Bulletin Daily Paper 01/28/11

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Shifting back to skis


Après-ski bargains

After years of boarding, riders return to their roots • SPORTS, D1



Partly cloudy, mild High 56, Low 26 Page C6

• January 28, 2011 50¢

Serving Central Oregon since 1903 www.bendbulletin.com

Road map to region’s recovery Strategists present ideas at the Central Oregon Economic Forecast • BUSINESS, B1

Al-Jazeera galvanizes Arab anger By Robert F. Worth and David D. Kirkpatrick New York Times News Service


Evers family to Krastev: Why us? Why Jason?

By Andrew Pollack New York Times News Service

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced Thursday that he would authorize the unrestricted commercial cultivation of genetically modified alfalfa, setting aside a compromise that had generated stiff opposition. In making the decision, Vilsack pulled back from a novel proposal that would have restricted the growing of genetically engineered alfalfa to protect organic farmers from so-called biotech contamination. That proposal drew criticism at a recent congressional hearing and in public forums where Vilsack outlined the option. Vilsack said Thursday that his department would take other measures, like conducting research and promoting dialogue, to make sure that pure, nonengineered alfalfa seed would remain available. “We want to expand and preserve choice for farmers,” he said. “We think the decision reached today is a reflection of our commitment to choice and trust.” See Alfalfa / A5


We use recycled newsprint


Treasurer may have lost more than first thought By Erik Hidle

The protests rocking the Arab world this week have one thread uniting them: Al-Jazeera, the Qatar-based satellite channel whose aggressive coverage has helped propel insurgent emotions from one capital to the next. Al-Jazeera has been hailed for helping enable the revolt in Tunisia with its galvanizing early reports, even as Western-aligned political factions in Lebanon and the West Bank attacked and burned the channel’s offices and vans this week, accusing it of incitement against them. In many ways, it is AlJazeera’s moment — not only because of the role it has played but also because the channel has helped to shape a narrative of popular rage against oppressive U.S.-backed Arab governments (and against Israel) since its founding 15 years ago. That narrative has long been implicit in the channel’s heavy emphasis on Arab suffering and political crisis, its screaming-match talk shows, even its sensational news banners and swelling orchestral accompaniments. See Al-Jazeera / A5

Genetically modified alfalfa gets green light


The Bulletin

Jefferson County officials are looking further into the business practices of Jefferson County Treasurer Deena Goss after an e-mail from Goss hinted at potential problems with county investments she manages. The e-mail summarizes how Goss discovered investments in “144a Jefferson securities” in County the county in- Treasurer vestment port- Deena Goss folio that are not permitted, according to the county investment policy. The e-mail also says the investments might have gone over a state-mandated threshold on that type of investment. After discovering the error, Goss apparently sold the funds to come into compliance. The county is now investigating how much money was invested, in what funds it was invested and if any penalties were accrued from the selling the investments. See Jefferson / A6

Greg Wahl-Stephens / For The Bulletin

Bob Evers, left, pauses as he speaks to reporters beside his daughter, Amy Evers, outside the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse in Portland on Thursday. Bob Evers’ son, Jason, was slain in 1982 in Cincinnati, but the boy’s identity was stolen by a Bulgarian national named Doitchin Krastev, who later became an Oregon Liquor Control Commission regional manager based in Bend.

Ex-OLCC agent gets 2 years, a day, but Evers family gets few answers By Nick Budnick

midway through college simply because he loved the United States. PORTLAND — The mystery of why a BulMichael Horowitz, the former Reagan adgarian national stole a murdered child’s iden- ministration official who hosted Krastev’s tity cleared slightly on Thursday, at a hearing visit to the United States at the age of 16, said after which the real Jason Evers’ family con- he thinks Krastev’s change of identities “had fronted the fake Jason Evers — the Bulgarian very much to do with his intense desire not national named Doitchin Krastev to return to Bulgaria.” The young who became a high-ranking BendKrastev displayed a “desperation” based state liquor enforcer. and “fierceness about not going Krastev was sentenced on Thursback.” day to two years and one day in fedThe night before the hearing, the eral prison. He had pleaded guilty question “why?” was foremost on to passport fraud and identity theft. the minds of the family of Jason RobThe tone of his court appearance ert Evers, who was kidnapped and was very different from the early killed in 1982 in Cincinnati. That was ones, when he was arrested in Idaho Doitchin the main question they wanted to ask and shipped to Portland for trial. Krastev Krastev, Bob Evers, the real Jason’s Gone were the spy-movie overfather, said in a telephone interview. tones. Gone was the incendiary After the sentencing, the Everses claim that he went into hiding because he were allowed to question Krastev in a prifeared for his life. vate room in the federal courthouse. They Instead, his lawyer, Susan Russell, indicat- then spoke with reporters on the courthouse ed he went into hiding because he “became steps. Asked whether Krastev explained why overwhelmed with the details of his life.” he’d stolen the identity, Amy Evers, the murFriends and family members whose state- dered boy’s sister, said, “Not really. He was ments were presented on video, said that pretty vague ... other than he said he was Krastev, who came to the United States to very young and made bad choices. study as a teenager, likely changed identities See Evers / A6

The Bulletin

The Bulletin An Independent Newspaper

Vol. 108, No. 28, 64 pages, 7 sections

What Bend residents said about Krastev “They need to get him out of here, because he doesn’t belong here. He came here illegally.” — Spike Bement, manager at Newport Avenue Market

“We were being treated differently in Central Oregon than the OLCC treated everybody else in this state.” — Bill Smith, manager of the partnership that owns Les Schwab Amphitheater

“There’s a relief to going through a process and having a resolution.” — Jodie Barram, Bend city councilor







Crossword E5, F2







E1-6 E5 C1-6

By Martin Fackler New York Times News Service

TOKYO — Kenichi Horie was a promising auto engineer, exactly the sort of youthful talent Japan needs to maintain its edge over its Korean and Chinese rivals. As a worker in his early 30s at a major carmaker, Horie won praise for his design work on advanced biofuel systems. But like many young Japanese, he was a so-called irregular worker, kept on a temporary staff contract with little of the job security and half the salary of the “regular” employees, most of them workers in their late 40s or older. After more than a decade of trying to gain regular status, Horie finally quit — not just the temporary jobs, but Japan altogether. He moved to Taiwan two years ago to study Chinese. See Japan / A4



In Japan, youths face generational roadblocks

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NORTHEAST SNOW: New York walloped yet again, Page A3

CHALLENGER: 25 years after tragedy, pain lingers, Page A2

A2 Friday, January 28, 2011 • THE BULLETIN

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Voyager spacecraft still exploring limits of the solar system By Frank D. Roylance The Baltimore Sun

BALTIMORE — You probably have more computing power in your pocket than what NASA’s venerable Voyager spacecraft are carrying to the edge of the solar system. They have working memories a million times smaller than your home computer. They record their scientific data on 8-track tape machines. And they communicate with their aging human inventors back home with a 23-watt whisper. Even so, the twin explorers, now 33 years into their mission, continue to explore new territory as far as 11 billion miles from Earth. And they still make global news. Scientists announced last month that Voyager 1 had outrun the solar wind, the first man-made object to reach the doorstep to interstellar space. It’s amazing even to Stamatios “Tom” Krimigis, of the Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Lab near Laurel, Md. He’s one of just two principal investigators of the mission’s original 11 still on the job 40 years after Voyager was approved by NASA. “Needless to say, none of us expected it was going to be operating for so long,” said Krimigis, 72. “We were all praying to get to Neptune (in 1989). But after that? Who thought we could be with this 33 years (after launch)?” In all that time, only one instrument, on Voyager 1, has broken down. Nine others on the two craft have been powered down to save dwindling electrical power from their plutoniumpowered generators. But five experiments on each Voyager are still funded, and seven are still delivering data. Problems do crop up, but fixes can still be made with radioed instructions that take 12 hours to reach the craft. “I suspect it’s going to outlast me,” Krimigis said. The Voyager missions were conceived in the late 1960s. Astronomers realized that the outer planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune — were moving into a once-in-175-years alignment. A spacecraft from Earth would be able to fly efficiently from one to the next, using energy boosts from each planet’s gravity along the way. They dubbed it the “Outer Planets Grand Tour,” but when NASA ordered two, just in case, they became Voyager 1 and 2.

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Company sets sights on manned spaceflight

Jed Kirschbaum / Baltimore Sun

Stamatios “Tom” Krimigis, of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, stands by the Voyager spacecraft’s backup flight unit Jan. 10 in Laurel, Md.

Tools show man migrated from Africa far earlier than thought By Amina Khan

By W.J. Hennigan Los Angeles Times

NASA via The Associated Press

The Challenger crew, top row from left, Ellison Onizuka, Christa McAuliffe, Greg Jarvis and Judith Resnik; bottom row, Mike Smith, Dick Scobee and Ron McNair.

Challenger still painful 25 years after tragedy By Marcia Dunn The Associated Press

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — For many, no single word evokes as much pain. Challenger. A quarter-century later, images of the exploding space shuttle still signify all that can go wrong with technology and the sharpest minds. The accident on Jan. 28, 1986 — a scant 73 seconds into flight, nine miles above the Atlantic for all to see — remains NASA’s most visible failure. It was the world’s first high-tech catastrophe to unfold on live TV. Adding to the anguish was the young audience: Schoolchildren everywhere tuned in that morning to watch the launch of the first schoolteacher and ordinary citizen bound for space, Christa McAuliffe. She never made it. McAuliffe and six others on board perished as the cameras rolled, victims of stiff O-ring seals and feeble bureaucratic decisions. It was, as one grief and trauma expert recalls, “the beginning of the age when the whole world knew what happened as it happened.” “That was kind of our pilot study for all the rest to come, I think. It was so ghastly,” said Sally Karioth, a professor in Florida State University’s school of nursing. The crew compartment shot out of the fireball, intact, and continued upward another three miles before plummeting. The free fall lasted more than two minutes. There was no parachute to slow the descent, no escape system whatsoever; NASA had skipped all that in shuttle development. Space travel was considered so ordinary, in fact, that the Challenger seven wore little more than blue coveralls and skimpy motorcycle-type helmets for takeoff. In a horrific flash, the most diverse space crew ever — including one black,

Richard Drew / The Associated Press ile photo

A television screen shows the space shuttle Challenger after exploding during its launch from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Jan. 28, 1986. one Japanese-American and two women, one of them a Jew — was gone. The name of NASA’s second-oldest shuttle was forever locked in a where-were-you moment. “You say ‘Challenger’ and then we see that figure of smoke in the sky,” said Karioth, who teaches death and dying classes. There has been a growing list of calamities since then. Waco. Oklahoma City. Columbine. 9/11. Shuttle Columbia. Katrina. Virginia Tech. And now, Tucson. With so much carnage, another space catastrophe wouldn’t have the same impact as Challenger, Karioth noted. “We’re used to everybody dying now,” she said. The death of a young, vivacious schoolteacher, combined with NASA’s stubborn refusal to share information about the accident and the realization that America’s space program was fallible, added to the nation’s collective pain.



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Los Angeles Times

LOS ANGELES — Some unlikely tools unearthed near the Persian Gulf show that our ancestors may have migrated far out of Africa as early as 125,000 years ago — about 60,000 years earlier than was previously believed. The finding, published online Thursday in the journal Science, also provides evidence that early humans took a different route during their migration than scientists had assumed: crossing eastward, directly into southern Arabia from East Africa, rather than following the Nile northward to the northwestern edge of Arabia. It is the “first material evidence” that people ventured well out of Africa so long ago, during the Pleistocene, said study co-author Anthony Marks, a professor emeritus of anthropology with Southern Methodist University who is based in Santa Fe, N.M. Although evidence had earlier been found for humans in Israel dating to about 100,000 years ago, he added, those people did not appear to travel more than “three days’ walk” out of Africa, Marks said, and probably did not venture farther.

After becoming the first private company ever to blast a spacecraft into Earth orbit and have it return intact last month, rocket maker Space Exploration Technologies Corp. is pushing toward its next big step. The company known as SpaceX wants to be the first commercial firm to launch astronauts into outer space and has submitted a proposal to NASA. SpaceX wants in on the potentially multibillion-dollar job of ferrying astronauts to and from the International Space Station after the space shuttle is retired this year. The company is already building rockets and capsules to deliver cargo to the station. NASA’s Commercial Crew Development program hopes to award about $200 million in seed money in March to companies to develop rockets and spacecraft for the next step in manned spaceflight after the shuttle. Several aerospace companies, including Hawthorne, Calif.-based SpaceX and aerospace giant Boeing Co., have submitted proposals. SpaceX’s Dec. 8 launch of its Dragon spacecraft was a technological and financial feat the likes of which had previously been accomplished by only the wealthiest of nations. Although the Dragon was unmanned, it was designed to carry seven astronauts. On the day of the launch, SpaceX founder Elon Musk said: “If there had been people sitting in Dragon today, they would’ve had a nice ride.” But the 9,260-pound spacecraft still needs upgrades before an astronaut can strap in, Musk said last week. “Upgrading Dragon capsules to carry astronauts won’t be too difficult,” he said. “The cargo version of the Dragon spacecraft will be capable of carrying crew with only three key modifications: a launch-abort system, environmental controls and seats.”

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THE BULLETIN • Friday, January 28, 2011 A3

T S Middle East unrest spreads to Yemen


B Gates: Budget impasse threatens readiness OTTAWA — Defense Secretary Robert Gates, escalating his budget battle with Congress, has issued an unusually passionate warning that the impasse over this year’s federal spending package threatens the military’s Secretary readiness to of Defense fight. Robert Gates “I have a crisis on my doorstep,” Gates said, making the case that stopgap spending bills in place since Sept. 30 could leave the Pentagon $23 billion short of the money needed for operations, training and maintenance. “Frankly, that’s how you hollow out a military, even in wartime. This has to do with the security of the country.”

Emanuel restored on Chicago mayor ballot Rahm Emanuel can run for mayor of Chicago, after all. A unanimous Illinois Supreme Court on Thursday reversed a lower court ruling that had thrown the race into chaos four days earlier by declaring the former White House chief of staff inRahm eligible for the Emanuel Feb. 22 ballot. The lower court argued that he did not meet the requirement that candidates live in the city for the full year before an election — a ruling that stunned the city’s political establishment and even drew a rebuke from President Barack Obama, Emanuel’s former boss.

Jay Carney will be new Obama press secretary WASHINGTON — Jay Carney, currently the spokesman for Vice President Joe Biden, will replace Robert Gibbs as President Barack Obama’s press secretary, the White House announced Thursday. A former journalist who spent 20 years Jay Carney at Time magazine, Carney, 45, joined the Obama administration two years ago as communications director for the vice president. His elevation is part of a White House overhaul that has seen several other West Wing staffers promoted, as well as the departures of key aides David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel.

Color-coded terror alert system scrapped WASHINGTON — The Obama administration announced Thursday that it will scrap the color-coded terror threat alert system that was put in place after Sept. 11, 2001, and that became a symbol of the nation’s anxiety after the attacks. In its place, the White House plans to introduce a new twotiered warning system aimed at providing more specific information about emerging threats and appropriate ways to respond.

By Jeffrey Fleishman and Alexandra Sandels Los Angeles Times

Richard Drew / The Associated Press

Three men attempt to free a van from the snow on New York’s Upper West Side on Thursday.

Another snowstorm wallops Northeast By Deepti Hajela The Associated Press

NEW YORK — A long-predicted storm caught much of the East Coast off guard with its unexpected ferocity, tearing through with lightning, thunder and mounds of wet snow, leaving nearly 300,000 customers around the nation’s capital without power, and forcing people to shovel out their cars and doorsteps all over again. The forecast had called for up to a foot of snow in parts of the region, but the storm brought far more in spots. New York got 19 inches, Philadelphia 17. Public schools closed for a second day

Thursday, including the nation’s largest system in New York City, and motorists were warned to stay off slick roads. Snow totals in the Washington area ranged from about 3 inches to nearly 7. “What a mess,” said Andy Kolstad, a 65-year-old federal statistician from Silver Spring, Md., who had to walk half an hour uphill to catch a bus after his regular shuttle bus was canceled. “There was no point in staying home because I couldn’t have breakfast in the dark,” he said. Tens of thousands of residents in other parts of the region also lost power, which was being quickly restored Thursday. The Northeast has already

been pummeled by winter not even halfway into the season. The airport serving Hartford, Conn., got a foot of snow, bringing the total for the month so far to 54.9 inches and breaking the all-time monthly record of 45.3 inches, set in December 1945. Nineteen inches of snow fell on New York City atop the 36 inches it had already seen so far this winter; the city typically sees just 21 inches for the whole season. Mayor Michael Bloomberg said it was the snowiest January since the city started keeping records, besting 27.4 inches set in 1925. The accumulation was about twice the amount that had been predicted, he said.

Mandela’s hospitalization generates rumors By Robyn Dixon Los Angeles Times

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — For the second time in a few weeks, rumors swept South Africa on Thursday that Nelson Mandela, the country’s beloved former president, had died. Mandela, 92, was hospitalized Wednesday for what were described as routine tests, and he remained in hospital Thursday. There was no official announcement on the reasons for the longer stay. Reuters news agency reported that he was recovering from a collapsed lung and might be discharged today.

Mandela, South Africa’s first granddaughter, Zenani, who was democratically elected president killed in a car accident on the who was imprisoned for way home from a World 27 years because of his Cup concert. struggle against apartIn 2008, he endorsed heid, is regarded as one Jacob Zuma as Afriof the world’s most incan National Congress spiring liberation leadleader at the earthy ers. He was president populist’s last rally by from 1994 to 1999. circling a football stadiIn recent years, um in a golf cart amid a the increasingly frail Former South crush of euphoric ANC Mandela has largely African Presisupporters. withdrawn from sight. dent Nelson In the last year, South However, he appeared Mandela Africa has endured sevin a golf cart at the final eral episodes of rumors match of soccer’s World of Mandela’s death on Cup in Johannesburg in July. A social networking sites, includmonth earlier, a somber Mandela ing a flurry of reports on Twitter attended the funeral of his great- mid-January.

New York Times News Service

MOSCOW — Russian authorities are confident that the organizers of Monday’s suicide bombing at Domodedovo airport came from the North Caucasus, and they have identified a so-called Russian Wahhabi — a convert to Islam who has joined a jihadi militant cell — as the possible bomber, Russian news services reported on Thursday. Authorities have compiled a list of up to 10 suspects, a police official told the news agency RIA-Novosti on condition of anonymity.

Cables show how U.S. changed tack on Egypt By Mark Landler and Andrew W. Lehren New York Times News Service

WASHINGTON — It was Hillary Rodham Clinton’s first meeting as secretary of state with President Hosni Mubarak, in March 2009, and the Egyptians had an odd request: Clinton should not thank Mubarak for releasing an opposition leader from prison because he was ill. In fact, a confidential diplomatic cable signed by the U.S. ambassador to Egypt, Margaret Scobey, advised Clinton to avoid even mentioning the name of the man, Ayman Nour, even though his imprisonment in 2005 had been condemned worldwide, not least by the Bush administration. The cable is among a trove of dispatches made public by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks that paint a vivid picture of the delicate dealings between the United States and Egypt, its staunchest Arab ally. They show in detail how diplomats repeatedly raised concerns with Egyptian offi-

cials about jailed dissidents and bloggers, and kept tabs on reports of torture by the police. But they also reveal that relations with Mubarak warmed up because President Barack Obama played down the public “name and shame” approach of the Bush administration. A cable prepared for a visit by Gen. David Petraeus in 2009 said the United States, while blunt in private, now avoided “the public confrontations that had become routine over the past several years.” This balancing of private pressure with strong public support for Mubarak has become increasingly tenuous in recent days. Throngs of Egyptians have taken to the streets and the White House, worried about being identified with a reviled regime, has challenged the president publicly. On Thursday, Obama praised Mubarak as a partner but said he needed to undertake political and economic reforms. In an interview posted on YouTube, Obama said neither the police nor the protesters should resort to violence.

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Only some men should take drug to prevent AIDS By Erin Allday San Francisco Chronicle

The drug Truvada might be an effective way to prevent HIV infections, but it should only be given to men who are at high risk for becoming infected and under careful watch by their doctors, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in new guidelines released Thursday. The CDC’s announcement came two months after an

international study, led by UCSF researchers, showed that men who took Truvada daily had 78 percent fewer cases of HIV infection than men who took a placebo. Truvada is an anti-retroviral medication that is typically used to treat people who are HIV positive. The study results initially prompted the CDC to caution men against using the drug for prevention. The new guidelines aren’t a reversal of policy, but an acknowledgement that wide-

spread interest in using the drug for prevention exists and doctors need guidance in how best to prescribe it, CDC officials said. Truvada should not be freely prescribed to anyone who asks for it, according to the guidelines. The drug hasn’t been proven effective in preventing HIV infections in women. Men who take the drug should continue using condoms and should be closely monitored by a doctor for possible side effects and to make sure they haven’t contracted HIV.

Russian officials focus on North Caucasus for Moscow airport bombers By Ellen Barry

CAIRO — The current unrest in the Middle East spread to impoverished Yemen on Thursday as tens of thousands of protestors angry over unemployment and political oppression marched through the capital against President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Instability in Yemen is a major concern for Washington, which has been working with Saleh’s government to defeat an entrenched al-Qaida network that claimed responsibility for last year’s attempted bombings of planes over U.S. airspace. Officials fear anarchy in the country would give militants a strategic base in the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa. Saleh, who has ruled Yemen for 32 years, has been unable to stem unemployment and improve education, health care and sanitation in the region’s poorest nation.

Anger toward him and his government has been steadily growing, especially among young activists and tribal leaders. He has also faced an intensifying secessionist movement in the south. The U.S. has expanded its intelligence and security roles in the country, and American military aid is expected to reach at least $250 million this year, a dramatic increase from previous years. But Washington has long been wary of Saleh, who runs a government based on patronage networks and has a history making questionable deals with enemies, including Islamic militants, who years ago were tolerated. “I saw many, many people today, in the thousands,” said Ahmed Arman, a human rights lawyer in the capital, Sana. “There were four demonstrations and they were organized by the opposition. The majority of the demonstrators were young people but there were others there as well. They’re calling for political change — a complete reform of the political system.”

Russia gives final approval to arms treaty MOSCOW — The upper chamber of the Russian Parliament gave final approval to the New START nuclear arms control treaty Wednesday, a key foreign policy goal of the Obama administration. “The arms race is a thing of the past,” the chairman of the Only one name has been leaked — that of Vitaly Razdobudko, a man in his early 30s. But though

international affairs committee in the Russian senate, Mikhail Margelov, told Radio Russia on Monday. “The disarmament race is taking its place.” The treaty sets new limits for strategic nuclear warheads and delivery systems. — New York Times News Service

Razdobudko’s photograph was broadcast on all of Russia’s nightly news programs, no official would

confirm that he was a suspect. Scant and contradictory information has emerged about the identity of the bomber, who set off powerful explosives in a crowd of people waiting to greet international passengers. The authorities have identified 35 people killed by the blast, saying Wednesday that only the suicide bomber remained unidentified. After signing a bill to create a federal transport security agency, President Dmitry Medvedev made a televised visit on Thursday to a subway station, where he was shown testing security equipment.


A4 Friday, January 28, 2011 • THE BULLETIN

Report: U.S. Muslim population to double in 20 years Rabbis want By Raja Abdulrahim Los Angeles Times

LOS ANGELES — The Muslim population in the United States is projected to more than double over the next 20 years from 2.6 million to 6.2 million, according to a report by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life. The estimated increase is based on expectations of continued immigration and high fertility rates, the researchers said. The report predicted that Muslims would go

from 0.8 percent of the U.S. population to 1.7 percent. The report, released Thursday, puts the world’s Muslim population in 2030 at 2.2 billion, about a 35 percent increase. The report predicts Muslims will make up more than a quarter of the world’s population, slightly higher than the current percentage. The Pew researchers noted the projected trend represented both a “growing and slowing.” The Muslim population growth in the following 20 years will occur

more slowly than before, mostly because of declining fertility rates as more women obtain secondary education and as living standards rise and more countries urbanize. In the U.S., the population increase will be coupled with a change in the makeup of the community, both in age and national origin. Children constitute a relatively small portion of Muslims here, with just 13.1 percent under the age of 15; most Muslims in the U.S. are newer immigrants who

arrived as adults, according to the report. But as these immigrants and second-generation American Muslims start families, the number of children is projected to more than triple to 1.8 million. The increase in younger Muslims will gradually change the American-Muslim community from a majority of first-generation immigrants to a more equal balance with second- and thirdgeneration Americans. Immigrants now make up two-thirds of the community, but in 20 years,

Japan Continued from A1 “Japanese companies are wasting the young generations to protect older workers,” said Horie, now 36. “In Japan, they closed the doors on me. In Taiwan, they tell me I have a perfect resume.” As this fading economic superpower rapidly grays, it desperately needs to increase productivity and unleash the entrepreneurial energies of its shrinking number of younger people. But Japan seems to be doing just the opposite. This has contributed to weak growth and mounting pension obligations, major reasons that Standard & Poor’s downgraded Japan’s sovereign debt rating Thursday. “There is a feeling among young generations that no matter how hard we try, we can’t get ahead,” said Shigeyuki Jo, 36, co-author of “The Truth of Generational Inequalities.” “Every avenue seems to be blocked, like we’re butting our heads against a wall.” An aging population is clogging the nation’s economy with the vested interests of older generations, young people and social experts warn, making an already hierarchical society even more rigid and conservative. The result is that Japan is holding back and marginalizing its youth at a time when it actually needs them to help create the new products, companies and industries that a mature economy requires to grow.

Young hit the hardest Employment figures underscore the second-class status of many younger Japanese. While Japan’s decades of stagnation have increased the number of irregular jobs across all age groups, the young have been hit the hardest. Last year, 45 percent of those ages 15 to 24 in the work force held irregular jobs, up from 17.2 percent in 1988 and as much as twice the rate among workers in older age groups, who cling tenaciously to the old ways. Japan’s media are now filled with grim accounts of how university seniors face a second “ice age” in the job market, with just 56.7 percent receiving job offers before graduation as of December — an all-time low. “Japan has the worst genera-

Ko Sasaki / New York Times News Service

Kyoko, a 2004 graduate who has held six low-paying jobs since, stands in Tokyo on Jan. 15. Japan’s economy is clogged with aging vested interests, frustrating the young people needed to create new products and industries. tional inequality in the world,” said Manabu Shimasawa, a professor of social policy at Akita University who has written extensively on such inequalities. “Japan has lost its vitality because the older generations don’t step aside, allowing the young generations a chance to take new challenges and grow.” While many nations have aging populations, Japan’s demographic crisis is truly dire, with forecasts showing that 40 percent of the population will be 65 and over by 2055. Some of the consequences have been long foreseen. But a less anticipated outcome has been the appearance of generational inequalities. These disparities manifest themselves in many ways. As Horie discovered, there are corporations that hire all too many young people for low-paying, dead-end jobs — in effect, forcing them to shoulder the costs of preserving cushier jobs for older employees. Others point to an underfinanced pension system so skewed in favor of older Japanese that many younger workers simply refuse to pay; a “silver democracy” that spends far more on the elderly than on education and child care; and outdated hiring practices that have created a new “lost generation” of disenfranchised youth.

Many social experts say a grim economy has added to the pressures to conform to Japan’s outdated, one-size-fits-all employment system. An online survey by students at Meiji University of people across Japan ages 18 to 22 found that two-thirds felt that youths did not take risks or new challenges, and that they instead had become a generation of “introverts” who were content or at least resigned to living a life without ambition. “There is a mismatch between the old system and the young generations,” said Yuki Honda, a professor of education at the University of Tokyo. “Many young Japanese don’t want the same work-dominated lifestyles of their parents’ generation, but they have no choices.”

Older entrepreneurs Perhaps nowhere are the roadblocks to youthful enterprise so evident, and the consequences to the Japanese economy so dire, as in the failure of entrepreneurship. The nation had just 19 initial public offerings in 2009, according to Tokyo-based Next Co., compared with 66 in the United States. More telling is that even Japan’s entrepreneurs are pre-

dominantly from older generations: According to the Trade Ministry, just 9.1 percent of Japanese entrepreneurs in 2002 were in their 20s, compared with 25 percent in the United States. “Japan has become a zero-sum game,” said Yuichiro Itakura, a failed Internet entrepreneur who wrote a book about his experience. “Established interests are afraid a young newcomer will steal what they have, so they won’t do business with him.” Many Japanese economists and policy makers have long talked of fostering entrepreneurship as the best remedy for Japan’s economic ills. And it is an idea that has a historical precedent here: As the nation rose from the ashes of World War II, young Japanese entrepreneurs produced a host of daring start-ups that overturned entire global industries. But many here say that Japan’s economy has ossified since its glory days, and that the nation now produces few if any such innovative companies. To understand why, many here point to the fate of one of the nation’s best known Internet tycoons, Takafumi Horie. When he burst onto the national scene early in the last decade, Horie was the most unJapanese of business figures:

that percentage is expected to go down to a little more than half. “That changes the character from being a new immigrant minority to where the parents are here, and the children are here, and now maybe the grandchildren are here,” said Brian Grim, a Pew senior researcher. Pew’s current population estimate for American Muslims is far lower than the estimate of about 7 million used by the Council on American-Islamic Relations and some others.

an impish young man in his early 30s who wore T-shirts into boardrooms, brazenly flouted the rules by starting hostile takeovers and captured an era when a rejuvenated Japanese economy seemed to finally be rebounding. He was arrested five years ago and accused of securities fraud in what seemed a classic case of comeuppance, with the media demonizing him as a symbol of an unsavory, freewheeling U.S.style capitalism. He remains for many a popular, if almost subversive figure in Japan, where he is once again making waves by unrepentantly battling the charges in court, instead of meekly accepting the judgment. He now has more than a half-million followers on Twitter, more than the prime minister, and publicly urges people to challenge the system. “Horie has been the closest thing we had to a role model,” said Noritoshi Furuichi, a 25year-old graduate student at the University of Tokyo who wrote a book about how young Japanese were able to remain happy while losing hope. “He represents a struggle between old Japan and new Japan.” Furuichi and many other young Japanese say young people here do not react with anger or protest, instead blaming themselves and dropping out, or with an almost cheerful resignation, trying to find contentment with horizons that are far more limited than their parents’. In such an atmosphere, young politicians say it is hard to mobilize their generation to get interested in politics, which puts them at a further disadvantage in the rivalry. Social experts say the need to cut soaring budget deficits means that younger Japanese will never receive the level of benefits enjoyed by retirees today. Calculations show that a child born today can expect to receive up to $1.2 million less in pensions, health care and other government spending over the course of his life than someone retired today; in the national pension system alone, this gap reaches into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The result is that young Japanese are fleeing the program in droves: Half of workers below the age of 35 now fail to make their legally mandated payments, even though that means they must face the future with no pension at all.

Glenn Beck, Fox to stop the Nazi talk By Paul Farhi The Washington Post

A coalition of rabbis wants Fox News chief Roger Ailes and conservative host Glenn Beck to cut out all their talk about Nazis and the Holocaust, and it’s making its views known in an unusual place. The rabbis have called on Fox News’s owner, Rupert Murdoch, to sanction his two famous employees via a full-page ad in Thursday’s editions of the Wall Street Journal — one of many other media properties controlled by Murdoch’s News Corp. The ad is signed by the heads of the Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist movements as well as Orthodox rabbis. “We share a belief that the Holocaust, of course, can and should be discussed appropriately in the media. But that is not what we have seen at Fox News,” says the ad, signed by hundreds of rabbis and placed by the Jewish Funds for Justice, a nonprofit advocacy group. Earlier this month, the group organized a letter-writing campaign asking Murdoch to remove Beck from the air. The rabbis were prompted by Beck’s three-part program in November about liberal billionaire philanthropist George Soros, whom Beck described as a “Jewish boy helping send the Jews to the death camps” during World War II. Soros was a young teenager in Nazi-occupied Hungary during the war and hid with a Christian family to escape the Holocaust. He once described accompanying his surrogate father while he confiscated property from Jews deported by the Nazis. The Jewish Funds group has received financial support from Soros’s Open Society Foundations. Ailes, in a November interview with the Daily Beast Web site, called NPR executives “Nazis” for their decision to fire Juan Williams, also a Fox commentator. He later apologized to the AntiDefamation League, but not to NPR, saying, “I was of course ad-libbing and should not have chosen that word, but I was angry at the time because of NPR’s willingness to censor Juan Williams for not being liberal enough.” But Ailes, in the same interview, defended Beck’s frequent use of Nazi references to describe his political opponents by attributing outrage over such remarks to “leftwing rabbis who basically don’t think that anybody can ever use the word ‘Holocaust’ on the air.”

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Hani Mohammed / The Associated Press

Yemeni demonstrators chant slogans during a rally calling for an end to the government of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, in Sanaa, Yemen, on Thursday.

Al-Jazeera Continued from A1 “The notion that there is a common struggle across the Arab world is something Al-Jazeera helped create,” said Marc Lynch, a professor of Middle East Studies at George Washington University who has written extensively on the Arab media. “They did not cause these events, but it’s almost impossible to imagine all this happening without Al-Jazeera.” Yet Al-Jazeera’s opaque loyalties and motives are as closely scrutinized as its reporting. It is accused of tailoring its coverage to support Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza against their Lebanese and Palestinian rivals. Its reporter in Tunisia became a leading partisan in the uprising there. And critics speculate that the network bowed to the diplomatic interests of the Qatari emir, its patron, by initially playing down the protests in Egypt. Not since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, when U.S. officials accused it of sympathy for Saddam Hussein and the insurgency that arose after his downfall, has AlJazeera been such a lightning rod. This time, its antagonists as well as its supporters are spread all over the Arab world.

Leaked documents This week, Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, accused Al-Jazeera of distorting his positions, inciting violence and trying to destroy him politically. The station had broadcast a special report based on leaked documents that appeared to show Abbas and his allies offering Israel far-reaching concessions on Jerusalem and the fate of Palestinian refugees. The reporting set off angry demonstrations against the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, and in response, Abbas loyalists attacked Al-Jazeera’s office in Ramallah. In Lebanon, Sunni supporters of the ousted prime minister, Saad Hariri, set fire to an Al-

Alfalfa Continued from A1 Vilsack in recent months has been calling for coexistence among growers of genetically engineered crops, organic farmers and nonorganic farmers growing crops that have not been genetically altered. Organic farmers can lose sales if genetic engineering is detected in their crops, which occurs through cross-pollination from a nearby field or through intermingling of seeds. And exports of nonorganic but nonengineered crops to certain countries can be jeopardized if genetically engineered material is detected in significant amounts.

Crop contains gene resistant to herbicide The genetically modified crop — developed by Monsanto and Forage Genetics, an alfalfa seed company owned by the Land O’Lakes farming and dairy cooperative — contains a gene that makes the plant resistant to the herbicide Roundup. That allows farmers to spray the chemical to kill weeds without hurting the crop. Alfalfa is grown mostly to make hay fed to dairy cows and horses. More than 20 million acres are grown in the United States; it is the nation’s fourthlargest crop by acreage, behind corn, soybeans and wheat. In deciding whether to approve the genetically engineered alfalfa, the Agriculture Department was considering restricting areas where the crop could be planted. That, Vilsack argued,

Jazeera van and menaced a crew in the northern city of Tripoli, accusing the channel of sympathizing with their Shiite opponents. There is little doubt that AlJazeera takes sides in the Palestinian dispute, portraying Hamas more favorably than its rivals — and it is more open about Arab anger at Israel than some other outlets. Even the station’s fans concede that it has blind spots and political vulnerabilities. On Tuesday afternoon, as the street protests in Egypt were heating up, Al-Jazeera was uncharacteristically slow to report them, airing a culture documentary, a sports show and more of its “Palestine Papers” coverage of the leaked documents. Many Egyptians felt betrayed, and Facebook and Twitter were full of rumors about a deal between Qatar — the Persian Gulf emirate whose emir, Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, founded Al-Jazeera in 1996 — and President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, who visited the emir in Doha last month. Within a day, Al-Jazeera was reporting from the streets in Cairo in its usual manic style.

Aggressive coverage For all its flaws, Al-Jazeera still operates with less constraint than almost any other Arab outlet and remains the most popular channel in the region. To many Arabs, Al-Jazeera’s recent expose on the Palestinian Authority documents — sometimes called “Pali-leaks” — is of a piece with its reporting on protests against autocratic Arab regimes. The Palestinian Authority is widely seen as a pawn of Israel and the West, an institution with little popular support that is kept alive by force, much like those Arab dictators. If Al-Jazeera is often accused of institutional sympathy for Islamists, that is at least in part because Islamism has become the most powerful popular force in the region (although not, curiously enough, in the recent protests). And Al-Jazeera has been widely admired for its aggres-

would help prevent litigation, like the lawsuits that have already delayed the approval of genetically altered alfalfa and sugar beets. “The rapid adoption of GE crops has clashed with the rapid expansion of demand for organic and other non-GE products,” Vilsack wrote in a letter issued by his department in December. “This clash led to litigation and uncertainty. Such litigation will potentially lead to the courts’ deciding who gets to farm their way and who will be prevented from doing so.” But the proposal ran into considerable opposition in Congress and from farm groups and biotechnology companies. They argued that since the department’s environmental impact statement had concluded that growing the alfalfa would be safe, the government was obligated to allow it to be grown without restrictions.

Many not pleased Organic farmers and food companies said they were not pleased with the decision Thursday. “It was disappointing, but as you know, there is a tremendous amount of pressure here,” said George Siemon, chief executive of Organic Valley, the nation’s largest organic dairy cooperative. He said federal oversight was needed to keep organic crops free of genetically engineered material. Critics of planting restrictions said they were concerned the approach used in alfalfa would eventually be extended to other crops, causing restrictions on the growing of corn, soybeans and cotton, the vast majority of

sive coverage of the Tunisian uprising, which was largely ignored in most Western outlets. The channel succeeded despite serious obstacles: The Tunisian government had barred its reporters from the country, and a Tunisian-born anchor, Mohammed Krichen, arranged for an old friend, Lotfi Hajji, to work under cover as Al-Jazeera’s eyes and ears on the ground. Hajji, a freelance journalist who also calls himself a human rights activist, was followed and harassed by the secret police almost constantly. After the uprising started, local contacts began sending Hajji amateur videos of police violence over Facebook. Al-Jazeera began showing the grainy cell phone videos on its broadcasts, as part of what the station sympathetically labeled “the Sidi Bouzid Uprising” after the town where a young man started it all by setting himself on fire Dec. 17. Each time Al-Jazeera broadcast the videos, more would flood into Hajji’s Facebook account, in a cycle that blew the seeds of revolt across the country. “During the era of Ben Ali a lot of journalists wouldn’t dare broadcast these images — like a video of a policeman beating a common citizen, because the police might come for them,” Hajji said, speaking of Tunisia’s ousted president, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. “But being a human rights activist pushed me to show what was really happening.” Since the fall of Ben Ali, AlJazeera’s reporters and producers have spoken with pride of their role in the events. They also recognize that their reputation as a catalyst carries risks. “I think we should be careful — I mean we shouldn’t think that our role is to release the Arab people from oppression,” said Krichen, the anchor. “But I think we should also be careful not to avoid any popular movement. We should have our eyes open to capture any event that could be the start of the end of any dictator in the Arab world.”

which are already genetically engineered. “It’s like a Pandora’s box,” said Keith Menchey, manager of science and environmental issues for the National Cotton Council of America. Critics also said the growing of alfalfa based on pollen drift concerns would undermine Washington’s efforts to persuade other countries to accept genetically modified crops. The Agriculture Department first approved the commercial planting of the genetically engineered alfalfa in 2005. But some environmental groups and alfalfa seed producers sued. In 2007, a federal judge rescinded the approval, saying the department had not adequately assessed the environmental impacts of the biotech crop, including the possible effect on organic and conventional farmers. The judge ordered the department to do a full environmental impact statement and banned further planting of the engineered seeds. The Supreme Court in 2010 overturned the ban on planting but did not reinstate the approval of the crop, so no new seeds could be planted. Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of the Center for Food Safety, the advocacy group that organized the lawsuit against the Agriculture Department, said his group would soon ask the judge in the case to rule that the environmental impact statement was still inadequate. “It’s clear that Vilsack caved to pressure from the biotech industry and Monsanto,” he said. “We’ll be back in court seeking to vacate this approval, as we have done in the past.”

THE BULLETIN • Friday, January 28, 2011 A5


Erik Hidle can be reached at 541-617-7837 or at ehidle@bendbulletin.com.


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Goss has twice been elected to the position of treasurer, defeating Carol Funk in the 2004 election and running unopposed in 2008. Goss was originally appointed treasurer in August 2003 after her predecessor, Bonnie Namenuk, retired. She had been working as Namenuk’s deputy in the office since 1999 and worked as a county recorder before the move to the Treasurer’s Office. During her election campaign in 2004, Goss said she received training and is certified by the Oregon Association of County Treasurers and Financial Officers, the Oregon Association of Tax Collectors, and the Oregon Association of Municipal Financial Officers and has taken financing classes at Central Oregon Community College. Goss served as president of the Oregon Association of County Treasurers and Finance Officers in 2009. Steele was president in 2008.


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Appointed in 2003

Before serving the county, Goss worked at U.S. Bank for five years, as a teller and as a customer service representative. James Sinks, a spokesman for the Oregon State Treasurer, said the 35 percent restriction on investments in corporate indebtedness is likely in place to protect public money. “One of the obligations of the state treasury is to keep public funds safe,” Sinks said. “I’m sure it was written with that in mind.” Rasmussen said he has checked with the Oregon State Treasury to see if any disclosure must be done if the 35 percent threshold on investment in debt was violated. “There is no statutory requirement,” Rasmussen said, “but if this did happen, then a special note will probably be made to our independent audit firm on the possible violation. Still, the key word here is ‘possible.’ ” Rasmussen said the county is also looking into the possibility that Goss’ personal bankruptcy, filed in December, will affect the price of a surety bond the county is required to pay for to insure against potential legal malfeasance by an elected official. Last August, an inmate trust account administered by Goss was found to be missing a sum of $7,993 over the course of three years. The Department of Justice found there was not enough evidence to charge Goss with a crime. Ahern said he didn’t expect that money to be accounted for because the records at the Treasurer’s Office appear to be incomplete. On Wednesday, the commissioners hired Karen Vigil to the position of deputy treasurer. “We did hire the deputy position to offer assistance to the county office of treasurer,” Ahern said. “We have made the decision to put her in while (Goss) is gone to keep the office open, and we have decided that, if (Vigil) and (Goss) are willing, to keep (Vigil) on to assist in the office.”



information, it could be argued that your policy does not allow the purchase of corporate bonds.” Steele also refers to an Oregon statute that limits the amount of corporate debt a county can invest in to 35 percent of its total portfolio and says “it appeared that your portfolio contained more than that limit.” Oregon Revised Statute 294.035 states: “A custodial officer may not permit more than 35 percent of the moneys of a local government that are available for investment, as determined on the settlement date, to be invested in corporate indebtedness. ...” It’s not clear from the letter when the investments were purchased or sold. The letter ends with Steele praising Goss for her decision to sell the corporate bonds and bring the portfolio into compliance. Steele confirmed on Thursday she did write the letter to Goss and that the two had spoken on the matter. Goss said on Thursday she did not wish to comment.

Nick Budnick can be reached at 503-566-2839 or at nbudnick@bendbulletin.com.



Continued from A1 “We need to look hard at our investment portfolio and make sure it’s invested correctly,” Jefferson County Commission Chair Mike Ahern said. “We need to go back a while and make sure it meets both state and county policy. We also need to find out if we broke a contract (by Goss selling off the investments) and what the penalty will be if we did.” The type of securities referred to are apparently a reference to Rule 144A of the Securities and Exchange Commission. That rule covers investments that may include corporate debt and corporate bonds. Jefferson County Administrative Officer Jeff Rasmussen said the county investment policy does not allow for investment in corporate debt. “This is a serious issue the county is looking into, but we are waiting for (Goss) to return from medical leave to speak with her,” Rasmussen said. “On Wednesday (at the Board of County Commissioners meeting), county staff will have some discussion with the commissioners on the possibility of having an outside firm look further into the investments that have been made in the past three years to see how they’ve met the county’s policy on how to invest funds.” Goss has been out of the office on sick leave since mid-January. Goss sent the e-mail to Ahern on Jan. 14. An attachment in the e-mail included a letter to Goss from Marion County Treasurer Laurie Steele. It stated the two treasurers had discussed a 144A security investment in the Jefferson County portfolio — which Steele refers to as “corporate bonds” — and Steele wrote Jefferson County policy “does not specifically list corporate bonds as a permissible investment.” The letter from Steele continues: “Although these securities are allowed by statute, your policy does not state a concentration limit, and because of that lack of

before federal agents arrested him last year on suspicion of stealing the identity of a murdered boy. The video presentation compiled by his defense attorney featured glowing testimonials and recollections by family members as well as friends from Bulgaria, and Denver — where he went by the name Danny Kaiser — as well as Bend, where he went by Evers. They spoke uniformly of his compassion, intelligence and sensitivity. His defense lawyer, Susan Russell, said Krastev never intended to hurt anyone, and called the sentence “more than adequate for the conduct at issue in this case.” The sentence includes time served since being jailed in Idaho last April 27. That means he should be released in the spring of next year, after which he likely will be deported. Under his assumed name, Krastev had been prominent in Bend as a controversial liquor enforcer, so his trial has been closely watched in Central Oregon’s club and entertainment scene.




— Bob Evers, on Doitchin Krastev’s in-person statements



Continued from A1 “I tried to get him to say something, but no,” she added. What little Krastev said was a “completely different story” from what he initially told the federal officials who were holding him as John Doe before the federal Diplomatic Security Service determined his true identity, Amy Evers said. Last May, the public’s curiosity was piqued — and national media attention followed — after a federal magistrate judge said in court that the man then known only as “John Doe” had maintained that “there are safety concerns that he has that cause him to not reveal his true identity.” In August, Krastev echoed this message in a letter from jail to his ex-fiancee’s family, saying, “I was faced with a life or death situation and I made a choice which has obviously stayed with me all these years and which I had to guard with secrecy at all costs.” On Thursday, Bob Evers said he didn’t know what to think. “He’s been lying for 15 years,” he said of Krastev’s in-person statements. “Why can’t this be a lie?” Thursday’s court hearing played like an episode of the old biographical TV show, “This Is Your Life.” Only it featured the multiple lives lived by Krastev

Spike Bement, a manager at Newport Avenue Market, which ran afoul of Krastev’s liquor enforcement efforts, said that he felt it was an appropriate outcome. “They need to get him out of here, because he doesn’t belong here,” he said. “He came here illegally.” Bill Smith, manager of the partnership that owns Les Schwab amphitheater, agreed that the sentence seemed just. He said he was gratified that Krastev was no longer the Oregon Liquor Control Commission’s regional manager. “We were being treated differently in Central Oregon than the OLCC treated everybody else in this state,” he said. Jodie Barram, a Bend city councilor who spearheaded the local backlash to Krastev’s controversial tenure for the state, said that whether the sentence was appropriate was a “tough question. I know a lot of people would say, ‘No, not at all.’ And yet, at the same time, there’s a relief to going through a process and having a resolution.” Though Krastev never acted on his stated plans to be married in jail, where he was housed before trial, his lawyer indicated that he still plans to marry his fiancee, a Bend-area woman who attended the hearing.



“He’s been lying for 15 years. Why can’t this be a lie?”



Greg Wahl-Stephens / For The Bulletin

Amy Evers, left, and Bob Evers exit the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse in Portland after Doitchin Krastev’s sentencing on Thursday.




A6 Friday, January 28, 2011 • THE BULLETIN



A big IPO LinkedIn plans to make its stock market debut, see Page B4.





2,755.28 NASDAQ CLOSE CHANGE +15.78 +.58%

STOC K S R E P O R T For a complete listing of stocks, including mutual funds, see Pages B2-3



11,989.83 DOW JONES CLOSE CHANGE +4.39 +.04%

The interest rate on a 30year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 4.8 percent, with an average 0.7 point, for the week ending Thursday, up from last week, when it averaged 4.74 percent, according to Freddie Mac’s weekly survey. Last year at this time, the 30-year rate averaged 4.98 percent. The 15-year fixed-rate mortgage this week averaged 4.09 percent, with an average 0.7 point, up from last week, when it averaged 4.05 percent. A year ago at this time, the 15-year rate averaged 4.39 percent. “Mortgage rates followed bond yields a little higher this week amid positive data reports from The Conference Board that suggest the economy is strengthening,” Frank Nothaft, vice president and chief economist at Freddie Mac, said in a news release.

Oregon files suits against Countrywide

1,299.54 S&P 500 CLOSE CHANGE +2.91 +.22%



Ten-year CLOSE 3.38 treasury CHANGE -1.17%

bankruptcy, he recalled, was “sort of like saying, ‘Well, four out of your five heart ventricles are fine, and the fifth one is lousy.’ ” (The human heart actually has two.) Bernanke’s remarks, from a November 2009 interview with government investigators, were among the fresh details in the blow-by-blow chronicle of regulatory negligence and Wall Street recklessness released Thursday by a federal commission. The report by the Financial Crisis Inqui-

By Sewell Chan WASHINGTON — Behind closed doors, Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, called it “the worst financial crisis in global history, including the Great Depression.” He said that 12 of the country’s 13 most important financial institutions, including Goldman Sachs, had been on the verge of collapse “within a week or two.” (The apparent exception: JPMorgan Chase.) Imagining the impact of a Citigroup


‘We are all going to have to work harder’ Delore Zimmerman, a principal with Grand Forks, N.D.based Praxis Strategy Group, gives a presentation at the Central Oregon Economic Forecast meeting at The Riverhouse Convention Center in Bend on Thursday. Zimmerman produced a 10-part strategy for Central Oregon after spending seven months researching the area.

Sony to release new gaming device

Central Oregon fuel prices Prices from the AAA Fuel Price Finder at www .aaaorid.com. Price per gallon for regular unleaded gasoline and diesel, as posted online Thursday.

GASOLINE Station, address Per gallon • Space Age, 20635 Grandview Drive, Bend. . . $3.16 • Plumfierce, 614 S.W. Fifth St., Redmond . . . . . . . . . . .$3.20 • Texaco, 2409 Butler Market Road, Bend. . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.26 • Chevron, 1745 N.E. Third St., Bend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.26 • Chevron, 61160 U.S. Highway 97, Bend . . . . . . .$3.26 • Chevron, 398 N.W. Third St., Prineville. . . . . . . . . . . .$3.26 • Chevron, 2005 U.S. Highway 97, Redmond . . .$3.26 • Chevron, 1001 Railway, Sisters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.26

DIESEL • Gordy’s Truck Stop, 17045 Whitney Road, La Pine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.26 • Chevron, 1001 Railway, Sisters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.56 Marla Polenz / The Bulletin

$1318.40 GOLD CLOSE CHANGE -$14.60

ry Commission draws on more than 700 interviews, millions of e-mail exchanges and other records that have not previously been disclosed. While the official 633-page document comes after the Dodd-Frank law tightened up financial regulation, its findings are certain to be pored over for years — and not just by historians. On Wall Street, analysts were already scouring 1,200 supporting documents the panel released on its website. See Report / B4

SALEM — The Oregon attorney general and the state treasurer have filed a pair of securities lawsuits against Countrywide Financial Corp. alleging the state pension and worker compensation funds suffered $14 million in damages resulting from investments in Countrywide. The Statesman Journal reports the complaints filed Wednesday in Multnomah County Circuit Court in Portland accuse Countrywide of making false statements that inflated the prices of Countrywide’s stock and bonds.

TOKYO — Sony will start selling a new hand-held game device by the end of the year and will offer its PlayStation games on a range of portable devices, including smart phones, the company said Thursday. Sony’s new device, code-named NGP for Next Generation Portable, comes packed with new-generation technology: a touch pad on the front and rear, a 5-inch LED screen, two sets of button controls, motion sensors, cameras on the front and back and 3G network access. — From wire reports


Crisis commission’s report scrutinized far and wide New York Times News Service

Mortgage rates rise


Andy Tullis The Bulletin

Strategist offers a 10-part ‘road map’ to revive the region’s economy and work together,” said Delore Zimmerman, a principal with Grand Forks, N.D.based Praxis Strategy Group. “I believe a community really does have a job to do, just like an individual does.” While some presenters at Thursday’s meeting delivered a wake-up call focusing on causes of the economic decline and how bleak the future might be if the region doesn’t embrace change, Zimmerman’s presentation focused on the future and specific strategies for Central Oregonians to create a brighter day by working together.

By Ed Merriman The Bulletin

Considering 97 percent of the people with college degrees are outside the U.S., which is competing with countries from China to India and Ghana that are more concerned about building things than regulating things, the road to economic recovery will require a renewal of the American competitive spirit and a locally backed team effort, according to speakers at the third annual Central Oregon Economic Forecast meeting Thursday. “We are all going to have to work harder

Among his 10 strategies developed after seven months researching Central Oregon are proposals to develop a manufactured housing industry and proceed with planning and development of a research and training center focusing on both technology research and creative arts such as film, television and visual arts. “This is all about the future,” Zimmerman said. “The view through the windshield is always bigger than (in) the rearview mirror.” See Economy / B3


$27.045 SILVER CLOSE CHANGE -$0.087

When the employees are also the owners 2 Bend companies have implemented stock ownership plans By Jordan Novet The Bulletin

At least two Bend firms stand out in Central Oregon in terms of ownership — the employees own the companies. Sandra Green, CEO of the federal government contractor nLink, said that for the most part she tries not to let it grab attention, as it seeks to emulate the humble spirit of civil service. But she is proud to report that, as of December, n-Link’s 150 or so employees have owned 100 percent of it through an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP. She had envisioned turning the company over to her employees when she founded it in 1995, she said. An ESOP’s particulars can vary from company to company. But generally, such a program allows eligible employees to take shares of the company, which an independent appraiser annually valuates. When employees retire, they can walk away with cash in exchange for their shares. The number of shares multiplied by share value in the retirement year determines the ESOP pay. In the Portland area, firms with ESOPs abound — they include Northwest Spring Manufacturing, Miller Paint Co., Sera Architects Inc., Lumber Products, North Pacific and others. Milwaukie-based food-product manufacturer Bob’s Red Mill made national headlines last year when it announced the company had created an ESOP, as its founder, Bob Moore, was turning 81. In Eugene, there is Bi-Mart. In Klamath Falls, there is Jeld-Wen, among others. In Central Oregon, there seems to be n-Link and just one other company with an ESOP: Bendbased Sun Forest Construction. Those two companies are the only ones listed in Central Oregon in the national nonprofit ESOP Association’s 2010 collection of corporate members. See ESOP / B3

On the Web Information on employee stock ownership plans is available at the national nonprofit ESOP Association website, located at www.esop association.o rg.


GM withdraws application for $14.4B efficiency loan By Nick Bunkley New York Times News Service

DETROIT — General Motors said Thursday that it was withdrawing its application to borrow $14.4 billion from a pool of federal money intended to help automakers build more fuel-efficient vehicles. GM, whose request had been pending with the Department of Energy for 15 months, said the decision was based on improved cash reserves and a desire to avoid more debt. The company was profitable in 2010 and had $33.5 billion in cash and marketable securities as of Sept. 30 — much of it the result of federal loans related to its 2009 bankruptcy filing — up from $22.8 billion a year ago. “This decision is based on our confidence in GM’s overall progress and strong, global business performance,” Chris-

50 40


70 80


“This decision is based on our confidence in GM’s overall progress and strong, global business performance.” — Christopher Liddell, GM’s chief financial officer topher Liddell, GM’s chief financial officer, said in a statement. “Withdrawing our DOE loan application is consistent with our goal to carry minimal debt on our balance sheet.” GM was unlikely to have re-

ceived anything close to the full amount that it had originally sought. It would have been required to use the money to retool U.S. plants to make vehicles and parts with improved fuel economy. Congress created the $25 billion fund in 2008, and the Department of Energy has lent about $8.5 billion of it so far. The Ford Motor Co. received $5.9 billion — about half the amount it requested — with smaller amounts going to Nissan, Tesla and Fisker. GM said even without the retooling loans, it had invested $3.4 billion in its U.S. plants since emerging from bankruptcy, creating or retaining 11,000 jobs. Much of the upgrade was related to the manufacture of new high-mileage cars like the Chevrolet Cruze and Volt as well as batteries.

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B2 Friday, January 28, 2011 • THE BULLETIN

Consolidated stock listings Nm


A-B-C-D A-Power AAR ABB Ltd ACE Ltd AES Corp AFLAC AGCO AGIC Cv2 AGL Res AK Steel AMAG Ph AMB Pr AMR AOL ASML Hld AT&T Inc ATMI Inc ATP O&G AU Optron AVI Bio AVX Cp AXT Inc Aarons s Aastrom rs AbtLab AberFitc AbdAsPac AbingtnBcp Abraxas AcadiaPh Accenture AccoBrds Accuray Accuride n AcmePkt AcordaTh ActivePwr ActivsBliz Actuant Acuity Acxiom AdeonaPh AdobeSy Adtran AdvAmer AdvAuto AdvBattery AdvEnId AMD AdvSemi AdvOil&Gs Advntrx rs AdvActBear AecomTch Aegon AerCap Aeropostl s AeroViron AEterna g Aetna AffilMgrs Affymax Affymetrix AgFeed Agilent Agnico g Agrium g AirProd Aircastle Airgas AirTran AkamaiT Akorn AlskAir AlaskCom Albemarle AlbertoC n AlcatelLuc Alcoa Alcon Alere AlexREE AlexcoR g Alexion Alexza AlignTech Alkerm AllgEngy AllegTch Allergan AlliData AlliancOne AlliBInco AlliBern AlliantEgy AlliantTch AldIrish AlldNevG AlldWldA AllisChE AllosThera AllscriptH Allstate AlmadnM g AlnylamP AlphaNRs AlpTotDiv AlpAlerMLP AlteraCp lf AlterraCap Altria AlumChina AmBev s AmTrstFin Amarin Amazon Amdocs Amedisys Ameren Amerigrp AMovilL AmApparel AmAssets n AmAxle AmCampus ACapAgy AmCapLtd AEagleOut AEP AEqInvLf AmExp AFnclGrp AIG wt AmIntlGrp AmerMed AmOriBio AmSupr AmTower AmWtrWks Ameriprise AmeriBrgn Ametek s Amgen AmkorT lf Amphenol Amtech Amylin Anadarko Anadigc AnadysPh AnalogDev Ancestry AnglogldA ABInBev Anixter AnnTaylr Annaly Anooraq g Ansys AntaresP Anworth Aon Corp A123 Sys Apache Apache pfD AptInv ApolloGrp ApolloInv Apple Inc ApldIndlT ApldMatl AMCC Approach Apricus rs AquaAm ArcadiaRs ArcelorMit ArchCoal ArchDan ArcticCat ArenaPhm AresCap AriadP Ariba Inc ArmHld ArmourRsd Arris ArrowEl ArubaNet ArvMerit AscenaRtl AscentSol AshfordHT Ashland AsiaEntRs AsiaInfoL AspenIns AspenTech AsscdBanc Assurant AssuredG AstoriaF AstraZen athenahlth Atheros AtlasAir AtlasEngy AtlasPplH AtlasPpln Atmel ATMOS AtwoodOcn AudCodes Augusta g Aurizon g AutoNatn Autobytel h Autodesk Autoliv AutoData AutoZone Auxilium AvagoTch AvalRare n AvalonBay AvanirPhm AveICSFd AveryD AvisBudg

6.05 +.01 28.22 +.63 0.48 24.28 +.29 1.30 63.19 +.74 12.65 +.02 1.20 58.48 +.12 51.43 -.86 1.02 9.78 +.08 1.76 36.34 -.01 0.20 16.28 -.10 17.91 +.49 1.12 34.01 +1.15 7.56 +.17 24.17 +.30 0.54 42.88 +1.02 1.72 28.13 -.60 21.01 +.54 16.93 -.28 9.87 -.13 2.25 +.02 0.18 15.79 -.02 11.19 -.10 0.05 20.90 +.27 2.66 -.10 1.76 46.38 -.37 0.70 49.73 +.14 0.42 6.68 -.03 0.24 12.52 +.91 4.46 -.20 1.75 0.90 52.36 +.01 8.43 -.16 6.86 +.05 14.99 -.10 55.46 +3.95 22.62 -.14 2.29 +.07 0.15 11.23 -.12 0.04 28.16 +.41 0.52 55.25 -.26 17.22 +.03 1.79 +.04 33.85 +.33 0.36 42.66 +.17 0.25 6.13 0.24 64.15 -.10 3.83 +.02 15.35 +.19 7.75 +.26 0.06 6.45 +.01 7.31 +.02 2.37 +.01 24.80 29.50 -.36 7.52 +.22 15.58 +.14 24.48 +.21 28.23 -.07 1.68 +.02 0.04 34.12 +.64 104.58 +3.21 7.14 -.09 5.08 +.09 2.54 -.05 42.45 -.12 0.64 67.75 -2.51 0.11 89.21 +.52 1.96 86.34 -.58 0.40 10.84 +.11 1.16 62.10 +.13 7.46 +.03 47.99 -.03 5.20 -.01 62.84 +1.78 0.86 9.39 -.01 0.56 56.88 -.23 0.34 37.23 +.02 3.43 +.03 0.12 16.47 -.13 3.95 163.08 -.51 40.32 +.96 1.80 77.90 +.54 6.50 -.16 85.03 -.47 1.46 +.09 20.90 +.39 13.30 +.29 0.60 26.02 +.34 0.72 64.89 -.40 0.20 70.07 -.65 72.43 -.53 3.93 +.01 0.48 7.77 +.01 1.51 21.38 +.28 1.70 37.22 +.18 0.80 76.01 +.87 .76 -.02 25.36 -.94 0.80 61.13 -.16 7.66 -.14 3.68 -.06 20.92 +.67 0.80 31.89 +.21 3.68 -.12 10.62 -.33 56.34 -1.54 0.66 6.15 +.02 0.25 16.30 +.04 0.24 38.48 +1.71 0.48 22.30 +.03 1.52 23.92 -.35 24.77 +.11 0.99 27.74 -.53 0.32 18.72 +.36 8.58 +.02 184.45 +9.06 29.38 +.11 36.24 +2.94 1.54 29.11 +.27 52.72 +1.16 0.52 57.40 -.60 1.10 -.05 21.40 +.13 15.79 +.62 1.35 32.18 +.29 5.60 28.79 +.13 8.25 +.01 0.44 14.82 +.33 1.84 36.69 +.28 0.10 13.23 +.17 0.72 44.54 +.08 0.65 33.47 +.33 15.45 +.15 41.97 +.36 19.97 +.67 2.37 28.34 +.70 52.00 +.06 0.88 25.89 -.26 0.72 62.49 +1.42 0.40 36.82 +.43 0.24 40.07 -.70 56.48 8.22 +.18 0.06 56.77 +1.44 26.75 +.88 16.44 +1.17 0.36 75.36 -1.43 7.48 +.24 1.34 -.02 0.88 39.18 +.29 35.98 +.61 0.18 43.72 -.95 0.49 56.47 -.99 3.25 63.83 +.71 22.30 +.24 2.65 17.99 +.17 1.45 -.00 52.55 -.42 1.61 0.88 6.93 +.01 0.60 45.91 +.14 9.36 -.24 0.60 116.33 -5.77 3.00 64.16 -2.19 0.40 25.70 +.16 42.29 +.22 1.12 11.88 -.04 343.21 -.64 0.68 32.74 +.37 0.28 16.10 +.64 10.64 +.24 26.26 +1.28 3.85 0.62 23.59 -.02 .32 -.01 0.75 37.56 -.66 0.40 32.65 -.43 0.60 33.43 +.01 16.13 +2.41 2.00 -.03 1.40 16.79 +.20 6.63 -.06 25.05 +.15 0.12 25.78 +.09 1.44 7.77 +.02 12.60 +.02 37.71 -.43 22.11 +.22 22.62 +.55 27.32 -.22 3.33 -.04 9.99 +.03 0.60 59.46 +1.27 11.82 +.94 18.19 +.68 0.60 30.42 +.34 14.38 -.07 0.04 14.15 +.13 0.64 39.87 +.49 0.18 14.50 -.13 0.52 14.81 +.90 2.41 48.48 -.11 43.68 -.07 44.57 53.14 -.40 44.40 +.29 0.28 13.66 -.18 1.48 23.99 -.09 14.21 +.40 1.36 32.97 -.05 39.13 +1.12 7.27 -.13 4.02 +.01 6.42 -.11 29.77 +.14 .91 40.77 -.11 1.60 80.92 +.68 1.44 48.66 +.19 256.10 +6.03 23.11 -.04 0.07 29.22 +.97 5.79 +.17 3.57 116.17 +.63 4.16 -.06 20.00 0.80 42.13 -.20 14.60 +.21

Nm Avnet Avon Axcelis AXIS Cap BB&T Cp BBVABFrn BCE g BE Aero BGC Ptrs BHP BillLt BHPBil plc BJsRest BJs Whls BMC Sft BMP Sunst BP PLC BPZ Res BRE BRFBrasil s BSD Med BabckW n Baidu s BakrHu BallCp BallardPw BallyTech BalticTr n BanColum BcBilVArg BcoBrades BcoSantand BcoSBrasil BcSanChile BcpSouth BkofAm BkAm pfH BkAm wtA BkAm wtB BkAML pfQ BkHawaii BkIrelnd BkMont g BkNYMel BkNova g BkAtl A h BannerCp BarcGSOil BiPCop BiPGrain BarcBk prD BiPNG Barclay Bar iPVix rs BarVixMdT Bard Barnes BarrickG BasicEnSv BassettF Baxter BeaconPw BeacnRfg BeazerHm BebeStrs BeckCoult BectDck BedBath Belden Belo Bemis BenchElec Berkley BerkH B BerryPet BestBuy BigLots BBarrett Biocryst Biodel BioFuelEn BiogenIdc BioLase BioMarin BioMedR BioSante BioScrip Bitauto n BlkRKelso BlackRock BlkCpHY VI BlkCrAll4 BlkDebtStr BlkGlbOp BlkrkHigh BlkIntlG&I BlkMuniyQ3 BlkSenHgh Blackstone BlkLSCrInc BlockHR BlueCoat Boeing Boise Inc Boise wt BoozAllen n Borders BorgWarn BostPrv BostProp BostonSci BttmlnT BoydGm Brandyw BrasilTele Braskem BrigStrat BrigExp Brightpnt Brigus grs Brinker Brinks BrMySq BristowGp Broadcom BroadrdgF Broadwind BrcdeCm Brookdale BrkfldAs g BrkfldPrp BrklneB BrooksAuto BrwnBrn BrownShoe BrukerCp Brunswick BuckTch Buckle Bucyrus Buenavent BuffaloWW BungeLt CA Inc CB REllis CBL Asc CBS B CF Inds CGI g CH Robins CIGNA CIT Grp CKX Inc CME Grp CMS Eng CNH Gbl CNO Fincl CNinsure CRH CSX CTS CVB Fncl CVR Engy CVS Care Cabelas CablvsnNY Cabot CabotMic CabotO&G CACI CadencePh Cadence CalDive CalaStrTR Calgon CaliperLSc CallGolf CallonP h Calpine CAMAC En CamdnP Cameco g Cameron CampSp CIBC g CdnNRy g CdnNRs gs CP Rwy g CdnSolar CanoPet Canon CapOne CapProd CapitlSrce CapFdF rs CapsteadM CpstnTrb h CarboCer CardnlHlth CardiumTh CareFusion CareerEd CaribouC Carlisle CarMax Carnival CarpTech Carrizo Carters CascadeF h CasellaW CashAm Caterpillar CathayGen CaviumNet CelSci Celadon Celanese CeleraGrp Celestic g Celgene CellTher rsh CelldexTh Cemex Cemig pf CenovusE Centene CenterPnt CnElBras pf CnElBras lf CentEuro CFCda g

D 35.24 -.51 0.88 28.58 -.53 3.46 +.04 0.92 36.42 +.23 0.60 27.79 +.43 0.68 11.40 -.15 1.97 36.66 +.34 39.70 +.15 0.48 8.15 +.04 1.74 89.32 -1.31 1.74 77.48 -.97 36.45 +.66 44.02 -.31 48.34 -.10 9.95 -.01 46.68 -.08 4.72 -.14 1.50 44.57 +.45 0.10 16.93 -.55 4.40 -.01 29.58 +.68 109.05 +1.10 0.60 66.67 +.68 0.56 72.36 +.69 1.65 40.85 +.15 0.32 8.81 -.36 1.34 59.24 -.79 0.55 12.45 +.43 0.82 19.44 -.12 0.78 12.31 +.43 0.45 12.09 -.15 2.67 84.07 -1.78 0.88 14.84 -.01 0.04 13.67 +.12 2.05 25.46 +.13 7.43 +.05 2.60 +.01 2.16 26.14 +.12 1.80 46.98 +1.18 1.04 2.23 -.06 2.80 59.72 +.17 0.36 31.62 1.96 57.05 +.58 1.08 +.17 0.04 2.36 +.16 23.59 -.61 57.44 +.40 54.56 -.23 2.03 25.87 +.03 7.78 -.29 0.28 19.16 +.29 29.61 -.63 56.86 -.82 0.72 93.97 +.40 0.32 20.23 -.32 0.48 46.37 -1.43 17.84 +.63 6.42 +1.87 1.24 48.98 -1.92 .31 +.01 18.40 -.39 5.57 -.08 0.10 5.75 -.02 0.76 71.80 -.51 1.64 83.55 -.58 50.64 +1.12 0.20 35.58 -.27 6.96 -.09 0.92 32.90 -.02 19.52 -.34 0.28 28.76 +.18 83.03 -.04 0.30 43.96 -.35 0.60 34.79 -.20 32.34 -.04 40.99 +.12 4.49 +.13 2.27 -.10 1.33 +.03 67.09 -.41 3.05 +.02 25.66 -.20 0.68 18.00 -.04 1.90 -.04 5.15 +.17 10.75 +.07 1.28 11.78 +.12 4.00 201.73 +1.77 0.99 11.73 +.08 0.83 12.09 -.04 0.32 3.90 2.28 18.68 -.10 0.17 2.08 -.03 1.36 10.30 +.03 0.86 12.20 +.11 0.30 3.89 -.03 0.40 16.12 +.31 20.00 0.60 13.11 +.04 29.07 +.57 1.68 70.56 +.54 0.40 9.15 +.12 1.76 +.12 18.80 +.33 .81 -.03 70.55 +.13 0.04 6.38 -.03 2.00 93.72 +1.39 7.16 +.01 20.37 +.30 11.45 -.03 0.60 11.61 +.11 24.05 +.82 0.02 24.78 -.67 0.44 21.15 +.02 27.41 +.51 9.28 -.12 1.62 -.10 0.56 23.96 +1.00 0.40 27.89 -.02 1.32 26.35 +.42 50.45 +.45 0.32 46.20 +.84 0.60 22.93 +.15 1.97 -.06 5.88 +.12 22.45 +.28 0.52 33.05 -.54 0.56 17.68 +.17 0.34 11.15 +.10 12.37 +.52 0.32 24.90 -.09 0.28 13.24 -.12 17.79 +.25 0.05 20.35 -.76 0.20 26.97 +1.86 0.80 36.88 +.29 0.10 90.78 +.11 0.46 41.70 -1.31 43.28 +.23 0.92 68.37 -.63 0.16 23.75 +.31 22.09 +.29 0.80 17.48 +.39 0.20 20.26 -.32 0.40 133.76 -.80 19.43 -.31 1.16 77.74 -.38 0.04 42.55 +.49 47.14 +.23 3.30 -.29 4.60 309.88 +4.30 0.84 19.63 +.11 47.98 -3.22 6.53 -.02 0.26 17.30 -.49 0.83 22.16 +.02 1.04 70.92 -.10 0.12 11.39 -.50 0.34 8.62 +.16 16.75 +.33 0.50 35.71 +.11 24.55 +.45 0.50 34.74 +.26 0.72 43.52 -.43 45.69 +.12 0.12 40.51 -.18 56.04 +1.45 7.63 -.10 8.71 +.15 6.31 +.12 0.63 9.45 +.01 14.35 -.35 6.78 +.13 0.04 7.51 +.18 7.80 +.31 14.24 +.04 1.93 -.02 1.80 55.72 +.47 0.40 38.78 -.40 52.46 -.89 1.16 34.69 -.37 3.48 76.44 -.04 1.30 69.41 +.68 0.30 42.15 -.65 1.08 69.44 +.95 14.28 +.19 .36 -.02 50.85 +.78 0.20 48.40 +.12 0.93 9.81 +.14 0.04 7.84 +.13 0.30 11.83 -.09 1.51 12.82 -.07 1.17 -.04 0.80 110.22 +6.46 0.78 41.97 +.15 .38 +.00 25.77 -.40 23.34 +.12 9.50 -.40 0.68 38.47 -.53 32.91 +.71 1.00 46.26 -1.03 0.72 42.13 -.46 32.04 -1.17 27.95 -.39 .67 +.11 8.01 -.12 0.14 40.83 +.02 1.76 96.63 +.88 0.04 17.62 -.14 41.14 +.15 .72 -.04 15.93 +.03 0.20 41.11 +.09 6.33 -.04 9.99 +.50 54.85 -1.34 .36 +.00 3.45 -.17 0.43 10.37 -.01 1.19 16.58 -.21 0.80 32.92 +.10 28.01 +.31 0.79 16.15 +.04 0.03 16.27 -.41 1.56 13.50 -.11 24.13 -.69 0.01 18.06 -.52

Nm CenPacF CentAl CntryLink Cephln Cepheid CeragonN Cereplst rs Cerner CerusCp ChRvLab ChrmSh ChartInds ChkPoint Cheesecake ChelseaTh Chemtura n CheniereEn ChesEng Chevron ChicB&I Chicos ChildPlace Chimera ChinAgri s ChinaBAK ChinaBiot ChinaDir ChinaEd ChiGengM ChinaGreen ChinaIntEn ChinaLife ChiMarFd ChinaMda ChinaMed ChiMYWd n ChinaMble ChinaNGas ChinaNepst ChNBorun n ChinNEPet ChinaPStl ChinaRE ChinaSecur ChinaShen ChinaUni ChiValve ChXDPlas ChiXFash n ChinaYuch Chipotle Chiquita Chubb ChungTel wi ChurchDwt CienaCorp Cimarex CinciBell CinnFin Cinemark Cintas Cirrus Cisco Citigp pfJ Citigp pfN Citigrp Citigp wtA Citigp wtB CitzRepB h CitrixSys CityNC ClaudeR g CleanEngy Clearwire ClevBioL h CliffsNRs ClinicData Clorox CloudPeak Coach CobaltIEn CocaCE CocaCl Coeur Cognex CognizTech CohStQIR Cohu Coinstar ColdwtrCrk ColgPal CollctvBrd ColonPT ColumLabs Comcast Comc spcl Comerica CmcBMO CmclMtls CmwReit rs CmtyHlt CommVlt CBD-Pao s CompssMn Compellent CompPrdS CompSci Compuwre ComstkRs Comtech Con-Way ConAgra Concepts ConchoRes ConcurTch Conexant ConocPhil Conolog h ConsolEngy ConEd ConstellA ConstellEn ContlRes Cnvrgys ConvOrg h CooperCo Cooper Ind CooperTire CopaHold CopanoEn Copart Copel Corcept CoreLab s CoreLogic CorinthC CornPdts Corning CorpOffP CorrectnCp Cosan Ltd Costco Cott Cp CousPrp Covance CovantaH CoventryH Covidien Crane Credicp CredSuiss CrSuiHiY Cree Inc Crocs Crossh g rs CrwnCstle CrownHold Ctrip.com CubistPh CullenFr Cummins Curis CurEuro CurAstla CurJpn Cyberonics Cyclacel Cymer CypSemi CypSharp CytRx Cytec Cytokinet Cytori DCT Indl DG FastCh DHT Hldgs DPL DR Horton DSW Inc DTE DanaHldg Danaher s DanversBc Darden Darling Datalink DaVita DeVry DeanFds DeckOut s DeerConsu Deere DejourE g DelMnte Delcath Dell Inc DeltaAir DeltaPtr h Deluxe DemMda n DenburyR Dndreon DenisnM g Dennys Dentsply Depomed DeutschBk DB AgriDL DBGoldSh DBGoldDL DBGoldDS DevelDiv DevonE Dex One n DexCom Diageo DiaOffs DiamRk DianaShip DiceHldg DicksSptg Diebold DigitalRlt DigRiver Dillards DirecTV A DrxTcBll s DrxEMBll s DrTcBear rs DrSCBear rs

D 1.66 +.10 14.65 -.35 2.90 43.54 -.29 60.80 +.99 24.18 -.11 13.07 -.02 5.04 -.47 96.88 +.49 3.46 -.03 38.50 +.95 3.15 +.05 36.68 -1.15 46.74 +1.13 30.13 -.41 6.16 -.19 16.72 +.34 6.62 +.05 0.30 27.70 -.35 2.88 94.75 +.11 33.83 -.29 0.16 11.25 +.39 43.55 +.22 0.69 4.22 +.04 11.03 -.13 1.89 +.01 14.47 +.01 1.49 -.03 2.37 +.09 2.69 -.06 8.35 -.05 6.22 +.33 1.54 59.67 +.28 4.19 +.05 22.81 +3.25 12.31 +.28 9.37 -.14 1.85 49.44 +.14 5.60 +.04 0.58 4.24 +.14 13.73 -.18 5.47 +.02 1.71 -.01 8.02 -.16 4.88 +.13 6.49 +.17 0.23 16.52 +.54 7.60 +.10 6.49 +.04 5.90 -.58 0.25 29.98 +1.23 225.52 +7.78 16.41 +.18 1.48 59.33 +.31 30.30 +.14 0.68 69.41 -1.42 23.65 +.34 0.32 100.49 -.32 2.86 -.02 1.60 32.79 +.38 0.84 17.20 -.01 0.49 29.33 +.05 21.29 +3.37 21.44 +.02 2.13 26.32 +.07 1.97 26.70 +.10 4.83 +.02 .98 +.03 .23 +.01 .69 +.02 64.83 +1.32 0.80 59.37 +.76 1.94 -.16 12.56 -.29 5.38 +.08 6.99 -.34 0.56 85.24 -2.47 26.76 +1.39 2.20 64.32 +.74 22.62 -.24 0.60 54.00 -.04 13.17 +.22 0.48 25.62 +.39 1.76 62.70 -.26 22.98 -1.05 0.32 32.18 +.12 73.17 -.05 0.72 9.28 +.17 0.24 15.18 -1.48 41.33 +.27 2.90 -.05 2.12 77.39 -2.61 21.07 +.04 0.60 19.38 +.27 2.44 -.10 0.38 23.31 -.01 0.38 21.89 +.02 0.40 38.37 -.07 0.94 41.55 +.47 0.48 17.15 -.16 2.00 26.37 +.21 35.41 -.45 30.35 +.34 0.36 37.82 -1.84 1.56 92.21 +2.21 27.72 +.02 27.73 +.74 0.80 54.16 +.46 11.57 -.14 26.64 +.31 1.00 29.96 +1.05 0.40 34.64 +.30 0.92 22.87 -.19 13.79 -.02 87.65 -2.67 51.26 -.04 2.10 -.01 2.20 69.39 +.14 .39 +.01 0.40 48.45 -3.07 2.40 50.62 +.12 19.48 +.23 0.96 32.98 +.64 59.74 +.03 14.41 -.04 .41 -.01 0.06 58.18 +.24 1.08 61.46 -.27 0.42 23.43 +.27 1.09 58.90 -.11 2.30 34.45 -.27 39.62 -.76 0.72 25.75 -.44 4.16 -.12 1.00 87.67 +.93 20.63 +.16 5.91 +.24 0.56 48.25 +.30 0.20 22.16 +.38 1.65 36.49 +.57 25.00 -.07 13.01 -.10 0.82 73.12 +.50 8.17 +.38 0.18 8.70 +.10 57.22 +.59 1.50 17.05 +.02 30.52 +.46 0.80 47.80 +.16 0.92 44.99 -.12 1.70 107.48 -2.05 1.85 45.81 +.42 0.32 3.00 -.03 51.67 -.68 16.81 +.36 1.86 -.12 43.86 +.22 33.79 -.19 43.20 -1.38 22.87 -.45 1.80 58.58 -.34 1.05 109.92 +.31 3.01 +.05 0.01 136.86 +.51 3.24 99.52 -.54 119.24 -.87 34.09 +.33 1.48 -.01 48.92 +.70 22.04 +1.63 2.40 13.13 +.08 .81 +.00 0.05 51.23 -.26 1.91 -.01 5.57 -.27 0.28 5.78 +.11 28.35 -.35 0.40 5.03 +.02 1.33 26.66 +.20 0.15 12.81 -.43 34.57 -.36 2.24 47.01 +.48 18.80 +.61 0.08 46.65 -.65 0.16 21.74 -.10 1.28 45.94 +.19 12.96 +.03 6.45 -.27 75.31 +1.80 0.24 53.01 -.35 10.43 +.14 76.62 +.88 11.01 1.40 90.98 -.01 .31 +.00 0.36 18.90 -.01 9.40 +.01 13.44 -.33 12.30 +.32 .75 -.00 1.00 25.54 +.97 21.85 -.80 18.60 -.20 35.37 -.72 3.46 -.04 3.77 -.01 0.20 36.55 +.59 6.18 -.03 0.93 60.19 +.89 15.57 -.04 16.34 +.34 36.16 -1.90 9.25 +.37 0.16 13.92 +.12 0.64 83.90 -1.86 6.03 -.04 14.49 -.01 2.38 79.28 -.46 0.50 72.00 -1.96 12.35 +.22 11.64 -.23 13.44 -.68 36.72 +1.94 1.08 31.14 +.12 2.12 53.80 +.59 35.51 0.16 41.60 +1.22 42.64 -.02 0.51 53.45 +.92 0.19 38.74 -.41 20.07 -.38 14.75 -.15



