Bulletin Daily Paper 10/31/12

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Serving Central Oregon since1903 75$

WEDNESDAY October 31,2012


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Nationa gioups

Federa checks

work to

wl goa

support park bond

e ectronic March 1

By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin

A $29 million bond measure to pay for a three-mile extension of the Deschutes River Trail and other Bend park projects has drawn interest and funding from national conservation

• Any ballot not readybytoday should be taken to adropsite before 8p.m.Tuesday By Zack Hall

By Rachael Rees The Bulletin

In the next five months, the 1,824 Central Oregonians who receive Social Security or other benefits from thefederal government by check will need to switch over to either direct deposit or a benefit card. The U.S. Department of the Treasury has mandated all federal benefit payments be electronic by March l. The transition is estimated to save U.S. taxpayers $1 billion in the next 10 years, an October press release said. The department also believes that by phasing out paper checks, payments will become more secure. Last year more than 440,000 Social Security and Supplemental Security Income checks were reported lost or stolen in the U.S., according to the release. See Checks /A5

tttttt= ELECTION

The Bulletin


Central Oregon voters appear to be a bit more eager to submit ballots than they were


four years ago.

Money flowing to a political action committee that supports the bond measure includes$32,000 from a nonprofit with close ties to The Trust for Public Land, which itself contributed more than$9,000 in campaign management and other services, according to state campaign finance data. As of Tuesday, a political action committee called People, Parks and Nature had raised more than $64,000 in cash. Meanwhile, canvassers working for the League of Conservation Voters going door-to-door have spoken with nearly 7,000 people about Bond Measure 9-86, said Bend canvass director Corie Harlan. See Bond/A5

With one week before the election, the county clerks in Crook, Deschutes and Jefferson counties are all reporting an uptick in the number of ballots they have receivedthisyear compared with the presidential election in 2008. "Ballots are coming in a little earlier than usual and pretty steadily," said Kathy Marston, Jefferson County

clerk. "It's kind of exciting." Through Monday, Deschutes County had collected 26,600ballots,or26.9 percent of the county's 99,040 registered voters. That is better than the 24.3 percent it had collected through the corresponding Monday in the 2008 election. A similar percentage has held true in Jefferson and Crook counties. See Ballots/A5

Voter totals as ofOct.29 County

Eligible voters Ballots returned Percentage

Crook.... Deschutes

...... 12,330 ...... 99,040 .... .. . 9,933 ....2,206,403

Jefferson. Statewide.

.... . . . . . 3,653 .... . . . . 26,600 .... . . . . . .3,162 .... .. . 552,853

.... 29.6% .... 26.9% .... 31.8% 25 t/

Source: Oregonvotes.org

Photos by Andy Tullis i The Bulletin

Election worker Franklin Yates takes ballot envelopesfrom a motorist while working in the election booth near the County Clerks office in Bend on Tuesday morning.

Howto go electronic To set up adirect de-


New York was warned a disaster was coming By David W. Chen and Mireya Navarro New York Times News Service

NEW YORK — The warnings came, again and

again. For nearly a decade, scientists have told city and state officials that New York faces certain peril: rising sea levels, more frequent flooding and extreme weather patterns. The alarm bells grew louder after Tropical Storm Irene last year, when the city shut down its subway system and water rushed into the Rockaways and Lower Manhattan. On Tuesday, it happened. See Storm /A6

How election officials keepthevote secure Q Roughly two weeks before an election, ballots are mailed

Q Ballots are returned to the county elections office, dropsites or viamail. (See list of local dropsites onPageA5.) Ballots ~

for absentee and military

voters.) Eachballot has a unique ID number that ties

Q If a ballot is returned unsigned, an

it to a specific voter, an identification envelope and a

elections official will attempt to notify the voter, who must sign the ballot

secrecy envelope.

envelope at the elections office.



Q Ballot envelopes are

voter registration card. This is first done on a computer, but

signatures can also beverified manually. If a ballot envelope

Stock exchangesin expected to reopen today after an unprece-

"o ~'rx~v C


election staff begins opening ballot envelopes.

threatened bats haven

An opening board opensthe identification envelope, thenopensthesecrecyenvelope.

By Stephen Ornes

The ballot is inspected to determine if it should

Special to The Washington Post

board must also determine voter intent. This means ensuring that voter marks are read correctly by the

challenge notice is sent to the

scanner. Relatively few ballots are rejected.

voter, who has until10 days after the election to provide

Some ballots require duplication if they are

damaged or otherwise not machine-readable. Two

proofin-person or by returning Election staff employee Cindy Bellnotes a signature to be rechecked, while comparing signatures of voters on ballot envelopes to their signatures on file.

gQ A public certification test is performed

officials from opposite parties create the duplicate ballot and verify it. The ballots receive a unique ID that ties them together in the event of a recount.

Q Ballots are not acceptedafter scanning to beginearlier than

0AII ballots are stored andsavedfor two years. Clerks have from10 to 20

Election Day. Deschutes County plans to begin scanning Friday. All

days after the election to certify all results.

four times during the election, and members 8 p.m. on Election Day. The state of political parties and the public are welcome Legislature allows for ballot

to watch the proceedingsandverify that tallying machinesareworking properly. Contact your county clerk to inquire about observing a certification test. Personnelopeningenvelopes, preparing ballots for counting andcounting ballots cannot bea Election supervisor Barb Hagenuses the ballot sorter on ballots that had been turned in the previous night.

Cave offers

4 y

Deschutes CountyClerk Nancy Blankenship looks over boxes of ballots awaiting opening at the County Clerks office.

be counted, rejected or duplicated, thegoal being to ensure it is machine-readable.Theinspection

signature does not match the voter's registration card, a

challenged in this way.


Q No sooner than seven days before the election,

verified by comparing the signature to the most recent

an updated registration card by mail. Relatively few ballots are

L sertvro

returned through each method are counted

and recorded, aswell as unsigned ballots and ballots returned undeliverable. Ballots are also sorted byprecinct.

to registered

Markets set toreopen the United States were

posit account go to: http:// godirect.gov Or contact the U.S. Treasury Electronic Payment Solution Center toll-free at1-800333-1795.

candidate or relative of a candidate, and must

sign anoath prior to eachelection. Opening boardsare composedof aminimum oftwo members, not all of the same political party.

ballots are counted byElection Day, Following certification, with the exception of machinethe Oregonsecretary rejected ballots; challenged ballots; of state draws three

write-ins; ballots in provisional

races from three

envelopes; ballots from other

precints at random and audits them to

counties; reissuedballots; and replacement ballots.

ensure accuracy.

dented two-day closure

because of Hurricane Sandy.

Source: Oregon Secretary of State Vote by Mail Procedures Manual, Deschutes County Clerk Nancy Blankenship

Andy Zetgert /The Bulletin

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Tenn. — Just in time for Halloween, the world's first artificial bat cave is expecting the arrival of its first winged visitors. The nearly 80-footlong concrete chamber was built to protect bats against white nose syndrome, a disease named for a white fungus that infects the skin of the muzzle, ears and wings of hibernating bats. In the six years since bats with the syndrome were discovered dead or dying in a cave near Albany, N.Y., more than 5 million infected animals from seven species have died, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In the Northeastern United States, 85 percent of hibernating bats have died from thedisease. See Bats/A4

The Bulletin An Independent Newspaper Vol. 109, No. 305,

32 pages, 6sections

F .4 We userecycled newsprint


88267 02329

INDEX Business E1-4 Dear Abby B3 Oregon News C3 Calendar B 3 E ditorials C 4 S hopping B1-6 C lassified F1-4 Horoscope B3 Sports 0 1 - 6 C omics B4-5 Local News C1-6 Sudoku B 5 Crosswords B5, F2 Obituaries C5 TV & Movies B2


Poss. showers late High 59, Low 38

Page C6

Correction In a story headlined "Still no cause given for Pole Creek," which appeared Monday, Oct.29, 2012, on Page Al, the incorrect date was given for the day the Pole Creek Fire was fully contained due to incorrect information provided by the federal incident information website. The correct date is Oct. 18. The Bulletin regrets the error.

TOP NEWS BAHRAIN: Government cracks down on protests, A3 AFGHANISTAN: Elections

scheduled for 2014, A3




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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn Tuesday night are:

Q5Q12Q 18©9~©o The estimated jackpot is now $32 million.

It's Wednesday, Oct. 31, the 305th day of 2012. There are 61 days left in the year. This is Halloween.

e a eams or 0 s l e s ineu owa c over vo in







• Stock exchanges in the United States are scheduled to

reopen after an unprecedented two-day closure during Hurricane Sandy.


By Bill Turque The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — T h ousands of attorneys, representing the two major presidential candidates, their parties, unions, civil rights groups and voter-fraud w atchdogs, are in place across the country, poised to challenge election results that may be called into question by machine failures, votersuppression or other allegations of illegal activity. Election litigation has become an institutionalized part of campaigns since the 2000 presidential race, when Vice P resident Al G ore won t h e popular vote but Texas Gov. George W. B us h c a ptured Florida's 29 electoral votesand the White House — after 36 days oflawsuits,recounts and court actions. The volume of court fights triggered by contests up and down the ballot has doubled in the past 12 years, said Richard Hasen, a professor at the University of California at Irvine. "Election law has become a part of the candidates' political strategy," said Hasen, the author of a new book, "The Voting Wars." The legal calculus has a new variable this year: Hurricane Sandy. The massive storm has hampered early voting and created concern that those in ravaged areas may have difficulty getting to the polls next Tuesday.


IN HISTORY Highlights:In1517, Martin

Luther posted his 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg

Palace church, marking the start of the Protestant Reformation in Germany. In 1864, Nevada became the 36th state. In1887, Nationalist Chinese leader Chiang Kai-

shek was born in Zhejiang Province. In1926, magician Harry Houdini died in Detroit

of gangrene andperitonitis resulting from a ruptured appendix. In 1941, the Navy


destroyer USSReuben James was torpedoed by aGerman d"51


U-boat off Iceland with the

' "~s. .s+~

loss of some100 lives, even though the United States had notyet entered World War II. In 1941, work was completed on

Pabto Martinez Monsivais/The Associated Press

. ~a c


the Mount RushmoreNational Memorial in South Dakota, begun in 1927. In 1959, a

ABOVE:President Barack Obama, accompanied by American Red Cross President and CEO Gail McGovern, speaks during a visit Tuesday to the Disaster Operation Center of the Red Cross National Headquarters in Washington, D.C., to discuss superstorm Sandy.

former U.S. Marine showed up at the U.S.Embassy in

Moscow to declare hewas renouncing his American citizenship so he could live in the Soviet Union. His name:

Lee Harvey Oswald. In 1961, the body of Josef Stalin was

removed from Lenin's Tombas part of the Soviet Union's "dem



"If there are lingering prob-

lems, lack of power, impassable streets, closed polling places — all of those things could lead to l i tigation just before or on Election Day," Hasen said.

Lawyering up

"We've retained or opened With many polls — both na- pipelines to the nation's top extionally and in battleground perts on voting systems, regstates such as Colorado, New istration databases, ballot deHampshire, Ohio and Virginia sign, student voting and provi— showing a statistical dead sional ballots," said an Obama heatbetween President Barack campaign official who was not Obama and Republican Mitt authorized to discuss the matRomney, the two sides are put- ter and spoke on the condition ting u n precedented energy of anonymity. "We're deployinto lawyering up. i ng attorneys primarily t o A lso contributing t o t h e battleground states, to a wide l itigious environment is t he variety of polling locations in heightened level of d i strust all kinds of neighborhoods." and skepticism about the elecSaid a Romney spokespertion process that grew from son who also spoke on the the 2000 recount, experts say. condition of anonymity for the Magnified and multiplied by same reason: "We have all the the power of social media, resources and infrastructure those popular suspicions also we need for any potential discould drive challenges to the pute or recount." election results. Both campaigns have legal Thousands of volunteers staffs that have been warGroups allied with the camgaming the legal possibilities. paigns say they have been reObama's effort is headed by cruiting and training lawyers. former White House counsel Barbara Arnwine, president Robert Bauer; Romney's legal and executive director of the team is run by Ben Ginsberg, Lawyers Committee for Civil chief legal counsel for Bush's Rights, said last week that Elec2000 and 2004 campaigns. tion Protection, a coalition of The Obama and Romney op- voting rights groups, will draw erations declined to discuss on thousands of v olunteers the specifics of legal strategies from more than 200 law firms. on the record. But they indiDavid Norcross, chairman cated that they are ready for of the National Republican contingencies on Election Day Lawyers A s sociation, s a id and should the race go into that many of the group's 4,500 "overtime." members are engaged. "We're

LEFT:Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney participates in a campaign event Tuesday at the James S. Trent Arena in Kettering, Ohio, where supplies from local relief organizations were collected for victims of the storm.

Stalinization drive. In 1984, Indian Prime Minister Indira

Gandhi wasassassinated by two Sikh security guards. Ten years ago: Authorities charged the two Washington

sniper suspects with murder in a Louisiana attack that came just two days after a similar

slaying in Alabama. Five years ago: Three lead

Charles Dharapak/ The Associated Press

collecting all the information we need to buy airline tickets. So we know who to send where," he said. "We have been doing our homework." Norcross said he has dispatched legal help at the request of the Romney campaign. Attorneys have been in Palm Beach County, Fla., where nearly 30,000 absentee ballots were unable to be electronically scanned because of a printing error. Officials are hand-copying the ballots so they can be counted. Lawyers are watching. L egal experts say it w i l l take an unusual confluence of circumstances to create the kind of legal donnybrook the nation witnessed in Florida: a state with a decisive number of electoral votes, a razor-thin margin separating winner and loser, and a significant number of votes unaccounted for. "Anyone can bring a lawsuit. The question is whether you can get a judge to hear it and act on it," said Doug Chapin, director of the Program for Excellence in Election Administration at the University of Minnesota.

Front-end work Democrats say that legal work done this year on the

defendants in the 2004 Madrid train bombings were found guilty of mass murder

front end of the election process — especiallythe successful challenges to voter ID laws in states such as Texas — is the most significant development. "Contrary tosome reports, there have not been far-reach-

and other charges, but four other top suspects were convicted on lesser charges and an accused ringleader was completely acquitted in the attacks that killed191 people.

ing and significant changes to voter ID laws in the battleground states since 2008," Bauer and O b ama d eputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said in a memo circulated to reporters last week. "In states like North Carolina, Iowa, and Michigan, proposed changes were rejected and did not become law; In others states like Ohio, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and P ennsylvania, l e ga l ch a l lenges have proven highly successful in turning back unconstitutional attacks on voting rights," Cutter and Bauer said. Charles Lichtman, a Democratic lawyer in Florida who is active in election issues, said that after Election Day, by and large, "it's too late. There's nothing that can be done for the most part once the ballots have been cast. That's why the voter protection effort is on the front end." He added: "It would have to be the perfect storm. Then again, we live in the land of hurricanes."

One year ago: Palestinians won their greatest international endorsement yet with full membership in UNESCO, but the move prompted the U.S. to cut off payments to the Paris-

based cultural agency.

BIRTHDAYS Actress LeeGrant is 85. Former astronaut Michael Collins is 82. Former CBS

anchorman DanRatheris 81. Actor Ron Rifkin is 73. Actress Sally Kirkland is 71.

Actor David OgdenStiers is 70. Actor Brian Doyle-Murray is 67. Actor Stephen Rea is

66. Olympic gold medal longdistance runner Frank Shorter is 65. Actress Deidre Hall is 64.

Talk show host JanePauley is 62. Movie director Peter Jackson is 51. Rock musician

Larry Mullen is 51.Actor Dermot Mulroney is 49. Actor Rob Schneider is 48. Actor-

comedian Mike O'Malley is 47. Rap musician Adrock is 46. — From wire reports

Bachmann nds fi herself battling to keepHouseseat By Kim Geiger

to the national s tage t o ta k e ST. CLOUD, Minn. — Tea their voice to the party favorite Michele Bachnational l e vel," m ann dropped out o f t h e she said in a telepresidential race after coming Bachmann phone interview. in last out of six candidates in Minnesota's Iowa's Republican first-in-the- 6th Congressional District has nation caucuses in January. always had a GOP tilt, and reNow the three-term Minne- districting this year made it sotacongresswomanisbattling slightly more Republican. Votto hold her congressional seat. ers backed President George Her opponent, Democrat Jim W. Bush in 2004 and John McGraves, says Bachmann has Cain in 2008, and an Oct. 16 been "distracted by her own ce- poll commissioned by the Star lebrity" and has forgotten the Tribune shows Mitt Romney people of her district, a swath with a 15-percentage-point lead of cornfields and suburbs just over PresidentBarack Obama north of the Twin Cities. in the district, although Obama Bachmann says her fame leads overall in the state. is a plus with her conservative That poll found Bachmann supporters. "People are exleading Graves, 51 percent to tremely proud of the fact that 45 percent. She also has more their member of Congress went money: She spent nearly $8 Tribune Washington Bureau

million through September, records show, compared with $1 million by Graves. But Democrats see an opening. They say Bachmann's divisive presidential campaign turned of f m o derates who backed her in the past. About 45 percent of likely voters now view her unfavorably, the Star Tribune poll found. If not for the cardboard cutout of Obamainthecornerof Graves' campaignoffice, itwouldbehard to peg him as a Democrat. A millionaire who made his fortune in hotel development, Graves has played up his business background. "Over the years, I've worked with hundreds of bankers and business people, and never once did they ever ask, 'Are you a Republican or a Democrat?' "

Providing unparalled service across a variety of industries since 1983.


Graves said in an interview. Unlike Bachmann, Graves supports same-sex marriage and does not oppose abortion rights; he calls himself a fiscal moderate and a social libertarian. He said he does not want to be viewed as endorsing Obama's first term.

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anee ionse or By Matthew Rosenberg New York Times News Service

KABUL, A f ghanistan President Hamid Karzai took a step toward fulfilling his pledge to hold Afghanistan's presidential election on time, as officials said Tuesday that the vote had been officially set for April 5, 2014. If the date holds, it would avoid a repeat of one of the first in a series of controversies to mar the last presidential election, originally set for May 2009. That election was delayed until August, which

pushed Karzai a few months past the official end of his constitutionally mandated fiveyear term. The vote itself was plagued by massive fraud, much of it in K a r zai's favor. Widespread violence also k e pt many voters away from the polls, especially in southern and e astern A f g h anistan, where the country's largest ethnic group, the Pashtuns, dominate and the Taliban are strongest. The p r e sident, o p p osition leaders and the Afghan

government's foreign backers have in r ecent months repeatedly said they hoped to avoid the same problems in 2014, though Western officials have expressed doubts about whether a truly clean and freeelection can be held given the level of violence in Afghanistan and th e deeprooted corruption within the government. The political opposition, in welcoming anannouncement, pressedthe government to ensure a fraud-free vote. Specifying the date "is not


says islanddispute in dangerof exploding

enough," said Sardar Muhammad Rahimi, a spokesman for the National Front of Afghanistan, an alliance of three major opposition political figures, each associated with one of Afghanistan's smaller ethnic


By Jane Perlez and Keith Bradsher

Among the opposition's top concerns is the passage of a new election law that would mandate two foreigners appointed by the United Nations sit on the country's five-person Electoral Complaints Commission, which handles accusations of electoral fraud.




Tibetans protest rule



by Beijing By Simon Denyer The Washington Post

NEW D E LH I — A s China's Communist Party preparesfor its leadership transition, a wave of selfimmolations ha s s p read and accelerated across Tibet, in the most sustained protests against Beijing's rule there in five decades. Most of those who have set themselves afire are in their late teens or early 20s, activists said. Exiled Tibetan political l eaders and s cholars d e scribed the actions as an emphatic rejection of the economic development and material gains that China is offering the Tibetan people and an anguished call for independence andthe return ofthe region's religious leader, the Dalai Lama. "Almost all of them were born after the Chinese occupation of Tibet and the Cultural Revolution," Lobsang Sangay, the political leader ofthe refugee community's India-based government-in-exile said of the perpetrators. "They have grown up in the Chinese system, received Chinese e ducation. They ar e t h e primary b eneficiaries of whatever the Chinese government gave them. They are saying 'this is not what we want.' " Last week alone, seven people doused themselves in gasoline and set fire to themselves in eastern Tibet, including two cousins in their 20s who called for "freedom for Tibet" before setting themselves ablaze in front of a government building. At least 62 people have set themselves on fire inside Tibet since February 2009, and all but nine are known to have died, the Free Tibet group says. It is not certain if the latest acceleration of the protests is timed to send a signal to the Chinese Communist Party Congress, which meets from Nov. 8 to install a new leadership in Beijing. N evertheless, the p r otests appear to have embarrassed the Chinese leadership, which has responded by intensifying its crackdown, activists and scholars say. China says it rescued the Tibetan people from medieval serfdom under the Dalai L a ma's t h eocratic rule when it took over in 1950 and in recent years h as poured money i n t o the region to build roads, a high-speed railway and p rojects such a s r u r a l electrification. It blames the self-immolations on the old regime's attempts to split the country. "This is shameful and should b e c o n demned," Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a news conference last week. But many Tibetans appeartoviewtheperpetrators as heroes, sometimes trying to prevent Chinese police removing their bodies.

Hasan Jamali /The Associated Press

Masked Bahraini anti-government protesters holding petrol bombssit on a telephone pole being used as a roadblock ahead of a Sunday march in Malkiya, Bahrain. The government of the Persian Gulf kingdom, which is home to the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet, has issued a ban on all rallies and demonstrations after months of protests calling for more democratic rule.

Bahrain bansall protests in new political crackdown By Rick Gladstone New York Times News Service

Bahrain,thetiny Persian Gulf kingdomthatis home to the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet, has banned all rallies and demonstrations after months of protests by antigovernment demonstrators who have been pressing for a greater political voice there since the Arab Spring revolts began in early 2011. In an announcement promulgated late Monday by the official Bahrain News Agency, Lt. Gen. Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, who is the interior minister, said political opposition activists had abused what he c alled the g overnment's tolerance f or freedom of expression by allowing protests to turn violent repeatedly. "It was decided to stop all rallies and gatherings until

ensuring that security is maintained through achieving the targeted security to protect national unity and social fabric to fight extremism," the news agency said. It quoted the interior minister as saying "any illegal rally or gathering would be tackled through legal actions against those calling for it and participants." Bahrain, ruled by a Sunniled monarchy, has been roiled by protests and violence because of tensions with the Shiite majority, who have been seeking more power, drawing inspiration from the Arab Spring revolts that felled authoritarian governments, including in Tunisia and Egypt. The Bahraini a u thorities have been singled out for criticism by international rights activists for t h eir p r evious crackdowns on opposition ac-

tivists, the prosecution of medical workers who have aided w ounded activists, and t h e heavy and indiscriminate use of tear gas and other weapons, including birdshot, to dispel protesters. More than 50 people have died, including some police officers, in nearly 21 months of intermittent clashes in Bahrain. The protests intensified last month after riot police officers clashed with mourners at a funeralprocession for a 17-year-old killed in an earlier bout of street violence. Political tensions have put the United States in the uncomfortable position of supporting B a h rain's g o vernment because of its strategic value as a bulwark against neighboring Iran. Critics have called such U.S. backing an act of hypocrisy.

sions," said Chen, who is now dean of the School of InternaNew York Times News Service tional Studies at Renmin UniH ONG K ON G — T h e versity in Beijing. Chen's remarks, t h ough United States created a "time bomb" between Chi- from someone who has offina and Japan by returning cially retired from the diplodisputed islands to Japan matic service, are significant instead of China in 1972, because they represent a deand there is now a dan- tailed exposition of C hina's ger of an explosion over views at a time when Chinese the issue, a former senior officials have been wary of longtime Chinese diplomat p ublic comments. The a p warned in a speech here on proach of the Communist ParTuesday. ty Congress in Beijing on Nov. The diplomat, Chen Jian, 8, which will usher in changes a former undersecretary- in C hina's to p l e adership, general of the United Na- together with the i ncreased tions and former Chinese pressure f ro m n a t i onalists ambassador to Japan, said in China and Japan, have rethe U.S. should restrain sulted in only fleeting talks beJapan and s h ould h e lp tween Japan and China over bring about negotiations the islands. between China and Japan Chen offered a lengthy list over the islands, known as of fairly detailed suggestions the Daioyu by China and and assurances for how China the Senkaku by Japan. hopes to resolve tensions with Chen said that the U.S. its neighbors. "China does not was trying to use Japan seek to provoke incidents, and against China and risked will not be the one to do so fanning a revival of Japa- first," he said. nese militarism. He noted that China had "The U.S. is urging Ja- only sent administrative vespan to play a greater role sels to the disputed islands, not in the region in security warships from its navy. terms, not just in economic Chen said it was unlikely terms, which suits the pur- that there would b e m ajor pose of the right wing in changes in Chinese foreign Japan more than perfectly policy after the selection of — their long-held dream a new leadership team at the is now possible to be real- party congress. "I think it's goized," he said. ing to be a smooth change, and Chen, whose speech was the main tenets of our foreign organized by the Chinese policy will remain very much Ministry of Foreign Affairs the same," he said. and who was accompanied Chen expressed particuby a h alf-dozen Chinese lar concern about the risk of diplomats, also said discus- a collision or other clash besions should start on ways tween Chinese and Japanese to reduce the risk of clashes patrol vessels near the disbetween Chinese and Japa- puted islands. He said it was nese patrol vessels, which "imperative" to have mutually often come perilously close agreed "mechanisms" to avoid to each other in the waters confrontations. off the islands. Since 1972, when the U.S. Some in China see the is- returned the disputed islands sue of the islands "as a time to Japan, Japan has adminisbomb planted bythe U.S. tered the islands. The Chinese between China and Japan," say that in a verbal agreement he said, later adding, "that between China and Japan, it time bomb is now explod- was decided that the future ing or about to explode." sovereignty of t h e i s l ands, The U.S. has said that which Japan won from China in the event of c onflict, in the 1894-95 Sino-Japanese the islands are covered by war, would be left for a future the mutual defense treaty date. between Washington and Tokyo, a position that Beijing has severely criticized since the d ispute flared anew last month. "I would expect the U.S. would try to r educe tenEndorsed by

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Polish newsreport suggests sabotage in plane crash By Ellen Barry and Hanna Kozlowska

saying that the findings were not as definitive as it had iniNew York Times News Service tially said. MOSCOW — A r eport in Even so, the report seemed a Polish newspaper Tuesday likely to increase distrust of said that traces of explosives the official inquiry into the were found in the wreckage crash, which concluded that it of the airplane that crashed in was an accident. western Russia in 2010, killing By Tuesday afternoon, pubPresident Lech Kaczynski and lic response to the article was much of the country's senior so strong that Prime Minister leadership, reviving suspicions Donald Tusk appeared on teleamong some in Poland that the vision to condemn those who crash was not an accident. were r epeating c onspiracy A spokesman for Poland's theories. "It is unacceptable to formumilitary prosecutor dismissed the report as "sensationalist," late these drastic accusations, saying at a news conference which are degrading to Polish Tuesday that the highly sensi- public discourse," he said. tive equipment that experts The n ewspaper i n i t ially used to examine the wreckage reported that government exfrequently yielded false posi- perts had found traces of extive results. plosives, including TNT and "It is not true that investinitroglycerin. gators found traces" of exploThe newspaper noted that sives, said the spokesman, Col. such traces could have come Ireneusz Szelag, who added from the ground where the that it may be as long as six plane crashed, a wooded area months before conclusive test near Smolensk that was the findings are available. scene of intense combat durLater in the day, the news- ing World War II and may still paper, Rzeczpospolita, partly contain unexploded bombs retracted its r eport o n line, and shells.

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Taliban's attack on education goes

Bats Continued from A1 The malady ha s s p read rapidly through Canada and New England, into the MidAtlantic and through most of Appalachia. White nose syndrome is "unlike anything we've ever seen," says Ann Froschauer, a spokeswoman for the Wildlife Service. Scientists have been confounded by the rapid spread of the disease and its mortality rate, which is higher than has ever been observed in wildlife disease, according to Froschauer. This f ungus is particularly hard to treat because it i n v ades deeper layers of the skin than most other fungi that attack mammals. Such a novel affliction, Froschauer s a id , r e q u ires novel strategies for blocking it without harming other cave Stephen OrnesI For The Washington Post life. This artificial cave, built for bats, is outfitted with air conditioners to cool it to a temperature that "Natural caves have lots of bats find attractive and with infared cameras to allow scientists to observe the animals.

beyond onegirl By Alex Rodriguez Los Angeles Times

S WABI, Pak is t a n — Under a torrid sun on a parched patch of dirt, 65

young boys and girls wiped

good fungi, amphibians and reptiles, insects and arthropods and isopods that live inside, so you can't go in and hose them down with bleach to kill everything in t here," says Froschauer. In Tennessee, conservationists reason that if they can't rid the caves of the disease, maybe they can coax the bats out and lure them into a safer haven. Gina Hancock, state director for the Nature Conservancy in Tennessee, says the idea of building a bat cave seemed "crazy" to her and others at the organization — until scientists and donors gave it their approval. Construction of the winter cave, or hibernaculum, cost about $300,000. (It was paid for through private donations to the Nature Conservancy) Buried beneath a hill in northcentral Tennessee, about a 90minute drive from Nashville, the cavern was outfitted with infrared cameras to allow scientists to observe the animals and with air conditioners to help cool it to a bat-attracting temperature of 45 to 48

degrees. The cave's ceilings and textured walls offer bats a wide choice of nooks to explore; netting and metal ridges offer otherplaces to roost. The animals will enter through a rectangular opening aboveground and descend through a wide shaft to the main chamber, about twice as long and twice as wide as a large school bus. When the bats are away in the summer, the human caretakers can enter through a doorway built into the side of the hill. When operational, the cave will host hibernating bats over the winter. After they clear out in the summer, humans will disinfect the room to get rid of any strayspores ofthe disease.

artificial one instead. Even after the first bats arrive at the new cave, it will take at least three years to see if the artificial cave will make a difference in keeping white nose syndrome at bay. "Bats are known to adopt abandoned mine shafts and places like that, so we know they'll go to man-made structures," says Hancock. "If we see any bats go in this year, that will be our first success." Once the first bats move in and deposit guano, others will Photo courtesy Ryan von Linden /New York Department of Environmental Conservation follow, she says. This brown bat has white-nose syndrome,with the signature The Fish and Wildlife Serfrosting of fungus on its nose. It was found in a New York cave vice, which is exploring a wide in October 2008. variety of ways to treat the disease, will be among the organizations watching. A success (The fungus does not pose any For the bats of Montgom- could inspire the creation and threat to humans.) ery County, the artificial cave construction of similar subter"In anormal cave,you don't may be opening just in time ranean structures. "If this works really well, see bat mortality until about to make a difference. A short it's not out of the question that three yearsafteryou see the walk down the hill leads to fungus in there," says Cory a small sinkhole overgrown we would build a bunch of bat H olliday, coordinator of t h e with vines, with a dark, rug- caves inthe future," FroschauNature Conservancy's cave re- ged opening at the bottom. er says. She points out that arsearch and protection efforts. The crevice leads to a large tificial caves provide not only A yearly disinfection has cavern inside Bellamy Cave, a safe haven for bats but also a the potential to reset the clock, a winding, mile-long under- laboratory for bat scientists, ingiving the bats a disease-free ground tunnel that is home to cluding microbiologists workroost for the winter. The anihundreds of thousands of gray ing on a way to treat infected mals still run the risk of get- bats, small wooly creatures animals. The University of Tenting the fungus from fellow that change caves according to nessee and Southern Illinois hibernators, but they won't get the season. Bellamy is one of University have both arranged it from the environment itself. the country's handful of large to start doing research at the Every year will be the first hibernacula for g r a y b a t s, Montgomery County site. "Another idea behind this year, from the point of view of which are listed on the federal a fungus that moves into the endangered species list. cave was to give researchers cave. The bat entrance to the ar- a place to come and actually T hat p r o b lematic fu n - tificial cave was sited to align be able to do some things that gus, Geomyces destructans, with the routes of bats headed wouldn't hurt other things in thrives in the damp soil of to hibernate in Bellamy Cave. the cave system," such as decaves. It doesn't require bats Between 2011 and 2012, the ploying fungicides or other as a host, which means an in- number of Tennessee counties cleaners, says Hancock. fected cave remains toxic even with infected caves doubled. For now, bat lovers must if all the resident bats flee or And early this year, near the simply watch and wait for the die: The fungus just squats in end of winter, white nose syn- wing-flapping to begin. "We the soil. The rapid spread of drome showed up in the habi- have a lot of square footage," the disease is believed to be at- tat of gray bats for the first Holliday says of the cavern. tributable, in large part, to spe- time — in Bellamy Cave. Bats "It could physically fit over lunkers who have carried it on can still enter the cave, but sci- 200,000 bats, but we'll be haptheirshoes from cave to cave. entists hope they choose the py with 10 to 15 thousand."

French governmentgets anti-sexism lessons By Thomas Adamson and Sylvie Corbet

De Haas said 80 percent of politicians interviewed on The Associated Press French TV and radio broadPARIS — First there was casts are men. She said she Dominique Str a u ss-Kahn, wants to fight against the "illusion" that France "has almost w ho a llegedly r eferred t o women as "material," then cat- achieved equality" between calls in the French Parliament men and women. France is justbecause a female govern- now trailing in an unimpresment minister wore a floral sive 48th place on the Global dress. Gender Gap equality list. But when this month the Earlier this month, in an interFrench agriculture minister view with L'Express magazine, — in an interview about pro- French Agriculture M inister moting gender equality — sug- Stephane Le Foll sparked congested that women couldn't troversy by saying: "I've tried get their heads around techni- to promote women as much as cal jobs, that was too much. possible, even though some of T he p r im e m i n i ster o f our dossiers are very technical." France — a country w hich T hough Le Foll said h i s produced feminist icons such words were taken out of conas Joan of Arc and Simone text — given that the interview de Beauvoir — has decided was on thesubject of gender that his ministers need to go equality — they nevertheless back to school for anti-sexism caused outrage and went viral classes. on Twitter. On Jean-Marc A y r ault's As far as the public is conorders, the Equality Ministry cerned, sounds like some minhas setup a series of 45-min- isters need instruction. "I'm not proud, but it's good ute gender equality "sensitization sessions," during which (the lessons are) happening," ministers are being trained said Nicolette Kost, 33, in cento identify sexism i n d a ily tral Paris. "After all, at such a life and taught how to avoid high level in French governsexist stereotypes in political ment n o n -sexist a t t i tudes communication. should just come naturally." Organizers told The AssociThe lessons are "positive... ated Press that it's a full class, since France isso far behind with all 38 ministers signed up other European countries," or in the process of register- said Edwige Bernard, 57. ing. In the interest of gender Some ministers have alequality, the female ministers ready t aken t h e t r a i ning, are going, too. which includes a slide show, The goal, said organizer such as Labor Minister Michel Caroline de Haas, is that min- Sapin and Justice Minister isters take time to think about Christiane Taubira. Taubira's sexism. "If you're not vigilant, office declined to comment de facto inequalities are cre- about the minister's training. ated," she said. It includes statistics about

gender inequality in F rance, and points out how gender stereotypesareinscribed in French children from an early age. O ne example d e Ha a s noted: In stores, clothes for 1 8-month-old c h ildren a r e marked "pretty" and "cute" for girls, but "brave" and "cunning" for boys. The anti-sexism t r aining i nitiative comes rather u n surprisingly from Sweden, a country that tops the Global G ender Gap report l ist o n male-female equality. In Sweden, toys are often unisex, and one Swedish kindergartenin order to discourage gender stereotypes— has even forbidden or discouraged children to use the words "he" or "she." F rance sees itself as t h e cradle of human rights and is progressive on some fronts,

French first ladies in recent times — has made equal gender representationin government a key part of his election manifesto.

sweat fromtheirforeheads and struggled to concentrate on their studies. There were no blackboards, no desks. N earby, t h ei r wh i t e two-room country school sat abandoned, shrapnel holes gouged into the exterior. The roof and walls had cracked, making the building too dangerous to use — the result of a homemade bomb detonated by the Taliban on the school's

porch. " Everything w a s f i n e here," said 9-year-old Fazl Qadeem, squatting on the ground wit h h i s l e sson book in hand. "And they destroyed it." The Taliban o utraged millions of Pakistanis and people around the world this month when its gunmen attempted to kill Malala Yousufzai, a 15-year-old girl who publicly championed the education of girls. But that attack was just one small piece of a long campaign against the country's education system. School buildings like the one in Swabi are blown up with astonishing regularity: 96 were damaged or destroyed by militants this year, according to Human R ights Watch, a r ate of more than two per week. Last year, 152 schools were hit. Militants have targeted school b u ses, t e achers, headmasters, even a provincial education minister. The damage is palpable

andfar-reaching, especially in northwestern Pakistan, where the Taliban maintains its nerve centers. For parents like Sher Zameer, whose son survived a Taliban ambush of a school bus a year ago that killed the driver and four boys, the joy of watching his son go to class has turned to dread. "We don't want our kids to get killed for the sake of education," he said. "After this attack, the enthusiasm is gone." At least 600,000 children i n nor t h w estern Pakistan have missed a year or more of school because of militant attacks or threats, according to the Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, an Islamabad-based nongovernmental g r oup. In neighborhoods hit by

school bombings, parents are pulling their children out of classrooms. More than half the schools destroyed in the northwest have yet to be rebuilt. Teachers i n c o n f lict zones have sought transfers to safer areas, leading to a shortage of instructors. Pakistan desperatelyneeds to shore up its weak, cashstarved education system if it hopes to build a path out of poverty for vast numbers of its citizens. Half the country's nearly 180 million people are under 17, and the population is expected to soar to 335 million by 2050. Large numbers of uneducated or poorly educated Pakistanis provide ideal fodder for the country's myriad militant groups, as well as a rapt audience for hard-line religious clerics who preach intolerance and extremism. "When the quality of education suffers, you always have a generation of children growing up frustrated and angry," said Zarina Jillani, executive director of the children's rights society. "A generation of children is being created without any real hope for the future. You can imagine the ramifications of that." The Pakistani Taliban is an amalgam of militant factions bent on toppling the government and imposing Islamic law. It regards government education assecular and therefore un-Islamic. "Their view of education is that it should be largely limited to the Quran, as it's understood by them," said Ali Dayan Hasan, Pakistan director for Human Rights Watch. T he shooting o f M a l a l a illustrated the Taliban's opposition to girls' education. She was only 11 when she wrote in a BBC blog about the Taliban decree against girls attending school in the Swat Valley, her home. Taliban gunmen boarded her school bus and shot her in the head Oct. 9. She survived and is recovering in a British hospital. The Taliban's deep animosity for girls' education reflects the group's desire to thwart any kind of empowerment of women, said Jillani. "It's part of an overall oppression of women," she said. "The right for a woman to marry who she wants, her right to inheritance — it's all part of it."

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but has lagged behind on gender equality. Under Prime Minister Alain Juppe in 1995, no one blinked an eye when French media named his 12 female ministers patronizingly the "Jupettes." In July, French Housing Minister Cecile Duflot was the victim of hooting and catcalls in France's National Assembly, all for wearing a blue and whiteflowered dress. The whistles did not cease for the entire time she spoke. The heckling didn't come from an unruly crowd, but fr om male legislators who later said they were merely showing their appreciation on a warm summer's day. French President Francois Hollande — w hose partner is one of the only working

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Ballots Continued from A1 Crook County topped 39.1 percent by Tuesday evening, surpassing the 2008 collection rateof 38 percent forthe Tuesday before Election Day. Dee Berman, Crook County clerk, said th e p r esidential election coupled with a "heated" race for Crook County judge between Mike McCabe and Walt Wagner has fueled voter enthusiasm. "I expected a high turnout," Berman said. "It doesn't matter whether it is a candidate or if it's a measure, if it's controversial, people are going to vote on it." Central Oregon is not alone. Through Monday, Oregonians had turned in 552,853 ballots, or 25.1 percent of the 2.21 million registered voters. In 2008,24 percent of Oregon's registeredvoters had already cast their ballots eight days before Election Day. That might not be a statistically relevant change, said Priscilla Southwell, head of the University of Oregon political science department and an expert in political behavior. But Southwell would not be surprised if a pattern of earlier voting continues. Not only is this a presidential election in which interest is piqued and many voters make up their minds early, Southwell said, but the highest-profile statewide race in Oregon is for secretary of state. That means the 2012 election has no gubernatorial or senatorial race to weigh on the minds of Oregon voters. In addition, Southwell suggested that relatively few ballot measures compared with, say, the 2000 election, when each Oregon voter received two voter pamphlets to explain all the measures on the ballot. "It's not what I would call an overly cumbersome ballot for Oregonians this year," Southwell said. "I don't think it's all that difficult a task to vote and so they've made up their minds and read their voter pamphlet. So it's not surprising to me that there is a slight increase in the number of people who have voted early." Southwell expects overall turnout to be down compared with 2008 because the state is not considered a "swing state" in the presidential election, and thereare few high-profile statewide races. But Oregon's vote-by-mail system should mute the difference, she added. "I actually think that (lower turnout) is very likely to occur, but not by very much," Southwell said. "Oregonians in general tend to vote in very high numbers (84 percent of registered voters in 2008). We're kind of a very engaged group of voters." Either way, casting an early ballot is welcomed by Nancy Blankenship, county clerk for Deschutes. In the 2010 midterm election, Deschutes County r eceived nearly 30 percent of all ballots on Election Day or the day before, she said. Taking in more early votes helps to ease pressureon what will be abusy Nov. 6. "Hopefully that will continue so we don't have quite the onslaught the last two days," Blankenship said. The Oregon Secretary of State's office r e commends mailing ballots no later than Thursday, but B l a nkenship suggested that any ballot not ready to be mailed by today

Checks Continued from A1 In December 2010, the Treasury Department published a final rule to gradually transition to electronic payments, and since May, new federal benefit applicants have had to go electronic. Data from the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Financial M a n agement S e r vice shows about 96 percent of Social Security Administration and Supplemental Security Income recipients in Deschutes, Jefferson and Crook counties had made the switch to electronic payments as of September. Those who haven't changed can transition to direct deposit or the Direct Express benefit card. The card, the release said, works like a p r epaid debit card and doesn't require a bank account. Whiletheelectronicsystem

Electiondropsites office no later than 8 p.m. onElection Day. Postmarks do not count. CROOKCOUNTY Powell Butte • Ballot drop box Powell Butte Community

School 13640 S.W. Hwy. 126

Through Monday: School hours Election Day: Until 8 p.m.

Post • Ballot drop box

Post General Store 28550 S.E Paulina Hwy. Through Nov. 5: Store hours Election Day: Until 8 p.m. Prineville • 24-hour ballot drop box

Crook County Courthouse 300 N.E. Third St. Through 8 p.m. Election Day

Friday through 8 p.m. Election

Day Redmond • Ballot drop box Redmond City Hall 716 S.W. Evergreen Ave.

Through Monday (weekdays only): 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Election Day: 8 a.m.-8 p.m. • 24-hour drive-up ballot drop box Redmond Public Library

(located on west side of library) 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.

Friday though 8 p.m.Election Day Sisters • Ballot drop box Sisters City Hall

520 E CascadeAve. Through Monday (weekdays Clerk's Office 8 a.m.-5p.m. throughMonday;7a.m.-8 p.m. only): 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Election Day: 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Election Day Privacy booths available in

• Ballot drop box Crook County Library 175 N.W. Meadow Lakes Dr.

Through Monday: Library hours Election Day: Until 8 p.m.

• Ballot drop box Crook County Treasurer's Office 200 N.E. Second St., Suite100 Through Monday: Office hours Election Day: Until 8 p.m.


• Drive-up ballot drop box Sunriver Area Public Library Sunriver Business Park 56855 Venture Ln. Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Monday: 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Election Day: 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Terredonne • Ballot drop box Terrebonne Sheriff Substation 815411th St., Suite 3


Friday and Monday: 8 a.m.-1 p.m., 2 p.m.-5 p.m.


p.m.-8 p.m.

Election Day: 8 a.m.-1 p.m., 2

• Ballot drop box

Deschutes Service Center


1300 N.W. Wall St.

Box located on Parkwayside of building Through Monday: 8 a.m.-6

p.m. Election Day: Until 8 p.m. Privacy booths available inside County Clerk's office weekdays

8 a.m.-5 p.m., 7 a.m.-8p.m. on Election Day • Drive-Up ballot drop box

Corner of Wall St. and Lafayette Ave.

Crooked River Ranch • 24-hour ballot drop box Administration Area Through 8 p.m. Election Day

• 24-hour drop box Culver City Hall 200 W. First St. Through 8 p.m. Election Day

Madras • 24-hour ballot drop box Jefferson County Clerk's Office 66 S.E. D St. Through 8 p.m. Election Day

• Ballot drop box

61150 S.E. 27tI1 St. Until 8 p.m. on Election Day

Metolius •24-hour ballot drop box Metolius City Hall 636 Jefferson St. Through 8 p.m. Election Day

La Pine

Warm Springs

• 24-hour drive-up ballot drop box

• 24-hour drop box 2112 Wasco St. Through 8 p.m. Election Day

La Pine Public Library 16425First St./First Street8 Huntington Road should be dropped off in an official drop box, many of which are open 24 hours a day until 8 p.m. Tuesday. "After you go t o al l t h at work of filling it out and making those decisions, I want to be able to count your ballot," said B l a nkenship. B a l lots must be in the county clerk's officeor an official drop box by 8 p.m. Tuesday to be counted, regardless of postmark

How benefit recipients receive their payments Central Oregon Social Security Administration and Supplemental Security

Income paymenttypes: • Direct deposit • Ch eck CROOKI6,273 COUNTY I 219I3.S'X.I DESCHUTES ~ 36 , 174 COUNTY ~ 1,1 41 (3.2%) JEFFERSON • 5,897 COUNTY I 464 (7.9'/o) Source: U.S. Department of the Treasury's Financial Management Service

Andyzeigert/The Bulletin

will be more secure than the paper system, the U.S. Office of the Inspector General and the Better Business Bureau are warning the switch could lead tonew scams associated

which has employees across the nation, includingin Boston, Denver and San Francisco. The Trust for Public Land in 2000 created The Conser-

Continued from A1 The Bend Park R Recreation District would use approximately half of the $29 million from the bond measure, if it is approved by voters on Tuesday, to extend the Deschutes River Trail. The remainder would pay for a new recreation center with an outdoor ice rink, farmer's market and athletic fields on Simpson Avenue w it h O S U -Cascades. It would also pay to alter Colorado Dam to help boaters and others pass through, fund the purchase of land to expand the Bend Senior Center, create a new park in southeast Bend and add sports fields to Pine Nursery Community Park in northeast Bend. If voters approve Bond Measure 9-86, the typical Bend homeowner would pay an additional $40 in property taxes annually for the next 20 years. The park district spent more than $11,000 on a n i n f o rmation campaign on the bond measure. That effort was independent of the political action committee. Locals are leading the P eople, Parks a n d N a t ure P AC , i n c luding a high school cross-country coach, business executives and the head of B end's tourism bureau. "It's a lot of community members that came together that want to see the passage ofthe bond and support parks and recreation," said Betsy Skovborg, co-chair of the political action committee and vice president of Bigfoot Beverages in Bend.

to handle lobbying and ballot measure campaigns, according to the campaign's website. Most often, the nonpartisan group says, it works with a variety of other organizations — including land trusts and other conservation groups. A representative of The Conservation Campaign in Boston referredquestions about spending on the Bend bond measure to employees ofThe Trust for Public Land in Oregon. Joshua Alpert, who is based in Portland, is Northwest director of conservation strategies for The Trust for Public Land. "Really, it's just an indication of how much we believe in it," Alpert said. "For us, too, that's a lot of money, particularly in an economy like today's. But it's an investment we couldn't pass up.Ifthe measure passes on Tuesday, it's really a historic step forward in creating

in creating a new legacy." — Joshua Alpert, Northwest director of conservation strategies, The Trust for Public Land

the park district, said at the time that money for all of the district's public i nformation work came from its general fund. The district spent more than $11,000 on a special flier sent to approximately 42,000 households,as well as fliers and large information boards displayed at district facilities, Taylor said. The district also included information about the bond in its regular newsletter this fall. To ensure the mailercomplied with state law, the district asked theOregon Secretary of a new legacy." State's office to review it, TayNikki R o emmer, Central lor said. "In a nutshell, the park and Oregon regional director for the League of Conservation recreation district can provide Voters,said the group rarely information to the public on works in favor of ballot mea- the bond," Taylor said. "We sures. "We don't get involved can say 'Please vote,' but we in a lot of ballot measures," can't say 'Please vote yes.'" Roemmer said. The district needed to proThe only other measure the vide information about t he league is working on in Orbond measure so that resiegon this fall is a similar park dents did not have to search bond for t h e W i l l amalane for it on their own, Taylor said. Park and Recreation District "It feels like it's our responsiin Springfield, Roemmer said. bility to communicate to taxAs fo r w h y l o c a l b u si- payers why the board did this nesses contributed money to and what's in the bond." the campaign, Skovborg said — Reporter: 541-617-7829, businesspeoplerecognize the hborrud@bendbulletin.com potential for the bond measure projects to boost the economy. "I think that's a big reason the business people support National attention it, is they understand the ecoLocal businesses,from nomic impact now and in the COVERINGS construction co m p anies future," Skovborg said. to a stand-up paddleboard Also see usfor company, have chipped in District mailer thousands of dollars to PeoEarlier this month, the park Awnings, Solar Screens ple, Parks and Nature. But district mailed out a colorful the largest single contribrochure on the bond mea8 Custom Draperies bution — $32,000 — came sure to households throughfrom a nonprofit called The out Bend. Jan Taylor, com(541) 388-4418 Conservation C a mpaign, munity relations manager for

s~e~a CMssIC


Box located in the parking area Through Monday(weekdays only): 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Election Day: 7 a.m.-8 p.m.

Deschutes County Road Department

"It's an investment we couldn't pass up. If the measure passes on Tuesday, it's really vation Campaign, a 501(c)(4), a historic step forward


All ballots must be received at an official drop site or the clerk's



z Reduce RedrapeandRegulations That ThreatenJobs


IZ Stop Piling Debt onOur Children and Grandchildren IZ Manage Our ForestsandPut People Backto Workin the Woods IZ Create More Access toWireless Broadbandto ProduceJobs

date. "It just breaks my heart to not be able to process (late


IZ Defend Our Water and PropertyRights

V oters, regardless of t h e county in which they're registered to vote, can use any official drop box in the state before 8 p.m. on Election Day. To find a drop box visit oregonvotes.gov and click the "Dropsites" link.

