigers t9-1 Sky-Em, 9-4-1j play a Sky-Em League tiebreaker match on

a neutral field to determine who receives the league's No. 1 seed and play-in-round bye for the Class 4A state playoffs. The two squads split their two games earlier this season, but

Sisters won the most recent contest, a 4-2 homevictory on Oct. 16.

Tuesday Ridgeview at Cottage Grovevolleyball, 6 p.m.; The Ravens play for a spot in the Class 4A state playoffs when they take on the Lions in the play-in round. Ridgeview's overall record

is11-10 but the Ravensare 6-3 against other 4A schools, with their only losses coming to CrookCounty. Saturday Class 5A and 4Astate cross-country championships at Lane Community College in Eugene,11:15 a.m.: TheSummit girls



Bend's Chris Sheppard (men's Category A) and

defeated team leapfrogging another major undefeated team. Not in the BCS era, anyway. He pointed to A uburn in 2 0 04. T h a t s e ason, Southern California and Oklahoma finished 1-2 in the polls, same as they finished the regular season. The T r ojans u l t i mately beat the Sooners to win a championship, much to the chagrin o f A u b u r n, which also f i nished the year undefeated. That was the only time Palm could recall a season that ended with two major undefeated teams since the birth of the BCS. "That sort o f j u m ping doesn't occur," Palm said. "No matter how bad Auburn fans wanted it. Anyway, if this wasn't Notre Dame, we wouldn't even be discussing it. If this was Ohio State, or U SC, we wouldn't be talking about it." This year, each of the c ontenders for t h e t i t l e

Another Central Oregon BMX rider, Bend's Jaydra Kinsey, will also be attending the Grand National. At the Redline West Finals, she won the15-year-old girls

division and finished second in the cruisers class for 15-year-old girls. The Trinity Lutheran High School sophomore is currently ranked fifth nationally in her girls cruisers class and ninth in her15-year-old girls

class. A fundraiser and raffle to help the two riders defray the cost of attending the Grand National has been

scheduled from 2 p.m.to7 p.m.onNov.16.The fundraiser will be staged at The Cake Lady, 357 N.E. Dekalb Ave., in Bend. For more information, contact Tracy Stephens at 541-815-5302. — Bulletin staff report

go for their fifth consecutive Class 5A state title, while the Storm boys hope to repeat after winning their first state

championship a yearago. Theboys and girls teams from Mountain View (5A) andSisters t4A) also are looking to trophy.


are hoping for a return trip to the 2A state tourney after Continued from D1 taking fourth a year ago. Ridgeview also earned a The state playoffs start on berth in the 4Aplay-in round. Wednesday for Gilchrist and The first-year Ravens (6-3) the rest of Oregon's Class IA will be on the Oregon Coast volleyball teams. The Grizto play Far West League run- zlies are on the road at Camner-up Siuslaw (7-1) of Flor- as Valley. ence on Friday. Oregon's volleyball state tournaments are scheduled Volleyball for Nov. 9-10. The Class 6A Play-in matches — which and 5A tournaments will be started this past weekend at Hillsboro's Liberty High — continue through the first School, the 4A and 3A tourpart of the week, and the first neys will be at Lane Comround of the 5A, 4A, 3A and munity College in Eugene, 2A state playoffs is slated for and the 2A an d I A s t ate championships are schedSaturday. In Class 5A, M o untain uled for Ridgeview High in View wil l h ost a p l a y-in Redmond. match this week against Wilson of Portland. Summit and Cross-country Bend have play-in byes and All classifications — 6A, will be at home later in the 5A, 4A, and 3A/2A/IA — will week for the first round of holdtheir state championship the 5A state playoffs. meets on the same course this At the 4A level, Ridgeview Saturday at Lane Commuplays at Cottage Grove on nity College in Eugene. Both Tuesday in the play-in round. the boys and girls teams from Summit and Mountain View Crook County, which f i nished the year No. I in the advanced out the Class 5A OSAA rankings, and Sisters, Special District I meet last 4A's No. 2 team, both earned Friday. Central Oregon will be heavily represented in the automatic spots in the 4A state playoffs and will wait 4A state meet as the Sisters, to see which play-in winners Crook County and La Pine they will host. Madras, which boys teams all advanced out swept Henley of K l amath of district meets, as did the Falls on Saturday in the play- Sisters, Crook County and in round, will be on the road. Ridgeview girls squads. The Class 2A Culver will play Class 3A/2A/IA state girls on its home court with a trip race kicks off Oregon's crossto the state tournament on country state championships the line. The Bulldogs, who at 10 a.m. — Reporter: 541-383-0305, on Saturday won the Tri-Rivbeastes@bendbulletin.com. er Conference tournament,

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CYcLING CENTRAL CALENDAR Please email Cycling Central Sports event information to sports@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" on our website at bendbulletirLcorrL

Third St.; approximately 40 miles; vigorous pace; 541-382-6248; www.hutchsbicycles.com.

400 SW Bluff Dr Ste 200 Bend, OR 97702

BENDENDURANCEACADEMY CYCLOCROSS TEAM: Ages 10-18; Tuesdays through Thursdays through Nov. 25, option to extend to Jan. 6; 4 p.m.-6 p.m.; for beginners to advanced riders; teaches bike handling skills, fitness workouts and race strategy in a fun and safe environment; beginner participants may use mountain bikes; team offers weeklytraining sessions and fully supported travel to Oregon Junior Series races; bill ©bendenduranceacademy. org or enroll online BendEnduranceAcademy.org.

RACES U.S.GRAN PRIX OF CYCLOCROSS DESCHUTES BREWERYCUP: Saturday andSunday, Dec. 8-9; 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; Old Mill District, Bend; divisions for juniors, Categories 2-4, masters, single speed and professional $15-$45;usgpcyclocross. com/races/deschutes-brewery-cup.

RIDES BEND BELLACYCLISTS: Weekly women-only group road and mountain bike rides; see website for dates and meeting times;

meet at Pine Mountain Sports, 255 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; bendbellacyclists.org. TRINITY BIKESRIDE: Groud road bike ride starting in Redmond at Trinity Bikes, 865 S.W. 17th St.; M ondays; 6 p.m.;somewhatcasual pace; 541-923-5650. PINEMOUNTAIN SPORTS BIKE RIDE: Twice-monthly guided mountain bike rides hosted by PineMountain Sports and open to all riders; 5:30 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of eachmonth; free; rental and demo bikes available at no charge (beat the shop at 5 p.m.); meet at 255 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-385-8080; www.pinemountainsports.com. EUROSPORTSRIDE: Group road bike ride starting in Sisters from Eurosports, 182 E Hood St.; Saturdays; check with the shop for start time; all riders welcome; 541549-2471; www.eurosports.us. HUTCH'S NOON RIDE: Group road bike ride starting in Bend from Hutch's Bicycles east-side location, 820 N.E Third St., at noon on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays; and from Hutch's west-side location, 725 N.W. Columbia St., at noon on Tuesdays, Thursdays; pace varies; 541-382-6248; www. hutchsbicycles.com. HUTCH'S SATURDAYRIDE: Group road bike ride begins at10 a.m. Saturdays in Bend from Hutch's Bicycles east-side location, 820 N.E.





CROSSCRUSADE:Eight-race cyclocross series; each day, first race starts at 8:40 a.m. and last race starts at 3:15 p.m.; race No. 6 is Sundayat Barton Park, Barton; race No. 7 is Sunday, Nov. 11, at Washington County Fair Complex, Hillsboro; divisions for men, women, masters, Clydesdales, single speed, juniors, unicycles and kids tage12 and younger); $5-$30 per race, $40$210 for series; OBRAmembership required; crosscrusade.com. SOUTHERN BAJA,MEXICO SINGLETRACK TOURS: Dec. 8-12, Feb. 2-7 and Fed. 16-20; Baja, Mexico; includes four days of riding and five nights of accommodations, all meals and a Specialized full suspension bike rental; tours limited to12 riders; $925 tairfare not included); 541-385-7002; cogwild. com/multi-day-vacations/bajasingletrack.






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COG WILDSHUTTLES: Tuesdays and Thursdays; 5:30 p.m.; from Cascade Lakes Brewery to Swampy Lakes and Dutchman sno-parks; $10 per person; available weekly, call Cog Wild Bicycle Tours 8 Shuttles to reserve seat; 541-3857002; other shuttle times available, call for details.