DREBear rs DrxEBear rs DrxSOXBr DrxSOXBll DirEMBr rs DirFnBear DrxFBull s Dir30TrBear Dir30TrBull DrxREBll s DirxSCBull DirxLCBear DirxLCBull DirxEnBull Discover DiscCm A DiscCm C DiscLab rs DishNetwk Disney DrReddy DolbyLab DoleFood DollarGen DollarTh DllrTree s DomRescs Dominos Domtar grs DonlleyRR DoralFncl DotHill h DEmmett Dover DowChm DrPepSnap DragonW g DrmWksA DresserR DryHYSt drugstre DryShips DuPont DuPFabros DukeEngy DukeRlty DunBrad DuoyGWat Duoyuan lf Dycom Dynavax Dynegy rs

0.71 0.01

0.62 0.39 0.11 1.55 0.41 0.08

0.40 0.24

1.97 1.00 1.04 0.40 1.10 0.60 1.00

0.52 1.64 0.48 0.98 0.68 1.40

Nm 16.02 -.76 19.45 +.22 11.60 -.71 64.95 +3.40 21.18 +.20 8.38 -.19 30.78 +.68 46.60 -.63 31.39 +.34 62.74 +2.70 75.09 +.68 7.93 -.06 78.62 +.65 66.77 -.84 21.04 +.31 39.32 -.06 34.17 -.07 3.25 +.03 21.63 +.33 39.46 +.02 34.35 -.43 61.85 -.24 14.18 -.01 28.67 -.08 48.36 +.12 52.00 +.25 43.79 +.24 16.99 +.35 87.63 +1.08 18.03 +.02 1.34 -.02 3.04 +.04 18.35 +.53 59.48 +.09 35.57 +.26 35.42 +.05 7.32 +.13 29.17 +.47 45.58 +.51 4.51 +.01 1.96 +.06 4.81 -.10 50.27 -.05 22.09 +.09 18.21 +.11 13.85 +.81 85.28 -.69 11.24 -.40 2.50 -.08 16.35 -.27 3.23 +.11 6.03 +.14

E-F-G-H ECDang n 29.17 -.08 E-House 0.25 15.16 -.07 ETrade rs 16.74 +.95 eBay 30.96 -.10 eHealth 13.32 +.66 EMC Cp 24.96 +.23 EMCOR 30.03 -.21 ENI 2.51 48.82 +.29 EOG Res 0.62 103.25 +.97 EQT Corp 0.88 46.75 +.87 ETFSGold 130.40 -3.26 ETF Pall 79.99 -1.06 EagleBulk 4.11 -.07 EaglRkEn 0.10 9.22 +.03 ErthLink 0.20 8.64 +.06 EstWstBcp 0.04 21.99 +.16 EastChm 1.88 92.87 -1.02 EKodak 3.81 +.10 Eaton 2.72 106.46 +1.85 EatnVan 0.72 30.98 +.29 EV LtdDur 1.39 15.96 +.03 EVRiskMgd 1.28 13.06 -.03 EV TxDiver 1.16 11.48 +.07 EVTxMGlo 1.14 10.75 +.05 EVTxGBW 1.56 12.35 -.06 Ebix Inc 23.43 -.07 Ecolab 0.70 49.95 -.50 Ecopetrol 0.97 42.37 -.28 EdisonInt 1.28 37.16 -.14 EducMgmt 18.20 +.46 EducRlty 0.20 7.77 +.15 EdwLfSci s 84.92 +.10 8x8 Inc 2.69 -.13 ElPasoCp 0.04 15.58 +1.13 ElPasoPpl 1.76 34.91 +.05 Elan 7.02 -.09 EldorGld g 0.10 16.11 -.45 ElectArts 15.08 -.26 Embraer 0.64 32.29 +.35 Emcore lf 1.47 +.04 EMS 65.88 -.02 EmersonEl 1.38 58.49 -.59 EmmisCm .97 -.02 Emulex 11.53 +.06 EnbrEPtrs 4.11 63.23 +.91 Enbridge 1.96 57.74 +.55 EnCana g 0.80 32.35 -.05 EncoreEn 2.00 22.66 +.52 EndvSilv g 5.93 -.36 EndoPhrm 34.32 +.32 Endologix 5.94 -.13 Ener1 4.06 -.11 EnerNOC 25.82 +1.78 Energen 0.54 55.10 +.11 Energizer 75.18 -.22 EngyConv 4.24 -.05 EnrgyRec 3.58 +.06 EngyTEq 2.16 38.79 -.01 EngyTsfr 3.58 53.80 +.06 EgyXXI rs 27.41 -.64 EnergySol 6.07 +.41 Enerpls g 2.16 31.71 -.12 Enersis 0.61 21.09 -.21 EnerSys 32.76 -.81 ENSCO 1.40 54.20 -.12 Entegris 7.56 +.33 Entergy 3.32 72.79 -.34 EntPrPt 2.36 43.45 +.23 EntropCom 11.75 +.51 EnzonPhar 11.63 -.17 Equifax 0.64 36.19 -.21 Equinix 87.68 +.13 EqtyOne 0.88 19.13 +.28 EqtyRsd 1.47 53.81 +.86 EricsnTel 0.28 12.55 +.06 EssexPT 4.13 116.47 +.98 EsteeLdr 0.75 81.46 +.01 EtfSilver 26.76 -.65 EthanAl 0.20 22.46 -.36 Evercore 0.72 33.76 -.91 EverestRe 1.92 86.31 +.52 EvergE rs 2.60 +.19 EvrgrSlr rs 2.56 -.12 ExactSci h 5.81 +.08 ExcelM 4.71 -.18 ExcoRes 0.16 19.85 Exelixis 9.03 +.22 Exelon 2.10 42.51 -.52 ExeterR gs 5.06 -.18 ExideTc 10.22 +.04 Expedia 0.28 25.39 +.05 ExpdIntl 0.40 53.46 -.12 Express n 17.44 -.16 ExpScrip s 57.83 +.20 ExterranH 24.18 +.17 ExtraSpce 0.40 19.41 +.23 ExxonMbl 1.76 79.88 +.22 Ezcorp 28.36 +.32 F5 Netwks 110.94 +2.13 FEI Co 27.64 -.34 FLIR Sys 30.64 +.14 FMC Corp 0.50 76.52 +.13 FMC Tech 92.03 -.25 FNBCp PA 0.48 10.32 +.10 FSI Intl 4.47 +.28 FTI Cnslt 38.04 +.07 FX Ener 9.02 +.08 FactsetR 0.92 99.78 +1.29 FairIsaac 0.08 25.99 +1.22 FairchldS 18.20 +.03 FamilyDlr 0.72 42.92 -.01 Fastenal 1.00 60.01 +.54 FedExCp 0.48 94.36 +.05 FedRlty 2.68 80.50 +1.09 FedInvst 0.96 28.00 +.78 FelCor 7.36 +.09 Ferro 15.98 +.34 FibriaCelu 15.93 -.20 FidlNFin 0.72 14.15 +.12 FidNatInfo 0.20 30.81 +.02 FifthStFin 1.28 13.53 +.34 FifthThird 0.04 14.79 +.22 Finisar 32.13 +.72 FinLine 0.20 16.05 +.31 FstAFin n 0.24 16.52 +.06 FstBcPR rs 5.01 -.09 FstBusey 0.16 5.13 +.11 FstCwlth 0.12 6.83 +.05 FFnclOH 0.40 17.33 -.76 FstHorizon 0.04 11.60 +.30 FstInRT 10.21 +.49 FMajSilv g 11.37 -.49 FMidBc 0.04 12.02 +.05 FstNiagara 0.60 14.35 +.34 FstPotom 0.80 16.45 FstSolar 151.02 -.84 FTDJInet 0.04 35.30 +.58 FT ConDis 0.09 20.04 +.25 FT Engy 0.12 21.88 -.12 FT Fincl 0.19 15.14 +.13 FT Matls 0.38 24.43 -.14 FT RNG 0.05 20.24 -.18 FT LCCore 0.25 28.48 +.14 FirstEngy 2.20 39.49 +.56 FstMerit 0.64 18.61 +.19 Fiserv 62.87 -.02 FlagstB rs 1.65 +.02 Flextrn 8.39 +.11 Flotek h 6.99 +.39 FlowrsFds 0.80 25.21 -.83 Flowserve 1.16 122.61 +1.42 Fluor 0.50 69.79 -2.22 FocusMda 24.75 +.28 FEMSA 0.64 54.21 -1.38 FootLockr 0.60 18.15 +.72 ForcePro 5.75 +.09 FordM 18.79 +.42 FordM wt 9.90 +.41 ForestCA 16.76 -.22 ForestLab 32.44 -.18 ForestOil 37.14 -.24 FormFac 9.12 +.04 Fortinet 37.80 -1.85 Fortress 5.58 +.05 FortuneBr 0.76 61.83 +.25 Fossil Inc 70.90 +1.48 FosterWhl 37.52 +.03 FranceTel 1.77 22.24 +.11 FrankRes 1.00 122.73 +2.39 FMCG 2.00 107.66 -2.66 FresKabi rt .04 -.00 Fronteer g 9.43 -.16 FrontierCm 0.75 9.13 -.02 FrontierOil 19.37 +.48 Frontline 2.00 25.18 -.04 FuelCell 1.93 +.02 FullerHB 0.28 23.44 -.14

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Sou ce The Assoc a ed P ess and L ppe Nm FultonFncl Fuqi Intl lf FurnBrds FushiCopp GATX GFI Grp GMX Rs GSI Cmmrc GSI Tech GT Solar GabDvInc GabelliET GabGldNR GabNRG&I Gafisa s Gallaghr GameStop GamGld g Gannett Gap GardDenv Garmin Gartner GascoEngy GaylrdEnt GenProbe GencoShip GenCorp GnCable GenDynam GenElec GenGrPr n GenMarit GenMills s GenMoly GenMot n GM cvpfB Gensco GeneticT h GenOn En Genoptix Genpact Gentex GenuPrt GenVec h Genworth Genzyme GeoGrp Geores Gerdau GeronCp GettyRlty GiantIntac GigaMed Gildan GileadSci GlacierBc Glatfelter GlaxoSKln GlimchRt GloblInd GlobPay GblXChCon GlbXSilvM Globalstr h GlbSpcMet GluMobile GolLinhas GoldFLtd GoldResrc Goldcrp g GoldStr g GoldS60 n GoldmanS GoldS pfB Goodrich GoodrPet Goodyear Google vjGrace GrafTech GrahamP n Graingr Gramrcy GranTrra g GraniteC GraphPkg GrayTelev GrtBasG g GrLkDrge GtPlainEn GreenDot n GreenMtC s GreenPlns GrnHCmdty GreenbCos Greenhill Group1 GrubbEllis GrpoFin GpTelevisa Guess GugSolar GulfMrkA GulfportE HCC Ins HCP Inc HDFC Bk HSBC HSBC Cap2 HSN Inc HainCel Hallibrtn Halozyme HancHld Hanesbrds HanmiFncl HansenNat HarbinElec HarleyD Harman Harmonic HarmonyG HarrisCorp Harsco HarteHnk HartfdFn HartfFn wt HartFn pfA HarvNRes Hasbro HatterasF HawaiiEl HawHold Hawkins Headwatrs HltCrREIT HltMgmt HlthcrRlty HealthNet HlthSouth HlthSprg Healthwys HrtlndEx Heckmann HeclaM Heinz HelixEn HelmPayne Hemisphrx HSchein Herbalife HercOffsh Hersha Hershey Hertz Hess HewlettP Hexcel hhgregg Hibbett HghldsCrdt HighwdPrp Hill-Rom HimaxTch HiSoft n HollyCp Hollysys Hologic HomeDp Home Inns HomeProp HomexDev Honda HonwllIntl HorizLns Hormel Hornbeck Hospira HospPT HostHotls HotTopic HovnanE HubGroup HubbelB HudsCity

D 0.12 10.57 +.24 5.23 -.08 4.73 -.09 9.93 +.29 1.12 34.27 +.66 0.20 5.30 +.08 5.47 +.11 23.56 +.21 9.96 +.26 11.17 -.22 0.84 15.79 +.16 0.68 6.00 +.02 1.68 18.36 -.36 20.01 0.14 12.84 -.55 1.32 30.00 +.33 21.07 +.03 7.36 -.28 0.16 15.03 +.03 0.40 19.36 -.66 0.20 72.38 -.28 1.50 31.53 -.01 36.23 +1.10 .50 -.02 34.87 +.09 62.99 +.30 11.51 -.75 5.30 -.06 37.59 +.38 1.68 76.20 +1.56 0.56 20.28 +.36 15.00 +.12 0.04 2.92 -.05 1.12 35.39 -.28 5.37 -.24 38.67 +.78 2.38 56.81 +.91 37.11 +.31 2.99 -.07 4.29 +.09 24.91 +.03 0.18 15.22 -.38 0.44 33.50 +2.62 1.64 51.88 +.46 .57 -.01 14.12 +.35 71.28 -.15 24.03 -.02 27.61 +.71 0.32 13.25 -.29 4.89 +.01 1.92 28.31 +.30 0.18 6.99 -.02 1.16 -.08 0.30 29.45 +.84 38.94 -.72 0.52 15.09 +.05 0.36 12.04 +.02 2.00 37.46 -.04 0.40 9.07 +.22 7.76 +.24 0.08 47.64 +.19 0.19 17.75 +.12 0.25 21.74 -.56 1.37 +.11 0.15 18.13 -.29 3.11 +.44 0.40 15.29 -.38 0.16 15.96 -.41 0.18 22.40 -1.26 0.36 40.69 -.70 3.73 -.10 1.53 24.45 +.13 1.40 164.03 +2.72 1.55 24.06 +.18 1.16 91.71 +.35 20.51 -.21 12.31 -.19 616.79 +.29 36.07 -.12 21.26 +.17 17.77 +.15 2.16 133.99 +1.81 3.65 +.10 8.35 -.14 0.52 26.47 -.23 4.91 +.13 2.04 -.02 2.68 0.07 8.41 +.14 0.83 20.06 +.20 64.14 -.15 34.67 -.70 11.32 -.16 33.48 -.13 24.43 +.38 1.80 73.97 -8.07 0.40 39.31 +.01 1.22 -.03 15.97 -.15 23.85 -.07 0.80 43.29 +.30 0.03 8.08 +.05 37.61 +.40 21.59 +.04 0.58 30.77 +.29 1.92 36.96 +.47 0.81 146.45 -.92 1.70 55.44 +.15 2.00 27.29 -.31 28.25 -.26 27.49 +.23 0.36 43.17 -.23 7.17 +.09 0.96 33.31 +.13 22.46 -.36 1.43 +.26 55.65 -.35 19.33 +.40 0.40 40.28 +.92 44.12 -.24 8.38 -.05 0.07 10.70 -.12 1.00 48.19 -.59 0.82 32.95 +.42 0.32 13.17 -.31 0.20 28.67 +.59 19.95 +.51 1.81 26.83 +.43 11.00 -.37 1.00 44.98 +.13 4.40 28.94 +.17 1.24 25.02 +.18 7.73 -.03 0.60 38.82 -7.32 5.43 +.02 2.76 49.17 +.60 9.14 +.04 1.20 21.21 +.21 29.60 +.37 23.01 -.02 32.48 +1.48 12.31 +.06 0.08 16.53 +.21 5.10 +.07 8.60 -.47 1.80 48.15 -.39 12.33 +.43 0.24 56.74 +4.93 .50 -.00 65.72 +.16 1.00 67.01 +.85 3.36 +.10 0.20 6.82 +.12 1.28 47.83 -.69 14.87 +.29 0.40 79.25 -.10 0.32 46.74 -.14 19.30 +.14 18.20 -.24 33.67 +.36 0.63 8.05 +.14 1.70 32.97 +.31 0.41 40.57 -.48 0.25 2.57 +.04 30.02 +.05 0.60 45.94 +1.04 15.71 +.01 20.17 +.36 0.95 37.98 +.56 37.51 -1.31 2.32 55.27 +.99 31.87 -1.02 43.32 +.98 1.33 55.92 +.15 0.20 5.32 +.25 1.02 50.46 -.33 22.59 +1.22 55.69 -.56 1.80 25.25 +.36 0.04 18.52 +.41 0.28 5.57 -.05 4.73 -.07 37.04 +.29 1.44 62.39 +2.24 0.60 11.08 +.09

Nm HumGen Humana HuntJB HuntBnk Huntsmn HutchT Hypercom Hyperdyn

D 24.57 -.46 60.08 +1.48 0.48 42.79 +.56 0.04 7.30 +.23 0.40 17.22 3.46 +.05 9.30 +.07 4.13 -.12

I-J-K-L IAC Inter IAMGld g ICICI Bk IdexxLabs iGateCorp ING GRE ING GlbDv ING ING 7.375 INGPrRTr ION Geoph iPass iShGold s iShGSCI iSAstla iShBelg iShBraz iSCan iShEMU iSFrnce iShGer iSh HK iShItaly iShJapn iSh Kor iSMalas iShMex iShSing iSPacxJpn iShSoAfr iSSpain iSSwedn iSTaiwn iSh UK iShThai iShChile iShBRIC iShTurkey iShSilver iShS&P100 iShDJDv iShBTips iShChina25 iShDJTr iSSP500 iShBAgB iShEMkts iShiBxB iSh ACWI iShEMBd iShIndones iSSPGth iShNatRes iShSPLatA iSSPVal iShNMuBd iShB20 T iShB7-10T iShB1-3T iS Eafe iSRusMCV iSRusMCG iShRsMd iSSPMid iShiBxHYB iShNsdqBio iShC&SRl iSR1KV iSR1KG iSRus1K iSR2KV iShBarc1-3 iSR2KG iShR2K iShUSPfd iShREst iShDJHm iShFnSc iShUSEngy iShSPSm iShBasM iShPeru iShDJOE iShDJOG iShEur350 iStar ITT Corp ITT Ed Iberiabnk Icagen rs Icon PLC IconixBr iGo Inc ITW Illumina Imax Corp Immucor ImunoGn Imunmd ImpaxLabs Incyte IndBkMI rs IndiaFd IndiaGC Inergy Infinera InfoSpace Informat InfosysT IngerRd IngrmM InlandRE InovioPhm Inphi n Insmed h InspPhar IntgDv ISSI IntegrysE Intel IntcntlEx IntCtlHtl InterDig Intrface InterMune InterNAP IBM Intl Coal IntFlav IntlGame IntPap IntlRectif IntTower g InterOil g Interpublic Intersil inTestCp IntraLks n IntPotash Intuit IntSurg Invacare Invesco InvMtgCap InVKSrInc InvTech IronMtn Isis IsleCapri ItauUnibH IvanhoeEn IvanhM g IvaxDiag Ixia JCrew JA Solar JDS Uniph JPMorgCh JPMAlerian JPMCh pfZ Jabil JackHenry JackInBox JacksnHw h JacobsEng Jaguar g JkksPac Jamba JamesRiv JanusCap Jarden JazzPhrm Jefferies JetBlue JinkoSol n JoAnnStrs

28.53 +.09 0.08 19.17 -.44 0.53 44.95 -.85 73.10 +.03 0.26 15.40 +.06 0.54 8.09 +.01 1.20 11.20 +.04 11.57 +.52 1.84 23.23 +.07 0.31 5.99 -.01 9.22 +.10 0.07 1.60 +.02 12.82 -.32 33.83 -.42 0.82 25.03 -.07 0.24 13.63 +.06 2.53 74.14 -1.13 0.50 31.19 -.05 0.95 38.09 +.46 0.66 26.45 +.22 0.29 25.49 +.16 0.45 19.57 -.02 0.33 18.43 +.29 0.14 11.11 +.01 0.39 63.27 +.37 0.34 14.46 +.08 0.54 62.03 -.35 0.43 13.95 +.02 1.56 46.73 -.16 1.82 67.99 -.08 2.15 41.79 +.77 0.55 32.86 +.11 0.29 15.90 +.12 0.43 17.72 +.02 1.57 60.18 +.79 0.54 73.20 -.39 0.86 48.22 -.33 1.28 62.40 -1.41 26.29 -.60 1.08 58.69 +.08 1.70 50.51 +.21 2.55 107.10 -.07 0.63 43.14 +.05 1.06 92.82 +.67 2.36 130.52 +.31 3.94 105.71 +.18 0.64 46.81 -.16 5.26 108.64 +.18 0.81 47.95 +.12 5.71 106.64 -.37 0.15 26.91 +.05 1.16 67.39 +.08 0.58 42.25 -.38 1.18 52.13 -.59 1.24 62.05 +.24 3.75 99.33 -.13 3.86 91.44 +.41 3.35 93.74 +.35 0.86 84.06 +.06 1.42 60.27 +.14 0.86 46.40 +.24 0.57 58.35 +.27 1.48 104.74 +.52 0.97 93.34 +.43 7.85 91.84 +.12 0.51 95.76 -.41 1.90 68.81 +1.29 1.29 66.87 +.17 0.73 59.36 +.12 1.13 72.25 +.23 1.16 72.49 +.22 3.04 104.75 +.09 0.58 88.22 +.21 0.89 79.35 +.23 2.86 39.17 +.09 1.97 58.19 +.80 0.07 13.99 -.04 0.59 59.38 +.45 0.49 41.01 -.11 0.74 69.81 +.42 0.87 76.83 -.71 0.89 48.39 +1.70 0.27 58.93 +.19 0.18 65.38 -.68 0.98 41.45 +.23 8.17 +.11 1.00 59.43 +.02 69.43 -1.65 1.36 57.03 -.89 2.95 -.19 22.91 +.13 20.41 -.01 3.68 -.07 1.36 55.29 -.14 70.62 -.02 26.09 -.17 20.84 +.02 8.78 -.05 3.35 -.02 23.67 +.01 15.29 +.20 3.33 +.16 3.87 30.50 -.33 .81 +.06 2.82 40.81 +.44 8.98 -.21 8.55 +.25 42.57 -1.22 0.90 70.06 -.35 0.28 47.00 +.21 19.83 -.04 0.57 9.33 -.03 1.33 +.01 18.85 +1.00 .60 +.02 4.00 -.05 6.59 +.10 10.94 +1.01 2.72 48.59 +.29 0.72 21.75 117.85 +2.88 0.42 21.60 -.26 0.40 48.54 -.12 0.08 16.48 -.06 37.37 +.02 6.97 +.09 2.60 161.07 +.03 8.60 -.18 1.08 57.13 -.28 0.24 17.47 -.02 0.75 29.18 +.26 31.44 +.41 8.85 -.16 70.28 -.47 11.07 +.09 0.48 15.04 +.51 4.08 +.26 20.29 +.29 37.22 +.28 47.31 +.19 334.17 -3.89 0.05 28.80 +.04 0.44 24.83 +1.06 3.49 22.62 -.07 0.29 4.98 18.63 +.19 0.75 25.58 +.27 9.54 -.05 9.78 +.06 0.65 22.09 -.24 3.38 +.02 1.48 27.93 -.81 1.26 +.43 15.82 +.27 43.39 -.05 7.06 +.02 16.75 +.22 0.20 45.10 +.12 1.81 37.35 +.28 2.00 26.80 +.04 0.28 20.61 +.76 0.38 30.25 +.05 23.25 +.38 1.66 +.03 52.10 -.91 6.10 -.22 18.20 +.65 2.18 -.06 21.65 -.75 0.04 13.14 +.14 0.33 34.65 +.58 22.78 +.28 0.30 25.92 +.21 6.40 -.08 27.20 +.58 60.46 +.10

nc Sa es gu es a e uno c a

Nm JoesJeans JohnJn JohnsnCtl JonesGrp JonesLL JonesSoda JosABnk s JoyGlbl JnprNtwk K12 KB Home KBR Inc KKR n KKR Fn KLA Tnc KT Corp KV PhmA KandiTech KC Southn KapStone KA MLP Kellogg Kemet rs Kennamtl KeryxBio KeyEngy Keycorp Keynote KeyuanPet Kforce KilroyR KimbClk Kimco KindME KindMM KindredHlt KineticC KingPhrm KingldJ rs Kinross g KirbyCp KnghtCap KnightTr KnightT KodiakO g Kohls KoreaElc KornFer Kraft KratonPP KrispKrm Kroger Kulicke L&L Egy n L-1 Ident L-3 Com LAN Air LDK Solar LECG LG Display LHC Grp LKQ Corp LSB Inds LSI Corp LTXCrd rs LaZBoy LabCp LamResrch LamarAdv LancastrC Landstar LVSands LaSalleH Lattice LawsnSft Lazard LeapWirlss LeapFrog LearCorp LeggMason LeggPlat LenderPS LennarA Lennox LeucNatl Level3 LexiPhrm LexRltyTr Lexmark LbtyASE LibGlobA LibGlobC LibtyMIntA LibMCapA LibStarzA LibtProp LifeTech LifePtH Lihua Intl LillyEli LimelghtN Limited Lincare s LincEdSv LincNat Lindsay LinearTch LinnEngy Lionbrdg LithiaMot LiveNatn LizClaib LloydBkg LloydBkg50 Local.com LockhdM Loews Logitech LongtopFn LongweiPI Lorillard LaPac Lowes Lubrizol lululemn g LumberLiq LyonBas A

D 1.60 -.01 60.68 +.08 39.39 +.55 13.40 +.19 89.25 +.61 1.50 +.12 43.18 +.18 0.70 87.14 -1.12 37.20 +.15 28.51 -.20 0.25 15.34 -.20 0.20 33.03 +.36 0.23 14.98 +.02 0.56 9.64 +.10 1.00 44.68 +.15 19.86 -.04 1.64 +.14 4.51 +.08 49.49 +1.07 17.24 +.24 1.94 30.21 1.62 50.85 -.65 15.19 +.22 0.48 41.51 -1.29 4.09 +.09 13.21 +.44 0.04 8.93 +.04 0.24 19.00 -.20 5.25 +.53 17.94 -.11 1.40 38.27 +.51 2.80 65.13 0.72 18.05 +.07 4.52 72.33 +.59 4.52 64.10 +.50 19.24 +.31 46.75 14.20 -.03 3.14 -.01 0.10 16.71 -.44 46.34 +2.02 14.19 +.17 0.24 19.40 +.33 1.70 23.55 -.02 5.80 -.10 51.99 -.18 12.91 +.07 23.72 +.11 1.16 30.54 -.49 30.89 -.50 6.62 -.07 0.42 21.51 -.10 9.98 +.51 8.64 -.19 11.94 -.01 1.60 78.40 +1.05 0.46 29.39 -.58 12.91 -.11 1.75 +.17 17.53 -.38 28.77 -.07 24.19 -.10 30.24 -.06 6.26 +.40 8.85 +.44 8.43 -.12 92.28 -.27 51.79 -2.26 38.47 +.28 1.32 57.12 +3.25 0.20 42.12 +.32 46.92 +.89 0.44 28.17 +.33 5.94 +.13 9.48 -.18 0.50 41.70 -.75 14.24 +.57 4.01 -.05 110.50 +3.85 0.24 34.01 +.26 1.08 23.23 +.25 0.40 32.03 -.60 0.16 20.17 -.21 0.60 48.38 +.20 0.25 32.40 +.77 1.25 -.01 1.82 -.07 0.46 8.58 +.13 36.43 -.32 0.31 5.10 +.02 41.42 +.03 38.95 -.02 16.15 +.33 65.54 +1.03 66.89 +.96 1.90 35.25 +1.19 54.08 -.21 35.50 -.05 10.86 +.59 1.96 35.47 +.52 6.38 +.18 0.60 29.41 +.71 0.80 27.78 +.35 1.00 15.80 +.26 0.20 30.04 +.65 0.34 66.04 +1.25 0.96 35.40 +.47 2.64 39.00 -.03 4.07 +.12 0.20 15.56 +.67 10.42 -.28 5.14 -.03 4.04 +.07 1.94 25.62 +.07 4.31 +.16 3.00 79.10 +.71 0.25 40.70 +.31 19.17 -.23 33.03 +.81 2.54 +.01 4.50 75.26 +.08 10.27 -.11 0.44 26.24 +.39 1.44 108.24 -.46 70.30 +2.19 28.19 +.90 36.20 +.20 2.16 0.64 0.20 0.20

M-N-O-P M&T Bk MB Fncl MBIA MCG Cap MDC MDU Res MEMC MF Global MFA Fncl MIN h MGIC MGM Rsts MIPS Tech MKS Inst MPG OffTr MSC Ind MSCI Inc MV OilTr Macerich MackCali Macys MadCatz g MagelnHl MagelMPtr MagicSft Magma MagnaI gs MagHRes MahangrT Majesco h MAKO Srg ManhAssc Manitowoc MannKd ManpwI Manulife g MarathonO MarinaB rs MktVGold MktV Steel MkVStrMet MktVRus MkVEMBd MktVEgypt MktVJrGld MktV Agri MkVBrzSC MktV Indo MktVCoal MarIntA MarshM MarshIls Martek MStewrt MartMM MarvellT Masco

2.80 86.92 +.84 0.04 17.99 +.38 11.18 -.02 0.37 7.18 -.04 1.00 31.60 -.19 0.65 21.32 +.07 11.35 -.18 8.45 +.05 0.94 8.29 -.01 0.56 6.30 -.03 8.78 +.08 15.20 -.05 13.18 -.05 29.07 +.92 3.83 +.36 0.88 59.63 -.37 34.83 -.07 2.93 36.34 -.26 2.00 48.94 +1.31 1.80 34.83 +.67 0.20 23.86 +.30 .85 -.01 49.40 +.36 2.98 55.50 +.27 0.50 8.39 +.03 5.48 -.01 0.72 61.49 +2.97 6.91 -.24 2.25 -.09 1.25 +.01 15.80 -.42 30.37 +1.02 0.08 13.86 +.13 5.13 -.12 0.74 65.84 -2.01 0.52 17.88 +.21 1.00 44.66 -.72 1.10 -.10 0.40 53.73 -1.37 1.03 73.99 -1.52 23.66 -.04 0.18 39.91 +.14 0.49 26.44 +.14 0.16 16.79 -.70 2.93 33.92 -.95 0.33 55.25 -.10 3.58 53.54 -1.97 0.82 80.55 -.03 0.19 46.51 -.77 0.35 40.20 +.55 0.84 28.42 +.56 0.04 7.17 +.04 31.42 -.05 3.91 -.12 1.60 84.71 +.31 20.27 +.26 0.30 13.95 +.34

Nm Masimo MasseyEn Mastec MasterCrd Mattel Mattson MaximIntg McClatchy McCorm McDrmInt s McDnlds McGrwH McKesson McMoRn McAfee MeadJohn MeadWvco Mechel Mechel pf MedAssets MedcoHlth MediaGen Mediacom MedProp MediCo Medicis Medifast Medivation MedleyC n Mednax Medtrnic MelcoCrwn Mellanox MensW MentorGr MercadoL MercerIntl Merck Meredith MergeHlth Meritage Mesab Metabolix Metalico Metalline Methanx MetLife MetroPCS Micrel Microchp Micromet MicronT MicrosSys MicroSemi Microsoft MicroStr Micrvisn MidAApt MdwGold g MillerHer Millicom MincoG g MindrayM Mindspeed Minefnd g MitsuUFJ MizuhoFn MobileTel s Mohawk Molex MolexA MolinaH MolsCoorB Molycorp n Momenta MonPwSys MonroMf s Monsanto MonstrWw Montpelr Moodys MorgStan Mosaic MotrlaSol n MotrlaMo n Motricity n Move Inc Mueller MuellerWat MurphO Mylan MyriadG NCI Bld rs NCR Corp NETgear NFJDvInt NGAS Rs h NII Hldg NPS Phm NRG Egy NTT DOCO NV Energy NXP Sem n NYSE Eur Nabors NalcoHld Nanomtr Nanophase NasdOMX NBkGreece NatFnPrt NatFuGas NatGrid NatInstru NOilVarco NatPenn NatRetPrp NatSemi NatwHP NavigCons Navios NaviosMar NaviSite Navistar NektarTh NetLogic s NetApp Netease Netflix NtScout NetSolTch NetwkEng NBRESec Neurcrine NeutTand Nevsun g NDragon NwGold g NJ Rscs NY CmtyB NY Times NewAlliBc NewStarFn Newcastle NewellRub NewfldExp NewmtM NewpkRes NewsCpA NewsCpB Nexen g NextEraEn NiSource Nicor Nidec NielsenH n NikeB 99 Cents NipponTT NobleCorp NobleEn NokiaCp Nomura NordicAm Nordion g Nordstrm NorflkSo NoAmEn g NA Pall g NoWestCp NoestUt NDynMn g NthnO&G NorTrst NthgtM g NorthropG NStarRlt NwstBcsh NovaMeas NovaGld g Novartis NovtlWrls Novavax Novell Novlus NovoNord

D 2.75 28.50 -.05 0.24 54.39 -.87 15.54 -.37 0.60 239.11 -1.07 0.83 24.29 +.29 2.41 +.02 0.84 26.49 -.01 5.46 +.13 1.12 45.15 +.41 20.43 -.02 2.44 74.35 -.82 1.00 38.99 +.05 0.72 75.19 -.16 15.41 -.38 47.88 -.06 0.90 59.61 -.41 1.00 29.51 +.69 31.78 -.18 9.88 20.07 +.59 62.91 +.28 5.20 -.52 8.65 +.04 0.80 11.01 +.02 16.14 -.25 0.24 25.94 -.06 25.46 +.82 13.88 -.53 11.94 +.02 67.37 +.67 0.90 37.99 +.11 7.52 -.12 28.32 +2.24 0.48 26.48 +.08 12.75 +.05 70.13 +.21 8.63 +.01 1.52 33.25 +.05 0.92 34.46 +.96 4.37 -.15 23.83 -.06 2.49 34.34 -1.31 9.12 -.12 5.62 +.01 1.04 -.07 0.62 28.85 -1.15 0.74 47.16 +.60 13.59 +.02 0.14 13.58 +.22 1.38 37.89 +.46 6.72 -.11 10.59 +.64 45.25 -.24 23.68 -.60 0.64 28.87 +.09 105.93 +.91 1.99 -.02 2.51 63.14 +.63 1.20 +.11 0.09 24.94 -.13 7.24 97.54 +.55 2.11 -.16 0.20 26.31 +.27 7.26 +.19 9.66 -.21 5.40 -.02 4.00 -.03 19.72 -.18 58.78 -.18 0.70 26.86 +.21 0.70 22.37 +.07 31.88 +.58 1.12 47.40 -1.11 46.75 +.90 12.86 -.40 15.01 -.07 33.65 +.61 1.12 73.68 +.14 21.39 +.06 0.40 20.65 +.05 0.46 29.48 +.24 0.20 29.85 +.89 0.20 78.67 -.14 38.58 -.66 30.51 -4.32 19.94 +.87 2.08 -.04 0.40 33.26 -.15 0.07 4.18 -.03 1.10 65.74 -7.49 23.70 -.26 22.41 +.53 13.24 -.06 16.68 +.16 35.75 +.45 1.80 17.68 +.02 .57 -.03 44.00 +.24 7.71 +.13 21.53 +.46 0.28 17.86 -.08 0.48 14.54 +.15 26.08 +.09 1.20 32.99 +.49 24.28 +.89 0.14 30.39 +.01 17.50 -.13 1.37 +.01 25.21 +.70 0.29 1.80 +.01 13.02 +.13 1.38 68.03 -.35 7.04 44.17 +.10 0.60 43.98 -.77 0.44 70.87 -.65 0.04 8.53 -.13 1.52 24.93 -.02 0.40 15.08 +.52 1.88 37.60 +.33 10.33 +.04 0.24 4.90 -.14 1.72 18.87 -.14 3.62 -.04 64.98 +.05 11.65 +.18 34.87 +.45 55.33 +.16 40.49 -.66 210.87+27.84 24.11 +.66 2.26 +.06 2.01 -.04 0.24 4.02 +.03 7.56 -.01 15.61 +.01 5.71 -.14 .06 -.01 7.79 -.22 1.44 42.87 -.26 1.00 18.51 +.36 10.81 +.15 0.28 15.37 +.33 10.17 -.29 7.05 -.03 0.20 19.34 +1.09 69.06 -.84 0.60 55.37 -1.68 5.85 +.04 0.15 15.59 +.05 0.15 17.05 -.18 0.20 23.90 -.76 2.00 54.41 +.20 0.92 18.75 +.18 1.86 50.13 -.07 0.11 23.63 -.24 25.40 +.40 1.24 82.77 -1.23 15.43 +.01 23.21 -.06 0.90 37.30 -.57 0.72 85.88 -.65 0.56 10.56 -.17 6.24 -.02 1.70 24.07 -.15 10.96 +.40 0.80 41.96 +.43 1.60 62.31 -.42 12.22 +.51 6.70 -.19 1.36 28.80 +.06 1.03 32.82 +.18 18.59 -.07 25.46 +.17 1.12 52.51 -.04 2.55 -.13 1.88 69.22 +.41 0.40 5.24 +.16 0.40 11.84 -.14 10.06 +.06 13.20 -.58 1.99 56.28 -1.66 7.50 +.04 2.24 -.07 6.01 +.03 37.00 +.83 1.41 116.10 +1.21

Novogen h NSTAR NuSkin NuVasive NuanceCm Nucor NvIMO NuvMuVal NuvPI2 NuvQPf2 Nvidia NxStageMd O2Micro OCZ Tech OGE Engy OReillyAu OasisPet n ObagiMed OcciPet Oceaneer OceanFr rs Och-Ziff Oclaro rs OcwenFn OdysMar OfficeDpt OfficeMax OilSvHT OilStates Oilsands g OldDomF s OldNBcp OldRepub Olin OmegaHlt Omncre Omnicom OmniVisn Omnova OnSmcnd OnTrack 1800Flowrs ONEOK OnlineRes OnyxPh OpenTxt OpenTable OpnwvSy OpkoHlth OplinkC Opnext OptCable optXprs Oracle Orexigen OrientEH OrientFn OrionEngy Orthfx OshkoshCp OvShip OwensM s OwensCorn OwensIll Oxigene h PDL Bio PF Chng PG&E Cp PHH Corp PLX Tch PMC Sra PMI Grp PNC PNM Res POSCO PPG PPL Corp PSS Wrld Paccar PacerIntl PacBiosci n PacEth h PacSunwr PackAmer PaetecHld PallCorp PanASlv Panasonic PaneraBrd ParagShip ParamTch ParaG&S Parexel ParkDrl ParkerHan Parkrvsn h PartnerRe PatriotCoal Patterson PattUTI Paychex PeabdyE Pengrth g PnnNGm PennVa PennWst g Penney PenRE Penske Pentair PeopUtdF PepBoy PepcoHold PepsiCo PeregrineP PerfectWld PerkElm Prmian Perrigo PetMed Petrohawk PetrbrsA Petrobras PetroDev PtroqstE PetsMart Pfizer PhrmAth PhmHTr PharmPdt Pharmacyc Pharmasset PhilipMor PhilipsEl PhlVH PhnxCos PhotrIn PiedmOfc n Pier 1 PimCpOp PimIncStr2 PimcoHiI PimcMu3 PimcoStrat PinnclEnt PinWst PionDrill PioNtrl PiperJaf PitnyBw PlainsAA PlainsEx PlatGpMet PlaybyB Plexus PlugPwr h PlumCrk PluristemT Polaris Polo RL Polycom PolyMet g PolyOne Polypore Poniard h Popular PortGE PositvID h PostPrp Potash Potlatch Power-One PwshDB PS Agri PS Oil PS BasMet PS USDBull PwSClnEn PwSIntlDv PwShLeis PwSWtr PSFinPf PSBldABd PSHYCpBd PwShPfd PShEMSov PSIndia PwShs QQQ Powrwav Praxair PrecCastpt PrecDrill PrmWBc h PriceTR priceline PrideIntl PrinFncl PrisaA n PrisaB n PrivateB ProShtQQQ ProShtS&P PrUShS&P ProUltDow PrUlShDow ProUltMC ProUltQQQ PrUShQQQ ProUltSP ProUShL20 PrUSCh25 rs ProUSEM rs ProUSRE rs ProUSOG rs ProUSBM rs ProUltRE rs ProUShtFn ProUFin rs PrUPShQQQ ProUltO&G ProUBasM ProUltPQQQ ProUSR2K ProUltR2K ProSht20Tr ProUSSP500 ProUltSP500 ProUltCrude ProSUltGold ProUSGld rs ProUSSlv rs

D 1.25 -.07 1.70 43.26 +.12 0.50 30.56 -.18 28.82 +.87 20.54 +.66 1.45 45.40 -1.10 0.86 13.30 0.47 9.06 +.03 0.89 13.00 +.14 0.66 8.00 +.05 24.47 -.07 23.98 -.41 6.88 +.14 8.06 +.20 1.50 46.47 +.42 57.73 +.74 29.33 +.74 10.68 -.03 1.52 96.97 +.03 73.96 -.14 .81 -.01 0.88 16.19 +.39 12.65 -.15 10.29 -.04 3.36 +.06 5.38 -.09 17.19 -.02 2.40 150.02 -.73 65.90 +.31 .54 +.01 33.37 +.70 0.28 11.50 +.10 0.69 12.76 -.05 0.80 19.77 1.48 22.18 +.19 0.13 26.72 +.41 0.80 46.25 -.09 27.02 +.60 7.44 -.06 11.36 +.06 3.90 -.09 2.80 +.25 2.08 59.07 +.46 6.80 +.14 35.70 -.78 49.34 +1.41 79.40 +2.20 2.08 -.08 4.02 +.07 19.32 -.40 1.90 -.05 0.04 5.74 +.50 4.50 14.79 +.69 0.20 32.92 +.36 8.74 -.41 12.77 +.06 0.20 11.79 -.01 4.42 -.08 30.00 +.60 37.43 -.14 1.75 32.45 -.07 0.71 30.16 +.23 33.74 +.37 30.77 -1.32 .20 +.00 1.00 5.06 +.05 0.63 46.65 +.28 1.82 46.98 +.26 24.40 +.08 3.39 +.01 8.91 +.02 3.06 +.05 0.40 61.67 +.50 0.50 13.39 -.01 1.43 104.46 -2.04 2.20 83.92 -.87 1.40 25.74 +.17 24.37 +1.20 0.48 56.56 +.24 6.80 -.09 15.43 +.07 .88 +.03 4.40 -.04 0.60 28.83 +.28 3.97 +.03 0.70 50.07 0.10 32.34 -1.00 0.05 14.07 +.06 97.14 +1.04 0.20 3.06 22.73 -1.69 3.17 -.13 23.05 +.60 4.10 +.01 1.28 88.65 +.46 .57 +.01 2.20 83.18 +.46 24.79 -.60 0.40 33.12 +.17 0.20 22.39 +1.05 1.24 32.62 -.19 0.34 62.38 -.76 0.84 12.64 +.06 37.13 +.23 0.23 17.42 -.13 1.08 26.79 +.41 0.80 32.90 +.57 0.60 14.09 +.35 17.67 +.35 0.80 36.42 -.24 0.62 13.33 +.01 0.12 14.48 +.26 1.08 18.84 +.15 1.92 65.56 -.30 2.52 +.14 23.00 -.21 0.28 26.01 +.43 1.38 20.82 -.10 0.28 74.07 +.39 0.50 15.36 +.07 18.71 -.28 1.20 32.68 -.16 1.20 35.84 -.22 43.62 +.26 7.83 -.08 0.50 40.97 +.83 0.80 18.48 +.12 3.27 +.02 2.42 65.12 +.24 0.60 30.22 +.20 5.25 -.04 49.81 +.21 2.56 56.99 -.39 0.95 31.84 +.21 0.15 59.60 +.02 2.67 -.09 6.75 +.17 1.26 19.83 +.16 10.01 +.01 1.38 18.92 +.20 0.78 10.24 -.04 1.46 13.10 +.05 0.84 10.38 -.11 0.90 10.45 +.05 15.22 +.09 2.10 42.23 +.35 8.81 +.31 0.08 89.38 -1.98 42.95 +1.02 1.46 24.45 +.32 3.83 64.92 +.38 33.88 -.75 2.32 -.02 6.14 +.01 27.95 +.22 .78 +.04 1.68 42.31 +.24 3.09 -1.11 1.80 75.88 -1.83 0.40 105.44 -.64 44.02 -.09 2.11 -.01 13.15 +.03 47.59 +.10 .50 -.04 3.25 -.05 1.04 22.61 +.24 .66 -.09 0.80 37.35 +.26 0.84 174.14 +5.52 2.04 37.48 +.26 10.63 -.25 27.74 -.24 33.93 -.05 27.79 -.28 23.45 -.00 22.35 -.04 10.67 +.02 0.47 15.82 0.15 18.81 +.13 0.11 19.39 -.02 1.27 17.74 +.06 1.48 25.01 +.01 1.42 18.44 0.97 14.13 +.02 1.57 26.36 -.07 0.24 22.85 -.35 0.33 57.18 +.35 3.70 +.18 2.00 91.91 +.42 0.12 144.53 -.12 10.55 +.15 .34 +.00 1.08 68.07 +.78 437.14+14.44 32.94 -.48 0.55 33.64 +.53 10.67 +.24 10.98 +.03 0.04 15.56 +.27 32.97 -.22 42.39 -.12 22.23 -.09 0.37 58.40 -.00 19.26 -.02 0.04 67.27 +.56 89.60 +1.06 10.52 -.14 0.43 51.23 +.29 38.93 -.30 29.66 -.20 32.65 +.18 16.65 -.46 33.72 +.25 19.38 +.36 0.41 54.57 +1.47 14.60 -.24 0.07 70.64 +1.16 26.78 -.50 0.23 50.43 -.36 0.04 49.72 -.93 170.23 +3.22 12.12 -.06 0.01 43.87 +.26 45.17 -.17 17.54 -.11 0.38 225.54 +1.55 10.72 -.53 59.95 -3.02 32.47 +1.53 12.56 +.57



ProUShCrude 11.67 +.53 ProSUltSilv 118.84 -5.54 ProUltShYen 16.30 +.23 ProUShEuro 19.15 -.13 ProctGam 1.93 64.18 -1.93 ProgrssEn 2.48 45.67 +.32 ProgrsSoft 43.16 +.15 ProgsvCp 1.40 19.99 ProLogis 0.45 15.87 +1.17 ProspctCap 1.21 11.64 +.09 ProspBcsh 0.70 41.51 +.10 Protalix 9.62 -.05 ProtLife 0.56 28.57 +.30 ProvEn g 0.54 7.93 -.05 ProvidFS 0.44 14.74 +.13 Prudentl 1.15 63.16 +.60 Prud UK 0.61 22.54 +.78 PSEG 1.37 32.63 +.06 PubStrg 3.20 108.52 +1.52 PudaCoal 12.56 -.06 PulteGrp 8.24 -.19 PMIIT 0.52 5.91 +.04 PPrIT 0.71 6.45 +.05

Q-R-S-T QEP Res n QIAGEN QR Eng n QiaoXing QlikTech n Qlogic Qualcom QualitySys QuantaSvc QntmDSS QuantFu h Quepasa QstDiag QuestSft Questar s Questcor QuickLog QksilvRes Quiksilvr QwestCm RAIT Fin RF MicD RPC s RPM RSC Hldgs RTI IntlM RXi Phrm Rackspace RadianGrp RadntSys RadientPh RadioShk Radware Ralcorp Rambus Randgold RangeRs RaptorPhm RareEle g RJamesFn Rayonier Raytheon RealD n RltyInco RedHat Rdiff.cm RedwdTr ReedElsNV RegalEnt RgcyCtrs RegncyEn Regenrn RegBkHT RegionsFn Regis Cp ReinsGrp Reis Inc RelStlAl RenaisRe ReneSola RentACt Rentech ReprosT rs Repsol RepubAir RepubSvc RschMotn ResMed s ResoluteEn Resolute wt ResrceCap ResConn RetailHT RexEnergy RexahnPh ReynAm s RigelPh RioTinto s RitchieBr RiteAid h Riverbed s RobbMyer RobtHalf RockTen RockwlAut RockColl RockwdH RofinSinar RogCm gs Roper RosettaR RossStrs Rovi Corp Rowan RoyalBk g RBSct prT RylCarb RoyDShllB RoyDShllA RoyGld Royce Rubicon g RubiconTc RubyTues Rudolph Ryanair Ryder RdxSPEW RdxSPGth Ryland S1 Corp SAIC SAP AG SBA Com SCANA SEI Inv SFN Grp SK Tlcm SLGreen SLGrn pfC SLM Cp SM Energy SpdrDJIA SpdrGold SpdrEMSmC SpdrIntRE SpdrIntlSC SP Mid S&P500ETF Spdr Div SpdrHome SpdrKbwBk SpdrKbwIns SpdrWilRE SpdrBarcCv SpdrLehHY SpdrNuBST SpdrKbw RB SpdrRetl SpdrOGEx SpdrMetM SPX Cp SRA Intl STEC STMicro STR Hldgs SVB FnGp SXC Hlth s SABESP Safeway StJoe StJude Saks Salesforce SalixPhm SallyBty SamsO&G SanderFm SanDisk SandRdge SangBio Sanmina Sanofi SantFn pfB Sapient SaraLee Sasol Satcon h SavientPh Savvis Schlmbrg SchwUSMkt Schwab SchMau SciGames Scotts ScrippsNet SeabGld g SeacoastBk SeadrillLtd SeagateT SealAir Sealy SearsHldgs SeattGen SelCmfrt SemGrp n SemiHTr SempraEn Semtech Senesco SenHous Sensata n Sensient Sequenom ServiceCp ShandaGm ShawGrp Sherwin ShipFin Shire ShoreTel SiderNac s Siemens SifyTech SigmaAld

0.08 39.58 +.29 18.72 -.06 22.23 +.51 2.53 +.05 23.80 +.94 17.93 +.24 0.76 54.90 +3.04 1.20 74.60 -.40 23.65 +.07 3.01 -.58 .46 +.01 14.68 +1.98 0.40 57.98 +.28 26.00 +.04 0.56 17.48 -.03 15.91 -.32 6.00 +.08 14.90 -.09 4.59 -.12 0.32 7.15 -.09 0.03 2.73 +.01 6.91 -.00 0.28 17.72 +.64 0.84 23.86 +.79 12.04 -.35 29.03 +.37 2.00 +.02 32.21 +.34 0.01 7.45 +.05 18.85 +.39 .67 -.07 0.25 15.50 -.07 36.87 +1.11 61.95 -.31 20.95 +.32 0.17 76.01 -.95 0.16 47.92 +.02 3.80 +.10 13.29 +.62 0.52 36.43 +.49 2.16 59.92 -.04 1.50 51.14 -.46 25.69 +.76 1.73 35.12 +.31 41.38 -.81 7.09 +.21 1.00 15.28 +.09 1.08 26.32 -.38 0.84 12.32 +.11 1.85 43.09 +.99 1.78 26.75 -.62 34.87 +.40 0.59 87.97 +.55 0.04 7.15 +.18 0.16 17.05 -.08 0.48 58.97 +.54 6.85 +.05 0.40 53.40 -.39 1.00 65.98 +.18 10.65 +.53 0.24 30.89 +.28 1.30 +.02 2.71 +.07 1.20 31.50 +.43 6.43 +.09 0.80 31.29 +.29 61.98 -.02 33.05 +1.04 17.35 +.03 4.68 -.05 1.00 7.35 +.13 0.16 20.30 -.57 1.71 108.56 +.77 11.84 -.55 1.51 +.02 1.96 32.56 +.17 6.97 -.22 0.90 70.70 -.40 0.42 25.15 -.02 1.27 +.17 34.91 +.62 0.18 40.73 -.18 0.52 31.56 -2.13 0.80 67.36 +.67 1.40 82.70 +1.39 0.96 64.90 +.63 40.74 +.24 38.10 +.45 1.28 35.02 +.13 0.44 76.66 +.67 36.77 -.04 0.64 66.99 +.47 64.86 +2.16 34.98 +.19 2.00 53.79 +.62 17.82 -.03 47.28 -2.22 3.36 70.51 +.79 3.36 70.72 +1.03 0.44 46.18 -1.28 0.12 14.80 +.14 4.85 -.24 18.80 -.41 13.88 +.16 10.15 +.30 2.29 30.44 +.04 1.08 49.42 -.04 0.63 48.84 +.23 0.16 44.49 +.24 0.12 18.19 -.05 6.72 +.10 16.65 -.04 0.67 57.36 +.90 41.01 +.12 1.90 42.67 +.42 0.20 23.00 -.35 9.91 -.10 17.55 -.11 0.40 72.59 +1.80 1.91 24.98 -.01 14.62 +.31 0.10 58.90 -.12 2.92 119.64 +.03 127.93 -3.24 1.73 55.10 -.32 3.39 39.13 -.10 0.55 31.45 +.07 1.51 169.71 +.66 2.37 129.99 +.32 1.74 52.71 +.11 0.33 18.33 +.02 0.13 26.46 +.30 0.67 44.46 +.45 1.79 63.34 +.97 1.89 42.05 +.25 4.68 40.45 +.02 0.49 23.62 +.06 0.35 26.66 +.18 0.49 47.38 +.59 0.20 54.48 -.21 0.38 68.28 -1.40 1.00 77.93 +.64 26.87 -.26 21.12 -.50 0.28 12.22 +.51 18.75 +.03 52.95 +.25 48.54 +1.92 2.55 50.00 -.15 0.48 20.65 -.09 29.47 -.03 41.80 -.35 11.78 -.03 128.24 -.05 41.71 -.30 13.33 +.27 2.25 -.04 0.68 41.78 +.14 51.32 +1.35 7.16 -.12 7.68 -.21 15.48 +.14 1.63 35.25 +.06 1.00 18.01 -.13 0.35 12.53 -.05 0.46 17.64 -.88 1.46 49.86 -.65 5.05 -.01 9.70 -.41 26.57 -.03 1.00 85.98 -1.47 0.44 31.40 +.10 0.24 18.14 +.10 0.60 61.84 -.10 10.49 -.28 1.00 54.13 +.61 0.30 46.36 -.07 27.91 -1.05 1.65 -.15 2.41 33.12 +.02 14.00 +.31 0.52 27.18 -.06 2.79 +.08 76.78 +.17 17.07 +.31 10.51 -.13 27.54 +.56 0.56 35.13 +.70 1.56 52.33 -.12 22.22 +.09 .30 -.01 1.48 22.46 +.27 31.32 +1.23 0.84 34.96 -.22 7.01 +.11 0.16 8.78 +.09 5.81 -.15 38.15 -.11 1.44 85.70 +.83 1.44 20.07 -.38 0.34 80.49 +.01 8.22 -.27 0.58 17.09 -.47 3.72 130.49 +1.21 2.61 +.01 0.64 63.82 -.52

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Economy Continued from B1 He warned that while other nations are putting out the welcome mat for manufacturing companies and agricultural production and processing, the opposite has occurred in many states from Oregon to California, where businesses have been fleeing to Texas and other states where taxes and regulations are less onerous. “California has gone too far. Environmental regulations are killing industry, and they are killing agriculture. There is not balance there,” Zimmerman said. He said finding balance between tax policies and environmental regulations that manufacturers, farmers and ranchers and other businesses can live with is one of the keys to rebuilding the state and regional economy. As a first step on his “1,000-Day Road Map” to economic recovery and community transformation, Zimmerman challenged those attending the meeting to form task forces to prioritize, refine and develop plans to implement the 10 strategies during the first 100 days of his road map. The 10 strategies are: • Build on the know-how of the existing construction work force to create a manufactured homes industry. He said the market for manufactured homes is growing in the United States and worldwide, and that for every 100 employees working in a manufactured hous-

ESOP Continued from B1 An accountant familiar with this form of benefit program said that even if it demands more administrative work, it generally benefits all enrolled employees in the long run. Thus n-Link and Sun Forest Construction are in a class unto themselves in an area where few ESOP programs exist. Gary Kronmiller, a certified public accountant who works in the Bend and Eugene offices of Jones & Roth, said he and others in his industry expect 70 percent of small businesses to transition and establish ESOPs over the next 10 years. “The owners are going to look

THE BULLETIN • Friday, January 28, 2011 B3

ing plant, 98 other jobs would be created in other industries. • Assist more startup companies. He said with Economic Development for Central Oregon, the Bend Venture Conference and angel investors willing to invest in startup companies, Central Oregon already has “a robust economic development network.” But he suggested expanding the region’s capabilities to assist startup companies and fostering more cooperation among various groups, and government, education and business leaders, through local collaboration. • Create partnerships with the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Working with the tribes provides many advantages, including greater potential for federal government grants and low-interest business loans, access to water and other natural resources, and regulatory and work force advantages. • Build innovation and infrastructure, including development of an applied research and creative activities center in Central Oregon. Zimmerman suggested going beyond the technical research center that has already been proposed by City Councilor Jim Clinton, calling for a creative-activities component to train a skilled work force to develop a film and television industry. That component would build on the skills and experience of people who worked in film, television and visual arts

and have moved to Bend from California and other places. • Create global connections. “You are really good at helping startup companies. Helping them export would transform your economy. It would lead to more businesses overall,” Zimmerman said. He recommended starting an export-assistance program or business that provides that type of assistance. • Create an innovation fund. Zimmerman said a locally funded innovation fund could help people get the skills and training needed to develop businesses in fields where job opportunities are expected to grow, including health and nutrition, tourism, food and beverage, extreme sports, film and virtual arts, culinary arts, recreation and outdoor activities. • Create a sustainable energy and clean technology system. Develop long-range energy and clean-tech systems for water, air, waste and power. Zimmerman said creating systems to conserve the region’s vast resources, and to manufacture and market technology and equipment that can help other communities and businesses conserve resources around the world will create jobs of the future. • Create a leadership roundtable. Central Oregon has many organizations, agencies and community and business leaders working on myriad ideas, but creating a leadership roundtable will improve communication between the various entities, which Zim-

merman said will reduce duplication of efforts and get the groups working more closely together. • Foster a more business-friendly county, by eliminating onerous “DURT.” That acronym is short for delays, uncertainty, regulations and taxes. “If regulations are too stiff and taxes are too high, businesses are going to keep going to Texas,” Zimmerman said. • Reconvene the Deschutes Economic Alliance Action Summit in 100 days. Form action teams to sharpen each strategy and create an action plan. Report back in 100 days on what the region has to build on and what is has in terms of capital and other resources to put the plan into action, Zimmerman said. Zimmerman was hired by the Deschutes Economic Alliance and started work in May to develop the plan. During a question-and-answer period after Zimmerman’s presentation, Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-Sunriver, encouraged those attending the meeting to sign up as action team volunteers. Whisnant said while he and other legislators can help set the stage for economic recovery by clearing roadblocks such as excessive taxes and regulations, he said, “You are the people who are going to make this happen.” Bill Watkins, director of the Central Oregon Economic Forecast Project at California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks,

said improving Central Oregon’s economy is going to take a collaborative effort. It will require setting aside traditional polarization of Democrat-versus-Republican, labor-versus-business politics, and everyone working together on the local, state and national level to create a new, globally competitive model of operation for government, education and business, according to speakers. “My job was to convince the community that they have to do something different. Just waiting for the recovery to happen is not going to work,” said Watkins, a presenter and executive director of the Center for Economic Research and Forecasting (CERF) at the university. Watkins said the three years of research he and other CERF staff members have conducted shows the Bend, Deschutes County and Central Oregon economies have lost a combined 14,500 jobs since the recession hit in December of 2007, with nearly half of those job losses in construction. Not only have those jobs not come back, Watkins said, almost two years after the recession officially ended, the region is still losing jobs. Watkins said economic recovery is not likely as long as Central Oregon’s economic fortunes remain overly dependent on immigration from California retirees who came to the region in droves during the boom years with pockets full of cash from selling highpriced real estate. “Those days are over,” Watkins

said. Instead of the immigration that fueled Central Oregon’s housing and construction boom, Watkins said the tide has turned and the region is experiencing an out-migration. “People are voting with their feet. Even though they love the area for all of the outdoor recreation opportunities, they are leaving,” Watkins said, adding that former construction workers, and some business owners are choosing to leave the place they love and go someplace else where they see opportunities for work, or to start or move their businesses to a less-regulatory environment. Lawnae Hunter, owner of Hunter Properties of Bend and chairwoman of the Deschutes Economic Alliance, a sponsor of the meeting, described Watkins’ presentation as a wake-up call and a call to action. “If you want to change poverty with a view to possibilities with a view, sign up to work on an action committee,” she said. Former Bend Mayor Bruce Abernethy said his take on the meeting was that Watkins’ presentation grounded attendees in the reality that “we’ve got tough sledding ahead,” while Zimmerman focused on the possibilities. “The things that have been laid out by (Zimmerman) are exciting,” Abernethy said. “We have the ability to create our own future.”

to retire and pass on the business,” he said. Paperwork the government requires of companies with ESOPs can be a disadvantage, Kronmiller said. Details of employee benefit plans, including ESOPs, must be submitted each year to the U.S. Department of Labor via Form 5500, he said. And if a company has more than 120 ESOP participants, it must submit an independent audit by a CPA as well, he said. Another downside: “Retirement investments have to be invested in stock for the company,” Kronmiller said. “It means that they’re restricted in that regard, that they can’t put it in other investments.” For an employee to be eligible

to enroll in an ESOP, Kronmiller said, usually he or she must be at least 21 years old, worked more than 1,000 hours and worked at a company for at least a year. Ruth Lindley, marketing manager at Economic Development for Central Oregon, said neither she nor her colleague Eric Strobel, EDCO’s business development manager, could think of another such company in Central Oregon. Other people consulted on the matter, including Kronmiller, could not identify Central Oregon companies with ESOPs. Gary Bradshaw and Karl Mandry established Sun Forest Construction in Bend in 1976, said Kathy Nelson, the company’s director of finance. In 1996,

as Bradshaw and Mandry were preparing to leave the company and retire, they considered several methods to share profits and ensure the continuity of the company, and an accountant they were consulting asked if they had heard of ESOPs, said Linda Cramer, the firm’s chief financial officer. When the ESOP began, Nelson said, the company had about 44 employees. Employment peaked at 120 during the housing and construction boom; it is back down to about 40. Over all those years, Nelson said, the employees have appreciated the ESOP. “The fact that we’re 100 percent employee-owned really incentivizes the employees,” Nel-

son said. “We all have a stake in how well the company does, and it’s really an incentive to be here, work hard and do as best as you can do for all the employees. So, you know, ‘Proud to be 100 percent employee-owned’ is not just a statement; … the employees here truly believe it.” Nelson’s viewpoint made sense to Kronmiller. “You would think if you’re an employee at a company (with an ESOP), you would probably work hard to make sure that

company’s profitable, because it would benefit you, because the stock would go up in value,” Kronmiller said. “And so the idea is that if you have a vested interest in the company’s stock and you’re working there, you may view it a little (differently from) just a typical employee — they just want to get their wages.”

Ed Merriman can be reached at 541-617-7820 or emerriman@ bendbulletin.com.

Jordan Novet can be reached at 541-633-2117 or at jnovet@ bendbulletin.com.

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YTD Last Chg %Chg

AlskAir Avista BkofAm BarrettB Boeing CascdeB rs CascdeCp ColSprtw Costco CraftBrew FLIR Sys HewlettP HmFedDE Intel Keycorp Kroger Lattice LaPac MDU Res MentorGr Microsoft

... 1.00 .04 .36f 1.68 ... .40 .80a .82 ... ... .32 .22 .72f .04 .42 ... ... .65f ... .64

9 15 21 24 16 ... ... 29 24 53 21 12 ... 11 19 13 14 ... 17 ... 7

62.84 +1.78 +10.8 23.42 +.16 +4.0 13.67 +.12 +2.5 14.87 -.03 -4.4 70.56 +.54 +8.1 9.57 -.19 +13.3 49.02 +.57 +3.7 62.60 +.82 +3.8 73.12 +.50 +1.3 7.48 +.11 +1.2 30.64 +.14 +3.0 46.74 -.14 +11.0 11.37 -.15 -7.3 21.75 ... +3.4 8.93 +.04 +.9 21.51 -.10 -3.8 5.94 +.13 -2.0 10.27 -.11 +8.6 21.32 +.07 +5.2 12.75 +.05 +6.3 28.87 +.09 +3.4

Name NikeB Nordstrm NwstNG OfficeMax Paccar PlanarSy PlumCrk PrecCastpt Safeway Schnitzer Sherwin StancrpFn Starbucks TriQuint Umpqua US Bancrp WashFed WellsFargo WstCstB Weyerh

Precious metals Metal NY HSBC Bank US NY Merc Gold NY Merc Silver

Price (troy oz.) $1312.00 $1318.40 $27.045

Pvs Day $1341.00 $1333.30 $27.132

Market recap



YTD Last Chg %Chg

1.24f .80 1.74 ... .48a ... 1.68 .12 .48 .07 1.44 .86f .52 ... .20 .20 .24f .20 ... .60f

20 17 16 24 61 ... 40 22 ... 19 20 11 24 13 ... 17 15 15 ... ...

82.77 -1.23 -3.1 41.96 +.43 -1.0 44.96 -.21 -3.2 17.19 -.02 -2.9 56.56 +.24 -1.4 2.52 +.08 +21.7 42.31 +.24 +13.0 144.53 -.12 +3.8 20.65 -.09 -8.2 62.21 -1.09 -6.3 85.70 +.83 +2.3 48.64 +.19 +7.8 33.03 -.04 +2.8 13.46 +.22 +15.1 11.60 -.46 -4.8 26.96 +.36 ... 17.43 +.26 +3.0 32.50 +.05 +4.9 3.33 +.03 +18.1 23.01 +.18 +21.6

Prime rate Time period


Last Previous day A week ago

3.25 3.25 3.25



Most Active ($1 or more) Name

Vol (00)

Citigrp BkofAm S&P500ETF iShEMkts SPDR Fncl

2591971 1475299 1057487 775485 701054

Last Chg 4.83 13.67 129.99 46.81 16.54

+.02 +.12 +.32 -.16 +.14

Gainers ($2 or more) Name Teradyn UndrArmr MPG OffTr TAL Ed n HelmPayne


Chg %Chg

16.35 59.79 3.83 13.55 56.74

+1.72 +11.8 +5.91 +11.0 +.36 +10.4 +1.20 +9.7 +4.93 +9.5

Losers ($2 or more) Name CashStr gn QntmDSS MotrlaMo n MurphO Greenhill

Last 14.18 3.01 30.51 65.74 73.97


Most Active ($1 or more) Name

Vol (00)

RareEle g NthgtM g NovaGld g MdwGold g GrtBasG g

Last Chg

53596 13.29 +.62 53532 2.55 -.13 43166 13.20 -.58 43124 1.20 +.11 39060 2.68 ...

Most Active ($1 or more) Vol (00)

Last Chg

Microsoft MicronT Intel Qualcom PwShs QQQ

1391748 798010 569081 482157 481803

28.87 +.09 10.59 +.64 21.75 ... 54.90 +3.04 57.18 +.35

Gainers ($2 or more) Name VantDrl un Quepasa ATS Corp YM Bio g Ever-Glory


Gainers ($2 or more)

Chg %Chg

2.60 +.40 +18.2 14.68 +1.98 +15.6 3.69 +.34 +10.1 2.36 +.17 +7.8 2.56 +.17 +7.1



BassettF MidPenn BerkshBcp Cirrus MarshE rsh

6.42 9.00 7.70 21.29 3.16

Chg %Chg +1.87 +1.90 +1.34 +3.37 +.50

+41.1 +26.7 +21.1 +18.8 +18.8

Losers ($2 or more)



Chg %Chg


-16.5 -16.2 -12.4 -10.2 -9.8

ChiMetRur Barnwell MincoG g EngySvc un EndvSilv g

4.22 6.47 2.11 5.40 5.93

-.58 -12.1 -.70 -9.8 -.16 -7.0 -.37 -6.4 -.36 -5.7

Hawkins PrincNtl CantbryPk CaroBkHld Cohu

1,703 1,329 101 3,133 252 9

Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Lows




Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Lows

52-Week High Low Name


Losers ($2 or more)

Chg %Chg -2.81 -.58 -4.32 -7.49 -8.07


Chg %Chg

38.82 -7.32 -15.9 4.72 -.68 -12.6 13.35 -1.65 -11.0 3.69 -.36 -8.9 15.18 -1.48 -8.9

Diary 208 256 41 505 15 2

Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Lows

1,362 1,279 128 2,769 158 13

12,020.52 9,614.32 Dow Jones Industrials 5,256.80 3,742.01 Dow Jones Transportation 416.47 346.95 Dow Jones Utilities 8,204.32 6,355.83 NYSE Composite 2,225.48 1,689.19 Amex Index 2,766.17 2,061.14 Nasdaq Composite 1,299.74 1,010.91 S&P 500 13,770.32 10,596.20 Wilshire 5000 807.89 580.49 Russell 2000

World markets


Net Chg

11,989.83 5,135.31 414.42 8,207.06 2,166.43 2,755.28 1,299.54 13,772.83 795.43

+4.39 +28.56 +1.03 +13.42 -8.43 +15.78 +2.91 +35.54 +1.71

YTD %Chg %Chg +.04 +.56 +.25 +.16 -.39 +.58 +.22 +.26 +.22

52-wk %Chg

+3.56 +.56 +2.33 +3.05 -1.90 +3.86 +3.33 +3.09 +1.50

+18.47 +30.33 +8.88 +17.97 +20.29 +26.45 +19.83 +22.27 +30.84


Here is how key international stock markets performed Thursday.

Key currency exchange rates Thursday compared with late Wednesday in New York.


