Bulletin Daily Paper 05-31-14

Page 1

Serving Central Oregon since190375

SATURDAY May 31, 2014

Llflllll 8 SC nn uS in O Pmo OSUbase bal SPORTS • C1




or an 'srose ar en:awarsor




— The presence of humans on Earth has extinctions happening faster than ever, anew study finds.A3


Ll BIS 0 8

Plus: Teleporting data

— A breakthrough in quantum technologycould meananew generation of ultra-fast computing is on theway.A3

Summer lawngames-


O I BVl 8 ZB

ew e mon oe

You've heardofbadmintonand croquet. What about KanJam or petanque?D1

Bend soldiers brace for longer stay By Andrew Cievenger The Bulletin

Brit lit —American authors are no longer required reading in the U.K.Ao


WASHINGTON — More than 1,100 members of


the Oregon Air and Army National Guard, including


TransgenderhealthMedicare patients can nowget coverage for sexual reassignment surgery.A4

about 200 from the Bend-

based 1-82 Cavalry Squadron, will deploy to Afghan-



istan this summer as part

of the contingency force announced by President Obama on Tuesday. Obama's decision to keep a force of almost

Syria —An American suicide bomber hasbeenidentified. A2

10,000 in Afghanistan

And a Wed exclusive-

into next year means the deployment for the Oregon

Democratic attacks on the billionaire Kochs havehadan unintended side effect: Big money donors are finding ways to stay anonymous. benttbulletin.cem/extras

soldiers will last 400 days


instead of ending by beginning of next year. Minus time spent train-


ing in Texas, mobilizing and demobilizing to and from Afghanistan, the troops will spend around


10 months in theater, said

Stephen Bomar, Oregon

Howthe VA developed its culture of coverups

Military Department Photos by Joe Kline/The Bulletin

The Washington Post


About two years ago, Brian Turner took a job as a scheduling clerk at a Veter-

ans Affairs health clinic in Austin, Texas. A few weeks later, he said, a supervisor

came by to instruct him how to cookthe books. "The first time I heard it

was actually at my desk. They said,


• Shinseki

is out. Who's next?A5

whose husband, Sgt. 1st

BELOW: The hotei's lobby showcases vintage architectural details which the Bates also plan to update.

Class Sean Wilson, is a member of the 1-82, the

By Lesiie Pugmire Hole The Bulletin

REDMOND — For more

than a decade, fans concerned about the underutiNew Redmond Hotel and its prominent downtown loca-

tion have spoken the same ins would buy it." While Mark and Leisa Bates aren't the hospitality gods that Brian McMenamin McMenamins, who own and

operate a variety of restaurants, brewpubs, hotels and movie theaters around

wait time has

purchased a tavern from the Bates. Now the Bates are

out,'" Turner recalled in a phone inter-

view. He said "zeroing out" was a trick to fool the

VA's own accountability system, which the bosses up in Washington used to monitor how long patients waited to see the doctor. This is how it worked: A patient asked for an


news of the extended deployment came as a shock.



After some initial denial,

she and her husband were able to discuss what his

erg ett e .

extended absence would mean for them and their family.

lacie Ave. R

lish expectations for each

ighl d A

other, said Wilson, who lives in Bend with her four


It is important to estab-

purchasing the New Redmond Hotel. "We intend to make the hotel a destination," said Mark Bates, 56. "We want

to be respectful of the era it was built in the way the McMenamins do, but our style

is less bohemian." The Bates own The Oren-

co, a boutique hotel near Hillsboro. With a rowhouse

children and his two. SeeAfghanistan/A4

New RedmoodHotel

and Mike McMenamin are, they're pretty close — the

Oregonand Washington, are longtime friends who

to be zeroed


mantra: "If only McMenam-

'Yougotta zero out the

dat e. The

Greg Cross/The Bulletin

facade and sleek modern design inside, the hotel consistently ranks high in online reviews. Bates, who was born in England but

U.S. House backs medical pot

has spent most of his life

in the U.S., said he and his wife were inspired to build the vintage-looking establishment eight years ago after they noticed Victorian

By Rob Hotakainen

rowhouses converted into a

McC(atchy Washington Bureau

Holiday Inn during a visit to England.

the first time, the House

"I love history, so the Red-

of Representatives voted


mond Hotel seems perfect for us," Bates said. "And having that gaping hole downtown made no sense."

early Friday to block the federal government from enforcing its marijuana laws in states that have approved use of the drug for medical purposes. Marijuana advocates

See Hotel/A5

appointment on a specific day. 'Itlrner found the next available time slot. But,

called the vote historic.

often, it was many days later than the patient had wanted. Would that later date work? If the patient said

Synthetic biology hits the supermarket shelf

yes, Turner canceled the whole process and started

By Stephanie Strom

over. This time, he typed in that the patient had wanted

that later date all along. So now, the official wait time

was ... a perfect zero days. It was a lie, of course. But it seemed to be a very

important lie, one that the system depended on. "Two

For Stephanie Wilson,

top bar is amongthe updates they are considering.

lization of the 86-year-old By David A. Fahrenthoid


ABOVE: Mark and Leisa Bates, who already own a boutique hotel near Hiiisboro, are purchasing the New Redmond Hotel. A roof-

"This is a game changer that paves the way for much morepolicy change to come," said Steph Sherer, executive director of Americans For Safe

New York Times News Service

A liquid laundry detergent made by Ecover, a Belgian company that makes "green" household products including

Consumer products containing ingredients made using an advanced form of en- the Method line, contains an gineering known as synthetic oil produced by algae whose biology are beginning to show DNA sequence was changed up more often on grocery and in a lab, according to Tom Dodepartment store shelves. men, the company's manager

for long-term innovation.

ecosystems and threatening

Ecover calls the algae-produced oil a "natural" replace-

endangered animals. "Finding a sustainable source of palm oil is, of course, difficult," Domen said. "This new oil is a more

ment for palm kernel oil,

which is in such high demand that environmentalists are concerned that tropical rain

forests are being felled to grow palm trees, disturbing

sustainable alternative from a

new technology." SeeSynthetic/A4

Access, a group that has lobbied to end federal penalties for marijuana use.

The plan passed 219-189, with 49 Republicans teaming up with 170 Democrats

to approve the measure shortly after midnight. SeeMarijuana/A4

to three times a month,

you would hear something about it," Turner saidanother reminder from su-

pervisors to "zero out." "It wasn't a secret at all."


TODAY'S WEATHER Evening t-storms High 73, Low40 Page B6

The Bulletin

INDEX Business Calendar Classified

C5-6 Comics/Puzzles F3-4 Dear Abby D6 Obituaries 83 Community Life Df-6 Horoscope D6 S oI Ff-8 Crosswords F 4 L o cal/State 81-6 TV/Movies

85 C1-4 D6

AnIndependent Newspaper

voi. 112, No. 151, 32 pages, 5 sections

Q i/f/e use recycled newsprint


8 8 267 02329



The Bulletin


HOW to reaCh US CalifOrnia rampage —Law enforcement officers who visited Elliot Rodger three weeksbefore hewent on a deadly rampage in a California college town knew hehadposted disturbing videos but didn't check them out because,whenthey visited him at his apartment, he seemed to beOK.And even if they had watchedthem, experts say it's unlikely they'd beable to do anything. "There are alot of videos that might seem disturbing or offensive depending onwhoviews them," says TomMahoney, who co-chairs the Justice Studies department at Santa Barbara City College. Only in hindsight is it clear that Rodgers, 22, was anextremely dangerous young manwho would go on to kill six students, himself, and injure13 more last Friday night.



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BOStOh hOmding —A citizen of Kyrgyzstan who federal prosecutors said bought dinner for the two brothers accused of the Boston Marathon bombing on the night of the attack wascharged Friday with obstructing the investigation into the bombing. Investigators said Khairullozhon Matanov, 23, ataxi driver who lives in Quincy, Mass., had social ties to the suspects in the bombing, Tamerlan andDzhokhar Tsarnaev,according to court documents, but lied to investigators about aspects of that friendship and of his communication with the brothers in the daysafter the bombing. They also said hehaddeleted videos, documents and the browsing history on his computer.

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ClintOn Oll Bellghazi —Hillary Rodham Clinton dismisses her critics and defends herhandling of the deadly 2012terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, in her newbook, offering fellow Democrats a guide for how to talk about the fraught issue through the 2016presidential race. The former secretary of state's "Hard Choices" is a rebuketo Republicans who haveseized uponthe Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevensandthree other Americans. Should Clinton run for president in 2016, her four years as secretary of state and theBenghazi attack in particular are certain to be the subject of driving criticism from Republicans.

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CORRECTIONS The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you knowof an error in a story,call us at541-383-0358.

Susan Waish 1 The Associated Press

President BarackObamagives White House press secretary Jay Carney ahugafter announcing that Carney will step down next month, during a surprise visit to the press briefing room of theWhite House Friday. Obama said it was "bittersweet" to see his friend

Carney step downandannounced that principal deputy press secretary Josh Earnest will take over the job. Carney said the transition will take placearound midJune, but Earnest will take his place traveling next week on Obama's trip to Europe.

• .suici e om er i n r iaisi en i i e the Indian River Warriors in 2007.

tant group the Nusra Front in

forcement officials because of

Aleppo. The officials said they past trips to Syria. thought it was the first time an One senior law enforcement American had been involved in

official said th e

a suicide attackin Syria.

believed the attack occurred

A busalha's i dentity

w a s during the second visit Abusal-

confirmed Friday night by the State Department. U.S. law enforcement and intelligence

a u thorities

ernments, an d

By mail in Deschutes County: One month: $14.50 By mail outside Deschutes County: Onemonth: $18 E-Editien only: Onemonth: $13

gleaned from interviews with family members and friends of

ity because of a continuing

the bomber in Florida, one offi-

News of the suicide attack surfaced Tuesday in Twit-

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All Bulletinpaymentsareaccepted at the drop boxat City Hall. Checkpayments may be converted toanelectronic funds transfer.TheBulletin, USPS A552-520, ispublished daily byWestern CommunicationsInc.,1777 S.W.Chandler Ave., Bend,OR97702.Periodicalspostage paid atBend,OR.Postmaster: Send addresschangesto TheBulletin circulation depart ment,Po.Box6020,Bend,OR 97708.TheBulletin retainsownershipand copyright protection ofall staff-prepared news copy,advertising copyandnews or ad illustrations.Theymay not be reproduced withoutexplicit priorapproval.

Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org and individual lottery websites

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawnFriday nightare:

0003C 44j043062Oe The estimated jackpot is now $34 million.

— Fromwirereports

r •


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ha made to Syria to fight alongside Islamist militants who are battling the government

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WOrld CIlp Crime —With the start of the global soccer tournament in Brazil less than two weeksaway, acrime wave is setting nerves on edgeacross Rio deJaneiro, which is expecting nearly 900,000 visitors. A security overhaul wassupposed to showcase a safer Rio on the global stage, but muggings aresurging, homicides are climbing, and there hasbeenaspike in shootings of police. At least110 officers havebeenshot in Rio this year, an increase of nearly 40 percent from the sameperiod last year, according to figures compiled independently by Brazilian journalist Roberta Trindade.

T ry a LzttEe

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Classified...........................541-385-5809 Advertising fax..................541-385-5802 Other information .............541-382-181 1

Indian rapeS —Facing relentless mediaattention and growing criticism for a series of rapes,state officials in north India havefired two police officers for failing to investigate thedisappearance of two teenage cousins, whoweregang-raped andlater found hanging from atree. But in a country with a longhistory of tolerance for sexual violence, the firings Friday alsocameasthe state's top official mocked journalists for asking about theattack. "Aren'tyou safe? You're not facing anydanger, are you?" Uttar PradeshChief Minister Akhilesh Yadavsaid in Lucknow, the state capital. "Thenwhy areyou worried? What's it to you?"

selves up, and one managed to park his vehicle and retreat beNew York Times NewsService The records show that at one fore the explosives detonated. WASHINGTON An point he shared an apartment Intelligence and law enforceAmerican who blew himself with his brother in Fort Pierce, ment officials said Friday that up in an attack in Syria on Sun- a city about 130 miles north of it was easy for U.S. citizens day has been identified by law Miami. His parents have lived to get in and out of Syria, and enforcement officials as Moner in Vero Beach, and his family that many had traveled there Mohammad Abusalha, a man owns several grocery stores in for humanitarian reasons, prein his early 20s who grew up the region. senting a challenge in deterin Florida and traveled to Syria Reached by te l ephone,mining who might be planning late lastyear. a woman named Michelle to carry out terrorist attacks in The officials said they be- Abusalha, apparentlyhis moth- the United States when they lieved that Abusalha, who ad- er, hung up on a reporter. His return. opted the nom de guerre Abu father, Mohammad, declined to Huraira al-Amriki, used a large comment. "Sorry, sorry, we can't do truck in helping to carry out the bombing in the northern prov- that," he said. ince of Idlib, where he had travAbusalha had been among eled after spending two months several dozen Americans on in a training camp of the mili- the radarof federal law enBy Mark IIazzetti, Eric Schmitt

and Michael S. Schmidt

agencies made the identifica- of President Bashar Assad. He tion after analyzing intelligence hadbeen in Syria since late last from Syria and in foreign gov- year,said officials who spoke


Chih8 IlhfeSi —As the Communist Party struggles to tamp down a deadly wave ofethnic violence in Xinjiang, China's leader, Xi Jinping, has called for tighter state control over religion and for moving more Uighurs from Xinjiang to other parts of China, where theycan beeducated and work amongthe Han,the nation's dominant ethnic group. Xi spoke at atwo-day work session on Xinjiang in Beijing, attended by the party's top officials. He said the party and the state should establish "correct views about the motherland andthe nation" among all of China's ethnic groups.

i n f o rmation on the condition of anonym-

cial said. The size of the blast, which

investigation. ter messages from the Nusra

was shown on a video dip post- Front, an Islamist extremist ed online by the Nusra Front, group in Syria aligned with has led the authorities to believe al-Qaida. And on Facebook, that it will be impossible to ever therewas praise for Abusalha identify Abusalha's remains. and what he had done. "When his turn came up" to A Syrian fighter from the Nusra Frontrecalled Abusal- carry out a suicide bombing, he ha, whom he knew only by his "was very happy, because he alias, as an A r ab-American

will meet his God after that,"

who spoke Arabic poorly but was dedicated to the jihadist cause. "He was a generous, brave, tough man, always on the front lines in battles," said the fighter, who identified himself by a nom de guerre, Abu

Abu Abdulrahman, the fighter, said via Facebook.

A bdulrahman, and said h e

Ahmed Assi, an activist who

works for Suqour al-Sham, a rebel group that fights alongside the Nusra Front, said by

phonefrom Turkey thathehad seen the American in Syria

was in Idlib province, where Abusalha died. A photo circulating on jihadist social media accounts this week showed a smiling young man, bearded and holding a cat, who was said to be the bomber. Activists also posted a

about aweek before.Assi said that he did not know the Amer-

video said to show the attack in

themselves and stay away from

ican's real name, but that he spoke broken Arabic and had converted to Islam. He and other activists in the area said that fighters with the

Nusra Front tended to keep to

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whichrebelsload what appear the news media, making it hard to be tank shells into a large for others to gather information armored vehicle, and there is

about them. "The Nusra Front is not very

an explosion after the vehicle drives down the road. interested in media except for A Facebook profile of a man releasing what they want to with the name Moner Abusal- say," Assi said. ha has pictures that appear to A statement posted online be of the same person shown in

by the Nusra Front said the

had been one offour the photos on jihadist websites. A merican M any images on thepagehave suicide bombers sent to open Arabic writing and quote the

a rebelassault on government forcesnear the city of Ariha

Quran. "Verily, with hardship there is relief," the profile says on one page. The profile also says he likes basketball, football and Eggo waffles.

the American drove a vehide loaded with 16 tons of explo-

Public records d atabases

sives to attack a mountaintop

show that Abusalha has lived

restaurantwhere government forces were based. He was fol-

in Fort Pierce and in V ero

in northern Syria. On Sunday morning, the statement said,

Beach. A youth league website lowed bythree other bombers. said he played basketball with Two of them also blew them-

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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day

It's Saturday, May31, the151st day of 2014. Thereare214 days left in the year.




cienissre o a

Climate Change —Obama will spotlight the first-ever carbon pollution limits on existing power plants during his weekly radio and Internet address.

0 BB O

HISTORY Highlight:In 1889, some 2,200 people in Johnstown, Pa., perished whenthe South Fork Damholding backLake Conemaughcollapsed,sending 20 million tons of water rushing through the town. In1594, Italian artist Tintoretto died in Venice in his mid-70s. In1669, English diarist Samuel Pepys wrote the final entry of his journal, blaming his failing eyesight for his inability to continue. In1790, President George Washington signed into law the first U.S. copyright act. In1910, the Union of South Africa was founded. In1913, U.S. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan proclaimed the17th Amendment to the U.S.Constitution, providing for popular election of U.S. senators, to be in effect. In1935,movie studio 20th Century Foxwas created through a merger of theFox Film Corp. andTwentieth Century Pictures. In1949, former State Department official and accusedspy Alger Hiss went on trial in New York, charged with perjury (the jury deadlocked, but Hisswas convicted in asecond trial). In1961, South Africa became an independent republic as it withdrew from the British Commonwealth. In1962, former Nazi official Adolf Eichmann washanged in Israel a fewminutes before midnight for his role in the Holocaust. In1977, the trans-Alaska oil pipeline, threeyears in the making, wascompleted. In1989,House SpeakerJim Wright, dogged byquestions abouthisethics,announcedhe would resign. (TomFoley later succeeded him.) In1994, the United States announced it was nolonger aiming long-range nuclear missiles at targets in the former Soviet Union. Ten yearsage: Presidential politics took a backseat on Memorial Day asPresident George W.Bushpaid tribute at Arlington National Cemetery to America's fighting forces while Sen. John Kerry visited the Vietnam VeteransMemorial. A bomb ripped through aShiite Muslim mosque inKarachi, Pakistan, during evening prayers, killing at least19 people. Alberta Martin, one of the last widows of a Confederateveteran of the Civil War, died inEnterprise, Ala., at age97. Fiveyearsage:Dr. GeorgeTiller, a rare provider of late-term abortions, was shot andkilled in a Wichita, Kan., church. (Gunman Scott Roederwas later convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole for 50 years.) Millvina Dean, the last survivor of the1912 sinking of the RMS Titanic, died in Southampton, England, at 97. One yearage:A tornado in the OklahomaCity metro area claimed eight lives, including those of storm chasers Tim Samaras, his son, Paul, and Carl Young;13 people died in flash flooding. Four firefighters searching for people in a blazing Houston motel and restaurant were killed when part of the structure collapsed. Actress JeanStapleton, who played Archie Bunker's far better half, the sweetly naiveEdith, in TV's groundbreaking 1970s comedy "All in theFamily," died in New York atage90.

BIRTHDAYS Actor-director Clint Eastwood is 84. Actress SharonGlessis 71. Football Hall-of-Famer Joe Namath is 71.Actor Tom Berenger is 64. RapperDMCis 50. Actress BrookeShields is 49. Actor Colin Farrell is 38. — From wire reports


So-called quantum teleportation raises the possibility of a new generation of super-fast computers and impenetrable communications networks. Terry Goss Photography USA/Marine Photobank

The oceanic white-tip shark was once one of the most plentiful

predators on Earth and now israrely seen.

By John Markoff New York Times News Service


Scientists in the Nether-

lands have moved a step closer to overriding one

They report that they have ty "deterministically," meaning they can now teleport the

achieved perfectly accurate teleportation of quantum information over short distanc-

quantum state of two entan-

far faster thanbefore

famous objections to the

es. They are now seeking to repeat their experiment over the distance of more than a

implications of q u antum

kilometer. If they are able to

mechanics, which he described as "spooky action

repeatedly show that entanglement works at this dis-

By Seth Borenstein

at a distance."

tance, it will be a definitive demonstration of the entan-

The Associated Press

where species can survive, and overfishing, Pimm said.

of Albert Einstein's most

WASHINGTON — Species of plants and animals are becoming extinct at least 1,000

The buffy-tufted-ear mar-

In a paper published in the journal Science, phys-

moset is a good example,

icists at the K avli I n sti-

Jenkins said. Its habitat has

times faster than they did be-

shrunk because of develop-

fore humans arrived on the

ment in Brazil, and a compet-

scene, and the world is on the ing marmoset has taken over brink of a sixth great extinc- where it lives. Now it's on the

tute of Nanoscience at the Delft University of Technology reported that they were able to reliably teleport information between

tion, a new study says.

international vulnerable list. The oceanic white-tip shark

two quantum bits separat-

used to be one of the most abundant predators on Earth

feet. Quantum t eleportation

and they have been hunted

is not the "Star Trek"-style movement of people or

The study looks at past and present rates of extinction and finds a lower rate in the past

than scientists had thought. Species are now disappear-

so much they are now rarely ing from Earth about 10 times seen, said Dalhousie Univerfaster than biologists had be- sity marine biologist Boris lieved, said study lead author Worm, who wasn't part of noted biologist Stuart Pimm the study but praised it. "If we don't do anything, this will go of Duke University. "We are on the verge of the way of the dinosaurs." the sixth extinction," Pimm

ed by 3 meters, or about 10

things; rather, it involves


so- c alled

quantum information — in this case what is known as

the spin state of an electron — from one place to another without m oving

said from research at the Dry

Five times, a vast majority of the world's life has been

Tortugas. "Whether we avoid it or not will depend on our

snuffedout in what have been called mass extinctions, often

actions." The work, published by the journal Science, was hailed as a landmark study by outside

associated with giant mete-

Classical bits, the ba-

or strikes. About 66 million years ago, one such extinction

sic units of information in


Pimm's study focused on the rate, not the number, of species disappearing from Earth. It calculated a "death

rate" of how many species become extinct each year out of

1 million species. In 1995, Pimm found that the pre-human rate of extinctions on Earth was about 1.

But taking into account new research, Pimm and his col-

leagues refined that background rate to about 0.1. N ow, that d eath r ate i s about 100 to 1,000, Pimm said.

killed off the dinosaurs and

3 out of 4 species on Earth. Around 252 million years ago, the Great Dying snuffed out about 90 percent of the world's species. Pimm an d

J enkins said

there is hope. Both said the use of smartphones and applications such as iNaturalist will help ordinary people and biologists find species in trouble, they said. Once biologists know where endangered species are, they can try to save habitats and use captive breeding and other techniques to save the species,

Numerous factors are com- they said. bining to make species disapOne success story is the pear muchfasterthan before, golden lion tamarin. Decades said Pimm and co-author ago the tiny primates were Clinton Jenkins of the Insti- thought to be extinct because tute of Ecological Research in of habitat loss, but they were Brazil. But the No. 1 issue is then found in remote parts of habitat loss. Species are find- Brazil, bred in captivity and ing no place to live as more biologists helped set aside places are built up and altered new forests for them to live in, by humans. Jenkins said. "Now there are more tamAdd to that invasive species crowding out native spe- arins than there are places to cies, climate change affecting put them," he said.

the physical matter to which the information is attached.

The Associated Press

gested. Such a network would

gled state.

0 or 1. But quantum bits, or

But reliability of quantum

make it possible for a remote user to perform a quantum

qubits, can simultaneous- teleportation has been elusive. ly describe many values. For example, in 2009, UniverT hey hold out b oth t h e sity of Maryland physicists possibility of a new gener- demonstrated th e t r a n sfer ation of faster computing of quantum information, but systems and the ability to only one of every 100 million create completely secure attemptssucceeded, meaning communication networks. that transferring a single bit Moreover, the scientists

are now closerto definitively proving Einstein wrong in his early disbelief in the notion of entanglement, in which particles separated by light-years can still appear to remain connected, with the state of one particle instanta-

neously affecting the state of another.

of quantum information re-

quired roughly 10 minutes. In contrast, the scientists at Delft have achieved the abili-

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renderingthemunusable. "You can just reload, propel

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impossible for the operator of the server to determine the nature of the calculation.

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ets and spacecrafts, we will

more powerful engines, better

calculation on a server, while at the same time making it


continue to throw away rock-

many rockets and spacecraft return to Earth in a f ireball,

in which the electrons were

quantum bits into an entan-

it and fly again," Musk said. "This is extremely important

never truly have access to space. It'll always be incredibly expensive." "If anaircraftisthrownaway Musk says will lower the cost of goingto space. with each flight, nobody will be The futuristic, cone-head- able to fly or very few (can)," ed craft dubbed Dragon V2 he said. "The same is true with featured landing legs that pop rockets and spacecraft." out and a propulsion system The capsule also features designed to land almost any- a bright, sleek interior with where "with the accuracy of swing-upcomputer screens at a helicopter," Musk said at the the control station, a two-level Southern C alifornia r o cket seating system to accommobuilder's headquarters near date up to seven astronauts Los A n g eles I n t ernational and large windows for them Airport. to marvel at Earth's curvature. The technology would en- The cone-shaped cap can open able rapid reloading and re- to allow for the manned craft to usability of the spacecraft, he dock at the space station on its said. He noted that in the past, own. The spacecraft also has

Hanson, the diamonds effectively create "miniprisons"

computing,can have only one of two values — either

HAWTHORNE, Calif. — A for revolutionizing access to company that has flown un- space because as long as we

manned capsules to the Space Station has unveiled a spacecraftdesigned to ferry up to seven astronauts to low-Earth orbit that SpaceX founder Elon

temperatures. According to

glement phenomenon and held. The researchers were quantum mechanical theory. able to establish a spin, or Succeeding at greater dis- value, for electrons, and then tances will offer an affir- read the value reliably. mative solution to a thought In addition to the possibility experiment known as Bell's of an impregnable quantum theorem, proposed in 1964 Internet, the research holds by Irish physicist John Stew- out the possibility of netart Bell as a method for de- works of quantum computers. termining whether particles To date, practical quantum connected via quantum en- computers, which could solve tanglement c o m municatecertain classes of problems information faster than the far more quickly than even speed of light. the most powerful computers "There is a big race going now in use, remain a distant on between five or six groups goal. A functional quantum to prove Einstein wrong," said computer would need to enRonald Hanson, a physicist tangle a large number of quwho leads the group at Delft. bits and maintain that entan"There is one very big fish." gled state for relatively long In the past, scientists have periods, something that has made halting gains in tele- so far not been achieved. porting quantum informaA distributed quantum nettion, a feat that is achieved by work might also offer new forcing physically separated forms of privacy, Hanson sug-

New SpaceXvehicle could ferry astronauts By Raquel Maria Dillon

gled electrons accurately 100 percent of the time. They did so by producing qubits using electrons trapped in diamonds at extremely low

10 0 0 8 m lo

2:00 p.m. Ies Chgtes Iistorical Ngseiiil

The Bulletin ~

per person


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Medicare ban on sex reassignment


ically engineered ingredients in the conventional meaning of

Continued from A1 That technology, synthetic biology, involves the creation of biological sys-

the term. Rather, the organism

tems intended for specific

ing products that contain such ingredients "natural," an obvious selling point for companies, gives a false impression. "This is not what consum-

care can no longer automatically deny coverage requests for sex reassignment surgeries, a federal board ruled Friday in a groundbreaking decision

m any people mightbe affected by the decision. Gary Gates, a demographer with The Wil-

that recognizes the procedures

versity of California, Los An-

are medicall y necessary for some people who don't identify with their biological sex. Ruling in favor of a 74-yearold transgender Army veteran

geles, has estimated that peo-

purposes. Originally aimed at p r oducing b i ofuels, the technology has been around for about 20 years, but applications have only recentlybegun to emerge across several industries including cosmetics, flavorings and scents. Unilever recently announced that it was using algae oil for its popular soap Lux and that the oil was made by the company Solazyme. The two companies signed an agreement

ple who self-identify as transgender make up 0.3 percent of

in 2009 to explore use of Solazyme's products in the

the U.S. adult population. Over 49 million Americans are en-

consumer giant's goods.

whose request to have Medi-

rolled in Medicare.

surgery lifted By Lisa Leff

in their individual case, Levi

The Associated Press



care pay for her genital reconstruction was denied two years ago, a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services review board said there was no justification for a three-de-

cade-old agency ruleexcluding such surgeries from treatments covered by the national health

No statistics exist on how

liams Institute, a think tank on LGBT issues based at the Uni-

The cost of gender reas-

signment surgery varies, but typically ranges from $7,000 to $50,000, according to the Transgender Law Center in Oakland, Calif. In Friday's ruling, the appeals board said that HHS lacked sufficient evidence in

program for the elderly and disabled.

1981 when it made a "national

My answer is 'How old is too old?'" the veteran, Denee Mal-

what it then called "transsex-

ing that it's a 'waste of mon-

cord showed then, studies and

could have an active life ahead

experts have since shown the efficacy of surgical interven-

coverage determination," or "Sometimes I am asked, 'Ar- NCD, holding that Medicare en't I too old to have surgery.' recipients were ineligible for ual surgery" because the prolon, of Albuquerque, N.M., said cedure was too controversial, in an email interview before experimental and medically the board issued its decision. risky. "When people ask if I am too The panel went on to say old, it feels like they are imply- that regardless of what the reey' to operate at my age. But I of me foranother 20 years. And I want to spend those years in congruence and not distress." Jennifer Levi, a lawyer who directs the Transgender Rights Project of Gay & Lesbian Advocates and Defenders in Boston, said the ruling does not

tions as a treatment for gender

dysphoria, the diagnosis given to people who experience extreme distress due to the disconnect between their birth

sexandtheirgenderidentity. "We have no difficulty con-

duding that the new evidence, which includes medical studies

mean Medicare recipients are necessarily entitled to have sex reassignment surgery paid for by the government. Instead, the lifting of the coverage ban means they now will be able to seek authoriza-

published in the more than 32

tion by submitting documentation from a doctor and mental

we discuss below, the grounds for the ... exclusion of coverage

years since issuance of the 1981 report underlying the NCD, outweighs the NCD record and demonstrates that transsexual

surgery is safe and effective and not experimental. Thus, as

health professionals stating are not reasonable," the civilthat surgery is recommended ian panel said.

producing the oil has been genetically altered. But they contend that call-

ers think of when they see the

word natural on a label," said Michael Hansen, senior scientist at Consumers Union.

Domen of Ecover said there had been a big internal debate Heidi Schumann/New YorkTimesNews Servicefile photo

Algae grows in petri dishes at Soiazyme's research labs in South San Francisco in 2011. Oii from genetically modified algae like these is just one way in which synthetic biology is being used in

the manufacture of consumer goods, an increasingly controversial subject that corporations have iong been reluctant to discuss.

about use of the algal oil but that the environmental ben-

efits ultimately outweighed concerns over any negative consumer reaction. The oil is produced by alteredalgae grown in abioreactor, Domen said, and fed with sugar cane. The algae is then

gy, to produce a wide variety gene, and that process is wide- of oils and ingredients," Genet harvested and pressed to rehow reluctant companies ly in use now. Some newer pro- Garamendi, a s p o keswom- lease the oil, he said. may be to disclose the use cesses using synthetic biology an for Solazyme, wrote in an Domen said that Method, of synthetic biology, it is un- involve techniques that exten- emaiL a popular line of household dear whether the oil in Lux sively alter genetic code. Those Solazyme describes the or- products that Ecover bought in was generated through the include "artificial gene synthe- ganism that produces the oil 2012, also is considering using same synthetic process as sis," in which DNA is created as "an optimized strain" of sin- ingredients generated through Ecover's detergent. Unile- on computers and inserted into gle-cell algae "that have been synthetic biology processes. ver declined to comment. organisms, and other methods in existence longer than we He referredquestions about These a n nouncements for changing DNA sequences have." how Solazyme disposes of the have prompted some envi- and genes within organisms to Solazyme pointed to the en- remains of the algae once the vironmental benefits of its pro- oil is extracted to Solazyme. ronmental groups and con- alter their function. sumer activists to call for Such techniques are used to cesses and noted that environ- The company r esponded: labelingthat would disclose coax bacteria, fungi and oth- mental organizations like the "Resulting biomass is comwhether synthetic biology er organisms into producing World Wildlife Fund support pletely inert and can be used was used to make product substances they do not natu- its work. in a number of applications "We use molecular biology that are beneficial to reducing ingredients. rally produce. The algae now "We support Ecover's de- churning out the oil Ecover is and standard industrial fer- greenhouse gases." termination to move away using in its laundry detergent, mentation to produce renewEcover said it was working from using unsustainable for instance, would not gen- able, sustainable algal oils that with Friends of the Earth, ETC palm oil, but would ask erate such oil without genetic help alleviate pressures on the and other groups to address your company to recon- tinkering. fragile ecosystems around the concerns about labeling its "It is not possible to harvest Equator that are f requently detergent. sider the false solution of "We're currently still lookusing ingredients derived algae in the sea and get this subject to deforestation and from the new genetic en- oil," Domen said. habitat destruction," Jill Kauff- ing into that, specifically, on gineering — synthetically According to the ETC Group man Johnson, the company's the labeling, how we can best modified organisms," the (the Erosion, Technology and director o f su s tainability, communicate this," D omen groups wrote in a letter to Concentration organization wrote in an email. said. "We definitely want to the company. based in Canada that tracks Other environmental and provide all the information An ingredient crucial to emerging technologies), Ecov- consumer groups, however, necessary." malaria drugs, artemisi- er is the only companythat has want Ecover to note the use of nin, is already being pro- publicly confirmed the use of synthetic biology in the new oil See us for retractable duced from a yeast altered synthetic biology to create an it is using so that consumers awnings, exterior solar ingredient found in a specif- know what they are buying. through synthetic biology. screens, shade structures. Solazyme pointed to ic product, its Ecover Natural They acknowledge that the Sun ehen you wantit, rennet, a key processing Laundry Liquid. new oil — in Ecover's deteraid in cheese-making that Ecover buys the algal oil gent — does not contain genetshade when you needit. requiresan enzyme called from Solazyme, which used to chymosin to promote clot- describe itself as a synthetic biting. Traditionally, calves' ology company but has taken ~+ccoolsculpting stomachs provided that the term off its website. "We use both n atural O >N DEMA N D enzyme, but since the late LE F F E L Dansse ttlefaranyone 1990s, it has been generat- strains, classic breeding, and GE N T E R but ap l a sticsurgean for ed by a microbe whose ge- strain selection, along with the Coolsculp6ng' 541-389-9983 netic code was altered with tools of modern biotechnolowww.leffelcenter.com ' 541-sss-3006 www.shadeondemand.com the insertion of a single bovine

But in an illustration of




the size and scope of govern- ijuana, with M i nnesota the ment, getting government out latest to approve it this week Continued from A1 of the doctor-patient relation- when Democratic Gov. Mark Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, ship, and letting states be lab- Dayton signed a bill into law. R-Calif., attached the language oratoriesof democracy rather Kevin Sabet, who heads the as an amendment to a bill that than a one-size-fits-all federal anti-legalization group Projwould fund the U.S. Justice mandate." ect SAM (Smart Approaches Department. As a result of the vote, "Con- to Marijuana) said the House It attracted votes from con- gress is officially pulling out of vote would make it harder for servativeRepublicans such as the war on medical marijua- the federal government to purDoc Hastings of Washington na patients and providers," he sue illegal activity. "No one wants to a r rest state and Don Young of Alas- SBld. ka. In Washington state, which Tom Angell, chairman of cancer patients, but as it is, we along with Colorado approved the pro-legalization group know Colombian cartels are marijuana for recreational use Marijuana Majority, said the connected to selling marijuain 2012, Hastings was the only vote shows how quickly mar- na under the guise of medicine Republican who voted for the ijuana reform "has become a and that marijuana is prolifermeasure, joining all six Dem- mainstream issue." He said it ating on public lands," he said. ocrats in the state's delegation. reflected the fact that members "We're also witnessing a train "I think it says we're finally of Congress are hearing more wreck in places like Colorado. getting through to the Repub- stories about medical uses of This amendment hurts our lican Party," said Dan Riffle, marijuana, including by chil- ability to go after traffickers director of federal policies for dren who suffer from seizures. and producers, and I think a "If any political observers lot of members didn't fully rethe Marijuana Policy Project, a pro-legalization group. "It weren't aware that the end of alize that when they voted for has always confused me when the war on marijuana is near- it." people refer to this as a liberal ing, they just found out," he While marijuana advocates issue. William F. Buckley and sard. celebrated, the measure still Milton Friedman were supWhile Congress' official faces an uncertain fate in the porters of marijuana reform, position is that marijuana is a currentCongress. No similar and medical marijuana in drug with no medical value, 22 legislation has been introparticular. It's about reducing states now allow medical mar- duced in the Senate.





- -- --" ENTER THE BULLETIN'S --- -- -.


.. anN

Just in time for Father's Day ... The Bulletin is hosting a FOIher-Son Look-alike contest.


he wants to be kept informed about the daily details, which may be mundane, but will help him feel connected to his family, she said. Wilson said she was grateful for the unit's family readiness program, in which military

ed and doing her best to hide it, they will be separated on their she said. first anniversary, July 27. The "I have not been through a upcoming deployment will be deployment before," she said, the longest period they have but the family readiness pro- ever been apart, she said. gram has allowed her to talk But Wilson has a goal in with spouses who have. mind: to come out the other side "It's OK to show those emo- of the separation with an even tions, and it's OK to have a com- stronger relationship. "My best friend is leaving pletely crap day," she said. The family readiness leader me, and I want to work really sends out monthly newslet- hard on having my best friend ters, and the group is already come home to me," she said. planning a barbecue and other The units from Oregon are summer activities, she said. goinginpartbecause theyhave "We'vebecome a circle of sis- performed well during previters. While we're not all living ous deployments, induding together, we're all living with in Iraq in 2009, and in part be-

spouses support one another

the exact same situation," Wil-

Continued from A1 "I expect him first of all to

put his mission and his job and his focus before his family," she said this week. "My No. 1 ob-

jective is obviously him coming home safelyto us." For his part, Wilson said

while theirlovedones are away. son said. "We do have a really From them, she has learned she strong support group." doesn't have to put a brave face And thatgroup may come on her feelings all the time. in handy if Wilson has, say, a "This is going to be awful, plumbing emergency. Wilson and we're going to have our knows she can call her group moments when we're down readiness leader for h elp. and we're sad. And that's per-

''When our husbands and our

fectly normal," she said. By wives leave us, we're not just addressing those feelings, and left holding an empty bag. We being able to talk about them have a bag that's full of tools with her children and others, andresourcesforus,"she said. Wilson will show her husband The Wilsons have been marthat she's not secretly devastat- ried for less than a year, and

cause it is their turn in the rotation, Bomar said.

Last month, officers fromthe 1-82 conducted a pre-deployment site survey of Shindand Air Base, which lies south of Herat in western Afghanistan.

Squadron Commander Lt. Col. Dan Miner previously told The Bulletin the unit has been

assigned to help secure and defend the base, where the Afghan Air Force is training. — Reporter: 202-662-7456, aclevenger@bendbuIIetin.com


www.bendbuiiefin.com/Iookaiike (Simply fill out the form and upload your photo. At least one of the individuals must reside in Central Oregon.)

The winning pair will receive two box seat tickets to a Bend Elks baseball game along with dinner, T-shirts and hats. Runners-up will receive $25 Old Mill giff cards. Deadline to enter is 9 a.m. on June 9th. Winners will be notified on Friday, June 13th.


www.bendbulletin.com/contests QUESTIONS? Please e-mail:ajohnsonObendbulletin.com or call 541-617-7860

The Bulletin bendbulletin.com Terms&conditions: Nopurchase required for contest entry.Yourfirst name, last name,email address,and submitted photos may be shared withTheBulletin circulation departmentand contest co-sponsors.Yougrant rights to allow TheBulletin to use your submitted photosin print online and in other marketing materialsTheBulletin has theright to reject photo entriesfor anyreason, especially if they are offensivein nature.Employees and families of employees ofWestern Communications are ineligible to participate.



Who might replaceShinseid?


Pete Chiarelli — The retired four-star general served asArmy vice chief of staff from August 2008 to January 2012. He rose through the ranks after completing ROTCtraining at Seattle University, eventually commanding at every level, from platoon to corps. Chiarelli now serves asthe chief executive of One Mind, which promotes awareness and research of brain injuries and mental illness. Heled the Defense Department's efforts to address post-traumatic stress, traumatic brain injuries and suicide. Stanley McChrystal — This retired four-star general helped craft the Afghanistan war strategy as commander of U.S. forces in that country. Obama dismissed him from his job after a Rolling Stone article featured his disparaging remarks about some of the president's senior civilian advisers, including Vice President Joe Biden. The White Houseappears to have madeupwith McChrystal, having quickly invited him after the dismissal to lead the Joining Forces Initiative, which supports military families. Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I• — Reedknows Congress and the military, having served in both. He is a former Army ranger andU.S. Military Academyalumnus, making him one ofonly eight U.S. senators in history to graduate from WestPoint, according to his website. It is unclear whether Obama iswilling to put Reed's Senateseat in jeopardy during what is expected to be atough election year for Democrats. Mike Mnllen — A retired Navyadmiral who served aschairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the Bush and Obamaadministrations, Mullen turned to the private sector in 2013, joining the boards of General Motors and Sprint Nextel Corp. Patrick Murphy — Murphy is a former Democratic congressman from Pennsylvania andthe first Iraq war veteran to serve in the House,but he lost his seat after two terms during the 2010tea party wave. Hehas aregular series on MSNBCcalled "Taking the Hill," which focuses on veterans issues. Murphy, who practices law in Philadelphia, said Friday that Shinseki's replacement should besomeone who "will inspire confidence in veterans, whowalked in their ranks ... has an intimate understanding of veteran policy, and hasthe leadership ability." He declined to say whether hefits that description. — The Washington Post

Veterans Continued from A1 But all this was apparently a secret to Secretary Eric Shinse-

ki, perched 12 levels above 'Ituner in the VA's towering bu-

reaucracy. Somewhere underneath Shinseki — among the undersecretaries and deputy

undersecretaries and bosses and sub-bosses — the fact that clerks were cheating the system was lost. On Friday, Shinseki resigned and was replaced byhis deputy. But his departure is unlikely Matt Eich I For The Washington Poet to solve the VA's broader prob- As secretary of Veterans Affairs in 2013, Eric Shinseki tours the lem — a bureaucracythat had VA Medical Center-Hampton, in Hampton, Va. Three times a year, been taught, over time, to hide Shinseki spent a solid week meeting with each regional VA medical its problems from Washington. director, but, apparently, his message of openness wasn't enough. Indeed, as President Barack

The Bates, who also have

a marketingcompany, expect the sale to close soon and hope to r eopen the

hotel by next spring. No current tenants will be displaced, Bates said. He de-

clined to give the sale price, but 18 months ago co-owntel on the market for $2.7 million. The city is considering the couple's hotel redevelopment project for its Jumpstart Loan Program, which comes with a $1 public money match for every $4 in private funding — up to $500,000 — for projects expected to provide a catalyst for economic growth

Joe Kline The Bulletin

early in the application pro- generations, offering apartcess. The city has asked the ments, hotel rooms, banquet Bates for more information space, a billiard hall, shops and, once received, the city and restaurants. will begin an extensive unThe New Redmond Hotel is derwriting process to mea- significantly larger than The sure the likelihood of suc- Orenco, but that doesn't worry cess for the project. Bates. "The committee that reviewed the application is

couple a long list of architects, engineers and restoration ex-

perts accustomed to historical buildings. Whether the hotel will be

m arketed primarily to t h e business or leisure traveler re-

mains to be seen, Bates said, as " Whether it's 14 o r 4 0 0 they "roll around in the data" rooms, it's the same: Set stan- and analyze the best uses for

excited about the project, dards and keep them up, esit's gotten a good response tablish operating procedures overall but it's a lot of mon- and make sure staff underey and the city takes its re- standsyour requirements," he sponsibility to taxpayers said. "The key is to make it so seriously," she said. flippin' cool that people walk "I'm not sure if we would out and can't wait to tell their have done t hi s w i t hout friends." It's too early to say exactly the loan program," Bates said. "While we've always what changes the Bates will planned to retire to Central make to the hotel, outside of an Oregon, we weren't plan- upgraded HVAC system and ning on buying a hotel. repairs to its vast inventory of The loan program is very windows. But a few ideas are attractive because it's hard already being tossed around, getting a loan for an empty including a rooftop bar and unused hotel." possibly a soaking pool in the The second and t h i rd basement. floors of the New Redmond The rooms themselves are Hotel have 48 rooms that

in decent shape, Bates said, but

have been primarily empty for 10 years. The ground

everything needs upgrading,

floor has retail, office and

r e placed a

wooden predecessor that

the building, which he considers Redmond's living room. "Positioning, voice, performance, marketing — t h at's

what all hotels need, and everything we do in our marketingbusiness for hundreds of hotels we can use for our own," he said. "Having the hotel be empty has made it like a home with a big hole in the middle of it." — Reporter: 541-548-2186, Ipugmire@bendbulletttt.com

WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066

Adjustable Beds


restaurant space, all of which are leased. because it

cessstory.In the 1990s,reformers had cut back on its middle

vibe in the historic hotel.

1 927. The including many vintage archiHe a t h - 43,000-square-foot structure tectural features. Luckily, their er Richards, community has been a dominant feature ties to the McMenamins and development director, it's of Redmond's downtown for past projects have given the

c ommand. Gould

VA last year. Gould said that

new owners areshooting for a less grandfatherly, more "cool,"

A ccording t o

news did not reach Shinseki's

— 200,000 employees. And I'm having to approve reimbursement: Until recently, the VA had ments for somebody." been seen as a WashingtonsucKizer set out to change that.

the lobby of the New Redmond Hotel. The hotel's

process is not complete but, if approved, the loan has the potential to be forgiven if all criteria is met. burned down i n

The hotel was dubbed "New R e dmond H o t el"

level at all. This is an ironic develop-

jl I

downtown. The approval

years as Shinseki's second-in l ef t t h e

A grandfather clock graces

er Brad Evert had the ho-

Obama said, one of the agency's key failings was that bad this multibillion-dollar organization with — at that time


Continued from A1

Slean Glheen — President Obama has named himthe acting head of the agency. During the third-generation veteran's time in his previous position leading the USO, net fundraising for the group grew by 90 percent, according to his VAbiography. Obamaawarded himwith the 2011 National Medal of Arts for "lifting the spirits of service members andtheir families through the arts." "He's a great leader whogets what's going on," said Iraq andAfghanistan Veterans of America official Tom Taran tino."He'salwaysbeenanamazingand dynamicleader." Lawmakers havepraised him as well. "He certainly has a very strong background," Sanders said. "He has the commitment to veterans — hewouldn't have been the headof USOif he wasn't."



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Shinseki tried hard to show he

was open to bad news. Three times a year, in fact, ShinseHe cut back on staffing at VA ki spent a solid week meeting headquarters in Washington with each of his regional VA and atregional headquarters. medical directors.

management and started using performancedataso m anagers He cut out layers in the chain at the top could keep abreast of of command. Andhe embraced problems at the bottom. the idea that statistics could alThen that success began to lowthe agency's leaders to peer unravel. around those middlemen and As the VA's caseload in- see the bottom from the top.

That was 63 separate four-

hour interviews, every year. But, apparently, his message of openness wasn't enough: In those hours of meetings, nobody told Shinseki what so creased during two wars, the If patients at a certain hospi- many people in his system apagency grew thick around the tal were waiting too long for ap- parentlyknew. "I find it shocking that anymiddle again. And then, when pointments, they wouldn't have the people at the bottom started

to wait for the news to travel

one could believe that they

sending in fiction, the people at the top took it as fact. "Shinseki goes up to Capitol Hill, and says, 'I didn't know anything.' I find it perfectly believable," said Paul Light, a professor at New York University who has studied the bureau-

from a scheduling clerk to a

were expected to dissemble"

supervisor, from the supervisor to a chief, from the chief to the

about performance measures,


Gould said. This is how the system was pital director to the region, and failing: As the VA's patient from the region to Washington. load grew, new layers of midInstead, Washington could dle management slowly rejust watch the numbers and see appeared. And all the way at cracy of the VA and others in for itself. the bottom of the VA's 12-level Washington. "And that's a real In theory. chain of command were the problem." Today, 15 years after he left schedulers — the ones who had


hospital director, from the hos-

the VA, Kizer said he's frustrat-

ed to see that one of his solu-

For decades, the VA was a tions — that numbers-based byword for bureaucracy itself, system — became the problem seen as Washington's ultimate itself. Instead of alerting the paper-pushing, mind-bending bosses to problems in the field, hierarchy. That reputation was ithas been perverted to cover rooted in the VA's history: It themup. "The measures have become came about because the agency's first leader was an auda- the end," Kizer said in a phone cious crook.

interview from California, "as Charles Forbes was chosen opposed to a means to an end." to head the Veterans Bureau

by his poker buddy, President Warren Harding, in 1921. He was a poor choice. Forbes took kickbacks. He sold off federal supplies. He wildly misspent taxpayer money — once buying a 100-year supply of floor wax, enough to polish a floor the size of Indiana, for 25 times the reg-

Care versuswait times

Today,even after a ma ssive influx of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans that increased

the number of VA patients by nearly 2 million, the VA health system still does many things well. The satisfaction rate for patients who have been treated

ular price (apparently as a favor by the VA is over 80percent. to a floor wax company). But in many places, veterans Forbes was eventually con- were waiting too long to get the victed of bribery and conspira- care they needed. "When you actually get in cy. But afterward, the VA's next leaders built in layers of bu- the room with a d octor, it's reaucracy and paperwork — to OK. But it's what it takes to get be sure that nobody would ever to that point that I think is the have the same freedom to steal. problem," said Stewart HickSeventy years after Forbes ey, national executive director was gone, the place was still of the veterans service group wrapped in that red tape.

That was clear on the day that Kenneth Kizer — a reform-

er appointed by President Bill Clinton — arrived at the VA's

health service. "I had to approve reimburse-

to match veterans with doctors.

There were too many veterans. There were too f ew

doctors. So what should they do? One choice was to tell the truth — tell the computer how

long veterans were waiting for an appointment. That was

what Shinseki said he wanted, 12 levels up and miles away in Washington. But, accordingto people with experience in scheduling, it

lower-level bureaucrats wanted. In some cases, local officials' bonuses depended on the

numbers looking good. So, at some point years ago, they began asking derks to change the numbers — with practices like "zeroing it out." Cheating was

made easier by the VA's ancient

• •

computer systems, designed decades ago. For many derks, the choice between the bureaucrats they knew and the secretary they


• •

didn't was obvious. "They would say, 'Change the "desired date" to the date


AMVETS. 'You're sick today. Three weeks from now, you're

ment of a secretary ... purchasI n recent years, the V A ing a cable for her computer. health system started to fail

der to lie wasn't worth it. "You know, in the end, the

that test. veteran got the appointment "That's what, to me, makes that was available anyway," the $11 or $12," Kizer said. There was a form. He had to sign it this event so shocking," said employee said. "It didn't affect personally. "Here I'm running Scott Gould, who spent four the veteran's care." I think it was something like

~ e

was often the opposite of what

of the appointment,'" said one employeeknowledgeable about scheduling practices at a VA either cured oryou're dead." medical center. The employee, One great test of any bureau- who spoke on the condition of cracy is whether it can effec- anonymity for fear of retaliatively deliver bad news to the tion, decided to go along with top of its chain of command. those requests. Fighting the or-






un a sa s i ma ru e or a ear By Thomas Fuller

New U.K. curriculum leaves U.S. authors on the bookshelf

New York Times News Service

By Steven Erlanger

Ishiguro. But dropping the works LONDON — When gov- has caused a ruckus onernment shapes a nation's line and in newspapers and literary education, politics weeklies like The Spectator inevitably plays a role. That and New Statesman. The has become clear in the books left out include Maya case of the influential and Angelou's "I Know Why the c ontroversial British m i n Caged Bird Sings," removed ister of education, Michael in the week the author died; Gove, who was accused of Harper Lee's " To Kil l a jingoism this week for new Mockingbird"; and Arthur syllabus requirements that Miller's "The Crucible." And have led to the removal of at least one exam board, classic American works like Assessment and Qualifica"To Kill a Mockingbird" and tions Alliance, has no U.S. "The Crucible." novels or plays on its list of At issue are the minimum proposed texts. requirements for students T oni M o r r i son, a s k ed taking the General Certif- about the changes while at a

BANGKOK — Thailand's military junta tightened

New York Times News Service

its control Friday with a far-reaching plan to appoint an interim government, write a new constitution

and carry out large-scale public works projects. The junta also disdosed for

cil was similar to the demands

of a protest movement, rooted in Bangkok's conservative es-

the first time how long it in-

tended to remain in chargeat least into the second half of

tablishment, that in the months

leading up to the military coup had paralyzed the now-deposed governing party. The general used the moralistic language of the pro-


The country may return to democracy in around 14 months as long as "peace, order and reform is achieved," said Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha, head

test movement to describe his

of the junta.

goals. "Rules and regulations

Speaking in a n ationally televised address eight days

will be amended in order to

have a good, honest and moral leaderto govern the country," ed government, Prayuth laid he said. out ambitious plans to put the Prayuth said thegovernment military's stamp on Thailand's would continue large-scale future. projects started by the previous "We understand we live in government for flood prevena democratic world," Prayuth tion around Bangkok and a resaid. "Please give us time to vamped train network. change attitudes, values and He did not offer specifics on many other things." what reforms might be enacted, The military has closed a but analysts have speculated number of television stations, that the junta may seek to furbarred criticism of the coup in ther reduce the role of elected the media, blocked websites representatives. After the last and arrested members of an military coup in 2006, the upas-yet small movement that per house of Parliament was has protested the coup. But a changed from a fully elected curfew that was imposed when body to a half-appointed one. the junta seized power has One of the framers of the conbeen relaxed to only four hours stitution written after that coup, a night and most businesses Wicha Mahakhun, said then in the country are operating that "elections are evil." normally. Many members of the BangA dozen successful coups kok establishment, which has have punctuated Thailand's traditionally enjoyed hegehistory over the past eight de- mony in national politics and cades. The country is more is made up of conservative deeply divided than at any monarchists, old-money elites, point in recent history. judges and middle-class Thais, Prayuth said he was seeking are disillusioned with electo"return happiness tothe Thai toral democracy. They have people and foreignnationals re- felt threatened by consecusiding in Thailand." tive victories by the political Yet he offered a blueprint movement founded by Thaklikely to appeal mainly to one sin Shinawatra, a billionaire side of the country's political tycoon who raised the political divide. The general's plan for awareness of provincial voters an appointed legislative coun- through policies such as uni-

icate of Secondary Educa-

tion English exam, usually given when they are 15 or 16. Gove had complained that many taking the test had read only one novel, and, for 90 percent of those

after he overthrew the elect-

literature festival, said that the British "will regret it." Morrison said: "It may

be that the academies will

catch up w it h t h e a r t ists who write literature, and it won't have these nationaliss tudents, that w a s J o h n tic categories, and so on. So you'll have literature." Steinbeck's "Of M ice and Men." Paul Dodd of Oxford, Gove, a Con s ervative

A boy plays with Thai soldiers guarding the square at Victory Mon-

Cambridge and RSA Exam- and former journalist, reinations, one of the boards sponded to the criticism by

ument to prevent anti-coup demonstrators in Bangkok on Friday.

that set and grade the test,

arguing that students were

said Gove had called that "a really d i sappointing

reading too narrowly, and that beyond the core re-


quirements, exam b oards had no restrictions on their

Wason Wanichakorn/The Associated Press

reesiroong complained that subsidies. Thaksin's movement Thai media was "broadcasting has won every national election only good news" from the junsince 2001, but its leaders have ta, "and negatively criticize the been removed from power five other side without allowing times, three times by courts them space to respond." The that have sided with the Bang- post conduded: "Where's there kok establishment. reconciliation?" The junta now appears to Leadersofthe former protest be trying to scrub away the in- movement have been barred fluence of Thaksin's political by the military from making movement from the bureau- public comments. But before cracy. It has removed gover- Prayuth's speech, photos of nors and senior police officers them celebrating at a French who were seen as allied with restaurant in an upscale BangThaksin. kok neighborhood circulated Thailand's normally cacoph- on social media. Many wore onous social media has been military fatigues, an apparent partly cowed by the junta's sign of their approval of the threats to take action against coup, and were shown dancits critics. But a number of ing and singing their protest versal health care and farm

visitors to a popular Internet posted skeptical comments of

choice of authors. SuggesBritish schools to broaden tions that U.S. works were the choice and variety of being banned, he said, were "rooted in fiction." literature, not limit it. New regulations require that stuA spokesman for the edudents study at least one play cation department said the by Shakespeare, at l east requirements represented one 19th-century novel, a "the minimum" s t udents selection of poetry since must learn and that exam 1789 and "fiction or drama boards could include literaGove arguedthathe wanted

from the British Isles from

ture from anywhere.

1914 onwards." The government does not prescribe-

Teachers and teachers' unions, which have criti-

or proscribe — any particu-

cized Gove for hisefforts

lar work. Some

to change the educational system, said he should not


boards have chosen to re-

interfere. place some recommended Last year the National U.S. novels w it h B r i t i sh Union of Teachers called for

ones, like Meera Syal's


discussion board, Pantip.com,

Given those numbers,

A video posted by one of the protest leaders, Chitpas Krida-

Prayuth's speech. korn, was titled "Keep on fightA post by a user named Wa- ing, Don't retreat."

his resignation, asserting that he has based policy "on ticultural co m ing-of-age dogma, political rhetoric tale, and "Never Let Me Go," and his own limited experiby the British-based Kazuo ence of education." "Anita and Me," a 1997 mul-

I El

• I


I •

I' , ll


I •




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BRIEFING Local namedto state ed board Lisa Graham, alocal engineer, will help lead the state's higher education system. Graham wasconfirmed as amember of the State Board of High-

er Education on Thursday by the state Senate. Graham's tenure will lastfrom July1 to July 1, 2015, during which the state's public universities will transition to having independent boards. Grahamis CEO of Black CanyonWoodworks, which she co-founded with her husband in 2011.She previously worked at Bend Research andat Union Carbide in West Virgina. Sheholds a doctorate in chemical engineering from Oregon State University.



eamin u ors u en success By Tyler Leeds The Bulletin

A new effort is underway to unite education, commu-

nity and business groups to improve students' graduation rates and career success

across Central Oregon. Better Together has been

by a grant from the Oregon Community Foundation, which brought together the six Central Oregon school districts, the High Desert Education Service District,

Central Oregon Community College, OSU-Cascades, local

at work for just over a year,

nonprofits and businesses. The aim of Better Together is

but officially launched this

not to start new programs but

month with an event at the

instead to coordinate toward

Redmond Public Library. The promoting a set of outcomes undertaking was spurred that encourage graduation

recognition that a student's

a collection of some unlikely partners, and working on

success depends on much

these outcomes matters for

more than what happens at school.

different reasons to each gl oup.

and employment, with the

"The message to schools is, 'You're not in this alone,'"

Besides the education part-

said Anna Higgins, the or-

ners, some of Better Together's members include repre-

ganization's coordinator of

sentatives from Economic

student success. "It's not just about academic success, it's

Development for Central Oregon, St. Charles Health

about the whole child, within

System and the Latino Com-

the family and community

munity Organization. See Success/B6

contexts. To do this, we have

— Bulletin staff reports

Well shot! Reader photos

• We want to seeyour photos for the next special theme ofWell shot! — "psyched about summer" — to run in the Outdoors section. Submit your best work at bendbull eun.com/ summer2014and we'll pick the best for publication. • Email other good photos of the great outdoors to rearferphotos© bendhulletin.com and tell us a bit about where and whenyoutook them. We'll choosethe best for publication.

a tree in the12000 block


Andrews' time of death hasn't been confirmed but hewas last seen by friends and neighbors around noon Wednesday, according to OSP.Andrews' wife found him after returning from out of town.

" )6,

3 nabbed ontheN, drug charges

Fatal crash near Sisters A Thursday evening two-car crash on U.S. Highway 20 between Sisters and Bendkilled one womanandinjured two men, according to a news release from Oregon State Police Lt. Gregg Hastings. April Jegglie, 39, of Bend, was driving east on the highway near Fryrear Roadwhen her car crossed the centerline and crashed, nearly head-on, into another vehicle. Jegglie was pronounced dead atthe scene, Hastings said. She was driving on a suspendedlicense. Cody Herburger, 27, the driver of the other vehicle, was taken by ambulance to St. Charles Bend with injuries that were not life-threatening. Herburger's passenger, Nicklaus Newport, 29, received minor injuries and was later transported to the hospital by a family member for examination. Herburger and Newportare both Sisters residents, according to Hastings. OSP troopers are continuing the investigation into the causeof the crash andwhether seat belts were used. The highway was closed for approximately two hours following the crash.

Oregon State Police are investigating an accidental death of a 72-year-old Crescent Lake manwho was killed Thursday apparently while trying to cut down a tree onhis property. Troopers and the Chemult Rural Fire Protection District responded about 8:40 p.m. to a report of a dead man pinned under of Cruickshank Drive southeast of Crescent Lake. According to OSP, Eugene FrankAndrews was trying to cut down a tree when it fell and hit him in the head. Hehad tied a rope to the tree and was pulling it with an all-terrain vehicle. He was about 20 feet from the tree's basewhen it fell, hitting and pinning

Roadwork on Purcell Boulevard City of Bend crews will begin prepping for road overlay work on Northeast Purcell Boulevard from PaulaDrive to Neff Road starting Monday. Crews will work from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Friday, with lane closures required. Flaggers and signs will be in place to maintain twoway traffic, but travelers should expect delays.

Tiee fallson,kills Crescent lakeman

Photos by Andy Tullis i The Bulletin

Chris Bauersfeld, above, the executive director at Brightside Animal Center, helps unload 10 rescued dogs from California that were flown in to Butler Aviation at the Redmond Airport on Friday. These "death row" dogs — saved from a fate of euthanasia — were then transported to BrightSide j

in Redmond, where they were


checked in, cared for and prepared for future adoption.

Dismisseddeputy DAs REDMOND PROFICIENCY ACADEMY Former principal is file replybrief inappeal released fromprison By Shelby R. King

district attorneys, filed a reply

The Bulletin

brr'ef on May 27, outlining

T hree former Deschutes se veral reasons why the C ounty deputy district attor- c ounty is liable. Among those neys who in July 2013 accept- re asons are that the state edasettlementdealinalawcertified the county as "'the s uit against District Attorney p u blic employer' of the DDAs Patrick Flaherty have filed for the purposes of negotiata replybrief with the ing the DDAs' terms Oregon Court of Apand conditions of empeals arguing that the ployment," andthat the county shouldnot have county's decision not been released from to ratify the bargaining liability in the suit. agreement resulted in Phil Duong, BrentFla h erty Flahertybeing able to ley Foster and Jody fire the three DDAs Vaughan were fired in 2011 wr'thout just cause, according after Flahertytookoffice. to the brief. Altschul did not T hey sued Flaherty and the r eturn a call for comment. county, originally asking for The initial lawsuit alleged $22 million and reinstatethat the commissioners'execment, alleging wrongful utrve decision to delay a rattermination, sex discriminaifr'cationvote on acollective t ion, unfair labor practices bargaining agreement from

Bulletin staff report

he'd sexually abused another

The former principal of Redmond Proficiency Acad-

femal e student, then 17, at Cent r al Linn High School in

and violations of their First A mendment rights to free

he was arrested on suspicion

100 mph, and one for first-de-

of sexually abusing a female

gr e e theft of RPA computers and other equipment, whichhe

A ndrew Altschul, an attor-

D ecember 2010until after Flaherlytook office in January 2011 constituted abreach of g ood faith and fair dealing.

ney for the three fired deputy

See Appeal /B5

speech and association.

emywhowas sentencedto 21 H a lseybetween December months in prison for sexually 2 0 05 and March 2006. abusing a female student has

In Oct o ber 2012, he entered

been released after 14 months in custody.

an Alford plea to one

— Bulletin staff reports


Betty Bernt, the act-

ingcommunications director fortheOregon

Three Bendresidents were arrested on theft and drug-related charges Thursday afternoon, according to a Bend Police Department news release. Officers served a search warrant in the 61000 block of Chuckanut Drive at1:50 p.m. Thursday. At the residence, they encountered Richard Patterson, 21, Troy Mercer, 40, Farrah Carkhuff, 37 andKaitlyn Byers,19, of Bend. Officers found evidenceof stolen property including a car from Arizona, checks, credit cards and cellphones. Officers also found methamphetamine, marijuana and psilocybin mushrooms and evidence the stolen property was being traded for drugs, the release said. Mercer, Patterson and Carkhuff were arrested and lodged atthe Deschutes County jail. Mercer was chargedwith alleged unlawful possession, unlawful delivery, possession of astolen vehicle andfrequenting a house wheredrugs are used, kept or sold. Patterson wascharged with unlawful possession, unlawful delivery, theft by receiving, computer crime, tampering with physical evidenceand frequenting a house where drugs areused, kept or sold. Carkhuff was chargedwith unlawful possession andfrequenting a housewhere drugs are used,kept or sold. Byers wasaccused of frequenting ahouse where drugs areused, kept or sold but wasreleased andcharges may be filed against her at a later date, according to the release.


gree and third-degree

I: ~ /'

ing an Alford plea, a defendant pleads guilty

' +:Wq~ sexual abuse. Bymak~ a ' ~i'

Department of Corrections, wrote in an email Bre m ont wi tho u t admitting Friday that Michael wrongdoing, acknowlBremont entered prison on edging the prosecution is likely



Jan. 22, 2013, and was released to prove the charge. He was March 20. He spent 422 days in s entenced in December 2012, custody, about 14months. atwhichtimehe alsopleaded

Bremont was principal of the charter school when he

gui l t y and was sentenced on two a d d itional charges: one

was charged in February 2012 for eluding an Oregon State with a variety of crimes after tr o oper at speeds greater than student in2009 and2010. In June 2012, he was arrested

again, this time on allegations

then s old online.


• Salem:Court orders change to the title of a liquor initiative,B3 • Northeast Oregon: The latest in the effort to track the state's wolf





Pink, red, white, yellow — more than10,000 flowers of 500 varieties are planted at the International Rose Test Garden, called the country's oldest public garden of its kind, in Portland. The garden is almost100 years old, and it was started with a specific goal in mind: survival of several species

that aren't necessarily even native to Oregon, butwere in danger of being wiped out.

PORTLAND — Boasting spectacular views of the city skyline and — on a clear day — snow-covered Mount Hood, Portland's International Rose Test Garden in Washington Park is a refuge from a hectic world. But during World War I, the rose garden offered a refuge of a different sort: It was a preserve for plants that European hybridists feared might be wiped out in the bombings. This summer marks100 years since the start of World War I in 1914, and while the rose garden did not become a reality until after the U.S. entered the war less than three

years later, in 1917, it was proposed not long after the war began.

As early as August 1915, an Oregon newspaper reported that Jesse Currey, a Portland rose hobbyist, was working to gain support for his idea of a municipal rose test garden from American Rose Society President Wallace Pierson and Portland's George Baker,

then the city's parks commissioner, and later its mayor when the garden was approved in 1917.

Currey got help from his friend George Thomas Jr., a rose enthusiast from Philadelphia and a captain in Army Air Service who flew in France during the war. In June 1918, the Oregonian newspaper called Thomas "America'sgreatest amateur rosarian" and

Photos by Portland Parks & Recreation/The Associated Press

reported that before he went to war, he left in- The International Rose Test Garden, one of Portland's famous gardens, is in Washington Park. structions that "as soon as the Portland gar-

den was established, it should receive his two most promising seedlings." In early 1918, the garden began receiving plants from growers in England and Ireland, as well as Los Angeles, Washington and the Eastern United States.

More flowers for the City of Roses

and fragrance.A Gold Medal Garden features previous years' best selections, and the Shakespeare Garden features roses named

after characters in the bard's works. The flowers bloom from May until as late as November. Landers said about a half-mil-

lion visitors from all over the world stop in to Portland has long been nicknamed the smell them each year.

"City of Roses." A decade before the test gar-

Oregon'sownwareffort The rose garden is anexample both of Oregon's support for the war through its natural resourcesincluding food from its farms and timber from its forests — and aspart of the era's nationwide City Beautiful movement, said ChetOrloff, with the Oregon Historical Society. "Through that whole period, weare really putting a lot of effort ... into creating a greater parks system," said Orloff, who also is president and director of Portland's Museum of the City. "The rosewas such an important part of the persona of the city, and this was agreat way to contribute to an international effort to preserve something."

"The fragrance is back into roses," Landers

den was proposed, 20 miles said, noting that some rose lovers had worof Portland's streets were ried the smell had been bred out of them in lined with rose bushes for favor ofdisease resistance. "The fragrance the 1905 Lewis and Clark is just intoxicating." They're most fragrant Centennial Exposition. Two in the heat of the day, Landers said, though years later, Portland began that's also when the garden is busiest. He said they're at their most beautiful in the morning, its annual rose festival. The test garden was a way and he prefers the garden in the early mornto solidify the city's reputa- ings as the city below comes to life. tionas arose-growing center Thus far there are no plans to mark the internationally — its support- war's centenary at the garden. But the city ers at the time worried Seat-

is celebrating its 107th Rose Festival through

tle or Tacoma, Wash., could steal the title, according to

June 15.

If you go Where:Washington Park International Rose Test Garden, 400 S.W.Kingston Ave., Portland Hours:Opendaily 7:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Freeadmission. Free public tours offered daily, 1 p.m., through Labor Dayweekend. Meet at the RoseGarden store 10 minutes prior. Parking:$1.60 an hour, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Contact:503-823-3664

— The Associated Press

old newspaper accounts.

"This was still the era when cities were promoting themselves, and they did so

by beautifying themselves," said Chet O rloff, d i rector

emeritus of the Oregon Historical Society. In its first year, the garden

occupied about a block, between a playground and an elk corral. Today, it spans 4.5 terraced acres, with more than 10,000rose bushes — more than 600 variet-

iesin every shape and colorexceptblack and blue, even stripes, said Harry Landers, the

garden's curator.

Still growing Test beds are planted with new varieties

evaluated on several characteristics, including disease resistance, bloom form, color

WWI: Thegreatest total war,uptothat time 2014 marks acentury since the start of World War I. At the time known as theGreat War —there wasn't yet a need to differentiate a"first" world war from asecond one — the conflict brought the empires of Europe to waragainst one another. TheUnited States didn't declare war onGermany and its allies until April1917. But when it did, it instituted the first universal draft and raised amilitary force of more than 4million — including, for the first time, a significant number of African-Americans andwomen. The war ended inNovember1918. Acentury later, World War I remains among thedeadliest conflicts of all time, resulting in some 10 million military deaths. TheU.S. alone lost116,516 service members; another 205,690 werewounded. The war set the stage for the rest of the 20th century. It destroyed four empires and solidified America's position in the world. American commemorations of the GreatWarwon't be in full swing until 2017, a century after U.S. involvement in the fight.

Achangedworld, includinghere Most Oregonians led rural lives before World War I, rarely leaving their farming, timber, fishing or mining communities. The war effort eventually provided opportunities for farmers, loggers andshipbuilders — but theGreat Depression andWorld War II weren't far off. An Army sergeant from Portland,

a bookkeeper whosewarduty WaS priSOn guard. Oregon State Archives

Sources: Bulletin research, The Associated Press, World War One Centennial Commission, American Forces Press Service, Oregon History Project, Oregon at War! (Oregon State Archives)




Health officialssee sharp rise in syphilis, gonorrhea The Associated Press SALEM — State health

wo esinno eas re on I 8 Wl

I'cIC Ill

By Jeff Barnard

Snake River to Oregon in the

The Associated Press

1990s. A 100-pound male was


biologists are busy trapping the growing wolf population in northeastern Oregon and fitting them with tracking

captured May 25 in Umatil-


ber of a pack. Biologists were trying to fit more with tracking collars. Most young d ispersing

la County, she added. It was dubbed OR-26. It was not yet clear if that wolf was a mem-

officials s a y the y ' re alarmed by increased numbers of syphilis and gonorrhea cases in Oregon.

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife says that

The Salem Statesman Journal reports that Ore-

to give daily satellite position reports like the ones that

best chance of finding other

gon Health Authority figures show that early syphi-

chronicled OR-7's incredible journey from northeastern

wolves for mates, Dennehy

lis cases are at their highest

Oregon into Northern Cal-

levels since 1989. The agency says gonorrhea cases jumped 18 per-

ifornia in search of a mate. The position reports also alert

cent from 2012 to 2013.

near livestock. Oregon's wolf population

Dr. Sean Schafer, a medical epidemiologist with the authority, says the numbers are reminiscentof those from the late 1980s

and early 1990s. Oregon's syphilis rate, at 10 per 100,000 people, is almost twice that of the national rate, 5.3 cases per 100,000.

so far in May, two males have been fitted with GPS collars

ranchers when wolves are has grown to at least 65 since

, fkj~;-

w olves have gone east to Idaho, where they have the

sard. Those wolves also face a danger of being shot by huntOregon Department of Fish and Wildlife via The Associated Press ers, because gray wolves are OR-25, a yearling male from the Imnahapack near Joseph, loung- no longer protectedbythe fedes on a recent spring day. State biologists are trapping and fitting eral Endangered Species Act Oregon's wolf population with GPS tracking collars that give daily satellite position reports.

the species was reintroduced into the N orthern Rockies in the 1990s. Most are in the

you National Forest east of Medford. state, but at least two — OR-7 Biologists using padded legand an uncollared femalehold traps captured a yearling have been photographed in male wolf from the Imnaha the southern Cascade Range pack outside Joseph on May on the Rogue River-Siski- 20 and fitted it with a GPS northeastern corner of the

tracking collar, department spokeswoman Michelle Den-

in Idaho

But some go west. Besides OR-7 and the female with him, a wolf track was conf irmed last w i nter o n t h e flanks of Mount Hood.

Wolves are federally pro25, as the 25th Oregon wolf to tected in Western Oregon and be fitted with a tracking collar by the Oregon Endangered since wolves reintroduced in Species Act in the rest of the Idaho began swimming the state. nehy said. It was dubbed OR-

AROUND THE STATE Mussel harvest closed

— State officials say the north Oregoncoasthasbeenclosedto recreational mussel harvesting because of high levels of marine toxins. The closure, announced Friday, extends from the south jetty of the Columbia River south to the north jetty in Newport. It's due to elevated levels of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins and includes mussels on all beaches, rocks, jetties, and at the entrance to coastal bays. Crabare not affected. Shellfish contaminated with the toxins can causesevere illness or evendeath. Thetoxins are produced by algae.

Group home escape —Police in the community of Newberg say a manwho escapedfrom a state-operated community group home is accused of entering a neighbor's house, punching a 7-year-old boy, and punching the boy's mother when sheintervened to protect her son. Police say a10-year-old boy in the home called 911. Themother was finally able to push the manout of the house Thursday. KPTV-TV reports that police say anurse was walking the man outside to retrieve something from a vanwhen he punched her and ran. Mother and son were treated at a hospital. Police say they arrested 32-year-old Richard Wright for investigation of trespassing, reckless endangering and assault. Bail has been set at $20,000.

Death sentence affirmed

Courtca s orc an eto iquor a ottite By Steven Dubois

title for Initiative Petition 58

tition, the group leading the

title in favor of "revenue re-

The Associated Press

that reads: "Allows qualified

an issue, and it's common for opposing sides to spar over PORTLAND — O r egon's retail stores to sell liquor; cur- the language. Supreme Court told the state rent price markup replaced Supporters of privatization can't collect signatures until attorney general on Friday to by wholesale sales tax." modify the ballot title for an A lthough the ta x i s o n the court approves a revised initiative petition that would sales between wholesalers ballot title. That could take change the way liquor is sold. and retailers, the Supreme another week or t wo , and Grocery chains such as Court agreed with initiative backers need the names of Fred Meyer and Safeway supporters that voters might 87,213 registered voters by hope to p r ivatize liquor incorrectly think it's a tax im- July 3. "It's going to require a subsales in Oregon, where only posed at the point of a retail state-regulated liquor stores sale. Oregon does not have a stantial effort to be able to are currently permitted to sell sales tax, and voters have re- successfully collect the signadistilled spirits. peatedly rejected a sales tax. tures needed to qualify," said Attorney G eneral E l l en The ballot title is often the Pat McCormick, spokesman Rosenblum certified a ballot first thing a voter reads about for Oregonians for Compe-


placementfee." The Supreme Court said Rosenblum's use

The group, however, recently started collecting signatures for a similar version

of the measure — Initiative Petition 47. That ballot title,

of the word "tax" accurately

describes the proposed measure, so it can stay. The Oregon Liquor Con-

approved by the Supreme trol Commission currently Court, reads: "Allows quali- charges a 104 percent markfied retail store to sell liquor; imposes wholesale tax to re-

place current state markup."

up on liquor, with most of the

money going toward state, county and city governments.