IZ Make America More Energy Independent IZ Deliver veterans the Benefits ave Earned

— Reporter: 541-617-7868, zhall~bendbulletin.com

with direct deposit fraud. The scammers, they said, w ill w r i te , c al l o r e m a i l , trying to get personal information such as your name, address, S o cia l S e c u r ity number and bank a ccount information. T he scammers will t h en use that information when they contact the Social Security Administration, and request that benefits be sent directly to their own accounts. For that r eason, government officials are urging recipients to make the changes through http:// godirect.gov, a sitesponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank and the U.S. Treasury. If benefits are more than a few d ays l ate, they a d vise calling the Social Sec urity A d m i n i stration a t 800-772-1213. — Reporters: 541-617-7818, rrees~bendbulletin.com and hhagemeier@bendbulletin.








orm eaves m i ionin e a r By John Schwartz New York Times News Service

SCRANTON, Pa. — The reach ofthe storm called Sandy was staggering, with devastation along the coasts, snow in Appalachia, power failures in Maine and high winds at the Great Lakes. In West Virginia, two feet of snow fell in Terra Alta, where Carrie Luckel said she had to take drastic measures to stay warm. "We are seriouslyusing a turkey fryer to keep our bedroom warm enough to live and a Coleman stove in our bed-

room to heat up cans of soup," Luckel said Tuesday. "Our milk is sitting on the roof." Along the shores of Lake Michigan in Chicago, gawkers who had come to see the crash of 20-foot waves were struggling against gusts that the National Weather Service said could reach 60 mph. "It's hard to even stand there and look," said Mike Magic, 36. The storm was very unlike last year's deluging Hurricane Irene, which caused severe flooding across many states. The relative lack of rain and

the weakening of the storm as it progresses means that the worst damage — and the historic significance — of this storm will be its battering effect on the East Coast, said Brian McNoldy, a hurricane expert at th e U niversity of Miami. "Irene will be remembered only for its rain, and Sandy will be remembered only for its surge," he said. While the storm has weakened as it moved inland, its w inds d owned t r ees a n d caused some 8 million utility customers to lose power.

Coastal flooding hit R hode Island an d M a s sachusetts, and the storm left local flooding in its wake across Delaware, Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. For e casters said Tuesday that they no longer expected the storm to turn to the northeast and travel across New England. Instead, the track shifted well to the west, and prediction models suggested a path through central Pennsylvania and western New York state before entering southern Ontario by Wednesday, said Eric Blake, a hurricane specialist with the

Storm Continued from A1 As New Yorkers woke up to submerged neighborhoods and water-soaked electrical equipment, officials took their first tentative steps toward considering major infrastructure changes that could protect the city's fragile shores and 8 million residents from repeated disastrous damage. Gov. Andrew M . C u omo said the state should consider a levee system or storm surge barriersand face up to the inadequacy of t h e e x isting protections. " The construction of t h i s city did not anticipate these kinds of situations. We are only a few feet above sea level," Cuomo said during a radio interview. "As soon as you breach the sides of Manhattan, you now have a whole infrastructure under the city that fills — the subway system, the foundations for buildings" and the World Trade Center site. The C uomo a d m inistration plans talks with city and federal officials about how to proceed. The task could be daunting, given fiscal realities: Storm surgebarriers,the huge sea gates that some scientists say would be the best protection against floods, could cost as much as $10 billion. But many experts say, given what happened with the latest storm, that inertia could be more expensive. After rising roughly an inch per decade in the last century, coastal waters in New York are expected to climb as fast as 6 inches per decade, or 2 feet bymidcentury, according to a city-appointed scientific panel. That much more water means the city's flood risk zones could expand in size. "Look, the city is extremely vulnerable to damaging storm

surges just for its geography, and climate change is increasingthat risk," said Ben Strauss, director of the sea level rise program at the research group Climate Central in Princeton, N.J. "Three of the top 10 highest floods at the Battery since 1900 happened in the last 2 I/2 years. If that's not a wakeup call to take this seriously, I don't know what is." With an almost eerie fores hadowing, t he dan g e r s laid out by scientists as they tried to press public officials for change in r ecent years describes w h a t h a p p ened this week: Subway tunnels filled with water, just as they warned. Tens of thousands of people in Manhattan lost power. The city shut down. What scientists, who have devoted years of research to the subject, fear most is that, as soonasthe storm cleanup is over, the public will move on. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is known worldwide for his broad environmental vi-

National Hurricane Center in Miami. When it comes time to assess the damage and help clean up the mess caused by the storm, the Army Corps of Engineers will have plenty of work on its hands, said Col. Kent D. Savre, the commander and division engineer for the corps' North Atlantic division, whose operations stretch from Virginia to Maine; he expects help from corps districts across the nation. "They kind of come to the sound of the guns when there's an event like this," Savre said.


'IIII ~'III~~j.


Mark Lennihan /The Associated Press

People stop along the Brooklynwaterfront to photograph the Brooklyn Bridge and the Manhattan skyline Tuesday. Much of lower Manhattan is without electric power following the impact of superstorm Sandy. sion. But one former official said it had been difficult to move from theoretical planning to concrete actions, and it was hoped that the storm this week would change that. "A fair question to ask is, have we been as focused as we need to be for emergency preparations," said the former official, who spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to jeopardize ties to the administration. "We've just been lucky. We need hardening for the risk we've always faced. Until things happen, people aren't willing to pay for it." A state report on rising sea levels, issued on the last day of Gov. David A. Paterson's administration in 2010, suggested that erecting structural barriers to restrain floodwaterscould be part ofa broader approach, along with relocat-

ing buildings and people farther from the coasts. Bloomberg, during a briefing Tuesday, said that he was consumed with the task of getting the city going again and that it was too soon to determine what steps should be taken. Storm surge barriers represent the most dramatic potentialchange. They have been installed in Europe and some U.S. cities and are designed to close during a storm to block surging watersfrom reaching shore. Under a proposal put forth by the Storm Surge Research Group at Stony Brook University in 2004, large portions of the city could be protected by three movablebarriers installed at the upper end of the East River near the Throgs Neck Bridge, under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge.

Gainingspeedandstrength Hurricane Sandy continues to gain strength as it hits the Northeast, bringing storm surges, forceful winds and rainfall that could leave millions without power.

by storms

NQTE: All times ET

t l,

More than



2 P. .S t.

Bus, rail service dlscontlnuedforthe first time since 2003



flights cancelled

2 .

75-85 mph 2p.


Hurricane-force winds extend


(f -'

• la


to Ocean City pier


Atlantic Ocean

2 > rn e d

,'2 p. j , Tues .O

f rom center of storm


At least

5. Philadelphia Schools closed, public transit suspended

~'- 5 p.m.

6. New York 375,000 evacuated from lower Manhattan

9~ Mon.

69 deaths

3. Delaware Roads have flooded; hundreds have fled to shelters 4. New Jersey Most of Atlantic City flooded

in the Caribbean V

9-11 feet

-+6 inches , inches 3 inches

~ Possi ie s

New York Philad phi

2 Mc es


York iladelphia

2-3 feet 3-5 feet • 5-7 feet

NOTE: Through 8 AM Wed.

of rain over a 48-hour period

• 7-9 feet

7-11 feet

10 million Affected by potential power outages

Sources: National Hurricane Center, Reuters, AP, Weather Underground

high storm surge in areas

Melina Yingling/© 2012 McClatchy-Tribune NewsService

National Guardarrives to help stricken residents of Hoboken The Associated Press HOBOKEN, N.J. — The New Jersey National Guard arrived Tuesday evening in Hoboken to help residents of the heavily flooded city on the Hudson River across from New York City. O fficials a n nounced t h e Guard's arrival i n m e ssages on the city's Twitter and Facebook accounts. It s ays G uard m embers w i l l u s e high-wheeled vehicles to help evacuate residents and deliver supplies to flooded areas in the mile-square city. Hoboken was hard hit by S uperstorm S a ndy, w h i c h flooded roughly half the town of 50,000 people.

Mayor Dawn Zimmer had asked for the Guard's help late Monday, saying thousands of residents were stuck in their homes. "We have two payloaders and we're trying to go in where we can to help people, but we have small city streets and payloaders cannot fit down" them, Zimmer said Tuesday night on MSNBC. " We've got live w i res i n the waters, and the waters are completely contaminated and getting more contaminated," she said. "It's rain water mixed with sewage water; it's becoming more sewage water." Hoboken resident Polina

By Christine Hanghney and Brian Steiter New York Times News Service

Hurricane Sandywreaked havoc on every type of news outlet across the East Coast t his week, sending a r eminder in this age of nonstop information that Mother ¹ ture could silence them all. T he storm h alted t h e printing o f ne w spapers in New J ersey, stopped WNYC and other stations from broadcasting on their AM radio frequencies, put a muzzle on the Gawker website by flooding its Internetservice provider and pulled intrepid television reportersoffstreetswith its high winds and deep water. "We knew that getting a round was going to b e tough, we just didn't realize, nor did anybody, how tough it w ould be," said Michael Jack, the president and general manager of WNBC. J ack added t h a t h i s reporters had " t hree l aments" in this storm: the water, high winds and restrictions o n m o vement, like the closings of bridges and tunnels. Some stations found the conditions to be so daunting that they pulled back reporters during the height of the coverage. NYI, the all-news c able c h a nnel in New York City based downtown, in st r u cted some crews to leave dangerous a r ea s M o n d ay; other reporters sought temporary shelter in various places because the streets were impassable. At a time like this, many news organizations like the Weather Channel made use of Twitter and Facebook to find user-generated photos and videos. A few f akes surfaced, like one photo purporting to show a shark swimming through a n eighborhood. But as soon as one person posted the photo, thinking it was taken recently, several other people virtually shouted it down, clarifying that it was a hoax. Radio stations, one of the most reliable sources of information for people without power, were also impeded by flooding Monday. Two news radio stations, WNYC and WINS, lost their AM frequencies but continued to broadcast on FM. WNYC's transmitter "is in a swamp, and it's f looded," said L aura R . Walker, the chief executive of New York Public Radio, which operates the station. She added the organization had anticipated the power failure and warned listeners ahead of time. The station's Lower Manhattan studio lost power Monday night. But a backup generator kicked in immediately and coverage was not



as ington, D.C.

5-8 inches

Information at premium as storm hits news outlets

Pinkhasova, a 27-year-old engineering student, has been volunteering at a shelter in the city, where water is still 3 feet deep in spots and the power remains out. "Once the sun sets, complete darkness," she told The Associated Press. "You really can't see anything." P.J. Molski, a 25-year-old

graphic designer who lives in Hoboken, said that his place is dry but that his car, which he left parked on a flooded street, won't start. Almost e very b a sement apartment he has seen in the small city, which makes the Charles Sykes/The Associated Press most of its housing stock, is A parking iot full of yellow cabsin Hoboken, N.J., is flooded as flooded, he told the AP. a result of Hurricane Sandy on Tuesday.

The Daily News was not so lucky. The paper's headquarters are in the heart of the flood zone at Four New York Plaza in Lower Manhattan. The paper relocated its operations to its printing plant in Liberty View, in New Jersey, and continued to publish editions Tuesday and Wednesday, according to a spokesman, Ken Frydman. In the meantime, The Daily N ews t emporarily shifted its Web operations to The Associated Press offices, where the newspaper was previously located. The New York Post still appeared on select newsstands in Manhattan, and a spokeswoman for The New York Times said the paper had "very limited distribution" Tuesday in Manhattan because the bridges and tunnels were closed. T rucks delivering T h e Times from the paper's C ollege Point facility i n Queens could only g a in access toparts of Queens, Brooklyn and Long Island that were not affected by

road closings. The Wall Street Journal and The Times compensated for suspended delivery by making their content free online.

TV 5 Movies, B2

Dear Abby, B3 Comics, B4


O www.bendbulletin.com/savvyshopper

Taking the

IN BRIEF Borrow money? No thanks

same-day deivery cha enge

The Federal

Reserve's promise to keep interest rates low through mid2015 isn't making

Americans more inclined to borrow

money, according to a new survey by

On theSurface Microsoft's first tablet computer, theSurface,

By Heather Somervilfe


will start at $499. Theprice matches that of Apple's

The survey of roughly1,000 adults

iPad, the most popular tablet computer, but the base

showed that only 23

San Jose Mercury News

Retailers testing sameday delivery service may soon find that giving customers what they want as fast as they want it is trickier — and costlier — than they bargained for. In their scramble to keep pace with online giant InSide Amazon. • EBay's, com Inc., Wal-Marts' Wal-Mart and Amazon and eBay com's this month same-day announced promise,B6 plans for

model of the Surface hastwice as muchstorage memory: 32 gigabytes. Thescreen is also slightly larger.

percent felt a greater inclination to borrow. Still, recent stock market returns, housing data and the latest jobs report show the

economy is slowly improving.

About 30 percent of people with full-

time jobs said they feel more financially

secure overall than a year ago.Only16 percent of retirees say they are better off



Cowgirl Cash plans blooddrive A downtown Bend boutique will provide

giveaways and refreshments during a blood drive it's hosting Nov. 19. The "Be Thankful" blood drive will be from10a.m. to 5 p.m. at Cowgirl Cash,924 N.W. Brooks St.,and is being held in conjunction with the

American Red Cross. Every blood donor will receive a free pair of Sock It To

Me socks aswell as refreshments including Kombucha Mama fermented tea. Donors need to

sign up for a time slot to participate in the blood drive. Cowgirl Cash is a Western vin-

tage boutique and consignment shop specializing in boots,

• Apple, Microsoft, Google leadparadeof devicesfor the holiday By Anickjesdanun • The Associated Press icrosoft launched its new Windows phone s y stem and Google unveilednew devices under it s N exus brand. Both part of an effort to grab more of consumers' holiday-





shopping dollars. Last week, Microsoft started selling its Windows 8 operating system and Surface tablet computer. Apple announced new iPads and Mac computers. Samsung launched a giant smartphone. Barnes & Noble Inc. will start shipping new Nook devices Thursday, while Apple's new iPads, including a smaller one, will be out Friday. A larger version of Amazon.com Inc.'s Kindle Fire comes out later in the month. These are some of the gadgets to expect for the holidays:

A Doessize matter? Apple's iPad Mini has a 7.9-inch screen, which

aims to compete with tablets released byGoogle

Apple devices

higher-end Western

Apple has done well selling its full-sized tablet computer, which has a screen that measures nearly 10 inches diagonally. But companies such as Amazon.com Inc.and Google Inc.have made inroads selling tablets with smaller, 7-inch screens and lower price tags. To maintain its dominance, Apple will start shipping the iPad Mini on Friday, though new orders through Apple's website will take longer because initial supplies had sold out. It will have a 7.9-inch screen, making it slightly larger than those smaller rivals but about two-thirds the size of a regular iPad. The iPad Mini starts at $329, well above the $159 starting price for Amazon.com Inc.'s Kindle Fire and $199 for Google Inc.'s Nexus 7. Both have 7-inch screens. The Mini will be just $70 cheaper Google's Nexus10tablet will feature double the than the 2011 iPad 2, which is still available. storage capacity of its 7-inch version. The10-inch Apple will make a version of the iPad Mini that tablet will be releasedNov. 13for about $399. can access cellular networks from AT&T, Verizon and Sprint. That version will start at $459, compared with $629 for the full-sized cellular model. Apple is also refreshing its full-sized iPad, in June. Apple also updated its iMac line. giving it a f a ster processor and faster Wi-Fi Last month, Apple began selling its iPhone 5. capabilities. The new phone is bigger, but thinner than previMeanwhile, Apple has unveiled a D-inch ver- ous models and works with faster cellular netsion of a MacBook Pro with sharper, "Retina" dis- works known as 4G. SeeGadgets/B6 play, complementing the 15-inch version unveiled

To sign up for the blood drive, or for more information, contact Cowgirl

Cash owner Rebecca Charlton, 541-6785162, or visit www


U.S. to oversee debt collections The federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will

soon oversee larger debt collection firms, the first time such oversight will take place on the national level.

In a newsrelease, the agencysays it will begin this oversight on Jan. 2 of any firm with more than $10 million

in annual receipts,

A Nexus of Google's universe

which is more than

60 percent of money brought in annually by the debt collection market. The bureau will focus on whether the firms provide

4 Nexus in the palmof your hand

required disclosures, provide accurate

4.7-inch screen and

Google'sNexus4 smartphonehasa runs on Google's Android operating system, JellyBean.

information, have a dispute resolution

process and com-

4 New Nook

Si p

The Nook HDwill come in N'

two sizes: a7-inch, starting ~ s


at $199, and a new 9-inch, called the Nook HD+, starting at $269. In addition to the

new HDscreen, Barnes & Noble is adding a video

purchaseand rental service.

The phone will be released Nov.13 starting at $299.

municate honestly and civilly with con-

sumers. Roughly 30 million

Americans haveon average $1,500 worth of debt subject to

collection, the agency says. Debt collectors can report collection status to the credit

bureaus, which can then make the difference between getting

approved or denied on a loan. — Heidi Hagemeiec The /3ulletin

Make a Note ... II KindleFireHD>

The Samsung Galaxy Note II smartphone screen, comes with a stylus and

also runs onJelly Bean. It sells for


The Kindle Fire HDalso has two sizes: a 7-inch, g




Even your eye cream ages By Alix Strauss New York Times News Service

Should beauty products be stamped with expiration dates like cartons of milk, indicating how long they will last before turning? Some industry professionals say yes, pointing to the increasing number of all-natural and organic products that have shunned preservatives. Conversely, there are those multitasking unguents that layer chemical upon chemical, which can increase volatility and shorten the product's lifespan. "As companies create more complex products to simplify consumers' regimens, they end up with a plethora of problems," said Dr. Joel Schlessinger, a dermatologist in Omaha, Neb., and the president and founder of LovelySkin .com, a beauty site specializing in products mostly available in a dermatologist's or a cosmetic surgeon's office. "Instead of applying two

creams, you're applying


has a 5.5-inch

SeeSame day/B6

and Amazon. The Mini starts at $329. Apple has also unveiled a13-inch MacBook Pro.

buckles, jewelry and apparel.

delivery in selected parts of the nation. Some analysts caution that same-day delivery — the latest holy grail for retailers — is a financial risk and logistical nightmare to almost anyone but the pizza parlor and the local florist. "It's incredibly hard to pull off, said Fiona Dias, chief strategy officer at ShopRunner, a Web service that coordinates shipping for retailers. "We haven't found a way to economically do same-day delivery." But a lineage of failed delivery services like Webvan, an online grocery business that became a legendary dot-com failure, hasn't deterred retailers from striving to satisfythe ever-higher demands of consumers who want instant gratification. "That's the Internet," said Stephen Baker, vice president of industry analysis at NPD Group. "We already get instant delivery of our music, our movies."

starting at $199,anda new 8.9-inch, for $299. The larger model will be

available Nov.20. Photos via The Associated Press

one, and there are certain products that simply don't play well with each other," he said. Benzoyl peroxide, for example, has a shelf life of three months once opened, Schlessinger said, and can degrade the antibiotics it's sometimes paired with even when sealed. SeeExpiration/B3





Reba's'Malibu Country' recyclessameol' ideas By Rich Heldenfels


'"' show) as SPOTLIGHT

EDITOR'S NOTES: Accessibility devices are


available for somemovies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 tI /MAX. • There may be an additional fee for 3-Oand IMAX films. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.

2717 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347

Alzron Beacon Journal

material fo r


Regal Pilot Butte 6

"Malibu Country" 8:30 p.m. Friday, ABC

When it comes to TV comedy, Reba McEntire wants to keep her audience comfortable. Her new series, "Malibu Country," should upset none of her fans, but it may not amuse them much, either. "Malibu Country," which p remieres Friday o n A B C , stars McEntire (billed only as Reba in some


The Associated Press

Reba McEntire stars in "Malibu Country,"a new ABC sitcom aboutan exsinger-songwriter who aims to restart her life and her career after she learns her husband had been cheating.

Reba McKenzie, a former singer-songwriter who put her careeron hold in order to marry a country superstar (Jeffrey

In fact, I've seen at least one interview where Rue was asked about her character and her Nordling) and have a couple of "Reba" counterpart. children. But, as the series beBeyond plot, "Malibu Coungins, she has learned that her try" is a v ery old-fashioned hubby's been cheating, leaves show in its presentation, inhim and heads to California cluding the very linear storywith the kids and her mom telling and the jokey dialogue. (Lily Tomlin) in order to start No one is going to confuse this her li fe,and restart her career. with somewhat more challengBut when she gets to California, ing fare like "30 Rock," "How I she has to adjust to a different Met Your Mother" or "Happy way of doing things — and to a Endings." But this is obviously wacky neighbor (Sara Rue). deliberate, as is ABC pairing it Because, after all, what is with the returning "Last Man an old-school sitcom without a Standing," the Tim Allen comwacky neighbor? edy that also looks as if it could And what is a McEntire sit- have aired decades ago. And com without a cheating hus- that's not just about McEntire band'? Fans of the singer will re- fans; it's about aiming at viewcall"Reba," the 2001-07 comedy ers who are home on Friday in which she played a woman nights and don't want TV to starting over after her husband make them work hard. Is "Malibu Country" funny? had been stepping out. And which also included a de facto Only intermittently. Tomlin is, wacky neighbor in the form of as you would expect, a hoot. Reba's husband's new flame. But other parts are far less Sure,therewere differences be- sure-handed, with the chartween the two — "Reba" added acters at once sketchy and some complications with the underdeveloped. But, again, kids, "Malibu Country" leans it's not trying to be great teleheavily on Tomlin's character vision. It's trying to be a show and skills — but the similari- you'll consider when you can't ties cannot be ignored, either. find anything else to watch.


(PG-13) 4

Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend,541-382-6347

ALEX CROSS (PG-13) I:55, 4:55, 7:30, 10:05 ARGO (R) 12:05, 3, 6, 9 CHASINGMAVERICKS(PG) 12:15, 3:05, 6:05, 9:05 CLOUDATLAS (R) Noon, 4, 7:45 FRANKENWEENIE(PG) 12:55, 4:05, 6:35, 9:25 FUN SIZE(PG-13) 12:45, 3:35, 6:30, 9:20 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG)2, 4:30, 7:10, 9:45 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA3-D (PG) 3:30, 9:15 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG) 12:35, 6:20 LOOPER(R) 3:20, 9:30 PARANORMAL ACTIVITY4 Varicose Vein Expert s

Disney via The Associated Press

Victor Frankenstein, voiced by Charlie Tahan, with Sparky, in a scene from "Frankenweenie." IMAX (R) 1:45, 4:45, 7:55, 10:15 PARANORMALACTIVITY4 (R) 1:40, 4:40, 7:45, 10:10 PITCH PERFECT (PG-13) 12:20, 3:15, 6:15, 9:10 SILENT HILL: REVELATION(R) 1:30 SILENT HILL: REVELATION3-D (R) 3:55, 7:15, 10 SINISTER (R) 1:25, 4:10, 7:20, 9:55 SEVENPSYCHOPATHS(R) 1:05, 4:15, 6:55, 9:35 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 1:15, 4:25, 7, 9:40 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG13) 12:30, 6:45

McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562

THE BOURNELEGACY(PG-13) 6 PARANORMAN(PG) 3 V/H/S (R) 9:15 After 7 p.m., showsare 21 and older only.Youngerthan21may attend screenings before 7 p.m. if accompaniedby alegalguardian.

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times were unavailable. For more information, visit www.tinpantheater. com.


*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/BlackButte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine

fRRRX~RKHK~RKR2RRRK~RRK~RREK~RKR2RREI~~RRKREEK~XKEHf EHK~RDiRH f 1RK KATU News World News K A TU News at 6 (N) n cc Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Great Pumpkin The Neighbors Modern Family Suburgatory (N) Nashville (N) 'PG' cc (DVS) KAT U News (11:35) Nightiine

Nightly News Newechannel 21 at 6 (N) « Jeop ardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Animal Practice Guys With Kids Law & Order: SVU Chicago Fire One Minute (N)'14' News Jay Leno News Evening News Access H. Ol d Christine How I Met 30 Rock n '14' Survivor: Philippines (N) n cc C r iminal Minds (N) n '14' CSh Crime Scene Investigation News Letterman KEZI 9 News World News K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The Insider (N) Great Pumpkin The Neighbors Modern Family Suburgatory (N) Nashville (N) 'PG' «(DVS) KEZ I 9 News (11:35) Nightiine Videos Two/Haif Men Two/Half Men Big Bang Big Bang The X Factor Auditions No. 5Auditions continue. n '14' arj News KFXO iDi IEI IEI IEIAmerica's Funniest Home TMZ (N) n 'PG' The Simpeons Family Guy '14' Oregon Exper Oregon Exper NOVA n 'PG' «(DVS) NOVAecienceNOW(N) n 'PG' B ump in the Night Koae O B Q B Wild Kratts Y Electric Comp. Equitrekking B usiness Rpt. PBS NeweHour (N) n « NeweChannei 8 NightlyNews Newechannel 8 News Blazere Home NBA Basketball LosAngelesLakers at PortlandTrail Biazers (N)(Live) Chicago FireOneMinute (N)'14' Newechannei 8 Jay Leno KGW 0 'Tii Death 'PG' 'Tii Death 'PG' KTvzDT2 IEI0 B lH We ThereYet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement A r row An innocent Man(N)'14' S u pernatural Blood Brother '14' S e infeld 'PG' Seinfeid 'PG' Baking Made Taste This! 'G' Outnumbered Last of Wine The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Doc Martinn 'PG' cc World News Tavis Smiiey (N) Charlie Rose(N) n 'G' cc PBS NewsHour n cc OPBPL 175 173

Krvz 0 0 0 0 News

KBNZ 0 KOHD Q 0 0 0

Storage Wars Storage Ware Storage Wars Storage Ware Storage Wars Storage Wars Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty ** "Halloween 4:TheReturnoi MichaelMyers" (1988)Donald Pieasence, ** "Halloween 5: TheRevenge oi Michael Myers" (1989, Horror) Donald (4:00) **** "Halloween" (1978) (10:15) * "Halloween:Resurrection" (2002)JamieLeeCurtis. Collegians • *AMC 102 40 39 Donald Pieasence. « Ellie Cornell. Dr. Loomishunts killer Mikeonceagain. « Pieasence,Danieiie Harris, WendyKapian. « spend thenight in Michael Myere' childhoodhome. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Lost Tapes 'PG' Lost Tapes 'PG' Lost Tapes '14' Lost Tapes 'PG' Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence BRAVO1 37 4 4 The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Miami What Happens No Country CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne'PG' Roeeanne'PG' Reba'PG'«Re ba'PG'« Re ba'PG'« Re ba'PG'« Re ba'PG'« Re ba'PG'« ***"SmokeyandtheBandit"(1977,comedy)BurtReynolds.n ** SmokeyandtheBanditli CNBC 54 36 40 52 How Much-DeadBody? Apocalypse 2012 American Greed Mad Money Apocalypse 2012 American Greed Quit Your Job! Superemiie 'PG' CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper360 (N) cc P i e rs Morgan Tonight (N ) Ande rson Cooper360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront COM 135 53 135 47(4:58) Futurama Always Sunny South Park '14' (6:29) Tosh.0 Colbert Report Daily Show J e f f Dunham: Minding South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Key & Peeie (N) Daily Show C o lbert Report COTV 11 Dept./Trans. C i ty Edition B e nd City Council Work Session Bend City Council Kristi Miller Ci t y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS 87 43 14 39 Girlvs. Monster Phineas, Ferb Gravity Falle n A.N.T. Farm 'G' Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie Shake it Up! 'G' Jeeeie n 'G' A. N .T. Farm 'G' Good-Charlie My Babysitter My Babysitter Shake It Up! 'G' Austin & Ally n *DISC 156 21 16 37 Most Secret: Structures Secrets ot Secret Societies '14' F ast N' Loud n '14' o« Fast N Loud n 14 « Fast N' Loud Recharged n '14' F a st N' Loud n '14' « Fast N' Loud Recharged n '14' *E! 1 36 2 5 Kids of Killers 'PG' Fatal Honeymoone 'PG' E! News(N) Bridal to Homicidal '14' When Teens Kill '14' TheSoup '14' Ice LovesCoco Chel seaLately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 Sportscenter Special (N) « NBACoast to Coast (N) (Livel « Sportscenter (N)(Live) « Spottecenter (N)(Live) « sportscenter (N)(Live) « sportecenter (N)(Livel « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 30 for 30 MLS SoccerSingleElimination —Houston Dynamoat ChicagoFire (N) (Live) SporteNation NFL Live cc Baseball Ton. NBA Tonight (N) Ali-Access Kent Sportecenter ESPNC 23 25 123 25 College Football FromSept. 8, 2012. (N) Boxing FromFeb. 10, 1990. « Col l ege Football From Nov.19,2011. « College Football From10/26/02. H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Press H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc Sportecenter (N)(Live) cc Sportscenter (N)(Live) « ** "Hocus Pocus"(1993)Bette Midier, SarahJessica Parker. ** "Hocus Pocus" (1993)Bette Midier, SarahJessica Parker. FAM 67 29 19 41 ** "AddamsFamily Va/ues" (1993)Anjeica Huston, RauiJulia. The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reiily Factor (N) cc Hannity (N) On Record, GretaVanSueteren The O'Reiily Factor cc Hannity On Record, Greta VanSueteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 BeetDishee P a ula'ecooking Diners,Drive D iners,Drive H ailoweenWarsEviiCiowns'G' H a iioweenWars'G' HalloweenWare'G' HalloweenWars ZombieWedding Restaurant: Impossible *** 'Zombieland"(2009)WoodyHarreison, Jesse Eisenberg. FX 131 (3:30) "X-MenOrigins: Wolverine" Two/Haif Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Haif Men American Horror Story: Asylum American Horror Story: Asylum HGTV 176 49 33 43 Property Brothers 'G' « Property Brothers 'G' « Huntere int'I H o use Hunters Buying and Selling 'G' « Pumpkin Ware(N)'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I P r operty Brothers 'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 MoneterQueetChupacabra'PG' The Real Story of Halloween 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stare 'PG' Restoration R e storation R e storation R e storation C a jun Pawn C ajun Pawn C ajun Pawn C ajun Pawn LIFE 138 39 20 31 America's Supernanny 'PG' « A m e rica's Supernanny 'PG' « A m e rica's Supernanny 'PG' « T h e Houstone The Houetons The Houetons The Houetons My Life Is a Lifetime Movie 'PG' The Real Exorcist n « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Ed Show(N) TheRachelMaddow Show (N) The Last W ord The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 (4:50) Jersey Shore n '14' « Ridi culousneee Ridiculousness Totally Clueless Pranked: Love * "Friday the 13th" (2009) Jared Padaiecki, Danieiie Panabaker. n (10:15) *"The TexasChainsawMassacre: TheBeginning" (2006) NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob Spongeaob Spongeaob SpongeBob Drake & Josh Full House'G' Full House'G' Full Housety Full House'G' TheNanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Friendsn 'PG' (11:33) Friends OWN 161103 31 103Prison Diaries n '14' cc Pneon Dtanee n 14 « Pnson Dianes n 14 « Dateline on OWNThe Player '14' Dateline on OWN n '14' « Dateline on OWN n '14' Dateline on OWN The Player '14' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Hydroplane M a rkFewshow Seahawke W o r idPokerTour:Seaeon10 C o l legeFootballldahostateatMontana Seahawks Th e Dan Patrick Show * "Halloween" (2007,Horror)MalcolmMcDoweii, ScoutTayior-Compton.n * "Halloween" (2007) MalcolmMcDoweii. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (4:00) StephenKing's it n '14' SYFY 133 35 133 45Ghost Hunters n 'PG' cc Ghost Hunters ParanormalPolitics Ghost Hunters CurtainCall 'PG' Ghost Hunters Fear Factory cc G h ost Hunters Tunnels oi Terror Face Off Live Finale'PG' Total Blackout Viral Video TBN 05 60 130 Behind Scenes Turning Point Joseph Prince End of the Age Carman Halloween3:16 Always Good Jesse Dupiantis Easter Exper. Creflo Dollar P r aise the Lord 'Y' « *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeid 'PG' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Big Bang Big Bang Con a n (N) '14' cc ****"Frankenstein"(1931, Horror) BorisKarloff, Colin *** "Son oi Frankenstein"(1939, Horror) Basil Rath- (8:15) ***"TheWolfMan"(1941, Horror) LonChaney *** "The Mummy"(1932, Horror) Boris Karl o ff, Zi t a * * " T he Mummy's Hand"(1940) Dick TCM 101 44 101 29 Ciive, MaeClarke. « Johann, DavidManners. Foran. Premiere. bone, Boris Karloff, BeiaLugosi. « Jr., ClaudeRains,Ralph Beiiamy. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 Four Weddings rt 'PG' « Island Medium Island Medium Toddlers & Tiaras rt 'PG' « Todd lere 8 Tiarae rt 'PG' « Here Comes H e re Comes H ere Comes H ere Comes H ere Comes H ere Comes *TNT 17 26 15 27 Castle Anatomy of a Murder'PG' The Mentalist n '14' c~ The Mentalist Flame Redn '14' C astle inventing the Girl n 'PG' C a stle Fool Me Once'PG' c~ Cas tle n 'PG'cc Perception Messenger'14' atj 'TOON 84 Regular Show Regular Show Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time "Scooby-Doo!Music ofthe Vampire" (2011) King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Terrif. Places Terrif. Places Terrif. Places Terrif. Places Ghost Adventures (N) 'PG' cc G h ost Adventures 'PG' cc GhostAdventures'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG' cc Ghost Adventures 'PG' c~ M'A'S*H 'PG' M*A'S*H 'PG' CoebyShow Coeby Show Coeby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot, Clevel Cheating Game'G' M *A*S'H 'PG' and Hap. Divorced King ofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 Bonanza The NCIS Angel oiDeath n '14' Ncis The team hunts a kiler. '14' NCIS Judgment Day'14' rrJ NCIS Kill Screenn PG cc NCIS OneLast Score n 'PG' Cov ert Affairs 'PG'(DVS) c~ USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS Skeletons n 'PG' c~ *** "TheLost Boys" (1987)JasonPatric, Corey Haim. rt « Couples Therapy rt '14' Couples Therapy(N) rt '14' Cou p les Therapy rt '14' VHt 191 48 37 54 40 Most Slimmed-DownCelebs I'm Married to A... rt '14' *ASIE 130 28 18 32 The First 48 'PG' cc

** "Daylight"1996, Action Sylvester Staiione. rt 'PG 13' « Hard toKill 'R' ENCR 106401 306401(4 30) ** "you Again"2010Kristen Bell. n 'PG' (6 20 ) ** "Bad Teacher" 2011 CameronDiaz. 'R' S tep hen King's Storm of the Century '14' « ** "Monsters vs.Aliens" 2009 vs.iens" 2009Voicesof ReeseWitherspoon. 'PG' FMC 104204104120MonstersAlien ** "Monsters Al (7:20) ** "Monsters vs.Aliens" 2009'PG' « (9:10) ** "Monsters vs.Aliens"2009, Comedy'PG' a« UFC Reloa ded UFC 137:Pennvs.DiazNickDiazvs.BJPenn. Being: Liverpool (N)'14' UFC Fight Night UFC:Browneve. Silva English PremierLeagueSoccer FUEL 34 On t h e Range (N) WGC-HSBC Golf Central (N) Golf WGCHSBC Champions, First RoundFromShenzhen, China. (N)(Live) GOLF 28 301 27 301Inside PGA C hasing Little House onthe Prairie 'PG' L i ttle House on thePrairie 'G' "TheGoodWitch's Charm"(2012, Drama)Catherine Bell. 'PG' cc Frasier 'PG' F rasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Fraeier n 'PG' HALL 66 33175 33 (4:00) Home 8Family 'G' cc REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel ** "Larry Crowne"2011 Tom Hanks. A mi d dl e -aged man The Making Of: ***"The Descendants" 2011, Drama George Ci o oney. A man navi g ates Boardwalk Empire Gillian tries to Real Time With Bill Maher Editor HBO 25501 425501n'PG' cc goes back tocollegeafter losing hisjob. Larry Crowne unfamiliar watersafter hiswife's accident. n 'R' cc improve herfuture. n 'MA' cc Chr yetia Freeland. n 'MA' cc 1973 Ellen Burstyn.Jesuits try to rescue apossessed girl. 'R' *** "Scream 3" 2000David Arquette. 'R' I FC 105 1 0 5 **** "The Exorcist" (7:45) **** "The Exorcist"1973, HorrorEllen Burstyn.Jesuits try to rescue apossessedgirl. 'R' ** "ResidentEvil Apocalypse" 2004Miia Jovovich. (3 20) ** "The (5 20) ** "Tremors" 1990,Horror Kevin Bacon,Fred Hunted Mort SamHunter returns to Hunted LB Surveillance oi Jack (10 35) **"Fina/Destination 5" 2011,HorrorNicholas• M AX 00508 5 0 8Rite" 2011 Wa r d, Finn Carter. rt 'PG-13' « work. n 'MA' cc Turner continues. rt 'MA' « Survivors oi adeadly virusbattle zombies. D'Agosto, Emma Bell. rt 'R' « Giant Crystal Cave'G' Bid & Destroy Bid & Destroy Bid & Destroy Bid 8 Destroy Bid & Destroy Bid & Destroy Bid & Destroy Bid & Destroy Giant Crystal Cave 'G' Border Ware '14' N GC 157 1 5 7 S p ongeBob A v atar: Air. A v atar: Air. D r agon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 115189115Odd Parents Odd Parents Wild Grinders Planet Sheen SpongeBob S pongeBob O dd Parents Odd Parents Spongeaob Outdoorsman Amer. Rifleman Impossible G u n Nuts Mid w ay USA's Shooting USA « Best Defense Midway USA's Impossible Am er. Rifleman OUTD 37 307 43 307Midway USA's Shooting USA « nsid e NASCAR Inside Comedy Inside the NFL rt 'PG' « S HO 00 5 0 0 (4:30) *** "TheHours"2002,DramaMeryi Streep, Juii- *** "Ouridiot Brother"2011, ComedyPaul Rudd, Eliza- Homeland Q&ABrody finds himself Inside the NFL (N)rt 'PG' « I anne Moore. n 'PG-13' cc beth Banks. n 'R'cc prisoner again. n 'MA'ee (N) 'PG' Larry David '14' SPEED 35 303125303Pinks - Ali Out 'PG' 101 Care 101 Care Barrettdackeon Special Edition Pinks - Ali Out 'PG' 101 Care 101 Cars Barrett.Jackson Special Edition STARZ 00408 00408TheRoommate ** "AnUnfinishedLife"2005 RobertRedford. n 'PG-13' « (7:20) * "Ghost Rider: Spiritoi Vengeance" 2012 * * "C lick" 2006, Comedy AdamSandier. n 'PG-13' « *** "TheOthers" 2001Nicoie Kidman.A devout womanbelieves ghosts ** " Night oi the Demons"2009,Horror MonicaKeena, (9:35)"Devif's P/ayground"2010,Horror DannyDyer, (4:30) "Street Racer" 2008, Acti o n TMC 2 5 25 Ciint Browning. rt 'R' « inhabit her darkenedisland mansion. rt 'PG-13' « Shannon Elizabeth. rt 'R' « Jaime Murray,MyAnnaBuring. n 'NR' cc Onward Notre Dame NFL Turning Point (N) 'PG' NFL Turning Point 'PG' MLS 36 'PG' MLS 36 'PG' NFL TurningPoint'PG' NBCSN 27 58 30 209Triathlon *WE 143 41 174118Roseanne 'PG' Roeeanne'PG' Roeeanne'G' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'G' Roeeanne 'PG' Roeeanne'PG' Roeeanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' GhostWhieperern 'PG'cc




Woman'seyesareopenwide by cellphonephotosat work Dear Abby: There is a man at work I'm very attracted to. He seems to be equally attracted to me. The problem is, he has shown me two pictures of his privates that he has on his cellphone. When he did it, it wasn't completely out of context of ou r c onversation and our interest in each other. We do not have a physical relationship (yet), but I'm considering it. How weird is it that he has these pictures on his phone? — Got an Eyeful in Illinois Dear Got an Eyeful: That must have been some conversation! It's amazing either of you get any work done with so many pheromones floating in the air. From my perspective, what your co-worker did was "premature" considering you have no social r elationship

(yet). It could also be consid-

DEAR ABBY the customer is really wrong

is when he (or she) repeatedly asks personal questions about a server's love life and puts his (or her) hands on the server. The way to handle it is to report what happened to your supervisor or employer, and make certain that in the future you are not the person taking their order.What happened was inappropriate anywhere — and that includes in your restaurant. Dear Abby: My 1 8 - yearold son left for college over a month ago. While cleaning his room, I found all sorts of marijuana paraphernalia. I'm at a loss about how to handle this. I want to confront him because he knew the rules of the house

ered aform of flashing. However, while I consider what he did to be overexpo- (no drugs) and lied to me and sure and not a p a rticularly broke them. impressive courtship t e chI do not want drugs in this nique, displaying pictures of house! I don't know what to his anatomy on his cellphone do or say if he wants to come is not unheard of among men home for school breaks. I pray who think like adolescents. he is no longer doing them, but Dear Abby:I'm a waitress at I think I would just be lied to if a 24-hour restaurant in a small I brought it up. — Heartbroken Mom town. Most of my customers are regulars,and for the most in Fredericksburg, Va. part we t alk a bout current Dear Heartbroken Mom:You events and what is going on in have a right to set the rules in each other's lives. Last night, your house and expect that two of my regulars came in and they will be respected. When one tried to grab my hand after your son comes home for his the other put his hand up the f irst school break, tell h i m sleeve of my shirt. Both repeat- what you found and how hurt edly asked me incrediblyper- you are to have been lied to. sonal questions about my love Then tell him that to make life and finances, and I'll admit, sure he doesn't abuse your I froze and then I walked away. trust in the future, you will be In any other kind of work randomly drug-testing him. environment what happened (Testing kits are sold over the would be considered sexual counter at y our p harmacy.) harassment, but I'm not sure Explain what the penalty will what to d o a bout it , s ince be ifhe disregards your wishthey're customers and I'm the es. The threat of a drug test employee. At what point is the may ensure his compliance. — Write Dear Abby at customer really wrong? — May I Take Your Order? www.DearAbby.com or PO. Box Dear May:The point at which 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Wednesday,Oct. 31, 2012 through someone's demands. A partner's unexpected behavior also could take atoll on you. Youmight not be in the mood to talk, and perhaps you would rather distance yourself from this person right now. Think before adjusting your schedule. Tonight: To theweehours. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * Aclose partner or an associate demands alot of your attention. Confusion surrounds you; do not takesomeone'sbehavior personally. Indulge a loved oneat a distance, and makeplans to visit. Tonight: Last-minute thoughts about trick-or-treating might encourage a change in plans. SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * * Deal with someone's requests. You could beaggravated on some level, but it would beworth it to step back andevaluate your mood before taking action. Try not to look at the incident itself, but instead at your authentic feelings for this person. Tonight: Surprises happen left and right. SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * T hose around you are full of themselves right now, which could force you to back off some. These people simply have strong personalities, but it mightfeel like you are on the receiving end of apower play. You just might want to go along with the program. Tonight: Goalong with someone else's idea. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * Your creative ideas mark ** * * As the daygoeson, the morning. By the afternoon, it is you feel more empowered. You'll business as usual. Taketime with communicate onadeepleveland a parent or boss who might need share more ofyour ideas. Others some help. Youwant to bethere for respond, but perhaps not in the way this person, butyou also want to get you anticipated. This is particularly home to greet the little gremlins that true for one keyperson in your life. Tonight: Go with last-minute changes. will come by.Tonight: Consider an unexpected offer. CANCER(June21-July 22) AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * U se the morning tothe max, ** * Confusion forces your hand and do whatyou must in order to assume a low profile in the afternoon. in a situation. A misunderstanding helps you initiate a long-overdue A discussion might need to be conversation. Let your imagination repeated at a later date, even if it run wild, and you could find that seems like the other party currently many doors will open up as aresult. A understands the message.Someone brainstorming session demonstrates you look up to could surprise you. your creativity. Tonight: Let the good Tonight: Act like a ghost andvanish. times roll. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * Handle your responsibilities PISCES (Fed.19-March 20) ** * You might want to spend early in the day, asmeetings, interpersonal interactions and phone more time at home or with a family member. Even if you have towork, calls will keep youvery busy. Indulge you still can plan on making time with in this sociable afternoon — it's nearly as if it was created just for you. this person afterward. He or shewill Tonight: At afavorite haunt with your be delighted by your actions. Tonight: You do not need to gofar to have a friends. haunting experience. VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * You might want to think © 2012 by King Features Syndicate By Jacqueline Bigar This year you tap into your wit and intelligence, no matter whatyou choose to do. Others like having you around. Make sure thatyou are clear in your communication, as often there tendtobem ix-ups.Theunexpected adds zest to your life. If you are single, youcould meetsomeonewho appears out of the blue. It is likely that Cupid's arrow will hit you hard. If you are attached, the two of you could experience some misunderstandings. Let go of your judgment, and accept your partner as he orshe is. GEMINI makesyou laugheasily. The Stars Showthe Kind of DayYou'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3Average; 2-So-so;1-Difficult ARIES (March21-April19) ** * By midday, a situation will energize you, andyou might feel tense and excited simultaneously. Be sure to cross off the errands on your to-do list. A misunderstanding could happen if you movetoo quickly. Clear up this matter ASAP.Tonight: Out and about. TAURUS(April 20-May 20) ** * * T he unexpected occurs, which forces you to pull back and center yourself. This time of reflection ultimately allows you to gain. You will touch base with reality when you finally decide to deal with the various aspects of this situation. Tonight: Share some of your treats. No tricks, please. GEMINI (May 21-June20)



Pleaseemail event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

TODAY HOWL-0-WEEN:With pet photos, a costume contest, refreshments and more; proceeds benefit the Humane Society of Central Oregon; free; 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Humane Society of Central Oregon, 61170 S.E. 27th St., Bend; 541382-3537 or www.hsco.org. PUMPKINPATCH:Free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. OLD MILL DISTRICT HALLOWEEN PARTY: W it h pumpkin painting, crafts, trickor-treating, wagon rides, circus performers and more; free; 4-7 p.m.; Center Plaza, Bend; 541-312-0131 or www.the oldmill.com. REDMONDFIREANDRESCUE HALLOWEENPARTY: Trick-ortreat at the Redmondfire station, with games andinformation about fire safety; free; 4-8:30 p.m.; Redmond Fire & Rescue, 341 N.W. Dogwood Ave.; 541-504-5000. COMMUNITY HARVESTPARTY: Featuring games, candy and more; free; 6-8 p.m.; Calvary Chapel Redmond, 616 S.W. Ninth St.; 541-923-8614. DOWNTOWN TRICK-ORTREAT:Trick-or-treat at various downtown businesses; see website for a list of participating businesses; free; 6 p.m.; downtown Bend; 541-788-3628 or www.downtownbend.org. HALLOWEEN HALL:Trick-ortreat at the college's Juniper Hall; for ages12 and younger; free; 6-8 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 54 I-383-7593. HAUNTEDHOUSES:Featuring three haunted houses; "Dark Intentions" and "the Haunt at Juniper Hollow" are recommended for ages 12 and older; "Distortions" 3-D haunt is all ages; proceeds benefit the Oregon Athletic 8 Educational Foundation; $12, $20 two haunts, $25 all haunts; 7 p.m.; old Parr Lumber buildings, 443 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; www.scaremegood.com. FOR ANIMALSSAKEART AUCTION:Featuring live music, food, a costume contest and more; proceeds benefit the Redmond Humane Society; free; 7:30 p.m.; Ambiance Art Co-op, 435 Evergreen Ave., Redmond; www.ambianceartonline.com. CABINPROJECT: The Portlandbased folk-pop band performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879. THE REVERENDPEYTON'S BIG DAMN BAND: The Indiana-based country-blues act performs, with Harley Bourbon and Boxcar Stringband; $10 plus fees, $13 at the door; 8:30 p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989.