Dollar vs:

Amsterdam Brussels Paris London Frankfurt Hong Kong Mexico Milan New Zealand Tokyo Seoul Singapore Sydney Zurich



364.33 2,678.23 4,059.57 5,965.08 7,155.58 23,779.62 37,447.70 22,311.52 3,350.93 10,478.66 2,115.01 3,219.83 4,907.00 5,883.83

+.63 s +.33 s +.26 s -.07 t +.40 s -.27 t -.37 t +1.38 s -.11 t +.74 s +.22 s -.03 t -.04 t -.26 t

Exchange Rate

Australia Dollar Britain Pound Canada Dollar Chile Peso China Yuan Euro Euro Hong Kong Dollar Japan Yen Mexico Peso Russia Ruble So. Korea Won Sweden Krona Switzerlnd Franc Taiwan Dollar

Pvs Day

.9925 1.5935 1.0060 .002061 .1518 1.3729 .1283 .012075 .083126 .0338 .000897 .1554 1.0573 .0344

.9959 1.5885 1.0045 .002045 .1519 1.3687 .1284 .012129 .083063 .0336 .000894 .1542 1.0596 .0344

Selected mutual funds YTD Name NAV Chg %Ret Amer Beacon Insti: LgCapInst 20.22 +0.04 +3.7 Amer Beacon Inv: LgCap Inv 19.22 +0.04 +3.7 Amer Century Inv: EqInc 7.35 +0.02 +1.9 GrowthI 26.70 +0.09 +3.3 Ultra 23.47 +0.10 +3.6 American Funds A: AmcpA p 19.49 +0.06 +3.5 AMutlA p 25.99 +0.04 +2.6 BalA p 18.41 +0.08 +2.7 BondA p 12.19 +0.03 +0.2 CapIBA p 50.40 +1.0 CapWGA p 36.65 +0.03 +2.6 CapWA p 20.49 +0.3 EupacA p 42.16 +0.02 +1.9 FdInvA p 37.79 +0.08 +3.0 GovtA p 13.87 +0.03 -0.3 GwthA p 31.23 +0.04 +2.6 HI TrA p 11.47 +0.01 +2.1 IncoA p 16.92 +0.03 +2.2 IntBdA p 13.44 +0.02 +0.3 ICAA p 29.05 +0.06 +3.2 NEcoA p 26.24 +0.10 +3.6 N PerA p 29.17 +0.07 +1.9 NwWrldA 54.12 -0.02 -0.9 SmCpA p 39.13 +0.02 +0.7 TxExA p 11.65 +0.01 -1.1 WshA p 27.94 +0.05 +2.7 Artio Global Funds: IntlEqI r 30.41 +0.04 +0.9 IntlEqA 29.67 +0.04 +0.9 IntEqII I r 12.56 +0.02 +0.8 Artisan Funds: Intl 22.42 +0.02 +3.3 MidCap 34.25 +0.13 +1.8 MidCapVal 21.00 +0.07 +4.6 Baron Funds: Growth 52.09 +0.28 +1.7 Bernstein Fds: IntDur 13.74 +0.03 +0.4 DivMu 14.18 +0.01 -0.3

TxMgdIntl 16.16 +0.03 BlackRock A: EqtyDiv 17.93 +0.01 GlAlA r 19.72 +0.02 BlackRock B&C: GlAlC t 18.41 +0.01 BlackRock Instl: EquityDv 17.97 +0.02 GlbAlloc r 19.81 +0.02 Calamos Funds: GrwthA p 54.83 +0.39 Columbia Class A: Acorn t 29.44 +0.04 DivEqInc 10.40 +0.02 Columbia Class Z: Acorn Z 30.40 +0.04 AcornIntZ 40.98 -0.03 ValRestr 51.01 -0.12 Credit Suisse Comm: ComRet t 9.23 -0.05 DFA Funds: IntlCorEq 11.68 +0.04 USCorEq2 11.32 +0.04 Davis Funds A: NYVen A 35.11 +0.04 Davis Funds C & Y: NYVenY 35.48 +0.04 NYVen C 33.94 +0.04 Delaware Invest A: Diver Inc p 9.22 +0.02 Dimensional Fds: EmMCrEq 21.88 -0.05 EmMktV 35.70 -0.08 IntSmVa 17.74 +0.03 LargeCo 10.24 +0.02 USLgVa 20.95 +0.07 US Small 21.79 +0.05 US SmVa 26.18 +0.10 IntlSmCo 17.55 +0.03 Fixd 10.33 IntVa 19.41 +0.09 Glb5FxInc 10.89 +0.01 2YGlFxd 10.16 +0.01 Dodge&Cox: Balanced 72.65 +0.07

+2.7 +2.3 +1.5 +1.5 +2.4 +1.6 +2.7 +0.7 +3.0 +0.7 +0.1 +1.0 -1.2 +3.7 +3.2 +2.2 +2.3 +2.2 +0.4 -1.3 -1.3 +3.1 +3.4 +4.1 +2.0 +2.4 +2.2 +0.1 +5.6 +0.1 +0.1 +3.5

Income 13.28 IntlStk 36.54 Stock 112.60 Eaton Vance A: LgCpVal 18.62 Eaton Vance I: GblMacAbR 10.23 LgCapVal 18.67 FMI Funds: LgCap p 16.19 FPA Funds: NwInc 10.89 FPACres 27.36 Fairholme 35.65 Federated Instl: KaufmnR 5.56 Fidelity Advisor A: NwInsgh p 20.32 StrInA 12.51 Fidelity Advisor I: NwInsgtI 20.52 Fidelity Freedom: FF2010 13.80 FF2015 11.53 FF2020 14.05 FF2020K 13.44 FF2025 11.76 FF2030 14.08 FF2030K 13.91 FF2035 11.75 FF2040 8.21 Fidelity Invest: AllSectEq 13.13 AMgr50 15.69 Balanc 18.66 BalancedK 18.66 BlueChGr 46.90 Canada 58.44 CapAp 26.24 CpInc r 9.71 Contra 68.99 ContraK 68.96 DisEq 23.56 DivIntl 30.78 DivrsIntK r 30.75

+0.02 +0.4 +0.02 +2.3 +0.09 +4.5 +0.03 +2.2 -0.01 +0.03 +2.2 -0.01 +3.7 +0.4 +0.02 +2.1 +0.17 +0.2 -0.01 +1.1 +0.02 +1.8 +0.01 +1.3 +0.03 +1.9 +0.02 +0.02 +0.02 +0.02 +0.02 +0.02 +0.03 +0.02 +0.01 +0.05 +0.03 +0.05 +0.05 +0.24 -0.02 +0.18 +0.02 +0.07 +0.07 +0.09 +0.05 +0.04

+1.5 +1.7 +1.9 +1.9 +2.1 +2.3 +2.3 +2.4 +2.5 +3.6 +1.8 +2.4 +2.4 +3.4 +0.5 +3.6 +3.3 +1.9 +1.9 +4.6 +2.1 +2.1

DivGth 29.36 EmrMk 26.11 Eq Inc 46.04 EQII 19.00 Fidel 33.25 FltRateHi r 9.90 GNMA 11.45 GovtInc 10.41 GroCo 85.96 GroInc 18.93 GrowthCoK 85.91 HighInc r 9.12 Indepn 24.95 IntBd 10.57 IntmMu 9.95 IntlDisc 33.63 InvGrBd 11.39 InvGB 7.40 LgCapVal 12.24 LatAm 56.97 LevCoStk 29.44 LowP r 39.42 LowPriK r 39.40 Magelln 73.97 MidCap 29.52 MuniInc 12.10 NwMkt r 15.57 OTC 58.09 100Index 9.05 Ovrsea 33.44 Puritn 18.31 SCmdtyStrt 12.41 SrsIntGrw 11.27 SrsIntVal 10.54 STBF 8.47 SmllCpS r 20.71 StratInc 11.20 StrReRt r 9.63 TotalBd 10.74 USBI 11.31 Value 71.58 Fidelity Selects: Gold r 47.27 Fidelity Spartan:

+0.05 -0.07 +0.19 +0.08 +0.06

+3.3 -0.9 +4.0 +4.1 +3.4 +1.3 +0.01 +0.1 +0.02 +0.31 +3.4 +0.04 +3.4 +0.30 +3.4 +0.01 +2.5 +0.06 +2.5 +0.02 +0.4 -0.5 +0.09 +1.8 +0.02 +0.1 +0.02 +0.3 +0.04 +3.5 -0.72 -3.5 +0.22 +3.6 +0.22 +2.7 +0.21 +2.7 +0.15 +3.2 +0.19 +2.3 +0.01 -1.1 -0.04 -0.1 +0.37 +5.8 +0.01 +3.5 +0.13 +3.0 +0.03 +2.2 -0.11 -1.8 -0.02 -0.2 +0.07 +6.0 +0.01 +0.2 +0.30 +5.7 +0.01 +1.3 +0.5 +0.01 +0.4 +0.01 +0.39 +4.2 -0.93 -11.0

ExtMkIn 39.18 +0.16 500IdxInv 46.01 +0.10 IntlInxInv 36.48 +0.09 TotMktInv 37.63 +0.10 Fidelity Spart Adv: 500IdxAdv 46.01 +0.10 TotMktAd r 37.63 +0.10 First Eagle: GlblA 46.94 +0.11 OverseasA 22.73 +0.03 Frank/Temp Frnk A: FedTFA p 11.21 +0.02 FoundAl p 10.84 +0.02 HYTFA p 9.48 +0.01 IncomA p 2.23 USGovA p 6.74 +0.01 Frank/Tmp Frnk Adv: GlbBdAdv p IncmeAd 2.22 Frank/Temp Frnk C: IncomC t 2.25 Frank/Temp Mtl A&B: SharesA 21.29 +0.06 Frank/Temp Temp A: ForgnA p 7.40 +0.04 GlBd A p 13.50 GrwthA p 18.65 +0.04 WorldA p 15.53 +0.04 Frank/Temp Tmp B&C: GlBdC p 13.53 GE Elfun S&S: S&S PM 41.84 +0.13 GMO Trust III: Quality 20.60 GMO Trust VI: EmgMkts r 14.80 +0.04 Quality 20.61 +0.01 Goldman Sachs Inst: HiYield 7.40 MidCapV 37.45 +0.23 Harbor Funds: Bond 12.15 +0.02 CapApInst 37.60 +0.10 IntlInv t 61.77 +0.21 Intl r 62.35 +0.21

+2.6 +3.4 +3.7 +3.3 +3.4 +3.3 +1.3 +0.3 -1.0 +3.6 -1.3 +2.9 -0.3 +2.9 +2.8 +3.1 +6.0 -0.3 +4.8 +4.6 -0.3 +4.0 +2.4 +1.4 +2.5 +1.9 +3.6 +0.4 +2.4 +3.0 +3.0

Hartford Fds A: CpAppA p 36.34 +0.24 Hartford Fds Y: CapAppI 36.35 +0.24 Hartford HLS IA : CapApp 44.34 +0.25 Div&Gr 20.27 +0.05 TotRetBd 10.93 +0.02 Hussman Funds: StrGrowth 11.97 +0.01 IVA Funds: Wldwide I r 16.96 -0.01 Invesco Funds A: Chart p 16.80 CmstkA 16.37 +0.07 EqIncA 8.87 +0.03 GrIncA p 20.00 +0.07 HYMuA 8.75 +0.01 Ivy Funds: AssetSC t 23.81 -0.06 AssetStA p 24.51 -0.06 AssetStrI r 24.72 -0.06 JPMorgan A Class: CoreBd A 11.51 +0.03 JPMorgan Sel Cls: CoreBd 11.50 +0.02 HighYld 8.36 +0.01 IntmTFBd 10.71 ShtDurBd 10.99 +0.01 USLCCrPls 21.20 +0.02 Janus T Shrs: OvrseasT r 52.75 +0.22 PrkMCVal T 23.24 +0.09 Twenty T 67.65 +0.23 John Hancock Cl 1: LSBalanc 13.18 +0.03 LSGrwth 13.15 +0.03 Lazard Instl: EmgMktI 21.18 -0.14 Lazard Open: EmgMkO p 21.57 -0.14 Legg Mason A: WAMgMu p 14.78 +0.03 Longleaf Partners: Partners 28.99 -0.07

+4.9 +4.9 +4.7 +4.0 +0.3 -2.6 +1.4 +3.9 +4.1 +3.3 +4.1 -2.1 +0.3 +0.4 +0.4 +0.3 +0.3 +2.6 -0.5 +0.2 +2.6 +4.2 +3.0 +2.9 +2.2 +2.4 -2.8 -2.8 -1.8 +2.6

Loomis Sayles: LSBondI 14.44 +0.04 StrInc C 15.07 +0.04 LSBondR 14.38 +0.03 StrIncA 14.98 +0.03 Loomis Sayles Inv: InvGrBdY 12.22 +0.03 Lord Abbett A: AffilA p 11.95 +0.03 BdDebA p 7.95 +0.01 ShDurIncA p 4.61 Lord Abbett C: ShDurIncC t 4.64 MFS Funds A: TotRA 14.35 +0.01 ValueA 23.50 +0.02 MFS Funds I: ValueI 23.60 +0.01 Manning&Napier Fds: WldOppA 8.85 +0.01 Matthews Asian: AsianGIInv 18.02 -0.02 PacTgrInv 22.88 -0.13 MergerFd 15.92 Metro West Fds: TotRetBd 10.41 +0.01 TotRtBdI 10.41 +0.01 MorganStanley Inst: MCapGrI 38.27 +0.10 Mutual Series: GblDiscA 30.02 +0.10 GlbDiscZ 30.38 +0.11 QuestZ 18.16 +0.06 SharesZ 21.46 +0.07 Neuberger&Berm Inv: GenesInst 46.65 +0.11 Neuberger&Berm Tr: Genesis 48.34 +0.12 Northern Funds: HiYFxInc 7.41 Oakmark Funds I: EqtyInc r 28.27 -0.02 Intl I r 20.26 +0.13 Oakmark r 42.90 +0.08 Old Westbury Fds:

+1.6 +1.7 +1.6 +1.7 +0.7 +3.2 +2.2 +0.5 +0.5 +1.8 +3.0 +3.0 +2.8 -0.1 -2.4 +0.9 +0.6 +0.7 +2.5 +2.8 +2.9 +2.7 +3.2 +1.5 +1.5 NA +1.9 +4.4 +3.9

GlobOpp 7.89 +0.02 GlbSMdCap 15.71 +0.05 Oppenheimer A: CapApA p 44.51 +0.13 DvMktA p 35.19 -0.20 GlobA p 62.91 +0.38 GblStrIncA 4.31 Gold p 43.75 -0.93 IntBdA p 6.48 -0.01 MnStFdA 33.28 +0.10 RisingDivA 15.94 +0.02 S&MdCpVl 33.01 +0.22 Oppenheimer B: RisingDivB 14.45 +0.02 S&MdCpVl 28.30 +0.18 Oppenheimer C&M: RisingDvC p 14.40 +0.02 Oppenheimer Roch: RcNtMuA 6.39 +0.01 Oppenheimer Y: DevMktY 34.81 -0.20 PIMCO Admin PIMS: TotRtAd 10.86 +0.02 PIMCO Instl PIMS: AlAsetAut r 10.56 +0.01 AllAsset 12.12 +0.01 ComodRR 9.19 -0.05 HiYld 9.44 +0.01 InvGrCp 10.51 +0.01 LowDu 10.41 +0.01 RealRtnI 11.31 ShortT 9.88 TotRt 10.86 +0.02 PIMCO Funds A: RealRtA p 11.31 TotRtA 10.86 +0.02 PIMCO Funds C: TotRtC t 10.86 +0.02 PIMCO Funds D: TRtn p 10.86 +0.02 PIMCO Funds P: TotRtnP 10.86 +0.02 Perm Port Funds: Permannt 45.27 -0.07 Pioneer Funds A:

+2.3 +1.6 +2.1 -3.5 +4.2 +0.9 -12.2 -0.9 +2.7 +2.8 +3.0 +2.6 +2.9 +2.6 -3.5 -3.5 +0.3 -0.1 +0.6 -1.1 +2.0 +0.7 +0.4 -0.3 +0.3 +0.3 -0.4 +0.3 +0.2 +0.3 +0.3 -1.2

PionFdA p 42.02 Price Funds: BlChip 39.41 CapApp 20.78 EmMktS 34.71 EqInc 24.54 EqIndex 35.02 Growth 33.12 HlthSci 31.73 HiYield 6.91 IntlBond 9.92 IntlStk 14.41 MidCap 60.38 MCapVal 24.36 N Asia 18.80 New Era 53.23 N Horiz 34.14 N Inc 9.47 R2010 15.60 R2015 12.12 R2020 16.78 R2025 12.31 R2030 17.70 R2035 12.54 R2040 17.86 ShtBd 4.85 SmCpStk 35.12 SmCapVal 36.65 SpecIn 12.45 Value 24.29 Putnam Funds A: GrInA p 14.03 VoyA p 24.74 Royce Funds: PennMuI r 11.93 PremierI r 20.71 TotRetI r 13.38 Schwab Funds: 1000Inv r 38.44 S&P Sel 20.24 Scout Funds: Intl 33.20 Selected Funds: AmShD 42.34 Templeton Instit:

+0.02 +2.6 +0.20 +3.4 +2.3 -0.08 -1.6 +0.06 +3.6 +0.08 +3.4 +0.14 +3.0 +0.09 +4.8 +0.01 +2.4 -0.01 -0.1 -0.03 +1.3 +0.21 +3.2 +0.05 +2.7 -0.02 -2.0 -0.24 +2.1 +0.11 +1.9 +0.01 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA +0.2 +0.15 +2.0 +0.02 +1.4 +0.01 +1.0 +0.06 +4.1 +0.04 +3.6 +0.11 +4.3 +0.04 +2.4 +0.05 +1.8 +0.04 +1.6 +0.09 +3.4 +0.05 +3.4 +0.13 +2.5 +0.08 +2.2

ForEqS 21.00 Third Avenue Fds: ValueInst 53.45 Thornburg Fds: IntValA p 28.56 IntValue I 29.19 Tweedy Browne: GblValue 24.23 Vanguard Admiral: BalAdml 21.81 CAITAdm 10.59 CpOpAdl 79.75 EMAdmr r 39.52 Energy 127.41 ExtdAdm 42.43 500Adml 119.80 GNMA Ad 10.73 GrwAdm 32.59 HlthCr 53.07 HiYldCp 5.78 InfProAd 25.44 ITBdAdml 11.21 ITsryAdml 11.33 IntGrAdm 62.35 ITAdml 13.13 ITGrAdm 9.93 LtdTrAd 10.96 LTGrAdml 9.17 LT Adml 10.52 MCpAdml 95.17 MuHYAdm 9.94 PrmCap r 71.07 ReitAdm r 81.38 STsyAdml 10.69 STBdAdml 10.57 ShtTrAd 15.85 STIGrAd 10.79 SmCAdm 35.61 TtlBAdml 10.58 TStkAdm 32.62 WellslAdm 53.09 WelltnAdm 55.22 Windsor 47.51 WdsrIIAd 47.41

+0.06 +4.7 +0.03 +3.3 -0.03 +1.9 -0.03 +1.9 +1.7 +0.05 +0.01 +0.29 -0.07 -0.15 +0.16 +0.27 +0.03 +0.05 +0.13 +0.01 -0.01 +0.03 +0.03 +0.09 +0.02 +0.02 +0.01 +0.53 +0.01 +0.40 +1.21 +0.01 +0.02 +0.01 +0.16 +0.02 +0.09 +0.12 +0.15 +0.12 +0.06

+2.0 -0.8 +3.9 -0.9 +4.6 +2.8 +3.4 +0.1 +3.1 +2.7 +1.9 -0.4 +0.3 +0.2 +1.3 -0.8 +0.5 -0.2 -1.4 -1.2 +3.3 -1.2 +4.1 +3.7 +0.2 +0.3 +0.4 +2.4 +3.3 +1.0 +2.8 +4.2 +4.1

Vanguard Fds: AssetA 25.06 CapOpp 34.53 DivdGro 14.82 Energy 67.85 EqInc 20.99 Explr 74.76 GNMA 10.73 GlobEq 18.41 HYCorp 5.78 HlthCre 125.75 InflaPro 12.95 IntlGr 19.60 IntlVal 33.24 ITIGrade 9.93 LifeCon 16.59 LifeGro 22.60 LifeMod 19.94 LTIGrade 9.17 Morg 18.68 MuInt 13.13 PrecMtls r 24.57 PrmcpCor 14.21 Prmcp r 68.49 SelValu r 19.40 STAR 19.46 STIGrade 10.79 StratEq 19.01 TgtRetInc 11.37 TgRe2010 22.62 TgtRe2015 12.64 TgRe2020 22.54 TgtRe2025 12.90 TgRe2030 22.20 TgtRe2035 13.43 TgtRe2040 22.07 TgtRe2045 13.86 USGro 18.90 Wellsly 21.91 Welltn 31.97 Wndsr 14.08 WndsII 26.71 Vanguard Idx Fds: TotIntlInst r

500 +0.07 +0.13 +0.03 -0.09 +0.05 +0.37 +0.03 +0.07 +0.01 +0.30 -0.01 +0.03 +0.13 +0.02 +0.04 +0.05 +0.05 +0.02 +0.09 -0.18 +0.08 +0.38 +0.13 +0.05 +0.01 +0.16 +0.02 +0.04 +0.03 +0.05 +0.03 +0.04 +0.03 +0.05 +0.03 +0.08 +0.05 +0.09 +0.03 +0.03

+2.5 +3.9 +3.1 +4.6 +3.0 +2.5 +0.1 +3.1 +1.9 +2.7 -0.4 +1.3 +3.4 +0.5 +1.4 +2.4 +1.9 -1.4 +3.6 -0.8 -8.1 +3.2 +4.1 +3.4 +2.0 +0.4 +3.8 +0.8 +1.4 +1.8 +2.0 +2.2 +2.4 +2.6 +2.7 +2.7 +3.6 +1.0 +2.8 +4.2 +4.1 +2.1

119.79 +0.27 +3.4


32.58 +0.04 +3.1


20.97 +0.12 +3.2


35.57 +0.15 +2.4


22.42 +0.10 +2.3


16.41 +0.08 +2.5


10.57 +0.02 +0.3


10.58 +0.02


16.08 +0.02 +2.0


32.61 +0.09 +3.3

Vanguard Instl Fds: DevMkInst

10.34 +0.04 +3.6


42.43 +0.16 +2.8

FTAllWldI r

95.92 +0.16 +2.2


32.59 +0.04 +3.1


10.36 -0.01 -0.4


118.96 +0.27 +3.4


118.96 +0.27 +3.4


29.49 +0.08 +3.3


21.02 +0.12 +3.2


35.60 +0.15 +2.4


10.58 +0.02


32.62 +0.08 +3.3

Vanguard Signal: 500Sgl

98.96 +0.22 +3.4


10.57 +0.02 +0.3


10.58 +0.02


31.48 +0.08 +3.3

Western Asset: CorePlus I

10.82 +0.02 +0.7


B4 Friday, January 28, 2011 • THE BULLETIN

M D I SPATC H E S Central Oregon Kung Fu, owned by Ralph Ferguson, has opened at 349 S.W. Sixth St. in Redmond. Ferguson has practiced martial arts since 1973 and holds a third-level black sash in Wun Hop Kuen Do, among others. Classes are Tuesday and Thursday evenings for children and adults. For more information, call Ferguson at 541-279-1831. Pro Caliber Motorsports of Oregon, located in Bend, received the Oregon State Snowmobile Association 2010 Dealer of the Year Award at the association’s convention Jan. 22. Pro Caliber Motorsports of Oregon is one of the largest dealers of Ski Doo and Yamaha snowmobiles in the Northwest. The Redmond Chamber of Commerce & CVB has announced winners of the 2010 Chamber Business Awards: Citizen of the Year, Arlon Rasmussen, owner of Wilson’s of Redmond; Business of the Year, Polar Bear Gas & Wash, owner David Standerwick; New Business of the Year, Green Plow Coffee Roasters, owners Pat and Mandy Schmidt; New Product of

the Year, High Country Disposal for its new food-waste collection program; Customer Service of the Year, Mazatlan Mexican Restaurant and Laura Garcia; Community Service Award, Philip and Josephine Weigand for their financial contribution to Redmond’s off-leash dog park; the Redmond Centennial Committee for the Redmond Centennial Celebration; Redmond VFW Post 4108 for the Central Oregon Tribute to Heroes; President’s Award, Fred Meyer of Redmond and Rhonda Etnire; and Ambassador of the Year, Bob Kelly. The High Desert Museum in Bend has again achieved accreditation by the American Association of Museums, the highest national recognition given to U.S. museums. The museum has been accredited since 1999 and is among 775 that are accredited out of the nation’s estimated 17,500 museums. For more information, visit www.highdesert museum.org. The “Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Books & Bears Story� video has received two awards in the 2010 International AVA (Audio/Visual Awards)

competition: a gold award in the pro bono category and an honorable mention in the documentary category. Gary Collins, a volunteer with RSVP, donated his time to produce the documentary. To view the story behind the “Books & Bears� video and to learn about the “Books & Bears� program, visit www.rsvp co.org. First Story received the Central Oregon Builder Association’s Nonprofit of the Year Award at COBA’s Excellence Awards Gala Jan. 20. First Story, a Bend-based nonprofit, aspires through partnerships to create opportunities for qualified low-income families to secure affordable housing. For more information, visit www .firststory.org. Umpqua Bank ranked No. 25 on Fortune magazine’s list of the “100 Best Companies to Work For.� Umpqua is the only Oregon-based company and the only community bank listed. It’s the fifth consecutive year the bank, which has locations in Bend, has made the list. For more information about the bank, visit www .umpquabank.com.



REDMOND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COFFEE CLATTER: Sponsored by Dana Signs; free for chamber members; 8:30-9:30 a.m.; Dana Signs, 615 S.W. Umatilla Ave.; 541-548-7226. CONVERSATIONS FOR SUCCESS: Greg Ferrera will share thoughts and ideas on the changing real estate industry and how to be successful. RSVP by Jan. 25 to katella@ katellab.com; $15 for Women’s Council of Realtors members; $20 for nonmembers; 9-10:30 a.m.; St. Charles Bend, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-977-4861. EDWARD JONES COFFEE CLUB: Current market and economic update including current rates; free; 9 a.m.; Sisters Coffee Co., 61292 S. U.S. Highway 97, Suite 105, Bend; 541617-8861.

FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-388-1133 or visit www.yourmoneyback.org; free; 9 a.m.3 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-388-1133. FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. Spanish translators will be available Feb. 9 and 19 and March 9 and 19; to schedule with an interpreter call 541-382-4366. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-504-1389 or visit www.yourmoneyback.org; free; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1037. CURRENT MARKETING TRENDS, SOCIAL MEDIA, SEO AND REALWORLD RESULTS: Sponsored by BendBroadband, this Opportunity Knocks best-practices seminar will discuss how social media is changing customer interaction with businesses and how to maximize website traffic. Register at www.opp-knocks.org/ OK_Events/; $30 for OK members and $45 for nonmembers; 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.; Phoenix Inn Suites Bend, 300 N.W. Franklin Ave.; 541-317-9292.

SATURDAY CENTRAL OREGON FORAGE SEMINAR: RSVP to OSU Crook County Extension Service at 541447-6228; free; 8:30 a.m.; 4-H Clover Club Building, 502 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville. OREGON ALCOHOL SERVER PERMIT TRAINING: Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain the alcohol server permit. Preregistration required; $35; 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-330-6384 or www. happyhourtraining.com. CROOKED RIVER RANCHTERREBONNE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GALA/ANNUAL MEETING: A social evening with dinner and a silent auction at the Sandbagger Saloon in Crooked River Ranch. RSVP required to 541-9232679. Must be a chamber member to attend; $25; 6 p.m.

SUNDAY FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY: This 13-week course taught by Dave Ramsey teaches families and individuals how to manage their money. Ramsey is a personal money management expert, author and host of a national radio program. Contact Briauna Widmer at 541-389-8241 for more information and to register; 6 p.m.; Christian Life Center, 21720 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-389-8241.

MONDAY OREGON ALCOHOL SERVER PERMIT TRAINING: Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain the alcohol server permit. Preregistration required; $35; 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-330-6384 or www. happyhourtraining.com.

TUESDAY FROM HERE TO NET ZERO: Discover strategies for building highly efficient homes and powering them through renewable energy. Learn about incentives and tax credits available to those who build to high efficiency standards. Register at www. earthadvantage.org; free; 5:30-7 p.m.; Earth Advantage Institute, 345 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-306-3814. IS BECOMING A REAL ESTATE AGENT THE RIGHT CAREER FOR YOU?: Jim Mazziotti a principal broker with Exit Bend Realty presents this live, online program about whether being a real estate agent is the career for you. View the program at www.exitrealtybend.com and select the real estate show icon; free; 7 p.m.; 541-480-8835.

THURSDAY COACHING SKILLS AND GIVING AND RECEIVING FEEDBACK: Learn how to improve workplace coaching and feedback skills. Register at http:// noncredit.cocc.edu; $85; 8 a.m.-noon; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541383-7290. LEADERSHIP SKILLS SERIES: Central Oregon Community College’s Small Business Development Center will offer a nine-month series designed to give managers and team leaders the skills they need to succeed in their organizations; entire series costs $645, individual seminars are $85; 8 a.m.-noon; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7700 or http://www.cocc.edu/. FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-388-1133 or visit www.yourmoneyback.org; free; 9 a.m.3 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-388-1133. OREGON ALCOHOL SERVER PERMIT TRAINING: Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain the alcohol server permit. Preregistration required; $35; 9 a.m.2 p.m.; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-330-6384 or www.happyhourtraining.com. SMALL-BUSINESS RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS: Learn about smallbusiness retirement plan choices and factors to consider when choosing a plan. Presented by Luiz Soutomaior. Register by Feb. 1; free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-318-1794. CENTRAL OREGON BUILDERS ASSOCIATION MEET AND GREET: Learn more about the Earth Advantage Institute and network with Central Oregon builders; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Earth Advantage Institute, 345 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-306-3814. HOME OWNER ASSOCIATION KICKOFF MEETING: This is the Central Oregon Regional Council of Community Association Institute’s annual kickoff

meeting. RSVP to knguyen@caioregon. org or call 503-531-9668; free; 5:30 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436.

FRIDAY Feb. 4 BUILD A HIGH-PERFORMING TEAM: This Central Oregon Community College course is designed to help business managers build a cohesive team. Registration required. Call 541383-7270 or visit http://noncredit. cocc.edu; 8:30 a.m.-noon; County Conference Room in Madras, 66 S.E. D St. FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541388-1133 or visit www.yourmoney back.org; free; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-388-1133. HOW TO START A BUSINESS: Registration required; $15; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E. College Loop, Redmond; 541-3837290 or http://noncredit.cocc.edu.

If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Marla Polenz at 541-617-7815, e-mail business@bendbulletin.com, or click on “Submit an Event� on our website at www.bendbulletin.com. Please allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication.

LinkedIn plans $175M IPO By Jessica Guynn Los Angeles Times

SAN FRANCISCO — In one of the most anticipated stock market debuts of the year, LinkedIn Corp. plans to raise as much as $175 million in an initial public offering. The Mountain View, Calif., company, which runs the largest networking site for professionals, became the first major social networking site to file a prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Thursday. It is widely believed that LinkedIn could raise about

$200 million in the offering. The move could signal an end to the long dry spell for major Internet IPOs. Web content company Demand Media jumped 33 percent Wednesday in its first day of trading. Online coupon service Groupon Inc. is in talks about a possible public offering. Facebook Inc. will probably wait until 2012 for an IPO. “Having a social media company as significant as LinkedIn being public will bring more investment money into the sector,� Wedbush Securities social

media analyst Lou Kerner said. He added: “We are going to see an increasing number of these companies go public in 2011 and then we will really start to see the sector hit its stride in 2012.� Barring any roadblocks, the 7-year-old LinkedIn — with 1,000 employees and 90 million users — could go public in the next several months. Investors have been clamoring for shares of the privately held company, which has an implied value of $2.5 billion on private trading exchange SharesPost.

B B Kinect sales give boost to Microsoft earnings Microsoft rode strong sales of its new Kinect game device and its mainstay software products to deliver robust quarterly profits and sales. The world’s largest software company trails Apple and Google in fast-growing markets like smart phones and Internet search. But the financial results for its second quarter, which ended in December, showed that Microsoft remained a powerhouse in the business market and was benefiting from increased corporate spending as the economy improved. Microsoft’s revenue got an added lift from a popular new game product, Kinect, a $150 add-on for its Xbox consoles, which uses gesture recognition to allow people to play games with body motions instead of controllers. Eight million Kinect devices were sold in its first 60 days, during the holiday season, far more than Microsoft’s initial projection of 5 million. Both the company’s sales and profit easily surpassed Wall Street’s expectations.

Nokia profit falls 21% Nokia, the world’s largest cell phone maker, said Thursday that its profit plunged 21 percent in the fourth quarter, trimming 2 percentage points off its global market lead, as rivals such as Apple, Research In Motion and Samsung continued to close in. In a statement, Stephen Elop,

Lajiah Hairston dances to a Kinect game at a Microsoft Store in Bellevue, Wash. The game system helped Microsoft deliver strong quarterly profits and sales. the former Microsoft executive who was hired in September to lead the company, hinted of big changes to come at the company, which has struggled to keep pace in the fast-growing smart phone segment.

2014 and refinances the company’s existing debt.

Amazon.com posts surprise revenue miss

NEW YORK — Borders Group has received a commitment for a $550 million credit line from GE Capital, a lifeline that will help the struggling bookseller pay its vendors and stay afloat — but it indicated that bankruptcy protection might still be an option. Its shares jumped 28 percent in aftermarket trading on the news. The $550 million senior secured credit facility matures in

SAN FRANCISCO — Amazon.com uncharacteristically missed Wall Street’s revenue target in the fourth quarter, sending the stock tumbling 9 percent and showing that not all Internet companies benefited equally from the holiday shopping season. The results from the world’s biggest online retailer highlight the unevenness of retail’s recovery, as people have picked up their spending after the official end of the Great Recession but are being picky about what they buy. — From wire reports

ment officials and mismanagement by financiers who failed to perceive the risks. The Fed, under Bernanke’s predecessor, Alan Greenspan, failed to develop mortgage lending standards that could have stemmed the flow of bad mortgages into the financial pipeline, the panel found. Greenspan declined to comment. The commission’s chairman, Phil Angelides, said he hoped the report would help bear witness to a preventable catastrophe. “Some on Wall Street and Washington with a stake in the status quo may be tempted to

wipe from memory this crisis or to suggest again that no one could have seen or prevented it,� he said. But little on Wall Street has changed. One commissioner, Byron Georgiou, a Nevada lawyer, said the financial system was “not really very different� today from before the crisis. “In fact, the concentration of financial assets in the largest commercial and investment banks is really significantly higher today than it was in the run-up to the crisis, as a result of the evisceration of some of the institutions, and the consolidation and merger of others into larger institutions,� he said.

New credit deal gives Borders a lifeline

SATURDAY Feb. 5 INTERMEDIATE QUICKBOOKS PRO: Registration required; $59; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-383-7270 or http://noncredit.cocc.edu. FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. Spanish translators will be available Feb. 9 and 19 and March 9 and 19; to schedule with an interpreter call 541-382-4366. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-504-1389 or visit www.yourmoneyback.org; free; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1037. FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-447-3260 or visit www. yourmoneyback.org; free; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Prineville COIC Office, 2321 N.E. Third St.; 541-447-3119.

Report Continued from B1 An additional 700 documents and about 300 transcripts of audio interviews are to be posted before the panel’s mandate expires Feb. 13. The report examined the risky mortgage loans that helped build the housing bubble, the packaging of those loans into exotic securities that were sold to investors, and the heedless placement of giant bets on those investments. Enabling those developments, the panel found, were a bias toward deregulation by govern-



MONDAY Feb. 7 FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide access to free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance with tax preparation. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-536-6237 or visit www.your moneyback.org; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; La Pine Senior Activity Center, 16450 Victory Way; 541-504-1389. FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541388-1133 or visit www.yourmoney back.org; free; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-388-1133.

Our December Winner, Kristina Schuepbach Won A $250 Safeway Gift Card! Winner Kristina with Safeway Store Supervisor Chris Callahan at the Bend Safeway on Hwy 20.

Watch for The Bulletin Kiosk at your local Safeway to enter.



OREGON Wounded officer’s daughter confident he’ll pull through, see Page C3. Coastal state park adding 10 cabins, see Page C3.

OBITUARIES Gladys Horton, co-founder of the Marvelettes, see Page C5. www.bendbulletin.com/local


Sen. Wyden victorious in fight against ‘secret holds’ Senate votes 92-4 to shorten anonymous blocks on bills; Merkley’s resolutions downed By Keith Chu The Bulletin

WASHINGTON — One of Oregon’s U.S. senators won a long-sought victory Thursday in the fight to clear up the often opaque workings of the U.S. Senate, while the other senator saw his proposal fail after months of effort. The Senate voted 92-4 to approve a proposal by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., to shorten “secret holds,” which allowed any senator to block the movement of a bill or nomination without revealing his or her identity. Meanwhile, two resolutions by Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., that would have made it much harder to delay Senate votes with filibusters were voted down. Holds are an arcane Senate procedure — not a formal rule — that can be ended with 60 votes, through a time-consuming process. In a speech a few hours before the vote, Wyden argued that the practice of secret holds allowed members to dodge accountability for their beliefs. “U.S. senators ought to have the guts to stand up to say, ‘This is important to me, I’m the one who ought to be held accountable,’ ” Wyden said. The holds, Wyden said, also were a tool of lobbyists, who could delay legislation they opposed without a senator having to pay a political price. In 2007, Wyden passed a measure that he believed would require senators to identify themselves six days after placing a hold, but a loophole in the language meant that the measure did little to stop secret holds in practice. Wyden said on Thursday that the new anti-secrecy resolution fixed the earlier measure’s problems, while shortening the disclosure time to two days. Wyden, along with Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, had worked for about a decade to end the use of secret holds. Wyden had developed a well-worn repertoire of jokes about the practice, saying that “secret hold” sounds more like a hair spray or wrestling move than something done in the Senate. Merkley, meanwhile, had tried for months to overhaul Senate rules in a variety of ways, including weakening the power of filibusters, in exchange for guaranteeing the minority party the right to offer amendments to every bill. See Senate / C2


Search for driver continues Anthony John Martin, 48, killed in hit-and-run on Third Street in Bend By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

Police are looking for the driver and vehicle involved in a fatal hitand-run crash on Bend’s north end late Wednesday night. Anthony John Martin, 48, was struck by a vehicle as he pushed a bicycle across Third Street near the intersection with Northeast Seward Avenue shortly before 11 p.m. A witness to the crash performed CPR on Martin, as did officers responding to the crash site. Paramedics from the Bend Fire Department arrived on the scene and determined he had died.

solve a hit-and-run case. Often drivers who hit someone will share what happened with family and friends, who will then contact police. Court records indicate The vehicle that struck Martin has lived in and out Martin was heading south of the area for much of the on Third Street, and contin- Anthony John past 20 years, during which ued south after the crash. Martin he was convicted multiple Southbound lanes of times for DUII, driving with Third Street were closed for a suspended license and othabout four hours early Thursday as er offenses. police investigated. Residents of the last address assoOfficer Liz Lawrence said the Bend ciated with Martin in court records Police Department did not have any said they did not know Martin, but information to release to the public police came by their home around on the vehicle that struck Martin and 3 a.m. Thursday looking for people fled the area. She declined to say if who knew him. detectives following the case had a Family members could not be description of the vehicle. reached to provide additional inforLawrence said a vehicle descrip- mation on Martin. Bulletin archives tion isn’t always needed for officers to indicate he may have a daughter,

born in Bend in November 2009. Local law enforcement agencies have successfully located suspects in most recent hit-and-run crashes resulting in fatalities and serious injuries. Less than 24 hours after the April 2007 crash that killed Kimberly Potter on South Third Street, Bend Police had arrested driver Christopher Goodson and three other men who had been in the car with him that night. In July 2006, Joshua Day of La Pine struck and killed Donald Arnold, also of La Pine, as Arnold walked along U.S. Highway 97 south of Wickiup Junction sometime between 2:30 and 3 a.m. Deschutes County sheriff’s deputies found Day later that morning. Scott Hammers can be reached at 541-383-0387 or shammers@bendbulletin.com.

High Desert heat wave



Tribal members could gain from $3.4B settlement

Rob Kerr / The Bulletin


aking advantage of the unseasonably warm January weather, Johny Zandonatti, 30, readies himself to return a hit by Susie Gross, 27, at Juniper Park on Thursday. “It’s so nice,” Gross said between hits. “This is the second time this week we’ve gotten out to hit the ball.” According to the National Weather Service, the record high for Jan. 27 was 64 in 1934. It was warm Wednesday but only hit 59. For the area forecast, turn to Page C6.

By Megan Kehoe The Bulletin

Members of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs may stand to benefit from a $3.4 billion settlement regarding land and money held in trust by the federal government, according to a news release. About 500,000 individuals across the country will be eligible to receive compensation from the Cobell v. Salazar settlement, including members of Warm Springs. The settlement centered on the alleged federal government mismanagement of funds and royalties owed to individual American Indians, along with the government’s failure to provide historical accounting for what are called Individual Indian Money accounts. Those who are eligible will be able to claim an average of $1,800 from the settlement. To be eligible, individuals must have had at least one cash transaction in an open IIM account between Oct. 25, 1994, and Sept. 30, 2009. Also, those individuals who have owned trust land as of Sept. 30, 2009, or who have had an IIM account at any time between 1985 and Sept. 30, 2009, are eligible. Estates of deceased individuals who would have qualified for either one of those groups would also be able to claim money. The amount of money that individuals receive from the settlement depends on which of the two groups they fall under, as well as the amount of activity in their IIM accounts. See Settlement / C2

DEQ proposes stringent water rules Increase in fish consumption rate will greatly affect state-imposed standards By Kate Ramsayer The Bulletin

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is proposing more strict rules about the amount of more than 100 toxic chemicals that can be released into waters of the state, which could impact a handful of cities like Prineville as well as agricultural or forestry operations in the future. The changes are based on increased estimates or how much fish Oregonians eat, said Andrea Matzke, water quality standards specialist with DEQ. Because toxins in the waterways can build up in fish and shellfish, fish consumption is a key factor in how the state calculates how much of those toxins is acceptable. “The more you start eating fish, you could be eating more toxics,” Matzke said. “So when you increase the fish consumption rate, the criteria becomes more stringent.”

“The more you start eating fish, you could be eating more toxics. So when you increase the fish consumption rate, the criteria becomes more stringent.” — Andrea Matzke, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality water quality standards specialist And the state is proposing to increase the fish consumption rate from 17.5 grams a day to 175 grams, or 6.2 ounces, a day. That’s about the equivalent of 23 8-ounce fish meals a month, Matzke said. The fish consumption rate was based on

studies — mostly of tribal members — and stakeholder meetings, she said, and is designed to protect the health of everyone in the state, including those who eat the most fish. And it would result in the strictest water quality standards of any state, nationwide. “These criteria are going to be very stringent,” she said. DEQ will hold a meeting on the proposed changes Tuesday in Bend. The proposed standards would mainly apply to companies or municipalities with a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. DEQ has only issued a handful of those permits in the Deschutes Basin, including to the city of Prineville and Black Butte Ranch. Prineville will just have to make sure they follow the state’s regulations if they change, said Jerry Brummer, Prineville public works superintendent. See Water / C2

Public meeting The DEQ is holding a public meeting on its proposed new water standards for toxics at 1 p.m. Tuesday, in the Oregon Department of Transportation’s Deschutes River Room, 63055 N. U.S. Highway 97, in Bend. The deadline for submitting comments on the issue has been extended to 5 p.m., Feb. 23. To comment, write to Andrea Matzke, Oregon DEQ, Water Quality Division, 811 SW Sixth Ave., Portland, OR 97204; call (503) 229-5384, or e-mail ToxicsRuleMaking@deq .state.or.us.


C2 Friday, January 28, 2011 • THE BULLETIN

L B Compiled from Bulletin staff reports

Sawyer trial date pushed to December The federal trial for a Bend couple charged with money laundering, bank fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud and false statement to a financial institution has been pushed to December. Judge Thomas Coffin granted a motion Thursday to allow the Sawyers’ attorneys time to finish their investigation. Former Bend Police Capt. Kevin Sawyer and his wife, real estate broker Tami Sawyer, were arraigned in November on 15 charges of wire fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, bank fraud and false statement to a financial institution; Tami Sawyer is also charged with six counts of money laundering, and Kevin Sawyer is charged in two of those counts. The trial, which was origi-

nally slated to begin Jan. 11 and was pushed back to March 29, will begin in the Wayne L. Morse Courthouse in Eugene at 9 a.m. on Dec. 6.

Crossing upgrades done near Bear Creek

Jury convicts Canadian man of trafficking weapons from gun store in McMinnville The Associated Press SEATTLE — A federal jury has convicted a Canadian man of five counts of illegal trafficking and possession of guns. Oliver King, also known as Hamid Malekpour, was arrested after agents tracked him from the border to a gun shop in

Improvements to enhance safety on the Larkspur Trail crossing of Tempest Drive in Bend have been completed, according to a news release. The section of trail that crosses Tempest Drive was recently renovated to increase visibility and accessibility. Among the improvements was the addition of an all-weather surface and curb extensions on both sides of the roadway. The need for crossing safety improvements was first identified through the Bear Creek Elementary School Safe Routes to School Program, according to the news release.

McMinnville last May. The 35year-old from Vancouver, British Columbia, had told customs officials that he was simply driving to pick up his wife at a mall in Bellingham, Wash. He picked up nearly two dozen high-end weapons from the gun shop, which he had helped estab-

lish, and drove them back to a storage facility in Ferndale, Wash., where authorities seized them. Prosecutors said he hid his role in the gun shop from regulators. The U.S. attorney’s office in Seattle says King faces up to a decade in prison when he is sentenced in April.


N R POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Bend Police Department

Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 1:46 p.m. Jan. 24, in the 2900 block of Northeast Oakley Court. Burglary — Sports equipment was reported stolen at 3:57 p.m. Jan. 24, in the 60900 block of Bachelor View Road. Theft — A theft was reported at 7:17 a.m. Jan. 25, in the 900 block of Northwest Newport Avenue. Theft — Power tools were reported stolen from a vehicle at 8:52 a.m. Jan. 25, in the 19500 block of Salmonberry Court. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 9:45 a.m. Jan. 25, in the area of Cliffrose Drive and Powers Road. Criminal mischief — Graffiti was reported at 10:41 a.m. Jan. 25, in the 2100 block of Northeast Daggett Lane. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered and climbing and survival gear stolen at 11:43 a.m. Jan. 25, in the area of Northwest First Street and Northwest Portland Avenue. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 12:18 a.m. Jan. 26, in the 19900 block of Rock Bluff Circle. Theft — A television and tools were reported stolen at 11:08 a.m. Jan. 26, in the 600 block of Northeast Marshall Avenue. Burglary — Cash was reported stolen at 1:44 p.m. Jan. 26, in the 200 block of Northwest Georgia Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported at 3 p.m. Jan. 26, in the 3100 block of North U.S. Highway 97. Theft — A bicycle was reported stolen at 10:06 p.m. Jan. 26, in the 100 block of Northeast Sixth Street.

Redmond Police Department

Vehicle crash — An accident was reported at 4:40 p.m. Jan. 26, in the 1500 block of Southwest Highland Avenue. Prineville Police Department

Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 4 p.m. Jan. 26, in the area of Northeast Third Street. Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office

Theft — Medication was reported stolen at 3:35 p.m. Jan. 26, in the 64000 block of Pioneer Loop in Bend. Theft — A theft was reported at 12:10 p.m. Jan. 26, in the 1700 block of West McKinney Butte Road. Criminal mischief — Graffiti was reported at 10:09 a.m. Jan. 26, in the area of South Century Drive and Big Deschutes River. Theft — Medication was reported stolen at 9:53 a.m. Jan. 26, in the 60000 block of Ridgeview Place in Bend. Oregon State Police

DUII — George Angus Nadig Jr., 56, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 10:49 p.m. Jan. 26, in the area of Northwest Lower Bridge Way and Northwest 43rd Street in Terrebonne.

Larry Steagall / Kitsap Sun

A pair of sheep take a stroll along Sunrise Drive on Wednesday near Fay Bainbridge State Park on Bainbridge Island, Wash.

Water Continued from C1 “Any time they (set) restrictions or limits, then we as a city or county, we have to figure out how to make sure we’re going to get that implemented and how we’re going to achieve that,� Brummer said, noting that could be through different types of filtration, retention ponds or other options. But Prineville is already planning to install a wetland to treat effluent, he said, which would significantly reduce pollutants in the wastewater as well as lower the temperature before it reaches the Crooked River. “That would be a huge help to

meet the requirements,� Brummer said. Representatives from Black Butte Ranch involved in treating wastewater could not be reached for comment Thursday afternoon. But the new standards probably would not have much of an impact on Black Butte Ranch, said Spencer Bohaboy, a policy development specialist with DEQ, since it is considered a minor facility. Storm water discharge permits would not be affected by the new rules, Matzke said, since human health criteria — the standards that factor in fish consumption — don’t apply to storm water discharge directly. But down the road, farms and

non-federal forestlands could be impacted, she said. Part of the proposal would involve clarifying that the Oregon Department of Forestry and the Oregon Department of Agriculture have to meet DEQ’s water quality rules when they come up with best management practices. Those practices could deal with things like keeping cows out of streams and reducing the amount of sediment that ends up in waterways, she said. “They need to be meeting water quality standards,� Matzke said.

for American Indian and Alaska Native youth. Individuals who receive formal notices in the mail about the settlement and who are currently receiving IIM account statements will not need to fill out any additional forms to receive their payment. Those who believe they should be included in the settlement but did not receive a notice in the mail need to fill out a claim form. Claim forms, along with more information about the settlement and eligibility requirements, can be obtained from www.IndianTrust.com. Those wanting to learn more can call

800-961-6109. Those who qualify for the settlement can expect to receive money as soon as the court grants final approval of the settlement. Easley says that at this point, the goal is to alert eligible individuals to the settlement and their claims. “We’re all trying to make sure that the people involved know about the settlement,� Easley said. “And that those individuals are able to find out if the funds are applicable to them or not.�

PETS The following animals have been turned in to the Humane Society of the Ochocos in Prineville or the Humane Society of Redmond animal shelters. You may call the Humane Society of the Ochocos — 541-4477178 — or check the website at www.humanesocietyochocos. com for pets being held at the shelter and presumed lost. The Redmond shelter’s telephone number is 541-923-0882 — or refer to the website at www. redmondhumane.org. The Bend shelter’s website is www.hsco.org. Redmond

Rottweiler and Australian shepherd mix — Male puppy, black, beige and white; found near Southwest 27th Street.

Settlement Continued from C1 Account Coordinator Emily Easley of Desautel Hege Communications said those who need to file claims have 90 days from Jan. 20 to do so. A total of $1.5 billion of the settlement will be distributed to those who are eligible to make claims, while the other $1.9 billion will be used by the Department of the Interior to purchase small interests in trust or restricted lands from American Indians. Of that money, about $60 million will be used to fund higher education scholarships

Hope Diamond sells for $180,000 in 1911 The Associated Press Today is Friday, Jan. 28, the 28th day of 2011. There are 337 days left in the year. TODAY’S HIGHLIGHT IN HISTORY On Jan. 28, 1986, the space shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after liftoff from Cape Canaveral, killing all seven of its crew members, including schoolteacher Christa McAuliffe. ON THIS DATE In 1547, England’s King Henry VIII died; he was succeeded by his 9-year-old son, Edward VI. In 1853, Cuban revolutionary Jose Marti was born in Havana. In 1909, the United States withdrew its forces from Cuba as Jose Miguel Gomez became president. In 1911, the notorious Hope Diamond was sold by jeweler Pierre Cartier to socialites Edward and Evalyn McLean of Washington, D.C., for $180,000. In 1915, the U.S. Coast Guard was created as President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill merging the Life-Saving Service and Revenue Cutter Service. In 1916, Louis Brandeis was nominated by President Woodrow Wilson to the Supreme Court; Brandeis became the court’s first Jewish member. In 1945, during World War II, Allied supplies began reaching

Kate Ramsayer can be reached at 541-617-7811 or kramsayer@bendbulletin.com.

T O D AY I N H I S T O R Y China over the newly reopened Burma Road. In 1960, the National Football League awarded franchises to Dallas and Minneapolis-St. Paul. In 1973, a cease-fire officially went into effect in the Vietnam War. In 1980, six U.S. diplomats who had avoided being taken hostage at their embassy in Tehran flew out of Iran with the help of Canadian diplomats. TEN YEARS AGO Only a week after naming a record-setting 37 new cardinals, Pope John Paul II announced five more cardinals — two Germans and one each from South Africa, Bolivia and Ukraine. The Baltimore Ravens’ brazen defense backed up its bragging, beating the New York Giants 347 in Super Bowl XXXV. FIVE YEARS AGO A memorial service was held at the Kennedy Space Center to honor the crew of the Challenger on the 20th anniversary of the shuttle disaster. Sixty-five

ONE YEAR AGO Major world powers opened talks in London seeking an end to the conflict in Afghanistan. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden announced $8 billion in federal grants for high-speed rail projects nationwide during a visit to Tampa, Fla. Embattled Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke won Senate confirmation for a second term.

Actress-singer Barbi Benton is 61. Evangelical pastor Rick Warren is 57. French President Nicolas Sarkozy is 56. Actress Harley Jane Kozak is 54. Movie director Frank Darabont is 52. Rock musician Dave Sharp is 52. Rock singer Sam Phillips is 49. Rock musician Dan Spitz is 48. Country musician Greg Cook (Ricochet) is 46. Gospel singer Marvin Sapp is 44. Singer Sarah McLachlan is 43. Rapper Rakim is 43. DJ Muggs (Cypress Hill) is 43. Actress Kathryn Morris (“Cold Case�) is 42. Rhythmand-blues singer Anthony Hamilton is 40. Rock musician Brandon Bush is 38. MLB player Jermaine Dye is 37. Singer Joey Fatone Jr. (‘N Sync) is 34. Rapper Rick Ross is 34. Actress Rosamund Pike is 32. Singer Nick Carter (Backstreet Boys) is 31. Actor Elijah Wood is 30. Actress Ariel Winter (TV: “Modern Family�) is 13.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS Musician-composer Acker Bilk is 82. Actor Nicholas Pryor is 76. Actor Alan Alda is 75. Actress Susan Howard is 69. Actress Marthe Keller is 66. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., is 64.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY “A self-taught man usually has a poor teacher and a worse student.� — Henny Youngman, British-born American comedian (1906-1998)

people were killed when the roof of an exhibition hall in Katowice, Poland, collapsed during a racing pigeon fair. Amelie Mauresmo won her first Grand Slam singles title when Justine HeninHardenne retired in the second set of their Australian Open final because of stomach pain. Mauresmo led 6-1, 2-0.

Find It All Online bendbulletin.com

“U.S. senators ought to have the guts to stand up to say, ‘This is important to me, I’m the one who ought to be held accountable.’� — Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.

Senate Continued from C1 Merkley drew the most attention for what he called the “talking filibuster.� This would require senators to continuously speak on the Senate floor, a la “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,� to hold up a vote on a measure. Currently, senators merely need to inform a bill sponsor or majority leader that they intend to filibuster to hold up proceedings. Or as Merkley put it in a speech on the Senate floor, senators announce they will filibuster, then “they go off to dinner, have a glass of wine or two, while they paralyze the Senate.� That proposal failed, 4451. A larger package of rules changes Merkley offered also was voted down, 46-49. Both measures required two-thirds majorities to pass. Although he voted against Merkley’s plans, Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., said Merkley’s efforts helped to force a discussion of Senate procedures. Merkley and Sen. Tom Udall, D-N.M., “have created a window of opportunity which I believe on both sides of the aisle will make the Senate a better-functioning body,� Alexander said in a Senate speech. In a brief interview Thursday afternoon, Merkley sounded skeptical of promises by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and top Republican Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky, to discuss other ways to make the Senate work better. “Our leadership on both sides is saying they think we can move in that direction through a common understanding and changing conduct on the floor,� Merkley said. “I hope they are right.� “If they are not right and we continue to see a high number of filibusters obstruct the work of the Senate, we have got to keep pushing forward,� Merkley continued. Merkley said he was “disappointed� that his reform effort was defeated, but took some solace that his work helped to force the discussion. “Sometimes you have to push really hard,� Merkley said, “to make small things, modest things, happen.� Keith Chu can be reached at 202-662-7456 or at kchu@bendbulletin.com.

Megan Kehoe can be reached at 541-383-0354 or at mkehoe@bendbulletin.com.


Les Newman’s 541-322-CARE


126 NE Franklin Ave., Bend


THE BULLETIN • Friday, January 28, 2011 C3

O With cabins in high demand, coastal park adding 10 more By Katie Wilson Daily Astorian

ASTORIA — If you build it … Fill in the blank. “You couldn’t keep the yurts empty if you wanted to,” said Justin Parker, ranger supervisor at Fort Stevens State Park in Hammond. “They’re filled year-round.” Rangers hope it will be the same way with the 10 new cabins under construction at the park. If all goes according to plan, the cabins should be ready this spring, but no official opening date has been set. “This is the critical stretch of weeks,” Park Manager Mike Stein said Tuesday. He said the cabins will reach a point when their roofs are in place and their interiors are dry and at that crucial time, park crews can go inside and finish everything else. The cabins came to the park in kits constructed by inmates through the Oregon Corrections Enterprises work programs. The goal of the OCE is to give inmates full-time work or on-the-job training. For the park, it means a relatively quick construction time. Work on the cabins started in November, and crews were beginning to lay down the metal roofing Tuesday. Able to sleep five adults comfortably, the cabins will be

equipped with electricity and running water and will have a front porch and three rooms: a bathroom, a back bedroom and a front room. People come to the park yearround and in all sorts of weather. The yurts already house campers who want to camp in the winter and the wet. The cabins will likely be used by the same sort of crowd, Stein said. But they aren’t just for the people who like to camp in the middle of a storm.

No gear? No problem “There are a lot of people who can’t invest in camping equipment,” Stein said. “Also, parents with young kids, their pace of life is a little more frantic. They’ll have an opportunity to come down here when otherwise maybe they wouldn’t.” With a cabin, all a family would have to do is pack food, clothes and bedding and they’d be ready to go. Similar cabins have already passed the rain test at Cape Lookout State Park and Stein is confident they’ll be able to withstand the wet weather here too. Instead of drastically changing the landscape to accommodate the cabins, the park worked to situate the cabins in existing open spaces among a stand of mature spruce on a former tent-camping loop.


Officer expected to survive ‘He’s not going to let himself down,’ his daughter says By William Mccall The Associated Press

PORTLAND — Doctors say an Oregon police officer ambushed during a traffic stop is recovering from gunshots to his pelvis and abdomen that would have killed him if he hadn’t managed to call in the shooting to dispatchers who had him rushed to the hospital for surgery. One of the bullets fired by a man who’s still at large severed a major vein, giving 45-yearold Lincoln City Officer Steven Dodds just 15 to 30 minutes to live. “He was able to call in,” Lincoln City Police Chief Steven Bechard said. “That’s a testament to his endurance.” Dodds opened his eyes for the first time Thursday and is expected to survive, doctors at Portland’s Legacy Emanuel Hospital said. “He’s a strong guy and so stubborn,” said daughter Megan Dodds. “I know he’s not going to let himself down on this one.”

Rick Bowmer / The Associated Press

Manhunt continues Authorities are scouring the area for David Anthony Durham, 43, who they believe shot Dodds before leading police on a chase along the coast. Police say he’s likely armed and may be holed up in a vaca-

tion home in a secluded neighborhood less than a block from the Pacific Ocean. Searchers are focusing on a 3-square-mile strip of land that

Maryland man accused of fraud taught at UO EUGENE — A man charged with credentials fraud in Maryland falsely claimed to have a Ph.D. from the University of Oregon. The Register-Guard reports the university paid William Hillar more than $33,000 between 2002 and last summer to teach seminars in Eugene in human trafficking and international drug trafficking. Court records indicate Hillar attended the university from 1970 to 1973 but never earned a doctoral degree. The 66-year-old Millersville, Md., man is charged in Baltimore with mail fraud and lying about military experience and academic credentials to teach and lecture. Hillar claimed to be a retired Army Special Services colonel. Prosecutors say he served in the Coast Guard.

Older TriMet bus riders may have to show ID PORTLAND — Bus and light rail passengers in Portland who are over 65 may have to start showing their ID to prove they qualify for the “honored citizen” half-fare passes. The Oregonian reported the TriMet board is expected to adopt the ID requirements next month to fight a black market in discounted fares. Under Federal Transit Administration guidelines, TriMet offers half-priced fares to “honored citizens” — riders age 65 and older and those with disabilities. Anyone refusing to show identification to a bus driver would have to pay full fare or get off.

Hard liquor sales set record in December BEND BEND

Delusional from pain drugs, family says

Megan Dodds talks about the condition of her father, Lincoln City Police Officer Steven Dodds, at a news conference Thursday at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center in Portland. Steven Dodds was shot Sunday after pulling over a speeder on U.S. Highway 101.


SALEM — The Oregon Liquor Control Commission reported record sales of distilled spirits in December of nearly $51 million, up about 3 percent from December of 2009. For all of 2010, the commission reports sales of nearly $435 million, a 3 percent increase over the previous year. Proceeds go to Oregon’s general fund, cities, counties and alcoholism treatment services. — From wire reports

“There’s a lot of anxiety,” Lincoln County Sheriff Dennis Dotson said. “Fear is heightened at this time.” A security video from a convenience store about 30 minutes before the shooting shows Durham decked head-to-toe in green camouflage and a dark beret.

RIVER PROMENADE, • 5 41 . 317. 6 0 0 0

pokes into the Pacific Ocean. Twenty-five members of the Oregon State Police SWAT team are patrolling the area around the clock and checking houses.

Family members describe the 43-year-old as an avid outdoorsman who designs his own camouflage clothing and had become delusional after taking pain medication for an injured shoulder. Newport Police Chief Mark Miranda said the search team Wednesday found and surrounded a man wearing camouflage in an area of the peninsula where Durham was last seen, but the man wasn’t Durham. Police on Tuesday issued a warrant for Durham on charges that include attempted aggravated murder. The attack came after Dodds pulled over a 1984 Dodge truck driven by a man police believe to be Durham on a coastal highway. Police used spike strips to stop his truck a short time later and he fled into the woods. Durham’s brother, Michael, told The Associated Press that his family feels terrible about what happened to Dodds and wishes him a full recovery. “I don’t want my brother to hurt anybody. I don’t want my brother to get hurt,” Michael Durham said. “I would like him to be apprehended peacefully.”

C4 Friday, January 28, 2011 • THE BULLETIN




Chairwoman Publisher Editor-in-chief Editor of Editorials

Forest Service hides the bids


or those who camp near Hoodoo Mountain Resort, this summer is likely to be a little less pleasant than last. The resort’s owners said earlier this week they will close this

summer, meaning the lodge with its groceries and public showers will be unavailable to those who otherwise might use them.

The resort’s owners find themselves in a difficult situation. Hoodoo by itself never has been particularly profitable, and a few years ago the owners began operating federal campground concessions as a means of assuring themselves enough money to keep the ski area open. Last year they operated roughly 200 campgrounds. This year that number will decline by about 25 percent because contracts for 47 Willamette National Forest campgrounds were awarded to an outfit from Utah. Bids for the contracts are judged by several criteria, including cost, customer service and fire prevention precautions. It’s impossible to know just why the U.S. Forest Service chose American Land & Leisure over Hoodoo for the Willamette concessions, unfortunately. Federal law prohibits the release of all but the most sketchy information about bids for campground concession leases, and what is released offers relatively little useful information. It’s unlikely either the public or Hoodoo’s owners will ever know just what went wrong with the company’s Willamette National Forest leases: The Forest Service will make the new operating plan for the leases public, but that’s all. That plan will disclose what

American Land & Leisure will be paid for the individual leases. It won’t say, however, how much the company actually bid to do the job, if that figure differs from the plan. Nor will it say whether Hoodoo’s owners failed to provide adequate planning for the prevention of wildfire or whether the company somehow managed to irk far more campers than it should have. Nor will the Forest Service give the public any idea of what other bidders, including Hoodoo, thought the job they were bidding on was worth. Yet there’s good reason for the public in general and Hoodoo in particular to want just that information. Hoodoo’s owners no doubt could put the information to good use: If their campground hosts are somehow more difficult to deal with than others, they can consider finding new hosts. If their fire plans are inadequate, they can change that, as well. If, that is, they know what the problems are. As for the public, its interests might be less specific, but they’re still important. The public owns the land, after all, and it’s the public that will choose which campgrounds to use and whose dollars will be collected by campground hosts. It has a right to know why one company was chosen over another.

Wheeler is correct on flaws with SEC policy O

regon’s public institutions, from the state Judicial Department to the Treasurer’s Office, pride themselves on having a broad range of citizens participating on everything from advisory committees to oversight commissions. Now, Treasurer Ted Wheeler believes, rules proposed by the federal Securities and Exchange Commission threaten some of that diversity. SEC is charged with much of the enforcement included in the DoddFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which became law last year. Thus, the SEC has assumed oversight of the committees that advise government entities on issuing bonds and the like. Now it has proposed rules for members of those committees, and it has Wheeler and others concerned. There are a couple of problems with the proposed rules, Wheeler’s office says. Not only do they require all sorts of information, much of which will be made public, they require as well that those serving on advisory committees take continu-

ing education courses. Yet Oregon’s financial advisory committees are not composed only of those whose expertise is directly in municipal bond investing. Rather, committees also contain men and women with a broad range of knowledge about such things as public housing and small-business entrepreneurship. Wheeler’s office worries that many of these people will simply opt out of serving rather than meet strict new requirements that have little or nothing to do with their own businesses. Too, the proposed rules might make it more difficult to provide geographical diversity, his office says. Wheeler is not alone in his concerns. Officials from Vermont to Oklahoma have questioned the proposed rules and the impact they will have on citizen advisory committees. Fortunately for all, the rules are not yet law. Those with objections have until Feb. 22 to complain to SEC, and Wheeler already has done so. Presumably, if SEC receives enough complaints, it will rethink its proposal. It should.

Policies should focus on jobs IN MY VIEW

By Bill Robie Bulletin guest columnist


he report by President Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform provided a bracing and unusually candid set of policy recommendations to improve the federal government’s fiscal situation in the short term and achieve long-term fiscal sustainability. The report failed to garner the votes needed to forward the plan to Congress, but it prompted significant debate over its various elements. One of the report’s lightning rods was the recommendation to significantly modify and limit the federal mortgage interest tax deduction. Since the report’s release, there have been high-profile editorials in major newspapers calling for the elimination or modification of the MID. The MID is one of the “tax expenditures” or subsidies in the federal tax code that were targeted by the commission. Like all other public policies, the federal government subsidy of home ownership through the MID is fair game for debate. It’s a debate the real estate industry is ready to have. Unfortunately, the debate over the MID is taking place in the midst of the most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression. This has overshadowed and poisoned the well for what should otherwise be a rational examination of the MID and the cultural and economic value of home ownership. As a result, the MID debate has resulted in attacks on the value of home ownership, which are largely knee-jerk reactions to current economic conditions. Achievable and sustainable home ownership has long had a preferred place in our nation’s system of values, and that is reflected in public policy. There’s a reason owning a home has long-standing government support in

this country — because housing helps drive the economy and sustains families and communities, through good times and bad. No serious person would suggest that a lifetime of renting is preferable to home ownership. The housing market and mortgagebacked securities were the first dominoes to fall in this crisis, but home ownership itself is not the villain. It didn’t create the current foreclosure crisis — Wall Street greed, irresponsible lending practices and too many overleveraged individuals did. The vast majority of homeowners continue to make their mortgage payments on time, stabilizing their neighborhoods and communities. But the loss of jobs and subsequent decline in property values have contributed to the crisis. When people lose homes to foreclosure, our communities, the housing market and our economy all suffer, which is why Realtors care as much about keeping families in their homes as they do about helping them find one to begin with. The positive impact of home ownership on society has been well-documented; extensive research from government agencies, industry and academia has shown that home ownership contributes to stable communities, helps reduce crime and improves academic achievement. It helps revitalize urban centers, bringing amenities, public services and local economic growth that benefits all. The debate over the MID and the value of home ownership ignores the real issue facing the nation’s economy right now — that many Americans can’t find meaningful work to support their families. Housing cannot recover until jobs return to the economy. A focus on job

recovery is what’s needed right now, not misguided attempts to dismantle support for something that has helped sustain this country and its communities for generations. The latest news continues to show how deeply distressed Central Oregon’s economy is and the vital importance of public policies that foster private investment locally and statewide. Real estate development and construction will continue to play a leading role in Central Oregon’s economy as long as landuse policy erects barriers to economic growth and diversification. But diversification is critical to create living-wage jobs and a more sustainable economy. Without those jobs, we will not have the future homeowners who will pay taxes, raise children, and support the schools and other community institutions that sustain our quality of life. Historically, Oregon’s home ownership rate has remained slightly below the national average. This is a reflection of a state economy that has performed below national and regional standards for 20 years as measured by per capita income. Despite improved housing affordability in Central Oregon, we will not see an increase in the home ownership rate until more people find gainful employment and feel confident in our long-term economic stability. Moving forward, we need to ensure public policies that promote responsible, sustainable home ownership. Owning a home isn’t for everyone, but anyone who is able and willing to assume the responsibilities of owning a home should have the opportunity to pursue that dream. Bill Robie, of Bend, is government affairs director for the Central Oregon Association of Realtors.

Letters policy

In My View policy


We welcome your letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250 words and include the writer’s signature, phone number and address for verification. We edit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We reject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhere and those appropriate for other sections of The Bulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.

In My View submissions should be between 600 and 800 words, signed and include the writer’s phone number and address for verification. We edit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We reject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating with national columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.

Please address your submission to either My Nickel’s Worth or In My View and send, fax or e-mail them to The Bulletin. WRITE: My Nickel’s Worth OR In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 FAX: 541-385-5804 E-MAIL: bulletin@bendbulletin.com

Many Catholics fed up with ‘excommunication’ of hospitals


he National Catholic Reporter newspaper put it best: “Just days before Christians celebrated Christmas, Jesus got evicted.” Yet the person giving Jesus the heaveho in this case was not a Bethlehem innkeeper. Nor was it an overzealous mayor angering conservatives by pulling down Christmas decorations. Rather, it was a prominent bishop, Thomas Olmsted, stripping St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix of its affiliation with the Roman Catholic diocese. The hospital’s offense? It had terminated a pregnancy to save the life of the mother. The hospital says the 27-year-old woman, a mother of four children, would almost certainly have died otherwise. Olmsted initially excommunicated a nun, Sister Margaret McBride, who had been on the hospital’s ethics committee and had approved of the decision. That seems to have been a failed attempt to bully the hospital into submission, but it refused to cave and continues to employ McBride. Now the bishop, in effect, is excommunicating the entire hospital — all because it saved a woman’s life. Make no mistake: This clash of values

is a bellwether of a profound disagreement that is playing out at many Catholic hospitals around the country. These hospitals are part of the backbone of American health care, amounting to 15 percent of hospital beds. Already in Bend, last year, a bishop ended the church’s official relationship with St. Charles Bend for making tubal ligation sterilizations available to women who requested them. And two Catholic hospitals in Texas halted tubal ligations at the insistence of the local bishop in Tyler. The National Women’s Law Center has just issued a report quoting doctors at Catholic-affiliated hospitals as saying that sometimes they are forced by church doctrine to provide substandard care to women with miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies in ways that can leave the women infertile or even endanger their lives. More clashes are likely as the church hierarchy grows more conservative, and as hospitals and laity grow more impatient with bishops who seem increasingly out of touch. Catholic hospitals like St. Joseph’s that are evicted by the church continue

NICHOLAS KRISTOF to operate largely as before. The main consequence is that Mass can no longer be said in the hospital chapel. Thomas Fox, the editor of National Catholic Reporter, noted regretfully that a hospital with deep Catholic roots like St. Joseph’s now cannot celebrate Mass, while airport chapels can. Fox added: “Olmsted’s moral certitude is lifeless, leaving no place for compassionate Christianity.” To me, this battle illuminates two rival religious approaches, within the Catholic church and any spiritual tradition. One approach focuses upon dogma, sanctity, rules and the punishment of sinners. The other exalts compassion for the needy and mercy for sinners — and, perhaps, above all, inclusiveness. The thought that keeps nagging at me is this: If you look at Olmsted and McBride as the protagonists in this battle,

one of them truly seems to me to have emulated the life of Jesus. And it’s not the bishop, who has spent much of his adult life as a Vatican bureaucrat climbing the career ladder. It’s McBride, who like so many nuns has toiled for decades on behalf of the neediest and sickest among us. Then along comes Olmsted to excommunicate the Christlike figure in our story. If Jesus were around today, he might sue the bishop for defamation. Yet in this battle, it’s fascinating how much support St. Joseph’s Hospital has had and how firmly it has pushed back — in effect, pounding 95 theses on the bishop’s door. The hospital backed up McBride, and it rejected the bishop’s demand that it never again terminate a pregnancy to save the life of a mother. “St. Joseph’s will continue through our words and deeds to carry out the healing ministry of Jesus,” said Linda Hunt, the hospital president. “Our operations, policies, and procedures will not change.” The Catholic Health Association of the United States, a network of Catholic hospitals around the country, stood squarely behind St. Joseph’s.

Anne Rice, the author and a commentator on Catholicism, sees a potential turning point. “St. Joseph’s refusal to knuckle under to the bishop is huge,” she told me, adding: “Maybe rank-andfile Catholics are finally talking back to a hierarchy that long ago deserted them.” With the Vatican seemingly as deaf and remote as it was in 1517, some Catholics at the grass roots are pushing to recover their faith. Jamie Manson, the same columnist for the National Catholic Reporter who proclaimed that Jesus had been “evicted,” also argued powerfully that many ordinary Catholics have reached a breaking point and that St. Joseph’s heralds a new vision of Catholicism: “Though they will be denied the opportunity to celebrate the Eucharist, the Eucharist will rise out of St. Joseph’s every time the sick are healed, the frightened are comforted, the lonely are visited, the weak are fed, and vigil is kept over the dying.” Hallelujah. Nicholas Kristof is a columnist for The New York Times.

THE BULLETIN • Friday, January 28, 2011 C5

O Michael Lewis West


N Edwin ‘Ed’ Anthony Sturza, of Redmond Aug. 3, 1945 - Jan. 25, 2011 Arrangements: Redmond Memorial Chapel, 541-548-3219 Services: A Celebration of Life will be held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, February 5, at Eagle Crest Convention Center.

Gerald Wesley Sheerer, of Redmond Feb. 25, 1918 - Jan. 26, 2011 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals Bend 541-318-0842 www.autumnfunerals.net Services: No services will be held at this time.

Michael Lewis West, of La Pine Oct. 5, 1959 - Jan. 24, 2011 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: Celebration of Life, La Pine Senior Center, 16450 Victory Way, La Pine, Oregon, Saturday January 29, 2011 at 12:00 noon.

Waunema Irene Horn, of La Pine Nov. 29, 1927 - Jan. , 25, 2011 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: Graveside Service: Friday, Feb. 4, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., at the Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Coalinga, CA. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend, Oregon 97701; 541-382-5882.

Obituary Policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, e-mail or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. DEADLINES: Death notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and noon on Saturday. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. PHONE: 541-617-7825 MAIL: Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 FAX: 541-322-7254 E-MAIL: obits@bendbulletin.com

Oct. 5, 1959 - Jan. 24, 2011 Mike passed away at his home in La Pine, after suffering a heart attack. Mike was an avid outdoorsman with a fervent love for skiing, fishing and floating rivers. He married his high school sweetheart, Cynthia Sue Bocci, in Eugene, on August 18, 1979. After owning and operating Michael Lewis several West successful restaurants in Eugene, Mike and Cynthia moved to La Pine and opened the Bend Fish Company in 2005. Mike is survived by his wife, Cynth; his son, Justin; his daughters, Cassie and Emma; his parents, Dick and JoAnn; and his brothers, Chad, Jim and Phil. A memorial service will be held at the La Pine Senior Center, in La Pine, on Saturday, January 29, 2011. The service will begin at 12:00 p.m., and all are welcome.

John Horan, former chief of Merck, dies at 90 New York Times News Service John Horan, who led Merck & Co. as it expanded its portfolio of pharmaceuticals and became the world’s largest drug maker, died on Saturday in Princeton, N.J. He was 90 and lived in Sea Girt, N.J. A spokesman for Merck, Ronald Rogers, announced the death. Horan was chief executive from 1976 to 1985, a period when Merck introduced a hepatitis B vaccine, as well as new antibiotics and drugs to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. Under his watch, Merck also developed ivermectin, a drug that prevents and treats river blindness. Through a program administered by the World Health Organization, Merck donated ivermectin to countries where millions were afflicted by the disease, which is caused when black flies living in rapidly running rivers bite a person repeatedly, releasing parasitic worms. It brings excruciating itching, creates nodules under the skin and often results in blindness. By 1982, Horan had tripled the company’s research and development spending to $338 million, according to Fortune. He also increased the sales force and imposed what the magazine called “a new pragmatism.” “We’ve learned it’s not enough just to discover a blockbuster,” he told the magazine. “After you’ve made a breakthrough, you have to improve upon it.”

Bob Young, anchor of ABC’s evening news in late 1960s McClatchy-Tribune News Service HACKENSACK, N.J. — Bob Young, who during a tumultuous era briefly anchored ABC’s evening news, died Jan. 19 at The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, N.J. He was 87. Young began his broadcasting career as a television news director in South Bend, Ind. He joined ABC News in 1963 and was a correspondent in the London bureau in 1966 and 1967. The Army Air Forces veteran of World War II covered two wars while posted in London: Vietnam and the Arab-Israeli Six Day War. He was made evening news anchor on Jan. 1, 1968. He took over from 29-year-old Peter Jennings, who a decade and a half later would return to the anchor chair for a 22-year run. Young was anchor for just

five months — but it was a consequential five months. Vietnam was raging. Student protests were brewing. President Lyndon Johnson announced March 31, 1968, that he would not seek re-election. Four days later, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was shot in Memphis, Tenn. Young narrated ABC’s special report on the King assassination, which included comments from Johnson. The anchor had interviewed King several weeks earlier. ABC reformatted its newscast the following month and Young was reassigned to WABC-TV in New York. He joined WCBS-TV that September. He anchored the 11 p.m. news and was a suburban correspondent during several years at WCBS. A serious head injury ended Young’s on-camera career.

McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Motown artist Gladys Horton, center, performs with Constance Lawhorn, left, and Georgette Green. Horton, a co-founder of the Marvelettes, has died. She was 66.

Gladys Horton, 66, co-founder of Marvelettes By Susan Whitall The Detroit News

Gladys Horton, who helped launch the girl group era of the ’60s with her sassy, girlish lead vocal on the Marvelettes’ “Please, Mr. Postman,” the first Motown song to reach No. 1 on the pop charts, died Wednesday in Los Angeles. The singer, 66, had been recovering from a stroke in a Los Angeles nursing home when she died, according to her son, Vaughn Thornton. “She fought until the end, her son told me,” said fellow Marvelette Katherine Anderson Schaffner. She had alerted friends and fans several weeks ago that Horton was ill. “When I let everybody know on my Facebook page that she was ill, she was already in hospice,” Schaffner said. “Even though you try to prepare, and know the inevitable is about to happen, I don’t think you’re ever prepared for (someone’s) death.” Motown founder Berry Gordy Jr., who was wowed by the 15year-old Horton and her group, said in a statement, “I am so saddened to hear of the passing of another Motown great, one of our first, Gladys Horton, who with the Marvelettes, recorded our first .1 hit, ‘Please Mr. Postman,’ and many others. Gladys was a very, very special lady, and I loved the way she sang with her raspy, soulful voice.”

Began as teenagers They were just teenagers when Horton, Schaffner and several friends from Inkster High School’s choir formed a group so they could enter a talent contest. Schaffner remembers that Horton was determined to get into the mix when she heard the prize was an audition at Motown. They called their group the “Casinyets” (i.e. “can’t sing yet”), and no, they didn’t win the contest. But a sympathetic counselor secured a meeting at Motown for the group. They wowed Gordy and his staff. What happened to the raw Inkster teenagers over the next decade is both an inspirational story and a cautionary tale. They hit in 1961 with “Please, Mr. Postman” and instantly were a national sensation . “Never in our wildest dreams

did we figure that it would be 50 years later, and it would still be just as powerful as the day it was made,” Schaffner said. “I can’t understand that for the life of me.” It was still early in Motown’s hit-making era, so the Marvelettes didn’t have the benefit of the Motown grooming factory - the glamorous dresses and etiquette training that later girl groups such as the Supremes enjoyed. Thrown into the music business at a vulnerable age, the group slept on the tour bus and performed wearing whatever matching dresses they could scrape together. They did their own choreography early on, before Cholly Atkins was hired to smooth out the rough edges. But they had an unpolished, engaging live energy that can be seen in a video on YouTube taken from a film Motown shot at the Apollo Theater in Harlem.

Other hits Follow-up hits to “Postman” included “Playboy,” “Beechwood 45789” and “Too Many Fish in the Sea.” Horton was the sole lead singer early on, but with the addition of Wanda Rogers, the Marvelettes segued into a new era of hits in the late ’60s with Rogers’ lead voice on the Smokey Robinson-penned “Don’t Mess with Bill” and “The Hunter Gets Captured by the Game,” among others. When the hits stopped coming and Motown moved to Los Angeles, the Marvelettes were among the acts who suffered the most. Although “Please, Mr. Postman” helped launch the company into the national spotlight as its first No. 1 pop hit, the group wasn’t part of the big Motown specials. They have yet to make it into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, although they were the first of an early ‘60s tidal wave of girl groups. The worst blow was that the original members of the group couldn’t use their own name. Over the years, the rights to the Marvelettes name were picked up by a New York businessman, Larry Marshak. Marshak had a group of women in their 30s, much too young to have recorded in 1961, touring as “The Marvelettes.”

March 1, 1930 - January 24, 2011 Clara was born in Manville, NJ on March 1, 1930. She lived in Bridgewater, Whitehouse Station, and Bedminster, NJ before moving to Oregon in 1997. She resided with her daughter and son-in-law. Clara enjoyed traveling and was fortunate to have toured Europe, Denmark, Brazil, the Caribbean, Canada, and Alaska. Most recently, she visited Yellowstone National Park, the Grand Canyon, and Mt. Rainier. Clara was a avid reader and a devotee of crossword puzzles. When it came to Scrabble, Clara took no prisoners. Clara took up knitting and created scarves, shawls, hats, and afghans for family and friends. She was a member of the Singing Seniors and the Foxy Red Hatters of Bend. Clara was pre-deceased by her husband, George. She is survived by her children and their spouses, Theresa and Jeff Grimm, George and Kathy Karpinecz, Roberta Karpenecz, and Clara Connealy. Her grandchildren, Kyle Rhody and Tyler Marie will remember her always. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to MountainStar Family Relief Nursery, 2125 NE Daggett Lane, Bend, OR 97701, indicate in memory of Clara. Funeral mass will be held at St. Francis of Assisi, new church, Friday, January 28, 10:30 a.m.


C6 Friday, January 28, 2011 • THE BULLETIN


Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LLC ©2011.



Today: Partly cloudy and remaining mild.

Ben Burkel

Bob Shaw






STATE Western



Warm Springs






Camp Sherman 50/23 Redmond Prineville 56/26 Cascadia 52/27 55/27 Sisters 52/25 Bend Post 56/26

Oakridge Elk Lake 53/25


Skies will be partly cloudy across the region today.

Burns 37/17




Boise 43/29



Look for partly cloudy skies across the region today.

Crater Lake 46/27






Idaho Falls


Silver Lake




Christmas Valley



Grants Pass



Sunrise today . . . . . . 7:27 a.m. Sunset today . . . . . . 5:10 p.m. Sunrise tomorrow . . 7:26 a.m. Sunset tomorrow. . . 5:11 p.m. Moonrise today . . . . 3:14 a.m. Moonset today . . . 12:13 p.m.



San Francisco 57/46

Salt Lake City


Yesterday Hi/Lo/Pcp

Moon phases New




Feb. 2

Feb. 10

Feb. 18

Feb. 24

Friday Hi/Lo/W



Astoria . . . . . . . . 53/35/0.00 . . . . . 50/42/sh. . . . . . 49/40/sh Baker City . . . . . . 35/30/0.00 . . . . . 39/21/pc. . . . . . 42/24/rs Brookings . . . . . . 65/44/0.00 . . . . . 53/45/pc. . . . . . 52/45/sh Burns. . . . . . . . . . 36/12/0.00 . . . . . . 41/20/s. . . . . . 42/22/rs Eugene . . . . . . . . 62/32/0.00 . . . . . 54/37/pc. . . . . . 53/38/sh Klamath Falls . . . 52/24/0.00 . . . . . 48/25/pc. . . . . . 46/25/pc Lakeview. . . . . . .NA/23/0.00 . . . . . . 47/25/s. . . . . . 44/27/sh La Pine . . . . . . . . 59/19/0.00 . . . . . 52/22/pc. . . . . . 46/23/sn Medford . . . . . . . 59/25/0.00 . . . . . 54/33/pc. . . . . . 50/34/pc Newport . . . . . . . 66/45/0.00 . . . . . 53/45/sh. . . . . . 52/42/sh North Bend . . . . . 68/43/0.00 . . . . . 52/44/pc. . . . . . 51/41/sh Ontario . . . . . . . . 37/33/0.00 . . . . . . 36/27/f. . . . . . 42/26/pc Pendleton . . . . . .43/29/trace . . . . . 42/33/pc. . . . . . 44/33/rs Portland . . . . . . . 55/35/0.00 . . . . . 53/39/sh. . . . . . 52/40/sh Prineville . . . . . . . 57/34/0.00 . . . . . . 52/27/c. . . . . . 49/27/rs Redmond. . . . . . . 61/28/0.00 . . . . . 56/24/pc. . . . . . 56/26/rs Roseburg. . . . . . . 62/33/0.00 . . . . . 54/39/pc. . . . . . 51/37/sh Salem . . . . . . . . . 57/37/0.00 . . . . . 54/40/sh. . . . . . 53/40/sh Sisters . . . . . . . . . 57/25/0.00 . . . . . . 52/25/c. . . . . . 47/25/rs The Dalles . . . . . . 42/37/0.00 . . . . . 50/33/pc. . . . . . 51/35/sh



The higher the UV Index number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Index is for solar at noon.








ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level and road conditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key: T.T. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions I-5 at Siskiyou Summit . . . . . . . . . Carry chains or T. Tires I-84 at Cabbage Hill . . . . . . . . . . . Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass . . . . . . . Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Government Camp. . . Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No report Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass . . . . . Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake . . . . . Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No report For up-to-minute conditions turn to: www.tripcheck.com or call 511


Yesterday’s weather through 4 p.m. in Bend High/Low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59/34 24 hours ending 4 p.m.. . . . . . . . 0.00” Record high . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 in 1934 Month to date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.48” Record low. . . . . . . . . . . . . -22 in 1957 Average month to date. . . . . . . . 1.56” Average high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Year to date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.48” Average low. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Average year to date. . . . . . . . . . 1.56” Barometric pressure at 4 p.m.. . . 30.16 Record 24 hours . . . . . . . 1.44 in 1970 *Melted liquid equivalent

Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury . . . . . .6:38 a.m. . . . . . .3:36 p.m. Venus . . . . . . . .4:25 a.m. . . . . . .1:43 p.m. Mars. . . . . . . . .7:38 a.m. . . . . . .5:13 p.m. Jupiter. . . . . . . .9:36 a.m. . . . . . .9:37 p.m. Saturn. . . . . . .10:50 p.m. . . . . .10:24 a.m. Uranus . . . . . . .9:27 a.m. . . . . . .9:20 p.m.



43 21


Mostly sunny and cool. HIGH

43 20



Eugene Bend



Fort Rock










Crescent Lake





TUESDAY Partly cloudy and cool.

46 20

NORTHWEST Yesterday’s regional extremes • 68° Florence • 12° Burns


Mostly cloudy, slight chance of morning LOW showers, cool.


50 23




La Pine


Mostly cloudy, slight chance of evening LOW showers, cooler.

Precipitation is possible across the western and northern portions of the region today.





Showers are possible in the northern portions of the region. Central











Government Camp

Tonight: Mostly cloudy.


Ski report from around the state, representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday: Snow accumulation in inches Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . . . . 36-49 Hoodoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . . . . . . 43 Mt. Ashland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . . . . 38-81 Mt. Bachelor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . . . . 72-94 Mt. Hood Meadows . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . . . . . . 69 Mt. Hood Ski Bowl . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . . . . 34-42 Timberline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . . . . . . 93 Warner Canyon . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . no report Willamette Pass . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . no report Aspen, Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 Mammoth Mtn., California . . . 0.0 Park City, Utah . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 Squaw Valley, California . . . . . 0.0 Sun Valley, Idaho. . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 Taos, New Mexico. . . . . . . . . . 0.0 Vail, Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0

. . . . . . . . 43 . . . . 110-200 . . . . . . . . 86 . . . . . . . 111 . . . . . . 45-62 . . . . . . 36-40 . . . . . . 45-59

For links to the latest ski conditions visit: www.skicentral.com/oregon.html

Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation, s-sun, pc-partial clouds, c-clouds, h-haze, sh-showers, r-rain, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice, rs-rain-snow mix, w-wind, f-fog, dr-drizzle, tr-trace


NATIONAL WEATHER SYSTEMS Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are high for the day.




Yesterday’s U.S. extremes




Vancouver 46/42


Calgary 28/14

Seattle 50/44

(in the 48 contiguous states): Portland 53/39

Boise 43/29

• 82°


Gunnison, Colo.

San Francisco 57/46

• 1.42” Milton, Mass.

Billings 46/24

Salt Lake City Las 39/25 Vegas 64/42

Des Moines 38/22 Omaha 41/21

Denver 62/30 Albuquerque 57/25

Phoenix 74/43

Little Rock 63/39

Houston 68/46

Chihuahua 59/31

La Paz 72/52 Juneau 32/16

Mazatlan 75/51




Halifax 27/21 Portland To ronto 29/14 26/18 Boston Detroit 28/22 Buffalo 31/26 28/19 New York 35/27 Philadelphia Columbus 32/26 36/24 Washington, D. C. Louisville 37/26 37/29 Charlotte 54/30

Nashville 42/34 Birmingham 55/38

Dallas 71/44

Tijuana 74/48

Anchorage 23/12

Chicago 31/24

Kansas City 49/26 St. Louis 42/28 Oklahoma City 73/34


Quebec 16/2

St. Paul 33/22 Green Bay 27/21

Rapid City 48/20

Cheyenne 52/31


Thunder Bay 17/9

Bismarck 30/5

Los Angeles 73/48 Honolulu 82/67


Saskatoon 24/0 Winnipeg 26/5

Colton, Calif.