I nitiative Petition 58 w i ll likely end up with identical

The initiatives would put a

wanted the word "tax" com-

liquor to replace the state's

pletely removed from the


72 percent wholesale tax (or wording. McCormick's group revenue-replacementfee) on

— The Oregon SupremeCourt has affirmed the sentence of an inmate on death row for more than a decade.Gregory Allen Bowen fatally shot 76-year-old Don Christiansen in December 2001 and then stole guns from the man's home. ACurry County jury decided in 2003 that Bowen should be executed. After a series of challenges andafter once sending the sentence back to the trial court, the SupremeCourt ruled Friday that the trial judge had gotten the sentencing handled correctly. Only two inmates have beenexecuted sinceOregonvoters reinstated capital punishment in 1984. A majority of death row inmates have beenthere more than a decade. — From wire reports

1VEws oF REcoRD a.m. May 21, in the 20700 block of Brinson Boulevard. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:07 The Bulletin will update items in p.m. May 25, in the 1100 block of the Police Log when such a request Northwest18th Street. is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges Unauthorized use —A vehicle was or acquittal, must be verifiable. For reported stolen at10:02 a.m. May more information, call 541-633-2117. 26, in the 60800 block of Raintree Drive. BEMD POLICE Burglary —A burglary was reported at5:46 p.m. May 26, in the100 block DEPARTMENT of Southeast Ninth Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 8:43 Theft —A theft was reported at 8:26



a.m. May 27, in the1000 block of Northwest Galveston Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 12:35p.m.May 27,inthe700 block of Northwest Riverside Boulevard. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 1:35 p.m. May 27, in the 700 block of Northeast Tenth Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 2:29 p.m. May 27, in the 61000 block of Snowbrush Drive. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 3:18 p.m. May 27, in the 1500

ENm a

541-419-8637. CENTRALOREGONSATURDAY MARKET:Featuring local artists and CENTRAL OREGONSUMMER crafters;10 a.m.-4 p.m.; parking lot MARKET:Featuring a street fair, across from Downtown Bend Public flea market, farmers market, live Library, Parking Lot, 600 N.W.Wall music and more; free; 8 a.m.-4 St.; 541-420-9015. p.m.; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport SALMON BAKE:Featuring a Way, Redmond; 541-385-3364, traditionally cooked salmon lunch, Bill©streetfair2014.com or www. kids crafts and dancers from Wasco, streetfair2014.com. Burns Paiute, Aztec and Polynesia tribes, on the COCC athletic fields; GARAGESALEFUNDRAISER: free, donations accepted; 10 a.m.-4 Benefiting the Vima Lupwa Home p.m.; Central Oregon Community for disadvantaged children in Zambia, Africa; free; 8:30 a.m.-3:30 College, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-318-3782. p.m.; Private Residence, 440 N.W. Congress St., Bend; 541-388-3671 SUNRIVERBREWFEST:Including or www.lupwahomes.org. 12 tokens and aBrewfest mug; $25; noon-6 p.m.; Sunriver Resort,17600 BAKE, BOOK AND PLANT SALE: Center Drive; 541-593-1000 or www. A fundraiser for the Crooked River Ranch Senior Center; free admission; centraloregonbeerweek.com. 9a.m.-5 p.m.; Crooked River Ranch CRESCENDOBENDO:Students Senior Center, 6710 S.W.Ranch of the Cascade School of Music House Road; 541-504-8236. perform in five different concerts; $5 suggested donation; 1-8:30 BEND VEGFEST: A daylong p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall celebration of plant-based foods and other animal-free products, with St., Bend; 541-382-6866 or www. vendors, speakers and tastings and cascadeschoolofmusic.org. a film screening; free; 9 a.m.-5:30 CASCADECHORALESPRING p.m.; Cascade Culinary Institute, CONCERT: The group performs 2555 N.W. Campus Village Way; music from Lerner & Loewe 541-325-1972,bendvegfest@ and Rodgers & Hart, with guest bendbroadband.com or www. conductor Trish Sewell and the bendvegfest.org. Central Oregon Community College Chorus; free, donations accepted; PATCHWORK ANTIQUESAND 2 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, CRAFTS SUMMER SALE:Featuring 230 N.E Ninth St., Bend; www. antiques, furniture, home-spun cascadechorale.org. crafts, container gardens, flowers, herbs, honey, baked goods and CASCADEHORIZON BAND SPRING CONCERT: The band jellies; 9 a.mr 5 p.m.; private residence, 797 C.Ave., Terrebonne; plays marches, music of Broadway,

block of Northeast Third Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:45 p.m. May 27, in the 3800 block of Northwest Summerfield Road. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 9:01 a.m. May 28, in the100 block of Northwest Greenwood Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 12:22p.m.May 28,inthe2300block of Northwest Lakeside Place. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 3:23 p.m. May

28, in the 700 block of Southeast Fifth Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 4:15 p.m. May 28, in the 61100 block of Southeast 27th Street. Theft —Atheft was reported at 8:08 a.m. May 29, in the19700 blockof Dartmouth Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 8:14 a.m. May 29, in the 500 block of Southwest Powerhouse Drive. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at

9:48 a.m. May 29, in the100 block of Northwest Oregon Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 10:23 a.m. May 29, in the1400 block of Northwest Galveston Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 3:31 p.m. May 27, in the 1200 block of Northeast Purcell Boulevard. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 8:35 a.m. May 27, in the 100 block of Northeast Greenwood Avenue.

Email events at least 10days before publication date to communityli feibendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www.volcanictheatrepub.com. PRINEVILLERESERVOIR STAR PARTY:Exhibits and activities starting at1 p.m., nightviewing will start at10 p.m; free; 10 p.m.; Prineville Reservoir State Park, 19020 S.E Parkland Drive; 541-4474363 or www.oregonstateparks.org.



SUMDAY Submitted photo

Students from Cascade School of Music will perform today during Crescendo Bendo at the Tower Theatre in Bend. popular and patriotic tunes; free, donations accepted; 2 p.m.; Sisters High School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road; 541-330-5728 or cascadehorizonband.org. LOVE: THEBITTERANDTHE SWEET:The University of Oregon OperaEnsemble andtheOperaBend

Theater, 220 N.E Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, 2ndstreettheater©gmail.com or www.2ndstreettheater.com. COMEDY IMPROVSHOW: Featuring Triage and the Reality Benders, supporting BendTheatre for Young

People's scholarship program;$5;

7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; aselection of operas; $7, COCC students free; 7 p.m.; Central Oregon 541-389-0803 or www.bendimprov. com. Community College, Pinckney Center for the Arts, 2600 N.W. BURN BURN BURN: The Seattle College Way, Bend; 541-383-7510 or pop-punk band performs, with www.operabend.org. Tuck and Roll; free; 9 p.m.; Cinnabar Lounge,121 N.E Third St., BROADWAYBOUNDTALENT Prineville; 541-447-1333. EXTRAVAGANZA:Family-friendly eveningofmusic,dance,com edy GREATELK:Dark indie-folk from and variety; $20, available in New York, with Sam Cooper and advance; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Co. andSecondSon;$5; 9 p.m.;

Ensembleperform piecesfrom

CENTRAL OREGONSUMMER MARKET:Featuring a street fair, flea market, farmers market, live music and more; free; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 541-385-3364, Bill©streetfair2014.com or www. streetfair2014.com. HEAVENCANWAIT: 5Kwalk and run to benefit Sara's Project, a breast cancer health education and outreach partnership; $25; 9 a.m., registration at 7 a.m., activities begin at 8 a.m.; Drake Park, 777 N.W. Riverside Blvd., Bend; 541-706-6996 or www.heavencanwait.org. PATCHWORK ANTIQUESAND CRAFTS SUMMER SALE:Featuring antiques, furniture, home spun crafts, container gardens, flowers,

herbs, honey,bakedgoodsand jellies; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; private residence, 797 C.Ave., Terrebonne; 541-419-8637. CASCADE HORIZONBAND SPRING CONCERT: The band plays marches,

music of Broadway, popular and patriotic tunes; free, donations accepted; 2 p.m.;Mountain View High School, 2755 N.E 27th St., Bend; 541-330-5728 or cascadehorizonband.org. SCOTT COSSU:TheSeattle-based pianist performs, with flutist John Croarkin; $15 donation, reservations requested; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m. for potluck; The Glen at Newport Hills, 1019 N.W. Stannium Drive, Bend; 541-480-8830 or houseconcertsintheglen© bendbroadband.com.


TUESDAY SPOTLIGHTCHAMBER PLAYERS: Featuring a cello duo and a string quartet; free; 3:45 p.m.; Whispering Winds, 2920 Conners Ave., Bend; 541-306-3988, info© highdesertchambermusic.com or www.highdesertchambermusic.

com. ALAN HOWARTH:The Hollywood music composer performs, benefiting Ridgeview High School Band and the Memorial Wall for POMC Portland Chapter; $25 at the door; 7 p.m.; Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-923-4800.


EDj To

The Bulletin


urie enea e a,some OO news

~ Twa 5 p cqA~c ~co $aa @iaa$. syo vcp, C





-~t I

his editorial is about the rarest of things when it comes to the subject of Bend's urban growth boundary expansion. It's aboutsome good news. But this being about UGB expansion, there are bundles andbundles of bad news first. The Portlandmetro area had so much trouble with the state's UGB process that the Legislature stepped in this year. It solved the dispute by completely bypassing the state's UGB process. In other words, the state's system was so bad,state lawmakers gave up onit. So the best hope for Bend's proposed UGB expansion could be for the Legislature to come to the rescue. That doesn't seem likely to happen soon. Instead, Bend's UGB boundary has not budged from where it was when the city started the expansion effort in 2004. Bend spent millions. It submitted a plan to the state. The state said Bend wanted toomuch land, the city failed to provide all the data the state requires, Bend has to have more infill and the city needs to resubmit. As you may have noticed, we are still on the bad news. And there is more. One of the hardest things for the city is figuring out what the state wants. The state says it won't dictate to Bend how much infill it needs to have, but then it won't tell Bend staff if what it is proposing for more infill is enough before the city submits its entire application. For instance, one of the things Bend can do is upzone. It could do somethinglike increase the number ofhomes allowedper lot. In the residential standardzone, which covers most of Bend, the city allows two to seven lots per gross acre. It could increase it to allow three to eight. Would that be enough to please

the Land Conservation and Development Commission? There's no way to know. So Bend is spending more than $1 million right now, has easily spent quadruple that already and is headed to an uncertain outcome all over again. What makes the uncertainty all the more uncertain is that as Bend puts togetherits UGB plan, there are at the bottom some building block assumptions.One ishowmuch residential land Bend needs for the next 20 years. Another is howmuch land it needs for business for the next 20 years. Those things are difficult to figure for all sorts of reasons. It's easy for opponents to a UGB expansion to contest them for those very same reasons. And if those assumptions are found to be flawed, it means whateverplan Bend has come up with based on those assumptions is wrong. The lands itpicked would be wrong. The proposed new boundaries it drew would be wrong. The assumptions that it made about needed roads and sewer and water would be wrong, wrong, wrong. Bend would have to go back all over

again and plan again. Now, finally, to the good news. The Legislature has required the LCDC to come up with ways to simplify the UGB expansion process. So here is one: LCDC could allow cities like Bend to submit some of those basic building block assumptions and could give cities incremental approval for those pieces. Cities could then go ahead with other planning without fear of having subsequent work undermined. It's unlikely that any simplifying of the LCDC will get done in time to help Bend. So, it's not a lot of good news. But when it comes to the state's UGB process, that's about as good as it gets.

Technology should not mean privacy retreats hould the police be able to go through your cellphone during a traffic stop? Should the police be able to keep for years the license plate data of cars that went through a particular intersection'? The tricky part, as state Sen. Tim Knopp, R-Bend, said this week is "appropriately balancing the right of privacy with the need for efficiency and robust public safety protections." Without action by the state Legislature, the balance has tipped too far away from the public's privacy.


A legislative committee looked at five bills this week that try to fix that. One would limit the length of time that law enforcement can retain license plate images to 30 days. Another would require a search warrant before law enforcement can access information on digital devices. There are exceptions in both bills. And there are good reasons for exceptions. But they need to be narrowly defined. New technology should not mean that privacy retreats.

The autocracy conun rum t

t's hard to remember, but back in

even more necessary in an age of assertive autocracies. If the U.S. re-

the early 1990s there was a debate about how nations should emerge


from Communism — the Russian way or the Chinese way. The Rus-


sians did political and economic re-

form together. The Chinese just did economic reform. cies to take effective collective action Reality doesn't allow clean exper- against autocratic aggression. Moreiments, but the Chinese model has over, his administration does chamwon in the court of public opinion. pion democracy.On the same day China's success has given autocracy Obama spoke, his ambassador to the a legitimacy it lacked. In each of the United Nations, Samantha Power, past eight years, according to Free- gave agreatcommencement speech dom House, the number of countries at Harvard' sKennedy School ofGovthat moved in an autocratic direction ernment explaining why democracy has outnumbered those that moved promotion has to be at the core of in a democratic one. U.S. foreign policy. When you look at autocracies, you But the president's attitude seems notice that many have undergone a similar life cycle. Autocrats may start

to me in some ways ill-suited for the

autocratic challenge. First, he might out thinking they will be benevolent have the balance wrong between dictators. They may start out flirting overreach and underreach. Perhaps with the West and talking about lib- drawing on the Iraq example, Obama eralizing reforms. But their regimes believes America's problems have not are almost always corrupt and inef- been caused by too much restraint, ficient. To stay on top, autocrats have but by overreach and hubris. to whip up nationalistic furies. They In the larger frame of history, this have to be aggressive in their regions is a half-truth. In the 1920s and '30s, to keep the country united on a per- for example, Americans were in a manent war footing. Unstable with- retrenching mood, like today. The in, autocracies have to be radioac- result was a leaderless world, the tive abroad. Autocrats may start out gradual decay of the world order and claiming to be their country's Deng eventually World War II. Xiaoping, but they often end up more As Robert Kagan shows in a brillike Robert Mugabe. liant essay in The New Republic, for Dealing with thuggish radioactive the past 70 years, U.S. policymakers autocracies will probablybe the great have understoodthatunderreach can foreign policy challenge of the next lead to catastrophe, too. Presidents decade. Aggressive autocratic rulers assertively tended the international will challenge national borders and garden so that small problems didn't inflame regional rivalries. They will turn into big ones, even when core exacerbate ethnic tensions and gnaw national interests were not at stake. at the world order. They have already In the 1990s, for example, President made the world amore orneryplace. George HW. Bush and President Bill How will the United States respond'? President Barack Obama

Clinton took military action roughly every 17 months to restrain dictators,

laid out his approach in a speech at spread democracy and preserve inWest Point this week He argued ternationalnorms. persuasively that the U.S. will have This sort of forward-leaning into do a lot more to mobilize democra- terventionist garden-tending will be

stricts intervention to "core interests,"

as Obama suggests, if it neglects constant garden-tending, the thugs will grab and grab and eventually there will be horrendous conflagrations. America's assertive responses will not need to be military; they rarely

will be. But they'll need to be simple, strongactsofdeterrence to preserve order. As Leon Wieseltier notes, if

Obama spoke in Kiev on his coming European trip, that alone would be an assertive gesture, like JFK going to Berlin.

Second, Obama underestimates how much the logic of force will remain central in the years ahead. It would be nice if autocrats thought in terms of international norms or

according to the rational calculus of cost benefit analysis. But autocrats

got where they are because they are primitives who perceive the world through the ancient calculus of pow-

er and force. What we perceive as prudence, theyperceive as weakness. Absent clear and forceful counterpressure, theywill cross redlines that

the current or future president will have to enforce.

For most of the past 70 years, the U.S. had a two-level foreign policy. On top, U.S. diplomats built multilat-

eral coalitions to extend democracy. But at the bottom level, U.S. presidents understood their responsibility

as the world's enforcer, occasionally operating according to the logic of menace and force.

If Obama departs from that tradition and takes away that bottom level — forfearof overreach,orin a quest

for normalcy, or out of an excessive belief in the limits of his own power — then he will undermine the top level that he admires. The autocrats will

drag the world into an ungodly mess. — David Brooi'zs is a columnist for The New York Times.

Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereandthose appropriate for other sections of TheBulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

In My View submissions should be between 550and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. Weedit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating withnational columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or In My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Email submissions are preferred. Email: letters©bendbulletin.com Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View

P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804

Those with different political views are no less patriotic By Jason Burge


wrote a letter on March 16 that said, "I don't mind t rue polit-

redistribution and freebies are killing Americans in the line of duty?


As I stated in my earlier response, was allowed to make it through the ical discourse about p olicy "throwing all of these words togeth- screening process. He cannot judge and issues." The gist of the argu- er does not equal a coherent letter." my patriotism, honor and duty ment is that too often letters that Instead, this inflamed rhetoric is based on a 250-word letter to my loappear in The Bulletin contain a precisely the type of vile nonsense cal paperabout executive orders. stream of consciousness rambling that passes the printable litmus test Before moving here, my wife about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, for our esteemed local paper. Did served in t h e U n ited States Air Obamacare and socialism. This was the editorial board ever try to fig- Force since 1999. During her dethe type of letter I was responding ure out how income redistribution ployment overseas, she treated our to when I last wrote a letter to The was killing Americans as stated so young soldiers by the busloads with Bulletin. eloquently by Berry? No, they never mental and physical wounds from Fast forward to Richard Berry's thought twice about the accuracy of the war. We lived in San Antonio reply on March 26, where he states, this statement. and saw these brave men and wom"Burge scoffs at Republicans' manI would have no reason to reply if en suffer through PTSD and phystra of Benghazi, Fast and Furious, that is where Berry stopped, how- ical wounds from our long wars in Obamacare, income redistribution ever; he continued by saying that I Iraq and Afghanistan. and freebies as if these aren't im- refute "patriotism, Old Glory, honPeople serving this country rely portant, unresolved events, in which or, and duty." I do not know Berry, on the support of their patriotic fammany Americans were killed in the and he certainly does not know ilies back home who appreciate their line of duty." Obamacare, income

me; however, this personal attack

duty and sacrifice. Is it not honorable

to help the husbands and wives of

when they include personal attacks.

soldiers when their spouses deploy

While many of their own editorials

as I have done for more than a de-

speak of the failure of others, they tend to not admit when they them-

cade? As soon as one of our friends came back, we knew that it meant another friend was about to leave.

Did I not learn about duty from my father, who served in Vietnam, or by m y grandfathers who served before? Sadly, some people seem to think that only one party is patriotic and owns Old Glory. No real American

would have such a shallow belief. We are a society made up of many different people who all fit under the

umbrella of America. The Bulletin has a fairly simple

selves are in the wrong. In this case,

Berry's letter slipped by and I appreciate an opportunity to respond to his attacks on my character.

We may not vote the same way in May or November, but it is a mistake to assume that those with different

political views are any less patriotic or have less of a claim to the American flag. The fact that we can have

a peaceful transfer of power every two to four years is what makes this country so great. Another is that

two patriots, with very different poon its website and on the Opinion litical beliefs, can have an open dispages of this paper. No anonymous cussion in our free press. letters, word limits, a 30-day wait God bless America! period and a policy to reject letters — Jason Burge lives in Bend. submission policy that can be found







Truman 'Wade' Cole Oct. 21, 1928- May 28, 2014 W ade C o l e , 8 5 , di e d peacefully in h i s s leep on May 28, 2014 at home. A Celebration of hi s l i f e will be held at the Church of God Seventh D ay , 2 05 NW 4th St., Redmond, OR 97756 at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 29, 2014. Contributions m a y be made to "Heart and Home Hospice", PO Box 3540, La Pine, OR 97739 W ade was born i n F a i r view, Oklahoma on O c t ober 21, 1928 to Clifford and H azel ( D i c k i nson) C o l e . Wade attended J e f ferson High School i n J e f f erson,


I n 1950, he married V i r i nia F r e itag f r o m S c i o , regon. Wade worked at a sawmill in the Albany area until he b ecam e a builder/contractor i n t he s ame a r ea . T h e y l iv e d there nearly 4 5 y e ars b ef ore m oving t o L a P i n e , Oregon in 1995. He l ov e d g ar d e n i n g , f ishing and hunting - a n d h is littl e d og , P eeko! H e was active in t h e C h u r ch of God for many years.He t aught h u nt e r s safe t y courses a n d l ov e d t he


State hospital treatingmoredefendants itI trg,






" fct"C'

Neal Boenzi I The New York Times file photo

Oscar Dystel, the president of Bantam Books, shownhere in New York in 1971, was a shrewd executive whose faith in the sales potential of paperback books helped change literary culture and

made Bantam a publishing leader.

Dystel orchestrated rise ot BantamBooks By Douglas Martin

Dystel won the deal by promis-

New York Times News Service

ing to send Marines to whole-

salers to explain their love of sharp editorial judgments, thebook. " It was a b a ttle cr y f o r shrewd marketing and attention-grabbing covers to propel the c ountry t h a t B a n t am Bantam Books from the brink was in business," Dystel told of collapse to pre-eminence Silverman. in paperback publishing after Other big sellers followed. World War II, died Wednesday "Valley of the Dolls" by Jacat his home in Rye, NY. He was queline Susann, which Dystel Oscar Dystel, who combined

R iverview, F l o r i da; t h r e e

daughters, Karen (Larry)

Walker of La Pine, Lonna Cole of La Pine, Lisa (Jeff) Richards of Bend, Oregon; o ne son, D o n ald C ol e o f Columbus, Ohio, 10 grandc hildren a n d 14 g r e a t grandchildren. Autumn F u n erals, B e nd was entrusted with the arrangements. 541-318-0842.

Bantam Books was founded Four million more copies were in 1945 to take advantage of published in less than a year. new methods that allowed pa- When no hardcover publisher perbackstobeproducedcheap- was interested in William Peter ly and of a public eager to pay Blatty's novel "The Exorcist" in 25 cents for a book that might 1971, Dystel bought both hardhave cost $2 as a hardback. cover and paperback rights. He But by the early 1950s, the

later sold the hardcover rights

industry was choking on its to Harper 8 Row. It became a own success, having printed best-seller — Bantam sold 10 mountains more books than the public wanted. More than

million copies — and the basis

of a 1973 blockbuster movie of 175 million copies were piled the same title.

in warehouses. Bantam was in

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world:

chaos and had been without a Eye-catchingcovers president for two years when Covers mattered. Bantam Dystel (rhymes with pistol) was made redthe preferred color hired. for paperback books, and oth"We were flooding the mar- er companies followed, until ket to sell 100 copies," he said bookstands were almost solidly in an interview for "The Ban-

Sam Greenlee, 83: Anovel- tam Story," a 1970 book by ist and poet best known for a Clarence Petersen. "I rememlow-budget 1973 movie made ber one executive coming into from his novel "The Spook my office with a balance sheet Who Sat by the Door," which and telling me, 'We're out of envisioned a black power rev- business.'" olution led by a militant black Bantam was on track to lose ex-CIA agent and was pulled more than $500,000 that year. from theatersafter a briefbox But Dystel was so confident officesuccess.Died May 19in of Bantam's future that he deChicago. manded a percentage of future Andrew Mollison, 75: A profits. Washington correspondent for By the end of the next year, Cox Newspapers who served Bantam was making a profit, as president of the National and by the time Dystel retired Press Club and, in retirement, as chairman in 1980, its sales became a leaderin a move- exceeded $100 million a year. ment to help elderly people It was the largest publisher of stay in their homes. Died May paperbacks, with more than 15 21 in Washington, D.C. percentof a market served by Karlheinz Boehm, 86: An 14 principal houses and severAustrian actor an d h u man al lesser imprints. Paperbacks rights activist who found- had cometo account formore ed an aid group dedicated to than half the dollar volume of helping people in Ethiopia. sales in the nation's bookstores. Died Thursday near Salzburg, Austria.

Turnaround tactics

David Weiss 67:A world-renowned oboist who spent 30 years with the Los Angeles Philharmonic and made featured TV appearances for his prowess at playing the musical saw. Died May 24 while surfing off Pacific Palisades, Calif. Diego Cordovez, 78:An Ecuadorean diplomat who, as a U.N. undersecretary-general,

Dystel reduced inventory, pushed aprogram to sell dassic books by Dostoyevsky and other authors, expanded publishing for schools and children,

red. It then did the same with white, and later with raised me-

out that what Salinger most wanted was to design the cover

himself. "No problem!" Dystel said, according to Silverman. "We'll publish it in a brown paper wrapping paper if he wants that, just as long as the title is

legible." Salinger's cover is the one

had been through 46 Bantam


Background Oscar Dystel was born Oct. 31, 1912, in the Bronx,

built a corporate structure. And he did what he liked most: He found books with

realizing that he would never

the South Pacific during World

after Sovietforces invaded Afghanistan to prop up its

War II. Bantam and a compet- advertising. itor, Pocket Books, each bid His wife of 65 years, the $25,000 for paperback rights, former Marion Deitler, and according to Al Silverman in his son, John, died in 2003. his 2008 book, "The Time of In addition to hi s daughTheir Lives: The Golden Age of ter, Jane, he is survived by Great American Book Publish- two grandchildren and two ers, Their Editors and Authors." great-grandchildren.

United States. Died May 24 in

Quito, Ecuador. — From wire reports

would be that we keep it in-

case were to move forward

retired, in 2011 was involved

house rather than farm it March, attorneys represent- out." taking office, the collec- ing the county filed a brief By allowing county countive bargaining agreement explaining why the county sel to handle the case, the would have restricted Fla- shouldn't be held liable. c ounty w o uldn't h av e t o herty's ability to fire the depDeschutes County counsel pay attorney fees, as Doyle uty DAs. Dave Doyle said he doesn't and assistant county attorThe county sought to dis- expect the appeals court to neys are salaried employmiss its inclusion in the law- side with the plaintiffs. ees. Doyle estimates that, in suit based on the grounds During the appeal, the terms of labor hours, defendthat the DA and all deputy county is being represent- ing the case were it to go to DAs are state employees and ed by a Portland-based law trial could cost anywhere therefore the county cannot firm, Mersereau Shannon from $50,000 to $100,000. participate in their termina- LLP, but Doyle said if the apThe county o r iginally tion. The trial court agreed, peals court was to agree that hired an outside law firm beand the county in October the county should be finan- causeformer county counsel 2011 was removed from the cially responsible and the Mark Pilliod, who recently suit. Duong,

in federal court, he would Vaughan then pursued the likely handle the case. "I have a litigation backlawsuit a g a inst F l a herty only, accepting a settlement ground and so does (assisin August 2013 from the state tant county counsel) John Department of AdministraLaherty," Doyle said on Fritive Services for $710,000. day. "My recommendation, Fos t e r

Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR97708

in his own legal battle with



af t e r

Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Mondaythrough Friday for next-day publication and by4:30 p.m. Friday for Sundaypublication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the secondday after submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sundaypublication,and by9a.m. Monday for Tuesdaypublication. Deadlines for display adsvary; please call for details.

Fl a h e rty

opened a grand jury investigation into Pilliod's release of public records. — Reporter: 541-383-0376, sking@bendbulletin.com


electronic monitoring, and

Dianne Erickson, the direc-

is now in the midst of 60

tor of o f fender information

Continued from B1 Under the terms of his

months of probation.

and sentence computation with the Oregon Department

plea deal with prosecutors, Bremont was sentenced to

19 months in prison for the sex charges and a nother

60 days for attempting to elude the trooper. The theft charge earned him a 10-day sentence, to be served concurrently, and an order to pay $50,000 in restitution to

Bremont cannot have contact with the victim and has

of Corrections, said Bremont

to regis ter asa sex offender. began his post-prison superviHe can't have contact with sion April 19. female minors other than his In Oregon, an offender who children, except as allowed shows good conduct and comby the court or p r obation plies with programming such officers. He cannot work or as work assignments, educavolunteer in schools. tion programs or other treatThe Oregon Teacher Stan- ment, can earn credit that cuts dards and Practices Com- time off the total sentence. mission revoked Bremont's teaching license in June

RPA; he was also to serve a 30-day sentence for sexually abusing the 17-year-old 2013. female Central Linn High He spent the bulk of his student. time at Deer Ridge CorrecHe was to receive credit

for time served but not for

tional Institution in Madras

and wasreleasedfrom there.

ON SALE E310 6512001

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MlftQlerwrll 0

Sendm Message of Suplortind =='==::-: ,Congratulationstoone, =- """ —:= -::;several,or all Central =; Oregon Graduateswith -afull colorad! -




The Bulletin will publish multiple pages listing all 2014 Graduates from Central Oregon High SChOOIS



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just 69




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1 Col. x 2" ad <1.83"xz)

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%84lhJ N!


SleMesl sINI

Mido Ntft Oedltestos



Advertising Deadline Friday, June 6 To PlaCe yOur ad call The Bulletin Advertising Department

IhSK 1


This will publish Saturday, June 14 in The Bulletin Both the public and businesses are invited to participate

SHW97 alullfhf Rd itEQMOIO: 541-382g67 aSSW1OtttS,iilhlsn

Death Notices are freeandwill be run for one day, but specific guidelines must befollowed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes.They may be submitted by phone,mail, email or fax. TheBulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of theseservices or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.

Fax: 541-322-7254

if it came back as a lawsuit,

uated in 1935 with a major in

Obituary policy

Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com

In January, the trio filed an appeal to the county's removal from the lawsuit. In

If ratified prior to Flaherty

name in yellow against a red background. "Catcher" sold half a million Bantam copiesa year beginning in 1964, and by 1978 it

cord came almost nine years

came mired in a guerrilla war againstrebels backed by the

Continued from B1

that became familiar to millions: the title and author's

Soviet troops from Afghanistan in the 1980s. The ac-

Marxist government and be-


alternatives to institutions.

When the New American Li-

brary's rights for J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" (1951) were expiring, Dystel resolved to acquire the book. It turned

a shot at popularity and sold be a virtuoso. He received a them vigorously. track scholarship to New York An early victory was "Battle University, which he suppleCry," a 1953 novel by Leon Uris mented by working as a typeabout a group of Marines in setter at The Times. He grad-

negotiated the withdrawal of

patients for up to three years,

tallic titles.

the only child of parents who worked in a tailor shop and later owned a general store. As a child he played the violin and performed at Carnegie Hall, but he gave it up after

multiplied the sales force and

or the m aximum sentence

able," he said. "We just don't

that could have been imposed a marked increase in the num- have the ability to do that, but if the defendant were found ber ofcriminal defendants or- that's what's been happening guilty, whichever is shorter. deredtothe Oregon State Hos- over the last fewyears." Roberts said part of the Judges sendcriminal de- problem is a shortage of compital, calling it an expensive trend that can't continue. fendants to the hospital when munity mental health proThe number in the hospital they're found to be unable to grams. Oregon also is in the rose from 88 in 2010 to 151 last assist in their cases, The Or- middle of a four-year agreemonth, Superintendent Greg egonian reported. Treating ment with the federal Justice Roberts told legislators Thurs- them so they can assist runs Department, which has found day. Two-thirds of the people to nearly $250,000 a year, ac- the state lags far behind in admitted to the hospital last cording to hospital statistics. providing adequate communiyear were such defendants, he The hospital can keep such ty mental health programs as SALEM — Officials report


W ade wa s p r e ceded i n death by two sons, Steven Cole and Randal Cole. He 101. predicted would sell a million i s survived b y h i s w i f e , His daughter, Jane Dystel, a copies, had a press run of 4 Virginia, and two brothers, literary agent, announced the million the week after its paCalvin (Linda) Cole of Al- death. perback publication in 1967. b any, O r egon, a n d N o r -

m an (Barbara) Cole o f

"This trend is unsustain-

The Associated Press

541-382-181 1


stfRR%. JONes llN


pÃlll s gwl~


tarresrrfr srssaasaslern

Irse ttfset trtte lsttrotsss Jsp slt. I ttr

The Bulletin ServingCentralOregon since 1903


W EAT H E R Forecasts andgraphics provided byAccuWeather, Inc. ©2014









HIGH 73' I f '


49 '

4Q' Clear

Yesterday Normal Record 93' in 1903 20'in 1908

PRECIPITATION 24 hours through 5 p.m. yesterday 0.00" 0.57"in 1948 Record h h Month to date (normal) 0.20 (0.86 ) Year to date (normal ) 4.03h (4.99h) Barometric pressure at 4 p.m. 29 . 91 "



Tdlamo •





Partly sunny andvery warm

Partly sunny

• pray



0 IV 8 8I 77/50

0am 9 Se r an Red




Joseph Grande • 78 42 union 43 •

'Baker C 77/38

• John uU Day 7/41 tario • Pa lina 77/44 8 53 Floren e • Eugene • Se d B rothers 7542 Valeu Ls/50 Su iVeru 73/40 85/52 Nyssa u 71 / 9 • La pine Ham ton MOONPHASES C e Juntura N / 52 Grove Oakridge First Fu ll Last New • Burns 83/46 OREGON EXTREMES co 75/47 /45 64 0 • Fort Rock Riley 77/43 YESTERDAY Cresce t • 73/39 76/43 N/39 High: 86' Bandon Roseburg • Chr i stmas alley Jun 5 J un 12 J u n 19 J u n 27 at Hermiston Jordan V Hey 63/50 Beaver Silver Frenchglen 78/51 Low: 26' 78/45 Marsh Lake 76I42 THE PLANETS 69/38 at Burns 73/40 Gra • Burns Jun tion T he Planets Ris e Set • Paisley 64/ a • 81/45 Mercury 6:46 a.m. 1 0 :23 p.m. Chiloquin Medfo d '72/42 Gold ach Rome Venus 3:50 a.m. 5 : 2 0 p.m. 0 '




• Prineville

79/42 •


3:18 p.m. 2 : 5 7 a.m. 8:19 a.m. 1 1:33 p.m. 6:35 p.m. 4: 4 2 a.m. 3:02 a.m. 3 : 5 2 p.m.

The highertheAccuWssutscrxrm IIVIndex number, the greatertheneedfor eyssndskin protscgcn.0-2 Low,





Yesterday Today Sunday

Wee d s

SKI REPORT In inches as of 5 p.m.yesterday


New snow Base 0

61- 1 30

Mt. HoodMeadows


96-1 1 0

Timberline Lodge


11 8 -118


Source: onThsSncw.ccm

Portland Prinsvills Redmond Rossburg Salem Sisters The Oslles

Yesterday Today Sunday Hi/Lo/Prsc. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W 76/4 9/0.0078/54/pc76/54/ pc 77/ 3 2/0.0079/42/pc74/42/ pc

78/ 33/0.0075/39/pc 77/42/ pc 77/ 5 1/0.0078/51/pc 80/53/pc 78/47/0.00 74/48/pc 75/49/ pc 76/30/0.00 75/39/t 77/42/pc 85 / 44/0.0079/53/t 82/54/pc

~ t o s ~ 208 ~ 30s ~dos ~50s ~608 ~yos ~aos ~90s ~toos ~ttos wwwqwgu


t~ easfa

Ssa 75/51

Bismarck TS/54

oi 84/53

Wa0 Q





~pfs~ A thunderstorm possible in the afternoon



or o ntc

Today Sunday

Hi/Lo/Prsc. HiRo/W Hi/Lo/W 91/66/0.00 88/68/I 92/72/pc 77/52/0.00 78/52/s 81/61/s 75/55/0.20 74/45/pc 78/51/s 88/65/Tr 90/67/s 94/65/s 56/49/0.14 54/46/sh 58/48/sh 86/68/0.00 87/69/I 81/64/pc

Abilene Akron Albany Albuquerque Anchorage Atlanta Atlantic City 65/53/0.00 Austin 93/64/0.00 Baltimore 75/55/0.05 Billings 76/51/0.00 Birmingham 86no/0.09 Bismarck 78/60/0.62 Boise 78/44/0.00 Boston 66/48/0.06 Bridgeport, CT 71/54/0.03 Buffalo 75/49/0.00 Burlington, VT 70/51/0.06 Caribou, ME 72/48/0.28 Charleston, SC 87n2/0.26 Charlotte 82/66/0.29 Chattanooga 86/68/0.14 Cheyenne 62/57/0.22 Chicago 79/53/0.00 Cincinnati 85/65/0.00 Cleveland 73/51/0.00 ColoradoSprings 74/56/0.32 Columbia, Mo 84/67/0.1 1 Columbia, SC 83no/1.35 Columbus,GA 88/70/Tr Columbus,OH 85/59/0.00 Concord, NH 73/40/0.1 3 Corpus Christi 94/68/0.00 Dallas 88/69/0.00 Dayton 83/58/0.00 Denver 71/60/0.04 oss Moines 88no/0.00 Detroit 78/54/0.00 Duluth 73/50/0.00 El Paso 95n1/Tr Fairbanks 75/50/0.00 Fargo 93/68/0.39 Flagstaff 78/39/0.00 Grand Rapids 85/54/0.00 Green Ssy 83/51/0.00 Greensboro 80/66/0.32 Harrisburg 78/54/0.00 Hsrffcrd, CT 76/49/0.05 Helena 78/40/0.00 Honolulu 87/75/0.00 Houston 88/70/0.99 Huntsville 88/68/0.« Indianapolis 84/64/0.00 Jackson, MS 81/70/0.« Jacksonville 86/67/0.01

71/53/s 87/68/I


76/53/I 89/69/I 76/60/I

71/48/I 87/69/I 76/55/I

84/52/pc 62/49/pc 68/48/pc 73/50/s 71/46/pc 68/40/pc



Juneau Kansas City Lansing Lss Vsgss Lexington Lincoln Litiis Rock Lcs Angeles Louisville Madison, Wl Memphis Miami


Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville New Orleans New YorkCity Newark, NJ Norfolk, VA

72/55/s 73/53/s 79/57/s

78/54/s 75/51/pc 82/62/pc

83/61/pc 79/58/s 88/67/I 85/66/pc 78/52/t 80/47/pc 84/60/s 85/66/I 83/60/s 87/68/pc 75/51/s 81/62/s 82/53/t 86/53/pc


84/68/I 87/65/I 91/69/I 82/57/s 67/36/pc 89/69/I 83/72/t 81/56/s 84/57/I 81/67/I

Pittsburgh Portland, ME

Omaha Orlando Palm Springs Psoris Philadelphia Phoenix


83/59/s 84/67/I 86/67/s

Providence Raleigh

Rapid City Rsno Richmond Rochester, NY


Ssn2/pc 89/73/pc 83/67/pc

Sacramento St. Louis Salt Lake City Ssn Antonio Ssn Diego Ssu Francisco Ssn Jose Santa rs Savannah Seattle Sioux Falls Spokane Springfield, Mo Tampa Tucson Tulsa W ashingt on,OC

87/52/pc 86/69/I

80/53/s 82/64/pc 76/57/I 74/53/I 97/78/s 102/78/s 65/41/sh 60/42/pc

77/62/r 80/47/pc 81/53/s 78/56/s 81/57/pc 79/49/s 69/41/pc 76/48/I

80/61/sh 79/48/s 83/64/pc 79/63/I 79/59/s 79/51/s 78/49/s 68/45/I

82/70/t 89/68/I

86/71/t 88/68/t

ssn5/s ssn4/pc 83/60/s 84/68/pc 85/65/I 90/68/I 89/69/pc 85/66/I


Yskims Yums h


Amsterdam Athens



Pleasant with a full day of sunshine


Hi/Lo/Prsc. Hi/Lo/W HiRo/W 57/48/0.00 60/43/sh 61/46/pc 86/68/Tr 83/68/I 85/70/t 83/52/0.00 80/51/s 83/64/pc 101/75/0.00 99/80/s 96ng/s 85/65/0.00 84/59/s 86/67/pc 89/67/0.00 87/67/I 90/69/pc 81/71/0.20 78/60/0.00 87/71/0.19 83/51/0.00



89/67/0.17 88/67/I 82/74/0.28 86n2/t

87/68/I 88/72/t

79/62/pc 79/60/pc 87/64/s gonon 81/59/s 82/66/t 85nf/0'.« 87n1/t 88/72/t ssnwo.os 88n6/pc 88/77/pc 74/50/0.00 72/56/s 79/63/I 87/64/0.00 82/68/I 82/67/t 75/55/Tr

72/54/pc 77/59/s 75/56/0.02 73/51/pc 77/56/s 68/62/Tr 75/59/s 72/56/s 85/66/0.00 85/69/pc 88/70/pc 87/69/0.20 86/68/I 88/69/I


91//1/t gon2/pc 106n2/0.00 104n4/s 102/75/s 89/63/0.00 86/64/s 86/68/I 75/55/0.00 77/54/s 79/56/s 106/79/0.00 107/82/pc 106/81/s 78/59/Tr 78/52/s 81/59/s 64/41/0.19 63/42/pc 72/48/s 65/43/0.03 67/46/pc 75/52/s 74/66/Tr 82/56/pc 82/58/s 65/57/0.30 77/59/t 80/53/I 80/49/0.00 80/53/pc 83/56/pc 73/61/0.01 80/54/s 78/54/s 74/47/0.00 73/48/s 80/55/s 82/58/0.00 84/52/s 88/54/s ssnorrr 86no/pc 86/72/t 86/56/0.00 84/54/pc 78/55/pc 94/71/0.00 90//1/t gon2/pc 74/62/0.00 74/62/pc 73/62/pc 65/52/0.00 66/51/pc 69/52/pc 69/52/0.00 80/53/pc 83/54/s 83/55/Tr 88/56/s 90/53/pc 88/69/0.00 88/68/I 83/63/pc 69/48/0.00 75/51/pc 73/51/pc 88/67/Tr 80/66/I 82/64/t 75/45/0.00 81/51/s 78/52/pc 81/64/0.10 83/67/I 86/68/I 88/71/0.03 87n4/t 90/73/t 102/71/0.00 104/74/s 105/74/s 85/68/0.10 85/69/I 87/71/pc 76/59/Tr 79/57/s 79/57/s 83/67/0.00 84/68/pc 87/70/pc 81/43/0.00 87/48/pc 84/49/pc 106/72/0.00 1O5nr/s 1O4nns


108/88/0.00 « 5/87/s 74/58/0.38 73/52/I Montreal 70/55/0.04 70/52/pc «2/84/pc Moscow 70/55/0.01 75/54/pc 94/81/I Nairobi 79/61/0.00 79/58/c 93/63/c Nassau ssm/o'.4o 87/78/t 75/64/s New Delhi « 0/88/0.01 109/82/I 66/48/pc Osaka 84/66/0.00 85/60/s 66/49/c Oslo 72/52/0.00 72/49/sh 69/56/I Ottawa 73/50/Tr 74/53/pc 63/46/s Paris 68/53/0.00 70/52/pc 97/73/pc Ric ds Janeiro 75/68/0.01 79/67/s 88/64/s Rome 73/52/0.00 73/55/I 68/46/I Santiago 61/43/0.00 63/39/s 83/76/sh Sso Paulo 68/54/0.00 76/61/pc 63/54/sh Ssppcrc 78/52/0.01 78/55/pc 64/55/sh Seoul 88/59/0.00 90/61/s 72/46/pc Shanghai gonf/0'.00 81/67/c 76/46/s Singapore 88/77/0.20 88n9/t 90/82/pc Stockholm 50/46/0.60 59/45/sh 66/58/r Sydney 66/59/0.« 70/59/sh 74/56/s Taipei 88/77/0.28 83/77/r 72/46/s Tsl Aviv 94/63/0.00 84/66/pc 73/63/pc Tokyo 81/66/0.00 85/71/pc 81/57/s Toronto 77/54/0.00 72/51/s 71/57/c Vancouver 65/46/0.00 69/51/pc 79/50/pc Vienna 57/46/0.04 67/51/I 92/80/t Warsaw 59/48/0.00 69/49/c

64/45/pc 78/63/I 61/49/sh

Mecca Mexico City

« 5/89/pc 74/50/I 77/60/pc 77/59/c 79/60/c 85/77/sh 106/82/t 87/61/s 74/49/s 75/55/pc 70/50/c

78/69/pc 75/53/I 64/39/s 71/55/sh

75/53/pc 86/63/pc 74nf/r 88/79/t 70/45/s 69/50/r 89/80/r 78/63/s 87/71/s

76/56/pc 71/52/pc 68/54/I



Workers: Dairiesmistreated cows By Gosia Wozniacka

dairy workers said they rou- in pain or the milk is tainted

The Associated Press

tinely have to milk cows that

with blood."

are sick or injured, noticeably frail or in pain, or that can barely walk. The workers from various Darigold member farms requested anonymity for fear of losing their jobs. They said the cows injure

The UFW released photographs taken by workers

PORTLAND — A p romi-


nent Northwest dairy cooperative, Darigold Inc., may have


allowed some member farms

to milk cows that had injuries


"" c

and infeCtiOnS in their udders, among other ailments, accord-




,'~ Jkg

' hO

, ! .,'*h hI

at four Darigold dairies that

show injured cows being milked. Similar allegations are made in a consumer lawsuit

ing to allegations made Friday by workers and the farmwork- themselvesdue to overcrowderunion. ed conditions at the farms. Darigold's General Counsel At one of the dairies, a Steve Rowe says the accusa- worker said, four people are tions are inaccurate and mis- responsible for milking about leading. Rowe said the co-op 4,500 cows during each shift, rigOrOuSly inSPeCtS and testS using 50 milking machines the milk it receives from its simultaneously. "Workers are telling us this farmers and dumps milk that doesn't meet its high quality tyPe of animal Cruelty is ramstandard. pant across Darigold dairies," "The milk is not contami- said Jorge Valenzuela, a UFW

filed earlier this month by at-

nated; the milk is not at risk," Rowe said.

manage their o perations. However, dairies must agree

At a press conference organized by the United Farm Workers in Portland, several

organizer in Hermiston. "The

orders they are getting is they have to milk as much as possible, as quickly as possible, even if the cows are noticeably

torney Marcos Camacho and Farmworker Justice. Rowe said the UFW has not

forwarded allthe photographs to the company, so he could not comment on them. Photos

the company received earlier, he said, were severalyears old or the injuries were natural.

Rowe said Darigold is not in a position to dictate how its more than 500 member farms to follow national animal care

guidelines and meet milk quality standards, he said.

statue got a face-lift at a

local auto body shop, and a tree obscuring it has been cut down.

99 Summer Days.... .... enjoy every minute.

Jeff Duewel Grants Pass Daily Courier

(Nemrprial Day to Lobor Duy)


In this area, Higgins said Better Together is helping to

Continued from B1

connect school districts with

Better Together has iden-

tifted 23 outcomes spread across the "cradle to career"

timeline, including assuring elementary children have basic food and housing needs met and that local organizations are actively hosting interns. The organization has divided the timeline into four

progressive age categoriesearly learning and wellness, supporting families, bridges, and education and training for career.

While each categoryhas five or six target areas, Better Together has selected a few

in each to focus on during its early stages. For example, the organization is beginning to coordinate efforts to ensure students make a successful transition from eighth to ninth


Yesterday Today Sunday


78/52/s 78/54/s

63/43/0.00 65/46/pc Bustugl 79/63/0.00 79/63/I Mil ss Auckland 62/57/0.02 58/48/pc 72/5 Baghdad «1/76/0.00 111/82/s Bangkok 97/84/0.00 92/80/t Sal Lgum Ity Q l, iiadslphia ', '„ ' „ ', eeijing 96/68/0.00 97nT/c C Beirut 82no/0.00 84/66/s n n c iscc 7 k x • Berlin 66/42/0.00 70/46/pc SS/51 ingtuu Ugs I Iu Lus V as ++,' Denver Bogota 68/48/0.04 66/49/I 87/84 84/57 K g t 99/SO Budapest 57/50/0.00 66/50/c BuenosAires 63/60/0.06 63/45/sh chsrlcu Los An les Csbc SsnLucss 91/73/0.00 95/73/pc xwcc+++v+% Cairo 108/79/0.00 92/65/s Phcsu x Albuque ue k i uiimiua + . t h + + ++SA Calgary 68/43/0.00 65/43/pc • foT/8 'cih+ gg 0 9OAIT 8 Csncun 88n8/0.31 84/77/sh 7 2 El Pas Dublin 59/50/Tr 66/50/c Tns Edinburgh 63/45/0.00 65/51/c %'eX I Geneva 70/52/0.03 70/44/pc 'Jft X• riando Hsrsrs 75/44/0.00 76/46/s Hong Kong 89/83/0.04 89/81/pc 'eX Chihuahua xxxx~<~%~' ' w'e'e xc ~<LX Istanbul 75/66/0.07 68/60/r 97/Ss WW'e X Kgauu+XIW+ Jerusalem 89/63/0.00 82/59/pc 'Y WWXX SWrlko.wtaxy~ . , 95/TO 'ex+ hxxxgwwdw~ Johannesburg 74/54/0.00 73/48/s : s '+ '+ '+ s s x v v '+ '+ '+ s '4 '+ s 4 Lima 73/64/0.01 72/63/pc Lisbon 70/58/0.00 77/55/s Shown are today's noonpositions of weather systemsand precipitation. Temperature bandsare highs for the day. London 61/55/0.00 67/54/c Rain S h owers S now F l urries Ice Warm Front Sta t ionary Front Madrid Cold Front 75/59/0.00 75/50/s Manila 97/82/0.05 94/80/I

A MAKEOVER FOR GRANTS PASS' CAVEMAN Grants Pass' caveman statue is hoisted into place on the north Bnd of town on Friday. The local booster club The OregonCavemenInstalled the statue in1971. The Cavemenhave been promoting Grants Pass as the gateway to the Oregon CavesNational Monument since 1922. But, in recent years, the club had become inactive and the statue hadfallen into disrepair. Cavemen Chief Bighorn James Lowesaysthat's all changed. Last weekend, the club appeared with the statue In the annual Boatnik Parade for the first time since 2005, the



~ fos ~os ~ o s WATER REPORT As of 7 s.m. yesterday NATIONAL Reservoir Acr e feet Ca p acity EXTREMES C rane Prairie 507 9 0 92% YESTERDAY(for the 80'yo 48 contiguousstates) Wickiup 159405 Crescent Lake 7 6 6 22 88% National high: 113 Ochoco Reservoir 33390 75% at Death Valley,CA Prinevige 143662 97% National low: 2Q River flow Sta t io n Cu. f t .lsec. at Stanley, ID Deschutes R.below CranePrairie 359 Precipitation: 2A5" Deschutes R.below Wickiup 705 at Rome, GA Deschutes R.below Bend 115 Deschutes R. atBenhamFalls 1820 Little Deschutes near LaPine 191 Crescent Ck. belowCrescent Lake 59 Crooked R.above Prineville Res. 35 Auchorag Crooked R.below Prineville Res. 201 i 54/4 Crooked R.nearTerrebonne 123 Ochoco Ck.below OchocoRes. 0

Ski resort Mt. Bachelor


• Lakeview

H i/Lo/Prsc. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W C i t y Hi/Lo/Prsc. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W 65/42/0.00 64/52/pc64/52/pc Ls Grande 73/37/0.00 78/42/t 77/42/c 74/29/0.00 77/38/t 75/39/c Ls Pins 76/27/0.00 71/40/t 74/41/pc 60/48/Tr 64/50/pc 67/50/pc Msdford 8 4 /47/0.00 82/52/pc 85/55/pc 75/26/0.00 77/43/pc 75/44/pc N e wport 6 1/41 /0.00 62/48/pc 62/47/pc 75/43/0.00 73/47/pc74/46/pc NorthBend 63/46/0.00 64/50/pc 62/51/pc 77/37/0.00 73/42/pc 77/45/pc Ontario 80/39/0.00 86/53/pc 82/51/pc 75/37/0.00 72/43/pc74/45/pc Pendleton 83/43/0.00 80/50/pc 83/51/pc

hh t Source: OregonAllsrgyAssccistss 541-683-1577

h i gh •



Eugene Klsmsth Falls Lsksview Westhsr(W):s-sunny, pc-psrtly cloudy,c-cloudy, sh-shcwers, t-thundsrstorms, r-rsin, sf-sncw flurries, sn-sncw I-ice, Tr-trsce,Yesterdaydata sscf 5 p.m. yesterday

35 Moderate; 6-7High;8-10 VeryHigh; 11+ Exirsms.




Astcris Baker City Brcokings

~ S~ N 5

G rasses

Bro ings


2 p.m. 4 p.m.

5 NI~ B

Klamath • Ashl nd • FaNS

Yesterday Today Sunday

UV INDEX TODAY 10 a.m. Noon




9/44 • • 77

Graniteu 72/39 '

1/49 • Mitch II 7 7I44

• 79 45



heoaa 8 0 NI 0 79/53 Goveu nt • u pi • He p pner Condon OI47 u N Cam 67I



WEST: Partial Today Sun. Sunrise 5:26 a.m. 5: 2 5 a.m. sunshine today. Sunset 8:40 p.m. 8: 4 1 p.m. Clear to partly cloudy Moonrise 8 :10 a.m. 9:06 a.m. tonight. Partly sunny Moonset 10: 59 p.m. 1 1 :35 p.m. tomorrow.


Mc innviu

sunny today.There will be a thunderstorm Lincoln around during the 62/50 afternoon andevening


Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus


8Q' 45'



Shown is today's weather.Temperatures are today's highs andtonight's lows. umatiaa Hood 87/54 RiVer Rufus • ermiston /51 lington 86/50 Portland Meac am Lomine


EAST: Cloudsand sun today with an Seasid afternoon orevening 61/51 thunderstorm in spots Cannon Partly cloudy tonight. 60/52




Bend through 5 p.m.yesterday 75 37'



Partly sunny, at-storm around in the p.m.



ing someone dumped on your doorstep," said Roger Lee, executive director of EDCO.

mentoring groups. The idea is "I think employers want to for schools to identify students get involved because it gives who could benefit from ad- them a chance to shape what ditional guidance and whom the emerging workforce will B etter Together c a n h e l p look like. Today, employers match with mentoring oppor- are finding they have to re-edtunities already in place, such ucate new hires." as through the Boys & Girls Higgins emphasized Better Club. Together is just starting, and "We're not creating any the group will be expanding program, but saying who al- the areas it targets over the ready does this, and how can yearS. Right noW, One fOCuS is we coordinate it," Higgins to do a baseline study that exsaid. "One nonprofit shouldn't amines where Central Oregon be responsible for every new is in eaCh ofthe 23 fOCuS areaS. "In th e n o nprofit sector, ninth-grader." For older students, Better there's historically been the Together is working to pair fear of COmPetitiOn," Higgins mOre high SChoolers With internships and to e ncourage

Said. uWe're not afraid of that,

them. "For businesses, it's an op-

selves around these shared

as we're asking groups to more businesses to accept get involved and wrap them-

portunity to be matched with grade, a goal from the bridges students who are interested in category. their field, instead of just hav-

outcomes. We call it mutually reinforcing efforts." — Reporter: 541-633-2160, tleedsibendbulletin.com



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Ravens score ate to a vance to semi ina s Bulletin staff report

The second consecutive shut-

GLADSTONE — It all fell into

place for Ridgeview in the top of the seventh inning Friday with a timely single by Lexy Brown to drive home the winning runthe only run in the Ravens' 1-0

Oregon's Tyler Baumgartner celebrates a home run.

Class 4A state quarterfinal softball victory over Gladstone.

out by junior pitcher Sara McKinney was the fourth straight win for Ridgeview, which advances to a semifinal game Tuesday at McLoughlin of Milton-Freewater. With Friday's game tied 0-0 heading into the seventh inning, Ravens freshman Alex Spencer

Ducks blowout Clemson18-1

"We'd been trying the entire

hit a single to start the decisive

rally. With Spencer on first base, Brown ripped a single. The third-seeded Gladiators (26-1)

game to (hit) good pitches," Ridgeview coach Sandy Fischer

attempted to throw Brown out at first base but overthrew the ball


for an error, allowing Spencer to score what proved to be the winning run.

allowed three hits in a complete game for Ridgeview (20-5).

said. "We finally did that in the McKinney struck out three and

Inside • Baseball, softball and lacrosse playoff scores from around the state,C4

SeeSoftball /C4


Shaun Chasehits a three-run homer, adouble and drives in four runs in 18-1 blowout win over Clemson,C4

• Top-seededSisterstakesdown Newport, and Ridgeview upsets No. 3 Bakerasboth teamsreachsemifinals Oregon State starter

Andrew Moore delivers a pitch against North Dakota State.

Moore's 14 K's help anemic bats Andrew Moore strikes out14, but Beavers struggle to beat North Dakota State,C4


Rupp breaks10K American record EUGENE — Galen Rupp broke his own American record in the 10,000 meters, finishing in 26 minutes, 44.36 seconds at the 40th annual Prefontaine Classic on Friday night. Rupp was looking to challenge the markof 26:48 he set in 2011, and had askedorganizers for a fast race. He got it: His finish was the second-fastest run on American soil. Rupp took over the race for the final two laps, building a sizable gap with his challengers and putting the crowd at Hayward Field onits feet. Upon crossing the finish line, hewas embraced by coachAlberto Salazar. "I felt great, so I went for it," he said of his allout sprint for the record. Rupp is a local favorite because hegrew up in Portland andwent to the University of Oregon. "Anytime I get to run here it is really special for me," he said. — The Associated Press

NFL Shermannowa 'Mama's Boy' CAMDEN, N.J. -

Richard Sherman's offseason now includes another major endorsement deal: the latest NFL player to be featured as part of Campbell's Chunky Soup "Mama's Boy" campaign. Shermanhad been on Campbell's radar since the start of last season. Shermanwill be featured in ads that also star his mother, Beverly.

Andy Tutlis/The Bulletin

Sisters High's Alex Olivier (22) is congratulated by teammates after scoring a first-inning run on Friday afternoon against Newport. The Outlaws won the Class 4A state quarterfinal 8-3 to advance to the semifinals for the second straight season.

Ravenspitcher keeps

Bulldogsguessing Bulletin staff report

Reitz, who struck out three

BAKER CITY — On a baseball team loaded with

and walked one. "He's got a change-up that's just offspeed enough and a real slow-breaking curve."

seniors, no one came up bigger for Ridgeview on Friday than sophomore left-hander Tyrus Reitz. Reitz scattered five hits and three runs over seven in-

nings to lead the Ravens past Baker 6-3 in the quarterfinal round of the Class 4A base-

ball state playoffs. "He's not overpowering, but he hit his spots and kept

the ball down," Ridgeview coach Josh Davis said about

With the win, the Ravens

(21-7 overall), the No. 6 seed in the 16-team bracket, advance to play at Klamath

Recentdevelopment This is the third year in arowCentral Oregon has placedtwo teams in the semifinals in the samebaseball playoff bracket. (Before 2012, it had never happened.) Eachseason, however, one higher-seededCentral Oregon team lost. With Ridgeview the underdog against Henley, maybe this is the year. 2014, CLASS 4A No. 1 Sisters vs. No. 4North Marion No. 2 Henley vs. No. 6Ridgeview

2013, CLASSSA"

Falls' Henley High, the reigning 4A state champion, in the semifinal round Tuesday. Henley (27-1), which defeated Philomath 6-3 in another

quarterfinal game Friday, is the 4Abracket's No. 2 seed. SeeRavens/C4

No. 2 Bend 9,No. 5Wilsonville 2 No. 4 Sherwood 5, No. 2Redmond 4 2012, CLASS 5A" No.1Summit11, No.2Sherwood1 No. 5 Wilson 3, No. 2Bend2

Sisters makessemis for 2nd straight year By Grant Lucas

dured a couple of delays and put away Newport 8-3 in the

The Bulletin

SISTERS — Sisters coach

4A state playoffs to advance to the semifinal round for

The passion of his Outlaws, the emotion of the

the second straight season.

game, knowing his team will make the plays they need to win — it all keeps Hodges young. And on Fri-

Sisterscatcher Joey Morgan, who drove in two runs

day, it kept Sisters' season

today. Justin pitched his butt


off, and we got some key

Behind Justin Harrer's complete-game effort on the

hits when we needed to. It's

"This is awesome," said

mound and with a four-run first inning, the Outlaws en-

* Teams seeded in two eight-team brackets

quarterfinals of the Class

Steve Hodges finds his team downright intoxicating.

for the Outlaws. "We came out here and played great

great to be going back for the second year in a row." SeeOutlaws/C4


Ducks the latest victim of Gators' shutout streak

— The Associated Press

By Murray Evans


Heat finish off Pacers in blowout Miami reaches theNBA finals for the fourth straight year after11792 win over Indiana in Game 6 of theEastern Conference finals,C3

The Associated Press

OKLAHOMA CITY — Hannah Rogers threw her fifth shutout


of the postseason, Bailey Castro went 3 for 4 with a homer and two

AlonzoAdams iTheAssociated Press

Florida's Kelsey Stewart makes it to second base before Oregon's Nikki Udria makes the tag during the Women's

College World Series on Friday in OklahomaCity.

RBIs and F1oridabeat top-seeded Oregon 4-0 on Friday night in the Women's College World Series. Florida(52-12) moved within a win of reaching the championship series, and Oregon (55-8-1)



their eight NCAAtournament

Oregonvs. La.- Lafayette or Oklahoma When:4 p.m. today

games by shutout. Rogers (288) tossed her second straight three-hitter.


thing we seemedto hit, they made plays on. The bigthing for us is to

will face an elimination game today against Oklahoma or Louisiana-Lafayette. The Gators have won seven of

"(Rogers) controlledus," Oregon coach Mike White said."Everybounce back and see what we can

do tomorrow night. It just didn't go our way todaybut I'm confident

we'll bounce backtomorrow."






NASCAR,Sprint Cup, FedEx400, practice NASCAR,Nationwide, Buckle Up200, qualifying NASCAR,Sprint Cup, FedEx400, final practice NASCAR,Nationwide,BuckleUp200 IndyCar, Chevrolet Indy Dual in Detroit, Race1

Time TV /Radie 6 :30 a.m. F S 1 7:30 a.m. ESPN2

9 :30 a.m. F S 1 11 a.m. E S PN 12:30 p.m. ABC


NCAATournament, Baylor vs. Florida State 9 a.m. E SPN2 NCAA Tournament, La.-Lafayette vs. Oklahoma 11:30a.m. ESPN2 BASEBALL

NCAA Tournament, Alabamavs. Florida State MLB, Atlanta at Miami

NCAA Tournament

10 a.m. ESPNU 1 p.m. FS1 2 p.m. ESPN2, ESPNU

MLB, Pittsburgh at LosAngeles NCAA Tournament NCAATournament, Oregonvs. Vanderbilt

4 p.m. Fox 5 p.m. E SPN2 5 p.m. E SPNU 7 p.m. Roo t 8 p.m. E SPNU

MLB, Detroit at Seattle


Prefontaine Classic Prefontaine Classic

12:30 p.m. NBCSN 1:30 p.m. NBC


NBA Playoffs, SanAntonio at OklahomaCity GOLF PGA Tour, Memorial Tournament LPGA Tour,ShopRite Classic PGA Tour, Memorial Tournament PGA Champions, Principal Charity Classic EuropeanTour, NordeaMasters SOCCER MLS, RealSalt Lake atSeattle

5:30 p.m. T NT 9:30 a.m. Golf 11:30 a.m. Golf noon CBS 2 p.m. Golf 4 a.m. Golf 1 p.m.



NASCAR,Sprint Cup, FedEx400 9 :30 a.m. F o x IndyCar, Chevrolet Indy Dual in Detroit, Race 2 12:30 p.m. ABC BASEBALL

NCAA Tournament NCAA Tournament

9 a.m. E SPNU 1 p.m. E SPNU 1 p.m. Roo t 5 p.m. E SPN2

MLB, Detroit at Seattle

MLB, Pittsburgh at LosAngeles GOLF

PGA Tour, Memorial Tournament LPGA Tour, ShopRite Classic PGA Tour, Memorial Tournament PGA Champions, Principal Charity Classic HOCKEY NHL Playoffs, Los Angeles atChicago SOCCER International friendly, United States vs. Turkey MLS, Vancouver at Portland

9 a.m. 1 1 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 2 p.m.

Golf Go l f CBS Golf

5 p.m. NBCSN 10:30a.m. ESPN2 6 p.m. Roo t


French Open

2 a.m. E SPN2

Listings are themostaccurate available. TheBulletin is not responsible for late changesmadeby 7Vor radio stations.

SPORTS IN BRIEF LACROSSE OutlaWSWin Ciip game — Sisters High's Jens Stadeli scored eight goals andScott Nelson added five scores and anassist as the Outlaws rolled past visiting Churchill High of Eugene,17-5 onFriday in the Oregon HighSchool Lacrosse CascadeCup playoffs. Mark Fish contributed two goals anddished out oneassist for Sisters, which hosts Oregon City onTuesday in another CascadeCupcontest.

CYCLING Quintana wins mountain time trial, extends leadColombia's Nairo Quintana showedoff his climbing strength and increased his lead in theGiro d'Italia with a victory Friday in the 19th stage, a mountain time trial. Quintana, runnar-up at last year's Tour de France, moved3:07 ahead of countryman Rigoberto Uran in the overall standings.

BASKETBALL NBAOWnerS to VOte Oil SRIO —TheNBAcanceled a hearing to oust Los AngelesClippers co-owner DonaldSterling, instead moving forward to vote on arecord-breaking deal negotiated by his wife to sell the team toformer Microsoft CEOSteve Ballmer for $2 billion. The league announcedthe moveFriday, thesameday Sterling's attorneys filed suit in a LosAngeles federal court against the NBAandCommissioner AdamSilver asking for damages in excess of $1 billion. — From staffand wire reports


CaseytakesMemorial lead The Associated Press

and his fourth straight PGA

DUBLIN, Ohio — Paul Ca-

Tour event with a nine-hole

sey expected to be chasing someone Friday in the Memorial, figuring it would be Rory McIlroy. After two holes, Casey had the lead to himself at Muirfield Village, and that was only the start of another big day. He took advan-

score of 40 or higher. McIlroy went from a three-shot lead

tage of the par 5s for anoth-

t he first-round lead in t he

er 6-under66, giving him a three-shotlead over Masters championBubba Watson going into the weekend. McIlroy, whose 63 was

ShopRite LPGA Classic on the Bay Course at Stock-

the lowest first round in the

MOINES, Iowa — Mark Cal-

39-year history of the tour-

cavecchia and Wes Short Jr.

to nine shots behind.

Casey was at 12-under 132.

Course record for Johnson: GALLOWAY TOWNSHIP, N.J. — Jennifer John-

son shot a 9-under 62 to take

ton Seaview Hotel and Golf

Club. C hampions t ie :



GOLF PGA Memo rial Friday At Muirlield VillageGolf Clu b course Dublin,Ohio Purse: 36.2million Yardage:7,392; Par:72 SecondRound PaulCasey 66-66—132 BubbaWatson 66-69—135 Chris Kirk 66-70—136 HidekiMatsuyama 70-67—137 Martin Flores 69-68—137 71-67—138 ThorbjornOlesen HunterMahan 68-70—138 RyanMoore 68-70—138 72-66—138 ScottLangley CamiloViffegas 71-68—139 70-69—139 ScottBrown 71-68—139 Brendon Todd 71-68—139 GaryWoodland 69-70—139 AdamScot 72-67—139 RobertStreb 71-68—139 MarcLeishman 73-67—140 Bill Haas 69-71—140 NickWatne y 73-67—140 Justin Hicks 69-71—140 BenCurtis 71-69—140 Billy Horschel 71-69—140 LukeDonald 71-69—140 JasonDufner 72-69—141 KevinNa 69-72—141 JordanSpieth 73-68—141 DustinJohnson 72-6M141 JasonDay 63-78—141 RoryMcllroy 69-72—141 Charl eyHoff man 72-69—141 Andrew Svoboda 71-70—141 Pat Perez 73-68—141 Jim Furyk 72-69—141 CharlSchwartzel 71-70—141 SteveStricker 69-72—141 KevinKisner Justin Thom as 73-68—141 RobertGarrigus 72-70—142 J.B. Holmse 67-75—142 72-70—142 Phil Mickelson Brendon deJonge 73-69—142 JasonAllred 74-68—142 ChrisStroud 74-68—142 KyleStanley 74-68—142 Keegan Bradley 67-75—142 ErnieEls 70-72—142 FreddieJacobson 71-71—142 Hyung-Sung Kim 70-72—142 AaronBaddeley 69-74—143 RyoIshikawa 72-71—143 GonzaloFdez-Castano 73-70—143 GregChalmers 71-72—143 Justin Leonard 68-75—143 JohnHuh 73-70—143 KevinStadler 72-71—143 LucasGlover 70-73—143 Cameron Tringale 73-70—143 Billy Hurley ffl 73-70—143 JoshTeater 71-72—143 ScottStallings 72-71—143 MarkWilson 69-74—143 Matt Kuchar 74-69—143 MichaelThompson 67-76—143 CarlosOrtiz 75-68—143 DavidLingmerth 72-72—144 StewartCink 71-73—144 Charles Howell ffl 69-75—144 LukeGuthrie 75-69—144 BenMartin 72-72—144 DavidHearn 71-73—144 Bo VanPelt 72-72—144 DanielSummerhays 74-70 — 144 Carl Pettersson 72-72 — 144 KrJ. Choi RichardH.Lee MichaelPutnam Kiradech Aphibarnrat

73-71—144 76-68—144 71-73 — 144 73-71 — 144

Cham pions Tour Principal Charity Clssrc a Friday AtWakondaClub DesMoinse, lowa Purse: 31.75 miNon i Yardage: ,91G; 6 Par:72(36-36) First Round 34-32—66 MarkCalcavecchia 34-32—66 WesShort,Jr. 33-34—67 BobbyClampett 35-32—67 PeterSenior 33-34—67 SteveLowery 35-33—68 DougGarwood 35-33—68 ScottSimpson 36-32 — 68 JohnRiegger TomPerniceJr. 35-33—68 MichaelAllen 35-33—68 32-3~8 MarkMouland 34-34—68 MarcoDawson Jeff Coston 35-33—68 WayneLevi 34-35—69 RickFehr 36-33—69 Joe Durant 35-34—69 35-34 — 69 RoccoMediate Jay Haa s 35-34—69 TomLehman 35-34—69 Kirk Triplett 35-34—69 Tommy Armour Iff 35-34—69 Jeff Hart 35-35—70 MikeGoodes 35-35—70 MikeReid 35-35 — 70 FredFunk 36-34—70 DavidFrost 38-32 — 70 LorenRoberts 35-35—70 HaleIrwin 37-33—70 SandyLyle 36-34—70 Jeff Sluman 35-35 — 70 DuffyWaldorf 35-35—70 TomByrum 38-32—70 TomPurlzer 36-34—70 Scott Dunlap 37-34 — 71 BlaineMccallister 34-37 — 71 SteveJones 35-36 — 71 MarkBrooks 37-34—71 GeneSauers 34-37—71 DavidEger 35-36 — 71 Willie Wood 34-37—71 Bart Bryant 36-35—71 DanForsman 37-34—71 MarkO'Meara 36-35 — 71 RogerChapman 35-36 — 71 GaryKoch 36-35—71 JoseCoceres 37-34—71 ChienSoonLu 36-35—71 Bill Glasson 36-36 — 72 John Inman 36-36 — 72 Jim Rutledge 38-34—72 GregBruckner 38-34—72 AndersForsbrand 36-37—73 37-36—73 Sonny Skinner 36-37—73 Gil Morgan 37-36 — 73 JoeySindelar 37-36 — 73 Kohkildoki 36-37—73 Bob Gilder 35-38—73 GaryHaffberg 36-37—73 FuzzyZoeger 35-38—73 JerrySmith 37-37—74 Olin Browne 39-35—74 EstebanToledo 37-37 — 74 MarkMcNulty 38-36—74 Larry Mize 36-38—74 BobbyWadkins 35-39—74 PH. HorganIff 37-37—74 Kirk Hane feld 37-38—75 JohnHarris 38-37—75 BenBates 39-36—75 CoreyPavin 39-36—75 Joe Daley 40-35—75 Billy Andrade 41-34 — 75 RodSpittle 39-37—76 JavierSanchez Hal Sutton 38-38—76 39-37—76 LeonardThompson 37-39—76 StevePate Bob Niger 37-39 — 76 MarkWiebe 41-36—77 BobTway 37-40—77 RussCochran 39-39—78

Shoprite Classic Friday At StocklonSeaviewHotel andGolf Club, Bay Course Galloway Township,N.J. Purse: 31.5million Yardage: 6,177;Par: 71(37-34) First Round JenniferJohnson 34-28 — 62 HaruNomura 32-31—63 ChristinaKim 33-31—64 Na Yeon Choi 33-33—66 InbeePark 33-33—66 ChegaChoi 35-32—67 36-31—67 LauraDiaz 36-31—67 SandraGal 34-33—67 SarahKemp 36-31—67 JenniferKirby 33-34—67 StacyLewis BrittanyLincicome 35-32—67 35-32—67 GerinaPiler MichelleWie 36-31—67 Jodi EwartShadof 36-32—68 MinaHarigae 33-35—68 KatyHarris 36-32—68 HaejiKang 36-32—68 StaceyKeating 38-30—68 LydiaKo 35-33—68 36-32—68 Mi HyangLee 38-30 — 68 SydneeMichaels 34-34—68 PaolaMoreno 34-34—68 JanePark 37-31—68 CarolineWestrup 36-32—68 LindseyWrigh Dori Carter 34-35—69 NicoleCastrale 36-33—69 MoriyaJutanugarn 37-32—69 Kim Kaufm an 35-34—69 BrittanyLang 37-32—69 lheeLee 36-33—69 Giulia Molinaro 36-33—69 BeckyMorgan 36-33—69 AzaharaMunoz 36-33—69 AnnaNordqvis 34-35—69 39-30—69 ReilleyRankin 34-35—69 JenniferRosales 35-34—69 AlenaSharp 35-34—69 AshleighSimon 36-33—69 KellyTan Lexi Thom pson 36-33—69 KarrieWebb 35-34—69 AmyAnderson 36-34—70 ChieArimura 36-34—70 Silvia Cavalleri 36-34—70 CarlotaCiganda 36-34—70 CristieKerr 37-33—70 JoannaKlatten 36-34—70 MeenaLee 37-33—70 Mirim Lee 37-33—70 34-36—70 AmeliaLewis 36-34—70 Mo Martin 35-35—70 CatrionaMathew MariaMcBride 39-31—70 BelenMozo 34-36—70 BrookePancake 35-35—70 HeeYoungPark 37-33—70 SuzannPetersen 38-32—70 Karin Sjodin 36-34—70 JenniferSong 34-36—70 MariajoUribe 36-34—70 MarinaAlex 37-34—71 ChristelBoeljon 38-33—71 36-35—71 IreneCoe 36-35—71 AustinErns 37-34—71 JulietaGranada Hee-Won Han 34-37—71 38-33—71 DaniHolmqvis 36-35—71 Juli Inkster EmmaJandel 36-35—71 FelicityJohnson 37-34—71 I.K. Kim 38-33—71 P.K.Kongkraphan 37-34—71 JessicaKorda 36-35—71 CandieKung 37-34—71 SeonHwaLee 36-35—71 Ji Young Oh 38-33—71 LizetteSalas 37-34—71 37-34—71 JennyShin 38-33—71 ThidapaSuwannapura 37-35—72 NatalieGulbis 36-36—72 MariaHernandez MiJungHur 38-34—72 Pat Hurs 37-35—72 KarineIcher 37-35—72 SueKim 39-33—72 JeeYoungLee 36-36—72 RebeccaLee-Bentham 36-36—72 Ryann OT ' oole 37-35—72 Lee-Anne Pace 36-36—72 EricaPopson 38-34—72 37-35—72 So YeonRyu 38-34—72 YaniTseng 39-34—73 PaulaCreamer 37-36—73 VictoriaElizabeth 34-39—73 KatieFutcher 37-36—73 NicoleJeray Eun-HeeJi 38-35—73 TiffanyJoh 36-37—73 Hannah JunMedlock 39-34—73 JiminKang 39-34—73 MindyKim 36-37—73 Katherine Kirk 39-34—73 Pernilla Lindberg 37-36—73 Alejandra Llaneza 38-35—73 Ai Miyazato 41-32—73 Mika Miyazato 38-35—73 37-36—73 Se RiPak 41-32—73 JennySuh 37-36—73 Kris Tam ulis ShanshanFeng 38-36—74 MeganGrehan 41-33—74 JeongJang 39-35—74 MorganPressel 38-36—74 DewiClaireSchreefel 39-35—74 GiuliaSergas 37-37—74 Line Vedel 41-33—74 AlisonWalshe 38-36—74 Julia Boland 41-34—75 40-35—75 Cydney Clanton 37-38—75 LauraDavies 39-36—75 MoiraDunn 37-38—75 JayeMarteGreen 40-35—75 LorieKane 40-35—75 Xi YuLin 41-34—75 MeganMcchrystal KristyMcPherson 35-40—75 ChristineSong 40-35—75 EmilyTaffey 39-36—75 PerrineDelacour 39-37—76 CarolineMasson 39-37—76 SarahJaneSmith 39-37—76 PazEcheverria 41-36—77 41-36 — 77 KathleenEkey 43-34—77 VeronicaFeliber 41-36 — 77 LisaMccloskey 40-37 — 77 PaulaReto 41-36 — 77 AngelaStanford JaclynSweeney 38-39—77 AyakoUehara 41-36 — 77 JacquiConcolino 42-36—78 DaniegeKang 39-39—78 CindyLaCrosse 46-35—81



Game11 —Florida (52-12) vs.Game9winner10a m. Game12 —Alabam a (52-11) vs. Game10 winner, 12:30p.m. x-Game13 —Game5winner vs.Game9 loser,4 p.m. x-Game 14 — Game 6 winnervs. Gam e 10 loser, 6:30 p.m. NOTE:If only onegame is necessary, it wil beplayed at4p.m.

ChampionshipSeries (Best-of-3) Monday,June2:5 p.m. Tuesday,June3:5 p.m. x-Wednesd ay,June4: 5 p.m.



CONFERN ECEFINALS (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Thursday'sGame N.Y.Rangers1,Montreal0,N.Y.Rangerswinsseries4-2 Friday's Game Chicago4, LosAngeles 3,series tied3-3 Sunday'sGame LosAngelesatChicago,4p.m.





Baseball Regionals All Times PDT Double Elimination; x-if necessary

FedEx400 Lineup After Fridayqualifying; race Sunday At DoverInternational Speedway Dover, Del. Lap length: 1 mile

At Hawkins Field Nashville, Tenn.

Friday's Games

(Car number in parentheses)

Dregon18,Clemson1 Vanderbil11, t Xavier0

Today'sGames Game 3—Clemson(36-24)vs.Xavier (29-28),11a m. Game4 —Oregon(43-18)vs.Vanderbilt(42-18),5pm. Sunday'sGames Game5—Game3winner vs.Game4 loser, 10a.m. Game6—Game4winnervs.Game5winner, 5p.m. Monday'sGame x-Game 7—Game4winner vs.Game5winner,4 p.m. At GossStadium CorvaNis Friday's Game UC Irvine10,UNLV3 Oregon State2, North DakotaState1 Today'sGames Game3— UNLV(35-24)vs.N.D.State(25-25),2p.m. Game 4—UCIrvine (36-22) vs.OregonSt. (43-12), 8p.m. Sunday'sGames Game5—Game3 winner vs.Game4 loser, 2p.m. Game6—Game4winnervs.Game5winner, 8p.m. Monday'sGame x-Game 7—Game4winner vs.Game5winner,8 p.m.