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Bissell 5 amp vacuum Flat screen TV, smaller Buying Diamonds g ood c o nd. $ 1 5 .The Bulletin reserves size, $200 or best of/Gold for Cash FREE, some tame 541-383-4231 DON'IMISSTHIS fer. 541-848-0969 Saxon's Fine Jewelers the right to publish all some not. We de541-389-6655 Double bed headboard, ads from The Bulletin liver! Fixed, shots. BUYING frame, boxsprings, matt, newspaper onto The 541-389-8420 DO YOU HAVE 255 Bulletin Internet webFlyer German S h o rthairs$200 obo. 541-848-0969 SOMETHING TO Piano, SteinwayModel Lionel/American Computers site. C trains, accessories. AKC - females & SELL 0 Baby Grand 1911, 541-408-2191. males $300/ea. Mom GENERATE SOME ex- The Bulletin FOR $500 OR Want to Buy or Rent T HE B U LLETIN r e - gorgeous, artist qualyou r gernng Central Oregnntrnre l903 o n-site, 1 s t sh o t s, citement i n LESS? ity instrument w/great quires computer adFind exactly what d ewormed. Cra t e neighborhood! Plan a Non-commercial Wanted: $Cash paid for vertisers with multiple action & S teinway's you are looking for in the garage sale and don't 240 trained. 541-408-2114 vintage costume jewadvertisers may ad schedules orthose warm, rich sound. Will forget to advertise in Crafts & Hobbies elry. Top dollar paid for place an ad adorn any living room, CLASSIFIEDS Great Dane p u ppies, classified! selling multiple syswith our Gold/Silver.l buy by the Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, black & white, 2 males, 2 541-385-5809. tems/ software, to dis- church or music stuPfaff Model Quilt Expres"QUICK CASH Estate, Honest Artist 1st shots, very social females, $300; $50 nondio perfectly. New reBUYING & SE L LING close the name of the sions 4.0, l ike n ew, Elizabeth,541-633-7006 $700. 541-325-3376 refundable deposit. Born Mattress/boxsprings, SPECIAL" tail $ 6 9 ,000. Sacri-All gold jewelry, silver business or the term 9/25/1 2. 541-480-7171 queen, pillowtop, bam- sewing, quilting, $1200 1 week3lines 12 "dealer" in their ads. fice at $26,000 OBO, and gold coins, bars, CANARIES WANTED: RAZORS, OJ' rounds, wedding sets, boo fabric, used 9 mos, firm. 541-777-0101 Private party advertis- call 541-383-3150. Double or single2012 Waterslagers, rings, sterling silk 20l $899 new; asking $450. ~2 edged, straight Staffords, Red Facers are defined as Technics piano k e y- class 243 ver, collect, vinAd must SE Bend. 541-508-8784 razors, shaving those who sell one board perfect cond. Was tagecoin tors, 2 males, 12 feSki Equipment watches, dental include price of brushes, mugs & males, $45 ea. Terrecomputer. $1500 new; sell $425 gold. Bill Refrigerator/freezer, Fl e ming, lt l 550 0 scuttles, strops, bonne, 541-420-2149. obo. 541-388-2706 541-382-9419. Whirlpool ivory color, D ynaStar Intuitive 7 4 or less, or multiple shaving accessories Dachshund AKC mini HAVANESE PUPPIES reg. size, exc. cond. 188cm, Look bindings, & memorabilia. items whose total OBO. v ery good + , $ 9 5 . www.bendweenies.com AKC, Dewclaws, UTD $250 Fair prices paid. does not exceed 541-389-9836. $375. 541-508-4558 Call 541-390-7029 shots/wormer, nonshed, 541-549-6528 $500. between 10 am-3 pm. Dachshund male,9 wks h ypoallergenic, $ 8 5 0 Refrigerator GE French 246 Call Classifieds at old, 1st shots, ador- 541-460-1277. door, 24 cu. ft., black, Guns, Hunting 541-385-5809 able. $300 to good KoOIMore Pixat Benobolletin.ci 1 year old, $450. Holiday Bazaar www.bendbulletin.com & Fishing home. 541-447-0113. Huge pet adoption event, 541-923-7394 or email & Craft Shows stickbug@q.com PetSmart, Nov. 2, 11am1911 Gold USMC Com- For Sale: FAL .308 with 5pm. Shelters & rescue DO YOU HAVE memorative, $1350. Community Clothing, scope and 20 round groups will have dogs, Washer: Maytag front SOMETHING TO Walther P22, $325. Food and Dry Goods mag. $700. Call Kyle cats, puppies & kittens load, cherry red, 3 yrs Ruger SELL Mini 14 tact. rifle, Drive @ High Desert $350. 541-923-7394 ready for new homes! at (541) 678-3233 FOR $500 OR $725. Rem 700 30-06, Assisted Living, 2660 or stickbug@q.com Low fees & PetSmart LESS? rifle, $425. 541-647-8931 GUN SHOW NE Mary Rose Place, bonus to adopters. Non-commercial Nov. 10 & 11th, 2012 Bend, Oct. 15-31. www.craftcats.org People Look for Information Deschutes advertisers may The Bulletin Fairgrounds Drop off your donaor call store for details. place an ad with recommends e xtra About Products and Buy! Sell! Trade! tions between 8 a.m. OUI' 0 • Kittens/cats avail. thru a. Services Every Day through 9-5 • SUN. 10-3 and 7 p.m. daily. "QUICK CASH rescue group. Tame, chasing products or a The Bulletin Classifieds SAT.$8 Admission, (Clothing may be new SPECIAL" shots, altered, ID chip, services from out of I 12 & underfree. or gently used and will 1 week 3 lines 12 more. Sat/Sun 1-5, the area. Sending I[ 2010 H&R Handi-Rifle, be dispersed to Beth0 2~ aaka 20i call re: other days. c ash, c hecks, o r • .243 Win., syn stock, OREGON TRAIL GUN SHOWS 541-347-2120 lehem Inn residents) Ad must include 6 5480 7 8 th , B e n d .i credit i n f o rmation mount 8 rings in box, 541-312-2003 5 41-389-8420; 5 9 8 may be subjected to price of single item $250. 541-749-0636 Ruger77 300 Winchesof $500 or less, or 5488; photos, etc. at i FRAUD. For more bakpaknbow©gmail.com ter mag. 3x9 scope, 37th Annual Snowflake multiple items information about an t Boutique is Fri. Nov. 2, $525. 541 -548-4774. all firewhose total does advertiser, you may i Buy/Sell/Trade 1-8 p.m., Sat. Nov. 3, arms. Bend local pays Shotguns for sale: Bernot exceed $500. I call t h e Ore g on I 9 a.m. 4 p.m., Deswww.craftcats.org cash! 541-526-0617 etta 686, W i nchester ' State Att or n ey ' chutes County FairLabradoodle pups ready i General's O f f i c e SX3, Franchi AL-48, VeCASH!! grounds R e d mond, Call Classifieds at kg for forever homes. 2nd rona LX680, HK368. Call 541-385-5809 Consumer Protec- • Adm. $3. Proceeds go For Guns, Ammo & www.bendbulletin.com generation.541-647-9831 for prices, 541-447-4101. to Family Access Nett ion ho t l in e at I Reloading Supplies. www.happytailsmini 541-408-6900. work. www.snowflakei 1-877-877-9392. Wanted: Collector aussiesanddoodles.com boutique.org Just bought a new boat? seeks high quality te Bulle Sell your old one in the Labradoodles - Mini & fishing items. Call a Pro n med size, several colors classifieds! Ask about our Call 541-678-5753, or Whether you need a Items for Free 541-504-2662 Super Seller rates! 503-351-2746 541-385-5809 www.alpen-ridge.com fence fixed,hedges Stuffed chair and otto251 5-mo m ale, Antiques & trimmed or a house man, free! You pick English Bulldog Puppy, Maltese Hot Tubs 8 Spas purebred w/o papers, only one left! AKC regCollectibles built, you'll find up. 541-382-8954. istered. All shots up to hsebrkn, dew claws, vet H ot tu b $ 3 0 0 , 4 - 6 date & m i crochipped, checked, shots UTD, Breyer collectible horses professional help in $550. 541-504-5509 people, Camp Sher$2000. 541-416-0375 vintage from 1 9 75- The Bulletin's "Call a Pets & Supplies man 541-595-0246 Maltese pups, only 1 1980 Prices vary at Service Professional" male left! 9 weeks, par- $20 or less. Also tack Sauna, 2-person, cedar, Directory To place your Bulletin ad with a T he Bulletin recoments on site $350. Ador- & s t ables for sale. all bells & whistles. $999. 541-385-5809 mends extra caution 541-504-9078 able loving, frisky 8 206-369-2016 (Bend) photo, visit www.bendbulletin.com, when purc h asfluffy! Call 541-678-0120 ing products or serclick on "Place an ad" and follow Malti-poo male pup, vices from out of the English Bulldogs DOB $495 obo. Shots, area. Sending cash, 8/6/12. Healthy show doggy-door trained, checks, or credit inpa r ents AKC r e g. smart, shed-free, f ormation may b e **: maies/femaies $1600 ready to go! White subjected to fraud. g C hoose a category. choose a obo 541 410 0344 w/beige ears. Will be F or more i nforma- I aa!More pix at 8endbolletin.o 5-7 lbs. 541-323-1069 classification, and then select your tion about an adverwww.oregonpups.com tiser, you may call ad package. Maremma Guard Dog the O r egon State pups, purebred, great Attorney General's d ogs, $ 35 0 e a ch, Office C o n sumer 541-546-6171. g Wr ite your ad and upload your Protection hotline at 1-877-877-9392. Bull puppies, born digital photo. Frenchton pups. Ready Pit 28th. 2 Females for homes on 10/28. Aug. TheBulletin left. $200/ea. Tiffany ger lng central oregon tnre 2903 RegiStered parentS On site. Puppy package 541-728-1416 Call or and I can email or HI create your account with any included.$900 to $950. text text you with Pictures.

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POODLEpups, AKC toy Ad It com an on cats ~ o More Pixat Bendbolletin.c POM-A-PQQ pups, toy. FREE to seniors, dis- GermanShorthairAKC So cute! 541-475-3889 abled & vet e rans! P ups, FC Tonelli's RisTame, altered, shots, in g S ungrand-sired, Queensland Heelers ID chip, more. Will al- $ 5 50ea. 541-598-6988 standard & mini,$150 & up. 541-280-1537 http:// ways take back if cir-

cumstances change. German Shorthair pups. 389 8420 V lslt S at/ AKC, Parents on site, Sun 1-5. Photos, info: c h ampion bloodlines. www.craftcats.org. Mark, 541-420-3580 BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are still over 2,000 folks in our community without permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift camps, getting by as best they can. The following items are badly needed to help them get through the winter: @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. S WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m.

For Special pick up please call Ken @ 541-389-3296


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Siberian Husky, AKC! Beaut, sweet female, 1yr, $500. 541-977-7019 Yorkie AKC 2 male pups, small, big eyes, shots, health gua r antee, $850+, 541-316-0005.