$24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.cascades theatrical.org. "MOONRISEKINGDOM": A screening of the PG-13-rated 2012 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541-4753351 or www.jcld.org. HIGH DESERTCHAMBER MUSIC — ENLIGHTENMENT TRIO: String musicians play selections of chamber music; $35, $10 children THURSDAY and students; 7:30 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota "BONESBRIGADE:AN Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436, info© AUTOBIOGRAPHY":A screening highdesertchambermusic.com or of the unrated 2012 film about a www.highdesertchambermusic skateboarding team in the 1980s; .com. $8; 6 p.m., doors open at 5 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, THE INFAMOUSSTRINGDUSTERS: 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382The progressive bluegrass band 5174 or www.mcmenamins performs, with Polecat; $15 plus .com. fees in advance, $20 at the door; 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. "GREENFIRE":A screening of the Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788documentary film about legendary 2989 or www.p44p.biz. conservationist Aldo Leopold, hosted by the Ochoco National JOSH AND MER:The PortlandForest service; free; based indie-rock act performs, with 6-8:30 p.m.; Crook County BrokenDown Guitars;$5;8:30 p.m .; High School, Eugene Southwell Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Auditorium, 1100 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. Prineville; 541-416-6647. SCOTT PEMBERTON BAND:The Portland-based rockers perform; SATURDAY free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School,700 N.W. Bond St., VFW BREAKFAST: Community Bend; 541-382-5174 or www breakfast with eggs, bacon, ham, .mcmenamins.com. eggs, hashbrowns, biscuits and "IT'S ONLYMONEY": Preview night gravy and more; $8.50, $7.50 of Cascades Theatrical Company's seniors and children 12 and presentation of the musical comedy younger; 8:30-11 a.m.; VFW about mixing love and money; $10; Hall,1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 541-389-0775. 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; LORD'S ACRE DAY:The 66th annual 541-389-0803 or www.cascades event features a sale of crafts, theatrical.org. baked goods and art, live music, a "JESUSCHRISTSUPERSTARUK barbecue dinner, an auction, 10K ROCKSPECTACULAR":A screening run, 5K walk and more; proceeds of the Andrew Lloyd Webber rock benefit Powell Butte Christian opera, starring Ben Forster, Tim Church projects; free admission, Minchin and Melanie Chisholm; $18; $10 barbecue, $15 in advance 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium or $25 day of event to race; 7:30 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse a.m. registration, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. events; Powell Butte Christian Church, 13720 S.W. State Highway PROPHETSOFADDICTION: The 126; 541-548-3066 or www. Seattle-based rock band performs; powellbuttechurch.com. $6,plusfeesin advance;8 p.m., doors open at 7:30 p.m.; The Sound ART PARTY:View and purchase Garden,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; art from a variety of artists; food 541-633-6804 or www.bendticket and drink available; a portion of .com. proceeds benefits the St. Charles Foundation and Sara's Project; free; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Harkness-Williams home,1 Beech Lane, Sunriver; FRIDAY 541-593-2127 or sunriversister@ chamberscable.com. DIA DELOS MUERTOS LOCALAND LOVIN'IT: Morethan70 CELEBRATION:Celebrate the Day of the Dead with live music, a DJ, vendors; blood drive for American traditional art installations, Mexican Red Cross, canned food drive for folkloric ballet and food; proceeds Saving Grace, yoga, zumba and a fashionshow; 10a.m.-4 p.m.; benefit Rise Up International and Recursos para Derechos Humanos; The Riverhouse Convention free admission; 3 p.m.; The Old Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River Stone, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; Court, Bend; 541-389-3111 or 541-390-62 I3. prbystormie©hotmail.com. WILDFIREPOTTERY SHOWCASE: FIRSTFRIDAY GALLERY WALK: Event includes art exhibit openings, The Clay Guild of the Cascades hosts an event of continuous ceramic artist talks, live music, wine and foodindowntown Bend andthe demonstrations, potter booths with pieces for sale and more; free Old Mill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend. admission; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Highland Magnet School, 701 N.W. "IT'S ONLYMONEY": Opening night Newport Ave., Bend; 541-388-2636 of Cascades Theatrical Company's presentation of the musical comedy or www.clayguildofthecascades.com. about mixing love and money; with AUTHORPRESENTATION:Larry a champagne and dessert reception; Jacobs, Don Kunz, John Kvapil, Pete MOON MOUNTAINRAMBLERS: The Americana band performs, with a scream contest; $7, $5 with a costume; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331. THRILLERDANCE PARTY:W ithMC Mystic and Gainon the lllyrikill, a costume contest and more; free; 10 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116.

How short is rarely clear. Expiration dates on over-theContinued from B1 counter cosmetics or skin care "That doesn't mean it products, with the exception of d oesn't work, but i f i t ' s sunscreen, which is classified benzoyl peroxide plus an as a drug, aren't mandated by antibiotic, you're losing the the Food and Drug Adminother product's effect," he istration. (Skinshift does not said. use expiration dates, although Other popular ingredients Harper said batch production vulnerable to heat and sun- is monitored and t r acked.) light are plant extracts, an- Companies can perform statioxidants, retinol, glycolic bility tests and stamp their acids and vitamin C. Pack- products accordingly, but it's aging is also important: Eye costly and time-consuming. " Most companies do n ot cream, for example, tends to have ahighbacterial growth want to delay the launch of rate because it tends to come their product, which could in jars, said Ron Robinson, a take six months to a year," chemist in Manhattan who said Schlessinger,who said he specializes in the technol- spent $70,000 on stability testogy of cosmetic ingredients ing for his product line, Fixand the founder and chief MySkin Balms, each item of executive o f B e a utyStat which is stamped. .com, which reviews new Even with such measures, products. dates are not always reliable. "Ingredients may not co- Just as with milk, dates can be exist well if they have dif- negated by improper storage ferent pH levels," said Dr. or handling. Ruthie Harper, an internist Lush, the Britain-based allin Austin, Texas, and the natural company, considers creator of Skinshift, a line the manufacture and use-by of products supposedly tai- dates it places on every item lored to a patient's genetic in its catalog a major selling makeup. "One may be low- point. While the majority of level or more acidic, and Lush's goods have a 14-month another might be too high, shelf life, their BioFresh Face or have morealkaline.The masks, the cornerstone of the mixture may render them brand, expire after 21 days, neutral or inactive. Other in- said Erica Vega, Lush's lead gredients may not be chem- product and brand trainer. "We make them fresh weekically compatible. The truth is, the more ingredients, the ly with fruits and vegetables, shorter the usage." essential oils and cleansing

clays, and deliver them to the shops where they sit on ice, like a fresh buffet," Vega said. "We want to provide the full effects of the vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes found in the fruits and vegetables." Lush uses minimal packaging, but some companies are going in the other direction, with active ingredients sold together but in separate compartments. "Air and bacteria begin to break down the purity and efficacy of ingredients once the product has been used," Robinson said. "Sterile packaging and new one-way pumps that block air from coming into the product extend the life." In January, Decleor released Life Radiance Double Radiance ($67), which contains one partcream (for radiance,

Lovering and John Martin read from theirbooks,"The GuysBig Book of Poetry" and "TheGuys Home Maintenance Poetry Manual"; free; 2-4 p.m.; Dudley's Bookshop Cafe, 135 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-749-2010. BECOMING A HUMORIST: Joel Clements talks about what it takes to become a humorist; free; 2 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. HUMAN DIGNITYCOALITION ANNIVERSARYPARTY:A barn dance featuring a BBQ, anauction, live music and a Western-themed costume contest; $10 in advance, $15 at the door; 6-10 p.m.; Sons of Norway Hall, 549 N.W. Harmon Blvd., Bend; 541-385-3320 or www .humandignitycoalition.com. BIG NIGHT IN THEBIG HOUSE:A benefit for the Juniper Junction Relief Nursery; featuring Trivial "Prison" Pursuit, snacks and a souvenir mug shot; registration requested; $35; 7-10 p.m.; Deer Ridge Correctional lnstitution, 3929 E. Ashwood Road, Madras; 541-475-2537. KATHY BOYD5 PHOENIX RISING: The roots music group performs, preceded by a songwriting workshop; proceeds benefit the High & Dry Bluegrass Festival; $10 general admission, $20 workshop; 2 p.m. workshop, 7 p.m. concert; Runway Ranch, 22655 Peacock Lane, Bend; 503-691-1177. "IT'S ONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about mixing love and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www .cascadestheatrical.org. TRIBUTETOANDREW LLOYD WEBBER:A musical tour of Andrew Lloyd Webber melodies; featuring the Youth Choir of Central Oregon and choral groups from BendandSisters High Schools; proceeds benefit CASA of Central Oregon; SOLDOUT; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. POLYRHYTHMICS: The Seattlebased Afro-funk band performs, with Eleven Eyes; $8 plus fees in advance, $12 at the door; 8:30 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www .p44p.biz.

SUNDAY WILDFIREPOTTERY SHOWCASE: The Clay Guild of the Cascades hosts an event of continuous ceramic demonstrations, potter booths with pieces for sale and more; free admission; 10 a.m.4 p.m.; Highland Magnet School, 701 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-388-2636 or www.clayguild ofthecascades.com. CRANKSGIVINGRIDE:A scavenger hunt and race on bicycles to purchase food items for the Bethlehem Inn; followed by an awards ceremony; $20 for food donations; 11 a.m.; GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 S.W.Century Drive, 100-464, Bend; 541-322-8768 or www.bethleheminn.org.

were already mixed together, the shelf life would be less than one day." Dr. Joshua Zeichner, the director of cosmetic and clinical research inthe dermatology department at M ount Sinai Medical Center in New York, said there was scientific validity to keeping active ingredients separate until the moment of application. "Because we are using more and more combination therapies and ingredients that can potentially i n a ctivate e ach other, it's only logical for companies to create new ways to distribute them," he said. But Robinson also said this was clevermarketing. "It's more of a visual cue," he said. "The consumer take-away is, 'two products in one, it must be delivering two benefits."' the company claims) and one Regardless of whether your part gel (to protect the skin) products bear expiration dates, — presented together but di- he said, extending the life of vided in separate tubes. Simi- theseproducts isaseasy asstorlarly packaged items include ing then in a cool place rather SkinMedica TN S E ssential than in your bathroom, which Serum ($245), Jan Marini Age tends to be hot, humid and wet. Intervention Duality ($90), La Using an applicator or cotton Prairie Skin Caviar Liquid Lift swab instead of your finger will ($500) and Remede Intensive decrease bacteria. And adding Double Serum ($130). water only invites germs. "In this case there is no As with any r elationship, shelf-life risk because the cus- you need to know when to say tomer is mixing gel and cream goodbye. just before use," said Michel Robinson said, "A product that's separating, has changed Sabadie, the director of r esearch and development for in color or smells differently Shiseido International France, are signs they're ready for the which owns Decleor. "If they trash."






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hand and heard a response of one spade, he bid two diamonds. Do you agree? ANSWER: I d o n ' t. N o rth h ad minimum values, and his partner's response hadn't improved his hand. North should r ebid t w o h e arts, showing a minimum with six or more hearts. If South continued with, say, 2NT, North could then bid t hree diamonds, showing six hearts and four diamonds. North dealer Both sides vulnerable


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Cy had a 50-50 chance for 10 tricks. He could do better by leading the queen ofdiamonds from dummy at Trick Three. If East returned a diamond (not best), Cy would have winning options. His safe play for the contract would be to ruff dummy's low diamond and ruff his last club in




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For an overtrick South could try the A-J of diamonds, pitching a heart. If East-West followed, he could ruff a heart and ruff his last club in dummy.

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In the spirit of the day, Cy the Cynic was playing in his penny game wearing a witch's black hat. "What's the ratio of a j a ck-o'l antern's c i r cumference t o its diameter?" Cy asked me. "I've no idea." "Pumpkin pi, of course," the Cynic chortled. Cy may know something about geometry, but his play in today's deal was a r i t hmetically ch a l l enged. Against four spades West led a club, and East took dummy's jack with the ace and returned a club. Cy then drew trumps and lost a diamond finesse, and the defensetook a club and a heart. Down one.

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LOS ANGELESTIMES DAILY CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 4 Arizona neighbor 41 Emmy winner 59 S l i nky's shape 1 Mythological fire- 5 D raw forth Daly 61 Cut and paste, breather 6 Cath. or Prot. 43 "Shane" star Alan e.g. 8 Man-horse 7 Juice drink suffix 4 6 Oceano filler 62 St o r y creature 8 Name as a 49 The "X" in XFL, 6 3 R iver of Flanders 15 Tangled or source so some thought 65 Car starter: disentangled 9 Keenan's actor 5 1 Homemade pistol Abb r . 16 Employee's father 52 Imbeciles 66 Young fellow security pass 10 Bulls org. 55 Awestruck 67 Milne's absent17 Like Napoleon 11 Smidgen 56 "The Alienist" minded Mr. on Elba 12 Puts in author Caleb 68 I tb egins with 18 Nonsense 13 Like Cinderella's 57 Nobelist Wiesel enero 19 Elementary stepsisters 20 Teacher's 14 Bassoon, e.g. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: answer book 20 Small racer P A C T O W E D 21 Guitarist Barrett 2 3 C heers from tiers S O L I D 22 About, in dates 24 P r ankster A R E NA A G H A S A R I 25 AEC successor 2 6 Count (on) SE A B I S C U I T M X I V 28 Labyrinth dweller 27 Forensic H 0 P Q U E E N L 0 P E S 31 Elusive loch detectives, briefly A S T O U N D A M I N O dweller, familiarly 28 Trick-or-treaters' N I K C S T U D E N T 35 Powerful health costu m e items A N G E R H I E S S T A Y care lobbyinggp. 29 Beatnik's "Got it" I T E R A T E I S P 36 Internet letters 3 0 J. Carrol : T V 's R O O F R E T W A C S M A C H O 38 Singer Ronstadt Char l ie Chan 39 Massage style 32 Fishhook-to-line S I S E N O R A N P R 42 Champsconnection C R E S T C A T C H E R Paris boulevard 3 3 Perfect T O R R E B R A D Y A X E 44 -face: 34 Cinch course A C A I S E E J A N E R U N 37 Big name in smooching L A Z E T A B U E L U D E 45 Law office hire Argentine politics L T Y R S T A N T I M E S 47 Not in the clergy 40 With no 10/31/1 2 xwordedltorfeaol.com 48 Riddler foiled by warr a nties Oedipus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1I 12 13 14 50 Fictional 15 16 destroyer of Tokyo 17 18 53 Match part 54 Erased 19 20 21 55 Leader of the 22 23 24 25 2 6 27 pitching staff 58 Nipper's org. 28 2 9 30 31 32 3 3 34 60 Godliness 64 Brahe 35 36 37 38



67 Temples with up-






curved roofs



KIPS ON HALLOWEBN AII'.5 DFTEN —Now arrange the circled letters io form the surprise answer, as suggested bytheabove cartoon.


OLaughingStockInternational Inc, Dist by Universal UClick for UFS,2012


"Are you gonna be able to afford a car by the time I need to borrow it?"



Answer: Donald Duckgoi somestrange looks from people when hestarted acting —DAFFY

69 Paper-folding art 70 No help 71 Beowulf's victim 72 What each of seven answers in this puzzle is DOWN 1 Final exam nono 2 '80s tennis star Mandlikova 3 Folk singer Burl

45 49






58 65



53 55 5 6




60 67





By Sheila Welion (c)2012 Trlbune Media Services, Inc.

61 6 2



10/31/1 2




Google, meanwhile, is introducing a 10-inch Nexus tablet starting at $399, $100 less than comparable versions of the latest iPads. It is doubling the storage capacity of existing 7inch models and introducing a version capable of accessing cellular networks. The new Nexus 7 is available now, while the other devices are coming Nov. D.

Continued from B1

Phone rival Apple's leading rival, Samsung Electronics Co., came out with a new version of its flagship phone, the Galaxy S III, months ago. But Samsung is known for releasing products throughout the year, each targeted at a different base of consumers. For those who like to work with a stylus, the Galaxy Note II smartphone came out last week. T-Mobile, Sprint and U.S. Cellular are selling it now. Verizon and AT&T are taking advance ordersfor shipments in the coming weeks. The Note comes on the heels of Samsung's campaign touting its Galaxy S III phone as its "next big thing." The Note is even bigger, with a 5.5 inch screen,compared with the S III's 4.8 inches and the iPhone 5's 4 inches, all measured

Calling on Windows Microsoft Corp. released a new version of the Windows operating system on Friday, one that's designed to work on both traditional computers and tablet devices. Desktops, laptops and tablet computers with Windows 8 started going on sale Friday. Microsoft a l s o re l eased its own tablet computer, the Surface. It's new territory for Microsoft, w h ic h t y p i cally leaves it to others to make devices using its software. Now, it will be competing against its partners. One model will run on the

diagonally. The Note runs the latest version of Google's Android system, Jelly Bean. G oogle, meanwhile, a n nounced a small update to J elly Bean and said it w i l l be included with its Nexus 4 smartphone out next month.

same type of lower-energy

chips used in the iPad. It will start at $499, also like the newest, full-sized iPads. A keyboard cover will cost another $100. Sales started Friday. A heavier, more expensive version will run on Intel chips Tablet rivals and be capable of r u nning Amazon's 7-inch K i n d le standard Windows applicaFire is one of the smaller tab- t ions. Microsoft hasn't a n lets with decent sales. Last nounced thedate or price for month, it started shipping an that yet. updated version with a faster A new version of the Winprocessor, more memory and dows Phone system is coming longer battery life. It also cut out this fall as well. Oncethe price to $159, from $199, dominant phone maker Nokia making it far cheaper than the Corp. has been struggling in iPad, which starts at $399. the shadow of Apple and AnAmazon is also releasing droid, and it's counting on the higher-end models under the new Windows system for a Kindle Fire HD line. A 7-inch revival. Nokia, Samsung and one goes for $199 and an 8.9- HTC are launching eight Wininch one for $299. There's also dows Phone 8 smartphones a $499 model that can use combined by year's end, startthe 4G cellular networks that ing this w eekend overseas phone companies have been and later in November in the building. A data plan will cost U.S. an extra $50 a year. The smallNew Blackberrys er HD model is already available, while the larger ones will A year ago, Research In be available Nov. 20. Motion Ltd. disclosed that it Barnes and Noble Inc. is was working on a next-genalso updating its Nook tablets. eration phone system for the The new Nook HD will come BlackBerry, which now looks in two sizes, one at 7 inches ancient next to the iPhone and (starting at $199) and one at Android devices. It was sup9 inches (starting at $269). posed to be out in time for this They will be out Thursday. year's holiday season. That won't happen. In addition to the new HD screen and a l i g hter body, In June, RIM pushed the reBarnes & Noble is increasing lease of BlackBerry 10 devices the services the Nook offers. into early next year, saying it It's adding a video purchase wasn't ready. That means RIM and rental service, allowing will not only compete with users to m aintain d i fferent the new iPhone and Android profiles and making it easier devices out this fall, but it will to browse titles in its book and also have to contend with the magazine stores. new Windows devices.

Same day Continued from B1 S ome p u rchases a r e still worth a stroll through the mall — luxury jeweler Tiffany 8r Co. isn't likely to send engagement rings s ame-day d elivery, n o r would customers want to give up the glitzy, Cham-

pagne-filledshoppingexperience. But the convenience of quick home delivery appeals to shoppers like Lyshone Griffin, of Oakland, Calif. Standing outside that city's Wal-Mart last week, she said she would happily pay the extra money for

same-day delivery of large furniture, such as a bed, that she needed urgently and couldn't pick up from a store herself. Amazon and Wal-Mart promise customers t h at for just a few dollars extra their online purchases will be dropped at their front door within hours of ordering — or in eBay's case, in less than an hour. After all, there's nothing quite as exciting as a knock at the door from UPS, holding the new flat-screen TV you ordered even before the charge appears on your credit card. But analysts note that packages will reach customers within a day only if companies have enough merchandise and enough stores an d wa r e houses spread throughout a delivery area. The other snare that often trips up retailers, said Dias, is that they can't control the delivery. In some cases, the delivery

The same-daypromise EBAY



Availability:San Francisco

Availability:San Francisco, Philadelphia, northern Virginia


only, but eBaysays it has plans to add cities. Drivers will deliver

Boston, Chicago, Indianapolis, and Minneapolis Las Vegas, NewYork City to just about anywhere and and the surrounding area, Cost:$5-$10 delivery, $45 within an hour. minimum purchase. Customers Philadelphia, Phoenix, Seattle and Washington, D.C. Participating retailers include can choose from 5,000 items Target, Finish Line, Macy's, of general merchandise, most Cost:$8.99 per delivery, Office Depot, RadioShack, of them popular holiday gifts, or $3.99 for AmazonPrime Toys RUs, Best Buyand and groceries. Orders must members. Everyonepays a99 Walgreens. be placed by 7a.m.and are cent per-item fee. delivered in a two-hour window How it works:Select Local Cost:First three deliveries are between 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. free, and customers get a$15 Express Delivery when making discount on the first order. After Cost:$10 for orders of any size, a purchase onamazon.com. that, deliveries are $5. no minimum purchase. The cutoff time for same-day No grocery service. delivery is as early as 7a.m.and How it works:Download the as late as noon in somecities. eBay Nowapplication (free for How it works:Create an Not all merchandise is eligible. Apple devices) account at the Walmart To Go Details: www.amazon.com website; http://walmart .com/togo grocery delivery service under way since 2010, and will work with UPS in the other test cities. Then there's the cost, which may discourage both retailers and customers.Wal-Mart charges $10 for deliveries of any size, which Dias expects will cover less than half the cost of one order. EBay offersthree free deliveries,after which customers are charged $5. Orders must be at least

sible. The company began same-day delivery i n 2 009, but the service has been limited to a handful of cities. But Amazon also has been aggressively expanding other delivery services and building more warehouses — it now has a total of 40 in the U.S. to get merchandiseto customers

"The math doesn't make sense," Dias said. "It only makes sense if the truck is full. It doesn't make sense if there's

only one package."

But for a few Wal-Mart customers in Oakland, Calif., the delivery fee is too expensive; they're watching every dollar. Unloading her bags from a cart outside the store, Maria guy may be a college stu- Rivera of Alameda, Calif., said dent trying to earn a few same-day delivery was "not extra bucks working as a for me." She doesn't have a contract driver for eBay. computer at home to shop on"It's not a s a m e-day line, and even if she could borguarantee; it's a same-day row a friend's, the extra $10 maybe," Dias said. was too much. EBay sp o k e swoman Spokeswoman Ashley HarLina Shustarovich said the die said the test would help company's goal is to deliver Wal-Mart gauge where samein an hour, "but we can't day delivery might work, and control for unusual circum- "learn what's better for our stances." EBay does not customers and betterfor our offer concessions for late business." deliveries. Even Amazon hasn't found W al-Mart w il l u s e i t s a way around the high cost. own trucks an d d r ivers Chief Financial Officer Thomin the San Francisco Bay as Szkutak said this year that Area, where the mega-re- same-day delivery on a broad tailer has had an online scale is not economically fea-

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ping, which he says allows

him to compare pricesacross dozens of websites without more quickly. leaving his computer chair. Even Amazon's efforts to But Amazon ha s r a ised speed up d e l iveries l i kely the bar on retail delivery and won't sway Sunnyvale, Ca- competitors are running to lif., resident Andrey Abutin, catch up. "Everybody is aswho canceled his A m azon sessing this — whether or not account after th e c ompany they want to pursue it, and began collecting sales tax in whether or not they can," said September. And he questions B ruce Cohen, retailer a n d whether Amazon's same-day consumer strategist with Kurt delivery — not yet available in Salmon i n S a n F r a ncisco. his region — is even worth it. "For businesses, it's innovate The $8.99 cost of same-day de- or step aside."



livery, plus about a $1 per-item fee, doesn't add up for him. "You're looking at way too much overhead for anything costing less than $150," he sald. Abutinprefers Google Shop-






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News of Record, C2 Obituaries, C5 Editorials, C4 Weather, C6 THE BULLETIN 0 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2012


O www.bendbulletin.com/local

Attorneys in Hargrave

Friday between the city

esc u es ai o renova e area ors ecia inma ecases case algLle

of its $68 million wa-

By Joseph Ditzler

Settlement talk canceled in Bend water dispute A settlement confer-

ence scheduled for of Bend and opponents ter project has been canceled, according to Paul Dewey, the execu-

tive director of Central Oregon LandWatch.

That may spell

the end of attempts to quickly resolve the case brought by

LandWatch in federal court against the U.S. Forest Service and, by

extension, the Bend city Surface Water lm-

The Bulletin

The Deschutes County Commission on Monday unanimously approved spending upto$675,000 to renovate a dormitory inside the county jail in Bend into a medical and behavioral health unit and to build a recreation yard. The plan eliminates 14-16 beds but gives sheriff's Capt. Mike Espinoza, the jail administrator, a space apart from

other inmates to care for those inmates with pressing medical and mental health needs. "We needtomove forward with this, the sooner, the better," County Sheriff Larry Blanton told the three-member board. The renovation would create four individual cells and a two-bed cell from a 12-bed open bay dormitory, along with examination rooms. Also part of theplan:a separate,secure areaforrecreation for "the

worst of the worst," according to Blanton. Those inmates, said he and Espinoza, have a propensity toward violence, or are accused ofegregious crimes or must be held apart from co-defendants. Recreation is a misnomer, Blanton said. What the inmates experience is simply a breath of fresh air; the jail is not equipped with recreational equipment or

sporting gear. The jail deals with any

number of medical cases,from sleep apnea to drug and alcohol addictions to inmates in need of treatment such as kidney dialysis, Blanton and Espinoza said. It also deals with suicidal inmates. Blanton said that within the past two weeks deputies saved an 18-year-old who tried to hang himself with a bedsheet. Mental health issues are common among inmates, both men said. SeeJail/C5

provement Project. City Attorney Mary Winters said she understood the

settlement approach is probably closed. That

means the case may rest now on a decision by U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken of

Eugene. That process could take longer, but Winters said Aiken was

open to an expedited schedule for attorneys to submit briefs in the

case. That could mean a decision from the bench would not take

"too terribly long," Winters said. The city planned to start work Oct. 10 on replacing a 10-mile

pipeline and upgrading a water intake facility at Bridge Creek west of Bend. The Forest

Service had issued permits for work on the pipeline that

crossed the Deschutes National Forest. It also turned back challenges to the project by LandWatch. Instead, Aiken im-



posed a preliminary injunction at the request of LandWatch, halting work just as contractors had staged

equipment and sections of pipe on Tumalo Falls Road. The city canceled further work for the season, and the

pipe and equipment were removed.

Rob Kerr /The Bulletin

Les Schwab employee Casey Ringsethrestocks racks of winter tires Tuesday for sale in Bend. Thursday marks the start date to drive legally with studded tires in Oregon.

Winters said at

evidence, process

By Sheila G. Miller The Bulletin

Attorneys in a Tumalo man's murder trial spent the bulk of Tuesday arguing in Deschutes County Circuit Court about evidence and the trial process rather than presenting their cases to the jury. James Hargrave, 62, is charged with one count of murder. His defense attorneys concede that Hargrave shot and killed his son, 29-year-old Steven Hargrave, during a confrontation at their home in Tumalo in December 2011. But his attorneys asserted a claim of self defense on his behalf when the trial opened last week. Tuesday, the prosecution rested its case after briefly calling county Sheriff's Lt. Chad Davis. The defense called one witness, Dr. Russell Massine, Hargrave's physician. But before jurors heard any testimony from Massine, attorneys squabbled over what evidence he could offer. County District Attorney Patrick Flaherty asked Circuit Court Judge Wells Ashby to limit the testimony to Hargrave's health on the day of the shooting, not to his general health or the way he might have felt that day. Defense attorney Karla Nash wanted to question Massine about potential injuries Hargrave would have suffered had his son thrown him over the balcony of the loft in the Tumalo home, or shoved him to the ground. Flaherty argued there was no evidence that Steven Hargrave had threatened to do those things. SeeHargrave/C2

close of business Tuesday that she had just learned the Friday talks were canceled. She said the city has 60

days to appeal Aiken's injunction to the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of

Appeals. Winters declined to discuss the subjects discussed at the settle-

ment conferences, one of which had already

taken place. Dewey said Tuesday the talks were discontinued but he, too, declined further comment citing their confidential nature.

USFS officesdown temporarily today Forest Service offices in Central Oregon will temporarily stop selling items such

as maps, recreation passes and firewood permits starting at

noon today. The offices' sales system will be down until Thursday morning while it transitions

to a new accounting system. In the meantime, residents can obtain

maps and recreation passes at other vendors in the area, including Bi-Mart, Big 5, the High Desert Museum, REI and Pine Mountain Sports, among other


More briefing and News of Record, C2

Water ooca tainste su

to cover season'sset ac s By Megan Kehoe

Drug caseleadsto tort claim against local government

The Bulletin

It hasn't been the water polo season Andy Rhine hoped for. Hampered with injuries, illness, and academic problems, the Bend High School water polo team has had a rough season this fall. But for A ndy, t h e t eam c a p tain, it 's been a win-

By Sheila G. Miller The Bulletin

OUR SCHOOLS, ning one in OUR STUDENTS many ways "I realized we had activities, and local kids to work and their achievements. w ith w h a t • School Notes and we had. We submission info,C2 weren't winning m any games, but I was going to stick with it to the end," Andy said. "I had a lot of friends depending on me." Andy, a 17 - y ear-old s e nior, stepped up for his teammates. After the team captain — the league's 2011 Most Valuable Player and one of Andy's best friends — injured his back three weeks into the season, Andy took over the role. As the only senior left on the team, Andy said he felt compelled to lead despite the many team setbacks. "You have to pick up your team members when they're not having a good night," Andy said. "As captain, I've learned you have to lead by example." Water polo isn't like basketball or football, Andy points out. It's not a Educational news and

Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

Bend High School senior Andy Rhineis captain of his school's water polo team, and maintains a 4.12 GPA.

Andy Rhine, 17 Bend High School senior Activities:water polo, golf,

swimming, National Honor Society

Favorite Movie:"Moneyball" Favorite TV Show:"Family Guy"

Favorite Book:"Gregor the Overlander" Favorite Artist:Lupe Fiasco

sport that you can learn by watching TV because it's rarely on TV. There aren't many students at the school who play it. "I want to help keep the program

alive and help the future generation learn the game," Andy said. Part of that desire is fueled by the fact that his younger brother is on the team. In his family, all of the children were expected to pick up a sport, he said. Andy picked up three, adding golf and competitive swimming to his activities in addition to water polo. But Andy's talents go far beyond just athletics. He holds a 4.12 GPA and excels particularly in the subjects of math and science. He said he was raised in a household where the importance of math was always emphasized over other subjects like English and music. SeeStudent /C2

A man who alleges the Central Oregon Drug Enforcement team tried using false evidence in an attempt to get him convicted of selling methamphetamine may sue the city and county. According to a tort claim notice filed in September, Richard Scott Samuels and his attorney, Foster Glass, allege a CODE detective filed a false affidavit saying he'd taped and observed Samuels selling drugs three times. Using what they describe as that false affidavit, a search took place and six charges related to the possession and sale of methamphetamine were filed against Samuels. Those charges were dismissed in March. Samuels' is one of four tort claims filed since April against local government, including the city of Bend and Deschutes County. A tort claim is notice of intent to sue. Samuels' notice states his claim can be settled with a payment of $75,000; if not, Glass wrote in the complaint, Samuels will seek up to $1 million in court. Samuels was indicted in February 2010 on six counts related to the possession and sale of methamphetamine. In a motion to suppress filed in March 2011, Glass wrote the state's search warrant was illegally obtained in violation of Samuels' constitutional rights. The search warrant affidavit, he wrote, did not "establish that drugs would more likely than not be found at the residence of Scott Samuels," because the concerned citizen listed in the affidavit who tipped police to a possible drug deal between Samuels and another person was not reliable. That concerned citizen, Glass notes, was at the time being sued by Samuels, and has a variety of criminal convictions. SeeTort/C5




TEEN FEATS MarshallAllenhas been named November's High Desert Hero by The Center Foundation of Bend. Allen attends Summit High School and maintains a 4.24 GPA. He is a member of the varsity swim team and a member of student council since 2010. He serves as the president of the Honor Society, volunteers as a peer tutor and at the Bend Community Center, helps with Red Cross blood drives, participates in Link Crew and works with an NSFinternship through OnTOTech and has volunteered at Roots and Shoots


Sustainable Bag Project and NHS Cultural Display.

MILITARY NOTES Navy Airman Fallsha Stlnchcomb completed U.S. Navy basictraining at Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, III. She is a2012 graduate of La Pine High School and the daughter of Ryan and Angela Stinchcomb, of La Pine. Army Pfc. Clarra Jones graduated from One Station Unit Training at Fort Leonard Wood in Waynesville, Mo. She is a 2009 graduate of Bend High School and the daughter of Paul Jones of Marana, Ariz. and Rhonda Carstensen, of Peoria, Ariz.




Continued fromCt

CascadesAcademy to host open house

Can you work a camera, and capture a great picture? And can you tell us a bit about it? Email to readerphotos@bendbulletin.com your color or black-andwhite photos and we'll pick the best for publication in the paper and online.

Cascades Academyof Central Oregon, a private school in Bend, will host an

Submission requirements:Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolut>on (at least6 inches wide and 300 dp » and cannot be altered.

open house for prospective students and their parents Nov. 8. The open house will be held at 6 p.m. at the school on Northeast Studio Road. Attendees will be able to learn about the admissions

process for the school's pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classes and will also get a chanceto meet Head of School Blair

• 'r

Jenkins. To RSVP, call 541-

How to submit Teen feats:Kids recognizedrecently for academic achievements or for participation in clubs,choirs orvolunteer groups. (Please submit a photo.)

382-0669 or write rsvp© cascadesacademy.org. For more information, visit



Randy Bailey of Redmondcaptured this photo on his cellphone.


Phone: 541-383-0358

Email: youth©bendbulletin.com Mail:P.O. Box 6020,Bend,OR 97708

Other schoolnotes: College announcements, military graduations or training completions, reunion announcements. Phone: 541-383-0358 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.com


Story ideas

Continued from C1 Ashby ruled the defense could use hypotheticals like falling over the balcony, but could not use Steven Hargrave's name as part of that questioning. Once jurors were brought in at ll:30 a.m., they listened to about 30 minutes of testimony from M assine, who spoke of H a r grave's problems with d iabetes, kidney failure, high blood pressure and other complications from a stroke in 1999. He told jurors thatHargrave's diabetes caused wild fluctuations in blood sugar that could cause foggy cognition and o t her side effects, and how important it was for Hargrave to have a solid sleep routine. He also testified that because H a r grave s u f f ered from so many ailments, his body was more like that of a man in his mid-70s, not a man in his early 60s. At one point, with the jury behind closed doors, Nash and Flaherty clashed over whether Hargrave's potential glucose levels on the day of the shooting should be up for questioning. Flaherty called it a "Twinkie defense." Flaherty objected throughout M a s sine's t e s timony, complaining about the scope of the doctor's testimony and Nash's line of questioning. That's all jurors got to hear T uesday before they w e r e sent home for the day while the attorneys argued other matters. Defense attorneys moved

School briefs:Items and announcements of general interest. Phone: 541-633-2161 Email: news@bendbulletin.com Student profiles:Know of a kid with a compelling story? Phone: 541-383-0354

Email: mkehoe©bendbulletin.com


tral O r egon C o m munity College next term, and has Continued from C1 applied for admission next " Growing up, w hen I ' d year toseveral engineeringbring my report cards home, oriented colleges. He said my parents always looked he wants to c ombine his at my math grades first," love of engineering with his Andy said. "It's always been enthusiasm for sports to inabout math." vent something one day that A ndy's f a t h er , Br u c e helps water polo athletes or Rhine, is a f o r mer engi- golfers in their training. neer and used to joke with Rusty Clemons, Andy's Andy and his three siblings golf coach and a math and while they were growing up PE teacher at Bend High, about them following in his describes Andy as a student footsteps. with a lot of heart. "I would "He (my dad) used to joke d escribe Andy — i n o n e and say, 'If you're not going word — as an asset," Clemto become an engineer,then ons said. "Whatever group he's a part of, he is positive you're not going to live in my house.'" and always smiling. You Andy's dad was joking, but want Andy i n y ou r c l ass his words were something and on your team." He's also a very supporthis children took to heart. Both of Andy's older siblings ive t e a mmate, C l e mons study engineering — one at said. "We're not m e asuring the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the other this season by wins," Andy at the Rose-Hulman Institute said of his water polo season. "It's about how good of teamof Technology. It's a path t h a t A n d y mates we've been." — Reporter: 541-383-0354, wants to follow, too. He's taking math classes at Cenmkehoe@bendbulletin.com

to dismiss the case, telling Ashby the prosecution had failed to disprove the idea of self-defense. "We have me n t i oned s elf-defense early a n d o f ten," defense attorney Terry Rahmsdorff told the j udge. " We would p oint ou t t h a t self-defense is mentioned in the state's case, in that heartwrenching 911 call that we all endured again. Pamela H argrave m e n t ion s t ha t (the shooting) was done in self-defense." Rahmsdorff went on to say that Hargrave was tired, severely disabled, and that he'd described in his four-hour, taped video interview with law enforcement that "Steven was coming towards him with his fists raised.... Unlike previous times when there have been problems, there was no one to run interference." Rahmsdorff said the state had not proven in its case that Hargrave had not been defending himself when he shot his son, and as a result the case shouldbe dismissed. Flaherty d i sagreed, saying his case had established all the necessary aspects to p rove murder. He told t h e judge Hargrave "was given more opportunity to tell the detectives what occurred that evening than any suspect or defendantI'veever seen in an interview." And yet, Flaherty told the judge, Hargrave never told detectives he was scared or afraid for his l ife when he shot his son. "How m any t i me s d o es he say he was angry, he was

filled w it h h a te," Flaherty said. "There is no reasonable doubt that he did not act in self-defense." Ashby denied the motion, saying there is evidence that sheds doubt on self-defense, including that Hargrave allegedly called his son over to his side of the loft. "He was baiting Steven Hargrave, he was being angry," Ashby told th e attorneys. "He said he was tired o f it, he was sick of it , h e wasn't going to take it anymore. ... And then he shot him and killed him and I believe there's ample evidence

that a jury could find that the state has met these elements (proving murder), and that there's also evidence to refute self-defense." Also Tuesday, Ashby denied a defense motion to take the jury t o t h e H a r graves' home in Tumalo to view the lofts and stairs where the shooting o ccurred. A s hby ruled the scene was w elldocumented by law enforcement officials and a trip to the scene wouldnot increase the jury's understanding of it.

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the 500 block of Southwest Forest Grove. OUII —Jason Domonic Rodoni, 36, The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such was arrested on suspicion of driving a request is received. Any under the influence of intoxicants at new information, such as the 3:58 a.m. Oct. 26, in the 800 block dismissal of charges or acquittal, of Northeast Greenwood Avenue. must be verifiable. For more Burglary —A burglary was information, call 541-383-0358. reported at10:47 a.m. Oct. 26, in the Bend Police Department 1500 block of Northwest Galveston Theft —A theft was reported at Avenue. 1:06 p.m. Oct. 22, in the 600 block Theft —A theft was reported at of NortheastThird Street. 1:35 p.m. Oct. 26, in the1000 block Theft —A theft was reported at of SoutheastThird Street. 8:01 a.m. Oct. 24, in the 600 block of DUII —Jilian Victoria Wolfe, 22, Southeast Third Street. was arrested on suspicion of driving Unlawful entry —A vehicle was under the influence of intoxicants at reported entered at 7:30 a.m. Oct. 2:37 a.m. Oct. 27, in the1000 block of Northwest Bond Street. 25, in the 2600 block of Northeast Moonlight Drive. Criminal mischief —An act of Unlawful entry —A vehicle was criminal mischief was reported at 12:06a.m. Oct. 27, inthe100 block reported entered at 7:52 a.m. Oct. of Southwest McKinley Avenue. 25, in the 2600 block of Northeast Moonlight Drive. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 2:37 p.m. Oct. reported entered at 7:59 a.m. Oct. 27, in the area of Northeast Shepard Road and Northeast Crestridge Drive. 25, in the 2000 block of Northeast Rockridge Drive. Burglary —A burglary was Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported at 7:40 a.m. Oct. 25, in the reported entered at 8:22 a.m. Oct. 100 block of Southeast Heyburn 25, in the 2100 block of Northeast Street. Jackson Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at Criminal mischief —An act of 5:15 p.m. Oct. 26, in the 20100 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. criminal mischief was reported at 8:46a.m. Oct. 25, in the19500 block Criminal mischief —An act of of Amber Meadow Drive. criminal mischief was reported at OUII —Lisa Maria Torres, 35, was 3:40a.m. Oct.27,inthe20400 block of Brentwood Avenue. arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants Burglary —A burglary was at10:25 p.m. Oct. 25, in the area of reported and an arrest made at 7:35 Boyd Acres Road and Sierra Drive. a.m. Oct. 27, in the 20500 block of Criminal mischief —An act of Shaniko Lane. criminal mischief was reported Criminal mischief —An act of at10:56 a.m. Oct. 26, in the 2000 criminal mischief was reported at block of Northeast Veronica Lane. 10:15 a.m. Oct. 27, in the 62900 block of O. B. Riley Road. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 4:15 p.m. Oct. 25, in Griminal mischief —An act of

criminal mischief was reported at 5:03 p.m. Oct. 27, in the 400 block of North Mirror Pond Lot. DUII —Parker Reilly Swisher, 32, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 7:06 p.m. Oct. 27, in the1100 block of South U.S. Highway 97. OUII —Emmanual Rodriguez, 25, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at10:56 p.m. Oct. 27, in the area of Northeast Third Street and Northeast Greenwood Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 6:23 p.m. Oct. 28, in the 200 block of Northwest Linster Place. Theft —A theft was reported at 7:25a.m.Oct.29,inthe3400 block of Northeast Purcell Boulevard. Criminal mischief —An act of criminalmischief was reported at 8:55 a.m. Oct. 29, in the 100 block of Northwest Oregon Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminalmischief was reported at 10:16a.m. Oct. 29, inthe100 block of100 block of Northeast Franklin Avenue. Burglary —A burglary was reported at11:22a.m. Oct. 29, in the 100 block of Southeast Third Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 11:26a.m. Oct. 29, inthe100 block of Northwest Colorado Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at11:52 a.m. Oct. 29, in the 61500 block of Milo Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 2:11 p.m. Oct. 29, inthe 600 blockof Northeast Savannah Drive. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 2:15 p.m. Oct. 29, in the area of Northeast Franklin Avenue and

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— Reporter: 541-617-7831, smiller@bendbulletin.com

Northeast Second Street. Prineville Police

Department •

Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 5:47 p.m. Oct. 29, in the area of Northwest Madras Highway. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at 9:38 p.m. Oct. 29, in the area of Northeast Third Street.



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aiornias stem ro sits


Multnomah deputies seize$250K ofm eth

a n o m muni o s ita

The Associated Press ASHLAND — A mid concern in the community over access to abortion and assisted suicide services, a California hospital system once tied to the Roman Catholic Church has dropped plans to take over the Ashland Community Hospital. The Ashland Daily Tidings reports that Dignity Health of San Francisco didn't cite specific reasons in a letter halting negotiations, other than " residual resistance" in t h e community and uncertainty about being able to conclude the deal. The hospital has been los-

ing money — $2.5 million in

the last fiscal year. Its leaders said they would likely turn t o t w o h o spital organizations that its board p reviously considered in a search for a merger partner: Asante Health System, which runs Rogue Regional Medical Center in Medford, and Providence Health 8 Services of Seattle, which operates Providence Medford Medical Center. Hospital leaders said they want an alliance by the end of the year. E arly t hi s m o nth, M a r k Marchetti, t h e hos p i tal's chief executive officer, said the hospital could be closed in a year i f i t r e m ains in-

dependent, and the f ormer board chairman, Dr. D oug Diehl, testified i n O c t ober that it had four to six months of operating cash left unless it trimmed services. The Ashland hospital has said its size puts it at a disadvantage a g ainst l a r g er hospitals in Medford, and it's squeezed by u n r eimbursed costs of t r eating M edicare and Medicaid patients. S ome community m e m bers raised concerns t h at Dignity Health would restrict women's reproductive services and the rights of dying patients to get lethal prescriptions to end their lives under

Oregon law.

"Patient rights were never something that should have been on the table," said Pauline Black of Ashland, who opposed the merger. "I hope that the council and the hospital board are going to bring us all together and talk about it," she said. D ignity Health w a s f o r merly k n ow n a s C a t h olic Healthcare West. It changed its n a m e a n d af f i l i ation with the Catholic Church in January. Since the change, the hospital system is no longer a s ponsored ministry o f t h e Catholic Church, but a selfgoverning, nonprofit health care system.

The S a l e m St a t esman J ournal r e ported t h e 3 8 year-old woman said the suPORTLAND — A Mult- pervisorgained her trust and nomah County s h eriff's respect and began confiding spokesman says a deputy in her, saying he would like and his drug dog located to have a life with her after three pounds of metham- she left prison. Eventually, phetamine during a traf- the suit says, he began gropfic stop in t h e Portland ing her. area. The suit says the abuse Lt. Steve Alexander says happened in an area at the two men and a woman in Coffee Creek C o r rectional the vehicle were arrested Institution not covered by a late Monday night for inworking securitycamera. v estigation of m et h d e The paper reports Departlivery and possession. A ment of Correctionsrecords loaded handgun was found show the man was placed on as well. paid leave in August and reDeputies later found an signed shortly afterward. additional two pounds of meth at a hotel room rented Man sentenced by one of the three people in Hermiston killing arrested. Alexander says more arPENDLETON — An Eastrests are possible. ern Oregon man accused of He says the five pounds a killing at a party has been of meth has a street value sentenced to serve less than of $250,000. fiveyears as a resultofa plea

Rancher, son sentenced in fires

Repairs atdefective MarionCoun building .R;

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T he East Oregonian r eports that 26-year-old Jesus Carrillo Jr. had pleaded no EUGENE — A n E a st- contest to criminally negliern Oregon rancher and gent homicide and was senhis adult son, who were tenced Monday. found guilty o f s e t t i ng Initially, he was charged fireson federal rangeland, with murder. have been given sentences He was accused of shootfar below the mandatory ing 3 4 -year-old H e r iberto minimum. Aparicio Garcia in N ovemU.S. District Judge Mi- ber 2011. chael Hogan agreed with A police affidavit and witdefense lawyers that set- nesses said Carrillo and his ting fire to juniper trees brother crashed a party at and sagebrush was not the Garcia's place in Hermiston, type of crime Congress and a fight started later when had in mind when it set Garcia told the two of them to mandatory minimum five- leave. year sentences for anyone Umatilla County D i strict who maliciously damages Attorney Dan P r imus said or destroys federal prop- that Carrillo's DNA was on erty by fire. a bloody knife at the trailer The Register-Guard re- home, and o t her e v idence ports that on Tuesday in and testimony showed GarEugene, Hogan sentenced cia used a knife during the 70-year-old Dwight Ham- fight. mond Jr. to three months and gave 43-year-old Ste- Medford man accused ven Dwight Hammond a of sex with teen girls sentence of a year and a day. MEDFORD — A 20-yearThe H a r ney C o u n ty old Medford man has been men were convicted last indictedon 27 charges of sex June in Pendleton for a abuse and rape involving un2001 fire set near Steens derage girls he met online. Mountain. Steven HamChristian Alexander Sanmond was also convicted chez was arrested Thursday i n a 2006 fire near t h e and held Monday on $1 milMalheur National Wildlife lion bail. Refuge. Police told the Mail Tribune T he p r o secution a r - Sanchez engaged in sexting gued that the U.S. Bureau with more than a dozen girls of Land M a n agement between the ages of 13 and 16 warned the Hammonds in and had sex with at least three 1999 against setting range of them. fires to improve the grass His father said police are for cattle, but they went i nvestigating behavior t h at ahead anyway. stretched back to high school and none of the incidents were Inmate suesstate, malicious.

alleging sex abuse

Kobbi R. Blair/(salem)statesman-Journal

The city of Salem has issued a permit for work to start next week on a $23 million repair project at the Courthouse Square building. The building owned by Marion County and the transit district

has been vacant for two years because of design defects. The Statesman Journal reports repairs should be completed by the spring of 2014. The 12-year-old building originally cost $34 million.

SALEM — A n i n m ate a t Oregon's p r ison f o r women has sued the state for $1.1 million, alleging a male kitchen supervisor sexually abused her.


Investi ation noc s Mount Hoo

'Furnifure and'Gesji n

— From wire reports 5

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ommuni oe esout oor ro ram I The Associated Press P ORTLAND — A sta t e investigation shows that a 2year-old Oregon community

college program designed to prepare students for careers in outdoor r ecreation a n d s urvival can't a ccount f o r $13,000 worth of equipment and that the staff used col-

lege money to buy personal i tems such a s c a ndy a n d sunglasses. A former member of the board at Mount Hood Community College who resigned in June and called for an investigation of campus misconduct called the finding a good first step. The college board wants to fire two employees, said Rod Monroe, a current member of the board and a state senator, but officials wouldn't name them. The W i lderness Leadership and Experimental Edu-

cation program began in

the purchases, but there were "The issues I was shown went far beyond dollar no deposits with the school's business office. and cents.Issues of missing funds and money Dr. Ralph Yates, a Portare simply symptoms of a long-term problem land sports p hysician, r esigned fro m t h e c o l l ege's that exists there." board earlier this year, say— Ralph Yates, who resigned from the coiiege's board ing there was "a cancer, I believe, in this institution." His complaint to the secretary of 2010 and has now been sus- found $18,000 worth of equip- state's office touched off the pended. It featured hands-on ment. An instructor returned investigation. classes, including 75 days in $4,800 in equipment the next The report "is an approthe field each year, The Orday, leaving $13,000 unac- p riate b e g i n ning," Y a t e s egonian newspaper reported counted for. said Monday. "The issues I Tuesday. • I nstructors s pent h u n - was shown went far beyond According t o t h e i n v es- dreds of dollars on inappro- dollar and cents. Issues of tigation r e p o rt , st u d ents priate p u rchases, r a nging missing funds an d m o ney could rentor borrow college- f rom $121 for d i nner at a are simply symptoms of a owned equipment for campGresham restaurant, listed long-term problem that exing, climbing, mountaineer- as a travel expense, to jack- ists there." ing and excursions through ets and sunglasses billed to a College President Michael snow and water. college purchase card. H ay said in a l etter to t h e Among the findings: • For $1,500worth of m iss- secretary o f s t a te's o f f ice • Between July 2010 and ing equipment, students were the "instances of noncompliance" were anomalous and March 2012, $25,500 worth to reimburse the school for of equipment was purchased. the purchase. Auditors found the school would revise its When auditors visited storemail exchanges indicating records and a ccountability age sites i n A u g u st, t h ey students paid instructors for procedures.

i I I

~~A local

GASTAX would be a good thing for this community>> (The Source Weekly)


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•I I


Paid for by Kathie Eckman for Bend City Council 70 SW Century Drive, Suite 100-263 • Bend, OR 97702



The Bulletin



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BETsY McCooc


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Fditur in-Clnrf Editorof Edttorials




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ithout consulting the public, or even its own pol-

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icy board, the Oregon Department of Transportation has decided to change Oregon's longtime practice of avoiding the use of rock salt to melt snow and ice on roads. The Oregonianobtained a copy of an agency document that details a plan for a five-year pilot project to use salt in two locations: 11 miles of 1-5 as it crosses the Siskiyou Pass near the California border and 120 miles of U.S. Highway 95 near Idaho and Nevada. Those bordering states use salt, meaning drivers on clear roads cross into areas of packed snow when they drive into Oregon. If the experiment goes well, ODOT told The Oregonian, use could spread elsewhere in Oregon. The benefits and hazards of salt on roads are well-understood and little disputed; it's great for melting snow and ice, but it does nasty things to the environment and to vehicles. That's why Oregon has long avoided it, despite having plenty of dangerous mountainous roads. Although many p eople are aware that salt on roads can corrode their cars, they may be less aware of the effect on plants and watersources.A 2009 report from Purdue University says salt's toxic effect on plants has been understood since it was used for biological warfare in ancient times. The

salt prevents plants from absorbing essential nutrients, and it absorbs water otherwise available for the plants' roots. The salt also can wash into lakes and streams. Slate magazine reports40 percent ofthe urban and suburban streams in the northern part of the U.S. where salt is commonlyused have levels higher than recommended bythe Environmental Protection Agency. ODOT appears well aware of the problems, and is taking precautions to address them, the Oregonian reports, such as treating bridges with a glaze to lessen corrosion and not using salt in the Jordan Valley to protect its water supply. The department also got clearance for its pilot project from the state Department of Environmental Quality and the National Marine Fisheries Service. We don'tnecessarily disagree with the idea of the pilot project, which may show that carefully limited use of salt can make travel safer without significant environmental damage. We don't, however, think such significant changes in policy should be made with no public comment.