• -6°


New Orleans 66/46

Atlanta 53/37

Orlando 66/45 Miami 70/51

Monterrey 72/50


Yesterday Friday Saturday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene, TX . . . . .64/24/0.00 . . .70/40/s . . 66/41/pc Akron . . . . . . . . .27/25/0.03 . .29/24/sn . . 33/18/sn Albany. . . . . . . . .33/21/0.00 . .29/15/sn . . 29/11/sn Albuquerque. . . .52/22/0.00 . . .57/25/s . . 57/24/pc Anchorage . . . . .29/15/0.00 . 23/12/pc . . 25/20/sn Atlanta . . . . . . . .52/27/0.00 . 53/37/pc . . . 59/39/s Atlantic City . . . .37/30/0.10 . .38/23/sn . . 38/27/sn Austin . . . . . . . . .70/29/0.00 . . .69/39/s . . . .65/49/t Baltimore . . . . . .36/31/0.00 . .35/23/sn . . 37/26/pc Billings. . . . . . . . .46/36/0.00 . 46/24/pc . . 36/16/sn Birmingham . . . .56/26/0.00 . 55/38/pc . . . 61/40/s Bismarck . . . . . . .38/18/0.00 . . .30/5/pc . . . .10/-9/c Boise . . . . . . . . . .44/32/0.00 . 43/29/pc . . 46/29/pc Boston. . . . . . . . .35/24/0.23 . . .28/22/c . . 30/18/sn Bridgeport, CT. . .37/21/0.92 . .33/25/sn . . 34/22/sn Buffalo . . . . . . . .30/25/0.00 . .28/19/sn . . 29/16/sn Burlington, VT. . .29/15/0.00 . .27/11/sn . . . 25/7/sn Caribou, ME . . . . .20/9/0.03 . . . .20/4/c . . . .21/-5/c Charleston, SC . .54/29/0.00 . 61/41/pc . . . 62/43/s Charlotte. . . . . . .49/24/0.00 . 54/30/pc . . . 61/32/s Chattanooga. . . .50/28/0.00 . 49/32/pc . . . 55/32/s Cheyenne . . . . . .48/30/0.00 . 52/31/pc . . 47/24/pc Chicago. . . . . . . .25/17/0.03 . . 31/24/sf . . .33/22/sf Cincinnati . . . . . .34/29/0.00 . 35/28/pc . . . 39/23/c Cleveland . . . . . .29/26/0.05 . .28/24/sn . . 31/19/sn Colorado Springs 55/21/0.00 . . .60/27/s . . . 55/26/s Columbia, MO . .40/16/0.00 . 45/28/pc . . 40/22/pc Columbia, SC . . .51/28/0.00 . 58/32/pc . . . 63/33/s Columbus, GA. . .55/29/0.00 . 58/36/pc . . . 64/41/s Columbus, OH. . .30/26/0.00 . 32/26/pc . . 36/22/sn Concord, NH . . . .31/22/0.20 . . . .25/3/c . . . 25/7/sn Corpus Christi. . .68/41/0.00 . . .70/53/s . . . 70/58/c Dallas Ft Worth. .65/32/0.00 . . .71/44/s . . 68/48/pc Dayton . . . . . . . .30/24/0.00 . 30/26/pc . . . 35/22/c Denver. . . . . . . . .56/32/0.00 . . .62/30/s . . . 56/27/s Des Moines. . . . .36/19/0.00 . 38/22/pc . . . 28/13/c Detroit. . . . . . . . .28/21/0.08 . . .31/26/c . . 32/14/sn Duluth . . . . . . . . .24/19/0.00 . .25/15/sn . . . 19/0/sn El Paso. . . . . . . . .57/25/0.00 . . .60/30/s . . . 64/33/s Fairbanks. . . . . . . .10/1/0.06 . . 5/-19/pc . . .5/-14/pc Fargo. . . . . . . . . .31/22/0.00 . . .30/7/sn . . . .9/-11/c Flagstaff . . . . . . .49/21/0.00 . . .50/16/s . . . 51/16/s

Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Grand Rapids . . .29/21/0.02 . . .30/25/c . . 29/11/sn Rapid City . . . . . .53/33/0.00 . 48/20/pc . . 37/14/sn Savannah . . . . . .56/30/0.00 . 63/39/pc . . . 64/43/s Green Bay. . . . . .25/16/0.01 . .27/21/sn . . . 27/12/c Reno . . . . . . . . . .55/24/0.00 . . .58/29/s . . 55/32/pc Seattle. . . . . . . . .49/37/0.00 . .50/44/sh . . 48/41/sh Greensboro. . . . .46/28/0.00 . 48/28/pc . . . 55/32/s Richmond . . . . . .38/28/0.00 . . .47/27/c . . 52/30/pc Sioux Falls. . . . . .31/20/0.00 . 34/15/pc . . . . 21/1/c Harrisburg. . . . . .35/29/0.00 . .35/22/sn . . 34/24/sn Rochester, NY . . .32/26/0.02 . .29/20/sn . . 28/16/sn Spokane . . . . . . .49/32/0.00 . 40/31/pc . . 39/32/sh Hartford, CT . . . .34/22/0.32 . .30/20/sn . . 30/14/sn Sacramento. . . . .50/38/0.00 . . .56/39/s . . 59/42/pc Springfield, MO. .54/17/0.00 . . .59/32/s . . 58/32/pc Helena. . . . . . . . .45/29/0.00 . 44/24/pc . . 34/14/sn St. Louis. . . . . . . .41/17/0.00 . . .42/28/c . . 40/25/pc Tampa . . . . . . . . .59/45/0.00 . . .66/50/s . . . 70/50/s Honolulu . . . . . . .82/66/0.00 . .82/67/sh . . 82/66/sh Salt Lake City . . .39/25/0.00 . 39/25/pc . . 39/32/pc Tucson. . . . . . . . .69/42/0.00 . . .70/38/s . . . 69/39/s Houston . . . . . . .68/40/0.00 . . .68/46/s . . . 68/54/c San Antonio . . . .68/37/0.00 . . .72/46/s . . . .67/52/t Tulsa . . . . . . . . . .62/19/0.00 . . .68/36/s . . . 66/34/s Huntsville . . . . . .53/26/0.00 . 49/33/pc . . . 51/31/s San Diego . . . . . .77/51/0.00 . . .71/50/s . . . 64/50/s Washington, DC .37/32/0.00 . . 37/26/rs . . 39/29/pc Indianapolis . . . .32/23/0.01 . . .32/26/c . . 36/21/pc San Francisco . . .62/44/0.00 . . .56/45/s . . 55/44/pc Wichita . . . . . . . .61/18/0.00 . . .68/27/s . . . 48/24/s Jackson, MS . . . .60/29/0.00 . . .63/41/s . . . 68/47/s San Jose . . . . . . .69/42/0.00 . . .63/43/s . . 59/42/pc Yakima . . . . . . . .39/34/0.00 . 42/31/pc . . .44/30/rs Madison, WI . . . .26/18/0.16 . .31/24/sn . . . 30/13/c Santa Fe . . . . . . .53/19/0.00 . . .53/21/s . . . 51/24/s Yuma. . . . . . . . . .77/53/0.00 . . .76/45/s . . . 75/47/s Jacksonville. . . . .59/34/0.00 . 64/40/pc . . . 67/44/s Juneau. . . . . . . . .36/30/0.00 . 32/16/pc . . 31/20/pc Kansas City. . . . .44/10/0.00 . . .49/26/s . . . 40/24/s Amsterdam. . . . .36/28/0.00 . . .35/26/s . . . 39/27/s Mecca . . . . . . . not available . . .89/70/s . . . 90/71/s Lansing . . . . . . . .27/19/0.05 . . .28/23/c . . 28/10/sn Athens. . . . . . . . .55/28/0.00 . . .54/46/r . . 47/37/sh Mexico City. . . . .75/41/0.00 . 75/43/pc . . . 76/44/s Las Vegas . . . . . .65/41/0.00 . . .64/42/s . . 66/44/pc Auckland. . . . . . .73/64/0.00 . .77/66/sh . . 78/66/sh Montreal. . . . . . .27/19/0.01 . . . .19/5/c . . .12/-3/pc Lexington . . . . . .31/26/0.00 . 36/28/pc . . 40/25/pc Baghdad . . . . . . .64/54/0.00 . 65/45/pc . . 63/50/sh Moscow . . . . . . . .12/3/0.00 . 17/11/pc . . .25/15/sf Lincoln. . . . . . . . .42/20/0.00 . 44/22/pc . . 33/14/pc Bangkok . . . . . . .91/77/0.00 . 90/73/pc . . 89/71/pc Nairobi . . . . . . . .81/55/0.00 . 81/56/pc . . 82/58/pc Little Rock. . . . . .60/31/0.00 . . .63/39/s . . . 65/39/s Beijing. . . . . . . . .28/14/0.00 . . .30/12/c . . . . 28/8/s Nassau . . . . . . . .75/70/0.00 . 74/59/pc . . . 75/61/s Los Angeles. . . . .74/50/0.00 . . .73/48/s . . . 64/49/s Beirut. . . . . . . . . .68/59/0.15 . 65/54/pc . . . .67/55/t New Delhi. . . . . .64/43/0.00 . . .70/47/s . . 71/48/pc Louisville . . . . . . .35/29/0.00 . 37/29/pc . . 42/27/pc Berlin. . . . . . . . . .32/25/0.00 . . .29/21/s . . . 33/23/s Osaka . . . . . . . . .46/30/0.00 . 46/32/pc . . 47/32/pc Memphis. . . . . . .51/32/0.00 . 58/45/pc . . . 67/39/s Bogota . . . . . . . .66/46/0.00 . . .69/45/t . . 71/44/sh Oslo. . . . . . . . . . . 14/-4/0.00 . 31/21/pc . . . 30/12/s Miami . . . . . . . . .72/53/0.00 . . .70/51/s . . . 73/56/s Budapest. . . . . . .28/16/0.06 . . .30/17/s . . . 31/19/s Ottawa . . . . . . . .27/18/0.02 . . . .16/3/c . . .11/-4/pc Milwaukee . . . . .27/18/0.13 . .30/28/sn . . .32/18/sf Buenos Aires. . . .86/66/0.00 . 90/67/pc . . . 86/66/s Paris. . . . . . . . . . .41/36/0.01 . . .34/25/s . . . 38/27/s Minneapolis . . . .27/21/0.01 . .33/22/sn . . . . 23/7/c Cabo San Lucas .77/59/0.00 . . .73/56/c . . . 74/56/s Rio de Janeiro. . .99/79/0.00 . 95/75/pc . . . 97/76/s Nashville . . . . . . .47/21/0.00 . 42/34/pc . . 51/31/pc Cairo . . . . . . . . . .70/57/0.00 . 73/54/pc . . . 74/54/s Rome. . . . . . . . . .55/37/0.06 . .54/42/sh . . 51/42/sh New Orleans. . . .61/35/0.00 . . .66/46/s . . . 68/52/s Calgary . . . . . . . .55/32/0.00 . .28/14/sn . . .18/-1/sn Santiago . . . . . . .88/59/0.00 . . .89/61/s . . . 90/61/s New York . . . . . .36/29/0.90 . .35/27/sn . . 34/24/sn Cancun . . . . . . . .73/64/0.00 . 74/57/pc . . 79/61/pc Sao Paulo . . . . . .90/73/0.00 . . .88/71/t . . . .89/71/t Newark, NJ . . . . .39/30/1.07 . .34/25/sn . . 34/23/sn Dublin . . . . . . . . .41/36/0.07 . . .40/28/s . . . 40/29/s Sapporo. . . . . . . .29/20/0.01 . .24/22/sn . . .24/20/sf Norfolk, VA . . . . .37/35/0.00 . . .49/30/c . . 53/33/pc Edinburgh . . . . . .43/36/0.00 . 40/31/pc . . 40/32/pc Seoul . . . . . . . . . . .21/5/0.00 . . .28/8/pc . . . . 18/2/s Oklahoma City . .65/20/0.00 . . .73/34/s . . . 71/37/s Geneva . . . . . . . .39/27/0.00 . 39/27/pc . . 39/26/pc Shanghai. . . . . . .41/36/0.00 . .40/36/sh . . 38/29/pc Omaha . . . . . . . .40/16/0.00 . 41/21/pc . . 30/13/pc Harare . . . . . . . . .77/64/2.00 . . .75/62/t . . . .73/61/t Singapore . . . . . .86/77/0.78 . . .84/76/t . . . .83/75/t Orlando. . . . . . . .63/41/0.00 . . .66/45/s . . . 71/47/s Hong Kong . . . . .64/57/0.00 . 61/53/pc . . 60/51/pc Stockholm. . . . . . .21/9/0.00 . 30/27/pc . . 33/21/pc Palm Springs. . . .77/51/0.00 . . .72/47/s . . . 69/46/s Istanbul. . . . . . . .43/37/0.30 . . .40/34/c . . .35/26/sf Sydney. . . . . . . . .82/72/0.00 . . .75/65/s . . . 78/66/s Peoria . . . . . . . . .31/20/0.00 . . .35/24/c . . 34/19/pc Jerusalem . . . . . .65/36/0.00 . 62/40/pc . . 65/44/pc Taipei. . . . . . . . . .64/59/0.00 . .63/57/sh . . 60/52/sh Philadelphia . . . .52/30/0.05 . .36/24/sn . . 36/22/sn Johannesburg . . .77/55/0.43 . 80/62/pc . . 80/61/pc Tel Aviv . . . . . . . .73/55/0.00 . 66/50/pc . . 69/51/pc Phoenix. . . . . . . .73/49/0.00 . . .74/43/s . . . 73/44/s Lima . . . . . . . . . .81/70/0.00 . .77/65/sh . . 75/65/sh Tokyo. . . . . . . . . .48/34/0.00 . 46/34/pc . . 48/37/pc Pittsburgh . . . . . .29/25/0.01 . .33/23/sn . . 35/22/sn Lisbon . . . . . . . . .55/43/0.00 . .53/44/sh . . 53/41/sh Toronto . . . . . . . .30/25/0.00 . . 26/18/sf . . . . 22/5/sf Portland, ME. . . .34/21/0.20 . . .29/14/c . . 32/19/sn London . . . . . . . .37/34/0.00 . . .38/30/s . . . 41/31/s Vancouver. . . . . .46/37/0.00 . . .46/42/r . . . .46/36/r Providence . . . . .34/25/0.32 . . .31/21/c . . 33/18/sn Madrid . . . . . . . .43/32/0.02 . .44/35/sh . . 44/32/sh Vienna. . . . . . . . .30/25/0.00 . . .32/20/s . . . 32/18/s Raleigh . . . . . . . .48/28/0.00 . 51/29/pc . . . 57/32/s Manila. . . . . . . . .86/73/0.00 . 88/74/pc . . 87/74/pc Warsaw. . . . . . . .32/25/0.00 . 30/19/pc . . . 30/21/s



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NBA Inside Blazers’ comeback attempt falls short against Celtics, see Page D3.






Lava Bears rally past Panthers

James, Wade voted All-Stars; Rose, Amare get spots NEW YORK — LeBron James and Dwyane Wade of the Miami Heat are headed to the All-Star game together, and Derrick Rose gave the Chicago Bulls their first starter since Michael Jordan. They will be joined in the Eastern Conference starting lineup by Amare Stoudemire, who will become the first New York Knicks player to start in nearly two decades, and Orlando center Dwight Howard, the leading vote-getter in the conference with nearly 2.1 million. The Lakers’ Kobe Bryant earned his 13th straight AllStar selection for the Feb. 20 game at his home arena. He is one shy of the record held by Jerry West, Shaquille O’Neal and Karl Malone. The other starters announced Thursday were Hornets guard Chris Paul, forwards Kevin Durant of Oklahoma City and Carmelo Anthony of Denver, and Houston center Yao Ming, who is injured and will be replaced on the roster by a player of commissioner David Stern’s choosing. Fans voted for the starters, but the reserves will be chosen by the head coaches in their respective conferences. Their votes must be submitted to the league office by next Tuesday, and the announcement will come next Thursday night. — The Associated Press

Bulletin staff report REDMOND — Bend High won its eighth consecutive boys basketball game Thursday night at Redmond High, but it took a second-half Lava Bear rally to secure the 53-41 victory over the Panthers. Redmond led the Intermountain Hybrid contest by 10 points at the break, 27-17. “We did a good job of contesting all of their shots in the first half,” Panthers coach Dusty Porter said. Bend turned the game around in the third quarter, though, when the Redmond defenders backed off a bit. The Lava Bears (15-2 overall) outscored the Panthers


Redmond defense holds off Bend High Bulletin staff report

COLLEGE BASEBALL Andy Tullis / The Bulletin

Ducks ranked No. 14 to start 2011 season

Erick Ward, of Bend, holds his snowboard and skis at Mount Bachelor. Ward is one of many snowboarders who have transitioned to skiing.

EUGENE — Oregon received its second preseason ranking on Thursday, as Baseball America rated the Ducks at No. 14 entering the 2011 season. In the baseball publication’s preseason top-25 poll, the Pac-10 Conference led all conferences with six programs in the top 20, while Florida was ranked No. 1 for the first time in school history. Last month, Oregon received a No. 9 ranking from the annual Collegiate Baseball top-40 preseason poll. The Ducks went 40-24 last season and lost to 2010 College World Series participant Florida State in regionals. College World Series runner-up UCLA was the top ranked team out of the Pac-10 Conference at No. 2, followed by No. 11 Arizona State, No. 13 Stanford, No. 14 Oregon, No. 17 California and No. 19 Arizona. Oregon State, the 2006 and 2007 national champion, was not ranked to start the season. — From wire reports

Ease of skis


“As much as we’ve struggled this year, the one thing I know that we’ll do is get after it and play defense,” said a slightly bemused yet proud Redmond coach Nathan Covill. The Panthers (5-13 overall) held Bend to just 12 points in the second half and allowed only three Lava Bears to score in the game. See Redmond / D3

Redmond’s Margo Capps (30) pulls in a rebound over several Bend players during the first quarter of Thursday night’s game at Bend High School. Ryan Brennecke / The Bulletin


rick Ward keeps answering the same question — especially on a powder day. Does he miss snowboarding? “Not at all, I haven’t really thought about it,” says Ward, who lives in Bend. “I haven’t missed it at all.” Ward, 42, is one of a growing number of former snowboarders, both nationwide and here in Central Oregon, who have gone back to skiing. They cite many reasons for the switch, but most agree that the latest ski technology has made skiing easier in any kind of conditions. Also, some snowboarders say they are tired of sitting down to strap onto their board, tired of the long, difficult traverses at Mt. Bachelor ski area, and are seeking a more effective way to access the backcountry. Skiing seems to be the solution to those problems. A skier as a youngster who made the change to snowboarding while he was in high school, Ward was a snowboarder for 18 years before returning to skis last season. See Skis / D4


All-mountain skis, like the three pictured at left, have made it easier for skiers in a variety of conditions, from groomed snow to deep powder. Andy Tullis / The Bulletin

Boarder from Bend set to compete in X Games Bulletin staff report

Janna MeyenWeatherby, of Bend, will take part in slopestyle at the X Games.

Bend’s Janna Meyen-Weatherby will return to the Winter X Games in Aspen, Colo., this Sunday to vie for her seventh X Games medal. Meyen-Weatherby, 33, was the first Winter X athlete to “four-peat” when she won the women’s snowboard slopestyle event each year from 2003 to 2006. This year’s women’s snowboard slopestyle contest is scheduled to air live on ESPN at 9:30 a.m. (PST) on Sunday. Meyen-Weatherby claimed the bronze medal last year after nearly becoming the first woman to execute a cab 900 (2½ rotations) in the X Games. She dragged her hand on the landing and finished third behind Jenny Jones, of Great Britain, and Jamie Anderson, of South Lake Tahoe, Calif. See X Games / D4


‘Jimmermania’ is at a fever pitch after BYU’s big win By Lynn Debruin

Scoreboard ................................D2 Sports in brief ...........................D2 Golf ............................................D2 NBA ...........................................D3 College basketball .....................D3 Prep sports ...............................D3 Adventure Sports...................... D4

Not often does a basketball team get shut out in the first quarter of a game and still emerge victorious. Redmond High pulled off that rarity Thursday night at Bend High in an Intermountain Hybrid girls contest when the Panthers, who trailed 13-6 at halftime, came to life after the break to defeat the Lava Bears 28-25.

The development of new technology for the slopes has turned many snowboarders back into skiers

CORRECTIONS A story headlined “Cougars beat Storm” that appeared in Thursday’s Bulletin on Page D1 contained incorrect information. Summit wrestler Sean Seefeldt defeated Mountain View’s Matt Miller 6-1 in overtime in the dual’s 171-pound match. A story headlined “Panthers take care of Bears” that appeared in Thursday’s Bulletin on Page D3 also contained incorrect information. Redmond defeated Bend High 48-22 in high school wrestling. The Bulletin regrets the errors.

22-4 in the third period and hit six three-pointers in the eight-minute span. Hayden Crook posted a gamehigh 20 points for the Lava Bears, Taylor Raterman added 14 points and Ty Friesen contributed seven. Redmond junior Tanner Manselle, rounding into form after overcoming an early-season back injury, and Panther senior Brad Carter scored 16 points apiece to lead the home team. The Panthers (6-10) play Saturday at home against Grant High of Portland in a Class 6A Special District 1 game. Bend is off until Tuesday when the Bears host Mountain View in a Class 5A Intermountain Conference contest.

The Associated Press

PROVO, Utah — “Jimmermania” is reaching a new level of crazy. Just hours after frenzied fans stormed the court and tried lifting Jimmer Fredette into the air after he scored 43 points to help BYU knock No. 4 San Diego State from the unbeaten ranks, the rest of the sporting world was chiming

Inside • Oregon beats Stanford; Oregon State falls to Cal, Page D3 in about BYU’s star guard. The NBA’s top scorer, Kevin Durant, tweeted that Fredette “is the best scorer in the world.”

The Harlem Globetrotters issued a “Trotter tribute” for a Curly Neal-like performance in Wednesday night’s big matchup. And Fredette wasn’t even hitting threes from NBA range as he has done in topping 40 points three of the last four games for the No. 9 Cougars (20-1). See Jimmer / D4

BYU’s Jimmer Fredette

D2 Friday, January 28, 2011 • THE BULLETIN



TELEVISION TODAY TENNIS 12:30 a.m. — Australian Open, men’s second semifinal, ESPN2. Noon — Australian Open, men’s second semifinal, ESPN2 (taped).

GOLF 6:30 a.m. — PGA European Tour, Volvo Golf Champions, second round, Golf Channel. Noon — PGA Tour, Farmers Insurance Open, second round, Golf Channel.

WINTER SPORTS 4 p.m. — Winter X Games, ESPN.

TRACK & FIELD 5 p.m. — Millrose Games, ESPN2.

HOCKEY 5 p.m. — NHL, All-Star Fantasy Draft, VS. network. 7 p.m. — Western Hockey League, Portland Winter Hawks at Tri-City Americans, FSNW.

BOXING 7 p.m. — Friday Night Fights, heavyweights, Joey Abell vs. Chris Arreola, ESPN2.

BASKETBALL 7:30 p.m. — NBA, Boston Celtics at Phoenix Suns, ESPN.

SATURDAY TENNIS Midnight — Australian Open, women’s final, ESPN2 (replays at 6 a.m. and 7 p.m.).

GOLF 6:30 a.m. — PGA Europe, Volvo Golf Champions, third round, Golf Channel. 10 a.m. — PGA Tour, Farmers Insurance Open, third round, Golf Channel. Noon — PGA Tour, Farmers Insurance Open, third round, CBS. 4 p.m. — Champions Tour, Skins Game, day 1, Golf Channel.

BASKETBALL 9 a.m. — Men’s college, Georgetown at Villanova, ESPN. 9 a.m. — Men’s college, Xavier at Richmond, ESPN2. 10 a.m. — Men’s college, Minnesota at Purdue, CBS. 10 a.m. — Women’s college, Oklahoma at Oklahoma State, FSNW. 11 a.m. — Men’s college, North Carolina State at North Carolina, ESPN. 11 a.m. — Men’s college, Bradley at Wichita State, ESPN2. 12:30 p.m. — Men’s college, UCLA at Arizona State, FSNW. 1 p.m. — Men’s college, Georgia at Kentucky, ESPN. 1 p.m. — Men’s college, BYU at New Mexico, VS. network. 2:30 p.m. — Women’s college, Arizona State at USC, FSNW. 3 p.m. — Men’s college, Ohio State at Northwestern, ESPN2. 3 p.m. — Men’s college, Oregon at California, Comcast SportsNet Northwest. 4 p.m. — Men’s college, Kansas State at Kansas, ESPN. 5 p.m. — Men’s college, Pittsburgh at Rutgers, ESPN2. 5 p.m. — Men’s college, San Diego at Gonzaga, FSNW. 7 p.m. — Men’s college, Oregon State at Stanford, FSNW.

WINTER SPORTS 11 a.m. — Figure skating, U.S. Championships, pairs free skate and dance free, NBC. 11 a.m. — Skiing, USSA Nature Valley Freestyle FIS World Cup, NBC (taped). 1 p.m. — Winter X Games, ESPN2. 6 p.m. — Winter X Games, ESPN. 9 p.m. — Figure skating, U.S. Championships, ladies free skate, NBC (same-day tape).

HOCKEY 4 p.m. — NHL, All-Star Super Skills, VS. network.

SUNDAY TENNIS Midnight — Australian Open, men’s final, ESPN2 (replays at 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.).

GOLF 6:30 a.m. — PGA European Tour, Volvo Golf Champions, final round, Golf Channel. 10 a.m. — PGA Tour, Farmers Insurance Open, final round, Golf Channel. Noon — PGA Tour, Farmers Insurance Open, final round, CBS. 4 p.m. — Champions Tour, Skins Game, day 2, Golf Channel.

WINTER SPORTS 9:30 a.m. — Winter X Games, ESPN. 10:30 a.m. — Snowboarding, USSA Denver Big Air, NBC (taped). 1 p.m. — Figure skating, U.S. Championships, men’s free skate, NBC. 4 p.m. — Winter X Games, ESPN.

BASKETBALL 10 a.m. — NBA, Miami Heat at Oklahoma City Thunder, ABC. 10 a.m. — Men’s college, Duke at St. John’s, CBS. 10 a.m. — Women’s college, Baylor at Texas A&M, FSNW. Noon — Women’s college, Washington State at Washington, FSNW. 12:30 p.m. — NBA, Boston Celtics at Los Angeles Lakers, ABC.


Carter 0-1 0-0 0, Bak 2-5 2-2 6, Powers 1-4 0-0 3, Solomon 3-4 0-2 7, Murray 1-1 0-0 3, Thurman 0-0 0-2 0. Totals 31-61 18-27 85. Halftime—California 36-26. 3-Point Goals—Oregon St. 3-18 (Wallace 3-7, Johnson 0-1, Starks 0-1, Haynes 0-2, Cunningham 0-3, Nelson 0-4), California 5-12 (Murray 1-1, Solomon 1-1, Powers 1-2, Crabbe 1-3, Smith 1-3, Carter 0-1, Gutierrez 0-1). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Oregon St. 36 (Collier, Haynes 6), California 42 (Sanders-Frison 9). Assists—Oregon St. 8 (Collier, Johnson, Nelson 2), California 23 (Gutierrez 11). Total Fouls—Oregon St. 20, California 18. A—6,996.


Today Girls basketball: Summit at Mountain View, 5:15 p.m..; La Pine at Sisters, 7:15 p.m.; Hosanna at Gilchrist, 4:30 p.m.; Madras at La Salle, 7 p.m.; Central Linn at Culver, 5 p.m. Boys basketball: Summit at Mountain View, 7:15 p.m.; La Pine at Sisters, 5:45 p.m.; La Salle at Madras, 7 p.m.; Hosanna at Gilchrist, 6 p.m.; Central Linn at Culver, 6:30 p.m. Wrestling: Redmond, Crook County, Culver at Resers Tournament at Liberty High in Hillsboro, TBA; Mountain View at Sheldon Invitational, 9 a.m. Swimming: Redmond at Thurston, 4 p.m.

Women’s college

Saturday Girls basketball: Marshall at Crook County, 1:30 p.m.; Gilchrist at Paisley, 1:30 p.m.; Grant at Redmond, 3:45 p.m. Boys basketball: Marshall at Crook County, 3:15 p.m.; Grant at Redmond, 5:45 p.m.; Gilchrist at Paisley, 3 p.m. Wrestling: Redmond, Crook County, Culver at Resers Tournament at Liberty High in Hillsboro, TBA; Gilchrist vs. Chiloquin, TBA Swimming: Summit, Mountain View, Bend, Madras at Central Oregon Invitational in Bend, 1 p.m. Nordic skiing: OHSNO Skadi Cup classic race at Teacup, TBA; OISRA skate race at Willamette Pass, 11:30 a.m. Alpine skiing: OISRA GS race on Cliff Hanger at Mt. Bachelor, 9:30 a.m.

GOLF PGA Tour FARMERS INSURANCE OPEN Thursday At Torrey Pines South Course; 7,698 yards; Par 72 At Torrey Pines North Course; 7,067 yards; Par 72 San Diego Purse: $5.8 million First Round a-denotes amateur Sunghoon Kang 33-31—64n Alex Prugh 34-31—65n Rickie Fowler 34-31—65n Chris Kirk 32-34—66n John Daly 33-34—67s Brandt Jobe 33-34—67n Bill Haas 33-34—67n Keegan Bradley 35-32—67n Fabian Gomez 34-33—67s Ryuji Imada 33-34—67n Fredrik Jacobson 33-34—67n Y.E. Yang 34-33—67n Phil Mickelson 35-32—67s Marc Leishman 34-33—67n Anthony Kim 34-34—68n Matt Jones 34-34—68s Ben Martin 34-34—68n Paul Stankowski 35-33—68s Rory Sabbatini 33-35—68n David Mathis 33-35—68n Kyle Stanley 33-35—68n Scott McCarron 34-35—69n Kevin Sutherland 36-33—69s Jhonattan Vegas 32-37—69n Hunter Mahan 37-32—69s Tiger Woods 34-35—69n Brian Davis 34-35—69s Zack Miller 34-35—69n Michael Thompson 33-36—69s Jamie Lovemark 33-36—69s Kevin Streelman 35-34—69s Dustin Johnson 36-33—69s Camilo Villegas 33-36—69n Pat Perez 35-34—69n Jason Gore 34-36—70n Brandt Snedeker 34-36—70s Carl Pettersson 34-36—70n Nick Watney 35-35—70n Ben Crane 35-35—70s Andres Romero 36-34—70n Ben Curtis 35-35—70n David Duval 33-37—70s Tommy Gainey 34-36—70n Brendan Steele 34-36—70s Bobby Gates 33-37—70s Hunter Haas 35-35—70n Billy Mayfair 34-36—70s Stewart Cink 33-37—70s Lucas Glover 33-37—70s Chris Couch 34-36—70s a-Anthony Paolucci 33-37—70s Steven Bowditch 35-35—70n Martin Piller 35-35—70n Blake Adams 36-35—71n Chris DiMarco 34-37—71n Derek Lamely 37-34—71s Robert Allenby 35-36—71s Charlie Wi 34-37—71n Rocco Mediate 34-37—71n Gary Woodland 35-36—71n Bio Kim 34-37—71n Colt Knost 37-34—71s Justin Hicks 35-36—71n Joseph Bramlett 34-37—71n Scott Stallings 36-35—71n Jarrod Lyle 35-36—71n Michael Connell 35-36—71s Len Mattiace 34-37—71n Tag Ridings 36-35—71n Spencer Levin 37-34—71n Jimmy Walker 37-34—71n Bubba Watson 35-36—71s Bill Lunde 35-36—71n Charles Howell III 36-35—71n Cameron Tringale 36-35—71s Chris Baryla 38-33—71n Greg Chalmers 37-35—72n Harrison Frazar 37-35—72s J.J. Henry 36-36—72s Stuart Appleby 35-37—72s Shane Bertsch 36-36—72s Michael Bradley 34-38—72n K.J. Choi 35-37—72s Josh Teater 35-37—72s D.J. Brigman 39-33—72n Joe Durant 35-37—72n Paul Goydos 36-36—72s Tom Gillis 38-34—72s Chris Riley 35-37—72n Matt Bettencourt 37-35—72n Mike Weir 36-36—72n Justin Rose 33-39—72s Vijay Singh 35-37—72s J.B. Holmes 36-36—72s Scott Gutshewski 38-34—72n Daniel Summerhays 35-37—72n Rich Beem 36-37—73n Lee Janzen 34-39—73n James Driscoll 36-37—73n

Garrett Willis Arjun Atwal Chad Campbell Brian Smock William McGirt Richard S. Johnson Troy Merritt D.A. Points Kevin Na Davis Love III Martin Laird Scott Gordon Jim Renner Boo Weekley Kent Jones Alex Cejka John Senden Troy Matteson Chez Reavie David Hearn Steve Marino Tim Herron Peter Tomasulo Matt McQuillan Jesper Parnevik Stephen Ames Nate Smith Billy Horschel Angel Cabrera Kenny Perry Kevin Kisner Kevin Chappell Alexandre Rocha Nick O’Hern Aaron Baddeley Duffy Waldorf Charley Hoffman Michael Putnam a-Josh Anderson Jeff Hart Will Strickler Dean Wilson John Rollins Nathan Green Webb Simpson Kevin Stadler Chad Collins Shigeki Maruyama Jim Herman Andres Gonzales Robert Garrigus Michael Sim Jon Fiedler Kris Blanks Joe Affrunti James Oh Bryce Molder

36-37—73n 35-38—73s 36-37—73s 39-34—73n 36-37—73s 37-36—73s 38-35—73n 39-34—73s 36-37—73n 36-37—73s 36-37—73s 38-35—73n 34-39—73n 40-34—74s 36-38—74s 36-38—74s 36-38—74n 36-38—74s 35-39—74s 38-36—74n 35-39—74n 34-40—74s 35-39—74s 34-40—74n 38-37—75s 37-38—75s 35-40—75s 40-35—75s 39-36—75s 38-37—75n 38-37—75s 39-36—75s 37-38—75s 38-38—76s 38-38—76s 38-38—76n 36-40—76n 38-38—76s 36-40—76s 35-41—76s 38-38—76n 39-37—76s 35-41—76n 36-40—76s 40-36—76s 38-39—77s 38-39—77s 36-41—77s 38-39—77n 40-37—77s 41-37—78s 37-41—78s 40-39—79n 36-43—79s 36-43—79n 41-41—82s WD

BASKETBALL Men’s college Thursday’s Games ——— FAR WEST Arizona 85, UCLA 74 California 85, Oregon St. 57 CS Northridge 66, UC Irvine 62 E. Washington 65, Portland St. 51 Nevada 79, Fresno St. 76 New Mexico St. 96, Boise St. 87, OT Oregon 67, Stanford 59 Portland 79, San Diego 64 Sacramento St. 74, Idaho St. 63 San Francisco 61, Loyola Marymount 60 Santa Clara 71, Pepperdine 59 St. Mary’s, Cal. 73, Gonzaga 71 Southern Cal 63, Arizona St. 61 UC Davis 82, UC Riverside 52 UC Santa Barbara 71, Cal Poly 70 Utah St. 84, San Jose St. 65 Utah Valley 84, Chicago St. 61 SOUTHWEST Arkansas St. 62, Louisiana-Monroe 61 MIDWEST Cleveland St. 63, Ill.-Chicago 49 IPFW 76, Centenary 66 Indiana 52, Illinois 49 Jacksonville St. 65, SE Missouri 56, OT Kent St. 66, Ball St. 53 Loyola of Chicago 84, Youngstown St. 71 Miami (Ohio) 68, Cent. Michigan 58 Michigan 61, Michigan St. 57 N. Dakota St. 87, S. Utah 75 North Dakota 91, Texas-Pan American 82 Oakland, Mich. 88, Oral Roberts 85 South Dakota 90, Houston Baptist 73 Tennessee Tech 77, E. Illinois 74

UMKC 63, S. Dakota St. 58 SOUTH Austin Peay 61, E. Kentucky 52 Charleston Southern 70, Radford 62, OT Chattanooga 111, UNC Greensboro 110, 2OT Coastal Carolina 82, High Point 58 Duke 84, Boston College 68 Florida Atlantic 62, Middle Tennessee 51 George Mason 84, Towson 58 Liberty 83, UNC Asheville 81, OT Louisiana Tech 71, Idaho 56 Louisiana-Lafayette 93, North Texas 86 Maryland 66, Virginia 42 Morehead St. 72, Tennessee St. 65 Samford 69, Elon 67 South Alabama 83, Troy 78 South Florida 71, DePaul 60 VMI 85, Gardner-Webb 66 Va. Commonwealth 82, Hofstra 67 Vanderbilt 81, Mississippi St. 74 W. Carolina 65, Furman 41 W. Kentucky 81, Fla. International 78 Wofford 74, Appalachian St. 65 EAST Cent. Connecticut St. 71, Mount St. Mary’s, Md. 52 Colgate 79, Holy Cross 72 La Salle 76, Saint Joseph’s 72 Long Island U. 97, Fairleigh Dickinson 89 Quinnipiac 69, Robert Morris 61 Rider 61, Iona 59 St. Francis, NY 62, Monmouth, N.J. 61 St. Francis, Pa. 88, Sacred Heart 86, OT St. Peter’s 85, Marist 53 Wagner 80, Bryant 75, OT PAC-10 STANDINGS All Times PST ——— Conference All Games W L PCT W L PCT Washington 7 1 .875 15 4 .789 Arizona 6 2 .750 17 4 .810 UCLA 5 3 .625 13 7 .650 Washington St. 4 4 .500 14 6 .700 Southern Cal 4 4 .500 12 9 .571 California 4 4 .500 11 9 .550 Stanford 3 5 .375 10 9 .526 Oregon 3 5 .375 10 10 .500 Oregon St. 3 5 .375 8 11 .421 Arizona St. 1 7 .125 9 11 .450 Thursday’s Games Southern Cal 63, Arizona St. 61 Arizona 85, UCLA 74 Oregon 67, Stanford 59 California 85, Oregon St. 57 Saturday’s Games UCLA at Arizona State, 12:30 p.m. USC at Arizona, 4:30 p.m. Oregon at California, 3 p.m. Oregon State at Stanford, 7 p.m. Sunday’s Game Washington at Washington State, 7 p.m. Thursday’s Summaries

Oregon 67, Stanford 59 OREGON (10-10) Singler 2-3 1-1 6, Nared 2-2 0-0 5, Catron 5-10 4-4 15, Sim 2-5 4-4 10, Loyd 1-4 0-0 3, Fearn 0-0 0-0 0, Armstead 5-10 0-0 10, Williams 0-2 0-0 0, Jacob 2-5 1-2 5, Strowbridge 4-12 2-2 13. Totals 23-53 12-13 67. STANFORD (10-9) Owens 1-3 2-2 4, Powell 6-8 2-7 14, Bright 2-7 2-2 6, Mann 2-7 2-2 6, Green 3-10 4-4 13, Brown 4-9 1-2 12, Lemons 0-0 0-0 0, Zimmermann 1-2 0-2 2, Trotter 1-2 0-0 2. Totals 20-48 13-21 59. Halftime—Tied 29-29. 3-Point Goals—Oregon 9-17 (Strowbridge 3-5, Sim 2-4, Nared 1-1, Loyd 1-1, Singler 1-2, Catron 1-2, Williams 0-1, Armstead 0-1), Stanford 619 (Brown 3-6, Green 3-8, Powell 0-1, Bright 0-4). Fouled Out—Nared. Rebounds—Oregon 33 (Catron 6), Stanford 29 (Powell 6). Assists—Oregon 14 (Singler 5), Stanford 10 (Bright, Mann 3). Total Fouls—Oregon 21, Stanford 16. A—5,159.

California 85, Oregon St. 57 OREGON ST. (8-11) Johnson 0-2 0-0 0, Collier 6-11 2-3 14, Brandt 0-4 0-0 0, Cunningham 2-5 11-12 15, Nelson 1-10 0-0 2, McShane 1-1 0-0 2, Starks 0-3 0-0 0, Brown 0-1 0-3 0, Burton 1-2 0-0 2, Haynes 4-10 2-4 10, Wallace 4-10 1-4 12, Jones 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 19-59 16-26 57. CALIFORNIA (11-9) Kamp 7-9 4-5 18, Sanders-Frison 5-9 5-7 15, Gutierrez 5-12 6-7 16, Smith 2-5 0-0 5, Crabbe 5-11 1-2 12,

Thursday’s Games ——— FAR WEST Cal Poly 54, UC Santa Barbara 51 California 60, Oregon St. 47 Chicago St. 84, Utah Valley 57 Fresno St. 65, San Jose St. 33 Gonzaga 106, Saint Mary’s, Calif. 77 Idaho St. 65, Sacramento St. 63 Long Beach St. 73, Pacific 60 Louisiana Tech 63, Idaho 56 Loyola Marymount 83, San Francisco 57 N. Colorado 72, N. Arizona 58 New Mexico St. 87, Boise St. 71 Pepperdine 69, Santa Clara 49 Portland 65, San Diego 60 Portland St. 77, E. Washington 70 Southern Cal 81, Arizona 72 Stanford 91, Oregon 56 UC Irvine 59, CS Northridge 53 UC Riverside 72, UC Davis 50 UCLA 70, Arizona St. 60 Utah St. 52, Hawaii 41 SOUTHWEST UTEP 69, Tulsa 66 MIDWEST Creighton 68, Missouri St. 56 Ill.-Chicago 84, Wright St. 69 Illinois St. 82, S. Illinois 44 Indiana St. 75, Evansville 67 Iowa 66, Michigan St. 64 Jacksonville St. 51, SE Missouri 49 Loyola of Chicago 88, Detroit 77, OT Michigan 69, Ohio St. 66 Minnesota 63, Northwestern 58 North Dakota 76, Texas-Pan American 63 Penn St. 67, Illinois 65 Purdue 69, SIU-Edwardsville 39 Tennessee Tech 60, E. Illinois 56 Wichita St. 66, Drake 57 Wis.-Green Bay 66, Butler 62 Wis.-Milwaukee 73, Valparaiso 61 SOUTH Arkansas 53, LSU 45 E. Kentucky 61, Austin Peay 56 East Carolina 71, UAB 64 Florida 70, Alabama 64 Georgia Tech 78, Virginia Tech 57 Houston 71, UCF 68 Kentucky 74, Mississippi 68 Lipscomb 73, Belmont 59 Memphis 69, Marshall 44 Miami 84, N.C. State 77 Morehead St. 84, Tennessee St. 82 North Florida 58, Jacksonville 44 Old Dominion 68, William & Mary 55 Rice 74, Tulane 70, OT South Carolina 57, Georgia 48 Southern Miss. 75, SMU 63 Tennessee 81, Mississippi St. 55 UNC Wilmington 65, Hofstra 42 Va. Commonwealth 67, Georgia St. 52 EAST Florida St. 102, Boston College 93 George Mason 51, Delaware 48 James Madison 66, Drexel 60 Northeastern 58, Towson 56

Tampa Bay Washington Atlanta Carolina Florida

51 31 15 5 67 154 154 51 27 15 9 63 140 129 52 24 19 9 57 152 166 50 25 19 6 56 153 155 49 22 22 5 49 131 131 WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Detroit 49 30 13 6 66 166 143 Nashville 50 27 17 6 60 134 119 Chicago 50 26 20 4 56 157 139 Columbus 49 23 21 5 51 130 152 St. Louis 49 22 20 7 51 130 146 Northwest Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Vancouver 50 31 10 9 71 165 121 Colorado 50 25 19 6 56 161 165 Minnesota 49 25 19 5 55 130 134 Calgary 51 24 21 6 54 144 152 Edmonton 49 15 26 8 38 122 168 Pacific Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Dallas 50 30 15 5 65 147 137 Anaheim 52 28 20 4 60 140 146 Phoenix 51 25 17 9 59 149 145 San Jose 50 25 19 6 56 139 138 Los Angeles 50 27 22 1 55 143 124 NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime loss. Thursday’s Games No games scheduled Today’s Games No games scheduled

FOOTBALL NFL All Times PST Pro Bowl Sunday, Jan. 30 At Honolulu AFC vs. NFC, 4 p.m. (Fox) Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 6 At Arlington, Texas Pittsburgh vs. Green Bay, 3:30 p.m. (Fox)

Betting Line Favorite Packers

SUPER BOWL Sunday, Feb. 6 Opening Current 2.5 2.5

Underdog Steelers

TENNIS Australian Open At Melbourne Park Melbourne, Australia Purse: $24.7 million (Grand Slam) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Men Thursday Semifinals Novak Djokovic (3), Serbia, def. Roger Federer (2), Switzerland, 7-6 (3), 7-5, 6-4. Doubles Women Today Championship Gisela Dulko, Argentina, and Flavia Pennetta (1), Italy, def. Victoria Azarenka, Belarus, and Maria Kirilenko (12), Russia, 2-6, 7-5, 6-1.

DEALS Transactions

NBA NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION All-Star Voting Game: Feb. 20 at Los Angeles Final Voting Released Jan. 27 (x-starter; y-injured) EASTERN CONFERENCE Forwards x-LeBron James, Miami, 2,053,011; x-Amar’e Stoudemire, New York, 1,674,995; Kevin Garnett, Boston, 1,407,601; Paul Pierce, Boston, 804,838; Chris Bosh, Miami, 571,734. Guards x-Dwyane Wade, Miami, 2,048,175; x-Derrick Rose, Chicago, 1,914,996; Rajon Rondo, Boston, 1,587,297; Ray Allen, Boston, 890,951; Raymond Felton, New York, 397,301; John Wall, Washington, 337,368. Centers x-Dwight Howard, Orlando, 2,099,204; Shaquille O’Neal, Boston, 906,284; Joakim Noah, Chicago, 432,127; Andrew Bogut, Milwaukee, 301,896. WESTERN CONFERENCE Forwards x-Kevin Durant, Oklahoma City, 1,736,728; x-Carmelo Anthony, Denver, 1,299,849; Pau Gasol, L.A. Lakers, 1,100,772; Blake Griffin, L.A. Clippers, 1,033,646; Tim Duncan, San Antonio, 839,599. Guards x-Kobe Bryant, L.A. Lakers, 2,380,016; x-Chris Paul, New Orleans, 1,281,591; Manu Ginobili, San Antonio, 748,840; Steve Nash, Phoenix, 718,934; Russell Westbrook, Oklahoma City, 660,244. Centers x,y-Yao Ming, Houston, 1,146,426; Andrew Bynum, L.A. Lakers, 974,546; Nene, Denver, 599,048; Marc Gasol, Memphis, 524,932; Emeka Okafor, New Orleans, 435,218.

HOCKEY NHL NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE All Times PST EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF Philadelphia 50 33 12 5 71 174 Pittsburgh 50 31 15 4 66 154 N.Y. Rangers 52 29 20 3 61 148 N.Y. Islanders 49 15 27 7 37 119 New Jersey 49 16 30 3 35 101 Northeast Division GP W L OT Pts GF Boston 50 28 15 7 63 152 Montreal 50 27 18 5 59 130 Buffalo 49 23 21 5 51 137 Toronto 49 19 25 5 43 124 Ottawa 50 17 25 8 42 108 Southeast Division GP W L OT Pts GF

GA 130 114 126 162 146 GA 112 123 144 153 160 GA

BASEBALL American League KANSAS CITY ROYALS—Agreed to terms with LHP Brandon Sisk on a minor league contract. National League CHICAGO CUBS—Agreed to terms with RHP Braden Looper and INF Augie Ojeda on minor league contracts. CINCINNATI REDS—Announced the retirement of Gene Bennett senior special assistant to the general manager. HOUSTON ASTROS—Agreed to terms with 3B Chris Johnson and C J.R. Towles on one-year contracts. MILWAUKEE BREWERS—Agreed to terms with INF Erick Almonte on a minor league contract. WASHINGTON NATIONALS—Designated OF Justin Maxwell for assignment. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association NBA—Suspended Memphis G O.J. Mayo 10 games for violating the terms of the NBA/NBPA Anti-Drug Program. CHICAGO BULLS—Assigned F James Johnson to Iowa (NBADL). PHOENIX SUNS—Signed G Zabian Dowdell to a second 10-day contract. FOOTBALL National Football League BALTIMORE RAVENS—Fired quarterbacks coach Jim Zorn. CAROLINA PANTHERS—Named Scott Turner offensive quality control coach. DENVER BRONCOS—Named Keith Burns special teams coach and Sam Garnes secondary coach. OAKLAND RAIDERS—Named Steve Wisniewski offensive line coach. TENNESSEE TITANS—Announced coach Jeff Fisher will not return next season. SEATTLE SEAHAWKS—Signed DT Jay Alford, S James Brindley and WR Chris Carter to future contracts. HOCKEY National Hockey League NHL—Announced Rob Blake, will join the NHL’s Hockey Operations Department as a manager. CAROLINA HURRICANES—Reassigned F Zach Boychuk to Charlotte (AHL). DALLAS STARS—Assigned C Aaron Gagnon and C Travis Morin to Texas (AHL). NASHVILLE PREDATORS—Assigned F Chris Mueller and reassigned F Matt Halischuk to Milwaukee (AHL). NEW JERSEY DEVILS—Assigned D Mark Fraser, RW Nick Palmieri, LW Mattias Tedenby and RW Vladimir Zharkov to Albany (AHL). NEW YORK ISLANDERS—Sent D Dylan Reese and G Kevin Poulin to Bridgeport (AHL). Agreed to terms with F Matt Moulson on a three-year contract. PHOENIX COYOTES—Sent F Mikkel Boedker, F Andrew Ebbett and D Chris Summers to San Antonio (AHL). SAN JOSE SHARKS—Reassigned F Jamie McGinn and F Benn Ferriero to the Worcester (AHL). ST. LOUIS BLUES—Assigned F Philip McRae and D Nikita Nikitin to Peoria (AHL). WASHINGTON CAPITALS—Signed RW Alexander Semin to a one-year contract extension.

2 p.m. — Women’s college, Georgia at LSU, ESPN2. 2:30 p.m. — Men’s college, Miami at Virginia Tech, FSNW. 4:30 p.m. — Men’s college, Maryland at Georgia Tech, FSNW.


7 p.m. — NBA, Utah Jazz at Golden State Warriors, ESPN. 7 p.m. — Men’s college, Washington at Washington State, FSNW.

BOWLING 11 a.m. — Professional Bowlers Association, Earl Anthony Memorial Classic, ESPN2.

Woods starts year by shooting 69, trails by five shots

RODEO 11:30 a.m. — Professional Bull Riders, Jack Daniels Invitational, NBC.

GYMNASTICS 12:30 p.m. — Women’s college, Auburn at Georgia, ESPN2 (taped).

HOCKEY 1 p.m. — NHL, All-Star Game, VS. network.

FOOTBALL 4 p.m. — NFL, Pro Bowl, Fox.

RADIO TODAY BASKETBALL 7 p.m. — Prep boys, La Salle at Madras, KWSO-FM 91.9.

SATURDAY BASKETBALL 3 p.m. — Men’s college, Oregon at California, KBND-AM 1110. 7 p.m. — Men’s college, Oregon State at Stanford, KICE-AM 940, KRCOAM 690. Listings are the most accurate available. The Bulletin is not responsible for late changes made by TV or radio stations.

The Associated Press SAN DIEGO — Tiger Woods began his new season with no bogeys, no birdies on the par 5s and no drama. Looking for a new start after a disastrous year on and off the golf course, Woods felt little stress Thursday in the Farmers Insurance Open with a 3-under 69 on the North Course that left him five shots behind South Korean rookie Sunghoon Kang. If the setting was familiar for Woods, so was his middle-of-thepack position. In four of his six wins at this tournaments, he has been at least five shots behind after the opening round. “I’m happy with the way I played, absolutely,” Woods said. “I could have been a lot better if I took care of the par 5s a little bit more, but obviously, I didn’t do that.” Kang, a 24-year-old rookie, finished with back-to-back birdies on

the North Course for an 8-under 64, giving him a one-shot lead over fellow rookie Chris Kirk, Alex Prugh and Rickie Fowler. Phil Mickelson shot 32 on the back nine for a 5-under 67 to match the best score on the tougher South Course, which hosted the 2008 U.S. Open that Woods won in a playoff. Also at 67 on the South was John Daly, whose last win came in 2004 at this tournament. He is the last player to win at Torrey Pines when Woods was in the field. “This place means a lot to me,” Daly said. “The top golfers play here every year. That says something.” Woods no longer is No. 1 — he has slipped to No. 3 in the world ranking and can’t improve on that this week — but he has not played the public course he has practically owned since that U.S. Open in 2008. He missed the next year because of knee surgery, and last year while in a Mississippi addiction clinic

after being caught in extramarital affairs. “Welcome back to Torrey,” was a popular phrase from the gallery throughout his round, in which Woods played solidly except on the greens. He made only two putts longer than 3 feet — a 10-foot par save on No. 8, and a 25-foot birdie putt on the par-3 sixth that bounced along until catching the right corner of the cup. “I didn’t leave myself any putts,” Woods said. “I kept leaving myself above the hole. And I didn’t take advantage of the par 5s.” The North Course is not the pushover it has been in past years because of some new length, and not just in distance. Along with being some 90 yards longer, the rough was allowed to grow and is thicker than the grass found on the South Course. “I didn’t know the North was as long as the South,” Ben Curtis said

after a 70. He knows better, but it felt that way if tee shots did not stay in the narrow, canted fairways. The top of the leaderboard was filled with youth, starting with Kang, who earned his card through Q-school. Fowler was voted the PGA Tour rookie of the year in 2010 on a ballot that included Prugh. Kirk finished second on the Nationwide Tour last year, when he hurt his wrist and couldn’t play the last two events. Also on Thursday: Sweden’s Edfors shoots 64 RIFFA, Bahrain — Johan Edfors of Sweden shot an 8-under 64 Thursday in the first round of the Volvo Golf Champions, giving him a two-stroke lead in the European Tour’s debut in Bahrain. Four players were at 66 — Peter Hanson, Pablo Larrazabal, Francesco Molinari and Graeme Storm. Sergio Garcia was tied with seven others at 67.

THE BULLETIN • Friday, January 28, 2011 D3


Football • Titans, Fisher parting ways after 16 seasons: In a surprising move, the Tennessee Titans have parted ways with Jeff Fisher, who was the NFL’s longest-tenured coach. The team said in a release Thursday night that “Fisher will no longer be the head coach of the team. “The Titans announced the move within an hour of a report by SI.com that they were negotiating Fisher’s departure and released a longer statement a couple hours later saying they will always appreciate his leadership through some of their “greatest heights” during 16 full seasons as coach. Fisher has coached more NFL games for one franchise than all but six Hall of Famers: George Halas, Tom Landry, Don Shula, Chuck Noll, Curly Lambeau and Bud Grant. He ranks third among active coaches in career wins with a record of 147-126, behind only Bill Belichick (176) and Mike Shanahan (160), and he is 20th all-time in coaching victories. • League says owners, players have ‘lot at risk’: The NFL already is feeling financial effects from the uncertainty of its labor negotiations. The league estimates its cumulative gross revenue losses could reach $1.7 billion by 2015 if there is no agreement with the players’ union before the next regular season is scheduled to start. In a 1½-hour session with reporters at league headquarters Thursday, a half-dozen NFL executives set out to explain why they believe both sides could forfeit hundreds of millions of dollars if a new labor collective bargaining agreement isn’t reached by the March 3 deadline. • Miss. River body that of Ravens’ Reed’s brother: An autopsy has confirmed that a body pulled from the Mississippi River is that of the brother of Baltimore Ravens safety Ed Reed. Authorities on Wednesday had tentatively identified the body as 28-year-old Brian Reed, who jumped into the river about 30 miles northwest of New Orleans after an encounter with a sheriff’s deputy on Jan. 7. The autopsy Thursday by the Jefferson Parish coroner’s office confirmed his identity and found the preliminary cause of death to be accidental drowning. Ed Reed says his brother was suffering from mental issues when he ran away from a deputy who tried to question him about driving another brother’s car without authorization.

Tennis • Djokovic beats Federer to reach Australian final: Roger Federer saved a parting shot for anyone who thinks his time is up and a changing of the guard in tennis awaits. “Yeah, I mean, they say that very quickly. ... Let’s talk in six months again,” he said. The heavily hyped duel between Federer and Rafael Nadal will not happen in Melbourne, opening a rare window for someone else. Federer, the defending champion, lost to Novak Djokovic 7-6 (3), 7-5, 6-4 in the Australian Open semifinals Thursday night. It marks the first time since 2008 neither of tennis’ most dominant men will play in a Grand Slam final. Djokovic will play David Ferrer or Andy Murray in the final; they play in a semifinal in a late match today.



Continued from D1 “They did a really nice job in the fourth quarter defensively on (Mekayla) Isaak and putting pressure on us,” Bend coach Todd Ervin said. Isaak, who had a game-high 15 points, and Kenzi Boehme, who added nine, accounted for all but one of the Lava Bears’ total points. Bend junior Ally McConnell, a 6-foot starter in the post for the Lava Bears, missed the game with an ankle injury. The Panthers had more balance, if not a much more productive offense than their opponent. A quartet of Redmond players — Chrissy Wilson, Jesslyn Albrecht, Karlee Nordstrom and Margo Capps — all shared teamhigh scoring honors with six points. “Chrissy came off the bench in the second half and hit two huge threes for us,” Covill said. “It wasn’t like we weren’t getting shots up or stalling.” Thursday’s defeat was just the fourth loss of the season for the Lava Bears (13-4), who host Mountain View in a Class 5A Intermountain Conference next Tuesday. Redmond snapped a fourgame losing streak with the


Ryan Brennecke / The Bulletin

Bend’s Makeila Lundy, center, fights to gain possession of a loose ball from Redmond’s Randi Stroup, left, and Taylor Baca during the second quarter Thursday night at Bend High School. road victory and will host Grant High of Portland on Saturday in a Class 6A Special District 1 game.

“We’ll try get at least 30 (points),” Covill said with a chuckle about his team’s next game.

PREP WRESTLING prise, Oliver said he was especially pleased with the continued development of Willis, a sophomore, and Ozuna, a freshman. “(Ozuna)’s really shaping up,” Oliver said. “And Willis, the last couple of weeks he has stepped it up.” La Pine ended the day with a 1-2 mark, falling to Molalla 45-36 but beating Sisters 71-12. Garrett Searcy posted a 3-0 record at 189 pounds for the Hawks and Zack Knabe (119), Deion Mock (130), Tyler Markland-Pope (152), Levi Penter (160), Kyle Contreras (171) and Chad Van Cleave (215) all went 2-1. The White Buffaloes are off until Thursday, when they wrestle at North Marion in Aurora. La Pine also wrestles on Thursday, when the Hawks host Summit.

Knabe 2-1. 125 — Cody Oatman 1-2. 130 — Cameron Byrd 1-2. 135 — Riley Aamodt 1-2. 140 — Deion Mock 2-1. 145 —Kasper Henschke 1-2. 152 — Tyler Markland-Pope 2-1. 160 — Levi Penter 2-1. 171 —Kyle Contreras 2-1. 189 — Garrett Searcy 3-0. 215 — Chad Van Cleave 2-1. 285 — Darrin Dulley 1-2.

BASKETBALL Boys Thursday’s results INTERMOUNTAIN HYBRID ——— BEND (53) — Hayden Crook 20, Raterman 14, Friesen 7, Apodaca 6, Platsman 6, Torkelson, Scott, Grim. Totals 19 6-11 53. REDMOND (41) — Tanner Manselle 16, Brad Carter 16, Lau 5, Ma. Dahlen 4, Mi. Dahlen, Gerdes, Pies, Genz, Larkin. Totals 17 4-6 41.

Bend 10 7 22 14 — 53 Redmond 16 11 4 10 — 41 Three-point goals — Bend: Crook 3, Raterman 3, Platsman 2, Friesen. Redmond: Manselle 2, Lau.

Girls Thursday’s results INTERMOUNTAIN HYBRID ——— REDMOND (28) — Chrissy Wilson 6, Jesslyn Albrecht 6, Karlee Nordstrom 6, Margo Capps 6, Johnson 4, Edwards, Baca, Stroup. Totals 9 4-6 28. BEND (25) — Mekayla Isaak 15, Boehme 9, Tolentino 1, Froelich, Lundy, Crook, Maloney. Totals 8 6-10 25. Redmond 0 6 11 11 — 28 Bend 4 9 9 3 — 25 Three-point goals — Redmond: Wilson 2. Bend: Boehme.

Basketball • NBA suspends Mayo for positive test: The NBA has suspended guard O.J. Mayo 10 games without pay for violating the league and union’s anti-drug program with a positive test. The league announced the suspension Thursday for Mayo’s positive test for dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Mayo’s suspension will start Friday night when the Grizzlies visit Philadelphia, and he will be able to return Feb. 15, also against the 76ers in Memphis. Mayo blamed an over-the-counter supplement that he didn’t know was banned by the NBA for the positive test, but a team spokesman said Mayo declined to say which supplement he used.

Figure skating • Nagasu wins short program at U.S. championships: Mirai Nagasu narrowly won the short program at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships on Thursday night, edging out two other previous champs. Nagasu, who was the second-youngest winner when she claimed the title in 2008, scored 63.35 with a bewitching and beguiling “Witches of Eastwick” program. That puts her slightly ahead of 2009 winner Alissa Czisny (62.50), who got a measure of redemption after last year’s “heartbreak,” when a poor short program knocked her out of the running for the Vancouver Olympics. Defending champ Rachael Flatt is third at 62.32. The free skate is Saturday night. In pairs, Mary Beth Marley and Rockne Brubaker are in third place after the short program at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships, an impressive result for a couple who began skating together five months ago. Caitlin Yankowskas and John Coughlin won the short program.

Auto racing • Bergmeister takes pole for 24-hour race at Daytona: Jorg Bergmeister will start from the pole in the Rolex 24 at Daytona in Florida, putting him out front in the grueling and prestigious 24-hour race. Bergmeister considered ending his qualifying run early, but decided to stay out for one extra lap during the 15-minute session Thursday. His final lap on the 3.56-mile road course was the fastest, crossing the line in 1 minute, 40.099 seconds and edging Max Angelelli in the DP class. Angelelli (1:40.133) will start second. The 18-car field includes several NASCAR drivers, including five-time defending Sprint Cup champion Jimmie Johnson. Alex Gurney qualified 10th in the entry shared with Bend’s Jon Fogarty and Johnson. — The Associated Press

Chicago Milwaukee Indiana Detroit Cleveland

W 31 17 16 17 8

L 14 26 26 29 37

L10 7-3 3-7 6-4 4-6 1-9

Str W-2 W-2 W-3 W-2 L-9

Home 22-3 12-9 14-7 11-11 8-14

Away 13-7 12-12 6-18 3-21 5-19

Conf 26-6 14-9 13-18 8-18 9-21

Pct .689 .652 .630 .432 .295

GB — 1½ 2½ 11½ 17½

L10 5-5 6-4 7-3 6-4 4-6

Str L-1 W-1 L-1 W-2 L-2

Home 16-5 17-6 14-7 12-11 13-10

Away 15-9 13-10 15-10 7-14 0-21

Conf 20-7 20-8 20-9 11-17 8-21

Pct .689 .395 .381 .370 .178

GB — 13 13½ 14½ 23

L10 8-2 4-6 2-8 5-5 0-10

Str W-3 W-1 L-6 L-1 L-18

Home 21-4 10-10 10-11 12-10 5-14

Away 10-10 7-16 6-15 5-19 3-23

Conf 18-9 11-12 10-14 10-14 7-22

Southwest Division


La Pine results 103 — Thorin Wilson 1-2. 112 — Chris Love 1-2. 119 — Zack

L 14 16 17 25 31

GB — 11 15 21½ 22½


MADRAS — Despite giving up 24 points to open weights, Madras went 2-1 on Thursday in a roundrobin dual meet at Madras High. The White Buffaloes lost to Tri-Valley Conference rival Molalla 47-36 — Madras won eight of the 10 matches actually wrestled against the Indians — before rolling past La Pine 53-30 and Sisters 54-18. “We wrestled pretty good,” Buff coach Ron Oliver said. “It’s just pretty tough to beat a team like Molalla when you give up 24 points.” Kole Willis (103 pounds), Armando Ozuna (119), Miguel Vasquez (130), Triston Boise (135), Travis Williams (215) and Adrian Phillips (285) all went 30 for Madras. Williams’ victory improved his season record to 28-0, while Phillips is now 20-2. Both are the top-ranked wrestlers in Class 4A according to the Oregon Wrestling Forum’s latest rankings. While Williams and Phillips’ wins came as no sur-

Madras results 103 — Kole Willis 3-0. 119 — Andrew Fine 2-1. 125 — Armando Ozuna 3-0. 130 — Miguel Vasquez 3-0. 135 — Triston Boise 3-0. 140 — Brandon Hawes 1-2. 145 — Neal Morningowl 1-2. 215 — Travis Williams 3-0. 285 — Adrian Phillips 3-0.

Miami Orlando Atlanta Charlotte Washington

W 31 30 29 19 13

Pct .778 .533 .444 .304 .283

Central Division

Bulletin staff report

Thursday’s results ——— Four-team dual at Madras ——— Team scores —Molalla 47, Madras 36; Madras 53, La Pine 30; Madras 54, Sisters 18; La Pine 71, Sisters 12; Molalla 45, La Pine 36

L 10 21 25 32 33

Southeast Division

Madras wins two of three at home


Boston New York Philadelphia New Jersey Toronto

W 35 24 20 14 13

San Antonio Dallas New Orleans Memphis Houston

W 39 30 31 22 22

L 7 15 16 24 26

Oklahoma City Denver Utah Portland Minnesota

W 29 27 27 25 10

L 16 18 19 22 35

L.A. Lakers Phoenix Golden State L.A. Clippers Sacramento

W 33 20 19 17 10

L 13 24 26 28 33

Pct .848 .667 .660 .478 .458

GB — 8½ 8½ 17 18

L10 9-1 4-6 10-0 5-5 5-5

Str W-2 W-3 W-10 L-1 L-1

Home 24-2 17-8 19-5 13-7 13-10

Away 15-5 13-7 12-11 9-17 9-16

Conf 26-4 19-7 16-11 14-14 12-17

Away 13-10 7-13 12-11 9-15 2-21

Conf 16-12 16-12 13-13 17-14 3-25

Away 15-8 9-14 6-17 3-15 4-16

Conf 18-9 11-14 11-18 13-21 5-19

Northwest Division Pct .644 .600 .587 .532 .222

GB — 2 2½ 5 19

L10 6-4 7-3 3-7 5-5 1-9

Str W-1 W-3 L-6 L-2 L-5

Home 16-6 20-5 15-8 16-7 8-14

Paciic Division Pct .717 .455 .422 .378 .233

GB — 12 13½ 15½ 21½

L10 Str 8-2 W-2 6-4 L-3 5-5 L-3 6-4 L-2 2-8 L-1 ——— Thursday’s Games

New York 93, Miami 88 Boston 88, Portland 78

Home 18-5 11-10 13-9 14-13 6-17

Dallas 111, Houston 106 Today’s Games

New Jersey at Indiana, 4 p.m. Milwaukee at Toronto, 4 p.m. Denver at Cleveland, 4:30 p.m. Orlando at Chicago, 5 p.m. Minnesota at Utah, 6 p.m. Sacramento at L.A. Lakers, 7:30 p.m.

Memphis at Philadelphia, 4 p.m. New York at Atlanta, 4:30 p.m. Detroit at Miami, 4:30 p.m. Washington at Oklahoma City, 5 p.m. Charlotte at Golden State, 7:30 p.m. Boston at Phoenix, 7:30 p.m. Saturday’s Games

Indiana at Chicago, 5 p.m. Toronto at Minnesota, 5 p.m. New Jersey at Milwaukee, 5:30 p.m. New Orleans at Sacramento, 7 p.m.

Washington at Memphis, 5 p.m. Atlanta at Dallas, 5:30 p.m. ouston at San Antonio, 5:30 p.m. Charlotte at L.A. Clippers, 7:30 p.m. All Times PST

SUMMARIES Thursday’s Games

Celtics 88, Blazers 78 BOSTON (88) Pierce 7-14 1-2 17, Garnett 4-9 2-2 10, Erden 1-1 4-6 6, Rondo 5-8 1-4 11, Allen 6-14 3-3 18, Perkins 3-4 4-4 10, Davis 1-5 4-6 6, Daniels 13 2-4 4, Robinson 0-3 2-2 2, Wafer 2-3 0-0 4. Totals 30-64 23-33 88. PORTLAND (78) Batum 1-6 0-0 2, Aldridge 8-20 1-2 17, Przybilla 2-3 0-0 4, Miller 6-15 2-4 14, Matthews 4-15 2-2 12, Cunningham 4-8 1-2 9, Fernandez 4-11 1-1 11, Mills 3-10 1-2 7, Babbitt 1-2 0-0 2. Totals 33-90 8-13 78. Boston 21 20 23 24 — 88 Portland 18 19 21 20 — 78 3-Point Goals—Boston 5-17 (Allen 3-6, Pierce 2-6, Wafer 0-1, Daniels 0-1, Robinson 0-3), Portland 4-16 (Fernandez 2-3, Matthews 2-5, Babbitt 0-1, Batum 0-2, Aldridge 0-2, Mills 0-3). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Boston 51 (Garnett, Perkins 9), Portland 55 (Aldridge 16). Assists—Boston 21 (Garnett 9), Portland 16 (Miller 7). Total Fouls—Boston 18, Portland 23. Technicals—Pierce, Portland Coach McMillan, Przybilla. A—20,706 (19,980).

Mavs 111, Rockets 106 HOUSTON (106) Battier 2-6 4-6 10, Scola 14-21 2-2 30, Hayes 8-10 0-2 16, Lowry 2-10 3-3 9, Martin 7-15 1112 27, Patterson 3-4 0-0 6, Brooks 2-10 0-0 6, Lee 1-2 0-0 2, Budinger 0-2 0-0 0, Hill 0-4 0-0 0. Totals 39-84 20-25 106. DALLAS (111) Pavlovic 4-7 0-0 11, Nowitzki 7-16 3-4 18, Chandler 5-8 11-12 21, Kidd 5-9 0-0 11, Stevenson 1-4 0-0 2, Marion 5-11 0-0 10, Terry 4-12

6-6 15, Barea 8-10 3-3 19, Mahinmi 1-1 0-0 2, Haywood 1-4 0-0 2, Cardinal 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 41-82 23-25 111. Houston 15 32 34 25 — 106 Dallas 33 31 24 23 — 111 3-Point Goals—Houston 8-22 (Battier 2-4, Brooks 2-4, Lowry 2-6, Martin 2-7, Budinger 0-1), Dallas 6-16 (Pavlovic 3-4, Nowitzki 1-2, Kidd 1-3, Terry 1-3, Barea 0-1, Stevenson 03). Fouled Out—Battier. Rebounds—Houston 50 (Hayes, Scola 8), Dallas 43 (Chandler 15). Assists—Houston 16 (Lowry 5), Dallas 25 (Kidd 10). Total Fouls—Houston 21, Dallas 24. A—20,088 (19,200).

Knicks 93, Heat 88 MIAMI (88) James 7-24 10-12 24, Jones 5-9 0-0 15, Ilgauskas 0-1 0-0 0, Chalmers 1-4 5-5 7, Wade 14-22 6-14 34, Anthony 3-5 2-2 8, Miller 0-3 0-0 0, House 0-1 0-0 0, Arroyo 0-3 0-0 0, Dampier 0-0 0-0 0, Howard 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 30-72 23-33 88. NEW YORK (93) Gallinari 5-15 7-10 20, Chandler 3-14 0-0 7, Stoudemire 10-17 3-4 24, Felton 1-6 4-4 6, Fields 6-11 4-4 19, Douglas 1-6 2-2 5, Turiaf 0-1 1-2 1, Williams 4-11 2-2 11, Walker 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 30-83 23-28 93. Miami 24 24 25 15 — 88 New York 23 23 18 29 — 93 3-Point Goals—Miami 5-19 (Jones 5-8, Arroyo 0-1, House 0-1, Miller 0-2, Wade 0-2, James 0-2, Chalmers 0-3), New York 10-33 (Fields 3-6, Gallinari 3-7, Stoudemire 1-1, Williams 1-4, Chandler 1-4, Douglas 1-5, Walker 0-2, Felton 0-4). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Miami 59 (Wade 16), New York 51 (Fields 13). Assists—Miami 13 (James, Wade 5), New York 24 (Felton 7). Total Fouls—Miami 22, New York 22. Technicals—Howard, New York defensive three second. A—19,763 (19,763).


Cal rolls past cold-shooting Oregon State


Oregon gets rare Boston opens trip victory at Stanford with win at Portland The Associated Press

The Associated Press BERKELEY, Calif. — Harper Kamp scored 18 points for his ninth straight game in double figures, Jorge Gutierrez had 16 points and a career-high 11 assists and California beat Oregon State 85-57 on Thursday night. Markhuri Sanders-Frison had 15 points and nine rebounds and freshman Allen Crabbe added 12 points and seven rebounds for Cal (11-9, 4-4 Pac-10), which kicked off a four-game homestand at Haas Pavilion by sending the Beavers to their fifth loss in six games. Oregon State leading scorer Jared Cunningham had 15 points after combining for only 14 in his previous two games and Devon Collier added 14 for the cold-shooting Beavers (8-11, 3-5). Lathen Wallace added 12 points, but Oregon State never got in sync against the defending Pac-10 champions and was forced to try to play catch-up all night after falling behind in a hurry. Top rebounder Omari Johnson, a 6-foot-9 senior who didn’t grab a single board in a 63-59 loss to rival Oregon at home in Corvallis last Saturday, managed only one in this game as the Beavers were outrebounded 42-36. They shot 32.2 percent overall, three for 18 from three-point range, and committed 17 turnovers. Calvin Haynes added 10 points and six rebounds for Oregon State.

STANFORD, Calif. — Joevan Catron was aware of the long losing streak at Stanford. He’s not sure many of the other Oregon players knew about it. What mattered, though, was ending it. Catron scored 15 points, and Oregon ceased 25 years of frustration at Stanford with a 67-59 victory on Thursday night. “Yeah, we haven’t won here in years,” Catron said. “It’s great to be a part of that. It’s great for our program to break the streak, but hopefully we’ll get a streak going for ourselves. I don’t think many of the players knew about this, except maybe me and a few of the coaching staff ... (and) a couple of the trainers. Other than that, we didn’t really talk about it that much.” Jay-R Strowbridge matched his career high with three threepointers and scored 13 points as the Ducks (10-10, 3-5 Pac-10) won at Stanford for the first time since 1986. Oregon made nine of its 17 three-point attempts. Garrett Sim and Malcolm Armstead added 10 points each for the Ducks, who have won three of their last four after a six-game losing streak. “We needed that,” first-year Oregon coach Dana Altman said. “That was a big one for us. It’s something that we finally got out of the way.” Dwight Powell scored 14 points as the Cardinal (10-9, 3-5) lost a fourth straight game. Jeremy Green added 13 points and Anthony Brown 12.

Also on Thursday: No. 3 Duke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Boston College . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 DURHAM, N.C. — Seth Curry scored a season-high 20 points for Duke (19-1, 6-1 Atlantic Coast Conference). No. 19 Vanderbilt . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Mississippi State . . . . . . . . . . . 74 STARKVILLE, Miss. — Jeffery Taylor scored 25 points and John Jenkins added 21 for Vanderbilt (15-4, 3-2 Southeastern Conference). Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 No. 20 Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — Jordan Hulls scored 12 of his 18 points in the second half to lift Indiana to the upset over the Illini (14-7, 4-4 Big Ten), who have lost four of five. Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 No. 25 Michigan State. . . . . . . 57 EAST LANSING, Mich. — Zack Novak scored 19 points and Stu Douglass made a big three-pointer with 20 seconds left to lift Michigan past the Spartans (12-8, 4-4 Big Ten). Arizona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 UCLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 TUCSON, Ariz. — Derrick Williams scored 22 points and Arizona (17-4, 6-2) defeated UCLA to take sole possession of second place in the Pac-10 Conference. USC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Arizona State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 TEMPE, Ariz. — Nikola Vucevic had 26 points and 12 rebounds, and Maurice Jones added 14 points to help Southern California (12-9, 4-4 Pac-10) beat Arizona State. Rihards Kuksiks had 22 for the Sun Devils.

The Associated Press PORTLAND — Ray Allen scored 18 points, Paul Pierce added 17 and the Boston Celtics opened their West Coast road swing with an 88-78 win over the Portland Trail Blazers on Thursday night. Rajon Rondo had 11 points, six rebounds and five assists for the Celtics, winners of seven of their last eight. Kevin Garnett had 10 points, nine rebounds and nine assists, and Kendrick Perkins had 10 points and nine rebounds in his second game back since tearing knee ligaments in last year’s NBA finals. LaMarcus Aldridge had 17 points and 16 rebounds to lead the Trail Blazers, and Andre Miller added 14 points and seven assists. Wesley Matthews had 12 points but shot just four of 15 from the field. The Blazers made only two of their first 12 shots to start the fourth quarter and fell behind 78-63. But Portland hit five shots in a row, with Rudy Fernandez making a three-pointer to cut the deficit to 82-77 with 48.9 seconds remaining. However, Glen Davis and Garnett each made two free throws to seal it. The Celtics, playing the first game of a four-game road trip, were downright sloppy at times, tying a season high with 21 turnovers. Portland took 26 more shots than Boston, but made just 36 percent from the field. Aldridge was playing with a bruised hip sustained Monday against Sacramento. The reigning Western Conference player of the week had just nine points in the 96-81 loss, which snapped the Blazers’ fivegame winning streak. Against Boston, the Blazers got a lift from the bench in the first half, getting eight points from Dante Cunningham and six points from Patrick Mills. Also on Thursday: Knicks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Heat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 NEW YORK — Danilo Gallinari and Landry Fields made consecutive three-pointers in the final 1:18, and the Knicks took advantage of LeBron James’s miserable shooting night to beat Miami. Mavericks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Rockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 DALLAS — Tyson Chandler matched his season high with 21 points and had 15 rebounds, reserve J.J. Barea added 19 points and Dallas hung on after wasting most of a 25-point first-half lead.

D4 Friday, January 28, 2011 • THE BULLETIN

Jimmer Continued from D1 “It’s something I’ll never forget, especially with such a big win and all the hype around the game,� Fredette said of the NCAA tournament-like atmosphere Wednesday night in the sold-out 22,700-seat arena. “It’s a special memory, something I’ll remember forever.� While the momentum has been building at BYU since last year when the Cougars advanced to the second round of the NCAAs, only lately has Fredette been getting respect at the national level. ESPN analyst Chad Ford moved Fredette up to No. 12 on his NBA draft board after the big win. “NBA scouts are tough to impress but even they are giving in,� Ford tweeted. “Huge game for his draft stock tonight. San Diego State has NBA-caliber athletes. If Fredette can score against them, he can score in the NBA.� No one can deny Fredette is doing something big if his following has risen beyond sports into the entertainment world. Rapper Nelly tweeted that Fredette is “definitely the truth!� And musician Adam Duritz of the band Counting Crows said Fredette reminded him of Utah Jazz guard Deron Williams. The 195-pound Fredette has never met Williams, but mixed it up in Las Vegas last summer with some of the NBA’s best as part of a select team composed of 20 top college players. “I’ve seen guys that are unbelievable and D-Will is a guy I look up to ... when I see how he handles the ball,� Fredette said Thursday. “Hopefully that will help my game get better.� Fredette also took Durant’s comments in stride. “It was kind of cool to hear (about) them,� said Fredette, who has only a Facebook page but no Twitter account. BYU coach Dave Rose, only a texter himself, called Fredette special but said he seemed almost embarrassed by some of the attention. “We knew if Jimmer had the type of year he’s capable of having there’d be a lot of national media on him. I don’t know that we expected him to have a year like he’s having right now,� Rose said. Fredette is leading the nation in scoring with a 27.4point average, which would be the highest since Steph Curry averaged 28.6 in 2008-09. He is shooting 48 percent from the field, 42 percent on threepointers and has averaged 38.2 points over the last four games. He needs 361 points to break Danny Ainge’s career mark of 2,467. “These players play out here in the West sometimes in obscurity. It’s good for them when they get a chance for people to see their games. But you have to win games. Jimmer could be doing all this for a 9-15 team and it wouldn’t be a story,� Rose said. In Provo the BYU faithful worship every three. They braved wintry conditions Monday to get the best seats in the Marriott Center, then filled the student sections two hours early on Wednesday. In white hair, blue hair and one even wearing a blue-painted Cheesehead, they created a deafening environment, with signs as creative as Fredette himself. “Jimmer’s in range when he gets off the bus,� read one. “The Real King James,� proclaimed another in reference to NBA star LeBron James. There also were “Fredette About It� and “You Got Jimmered.� Though the Aztecs made him work for every point Wednesday, he still scored inside and out. He crossed-over to get by Aztec counterpart D.J. Gay then used a head fake to score down low on 6-9 forward Malcolm Thomas. He scored BYU’s final 15 points of the first half and 24 of 27 in one spurt. “(Fredette) is as good as any player I have ever coached,� San Diego State coach Steve Fisher said. He’ll get another look at him Feb. 26 in San Diego for the sold-out rematch. For now, Fredette’s mind, tweets aside, must be focused on Saturday’s game at New Mexico. The Cougars have lost two in a row there. “Last night was great, but to make that game worth something we’ve got to win this one,� Fredette said. “We can’t let down.�

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SKIING AND SNOWBOARDING MT. BACHELOR SPORTS EDUCATION FOUNDATION ALPINE WINTER SKIING: Enrollment for ages 7 and older at Mt. Bachelor; 541-388-0002; mbsef@mbsef.org; www.mbsef.org. MBSEF ALPINE MASTERS WINTER SKIING: At Mt. Bachelor, enrollment is open for ages 21 and up, running now through March; 541-3880002, mbsef@mbsef.org, www.mbsef.org. MT. BACHELOR SPORTS EDUCATION FOUNDATION FREERIDE SKI AND SNOWBOARD WINTER PROGRAMS: Enrollment for ages 8 and older; at Mt. Bachelor; 541-388-0002; mbsef@mbsef.org; www.mbsef.org.