Yorkie purebred female uppy, ready to go! 500. 541-460-3884 Furniture & Appliances A1 Washers&Dryers

$150 ea. Full warranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's 541-280-7355

Youhavearighttoknowwhatyourgovernmentisdoing. Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper whose readers are affected by the notice. But federal, state, and local government agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper. If they did that,you'd have to know in advance where, when, and how to look, and what to look for, itt order to be informed about government actions that could affect you directly. Less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government web site daily,* but 80% of all Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once during an average week, and 54% read public notices printed there.*'

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Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 37 Rolling Stones hit whose title 1 Vegas attraction follows the 7 Catch a glimpse words "Hey you" of 41 de c o logne 11 Prefix with 42 " my case!" dermal 43 They may need 14 Stadiums refining 15 Old home for 44 Root beer or Mr. Met ginger ale 46 Diamond16 Actor Beatty shaped pattern 17 Gather 48 "Hurry up!" momentum 19 "Spring ahead" 53 Radiator output 54 Perpendicular to hours: Abbr. the keel 20 Parked on a 55" it bench something I 21 Meager fare for sald? Oliver Twist 58 CPR specialist 22 Greek "I" 59 What airplanes leave in the 23 Mel Torme's sky ... or what nickname 17-, 23-, 3726 System of and 48-Across government have? 29 Ventnor and 62 Gorilla Baltic, in Monopoly: Abbr. 63 Schoolmarmish 64 Certain wasp 30 Soon, to a poet 65 " Your Eyes 31 Pageant Only" headwear 66 Tennis's Novak 34 Scottish Djokovic, by headwear birth

67 Old saws


25 Emergency exodus













DOWN 1 Baseball headwear











say" 12 Sauce with crushed garlic and basil 13 Item on a dog collar or suitcase 18 Chevrolet

Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 5:00 pm Fris

Tuesday•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Mons Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 Noon Tuess























42 44




22 23





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2 Operatic selection















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COWGIRL CASH All Year Dependable We buy Jewelry, Boots, Firewood: Sp lit, Del. Vintage Dresses 8 LAND LEASING Looking for your next Bend. Lod g epole, MANAGER employee? More. 924 Brooks St. pine: 1 for $195 or 2 541-678-5162 The Fres h water Place a Bulletin help f or $365. Cash o r www.getcowgirlcash.com check. (Credit Card Trust seeks a motiwanted ad today and vated self-starter to reach over 60,000 OK). 541-420-3484. VHS movies! Tons of secure leases on agreaders each week. 605 528 them mostly new, 25C to 421 ricultural and rural Your classified ad Roommate Wanted Loans & Mortgages $1.00 541-548-6642 • Hay, Grain & Feed • Get your Schools & Training land for the implewill also appear on business mentation. $40,000 bendbulletin.com Wanted- paying cash Share cozy mobil e home Good horse hay, barn TRUCK SCHOOL WARNING base + commission. which currently for Hi-fi audio & stuin Terrebonne, $275+ yz stored, no rain, $225 The Bulletin recomwww.llTR.net Detailed job descripreceives over 1.5 dio equip. Mclntosh, ton, and $8.25 bale. mends you use cau- utils. 503-679-7496 Campus tion and application million page views J BL, Marantz, D y - c ROWI N G Delivery ava i lable. Redmond tion when you proStudent Loans/Job instructions may be every month at naco, Heathkit, San541-410-4495. vide personal Have an item to Waiting Toll Free found at no extra cost. sui, Carver, NAD, etc. with an ad in information to compa1-888-387-9252 sell quick? http://www.thefreshBulletin Classifieds Call 541-261-1808 nies offering loans or The Bulletin's Garage Sales watertrust.org/aboutGet Results! If it's under credit, especially "Call A Service 454 us/jobs-and-internCall 385-5809 those asking for ad'500 you can place it in Garage Sales or place Tools Professional" Looking for Employment ships. vance loan fees or your ad on-line at The Bulletin companies from out of Directory Garage Sales bendbulletin.com Woodworking T o o l s: EXPERIENCE state. If you have Classifieds for: older Craftsman scroll Log truck loads of green Machinist HOUSEKEEPER concerns or quesFind them saw, Craftsman radial lodgepole delivered to KEITH Mfg. Co. Call 541-388-2706 tions, we suggest you Call The Bulletin At '10 - 3 lines, 7 days in arm saw, Delta Rock- Bend, $1000. M ixed has an opening for a consult your attorney well spindle lathe, with loads lodgepole, $1100. 541 -385-5809 CNC Mach i nist. '16 - 3 lines, 14 days The Bulletin 476 or call CONSUMER access.; 2 Po w e r- 541-815-4177 Perform setup and Place Your Ad Or E-Mail HOTLINE, (Private Party ads only) Employment Matic shapers, $150 Classifieds operate a variety of 1-877-877-9392. At: www.bendbulletin.com each. Misc.clamps, Opportunities Mazak CNC lathes, Split, Dry 630 and hand drill with 541-385-5809 Cedar or Lodgepole i ncluding live t o o l Where can you find a bits. 541-383-5840. 486 $200/Cord and fourth axis, to Rooms for Rent helping hand? Delivery included! Wanted: Irrigated farm CAUTION READERS: make pre c i sion Independent Posltions 541-923-6987, Iv msg. ground, under pivot irparts. Maintain reFrom contractors to NE Bend: Private bath/ Bullding Materials riqation, i n C e n tral Ads published in "Em- quired tooling supentry/patio; internet/cable yard care, it's all here Well seasoned Lodge- OR. 541-419-2713 Sales ployment Opportuni- plies. Inspect parts svc; laundry. No smkg. pole Pine, $180/cord in The Bulletin's La Pine Habitat t ies" i n c lude e m - and adjust programs $495. 541-317-1879 Circulation split, 2 cord min. Wheat Straw: Certified 8 RESTORE "Call A Service ployee and and tools to conform Promotions Fast, friendly service! Studios & Kitchenettes Bedding Straw 8 Garden i ndependent Building Supply Resale 541-410-6792 po s i - to prints. Minimum 2 We are seeking a full Professional" Directory Furnished room, TV w/ / 382-6099 Straw;Compost.546-6171 Quality at tions. Ads for posi- years e x p erience time Sales Rep to cable, micro & fridge. LOW PRICES tions that require a fee CNC Lathe Set Up, 269 join our successful BANK TURNED YOU Utils 8 l i nens. New 52684 Hwy 97 or upfront investment with an emphasis on Looklng for your team of i n depenDOWN? Private party owners. $145-$165/wk Gardening Supplies 541-536-3234 must be stated. With Mazak lathes and dent co n t ractors. will loan on real esnext employee? 541-382-1885 & Equipment Open to the public. any independent job Mazak pr o g ramMust be goal o riPlace a Bulletln tate equity. Credit, no opportunity, p l e ase ming software. Must ented, mo t i vated, problem, good equity help wanted ad Just too many investigate thor- b e able to l ift 5 0 Pergo Australian e nthusiastic, p e r is all you need. Call For newspaper today and collectibles? oughly. pounds. C o mpetiEucalyptus flooring. sonable, outgoing, now. Oregon Land delivery, call the reach over tive wage and benNlB 897 s/f. Retail: optimistic and good Mortgage 388-4200. Circulation Dept. at 60,000 readers Use extra caution when efit package. Send Sell them in $2,080. Asking with people. Sales 541-385-5800 each week. applying for jobs on- cover letter and re$1000. Call Tony, experience is pre- LOCALMONEYrWe buy The Bulletin Classifieds To place an ad, call Your classified ad line and never prosume to: (208) 880-5254. ferred, positive attisecured trust deeds & 541-385-5809 wlll also vide personal inforKEITH Mfg. Co. note,some hard money tude required! Must or email appear on mation to any source Human Resources, loans. Call Pat Kelley 541-385-5809 classified@bendbulletin com have a valid driver's Prineville Habitat 541-382-3099 ext.13. bendbulletln.com you may not have rePO Box 1, license, insured veReStore searched and deemed Madras, OR 97741 The Bulletin whlch currently hicle and cell phone. 634 servingcentral oregon znce e03 Building Supply Resale Reverse Mortgagee to be reputable. Use or fax to receives over We offer a complete Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 1427 NW Murphy Ct. bylocal expert Mlke extreme caution when 541-475-2169 1.5 million page training program, all 541-447-6934 LeRoux NMLs57716 SUPER TOP SOIL r esponding to A N Y vlews every tools and supplies $299 1st mo. rent!! * www.hershe soilandbark.com Call to learn more. Open to the public. online e m ployment month at no Screened, soil & comMedlcal Billlng for busy needed for success, GET THEM BEFORE 541-350-7839 ad from out-of-state. extra cost. practice. Prior medical generous commisTHEY ARE GONE! post m i x ed , no Securitv1 Lending Bulletin exp req'd; 16-30 hrs/ sion, d a i l y and NMLS98161 rocks/clods. High hu2 bdrm, 1 bath Heatlng & Stoves We suggest you call weekly bo n uses, Wage DOE. Fax Classifleds $530 8 $540 mus level, exc. f or the State of Oregon week. cash incentives and 573 Carports 8 A/C included! flower beds, lawns, Get Results! NOTICE TO Consumer Hotline at resume to 541-317-1777 unlimited in c o me Fox Hollow Apts. gardens, straight Call 541-385-5809 ADVERTISER Business Opportunities 1-503-378-4320 Pharmacist position potential. Email re(541) 383-3152 Since September 29, s creened to p s o i l . or place your ad available at Central sume to m i stertaCascade Rental Mgmt. Co Bark. Clean fill. De1991, advertising for on-line at For Equal Opportunity Oregonindependent * upstairs only with lease clmaster© aol.com Looking for your liver/you haul. used woodstoves has bendbulletln.com L aws: Oregon B upharmacy. Profesnext employee? been limited to mod- 541-548-3949. reau of Labor 8 InThe Bulletin 636 sional setting, cusPlace a Bulletin help Serv>ng Central Oregon znce 1903 els which have been dustry, C i vil Rights tomer-service oriwanted ad today and Apt./Multiplex NW Bend c ertified by the O r - Good classified ads tell Division, ented, 2 to 3 days reach over 60,000 the essential facts in an • Horses & Equipment • egon Department of 971-673-0764 weekly. readers each week. 141 NW P o rtland, 2 Environmental Qual- interesting Manner. Write 541-419-4688. bdrm, oak cabinets, DW, Your classified ad TiCk, TOCk ity (DEQ) and the fed- from the readers view - not SE Bend Boarding If you have any quesW/S/G & cable paid, will also appear on eral En v ironmental the seller's. Convert the $200/mo. Top Quality tions, concerns or Remember.... laundry facilities. $650, bendbulletin.com Protection A g e ncy facts into benefits. Show grass hay, pen/shelter. comments, contact: A dd your we b a d - Tick, Tock... $500 dep. 541-617-1101 which currently re(EPA) as having met the reader how the item will Over 1000 acres to ride. Classified Department dress to your ad and ...don't let time get ceives over 1.5 mil541-419-3405 smoke emission stanhelp them in someway. The Bulletin 642 readers on The lion page views away. Hire a dards. A cer t ified 541-385-5809 This Bulletin' s web site Apt./Multiplex Redmond every month at w oodstove may b e professional out advertising tip will be able to click no extra cost. identified by its certifibrought to youby through automatically of The Bulletin's Duplex 2 bdrm/1 bath, Bulletin Classifieds The Bulletin cation label, which is to your site. appl., W/D hookup, Get Results! Call "Call A Service permanently attached The Bulletin Atwood utility tilt trailer, servrngcentrai 0 eqon smce etB fenced yard, storage 385-5809 or place to the stove. The Bulg reat c o nd., $ 4 0 0 Caregiver —All Shifts Professional" Resort Housekeeping shed, $599+dep., your ad on-line at letin will no t k n owfirm. 541-389-9844 avail. Apply in person. The Pines at Sunriver, 2812 SW 24th. 270 bendbulletln.com Directory today! ingly accept advertisInterviews this week. Call 541-593-2160. 541-815-1146. i ng for the sale of Lost & Found Mobile Home Space 1099 NE Watt Way, uncertified for rent, $350. Sales Bend. woodstoves. Attn: archery hunters Telephone prospecting Independent Contractor 541-548-8052 camped at L ookout position for important 267 Mtn. just outside Prai- Wanted: Irrigated farm DO YOU NEED professional services. r ie City.. t hey l e f t ground, under pivot irFuel & Wood Income pote n tial A GREAT something at camp, I rigation, i n C e n tral $50,000. (average inEMPLOYEE found it and would like OR. 541-419-2713 come 30k-35k) opRIGHT NOW? WHEN BUYING to return it. Call Dave portunity f o r adCall The Bulletin 541-643-5990 FIREWOOD... 375 vancement. Base & before 11 a.m. and Commission, Health To avoid fraud, Found men's Rx glasses, Meat & Animal Processing get an ad in to puband Dental Benefits. The Bulletln Foster Grant frame, Dillish the next day! Will train the right perrecommends paylon Falls trail, 10/21. Call BEEF: No h o rmones/ 541-385-5809. son. Fax resume to: chemicals, $3/Ib hangment for Flrewood to I.D., 541-382-3254 VIEW the ++++++++++++++++++ 541-848-6408. only upon delivery ing, to be butchered Dec. Classifieds at: Lost: 6 mo. old brown 3-7. Half/whole, reserve www.bendbulletin.com and inspectlon. Pitbull puppy, near now! 541-388-6905 Check out the • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 4' x 4' x 8' Alfalfa Rd. Turquoise classifieds online collar, no hair on end • Receipts should tNwvv.bendbulletin.com of tail. Reward! Call include name, SOLD IN 30 DAYS!! Updated daily 541-280-4071 phone, price and kind of wood pur"P/easediscontinue this Need to get an The Bulletin chased. l adasthe vehiclehas • Firewood ads I Recommends extra ad in ASAP? We are looking for independent contractors to l been so/d. 1 am p/eased caution when purMUST include speto tell you that 1 had service home delivery routes in: You can place it chasing products or I cies and cost per l postedit on Craig's List online at: services from out of cord to better serve on 6 different locations Nissan Murano our customers. u'i' was '"e u" e ' ina" S L-AWD 2004, 75k, I the area. Sending www.bendbulletin.com c ash, checks, o r that soldit!" all-weather tires, tow I credit i n f o rmation The Bulletin Lee, G. pkg, gold metallic, 541-385-5809 serv>ngcentral oregon since ara I may be subjected to