Geri Hauser: the

differences between me and Tim Knopp By Geri Hauser y name is Geri Hauser and I am running for state Senate. I am not a career politician or a lobbyist, and that's exactly why I felt compelled to run. If we want our government to work better for us,w e have to start electing real people who will put our interests ahead of partisanship, politics and power grabbing. My opponent and I disagree on some very fundamental issues. I thank you for reading this and making an informed choice. First, we have very different life experiences. I'm a wife, stepmother and grandmother. I attended Lane Community College, the University of Oregon and Central Oregon Community College. Through hard work and being a quick learner, I've climbed my way up the career ladder to professional success.I'veworked as a receptionist, a road maintenance worker and as an engineering assistant. Currently, I am a GIS analyst for Deschutes County. These life experiences have taught me that we need government to be on the side of the working people and the middle class. I'll work for common-sense solutions like supporting local businesses, cutting red tape, ensuring adequate funding for schools, developing OSU-Cascades and promoting sustainable forest practices that put people back to work in the forests. My opponent is a career politician with extreme views. His record is highly partisan, and he won the GOP primary against current Sen. Chris Telfer by constantly attacking her for working with Democrats in Salem. Do we really want to send someone to Salem who has no intention of working across the aisle to solve pressing issues facing our state? Do we need further division and gridlock in this critical time? My opponent touts his big accomplishment as PERS reform. But much of his big plan was ruled unconstitutional by the Oregon Supreme Court. How much did the taxpayers waste on litigation because Tim K nopp couldn't follow the Constitution'? PERS is inequitable right n ow — there are people making more in


IN MY VIEW retirement than they made while they were working. We need to fix PERS, but we have to follow the Constitution while we do it. I support reforms that save money now while not putting it on the backs ofcurrent employees and middle-class taxpayers. For example, I support capping pensions and doing away with the out-of-state retiree tax benefits. Knopp's views about government and women's health are downright scary. He believes that politicians should make medical decisions for women. I b e lieve women should make their own medical decisions! From 1999-2003, he cast 14 antiwomen's healthcare votes — 12 of these were anti-birth control. He cosponsored or sponsored seven antiwomen's health care bills. That's crazy. He believes government should force a woman to carry to term a baby even in the event of rape or incest. I do not believe government should make that decision! I also don't believe that politicians createjobs. Businesses create jobs. I will support legislation that helps businesses. I support tax incentives for businesses that buy, sell and produce goods locally. I do not support a sales tax or raising taxes, and I wish Knopp would stop lying about my positions. Knopp supports large tax breaks for the very wealthy and large corporations.He accepted $25,000 from Loren Parks, a disgraceful "hypno sex therapist" in Nevada. Instead of looking out for the wealthy, large corporations and out-of-state "hypno sex therapists," I'll fight for local jobs, schools,law enforcement, our seniors and our veterans. I may not be a polished politician. But I have common sense. I'll work with people in both parties. And I'll follow the Constitution. I'm proud to have been nominated by both the Libertarian Party and the Democratic Party. If you are as tired of politicians and politics-as-usual as I am, I'd appreciate your vote. — Geri Hauser I sa candidate for Oregon senate District 2z

NI Nickel's Worth Vote no on pot initiative I urge you to vote no on Measure 80, Oregon's Cannabis Tax Initiative. This measure is but a hoax to legalize marijuana in Oregon. And the backers ofthis measure have jammed the websites with misleading information about marijuana that is far from the real truth. Here is the real story: From the National Institute on Drug Abuse: "There arenearly 400 chemicals in marijuana, many which can affect a person's health. Risking injury to their lungs because of the irritants and carcinogens found in marijuana smoke,users become susceptible to chest colds, coughs, and bronchitis." (So stop to think about the children living in homes where it's being used.) "It causes a loss of coordination, affects memory, judgment, p erception, and the ability to d o complex tasks. And it may increase the risk of developing psychosis, depression, and anxiety; approximately 9 percentof users become dependent on it." CBS News reported that nearly 30 percent of fatally injured drivers tested positive for drugs other than alcohol, with marijuana being the main culprit. Canadian researchers confirmed this, saying users were twice as like to cause fatalities. And, California Highway Patrol found that nearly 1,000 traffic deaths each

year were caused by drugged driv-

and effective way. We need more of that on City CounciL Campbell simply would make a great councilor, and I urge you to support her. Chuck Arnold Bend

paying jobs and fantastic benefits. Vote no on Measure 9-86. Phyllis Sherman Bend

Congersupportsabortion limits

Redmond is fortunate to have three outstanding residents running for City Council. In order to make sure the city's focus remains on enhancing our ability to grow jobs and be family friendly, I fully support Anne Graham, Joe Centanniand Camden King. Graham brings real-world knowledge and an understanding of what it takes to attract jobs to our community. As a member of the city's planning commission, she has gained insight into what needs to evolve to keep our city competitive and healthy. If therewas another name to be given to our wonderful Centennial Park, it would be called Centanni Park. Centanni was a driving force behind making sure Centennial Park became a reality. This is a great example of Centanni's commitment to enhancing our city and keeping it family friendly. One of the city's biggest challenges is fostering a vibrant downtown. King has more knowledge than any other candidate regarding what it will take to make our downtown grow and prosper. He brings a freshness and candor to City Council that challenges tired assumptions. While he is not afraid to speak his mind, King is one who also reaches out and engages others to improve our city. Redmond will be well served having Graham, Centanni and King on our city council. David L. Foote Redmond

A woman's right to make her own health care choices is under attack in Oregon. Inthe 2011 Legislature, Jason Conger sponsored House Bill 3512, which would have blocked abortions after 20 weeks, one of the shortest time periods in the nation. Conger's bill would have forced women to continue a pregnancy even in the case of rape or incest. The only exception is a "medical emergency" defined as a condition that so complicates the pregnancy as to put the life of the mother or her future fertility at risk, no other considerations. In order to prove that they are less than 20weeks along,women could be subjected to medically unnecessary ultrasounds. The American Pregnancy Association says: "For women who have irregular menstrual periods or women who cannot remember the first day of their last menstrual period, it can be difficult to determine gestational age. In these cases, an ultrasound exam is often required ..."

Conger claimed he was going to

bring jobs to Central Oregon, but one of the first things he did was cosponsor one of the most restrictive abortion bills in the country. Don't be fooled into believing that Conger is a moderate. Conger will continue to promote his extreme conservative agenda, just as he continues to be supported by Oregon Right to Life, which wants to end all abortions in Oregon. I urge you to vote for the candiCampbell for council date who respects a woman's right to make her own private decisions about Barb Campbell is a proactivethink- her reproductive health — Nathan er who always brings a fresh perspec- Hovekamp. tive to an issue. She doesn't come to Laurie Gould the table with a preconceived notion Bend of what should be done. Instead, she listens attentively and approaches Vote no on park bond issues like most of us must do in our own households — carefully weighRecent fliers received from the ingthe options and making a decision Bend Park 8c Recreation District that isbest for everyone. We need simplify measure 9-86 as only addmore of that on City Council. ing $48 per year to the taxes on a Campbell is a small-business own- $200,000 home and even broke it er who believes stronglythat we need down farther to just $4 per month, to work harder to hire local business- making it sound trivial. es to perform local public projects. What they failed to mention is Outsourcing isn't just a national is- that the $4 per month added to the sue; it's a challenge here in Bend. As $23.30 per month that a household is a councilor, Campbell would ensure already being taxed, and adds up the that greater diligence would be done whopping $27.30 per month or $328 to keep work local and thus really a year instead of the $48 a year that helpimprove our economy. We need they mention. more of that on City Council. I would suggest that this is nothing Campbell has been a Bendite for more than a shell game and ask: "In many years, working in several dif- these tough times, how many people ferent industries from being a teacher can afford that kind of increase?" to a builder to a bartender to a shop That is a 17 percent increase or 10 owner. She understands what her times more than our Social Security friends and neighbors from all walks increase. Soon BPRD will take more of life go through to get by in our com- of our tax dollars than schools. No munity. She wants to see our citizens wonder it can build a massive headthrive and have their local govern- quarters in the upscale part of town. ment serve them in the most efficient No doubt it is well staffed with good

ers,many because of "medical marijuana." Former Seattle police chief and now director of National Drug Control Policy Gil Kerlikowske, reports: "Marijuana is a significant and important contributing factor in a growing number of fatal accidents." Again, vote no on Measure 80. Bill Williams Ontario

Support Graham, Centanni, King

Conger leads on health care Health care is one of the defining issues of this election. Costs are rising rapidly, families are struggling to find access to quality care, and we are still suffering through one of the worst recessions in living memory. This is why I appreciate Rep. Jason Conger's proven leadership on health care reform. Conger played a key role in Oregon's recent reforms, and he worked across party lines to do what is best for struggling families. The changes focused on reducing costs and improving outcomes for patients on the Oregon Health Plan. By restructuring the delivery system, focusing on prevention and care coordination, and shifting financial incentives to promote the long-term health of patients — instead of paying purely on the basis of how many tests or procedures are performed — Conger proved that we can lower costs while ensuring that Oregonians are receiving the bestcare possible.We need someone representing us in Salem who will work on effective solutions to the major problems facing our state and will put aside politics to get things done. We need someone who will not walk away from the difficult decisions. I believe that person is Conger. Dan Cardot Bend

Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcome your letters. Letters

In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification.

should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250 words and include the writer's signature, phone number

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We edit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons.

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the space below, alternating with national columnists. Writers are

letter or Op-Edpieceevery 30 days.

In My View pieces run routinely in limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.

Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or ln My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.com




BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Joyce G. (Rogers) Newton, of Burns (Formerly of Bend) June 16, 1935 - Oct. 27, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home of Bend, 541-382-0903 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A Celebration of Life will take place at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 3, 2012, at the La Pine Community Cemetery, located at the end of Reed Road in La Pine, Oregon. Contributions may be made to:

Redmond-Sisters Hospice; 732 Southwest 23rd Street Redmond, OR 9775; (541) 323-7601.

Loren (Peewee) Leslie Corwin May13, 1932- Oct. 26, 2012 L oren ( P e ewee) L e s l i e Corwin, a g e 8 0 , p a s s ed away on Oct. 26, 2012, at K ierra's P l a ce , M a d r a s , OR. L oren was born Ma y 1 3 , 1932, at the Priday Ranch on lower Trout Creek, OR. His family were early pioneers of Jefferson County. L oren's m o t h e r' s f a m i l y w ere c a t tl e r a n c h er s a t Willowdale and Ashwood, a nd h i s fa t h e r' s f a m i l y were homesteaders southeast of Madras. L oren g r a d u ated f r o m M adras H i g h S c h o o l i n 1950, an d w a s an ou t s tanding a t hlete i n t h r e e sports during high school. H e served i n t h e A r m y from 1953 - 1955. He was s tationed in Ger ma n y where h e p l a ye d b a sketb all an d f o o tball an d r e c eived m an y a w a r d s f o r h is p a r t i c ipation r e p r e senting his unit in competition. He was a l ifetime cattleman wor k in g o n r a n c hes near Antelope fo r F a r r ell P riday and E arl S m it h a s w ell as t h e M u d d y C o m p any. Loren w a s a c a t t l e buyer fo r b o t h R e d m ond Livestock Sales and C e nt ral Oregon Sales yard i n M adras. H e w as cat t l e m anager fo r St aff o r d Cattle Company of Culver a nd Prineville. Loren w a s a skilled horseman excelling as a rodeo pickup man throughout Or e g o n for many years. Loren was th e o l dest of six living children, Lynn of Eagle Point, Kay Markgraf o f B a k e r Ci t y , Di a n n e T raughber o f M i l w a u k i e, G ale of P r a i ri e C i t y a n d L arry o f Po r t l a nd ; t w o c hildren, T er i B u r k e a n d Dale Corwin; three grandchildren ; an d th r ee g reat-granddaughters. H i s m other a n d fa t h e r p r e ceded him in death. I n lieu of f l o w ers, it h a s been suggested that donat ions be m ade t o M a d r a s Hospice. A memorial service w i l l be held on N o v ember 17, 2 012, at th e In n a t C r o s s Key Station, 66 N o rt hwest Cedar Street, Madras, OR, from I :00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. L oren ha s r e q uested h i s a shes be scatted on B l i z zard Ridge by his life time best friend, Loyd Vincent. T he family w ould l ik e t o thank his caregivers, Carrie and Jorie of Kierra Place, where h e l i v ed. A t hank you also to th e V A n urse, Amy , a n d t o M a d ras H o spice, t h a t t o o k care of him. Arrangements are u nder the director of Bel-Air Col onial F u n eral H o m e , i n Madras.

Constance Frances Kielty

Claude Everett Crenshaw

August 28, 1940 - Oct. 29, 2012

Aug. 2, 1926 - Oct. 28, 201 2

Constance Frances K ielty, o f S u n r i v er , d i e d October Z9, 201Z, at age 7Z, with family close at hand. She h a d suf f e r e d tw o strokes this year. Connie w as b o r n August 2 8, 1 9 4 0, to Margar et and Harold 'Hap' Aumiller Constance Kielty Blachly, O R. S h e g raduated fro m S t . F r a n cis High School in Eugene, in 1958. Connie r e ceived m edical t r a ining a t L a n e C ommunity C o l l eg e a n d worked for many years as an LPN i n O r e gon h ospitals and with hospice care services. Since 1990, until the day she fell ill, Connie ran her own b u s i n ess, C o n n i e 's Cleaning Service, p r ovidi ng service t o t h e h o m e s a nd c o n dos o f S u n r i v er and vicinity. C onnie wa s m a r r ie d t o M orris P . K i e l t y f o r 29 y ears, and ha d f o u r c h i l dren, all of w h o m s u rvive h er, Ti m K i e lt y o f L a k e Oswego, K a re n G e r scher of Eugene, Kathy Kielty of Bend and Debbie Kielty of Portland. She is a lso surv ived b y s ix gr a n d c h ildren, a gr e a t - grandchild a nd m an y o t h e r f r i e n d s and family. In 1989, Connie moved to Sunriver , wi th h er l ong-time p ar t n er , Bi l l W illiams, w h o a l s o s u r vives her. T hey s h ared a life together for 2 5 y e ars, s nowmobiling , enj o y i n g t he r e g i on' s r i v e r s a n d lakes, and traveling extens ively i n M e x ic o an d t h e U nited S t a tes. S h e a l s o t raveled i n Ea s t er n E u rope, making several trips t o th e p i l g r i mage sit e i n Medjugorje, Croatia. A funeral and M ass w i l l b e held a t S t . F r a ncis of A ssisi C a t h o li c Ch u r c h (new Catholic ch urch), in Bend, Saturday, Nov. 3, at noon. Remembrances may be made t o t h e S p i r i tual Care S e r v i ce s at St . Charles Medical Center.

C laude E v e r et t Cr e n shaw, 86, of Bend, after a long b a t tl e w i t h c a n c er , d ied peacefully a t h o m e surrounded by his family. He w as b orn in Crabtree, O R, to Floyd and Lola (Watson) Crens haw an d r aised i n the Wi l Claude lamette Crenshaw Valley and g raduated f r om Sw ee t Home High School in 1944. He married Donna K eys on July 3, 1948, in Sweet Home, OR. He was in the lumber ind ustry unti l h e r e t i red i n 1 987. He l o v e d t h e o u t doors and spent time with f amily c a m p i ng , f i s h i n g and h u n t i ng . H e an d Donna traveled in their RV f ulltime f o r ma n y y e a r s a nd m a d e m a n y cl o s e friends i n th e i r tr a v e l s. T hey lived i n P o t ter V a l l ey, Calif., L e b anon, O R a nd Grants Pass, OR b e fore settling in Bend, OR He was a member of the Masons and Elks Lodge. H e is s u rvived b y w i f e , D onna C r e n s haw ; so n , R ay Cr enshaw o f R o g u e R iver; d a u g h ters, J a n e t Taylor (John) of Redmond, and Marilyn Olsen (Chris) of Grants Pass; sister, Gloria Crenshaw o f P l easant Hill; e i ght g r a n dchildren; and nine g r eat-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his mother, father and sister, V i o l a Cr e n s h aw Deering. A celebration of l if e w i l l be from Z to 5 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 3, at T h o usand Trails, 17480 S . C e n t ury Drive, in Sunriver, OR Memorial co n t r i b utions may be made to your Hospice of choice.


ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Dave May, 68: A Major League Baseball player and onetime All-Star for th e M i l waukee Brewers who was traded to Atlanta in order to bring back the local hero Hank Aaron. Died Oct. 20 in Bear, Del., of cancer.

Letitia etiquette maven,86

New York Times News Service Letitia Baldrige, the imposing author, etiquette adviser and businessexecutive who became a household name as Jacqueline Kennedy's White House chief of staff, died Monday in Bethesda, Md. She was 86. Terry Callier, 67: A Chicago Her death was confirmed by singer and songwriter who in Mary M. Mitchell, a longtime the 1970s developed an incan- friend and collaborator. tatory style that mingled soul, At35Baldrige, knownas Tish, folk and jazz sounds around left her job as public relations dihis meditative baritone, then rector for Tiffany & Co. to help decades later wa s r e scued out a friend and fellow Vassar from obscurity when his work alumna, theformer Jacqueline found new fans i n B r itain. Bouvier, becoming, in essence, Died Saturday in Chicago of the social secretary of the Kencancer. nedy WhiteHouse asitem erged Danny Sims, 75: A music pro- as a center of culture, elegance ducer, publisher and promoter and sparkling state dinners. who signed Bob Marley to his Baldrige left the White House first i n t ernational p u blish- in June 1963, less than six ing and recording contracts, months before President John setting Marley on th e r oad F. Kennedy's assassination, to to becoming the first reggae work for the Merchandise Mart, superstar. Died Oct. 3 in Los a Kennedy family business enAngeles of colon cancer. His terprise in Chicago. She went death was not widely reported on to found her own public relaat the time. tions and marketing business. — From wire reports In the 1970s she established herself as an authority on contemporary etiquette, writing a syndicated newspaper column on the subject and updating "Amy Vanderbilt's Complete Book of Etiquette" in 1978, less Death Notices are free and will Deadlines:Death Notices than four years after Vanderbe run for one day, but specific are accepted Until noon bilt's death. Baldrige's face soon guidelines must be followed. Monday through Friday for appeared on the cover of Time next-day publication and by Local obituaries are paid magazine, which hailed her as advertisements submitted by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday the nation's social arbiter. families or funeral homes. and Monday publication. They maybesubmitted by phone, Obituaries must be received After that, her own name mail, email or fax. by 5 p.m. Mondaythrough was enough toattract readers, The Bulletin reserves the right Thursday for publication on the and in 1985 she published "Leto edit all submissions. Please second day after submission, titia Baldrige's Complete Guide include contact information by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or to Executive Manners," which in all correspondence. Monday publication, and by dealt with behavior in the workFor information on any of these 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday place and outside it. She deservices or about the obituary publication. Deadlines for clared it acceptable to cut salad policy, contact 541-617-7825. display ads vary; please call with aknife.She recommended for details. that whoever reaches the door first — either man or woman — open it. And she suggested Phone: 541-617-7825 Mail:Obituaries infrequent shampooing when Email: obits@bendbulletin.com P.O. Box 6020 staying on a yacht, to be considFax: 541-322-7254 Bend, OR 97708 erateabout conserving water.

Obituary policy

,!, ti.'~rQ, ~ I




The Associated Press file photo

Wild horses graze near the Carson River in Nevada. The Bureau of Land Management manages the wild horses and estimates there are 37,000 horses on public lands in the West.

Citizenboardrecommends BLM sterilize wild horses agency's entire budget for the wild horse program is spent SALT LAKE CITY — The on housing horses. federal a g e ncy ch a r ged Drugs currently used to with managing wild horses s low reproduction in w i l d and burros that roam freely horseherds must be re-adminacross 11 W estern states istered regularly because they should consider sterilizing onlywork for about ayear, and some mares to control boom- drugs that work longer have ing mustang populations and not yet been approved for use protect rangelands, a citizen on wild horses, said Dr. Boyd advisorypanel recommended Spratling, a veterinarian from Tuesday. Deeth, Nev. and chairman of The Bureau of Land Man- the bureau's Wild Horse and agement has long struggled Burro Advisory Board. with how to manage growing Instead, spaying h o rses horse herds on public lands, — or surgically removing the which can double naturally ovaries of older mares — elimwithin five years if left uninates the need for frequent checked. Horses have been roundups for adoption or to injected with drugs and vac- administer drugs, he said. cines to slow r eproduction Younger mares could still foal, and rounded up for adoption, allowing for genetic diversity but the agency currently has in herds. It's not a permanent solumore horses in captivity than are left roaming the range, tion, Spratling said, but a tool forcing the emphasis to shift to the BLM should have availpopulation control rather than able for use in its effort to conroundups. trol herd sizes. "Surgery is never 100 perNearly 60 percent ofthe By Shannon Dlulnny The Associated Press


Baldrige, DEATHS

rtt', t

Continued from C1 The motion also notes that the police officer who wrote the affidavit knew the citizen "had provided false information" for the affidavit. "Affiant also failed to dis-

close to the (judge) that (the concerned citizen) was also working with the police for consideration o f cr i m i n al charges," Glass wrote. The motion also notes the affidavit includes information from a confidential informant who allegedly made three buys from S amuels. The affidavit, Glass alleges, contained false information about recording a meth buy and a c o nversation about guns. The motion also alleges the criminal informant was " unreliable r egarding t h e amounts purchased and what he did with the money." T he i n f o rmant's t a p e , Glass wrote, does not prove any sales were made. In an interview Monday, Glass said the search warrant affidavit was filled with falsehoods. "The affidavit f o r the search warrant says that not only did (a confidential informant) make three buys, but the police officer had gone by and looked at the place and confirmed that it had metal racks on the windows and doors, and that's absolutely false," Glass said. The lawyer said he'd been to Samuels' house and the landlord could

Jail Continued from C1 The project money comes from county Fund 456, created for jail projects out of lease payments by the state of Oregon for a county building once used by the Oregon State Police. The county infused Fund 456 with $100,000 in general fund money in the 2011 fiscal year. The Fund 456 balance stands at $620,000, according to Susan Ross, the county director of facilities and properties. The commissioners bought into the project. Commissioner Tammy Baney instructed Blanton to return with an updated request once the project

cent safe, but this is considered to be effective and relatively safe and has long been used in the racehorse industry," he said. The BLM estimates there are 37,000 horses on public lands in the West. An additional 47,000 horses have been removed from therange and are beingcared for in shortterm or l o ng-term holding areas. The agency faces a complicated task of trying to balance the needsofthe federally protected herds against competing interests of other wildlife species, livestock, ranchers and hunters amid an ongoing drought and shrinking

budgets. Horse advocates have long argued that livestock should be removed from the range at afaster pace than horses, which they say have a legal right to be there under the Free-Roaming Wil d H o r se and Burro Act of 1971.

attest that there was never metal covering the windows or doors. Glass said he believes that an assumption of guilt often attaches to anyone charged with these types of crimes. "The constitution says the district attorney is supposed to do justice," Glass said. "It's not just to prosecute but also to not prosecute for things people aren't guilty of." In a response to the motion, Deschutes County deputy district attorney Stephen Gunnels argued the defense had not shown a substantial reason to question the honesty and good faith of the police officer who wrote the search w a r rant a f f i davit. Gunnels also argued the detective had reason to believe the evidence would be found in Samuels' home, even if time had p assed between the buys an d t h e s earch warrant. Gunnels, who did not comment on the tort claims notice, eventually filed the motion to dismiss the case "in the interests of justice."

custody.Meade, 22 and from Scottsdale, Ariz., is awaiting trial on charges of harassment, resisting arrest and interfering with a police officer. The case is due to go to trial next week. A notice filed May 22 by Mary Okesson shows her intent to sue the city and its transportation d e p artment over the "negligent design" of the Franklin Street overpass. Her complaint stems from the May28,2011, death of Preston Okesson, a 21-year-old who died after falling from the overpass. According to previous reports, he'd been cut off at a local bar, then served at Boondocks. His blood-alcohol content at the time of his death was 0.25. And in an April tort claim notice sent to the city, as well as to Bend Police and county commissioners, Minny Frank plans to sue over a January 2010 incident in which she says Bend Police took her to St. Charles Bend. Frank alleges she was denied an attorney, was stripped naked by police officers, and denied due process rights while in Other tort claims police custody. T hree other t or t c l a i m F rank wrote in h e r n o notices have also been filed tice that she had a l ready with the city. One involves filed a complaint against St. Johnathan Lee Meade, who Charles, although that comw as arrested following a plaint could not be located. March 25 altercation outside According to the city, all Boondocks Bar & Grill. That of the tort claims have been notice, filed May 21, alleges forwarded to its i nsurance Meade was "detained, as- carrier. saulted, harassed, and arrest— Reporter: 541-617-7831, ed," then unlawfully held in smiller@bendbulletitt.com

is under way. Commissioner Alan Unger said a projected April 2013 start date looked good but "why can't we move things a little faster." Commissioner Tony DeBone said he, too, was "fully in support," and the "faster we can go, the better." T he mental health a n d medical unit was part of a $10 million plan to add a wing to the 228-bed adult jail on Jamison Road and increase capacity by 144 beds. The commissioners passed on a plan to issue bonds to raise that money and opted instead for another plan. The jail is beyond capacity, particularly given the need to separate inmates with mental

health issues, co-defendants and male and female inmates, according to a December 2011 inspection by a D e schutes County grand jury. The commission opted to shift inmates to a juvenile detention facility on nearby Britta Street and move juvenile inmates out to make way. B lanton said h e w o u l d contract w i t h Jef f e rson County to make up for the loss of jail beds while the project is under way. That cost comes to about $65 a day, he said. Deschutes County a l ready c o ntracts with Jeffersonfor a number of inmate beds. — City editor: 541-383-0367; jditzler@bendbulletin.com




F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.


• •

I l e

Today:Dry for much of the day, possible in the late evening.



Tonight: Scattered rainfall throughout the night.


showers CHANNE



<1il 4 4 4 6

d , x ' x 'xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x '

WEST Rain likely, possibly heavy in the • Hermiston 68/43 Wa owa MI/47>x~w~tlesiez/46~. Arlington morning. Snow • Pendleton ) 61/40 • En t erpriseabove 7,5DDfeet. Nxx x x o x i » o w asco 69/45

.oAStOrla 4 d d d d d.cxx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

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4 Mohghuthd 5 d d ' ' ~ >i x 0 o ' " d



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Lincoln Ci



x x x x x 6/ 4 3 B x s Maupi


,S I + d xi Sale

camp 53/do,,x i i






i La Grande

Partly cloudy and pleasant conditlons.


66/44 Unio

62/42 y


• Meacham



i ci i

d d d elrsdod dk 4 d 3 4 ~~


i»6 1/42


• 5

6aker City

ddorvall'ts Yac ats




c p 5 h enna' ~

• Mitchell ss/40

»» «

S l sters»» Redmond " •


•John Day

I'Hlevl e 56/39


eo/sz ~I d d d"d d

Paul i oa 52/35

E 59/38 Florenced4d4c«gen<r d x i i i i xo , x » rlveriy %lend, 57/51 ~ zd/ 48 d 4 4 4'x~~'x>wurt • Brothers 56/34 Godtt age d gNt38krjdlkeh Ixxx <xx> d dGrove d d xx 5@yx> ~ c.o n HamPton • ~xxkxcaaPfnese/34 — 54/35 Coos Bay d d 6 2/48 ~ x ' 3 4 4 6-xzxrescen<w~~~i ~i 58/51• 6 4 4 4 Riley i 6> » « " » • FortRock 57/36 J,d,d 8 8 8 6 6 i~ ~ 4 ak 62/35 3 4 4 3 3 d »6 9~%% xxe,xx54/3 9i» • Bandon d d d Rb+bdroi i ' , , xeheggltxx x • Chr i stmas ValleY > d d i x x x x x » 'S z /37, i ii




EAST A mlx of sun and Ontario clouds and pleas70/45 ant conditions. Valeo



sl r 5422 i d ' d d d d o o ' x x x CC x Cx x x La ke p 00dI4 4 d 4 4 4 • 55/49 rano ts d d x x x x i x x x x x x x x x ru/36 o Gold 4 4 il 1/4 4 4 ogeach" 4 4 Medferd Chiloquih 3 6 d 6u49 d" i

i i ' .' .

Nyssa Juntura

• Rurns




Yesterday's state extremes

Jordan Valley



Frenchgle 68/42


• 73'





• 32'

d 46 3/47 XXXXXX X S/37x» d d,i i i i x i h h i

hi uxxxwXlamath "oPgctICJ42 i i y &d dd»dd(»i+A58Ash!a!xzii / 43 i i i i i i v allSsm»


• Lakeview









5 7/31

605 72/44 0


4 9 / 33

p ix i V

Cheyenne 68/39

Angel Fire, N.M. w


Sao Francisco

• ~

Salt Lake

Greenville, Maine




4/41 ox

Oklahoma City

a CD Honolulu ~

• 8 ff lo 63/49 etroit ~ m C ZI 7 /44 x1~ ew York .



L;ttle Rock ' Nashville






' 59/39 Chicago 'ii"Qolumbusb' >' iladelphia sxx , 49/34 mx • x 58/44 'g » » »46/38, b >'g® W ogtoo, D.C. ( I

. o



s «',8 ortland


• 12'

4 4 4 4




• 93'

• 3.63



x444 4 4 4

,iiiiiiii» ' X d„d 4 d gqebeo d'4 d d o . o sssssxx xxx ss x ud 4 4 4 59/45 4 4 4 d ff I x ssxx x x x v v ' s v s u x x x 4 '6 8 Thunder Bay xvvvssx i »


d'd eatt e „

Yuma, Ariz.


Birmingham 60/38

•D8 I

Tijuana 72/S3 r~

80/54 '



New Orleans 76/59 •



10s 26/14

20s~g~3 4 'A L A S K A

La Paz 85/64



• Miami 77/64

Monterrey Mazatlan • 8 7/68

85/61 •

Juneau 37/29









52 33

54 36

58 41

60 43

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrise today...... 7:41a.m. MOOn phaSeS SunsettodaY...... 5 56 P.m, Last New Fi r st Full Sunrise tomorrow 7 43 a m Sunset tomorrow... 5:54 p.m. Moonrisetoday.... 7:06 p.m. Moooset today 931 8 m Nov. 6 Nov.13 Nov. 20 Nov. 28



Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....9:55 a.m...... 6:43 p.m. Venus......4:39 a.m...... 4:42 p.m. Mars......11:07 a.m...... 7:51 p.m. Jupiter......7 39 p m.....10 50 am. Satum......7:05 a.m...... 5;48 p.m. Uranus.....4:31 p.m......450 a.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 66/48 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........73m1965 Monthtodate.......... 0.28" Record low.......... 4 in 1971 Average month todate... 0.56" Average high.............. 55 Year to date............ 7.02" Averagelow ..............31 A verageyeartodate..... 7.74" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m29.90 Record 24 hours ...1.40 i01956 *Melted liquid equivalent




Yesterday Wednesday Thursday Bend,westofHwy97......low Sisters...............................low The following was compiled by the Central Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend,eastoiHwy.97.......low La Pioe................................low Qregon watermaster and irrigation districts as

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.

Redmond/Madras.........low Prineville...........................low

Astoria ........ 59/54/2.04..... 59/49/r.....55/45/sh Baker City......63/39/0.00....66/37/pc.....57/31/sh Brookings...... 59/55/0.10..... 55/49/r.....57/49/sh Burns......... 66/40/trace....64/34/sh.....55/26/sh Eugene....... 65/54/trace.....61/49/r.....57/41/sh Klamath Falls .. 67/34/0 00 ....58/37/c ...54/28/sh Lakeview.......64IMMINA...60/39/pc.....51/32/sh La Pine........63/41/0.00....56/34/sh.....51/26/sh Medford.......66/46/0.01 ....63/47/sh.....60/41lsh Newport....... 59/55/0.60..... 57/50/r.....55/46/sh North Bend...... 64/55/NA..... 57/52/r.....58/46/sh Ontario........68/43/0.00....70/45/pc.....60/36/sh Pendleton......70/49/0.00.....69/45/c.....61/38/sh Portland .......62/57/0.66.....61/51/r.....57/48/sh Prineville.......66/44/0.01 ....56/39/sh.....58/33/sh Redmond.......68/46/0.00.....64/43/c.....55/31/sh Roseburg.......70/56/0.00....61/49/sh.....60/43/sh Salem ....... 63/58/016 . . 61/50/r .. .58/42/sh Sisters.........70/43/0.00....57/37/sh.....55/28/sh The Dages..... 59/51/trace....62/43/sh.....61/41/sh

Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme

a service to irrigators and sportsmen.

Reservoir Acre feet C a pacity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 35,460...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 126,902..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 72,530...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . 16,637...... 47,000 The higher the UV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 82,448..... 153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 279 for ar at noon. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 248 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 24 MEDIUM HIGH Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 168 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 668 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . . 809 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res.. ... . . . . . 33 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 79.1 Updated daily. Source: pollen.com Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 7.27 Crooked RiverNear Terreboone ..... . . . . . . 168 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 MEDIUM LDWI or go to www.wrd.state.or.us

To report a wildfire, call 911





x vvvv v s x l

" Vancouvedx 54/sp,i i ~ ~ calgaly 29/23

More rain returns to the region.

A little extra sunshine is expected.

Legend Wweather,Pcpprecipitatioa, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,h haze, shshowers,r rain,t thunderstorms,sf snowflurries,snsnow, i-ice,rs-rais-snowmix,w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace

o www m (in the 48 contiguous states):

Mostly cloudy to partly cloudy skies







Yesterday's extremes

Early morning rain will give to a dry afternoon.






• o



• ++++ •

• ++++-'



W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow


YesterdayWednesdayThursday YesterdayWedoesdaythursday YesterdayWedoesdayThursdaY YesterdayWednesdayThursday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene, TX......75/46/0.00...80/53/s .. 82/56/s Grand Rapids....41/38/0.08 ..,46/37/r. 48/37/pc Rapid City.......67/42/000 ..68/39/pc.. 63/43/s Savannah.......63/45/0.00... 66/42/s .. 70/47/s Akron..........47/40/094 ..46/38/sh. 48/38/sh Green Bay.......44/37/0 00..45/29/pc .. 47/30/s Reno...........77/37/0 00...71/43/s. 62/34/sh Seattle..........59/53/0.94... 57/49/r. 56/49/sh Albany..........65/57/0.02..56/42/sh. 54/41/sh Greensboro......49/41/0.00...54/35/c. 56/34/pc Richmond.......4708/0.49 ..56/41/pc.57/40/pc SiouxFalls.......48/36/000 ..61/37/pc. 56/34/pc Albuquerque.....74/40/000...74/43/s.. 72/44/s Harssbvrg.......50/41/033..52/40/sh. 53/40/sh Rochester, NY....58/47/016 ..48/44/sh. 48/40/sh Spokane........57/47/0.09 59/47/sh. .. 53/42/sh Anchorage ......33/26/0 00...26/14/c. 25/18/sn Hartford,CT.....69/59/0 00..58/44/sh. 57/42/sh Sacramento......75/50/000 ..68/53/pc. 68/49/sh Springfield, MO ..60/32/0.00..62/43/pc. 67/42/pc Atlasta .........56/41/0.00...60/38/s.. 62/41/s Helena..........66/36/0 00..64/37/pc.. 60/37/c St.Louis.........58/35/000...56/41/s.. 60/36/s Tampa..........69/56/0.00 ..75/63/pc. 78/61/pc Atlantic City .....49/46/OA4...58/47/c.53/47/pc Honolulu........84/73/0.00...85/68/s.. 84/69/s Salt Lake City....73/44/0 00... 76/46/s.. 72/43/s Tucson..........88/55/0.00...89/54/s .. 89/55/s Austin..........77/37/0.00...81/56/s.84/58/rx Houston ........75/42/0.00..82/62/pc. 83/62/pcSanAntonio.....75/43/000...81/61/s. 82/61/pc Tulsa...........76/40/0.00...73/49/s.. 77/50/s Baltimore ......46/41/091 ...55/40/c. 54/41/pc Huotsville.......58/39/000...59/37/s. 62/37/pcSanDiego.......71/54/0.00... 72/59/s.70/60/pc Washington, DC.45/42/0.84... 56/41/c. 56/41/pc Billings.........66/42/000..66/39/pc. 65/40/pc Indianapolis.....42/39/0.12...46/30/c. 52/34/pc SanFrancisco....66/52/000... 67/57/c. 68/55/sh Wichita.........76/45/0.00... 72/46/s .. 73/47/s Birmingham .. 60/38/000...63/42/s. 65/43/pc Jackson, MS.... 66/34/0.00. 73/45/s .. 78/50/s SaoJose........71/48/000 ..66/53/pc 65/51/sh Yakima........ 61/50/lrace 63/41/sh. 59/37/sh Bismarck........60/38/000...57/31Ic .. 48/32/c Jacksonvile......64/41/000 ..69/47/pc.. 73/48/s SantaFe........70/38/0.00... 67/39/s .. 68/39/s Yuma...........93/59/0.00... 90/61/s .. 88/62/s Boise...........73/47/000...72/44/s. 59/36/sh Juneau..........30/26/000..37/29/sn..38/30/rs INTERNATIONAL Boston..........63/57/0.14 ..63/49/sh. 58/45/sh KansasCity......55/37/0.00 ..64/42/pc. 64/41/pc Bodgeport,CT....66/53/000 ..56/46/sh. 56/45/sh Lansing.........38/34/0.33... 45/36/r. 48/35/sh Amsterdam......48/37/0 44 48/36/c48/42/sh Mecca.........1 00/82/000 100/79/s. 101/79/s Buffalo.........55/46/058 ..47/44/sh. 47/40/sh LasVegas.......81/55/000...82/57/s .. 79/55/s Athens..........73/63/0.00.. 75/65/pc. 70/65/sh MexiCO City .....72/50/000... 75/51/t...73/50/1 Bvrlisgton,V1....70/57/014 ..59/45/sh. 53/43/sh Lexisgton.......43/37/022...48/35/c. 51/36/pc Auckland........68/55/0.00... 66/55/s .. 68/55/s Montreal........70/57/031.. 59/44/sh. 50/40/sh Caribou,ME.....61/54/008..61/49/sh. 55/47/sh Liocoln..........55/38/000...68/41/s. 66/40/pc Baghdad........82/60/0.00... 86/61/s. 86/60/pc Moscow........34/25/0.19 .. 40/30/rs .. 34/26/c Charleston, SC...60/45/000...64/41/s .. 67/45/s Little Rock.......69/36/0 00... 68/45/s .. 71/47/s Bangkok........99/77/0.00... 95/74/t...94/77/t Nairobi.........81/61/0.00... 81/59/t...78/59/t Charlotte........53/44/000 ..57/34/pc.. 58/35/s LosAngeles......67/55/0 00... 65/57/s. 64/57/pc Beiling..........55/32/000... 45/27/s. 54/33/pc Nassau.........77/68/0.00 ..76/68/pc. 80/71/pc Chattanooga.....55/42/000...57/34/5.. 61/37/s Louisville........45/41/000 ..51/36/pc. 55/36/pc Beirvt..........82/70/000...84/70/c.84/71I pc New Delhi.......84/61/0.00...86/64/s.. 87/63/s Cheyenne.......64/39/0.00...65/JIs ..68/40/s Madison,WC....49/34/0.00 ..47/28/pc.. 49/29/s Berlin...........41/34/0.00 ..47/34/pc. 49/38/sh Osaka..........66/46/000 62/48/pc. .. 61/41Ipc Chicago.........48/39/000..49/34/pc.51/36/pc Memphis....... 62/37/000 65/45/pc 69/47/pc Bogota .........66/50/0.00 ..67/48/sh.69/47/sh Oslo............34/14/0 00 .. 41/35/sh. 42/37/sh Cincinnati.......43/35/021 ..48/34/sh. 52/35/pc Miami..........74/59/0.00..77/64/pc.81/67/pc Budapest........45/30/000 ..48/34/pc.55/44/sh Ottawa.........68/57/0.01...57/45/r.48/37/sh Cleveland.......47/42/1.51 ..49/43/sh. 50/39/sh Milwaukee......45/38/000..47/35/pc. 47/35/pc BuenosAires.....70/61/1.99... 73/59/s .. 79/59/s Paris............52/41/0.00... 52/39/s.49/37/sh ColoradoSpnngs.67/38/000...69/41/s .. 70/42/s Misneapolis.....50/28/000...49/33/s. 47/29/pc CaboSanLucas ..88/64/0.00... 86/67/s .. 86/68/s Rio de Janeiro....88/77/0.00... 94/75/t...86/70/t Columbia,MO...58/31/000 ..58/41/pc. 62/37/pc Nashville........56/41/000... 57/36/s .. 63/36/s Cairo...........86/64/0 00 .. 85/67/pc 90/72/pc Rome...........59/39/0.00... 62/53/r. 65/55/sh Columbia,SC....61/48/0.00...62/39/s.. 64/40/s New Orleans.....70/47/0.00..76/59/pc .. 80/58/s Calgary.........39/23/003 ..29/23/sn 36/29/rs Santiago........75/50/0.00... 71/53/s .. 79/55/s Columbus, GA....63/43/000... 66/42/s .. 68/44/s New York.......54/50/0 28..56/48/sh. 57/45/sh Caocuo.........79/61/000..82/70/pc. 83/72/pc SaoPaulo.......95/73/0.00... 92/69/t...85/65/t Columbus OH....39/34/009 ..46/38/sh..49/35/rs Newark Nl......57/51/0 61 ..56/47/sh. 57/44/sh Dublin..........48/37/0 00 .. 45/33/pc. 44/34/pc Sapporo ........50/50/0.07 50/41/pc...51/38/r .. Concord,NH.....68/58/019..59/40/sh. 56/39/sh Norfolk VA......46/43/002 ..57/43/pc. 58/44/pc Edinburgh.......48/37/0 00.. 46/36/sh. 40/34/pc Seoul...........52/39/0.00 .. 54/36/pc.. 47/29/s Corpus Christi....84/53/0.00..79/67/pc. 82/68/pc OklahomaCity...78/39/0.00...74/49/s .. 79/50/s Geneva.........50/27/0.00 ..52/35/pc. 52/39/sh Shanghai........61/54/018..66/51/pc.. 64/52/s DallasFtWonh...77/43/000...80/54/s .. 85/58/s Omaha.........54/37/000 ..64/41/pc. 63/38/pc Harare..........82/54/0.00... 84/59/t...73/56/t Singapore.......88/77/0.16... 88/79/t...86/78/t Dayton.........40/34/0.11..46/34/sh.. 49/35/c Orlando.........68/49/0.00..75/56/pc. 81/57/pc HongKong......79/68/3.09 .. 75/65/sh.78/68/pc Stockholm.......41/30/0.00..38/33/pc. 43/36/pc Denver....... 68/37/0.00... 70/34/s .. 69/39/s PalmSprings.....91/57/0.00... 92/59/s.. 88/59/s Istanbul.........68/57/1.37 ..67/61/pc.. 70/66/c Sydney..........77/59/0.00..81/59/pc.74/53/sh DesMoines......54/31/000..59/39/pc.57/33/pc Peoria..........53/36/000...52/31/s. 54/32/pc lerusalem.......84/59/000... 82/63/c.84/64/pc Taipei...........79/68/0.00..71/65/sh. 71/66/sh Detroit..........45/36/014..46/38/sh.48/38/sh Philadelphia.....50/44/019...58/44/c .. 53/43/c Johanneshvrg....73/52/01 2..65/51/sh. 57/47/sh TelAviv.........84/64/0.00...84/69/c. 86/68/pc Duluth..........42/27/000...42/30/s.42/27/pc Phoesix.........89/61/000...89/60/s.. 89/59/s Lima ...........72/64/0.00..71/62/pc.71/61/pc Tokyo...........63/55/0.00...67/49/c.. 66/48/s El Paso..........81/47/000...80/50/s .. 81/51/s Pittsburgh.......47/41/092 ..44/37/sh. 46/34/sh Lisbon..........66/54/0 00 62/54/sh 67/58/pc Toronto.........54/39/0.77..51/45/sh.. 49/39/c Fairbanks........19/7/001 ....19/4/c .. 14/0/pc Portland,ME.....66/58/0 30..62/45/sh. 57/44/sh London .........52/41/0.06..51/45/sh. 48/39/pc Vaucouver.......55/52/0.11...54/50/r. 53/48/sh Fargo...........46/40/000...50/31lc. 42/30/pc Providence......68/57/0.56 ..61/46/sh.. 58/45/c Madrid .........48/41/0.74..57/39/pc.59/42/pc Vienna..........43/32/0.11..48/31/pc.49/36/sh Flagstaff........68/23/000...69/23/5 .. 67/28/s Raleigh.........51/42/0.07 ..56/36/pc. 58/35/pc Manila..........88/75/0.00..92/77/pc.90/75/pc Warsaw.........34/30/0.02..43/27/pc. 49/33/pc


ODOT'ssalt project stirs reactions inSouthern Oregon By Paul Fattig

of Interstate 5 over the Siskiyou Pass, the highest point on the When the Oregon Depart- interstate between Canada and ment of Transportation sprin- Mexico. kles rock salt on an experimenIn addition to the summit, tal basis to battle ice on the Sis- about 120 miles of U.S. Highkiyou Pass this winter, Forrest way 95 in Oregon between the English will be watching. Nevada and Idaho state lines ult looks like the salt they would be part of the five-year would be putting down would pilot projects, officials said. be going right into Bear Creek," English noted that in addisaid English, program director tion to environmental damage, of Rogue Riverkeeper, an arm rock saltalso acts as a corroof the Ashland-based Klamath- sive when it comes to vehicles Siskiyou Wildlands Center. and bridges. "Bear Creek is one of the "I don't know that we want to more impaired waterways in join the other salt-using states," our region," he added.ult prob- he said, adding, "We'll be ably doesn't need any more looking at this as things more damage to it.u forward." As part of a pilot project, Both the Oregon Department ODOT has announced plans of Environmental Quality and to Use rock salt experimentally the U.S. National Marine Fishthis winter on an 11-mile stretch eries Service have approved (Medford) Mail. Tribune

the pilot project, according to ODOT. "This is an experiment — we will only be using it under limited conditions," ODOT spokesman Dave Thompson told the Mail Tribune. "We will not be using it mlly nilly. "We do understand that salt is corrosive and damaging to the environment," he added. "We will be very careful." Because of its potential environmental impact, ODOT will use only limited amounts of rock salt on the roadway and only whennecessary afterother methods employed by ODOT failed, he said. In the past, the agency has used plowing, sanding and deicing chemicals on the summit. To his knowledge, rock salt has never before been used by

ODOT, Thompson said. The agency decided to try rock salt in an effort to provide consistent driving conditions between Oregonand the neighboring states of California, Nevada and Idaho that use salt to de-ice their roads, Thompson salcl. "California uses salt on its side of the Siskiyou Pass," he said. "People traveling that stretch of road run into very different conditions when they come into Oregon." For instance, chains are often required on the Oregon side while they aren't in California, he said. "Itcauses delays and increases difficulty for travelers when we require chains when California doesn't,u he said, adding it also creates a safety hazard.

As for c ausing corrosive problems for cars, Thompson noted that vehicles traveling into or out of California via the Siskiyou Summit are already exposed to salt on l-5 south of the state line. Steve Curry, owner of Heritage Motors Inc. in Medford, indicated the limited additional salt on the Oregon side of the summit would have little added corrosive impact on vehicles. Most would have also traveled on the salted freeway immediately south of the state line, he noted. Bridges inareas of eastern Oregon where the rock salt will be used will be treated with a glaze that reduces the salt's corrosive quality, officials said. However, Thompson suggested those driving over the

Siskiyou summit this winter may want to wash their vehiclesmore often. The rust-inhibited magnesium chloride now employed by ODOT as a de-icer is also a salt, albeit not as corrosive as rock salt, he said. "It works the same way as rock salt does by lowering the freezing temperature of water,u he said. "But rock salt goes down a few more degrees." N either rock salt nor t h e magnesium chloride is effective if the snowpack on the road is more than two inches deep, he said. "The rock salt will only be used in limited situations when it is warranted," he said of the pilot project. "This will just give us another tool in our toolbox if it is successful."



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Scoreboard, D2



College football, D5

Prep sports, D4

Tee to Green, D5-D6

© www.bendbulletin.com/sports


RODEO Circuit finals set to start Friday Top rodeo cowboys and cowgirls from across the Northwest will be in Central Oregon this weekend for the 2012 Columbia River Circuit Finals

Rodeo. The competition

includes three performances, all at the Hooker Creek Event Center at the Deschutes County Fair 8 Expo Center in Redmond. The rodeo kicks off Friday night and concludes with two performances

At Central Oregoncourses, signsof improvement By Zack Hall The Bulletin

Scott Huntsman has plenty to be excited about looking back on the 2012 golf season. In June Huntsman, the president and CEO of Black Butte Ranch, finally got to introduce the new Glaze Meadow course to the world after a two-year, $3.5 million renovation. Then he watched golfers pour in all summer to the 18-

hole golf course. "We had agreat year,golf-



Inside • A look at the status of area


wise," Huntsman says. "It certainlyexceeded our expectations, and we've received a lot of positive feedback from

on Saturday.

owners, guests and the media about the renovation." Glaze Meadow marked the first real addition to Central Oregon's golf offerings since Tetherow Golf Club opened in Bend in 2008. So any increase in golfbusiness at the ranch this summer comes as little surprise. But optimism that a golfindustry recovery in Central Oregon is inching forward — emphasis on the word

"inching" — goes beyond Black Butte Ranch.