TENNIS Professional FrenchOpen Friday At StadeRolandGarros Paris Purse: 334.12miNion(GrandSlam) Surface:Clay-Outdoor Singles Men Third Round ErnestsGulbis (18), Latvia,def.RadekStepanek, Czech Republic, 6-3, 6-2r7-5. RogerFederer(4), Switzerland, def.Dmitry Tursunov (31),Russia,7-5,6-7(7), 6-2, 6-4. Novak Djokovic(2), Serbia, def. MarinCilic (25), Croatia,6-3, 6-2,6-7(2), 6-4. John Isner(10), UnitedStates,def.TommyRobredo (17),Spain, 7-6(13),7-6(3), 6-7(5), 7-5. Tomas Berdych(5), CzechRepublic, def.Roberto BautistaAgut(27), Spain,6-1, 6-2,6-7(4), 6-4. Jo-WilfriedTsonga(13), France,def. JerzyJanowicz(22),Poland,6-4,6-4,6-3. MilosRaonic(8), Canada, def. GigesSimon (29),

1. (2) BradKeselowski, Ford,164.444mph. 18) Kyle Busch,Toyota,163.785. 3. 22) Joey Logano,Ford,163.688. 4. (48)JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet,163.362. 5. (42)KyleLarson,Chevrolet,163.08. 6. (24)JeffGordon, Chevrolet,163.066. 7. 11) Denny Hamlin,Toyota,163.066. 8. (4)KevinHarvick, Chevrolet,162.499. 9. (55)BrianVickers, Toyota,162.411. 10. (15)Clint Bowyer,Toyota,162.243. 11.(47) AJAllmendinger, Chevrolet, 162.155. 12.(16)GregBiffle, Ford,160.995. 13.(88)DaleEarnhardtJr., Chevrolet,162.933. 14.(31RyanNewman,Chevrolet,162.903. 15. 27 PaulMenard, Chevrolet, 162.889. 16.(78)MartinTruexJr., Chevrolet, 162.844. 17.5) KaseyKahne,Chevrolet, 162.69. 18. 66) BrettMoffitt, Toyota,162.602. 19. (1)JamieMcMurray,Chevrolet,162.58. 20. (14)TonyStewart, Chevrolet,162.55. 21. (20)MattKenseth, Toyota,162.536. 22. (13)CaseyMears, Chevrolet,162.25. 23. 3) AustinDilon, Chevrolet,162.155. 24. (41)KurtBusch,Chevrolet,162.009. 25. (43)AricAlmirola, Ford,161.754. 26. (17)RickyStenhouseJr., Ford,161.747. 27. 9) Marcos Ambrose,Ford,161.725. 28. (10)DanicaPatrick, Chevrolet,161.623. 29. (99)Carl Edwards,Ford,161.573. 30.(51Justin Allgaier,Chevrolet,160887. 31. 26 ColeWhitt, Toyota,160.592. 32. (38)DavidGililand, Ford,160.435. 33.98Josh Wise,Chevrolet,160.206. 34. 34 DavidRagan, Ford,159.419. 35. (23)AlexBowman,Toyota,159.391. 36. (40)LandonCassrg, Chevrolet,159.2. 37. (44)J.J.Yeley,Chevrolet, ownerpoints. 38. (36)ReedSorenson,Chevrolet, ownerpoints. 39. 7) MichaelAnnett, Chevrolet, ownerpoints. 40. (33)David Stremme, Chevrolet, ownerpoints. 41. (83)RyanTruex, Toyota, owner points. 42. (77DaveBlaney,Ford, ownerpoints. 43. 32 BlakeKoch,Ford, owner points.

2. I








BALTIMOR EORIDLES—Agreed to termswith 38 RicardoAndujar andRHPVictor Ram irez on minor

league contracts. Sen t RH PEdgmer EscalonatoNorfolk (IL) for re ahabassignment. BOSTONREDSOX— Placed1B/CRyanLavarnway on the15-da~DL. Recalled OF/18 Alex Hassan from vakia,6-7(5),6-2,7-6 (4),susp.,darkness. Pawtucket (IL5 Women SEATTLM EARINERS—Selected thecontract of OF Third Round E ndy Ch a ve zfromTacoma(PCL). OptionedRHPBranAjla TomljanovicCroati , a,def.AgnieszkaRadwansdon Maurer to Tacoma. Transferred RH PBlake Beavan ka (3),Poland,6-4, 6-4. SamStosur(19), Australia, def. Dominika Cibulko- from15-to60-dayDL. T AMPA BA Y R A YS — O ptioned INF Cole Figueroa va (9),Slovakia,6-4, 6-4. (IL). Reinstated 28 BenZobrist fromthe15Carla SuarezNavarro (14), Spain, def. Taylor to Durham day DL. Townsend,UnitedStates,6-2, 6-2. TORONTOBLUEJAYS— OptionedLHPRobRasGarbine Muguruza,Spain, def.AnnaSchmiedlova, mussento Buffalo(IL). Selectedthecontract of RHP Slovakia,6-2,6-4. B obby KopeckyfromBuffalo. Agreedto termswith LHP Maria Shara pova (7), Russia,def. PaulaOrmae- MikeZag urski onaminor leaguecontract. chea,Argentina,6-0,6-0. National League EugenieBouchard(18), Canada, def. Johanna ARIZON ADIAMONDBACKS—Agreedtotermswith Larsson,Sweden, 7-5, 6-4. JoshSlaats onaminor leaguecontract. PaulineParmentier, France,def. MonaBarthel, Ger- RHP ATLANTA BRAVES— Agreedtotermswith28Ross many,1-6, 6-1,7-5. Wilson onaminor leaguecontract. AngeliqueKerber(8), Germany, def. Daniela HanCHICAG O CUBS—OptionedRHPBlakeParker to tuchova (31), Slovakia,7-5, 6-3. lowa (PCL).PlacedRHPHector Rondon on paternity leave.ReinstatedRH PPedroStropfromthe15-day DL andLHPWesleyWrightfrompaternity leave. SOCCER MIAMIMARLINS—Sent2BRafael FurcaltoJupiter (FSL) forarehabassignment. MLS NEWYORKMETS— OptionedCJuanCentenoto LasVegas(PCL). ReinstatedCTravis d'Arnaudfromthe MAJORLEAGUESOCCER 7-dayDL All Times PDT ST.LOUISCARDINALS— OptionedDFShaneRobinson to Memphis (PCL). Recalled DFRandal Grichuk Today'sGames fromMemphis. RealSaltLakeatSeattle,1 p.m. SANFRANCISCOGIANTS—PlacedRHPMatt Cain ColumbusatToronto, 2p.m. on the15-dayDL, retroactiveto May22. Recalled OF NewEnglandatMontreal,4 p,mr Juan PerezfromFresno(PCL). SportingKansasCityat D.C.United,4p.m. WASHIG NTON NATIONALS — Agreed to terms SanJoseatFCDallas,5:30p.m. with RHP Brett Brachonaminor leaguecontract. Sent Philadelphiaat ChivasUSA, 7:30p.m. 38 Ryan Zimmermanto Potomac(Carolina)for arehab Sunday'sGames assignmen t. LosAngelesatChicago,1 p.m. BASKETBALL Houston at Colorado,5 p.m. National Basketball Association Vancouver at Portland, 6p.m. DETROI TPISTONS— NamedBrendanMalone,Bob Beyer andCharlesKlaskassistantcoachesandAdam Glessnerteamscout. BASKETBALL FOOTBALL NationalFootball League NBA Playoffs NFL— SuspendedArizonaLB DarylWashington NATIONALBASKETBALL ASSOCIATION one yearandN.Y. Giants SWil Hil six gamesfor viAll TimesPDT olatingtheNFL Policy andProgramfor Substances of Abuse. CONFERE NCEFINALS BALTI MORERAVENS— SignedSTerrenceBrooks. CINCINAT NIBENGALS — Pl aced DT Dgemdi (Gest-of-7; x-if necessary) Mwaqbuo onwaivers/non-football-illness. Friday's Game CLEVEIANDBROWNS — Rel eased DB Julian Miami117,Indiana92,Miamiwinsseries4-2 Today'sGame Posev. GREENBAYPACKERS — SignedS HaHaClinSanAntonioatOklahomaCity,5:30 p.m.,SanAntonio ton-Dix. leadsseries3-2 INDIANAPOLI S COLTS — SignedWR Dante MonMonday'sGame crief. x-Dklahoma City atSanAntonio, 6p.m. NEWYORKGIANTS— ReleasedQBJoshFreeman. ClaimedOLRogersGainesoffwaiversfromChicago. Friday's Summary OAKLANR DAIDERS— SignedDTJustin Ellis and CB KeithMcGil. Heat117, Pacers 92 TAMPABAY BUCCANEERS— SignedCB Quinton Pointer.ReleasedCBMarcAnthony. INDIANA(92) HOCKEY George 8-18 8-1029, West 8-110-016, Hibbert National HockeyLeague 1-3 6-68, G.Hiff4-111-39, Stephenson4-90-011, COLUMBUSBLUEJACKETS — SignedFDaniel Scola1-40-02, Watson1-20-02, Copeland2-61-1 Zaar toathree-year,entry-level contract. 6, Sloan1-32-45,Butler1-10-02, L.Allen1-10-02, MONTREALCANADIENS — Si gned D Dalton Mahinmi 0-00-00.Totals32-8918-2492. Throwertoathree-year,entry-level contract. MIAMI (117) SOCCER James 8-12 9-925, Lewis5-110-013, Bosh10Major LeagueSoccer 14 4-6 25,Chalmers2-6 0-04, Wade6-12 0-0 13, CHIVAS USA—ReleasedDLyleMartin. COLLEGE RAllen1-40 03, Andersen4-41-29, Cole0-22-22, VANDERBI TL— NamedAdam CohenandDerrick Battier2-32-2 8, Douglas 2-20-0 6,Haslem3-3 0-0 men'sassistantbasketball coaches. 6, Jones1-3 0-03, Oden0-0 0-00. Totals 44-76 Jones VIRGINI— A Announced men'sfreshman basketball 18-21 117. G Dari usThompsonis transferringfromTennessee. Indiana 13 21 24 34 — 92 Miami 24 36 31 26 — 117 France,4-6,6-3,2-6,6-2, 7-5. MarcelGranoffers,Spain, leadsMartin Klizan, Slo-



Women'sCollegeWorld Series At ASAHall of FameStadium Oklahoma City All Times PDT (DoubleElimination; x-if necessary)


Friday's Games Florida4,Oregon 0 Alabama 2, Kentucky0 Today'sGames Game 7 — Baylor (47-15) vs. FloridaState(55-8), 9a.m. Game8— Louisiana-Lafayette(49-9) vs. Oklahom a (50-12),11:30a.m. Game9— Oregon(55-8)vs.Game7winner,4p.m. Game10— Kentucky (49-15) vs. Gam e 8 winner, 6:30 p.m.


FISH COUNT Upstream daily movement of adult chinook,jack chinook, steelheadandwild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonThursday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wsllhd Bonneville 2,090 399 70 16 The Daffes 1,304 27 0 17 6 John Day 1,203 29 3 11 2 McNary 1 317 3 1 1 11 1 Upstreamyear-to-date movement of adult chinook, jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelhead at selectedColumbiaRiver damslast updatedon Thursday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 209,822 25,428 5,539 1,439 T he Daffes 155,462 19,634 888 215 John Day 132,607 17,377 3,142 1,130 M cNary 110,533 13,620 832 33 6

Friday's Games Washington68, NewYork60 Atlanta80, Seatle 69 Minnesota 88,SanAntonio72 Chicago 101, Connecticut 82 Phoenix100,Tulsa78

Today'sGame NewYorkatIndiana, 4p.m. Sunday'sGames AtlantaatConnecticut, noon Los Angeleat sWashington,1 p.m. Minnesota atSanAntonio,1:30 p.m. Tulsaat Seattle, 6p.m.

Ic',ane'sthree points, late goal giveBlackhawkswin, forcesGame7 The Associated Press

Blackhawks forced a decisive seventh game in the Western


nament, was barely in the shot 6-under 66 to share the picture. He wa s 1 5 shots first-round lead in the Cham-

LOS ANGELES — Patrick Kane scored the tiebreaking

worse with a 78, courtesy of pions Tour's Principal Charithree straight double bogeys ty Classic.

goal with 3 minutes, 45 sec- victory over the Los Angeles and set up Duncan Keith's onds to play, and the Chicago Kings on Friday night. tying goal with 8:26 left in

Conference finals with a 4-3

K ane scored tw o

regulation for the defending Stanley Cup champion

g o a l s Biackhawks, wh o

a v o ided

elimination for the second straight game.




American League


Toronto NewYork Baltimore Boston Tampa Bay

32 24 28 25 26 27 25 29 23 32

Detroit Chicago Kansas City Minnesota Cleveland

Oakland Los Angeles Texas Seattle Houston

Central Division W L 31 20 28 28 26 28 25 27 25 30

West Division

W L 33 22 30 24 28 27 26 28 24 32

.571 .528 2'/r .491 4'/z .463 6 418 8'/r

Pct GB .608 .500 5'/2

.481 6'/r .481 6'/z .455 8

Pct GB .600 .556 2'/r .509 5 .481 6'/r .429 9'/z

Friday's Games Cleveland 5,Colorado2 Minnesota 6, N.Y. Yankees1 Washington 9, Texas2 Kansas City6,Toronto1 Boston3, TampaBay2, 10innings Houston 2, Baltimore1 SanDiego4, ChicagoWhite Sox1 Oakland 9, L.A.Angels 5 Detroit 6,Seatle 3 Today'sGames Texas(Tepesch2-0)at Washington(Fister 2-1),9:05a.m. Minnesota (Correia2-6) at N.Y.Yankees(Tanaka7-1), 10:05a.m. Kansas City (Brooks0-0) at Toronto (Hutchison 4-3), 10:07a.m. SanDiego(T.Ross5-4) atChicagoWhite Sox(Rienzo 4-1),11:10a.m. Colorado(Morales 3-4) at Cleveland(Bauer 1-2), 12:05p.m. Baltimore(Tigman4-2) at Houston(Keuchel 6-2), 1:10 p.m. TampaBay(Odorizzi 2-4) atBoston(R.DeLa Rosa 0-0),4:15p.m. LA. Angels(Skaggs4-2) at Oakland(Milone3-3), 7:05 p.m. Detroit(smyly2-3)atSeattle(C.Young4-2),7:10p.m. Sunday'sGames Coloradoat Cleveland,10:05 a.m. Minnes otaatN.Y.Yankees,10;05a.m. KansasCityatToronto,10:07 a.m. TampaBayatBoston,10:35a.m. Texas atWashington,10:35 a.m. Baltimore atHouston,11:10a.m. SanDiegoatChicagoWhite Sox,11:10a.m. L.A. Angelat s Oakland,1:05 p.m. Detroit atSeatle,1:10 p.m. NATIONALLEAGUE

East Division

Atlanta Miami Washington NewYork Philadelphia Milwaukee St. Louis Pittsburgh Cincinnati Chicago

W L 29 25 28 26 26 27 25 29 24 28

Central Division W L

33 22 29 26 25 29 24 29 19 33

West Division W L SanFrancisco 36 19 Colorado 28 26 LosAngeles 29 27 SanDiego 25 30 Arizona 23 34

Pct GB .537 .519 1 491 2'/r .463 4 .462 4

Pct GB .600 .527 4 .463 7'/r .453 8 .365 12'/2

Pct GB .655 .519 7'/2 .518 7'/2

.455 11 .404 14

Friday's Games

Cleveland 5,Colorado2 Philadelphia 6, N.Y.Mets 5, 14innings Washington 9, Texas2 Atlanta3, Miami2 Milwaukee11,ChicagoCubs5 SanDiego4, ChicagoWhite Sox1 SanFrancisco9, St.Louis 4 Cincinnati6, Arizona4 Pittsburgh2, L.A.Dodgers1

Today'sGames Texas(Te pesch2-0)at Washington(Fister2-1),9;05a.m. SanDiego(T.Ross5-4) atChicagoWhite Sox(Rienzo 4-1),11:10a.m. San Francisco(Petit 3-2) atSt.Louis (Wa cha3-3), 11;15a.m. Colorado(Morales 3-4) at Cleveland(Bauer 1-2),

12:05p.m. N.Y. Mets(deGrom0-2) at Philadelphia (K.Kendrick 1-5),12;05p.m. Atlanta(ESan tana42) atMiami(JaTurner1-2),1:10p m. ChicagoCubs(Hammel 5-3) at Milwaukee(W.Peralta 4-4),1:10p.m. Pittsburgh (Cumpton 0-1) at L.A.Dodgers (Ryu5-2), 4:15 p.m. Cincinnati (Cueto4-4) at Arizona(Mccarthy 1-6), 7:10 p.m.

Sunday'sGames Coloradoat Cleyeland,10:05 a.m. Atlanta atMiami,10:10a.m. N.Y.MetsatPhiladelphia, 10:35a.m. TexasatWashington,10:35 a.m. Chicago Cubsat Milwaukee,11:10a.m. San Diego atChicagoWhite Sox, 11:10a.m. San Francisco atSt. Louis,11:15a.m. Cincinnatiat Arizona,1:10p.m. PittsburghatL.A.Dodgers, 7:05p.m.

Leaders ThroughFriday's Games AMERICANLEAGUE BATTING —VMartinez,Detroit, .347; Micabrera, Detroit,.328;Cano,Seattle,.327; AIRamirez, Chicago, .326;Altuve,Houston,.324; Rios,Texas,.319; Kinsler, Detroit,.316. RBI — Ncruz, Baltimore, 49; Micabrera,Detroit, 48;Encarnacion,Toronto,48;Moss,Oakland,46; Donal dson,Oakland,45;JAbreu,Chicago,42;Bautista,Toronto,39;Brantley, Cleveland,39. HOMERUNS—Ncruz, Baltimore, 19; Encarnacion, Toronto,18;JAbreu, Chicago,15;Donaldson, Oakland,15; Bautista,Toronto, 14;Puiols, LosAngeles,14;VMartinez,Detroit,13; Moss,Oakland,13. STOLENBASES—Altuve, Houston, 20; RD avis, Detroit, 16;AEscobar, KansasCity, 15; Ellsbury, New York, 14;Andrus,Texas, 13; Gardner, NewYork, 13; Dozier,Minnesota,12. ERA —Tanaka, NewYork, 2.29; Gray,Oakland, 2.31; Buehrle,Toronto,2.33; Darvish, Texas,2.35; Kazmir ,Oakland,2.36;Keuchel,Houston,2.55;FHernandez, Seattle, 2.57. NATIONALLEAGUE BATTING —Tulowitzki, Colorado,.360; Puig,Los Angel es,.346;Pagan,SanFrancisco,.326;MaAdams, St. Louis, .325;Utley, Philadelphia, .323;CGomez, Milwau kee,.323;Lucroy,Milwaukee,.323. RBI—Stanton,Miami,51;Puig,LosAngeles, 40; Goldschmidt,Arizona,38; Morse,SanFrancisco, 38; Tulowilzki, Colorado,37; AdGonzalez, LosAngeles, 36; Howard, Philadelphia,34. HOMERUNS—Stanton, Miami, 16;Tulowitzki, Colorado,14;JUpton,Atlanta, 13;AdG onzalez, Los Angeles, 12; Reynolds, Milwaukee,12; CGo mez, Milwaukee, 11; Morse,SanFrancisco, 11; Puig,Los Angeles,11. ERA —Samardziia, Chicago,1.68; Teh eran,Atlanta,1.83;Cueto,Cincinnati,1.83.

Tigers 6, Mariners 3 SEATTLE —Victor Martinez and Miguel Cabrera hit two-out homers and Justin Verlander madejust one mistake on themound in 7'/5 strong innings. Verlanderallowed five hits, struck out sevenand walked one. Detroit

National League

Astros 2, Orioles1 HOUSTON — Jonathan Villar broke an 0-for-26 slump with a go-aheaddoubleintheseventh and Houston extended its winning streak to sevengames. It is the first time Houston, losers of100-plus gamesthe last three seasons, has wonsevenstraight since 2010. Brett Oberholtzer allowed four hits and arun in seven innings.

Phillies 6, Mets 5 (14 innings) LOS ANGELES — Reid Brignac's RBI single in the bottom of the

14th gave Philadelphia awin. Domonic Brown hit a three-run homer and drove in four runs for the Phillies. Phillies starter A.J. Burnett had aseason-high11 strikeouts, but allowed five runs, five hits and six walks in seven innings.

Brewers11, Cubs5 MILWAUKEE — Ryan Braun homered to highlight a five-run first inning for Milwaukee. Braunhad three hits and three RBls for Mil-

waukee. Rickie Weeksand Martin Maldonado hadthree hits and two RBls each asthe Brewers scored a season-high runs in its most lopsided victory of the year.


Padres 4, White Sox1 CHICAGO — lan Kennedy struck out nine in six strong innings and Yonder Alonso hit a two-run homer to lead SanDiego. Cameron Maybin hit his first home run of the season andAlonso finished with three hits. Kennedyyielded one run and four hits with three walks. The lone runwas set up by Maybin's mental lapse in center field in the fourth inning, when he forgot how manyouts there were. White Sox starter John Danksallowed two runs in seveninnings.

Seattle Chicago Milwaukee ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi Kinsler2b 4 1 1 0 Enchvzlf 4 0 1 0 Bonifac2b-cf 5 0 1 1 Segurass 5 2 3 1 TrHntrrf 4 1 1 0 J.Jonescf 4 1 2 0 Baltimore Houston L akecf-If 3 1 0 1 Braunrf 5 2 33 Micarr1b 3 2 2 2 MSndrsrf 4 0 1 1 New York Philadelphia ab r hbi ab r hbi Valuen3b 4 1 2 0 Thrnrgp 0 0 0 0 VMrtnzdh 4 1 2 3 Smoak1b 3 1 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Markksrf 4 0 1 0 Altuve2b 4 0 1 0 Scastross 4 0 2 1 Lucroy1b 5 0 1 0 AJcksncf 4 0 0 0 Seager3b 4 1 2 2 Lagarscf 5 1 1 0 Reverecf 7 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 Springrrf 4 0 0 0 Rugginlf 4 0 1 0 Dveray1b 0 0 0 0 Avilac 3 0 0 0 Zuninoc 2 0 0 0 Pearcelf DnMrp2b 4 1 0 0 Rollinsss 5 0 2 0 N.cruzdh 4 0 1 0 Fowlercf 3 0 0 0 Wrghtp 0 0 0 0 CGomzcf 3 1 1 1 Cstllns3b 4 0 1 0 Ackleydh 4 0 0 0 DWrght3b 6 0 0 0 utley2b 6 0 1 1 A.Jonescf 4 1 1 0 Jcastroc 2 0 0 0 JoBakrph 1 0 1 1 LSchfrcf 0 0 0 0 AnRmnss 4 0 1 0 Frnkln2b 4 0 0 0 Grndrslf 3 1 0 0 Howard1b 7 0 0 0 C.Davi s 1b 4 0 1 0 MDmn3b 3 1 1 0 Castilloc 5 0 0 0 KDavislf 4 2 2 1 RDavislf 4 1 1 1 BMillerss 3 0 0 0 San Diego Chicago F amilip 0 0 0 0 Byrdrf 5310 Hardyss 3 0 1 1 Carter1b 3 0 0 0 Schrhltrf 4 1 2 1 RWeks2b 4 3 3 2 Totals 34 6 9 6 Totals 3 2 3 6 3 ab r hbi ab r hbi C ampllph-If 2 0 0 0 Ruizc 6140 Machd3b 3 0 0 0 Guzmn1b 0 0 0 0 Dlt1b 2 1 0 0 MrRynl3b 4 0 0 0 Detroit 0 02 030 100 — 6 Schoop2b 3 0 0 0 Presleydh 3 0 1 0 E carerss 4 0 0 0 Eatoncf 4 0 1 0 BAreurf 4 1 2 2 DBrwnlf 4 1 1 4 T Woodp 11 1 0 Wangp 0 0 0 0 Seattle 000 200 010 — 3 Ricep 0 0 0 0 MAdmsp 0 0 0 0 V iganvp 0 0 0 0 Falu3b 0 0 0 0 Denorfirf-If 4 0 2 0 GBckh2b 4 0 0 0 CJosphc 2 0 0 0 Grssmnlf 3 1 1 1 E—Iwakuma(1). LDB—Detroit 3, Seatle 5. 2BQuentindh 5 0 2 0 Gillaspi3b 4 1 2 0 CTorrsp 0 0 0 0 Papelnp 0 0 0 0 V illarss 2 0 1 1 Coghlnph 1 0 0 0 Maldndc 4 1 3 2 Casteganos(8), En.chavez(1), M.Saunders(5), Sea- Totals 31 1 5 1 Totals Headly3b 3 0 0 0 Viciedorf 4 0 0 0 F loresph 1 0 0 0 Rufph 10 0 0 27 2 5 2 V erasp 0 0 0 0 Estradp 2 0 0 1 Medicalf 3 0 0 0 A.Dunn1b 3 0 0 0 ger (11).HR —Mi.cabrera(9), VMartinez(13), R.Da- Baltimore 510 5 0 0 Ogg — 1 B lackp 0 0 0 0 Bastrdp 0 0 0 0 Barney2b 1 0 0 0 Wootenp 0 0 0 0 Venalepr-rf 0 1 0 0 AIRmrzss 4 0 1 0 vis (4),Seager(8). SB—J.Jones(5). CS—An.Romine Houston deGrmph 1 0 0 0 Hollndsp 0 0 0 0 000 000 2gx — 2 EHerrr3b-rf 1 0 0 0 Gyorko2b 4 0 0 0 Semiendh 1 0 0 0 (1), Zunin(2). o DP — Houston 1. LOB—Baltimore4, Houston4. Meiiap 0 0 0 0 Mayrryph 1 0 1 0 Totals 3 5 5 105 Totals 3 7 111611 A lonso1b 4 1 3 2 DeAzalf 2 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBSO 28 — AJones(11), M.Dominguez(10), Grossman (2), Duda1b 5 1 1 1 DeFrtsp 0 0 0 0 Chicago 0 52 051 002 — 5 M aybincf 4 1 1 1 Nietoc 3 0 0 0 Detroit dArnadc 6 0 2 1 CHrndzph 0 0 0 0 Villar (8).SB—Altuve(20). CS—Villar (2). Milwaukee 511 040 Ogx — 11 Rivera c 3 1 1 0 VerlanderW,6-4 72-3 5 3 3 1 7 IP H R E R BBSO Teiadass 6 0 2 1 Brignc3b 5 0 2 1 E—S.castro (8). DP—Chicago 2, Milwaukee1. 1-3 1 0 0 0 1 34 4 9 3 Totals 2 91 4 0 Krol R Montrp 1 0 0 0 ABrnttp 3 1 1 0 Baltimore LOB—Chicago10, Milwaukee4. 28—Valbuena(12), Totals S an Diego 001 0 1 0 020 — 4 ChamberlainS,2-3 1 0 0 0 1 2 M.GonzalezL,3-4 62-3 5 2 2 2 4 Matszkp 0 0 0 0Diekmnp 0 0 0 0 R uggi a no (2), K. D a vi s 2 (1 6), R .W eek s ( 4), M al d on ad o Chicago 0 00 100 500 — 1 Seattle O'Day 11-3 0 0 0 0 1 d nDkkrph 1 0 0 0 GwynJlf 3 0 0 0 (3). HR —Schierholtz (2), Braun(8). S—Villanueva, E—AI.Ramirez (5). DP—San Diego1. LOB —San Iwakuma L,3-2 6 8 5 5 2 5 Houston E dginp 0 0 0 0 Estrada. Furbush 1 1 1 1 0 1 OberhollzerW2-6 7 ntin (1), 4 1 1 0 1 CYounglf-rf 2 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBSO Diego 8,Chicago5. 2B—Denorfia (7), Que Medina 1 0 0 0 0 1 FarnsworthH,2 2- 3 Rivera (5), Gi g aspi e (13). HR — Alon so (4), Ma ybin 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 4 7 5 8 5 Totals 5 36 146 Chicago Wilhelmsen 1 0 0 0 0 2 Sipp SB —Alonso (5). CS—Eaton(4), AI.Ramirez (2). 0 1 0 0 0 0 New York 030 020OOO OOO OO — 5 TWoodL,5-5 22 - 3 10 77 1 4 (1). S—E.cabrera. HBP—byVerlander(Zunino). WP —Krol. elphia 001310 OOO OOO 01 — 5 Viganueva QuagsS,5-6 11 - 3 0 0 0 0 2 Philad 21-3 5 4 4 0 1 T—3:05. A—29,000(47,476). IP H R E R BBSO No outswhenwinning runscored. Sipp pitched to1batter in the8th. Veras 2 0 0 0 0 1 E — B.A bre u (1), C. Y o un g (1), d' A rnaud (3). DP HBP—by M.Gonzalez (J.castro). WP—M.Gonzalez. WWright 1 1 0 0 0 0 San Diego K ennedy W ,4-6 6 4 1 1 3 9 New York 2. LOB — N e w Y ork12, Phi l a del p hi a 17. PB—J.castro. Red Sox 3, Rays 2(10 innings) 28 — B.Abreu(5), Duda(6), Ruiz(12). HR —D.Brown Milwaukee H,5 1 0 0 0 1 2 T—2:40.A—38,482 (42,060). EstradaW,5-2 6 6 3 3 4 5 Vincent 1 0 0 0 0 1 4). SB —B.Abreu (1), Rogins (7). CS—Dan.Murphy Wooten 1 1 0 0 0 1 BenoitH,B BOSTON — A.J. Pierzynski hit 3). S —Lagares, R.Montero. S treet S,16-16 1 0 0 0 0 1 Wang 1 1 0 0 0 1 IP H R E R BBSO Thornburg an RBI triple in the bottom of the Athletics 9, Angels 5 1 2 2 2 2 0 Chicago Joh.Danks L,3-5 7 8 2 2 1 4 New York PB — Maldonado. 10th inning and theBoston Red 32-3 7 4 3 2 0 Guerra 1 1 2 2 1 2 R.Montero OAKLAND, Calif.— Brandon T—3:15.A—36,100 (41,900). 1 1-3 1 1 1 2 1 D.Webb 1 0 0 0 1 0 Matsuzaka Sox — on their fourth manager Moss hit a grand slam in the first 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 HBP—byJoh.Danks (Headley). WP—Kennedy, Joh. Edgin of the night following a string of 12-3 1 0 0 1 3 Giants 9, Cardinals 4 Danks. inning, and Josh Donaldson had Familia 1-3 1 0 0 0 1 T—2:51. A—25,342(40,615). ejections — beatTampaBayin Rice two home runs andfour RBls 2 2-3 0 0 0 1 2 C.Torres ST. LOUIS —Madison Bumgarner the latest testy gamebetweenthe in Oakland's victory over Los Black 2 2 0 0 2 2 Nationais 9, Rangers 2 struck out10 in sevenscoreless teams.JonnyGomes scoredthe MeiiaL,4-2 0 2 1 0 1 0 Angeles. CocoCrisp hadtwo hits Philadelphia innings and Hunter Pencehit a winning run. Fittingly, he reached and drove in a runfor the A's, WASHINGTON — lan Desmond A.Burnett 7 5 5 5 6 11 three-run homer off AdamWainbasewhen hewashitbyapitch, 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 Diekman who have wonthree of five since keyed a15-hit attack with a three11-3 0 0 0 3 1 wright for surging San Francisco. a common themethat led to one a four-game losing streak. Howie Mi.Adams run homer andStephenStrasburg Papelbon 1 2 0 0 0 1 bench-clearing scrum andnearly Kendrick hit a two-run homerand Bastardo 1 0 0 0 0 2 San Francisco S t . Louis pitched six solid innings for Hollands 1 0 0 0 0 1 as many ejections as runs. ab r hbi ab r hbi Mike Trout added asolo shot for Washington. JaysonWerthand De FratusW,1-0 2 0 0 0 1 2 Pagancf 4 2 2 1 Mcrpnt3b 3 0 2 0 the Angels, who lost for only the Meiia pi t ched to 4 ba t e rs i n the14th. Denard Span hadthree hits each Arias1b 1 0 0 0 Descalsss 0 1 0 0 TampaBay Boston T—5:23. A—30,236(43,651). seventh time in 21games. C.J. Pencerf 5 2 2 3 Grichkrf 3 1 1 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi for Washington. Strasburg allowed S andovl3b 5 2 2 0 Hollidylf 2 0 0 0 D eJessdh 4 1 2 1 Holt3b 4 0 0 0 Cron also drove in apair of runs. Morse1b 3 1 2 1 Jaylf 1 1 1 3 two unearned runsand six hits. He Forsythph-dh1 0 0 0 Bogartsss 5 1 3 1 Colvin If 1 0 0 0 Craig 1b 4 0 1 1 Zobrist2b-ss 4 0 0 1 Pedroia2b 4 0 1 0 struck out nine andwalked one. Braves 3 Marlins 2 Los Angeles Oakland HSnchzc 5 0 1 2 YMolinc 2 0 0 0 Joycelf 4 0 0 0 JHerrr2b 0 0 0 0 It was the eighth straight start in ab r hbi ab r hbi Blancolf-cf 5 0 2 2 T.cruzc 2 0 0 0 Longori3b 3 0 1 0 D.Ortizdh 4 0 1 1 A ybarss 5 0 1 0 Crispcf 4 2 2 1 MIAMI — Julio Teheranpitched Bcrwfrss 4 0 0 0 JhPerltss 3 0 0 0 which Strasburg has pitchedat Loney1b 3 0 0 0 JGomslf 4 1 0 0 T routcf 5 1 2 1 Jasodh 4 2 2 0 7'/5 innings andscored the tying B .Hicks2b 2 1 0 0 Mottep 0 0 0 0 DJnngscf 4 0 0 0 Przynsc 5 0 2 1 least six innings andallowed three 4 0 0 0 Dnldsn3b 4 3 3 4 Bmgrnp 4 1 1 0 Neshekp 0 0 0 0 M yersrf 1 0 0 0 Carp1b 3 0 0 0 Puiols1b run in the seventh asAtlanta Freese3b 2 2 0 0 Moss1b 2 1 1 4 runs or less. Huffp 0 0 0 0 JGa rciph 1 0 0 0 YEscorss 4 1 1 0 GSizmrrf 4 0 0 0 HKndrc2b 4 2 2 2 Blanksph-1b 2 0 1 0 moved a gameaheadof Miami JGutrrzp 0 0 0 0 Bourioscf 4 0 0 0 Solispr-c 0 0 0 0 BrdlyJrcf 4 1 1 0 Crondh 4 0 1 2 Cespdslf 5 0 0 0 M.Ellis2b-3b 4 0 0 0 JMolinc 2 0 0 0 Texas Washington atop the NLEast. lannettc 2 0 0 0 Lowriess 4 1 1 0 Wnwrgp 1 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi SRdrgzph-2b1 0 0 0 Congerph-c 1 0 0 0 Reddckrf 3 0 1 0 Manessp 1 0 0 0 Totals 31 2 4 2 Totals 3 7 3 8 3 C hooIf 4 0 0 0 Span cf 5 2 3 0 Greenlf 4 0 1 0 DNorrsc 3 0 0 0 Atlanta Miami Choatep 0 0 0 0 TampaBay 1 5 5 510 OOO 5 — 2Cowgillrf 2 0 0 0 Callasp2b 4 0 0 0 Andrusss 3 0 0 0 Rendon3b 5 1 2 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Wong2b 0 1 0 0 Boston Ogg 510 100 1 — 3 M orlnd1b 4 0 1 0 Werthrf 5 2 3 1 Calhonph-rf 1 0 0 0 Sogard2b 0 0 0 0 H eywrdrf 5 1 2 1 Yelichlf 4 0 0 0 Totals 3 9 9 129 Totals 3 1 4 5 4 One outwhenwinning runscored. ABeltre3b 4 1 3 0 LaRoch1b 5 1 1 0 3 4 5 7 5 Totals 3 59 11 9 BUptoncf 2 0 1 1 Lucas2b 3 1 1 0 S an Francisco 145 025 200 — 9 E—Longoria (4), G.Sizemore (1). DP—Boston 1. Totals Riosrf 4 0 0 0 WRamsc 3 1 2 1 Los Ang e l es OOO 302 OOO — 5 FFrmn1b 4 0 0 0 Stantonrf 4 1 1 2 St. Louis OO O OOO 040 — 4 LOB —TampaBay5, Boston 11. 2B—DeJesus(11), Oakland Gimenzc 4 0 2 0Dsmndss 4 1 1 3 — 9 511 520 Ogx J.uptonlf 3 1 0 0 McGeh3b 4 0 1 0 E — B .H i c ks (5). DP — S an F r an cisco 2. LO B — S a n Y.Escobar (8), Bogaerts (14), Pierzynski(7). 38LMartncf 4 1 0 0 McLothlf 4 1 2 0 LOB— LosAngeles6,Oakland9.28— Cron(7), Gattisc 2 0 1 0 GJones1b 4 0 0 0 Francisco6, St. Louis4. 28—Pagan(13), Sandoval Odor2b 3 0 1 1 Espinos2b 3 0 0 0 Pierzynski(1). SB —Myers 2 (3). CS—DeJesus (1). Green (4). HR —Trout(11), H.Kendrick(3), Donaldson CJhnsn3b 4 0 1 1 Sltlmchc 3 0 0 0 S—J.Molina. 10), Morse (15), M.carpen t er (13), Jay (7), Crai g RossJrp 0 0 0 0 Strasrgp 2 0 0 0 2(15), Moss(13). Smmnsss 3 0 0 0 Dzunacf 3 0 0 0 10). HR —Pence(7). DMrphph 1 0 0 0 TMooreph 1 0 1 2 IP H R E R BBSO IP H R E R BBSO LaStell2b 2 0 0 0 Hchvrrss 3 0 2 0 TampaBay IP H R E R BBSO Lewisp 2 0 1 1 Storenp 0 0 0 0 Los Angel e s R.Pena2b 1 0 1 0 Koehlerp 2 0 0 0 San Franci s co 7 6 2 2 1 6 Sardins2b 2 0 0 0 Treinenp 1 0 0 0 Price RichardsL,4-2 2 - 3 5 5 5 3 2 Tehernp 3 1 2 0 Hatchrp 0 0 0 0 BumgarnerW,7-3 7 3 0 0 1 10 Totals 35 2 8 2 Totals 3 89 157 McGee 1 0 0 0 0 1 LeBlanc 61-3 6 4 4 2 4 Avilanp 0 0 0 0 Solanoph 0 0 0 0 Huff 2-3 1 4 4 2 0 Texas 020 000 OOO — 2 Jo.Peralta 1 1 0 0 1 2 Kohn 1 0 0 0 1 1 Dcrpntp 0 0 0 0 DJnngsp 0 0 0 0 11-3 1 0 0 0 3 J.Gutierrez Washington 0 0 0 3 1 2 21x— 9 OviedoL,1-2 1-3 1 1 1 0 0 Oakland ugglaph 1 0 0 0 St. Louis E—Rios(3), Moreland(3), Odor (1),Strasburg(1). Boston P omeranz W ,5-2 51-3 4 5 5 3 5 Kimrel p 0 0 0 0 51-3 4 2 2 3 4 WainwrightL,8-3 41-3 8 7 7 1 4 DP — Texas1, Washington 1. LOB —Texas 7, WashWorkman Otero 11-3 2 0 0 1 1 Totals 30 3 8 3 Totals 3 0 2 5 2 Maness 12-3 4 2 2 1 1 ington7. 28—ABeltre(10), Gimenez(3), TMoore(2). Badenhop 12-3 0 0 0 1 1 GregersonH,6 1 1 -3 0 0 0 0 2 Atlanta Ogg 001 250 — 3 Choate 1 0 0 0 1 2 HR — Desmond (10). Tazawa 1 0 0 0 0 1 Doolittle 1 1 0 0 0 2 Miami 205 Ogg OOO — 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 IP H R E R BBSO Uehara 1 0 0 0 0 1 HBP DP — Atlanta1, Miami 4. LOB —Atlanta7, Miami Motte —byLeBlanc(Jaso). WP—LeBlanc. Neshek 1 0 0 0 0 2 Texas Muiica 23 0 0 0 1 0 T—3:04.A—23,384 (35,067). 3. 28 — Teheran(1). 3B—Heyward(1). HR —Stanton Maness pitchedto4 batters inthe7th. LewisL,4-4 52-3 9 6 5 2 5 A.Miller W2-4 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 (16). — S Solano. SF—B.upton. HBP—byHuff (Wong). RossJr. 21-3 6 3 2 0 0 HBP —byOviedo(J.Gomes), byPrice(D.Drtiz, Carp). IP H R E R BBSO T — 3: 1 4. A — 43,10 7 (45, 3 99). Washington T—3;55. A—35,820(37,499). Royals 6, Biue Jays1 Atlanta S trasburg W ,4-4 6 6 2 0 1 9 TeheranW,5-3 7 1-3 5 2 2 1 5 Storen 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Pirates 2, Dodgers1 TORONTO —AlexGordon and AvilanH,2 Twins 6, Yankees1 Treinen 2 2 0 0 0 1 D.carpenterH,10 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Lorenzo Cain homered to back T—2:45. A—31,659(41,408). KimbrelS,14-16 1 0 0 0 0 0 LOS ANGELES — Franci s co NEW YORK —RickyNolasco Jason Vargas asKansas City beat Miami KoehlerL,4-5 7 7 3 3 4 5 Liriano outpitched JoshBeckett pitched six effective innings, Os- Toronto. Cain went 3 for 4 and lndians 5, Rockies 2 Hatcher 1 0 0 0 0 0 for his first win of the season,and waldo Arcia homeredandthrew matched a career high with four Da.Jennings 1 1 0 0 0 1 CLEVELAND — Corey Kluber Ike Davis homeredfor Pittsburgh. out a runner at homeplate, and HBP —byKoehler (Gattis, Gatis). RBls. Gordon reached basethree T—2:53. A—18,469(37,442). Liriano scattered five hits over 5'/5 struck out12 in 7'/5 innings to Minnesota flexed somemuscle



in beating NewYork. Josh Willingham andTrevor Plouffe also connected against Vidal Nunofor the light-hitting Twins.. Kurt Suzuki and former Yankeesinfielder Eduardo Nunezhad RBIsingles in the eighth, giving Minnesota its highest run total since scoring eight against Boston on May13. Nolasco had not won sinceApril 24, a span of six starts. Minnesota New York ab r hbi ab r hbi DSantncf 2 0 1 0 Gardnrlf 4 1 1 0 A .Hickspr-cf 2 0 0 0 Jeterss 4 0 1 0 Dozier2b 5 0 0 0 Ellsurycf 4 0 1 1 Mauer1b 5 1 1 0 Teixeir1b 1 0 0 0 Wlnghlf 4 1 1 1 Mccnndh 4 0 1 0 Arciarf 4 2 2 1 BRorts2b 4 0 1 0 Plouffe3b 3 2 1 2 ISuzukirf 3 0 1 0 KSuzukc 4 0 2 1 ASorinph 1 0 0 0 Nunezdh 4 0 1 1 Solarte3b 4 0 2 0 EEscorss 4 0 1 0 JMrphyc 4 0 1 0 Totals 3 7 6 106 Totals 3 3 1 9 1 M innesota 010 300020 — 6 N ew York 001 000000 — 1 LDB—Minnesota6, NewYork9. 28—D.Santana(4), Ellsbury(13), Solarte(11).HR—Willingham(2), Arcia (2), Plouffe (5). SB—D.Santana(2), Gardner2(13). CS — B.Roberts (2).

times to help the Royals handToronto its second consecutive loss following a season-best, ninegame winning streak. Vargas (struck out seven in six innings. J.A. Happ lost for the first time in four starts, allowing a season-worst six runs in 7'/5 innings. Jose Bautista homered for the Blue Jays and threw out a runner at first base from rightfield for the second straight game.

Reds 6, Diamondbacks4 PHOENIX —Arizona's Devin Mesoraco hit a grand slam off former Cincinnati teammate BronsonArroyo, but Cincinnati got the win. Cincinnati


ab r hbi ab r hbi BHmltncf 4 0 1 0 Pollockcf 4 2 3 0 S chmkrlf 4 0 1 0 GParrarf 4 1 1 1 Phillips2b 4 0 1 0 Gldsch1b 4 1 1 1 B rucerf 4 1 1 0 MMntrc 4 0 0 0 Frazier3b-1b 3 2 2 0 Prado3b 3 0 0 0 B erndn1b 3 1 2 1 Hill2b 4011 Broxtnp 0 0 0 0 Owingsss 4 0 0 0 H eiseyph 1 0 0 0 Inciartlf 3 0 1 0 Achpmp 0 0 0 0 C.Rossph 1 0 0 0 Mesorcc 4 2 2 5 Arroyop 1 0 0 0 RSantgss-3b 4 0 1 0 Erchvzph 1 0 0 0 Leakep 2 0 0 0 EMrshlp 0 0 0 0 Lutz ph 1 0 0 0 Evans ph 1 0 0 0

scoreless innings. After entering with a 5.06 ERA, he struck out eight and walkedtwo in his12th start of the season.

Pittsburgh Los Angeles ab r hbi ab r hbi JHrrsnrf 3 0 2 0 DGordn2b 3 0 1 0 Watsonp 0 0 0 0 Figgins3b 3 1 1 0 T abataph 1 0 0 0 Puigrf 4010 Melncnp 0 0 0 0 HRmrzss 4 0 2 1 G rigip 0 0 0 0 Kemplf 4 0 0 0 NWalkr2b 4 0 1 1 VnSlyk1b 3 0 0 0 AMcctcf 3 0 0 0 AdGnzlph-1b1 0 0 0 I.Davis 1b 4 1 2 1 Ethier cf 4 0 1 0 RMartn c 3 0 1 0 Butera c 4 0 1 0 PAlvrz 3b 4 0 0 0 Beckett p 1 0 0 0 SMartelf 2 0 0 0 Romakph 1 0 0 0 Barmesss 3 1 00 Mahlmp 0 0 0 0 Lirianop 2 0 0 0 C.Perezp 0 0 0 0 JuWlsnp 0 0 0 0 JuTrnrph 1 0 0 0 Sniderph-rf 1 0 0 0 BWilsnp 0 0 0 0 H owellp 0 0 0 0 Fdrwczph 1 0 0 0 Totals 30 2 6 2 Totals 3 4 1 7 1 P ittsburgh 051 1 5 5 0 00 — 2 LosAngeles OOO OOO 010 — 1 E—Liriano (1), VanSlyke(1). DP—Los Angeles 1. LOB —Pittsburgh6,LosAngeles8. 28—H.Ramirez

extend his dominant pitching in May, and Asdrubal Cabrera broke a fifth-inning tie with a two-run homer to sendCleveland over Colorado. Kluber gave up a tworun shot to Carlos Gonzalez in the fourth but recorded his third double-figure strikeout gamethis season. He endsthe month 4-0 with a 2.09 ERA insix starts. Kluber finished Maywith 60 strikeouts in 43 innings.

KansasCity Toronto Colorado Cleveland ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi Aokirf 4 0 2 0 Reyesss 5 0 1 0 Blckmncf 4 0 1 0 Bourncf 4 1 2 1 Dysoncf 1 0 0 0 Mecarrlf 5 0 0 0 Dickrsndh 4 1 1 0 Acarerss 4 1 1 2 Infante2b 5 0 0 0 Bautistrf 3 1 2 1 Tlwtzkss 4 0 0 0 Brantlylf 4 2 1 0 Hosmer1b 4 0 0 0 Encrnc1b 2 0 0 0 CGnzlzlf 3 1 1 2 Kipnis2b 4 0 2 0 BButlerdh 4 3 3 0 Lawrie3b-2b 4 0 1 0 Cuddyrrf 4 0 0 0 Chsnhll3b 4 0 2 2 AGordnlf 2 2 1 2 DNavrrdh 5 0 2 0 Mornea1b 3 0 1 0 Giambidh 4 0 1 0 S.Perezc 4 0 0 0 StTllsn2b 3 0 1 0 Rosarioc 3 0 0 0 YGomsc 3 0 0 0 L.caincf-rf 4 1 3 4 JFrncsph-3b 1 0 0 0 Lecurep 0 0 0 0 Culersn3b 3 0 0 0 DvMrprf 3 1 1 0 V alenci3b 4 0 0 0 Kratzc 3 0 1 0 Cozartss 1 0 0 0 LeMahi2b 3 0 1 0 Aguilar1b 3 0 0 0 AEscorss 4 0 0 0 Lindph 1 0 0 0 Totals 35 6 11 6 Totals 3 4 4 7 3 Totals 3 1 2 5 2 Totals 3 35 105 T holec 0 0 0 0 C incinnati 545 5 5 1 0 51 — 5 C olorado 000 2 0 0 500 — 2 P illarcf 3 0 0 0 Arizona 102 001 OOO — 4 17), Ethi e r (9). HR — I.D av i s (4). SB — D .G or don 2 E—Frazier (8), M.Montero(7). DP—Arizona2. I) Cleveland 100 0 4 0 ggx — 5 Gose ph-cf 0 0 0 0 34). CS —J.Harrison (3), ) R.Martin (1). LDB —Cincinnati 3, Arizona 5. 28—Bernadina (3), Colorado1, Cleveland1. LDB —Colorado3, Totals 36 6 9 6 Totals 3 5 1 8 1 IP H R E R BBSO DP — K ansas City 5 1 0 2 0 1 025 — 6 Pollock 2 (15),Inciarte(1). HR—Mesoraco 2 (8). Pittsburgh Cleveland6. 28—Dickerson(6), Brantley(12), ChiSB — B.Hamilton (19), Pollock(8). CS—Bernadina LirianoW,1-5 Toronto 500 510 Ogg — 1 —C.Gonzalez(8), 5 2 - 3 50 0 2 8 senhall (15),Dav.Murphy(11). HR LDB —KansasCity 5, Toronto14. 28—Aoki (8). (1). — SArroyo. (4). Ju.WilsonH,7 1 - 3 0 0 0 0 1 A.cabrera IP H R E R BBSO 3B — Reyes (2). HR—A.Gordon(4), L.cain(2), BauIP H R E R BBSO WatsonH,13 IP H R E R BBSO 1 0 0 0 0 2 Minnesota tista (14).SB—Aoki (7), A.Gordon(3). Cincinnati MelanconH,9 1 2 1 1 0 0 Colorado NolascoW,3-5 6 7 1 1 4 3 IP H R E R BBSO LeakeW,3-4 6 6 4 3 1 4 Grilli S,7-10 2-3 9 5 5 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 NicasioL,5-3 4 11-3 0 0 0 2 0 ThielbarH,3 1 0 0 0 0 0 KansasCity LecureH,7 1 1 0 0 0 2 Kahnle Los Angeles Fien 1 1 0 0 0 2 VargasW,5-2 6 7 1 1 3 7 BroxtonH,5 1 0 0 0 0 0 BeckettL,3-2 5 5 2 2 1 5 Belisle 1 1 0 0 0 1 Perkins 1 1 0 0 0 2 CrowH,5 1 1 0 0 1 0 A.chapman S,6-7 1 0 0 0 0 2 Maholm 1 1 0 0 1 0 Masset 1 0 0 0 0 1 New York K.Herrera 2 0 0 0 3 2 Arizona C.Perez 1 0 0 0 0 1 Cleveland 62-3 7 4 4 0 6 Toronto NunoL,1-2 ArroyoL,4-4 7 9 5 5 1 3 B.Wilson 1 0 0 0 1 0 KluberW,6-3 7 1 - 3 5 2 2 1 12 1 1-3 3 2 2 2 3 Claiborne HappL,4-2 72-3 9 6 6 2 6 E.Marshall 2 2 1 1 0 2 Howell 1 0 0 0 1 1 RzepczynskiH,4 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 HBP —byBecket (S.Marte). Daley 1 0 0 0 0 1 Korecky 11-3 0 0 0 0 0 T—2;40. A—19,826(48,633). Allen S,2-3 1 0 0 0 0 2 T—3:04. A—42,245(49,642). T—3:01.A—21,543(49,282). T—3:25.A—47,503 (56,000). T—3:07. A—25,066(42,487).


Heat overwhelm Pacers toreturn to finals for fourth straight year By Tim Reynolds The Associated Press

MIAMI — For the entirety of the regular season, the

Then came the playoffs. And the question was answered — emphatically.

The Heat became the third supremacy of th e M i ami franchise in NBA history to Heat in the Eastern Confer- reach the title series in four ence was brought into sericonsecutive seasons, a laugh-

ous question by the Indiana Pacers.

er of a conference-title finale getting them there again

Friday night. LeBron James "And we won't take this opand Chris Bosh each scored POT1:unity fOr granted. It'S an 25 points, and Miami elimi- unbelievable franchise, it's nated the Pacers for the third an unbelievable group. And straight year with a 117-92 we know we still have work romp in Game 6 of the East to do, but we won't take this championship series. for granted. We're going "I'm blessed. Very blessed. to four straight Finals and Very humbled," James said. we will never take this for

granted." Dwyane W ade and Rashard Lewis each scored 13 points for Miami, which

home postseason win, going back to the final two games of last season's NBA Finals,

trailed 9-2 before ripping off

leading by 37 at one point. "The group loves to com-

54 of the next 75 points to

pete and loves to compete

erase any doubt by halftime. at the highest level, and be The Heat set a franchise re- pushed to new levels," Heat cord with their 11th straight

coach Erik Spoelstra said.




Fe erer iesto4t roun w ieto emaes ater



r, 1

By Chris Lehourites

Grand Slam champion. Then Tursunov it got difficult," said Federer, who ad- to the women's tournament, where felt a split second of discomfort in his left vanced to the fourth round at Roland third-seeded Agnieszka Radwanska folPARIS — In what seemed like a flash, hip. Garros for the 10th straightyear. "Clear- lowed defending champion Serena Wiland in what surely felt like a flash of And that was it. ly, on the day, it's difficult to hit three liams and Li Na out of the tournament. pain for his opponent, Roger Federer Federer was back on track at the great shots in a row. So I tried to extend That leaves Simona Halep, who plays went from vulnerable to commanding. French Open, on his way to a 7-5, 6-7 the rallies, but serve nice and stay ag- Saturday, as the highest-seeded player It was that quick. (7), 6-2, 6-4 victory and into the second gressive throughout. And I think that in the draw at No. 4. It also leaves 2012 Federerlosta second-set tiebreaker week of a major tournament yet again. was a bit too much for his hip, or what- FrenchOpen champion Maria Sharapo"Everything that was out of his con- ever it was." Friday to Dmitry Tursunov, and that va asthe favorite after her 6-0,6-0 rout surely did not bode well for the 17-time trol, like moving defense, that's when Of course, that's nothing compared Friday.


The Associated Press

Mark Humphrey/The Associated Press

Oregon's Shaun Chase,


Newporl Sislers Ridgeview Baker



OSAAPlayoff s Class 4A

OSAAPlayoff s Class 6A


102 000 0 — 3 NA NA 421 010 x — 0 NA NA

101 001 3 —6 11 1 0000021 — 3 5 0

Softball OSAAPlayoff s Class 4A

Ridgeview Gladstone


000 000 1 — 1 5 1 000 000 0 — 0 3 2

Baseball OSAAPlayoff s Class GA Guarlerlinals

Friday's Games Sheldon 6, Crater 3 Hillsboro2, Clackamas1 Tualatin 9, McMinnville 2 NorthMedford6, LakeOswego1 Semifinals Tuesday'sGames Hillsboroat Sheldon Tualatinat NorthMedford

Guarlerlinals Friday's Games NorthMedford3,GrantsPass2 Westview1,Barlow0 SouthMedford7, Glencoe6 SouthSalem5, Southridge 0 Semifinals Tuesday'sGames Westview atNorth Medford SouthMedfordat SouthSalem

June7atVolcanoesStadium,Keizer,TBA Class 5A Guarlerfinals Friday's Games Sandy3,Marist 2 Sherwood13, Ashland3 HoodRiverValey 5, Pendleton 4 Crescent Valey 23,WestAlbany3 Semifinals Tuesday'sGames SandyatSherwood HoodRiverValey atCrescent Valley Final June7atVolcanoesStadium,Keizer,TBA



Vale atBlanchetCatholic Rainier atDayton Final June 6 at OS USoftball Complex, Corvallis, TBA

Class 2A/1A Guarlerlinals Friday's Games Weston-McE wen10, Pilot Rock0 Bonanza 9, Central Linn3 Union 5,Prospect0 NorthDouglas4, WesternMennonite 0 Semifinals Tuesday'sGames Bonanz aatWeston-McEwen Union atNorthDouglas Final June 6 at OS USoftball Complex, Corvallis, TBA

Class 3A First Round Guarierfinals Friday's Games ValleyCatholic 6, BlanchetCatholic1 Glide 6, Harrisburg 3 Horizon Christian, Tualatin10, PleasantHil 5 Cascade Christian10, St. Mary's Medford 2 Semifinals Tuesday'sGames Glide atValleyCatholic Horizon Christian, Tualatin at CascadeChristian Final June6atVolcanoesStadium,Keizer, TBA

Boys lacrosse OHSLAStatePlayoff s Guarlerlinals Friday's Games OregonEpiscopal12, CentralCatholic 6 Lakeridge 12, Lincoln5 WestLinn13, Sunset7 Jesuit10,Clackamas1 Semifinals Wednesday'sGames AtLakeOswegoHighSchool Lakeridgevs. OreognEpiscopal Jesuit vs.WestLinn Final June7atLakeOswegoHighSchool

Class 2A/1A Guarlerfinals Friday's Games Knappa 5,Portland Christian 3 Weston-McE wen3, UmpquaValleyChristian1 Regis 6,Kennedy6 Monroe16,Dufur10 Semifinals Tuesday'sGames Weston -McEwenatKnappa Regisat Monroe Final June6atVolcanoesStadium,Keizer, TBA

4A quar-

Class 5A Guarlerlinals Friday's Games St. Helens1,Sandy0 Putnam 2, West Albany1 Pendleton 4, Liberly1 HoodRiverValey1, Wilamette0 Semifinals Tuesday'sGames St. HelensatPutnam Pendelton at HoodRiverValey Final June 7 at OS USoftball Complex, Corvallis, TBA

Vale 4,Glide2 BlanchetCatholic 6, Pleasant Hil 3 Ranier 7,Corbett1 Dayton14, Enterprise 1 Semifinals

Friday's Games Sisters 6, Newport 3 NorthMarion12,LaGrance3 Ridgeview 6,Baker 3 Henley6, Philomath3 Semifinals Tuesday'sGames NorthMarionat Sisters Ridgeview at Henley Final June 7atVolcanoesStadium,Keizer,TBA

Outlaws' 8-3 Class terfinai win over

Class 3A Guarlerfinals Friday's Games

Class 4A Guarlerfinals

complete game in

Final June 7 atOSUSoftball Complex, Corvallis, TBA

Class 4A Guarlerlinals Friday's Games Banks5, Mazama4 Henley2,Stayton0 Ridgeview1,Gladstone0 McLoughlin2, Newport 0 Semifinals Tuesday'sGames BanksatHenley Ridgeview atMcLoughlin Final June 7 at OS USoflball Complex, Corvallis, TBA


Sisters High pitcher Justin Harrer struck out five in a

Ducks throttle


on Friday.

The Associated Press

Andy Tunis/ The Bulletin

NASHVILLE, Tenn. Shaun Chase h o mered, -

2 seed Oregon to an 18-1


gan narrowly missed a grand

over 4A opponents this season. Cody Kreminski went 2

slam to left field. Instead, he

Continued from C1 settled for a two-run groundSisters will play at home on rule double to give the OutTtresday in its semifinal con- laws (24-4 overall) a 6-1 test against North Marion of advantage. Aurora. The Cubs (16-9), who The start of Friday's quar- reached the state champiterfinal matchup was delayed onship last year, plated two for more than 30 minutes be- runs in the top of the third cause Newport had bus trou- when Jace Duty smacked a ble en route from the Oregon two-run single up the middle. Coast and was late arriving Sisters got a run back in in Central Oregon. Not only the bottom of the inning that, just after Sisters' four- when Ryan Funk drew a basrun opening frame, thunder es-loaded walk, and Morgan b oomed overhead, and a capitalized on a Newport mandatory 45-minute light- throwing error in th e f ifth ning delay went into effect. to tally the final score of the "I just s aid, 'Hey, stay game. loose,'" Hodges recalled tellBut even with an 8-3 lead ing his players as they waited heading into t h e s eventh, out the weather. "I think it Morgan conceded that he was easier for us being ahead was not certain of the win. Not until

lot more loose."

fired to first for the final out of the contest. " You never k no w w i t h

Even with the delay, the Outlaws, seeded No. 1 in the

for 2 with an RBI, and Harrer

thumping of No. 3 seed Clemson in the Nashville Regional. The Ducks (43-18) collected a season-high 20 hits. Chase hit his 13th homer

struckout five againstjust one walk in the complete-game

of the season — a three-


inning. Tyler Baumgartner followed with a solo shot.

"There was some pressure," said Harrer, who last season logged a complete-game win to send the Outlaws to the semifinals. "I think it's a lot

run blast — in the fourth The Ducks scored three

runs in the second inning to pull ahead for good after allowing Clemson's lone

of fun when you're in that sit-

run in the first.

uation. To come out with the

Oregon's Tommy Thorpe (11-4) scattered five hits and four walks in seven in-

win, there's nothing better.

Knowing your team's behind you and your team's going to make plays ... it's just a great feelingto go out there andpull out a win as a team." S isters moves on to t h e semifinals, where the Out-

laws fell in 2013. The Outlaws will face No. 4 North Marion,

which defeated La Grande 12-3 in another 4A quarterfiground ball at third base and nal game on Friday.

4-1. I think our kids were certainly a lot more confident, a

F un k f i elded a

nings to earn the win. C lemson's M att h e w

Crownover (8-6) struck out seven but allowed eight earned runs in 3 2/3 in-

nings. Crownover had not given up more than four earned runs in any of his previous 29 career starts. Oregon plays t o day against Vanderbilt.

"For us to be able to have

success against these guys," Hodges said, mentioning how Newport had reached the 4A semis in five of the last seven

16-team bracket, picked up

these games, whether you're up by 10 (runs) or one, you never know what's going to years, "that is just a tribute to shut out in the top of the sec- happen in the last inning," our players." "That was just awesome," ond inning, Morgan stepped said Morgan. "So to get that to the plate in the bottom half last out, that was a big relief." Morgan said. "I can't wait to with the bases loaded and noMorgan finished 2 for 3 at playTuesday." body out. the plate for Sisters, which — Reporter: 541-383-0307, Facing a 3-1 count, Mor- picked up its 19th straight win glucrzs@bendbulletin.com. where they left off. After No. 9 Newport was


away pesky Bison, 2-1 Bulletin staff report CORVALLIS

sixth with a two-run home run that made the score 3-2.

4 with one RBI and one run

scored. Mendazona was 2 for 3 with two runs scored and

Continued from C1 The Ravens responded with George Mendazona led off a couple of long balls of their

Softball Continued from C1 t h r ew

great today," Fischer said. "And Paige Davis played really well behind the plate. Paige called the game and they were pretty consistent."

called by Ridgeview, McKinney andherteammates managed to work out of the jam.

the game with a solo home

"Whenever they call their own timeout, I know they are

contest. The Ravens made it 2-0 in the third inning when

settling down," Fischer said. "There was a strikeout, line

out and a pop out. The pop-up was the last out, and it was by

a young lady who had two hits on the Raven defense by get- off of us already. So we had to ting runners on base with pitch (to her carefully)." Gladstone put the pressure

no outs in the bottom of the

seventh. Following a timeout

homer on Friday.

doubled and drove in four runs Friday to lead No.


" Sara M c K i nney

right, is congratulated by third base coach Jay Uhiman after Chase's three-run


No. 6 Ridgeview totaled five hits. Kirsten Hawk was 2 for 3.

the tone-setting leadoff homer, Malott added two RBIs and

own in the seventh as Collin

run, giving Ridgeview a 1-0 Runge's solo homer and Kahl lead just three pitches into the Malott's two-run blast gave

a round-tripper, and Dewolf contributed a double and an RBI.

the Raven's a 6-2 lead. Reitz

gave up a solo home run in the Mitch Springer singled Men- bottom of the seventh before dazona home from second earning the complete-game base, and Garrett Dewolf put vlctory. "So tough," Davis said about Ridgeview up 3-0 in the sixth

"This was probably our best overall game of the year," said Davis, whose team made the 5 t/z-hour bus ride to Baker on

Thursday night. "One walk, and only one error on kind of The Bulldogs (19-9), win- er'smental approach aftergiv- a fluke play. "It was a good, solid ballners of the Greater Oregon ing up the two late home runs. League this spring, narrowed Springer led Ridgeview's game," he added, "but we're the margin in their half of the 11-hit attack by going 3 for not ready to be done yet." with an RBI double.

Reitz and the sophomore hurl-


top-seeded Oregon State

edged North Dakota State 2-1 on Friday in its opening game of the Corvallis Regional. The top-seeded Beavers (43-12) will face No. 3 seed UC-Irvine (36-22) today. M oore alsoshattered the schoolrecord for post-

season strikeouts of 11. He struck out the side in the seventh and eighth, and did not issue a walk.

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drew Moore fanned a career-high 14 in eight innings and Dylan Davis' solo homer in the seventh inning broke a 1-1 tie as

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O< To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbulletin.com/business. Also seearecap in Sunday's Businesssection.



NASDAQ 4,242.62



Saturday, May 31, 2014

S8tP 500 ............ Close: 1,923.57 Change: 3.54 (0.2%)

Production ramping up?

1,9oo "

Orders to U.S. factories advanced strongly in March for a second month in a row. Those gains followed two months of declines in December and January. The reversal suggests what manyeconomists have been saying:Rising demand should boost factory production as the economy emergesfrom a slowdown during a harsh winter. The Commerce Department reports its data on April factory orders on Tuesday.

1,840 " ""'10 DAYS

Factory orders Monthly percent change

1,950 "

1,900 " 1,850 "








est. 0.2%

10YRTNOTE ~ 2.48% ~

+ -.35

GOLD ~ $ 124560 ~ . 1 0 7 0











1 700





StocksRecay Vol. (in mil.) 3,105 1,760 Pvs. Volume 2,653 1,652 Advanced 1580 1016 Declined 1508 1590 New Highs 180 67 New Lows 27 29


DOW DOW Trans. DOW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000

BLOX Express EXPR Close:$1 2.96V-7.56 or -36.8% Close:$12.61 V-1.02 or -7.5% Shares hit an all-time low on news Declining mall traffic and tough that its CEO would step down and competition weighed on the retailer, the network automation company is- with profits falling 84 percent in the sued a very weak outlook. first quarter. $25 $20


15,200" "D


HIGH LOW CLOSE 16721.22 16648.85 16717.17 8113.49 8081.52 8104.57 545.15 539.71 544.96 10760.87 10726.09 10756.31 4252.08 4221.95 4242.62 1924.03 191 6.64 1923.57 1382.15 1375.02 1377.98 20353.95 20279.94 20348.35 1141.73 1130.80 1134.50




CHG. +18.43 -5.78 +4.12 +4.19 -5.33 +3.54 -2.55 +15.36 -5 57

%CHG. WK MO QTR YTD +0.11% +0 85% -0 07% 9 51% +0.76% +11.09% +0.04% 3 42% -0.13% +1.58% +0.18% +4 07% -0.18% +2.64% +0.08% +3.26% -0 49% -2.50%

20 15





$12.$1 ~










ANN Close:$38.87%1.52 or 4.1% Investors overlooked some big restructuring charges and meager salesand focused instead on strong, adjusted quarterly earnings. $45

: " Netflix s rockets

Shares of Netflix led the Standard & Poor's 500 index this month with a gain of 29.7percent. The Internet video service announced last week that it will expand into Germany, France and four other European countries later this year as it tries to build an international following that might eventually surpass its U.S. audience. The additional markets will extend Nefflix's reach into nearly 50 countries,




Source: FactSet

Friday' s close: $417.83



(Based on trailing 12 month results)

T o tal returns through May 30


Total return NFLX S&P 500

YTD 1- Y R 1 3.5% 87. 7 4.8 18.5


5-Y R* 60. 4 18.4

Source: FactSet


PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR SYR 1 3 5 BalA m 25.1 9 + .04 +3.7 +12.6 +12.4+14.6 8 A A CaplncBuA m 61.07 +.13 +5.9 +12.6 +9.7+12.2 A A A CpWldGrlA m 47.56 +.03 +5.3 +17.7 +11.0+13.8 8 0 C NAME EurPacGrA m 50.33 -.01 +2.6 +15.0 +6.8+11.0 8 0 C SiriusXM 855628 3.28 -.04 FnlnvA m 53. 0 4 +.06+3.3 +17.1 +13.5+16.6 D D C iShEMkts 670775 42.55 -.59 GrthAmA m 44.45 -.03 +3.4 +20.1 +14.7+16.4 C 0 D S&P500ETF 645336 192.68 +.31 Hartford DivGrowA m IHGIX IncAmerA m 21.88 +.05 +5.8 +13.6 +11.5+15.0 A A A Facebook 439994 63.30 -.53 InvcoAmA m 38.89 +.02 +6.4 +21.5 +15.2+16.5 A 8 C BkofAm 436547 15.14 -.01 VALUE BL EN D GR OWTH NewPerspA m 38.37 -.01 +2.2 +15.4 +11.4+15.0 C 8 8 Intel 403330 27.32 +.36 WAMutlnvA m41.15 +.11 +4.8 +18.2 +15.7+17.9 8 A 8 Twitter n 389256 32.44 -1.56 iShR2K 374795 112.86 -.51 Dodge & Cox Income 13.95 . . . +4 .3 + 4 . 4 + 4 .7 +6.8 A 0 8 Microsoft 326644 40.94 +.60 IntlStk 45.98 -.17 + 6.8 +21.6 +9.8+14.4 A A A Vale SA 300409 12.75 -.39 Stock 174.41 +.05 +4.0 +22.4 +16.7+19.4 A A A Fidelity Contra 97.00 - . 01 +1.9 +19.1 +14.8+17.8 C B 8 Gainers ContraK 96.9 7 - . 01 +2.0 +19.2 +14.9+18.0 C B 8 NAME LAST CHG %CHG LowPriStk d 50.55 +.08 +2.2 +17.7 +14.4+19.5 C A C Fidelity Spartan 50 0 ldxAdvtg 68.42 +.12 +4.9 +18.7 +15.5+18.4 8 A A Voltari 2.42 +.70 + 4 0.4 DoralFn rs 3.93 +1.11 + 3 9.4 oFrankTemp-Franklin Income C m 2. 57 +.01 +6.8 +13.1 +9.7+14.3 A A A TrovaGnwt 2.79 +.39 + 1 6.3 $$ IncomeA m 2. 5 4 ... +7 .1 + 13.4 +10.2+14.7 A A A Retrophin 14.62 +1.74 + 13.5 cC Oakmark Intl I 27.12 +.03 +3.0 +15.1 +12.2+17.1 8 A A NPS Phm 31.13 +3.68 + 13.4 Co Oppenheimer RisDivA m 20 . 25 +.03+2.9 +14.3 +12.1+14.9 E D E BigLots 42.44 +4.93 + 1 3.1 RisDivB m 18 . 09 +.03+2.5 +13.3 +11.1+13.9 E E E MorningstarOwnershipZone™ KingtoneW 5.40 +.60 + 1 2.5 RisDivc m 17 . 98 +.03+2.5 +13.4 +11.2+14.1 E E E NQ Mobile 7.59 +.80 + 1 1.8 QeFund target represents weighted SmMidValA m46.01 ... +3 .9 + 19.5 +10.1+16.7 C E E OmniVisn 22.48 +2.34 + 1 1.6 average of stock holdings ChenEHld n 26.76 +2.76 + 1 1.5 • Represents 75% of fund's stock holdings SmMidValB m38.70 -.01 +3.6 +18.5 +9.1+15.7 C E E T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 33.8 9 +.05 +3.8 +15.1 +14.1+17.6 D C 8 Losers CATEGORY Large Value GrowStk 52.8 6 - . 04 +0.6 +22.8 +16.0+19.2 A A A NAME L AST C H G %C HG MORNINGSTAR HealthSci 61.8 4 - . 05 +7.0 +30.7 +25.6+28.6 A A A RATING™ *** @@ 177.97 +.32 +4.9 + 187 +155+184 8 A A Infoblox 12.96 -7.56 -36.8 Vanguard 500Adml ASSETS $3,689 million PacSunwr 2.42 -.52 -17.7 500lnv 177.94 +.33 +4.9 + 18.5 +15.4+18 2 8 0 8 Splunk 41.86 -8.18 -16.3 EXP RATIO 1.05% 500Sgnl 147.01 +.27 +4.9 + 18.7 +15.5+184 8 A A -.40 -15.3 Envivio 2.22 Cap0p 49.01 -.03 +6.1 + 21.3 +16.6+189 8 A A MANAGER Donald Kilbride -.50 -15.2 ecncom h 2.80 Eqlnc 31.17 +.08 +5.5 + 169 +164+193 C A A SINCE 201 0-03-01 IntlStkldxAdm 28.94 -.04 +4.1 + 137 +53 N A C D RETURNS3-MO +4.5 Foreign Markets StratgcEq 31.75 +5.8 + 24.8 +17.2+22.7 A A A YTD +5.5 TgtRe2020 28.21 -.01 +4.1 + 11.5 +9.1+12.6 A A 8 NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +17.5 Tgtet2025 16.40 +4.1 + 12.7 +9.7+13.4 8 A 8 Paris -10.94 -.24 4,519.57 3-YR ANNL +14.0 TotBdAdml 10.84 -.01 +3.8 +2.3 +3.5 +4.8 C D D -.39 London 6,844.51 -26.78 5-YR-ANNL +16.2 Totlntl 17.30 -.03 +4.0 +13.6 +5.3+10.3 C D D Frankfurt 9,943.27 +4.37 + . 04 TotStlAdm 48.49 +.04 +4.3 + 18.9 +15.2+18.9 8 8 A Hong Kong23,081.65 + 71.51 + . 31 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT TotStldx 48.47 +.04 +4.3 + 18.8 +15.1+18.8 8 8 A Mexico 41,362.51 -647.41 -1.54 Wells Fargo & Co 4.61 Milan 21,629.71 +118.36 + . 55 USGro 29.56 +.01 +3.0 + 22.3 +15.3+17.8 8 A 8 3.62 Tokyo -49.34 -.34 Merck & Co Inc 14,632.38 Welltn 39.58 +.06 +5.0 +12.8 +11.6+13.7 A A 8 2.83 Stockholm 1,402.08 + 9.23 + . 66 JPMorgan Chase &Co Fund Footnotes: b - Feecovering market costs is paid from fund assets. d — Deferred sales charge, or redemption Sydney -25.40 -.46 Microsoft Corp 2.77 fee. f — 5,473.80 front load (sales charges). m - Multiple fees arecharged, usually a marketing fee andeither a sales or -.37 Verizon Communications Inc Zurich 8,674.52 -31.98 2.58 redemption fee. Source: Morningstar.

Hartford Dividend & Growth FAMILY is in the top 25 percent of the American Funds large-cap value fund category Most Active this year; its 10-year performance VOL (ggs) LAST CHG also ranks in the top quartile. A. Veiga, J. Sohn • AP




52-week range


P E:8 . 2 Yield: ...

Exelon EXC Close:$36.83 %0.77 or 2.1% The large utility was upgraded by Jefferies & Co., which cited the improving commodity outlook for power prices. $40 35



52-week range


$4$.$$ $26.45 $36.85 PE: 18 . 0 Vol.:8.1m (1.1x avg.) P E:1 8 . 4 Yield:... Mkt. Cap:$31.63b Yie l d: 3.4%

$$$.$$ ~ Vol.:1.8m (1.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$1.81 b

Madison Sq.Garden


Close: $54.85%1.75 or 3.3% The New York Rangers advanced to the Stanley Cup finals for the first time in 20 years, meaning more games at the Garden. $60 55 50


GOOG Close:$569.89%-0.1 9 or flat The world's dominant search engine bowed to European pressure to allow people to erase unflattering information from search results. $600 550 500

M A 52-week range $4$.1$~

M $$$ .$0

Vol.:2.3m (3.0x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$3.49 b

M A 52-week range



$ $$4 .$$

PE:2 6 . 9 Vol.:1.7m (1.1x avg.)

PE: 15 . 5 Yield : ...


OmniVision Tech.

OVTI Close:$22.48A2.34 or 11.6% Big gross margins, an improved cash balance and falling inventories

pushedthe image sensor company beyond quarterly expectations. $25

Mkt. Cap:$188.82 b

Pacific Sunwear PSUN Close:$2.42 Y-0.52 or -17.7% A pessimistic outlook overshadowed a strong quarter in which comparable-store sales jumped by 3 percent during a rough winter. $3.5 3.0



Vol.:8.8m (6.3x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$1.26 b


2.5 2.0




52-week range $2$ .$$

$24$ ~

$4 $$

PE:1 5 .5 Vol.:3.3m (9.0x avg.) Yield:... Mkt. Cap:$168.97 m

P E: .. . Yield : ...

SOURCE: Sungard


including 13 in Europe. The other countries on Nefflix's expansion list are Switzerland, Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg. The Los Gatos, California company, made its European debut in 2012 in the U.K. and Ireland. Nefflix ended March with 35.7 million U.S. subscribers and an additional 12.7 million customers in the rest of the world. It has set a long-term goal of 60 million to 90 million U.S. subscribers and more than 100 million internationally.



35 M


Vol.:12.4m (6.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$1.06 b


$1$.$$ ~



+34. 2 + 7 9. 7 7 6 3 1 2 1 . 0 0 +11. 1 +2 6 .1 1 007 16 1 . 2 7 -2.8 +12.7 43655 20 0 . 04 -49.1 - 19.9 4 5 21 0. 7 2 -0.9 +38.8 2662 2 3 2 . 92 -17.0 -23.4 26 0 4 -9.9 +1 7.4 1 3 8 1 9 0 .48a +6.1 +4 2 . 5 78 27 1.1 2 -2.5 + 2 . 2 2 486 2 6 1 .42f -32.9 +46.4 7 4 58 + 1 6.0 + 4 4.2 1 023 2 5 0. 4 0 +19. 7 +3 5 .6 12085 12 0 . 64 +5.3 +14 . 8 40333 15 0 . 90 +2.0 +29 . 3 7 639 13 0 . 26f +20. 8 +3 7 .6 2 81 2 16 0 . 66 +44. 1 + 5 8. 8 7 1 1 5 3 -23.3 -20.2 3550 22 +1 0.9 +32.2 603 23 0.71 -12.0 + 1 7.2 7 6 1 1 7 0. 2 0 +9.4 +18 .7 32664 15 1 . 1 2 -2.2 + 2 3.2 2 509 26 0. 9 6 +10.1 +16 .5 1 3 97 1 8 1. 3 2 +5.7 +9.3 74 2 1 1.84 +7.1 +20 .7 1 103 19 0 .88f -13.0 +25.6 2 0 dd -3.0 -4.3 1390 39 1 . 76 - 6.1 +20.1 6 1 0 2 1 0 . 1 2 +17 .8 +66.0 2290 3 0.92f - 23.7 + 0 . 3 2 2 4 d d 0 . 7 5 +11. 5 +8. 1 43 1 2 7 2. 2 0 -9.3 +37.1 1 0 2 1 2 1 . 10f -6.6 +16.5 3221 3 0 1 . 04 +86. 6 + 121.6 1709 dd -13.4 +26.7 1079 20 0.60a +4.4 +21. 6 5 4 49 1 4 0. 9 2 -10.6 +22.2 4 25 14 0 . 4 0 +11.9 +26 .4 14978 13 1 .40f -0.5 + 5 . 3 3 919 2 7 0 . 88

Olvldend Footnotes: a -Extra dividends werepaid, itut are not included. it - Annualrate plus stock. c -Liquidating dividend. e -Amount declared or paid inlast12 months. f - Current annual rate, whichwasincreased bymost recentdividendannouncement. i - Sum of dividends paidafter stock split, no regular rate. I - Sumof dividends paidthis year.Most recent dividend wasomitted or deferred. k - Declared or paidthis year, acumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m - Current annualrate, which wasdecreasedbymost recentdividend announcement. p - Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r - Declared or paid in preceding 12months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distriitution date. PE Footnotes: q - Stock is a closed-end fund - no P/Eratio shown. cc - P/Eexceeds99. dd - Loss in last12 months.