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Redmond Homes


Motorcycles & Accessories

Motorhomes •



Fifth Wheels

Trucks & Heavy Equipment

Honda Elite 80 2001, Gulfstream Sce n i c 1400 mi., absolutely Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, like new., comes w/ Cummins 330 hp diecarrying rack for 2" sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 receiver, ideal for use in. kitchen slide out, w/motorhome, $995, new tires, under cover, 541-546-6920 hwy. miles only,4 door Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 by Carriage, 4 slidef ridge/freezer ice 850 outs, inverter, satelmaker, W/D combo, TURN THE PAGE Snowmobiles lite sys, fireplace, 2 Interbath tub & For More Ads flat screen TVs. shower, 50 amp proS nowmobiles (2) o n $60,000. The Bulletin pane gen & m ore! trailer, s n o wmobiles 541-480-3923 $55,000. n eed s o m e wor k 541-948-2310 $1500. 541-312-9292




Antique & Classic Autos

Sport Utility Vehicles

Autom o biles

Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 Buick LucerneCXL Looking for your next 4x4. 120K mi, Power 2009, $12,500, low emp/oyee? seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd low miles; 2000 Buick Place a Bulletin help row seating, e xtra Century $2900. You'll wanted ad today and not find nicer Buicks Mercury M o n terrey tires, CD, privacy tintreach over 60,000 ing, upgraded rims. One look's worth a 1965, Exc. All original, readers each week. Fantastic cond. $7995 thousand words. Call 4-dr. sedan, in storPeterbilt 359 p o table age last 15 yrs., 390 Contact Timm Your classified ad at Bob, 541-318-9999. water t ruck, 1 9 90, will also appear on High C o m pression 541-408-2393 for info for an appt. and take a 3200 gal. tank, 5hp bendbulletin.com or to view vehicle. drive in a 30 mpg. car p ump, 4 - 3 B hoses, engine, new tires & liwhich currently recamlocks, $ 2 5,000. c ense, reduced t o Dodge Durango SLT Cadillac E l D o r ado ceives over $2850, 541-410-3425. 2006, 4x4, r u nning 1994, T otal c r e a m 541-820-3724 1.5 million page b oard, prem i u m puff, body, paint, trunk views every month 925 wheels, 3rd row seat. as showroom, blue at no extra cost. Softail Deluxe Utility Trailers Vin ¹138688. $9,999 leather, $1700 wheels Bulletin Classifieds 2010, 805 miles, w/snow tires although Get Results! ttM S UBA R U . Black Chameleon. car has not been wet Call 385-5809 or $17,000 in 8 years. On trip to Hunter's Delight! Pack2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend place your ad on-line Call Don I 877-266-3821 Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., Snowmobile trailer age deal! 1988 Win- Fleetwood Wilderness Plymouth B a r racuda at Big Tex LandscapDlr ¹0354 $5400, 541-593-4016. 541-410-3823 nebago Super Chief, 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, 2002, 25-ft Inter1966, original car! 300 bendbulletin.com ing/ ATV Trailer, 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t rear bdrm, fireplace, state & 3 sleds, hp, 360 V8, centerGMC Y ukon D e nali dual axle flatbed, shape; 1988 Bronco II AC, W/D hkup beaulines, (Original 273 $10,900. 2003, leather, moon- Cadillac Seville STS 7'x16', 7000 lb. 870 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. 541-480-8009 eng & wheels incl.) roof, premium wheels, 2003 - just finished GVW, all steel, mostly towed miles, 773 541-593-2597 Boats & Accessories 3rd row. Very nice. $4900 engine work $1400. nice rig! $15,000 both. by Certified GM meVin Acreages ¹128449. 541-382-4115, or PROJECT CARS: Chevy chanic. Has every860 13' Smokercraft '85, 541-382-3964, leave $13,999. 541-280-7024. 2-dr FB 1949 8 Chevy msg. thing but navigation. Motorcycles & Accessories good cond., 15HP Coupe 1950 - rolling S UBA R U . Too many bells and CHECK YOUR AD chassis's $1750 ea., gas Evinrude + 931 whistles to l i st. Itasca Spirit Class C Please check your ad Harley Davidson Soft- Minnkota 44 elec. Chevy 4-dr 1949, com2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend bought a new one. Automotive Parts, on the first day it runs Tail Deluxe 20 0 7, motor, fish finder, 2 2007, 20K miles, front K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 plete car, $1949; Ca877-266-3821 $4900 entertainment center, slide, AC, TV, awning. Service & Accessories dillac Series 61 1950, 2 to make sure it is cor- white/cobalt, w / pas- extra seats, trailer, Dlr ¹0354 541-420-1283 all bells 8 whistles, NEW: tires, converter, dr. hard top, complete rect. Sometimes in- senger kit, Vance & extremely good con- batteries. Hardly used. (4) Sears studded mud 8 w/spare front c l ip.,GMC Yukon XL 1500 s tructions over t h e Hines muffler system extra equip. $3200. 2007, l e a t her, 4 dition, 2 s l ides, 2 $15,500. 541-923-2595 snow t i res, L T 245/ $3950, 541-382-7391 phone are misunder- 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. 541-388-9270 bucket seats, 3rd row HDTV's, $45,000 75R16 load range E, stood and a n e r ror c ond, $19,9 9 9 , moonroof. Vin OBO. 541-447-5484 90% tread, $200 firm, DIH)I'I MISSTHIS seat, can occur in your ad. 541-389-9188. 17' 1984 Chris Craft ¹305958. $27,988 cash only. 541-593-0114 If this happens to your - Scorpion, 140 HP Harley Heritage VW Karman Ghia ad, please contact us inboard/outboard, 2 S UBA R U . 4 Studless winter tracSoftail, 2003 the first day your ad 1970, good cond., depth finders, trolltion tires on wheels, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend ChryslerSebring 2006 $5,000+ in extras, new upholstery and appears and we will ing motor, full cover, 225/60R-16, $350. Fully loaded, exc.cond, 877-266-3821 $2000 paint job, be happy to fix it as EZ - L oad t railer, convertible top. 541-410-0886 MONTANA 3585 2008, very low miles (38k), 30K mi. 1 owner, Dlr ¹0354 s oon a s w e ca n . For $3500 OBO. $10,000. exc. cond., 3 slides, always garaged, more information Snow tires Wild CounDeadlines are: Week541-382-3728. 541-389-2636 king bed, Irg LR, Arctransferable warranty tiy LT24 5 - 75R16 please call Jayco Seneca 2007, days 11:00 noon for tic insulation, all opincl. $8600 541-385-8090 studded 8 s iped on 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy next day, Sat. 11:00 tions $37,500. 541-330-4087 or 209-605-5537 chrome rims, $500 5500 d i e sel , toy a.m. for Sunday and 17' Seaswirl 1988 541-420-3250 541-382-4144. hauler $130 , 000. Monday. open bow, rebuilt 541-389-2636. Nuyya 297LK H i tch- Studded tires 195-60-14 Ford Crown Vic. 541-385-5809 HD FAT BOY Chev V 6 e n g ine, Hiker 2007, 3 slides, on 2001 Toyota CoG MC Yukon XL S L T 1997 4 door, 127k, Thank you! 1996 new uph o lstery, 32' touring coach, left d rives, runs a n d rolla wheels, like new 2004, loaded w/facThe Bulletin Classified $3900 obo. Bend. Completely rebuilt/ kitchen, rear lounge, set of 4,$250 OBO. VW Thing 1974, good looks great, extra tory dvd, 3rd s eat, 707-688-4523 customized, low many extras, beautiful 541-408-1389. set of winter tires on cond. Extremely Rare! $7100. 541-280-6947 miles. Accepting ofc ond. inside & o u t , rims, only $3000. Only built in 1973 8 Studded tires for Buick fers. 541-548-4807 $34,499 OBO, Prinev541-771-6500. 1974. $8,000. Need help fixing stuff? 775 ille. 541-447-5502 days Park Ave., 225/60R-16, Call A Service Professional 541-389-2636 used 1 season, on rims, & 541-447-1641 eves. Manufactured/ Immaculate! find the help you need. HD Screaming Eagle $400 obo. 541-389-3137 The Bulletin Mobile Homes Beaver Coach Marquis www.bendbulletin.com Electra Glide 2005, To Subscribe call U 40' 1987. New cover, Tires (4) LT265/70R17 103 motor, two tone Pickups • s» i on Ford 8-hole wheels new paint (2004), new H onda C R V 200 5 , 541-385-5800 or go to FACTORY SPECIAL candy teal, new tires, 4 0% t r ead, $ 4 0 0. 