"The tenor from everybody is very upbeat coming out of the summer," Huntsman says of the region's golf industry as a whole. "That's been

good. Central Oregon golf facilities' busiest six-month period, from May through October, has ended. And that has given many of the area's courses time to assess the golf season and whether the facilities were able todraw more golfers than inthe recession-marred


In addition to the crowning of an allaround cowboy, circuit champions will be determined in bareback riding, steer wrestling,

barrel racing, steer roping and bull riding. Winners of the aver-

age and year-end standings will qualify for the

Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association National Circuit Finals Rodeo next spring in Oklahoma City.

Columbia RiverGircuit Finals Rodeo When:Friday and

Saturday Where:Hooker Creek Event Center at the

Deschutes County


Fair 8 Expo Center, Redmond Who:The top12

money-winners in each event in 2012 from the Columbia River Circuit

Rob Kerr/The Bulletin

Mountain View's Jill Roshak goesfor a kill in Tuesday night's Class 5A play-in match against Wilson at Bend's Mountain View High School.

on Friday; 1 p.m. and

7:30 p.m. on Saturday Tickets:$10 to $15, depending onthe performance (kids age 18 and younger free

oun ain iewwinS,

for Saturday afternoon

r eac essae a 0 S

849-2723; tickets@ columbiarivercircuit.com;

columbiarivercircuit.com — /3ultetin staff report

PRO SPORTS Leagues play on after hurricane With much of the Northeast immersed in

the recovery from Superstorm Sandy's devastating blow, the NFL

and NBA plan to carry on with their schedules. The New York City Marathon is still hoping that the course will be

clear by Sundayand runners will be able to get to the starting line

in Staten Island (see Sports in Brief,D2). All three of the NBA

games on Tuesdaynight went ahead asscheduled. NBA spokesman Tim Frank said via his Twitter account that other games this week

who includes facilities such as Black Butte Ranch, Brasada Ranch, Pronghorn Club and Sunriver Resort. See Courses/D5

Blazers open season tonight

bronc, tie-down roping,

performance) More info:1-888-

play was up," says Hughson,


team roping, saddle

(Oregon, Washington and northern Idaho) Start times:7:30 p.m.

recent years. The collective results are inconclusive, to be sure. But many courses, especially Central Oregon's resorts, are encouraged, says Alana Hughson, president/CEO of the Central Oregon Visitors Association. "They've all indicated that

From staff and wire reports PORTLAND — The Terry Stotts era begins tonight for the Portland Trail Blazers, who enter their 43rd NBA season with a home game against the Los Angeles Lakers at the Rose Garden Arena. Stotts, former head coach of the Atlanta Hawks and the Milwaukee Bucks and for the past fourseasons an assistant ' Divisionwith th e D a llas Mavericks, by-division takes over a Portland team pr e vtew,D3 that finished 28-38 in the lockout-shortened 2011-12 season and missed the playoffs for the first time since the 2007-08 campaign. Nate McMillan was let go as head coach in mid-March, and assistant coach Kaleb Canales served as interim head coach for the rest of the season.Stotts was named the Blazers' new head coach in early August. The Blazerswere 3-4 in the preseason, including a 93-75 win over the Lakers in Los Angeles in Portland's exhibition opener on Oct. 10. The Lakers played their opener on Tuesday night, falling to the Dallas Mavericks, 99-91. Tonight's game starts at 7:30 and will be televised live by NBA TV. After tonight's home game, the Blazers hit the road for games Saturday at Oklahoma City, Sunday at Houston, and Monday at Dallas.


• The CougarssweepPortland's Wilson in aClass5Aplay-in match in Bend By Grant Lucas The Bulletin

Mountain View never trailed by more than four points Tuesday, and that came at the start of the firstset. The Cougars controlled their side of the court, Mountain View coach Jill McKae said, and it translated to a sweep of Portland's Wilson 25-12, 25-18, 25-16, in a home Class 5A volleyball play-in matchup. "We just had a lot of energy, and we fed off every good point we had," said the Cougars' Anna Roshak, who recorded a teamhigh eight kills to go along with four blocks. "If someone got a block, we'd just be really excited. Our heads were completely in it. We just wanted to win it, we wanted to get into the first round of state. That was our goaL" Mountain View's confidence took root and began to flourish

Inside • More prep sports coverage from Tuesday night's action,D4

after it fell behind 4-0 in the opening game. McKae called a timeout, and the Cougars responded with a 10-2 run. They outscored the Trojans 15-6 the rest of the way to take the first set. Natalie Zadeh sparked Mountain View early in the second

game, tallying four aces during an eight-point stretch that helped the Cougars take a 9-2 lead and eventually the set. In the final game, the Cougars led just 12-10, but four consecutive points gave Mountain View its largest lead of the set, which was soon followed by another four-point run to seal the win and propel the Cougars into the first

round of the state playoffs. Mountain View will be on the road Saturday against an undetermined opponent. "I think knowing what's ahead of us, knowing that to get to the state tournament you need to first accomplish the play-in match has given the confidence that we've done it in the past and that we can do it again," McKae said. "That's just a steppingstone to get to our ultimate goal." Zadeh ended the match with five aces to lead Mountain View, which finished with 13 aces as a team. Brenna Crecraft and Tylyn Johns racked up four blocks

apiece. The Cougars, anchored by nine seniors, return to the state playoffs after advancing to the 5A quarterfinals a year ago and the first round of the state postseason in 2010. See Volleyball /D4

Critics shun Breeders' Cup after drug ban By Joe Drape New York Times News Service

ARCADIA, Calif. — Call it uncharted territory,as some horse trainers here have, orthe new factsof life,asm any breeders and drug reformers prefer, but for the first time in the history of the event,2-year-old horses at this weekend's Breeders' Cup world championships will not be allowed to be injected with a drug that is intended to restrict pulmonary bleeding. The ban on the race-day drug will be imposed on horses in all 15 of the Cup races next year to get American racing in step with the rest of the world. SeeBreeders' Cup/D4

are being examined. Of concern: Philadelphia is supposed to host its


openertoday. However, the NBA's communications staff announced on Twitter that the Nets' first game at their new Brooklyn home against the crosstown-rival Knicks

on Thursday will go as scheduled. Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin

believes Sunday's game in New Jersey against the New York Giants to

go on as scheduled and plans to prepare that way. Tomlin might have to wait a day for the final word. All 32 teams were notified Monday that the league's offices would be closed

through Tuesday. — The Associated Press

Rebuilt BoiseState is looking to bust BCSonce again By Ralph D. Russo The Associated Press

Boise State is at it again. Coach Chris Petersen's Broncos are quietly piling up victories with a team that underwent a major reconstruction. "Boise State's always been pretty good at football for whatever reasons," Petersen said Monday. And wouldn't you know it, the Broncosare threatening to bust into the BCS. There's a twist this time. After all those seasons Boise State was shut out of the best bowl games in favor of

brand name teams from more high-profile conferences, now it's the benefit of the doubt the Broncos are getting from poll voters that might push them onto the big postseason stage in their last season in the Mountain West. The Broncos were one of the most debated and divisive teams in the country the past few years. Good, but how good? Boise State fans felt the Broncos got overlooked and slighted. Others felt they were overrated, a product of a weak schedule and sympathetic media coverage. See Boise /D5




,I" ~

Boise State's Darren Koontz (95) top, and Beau Martin (53), bottom, sack Wyoming quarterback Brett Smith, causing a fumble during last Saturday's game in Laramie, Wyo. Chris Butleri The Idaho Statesman









5p.m.:NBA, SanAntonio Spurs at New Orleans Hornets, NBA

1:30p.m.:Champions Tour, Charles SchwabCup

TV. 7:30 p.m.:NBA, Los Angeles Lakers at Portland Trail Blazers, NBA TV. SOCCER

Championship, first round, Golf

6p.m.:MLS playoffs, Chicago Fire at Houston Dynamo, ESPN2.

Channel. 8p.m.: WGC, HSBC Champions, second round, Golf Channel. BASKETBALL 4p.m.: NBA, New York Knicks at Brooklyn Nets, TNT. 6:30p.m.: NBA, Oklahoma City

ON DECK Friday Football: Class5Aplay-in game,ParkroseatMountain View, 7 p.m.; Class5Aplay-in game,Lebanon at BendHigh,7p.m.; Class4Aplay-ingame,Crook Countyat Madras,7 p.m.;Class4Aplay-in game, Ridgeview at Siuslaw,7p.m.; Culver atWaldport, 7 p.mJ Gilchrist atChiloquin, 7p.m.

Saturday Cross-country: Class 5A,4Astatechampionships at LaneCommunity CollegeinEugene,11:15a.m. Volleyball: First round Class5A, 4A, 2A, state playoffs,TBA





Vt Ql

p 0

Paris Masters Tuesday At Palais Omnisports deParis-Bercy Paris Purse: $3.82million (Masters1000) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles

0 0


First Round


JeremyChardy, France, def.GuigermoGarcia-Lopez,Spain,6-0,6-3. Grigor Dimitrov,Bulgaria,def. JurgenMelzer,Austna, 7-6(2), 6-2. Paul-HenriMathieu,France,det. Roberto BautistaAgut, Spain6-4, , 7-5. Michael Llodra, France,def. RadekStepanek, Czech Republic, 7-5„6-3. Igor Sijsling,Netherlands,def. AlexandrDolgopolov, Ukraine, 6-4,6-2. Sam Querrey,United States,def Fernando Verdasco,Spain,6-1,1-1retired. Jo-WilfredTsonga(6), France,def. vsJulien Benneteau,France,6-2,4-6, 7-6(2) TomasBerdych(5), CzechRepublic, def.Andreas Seppi,ltaly,7-6(6),6-2. SecondRound Kei Nishikori(15),Japan,def. Benoit Paire,France, 7 6 (2),6-2. StanislasWawrinka (16), Switzerland,def. Carlos Berlocq,Argentina,6-3,6-2. Jerzy Janowicz,Poland, def. Mann Cilic (13), 0roatia,7-6(6), 6-2.

ot ot

Qo Q

2012 GoldGloveWinners AmericanLeague P—JeremyHegickson, Tampa Bay and JakePeavy, ChicagoWhiteSox C— MattWieters,Baltimore 18 Mark Teixeira,N.Y.Yankees 28 — Robinson Cano,N.Y Yankees SS —J.J.Hardy,Baltimore 3B —AdrianBeltre, Texas LF —AlexGordon,KansasCity CF —AdamJones, Baltimore


Angeles Galaxy, ESPN2.





Q 0


RF —Josh Reddick, Oakland

National League P— MarkBuehrle, Miami C Yadier Molina,St.Louis 18 — Adam LaRoche, Washington 2B —DarwinBarney, ChicagoCubs SS —JimmyRogins,Philadelphia 38 Chase Headley, SanDiego LF —CarlosGonzalez,Colorado CF —AndrewMccutchen, Pittsburgh RF —JasonHeyward, Atlanta

ol( ro/>r "C'mon, son! Let's go toss the football around!"




Today BASKETBALL 7:30p.m.:NBA, Los Angeles Lakers at Portland Trail Blazers, KBNDAM 1110, KRCO-AM 690. Listings are the mostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changesmadeby Tl/or radio stations.

SP0RTs IN BRIEF Basketball • Ducks win exhibition

opener:Sevenplayers scored in double figures for Oregonon Monday night in a102-75 exhibition men's basketball victory over Concordia of Portland at Matthew Knight Arena in Eugene.

on Sunday could be getting to the start, not the finish. The

mayor of storm-battered New York says the race is still on, but flying in runners from out of town will be tricky, and there

may not beasubwaytoget everyone to the starting line.

Freshman Dominic Artis led the

Superstorm Sandy shut down transportation, closed airports,

way for Oregon with17 points, followed by fellow freshman Willie Moore with15. Yet another

flooded streets and left scores of neighborhoods without power — formidable obstacles for the

freshman, DamyeanDotson, recorded adouble-double for

organizers. Still, they weremov-

the Ducks with11 points and

ing forward with plans Tuesday, leaving open the possibility of

10 rebounds. Oregonplays its changes from past years. The second and final exhibition game 26.2-mile route through the five next Monday night at home against Southwestern Oklahoma

State. TheDucks' regular-season opener is set for Nov. 10at home against Northern Arizona.

boroughs mostly avoids the areas hit hardest by flooding. Or-

ganizers wereexpecting nearly 50,000 runners before the storm hit. However they have no idea how many will actually make it

• Nuggets, Lawsonagree on contract extension:TyLawson has signed afour-year, $48 mil-

to start the race. "Wewill keep

lion extension with the Denver Nuggets. The deal eliminates a distraction that's been hang-

making anyaccommodations and adjustments necessary to race dayand raceweekend

ing over the teamandits star

events," New York Road Runners President Mary Wittenberg

point guard for weeks. "It Looks like im going to be a nugget for another 4 yrs..Thanks to the

Kronke family, Masai, nuggets fans and everybody 4 believing In me" Lawson tweeted before the team flew to Philadelphia on

Tuesday for its season opener

all options open with regard to

said in a statement.

Soccer • Australia's Sermannihired as new U.S.women'scoach: When Tom Sermanni shook

tonight. Lawson averaged 16.4 points and almost seven assists last season, his first as a starter.

hands with Pia Sundhage after her last game ascoach of the U.S. women's soccer team, he


tips. Sermanni was hiredTuesday to replace Sundhage,who

• Peatfy, White SOK agreetO

should have asked her for a few led the Americans to back-to-

new deal:Pitcher Jake Peavy

backOlympicgold medalsand

and the Chicago White Sox

agreed Tuesday to a$29 million,

their first World Cup final in12 years. Sermanni has spent the

two-year contract. The right-

past eight years asAustralia's

hander will receive $14.5 million in each of the next two seasons.

coach, taking the Matildas to the quarterfinals of the past two

Peavy would receive a$15 mil-

Women's World Cups.

lion option for 2015, depending

on innings during the next two years. The 2007 NL Cy Young Award winner went11-12 with a 3.37 ERA in 32 starts this year

after three injury-riddled seasonsand helped the White Sox finish second in the AL Central.

• Tigers dringbackmanager Leyland:TheDetroit Tigers are bringing back managerJim Leyland. The teamannouncedTues-

Colleges • NCAAapproves tougher sanctions for rule-breakers: The NCAApassed apackage of sweeping changesTuesday intended to crack down hard

on rule-breaking schools and coaches. Under the new legislation, approved by the 13-member board of directors,

ing staff also has been invited to return. This will be Leyland's

programs that commit the most egregious infractions could face postseason bans of two to four years and fines stretching into

22nd season as amajor league manager and his eighth in De-


day that Leyland has a contract

for next season, andhis coach-

troit. He led the Tigers to the World Series for the second time during his time with the

club. Detroit was swept bySan Francisco on Sunday.The67year-old Leyland leads all active managers with1,676 wins, a total that puts him15th on the

the millions, while coaches could year for violations committed

by their staffs. The board also approved measures to expand the penalty structure from two

tiers to four, create newpenalty guidelinesand speed upthe

career list.

litigation process. The vote ends a movement that started in August 2011 in the midst of one


in college sports history. NCAA President Mark Emmert was so

• NYC Marathonplanning moves forward after Sandy:

concerned that heasked dozens

The 26 miles might be the easy

part. The biggest challenge for this New York City Marathon

of the most scandalous years

of university leaders to join him at a presidential retreat in India-


— From wire reports

USAToday/ESPN Women'sTop 25 Poll The top25teamsin theUSAToday-ESPNWomen's preseason collegebasketball poll,withfirst-placevotes in parentheses,last year's tinal records, total points based on25points for afirst-placevotethroughone point tor a 25th-placevote andtinal ranking: Record Pts Pvs 1. Baylor(31) 40-0 77 5 I 2. Connecticut 33-5 73 6 4 3. Duke 27-6 67 4 6 4. Stanford 35-2 66 9 3 5. Maryland 31-5 65 6 5 6. Notre Dame 35-4 61 7 2 7. Kentucky 28-7 59 9 8 8. Penn State 26-7 52 1 9 9. Louisville 23-10 460 16 10. Delaware 31-2 41 1 14 11. Georgia 22-9 40 9 20 12.Texas A8M 2 4-11 361 1 2 13. St.John's 24-10 315 15 14. Oklahom a 2 1-1 3 308 N R 15. California 2 5-1 0 294 N R 16.Tennesse e 27-9 28 4 7 17. Vanderbilt 2 3-1 0 241 N R 18 Purdue 25-9 24 0 18 19. Nebraska 2 4-9 20 3 N R 20. Georgia Tech 26-9 19 8 10 21. OhioState 25-7 18 5 22 22. West Virginia 2 4-10 182 N R 23. Miami(Fla. ) 26-6 95 11 24. Oklahoma State 2 2 - 1 2 94 NR 21-1 3 89 25 25. Kansas 25 Wis.-GreenBay 31 - 2 89 13 Dthersreceivingvotes: DePaul 68; SouthCarolina 49; Gonzaga 43;Georgetown38;lowaState33;Rutgers 33, MiddleTennessee28;Texas20,LSU11; UCLA11, Michigan7;Virginia 7;St Bonaventure 6; Arkansas4; lowa 4;SanDiegoState3; BrighamYoung2;Syracuse 2; Marist l.

FOOTBALL NFL NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGUE All Times Pacific AMERICAN CONFERENCE East W L T P c t PF PA NewEngland 5 3 0 .6 2 5262 170 Miami 4 3 0 .5 7 1 150 126 Buffalo 3 4 0 . 4 29171 227 N.Y.Jets 3 5 0 . 3 75168 200 South W L T P c t PF PA Houston 6 1 0 85 7 216 128 Indianapolis 4 3 0 . 5 71136 171 Tennessee 3 5 0 . 3 75162 257 Jacksonvile 1 6 0 . 1 43103 188 North W L T P c t PF PA Baltimore 5 2 0 . 7 14174 161 Pittsburgh 4 3 0 . 5 71167 144 Cincinnati 3 4 0 . 4 29166 187 Cleveand 2 6 0 .2 5 0 154 186 West W L T P c t PF PA Denver 4 3 0 . 5 71204 152 San Diego 3 4 0 .4 2 9 154 144 Oakland 3 4 0 . 4 29139 187 KansasCity 1 6 0 . 1 43120 209 NATIONALCONFERENCE

N.Y.Giants Philadelphia Dallas Washington Atlanta TampaBay NewOreans Carolina

Chicago Minnesota GreenBay Detroit

East L T 2 0 4 0 4 0 5 0 South W L T W 6 3 3 3

P c t PF PA . 7 50234 161 . 4 29120 155 . 4 29137 162 . 3 75213 227

7 3 2 1

P c t PF PA 1 . 000 201 130 .4 2 9 184 153 . 2 86190 216 . 1 43128 167

W 6 5 5 3

W SanFrancisco 6 Arizona 4 Seattle 4 St. Louis 3

0 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 North L T I 0 3 0 3 0 4 0

West L 2 4 4 5

T 0 0 0 0

P c t PF PA .8 5 7 185 100 . 6 25184 167 . 6 25208 170 . 4 29161 174 P c t PF PA . 7 50189 103 .5 0 0 127 142 .5 0 0 140 134 . 3 75137 186

Thursday'sGame KansasCity atSanDiego,5:20p.m. Sunday'sGame ArizonaatGreenBay,10a.m. ChicagoatTennessee,10 a.m. Buffalo atHouston,10a.m. CarolinaatWashington,10 a.m. Detroit atJacksonvil e,10a.m. Denver at Cincinnati,10a.m. BaltimoreatCleveland,10 a.m. Miami atIndianapolis,10a.m. Minnesota atSeattle,1:05 p.m. Tampa Bayat Oakland,I:05 p.m. Pittsburgh at N.Y.Giants,1:25 p.m. DallasatAtlanta,5:20p.m. Open:N.Y.Jets, NewEngland,SanFrancisco, St. Louis Monday'sGame PhiladelphiaatNewOrleans, 5:30p.m. AFC Individual Lea ders Week 8 Quarterbacks Att Com Yds TD Int P. Manning, DEN 257 176 2113 17 4 Roethlisberger, PIT 268 179 1987 14 3 Brady,NWE 320 209 2408 16 3 Schaub,HOU 2 2 2 1 401650 10 4 Dalton,CIN 243 156 1831 13 10 Fitzpatrick, BUF 218 133 1435 15 9 C. Palmer, OAK 269 162 1 941 9 5 Flacco,BAL 252 150 1 837 9 6 Hasselbeck, TEN 185 118 1 167 6 4 P. Rivers, SND 2 4 3 1571646 10 9 Rushers Att Yds Avg LG TD Ridley,NWE 150 716 4 77 41 5 A. Foster, HOU 168 659 3.92 46 9 J. Charles, KAN 120 595 4.96 91t 2 Chr. Johnson, TEN 131 595 4.54 83t 2 McGahee,DEN 12 3 554 4 50 31 4 R. Rice,BAL 106 524 4 94 43 5 Spiller, BUF 72 523 7.26 56t 4 Greene,NYJ 139 509 3.66 36 5 Re. Bush, MIA 1 1 2 4 93440 65t 3 T.Richardson,CLE 127 470 3.70 32t 5

Receivers No yds Avg LG TD

Troy N.T EXAS UL- Lafayette




18 . 5 5.5 10


/y : ' //

CI Q E p

4:30 p.m.:College, Virginia Tech

Vancouver Whitecaps at Los

; ,' /



Chiefs at San Diego Chargers, NFL Network. SOCCER 7 p.m.:Men's college, Stanford at UCLA, Pac-12 Network. 7:30p.m.: MLS playoffs,


lal Q



5:20p.m.:NFL, Kansas City


Qt 0


at Miami, ESPN. 4:30 p.m.: Canadian Football League, Hamilton Tiger-Cats and Toronto Argonauts, NBC Sports Network.





Colorado at Washington State, Pac-12 Network. GOLF 8 p.m.: WGC, HSBC Champions, first round, Golf Channel.

0 0

19 3.5 10.5


Thunder at SanAntonio Spurs,


7 p.m.:Women's college,



Welker,NW E Wayne,IND A.. Green,CIN R. Gronkowski,NWE Ant. BrownPIT Ke. Wright,TEN De. Thomas,DEN Decker,DEN Bowe,KAN Lloyd,NWE Fields, MIA Scitres,SND Anger,JAC McAfee,IND

60 736 12.3 54 757 14.0 44 636 14.5 43 580 13.5 40 480 12.0 40 351 8.8 39 679 17.4 38 484 12.7 37 492 13.3 37 435 11 8

59 2 30t 2 73t 7 41 7 27 1 35 3 71t 4 55 5

46 3 27 3

Punters No Yds LG Avg 35 1799 30 1476 45 2173 31 1488 36 1708 38 1798 30 1416 28 1312 37 1734 41 1921

Kern,TEN Lechler,OAK

Koch,BAL B. Colquitt, DEN

63 51.4 66 49.2

66 48.3 64 48.0 63 47.4 68 47.3 57 47.2 67 46.9

Donn.Jones,HOU 66 46.9 Malone,NYJ 61 46.9 Punt Returners No yds Avg LG TD McKelvin,BUF M. Thigpen,MIA Kerley,NYJ

9 216 24.0 88i 1 14 200 14.3 72t 1 10 141 14.1 68t 1 Cribbs,CLE 18 235 13.1 60 0 Br. Tate,CIN 11 126 11.5 32 0 Arenas,KAN 21 211 10.0 27 0 T. Hogiday,HOU 16 147 9.2 36 0 Hilton, IND 9 7 4 8 .2 14 0 P. Adams,OAK 15 122 8.1 47 0 Reynaud,TEN 13 100 7.7 19 0 Kickoff Returners No yds Avg LG TD Jac.Jones,BAL 9 355 39.4108i 1 McKelvin,BUF 10 320 32.0 59 0 Cribbs,CLE 24 727 30.3 74 0 McKnight,NYJ 20 586 29.3100t 1 M. Thigpen,MIA 15 429 28.6 57 0 D. Mccourty,NWE 13 359 27.6 104t I Goodman,SND 18 497 27.6 39 0 C. Rainey,PIT 15 408 27.2 49 0 D. Thompson,BAL 15 389 25.9 49 0 Reynaud,TEN 28 723 25.8105t 1

Scoring Touchdowns TD Rush Rec Ret Pts 10 9 1 0 60

A. Foster,HOU A.. Green,CIN R. Gronkowski,NWE H Miler PIT T. Richardson,CLE Decker,DEN Greene,NYJ R. Rice,BAL Ridley,NWE Spiller,BUF

7 7 6 6 5 5 5 5 5

0 0 0 5 0 5 5 5 4

7 7 6 I 5 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

42 42 38 36 30 30 30 30 30

Kicking PAT FG LG Pts GostkowskiNWE 29-29 17-20 53 80 JanikowskiOA , K 11-11 18-19 52 65 S. Graham, HOU 25-25 13-14 51 64 Suisham,PIT 15-15 16-17 52 63 Tucker,BAL 18-18 14-15 56 60 Bironas,TEN 18-18 12-15 47 54 18-18 12-13 54 54 Folk, NYJ P. Dawson,CLE 16-16 12-12 52 52 Nugent,CIN 19-19 11-12 48 52 Succop,KAN 10-10 14-15 52 52 NF0 Individual Leaders Week 8

A Rodgers,GBY M.Ryan,ATL Ale. Smith,SNF Griffin III,WAS Jo. Freem an,TAM Brees,NOR E. Manning,NYG Kolb,ARI Ponder,MIN Bradford,STL

A. Peterson,MIN M. Lynch,SEA Morris,WAS Gore,SNF Bradshaw, NYG D. Martin,TAM

L. Mccoy,PHL Griffin III,WAS Forte,CHI M. Turner,ATL Harvin,MIN Cruz,NYG

Quarterbacks Att Com Yds TD Int 297 205 2165 265 182 2018 209 145 1659 223 149 1778 223 123 1800 315 188 2310 294 184 2301 183 109 1169 262 171 1743 249 153 1797

21 17 12 8 14

151 775 5.13 159 757 4.76 151 717 4.75 119 656 5.51 126 570 4.52 129 543 4 21 127 504 3.97 70 476 680 95 436 459 108 415 3.84

64t 4 77t 3 39t 5 37 4 37 4 41 3 34 2 76t 6 39 2 27 3

20 12 8 10 8

4 6 5 3 5 8 8 3 7 7

Rushers Att yds Avg LG TD

Receivers No Yds Avg LG TD

60 667 11.1 45 3 52 650 12.5 Bot 7 Witten,DAL 51 487 9.5 35 I B. Marshall,CHI 50 675 13.5 34 4 Gonzalez,ATL 46 459 10.0 25 4 Fitzgerald,ARI 45 511 11.4 37t 3 42 463 11 0 39t 4 Cobb,GB Y Ca.Johnson,DFT 41 638 15.6 51 1 D. Bryant,DAL 41 488 11.9 55 2 R. White,ATL 40 591 14.8 59 4 Punters No Yds LG Avg Morstead,NO R 33 1694 70 51.3 J. Ryan,SEA 32 1606 73 50.2 Hekker,STL 34 1666 68 49.0 A. Lee,SNF 31 1478 66 47.7 Bosher,ATL 28 1318 63 47.1 Zastudil,ARI 51 2380 68 46.7 Weatherford,NYG 28 1284 60 45.9 Masthay,GBY 38 1704 65 44.8 Koenen,TAM 36 1603 64 44.5 Kluwe,MIN 37 1620 59 43.8 Punt Returners No Yds Avg LG TD Ginn Jr.,SNF 17 210 12 4 38 0 Sherels,MIN 15 178 11.9 77t 1 16 165 10.3 75t I Cobb,GB Y Logan,DET 20 183 9.2 48 0 L. Washington,SEA 20 166 8.3 52 0 P. Peterson,ARI 30 244 8.1 26 0 Hester,CHI 14 102 7.3 23 0 Banks,WAS 16 116 7.3 27 0 Randle,NYG 10 69 6.9 18 0 Sproles,NOR 10 66 6.6 16 0 Kickoff Returners No Yds Avg LG TD Harvin,MIN 15 535 35.7 105t 1 L. Washington,SEA 14 417 29.8 83 0 Sproles,NOR 14 402 28.7 48 0 J. Rodgers,ATL 9 249 27.7 77 0 Ky. Wiliams,SNF 12 330 27.5 94 0 17 466 27.4 46 0 Cobb,GB Y D Wi son,NYG 27 732 27 1 66 0 Hester,CHI 10 269 26.9 38 0 Banks,WAS 16 412 25.8 55 0 J. Adams, CAR 9 208 23.1 31 0

Scoring Touchdowns TD Rush RecRet Pts

7 0 7 0 42 7 0 7 0 42 Griffin III,WAS 6 6 0 0 36 And. Brown,NYG 5 5 0 0 32 J. Nelson,GBY 5 0 5 0 32 Rudolph,MIN 5 0 5 0 32 5 0 4 1 30 Cobb,GBY Colston,NOR 5 0 5 0 30 Harvin,MIN 5 I 3 1 30 V. Jackson,TAM 5 0 5 0 30 Kicking PAT FG LG Pts 22-22 24-26 49 94 Tynes,NYG M. Bryant,ATL 21-21 16-17 55 69 Walsh,MIN 17-17 I7-18 55 68 Akers,SNF 21-21 14-1 9 63 63 Ja.Hanson,DET 15-15 16-17 53 63 Zuerlein,STL 10-10 17-20 60 61 Gould,CHI 20-20 13-15 54 59 Barth,TAM 19-19 13-15 57 58 Hauschka,SEA 14-14 I4-17 52 56 D. Bailey,DAL 12-12 13-14 51 51

Cruz,NYG Jam.Jones,GBY

College Schedule All Times Pacific

(Subject to change) Thursday'sGames

SOUTH VirginiaTechat Miami, 4:30p.m. Middl eTennesseeatW.Kentucky,6:15p.m. MIDWEST

E. Michigan atOhio,3 p m.

Friday's Game FAR WEST Washington atCalifomia, 6p.m. Top 25Schedule All TimesPacific Saturday No.IAlabamaatNo.5LSU,5p.m. No. 2Oregonat No.18 Southern Cal,4p.m. No. 3KansasStatevs. OklahomaState, 5p.m. No. 4NotreDamevs. Pitsburgh,12:30 p.m. No. 60hioStatevs.Illinois,12:30p.m. No. 7Georgiavs. Mississippi,12:30 p.m. No. 8Floridavs. Missouri, 9a.m. No.10cl emsonatDuke,4pm. No.12 Louisvillevs.Temple, 9a.m. No.13DregonStatevs. ArizonaState, 7:30p.m. No.14 Dklahoma at lowaState, 9am. No. 15Stanfordat Colorado, 11a.m. No. 16TexasABMat No.17Mississippi State,9a.m. No.19 Boise Statevs. SanDiegoState, 7:30p.m. No. 20Texas Techvs. Texas,12:30 p.m. No. 21Nebraskaat MichiganState,12:30p.m. No. 22LouisianaTechvs.UTSA,1 p.m. No. 23West Virginia vs.TCU,noon No. 24Arizonaat No.25 UCLA, 730 p.m.

Betting line NFL

(Hometeamsin Caps) Favorite Opening Current Underdog Thursday CHARG ERS




3.5 10 2.5 3 11 3.5 3.5 4 4.5 2.5 3.5 5

3.5 11 2.5 3.5 10 3.5 3.5 3.5 5 1.5 3.5 4.5






Lions Bears







College Thursday 16.5 2 9.5

17 2.5 9. 5 Friday 4 4



Today,Oct.31:Houstonat Chicago, 6p.m. Thursday,Nov. I: Vancouverat LosAngeles, 7:30 p.m.

EASTERNCONFERENCE Semifinals D.C. United vs. NewYork Saturday,Nov.3: D.C.UnitedatNewYork, 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov.7: NewYorkatD.C.United,5 p.m. Kansas City vs. Chicago/Houstonwinner Sunday,Nov.4.KansasCity at Chicago/Houston winner, 12:30p.m. Wednesd ay,Nov.7:Chicago/HoustonwinneratKansas City,6 p.m. WESTERNCONFERENCE Semifinals

Sen Josevs. Vancouver/Los Angeles winner Sunday ,Nov.4:SanJoseatl .osAngeles/Vancouver winner, 6or7:30p.m. Wednesd ay,Nov.7:Vancouver/LosAngeleswinnerat SanJose,8p.m. Seattle vs. Real Salt Lake Friday,Nov.2.Real Salt Lakeat Seattie, 7 p.m. Thursday,Nov.8: Seattle atReal Salt Lake,6:30pm.


American League

BOSTON REDSOX—NamedBrian Buterfield third

basecoach. CHICAGO WHITESOX—Agreedtotermswith RHP JakePeavyonatwo-year contract. Exercisedthe2013 contractoption onRHPGavin Floyd. Declined2013 contract options ofRHPBrett Myersand38 Kevin Youkilis. DETROITIG T ERS—Signed manager Jim Leyland to a one-yearcontract. Exercisedthe2013contract options onRHPOctavio Dotel andSSJhonnyPeralta. OAKLANDATHLETICS— Announced LHP Dallas Braden andRHPJoeyDevineclearedoutright wawers, refusedoutright assignmentsto Sacram ento (PCL)

and electedtobecomefreeagents. TEXASRANGERS Declined2013 contract options forRl-IPScott FeldmanandRHPYoshinori Tateyama.ReinstatedRHPNettali Felizfromthe 60-day DL. Selected the contract of RHPJustin Miler trom RoundRock(PCL). National League ATLANTA BRAVES—Exercisedthe 2013 contract options onRHPTim Hudson, CBrian Mccannand LHPPaul Maholm.

CHICAGO CUBS—Named DerekJohnson minor league pitchingcoordinator. LOS ANGELES DODGERS Signed RHP Brandon League to athree-year contract.


E. Michigan MIAMI-FLA Mid TennSt

Washington Saturday PennSt 3.5 3.5 PURDUE Air Force 7.5 7 ARMY KENTST 21 20 Akron Vanderbilt 8.5 7.5 KENTUC KY N. ILLINOIS 36.5 3 5 .5 UMass LOUISVILLE 14 15 Temple WAKEFOREST 3.5 3.5 BostonCollege Houston 3 3.5 E. CARO LINA INDIANA PK 1 lowa GeorgiaTech 6 7.5 MARYLAND Clemson 14 13 . 5 DUKE ARKANSA S 5.5 7 Tulsa AUBURN 22 22 . 5 NewMexicoSt Stanford 28 28 COLOR ADO UTAHST 26 26 . 5 TexasSt Alabama 9 9.5 LSU WYOMING 9.5 9 ColoradoSt NC STA TE 1 2.5 10 Virginia OREGO NST 5 5 ArizonaSt FLORIDA 16 16 Missouri MICHIGAN ST 1.5 PK Nebraska WVIRGINIA 6.5 7 Tcu OHIOST 2 4.5 27 Rlinois NOTRE DAME 1 7 1 6 . 5 Pittsburgh LOLgSIANA TECH32 32 Tex-San Antonio SanJoseSt 17 19 . 5 IDAHO C. FLORIDA 1 0.5 12 Smu S. FLORIA D 8.5 8.5 Connecticut W. Michigan 2.5 2.5 C. MICHIGA N BUFFALO 2.5 3.5 Miami-Ohio GEORG IA 13.5 14 Mississippi CINCINNA TI 5.5 5 Syracuse UTAH 12 12 Washington St S MISSISSIPPI 3.5 3 Uab MARSHA LL 2 0.5 21 Memphis Michigan 12.5 1 2 .5 MINNESO TA KANSASST 8 9 Oklahoma St TEXAS TECH 5.5 7 Texas Texas A8M 5 6.5 MISSISSIPPIST BAYLDR 17.5 17 Kansas Oklahoma 11 10 . 5 IOWAST Oregon 6.5 7.5 USC Rice 3.5 4 TULANE FRESNO ST 33.5 3 3 .5 Hawaii UCLA 3 3 Arizona UNLV 4.5 45 NewMexico BOISE ST 14 14 San Diego St NAVY 14.5 1 5 .5 FloridaAtlantic Florida Int'I 4.5 3.5 S. ALABAM A CALIFORN IA

Qatar AirwaysTournamentof Champions Tuesday At Sinan ErdemDome Sofia, Bulgaria Purse: $750,000 Surface: Hard-Indoor RoundRobin Singles Serdika Group RobertaVinci (4), Italy, def. DanielaHantuchova (7), Slovakia6-1, , 6-2. CarolineWozniacki (1), Denm ark, def. HsiehSuWei(5),Taiwan,6-2,6-2. Standings:Vinci 1-0 (sets2-0); Wozniacki1-0(20), Hantuchova 0-1(0-2), HsiehSu-Wei 0-1(0-2). Sredets Group TsvetanaPironkova(8), Bulgaria, def.ZhengJie (6), China,2-6, 6-4,7-6(4). Standings:Pironkova1-0(2-1); Petrova0-0(0-0); Kirilenko 0-0 (0-0);Jie0-1(1-2).

BASKETBALL National Basketball Association NBA —Suspended LosAngeles Clippers GMat Barnes onegamefor pleadingnolocontendre, inCalifomia statecourt, to resisting, delayingorobstructing an officer inthe dischargeof his duties. CHICAGO BULLS—Exercisedits third-year option for G-FJimmyButler. DENVERNUGGETS— Signed G Ty Lawson to a four-yearcontract MINNES OTA TIMBERWOLVES—Exercisedthirdyear optionsonGRickyRubio andFDerrick Wiliams for the2013-14season. UTAHJAZZ —Exercised the contract option of coachTyroneCorbinthroughthe2013-14season. FOOTBALL National Football League ARIZONACARDINALS— Promoted LB Zack Nash from thepracticesquad. ReleasedFBReagan Maui'a. SignedLBTimFugger to thepracticesquad CHICAGOBEARS Si gned WR Raymond Radway to the practicesquad.Terminated the practice squad contract ofWRJoeAnderson. CLEVELANDBROWNS— Placed DL Emmanuel Stephens oninjured reserve. INDIANAP OLIS COLTS—Signed RBAlvester Alexander tothepracticesquad. JACKSONVI LLE JAGUARS— Traded WR Mike Thomas to Detroit foranundiscloseddraft pick. MIAMIDOLP HINS—Released WRAnthony Armstrong. NEW ENGLANDPATROITS Released LB Bobby Carpenter. SAN DI EGOCHARGERS— Waived KNateKaeding. SEATTLE SEAHAWKS— PlacedWRBen Obomanu on injuredreserve.ReleasedCBDanny Gorrer. Promoted WR Jermaine KearseandOTMichael Person from thepracticesquad SignedWRPhil Bates to the practicesquad. TAMPA BAYBUCCANEERS—Placed GCarl Nicks and TEDanny Noble on injured reserve.PromotedG RogerAllenfromthepracticesquad. SOCCER U.S.SOCCER—Named Tom Sermanniwomen' s nationalteamcoach. COLLEGE LOUISVILLE —Signedmen'sbasketball coachRick Pitino to a five-yearcontract extensionthroughthe 2021-22season.

FISH COUNT Upstream daily movem ent of adult chinook, jack chinook, steelheadandwild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiver damslast updatedon Monday Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 166 1 1 7 139 45 The Dalles 100 69 157 55 John Day 156 91 434 175 McNary 1 4 7 88 223 70 Upstream year-to-date movement otadult chinook, jack chinook, steelheadandwild steeheadat seected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonMonday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 588,941 143,542 233,544 84,747 The DaUes 411,918 125,425 198,367 69,861 John Day 335,318 108,576 161,158 61,211 McNary 340,284 62,887 149,130 50,856





Dallas stunsloaded Lakels in opener,99-9'1 Stoudemireto miss 6-8weeks for Knicks



t Pat Carter /The Associated Press

From left, Miami Heat's Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh and LeBron )ames pose with their 2012 championship rings before Tuesday night's game against Boston in Miami. Teams face a tough challenge in trying to unseat the defending champions.

n e een iami an man eamscanvieora i e By Benjamin Hoffman New York Times News Service

Can mere mortals compete with superheroes? That is the question that will be asked repeatedly throughout the 2012-13 NBA season. It all starts with LeBron James. A change occurredat some point last season, when James became more than just a star. He dominated for the Miami Heat in the playoffs, winning his first league championship, and looked even better while leading the United States to a

gold medal in the Olympics. In London, he was the unquestioned leader of a bigname group, overshadowing everyone else, including Kobe Bryant. The Los Angeles Lakers, unwilling to let James be untested in his prime, imported Dwight Howard and Steve Nash to play alongside Bryant and Pau Gasol. With Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh as James' partners in Miami, seven of the league'sbiggest stars are now concentrated on two teams. But before the Lakers or the Heat can

be crowned thechampions for 2012-13, they will have to get through a number of teams more than capable of challenging their dominance. G rown more organically than t h e mercenary rostersin Los Angeles and Miami, about which plenty has been written, teams from more modest cities like Oklahoma City, Indianapolis and Denver will try to grab the crown themselves. If things break right for these teams, they could.

Eastern Conference

Western Conference

Irving, he is on ateam that plays No one couldaccusetheAtlan- at a far lower wattage than heis tic Division general managers of capable of on his own.



sloth. All five teams went through

Still, despite the lack of mar-

drastic roster reconstruction

quee names, theCentral has

projects. Stars came in, other

quality basketball to offer from

stars left and moneywas exthe Indiana Pacers and the Chichanged at a rate uncomfortable cago Bulls. to anyone outside of governmenLast season,the Pacers tal budgeting. After the dust settled, it was easy to wonder if all of the movement was worth it. The Nets had the best excuse

sneakedintothe No.3 seeded

forapproaching the offseason with a degree of desperation, considering the team's moveto

tendance in the NBA. The team returns its starting five, a unit

Brooklyn. General manager Billy

production: Roy Hibbert, David

spot in the East. Thejob was done with such stealth that fans in lndianapolis failed to notice,

leading to the second-lowest atthat lacks for star power but not

King employed the strategy famil- West, Danny Granger, Paul iar to Costco shoppers of tossing George andGeorge Hill. The

Anyone with NBALeague Pass will want to take note of the Northwest, where some of the most exciting basketball in the NBA will be played. The class of the division is still

the OklahomaCity Thunder, even with James Harden, the team's reliable sixth man, gone in a trade

to the Rockets over theweekend. Fresh off an appearance in the

Billups' season, the Clippers were playing well together, but without him they looked lost. The signing

of Jamal Crawford provides a solid scoring option but comes with an unreasonable price tag

(Crawford will make$21 million over four years). Grant Hill, while not nearly as potent as Crawford,

at least cost a great deal less. The Golden StateWarriors finally got the big man Don Nel-

son was looking for two decades league's smartest team (non-San ago when theyacquired Andrew NBA Finals, the Thunder, the

Antonio division), looked even

smarter by drafting Perry Jones, a player with huge potential who

Bogut. If Chris Mullin, Tim Hardaway and Mitch Richmond were

not long retired as theWarriors'

fell to them at the end of the first round, and they obtained two

mighty threesome, the move would be more exciting. As it

more first-round picks in the

stands, Golden State's medical

every shiny object into his cart

Pacers' bench is still a question

Harden trade. They lost some

staff will get quite a workout

and covering his eyeswhenthe total showed up atthe register.

mark, but signing Gerald Green for $10.5 million over three years was a shrewd move. Hewas the league's second-best reclamation project out of the development

ground, however, for this season with the deal, which wasneces-

keeping Bogutand Stephen Curry's ankles healthy and the

sitated by the team's desire to avoid paying the luxury tax in the

Warriors again look like a lottery

league, after Jeremy Lin. The Bulls, even without Rose,

preordained when Oklahoma City chose to extend Serge Ibaka first,

have lost if they had selected

are a playoff team, though the

a move that manywill question if

franchise will look far different with Kirk Hinrich running the

the Thunder do not advance deep into the playoffs.

the draft. The Sacramento Kings return almost their entire roster, but

The footsteps the Thunder

their roster was not very good.

And like the bounty of a typical Costco adventure, he will enjoy it

for a while before bringing a halffull bucket of cheese balls to work

and hoping his co-workers will take them off his hands. Deron Williams was retained,

Joe Johnson wasacquired, and a number of smaller moves

point rather than Rose.Joakim

contributed to making the team far better than it has been since

Noah is a perfect player for the division; he is willing to lookas bad

theJason Kidddays,though not

as possible as long as it makes

without sacrificing the team's financial flexibility for the next

his team better. There is little reason to believe

four seasons.

future. In a way,the movewas

hear behind them are from the

Denver Nuggets, who seem to havebeenonamissiontoacquire every player that basketball

team a seasonafter clearly tanking to protect a pick they would anywhere out of the top sevenin

The Suns, already facing the team's first season without Steve

Nash, will also not haveChanning Frye, who is out with a heart

that any offseason moveswill

reporters love to gushabout. After years of dealing with the


make the Detroit Pistons or the

drama of Carmelo Anthony, the


roster that was perfectly capable of competing. But instead of

Milwaukee Bucksany more relevant than they were aseason ago,

Nuggets now have a deep roster of talented players who cantor-

volvesaroundTim Duncan,Manu

keeping it stable, the team let Jeremy Lin and Landry Fields leave

but the Cleveland Cavaliers have

ment opponents and can mix and match the lineup to maximize

The New York Knicks had a

as restricted free agents and

a chance for improvement. Irving seems on theverge of something

signed as many stars of the late 1990s (Kidd, Marcus Camby, Ra-

sheed Wallace, KurtThomas) as possible. Carmelo Anthony and

TysonChandlermaketheteam relevant, but the volatile health of the entire roster makes it unlikely that the current club will be the

one playing in a fewmonths. The Philadelphia 76ers landed Andrew Bynum, a potentially

dominant center, and theRaptors

Talk of the Spurs invariably reGinobili and Tony Parker. The

its effectiveness. Denver is deep

core of the SanAntonio dynasty, through ageand injury, have had

special, and Dion Waiters and Tyler Zeller could be productive

enough that Wilson Chandler and Kosta Koufos, who are talented

their roles somewhat reduced. But the team still has a front


enough to start for most teams,

office that hits far more often

will come off the bench, as will

than it misses. The role players surrounding the Big Three — De-

Southeast When your division has the

the always-intriguing free-agent signee Anthony Randolph.

defendingNBA champion Heat,

The Minnesota Timberwolves

who may wellbebeginningadynasty, itis easyto lose hope.The general managers of the Southeast took that to heart, jettisoning most of the division's talent in moves labeled rebuilding, which seemed more like demolition.

would probably choose noluck rather than the bad luck the franchise has endured. A roster that could prove to be fantastic if

everyone remained healthy will

season by Kawhi Leonard. There is no reason to think this season will be far different from the last one, when the team went 50-16,

although every additional year

thatDuncan logs may knock the

Spurs down by a few wins. San Antonio's traditional rivals

Dwight Howard from the Orlando Magic, but the Atlanta Hawks got

those two return, the Timber-

in the division, the Dallas Mavericks, set up their roster to get

ics, winners of the past five divi-

in on the fun by trading awayJoe

sion titles, still look like the class

Johnson and Marvin Williams to

of the group because of arebuilding effort designed to takeadvan-

save the teamfrom salary-cap purgatory. TheWashington Wiz-

thanks to the subtraction of Michael Beasley and the addition of

or the All-Star center Dwight Howard. When they failed to get

Andrei Kirilenko.

tage of Kevin Garnett's remaining

ards and the Charlotte Bobcats probably tried to move their stars

The Portland Trail Blazers and the Utah Jazz, while contenders

before the teams realized that

for playoff spots, are potentially

either, they made anumber of quality moves — signing O.J. Mayo, trading for Darren Collison and getting Elton Brand in

they did not have assets other

the fourth- and fifth-best teams in this deep division.

an amnesty auction — that may help the team in the short term.

ing team. After all that, the Boston Celt-

years. Ray Allen wasreplaced by the slightlyyounger JasonTerry and by Courtney Lee,and Boston

The biggest departure was

wolves willhaveasquadmuch improved from last season

Jared Sullinger andFab Melo in

teams wanted. The best of the four non-Heat

the first round. It may take some time for the roster to jell around

teams is likely to be the Hawks, who still have All-Star talent in


Garnett, Paul Pierce andRajon

Al Horford and JoshSmith and

on paper that could beamong

Rondo, but Boston shed some

pulled a heist of their own in signing Lou Williams away from the

the greatest ever, but the team

had a fantastic draft, landing

age and should bemorecapable on offense.

76ers at a reasonable price.

hometown hero DeronWilliams

Buteventhesedealsmaynotbe The Lakers have built a lineup

enough to give Dirk Nowitzki the

supporting cast he needs to win a second championship. The Houston Rockets failed

does not evenhave toleave its to trade for Dwight Howard or arena to find another club capable AndrewBynum butbecame afar of challenging its supremacy. more fun team to watch with the Unfortunately for the Los Angeles acquisitions of Jeremy Linand Clippers, that will require a great James Harden.TheMemphis

Oklahoma City atSanAntonio, 6:30p.m.