Price-earnings ratio: 157


P E: . . Yield : ..

52-week range

Netflix (NFLX)



52-week range $48.97

Vol.:30.0m (17.6x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$698.19 m


Nonfarm payroiis monthlychange inthousands



Spotlight on jobs

U.S. employers have ramped up hiring this year, a trend that has helped drive down the unemployment rate to 6.3 percent. Employers added 288,000 jobs in April, the biggest hiring surge in two years. All told, employers added an average of 214,000 jobs a month between January and April. That's up from 194,000 last year. Did hiring pick up strongly again in May? Find out on Friday, when the government reports its latest monthly job figures.


52-week range


NAME A x Alaska Air Group ALK 50.31 — o 10 0.09 9 8.46 - .95 -1.0 x A A VA 25.55 ~ 32.94 3 1. 3 1 -.84 -2.6 W W Source: FactSet Avista Corp Bank of America BAC 12 . 13 tt— 18. 03 15 . 14 -.01 -0.1 > W V Barrett Business BB S I 4 1,96 o — 102 , 20 4 7 .16 + . 27 +0.6 A W W Boeing Co BA 9 6 .31 ~ 144. 5 7 13 5 .25 + . 11 +0.1 X A X Cascade Bancorp CA C B 4 , 15o — 6,95 4.34 +.0 1 + 0.2 A W V Trade gap monitor Columbia Bnkg C D L B 21.46 ~ 30. 36 24.77 +.02+0.1 A W W A The Commerce Department reports Columbia Sportswear COLM 55.58 t t- 89. 9 6 8 3 . 57 - .09 -0.1 A A C O ST 107.38 tt — 126.12 116.02 +1.88 +1.6 A + on Wednesday its latest tally of the Costco Wholesale Craft BrewAlliance BREW 7.40 ~ 18.70 11. 0 1 + . 0 3 + 0.3 V W V nation's trade deficit. F LIR 23.58 ~ 37.42 3 4.9 1 -.03 -0.1 A W W Economists predict the trade gap FLIRSystems A A Hewlett Packard HPQ 2 0 . 25 — o 34.09 33.50 -.14 -0.4 V widened slightly in April to $40.8 Intel Corp INTC 21.89 ~ 27.2 4 27. 3 2 +. 3 6 +1.3 A 4 A billion from $40.4 billion a month Keycorp K EY 10.24 ~ 14.70 13. 6 9 +. 0 6 +0.4 A X W earlier, when a pickup in exports, Kroger Co KR 3 2 .77 — o 47.90 47 .74 +1.04 +2.2 x A x led by strong gains in sales of W A Lattice Semi LSCC 4.17 ~ 9.19 7.91 - .06 -0.8 aircraft, autos and farm goods, LA Pacific LPX 13.77 o — 19.4 3 14. 2 0 -.42 -2.9 V W V helped cut the imbalance from a MDU Resources MDU 24 .09 tt - 36.05 33.88 +.33 +1.0 W W W five-month high. A smaller trade A V MentorG raphics M EN T 1 8.42 ~ 24.31 2 1. 1 9 -.37 -1.7 V deficit can boost growth because it Microsoft Corp MSFT 30.84 ~ 41.6 6 40. 9 4 +. 6 0 +1.5 A X W means U.S. companies are earning Nike Inc 8 N KE 59.11 ~ 80.26 76.9 1 +. 5 3 +0 .7 X A X more on their overseas sales. Nordstrom Inc JWN 54.90 t t- 70.7 1 68. 0 6 + . 2 8 + 0 .4 A 4 A Nwst Nat Gas NWN 39.96 — o 45.20 45 .27 + . 14 +0.3 X A X W PaccarInc PCAR 51.13 ~ 68.81 6 3. 3 6 -.06 -0.1 A X Planar Systms P LNR 1.55 ~ 2.93 2.21 +.0 5 +2 .3 A 4 A Plum Creek P CL 40.57 ~ 52.41 4 5. 1 0 -.04 -0.1 A > A Prec Castparts PCP 207.47 ~ 274. 9 6 25 2.98 + . 08 . .. a W a Safeway Inc SWY 19.92 tt - 36.03 34.34 +.13 +0.4 A 4 A SchnitzerS teel S CHN 2 3 .12 ~ 33.32 2 4. 9 2 -.40 -1.6 V W V Sherwin Wms SHW 163.63 ~ 208. 6 3 20 4.61 +1.24 + 0.6 A 4 A W V Stancorp Fncl S FG 43.86 ~ 69.51 60 . 1 0 -.32 -0.5 > StarbucksCp SBUX 62.31 ~ 82.50 73 . 2 4 + . 1 3 +0.2 A X W A L Triquint Semi TQNT 6.66 — o 16.19 15.56 -.06 -0.4 V $ UmpquaHoldings UM PQ 13.28 ~ 1 9.6 5 16.57 -.08 -0.5 W + W US Bancorp U SB 34.80 ~ 43.66 42.1 9 +. 1 6 + 0 .4 X A V WashingtonFedl WA F D 16.87 ~ 2 4.5 3 20.83 +.08+ 0.4 A W W WellsFargo & Co WF C 3 9.40 — o 50.70 50 .78 + . 5 1 +1 .0 L A L Weyerhaeuser WY 2 6.3 8 $$- 32. 5 5 3 1 .4 2 + . 1 5 +0.5 A > A


15 M

MorthwestStocks N

EURO +.0033 1.3636+

+ -.87 '

Major stock indexes drifted to an uneven finish Friday as investors digested a batch of lackluster economic data. The Commerce Department reported that consumer spending unexpectedly fell 0.1 percent in April. In a separate report, the University of Michigan's consumer sentiment index for May fell more than analysts were expecting. The Dow Jones industrial average and the Standard & Poor's 500 index each ended slightly higher for the day, while the Nasdaq composite edged lower. The indexes all finished higher for the week and month. Investors are looking ahead to new monthly data on U.S. unemployment and hiring next Friday.

1,800. 1,750 "


Dow Jones industrials Close 16 717 17 Change: 18.43 (0.1%)

16 540 16,320" '"""10 DAYS ""'""




3 54



3-month T-bill 6 -month T-bill 52-wk T-bill

The yield on the 10-year Treasury rose to 2.48 percent Friday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans.

. 0 3 .0 3 . 0 5 .05 .09 .09


2 -year T-note . 3 8 .38 ... A 5-year T-note 1.54 1.53 +0.01 A 10-year T-note 2.48 2.47 +0.01 v 30-year T-bond 3.33 3.33 BONDS

The price of oil slipped below $103 per barrel Friday, pulled down partly by falling prices of wholesale gasoline and heating oil. Among metals, gold, silver and platinum fell.

Foreign Exchange The dollar weakened versus the euro and the

Japanese yen. The ICE U.S. Dollar Index, which compares the dollar against a basket

of major currencies, declined.

h5Q QS







T 2 11 .


T 3 2. 9

.06 .12 L A .30 W L 1 01 .


Barclays LongT-Bdldx 3.11 3.10 +0.01 Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.49 4.48 +0.01 Barclays USAggregate 2.17 2.15 +0.02 PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 5.02 5.03 -0.01 RATE FUNDS MoodysAAACorpldx 4.15 4.13+0.02 YEST3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.74 1.73 +0.01 6 MO AGO3.25 .13 Barclays US Corp 2 .85 2.84 +0.01 1 YR AGO3.25 .13






3.00 4.25 2.05 5.65 4.04 1.26 2.87

CLOSE PVS. Crude Oil (bbl) 102.71 103.58 Ethanol (gal) 2.37 2.38 Heating Oil (gal) 2.88 2.92 Natural Gas(mmbtu) 4.54 4.56 UnleadedGas(gal) 3.00 3.01

%CH. %YTD - 0.84 + 4 . 4 +0.21 +24.0 -6.3 -1.18 - 0.37 + 7 . 4 - 0.57 + 7.6


%CH. %YTD - 0.85 + 3 . 6 -1.74 -3.6 - 0.51 + 6 .0 -0.55 -8.9 +0.22 +1 6.5


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 1245.60 1256.30 18.65 19.00 1452.70 1460.10 3.14 3.15 835.65 833.80


CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Cattle (Ib) 1.38 1.38 - 0.16 + 2 . 5 Coffee (Ib) 1.78 1.82 -2.45 +60.3 4.66 4.70 -0.80 +1 0.4 Corn (bu) Cotton (Ib) 0.86 0.86 + 0.14 + 1 .9 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 312.30 312.10 +0.06 -1 3.3 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.59 1.56 +2.11 +1 6.8 Soybeans (bu) 14.93 14.99 -0.38 +1 3.8 Wheat(bu) 6.27 6.33 - 0.83 + 3 . 6 1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6764 +.0045 +.27% 1.5217 Canadian Dollar 1.0 8 4 5 + .0004 +.04% 1.0302 USD per Euro 1.3636 +.0033 +.24% 1 .3043 JapaneseYen 101.72 -.00 -.00% 100.96 Mexican Peso 12. 8 550 +.0158 +.12% 12.7790 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.4739 +.0012 +.03% 3.6838 Norwegian Krone 5 . 9 734 +.0073 +.12% 5.8261 South African Rand 10.5742 +.1586 +1.50% 10.0302 Swedish Krona 6.6 8 6 5 + .0392 +.59% 6.5625 Swiss Franc .8950 -.0026 -.29% . 9 538 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar 1.0748 -.001 3 -.12% 1.0342 Chinese Yuan 6.2475 +.0088 $-.14% 6.1355 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7529 -.0000 - 00% 7.7637 Indian Rupee 59.330 +.415 70% 56 390 Singapore Dollar 1.2543 -.0005 - 04% 1.2577 South KoreanWon 1021.36 +1.54 $-.15% 1128.60 Taiwan Dollar 3 0.06 + . 0 9 $- 30% 30.06

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THE MOVE • Better Homes andGarden Real Estate Northwest Living addedVince Bishopas its newest broker. Bishop hasover 30 years of experiencein ~ 4' m a nagement, salesand supervision, including 16 Blshpp years in the construction field. • Fred recently joined Duke Johnson Warner Realty for a second time Johnson worked with Duke Warner for nearly10 McVicker years in the 1990s. • Bend law firm Karnopp Petersen LLP hired Suzanne Rgey McVickeras its newest attorney in the firm's estate planning department. She previously worked for six years with Shaftel Law Offices PC inAnchorage, Alaska, advising trustees andpersonal representatives of medium to large estates. • Sunlight Solar Energy added two newemployees this spring.Kelly Riley joinsasthecompany's first contact and brings a background in sustainable farming, building and business ownership.Kim Wilsonjoins as outreach director and brings over 13 years of experience working with information technology.

BEST OFTHE BIZ CALENDAR MONDAY • Realthcare IT Technician:Preparation for the CompTIA HIT-001 Certification exam. Learn to study in compliance with all the changing rules and regulations and the computer operations that make this possible. Registration required; $449; 5:30-6:30 p.m.; COCCChandler Building, 1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7270. WEDNESDAY • Business Startup Class: Learn to run a business, reach your customer base, find funding options, assess how much money you need to start and understand legalities involved; registration required; $29; 6-8 p.m.; COCCChandler Building, 1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7290. THURSDAY • Team Development for Greater Productivity: Increase collaboration to achieve company objectives. Registration required; $95; 6 a.m.noon; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7270. • Build YourBusiness Website with WerdPress II:Learn to modify themes, customize content, use advanced plugins, understand searchengine optimization and discover WordPress E-commerce. Registration required; $129; 9 a.m.noon; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7270. • Business Continuity/ Disaster Planning: Learn to be prepared for unexpected events and disasters. Registration required; $69; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E. College Loop, Redmond; 541-383-7270. • Soil Fertility, Health and Sustainability: Central Oregon Wine and Grape Growers Association meeting; learn the benefits of soil management, cover cropping and how it can help build health and sustainable soils; please RSVP; 6 p.m.; Oregon State University Extension Service, 3893 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 541-280-6243 or khd@ rnchatthecanyons.com. FRIDAY • Construction Contractor

ac eor owner ow I aes oses case over sis er resor oriSe PACIFIC POWER


By Rachael Rees

a ain

The Bulletin

A Utah judge has ruled against Powdr Corp.— parent company of Park City Mountain Resort and Mt.

Bachelor ski area — in Powdr's fight to continue leasing

By Joseph Ditzler The Bulletin

its Park City, Utah, ski runs.

Pacific Power custom-

But Powdr has no plans of giving up control of the 114

ers in Central Oregon will see an increase in

runs at Park City Mountain

their monthly residential

Resort and expects the resort will operate as usual in the

electricity bills of $1.58, on average, starting Sun-

2014-15 ski season. Park City Mountain Resort

day, thanks to the timely

leases most of the land where

in Utah.

the ski runs are located, al-

The Oregon Public Utility Commission originally approvedtheincrease

addition of a power plant

though it owns the base area, parking lots, ski lifts and snow-making infrastructure. Park City Mountain Resort

in December, but said it

could not go into effect until PacifiCorp, Pacific Power's parent company, brought its Lake Side 2 power plant online. A

let that lease lapse, the judge ruled May 21. The landowner, Talisker Land Holdings, had already rented to a new tenant, Vail Resorts.

utility may not collect

Alan Sullivan, Park City Mountain Resort's law-

Photo courtesy of Park City Mountain Resort

Park City Mountain Resort, owned by Powdr Corp., overlooks the community of Park City, Utah. A

Utah judge has ruled against Powdr, which also ownsMt. Bachelor, in a legal battle over leasing rights yer, said his client plans to appeal. to most of the skiing terrain at Park City Mountain Resorts. "The next step for us is going to be to appeal the judge's ruling," Sullivan said. Regard- "The next step for us is going to be to appeal the judge's ruling. Vail still less of who wins on appeal, needs to deal with us. It would be impossible to operate a ski resort Sullivan said, "Vail still needs

to deal with us. It would be

without the base facilities that are owned by Powdr."

impossible to operate a ski resort without the base facilities that are owned by Powdr." Representatives of Vail Re-

sorts could not be reached for comment. Bill Malone, president of

— Alan Sullivan, lawyer for Park City Mountain Resort

all successful, totaling more than 1.8 million skier days. He did not have the break-

the Park City Chamber of Commerce & Convention

down for Park City Mountain Resort's skier days. He ex-

and Visitors Bureau, said the three ski resorts in town are

pects them all to be operating

"The likelihood of going dark, doesn't seem like it

would be a high potential," he said. "We're just working under the assumption that the

Resort closed temporarily, he said, it would impact the community. But, he said, he didn't know the extent of the impact.

two parties would negotiate."

in the upcoming season.

— Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulletin.com

If Park City Mountain

its costs to build a power plant from ratepayers until the plant actually provides

electricity to consumers, according to state law. However, when the PUC

met Tuesday, Lake Side 2 was not yet in service, so

commissioners set a noon Friday deadline to bring the plant online. If Pacifi-

Corp missed the deadline, it would have had to refile its rate request. CH2MHill built the nat-

ural gas-fired plant at a site 40 miles south of Salt

Lake City adjacent to the existing 558-megawatt Lake Side power plant. The PUC also approved a separate, 1.5 percent increase in December that took effect Jan. 1. To-

Target CEQ:Breachprompted Southwest changes inbusinessapproach fined for misleading fare ads

gether, the two rate hikes — the fifth and sixth

increases approved for Pacific Power since 2010 — add about $3 to the bill

for homeowners using 900 kilowatt-hours a month. Commercial and industri-

al customers will also pay more, according to sepa-

By Matt Townsend

ing to improve lackluster re-

tions get a lot of attention,

Bloomberg News

sults in the United States and

a botched expansion to Canada before hackers infiltrated

the chain's ability to apply its cheap chic mantra to basic

rate rate schedules.

NEW YORK — Target Corp. Interim Chief Execu-

products is what set it apart,

lowed Pacific Power to re-

tive Officer John Mulligan

its computer systems. At a test store in Minneap-

he said. "People equate that with the big designer things," Mulligan said. "Those are important, but that's frosting.

cover $21.9 million of the Lake Side 2 construction

said Friday that the retailer

had lost its way even before December's massive data breach by becoming too cautious and bureaucratic. The theft ofcredit-card data for 40 million customers

has forced the company to refocus on pleasing shoppers and reconsider everything from howitpresentsapparel to how it makes decisions, Mulligan said in an interview. "That came out of it, but I would have preferred to have

olis, Target is reworking the baby, electronics, toys and clothing sections because presentations had become stale, Mulligan said. The changes include opening up floor plans, improving lighting and introducing mannequins, which were used for the first time two years ago with the debut of its

smaller CityTarget locations. The remodeled baby area went from initial concept to

gotten there a different way,"

introduction at 200 stores this

he said. "We got a little bit risk-averse in making sure things were perfect and we understood the economics. Now, it's really unshackling ourselves."

summer in seven months,

Mulligan said. "We are accelerating how we make decisions,"

by giving design and store teams moreautonomy and

Earlier this month, Mul-

requiring fewer initiatives to

ligan, an 18-year veteran of the second-largest U.S. discount retailer, was promoted from chief financial officer to replace Gregg Steinhafel as CEO on an interim basis while the company searches forapermanent replacement. Target had already been try-

be approved by top management, Mulligan said. "It's just getting more comfortable putting things out there." The moves are all part

Course:Two-day testprep course that meets the Oregon Construction Contractors Board testeducation requirement. Continues June7. Pre-payment required; $305, includes Oregon Contractor's Reference Manual; 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E. College Loop, Redmond; 541-383-7290 or ccb©cocc.edu. JUNE9 • Find YourCareer in Real Estate:Seminar with Jim Mazziotti, principal managing broker at Exit Realty; RSVPvia email; free; 6 p.m.; Exit Realty Bend, 354 N.E. Greenwood Ave., No. 100; 541-460-

of an attempt to get Target

back to its roots of upscale discounting, Mulligan said. While its design collabora-

8635 or soarwithexit© gmail.com. JUNE 11 • Ribbon Cutting:Free; 4:30 p.m.; Wild Ride Brewing Co., 332 S.W. Fifth St., Redmond; 541-6 I0-2520. • Hewte Select the Right Franchise:Is franchise ownership right for you? Learn to choose a franchise, arrange financing and other details; free; pre-registration is required; 6-9 p.m.; COOO Chandler Building,1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; 54 I-383-7290. • Illustrator, Create a CustomDesigned Water Bottle:Use Adobe lllustratorto create personalized vector

The commission al-

By Hugo Martin

costs from Oregon rate-

Los Ange(esTimes

That's the secret sauce. That

too good to be true: $59 for

was our success." Shares of Minneapo-

flights from Atlanta to Los

payers, about $1.1 million less than the company originally sought. Pacific Power agreed last year to seek no further increases

Angeles, Chicago or New York. They were.

before January2016. The total cost to build the plant

It's the everyday innovation.

The fares advertised by Southwest Airlines sounded

lis-based Target had fallen 12 percent this year through Thursday. That compares with a 3.4 percent drop for

to book the fares, they found no seats available on those

larger rival Wal-Mart Stores


Inc. and a 3.9percent increase for the Standard &

The U.S. Department of Transportation announced $200,000 in fines Thursday against the Dallas carrier for violating the federal full-fare advertising rule. The regulation requires airlines to display the full cost of all fares, including taxes and fees. Airlines that advertise

Poor's 500 Index. Target last week cut its

annual earnings forecast to $3.60 to $3.90 a share, down from a previous range of as much as $4.15. It projected adjusted earnings of 85 cents to $1 a share for the second quarter, compared with an

When would-be fliers tried

was unavailable Friday. Lake Side 2 produces

approximately 637 megawatts, enough to power approximately326,000 homes, according to the PacifiCorp website. PacifiCorp plans to build no more power plants for the next 10

fares for specific routes must also offer a "reasonable num-

years, company spokesman Bob Gravely wrote in an email Friday. Lake Side 2 produces about half the emissions of a coal-fired plant, he

$1.03. The company is holding off

bers of seats" for those flights.


In addition to the fine issued

The rate increase af-

on stock buybacks as it works

Thursday, the agency ordered the airline to pay a $100,000

fects about 587,000 cus-

penalty that had been sus-

wrote. — Reporter: 541-617-7815,

average estimate of about

on its comeback. The retailer said it probably won't repurchase more stock before the

second half of the year.

artworkfor a custom, laser-engraved Hydro Flask water bottle while learning the fundamentals of the software. Registration required; $125; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-383-7270. JUNE 12 • State of the Community Address:Discuss how community stakeholders are managing tax dollars and preparing for the future. Bring questions or send them in advance to jamie©bendchamber. org. Registration7 a.m. $25 Bend Chamber of Commerce members; $35 nonmembers; 7:45-9:15 a.m.; The Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850

N.W. Rippling River Court, Bend; 541-369-3111 or www.bendchamber.org. JUNE17 • Business After Hoursand Ribbon Cutting:Free; 4:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Life Flight Network, 743 S.E. Salmon, Redmond; 541-260-1224. • Online Marketing with Facedook:Learn to use Facebook to market and advertise your business and create an online brand presence on the social media site. Registration required; $69; 9 a.m.-noon; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-363-7270. • For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visitbendbulletin.cem/bizcal

pended after a previous violation of the same rule.

tomers in Oregon, Gravely jditzler@bendbulletin.com

Consumerspendingwanes By Jim Puzzanghera Los Angeles Times


day to a 1 percent gain. That was the best performance since August 2009.

cans surprisingly spent less in

Economists did not expect

April, the first monthly drop in

consumers to keep up the March pace. But forecasts still called for spending to grow by 0.2 percent last month.

a year and a potentially worrisome sign for an economic rebound after a slow winter. Consumer spending was down $8.1 billion, or

Part of the reason for the decline, the first since a 0.2

0.1 percent, last month, the

percent drop in April 2013,

Commerce Department said Friday. The decrease came after strong spending growth in March, revised up slightly Fri-

could be that personal income

growth was down. Incomes rose 0.3 percent compared toa 0.5 percent in-

crease in March.

IN THE BACK ADVICE Ee ENTERTAINMENT W Religious services, D2-3 Volunteer search, D4 Support groups, D5 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, MAY 31, 2014

O www.bendbulletin.com/community


Lett e

Local vets headed to WWII memorial Residents are invited to celebrate Central Oregon veterans of World War II on Friday asthey leave Bend ontheir way to the dedication of the new WWII memorial in Salem. June 6 is also the 70th anniversary of the D-Day invasion in France, which marked the beginning of the end of the war. Local vets havebeen instrumental in raising money for the Salem memorial, and many WWII vets are in their

t j'll l Iii~i4~>

awn ames e in



By William Hageman


Chicago Tribune

The best part of sum-

mer isn't the long, warm days, or the cookouts, or the opportunity to putter

in the garden. It's the lawn games. Why? Lawn games epitomize summer. And they are so superior


The local procession will leave the Jake's Diner parking lot at 8 a.m. and will proceed west on U.S. Highway 20 and north on Third Street out of town. Motorcycles of the Oregon Veterans Motorcycle Association will be escorting the vets all the way to the event in Salem.DeschutesCounty Sheriff's Office buses will be transporting the vets. Residents are encouraged to seethevets off by waving hands or flags at them asthey depart. Contact: Lyle Hicks,

to other sports. Socks

and shoes are generally optional. Participants often play with a cold beverage in one hand. Photos by Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

The Nelson family includes, from left, Eva, Isaac, Isaiah, Ella, lan and Nina. The family of six are living in a converted school bus.

your fellow competitors won't be impressed;

they'll just put you in charge of the beer runs. Granted, lawn games may lack the heated competition of toe wrestling or the crowd-pleasing pageantry of bog snorkeling, but these are sports nonetheless,

Free activities at fitness center


sports that people love. People like Brooks

• 11-1:50 a.m.— Getting Started in Yoga • 6-7 p.m.— Active Isolated Stretching Clinic • 7-8 p.m.— Getting Ready to RaceTriathlon Thursday • 4:30-5:15 p.m. Strong Supple Feet Clinic • 6:30-7:30 p.m. — Getting Started in Pilates Friday • 10-11 a.m.— Getting Started in Weight Training Snturdny 11:15 a.m.-noonWater Fitness Clinic All programs are free and no registration is required. For additional program information and schedules, visit www.bendparksandrec. org or call 541-389-

and green curtains. Ian Nelson built a removable countertop to place on top of the stove when it is not in use.

ular — and some of the

more obscure — lawn diversions.

• A family of 6 decidedto ditch the clutter anddownsizetheir hometoaconvertedschoolbus

The former includes

horseshoes, badminton and croquet. The latter, KanJam, stump and


petanque (pronounced pay-tonk). For the un-

The Bunetin

initiated, KanJam is a

CULVERiving in a

Frisbee game. Stump — or "nails," as it is

c l uttered house with too

much stuff and too much debt made

calledin some areas of

Nina Nelson feel stressed and out of

the country — involves pounding nails into a

control. She began to simplify life for herself, her husband and their four children. With each item she got rid of and each bill she

tree stump. People take

likes having her family, often literally, within

paid off, she felt more relaxed and at peace. arm's reach. So step-by-step, bit-by-bit Nelson changed her Getting to the bus family's way of life. That path led her to where she is now: living Growing up in Culver, Nelson pictured living in a converted school bus. a typical life, and for a while that's just what she Nelson shares the 294-square-footspace had. After meeting and marrying her husband, with her husband, Ian, and four children, Isaac, they worked regular jobs as a firefighter and 9, Eva, 6, Ella, 5, and Isaiah, 4. nurse's aide and owned a house. Nelson calls The bus, which is still undergoing finishing this life "lame." "We accumulateda bunch of stuffand a touches, sits next to the home where Nelson's parents live on a large herb farm south of Cul- whole bunch of debt," she said. They didn't have ver. While the space can feel small sometimes

many friends and "just weren't really intention-

(Nelson jokes that she misses doors), she also al about anything." Pregnant with her third child, Nelson, now 29, felt stressed. She knew she didn't want to

keep working with three young children, but she also wanted to get out of debt. They attended a workshop about Dave Ramsey, afinan-


7665. — From staff reports

By" (Chronicle Books), in which he examines some of the most pop-

The kitchen on the bus includes a full-size sink, bright white tiles



Butler Hays, who has written "Balls on the Lawn: Games to Live


..4ig '-'4>

• 10:30-11:15 a.m.

TRX Clinic • 11:15 a.m.- noonNordic Walking Clinic • 6-7 p.m.— Wellness Oils Clinic Tuesday • 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.— Foam Roller Clinic Wednesday • 9-10 a.m.— Ask

cial coach who encourages people to get out of debt. They left the workshop with something of a plan. Four years later, they were out of debt.

At that time, Nelson also began to try to get rid of many of their things. "I was cleaning all the time; clutter makes me crazy. I was spending

all day cleaning and not paying attention to the kids," she said. The Nelsons sold their house, which they had been underwateron at one time, and moved back home to live with Nelson's parents. Not long after that, Nelson came up with the

idea to live on a bus. See Bus/D5

turns, they flip hammers, they get feisty. Welcome to the world

of stump. Petanque is a popular European game making inroads here; it shares similarities to bocce.

These games, Hays says, are more about leisure and friendship than win-at-all-cost

competition. "I take them serious-

ly, but you can bring a less active person into the fold," he says.

"That's why they often accompany parties. You're inviting people you like rather than people with athletic skills. "The Frisbee games require some athletic skills, but the other

ones — especially the ball-throwing gamesanyone can play those and have fun." "Balls," which is nicely illustrated by Jeremy Stein, presents a veritable decathlon of lawn

sports. Hays explains the history of each, the 'a


(mostly minimal) equipment, rules, terminology. And to enhance the experience — though, really, how can you make lawnbowling any better? Hays suggests drinks to accompany each sport. (His book is definitely skewed to adults.)

. . . : — Al enll! t'>I .

Correction In a story headlined "Activities Calendar," which appeared Friday, May 30, on PageD2,the entry for the Cribbage Club listing was incorrect. The CribbageClub meets from 6-8:30 p.m. Mondays at the Bend Elks Lodge. The Bulletinregrets the error.

greatest athlete. If you brag that you can run the 100 in 10 seconds,


Juniper Swim & Fitness Center (800 N.E. 6th St., Bend) offers a week-plus of free fitness activities through June 7. Various fitness clinics and classes provide a way for newcomers and regulars to try new classes, learn new techniques anddiscover Juniper Swim 8 Fitness Center's offerings. The schedule includes: Monday • 10:35-11:15 a.m. Getting Started in Cycle

And, truth be told, you don't need to be the

Some of these sports

are centuries old. According to tradition, the ancient Greeks stuck a Ella jumps down the steps of the converted school bus her family

Storage lockers are also used asseats.

calls home.

stake in the ground and threw horseshoes at it. SeeGames/D4



RELIGIOUS SERVICES To submit service information or announcements for religious organizations, email bulletin©bend bulletin.com or call 541-633-2117.

SERVICES ANTIOCH CHURCH:Pastor Ken Wytsma; "Part1 of Wisdom series," based on James 3;9:30 a.m. worship, 11:15 a.m. reduxSunday; BendHigh School, 230 N.E.Sixth St., Bend; www.antiochchurch.org. BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: Pastor DaveMiller; "God DoesPart 2"; 10 a.m. Sunday; 4twelve youth group, 7 p.m.Wednesdays; 19831 Rocking HorseRoad, Bend; 541-382-6006 or www. bendchristianfellowship.com. BEND CHURCH OFTHE NAZARENE: Pastor Matthew Bissonnette; "One Friend Away"; 9 a.m. (Hispanic) and 10:15 a.m. Sunday; 1270N.E.27th St., Bend; 541-382-5496 or www. bendnaz.org. COMMUNITYBIBLE CHURCH AT SUNRIVER: Pastor Glen Schaumloeffel; "Why BeAshamed?," based on Romans1:16-17; 9:30 a.m. Sunday; 1 Theater Drive, Sunriver; 541-593-8341 or www.cbchurchsr. org. COMMUNITY OF CHRIST: Elder Shawn Sahlberg; "Make UsOne," based onActs1:6-14;11 a.m. Sunday, 10:45 a.m. praise singing; 20380 Cooley Road, Bend;541-389-1035. COMMUNITYPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:Pastor Rob Anderson;

"One in Faith & Onein Service," based on John17:1-11; 9and11 a.m. Sunday; 529 N.W .19thSt.,Redmond; 541-548-3367. CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: The Rev. Willis Jenson; "The Gospel Overcomes the Reproach of the World Gives Happiness with God," based on1 Peter 4:14;11 a.m. Sunday; 10 a.m. SundaySchool, Revelation Chapter Four; Terrebonne Grange Hall, 828611th St., Terrebonne; 541-325-6773. DISCOVERYCHRISTIAN CHURCH: Minister DaveDrullinger; "Our Topsy/ Turvy World," based onMark10:3545; 10 a.m. worship service Sunday; 9 a.m. monthly prayer group;334 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-382-2272 or discoverychristianchurch.com. EASTMONTCHURCH:Pastor John Lodwick; "REAL CHURCH: TheGift of Real Church," based onActs 3:1726; 9 a.m. (classic) and 10:45a.m. (contemporary) Sunday; 62425Eagle Road, Bend; 541-382-5822 or www. eastmontchurch.com. FATHER'SHOUSE CHURCH OF GOD: Pastor Randy Wills; "Filled With The Holy Spirit"; 9 and10:45 a.m. Sunday; youth group, 7 p.m.Wednesdays; 61690 Pettigrew Road,Bend;541-3821632 or www.fathershouseinbend. com. THE FELLOWSHIPAT BEND: Pastor Loren Anderson; "Fooling Around," based on Ecclesiastes10;10 a.m. Sunday; Summit High School,2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend;www. tfab.com. FIRST PRESBYTERIANCHURCH:

Pastors Steven Koski andJenny Warner; "Celebrating OurYouth"; 9 and10:45 a.m. and5:01 p.m. Sunday; 230 N.E.Ninth St., Bend; 541-382-4401. FOUNDRY CHURCH:Guest speakers from TeenChallenge; "Teen Challenge Testimonies"; 10:15 a.m.Sunday; 60 N.W. OregonAve., Bend;541-3823862 or www.foundrybend.org. GRACEFIRST LUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Joel LiaBraaten; "Last Requests" and"Talking to God";9:30 a.m.Sunday;2265 N.W .Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-382-6862 or www. gracefirstlutheran.org. JOURNEYCHURCH:Pastor Keith Kirkpatrick; "The Questions You've Always Wanted to Ask"; 10a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday; 70N.W.Newport Ave., Bend; 541-647-2944 or www. journeyinbend.com. MISSIONCHURCH:Pastor Brent Hofen; Part1 of the series "Simplify"; 5:30 tonight; 9 and10:45 a.m. Sunday; online at sametimes at www. experiencethehighlife.tv; 2221 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-306-6209 or www.experiencethehighlife.com. MOST SACREDHEART,ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPEL:Father Bernard; Traditional Latin Mass; 9a.m. Sunday; 1051 S.W.Helmholtz Way,Redmond; 54I-548-64I6. NATIVITY LUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Chris Kramer; Evangelical Lutheran Worship based onActs 1:6-14, Psalm 68:1-10and32-35, 1 Peter 4:12-14and5:6-11 andJohn 17:1-11; 9a.m. (informal service) 9:15 and11:15 a.m. (junior church) 10a.m.

(fellowship hour) and11 a.m. (formal service) Sunday; 9 a.m. prayer group and10a.m.BiblestudyWednesday; 60850 Brosterhous Road,Bend; 541388-0765 or www.nativityinbend. com. NEWPORTAVENUE CHURCH OF CHRIST:Minister Dean Catlett; "More ThanYou Ask For," based onEphesians3:1421; 10:45 a.m. (morning service) 6:00 p.m. (devotional service) Sunday; adultstudygroup6 p.m. Wednesday; 554 N.W.Newport Ave., Bend. 541-382-5242 or www. churchofchristbendoregon.com REAL LIFECHRISTIAN CHURCH: Pastor Mike Yunker; "TheStory-Jesus Denouncesthe Pharisees," basedon Matthew 22:41-45; 8, 10a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday; 2880 N.E.27th St., Bend; 541-312-8844. ST. PAUL'SANGLICANCHURCH: Father John Pennington; "Holy Help from the Holy Spirit," based onJohn 15:26-16:4; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; 1108 W.Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-604-1029. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH:Rev. Patrick Rooney; "DownandOut," based on Acts1:1-11; 8:15a.m. adult Bible study, 9:30 a.m. worship with HolyCommunion Sunday;Highschool youth group 6 p.m.Sunday; 2550 N.E. Butler Market Road;541-382-1832 or www.trinitylutheranbend.org. WESTSIDECHURCH: PastorSteve M ickel; "Legacy:SonsofThunder"; 6:30 tonight; 8, 9 and10:45a.m. Sunday; 2051 N.W.Shevlin Park Road, Bend.

is welcome to attend theFamily Pancake Supper; $5 perfamily; 5-7:30 p.m.; Cross Church, 64 N.W.Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-388-5484 or www. crosschurchbend.org. THURSDAY THE TAIZECHOIR OFCENTRAL OREGON: An hour of meditative non-denominational Taizemusic and silence; free; 7 p.m.; St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church & School, 2450 N.E.27th St., Bend; 541-382-470 I. "WHAT THEBLEEP DO WE KNOW!?": Screening of the 2004 documentary about a photographer encountering emotional and existential obstacles in her life; $4suggested donation; 7:30-9:30 p.m.;TheOldStone,157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend;541-5081059, sacbend©gmail.com or www. spiritualawarenesscommunity.com. SATURDAY, JUNE 7 MADRAS OREGONAGLOW MEETING:Pastor Terry Goodwin of River of Life for All Nations in Prineville will speakwith Mary EVEMTS, Burgess leading praise andworship; MEETINGS 9:30 a.m. social time, 10 a.m. meeting; Madras OregonAglow, 25 SUNDAY N.E. A St.; 541-475-2405. THE KING'SHERALDSOUTHERN SPECIALEVENING OF INFORMATION GOSPEL CONCERT:Internationally AND CELEBRATION:Learn more known quartetsings Southern Gospel about the newHoly Communion music, non-denominational; $10 at the Evangelical Catholic Church with door, ages18 andunder free; 6-8 p.m.; Bishop JamesWilkowski and Father Redmond Assembly of GodChurch, James Radloff; free; 7 p.m.; The 1865 W. Antler Ave.; 541-923-3085 or Riverhouse Convention Center, sgm©bendbroadband.com. 2850 N.W.Rippling River Court, WEDNESDAY Bend; 541-389-3111 oradminO FAMILYPANCAKESUPPER: Everyone holycommunionbend. org. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor Gary Burton; "Legacy: Sonsof Thunder";10:30 a.m. Sunday; 1245 S.E. Third St., Bend. WESTSIDESISTERS CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel; "Legacy: Sons of Thunder"; 10:30 a.m. Sunday;442 Trinity Way, Sisters. WESTSIDEONLINE CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel; "Legacy: Sonsof Thunder"; 6:30 tonight and 8, 9and 10:45a.m.Sunday;2051 N.W.Shevlin Park Road, Bend;www.westsidelive. org. WESTSIDE RADIOCAMPUS:Pastor Steve Mickel; "Climate Change:Storm Clouds"; 8:30 a.m. Sunday; Heirborne radio show onKBND,AM1110. ZIONLUTHERAN CHURCH:Pastor Eric Burtness; "How DoBecome I Your 'On-Fire' Follower, Jesus?" part of the series"Just Wondering Jesus ...";10 a.m. Sunday; 1113 S.W. Black Butte Blvd., Redmond; 541-923-7466 or www.zionrdm.com.

ace o an OI' ose 'comin ou'asa eis s By Mark Oppenheimer New Yorh Times News Service



Women talked about "coming out," being open with their families, leaving "the closet" at a conference here this month. But the topic was not

sexuality. Instead, the women, attending the third Women in

"Soin 2009, I realized there is probablyis no God. What isso wrong in having a boyfriend, or having premarital sex? What is wrong with wanting to eat and drink water before the sungoes down duringRamadan? What isso wrong with that? I couldn't handle the cognitive

dissonance anymore."

Secularism conference were

— Sadaf AII, 23, former Muslim turned atheist

talking about being atheists. Some grew up Catholic, some Jewish, some Protestant — but

nearly all described journeys where the next meeting will of acknowledging atheism be held. The group has grown first to t hemselves, then to quicklyto about adozen chaploved ones. Goingpublic was a ters, in cities including Boston, last, often painful, step. Chicago, Houston, New York Anyone leaving a close- and San Francisco. knit belief-based community One of the group's founders risks parental d isappoint- who was at the conference, ment, rejection by friends and Sadaf Ali, 23, an Afghan-Carelatives, and accusations of nadian, said she had once been self-loathing. The process can "a fairly practicing Muslim." be especially difficult and isoDuring childhood, she said, lating for women who have "I was always fairly defiant." grown up Muslim, who are As she grew older, she strugsometimes accused of trying gled with depression, and she to assimilate into a Western thought that praying more culture that despises them. and reading the Quran would "It was incredibly painful," help.She became more reliHeina Dadabhoy, 26, said gious and looked forward to a during a discussion called traditional life. "I thought my "Women Leaving Religion," life was sort of set out for me: which also featured three get married, have children," ex-Christians and one former- Ali said. "I might go to school. ly observant Jew, the novelist I'll have a very domestic life. Rebecca Newberger Gold- That's what my family did, stein. "My entire life, my iden- what my forefathers did." tity, was being a good Muslim But as a university student, woman." herfeelings began to change. "As I started to investigate Dadabhoy, a Web developer who lives in Orange Coun- the religion, I realized I was ty, Calif., and who often gives talking to myself," Ali said. talks about leaving Islam, said "Nobody was listening to me. the hardestpartoftheprocess I had just entered the Univerwas opening up to her family. sity of Toronto, and critical "The sense they got was thinking was a big part of my where I was turning my back studies. I have an art history on them," Dadabhoy said. Her and writing background, and

lims are adamant that they

is inclusive: "We understand

that Muslims come in all varieties and we do not and will not partake in e r asing the diversity within the w orld's

Muslims." But they are equally adamant that it is still too difficult

for Muslims inclined to athe-

can take refuge in reformist sist on the literal truth of the

Quran. "I would say it's maybe p oint-one percent wh o


willing to challenge the foundations of the faith," said Nas

Ishmael, another founder of the Ex-Muslims' group who

her colleagues in Ex-Muslims of North America, they frequently hear from others, who

reacted the way they knew

"So in 2009, I realized there

Bridging agap There are few role models

for former Muslims, and although the religion's history

drink water before the sun

contains some notable skep-

What is so wrong with that? I

goes down during Ramadan?

tics, very few of them are couldn't handle the cognitive women. Today, Muslim fem- dissonance anymore." inists like Irshad Manji and For the next three years, Ali Amina Wadud advocate more thought of herself as an agliberal attitudes toward wom- nostic. She stopped practicing en in Islam, but neither has left the faith. And many atheists

Islam. She still had Muslim friends, and her brother mar-

how, which was to freak out. They had never heard of anybody leaving Islam. We were raised with the idea you can't leave, that nobody can leave. Leaving Islam was something s omebody incredibly d e ranged would do. Or if forced at sword point or gunpoint." Critics have accused her of being part of a Zionist conspiracy to make Islam look bad. "I say, 'If I am, where is my paycheck?'" Dadabhoy said drolly. For a time, Dadabhoy's parents took her to imams, hoping

resist identifying with Ayaan ried into a religious Muslim Hirsi Ali, the Somali-Amer- family. Slowly younger friends ican (by way of the Nether- and relatives figured things lands) whose vehement criti- out. "They didn't seem to care cism of Islam is seen, even by that I wasn't Muslim," Ali said. many other atheists,asharsh. "But I didn't go around telling One group that seeks to my parents." bridge that gap is Ex-Muslims Eventually, h e r pa r e nts of North America, which had heard. "They were incredibly upa n information table in t h e

to talk her out of her apostasy. "And they would just give me tautological beliefs," she recalled. "'You are blessed to be

exhibition hall. Members of

his conclusion was, 'Just have

the group, founded last year in Washington and Toronto, recognize that their efforts might

seem radical to some, and take precautions when admitting new members. Those interest-

set, as they believe in an eternal hell," Ali said. "They are OK with me for the most part

being irreligious," she added. "But we don't talk much about it anymore, and that's fine."


l ated. According to Al i a n d


is probably is no God," she said. "What is so wrong in having a boyfriend, or having premarital sex'? What is wrong with wanting to eat and


So those who do challenge the foundations can feel iso-

come across"— in the Quran — "was explicitly or implicitly

those white people,'" Dadabhoy recalled them saying.


attended the conference.

I realized every verse I had

we have? You think you're like

"In the Evangelical Catholic Tradition"

wings of their tradition, religious Muslims generally in-

ing that she was better than her grandparents and other

Quickly, her faith crumbled.

as we create a community of worship

ism to follow their thinking

parents accused her of think-

you have is better than what

Come join us for the following events

where it may lead. Whereas skeptical Christians or Jews

say, "I thought I was the only one." When Dadabhoy "came out" to her parents, "it didn't go so well," she said. "They

ancestors. "'You think what

Monica Almeida/ New YorkTimes News Service

respect others' right to prac- Heina Dadabhoy, of Fullerton, Calif., grew up Muslim but Is now an atheist. The process of leaving tice Islam. The group's motto a close-knit belief-based community can beespecially difficult and isolating for womenwho have is "No Bigotry and No Apolo- grown up Muslim. gism," and text on its website

A SPECIAL EVEnInG OF I IIFDR IIIATIDII AIID cELEB~ATIo II With BiShOP JameSWilkOT4Ski and Father JameS Radlog Saturday,June 7,2014 7:OOPM RiVerhouse COnVentiOn Center

I IIA V G V ~ A L O P E I I I I I G I I I A S S A IID ~ E C E P T I O I I With BiShOP JameSWilkOT4Ski and Father JameS Radlog Sunday, June 8, 2014 9:OOAM Riverhouse Convention Center

S VIIDAY I I I A S S SCH E D V L E beginning June 15th, Sundays at 9:00AM and 5:OOPM Bend Senior Center, 1600 SE Reed Market Road

born with Islam.' And I would say, 'But if I had been born a

Christian, you'd be saying the same thing, but for Christianity.' Once I spent four hours talking with this imam, and faith because you should have faith.'"

At this point, Dadabhoy's absence of belief is as ineluctable as the imam's faith: "It's

less that I won't buy it, which ed in joining are interviewed A tough transition sounds really woeful, than in person before they are told The members of Ex-Mus- that I can't."

All contributions, including those made during ogerings through July 6th, will be matched up to$75,000 Mailing Address: Holy Communion Church 2660 N.E. Highway 20, ¹610-406 . Bend, Oregon 97701 Email: info@holycommunionbend.org Web: holycommunionbend.org

SATURDAY, MAY 31, 2014• THE BULLETIN "Celtic Cross" Christianity

"The Wheel of Dharma" Buddhism

"Star of David"



Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th Sunday Services 8 am

(JEWISH COMMUNITY OF CENTRAL ORKGON) A Warm and Welcoming Community Serving Central Oregon for 24 years. We Welcome Newcomers, Interfaith Families and Encourage Involvement.

10:00 am Contemporary Worship Service (Full children's ministry) Sunday Night Church 6:30 pm For information, please call ... Senior Pastor• Mike Yunker-


YOu Are The IvtOStJmIIOrtant Part of Our Services


Associate Pastors Mike Sweeney & leff Olson "Loving people one at a time." www.real-lifecc.org •

"Omkar" (Aum) Hinduism

"Star F Crescent" Islam

"Yin/Yang" Taoist! Confumanism

Do we have your summer schedule? •


"In the Evangelical Catholic Tradition" Rev. James Radloff, Pastor

This Sunday at Faith Christian Center Pastor Brian Mercer. interim pastor, wiff share his message titled "Being a

"Special Evening of Information and Celebration" 7pm, Saturday, June 7th Riverhouse Convention Center

Pentecostal in Contemporary Times" in the Sunday moming service beginning at 10:30 AM.

541.548.4555 SUNDAYS

Morning Worship 8:30 am 8 10:30 am Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm WEDNESDAYS FAMILY NIGHT 7 PM

Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery Wednesday NITE Live Kids Youth Group Pastor Duane Pippitt www.redmondag.com •


"Offering bope througbthe proclamation oftbe gospel" JOIN us for WORSHIP



18143 Cottonwood Rd. Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm Sunday mass 8:00 am Confessions: Thurs. 9:00 - 9:15am OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS ROMAN CATHOLIC, Gilchrist 120 Mississippi Dr

Wednesday (up the hill from the Old Mill, 500 SW Bond St.) 7:00 PM — Prayer Meeting 8 Growth Groups 7:00 PM — Kids 4 Truth


EASTMONT CHURCH "DisplayingtheReality of Christin UndeniableWays"

62425 Eagle Road, Bend 541-382-5822

(South of Portland Ave.) Church Service8 Sunday School: 10 am Wed. Testimony Meeting: 7:30 pm Childcare provided. Reading Room: 115 NW Minnesota Ave. Mon. through Fri.: I I am - 4 pm Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm


Reiigilon of the Lightand Sound ofGod Worship Service Listen to a reading, Experience a HUsong and quiet contemplation, followed by a talk and discussion, refreshments and fellowship

Saturday, June 14 3pm-4:30pm at the East Bend Library 62080 Dean Swift Rd., Bend


Sunday (downtown at the Boys 8 Girls Club, 500 NW Wall St.) 9:30 AM — Bible Study 9:30 AM — Children's Class 10:30 AM — Worship Service 10;30 AM — Primary Class


FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1551 NW First St.• 541-382-6100

www.holyredeemerparish.net Parish ONce: 541-536-3571

Tuesday, Wednesday8 Friday Mass 9:00 am Sunday Mass• 10:00 am Confessions: Saturdays -3:00-4:00 pm

For More Information www.eckankar.org www.eckankar-oregon.org 541-728-6476 •

For more information about weekly ministries for the whole family, contact 541-382-5822 or email info@eastmontchurch.com FOUNDRY CHURCH (FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST) "A Heart for Bend in the Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastors Mike Coughlin8 Al Hulbert

SundaySchoolclassesare at9:00am and our Worship Service at 10:15 am


Life Groups Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. www.bendnaz.org •

July 5: Bat Mitzvah Gillian FritzTorah Service 10AM


• .


Meeting at the Golden Age Club 40 SE 5th St., Bend is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. Just 2 blocks SW ofBend High School Our members represent a wide range of Sunday Worship 10:00 am Jewish backgrounds. Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated We welcome interfaith families to worshiping God and teaching the and Jews by choice. Our monthly activities include: Bible truths recovered through the Services, religious education for Reformation. Call for information about children 8 adults, Hebrewschool, Torah other meetings study, social action projects and social 541.420.1667 activities www.sovereigngracebend.com Rabbilohanna Hershenson • • I • TKMPLE BETH TIKVAH


settled down generations to come. This week in Religious Education we will be talking about Ioodbyes;with Rev. Alex Holt leaving soon we will discuss goodbyesand the impactthey have on

our lives. Childcare for infants and toddlers is provided downstairs. Meeting place: THE OLD STONE CHURCH 157 NW FRANKLIN AVE., BEND

Mail:PO Box 428, Bend OR 97709

www.uufco.org (541) 385-3908

Wednesday Mid-Week Service Children F Youth Programs 7:00 pm Nursery Care Provided for All Services

Beautiful weather, the great creation of the out-of-doors calls.

All services are held at the First United Methodist Church 680 NW Bond Street 541.388.8826 CONCORDIA LUTHKRAN

MISSIONfLCMS) Themissionof theChurch is io forgivesins throughtheGospelandthereby grant eternallife. (St. John 20:22.23, Augsburg Confession

2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 382-6862


Mondays 6:30 pm Centering Prayer

Celebrate New Life at New Hope Church!

Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America www.gracefirstlutheran.org

Wednesdays 5;30 pm Prayer Service


Worship in the Heart of Redmond Sunday Worship Services at 10:00 am

invites you to join us at any of our Children's Room available weekend services. No matter what your during services expectations are, we hope your time Come Experience a warm, spent with us brings you a little closer to friendly family of worshipers. understanding, knowing and growing in Everyone Welcome - Always. a relationship with Jesus Christ. In our A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich opinion, that's what really matters. and diverse music program for all ages Coff ee,snacksandfeJJowsfup ** VACATION BIBLE SCHOOLaftereachservice August 4-7, 2014. Registration is open at www.westsidevbs.org. M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am This is a FREE event. ** Wed. Bible Study at noon 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study Contact us at 541-382-7504 or I:00 pm www.westsidechurch.org 3rd Tues. Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner Youth and Family Programs Active Social Outreach May 318 June I, 2014 at Westside Church —WEST CAMPUS Pastor Steve Mickel will share the 1113 SW Black Butte Blvd. Redmond, OR 97756 - 541-923-7466 message "Legacy: Sons of Thunder" Pastor Eric Burtness at6:30pm on Saturdayand at8,9and www.zionrdm.com 10:45am Sunday at Westside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend.



spiritual journey, on the way to play. All Peoples meets on the first and third Sundays of each month. Find us in the meeting room of

The GreenPlow Coff ee Shop, 436 SW6th in Redmond, (across from Diego's). Worship with us Sunday, lune 1st at 11 a.m., or come early at 10 a.m. for a special open forum with guest discussant.

On June 15th, All Peoples meets again ...same time, same place. For details and possible help with car-pooling, email: allpeoplesucc@gmail.com •


Small Groups Meet Regularly (Handicapped Accessible) Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. www.redmondcpc.org FIRST PRESBYTKRIAN CHURCH 230 NE Ninth, Bend

(Across Ninth St. from Bend High) All Are Welcome, Always! Lead Pastor: Steven Koski


(In the Heart of Downtown Bend) 680 NW Bond St. / 541.382.1672 Everyoneis Welcome! Rev. Thom Larson

8:00 am - Contemporary Service Heaven Can Wait WalkChurch in Drake Park Sunday School during 9am service I I:00 am - Traditional Service "Choirs Greatest Hits"

Childcare provided CommunitySunday Celebrating Our Youth Graduation and Confirmation Sunday,lune I,9:00am & 10:45am Pastors Steven Koski, Jenny Warner and Intern Pastor Ron Wemer lead the service 9:00am contemporary 10:45am traditional Children will join us in worship Nursery.care provided

5:01 Evening Worship Summer Series In The Sanctuary June I —August 24 Encounter the mystery and for Jews and Christians alike. If you're beauty of God interested in learning the Bible from a With a peaceful, prayerful worship. Hebrew perspective, come join us at: A space to carve out, create, to find, what Bear Creek Center is inside you. 21300 Bear Creek Rd. Dinner will not be provided during this Bend, OR. 97701 summer series. Our Shabbat Services are on Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Nursery care is provided. Our ministries include: Vacation Bible School • Davidic dance and worship Time To Register! • Children's ministry and nursery July 21-July 24, 9;00am — 12:00pm. • Hebrew classes • Home groups This year's theme: Weird Animals • Teaching from the Torah and the Brit Where Jesus' Love Is One-Of-A-Kind Hadashah (New Testament) Registration is underway for kids age 4 • Biblical Feasts through 5th grade • Lifecycle Events • End-times prophecy http://www.bendfp.org/Connect/ Vacation Bible School/ Visit us on the web at www.houseofcovenant.org Youth Events or contact us at 541-385-5439 http://www.facebook.com/ LIVING TORAH FKLLOWSHIP bendyouthcollective @ La RocaChurch 1155 SW Division, ¹D8, Bend Choirs, music groups, Bible study, Saturday 12:00 - 3:00 pm Worship/Dance - Studyfellowship and ministries every week Food/Fellowship Hebrew Roots Fellowship 230 NE Ninth Street, Bend worshipping in Spirit and Truth www.bendfp.org 541-410-5337 http;//www.facebook.com/bendfp Children Welcome www.livingtorahfellowship.com 541 382 4401 HOUSE OF COVENANT Messianic Synagogue Est. 1994 We provide a congregational setting


Take time to nurture your Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur 21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241

Men's Bible Study, Wednesday 7:30 a.m.


celebrate their transitions as well as explore thoughts on how UUFCOis


NKw HOPK EVANGELICAL 20080 Pinebrook Blvd.• 541-389-3436


service for several people of younger generations. Please join us as we

SundayMoming Worship 8:45 am 8 10:45 am

Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Child Care Available) Education Hour 10:45 a.m.


This Sunday will be a special bridging

For the complete schedule of Services F Events go to: www.bethtikvahbend.org


June I at 11:00am: "Bridging the Past and the Future" - Rev. Alex Holt, Interim Minister

CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTKR 21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241


We are a Welcoming Congregation

Friday, lune 20 - 5:00 pmThanksgiving Shabbat At a private home; call for information

541 NE DeKalb Ave., Bend 541-389-8888

Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00, 10;45 am,


bridging the space between nomadiand c


9:00 am Contemporary Worship 9:00 am Nursery Care 9:15 am Children 8 Youth Sunday School 9:30 am Adult Education 11:00 am Traditional Worship

Redmond, Oregon 97756 541-923-3390 Father Todd Unger, Pastor Mass Schedule: Weekdays 8:00 am For Kidztown, Middle School and (except Wednesday) June I, 2014 at Westside ChurchHigh School activities Call 541-382-3862 SOUTH CAMPUS Wednesday 6:00 pm www.bendchurch.org Pastor Gary Burton will share the Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm message "Legacy: Sons of Thunder" First Saturday 8:00 am (English) HIGHLAND BAPTIST at 10:30am on Sunday at the Westside CHURCH, SBC Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am(English) Church South Campus, 1245 SE3rd St., 3100 SWHighland Ave., 12:00 noon (Spanish) Bend. Redmond• 541-548-4161 Confessions on Wednesdays from 5;00 to 5:45 pm Sunday Worship Services: and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am June I, 2014 at Westside ChurchSunday Life Groups SISTERS CAMPUS 9;30am F 11:00am Pastor Steve Mickel will share the CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF REDMOND Saturday Worship message "Legacy: Sons of Thunder" at 536 SW 10th, Redmond 7:00 pm 10:30am at the Westside Church Sisters 541-548-2974 Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor Campus, 442 Trinity Way, Sisters. www.redmondchristian.org Sunday Worship 9:00 am 8 10:45 am For complete calender: www.hbcredmond.org Sunday School for all ages May 31 8 June I, 2014 at Westside Kidmo• lunior Church Church — ONLINE CAMPUS Join us at our online campus where Greg Strubhar, Pastor GLLVARY CHAPEL BKND Pastor Steve Mickel will share the Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor 20225 Cooley Rd. Bend message "Legacy: Sons of Thunder" at Phone: (541) 383-5097 POWKLL BUTTK 6:30pmSaturday andat8,9and 10:45am Web site: ccbend.org CHRISTIAN CHURCH on SundayatW estsideChurch,2051NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend. 8:30 Worship Center Sundays: 8;30 8 10:30 am 10:30 Contemporary Service Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm Worship Center Youth Group: Wednesday 7 pm 10:30 Traditional Service Historic Chapel Child Care provided May 31, 2014 Westside ChurchNursery8 Children's Church ON THE RADIO Pastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are Pastor Steve Mickel will share the and Ozzy Osbome available, call for days and times. message "Climate Change: Storm 13720 SWHwy 126, Powell Butte Clouds" on the Heirborne radio show at "Teaching the Word of God, 541-548-3066 8:30am Sunday morning on KBND — AM1110 Book by Book" www.powellbuttechurch.com This Sunday at Foundry Church, we will have guest speakers from Teen Challenge.

June 6: Friday Evening Service Celebrating Giffian Fritz and Nick Giesler 7PM

10:00 am 50+ Bible Study

www.lutheransonline.com/ concordialutheranmission Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission Phone: 541-325-6773




Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor

Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM


6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study

June 4: Shavuot - "Torah Wedding Ceremony" 6PM

The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor 8286 11th St. (Grange Hall) Terrebonne, OR

Pastor Randy Myers

Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM


Youth Groups High School - Sunday 11:00am-12:30pm Middle School - Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm

Masses Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM Domingo 12:30 PM - Misa en Espanol

5:00 PM• 6:00 PM

Nursery Care F Children's Church ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all Worship Services Courageous L>vmg on KNLR 97.5 FM 8:30 am Sunday

10 am Sunday School 11 am Divine Service

541 NE Dekalb Sunday School 9:45 am Children 8Adult Classes Worship Service —11:00 am

NEW CHURCH 2450 NE 27th Street

Exposition 8 Benediction Monday-Friday after 7:00 AM Mass to 6:00 PM Tuesday (Family Holy Hour)

9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service 10:15 am Worship Service

(3/4 mile north of High School) Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 548-3367

Major's Robert 8 Miriam Keene

HISTORIC DOWNTOWN CHURCH Corner of NW Franklin 8 Lava MASSES Saturday 8:00 AM Sunday 4:30 PM Monday- Friday 7:00AM812:15 PM

June I: Sunday School lOAM


"Diverse Beliefs, One Fellowship"




near Chxfotmas Valley 57255 Fort Rock Rd Sunday Mass - 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3:15 pm

Senior Pastor Virgil Askren


All arewelcomethroughourreddoors Sunday Services St. Helens Hall, 231 NW Idaho Ave 8 am and 10:15 am The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector www.trinitybend.org I 541-382-5542 MaiL 469 NWWall St May wehaveeyestoseethat novisitor arrives witbont a giftand noguest leaveswithout a blessing.

www.eastmontchurch.com Sunday Services Classic (Blended) Service 9:00 am Contemporary Service 10:45 am Hispanic Service 6:0 0 pm



Rev. Julian Cassar Pastor Rev. Joseph K. Thalisery 541-382-3631

Rabbi Jay Shupack- Bend's First Resident Rabbi Rebbitzin - ludy Shupack

June 8: General Meeting at St. Charles Hospital Community Room 10:15 AM

"Inaugural Opening Mass and Reception" with Bishop lames Wilkowski 9am, Sunday, June 8th Riverhouse Convention Center

Sunday Mass - 12:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 12:00 - 12;15pm


"Educating and Developing the Whole Child for the Glory of God" Pre K-5th Grade 62425 Eagle Road, Bend• 541-382-2049 Principal Lonna Carnahan www.eastmontcommunityschooLcom


Childcare is provided. FCC Youth Ministries and Family Night is on Wednesdays at 7 pm. A number of Faith Journey Groups meet throughout the Sunday Mass Schedule week in small groups, please contact the church for details and times. The church beginning June 15 is located on the comer of Greenwood 9am and 5pm at the Bend Senior Center Avenue and NE 11th Street. 1600 SE Reed Market Road www.bendfaith.com Info@holycommunionbend.org REDMOND ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1865 W Antler• Redmond

All Services at our Dedicated Synagogue Building located at: 21555 Modoc Lane, Bend unless otherwise noted. Forinformation,call 541-385-6421. Or visit: www.jccobend.com

BEND CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1270 NE 27 St.• 541-382-5496




(No child care) 0

*During the Week:

Women's Groups, Men's Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music 8 Fellowship Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Rev. Thom Larson


CHURCH & SYNAGOGUE DIRECTORY LISTING Effective May I, 2014 4 Saturdays and TMC: $120 5 Saturdays and TMC: $ 144 The Bulletin: Every Saturday on the

church page. $24 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday CO Marketplace: The FirSt TueSday Of eaCh month. $24

Copy Changes: by Monday 1 Week PriOr to PubliCatiOn

Call Pat Lynch 541-383-0396 PlynCh®bendbulletin.COm





The latest weapon

Continued from 01 Others, though, are of a

in the wrinkle wars By Bee Shapiro

the new technology because

New York Times News Service


they a s sociate u l t r asound A s s h e with the test many women

aged, Sandi Bachom, 69, a filmmaker and producer in

have during pregnancy.

"It's something they have

more recent vintage. Hays says he was introduced to some of the games when he attended the College of W illiam 8: Mary i n


ginia, and fellow students brought their r e gional sports to campus. "A game like stump, no one has heard of outside the New Hampshire,

Is thisgamefor you?


Here are some ofthe lawnsports featured in "Balls on the Lawn," with author Brooks Butler Haysweighing in on the pros and cons of each. (All of these gamescan befound on YouTubefor further instruction, visual and otherwise. Also, wefound equipment for many of these onsale at Amazon.com.)

Required equipment: A Frisbee, two barrel-shaped containers with horizontal

STUMP Pros:Makes you feel like a lumberjack, equipment easy andcheap to procure, ideal for tailgates. Cons:Sometimes you take ahammer to the shinbone. And if there's no tree stump around, perhaps it's time to piay-

heard of before, and if you keep the inevitable wrinkles can doiton pregnant women, away, but she was wary of they feel it's safe," she said. anything more invasive. She Fusco added that while wanted, as she explained re- the therapy is actually "very cently, to avoid "going under safe," she warned that it is not the knife." appropriate for patients who So a couple of years ago, at have a history of cold sores, the suggestion of her derma- a pacemaker, or a cheek or tologist, Dr. David Colbert, chin implant. Additionally, she first tried Ultherapy, in any kind of skin disease can which ultrasound waves are be worsened by the treatshot through a gel into the ment, and when operating skin. She had the treatment the Ultherapy machine, she on her face and neck, partic- avoids pressing it near the ularly the tricky jowls. thyroid gland in the neck or "I call it my 'way-back ma- at the middle of the forehead chine,'" Bachom said. "It has or chin, where "nerves course effective, fast results, and it's superficially," she said. natural enough so you don't With bikini season on the look like 'Brazil' the movie." horizon, it is not just necks The session took about 15 that may be getting the treatminutes and included some ments. A high-intensity fopain: Bachom was offered cused ultrasound, Liposonix, a squeeze ball and Valium. can zap fat on the back (helThe treatment provided a lo, this season's crop tops!) n oticeable lift t o h e r f a c e and slim waistlines, said Dr. that lasted nearly two years, Cheryl Karcher, a New York she said; she repeated it last dermatologist who gives the

Vermont area," Hays ex-

November. "It was worth the money,"

treatment. A 45-minute appointment starts at $ 1,000,

ried traditions, with mythical tales of how they were

Bachom said. (Colbert said

she said. The way it works: The ul-

born. An example is the now discredited fable that

tossing Frisbees into a garbage can. "I was playing with a group of friends ... a guy's day out on a Saturday," Sciandra says. "And w e s a i d, 'Everybody grab a partner.' We played for eight hours. I knew there was

trasound waves are so strong

Abner Doubleday invented

something, but I wasn't sure

N ew York, t r ied B otox t o

his Ultherapy p r ices start

at $5,000, depending on the area addressed.)

(and painful — some patients A cross New Y o r k C i t y , pop a couple of Percocets bewomen young and old are forehand) that they actually riding the ultrasound wave. kill fat cells, although it takes Doctors rave about Ultherapy about eight weeks for results becauseitleavesno evidence. to show, Karcher said. "There's no needle marks, S lim l adies w i t h m i n o r no peeling and no bruising," quibbles need not a pply. said Dr. Francesca Fusco, a Karcher said she turns away dermatologist in New York patients who have less than who performs Ultherapy in an inch of fat. The Liposonix "goes deep," she said. her office. want to damage a And, Fusco pointed out, "You don't patients are comfortable with


plains. "Now it's starting to spread. KanJam is getting popular. No one was playing it five years ago when I was in college. It was just coming out of upstate New

York. I had a friend from Rochester who brought it to

William 5 Mary." A lthough a l l the s e games are perfectly at home on any lawn, some can be made part of a larger event. Badminton or cro-

quet, for example, can add a Victorian elegance to an event such as a wedding, Hays contends. "A thing I like about croquet," he says, "it's got this stately appeal. A croquet mallet in your hand is a

PENTAQUE Pros:You canpretend it's bocce. Cons: W hydon'tyoujust play bocce?

BEANBAG TOSS Pros:Readily available at tailgates and parties, easy to learn, easy to enjoy. Cons:Boring.


BADMINTON Pros:You getto say "shuttlecock" as much asyou want. Cons:Youfeel like (a jerk) the whole time you play; also you have to transport, set up andthentake down agiant net. POLEISH(INVOLVES KNOCKING A BOTTLE OFF A POLE

WITH A FRISBEE). Pros:Frisbees, beer bottles to the face, stitches, diving is encouraged, Wiffle ball bats rule. Cons:Seeprevious part about beer bottles to the face and stitches.

nice accouterment to sum-

mer wedding garb."

Catching the KanJam craze Some sports have sto-

baseball in Cooperstown, N.Y. Then there's Kan Jam.

It has no long history or time-honored traditions. It was invented by a gym teacher and some friends in the 1990s, and they turned it into a business to make

He has also launched a Kan-

Jam mini version for indoors, yet." KanJam Splash for pools, A year later they tried it "and wehave atable-top game again. Two dozen guys be- coming out and another backtween 20 and 30 showed up yard game (in development)." for a day of KanJam. He knew

Brooks Butler Hays, author

he had something. He refined of "Balls on the Lawn: Games the game — redesigning the to Live By," proclaims Kancans with slots, formalizing Jam as his favorite. "I'm a history major, and I rules, adding things like "tipins" — and now distributes his like to buy vintage clothes and

some money. As Charlie Sciandra, the all-U.S.-made products across game's creator, tells it, Kan-

games to schools. "Last year we probably put games into 2,000 schools around the country," he says. "Schools are struggling. We just give them to 'em, 'Here, have fun.'"

the U.S., Europe, Canada,

antiques and old books," he admits, "so it kind of bothers

slots cut into them.

Matches are played with two teams of two players, one teammate at each barrel, which are placed 50 feet apart. The object of the game is to get the Frisbee into the can, either having it thrown through the slot or in through the

top opening by the thrower or by being tipped in by the teammate ("the deflector"). Each partner makes one throw, then the other team gets possession of the disc and takes its two tosses. All throws are from behind the thrower's barrel. As the disc approaches the barrel at the other end of the course, the thrower's teammate can redirect it by using any body part. Deflectors may not grab, catch or throw the disc. Games are played to 21 points. The first team to win three gameswins the match. A team gets one point when the deflector deflects the disc and it hits

the goal without going in. Two points are awarded if a throw hits the side

of the container without the deflector's help. If the

deflector tips the disc into the barrel, it's worth three points. A throw that goes into the slot without being

deflected is an instant win. KanJam is another of those lawn games that can be played one-handed. That's not by accident. "The best thing about KanJam is the can serves as a trash can, so while you're drinking your beer you can toss your empties into the can," Hays says.

Jam started out as garbage Australia and New Zealand. me my favorite is the nouveau can Frisbee — literally, The company also gives free richegame oflawn games."

VoLUNTEER SEARGH Volunteer Search is compiled by the Department of HumanServices Volunteer Services. Theorganizations listed are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. Toseeafull list, and for additional information on the types of help needed, goonline to www. bendbulletin.com/volunteer. Changes, additions or deletions should besent to 1300 N.W.Wall St., Suite 103, Bend 97701, email Therese.M.Helton© state.or.us or call 541-693-8988.



SERVICES ADULTBASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT (COCC):Margie Gregory, mgregory@ cocc.edu or 541-318-3788. AFS-USA:www.afsusa.org or Caitlin Krutsinger, 503-419-9514. ALYCE HATCHCENTER:Andy Kizans, 541-383-1980. BEND PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. BIGBROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-3126047 (Bend), 541-447-3851, ext. 333 (Prineville) or 541-325-5603 (Madras). BOY SCOUTSOF AMERICA: Paul Abbott, paulabbott©scouting.org or 541-382-4647. BOYS aGIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL OREGON: www.bgcco.org, info© bgcco.org or 541-617-2877. CAMP FIRE USA CENTRAL OREGON: campfire@bendcable.com or 541-382-4682. CASA(COURTAPPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES): www. casaofcentraloregon.org or 541-389-1618. CHILDREN'S VISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. CIRCLE OFFRIENDS: Beth, beth© acircleoffriendsoregon.com or 541-588-6445.

DESCHUTESCOUNTYSHERIFF'S OFFICE— CENTRALOREGON PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH: www.deschutes.org/copy, COPYO deschutes.org or 541-388-6651. FOSTERGRANDPARENTS PROGRAM:SteveGuzanskis, 541-678-5483. GIRL SCOUTS:541-389-8146. GIRLSON THE RUN OF DESCHUTES COUNTY:www.deschutescountygotr. org or info@deschutescountygotr.org. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:541-383-3515. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:ww w.myhb. org or 541-383-6357. HIGH DESERTTEENSVOLUNTEER PROGRAM: www.highdesertmuseum. org or 541-382-4757. IEP PARTNERS:Carmelle Campbell at the OregonParent Training and Information Center, 888-505-2673. J BAR JLEARNINGCENTER: Rick Buening, rbuening@jbarj.org or 541-389- !409. JUNIPERSWIM il FITNESSCENTER: Kim, 541-706-6127. KIDS CENTER:Lisa Weare, Iweare© kidscenter.org, 541-383-5958. LAPINE HIGH SCHOOL:Jeff Bockert, jeff.bockert©bend.k12.or.us or 541-355-8501. MEADOWLARK INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM: Teal Buehler, 541-6 !7-9576. M OUNTAINSTARFAMILY RELIEF NURSERY:541-322-6820. NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, ext. 115. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY EXTENSIONSERVICE:541-548-6088, 541-447-6228 or 541-475-3808. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY MASTERGARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM:http://extension. oregonstate.edu/deschutes or 541-548-6088. READ TOGETHER: 541-388-7746. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: 541-923-4807. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER:Zach Sartin, 541-923-4854. REDMOND YOUNGLIFE: 541-923-8530. SCHOOL-TO-CAREERPARTNERSHIP: Kent Child, 541-355-4158. SMART (STARTMAKING A READER TODAY):www.getsmartoregon.org or 541-355-5600. TRILLIUM FAMILYSERVICES: 503-205-0194. VIMA LUPWA HOMES: www. lupwahomes.org or 541-420-9634. YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0470.

ANIMALS AND ENVIRONMENT BENDSPAY&NEUTERPROJECT: 541-6 I7-10 IO. BRIGHTSIDEANIMAL CENTER: volunteer©brightsideanimals.org or 541-923-0882. CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION & FOSTER TEAM (CRAFT):www.craftcats.org, 541-389-8420 or541-598-5488. CHIMPS, INC.:www.chimps-inc.org or 541-410-4122. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 541-330-0017.

DESCHUTES NATIONALFOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean, 541-383-5576. EASTCASCADESAUDUBON SOCIETY:www.ecaudubon.org or 54 I-24 I-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTALCENTER: www.envirocenter.org or 541-385-6908. EQUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www.equineoutreach. com or joan©equineoutreach.com or 541-419-3717. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDINGCENTER:Darcy Justice, 54 I -382-9410. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, jennifer@hsco.org or 54 I-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOFTHE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 541-389-9115. PACIFIC CRESTTRAIL ANGEL: 541-604-4494. PRINEVILLE BLM:www.blm.gov/orl districts/prineville/recreation/host.php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING: LexaMcAllister, Imcallister©cocc.edu or 54 I-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTERil OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442. VOLUNTEERCAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS: TomMottl, 541-4 !6-6859.

HEALTH AMERICANCANCER SOCIETY: Charlie Johnson, 541-434-3114. AMERICANREDCROSS: 541-749-4111. THE BLOOM PROJECT:www. thebloomproject.org or Heidi Berkman at h.berkman©thebloomproject.org or 541-241-8845. HOSPICEOF REDMONDSISTERS:www.redmondhospice. org or Volunteer Coordinator at 541-548-7483. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL:JoDee Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE: 541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, tschultz@mvhd.org or 541475-3882, ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregon@ gmail.com. NEWBERRYHOSPICE:541-536-7399. PARTNERS IN CARE:www. partnersbend.org or Melanie Price, 541-382-5882. RELAYFORLIFE: Stefan Myers, 54 I-504-4920. ST. CHARLESIN BENDAND ST. CHARLESIN REDMOND: 541-706-6354. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: Kristi, 541-585-9008.


FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:Linda Barker, 541-312-1064. ARTS CENTRAL STATION: 541-617-1317. CASCADES THEATRICAL COMPANY: 541-389-0803. CENTRAL OREGONSYMPHONY ASSOCIATION: Julie, 541-383-7779. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: 541-389-1813, 10a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. DESCHUTESPUBLICLIBRARY SYSTEM:541-312-1032. FRIENDSOF THE BEND LIBRARIES: www.fobl.org or Meredith Shadrachat 54 !-617-7047. HIGHDESERT CHAMBER MUSIC: www.highdesertchambermusic. com or Isabelle Senger at info© highdesertchambermusic.com or 541-306-3988. HIGH DESERTMUSEUM: 541-382-4754. LA PINE PUBLICLIBRARY: Cindylu, 541-317-1097. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Brad, volunteer@latca.org or 541-382-4366. THE NATUREOFWORDS: www.thenatureofwords.org or 54 !-647-2233. REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:541-312-1060. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE (R.I.C.E.): Barb, bonitodia©msn.com or 541-447-0732. TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: 541-317-0700.

HUMAM SERVICES ABILITREE: volunteer©abilitree.org or 541-388-8103, ext. 217. AMNESTYINTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. ASSISTANCE LEAGUEOFBEND: 541-389-2075. BEND COMMUNITYCENTER: volunteer@bendscommunitycenter. org or 541-312-2069. BETHLEHEM INN: www. bethleheminn.org or 541-322-8768. BRIDGINGGAPS:bendbridginggaps© gmail.com or 541-314-4277. CENTERFOR COMPASSIONATE LIVING (PREVIOUSLYPEACE CENTER OFCENTRAL OREGON): www.compassionatecenter.org or Beth Hansen, 541-923-6677. CENTRALOREGONVETERANS OUTREACH: covo.org©gmail.com or 541-383-2793. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES: Therese Helton, Therese.M.Helton@ state,or.us or 541-693-8988. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVIGES CROOK COUNTY: Valerie Dean, 541447-3851, ext. 427. DISABLEDAMERICANVETERANS (DAV):Don Lang, 541-647-1002. FAMILYKITCHEN:Cindy Tidball, cindyt@bendcable.com or 541-610-6511. FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 541-389-5468. HUMAN DIGNITYCOALITION: 541-385-3320. HUNGERPREVENTION COALITION:Marie, info©

hungerpreventioncoalition.org or 541-385-9227. LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 541-536-1312. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisq© neighborimpact.org or 541-548-2380, ext.106. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: www.abridgetopeace.org or JohnC. Schwechten at 541-383-2646. PFLAGCENTRAL OREGON: www.pflagcentraloregon.org or 541-317-2334. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE:Teresa, 541-318-4950. SAVINGGRACE:541-382-9227 or 541-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF BEND:www.sibend.org, president@ sibend.org or 541-728-0820. ST. VINCENTDEPAULSOCIAL SERVICES: 541-389-6643. VOLUNTEER CONNECT:www. volunteerconnectnow.org or 541-385-8977. WINNINGOVER ANGER & VIOLENCE: www.winningover.org or 541-382- !943. WOMEN'SRESOURCE CENTER OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0750.