DOG-SLEDDING Andy Tullis / The Bulletin

Erick Ward, of Bend, skis near the Pine Marten chairlift at Mount Bachelor on Sunday morning.

Skis Continued from D1 “I really like the fact that it’s cool again,� Ward says of skiing. “I like seeing kids in baggy clothes with the big rocker skis, doing tricks on skis. There was a time when everybody thought skiing was on its way out. You weren’t cool if you weren’t on a snowboard.� It isn’t just snow enthusiasts in their 30s and 40s who are making skiing their preferred form of snowriding. Given the choice, more youngsters today are taking up skiing instead of snowboarding, according to Jeremy Nelson of Skjersaa’s Ski and Snowboard Shop in Bend. “I’m seeing a lot more 10-12 age category on skis anymore, even more so than snowboarding,� Nelson says. “It’s totally come full circle. It was 5050 (skiers and snowboarders) for a while, now it’s a 60-40 split (in favor of skiers).� According to the National Ski & Snowboard Retailers Association, from 2008 to 2009, snowboard participation in the country increased by about 400,000 riders, while ski participation increased by about 500,000 skiers. Nelson, a lifelong skier, says snowboarding “breathed new life� into skiing, and forced ski manufacturers to reinvent designs. The result over the last decade has been the development of “rocker� technology, in which the tip and tail of the skis rise up at a sharp angle to provide easier turn initiation and more flotation in powder and mixed snow conditions. Also, new wider skis cut through deep snow more easily. “It’s like cheating, it really is,� says Nelson of the new skis. “That’s what they (skiers) said about snowboarding. Then they decided: ‘We should cheat, too.’ It’s amazing how much more you can ski through the powder and junk lines (with new skis). “Snowboarding pushed it into the freeride mode. Now you can access terrain you couldn’t before.� Bend’s Jim Brennan, 71, had skied all his life before switching to snowboarding about 12 years ago. Two years ago, though, he went back to

X Games Continued from D1 In slopestyle, riders are judged on tricks performed along a course of jumps and rails. Scores are based on the degree of difficulty and execution of each trick. According to espn.com, MeyenWeatherby recently signed her final contract with clothing manufacturer

“It’s like cheating, it really is. That’s what they (skiers) said about snowboarding. Then they decided: ‘We should cheat, too.’ It’s amazing how much more you can ski through the powder and junk lines (with new skis).� — Jeremy Nelson, of Skjersaa’s Ski and Snowboard Shop, on new ski technology

snowboard.� Ward says another reason for his return to skis is the backcountry factor. While snowboarders must use either snowshoes or split boards to access backcountry terrain, skiers can simply apply skins to their telemark or alpine-touring (AT) skis. Ward uses an AT setup, with which he can unlock his heels to skin in the backcountry. Then, he can lock his heels back down to ski. “I spent a lot of time trying to effectively move in the backcountry on a snowboard,� Ward says. “Skiing just seems like such a more effective way to deal with all the (backcountry) issues.� Nelson says skiing has made a “huge, huge comeback� over the last few years. He credits some of the comeback to the X Games, the Dew Tour and freeskiing movies, all of which have helped make skiing more popular with the younger, hipper set. “These freeskiers are like gods to these kids,� Nelson says. Another indication that skiing is regaining popularity relative to snowboarding: The U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association (USSA) this week announced the formation of a new sport program — U.S. Freeskiing. The program will encompass the potential new Olympic events of halfpipe and slopestyle skiing, along with skicross, which made its Olympic debut last year in Vancouver. Halfpipe, slopestyle and snowboardcross are extremely popular snowboarding disciplines as well. (Halfpipe and snowboardcross are Olympic events, but not slopestyle.) The rapid progression of freeskiing helped spark the new sport program, according to the USSA. But aside from any talk of new Olympic skiing events, sometimes skiing is simply the best option for the weekend warrior — especially in Central Oregon in recent weeks, when lack of snow has suited skiers better than snowboarders. “The icy conditions and just the groomer days,� Ward says, “it’s pretty fun just being on skis.�

skiing. And last season, Brennan says, he skied 84 days and snowboarded nine. “As you get older, it’s a pain in the rear to sit down and buckle in all the time,� Brennan says. “The new skis are making it so much easier to ski. They’re basically putting two snowboards on your feet rather than one. It’s so much easier to go different places now.� From the summit of Bachelor, Brennan no longer must stay on groomed runs. His all-mountain skis, he says, work well in any kind of conditions, except maybe wet snow. “When it’s wet, I’ll use a snowboard,� he says. “Snowboarding’s much easier than skiing in wet snow.� As ski and snowboard areas go, Mt. Bachelor’s terrain is much kinder to skiers. Its flat expanses, and the necessity to traverse across the mountain often, can be hard on snowboarders who have no poles to push themselves along. Boarders are often forced to unstrap one foot to “skate� along the flats and gain momentum. “Bachelor has a lot of pluses and minuses; one of the real minuses is it’s not well-designed for snowboarding,� Ward observes. “There’s a lot of traversing.� Nelson says skiers are able to stay higher on the cutbacks near the top of the Northwest chairlift at Bachelor, thus accessing more untracked snow and more terrain. “You can go places on skis,� Nelson says, “(that) you can’t go on a

Mark Morical can be reached at 541383-0318 or at mmorical@bendbulletin. com.

Volcom and plans to officially retire from competitive snowboarding at the end of the 2012 season. “I just started snowboarding because I’d rather do that than go to school,� Meyen-Weatherby was quoted saying on espn.com. “I literally fell into it. Now it’s time to grow up and get out of it.� According to the website, MeyenWeatherby, who got married in 2008, said the desire to start a family was part of the reason for her retirement.

Meyen-Weatherby has been competing in snowboarding events for more than 20 years. A Bend resident for about 10 years, Meyen-Weatherby grew up in Big Bear Lake, Calif., and began snowboarding when she was 12. She is known for her aggressive style and her fondness for the biggest jumps. In most of her X Games victories, she was one of the few female competitors to even attempt the men’s jumps.

A S B Nordic skiing • Ski festival set for Feb. 12: The Tour de Meissner, a family-friendly nordic ski race and tour, will be held next month at Virginia Meissner Sno-park southwest of Bend. The event will take place on Saturday, Feb. 12. Skiers may choose either skate or classic technique and can participate in either a race or a noncompetitive tour. For the 15-kilometer tour, the registration fee is $40 for families, $20 for adults and $13 for juniors. Children under 12 may participate in the tour for free. For the 15K race, the registration fee is $23 for adults and $15 for juniors 16 to 19. Children ages 6 to 15 may race a three-kilometer distance for free. Tumalo Langlauf Club members may deduct $5 from their registration fee. Registration is being accepted online through Wednesday, Feb. 9. Day-ofrace registration will begin at 8 a.m., when the registration fee will increase by $10 for adults and by $5 for juniors. The first event will start at 9:30 a.m.

For more information or to register or volunteer, call 541-335-1346 or go to www.meissnernordic.org.

Snowriding • Bend snowboarder seventh at Dew Tour: Ben Watts, of Bend, finished seventh this past weekend in the halfpipe competition of the 2011 Winter Dew Tour in Killington, Vt. The 17-year-old snowboarder posted a score of 75.25 to finish in the top 10 of a contest that featured many of the country’s best halfpipe riders. Louie Vito, of Sandy, Utah, won the competition with a score of 93. J.J. Thomas, of Golden, Colo., finished second and Mason Aguirre, of Duluth, Minn., placed third. Kelly Clark, of Mt. Snow, Vt., won the women’s halfpipe contest. The final stop of the Winter Dew Tour is set for Snowbasin Resort Utah, Feb. 10-13. • Freeride contest this weekend at Bachelor: The Gatorade Free Flow

Tour, an amateur series that holds contests throughout the country in January, is scheduled for Mt. Bachelor this Saturday and Sunday. The halfpipe competition is slated for Saturday, and slopestyle on Sunday. The winner in each contest will earn a trip to the Gatorade Free Flow Tour Finals, staged in conjunction with the Dew Tour’s Toyota Championships, Feb. 10-13, at Utah’s Snowbasin Resort. The two overall snowboard halfpipe and slopestyle champions and the overall freeski halfpipe and slopestyle champions earn a spot to compete against the pros at the first stop of the 2011-12 Winter Dew Tour the following season. The Gatorade Free Flow Tour is open to all amateur snowboarders and freeskiers age 21 and under. Entry fee is $20 for one competition, and $30 for two. For more information, visit www.gatoradefreeflowtour.com. — Bulletin staff reports

BACHELOR BUTTE DOG DERBY: March 4-6 at Wanoga Sno-park near Bend; races start at 9 a.m.; race includes contestants from all over the Northwest; more than 30 dog teams expected to compete; free for spectators; snopark pass required; contact www.psdsa.org.

MISCELLANEOUS GPS NAVIGATION CLASS: Saturday, Feb. 5, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; bring own GPS receiver and owner’s manual; course will focus on backcountry navigation; includes classroom exercises and field practice; does not include instruction on automobile and boat GPS receivers; $39; 541-383-7292; http://noncredit.cocc.edu.

NORDIC SKIING BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY NORDIC MASTERS: Technique group and training group options; for adults ages 20 and older with intermediate to advanced nordic skiing abilities; weekday and weekend options through Feb. 23; portion of proceeds will go to Meissner Nordic Community Ski Trails; enrollments vary; www.bendenduranceacademy.org; 541-678-3864. COCC/BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY NORDIC SKIING CLUB: Open to all COCC students with some crosscountry skiing experience who are taking at least six credits during winter term; through March 20; free for COCC students; Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, and Saturday and Sunday mornings; skate and classic techniques; Brenna Warburton; 541-678-3865; brenna@bendenduranceacademy.org. MT. BACHELOR SPORTS EDUCATION FOUNDATION NORDIC WINTER SKIING: Enrollment for ages 7 and older; at Mt. Bachelor; 541-388-0002; mbsef@mbsef.org; www.mbsef.org. BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY NORDIC SKIING: Programs conducted at Virginia Meissner Sno-park on Century Drive southwest of Bend; transportation provided from Bend; Development Team for ages 11-18; Youth Club for ages 7-11; times vary; www. bendenduranceacademy.org; 541-678-3865. SENIOR XC-SKI AND SNOWSHOE WEEK AT DIAMOND LAKE: Feb. 7-10; lessons available; offerings range from flat two-mile ski tours on wide roads to challenging eight-mile off-track ski tours in the backcountry; www.diamondlake.net, 800-733-7593. TOUR DE MEISSNER CROSS-COUNTRY SKI RACE: Saturday, Feb. 12, at 9:30 a.m.; Virginia Meissner Sno-park; skiers may choose skate or classic technique; youths under 12, three kilometers; juniors, 3K or 15K; adults 15K; competitive race and touring options available; $8-$40; youths under 12 free; 541-335-1346; www.meissnernordic.org. 25TH JOHN DAY CROSS COUNTRY SKI RACE: Feb. 20, registration 8 to 9:30 a.m.; at Diamond Lake Resort; citizen cross-country ski race open to all ages and abilities; includes 20K freestyle, 10K classic and junior 5K ski events; fees range from $2 for children to $20 for adults; contact 541-535-5979 or dbulkley77@hotmail.com.

RUNNING SUPER BOWL SUNDAY DAM RUN: Sunday, Feb. 6; distances of five miles, 10 miles or 20 miles; $20, includes a T-shirt; participants will be bussed to starting points for 10 a.m. start; meet at Norm’s Xtreme Fitness Center, 120 N.W. Third St., Prineville; Norm Smith, 541-4160455; normsxtreme@bendbroadband.com.

SNOWSHOEING GUIDED SNOWSHOE TRIPS: Three guided snowshoe trips per week; trips geared towards those ages 55 and older; trips divided into easy, intermediate and advanced in Deschutes, Ochoco and Willamette national forests; $15 per person for first time snowshoers; $20 per person after first trip; registration required two days before each trip; contact 541-383-8077; strideon@ silverstriders.com; www.silverstriders.com. TWO OVERNIGHT SNOWSHOE TRIPS: March 16-17 or March 23-24; deadline Feb. 21; overnight stay at the yurts above Sisters; $234 per person includes snowmobile transportation, yurt rental, food and guide fee; contact 541-383-8077; strideon@ silverstriders.com; www.silverstriders.com.

ADVENTURE SPORTS SCOREBOARD SNOWRIDING USASA ENTER THE DRAGON SERIES At Mount Bachelor Jan. 22 Slopestyle Results (all competitors from Bend unless otherwise noted) Girls 7-under — 1, Molly Kern. Boy 8-9 — 1, Caleb Bonneville. 2, Cody Collins. Girls 10-11 — 1, Zoe Kern. 2, Drue Schnake. Boys 10-11 — 1, Gabe Ferguson. 2, Lance Taylor, Forest Grove. 3, Wesley Brown. Skier Girls 10-12 — 1, Anna Gorham. Skier Boys 10-12 — 1, Hunter Hess. Boys 12-13 — 1, Dru Brownrigg. 2, Nathan Jacobson. 3, Cooper Brown. 4, Logan Schaffer. 5, Quinton McCoy. 6, Grant Mansour. 7, Ryan Bailey. Skier Women 13-15 — 1, Carolyn Boyle. Skier Men 1315 — 1, Crosby Jones. 2, Dylan Hatch, Prineville. 3, Cole Stanley. Youth Women 14-15 — 1, Sage Allen. 2, Brittany Williamson, Coquille. Youth Men 14-15 — 1, Kent Callister. 2, Demetri Bales. 3, Josh Edwards. 4, Liam Hall. 5, Woods Vernon-Moore. Junior Men 16-17 — 1, Dimitri Hagen. Skier Women — 1, Emma Gosser, Portland. Skier Men — 1, Korbin Walden. 2, Drake Yundt. Men 18-22 — 1, Beau Cummings, Roseburg. 2, Kyle Richner, Eugene. Open Women — 1, Devyn Schnake. Open Men — 1, Ben Ferguson. Jan. 23 Slopestyle Results Girls 7-under — 1, Molly Kern. Boys 8-9 — 1, Caleb Bonneville. 2, Cody Collins. Girls 10-11 — 1, Zoe Kern. 2, Drue Schnake. Boys 10-11 — 1, Gabe Ferguson. 2, Wesley Brown. 3, Lance Taylor. Boys 12-13 — 1, Dru Brownrigg. 2, Nathan Jacobson. 3, Cooper Brown. 4, Logan Schaffer. 5, Grant Mansour. 6, Ryan Bailey. Women 14-15 — 1, Brittany Williamson, Coquille. 2, Sage Allen. Men 14-15 — 1, Kent Callister. 2, Liam Hall. 3, Demetri Bales. 4, Josh Edwards. Men 16-17 — 1, Dimitri Hagen. Men 18-22 — 1, Beau Cummins, Roseburg. Open Women — 1, Devyn Schnake. Open Men — 1, Ben Ferguson. Skier Girls 10-12 — 1, Anna Gorham. Skier Boys 10-12 — 1, Hunter Hess. Skier Women 13-15 — 1, Carolyn Boyle. Skier Men 13-15 — 1, Crosby Jones. 2, Dylan Hatch, Prineville. Skier Women 16-18 — 1, Emma Gosser. Skier Men 16-18 — 1, Korbin Walden. 2, Drake Yundt.




Dear Abby End of longtime friendship causes overwhelming pain, Page E2

Retiring Regis Philbin takes a trip down memory lane, Page E2

Family Calendar Listing of family-friendly events, Page E3

• Television • Comics • LAT crossword • Sudoku • Horoscope www.bendbulletin.com/family





Just like

Resident Mabel Lanfrusti and caregiver Deidre Vance share a laugh while heading to lunch at the Nisika Home, a Bend adult foster home run by Pauline Clark, on Tuesday.


Foster homes are a lesser-known long-term care option for adults

Pete Erickson The Bulletin

F A M I LY IN BRIEF Local group to help families with disabilities The Central Oregon Down Syndrome Network has recently expanded its services and approach to include families experiencing any disability. The group’s new name is Central Oregon Disability Support Network. The group, which was started by two local mothers in 2004, offers free programs for families and professionals. These services include resource referrals, quarterly activities for families, guest lectures, new parenting education, parenting support and networking. To learn more about the group, visit www.codsn.org.

Extra sleep may help prevent child obesity A new study appearing in the February issue of the journal Pediatrics took a close look at the Body Mass Index and sleep patterns of children ages 4 to 10. Children averaged eight hours of sleep per night, which is lower than current recommendations. Children whose BMI showed they were obese tended to have shorter and more irregular sleep on weekends than children who were not obese. These obese kids were also less likely to get catchup sleep on the weekends. The study’s authors believe this was associated with “adverse metabolic outcomes.” The authors believe that getting longer and more regular sleep for kids may help them to improve their metabolic function and therefore help youngsters to achieve and maintain a healthier weight. — Alandra Johnson, The Bulletin

Photos by Pete Erickson / The Bulletin

Residents Edna Fortner, from left, Anne Walker, Pat Moran and Irma Murphey play Scrabble with Morgan Johnson, 5, during lunch at The Leisure Club adult foster home in Bend on Tuesday. Morgan is the daughter of the co-owner, Victoria Johnson, and often interacts with the residents.

By Alandra Johnson The Bulletin


any people are unfamiliar with adult foster homes — what they are and what they do — until a family member needs one. Unlike assisted-living facilities or nursing homes, adult foster homes blend in with their neighborhoods and communities. But like those other larger, more visible facilities, foster homes offer long-term care options for older individuals. Furthermore, these homes may better accommodate some people’s needs at a less expensive price. Adult foster homes are typically regular homes with a live-in family or care provider who assists residents. There are more than 70 licensed adult foster homes in Central Oregon, most of which care for four to five residents at a time. Nancy Sheldon, adult foster homes licenser


Submitted photo

The Johnson family built The Leisure Club next to its own home in southeast Bend specifically to serve as an adult foster home. for the region, says people tend to like adult foster homes for their affordability and homelike environment. “It’s a family. That can appeal to a lot of people.” See Homes / E6

Inside What to look for in an adult foster care home, Page E6

B E ST B E T S FOR FAMILY FUN Details, Page E3

‘Despicable Me’ Bring the whole family to this fun, free movie night tonight at the Jefferson County Library. This hit, animated movie should make great family-friendly entertainment.

Check out the library Are the winter doldrums setting in? Try visiting a local library and finding a great book to read. Libraries also offer a wealth of activities for families and children of all ages.

Surviving the sleepover Prevent your child’s slumber party from becoming a nightmare By Heidi Stevens Chicago Tribune

Slumber parties have never been for the faint of heart, so if you want to escape emotional bloodshed, you’ll approach them with equal parts caution and strategy. “I don’t think the goofy stuff is going on anymore,” said clinical psychologist Roni Cohen-Sandler, author of “Trust Me, Mom — Everyone Else Is Going!” “It’s much more emotional trickery and other hurtful stuff.” We turned to some experts for advice on surviving a sleepover, whether you’re the host parent or the one sending your child into the ring.

Is your child ready? “Some kids might be ready at 8; other kids might be ready never,” said Cohen-Sandler. “The younger the child, the smaller the group should be. Maybe what we’re calling a ‘party’ at age 9 is three girls. By 12, a party is six girls.” To determine whether your child is ready — to attend or host — Cohen-Sandler says to consider whether he or she has had other sleep-away experiences with cousins or other family members, how your child’s friends interact as a group and how your child responds to new experiences.

Who’s in charge? If your child is invited to sleep over with a family you don’t know, don’t be shy about prodding. See Slumber / E6

Great invitation dilemma Some schools have guidelines that say if you’re distributing invitations at school, you have to invite the entire class. An impossible feat for a sleepover, of course. Clinical psychologist Roni Cohen-Sandler offers the following tips: • Think of a sleepover as you would a play date. • Always deliver invitations outside of school. “That’s just common sense and decency.”


Adventures abound with Clara Lee, Ivy and Bean Kid Culture features fun and educational books and toys for kids.

‘Clara Lee and the Apple Pie Dream’ By Jenny Han Best ages: 7-9 Jenny Han’s new character, Clara Lee, is having a good day, until her luck turns sour when a mysterious gift — a candy necklace — is taken back by its mysterious giver. (So not fair!) Between this grievance and the Little Miss Apple Pie Contest looming, Clara Lee is beginning to feel that third grade is going to do her in. Luckily, her Korean grandpa and best

friends, Shayna, Max and Georgina, guide her to a new day and new lucky moments. Could Clara Lee be the next Little Miss Apple Pie from Bramley Elementary School? If you’ve ever tried kimchi or fish soup (or especially if you haven’t), Clara Lee is a fun new friend who will Submitted photo laugh with you as you wrinkle your nose. Also, check out Han’s website www. dearjennyhan.com. See Books / E6


E2 Friday, January 28, 2011 • THE BULLETIN

End of friendship causes searing pain Dear Abby: How do I cope with the ending of a very long friendship? I saw warning signs for a couple of years, and tried many times to talk to my best friend about what seemed to be happening. Her values and priorities are moving in other directions now. I no longer feel appreciated as her friend. My heart is breaking. We have been friends for half our lives. This is more devastating than any divorce, death or hurricane I have ever experienced. She is how I have gotten through my life this far. There are support groups out there for everything under the sun, except for losing a best friend due to indifference and lack of caring. Please advise me. — Thrown Away in Pasadena, Texas Dear Thrown Away: I know you are hurting, and I am sorry. But friendships are not just made up of helping each other through the hard times; there is also a component of celebrating the good ones. While she may have been your leaning post, you need to examine what you were to her. If the load became too much to carry, it’s understandable that she would need to back off. While there are no support groups for people in your situation, there are counselors who can help you sort through your feelings — and because this experience has been devastating, you should talk with one. Dear Abby: I’m a 16-year-old girl from a religious home. When I was 7, my father got very drunk and molested me. It had a terrible impact on me. He has apologized for what happened and knows I hate him for it and can’t forgive him. It hasn’t happened since, and I know he’s telling the truth. I feel the next step in my healing is to confide in my friends and ask them to pray for me. But if I do, I know they won’t look at me the same. I’m

DEAR ABBY afraid they’ll get their parents to intervene and something will happen to Dad. That’s the last thing I want. Should I tell? — Needs Support in Philly Dear Needs Support: You appear to be an idealistic, intelligent young woman. But it’s important you understand that apologizing for committing a crime against someone is not enough. The person must also be willing to accept the consequences of his actions. Drop by an elementary school and look at the 7-year-olds on the playground. That’s how small and vulnerable you were when your father molested you. Ask yourself: Did he quit drinking and get help for his alcohol problem? Did he talk to his minister and confess what he did? Did he seek professional help of any kind? Are there little girls in your extended family? You are exhibiting two classic signs of an abuse victim. One is thinking that people will regard you differently if you disclose that you were victimized. Another is the impulse to “protect” your abuser. I’m all for the power of prayer, but rather than tell your girlfriends, is your mother aware of what happened? If she is unavailable to you, then you should talk to your minister or a trusted counselor at school. If you’re afraid this will “betray” your father, call the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) toll-free at 800-656-4673. You can speak to one of the counselors there in complete confidence. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby. com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Philbin takes a trip down memory lane By Wade Tatangelo McClatchy-Tribune News Service

BRADENTON, Fla. — Regis Philbin, who dropped a bombshell with last week’s on-air announcement that he would leave “Live with Regis and Kelly” later this year, didn’t hesitate when asked about his favorite episode from the show he has hosted for more than a quarter century. It involved the retirement of another television icon in 1992. “The one that I did in Johnny Carson’s last few months on air,” Philbin said by phone from Palm Beach a few days before making his announcement. “I knew he wouldn’t sit still for an interview, but I called his producer, a longtime friend, Peter Lassally, and told him I had an idea for one more shot at Johnny before the show ends. “So we flew out from New York with the camera crew to California to shoot Johnny parking his car and walking into the studio, picking out his suit and doing all the things he does before the show,” the 79-year-old continued. “It turned out to be a very funny and beautiful piece that I will always remember and am so happy to have on tape.” Philbin, whose career started in 1961 in San Diego with the local “Regis Philbin Show,” has hosted “Live” since 1983 when it premiered in New York as “The Morning Show.” Kathie Lee Gifford joined him in 1985 and three years later the show debuted in national syndication as “Live with Regis & Kathie Lee.” In 2001, Kelly Ripa replaced Gifford and the program entered its current phase. Philbin, who holds the Guinness World Record for Most Hours on Camera, alluded to the monotony of the

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mance. Philbin, accompanied by a piano-playing friend, sang the Crosby hit “Pennies from Heaven” for them at a music hall on campus. “My mother was in tears and my father was angry,” Philbin recalled. The young man heeded his dad’s advice and set aside his singing ambitions. About 15 years later, though, they would be rekindled thanks to an onair encounter with the singer he used to emulate. Philbin had gained his first national exposure as Joey Bishop’s sidekick on “The Joey Bishop Show.” The two men would take an hourlong walk each day up and down Vine in Hollywood before taping. One day they discussed what they first remember wanting to be. Philbin admitted to always wish-

ing to be a singer. Bishop said he wanted to grow up and be a comedian. A couple of months later, Crosby appeared on the show and while the cameras rolled Bishop mentioned that Philbin was his biggest fan and asked the famous crooner to sing for him. Crosby turned to Philbin and did a bit of the classic “TooRa-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral (That’s an Irish Lullaby).” Then, Bishop told Crosby that Philbin would like to sing for him. The young sidekick manned up and did his best “Pennies from Heaven.” “Crosby joined in with me,” Philbin said. “That was a big, big thrill.”



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gig when asked about his live stage performances, where he tells stories and sings pop standards with his wife, Joy. “I’ve been doing a talk show for 50 years, and it’s basically been the same,” the Bronx native said. “I started in San Diego and then went to a station in Los Angeles and it has always been a success. I came to back to New York and now it has been 28 years in the same studio every day. “I enjoy going out and seeing people in a different venue who watch (‘Live’) and doing something different and singing some songs,” he continued. Philbin grew up wanting to be a vocalist like his hero Bing Crosby. Shortly before graduating from the University of Notre Dame in 1953, he surprised his parents with a private perfor-

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The Associated Press

Regis Philbin has hosted the morning talk show “Live with Regis and Kelly” for more than a quartercentury. Most recently he has shared the hosting duties with Kelly Ripa. Last week, Philbin announced his retirement.

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BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine; * Sports programming may vary


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Jeopardy! (N) ‘G’ Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! (N) ‘G’ Wheel of Fortune Old Christine Scrubs ‘14’ Å Entertainment The Insider ‘PG’ The Simpsons ’ The Simpsons ’ The Simpsons ’ The Simpsons ’ PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Å Live at 7 (N) Inside Edition (N) That ’70s Show That ’70s Show Garden Home This Old House PBS NewsHour ’ Å



Supernanny ’ ‘PG’ Å Minute to Win It Second Chances ’ NCIS: Los Angeles Past Lives ‘14’ Supernanny ’ ‘PG’ Å Kitchen Nightmares (N) ‘14’ Å News on PDX-TV Washington W’k BBC Newsnight Minute to Win It Second Chances ’ Smallville Collateral (N) ’ ‘14’ Å Rough Cut-Mac Crafting-Spot Washington W’k BBC Newsnight





Primetime: What Would You Do? (N) 20/20 (N) ’ Å Dateline NBC Investigation into a double killing. (N) ’ Å CSI: NY Damned if You Do ’ ‘14’ Hawaii Five-0 Ohana ’ ‘14’ Å Primetime: What Would You Do? (N) 20/20 (N) ’ Å Fringe Reciprocity (N) ‘14’ Å News Channel 21 TMZ (N) ’ ‘PG’ Monk Mr. Monk & the Blackout ‘PG’ Monk Mr. Monk Gets Fired ’ ‘PG’ Lark Rise to Candleford ‘PG’ Å Need to Know (N) ’ Å Dateline NBC Investigation into a double killing. (N) ’ Å Supernatural Like a Virgin (N) ‘14’ Married... With Married... With Martha-Sewing Dewberry Shw Simply Ming ‘G’ Lidia’s Italy ‘G’ Lark Rise to Candleford ‘PG’ Å Need to Know (N) ’ Å



KATU News at 11 (11:35) Nightline News Jay Leno News Letterman News (N) (11:35) Nightline Family Guy ‘14’ Family Guy ‘14’ King of Queens King of Queens Austin City Limits (N) ’ ‘PG’ Å News Jay Leno King of Queens King of Queens Ciao Italia ’ ‘G’ Caprial-John Austin City Limits (N) ’ ‘PG’ Å



Criminal Minds Machismo ‘PG’ Å Criminal Minds Omnivore ‘14’ Å Criminal Minds House on Fire ‘14’ Criminal Minds Conflicted ‘14’ Å Criminal Minds A Shade of Gray ‘14’ Criminal Minds The Big Wheel ‘14’ 130 28 18 32 Criminal Minds ’ ‘PG’ Å (3:00) ›› “Blood ››› “High Plains Drifter” (1973, Western) Clint Eastwood, Verna Bloom, Marianna Hill. A mysterious ››› “True Grit” (1969, Western) John Wayne, Glen Campbell, Kim Darby. A one-eyed marshal and a Texas Ranger aid a venge- ››› “El Dorado” (1967, Western) John 102 40 39 Work” stranger protects a corrupt town from gunmen. ful teen. Å Wayne, Robert Mitchum. Animal Cops Miami ’ ‘PG’ Å The Haunted The Bloody Man ‘PG’ Confessions: Animal Hoarding ‘PG’ Confessions: Animal Hoarding ‘PG’ Confessions: Animal Hoarding ‘PG’ Confessions: Animal Hoarding ‘PG’ 68 50 26 38 Miami Animal Police ’ ‘PG’ Å Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly ››› “Jerry Maguire” (1996) Tom Cruise. An attack of conscience changes an L.A. sports agent’s life. ››› “Something’s Gotta Give” 137 44 › “Son-in-Law” (1993) Pauly Shore. A coed brings her surf-minded pal home to the farm. ’ Working Class Working Class Red. Wedding Red. Wedding Working Class Working Class Red. Wedding Red. Wedding 190 32 42 53 (3:00) Ghost ’ The Sky’s the Limit (N) Ford: Rebuilding an American Icon Mad Money 60 Minutes on CNBC Your Money The Sky’s the Limit Wealth-Risk Paid Program 51 36 40 52 60 Minutes on CNBC Your Money Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 52 38 35 48 Parker Spitzer (N) Tosh.0 ‘14’ Å Scrubs ‘14’ Å Scrubs ‘14’ Å Daily Show Colbert Report Tosh.0 ‘14’ Å Tosh.0 ‘14’ Å Kevin Hart: I’m a Grown Little Man Gabriel Iglesias: Hot and Fluffy ‘14’ Comedy Central Comedy Central 135 53 135 47 Trading Places Outdoorsman Joy of Fishing PM Edition Visions of NW The Buzz Epic Conditions Outside Film Festival Outside Presents Paid Program Visions of NW Ride Guide ‘14’ The Element 11 Capital News Today Today in Washington 58 20 12 11 (3:30) Tonight From Washington Wizards-Place ››› “The Incredibles” (2004) Voices of Craig T. Nelson. Å Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Wizards-Place Shake it Up! ‘G’ Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Phineas and Ferb 87 43 14 39 Wizards-Place Cash Cab ’ ‘G’ Cash Cab ’ ‘G’ Cash Cab ’ ‘G’ Gold Rush: Alaska ’ ‘PG’ Å Gold Rush: Alaska Gold Fever ‘PG’ Flying Wild Alaska Blow it Up (N) ’ Gold Rush: Alaska (N) ’ ‘PG’ Å Gold Rush: Alaska Gold Fever ‘PG’ 156 21 16 37 Cash Cab ’ ‘G’ NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Phoenix Suns From US Airways Center in Phoenix. (Live) SportsCenter (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) Å 21 23 22 23 (4:00) Winter X Games From Aspen, Colo. (Live) Å Boxing Friday Night Fights (Live) Å X Center (Live) NBA Tonight NFL Live (N) Winter X Games From Aspen, Colo. 22 24 21 24 Track and Field Millrose Games (Live) Å Cheap Seats Cheap Seats AWA Wrestling Å AWA Wrestling Å Boxing: 1991 Camacho vs. Haugen I Boxing: 1991 Camacho vs. Haugen II 23 25 123 25 NBA Basketball 1976 Finals Game 5 -- Phoenix Suns at Boston Celtics SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express 24 63 124 Still Standing ’ Still Standing ‘14’ America’s Funniest Home Videos America’s Funniest Home Videos America’s Funniest Home Videos America’s Funniest Home Videos The 700 Club A Brand New Life ‘G’ 67 29 19 41 Gilmore Girls ’ ‘PG’ Å Hannity (N) On the Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity On the Record, Greta Van Susteren Glenn Beck 54 61 36 50 The O’Reilly Factor Å Down Home Paula’s Best 30-Minute Meals Bobby Flay Best Thing Ate Chopped Marrowly We Roll Along Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Outrageous Food Best Thing Ate Unwrapped Game Day Goodies 177 62 98 44 B’foot Contessa Beavers Runnin’ With PAC WHL Hockey Portland Winter Hawks at Tri-City Americans (Live) Cougars Access Huskies The Final Score Pro Football The Final Score 20 45 28* 26 Cougars Access Huskies (3:30) › “Me, Myself & Irene” Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men ››› “Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!” (2008, Adventure) Jim Carrey. ››› “Kung Fu Panda” (2008) Voices of Jack Black, Angelina Jolie. 131 Get It Sold ‘G’ Cash & Cari ‘G’ Designed to Sell Hunters Int’l House Hunters Property Virgins Property Virgins Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Dream Home 2011 ‘G’ Å 176 49 33 43 Get It Sold ‘G’ Nostradamus Effect ‘PG’ Å Modern Marvels ‘PG’ Å Modern Marvels Breaking Point ‘PG’ Modern Marvels (N) ‘PG’ Å American Pickers Trading Up ‘PG’ MonsterQuest Piranha Invasion ‘PG’ 155 42 41 36 Nostradamus Effect ‘PG’ Å Old Christine Old Christine How I Met How I Met Reba ‘PG’ Å Reba ‘PG’ Å Reba ‘PG’ Å Reba ‘PG’ Å Reba ‘PG’ Å Reba ‘PG’ Å How I Met How I Met 138 39 20 31 Unsolved Mysteries ‘14’ Å The Rachel Maddow Show (N) Lockup Lockup Inside Kern Valley Lockup Lockup Angola Penitentiary. Lockup: Raw Time to Kill 56 59 128 51 The Last Word That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show Cribs Priciest Pads Top 12 Cribs Priciest Pads Top 12 Jersey Shore Drunk Punch Love ‘14’ ›› “The Grudge” (2004, Horror) Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jason Behr. ’ 192 22 38 57 The Seven ‘PG’ SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Hates Chris George Lopez ’ George Lopez ’ Glenn Martin The Nanny ‘PG’ The Nanny ‘PG’ 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ‘14’ Ways to Die Ways to Die Ways to Die Ways to Die Ways to Die Ways to Die Ways to Die Ways to Die Entourage ‘MA’ Entourage ‘MA’ 132 31 34 46 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ‘14’ Green Hornet › “Catwoman” (2004, Action) Halle Berry, Benjamin Bratt, Sharon Stone. WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) ’ Å Being Human (Part 1 of 2) Å Being Human (Part 2 of 2) Å 133 35 133 45 Green Hornet Behind Scenes Hal Lindsey Joel Osteen ‘PG’ Frederick Price Praise the Lord (Live) Å Life Focus ’ ‘G’ Joseph Prince Kim Clement Changing-World Christian Celeb First to Know 205 60 130 Love-Raymond King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld ’ ‘PG’ Seinfeld ’ ‘PG’ ›› “Get Smart” (2008) Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway. Premiere. Å The Office ‘PG’ The Office ‘PG’ The Office ’ ‘14’ The Office ‘PG’ 16 27 11 28 Love-Raymond ›› “The Odessa File” (1974, Suspense) Jon Voight, Maximilian Schell. A German (9:15) ››› “Hopscotch” (1980, Comedy-Drama) Walter Matthau, Glenda Jackson, ›› “Grizzly” (1976, Horror) Christopher ››› “Tunes of Glory” (1960, Drama) Alec Guinness, John Mills, Susannah York. A 101 44 101 29 Scottish regiment is taken over by a strict commandant. reporter hunts a Nazi shielded by a power elite in 1963. Sam Waterston. Ex-CIA agent and his lover tell all in book. George, Andrew Prine. Kitchen Boss (N) Cake Boss ‘PG’ Cake Boss ‘PG’ Four Weddings ’ ‘PG’ Å Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Four Weddings Biggest Blunders (N) Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress 178 34 32 34 Cake Boss ‘PG’ Law & Order Blood Libel ’ ‘PG’ Bones ’ ‘14’ Å ›››› “The Dark Knight” (2008) Christian Bale. Batman battles a vicious criminal known as the Joker. Å (11:15) ››› “Lethal Weapon” 17 26 15 27 Law & Order Brilliant Disguise ‘14’ Billy & Mandy Johnny Test ‘Y7’ 6TEEN ‘PG’ Total Drama Young Justice (N) Ben 10: Alien Force ‘Y7’ Star Wars: Clone King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad ’ American Dad ’ Family Guy ‘14’ Family Guy ‘14’ 84 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Terr Places Terr Places Ghost Adventures ‘PG’ Å Ghost Adventures Goldfield, NV ‘PG’ Ghost Adventures ‘14’ Å Ghost Adventures Stanley Hotel ‘PG’ 179 51 45 42 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations Retired at 35 All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family Sanford & Son Sanford & Son Sanford and Son Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in Cleveland (11:32) Roseanne 65 47 29 35 Retired at 35 NCIS Friends and Lovers ‘PG’ Å NCIS Dead Man Walking ‘PG’ Å CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ‘14’ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ‘14’ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ‘14’ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ‘14’ 15 30 23 30 House The Social Contract ’ ‘14’ Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew Reunion ’ ‘14’ You’re Cut Off ’ ‘14’ ››› “Ghostbusters” (1984, Comedy) Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis. ’ The X Life ‘14’ V Fest 2010 ‘PG’ Celebrity Rehab 191 48 37 54 Celebrity Rehab PREMIUM CABLE CHANNELS

(5:15) ›› “D3: The Mighty Ducks” 1996 Emilio Estevez. ’ ‘PG’ Å ››› “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring” 2001, Fantasy Elijah Wood. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å Spartacus: Gods of the Arena ‘MA’ “Lord of the Rings” (5:14) ››› “The Crucible” 1996, Drama Daniel Day-Lewis. ‘PG-13’ Å Fox Legacy (7:44) ››› “The Crucible” 1996, Drama Daniel Day-Lewis. ‘PG-13’ Å Fox Legacy (10:14) ››› “The Crucible” 1996, Drama Daniel Day-Lewis. ‘PG-13’ Å Swimsuit Issue Swimsuit Issue Swimsuit Issue The Daily Habit Thrillbillies ‘14’ SLAM! Bondi Rescue The Daily Habit Cubed ‘14’ The Daily Habit Thrillbillies ‘14’ SLAM! Bondi Rescue The Daily Habit Haney Project PGA Tour Golf Farmers Insurance Open, Second Round From Torrey Pines Golf Club in San Diego. Golf Central PGA Tour Golf Farmers Insurance Open, Second Round From Torrey Pines Golf Club in San Diego. Little House on the Prairie ‘PG’ Who’s the Boss? Who’s the Boss? Who’s the Boss? Who’s the Boss? Little House on the Prairie ‘PG’ “Backyard Wedding” (2010) Alicia Witt, Frances Fisher. ‘PG’ Å The Golden Girls The Golden Girls (5:15) ›› “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” 2009 Matthew McConaughey. Spirits of ex-lov- ›› “The Day the Earth Stood Still” 2008, Science Fiction Keanu (8:45) The Eagle: The Ricky Gervais Eastbound & Down Real Time With Bill Maher Commentator Real Time With Bill Maher Commentator HBO 425 501 425 10 ers show a cad his failed relationships. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å Reeves. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å HBO First Look Show ‘MA’ ‘MA’ Å Will Cain; Kim Campbell. ‘MA’ Will Cain; Kim Campbell. ‘MA’ Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev. Onion News Portlandia (N) Mr. Show-Bob (8:35) ››› “Ginger Snaps” 2000, Horror Emily Perkins, Katharine Isabelle, Kris Lemche. Onion News (11:20) Portlandia IFC 105 105 (5:10) ›› “8 Heads in a Duffel Bag” 1997, Comedy Joe Pesci, (6:45) ›› “Starsky & Hutch” 2004, Comedy Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson. Two detectives ›› “Observe and Report” 2009 Seth Rogen. A flasher tests the ››› “Independence Day” 1996, Science Fiction Will Smith, Bill Pullman. Earthlings MAX 400 508 7 Andy Comeau, Kristy Swanson. ’ ‘R’ Å investigate a cocaine dealer. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å mettle of a mall security officer. ’ ‘R’ vs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å Dog Whisperer (N) ‘G’ Wild Justice Night Patrol ‘14’ Wild Justice Born to Kill ‘14’ Dog Whisperer ‘G’ Wild Justice Night Patrol ‘14’ Wild Justice Born to Kill ‘14’ Wild Justice Felony Friday ‘14’ NGC 157 157 Zevo-3 ‘Y7’ Å Zevo-3 ‘Y7’ Å OddParents Avatar: Airbender Avatar-Last Air Zevo-3 ‘Y7’ Å Zevo-3 ‘Y7’ Å Zevo-3 ‘Y7’ Å OddParents OddParents The Troop ’ ‘G’ Invader ZIM ‘Y7’ Speed Racer Speed Racer NTOON 89 115 189 Zona’s Show Spanish Fly Salt Water Series Alaska Outdoors Pro Team Journal Trevor Gowdy Match Fish. Fish Fishburne Familiar Waters Big Water Adven. Buccaneers American Archer Alaska Outdoors Alaskan OUTD 37 307 43 (4:00) ››› “Adven- (5:45) Inside the NFL (iTV) NFL news and (6:45) ›› “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” 2009, Romance Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson. iTV. Bella Episodes Episode 1 Episodes Episode 2 Episodes Episode 3 › “Punisher: War Zone” 2008 Ray Stevenson. A disfigured mobSHO 500 500 ’ ‘MA’ ’ ‘MA’ ’ ‘MA’ tureland” highlights. ’ ‘PG’ Å finds herself drawn into the world of werewolves. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å ster seeks revenge against Frank Castle. ‘R’ Hollywood’s Hottest Car Chases Dave Despain on Assignment Grand Am: 24 Hours at Daytona NASCAR Racing Toyota All-Star Showdown, Qualifying (Live) Dave Despain on Assignment SPEED 35 303 125 (4:20) ››› “Monsters, Inc.” 2001 (6:15) ›› “2 Fast 2 Furious” 2003, Action Paul Walker. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å (8:07) › “The Bounty Hunter” 2010 Jennifer Aniston. ‘PG-13’ Å Spartacus: Gods of the Arena ‘MA’ ›› “The Crazies” 2010 ‘R’ Å STARZ 300 408 300 (4:50) “Lonely Street” 2009, Comedy Jay Mohr. A private investi- (6:25) ›› “Clockstoppers” 2002 Jesse Bradford. A scientist’s “Take” 2007, Drama Minnie Driver, Jeremy Renner, Bobby Coleman. A single mother ››› “You Kill Me” 2007 Ben Kingsley. A boozy hit man meets a (11:35) “Grand Theft TMC 525 525 gator becomes a murder suspect. ’ ‘R’ son steals his father’s time-altering device. ’ and a gambling addict must reconcile their past. ’ ‘R’ relative of one of his victims. ’ ‘R’ Å Parsons” NHL All-Star Fantasy Draft (Live) NHL All-Star Fantasy Draft NHL Hockey From Jan. 25, 2009 in Montreal. WEC WrekCage Å VS. 27 58 30 The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Ghost Whisperer Stage Fright ‘PG’ 20/20 on WE ‘14’ Å ›› “Where the Heart Is” 2000, Comedy-Drama Natalie Portman, Ashley Judd. ‘PG-13’ Å WE 143 41 174 ENCR 106 401 306 FMC 104 204 104 FUEL 34 GOLF 28 301 27 HALL 66 33 103 33

THE BULLETIN • Friday, January 28, 2011 E3


A weekly compilation of family-friendly events throughout Central Oregon

P ’ G M

Please e-mail event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on “Submit an Event� on our website at bendbulletin.com. Allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351. The Family Movie Guide should be used along with the Motion Picture Association of America rating system for selecting movies suitable for children. Only films rated G, PG or PG-13 are included in this weekly listing, along with occasional R-rated films that may have entertainment value or educational value for older children with parental guidance.

Full events calendar and movie times are in today’s GO! Magazine. FRIDAY Jan. 28 BACKPACK EXPLORERS: Parents and children ages 3 and 4 explore nature and participate in activities; themed “Snow!�; $15, $10 museum members, plus accompanying adult admission ($10, $9 seniors); 10 a.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. VFW DINNER: A dinner of roast beef, mashed potatoes, vegetables and a roll; proceeds benefit a veterans relief fund; $7; 5-7 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. “DESPICABLE ME�: A screening of the 2010 PG-rated film; with pizza and refreshments; free; 6-9 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541-475-3351. DRAMA SHOWCASE: Summit High School advanced drama students perform selections that they will take to a regional acting competition; proceeds benefit a scholarship fund to attend a state competition; donations accepted; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-322-3300. STUDENT-DIRECTED ONE-ACT PLAYS: The Crook County High School drama department presents three student-directed plays; $3; 7 p.m.; Crook County High School, Eugene Southwell Auditorium, 1100 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-416-6900, ext. 3132 or anita. hoffman@crookcounty.k12.or.us.

The Associated Press

Colin O’Donoghue, left, and Anthony Hopkins star in “The Rite.� See the full review in today’s GO! Magazine.

By Roger Moore The Orlando Sentinel

‘The Rite’

Courtesy Universal Pictures

The Jefferson County Public Library will show “Despicable Me� for free tonight. featuring works by Aaron Copeland, marches, patriotic songs and more, under the direction of Sue Steiger; proceeds benefit the Summit High School wind ensemble; donations accepted; 2 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-389-5121, cascadehorizonband@yahoo.com or http://cascadehorizonband.org.



SATURDAY Jan. 29 “YEAR OF THE RIVER� EXHIBIT OPENS: New exhibit features the geology and hydrology of the Deschutes River; exhibit runs through April 10; included in the price of admission; $10 adults, $9 ages 65 and older, $6 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. CASCADE HORIZON BAND: The senior band performs a concert featuring works by Aaron Copeland, marches, patriotic songs and more, under the direction of Sue Steiger; donations accepted; 2 p.m.; Sisters High School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road; 541-389-5121, cascadehorizonband@yahoo.com or http://cascadehorizonband.org. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Lauren Kessler reads from her work “My Teenage Werewolf: A Mother, A Daughter, A Journey Through the Thicket of Adolescence�; free; 3 p.m.; Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1034 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. SPAGHETTI FEED: With a silent auction and live entertainment; proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity; $10, $6 children and seniors, $5 VFW members; 5-8 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1836 S.W. Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-548-4108. STUDENT-DIRECTED ONE-ACT PLAYS: The Crook County High School drama department presents three student-directed plays; $3; 7 p.m.; Crook County High School, Eugene Southwell Auditorium, 1100 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-416-6900, ext. 3132 or anita. hoffman@crookcounty.k12.or.us.

SUNDAY Jan. 30 CASCADE HORIZON BAND: The senior band performs a concert

FINDING FREMONT IN OREGON: Loren Irving talks about John Fremont and retracing the explorer’s twoyear journey; free; 1:30 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend; 541-617-4663.

THURSDAY Feb. 3 GRADUATION AUCTION: Silent auction to benefit Summit High School’s graduation party; free admission; 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Drive; 541-6109913 or cindymckee@mac.com. “TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD�: The Bend High School drama department presents a dramatization of Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning tale; $7, $5 students and seniors; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290.

FRIDAY Feb. 4 “TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD�: The Bend High School drama department presents a dramatization of Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning tale; $7, $5 students and seniors; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290. SISTERS FOLK FESTIVAL WINTER CONCERT SERIES: Featuring a performance by Tom Russell; $15, $10 students in advance, $20, $12 students at the door; 7 p.m., doors open 6:30 p.m.; Sisters High School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road; 541-549-4979 or www.sistersfolkfestival.org. ARCHAEOLOGYFEST FILM SERIES: The best films from the 2010 The Archaeology Channel International Film and Video Festival; $6, free ages 12 and younger; 7:30 p.m., doors open 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Boyle Education Center, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-345-5538, rpettigrew@aol.com or www.archaeologychannel.org.

Story times, library youth events for Jan. 28-Feb. 3 BEND PUBLIC LIBRARY; 601 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-617-7097: • BABY STEPS: Ages 0-18 months; 11 a.m. Wednesday. • TODDLIN’ TALES: Ages 18-36 months; 10:15 a.m. Tuesday and Wednesday and 11 a.m. Tuesday. • PRESCHOOL PARADE: Ages 3-5; 10:15 a.m. Friday, 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. • SATURDAY STORIES: Ages 3-5; 10:15 a.m. Saturday. • TEEN TERRITORY: Ages 12-17; 2 to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday. • NOCHE DE LA FAMILIA FAMILY NIGHT: Spanish night with stories, songs and activities; ages 0-5; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. CROOK COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY; 175 S.W. Meadow Lakes Drive, Prineville; 541-4477978: • PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Ages 3 and older; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and 11 a.m. Thursday. • WE READ STORYTIME: Ages 0-3; 10 a.m. Monday and Wednesday. JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY; 241 S.W. Seventh St., Madras; 541-475-3351: • PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Ages 3-5; 10:30 a.m. AND 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. • SPANISH STORY TIME: All ages; 1 p.m. Wednesday. • TODDLERS STORY TIME: Ages 0-2; 10:10 a.m. Tuesday. LA PINE PUBLIC LIBRARY; 16425 First St., La Pine; 541-312-1090: • FAMILY STORY TIME: All ages; 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. • TEEN LAPTOP LAB: Grades 6-12; 3 to 5 p.m. Monday. • TEEN CHINESE NEW YEAR: Explore holiday with activities and snacks; grades 6-12; 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday. REDMOND PUBLIC LIBRARY; 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave., Redmond; 541-312-1054: • BABY STEPS: Ages 0-18 months; 10:30 a.m. Thursday. • TODDLIN’ TALES: Ages 18-36 months; 10:15 and 11:15 a.m. Tuesday. • PRESCHOOL PARADE:

Ages 3-5; 10:15 and 11:15 a.m. Wednesday. • TEEN THURSDAYS: AntiValentine’s Day activities; grades 6-12; 3 to 4:30 p.m. Thursday. • SPARK BOOK CLUB: Grades 68; Focuses on the Oregon Battle of the Books for middle school; 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday. • RAVEN: TEEN COUNCIL MEETING: New members welcome to share books, plan activities and more; grades 6-12; 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday. SISTERS PUBLIC LIBRARY; 110 N. Cedar St., Sisters; 541-312-1070: • FAMILY FUN STORY TIME: Ages 0-5; 10:30 a.m. Wednesday. • TEEN TUESDAYS: Grades 6-12; 3:30 to 5 p.m. Tuesday. SUNRIVER AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY; 56855 Venture Lane, Sunriver; 541-312-1080: • FAMILY FUN STORY TIME: Ages 0-5; 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Thursday. • TEEN TERRITORY GAME DAY: Grades 6-12; 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday. BARNES & NOBLE BOOKSELLERS; 2690 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242: • ONCE UPON A STORY TIME: All ages; 11 a.m. Friday. HIGH DESERT MUSEUM; 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754: • TOTALLY TOUCHABLE TALES: Ages 2-5; 10:30 a.m. Tuesday; included with admission ($10 adults, $9 ages 65 and older, $6 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger) • WILD WEDNESDAYS: Treasure hunt for ages 6-12; included with admission ($10 adults, $9 ages 65 and older, $6 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger) CAMALLI BOOK COMPANY: 1288 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite C, Bend; 541-323-6134: • STORY TIME: Ages 2-6; 2 p.m. Tuesday. BETWEEN THE COVERS: 645 N.W. Delaware Ave., Bend; 541-3854766: • STORY TIME: 2 p.m. Thursday. * Story times are free unless otherwise noted


‘Cats and Dogs’ isn’t up to scratch The Washington Post “Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore� (PG, 82 minutes): Plagued by cheap-looking special effects and a crummy 3-D conversion, this film leans heavily on its only real asset, the cuteness of its fuzzy stars. Kitty is a hairless feline (the voice of Bette Midler) who is bent on world domination. Opposing her are a team of super-spies: a cat with the voice of Christina Applegate, and two dogs, Butch and Diggs (Nick Nolte and James Marsden). Butch is the old pro; Diggs is the unreliable rookie. The three are tasked with protecting a pigeon (Katt Williams) who

has acquired secret blueprints that could endanger Kitty’s plan. Yes, there are references to “The Silence of the Lambs� and “Lethal Weapon.� Yes, there are fire hydrants. Yes, there’s a ball of yarn that’s actually a bomb. The only thing that might surprise you is the waterboarding joke, but the surprise is not a pleasant one. Contains animal action and humor. DVD extras: Looney Toons “Coyote Falls� short and, on Blu-ray, outtakes and gag reel plus featurettes “Dog Dishing: Tails from the Bark Side of Hollywood� and “The Best of the Best Cat vs. Dog Animated Showdowns.�

The Associated Press

Chris O’Donnell stars as Shane, left, and James Marsden voices the German shepherd Diggs in “Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore.�

Rating: PG-13 for disturbing thematic material, violence, frightening images, and language including sexual references. What it’s about: A non-believing seminary student is sent to Rome to study exorcism. The kid attractor factor: Demons and the Devil possess the young and old. Good lessons/bad lessons: Satan works in mysterious ways, which only a properly trained priest can foil. Violence: Yes. Language: Some profanity, some of it spoken by priests. Sex: None, though incest is discussed Drugs: Beers are shared. Parents’ advisory: Not the scariest exorcist movie ever, but certainly too rough for 10-and-unders.

‘The Mechanic’ Rating: R for strong brutal violence throughout, language, some sexual content and nudity. What it’s about: A hit man takes on an apprentice, the son of a man he killed. The kid attractor factor: Jason Statham. Good lessons/bad lessons: “Revenge is an emotion that will get you killed.� Violence: Lots and lots — drownings, impalings, shootings, stranglings. Language: Profanity, quite a lot. Sex: Yes. With nudity Drugs: Yes. Parents’ advisory: Take this R-rating seriously, as this is entirely too violent, etc., for 15-and-youngers.

‘The Way Back’ Rating: PG-13 for violent content, depiction of physical hardships, a nude image and brief strong language. What it’s about: Prisoners make a break from a Soviet gulag during World War II, braving cold, wilderness and other hardships to walk thousands of miles to freedom. The kid attractor factor: It’s a real-life “Man vs. Wild,� based on a real-life Bear Grylls. Good lessons/bad lessons: How to navigate, using a stick in the sand and the sun, and other

survival skills. Violence: Yes. Knives are involved. Language: Some profanity Sex: None, with one non-titillating nude image. Drugs: None Parents’ advisory: A new-fangled old-fashioned adventure epic, this is a bit too violent for the very young — OK for 10 and older.

‘The Green Hornet’ Rating: PG-13 for sequences of violent action, language, sensuality and drug content What it’s about: A hard-partying heir to a newspaper fortune, on a goof, decides to become a crime fighter and enlists his martial-arts and gadget-whiz chauffeur as a sidekick. The kid attractor factor: Seth Rogen and lots of explosions, shootouts and car chases Good lessons/bad lessons: “Trying doesn’t matter when you always fail.� Violence: Shootings, crushings, dismemberments, etc. Language: Lots of profanity, including almost everything but the F-bomb. Sex: Nubile females are ogled. Drugs: Drunk scenes, meth labs. Parents’ advisory: This rude and crude fanboy-oriented, maskedhero movie is a pretty severe test of the limits of PG-13, suitable for 13 and older, but barely.

‘Gulliver’s Travels’ Rating: PG for brief rude humor, mild language and action. What it’s about: A loser and would-be travel writer is sucked into a world of tiny people where he can be heroic, successful and admired. The kid attractor factor: Jack Black and lots of teeny-tiny people in 3-D, with the odd buttcrack joke. Good lessons/bad lessons: “Put yourself out there.� But don’t plagiarize. Violence: Slapstick, shots to the groin, etc. Language: A brief dissertation on the “A� word, attached to the prefix “lame.� Sex: None, though a lengthy peeto-put-out-a-fire bit should count. Drugs: None. Parents’ advisory: More family-friendly than your typical Jack Black farce, with the effects and humor aimed very young. OK for 8 and older.

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E4 Friday, January 28, 2011 • THE BULLETIN TUNDRA




















THE BULLETIN • Friday, January 28, 2011 E5 BIZARRO


SUDOKU Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. SOLUTION TO YESTERDAY’S SUDOKU









HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Friday, Jan. 28, 2011: This year, funnel your energy into networking and achieving a long-term desire. Friends play a major role in your plans, achievements and year. Learn new ways of communicating by observing another person’s style or maybe taking a seminar. Though you cannot control someone, you can phrase your desires in a way that he or she might feel more receptive to. If you are single, your friends prove to be instrumental in a new relationship. Give this person your special type of friendship as well as other caring. If you are attached, the two of you cheer each other on toward success. SAGITTARIUS keeps making suggestions! The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) HHHHH Often, what you accomplish seems impossible, but your ability to detach and see different paths pushes you toward success. You like problems; you love finding solutions. A meeting or friendship cascades over the edge of normal. Tonight: Take off ASAP. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) HHHHH Note someone’s effort to enlist your help. Whatever the issue might be, you have a lot to gain by participating. An older person or boss actively pushes you. A key associate points the way. Tonight: Visit with a special friend. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) HHHHH You might feel as if you are giving up your power, but honestly,

that isn’t what’s going on. Others simply take the stage, demonstrating their personality and ideas. Through this process, more opportunities emerge. New facts come forward. Tonight: Join your friends. CANCER (June 21-July 22) HHH Try to be easygoing. A partner, friend or associate assumes a dominant role concerning a mutual interest. Know when it is worth fighting city hall. Let others express their personality, wishes and ideas. Just be a listener. Tonight: Get some exercise. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) HHHHH The twinkle in your eye and even the way you walk announce the weekend. Still, focus on certain tasks at hand. Express your unusual ingenuity when clearing your desk and setting up a meeting next week. Tonight: Lead the gang. Frolic away. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HHH The less said, the more you will accomplish. Consider adding a new touch to your work area. Funnel your attention carefully. Someone might be doing a lot of squawking, trying to get you to notice him or her. Which is more effective: Ignoring this person, or giving him or her a few minutes? Tonight: Squeeze in a stress-buster. No excuses, please. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) HHHHH You have the gift of telling someone off, yet he or she might not realize it until hours later. How you use your innate charm and verbal skills is your call. A child or new friend keeps trying to get your attention. Your creativity flourishes when you feel cared for. Tonight: Favorite person, favorite spot. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

HHH Know when to turn in a new direction. Presently, you might want to do some reflecting and evaluate your choices. A personal or domestic problem dominates, despite your attempt to mentally let go. Tonight: Take a break with friends. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) HHHHH Move with confidence, knowing your choices are sound. Someone in your immediate environment might decide to confront you. Listen rather than trigger. Know that his or her criticism might have more to do with perception than reality. Tonight: Soaring like an eagle into the weekend. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) HHH Take your time. Understanding will evolve the more you eye a problem. There are answers, though you might not see them immediately. Your instincts beat heavily, especially concerning money. Still, walk a conservative path for now. Tonight: Get much-needed peace and quiet. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) HHHHH You are about to succeed in a major goal or desire. Funnel your energy into clearing out a last-minute boulder, and don’t allow frustration to beam in. A meeting could focus you once more. Others want to participate in a key goal. Tonight: Finally, relax with friends. Celebrate. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) HHHH You could be more irritated with a boss, older friend or relative than you realize. The other party receives a lot of your subconscious signals. Focus on the immediate, and stay out of emotional politics. Tonight: Schedule some talk time. © 2010 by King Features Syndicate


E6 Friday, January 28, 2011 • THE BULLETIN



Continued from E1 “Call up the parents and say, ‘Thank you so much for the invitation. I’m wondering what your plan is for the party. What are the activities? Will any movies be shown? What are the rules going to be?’” said Cohen-Sandler. If your child is hosting, be sure you lay down ground rules early. “What time bedtime is, who sleeps where, what’s completely off-limits,” said Cohen-Sandler. “Make it clear that everybody has to treat each other nicely and respectfully, and if not, you’re going to call the parents. Done.”

Continued from E1 Family is what brought Victoria and Jason Johnson into the adult foster home business. The pair wanted to find the best way to care for Jason’s grandmother, Eileen David, after moving her to Bend from Washington. Victoria Johnson had never heard of adult foster homes before. “My first reaction was, ‘Ew!’ ” She thought having a loved one stay in someone else’s private home seemed kind of creepy at first. But after her husband’s grandmother lived in an adult foster home for a while, the Johnsons grew to like the idea and decided to open their own. The pair built it with the intended purpose of serving as an adult foster home. It sits next to their own home in rural southeast Bend. The facility, known as The Leisure Club, is an expensive, upper-end foster home, with fine finishes, wide hallways and plenty of room to roam. On a recent visit, Johnson was baking cookies while one resident was getting her hair done and another was watching “Casablanca” on a big TV. Other foster homes are more modest, but each is unique and tends to reflect the personality of the owner or caregiver.

2 non-negotiables “Slumber parties have a higher than average potential for drama, if not disaster,” said Cohen-Sandler. Two rules will go a long way in preventing slumber-party disasters: Rule No. 1: Ask the kids to remain together at all times. “You don’t want two girls going off to a bedroom having some private tete-a-tete and making the other girls feel threatened,” said CohenSandler. “As the evening goes on, kids get tired and start feeling more vulnerable, homesick, insecure. That’s what leads to alliances and meanness and exclusion.” Rule No. 2: Check all cell phones at the door. “Technology is making it so much easier for kids to be rotten,” said CohenSandler. “They’re doing things like texting other kids who weren’t invited to the party, stirring up trouble, starting rumors. Taking and sending pictures.” Keep the cell phones with you, and tell the kids to grab you if they need to call their parents, she advises.

Now, the fun All that said, slumber parties can be fun and memorable experiences. Sue Kirchner, founder of chocolatecakemoments.com, an online guide to child-friendly activities and products, suggests planning two or three group activities, a movie and plenty of snacks. For girls, Kirchner suggests a spa theme: Buy Epsom salts and lavender oil and let them make bath salts. Do mud masks and cucumber eye patches. “You can play spin the nail polish,” said Kirchner. “When the bottle points at you, you have to paint a fingernail or toenail that color. You end up with a rainbow effect on your hands and toes.” Boys and girls both enjoy karaoke and Wii marathons, says Kirchner. Craft activities are a no-brainer. “You can buy inexpensive white pillowcases and have the kids decorate them with fabric markers,” Kirchner said. “Everyone can sign the back.”

Books Continued from E1

‘Ivy + Bean: What’s the Big Idea?’ By Annie Barrows Best ages: 7-9 Ivy and Bean are back in Book 7 of their awesome series about two second-graders who are best friends. This time, there’s a dark cloud over their heads after a fifth-grade presentation on global warming. How can they help save the polar bears? Luckily, the science fair is coming up

The basics To open an adult foster home, one must submit an application to the Oregon Department of Human Services. The applicant must demonstrate financial responsibility and provide references. He or she must complete a training course and pass a test. Everyone who works in the home must undergo a background check by the state. There are regulations about a variety of things, from room sizes to window sizes to fire safety. After a home has opened, someone from the state will make unannounced monitoring visits at least once a year, checking cleanliness, safety requirements, smoke alarms and numerous other items. In general, adult foster homes are considered highly regulated, according to Doug Breuer, supervisor for the Oregon Department of Human Services’ Seniors and People With Disabilities offices in Redmond and Madras. That said, the experience and backgrounds of caregivers vary widely. The caregivers and staff serve food, but aren’t required to have food handler cards. They assist residents with tasks of daily living (getting dressed, showering) and some can even pro-

and Mrs. Aruba-Tate has given them a topic: ideas to help fight global warming. Ivy and Bean immediately begin brainstorming. When Bean’s dad tries to throw in his ideas, they remind him that “grown-ups … don’t have very good imaginations.” Yes, this proves to be the case as Ivy and Bean and their classmates come up with absolutely the most creative ways to fight global warming. This series is a true-blue hit. Along with Jenny Han’s new Clara Lee series, kiddos all over will be entertained. — Mercedes Hubbard, community librarian, Redmond Public Library

This is Edna Fortner’s room at The Leisure Club. It is one of five rooms at the adult foster home, which is designed to be a more homelike and intimate setting than larger care facilities.

What to look for in an adult foster home

Pete Erickson The Bulletin

vide basic health care functions (taking care of feeding tubes and catheters), but are not required to be certified nursing assistants. The kind of care a home can provide depends on its license, with Level 1 offering the least care and Level 3 offering the most. The cost of care in a foster home varies greatly. Most of the foster homes accept Medicaid payments, Sheldon said, although many seniors do not qualify for long-term-care Medicaid funding. Pauline Clark started running an adult foster home in 1986. The residents live downstairs while Clark resides upstairs. The place has a homey touch, filled with comfy chairs and horse-themed decorations. Clark sees herself as extended family to the residents. She serves as the primary caregiver, but employs three other part-time caregivers as well as a handyman and a housekeeper. “The best thing we give out in adult foster care is TLC,” Clark said. Clark tries to make a lifetime commitment to each resident who moves in, which means they typically stay in her home until they die. She has cared for many people until their deaths, including her own mother. “I love what I do; I’m good at what I do,” Clark said. She is able to care for people who have extensive needs, including those who are bed-bound as well as those requiring feeding tubes. Many of her residents have dementia. She says good caregivers have to be detectives, nurse wannabes, counselors, mediators, friends, nutritionists and problem-solvers.

skills. He has seen cases of neglect, and he has encountered cases where the caregiver has “rough talk” with the residents, is disrespectful to those with dementia, or makes mistakes with medication. Johnson has heard tales of foster homes with black mold growing in bathrooms and places serving nothing but cheese sandwiches and chips. According to Malone, however, places like that are the exception. “We are blessed with a lot of good foster homes here,” Malone said. Malone believes people deciding what’s best for a loved one should think about the person’s personality and preferences. Foster homes offer an intimate family setting. Most have low stimulation and the TV on a lot. They are typically quiet and calm, Malone said. While some people thrive in such an atmosphere, others feel “bored, isolated or trapped” and would prefer a bigger communal living setting. Many people like the small resident-to-caregiver ratio, with no more than five residents for each caregiver. Sheldon says this helps caregivers really get to know all of the residents. They often sit at a common dining room table and share their lives. “It’s is such an intimate setting,” said Breuer. That said, foster homes are not for everyone. The same intimacy that some people love may cause problems for others, especially if residents have personality clashes. Breuer says close proximity makes it harder for people to avoid one another. Johnson says that, as in a family, the women who live at her foster home have little spats and

disagreements at times. “Sometimes it can be like a sorority house.” But she says sometimes two women will be in a fight and when the caregiver tries to break it up, the residents can’t remember what they are fighting about.

It is time? Johnson encourages relatives not to wait too long to consider placement. “Don’t wait until a crisis. Do it now, not when she falls or puts Drano in her coffee.” Signs an older relative may be ready for more care include: • Neglect of personal hygiene (How often is the person bathing? Brushing his or her teeth? How does his or her skin look? How does he or she smell?) • Household organization problems (Are random things appearing in odd places in the house?) • Medication management issues (This one is important. Does he or she remember to take medications at the same time every day? Is the relative at risk for taking too many pills or not enough?)

Finding a good one Individuals thinking about a specific home can check its record. Breuer says the most common complaints involve failure to follow a resident’s care plan or having too few or poorly trained caregivers. Cleanliness is another common complaint, Sheldon says. Information about license violations and inspection reports can be obtained in person at the Seniors and People with Disabilities office or by talking to a staff

• How neat and clean is the place? • How does it smell? • Can you visit during mealtimes? Or stop by unannounced? (You should be able to.) • What kinds of meals are served? A meal plan should be available for you to examine. • What kinds of activities take place? How do residents spend their days? • How are the other residents? How much care do they need, and does that fit with your relative’s wants? • How do the residents interact with the caregivers? Do they seem comfortable and at ease? • What are the personalities like in the home? • Does the style of the home feel comfortable for your relative? • Talk to references. • Check the inspection report by calling Seniors and People With Disabilities office for more information at 541-548-2206. • Check the guide to Oregon Adult Foster Homes, a brochure created by the Department of Human Services. It includes detailed information about foster homes, including a checklist of things to look for when visiting homes: http:// dhsforms.hr.state.or.us/Forms/ Served/DE9033.pdf

member at 541-548-2206. Nothing compares with visiting a home in person. A home may pass an inspection but might not be a good fit. “Everyone has their own idea of what clean is, and what a wellbalanced diet is,” said Breuer. He recommends visiting during mealtime, which is often one of the busiest, most interactive times of day. Sheldon encourages families to think about what their loved one likes, rather than their own taste, in making choices among the broad range of homes, each guided by the personality of the head caretaker. Alandra Johnson can be reached at 541-617-7860 or at ajohnson@bendbulletin.com.

Pros and cons Tim Malone, supervisor of the seniors mental health program with Deschutes County Health Services, visits many local adult foster homes as part of his work helping seniors with mental health problems such as dementia and depression. He visits some homes where the caregiver’s heart is in the right place, but he or she doesn’t have needed

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Pets and Supplies The Bulletin recommends extra caution when purchasing products or services from out of the area. Sending cash, checks, or credit information may be subjected to fraud. For more information about an advertiser, you may call the Oregon State Attorney General’s Office Consumer Protection hotline at 1-877-877-9392.

AKC Yellow Labradors 3 Males For more info please visit us at www.coldcreekfarms.com 541-942-1059 Aussie Mini Litter, (4), shots, tails done, in-home raised, dbl reg. Ready now! $500. 541-409-0253, Redmond AUSSIE PUPPIES, mini and toy, $250, 1 male/1 female left. 1st shots, tails docked. Ready to go! 541-420-9694.

1 7 7 7

263 - Tools 264 - Snow Removal Equipment 265 - Building Materials 266 - Heating and Stoves 267 - Fuel and Wood 268 - Trees, Plants & Flowers 269 - Gardening Supplies & Equipment 270 - Lost and Found 275 - Auction Sales GARAGE SALES 280 - Garage/Estate Sales 281 - Fundraiser Sales 282 - Sales Northwest Bend 284 - Sales Southwest Bend 286 - Sales Northeast Bend 288 - Sales Southeast Bend 290 - Sales Redmond Area 292 - Sales Other Areas FARM MARKET 308 - Farm Equipment and Machinery 316 - Irrigation Equipment 325 - Hay, Grain and Feed 333 - Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies 341 - Horses and Equipment 345 - Livestock and Equipment 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers 358 - Farmer’s Column 375 - Meat and Animal Processing 383 - Produce and Food 208


Pets and Supplies

Pets and Supplies

Chihuahua Pups, Apple Head, well bred, small, $200 & up. 541-420-4825.

LAB PUPS AKC, titled parents, FC/AFC, Blackwater Rudy is grand sire. Deep pedigreed performance/titles, OFA hips & elbows. 541-771-2330 www.royalflushretrievers.com

Chihuahuas (2), Long hair, shots & wormed, $250, 541-977-0034.

Couch, full-length, brown/tan/ black print, $150/OBO. Call 541-549-1823 FREE 4-yr-old female orange & white spayed tabby cat, small in size. Moving, must find good home. 541-548-2797. Free companion cats for seniors! Altered, shots, ID chip, more. We'll always take back for any reason. Visit Thurs/ Sat/Sun 1-4 PM, other days by appt. 65480 78th St Bend. 541-389-8420 541-598-5488 visit www.craftcats.org Free Lab, black, female, bird dog training, great buddy, active. 541-382-7506

Labradoodles, Australian Imports - 541-504-2662 www.alpen-ridge.com Maremma Guard Dog pups, purebred, great dogs, $300 each, 541-546-6171. POODLE Pups, AKC Toy Black/white, chocolate & other colors, so loveing, 541-475-3889

Queensland Heelers Standards & mini,$150 & up. 541-280-1537 http://rightwayranch.wordpress.com/ Schnoodle, Male, Rescued, 5 mo., fixed, groomed, $150, 541-576-2188 541-576-3701 SHIH-POOs 2 adorable males, family raised, don’t miss your chance to own one of the best! Price Reduced to $200 without shots. 541-744-1804

S . W .

Australian Cattle Dogs, 4 Gypsy is a rescued kitten, born with deformed back legs, but males, 3 reds, 1 blue, plays & gets around okay 541-279-4133. does not know any different. Basset Hound puppies, pureThe legs are now in the way. bred, party and lemon colWe tried to find appropriate ored $400. 541.550.6470 prosthetic legs & a veterinarian who could attach Blood Hound Pups: Purethem, but surgery can no bred, shots, wormed, ready longer wait. We are seeking a now, $250, 541-771-1141. vet with a big heart who would donate time & experCan you help? Our family’s tise for this surgery or give a moving in 2 wks & we need substantial discount, & sponnew homes! 2 sweet cats, sors to help with associated fixed, healthy. 541-788-0151 costs of surgery. After reCarpet, 1970’s, Golden, brown, covery, Gypsy will need a yellow, FREE, you haul, call special, caring forever home. 541-728-0482 Please contact nonprofit, all-volunteer Cat Rescue, Adoption & Foster Team, 389-8420 or 598-5488 if you can help. PO Box 6441, Bend Chihuahua/Poodle Pups, 9 97708, www.craftcats.org. weeks, 1st shot, $120 Cash, Call 541-678-7599. Kittens & cats for adoption! Sat/Sun 1-4, other days by appt (541-647-2181 to arrange). Foster home also has small kittens, call 815-7278. Altered, shots, ID chip, more. Support your local all-volunteer, no kill rescue! 65480 Chihuahua pups (2), Adorable, 78th St., Bend, 389-8420, ready for their forever homes, 598-5488, www.craftcats.org $250 1st shots 541-280-1840

Toy/Mini Aussie pups, $450 +. High quality. Shots, vet, tails, etc. Call 541-475-1166 Yorkie Pups, 7 wks, 2 females, 1 male, vet check, will deliver to Central OR, $600, 541-792-0375, Mt. Vernon


Furniture & Appliances 2 large reclining Cabin-style chairs, need refinishing, $150 for both. 541-419-0613 2 matching recliners, medium blue, like new, just 4 mos old, $100 ea. 541-389-1042 !Appliances! A-1 Quality & Honesty!

A-1 Washers & Dryers $125 each. Full Warranty. Free Del. Also wanted W/D’s dead or alive. 541-280-7355. Bed Set, Sealy Posturpedic, plush top, queen size, w/ metal stand, bed pad & sheet set, $300, new cond., 541-317-5156. Chairs, Dining room, 4 matching, sturdy, black, $32 ea., 541-420-2220.

A v e . ,

B e n d

O r e g o n

9 7 7 0 2







Furniture & Appliances

Guns & Hunting and Fishing

Misc. Items

Fuel and Wood

Fuel and Wood

Gardening Supplies & Equipment

Dresser, nice, 2 night stands, French provincial, $65 ea., 541-420-2220. GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809. LOVESEAT, blue fabric, great shape, only $50. See on craigslist. 541-419-5060 Queen Anne style dining table w/2 leaves & 6 ladderback chairs, $175. 541-419-0613

Second Hand Mattresses, sets & singles, call

541-598-4643. The Bulletin recommends extra caution when purchasing products or services from out of the area. Sending cash, checks, or credit information may be subjected to F R A U D . For more information about an advertiser, you may call the Oregon State Attorney General’s Office Consumer Protection hotline at 1-877-877-9392.

Two couches: ivory leather, gray upholstered; king bed frame and mattress set; misc. 541-548-2797.



Collector Pays Ca$h, hand guns, rifles, etc., 541-475-4275,503-781-8812

CASH!! For Guns, Ammo & Reloading Supplies. 541-408-6900. GUNS Buy, Sell, Trade 541-728-1036. Juniper Rim Game Preserve - Brothers, OR Pheasants (both roosters/hens) & Chukars, all on special! 541-419-3923; 541-419-8963

Mossberg 12g Model #835 pump, camo’d, 28” barrel, 5 + 1, $200. 541-647-8931 Remington 870, with rifle slug barrel, $300. 541-610-3287.

Spring Chinook! Fish with Captain Greg, Portland area, March-May. $100 per person (discounts for children). Call 541-379-0362 Wanted: Collector seeks high quality fishing items. Call 541-678-5753, 503-351-2746 WIN 1885 45-70, 88 & 308, 100 & 308, & 61 22 long rifle, Browning BLR 243, Safari 30-06, & A Bolt 300 WFM, Springfield M 1 Grand, 30-06, & M 1 Carbine Henery 1860 45 Colt, various shot guns and hand guns. H & H FIREARMS 541-382-9352

Antiques & Collectibles

Winchester Model 54, Bolt Action, .270, circa 1920’s, $400, please call 541-317-0116.

Dropleaf table w/china cabinet, Rosewood bedroom set, Friendly Village dishes, vintage clothing/jewelry, more, for best offer. 541-480-9677


HISTORIC REDMOND CHURCH ANTIQUE SALE: oak pews, bishop’s chairs, barleycorn furniture. 641 SW Cascade Ave., 2-4 p.m. Sat. & Sun. The Bulletin reserves the right to publish all ads from The Bulletin newspaper onto The Bulletin Internet website.

Computers THE BULLETIN requires computer advertisers with multiple ad schedules or those selling multiple systems/ software, to disclose the name of the business or the term "dealer" in their ads. Private party advertisers are defined as those who sell one computer.


Misc. Items 240

Crafts and Hobbies Alpaca Yarn, various colors/ blends/sparkle. 175yds/skein $7.50-8.50 ea. 541-385-4989


German Shorhair Pointers 3 Exercise Equipment male pups, 4 mos old, $400 Shih Tsu Pups, 2 males, 1 each. 1 Female solid liver, 6 black/white, 1 white/brindle, mos, $600. 1 Female liver & avail. 2/1, $350,541-280-2538 Ab Lounge 2, excellent condition, $50. Call white, 8 mos, $800. 1 male, 4 yrs, $800. All shots/wormed. Shih Tzu Puppy - 16 wks 541-382-6806 Red/Black male, $275 OBO 541-923-8377 541-419-6638 Pilates Machine, Aero,rebounder, (360) 936-9226 Redmond cushion headreast, CD’s, like Golden Retriever Purebred Shih Tzu pups, gold & white, new, $150, 541-848-8230 Puppies ready on Valentines gold w/ black mask, & black, Day. $600. Please call Kristi Schwinn Recumbent bike $385-$750, 541-788-0090 at 541-280-3278. SRB-1500, like new $100. Siberian Husky pups, excep541-382-6806 tional markings & tempera246 ments, $650, 541-330-8627 or stones-siberians@live.com Guns & Hunting Terrier mix, 7-mos, hsetrained, free to good home where she can run! 541-617-9132

C h a n d l e r

Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

and Fishing 12 g Charles Daily pump, synthetic stock, 18” barrel, like new, $200. 541-647-8931 12g Mossberg 500A tactical pistol grip, $350/trade. Kimber 1911 S/S custom, 45 ACP $1125. 541-647-8931 12g Mossberg Westernfield pump, 26” barrel, wood stock, $150. 541-647-8931 9mm Taurus compact stainless w/3 mags, ammo, access. $350/trade. 541-647-8931

Brinkman Wood smoker, adj stack, $35. 22” Round Weber Kettle, $50. 541-419-0613 BUYING AND SELLING All gold jewelry, silver and gold coins, bars, rounds, wedding sets, class rings, sterling silver, coin collect, vintage watches, dental gold. Bill Fleming, 541-382-9419.

GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809. NEED TO CANCEL OR PLACE YOUR AD? The Bulletin Classifieds has an "After Hours" Line Call 383-2371 24 hrs. to cancel or place your ad!

The Bulletin Offers Free Private Party Ads • 3 lines - 3 days • Private Party Only • Total of items advertised must equal $200 or Less • Limit one ad per month • 3-ad limit for same item advertised within 3 months 541-385-5809 • Fax 541-385-5802 Wanted - paying cash for Hi-fi audio & studio equip. McIntosh, JBL, Marantz, Dynaco, Heathkit, Sansui, Carver, NAD, etc. Call 541-261-1808


Tools Paint sprayer - Graco 695, new seals, good unit, $800. KNAACK job-site tool box 48x30, 32" deep $150. Call 541-480-3110

Firewood ads MUST include species and cost per cord to better serve our customers. Thank you.

WHEN BUYING FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud, The Bulletin recommends payment for Firewood only upon delivery & inspection.

• A cord is 128 cu. ft. 4’ x 4’ x 8’ • Receipts should include, name, phone, price and kind of wood purchased.

Bend Habitat RESTORE Building Supply Resale Quality at LOW PRICES 740 NE 1st 312-6709 Open to the public .

All Year Dependable Firewood: SPLIT dry lodgepole, $160 for 1 cord or $300 for 2. Bend del. Cash Check Visa/MC 541-420-3484

CRUISE THROUGH classified when you're in the market for a new or used car.

WINTER SPECIAL - Dry Seasoned Lodgepole Pine, guaranteed cords. Split delivered, stacked. Prompt delivery! $175/cord. 541-350-3393

Find It in The Bulletin Classifieds! 541-385-5809


Gardening Supplies & Equipment

Instant Landscaping Co. PROMPT DELIVERY 541-389-9663

SUPER TOP SOIL www.hersheysoilandbark.com Screened, soil & compost mixed, no rocks/clods. High humus level, exc. for flower beds, lawns, gardens, straight screened top soil. Bark. Clean fill. Deliver/you haul. 541-548-3949.


Lost and Found Found Australian Shepherd cross? Young fem. Old Hwy 20 East of Bend, W of Horse Ridge Trail. 541-233-8011 Found Children’s Sled, Overturf Butte, 1/23. Call to identify, 541-233-3648 FOUND Electronic Car Key at Wanoga Snow Park, Sat., 1/22. Call 541-788-4069 FOUND: Fishing Gear, Cline Falls on Thurs, 1/20. Call to identify. 937-917-6264

Consigned Farm Machinery & Equipment Auction 2 Day Sale Saturday & Sunday January 29th & 30th 2011 At: 9:00 AM Sharp

Woodburn Auction Yard 1/2 mile south of Woodburn, Oregon on HWY 99E DRY JUNIPER FIREWOOD $175 per cord, split. Immediate delivery available. Call 541-408-6193

Dry Seasoned Red Fir $185 per cord, split and delivered, Please Call 541-977-2040.

FIND IT! BUY IT! SELL IT! Lodgepole scraps in Powell The Bulletin Classiieds Butte, very short, solid, up to 16” & punky. Fill your pickup 266 for $15. 541-420-3906

Heating and Stoves NOTICE TO ADVERTISER Since September 29, 1991, advertising for used woodstoves has been limited to models which have been certified by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as having met smoke emission standards. A certified woodstove can be identified by its certification label, which is permanently attached to the stove. The Bulletin will not knowingly accept advertising for the sale of uncertified woodstoves.

WILL BUY FIREWOOD By the cord or by the load. Call 541-771-8534



Building Materials

SPLIT, DRY LODGEPOLE DELIVERY INCLUDED! $175/CORD. Call for half-cord prices! Leave message, 541-923-6987

Garage Sales

Garage Sales

Garage Sales Find them in The Bulletin Classifieds!


Saturday, January 29th Small amounts of miscellaneous tools, approximately 50 tractors, forklifts, & of various sizes. Approximately 70 cars, trucks, pick ups & trailers. Customers purchasing vehicles must have current proof of insurance before the purchase of a vehicle - no exceptions!!! All titled vehicles need to be checked in by 4:00PM on Friday, January 28th, with the titles in the consignors name. Dealers need updated certificates.

Sunday, January 30th Misc. farm equipment Everything sold on an as is basis Loading facilities & hauling available. Some items may have a reserved bid Consignments accepted until 5:00pm on Friday, Jan. 28th NO RECEIVING OR LOADING OUT ON TUESDAYS PLEASE NOTICE: There is a 5% buyers fee added to all purchases. Terms of sale are cash,credit card, debit card (not over $500.00) No credit card checks, or credit union checks. All personal checks will be direct deposited with ID. Note: 9% buyers fee on Visa, Mastercard, Discover, with ID on the day of the sale. All bills must be pd for the day of the sale. Lunch on Grounds • Not Responsible for Accidents No children under the age of 13 please. Children 13 and older are welcome but must be accompanied by a parent at all times. Auctioneers:

Skip Morin, Emery Alderman, Chuck Boyce Sale Conducted by:

Woodburn Auction Yard Inc. Phone: (503) 981-8185 ext. 1 Fax: (503) 982-7640 WOODBURNAUCTION.COM woodburnauction@aol.com

Buying Diamonds /Gold for Cash SAXON'S FINE JEWELERS

541-389-6655 BUYING Lionel/American Flyer trains, accessories. 541-408-2191. DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL FOR $500 OR LESS? Non-commercial advertisers can place an ad for our "Quick Cash Special" 1 week 3 lines $10 bucks or 2 weeks $16 bucks! Ad must include price of item

www.bendbulletin.com or Call Classifieds at 541-385-5809

BEND’S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are still over 2,000 folks in our community without permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift camps, getting by as best they can. The following items are badly needed to help them get through the winter:

d CAMPING GEAR of any sort: d Used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets.

d WARM CLOTHING d Rain Gear, Boots Please drop off your donations at the BEND COMMUNITY CENTER 1036 NE 5th St., Bend (312-2069) For special pick-ups, call Ken Boyer 389-3296 or Don Auxier, 383-0448 PLEASE HELP. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

To place your ad, visit www.bendbulletin.com or 541-385-5809

F2 Friday, January 28, 2011 • THE BULLETIN

To place an ad call Classiied • 541-385-5809

541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com




Edited by Will Shortz

Monday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noon Sat. Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noon Mon. Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noon Tues. Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noon Wed. Friday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00am Fri. Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:00 Fri. Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noon Sat. PRIVATE PARTY RATES Starting at 3 lines *UNDER $500 in total merchandise 7 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.00

Place a photo in your private party ad for only $15.00 per week.

Garage Sale Special

OVER $500 in total merchandise 4 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17.50 7 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $23.00 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32.50 28 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.50

4 lines for 4 days. . . . . . . . . $20.00

(call for commercial line ad rates)

A Payment Drop Box is available at Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS BELOW MARKED WITH AN (*) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin reserves the right to reject any ad at any time.

CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. SATURDAY by telephone 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

*Must state prices in ad

is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702 PLEASE NOTE: Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days will publish in the Central Oregon Marketplace each Tuesday. 270

Lost and Found Found Mountain Bike, Overturf Butte Park, 1/24. Call to identify, 541-233-3648. FOUND: Nikon camera, Cool Pix E4300. Call to identity 541-385-3313. Found set of Toyota keys 1/25, Drake Park; have been taken to Athletic Club of Bend. In Reply to Lost fishing equip. at Cline park on Thurs. 1/20. I saw ad in Sun. paper but the number listed is out of service. My # is 541-706-9361. Please call, will identify. Lost Toolbag, 1/25, 11 am, Reward, NE Bend, Around Empire, Montana, High Desert, Brinson or Boyd Acres, 541-788-0175. LOST WEDDING RING dropped at Cascade Village mall, 3rd & Revere or Butler Mkt & Boyd Acres. Size 6 white gold ring with band hollowed out on inside rim, 1 diamond a bit smaller than a karat flanked by strips of yellow gold. If found call 541-306-1002 REWARD Missing Bamboo Cane, dark finish, well worn, long time helper of senior lady. Vanished from Bimart shopping cart 1/24, a.m. When found, cane can be dropped off at Bimart front desk or call 541-389-1510. REWARD. REMEMBER: If you have lost an animal don't forget to check The Humane Society in Bend, 382-3537 or Redmond, 923-0882 or Prineville, 447-7178


Auction Sales

Farm Market

300 400 421


Hay, Grain and Feed

Schools and Training

Wheat Straw: Certified & Bedding Straw & Garden Straw; Kentucky Bluegrass; Compost; 541-546-6171.

Advertise in 30 Daily newspapers! $525/25-words, 3days. Reach 3 million classified readers in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington & Utah. (916) 288-6019 email: elizabeth@cnpa.com for the Pacific Northwest Daily Connection. (PNDC)


Horses and Equipment 200 ACRES BOARDING Indoor/outdoor arenas, stalls, & pastures, lessons & kid’s programs. 541-923-6372 www.clinefallsranch.com

READY FOR A CHANGE? Don't just sit there, let the Classified Help Wanted column find a new challenging job for you. www.bendbulletin.com WANTED: Horse or utility trailers for consignment or purchase. KMR Trailer Sales, 541-389-7857 www.kigers.com


Farmers Column 10X20 STORAGE BUILDINGS for protecting hay, firewood, livestock etc. $1461 Installed. 541-617-1133. CCB #173684. kfjbuilders@ykwc.net

BUSINESS LIQUIDATION 375 AUCTION: Sun. Jan. 30th, Ruthie B’s An- Meat & Animal Processing tiques & Tea House. 346 Main St., Springfield. Pre- Angus Beef, 1/2 or whole, view at 8 a.m. Restaurant grain fed, no hormones Equip. to sell at 9 a.m., an$3.10/lb., hanging weight, tiques at 10 a.m. See Photos cut & wrap included, please & Details at call 541-383-2523. www.mandjauction.com

Final Estate Auction for Robert Ulrich Feb. 12, Crook County Fairgrounds. Check website for photos and list. www.dennisturmon.com Turmon Enterprises LLC



Produce and Food

AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance. 1-877-804-5293. (PNDC)


The Bulletin ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Accounting, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 866-688-7078 www.CenturaOnline.com (PNDC) TRUCK SCHOOL www.IITR.net Redmond Campus Student Loans/Job Waiting Toll Free 1-888-438-2235

The Bulletin is your

Employment Marketplace Call





Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Account coordinator

T e m p orary Circulation Account Coordinator Temporary full-time position open in the Circulation department for a Circulation Account coordinator. Main responsibilities include data entry of new credit card or bank draft information on subscribers accounts. Processes all subscriber Auto Renew payments and maintains accurate spreadsheets for business office. Responsible for tracking and ordering Circulation office supplies. Performs monthly billing steps for several of our newspapers and acts as back up to the Customer Service rep. and billing staff. Assists with data entry of daily draw projections and returns and printing associated reports. Applicants must have excellent interpersonal skills and strong attention to detail. Must be able to work with others in a supportive team setting. Ideal candidate will have computer experience, basic accounting knowledge, proficient in data entry and strong communication and organizational skills. Please submit resumes to: The Bulletin, PO Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708 or by e-mail: ahusted@bendbulletin.com

Advertise and Reach over 3 million readers in the Pacific Northwest! 30 daily newspapers, six states. 25-word classified $525 for a 3-day ad. Call (916) 288-6010; (916) 288-6019 or visit www.pnna.com/advertising_ pndc.cfm for the Pacific Northwest Daily Connection. (PNDC)

to advertise.

CRUISE THROUGH Classified when you're in the market for a new or used car.

DRUG AND ALCOHOL COUNSELOR. Part/Full-time. Certified and experienced, for Bend, Madras, & La Pine, bi-lingual and Masters Level a plus. Salary DOE. Please fax resume to 541-383-4935, or mail to Pfeifer & Associates, 23 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend, OR 97701. General DO YOU NEED A GREAT EMPLOYEE RIGHT NOW? Call The Bulletin before noon and get an ad in to publish the next day! 385-5809.

HAIRSTYLIST - Shag Salon has part-time hair station for lease. Call 541-617-7007 or 541-815-0819. Logging - Yarder Crew, Choker Setter, Rigging Slinger, Hook Tender. Exp. & refs req. Central OR. positions. 541-409-1337 Medical Office Manager for 3 physicians, busy practice. HR, Billing, AR management. Cascade Internal Medicine, 541-318-0124. Office Specialist 2, Central Oregon Ag Research Center, Oregon State University. Full-time, salary range $2,138.00 $2,960.00 monthly + benefits. To review posting and apply go to http://oregonstate.edu/jobs. Refer to posting # 0006821. Closing Date: 2/11/2011. OSU is an AA/EOE.

VIEW the Classifieds at: www.bendbulletin.com


ATTENTION: Recruiters and Businesses The Bulletin's classified ads include publication on our Internet site. Our site is currently receiving over 1,500,000 page views every month. Place your employment ad with The Bulletin and reach a world of potential applicants through the Internet....at no extra cost!


Ads published in "Employment Opportunities" include employee and independent positions. Ads for positions that require a fee or upfront investment must be stated. With any independent job opportunity, please investigate thoroughly. Use extra caution when applying for jobs online and never provide personal information to any source you may not have researched and deemed to be reputable. Use extreme caution when responding to ANY online employment ad from out-of-state. We suggest you call the State of Oregon Consumer Hotline at 1-503-378-4320

Remember.... Add your web address to your ad and readers on The Bulletin's web site will be able to click through automatically to your site. SALES Avon Representatives needed. Choose your hours, your income. Call Patty, Independent Sales Representative 541-330-1836

For Equal Opportunity Laws: Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industry, Civil Rights Division, 503-731-4075


CentralOregonBeef.com 541-923-5076

If you have any questions, concerns or comments, contact: Shawn Antoni, Classified Dept , The Bulletin

The Bulletin is your Employment Marketplace Call

EMPLOYMENT 410 - Private Instruction 421 - Schools and Training 454 - Looking for Employment 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 476 - Employment Opportunities 486 - Independent Positions

FINANCE AND BUSINESS 507 - Real Estate Contracts 514 - Insurance 528 - Loans and Mortgages 543 - Stocks and Bonds 558 - Business Investments 573 - Business Opportunities




Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Semiconductor Production Associates Looking for an exciting new job? Microsemi is looking for some new associates to work in our semiconductor area. We have openings on night shift (11 PM - 7 AM). We are seeking individuals who have had relevant job experience although not necessarily in the semiconductor industry. The job skills sought include microscope inspection, precision measurement, complex process equipment set-up and operation and accurate documentation of work performed. Familiarity with basic electronics, chemicals and cleanroom protocol is a plus. All candidates must have a good work history, good attendance, good hand-eye coordination and a willingness to learn new skills. Must be able to read and understand instructions. Please submit a resume to cfischer@microsemi.com or apply in person to 405 SW Columbia St. Bend, OR. EOE

Sous Chef

The Ranch is accepting applications for YRFT Sous Chefs. Need dedicated individuals who possess good supervisory and leadership skills and have an extensive knowledge of food preparation including catering and event experience. Duties include food preparation, production and control for all food outlets and banquet facilities. Create and implement new menus. Hire, train, supervise and schedule personnel in food service dept. Implement suggestions for improvement. Assist in estimating annual food budget. Shifts will include weekends and holidays. Benefits include med/dent/life, paid holidays and vacation. Employees of Black Butte Ranch may enjoy use of some of the facilities available to our guests. BBR employees can enjoy use of Ranch amenities. Employee discounts are available for themselves and their immediate family. Apply on-line at www.blackbutteranch.com. BBR is a drug free work place. EOE.

The Bulletin Classifieds is your Employment Marketplace Call 541-385-5809 today!

The Bulletin Recommends extra caution when purchasing products or services from out of the area. Sending cash, checks, or credit information may be subjected to F R A U D. For more information about an advertiser, you may call the Oregon State Attorney General’s Office Consumer Protection hotline at 1-877-877-9392.

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com

Have an item to sell quick? If it’s under $500 you can place it in The Bulletin Classiieds for $ 10 - 3 lines, 7 days $ 16 - 3 lines, 14 days (Private Party ads only)

541-385-5809 to advertise! www.bendbulletin.com



Estate Sales Look What I Found!

You'll find a little bit of everything in The Bulletin's daily garage and yard sale section. From clothes to collectibles, from housewares to hardware, classified is always the first stop for cost-conscious consumers. And if you're planning your own garage or yard sale, look to the classifieds to bring in the buyers. You won't find a better place for bargains!

Call Classifieds: 385-5809 or Fax 385-5802

HH FREE HH Garage Sale Kit Place an ad in The Bulletin for your garage sale and receive a Garage Sale Kit FREE! KIT INCLUDES: • 4 Garage Sale Signs • $1.00 Off Coupon To Use Toward Your Next Ad • 10 Tips For “Garage Sale Success!” • And Inventory Sheet PICK UP YOUR GARAGE SALE KIT AT: 1777 SW Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702



Independent Contractor

Sales Northeast Bend Sales Southeast Bend



Alice Ann Wirtz, last member of the pioneer Dobbs family. Wonderful antiques include: Oak lawyers bookcase, victorian dresser, kitchen/pie cupboard, commode, childs rocker, hanging oil lamp, mirrors, small furniture pieces, marble top tables, old farm primitive items, beautiful Victorian glassware & china, 3 silver tea sets, flatware set and misc. silver & sterling, wooden trunk, carved sofa, pictures, Louisville stoneware dishes, Wedgwood china set, regular household items, twin beds, jewelry, interesting small collectibles, ladies clothing, lots of misc! Friday ~ Saturday, 9-4 Crowd control numbers Friday 8:00 a.m. Mt View Park, take 27th to Rosemary, then left on Wintergreen to 2429, Please park carefully!

Attic Estates & Appraisals 541-350-6822 for pics & info go to www.atticestatesandappraisals.com

Check out the classiieds online www.bendbulletin.com Updated daily

Garage Sale At Sign Pro, Shop table, desks, bookshelves, chairs, misc. Fri. 1-4, Sat, 8-1, 615 SE Glenwood Dr., Ste. 105.

H Supplement Your Income H


Sales Other Areas DON'T FORGET to take your signs down after your garage sale and be careful not to place signs on utility poles! www.bendbulletin.com

Operate Your Own Business FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Newspaper Delivery Independent Contractor Join The Bulletin as an independent contractor!

& Call Today & We are looking for independent contractors to service home delivery routes in:

H La Pine & Prineville H Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle.

Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 during business hours apply via email at online@bendbulletin.com


THE BULLETIN • Friday, January 28, 2011 F3

To place an ad call Classiied • 541-385-5809 Rentals

500 600 507

Real Estate Contracts LOCAL MONEY We buy secured trust deeds & note, some hard money loans. Call Pat Kelley 541-382-3099 extension 13.


WARNING The Bulletin recommends you use caution when you provide personal information to companies offering loans or credit, especially those asking for advance loan fees or companies from out of state. If you have concerns or questions, we suggest you consult your attorney or call CONSUMER HOTLINE, 1-877-877-9392.

BANK TURNED YOU DOWN? Private party will loan on real estate equity. Credit, no problem, good equity is all you need. Call now. Oregon Land Mortgage 388-4200. Earn 8-10% interest on well-secured first trust deeds. Private party. 541-815-2986


Business Opportunities A BEST-KEPT SECRET! Reach over 3 million Pacific Northwest readers with a $525/25-word classified ad in 30 daily newspapers for 3-days. Call (916) 288-6019 regarding the Pacific Northwest Daily Connection or email elizabeth@cnpa.com (PNDC) Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com


Houses for Rent SW Bend

Real Estate For Sale

The Bulletin is now offering a LOWER, MORE AFFORDABLE Rental rate! If you have a home to rent, call a Bulletin Classified Rep. to get the new rates and get your ad started ASAP! 541-385-5809

3 Bdrm, 2 bath, cul-de-sac, dbl. garage, no smoking, avail. 2/15, 19800 SW Wetland Ct., $850, 541-389-3594.


!! Snowball of a Deal !! $300 off Upstairs Apts. 2 bdrm, 1 bath as low as $495 Carports & Heat Pumps Lease Options Available Pet Friendly & No App. Fee! (541) 383-3152 Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co.


Spring Break at Melia Cabo Real, anytime, 2 bdrm, 1 week, 541-350-6865.



Rooms for Rent Budget Inn, 1300 S. Hwy 97, 541-389-1448; & Royal Gateway Motel, 475 SE 3rd St., 541-382-5631, Furnished Rooms: 5 days/$150+tax

Room in CRR, $200/mo. incl. utils, rent reduction for housekeeping duties, small trained pet ok, 541-548-6635 Tumalo - Country Setting Granny unit. 2 rooms + bath, partial kitchen, $395/mo. Call 541-389-6720, or cell, 541-550-0216.


Condo / Townhomes For Rent Long term townhomes/homes for rent in Eagle Crest. Appl. included, Spacious 2 & 3 bdrm., with garages, 541-504-7755.


Apt./Multiplex General

541-383-9313 Professionally managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc.

Nice 2 bdrm., 2 bath duplex close to amenities, walk-in closet, gas fireplace, deck, garage, no smoking/pets. $825 mo. 402-957-7261


Apt./Multiplex NW Bend River Views! 2 bdrm., 1½ bath, W/D hook-up. W/S/G paid, $650/mo. $600 dep. small pets allowed. 930 NW Carlon, 541-280-7188.


Apt./Multiplex Redmond 2 bedroom, 2 bath deluxe energy-efficient duplexes next to park. Appliances available. single garage. $650-$695 per month. 541-280-7781. ASK ABOUT OUR New Year Special! 2 bdrm., 1 bath, $550 mo. includes storage unit & carport. Close to schools, parks & shopping. On-site laundry, non-smoking units, dog run. Pet Friendly. OBSIDIAN APARTMENTS 541-923-1907 www.redmondrents.com

Call about Our Specials! Studios to 3 bedroom units from $415 to $575 • Lots of amenities. • Pet friendly • W/S/G paid THE BLUFFS APTS. 340 Rimrock Way, Redmond 541-548-8735 Managed by

GSL Properties

What are you looking for? You’ll find it in The Bulletin Classifieds

The Bulletin is now offering a Like New Duplex. Nice neighMORE AFFORDABLE Rental borhood. 2 Bdrm 2 bath, rate! If you have a home or 1-car garage, fenced, central apt. to rent, call a Bulletin heat & AC. Fully landscaped, Classified Rep. to get the $700+dep. 541-545-1825. new rates and get your ad started ASAP! 541-385-5809 Looking for 1, 2 or


Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 1 & 2 bdrms Available starting at $575. Reserve Now! Limited Availability.

Alpine Meadows 541-330-0719 Professionally managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc.

1st Mo. Free w/ 12 mo. lease Beautiful 2 bdrms in quiet complex, park-like setting, covered parking, w/d hookups, near St. Charles. $550$595/mo. 541-385-6928.

3 bedroom? $99 First mo. with 6 month lease & deposit Chaparral & Rimrock Apartments Clean, energy efficient smoking & non- smoking units, w/patios, 2 on-site laundry rooms, storage units available. Close to schools, pools, skateboard park and, shopping center. Large dog run, some large breeds okay with mgr. approval. & dep. 244 SW RIMROCK WAY

Where buyers meet sellers.

3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1 level, lots of light, new carpet, kitchen, bath, paint, A/C, dbl. garage, near St. Charles, great neighborhood, $1095, 541-306-4404

4 Bdrm 2.5 bath, 1700 sq ft. appls, fenced yd, on culdesac. No smoking. Pets? 2400 NE Jeni Jo Ct., near hospital. $1050. 503-680-9590

The Bulletin To Subscribe call 541-385-5800 or go to www.bendbulletin.com Available 2/1: 21370 Starling. 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath, dbl garage w/opener, fenced yard, auto sprinklers. $900/mo. + security deposit. 541-549-1671

Every day thousands of buyers and sellers of goods and services do business in these pages. They know you can’t beat The Bulletin Classified Section for selection and convenience - every item is just a phone call away.

Newer 3 Bdrm, 2 bath home for rent in NE Bend. Fireplace, 2 car garage. No smoking, no 3 Bdrm., 2 bath, dbl. deep gapets. $790 per month. Lv rage, fresh interior paint, msg at 541-441-8254 new Pergo, carpeted bdrms. Fully fenced w/deck. 1st & NOTICE: dep., $800. 503-997-7870. All real estate advertised here in is subject to the Fed- 4/2 Mfd 1605 sq.ft., family room with woodstove, new eral Fair Housing Act, which carpet, pad & paint, single makes it illegal to advertise garage w/opener. $895/mo. any preference, limitation or 541-480-3393,541-610-7803 discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national Adorable duplex in Canyon Rim Village, 3 bdrm, 2.5 origin, or intention to make bath. all appl., includes garany such preferences, limitadener. Reduced to $749/mo. tions or discrimination. We 541-408-0877. will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate Call The Bulletin At which is in violation of this 541-385-5809. law. All persons are hereby Place Your Ad Or E-Mail informed that all dwellings advertised are available on At: www.bendbulletin.com an equal opportunity basis. The Bulletin Classified 659

Houses for Rent Sunriver

541-385-5809 When buying a home, 83% of Central Oregonians turn to

call Classified 385-5809 to place your Real Estate ad Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com


Houses for Rent SE Bend 3 bdrm, 1 bath house with double and single garage. 20431 Clay Pigeon Ct., $800 mo. 1st/last, $400 refundable deposit. 541-388-2307.


Houses for Rent SW Bend 2 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home in quiet park, handicap ramp, carport, w/s/g paid., $600/mo. $250 deposit. 541-382-8244.

Reach thousands of readers!

Call 541-385-5809 to promote your service • Advertise for 28 days starting at $140 (This special package is not available on our website)



M. Lewis Construction, LLC "POLE BARNS" Built Right!


or call 503-378-4621. The Bulletin recommends checking with the CCB prior to contracting with anyone. Some other trades also require additional licenses and certifications.

Home & Commercial Repairs, Carpentry-Painting, Pressure-washing, Honey Do's. Small or large jobs. On-time promise. Senior Discount. All work guaranteed. 541-389-3361 or 541-771-4463 Bonded & Insured CCB#181595 Margo Construction LLC Since 1992 • Pavers •Carpentry •Remodeling • Decks • Window/Door Re placement • Int/Ext Paint CCB 176121 • 541-480-3179 Philip L. Chavez Contracting Services Specializing in Tile, Remodels & Home Repair, Flooring & Finish Work. CCB#168910 Phil, 541-279-0846 I DO THAT! Remodeling, Home Repairs, Professional & Honest Work. Commercial & Rental Repairs. CCB#151573 Dennis 317-9768

Landscaping, Yard Care Landscaping, Yard Care

More Than Service Peace Of Mind.

Snow Removal Reliable 24 Hour Service • Driveways • Walkways • Parking Lots • Roof Tops • De-Icing Have plow & shovel crew awaiting your call!

Landscape Management •Pruning Trees And Shrubs •Thinning Over Grown Areas •Removing Unwanted Shrubs •Hauling Debris Piles •Evaluate Seasonal Needs

NOTICE: OREGON Landscape Contractors Law (ORS 671) requires all businesses that advertise to perform Land scape Construction which in cludes: planting, decks, fences, arbors, water-fea tures, and installation, repair of irrigation systems to be li censed with the Landscape Contractors Board. This 4-digit number is to be in cluded in all advertisements which indicate the business has a bond, insurance and workers compensation for their employees. For your protection call 503-378-5909 or use our website: www.lcb.state.or.us to check license status before con tracting with the business. Persons doing landscape maintenance do not require a LCB license.

Painting, Wall Covering

Debris Removal


I Do Professional House cleaning: 25 yrs. exp., exc refs., Senior discounts! 541-420-0366

Drywall Complete Drywall Services Remodels & Repairs No Job Too Small. Free Exact Quotes. 541-408-6169 CAB# 177336

MARTIN JAMES European Professional Painter Repaint Specialist Oregon License #186147 LLC


Domestic Services Home Improvement Kelly Kerfoot Construction: 28 years exp. in Central OR, Quality & Honesty, from carpentry & handyman jobs, to quality wall covering installations & removal. Senior discounts, licenced, bonded, insured, CCB#47120 Call 541-389-1413 or 541-410-2422

(Private Party ads only)

On 10 acres, between Sisters & Bend, 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 1484 sq.ft. mfd., family room w/ wood stove, all new carpet & paint, + 1800 sq. ft. shop, fenced for horses, $1195. 541-480-3393, 541-610-7803


Farms, Ranches and Acreage Horse/Cow facility for lease 35 acres with 14 acres irrigated. 50’x50’ old barn; corrals & arena area. $400/mo. Call 541-419-1917


Commercial for Rent/Lease ATV - Snowmobile storage etc. Shop 22’x36’ block building w/3 rooms, between Redmond & Terrebonne. $250/mo. 541-419-1917

Light Industrial, various sizes, North and South Bend locations, office w/bath from $400/mo. 541-317-8717

Office / Warehouse space • 1792 sq ft 827 Business Way, Bend 30¢/sq ft; 1st mo + $200 dep Paula, 541-678-1404 Shop doors, TerreCall

Need help ixing stuff around the house? Call A Service Professional and ind the help you need. www.bendbulletin.com

The Bulletin offers a LOWER, MORE AFFORDABLE Rental rate! If you have a home to rent, call a Bulletin Classified Rep. to get the new rates and get your ad started ASAP! 541-385-5809 Warehouse with Offices in Redmond,6400 sq.ft., zoned M2, overhead crane, plenty of parking, 919 SE Lake Rd., $0.40/sq.ft., 541-420-1772.

Snow Removal d SNOW REMOVAL! d d LARGE OR SMALL, d WE DO IT ALL! 541-388-0158 • 541-420-0426 d www.bblandscape.com d

Tile, Ceramic Steve Lahey Construction Tile Installation Over 20 Yrs. Exp. Call For Free Estimate 541-977-4826•CCB#166678



Recreational Homes and Property

Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

Investor Alert!

2449 SW 34th St., Redmond 10 ACRES pines and meadow, 4 Bed, 2 Bath, 1599 Sq Ft power and phone available. home, Built in 2001. Curgood drilled well, zoned for rently rented for $1,000 per residence. 3 miles east of month. $104,900 town of Sprague River, Call Peter at 541-419-5391 $34,000. Terms: owner. for more info. 541-783-2829. www.GorillaCapital.com


FIND IT! Lots BUY IT! SELL IT! Arizona BIG BEAUTIFUL LOTS. The Bulletin Classiieds $99/mo., $0 down, $0 interest. Golf Course, National Parks. 1 hour from Tucson Looking for your next International Airport. Guaremployee? anteed financing. No Credit Place a Bulletin help Checks! 1-800-631-8164 wanted ad today and Code 4052. www.Sunreach over 60,000 SitesLandRush.com (PNDC) readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com 773

NEW & USED HOMES: Lot Models Delivered & Set Up Start at $29,900, www.JandMHomes.com 541-350-1782 Suntree, 3 bdrm,2 bath, w/car port & shed.$19,900. Suntree, 4 bdrm, 2 bath,w/carport & shed, $25,750, 541-350-1782 www.JAndMHomes.com

Your Credit Is Approved For Bank Foreclosures! www.JAndMHomes.com 541-350-1782

Where buyers meet sellers.


Acreages 755

OWN 20 Acres - Only $129/ month. $13,900 near growing El Paso, Texas. (America’s safest city) Low down, no credit checks, owner financing. Free Map/ Pictures. 800-343-9444. (PNDC)

Sunriver/La Pine Homes La Pine home on 1 acre. 4 bdrm., 2 bath, like new. All Offers Considered. www.odotproperty.com. 503-986-3638 Steve Eck.

The Classified Section is easy to use. Every item is categorized and every category is indexed on the section’s front page.

385-5809 The Bulletin Classified ***

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Check out the classiieds online www.bendbulletin.com Updated daily

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ARY 12








When it’s time to buy, sell or enhance your home‌ please choose the following valued advertisers:

Hayden Homes HiLine Homes Crooked River Realty Juniper Realty The Garner Group JBOT 0SFHPO M B US O F $ Duke Warner Realty UIBO G NPSF NFT P P I F I OUP U J E F JU *OW D&D Realty Group, LLC Bobbie Strome - John L. Scott Real Estate Heather Hocket - Century 21 Gold Country Realty LOOK FOR Redmond RE/MAX Land & Homes Real Estate PICTURE YOUR Budget Blinds of Central Oregon HOME Ginny Kansas-Meszaros - Steve Scott Realtors IN TODAY’S Cascade Sotheby’s International Realty BULLETIN! t


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PICTURE 5 TIMES MORE MARKET COVERAGE WITH THE NEW AND IMPROVED PICTURE YOUR HOME REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE. Now every property advertised in PYH will also run as an in-column ad for 4 Saturdays in The Bulletin’s Real Estate section and 4 weeks in The Central Oregon Nickel.

Ofice/Retail Space for Rent


Free Estimates Senior Discounts

Have an item to sell quick? If it’s under $500 you can place it in The Bulletin Classiieds for $ 10 - 3 lines, 7 days $ 16 - 3 lines, 14 days

Mobile/Mfd. for Rent

Chad L. Elliott Construction Brick * Block * Stone Small Jobs/Repairs Welcome L#89874. 388-7605, 410-6945

l Haul Away FREE For Salvage. Also Cleanups & Cleanouts Mel 541-389-8107



EXPERIENCED Commercial & Residential

Same Day Response

RIVERFRONT: walls of windows with amazing 180 degree river view with dock, canoe, piano, bikes, covered BBQ, $1250. 541-593-1414


Find exactly what you are looking for in the CLASSIFIEDS


Houses for Rent Furnished

RV-Boat Storage, etc. 36’x42’ with 2 roll-up between Redmond, & bonne. $400/mo. 541-419-1917.


CHECK YOUR AD Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes instructions over the phone are misunderstood and an error can occur in your ad. If this happens to your ad, please contact us the first day your ad appears and we will be happy to fix it as soon as we can. Deadlines are: Weekdays 12:00 noon for next day, Sat. 11:00 a.m. for Sunday; Sat. 12:00 for Monday. If we can assist you, please call us:


Redmond Homes


Call 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classifieds


PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, marital status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-877-0246. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.


Advertise your car! Add A Picture!

A newer 3/2 mfd. home, 1755 sq.ft., living room, family room, new paint, private .5 acre lot near Sunriver, $895. 541-480-3393, 541-610-7803.


Homes for Sale


To place your ad, visit www.bendbulletin.com or call 541-385-5809

3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1031 sq.ft., fenced yard, dbl. garage, $850/mo., $700 dep., pets neg., drive by first at 1526 NE 4th St., call 541-280-6235


Thousands of ads daily in print and online.

3 Bdrm, 2.5 bath+bonus, in Fieldstone Crossing, Redmond. Near schools. Community Pool. Furnished+all appl. avail 3/11. $1000+util. 907-738-1410.


Beautiful 2 bdrm., 2.5 bath util., garage, gas fireplace, no smoking or pets. $675 1st+last+sec. Please Call 541-382-5570,541-420-0579


fication is the perfect place to reach prospective B U Y E R S AND SELLERS of real estate in Central Oregon. To place an ad call 385-5809

682 - Farms, Ranches and Acreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 732 - Commercial/Investment Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740 - Condo/Townhomes for Sale 744 - Open Houses 745 - Homes for Sale 746 - Northwest Bend Homes 747 - Southwest Bend Homes 748 - Northeast Bend Homes 749 - Southeast Bend Homes 750 - Redmond Homes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - Jefferson County Homes 757 - Crook County Homes 762 - Homes with Acreage 763 - Recreational Homes and Property 764 - Farms and Ranches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land


Avail. Now 2-story townhouse 1407 sq. ft., 2 bdrm, 2.5 bath, garage, all appliances, washer/dryer, WSG paid. No pets/smoking. $750 mo + deposits. 541-389-7734.


541-480-3393, 541-610-7803


Across from St. Charles 2 Bedroom duplex, garage, huge fenced yard, RV parking, Pets. $725/mo. 541-480-9200.

NOTICE: Oregon state law requires anyone who contracts for construction work to be licensed with the Construction Contractors Board (CCB). An active license means the contractor is bonded and insured. Verify the contractor’s CCB license through the CCB Consumer Website


Real Estate Services

RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - Roommate Wanted 616 - Want To Rent 627 - Vacation Rentals & Exchanges 630 - Rooms for Rent 631 - Condo/Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SE Bend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648 - Houses for Rent General 650 - Houses for Rent NE Bend 652 - Houses for Rent NW Bend 654 - Houses for Rent SE Bend 656 - Houses for Rent SW Bend 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 660 - Houses for Rent La Pine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space


2 Bdrm, lovely unit, private patio, small, quiet complex, W/S/G paid, no smoking, $525+ dep, 1000 NE Butler Mkt. Rd. 541-633-7533

new paint. Pets OK. Potential office. $1195 1st/last/security deposit. 541-948-4531


Chaparral, 541-923-5008 www.redmondrents.com

Garages, shops, hay sheds, arenas, custom decks, fences, interior finish work, & concrete. Free estimates CCB#188576•541-604-6411


Houses for Rent Redmond

Houses for Rent * Real Estate Agents * Secure 10x20 Storage, in $99 MOVES YOU IN !!! Limited numbers available * Appraisers * NE Bend 3/2 1385 sq. ft., family room, SE Bend, insulated, 24-hr 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. * Home Inspectors * new carpet & paint, nice big access, $95/month, Call W/D hookups, patios or decks, Etc. 2 blocks from DT, 4 Bdrm, 1.5 yard, dbl. garage w/opener, Rob, 541-410-4255. Mountain Glen, bath, fenced yd. W/D, shed, quiet cul-de-sac. $995 The Real Estate Services classi-

Vacation Rentals and Exchanges 528


Houses for Rent General

Fox Hollow Apts.


Storage Rentals

Look at: Bendhomes.com for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale

Loans and Mortgages


Apt./Multiplex NE Bend


Finance & Business

455 Sq.ft. Office Space, high visibility on Highland Ave in Redmond, $400 per mo. incl. W/S/G, Please Call 541-419-1917.

An Office with bath, various sizes and locations from $250 per month, including utilities. 541-317-8717 Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classiieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809

Downtown Redmond Retail/Office space, 947 sq ft. $650/mo + utils; $650 security deposit. 425 SW Sixth St. Call Norb, 541-420-9848

People Look for Information About Products and Services Every Day through

The Bulletin Classifieds

THATS AN IMPRESSIVE 300,000 ADDITIONAL PRINT IMPRESSIONS FOR FREE! Plus, Picture Your Home will be appear on bendbulletin.com in the Special Projects section. Viewers can view the entire book online and click on active web-links!

WANT EVEN MORE VALUE? PICTURE THIS! On the second Saturday of every month, The Bulletin will publish a quarter page, full color directory - highlighting every participating Realtor in Picture Your Home.

Picture Your Home Publishes every second Saturday, it is inserted in The Bulletin (over 32,000), plus thousands of additional copies are distributed in racks throughout Central Oregon. Call your Advertising Representative today at


Advertising Rates: Full Page (6.833� x 9.126�) ......................... $179 1/2 Page 6.833� x 4.479�) ........................... $110 Back Page.................................................... $450 Front Page Ad Box ....................................... $300 (includes 1/2 page inside) All ads include full color

F4 Friday, January 28, 2011 • THE BULLETIN

To place an ad call Classiied • 541-385-5809










Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE Housing Works will hold a Board Meeting on Wednesday, February 9th, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. in the Board Room of Housing Works, located at 405 SW 6th Street, Redmond, OR 97756, and with electronic communications with Board members. Principal subjects anticipated to be considered include general business. A draft agenda for the meeting will be posted under Legal Notices on the Housing Works web site www.housing-works.org. If you have any questions or need special accommodations, please contact Rebecca Thomas at (541) 323-7402. For special assistance due to motion, vision, speech and hearing disabilities, the toll free number of Qwest's services for customers with disabilities is 1-800-223-3131. Cyndy Cook, Executive Director Housing Works (abn Central Oregon Regional Housing Authority) LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Permit Amendment T-11138 T 11138 filed by the City of Bend, Attn. Patrick Griffiths, 62975 Boyd Acres Road, Bend, OR 97701, proposes four additional points of appropriation under Permits G-16177 and G-16178. Permit G-16177 allows the use of 12.0 cubic feet per second (priority date August 27, 1992) from three wells in Sec. 33, T 17 S, R 12 E, W.M. (Deschutes River Basin) for municipal use within the service boundary of the City of Bend. Permit G-16178 allows the use of 12.0 cubic feet per second (priority date August 27, 1992) from three wells in Sec. 33, T 17 S, R 12 E, W.M. (Deschutes River Basin) for municipal use within the service boundary of the City of Bend. The applicant proposes four additional points of appropriation between approximately 2.9 and 4.8 miles within Sec. 3, T 18 S, R 11 E W.M. and Sects. 16 and 20, T 18 S, R 12 E, W.M. The Water Resources Department has concluded that the proposed permit amendment appears to be consistent with the requirements of ORS 537.211. The last date of newspaper publication is February 11, 2011. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SEIZURE FOR FORFEITURE Notice to Potential Claimant Read Carefully ! ! If you have any interest in the seized property described in this notice, you must claim that interest or you will automatically lose that interest. If you do not file a claim for the property, the property may be forfeited even if you are not convicted of any crime. To claim an interest, you must file a written claim with the forfeiture counsel named below. The written claim must be signed by you, sworn to under penalty of perjury before a notary public, and state: (a) Your true name; (b) The address at which you will accept future mailings from the court and forfeiture counsel; and (3) A statement that you have an interest in the seized property. Your deadline for filing the claim document with the forfeiture counsel named below is 21 days from the last publication date of this notice. This notice will be published on four successive weeks, beginning January 14, 2011 and ending February 4,2011 . If you have any questions, you should see an attorney immediately. FORFEITURE COUNSEL: Asset Forfeiture Counsel, Oregon Department of Justice 610 Hawthorne Avenue, S.E., Suite 210, Salem, OR 97301 Phone: (503) 378-6347 SEIZING AGENCY: Oregon State Police CASE #: 10-479537 Address: 255 Capitol St. NE, 4th floor, Salem, OR 97310 Phone: 503-378-3720 NOTICE OF REASON FOR SEIZURE FOR FORFEITURE: The property described in this notice was seized for forfeiture because it: (1) Constitutes the proceeds of the violation of, solicitation to violate, attempt to violate, or conspiracy to violate, the criminal laws of the State of Oregon regarding the manufacture, distribution, or possession of controlled substances (ORS Chapter 475); and/or (2) Was used or intended for use in committing or facilitating the violation of, solicitation to violate, attempt to violate, or conspiracy to violate the criminal laws of the State of Oregon regarding the manufacture, distribution or possession of controlled substances (ORS Chapter 475).

PROPERTY SEIZED FOR FORFEITURE: U.S. Currency $8,760.00 DATE PROPERTY SEIZED: 12/12/10 PERSON FROM WHOM PROPERTY SEIZED: Norman John Hull and Rhiannon Joy Hull For further information concerning the seizure and forfeiture of the property described in this notice contact: Oregon State Police Drug Enforcement Section, Asset Forfeiture Unit 255 Capitol St. NE, 4th Floor; Salem, OR 97310 Phone: (503) 934-0161 LEGAL NOTICE Project: Central Oregon Community College Science Building Skanska Contact: Todd Predmore, phone #503-641-2500, e-mail: todd.predmore@skanska.com BID DATE and Time: Feb. 10th, 2011 at 2:00pm Prevailing wage/BOLI requirements apply. For information on how to obtain Bonding, Insurance, or lines of credit, contact Allied Insurance at (510) 578-2000 or Skanska USA Building, Inc. Skanska is an equal opportunity employer and actively requests bids from all DBE, MBE, WBE, and ESB firms as well as all SBA recognized firms including VOSB, HUBzone, SDB, WOSB, and SDVB.

Ad Run Date(s): Jan. 28, Feb. 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHED NOTICE OF SEIZURE AND NON-JUDICIAL FORFEITURE On December 6, 2010, at SR 299 West of East Fork Road, Trinity County, California, California Highway Patrol officers seized property for forfeiture in connection with alleged controlled substance violations: Health and Safety Code Section 11359. The estimated/appraised value of the property is $2,850.00. The seized property is described as follows: $2,850.00 U. S. Currency Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 11488.4(j), the District Attorney of Trinity County has initiated proceedings to forfeit the property listed above. If you claim an interest in this property, you must, within thirty (30) days of the first publication of this Notice, file a verified claim with Court Services, Superior Court, Courthouse, 11 Court Street, Weaverville, California. In this claim, you must specify your interest in the seized property and the basis or origin of each such specific interest. You must also provide a copy of the claim filed to the Trinity County District Attorney, P.O. Box 310, 11 Court Street, Weaverville, California. If your claim is not timely filed, the District Attorney's Office will declare the property listed above to be forfeited to the State of California and will dispose of it as provided in Health and Safety Code Section 11489. Control No. F-089-175-10 has been assigned to this case. Use this number in any correspondence with the Court and the Trinity County District Attorney's Office. LEGAL NOTICE The Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes has appointed the undersigned personal representative of the Estate of Bruno De Block, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same, with proper vouchers to the personal representative at: 19624 Apache Road Bend, OR 97702 within four months from the date of first publication of this notice as stated below, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by this proceeding may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the attorney for the personal representative. Dated and first published: January 21, 2011. Personal Representative: Laura De Block 19624 Apache Rd. Bend, OR 97702 Attorneys for Petitioner: Bryan W. Gruetter, OSB # 861985 Joseph S. Walsh, OSB # 065427 300 SW Columbia St. Ste. 203 Bend, OR 97702 541-585-1140

LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Loan No: 1218035567 T.S. No.: 10-10669-6 Reference is made to that certain Deed of Trust made by, WILLIAM J. WALTON III, AND JULI A. WALTON, HUSBAND AND WIFE as Grantor to NORTHWEST TRUSTEE SERVICES, as trustee, in favor of UNION FEDERAL BANK OF INDIANAPOLIS, as Beneficiary, recorded on February 1, 2005. as Instrument No. 2005-06457 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Deschutes County, OR to wit: APN: 192128 LOT SIX (6), TANGLEWOOD PHASE VI. DESCHUTES COUNTY. OREGON. Commonly known as: 834 SE SHADOWOOD DRIVE, BEND. OR Both the Beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said Deed of Trust and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.735(3} of Oregon Revised Statutes: the default for which the foreclosure is made is that the grantor(s): failed to pay payments which became due; together with late charges due; defaulted amounts total:$13,829.65 By this reason of said default the Beneficiary has declared all obligations secured by said deed of trust immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to wit: The sum of $359,600.00 together with interest thereon at the rate of 5.75000% per annum from June 1, 2010 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon; and all trustee's fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advanced by the Beneficiary pursuant to the terms of said deed of trust. Whereof, notice hereby is given that FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, the undersigned trustee will on April 29, 2011 at the hour of 11:00 AM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, at the front entrance of the Courthouse, 1164 N.W. Bond Street, Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution of the said Deed of Trust, together with any interest which the grantor or his successor(s) in interest acquired after the execution of said Deed of Trust, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.753 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee's or attorney's fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Deed of Trust, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, 17592 E. 17th Street, Suite 300, Tustin, CA 92780 714-508-5100 SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ON LINE AT www.fidelityasap.com AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 714-259-7850 In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said Deed of Trust, the words "trustee" and 'Beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Dated: December 29, 2010 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, Trustee Juan Enriquez, Authorized Signature ASAP# 3868705 01/07/2011, 01/14/2011, 01/21/2011, 01/28/2011 LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Loan No: 0081340325 T.S. No.: 10-12427-6 Reference is made to that certain Deed of Trust made by, ROBERT E. KAVANAUGH AND SHERRY L. KAVANAUGH as Grantor to FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INS CO, as trustee, in favor of WELLS FARGO BANK NA, as Beneficiary, recorded on December 14, 2007, as Instrument No. 2007-63904 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Deschutes County, OR to wit: APN: 250887 LOT TWENTY-ONE (21), WESTBROOK VILLAGE, PHASE II, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly known as: 61650 VEGA STREET, BEND, OR

Both the Beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said Deed of Trust and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.735(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes: the default for which the foreclosure is made is that the grantor(s): failed to pay payments which became due; together with late charges due; defaulted amounts total:$10,216.35 By this reason of said default the Beneficiary has declared all obligations secured by said deed of trust immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to wit: The sum of $261,965.71 together with interest thereon at the rate of 6.00000% per annum from July 1,2010 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon; and all trustee's fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advanced by the Beneficiary pursuant to the terms of said deed of trust. Whereof, notice hereby is given that FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, the undersigned trustee will on April 27, 2011 at the hour of 11:00 AM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, at the front entrance of the Courthouse, 1164 N.W. Bond Street, Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution of the said Deed of Trust, together with any interest which the grantor or his successor(s) in interest acquired after the execution of said Deed of Trust, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby ' secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.753 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee's or attorney's fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Deed of Trust, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, 17592 E. 17th Street, Suite 300, Tustin, CA 92780 714508-5100 SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ON LINE AT www.fidelityasap.com AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 714-259-7850 In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said Deed of Trust, the words "trustee" and 'Beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Dated: December 29, 2010 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, Trustee Juan Enriquez, Authorized Signature ASAP# 3868786 01/07/2011, 01/14/2011, 01/21/2011, 01/28/2011


LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Loan No: xxxxxx5311 T.S. No.: 1311107-09. Reference is made to that certain deed made by Robert Hopper and Debra F. Hopper, Husband And Wife, as Grantor to Western Title and Escrow Company, as Trustee, in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. As Nominee For Greater Northwest Mortgage, Inc., as Beneficiary, dated March 09, 2007, recorded March 15, 2007, in official records of Deschutes, Oregon in book/reel/volume No. xx at page No. xx, fee/file/Instrument/microfilm/reception No. 2007-15538 covering the following described real property situated in said County and State, to-wit: Unit 11, Greyhawk Condominiums, Deschutes County, Oregon, described in and subject to that certain declaration of condominium ownership for Greyhawk Condominiums recorded February 1, 2007 in volume 2007, page 06945, Deschutes County Official Records, together with the limited and general common elements set forth therein appertaining to said unit Commonly known as: 1445 Northwest Juniper Street #11 Bend OR 97701. Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.735(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes: the default for which the foreclosure is made is the grantor's: Failure to pay the monthly payment due September 1, 2010 of principal and interest and subsequent installments due thereafter; plus late charges; together with all subsequent sums advanced by beneficiary pursuant to the terms and conditions of said deed of trust. Monthly payment $515.69 Monthly Late Charge $25.78. By this reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all obligations secured by said Deed of Trust immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to-wit; The sum of $75,544.72 together with interest thereon at 6.875% per annum from August 01, 2010 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon; and all trustee's fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advance by the beneficiary pursuant to the terms and conditions of the said deed of trust. Whereof, notice hereby is given that, Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation the undersigned trustee will on April 28, 2011 at the hour of 1:00pm, Standard of Time, as established by Section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statutes, At the Bond Street entrance to Deschutes County Courthouse 1164 NW Bond, City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expense of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.753 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee's and attorney's fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tender-

ing the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" includes their respective successors in interest, if any. Dated: December 23, 2010. Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation 525 East Main Street P.O. Box 22004 El Cajon CA 92022-9004 Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation Signature/By: Tammy Laird R-361526 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11 LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Loan No: 0150587897 T.S. No.: 10-12634-6 Reference is made to that certain Deed of Trust made by, CARL WALLACE AND MARY WALLACE, AS TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETY as Grantor to FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, as trustee, in favor of WELLS FARGO BANK NA, as Beneficiary, recorded on March 3, 2006, as Instrument No. 2006-14891 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Deschutes County, OR to wit: APN: 202702 PARCEL 2 OF PARTITION PLAT 2001-21, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 12 EAST, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly known as: 21825 BEAR CREEK ROAD, BEND, OR Both the Beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said Deed of Trust and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.735(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes: the default for which the foreclosure is made is that the grantor(s): failed to pay payments which became due; together with late charges due; defaulted amounts total: $15,972.66 By this reason of said default the Beneficiary has declared all obligations secured by said deed of trust immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to wit: The sum of $489,372.62 together with interest thereon at the rate of 6.50000% per annum from July 1, 2010 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon; and all trustee's fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advanced by the Beneficiary pursuant to the terms of said deed of trust. Whereof, notice hereby is given that FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, the undersigned trustee will on May 13, 2011 at the hour of 11:00 AM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, at the front entrance of the Courthouse, 1164 N.W. Bond Street, Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution of the said Deed of Trust, together with any interest which the grantor or his successor(s) in interest acquired after the execution of said Deed of Trust, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.753 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the




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LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to O.R.S. 86.705 et seq. and O.R.S. 79.5010, et seq. Trustee's Sale No. 09-FAA-102093 NOTICE TO BORROWER: YOU SHOULD BE AWARE THAT THE UNDERSIGNED IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND THAT ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Reference is made to that certain Deed of Trust made by, ALWYN E. LYNCH AND MARGARET I. LYNCH, AS TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETY, as grantor, to AMERITITLE, as Trustee, in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR FIRST FRANKLIN FINANCIAL CORP., AN OP. SUB. OF MLB&T CO., FSB, as beneficiary, dated 5/23/2007, recorded 5/29/2007, under Instrument No. 2007-30269, records of DESCHUTES County, OREGON. The beneficial interest under said Trust Deed and the obligations secured thereby are presently held by Residential Credit Solutions, Inc.. Said Trust Deed encumbers the following described real property situated in said county and state, to-wit: LOT FORTY (40), VILLAGE POINTE, PHASE 2 AND 3, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. The street address or other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 2987 SOUTHWEST DESCHUTES AVENUE REDMOND, OR 97756 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the above street address or other common designation. Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due, the following sums: Amount due as of January 5, 2011 Delinquent Payments from March 01, 2010 11 payments at $ 1,928.74 each $ 21,216.14 (03-01-10 through 01-05-11) Late Charges: $ 771.45 Beneficiary Advances: $ 1,178.50 Suspense Credit: $ 0.00 TOTAL: $ 23,166.09 ALSO, if you have failed to pay taxes on the property, provide insurance on the property or pay other senior liens or encumbrances as required in the note and deed of trust, the beneficiary may insist that you do so in order to reinstate your account in good standing. The beneficiary may require as a condition to reinstatement that you provide reliable written evidence that you have paid all senior liens or encumbrances, property taxes, and hazard insurance premiums. These requirements for reinstatement should be confirmed by contacting the undersigned Trustee. By reason of said default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said trust deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following: UNPAID PRINCIPAL BALANCE OF $246,485.64, PLUS interest thereon at 8.45% per annum from 02/01/10 to 8/1/2010, 8.45% per annum from 8/1/2010, until paid, together with escrow advances, foreclosure costs, trustee fees, attorney fees, sums required for the protection of the property and additional sums secured by the Deed of Trust. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee, will on May 6, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM, in accord with the standard of time established by ORS 187.110, at FRONT ENTRANCE TO THE DESCHUTES COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 1164 NW BOND STREET, BEND, County of DESCHUTES, State of OREGON, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the interest in the said described property which the grantor had, or had the power to convey, at the time of the execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the same. DATED: 1/5/2011 REGIONAL TRUSTEE SERVICES CORPORATION Trustee By KAREN JAMES, AUTHORIZED AGENT 616 1st Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: (206) 340-2550 Sale Information: http://www.rtrustee.com ASAP# 3875264 01/21/2011, 01/28/2011, 02/04/2011, 02/11/2011

Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee's or attorney's fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Deed of Trust, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, 17592 E. 17th Street, Suite 300, Tustin, CA 92780 714Â508-5100 SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ON LINE AT www.lpsasap.com AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 714-730 - 2727 In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said Deed of Trust, the words "trustee" and "Beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Dated: January 8, 2011 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, Trustee Juan Enriquez, Authorized Signature ASAP# 3879191 01/14/2011, 01/21/2011, 01/28/2011, 02/04/2011 LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Loan No: 1218081178 T.S. No.: 10-10564-6 Reference is made to that certain Deed of Trust made by, PETER M. BAUGHMAN AND MONICA BAUGHMAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AND TODD LIKENS as Grantor to NORTHWEST TRUSTEE SERVICES, as trustee, in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., as Beneficiary, recorded on December 22, 2005, as Instrument No, 2005-88100 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Deschutes County, OR to wit: APN: 158751 UNIT SIX (6), OF HAWTHORNE TOWNHOMES PHASE 1, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON, TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN AND TO THE COMMON ELEMENTS APPERTAINING TO SAID UNIT AS SET FORTH IN DECLARATION OF UNIT OWNERSHIP, RECORDED APRIL 13, 1979, IN BOOK 296, PAGE 944, DEED RECORDS Commonly known as: 111 NW HAWTHORNE AVE #6, BEND, OR Both the Beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said Deed of Trust and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86,735(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes: the default for which the foreclosure is made is that the grantor(s): failed to pay payments which became due; together with late charges due; defaulted amounts total:$11,785.58 By this reason of sard default the Beneficiary has declared all obligations secured by said deed of trust immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to wit: The sum of $234,654.05 together with interest thereon at the rate of 6.62500% per annum from May 1, 2010 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon; and all trustee's fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advanced by the Beneficiary pursuant to the terms of said deed of trust. Whereof, notice hereby is given that FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, the undersigned trustee will on April 29, 2011

at the hour of 11:00 AM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, at the front entrance of the Courthouse, 1164 N.W. Bond Street, Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution of the said Deed of Trust, together with any interest which the grantor or his successor(s) in interest acquired after the execution of said Deed of Trust, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.753 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due {other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee's or attorney's fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Deed of Trust, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, 17592 E. 17th Street, Suite 300, Tustin, CA 92780 714508-5100 SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ON LINE AT www.fidelityasap.com AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 714-259-7850In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said Deed of Trust, the words "trustee" and "Beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Dated: December 29, 2010 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, Trustee Javier Vasquez, Jr., Authorized Signature ASAP# 3870263 01/07/2011, 01/14/2011, 01/21/2011, 01/28/2011 LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Loan No: 0111166534 T.S. No.: 10-12121-6 Reference is made to that certain Deed of Trust made by, DAVID P. MCNIFF AND JUNE MCNIFF, HUSBAND AND WIFE as Grantor to FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INS CO., as trustee, in favor of Wells Fargo Bank, NA, as Beneficiary, recorded on November 5, 2009, as Instrument No. 2009-46870 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Deschutes County, OR to wit: APN: 144159 LOT SEVENTEEN (17), BLOCK EIGHTEEN (18), SECOND ADDITION TO WHISPERING PINES ESTATES, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly known as: 65528 93RD ST., BEND, OR Both the Beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said Deed of Trust and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.735(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes: the default for which the foreclosure is made is that the grantor(s): failed to pay payments which became due; together with late charges due; defaulted

amounts total: $10,829.03 By this reason of said default the Beneficiary has declared all obligations secured by said deed of trust immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to wit: The sum of $305,695.50 together with interest thereon at the rate of 5.62500% per annum from July 1, 2010 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon; and all trustee's fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advanced by the Beneficiary pursuant to the terms of said deed of trust. Whereof, notice hereby is given that FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, the undersigned trustee wilt on April 18, 2011 at the hour of 11:00 AM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, at the front entrance of the Courthouse, 1164 N.W. Bond Street, Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution of the said Deed of Trust, together with any interest which the grantor or his successor(s) in interest acquired after the execution of said Deed of Trust, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.753 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee's or attorney's fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Deed of Trust, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, 17592 E. 17th Street, Suite 300, Tustin, CA 92780 714-508-5100 SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ON LINE AT www.fidelityasap.com AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 714-259-7850 In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said Deed of Trust, the words "trustee" and "Beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, Trustee Dated: December 29, 2010 Juan Enriquez, Authorized Signature ASAP# 3868801 01/07/2011, 01/14/2011, 01/21/2011, 01/28/2011




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LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing instrument shall constitute notice, pursuant to ORS 86.740, that the Grantor of the Trust Deed described below has defaulted on its obligations to beneficiary, and that the Beneficiary and Successor Trustee under the Trust Deed have elected to sell the property secured by the Trust Deed: TRUST DEED AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: This instrument makes reference to that certain Trust Deed, Security Agreement, and Assignment of Leases and Rents dated October 4, 2007, and recorded on October 4, 2007, as instrument number 2007-53577, in the Official Records of Deschutes County, State of Oregon, wherein ARROWOOD TETHEROW, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, is the Grantor and WEST COAST TITLE COMPANY is the Trustee, and WESTON INVESTMENT CO. LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, is the Beneficiary, as amended by an Amendment to Trust Deed dated February 16, 2010 and recorded on May 14, 2010, as instrument number 2010-18974, in the Official Records of Deschutes County, State of Oregon (the "Trust Deed"). The aforementioned Trust Deed covers property (the "Property") described as: Tract AC, TETHEROW PHASE 1, filed September 24, 2007, Plat Cabinet H, Page 470, Deschutes County, Oregon. The tax parcel number is: 260624. The undersigned hereby certifies that she has no knowledge of any assignments of the Trust Deed by the Trustee or by the Beneficiary or any appointments of a Successor Trustee other than the appointment of DENISE J. LUKINS, Esq., as Successor Trustee as recorded in the property records of the county in which the Property described above is situated. Further, the undersigned certifies that no action has been instituted to recover the debt, or any part thereof, now remaining secured by the Trust Deed. Or, if such action has been instituted, it has been dismissed except as permitted by ORS 86.735(4). The name and address of Successor Trustee are as follows: Denise J. Lukins, Esq., Successor Trustee, Salmon Creek Law Offices, 1412 NE 134th Street, Suite 130, Vancouver, WA 98685. The Trust Deed is not a "Residential Trust Deed", as defined in ORS 86.705(3), thus the requirements of Chapter 19, Section 20, Oregon Laws 2008, and Chapter 864 [S.B. 628], Oregon Laws 2009, do not apply. DEFAULT BY BORROWER: There are continuing and uncured defaults by Arrowood Tetherow, LLC (the "Borrower") that, based on the provisions of the Trust Deed, authorize the foreclosure of the Trust Deed and the sale of the Property described above, which uncured and continuing defaults include but are not necessarily limited to the following: 1. Borrower's failure to pay to Beneficiary, when and in the full amounts due, payments as set forth on the Agreement for Letter of Credit dated and effective October 5, 2007, as amended by Amendment to Agreement for Letter of Credit dated December 15, 2009, secured by said Trust Deed. Borrower has failed to pay Beneficiary payments totaling $2,475,316.81 as of October 19, 2010. The full $2,475,316.81 is now due and payable along with all costs and fees associated with this foreclosure. Letter of Credit fees continue to accrue at $2,856.99 per diem. 2. As to the defaults which do not involve payment of money to the Beneficiary of the Trust Deed, you must cure each such default. Listed below are the defaults which do not involve payment of money to the Beneficiary of the Trust Deed. Opposite each such listed default is a brief description of the action necessary to cure the default and a description of the documentation necessary to show that the default has been cured. The list does not exhaust all possible other defaults; any and all defaults identified by Beneficiary or the Successor Trustee that are not listed below must also be cured. OTHER DEFAULT/ Description of Action Required to Cure and Documentation Necessary to Show Cure: Non-Payment of Taxes and/or Assessments. Deliver to Successor Trustee written proof that all taxes and assessments against the Real Property are paid current. Permitting liens and encumbrances to attach to the Property, including a deed of trust by Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, P.C.; a deed of trust by First American Title Insurance Company; and a judgment by Hotel Financial Strategies. Deliver to Successor Trustee written proof that all liens and encumbrances against the Real Property have been satisfied and released from the public record. ELECTION TO SELL: Notice is hereby given that the Beneficiary, by reason of the uncured and continuing defaults described above, has elected and does hereby elect to foreclose said Trust Deed by advertisement and sale pursuant to ORS 86.735 et seq., and to cause to be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the Grantor's interest in the subject Property, which the Grantor had, or had the power to convey, at the time the Grantor executed the Trust Deed in favor of the Beneficiary, along with any interest the Grantor or the Grantor's successors in interest acquired after the execution of the Trust Deed, to satisfy the obligations secured by the Trust Deed as well as the expenses of the sale, including compensation of the Trustee as provided by law, and the reasonable fees of Trustee's attorneys. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the sale will be held at the hour of 10:00 a.m., in accordance with the standard of time established by ORS 187.110, on Friday, March 18, 2011, on the front steps of the main entrance to the Deschutes County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond Street, Bend, Oregon 97701. RIGHT OF REINSTATEMENT: Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five (5) days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed satisfied by (A) payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due, other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred, together with the costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the terms of the obligation, as well as Successor Trustee and attorney fees as prescribed by ORS 86.753); and (B) by curing all such other continuing and uncured defaults as noted in this Notice. DATED: October 20, 2010. By: Denise J. Lukins, Esq., OSB 95339, Successor Trustee, Salmon Creek Law Offices, 1412 NE 134th St Ste 130, Vancouver WA 98685. Telephone: (360) 576-5322. Facsimile: (360) 576-5342. Email: dlukins@salmoncreeklawoffices.com.

To place an ad call Classiied • 541-385-5809 Boats & RV’s

800 850


Cargo Plus Snowmobile/ ATV Trailer 1996, Single axel w/ spare,rear/side ramps, $650, Dave, 541-593-2247, 8-5.

Yamaha Snowmobiles & Trailer, 1997 700 Triple, 1996 600, Tilt Trailer, front off-load, covers for snowmobiles, clean & exc. cond., package price, $3800, 541-420-1772.


Motorcycles And Accessories CRAMPED FOR CASH? Use classified to sell those items you no longer need. Call 385-5809

Harley Davidson Heritage Soft Tail 2009, 400 mi., extras incl. pipes, lowering kit, chrome pkg., $16,900 OBO. 541-944-9753

Harley Davidson Police Bike 2001, low mi., custom bike very nice.Stage 1, new tires & brakes, too much to list! A Must See Bike $10,500 OBO. 541-383-1782

Harley Davidson Screamin’ Eagle Electric-Glide 2005, 103” motor, 2-tone, candy teal, 18,000 miles, exc. cond. $19,999 OBO, please call 541-480-8080.

Harley Davidson Ultra Classic 2008, clean, lots of upgrades, custom exhaust, dual control heated gloves & vest, luggage access. 15K, $17,000 OBO 541-693-3975.

THE BULLETIN • Friday, January 28, 2011 F5





Boats & Accessories


Travel Trailers

Fifth Wheels

Autos & Transportation

Everest 32’ 2004, 3


12’ Navy fiberglass boat, $200 or trade for ??? 541-388-1533 17½’ 2006 BAYLINER 175 XT Ski Boat, 3.0L Merc, mint condition, includes ski tower w/2 racks - everything we have, ski jackets adult and kids several, water skis, wakeboard, gloves, ropes and many other boating items. $11,300 OBO . 541-417-0829 19’ Blue Water Executive Overnighter 1988, very low hours, been in dry storage for 12 years, new camper top, 185HP I/O Merc engine, all new tires on trailer, $7995 OBO, 541-447-8664.

20.5’ 2004 Bayliner 205 Run About, 220 HP, V8, open bow, exc. cond., very fast w/very low hours, lots of extras incl. tower, Bimini & custom trailer, $19,500. 541-389-1413

20.5’ Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO. 541-379-3530 Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please see Class 875. 541-385-5809

Find It in

Beaver Patriot 2000, Walnut cabinets, solar, Bose, Corian, tile, 4 door fridge., 1 slide, w/d, $99,000. 541-215-0077

slides, island kitchen, air, surround sound, micro., full oven, more, in exc. cond., 2 trips on it, 1 owner, like new, REDUCED NOW $26,000. 541-228-5944

Gearbox 30’ 2005, all the bells & whistles, sleeps 8, 4 queen beds, reduced to $17,000, 541-536-8105

Bounder 34’ 1994, only JAYCO 31 ft. 1998 slideout, upgraded model, exc. cond. 18K miles, 1 owner, garage kept, rear walk round queen island bed, TV’s,leveling hyd. jacks, backup camera, awnings, non smoker, no pets, must see to appreciate, too many options to list, won’t last long, $18,950, 541-389-3921,503-789-1202

Dodge Brougham Motorhome, 1977, Needs TLC, $1995, Pilgrim Camper 1981, Self contained, Cab-over, needs TLC, $595, 541-382-2335 or 503-585-3240. Gulfstream Scenic Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, Cummins 330 hp. diesel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 in. kitchen slide out, new tires, under cover, hwy. miles only, 4 door fridge/freezer icemaker, W/D combo, Interbath tub & shower, 50 amp. propane gen & more! $55,000. 541-948-2310.


The Bulletin

Houseboat 38x10, triple axle trailer, incl. private moorage w/24/7 security at Prineville resort. PRICE REDUCED, $21,500. 541-788-4844.

$10,500. 1-541-454-0437.

Hitchhiker II 2000 32’ 2 slides, very clean and in excellent condition. Only $18,000! (541) 410-9423, (541) 536-6116. 1/3 interest in Columbia 400, located at Sunriver. $150,000. Call 541-647-3718

Springdale 29’ 2007, slide, Bunkhouse style, sleeps 7-8, exc. cond., $16,900, 541-390-2504 Hitchiker II 32’ 1998 w/solar system, awnings, Arizona rm. great shape! $15,500 541-589-0767, in Burns. Weekend Warrior Toy Hauler 28’ 2007, Gen, fuel station,exc.

cond. sleeps 8, black/gray interior, used 3X, $29,900. 541-389-9188. Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com

Malibu Skier 1988, w/center pylon, low hours, always garaged, new upholstery, great fun. $9500. OBO. 541-389-2012.


Hurricane 2007 35.5’ like new, 3 slides, generator, dark cabinets, Ford V10, 4,650 mi $69,500 OBO. 541-923-3510

Grumman AA-5 Traveler, 1/4 interest, beautiful, clean plane, $9500, 619-822-8036 www.carymathis.blogspot.com

KOMFORT 27’ 2000 5th wheel trailer: fiberglass with 12’ slide. In excellent condition, has been stored inside. Only $13,500 firm. Call 541-536-3916.

Find exactly what you are looking for in the CLASSIFIEDS

Kwik Slide 5th whl hitch bought to fit Tundra 6½’ box. mat incl. $700 obo. 541-416-1810

Trucks and Heavy Equipment


Case 780 CK Extend-a-hoe, 120 HP, 90% tires, cab & extras, 11,500 OBO, 541-420-3277 Mobile Suites, 2007, 36TK3 with 3 slide-outs, king bed, ultimate living comfort, large kitchen, fully loaded, well insulated, hydraulic jacks and so much more. Priced to sell at $59,500! 541-317-9185


Fifth Wheels

The Bulletin Classifieds! 541-385-5809

GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809.


Aircraft, Parts and Service

TERRY 27’ 1995 5th wheel with big slide-out, generator and extras. Great rig in great cond. $9,900 OBO. 541-923-0231 days.

Alpha “See Ya” 30’ 1996, 2 slides, A/C, heat pump, exc. cond. for Snowbirds, solid oak cabs day & night shades, Corian, tile, hardwood. $14,900. 541-923-3417.

Look at: Bendhomes.com for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale

Cedar Creek 2006, RDQF. Loaded, 4 slides, 37.5’, king bed, W/D, 5500W gen., fireplace, Corian countertops, skylight shower, central vac, much more, like new, $43,000, please call 541-330-9149.


Canopies and Campers

Honda Shadow Deluxe American Classic Edition. 2002, black, perfect, garaged, 5,200 mi. $3495. 541-610-5799.


KTM 400 EXC Enduro 2006, like new cond, low miles, street legal, hvy duty receiver hitch basket. $4500. 541-385-4975

2 Wet-Jet personal water crafts, new batteries & covers, “SHORE“ trailer, incl spare & lights, $1995 for all. Bill 541-480-7930.

nets, exc interior. Great extra bdrm! Reduced to $5000. 541-480-3286

Ads published in "Watercraft" include: Kayaks, rafts and motorized personal watercrafts. For "boats" please see Class 870. 541-385-5809

When ONLY the BEST will do! 2003 Lance 1030 Deluxe Model Camper, loaded, phenomenal condition. $17,500. 2007 Dodge 6.7 Cummins Diesel 3500 4x4 long bed, 58K mi, $34,900. Or buy as unit, $48,500. 541-331-1160

Everest 2006 35' 3 slides/ awnings, island king bed, W/D, 2 roof air, built-in vac, pristine, reduced to $34,000 OBO 541-610-4472; 541-689-1351

Chevrolet Nova, 1976 2-door, 20,200 mi. New tires, seat covers, windshield & more. $5800. 541-330-0852. Chevy Corvette 1979, 30K mi., glass t-top, runs & looks great, $10,000,541-280-5677 Chevy Corvette 1980, yellow, glass removable top, 8 cyl., auto trans, radio, heat, A/C, new factory interior, black, 48K., exc. tires, factory aluminum wheels, asking $12,000, will consider fair offer & possible trade, 541-385-9350.



FIAT 1800 1978 5-spd., door panels w/flowers & hummingbirds, white soft top & hard top, Reduced to $5,500, 541-317-9319,541-647-8483

Ford Mustang Coupe 1966, original owner, V8, automatic, great shape, $9000 OBO. 530-515-8199

Ford T-Bird 1955, White soft & hard tops, new paint, carpet, upholstery, rechromed, nice! $32,000. 541-912-1833 Mercedes 380SL 1983, Convertible, blue color, new tires, cloth top & fuel pump, call for details 541-536-3962

Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories Bench seat split-back, out of a ‘92 Ford F-250, gray, $400 OBO. 541-419-5060/pics

Chevy Suburban 1969, classic 3-door, very


152K mi. on chassis, 4 spd. transmission, 250 6 cyl. engine w/60K, new brakes & master cylinder, $2500. Please call 503-551-7406 or 541-367-0800.

What are you looking for? You’ll find it in The Bulletin Classifieds

Mercedes-Benz 280c 1975 145k, good body & mechanical, fair interior, can email pics. $2950. 541-548-3628

Mercury Monterrey 1965, Exc. All original, 4-dr. sedan, in storage last 15 yrs., 390 High Compression engine, new tires & license, reduced to $3850, 541-410-3425.



Dodge 1500 XLT 4x4, 2007 w/ new hydraulic snow plow $6K new; 9,980 miles, many options, $19,900. 541-815-5000


clean, all original good condition, $5500, call 541-536-2792.

Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu 1971 Factory Stock Rear-end, complete. Excellent cond, $150/OBO. 541-504-9693


CHECK YOUR AD Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes instructions over the phone are mis understood and an error can occur in your ad. If this happens to your ad, please contact us the first day your ad appears and we will be happy to fix it as soon as we can. Deadlines are: Weekdays 12:00 noon for next day, Sat. 11:00 a.m. for Sunday; Sat. 12:00 for Monday. If we can assist you, please call us: 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified ***



4-dr., complete, $15,000 OBO, trades, please call 541-420-5453. Chrysler 300 Coupe 1967, 440 engine, auto. trans, ps, air, frame on rebuild, repainted original blue, original blue interior, original hub caps, exc. chrome, asking $10,000 or make offer. 541-385-9350.

MUST SELL due to death. 1970 Monte Carlo, all original, many extras. Sacrifice $6000. 541-593-3072

DODGE D-100 1962 ½ Ton, rebuilt 225 slant 6 engine. New glass, runs good, needs good home. $2700. 541-322-6261 Dodge Dakota 1989, 4x4, 5spd trans, 189K, new tires, straight body, 8' long bed. $1500 OBO. 541-815-9758

OLDS 98 1969 2 door hardtop, $1600. 541-389-5355 Advertise your car! Add A Picture! Reach thousands of readers!

Call 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classifieds

Dodge Ram 2001, short bed, nice wheels & tires, 86K, $5500 OBO, call 541-410-4354.

Cadillac El Dorado 1977, very beautiful blue, real nice inside & out, low mileage, $2500, please call 541-383-3888 for more information.

Corvette 1956, rebuilt 2006, 3 spd., 2, 4 barrel, 225 hp. Matching numbers $62,500, 541-280-1227.

New: 1776 CC engine, dual Dularto Carbs, trans, studded tires, brakes, shocks, struts, exhaust, windshield, tags & plates; has sheepskin seatcovers, Alpine stereo w/ subs, black on black, 25 mpg, extra tires. Only $3750 541-388-4302. Partial Trade.

Ford 2 Door 1949, 99% Complete, $14,000, please call 541-408-7348 for more information.


Motorcycle Trailer Kendon stand-up motorcycle trailer, torsion bar suspension, easy load and unload, used seldom and only locally. $1700 OBO. Call 541-306-3010.



VW Super Beetle 1974

Watercraft Travel Queen 34’ 1987 65K miles, oak cabi-


Antique and Classic Autos

Big Tex Landscaping/ ATV Trailer, dual axle flatbed, 7’x16’, 7000 lb. GVW, all steel, $1400. 541-382-4115, or 541-280-7024.

Antique and Classic Autos

COLLINS 18’ 1981, gooseneck hitch, sleeps 4, good condition, $1950. Leave message. 541-325-6934



Fleetwood Elkhorn 9.5’ 1999,

Marathon V.I.P. Prevost H3-40 Luxury Coach. Like new after $132,000 purchase & $130,000 in renovations. Only 129k orig. mi. 541-601-6350. Rare bargain at just $122,000. Look at : www.SeeThisRig.com

AUTOS & TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles

Antique and Classic Autos

Utility Trailers


extended overhead cab, stereo, self-contained,outdoor shower, TV, 2nd owner, exc. cond., non smoker, $8900 541-815-1523.

BOATS & RVs 805 - Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885 - Canopies and Campers 890 - RV’s for Rent

Hurry in today for great deals on all Suzuki models

Winnebago Class C 28’ 2003, Ford V10, 2 slides, 44k mi., A/C, awning, good cond., 1 owner. $37,000. 541-815-4121




AWD POLARIS PHOENIX 2005, 2X4, 200cc, new rear end, new tires, runs excellent, $1800 OBO, 541-932-4919.

Waverider Trailer, 2-place, new paint, rail covers, & wiring, good cond., $495, 541-923-3490.

Polaris Sportsman 2008, 800 CC, AWD,

2010 SUZUKI GRAND VITARA LIMITED Winnebago Itasca Horizon 2002, 330 Cat, 2 slides, loaded with leather. 4x4 Chevy Tracker w/tow bar available, exc. cond. $65,000 OBO. 509-552-6013.

4-wheeler, black in color, custom SS wheels/tires, accessories, exc. cond., 240 miles, $5500, 541-680-8975, leave msg.

STK.# Z09064 | VIN: 100239

STK.# Z10013 | VIN: 310189

STK.# Z10029 | VIN: 436180

MSRP ................................ $18,989 REBATE ........................... <$1,000> SMOLICH DISCOUNT........ <$991>

MSRP ................................ $26,565 REBATE ........................... <$2,000> SMOLICH DISCOUNT..... <$1,567>


Travel Trailers Forest River Sierra 1998, 26’, exc. cond, $6900, call 541-548-5886.



MSRP ................................ $27,048 REBATE ........................... <$1,750> SMOLICH DISCOUNT..... <$1,300>

881 YAMAHA 1998 230CC motor, 4WD, used as utility vehicle. excellent running condition. $2000 OBO. 541-923-4161 541-788-3896







$1,750 REBATE OR 0% APR for 60 Months

$1,000 REBATE OR 0% APR for 48 Months

$2,000 REBATE OR 0% APR for 60 Months




Motorhomes Yamaha Grizzly 2008 660 - WARN Winch, Fender Protectors, new winch rope, recent 150/160 hr service, Hunter Green $5,495 541-549-6996 (Sisters).