Standings ConferenceGlance Aii Times Pacific

Gary Neal — were bolstered last

Ricky Rubio (knee injury) and Kevin Love (broken hand). Once

make Toronto a far more interest-


Juan Blair, Tiago Splitter and

have to start the season without

persuaded Lithuanian star Jonas Valanciunas to sign, which could

The Associated Press L OS ANGELES — D a r ren Collison scored 17 points, Brandan Wright added 14, and the Dallas Mavericks spoiled the Lakers debuts of Dwight GREENBURGH, N.Y. Howard and Steve Nash with — Amare Stoudemire a 99-91 victory over Los Angecouldbe sidelined for les on Tuesday night. two months, the second O.J. Mayo had 12 points straight season the New as the revamped Mavericks York Knicks forward will pulled off a stunner in their miss significant time opener, comfortably beating because of injury. the star-studded Lakers withThe Knicks said Tuesday out any help from injured Dirk that Stoudemire would Nowrtzkr. have left knee surgery and K obe Bryant s c ored 2 2 could be out six to eight points while playing on an inweeks, more than twice as jured right foot, but the Lakers long as originally estimated opened a season of enormous when he was hurt during expectations with a major dud the preseason. of a performance. The team said he will have H oward h a d 1 9 p o i n t s a debridement, a procedure and 10 rebounds while missto remove tissue. ing 11 of his 14 free throws "It's tough. I mean, before fouling out with 2:02 Amare's a big piece to our to play. Nash managed just seven points and four assists puzzle, man. I don't care howyou slice it," Knicks w ith seemingly little to d o coachMikeWoodsonsaid. in the Lakers' new offensive "We'll be here when he gets scheme. Pau Gasol had 23 points and back, that's for sure. We've 13 rebounds for the Lakers, just got to hold the fort down until he's able to get whose loaded lineup followed back in a uniform and on up its 0-8 preseason with a the floor playing." largely lifeless second-half effort in front of a sellout crowd Stoudemire missed the expectingto see a super team first two preseason games capable of contending for the with a bruised left knee, franchise's 17th championship then scored18 points in 27 — a fact acknowledged by minutes against Toronto on Bryant when he addressed the Oct. 19. He was bothered fans beforethe game. by more pain and the "As you know, we have a lot Knicks announced hehad of expectations this season," a ruptured cyst and would Bryant said. "We're trying to be sidelined two to three live up to th e expectations. weeks. We're trying to bring another But he and the Knicks championship back to where it decided after further belongs, back to Los Angeles." discussion and Instead, the Lakers showed consultation to have the h ow much w ork t hey w i l l procedure. have to do. Dallas steadily — The Associated Press pulled away to a 16-point lead in the second half, never allowing any serious runs by their disjointed, disorganized had 26 points and 10 rebounds opponents. despite missing much of the Los Angeles' starting five second half with leg cramps, barely played together during D wyane Wade s cored 2 9 the first w i nless preseason points and NBA champion Miin franchise history, and that ami beat Boston in the season lack of familiarity showed on opener for both teams. Ray Alalmost every possession. The len, in his first game with MiLakers losttheir opener for ami since leaving Boston over just the fourth time in the past the summer, added 19 points 21 years. for the Heat, as did Chris Bosh. Vince Carter, Shawn Mar- Miami handed out its chamion and Rodrigue Beaubois pionship r i ngs a n d r a i sed scored 11 points apiece for the the banner commemorating Mavericks, who snapped a six- lastseason in a pregame cergame skid against the Lakers emony that included an indoor over the past two seasons. fireworks show. Jae Crowder scored eight C avaliers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 points in his NBA debut for W izards ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 the Mavericks, who are likely CLEVELAND — Kyrie Irto be without Nowitzki for at ving scored 29 points, Anderleast six more weeks while the son Varejao had a career-high German superstar recovers 23 rebounds and Cleveland from arthroscopic knee sur- opened the season with a win gery. Dallas also played with- over s h ort-handed W a shout new center Chris Kaman, ington. Rookie Dion Waiters yet had little trouble contain- added 17 points for the Cavs, ing the Lakers down low. who led by 16 in th e third Also on Tuesday: quarterbut needed big plays Heat..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 from Irving and Varejao in the Celtics...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 final minutes to hold off the MIAMI — L eBron James Wizards.





1 1 0 0 0

d-Miami d-Brooklyn d-New York d-Philadelpih a d-Toronto Atlanta Charlotte

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Chicago Detroit Indiana Milwaukee Orlando Boston Washington


0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


1.0 0 0 1.0 0 0 .00 0 000 .000

0 t 000 0 1 .000 WESTERN CONFERENCE W t Pci d-Dallas t 0 1.0 0 0 d-Denver 0 0 .00 0 d-GoldeitState 0 0 .00 0 d-L.A. Clippers 0 0 .00 0 d-Mittnesota 0 0 .00 0 d-Oklahoma City 0 0 .00 0 d-Phoenix 0 0 000 d-Portland 0 0 .00 0 d-Sacrame nto 0 0 .00 0 d-Utah 0 0 .00 0 Houston 0 0 .00 0 Memphis 0 0 .00 0 NewOrleans 0 0 .00 0 SanAntonio 0 0 .00 0 LA. Lakers 0 1 .00 0


deal of things to go right for a

Grizzlies got increased production

Biyombo, andseverely lowered

franchise never known for its good fortune.

from Marc Gasol last seasonand will now hopeZach Randolph

expectations after one of the worst seasons in NBA history.

As fun as Chris Paul and Blake Griffin are to watch, the key to

returns to form. The New Orleans Hornets should be better with a

The Magic, with RyanAnderson and Howard gone, could be

the season for the Clippers may be Chauncey Billups. Before an

full season from EricGordonand

Irving as the division's most elec-

the drafting of Anthony Davis, but

trifying player. Unfortunately for

the worst team in the NBA.

Achilles' tendon injury that ended

the team still has along way to go.

NewYorkatBrooklyn, 4 p.m.

The Bobcats, while not exactly good, should at least be fun to

watch, with a promising rookie in

league, someone forgot to tell the Central. Derrick Rose, the

Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, the continued development of Bismack

division's most talented player, is expected to miss most of the

season after a kneeinjury in last season's playoffs, leaving Kyrie


Heat120, Celtics107 BOSTON (107)

Pierce6-159-9 23,Bass6-11 3-415, Garnett4-8 1-1 9, Lee5-60-0 t 1, Rondo9-14 2-420, Sullinger 1-20-02, Terry2-74-48, Green 0-43-43, Barbosa 6-81-216. Totals39-7523-28107.

.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 000 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0

Tttesday's Games Cleveland94,Washington 84 Miami120,Boston107 Dallas99,L.A.Lakers91 Today'sGames Denverat Philadelphia, 4p.m. IndianaatToronto 4pm Houston at Detroit, 4:30p.m. Sacramento atChicago 5 tt m Sait AntonioatNewOrleans, 5p.m. Dallas atUtah,6p.m. GoldenStateat Phoenix 7 pm MemphisatLA. Clippers, 7:30p.m. L.A. Lakers at Portland, 7:30p.m.

Central If the NBA is asuperstar

Tuesday'sGames GB

MIAMI (120)

James10-t6 4-5 26, Battier 2-4 0-0 6, Bosh8i5 3-4 i9, Wade 10-22 9-1129, Chalmers3-7 2-2 8, Ailett 5-77-819, Haslem0-1 0-0 0, Lewis4-51-2 i0, Cole 1-20-0 3, Miller 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 43-79 26-32 120. Boston 25 29 22 31 — 107 Miami 31 31 31 27 — 120 GB I/2 I/2 I/2 I/2 I/2 I/2 I/2 I/2 I/2 I/2 I/2 I/2 I/2


Cavaliers 94, Wizards 84 WASHINGTON (84) Ariza 3-81-29, Booker 2-90-04, Dkafor4-102-4 10, Price2-t 31-t 7, Beai2822 8, Vesely341-4 7, webster4-60-09, crawford4-133-40, Ja.pargo262-27, Singleton 2-70-04, Barron4-60-t 8. Totals 32-9012-20 84. CLEVELAND (94) Gee2-9 0-04, Thompson 5-82-412, Vareiao37 3-3 9, Irving 1I-20 4-529,Waiters6-14 3-417, Miies1-5 0 0 2,Zeller 2-41-2 5, Gibson3 5 2-410, Walton 1-2 0-0 2, Sloan 2-5 0-0 4. Totals 36-79 15-22 94. Washington 24 15 23 22 — 84 Cleveland 31 19 24 20 — 94

Mavericks 99, Lakers 91 DALLAS (99)

Marion5-0 1-1 1t, Wright5-5 4-514, Brand310 2-2 8, collison8-121-217, Mayo4-132-212, Carter 5 121-211,Curry3-7t-2 7, Crowder3 70-0 8, Beattbois4-8 2-2 11, Da.Jones0-0 0-00. Totals 40-85 14-18 99. L.A. LAKERS (91)

WorldPeace1-81-2 3,Gasoi 8-1968 23,Howard 8-12 3-1419, Nash 3-9 0-07, Bryani11-14 0-0 22, Blake 0-20-00,Meeks1-30-03,Jamison2-4 t-t5, Hill 4-61-6 9.Totals 38-77 12-31 91. Dallas 25 23 26 25 — 99 L.A. Lakers 29 17 20 25 — 91





NFC West

Mountain View tops Sisters 5-0 in boys soccer

leading 49ers still on a roll By janie McCauley The Associated Press

SANTA CLARA, Calif. — San Francisco 49ers left tackle Joe Staley claims he caught quarterback and seatmate Alex Smith checking out his trending Twitter self while on the team plane awaiting takeoff Monday night from Arizona. Ha, says Smith, who insists he has no idea how to tweet. "I don't even have a Twitter," Smith quipped with a grin Tuesday during a quick walk through the empty locker room. "I don't know what Twitter is." They can argue that one all they want, yet nobody will deny that Smith and the 49ers (6-2) have been downright dominant of late, including a 24-3 Monday Night Football rout of the Cardinals in a hostile road stadium. In a near-perfect night, Smith completed 18 of 19 passes for 232 yards and three touchdowns without an interception. His passer rating: 157.1. Smith's stellar outing sparked coach Jim Harbaugh's now heard-everywhere "gobble gobble" remarks when asked about the confidence of his quarterback. "Just gobble, gobble, gobble turkey. That paints a pretty good picture. He's a very confident guy," the coach said. Following that up Tuesday, regarding the 2005 No. I overall draft pick, Harbaugh said the reference was a quick way to sum up all the skepticism about Smith's abilities under center. "I think anybody that watched a lot of TV shows in the '70s could relate to it, could understand it," he said. "Sometimes, you get people talking and there's a lot of low content-to-word ratio. Got to call that out, I guess." Staley, for one, hadn't heard Harbaugh use the "gobble gobble" one before, but Harbaugh is always pulling out new catchphrases. Smith has long been criticized, even booed by fans at Candlestick Park before leading the 49ers back to the postseason last year. "Just a lot of talk, gobble gobble," Staley said. "I don't think that's ever been an issue in the locker room, just people talking. He's won 19 games in the last two years and there's still questions if he's a leader of this football team. There are no questions in this locker room. He's our quarterback." Suddenly, this season is looking an awful lot like that special 2011 run. Harbaugh's team is in command of the NFC West again as November nears, heading into the bye week on a roll. And not to forget the stingy, top-ranked defense, which hasn't allowed a touchdown in four of the past five games. "They're accomplishing some great things," Harbaugh said. "That's really impressive, really hard to do in this league." And Smith is doing so much right on the other side of the ball. He went 14 of 15 for 146 yards and two touchdowns in the first half alone, connecting with Michael Crabtree on both TD tosses as the 49ers built a 17-0 halftime lead. Randy Moss caught a 47-yard TD pass, and Smith hit nine receivers in alL Not that anybody was tracking Smith's spot-on accuracy as he piled up the completions. "I was not conscious of what his statistics were," Harbaugh said. "Yeah, that registered, that he was on a hot streak." Now, they all get to rest. A few weeks back, Harbaugh struck a deal with his players that for each win before the break he would give them an additional day off on top of the NFL's four-day mandate. San Francisco lost to the defending Super Bowl champion New York Giants on Oct. 14, then beat the Seahawks and Cardinals in a pair of divisional prime-time performances. So, they are not due back in the building until next Tuesday — though many planned to stay around and work out at team headquarters. "That was a deal we made — from the TV show 'Let's Make a Deal,' with Monty Hall," Harbaugh said. "Not a lot of them knew who Monty Hall was or what the show was. Just wind back three weeks ago, wesaid for every win they get be fore the bye they would get one more day off than the four that you get under rule. They were good for it, we were good for it." Next up is a t h ird straight divisional game, against St. Louis on Nov. 11 at home.

Volleyball Continued from 01 That veteran roster has contributed to Mountain View's success so far, said Roshak, who added the team has had its ups and downs. Another factor in the Cougars' run, according to McKae, is the trust they have built with each other. "You understand each other's roles on the court," McKae said. "You understand who's responsible for what ball and who's going to go after what ball, having that sense that, 'I can compete with myself and with the other people on this court,'

everyone's going to pick up everybody else." With experience comes confidence, McKae said. The Cougars were in a similar position in 2011 and fell in the quarterfinals to eventual state champion Summit. That confidence is now driving the Cougars back to th e playoffs, where Mountain View may find more success this time around thanks to the hunger McKae's squad has developed. "I think that this year has just made us more fighters than years in the past," Roshak said. "We've learned how to fight, and if we fight, we can do whatever we put our minds to." — Reporter: 541-383-0305; glucasC<bendbulletin.com.


Ig l TAL r


ei~ ~ Mel Evans /The Associated Press

Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Drew Davis (19) celebrates with teammates Julio Jones, top, and Roddy White, center, after scoring on a 15-yard touchdown against the Phiiadelphia Eagles on Sunday in Philadelphia.

a cons remain ee anso 00 Llll amen as By George Henry The Associated Press

FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. — The more Atlanta keeps winning, the more coach Mike Smith keeps tinkering with ways to help the Falcons improve. Smith's Falcons are 7-0 and the NFL's only unbeaten team, but the fifth-year coach still sees a club that's far from perfect. "You may not believe this, but you're in a week to week cycle in the National Football League," Smith said on Monday. "It really doesn't matter what happened the week before. It's all about the next game, and that's how you have to approach it." Nearly everything seemed to work in Atlanta's favor during a 30-17 victory at Philadelphia on Sunday. Quarterback Matt Ryan directed scoring drives on the first six possessions. Atlanta's defense kept the Eagles off-balance all afternoon. But Smith pointed back to a rudimentary practice session last week that played a significant role in helping his team beat Philadelphia. Despite the league's best record, Smith

gave his players an entire week off during the bye before he took them back to the field last Monday to work on the basics of

football — blocking, tackling and using proper angles to make the right plays. Maybe the approach sounds too simple, but Smith said the results were evident against the Eagles. Smith estimated the Falcons spent 45 minutes of "remedial, 8th-grade football" to helpeveryone restart the season. Defensive players were retrained to take better angles in pursuit, and Smith believes that's one reason why Atlanta's run defense, which began Sunday with the league's28th-ranked run defense,had a season-best performance that held Philadelphia to 92 yards rushing. "We worked on the approach, the fit, where your eyes should be,things like that," Smith said. Later in the week, defensive coordinator

Breeders' Cup

Mike Nolan installed some hybrid looks that seemed to confuse Eaglesquarterback Michael Vick. Reserve defensive end Kroy Biermann, who finished with one sack and seven tackles, lined up at free safety for one play. Nolan also deployed a three-tackle front to start the game in which Jonathan Babineaux, Vance Walker and rookie Travian Robertson were lined up with Biermann — not four-time Pro Bowl selection John Abraham — at end. "The (previous) two games we didn't play aswell as we could have," free safety Thomas DeCoud said. "But now we are starting to hit our stride and it's good to come out after the bye week and get a good solid win under our belts and really play well on all sides of the ball." Offensive coordinator Dirk Koetter gave his reserve players a bigger role. Drew Davis, who spent last year on the practice squad, had his first career touchdown pass. Running backs Jacquizz Rodgers and Jason Snelling took on significant roles to score touchdowns while two-time Pro Bowl pick Michael Turner had a slow day, averaging just 2.4 yards on 24 carries. During the "remedial" practice, offensive linemen worked on combination blocks. The fruits of that work, including the debut of rookie right guard Peter Konz, could be seen on Rodgers' 43-yard run that set up a fourth-quarter field goal and gave the Falcons a 30-10 lead. Smith and his staff are mindful, too, that they must keep players fresh, not just for an entire game but for the whole season. Since taking charge of the Falcons in 2008, Smith has routinely given veterans, particularly his "over-30" club, as he calls it, a day of rest during the week. "We've got to focus on the game and win the game, but we also have to focus on the entirety of the season," Smith said. "We want our guys to be as fresh as they can possibly be when we get into November and December when you've got to be playing your best football."

in the $2 million Juvenile, and only eight were entered in the $2 million Continued from 01 Juvenile Fillies race. About 95 percent of American Most regulators say furosemide thoroughbreds race on furosemide, enhances performance by f lusha drug first approved for race-day ing 20 to 30 pounds of water out of use in the mid-1970s. Furosemide a horse. It is prohibited in Europe, helps to prevent exercise-induced H ong Kong and the rest of t h e pulmonary bleeding, which c an world's major racing circuits. In the occur in horses and impair their United States, however, almost all breathing and performance. horses, whether they need it or not, Even though Breeders' Cup of- have a needle filled with furosef icials announced the new r u l e mide plunged into their neck several change on the drug in July 2011, it hours before racing. "We call ourselves a world chamhas been met with resistance and criticism by prominent American pionship and we attract some of the horsemen. The ban will continue best horses in the world each year," to be debated until Friday, when said Craig Fravel, the chief executhe first ofthe series ofraces worth tive officer of the Breeders' Cup. "It more than $25 million in purses is time to start moving to the same are run. Leading trainers like Todd rules and same formats as the rest Pletcher, Dale Romans and Bob Baf- of the world." fert disagree with the ban on furoseEven if the furosemide ban is mide, an anti-bleeding diuretic sold not the cause of the smaller field under the name Lasix or Salix. sizes, Fravel said that he and the Mike Repole, a horse owner based Breeders' Cup board would remain in New York, cited the new rule as undeterred. "We'd like them bigger, but we're the reason he was not sending four of his promising 2-year-olds to the not going to cry in our beer about it," Breeders' Cup at Santa Anita Park. he said. Other owners might have filed their The New York State Racing and protest at the entry box, as the two Wagering Board enacted a series of most prominent races for 2-year- new rules recently that significantly olds have fewer entries than normal: restrict the use of legal drugs on Only nine colts are expected to run horses and require trainers to dis-

Bulletin staff report SISTERS — Zach Emerson scored two goals and Zel Rey added two assists and a score to help Mountain View blow past Sisters 5-0 in both teams'final boys soccer regular-season match of the year. Wyatt Lay and Takuro Nihei added one goal apiece for the Cougars (8-4-2 overall), who will host a Class 5A state playoff match on Tuesday. "We're right where we need to be," Mountain View coach Chris Rogers said. "We finally put together a complete game against a good team." The Cougars led 3-0 at halftime before putting the game out of reach early in the second half. Ley and Emerson each scored off corner kicks less than three minutes after halftime, giving Mountain View a 5-0 lead. "It's been a while since we played a team of that caliber," Sisters coach Rob Jensen said. "But this is exactly what we needed. I'd rather have this happen now and figure out what we need to fix than to run into someone like this in the first round of the playoffs." The Outlaws (12-2 overall), who won the Sky-Em League, will next host a Class 4A state playoff game, which will also be some time next week. In other prep events Tuesday: BOYS SOCCER Summit...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 West Salem...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SALEM — The Storm finished the regular season 10-1-3 after earning the road draw with the Class 6A Titans, winners of the Central Valley Conference this year. Alex Bowlin gave Summit a 1-0 lead in the first half, scoring on a rebound that followed a Dan Maunder cross. Michael Wilson made it 2-0 in favor of the Storm in the 55th minute, beating the West Salem goalkeeper after a bad clearance pass by the Titans. West Salem rallied with goals in the 65th and 66th minutes to salvage a tie. Summit, which entered the match No. 2 in the OSAA boys soccer rankings, likely secured the second seed for the 5A state playoffs. The Storm are off until Tuesday, when they will host a first-round state postseason matchup against a team that is yet to be determined. Molalla ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 M adras..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 MOLALLA — The White Buffaloes dropped their final game of the season to end the year 3-7 in Tri-Valley Conference play and 3-11 overall. After trailing 1-0 early, Madras' Florencio Aguilar tied the game by converting a free kick. Molalla added a goal before the break and tacked on another score in the second half to win 3-1. GIRLS SOCCER Summit...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 West Salem...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 SALEM — The Storm ended the regular season undefeated at 11-0-2 after knocking off the Class 6A Titans. In the 67th minute, Christina Edwards redirected a Shannon Patterson header attempt for the game's only goal. The victory likely secured Summit the No. I seed for the Class 5A state playoffs. The Storm, winners of the Intermountain Conference this season, will host a first-round state playoff game on Tuesday. VOLLEYBALL Ridgeview..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-25-25 Cottage Grove ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-18-15 T he Ravens punched their ticket to t h e Class 4A state playoffs with a road play-in victory over the Lions. Katrina Johnson led the Ridgeview offense with 17 kills, while Katie Nurge paced the defense with 18 digs. Nurge also was key in what Ravens coach Debi Dewey called Ridgeview's "mad serving" night. Nurge went 18 of 18 from the service line with one ace, and Kaci Sage was 21 of 23 with three aces. "We're absolutely thrilled," Dewey said about making the playoffs as a first-year team. The Ravens will be on the road either Friday or Saturday for the first round of the 4A state postseason. Ridgeview's opponent should be determined early today.

close what treatments their horses receive.They are among the most aggressive rules in the nation and were recommended by a task force appointed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who concluded more than half of the 21 horse fatalities that occurred at Aqueduct last winter could have been prevented. Still, Repole said Breeders' Cup officials decided to ban furosemide with little research and less concern for the betting public. "If you want to experiment with racing 2-year-olds without Lasix, let's do it on the second race at Belmont on a Wednesday afternoon," said Repole, whose colt Uncle Mo won the 2010 Juvenile and was named the 2-year-old champion. "Let's not do it on one of the biggest days when people are actually paying attention. Why would you want to experiment with top 2-year-olds'? I wouldn't want it to be my horse who bleeds or gets injured." The Kentucky Horse Racing Commission narrowlyapproved alimited ban on Lasix in June after months of acrimonious debate among owners, breeders and trainers. In July, more than 40 owners and breeders pledged to stop giving the drug to their2-year-olds on race day. Among them was the Darley

operation, owned by Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai. His trainer, Kiaran McLaughlin, has a colt named Fortify in the Juvenile and he prepped him without Lasix. He watched him win his debut by five lengths. Fortify finished second in the Grade 2 Hopeful Stakes at Saratoga and third in the Grade I Champagne Stakes;both of those races were won by Shanghai Bobby. McLaughlin said Fortify ( 9-2) did not bleed in those races, but he knows that fact will not quiet critics on the ban. "It's a big, hot debate," he said. "The Maktoum family are supporters of no Lasix and therefore I'm supportive of no Lasix." Graham Motion, a trainer with an owner who pledged to quit using raceday medication, said that a majority of his horses do bleed after heavy exercise, but "whether they need to receive Lasix or not to run is a different story." He made it clear, however, that a ban on furosemide should not keep horses at home. "I'm a little disappointed in some respects that the Juvenile Fillies might be a small field," he said. "I think that's pretty shortsighted. I don't think it's that big a hurdle to overcome."





Arizona soaring after win over USC By John Marshall

The Associated Press

TUCSON, Ariz. — The Rich Rodriguez desert project, by m ost accounts, is ahead of schedule. Despite a thin roster and a brutal schedule, Rodriguez has led Arizona to five wins, the most recent over a top-10 opponent, putting the program on the cusp of bowl eligibility in its first season under the new coach. The Wildcats weren't supposed to be this good this soon, but R o driguez had an inkling they might have some resiliency when he and the coaching staff pushed them during spring practice. "We had a new coaching staff and were teaching a new system, and just tested them a l i t tle bi t m entally to see whether they would respond or go i n a s h ell," Rodriguez said. "We were hard on them about all the things you're supposed to teach and develop and to see how they react. I saw that early in the spring that these guys do want to get better and they're trying to take to the coaching and system. I saw that in the spring and see that now in the fall." This first season under Rodriguez was supposed to be a foundation-setter with a sharp learning curve. The transition to a n ew coach often takes time and it figured to take a little longer with Rodriguez's non-stop, no-huddle offense and 3-3-5 defense, schemes that were d rastically d i f ferent f r o m what the Wildcats had been running. Arizona's players weren't in the best of shape when Rodriguez took over, either, so the coaches had to spend


extra time working on conditioning to keep up with the go-all-the-time style. From the start of his tenure in the desert, Rodriguez tried to temper expectations, particularly when he looked at the lack of depth on his roster. The W i l dcats d e cided not to wait for the building process.

Charging ahead with a nearly unstoppable offense and a scrappy defense, Arizona opened the season with three straight wins to return to the AP Top 25 for the first time since November 2010. T he W i ldcats f aced a gauntlet of ranked team to open the Pac-12 season, losing to Oregon, Oregon State and Stanford. Arizona had a chance to win two of those, though, losing to the Beavers by three and the Cardinal in overtime. B eaten u p a n d wor n down, the Wildcats recuperated during their bye week and bounced back with a resounding 52-17 win over Washington. They followed it up with easily the biggest win so far under Rodriguez, outlasting No. 10 Southern California 39-33 last Saturday in Tucson. The win i m proved Arizona to 5-3 overall, 2-3 in the Pac-12 and moved them back into the rankings at No. 24. The Wildcats also debuted in the BCS standings at No. 22. "I do think it m akes us more relevant,"Rodriguez said of b e ating U SC. "It should. It doesn't make us a top 10 team — we've lost three games — but it hope-

fully gives our guys confidence. Hopefully, it makes recruits sit up and notice."

play Colorado State at home, before finishing the season at Continued from 01 Nevada, another potentially The Broncos kept the de- tricky hurdle. bate raging by winning, a lot. Despitethe so-so compeSince Petersen took over in tition, Boise State has been 2006, Boise State is 80-7 and ranked for most of the seahas twice made it to — and son, and should continue to won — BCS games. rise in the rankings — even But the past two seasons, if only slightly — if it keeps with one of the best teams in winning. The Broncos have the country, quarterback Kel- become a reliablecommodlen Moore and the Broncos ity, the type of team that had to settle for bowl trips to voters can trust. So while Las Vegas, while teams such Louisiana Tech and a bevy of as Virginia Tech, Michigan, quality Mid-American ConArkansas and Ohio State ference teams struggle for were handed at-large BCS attention and poll votes this bids. season, Boise State keeps Moore, Doug Martin and rolling along. about a dozen other Broncos Though, to be fair, Boise from those teams have now State's schedule rates better moved on to the NFL. The than any of those other poBroncos have had as much tential BCS busters. turnover, not just quality but Boise State will have a quantity, as any team in the tough time getting a top-12 nation this season. r anking in t h e f i nal B C S Boise State opened the standings, which along with season with a 17-D loss at a conference title, could give Michigan State, and hasn't the Broncos an automatic lost since, winning seven BCS bid. They have taken straight. that route to the BCS before. The defense has been one But if they can get into the of the nation's best, allow- final top 16 and be ranked ing 311 yards per game. The higher than a champion from new stars are linebacker J.C. one of the automatic qualifyPercy and defensive end De- ing conferences, the Broncos marcus Lawrence. are in. T he offense, with n e w The Big Ten's struggles are s tarting q u arterback J o e aiding Boise State's cause. Southwick, is coming along, Nebraska is the only team though it's not nearly as po- ranked in the BCS top 25. tent as it was in recent years. The Cornhuskers are a spot The Broncos are tied for 59th behind the Broncos at No. in yards per play (5.8). But 20. If they win out all the way they've only lost 12 turnovers, through the Big Ten chamand are seventh in the nation pionship game, the Huskin turnover margin at plus-1l. ers will probably pass Boise Simply put, Boise State is State. If not, it will be tough good again, though a familiar for any other Big Ten team problem persists: Strength to do so. Aside from postof schedule. The Broncos season-ineligible Ohio State, don't have a victory against a Nebraska (6-2, 3-1) is the only ranked team,and the MounBig Ten team with less than tain West isn't quite what threelosses. they hoped it would be when The irony, of course, is this they decided to leave the Boise State wouldn't stand Western Athletic Conference a chance against the ones a few years ago. The Sagarin Petersen rolled out the past computer rankings rate Boise two seasons. Those Broncos State's schedule 78th-best could play with any team in among Division I teams. the country, but the system It's the reason why next left them without a spot, sent season Boise State will be them to pound Utah and Arion the move again, joining zona State in late December, the new Big East, where the instead of getting to prove Broncos will have access to themselves against another an automatic BCS bid for the top-10 team. last year of the Bowl ChampiThis season, Boise State onship Series. couldwindupinthe BCSwith The Broncos face what a team that might not be calooks to be a challenge on pable of matching up against Saturday when San Diego a highly rated opponent. State (6-3, 4-1) visits. After Say this about the Broncos, that they travel to Hawaii, and they are always interesting.

Associated Press file

Rory Mcllroy will be swinging new golf clubsnext year after he ended his relationship with Titleist.

Mclio acin i s

i e s t c an e

• The world's No. 1 playeris leaving Titleist and is officially a freeagent for new clubs

PGATourreleases 2013 schedule

By Doug Ferguson


major champion Nick Faldo The Associated Press said Tuesday morning on Golf Rory Mcllroy's decision to Channel. "I've changed clubs pursue a lucrative equipment and changed equipment, and deal was in place long before every manufacturer will say, he grabbed a Nike golf club 'We can copy your clubs, we from Tiger Woods duringtheir can tweak the golf ball so it exhibition match in China and fits you.' But there's feel and took a few practice swings. sound as well, and there's conChanging equipment was fidence. You can't put a real inevitable. Boy Wonder is sim- value on that." All signs point to Mcllroy ply too big now. T he 2 3 - year-old fr o m signing with Nike, with one Northern Ireland is no longer industry observer saying the a U.S. Open champion with a deal could be worth upward massive upside. He fulfilled a of $20 million a year. big chunk of that potential this Adding to the speculation year with four wins, including is whether Woods helped to an eight-shot win at the PGA recruit the k id . T hey have Championship and back-to- been extraordinarily chumback wins in the FedEx Cup my since August, and Woods p layoffs against two of t h e raves about McIlroy. That's strongest fields of the year. He not unusual. McIlroy is wellis a lock for PGA Tour player mannered, respectful and of the year and the Vardon doesn't take himself too seriTrophy, all the awards Woods ously. He's fun to be around. used to win. Woods and David Duval McIlroy i s a mar k e ting also became closetoward the d ream, w h ich m a d e h i m end of 2000, when they played worth too much to stay with together in the World Cup in Titleist. Argentina and then flew toAcushnet, the parent com- gether on Woods' private jet pany, has a history of promot- to start the year at Kapalua. ing its brand through num- It wasn't long before Duval, bers instead of a name. That's in a legal dispute with Titleist, why it didn't stand in the way signed on with Nike. when Woods switched to the A Nike official said it would Swoosh, why it didn't put up not comment on "rumors and a fight to keep Sergio Gar- speculation," not even when cia a decade ago, and why it it would announce its roster let Phil Mickelson out of his for the 2013 season. Nike has contract just four months af- money to spend, and Mcllter Lefty's popularity soared roy won't be the only player with his first major win at the added to the Swoosh stable 2004 Masters. And why it an- next year. Two people with nounced Tuesday that its rela- knowledge of his plans say tionship with McIlroy will end Nick Watney is headed from Titleist to Nike. this year. Golfers go through change It might look as if McIlroy is all the time — agents, caddies, headed down the same path as coaches. Switching e q uip- Woods, but the difference is in ment can be a tricky transi- how theychange equipment. tion, and there is a long list of Woods spent f iv e y e ars players who have struggled switching out his equipment with it over the years. What from Titleist to N i ke, w i th makes McIlroy's next move an additional five years to so interesting is that no other leave his old Scotty Cameron player who was No. I in the putter. world made such a wholesale McIlroy would have only change so early in his career. two months. "I callit dangerous," six-time W hen he t u rned pr o i n


events as it prepares for a wraparound season that

such a big event like the Ryder Cup, Woods said to a reporter, "Off the record'? Because the majors are over." When asked for a comment on the record, Woods paused and said, "Because the majors are over." He won that WGC event and contributed 2t/2points in a losing cause at The Ryder

will start next fall.


released its 2013 schedule on Monday, with only 40

The 2013 seasonbegins with the Tournament of

Champions atKapaluaon Jan. 4-7, which again fea-

tures a Monday finish. The FedEx Cup concludes with

the Tour Championship on Sept. 19-22, and then the 2013-14 season will start a few weeks later in October.

For the past six years, at least four tournaments — part of the Fall Series

— were held after the FedEx Cup ended. That

gave players a chanceto earn enough money to keep their cards by finishing in the top125 on the PGA

Tour money list. Next year, most of those Fall Series events will be considered

the start of a newseason. —TheAssociated Press

Woods went another year before adding Nike's 56-degree wedge, and three weeks later he went to the lob wedge. The 3-wood was added at Doral in 2005 and the 5-wood came into play at the Tour Championship seven months later. The last change was the putter, first used at St. Andrews in 2010. Before leaving M a laysia, Woods reflected on hisprocess of change, noting the ball was the "huge switch" because he went from a wound ball t o s o li d c o nstruction, which is the model everyone now uses. Yes, there are players whose game suffers after an equipment change.Woods was quick to point out guys like Ernie Els, who has won majors with three brands of equipment (Lynx, TaylorMade

and Callaway). 1996, Woods had a five-year deal with Nike that was mainly about brand and apparel. He also had a five-year deal with Titleist for equipment. The long-term deal with Nike (renewals of five years and seven years, with the stakes

going up each time), allowed Woods to change equipment at his own pace. He went to the Nike golf ball at a European Tour event in Germany in 2000, and then went on to win the next four majors. He didn't go to the Nike driver until February 2002 at Pebble Beach, and then he won the first two majors that year (though he briefly went back to the Titleist driver in the summer). W oods went to th e N i k e irons at a World Golf Championship in Ireland in 2002, one week before the Ryder Cup, which led to a memorable exchange. Asked why he would switch irons a week before

Is it better to change slowly or all at once? "Whatever is best for them," he said. "It's all dependent on what they want to accomplish and what do they feel like they can play their best in. Granted, I know sometimes the (financial) numbers may persuade it, but also some of the guys that I've known over the years have turned it down because they know that they can play better in certain equipment." Change for McIlroy comes at a crucial time in his burgeoning career. Along with new clubs, there will be more scrutiny. And if success doesn't come right away, Faldo said there could be doubt. "It's the feel and confidence of knowing that your equipment will perform how you want it to perform on Sunday afternoon," Faldo said. "You can't mess with that at such a

young age."

ular, Sickles says. In all, the La Pine course hosted 10 percent Continued from D1 more rounds compared with The planned closing days for Central Oregongolf courses That would follow a national 2011, Sickles says. (excluding private courses) if they havenot already closed for the trend in which golf courses But challenges remain. season. Courses that are opencould still close temporarily due to of all kinds have reported 8.3 Sickles would like to see a weather. All closing dates are tentative: percentmore rounds thisyear stronger membership base Aspen LakesGolf Course (Sisters): Closing dateTBD through September compared that provides a more stable with the same period in 2011, BlackButte Ranch:Big M eadow, Nov. 5;Glaze M eadow closed source ofregular golfers, and according to a PGA of Americompetition for members is Crooked River Ranch: Open through winter still fierce. ca report. Desert PeaksGolf Club (Madras): Openthrough winter But Hughson cautions that "We did better than the last Eagle Crest Resort (Redmond): Challengeand Ridgecourses not every golf course is reportcouple years," says Sickles. open through winter; Resort Course closed for winter ing an uptick. "But I'm never (too) optimistic The Greens at Redmond: Open through winter "It seems that those coursand all of a sudden everything Juniper Golf Course (Redmond): Open through winter" es that didn't see the kind of is hunky-dory. I think it's going Kah-Nee-Ta Resort: Open through winter rounds played that they had to be a fight for 10 years." hoped were more the daily Huntsman sees progress in Lost Tracks Golf Club (Bend): Open through winter fee courses," adds Hughson, that green fees at area faciliMeadow LakesGolf Course (Prineville): Openthrough winter whose organization is attemptties largely remained flat this Missing Link Family Golf Center (Redmond): Open through winter ing to get a firmer grasp on the season. Old Back Nine at Mountain High (Bend): Closed for winter golf season by surveying area And the Black Butte Ranch Prineville Golf Club: Open through winter golf facilities. CEO says there is potential to That data is expected to be grow the golf market through Pronghorn Club'sNicklausCourse(Bend):OpenWednesdays released later this year, Hughc ollaborative m a rketing i n through Sundays beginning Thursday son says. places such as Seattle and the Quail Run Golf Course (La Pine): Closing dateTBD Even courses that fared well San Francisco Bay Area. That River's EdgeGolf Course (Bend): Openthrough winter in 2012 are not declaring a cercould help draw more travelSunriver Resort: Woodlands, Oct. 31; Meadows closed tain recovery. ing golfers, Huntsman adds. Tetherow Golf Club (Bend): ClosesNov. 5 "I think you are going to see Central Oregon still has a math problem: With 30 golf Widgi Creek (Bend): Closing dateTBD increased cooperation around courses, there are far more golf the region in doing that in the *On temporary greens beginning in December holes than the local population coming y e ars," H u n tsman can support, most course opsays. "I am not alone in recStill, after a rough recession, ognizing that that's where our erators agree. Todd Sickles, general manager And even the Great Reces- of Quail Run, which reports an any improvement, however potential for growth is, and we'll see if we can make somesion has not c hanged that increase in play this year. "Ob- small, is welcome news. equation. viously there are pockets that Quail Run h a s a t tracted thing out of it." "It is amazing that every- keep struggling, but nothing more Bend golfers with locals — Reporter: 541-617-7868, body made it through," says has shut down." specials that have proven popzhall@bendbulletirLcom







and, if a regular PGATour member, receive athree-year

also leads the money list with $2,023,296.


tour exemption. The prize money doesn't count in the PGA Tour




Course: Mission Hills Golf Club,

Olazabal Course (7,320 yards, par 72). Purse:$7 million. Winner's share: $1.2 million.

official earnings.

The Bulletin welcomescontributions to its PamHiatt, DeannaCooper. weekly local golf results listings and events Birdies —ShanWattenburger. Chip-ins —JanetKing, PamHiatt. calendar. Clearly legible items should be faxed to the sports department, 541-3650631, emailed to sports@bendbulletin. MEADOW LAKES com, or mailed to P.O. Box 6020; Bend, OR Winter Games,Oct. 27 97706. Skins Gross: JeffBrown,Nos. 2,3,15, JimMontgomery, Nos. 5,14. Net: KimBradshaw,Nos.5,12,10; Jelf Club Results Brown,No.2; Mike Close No.7, ClaySmith, No.15. Men's StrokePlay AWBREYGLEN Gross:1, Jim Montgomery,75. 2,JoseRodriguez, Tacoma Wash. Golfouting Oct. 25 02. Net:1, JeflBrown,75.2, GrantKemp,70. KPs — JimMontgomery, Nos.4, 0, ClaySmith, at Gold Mountain OlympicCourse Net Best Ball No. 13;Jefl Brown,No.17. 1, EdHagstrom/BertLarson, 66 2, ArchieBteyer/ Women's StrokePlay Jerry Heck,66. 3, DaveMorton/Larry Hinkle,66.4, 1, RosieCook.2, JeanGregerson. MoeBteyerfEdithMcBean,71. Oct. 26


Site:Shima, Japan. Schedule:Friday-Sunday.

CHARLESSCHWABCUP CHAMPIONSHIP Site: Scottsdale, Ariz. Schedule:Thursday-Sunday.

Course:Kintetsu Kashikojima

Country Club (6,506 yards, par 72).

Television:Golf Channel Course:Desert Mountain Club, (Wednesday-Saturday, 8 p.m.-1 Cochise Course (7,026yards, a.m.). par 72). Lastyear: Germany's Martin Purse:$2.5 million. Winner's Kaymer rallied to win at Sheshan share: $440,000. International, birdieing nine of Television:Golf Channel the last12 holes for a 9-under 63 (Thursday-Saturday, 1:30-4 p.m.; and a three-stroke victory over Sunday, 12:30-3 p.m.). Sweden's Fredrik Jacobson. Last year:Jay DonBlake wonthe Lastweek:NickW atneywon season-endin gtournamentby

Purse:$1.2 million. Winner's

share: $180,000. Lastyear:Japan's Momoko Ueda beat China's Shanshan

The HomeCourse Net Best Ball 1, ArchieBteyer/TomStump,55.2, JerryHeck/Bob Johans on,64.3,EdHagstrom/BertLarson,66. Oct. 27 ChambersBayGolf Course

Feng with a birdie on the third

hole of a playoff. Uedaalso won

Net Best Sall

the 2007 event.

CROOKEDRIVERRANCH Men's Golf Club, Oct. 23

Pettersen won the Taiwan

Championship for her second

two strokes at TPC Harding Park

straight LPGA Tour victory, rallying to beat South Korea's

in San Francisco. TomLehman

Inbee Park bythree strokes.

10-under 61 in the unofficial PGATourevent. BoVan Peltand

took the season points title and $1 million annuity.

Pettersen won the previous week in South Korea.... South Korea's

Robert Garrigus tied for second,

Last week:David Frost won


the AT&T Championship in San Antonio, beating Bernhard Langer with a birdie on the

LPGA's Hisako Higuchi Ladies for

her fourth victory of the year. Notes:Japanese star Ai

second hole of a playoff. Frost

Miyazato, a two-time winner

also teamed with Michael Allen to win the Legends of Golf in April. Notes: The top 30 on the m oney list qualified for the event.... Langer leads the Charles Schwab Cup standings, 211 points ahead

this season on theLPGATour,

the CIMB Classic in Malaysia,

closing with a course-record

a stroke back. Tiger Woods tied

for fourth.... Sweden's Peter Hanson won the BMW Masters

in Shanghai for his second European Tourvictory of the year, holding off Ryder Cupteammate Rory Mcllroy by a stroke at Lake

Malaren. Notes: W oods and M cll roy are skipping the event.... The tournament is in its eighth

of Lehman. RogerChapman


is third, 657 behind Langer.

event. The winner will get credit for an official PGA Tour victory

The points winner will receive a $1 million annuity.... Langer

Stroke Play A Flight (0-16 handicaps) —Gross: 1,Gary Olds, 72.2, PaulNemitz, 77.3, MacKilgo, 70.4, Frank Earls, 60 Net:1, BobHoffoway, 65. 2, HerbParker, 67. 3 (tie),JerryHarris 66;GuyCrapper,66. BFlight (17andhigher) — Gross:1, ScottEberle,63.2 (tie),VeneDunham,06;JackMartin, 06.4, Art Crossley,08. Net: 1, Neil Rice,67, LenJohnson, 67. 3,CarlUhrich,68.4, Terry Rodgers, 70. DESERTPEAKS Thursday Men' s Club,Oct.25 Stableford 1,Joe Kirkwood,45.2, BruceStecher, 41. 3, Don Gish, 37. 4(tie), GerryEllis, 36;DickPliska,36; Joe Stanfield,36. KP — JoeStanfield. LO — DickPliska SundayGroupPlay,Oct.26 Stroke Play Gross: 1,SpudMiler,72.2, Gary Hopson, 75.3, MikeGardner,76. Net: 1(tie), DennyStory, 69; Russ Scholl, 69. 3(tie), TrimbleCannon,70;KenBlack, 70. KP — SpudMiler. LO — FranciscoMorales.

is skipping the tournament. Pettersen also is taking the week off.... Top-ranked Yani Tseng is in the field along with No. 2 Stacy

Lewis, No.3NaYeonChoi, No.4 Park, No.5Feng, No. 7Jiyai Shin and No. 10 Mika Miyazato. Shin won in 2008 and 2010.

EAGLECREST Men's Club,Oct.24

at RidgeCourse 2-3, 2-3 LowNetBest Balls 1, ReedStossfBilt Radanoff/Alan Fatco/Jerry Decoto, 153.2, DanBroadley/SamPuri/Joe Kosanovicf Phil Chappron,156.3, TimSwope/Dennis Ftinn/Hank Cavender/PeterBrown, 160. 4, Mike Narzisi/Peter O'Reiffy/DanMyers/Matt Conner,161.5, RaySchadtf RogerPatmer/Ken Benshoof/Biffy Balding,164.

AH TimesPacific

GOLF IN BRIEF • Bend pro earns Northwest PGA award:Erik Nielsen, the

Washington, Alaska, northern Idaho and western Montana. Nielsen is now nominated for the PGA's national Horton Smith

head golf professional at Bend

award, which will be decided in

members of the military can play a free round of golf at the Sisters course. Participating golfersare asked to wear their uniform hat. On Friday, Nov. 9, golfers who

Golf and Country Club, was named the PGA of America's Horton Smith Award winner for the Pacific Northwest Section last weekat the PNWPGA meeting in


donate four nonperishable food


items or make a minimum $5


Puyallup, Wash. The award is presented for "outstanding andcontinuing contributions to professional education," according to the PGA of America. Nielsen, who was

named the OregonChapter's winner earlier this month, was selected out of a group of 1,100

golf professionals in Oregon,

THE GREENS ATREDMOND Ladies of the Greens, Oct. 23 Stroke Play A Flight — Gross: 1,LynneEkman,44. Net: 1, DeeBaker,33. 0 Flight — Gross: 1,LindaKanable, 46.Net: 1, VivienWebster, 35 CFlight — Gross:1, ClaudiaBrandow,50 Net: 1, JudiVanderpool,34. 0 Flight — Gross: 1,NancySmith, 53. Low Putts —DeeBaker,14. Men's Club,Oct.25 Net Stroke Play Flight A — 1,MannyDiaz, 53. 2 (tie), JoeCarpenter,56,MikeFrier, 56. 4, MarvBibler, 56. 5 (tie), Bob Gordon,62;Phil Weimar,62, Flight 0 — 1, EdMiffer, 54. 2, KentLeary, 61.3, GeneCartwright,65. 4, BobHaak,66. KPs — MarvBibler, No.3; MannyDiaz, No.6, KenEnnor,No.11; BobGordon,No.17. 2012 Hole-In-OneWinner —DonOffield.

donation will haveAspen Lakes $45 regular greenfee waived.

• Sisters course offers two ways to golf for free:Aspen Lakes Golf Course is offering three free days of golf around Veterans Day to current and former members of the U.S. military, as

After Friday, golfers who make the same donation will receive a $15 discount off the course's

regular greenfee. Thedonations will benefit the Sisters Kiwanis

well as discounted greensfees to the general public as part of the course's annual canned-food

Food Bank.

drive. From Nov. 10 through Nov. 12, active duty, reserve, and retired

Lakes pro shop at 541-549-4653

JUNIPER Ladies Golf Club, Oct. 24 Five Clubs Gross:1, Shan Wattenburger.2, KarenWintermyre. 3, JanetKing.4, DebbieCooper. Net: 1, PamGarney. 2, Deanna Cooper.3, JackieCooper.4, PamHiat. KPs —ShanWattenburger, BeckyCarl. Los — ShanWattenburger, KarenWintermyre,

For more information or to

make a teetime, call the Aspen or visit www.aspenlakes.com. — 73uffletin staff report


RogerBean,Bend No.16............125 yards.... pitchingwedge Oct. 23 EAGLECRESTCHALLENGE

1, BobJohanson/Jerry Heck,63.

Last week:Norway's Suzann

Hole-In-One Report

BrenonThornton, Redmond No. 7............. 135 yards........... 9-iron Oct. 25 CROOKEDRIVERRANCH Carl Uhrich, CrookedRiver Ranch

Nov. 10 — TheTurkeyShoot Ope n at Meadow LakesGolf Coursein Prineville is a best-ball tournament for two-person teams. Event teesoff witha10 a.m. shotgun.Cost is$20plus greenfee. For more informationorto register, call theMeadowLakespro shop at541447-7113. Nov. 11 — FrostBiteOpenat PronghomClub's NicklausCoursenearBend. Formoreinformation or to register,call Pronghorn'sclubhouseat 541-6935300. Nov. 17 —TheTurkeyShoot atKah-Nee-TaHigh DesertResortnearWarmSprings Tournamentbegins with an11a.m.shotgun.Cost is $40pergolfer, and includesgolf, cartandlunch. Formoreinformation or to register, visit www.kahneeta.comor call thepro shop at 541-553-4971. Nov. 30 — CentralOregonWinter Seriesevent at EagleCrestResort's RidgeCourse in Redm ond. Shamblebeginswith an11a.m.shotgun. Two-person teams withnomore thanoneprofessional allowedper team.Costis $30for professionals, $50foramateurs. Cost includesgrossand netskinscompetitions. Cart costs extra.All playersmustsignup bynoononthe Thursdaybeforethe event. To register or for more information, call Pat Huffer,headpro at Crooked RiverRanch,at541-923-6343or email himatcrrpat@ crookedriverranch.com . Dec. 6 — ChristmasGooseGolf Tournament at MeadowLakesGolf Coursein Prineviffe. Chapm an is for twoperson-teamsandtees off with an 10am. shotgun.Costis $20plus greenlee. Toregister orfor more information,call theMeadowLakesgolf shopat 541-447-7113.

Jan. 16 — CentralOregonWinter Serieseventat Kah-Nee-Ta High Desert Resort nearWarmSprings. Better-balltournam ent begins withan11 a.m.shotgun. Two-person teamswith nomore thanone professional Calendar allowedperteam.Cost is $30for professionals, $50 The Bulletin welcomes contributions to for amateurs. Costincludesgrossandnet skins comits weekly local golf events calendar. Items petitions.Cartcostsextra.All playersmustsign up by shouldbe mailedto P.O.Box 6020,Bend,OR noon on theThursdaybeforetheevent. Toregister or for 97706; faxed to thesports deparlment at 541- more information,call PatHuffer,headpro at Crooked 365-0631; or emailed to sports@bendbulletin. RiverRanch,at541-923-6343or email himatcrrpat@ com. crookedriverranch.com . Feb. 1 — CentralOregonWinter Seriesevent at TOURNAMENTS MeadowLakesGolf Clubin Prinevige.Triple-six tourSaturdays — WinterGame s event at Meadow namentbeginswith an11 a.m.shotgun. Two-person LakesGoll CourseinPrineviffe. Individua stroke-play teamswithnomore thanoneprofessional allowedper tournaments areopento the public andruneachSat- team.Costis $30for prolessionals, $50foramateurs. urdaythroughthewinter, weather permitting. Costis Cost includesgrossand netskinscompetitions. Cart $20 plusgreenfeefor eachevent, andincludesgross costs extra.All playersmustsignup bynoononthe andnetpayouts,grossandnetskinscontestsandKPs. Thursdaybeforethe event. To register or for more For moreinformationor to register, call theMeadow information, call Pat Huffer, headpro at Crooked RiverRanch,at541-923-6343or email himatcrrpate Lakesproshopat541-447-7113. . Nov. 2 — CentralOregonWinter Series eventat crookedriverranch.com Feb. 2 —SuperBowlScramble at MeadowLakes Widgi CreekGolf Clubin Bend. Beter-ball tournament begins with an 11a.m. shotgun.Two-personteams Golf Coursein Prineviffe is afour-personscramble. with nomorethan oneprofessional allowedperteam. Eventteesoffwith a10a.m.shotgun. Costis$15plus Cost is $30 for professionals,$50for amateurs Cost greenfee.Formoreinformation or to register, call the Lakespro shopat541-447-7113. includesgrossandnet skins competitions. Cartcosts Meadow Feb. 22 —CentralOregonWinter Serieseventat extra. All players mustsign up bynoonontheThursCrooked RiverRanch. Aggregateshamble begins with day beforethe event. Toregister orfor moreinformation, call PatHuffer,headpro at CrookedRiverRanch, an 11a.m.shotgun.Two-personteamswith no more than one professional allowedperteam.Cost is$30for at 541-923-6343 or email himatcrrpatOcrookedriverprolessionals,$50for amateurs. Costincludes gross ranch.com. and netskins competitions. Cartcostsextra. Al players Nov. 9 — CentralOregonWinter Series eventat Lost TracksGolf Club in Bend.Triple-six tournament must signupbynoonontheThursdaybeforetheevent. begins with an 11am. shotgun Two-personteams To registerorfor moreinformation, call PatHufer, head with nomorethan oneprofessional allowedperteam. pro atCrookedRiverRanch, at541-923-6343or email Cost is $30for professionals,$50for amateurs. Cost him atcrrpatricrookedriverranch.com. March 2 — Polar BearOpenis an individual includesgrossandnet skins competitions. Cartcosts stroke-playtournamentatMeadowLakesGolf Course extra. Al playersmustsignup by noonontheThursday beforethe event. Toregister orfor moreinforma- in Prineviffe.Individualstroke-playtournamentteesoff tion, call PatHuffer,headpro at CrookedRiverRanch, with a10a.m.shotgun.Costis $20plus greenfee. For more informationor to register,call theMeadowLakes at 541-923-6343 or email himatcrrpatrlcrookedriverpro shopat 541-447-7113. ranch.com.