716 SW 11tII St. Redmond . 541.923.4732



GOVERNMENT, CITY AND COMMUNITY THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resources@ojd.state. or.us or 888-530-8999. CITY OFBEND:Cheryl Howard, choward@ci.bend.or.us or 541-388-5505. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher, 541-317-3186 or 541-388-6525. DESCHUTESRIVERWOODS NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION: www.drwna.org or Barbara at info© drwna.org or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSON COUNTYVOLUNTEER SERVICES: Therese Helton, 541-4756131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIREPROTECTION DISTRICT:Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARDDISTRICT NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION: www.orcharddistrictneighborhood. com. SCORE:BruceMichalski, www. scorecentraloregon.org or 541-316-0662. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE:541-593-8149. VISIT BEND: www.visitbend.com or 541-382-8048.

MISCELLAMY CENTRALOREGON LOCAVORE: www.centraloregonlocavore.com or Niki at info@centraloregonlocavore. com or 541-633-0674. HIGHDESERT SPECIAL OLYMPICS: 541-749-6517. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS: www.oregonadaptivesports.org, info©oregonadaptivesports.org or 541-306-4774. SACREDARTOF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-4179.

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Eva and Isaiah Nelson play in their beds. The four Nelson

Continued from 01

like small cutouts under the

bunks. Many items are also stored in bins under the Nelsons' big bed. Nelson estimates they have spent $8,500 on the bus, including the original purchase price.

a large table top is attached

to create a large dining table, which the children also children sleep use for some home-schooling on the bunks projects. Mostly the table is and their parstored during the day. ents sleep in P ast the benches is t h e a large bed at kitchen, with counters on the very back both sides and a large basin

Natural living As Nelson looked for ways to save money, she began to adopt a more natural way of living. "I fell down a rabbit hole; I'm a completely different person," she said. She found that becoming greener saved her money. She started making all of her own soap, shampoo and

of the bus. Ryan Brennecke The Bulletin

personal p r oducts. N elson

also began using essential oils in a variety of ways. She makes most of the family's

food from scratch. Nelson says her mom jokingly introduces Nelson as her "hippie" daughter. It's something Nelson never imagined herself being called. "I never came around to it

posts can be inserted in between the benches and then

more peace and purpose."

Nelson says as she watched it pull in to the driveway she search natural living, she thought, "Oh, my God, we keptcoming across stories of bought a bus." They had puruntil I needed to save mon- families who lived in convert- chased it from a man in Idaey," she said. But now she's ed buses. She approached Ian ho for $3,500. When Nelson starting to embrace the term with the idea. "Would it be stepped inside for the first — especially if it means doing cool to live on a bus?" Nelson time, it hit her just how much things intentionally, which is says he shut her down right work was going to be reher biggest goal. away, saying, "no, that sounds quired to turn it into a home. In 2010, Nelson started a crazy." The man who had been livblog to chronicle some of her But Nelson never gave up ing in the converted bus was favorite how-tos and thoughts the idea. The couple watched a smoker and had installed about living and mothering a documentary that featured brown shag carpeting and with intention. Called "Sha- a family living on bus. Af- wood paneling. lom Mama," the website has terward, Nelson says, h er In order to focus on constarted to gain a following. husband agreed to the idea, verting the bus, Ian cut back Nelson explains "shalom" with one caveat. If they didn't to part-time at work. For a means peace and wholeness, like it after a year, they could few months, the family of six two things that she is always move on. lived in a small travel trailer looking for. Nelson says many on Nelson's parents' propermoms are attracted to the site The bus ty. Nelson says that cramped becausethey "feelso crazy all I n O c t ober 2 0 12 , I a n space was actually good the time and are looking for brought the school bus home. in a way. She says they all A s Nelson began t o


thought: "The bus is going to be huge!" Nelson says Ian did almost all of the renovations. It is designed very thoughtfully. By June of 2013, the fami-

ly was living in the bus. The kitchen and bathroom spac-

es were completed around Christmastime of 2013. Walking onto the bus, the

space has a surprisingly open and airy feel. White wainscoting and tile line the walls and a light wood laminate covers the floor. Two low benches line each wall, with built-in

storage below. This is where the family keeps books, a yoga mat, dirty laundry and other items, all in separate sections. The benches will soon be lined with a colorful

soft fabric. Two large metal


Life on the bus " When it's b edtime, t h e

kids think the bus is stupid

sink. Ian built the countertop

to cover the top of the stove, to and they want to stay up and provide more counter space. keep playing," said Nelson. The top is easily removed But otherwise, she says, they during cooking. The cabinets, tend to like it. "I miss doors," said Nelson. which were free online, still need to be painted. She hopes they will be able to Nelson makes use of the install real doors soon, as the naturally magnetic ceiling. curtains they used at the beThey use magnets to hang ginning tend to fall down or curtains and to post notes. get kicked over. "The things The girls also discovered that people take for g r anted!" My Little Ponies have mag- joked Nelson. netic feet and like to attach When the children begin them to the ceiling. to bicker or have typical sibPast the kitchen is a small ling rivalry issues, Nelson propane heater for the house tells them to go outside. Or to and also the side door of the go find their bunk. She also bus. Nearby is a shower that has an important rule: No flows into a large metal basin screaming on the bus. that Nelson says is big enough Nelson says they don't infor baths. tend to live on the bus forevThe bathroom has a work- er. They hope to travel with ing toilet and some storage, it relatively soon (although but is still a bit unfinished. they want to paint the exteThen come the sleeping rior first). The couple hope quarters. Two sets of small to buy an acre or two and built-in bunk beds line the have a homestead in Central w alls. Each child has a Oregon. s mall, c ontained s helf t o F or now, they like t he keep personal items. Beyond space. "It's very much us. Evthe bunks is the queen-size eryone is really close — I like sleeping area for the par- that." ents. Seemingly everywhere — Reporter: 541-617-7860, are tiny spots for storage, aj ohnson@bendbulletin.com

SUPPoRT GRoUPs The following listcontainssupport group information submitted to The Bulletin.Submissionsmust beupdated monthlyforinclusion.Tosubmit, email relevant details to communitylife© bendbulletin.com. ABILITREEPEER GROUP FOR PERSONSAFFECTEDBYA DISABILITY:541-388-8103. ABILITREE YOUNG PEER GROUP: 541388-8103 ext. 219. ABILITREEBRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-8103. ADHDADULTSUPPORTGROUP: 541-420-3023. ADOPTIVEPARENTSUPPORT GROUP: 541-389-5446. ADULTCHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS: 541-633-8189. AGE WIDEOPEN (ADULT CHILDREN SUPPORT GROUP): 541-410-4162 or www.agewideopen.com. AIDSEDUCATION FOR PREVENTION, TREATMENT, COMMUNITY RESOURCES ANDSUPPORT (DESCHUTES COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT): 541-322-7402. AIDSHOT LINE:800-342-AIDS. AL-ANON: 541-728-3707 or wtNw. centraloregonal-anon.org. ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS (AA):541548-0440or www.coigaa.org. ALS SUPPORT GROUP:541-977-7502. ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION: 541-548-7074. ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-330-6400. ALZHEIMER'S/DEMENTIA CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-948-7214. AUTISMRESOURCE GROUP OF CENTRALOREGON:54 I-788-0339. BENDATTACHMENTPARENTING: 541-385-1787. BEND S-ANONFAMILYGROUP: 888-285-3742. BEND ZENMEDITATION GROUP: 541382-6122or 541-382-6651. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORTGROUPS: 541-382-5882. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUP/ADULTSAND CHILDREN: 541-383-3910. BEYOND AFFAIRSNETWORK: A peergroup forvictims of infidelity, baninbend©yahoo.com. BRAININJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-382-9451. CANCERFAMILYSUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-5864. CANCERINFORMATION LINE: 541-706-7743. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-536-7399. CELEBRATE RECOVERYBEND: Faith ChristianCenter,541-383-5801; Westside Church,541-382-7504; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATE RECOVERYLAPINE: Grace Fellowship, 541-536-2878; High Lakes Christian Church,541-536-3333; Living Waters Church, 541-536-1215; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATE RECOVERYMADRAS: Living HopeChristian Center,541-4752405or centraloregoncr.org. CELEBRATE RECOVERYREDMOND: RedmondAssembly of GodChurch, 541-548-4555or centraloregoncr.org. CENTRALOREGON ALZHEIMER'S/ DEMENTIAGAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP: 541-504-0571. CENTRALOREGONAUTISM ASPERGER'S SUPPORTTEAM: 541-633-8293. CENTRALOREGON AUTISM SPECTRUM RESOURCEAND FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP:541-279-9040. CENTRALOREGON COALITIONFOR ACCESS(WORKING TO CREATE ACCESSIBLE COMMUNITIES): 541-385-3320. CENTRALOREGON DEPRESSION AND ANXIETYGROUP:541-420-2759. CENTRALOREGON DISABILITY SUPPORT NETWORK:541-548-8559 orwww.codsn.org. CENTRALOREGON FAMILIESWITH MULTIPLES: 541-330-5832 or

541-388-2220. CENTRALOREGONLEAGUE OF AMPUTEESSUPPORT GROUP (COLA):541-480-7420 orwww. ourcola.org. GENTRALOREGONRIGHTTO LIFE: 541-383-1593. CHILDCAR SEAT CLINIC(PROPER INSTALLATIONINFORMATION FOR SEATAND CHILD): 541-504-5016. CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: 541-330-3907. CHRISTIANWOMEN OF HOPE (WOMEN'SCANCER SUPPORT GROUP):541-382-1832. CLAREBRIDGEOFBEND (ALZHEIMER'S SUPPORT GROUP): 541-385-4717or rnorton1@ brookdaleliving.com. CO-DEPENDENTSANONYMOUS BEND:541-610-7445. CO-DEPENDENTSANONYMOUS REDMOND: 541-610-8175. COFFEEAND CONNECTION CANCER SUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-3754. COMPASSIONATEFRIENDS (FOR THOSEGRIEVING THE LOSS OF ACHILD):541-480-0667 or 541-536-1709. CREATIVITY I!tWELLNESS—MOOD GROUP:541-647-0865. CROOKED RIVER RANCHADULT GRIEFSUPPORT:541-548-7483. DEFEATCANCER: 541-706-7743. DESCHUTES COUNTYMENTAL HEALTH24-HOUR CRISIS LINE: 541-322-7500. DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR SUPPORTALLIANCE:541-549-9622 or 541-771-1620. DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR SUPPORT: 541-480-8269 or suemiller92@gmail.com. DEPRESSIONSUPPORT GROUP: 541-617-0543. DIABETESEATFOR LIFE!:541-3066801,www.centraloregonnutrition.com or Ibrizee©centraloregonnutrition.com. DIABETIC SUPPORTGROUP: 541-598-4483. DISABILITY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-8103. DIVORCE CARE:541-410-4201. DOUBLETROUBLERECOVERY: Addiction andmental illness group; 541-317-0050. DYSTONIASUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-2577. ENCOPRESIS (SOILING): 541-5482814or encopresis@gma!Lcom. EVENINGBEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUP:541-460-4030 FAITHBASED RECOVERY GROUP: Drug andalcohol addictions; pastordavid@thedoor3r.org. FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 541-389-5468. GAMBLERSANONYMOUS: Redmond 541-280-7249, Bend541-390-4365. GAMBLINGHOT LINE:800-233-8479. GERIATRICCARE MANAGEMENT: info©paulbattle.comor 1-877-867-1437. GLUCOSECONTROL LOW CARB DIET SUPPORTGROUP:kldnrcd@yahoo. comor 541-504-0726. GLUTENINTOLERANCEGROUP (CELIAC):541-390-2399. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:Supportfor pregnant teensandteen moms; 541-383-3515. GRANDPARENTSRAISING OUR CHILDREN'SKIDS:541-306-4939. GRANDPARENTSSUPPORTGROUP: 541-385-4741. GRIEFSHAREGRIEF RECOVERY SUPPORTGROUP:541-382-1832. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP:541-3066633, 541-318-0384 or mullinski© bendbroadband.com. GRIEFAND LOSS SUPPORT GROUP: 541-508-4036or www.gohospice.com, GRIEFSHARE (FAITH-BASED) RECOVERYCLASS:541-389-8780. HEALINGENCOURAGEMENT FOR ABORTION-RELATEDTRAUMA (H.E.A.R.T.): 541-318-1949. HEALTHYFAMILIESOFTHE HIGH DESERT:Homevisitsforfamilies with newborns;541-749-2133


NAMI BEND — EXTREME STATES: 541-647-2343 or www. namicentraloregon.org NAMI BENDCONNECTIONS:541480-8269, 541-382-3218 or www. namicentraloregon.org NAMI BENDFAMILY SUPPORT

GROUP:whitefam©bendcable.com or www.namicentraloregon.org. NAMI MADRASCONNECTIONS:For peers, 541-475-1873or NAMlmadras© gmail.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILYSUPPORT GROUP:541-475-1873 or NAMlmadras@gmail.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILY-FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-475-3299 or www.namicentraloregon.org NAMI REDMONDFAMILY SUPPORT GROUP:namicentraloregon©gmail. com. NAMI REDMONDCONNECTIONS:541382-3218or 541-693-4613. NEWBERRY HOSPICE OF LA PINE: 541-536-7399. OREGON COMMISSIONFORTHE BLIND:541-447-4915. OREGON CURE:541-475-2164. OREGONLYME DISEASE NETWORK: 541-312-3081ortNww.oregonlyme.org. OVEREATERSANONYMOUS: 541306-6844orwww.oa.org. PARENTS/CAREGIVERSOF CHILDRENAFFECTEDBYAUTISM SUPPORTGROUP: 541-771-1075 or http:Ilcoregondevdisgroupaso.ning. com. PARENTSOFMURDEREDCHILDREN (POMC)SUPPORT GROUP: 54 I-4! 0-7395. PARISHNURSESANDHEALTH MINISTRIES:541-383-6861. PARKINSON'SCAREGIVERS SUPPORTGROUP:541-317-1188. PARKINSON'SDISEASE SUPPORT GROUP:541-280-5818. PARTNERS IN CARE:Homehealth and hospice services;541-382-5882. PAUL'SCLUB:Dadsand malecaregiver supportgroup;541-548-8559.

2 LocationsisBend Main Center

Culver, 541-546-4012;Redmond, 541-923-0878. TYPE 2 DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-4986. VETERANSHOTLINE: 541-408-5594 or818-634-0735. VISIONNW:Peersupportgroup; 541-330-0715. VOLUNTEERSIN MEDICINE: 541-330-9001. WOMEN'SRESOURCE CENTER OF GENTRALOREGON:541-385-0747 WOMEN SURVIVINGWITH CANCER SUPPORTGROUP:541-706-5864. YOUNGPEOPLEWITH DISABILITIES PEERGROUP:831-402-5024. ZEN MEDITATIONGROUP: 541-388-3179.

PFLAGCENTRALOREGON:For parents, families and friends oflesbians and gays; 541-317-2334orwww. pflagcentraloregon.org. PLAN LOVINGADOPTIONS NOW (PLAN):541-389-9239. PLANNEDPARENTHOOD: 888-875-7820. PMS ACCESS LINE: 800-222-4767. PREGNANCY RESOURCECENTERS: Bend,541-385-5334; Madras,541475-5338;Prineville,541-447-2420; Redmond, 541-504-8919. PULMONARY HYPERTENSION SUPPORT GROUP: 541-548-7489. SAVINGGRACE SUPPORT GROUPS: Bend, 541-382-4420; Redmond, 541-504-2550, ext. 1;Madras, 541-475-1880. SCLERODERMASUPPORT GROUP: 541-480-1958. SEXAHOLICSANONYMOUS: 541-595-8780. SOUPANDSUPPORT:Formourners; 541-548-7483. STEPMOM SUPPORTGROUP: 541-325-3339or www. insightcounselingbend.com. SUPPORTGROUP FOR FAMILIES WITH DIABETIC CHILDREN: 541-526-6690. TOBACCO FREEALLIANCE: 541-322-7481. TOPS OR: Bend, 541-633-7399;






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ru i n

i n ries o o e i in' ower'


Naturi Naughton stars


as Tasha,

9 p.m.June 7, Starz

the wife of New York

By Jacqueline Cutler

drug kingpin James


"Ghost" St. Patrick, in

When the legitimate busi-

ness is a Manhattan nightclub, consider what the illegitimate

"Power," pre-

one could be.

miering June 7 on Starz.

Starz's latest drama, "Power," from executive produc-

inside," says creator Courtney

er Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson, who raps the theme song,

Submitted photo

premieres June 7. In it, James

"Ghost" St. Patrick (Omari Hardwick) is a New York drug kingpin looking for legitimacy with his new business, a club. He's made it this far with

childhood palTommy Egan (Joseph Sikora), who sounds as if he is from the streets and retains his rough edges. Ghost, however, is smooth and point is despite being a killer

another. Ghost moves through

that encompasses the narcis- just make him a regular persism he is riddled with, He is son, a father and a husband equally Cliff Huxtable, not — he has never done anything only with his kids, but the kid of infidelity pertaining to his within himself." wife." It may seem like a stretch That is not going to last. to think of a drug dealer as The pilot and second epiDr. Huxtable, Bill Cosby's sodes do a wonderful job of quintessential family man in

to her with details with what is

who has street cred, Ghost is

also a solid family man. "I want to play every bad "I have described him as guy in the most sympathetic a ruthless, ambitious Pablo way," he says. "We would forEscobar of sorts," says Hard- get about the nature of him bewick ("Being Mary Jane") of ing a ruthless killer as we see his character, "who will go to in Episode I, and someone deall extremes to get what he siring to be a killer in the game as he does in his hip new club.

wants, when he wants it. And

of entrepreneurship. If I could

setting up the conflicts within

the classic NBC sitcom "The each character and how the Cosby Show," but Hardwick's characters will relate to one

going on with the team." Neither Ghost nor Tasha has


Kemp Agboh. "There are guys The first two episodes lay who go in and some guys who the groundwork for Angela to escape it." The show blends the life

return to Ghost's life. Would

from the streets, which 50 Cent lived before becoming a successfulrapper,with the life from the club. Agboh was

career over a criminal? Would

interested in

life as quietly as a shadow, leaving bodies in his wake and killing effortlessly, neatly and apparently without remorse. His wife, Tasha (Naturi Naughton, "Lottery Ticket"), is his true partner. "Tasha goes shopping with her girlfriends and can do whatever she wants," Naughton says. "Being the wife of the kingpin, she enjoys being a part of the whole hustle, and she wants him to lean on her for opinion. They have always been teammates in everything they have done, and it is strange when he stops coming

would look as comfortable at a Fortune 500 conference table

done time, which seems odd man. "She is in love with James considering they have lived off dirty money for long enough but also in love with the life," that they live large in a Tribeca Naughton says. penthouse. Clearly the murder Tasha grew up poor with a Ghost commits in the pilot is single mom in Queens, and not his first, and one can't help her mom pressures her to hold but wonder how anyone could onto her man. "Essentially it is not just the be in the life for this long without getting caught. money she enjoys," Naughton "We have a character in the says. "It's that security more show played by 50 Cent who is so. She never felt safe without

Angela gamble her hard-won Ghost gamble his longtime marriage over the love that got away? If Tasha gets wise to Angela,

s h owing h ow

Ghost's talent as a drug supplier to the rich could be transferred to a nightclub. "The whole first season, you can't predict the future and control what is happening," she says. Some scenes foreshadow. A sexy woman, Angela Valdes (Lela Loren, "Gang Related"), shows up at the club,

it could get violent. And there

are genuine sparks between Angela and Ghost. So what happened to the Dr. Huxtable

character? "Where the childlike quality also shows up for men in general — he is no exception to the

rule — we lose ourselves when there is another piece of a... in

and Ghost all but melts upon

front of us," Hardwick says. So there will be a love tri-

seeing her. Unfortunately for

angle, tensions between two

lifelong friends on whether to stick with an incredibly lucrative drug business, and family relationships set to unfold over eight episodes. "It is a show for people who like crime, a show for people who like romance," Agboh says. "It is a show for people who like family dramas and a show for people who like cops

both of them, Tasha sees this as well.

Angela was Ghost's first love. She had a chance at pri-

vate schools and great colleges and jumped. Now she's an attorney with a government

agency, so could it be coincidence that she just wandered into Ghost's club? All Tasha knows is

t h at

she is not going to give up her

and robbers."


Feein aienate t e

r in ers

• There may be an additional fee for 3-D and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. I

— Liz in New Jersey Dear Abby:I'm 20 years old. My boyfriend and I don't drink. AlDear Liz: I agree that it's time to most every person my age does, expand your cirde of acquaintancand it's starting to get to me. I'd es. That's why I'm advising you to love to have friends besides my join a gym or some other physical boyfriend I can hang out with, activity group and start meeting but I find that I only people who are inc onnect w it h h i m volved in physical fitbecause everyone ness. None of the ones DPPR else always wants I know want to spend ABBY to go out and party their time drinking He is an introvert, so and partying because the seclusion doesn't they are more interbother him. I, on the other hand, ested in eating and living healthfully. I'm sure if you try it, you will meet am greatly bothered by it. I have always been ahead of others who thinkthe wayyou do. the curve in terms of people my Dear Abby:I am 15, and all of my age. I have more in common with friends my age and a grade lower 30-year-olds thanpeople in college. have their belly buttons pierced. Unfortunately, I would feel weird I have been asking my mom for spending time with 30-year-olds, a very long time and she doesn't and I'm sure they'd feel the same have a problem with it, but my dad

button pierced at the age of 15. Is it wrong?

about spending time with me. Most

delicious meal! — Inquisitive in Ottawa

does. He won't let me get it done be-

of my spare time is spent with my cause he doesn't want me looking family. They just seem to get me. like trash at this age. I don't want it to impress boys; I How can I find people my age who think the way I do? I don't want it for my own beauty and to want to be the kind of girl who look good with a cute jewel to go only spends time with her boy- with my summer outfits or bathfriend. I would appreciate other ing suits. They said to ask you if relationships. you think it's wrong to have a belly


your downtime.Takea class in yoga, or try some other type of relaxing exercise. You even might opt to do some volunteer work. Ifyou are Stars showthe kind single, this sumof dayyou'll have mer is when Cupid ** * * p ositive will be in your neighborhood. *** Average You probably ** So-so will meet several * Difficult potential suitors this year. If you are attached, you will enjoy spending more time together by partaking in your favorite pastimes. Make plenty of one-and-one time for each other. CANCER is very emotional.

ARIES (Marcb21-April 19) ** * You inadvertently might upset someoneyou look upto andcareabout. Your spontaneity might threaten this per-

YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar

your spending habits. A discussion with a loved one will be enlightening, if nothing else. Remain sensitive to this person, even if you don't like what you are hearing. Tonight: Be spontaneous.

CANCER (June21-July 22) ** * *

You might irritate a roommate

or a lovedone. Fortunately, you seemto have the right words to patch up a problem in a moment or two. Allow more creativity to come in through others. Chime in with your sense of humor. Tonight: The world is your oyster.

LEO (July23-Aug.22) ** * Whatever is going on that is hushhush might be best kept that way. Be wise, and don't ask for more information. A loved one at a distance could surprise you with his or her ideas. Go along with this person's line of thought. Tonight: Make it an early night.

son's plans, as heor shewants you to be

VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22)

part of them. Tap into your imagination, and you will come out ahead. Tonight: Head to a movie or concert.

** * * You could be pushed by friends to meet up with them. By saying "yes," you might discover that you stop worrying about a problem and how to deal with it. Don't let a loved one railroad you into doing only what he or she wants to do. Tonight: Be where people are.

TAURUS (April 20-May20) ** * * You will say exactly what you want, and others will hear you. Avoid a power play at all costs. Your imagination will take you to a new level, once you get into a deep conversation with a friend. Someone at a distance might have quite an effect on you. Tonight: Stay close to home.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * An argument could color your day. Part of the issue might have to do with

— and I'm not sure I disagree with

him — is that he would prefer you make an impression by attracting attention in some other way. I'm

suggesting you hold off for now and have it done when you're older — providing you haven't changed your mind by then. Dear Abby:1. What do you call a person who is neither a morning lark nor a night owl? (That's me.) 2. What do you call someone who is neither a giver nor a taker'?

(That's me, too.) Your answers will help me win a Dear Inquisitive:A person who is neither a lark nor a night owl is

called a robin. Someone who is neither a giver nor a taker is probably a loner. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA90069

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21)

URDAY, MAY 31, 2014:This year you have a unique opportunity to get past a problem that has haunted you for years. You also will spend a considerable amount of time reflecting and enjoying

— Kylie in Washington

Dear Kylie: I don't think that having a belly button pierced is a question of right or wrong. I suspect that your father's objection

** * * You might want to understand what is happening with a neighbor or relative. Make a call and casually catch up on news. You might want to reflect on what you are hearing after the talk. If concerned, follow your intuitive sense. Tonight: Consider a trip in the near future.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Oec. 21) ** * * You will want to rethink a personal decision. You might be worried about what is happening with a friend who has been angry as of late. You could have quite a disagreement with this person, but try to be understanding. Tonight: Surrounded by good music.

CAPRICORN (Oec.22-Jan. 19) ** * * You might want to hear more from others. The best way to achieve this would be to say less yet also show extreme interest. One person in particular will seek your approval. Be careful with how you respond, as he or she needs more self-confidence. Tonight: Where people are.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18) ** * * No one doubts that you are busy and need to finish some projects. The incoming calls are meant to let you know that you are missed. Free yourself up as soon as you can, as you will want to join your pals. Tonight: Do not push yourself too hard.

PISCES (Feb.19-March20)

** * * Be more forthright in how you ** * * Your sense of direction will help handle a personal matter. You could be unusually fatigued by a child. Use caution you make it through a meeting. An older with a risk, and know full well what needs relative or friend might want you to loin him or her; however, you must tackle and to happen. A friend might become uptight complete a responsibility first. Anger and quite difficult to speak to. Avoid a risk might be a lot closer to the surface than at all costs. Tonight: Order in. you realize. Tonight: Be the lead actor. © King Features Syndicate

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)



Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • THEAMAZINGSPIDER-MAN 2(PG-13) 12: IO,3:50, 7:05 • BLENDED(PG-13) 1: IO,4:05, 7:20, 10:10 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER lPG-13) 1:25, 4:35, 7:45 • CHEF R) ( 12:15, 3:05, 6:05, 9:05 • GODZILLA(PG-13) 1:20, 4:15, 7:35 • MALEFICENT(PG) Noon, 3, 3:30, 6:15, 6:45, 9:15,10:15 • MALEFICENT3-DiPG) 12:30, 9:30 • MALEFICENT IMAX3-D (PG) 1,4, 7:15, 10 • MILLION DOLLAR ARM (PG) 11:55a.m., 3:15, 6:35, 9:40 • A MILLIONWAYSTODIEIN THEWEST(R) 12:40, 3:40, 6:55,10 • NEIGHBORS(R)I:45,4:30,7:50, IO:I5 • THEOTHER WOMAN iPG-13)1:35,4:20,7:30,10:05 • THERAILWAY MAN lR)6:30,9:25 • RIO 2iG) 11:50 a.m., 2:50 • X-MEN:DAYS OF FUTURE PAST lPG-13)11:45a.m., 12:50, 2:45, 4:45, 6, 8, 9 • X-MEN:DAYS OF FUTURE PAST3-D iPG-13)12:20, 3:20, 6:20, 9:20 • Accessibilitydevices areavailable for some movies.

8p.m. on29,"Beton Your Baby" —Starting a new season tonight, this game show, hosted by comic actress and working mom Melissa Peterman ("Reba," "Baby Daddy"), features families competing to see how well they can predict their toddlers' next moves. At stake is cash for the kiddies' college funds. 8 p.m. on HBO,"2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony" —KISS is on the list, and so are the guys who sang"Kiss on My List."Gene Simmons' band andthe duo Hall 8 Dates are two of the acts in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's class of 2014, along with Peter Gabriel, Nirvana, Linda Ronstadt, Cat Stevens and Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band — the Boss himself entered the Hall in 1999. Carrie Underwood, Bonnie Raitt and Stevie Nicks also perform at the induction festivities, held last month in Brooklyn, N.Y. 8:30 p.m. on 6, "Mike 8 Molly" — After being shot on duty, Mike (Billy Gardell) resolves to live every day as if it were his last one on Earth — which has him considering some big changes. How big? He's thinking about leaving the police force, for starters. Melissa McCarthy and Reno Wilson also star in "They Shoot Asses, Don't They?" 9p.m. on29, "Sing YourFace Off" —Five celebrities perform as iconic musical artists in this new competition. From makeuptomanner isms — and, of course, the voice — each participant undergoes a total transformation before taking the stage. The premiere features Sebastian Bach of Skid Row as Adam Levine, basketball's Landry Fields as Lionel Richie, actor-comedian Jon Lovitz as Elton John, actress China Anne McClain asRihanna and soap star Lisa Rinna as Dolly Parton. 9 p.m. on ANPL, "My Tiny Terror" —In this new series, trainer Jacqueline Wilson works with diminutive dogs whose behavior is causing supersized problems. Kelly and Jackie are childhood best friends who recently became roommates, but Kelly's Pomeranian, Dre, is driving Jackie mad, biting her and torturing her cats. Jacqueline also works with Looney, a Pom whose barking is so out of control that her owners were forced to move, in the series premiere, "Mini Cujo." © Zap2it



McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • THELEGO MOVIE iPG)2:30 • MOMS' NIGHTOUTiPG) 9:15 • MUPPETSMOST WANTED iPG)11:30a.m. • NOAH(PG-13)6 • After 7 p.m., shows are 21and older only. Youngerthan 21 mayattend screenings before 7 p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • DAMNATIONino MPAArating) 8:30 • NYMPHOMANIAC VOLUMEI ino MPAArating) 3:45 • NYMPHOMANIAC VOLUMEII lno MPAArating) 6 I



Redmond Cinemas,1535S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • GODZILLA(PG-13) 1, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15 • MALEFICENT (PG) Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9 • A MILLIONWAYSTODIEIN THEWEST(R) 11:30 a.m., 2,4:30,7,9:30 • X-MEN:DAYS OF FUTURE PAST iPG-I3)1:15,4,6:45, 9:30

mplements 1fettue '3nkerCe~a 70 SW Century Dr., Ste. 145 Bend, OR 97702• 541-322-7337 complementshomeinteriors.com

' NQRTHWEsT CROSSING Aauard-aeinning neighborhood on Bend's teestside. www.northwestcrossing.com

Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • MALEFICENT (PG) 2:30, 4:45, 7 • MILLIONDOLLAR ARM (PG)2:30,5,7:30 • A MILLIONWAYSTODIEIN THEWEST(R) 3, 5:30, 8 • X-MEN:DAYS OF FUTURE PAST lPG-13)2:15,5,7:45

Visit Central Oregon's

Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W.U.S.Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • BLENDED(PG-13) Noon, 2:20, 4:45, 7:20, 9:50 • GODZILLA(PG-13) 1:25, 4:10, 7, 9:45 • MALEFICENT (PG) l2:10, 4:50, 7:10 • MALEFICENT3-DiPG)2:30,9:30 • A MILLIONWAYSTODIEIN THEWEST(R) 1:40, 4:15, 6:50, 9:25 • X-MEN:DAYS OF FUTURE PAST iPG-13)1,3:50,6:40, 9:35

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SATURDAY, MAY 31, 2014



Redmond's Megan Park Community

Tripleknot Townhomes at Tetherow

F ind a s p acious, beautiful new h om e t o call your ow n i n R e dmond's Megan Park community today! Nestled in th e heart of R edmond w i t h b e a utiful v i e ws , M e g an Park by Hayden Homes offers premier floor plans, third car garage options, and a great community a t mosphere. Personalize y o ur new home starting at just $199,990, or select among our move-in ready homes, including a family-friendly two story with a third car garage bay listed for only $241,990!

amenities including a

g o urmet k i tchen,

m aster suite and office on th e m ain fl o o r

and beautiful outdoor living with a private patio. Single and two story homes with urban sophistication. Bordering the 11th f airway of th e D a vid M C Lay K i d d G o l f C o u r se.

Open House on Sat-Sun 12-5. Call Judy 541.390.1411 or Natalie 541.508.9581




Association of


These exquisite lo w m a i n t enance h omes offer exceptional style and design with many

Paid Advertisement






c T 0 R S

• I





• • • >

Your new home offers a true Bend lifestyle. Nearby river access, trails to explore & Old Mill for concerts, dining & events. This contemporary single level is beautifully designed & has a fenced, low maintenance yard. Skylights & vaulted ceilings pour light into the great room & kitchen. Stainless appliances & oversize ceramic tile countertops in the fresh, modern kitchen. You can tick all the points on your list - location, quiet cul-de-sac, loads of light, big bedrooms & paver patio. $340,000 Directions: Brookswood Blvd. towards Powers Rd., left on Sw McClellan Rd., left on Sunny Breeze Ln., right on to Millcrest.

Brand new Tudor style home located in the NW Redmond neighborhood ofVista Meadows. 2235 SF, 3 bedrooms + den, 3 full baths, RV Parking, 3-car garage and many features. Stainless steel appliances, custom tile work, vaulted ceilings and front landscaping w/sprinkler system. Rear yard fencing, deck andviews of the Cascades. Other new homes available in VistaMeadows by Dunlap Fine Homes, Inc. $309,900 Directions: N on Hwy 97, Won NW Quince Ave., N onnw10th St., W on Nw Spruce Ave., N on NW 17™st., past Teakwood Lane, house at the end of 1T' St. onRight.

Listed & Hosted By: Edie DeLay, 541-420-2950 www.hasson.com

Listed By: Jim Hinton, 541-420-6229 • Hosted By: Bruce Dunlap, 541-604-4200 • www.centraloregonrealtygroup.com





This 3-bedroom home in the Hidden Hills neighborhood features an inviting great room, secluded master suite and den/bedroom off the foyer. The efficient kitchen with large corner pantry looks to the great room over a breakfast bar raised eating surface. Covered front porch, large rear patio and a breakfast patio off the dining room provide outdoor living choices. Built by J.D. Neel Construction lnc. $324,900

Directions: FromBend Parkway exit Reed Market Rd. eastbound, right on Brosterhous Rd. Left on Marble Mountain Ln., Left on Ruby Peak Ln.,left into Cougar PeakDr. Listed By:Rob Davis • Hosted By: Ray Bachman 541-383-4360 • www.thegarnergroup.com






Cascade ~ SothebyS

A' I






M •

Brand new 2681 sq.ft. home built by award winning Sage Builders, is move-in ready! 3 bedroom + office & formal dining, 2.5 bath, Energy Star & Earth Advantage certified with 3-cargarage. Situated on the creek with Cascade Mountain views! All amenities are included w/ownership. $469,900. Directions:West on Coopers Hawk, right on Nutcracker,left on Golden Pheasant, left on EagleCrest Blvd., left on William Lyche, left on 1st Highland ViewLoop, left on Trail CreekDrive.

Listed By:Lynn Johns • Hosted By: Wes & Lynn Johns 541-408-2944 • www.Lynn Johns.com




Nestled between Widgi Creel Golf Course and the 7th Mountain Resort, PointsWest off ersluxurytownhomes juststepsfrom the DeschutesRiver. Featuring several spacious floor-plans on waterfall, golf course and riverfront home-sites with resort and maintenance free living make this a top choicefortheoutdoorenthusiastorasaBend retreat.Checkoutthe "Move-In Ready" PineM artin4 BR,3.5 BA,2540SF.$449,750 Directions: PointsWest,how to get there: Travel 5.1 miles on CascadeLakes Hwy. takea leftinto the Seventh Mountain Resort. Bear left and youwill arriveat Points West.




Open Great Room with Mountain and Lake Views. 4 bedroom, 6 bath, 5,096 sq.ft. Offered at: $1,170,000 Directions: South 97 to the Cottonwood exit, go to Circle 10 and exit right onto east Cascade Road to Circle 9, turn right on West Core Road, right on Gray Birch.

Listed & Hosted By: Stephanie Ruiz, 541-948-5196 • Jordan Grandlund, Listed & Hosted By: BreRouse,541-420-0214 Cate Cushman,541-480-1884 541-420-1 559 •ww w.pointswestbend.com www.centraloregonresortliving.com It es


MAY 31'T — JUNE 1'


SAT 10-3 2675 SW Brentwood Drive,Redmond SAT 12-3 8188 Ridge Lane, Powell Butte Bob Bleile 541-610-4006 $395,000 3 Bed 8 2Bath Bill Kammerer 541-410-1200 $575,000 3 Bed 8 4 Bath SAT 11-2 3424 SW Reif Road, Powell Butte SAT 12-3 21420 Belknap Drive, Bend Christin Hunter 541-306-0479 $629,000 39 AC, 3 Bed & 2 Bath Susan Pitarro 541-410-8084 $579,000 3 Bed & 3 Bath SAT 11-2 1740 NW Cliffside, Redmond SAT 12-4 3316 NW Fairway Heights Drive, Bend Diana Barker 541-480-7777 $247,000 2 Bed + Den Michelle Witt 541-974-4750 $719,900 3 Bed 8 3.5 Bath SAT1-4 417 NW27th Street, Redmond SAT 11-3 16317 SW Dove Road, Terrebonne Don Romano 541-891-9441 $279,500 3 Bed & 2 Bath Audrey Cook 541-480-9883 $154,900 2 Bed & 2 Bath SAT 11-3 306 NW 29th Street, Redmond SAT & SUN 11-2 16095 Strawn Road, La Pine Gary Diefenderfer 541-480-2620 $284,000 3 Bed & 2.5 Bath Steve Walterscheid 541-480-0376 $199,000 3 Bed 8 2 Bath SAT 11-3 2180 NE Castle Avenue, Bend SAT & SUN 11-3 1030 Roanoke Avenue, Bend GailRogers 541-604-1649 $259,000 3Bed8 2.5Bath Loretta Moorhead 541-480-2245 $147000-$167000 2 Bed & 1 Bath •


II • I M



I '







' •


SAT & SUN 11-3 20051 Crystal Creek Court, Bend KendallComey . 541-576-4742 $379,000 . 3 Bed 8 2.5 Bath SAT & SUN 11-3. 3158 Shevlin Meadows, Bend Jake Moorhead 541-480-6790 . $859,000 3 Bed & 4 Bath SAT & SUN 11-3.1728 NW Kingwood Place, Redmond Jeanette Brunot . 541-771-1383 $225,000 3 Bed & 2 Bath SAT & SUN 12-3 2707 NW 22nd Street, Redmond Cheryl Tanler 541-410-7434. $275,000 3 Bed & 2 Bath SAT & SUN 1-4 400 NW 24th Place,Redmond Lori Schneringer 541-280-1543 $194,500 3 Bed & 2.5 Bath SUN 11-4 . 606 Nutcracker, Redmond Audrey Cook . 541-480-9883 $429,000 . 3 Bed & 2.5 Bath SUN 12-3. 21420 Belknap Drive, Bend Hilary Rich . 541-213-0451 $579,000 3 Bed & 3 Bath SUN 12-3 60841 Willow Creek Loop, Bend Michelle White 541-390-5286 $439,000 3 Bed & 2 Bath




New Listings


Commercial/lnvestment Commercial/Investment Properties for Sale Pro p erties for Sale

[Pp op ~Q

Multiplexes for Sale

Open H ouses

Homes for Sale

Redmond 16.25 Acres Newer 2 story duplex OpenHouse Remarkable Deschutes • j with attached Fri. 12-3 & Sat. 1-4 R iver 8 Can y o n i j $795,000 C ommercial Lots I n Own a Piece of History • Prime development garages. Ad ¹2072 20352 Sonata yyay, Views! AD¹1222 Crooked River Ranch: Fort Rock Tavern and TEAM Birtola Garmyn parcel Bend, OR 97702 Great opportunity to Grill - Recently re- TEAM Birtola Garmyn • Utilities on site High Desert Realty Terrific Central Bend High Desert Realty start a business or modeled. 4 poker ma• 2139 sq.ft. Iog home 541-312-9449 Location. A m azing 541-312-9449 relocate an existing chines and lottery, full • MLS 201404039 www.BendOregon storage and b onus www. BendOregon e • • • • business. Near res- bar, pool table and 726 Lisa Campbell, Broker RealEstate.com a rea. P e rfect f o r RealEstate.com t aurants, hotel a nd much more. 4 full RV 541-419-8900 hobbies, movTimeshares for Sale golf course. Owner hookups $200,000. RENTALS This is the only duplex crafts, Look at: Main level masterms avail. Business Call Candy Yow, in Gilchrist townsite ies. 603 - Rental Alternatives ter. Upgraded flooring. Bendhomes.com Circle, Lot 82:1.05 541-410-3193 $26,000 2 m a s ter and has been very 604 - Storage Rentals Home designed for for Complete Listings of suites with golf memacres, $25,000. Lot 50 MLS201306884 well maintained. 4 605 - Roommate Wanted n atural l i gh t wi t h Area Real Estate for Sale bership for owners. -1.30acres8 Lot51Duke Warner Realty bdrms, 1 bath each e xposure. 616- Want To Rent MORRIS 541-382-8262 Located on the ¹ 16 1.23 acres, still availside, plus living room, southern location Corner lot 1380 sq. ft., 3 627- VacationRentals & Exchanges green. Double car gaREAL ESTATE able at $35,000 each kitchen, laundry area Convenient close t o sc h ools, bdrm, 2 bath, vaulted 630- Rooms for Rent rage with h igh-end ~ y~ ~ ~ d or purchase both for Perfect for Owner User and bonus room up shopping and park- ceilings, gas heat, and furnishings. Deeded River Canyon Estates $60,000. Juniper Re- Total of 4 condo in- stairs. Single car ga 631 - Condominiums & Townhomes for Rent way access. MLS ¹ double car g arage. five weeks a y ear. alty 541-504-5393 dustrial units. Each rage, fenced back 632 - Apt./Multiplex General j $659,000 Fire sale price on our • 3419 sq.ft. $156,900. MLS unit is approx 2250 sq yard, covered patio 201403461,$285,000 upgraded 634- Apt./Multiplex NE Bend Hosting: Krisfin 201309158 best unit! Fully Rented, Long- ft with 12x11 office & and lan d scaping. home 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Marshall MLS¹201402819 Term Leases Great Pam Lester, Principal 12x12 overhead door. $179,999 • 5 bedroom, 3 bath Karen fi/falanga, 638- Apt./Multiplex SE Bend B roker Century 2 1 Eagle Crest income p r o ducing Can be sold sepa- Cascade Realty, Den • Paver patios, water Broker 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend Properties property. 2 buildings, Gold Country Realty, rately. Easy access to nis Haniford, Princ. feature 541-390-3326 866-722- 3370 Inc. 541-504-1338 m ain b u ilding i s airport, f a i rgrounds Broker 541-536-1731 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond • MLS 201403859 Hasson Company 19,429 sq ft with very and Hwy 97. 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished $5900-$35,900 Enjoy Virginia Ross, Broker, Realtors Good classified adstell $575,000 Culver large parking lot. Sec- $499,000. 648- Houses for Rent General ABR CRS, GRI, Eagle Crest all year Acreage. ond building is 6420 Call Carolyn Emick at the essential facts in an 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend as a fractional owner. Eco Broker, Previews ~35 Acres with 27 acres sq ft. Great location. 541-419-0717. i n teresting Manner. Wri t e Open House Sat.1-3pm 541-480-7501 Benefits of being an 652 - Houses for Rent NW Bend of irrigation. $1,500,000. MLS201309345 from the readers view- not yardleyEstates Eagle Crest Owner at •Cascade Mtn views 654- Houses for Rent SE Bend Call Candy Yow at Duke Warner Realty the seller's. Convert the 63126 Pikes Cf. a "fraction" of the cost. •Two dwellings. 656 - Houses for Rent SW Bend 541-410-3193. 541-382-8262 facts into benefits. Show Home-ID FRAC •Multiple outbuildings. MLS201304214. 658- Houses for Rent Redmond the reader howthe item will Eagle Crest Properties •Fenced and cross Duke Warner Realty 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 738 help them in some way. 866-722-3370 MORRIS fenced. 541-382-8262 660 - Houses for Rent La Pine This REAL ESTATE Multiplexes for Sale Barbara Myers, Broker advertising tip 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville I M~& y ly ~ d~ 4 541-923-4663 or Madras Industrial Site New Listings brought to you by 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 2 Unit duplex in NW 541-480-7183 located close to air3 Bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2411 Bend. Ad ¹1332 Windermere Central 663 - Houses for Rent Madras port with possible Get your sq.ft., open floor plan, The Bulletin 10 Acres With Views j 664- Houses for Rent Furnished r ail a ccess. O l d TEAM Birtola Garmyn granite cou n ters, Oregon Real Estate business $135,000 High Desert Realty wooden grain stor671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent wood floor, stainless Estate on 20 acres, • Cascade Mtns & eastDuplex! Convenient 541-312-9449 age building to CLA. $399,900 675 - RV Parking erly views location. NE B e nd appliances. backs 20,000 acre www.BendOregon Call for details. MLS www.631226pikes. 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space a ROWI N G • Backs to BLM Trails single level, 3 bdrm, 2 RealEstate.com BLM land. Ad ¹1412 201401462 $50,000 hasson.com 682 - Farms, Ranches and Acreage • Peaceful setting bath, / 2 bdrm, 2 bath. TEAM Birtola Garmyn Call Virginia, Princi• MLS 201402705 Fenced Yard and 2 TaraFarsfvedf, Broker 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease with an ad in High Desert Realty Broker Call The Sulletin At pal 541-410-5252 Diane Lozito, Broker car tandem garages. 541-312-9449 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent 541-923-0855 RedThe Bulletin's 541-385-5809 Hasson Company 541-548-3598 $309,900 www.BendOregon mond Re/Max Land "Call A Service Realtors REAL ESTATE Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 541-306-9646 www.johnlscott.com/ RealEstate.com & Homes Real Es705 - Real Estate Services At: www.bendbulletin.com 51631 Professional" tate. 713- Real Estate Wanted Kellie Cook, Broker $359,000• Bend Cave Open HouseSaf. 1-4 Directory 541-408-0463 House 719 - Real Estate Trades FIND IT! 2882 SW Indian Circle, Need to get an John L. Scott Redmond• $150,000. •Private cave entrance Skyliner Summit j Bg+ (T I 726 - Timeshares for Sale Real Estate, Bend ad in ASAP? MORRIS 1700 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2.5 •Koi pond, garden and $735,000 SELL IT! 730 - New Listings www.johnlscottbend. •Semi-custom 3637 REAL ESTATE bath, many upgrades. greenhouse You can place it The Bulletin Classifieds 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale com •1 960 sq.ft. on .52 acre. sq.ft. MLS¹201403634 I~ ~ d yyy mB online at: Carol Armstrong, 738 - Multiplexes for Sale • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath ChrisSperry, Broker Broker 541-419-8758 Awbrey Village j • .31 acre, 2 masters www.bendbulletin.com TURN THE PAGE CascadeSofheby's 740 -Condominiums 8 Townhomes for Sale Windermere • MLS 201403988 $475,000 International Realty For More Ads 744 - Open Houses Central Oregon • 2209 sq.ft. David Gilmore, Broker 541-550-4922 541-385-5809 745 - Homes for Sale The Bulletin Real Estate • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath 541-312-7271 746- Northwest Bend Homes • .2 acre landscaped 747- Southwest Bend Homes yard • MLS 201402994 748 - Northeast Bend Homes Scott Huggin, 749 - Southeast Bend Homes Broker, GRI MORRIS 750 - Redmond Homes 541-322-1500 REAL ESTATE 753 - Sisters Homes ~ y~ ~ ~ d REALTORS. 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes SW Bend j $311,000 756- Jefferson County Homes • 1407 sq.ft. 757 - Crook County Homes • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath MORRIS 762 - Homes with Acreage • Corner lot, near trails REAL ESTATE • MLS 201402698 763- Recreational Homes and Property d~ A Michelle Tisdel PC, 764 - Farms and Ranches Broker, ABR, E-pro Deschutes River 771 - Lots 541-390-3490 Woods j $183,000 $ • 773 - Acreages • 1539 sq.ft. manufac775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes tured • Heated garage with 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land shop area 648 • Sunny elevated lot MORRIS Houses for • MLS 201404001 REAL ESTATE Debbie Hershey, I& y ~ yyy~ ~ o~ d Rent General

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• • -



SOUTHWEST BEND BEAUTY • 3158 sq. ft., 4 bed & 2.5 bath • Beautifully appointed

• Features real log accents

• Granite slab counters, hickory floors, heated master bath flooring and much more! DEBI CORSO, BROKER 541.280.3309


' y' '

• •

' l l •

4BR/3.5BA, 2,897sq.ft.spacious home oyy 16.62 acres I8.2 irrigated)

Open and spacious for family living,

"' yy

turn-key "ranchette" with outdoor arena, fenced/cross fenced, barn •

Theamenitiesneededforhorses with room to roam on your own

slice of paradise

DAVE DUNN, BROKER 541.390.8465 'f ' I I I


NORTHEAST BEND FAMILYHOME • 4BR/2.5 BA 2,476 sq. fI.updated home

NORTHWESTBEND PRIVATEOASIS • 4BR/3.5BA, 3,860 sq.ft., .32acre • Gourmet kitchen floor to ceiling windows to enjoy the stellar city views, custom cabinetry, guest suite, media room and grand master suite • Exceeds your expectations MICHELLEMILLS, PRINCIPAL BROKER 541.905.5999

and spacious.Tile counters in kitchen, fireplace in living room,nice master,new great backyard.





• ' •






DOWNTOW N BEND.THEHISTORIC ROSEHOUSE 3BR/2.5BA2,1nsq.fy.,on.l3lot. Bungalow heaven, major restoration/rebuild showcasing'turn of thecentury" architectureand craftsmanshipAttention . todetail at everyangle, darkwood beamsandaccents,fabul ousstone fireplace,extraordinaryfixtures, gorgeouswood floors, location iykeyhere. DrakeParkanddowntown yt your doorstep. Must yee toappreciate,thishomeiyspecial.

5BR/3BA4,055/sq.ft.,on20.19 acres. Lush Bend ranch, extraordinary home on pristine property, custom home built to take advantage of roperty, large windows overlooking eautiful setting, bass pond, tranquil

gardens, chers dream kitchen w/

luxurious master suite. Horse Butteto Powell Butte views





' •

• New carpet,paint,cedarfencing,open


541.905.5999 ',' • ' •


' l i



' II I

' •

• •


yUyI yOI

yyylyy6NHlty yyyyy


• This is not adyive byhome,seeingis believing!

' I


gourmet kitchen, walnut floors, wine room, media room,master on main

• I'

~ II I


NORTHWEST BEND ESTATE • yI BR/3.5BA 4,671 sq.ft, on private .30/acre. • Top quality finishes, designer interiors,


NORTHWEST BEND STUNNER • 5 bed, 3 bath, 3274 sq.ft. • On large 0.70 lot • Architect designed & sited

Renaissance home • Quality finishes & design • Located in Aspen Rim with all community amenities




PUBLISHER'S Commercial/lnvestment NOTICE All real estate adverProperties for Sale tising in this newspa16480 William Foss, per is subject to the MORRIS O ffice b u ilding + F air H o using A c t 616 REAL ESTATE which makes it illegal home + shop. Want To Rent to a d vertise "any $178,000. La P ine. High Lakes Realty & preference, limitation Ma n a ge New to area, employed or disc r iminationEagle Crest j $419,900 Property clean 8 quiet male, based on race, color, • 2574 sq.ft. ment 541-536-0117 s eeking room w i th religion, sex, handi- • 4 bedroom, 3 bath PRIME COMMERCIAL fenced yard for well- cap, familial status, • On 13th hole of RePROPERTY. Charmtrained female dog. marital status or na- sort Course ing updated Madras 541-606-5950 tional origin, or an in- • MLS 201402466 building, located on tention to make any Hwy. 97, Cat 5 wire Check out the such pre f erence, system, h a r dwood classifieds online limitation or discrimifloors 8 o ff s t r eet www.bendbulletin.com nation." Familial staparking. $ 1 39,900. Updated daily tus includes children ¹ 201305319 Pam under the age of 18 Lester, Principal Bro632 living with parents or ker Century 21 Gold cus t odians, pt./lillultiplex General legal Country Realty, Inc. REAL ESTATE pregnant women, and 541-504-1338 people securing cusCHECK YOUR AD 1352 NE 2nd St., Bend. tody of children under Midtown Bend j Beautiful commercial 18. This newspaper $264,900 o ffice b u ilding i n will not knowingly acBend. $589,000 High cept any advertising • 1424 sq.ft. Lakes Realty & Propfor real estate which is • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Hardwood floors, erty Man agement in violation of the law. on the first day it runs O ur r e aders a r e built-ins 541-536-0117 to make sure it is cor- hereby informed that • MLS 201404209 rect. "Spellcheck" and all dwellings adver- MJ DeWolf PC, Broker, 16629 Burgess Road, La Pine. 3820 sq. ft. 6 human errors do octised in this newsparooms, 7 rest rooms. cur. If this happens to per are available on $579,000 High Lakes your ad, please con- an equal opportunity Realty & P r o perty tact us ASAP so that basis. To complain of Management corrections and any d iscrimination ca l l 541-536-0117 adjustments can be HUD t o l l-free at made to your ad. 14 acres zoned resiMORRIS 1-800-877-0246. The 541 -385-5809 dential, divided into 4 toll f ree t e lephone REAL ESTATE The Bulletin Classified number for the heartax lots. Canyon City, OR. $99,900. MLS ing im p aired is BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS NW Bend j $314,900 201207884 J u n iper 1-800-927-9275. • 1532 sq.ft. Realty 541-504-5393 Search the area's most comprehensive listing of • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Commercial Building j Call a Pro • Fenced backyard, classified advertising... $375,000 real estate to automotive, Whether you need a 2-car garage • 1927 sq.ft. merchandise to sporting fence fixed, hedges • MLS 201404467 • Recent remodel Mark Valceschini PC, • Excellent visibility goods. Bulletin Classifieds trimmed or a house appear every day in the Broker, CRS, GRI • MLS 201403245 built, you'll find 541-383-4364 print or on line. Paula Vanvleck, Broker Call 541-385-5809 professional help in 541-280-7774 www.bendbulletin.com The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" The Bulletin s«yinty centraloyy.yyy ynsince 19N MORRIS Directory REAL ESTATE 634 541-385-5809 MORRIS d~ A Apt./Multiplex NE Bend REAL ESTATE 658 Pheasant Run Call for Specials! Houses for Rent $299,900 B u ilding, Limited numbers avail. Northwest C r aftsman Commercial Redmond single level, no de1, 2 and 3 bdrms. 1580 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, ferred ComW/D hookups, patios Country living in NE Red- 2 .5 b a ths, gr e at m ercialmaint. building i n or decks. fenced backyard. mond, approx 1700sf. 2 heart o f Pr i neville. fi/fOUNTAIN GLEN, master suites, deck, land- MLS ¹201404753 Long term tenant in 541-383-9313 scaped yd, forced air heat Craig Long, Broker place, possible terms. Professionally 541 -480-7647 + propane stove. Taking Owner is an active managed by Norris & applications, $775/ mo + Oregon realtor. Stevens, Inc. sec dep. 541-419-1917 Tom Roth, Broker 541-771-6549 Check out the Find exactly what John L. Scott classifieds online MORRIS you are looking for in the Real Estate, Bend www.bendbuffetin.com REAL ESTATE www.johnlscottbend. CLASSIFIEDS Updated daily I&~ dy ~ ~ ay d com


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• •




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The Bulletin

Serving Central Oregon since 1903



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Ho m es for Sale•



Homes f or Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

$348,500 Stunning $209,900 $214,900• One Level 10 Acre, Gorgeous Mtn 20 Acres for $180,000 views Redmond Country Home •Vaulted great r o om Views! East side of Bend. Big ~2532 sq.ft on .23 acre, •3 Bdrm, 2 bath, plus •30x60 insulated shop, mountain views and design den •3 Brdm, 2 bath, 1450 with 4 bays workshop wilderness area out private corner lot • 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, great •Fenced and crossed sq.ft. home and office. your back door. Posroom and bonus room fenced, horse ready, ~Tiled floors, oversized •Single level home built sible terms. Call Kit ~500+ sq.ft. o utdoor garage, bunk house garage, river and for- in 2000, 1728 sq.ft. Korish, 541-480-2335 deck living with views •Landscaped yard est lands. •10 Acre, 6 i r rigated, MLS¹201304808 •Fenced side yard, triple Janelle Christensen, Dave Disney, Broker fully fenced & pas- Duke Warner Realty Broker 541-410-8557 tures. 541-382-8262 garage/shop, l arge 541-815-9446 driveway Windermere Central www.angecox.johnlscott www.CentralOregonWindermere Oregon Real Estate .com/37392 20 Acres In Sisters j Llfe.com Central Oregon Angie Cox, Broker $749,500 2 Bdrm, 2 bath, duplex • 2272 sq.ft. farmhouse Gail Rogers, Real Estate 541-213-9950 on large lot. Ad ¹1382 • 3 bedroom, 2 bath Broker John L. Scott TEAM Birtola Garmyn $199,000• Quebec • Breathtaking Cascade 541-604-1649 Real Estate, Bend High Desert Realty Court www.johnlscottbend.com views Windermere 541-312-9449 •One of the last avail• MLS 201307141 Central Oregon www.BendOregon able properties in Real Estate 1.36 Acres In La Pine l Becky Brunoe, Broker RealEstate.com Sundance 541-350-4772 $269,900 $110,000• Midcentury •Great price • 1731 sq.ft., 3 bedroom River's Edge Golf Modern •Flat 3.65 acre Course backing 14th • Open cathderal great 541-410-1200 •Bring back the sparkle •Build your dream home T-Box. Ad ¹9952 room Windermere ~2 Bdrm, 2 bath and •On cul-de-sac TEAM Birtola Garmyn • Insulated 3-bay shop Central Oregon 1342 sq.ft. Pam Bell, Broker • MLS 201306446 High Desert Realty MORRIS Real Estate •Dbl commercial lot 541-848-7590 Sherry Perrigan, Broker 541-312-9449 i 20'x40' shop REAL ESTATE Susan Pitarro, 541-410-4938 www.BendOregon $234,500 Single level le y e yly ~ M o~ Kathy Neal, Broker Broker •RV parking, open floor RealEstate.com 541-420-4978 541-410-8084 plan, master bdrm Advertise your carl Windermere Windermere $859,000 3158 Shevlin separation Add A Pfcture! Central Oregon Central Oregon Meadows, Bend •Fenced garden and Reach thousands of readers! Real Estate Real Estate •R.D. Building & design Call 541-385-5809 storage shed MORRIS • Newly completed conThe Bulletin Classileds •MLS¹201401930 $150,000 • Eagle FIND IT! REAL ESTATE struction Debbie Tallman, Watching E I!T ! T I le y e yyy~ ~ o~ y •3553 sq.ft. & 42x16 RV 2.2 Acres In Ne Bend l Broker ~5.89 acres on Crooked SELL IT! garage 541-390-0934 $395,000 River Canyon • 3 Bdrm, 2 full baths • 1967 sq.ft. Windermere •Private well is installed The Bulletin Classifieds Tick, Tock and 2 half baths, bo• 2 bedroom, 2 bath Central Oregon •Septic approved SE Bronzewood nus room plus office • Artist studio/shop Real Estate •House plans available 1623 Tick, Tock... Ave. Peace and Se Jake Moorhead, Broker • MLS 201401494 Diana Barker, $675,000 • Sisters renity with this Clean 541-480-6790 Lynne Connelley, ...don't let time get Broker ~Wonderful retreat a nd N e a t Hom e Loretta Moorhead, Broker, CRS 541-480-7777 away. Hire a •Open kitchen, large liv AD¹1582 Broker 541-408-6720 Windermere ing room and deck TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-480-2245 professional out Central Oregon •Large barn/shop and High Desert Realty Windermere Real Estate of The Bulletin's storage sheds 541-312-9449 Central Oregon Bill Kammerer, "Call A Service www.BendOregon Real Estate 36 Acre estate, Bend Broker RealEstate.com Cascade Nursery. Professional" MORRIS 16755 Derringer Dr. 541-410-1200 Ad ¹1'l22 Builder's own custom REAL ESTATE $224,500 • Turnkey Directory today! Windermere TEAM Birtola Garmyn •2 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1168 single level h o me. le eemlyo Central Oregon High Desert Realty sq.ft. AD¹1572 Real Estate 541-312-9449 Acres with Cas- 26695 Horsell Road •dbl car garage, Eagle TEAM Birtola Garmyn 1.8 www.BendOregon cade Mtn V iews $279,500 • Has it All High Desert Realty Recently remodeled Crest townhome RealEstate.com $ 189,900. 3 bed - 3bd, 2 bath, 2070ysf ~2124 sq.ft. on 4 . 89 •9th fairway and mtn 541-312-9449 rooms, 2 bathrooms, acres. house on 67.9y Large custom home on views. www.BendOregon 1716 sq ft. New con- farm •Great house with fama cres w i t h 39 . 7 y Jeanette Brunot, Broker RealEstate.com 1+ acres, backing struction, interior color ily room, 3 bdrm, 2 541-771-1383 acres of i r rigation. private wildlife. $429,000 • Amazing package options avail. bath, hardwood & tile. 1344ysf building for Windermere Central Ad ¹2042 Home MLS¹201401007. •Shop, barn and hay TEAM Birtola Garmyn Office/Recreation/StuOregon Real Estate •3224 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 3 Call Gail Day, shed dio, 4502y sf building High Desert Realty 541-306-1018 bath, 3 car garage $205,000 • Huge with 12' door & man Barbara Myers, Broker 541-312-9449 Central Oregon Realty • 2 Masters, office and lot in Town 541-923-4663 or door for shop/RV/Toy www.BendOregon •3 Bdrm, Group, LLC 2 bath bonus room 541-480-7183 /Boat storage & inRealEstate.com • Kitchen with granite • Family room Windermere Central door gardening. New • 041 acre lot with Spectacular home on • Lots of storage 190 Acre Horse PropOregon Real Estate 750y deep well being fenced backyard erty - Less than 1 mile drilled to provide a 205 acres plus addi- • .44acre lot with RV $284,000• Upgrades Pam Bell, Broker tional apartment. Ad from city limits. 2160 year-round source of parking Galore 541-848-7590 sq ft 2 bedroom, 2 ¹1242 Diana Barker, Broker domestic water. New •Full of upgrades and TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-480-7777 Susan Pitarro, Broker bath home. Several gas log fireplace will amenities 541-410-8084 outbuildings including High Desert Realty Windermere be installed. $625,000. •2598 sq.ft. 3 bdrm, 2.5 Windermere 541-312-9449 barn w it h o u tdoor MLS¹201401400 Central Oregon bath Central Oregon arena. 3 tax lots, 120 www.BendOregon Real Estate Bobbie Strome, •Family room and den RealEstate.com Real Estate acres in the Urban Principal Broker •2 car garage. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, Almost Reserve. $540,000. John L Scott Real Barbara Myers, Broker $339,000 • Ranch 1600 sq.ft. Nestled in Where can you find a Call Kris Warner at Estate 541-385-5500 541-923-4663 or Home the Pines, AD¹1672 541-480-5365 helping hand? .3-4 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1959 TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-480-7183 MLS¹201206667 26 acres with Timber - 4 From contractors to sq.ft. 9 acres Windermere Central High Desert Realty Duke Warner Realty b edroom, 2 bat h , Oregon Real Estate •Craftsman, rustic de541-312-9449 yard care, it's all here 541-382-8262 2464 sq ft home with sign interior, 3 b ay www.BendOregon in The Bulletin's 4-car garage. Pristine large family shop, lots of room RealEstate.com 20085 Eliza b eth. "Call A Service $419,000. home on vacation Dave Disney, Broker $184,000. 2 bdrm, 2 MLS20120827 getaway. AD¹1272 541-410-8557 $215,000• Bend Professional" Directory bath, 1008 sq.ft., open Call Duke Warner TEAM Birtola Garmyn Windermere Central •4.65 acre parcel in NE floor plan, v a ulted Realty Dayville at High Desert Realty Bend with 1936 sq.ft. New construction. 3 Oregon Real Estate ceilings. Fenced large 541-987-2363 541-312-9449 mfg. home br/2ba. 1705 sq. ft., backyard and sprinwww.BendOregon •Outbuildings and m t on .23 acre lot, tile Garage Sales views kler system. 2-Story on 13 Acres - 5 RealEstate.com floors, tile backsplash, Kathy Caba, Principal b edroom, 3 bat h , acre of COI irriga landscaped, fenced. Advertise your carl Garage Sales •1.5 Broker 2520 sq ft in Canyon tion and sprinklers $179,900. MLS Add A Picture! 541-771-1761 City. $399,999. Bill Kammerer, Broker Reach thousands of readers! Garage Sales 201209125 Pam John L. Scott MLS201305978 541-4'I 0-1200 Lester, Principal Bro Call 541-385-5809 Real Estate, Bend Call Duke Warner ReWindermere The Builetin Classifieds ker Century 21 Gold www.johnlscottbend. Find them alty at Dayville, Central Oregon Country Realty, Inc. com $145,000 - $160,000 in 541-987-2363 Real Estate 541-504-1338 Coming Soon! The Bulletin • 10 Bend w e s t side condo's Classifieds •Completely renovated 541-385-5809 2 bdrm, 1 bath, 680 sq.ft. •Professionally m a n - Awbrey Butte fine living aged and maintained and big Cascade Jake Moorhead, Broker views. Ad ¹1292 541-480-6790 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Loretta Moorhead, High Desert Realty Broker 541-312-9449 541-480-2245 www.BendOregon Windermere RealEstate.com Central Oregon 16180 Lava Drive. Real Estate Better than new c $1,890,000 raftsman home on Elegant Craftsman 1+ acres. Ad ¹2062 Home TEAM Birtola Garmyn •Extensive remodeled in High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 2013 ~4 ensuites, granite/ www.BendOregon marble countertops, RealEstate.com c ommercial gr a d e Bend's exclusive stove and sweeping mountain high comCascade views. munity. Ad ¹1622 •Surround sound on 3 sides by deeded open TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty space 541-312-9449 •Historic b arn / guest www.BendOregon house, sport court, RealEstate.com rec area Cleme Rinehart, Broker Bring Your horses! 3 541-480-2100 bdrm, 2 bath, 1635 Patty Dempsey, Broker sq. ft. home with in 541-480-5432 mo u ntain Andrea Phelps, Broker credible views, 9.74 acres with 541-408-4770 6 acres of COI irriga Windermere t ion, 2 2 x4 8 s h o p , Central Oregon 24x24 garage, hot Real Estate tub, and more. Call Pam Lester, Principal $442,000• B roker Century 2 1 Delightful Home Gold Country Realty, •Single level, open conInc. 541-504-1338 cept home ~Wood floors, vaulted The Bulletin ceilings, wood stove To Subscribe call •Dbl garage 541-385-5800 or go to •Shop and fenced Michelle Witt, www.bendbulletin.com Broker Energy efficient SE 54'I -974-4750 Bend Home on 3 Windermere Acres. Ad ¹1142 Central Oregon TEAM Birtola Garmyn Real Estate High Desert Realty Custom Home with Big 541-312-9449 Shop on Fenced 1.4 www.BendOregon Acres! $26 5 ,000 RealEstate.com $625,000• Smith Rock ~4 Bdrm, 3 bath, 3618 sq.ft. .4+ acres near Smith Rock •30'x48' dream shop Diana Barker, Broker 541-480-7777 Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate $575,000 • Powell Butte •Panoramic views from this country home •S pacious, light a n d made with quality •6.75 acre property, pri vately gated Bill Kammerer, Broker

-p,A r





TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon RealEstate.com Charming Home in great neighborhood. Ad ¹1002 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty

$129,500• 1.49 Acre Homestead ~3 Bdrm, 2 bath •Private master bdrm .Wrap around decks •Large kitchen and din

ing area



DIRECTIONS: West on Skyliners Rd., right on NWMt. Washington Dr., right on NW Lolo Dr.

2310 NW Bens Ct. • Hardwood floors • Open greatroomplan • Tile kitchen & bath counters • Coveredside patio • Priced at $995,000 DIRECTIONS: West on Shevlin Park Rd., left on NWSilas Pl., right on NW

Bens Ct.



2My04 Cougar Peak Dr.


• Inviting great room • Secluded master suite • Den/3rd BR off foyer • Outdoor living areas • Priced at $924,900


DIRECTIONS: South on Brosterhous Rd., left on Marble Mountain Ln., left on

Ruby PeakLn., left on Cougar PeakDr.



20783 Hollis Ln. • Optional den or formal DR • Enclosed bonusroom • Open great room plan • Island kitchen • Priced at $929,900


DIRECTIONS:From Parkway exit Reed Market Rd. eastbound, right on SE15th St., right on SEHollis Ln.

19571 Blue Lake Lp.


• In the Woodsat BrokenTop • Bright interior, large windows • 2 of 3 bedroomsensuite • Deck facesmountain view • Priced at $949,000 DINECTIONS:From SWCentury Dr. southbound, right on Mt. Washington Dr., left on Metolius Dr., left on Devil's LakeDr., right on Blue LakeLp.

62938 Frasca St. • Fenced entry courtyard • Premium finishes • Open greatroom • Master on main level • Priced at $419,900 DIRECTIONS:North on O.B. Riley Rd., left on BronzeSt., left on FrescaSt.

62712 Larkview Rd. • Upstairs bonus room • Heat pump with AC • Hardwood floors • Deck with hot tub • Priced at $295,000 DINECTIONS:From Hwy. 20east, north on NE 27th St., right on NE Yellow Ribbon Or., left on NEHawkview Rd., right on NE Larkview Rd.

Qualah Condo No. 13 • End unit at tennis courts • Upgraded kitchen & bath • Two-story great room • Bright interior • Priced at $207,900 DIRECTIONS:From S.Century Dr. take Abbott Dr. to Circle 3, left on River Rd., right

on LakeAspenLn.

1184 Silver Lake Blvd. • Den & bonusroom • Exceptional backyard • Open greatroom • Near Old Mill shops • Priced at $979,900

Purchas eprice$350,000,20% down,Loanamount$280,000,30yearfixed.

DIRECTIONS:From Parkway, exit Reed Market Rd. westbound, left on SWSilver Lake Blvd.

Jumbo30yeerf!xed 4.250% APR 4.421%

19492 Century Dr. • Striking architecture • 11.5-ft great room ceiling • Master on main level • Frontage roadnewly paved • Priced at $047,900

541 3232191

371 SW Upper Terrace Dr., Suite1,Bend, OR97702

• Master on main level • Superb kitchen features • Bonus roomw/wet bar • Priced at $029,900

4.125y/o 4.307y/o 3.375y/o 3.601y/o




2182 NW Lolo Dr. • Unparalleleddesign

15year fixed A P R



~Turn around driveways Dave Disney, Broker Jumbo purchaseprice /value $SOO,OOO — 20% down /equity,S640,000 loan amount. 541-410-8557 Offer valid as of date of ad, restrictions may apply. Rates/fees subject to change. On Approved Cred!t. Windermere Central 541-312-9449 Oregon Real Estate www.BendOregon 80' RV pa r king! • I • • I• RealEstate.com •I• I• $179,900. 1616 sq. ft. 2545 SW 43rd. Luxuri3 bdrm, 2 bath home ous home with stun- with dbl. garage, gas ning views. Ad ¹2102 fireplace, pantry, split TEAM Birtola Garmyn bedroom f l o orplan High Desert Realty with great room con541-312-9449 cept. ¹ 20 1 309527 n www.BendOregon orr rv. never at'orte rty!tert rryerye doinr / yr!oru"Eurt ... Pam Lester, Principal RealEstate.com Broker, Century 21 Gold Country Realty, Inc. 541-504-1338 Find It in The Bulletin Classifiedsi $225,000• Dream Yard! 541-385-5809 •1 526 sq.ft. MORTGAGE CORPORATION ~3 Bdrm, 2 bath 65174 76th Street. NW ~Wonderful outdoor liv Bend home on 206 ing in a small space casey h!M!.s tag44O je nnifer NMLS 288550 acres. AD¹1062 Carol Armstrong, TEAM Birtola Garmyn Broker CORPORLIC.IML-2421 ®®g(,gggggggymOi tgZgP, <Pm CORPNMLS13113 High Desert Realty 541-419-8758 541-312-9449 Windermere www.BendOregon Central Oregon RealEstate.com Real Estate


' •


3 0 year fixed AP R


DIRECTIONS:From Bend Parkway,exit

ColoradoAve.westbound, left on SW Century Dr., continue toward Mt. Bachelor, watch for frontage road on right past Campbell Way.




Daaltor af the yeer


' •


E4 SATURDAY, MAY 31, 2014 • THE BULLETIN Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale •

Homes for Sale

360' BREATHTAKING VIEWS! • Sisters, Oregon • 105 acres • Border BLM • Bring offers$649,000 www.johnlscott.com/ 51631 Kellie Cook, Broker 541-408-0463 John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


• H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

5 Bedrooms in Riverrim! Affordable bank-owned A Must See! Shows like Beautiful Lodge style Beautiful & Bend Park - 3 bed, 2 Best Value On The 2172 sq ft, main level home comingsoon!3 n ew. 4 B d rm, 3 . 5 estate. 5 ares with Spacious. bath, 2114y sf home Butte j $895,000 master, den/office, 3 b r/2y~ ba, b uilt i n bath, new landscap- Cascade Mt. views, Beautiful property with in park-like setting. • 5232 sq.ft. car garage, A/C, stor- 2006, living and fam ing, interior paint, car- 5398 sq.ft., 6 bdrm, 4 comfortable spaces Main dwelling plus • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath age, shed/private pa- ily rooms, located on p eting, 2 mas t e r bath, 3200 sq.ft. shop for varied family inter- guest house/rental on • Office - separate entio. Close to Brook- .97 acre lot, covered suites, theater, misc w/ large office, 24'x36' ests. Exquisite teak- a total of 0.55 acre. trance swood Plaza, r iver front porch, huge rear studio. Kori Chinchen, barn, 4 acres irriga- wood flooring in foyer, The 1440 N E 1 0th • MLS 201403353 t rail & parks . deck, double garage, Broker tion. Granite, Traver- living area and gour- dwelling has e n gi- Susan Agli, Broker, 541-788-6154 $399,900. and und e rground tine, marble finishes. met kitchen. Kitchen neered ha r dwood ABR, ALHS & SRES Call Katrina Swisher, sprinklers. MLS too John L. Scott Shelly Arnold, has granite counter- floors in living, dining 541-408-3773 541-420-3348 or Rob new! Pre-listing sta Real Estate, Bend Broker 541-771-9329 tops, large i s land, & bedrooms; MitsubEggers, 541-518-9780 tus. Call Pam Lester, www.johnlscottbend. John L. Scott ishi electric heat & p lanning desk a n d MLS¹201403085 Principal Broker Cen com Real Estate, Bend numerous oak cabi- cool system (along MORRIS www.johnlscottbend.com Duke Warner Realty tury 21 Gold Country www.johnlscottbend. nets. Master b e d- with other heating opREAL ESTATE 541-382-8262 Realty, Inc. Aspen Rim j $509,900 com room on main level tions); and fantastic MORRIS l&~ tly~ ~ ~ d • 3056 sq.ft. Renais541-504-1338 with luxurious bath- cabinets w / C orian REAL ESTATE Just too many sance built room an d p r i vate c ountertops i n t h e Want to impress the collectibles? • 4 bedroom, 3 bath deck. Large kitchen. Adj a cent 4.77 Acres in Tumalo- 6 Acres In Tumalo j A LIFE IN • Chef's kitchen, outrelatives? Remodel f amily/media r o o m guest house 8 main Green past u res, $660,000 PARADISE! door stone FP and game/rec room. h ome together f o r Sell them in your home with the mountain views, pond, • 2594 sq.ft. custom 2 Bdrm, 1 bath, 800y • MLS 201402046 $542,500 MLS¹ $510,000. The Bulletin Classifieds barn & lovely home. built Need to get an ad Sq.ft., rustic cottage Matt Robinson, Broker help of a professional 201303078. MLS¹201309547 Highly desirable loca- • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath on a 2.99y acre parfrom The Bulletin's 541-977-5811 in ASAP? Bobbie Strome, John L. Scott Real • Barn, storage building, cel. Come view this tion. $569,000. "Call A Service Principal Broker Estate 541-548-1712 541-385-5809 Call Kit Korish at RV hook-up a mazing piece o f Professional" Directory John L Scott Real 541-330-2120 • MLS 201400839 paradise on the outFax it tn 541-322-7253 Estate 541-385-5500 MLS¹201308768 Judv Mevers, Broker, skirts of R e dmond. 3 bdrm/2 bath, 2456 sq. Duke Warner Realty Find It in GRI, CRS, SRES Built on the curve of The Bulletin Classifieds ft. with 14.66 acre and Beautiful Log Home in 541-382-8262 541-480-1922 MORRIS the Deschutes River, The Bulletin Classtfieds! CRR - $370,000. 3 13.2 acre COI irriga REAL ESTATE this p erfect s m all tion, bonus room with oversized bedrooms, What are you 541-385-5809 l~ y~ ~ Op d home has amazing 2.5 bathrooms, 2060 separate entry, solar 5 A cres w /Mountain e looking for? views of the moundesign generates 20% Views - 3 b drm, 2 sq ft, s everal outBetter Than New with tains and the river. buildings, main floor BEND PARK Park-like All t h e electric. MLS bath, 1620 sq ft, irriTURN THE PAGE U p g rades! You'll find it in MORRIS Detached garage has 201403830 $488,888. m aster Ko i po n d . setting. Main dwelling 1120 sf, 3 br, 2 ba, ated, 36x40 shop, For More Ads a studio-type room The Bulletin Classifieds REAL ESTATE MLS¹201402993 guest finished garage and Call Pam Lester, Prin jenced, plus ex t ensive The Bulletin with an extra bath and cipal Broker Century sprinkler Call Jeanne Scharlund, house/rental on a to- on a n ov e r sized, sys t e m. shower att a ched. 541-420-7978 tal of 0 .55y acres. fenced lot. $159,000. 21 Gold Country Re M LS¹ 2809 2 2 5 . $425,000 541-385-5809 Inc. $265,000. Central Oregon Realty Main dwelling floors MLS¹201402107 alty, Awbrey Butte j Pam 541-504-1338 Group, LLC are engineered hard- Pam Lester, Principal $725,000 Lester, Principal Bro- 70' RV parking! New 3 MLS¹201309622 Bobbie Strome, • 3129 sq.ft. craftsman wood in living, dining, Broker, Century 21 ker, Century 21 Gold bdrm, 2 bath 1590 sq. Principal Broker • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath 40 Acres i n H a rney Country Realty, Inc. ft. home coming soon! Beautiful Views - Enjoy & bedrooms. Mitsub- Gold Country Realty, Have an item to John L Scott Real • Coffered ceilings, Pick your colors! Gas County - 3 bedroom, 2 541-504-1338 summer in this beau- ishi electric heating 8 Inc. 541-504-1338 syst e m . wooden archways sell quick? fireplace, upgraded Estate 541-385-5500 tiful cabin in Oregon c ooling bath, 2384 sq ft home • MLS 201402203 appliances and cabiwith vaulted ceiling, Water W o nderland Kitchen has fantastic If it's under cabinets with Corian Michelle Tisdel PC, sun room, kitchen with nets, t i l e flo o rs, with your own dock The Bulletin's Take care of Say "goodbuy" f enced an d l a n dBroker, ABR, E-pro '500 you can place it in and canal leading to countertops. Adjacent oak cabinets. Large 2 "Call A Service guest house and main 541-390-3490 scaped, and more! the Deschutes River. y metal shop w ith your investments The Bulletin to that unused h ome together f o r Professional" Directory bathroom, full shop $259,900. too new for $340,000. with the help from Classifieds for: $510,000 is all about meeting item by placing it in MLS¹201400132 Call Terry Skjersaa, bay, apartment and e MLS¹201309647 The Bulletin's Pam Lester, Principal The Bulletin Classifieds 541-383-1426 yourneeds. wood shop area. Bobbie Strome, r1 0 - 3 lines, 7 days Call Duke Warner Broker, Century 21 MLS¹201403452 "Call A Service Call on one of the Principal Broker Realty Dayville, Gold Country Realty, Duke Warner Realty MORRIS '16 - 3 lines, 14 days John L Scott Real Professional" Directory professionals today! 541-987-2363 Inc. 541-504-1338 5 41-385-580 9 541-382-8262550 REAL ESTATE (Private Party ads only) Estate 541-385-5500 MLS¹201401285 IM p W dy~ ~ a~ 4 4.5 Acres j $220,000 • 1620 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Recently renovated • MLS 201402068 Sue Conrad, Broker, CRS 541-480-6621 •



Central Oregon Association of


I I'

' •


SAT. R SUN. 1 - 4 PM

This location is unbeatable close to shops, restaurants, parks, trails and more. 3 bed, 2.5 bath, master on main with attached 2-car


879 SW Blakely Directfossr Brookswood to Blakey Ct.

Hosted & Listed by: KORREN BOWER


SAT. 12PM - 3PM SUN. 11AM - 2PM

3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2877 sq. ft. home. Great room living, extensive hardwood floors, slate tiles, gourmet kitchen, granite counters, 2694 NW Whitworth Way, Bend main level master suite, upstairs bonus room, DfrectiossrMt. Washington Dr/ve w rap-around p o r c h . to Aebrey Glen main entrarice, Professionally landscaped left on Champion Circle6 right on corner lot w it h w ater Whiturorth. feature & patio. Large windows for light.