1998 Winnebago Itasca Sundancer 31 ft. 42,500 miles. Excellent Condition! Price: $25,000 541.325.1971



1865 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 541-389-1177 • smolichmotors.com

Where Buyers and Sellers Meet

s hicle e V y es t i rhom rt Util o o t p o S M ps • V’s • s R & Picku s t cycle r a o o t B o • rs • M biles e o l i m a r o T l Aut Trave • s ’ ATV

Thousands of ads daily in print and online To place your ad, visit www.bendbulletin.com or call 541-385-5809

F6 Friday, January 28, 2011 • THE BULLETIN

To place an ad call Classiied • 541-385-5809











Sport Utility Vehicles

Sport Utility Vehicles

Sport Utility Vehicles






Smolich Auto Mall

Smolich Auto Mall

Smolich Auto Mall

Smolich Auto Mall

Smolich Auto Mall

Smolich Auto Mall

Special Offer

Special Offer

Special Offer

Special Offer

Special Offer

Special Offer

Saab 9-3 SE 1999 convertible, 2 door, Navy with black soft top, tan interior, very good condition. $5200 firm. 541-317-2929.

Audi A4 Avant Quattro 2003 3.0L., 92K mi, garaged, serviced, silver, fully loaded, $8900. 541-420-9478

Ford CrewCab 7.3 Diesel Flatbed 2001 4x4, Vin #C48713

Only $9,999

Ford Explorer 4X4 2010

Chevy HHR LT 2006

Like NEW but cost effective! 13K Miles! Vin #A28369

VIN #644129

Now Only $9,999

Only $23,988


88K Miles! Vin #705275

Now Only $18,250

Audi S4 2005, 4.2 Avant Quattro, tiptronic, premium & winter wheels & tires, Bilstein shocks, coil over springs, HD anti sway, APR exhaust, K40 radar, dolphin gray, ext. warranty, 56K, garaged, $30,000. 541-593-2227



Honda CR-V 2003

700 Miles, LIKE NEW! VIN #153773

Vin #049531

Only $8,999

Now Only $17,988

541-389-1177 • DLR#366

541-749-4025 • DLR


AWD, leather, video system, 3.5 liter V6, loaded, 21,500 mi., $13,950. 541-382-3666

Ford F-150 2006, Triton STX, X-cab, 4WD, tow pkg., V-8, auto, reduced to $14,500 obo 541-554-5212,702-501-0600

Need help ixing stuff around the house? Call A Service Professional and ind the help you need. www.bendbulletin.com

Smolich Auto Mall


BMW M3 COUPE E36 1998, mint condition, adult owned, low miles, needs nothing, $12,500. 541-419-2181

Buick LeSabre 2004,

Jeep CJ5 1974, 304 cu. in., 3 spd manual, Warn electric. winch, tow bar, dual mount gas cans, game rack on rear. Very clean. $4,000. 541-419-7884

custom, 113k hwy miles, white, looks/drives perfect. $6000; also 1995 Limited LeSabre, 108k, leather, almost perfect, you’ll agree. $2900. Call 541-508-8522, or 541-318-9999.

Smolich Auto Mall Special Offer



FORD Pickup 1977, step side, 351 Windsor, 115,000 miles, MUST SEE! $4500. 541-350-1686

Dodge Durango AWD 2008

Jeep CJ7 1986 6-cyl, 4x4, 5-spd., exc. cond., consider trade, $7950, please call 541-593-4437.

48K Miles. VIN #124502

Now Only $17,988

Nissan Xterra 4X4 2004 55K Miles! Vin #631269

Now Only $16,595

Smolich Auto Mall Special Offer


smolichmotors.com 541-389-1178 • DLR

Ford Ranger 2004 Super Cab, XLT, 4X4, V6, 5-spd, A/C bed liner, tow pkg, 120K Like New! KBB Retail: $10,000 OBO 360-990-3223

smolichmotors.com 541-389-1177 • DLR#366 People Look for Information About Products and Services Every Day through

The Bulletin Classifieds

Smolich Auto Mall

Jeep Compass Limited AWD 2007

Porsche Cayenne Turbo 2008, AWD, 500HP, 21k mi., exc. cond, meteor gray, 2 sets of wheels and new tires, fully loaded, $69,000 OBO. 541-480-1884

36K Miles! Vin #396196

Smolich Auto Mall

Special Offer


Only $15,988

CHEVY CORVETTE 1998, 66K mi., 20/30 m.p.g., exc. cond., $16,000. 541- 379-3530


smolichmotors.com 541-749-4025 • DLR

Ford Ranger Super Cab 4x4 2003 67K Miles! Vin #B22460

Only $11,250

Dodge Journey 2009 36K Miles. VIN #195855

Price Reduced Now Only $13,989

Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 1998, like new, low mi., just in time for the snow, great cond., $7000, 541-536-6223.

Call The Bulletin At 541-385-5809. Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At: www.bendbulletin.com


smolichmotors.com 366


Chevy Gladiator 1993, great shape, great mileage, full pwr., all leather, auto, 4 captains chairs, fold down bed, fully loaded, $4500 OBO, call 541-536-6223.

Ford Diesel 2003 16 Passenger Bus, with wheelchair lift. $4,000 Call Linda at Grant Co. Transportation, John Day 541-575-2370

Ford Mustang Cobra 2003, SVT, perfect, super charged, 1700 mi., $25,000/trade for newer RV+cash,541-923-3567


Honda S 2000, 2002. Truly like new, 9K original owner miles. Black on Black. This is Honda’s true sports machine. I bought it with my wife in mind but she never liked the 6 speed trans. Bought it new for $32K. It has never been out of Oregon. Price $17K. Call 541-546-8810 8am-8pm.

Ford Mustang Convertible 2000, V6 with excellent maintenance records, 144K miles. Asking $4500, call for more information or to schedule a test drive, 208-301-4081.

Honda Accord EX 1990, in great cond., 109K original mi., 5 spd., 2 door, black, A/C, sun roof, snow tires incl., $3500. 541-548-5302

Chrysler 2005 Pacifica AWD, leather, video sys, 3.5 liter V6, loaded, 21,500 mi, $13,950. 541-382-3666

Chrysler Cordoba 1978, 360 cu. in. engine, $400. Lincoln Continental Mark VII 1990, HO engine, SOLD. 541-318-4641.

Honda Accord EX V6 2001 62k auto leather seats studs 6 cd sunroof roof rack optional Runs great!$8500 OBO 541-420-0049

NEED TO SELL A CAR? Call The Bulletin and place an ad today! Ask about our "Wheel Deal"! for private party advertisers 385-5809

Smolich Auto Mall

Call Classifieds! 541-385-5809. www.bendbulletin.com

Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V 2007 Very COOL! 25K Miles! Vin #715185

Now Only $14,777

Nice clean and fully serviced . Most come with 3 year, 36,000 mile warranty. Call The Guru: 382-6067 or visit us at www.subaguru.com The Bulletin recommends extra caution when purchasing products or services from out of the area. Sending cash, checks, or credit information may be subjected to F R A U D. For more information about an advertiser, you may call the Oregon State Attorney General’s Office Consumer Protection hotline at 1-877-877-9392.


The Bulletin NISSAN

smolichmotors.com 541-389-1178 • DLR


VOLKSWAGEN BUG 1965 Black , Excellent condition. Runs good. $6995. 541-416-0541.

speed, all wheel drive, no adverse history, new tires. Seal gray with light gray leather interior. $32,950. 503-351-3976

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com

MERCEDES C300 2008 New body style, 30,000 miles, heated seats, luxury sedan, CD, full factory warranty. $23,950.

Honda Civic LX 2006,


Toyota Tercel 1997 exc. cond, one owner, 136,300 miles, $3800, Please Call 541-815-3281.

PORSCHE CARRERA 4S 2003 - Wide body, 6

Mercedes 320SL 1995, mint. cond., 69K, CD, A/C, new tires, soft & hard top, $12,500. Call 541-815-7160.

Subaru Outback 2005 AWD, 4cyl, auto, lthr htd seats, 89K mi, reduced to $12,995 OBO 541-508-0214; 541-554-5212

Special Offer

Like buying a new car! 503-351-3976.

4-door, 53K miles, automatic, 34-mpg, exc. cond., $11,680. Please call 541-419-4018.

Smolich Auto Mall

Mitsubishi 3000 GT 1999, auto., pearl white, very low mi. $9500. 541-788-8218.

If you have a service to offer, we have a special advertising rate for you.

Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes instructions over the phone are misunderstood and an error can occur in your ad. If this happens to your ad, please contact us the first day your MAZDA MIATA 1992, black, ad appears and we will be 81k miles, new top, stock happy to fix it as soon as we throughout. See craigslist. can. Deadlines are: Week$4,990. 541-610-6150. days 12:00 noon for next Ford Mustang Convertible day, Sat. 11:00 a.m. for SunLX 1989, V8 engine, white day; Sat. 12:00 for Monday. w/red interior, 44K mi., exc. If we can assist you, please cond., $6995, 541-389-9188. call us: 385-5809 FIND IT! The Bulletin Classified BUY IT! *** SELL IT! Mazda Miata MX5 2003, silver w/black interior, 4-cyl., 5 The Bulletin Classiieds spd., A/C, cruise, new tires, 23K, $10,500, 541-410-8617.


Special Offer

541-749-4025 • DLR

541-389-1177 • DLR#366


Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classiieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809



smolichmotors.com 541-389-1178 • DLR

Special Offer

Ford F-350 Crew 4x4 2002. Triton V-10, 118k, new tires, wheels, brakes. Very nice. Just $14,700. 541-601-6350 Look: www.SeeThisRig.com

Mercedes V-12 Limousine. Hand crafted for Donald Trump. Cost: $1/2 million. Just $27k. 541.601.6350 Look: www.SeeThisRig.com



Chrysler 2005 Pacifica

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M O V I E S : ’The Rite,’ ‘127 Hours’ and two others open, PAGE 26



skiing ...


eating! We guide you through some options for your after-ski dining, PAGE 8

PAGE 2 • GO! MAGAZINE C O N TAC T U S EDITOR Julie Johnson, 541-383-0308 jjohnson@bendbulletin.com



REPORTERS Jenny Harada, 541-383-0350 jharada@bendbulletin.com Breanna Hostbjor, 541-383-0351 bhostbjor@bendbulletin.com David Jasper, 541-383-0349 djasper@bendbulletin.com Alandra Johnson, 541-617-7860 ajohnson@bendbulletin.com Ben Salmon, 541-383-0377 bsalmon@bendbulletin.com

Cover illustration by Greg Cross / The Bulletin



• Art by Knight features realism • High Desert Gallery closes Sisters shop • Art Exhibits lists current exhibits

• A review of Ariana in Bend

• Egypt exhibit at OMSI • A guide to out of town events

DESIGNER Althea Borck, 541-383-0331 aborck@bendbulletin.com

SUBMIT AN EVENT GO! MAGAZINE is published each Friday in The Bulletin. Please submit information at least 10 days before the edition in which it is printed, including the event name, brief description, date, time, location, cost, contact number and a website, if appropriate. E-mail to: events@bendbulletin.com Fax to: 541-385-5804, Attn: Community Life U.S. Mail or hand delivery: Community Life, The Bulletin 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702

ADVERTISING 541-382-1811


GAMING • 25 • Review of “Kingdom Hearts Re:coded” • What’s hot on the gaming scene

MUSIC • 3 • Beth Wood, Shireen Amini play Silver Moon • That’s So Gay returns • Emma Hill plays McMenamins • 80s Video Dance Attack! • Tyler Eklund benefit concert • Rise Up show at Century Center • Empty Space Orchestra wraps up residency • Mountain Country Idol in Redmond • The Quons play Velvet • The Marilyn plans shows • Willie Carmichael in Sisters

MOVIES • 26 OUTDOORS • 15 • Great ways to enjoy the outdoors

CALENDAR • 16 • A week full of Central Oregon events



• Make your plans for later on • Talks and classes listing

• Guide to area clubs



• Take a look at recent releases

• “The Rite,” “127 Hours,” “Blue Valentine” and “The Mechanic” open in Central Oregon • “The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest,” “Nowhere Boy,” “RED,” “Saw 3-D” and “Secretariat” are out on Blu-ray and DVD • Brief reviews of movies showing in Central Oregon

• GO! Magazine’s apres-ski dining guide


Ignite Bend takes off at the Tower





rockin’ women Submitted photos

Bend will be hopping with female musicians this week. Clockwise from left are Emma Hill, VJ Kittyrox of 80s Video Dance Attack and Beth Wood.

Female musicians bring their musical stylings to local venues By Ben Salmon • The Bulletin


here’s an abundance of women who rock in Bend this week. Mind you, we’re not talking “rock” as in rock ’n’ roll, loud guitars and the like. We’re talking “rock” like, “These ladies rock!”

Indeed, gender is the only real thing tying these shows together. Musi-

cally, we’ve got soulful hip-hop, funky world-pop, folk (of both the quirky and more traditional variety) and a woman who taps into the collective nostalgia for simpler days by slingin’ ’80s videos for your dancing pleasure. So whatever kind of musical evening you’re looking for, chances are there’s a woman in Bend this week who can provide it.

Beth Wood, Shireen Amini at Silver Moon One of my favorite moments of my limited time at the 2010 Sisters Folk Festival came when Eugene folk singer Beth Wood joined Chris Kokesh (of Portland and the band Misty River) on stage behind Angeline’s Bakery to sing harmony on Kokesh’s “Planting a Garden in October.” Wood’s soaring, stirring voice added a layer of beauty to that tune, but that voice is front and center on her own songs, which she’ll play this weekend at Silver Moon. After years playing around Sisters, Wood’s Saturday show will be her first major performance in Des-

chutes County’s “big city.” With seven albums under her belt and hundreds of gigs played in the 12 years since she became a fulltime musician, Wood — who grew up in music-rich Texas — is widely viewed as one of the rising young stars on the folk scene. Her songs can be twangy, poppy and hearty, but most of all incredibly pretty. They’ve won songwriting contests at folk festivals in Kerrville, Texas and Sisters, comparisons to Patty Griffin, and this compliment from the Washington Post: “Beth Wood is a musical triple-threat — a thoughtful songwriter and talented multi-instrumentalist with a supple, soulful voice.” Continued Page 5



music A roundup of rising rock ‘n’ rollers Let’s do a quick overview of local and regional rock bands that seem to be on the precipice of big things, shall we? • The folks behind local humanitarian organization Rise Up are throwing another show tonight at Century Center (70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend), and this time the headliner is Elliot, the Bend-based pop-rock band that has the big hooks and hip look to follow a U2/Coldplay-esque rise to stardom. (Plus, they’ll have a song in tonight’s episode of “Smallville.” Eek!) Also on the bill: Adventure Galley, the Eugene indie-rock band with Bend-native members that won a nation-wide MySpace contest last year and is getting ready to head to L.A. to record an album and start touring. Opening the show are Cadence and Lyible. 8 p.m. $7, available at the door or in advance at www.riseup clothing.com. • It’s the final Friday in January, which means it’s the final Friday of Empty Space Orchestra’s monthlong residency at Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom (24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend). After tonight, opportunities to see the local post-jazz-rock quintet are likely to be scarce until they release their album later this year. Tonight’s opener is XRay Press, an ambitious band from Seattle that sounds like Don Caballero jamming not-soecono with the Minutemen. This is spastic, complex math-rock that would rather challenge you than pat you on the head and spout platitudes. Look for more

Upcoming Concerts

Elliot Submitted photo

on X-Ray Press on The Bulletin’s music blog at www.bendbulletin .com/frequency. 9 p.m., $5 in advance at www.bendticket.com or $7 at the door.

Mountain Country Idol contest launches You remember Last Band Standing, right? A few dozen mostly local bands (across many genres) got together at Boondocks in Bend over several weeks last summer and battled for audience votes, with one — Mosley Wotta — crowned the winner. Well, LBS organizers are back, albeit on a smaller scale,

for Mountain Country Idol, a similar contest to find the best country act in Central Oregon. Mountain Country Idol’s qualifying rounds will happen on Saturdays through Feb. 26 (except Feb. 19) at Coyote Ranch’s event center in Redmond, and then the semifinals and finals will be March 5 and March 12. One battle has already been fought; last weekend, Pine Lane bested a few other bands to move on in the competition. Here’s who’s still to perform: Saturday — Matt Borden, Brian Hanson Band, Cheyenne West and the Strong Hold Band Feb. 5 — Janessa Greene, Billy

Wilson, BJ Soper, Charity Holloway, Brittney Call Feb. 12 — Dorilyn French, Rough String Band, Rod Sams, Debbie Mansfield Feb. 26 — Riverside Red, Yvonne Payne, Smokin’ Guns, Suzanne Bradley Whoever is named the Idol will win $5,000 in cash and prizes. Not bad! More details are at www.mountain997.com. Mountain Country Idol; 8 p.m. Saturday; $5, 21 and older only; Coyote Ranch Event Center, 1368 S. U.S. Highway 97, Redmond; www.mountain997.com or 541-548-7700. — Ben Salmon

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Feb. 4 — Tom Russell (Americana), Sisters High School, www.sistersfolkfestival. com or 541-549-4979. Feb. 4-5 — Hillstomp (junkyard blues), Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, Bend, www.silvermoonbrewing. com or 541-388-8331. Feb. 9 — Sonny Hess Band (blues), McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www.mcmenamins. com or 541-382-5174. Feb. 10 — Dead Winter Carpenters (Americana), McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www.mcmenamins. com or 541-382-5174. Feb. 12 — Del the Funky Homosapien (hip-hop), Domino Room, Bend, www. randompresents.com. Feb. 12 — Dusu Mali Band (African), Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, Bend, www.silvermoonbrewing. com or 541-388-8331. Feb. 13 — Busdriver (hip-hop), MadHappy Lounge, Bend, madhappylounge@gmail. com or 541-388-6868. Feb. 15 — Ky-Mani Marley (reggae), Tower Theatre, Bend, www.towertheatre. org or 541-317-0700. Feb. 16 — Y La Bamba (art-folk), McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www.mcmenamins. com or 541-382-5174. Feb. 17 — Marty Stuart (country), Tower Theatre, Bend, www.towertheatre. org or 541-317-0700. Feb. 18 — The Aggrolites at Bend WinterFest (dirty reggae), Old Mill District, Bend, www. bendwinterfest.com. Feb. 18-20 — Patrick Lamb (jazz), The Oxford Hotel, Bend, www.oxfordhotelbend. com or 541-382-8436. Feb. 19 — Lyrics Born at Bend WinterFest (hip-hop), Old Mill District, Bend, www. bendwinterfest.com. Feb. 19 — Johnsmith (folk), Harmony House concerts, Sisters, 541-548-2209. Feb. 25 — Moira Smiley & VOCO (a cappella Americana), Sisters High School, www.sistersfolkfestival. com or 541-549-4979. Feb. 25 — Boulder Acoustic Society (indiefolk), McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www.mcmenamins. com or 541-382-5174. Feb. 27 — Mistah Fab and more (hip-hop), Domino Room, Bend, 541-788-2989. March 7 — Viva Voce and Damien Jurado (indie rock), Tower Theatre, Bend, www.pdxchangeprogram. com or 541-317-0700.




WORD ON THE STREET IS THE KIDS LOVE TO WATCH MOVING PICTURES ON THE INTERNET. HEY, IT’S EASIER THAN READING! At The Bulletin’s music blog, we aim to please. So visit www.bendbulletin.com/frequency for video of Dawes and Elizabeth Cook playing in Bend earlier this week. While you’re there, click on the little button to go to Frequency’s YouTube channel, where you’ll find a growing number of local live performances, including Blind Pilot, The Thermals, Deer Tick, The Gourds and Mosley Wotta.


WWW.BENDBULLETIN.COM/FREQUENCY From Page 3 At Silver Moon, Wood and her longtime friend, local singersongwriter Shireen Amini, will weave their sets throughout the night, performing acoustically and then backed by a band. Find more about Wood at www.bethwoodmusic.com and more about Amini (including how you can help her make her new album) at www.shireenamini.com. Beth Wood, with Shireen Amini; 9 p.m. Saturday; $8 plus fees in advance at www.bendticket. com, $10 at the door; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www.silvermoonbrewing.com or 541-388-8331.

That’s So Gay returns to downtown Bend A couple years ago, regular That’s So Gay parties in Bend brought together gays, straights and anyone else who wanted to dance and have a good time in support of the LGBT community. The events stopped for a while, but they’ll be revived on Saturday thanks to the Central Oregon Gay-Straight Alliance and the Associated Students of Central Oregon Community College, who are throwing a “black and white” shindig at the Domino Room. There’s lots of music at this thing, so pay attention: Seattlebased pop-rock band True Holland will play, as will Portland’s “tranny pop sensation” CJ and the Dolls. Headlining will be the popular female hip-hop/soul duo God-Des and She, who are riding high on the release of their newest album, “Three.” Visit the GSA’s Facebook (address below) for more info and

links to the bands. That’s So Gay, with God-Des and She, CJ and the Dolls and True Holland; 9 tonight, doors open 8 p.m.; $8 advance, $10 at the door. Advance tickets available at Rescue (1132 N.W. Newport Ave.), Boneyard Beer (37 Lake Place, Bend); Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www .facebook.com/central.oregongsa or 541-383-7595.

Emma Hill offers sneak peek at album It’s always fun to get in on the ground floor of something good. For example, my friend Mark invented Facebook, and now he’s a billionaire. I invented a nifty little thingy that makes it easy to bring your old audio cassettes on road trips, but no one seems interested. So anyway, Emma Hill is closer to Facebook than the Take Yer Tapes 5000 (no patent pending). The 23-year-old singer-songwriter has been through Bend a few times now to play her gorgeous folk-pop tunes, most recently last summer as she toured behind her “Clumsy Seduction” album. Now, she’s back, and she’s ready to give Bend a very early listen to her new album “Meet Me at the Moon,” which features not only Hill’s sophisticated songs and striking, sultry voice, but also her full band, known affectionately as Her Gentlemen Callers. Four tracks from “Moon” are streaming at www .emmahillmusic.com, so click on over there and check ’em out. Emma Hill and Her Gentlemen Callers; 7 p.m. Thursday; free; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; www.mcmenamins.com or 541-382-5174.

Look out! It’s the 80s Video Dance Attack If I were putting together a party and needed a soundtrack of hits from the 1980s, I’d include The Knack’s “My Sharona,” Prince’s “Little Red Corvette,” Duran Duran’s “Hungry Like The Wolf” and Tommy Tutone’s “867-5309/Jenny,” plus “Jessie’s Girl” by Rick Springfield, “Our Lips are Sealed” by the Go-Gos, and probably some Guns N’ Roses. Oh, and that Journey song from “Glee.” And more Prince. And then more Prince. Fortunately, the 80s Video Dance Attack coming to the Domino Room on Saturday night doesn’t need me to pick the night’s tunes. That’s a job for VJ Kittyrox, a Portland-based “video jockey” who began making mixtapes at age 9, became an MTV fiend at 10, and worked in college radio in Washington. In 2005, Kittyrox started 80s Video Dance Attack, which has grown into a regular and immensely popular party over in the Rose City. In fact, the Jan. 14 Attack drew more than 1,200 people to the Crystal Ballroom! Wow. Nostalgia is a powerful temptress, my friends. You can find more info at www.80svideodanceattack.com. Be sure to click the YouTube logo to get a real sense of what it’s all about. 80s Video Dance Attack; 10 p.m. Saturday, doors open 9 p.m.; $5; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www .randompresents.com. Ben Salmon can be reached at 541-383-0377 or bsalmon@ bendbulletin.com.

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The Quons Submitted photo

Roses at Gunpoint play for Tyler Eklund By now, you probably know the story of Tyler Eklund, a Bend teenager who was paralyzed while snowboarding in 2007. Eklund’s plight received significant media coverage after his accident, but his care (and the costs associated with it) continue, so on Saturday night, the local band Roses at Gunpoint will play a show to raise money for Eklund’s family. Roses at Gunpoint’s music is a fun mix of blues, rock and “forward-focused” jamming, said bassist Mike Beaulieu, with influences from the past, oh, 40 years of rock ’n’ roll (Stones, Dead, Dylan, etc.). They’ll be joined Saturday by some friends from the Bay Area, including a talented sax player who should keep things nice and funky for the dance floor. But for Beaulieu and the rest of the band, this gig is really about Eklund. “Having a snowboarder son

of my own that is his age, and was in fact at the same competition, hits close to home,” he said. “Tyler and his parents’ lives were turned upside down at the time and things will never be the same for them. Ever. I think most people and certainly every parent can empathize with that.” Tyler Eklund benefit with Roses at Gunpoint and guests; 8:30 p.m. Saturday; $5 suggested donation; M&J Tavern, 102 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-1410.

A few local gigs worth your attention Running out of room, so away we go: • Local husband-wife folkpop duo The Quons will play in the cozy confines of Velvet (805 N.W. Wall St., Bend) on Saturday night. Mark and Linda’s music is a little bit folksy, poppy, jazzy and sultry all in one, packed with catchy melodies and beautifully played guitar. Hear it for yourself at www.reverbnation

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.com/thequons. 7:30 p.m. Free. • Bend’s newest spot for live music, The Marilyn (415 S.W. Third St., Bend), has jumped in with both feet, offering free local music each weekend. Tonight at 8, the former Kayo’s Lounge will host the easygoing pop of Justin Lavik and Grace Laxson, and on Saturday, astralfolk group The Sweet Harlots will play at 7:30 p.m. Visit www .facebook.com/themarilyn for all the details. • Willie Carmichael sighting! The talented Bend troubadour (who won last year’s songwriting contest at the Sisters Folk Festival) will play Saturday night at Three Creeks Brewing Co. (721 Desperado Court, Sisters) with his friend Chris Harris, a man whose voice Carmichael describes as one that “sounds like chewing tobacco, salt water, the Texas/Oklahoma border and nighthawks — all at the same time.” That’s quite a mix, but we trust Willie, so we’ll assume it’s good. 8 p.m. $5. — Ben Salmon


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area clubs BEND



Get listed At least 10 days prior to publication, e-mail events@bendbulletin.com. Please include date, venue, time and cost.




Blues Country

dj f


DJ Folk


821 N.W. Wall St., 541-323-2328 147 N.W. Minnesota Ave., 541-388-0116

Blacksmith After Dark, 9 pm dj

Bond Street Grill 1051 N.W. Bond St., 541-318-4833

Bo Restobar 550 N.W. Franklin Ave., 541-617-8880

Century Center 70 S.W. Century Drive

Domino Room 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., 541-388-1106

A Fine Note Karaoke, 8 pm Elliot, Adventure Galley, 8 pm, $7 r/p (P. 4) That’s So Gay with God-Des & She, 9 pm, $8-10 r/p (P. 5)

Blacksmith After Dark, 9 pm dj Bobby Lindstrom & Scott Foxx, 7 pm b A Fine Note Karaoke, 8 pm

JC’s 642 N.W. Franklin Ave., 541-383-3000

Kelly D’s Irish Sports Bar 1012 S.E. Cleveland, 541-389-5625

M&J Tavern 102 N.W. Greenwood Ave., 541-389-1410

The Marilyn 415 N.E. Third St.

Caput, ARock, Jefe, 9 pm dj Justin Lavik & Grace Laxson, 8 pm r/p (P. 6)

KC Flynn, 9 pm r/p Karaoke w/ DJ Rockin’ Robin, 8 pm Tyler Eklund bene w/ Roses at Gunpoint, 8:30 pm, $5 (P. 6) r/p 13 Cent Bob, B. Hinderberger, 9 pm r/p The Sweet Harlots, 7:30 pm a (P. 6)

Parrilla Grill 635 N.W. 14th St., 541-617-9600

MadHappy Mondays, 9 pm

Jones Road, 9 pm r/p

Jones Road, 9 pm r/p

Jazz Sundays, 2 and 5:30 pm

Tart Bistro 920 N.W. Bond St., 541-385-0828

Taylor’s Sausage Deli & Pub 913 N.E. Third St., 541-383-1694

Tumalo Feed Co. 64619 W. U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-2202

Emma Hill, 7 pm a (P. 5) Open mic, 9 pm

Open mic, 6-8 pm Karaoke, 8 pm

1020 N.W. Wall St., 541-385-8898

125 N.W. Oregon Ave., 541-749-2440

Blackstrap, 7 pm a

D. Schneider & J. Allan, 6:30 pm j

Sidelines Sports Bar & Grill

The Summit Saloon & Stage

Ladies night with DJ Harlo, 9 pm dj

Franchot Tone, 7 pm r/p

2754 N.W. Crossing Drive, 541-385-1777

24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., 541-388-8331

Jam Sessions w/ KJB, Brad Jones, etc., 9 pm

Ladies night w/Sarah Spice, 10 pm dj

portello winecafe

Silver Moon Brewing Co.


Hold ‘em free roll, 6:30 pm


25 S.W. Century Drive, 541-389-2558

19570 Amber Meadow Drive, 541-728-0095


Americana Rock/Pop World

The JZ Band Unplugged, 6 pm r/p

Players Bar & Grill

River Rim Coffeehouse


Karaoke w/ DJ MC Squared, 7 pm

700 N.W. Bond St., 541-382-5174 62860 Boyd Acres Road, 541-383-0889


Texas hold ‘em, 6:30 pm

McMenamins Old St. Francis Northside Pub


Metal Punk

Open mic/acoustic jam, 7 pm

Hold ‘em free roll, 6:30 pm

939 S.E. Second St., 541-382-5119

850 N.W. Brooks St., 541-388-6868


80s Video Dance Attack w/ DJ KittyRox, 10 pm, $5 (P. 5)

Grover’s Pub

MadHappy Lounge


Hip-hop Jazz

2nd Hand Soldiers, 9 pm r/p

Astro Lounge

211 N.W. Greenwood Ave., 541-318-0588


JoAnna Lee, 6 pm f

5 Fusion & Sushi Bar

The Blacksmith Restaurant


Empty Space, X-Ray Press, 9 pm, $5-7 r/p (P. 4) DJ Steele, 9 pm dj Bobby Lindstrom, 7 pm b Heleos, 6 pm r/p Pat Thomas, 7 pm c

Velvet 805 N.W. Wall Street

Beth Wood, Shireen Amini, 9 pm, $8-10 (P. 3) DJ Steele, 9 pm dj


Open mic, 7 pm

Pat Thomas, 7 pm c The Quons, 7:30 pm r/p (P. 6)

REDMOND Avery’s Wine Bar & Bistro 427 S.W. Eighth St., 541-504-7111

Bellavia, 6 pm j Mountain Country Idol, 8 pm, $5 c (P. 4)

Coyote Ranch 1368 S. U.S. Highway 97, 541-548-7700

Millennium Cafe 445 S.W. Sixth St., 541-350-0441

Twins JJ 535 S.W. Sixth St.

Live Texas Hold ‘em or Omaha, 5 pm

Live Texas Hold ‘em or Omaha, 5 pm

Karaoke with Maryoke, 9 pm

Karaoke with Maryoke, 9 pm

SISTERS Willie Carmichael, 8 pm, $5 f (P. 6)

Three Creeks Brewing Co. 721 Desperado Court, 541-549-1963

SUNRIVER Owl’s Nest 1 Center Drive, 541-593-3730

Out of Hand Band, 8-10 pm r/p

Live Texas Hold ‘em or Omaha, 12 pm Karaoke with Maryoke, 9 pm

Live Texas Hold ‘em or Omaha, 5 pm

Live Texas Hold ‘em or Omaha, 5 pm

Karaoke with Maryoke, 9 pm

Karaoke with Maryoke, 9 pm



cover story

Skiers’ delight Hungry? Area restaurants offer some great post-skiing bargains


fter a long day on the slopes or hitting the cross-country trails, what sounds better than a big bowl of chili and a beer? Or a burger

smothered in cheese and served with a local brew? We’ll tell you what sounds better — a bargain on that chili or burger. Local restaurateurs are coming through for you. With after-ski specials ranging from $5 appetizers to a free buffet to complimentary sodas if you do a “snow dance in your snow pants,” apres-ski (that’s French for after skiing) deals abound in Central Oregon. We surveyed restaurants in the coming-home-from-themountain locales of Bend, Sunriver and Sisters to find out what kind of deals they had available by 4 p.m. — a good time for a post-ski snack. Whether you are stopping for a bite in Sisters after hitting Hoodoo or want to fuel up on your way back to Bend from Bachelor, check out this (by no means comAndy Tullis / The Bulletin

plete) list of deals to be had. — Bulletin staff

West Bend Awbrey Glen Restaurant 2500 N.W. Awbrey Glen Drive Contact: www.awbreyglen.com/club/, 541-317-2885 The place: Restaurant features a bistro-grill style on one side, fine dining on another and great views. The deal: Happy hour 4 to 6 p.m. Thursday to Saturday in winter and features drink specials and half price items on the starter menu, including

seared ahi tuna for $6.25 or mini beef sliders for $4.40. Baldy’s Barbecue 235 S.W. Century Drive Contact: www.baldysbbq.com or 541385-7427 The place: An ultra-casual, meat-andmeat-with-sauce kind of joint. The deal: Discounts every day from 2 to 5 p.m. There are food menu deals on items like burgers and wings, and beers are $3 for microbrews and $2

Patrons enjoy the atmosphere in the Cascade Lakes Lodge in Bend on a Sunday afternoon. The brewpub offers apres-ski specials including half-price appetizers and $3.25 beers.

for domestics. The restaurant also participates in Flash Your Pass, offering free onion rings with the purchase of two beverages. Cascade Lakes Lodge 1441 S.W. Chandler Ave., Suite 100 Contact: www.cascadelakes.com or 541-388-4998 The place: This timbered lodge with a casual atmosphere is perfectly poised on the Bend re-entry for apres ski. The deal: Deals are available weekdays

from 4 to 6 p.m. Appetizers like fried oysters or chili cheese fries are almost all half off and beers are $3.25. Cascade West Grub & Ale House 64 S.W. Century Drive Contact: www.cascadelakes.com/ locations/Cascade_West or 541-3891853 The place: If you’re in the mood to retreat under neon lights and see a model of Budweiser’s #8 Dale Jr. car, this is the place.

The deal: Discounted drinks are available daily from 4 to 6 p.m. If you’re hoping for grub, haute it’s not. But the pub does have a full menu. Ida’s Cupcake Cafe 1314 N.W. Galveston Ave. Contact: idascupcakecafe.com or 541383-2345 The place: This dessert cafe features handcrafted cupcakes on Bend’s west side. Continued next page




cover story modern mountain chic. The deal: Starting in February until the end of ski season, between 3 and 7 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays, The Oxford Hotel will offer Spanish coffees and a variety of snacks in the hotel’s lobby. Spanish coffees are $5 and snacks are $3 to $5. 10 Below also hosts a happy hour from 2 to 6 p.m. daily. Drinks are $5 for handcrafted cocktails, $3 for beer and $5 for red or white house wine. The happy hour menu ranges from $1 to $9 and includes edamame, miso soup, pot stickers, pork belly tacos, chicken quesadilla and seared ahi tuna.

From previous page The deal: Through Feb. 28, get a free cupcake (of equal or lesser value) with the purchase of a “kidcake” or gourmet cupcake. Offer good 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday through Wednesday. Fox’s Billiards 937 N.W. Newport Ave. Contact: www.foxsbilliards.com or 541-647-1363 The place: Upscale pool hall featuring flair bartending and extensive pub food menu. The deal: Flash your ski pass or lift ticket to get 10 percent off food orders any time. Kan Pai 990 N.W. Newport Ave. Contact: www.kanpai-bend.com or 541-388-4636 The place: Top-end sushi restaurant with imported Japanese sake and beer. The deal: Happy hour daily from 4 to 5:30 p.m., including Miso soup or edamame for $2, and sushi rolls for $7. Nigiri and sashimi discounted as well. Drink specials include a large Kirin beer for $6, small for $3, a daily red or white wine special for $5 a glass, and large hot sake for $8. $1 off martinis. La Rosa 2763 N.W. Crossing Drive Contact: www.larosabend.com or 541-647-1624 The place: This popular west-side restaurant features Mexican-themed decor and colors, a large patio, an impressive bar and plenty of space. The deal: La Rosa is part of Mt. Bachelor’s Flash Your Pass program, and flashing your pass or ticket here will get you half off an appetizer from the main menu. The restaurant’s happy hour runs daily from 1-6 p.m., with $4.95 margaritas, $3 bottle beers and a number of appetizers priced at $5.95. Longboard Louie’s 1254 N.W. Galveston Ave. Contact: www.longboardlouies.com or 541-383-2449 The place: Casual Mexican restaurant features fun decor. The deal: Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation members get 10 percent off. Mother’s Juice Cafe 1255 N.W. Galveston Ave. Contact: www.mothersjuicecafe.com or 541-318-0989 The place: Cafe focuses on healthy, fresh salads, sandwiches and smoothies. The deal: Buy a smoothie and get a cookie, from 2 to 4 p.m. every day. Parilla Grill 635 N.W. 14th St. Contact: 541-617-9600

Andy Tullis / The Bulletin

People relax at Three Creeks Brewing Co. in Sisters, a popular apres-ski location. The place: Casual spot serves up creative wraps and burritos. The deal: Customers can “do a snow dance in your snow pants” to earn a free soda. Happy hour is from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, with $3 microbrews, $2.50 imports and $4 margaritas. Pisano’s Pizza 1590 N.W. Crossing Drive Contact: 541-312-9349 or www. pisanosbend.com The place: Part pizza place, part neighborhood/sports bar, part eat-in restaurant. The deal: Pisano’s in Northwest Crossing will take $3 off your 18-inch pizza if you show them your Mt. Bachelor pass. The Pizza Cart In front of Pine Mountain Sports, 255 S.W. Century Drive Contact: www.facebook.com/ bendpizzacart The place: A cart selling slices in front of the ski shop. The deal: From Tuesday through Sunday, don’t overlook The Pizza Cart, which makes thin-crust personal pizzas using local ingredients. Every day after 3 p.m. all pizzas are $5. Plus, they’re ready in less than five minutes. Players Bar & Grill 25 S.W. Century Drive Contact: 541-389-2558 The place: Players is a place to escape the quaint … and for that matter the sunlight. The deal: You can get 50 cents off well drinks and tap beers from 4 to 7 p.m. weekdays.

portello winecafe 2754 N.W. Crossing Drive Contact: www.portellowinecafe.com or 541-385-1777 The place: The portello wine bar in Northwest Crossing is an oasis of urban atmosphere in a small town, with cool wooden tables on one end of the space and comfy couches on the other. The deal: From 4-6 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, portello aims its happy hour at skiers by offering $5 wine, $3 beer and a special menu with discounted regular items and three or four seasonal specials such as an olive tapenade crostini with anchovies for $4. On Mondays from 4 to 9 p.m., portello’s entire wine list is $5 a glass, but locals flock there for that special, so get there early. Scanlon’s 61615 Athletic Club Drive Contact: www.athleticclubofbend.com or 541-385-3062 The place: Fancy pants, yoga pants and snow pants mingle comfortably in the lounge area of the upscale restaurant attached to The Athletic Club of Bend. The deal: Catch apres ski deals here from 3 to 5:30 p.m. daily. Scanlon’s offers discounted drinks and a happy hour menu, featuring savories from fried green beans to baked macaroni and cheese and risotto fritters. And if you flash your ski pass or lift ticket, when you buy one appetizer you get the second one free. Seventh Mountain Resort 18575 S.W. Century Drive Contact: www.seventhmountain.com or 877-765-1501

The place: The stylish Rim Rock Bar at Seventh Mountain Resort has established an apres ski reputation. Indulge in low-price, well-executed food and perhaps play a game of chess. The deal: From 3 to 5:30 p.m. daily riders can snag the apres ski menu. It features food for $5, like the IPA fondue or carne asada tacos. Or order bottomless chili and a draft beer for $5. Beer and house wine is $3. If you flash your ski pass or lift ticket you can buy one entree — not from the apres ski menu — and get the next one free with the purchase of two beverages. Tetherow 61240 Skyline Ranch Road Contact: www.tetherow.com/bendrestaurant/promotions or 541-3882582 ext. 120 The place: While Tetherow’s reputation is upscale, the destination resort doesn’t mind you clunking those ski boots in for apres ski snacks. A stone fireplace welcomes on blustery days. The deal: This ski season, Tetherow is offering a special apres ski menu from 1 to 4 p.m. daily. This includes appetizers like pulled pork nachos or chorizo sliders for $5 and $1 off cocktails. Tetherow is also a Flash Your Pass participant. Your season pass or lift ticket provides 10 percent off everything except the apres ski menu. This includes lunch and dinner.

Downtown Bend 10 Below Restaurant & Lounge (The Oxford Hotel) 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave. Contact: www.oxfordhotelbend.com or 541-382-1010 The place: Euro art-deco meets

900 Wall 900 N.W. Wall St. Contact: www.900wall.com or 541323.6295 The place: A simple-yet-elegant, impressive dining room where one can order a variety of contemporary American cuisine with some European influence. The deal: Known for their pizzas and popular happy hour, which is offered daily from 3 to 6 p.m. Menu includes $1 oysters on the half-shell, $6 portobello burger, $7 grilled pork shoulder, $9 burger. Select cocktails for $6, beers in the $2-$3 range and wines starting at $4. Amalia’s 915 N.W. Wall Street Contact: 541-382-3244 The place: Innovative and contemporary Mexican cuisine in a festive colorful dining room. The deal: Amalia’s offers the Flash Your Pass deal, from lunch through 4 p.m.: For $6 you get a Tijuana hot dog and a margarita. Also, happy hour is from 3 to 6 p.m. Sunday through Thursday. Margaritas for $4.95 and draft beers for $2.50. A variety of appetizers range from $4.50 to $7. Bend Brewing Co. 1019 N.W. Brooks St. Contact: www.bendbrewingco.com or 541-383-1599 The place: Award-winning beers and food overlooking Mirror Pond. The deal: Happy hour runs 4 to 6 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and features half price appetizers. Menu includes B.B.C. Nachos, smoked salmon dip, jalapeno artichoke dip and blazin’ buffalo wings. Pints are $2.50 on Tuesdays, 4 p.m. to close. Bo Asian Bistro 550 N.W. Franklin Ave., Suite 118 Contact: www.bobistro.com or 541617-8880 The place: Asian-inspired decor and cuisine. The deal: Happy hour runs 4 to 7 p.m. Mondays through Wednesdays and 4 to 6 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays. Continued next page



cover story 541-749-2440 The place: Featuring classic pub fare with a Northwest twist. The deal: Happy hour runs 4 to 7 p.m. daily. Drinks include $3 microbrews, $2 domestic drafts, $4 well drinks and $5 wine. The menu ranges from $2 to $7 and includes burger and fries, a Mediterranean veggie plate, grilled chicken quesadilla, spinach jalapeno dip, fish tacos, mini corn dogs, pita pizza and wings.

From previous page Drinks are $3 for select draft beer, $4 for select house wine and $5 for the cocktail of the day. Menu prices range from $2 to $6 and include tofu french fries, stir-fried salt and pepper peanuts, edamame, pork spring rolls, spicy thai BBQ chicken wings, spicy chicken taco, a noodle bowl and Bo sliders. Bond Street Grill 1051 N.W. Bond St., Bend Contact: www.bondstreetgrill.com or 541-318-4833 The place: Formerly The Decoy Bar and Grill, the restaurant offers Northwest cuisine and beverages in a causal and comfortably old-world setting. The deal: Specials are offered from 3 to 6 p.m., and include drinks, margherita pizza, baked cheese fries and miniature hamburgers for $5-$6. Beer is offered for $3, and well drinks are $4. Bourbon Street Bend 5 N.W. Minnesota Ave. Contact: www.bourbonstreetbend.com or 541-323-2833 The place: A family-friendly New Orleans sea and soul food restaurant. The deal: Happy hour runs 3 to 6 p.m., Sunday through Thursday. Drinks are $3 for draft beer, $2 for bottled beer and $3 for house red and white wine. Menu ranges from $2.95 to $6.95 and includes popcorn shrimp, fried okra, calamari, caesar salad, po boy sandwiches, crawfish pie, hush puppies and red beans and rice. Common Table 150 N.W. Oregon Ave. Contact: www.commontable.net or 541-639-5546 The place: Casual dining with a southwest flair. The deal: Happy hour runs 3 to 6 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday. $3 for draft pints, well drinks and wine. The special bar menu features food for $2 to $6, including a open face grilled cheese, soup and side salad, a Mediterranean platter, a cheese, nut and fruit platter, black bean cake, Common Table nachos and gluten-free seasonal vegetable pizzette. El Caporal West 744 N.W. Bond St. Contact: 541-322-8916. The place: Family-friendly Mexican restaurant. The deal: Happy hour runs from 3 to 6 p.m. Sundays through Thursdays. Specials on a variety of margaritas. Menu includes quesadillas, nachos and chicken taquitos and ranges from $7 to $11. Five Fusion and Sushi Bar 821 N.W. Wall St. Contact: www.5fusion.com or 541323-2328.

Andy Tullis / The Bulletin

The Owl’s Nest in the Sunriver Lodge offers a relaxing place to get a bite after a day on the snow. The place: A small, modern dining space with a unique overhead water feature, a sushi bar and regular menu that’s heavy on the Asian influence. The deal: Happy hour from 3 to 6 p.m. daily has $5 food including dumplings, sesame-crusted lamb, crab- and shrimp-stuffed shitake mushrooms and sushi rolls. Swanky $5 cocktails, such as the drunken mango. JC’s Bar & Grill 642 N.W. Franklin Ave. Contact: 541-383-3000 The place: A local’s favorite with a Cheers atmosphere that offers shuffleboard, pool tables and giant Jenga. The deal: Happy hour runs 3 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Drink specials include $1 off beers and well drinks. Bar menu features $3 nachos, tacos, chips and salsa, fries and tater tots. Joolz 916 N.W. Wall St. Contact: www.joolzbend.com or 541388-5094 The place: Middle Eastern smells and decor saturate this cozy, tribal/ethnic, chic dining area. Northwest cuisine is heavy on the Middle Eastern flavor. The deal: Happy hour at the bar from 4 to 9 p.m. and in the dining room from 4 to 6 p.m. Closed Sundays. Popular items include the barbecue chicken pita for $7; grilled asparagus with house roasted pepper sauce for $7; and pulled lamb tamales over a Mediterranean salad for $9. The Pine Tavern 967 N.W. Brooks St. Contact: www.pinetavern.com or 541382-5581. The place: Established in 1936, The Pine Tavern offers traditional fare with riverside ambiance. The deal: Flash your pass and receive

a free dessert with a purchase of an entree. Happy hour runs 4 to 6 p.m., seven days a week. Drinks are $4 for well drinks, $3 for microbrews, $4 for red or white house wines, $6 for bloody marys and $7 for margaritas. Food menu features $3 snacks including steak bites, shrimp tacos and caprese crostinis. Pizza Mondo 811 N.W. Wall St. Contact: www.pizzamondobend.com or 541-330-9093 The place: This tiny, charming pizza joint is a local’s hot spot. The deal: Pizza Mondo offers an “After Mountain Special” described on a chalk board as: 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. daily, two slices and a bottomless soda, $5.50 or with a beer, $6.50. Sidelines Sports Bar 1020 N.W. Wall St. Contact: 541-385-8898 The place: This is your classic dark sports bar that sparkles with neon signs and about a dozen large screen televisions. The deal: Happy hour runs from 4 to 6 p.m. daily. For $4 you can get kobe sliders, Buffalo wings or nachos, among other typical pub food items. Domestic beers, $2; imports, $3.25, well drinks, $3.50 and wine for $5. Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave. Contact: www.silvermoonbrewing.com or 541-388-8331 The place: A craft brewery, restaurant and live entertainment venue located in downtown Bend. The deal: Customer appreciation day on Mondays, with $2.50 pints all day long. The Summit Saloon & Stage 125 N.W. Oregon Ave. Contact: www.summitsaloon.com or

Tart Bistro 920 Bond St., Suite 105 Contact: www.tartbistro.com or 541385-0828. The place: A full-service French bistro and libation destination located in the heart of downtown Bend. The deal: Happy hour runs from 3 to 6 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays. Drinks include choice of 12 martinis for $4, $3 for local drafts and $4 for wines. The small bite selections range from $3 to $8 and include pommes frites, braised pork tacos, seared scallops St. Jacques, steamed mussels mariniere and beef skewers.

Old Mill District Anthony’s at the Old Mill 475 S.W. Powerhouse Drive Contact: www.anthonys.com or 541389-8998 The place: Known for its fresh Northwest seafood, Anthony’s features a spacious dining room and expansive views of the Deschutes River. The deal: Anthony’s has a happy hour every day from 3 to 6 p.m. Beers are $3, glasses of wine are $5 and appetizers are $5. Also, the restaurant serves Sunset Dinners from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, where you can get a four-course meal for $19.95. Ben & Jerry’s Bend Scoop Shop 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive #101 Contact: www.benjerry.com/bend or 541-312-8115 The place: Part of the Ben & Jerry’s national chain, this ice cream shop is decorated with the company’s iconic cows and clouds. The deal: Three scoops for $3 every day from 4 to 7 p.m Cafe Yumm! 325 S.W. Powerhouse Drive #130 Contact: www.cafeyumm.com or 541318-9866 The place: Cafe Yumm’s sleek, modern interior is a contrast to the restaurant’s main attraction: warm, comforting “Yumm bowl” dishes based primarily on rice and beans. The deal: Cafe Yumm! offers a “Yumm Flight,” which gets you four Yumm bowls in smaller portions for $6; a wine flight that includes 2-ounce pours of two reds and two whites for $5; and beer flights that feature four 4-ounce pours for $4. (Hint: The Yumm crew

used to offer these specials within a certain time frame, but now they’ll just do it if you ask nicely!) Flatbread Community Oven 375 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 130 Contact: www.flatbreadpizza.com or 541-728-0600 The place: Flatbread’s space in the Old Mill District is spacious but cozy, with a large bar surrounding the restaurant’s namesake oven. The deal: During their daily 3 to 6 p.m. happy hour, get flatbreads for $5, pizzas (in a smaller portion) for $5 and all beers for $3, plus some cocktails and wines priced at $5. Greg’s Grill 395 S.W. Powerhouse Drive Contact: www.gregsgrill.com or 541382-2200 The place: The main dining space at Greg’s Grill is massive, with natural wood, an ocean of tables and booths, and huge windows that overlook the Deschutes River. The deal: Greg’s runs a happy hour every day from 3 p.m. to close, and the menu features items like baja fish tacos for $3.95, sweet potato fries for $4.95 and carnitas nachos for $6.95. There are also discounted glasses of wine, well liquor with soda or tonic for $4 and $1 off draft beer prices. Hola! 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 1002 Contact: www.holabend.com or 541647-2711 The place: The west-side sibling to Hola!’s east-side location, this place cooks up what it calls nuevo Peruvian and Mexican food. The deal: A happy hour happens from 3 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, with $3 off appetizers, soups and salads, $2 off margaritas and all beers priced at $3. Level 2: Global Food & Lounge 360 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 210 Contact: 541-323-5382 The place: Level 2 is a slick, urban lounge nestled in a cool brick building in the Old Mill District. The deal: Happy hour runs from 3 to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday (and 3 to 9 p.m. Sunday), when they offer signature cocktails for $5, some wines for $5 and beer on tap for $3. Level 2’s small plates cost $5 to $9 all day every day. Pastini Pastaria 375 S.W. Powerhouse Drive Contact: 541-749-1060 The place: Low-key, family friendly Italian place. Continued next page




cover story From previous page The deal: Mezzo Menu available every day until 5:30 p.m. On it are items like the calamari fritti ($5.95), a ham and fontina panini with soup or salad for $6.95 and several pasta dishes (with soup or salad) that cost between $6.95 to $9.95. Strictly Organic Coffee Company 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 400 Contact: www.strictlyorganic.com or 541-647-1402 The place: Organic coffee shop. The deal: Flash your Mt. Bachelor pass or lift ticket and get 10 percent off any drink.

Elsewhere in Bend Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar 3197 N.E. U.S. Highway 97 Contact: 541-318-5883 The place: A busy chain-restaurant with eclectic decor. The deal: Applebee’s is a participant in Mt. Bachelor’s Flash Your Pass program, offering 20 percent off of orders of $20 or more for to-go or dining in. Bend Fish Co. 212. N.E. Revere Ave. The place: Laid back fish market and seafood restaurant features order-atthe-counter service and fresh-fromthe-water fish. The deal: Daily happy hour from 2 to 5:30 p.m. includes discounts on such items as fish tacos, fish and chips and sushi. Contact: 541-330-6131 Boston’s Restaurant & Sports Bar 61276 S. U.S. Highway 97, Suite 2 Contact: 541-647-5050 The place: There are plenty of TVs at this south Bend restaurant. The deal: Seven days a week, Boston’s offers happy hour from 3 to 6 p.m. (and another from 8 p.m. to close). All beers are on special, with $2 domestic beers and $3 microbrews. House wine is $3, as are well cocktails. Mojitos and margaritas are $4. Appetizers are half-price, from about $3 to $5 and include crunchy green beans, chips and queso dip, cheese fries, individual onetopping pizzas, hot wings and spinach and artichoke dip. Crossings at the Riverhouse 3075 N. U.S. Business 97 Contact: www.riverhouse.com or 541389-8810 The place: A fine-dining restaurant overlooking the Deschutes River at Bend’s Riverhouse Resort & Conference Center. The deal: In its lounge, Crossings offers half-price appetizers every day from 4 to 6 p.m., including crab cakes, crab and artichoke dip in a sour dough

bread bowl, jumbo shrimp cocktail. Prices range from about $3 to $7.

Taylor’s Sausage Deli & Pub 913 N.E. Third St., Bend Contact: www.taylorsausage.com or 541-383-1694 The place: Casual deli and pub featuring dozens of kinds of sausages in the heart of Bend. The deal: Happy hour from 4 p.m. to close, seven days a week. Buy any beer, and add any sausage off the menu for just $2. Carbohydrate loading? Go for the Skier’s Special, a plate of spaghetti with bread and either beer or a glass of hot wine, all for $10.99. It’s offered all day during the winter.

El Rodeo Family Mexican Restaurant 785 S.E. Third St. Contact: 541-617-5952 The place: Down-to-earth Mexican joint. The deal: Happy hour from 3 to 6 p.m. on weekdays, with half-price appetizers in the neighborhood of $5, $2.75 well drinks and $3.25 margaritas. Gutterballs 1555 N.E. Forbes Road Contact: www.lavalanesbend.com or 541-318-5656 The place: A sports bar attached to the Lava Lanes bowling alley. Special: Happy hour daily from 4 to 7 p.m. $2 for domestic beers, $3 for craft brews or well drinks. Different food specials every day, including 35cent wings Monday, Wednesday and Friday, $1 tacos and $3 margaritas on Tuesdays and $5.95 for nachos and a domestic beer on Thursdays. Hola! 2670 N.E. U.S. Highway 20 Contact: www.holabend.com or 541389-4652 The place: Intimate dining room offering nuevo Peruvian-Mexican cuisine. The deal: A happy hour happens from 3 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, with $3 off appetizers, soups and salads, $2 off margaritas and all beers priced at $3. Kayos Dinner House 415 N.E. Third St. Contact: www.kayosdinnerhouse.net or 541-323-2520 The place: Casual, price-friendly dinner house on Bend’s main drag. The deal: Happy hour from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday features $2.95 cheese quesadillas, $3.95 burgers and other discounts. Kids eat free at any time with a Flash Your Pass deal. Letzer’s Deli 1155 S.W. Division St. Contact: www.letzersdeli.com or 541306-4696 The place: Jewish deli features variety of sandwiches and more. The deal: Flash your ski pass or lift ticket and get a free cup of chicken noodle or matzo ball soup. Mazatlan Family Mexican Restaurant 61419 S. U.S. Highway 97 Contact: 541-385-8772 The place: Family-style Mexican restaurant.

The Bulletin ile photo

Cafe Yumm! i n t h e Ol d Mill District offers a “Yumm Flight,” which is four small Yumm bowls for only $6. The deal: $5 margaritas during happy hour, 3 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Phoenix 594 N.E. Bellevue Drive Contact: www.phoenixcafe.biz or 541317-0727 The place: Casual dining featuring American favorites and comfort foods. The deal: Half off any appetizer, including reduced happy hour pricing (3 to 6 p.m.), with the purchase of a beverage in the lounge, if you show your ski pass or lift ticket. Red Dragon Chinese Restaurant & Lounge 61247 S. U.S. Highway 97 Contact: 541-389-9888 The place: Casual Chinese restaurant conveniently located near Walmart. The deal: Daily happy hour from 4 to 6 p.m. with bar menu miniature appetizers ranging from $2 to $4. Roszaks Fish House 1230 N.E. Third St. Contact: 541-382-3173 The place: This longtime Bend seafood eatery offers spacious dining in a quiet atmosphere. The deal: A $3 lounge menu from 3 to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and 4 to 7 p.m. on Saturdays. That menu features about 10 items, including burger and fries, fish tacos, cod fish and chips. Southside Pub 61160 S. U.S. Highway 97 Contact: 541-383-7672 The place: Unpretentious bar on Bend’s south end. The deal: Happy hour from 4 to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. Domestic beers are $2, microbrews and well drinks are $3. $2 beers and well drinks all day on Sunday.

Tomo 61160 S. U.S. Highway 97 Contact: www.bendsushi.com/tomo or 541-323-8888 The place: A casual Japanese restaurant near the southern tip of Bend. The deal: Happy hour from 4 to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, during which bottled drinks are half-price. (On Wednesdays, bottled drinks are half-price all day.) On Mondays, sushi is half-price from 4 to 9 p.m.

Sisters area Aspen Lounge at Black Butte Ranch 13653 Hawksbeard Road, Black Butte Ranch Contact: www.BlackButteRanch.com/ AspenLounge or 541-595-1260 The place: Black Butte Ranch’s upscale bar. The deal: $5 apres-ski food specials from 4 to 9 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday, including appetizer of the day, such as barbecue pork sliders or a house-cured salmon plate. Pick up a mountain map when you ski at Hoodoo, as there is a $10 voucher for free food when you purchase two beverages.

Sunriver Boondocks Restaurant 17363 Spring River Road Contact: 541-593-2275 The place: Warmly lit steak, seafood and pasta joint with the feel of a neighborhood restaurant. The deal: 10 percent off dinner appetizers and entrees with lift ticket. Happy hour from 3 to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. Happy hour appetizers including clams, clam strips, steak skewers, calamari and corn dogs range from $3 to $9. During happy hour, margaritas are $4; well drinks are $3 (50 cents more for those involving fresh-squeezed cranberry, orange or grapefruit juices); drafts are $3.25; bottled beers are $3. Owl’s Nest at Sunriver Resort 17600 Center Drive Contact: 541-593-3730 The place: Casual pub at Sunriver Resort, with a heated deck for those who want a taste of the outdoors as they dine. The deal: Offers roasted pork tacos, Owl’s Nest nachos, chicken wings and more on special during its happy hour, from 3 to 5:30 p.m. Also includes $4 well drinks, $3.50 microbrews and $2.50 Coors Light drafts RJB’s Restaurant & Sports 56880 Venture Lane, #104 Contact: 541-593-6577 The place: Family restaurant and sports bar loaded with TVs, including one of the biggest screens in Sunriver. The deal: Happy hour is from 3 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, with $2.25 well drinks , $4 microbrews and $2.25 domestics. Taco specials available during happy hour on Tuesdays.

Soji Station 425 U.S. Highway 20 Contact: 541-549-8499 The place: The theme is East meets West at this restaurant on the west side of Sisters. Soji Station recently expanded and added Western grill items to its classic Asian menu. The deal: Happy hour seven days a week from 3 to 7 p.m. includes $1.50 pints of beer; $2.50 well drinks and a free food buffet.

Village Bar & Grill 57100 Mall Dr, Building #6 Contact: 541-593-1100 The place: This eatery centrally located in the Village at Sunriver has a happy hour from 3 to 6 p.m. on weekdays The deal: $1 off all cocktails, $4 house wines, $3.25 micro pounders and $2 off appetizers including three kinds of quesadillas, two kinds of sliders, chicken wings and breaded shrimp.

Three Creeks Brewing Co. 721 Desperado Court Contact: www.threecreeksbrewing.com or 541-549-1963 The place: Sister’s own brewpub has a number of beers on tap and classic pub fare in a rustic but comfortable, familyfriendly environment. The deal: Tightwad Tuesday special: $8 lunches and dinners. Skier’s happy hour from 3 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, with $3.25 pints. Wednesday it gets even cheaper with pints for $2.50 from 4 to 8 p.m.

Marcello’s Cucina Italiana 4 Ponderosa (at Beaver) Contact: www.marcellos-sunriver.com or 541-593-8300 The place: Casual restaurant in Sunriver offers contemporary and traditional Italian cuisine. The deal: Bring in your lift ticket or ski rental receipt to the lounge for half off all appetizers and personal pizzas, including bruschetta ($3.50) and margherita pizza ($5), from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 4 to 6:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday.



fine arts


Photos by Andy Tullis / The Bulletin

Laurel and Steven L. Knight, shown in their Bend home and gallery Monday, have been painting and sculpting since they were young.

Bend couple creates bronze sculptures, oil works that focus on realism By David Jasper The Bulletin


teven L. Knight, 63, creates bronze figures and animals, with a heavy emphasis on anatomical correctness while trying to capture a being’s spirit. Laurel Knight, 57, works with oils. The two are fans and practitioners of realism, and if you were to distill their art philosophies into a phrase, it might be, “Say something.” If you were to condense that even further, boil it down to just one word: “Beauty,” said Steven. Residents of Bend since 2007, the not-quite-husband-and-wife artists — the two never technically married — opened their Art by Knight studio and gallery at 236 N.W. Newport Ave., last year. Though never formally trained in art, Laurel had been an artist from a young age, even drawing dozing members of her church as a girl in Utah, and rendering the guilty snoozers so artfully in her sketch pad that people would stop her afterward to ask who she’d drawn. Then she began noticing people posing, pretending to sleep so

she’d sketch them. “Week after week, I’d just see people posing,” she said, closing her eyes and tilting her head a bit. After high school she married and started a family, then got divorced and went to beauty school. When one of her kids would come home and tell her the school needed a poster for some event, the dormant artist in her would spring to life. By the time she and Steven met in September 1984, she was a divorced mother of four, a single parent working as a hairdresser. At the time they met, Steven, father of three, was two years separated from his wife; he met Laurel at a Ducks Unlimited wildlife banquet, where Laurel a former model, was selling raffle tickets and helping with an auction. “A lot of the DU banquets, or any of these wildlife conservation things, are for couples,” she said. “They go and buy things and have dinner. But not in Utah; (it was) 350 guys all getting away from their wives for a night.” Steven, attending the event with his brothers,

impressed her first by making contact with her eyes rather than her body. “I thought, ‘How neat, this guy’s actually looking in my eyes.’ He tells me later, ‘Until you walked away.’” As dinner was served at her table, Laurel had to parade auction items around the dining room. Steven thoughtfully covered her plate with a large duck decoy centerpiece sitting on the table, keeping her meal warm for her. The next day, she told a coworker she’d met the man she’d spend the rest of her life with. Laurel and Steven lived together in Salt Lake City for five years. “Technically we never did get married,” Laurel said. “In Utah, it’s common-law marriage after two years,” she added. The two planned a wedding, but with a blended family of seven children — two of the kids were only seven months apart; the oldest of the lot was 12 — wedding bells never chimed for the two, who may not have heard it over the household hubbub anyway. Continued next page

If you go What: Art by Knight When: Appointment only; open studios beginning in February Where: 236 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend Cost: Free to browse Contact: www .artbyknight.com, artbyknight@ gmail.com or 541633-7488




fine arts High Desert Gallery closing in Sisters

“Twist of Fate,” an original oil painting by Laurel Knight, was partly inspired by a Depression-era photo from her family’s archives. She also mixed in several famous faces. From previous page — they found Bend by searching “We called it 24-hour crisis terms such as “water,” “rivers,” house,” said Laurel, adding that “trees” and “mountain biking.” her unused wedding dress is still “Up comes all these references hanging upstairs at the two-sto- to Bend, Oregon,” she said. Bend ry studio and gallery that triples suits their values and entertainas their office and quadruples as ment interests, and thanks to the their home. Internet, they don’t need to be Like Laurel, Steven was like- in an art hub as they grow their wise called to art at a young age, business. To that end, they’d like sculpting with soap as a kid. On to bring on board and help martheir website, www.artbyknight. ket 20 more fine artists through com, he lists the tasks of his ear- Art by Knight. ly years which included guiding, For now, the gallery is open by trapping, hunting, fishing, log- appointment only. Laurel said ging, painting houses and more. she’s no shy artist and enjoys He got married and started his visiting with people while she own belt buckle company. The works but because they also live company, he writes on the second floor on the site, “eventuof the rented buildally became the pre- “Thought is ing, which they also mier bronze buckle everything,as renovated, having line in the country an open gallery with and abroad. Hit a re- we know.All regular business cession, went broke of creation is hours wasn’t going and got a divorce. to work. Somewhere in the thought.” The two are busily last part of that, I bepreparing works for gan sculpting three — Steven L. Knight an auction benefitdimensionally, casting the Mule Deer ing in bronze and Foundation at the calling myself an artist!” Western Hunting & ConservaWhen the two got together, tion Expo, Feb. 3-6 in Salt Lake he encouraged Laurel to pursue City, where a bronze by Steven her art. The first thing she did, will be auctioned along with though, was free-hand airbrush an oil painting by Laurel of two portraits and landscapes on bucks (and a third lurking beclothing and leather, which was hind bushes), based on a photo of very popular in the 1980s. a small herd they saw wandering After their years together in around Bend’s west side. Salt Lake City, the two took their After that event, the two plan brood to Bozeman, Mont., for to host regular open studios 10 years. Among other things, two weekends per month at the they restored furniture. Another gallery. 10 years was spent in San DiUntil such time, you can check ego, where they did custom art- out their recently completed work and finishing for high-end website, replete with photos and clientele. detailed information about their When they decided to leave respective processes. San Diego — to find “a new nuSteven said that “what Laucleus for our family,” Laurel said rel very intentionally, purpose-

fully (does), and I attempt to do it as much with my sculptures as well, is say something with it. So with her paintings, there’s a story. There’s a message. There’s a meaning. There’s a spirit. There’s a lot behind each piece; it isn’t just color.” Laurel aims to capture the timeless in her portraits. “To me, when I paint something, I do it from my desire to express to people that life is no different now (than in the past), and can be no different in the future … it’s as simple as we choose to make it,” she said. Steven, meanwhile, said each of his sculptures starts with a thought. “Thought is everything, as we know. All of creation is thought,” he said. “I don’t have a common theme per se. I have a real deep love for wildlife,” which he plans to express through his new Big Game Legacy Series. For that, he’ll create three sizes of limited-edition bronzes of various species: a table-top piece, small head-and-shoulder sculpture and bronze relief belt buckle. Twenty-five percent of the profits will be donated to conservation efforts, Steven said, starting with the Mule Deer Foundation. Further, he loves classical figurative art. “For me, sculpture needs to transcend the five-sense realm. We all have our five senses, but it’s a sixth sense. I try to pour in, somehow, someway, that spiritual essence of our sixth sense, that connection with God, with infinite intelligence, with beauty and harmony.” David Jasper can be reached at 541-383-0349 or djasper@ bendbulletin.com.

Effective Monday, High Desert Gallery will shutter its Sisters location, dividing the functions of its gallery and framing operations between its two downtown Bend locations. The gallery — which opened in 1999 and later opened a Bend gallery at 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave. and Frameworks! at 61 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend — announced the decision on its website: “It is with sadness and a fervid spirit that we announce that we are moving the Sisters gallery operations to our two locations in downtown Bend.” The closure and move is “the right thing to do,” said Todd Dow, marketing and operations manager for the gallery. “With Bend doing well, we need to put our efforts in what is working for the gallery and High Desert

Frameworks. We are very optimistic for our two locations and business in downtown Bend.” The announcement cites the challenges of the economic downturn of the last few years, which “have been less than stellar for the gallery in Sisters. We fought difficult winter weather, cold springs, met fewer new and returning California and Washington visitors over prior years, and experienced a general reluctance from the public to purchase larger ticket items.” There will be a moving sale at the gallery, located at 281 W. Cascade Ave., in Sisters through Saturday. A limited number of fixtures will be for sale as well as select art, reduced 10 to 40 percent in price. Hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact: www.highdesert gallery.com, art@highdesert gallery.com or 541-549-6250. — David Jasper

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fine arts ART EXHIBITS AMBIANCE ART CO-OP: Featuring works by Susan Adams from Adams Ranch Pottery; through Monday; 435 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; 541-548-8115. ART BY KNIGHT: Featuring oil paintings by Laurel Knight and bronze sculpture by Steven L. Knight; 236 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-6337488 or www.ArtbyKnight.com. ARTS CENTRAL: Featuring “Remembering Celilo Falls”; through March; 875 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-317-9324. ATELIER 6000: Featuring “Just Desserts,” sweet prints and food landscapes in a variety of media; through today; 389 S.W. Scalehouse Court, Suite 120, Bend; 541-3308759 or www.atelier6000.com. AZURA STUDIO: Featuring acrylic paintings by Charles H. Chamberlain; through Tuesday; 856 N.W. Bond St., Unit 3, Bend; 541-385-1846. BEND FURNITURE AND DESIGN: Featuring pottery by Annie Dyer; 2797 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Suite 500, Bend; 541-633-7250. BEND PUBLIC LIBRARY: Featuring “Art of Photography”; through Monday; new exhibit, “The Painterly Tradition,” opens Wednesday; 601 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-312-1037. CAFE SINTRA: Featuring “3 Points of View,” a continually changing exhibit of photographs by Diane Reed, Ric Ergenbright, and John Vito; 1024 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-8004. CANYON CREEK POTTERY: Featuring pottery by Kenneth Merrill; 310 N. Cedar St., Sisters; 541-549-0366 or www.canyoncreekpotteryllc.com. DON TERRA ARTWORKS: Featuring more than 200 artists; 222 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-5491299 or www.donterra.com.

DOUGLAS FINE JEWELRY DESIGN: Featuring works by Steven Douglas; 920 N.W. Bond St., Suite 106, Bend; 541-389-2901. FRANKLIN CROSSING: Featuring “Art in the Atrium,” photography by Vern Bartley and works by gallery artists; through Sunday; 550 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-382-9398. FURNISH.: Featuring works by Marjorie Wood Hamlin; 761 N.W. Arizona Ave., Bend; 541-617-8911. THE GALLERY AT THE PINCKNEY CENTER: Featuring the Scholastic Art Exhibit; through Feb. 4; Pinckney Center for the Arts, Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7510. GHIGLIERI GALLERY: Featuring original Western-themed and African-inspired paintings and sculptures by Lorenzo Ghiglieri; 200 W. Cascade Ave., Sisters; 541-5498683 or www.art-lorenzo.com. THE GOLDSMITH: Featuring pastel art by Nancy Bushaw; 1016 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-647-2676. HIGH DESERT FRAMEWORKS!: Featuring greeting cards and prints by several artists; through Monday; 61 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-549-6250 or www. highdesertframeworks.com. HIGH DESERT GALLERY OF BEND: Featuring “Walk with Me,” works by Gabriel Kulka; through Feb. 16; 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-388-8964. HIGH DESERT GALLERY OF SISTERS: Featuring works by Grace Bishko, Paul Alan Bennett and Kathy Deggendorfer; gallery closes Monday; 281 W. Cascade Ave., Sisters; 541-549-6250 or www.highdesertgallery.com. THE HUB HEALING ARTS CENTER: Featuring mixed-media collage paintings by Rosalyn Kliot; Dawson Station, 219 N.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-548-6575. JENNIFER LAKE GALLERY: Featuring paintings by Jennifer Lake; 220 W.


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“Mother Nature,” by Vern Bartley, will be on display at Franklin Crossing through Sunday. Cascade Ave., Sisters; 541-549-7200 or www.jenniferlakegallery.com. JILL’S WILD (TASTEFUL) WOMEN WAREHOUSE: Featuring works by Jill Haney-Neal; 20512 Nels Anderson Place, Building 3, Bend; 541-6176078 or www.jillnealgallery.com. KAREN BANDY STUDIO: Featuring “Of the Earth”; through February; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Suite 5, Bend; 541-388-0155. LAHAINA GALLERIES: Featuring paintings and sculptures by Frederick Hart, Robert Bissell, Alexi Butirskiy, Aldo Luongo, Dario Campanile, Hisashi Otsuka, David Lee, Mollie Jurgenson, Katherine Taylor, Donna Young and more; 425 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 307, Old Mill District, Bend; 541-388-4404 or www.lahainagalleries.com. LA PINE PUBLIC LIBRARY: Featuring photography by Clayton Musgrove; through April 22; 16425 First St., La Pine; 541-312-1090. LUBBESMEYER FIBER STUDIO: Featuring fiber art by Lori and Lisa Lubbesmeyer; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 423, Old Mill District, Bend; 541-330-0840 or www.lubbesmeyerstudio.com. MARCELLO’S ITALIAN CUISINE AND PIZZERIA: Featuring several local artists; 4 Ponderosa Road, Sunriver; 541-593-8300.

MOCKINGBIRD GALLERY: Featuring “Body & Soul,” works by Vidan; through Monday; 869 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-388-2107 or www. mockingbird-gallery.com. MOSAIC MEDICAL: Featuring mixedmedia collage paintings by Rosalyn Kliot; 910 S. U.S. Highway 97, Suite 101, Madras; 541-475-7800. MUSEUM AT WARM SPRINGS: Featuring the Tribal Youth Art Show; through April 10; 2189 U.S. Highway 26, Warm Springs; 541-553-3331. PATAGONIA @ BEND: Featuring photography by Mike Putnam; 920 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-6694. LESTER NEWELL’S PERSPECTIVES FINE ART GALLERY: Featuring works by more than 20 local artists; 130 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-306-3752. POETHOUSE ART: Featuring resident artists; 55 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-728-0756. QUILTWORKS: Featuring works by Tonye Phillips and a group show featuring works by the Juniper Berries; exhibit opens Tuesday; through February; 926 N.E. Greenwood Ave., Suite B, Bend; 541-728-0527. RED CHAIR GALLERY: Featuring “Fuse, Paint, Fire,” works by the gallery’s partners; through Feb. 4; 103 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-306-3176.

REDMOND PUBLIC LIBRARY: Featuring the Winter 2011 Photography Exhibit; through March 5; 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave., Redmond; 541-312-1064. RIVER BEND FINE ART: Featuring “Feathers, Fins & Fur”; through Feb. 4; 844 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-728-0553 or www. riverbendfineartgallery.com. SAGEBRUSHERS ART SOCIETY: Featuring works by the Prime Time Friday Artists; through today; 117 S.W. Roosevelt Ave., Bend; 541-617-0900. SAGE CUSTOM FRAMING AND GALLERY: Featuring “Travels with Carol,” landscape oil paintings by Carol Jacquet; through Saturday; 834 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-382-5884. SISTERS ART WORKS: Featuring “Out on a Limb,” quilts by Journeys Art Quilt Group; through February; 204 W. Adams St., Sisters; 541-420-9695. SISTERS GALLERY & FRAME SHOP: Featuring landscape photography by Gary Albertson; 252 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-9552 or www.garyalbertson.com. SISTERS PUBLIC LIBRARY: Featuring the Annual Art Exhibit; through Feb. 24; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar Ave., Sisters; 541-312-1070. SODA CREEK GALLERY: Featuring originals and prints of Western, wildlife and landscape paintings; 183 E. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-0600. SUNRIVER AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY: Featuring works by Cameron Kaseberg and Chandra vanEijnsbergen; through Monday; 56855 Venture Lane, Sunriver; 541-312-1080. SUNRIVER LODGE BETTY GRAY GALLERY: Featuring landscape paintings by gallery artists; through March 20; 17600 Center Drive, Sunriver; 541-382-9398. TETHEROW AT THE FRANKLIN CROSSING BUILDING: Featuring paintings of the High Desert by local artist David Wachs; corner of Franklin Avenue and Bond Street, Bend; www.wordsideas.blogspot.com. THUMP COFFEE: Featuring “Sent from my iPhone,” photography by Carlos Perez, and a preview of “Push” skateboard decks; through Monday; new exhibit, featuring photography by Nate Crabtree, opens Tuesday; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-388-0226. TOWNSHEND’S BEND TEAHOUSE: Featuring “Ask the Moon,” works by Megan McGuinness; through Monday; 835 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-312-2001 or www.townshendstea.com. TUMALO ART CO.: Featuring “Small Works,” works in a variety of media; through Monday; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 407, Bend; 541-385-9144 or www.tumaloartco.com.

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outdoors Outing shorts are trimmed versions of stories published in The Bulletin in the past several weeks. For the complete stories, plus more photos, visit www.bendbulletin.com/outing.

Sunriver Nature Center

Sisters Tie Trail


If you go

his gem of a destination is

Getting there: From Bend, take U.S. Highway 97 south to Sunriver; exit at South Century Drive and proceed west to roundabout 1, then to 2 and 3. From 3, follow to the nature center Cost: $3 for adults, $2 for children ages 2-12 Difficulty: Easy Contact: www.sunriver naturecenter.org or 541593-4394

a good place for a fun and

educational outing, especially if you have kids in tow. Check out the historical and nature exhibits, plus a short walking trail. The observatory, normally closed in the winter, will be open from 8 to 10 p.m. Feb. 12 and 13. — Bulletin staff

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Sunriver Nature Center



Ben Salmon / The Bulletin ile photo

River R d.

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The Sisters Tie Trail runs from the north end of Pine Street in Sisters to the Indian Ford Campground along U.S. Highway 20 west of town.


f you’re looking for an easy, family friendly

Stables Sunriver Lodge

Meadow Golf Course

Sunriver Village Mall Abbot Dr.

Sunriver Resort Area of detail

Indian Ford Campground

South Century Dr. Spring River Rd.

walk in the woods that’s close by, consider the

So. Century Dr.


South Century Dr.

Sisters Tie Trail, a meandering 6.6-mile path that connects the town of Sisters with the Indian Ford

Sisters Tie Trail

Campground along U.S. Highway 20. The end-


Nature Trail

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less expanse of pine trees that surround the trail



will make you feel like you’ve escaped civilization without driving for hours.


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— Bulletin Staff


Pine St.


River Restrooms Parking

Nature Center Greg Cross / The Bulletin

Greg Cross / The Bulletin

If you go Getting there: From Cascade Avenue in Sisters, take Pine Street north for about a half-mile. Trailhead is on your left. Pine Street is the western-most street in Sisters’ city grid system. Look for

the Sno Cap Drive In. Difficulty: Easy Cost: Free Contact: www.sisterstrails.com, trails@sisterstrails.com or 541549-2091

Find It All Online bendbulletin.com



this w


TODAY What: Featuring performances by hip-hop soul duo GodDes & She, pictured, with CJ and the Dolls and True Holland; followed by a dance party. When: 9 p.m., doors open 8 p.m. Where: Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend Cost: $8 in advance, $10 at the door Contact: 541-383-7595

TODAY BACKPACK EXPLORERS: Parents and children ages 3 and 4 explore nature and participate in activities; themed “Snow!”; $15, $10 museum members, plus accompanying adult admission ($10, $9 seniors); 10 a.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. VFW DINNER: A dinner of roast beef, mashed potatoes, vegetables and a roll; proceeds benefit a veterans relief fund; $7; 5-7 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. “DESPICABLE ME”: A screening of the 2010 PG-rated film; with pizza and refreshments; free; 6-9 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541-475-3351. DRAMA SHOWCASE: Summit High School advanced drama students perform selections that they will take to a regional acting competition; proceeds benefit a scholarship fund to attend a state competition; donations accepted; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-322-3300.





What: Watch vintage ski films, with a costume contest and more; ages 21 and older; proceeds benefit The Environmental Center. When: 7-9 p.m. Where: Mountain’s Edge Sports Bar and Grill, 61303 U.S. Highway 97, Unit 115, Bend Cost: $5 Contact: http://envirocenter .org/calendar/vintage-ski-night, info@envirocenter.org or 541385-6908

STUDENT-DIRECTED ONE-ACT PLAYS: The Crook County High School drama department presents three student-directed plays; $3; 7 p.m.; Crook County High School, Eugene Southwell Auditorium, 1100 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-416-6900, ext. 3132 or anita. hoffman@crookcounty.k12.or.us. VINTAGE SKI NIGHT: Watch vintage ski films, with a costume contest and more; ages 21 and older; proceeds benefit The Environmental Center; $5; 7-9 p.m.; Mountain’s Edge Sports Bar and Grill, 61303 U.S. Highway 97, Unit 115, Bend; 541-385-6908, info@envirocenter. org or http://envirocenter. org/calendar/vintage-ski-night. “LOVE, LAUGHTER AND LUCCI”: A presentation of the comedy by Cricket Daniel about three generations of an Italian Catholic family living together; $20, $18 students and seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541312-9626 or www.beattickets.org. ADVENTURE GALLEY: The Eugenebased indie rock band performs, with Elliot, Cadence and Lyible; $7; 8 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; www.

riseupclothing.com. (Story, Page 4) THAT’S SO GAY: Featuring performances by hip-hop soul duo God-Des & She, with CJ and the Dolls and True Holland; followed by a dance party; $8 in advance, $10 at the door; 9 p.m., doors open 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-383-7595. (Story, Page 5) WINTER RESIDENCY: The Seattlebased eccentric rock band X-Ray Press performs, with Empty Space Orchestra; $5 plus fees in advance, $7 at the door; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3888331 or www.silvermoonbrewing. com. (Story, Page 4)

SATURDAY Jan. 29 “YEAR OF THE RIVER” EXHIBIT OPENS: New exhibit features the geology and hydrology of the Deschutes River; exhibit runs through April 10; included in the price of admission; $10 adults, $9 ages 65 and older, $6 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org.