No. 7............. 132 yards............ driver


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Calendar, E4 News of Record, E4 THE BULLETIN e WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2012

© www.bendbulletin.com/business

BEC AUSEOFHURRICANESANDY,U.S.STOCKMARKETSWERECLOSEDTUESDAY.MARKETSAREEXPECTEDTOREOPENTODAY. IN BRIEF BP returns to profitability The oil giant BP returned to profitability Tuesday with a betterthan-expected third-

quarter profit, prompting the oil giant to raise its dividend.

The company posted earnings of $5.4 billion forthethree months ending Sept. 30. That

compared with a loss of $1.4 billion in the

previous quarter, when the company took writedowns on the value of its U.S. refineries and

other assets. BP said it was raising its quarterly dividend by

more than12 percent, to 14.4 cents a share.

Disney tobuyLucasfilm for $4 billion, promises new 'Star Wars' movie

IBM says its board had added $5 billion to its stock buyback program, bringing the total buyback authorization to $11.7 billion. IBM Corp. said Tuesday that it expects to add more funding to the buyback program next April.

content including 'Star Wars,' one of the greatest family entertainment franchises of all time, with Disney's unique and unparalleled creativity across multiple platforms, businesses and markets to generate sustained growth and drive significant long-term value," Iger said in a statement. In addition to "Star Wars," Disney's purchase of San Francisco-based Lucasfilm will give it ownership of special-effects company Industrial Light & Magic, sound company Skywalker Sound and video game publisher LucasArts. In June, "Star Wars" director and Lucasfilm owner George Lucas announced his plans to retire, and named producer Kathleen Kennedy as chief executive of Lucasfilm, which he wholly ot/tms. See Lucasfilm/E4

Los Angeles Times

Walt Disney Co. has agreed to acquire Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion in a surprise deal that gives the media giant control of the "Star Wars" franchise. Along with the purchase, Disney announced that it plans to release a seventh live-action "Star Wars" movie in 2015. The agreementcontinues Chief Executive Bob Iger's

strategy of growing Disney through huge acquisitions that give the Burbank, Calif., comintellectual property. In 2009, Disney acquired Marvel Entertainment for $4 billion, a deal that resulted in this year's hit "The Avengers." In 2006, Disney acquired "Toy Story" and "Cars" maker Pixar Animation Studios for $7.4 billion. "This transaction combines a world-class portfolio of

Buying back shares increases the valueof


a a cen ers Appledatacenterproceeds

The Bulletin

Apple has broken ground on the first of its two planned Prineville data centers, and Crook County leaders are already touting the project's economic impact. Building permit fees will let Crook County bring two half-time building inspectors to full-time positions. And some shops, hotels and restaurants are already seeing the perks of an influx of construction workers to Prineville. Contractors working on the center started leveling ground and pouring concrete for the foundation of the 338,000-square-foot building in mid-October, according to Crook County officials. The data center is going up roughly a half-mile east of the Prineville Airport, off of U.S. Highway 126 as the road heads into Prineville. Once complete, the centers will house several "data halls," each containing hundreds of computerservers designed to store Apple's iCloud data. Tech companies like Apple have increasingly moved toward cloud computing in recent years. SeeData center/E3

Early stages of construction are under way at the first of Apple's two planned data centers in Prineville. Crook County Community Development Department permits list the total value of construction and electrical work at more than $67 million.

Houston LakeRd.

Facedook data Centel' Airport

Apple data


Possible third

BPAsndstation g


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stakes and canhelp support a company's per-share earnings.


Ford earnings beat expectations


Irri r'




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but buyers in America

and China propelled Ford to a better-thanexpected profit in the third quarter. Ford Motor Co. earned $1.63 billion, down only slightly from

c ~c L',„ /-

a year earlier, despite lower worldwide sales

and bigger European losses. It was thecompany's best performance ever in the third quarter.

Home prices rise in August

Flights canceled, but no chaos at airports By Scott Mayerowitz The Associated Press


Home prices in the nation's largest cit-

ies rose from July to August, according to a closely watched index, adding to a turnaround in housing this year. The Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller index of 20 American

cities, a keymeasure that is closely watched

by economists, rose 0.9 percent from July to Au-

gustand 2 percent from

Iu srf+~ l - ~ Le+ 'Frse+

- t-

Kevin P. Casey/ New York Times News Service

Eric Horvitz has spent decades working on predictive softwarefor Microsoft Research. Microsoft is now incorporating many of the technologies he's helped develop into many of its products, allowing users to comb huge amounts of data and get recommendations based on their habits.

Microsoft regaining an edge analyzing

August 2011. Nineteen of the 20 cities posted positive monthly gains in August. The Phoenix metro

area is leading the home price recovery, with home prices there up 18.8 percent from August 2011. Atlanta continued to

lag the recovery, down 6.1 percent year-overyear. Chicagowasdown 1.6 percent andNew York 2.3 percent. — From wire reports

Homeprices up The Standard 8


Shiller index increased for the third straight month.

By Quentin Hardy New York Times News Service

SEATTLE — Eric Horvitz joined Microsoft Research 20 years ago with a medical degree,a Ph.D. in computer science and no plans to stay. "I thought I'd be here six months," he said. He remained at MSR, as Microsoft's advanced researcharm isknown, forthe fast computers and the chance to work with a growing team of big brains interested in cutting-edge research. His goal was to build predictive software that could get continually smarter.

In a few months, Horvitz, 54, may get his long-awaited payoff: The advanced computing technologies he has spent decades working on are being incorporated into numerous Microsoft products. Next year's version ofthe Excel spreadsheet program, part of the Office suite of software, will be able to comb very large amounts of data. For example, it could scan 12 million Twitter posts and create charts to show which Oscar nominee was getting the most buzz. A new version of Outlook, the email program, is being tested that employs

Horvitz's machine-learning specialty to review users' email habits. It could be able to suggestwhether a user wants to read each message that comes in. Elsewhere, Microsoft's machine-learning software will crawl internal corporate computer systems much the way the company's Bing search engine crawls the Internet looking for websites and the links among them. The idea is to predict which software applications are most likely to fail when seemingly unrelated programs are tweaked. See Microsoft/E3


NEW YORK — Hurricane Sandy has left more than 16,000 flight cancellations in its wake. Chaos at airports? Hardly. Not long ago, a powerful storm pounding the Northeast would have brought havoc to some of the nation's busiest airports: families sleeping on cots passengers stuck for hours on planes hoping to take off; and dinners cobbled together from near-empty vending machines. In the aftermath of Sandy, airports from Washington to Boston are deserted. There are hundreds of thousands of travelers stranded across the U.S. and around the world, but instead of camping out inside airport terminals they are staying with friends and family or in hotels. After years of storm mismanagement and the bad public relations that followed, U.S. airlines have rewritten their severe weather playbooks. They've learned that it's best to cancel flights early and keep the public away from airports, even if that means they'll have a bigger backlog to deal with once conditions improve. This allows the airlines

to tell gate agents, baggage

Not seasonally edtusted January 2000=100

Study findsburnout onthe riseamongworkers


August 145.87



Greg Cross/The Bulletin


f iy it~

shareholders' existing

Europe mayhave lost its appetite for newcars,

on o By Elon Glncklich

By Ben Fritz

pany control of key pieces of

IBM adds $5B to stock buyback

e e


By Ellen jean Hirst Chicago Tribune

138 134 130 ASONDJ FMAMJ JA 2011 2012 Source: Standard 8 poor's AP

While the economy is flashing signs of a rebound, it's a m arkedlydifferent story fora growing number of workers, according to a survey released Monday. More workers than ever report feeling burned out by their jobs, according to a

ComPsych Corp. survey of nearly 2,000 employees conducted during AT WQRK September that sought to measure stress levels and their effects in the workplace. "We're seeing a growing trend of employee burnout," said Richard Chaifetz, chief

executive of Chicago-based ComPsych, a global provider of employeeassistance programs. "It's a product of the sputtering economy — companies continue to be slow to

hire, and prolonged employee stress inevitably turns into decreased performance, unfortunately." During therecession, com-

panies shed millions of jobs as they strove to cut costs and shore up the bottom line. But that work didn't go away with the elimination of the position, it just got shifted, pushing workers to do more with less, workplace experts sard. According to the report: See Burnout/E3

handlers and flight crews to stay home, too — keeping them fresh once they're needed again and avoiding overtime pay. And by moving planes to airports outside of the storm's path, airlines can protect their equipment and thereby get flight schedules back to normal quickly after a storm passes and airports reopen. These precautions make good business sense. SeeAirports /E4



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cloud computing system, called Azure, to rent out Continued from E1 data sets and algorithms If its new products work so businesses can build as advertised, Microsoft will their own prediction enfind itself in a position it has gines. The hope i s t h at not occupied for the last few Microsoft may eventually years: relevant to where tech- sell services created by nology is going. s oftware, in a d dition t o While researchers at the software itself. "Azure is a real threat MSR helped develop Bing to compete with Google, the to Amazon Web Services, unit was widely viewed as Google and other cloud a pretty playground where c ompanies b e cause o f Bill Gates had indulged his its installed base," said f lights of f ancy. Now, it i s Anthony Goldbloom, the beginning to put M i crosoft founder of Kaggle, a preclose to the center of a num- dictive analytics compaber of new businesses, like ny. "They have data from algorithm storesand speech places like Bing and Xbox, recognition s e r vices. "We and in Excel they have the have more data in many ways world's most widely used than Google," said Qi Lu, who analysis software." oversees search, online adLike other giants, Mivertising and the MSN portal crosoft also has something at Microsoft. that startups like Kaggle MSR owes it s i n creased do not: immense amounts prominence as much to the of money — $67 billion transformation of th e com- in cash an d s h ort-term puting industry as to its own i nvestments at t h e e n d hard work. The explosion of of the last quarter — and data from sensors,connected the ability to work for 10 devices and powerful cloud years, or even 20, on a big computing centers has cre- project. ated the Big Data industry. It has been a long trip Computers are needed to find for Microsoft researchers. patterns in the mountains of MSR employs 850 Ph.D.s data produced each day. i n 13 l a b s a r ound t h e "Everything in th e w orld world. They work in more is generating data," said Da- than 55 areas of computvid Smith, a senior analyst ing, including algorithm with Gartner, a technology theory, cryptography and researchfirm. "Microsoft has computational biology. so many points of presence, M achine l earning i n with Windows, Internet Ex- volves computers deriving plorer, Skype, Bing and other meaning and making prethings, that they could do a dictions from things like lot. Analyzing vast amounts language, intentions and of data could be a big busi- behavior. When search enness for them." gines like Google or Bing Microsoft is hardly alone offer "did you mean?" ala mong old-line t ech c o m - ternatives to a misspelled panies in injecting Big Data query, they are employing into its products. This year, machine learning. Horvitz, Hewlett-Packard will shownow a distinguished sciencase printers that connect to tist at MSR, uses machine the Internet and store docu- learning to analyze 25,000 m ents, which can l ater b e variables and predict hossearched for new i n f orma- pital patients' readmission t ion. IBM h a s h i red m o re risk. He has also used it to than 4 0 0 ma t h ematicians deduce the likelihood of and statisticians to augment traffic jams on a holiday its software and consulting. when rain is expected. Oracle and SAP, two of the largest suppliers of software to businesses, have their own machine-learning efforts. In the long term, Microsoft Warehouse Prices hopes tocombine even more m achine learning w it h i t s •


cuses on employee burnout, said she hears complaints from burned-out clients firsthand. Those who say showing up for a job is their highest priority are at high risk, she said. " Each employee has i n -

Continued from E1 • Nearly 1 out of 4 employees say their top work priority is just being present at work. • About 2 in 3 workers report high levels of stress with extreme fatigue and a feeling of being out of control. • More than half of t hose surveyed saidthey miss one to two days of work per year because of stress. Sherrie Bourg C a rter, a clinical psychologist who fo-

creasingly demanding workloads," said Bourg Carter, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. "The work still has to be done, but employers want to do it with fewer employees. One person is often doing the work of two people and probably without any support staff."

Data center

Herbert Fr e u d enberger was the first to alert the world to the dangers of "burnout" in 1974 when he coined the term in his book, "Burnout: The High Cost of High Achievement." He described burnout as a complete lack of motivation or reaction to incentives. Since then, the term has become a catchphrase for maniacally stressful days. But burnout is a chronic problem, said Bourg Carter, author of "High Octane Women: How S uperachievers Can A v o id Burnout." It starts with mild

stresses that m os t p e ople experience, but if nothing is done to manage the stress, it can become unbearable. "The actual state of burnout is not just a bad day or a bad week," Bourg Carter said. "It's when a person is so consumed with symptoms that they can't function." Burnout usually sneaks up on people, she said. "All of a sudden you're exhausted, you're feeling cynical and unattached," Bourg Carter said, "and you think, 'What happened to me?'"

community would like. While about 60 local electriContinued from E1 cians scored work on the FaceCloud computing allows usbook data center, most of the ers toaccess data and applica- Bringing in revenue workers onthe project are from tions that are stored on servThe Apple data centers, as out of the area. Crook County ers. A data center increases well as the data centers run by permit records list Portlandthe capacity for cloud comput- social media giant Facebook based Fortis Construction as ing exponentially by stacking roughly a mile northwest, are Data center hub the primary builder for Apple, huge numbers of servers in a among the biggest construcThere have also been talks with a San Jose, Calif., comparemote location. tion projects the region has about a third company possi- ny providing electrical work. "We're still limited on how A timeline for construction ever seen, said Crook County bly eyeing land south of Prineisn't known, nor are Apple's Commissioner Ken Fahlgren. ville Airport for another large many local contractors are plans for building the second The completed Facebook development, though no plans working on these jobs, which center. An Apple spokeswom- center and its twin building, have been made public. has kind of been a rub in our an did not respond to requests currently u n de r c o n strucCrook County administra- community," Fahlgren said. for comment this week. tion, are each 334,000 square tors and the Prineville City But dozens of contractors But the company was eager feet. Combine those with the Council voted in early August working on the Apple data to move forward as soon as 3 38,000-square-foot A pp l e to redraw the c ity's urban center are staying in Prineville it got the go-ahead from the buildings, and that adds up to growth boundary, bringing for the durat<on of the prolect. city of Prineville and Crook more than 1.3 million square an 80-acre piece of land off of Facebook's first data center County, said Josh Smith, sen- feet of construction. Southwest Millican Road into took roughly 15 months to ior planner with the city of What does that mean for the UGB and making it more build, according to The Bulletin's archives. Prineville. Prineville and Crook County? attractive to developers. "We're seeing longer stays "They couldn't do anything For one, it means money P rineville M a y o r Be t t y until their permits were ap- into the county general fund. Roppe said in August that the than usual in some of our hoproved," Smith said, "but once More than $470,000 in permit city had "been in negotiations tels and RV parks. These workthey paid some charges and fees for the Apple data center with companies who are inter- ers are shopping downtown their permits came through, construction made it possible ested in the land," but did not and going out to eat," Fahlgren they started pouring concrete for Crook County Commuprovide specifics. said. "This little town has had almost immediately." nity Development to move two The data center hub popping a hard time for a long time. We Apple's building p e rmits half-time building inspectors up around Prineville has also see these (data centers) as a were approved Oct. 19, Crook to full-time positions, Fahlgren meant new construction jobs bright light moving forward." County Community D evel- said. — though not as many local — Reporter: 541-617-7820 opment Department records That comes at a good time jobs as some in the building egluclzlich®bendbulletin.com show. The estimated project for the county, which has seen cost is about $67.1 million, ac- a seasonally adjusted unemcording to county permits for ployment rate above 10 percent c onstruction, electrical a n d for 50 straight months and has shelter • help • hope mechanical work, plumbing reeled from high foreclosure and sprinkler installation. rates during the housing mar4' b m C T otalCare The company paid$5.6 mil- ket crash. Full-time building Bend Memorial Clinic i~ Donate your vehicle today! lion inFebruary for 160 acres of vacant land where it is now building.

inspectors could quicken the processof ensuring foreclosed properties are up to code before being re-sold. "We're feeling pretty good about that," Fahlgren said of the increased staff time.


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If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323,email business@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Please allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication.



BUSINESS CALENDAR recommended; free; 1-2:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or BUSINESSNETWORK www.deschuteslibrary.org. INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER FREE TAXFRIDAY:Freetax return WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; reviews; schedule an appointment at 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax. com; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 Reed Market Road; 541-749-0789. S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend; 541-385-9666. KNOW MORE EMAIL: Reservations THURSDAY recommended;free;3-4:30 p.m.; BUSINESS NETWORK Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or BUSINESSNETWORKERS www.deschuteslibrary.org. CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior SATURDAY Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket LOCALANDLOVIN' IT: More Road; 541-610-9125. than 70 vendors; blood drive for EXPLORETHE BENEFITS OF American Red Cross, canned food WORKINGWITH SCHWAB:Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., drive for Saving Grace, yoga, zumba 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; and a fashion show;10a.m.-4 p.m.; The RiverhouseConvention 541-318-1794. Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Court, Bend; 541-389-3111 or Reservations recommended; free; 2-3:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public prbystormie@hotmail.com.


Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-6177050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765. MAKE THATEMPLOYEE HANDBOOK WORKFOR YOU:Labor and employment law seminar with Tamara Russell of Barran Liebman LLPand NancyGammond-Moody of BBSI; free; 4-6 p.m.; Awbrey GlenGolf Club, 2500 N.W.Awbrey GlenDrive, Bend;541-388-8526,anelson© barran.com or www.barran.com/ display-event.asp?EventlD=204. BEND CHAMBERGENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: Bend Chamber board president and chairman Steve Galash will share a few comments about the year; incoming board president and chairman Kyle Frick will announce the newly elected directors and will also share his plans for 2013; registration required; free; 4:30-6:30 p.m.; Deschutes Brewery Mountain Room, 901 S.W. Simpson Ave.; 541385-8606 or http:I/bendchamber. org/chamber-events/generalmembership-meeting. CENTRALOREGON INTERGOVERNMENTAL COUNCIL BOARD MEETING:Opento the public; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; City of Redmond Public Works Training Room, 243 East Antler Avenue; 541548-9521.

FRIDAY COFFEECLATTER: 8:30-9:30 a.m.; Redmond Fire 8 Rescue, 341 N.W. Dogwood Ave. CYBERSECURITYWORKSHOP: Topics include measures to protect your organization, family and yourself and current threats in an increasingly networked world; RSVP bycalling 447-6555 or email seth.crawford© co.crook.or.us; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; COCCCrook County OpenCampus, 510S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-447-6228. CENTRALOREGONREALESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile©windermere.com. HOW MUCH MONEY DOYOU NEED TO GETSTARTED?:Registration required; $15; 11a.m.-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmondcampus,2030 S.E.College Loop, Redmond; 541-383-7290. HOW TO STARTA BUSINESS: COCC Small Business Development Center workshops for people contemplating business ownership; registration required; $15; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-383-7290. AFFORDABLE HOUSINGINTEREST SESSION:For families interested in becoming homeowners;Bend Habitat only offers these sessions twice a year; families must attend a session to receive a homeownership application; noon; Habitatfor Humanity, 1860 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-385-5387. KNOW WORD II: Reservations

MONDAY DEVELOPINGMAJOR GIFT DONORS WHO DELIVER: Webinar from the Association of Fundraising Professionals followed by networking reception; free for AFP chapter members and $20 for nonmembers and guests; 9-10:30 a.m.; OSU-Cascades Graduate & Research Center, 650 S.W. Columbia St., Building 7000, Bend; www.afporegon.afpnet.org.

TUESDAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. KNOW DIGITALDOWNLOADS: Reservations recommended; free; 10:30 a.m.-noon; Downtown Bend Public Library,601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7050 or www. deschuteslibrary.org. KNOW WORD II: Reservations recommended;free;2-3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 3-4:30p.m.;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www. deschuteslibrary.org. AFFORDABLE HOUSINGINTEREST SESSION:For families interested inbecoming homeowners; Bend Habitat only offers these sessions twice a year; families must attend a session to receive a homeownership application; 5:30 p.m.; Habitat for Humanity, 1860 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-385-5387. SMALL BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCORE business counselors will be available every Tuesday for free one-on-one small business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www.scorecentraloregon.org.

WEDNESDAY Nov. 7 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541749-0789. OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER PERMIT TRAINING:Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www. happyhourtraining.com. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 9:30-11 a.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-617-7050 or

www.deschuteslibrary.org. BANKSANDOTHERFINANCIAL SERVICES:Call 541-318-7506, ext. 309 to reserve a seat; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 20310 Empire Ave., Suite A110, Bend; 541318-7506. HELPINGBUSINESSES MAKE INFORMED TECHNOLOGY DECISIONS: Troy Ford owner of 5Ts Computer Repair and Surveillance will present information on Microsoft Office 365 for professionals and small businesses; free; 6:30 p.m.; Crooked River Ranch Administration Building, 5195 S.W.Clubhouse Drive; 541-9232679 or www.crrchamber.colm.

THURSDAY Nov. 8 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-610-9125. GETTINGTHE MOST OUT OF SCHWAB.COM:Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab 8 Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-3181794. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 1:30 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 2-3:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-6177050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765. WHO WILLMAKE DECISIONS FOR YOU?:Whether due to a brief hospitalization or long-term incapacity, many of us will have a time in our lives when we won't be able to make our own financial or medical decisions; estate planning and elder law attorneys Ryan Correa and Linda Ratcliffe will discuss the many planning options available and the potential consequences of failing to plan ahead; registration required; free; 6 p.m.; Hurley Re, 747 S.W. Mill View Way, Bend; 541-317-5505.

Continued from E1 They also help the airlines comply with n e w g overnment regulations that impose steep fines for leaving passengers stuck on planes for three hours or more. "The last few major storms created such gridlock, and such bad will with their best customers, they just had to shift their b ehavior," said Kate Hanni, who heads up the p a ssenger a d v ocacy group Flyers Rights and lobbied for the three-hour rule. "The flying p u blic w o uld rather have their flights precanceled than be sleeping in Chicago on a cot." Departure monitors at airports across the U.S. — and around the globe — Monday and Tuesday reflected that new approach. London: Canceled. Seattle: Canceled. Los Angeles: Canceled. Hong Kong: Canceled. Houston: Canceled. And the number of cancellations is likely to rise. "It will probably take until the weekend for things to return to normal," said Rob Maruster, the chief operating officer of JetBlue Airways, which is based in New York. Even "normal" won't be perfect. Passengers are re-

Lucasfilm Continued from E1 Once the Disney acquisition is complete, Kennedy will become presidentof Disney's Lucasfilm unit and report to Walt Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn. For fans, the most stunning part of Tuesday's announcement is likely Disney's intention to make more "Star Wars" movies. Following the one targeted for release in 2015, the company said "more feature films (are) expected to continue the 'Star Wars' saga


Northeast operations. Computers were covered in plastic tarps. Hotel rooms near airports were b ooked f or gate agents and ramp workers. Planes, pilots and flight attendants were moved to other airports. And — don't worry — shelter was found for livestock traveling as cargo. "Anything that could move by the wind, we've locked down," said Henry Kuykendall,who oversees operations for Delta Air Lines at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport. The airlines' in-house meteorologists started tracking this storm more than a week ago as it approached the Caribbean. By Thursday night, it was pretty clear that widespread ca n c ellations would happen in Washington, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. The next d a y , a i r l ines started to w a ive f ees f or p assengers w h o wan t e d to move to earlier or later flights. American Airlines, for instance, let t r avelers heading to any of 22 airports showing footage of people — from Greensboro, N.C., in sleeping on cots in airports." the south to Buffalo, N.Y., in Enter Sandy. the north — change plans. Airlines have spent the Then teams started to cancel p ast f e w d a y s r u n n i n g flights heading into or out though color-coded check- of airports stretching from l ists t o s h u t d o w n t h e i r Washington to Boston.

and grow the franchise well into the future." In addition to new movies, Disney will look to use the "Star Wars" f r anchise throughout it s b u sinesses, including theme parks, consumer products, television and digital platforms. "I've always believed that 'Star Wars' could live beyond me, and I thought it was important to set up the transition during my lifetime," George Lucas said in a statement. "I'm confident that with Lucasfilm under the leadership of Kathleen Kennedy, and having a

new home within the Disney organization, 'Star Wars' will certainly live on and flourish for many generations to come. Disney's reach and experience give L u casfilm the opportunity to blaze new trails in film, television, interactive media, theme parks, live entertainment, and consumer products." Disney is funding approximately half of the purchase price with cash and the rest by issuing 40 million shares of stock. Regulatory authorities must still approve the acquisition before it can close.


Nov. 9 CENTRALOREGONREAL ESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile@windermere.com. KNOW WORDIII: Reservations recommended; free; 1-2:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. FREE TAXFRIDAY: Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax. com;free;2-4 p.m .;Zoom Tax,963 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend; 541-385-9666. DIGITALDOWNLOADS DEMO: Reservations recommended; free; 3 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org.

p orting m u l t i -hour w a i t times at most airline call centers and they are likely to experience long lines once airports reopen. JetBlue is keenly aware of what is at stake when a big storm hits. On V alentine's Day weekend 2007, a massive snowstorm hammered the East Coast. JetBlue was late to cancel flights. Passengers were stranded on planes for hours. When the storm finally cleared, other airlines resumed flights but JetBlue's operations w ere still in shambles. Other airlines took note. Severe weather m a n uals were updated. Reservation systems were programmed to automatically rebook passengerswhen flights are canceled. And travelers now receive notifications by email, phone or text message. "In past y ears, airlines would have soldiered on, trying to get their planes in the air no matter what," said George Hobica,founder of AirfareWatchdog.com. But they've learned that "there's no value in news cameras




SATURDAY Nov. 10 HOMEBUYINGCLASS: Registration required; free; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 20310 Empire Ave., Suite A110, Bend; 541-3187506, ext. 309.


MONDAY Nov. 12 KNOW WORD FORBEGINNERS: Reservations recommended; free; 10:30a.m.-noon; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-6177050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org.

2012 RAM 3500 CREW CAB4X4 LARAMIE CUMMINS DIESEL Smolich Discount....$6,750 Rebate.....................$3,250


BANKRUPTCIES Chapter 7 Filed Oct. 23

William K. Hynes,20933 Sage Creek Drive, Bend Jeffrey S. Harwood,19462 Hollygrape St., Bend Traci M. Kemnitz,61256 Morning Tide Place, Bend Filed Oct. 24

Joel Gonzalez,2160 N.E. Fifth St., Redmond Filed Oct. 25

Jessica M. Scott,814 S.E. Breitenbush Lane, Bend Angela D. Enos,16606 Serpentine Drive, La Pine Douglas L. Moore,P.O. Box7924, Bend

Filed Oct. 26

Bonnie J. Arias,1848 S.W. Salmon Ave., Redmond Gary L. Jacode,19428 Mohawk Road,Bend Filed Oct. 29

Kirsten R. Moore,63180 Eastview Drive No. 2, Bend Adam T. Wallen,20040 S.W. Mt. Hope Lane, Bend Charlie Grant III,2738 N.W. Windham Loop, Bend CarolL. Nickel,850 N.E. Savannah Drive No. 3, Bend Dorene K. Browning,2525 N.E. Butler Market Road, Bend Jack D. Martin,61145 Parkwood Court, Bend Robert C. Butler,1808 N.E. Eighth St., Redmond

Stk FDn2274, VIN:246831

Steven A. Bartlett,2278 S.W. Iris Lane, Culver William A. Barrett,21285 East U.S. Highway 20 Apt. 146, Bend Ted A. Court,8440 N.W. 18th St., Terrebonne Michael A. Minor,63337 Lavacrest St., Bend Chapter 13 Filed Oct. 24

Treana R. Henley,406 S.W. Center Ridge Drive, Culver Jerry A. Tigue,209 N.W. 25th St., Redmond


StkPDT12250,VIN: 291394

QFF M$RP Sale Price.........$49,020

2012 RAM 1500 CREW GAB4X4

Stk PDT12103, VIN: 140444

MSRP................... $46,835 Smolich Discount....$5,750 Rebate.....................$3,250

MSRP................... $35,970 Smolich Discount....$4000 Rebate.....................$4,000

QFF M$gP Sale Price.........$37,835

QFF M$RP Sale Price.........$27,970

Filed Oct. 26

Adelaida M. Hunter,1607 S.W. Salmon Ave., Redmond



Filed Oct. 29

Douglas L. Reidlinger,17141 Quail Road, Terrebonne

All sale prices after dealer discounts, factory rebates and applicable incentives. Terms very See dealer for det Limite tock on hand Manufacturer rebates and incentives subject to change. Art for illustration purposes only. subject to prior sale Not responsible f pos. 0 pproved credit Dodgd, Ram and Hemi are registered trademarks of chrysler Group LLC.Expires 10/31/12



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Pets 8 Supplies

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C h


Guns, Hunting & Fishing

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Misc. Items

Gardening Supplies & Equipment

Hay, Grain 8 Feed

Employment Opportunities

CANARIES Malti-poo male pup, Wanted- paying cash Looking for your 2012 Waterslagers, $495 obo. Shots, for Hi-fi audio & stuCASH!! Prompt Delivery next employee? Staffords, Red Facdoggy-door trained, dio equip. Mclntosh, Rock, Sand 8 Gravel Machinist For Guns, Ammo 8 Place a Bulletin tors, 2 males, 12 fesmart, shed-free, J BL, Marantz, D y - Multiple Colors, Sizes KEITH Mfg. Co. Reloading Supplies. males, $45 ea. Terreready to go! White naco, Heathkit, San- Instant Landscaping Co. help wanted ad has an opening for a 541-408-6900. bonne, 541-420-2149. w/beige ears. Will be sui, Carver, NAD, etc. today and CNC Mach i nist. 541-389-9663 GUN SHOW 5-7 lbs. 541-323-1069 Call 541-261-1808 Perform setup and reach over Dachshund AKC mini Nov. 10 & 11th, 2012 SUPER TOP SOIL www.oregonpups.com 421 operate a variety of 60,000 readers www.bendweenies.com www.hershe soilandhark.com Deschutes Fairgrounds 265 Mazak CNC lathes, Want to Buy or Rent each week. $375. 541-508-4558 Screened, soil & comSchools & Training Maremma Guard Dog Buy! Sell! Trade! i ncluding live t o ol Building Materials post m i x ed , no Your classified ad purebred, great SAT. 9-5 • SUN. 10-3 Wanted: $Cash paid for Dachshund male,9 wks pups, and fourth axis, to rocks/clods. High huwill also dogs, $35 0 e a c h, TRUCK SCHOOL old, 1st shots, ador$8 Admission, vintage costume jewmake pre c i sion La Pine Habitat mus level, exc. f or 541-546-6171. appear on www.llTR.net elry. Top dollar paid for able. $300 to g ood 128 under free. parts. Maintain reRESTORE flower beds, lawns, bendbulletin.com Redmond Campus home. 541-447-0113. Gold/Silver.l buy by the Pit Bull puppies, born OREGON TRAIL GUN Building Supply Resale gardens, quired tooling supstraight Student Loans/Job which currently Estate, Honest Artist Aug. 28th. 2 Females SHOWS 541-347-2120 plies. Inspect parts DACHSHUND, mini Quality at s creened to p s o i l . Waiting Toll Free receives over Elizabeth,541-633-7006 left. $200/ea. Tiffany and adjust programs long-haired, 6 weeks, LOW PRICES Bark. Clean fill. DeM ossberg 12ga. 2 8 " 1-888-387-9252 1.5 million page 541-728-1416 Call or and tools to conform only 1 male left WANTED: RAZORS, 52684 Hwy 97 liver/you haul. arrel, blued, $ 9 5. views every text and I can email or b to prints. Minimum 2 from a litter of 6 Double or single541-536-3234 541-548-3949. 476 541-647-8931 month at no text you with Pictures. years e x p erience edged, straight lovable puppies! $300. Open to the public . Employment Mossberg Maverick 88 270 extra cost. CNC Lathe Set Up, razors, shaving 541-306-7784 POODLE pups, AKC toy Opportunities camo pump shotgun, Bulletin with an emphasis on brushes, mugs 8 Lost 8 Found English Bulldog Puppy, POM-A-POO pups, toy. $200. 541-647-8931 Pergo Australian Classifieds Mazak lathes and scuttles, strops, only one left! AKC regSo cute! 541-475-3889 Eucalyptus flooring. Mazak pr o g ramshaving accessories istered. All shots up to Get Results! Attn: archery hunters Ruger77 300 WinchesDO YOU NEED NIB 897 s/f. Retail: & memorabilia. ming software. Must camped at L o okout Call 541-385-5809 Queensland Heelers ter mag. 3x9 scope, date & m i crochipped, A GREAT Fair prices paid. $2,080. Asking b e able t o l ift 5 0 $525. 541-548-4774. Mtn. just outside Praior place your ad $1500. 541-416-0375 standard & mini,$150 & EMPLOYEE Call 541-390-7029 $1000. Call Tony, pounds. C o mpetir ie City.. t hey l e f t on-line at up. 541-280-1537 http:// Ruger Mini 14 semi auto RIGHT NOW? between 10 am-3 pm. English Bulldogs AKC rightwayranch.wordpress.com (208) 880-5254. tive wage and bensomething at camp, I bendbulletin.com rifle, $700. Auto-OrdiCall The Bulletin Registered, white facefit package. Send found it and would like 203 tored, $2500, r eady Siberian Husky, AKC! nance 1911 45acp Gold before 11 a.m. and cover letter and reto return it. Call Dave Holiday Bazaar around Christmas. Leave Beaut, sweet female, 1yr, USMC, Comm., $1275. 266 get an ad in to pubJust bought a new boat? sume to: 541-643-5990 $500. 541-977-7019 Ruger 22/45 MKIII pistol, message, 541-728-6533 Sell your old one in the lish the next day! & Craft Shows KEITH Mfg. Co. Heating & Stoves $325. 541-647-8931 F ound c a mera a n d classifieds! Ask about our 541-385-5809. Human Resources, Yorkie AKC 2 male pups, charger unit, vicinity of Super Seller rates! Wanted: Collector VIEW the Community Clothing, small, big eyes, shots, PO Box 1, NOTICE TO VA Clinic and old C.O. 541-385-5809 health gua r antee, seeks high quality Classifieds at: Madras, OR 97741 Food and Dry Goods ADVERTISER Audiology Clinic. fishing items. www.bendbulletin.com or fax to Drive @ High Desert $850+, 541-316-0005. Since September 29, 541-382-1560 Call 541-678-5753, or 541-475-2169 Assisted Living, 2660 1991, advertising for Yorkie purebred female 503-351-2746 NE Mary Rose Place, used woodstoves has Lost man's gold Harley • Farmers Column Food Service uppy, ready to go! Davidson ring in area Bend, Oct. 15-31. English Bulldogs DOB been limited to modWaitresses, bartenders 500. 541-460-3884 of Northside Bar 8 8/6/12. Healthy show Drop off your donaels which have been Mobile Home Space and line cook for busy Medical Billing for busy Hot Tubs & Spas • G rill on 10/25 . Prior medical tions between 8 a.m. p arents AK C r e g . 210 c ertified by the O r country-style restau- practice. for rent, $350. 541-497-0224. males/females $1600 Furniture & Appliances H ot tu b $ 3 0 0 , 4 - 6 egon Department of rant in Redmond. Min. exp req'd; 16-30 hrs/ and 7 p.m. daily. 541-548-8052 week. Wage DOE. Fax Qual2 years exp. (Clothing may be new obo. 541-410-0344 280 people, Camp Sher- Environmental ity (DEQ) and the fedPlease send resume to resume to 541-317-1777 or gently used and will Koc!More Pix at Bendbulletin.c man 541-595-0246 Wanted: Irrigated farm Estate Sales eral E n v i ronmental be dispersed to Beth- FREE 5 kittens + 6 mo. A1 Washers&Dryers ground, under pivot ir- 1great8eat4u2@gmail $150 ea. Full warProtection A g e ncy Pharmacist position lehem Inn residents) female cat, to good rigation, i n C e n tral .com ESTATE SALE ranty. Free Del. Also available at Central homes. 971-218-4738 (EPA) as having met 541-312-2003 Computers OR. 541-419-2713 Fri. & Sat. 8-5 People Look for Information Oregonindependent wanted, used W/D's smoke emission stan- 838 NW Larch, Redmond 37th Annual Snowflake Great Dane puppies, 541-280-7355 About Products and pharmacy. Profescer t ified (see ad in Thur's paper) T HE B U LLETIN r e - dards. A Boutique is Fri. Nov. 2, black 8 white, 2 males, 2 375 sional setting, cusServices Every Daythrough quires computer ad- w oodstove may b e 1-8 p.m., Sat. Nov. 3, females, $300; $50 nonTOTAL LIQUIDATION Meat & Animal Processing tomer-service oriby its certifiThe Bulletin ClassiNeds 9 a.m. 4 p.m., Des- refundable deposit. Born GENERATE SOME ex- vertisers with multiple identified SALE ented, 2 to 3 days citement i n your ad schedules or those cation label, which is chutes County Fair- 9/25/12. 541-480-7171 Fri. 8 Sat. 8-5 BEEF: No h o rmones/ weekly. neighborhood! Plan a selling multiple sys- permanently attached O'Neil grounds R e dmond, Junction Feed chemicals, $3/Ib hangLAND LEASING 541-419-4688. garage sale and don't tems/ software, to dis- to the stove. The Bul- Store, 3920 Adm. $3. Proceeds go N. Hwy 97, ing, to be butchered Dec. MANAGER close the name of the letin will no t k n owforget to advertise in to Family Access NetRedmond 3-7. Half/whole, reserve The Fres h water classified! business or the term ingly accept advertis- (see ad in Thur's paper) now! 541-388-6905 work. www.snowflakeTrust seeks a motiLooking for your next "dealer" in their ads. ing for the sale of 541-385-5809. boutique.org vated self-starter to employee? Private party advertis- uncertified 282 secure leases on ag205 Mattress/boxsprings, Place a Bulletin help ers are defined as woodstoves. HAVANESE P U PPIES queen, pillowtop, bamSales Northwest Bend Sell an Item ricultural and rural wanted ad today and Items for Free those who sell one AKC, Dewclaws, UTD boo fabric, used 9 mos, land for the implereach over 60,000 267 computer. shots/wormer, nonshed, $899 new; asking $450. Moving Sale - including mentation. $40,000 readers each week. Horse Manure, large h ypoallergenic, $ 8 5 0 SE Bend. 541-508-8784 Fuel & Wood furniture. Friday ONLY 257 base + commission. Your classified ad loads, perfect for gar- 541-460-1277. 10am-3pm, 65050 Hwy Detailed job descripwill also appear on Musical Instruments d ening, w il l lo a d , Iloc!More Pix atBendbulletin.c Refrigerator/freezer, 20 West. 541-388-2706 tion and application bendbulletin.com FREE. 541-390-6570. WHEN BUYING Whirlpool ivory color, If it's under$500 instructions may be 286 which currently Huge pet adoption event, reg. size, exc. cond. FIREWOOD... found at receives over 1.5 PetSmart, Nov. 2, 11amSales Northeast Bend you can place it in $250 OBO. To avoid fraud, http://www.thefreshmillion page views Pets 8 Supplies 5pm. Shelters & rescue 541-719-1267 The Bulletin watertrust.org/aboutThe Bulletin every month at groups will have dogs, us/jobs-and-internrecommends paycats, puppies 8 kittens Washer: Maytag front no extra cost. ** FREE ** Classifieds for: ships. ready for new homes! load, cherry red, 3 yrs ment for Firewood Bulletin Classifieds Garage Sale Kit Low fees & PetSmart $350. 5 4 1-923-7394 Piano, Steinway Model only upon delivery Get Results! Adult companion cats bonus to adopters. Place an ad in The $10 • 3 lines, 7 days Livestock TruckDriver or stickbugOq.com and inspection. Call 385-5809 0 Baby Grand 1911, FREE to seniors, disBulletin for your gawww.craftcats.org • A cord is 128 cu. ft. or place gorgeous, artist qual$16 3 lines 14 days Must have CDL,2yrs exp, abled & vet e rans! or call store for details. 4' x 4' x 8' rage sale and reyour ad on-line at ity instrument w/great progressive co., 401k, Tame, altered, shots, ceive a Garage Sale • Receipts should bendbulletin.com action & S t einway's $50,000/yr, insurance (Private Party ads only) ID chip, more. Will al- Kittens/cats avail. thru Kit FREE! warm, rich sound. Will include name, NW only. 541-475-6681 ways take back if cir- rescue group. Tame, phone, price and adorn any living room, cumstances change. shots, altered, ID chip, KIT INCLUDES: kind of wood purchurch or music stu389-8420. Visit S a t/ more. Sat/Sun 1 -5, Breyer collectible horses • 4 Garage Sale Signs Independent Contractor Sun 1-5. Photos, info: call re: other days. vintage from 1 975- dio perfectly. New re- •chased. • $2.00 Off Coupon To tail $ 6 9 ,000. Sacri- Firewood ads www.craftcats.org. 65480 78th, B e nd. 1980 Prices vary at Use Toward Your include spe5 41-389-8420; 5 9 8 $20 or less. Also tack fice at $26,000 OBO, MUST Next Ad AKC SIBERIAN HUSKY cies and cost per 8 s t a bles for sale. call 541-383-3150. • 10 Tips For "Garage 5488; photos, etc. at pups. $700 & up. M/F. cord to better serve 541-504-9078 Sale Success!" Technics piano k e y- our customers. stones-siberians@live board perfect cond. Was .com 541-306-0180 The Bulletin reserves $1500 new; sell $425 www.craftcats.org the right to publish all obo. 541-388-2706 PICK UP YOUR Semng CenrrW Oregannnre l903 from The Bulletin GARAGE SAI E KIT at Barn/shop cats Labradoodle pups ready ads newspaper onto The 1777 SW Chandler FREE, some tame, for forever homes. 2nd Ave., Bend, OR 97702 some not. We degeneration.541-647-9831 Bulletin Internet webMisc. Items 6 Cords of seasoned site. liver! Fixed, shots. www.happytailsmini lodgepole f i rewood, 541-389-8420 aussiesanddoodles.com Buying Diamonds Cut 16" rounds and Senwc cent al 0 ego snw rara /Gold for Cash split, $1000. You haul. Labradoodles - Mini & Saxon's Fine Jewelers 541-420-7168 med size, several colors 243 541-389-6655 541-504-2662 A-1 Dry seasoned Juniwww.alpen-ridge.com • S k i Equipment • BUYING per, $200/cord split; Lionel/American Flyer Maltese pups, only 1 D ynaStar Intuitive 7 4 $175/cord rounds. trains, accessories. t, male left! 9 weeks, parCall 541-977-4500 or Look bindings, 541-408-2191. Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, ents on site $350. Ador- v188cm, 530-524-3299 ery good + , $ 9 5 . 1st shots, very social able loving, frisky & BUYING & SE L LING 541-389-9836. We are looking for independent contractors to fluffy! Call 541-678-0120 $700. 541-325-3376 All gold jewelry, silver All Year Dependable service home delivery routes in: and gold coins, bars, Firewood: Sp lit, Del. BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! rounds, wedding sets, Bend. Lod g epole, The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are Guns, Hunting 325 class rings, sterling sil- Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 still over 2,000 folks in our community without & Fishing ver, coin collect, vinfor $350. Cash, check Hay, Grain & Feed permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift tage watches, dental or credit card O K. camps, getting by as best they can. 12g Mossberg Maverick gold. Bill 541-420-3484. Fl e ming, Good horse hay, barn The following items are badly needed to 88 18" bbl, home pro- 541-382-9419. Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. stored, no rain, $225 help them get through the winter: tection, $200. 5 4 1Dry Juniper Firewood ton, and $8.25 bale. Must have reliable, insured vehicle. COWGIRL CASH 647-8931 @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ $200 per cord, split. Delivery ava i lable. We buy Jewelry, Boots, 541-410-4495. New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. 2010 H&R Handi-Rifle, 1/2 cords available. Vintage Dresses & Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 e WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. .243 Win., syn stock, Immediate delivery! More. 924 Brooks St. Wanted: Irrigated farm during business hours 541-408-6193 mount 8 rings in box, 541-678-5162 ground, under pivot irPLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT apply vja email at onljne©bendbulletjn.com $250. 541-749-0636 www.getcowgirlcash.com rigation, i n C e n tral THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER Split, Dry OR. 541-419-2713 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. bakpaknbow © gmail.com Pfaff Model Quilt Expres- Cedar or Lodgepole For Special pick up please call Buy/Sell/Trade all firesions 4.0, l ike n ew, $200/Cord, Wheat Straw: Certified & Ken @ 541-389-3296 arms. Bend local pays sewing, quilting, $1200 Delivery included! Beddinq Straw 8 Garden PLEASE HELP, YOUCAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. cash! 541-526-0617 firm. 541-777-0101 541-923-6987, Iv msg. Straw;Compost.546-6171

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Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS

27 Curiosity's launcher 1 Some are square 28 Los Angeles 6 G.l. rank district 9 Mardi 30 Deleted 13 It might keep you 31 Bangkok native up at night 35 With 37-Across, 14 Feel bad events described 15 Vile by 23-/44-Across 16 "And that's 36 Abbr. after a phone no. 17 Morgantown's locale: Abbr. 37 See 35-Across 18 Some mirages 38 Rain delay sight 39 Peace, to Pliny 19 John Lennon, e.g. 40 Middle manager? 41 Jr. in an office 20 Dandy 21 Glandular prefix 43 One of two on a short date? 22 Sun Devil 44 See 23-Across Stadium's sch. 23 With 44-Across, 48 Custodian's tool 51 Flick not shown common on network TV broadcasting 52 Lunkhead phrase related to this puzzle's 53 Greenhouse outer circled square letters 54 Silver, in the 25 To a hu e extent Sierra Madres








5 5 "Lord, is ? " : Matthew 26:22 56 Adhering to Strunk and White's advice "Omit needless words 57 Mojito garnishes 58 X-ray unit 59 "Family Matters" role 60 Alumni grouping 61 "Very funny" cable channel 62 Short blasts






13 16 19












47 52

way 20 "Here we go 0 G Y again!" L O E 23 Work, as a bar D Y L 24 Probably not Mr. E A L


• Space rent $180 mo. NE Bend • Homes for rent McCall Landing $350 - $495 mo. Our Newest Community • Large treed lots Starting in the Mid • J.D. Riverfront lots $100,000's. • Playground and Pahlisch Homes Community Center The Hasson • Next to Thriftway Company Realtors. • RVs Welcomed, Rhianna Kunkler, Broker, 541-306-0939 Riverside Home Park 677 W. Main, 750 John Day, Oregon Call Lisa 541-575-1341 Redmond Homes riversidemhp.jimdo.com Gigantic Views Check out the Quality Fuqua home, 3 classifieds online bdrm, 2 bath, 1572 SF vvvvw.bendbuffetin.com Shop and greenhouse $136,900 Updated daily MLS 201200450 Gail Day 541-306-1018 Central Oregon Realty Group LLC

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Furnished room, TV w/ cable, micro & fridge. Utils & l inens. New owners.$145-$165/wk 541-382-1885

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Boats 8 Accessories • t l

:Qrj Ij

20.5' 2004 Bayliner 205 Run About, 220 HP, V8, open bow,

$1500. 541-312-9292

g4++ OOO

20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO. 541-379-3530


Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishHarley Davidson Softing, drift, canoe, Tail Deluxe 2 0 0 7, house and sail boats. white/cobalt, w / pasFor all other types of senger kit, Vance & watercraft, please see Hines muffler system Class 875. & kit, 1045 mi., exc. 541-385-5809 c ond, $19,9 9 9 , 541-389-9188. Seenq Central Oregon since 1903 Harley Heritage Softail, 2003 $5,000+ in extras, $2000 paint job, YOUR BOAT ... 30K mi. 1 owner, For more information please call 541-385-8090 with o u r sp e cial or 209-605-5537 rates for selling your I Call The Bulletin At j boat or watercraft! 541-385-5809 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail l Place an ad in The j B ulletin w it h ou r At: www.bendbulletin.com l 3-month package Motorcycles & Accessories

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exc. cond., very fast w/very low hours, lots of extras incl. Snowmobiles tower, Bimini & custom trailer, S nowmobiles (2) o n $19,500. trailer, s n o wmobiles 541-389-1413 n eed s o m e wor k

Snowmobile trailer 2002, 25-ft Interstate & 3 sleds, $10,900. 541-480-8009




634 $474,900 Apt./Multiplex NE Bend Set In The Ponderosa Pines. Soaring ceilIndependent Positions ings, fireplace, large $299 1st mo. rent!! * family room with high GET THEM BEFORE windows. This home Sales THEY ARE GONE! sits at the end of a 2 bdrm, 1 bath Circulation cul-de-sac on over 5 $530 8 $540 Promotions Deck brings the at We are seeking a full Carports 8 A/C included! acres. outdoors in...3 car gaFoxHollow Apts. bendbulletin.com time Sales Rep to 4f 1) 383-3152 rage, plus a detached (5 join our successful Cascade Mgmt. Co RV barn/boat, sepateam of i n depen- "upstairsRental only with lease rate shop, 1/2 bath! dent co n t ractors. Get your Mike Wilson, Broker. Must be goal o riCall for Specials! 541-977-5345 or business ented, mo t i vated, Limited numbers avail. 541-389-7910 e nthusiastic, p e r 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. Hunter Properties sonable, outgoing, W/D hookups, patios a ROW I N G optimistic and good or decks. BANK OWNED HOMES! HD FAT BOY with people. Sales MOUNTAIN GLEN, FREE List w/Pics! 1996 with an ad in experience is pre541-383-9313 www.BendRepos.com Completely rebuilt/ ferred, positive attibend and beyond real estate The Bulletin's Professionally customized, low 20967 yeoman, bend or tude required! Must managed by Norris & "Call A Service miles. Accepting ofhave a valid driver's Stevens, Inc. fers. 541-548-4807 No Reserve Professional" license, insured veTimed Online hicle and cell phone. 636 Directory AUCTION We offer a complete HD Screaming Eagle training program, all Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Ends Nov.14th Electra Glide 2005, 773 103" motor, two tone tools and supplies 141 NW P o rtland, 2 Building Lot in ProngAcreages needed for success, bdrm, oak cabinets, DW, h orn S u b . 23 0 1 3 candy teal, new tires, generous commis- W/S/G 8 c able paid, Canyon View Loop 23K miles, CD player Alfalfa farm opportunity hydraulic clutch, exsion, d a i l y and laundry facilities. $650, Selling to the Highest Bidder 28 Properties Over 700 acres with weekly bo n uses, $500 dep. 541-617-1101 cellent condition. 453 irrigated acres. in 5-States! cash incentives and Highest offer takes it. Producing over 2000 www.corbettbottles.com 541-480-8080. unlimited in c o me 648 208-377-5700 quality tons per year. potential. Email reHouses for Includes 2 hay barns, Honda Elite 80 2001, sume to m i stertaRent General mi., absolutely clmasterI aol.com BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS 2 shops and 3 homes. 1400 like new., comes w/ Candice Anderson, Search the area's most PUBLISHER'S Broker 541-788-8878 carrying rack for 2" comprehensive listing of receiver, ideal for use NOTICE John L. Scott classified advertising... Real Estate, Bend w/motorhome, $995, All real estate adver- real estate to automotive, 541-546-6920 tising in this newspa- merchandise to sporting www.johnlscott.com per is subject to the goods. Bulletin Classifieds .g~ F air H o using A c t appear every day in the 8 &8 M M Softail Deluxe which makes it illegal CHECK YOUR AD print or on line. 2010, 805 miles, to a d v ertise "any Please check your ad Call 541-385-5809 Black Chameleon. preference, limitation on the first day it runs or disc r imination www.bendbulletin.com to make sure it is cor$1 7,000 based on race, color, rect. Sometimes inCall Don @ religion, sex, handis tructions over t h e 541-410-3823 cap, familial status, phone are misundermarital status or nastood and a n e r ror 528 NOTICE tional origin, or an in- All real estate adver- can occur in your ad. 870 Loans & Mortgages tention to make any tised here in is subIf this happens to your Boats & Accessories such pre f erence, ad, please contact us WARNING to t h e F e deral limitation or discrimi- ject The Bulletin recomF air Housing A c t , the first day your ad 13' Smokercraft 'S5, nation." Familial stamends you use caumakes it illegal appears and we will good cond., 15HP tus includes children which tion when you proto advertise any pref- be happy to fix it as under the age of 18 s oon a s w e ca n . gas Evinrude + vide personal erence, limitation or Deadlines are: Week- Minnkota 44 elec. information to compa- living with parents or discrimination based legal cust o dians, on race, color, relidays 11:00 noon for motor, fish finder, 2 nies offering loans or pregnant women, and day, Sat. 11:00 extra seats, trailer, credit, especially gion, sex, handicap, next people securing cusa.m. for Sunday and extra equip. $3200. those asking for adfamilial status or natody of children under tional origin, or inten- Monday. vance loan fees or 54 I -388-9270 541-385-5809 This newspaper tion to make any such companies from out of 18. will not knowingly acThank you! state. If you have preferences, l i m ita17' 1984 Chris Craft cept any advertising tions or discrimination. The Bulletin Classified concerns or ques- Scorpion, 140 HP tions, we suggest you for real estate which is We will not knowingly inboard/outboard, 2 violation of the law. accept any advertisconsult your attorney in depth finders, trollO ur r e aders a r e ing for r ea l e s tate 775 or call CONSUMER ing motor, full cover, hereby informed that which is in violation of Manufactured/ HOTLINE, EZ - L oad t railer, all dwellings adver- this law. All persons 1-877-877-9392. Mobile Homes $3500 OBO. tised in this newspa- are hereby informed 541-382-3728. BANK TURNED YOU per are available on that all dwellings adFACTORY SPECIAL DOWN? Private party an equal opportunity vertised are available New Home, 3 bdrm, will loan on real es- basis. To complain of on an equal opportu$48,900 finished tate equity. Credit, no discrimination cal l nity basis. The Bulle- on your site,541.548.5511 17' Seaswirl 1988 problem, good equity HUD t o l l-free at tin Classified open bow, r ebuilt www.JandMHomes.com is all you need. Call 1-800-877-0246. The Chev V6 e n gine, now. Oregon Land toll f re e t e l ephone new uph o lstery, Good classified ads tell Mortgage 388-4200. number for the hearCall a Pro $3900 obo. Bend. the essential facts in an im p aired is Whether you need a 707-688-4523 LOCAL MONEY:Webuy ing interesting Manner. Write 1-800-927-9275. secured trust deeds & from the readers view - not fence fixed, hedges note,some hard money the seller's. Convert the 654 trimmed or a house loans. Call Pat Kelley facts into benefits. Show 541-382-3099 ext.13. Houses for Rent built, you'll find the reader how the item will SE Bend Reverse Mortgages professional help in help them in someway. by local expert Mike This The Bulletin's "Call a LeRoux NMLS57716 20257 Knights Bridge advertising tip Service Professional" 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 Call to learn more. Place, brand new brought to youby Volvo Penta, 270HP, deluxe 3 bdrm, 2yz bath, 541-350-7839 Directory 1880 sq. ft. home. low hrs., must see, Securitv1 Lending The Bulletin 541-385-5809 NMLS981 61 $1195. 541-350-2206 $15,000, 541-330-3939



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organization 54 55 56 2 Works inspired by Calliope, e.g. 57 58 59 3 One saying 60 61 62 23-/44-Across 4 Request to a Puzzle by Peter A. Collins butcher 5 Mineo of film 26 Manet or Monet 36 Grovels 46 Miller product 6 In hock 28 Pond denizen 37 Prod 47 Scored in the 80s 7 Shortish race, for 29 Vardalos of "My 39 Tire spec abbr. 49 Beginning short Big Fat Greek 40 Circulation 50 Bares fruit? Wedding" 8 Pete Fountain blocker 53 Country 30 Pigskin stitching played it 42 Greek walkways mentioned in 32 They appear at 9 Lions' foes Sinatra's "Come one-yard intervals 43 Pool side 10 Knolls 44 Put on Fly With Me" 11 "Would you like to 33 The "A" in IPA s ee ? " 34 Verb after "das" 45 "I swear!" 56 Yank 12 Online honcho For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit 15 Rips off, in a card, 1-800-814-5554.