Broker Hosted 6 L 'sted by: C ONNIE THOM S O N Broker


The Real Estate Gallery USA


SAT.ijr SUlV.12-5PM


l n N W Re d m o n d ' s neighborhood of Vista Meadows! Three available homes to choose from and other lots/plans available.

The Davis: 3 bd/3 bath, den, 1929 SF,3-car garage. 3063NW 17th St. Redmond TheWindsor:3 bd/3 bath, den, 2235 SF,3-car garage, Directions: 3' on Huy 97, W on NW Quince Ave., N on NW 10th St., Won Rv parking. TheLi ncoln:4bd/2.5bath, Nw spruceAue., N on //rr 17th, past Lane, house at end fo/7th den, 2410 SF,3-car garage, Teakuood St on right. single level. Prices sfurf at

Hosted 6 Listed by: BRUCE DUNLAP


Principal Broker

4dc4ny vatuc arg~r ~

Amazing home with all the upgrades, Easterly panoramic views, quiet and private setting, backing to the 15th fairway. Great room floor plan with gourmet 3234NWFairway Heights, Bend kitchen. Exposed beam ceiling and stacked rock Directions: Mt. Washington to fireplace. Stately master Fairway Heights,property on right. bathroom with soaking tub & heated fioors. Double master suites on the main floor.


Hosted 6 Listed by: SONJA PORTER Broker






R 8












Hosted & Listed by:

l lKA L



P ROI ' E R T Y Rl ! S O U RC E S






A L T 0

R 8


room plan, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, solid quartz tops, hickory cabinets,

fully landscaped, fenced, extra shop space i n


andBoyd Acm Gononbon BoydAcm,

Hosted Sat. 6Listed by right on BoulderField, |igix onPeale


Hosted Sun. by: JEANNE TURNER Broker


Hosted 6 Listed by: ai Ordway, houseon left. GLENDA MACKIE




R E A L T 0

R 8


L T 0


Fantastic 4 bed, 2.5 bath Earth Advantage home with an open floor plan, stainless appliances, and 20066 Shady Pines, numerous energy savings Bend features! This home is light, bright and built tight. Stop DirrcfionsrSou(h on Parre!I from by for an indoor tour and /tfurpby to ShadyPines on right. a chance to win an outdoor tour from Wanderlust Tours! Hosted 6 Listed by: JOHN FURROW Broker





T his o p en , l i g h t bright home has been completely remodeled w it h a sp a c i o u s m aster s u i te , t h r e e separate bedrooms, 63375 SaddlebackDr. Bend h uge e n t e r t a i n i n g Directiossr Weston Neuport Arenas l iving room an d RV Iurns into tbelvin ParkRoad,Iurns into n1!oad.RightonSaddlebackDriue. parking on 1.48 acres. johnso 3,500 sq.fb & move-in ready! $625,000



R 5 A


restaurants. New exterior/ interior paint, hardwood 2620 NW Ordway, Bend floors, gas appliances, heat Directions: From NeurPorI & fireplace. Avenueishevlin, take 3rd exit on roundabout to Mt. Washington, le ft



3 bedroom, 2 bath. Double car garage. Close proximity to NW Crossing shops/

Hosted 6 Listed by:

65136 Peale St.

garage. Lots ot extras! Directions:From 4-uraylight @Empire



Homes Starting Mid-$300s





Attention to detail, master on main, 1874 SF, great

PrinciPal Broker


• I

Principal Broker


SAT. 1PM - 4PM Amazing storage and bonus area. Perfect for crafts/hobbies/movies. M ain l e v e l m a s t e r . Upgraded flooring. Home designed for natural light with southern exposure. 20552 Sonata Way, Bend Convenient location close DiwctfonsrBrosterhous to Panvll, to schools, shopping south Io Sonata. and parkway access. MLS>201403461


Popular Pahlisch Homes community featuring resort-like amenities: pools, clubhouse, gym, hot tub, sports center, 5 miles 2!178 SEGolden GatePlace, Bend of walking trails. Tour a Dfrrcfioss:From theparkuay, eul variety of single level and on Reed/ r/arket,southon 15th,then 2 story plans. follonr sfgm.











Hosted 6 Listed by: VONNIE GREEN



QA r-r

Very cute, very livable townhome above the Old Mill. 2 bedroom, 64 SW Taft Avenue, 2 bath, d o u bl e c a r garage. Courtyard off Bend both bedrooms. Large Directions:SWHill o ff Wi son to master, bath & walkin Taft. closet. Come see!



Hosted & Listed by:





SAT. R SUN. 12PM - 4PM

3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths with large bonus room. Upgrade f e a t ures: granite kitchen counters, 20682 Overton Place stainless appliances Direrfioss:/VF.Bend - Boyd Acres hickory cabinets, wood Road to Overton Place. floors, tile bathrooms. Fenced park-like setting. $287,000


541-280-7651 Hosted Sunday by:

Wonderful Braeburn townhome just minutes to Mt. Bachelor and downtown Bend. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 19342 Lsurelhurst Way,Bend baths. Light and bright Directions: Galveston to Century with master on main. Dnve,le/I on Braeburn Street, right Great kitchen with granite on laurelhurst. countertops,loads of cabinet space.


Bend Hosted 6Listed by: Directions:15th to Nng Hezekiah PETER &TANAHATTON Way.

Single story Craftsman.




Large .6 acre Iot, 2306 sq.fc beautifully updated i bedroom home + office, 3-car garage. Outdoor living on spacious new Trex deck New roof, siding, heatpump, ducts, hardwood floors, tile 20885 King Hezekiah Way, bathrooms K more.



Hosted & Listed by: JIM COOlV


Principa/ Broker


I '


Enjoy mountain views from 2 decks! Spacious 3123 sq. ft. home is open & bright. Kitchen with island makes entertaining a delight. Huge 63419 Bartonview Place,Bend driveway and RV parking Di|vÃons:Hwy97S, eastonCooley on both sides plus 3-car Rd., right on BoydAcresRd., le/I on NE garage with shop. Great Barton CrossingWay. close-in home with room for out-of-sight parking $4SS,000 fortoys.Kasy access to the parkway!

Broker, ABR, BPO





3083 sq, ft., 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Large gourmet kitchen. Versatile open

floor plan. Large media 19523 Hollygrape, Bend r oom i n

a d d i t ion t o Directions: Broo/iswood to

3 bedrooms.

Hosted 6 Listed by: GAY KLEIN



Principal Broker

541-7 71-1806

RIVER PARK Real Estate Services



Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale •

Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

DON"T MISS OUT! 654 Elegant, Private Living- Fabulous Floor Plan- Go On Vacation! 5 bed- Horse Property 3 bdrm, Brasada Ranchj Buildable lot in Wagon Custom Built Home on Custom Home Trail Ranch. Almost 69 Acres - 2692 sf, 4 w/Spectacular Steven St., Crescent, Immaculately de- L arge living a r ea room home in Sunri- 2 bath, 1823 sq. ft., $429,000 • 1711 sq.ft. furnished an acre, stick built or bed, 3 bath home with Cascade Mtn.Views! Great starter 3/2 1782 s igned an d m a i n- 2/open kitchen, maple ver. G r ea t re n t al d bl garage on 2 . 3 cabin manufactured, lots of windows pro- $729,000. 3 bedrooms, sq. ft. home or vaca- tained 3 bedroom, 2.5 cabinets & hardwood h isotry. Enjoy t h e acres, pellet stove, • 3 bedroom suites private little Deschutes viding great Cascade 2.5 bathrooms, 2583 tion propertyi Large b ath home sits o n floors. Gas fireplace, SHARC pool and all l iving a n d bo n u s • Granite counters, access,community m ountain & Sm i t h sq ft , 1 9 + a c res, bedrooms, a sepa- 0.96 acres on Awbrey A/C, large m aster that Sunriver offers. r oom, central a i r , 2-stall barn/tack room, hardwood floors clubhouse and Rock views. Only 6 handsome fireplace, rate family & l iving Butte. Spacious floor suite 2/tile counters. $399,000. • MLS 201310654 swimming pool. miles from Redmond. rich wood tones, cus- room. Breakfast bar plan is perfect for en- 3rd room upstairs for Call Jacquie Sebulsky hay storage, fenced John Snippen, Broker, Faye Phillips, 40 acres of flood & tom kitchen, expan- and a dining area. tertaining. $750,000. office/extra. D ouble at 541-280-4449 or and cross fenced, RV MBA, ABR, CRS, GRI Broker 541-480-2945 wheel line irrigation. s ive b a c k de c k . Vaulted ceilings make Call Terry Skjersaa, car garage 2/opener. Michele Anderson at cover. $29 9 ,900. 541-383-1426. MLS 541-633-9760. 541-312-7273 John L. Scott All set up for cattle MLS¹201403171. thishome seem even Home owners' dues ¹ 201401392. Pam 541-948-9090 Real Estate, Bend w/cross fences & corCall Bruce Dunlap, more spacious. Plenty 201402446 include landscaping, MLS201310062 Lester, Princ. Broker, 541-604-4200 www.johnlscottbend. rals. Private pond. of room to build a de- Duke Warner Realty water, sewer, outside Duke Warner Realty C entury 2 1 Gol d com Seclusion 8 privacy + Central Oregon Realty tached 2-car garage. 541-382-8262 maintenance of t he 541-382-8262 Country Realty, Inc., 541-504-1338 wildlife on this propGroup, LLC Two separate decks b uilding, com m on erty. $560, 000. attached to the home. area and snow reWhere can you find a Cascade Views j ¹20130'I950 P artially fenc e d. moval. $12 9 ,900. MORRIS Just too many Impeccable C u s tom People Lookfor Information John L. Scott Real MLS ¹201400696 $425,000 $87,500 helping hand? REAL ESTATE Home on 23 Acrescollectibles? • 2736 sq.ft. Iog home Estate 541-548-1712 About Products and 201403646. Cascade John L. Scott Real NW Tuscan design I~ ~ ~ Op m 1 From contractors to • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath Realty, Linda, BroEstate 541-548-1712 Services EveryDaythrough with mountain views. Sell them in • 4.49 acres, backs ker 1-541-815-0606 yard care, it's all here The Bulletin ClnssiBeds Great room, m a in Custom Cra f tsman state land The Bulletin Classifieds level master, wine in The Bulletin's Find exactly what Style Home - Large • MLS 201401158 Need to get an cellar and more. Pond 1/4 acre corner lot in "Call A Service you are looking for in the Patti Geraghty, Broker Flat Yard on Awbrey SW Redmond. 2200 Cute West Side Cotand irrigation comad in ASAP? 541-385-5809 Butte 4 bedroom, 2 CLASSIFIEDS Professional" Directory 541-948-5880 tage Lots of opportusf home features 3 plete the p ackage. bath home with office You can place it bedrooms, 3 baths, nity to make this your $1,284,000. bonus room and 2943 dream! Near downonline at: Call Jaynee Beck, m aster o n ma i n , sq ft. Fully remodeled Great Location - 3 Energy Efficient HomeBroken Top j $769,000 town and established beautiful custom me541-480-0988 www.bendbulletin.com Located in the heart of kitchen. Lovely trim b edroom, 2 ba t h , • 2649 sq.ft. local bus i nesses. MLS 201310033 dallion t i l e en t ry, Bend's west side. 4 details. Great f loor 1858 sq ft on almost • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath MORRIS g ranite kitch e n $235,000. Duke Warner Realty bedroom, 2.5 b ath, plan, $529,900. an acre. Light & bright • Overlooks 12th green 541-385-5809 541-382-8262 REAL ESTATE counters, slate floors, Call Terry Skjersaa, Call Jacquie Sebulsky, 2219 sq ft with massingle level. $319,900. • MLS 201401768 541-383-1426 Cherry cabi n ets, IA~ & m ly ~ & 0~ 4 541-280-4449 or ter on m ain. T oo Call Carolyn Emick at Shelly Hummel, Broker, MLS201402153 Down a Country Lane, stainless appliances, Michele Anderson, 541-419-0717. many features to list CRS, GRI, CHMS 3+ acre, fenced with Find exactly what radiant floor h e at, Duke Warner Realty 541-633-9760 MLS $499,000. MLS20142321 541-383-4361 541-382-8262 Just bought a new boat? media room w/surirrigation and barn. 3 here. you are looking for m the ¹201403637 Call Terry Skjersaa, Duke Warner Realty Sell your old one in the Bdrm, 2 bath. Offered round sound, over541-383-1426 Duke Warner Realty 541-382-8262 CLASSIFIEDS classifieds! Ask about our sized 3-car garage, at $449,000. 541-382-8262 MLS¹201403715 Super Seller rates! Cate Cushman, RV parking, and the Deschutes Riverfront j Duke Warner Realty $499,900 541-385-5809 Principal Broker list goes on! Home on 4.9 Acres- I ncredible 541-382-8262 Cust o m sq.ft. 541-480-1884 MORRIS $337,900. MLS¹ •• 31652 Extremely well main- Home on Acreagebedroom, 2 bath www.catecushman.com 201402637 Full Cascade viewstained 3 bdrm 2 BAREAL ESTATE This home is made • .57 acre, 160 feet river Corner lot in Awbrey John L. Scott Real Exquisite C r a ftsman will never change, 3 bath s i ngle s t o ry frontage Glen. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, Estate 541-548-1712 Drake Park Neighbor- Bungalow - Brand b drm, 2 bath on 1 h ome on 4 . 9 f l a t with love and custom in eve r y • MLS 201403149 1789 sq.ft., built in hood - Feel the his- new home in NWX - 3 acre, 2-car + shop, acres. 2208 sq. ft., freatures oom. Looking f o r Spacious mas- Custom Home in Can- Marci Bouchard, Broker tory in t hi s s tately b edroom, 2.5 b a t h storage, and covered rock fireplace, dbl ga- lodge-style USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 1998. home sur541-977-1230 ter suite, professionhome on a beautiful with open layout and RV parking. Many ex- rage, gas fireplace, rounded by w ildlife yon City - 3 bedroom, ally landscaped. double lot. Short stroll designer fi n i shing tras! $169900 MLS central air 8 m ore. Door-to-door selling with Danielle Snow, Broker this is it. 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2801 sq ft. to downtown or Mirror touches. $529,000. 201402163 Call MLS¹ 2013 1 0722 2.5 bath, $899,900. fast results! It's the easiest $419,000. 541-306-1015 Pond. $998,500. Call Terry Skjersaa at Nancy Popp, Princi$345,000. Pam Call Duke Warner Call Candy Yow, way in the world to sell. John L. Scott Call Kit Korish, 541-383-1426. pal Broker Lester, Principal BroDayville, 541-410-3193 Real Estate, Bend 541-480-2335 MORRIS MLS201401609 541-815-8000 ker, Century 21 Gold 541-987-2363 MLS 201304445 The Bulletin Classified www.johnlscottbend. MLS¹201402653 REAL ESTATE Duke Warner Realty Crooked River Realty Country Realty, Inc. MLS¹201304288 Duke Warner Realty 541-385-5809 com Duke Warner Realty 541-382-8262 541-504-1338 Duke Warner Realty 541-382-8262 541-382-8262








Craftsman bungalow single level 3 bedroom, 2 bath w i t h b o n u s room & half bath up! Fenced, landscaped, new appliances, new exterior 1525NWJackpineAvenue,Redmond paint. Carpets cleaned Dtrectiossr From Hsy. 126 and ready for you! (Highland Ave), north at RH5 to jackpine Auenue.Rightonjachpine.

Hosted & Listed by:




541-788-5415 Hosted & Listed by:





Mayfield Realty


809 SW Canyon,Redmond


Association of


SAT. 12PM - 3PM SUN.12PM - 3PM

HugeCascade Mountain views! Fantastic dreamshop with 35f't. RV pull-through space. 5 acres total, 2.5 irrigated acres.Unique setting and excellent location to Tuma!o and minutes to Bend, 64525 Research Road, Bend Directiom Fr vx Htvy 20 /n Tumalo, Redmond KSisters. turn onto BaileyRd,gouPthe hil and Hosted by: turn right ontoResearch Rd. Broker

Central Oregon



Beautiful, updated 1948 sq.ft. home with pergo & tile floors,

M us t

granite tile counters, custom

l oc a t e d m i nu t es f rom t o w n o n 5+

alder cabinets, pantry In spacious kitchen. 3rd bedroom converted to sitting area for master, options to convert back.

1914 NE Veronica, Bend

Hosted & Listed by: DlrecHossr Butler Market to PETER &TANAHATTON Madhon, rightontoVeronica. Brokers


541-280-7631 Hosred Sunday by:



Broker 541-610-3976

1.1 acres, built in 2005 with more r e cent remodel. 3144 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 2 car garage, 1800 sq. 17s72 Log cabin Lane, smmver I't. shop, Directions:Huyy.97ro Vandevert Road. South on Blue EagleRoad,

second leJt

Hosted & Listed by:


3 bedrooms, 2 baths 1,364SF, Nice open floor pl an

1927 SW 38th St.

yard faces open fieldIN|vctionsrHeadnorth on Highland with Cascade views and has Ave.,turn le/I on SW35th St., dght on StV QuartzAve. & aleft on SW28/bSt mature landscaping.


Hosted 6 Listed by:







$469,900 Hosted & Listedbyr

LYNN JOHNS Principal Broker

54X-17 Z-448B

oirechons:west on caopersHawk, Rightan Nulcracker, Left an Mden Pheasant, Lelt on Eagle CrestBlvd, Left on William Lyche, Lelt on 2nd HighIandView Loop, Righl on

Trail creekor

design. Rare 4-car garage with secluded office that 15 Big Leaf could be a wax room or "Man Cave". Lovely stone Directions: Cottonwood Exit, wood burning fireplace. Followto Big Leafturn right, house






541-29 7-1249 Listed by: TERRY SKJERSAA


Hosted 6 Listed by: K RIS R E E S Broker



809sw canyon, Redmond ~

Mayfield Realty

Live in a f u l l -service destination. C u s t om quality built single level home. Great room creates an entertainers dream. Spacious kitchen features multiple granite counters 746 Golden Pheasant Dr. and island. Two master Directiossr The Ridge at Eagle suites with thoughtful Crest, Widgeon to GoldenPheasant. separation.

Hosted 6 Listed by: DEBRA LANE







I '

SAT. 11AM - 2PM

Wonderfully appointed Tudor-style home located oo acorner lot across from Compass Park in Northwest Crossing. Earth Advantage energy saving features. Master 2601 NW Crossing Dr. and oAice on the main level, Directions: Head west on /vw two large bedrooms and Shm/tnPark Road,and left on NW bonus room upstairs. Crossing DriUe.


Single level custombuilt home on huge lot (13000+sq ft) with RV parking. Private, quiet, 3562 SW 36th Place, Redmond backyard in a parklike, landscaped setting. SW Directions:SWWickiuP/Reservoir R edmond with g o o d to SW CascadeVista Dr. Left onSW access to Bend. Come Yew Lane, right on SW36lh Place. see!






the treetops. Great room

Fully fumished.


SUN. 12PM - 4PM



1032 Trail Creek Dr

L T 0 R s

a quiet col-de-sac. Reverse living allows for living in




Charming 2 st ory Craftsman, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 1551 sq. ft., granite kitchen counters, tile & 771E. GreenRidgeAvenue, wood laminate flooring, Sisters dual walk-in closets, tile surround fireplace. Walking DAvctionsrCrossnree( 8 Locus(. distance to park, trails, $255,000 school and town.


SAY a SUN ttAN — 4eN ' Beautiful newSageBuilders home in EagleCrest Resort. 2681 Sq Ft, 3 Bedrm + Oflice K Formal Dining, 2.5 Hath, Great Itm Floor Plan, LuxunrFinishes,Backs to Creek K WalkingPath with Mountain Views!

In the heart of Sunriver on


C7 I

SAT. 1PM - 4PM


Hosted 6 Listed by:

Mayfield Realty




Hosted 6 Listed by:



surface Chroma q u artz counters (even in baths) with 20781 NE Comet Lane under-mount stainless steel sink in kitchen, extra attention Directions:North on Boyd Acres, given to allow for tons of Sght on Sferra, Le ft on BlackP<nuder, natural light & much more. Right on CometLane.Lookforsigns. Come by the model home for starting in the Iow more information and plans.



laminate wood floors, solid



Homes starting io the Iow $200,000s. Brand new homes in Bend with the quality P ahlisch is k nown f o r stainless steel appliances,



11AM - 2PM

Hosted 6 Listed by: RHIANNA KUNKLER


SATURDAY 11AM-2PM with vaults In master aod great room, Brand new oven/range. Tile entry, kitchen & dining. Back-





sq. ft. home. Built-ins and gas fireplace in great room. Open floor plan with great layout of bdrms. Spacious backyard. Close 63247 NW Britta St., Bend to river, shopping and DirectiossrOB Riley to Half iuay community park. Road.

Hosted 6 Llsted by Lynda Wa/sh


Principal Broker

3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1561

20125 Cox Lane, Bend

Mtn . v i e w s f r o m e very wi n d ow. T h i s DirecriolsrH~. 97 north to OB fr on Mathers Drive, p assive so la r r e t r o Riley Road, le c ountry e s t at e h a s right on CoxLane. 4 bedrooms.




acres. Huge Cascade








se e

a creage




Located on .72 ac, full remodel wtth Tuscan flair! Master oo main. Custom finishes through out. Large very nice shop. A must see!

Hosted bg: JA~ K K

> K<K

Principal Broker

g4y 48 p p y 8 8 L/sted by: JAYNEE BECK PETEVAN DEUSEN Principal Broker 6 Broker


Attention to detail best

61339KingJosiah Place, Bend Dire ctions: Reed Mis. Exit. Southon 15 t h. East on Eing Hezekiah. 5outh on

Ki n g David.on Wet NngJosiah.



describes this quality new home! Nicely appointed finishes. Conveniently located in an established community. 3 bed,2.5 ba, great room, fenced side yard. Come take a look!

63151 Beaufort Ct., Bend

DireclionsExit E~p/re Blvd North on Hosted by: Boyd Acresrd. west onAnsonPlace to PEIX VAN DEUSEN Beaufort Q. Broker

541-480-3538 Listed by:

JAYNEE BECK PE'IX VAN DEUSEN Principal Broker 6 Broker







Including the

es on our ven Ui e The COBATour of Homes™ will add a Chefs On Tour to the event this year. The idea is to bring a "food" element to the event that will attract a different audience to the Tour homes. Each house will feature a guest chef serving their personalized dishes. Home builders will also be at the homes during the event to talk about their wonderful home and even more wonderful kitchen!

Buy an ad in the Tour of Homes™ Guide and receive 50% OFF the same ad in this edition of C.O. Living. This is 50% OFF Open Rate. Offer valid for new C.O. Living advertisers only- not contract advertisers.





The Bulletin bendbulletin.com



• -

)- • •

The special feature will include pages featuring chef bios, kitchen bios, home and builder bios. We'll expand upon this coverage with special editorial emphasis on kitchens -"Top 10 Simple Ways to Make Your Kitchen More Chef Friendly" "Outdoor Kitchens" "What's on the Menu". Other stories in this upcoming edition will include Vertical Gardens, Lost Art of SunTea, Personality Feature on a local Surf Board artist, Heart Nursery spotlight and more!

To be held Wednesday,July 17 4-9 pm





Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Ho m es for Sale•



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Ho m es for Sale



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

In the Path of Progress Like New, Upgraded Looking for a home that New Construction NW Redmond j Panoramic C a scadePerfect Horse property Picturesque Ponderosa P rivate 1 . 2 5 acr e in Prineville City Lim- Home - 3 bedroom, has it all? Features 1425 sf, 3 br, 2 ba, View - Beautiful & or Private Sanctuary. Setting - Beautifully cul-de-sac l o cation $385,000 its - 3 br/2ba home on 2.5 bath in Crescent great room layout w/ private neighborhood, • Private 5 acres peaceful Powell Butte Unique lodge style landscaped, RV with Cascade views. 1.29 acres zoned R2 Creek. C o mpletely vaulted ceil i ngs, landscaped, with • 4 bedroom, 2 bath home on 10.36 acres h ome w it h op e n parking. 3 bedroom, Septic in with 100 gal. (can be split into more upgraded throughout. hardwood floors, a sprinklers. $134,900. • Granite counters, 2/89.33 acres of irri- beams and a ggre- 2.5 bath, 2443 sq ft. tank Connection to MLS¹201402230 bamboo floors ation. Rebuilt in 2004 gate entry. This pas- Offeredat$469,500. CRR water, 30x40 galots). Across f rom Hickory floors & cabi- l arge k i tchen w / • MLS 201402721 State Park and 2 min- nets, slate and SS b reakfast ba r a n d Pam Lester, Principal original house built in sive solar home is Cate Cushman, rage shop with conutes t o Mea d ow appliances, $219,000. nook, formal dining Broker, Century 21 Julia Buckland, 1975 pe r co u nty open and bright w/lots Principal Broker crete floors, windows 541-480-1884 Lakes Golf Course. Call Candy Yow, room, dow n stairs Gold Country Realty, Broker, ABR, records). Open loft of windows showcasand 16x10 overhead 541-410-3193. Inc. 541-504-1338 ALHS, CRS, GRI den overlooks the liv- ing mountain views. www.catecushman.com doon MLS $1 10,000 MLS guest bedroom, main 20142793 MLS¹201402864 floor master suite w/ New Custom 3 BR/2.5 541-719-8444 ing 8 d i ning areas 3.33 Acres property 201302066. $85,900. Pam Lester, Principal Duke Warner Realty Travertine s h ower, BA, 2024 sq ft home w/soaring vau l ted has gate for easy ac- Powell Butte View EsNancy Popp, Princi541-382-8262 Broker, Century 21 jetted tub, & private on large lot w / RV ceilings. S p a cious cess to BLM and Na- tate. 6.85 Acres, near pal Broker Gold Country Realty, kitchen and utility/mud tional Forest w/net- Brasada, Panoramic 541-815-8000 deck, two large up- parking. Granite slab Inc. 541-504-1338 Live in One, Rent the s tairs g u est b e d - counter tops, profesroom with tile flooring. work of trails for miles views. MLS Crooked River Realty Wrap-around porch, of riding, mountain Cascade Other! Two separate rooms, double vanity MORRIS ¹201401805 Irrigated Mini F a rm. units on one tax lot. guest bath, a bonus sions series SS applidetached 2-car biking o r hik i ng. REAL ESTATE Fiebick, Principal P rivate Broken T o p Beautiful irr i gated Unique p e rsonality room, private land- ances, pantry, wood & drive-through garage Beautiful high quality Gary hd~& yly ~ ~ ~ d Broker. 541-390-1602 floors, gas FP, Estate - Custom built property. 1584 sq.ft. homes. Front home scaped and fenced tile 8 1008 sf barn/shop horse set up w/galvaJohn L. Scott 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, home, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, has street access, 2 back yard w/ irriga- fenced 8 central air. with a 720 sf lean-ton nized metal fencing Real Estate, Bend $ 225,900 MLS¹ t o o One Acre Buildable lot. fenced pasture, pond, and posts, from free 3541 sq ft home with 3 6x32 s hop, l u s h bedroom and r e ar tion, RV parking, & B eautiful treed l o t l andscaped www.johnlscottbend. open great room floor pasture, outdoor home is a one bed- play structure along new. y a r d . watering system, barn com Lester, Principal ready to build. Newer $472,500. plan and radiant floor arena. Bring y o ur r oom. B ot h h a v e w/ a c overed Trex Pam w/box stall, tack room Broker, Century 21 septic and well. close heat. $949,900. Call animals! www.jackso- fenced y a rd s in deck & paver patio. MLS¹201402783 a nd m uc h m o re. Gold Country Realty, to La P i n e r ecreTammy S e t tlemier, nanderson.com Call The Bulletin At Wiestoria A d d ition. $465,000 ¹201400800 Inc. 541-504-1338 John L. Scott Real $429,900. ational areas, lakes, Estate 541-548-1712 541-410-6009. Barbara Jackson, John L. Scott Real Candy Woodbridge, $257,500. 541-385-5809 and mounMLS¹201300357 Broker 541-306-8186 Call Jasen Chavez at Estate 541-548-1712 New Custom Solar/ADA hunting Broker Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Duke Warner Realty MLS John L. Scott 541-89'I -5446. Home - 3 master tains. 541-610-5876 TURN THE PAGE At: www.bendbulletin.com 541-382-8262 Real Estate, Bend suites, 3.5 ba, 3022 201401875. MLS 201400486 Illlountain View Park j Total Property Larson, Broker For More Ads www.johnlscottbend. Duke Warner Realty sf, 0.5 AC i n g o lf Jayci Resources $153,000 541-325-3955 com The Bulletin 541-382-8262 • 1300 sq.ft. manufaccourse comm., sunPrineville - Build your Rare Metolius RiverJohn L. Scott room, spa, wood & tile Real dream home! 1.76 ir- front property with tured Estate, Bend J ust Completed - 3 floors, RV park, mtn www.johnlscottbend. Living at its Best• 3 bedroom, 2 bath rigated horse prop- cabin in Camp SherBULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS bedroom, 2.5 b ath, Located in the heart of • Community pool, Your Colors - New erty in Sunrise Acres. man, w/paved roads. view 8 more. Search the area's most Pick com 1 510 sq f t h o m e. the Old Mill District. 3 pickleball court home on 0.15 AC in F enced $499,000. MLS w/ba r n , 1 br/1ba plus l oft, comprehensive listing of Great room floor plan m aster suites, 3 . 5 • MLS 201403299 private neighborhood. lean-to and corrals. sleeps 6 , 201302802 gr a n ite classified advertising... with laminate wood Opportunity Knocks! 5 1425 sf, 3 bdrm, 2 Pam Lester, Principal baths, 3070 sq ft with Pat Palazzi, Broker real estate to automotive, bath 8 2-car garage. Only 2 m i nutes to counters, huge deck, floors, crown molding views of the river and units on one lot, all Broker, Century 21 town. Cul-de-sac and u nobstructed ri v e r 541-771-6996 merchandise to sporting $139,900. throughout. Nice mountains. rented out. They are goods. S t a n dGold Country Realty, great views. views & access. Fully Classifieds MLS¹201402233 master with full mtn alone unit. $849,000. all manu f actured appearBulletin Inc. 541-504-1338 Kathy Denning, Broker furnished. $399,000. every day in the Pam Lester, Principal views. $219,900. homes, on city ser541-480-4429 MLS¹201400102 MLS 201402947 print or on line. The Bulletin Call Jaynee Beck, vices. $289 , 900. Broker, Century 21 John L. Scott Pam Lester, Principal CallJaynee Beck, Call 541-385-5809 541-480-0988 To Subscribe call ¹201403281. Gold Country Realty, 541-480-0988 Real Estate, Bend Broker, Century 21 MORRIS MLS¹201401864 www.bendbulletin.com John L. Scott Real Inc. 541-504-1338 541-385-5800 or go to www.johnlscottbend. Gold Country Realty, Duke Warner Realty REAL ESTATE Duke Warner Realty Estate 541-548-1712 541-382-8262 com Inc. 541-504-1338 www.bendbulletin.com The Bulletin 541-382-8262 New Home - 3 br, 2.5 Check out the Knock your socks Mountain Views - Per- ba+ office, 1936 sq ft, classifieds online off views! fect Central Oregon gas heat, gas range, •38 acres, irrigated www.bendbuttetin.com location! Log home gas fireplace, fenced, •Beautiful 2600 s q .ft. surrounded by views insulated garage door Updated daily home of t h e Cas cade w/opener. $229,900 • 120x64 barn with shop M ountain range & MLS201309300 Location, Location, and stalls Rock. Very priPam Lester, Princ. Location - 2 bedroom Smith •20 minutes to Bend Broker, Century 21 home sits on large lot vate property is 2.65 www.johnlscott.com/74 in the coveted west acres. Enjoy g o r- Gold Country Realty, 510 Inc., 541-504-1 338 side of Bend. Large, geous sunrise and Jean Nelsen, Broker fully f enced y a rd. sunset from deck that 541-420-3927 surrounds every side Take care of $259,000. John L. Scott of the house. Follow Call Terry Skjersaa, your investments Real Estate, Bend the sun or relax un541-383-1426 www.johnlscottbend.com der the 2 c o vered with the help from MLS¹201403419 porches. Outbuilding Duke Warner Realty The Bulletin's LAZY RIVER SOUTH with power 8 water. 541-382-8262 R emodeled 3535 y P lenty of r oom f or "Call A Service Sq.ft. home with 4 parking. 2 berms, 1 bdrm + office and 3 Location Location, Lo- bath (2nd bdrm is a Professional" Directory c ation! 5 B d rm, 2 baths. Master bath loft). This home sits with large jetted tub & b ath, 1 6 0 0 sq. f t . on a cliff with an inNOTICE new tile shower. Me- manufactured home credible 360 degree All real estate adverSuppOrted byOregOn neWSpaperS, "CjaSSifiedS.oregOn.Com" iS a neW dia room, family room, with add-on's nestled view and is minutes tised here in is subh uge kitchen w i t h on 6.5 acres. Living away from the f awebsite dedicated to bringing classified listings from around ject to th e F ederal handcrafted cabinets room, dining room, mous Des c hutes Fair Housing A c t, kitchen and master & granite counters, the StateOf OregOn tOgether on One eaSy-tO-USe WebSite. River. $349 , 900 which makes it illegal walk-in pantry, sun- s uite h av e n e w er MLS¹20143147 to advertise any preflaminate flo o ring. FrOm jObS to hOmeS and inVeStment PrOPertieS,yOu'Llfind the faSteSt r oom with hot t u b. John L. Scott Real erence, limitation or Home has cedar eves Ideal for starter home, Estate 541-548-1712 discrimination based grOWing ClaSSifiedS SeCtiOn iS "ClaSSifiedS.oregOn.Com" with copper accents. rental property, temon race, color, reliE xterior siding o n porary home, while NE Bend j $279,000 gion, sex, handicap, building a new home. • Earth Advantage Cer- familial status or nah ome, garages 8 storage bldg have just A great private county tified tional origin, or intenbeen painted. Watch setting. Shared well, 2 • 1749 sq.ft. tion to make any such storage buildings, 400 the wildlife from the bedroom, 2.5 bath preferences, l i mitawrap-around deck or AMP service to home •• 3 MLS 201402983 tions or discrimination. go to your private ac- and 100 AMP service Megan Power, Broker, We will not knowingly c ess to 300y f t o f to pump house. This accept any advertisGRI, CDPE Little Deschutes River is a m us t p review ing for r eal e state 541%10-7318 frontage for f ishing, property, if you do, which is in violation of swimming or floating. you will see its potenthis law. All persons tial. $195,000. MLS $495,000 0 are hereby informed ¹201400038 MLS¹¹201309267 that all dwellings adBobbie Strome, Bobbie Strome, vertised are available Principal Broker MORRIS Principal Broker on an equal opportuJohn L Scott Real REAL ESTATE John L Scott Real nity basis. The BulleEstate 541-385-5500 Estate 541-385-5500 tin Classified


your web source forSTATEWIDE classifieds

lll • l e W . e • 3085 I REAL ESTATEI CLASSIFIEDS





• g

Real Estate L•

ore on

• '


4 •



• •

• •






• .




• y.

3678 SW Cascade Vista Dr • 2852 Square Ft • 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bath • Hand Troweled Venetian Plaster • Triple Car Garage Please Call Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107

2989 NE HOPE • 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths • Bonus Room • •

• •

1234 NE Whisper Ridge Each Unit Boasts: • 2 Bedrooms • 1.5 Baths • Garage • Excellent Rental History Please Call Rosalee Bernhardt, Broker 541%20-1794

3 •• • I


• • • • •

3483 Square Ft 3 Bedrooms 3 Baths One Level Lighted Steps to River

• Triple Car Garage • Custom Cabinetry Custom built, one level Riverfront home. Enjoy Deschutes River views from almost every room. Gas fireplaces in great room and master bedroom. Eastern Red Birch cabinetry throughout. Gorgeous gourmet kitchen. Please Call Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107

• •

• •




1332 SW 35th • • •

16136 Mountain Sheep Lane • 1 Bedroom+ Loft • 1Bath .51Acres • /~Mile from deeded river access Please Call Rachel Kahler, Broker 541-815-8658

3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths+ Office 1936 Square Ft Mountain Views

• 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths • 1407 Sq Ft

• 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths • Bonus Room Upstairs

Please Call Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107

Becky Breeze 541-408-1107

$115,000 • 24865 Elk Lane, Bend 97701 • 3 Beds, 2 Baths • 1026 Square ft • 4. 9 Acres

Home will be similar to home pictured.

Home will be similar to home pictured.


please Call Rachel Kahjer, Broker 541-815-3658

$121,000 • 1334 Hackett Dr, LaPine • 3 Bedrooms,2.5 Baths • 1782 Sq Ft

9449 SW Happy Days Lane • 5004 Square Ft • 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Bath • Solarium with Endless Pool • Gourmet Kitchen • Cascade MountainViews • 4.75 Acres Please Call Tarris Rogers, Broker 541-390-7878

• • • • •

$135,000 • 52674 SE Ammon Rd, LaPine • 4 Beds, 2 Baths • 1728 Square ft

6SuS SSth St 1800 Sq Ft Home 3 Beds, 2 Baths 2.57 Acres

$141,500 • 16326 Carrington Ave, Bend, 97707 • 3 Beds, 2 Baths• 1404 Square Ft• 1.17 Acres

Fenced Huge Garage with Shop

Please Visit HUDHomstore.com for more Info and availability.

Please Call Donna Ramsay, Principal Broker 541-420-6267

Please Call Wendy Cooper, Broker 541-350-9020

• •

19270 Innes Market Rd • Epic Mountain Views • 6.37 Acres • Adjacent 20.48 Acre lot Available • 1657 Sq Ft • Well and Septic


HOme Will be Similar to hOme PiCtured. • 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths • Master On Main

• •


• •

• •



~ e~



gg 4



;y. I

) $284,000I306 NW 29TH STREET,REDMOND • Big home at a greatprice • 2598SF,3bed & 2.5 bath I • Great room, famiiy room & den ' Oversized 2-car garagef shop w4h smk • Hot tub • Home on a nice corner 541-480-2620 GARY DIEFENDERFER lot







• Location, location! • Just off of Butler Market corner lot small 'hood • Close to Pine Nursery community park • 1559SF,3bed &2.5 bath with master on main level • You've gotta see this affordable onetoday!

' i I

@ ' 541-604-1649 GAILROGERS BROKER


541-974-4750 MICHELLEWITT BROKER • R.D. Building 8 Design • New construction ' 3553 SF & 42X16 RV garage • 3 bed (2 full) & 2.5 bath bonus room plus office


~ Im .

$275,000I2707 NW 22ND STREET, REDMOND


$429,000I606 NUTCRACKER DRIVE,REDMONQ • 3 bed plus a den • 2.5 bath • 10 & 11 foot ceilings • Formal & casual dining • Wonderful mature landscaping • 3-car garage


$189,001I400 NW 24TH PLACE, REDMONQ

' E.



' '



• Garage • Bunkhouse



plus a sunroom -: • Double car garage & workshop • Gardening area • Grapes, berries & apples • Furniture available.


• 4.9 buildable acres i • 2.5 AC of COI flood ~.-' irrigation • Horse friendly • Septic feasibility approved; powerbox at street

$129,500 I 1.49 ACREHOMESTEAD

$579,900 I TUSCANY STYLELUXURYIN BENQ • Single level living • Stunning kitchen • Two master suites " . 0 . 46ACfencedlot • Gorgeous openfloor plan


P +Bf

• 3bed,2bath&1384SF - • 60' round pen & 60'X80'


1 g.


. ~



' ' :-: • Irrigation pond & 3AC of irrigation • Close to deededaccess National Forest • 3 stall loafing shed, -' chicken coop & dog run. .





$120,000 I 1100 NE 27TH ¹6, BEND


• 4 bed • 2.5 bath • 2067 SF • Bonus room • Triple car garage • 2917 SW Deschutes



• Lovingly lived in • 3 bed & 2 bath • Enclosed back porch • Great kitchen with lots of cupboards • Detached double car garage

Ei' '

• Two master suites • 0.46 AC fencedlot • Gorgeous openfloor plan


• Powell Butte View Estates • 2+ AC • 2 bed+ den, 2 bath & energy efficient • Wood stove • Huge deck • Oversized 2-car garage

• 3 bed & 2 bath • 2180 SF • Attached, double car


• 27X15 living room • 19X19 family room ["





• 3 bed & 2.5 bath • 3030 SF of living space • Large 7500 soft lot • Downstairs office or 4th

• 35 AC with 27 AC of irrigation

• Great CascadeMountain views • Two dwellings, one a charming farmhouse • Multiple outbuildings • Fenced & cross fenced


g.) 541-480-7183 BARBARAMYERS BROKER

$399,500IRIVERFRONT CONDO • Downtown riverfront • 1883 SF, 2 bed & 2 bath • Vaulted cedmgs& 2 balconies • Detached garage & carport • Lots of naturallight • 15 NW Portland fr15, Bend

•CascadeMountainviews • Corner gas fireplace • Private fenced yard • Close to schools & shopping






• 2002 SF


Bend • 2910 SF • Sing le level living • Stunning kitchen




$279,900 I 2031 RAINIERDRIVE, BEND ffffgfgf

34 th


area • Turn around driveways

• 2910 SF

$579,900I21420 BELKNAP QRIVE, BENQ - • Tuscany style luxury in


Wrap-around decks • Large kitchen & dining





• 3bed &2bath • Private master bed


• 10 Bend westside condo's • Completely renovated • 2 bed,1bath & 680 SF • Professionally managed & maintained

• Granite countertops • Wood & tile floors • New roof, furnace & hot water heater (2years)



$147,000$167,000 I1010 NW ROANOKE AVENUE,BEND

541-480-2245 541-390-5286 .. LORETTAMOORHEAD MICHELLE WHITE BROKER BROKER • 2437 SF, 3 bed & 2 bath


" -

• La Pine home • 3 bed & 2 bath • 1702 SF • 0.97 AC lot • Private well • MLS4201404817

• Pristine dream yard • 1526 SF, 3 bed & 2 bath • Home on a 0.14AClot • Fully fenced yard • Oversized patio with cover • You will have to seethis one!


; .

$199,000I 16095 STRAWNROAD, ULPINE


• Amazing views • Separate bedrooms & bath room • 3bed &2bath • Fireplace & gasstove .' • Mature pines & fruittrees • Separate shop & storage building


• 3 bed & 2 bath • Fully fenced • Great floor plan

$180,000ICOZY REDMOND HOME • 3 bed, 2 bath, 1300 SF t k'


. 1ii

„,L .


541-891-9441 OON ROMANO BROKER


gttt t g tttehe

• t e eete eegee • 0.46 AC fenced lot • Gorgeous openfloor plan



•FantasticNW Redm ond home • Spacious, open floor plan • Large kitchen with dining bar • Great room & gas fireplace • 1865SF,3 bed & 2.5 bath

. h ' 541-280-1543 LORISCHNERINGER


• Fieldstone cottage • 2 bed & 2 bath • 140 SF home • Attached single car garage • Access to pool, BBQ area & walking paths • Move-in condition



!'®- -,l ~et~: 6

• Tuscany style luxury in Bend • 2910 SF Single level living


$154,900I417 NW 27TH STREET, REDMOND


• 3 bed & 2 bath

• Open floor plan • New paint inside & out • New Carpet • Heated tile floors • Stainless Appliances • Gated RV parking • Three car garage • Resort-like backyard with paver patio, custom lighting & firepit

$579,900I 21420 BELKNAPDRIVE, BEND

541-891-9441 DON ROMANO BROKER





g4 541-480-9883 AUDREYCOOK BROKER


• Redmond gated community • 2 bed plus a den • Open floor plan • Covered patio • Tile roof • Built to last & low maintenance

~, 541-480-7777 l',, g', OIANABARKER BROKER

• 2124 SF homeon 4.89 AC • 3 bed & 2 bath • Family room, sun room & a huge dining area • 30X48 heated shop • 24X36 barn

• Golf course home • 3 bed & 3.5 bath • Open floor plan • Gourmet kitchen • Wood floors • Outdoor kitchen

• Old Mill area • 3 bed & 2.5 bath • Open floor plan • Master on main • Granite & hardwood • Entertainment deck • MLSfr201404726

:td ~

' i I



• Spectacular mtn & Smith Rock views • 39AC fenced & cross fenced & 38AC of irrigation • 3 bed, 2 bath home & 1530 SF I ' t I • Six stall barn, hay loft, tack room & pasture 541-306-0479 CHRISTIN HUNTER • Ponds, greenhouse, outbuildings 8chickencoop BROKER

541-610-4006 BOB BLEILE BROKER

• Spectacular views in all directions from this fine country home • Spacious & light with uncompromising quality throughout • 6.75 AC property, privately gated & only 12 miles from the Redmond airport




• On top of the hill •CascadeMountainviews • 1344 SF (28'X48') RV garage • Brick patio & BBQ area -.'. • 1904 SF, 3bed & 2 bath • Fish pond

$640,000ICUSTOM LOG HOME 0 ART STUDIO,LAPINE • 2900 SF • 4 bed & 4 bath

• Near the river and national forest • Formal living & dining • Sun room & family room • Art studio & RV garage • MLSfr201402944



$800,000ICUSTOM HOME WITH VIEWS! • 4 bed,3 bath & 3915SF •BigCascade mountain viewsl • Majestic greatroom with lots of light • Gourmet kitchen with granite & birch cabinets

Patty Dempsey • 541-480-5432 •

qeI 0

• Horse property near

Rinehart, Dernpseg Et PhelP~ gepett ie e Ye e

T r u e t I C o m m i t m e nt Y ge V a l u e

Andrea Phelps • 541-408-4770 Cleme Rinehart • 541-480-2100 www.RINEHARTDEMPsEY.GQM



For homes online WW W b e n d h o m e S . C o m



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Red Rock R anch Spectacular Views I Turn-Key C r a ftsmanUltimate Home - 5 bed- Vista Rim a t E a g leWest Hills - 4 bd, 3.5 ba West Hills. 4 Bdrm, 3.5 West Side Living - Light Whispering Pines. 3 Spectacular s e tting Home - Located in room, 6 bath with of- Crest Resort. Perched in 4040y sf delighfful bath, in 4040y sq.ft., and bright great room bdrm, 2 bath property $1,589,000 with view of the Cas- • 10 acres, 8 mountain one o f P r i neville's fice, family room, rec on the gentle slopes westside home. Pan- delightful w e s tside with ec o b a mboo has complete perimc ades an d S m i t h views premiere n eighbor- room and 2 master of Cline Butte, the up- oramic Cascade 8 city home with panoramic flooring. 2 bedroom eter fencing and is Rock. 79.56 acres, • 8000 sq.ft. home h oods. This h o me suites. Other features scale V i st a Rim views on spacious lot. C ascade an d c i t y with large bonus room neat and well main63.2 acres of irriga- • 5 bedroom, 6 bath features a great room include sun r o om, neighborhood offers 2 gas fireplaces, 1 in views on a spacious and single car garage. tained with trees and tion. 3502 sq ft 4 bed- • MLS 201401911 layout, kitchen pantry, solarium and an awe- residents spectacular living rm, 1 in master lot with high desert $339,000. shrubs. Home h as room, 2.5 bath home Karin Johnson, Broker stainless appliances, some greenhouse all v iews of t h e s u r - b edroom that f e a- natural landscaping. Call Jacqwe Sebulsky been lightly lived in 541-280-4440 or including guest quar541-639-6140 formal dining room on over 10 acres with rounding mountains, tures coffered ceiling Two gas fireplaces, and has a wonderful ters. G reat h o r se main floor master & mountain views. buttes and juniper for- & slide to upper deck one in living room and Michele Anderson, sunroom and appeal541-633-9760. barn, hay barn & outupstairs master suite. $999,000. ests below. Just 68 w/hot tub. Light & airy one in master beding floor plan with door arena. $824,000. 2 downstairs guest MLS¹201403687. home make up Vista great room, efficiently room. Master bedMLS¹201403364 l arge deck, s h o p Call Kris Warner, b edrooms, do w n - Call Candy Yow, Rim, and when ready, l aid o ut kitc h en room has c o ffered Duke Warner Realty building is a p prox. 541-480-5365 stairs guest bathroom, 541-410-3193 two builders specialw/granite c o unters, ceiling and slider to 541-382-8262 4000 sq.ft. w/ 4 12x12 MORRIS MLS ¹201402156 bonus room, utility Duke Warner Realty i ze i n V i st a R i m newer a p p liances, upper deck with hot d oors and a m a n REAL ESTATE Duke Warner Realty r oom w / sink, a t 541-382-8262 homes - Sun Forest pantry 8 h a rdwood tub. Master bath has door. The is a comI&g M Qy ~ ~ o~ d 541-382-8262 tached double garage, Construction and f looring. Triple g a deep soak tub, large plete office w/bath, FIND YOUR FUTURE gas heat & Wayne Semon cus- rage w/ultimate floor. t iled s h ower a n d r ec, k i tchen a n d Remodeled Contempo- Stunning Awbrey Butte central HOINE IN THE BULLETIN pump. Fenced, Unsurpassed Breath- tom Homes. Owners Wired fo r s e curity double sinks. Great m eeting roo m i n rary Style - Located in Home. 370 0 s q . ft. heat ni c e ly taking Views of Smith may choose f r om system 8 for stereo room is light and airy Your future isjust apage cluded in the 4000 gour m et sprinkled 8 the Old Mill District, 4 h ome, sl a b landscaped backyard Rocks from a lmost multiple floor plans with speakers on main with expansive city away. Whetheryou're looking sq.ft. This property is b edroom, 3 bat h , k itchen w i t h w/excellent privacy & ranging in size from floor in 4 zones. 2 and Cascade views. a must preview, must very r oom. 4 b r / for a hat or aplace to hangit, 2098 sq ft. Custom granite. Large master large patio, RV park- e 2848 sq ft on 1800 sq. ft. to 3260 levels cedar decking + Kitchen is efficiently The Bulletin Classified is see facility. The shop $45,000 theater/me- bdrm, with spa style ing along with interior 2.5ba, 5.24 ac w/ 3.4 ac irri- sq. ft. owners are also paver patio. laid out with granite and dwelling have bath, huge bonus/meyour bestsource. dia/sound/lighting ex t erior p a i nt. gation. Spacious deck welcome to custom- Plumbed-in humidifi- tile counters, newer separate electric system, cooks delight dia room, wine cellar. 8 system. appliances, p a ntry Every daythousandsof m eters. Shop a n d to view stunning sun- ize the plans to their cation kitchen, open floor Deck, water feature $269,900. rises/sunsets. Horse desire. The commu- $610,000. and hardwood floor- buyers andsellers ofgoods d welling share t he and fabulous mtn. ¹201400977 plan. $359,500. John L. Scott Real ing. Triple garage with and services dobusinessin Avion water meter, property. $ 3 99,888 nity features spacious, MLS¹201301639 views. Call Aubre Chesire, these pages. They know Estate 541-548-1712 MLS¹ Too new. common area, and John L. Scott Real Ultimate floor. Wired 2nd gar a ge/shop Colleen Dillingham, 541-598-4583 or attractive water feaEstate 541-548-1712 for security system. you can' t beat The Bul l e tin 1025 sq.ft. $499,500. Pam Lester, Principal Brook Criazzo at Broker 541-788-9991 Classified Section for Broker, Century 21 tures. all just 5 minWired for stereo with MLS ¹201400070 John L. Scott 541-550-8408, Need help fixing stuff? s peakers on m a i n selection andconvenience Bobbie Strome, Gold Country Realty, utes from the Lake Real Estate, Bend MLS¹201403010 A Service Professional Inc. 541-504-1338 side p o ol, s p o rts f loor i n 4 zon e s . - every item isjust a phone Principal Broker www.johnlscottbend. Call Duke Warner Realty find the help you need. call away. center an d t e n nis 5-zone heating sysJohn L Scott Real 541-382-8262550 com Get your www.bendbulletin.com courts. home s ites tem. Two levels of ce- The Classified Section is Estate 541-385-5500 business starting at $55,907. d ar d ecking p l us easy to use.Everyitem Look at: Updated Home on 4 Find It in Acres - 3 bed, 3 bath, Eagle Crest Properties paver patio. Plumbed is categorizedandevery Bendhomes.com Golf The Bulletln Classiffeds! for Complete Listings of Turn-of-the-Century 866-722-3370 in humidification sys- cartegory is indexedon the Woodlands 3 acres of priCourse; open great Charm - 3 bedroom, with e ROW I N G 541-385-5809 vate water r i ghts. t em. $599, 0 00 section's front page. 2.5 bath, 2081 sq ft room with mountain Area Real Estate for Sale MLS¹ 201301639 sq ft shop, 1080 Say "goodbuy" and lake v iews, 4 with special finishes to 1680 River access property. with an ad in Whether youare lookingfor sq ft barn, fenced & Bobbie Strome, S unburst Park I m complete this home. bdrm, 6 bath, 5,096 3 tax lots = 1.5 acres. to that unused Principal Broker a home orneedaservice, cross-fenced. UnderThe Bulletin's sq.ft., o ff ered at maculate single level $539,900. 2392 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, John L Scott Real your future is in the pages of ground sprinklers 8 item by placing it in "Call A Service 3bd, 2ba, 1630 sq ft Call Tammy Settlemier, more. $1,195,000. 2 bath. Horses Estate 541-385-5500 The Bulletin Classified. $35 0 ,000. home on nearly 0.46 541-410-6009 Cate Cushman, The Bulletin Classifieds Professional" welcome, river ¹201400236 acre featuring panMLS201310532 Principal Broker access across street. John L. Scott Real Directory The Bulletin oramic Cas c a de 541-480-1884 Duke Warner Realty ServingCentral Oregonsince 19t8 www.jackson-anderson. Estate 541-548-1712 views. Rear yard is 541-382-8262 www.catecushman.com 541-385-5809 com fully fenced; includes Candice Anderson, a paved RV parking Broker 541-788-8878 site with (2)-30-amp John L. Scott plug-ins & a sewage Real Estate, Bend dump. Great room is www.johnlscottbend. vaulted and light 8 I a g • a com bright with a w oodRiver Canyon Estates stove (also plumbed I $458,000 for gas if a gaslog • 3000 sq.ft. fireplace is desired). • 4 bedroom, 3 bath Kitchen 8 utility room • Large backyard, paare also plumbed for tios, fire pit gas, if that is your • MLS 201402147 preference for cookDana Miller, Principal ing or clothes drying. Broker, ABR, AHWD Jenn-Air range, Maytag r efrigerator & Amana d i shwasher were installed in 2007. Large walk-in pantry too! MLS¹ 201401439 $317,300. MORRIS Bobbie Strome, REAL ESTATE Principal Broker John L Scott Real River's Edge VillageI Estate 541-385-5500 $610,000 • 3125 sq.ft. SW RedmondI •3 bedroom + offi ce, $374,900 s 3.5 bath • 3540 sq.ft. • Beautiful .37 acre lot • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • MLS 201402483 • Ochoco & & Smith Rosemary Goodwin, Rock views Broker, Certified • MLS 201402758 Negotiator Lester Friedman PC, 541-706-1897 Broker, ABR, CSP, 9- I I AM EPRO, S.T.A.R. Larryjacobs 541-330-8491









54 I -480-2329


Room for Everyone I&~ dy~ ~ ap d S pacious home i n Eagle's Landing. 3 4 Bdrm, bedroom, 2~/~ bath, Tanglewood. large lot, living 2387 sq ft. Offered at on room and family room, $329,500. deck off master bdrm. Cate Cushman, Jim King, P rincipal Principal Broker Broker. 541-693-8761

541-480-1884 John L. Scott www.catecushman.com Real Estate, Bend Roomy Single Level in www.johnlscottbend. Stonehedge - Open com floor plan w/vaulted living room & family The Davis, NW Redroom, kitchen fea- mond 3 bdrm (den or tures plenty of cabin- 4th bdrm), 2~/~ bath, etry, eating counter, 1929 sq ft . h ome. large pantry, dining Open great r o om, area w/access to the tons of cabinet space huge back d e c k. in kitchen, 2nd floor M aster bedr o om laundry rm, $294,900. Jim separation from addi- ¹ 201307047. tional two bedrooms. Hinton, 541-420-6229 Two offices or hobby Central Oregon Realty room. L a ndscaped Group, LLC front & back w/fenced backyard that has lots The Highlands - Gated, of trees for privacy. mountain views. 2 Forced air gas w/cen- 10-acre parcels. Oftral air conditioning. fered at $550,000. Cate Cushman, $199,900. MLS Principal Broker 201310177 541-480-1884 John L. Scott Real Estate 541-548-1712 www.catecushman.com Serenity Now! Beautiful T he W i ndsor, N W custom home, approx Redmond - Main floor 3 253 sq f t o n 4 . 5 den/4th bedroom, lots acres 2/.5 acre irriga- of natural light, eating tion. P r ivate w e l l, bar in kitchen, landpond, close in, pri- scaping, 3 bdrm, 2~/~ vate and s e cluded b ath, 2235 s q ft . with too many extras $309,900. Call Jim to mention. $672,900. Hinton, 541-420-6229 Call Carolyn Emick at Central Oregon Re541-419-0717. alty Group, LLC MLS 201304783

Duke Warner Realty 541-382-8262

Call a Pro

B u ilt o n 2 . 5 acres. 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath 3005 sq. ft. home Daylight b asement, office, f a mily/bonus rooms, up g raded c abinets new n e w H S. & more $349,000. MLS 201401392 Pam Lester, Princ. Broker, C entury 2 1 Gol d Country Realty, Inc., 541-504-1338

John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend




3 bedroom,2.5 bath,all appliancesincluded, 1497 sq. ft.. Home is in immaculate:: condition with newly landscapedbackyard.

PerfeCt lOCatiOn juSt eaSt of tOWn,

$220,000 CALLKAROLYNDUBOISAT 541-390-7863.MLS:201404721

level. Private lot is 2.19 acreswith a large detached shop. $615,000 CALL KRIS WARNER AT 541-480-5365 MLS: 201404757


3 bedroom,2. 5 bath home is 3897 sq. jt. With all of the bedrOOmS on the main







CHESH REAT51 -598-4583. MLS:201%3962

This home is madewith love and custom features in every room. Looking for lodge style home surroundedbywildlife, this isit. 4 bedroom,2.5bath. $899,900CALLCANDY YOW AT511-410-3193. MLS:201304415

Beautiful custom home,approx.. 3253sq.ft. on 1.5 acreswith.5 acreirrigation.Privatewell, pond, close in, private andsecludedwith too many extras tomention. $672,900.CALLCAROLYN EMICK AT541-419-0717. NLS:201304783







Tucked in a quiet cul-de-sac,this 3 bednom suite Craltsman homehas 3.5 baths with expansive main level mastersuite. Seller is alicensedrealtor in theState of Oregon.$625,000CALLHFATHERFREDERICKSON AT 511-639-9102.MLS:201%4505

Rastrablockconstruction, passivesolar 4 bedroom,3 bath, 2954sq.R.,radiant floors and recycledtimbers keep thishomeeco-fiiendly. Sits on nearly 19acres of Cascade view pastoral farmland. $899,000 CALL TERRY SrjERSMAT 541-383-1426. MLS :2014&f611

3 bedroom, 2bath, 1208sq.It, home in quiet neighborh ood.Largemaster bedroom,openlivingroom and anicebackdeckto enjoythe summerdays.$185000 CALLBROOKCRIAZZOAT541-550-iH08ORAUBRE



T o Be

Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory Tumalo Home/Views!I 541-385-5809 $624,900 bedroom, 3.5 bath, Spectacular home on • 42606 sq.ft. acreage. acres •SE Bend on 4.81 acres •• 6.4 Huge Cascade - $519,900 Mountain views . 4 Bdrm, 3 b a t h & • MLS 201307561 den/office Odette Adair, •M aster on main , Broker, S.T.A.R. triple-car garage 8 541-815-4786 barn/shop www.johnlscott.com/45 436 Kellie Cook, Broker 541-408-0463



IA p Mmly~

M O~



View elkanddeer fromyour living roomwith breathtakng Twoseparateunitsononetaxlot. Uniquepersonality Located in the heart ofthe Old Hill District. Feel the history in this stately home on a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1344 sq R. homeon viewsofCanfonNtnfromthis secludednewer5bedroom, homes.Fronthomehasstreet access,2 bedrooms, 3 maste r suites,3.5 baths,3070 sq.ft.with beautiful doublelot. Short stroll to downtown 10 acre s with oversized deck in front and 3 bath home nestled inthe timber. 3 acresirrigated and andrearhomei saonebedroom.Bothhavefenced viewsof the ri ver and mountains. Stand- or Mirror Pond.$998,500 CALLICITKORISH back andundergroundsprinklers. $340,000

detached garage/shop. $399,999 CALLDUKEWARNER yards in Wiestoria Addition. $257,500CALLjASEN alone Unit. $829,000 CALL jAYNEE BECK REALTY DAVVILLEAT501-987-2363. MLS:201305978 CHAVE ZAT541-89 -5146.MLS:2014l0186 AT 511-480-0988MLS:201400102


AT 541-480-2335.HLS:201402653

CALL KAROLYN DUBOISAT 541-390-7863. NLS:201403958

- e



Less than I mile from city limits. 2160 sq. R., 1,456 sq. It. remodeled office. 7,000 sq. R 2172 sq. IL,mainlevel mas ter, deniolce, 3 cargarage, 2 bedroom. 2 bath home. Several outbuildings commercial zonelot. Excellent parkwayexposure tvc, storageshed/private patio.closeto Brookswood includingbamwith indoor arena. 3 tax lots, 120 4parkingspaces includinghandicap space.$435,000 Plaza,nver trail andparks. $389,900 CALLKATRINA ERS acres intheUrbanReserve. $540,000 CALLKRIS CALL LARRY JACOBS AT 541-180-2329 SWISHERAT 541-420-3318 OR ROB EGG WARNERAT541-480-5365. MLS:201206667 MLS:201404318 AT 501-518-9780.ML5:201%3 085



with plenty of pnvacyand room to park your RV Wrap around deckhasjust been re-stained and is readyfor entertainingandrelaxing. 3 bedroom,2 bath 1745 sq. It $205,000 CALL IASENCHAVEZ AT 511-891-5+f6.MI5:2011III961

Wonderful 3 bedroom,2.5 bathTudor-style homewith master on the main and located on a corner lot across from Compass Park. $619,000 CALL TERR Y SKIERSAA AT 541-383-1426.MLS:2014(H282

E10 SATURDAY, MAY 31, 2014 • THE BULLETIN Homes for Sale

Redmond Homes

• Redmond Homes •





Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Sunriver/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine Homesj

Woodside Ranch j $489,000 • Custom 2174 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • 2.28 acres • MLS 201402638 Jim 8 Roxanne Cheney, Brokers

$299,900• NW Canyon $218,500 - Outstanding Adorable Cottage in the Eagle Crest Resort 15970 Old Mill Road, La 146504 Bills Road. 2 52314 Ponderosa Way. Drive location & views in Heights. $ 1 24,900. 4895 sq f t c ustom Looking for your next Pine. $177,000. Re- bdrm, 2 bath, 2-car 4 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1922 emp/oyee? «4 Bdrm, 2.5 bath Creekside Village at Arched e n t ryways, home. .81 acre lot modeled 3 bdrm, 2 arage, 2.3 a c res, sq.ft., 1 .1 3 a c r es. Place a Bulletin help .3 car garage Eagle Crest Resort! oak hardwood floor- w/golf course views, 5 b ath, 1844 s q . f t . 78,900. High Lakes $249,000. High Lakes wanted ad today and « Warm finishes a n d Enjoy gorgeous views ing, large lot w/RV ac- bedroom, 3.5 b ath, home. H i g h Lakes Realty & Pr o perty Realty & P r o perty reach over 60,000 open floor plan of Smith Rock from Realty & Pr o perty Management Management cess, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, custom iron & glass «Vacation in your own t he great r oom & 1227 sq. ft., 500 sq. ft front door entry. Huge readers each week. 541-536-0117 541-536-0117 Management, Your classified ad backyard kitchen, views of the b asement. MLS ¹ great room w/formal 541-536-0117 146532 Old C abin 541-390-4050 Diana Barker, Cascades from the 201308245. Vicci Bo- dining, gour m et will also appear on bendbulletin.com Tick, Tock 541-390-4030 Broker deck. wen 541-410-9730 kitchen w/slab granite 11418 Cres t wood $160,000. 3 bdrm, 2 paver which currently re541-480-7777 Place. $86,500. 1.28 bath, heat pump, hot MLS¹201 402012 Central Oregon Realty counters & Viking apTick, Tock... ceives over Windermere Eagle Crest Properties Group, LLC acre, 2 bdrm home, tub. High Lakes Repliances. Large bo1.5 million page 866-722- 3370 3 0x40 shop. H i g h alty & Property ManCentral Oregon nus room, amazing ...don't let time get views every month Real Estate master suite w/fireLakes Realty & Prop- agement Garage Sales away. Hire a at no extra cost. Large corner Lot in erty Ma n agement 541-536-0117 place 8 outside acMORRIS Bulletin Classifieds 3 bdrm, 2-bath 1486 sq. Redmond w / 4 541-536-0117 cess to hot tub, and professional out Garage Sales REAL ESTATE Get Results! ft. home on 1 acre bdrm, 2 bath home. 14695 S. Sugar Pine. SO MUCH MORE!! All of The Bulletin's IM~ rl y ~ ~ O« « 0 Call 385-5809 or with Cascade views, $229,000 52251 Stearns Road. $2116,500 2 bdrm, 2 MLS Garage Sales resort amenities are place your ad on-line "Call A Service covered porch, or- 2 01310490. Cal l $99,500. Home, out- bath, 1256 sq. ft. on included w/ownership. Z oning A l lows fo r ganic garden, potting Don Chapin, Princiat Find them buildings fenced acre. .96 acre. High Lakes $749,000. Lynn Professional" Working at Home - 2 shed, dbl. g a rage, pal bendbulletin.com Broker, High Lakes Realty 8 Realty 8 Pr o perty Johns, Principal Broin br, 1 ba 792 sf, large Directory today! arden shed, fenced. 541-350-6777 Property M a n ageManagement ker, 541-408-2944 or fenced lot & garage The Bulletin 541-536-0117 189,900. MLS Redmond RE/MAX ment 541-536-0117 Wes Johns, Broker 755 52360 Whi s pering w/attached s t o rage 201307988. Call L and & Hom e s 541-408-2945 Classifieds Pines 4 bdrm/2 bath, shed. $115,000. MLS Nancy Sunriver/La Pine Homes 16524 Charlotte Day 14746 C a mbium Popp, Real Estate Central Oregon 1755 sq. ft. on 1.27 201401691 541-8'I 5-8000 Dr., La Pine. 3bdrm, $ 94,900. 3 b drm + Resort Realty 541-385-5809 Pam Lester, Principal Crooked River Realty $334,950 Floor p lan $79,900 High 16110 Alpine D rive, 2~/2 bath, 2139 sq. ft. den, multiple o u t- acre. Broker, Century 21 Forest Greens Town- $109,900. 1120 sq. ft. home, 3-car garage. buildings. High Lakes Lakes Realty & Propw/vaulted ceilings, 3 Corner o f Co o pers Ma n agement Gold Country Realty, home - 1536 sq ft, 3 home, 2 car garage $229,000. $275,000• NW BD, 2 B A , c o o ks Hawk & Harrier Ct. High Realty 8 Pr o perty erty 541-536-0117 Inc. 541-504-1338 bedrooms, 2~/~ bath, acre. High Lakes Re- Lakes Realty & Prop- Management Redmond kitchen w/refrig i n2681 sq ft w/RV bay! «3 Bdrm, 2 bath cluded. Fireplace in Man a gement 541-536-0117 .48 acre flat corner lot, great room floor plan, alty 8 Property Man- erty FIND IT! •Open floor plan 746 great room, h u ge perfect RV access, 3 east-facing back deck agement 541-536-0117 BUY IT! w/ hot tub, main level master bdrm, 2 car 1 5924 Jackpine R d . Northwest Bend Homes •New paint inside and bdrm + office + for- m aster a n d gol f 541-536-0117 SELL IT! out garage, large back mal dining, 2.5 bath. 1303 Elk Dr - $182,500. $40,000 2 bedrooms, course setting. Two bdrm, 1 bath 720 Quality thru-out. 4 car garage deck, a m ust see! $513,380. near town on .94 acre. The Bulletin Classifieds Amazing Entertaining in «3 $219,000. Lynn sq.ft. frame home on bdrm, 2224 SF. High High Lakes Realty & MLS 2014 0 1722 Lynn Johns, Principal NWX! Beau t iful,•RV parking La Pine Retreat. Eagle Crest Proper- Broker, 541-408-2944 Johns, Principal Bro- 1 a c re. D e tached Lakes Realty & Prop- Property M a n age- Looks well-appointed 2213 .XL paver patio like a Park! ker, 541-408-2944 or Tanler, Broker ties 866-722- 3370 2-car garage, finished erty Ma n agement ment 541-536-0117 sq ft home overlook- Cheryl or Wes Johns, Broker 52900 Bridge Rd. Wes Johns, Broker 541-410-7434 541-536-0117 pump house for extra ing Compass Park. 541-408-2945 - Absolute $120,000. MLS 541-408-2945 Windermere $374,900 storage. Not far off of 16569 Beesley Pl Over $35,000 put into Central Oregon Call Don Central Oregon Central Oregon gem on the 15th hole Hwy 31. $ 105,000. 145541 Birchwood $219,000. 4 bdrm, 2.5 201401915 upgraded backyard. Resort Realty Chapin Principal Resort Realty Real Estate of the Ridge Course MLS 201 4 0 1070. $174,900 Triple wide, bath, 2154 sq.ft., gas $590,000. Broker at Eagle Crest Resort! Creekside L a k efront Cascade Rea l t y, 3-car garage, 2 acres. fireplace. High Lakes Call Jacquie Sebulsky, 541-350-6777 $194,500• NW Gorgeous views of the Townhome - 1419 sq What are you Dennis Han i ford, High Lakes Realty & Realty & Pr o perty Redmond 541-280-4449 or RE/MAX Redmond b e drooms, 2 mountains and fair- ft, 2 Princ. Broker Property M a n age- Management Michele Anderson at •Open floor looking for? Land & Homes plan bath, awesome locaway greet you t he 541-536-1731 ment 541-536-0117 541-536-0117 541-633-9760. Real Estate •Large kitchen with din moment you walk in tion on the lake, Smith You'll find it in MLS¹201403619 ing bar Rock views, 1 level, the door. Duke Warner Realty •Great room & gas fire immaculate condition. The Bulletin Classifieds MLS¹201402627 541-382-8262 place Eagle Crest Properties $224,900. •1865 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2.5 Lynn Johns, Principal 866-722- 3370 Brand new on market! NORTHWRST I 541-385-5809 Broker, 541-408-2944 CROSSING « Custom craftsman 3 bd, bath - Stunning or Wes Johns, Broker Lori Schneringer, $549,000 2.5 ba, extensive interior Broker 541-280-1543 Sale Fail! Eagle Crest Bend's mosf coveted, award-winning neighborhoo 541-408-2945 views from this priupgrades, granite slab in C ustom home . Windermere Central Oregon vate golf course locagourmet kitchen, hickory Gated community! 4 Family life centers around the home, from lazy days by the fireplace Central Oregon tion. Featuring great Resort Realty flooring. Off Mt. Washb drm, 3 ~/2 b a t h , Real Estate r oom, w it h ha r d to family and friends enjoying an outdoor barbecue. Inviting homes, ington Dr., borders Quail 3208 sq. ft. on 14th Park, adjacent to Aw- 10085 Juniper Glen woods, dining area, Want to impress the tee. Live year-round pedestrian-friendly avenues and a buoyant sense of communit wall to wall windows.. relatives? Remodel brey Glen golf commuo r p e rfect 2 n d Circle - Cline Butte MLS¹ 201401153 nity. Fabulous Cascade your home with the make this a very special place. Come see why. home. $439,000 skyline view, private fully views! .28 acre lot, Eagle Crest Properties help of a professional MLS¹201305107 2321 sq ft, 3 bdrm, 866-722- 3370 fenced backyard. 2004 Call Charlie or Vir2.5 bath, level lot on a from The Bulletin's Tour of Homes!Open ginia, Principal Broquiet street. $392,198. $599,000 - Breathtak"Call A Service 1-4 Sat. & Sun. 2772 kers 541-350-3418 NW Rainbow Ridge Dr. Lynn Johns, Principal i ng views o f th e Professional" Directory Redmond RE/MAX Broker, 541-408-2944 Ochoco, Smith Rock $575,000. By owner, and & Hom e s or Wes Johns, Broker 8 541-848-0040 C a scade M t n .Custom Eagle Crest L 541-408-2945 ranges! Fan t astic Home - 3245 sq ft, 3 Real Estate Central Oregon g reen home to b e bedrooms, 3.5 baths, Single Level Charmer in 748 Resort Realty built. 4Bdrm, 2 ba, 3 double master suites, NW R e dmond Northeast Bend Homes car attached garage Smith Rock v iews, $ 31 5,000. 4 be d 1850 Murrelet Drive make up this Energy daylight b a s ement rooms, plus office/ Terrango Glen subdiviOchoco Mtn Views! Star r ated h o me. w/bonus rooms. den, 2.5 baths, 2410 sion in cul-de-sac. .42 acre lot, 2020 sq MLS¹201309632 sq ft. Brand new con20974 Marsh Orchid Ct. ft, 3 b drm, 2 b a th, Eagle Crest Properties $449,900. Lynn Johns, Principal struction, fe n c ing, $249,900 backs to c o mmon 866-722- 3370 Broker, 541-408-2944 front lan d scaping, Immaculate 3 bdrm/2~/~ area. $386,290. or Wes Johns, Broker custom tile. bath, almost 1800 sq. Lynn Johns, Principal The Bulletin 541-408-2945 MLS¹201310781 ft., freshly painted in Broker, 541-408-2944 To Subscribe call Central Oregon Call Jim Hinton, and out, family room, or Wes Johns, Broker Resort Realty 541-420-6229. 541-385-5800 or go to living room, fireplace, 541-408-2945 Central Oregon Realty fenced backyard, www.bendbulletin.com Central Oregon Good classified adstell Group, LLC beautiful landscaping. Resort Realty essential facts in an Adjacent 0.15 acre lot $619,900 - Classic inthe Well-Kept Home in SW teresting Manner. Wri t e avail. for $59,900. $214,000 - Fabulous beauty in Eagle Crest from the readers view not Redmond - $225,000. s• • • Violeta Sdrulla, Broker furnished 3 bedroom, Resort, gated area on 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bath541-419-3522 2.5 bath on the fair- 13th fairway - Resort the seller's. Convert the r ooms, 2414 sq f t . John L. Scott way in Forest Greens Course. 2 b e autiful facts into benefits. Show New carpet throughReal Estate at Eagle Crest! Great master suites, lots of the reader hcw the itemwill out, large upstairs bohelp them in some way. room plan with gas built-ins, great pantry, n us r o om . ML S s torage galore i n This fireplace opens to exAdvertise your car! 201402581 advertising tip eaves & over garage. Add A Picture! pansive deck with hot Call Jeanne Scharlund, •I Reach thousands of readers! tub. MLS ¹201402409 MLS¹201401488 brought to you by 541-420-7978 Call 541-385-5809 Eagle Crest Properties Eagle Crest Properties Central Oregon The Bulletin Classifieds The Bulletin 866-722- 3370 866-722- 3370 Realty Group, LLC



Time to declutter? Need some extra cash? Need some extra space the garage?

n se

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JeffersonCounty Homes Homes with Acreage Homes with Acreage



Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage

Want to move in and 1018 Chapman St., Gil- 2.4 Acres with Cas- Great location w/unob- Ultimate family home, enjoy life? This Ma- christ, OR, 4 Bdrm, 2 cade views in SW structed view of 8 mtn 4 bdrms, 3 baths on dras home is loaded bath 1836 sq.ft., on Redmond. irrigated peaks. Nestled be- over 7 acres, 20x40 with upgrades. Well 2.84 acres, s h op. horse property, 4 tween Bend & Red- heated pool. 4005 maint. and boasts a $214,900. High Lakes b drm, 2~/~ b a t h mond and only mo- NW Helmholtz Way, large tiled entry way, Realty 8 Pr o perty home. $344,500 m ents away f r o m $430,000. MLS ceiling fans, recessed Management Call Don Chapin, Hwy. 97 for an easy 201305932 Call l ighting, large l o f t 541-536-0117 Principal Br o k er c ommute. Built i n TRAVIS HANNAN, area, a master bdrm 541923-0855 Red1994 on 2.5 a cres Principal Br o k er with w a lk-in closet, 1183 Crescent Cut- Off mond RE/MAX Land w/2494 sq.ft. of living 541-788-3480 window cov e rings Rd., 3 bdrm, 2 bath on 8 Homes Real Esspace. Oversized liv- Redmond RE/MAX throughout. Garage is 6.48 acres, multiple tate ing room & d i ning Land & Homes finished with ceiling garages, $ 164,000. room make comfortReal Estate High Lakes Realty & storage rack and you able environment for Find It in Property M a nage771 have great views from family living 8 enterthe back deck. VA as- ment 541-536-0117 The Bulletin Clnsslfieds! taining. New 5-panel Lots sumable if e l igible. 541-385-5809 fir doors & glass panel SW Stallion Rd. front door. Oak lami- EAGLE CREST LOTS $124,900 MLS¹ 14149 CRR. Open floor plan 201304344 nate flooring in living • .32 acre lot on a quiet 15865 Yellowood Ct. from this 1907 sq. ft. Heather Hockett, PC, r oom, hallways & street, perfect site for $98,000. Cozy cabin, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Broker, Century 21 baths. 4 bdrms, 3 are your dream home. 2 car garage, 1.78 home on 3.27 acres. Gold Country Realty, master suites. New Mtn. views from the acres. High L akes Hardi-plank s i d ing, Territorial views to the 541-420-9151 Pr o perty r oof, t r im , wa t e r east buttes. MLS great r o o m and Realty & 201401951; $65,000. kitchen, oversized den Management 757 h eater an d la w n . •StunningCascade mtn 541-536-0117 could be a 3rd bed$344,000. MLS Crook County Homes views!! Build your palroom. Large deck with Qu a rry, ¹201400552. ace on this gently pergola, fenced back- 6661 S W John L. Scott Real Open Sat 5/31 9:30-5; sloped 1/2 acre lot Redmond. 4.7 7 yard and patio area. acres Estate 541-548-1712 Sun 6/1, 9:30-noon! 3 with 1 acre irwith backs to comCovered RV parking. bdrm 2 bath + 1 bdrm 1 mon area. It's like rigation. Pond, shop Just bought a new boat? $279,000. MLS bath rental or in-law apt. a nd 1600 sq . f t . walking up everyday Sell your old one in the 201402268 721 S Main, Prineville. home. $ 3 2 0,000. classifieds! Ask about our on vacation. MLS Juniper Realty, MLS 201307143 Super Seller rates! 201402584; $249,000 541-504-5393 762 541-385-5809 • Spectacular views Call Travis Hannan, Homes with Acreage 14198 SW Nine Peaks PC, Principal Bro- Lake Front P roperty from this very buildable lot! Common Pl., CRR Mtn. views ker 5 4 1-788-3480 with Bre a thtaking area on two sides Motivated Seller! Nice from this 1960 sq. ft., Redmond RE/MAX Views! $79 5 ,000. 3 bdrm ranch- style 3 bdrm., 2 bath home L and 8 gives you the privacy Hom e s Remodeled in 2006. you want & deserve to house with a nice floor on 1.16 acre. 936 sq. Real Estate Loft area, spacious plan, country kitchen, ft. garage has a shop watch the plentiful suite, 3 fire- wildlife & gorgeous nice brick fireplace, area plus 2 bays. Rv 8479 SW High Cone master places, 4 bedrooms, 2 nestled on 4+ acres covered storage & Drive. Large 4 bdrm, 2 sunsets. MLS¹ bathrooms, 4500 sq ft 201403070; $250,000 Powell Butte q u iet carport. $1 2 9 ,500 bath located in t he country lane. Fenced, MLS 201208272 heart o f Cr o oked on 6.8 acres. MLS¹ Eagle Crest Properties 866-722-3370 corral, shed, shop River Ranch on 1.20 2 01400129. Da v i d Juniper Realty, area, along with storacre. Wonderful out- Franke, 541-420-5986 541-504-5393 Central Oregon Realty age rooms. 2 acres irdoor area for enterGroup, LLC rig., mtn and Smith 14482 SW Pony Trail in taining or r e laxing. Need to get an ad Rock views. Local CRR. U nobstructed Oversized 2-bay shop Large home with guest in ASAP? small Powell B utte mtn views, 2 bdrm, 2 w ith s t orage a n d quarters. 4bdrms, 3 Charter School. Cen- bath on 2.58 acres. plenty of room to keep baths, on 5.27 acre tral location commut- Master bath has gar- the toys out of t he horse property fenced Fax it te 541-322-7253 ing distance to Bend, den tub and separate weather. $ 1 43,000. and x-fenced, shop Prineville & Redmond. walk-in shower, New mls 201300653 area with s t orage.The Bulletin Classifieds Not a bad package at Pergo flooring and Juniper Realty, $349,900. $ 279,900! 1052 5 windows 541-504-5393 in s t alled ¹201401229 Call Gail F leming Rd. Cal l 2012. Large composDay 541-306-1018 13601 SW Canyon Dr. Heather Hockett, PC, ite decking, Hardi- Beautiful 3/2 custom log Central Oregon Realty 1.13 acres in CRR, home on 5 acres, all Broker, Century 21 plank siding. Group, LLC Mt. Jefferson views, Gold Country Realty, $110,000. Financing set up fo r h orses. Access to the prop541-420-9151 2-story, vaulted ceilNear Smith Rocks, gorAvailable. MLS erty from 2 streets exings, deck off master, geous 3 bdrm, 3 bath, pands the possible ¹201008671 56066 Snow Goose. large windows, utility 3880 sq.ft. $694,000 building sites. owner Juniper Realty, $104,900. 3 bdrm, 2 Cal l will carry. $ 58,500 room, security sys- ¹ 201300784. 541-504-5393 bath, 1 acre near SunLinda Lou Day-Wright. tem, covered f ront river. High Lakes Re- 1.56 acres, 1620 sq.ft. d eck,. Also has 1 541- 771-2585 Crooked ¹201106385 Juniper Realty alty & Property Man- Tastefully done spa- bdrm/1 bath g u est River Realty 541-504-5393 agement house with large livcious home sitting on B u tte ! 10 Serene setting on 1.386 541-536-0117 the CR rim, dble ga- ing room and kitchen, Powell Cascade with a ttached l arge barn with 3 ACRESI acre lot, looking out $629,000• 39 Acre gem rage stalls, t ac k r o o m, mtn views! 3863 sq. tack room and horse over 90 acre pasture, in Powell Butte ft. custom home. workshop and stor- Private stall. Located off a walking trails, and rec •Spectacular mtn and office paved road. $229,000 age area for your hay. w/separate e ntry, r eational park. B e Smith Rock views Completely fenced, 3 shop/RV bldg and MLS 201309151 yond the park are •39 acre fenced and Linda corrals, full RV hookLou Day-Wright. and miles of cross fenced and 38 $75 4 ,900 miles 541- 771-2585 ups. $395,000. MLS more! public land adjoining acres of irrigation 201402749 Cascade MLS¹ 2 0 1303502. Crooked River Realty the Deschutes with •3 bdrm, 2 bath home, Charlie or VirRealty, Dennis Hani- Call views of snow-capped ginia, Principal Bro1530 sq.ft. 16751 SW Dove Rd. ford, Princ. Broker Cascades. Septic in •Six stall barn, hay loft, kers 541-350-3418 Crooked River Ranch. 1-541-536-1731 stalled. Underground Redmond RE/MAX tack room and pasture Beautiful custom l og on lo t l i ne. •Ponds, green house, home with many up Cinder Butte Estates L and 8 Ho m e s power $67,500. MLS Real Estate outbuildings and grades ... floor to ceil on 4.9 acres with 201310707 chicken coop. ing windows with mtn. mtn views. S plit Ready for Your Toys! Nancy Popp Principal Christin Hunter, Broker views, hickory hard level home with upBroker, 541-815-8000 3 bdrm, 2 bath over 541-306-0479 wood & t ile f loors, per & lower living Crooked River Realty 2 000 sq. ft. on 2 Windermere gourmet kitc h en, spaces. $389,776. acres. $ 1 85,000. Central Oregon cherry cabinets, and MLS 201401983 MLS 201 4 02162 1.71 acres, septic apReal Estate granite cou n t ers, Call Don Chapin, Travis Han n an, proved power and Principal Br o k er wood burning stack Principal Br o k er water at the street. Advertise your car! rock fireplace. MLS 541-350-6777 $39,900 ¹201307972 541-788-3480 Add A P<cture! Redmond RE/MAX 201208751 Linda Lou Day-Wright. Reach thousands of readers! Redmond RE/MAX Juniper Realty, L and & Hom e s 541- 771-2585 Call 541-385-5809 Land & Homes 541-504-5393 Real Estate Crooked River Realty The Bulletin Classifieds Real Estate -

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• 2588 SF • Parking for Rv & Boat • Stainless steel appliances • www.johnlscott.com/22342 M aralin Baidenmann, Broker 54I-325- I096


$3 I 5,000 Ijlj' I

• Private hideaway on 1.86 acres • Convenient & in mid-Bend • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 3696 SF • Large pond, fed with COI irrigation • G ourmet kitchenw/ butler'spantry • New addition, all remodeled • www.sharona.johnlscott.com/75147

SharonAbrams, CRS, Principal Broker 54I-280-9309

• 56 Premier lots in NW Bend • Lots range 0.12 - 0.25 acres • All utilities in W ide streets & nicely treed • Close to parks & river trails • Easy access to parkway • www johnlscott.com/79460

Kathy Denning, Broker 54I -480-4429

3 bedrooms,2.5 baths Bonus room

2207 SF .19 Acre www.johnlscott.com/33784 jackson-Anderson.com Barbara Jackson, Broker 54l-306-8 I86

Danielle Snow, Broker 54 l-306-I0I 5 '




'I tii


• 3br+2.5bt, mastermain,den/4th bedroom • Canyon & pond views • .2 I sc w/fenced yard • Brazilian Cherry wood floors • Great location / SW Redmond • theresaramsay @johnlscott.com









I •

',o '





•3bdrms/2.5baths/2584SF.(+ bonusroom) • Cherryfloors,custom A ldercabinetry,tile • Gas fireplace, stone pillar, lovely mantle • Fenced yard, large patio,tree lined streets • Close to schools, medical & shopping • www johnlscott.com/24245

Peggy LeeCombs, Broker, GRI, CRS 54I-480-7653 I I


• 2 bedrooms, I baths,636 SF • Newer windows/heat • Privaterock outcroppings • Hoa = $188/Mo, covers all ' •Exterior m aintenance • www.johnlscott.com/37574

Kathy Caba, Principal Broker, ABR 54 I-77 I- I 76I

' •



$6 I I,900

Priority Home Lendinu, LLC.