4WD, moonroof, alloy www.bendbulletin.com New Home, 3 bdrm, 23K miles, CD player, 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 inverter (2007). Onan 541-480-9277 Volvo Penta, 270HP, 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, wheels, v e ry clean. $48,900 finished Chev short box hydraulic clutch, exVin ¹027942. $12,888 on your site,541.548.5511 low hrs., must see, parked covered $35,000 cellent condition. Tires 4 studded snows, step-side pickup, Infinity G35 Coupe obo. 541-419-9859 or www.JandMHomes.com Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th P235/75R/15, No rims, $15,000, 541-330-3939 Highest offer takes it. 1987, excellent 2004, B l a ck , 1 i~ S U B A R U . 541-280-2014 wheel, 1 s lide, AC, $200 541-383-0068 541-480-8080. shape inside & out, owner, no accidents, TV,full awning, excel2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend manual trans., great all electric, all Tires 4 Bridgelent shape, $23,900. Winter 877-266-3821 cond., n a v igation, works, $4500. s tone 2 2 5/55 R 1 6 541-350-8629 Dlr ¹0354 7 4K m i . , $6200. 20.5' 2004 Bayliner 95W on alloy rims, 541-382-5309 call 205 Run About, 220 like new, tire presHummer H2 2003, auto, Please Take care of 541-593-2321 or sure monitors incl. HP, V8, open bow, 4X4, premium wheels, email (Retail@$1900) $650. exc. cond., very fast your investments 3rd seat leather grill Monaco Dynasty2004, In Bend 619-889-5422 w/very low hours, guard, lots of extras. johnmason2280@ with the help from loaded, 3 slides, diegmail.com lots of extras incl. Vin ¹113566. Ca/I 54 I -385-5809 sel, Reduced - now The Bulletin's tower, Bimini 8 $17,988. to r o m ot e o u r s ervice $119,000, 5 4 1-923Antique & 3 00 0 GT custom trailer, "Call A Service f fj@ SUBUBBRUOBBRNO B A R UCOM. Mitsubishi 8572 or 541-749-0037 Classic Autos 1 999, a u to., p e a r l $19,500. Chevy Silverado 2500 Professional" Directory Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care 541-389-1413 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend w hite, very low m i . HD LT 2001 Crew $9500. 541-788-8218. 877-266-3821 6.6L diesel auto 4X4 krNRi'e" ®I Hl NOTICE: Oregon state N OTICE: O R E G O N Dlr ¹0354 98K, exc. cnd $17,900 Nissan Sentra, 2012law req u ires any- Landscape Contrac541-312-9312 J eep L i berty 2 0 0 7 , 12,610 mi, full warranty, one who c o n tracts tors Law (ORS 671) 1921 Model T L Nav., 4x4, l e ather, PS, PB, AC, & more! for construction work r equires a l l bu s i Delivery Truck $17,000. 541-788-0427 loaded. Moonroof. to be licensed with the nesses that advertise 20.5' Seaswirl Spy- Southwind 35.5' Triton Restored & Runs Vin ¹646827. $13,988. C onstruction Con - to p e r form L a n d- der 1989 H.O. 302, 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du In t e rnational $9000. /Q® S U B A R U. tractors Board (CCB). scape C o nstruction 285 hrs., exc. cond., pont UV coat, 7500 mi Pilgrim 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, 541-389-8963 RUB RUOBBRNO COM Bought new at A n active lice n se which includes: stored indoors for Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 life $11,900 OBO. $132,913, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend means the contractor p lanting, decks , Fall price $ 2 1,865. Ford 250 XLT 1990, asking $93,500. 877-266-3821 i s bonded an d i n - fences, arbors, 541-379-3530 541-312-4466 uiMI 6 yd. dump bed, Call 541-419-4212 Dlr ¹0354 s ured. Ve r ify t h e w ater-features, a n d 139k, Auto, $5500. contractor's CCB installation, repair of Porsche 911 1974, low Ads published in the 541-410-9997 mi., complete motor/ c ense through t h e irrigation systems to "Boats" classification Travel Trailers • trans. rebuild, tuned CCB Cons u m er be licensed with the include: Speed, fish. k~ i v ' : =::.-f mX~ ~ suspension, int. & ext. Website Landscape Contracing, drift, canoe, Ford F250 2002 Chevy C-20 Pickup www.hirealicensedcontractor. refurbM oil c ooling, t ors B o a rd . Th i s house and sail boats. Supercab 7.3 diesel, com 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; shows new in 8 out, 4-digit number is to be For all other types of 130,000 miles, great or call 503-378-4621. included in all adverauto 4-spd, 396, model perf. ech. c o n d. Regal Prowler AX6 Exwatercraft, please see shape with accesso- Jeep Willys 1947,custom, Much m CST /all options, orig. The Bulletin recom- tisements which indimore! treme Edition 38' '05, Class 875. small block Chevy, PS, ries. $14,900. owner, $24,000, mends checking with cate the business has 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all 541-385-5809 541-923-0231 day or OD, mags+trailer. Swap $28,000 541-420-2715 541-923-6049 the CCB prior to con- a bond, insurance and maple cabs, king bed/ 541-923-2582 eves. for backhoe.No am calls PORSCHE 914 1974, tracting with anyone. workers c ompensaPioneer Spirit 18CK, bdrm separated w/slide I=',f ~ please. 541-389-6990 Roller (no engine), Some other t r ades tion for their employ- SBOMOgCentral Oregan SinCe 1903 2007, used only 4x, AC, glass dr,loaded,always Ford F250 XLT 1993 Jeep Wrangler X 2008, lowered, full roll cage, also req u ire addi- ees. For your protecelectric tongue j ack, garaged,lived in only 3 GENERATE SOME ex- $8995. 541-389-7669 extended cab, 8 3,500 unlimited, 4 dr., run- 5-pt harnesses, ractional licenses and mo,brand new $54,000, tion call 503-378-5909 citement in your neigmiles, tow pkg, $3500. ning boards, premium ing seats, 911 dash 8 certifications. still like new, $28,500, or use our website: borhood. Plan a ga- ROUA Digorgio 1971 instruments, d e cent Call 541-408-1984 will deliver,see rvt.com, wheels, hard top, very shape, www.lcb.state.or.us to rage sale and don't fridge, heater, propane ad¹4957646 for pics. Chevy Wagon 1957, v e r y c o ol! Debris Removal clean. Vin ¹ 5 72535. check license status forget to advertise in & elec. lights, awning, Cory, 541-580-7334 $1699. 541-678-3249 4-dr., complete, $24,999. before con t racting 2 spares, extra insuclassified! 385-5809. JUNK BE GONE $15,000 OBO, trades, Camry LE, 1999, with t h e bu s iness. lation for late season 4j@ SUBARU. Toyota please call Ford F250 XLT 4x4 2 sets of tires & wheels, I Haul Away FREE hunting/cold weather Persons doing land541-420-5453. SerVing Central OOBgon SinCe 1903 Lariat, 1990, r e d, 179,700 miles, 1 owner. For Salvage. Also scape maintenance camping, well maint, 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend original miles, $3250. 541-408-1984 Cleanups & Cleanouts very roomy, sleeps 5, 0 D , 0 877-266-3821 do not require a LCB Chrysler 300 C o upe 80K 4" lift with 39's, well Mel, 541-389-8107 reat f o r hu n t ing, license. Dlr ¹0354 Used out-drive 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, maintained, $4000 3200, 541-410-6561 auto. trans, ps, air, Toyota Camry's: parts Mercury Handyman obo. 541-419-5495 Nelson Landscape frame on rebuild, re1984, $1200 obo; OMC rebuilt mapainted original blue, Maintenance rine motors: 151 1985 SOLD; ERIC REEVE HANDY original blue interior, Serving $1595; 3.0 $1895; 1986 parts car, SERVICES. Home 8 original hub caps, exc. Central Oregon 4.3 (1993), $1995. $500. Commercial Repairs, chrome, asking $9000 908 541-389-0435 Carpentry-Painting, Residential Call for details, or make offer. Lincoln Navigator 2005 Aircraft, Parts Pressure-washing, 541-548-6592 & Commercial 541-385-9350 great cond 124k mi S pringdale 2005 27', 4' Honey Do's. On-time 8 Service slide in dining/living area, 3 rows seats, DVD promise. Senior Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, player, $11,500 cash Toyota Prius PK6 2008 sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 Watercraft • Discount. Work guar7 1K, X- c ab , X L T, only. 541-475-3274 obo. 541-408-3811 57k mi., $18,977 anteed. 541-389-3361 a uto, 4 . 0L , $ 8 400 ¹407796 16-ft wide-body canoe, Chrysler SD 4-Door Oo or 541-771-4463 OBO. 541-388-0232 ~ • Snow Removal hand-laid fiberglass, long 1930, CD S R oyal Bonded & Insured MOrePjXa(tjjfliijj)IIlletlI.COm Standard, 8-cylinder, • Sprinkler Repair paddles & Stearns vests, CCB¹181595 $350. 