Remember.... A dd your we b a d dress to your ad and readers on The Bulletin' s web site will be able to click 605 through automatically to your site. Roommate Wanted Resort Housekeeping Sharecozy mobile home The Pines at Sunriver, in Terrebonne, $275+ yz Call 541-593-2160. utils. 503-679-7496


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25 28





DOWN 1 Omerta


Country Coach Intrigue Pioneer Spirit 18CK, MONTANA 3585 2008, exc. cond., 3 slides, 2002, 40' Tag axle. 2007, used only 4x, AC, king bed, Irg LR, Arc400hp Cummins Die- electric tongue j ack, $8995. 541-389-7669 tic insulation, all opsel. tw o s l ide-outs. tions $37,500. 4 1,000 miles, n e w ROUADigorgio 1971 541-420-3250 tires 8 batteries. Most fridge, heater, propane options.$95,000 OBO & elec. Iights, awning, NuWa 29 7LK Hi t ch541-678-5712 2 spares, extra insu- Hiker 2007,3 slides, lation for late season 32' touring coach, left hunting/cold weather kitchen, rear lounge, camping, well maint, many extras, beautiful very roomy, sleeps 5, c ond. inside & o u t, reat f o r hu n t ing, $34,499 OBO, Prinev3200, 541-410-6561 ille. 541-447-5502 days & 541-447-1641 eves. Econoline RV 1 9 8 9, fully loaded, exc. cond, Look at: 35K m i. , R e duced Bendhomes.com $17,950. 541-546-6133 for Complete Listings of CAN'T BEAT THIS! Area Real Estate for Sale Look before you Springdale 2005 27', 4 buy, below market slide ln dining/living area value! Size 8 mile- sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 age DOES matter! obo. 541-408-3811 Class A 32' Hurricane by Four Winds, 2007. 12,500 mi, all Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th amenities, Ford V10, wheel, 1 s lide, AC, Ithr, cherry, slides, TV,full awning, excellike new! New low lent shape, $23,900. price, $54,900. 541-548-5216 Springdale 29' 2 0 07, 541-350-8629 slide,Bunkhouse style, Gulfstream S cen i c sleeps 7-8, excellent Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, condition $ 1 6 900 '.k• Cummins 330 hp die- 541-390-2504 sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 in. kitchen slide out, new tires,under cover, Pilgrim In t e rnational hwy. miles only,4 door 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, fridge/freezer iceModel¹M-349 RLDS-5 maker, W/D combo, Fall price $ 21,865. Interbath tub & 541-312-4466 shower, 50 amp pro- Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 pane gen 8 m o r e! 29', weatherized, like -'fal. n ew, f u rnished 8 ~4 • $55,000. ready to go, incl Wine541-948-231 0 ard S a t ellite dish,

*5 lines of text and 26,995. 541-420-9964 a photo or up to 10 l lines with no photo. Regal Prowler AX6 Ex*Free online ad at Hunter's Delight! Pack- ii g +i treme Edition 38' '05, g g t lt I bendbulletin.com age deal! 1988 Win4 slides,2 fireplaces, all *Free pick up into maple cabs, king bed/ nebago Super Chief, The Central Oregon j 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t bdrm separated w/slide Weekend Warrior Toy glass dr,loaded,always l Nickel ads. shape; 1988 Bronco II garaged,lived in only 3 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, Call for rates and mostly towed miles, fuel station, exc cond. mo,brand new $54,000, more information nice rig! $15,000 both. sleeps 8, black/gray still like new, $28,500, i nterior, u se d 3X , will deliver,see rvt.com, 541-385-5809 541-382-3964, leave ad¹4957646 for pics. $24,999. msg.



GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809.

The Bulletin

Sen tne Central Oregon since1903

Used out-drive parts - Mercury OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 4.3 (1993), $1995. 541-389-0435

Cory, 541-580-7334

Itasca Spirit Class C 2007, 20K miles, front entertainment center, all bells 8 whistles, extremely good condition, 2 s l ides, 2 HDTV's, $45,000

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad OBO. 541-447-5484 will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get ReJayco Seneca 2007, sults! Call 385-5809 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy or place your ad 5500 d i e sel , toy on-line at hauler $130 , 000. bendbulletin.com 541-389-2636. W

Need to get an ad in ASAP? You can place it online at: www.bendbulletln.com

Ggh sf

F ifth Wheels

l 0 1


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1/3 interest in Columbia 400, located at Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. Call 541-647-3718


1/3 interest i n w e l lequipped IFR Beech B onanza A 36 , l o cated KBDN. $55,000.

Beaver Coach Marquis 40' 1987. New cover, 541-385-5809 541-419-9510 new paint (2004), new Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 inverter (2007). Onan by Carnage, 4 slideExecutive Hangar 875 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, outs, inverter, satelat Bend Airport parked covered $35,000 Watercraft lite sys, fireplace, 2 (KBDN) obo. 541-419-9859 or 60' wide x 50' deep, flat screen TVs. 16-ft wide-body canoe, 541-280-2014 w/55' wide x 17' high $60,000. hand-laid fiberglass, long 541-480-3923 bi-fold door. Natural paddles & Stearns vests, gas heat, office, bath$350. 541-233-8944 room. Parking for 6 c ars. A d jacent t o Frontage Rd; g reat 2007 SeaDoo visibility for a v iation 2004 Waverunner, Monaco Dynasty 2004, bus. 1jetjocklq.com excellent condition, loaded, 3 slides, dieLOW hours. Double Fleetwood Wilderness 541-948-2126 sel, Reduced now trailer, lots of extras. $119,000, 5 4 1 -923- 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, $10,000 rear bdrm, fireplace, 8572 or 541-749-0037 541-719-8444 AC, W/D hkup beautiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. 541-815-2380 Ii I Ads published in "WaFgf.tercraft" include: KayONLY 1 OWNERSHIP aks, rafts and motor- L ~ , SHARE LEFT! Ized personal Economical flying in watercrafts. For Southwind 35.5' Triton, your ow n C e s sna " boats" please s e e 2008,V10, 2 slides, DuClass 870. pont UV coat, 7500 mi. K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 172/180 HP for only $ 10 000l B ased a t Bought new at slide, AC, TV, awning 541-385-5809 BDN. Call Gabe at $132,913; NEW: tires, converter, asking $93,500. batteries. Hardly used Professional Air! Call 541-419-4212 ~ 54 1 - 388-0019 • $15,500. 541-923-2595

The Bulletin



Trucks & Heavy Equipment

Antique & Classic Autos


Antique & Classic Autos

Sp o rt Utility Vehicles


Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT 1 999, a u to., p e a r l w hite, very low m i . Ford F250 XLT 4x4 $9500. 541-788-8218. L ariat, 1990, r e d, Mercury M o n terrey Nissan Sentra, 201280K original miles, 1965, Exc. All original, 4" lift with 39's, well Porsche Cayenne 2004, 12,610 mi, full warranty, 4-dr. sedan, in storPS, PB, AC, & more! — $ 4 000 86k, immac, dealer BKDiamond Reo Dump Chevy Wagon 1957, age last 15 yrs., 390 maintained, maint'd, loaded, now $17,000. 541-788-0427 • Truck 1 974, 12 -14 4-dr., complete, High C o m pression obo. 541-419-5495 L e g al Notices $1 7000. 503-459-1 580 yard box, runs good, $15,000 OBO, trades, engine, new tires 8 li$6900, 541-548-6812 c ense, reduced t o LEGAL NOTICE please call Have an item to 940 541-420-5453. Housing Works will $2850, 541-410-3425. sell quick? Vans hold a Special MeetG K E A T Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe ing o n W ednesday If it's under 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, November 7, 2012 at '500 you can place it in auto. trans, ps, air, Porsche 911 1974, low 1 1:30 a.m. a t P u t Hyster H25E, runs frame on rebuild, remi., complete motor/ nam Pointe CommuThe Bulletin well, 2982 Hours, painted original blue, trans. rebuild, tuned nity Room, located at $3500,call Classifieds for: original blue interior, suspension, int. & ext. 750 NW Lava Road, 541-749-0724 B a r racuda refurb., oil c o oling, Bend, Or 97701 and original hub caps, exc. Plymouth chrome, asking $9000 1966, original car! 300 <10 -3 Iines 7 days C h e vrolet G20 SPortsshows new in & out, with electronic comman, 1993, exlnt cond, perf. mech. c o n d. munications or make offer. hp, 360 V8, centerwith '16 - 3 lines, 14 days I ' $4750 541 362 5559 or Much more! 541-385-9350 lines, (Original 273 Board members. r-.aj eng & wheels incl.) (Private Party ads only) 541-663-6046 $28,000 541-420-2715 541-593-2597 Principal subjects anPORSCHE 914 1974, Chevy Astro Roller (no engine), ticipated to be considPeterbilt 35 9 p o table Chrysler SD 4-Door Cargo Van 2001, lowered, full roll cage, ered include general Tick, Tock water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, dra f t 5-pt harnesses, rac- b usiness. A pw, pdl, great cond., 1930, CD S R oyal 3200 gal. tank, 5hp business car, well ing seats, 911 dash 8 agenda for the meetStandard, 8-cylinder, Tick, Tock... pump, 4-3" h o ses, body is good, needs instruments, d e cent ing will be posted unmaint'd, regular oil camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. some r e s toration, ...don't let time get changes, $4500. shape, v e r y c o ol! der Legal Notices on Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, 541-820-3724 $1699. 541-678-3249 the Housing Works Please call runs, taking bids, away. Hire a 71K, X- c ab, X LT, web site www.hous541-633-5149 541-383-3888, a uto, 4 . 0L , $ 8 4 0 0 Toyota Camry LE, 1999, ingworks.org. professional out 541-815-3318 OBO. 541-388-0232 2 sets of tires 8 wheels, Utility Trailers of The Bulletin's Chevy G-20 c u stom 179,700 miles, 1 owner. If you have any ques"Call A Service GMC '/4-ton conversion travel van $3250. 541-408-1984 tions or need special 1994 128k, 5.7L, rear 4WD, 1997, accommodations, Professional" elect. bed, 75% tires. a Diesel engine, extra Toyota Camry'sr please contact Lori Big Tex LandscapDirectory today! real beauty in 8 out! cab, good shape, Hill at (541) 323-7402. Travel in economy and 1984, $1200 obo; ing/ ATV Trailer, electric windows, For s pecial a s sis1985 SOLD; style and under $4000. dual axle flatbed, PROJECT CARS: Chevy door locks & seats, tance due to motion, 1986 parts car, 7'x16', 7000 lb. FIAT 1800 1978, S-spd, 2-dr FB 1949 & Chevy Bob, 541-318-9999 $5000 obo. vision, speech and door panels w/flowers Coupe 1950 - rolling $500. GVW, all steel, 541-382-5309 hearing d i s abilities, 975 $1400. 8 hummingbirds, chassis's $1750 ea., Call for details, the toll free number of 541-382-4115, or white soft top & hard Chevy 4-dr 1949, comAutomobiles 541-548-6592 C enturyLink's ser piete car, $1949; Ca541-280-7024. top. Just reduced to vices for customers $3,750. 541-317-9319 dillac Series 61 1950, 2 Buick Lucerne CXL Toyota Corolla 2004, w ith d i sabilities is dr. hard top, complete or 541-647-8483 2009, $12,500, low auto., loaded, o rig. 1-800-223-3131. Fla t w/spare front c l ip., I nternational low miles; 2000 Buick owner, non smoker, Bed Pickup 1963, 1 $3950, 541-382-7391 Century $2900. You'll exc. cond. $7000 firm t on dually, 4 s p d. Cyndy Cook, not find nicer Buicks Prineville 503-358-8241 Executive Director trans., great MPG, DON'T MISSIIIIS One look's worth a could be exc. wood Housing Works thousand words. Call Toyotas: 1999 Avalon 4 Studless winter trac (abn Central Oregon hauler, runs great, Bob, 541-318-9999. 254k; 1996 Camry, tion tires on wheels VW Karman Ghia new brakes, $1950. Regional for an appt. and take a 98k, 4 cyli Lots of 225/60R-16, $350. 1970, good cond., 541-41 9-5480. Housing Authority) Ford Galaxie 500 1963, miles left in these drive in a 30 mpg. car 541-410-0886 new upholstery and 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, cars. Price? You tell top. LEGAL NOTICE Snow tires Wild Coun- 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & convertible me! I'd guess The Bulletin Cadillac E i D o r ado IN THE C I RCUIT try LT24 5 - 75R16 radio (orig),541-419-4989 $10,000. 1994, T otal c r e a m $2000-$4000. To Subscribe call 541-389-2636 C OURT OF T H E studded 8 siped on puff, body, paint, trunk Your servant, Bob at 541-385-5800 or go to Mustang Coupe STATE O F ORchrome rims, $500 Ford 541-318-9999, no as showroom, blue 1966, original owner, www.bendbulletin.com DESEGON 541-382-4144. charge for looking. leather, $1700 wheels V8, automatic, great CHUTES COUNTY. w/snow tires although Volkswagen Jetta SE, Studded tires 195-60-14 shape, $9000 OBO. Wells Fargo Bank, car has not been wet 2006.40,500 mi, Great on 2001 Toyota Co- 530-515-81 99 N.A., its successors in 8 years. On trip to rolla wheels, like new condition, FWD, ABS, in interest and/or Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., automatic, AC, moonset of 4,$250 OBO. assigns, Plaintiff/s, Garage Sales VW Thing 1974, good $5400, 541-593-4016. 541-408-1389. roof, CD/MP3 & much v. Scott N. Gillespie; more! $12,950 cond. Extremely Rare! RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L JPMorgan C h ase Studded tires for Buick Garage Sales 541-771-2312 Cadillac Seville STS Only built in 1973 8 hemiV8, hd, auto, cruise, Bank, N.A.; Sylvan Park Ave., 225/60R-16, 2003 just finished 1974. Knolls-Boones Bor$8,000. am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. used 1 season, on rims, Garage Sales FIND IT! $4900 engine work 541-389-2636 541-420-3634 /390-1285 ough Prop e rty $400 obo. 541-389-3137 BUY IT! Find them by Certified GM meOwner's A s sociaToyota Tacoma 2005 SELL ITi Tires (4) LT265/70R17 chanic. Has everyt ion; a n d Oc c u Need help fixing stuff? in on Ford 8-hole wheels red, dbl. cab 4x4, thing but navigation. The Bulletin Classifieds pants of th e P reCall A Service Professional ¹141521. $23,977 4 0% t r e ad , $ 4 0 0 . The Bulletin Too many bells and mises, Defendant/s. find the help you need. 541-480-9277 w histles t o l i s t . Case No.: Looking for your Classifieds www.bendbulletin.com bought a new one. 11CV1023. NOWinter Tires 4 Bridgenext employee? $4900 T ICE O F SAL E Oregon Place a Bulletin help s tone 2 2 5/55 R 1 6 541-385-5809 541-420-1283 UNDER WRIT OF AutnSeurce wanted ad today and 95W on alloy rims, EXECUTION like new, tire pres541-598-3750 reach over 60,000 REAL PROPERTY. sure monitors incl. aaaoregonautosource.com readers each week. Ford Ranchero Notice i s h e r eby (Retail@$1900) $650. Your classified ad 1979 Chev short box given that I will on In Bend 619-889-5422 will also appear on with 351 Cleveland step-side pickup, November 15, 2012 Sport Utility Vehicles bendbulletin.com modified engine. 1987, excellent at 12:00 PM in the which currently reBody is in shape inside & out, main lobby of t he Antique & ceives over 1.5 milexcellent condition, all electric, all Deschutes County Chrysler Sebring2006 lion page views Classic Autos $2500 obo. works, $4500. S heriff's Offi c e , Fully loaded, exc.cond, every month at 541-420-4677 541-382-5309 63333 W. Highway very low miles (38k), no extra cost. Bulle20, Bend, Oregon, always garaged, tin Classifieds sell, at public oral transferable warranty Get Results! Call Ford T-Bird 1966 Buick Enclave 2008 CXL auction to the highincl. $8600 385-5809 or place 1921 Model T 390 engine, power AWD, V-6, black, clean, est bidder, for cash 541-330-4087 your ad on-line at Delivery Truck everything, new mechanicall y sound, 82k or cashier's check, bendbulietin.com paint, 54K original miles. $21,995. Restored & Runs the following real miles, runs great, Call 541-815-1216 Ford Crown Vic. $9000. property, known as excellent cond. in & 4 door, 127k, / The Bulletin recom 541-389-8963 21871 Katie Drive, Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 1997 Ford 250 XLT 1990, out. Asking $8,500. d rives, runs a n d I mends extra caution I B end, Oreg o n 4x4. 120K mi, Power 6 yd. dump bed, 541-480-3179 seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd looks great, extra I wh e n purc h asing > 9 7701, to w it, L o t 139k, Auto, $5500. set of winter tires on f products or services Four (4), Block row seating, e xtra 541-410-9997 only $3000 Three (3), Boones tires, CD, pnvacy tintfrom out of the area. 541 771-650o. ing, upgraded rims. ) Sending cas h , Borough No. 1, Deschutes County, OrFord F250 2002 Fantastic cond. $7995 checks, or credit inContact Timm at Supercab 7.3 diesel, formation may be I egon. Said sale is 541-408-2393 for info Infinity G35 Coupe f subject to FRAUD. made under a Writ Chevy C-20 Pickup 130,000 miles, great or to view vehicle. o f E x ecution i n 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; shape with accessoFor more i nforma 2004 Bla c k 1 Foreclosure issued auto 4-spd, 396, model GMC V~ton 1971, Only ries. $14,900. owner, no accidents, f tion about an adverCST /all options, orig. $19,700! Original low 541-923-0231 day or manual trans., great , t i ser, youmay call • out of t h e C i rcuit mile, exceptional, 3rd Court of the State of owner, $24,000, 541-923-2582 eves. cond., n a v ioation, I t h e Oregon State owner. 951-699-7171 the 541-923-6049 74K m i ., g6200 ~ Attorney General's ~ Oregon f o r Des Office C o nsumer C ounty o f Please call chutes, dated Sep541-593-2321 or f Protection hotline at tember 12, 2012, to 1-877-877-9392. G MC Yukon XL S L T email me directed in the 2004, loaded w/faco nmason2280@ a bove-entitled a c tory dvd, 3rd s eat, 9 ServmgCentral Oregon smce 1903 tion wherein Wells $7100. 541-280-6947 Q Fargo Bank, N.A. as call54I 385 5809topromotefaur service' Advertisefar 28daysstarting at lf(I Ilbsspec¹paaageisno <ovaiiableonourwebsiitf p laintiff/s, re c o v ,


I%%.JY X

lYo~ Lesr!


f f


f I I /

J gh+BU]]+t~+ f +

"Please discontinue this ~ ad as the vehicle has

Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Care NOTICE: Oregon state law req u ires anyone who c o n tracts for construction work to be licensed with the C onstruction Con -

Zor/ttz gaaErip Za~gga ~/,.

tractors Board (CCB). More Than Service A n active lice n se Peace Of Mind means the contractor i s bonded an d i n Fall Clean Up s ured. Ver if y t h e Don't track it in all Winter contractor's CCB •Leaves c ense through t h e •Cones CCB Cons u m er • Needles Website • Pruning

www.hirealicensedcontractor. com

or call 503-378-4621. The Bulletin recommends checking with the CCB prior to contracting with anyone. Some other t r ades also req u ire addi-

tional licenses and certifications.

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28 yrs exp in Central OR!

ering install / removal.

Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 Licensed/bonded/insured 541-389-1413 /410-2422



Senior Discounts Bonded & Insured 541-815-4458 LCB¹8759

Sprinkler B/owouts Discounts available Call Cutting Edge Lawnworks:

Jeep Willys 1947,custom, [ been sold. I am pleased small block Chevy, PS, fo tell you that i had on Craig's List OD, mags+trailer. Swap postedit for backhoe.No am calls on 6 different locations butif was the Bul/etin ad SL-AWD 2oo4 75k please. 541-389-6990 that sold it!" all-weather tires, tow Lee, G. pkg, gold metallic, beige leather int., moonroof, .........

541-815-4097 • LCB ¹8451

Call The Yard Doctor for yard maintenance, Lincoln Navigator 2005 thatching, sod, springreat cond., 124k mi., 3 rows seats, DVD kler blowouts, water features, more! player, $11,500 cash only. 541-475-3274 Allen 541-536-1294 LCB 5012 ~ Or-i USE THE CLASSIFIEDS!

MOrePiXat Be!I!jbulletin,COm

Want Results from qualified localbuyers? Call us at 541-385-5809and ask about our Wheel Deal special!


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The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809

Bend Landscaping Sprinkler Blowouts, and Winterization 541-382-1655 LCB¹ 7990 N OTICE: ORE G O N Landscape Contractors Law (ORS 671)

r equires a l l bu s i nesses that advertise t o p e r form L a n dscape C o n struction which incl u des: p lanting, deck s , fences, arbors, w ater-features, a n d installation, repair of irrigation systems to be licensed with the Landscape Contract ors B o a rd . Th i s 4-digit number is to be included in all advertisements which indicate the business has a bond,insurance and workers c ompensation for their employees. For your protection call 503-378-5909 or use our website: www.lcb.state.or.us to check license status before co n t racting with t h e bu s iness. Persons doing landscape m aintenance do not require a LCB license.




, x'

I I g~

'i;. . ' .




! I Iilll(l'

Youhave aright toknowwhat your government is doing. Current Oregon Iaw requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper whose readers are affected by the notice, But federal, state, and local government agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper.

If they did that,you'd have to know in advance where, when, and how to look, and what to lookfor, in order to be informed about government actions that could affect you directly.

Less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government web site

daily,* but 80% of all Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once during an ** average week, and 54% read public notices printed there.

Keeppublic noticesinthenewspaper! 'Us censrrs BuieavMay 2009 "Amerrcan OenonResearchPrn(eion Ni sepiernber 2010

ered Sti p u lated General Judgment of Foreclosure and S hortening of R e demption Pe r i od Against Defendant: 1) Scott N. Gillespie on July 18, 2012, a gainst Scott N . Gillespie JP M o rgan Chase Bank, Sylvan N.A., Knolls-Boones Borough Prop e rty Owner's A s s ociat ion, a n d Oc c u pants of the Premises as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT T HE SA L E , A P ROS P ECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor; (b)Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, Desc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil T echnician. D a t e: October 11, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of First and S uccessive P u b lications: October 17, 2012; October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 7, 2012. Attorney:Amber Norling, OSB ¹ 094593. Rou t h Crabtree Olsen, PC, 6 21 SW Alde r Street, Suite 8 0 0, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 977-7840. C o n d itions of Sale:Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes

Legal Notices • County Sheriff's Off ice to rev i e w bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cas h ier's checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office w i l l



cepted. P a y ment must be made in full i mmediately u p on t he close o f t h e sale. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE C I RCUIT C OURT O F T H E S TATE O F OR DESEGON CHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, NA its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Warren J. Klemz Jr.; Carol D. Klemz; and Occupant of the Premises, D e f endant/s. Case No.: 12CV0320. NOT ICE O F SA L E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on November 27, 2012 at 1 1:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Of fi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 21071 P i nehaven Avenue, Bend, Oregon 97702, to wit, Lot Eleven (11),

Legal Notices

property o w ners; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, D esc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil Technician. D a t e: October 19, 2012. Published in Bend B ulletin. Dat e o f First and S uccessive P u b lications: October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 14, 2012. Attorney: Amber Norling, OSB ¹ 094593,

Ro ut h

Crabtree Olsen, PC, 6 21 SW A lde r Street, Suite 8 0 0, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 459-0115. C o n d itions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 m i nutes pnor to the auction to allow the D esc hutes Coun t y S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r cashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale.

(b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring

LEGAL NOTICE IN THE C IRCUIT C OURT O F T H E S TATE O F OR DESEGON CHUTES COUNTY Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Chandra L. Perry A/K/A Chandra L. E ggleston A/K / A Chandra G u t hrie; Selco C o mmunity Credit Union, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0648. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION -REAL P ROPERTY. N o tice is hereby given t hat I w ill o n N o vember 27, 2012 at 1 1:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 16088 Lava Drive, La Pine, O r egon 97739, to wit, Lot T hirteen, Bloc k N inety-One, D e s chutes River Recreation Ho m esites, Unit 8, Part II, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of th e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 15, 2012, to me directed in t he a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., i ts successors i n interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s,

Legal Notices •

Legal Notices

Block Two (2), Reed Market East, Second Addition, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 15, 2012, to me directed in t he a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells

Fargo Bank, NA, as p laintiff/s, re c o vered General Judgment o f F o r eclos ure Against 1 ) Warren J. Klemz Jr.; 2) Carol D. Klemz; and 3) Occupants of the Premises; and Money Award A gainst th e R e a l Property Located at 21071 P i n ehaven Avenue, Bend, Oregon 9 7 70 2 on September 27, 2012, against Warren J. K lemz Jr., Carol D. Klemz, and O ccupants of t h e Premises as defendant/s. BE F O RE B IDDING AT T H E SALE, A PRO SPECTIVE


DER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor;

LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON DESCHUTES COUNTY. Columbia State Bank, Successor in Interest to Columbia River Bank, a Washington State Chartered Bank, Plaintiff/s, v. Terry L. Anderson, an individual; Candice E. Anderson, an individual; Anderson Wealth Management, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company; Shevlin Center Owners Committee, an Oregon nonprofit corporation; City of Redmond, Defendant/s. Case No.: 10CV0738MA. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on November 15, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real properties further described in the attached Exhibits 1 and 2: 1. 2305 SW Yew Avenue, Redmond; Tax Lot 207, Assessor Map 15-13-29A - Parcel 1, Exhibit1.2.No assigned address, Redmond; Tax Lot 6500, Assessor Map 15-13-29AB - Parcel 2, Exhibit1.3. 520 NW Columbia Street, Bend; Tax Lot 917, Assessor Map 18-12-06A - Exhibit 2. Each property will be sold separately. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure of Real Property issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated September 12, 2012, to me directed in the above-entitled action wherein Columbia State Bank, Successor in Interest to Columbia River Bank, a W ashington State Chartered Bank, as plaintiff/s, recovered Stipulated General Judgment and Money Award on August 21, 2012, against Terry L. Anderson, Candice E. Anderson,and Anderson Wealth Management, LLC, as defendant/s.BEFORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVES-

TIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b)Land use laws and

r egulations applicable to the property; (c) A p on proved uses for the property; (d) Limits farming or forest practices on the property; (e) Rights of neighboring property owners; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property.LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Anthony Raguine, Civil Technician. Date: October 8, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive Publications: October 10, 2012;October 17, 2012; October 24, 2012. Date of Last Publication: October 31, 2012. Attorney: Jennifer C. Paul, OSB ¹104791, Saalfield Griggs, PC, PO Box 470, Salem, OR 97308-0470, (503) 399-1070. Conditions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office to review bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier's checks made payable to Deschutes County

Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale.





Le g al Notices recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure on May 9, 2012, against Chandra L. P erry A/K/A Chandra L. E ggleston A/ K / A Chandra G u t hrie; and Selco Community Credit Union as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT T HE

SA L E ,


PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;

(b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in Bend B u lletin. Date of First and Successive Publications: October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 14, 2 0 12. A ttorney: Erik W i l son, OSB ¹095507, Routh Crab t ree O lsen, P.C., 6 2 1 SW Alder St., Ste. 800, Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459-0104. C o n d i-

tions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 m i nutes prior to the auction to allow the Desc hutes Coun t y S heriff's Office t o review bid d e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r c ashier's ch e c ks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the s ale. L A R RY B LANTON, Desc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: October 19, 2012.

LEGAL NOTICE IN THE C I RCUIT C OURT O F T H E S TATE O F OR EGON DESCHUTES COUNTY Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Tory R. Lester; Lauren J. L e ster; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0724. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on December 6, 2012 at 1 1:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 1250 Sou t hwest W heeler Pla c e , B end, Oreg o n 9 7702, to w it , L o t

24, Summ e rhill Phase 2 , Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 15, 2012, to me directed i n the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA, as plaintiff/s, re c o vered General Judgment o f F o r eclos ure on M a y 3 , 2012, against Tory R. Lester, Lauren J. Lester, and Occupants of the Pre-

mises d efendant/s.


BE FORE BIDDING AT T HE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor;

(b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e)Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, Desc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil Technician. D a t e:

Legal Notices Date of Last Publication: November 14, 2012. Attorney: Erik Wilson, O S B ¹ 095507, Rou t h Crabtree Olsen, PC, 6 21 SW Alde r Street, Suite 800, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 459-0104. C o n d itions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 m i nutes prior to the auction to allow the Desc hutes Coun t y S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r cashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I RCUIT C OURT OF T H E STATE O F OREGON DESCHUTES COUNTY

Wells Fargo Bank, NA., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Cheri J . H u nt; M icky L. Hunt ; American G eneral Financial Services (DE), Inc.; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0788. NOT ICE O F SA L E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on December 6, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 52260 Nati o n al Road, La Pine, Oregon 97739, to wit, Lot Nine (9), Block Five (5), C o nifer Acres, D e schutes County, O r e gon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, d a t ed October 15, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA., its successors in interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment o f F o r eclos ure on J uly 1 6 , 2012, against Cheri J. Hunt, Micky L. Hunt, Ame r i can General F i nancial Services (DE), Inc., and Occupants of t he Premises a s d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER S H OULD INDEPENDENTLY

INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor; (b) Land use Iaws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w ners; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in B end B u lletin. D ate of F irst a n d Successive Publications: October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 14, 2 012. A ttorney: Amb e r Norling, OSB ¹ 094593, Rou t h C rabtree Ols e n , P.C., 511 SW 10th S t., S u i t e 400 , Portland, OR 97205,

(503) 459 - 0115. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d ders must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r cashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the s ale. L A R RY B LANTON, D esc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: October 19, 2012.

Need to get an ad

in ASAP? October 19, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of First and S uccesFax it to 541-322-7253 sive P u b lications: October 24, 2012; The Bulletin Classifieds October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012.

Legal Notices




C OURT OF T H E STATE O F O RDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest a nd/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. A ndrew N ash; O ccupants of t h e Premises, D e fendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0460. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on December 6, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 5 9620 Nava j o C ircle, Bend, O r egon 97702, to wit, Lot Three (3), Block C, DE S CHUTES R IVER W O O DS , Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 15, 2012, to me directed in t he a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as plaintiff/s, recovered Cor r ected General Judgment of Foreclosure on May 2, 2012, a gainst And r e w Nash and O c cupants of th e P r emises as d efendant/s. B E FORE BIDDING AT THE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE


INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest p ractices o n th e property; (e)Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. L A R RY B LANTON, De s c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil T echnician. D a t e: October 29, 2012. Published in Bend B ulletin. Dat e o f First and Successive P u b lications: October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012; November 14, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 21, 2012. Attorney: Erik Wilson, O SB ¹ 095507, Rou t h Crabtree Olsen, PC, 6 21 S W Alde r Street, Suite 800, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 459-0104. C o n d itions of Sale:Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff's Off ice to revi e w bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cas h ier's checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office w il l b e accepted. P a y ment must be made in full i mmediately u p on t he close o f t h e sale. LEGAL NOTICE



C OURT OF T H E STATE O F O RDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest a nd/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Eli s s e M. M claughlin; S u n trust Mortgage, Inc.; O ccupants of t h e Premises, D e f endant/s. Case No.: 11CV0970. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on December 6, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 2327 Sou t hwest 31st Street, Redm ond, Oreg o n 9 7756, to w it,


T wo, Block T w o , Autumnglen Subdivision, Phase I, Deschutes County, Or-

egon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued

Legal Notices • out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 15, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., i ts successors i n interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure on April 3, 2012, against Elisse M. Mclaughlin, Suntrust Mortgage Inc. and Occupants of t he Premises a s d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY

INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor;

(b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in B end B u lletin. Date of F irst and Successive Publications: October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 14, 2 0 12. Attorney: Erik Wilson, OSB ¹095507, Routh Crab t ree O lsen, P .C., 5 1 1 SW 10th St., Suite 400, Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459-0104. C o n ditions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 m i nutes prior to the auction to allow the Des-

c hutes Coun t y S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r c ashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the s ale. L A R RY B LANTON, Desc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: October 19, 2012.




C OURT OF T H E STATE O F O RDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Patrick A. Rose; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0671. NOT ICE O F SA L E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on December 6, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 25221 Deer Lane, B end, Oreg o n 9 7701, to w it, L o t

Eighty-Seven (87) in u nit Three (3) o f Bend Cascade View E states, Tract 2 , Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 15, 2012, to me directed i n the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure on June 18, 2012, against Patrick A. Rose as d efendant/s. B E FORE BIDDING AT THE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE


INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest p ractices o n th e property; (e)Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. L A R RY B LANTON, De s c hutes Coun t y S heriff. Krist a



Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Mudrick, Civil Technician. Date: October 29, 2012. Published i n Bend B ulletin. Dat e o f First and S uccessive P u b lications: October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012; November 14, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 21, 2012. Attorney: Erik Wilson, OSB ¹ 095507.

Rout h

C rabtree Ols e n , P.C, 621 SW Alder St., Ste. 800, Portland, OR 97205-3623, 503-459-0104.

Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r cashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will

be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale.


Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Walter E. L ee; Angela T. Lee; and O ccupants of t h e Premises, D e f endant/s. Case No.: 11CV1018. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.

Notice i s h e r e by given that I will on November 27, 2012 at 1 1:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Of fi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property further des cribed in th e a t tached Exhibit "A": 2579 Nort h east Longfellow C o u rt, B end, Oreg o n 97701. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 15, 2012, to me directed i n the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA, as plaintiff/s, re c o vered Stip ulated General Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Red emption Pe r i od Against Defendant: 1) Walter E. Lee on June 4, 2012 , a gainst Walter E . Lee, as defendant/s. BEFORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor;

(b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, D esc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil Technician. D a t e:

October 19, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of First and S uccessive P u b lications: October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012. Date of Last Publi-




C OURT OF T H E STATE O F O RDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Nicholas Schaan; Diana J. S c haan; M ortgage Ele c tronic R egistration Systems, Inc. solely a s n o minee f o r Summit M ortgage Corporations; Reed Pointe Homeowners' Association; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11 CV0793. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on November 15, 2012 at 11:45 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 20794 So u t heast Hollis Lane, Bend, Oregon 97702, to wit, Lot 22 of Reed P ointe, Phase 1 , City of Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ of E x e cution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 3, 2012, to me directed i n the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA as plaintiff/s, re c o vered Stip u lated General Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Red emption Pe r i od against Defendants: 1) Nicholas Schaan 2) Diana J. Schaan on April 17, 2012, against Ni c h olas Schaan and Diana J. Schaan as defendant/s. BE F O RE B IDDING AT T H E SALE, A PROS PECTIVE


DER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor;

(b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e)Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, D e s c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil T echnician. D a t e: October 11, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of First and S uccessive P u b lications: October 17, 2012; October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 7, 2012. Attorney:Erik Wilson, OSB ¹ 095507. Rou t h Crabtree Olsen, PC, 6 21 S W Alde r Street, Suite 8 0 0, Portland, OR 9 7205-3623,

Eri k

Wilson. Conditions of Sal e :Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Desc h u tes County Sheriff's Off ice to revi e w bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cas h ier's

Leg a l Notices • LEGAL NOTICE



C OURT OF T H E STATE O F ORDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY. Federal Na t i onal Mortgage Association, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Frank K. Limberg; Maria A. Limberg; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0883. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on November 29, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 2311 Nort h east Baron Court, Bend, Oregon 97701, to wit, Lot Eight, Block Four, Aspen Heights P hase I I I , De s chutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 2, 2012, to me directed i n the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Federal National Mort-

gage A ssociation, i ts successors i n interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered S t i p ul ated Gener a l Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Redemption Period Against Defendants: 1) Frank K. Limberg 2) Maria A. Limberg on A ugust 1 , 20 1 2 , a gainst Frank K . Limberg and Maria A. Limberg as defendant/s. BEFORE B IDDING AT T H E SALE, A PROSPECTIVE B IDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY

INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor;

(b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e)Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in B end B u lletin. Date of First and Successive Publicat ions:October 1 7 , 2012; October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012. Date of Last Publication: Nov ember 7 , 20 1 2 . Attorney: Tony Kullen, OSB ¹ 090218. Rou t h C rabtree Ols e n , P.C., 621 SW Alder St., Ste 800, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 459-0101. C o n d itions of Sale:Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff's Off ice to revi e w bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cas h ier's checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office w il l b e accepted. P a y ment must be made in full i mmediately u p on t he close o f th e sale. LARRY B LANTON, Desc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: October 11,

checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Off ice will b e ac cepted. P a y ment 2012. must be made in full i mmediately u p o n LEGAL NOTICE t he close o f t h e NOTICE OF SEIZURE sale. FOR CIVIL

cation: N o vember 14, 2012. Attorney: Erik Wilson, OSB FORFEITURE TO ALL ¹ 095507, Rou t h POTENTIAL Crabtree Olsen, PC, CLAIMANTS AND TO FIND YOURFUTURE 6 21 SW Alde r ALL UNKNOWN HOME INTHE BULLETIN PERSONS Street, Suite 8 0 0, READ THIS Portland, OR CAREFULLY Your future isjust a page 97205-3623, (503) away.Whetheryou're looking 459-0104. C o n d i- for a hat or aplace to hangit, If you have any intertions of Sale: Poest i n t h e s e i zed The Bulletin Classified is tential bidders must property d e s cribed your bestsource. arrive 15 m i nutes below, you must claim prior to the auction that interest or you will Every daythousands of to allow the D esbuyers andsellers of goods automatically lose that c hutes Coun t y and services dobusinessin interest. If you do not S heriff's Office t o file a c laim for the these pages. They know review bidd e r's property, the property you can't beatTheBulletin f unds. Only U . S . may be forfeited even Classified Sectionfor c urrency and / o r if you are not concashier's ch e c ks selectionandconvenience wcted of any cnme. -every item isjust a phone m ade payable t o To claim an interest, call away. Deschutes County you must file a written Sheriff's Office will claim with the forfeiThe Cl a ssi f ied Section i s be accepted. Payture counsel named easy to use. Every i t em ment must be made below, Th e w r itten i s categorized and every in full immediately claim must be signed cartegory isindexedonthe upon the close of by you, sworn to unsection's frontpage. the sale. der penalty of perjury before a notary public, Whether youare lookingfor and state: (a) Your ahome orneedaservice, name; (b) The TURNTHEPAGE your future is inthe pagesof true address at which you The Bulletin Cl a ssified. will a c cept f u t ure For MoreAds m ailings f ro m th e The Bulletin court and f o rfeiture The Bulletin Servmg CentralOregon smce1903 c ounsel; and (3) A

Legal Notices

s tatement that y o u have an interest in the seized property. Your deadline for filing the claim document with forfeiture cou n s el n amed below is 2 1 days from the last day of publication of this notice. Where to file a claim and for more i nformation: Da i n a Vitolins, Crook County District Attorney Office, 300 N E T h i rd Street, Prineville, OR 97754.

Legal Notices able, those sums being the following, to wit: Principle Balance: $368,000.00. Accrued Interest: $52,185.01. Lat e Charges: $1,192.85.

Total: $421,377.86*. * Total does no t i n -

clude accrued intere st at t h e r a t e o f $66.44 per diem after June 26, 2012, additional late c harges, expenditures, or trustee fees, and additional attorney fees a nd costs. A t o tal payoff amount as of a specific date is available upon written request to the successor trustee. On June 8, 20 0 9 Ron a l d Ringer filed a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy petition as B ankruptcy Case No. 09-34416-elp13 in the United States Bankruptcy Court District of Oregon. The Bankruptcy Court entered an Order of Dismissal o n A pril 3 , 20 1 2 . W HEREFORE, n o tice hereby is given that the undersigned successor trustee will on WED N ESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2013 at 10:00 o'clock a.m., in accord with the standard of time established by ORS

Notice of reasons for Forfeiture: The property described below was seized for forfeiture because it: (1) Constitutes the p roceeds of the violation of, solicitation to violate, attempt to violate, or conspiracy to violates, the criminal laws of the State of Oregon regarding the manufacture, distribution, or possession of controlled substances (ORS Chapter 475); and/or (2) Was used or intended for use in committing or f acilitating the violation of, solicitation to violate, attempt to violate, or conspiracy to violate the criminal laws of the State of Oregon regarding the manufacture, distribution or p ossession of c o n- 187.110, at the front trolled sub s tances e ntrance o f Des (ORS Chapter 475). chutes County CourtIN THE MATTER OF: house, 1100 NorthU.S. Currency in the west B on d S t r eet, amount of B end, State o f O r $20,000.00, One 2006 e gon, which is t h e Chevrolet S i lverado hour, date and place Pickup, VIN last set for the sale, 1GCHK24U1GE1245 sell at public auction 06, Oregon License to the highest bidder Plate No . 9 4 9F JB, for cash the in and One 2008 Harley Davidson Motorcycle, VIN


C ase N o . 12 - 3 52 seized 1/23/2012 from Anthony Moon, An-

t hony J o hn s an d Stephanie Johnson. LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE

OF SALE. Reference is made to that certain Deed of Trust (the "Deed of Trust") made by Ronald Ringer as Grantor(s), to AmeriTitle, as Trustee, in favor of West Coast Bank, as Beneficiary, dated May 30, 2007, recorded J un e 1, 2007, in t h e m o r tgage records of Deschutes, Oregon, as Document No. 2007-31268, and covering the following described real property situated in t he above-mentioned county and state, to wit: Lot One Hundred Seventy-three, NORTHPOINTE-PHA SES IV and V, Deschutes, County, Oregon. Property Tax Account No.: 253701. Real property or its address is commonly k nown a s 637 6 8 Wellington Str e et, Bend, OR 97701 (the "Real Property"). The undersigned hereby disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of t h e ab o v e-des cribed s t reet a d dress or other common designation. The u ndersigned as t h e successor tru s t ee hereby certifies that no assignments of the Deed of Trust by the Trustee or by the current Beneficiary, West Coast Bank, and no a ppointments of a successor tru s t ee have been made except as recorded in the mortgage records of the county or count ies i n wh i c h t h e above-described Real Property is s ituated together w it h ap pointing Shannon R. Martinez as the current successor trustee; further, that no action has been instituted to r ecover the debt, or any part thereof, now remaini ng secured by t h e Deed of Trust, or, if such action has been instituted, such action has been dismissed except as permitted by ORS 8 6.735(4). The Real Property will be sold to satisfy the Promissory Note identified below secured by the Deed of Trust and a Notice of Default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default(s) for w hich t he f o reclosure i s made is/are the foll owing: L oa n No . 48013337. Failure to pay the balance owing on the m aturity date on April 1, 2009 pursuant to the terms of the Deed of Trust securing that certain Promissory Note dated May 30, 2007 and refer e nced therein ("Promissory Note") and the supp orting Rela t e d D ocuments as d e fined in the Deed of Trust. By reason of the(se) default(s), the current B e n eficiary has and does hereby declare all sums owing on the Promissory Note secured by the Deed of Trust immediately due and pay-

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