• 5 fenced acres/4 acres irrigation • 5398 SF,6 bedrooms,4 baths • 3200 SF 3-story shop • 24'x36' barn with loft • Granite, travertine, marble finishes • 2 Heat Pumps,2 Bonus Rooms • www.johnlscott.com/96070

ShelleyArnold, Broker 54I -77 I-9329

• 1,064 SF - 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths • Large kitchen • No steps • Double garage • 500 SF unfinished attic space • Easy care yard, dog run

Colleen Dillingham, Broker 54 I-788-999I

• 38Acres & 37 irrigation • 120'x64' barn with stalls, shop • 2600 SF spotless home • Light, bright & airy • 20 minutes to Bend • wwwjeannelsen.johnlscott.com/74510

Jean ffelsen, Broker 54I -420-3927

• '


CHARLES "CHARLIE" SANFORD Home Mortgage Consultant Branch Manager l NMLS 403898 Direct: 541.693.8786 Cell: 54'!.788.8870 csanfordOprioritylending.com ennnnr.CSanfoni.net


To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809




/ l



/ J%




• • •

ils n •



2620 NW Ordway • • • • •

Single story craftsman 3 bed,2bath Double car garage Close proximity to NW Crossing shops/restaurants New exterior & interior paint, hardwood floors, gas appliances, heat & fireplace

Call Glenda Mackie, Broker l 541410-4050

19167 Pumice Butte Road -. • 3 bed, 2 bath, 1390 SF • Single level, 2-car garage • Open floor plan with vaulted ceilings • .87 acre, fully fenced • Front & back landscape • Beautiful interiors and upgrades MLS¹201404532 Call Nicolette Jones, CSP, ABR, Broker 541-241-0432 l nicolette.jones

60254 Woodside Rd. - Knott Rd. To PineVista - right on Woodside Road or Knott Rd. ToWoodside Rd. • Park-like setting on 1.97 acres with RVgarage/shop plus garden area • This home features wood floors, vaulted ceilings w/ knotty pine & exposed beams,granite counters in updated kitchen, Energy-Smart home • Privacy, yet close to town Call Myra Girod, Broker l 541-815-2400 or ~ Pam Bronson, Broker l 541-788-6767

2704 NW Nordic Avenue • 2892 SF, 3bed, 2.5 bath, den/office, bonus • Built in 2012 by Greg Welch Construction • Huge 3-car garage • Open concept, great room living • Spacious backyard

• Stunning views • 3 bed, 3,5 bath • Master, utility, kitchen, office on main level • Views of Smith Rock and City of Redmond • Wall of windows • Heated travertine floors • Knotty alder solid wood doors M L S ¹201404626

Call Myra Girod, Broker i 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker l 541-788-6767

Call Sean Barton, Broker l 541-306-7669

Call Rhonda McHugh, Broker, 541-323-2506




Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541%08-0086

', •

8 88•

55250VelvetCourt-OffHuntington -pastS.Century • Beautiful home situated on one of 2 lots each with own well, waiting for your RV, horses & toys! • 5.24 total acres of park-like setting adj. to public land • Gourmet kitchen, shop, craft room, huge bonus • Radiant floor heat and RV parking w/complete setup! Must see!

m ra. amteam©cascadesir.com

• Desirable Westside single level home situated on one of the largest home sites in Shevlin Pines • Meticulously maintained with sleek high-end interior finishes throughout • Beautifully designed 3 bedroom plus den/office offering lots of light • Covered outdoor living spaces create a perfect area for entertaining • Close proximity to Shevlin Park, schools, shopping and downtown Bend

m ra. amteam©cascadesir.com


19134 Chiloquin Drive

e e

• • •

• Set atop a large corner lot • Great room with modern, exotic woods and stones • Tons of windows capture the light • His & hers offices • 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 3128 SF MLS¹201401112

Call The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-4042 l www.TeamNormaAndJulie.com

l sl 'i

• •


1857 NW Remarkable - Awbrey Butte • between Starview & Constellation • 4 bedrooms with master on main • Two living areas plus a huge bonus • Gourmet kitchen & great room open to private fenced backyard • 2000 COBA Tour home has everything that matters!

• Construction by Norman Building & Design • Peaceful inner courtyard with natural landscaping • Single level home with

4-car garage • Stunning great room, dining & kitchen • Extensive use of hardwoods • Cascade & terrain views, on3+ Acres in Lane Knolls Estates MLS¹201402341

Call yra G>rod, roker l 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker l 541-788-6767

Call Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker, CRS l 541-408M09 www.bestbendhomes.com

m ra. amteamecascadesir.com


• • •

11100 W. Hwy 126 - Near Eagle Crest between Redmond & Sisters • Plus an income producing dog boarding business • Perched on the back of 20 acres • Expansive mountain views • Separate shop • 3612SF custom home als o bordersBLM Call yra Girod, r oker l 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker l 541-788-6767 m ra. amteamecascadesir.com

• •

• A style reminiscent of The Hamptons, NY • Open floor plan, fabulous kitchen IlI • Master suiteand den on main level • Light & airy, casual yet elegant • 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 3824 SF, .38 acre • Located on 7th fairway of Widgi Creek MLS¹201404299

Call Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker, CRS l 541-4084309 www.bestbendhomes.com


• 8•


p~ • New construction on level 1+ Acre lot • StunningNorthwest style w/ high end finishes • Open great room floor plan, I-.' comfortable yetelegant • Master+ Den on main level, 3 additional bedrooms up • Oversized 3-car garage & 3 outdoor living areas • Gated community w/tennis courts, clubhouse & trails MLS¹201303701

Call Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker l 541-408-4309

• 4 bed, 5 bath, 5021 SF

• Exquisite newer home • In the heart of downtown Bend • Impeccable finishes • Private luxury master bath • Incredible outdoor living • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3280 SF MLS¹201403876

• Over an acre with heated drive

Awbrey Butte with Mt. Views ~ $1,250,000 1985 NW Perspective Dr. • 24" Turkish Travertine tile floors


lF '-

• 023 acre lot • Cul-de-sac • Classic Craftsman design • Open floor plan • Bonus area • Two-car tandem garage MLS¹201402948


• •

s I 4



19604 Hollygrape St.

Call Ken Renner, Principal Broker l 541-280-5352

• Excellent value

Incredible River Views ) $639,000


• Executive offi ce w it h closet

Desirable Awbrey Village ) $535,000



• Entertains beautifully inside & out

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS l 541408-0406 robin.yeakel@sothebysrealty.com

Call Kelly Winch, Broker l 541-390-0398


• Master and guest suite on main

susie.helferebendluxuryhomes.com www.BendLuxuryHomes.com

3234 NW Bungalow Ct • 4 beds, 3.5 baths, 2740 SF

• 3 bed, 2 bath, 1745 SF • Large living room space • Open kitchen • Active SR Rental • Large deck with hot tub • Located near SHARC

• Open spaces, the high desert at its finest, championship golf course • Wild sunsets, breathtaking and endless westerly mtn views, equestrian center, spa and fitness center • 5400 SF green built estate home is situated on .75 acre • 3 stunning suites with balconies, a butler pantry, wine cellar, complete outdoor kitchen, hot tub, energy efficient solar system, truly a legacy property! MLS¹201402853

541-3124042 l www.TeamNormaAndJulie.com

Call The Norma uBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers

6 Red Fir Lane - Sunriver ( $349,000



77 NW Pinecrest

Call Susie Helfer, Broker, GRI l 541-410-3114

• 3791 SF, 3 bed, 3.5 bath • Upstairs area loft with pool table • Great room open to gourmet kitchen • Computer niche off kitchen • Den w/full bath, formal living, dining • Master w/sitting area + his & hers closets MLS¹201400355

Call Rhonda Garrison, Principal Brokerl 541-279-1768 www.rhondagarrison.cascadesothebysrealty.com

• MexicanCanterastone


fireplaces/hood • Custom wrought-iron railings & accents • Expansive deckw/mt.views • Main level master & guestroom • 4bedrooms 45baths 4900SF • .52acre lot MLS¹201403130

Call Ken Renner, Principal Brokerl 541-280-5352 ken.renneresothebysrealty.com



• •

4 •




4 4

OPEN HOUSE WEEKEND ~M A Y 31" - J.UNE.1" 1246 NE Shane Lane ( $279,000 • Scott's Landing - gorgeousnew homes byKinzerConstruction • All models feature main-floor

"The Cliffs" Gated Community-Redmond) $384,900

master • Upgrade finishes throughout • 3-car garage MLS¹201404350 Call Rod Hatchell, Broker I 541-728-8812

Call Dave Holland, Principal Broker I 541-306-1649 www.bendliving.com dave4¹bendliving.com


Superb Sunriver ( $498,000

2968 Chianti ) $519,000

26 Siskin Lane - • 4 bed, 2 full baths, 2 half baths e • 3346 SF • Gorgeous master • Near the river MLS¹201304990

• Inspired mountain contemporary home • Master suite & junior master • Dramatic architecture • High ceilings • COBA Tour-level finishes/ upgrades • Premium lot includes golf membership

chris¹¹chrissperry.com www.chrissperry.com

• 1552 SF, 3bed,2.5 bath, new

• Large bonus room

ceilings,openfloor plan • Quality finishes: tile counteitops & floors, engineeredwoodfloors • Fencedyard, landscaped,acrossthe

• Located in desirable Providence at

construction • Master on mailn evel, vaulted • i

•I '

' 8 8

end of cul-de-sac • 181 SF, 2 3bed, 2.5baths, RVparking • Both formalliving & family rooms, dini n g areaopen and kitchen onthe


first level • Upstairs masterw/2 additional bedrooms, afullbathplusabonus spacethatcouldbe anoffice MLS¹201404221

street frompark

• Additional homes &floor plansavail. MLS¹201310968

Call Chris Sperry, Principal BrokerI 541-749-8479

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker I 541-848-7222

Call Bruce Boyle, Broker I 541-408-0595



chris@chrissperry.com www.chrissperry.com

L ocated on M i r r o r Pond! ( $1,150,000 10 NW Drake Rd.

20755 Snow Peaks Dr. ( $384,900

60826 Scotts Bluff Pl., Bend ( $394,900


61463 Hackleman Ct. - Tetherow ~ $939,500

Call Chris Sperry, Principal Broker I 541-749-8479

20366 (Lot3)Chase Road, Bend ($269,900 3025 NE Raleigh Ct -Bend ( $282,000

• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2679 SF


Call Greg Barnwell, Broker I 541-848-7222

• Shows like a model home • New flooring, carpet, paint, blinds & much more! • Yard w/fire pit, raised planter beds, deck, water features & even a bridge! • 1700 SF, 3 bed, 2.5 baths • 2-car garage MLS¹201403634

RiverTrail MLS¹201307670

Call Jordan Grandlund, Principal Broker 541-420-1559 or Stephanie Ruiz, Broker 541-948-5196 www.PointswestBend.com

• Meticulously maintained


2882 SW Indian Circle - Redmond ~ $150,000

• New construction,luxurytownhome • 4bedroom,3.5bathroom • 2540 SF &2-carattached garage • Granite, hardwood &tile throughout • Easylivingin apark-like setting • OwnerprivilegesatSeventh Mountain Resort • Nextto WidgiCreekIkthe Deschutes




60405 Snap Shot Loop ~ $469,750

1649 NW Cliffside Way •3bed,2bath-OpenFloorPlan • Single level 2361SF"VIEWS" • 10' ceilings - Crown Molding • Fireplace in living room and

master suites • Knotty alder trim & cabinetry, hand-textured walls • Desirable PonderosaSchool District • Only a few homes left! MLS¹201307837




lll '.

• Easy access to river trail • Spacious openf!oor plan • 2110 SF, 3bed, 2.5 bath • All bedrooms areupstairs • Model homequality • Breakfast bar island • 3-car garage

• Custom built home • 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2903 SF ', • Updated kitchen • Mountain views • RV parking with hook ups • Great outdoor living!

• Stones throw from downtown Bend • Elegant finishes, 3 bedrooms, 4 baths • Remodeled down to studs in 2006 MLS¹201306173 Call for a Personal Tour!

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker I 541-408-3912

Call Jodi Kearney, Broker I 541-693-4019


Call Melanie Maitre, Broker I 541-480%186




The Parks at Broken Top ~ $580,000

3134 NW Fairway Heights

• •

• •



,— IIIIII . .






Call Laura Blossey, Broker I 949-887-4377

Brand New Construction In Tetherow

' '

~sa-4i • -


• Beautiful 3107 SF custom Prairie Style home on a .64 acre lot • Mt. Hood, Jefferson, Eastern mtns. & City views • Slab granite, hardwood floors & windows galore • Lovely wrap-around cedar deck • Don't miss this incredible home!


Country Home on 40 Acres in Sisters( $799,999 • • 8 •

,— III =;.,


• 4 bed, 2.5 baths, recently remodeled home • Includes multiple attached shop/garage areasand horse setup • Rare find close to Sisters, yet far enough out of town for that country life • Backs to public land MLS¹201403604

Call Patty Cordoni, Broker I 541- 771-0931

•3 bed,2.5 bath plusof fice and mediaroom • 2865 SF, .29 acre • Completed in October of last year • Your opportunity to own a new Tetherow home without the wait! • 14 ft. ceilings, high end finishes • A MUST SEE! Call Silvta night, r o ker, B R, SF, Green 541-788-4861 I bendluxuryhomes@gmail.com

541-788-4861 I bendluxuryhomes4¹gmail.com

• •

• •


• CascadeMountainviews! • ChristianGladuDesignhomeand Timberline Construction collaborated to design thisspacious&efficient homeinTetherowGolf Club • Homepositionedfor passivesolar ainsand2ndfloor viewsof Cascades • urrently under constructionand slated tobecompletethissummer! Call formoredetails!

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker I 541-408-0086

19479 Stafford Lp, Bend ~ $825,000


M -

• 3 bed, 2.5 bath + Study + Bonus • 2860 SF, 3-car garage • Main-level master w/ private patio • Designer finishes a . • Paver patios <,:-'

• Fully landscaped fire pit Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker I 541-408-3912



Close In Small Acreage ( $869,000

In Winston Ranch ( $869,000

ro 07

• • • • •

63945 OB Riley 4-car garage 8.6 acres, easy care 4 beds, 3.5 baths, 4504 SF Master on main

• 3727 SF, 3 bedroom 2.5 bath, bonus • 5.25 acres w/1.25 irrigated • HUGE Cascade Mountain views • Beautifully remodeled • Fully fenced with barn, pasture • RV garage with office MLS¹201310641

• Separate apartment • 1/2 mile to Deschutes River & Tumalo Park

Call Carol Osgood, Broker 541-419-0843 cosgood764¹gmail.com

Call Stephanie Ruiz, Broker l 541-948-5196 stephaniewilsonruiz¹¹yahoo.com



. •



Call Silvia Knight, roker, ABR, SFR,GREEN


3129 NW Colonial Drive ( $725,000

Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker I 541-508-9581



13thtee& mtns • Enjoy the private decking

Carmen Ann Cook, Licensed Oregon BrokerI 541-4806491 carmsell s@att.net

www.bendliving.com dave4¹bendliving.com

60699 Golf Village Loop • 3672 SF on 1.04 acre • 4 bedrooms, 3 full Bi 2 half baths • Large office, bonus room • Two living areas • Floor to ceiling stone fireplace, Persian carpets • Australian cypress hardwood flooring • Well maintained • 5-car garage MLS¹201400563

& storage! • Views of RiversEdgeFairway,the


Call Dave Holland, Principal Broker I 541-306-1649

•4 •

level master suite

• Oversized2-cargaragew/shop

a • PRICE DROP on builder's own home! • 4 bed, 3 bath, 3056SFwith full BR and BAon main floor • Top-of-the-line tinishes and upgrades: surroundsound, radiant floor heat, outdoor stone fireplace •Cascadeviews& acrossfrom RenaissanceParkand Pool • Stop by the open housefor current incentives or call Dave MLS¹201402046


• Open floor planw/ spacious kitchen & great rm,living, & main

61504 Diamond Lake Drive • Mountain views, located across from the park and pool • 5 beds, 3.5 baths, plus den and mudroom • Main floor master suite • Suite above the garage

Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker I 541-508-9581

15 NWPortland AveIt109 • Downtown riverfront condo • Recentcontemporaryrenovation •W alk torestaurants,shops& enter tainment • River andmountainviewsfrom deck &most rooms • 2 bed, 2 bathwith bonusalcove, homeoffice area& opentioor plan • Low HOAs include sewer,water andtrash • 1car detachedgarageplus assignedcarport andadditional secured storage MLS¹201308451

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker I 541-408-3912


• 8•

k • Three-story, 3 beds, 3.5 baths • Views from every floor, 2 decks

1625 NW Overlook Ddive • Northweststyle, 4 bedrooms, 4+ baths on.71acres • Open floorplan • Vaulted ceilingswith exposed beams • Master and homeoffice onmain • Large recroomaddition could alsobeguest suite with kitchen &bath • Bonus room downwith built-ins andmurphy bed • Mt. Jeffersonviewsfrom master& homeoffice MLS¹201307593

• FantasticD eschutes riverfront

• Great accessibility to Old Mill • State-of-the-art security & lighting • Custom upgrades: wood & brick work MLS¹201404903 all Brian Ladd, Principal Broker I 541408-3912 brian¹¹bendpropertysource.com






• Build your dream home later • Enjoy forever Cascade Mountain views and the privilege of a resort lifestyle • Just 20 minutes from Downtown Bend MLS¹201306999 +Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS I 541-408-0406 +


Resort Properties Specialist

4 I


• One of largest homesites in Brasada Ranch

Call Laura Blossey, Broker I 949-8874377

• •


• Fantastic upgraded kitchen, custom cabinetry, stainless appliances • Great room with beautiful built-ins, huge bonus room ' • Large master bathroom • 4 bedrooms, 3 baths • 3-car garage with RV parking MLS¹201401087

Carmen AnnCook, LicensedOregon Broker I 5414804491 carmsells@att.net

a as

• •

4 •



To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809

/ l


/ I





• Only 7 minutes from downtown • Tetherow is a planned 700 acre community backing tonational forest and is the perfect home base for discovering the

best of Central Oregon from biking and hiking, rafting and kayaking, or dining and shopping Contact Brian for more information or a private tour. www. Tetherow.com

New Master-Planned Townhome Development in Midtown!


• 3 bedroom townhomes starting at $252,500 • 4 units now under construction • Price includes custom level ffnlshes with full landscaping, slab quartz countertops and energyeff icientconstruction • Locationsupportsthe active Bend lifestyle witheasy accessto parks, trails, river and downtown



• 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1536 SF • Treed, private setting • Cascade Mountain & golf course view • Beautiful, fully furnished cabin • Variety of activities from golf to horses • Rental income MLS¹201404909

935/937 Hidden Valley Drive, Bend • .23of an acre, fully fenced yard • 2 bedrooms, 1 bath on each side • Close to shopping


• Never rented

• Very well maintained MLS¹201402434

Ca BrianLa , Principa Bro er, Directoro LotSaes

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912

Call Kelly Horton, Broker l 541-508-9163

Call Ron Davis, Principal Broker l 541-480-3096

541-408-3912 l brian©bendpropertysource.com




• Newer furnace & A/C • Shop with half bath - heated • Lovely golf Bt mountain views

Call CJ Neumann, Broker 541-410-3710 or Lisa Lamberto, Broker 541-610-9697 www.cJLisa.com

Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086



• Build your dream on this 1.52 acre Westside home site featuring mature landscape & impressive Cascade Mountain views • Generous oversized lot offers privacy & flexibility for many design options • Situated in a cul-de-sac location with expansive views • Close proximity to river trail, neighborhood park 8< downtown Bend

1705 Mountain Quail Drive • 4 bedrooms plus office with see-through fireplace

• 53557 Kokanee$490,000 Stunning custom home and lot with panoramic/river views. Large shop. MLS¹201304072 • 53610 Brookie - $420,000 Mature forest setting, private river access. Eco-conscious, Scandinavian inspired home. MLS¹201303936 • 19234 Whitewater Lp - $425,000 Quality custom home with incredible workmanship: hickory cabinets, oak rails & floors. MLS¹201305640

Call rtan ad ,

r m a pal r o er l

8-391 2


• 3 bedroom,3.5bath, 3245SF • Open loor planw/breaklast nook and formaldining •Kit chenw/custom hickorycabinets, granit eslabcounters,heated travertine floors & stainless appliances • Spacious masterw/large walk-in closet&designer bathw/clawloot tub • Large bonus roomw/2 walk-in closets &ful bath • Custom home theater w/100-in,retractablescreen&surround sound MLS¹201404668 Deb Tebbs, Broker/Prestden l 541-419-4553 debtebb sgroupObendluxuryhomes.com l www.debtebbsgroup.com

• 8•


e • •

• • • 8•

,w -.1/,'







• 4 bedrooms (2 main level suites), 3 baths • 3299 SF, .24 acre • One owner custom home with many quality features • Open, inviting great room, additional family room • 3-car tandem garage /2 with storage • Surround sound, radiant in-floor heat, heat pump, central A/C, wired for security. Call for more info! MLS¹201400474 Call Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR,Green l 541-7884861 www.silviaknight.com bendluxuryhomes@ gmail.com

• Stunning Shevlin Ridge one level home, large 3-car garage • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 3456 SF • Mountain inspired custom home • Upscale popular neighborhood • Gorgeous craftsmanship • Large kitchen, living space • Expanded deck & landscaping for rear privacy MLS¹201310941 .R . R Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912 .

www.bendpropertysourceimmr brlanebendpropertysource.com

• Private Setting on 21

acres bordering BLM & park • Custom home features 3365 SF, 3 bed, 3 bath • Radiant floor heating, solarium, sunroom, patios • Landscaped with sprinkler system, meandering irrigation ditch, & paved driveway MLS¹201306274

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912

trail access

MLS¹201403317 Call Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR, Green H 541-788-4861 l bendluxuryhomes@gmail.com

•StunningCascadeMtn.views • Property is 60acresplanted in dry landgrasses&varied topography • Ranchstyle home:2909SF, 3 bedrooms,2.5 baths, 2Fireplaces, bonusroom • Two horsebarnswith 16stalls, tack rooms, haystorage • Potential additional building site, property is fenced &gated • Shown byappointment only MLS¹201404761 H Pam Mayo-Phillips, 541-480-1513 or Brook Havens, 541-604-0788, Principal Brokersl www.desertvalleygroup.com

• Private riverfront access & fishin gonLowerDeschutes River • Easement for additional

fishi ngandboatlaunch • Custom home2402SF,3 bed, 3 bath, high quality Finishes • Outdoor kitchen, riverfront patio, screened porches, landscaped • Shop is1600 SF with guest quarters, storage & a full bath • River retreat in Central Oregon, call for apt. MLS¹201404029 541404-0788, Principal Brokers l www.desertvalleygroup.com

17940 Parkway Lane ( $335,000

61455 Ward Rd., Bend ( $649,000

• Permitted GP building w/living quarter/loft • Bath, laundry area, septic well a pumphouse • RV hookups inside & out, 100 amp breaker in shop • Great location between Sisters & Bend

• Build your dream home while you live in loft area or your RV MLS¹201301490



7991 SF 2.8 acres with 400' of private river frontage 800 SF guest cabin 4 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, indoor lap pool River 8t golf front property Adjacent 3.49 acre lot available at $799,000

www.crosswaterriverretreat.com Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerl 541-408-3912 brlan@bendpropertysource.com

Close to Town Country Living ~ $815,000




• 4bed,3bath,3381 SF • 10 irrigated acres w/wheel line • Cascade views • Shop, 1 - 2 cargarage+ office ,— & den • Shop, 2 - 5 cargarage • 2 ponds MLS¹201308637

Call Jodi Kearney, Broker l 541-693-4019

Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker l 541-480-2356




o I 4


• 5 beds, 3 baths, 2971 SF • 5 acres, 3 acres irrigated • 3-Stall barn „• FULL CASCADE VIEWS! • Charming country flair! • Close to town! MLS¹201402091

• • • • • •

Call Joanne McKee, Broker l 541-480-5159

• •


+ Pam Mayo-Phillips, 541-480-1513 or Brook Havens,+

Call The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-3124042 l www.TeamNormaAndJulle.com


• 8• •

541404-0788, Principal Brokers l www.desertvalleygroup.com

• Nearly 2000 SF home in Deschutes River Crossing • 2-car garage • Fenced & landscaped • Spacious kitchen • 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 1976 SF MLS¹201404765

+ Pam Mayo-Phillips, 541-480-1513 or Brook Havens,+

SW Bend Newer Home ( $295,000


• 4100 SF on .29 acres • 2-car garage, fenced yard • Lightly lived in and directly across from neighborhood park and river

8 • 8• 8

www.bendpropertysource.comr brlan@bendpropertysource.com


guest suite

• 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3167 SF • Rooftop terrace Cascade View ) • Gourmet kitchen, built-ins • Walking access to town/trails • Upgrades throughout • 2-car garage, personal elevator MLS¹201311003 see video at http://www.36swwallstreet.com/


• 5 beds, 3.5 baths and self-contained



• •

4 •















Manufactured/ Mobile Homes


Mfd./ M obile Homes with Land

Mfd JMoblle Homes with Land

.64 Acre Lot in DRRH- Cul-de-sac Lot in Bro- P rime p r operty a t 3.18 acres g randfa-B uild Y ou r Dr e a mW here Deer & El k Treed lot just a block ken Top - Just over Crooked River Ranch thered in. Septic and Home Here - 10 acres Roam - 320 acres lo- 63737 Cascade Village 3 bdrm/ 2 bath manu In quiet l ocation in offFoster Road, close h alf an a c re, t h is with Cascade views! w ater o n t h e lo t , at the H ighland at cated u p B e lshaw Dr. Charming 2 bdrm, factured home, 1248 Crescent is this 1976 to Deschutes River, h eavily t r eed, e l - P roperty i s com - power at the road. Broken ea s t of 2 bath, 1450 sw.ft. Top, Creek sq. ft. on 1 acre. Land Fleetwood 3 bdrm, 2 skiing, fishing, La Pine evated lot f e atures pletely fenced. Cor- MLS 2012 0 8989 $550,000. Dayville, OR and west SilverCrest home. Sits is fenced, horse cor bath home with addiState Park and recre- peek-a-boo mountain ner lot, near firehall. $79,900. Call Linda Call Jacque Sebulsky, of Mt. Vernon, OR. on large corner lot ral, 2-car detached tional tip-out space. 541-280-4449 or ation. Full-time or va- and golf course views. $79,900. MLS¹ Lou Day- W right Water guzzler with with extra p a rking. garage, and storage NG heat in tip-out and cation living. $22,500. Quiet street with tons 20140064. Call Linda 541-771-285 Crooked Michele Anderson, 1000 gallon trough for Decorative t o uches buildings. Very clean electric FA in home. 541-633-9760. Call Becky Ozrelic, of privacy. $273,500. Lou Day-Wright. 541- River Realty wildlife. Ad d i tional throughout. Light and land and very well Very clean and well 541-480-9191 Call Tammy Settlemier, 771-2585 C r o oked320 Acres of ExcepMLS 201310547 acreages available. bright with nice open maintained. home has taken care of. Many 541-410-6009 MLS ¹201403352 River Realty Warner Realty Owner w il l ca r ry. f loor p l an . Gr e at updates throughout. storage areas, large tional Hunting Duke Duke Warner Realty MLS¹201403100 541-382-8262 $172,000. - Located mountain views from $85,000. c arport attached t o Grounds Lot 16 SW Shad Rd., 541-382-8262 Duke Warner Realty Call Duke Warner large front deck. A MLS201403175 house for parking and CRR. Level 2.7 acres south of Canyon City 541-382-8262 Realty Dayville, Have an item to must See! $61,500. Cascade Realty, entry to home, and a in the Murders Creed located on a paved 541-987-2363 The Bulletin's Cascade Village Dennis Haniford, Princ. large 22x40 detached Ti m b er , 2 Hager Mountain Estates street. Mt. Jefferson & unit. sell quick? MLS¹201301683 "Call A Service po n d s, Homes, Bend. Broker garage with w o od 4 lots, $25,000 each lo- Smith Rock v iews. spring-fed If it's under 541-388-0000 1-541-536-1731 stove. $42,000 MLS season creek, fenced Professional" Directory cated in Silver Lake. $58,500. MLS¹ 775 201403137 Cascade Underground power 201208266 on 3 sides, LOP tags. '500 you can place it in is all about meeting Realty Dennis Hani$325,000. and conduitfor phone Manufactured/ Juniper Realty your needs. The Bulletin BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS 50760 South Fawn, La ford, Princ. Broker and internet. Views of Call Duke Warner 541-504-5393 Mobile Homes Pine. Top-of-the-line 3 Search the area's most 1-541-536-1731 Realty Dayville, Hager Mountain. SepClassifieds for: Call on one of the 541-987-2363 comprehensive listing of bdrm 2 bath, 2100 sq. tic feasibility for stan- Need help fixing stuff? professionals today! 2 006 S uper G o o d classified advertising... ft. home with shop, MLS¹201208906 d ard system. T h e Call A Service Professional '10- 3 lines, 7 days Cents mfd 1296 sq. ft. real estate to automotive, $169,000. 1.13 acres. area is a sportsman's find the help you need. Awbrey Glen Gated j '16 3 lines, 14 days home, 2 full baths, 3 High Lakes Realty & merchandise to sporting Find exactly what paradise. $234,900 www.bendbulletin.com you are looking for in the (Private Party ads only) bdrm, walk in closets, goods. Bulletin Classifieds Property Ma n a ge Call a Pro Bobbie Strome, • Gated community all appliances go, inappear every day in the ment 541-536-0117 Principal Broker Whether you need a • .40 acre, end of street CLASSIFIEIIS cluding freezer. Very 20+ ACRES in West print or on line. John L Scott Real L evel, u s able 5 . 6 4 clean,must be moved lot fence fixed, hedges Powell Butte Estates, Estate 541-385-5500 Call 541-385-5809 with stunning $36,000. 541-382-6650 • Backs to 17th green Great little starter home. trimmed or a house gated co m munity,32.42 Acres in Urban acres Cascade views. www.bendbulletin.com • MLS 201402405 Historic Van d evert mtn. views, private Growth Bo u ndary, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, built, you'll find Rookie Dickens, Broker, Ranch. Gated com- well, paved roads with Adjacent t o The Community/water, 910 sq. ft. on 1.02 The Bulletin power available. 10 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! GRI, CRS, ABR munity, views of Mt. access t o Greens, kitty corner to Seving Cenbal Oregon si n ce f9$ professional help in BLM. acres. 24x36 shop, to T e r reb 541-815-0436 Bachelor across open $169,000 10x16 studio. Nicely The Bulletin's "Call a MLS new Ridgeview High minutes m eadow. Uni q u e 201305077. School. $7 5 0,000. onne shopping and Door-to-door selling with landscaped. highway access. MLS FACTORY SPECIAL ¹ 201 2 03193 fast results! It's the easiest acreage 2.02 acres. Pam Lester, Principal MLS $115,000. MLS Service Professional" 201400715 New Home, 3 bdrm, Offeredat$229,000. Pam Lester, Principal Directory B roker Century 2 1 way in the world to sell. 201403644 Popp Principal $46,500 finished Cate Cushman, Gold Country Realty, Broker, Century 21 Nancy Linda Lou Day-Wright. 541-385-5809 on your site. Broker, 541-815-8000 Principal Broker Gold Country Realty, Inc. 541-504-1338 The Bulletin Classified broker 541- 771-2585 MORRIS J andtvl Homes Crooked River Realty 541-480-1884 Inc. 541-504-1338 Crooked River Realty REAL ESTATE 541-548-5511 541485-5809 www.catecushman.com 16160 SW Dove Rd. 5.17 acres. 65694 Old Lot 21 SW Chipmunk 6.1 acre corner lot w/ Bend/Redmond Hwy, Rd, CRR. 5.16 level Ideal building location, access from paved Black Butte Ranch B roken To p n i n t h st., power installed, mtn view, power, wa- acres, with 2 storage Perfect location for ter, septic approved. sheds. Partial mtn fairway, natural teryour custom home. rain. .34 acres. Of- terrific mtn. & green $174,000 O.B.O. Call view. community wavalley views, n ear Large wooded corner fered at $229,500. 5 4 1-419-1725, ter installed. $60,000 Steelhead Falls and Brad .54 a c r es. Cate Cushman, lot, or Deb 541-480-3956. ¹201300800 D eschutes Riv e r . $239,000 Juniper Realty Principal Broker $79,900 MLS debra©bendbroadCate Cushman, 541-504-5393 541-480-1884 band.com 201205646 Principal Broker www.catecushman.com Juniper Realty 7.175 Unique acres lo- Recreation Property j 541-480-1884 541-504-5393 cated on a paved road www.catecushman.com Well maintained 1.42 lot $72,000 Power and water at • 320 acres of privacy with lots o f P o nde 16535 SW Chinook Dr. the r oad. L o cated• Well, power, barn, Breathtaking mtn views rosa trees in beautiful from 2-acre lot short Ponderosa near Steelhead Falls. fenced Pi n e s. 5.68 acre rim lot w/ amazing Smith Rock, d istance from D e s Septic added in 2002, $106,500. MLS • LOP tags chutes River, Steel water hooked up as Crooked River & mtn. 201106739 • MLS 201400050 head F a ll s and well as power. Has an views Located on the Linda Lou Day-Wright. Steve Payer, 541- 771-2585 world-renowned fish RV site and is backed pavement close to the Broker, GRI CR R . Crooked River Realty ing. Secluded build up to a common area. e ntrance o f c a r ry. ing site. $79,900 MLS $55,000 MLS owner w il l SW R i ver R d . MLS 7 965 201310710 201403145. Cascade $225,000. 2.79 a cres, g r eat 201106408. Juniper Nancy Popp Principal Realty, Dennis Hani views near the DesBrokder, ford, Princ. Broker Realty 541-504-5393 chutes River. and ter541-815-8000 541-536-1731 MORRIS People Look for Information rific fishing at SteelCrooked River Realty head Falls. $49,000 REAL ESTATE About Products and TURN THE PAGE ¹201009429 Services EveryDaythrough TURN THE PAGE For More Ads Juniper Realty The Bulletin Clsssifiede SW Redmond j 541-504-5393 For More Ads The Bulletin $130,000 The Bulletin 16685 SW Chinook Dr. Amazing Sunsets! Big • 2.25 acres Stunning view acreage CRR. 6.9 acres with Cascade Mountain 8 • 24x30 shop/storage of surrounding buttes, Crooked River a nd D eschutes Rive r building B ring Y o u r Ow n Culver a g r icultural Smith Rock views, all views. 5.89 acres with • Close to canyon B uilder! Lots a r e fields, Crooked River util. installed. owner 2 a c res i r rigation.• MLS 201403021 available individucanyon. With water, will carry. $189,000 Property borders TuLisa McCarthy, ally, utilities are in power at paved road MLS 201008671. m alo S t at e P a r k. and ready to gol and septic approval. Room for everyone Start now and move Juniper Realty 1 .77 fl a t acr e s . and ever y thing! 541-504-5393 in by summer! $59,900. MLS $1,350,000. Frankwithremax.com 201402224 MLS¹201303572 20.44 Acres - If you Call Jaynee Beck, Close to La Pine State Nancy Popp Principal want privacy and your • • > •e • ••• c Broker, 541-815-8000 541-480-0988 own get-away retreat, Park 8 D e s chutes MORRIS Crooked River Realty River - Build your t his property is i t . Duke Warner Realty REAL ESTATE 541-382-8262 dream home on this Vacant Lot in Crooked Breathtaking views of n icely wooded l o t. the Cascade MounRiver Ranch $34,500. B eautiful 20-A c r e Septic feasibility has Level & treed build- tains. Electricity is on H omesite w i t h 1 0 Views! Views! Views! been approved. able lot, 1.44 acres. the property. acres irri g ation. $149,900. Flat, open, $34,950. buildable 9.7 acres in Enjoy all the ameni- $144,000. $349,900. Call Jasen Chavez, Butte. ties or ranch living. MLS¹201309974 Call Tammy Settlemier, Powell 541-891-5446. Call Karolyn Dubois, ¹201310923. D a v id ¹ 201309880. Gai l 541-410-6009 541-390-7863 MLS¹201403668 Franke, 541-420-5986 Day, 5 4 1 -306-1018 MLS¹201401808 Warner Realty Duke Warner Realty Central Oregon Re- Duke Duke Warner Realty Central Oregon Realty 541-382-8262 541-382-8262 Group, LLC alty Group, LLC 541-382-8262




In Print Ctnd Online WithThe Bulletin'S CICISSifiedS. A dd color p h o to s fo r p e t s , r ea l e s t a t e , a ut o 8 l











are three adorable, loving puppies Modern amenities and all the quiet can haul it all! Extra Cab, 4X4, and looking for 8 caring home. Please youwilln6ed. Roomtogrowinyour 8 t ough V8 engine will g6t the job call right away. $500 own little paradise! Call now. done on the ranch.

*SPeCial PriVate Party rateS aPPly to

merchandise and automotive categories.

The Bulletin www.bendbulletin.com To place your photo ad, visit us online at ww w . b e n d b u l l e t i n . c o m or c a ll with questions,

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• s


• e

t ust


MIRADA I $339,900


MIRADA I $279,900


• • • •

• NEW Franklin Brothers built • 1701 sq.ft.

• Franklin Brothers new construction • 1541 sq.ft, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Mountain views, culNJe-sac

• 3175 sq.ft. custom home • 2 master suites • Overlooks Lost Tracks Golf Course • MLS 201404675

NEW Franklin Brothers built 1990 sq.ft. model home Quartz counters, laminate floors MLS 201404627


• MLS 201400531

DIREcTIQNs: East on Butler IEEBIIR Ma'ket to Nolan Cou't. 541.728.8615

DIREC TIONS: South 3rdSt, easton MurphyRd,southon Parrell Rd,right on HaleyCreek.20106 HaleyCreekPlace.

21371 NE Nolan Court.


• MLS 201 400412

DIRECTIONS:East on Butler Market to Nolan Ct toBrooklynCt. 21310 NEBrooklynCourt. •

CHRISlYHAR TMANDECOU RCEY, DIRECTIONS:Knott Roadto China PRINCIPAL BROKER Hat Road. Right on SunsetView Dr. 541-312-7263 60235 SunsetView Drive.




BROKENTOP I $749,500 • 2649 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Overlooks 12th green BONNIESAVICKAS, • MLS 201401768 BROKER,EPRO, DIRECTIONS:SWMt Washtington Dr. SRES to BrokenTopDr.Righton 2ndGreen 541-408-7537 LakesLp. 19196GreenLakesLoop.


SUNDANCE I $699,000

6 ACRES IN TUMALO I $660,000

• Semi<ustom 3637 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath • .31 acre, two masters

• 5004 sq.ft, 4 bedroom • Gourmet kitchen, theater room • 2.18 acres, Cascade views • MLS 201400616

• 2594 sq.ft. custom built • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Barn, storage building, RV hook-up


• MLS 201403988 DIRECTIONS:NWGalvestonturns into SkylinersRd.Left onFlagline Dr. 595 Flagline Drive.


• •






DIRECT IONS:RickardRd, rightonArnoldMkt, right on HorseBulte,left onSweetgrass, righton 541-948-0997 Calgary,rightonKimberly. 59676KimberlyCourt.

• MLS 201400839

DIRECTIONS:Hwy20 westtowards Sisters, right onGerkingMarket Rd. 541-420-5170 65625 GerkingMarket Road.

• e


Nte n







RIVER CANYONESTATESI $639,000 • 3419 sq.ft. upgraded home • 5 bedroom, 3 bath

lAVA RIDGE S I $451,000



DIRECTI ONS:Southon Brookswood, right on Hollygrape. 541.63g.6140 19564 HollygrapeStreet.

ROKER,CE RTIFIED DIRECTIONS:EastonEmpire Ave NEGOTIT AOR lefton DesertSage, leftonLava 541.706.18g7 Flow. 20967 LavaFlowLane.

• Paver patios, water feature

3177 sq.ft. Tour of Homes winner 5 bedroom, 3 bath Private backyard, community pool MLS 201404443



• 3052 sq.ft. Iog home • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • 1.76 acres • MLS 201402213


• 2100 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Open floor plan, huge windows • MLS 201402766



DIRE CTIONS:Knott Id tnRickardRd, rightonBozemrm Trl, rightonBulterfieldTrl, leflonChickasawWay, lefl aDr, rightonSunridge.60405SunridgeDrive. 541.480-6621 on Kon

DIRECTIONS:NorthwestCrossing Drive to HighLakesLoop. 541-390-0504 2323 NW HighLakesLoop.

e •




- +-'

ASPEN RIM I $509,900

MAlT ROBINSON, • MLS 201402046 BROKER DIRECTIONS:South onBrookswood Blvd, right onAspenRimLn, left on 541-977.5811 PrincetonLp. 61171 PrincetonLoop.

IIBBsorr B cooBTR Tcroei Slrl ool

DESCH UTESRIVERFRONT I $499,900 • 1652 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath

• 3056 sq.ft. Renaissancebuilt • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • Chef's kitchen, outdoor stone FP


• 3048 sq.ft., remodeled • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • .32acre, golf course views • MLS 201401501

• .57 acre, 160 feet river frontage

• MLS 201403149 VIRGINIAROSS , BROK ER,ABRCRS,GRI, DIRECT IONS: FromTumaloturn right on ECOBROKER,PREVIEWS CookAvewhichturnsinto ClineFals Hwy. 541-480-7501 Right onBeaver Ln.20076 Beaver Lane.


• 2220 sq.ft. Palmer construction • 3 bedroom + den, 3 bath • Near Bend Golf 8 Country Club


DIRECT IONS: Southon 3rd Street, left on MurphyRoad. 541-480-1911 2 0227 SE MurphyRoad.





• MLS 201400755

DIRECT IONS: MurphyRoadto Broadmoor Way, left onAberdeenDrive, righton Penhollow.20373SEPenhollowLane.

• e


MOUNTAIN HIGH I $320,000 • 1894 sq.ft. • 2 bedroom + den, 2 bath • MLS 201404656 DIRECTIONS:Knolt Rdto Mtn High Dr to Willow CreekLp. 60837 Willow CreekLoop.


DIREC TIONS:South onBrookswood, right on Larkwood,leftonHollygrape, righton 541-390-9598 GorgeView.61295GorgeView.

80 ACRES I $775,000 • 1939 sq.ft, 2 bedroom, 2 bath • 4 stall barn, loafing sheds


II $ss

• East access to Mt Bachelor 8 trails



• Beautiful .31 acre lot • MLS 20140371 7

BROKER TABR i CRS T DRECTIONS: Ml. Washingtontoputnam Road, toChampion Circle to Melvile 541.350 604'9 Drive. 3253 NWMelville Drive.

• MLS 201404680 DIRECTIONS:WestonCentury Drive pastReedMarket, right onEast Campbell. 19590EastCampbell Road.

NW BEND I $529,900

AWBREYGLEN I $549,000 • 2474 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath

• Borders federal land to south

CHRISlYHAR TMAN- • MLS 201401359 DECOU RCEY, DIREC TIONS:East onRickard Rd,right PRINCIPALBROKER on ArnoldMarketRd,southonRimfire Rd, 541-312-7263 right onBackAlley. 21295BackAley.

• Cascade views 8 Deschutes sounds • MLS 201404027

BROKENTOP I $1,100,000 • 3750 sq.ft. • Overlooks the 'I 2th fairway • 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath BONNIESAVICKAS, • MLS 201403535 BROKER,EPRO, DIRECT IONS:SWMtWashington Dr. SRES to BrokenTopDr., right onSodaSprings 541-408-7537 Dr. 19341SodaSprings Drive.

• 2464 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath

• 3450 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath

• Golf course views


SW BEND I $549,900


SW REDMOND I $374,900 • 3540 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • Ochoco & Smith Rock views lESTER FRIEDMANPC, • MLS 201402758 BROKER , ABR,CSP, DIRE CTIONS:RedmondHwy97,WestonYew through roundaboutontoSW27th.LeftcmWickiup EPRO,S.TA.R. whichbecomesReservoir. RightonSW37thSt. Right 541-788-3147 rm Vdlelrviwe.Leflrm34thDr.2420SW34thDr.

• 2178 sq.ft. new construction • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, den • Master on main, large kitchen


• MLS 201400439


DIRECT IONS: NewportAveto Shevlin ParkRd,right onParkCommonsDr. 541.480.6621 19195 ParkCommonsDrive.

8 e

88 i s I

. I o




y Cs seaes eesO Opesetal


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Sales Northwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Redmond Area

Bend local pays CASH!!

The Bulletin recommends extra


Sales Other Areas

HUGE, Two household Fundraising Sale, 5/30- Moving Sale: contents Olson Moving Sale moving sale!! 20262 5/31, 9am-3pm, 515 NE of 3 bedroom house! 715 SE Hull St., Sladras Early Bend family 55 Ellie L ane, B e n d.Dekalb Ave. (upstairs in Fairly new items/ misc. yrs in house sale! AnFri-Sat, 9-4 Saturday only, 5/31- the social setvtces bldg Fri thru Mon. 2421 SW Tools, oak and leather tiques include furniof the Salvation Army). 8am-3pm. Fissure Loop. furniture, 2 flat screen ture, china & glassware, linens 8 quilts, Noving Sa l e , 1 6 9 2 NW Traditional faire along TVs, queen bed, queen with vintage p ottery, dolls, silver, costume & Just bought a new boat? RV mattress, guns, tsilliaelarst.sat. lassware, toys, dolls & Sell your old one in the kitchen items, washer fine jewelry, books & S -noon.Beads , l a d ooks. 3 tabfes of new classifieds! Ask about our /dryer, fridge, too much memorabilia, I n dian Super Seller rates! items, Vict o rian, der bbtL' er ianctttore . toys, antique tile table. to list. See pix and 541-385-5809 284 descriptions at basement full of old + GARAGE SALE! + farmhouseestatesales.com cupboards and chests, Sales Southwest Bend Fri-Sat-Sun, 8-5, 63695 holiday, kitchen and 292 Hunters Cir. Washer & more! USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Moving Sale, 61409 dryer, hunting, fishing & Sales Other Areas FRI:SAT. 9-4, Blakely Rd. 5/30-5/31, old stuff - 40 yrs worth! crowd control II's Door-to-door selling with 9-5. Good q u alityHuge Community Yard Final Moving Sale! Fri. OBa.m. 1 day only, Sat. 5/31, fast results! It's the easiest stuff. Downsizing, fur1436 NW 1st Sale, Sat., 9-3, 2755 NE 9am-4pm. Many things niture, lots of misc. Boyd Acres Rd. Great for everyone, electronics, way in the world to sell. off Portland Multi-family Yard Sale! stuff, don't miss! (corner housewares, sporting For more info go to The Bulletin Classified Fri-Sat-Sun, 9o? Antiques, Boyd Acres 8 Butler Mkt.) www.atticestatesangoods, infant/toddler collectibles & more. 18655 541-385-5809 dappraisals.com boys &girls' clothing. Multi Family Yard Sale Riverwoods Dr. (DRW 3 mi 541-350-6822 8197 SW Ridge Lane, Furniture, toys, clothes, past train tracks, no turns) Part Estate & Farmyard Powell Butte - 97753 hot tub, ski equipment, Sale! Fri & Sat, 9am. PEDDLERS MARKET Follow signs. 286 dive gear, much more. Fire hose, water pumps, June 14, 8 -3 May 31 st, 8am-3pm, Sales Northeast Bend 8N tractor, antiques Tumalo Feed Co., HUGE SALE-Lots of Ford 1150 NE Paula Dr., & much, much more! Hwy 20. Antiques, new & used sporting Bend. 541-390-9723 A Beach House Yard Sale crafts, vintage, proho u sehold5470 Gerke Rd Prineville — Only for the very hip! Plus size clothes, lots of goods, duce, more. goods, furniture, and NOTICE Furniture, clothing, bedSpace rent $25 sewing notions, fabric, 2 more. Fri. 1-5 8 Sat. ding, silver, linens, jew- sewing machines, iron Remember to remove (541) 306-8016 8:30-5:00.53925 Pine elry, handbags, books, copeddlersmarket@g your Garage Sale signs press, & much more! Grove Rd., La Pine DVDs, CDs, fabulous (nails, staples, etc.) mail.com Sat., 5/31, 8-3. stuff — I'm over it!! after your Sale event 2445 NE Desert Willow Ct Moving/Downsizing sale Sat 9-12, 653 NE 12th St. 282 is over! THANKS! Sat. 5/31 8-5. 3 bdrm Tess, 541-383-8852 The Smith From The Bulletin Sales Northwest Bend home int o m o torMOVING SALE and your local utility Annual Neighborhood home! No early birds. companies. + Annual Starwood + sale, Burnside & 13th 2026 NE Shepard Rd. Houston Lake Rd. to Fri & Sat 9-4 s treets. Fri. & S a t . Garage Sale! Cornett Lp, to 1385 The Bulletin 8-4. S c rapbooking,Furniture, garage items, NW McDaniel Road, Sat. 5/31 8-4, SecvlugCentral Oregon sincefggg furniture & lots of misc. clothes, sports memo- Powell Butte. (Starwood subdivision riabilia & collectibles, www.bendbulletin.com off Tumalo Road) Community Garage tools, gardening. And Sam Manusco 25 families! Vintage Sales - NE Sams so much more! quilts, furniture, office Loop, 7+ families. See Pix at ESTATE SALE equip., water sports & Fri thru Sun 9-3. farmhouseestatesales.com 2343 NW CEDAR, REDMOND, OR camping equip., CDs/DVDs, baby Friday MAY 30 • Saturday MAY 31 288 ** FREE ** items, art, snow9 a.m.to 5 p.m. only Sales Southeast Bend blower, lawn furniture. Garage Sale Kit (in Redmond. take HWY126 Towards Sisters, Place an ad in The follow past the high school, turn north on 23rd sale:New stuff AWBREY BUTTE Bulletin for your ga- Massive street and go north to Cedar) and old. Sat. 10-5, Housecleaning Sale rage sale and reCrowd control admittance numbers 8 a.m. Fri. Sun. and Mon. 10-3. May 31, 8-3. No early ceive a Garage Sale NICE HOME IS FOR SALE!!! Locking roll top 1001 SE 15th ¹191 birds! Big sale lots of Kit FREE! oak computer desk; New Loveseat; New regood stuff! No clothes cliner; Dining table with 6 chairs and two leaves; 290 or children's items. KIT INCLUDES: Matching china cabinet; Sealy posturepedic Furniture, yard tools, • 4 Garage Sale Signs Sales Redmond Area queen bed? Armoire' style dresser; Three older games, books,small • $2.00 Off Coupon To Tv's-Nice TV cabinet; Weber barbecue; lots of appl., & kitchen items. Use Toward Your GARDEN & PLANT electrical appliances; Dish sets, pots and pans; Next Ad COLLECTIBLES: SALE- NEXTSat. 6/7 Extension and fiberglass ladders; Projector for • 10 Tips For "Garage • Belleek • Waterford Zion Lutheran Church demos; Two bar stools; Men's clothing and Sale Success!" • Royal Doulton 1113 SW Black Butte shoes?; Linens; Tools and more tools; craft • Gorham Blvd., in Redmond, pieces; Paints and oils; Seat style walker; • Silver and Crystal 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. wood rug; fishing poles and misc fishing items; PICK UP YOUR • David Winters Perennials, annuals, gar- Area GARAGE SALE KIT at den decor... Iow prices! Vacuum; cleaning supplies; Polaroid land cam2618 NW Three Sisters era; Chinon camera with telephoto lenses; Misc. 1777 SW Chandler Garage sale at 110 NW Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Moving in Sale! House- jewelry; lots of other misc. items. Vicksburg (off of Awitems, the usual Handled byDeedy's Estate Sales Co. The Bulletin hold brey) Sat. 5/31 8-2 misc. Sat. 10-4. 2315 541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves Serving Central Oregonsince 190S Cash for all sales. NW Canyon Drive. www.deeedysestatesales. com


9 7a •


Llewellin/Hound cross 3 Yorkie pups AKC, 2 tiny The Bulletin recomNautilus Ns 200 males, 7 months old, baby doll girls, potty trainmends extra caution like new! Pulley very beautiful $150 ing shots health guar when purc hassystem with extra each. 541-447-1323 $1100. 541-777-7743 ing products or serweights, $600! Downtown Bend, 210 vices from out of the POODLE,toys & minis, Will deliver! across from library. 541-388-2809 Largest selection of local area. Sending cash, CAVALIER King Charles also rescued older pup Furniture & Appliances checks, or credit in- Spaniels AKC, all shots, to adopt. 541-475-3889 artists & crafters. 202 f ormation may be Champion lines, Where theMaker 245 A1 Washers8 Dryers Queensland Heelers subjected to fraud. GORGEOUS!! NewWant to Buy or Rent is theSeller!! $150 ea. Full warborns (taking deposits)- Standard & Mini, $150 Golf Equipment For more i nforma541-420-9015 ranty. Free Del. Also 8 up. 541-280-1537 tion about an adver- 7 mo, all colors. $1800. Wanted: Aluminum wanted, used W/D's 541-848-7605 www.rightwayranch.wor CHECK YOUR AD tiser, you may call screen door, 34" wide. 541-280-7355 dpress.com the O regon State Call 541-516-8225 Chihuahua beautiful Attorney General's puppies, 541-280-6262 / Siberian Husky free to Sell an Item Couch Irg hide-a-bed, Office C o n sumer 541-233-8110; $150 & up 203 good home! Needs to new cushions, $200. Protection hotline at Holiday Bazaar Dachshund AKC mini pups be with people who 541-504-9720 1-877-877-9392. www.bendweenies.com have time and under& Craft Shows 6' upright. on the first day it runs of this breed. Freezer,$30 The Bulletin All colors• 541-508-4558 standing to make sure it is corThis h ig h m a intePatchwork Antiques Fish Tank, new 45-gal 541-504-9720 rect. uSpellcheck" and If it's under$500 & Crafts Summer Sale bow-front w/stand, com- nance dog is also a Futon mattress Rising human errors do ocloyal, dog, can Sat. & Sun., you can place it in A dog sitter in NE Bend. plete, ready for fish, $200 loving, cur. If this happens to escape if not secured Star, no frame, $20 May 31, 9-5; June 1, 94 obo. 541-408-0846 Loving home w/no cages your ad, please con541-330-2184 The Bulletin and disciplined. She is 797 C Ave., sm. dogs only. $25 day. Lab/Jack Russell pup- a pure breed with tact us ASAP so that Terrebonne.Antiques, ENERATE S O M E corrections and any Classifieds for: Linda, 541-576-4574 p ies. 8 w k s . $ 5 0 wolf bred back into G EXCITEMENT furniture, home spun in your adjustments can be (541)903-0346 or her, and was fixed neighborhood! Plan a crafts, yard art, made to your ad. $10 - 3 lines, 7 days Bichon Frise AKC pups, (541)419-6485 since she was the garage sale and don't container gardens, vet checked, hand raised, 541-385-5809 Cal l R i c hard forget to advertise in flowers and herbs, Lab Pups AKC,black & runt. $16 • 3 lines, 14 days $500+. 503-856-6107 The Bulletin Classified honey, baked goods, classified! yellow, Master Hunter 541-497-3327. jellies and more. Sun Mountain Speed541-385-5809. (Private Party ads only) Boxers AKC & Va lleysired, performance pedi- Yorkie-mix puppies, 541-419-8637 cart l ike new, $95. Bulldogs CKC puppies. ree, OFA cert hips & el- really cute! 2 © $225. NEED TO CANCEL 541<80-8469 ows, 541-771-2330 541-647-2314 $700-800. 541-325-3376 www.kinnamanretrievers.com 541-977-0035 YOUR AD? The Bulletin 246 Classifieds has an Guns, Hunting "AfterHours" Line & Fishing Call 541-383-2371 24 hrs. to cancel I 1100 rds of 22LR, $120. your ad! 600 rds of .223, $280. Recliner, light brown 200 rds of 25acp $100. brand new, $ 1 00. 541-647-7950 280

g o ~


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Estate Sales



pu - I chasing products or s I services from out of I the area. Sending II cash, checks, or I I credit i n f ormationI may be subjected to I FRAUD. For moreI about an t I information advertiser, you may I I uauciu i e

I c all t h e State

Oregon I

Attor ney '

I General's O f fi ce


Consumer Protec- • tion h o t line at I i 1-877-877-9392.


I TheBulletin I ServingCentral Oregon since Sggs


Antiques & Collectibles

for all firearms 8 ammo. 541-526-0617 CASH!! For Guns, Ammo & Reloading Supplies. 541-408-6900.

Buylng Dlamonds ings Event! Over 140 /Gold for Cash channels only $29.99 Saxon's Fine Jewelers a month. O nly Di541-389-6655 recTV gives you 2 BUYING YEARS of s a vings and a FREE Genie Lionel/American Flyer trains, accessories. upgrade! Call 541-408-2191.

DirectTV 2 Year Sav-




gold jewelry, silver DISH T V Ret a iler.Alland gold coins, bars, Starting ai rounds, wedding sets, $19.99/month (for 12 class rings, steriing silmos.) & High Speed ver, coin collect, vinI nternet starting a t tage watches, dental $14.95/month (where gold. Bill Fl e ming, available.) SAVEI Ask 541-382-9419. About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! E verything must q o ! 1-800-308-1563 Sat.& Sun. 2175 NE Kim Lane, Bend Fuel tank, 150 gallon, on stand, $75. 541-504-9720

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advertisers may place an ad with our "QUICK CASH SPECIAL" 1 week3lines 12 OI'

~ga eka ea! Ad must include price of ~e l a 'te ui Sauu or less, or multiple items whosetotal does not exceed $500.


Computers T HE B ULLETIN

requires computer advertisers with multiple ad schedules or those selling multiple systems/ software, to disclose the name of the business or the term "dealer" in their ads. Private party advertisers are defined as those who sell one computer.

Antiques wanted: tools, furniture, marbles,early 257 B/W photography, Musical Instruments beer cans, jewelry. 541-389-1578 The Bulletin reserves Call Classifieds at DRUM SET the right to publish all 541-385-5809 New complete set of ads from The Bulletin www.bendbulletin.com Pearl drums, newspaper onto The plus Zildjian Bulletin Internet webcymbals & cases. FS S&W M&P 9mm 2 site. 541-728-1265 mags 3 b a c kgrips Callfor details. Ammo New. $ 4 95 The Bulletin Serving Oeecvec Oregon since Sgse call/ text 215

Coins & Stamps



Fuel tank, 300-gal diesel w/stand, filter, hose, $650. 541-480-1352 Hot tub cover, 94x94, 2-spd motor, access. $200. 541-420-6118 Hotftrto avoid scam

and fraudattempts YBe aware of international fraud. Deal locally whenever possible. Y Watch for buyers who offer more than your asking price and who ask to have money wired or handed back to them. Fake cashier checks and money orders are common. YNever give out personal financial information. VTrust your instincts and be wary of someone using an escrow service or agent to pick up your merchandise.

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Glass table with 6 chairs and cushions, umbrella & stand, $250. Call 951-454-2561

(in Redmond)


Misc. Items

May31 - June1 Deschutes Fairgrounds Are you in BIG trouble Buv! Selll Tradel with the IRS? Stop SAT. 9-5 • SUN. 10-3 wage 8 bank levies, $8 Admission, liens 8 audits, unfiled 12 8 under free! tax returns, payroll isOREGON TRAIL GUN sues, & resolve tax

Reduce Your Past Tax Bill by as much as 75 Percent. Stop Levies, Liens and Wage Garnishments. Call The Tax DR Now to see if you Qualify 1-800-791-2099. (PNDC)

SHOWS, 541-347-2120 debt FAST. Seen on HELP YOUR AD or 541-404-1890 CNN. A B BB . C a ll The Bulletin Offers stand out from the Free Private Party Ads rest! Have the top line HK Tactical 45 ACP. 1-800-989-1278. • 3 lines - 3 days Brand new, in the box. (PNDC) in bold print for only Includes 2 clips. Ask- Auto Accident Attorney: • Private Party Only $2.00 extra. • Total of items advering $ 875 Cal l INJURED I N AN tised must equal $200 The Bulletin 541-639-7009 SewingCentral Omgoe since Sgse AUTO A C CIDENT? or Less Wanted: Collector seeks Call InjuryFone for a 541-385-5809 FOR DETAILS or to high quality fishing items free case evaluation. PLACE AN AD, 241 & upscale bamboo fly Never a cost to you. Call 541-385-5809 rods. Call 541-678-5753, Don't wait, call now, Bicycles & Fax 541-385-5802 or 503-351-2746 1-800-539-9913. Accessories (PNDC) TREE GEAR: climbing 247 belt, 2 sets spurs, flip 20" Huff y Rocket bicycle, Sporting Goods line, 100' life line, $500 ridden once, always ga- Misc. for all. 541-388-8434 raged, $15. 541-389-3469 couch, and matching recliner, $200. Trek 2120 bicycles, (2) Coleman lantern with Wanted- paying cash I Bose stereo system for Hi-fi audio & stu54cm and 58cm, carmantles $10. series 321, $400. bon fiber, Shimano dio equip. Mclntosh, 541-388-3879 I Oak Entertainment 105, SP D p e dals, JBL, Marantz, D y center, $350. Kneeboard, O'Brien I $400 each. M iyata naco, Heathkit, SanCan oe, $300. kids Triathalon bike, Tournament Plus, I Carver, NAD, etc. 54 1 -420-9628. g sui, Call 541-261-1808 $125. 541-410-7034 $15. 541-388-3879




541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com

AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES Monday • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Tuesday.••• • • .Noon Mon. Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tues. Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. Friday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate • • • • • • • • • •• 11:00 am Fri.

Saturday • • • Sunday. • • • •

• 3:00 pm Fri. • 5:00 pm Fri • Place a photo inyourprivate party ad for only $15.00par week.

PRIVATE PARTY RATES Starting at 3 lines

*UNDER '500in total merchandise

OVER '500 in total merchandise

7 days.................................................. $10.00 14 days................................................ $16.00

Garage Sale Special

4 days.................................................. $18.50 7 days.................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50

4 lines for 4 days ................................. $20.00

lcall for commercial line ad rates)

*illfust state prices in ad

A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN (*) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin The Bulletin bendbulletimcom reserves the right to reject any ad at any time. is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702


PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. 260




Misc. Items

Medical Equipment


Auction Sales



MOreP iXatBendbijlletij,COm On a classified ad go to www.bendbulletin.com to view additional photos of the item.