541-233-8944 body is good, needs GMC '/4-ton N issan Armada S E • Back Flow Testing Oregon I DO THAT! r e s toration, 4WD, 1997, 2 007, 4 W D , a u t o , AutoSource 1/3 interest in Colum- some • Fall Clean up Home/Rental repairs Diesel engine, extra l eather, D VD , C D . runs, taking bids, 2007 SeaDoo bia 400, located at 541-598-3750 •Weekly Mowing Small jobs to remodels cab, good shape, Vin¹700432. $14,788. aaaoregonautosource.com 2004 Waverunner, Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. 541-383-3888, Senior Discounts Honest, guaranteed 541-815-3318 electric windows, excellent condition, Call 541-647-3718 slide,Bunkhouse style, Bonded & Insured work. CCB¹151573 r!IIM S UBA RU. Toyotas: 1999 Avalon door locks & seats, LOW hours. Double BUBBRUOBBBNO COM sleeps 7-8, excellent 1 /3 interest i n w e l l Dennis 541-317-9768 541-815-4458 254k; 1996 Camry, $5000 obo. trailer, lots of extras. 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend condition, $ 1 6 ,900, equipped IFR Beech LCB¹8759 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of 541-382-5309 877-266-3821 $10,000 541-390-2504 Home Improvement B onanza A 36 , l o miles left in these 541-719-8444 Dlr ¹0354 BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS cated KBDN. $55,000. cars. Price? You tell 541-419-9510 me! I d guess Kelly Kerfoot Const. Search the area's most 28 yrs exp in Central OR! comprehensive listing of Ads published in BWa$2000-$4000. Executive Hangar Quality 8 honesty, from classified advertising... Your servant, Bob at tercraft" include: KayFIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, at Bend Airport nternational Fla t carpentry & handyman real estate to automotive, 541-318-9999, no ks, rafts and motordoor panels w/flowers IBed Pickup 1963, 1 (KBDN) charge for looking. jobs, to expert wall cov- merchandise to sporting Ized personal 8 hummingbirds, ton dually, 4 s p d. ering install / removal. goods. Bulletin Classifieds watercrafts. For Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 60' wide x 50' deep, white soft top & hard Volkswagen SE, w/55' wide x 17' high trans., great MPG, Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 Porsche Cayenne 2004, 2008. 40,500 Jetta top. Just reduced to appear every day in the • "boats" please see 29', weatherized, like bi-fold door. Natural mi, Great could be exc. wood Licensed/bonded/insured Class 870. 86k, immac, dealer $3,750. 541-317-9319 print or on line. condition, FWD, ABS, n ew, f u rnished & gas heat, office, bathhauler, runs great, 541-389-1413 /410-2422 maint'd, loaded, now ~541-385-5809 or 541-647-8483 automatic, AC, moonCall 541-385-5809 ready to go, incl Wine- room. Parking for 6 new brakes, $1950. $17000. 503-459-1580 roof, CD/MP3 & much www.bendbulletin.com ard S a tellite dish, 541-419-5480. Landscaping/Yard Care c ars. A d jacent t o more! $12,950 26,995. 541-420-9964 Toyota 4 Runner LimFrontage Rd; g reat 541-771-2312 ited 2 0 0 5 , 4W D , visibility for a viation Sening Central OregOnBOCO1903 moonroof, le a t her, bus. 1jetjockOq.com running boards, auto, Looking for your 541-948-2126 Motorhomes • Z~r/C zQuadrip heated seats, v ery Viking Tent t railer next employee? Ford Galaxie 500 1983, 2 008, c lean, s e l f clean. Vin ¹ 0 37550. Place a Bulletin help Zau< dar e /',, 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, $21,999. contained, sleeps 5, wanted ad today and 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer 8 easy to tow, great reach over 60,000 RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L More Than Service Discounts available S UBA R U . radio (orig),541-419-4989 cond. $5200, obo. readers each week. hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, Call Cutting Edge Peace Of Mind 541-383-7150. Ford Mustang Coupe Your classified ad am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Lawnworks: 1966, original owner, 541-420-3634 /390-1285 will also appear on 877-266-3821 541-815-4097 • ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP Fall Clean Up bendbulletin.com V8, automatic, great Country Coach Intrigue Dlr ¹0354 LCB ¹8451 Don't track it in all Winter SHARE LEFT! Look at: shape, $9000 OBO. which currently re2002, 40' Tag axle. •Leaves Economical flying in 530-515-81 99 Bendhomes.com ceives over 1.5 mil400hp Cummins DieCall The Yard Doctor •Cones your ow n C e s sna lion page views sel. tw o s l ide-outs. for Complete Listings of Vans for yard maintenance • Needles 172/180 HP for only every month at 4 1,000 miles, n e w Ford Ranchero thatching, sod, sprinArea Real Estate for Sale • Pruning $ 10,000! Based a t no extra cost. Bulletires & batteries. Most Weekend Warrior Toy kler blowouts, water 1979 • Debris Hauling BDN. Call Gabe at tin Classifieds options.$95,000 OBO Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, 935 features, more! with 351 Cleveland Air! Get Results! Call 541-678-5712 fuel station, exc cond. Professional Allen 541-536-1294 modified engine. Sport Utility Vehicles 541-388-0019 Gutter 385-5809 or place sleeps 8, black/gray LCB 5012 Body is in ~ ~ BR your ad on-line at i nterior, u se d 3X , Cleaning excellent condition, bendbulletin.com $24,999. $2500 obo. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Trucks & Chevrolet G20 Sports541-389-9188 541-420-4677 Compost man, 1993, exlnt cond, Heavy Equipment Door-to-door selling with $4750. 541-362-5559 or I The Bulletin recoml Applications Looking for your 541-663-6046 fast results! It's the easiest Use Less Water mends extra caution l Ford T-Bird 1966 next employee? RV 1 9 8 9, when p u r chasing ~ way in the world to sell. Econoline 390 engine, power $$$ SAVE $$$ Buick Enclave 2008 CXL fully loaded, exc. cond, Place a Bulletin help Chevy Astro I products or services Improve Soil everything, new AWD, V-6, black, clean, wanted ad today and 35K m i. , R e d uced from out of the area. The Bulletin Classified Cargo Van2001, paint, 54K original mechanicall y sound, 82k reach over 60,000 $17,950. 541-546-6133 ash , 541-385-5809 miles, runs great, miles. $22,900. pw, pdl, great cond., I S ending c 2013 Maintenance readers each week. checks, or credit inexcellent cond. in & Call 541-815-1216 business car, well Package Available Your classified ad CAN'T BEAT THIS! Di amond Reo Dump formation may be I out. Asking $8,500. maint'd, reqular oil weekly, monthly Aeration/Fall Clean-up Look before you will also appear on Truck 19 7 4, 1 2-14 Chevy Suburban LTZ 541-480-3179 changes, $4500. I subject toFRAUD. BOOK NOW! bendbulletin.com and yard box, runs good, buy, below market 2007, 4x4, l e ather, For more informaPlease call Weekly/one-time service which currently reone time service $6900, 541-548-6812 m oonroof, bac k u p I tion about an adver541-633-5149 avail. Bonded, insured, value! Size 8 mileceives over 1.5 milage DOES matter! sensors, 3rd row seat, tiser, you may call free estimates! lion page views evEXPERIENCED Class A 32' Hurrirunning boards, low Chevy G-20 c u stomI the Oregon State I COLLINS Lawn Maint. ery month at no ExK E A T cane by Four Winds, Commercial mi., Vin ¹ 22 8 9 19 conversion travel van Attorney General's l Ca/I541-480-9714 extra cost. Bulletin 2007. 12,500 mi, all & Residential C o n sumer $28,988 1994 128k, 5.7L, rear Office Classifieds Get Reamenities, Ford V10, Bend Landscaping elect. bed, 75% tires. a I Protection hotline at sults! Call 385-5809 Hyster H25E, runs © j S UBUBBBUOBBBNOCOM BA R U . Ithr, cherry, slides, 1-877-877-9392. GMC V~ton 1971, Only Sprinkler Blowouts, real beauty in & out! or place your ad well, 2982 Hours, like new! New low Senior Discounts and Winterization $19,700! Original low 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Travel in economy and on-line at $3500, call price, $54,900. 541-390-1466 877-266-3821 541-382-1655 mile, exceptional, 3rd style and under $4000. SeWing COORBI Oregan MOCO 1903 541-548-5216 bendbulletin.com 541-749-0724 Same Day Response LCB¹ 7990 owner. 951-699-7171 Dlr ¹0354 Bob, 541-318-9999