Need to get an ad in ASAP? You can place it online at: www.bendbulletin.com


Meet singles right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange mes-

sages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 877-955-5505. (PNDC)

HUGE Antique & Collectible Auction June 8, 2:00 pm; Preview 1:00 pm PST

Wheelchair Pronto (by Invacare®) powered wheelchair, in good condition, $450. 541-633-7824

HERMjS~TPN OR Total Shop - Sheet Pick-up a copy of the Metal Equipment C.O. Nickel Ads 4' air shear; 6'x16ga or 6/5 for details Hand Brake; Pinspotter; 5/29 or call Ken O Pittsburgh 20ga w/Acme 541-922-1213 Rolls', Manual Cleatbender 24"x20ga; Spot Ford Bonney, Auctioneer 263 Welder w/24" arms; Slip Tools roll (manual) 3'x2" dia; & Pan Brake 48" x16 Contractor locking job Box ga; Easy Edger (Bench box,5'x2'x 2', $225. type)... will sell complete 541-480-1353 or by the piece. Call 541-771-1958 Paint sprayer T i tan 440i, excellent cond, Where can you find a $375. 541-383-8270 helping hand? 316 From contractors to Call The Sulletin At yard care, it's all here Irrigation Equipment 541-385-5809 in The Bulletin's Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Swalley Irrigation Water, "Call A Service At: www.bendbulletin.com 5ya acres. Going price is $2000/acre; Professional" Directory QUICK SALE PRICE, Power Washer (comFi r e fighting$800/acre. 541-383-0702 mercial) new in crate, Wildland Honda 13 hp - 4000 equip., new & used, Look at: psi, 4 gpm. Retails hose, nozzles, wyes, Bendhomes.com $1849, Sell $ 1 349. reducers, bladder bags. for Complete Listings of Steve 541-771-7007. Steve 541-771-7007. Area Real Estate for Sale 265

• Building Materials Bend Habitat RESTORE


Hay, Grain & Feed

476 e c

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Business manager Outreach II Foiiow-Up Service Advisor Medical wanted for small inSpecialist: Healthy (Bend Oregon) Symmetry C a r e, dependent chain of Beginnings in Bend- RV dealership in Central Inc., an Ea s t ern Responsible for out- Oregon drug stores. Great immediate O regon Cou n t y reach efforts provid- openingshas opportunity to get on for full time exnon-profit M e n tal ing connections to perienced Service Adviground floor with an 476 Health and Addicaggressive, motiservices for families. sors who will share our tions out - patient 40 hr/wk temporary commitment to our cusEmployment vated group. Looking clinic, is seeking a for the right qualified p osition. N o t l e ss tomers. Will be team Opportunities Licensed Master's person. Need basic than $14.12 per hr., player with positive attiLevel Clinician to accounting skills, benefits pac k agetude to operate with enprovide t r e atment included. For informa- ergy, and be customer CAUTION: Quick Books, comservices in a private Ads published in puter/ technology tion c o ntact H o llyservice oriented. Retire"Employment Opsavvy, Pharmacy exp. practice setting. This Remer, 541-383-6357 ment Plan, Paid Vacaincludes providing tion, and a competitive poriunities" include a plus but not reoi' mental health treatemployee and indequired, if we feel that holly.remer@hdesd.org medical benefit package. in person O 63500 pendent positions. you will be an asset to ment for p ersons For details and appli- Apply N Hwy 97, Bend Oregon Ads fo r p o sitions our team. Compensa- with private insurcation www.hdesd.org or email your resume to ance or s elf-pay; that require a fee or tion DOE. Send rebcrvhireo mail.com and providing menupfront investment sume to PO Box 159, must be stated. With La Pine, OR 97739 or tal health screening Just too many services at a local any independentjob email collectibles? medical clinic. Exopportunity, please Ibish70@gmail.com cellent salary and i nvestigate tho r benefit pa c kage. Sell them in oughly. Use extra Clinical Pharmacist in products orI c aution when a p Ambulatory Care. De- Send letter of inter- The Bulletin Classifieds I chasing services from out of est and resume to plying for jobs onvelop and maintain I the area. Sending Sta u ffer; line and never proclinical pharmacy ser- Cathy c ash, checks, o r S ymmetry Ca r e , 541-385-5809 vide personal inforvices in several clinI credit i n f ormation Inc., 348 W. Adams, mation to any source ics in Bend, OR. Pro• may be subjected to Burns, OR 97720. you may not have vide comprehensive Revision Specialist I FRAUD. Phone number researched and medication reviews For more informa541-573-8376. AMERICAN deemed to be repuand disease state tion about an adverE-mail: GREETINGS table. Use extreme management working you may call cathy.staufferOgobh c aution when r e is looking for a Trainer I tiser, with a team. 2 years Oregon State i.net. Position open Revision Specialist in I the s ponding to A N Y exp. preferred General's until filled. online employment Call 541-436-2575 Bend, OR. You will be Attorney C o nsumer a responsible for pro- Office ad from out-of-state. hotline at l We suggest you call viding support to the I Protection Helper/Stocker Area Supervisor and 1-877-877-9392. the State of Oregon Cascade Gypsum is MENTAL HEALTH training merchandis- LThe Consumer Hotline seeking a motivated Mental Wellness ers. 3+ years of merat 1-503-378-4320 helper/stocker who For Equal Opportuchandising e x p eriCenters, Inc. must be able to lift nity Laws contact is in an evaluation stage ence required. Apply Check out the over 50 l bs. a nd at: Oregon Bureau of opening a compre- online classifieds online be assisting CDL of WorkatAG.com or call Labor & I n dustry, will hensive outpatient / drivers with loading www.bendbulfetin.com Civil Rights Division, 1.888.323.4192 and unloading buil- community-based Updated daily 971-673- 0764. mental health/ s u bding materials using stance abuse treatment work practices. The Bulletin safe Full time position. program in Bend, OrWe are seeking General 541-385-5809 Must pass drug test egon. The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our Saturand back g round an Executive Director to day night shift and other shifts as needed. We oversee the daily opAdd your web address check. Drug free en- erations of the facility. currently have openings all nights of the week. to your ad and readvironment. Email reEveryone must work Saturday night. Shifts They must hold an acers on The Buiietin's sume to Angela at: tive masters-level listart between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and axharrison@usg.com web site, www.bendend between2:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. Allpocense in the State of bulletin.com, will be or call 312-436-6271 O regon such a s a sitions we are hiring for, work Saturday nights. EOE M/F/D/V able to click through pay is $9.10 per hour, and we pay a L CSW or L PC, a n d Starting automatically to your minimum of 3 hours per shift, as some shifts have clinical superviwebsite. are short (1 1:30 - 1:30). The work consists of Highway Paving sion/ executive experiinserting machines or stitcher, stackForeman/Superin- ence. We prefer some- loading ing product onto pallets, bundling, cleanup Get your tendent o ne wh o h o l d s a other tasks. For qualifying employees we Position Open: certification in addiction and business offer benefits i ncluding life i n surance, Chester Bross C on- counseling along with short-term & long-term disability, 401(k), paid struction is looking for the LCSW/ LPC, but it vacation and sick time. Drug test is required an experienced High- is not mandatory. The G ReWI N G prior to employment. way Paving Foreman/ position will be salary, Superintendent to DOE. In addition MWC with an ad in submit a completed application attenlead a paving crew offers a f u l l b e nefit Please Kevin Eldred. Applications are available The Bulletin's throughout our Cen- package. Furthermore, tion at The Bulletin front desk (1777 S.W. Chan"Call A Service tral a n d No r thernthe person hired will redler Blvd.), or an electronic application may be California operating ceive growth incentives Professional" obtained upon request by contacting Kevin areas. Seasonal or full in addition to their salEldred via email keldredobendbulletin.com). Directory time position, reloca- ary. If you are interNo phone calls please. Only completed applition not mandatory. ested please email recations will be considered for this position. No Very Com p etitivesume to will be accepted. Drug test is reAutomotive compensation pack- e ettin illomwcid.com resumes quired prior to employment. EOE. Parts age to include vehicle, ax to 08-528-2945 or Salesperson expenses, salary, and for questions call The Bulletin more. For additional 208-542-1026 and ask to NAPA Auto Parts Serv ny Central Oreyonsince f903 speak with Eric. information c o ntact (High Desert our office at (209) Auto Supply) 920-3595. R e s ume is seeking an experinot required but can enced, outside sales person. Loc a l ly b e sent via fax t o owned and operated, ( 209)-263-0123 o r we provide excellent emailed t o S h a wn benefits and are an Simmons, W e stern equal o p p ortunity Division Manager at employer. If you are Shawn.Simmonsoch an energetic, motiesterbross.com

r.=.-"-,.— .v I




i l'l l l

vated intfividual who wants to work for the

People Lookfor Information number one automoAbout Products and tive parts supplier in Central Oregon, con- Services Every Daythrough The Bulletin Classineds s ider j oining o u r team. Compensation will consist of a base Housekeeping salary plus commis- Cleaning team m emsion, depending on ber needed for private experience. Apply in homes weekdays only, person with resume no weekends, eves or at NAPA Auto Parts holidays. 541-815-0015 located in Bend or Redmond, Oregon. Bcnd Park eRecreation

Bottom bales for cows, $4.00perbaleBuilding Supply Resale 90% excellent qrass hay. Quality at LOW Call 541-549-3831 CQII 54 I -385-5809 PRICES Patterson Ranch, Sisters to r omote your service 740 NE 1st 541-312-6709 Feeder Hay for sale bought a new boat? Open to the public. inthe barn. $200per Just Adult Care Landscaping/Yard Care Sell your old one in the ton. 541-480-4454 classifieds! Ask about our 266 Super Seller rates! Professional Caregiver NOTICE: Oregon Land341 Heating & Stoves 541-385-5809 with 26+ yrs exp will pro- scape Contractors Law Horses & Equipmen vide private care in your (ORS 671) requires all NOTICE TO home. Disabled/elderly/ businesses that adBanking ADVERTISER hospice.541-279-9492 vertise t o pe r form Landscape Construc- Since September 29, )first communit People Look for Information tion which includes: 1991, advertising for woodstoves has About Products and p lanting, deck s , used We are excited to Services Every Daythrough fences, arbors, been limited to modREDUCED! announce an which have been The Bulletin Classifieds water-features, and in- els 3-Horse Trailer, 22' long, position for stallation, repair of ir- certified by the Or- 7' wide, 2 rear axles, good available Financial Services rigation systems to be egon Department of cond. Logan Coach Inc. aRepresentative Building/Contracting in l icensed w it h th e Environmental Qual- $4500 obo. 305-794-0190 Bend, Oregon. ity (DEQ) and the fedLandscape ContracNOTICE: Oregon state E n v ironmental Board. This 4-digit eral 366 law requires anyone tors Salary Range: Protection A g e ncy Farmers Column is to be inwho con t racts for number $10.00 - $19.00 cluded in all adver(EPA) as having met construction work to which indi- smoke emission stan- Swalley Irrigation Water, be licensed with the tisements For more details cer t ified 5t/t acres. Going price the business has dards. A Construction Contrac- cate please apply online: oodstove may b e tors Board (CCB). An a bond, insurance and w is $2000/acre www.myfirstccu.org active license workers compensa- identified by its certifi- QUICK SALE PRICE, EOE for their employ- cation label, which is $800/acre. 541-383-0702 means the contractor tion is bonded & insured. ees. For your protec- permanently attached Verify the contractor's tion call 503-378-5909 to the stove. The Buluse our website: letin will not knowHuman Resources Assistant CCB l i c ense at or www.lcb.state.or.us to ingly accept advertiswww.hirealicensedcheck license status ing for the sale of The Bulletin is looking for a Human Resources contractor.com contracting with uncertified Assistant. HR duties will include all areas of or call 503-378-4621. before business. Persons woodstoves. pre-employment drug testing, preparing paThe Bulletin recom- the doing lan d scape perwork for newly hired employees, orientamends checking with maintenance do not 267 the CCB prior to contion; benefit enrollment and helping employr equire an LC B l i ees keep t heir p ersonnel and b enefit tracting with anyone. cense. Fuel & Wood • Some other t rades information current. Maintains personnel files also re q uire addiand records for the purpose of providing Aii year Dependable tional licenses and Firewood: Seasoned; up-to-date reference and audit trail complicertifications. Lodgepole, split, del, ance. Assist with payroll processing as the Z~sez Qartl//iI B end, 1 f o r $ 1 9 5 back-up to the Payroll Manager. Provides adDebris Removal Za~<C'a r,, o r 2 for $36 5 . vice to employees on matters in designated human resources areas. Establish and main541-420-3484. Full Service tain favorable working relationships within all JUNK BE GONE Landscape Management 269 WesCom departments to assist in effectively I Haul Away FREE 541-390-1466 achieving department objectives, while reFor Salvage. Also Experienced Gardening Supplie sponding to requests for reports, records and Cleanups & Cleanouts Commercial & Residential • & E q uipment information in a professional and timely manMel, 541-389-8107 Aeration/Dethatching ner. Review, input and audit data in HRIS to 1-time or Weekly Services support employee actions such as promotions, BarkTurtSoil.com andscaping/Yard Care Ask about FREEadded transfers, hires and terminations while mainsvcs w/seasonal contract! taining the highest level of data integrity. Other Bonded & Insured. PROMPT D ELIVERY duties include, processing paperwork for unCOLLINS Lawn Maint. 541-389-9663 employment and worker's compensation. Fill in Ca/i 541-480-9714 as a backup person for the Reception desk Paying too much Edger:Sears Craftsman, when necessary. Serving Central Oregon Since 2003 yard work? electric, works great! Residental/Commercial Expert shrub pruning. Minimum two years human resources experi$10. 541-388-3879 Bigfoot yards ence (payroll and benefits knowledge preSprinkier ferred) in a support capacity. General knowl541-633-9895 INSTANT GREEN Activation/Repair edge of applicable state and federal laws. Allen Reinsch Yard Mcpheeters Turf Back Flow Testing Maintenance Working knowledge of HRIS/Payroll systems. & Mowing Lawn Fertilizer Strong computer skills with the ability to profi(& many other things!) Maintenance ciently use Word and Excel. Strong attention to Call 541-536-1294or ~Thatch & Aerate detail. Strong interpersonal skills. Must be able 541-815-5313 • Spring Clean up 54iD89-9663 to maintain highest degree of confidentiality, .Weekly Mowing discretion and tact. Painting/Wall Covering & Edging 270 •Bi-Monthly 6 Monthly For qualifying employees we offer benefits inWESTERN PAINTING • Maintenance Lo s t & Found cluding life insurance, short-term & long-term CO. Richard Hayman, •Bark, Rock, Etc. a semi-retired paint- Found Apple iPad May disability, 401(k), paid vacation and sick time. Drug test is required prior to employment. ing contractor of 45 ~Landsca in 24, corner of hwy 20 •Landscape years. S m all Jobs tk Hamby Rd. Call to EOE/Drug Free workplace Construction Welcome. Interior & ID, 541-419-3262 ~Water Feature Exterior. c c b¹51 84. ifinterested please submit resume 541-388-6910 Installation/Maint. Found Subaru keys by and salary expectations to •Pavers corner of Neff and hrresumesowescom a ers.com Tree Services •Renovations Erickson Rd. No phone calls please. • Irrigations Installation 541-419-1539. MR. STUMP BUSTER Senior Discounts Professional Stump & Tree Lost Beat headphones. Bonded & Insured Removal• 24 yrs exp. Mon., 5/26 at Big Sky 541-815-4458 Insured - Free estimates! Park. I f f ound call Serving Central Oregon since r903 LCB¹8759 Call 541-213-9103 541-580-2582. •

Employment Opportunities

The Bullctin

Is accepting applications for: • Janitor • Lifeguard • Swimming Coach • Youth Recreation Leader • Community Relations Specialist - PT • Outdoor Leader

• Landscaping For complete job announcements or to apply go to bendparksandrec.org Equal Opportunity Employer Good classified ads tell the essential facts in an interesting Manner.Write from the readers view - not the seller's. Convert the facts into benefits. Show the reader howthe item will help them in someway. This advertising tip brought toyou by

The Bulletin

y our next e m p l oye e is eeading Yhe Bulletin The Bulletin delivers your "HELPWANTED"ad to 70,000 print readers and20,000 online visitors a day. The Bulletin, local, hassle-free, worry-free advertising.

Get 7 consecutive days F OR ONLY S21.4 3 A D A Y ! * And get $31 in ad upgrades for FREE! BASED ON A 2" ADSPACE

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Christa Gunnell, Human ResourcesCentral OregonCommunity College

servlng ree~al D~n since 19al

Sates Person: $20 Pei' Order Your Neighborhood Pub[ications is looking for energetic sales people to sell subscriptions for The Bulletin newspaper in Bend. Call for more information about cornperISatlof1." 458-206-0905






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DAILY BRI DG E C LU B Saturday,May31,2014

Test your defense By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency This week's deals have involved logical thinking on defense. To test yourself, cover today's East and South cards. Defend as West. South's response of three spades shows 10 or more points and a fivec ard suit. Yo u l e a d t h e t e n o f diamonds: jack, queen, ace. Declarer next leads a low trump. Over to you. E ast might h av e t h e k i n g o f trumps, but then South will hold the ace ofclubs and queen of hearts,and the defense will get only two trumps and a club. Play South for good trumps and no ace of clubs: Grab your ace of trumps and lead the king of clubs, pursuing a third-round ruff.

ACROSS 1 "Friday the 13th"

39They created the 668arker in a Get Rid of Slimy basket Girls club setting 67 One endlessly 42 Brand with a smoothing things 5Cry "Wonderfilled" ad over? accompanying a campaign

slap 15Green leader? 160ffice addresses? 17Tragically heartbroken figure of myth 1$Some cocktail gamishes 19Noted nominee

return to two diamonds. Partner next bids three clubs. What do you say? ANSWER: Partner's three clubs shows game interest. He would not bid a third time merely to confirm extra length in his second suit. Your two-diamond preference was timid, s o you must catch up. B i d f i v e diamonds or cue-bid three spades. P artner may h ol d J 5 4 , No n e , A K 7 5 3, A Q 5 4 2. South dealer E-W vulnerable

of 2005

21 Stumped 22 Bit of audio

equipment? 23 Controversial thing to play 25Stats.for new arrivals 27 Base'8 opposite 29"That'struehowever ..." 33 Locale for the Zoot Suit Riots of


4Q63 Q AKJ 6 OKJ3 AQ J10

CHOICE The old-style North-South bidding got to a poor contract. In a modern partnership, South's response to 1NT would be two hearts, a " transfer" asking North t o b i d t w o s p ades. South would bid 3NT next, offering a choice of games. With three cards in spades, North would often go to four spades. With his actual hand — b alanced with scattered honors — he might pass 3NT and make four.

EAST 45542

9 10432 0 1098 6 2

9985 0Q75


4 A75 2


QQ7 OA 4 A9843 We s t Pas s Pass

Nor t h 1 NT 4 41



Eas t Pass All Pa s s

Y ouhold: 4 A 7 9 10 4 3 2 0 10 9 8 6 2 A K 6. Y o u r p artner Opening lead — 0 10 opens one diamond, you respond one heart, he bids two clubs and you (C) 2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC






























27 33




1 Fencing material 2 Europe's City of Saints and Stones 3 Battlefield cry 4 Abstention alternative 5 " Let R u n Wild" (B-side to "California Girls") 6 Physical feature of Herman on "The Simpsons" 7 Home to Main Street, U.S.A. 8The Hardy Boys and others 9 He called his critics "pusillanimous pussyfooters" 10 With flexibility in tempo 11 Reagan12 Harkness Tower locale 13 Pueblo cooker 14 Red giant that disintegrated? 20 Round windows 24 Brand named after some lowa villages 26 High (and highriced) options or spectators 28 R ocker L e o 30 Sci-fi villain Fett 31Theymay be made with koa wood, briefly 32 Course obstacle?



30 3 1


52 5 3






44 46

49 55 5 6





50 58

51 59




65 67


33 Elasticity studier'8 46Groupwith the subj. 1963 hit "South Street," with "the" 34 It's canalized at 48Obsolescence Interlaken 50 Moisturizer brand 35 Boatload 52 Cry accompanying a 37 Boatload transfer high-five point 53Treasuredstrings 40 Mann'5 "Man!" 54 Politico 41 Eagle of Delight'5 caricatured by tribe Carvey

55 Start of Egypt's official name 56 Bel l oq, villain in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" 57 Modern farewell letters 59Air 62 Wood problem 63Title for knights on "Game of Thrones"

Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young aolvers: nytimes.com/learning/xworda.


ic&0 3 II

I'm J&t Caging pertrtag it'0 the

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3X3 boxcontains everydigitfrom1 to9 inclusively.

YLuditBJ that keepC them from regpedtiYLIr, W ad, individuala.









than a mirror," per Oscar Wilde 5$ Line outside a gala 60 Dreaded message on a returned 32-Down 61 Reverse transcriptase is found in it 64 "To End (1998 Richard Holbrooke best seller) 65 Q&A query



Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO

68 Cross state

43 Nail 44 Beginning of some tributes 45 Just beginning 47 Longtime rival of 42-Across 49 Midwest terminal? 51 Reality show documenting a two-week trade 55"Aveil rather


SOUTH 4 9K J109 8

South Pass 3 41


'43 36 Fashion clothes 38Teamunifier



No. 0426



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8 71 D


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I/f A

TMINK „, OLP Ef4/4.




LOS ANGELES TIMESCROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewls ACROSS


~(I/E5,1HE<HIRp ...RQD I1' IA)A5 glj)i)~1'gliE 54VED Jt)42r A5 TH& I'g55(;HOOL, AC PA REI48 IARE HiNI), 60 5gN Mt" HAV&IIS F II~IZli/III& 60 . c/N(5'H r f)IAT 5IIE,HAT> 1O IYNRMAID.' MIAI FASf! Hl N(. 4)A&ki'T is ( TIZAPU.E FCLL iIIT

A (',051Hltf FoR 6TOWI(f)%&?

COOLN.55! 7

1 California/Arizona border reservoir 11 Has yet to settle 15 "Let a new chapter begin" 16 Salinger's " Stories" 17 Yellow sticky, often 18 With 3-Down,

2 "The company for women"

company 3 See 18-Across 4 Honored retiree 5 Selling fast 6 Swore 7 Sleeveless garments 8 Summer quaffs

9 Nuevo

Wingey © 2014 by King Features Syndicate Inc. WOrld rightS reSerVed

E-m8il: bholbrook1@gmail.Com


ljMO 5/31

The other daisies thought Rick had changed since returning from the army






P%6 Sll)ZNING..





Q3 Qo 519



THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by Dsvid L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles One letter to eaCh Square, to fOrm fOur Ordinary WOrdS.


You can push meonthe Swlh94 hÃIL

rm glad you're h4f8. I C8ll3

plsy on this


49014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Righte Reeerved.









N0W arrange the CirCled letterS

to fOrm the surPrise anSWer, as

suggested by the above cartoon. H688iAN~ 9 Laughil9soak umnsing Inc., Dist.w Universal Udick, 2014

(Answers Monday)

"I only got one of those ... you can have it for half-price."

T O O T H TH R I L L FL A W ED Yesterdays ~ AnSWer: Jumbles: AMu sE They Were enjOying the all-you-Can-eat Steak restaurant — TO THE FULLEST

Wallace's comic strip girlfriend 19 'acte 20 Pkg. measures 21 Wife of Jacob 23 Ominous time 25 Smiley creator 26 Treated with malice 29 57501 preceder, on envelopes 30 Place 31 bal l 32 A little freedom? 33 Lea grazers 34 Star of the 1931 film "M" 35 Film 36 Yet, poetically 37 Toon lead singer in a leopard-print leotard 38 Outlook 39 Building and gl'QUnds 41 Comprehend 42 Post-reaping sights 43 Japanese sandal 44 Bunches 45 Thrice, in Rx's 46 Egyptian Christian 50 Nonexistent 51 Blew up 54 "Gotcha" 55 Liven up 56 Experiment 57 Number that's

physically impossible to write out in standard form

DOWN dr i ve


31 Law recipient 34 Takes a bath 35 It merged with Travelers in 1998 37 Tease, in slang 38 Irreg. spelling

45 Tv watcher's convenience 47 Like zero 48 Best of the Beatles 49 Big natural history

40 Xylophonist's


tool 41 Antecede 43 1983 Woody Allen title role

attraction 52 Bride in 1969 news

53 N.Z. currency

Peruvian currency ANSWER TO PREVIOUSPUZZLE: 10 Remove restrictions from M E W L S F L Y T E A M 11 Like many a A MR I T A B E A U A L D A garage SP I D E R RA C K B I RD 12 Enthusiastically C A T M E M O R Y M U T E D 13 Signs, as an A N I C A R T M O L I N E agreement R E N T E T H E R E W A S A N 14 Type of A L G A L T O O M L S headlight O L D L A D Y W H O 22 Start to bat? 2 4 A rc , A T M R E X IF I L L Arkansas S W A L L O W E D A T A N I A 25 Petrol purchase B O R E U P A L P S DO G 26 Weighs options IT I S I C A L L OW UN A 27 Dominant team G O A T W A N E P I S C E S 28 Winter soil A N N E A P E S S T R E S S phenomena 29 Trojan War S EA R COW HO R S E figure xwordeditor(eaol.com 05/31/14 l
















20 23

















36 39







42 45








By Barry C. Silk (c)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC








SutIoku High Fives

6 6 5 3 4 9 1 9 8 4 7 3 6 6 8 2

How to play:




2 7

7 5

3 4


2 4 8

9 2 7 3 5 7 7 8 6 8 1

bers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the individual Sudokus.

2 4 5 9 6 4 1

The Bulletin

Serving Central Oregonsince f903

9 9

3 6 1 2 7 7 6 4 8 1



® Dz@zcm

pp 528

Loans & Mortgages








Yamaha Ro a dstar Warrior, 2002 excellent condition, 29k, Mustang seat, cruise, LED signals - fun bike! $3,900 Sisters, 541-410-8522, Tony

Chaparral 2130SS Clean, well maintained 21 ' f a m ily ski/wakeboard open-bow runabout with new Barewest tower/Bimini. Great sound system, new dual battery system. Stored under cover, fresh water use only, 2nd owner. J u st b ought a lar g e r Chaparral! $16,000.

WARNING Compressor for The Bulletin recomtow car, $500. mends you use cau541-504-8666 tion when you pro865 vide personal 850 ATVs information to compaSnowmobiles nies offering loans or Aluminum ramps by credit, especially 5-star, 1500-Ib load capm Arctic Cat 580 1994, those asking for ad$1 50. 541-548-0749 EXT, in good vance loan fees or condition, $1000. companies from out of A rcticcat AT V 7 0 0 541-419-95'I 0 Located in La Pine. state. If you have 2008 t w o -rider veCall 541-408-6149. concerns or queshicle, EFI LE. L ow Enclosed raft t railer, tions, we suggest you hours, high p e rfor- 12'x7', pulley system consult your attorney Call The Bulletin At mance. Nice wheels, to help load, wired for 544 -385-5809 or call CONSUMER winch, extra equip., 12 volt a i r p u mp. HOTLINE, Place Your Ad Or E-Mail $5000. Moving causes $750. 541-593-6053 1-877-877-9392. At: www.bendbulletin.com sale. 541-447-3342. Johnson older 9 .9hp 870 outboard motor, deGarage Sales 860 p endable $200 . Boats & Accessories liilotorcycles & Accessories 541-388-1533 Garage Sales 12' 1969 Searsaiumi- O'Brien 2 person tube, Garage Sales num fishing boat, t owable HD , e x c . low hours on new 8 $50. 541-388-3879 Find them hp engine, with trailer O lder Johnson 5 h p , in and extras. Good motor, runs, $100 or shape!$1600. The Bulletin trade. 541 -388-1533 541-382-2599 Classifieds FXSTD Harley Tow rope for tubes and Davidson 2001,twin toys, brand new $10. 541-385-5809 cam 88, fuel injected, 541-388-3879 Vance & Hines short BANK TURNED YOU shot exhaust, Stage I w DOWN? Private party with Vance & Hines Say wgoodbuy fuel management will loan on real esto that unused 12' Aluminum boat tate equity. Credit, no system, custom parts, with trailer, 3hp motor, extra seat. item by placing it in problem, good equity good cond, $1650. $10,500 OBO. is all you need. Call The Bulletin Classifieds 503-307-8570 Call Today Oregon Land Mort541-516-8684 gage 541-388-4200. 5 41-385-580 9 LOCAL MONEyrWebuy secured trust deeds & 875 note,some hard money 12' aluminum fishloans. Call Pat Kellev Watercraft ing boat, t r ailer, 541-382-3099 ext.13. motor, fish finder, ds published in wWaaccessories, $1200. 573 541-389-7234 tercraft" include: KayBusiness Opportunities Harley Davidson 2005 aks, rafts and motorFLHRCI Road King Ized personal DID YOU KNOW 144 Classic,less than 5,000 watercrafts. For 15' fiberglas million U.S. A dults one-owner miles. Lots of "boats" please see read a N ewspaper extra chrome, just like Sportsman, Class 870. print copy each week? new, never laid down, 75HP motor, trailer 541-385-5809 stored. Paid over Discover the Power of garaqe good condition, disability forces PRINT N e wspaper $209K; $950. sale for $1 1,500. 541-389-1086 Advertising in Alaska, oerwng Central Oregon rmre 1903 541-545-8810 or Idaho, Montana, Or541-4'I 9-8034 cell, 206-790-7352 880 egon, U t a h and before 7pm. Washington with just Serious Motorhomes inquiries only. one phone call. For a 1 5' tri-hull fiberglas FREE adv e rtising fishing boat, 1 971 network brochure call walk-thru, fish finder, 916-288-6011 or full top cover, 45 hp email Evinrude, tr a i ler, cecelia©cnpa.com spare tire, access., (PNDC) good cond. $1200 obo. 541-408-3811 DID YOU KNOW 7 IN 2007 Winnebago Harley Davidson 10 Americans or 158 Outlook Class "C" 2011 Classic Limmillion U.S. A dults ited, Loaded! 9500 16' Klamath, canvas 31', solar panel, Cat. r ead content f r om miles, custom paint canopy with windows, heater, excellent n ewspaper m e d ia "Broken Glass" by 40 HP Yamaha, E-Z condition, more exeach week? Discover Nicholas Del Drago, Loader trailer. $2100. tras. Asking $58K. the Power of the Pa541-335-9854 Ph. 541-447-9268 new condition, cific Northwest News- heated Can be viewed at handgrips, paper Advertising. For auto cruise Western Recreation control. a free brochure call (top of hill) $32k in bike, 916-288-6011 or in Prineviiie. only $20,000or best email offer. 541-318-6049 cecelia@cnpa.com (PNDC) 181 Maxum ski boat, 2000, DID Y O U KNO W HDFatBo 1996 inboard motor, great Newspaper-genercond, well maintained, a ted content is s o $8995 obo. 541-350-7755 valuable it's taken and repeated, condensed, Take care of Alfa See Ya 2006 35' broadcast, t weeted, Excellent condition, 1 discussed, p o sted, your investments owner, 350 Cat diesel, copied, edited, and with the help from 51,000 miles, 4-dr frig, Completely emailed c o u ntless Rebuilt/Customized icemaker, gas stove, The Bulletin's times throughout the oven, washer/dryer, 2012/2013 Award day by others? Disnon-smoker "Call A Service i 3 s! tdes, Winner cover the Power of Showroom generator, invertor, Condition Professional" Directory Newspaper Advertisleather interior, satelMany Extras w ing in SIX STATES lite, 7'4 ceiling. Low Miles. with just one phone Clean!$77,500. $15,000 call. For free Pacific 541-233-6520 541-548-4807 Northwest Newspaper Association NetAllegro 28' Class A 2008 work brochures call Piaggio/Vespa 3-wheel Ford Vt0 gas, 50K miles, 916-288-6011 or MP3 scooter 2009 slides, satellite, 2 TVs, Bayliner 2050 LS, 2 email with only 400 miles. 20th' Onan gen, rear & side 1996 40th Anniversary, cecelia©cnpa.com Not a scratch! Like Mercruiser 5.0L V8, 192 cameras, hydraulic level(PNDC) ers, 300w solar w/inbrand new! $ 5900. hours, water sports, verter, original owner, DID YOU KNOW that 520-360-9300, owner stored inside, $8200. $55,500. 541 -420-4303 not only does news541-549-6329 paper media reach a HUGE Audience, they (2) 10' Kayaks; Old Town Otter, Ocean also reach an ENGAGED AUDIENCE. Frenzy Si t - on-top, both with p a dd!es, Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertis$225/ea. 541-593-6053 ing in six states - AK, Triumph Daytona ID, MT, OR, UT, WA. 2004, 15K m i l e s, Beaver Marquis, Ads published in the For a free rate bro- perfect bike, needs 1993 "Boats" classification chure call nothing. 40-ft, Brunswick Vin include: Speed, fish916-288-6011 or floor plan. Many ¹201536. ing, drift, canoe, email extras, well main$4995 house and sail boat . cecelia@cnpa.com tained, fire supDream Car For all other types of (PNDC) pression behind Auto Sales watercraft, please go refrig, Stow Master 1801Division, Bend Need help fixing stuff? to Class 875. 5000 tow bar, 541-385-5809 Call A Service Professional DreamCarsBend.com 541-678-0240 $23,995. find the help you need. Dlr 3665 541-383-3503 www.bendbulletin.com

The Bulletin

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Look at: Bendhomes.com for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale

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Dodge Brougham 1978, 15', 1-ton, clean, 69,000 miles. $4500. In La Pine, call 541-602-8652

6 1 7 8 5 4 3 9 2

3 9 4 7 2 6 8 5 1

RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit

approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541 -330-2495 Redmond: 541 -548-5254

TIFFIN ALLEGRO BUS 2010 - FULLY LOADED 40QXP Powerglide Chassis / 425HP Cummings Engine / Allison 6 Spd Automatic Trans / Less than 40K miles /Offered at $199K. Too many options to list here! For more information go to ww.m new w~ elle rocoe.com ~ or email trainwatert 57@ gmeil.com or call858-527-8627


m xrv ~

National RV Tropical, 1997,

35-ft, Chevy Vortec engine, new tires, new awnings, 12-ft slide-out, queen bed, Italian leather couch and recliner, excellent condition. Ready to travel„ towing hitch included. $19,900. 541-815-4811

Tioga 24' Class C Motorhome Bought new in 2000, currently under 20K miles, excellent shape, new tires, professionaly winterized every year, cutoff switch to battery, plus new RV batteries. Oven, hot water heater & air conditioning have never been used! $24,000 obo. Senous inquiries, please. Stored in Terrebonne. 541 -548-51 74

Providence2005 Fully loaded, 35,000 miles, 350 Cat, Very clean, non-smoker, 3 slides, side-by-side refrigerator with ice maker, Washer/Dryer, Flat screen TV's, In motion satellite. $95,000 541-480-2019

2 5 8 1 9 3 7 4 6


5 4 2 9 8 7 1 6 3

7 6 8 1 4 3 9 5 2

3 9 1 6 5 2 4 7 8

9 1 6 8 7 4 3 2 5

8 2 5 3 6 9 7 1 4



8.1L VB Gas, 340 hp, workhorse, Allison 1000 5 speed trans., 39K, NEW TIRES, 2 slides, Onan 5.5w gen., ABS brakes, steel cage cockpit, washer/dryer, firelace, mw/conv. oven, ree standing dinette, was $121,060 new; now, $35,900. 541-536-1008

9 4 5 2 6 8 1 7 3


find the help you need. www.bendbulletin.com


1 7 2 9 3 5 6 8 4


541-548-0318 (phctc aboveis of a similar model & nct the actual vehicle)

Fieetwood Discovery 40' 2003, diesel, w/all options - 3 slide outs, satellite, 2 Tv's, W/D, etc m 32,000 miles. Wintered in h eated shop. $84,900 O.B.O.

8 6 3 4 1 7 9 2 5


Navion IQ Sprinter chassis RV 2008, 25' Mercedes Benz diesel, Allison trans., only steps, back-up camera, only 24k miles, excellent condition, auto3 7K mi., do u b le washer/dryer, central vac, matic rear slide-out slide, 5500 Onan ice m a ker, l o a ded, w/queen bed, full bath diesel gen., to many excellent condition. deluxe capoptions to list. Vin¹ $27,500 541-620-2135 w/shower, tain swivel front seats, 534032, $79,995. (SeeCraigsiist diesel generator, ¹4470374489) Beaver Coach awning, no pets/ Sales & Service, no smoking.$65,500. Bend 541 -91 4-8438 541-382-2430 DLR ¹3447



8 9 2 5 3 6 7 4 1

4 3 9 5 8 1 2 6 7 3 4 5 1 8 9 7 3 5 2 4 6


FLEETWOOD PACE ARROW, 1999 Updated interior, 36', 2 Bigfoot Diesel 32' shdes, 42,600 miles, Vt0 2006, Su per C as, 5000 watt generator, Duramax di e s el, ydraulic levelers, auto


3 5 1 4 7 8 9 6 2

5 2 6 3 7 9 4 1 8 7 6 9 2 5 3 4 1 6 8 9 7

Need help fixing stuff? Call A Service Professional

541 -548-5254


7 4 6 2 9 1 5 3 8

7 8 1 6 4 2 5 3 9 8 1 2 6 7 4 2 9 8 5 3 1


home, with awning, and one slide-out, Only 47k miles and good condition.

Best Motor Home Selection In C.O.!


9 6 2 5 7 3 8 4 1




5 8 3 4 6 1 7 9 2

1994 37.5' motor-

@20132013 UFS, Dist.b Univ. Uclickfor UFS

Motorcycles & Accessories Boats & Accessories

8 4 6 9 1 5 2 3 7


5 4 8 9 7 5 5-25-14


5 4 6 3

1 5 1 3

2 9 7 3 4 6 5 1 8

4 6 3 1 5 9 2 8 9 2 1 1 5 8 6 7 3 7 4 9 6 8 5 4 2 7 3 1 5 6 2 7 9 4 8 7 8 3 5 4 6 1 2 4 9 2 1 8 3 5 3 5 6 4 8 2 7 9 6 1 8 4 3 59 7 2 4 7 9 6 13 5 5 3 9 7 2 8 6 1 3 6 1 8 9 2 7 4 8 7 5 3 1 4 2 9 1 6 9 2 4 6 5 7 8 3

1 4 7 3 1 5 9 9 4 5 8 4

1 3

7 4 12

3 5 1 7 2 8 4 6 9

5 2 6 1



Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The num-


4 3 7 5 2 1 6 8 9

Winnebago Aspect 2009- 32', 3 slideouts, Leather inte-

rior, Power s eat, windows, locks, Aluminum wheels. o 17 Flat Screen, Surround s o u nd, camera, Queen bed, Foam mattress, Awning, Generator, Inverter, Auto Jacks, Air leveling, Moon roof, no smoking or p ets. L ik e n ew, $74,900 541-480-6900

Winnebago Sightseer 30' 2004

For Sale with living r oom slide, 48,000 miles, in good condition. Has newer Michelin tires, awning, blinds, carpet, new coach battery and HD Tv. $31,000 Call Dick at 541-408-2387 881

Travel Trailers

F!eetwood Wilderness NW Edition 2002, 26'

1 slide, electric tongue jack, stabilizers, new brakes, waste tank heaters, ducted heat/AC, micro/stove/oven, tub/shower, couch, elec/gas hot water tank. Sleeps 6. Includes Eaz Lift hitch, storage cover and accessories. $10,500. 541-447-3425

Winnebago A dventurer 2005 351/2', gas, less than 20,000 miles, excellent condition, 2 slide-outs, work horse chassis, Banks power brake system, sleeps 5, with a l l o p tions, Forest River T22 - 2005 $62,000 / negotiable. Qn bed, solar panel, sway m8711or Call 5 4 1 -306 bar, bath w/shower, awnemail a i kistu@bend- ing, $8900. 541-6t7-5775 cable.com

Suyyort GraduatingSeniorsot ROl4! t215httMretntmf OteltftteIvtsvtft l tttttutu



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=='=- -==C ongratulations toone,

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51514Cteetr JFF

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541.42Lt 1st

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Both the public and businesses are invited to participate



Advertising Deadline Friday, June 6


4 VIEW-201<

RESIION: 541-SS2-676~ SW 1Ott! I, 8!ll»S"

To place your ad call The Bulletin Advertising Department


541.24at 1st


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2 Examples - Actual size wx2") 1 Col. x 2" ad ! 1.83

eemmewmwe ewmVeeewem w Iew llwereermeweIe ermel ere reoeFee


Nido 8ott Ortdlte5145 emefie Iemeelemoeo

rrireFNstre IFesae44etosweftreme meewew ee

FOWDeemreeFtmm FreVe~

This will publish Saturday, June 14 in The Bulletin



2 SIOI E SEIS541-38g-7272 ltg 3rd If, Revere 541-382-67g S8%91 agufPhyatl "

The Bulletin will publish multiple pages listing all 2014 Graduates from Central Oregon High Schools

541-382-1 81 1




ITIOttQP8 sslmw

rwoeeeeewmleeo • wwel rmrreolmrewe • w earnewe 1wwe ere Jemeeeremmw

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The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since 19i8









Travel Trailers

Travel Trailers

Travel Trailers

Fifth Wheels

Fifth Wheels

Fifth Wheels



Orbit 21' 2007, used

KeystoneLaredo 31'


20 06 w i th 1 2'

slide-out. Sleeps 6, queen walk-around bed w/storage underneath. Tub 8 shower. 2 swivel rockers. TV. Air cond. Gas stove & refrigerator/freezer. Microwave. Awning. Outside sho w er. Slide through stora ge, E a s y Li f t . $29,000 new; Asking$18,600 541-447-4805

Komfort Ridgecrest 23', 2008, queen bed, sleeps 6, micro 8 AC, full awning, living room slider, yule tables, outside shower, 4 closets, fiberqlass frame, as new, $11,500. La Pine call 541-914-3360

only 8 times, A/C, oven, tub shower, micro, load leveler hitch, awning, dual batteries, sleeps 4-5, EXCELLENT CONDITION. All accessories are included. $13,900 OBO. 541-382-9441

The Buliefin To Subscribe call 541-365-5800 or go to www.bendbulletin.com

Pacific Ridge by Komfort 2011 Mdl P 27RL 31', 15' Super slide, power PL jack, electric awning, sj >~s solar panel, 6-volt batteries, LED lighting, always stored inside. Must see to Lance 2013 Model 2385 appreciate.Asking 24' w/large slide, 4-Sea$26,500. Call Bill, son, fully loaded & used 541-480-7930 only 4 times. Has extra Trident surface protection coat, stinger w/sway bars, electric tongue jack, RV 6-volt batteries, queen CONSIGNMENTS walk-around bed, large WANTED front kitchen w/pantry, We Do The Work ... complete entertainment You Keep The Cash! system w/exterior spkrs, On-site credit power awning. Like new, approval team, $29,995. 541%80-4148 web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 .



Like NEW! Trail-Lite 2011 Crossover, 21-ft. A/C, awning, AM/FM CD,

custom queen bed, custom drawer pullouts. Dry axle wgt 2,566; dry unloaded wgt 2,847. EquaFlex suspension, exterior shower, indoor tub/ shower combo, stabilizer jacks, 2 batteries, plus MORE!$12,995. Call 541-280-9516 for info, or to see - in Bend.

naco• Expedition pkg• Sport Value pkg• Convenience pkg• Elec. awning • Spare tire• LED TV/ent. system ~ Outside shower • Elec tongue jack• Black flush sys • Beautiful interior• Huge galley• Great storage• ~i2 -Ton towable • Alloys• Queen bed Likenew, asking $22,900 Gordon, 541482-5797

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com FIND IT! BMT ITI

$10,999, 0 Down, $112 per month, 132 months, 5.75% apr, Tier One credit score,

Over 350 RVs in Inventory! Best Selection! Best Value! Visit us online at www.bigcrv.com Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254

Kif Road Ranger 22' 1996, Gr eat condition, new stereo cd, new battery charger, new tags. Incl. h itch, s o l ar panel, awning, stab ile j a c ks , et c , stored inside, clean, everything w o rks. $5,900. Steve 541-420-9478.

Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809 CHECKYOUR AD

on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. "Spellcheck" and human errors do occur. If this happens to your ad, please contact us ASAP so that corrections and any adjustments can be made to your ad. 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified


Fifth Wheels I•




1990 5th Wheel


Low miles, EFI 460, 4-spd auto, 10-ply tires, low miles, almost new condition, $3500. Ask for Theo,

Salem Cruise Lite 18', 2014 Only $10,999! Zero Down! $112 Per Month!

Visit us online at www.bigcrv.com Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254

Tick, Tock Tick, Tock...

Fleetwood Prowler 32' - 2001 2 slides, ducted heat & air, great condition, snowbird ready, Many upgrade options, financing available! $14,500 obo. Call Dick,


(I I,- III ='.


Utility Trailers


You Keep the Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV

overall length is 35' has 2 slides, Arctic package, A/C, table 8 chairs, satellite, Arctic pkg., power awning, in excellent condition! More pix at bendbulletin.com




Aircraft, Parts & Service

Bend: 541-330-2495


541-546-5254 885

Canopies & Campers Canopy for short bed, 80x68, front & side windows slide, $250 obo. 541-416-0970 (Prineville)

Laredo 30'2009

SELL IT! The Bulletin Classifieds


on approved credit. 2013 R-Vision 23RBS Trail-Lite Sportby Mo-

Wind River 201127ORLDS (Four Seasons) 28' by Outdoor RV in LaGrande, OR. 2 Slides in living room, separate bdrm, power jack,elect awning, solar panel, flat screen, surround sound, micro, air cond, day/night shades, ext speakers,ext shower. Like new!$24,000. 541-548-2109

Best 5th Wheel Selection in C.O.! Over 45 New & Preowned To Choose From! On the spot financing, low monthly payments. Over 350 RVs In Inventory! Best Selection! Best Value


Aircraft, Parts & Service

Eagle Cap 850, 2005 with slideout, AC, micro, frig, heater, queen bed, wet bath, exlnt cond, $16,900. 541-388-3477 leave message.

Have an item to sell quick? If it's under '500 you can place it in The Bulletin Classifieds for:

'1 0 -3 lines, 7 days '16 - 3 lines, 14 days MONTANA 3585 2008, (Private Party ads only) exc. cond., 3 slides, king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $35,000 obo.

1976 Cessna 150M Just oyer 3000hrs, 600 hrs since out of frame major, Horton Stol Kit. Avionics' Apollo 65 GPS & additional radio (4 frequencies can be monitored at once). Transponder w/mode C, JPI

Big Tex

utilityFrailer 5'x8', drop ramp. Perfect for hauling your motorcycle, jet skis, quads, etc!



Fuel Flow Monitor, digi931 tal density, temp & amp monitor. Nice paint & up1/3 interestin Automotive Parts, holstery w/memory foam Columbia 400, seat bottoms. Oil filter 8 Service & Accessories Financing available. block htr. 1 owner past $150,000 14 yrs; always hangared, 14" rims with tires 5-lug (located O Bend) p attern, $6 0 o b o , no damage history. 541-279-6908 541-288-3333 N9475U.$26,000. 541 -480-4375 4 All-season summer tires, like new VHP 3000 sq. ft. Han255/60r 17- 1 06V. gar Bend Airport $350. 541-317-0502 west side. 60' wide RV tra i le r tir e s , by 50' deep with 55' P205/75R-15 (4) summer wide by 16' high 1/3 interest in welldoor, 14'x14' tires, 80% tread remainequipped IFR Beech Bo- bi-fold door rear side. Up- ing, $145. 541-788-4844 nanza A36, new 10-550/ graded with painted prop, located KBDN. 932 floor, windows, sky $65,000. 541-419-9510 Antique & lights, 240V/50 amp www. N4972M.com outlets. Classic Autos $195,000. (520) 360-9300, Owner

1/5th interest in 1973

Cessna 150 LLC

150hp conversion, low time on air frame and engine, hangared in Bend.Excellent performance & affordable flying! $6,000. 541-410-6007


Chevy C-20 Pickup 1969,was a special order, has all the extras, and is all original. Seeto believe! 541-923-6049

Save money. Learn to fly or build hours with your own airc raft. 1968 A e ro Commander, 4 seat, Chevrolet pickup 1953 150 HP, low time, one-ton Big Boy full panel. $23,000 V-8 w/auto trans, new obo. Contact Paul at tires, good cond., 541-447-5184. $2500 obo. 541-516-8222

T-Hangar for rent Ford Mustang GT 1965, 172 Cessna Share at Bend airport. local car, low mileage, IFR equipped, new Call 541-382-6998. pony interior, dark avionics, Garmin 750 OPEN ROAD 36' 916 blue, 4 speed, exceltouchscreen, center 2005 - $25,500 lent condition, PrinevTrucks & stack, 180hp. King bed, hide-a-bed i lle, $ 18,500. C a l l Exceptionally clean Heavy Equipment sofa, 3 slides, glass Paul, 503-201-7974. & economical! shower, 10 gal. waHyster forklift, H30E Ford pickup 1935, reter heater, 10 cu.ft. $13,500. propane, 2 stage, 672 stored 8,000 m iles fridge, central vac, LEAR CANOPY 2003 Hangared in KBDN hours, $1 900 obo. ago, stock, 3 spd, flat s atellite dish, 2 7 " Call 541-728-0773 blue, fits Ford F-350 541-389-7596 TV/stereo syst., front head, excellent condis hort b o x , $5 0 0 . People Lookfor Information front power leveling tion, $19,555, Paul Lance Camper Model 1030, 2005, loaded, generator, 2 awnings, exlnt shape, stored inside, original owner, $14,500. Call 541-549-6329

Holiday Rambler 37' Presidential model 2003, all factory opjacks and s cissor 541-410-4354. About Products and 503-201-7974 ...don't let time get tions, 3 slides, 2 A/C stabilizer jacks, 16' Services Every Daythrough units, 4 door fridge, away. Hire a awning. Like new! SNUG TOP The Bulletin Classifieds fireplace, generator, 541-419-0566 professional out Pickup canopy for electric jacks front F250 short bed, of The Bulletin's and rear, flat screen white in color, Mitsubishi Fuso 16' box TV, e n tertainment "Call A Service like new, truck, 2007, FE 140 center, bay window, Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 Professional" $675. diesel, 14,050 GVWR, engine, power everyexc. cond., MUST 541-416-9686 Maxon lift gate, 133K thing, new paint, 54K SEE! Sacr i fice Directory today! v miles, $21,500. Jim, orig. miles, runs great, $24,500 OBO. 559-381-5067 exc. cond.in/out. $7500 541-223-2218 1974 Beiianca Recreation by Design obo. 541-480-3179 1730A 2013 Monte Carlo, 38-ft. Top living room, 2 2180 TT, 440 SMO, bdrm, has 3 slideouts, 2 180 mph, excellent A/Cs, entertainment condition, always center, fireplace, W/D, Arctic Fox 29' 2003, garden tub/shower, in VW Eurovan 2002 Full hangared, 1 owner Peterbilt 359 p otable covered storage, slidegreat condition.$36,000 Cmpr, 103k miles, exc for 35 years. $60K. water truck, 1 9 90, out, exc. cond inside 8 Kit Companion 1994, cond 8 clean, bike obo. Call Peter, 3200 gal. tank, Shp Plymouth B a r racuda outside 2016 tags, rack, xtra set tires, good cond. 26' with 307-221-2422, pump, 4-3" hoses, 1966, original car! 300 In Madras, middle seat. $33,950. $14,500. 541-678-1449 one slide, $4500 obo. camiocks, $25,000. hp, 360 V8, center( in La Pine ) call 541-475-6302 206-799-6776 or 541-410-8849 541-389-5788 lines, 541-593-2597 541-820-3724 WILL DELIVER

Time to declutter? Need some extra cash? Need some extra space the garage?

n se


List one Item" in The Bulletin's Classifieds for three days for FREE. PLUS, your ad appears in PRINT and ON-LINE at bendbulletin.com

The Bulletin

To receive yourFREECLASSIFIED AD, call 541-385-5809 or visit The Bulletin office at: 1777 SWChandler Ave. (OnBends west side) *OI!erallowsfor 3lines0! textonly. Excludesall service,hay,wood,pets/animals, plants,tickets,weapons,rentals andemployment advertising, aridall commercial accounts. Mustbeanindividual itemunder$200.00aridprice0!individual itemmust beincludedinthead. Ask yourBulletin SalesRepresentativeaboutspecial pricing,longerrunschedulesandadditional features. Dmi!1 adperitemper 30daysIo besold.







Antique & Classic Autos


Sport Utility Vehicles



541-323-1898 933


Nissan Frontier 2013, 11K mi., 4x4, crew cab, 4.0 L V6 cyl. VIN ¹725602. $27,495. Iexp. 6/2/1 4)

SMOLICH V Q LV Q 541-749-2156

smolichvolvo.com DLR ¹366


2005 Diesel 4x4 Chev Crewcab dually, Allison tranny, tow pkg., brake controller, cloth split front bench seat, only 66k miles. Very good condition, Original owner, $34,000 or best offer. 541-408-7826

CHECK YOUR AD Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes ins tructions over t h e fnfiniti M37X2012, 7-Speed Auto, 36K phone are misundermi., AWD, leather. stood and an error Moon roof, roof rack, can occur in your ad. VIN ¹395955. $35,995. l eather, pdl , p w . (exp. 6/2/14) If this happens to your vin¹C15393 ad, please contact us S MOu C H $16,997 the first day your ad V Q LV Q appears and we will ROBBERSON ~ 541-749-2156 be happy to fix it as ~n maa a s oon as w e c a n . smolichvolvo.com Subaru Outback 3.6R DLR ¹366 Deadlines are: WeekLimited 2011, moon 541-312-3986 days 12:00 noon for roof, AWD, pw, pl, dlr ¹0205 next day, Sat. 11:00 leather, Vin ¹381548 a.m. for Sunday; Sat. Stock ¹44184A 12:00 for Monday. If $23,979 Ford Excursion we can assist you, Limited 2000 please call us: © s u8USARUOBSEMD.OOII a aau 541-385-5809 fphoto forillustration only) The Bulletin Classified Kia Forte SX Hatch- 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 back 2013, 4 Cy l , Dlr ¹0354 m oon r o of , re a r Chevrolet Impala spoiler, alloy wheels. SS 2008 Call a Pro Vin ¹684485 4X4, 6.8L V10, auto. 4 sped, 221k miles, Whether you need a Stock ¹44118A vin¹D27630 $15,999 fencefixed,hedges $8,977 trimmed or a house S UBA R U ROBBERSON built, you'll find 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 5.3L V8, auto., 52k ~ mama professional help in 877-266-3821 miles, 24 MPG Hwy The Bulletin's "Call a Dlr ¹0354 BARGAIN CORRAL vin¹123364 541-312-3986 $13,977 Lexus ES330 2005, 1 Service Professional" dlr ¹0205 Directory ROBBERSON y owner, 66K, well maint'd, $13,500. 541-420-6032 541-385-5809 u rcoa» ~ ggg gg g GMC Envoy SLE Mercedes Benz 2010 541-312-3986 C-Class, 37,418 mi. DLR ¹0205 ¹427497 $ 2 0,995 2010

Toyota Tundra Limited 2010


Automobiles Subaru Outback 2012 3.6R Limited, 6 cyl, auto. trans., AWD, leather heated seats, AWD, power moon roof, and more! 25,600 miles. Below K BB, $27,500 541-344-5325 annie2657©yahoo.com

FordEscape XLT


Buick Skylark 1972 17K orig. miles. Please see hemmings.com for details. $18,900.


4WD, 4 dr. dbl cab, less than 33K mi. VIN¹123670 $36,977



541-312-3986 DLR¹0205 935

Sport Utility Vehicles Volvo860T5 2013 Chevy '/4 ton 1982, built 350 with 450 HP and


$1000 tires. $3000 obo. 541-633-8951 AWD, less than 11k mi., auto, 6 spd. vin ¹202364 $30,977

Dodge Ram 2500 2008 Diesel, exc. towing vehicle, 2WD, 55,000 miles. New batteries, rear air bags, Roll-n-lock bed cover, spray-in liner. 5th wheel hitch available, too. $19,000. 541-804-1285

Ford 1991 2-tone Super Cab w/canopy, 4WD, new crate motor, rear bench seat, PW, pwr seat, good tires, clean. $5200. 541-306-0677 Ford 3/4 ton F250 1993 Power Stroke diesel, turbocharged, 5-spd, good runner 8 work truck. $4500 obo. Call 541-389-5353 or 541-647-8176

Ford F150 LIGHTNING 1993, 500 miles on rebuilt engine. Clean interior & new tires. $7000, OBO. 541-647-8723 Ford F-250 1985 Diesel 2WD. 110,000 original miles. ATS Turbo, Gear Vendor Splitter Box overdrive, camper shell, tool box, trailer brakes. Excellent condition, $5500. Call Gary 208-720-3255

Ford F-350 2008, bed liner, tow pkg, premium wheels. Vin ¹B94205 Stock ¹43923A1




541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205



541.312.3988 DLR¹0205

Ford F-350 4x4,


2 0 07, 99K


877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354


Nissan Murano SL 2011

Premium, cold weather, sports pkg. All maintenance up to date w/ records. Lots of extras - new brakes, new tires, new battery, winter mats, running boards, hitch-Must see! $19,000 obo.

BMW X3 2011 black on black, sport/prem packs, leather, 3.5i turbo, nav., 20k miles, 19" wheels, cold weather pkg, Xenons, warranteed to 9/2015. $38,000 One owner, 503-789-9401 (Portland)

Volvo 860 T5 2012, 22K mi., 6 spd auto, FWD Alloy wheels. VIN ¹118621. $23,495. (exp. 6/2/14)

L'"'" " "


black w/ leather seat trim, 3.4L V6, 27,709

miles. vin¹362484 26,977 ROBBERSON y LINCOLII ~


2011 - 2. 5L 4 cyl., FWD, auto., 64k miles, Bordeaux Reserve vin¹324193 $20,997 ROBBERSON~ ~

541-312-3986 dlr ¹0205

na aaa

541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205

Toyota RAV4 2 007, AWD, pw, pl, CD, roof Ford Mustang 2004, rack. Vin ¹064476 V8, manual, RWD, Stock ¹44268B power seats, r e ar spoiler, leather. $13,979 VIN ¹232501 Stock ¹82459A ® s u awau S UMRUO~


$12,979 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 SuSAFIu Dlr ¹0354 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354


Pontiac G6 2007, just 36,000 miles, in very good condition, $8900. 541-548-1422



VOLVO XC90 2006, 75K mi., AWD, 6 speed auto, leather. 78K mi., AWD, 6 speed VIN ¹276223. $20,495. auto, leather. (exp. 6/2/14) VIN ¹Z38373. $24,997. S M Ou C H (exp. 6/2/1 4)

smolichvolvo.com DLR ¹366

Ford Bronco II 4x4, 1989Automatlc, power steering, stereo upgrade, set-up to tow, runs good. $1700. 541-633-6662

V Q LV Q 541-749-2156

smolichvolvo.com DLR ¹366 940


1996, 73k miles, Tiptronic auto. transmission. Silver, blue leather interior, moon/sunroof, new quality tires and battery, car and seat covers, many extras. Recently fully serviced, garaged, looks and runs like new. Excellent condition $29,700 541-322-9647

Porsche 911 Turbo /'

53k miles 30 MPG Hwy, vin¹189261 .998 ROBBER N LINcoLII ~


541-312-3986 dlr ¹0205

2003 6 speed, X50 added power pkg., 530 HP! Under 10k miles, Arctic silver, gray leather interior, new quality tires, and battery, Bose p remium so u n d stereo, moon/sunroof, car and seat covers. Many extras.

Ford Thunderblrd 2004 Convertible

with hard & soft top, silver with black interior, all original, very low mileage, in premium condition. $19,900. 702-249-2567

Saturn 2001 station wagon, dark blue, gray leather interior, V6, auto, exlnt mileage, a great all-around vehicle or tow car! $2950. 541-788-4844

V Q LV Q 541-749-2156 smolichvolvo.com DLR ¹366

BULLETINCLASSIFIE8$ Search the area's most comprehensrve hsting of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com

VW Convertible Beetle, 2007, low miles, terrific cond, garaged, new tires, $10,700. 541-729-1677 VW Jetta GL1988, 185K, 5spd, AC, sunroof $1500/ ofr. 541-382-6258 Iv msg VYY Jetta GLI2012

Bluetooth, pl, pw, manual trans. Vin¹108574 $18,977 ROBBERSON y LlllcoLN ~

Find exactly what Honda Odyssey 2012, you are looking for in the Subaru Forester XS CLASSIFIEDS 10K mi., leather, alloy 2003, p w , pl , ti l t wheels. wheel. Vin ¹761625 VIN ¹135296. $30,995. Honda Civic Si 2005, Stock ¹82964 (exp. 6/2/14) silver, 58,700 miles $13,979 S MOu C H ¹500975 $ 12,995

smolichvolvo.com DLR ¹366

(exp. 6/2/1 4)


Good, Economical Car!

(car is in Bend)


Volvo XC70 T6Wagon 2010, 42K mi., AWD, premium wheels. VIN ¹084513. $29,995.

The Bulletin

54'I -322-9647


Call on one of the professionals today!

3.8L V6, , automatic

Garaged, p e rfect condition, $59,700. Chrysler Town & Country LXI 1997, beautiful inside & out, one owner, nonsmoker,. Ioaded with options! 197,892 mi. Service rec o rds available. $4 , 950. Call Mike, (541) 8158176 after 3:30 p.m.

The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory is all about meeting your needs.

Porsche 911 Carrera 993 cou e

BMYI/X5 4.81 2007,

fphoto forillustrationonly)

2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Ford Fusion Sport

Vehicle? Call The Bulletin and place an ad today! Ask about our "Whee/ Deal"! for private party advertisers

Ford Mustang1996 BASE

Want to impress the 541-385-5809 relatives? Remodel your home with the help of a professional from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory Chev Trailblazer LS 2004, AWD, 6 cyl, remote entry, clean title, 12/15 tags, $5995. 541-610-6150

s u a aau



smolichvolvo.com DLR ¹366


6.0L Turbo diesel, full power, a u t omatic, 6-disc CD, cruise, fog lights, running boards, tow pkg, bedliner, grill guard, folding rear seat. Tan cloth inte- Chevrolet Trailblazer rior, metallic tan exte2008 4x4 rior. 91,400 miles. Automatic, 6-cylinder, Price reducedto tilt wheel, power win$20,500 dows, power brakes, 541-350-6925 air conditioning, keyless entry, 69K miles. Excellent condition; tires have 90% tread. $11,995. I nternational Fl a t Call 541-598-5111 Bed Pickup 1963, 1 ton dually, 4 s pd. What are you trans., great MPG, looking for? could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, You'll find it in new brakes, $1950. 541-419-5480. The Bulletin Classifieds


Grand Sport -4 LT loaded, clear bra hood 8 fenders. New Michelin Super Sports, G.S. floor mats, 17,000 miles, Crystal red. $42,000.

541-749-2156 smolichvolvo.com Mercedes-Benz CL800 DLR ¹366 Coupe 2001, 64K mi., leather. VIN ¹010538. $23 995. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! (exp. 6/2/1 4) Door-to-door selling with S MOu C H fast results! It's the easiest V Q LV Q way in the world to sell. 541-749-2156 The Bulletin Classified smolichvolvo.com DLR ¹366 541485-5809

BMW X3 2008, 3.0 si., 71,800 mi.,


Nissan Frontier 2013, SV model, Crew cab, 4x4, 5 speed trans., pw, pdl. VIN ¹715664 Stock ¹44326A

CORVETTE COUPE Glasstop 2010



V Q LV Q Crew Cab

L82- 4 speed. 85,000 miles Garaged since new. I've owned it 25 years. Never damaged or abused.

Volvo C70 T5 2012, convertible, 2 dr., auto, leather, loaded. VIN ¹130852. $34,995. (exp. 6/2/14)

Corvette 1979


miles, premium pack- Nissan Murano 2012, age, heated lumbar S L m o del, A W D , supported seats, pan- moonroof, l e a ther, oramic moo n roof, Bluetooth, ski bag, Xe- navigation. VIN ¹239271 non headlights, tan & Stock ¹44263A black leather interior, $27,779 n ew front & re a r brakes @ 76K miles, Suaaau one owner, all records, very clean, $16,900. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend.

SMOLICH 2006 XLT 4-door

541-598-3750 www.aaaoregonautosource.com

Dave, 541-350-4077

$16,499 S UBA R U .

2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354


2005 4.2L 6 cyl., 4WD, auto., 141k miles, 20 MPG Hwy,Vin¹303927 BARGAIN CORRAL! $8,977




541-312-3988 DLR ¹0205

Need to get an ad in ASAP?

Fax It ts 541-322-7253

2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. The Bulletin Classifieds 877-266-3821 541-598-3750 Dlr ¹0354 VW Jetta Sport wagon, www.aaaoregonauto2012 diesel, 28k mi., source.com ¹659397 $21,995

541-598-3750 [photo for illustration only) Subaru Legacy 2.5 GT www.aaaoregonautoToyota Sienna 2011, Limited 2005, loaded, source.com LE model, 7 passeninfiniti G37X 2013, leather, roof, a l loy ger, stow-n-go seat7-Speed Auto, 15K wheels. WHEN YOU SEE THIS ing, alloy wheels. mi., AWD, leather. VIN ¹210360 Vin ¹019106. VIN ¹354008. $29,995. Stock ¹42935A Stock ¹43981A (exp. 6/2/t 4)




2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr¹0354


V Q LV Q 541-749-2156

smolichvolvo.com DLR ¹366


$14,979 S UBA R U


MorePixatBendbjletin.corn On a classified ad

go to

2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. www.bendbulletin.com 877-266-3821 to view additional Dlr ¹0354 photos of the item.




Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

the Oregon State Certified Local Government (CLG) program qualifications. APPLICABLE CRIBlack Butte Ranch TERIA: Bend D eRural Fire Protection v elopment C o d e District Section 4.6.200(B). Notice is hereby given PROPERTY LOCACit y wide. that o n Tu e sday, TION: TIME, September 16, 2014, DATE, a measure election P LACE AND L O will be held in Black C ATION OF T H E HEARING: T hursButte Ranch R ural Fire Protection Dis- day, June 19, 2014 trict located in Des- at 5:30 p.m. at 710 NW Wall S t reet, chutes County, OrBend, OR, in City egon. Hall Council ChamThe following shall be bers. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: the ballot title of the measure to be sub- The application, all mitted to the district's documents and evidence submitted by voters on this date: or on behalf of the C APTION: Blac k a pplicant and t h e Butte Ranch RFPD application criteria Five-Year G e n eral are available for inOperations Local Op- spection at City Hall at no cost and will tion Tax be provided at a QUESTION: Shall the r easonable c o s t . District impose up to C ONTACT P E R Heidi $1.76 per $1000 of SON: Kennedy at (541) assessed value for five years for general 617-4524, operations beginning hkennedy©bendoregon.gov. Send 2015-2016? written testimony to This measure may the B en d L a n dcause property taxes marks Commission to increase more than c/o CDD, 710 NW Wall St., Bend, OR three percent. 97701, or attend the SUMMARY: This public hearing and m easure may b e state your views. p assed only at a n election with at least a 50 percent voter turn- Where can you find a out. A "Yes" vote on helping hand? this measure is a vote From contractors to to increase taxes. yard care, it's all here The Distnct requires in The Bulletin's a dditional funds t o "Call A Service maintain current programs and levels of Professional" Directory service. This would LEGAL NOTICE begin in the fiscal year River Forest Acres ested persons may 2015-2016. Road District will have raise environmental concerns about the The revenues from its annual meeting on 7 at the Sunriproject under the this operating levy will June Library. 1-3 pm. National E n vironenable the district to ver All River Forest propmental Policy Act continue 24/7 fire and erty owners inrules of the Federal paramedic s e r vice vited to attend.are Gregg Communications l evels. L e s s t h a n Jones. 503-939-6265 Commission, 47 41% of the districts CFR $1.1307, by expenses are c o vLEGAL NOTICE notifying the FCC of ered by the perma- STATE vs. $15,020.00 the specific reasons n ent tax rate. T h e PERSON FROM that the action may r emaining 59% o f WHOM PROPERTY have a s i gnificant needed revenues are SEIZED: impact on the qualcovered by this levy Michael Kohdy Storey ity of the human enand other resources. NOTICE OF SEIZURE vironment. ReFOR FORFEITURE quests for The estimated local You must "claim" an Environmental Reoption taxes over 5 interest in the view must be filed years are: above-described within 30 days of the seized property or you date that notice of $1,031,039 in 2015/1 6 will automatically lose the project is pubany interest you may lished on the FCC's $1,061,970 in 2016/1 7 have. The deadline website and may for filing is 21 days only raise environ$1,093,829 in 2017/1 8 from the date of the mental c o ncerns. last publication of this The FCC strongly $1,126,644 in 2018/1 9 notice. To "claim" you encourages interm ust file w it h t h e "forfeiture c o unsel" ested parties to file $1,160,443 in 2019/20 Requests for Envilisted below, a legal ronmental Review T he estimated t a x paper called a "claim". online at cost for this measure The claim must be www.fcc.gov/asr/en is a n EST I MATE signed by the claimvironmentalrequest, ONLY based on the ant and sworn to unb ut they may b e best info r mation der penalty of perjury filed with a paper a vailable from t h e before a notary public. copy by mailing the county assessor at The claim shall set R equest t o F C C the time of estimate. forth all of the followRequests for Enviing: a ) Y o ur true ronmental Review, Nancy Blankenship n ame; b) Th e a d Attn: Ramon W ilDeschutes County dress at which you will l iams, 4 4 5 12 t h Clerk accept future mailStreet SW, Washings from the court or ington, DC 20554. Notice of Receipt of forfeiture counsel; and A copy of the reBallot Title c) A statement that q uest should b e you have an interest provided to Adapt Notice is hereby given in the seized property. Engineering at that a ballot title for a FORFEITURE 10725 SW Barbur measure referred by COUNSEL: B lvd., S te . 20 0 , Black Butte R anch Deschutes County Portland, OR 97219. Rural Fire Protection DA s Off ice District has been filed 1164 NW Bond Street LEGAL NOTICE the D eschutes Bend, OR 97701 IN T H E C I R CUIT with COURT O F THE County Clerk on May CASE ¹: 13-002062 27, 2014. SEIZING AGENCY: STATE OF OREGON Oregon State Pokce FOR THE COUNTY ballot title caption 255 Capitol St. NE, OF DESCHUTES. In The is: Black Butte Ranch Salem, OR 97310 the Matter of the EsFiv e - YearPhone: (503) 378-3720 tate of TYLER RFPD SUMMARY WAYNE KEINONEN, General Operations STATEMENT OF fna Tyler Wayne Ea- Local Option Tax BASIS FOR on, Dece a sed. elector may file CRIMINAL ASE No. 14PB0045. An FORFEITURE NOTICE TO INTER- petition for review of ballot title in the On the 25th day of ESTED PERSONS. this NOTICE IS HEREBY Deschutes C o u nty J anuary, 2013, t he Circuit Court no later above-described GIVEN that the undersigned has been than 5:00 p.m., June property was seized by the Oregon State appointed p ersonal 5, 2014. Police. The property r epresentative. Al l Blankenship is subject to forfeiture persons having claims Nancy Deschutes County under ORS against the estate are Clerk 131.550-131.600 as required to p resent proceeds and/or inthem, with vouchers strumentalities used in attached, to the unone or more of the dersigned p e rsonal following p r ohibited r epresentative, c / o conduct, and/or the Andrew S. Mathers, solicitation, attempt, PC, 250 NW Franklin o r c o nspiracy t o Ave., Ste. 401, Bend, commit the following Oregon 97701, within prohibited c o nduct: four months after the possession of a condate of first publicatrolled substance, detion of this notice, or livery of a controlled the claims may be substance, or manubarred. All p ersons facture of a controlled whose rights may be substance. affected by the proceedings may obtain Forfeiture means that additional information the property will be from the records of transferred t o the the court, the p ergovernment and personal representative, sons with an interest or the lawyers for the in the property will be personal representadeprived of that intertive, A n d re w S. est without compenMathers. Dated and Thousands of ads daily sation because of the first published on May in print and online. use or acquisition of 24, 2014. /s/ Jessica t he property i n o r Keinonen. J e s sica through p r o hibited Keinonen, Personal conduct as defined in Representative. t tl~ ORS 131.550-131.600. LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Garage Sales BEND LANDMARKS COMMISSION Tick, Tock Garage Sales P ROJECT N U M LEGAL NOTICE A T&T Mobility i s proposing to install a t e lecommunications tower at 57875 Thielson Lane, Sunr iver, O R 97 7 0 7 (43.902569, -121.413646). The height of the tower will be 47.2 meters above ground level ( 1329.2 met e r s above mean sea level). The tower is anticipated to have FAA St y l e A (L-864/L-810) lighting. Specific information r e garding the project is available b y cal l ing Adapt Engineering during normal busin ess hours. A n y interested party may submit c o mments by July 2, 2014 with Adapt Engineering at 10725 SW Barbur Blvd., Ste. 200, Portland, OR 97219 to comment on the impact of the proposed action on any districts, sites, b uildings, str u c tures or objects significant in American history, a r chaeology, engineering or c ulture t ha t ar e listed or determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Hist o ric Places under National Historic Preservation Act S ection 106. Interested p ersons may r e view the application for this project at www.fcc.gov/asr/ap plications by entering Antenna Structure Re g istration (Form 854) file no. A0905927. In t e r-

LEGAL NOTICE Notice of District Measure Election

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BER: 14-0368. AP-

P LICANT: City o f Bend. NATURE OF THE APP L ICATION: Amendments to Chapter 10.20 Historic P reservation Code in order to bring t h e Ci t y 's preservation code into compliance with

Tick, Tock...

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AII2014 Sukaru


OutSacks Nust 8oE

/ '/ I

0% up to 38 months .90% up to 83 months

o I


OnS elect Models On Approved Credit

1.90% up to 72 months

NEW 2014 Ford Fusion SE

SETech Pkg, My FordTouch,Reverse Sensing MSRP......................... $26,045 TSS Discount .................-$1,500 $24,545 EcoboostChallenge ......... -$1,000 Retail CustomerCash......... -$500 Bonus Csh.......................-$500 Ford Credit" ....................-$500 ** ...... - $1,000 Trade-In Assistance

21 545Saleprice

*MustFinancethroughFMCC.** Must trade ina'95 ornewer. OnApprovedCredit. VIN:130006

Huue Sasfnus!

NEW 2014 Ford Escape

2014 S u b a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i CVT

MSRP ......................... $30,240

TSS Discount.................-$1,508 $28,732 EcoboostChallenge ......... -$1,000 Retail BonusCash........... -$1,000 *' ...... -$1,000 Trade-In Assistance **

Option Pkg.21.Alloy Wheel Pkg. 17eAlloy Wheels, 225/60 R17 98T All Season1ires, Fog Lights, Rear Seat BackProtector, Rear BumperCover, 4All-Weather Floor Mats

25>732 salePrice



C onti d e n c e i n M o t i o n

201 4 S ub a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i 6MT Standard Model. Rear Bumper Cover, Floor Mats/All Weather/4

Must tradein a'95 or newer.onApprovedCredit. VIN:B65059, B32717,D18075

NEW 2014 Ford F150 Ext. Cab 4x4 V6, Auto, A/C Automatic

MSRP ......................... $32,980

TSS Discount.................-$1,733

52 1 855




Ecoboost Challenge .........-$1,000 Retail CustomerCash......... -$500 Perdcrediicash'............-01,000 ** ...... -$1,750, Trade-In Assistance *Must Finance through FMCC.** Must tradeina'95or newer. OnApprovedCredit. VIN:A45809

$26 997 Sale Price 1

NEW 2014 Ford F150 Super Crew STX4x4 STXComm.Pkg,SYNC,Sat.Radio,5.0VS MSRP ......................... $39,965 TSS Discount .................-$2,750



MSRP $26,166. VIN: ¹E3266902 EDS-21 Cap reduction$4,048. Acquisition fee$595.Doc. Fee$75. 36months, Based on10,000miles/year. Residual57%$14,914.62. No security deposit. Onapprovedcredit, Tier I lease,720Beacon orhigher. Due esign out-of-pocket: 1stpayment $218.85, title/lic. $273.00,down payment$2,798.Leasecashfrom Subaru$1,250 lrebate)only available when leasing, if decide tofinancewill lose $1,250 leasecash. Down paymentis tradeequity or cashdown.

$$ 9955

MSRP $24,748. VIN: ¹E1303053 EDA-01 Cap reduction$3,750.Acquisition fee$595.Doc. Fee$75. 36 months, Based on10,000miles/year.Residual56%$13,879.04. Nosecurity deposit. Onapproved credit, Tier I lease,720Beaconor higher. Due @signout-of-pocket: 1st payment$199.58, title/lic. $273.00, down payment$2,500.Leasecashfrom Subaru $1,250(rebate) only available when leasing, ifdecideto linancewil lose $1,250 leasecash. Down paymentistradeequity or cashdown.

53 Q9q53 Dueat


972 55 Dao at •



Ecoboost Challenge ......... -$1,000 Retail CustomerCash.......-$1,000 * .......... -$1,000 Ford Credit Bonus Bonus Cash ..................... -$500

L egacy 2 . 5 i


$3] 965 S I P •

Trade-inAssislanse'* ......-01,150 **

2014 S u b a r u rrsesde! Wn~

Must tradein a'95 or newer. *MustFinancethrough FMCC. OnApprovedCredit. VIN:D26596

NEW 2014 Ford F150 Crew CabXLT 4x4 Loaded, 3D2APackage, Leather, Long Box

P remium CV T Option Package02. Heated FrontSeats, WindshieldWiper De-lcer, HeatedSide Mirrors, Rear BumperApplique, Auto-DimMirror/Comp/Homelink, FloorMats/All Weather/4, Cargo Tray


2015 S u b a r u F ore s t e r 2 .5 i P remium CV T OptionPkg11.Popular Package¹2. AutodimMirror w/Compass and Homelink,Ext.Mirrorw/Appro Lt/Compass,RearBumperCover, CargoNetSeatback,All WeatherFloor Mats, SeatBackProtector

MSRP......................... $46,720 TSS Discount .................-$3,749 $45,971 Special Cash.................. -$1,500 EcoboostChallenge ......... -$1,000 Retail CustomerCash....... -$1,000 Ford Credit* .................. -$1,000


Trade-inAssisianee" ......-91,150 t I





~i ~~~~ ~ ~~~

'lJ y I Ca lJ



ort tvtsnpl

Sale PllCS


M3RP ......................... 059,195

201 4 S ub a r u I m p r e z a 2 .0 i Pre m i u m C V T

Popular Package ¹1 a.Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink, Rear BumperApplique, Wheel Locks -Alloy Wheels, CargoTray

Option Package02.All-Weather Package,HeatedFront Seats, WindshieldWiper De-lcer, HeatedSide Mirrors. Popular Pkg¹1, Auto DimmingMirror w/Comp,Bumper Applique, All-WeatherFloorMats SeatBackProtector

-g p ppp=

I O iR


ma> a amSale Price *Must FinancethroughFMCC.OnApprovedCredit.VIN:F09495


NEW 2014 Ford F250 Lariat

Ford Credit* .................. -$1,000



Nav., Moon Roof, RemoteStart, Heat/ACSeats MSRP ......................... $ 62,720 TSS Discount .................-$5,000 $57,720 Special CustomerCash.....-$1,000 EcoboostChallenge ......... -$1,000 Retail CustomerCash.......-$2,500

MSRP $27,264. VIN: ¹FH428225 FFE-13 Cap reduction$2,587. Acquisition fee$595.Doc. Fee$75. 36 months.Basedon 10,000 miles/year. Residual64%$17,448.96. No security deposit. Onapproved credit, Tier I lease, 720Beaconor higher.Due@ sign outwf-pocket: 1stpayment$279.49, title/lic. $273.00,downpayment $2,587. Down paymentis tradeequity or cashdown.

2014 S u b a r u B RZ L i m i t e d 6MT

.oa M~SR p!

Nav., SelfLevelingSuspension, Power RunningBoards

52Z94e: ..

3 139" '""'


NEW 2014 Ford Expedition King Ranch

yA 0


52 866 41 Dne at *Must Finance throughFMCC. OnApprovedCredit. VIN:B42160

TSS Discount ................. -$4,000 $55,195 EcoboostChallenge ......... -$1,000 Retail CustomerCash....... -$2,500 Bonus Cash ..................... -$750 FordCredit* ..................-$1,750


MSRP $24,913. VIN: ¹E3030998 EAD-02 Capreduction$5,000.Acquisition fee$595. Doc.Fee $75.42 months. Residual 51%$12,705.63. Based on 10,000miles/year. Onapproved credit, Tier I lease,720Beaconor higher. Due@signing leasecashof $286641 from Subaru, 1stpayment $193.41,title/lic. $273.00ordownpayment $2,400.00,totalamountdueout of pocket $2,866.41.Leasecashbonus only availablwhen e leasing. Ifyou deddeto financeyouwil lose$2,600.00 in lease cash.Downpayment is either cashdown or tradeequity.



MSRP......................... $57,185 TSS Discount ................. -$4,500 $52,685 Special CustomerCash..... -$1,000 EcoboostChallenge ......... -$1,000 Retail CustomerCash....... -$2,500


51 9341

0 APR 7 Months FMCC© 4.490% 0 ~~ ~~ tSR~P1~ 720~ 4 t ~S ~ ~~Must tradeina'95or newer.~~OnApprovedCredit. VIN:B62082 *Must Finance through FMCC~ .**

XLTint. Pkg,LongBox, Remote Start, 5th WheelPrep,6.7Diesel

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




NEW 2014 Ford F350XLT4x4

Ford Credit*

=S10,000= ~

Cash or Trade


52,220 SalePrice

=$10,~000= offtvt~snp!




MSRP $28,888. VIN: ¹E9602327 EZE-01 Cap reduction$3,800. Acquisition fee$595. Doc.Fee$75. 42 months. Based on10,000miles/year. Residual52%$15,021.76. Nosecurity deposit. Onapproved credit, Tier I lease,720Beaconor higher. Due esign out-of-pocket:1stpayment $298.15, title/lic. $273.00, down ayment $2,800.LeasecashfromSubaru $1,000(rebate) only available when leasing, ifdecideto financewil lose $1,000leasecash. Down payment istrade equity or cashdown.

3 374" '""'

*Must FinancethroughFMCC.OnApprovedCredit.VIN:826204

a I



4 I




9I."'II-'~IaIGrfittflts — ~e


1 ,




Sale endsJune3, 2014








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