kYo~ Asr!

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I f.'



The Bulletinl

The Bulletin

Sprinkler Blow-outs



The Bulletin

Sprinkler Blowouts

The Bulletin








a v v r



The Bulletin




Legal Notices

Legal Notices





C OURT FOR T H E STATE OF OREGON I N AND FO R T H E C OUNTY OF D E SCHUTES. Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas as Trustee R ALI 2005Q A 3 , P laintiff, v . Mar t i n Kuba; Pheasant Run Homeowners Association; Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.; and Occupants of the Premises, D e fendants. Case No. 12CV0405. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. TO THE DEFENDANTS: MARTIN KUBA: In the name of the State of

Oregon, y o u are h ereby required t o appear and answer the c omplaint f iled a gainst you i n t h e above-entitled Court and cause on or before the expiration of 30 days from the date of the first publication of this summons. The date of first publication in this matter is O ctober 8, 2012. I f you fail timely to appear an d a n s wer, Plaintiff will apply to the abo v e-entitled court for t h e r e lief prayed for in its complaint. This is a judicial foreclosure of a deed of trust in which the Plaintiff requests that the P laintiff be allowed to foreclose y our interest in t he following d e s cribed real property: LOT 2 OF PHEASANT RUN P HASE I, C ITY O F

BEND, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly known as: 61192 Lod g epole Drive, Bend, Oregon 97702. NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS: R EAD THESE


Need to get anad

a copy of which was filed wit h the in ASAP? above-entitled Court. You must "appear" in this case or the other Fax itto 541-322-7253 side will win automatic ally. T o "appear" you must file with the The Bulletin Classifieds court a legal paper called a "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or "answer" must Le g al Notices • be given to the court • clerk or administrator LEGAL NOTICE within 30 days of the IN THE CIRCUIT date of first publicaCOURT OF THE tion specified herein a long with t h e r e - STATE OF OREGON q uired filing fee. I t FOR THE COUNTY OF CROOK must be i n p r oper form and have proof In the Matter of the Estate of o f service o n t h e GAREN EUGENE Plaintiff's attorney or, BALLARD, if the Plaintiff does not Deceased. have a n at t orney, proof of service on the Case No. 12-PB-0093 NOTICE TO Plaintiff. If you have INTERESTED any questions, you PARTIES should see an attorNOTICE IS n ey immediately. I f y ou need h el p i n H EREBY GI V E N finding an a t torney, t hat G erald J o h n you may contact the B allard has b e e n Oregon State Bar's appointed personal representative of the Lawyer Referral Service onl i n e at a bove-entitled e s tate. Al l p e r sons www.oregonstatebar. claim s org or by calling (503) h aving 684-3763 ( in t h e against the estate Portland metropolitan a re r e q uired t o area) or toll-free else- present them, with vouchers attached, where in Oregon at to the undersigned (800) 452-7636. This summons is issued personal represenpursuant to ORCP 7. tative at 60865 EmiROUTH CRABTREE grant Drive, Bend, 9770 1 , OLSEN, P.C. By Chris O regon within four months F owler, OS B 052544, Attorneys for after the date of first p ublication of t h is Plaintiff, 621 SW Alnotice, or the claims der St., S uite 8 00, may be barred. Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459-0140; Fax All persons whose rights may be a f425-974-1649, cfowler@rcolegal.com fected by the proceedings may obtain additional from the Garage Sales information records of the court, the personal representative, Jonathan G. Basham, 300 SW Columbia S t r eet, Suite 101, B e nd,

Garage Sales

Garage Sales

PERS CAREFULLY! A lawsuit has been started against you in the abo v e-entitled court b y D e u tsche Bank Trust Company Americas as Trustee R ALI 2005Q A 3 , Plaintiff. Pla i n tiff's claims are stated in the written complaint,

OR 97702.

DATED an d f i r st published this 15th day o f Oc t o ber, 2012.

Find them in The Bulletin Classifieds!


Gerald John Ballard, Personal Representative 60865 Emigrant Drive, Bend, Oregon 97702



Leg a l Notices

Legal Notices

L e g al Notices •

LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE The Trustee under the terms of the Trust Deed described herein, at the

direction of the Beneficiary, hereby elects to sell the property described in the Trust Deed to satisfy the obligations secured thereby. Pursuant to ORS 86.745, the following information is provided: 1.PARTIES: Grantor: ANDREW JOHNSON AND LORI A. JOHNSON. Trustee:AMERITITLE. Successor Trustee:NANCY K. CARY. Beneficiary:SIUSLAW BANK. 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: The real property is described as follows: Lot Five (5) in Block Twelve (12) of MOUNTAIN VILLAGE EAST II, DeschutesCounty, Oregon. 3.RECORDING. The TrustDeed was recorded as follows: Date Recorded: September 21, 2005. Recording No.: 2005-63691 Official Records of Deschutes County, Oregon. 4.DEFAULT. The Grantor or any other person obligated on the Trust Deed and Promissory Note secured thereby is in default and the Beneficiary seeks to foreclose the Trust Deed for failure to pay: Monthly payments in the amount of $1,541.27 each, due the first of each month, for the months of December 2011 through July 2012; plus late charges and advances; plus any unpaid real property taxes or liens, plus interest. 5.AMOUNT DUE. The amount due on the Note which is secured by the Trust Deed referred to herein is: Principal balance in the amount of $226,709.91; plus interest at the rate of 6.3750% per annum from November 1, 2011; plus late charges of $539.42; plus advances and foreclosure attorney fees and costs. 6. SALE OF PROPERTY. The Trustee hereby states that the property will be sold to satisfy the obligations secured by the Trust Deed. A Trustee's Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under Terms of Trust Deed has been recorded in the Official Records of Deschutes County, Oregon. 7. TIME OF SALE. Date:December 13, 2012. Time:11:00 a.m. Place:Deschutes County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond Street, Bend, Oregon. 8. RIGHT TO REINSTATE. Any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time that is not later than five days before the Trustee conducts the sale, to have this foreclosure dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due, other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred, by curing any other default that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Trust Deed and by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Trust Deed, together with the trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amount provided in ORS 86.753. You may reach the Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Referral Service at 503-684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at 800-452-7636 or you may visit its website at: www.osbar.org. Legal assistance may be available if you have a low income and meet federal poverty guidelines. For more information and a directory of legal aid programs, go to http://www.oregonlawhelp.org. Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to Lisa Summers, Paralegal, (541) 686-0344 (TS ¹07754.30495). DATED: July 24, 2012. /s/ Nancy K. Cary. Nancy K. Cary, Successor Trustee, Hershner Hunter, LLP, P.O. Box 1475, Eugene, OR 97440.

r a ) MADE PUBLIC? 1



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Nawspaper Associslion of Ameriea'

Legal Notices •



Legal Notices

Legal Notices


County, Oregon, in book / reel / volume number fee / file / instrument / microfile / reception number 2009-42439, , covering the following described real property situated in said County and State, to wit: APN: 107523 - LOT 9, BLOCK QQ, DESCHUTES RIVER WOODS, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly known as: 19260 SHOSHONE ROAD, BEND, OR 97702. Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.735(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes: the default for which the foreclosure is made is the grantors: The installments of principal and interest which became due on 11/1/2011, and all subsequent installments of principal and interest through the date of this Notice, plus amounts that are due for late charges, delinquent property taxes, insurance premiums, advances made on senior liens, taxes and/or insurance, trustee's fees, and any attorney fees and court costs arising from or associated with the beneficiaries efforts to protect and preserve its security, all of which must be paid as a condition of reinstatement, including all sums that shall accrue through reinstatement or pay-off. Nothing in this notice shall be construed as a waiver of any fees owing to the Beneficiary under the Deed of Trust pursuant to the terms of the loan documents. Monthly Payment $1,103.00 Monthly Late Charge $55.15 By this reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all obligations secured by said deed of trust immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to wit: The sum of $153,672.54 together with interest thereon at the rate of 5.5000 per annum from 10/1/2011 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon; and all trustee's fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advanced by the beneficiary pursuant to the terms of said deed of trust. Whereof, notice hereby is given that Quality Loan Services Corporation of Washington, the undersigned trustee will on 2/19/2013 at the hour of 01:00 PM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statutes, at At the front entrance to the Deschutes County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond St., Bend, OR 97701 County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in section 86.753 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee's and attorney's fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. For Sale Information Call: 714-573-1965 or Login to: www.priorityposting.com. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Pursuant to Oregon Law, this sale will not be deemed final until the Trustee's deed has been issued by Quality Loan Services Corporation of Washington. If there are any irregularities discovered within 10 days of the date of this sale, that the trustee will rescind the sale, return the buyer's money and take further action as necessary. If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to convey title, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the monies paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchaser's sole and exclusive remedy. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Beneficiary, the Beneficiary's Agent, or the Beneficiary's Attorney. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holder's rights against the real property only. THIS OFFICE IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. As

required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. Dated: 10/8/2012 Quality Loan Services Corporation of Washington, as Trustee Signature By: Tricia Moreno, Assistant Secretary Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington c/o Quality Loan Service Corp. 2141 5th Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 For Non-Sale Information: Quality Loan Services Corporation of Washington c/o Quality Loan Service Corp. 2141 5th A v enue Sa n D i ego, C A 9 2 101 6 19-645-7711 Fax: 619-645-771 6

NOTICE TO RESIDENTIAL TENANTS The property in which you are living is in foreclosure. A foreclosure sale is scheduled for 2/19/2012. The date of this sale may be postponed. Unless the lender that is foreclosing on this property is paid before the sale date, the foreclosure will go through and someone new will own this property. After the sale, the new owner is required to provide you with contact information and notice that the sale took place. The following information applies to you only if you are a bona fide tenant occupying and renting this property as a residential dwelling under a l egitimate rental agreement. The information does not apply to you if you own this property or if you are not a bona fide residential tenant. If the foreclosure sale goes through, the new owner will have the right to require you to move out. Before the new owner can require you to move, the new owner must provide you with written notice that specifies the date by which you must move out. If you do not leave before the move-out date, the new owner can have the sheriff remove you from the property after a court hearing. You will receive notice of the court hearing. PROTECTION FROM EVICTION IF YOU ARE A BONA FIDE TENANT


TERM LEASE; OR o ATLEAST 90 DAYS FROM THE DATE YOU ARE GIVEN A WRITTEN TERMINATION NOTICE. If the new owner wants to move in and use this property as a primary residence, the new owner can give you written notice and require you to move out after 90 days, even though you have a fixed term lease with more than 90 days left. You must be provided with at least 90 days' written notice after the foreclosure sale before you can be required to move. A bona fide tenant is a residential tenant who is not the borrower (property owner) or a child, spouse or parent of the borrower, and whose rental agreement: o Is the result of an arm's-length transaction; o Requires the payment of rent that is not substantially less than fair market rent for the property, unless the rent is reduced or subsidized due to a federal, state or local subsidy; and o Was entered into prior to the date of the foreclosure sale. ABOUT Y O U R TE N A N C Y BE T W E E N N OW A ND THE FORECLOSURE SALE: RENT YOU SHOULD CONTINUE TO PAY RENT TO YOUR LANDLORD UNTIL THE PROPERTY IS SOLD OR UNTIL A COURT TELLS YOU OTHERWISE. IF YOU DO NOT PAY RENT, YOU CAN BE EVICTED. BE SURE TO KEEP PROOF OF ANY PAYMENTS YOU MAKE. SECURITY DEPOSIT You may applyyour security deposit and any rent you paid in advance against the current rent you owe your landlord as provided in ORS 90.367. To do this, you must notify your landlord in writing that you want to subtract the amount of your security deposit or prepaid rent from your rent payment. You may do this only for the rent you owe your current landlord. If you do this, you must do so before the foreclosure sale. The business or individual who buys this property at the foreclosure sale is not responsible to you for any deposit or prepaid rent you paid to your landlord. ABOUT YOUR TENANCY AFTER THE FORECLOSURE SALE The new owner that buys this property at the foreclosure sale may be willing to allow you to stay as a tenant instead of requiring you to move out after 90 days or at the end of your fixed term lease. After the sale, you should receive a written notice informing you that the sale took place and giving you the new owner's name and contact information. You should contact the new owner if you would like to stay. If the new owner accepts rent from you, signs a new residential rental agreement with you or does not notify you in writing within 30 days after the date of the foreclosure sale that you must move out, the new owner becomes your new landlord and must maintain the property. Otherwise: o You do not owe rent; o The new owner is not your landlord and is not responsible for maintaining the property on your behalf; and o You must move out by the date the new owner specifies in a notice to you. The new owner may offer to pay your moving expenses and any other costs or amounts you and the new owner agree on in exchange for your agreement to leave the premises in less than 90 days or before your fixed term lease expires. You should speak with a lawyer to fully understand your rights before making any decisions regarding your tenancy. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO TRY TO FORCE YOU TO LEAVE YOUR DWELLING UNIT WITHOUT FIRST GIVING YOU WRITTEN NOTICE AND GOING TO COURT TO EVICT YOU. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR R IGHTS, YOU S HOULD CONSULT A LAWYER. If you believeyou need legal assistance, contact the Oregon State Bar and ask for the lawyer referral service. Contact information for the Oregon State Bar is included with this notice. If you do not have enough money to pay a lawyer and are otherwise eligible, you may be able to receive legal assistance for free. Information about whom to contact for free legal assistance is included with this notice. Oregon State Bar: (503) 684-3763; (800) 452-7636 Legal assistance: www.lawhelp.org/or/index.cfm P992082 10/15, 10/22, 10/29, 11/05/2012


Le g al Notices

Legal Notices

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egal N o tices

LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to O.R.S. 86.705 etseq. and O.R.S. 79.5010, etseq. Trustee's Sale No. 09-CC-120876 NOTICE TO BORROWER: YOU SHOULD BE AWARE THAT THE UNDERSIGNED IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND THAT ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Reference is made to that certain Deed of Trust made by, WILLIS E ALBIN, JR., AN UNMARRIED MAN, as grantor, to DESCHUTES COUNTY TITLE COMPANY, as Trustee, in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC.AS NOMINEE FOR SOUTHWEST STAGE FUNDING, LLC DBA CASCADE LAND HOME FINANCING, ITSSUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, as beneficiary, dated 8/5/2010, recorded 8/12/2010, under lnstrument No. 2010-31398, records of DESCHUTES County, OREGON. The beneficial interest under said Trust Deed and the obligations secured thereby are presently held by SOUTHWEST STAGE FUNDING, LLC DBA CASCADE LAND HOME FINANCING. Said Trust

Deed encumbers the following described real property situated in said county and state, to-wit: LOT FOURTEEN, BLOCK SEVEN, TALL PINES 2ND ADDITION, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON The street address or other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 16061 ELKHORN LANE LA PINE, OR 97739 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the above street address or other common designation. Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due, the following sums: Amount due as of October 9, 2012 Delinquent Payments from April 01, 2012 7 payments at $1,120.00 each $7,840.00 (04-01-12 through 10-09-12) Late Charges: $403.20 Beneficiary Advances: $ 645.00 SuspenseCredit:$ 0.00 TOTAL: $8,888.20 ALSO, ifyou have failed to pay taxes on the property, provide insurance on the property or pay other senior liens or encumbrances as required in the note and deed of trust, the beneficiary may insist that you do so in order to reinstate your account in good standing. The beneficiary may require as a condition to reinstatement that you provide reliable written evidence that you have paid all senior liens or encumbrances, property taxes, and hazard insurance premiums. These requirements for reinstatement should be confirmed by contacting the undersigned Trustee. By reason of said default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said trust deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following: UNPAID PRINCIPAL BALANCE OF $165,687.92, PLUS interest thereon at 5.500% per annum from 3/1/2012, until paid, together with escrow advances, foreclosure costs, trustee fees, attorney fees, sums required for the protection of the property and additional sums secured by the Deed of Trust. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee, will on February 8, 2013, at the hour of 11:00 AM, in accord with the standard of time established by ORS 187.110, at MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE DESCHUTES COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER, 1100 NW BOND STREET, BEND, County of DESCHUTES, State of OREGON, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the interest in the said described property which the grantor had, or had the power to convey, at the time of the execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the same. NOTICE TO RESIDENTIAL TENANTS: The property in which you are living is in foreclosure. A foreclosure sale is scheduled for February 8, 2013. Unless the lender who is foreclosing on this property is paid, the foreclosure will go through and someone new will own this property. The following information applies to you only if you occupy and rent this property as a residential dwelling under a legitimate rental agreement. The information does not apply to you if you own this property or if you are not a residential tenant. If the foreclosure goes through, the business or individual who buys this property at the foreclosure sale has the right to require you to move out. The buyer must first give you an eviction notice in writing that specifies the date by which you must move out. The buyer may not give you this notice until after the foreclosure sale happens. If you do not leave before the move-out date, the buyer can have the sheriff remove you from the property after a court hearing. You will receive notice of the court hearing.FEDERAL LAW REQUIRES YOU TO BE NOTIFIED IF YOU ARE OCCUPYING AND RENTING THIS PROPERTY AS A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNDER A LEGITIMATE RENTAL AGREEMENT, FEDERAL LAW REQUIRES THE BUYER TO GIVE YOU


THAT REQUIRES THE BUYER TO GIVE YOU THIS NOTICE IS EFFECTIVE UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 2012. Under federal law, the buyer must give you at least 90 days notice in writing before requiring you to move out. If you are renting this property under a fixed-term lease (for example, a six-month or one-year lease), you may stay until the end of your lease term. If the buyer wants to move in and use this property as the buyer's primary residence, the buyer can give you written notice and require you to move out after 90 days, even if you have a fixed-term lease with more than 90 days left. STATE LAW NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: IFTHE FEDERAL LAW DOES NOT APPLY, STATE LAW STILL REQUIRES THE BUYER TO GIVE YOU NOTICE IN WRITING BEFORE REQUIRING YOU TO MOVE OUT IF YOU ARE OCCUPYING AND RENTING THE PROPERTY AS A TENANT IN GOOD FAITH. EVEN IFTHE FEDERAL LAW REQUIREMENT IS NO LONGER EFFECTIVE AFTER DECEMBER 31, 2012, THE REQUIREMENT UNDER STATE LAW STILL APPLIES TO YOUR SITUATION. Under state law, if you have a fixed-term lease (for example, a six-month or one-year lease), the buyer must give you at least 60 days notice in writing before requiring you to move out. If the buyer wants to move in and use this property as the buyer's primary residence, the buyer can give you written notice and require you to move out after 30 days, even if you have a fixed-term lease with more than 30 days left. If you are renting under a month-to-month or week-to-week rental agreement, the buyer must give you at least 30 days notice in writing before requiring you to move out. IM

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