What: An extended run of the comedy by Cricket Daniel about three generations of an Italian Catholic family living together. The show’s cast, from left, is Ali Kinkade, Rachel Deegan, Linn O’sruitheain and Anne Givans.

CASCADE HORIZON BAND: The senior band performs a concert featuring works by Aaron Copeland, marches, patriotic songs and more, under the direction of Sue Steiger; donations accepted; 2 p.m.; Sisters High School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road; 541-389-5121, cascadehorizonband@yahoo.com or http://cascadehorizonband.org. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Lauren Kessler reads from her work “My Teenage Werewolf: A Mother, A Daughter, A Journey Through the Thicket of Adolescence”; free; 3 p.m.; Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1034 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. EVENING OF ART, WINE AND MUSIC: Featuring a silent art auction, raffle, crafts, wine, live music and more; proceeds benefit the Bpositiv Foundation for Children with Cancer; free; 5-11 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; www.bpositiv.org. SPAGHETTI FEED: With a silent auction and live entertainment; proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity; $10, $6 children and seniors, $5 VFW members; 5-8 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1836 S.W. Veterans

Whe Whe N.E. L Cost senio Cont 541-3

Way, Redmond; 541-548-4108. DISCOMANIA: Featuring dinner, dancing and a silent auction; proceeds benefit the Crooked River RanchTerrebonne Chamber of Commerce; $25; 6 p.m.; Sandbagger Dinner House, 5165 Clubhouse Drive, Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-2679. FOUNDATION FUNDRAISER: Featuring live music, food and live and silent auctions; proceeds benefit the Bend Surgery Center Foundation; $40; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700 or www.towertheatre.org. ROBERT BURNS EVENING AND DINNER: A tribute to the Scottish poet, with live music, dancing, poetry recitations and dinner; $45; 6:50 p.m., doors open 6 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-350-5652 or highdesertcelts@gmail.com. STUDENT-DIRECTED ONE-ACT PLAYS: The Crook County High School drama department presents three studentdirected plays; $3; 7 p.m.; Crook County High School, Eugene Southwell Auditorium, 1100 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-416-6900, ext. 3132 or anita.hoffman@crookcounty.k12.or.us. “LOVE, LAUGHTER AND LUCCI”: A





Please e-mail event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on “Submit an Event” on our website at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.







n: 8 p.m. re: 2nd Street Theater, 220 Lafayette Ave., Bend : $20, $18 students and ors act: www.beattickets.org or 312-9626

presentation of the comedy by Cricket Daniel about three generations of an Italian Catholic family living together; $20, $18 students and seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-3129626 or www.beattickets.org. MOUNTAIN COUNTRY IDOL: Central Oregon musicians compete to see who is the best country artist; ages 21 and older; proceeds benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital; $5; 8 p.m.; Coyote Ranch, 1368 S. U.S. Highway 97, Redmond; 541-548-7700 or www. mountain997.com. (Story, Page 4) SATURDAY NIGHT JOKERS & JAMS: Local comics perform, with special musical guests; $10; 8 p.m., doors open 7:30 p.m.; Bend Performing Arts Center, 1155 S.W. Division St.; 541-977-5677. BENEFIT CONCERT: Featuring a performance by Roses at Gunpoint; proceeds benefit Tyler Eklund; $5 suggested donation; 8:30 p.m.; M & J Tavern, 102 N.W. Greenwood, Bend; 541-389-1410. (Story, Page 6) BETH WOOD: The Eugene-based folk rocker performs, with Shireen Amini; ages 21 and older; $8 plus fees in

What: The Crook County High School drama department presents three student-directed plays. Samantha Dunaway, left, Catalina Schweitzer and Summer Lloyd portray women from different decades in the play “10,000 Cigarettes.”

advance, $10 at the door; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3888331 or www.silvermoonbrewing. com. (Story, Page 3) 80s VIDEO DANCE ATTACK: A 1980s dance party with VJ Kittyrox; $5; 10 p.m., doors open 9 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. randompresents.com. (Story, Page 5)

SUNDAY Jan. 30 CASCADE HORIZON BAND: The senior band performs a concert featuring works by Aaron Copeland, marches, patriotic songs and more, under the direction of Sue Steiger; proceeds benefit the Summit High School wind ensemble; donations accepted; 2 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-389-5121, cascadehorizonband@yahoo.com or http://cascadehorizonband.org.


When: 7 p.m. Where: Crook County High School, Eugene Southwell Auditorium, 1100 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville Cost: $3 Contact: 541-416-6900, ext. 3132 or anita.hoffman@crookcounty.k12.or.us

AREA 97 CLUBS See what’s playing at local night spots on Page 7.

TUESDAY Feb. 1 AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Suzanne Schlosberg talks about her book “The Good Neighbor Cookbook”; 6:30 p.m.; Camalli Book Co., 1288 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite C, Bend; 541-323-6134. GREEN TEAM MOVIE NIGHT: Featuring a screening of “GASLAND: Can You Light Your Water on Fire?” a documentary about natural-gas drilling technology; free; 6:30-8 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-815-6504. PUB QUIZ: Answer trivia on topics from pop culture to politics; ages 21 and older; proceeds benefit the Kurera Fund; $40 per team; 6:309:30 p.m.; The Summit Saloon & Stage, 125 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-306-0864, vivien@kurerafund. org or www.kurerafund.org.

What: A tribute to the Scottish poet, pictured, with live music, dancing, poetry recitations and dinner. When: 6:50 p.m., doors open 6 p.m.

Where: The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend Cost: $45 Contact: 541-350-5652 or highdesertcelts@gmail.com



Feb. 2

Feb. 3

“IT’S IN THE BAG” LECTURE SERIES: Maureen Kelly presents the lecture “The Value of a Virtual Deschutes Basin,” which will explore a webbased natural resources library; free; noon-1 p.m.; OSU-Cascades Campus, Cascades Hall, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-322-3100. DAY OF ZINN: Commemorate the life and works of Howard Zinn, with readings from his works, film clips, a dinner and more; registration required for dinner portion of event; free; noon, 6 p.m. dinner and film; OSU-Cascades Campus, Cascades Hall, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-322-3140 or ndollar@osucascades.edu. FINDING FREMONT IN OREGON: Loren Irving talks about John Fremont and retracing the explorer’s twoyear journey; free; 1:30 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend; 541-617-4663. ANGELS ACROSS THE USA TOUR: Alan Pedersen performs, and speaks about grief and love; free; 7 p.m.; Partners in Care, 2075 N.E. Wyatt Court, Bend; 541-480-0667.

GRADUATION AUCTION: Silent auction for Summit High School; free admission; 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Drive; 541610-9913 or cindymckee@mac.com. GOOD CHAIR, GREAT BOOKS: Read and discuss “Oryx and Crake” by Margaret Atwood; bring a lunch; free; noon; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1080 or www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. BOOK DISCUSSION: Discuss “Go Tell It on the Mountain” by James Baldwin; free; 6:30 p.m.; Camalli Book Co., 1288 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite C, Bend; 541-323-6134. “TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD”: The Bend High School drama department presents the play; $7, $5 students and seniors; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290. EMMA HILL AND HER GENTLEMEN CALLERS: The Portland folk singer performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. (Story, Page 5)



planning ahead Right Around the Corner FEB. 4-5, 9-10 — “TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD”: The Bend High School drama department presents a dramatization of Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning tale; $7, $5 students and seniors; 7 p.m. all days, and 2 p.m. Feb. 5; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290. FEB. 4-5 — HILLSTOMP: Portlandbased junkyard blues duo performs; ticket prices to be announced; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3888331 or www.silvermoonbrewing.com. FEB. 4 — FIRST FRIDAY GALLERY WALK: Event includes art exhibit openings, artist talks, live music, wine and food in downtown Bend and the Old Mill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend. FEB. 4 — SISTERS FOLK FESTIVAL WINTER CONCERT SERIES: Featuring a performance by Tom Russell; $15, $10 students in advance, $20, $12 students at the door; 7 p.m., doors open 6:30 p.m.; Sisters High School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road; 541-549-4979 or www.sistersfolkfestival.org. FEB. 4 — “TETRO”: A screening of the 2009 R-rated film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541-475-3351 or www.jcld.org. FEB. 4 — BOB MARLEY CELEBRATION & TRIBUTE SHOW: Featuring performances of Marley songs by Sashamon, Chronicle, Alcyon Massive and Escort Service Band; ages 21 and older; $7 plus fees in advance, $10 at the door; 9 p.m., doors open 8 p.m.; The Annex, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. actiondeniroproductions.com. FEB. 5 — CENTRAL OREGON SPELLING BEE: Students compete for a chance to participate in the Scripps National Spelling Bee; $5, free for students; 9 a.m.; Ponderosa Elementary School, 3790 N.E. Purcell Blvd., Bend; 541-323-6829. FEB. 5 — CRAB FEED FUNDRAISER: Meal features crab, bread, an assortment of beverages and more; ages 21 and older only; proceeds benefit the student technology program at St. Thomas Academy of Redmond; $20; 4-8 p.m.; St. Thomas Parish Hall, 12th Street and Evergreen Avenue, Redmond; 541-548-3785 or www.redmondacademy.com. FEB. 5 — RHINESTONE COWBOY AUCTION: With a dinner, live and silent auctions and live music by Reno and Cindy Holler; reservations requested; proceeds benefit college scholarships for Sisters High School graduates; $50; 6-10 p.m.; FivePine Lodge & Conference Center, 1021 Desperado Trail, Sisters; 503-5599788 or www.sistersgro.com. FEB. 5 — SATURDAY NIGHT JOKERS & JAMS: Local comics perform, with special musical guests; $10; 8 p.m., doors open 7:30 p.m.; Bend Performing Arts Center, 1155 S.W. Division St.; 541-977-5677.

Talks & classes

Submitted photo

The Dead Winter Carpenters will perform Feb. 10 at McMenamins Old St. Francis School. FEB. 6 — FIDDLERS JAM: Listen or dance at the Oregon Old Time Fiddlers Jam; donations accepted; 1-3 p.m.; Pine Forest Grange, 63214 N.E. Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-447-5451. FEB. 7 — GOOD CHAIR, GREAT BOOKS: Read and discuss “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer; free; noon; Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7085 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. FEB. 7 — BUNCO PARTY: Featuring games, prizes and refreshments; proceeds benefit Prineville Habitat for Humanity; $5; 2 p.m.; Eagles Lodge & Club, 235 N.E. Fourth St., Prineville; 541-447-7659. FEB. 9 — “9500 LIBERTY”: A screening of the documentary about an explosive immigration-policy battle in Virginia; free; 6:30 p.m.; Becky Johnson Center, 412 S.W. Eighth St., Redmond; 541-383-7412 or http://multicultural.cocc.edu/events. FEB. 9 — IGNITE BEND: A series of five-minute presentations on a range of topics, each chosen by the presenter; $5 suggested donation; 7 p.m., doors open 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St.; 541480-6492 or www.ignitebend.com. FEB. 9 — SONNY HESS BAND: The rhythm and blues act performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. FEB. 10 — GOOD CHAIR, GREAT BOOKS: Read and discuss “Half Broke Horses” by Janette Walls; bring a lunch; free; noon; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1055 or www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. FEB. 10 — “I’M NOT YOUR INDIAN MASCOT ANYMORE”: Cornel Pewewardy talks about countering the assault of Native American mascots in schools; free; 3:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Wille Hall, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7412 or http:// multicultural.cocc.edu/events. FEB. 10 — BUDDY WAKEFIELD: The

slam poet performs; free; 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. FEB. 10 — DEAD WINTER CARPENTERS: The California-based roots-rock band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. FEB. 10 — “FOREVER PLAID”: Barter Theatre presents the musical about high school crooners who return from the afterlife for one last shot at glory; $37 or $42; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700 or www.towertheatre.org. FEB. 10 — “OLIVER!”: Preview night of Cascades Theatrical Company’s presentation of Lionel Bart’s musical about a lovable orphan who asks for more; $10; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org.

Farther Down the Road FEB. 11-12 — “TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD”: The Bend High School drama department presents a dramatization of Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning tale; $7, $5 students and seniors; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290. FEB. 11-13, 16-17 — “OLIVER!”: Cascades Theatrical Company presents Lionel Bart’s musical about a lovable orphan who asks for more; $20, $15 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m. Feb. 11-12 and Feb. 1-17, 2 p.m. Feb. 13; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org. FEB. 11 — TRIVIA BEE: The Education Foundation for the Bend-La Pine Schools holds a trivia competition; with hors

GROUP CLASS AND BALLROOM DANCE: Social dance class; topic changes weekly; no partner necessary; $5 per class; 8-10 p.m. Fridays, today through Feb. 18; Dance With Travis, 1012 S.E. Cleveland Square Loop, Suite 1, Bend; www.dancewithtravis. com, info@dancewithtravis. com or 541-678-5592. MAGICAL FAIRY ART: Come dressed as a fairy and create a fairy experience with glitter and sparkles; ages 6-9; $12; 10:45 a.m.-noon Saturday; Redmond Area Park and Recreation District, Activity Center, 335 S.E. Jackson St.; www.raprd. org or 541-548-7275. CASCADIA LEPIDOPTERA CONSERVATION: David James talks about butterflies, scientific and environmental reasons we should care about them, and more; included in the price of admission; $10 adults, $9 ages 65 and older, $6 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 2 p.m. Saturday; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754. EMBRACING THE LIGHT: Terri Daniel and Kelsey Collins talk about the end of life, geared toward the Boomer generation; free; 2 p.m. Sunday; Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar, 541-549-4004 or 541-312-1032. LIVE AND LEARN SPANISH: Information session about an immersion trip to Argentina

d’oeuvres; ages 21 and older only; proceeds benefit the foundation; $20; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700 or www.towertheatre.org. FEB. 12 — “THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: NIXON IN CHINA”: Starring Kathleen Kim, Janis Kelly and James Maddalena in a presentation of John Adams’ masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 10 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. FEB. 13 — “THE JACKET”: Nanda, a four-man circus-ninja-dancecomedy-action performing arts group, presents the story of a magical jacket that gives its wearer superhuman power; $12, $8 ages 12 and younger; 2 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700 or www.towertheatre.org. FEB. 11 — WILLIAMS AND REE: The comedy team performs; ages 21 and older; $15-$25; 9 p.m.; Kah-Nee-Ta High Desert Resort & Casino, 100 Main St., Warm Springs; 541-5531112 or http://kahneeta.com. FEB. 15-17 — “TWELVE ANGRY JURORS”: The Sisters High School

that begins July 30; free; 3:30 p.m. Tuesday; COCC, student center, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; http://noncredit.cocc.edu or 541-383-7290 to register. THE ESSENTIAL HOME: Learn about intentional design and emphasizing quality over quantity; $10; 6-8 p.m. Tuesday; The Environmental Center, 16 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; riverkids@ hotmail.com or 541-678-5599. MAKE YOUR OWN GOOP: Ages 3-5 make play dough, slime and flubber; parent participation required; $17; 11 a.m. Wednesdays, Feb. 2-16; Redmond Area Park and Recreation District, Activity Center, 335 S.E. Jackson St.; www.raprd.org or 541-548-7275. COOKING CLASS WITH CHEF BETTE: Learn to cook special foods for Valentine’s Day; registration required; $50; 6 p.m. Wednesday; Johnson Brothers TV and Appliance, 571 Azure Drive, Bend; www.welltraveledfork. com or 541-312-0097. JUST-FOR-FUN PIANO: Ages 16 and older; $90; 6-9 p.m. Wednesday; Hollinshead Barn, 1235 N.E. Jones Road, Bend; 541-389-7275 to register. ART ENVY: Paula Bullwinkel will discuss Leonardo da Vinci, followed by a drawing workshop; free; 6 p.m. Thursday at Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 1 p.m. Feb. 7 at La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar or 541-312-1034.

drama department presents the story of a jury trying to decide the fate of a man charged with murder; $7, $4 students, free students and staff with ID on Feb. 15; 7 p.m.; Sisters High School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road; 541-549-4045, ext. 1020. FEB. 15 — KY-MANI MARLEY: The Grammy-nominated reggae and hip-hop musician performs; $30 or $35; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700 or www.towertheatre.org. FEB. 17 — WINTERFRINGE: Fire dancers and street performers parade through downtown Bend, followed by performances by Mosley Wotta and Larry and His Flask at the center; prelude to WinterFest; $6 for WinterFest button in advance, $7 at the gate, free ages 5 and younger; 7-9 p.m. street performers, 9 p.m. music begins; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-3230964 or www.bendwinterfest.com. FEB. 17 — “THE SPIN CYCLE”: Preview night of Innovation Theatre Works’ presentation of the comedy about a baby boomer who returns home for Thanksgiving; $15-$20; 8 p.m.; Bend Performing Arts Center, 1155 S.W. Division St.; 541-5046721 or www.innovationtw.org.




music releases Wire RED BARKED TREE Pink Flag Records In two short years and three albums spanning 1977-79, London’s Wire did just about everything a band could do with punk, then added some more. Things haven’t been the same since: Extended hiatuses and side projects are common, and original fourth member Bruce Gilbert has been absent since 2007. But on this, the band’s 12th studio album, not much has

Cake SHOWROOM OF COMPASSION Upbeat Records It’s been seven years since we last heard new material from Cake, the laconic alt-rockers who have been a modern-rock staple since the sardonic breakout hit “Rock ’n’ Roll Lifestyle” won us over in the mid-’90s. In the last 15 years, Cake has been an example of painting inside the lines — creating music (and album covers) that are natural, if too-similar, extensions of what came before. And while “Showroom of Compassion” is packed with listenable songs, the record sounds like it could have been made in 1998, back when Cake told us that sheep go to heaven and goats go to hell. Some old techniques and fa-

changed, either. Wire stomps and grinds with a mechanical guitar-and-drum approach

Here and there Feb. 13 — Roseland Theater, Portland; SOLD OUT; www .ticketswest.com or 800-9928499.

miliar instruments surface on “Mustache Man (Wasted),” but it works. “Long Time” is a natural for radio stations that haven’t given up on the band; it’s an upbeat, pop-rooted song that spotlights frontman John McCrea’s straightforward observations. A dip into whimsical chamber pop, album closer “Italian Guy” is a winning observational tale and a perfect example of why we were drawn to Cake in the first place. McCrea is a cynical storyteller who isn’t afraid to call people out — for their mis-

Tapes ‘N Tapes OUTSIDE Ibid Records It’s been five years since Tapes ‘N Tapes rode the then-new blogosphere-built buzz from Minnesota obscurity to indierock “it” band status for its debut “The Loon.” But that particular rocket ride doesn’t last long (Right, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah?), and Tapes ‘N Tapes fell to Earth with quite a thud on 2008’s about-face “Walk It Off.” Maybe that’s why their new effort, “Outside,” sounds a bit like the band is meandering around, dazed and confused. The opener “Badaboom” sets up an interesting mix of parameters for the album, like the band is going to try to blaze its own

(“Moreover,” “Smash”) as easily as it veers off into a daydreaming atmosphere (“Down to This”). Here, though, the transitions and touches are more unexpected — acoustic strumming on the title track; piano on “Adapt”; a pinch of New Order on “Bad Worn Thing.” These surprises are what make “Red Barked Tree” oddly comfortable. Outside of the band’s late-’70s trifecta, this is as good a place as any to start, or renew, a Wire fascination. — Michael Pollock, The Philadelphia Inquirer

deeds, hypocrisy and lies. And not only are his observations often humorous, but they’re also set against chiming melodies and a unique collection of sounds and textures. Sure, he hasn’t evolved much. But for some music fans, that’s perfectly OK. — Ricardo Baca, The Denver Post

Here and there March 9 — Doug Fir Lounge, Portland; www.ticketswest .com or 800-992-8499.

trail between Radiohead austerity and Talking Heads world-beat weirdness. Sometimes, they veer close to the Radiohead border (especially on “Outro”), and sometimes they samba over to the Heads’ side. The horn-filled, groovy “One in the World,” where Josh Grier wonders, “Where is my heart? Is

it in San Jose?” is especially David Byrne-ish. Then, there’s the Wilco-meetsAfghan Whigs surprise that is “The Saddest of All Keys.” It’s both crafty and well crafted. However, sometimes it does seem like Tapes ‘N Tapes isn’t quite sure what to do with it. “Outside” does sound a bit lost, with too many styles pulling in different directions, but the band does unearth some gems in its travels. — Glenn Gamboa, Newsday

Keri Hilson NO BOYS ALLOWED Interscope Records Whether it’s regarding money or sex, Keri Hilson is concerned with boundaries on her second album, hence the girl’s clubhouse title, “No Boys Allowed.” Whatever lines she’s ready to draw with lovers or her bank account, one wishes she’d applied the same “suffer no fools” attitude to the production and thematic intent of her follow-up to the promising but flawed 2009 album, “In a Perfect World.” With executive producers Timbaland and Polow Da Don at the helm, “No Boys Allowed” often sounds like lipstick on a pig. There’s no song that cruises with the chrome-rattling confidence of “Turnin’ Me On”;

instead, nearly every song is cluttered with as much textural filigree as possible to distract from the absence of narcotic radio hooks. But the bigger problem is with Hilson’s assertion that this will be some sort of girl-power album reflecting the concerns of herself and her friends. In glimpses it reaches that goal — like in maybe half of the sticky and finessed “Breaking Point” — but it’s undone by the album’s many other contradictory messages. “No Boys Allowed” features guest spots from men only — Jay-Z’s exciting protege J. Cole, Rick Ross, Kanye West (not in his best form) and Nelly. That’s a little disappointing but not as woefully capitulating as inviting Chris Brown to duet on a song called “One Night Stand.” Listening to Brown lay down a seduction track only conjures the feeling of turning around in a dark parking lot and seeing a big stranger coming up fast. Sure, you’ll probably be OK, but in the moment all you can think is, “Where are my keys?!” Justified fear — nothing like it to get things going in the bedroom. Is this the aphrodisiac that either had in mind? — Margaret Wappler, Los Angeles Times

Gorillaz THE FALL Self-released It’s no surprise that Damon Albarn — music’s most popular dilettante, having surpassed his ’90s peer Beck to become a much more high-profile second act than anyone thought possible — has made an album via iPad. The prospect of this compulsive collaborator going it alone by such minimal means left open an interesting question of what shape his music would take now, devoid of Snoop Dogg, Lou Reed, or De La Soul. “The Fall” is a low-budget capsule of his usual eclecticism, with Ali Farka Toure-style Malian guitar on “Bobby in Phoenix” and bloopy motorik techno on “Detroit.”

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The squiggling opener, “Phoner to Arizona,” is an interesting 8-bit take on the Flaming Lips’ “Embryonic,” but the rest is airy sketches and backgrounds (and 38 seconds of yodeling), eclectic or not. — Dan Weiss, The Philadelphia Inquirer




Romantic dining

at Ariana

Ryan Brennecke / The Bulletin

The main dining room at Ariana in Bend is refined but relaxed, seating about 40 guests total.

It’s all in the family at west-side Bend’s destination restaurant By John Gottberg Anderson For The Bulletin


our years have passed since I last visited Ariana Restaurant on Bend’s west side. Shame on me. The family-run restaurant — which celebrated its sixth anniversary in December — is still among Central Oregon’s best destinations for romantic fine dining. There have been changes, of course. Chef Ariana Asti Fernández, the restaurant’s namesake, doesn’t spend nearly as much time in the kitchen as she once did. She has be-

come twice a mother, with daughters Gabriella born in 2007 and Isabel in 2010. But Ariana’s husband, Colombianborn Andrès Fernandez, is every bit her equal as a chef. He couples his Hispanic sensibilities with training in French culinary techniques and an early professional education in the rotisserie kitchen at now-defunct Merenda. In recent years, the cuisine at Ariana has evolved from primarily Mediterranean to equally Pacific Northwest in orientation.

Glenn and Susan Asti, Ariana’s parents, are as critical a part of the restaurant’s recipe for business success today as they were in 2007. Susan manages the front of the house while Glenn, a chiropractor by trade, orders the wines, bakes the breads, mixes the sauces and otherwise assists in the kitchen.

A Craftsman bungalow Ariana Restaurant is at home in a lovely Craftsman-style bungalow on Galveston Avenue. It’s as romantic a restaurant as you’ll find in Bend. Few other establishments in the region couple whitetablecloth dining and impeccably professional service with the low-lit intimacy of the Ariana experience. Continued next page

Ariana Restaurant Location: 1304 N.W. Galveston Ave., Bend Hours: 5 p.m. to close Tuesday to Saturday Price range: Appetizers $8 to $12, entrees $16 to $29 Credit cards: American Express, MasterCard, Visa Kids’ menu: No Vegetarian menu: Several pasta plates, salads and other dishes Alcoholic beverages: Full bar Outdoor seating: Seasonal patio Reservations: Highly recommended

Contact: www.ariana restaurantbend.com or 541-330-5539

Scorecard OVERALL: AFood: A-. Wonderful Mediterranean-influenced food; only the steak fell short of expectations. Service: A. Top-end professional service ranks with the best in Central Oregon. Atmosphere: B+. Lovely and romantic; candlelight and drapes could improve the mood. Value: A-. Prices have not changed since my last visit four years ago.




restaurants From previous page The restaurant seats only 40 guests in its main dining room, and each table may well feel that it is receiving special treatment. That said, when my dining companion joined me for a recent meal, we both felt that some small touches could have improved the overall mood. Although it was evening, we would have liked to have seen drapes framing the windows. We would have preferred to have been dining by candlelight rather than dimmed track lighting. The fireplace beside our table, which perhaps had not been lit in years, had a rack of votive candles behind its screen. Yet although it was a chilly evening, they were unlit. It would have been an easy fix to boost the restaurant’s ambience.

Mediterranean influence Our dinner, by contrast, for the most part required very little fixing. We shared an appetizer and a salad, then each had separate entrees. Our starter, a Sicilian-style calamari dish, was a far cry from typical restaurant squid plates. Rings and tentacles were simmered in a rich tomato sauce until they were softly tender. Juicy capers and currants added a fruity zest, while toasted fregula — a Sardinian pasta not unlike orzo — was an intriguing complement. The Ariana salad, a house blend of baby greens with red onions, orange segments and Gorgonzola cheese, was light and fresh. It was tossed with a tangy basil vinaigrette that gave it just enough of an edge to make it more than an ordinary salad. My companion had nothing but good things to say about her duck confit entree. “This may be the best duck I’ve ever had,” she raved. Prepared in classic confit style — that is, cured in salt, then poached in their own fat — the duck leg and breast were wonderfully juicy and savory. They were served with red cabbage, slowly braised with pieces of apple to give it a sweet-and-sour flavor, and a simple potato gnocchi blended with a zippy stoneground-mustard cream sauce. The tastes played off one another like woodwinds and strings in a symphony orchestra. Unfortunately, I found my steak au poivre, a New York pepper steak, to be one-dimensional. Although the beef was grilled medium-rare as per my request, its light, creamy brandy sauce

Duck confit served with warm mustard-dill potato salad and slow-braised red cabbage with apple at Ariana.

Ryan Brennecke The Bulletin

had very few peppercorns. When I order a pepper steak, I look forward to the piquant edge provided by unground peppercorns. As fine a piece of meat as was this beef, it fell short of my expectations. I did, however, enjoy the handcut pommes frites — french fries — sprinkled with white truffle oil.

Outstanding service Our server on this occasion was one of Bend’s finest and most experienced. Joe Conrad, who previously waited tables at such establishments as Merenda and Bistro Corlise (to name but two), could teach clinics on what it means to be a skilled server. Conrad loves what he does, and it shows. His smile is genuine and unforced. His professional manner is second nature. He takes orders promptly and delivers courses with perfect timing. He knows just when to stop by a table to top off wine glasses — we had a 2007 Van Duzin pinot noir — and, just as importantly, when not to intervene on diners locked in conversation . I was delighted to find that Ariana has not raised its prices in the four years since I last visited.

in the downtown Bend breezeway between Wall and Brooks streets, the restaurant will feature small plates from various east and southeast Asian cuisines. Bend native Michael Murphy will be chef. Open Tuesday through Saturday nights. 852 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; www .bokenbend.com. Hola!, a popular MexicanPeruvian restaurant with two Bend stores, will open a third location in Sunriver in March. Owner and executive chef Marcos Rodriguez said the new restaurant will replace the Trout House, which is closing. Existing restaurants, open every day for lunch and dinner, are next to the Regal cinemas in the The Old Mill District (541-647-2711) and in the Forum Shopping Center on Bend’s east side (541-3894652); www.holabend.com. Deschutes Brewery has created a special beer to celebrate Bend WinterFest. The beer, called “Giraffe on Ice Skates” will only be available at the downtown Bend brewpub on Saturday. “Giraffe on Ice Skates” is named for some experimental hops that were marooned in the brewery’s cooler. The Belgianstyle beer is also brewed with hibiscus. With any purchase of “Giraffe on Ice Skates” on

John Gottberg Anderson can be reached at janderson@ bendbulletin.com.

SMALL BITES Justin Cook, executive chef and owner of Kanpai Sushi and Sake Bar, will formally open Boken, his new Japanese-style bar and grill, on Feb. 7. Located

Hours: Mon.-Thurs.10:45am - 9pm Fri. - Sat. 10:45am - 10pm Sun: 11:45am - 9pm 541-318-8500 In Fred Meyer Center • 61535 S. Highway 97, #10

Saturday, Deschutes will also donate $1 to Saving Grace, the official charitable beneficiary of WinterFest. Open 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 12 a.m. Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday; 1044 N.W. Bond St., Bend; www.deschutesbrewery.com or 541-382-9242.

RECENT REVIEWS Cheerleaders Grill (A-): Don’t let the collection of sports memorabilia mislead you into thinking this is a sports bar and grill; in fact, it’s a family-friendly diner that serves solid breakfasts and lunches. The staff will make you feel like family by your second visit. Open 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. every day. 3081 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-330-0631. Cindy’s Chinese Garden (B): At this south Redmond restaurant, the food is equal to the standard of most of the region’s Chinese restaurants. Service is

Next week: Old Mill Brew Werks Visit www. bendbulletin.com /restaurants for readers’ ratings of more than 150 Central Oregon restaurants. friendly and efficient; etchedglass decor would be attractive were the restaurant not guilty of sloppy housekeeping. Open 11:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Sunday to Thursday, 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. 1362 S. U.S. Highway 97, Redmond; www.cindyschinesegarden.com or 541-923-9928. Taylor’s Sausage (B): A fivegeneration family business, Taylor’s opened a Bend deli and pub in September. A wide choice of sausages and other meats highlights the menu at the folksy restaurant, which offers some of the least expensive meals in Central Oregon. Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday to Saturday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday. 913 N.E. Third St., Bend; www.taylor sausage.com or 541-383-1694. Level 2 Global Food and Lounge (B+): Specializing in a tapas-style fusion of world cuisines, this is the newest incarnation of the second-story Fuel Building space in the Shops at the Old Mill District. Pork dishes are particularly good, but preparation of some other plates is heavy-handed. Service is reliable, atmosphere pleasant if understated. Open 3 p.m. to close every day. 360 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 210, Bend; www.bendlevel2.com or 541-323-5382.

Where Buyers And Sellers Meet



out of town The following is a list of other events “Out of Town.”



Courtesy Center of Science and Industry in Ohio

“Annie,” a 2,300-year-old mummy and sarcophagus, will be shown as part of the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry exhibit “Lost Egypt: Ancient Secrets, Modern Science.” Opening Saturday, the exhibit runs through May 1.

Egypt exhibit takes over OMSI in Portland By Jenny Harada The Bulletin


ho built the pyramids of Giza in Egypt? What is mummification? How do you read hieroglyphics? Through science and technology, the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry hopes to unlock some of these mysteries in its new exhibit “Lost Egypt: Ancient Secrets, Modern Science.” Opening Saturday, the exhibit runs through May 1 in Portland. Developed by Ohio’s Center of Science and Industry and built by the Science Museum of Minnesota, the exhibit features hands-on interactives, theatrical set designs and authentic artifacts including “Annie,” a 2,300-yearold mummy and her sarcophagus. The exhibit is divided into four sections: “Orientation Entrance,” “Field Site,” “Ancient Egyptian Culture” and “Laboratory.” Set as a modern Egyptian street scene, the first stage introduces visitors to current archaeologists.

“Field Site” explores “tools, techniques, sciences and technologies used at the Lost City of the Pyramid Builders site on the Giza Plateau,” according to a news release. The “Ancient Egyptian Culture” section explores art, language, mummification and the Egyptians’ belief in the afterlife. The “Laboratory” features x-rays, CT-scans, facial reconstructions and 3-D rapid prototype printing — the “only 3-D print ever made of a mummy,” according to the news release. Printed at three different stages, the process allows an “unwrapping” of the mummy without causing the actual mummy harm. Museum admission is $12 for adults and $9 for youth (ages 3 to 13) and seniors (ages 63 and older). There is also a $2 fee for parking. To purchase tickets or for more information, visit www.omsi.edu or contact 503-797-4000. Jenny Harada can be reached at 541-3830350 or jharada@bendbulletin.com.

Concer ts Jan. 28 — The Bill Charlap Trio, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www. theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. Jan. 28 — Grace Potter & The Nocturnals, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TM* Jan. 29 — Interpol, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Jan. 29 — TobyMac’s Winter Wonder Slam Tour, Theater of the Clouds, Portland; www. rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. Jan. 29 — The Wood Brothers, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TM* Jan. 30 — Elizabeth Cook, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; TM* Jan. 30 — The Wood Brothers, WOW Hall, Eugene; www. wowhall.org or 541-687-2746. Feb. 1 — Underoath, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 2 — David Garrett, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Feb. 2 — Sarah McLachlan, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM* Feb. 3 — Daniel Lanois’ Black Dub, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Feb. 3 — Jackie Greene, WOW Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall. org or 541-687-2746. Feb. 3 — “Take the ‘A’ Train: The Music of Billy Strayhorn”: Presented by Carl Woideck; The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www. theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. Feb. 4 — Bassnectar, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 4 — Jackie Greene, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Feb. 4 — Michael Rose, WOW Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall. org or 541-687-2746. Feb. 5 — Motorhead, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 5 — Winterfolk XXIII, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Feb. 7 — Led Zeppelin 2, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Feb. 8-9 — Social Distortion, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; TM* Feb. 8 — Trombone Shorty & Orleans Ave, Dante’s, Portland; TW* Feb. 9 — Dailey & Vincent, Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; www.craterian.com or 541-779-3000. Feb. 9 — Rodney Crowell, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Feb. 9 — Social Distortion, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; TM* Feb. 9 — STS9, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 10 — Ethan Bortnick, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Feb. 10 — Sebadoh, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TM*

Feb. 10, 13 — “Night and Day”: Presented by The Emerald City Jazz Kings; Jaqua Concert Hall, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www. theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. Feb. 11 — Solas, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Feb. 11 — STS9, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Feb. 12 — Chromeo, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 12 — David Wilcox, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Feb. 13 — Avenged Sevenfold, Matthew Knight Arena, Eugene; www.matthewknightarena. com or 800-932-3668. Feb. 13 — CAKE, Roseland Theater, Portland; SOLD OUT; TW* Feb. 15 — Ke$ha, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; SOLD OUT; TM* Feb. 15 — Murder by Death, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TM* Feb. 15 — Ryan Bingham & The Dead Horses, WOW Hall, Eugene; www. wowhall.org or 541-687-2746. Feb. 16 — Voice of the Wetlands All-Stars: Featuring Tab Benoit, Anders Osborne, Big Chief Monk Boudreaux, Cyril Neville, Johnny Sansome and Whalen Thibodeaux; Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Feb. 17 — Elton John, Matthew Knight Arena, Eugene; SOLD OUT; www.matthewknightarena. com or 800-932-3668. Feb. 17 — Gang of Four, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TM* Feb. 17 — Jonathan Coulton, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Feb. 17 — Waddie Mitchell, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www. theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. Feb. 18 — Godspeed You! Black Emperor, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; SOLD OUT; TM* Feb. 18 — House of Floyd — Pink Floyd Tribute, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Feb. 18 — Tommy Emmanuel, Aladdin Theater, Portland; SOLD OUT; TM* Feb. 18 — Jessie Marquez, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www. theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. Feb. 18 — Yo La Tengo, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TM* Feb. 18-19 — Marty Stuart, Chinook Winds Casino Resort, Lincoln City; www.chinookwindscasino. com or 888-624-6228. Feb. 18-27 — Portland Jazz Festival: Featuring Regina Carter, Joshua Redman, Maceo Parker and the SFJAZZ Collective; Portland; www. pdxjazz.com or 503-228-5299. Feb. 19 — The Decemberists, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM* Feb. 19 — House of Floyd, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Feb. 19 — Ryan Bingham & The Dead Horses, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TM* Feb. 20 — Yo La Tengo, WOW




out of town Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall. org or 541-687-2746. Feb. 23 — Al Di Meola, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Feb. 23 — Josh Ritter, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; TM* Feb. 24-27 — Wintergrass: Featuring The Blind Boys of Alabama, Darrell Scott, The Sam Bush Band, Crooked Still and Laurie Lewis & The Right Hands; Hyatt Regency, Bellevue, Wash.; www. acousticsound.org or 253-428-8056. Feb. 25 — Balkan Beat Box, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 25 — Pancho Sanchez, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; TM* Feb. 25 — Too Slim & the Taildraggers/John Hammond, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Feb. 26 — 3 Cohens & AfroSemitic, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; TM* Feb. 26 — The Four Freshmen, Ross Ragland Theater, Klamath Falls; www.rrtheater.org or 541-884-0651. Feb. 26 — Gary Myrick & The Figures, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Feb. 26 — Regina Carter, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; TM* Feb. 26 — SOJA, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Feb. 27 — Maceo Parker, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; TM* Feb. 27 — Swans, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 28 — Eric Clapton, Rose Garden, Portland; www.rosequarter. com or 877-789-7673. March 1 — Imagination Moviers, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM* March 3 — Cold War Kids, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; TM* March 3 — DeVotchKa, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* March 3 — Steven Page, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TM* March 4 — Cold War Kids, WOW Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall. org or 541-687-2746. March 4 — Morcheeba, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* March 4-5 — B.B. King, Chinook Winds Casino Resort, Lincoln City; www.chinookwindscasino. com or 888-624-6228. March 6 — Crystal Castles, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* March 6 — Yann Tiersen, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TM* March 8 — Medeski Martin and Wood, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* March 9 — Drive-By Truckers, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* March 9 — Kaki King, WOW Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall. org or 541-687-2746. March 9 — Punch Brothers, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* March 10 — Drive-By Truckers, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TM* March 10 — Iris Dement, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www. theshedd.org or 541-434-7000.

March 10 — Joshua Radin, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; TM* March 10 — Simian Mobile Disco, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW*

Lectures & Comedy Through Jan. 28 — Craft Conversation with Garth Johnson, Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland; www.museumofcontemporarycraft. org or 503-223-2654. Jan. 28 — Brian Regan, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM* Jan. 28 — Jeff Dunham, Matthew Knight Arena, Eugene; www.matthewknightarena. com or 800-932-3668. Jan. 28 — “Quilt Fusion: Unique Techniques”: Lecture by Terry Grant; The Oregon Garden, Silverton; www. oregongarden.org or 503-874-8100. Jan. 29 — Paula Poundstone, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Jan. 29 — “Waste of Timelessness: Craft in the Present Tense”: Lecture by Garth Johnson; Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland; www.museumofcontemporarycraft. org or 503-223-2654. Feb. 12 — Michel Lauziére, Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; www.craterian.org or 541-779-3000. Feb. 16 — Brian Posehn, WOW Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall. org or 541-687-2746. Feb. 17 — The Moth, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM* Feb. 19 — The Best of the San Francisco Comedy Competition, Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; www.craterian. org or 541-779-3000. Feb. 23 — “Soil Not Oil: Climate Change, Peak Oil, and Food Justice”: Lecture by Vandana Shiva; part of the World Affairs Council of Oregon’s International Speaker Series; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.worldoregon. org or 503-306-5252. Feb. 26 — “Madagascar: The Real Treasure Island”: Lecture by Paul Freed; The Oregon Garden, Silverton; www.oregongarden. org or 503-874-8100. March 3 — Tracy Kidder: Part of the Portland Arts & Lectures series; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.literaryarts.org or 503-227-2583. March 7 — Wes Moore: Part of the Everybody Reads 2011 program; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM*

Symphony & Opera Jan. 29 — “A Gala Evening with Itzhak Perlman”: Featuring music by Beethoven, Strauss and Mendelssohn; presented by the Eugene Symphony; Hult Center, Eugene; www.hultcenter. org or 541-682-5000. Jan. 29, 31 — “Percussion Spectacular”: Featuring percussionist Colin Currie; presented by the Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.

*Tickets • TM — Ticketmaster, www.ticketmaster.com or 800745-3000 • TW — TicketsWest, www.ticketswest.com or 800992-8499 orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Jan. 30 — Ernest Bloch Music Concerts: Presented by Third Angle Ensemble; associated with the exhibit “Ernest Bloch — Framing a Vision of the World”; Oregon Jewish Museum, Portland; www. ojm.org or 503-226-3600. Feb. 4, 6, 10, 12 — “Turandot”: Opera by Giacomo Puccini; American premiere of Christopher Alden’s production; presented by Portland Opera; Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* Feb. 5-7 — “Yuja Wang Plays Rachmaninoff”: Featuring music by Brahms, Nielsen and Rachmaninoff; presented by the Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Feb. 14 — “Valentine’s Day with Johnny Mathis”: Presented by the Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Feb. 17 — “Scheherazade”: Featuring music by Dvorák, Poulenc and Rimsky-Korsokav; presented by the Eugene Symphony; Hult Center, Eugene; www.hultcenter. org or 541-682-5000. Feb. 20 — Cirque de la Symphonie, Hult Center, Eugene; www. hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000. Feb. 20-21 — “Gregory Vajda’s Dvorák”: Featuring music by Barber, Bartok and Dvorák; presented by the Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Feb. 26-28 — “Thomas Lauderdale Plays Grieg”: Featuring music by Stravinsky, Schubert, Grieg and Marquez; presented by the Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. March 4 — Storm Large: Presented by the Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony. org or 800-228-7343.

Theater & Dance Through Jan. 29 — BodyVox-2, The BodyVox Dance Center, Portland; www.bodyvox.com or 503-229-0627. Through Jan. 29 — “Circle Mirror Transformation”: New comedy by Annie Baker; presented by the Lord Leebrick Theatre Company; Lord Leebrick Theatre, Eugene; www. lordleebrick.com or 541-465-1506. Through Feb. 6 — “The Imaginary Invalid”: 17th century comedy by Molière; adaptation by Constance Congdon; presented by Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; www. pcs.org or 503-446-5700.

Through Feb. 6 — “Superior Donuts”: Comedy-drama by Tracy Letts; presented by Artists Repertory Theatre; Morrison Stage, Portland; www.artistsrep.org or 503-241-1278. Jan. 28 — Bellydance Superstars, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Jan. 29-30 — “Bossa Brasil”: Presented by Ballet Fantastique; Hult Center, Eugene; www. hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000. Feb. 1-March 27 — “Futura”: New play by Jordan Harrison; presented by Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; www.pcs.org or 503-446-5700. Feb. 2 — “Monty Python’s Spamalot”: A tuneful spoof of the King Arthur legend, based on the cult classic film, “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”; Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; www. craterian.com or 541-779-3000. Feb. 4 — “Legally Blonde the Musical”: Based on the hit movie of the same name starring Reese Witherspoon; Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; www. craterian.com or 541-779-3000. Feb. 5 — “Legally Blonde the Musical”: Based on the hit movie of the same name starring Reese Witherspoon; Hult Center, Eugene; www.hultcenter. org or 541-682-5000. Feb. 5 — “Rumbles’ Time Machine!”: Presented by the Magical Moombah; The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www. theshedd.org or 541-434-7004. Feb. 8-March 13 — “The Lieutenant of Inishmore”: Comedy by Martin McDonagh; presented by Artists Repertory Theatre; Alder Stage, Portland; www. artistsrep.org or 503-241-1278. Feb. 9 — Grupo Corpo: Brazilbased company mixes classical ballet and Afro-Brazilian movement; part of the White Bird Dance Series; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM* Feb. 12-13 — “Alice in Wonderland”: Ballet features Lewis Carroll’s poems set to music by English composers; presented by the Eugene Ballet Company; Hult Center, Eugene; www. hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000. Feb. 14 — “McManus in Love”: Comedy written by Patrick McManus; starring Tim Behrans; Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; www.craterian.org or 541-779-3000. Feb. 16-Nov. 6 — “Measure for Measure”: Tragicomedy by William Shakespeare; directed by Bill Rauch; presented by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival; Angus Bowmer Theatre, Ashland; www. osfashland.org or 800-219-8161. Feb. 17 — “A Chorus Line”: 17 dancers audition for a new Broadway musical; Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; www. craterian.org or 541-779-3000. Feb. 18-March 12 — “My Name is Rachel Corrie”: Taken from the writings of Rachel Corrie; edited by Alan Rickman and Katharine Viner; presented by the Lord Leebrick Theatre Company; Lord Leebrick Theatre, Eugene; www. lordleebrick.com or 541-465-1506. Feb. 19-July 3 — “To Kill a

Mockingbird”: Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Harper Lee; adapted by Christopher Sergel; presented by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival; Angus Bowmer Theatre, Ashland; www. osfashland.org or 800-219-8161. Feb. 20-Nov. 6 — “The Imaginary Invalid”: Molière’s 17th century comedy gets an injection of 1960s French pop culture; adapted by Oded Gross and Tracy Young; presented by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival; Angus Bowmer Theatre, Ashland; www. osfashland.org or 800-219-8161. Feb. 22-March 20 — “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”: Play by Dale Wasserman; based on the novel by Ken Kesey; presented by Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; www.pcs.org or 503-446-5700. Feb. 24-June 18 — “The Language Archive”: Julia Cho’s prize-winning tale explores the force and failings of words; presented by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival; New Theatre, Ashland; www. osfashland.org or 800-219-8161. Feb. 26-March 5 — “The Stravinsky Project”: Featuring Igor Stravinsky’s “Firebird,” “The Rite of Spring” and a world-premiere collaboration; presented by the Oregon Ballet Theatre; Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* March 3-5 — “Hello Dolly!”: Presented by the Teen Musical Theater of Oregon; Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; www. craterian.org or 541-779-3000.

Exhibits Through Jan. 29 — “New Views”: Featuring Gala Bent, Marcus Gannuscio, Grant Hottle, Rachel Peddersen, Megan Scheminske and Liz Tran; The Laura Russo Gallery, Portland; www.laurarusso. com or 503-226-2754.

Continued next page




DAILY BREAKFAST SPECIAL STARTING @ $4.00 EACH 927 NW Bond St. 541-382-4592




out of town From previous page

coastarts.org or 541-265-6540.

Through Jan. 29 — Newport Visual Arts Center: The following exhibits are currently on display: “Brine and Surf” (through Jan. 29) and “From the Collection of ... 2011” (through Jan. 30); Newport; www.

Through Jan. 29 — “Stitches in Bloom Quilt Show,” The Oregon Garden, Silverton; www. oregongarden.org or 503-874-8100. Through Jan. 30 — “Daughters

of Earth: In Our Hands”: Featuring works by Cathy Stever, Janet Essley, Peny Wallace, Julia Zweerts Brownfoot and Judi Kane; Columbia Art Gallery, Hood River; www. columbiaarts.org or 541-387-8877. Through Feb. 6 — Oregon Museum

THE SECRETS OUT: Thanks to a recent cover feature in Asian Restaurant News, a trade publication distributed to more than 21,000 restaurant owners nationwide, Red Dragon Chinese Restaurant & Lounge is no longer what one reviewer once called “the best kept secret in Bend.”

Despite featuring a number of tried-and-true signature dishes such as Walnut Shrimp, Singapore Chow Mein, General Tso’s Chicken and Hot Sesame Beef, Chan is always evolving and improving, says the article.

Featuring owner Casey Chan and his transformation from U.S. immigrant to owner of one of Central Oregon’s most celebrated Chinese restaurants, the article sited personal drive, delicious food, attentive service and a customer-first attitude as keys to his success.

“Not one to rest on his laurels, Mr. Chan is always looking for ways to better his restaurant, hoping to infuse new elements that will help take it to the next level.”

The Phoenix Lounge Full Service Bar • Big Screen TVs • Bar Menu • Drink Specials


Dine In, Take Out 541-389-9888 61247 S. Hwy 97 • Bend • Next to Bend Wal Mart www.reddragonchineserestaurant.com

of Science and Industry: The following exhibits are currently on display: “Identity: An Exhibition of You” (through Feb. 6) and “Design Zone: Behind the Scenes” (through May 30); Portland; www. omsi.edu or 503-797-4000. Through Feb. 6 — Portland Art Museum: The following exhibits are currently on display: “Catherine Opie” (through Feb. 6); Portland; www.portlandartmuseum. org or 503-226-2811. Through Feb. 11 — “David Wojnarowicz: A Fire in My Belly”: Censored film by the late David Wojnarowicz; Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, Portland; www.pica.org or 503-242-1419. Through Feb. 20 — “Katsura Imperial Villa: The Photographs of Ishimoto Yasuhiro,” Portland Japanese Garden, Portland; www.japanesegarden. com or 503-223-1321. Through Feb. 26 — “Object Focus: The Book”: Featuring selections of work from Reed College’s Artists’ Book Collection; Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland; www.museumofcontemporarycraft. org or 503-223-2654. Through March 26 — “Between my head and my hand, there is always the face of death”: Featuring work by international artists Amy Bessone, Grant Barnhart, Kaye Donachie, Merlin James, Tala Madani, Elena Pankova and Norbert Schwontkowski; Philip Feldman Gallery+Project Space, Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland; www.pnca.edu or 503-226-4391. Through May 8 — “Ernest Bloch: Framing a Vision of the World”: Exhibit features photographs taken by composer Ernest Bloch; Oregon Jewish Museum, Portland; www. ojm.org or 503-226-3600. Through May 8 — “Toys: The Inside Story”: Featuring 12 different hands-on stations illustrating the simple mechanisms commonly found in toys; The Science Factory, Eugene; www.sciencefactory. org or 541-682-7888. Through June — Museum of Natural and Cultural History: The following exhibits are currently on display: “We are Still Here — Stephanie Wood on Baskets and Biography” (through June); University of Oregon, Eugene; natural-history. uoregon.edu or 541-346-3024. Through June 4 — “Era Messages: Selections by Garth Johnson”: Featuring works from the 1960s to 1980s that exemplify particular moments in the history of craft; Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland; www.museumofcontemporarycraft. org or 503-223-2654. Through July 31 — “Excessive Obsession”: Featuring art influenced by abstract and minimal expressions; Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, University of Oregon, Eugene; jsma. uoregon.edu or 541-346-3027. Jan. 29-30 — Sagebrush Rendezvous:

Food, Home & Garden Every Tuesday

Featuring an art exhibit and wine tasting; Running Y Ranch Convention Center, Klamath Falls; www.klamath.org/events/ sagebrushart or 541-891-8618. Jan. 29-May 1 — “Lost Egypt: Ancient Secrets, Modern Science”: Exhibit examines real human and animal mummies, tomb art, facial forensic reconstructions, CT-scans and funerary artifacts; Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Portland; www.omsi.edu or 503-797-4000. Feb. 1-26 — “Plate it Up”: An annual 100 Artists Show benefiting the Craft Emergency Relief Fund; Mary Lou Zeek Gallery, Salem; www. zeekgallery.com or 503-581-3229. Feb. 3-26 — Whitney Nye and René Rickabaugh, The Laura Russo Gallery, Portland; www. laurarusso.com or 503-226-2754. Feb. 5-May 22 — “Riches of a City: Portland Collects”: Featuring more than 100 works of art from the city’s private collections; Portland Art Museum, Portland; www.portlandartmuseum. org or 503-226-2811. March 17-July 30 — “Laurie Herrick: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”: Exhibition showcases the work of important Portlandbased designer-craftsman, weaver and educator; Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland; www.museumofcontemporarycraft. org or 503-223-2654.

Miscellany Through Jan. 30 — OpenLens Festival: Featuring new Oregonmade films; DIVA Center, Eugene; www.openlens.proscenia. net or 541-344-3482. Feb. 4-5 — Professional Bull Riders, Rose Garden, Portland; www. rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. Feb. 19 — Harlem Globetrotters, Rose Garden, Portland; www. rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. Feb. 25-27 — Fisher Poets Gathering, Astoria; www.clatsopcc. edu/community/fisher-poetsgathring or 503-325-4972. Feb. 25-27 — Newport Seafood & Wine Festival, Newport; www.newportchamber. org or 800-262-7844. Feb. 26 — Smucker’s Stars on Ice, Rose Garden, Portland; www. rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. March 1-3 — Winemaker Dinners: 50 winemakers will pair celebrated wines with gourmet cuisine at 29 restaurants; various locations in Portland; www. classicwinesauction.com. March 5 — Classic Wines Auction, Oregon Convention Center, Portland; www.classicwinesauction. com or 503-219-8622. March 10-13 — Lane County Home & Garden Show, Lane County Convention Center, Eugene; www.eugenehomeshow. com or 541-484-9247. March 18 — Ecoroof Portland 2011, Oregon Convention Center, Portland; www.portlandonline. com/bes/ecoroofpdx.




gaming On the

TOP 10 HANDHELD GAMES The editors of Game Informer Magazine rank the top 10 handheld games for January:

stale side

1. “God of War: Ghost of Sparta” (PSP) 2. “Ys: The Oath in Felghana” (PSP) 3. “Sonic Colors” (DS)

‘Re:coded’ is most skip-worthy entry in ‘Kingdom Hearts’ series By Bryan Vore Game Informer Magazine


confusing number of “Kingdom Hearts” games have released over the last few years, and by jumping all around the timeline, series mastermind Tetsuya Nomura hasn’t made it easy to keep track of the events. “Re:coded” is the first title to pick up after the end of “Kingdom Hearts II” and puts you in control of franchise hero Sora well, a digital replica of him at least. The game originally released episodically on mobile phones in Japan, but Square tweaked and beefed up the title for its DS release. “Re:coded” takes its cues from “Tron,” as Disney’s Mickey, Donald and Goofy get sucked into a computer copy of overused worlds like Aladdin’s Agrabah and Alice’s Wonderland. They originally summoned Data Sora to deal with the bugs in the system to help decode a mysterious message, but eventually get trapped inside and need his help to escape. Aside from the rehashed areas, Sora ventures into new areas called system sectors, techno neon code rooms, to quash bugs plaguing the worlds. These futuristic dungeons are essentially the only new areas in the game, but it’s not long before layouts repeat and become as stale as the rest. The devs thankfully spruced up these maps with new gameplay modes taken from other genres. For example, rather than serving as a battle arena, Olympus Coliseum is a refreshing turn-based RPG in the vein of the “Mario &

Luigi” series. Other variants include a side-scrolling platformer, a Space Harrier-style shooter, and a battlefield command stage where Sora has to boss AI allies around rather than attack himself. The RPG segment is easily the best, teasing what a less action-focused “Kingdom Hearts” experience could be. The platformer plays like the auto-scrolling running games that are all the rage on smart phones. The only problem is that it relies on the standard movement set of the main game, which is way too imprecise to meet the needs of the genre. Though “Re:coded” suffers from heavily recycled levels and enemies, at least Square Enix innovated on the character growth. The new leveling system replicates a computer motherboard where players place microchips to boost stats and unlock new abilities. It’s annoying that you don’t know what some abilities will do until you unlock them, but they all are useful in the end. I especially liked the “cheat” switches that allow you to tweak various elements of the game for a price. You can trade off your health for more loot, or increase enemy strength for more prizes. It’s unwise to slide things too far out of the ordinary,


4. “Plants vs. Zombies” (DS) 5. “Mario vs. Donkey Kong: MiniLand Mayhem” (DS) 6. “Super Scribblenauts” (DS) 7. “Professor Layton and the Unwound Future” (DS)

‘Kingdom Hearts Re: coded’ is the first title to pick up after the end of “Kingdom Hearts II” and puts you in control of franchise hero Sora. McClatchyTribune News Service


New game releases The following titles were scheduled for release the week of Jan. 23:

but it’s nice to have the option if you’re shooting for something specific like more money or faster leveling. “Re:coded” allows players to revisit previously completed worlds for additional fetch quests and more system sectors, but only completionists should bother. Despite the new gameplay types, “Re:coded’s” mostly recycled content feels too stale to recommend to anyone outside of the most diehard fans.

• “Lord of Arcana” (PSP) • “Paws & Claws Marine Rescue” (DS) • “Dead Space 2” (X360, PC, PS3)

‘KINGDOM HEARTS RE:CODED’ 6.75 (out of 10) Wii Square Enix ESRB rating: E10+

• “Two Worlds II” (PS3, PC, X360) • “Jam City Rollergirls” (Wii) — Gamespot.com

8. “Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep” (PSP) 9. “Valkyria Chronicles II” (PSP) 10. “Golden Sun: Dark Dawn” (DS) McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Weekly download ‘A SPACE SHOOTER FOR 2 BUCKS!’ For: PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable (both via PlayStation Network) From: Frima Studio ESRB Rating: T for Teen Price: $2 Though funny and certainly honest, the title of “A Space Shooter for 2 Bucks!” also potentially misleads, because it paints a picture of a simple overhead space shooter trying to get by on a dirt-cheap price and catchy name. The truth couldn’t be more different. “Bucks” breaks its surprisingly funny story line into a series of star systems — some hostile and ruled by some pretty colorful villains, others shrouded in mystery. The levels can be played and replayed almost in any order you please, and in a terrific, “Mega Man”-esque touch, a villain’s superweapon becomes yours to use freely once you conquer his or her system. “Bucks” features a pretty extensive (and flexible) upgrade path for the rest of your ship as well, and while the game’s four difficulty levels make it accessible to shooter fans of every discipline, the harder villains demand that you upgrade wisely regardless of who you are. All this and an in-game achievements system add up to a immense quantity of gameplay for two little bucks, and “Bucks” makes good use of that quantity with polished, classically frantic arcade action. — Billy O’Keefe, McClatchy-Tribune News Service




The Associated Press

Colin O’Donoghue, left, and Anthony Hopkins star as two Catholic priests searching for answers in “The Rite.”

‘Rite’ is serious drama Film doesn’t take exorcism lightly and gives story line a realistic feel


he Rite” takes exorcism more seriously than I expected it to. It begins with the supposition that Satan is “alive and active in the world” and assumes that satanic possession takes place and that the rite of exorcism works. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have a movie, would we? In metaphysical terms I must immediately jump on the word “alive.” In what sense can a being that exists outside of time and space be said to be alive? Active, yes.

The movie is based on the actual experiences of Fr. Gary Thomas, a California priest who was assigned by his bishop to study exorcism at the Vatican. In “The Rite” he becomes the Rev. Michael Kovak (Colin O’Donoghue) from Chicago, and the closing credits tell us he’s now working in a Western suburb. That’s a fib. The director, Mikael Hafstrom, should say three “Hail Marys” and make a good act of contrition. The Rev. Michael is not a saint.

He enters the seminary as a way to get a four-year college education before taking his vows, and then tries to leave the novitiate. Discovering the cost of his education would then roll over into a $100,000 student loan, he reconsiders and agrees to attend a month-long course in Rome. This sort of detail is more refreshing than shots of him silhouetted against ancient desert structures while monks intone Gregorian chants. In Rome, he attends classes, debates scripture, and then is advised to spend some time with an experienced exorcist, the Rev. Lucas Trevant (Anthony Hopkins). This too is from the book by Matt Baglio, although in the book this

priest is Italian. As Hopkins appears on screen, “The Rite” slips into gear and grows solemn and effective. Hopkins finds a good note for the Rev. Trevant: friendly, chatty, offhand, self-effacing, realistic about demonic possession but not a ranter. He takes the kid along while treating the apparent possession of a pregnant young woman. That something happens to make people seem possessed I have no doubt. Diagnosing whether Satan is involved is above my pay grade. What I must observe is that demonic possession seems very rare, and the Church rejects the majority of such reports. Continued nex t page


“The Rite” 1 1 2 minutes PG-13, for disturbing thematic material, violence, frightening images, and language including sexual references





entertained, not sickened. We and the heroes feel immune. “127 Hours” removes the filters. It implicates us. By identification we are trapped in the canyon; we are cutting into our own flesh. One element that film can suggest but not evoke is the brutality of the pain involved. I can’t even imagine what it felt like. Maybe that made it easier for Ralston, because in one way or another his decision limited the duration of his suffering. He must be quite a man. The film deliberately doesn’t make him a hero — more of a capable athlete trapped by a momentary decision. He cuts off his arm because he has to. He was lucky to succeed. One can imagine a news story of his body being discovered long afterward, with his arm only partly cut through. He did what he had to do, which doesn’t make you a hero. We could do it too. Oh, yes we could.

From previous page Yet it approaches epidemic proportions in “The Rite,” almost as if it were a virus. The film is like one of those war movies where everybody gets wounded but John Wayne. Still, I found myself drawn in. It is sincere. It is not exploitative; a certain amount of screaming, frothing and thrashing comes with the territory. My own guess is that people get the demons they deserve. While true believers go into frenzies, the Masters of Wall Street more cruelly lose joy in their wives and homes. In Rome the Rev. Lucas meets a journalist named Angeline (Alice Braga), who like most women in the movies, even journalists, lacks a second name. She follows them on assignment, but it is one of the virtues of the film that she does not get romantically involved. In a correct casting decision, Braga is attractive but not a sexpot. This movie was filmed largely in Hungary. In Hollywood, the role would have had Megan Fox written all over it. Hafstrom uses what I assume are some Hungarian interiors to go with his exteriors in Rome. A centuries-old library is especially impressive. The ancient presence of the Vatican is evoked to great effect; a reminder that although Satan is in fashion in many denominations, when you want to exorcise, you call in the experienced professionals. The priests are not blind believers. The Rev. Kovak argues at one point that a psychiatrist might be more appropriate. When they get into the trenches with the demons there is spiritual handto-hand fighting, but the Rev. Trevant, the Rev. Kovak and Angeline are as realistic as probably possible. This is, I suspect, a more realistic film than “The Exorcist,” although not its equal. The real the Rev. Gary Thomas has cited “The Exorcism of Emily Rose” (2005) as more accurate. I admire “The Rite” because while it delivers what I suppose should be called horror, it is atmospheric, its cinematography is eerie and evocative, and the actors enrich it. It has given some thought to exorcism. Grant its assumptions, and it has something to say.

Roger Ebert is a film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.

Roger Ebert is a film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.

‘127 Hours’ a worthy story Pain and blood aren’t filtered in harrowing film of survival


ometimes a person will make an enormous mistake and get a lot of time to think about it. There was a man who went over Niagara Falls sealed inside a big rubber ball. It never made it to the bottom. The ball lodged somewhere on the way down. He’d counted on his team to cut him out at the bottom. Oops! Aron Ralston, the hero of “127 Hours,” had an Oops! moment. That’s even what he calls it. He went hiking in the wilderness without telling anyone where he was going, and then, in a deep, narrow crevice, got his forearm trapped between a boulder and the canyon wall. Oops. We all heard about this. Ralston stumbled out to safety more than five days later, having cut off his own right arm to escape. He is an upbeat and resilient person and has returned to rock climbing, although now, I trust, after filing a plan, going with a companion, and not leaving his Swiss Army knife behind. The knife would have been ever so much more convenient than his multipurpose tool. I imagine that every time he considers his missing right forearm, he feels that under the circumstances he’s better off without it. What would you have done? What about me? I don’t know if I could have done it. It involves a gruesome ordeal for Ralston, and for the film’s audience, a few of whom have been said to faint. But from such harrowing beginnings, it’s rather awesome what an entertaining film Danny Boyle has made here. Yes, entertaining. For most of the film he deals with one location and one actor, James Franco. There’s a carefree prologue in which Ralston and a couple of young women hikers have a swim in an underwater cavern. And during moments of hallucination other people from his life seem to visit. But the fundamental reality is expressed in the title of the book he wrote about his experience: “Between a Rock and a Hard Place.”

McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Actor James Franco stars as fearless mountain climber Aron Ralston in “127 Hours.”


“127 Hours” 93 minutes R, for language and some disturbing violent content/bloody images Franco does a good job of suggesting two aspects of Ralston’s character. (1) He’s a cocky, bold adventurer who trusts his skills and likes taking chances, and (2) he’s logical and bloody-minded enough to cut through his own skin and bone to save his life. One aspect gets him into his problem, and the other gets him out. Is the film watchable? Yes, compulsively. Films like this don’t move quickly or slowly, they seem to take place all in the same moment. They prey on our own deep fear of being trapped somewhere and understanding that there doesn’t seem to be any way to escape. Edgar Allan Poe mined this vein in several different ways. Ralston is at least fortunate to be standing on a secure foothold; one can imagine

the boulder falling and leaving him dangling in mid-air from the trapped arm. Suddenly his world has become very well-defined. There is the crevice. There is the strip of sky above, crossed by an eagle on its regular flight path. There are the things he brought with him: a video camera, some water, a little food, his inadequate little tool. It doesn’t take long to make an inventory. He shouts for help, but who can hear? The two women campers have long since gone their way and won’t report him missing because they won’t realize that he is. For anyone to happen to find him is unthinkable. He will die or do something. “127 Hours” is like an exercise in conquering the unfilmable. Boyle uses magnificent cinematography by Anthony Dod Mantle and Enrique Chediak, establishing the vastness of the Utah wilderness and the very specific details of Ralston’s small portion of it. His editor, Jon Harris, achieves the delicate task of showing an arm being cut through without ever QUITE showing it. For the audience the worst moment is not a sight but a sound. Most of us have never heard that sound before, but we know exactly what it is. Pain and bloodshed are so common in the movies. They are rarely amped up to the level of reality because we want to be

Films like this don’t move quickly or slowly, they seem to take place all in the same moment.




Film shows marriage in a sad light W

ho was it who said we get married because we want a witness to our lives? That may provide an insight into the troubled minds of the married couple in “Blue Valentine,” which follows them during their first six years of mutual witness. Did Dean and Cindy get married because they wanted to be sure someone was watching? Or was that Dean’s need, and did Cindy lose the thrill of the watch? Here is a film that watches pretty well itself. Derek Cianfrance, the director, observes with great exactitude the birth and decay of a relationship. This film is alive in its details. Toward the end of the six years, when Cindy is hardly able to remember why she wanted to marry Dean, Cianfrance observes the physical and mental exhaustion that have overcome her. And the way that Dean seems hardly to care — just so long as Cindy remains his wife and his watcher, which in his mind was the deal. Dean thinks marriage is the station. Cindy thought it was the train. They’re played by Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams as a Pennsylvania working couple with a daughter, Frankie. She was born right at the start. Cindy is a nurse. Dean is a house painter. When they met, and for some time after, work was hardly central to their lives. It was where they went to and where they returned from. In effective physical transformations, Williams and Gosling give us Dean and Cindy at two ages: their age at present, and at the beginning, when they were filled with that dreamy knowledge that the touch of the other brings quick sensuality. It is easier for an actor to play the same character at 24 and 60 than at 24 and 30. Although some bodily change takes place, what really happens is a transformation of inner certainty. All marriages have legendary milestone moments, events of startling clarity that allow the new lovers to see themselves as a couple that has been defined. Dean is capable of grand, goofy romanticism, and Cindy likes


“Blue Valentine” 120 minutes R, on appeal for strong graphic sexual content, language and a beating Courtesy Niko Tavernise

that. She yearns toward it. They first meet at her grandmother’s retirement home. Have you ever had one of those chance meetings with a stranger in a place neither one of you belongs? That’s what it’s like that day. Soon they’re playing at this new toy, their love. They do things together as if they were children doing them. Then they get married and have (the unplanned but welcomed) Frankie, and the realities of making a living income and work schedules and child-raising and REAL marriage settle in. Dean seems stuck. He seems to stay fixed at the initial stage. Can you see the difference between (1) “He loves me as much as he always did,” and (2) “He loves me exactly like he always did”? “Blue Valentine” moves between past and present as if trying to remember what went wrong. From Dean’s point of view, maybe nothing did. He wanted to be married to Cindy, and he still does and he still is. Cindy can’t stand that. He doesn’t think the best is yet to be. He thinks it’s just fine now. Williams plays Cindy as a woman who has lost her pride of body and self. No, she doesn’t become a drunk — he’s the one who drinks too much. But that’s not the problem. It’s his infuriating inability to care for this Cindy, right here, right now, because when she married him she became exactly the Cindy he required. Roger Ebert is a film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.

Mila Kunis, left, and Natalie Portman star in the drama “Black Swan.”

ON LOCAL SCREENS Here’s what’s showing on Central Oregon movie screens. For showtimes, see listings on Page 30.

WHAT’S NEW “127 Hours” — The harrowing true story of Aron Ralston, a rock climber whose arm was pinned to a Utah canyon wall by a boulder. In desperation he amputated his own arm to free himself. James Franco stars in Danny Boyle’s film, which is gruesome but not QUITE too gruesome to watch. It’s rather awesome what an entertaining and absorbing film Danny Boyle has made here. Yes, entertaining. Rating: Four stars. 93 minutes. (R) “Blue Valentine” — Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams as Dean and Cindy in two seasons of marriage: Six years ago when love was fresh, and today, when love proves unable to support the weight of real life. Director Derek Cianfrance closely observes the details as this couple fails to comprehend the larger picture. Dean thinks marriage is the station. Cindy thought it was the train. Rating: Three and a half stars. 120 minutes. (R) “The Mechanic” — Jason Statham plays a professional killer who specializes in murders that don’t seem like murders. Donald Sutherland is his aging

and wise mentor, and Ben Foster is Sutherland’s son, whom Statham mentors in turn. A remake of the 1972 Charles Bronson film, well made by Simon West, but despite an affecting Sutherland performance, it lacks heart and sells its soul to action movie contrivances. Rating: Two stars. 92 minutes. (R) “The Rite” — Anthony Hopkins plays an experienced exorcist in Rome who mentors a student priest (Colin O’Donoghue). Alice Braga plays a journalist who joins them. Dark, atmospheric, well-acted, evocative cinematography, and of course much thrashing about. Rating: Three stars. 112 minutes. (PG-13)

STILL SHOWING “Black Swan” — Natalie Portman in a bravura performance as a driven perfectionist, a young ballerina up for a starring role at Lincoln Center. Her life is shadowed by a smothering mother (Barbara Hershey), an autocratic director (Vincent Cassel), a venomous rival (Mila Kunis) and her deposed predecessor (Winona Ryder). A full-bore melodrama, told with passionate intensity, gloriously and darkly absurd. Directed by Darren Aronofsky. Rating: Three and a half stars. 108 minutes. (R) “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” — Edmund, Lucy and their nuisance of a cousin Eustace are drawn into a seafaring painting on the wall and find themselves on board the Dawn Treader and involved in a quest to save Narnia. Their challenge, finding the missing magical swords

of the Lords of Telmar, involves a risky sea voyage that finally leads to the ominous Dark Island. The arbitrary plot is just one damn thing after another, but there are thrilling sequences involving a sea monster and a flying dragon, and it’s jolly fun for younger viewers. Rating: Three stars. 115 minutes. (PG) “Country Strong” — One of the best movies of 1957, and I mean that sincerely as a compliment. “Country Strong” is a pure, heartfelt exercise in ‘50s social melodrama, using such stock elements as a depressed heroine, her manipulating husband, an ambivalent Other Man, and a young Eve Harrington impatiently waiting in the wings. Gwyneth Paltrow stars as a troubled country singer, Tim McGraw is her husband/manager and Garrett Hedlund is the Other Man. I eat this stuff up. Rating: Two and a half stars. 116 minutes. (PG-13) “The Dilemma” — Ron Howard’s “The Dilemma” presents the viewer with one. Is it OK to laugh at what was plainly intended as a relationship comedy? Because the best scenes in this Vince Vaughn/Kevin James buddy picture where one buddy’s wife is cheating on him and the other buddy finds out give us more to chew on than laugh about. And that uncertainty — “Wait, is that supposed to be funny?” — makes the movie an unsatisfying if often surprising experience, a less warm and fuzzy “Parenthood” from a director long removed from his warm and fuzzy years. Rating: Two stars. 117 minutes. (PG-13)

— Roger Moore, The Orlando Sentinel Continued next page




movies From previous page

McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Diane Lane stars as Penny Chenery in “Secretariat.”

NEW DVD & B L U - R AY RELEASES The following movies were released Jan. 25.

“The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest” — Lisbeth Salander spends the first half of the film recovering from what happened at the end of the previous one. That’s all right, because a wounded silence is her medium. Now members of the “Section” want to silence her once and for all, and her demented blond giant half-brother is after her, and Mikael is fighting to defend her against insanity charges, and this uptight, ferocious little gamin Lisbeth has won our hearts. This film didn’t list any DVD or Blu-ray Extras. Rating: Three stars. 148 minutes. (R) “Nowhere Boy” — The Beatles are only distantly on the horizon in this deeply felt biopic of young John Lennon, growing up in Liverpool. He’s at the center of a tricky relationship involving his mother, whom he didn’t know growing up, and his aunt, who raised him. From these years perhaps came the simultaneous elation and sadness of many of his songs. Aaron Johnson as John, Kristin Scott Thomas as his Aunt Mimi, AnneMarie Duff as his mother, Julia. DVD and Blu-ray Extras: Two featurettes and deleted scenes. Rating: Three and a half stars. 97 minutes. (R) “RED” — Bruce Willis is a retired CIA assassin, but now is a target. So he reassembles his old team:

Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich, Helen Mirren and Brian Cox. And a telephone operator played by Mary-Louise Parker. Comic thriller, neither good nor bad, featuring actors we like doing things we wish were more interesting. DVD and Blu-ray Extras: An insider’s look at “RED,” with interviews, audio commentary, animated documentary shorts and deleted/extended scenes. Rating: Two stars. 110 minutes. (PG-13) “Secretariat” — A great film about greatness, the story of the horse and the no less brave woman who had faith in him. Diane Lane stars as Penny Chenery, who fell in love with Secretariat when he was born, and battled the all-male racing fraternity and her own family to back her faith in the champion. A lovingly crafted film, knowledgeable about racing, with great uplift. Also with John Malkovich, Scott Glenn, James Cromwell, Nelsan Ellis, Dylan Walsh. One of the year’s best. DVD Extras: Featurette, three deleted scenes and music video; Blu-ray Extras: 2 additional featurettes, audio commentary, four additional deleted scenes and a Secretariat multi-angle simulation. Rating: Four stars. 122 minutes. (PG) ALSO OUT THIS WEEK: “Saw 3-D” COMING UP: Movies scheduled for national release Feb. 8 include “Conviction,” “Let Me In,” “Never Let Me Go” and “Welcome to the Rileys.” Check with local video stores for availability.

— Roger Ebert, The Chicago SunTimes (“DVD and Blu-ray Extras” from wire and online sources)

“Due Date” — Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianakis star as a mismatched odd couple who find themselves sharing a rental car on a drive from Atlanta to Los Angeles. In a comedy that’s as near as makes no difference to a down-market retread of “Planes, Trains and Automobiles,” they create big laughs and have some funny stops along the way, but the Galifianakis character is so obnoxious in such a passive aggressive way that we don’t much want to see the journey continue. Passable entertainment, but a missed opportunity. Directed by Todd (“The Hangover”) Phillips. Rating: Two and a half stars. 95 minutes. (R) “The Fighter” — Colorful supporting performances help, but a vaguely defined lead diminishes the power you’d expect in this story based on a real fighter. Mark Wahlberg plays Micky Ward, Christian Bale is his goofy crackhead half-brother, Melissa Leo is his possessive mom, and Amy Adams is the barmaid who knows he’ll never get anywhere until he frees himself of his family. The hero comes across as such a victim of lifelong domination that even when he wins, he feels like a loser. Directed by David O. Russell. Rating: Two and a half stars. 115 minutes. (R) “The Green Hornet” — An almost unendurable demonstration of a movie with nothing to be about. Pointless dialogue scenes go nowhere much too slowly, and then pointless action scenes go everywhere much too quickly. Seth Rogen deserves much of the blame. He co-wrote and stars as Britt Reid, a spoiled little rich brat who grows up the same way; Jay Chou is Kato, the role Bruce Lee played on TV. Together, they devise a damn fool plan to fight crime by impersonating criminals. With Christoph Waltz (“Inglourious Basterds”) as the local crime lord and Cameron Diaz as young Reid’s would-be secretary with nothing to do. Rating: One star. 108 minutes. (PG-13) “Gulliver’s Travels” — Not your average Jack Black movie. More of an innocent family adventure, filmed in a traditional style. Black, as a lowly mail clerk for a newspaper, finds himself in the land of Lilliput — where he is first a captive, then a friendly giant, and finally a hero. With Emily Blunt as a princess, King Billy Connolly and Gen. Chris O’Dowd both rivals for her affection, and Amanda Peet as Black’s editor. Innocent fun. Rating: Three stars. 85 minutes. (PG) “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1” — Harry, Hermione and Ron have grown up and the horrors they met at Hogwarts are but nostalgic memories. They are cast out now into the vastness of the world, on their own, and Voldemort and his Death Eaters draw ever closer. Also drawing near is an equally unsettling phenomenon, sexual

Courtesy Jaimie Trueblood

Jay Chou, left, and Seth Rogen head for cover after a giant explosion in the film “The Green Hornet.” maturity. A handsome and sometimes harrowing film that will be completely unintelligible for anyone coming to the series for the first time. Rating: Three stars. 146 minutes. (PG-13) “The King’s Speech” — After the death of George V and the abdication of his brother Edward, Prince Albert (Colin Firth) becomes George VI, charged with leading Britain into World War II. He is afflicted with a torturous stammer, and his wife (Helena Bonham Carter) seeks out an unorthodox speech therapist (Geoffrey Rush) to treat him. Civilized and fascinating, this is the story of their unlikely relationship. (The R rating, for language, is absurd; this is an ideal film for teenagers.) Rating: Four stars. 118 minutes. (R) “Little Fockers” — ‘Little Fockers” is possibly the last and certainly the least among the trio of comedies about the power struggle between a nebbishy male nurse and his menacing, control-freak father-inlaw. It’s a desultory, patchwork affair — competently made, comfortably played, but lacking the heart and wit that characterized, in varying degrees, in “Meet the Parents” and “Meet the Fockers.” Rating: One and a half stars. 97 minutes. (PG-13)

— Roger Moore, The Orlando Sentinel “Made in Dagenham” — Delightful serious comedy about the historic 1968 in Ford’s British plant that ended its unequal pay for women and began a global movement. Sally Hawkins plays Rita O’Grady, who caught the public fancy as a strike leader. Bob Hoskins is a sympathetic union organizer, and Miranda Richardson plays Barbara Castle, the minister of labor who unexpectedly sided with the striking women. Rating: Three and a half stars. 113 minutes. (R) “No Strings Attached” — Emma (Natalie Portman) and Adam (Ashton Kutcher), who met when they were 6, now meet when they’re maybe 26. They’re not looking for love, but after they sleep together they decide to be sex buddies as a matter of convenience. Good enough while it lasts, but then romance

threatens, and the movie handles it with dreary sitcom predictability. Rating: Two stars. 106 minutes. (R) “The Social Network” — The life and times of Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg), who created Facebook, became a billionaire in his early 20s, and now has 500 million members on the site he created. A fascinating portrait of a brilliant social misfit who intuited a way to involve humankind in the Kevin Bacon game. Everybody likes Facebook — it’s the site that’s all about YOU. With Justin Timberlake as Sean Parker, the Napster founder who introduced Zuckerberg to the Silicon Valley fast lane, Andrew Garfield as the best friend who gets dumped, and Armie Hammer as the Winklevoss twins, who sued Zuckerberg for stealing their idea. One of the year’s best films. Rating: Four stars. 120 minutes. (PG-13) “Tangled” — Rapunzel, the girl locked in a tower with only her long, golden locks for company, gets a sassy, spirited screen treatment from Disney with “Tangled,” an animated fairytale musical from the Not Pixar corner of the company. Like most of Disney’s in-house cartoons, “Tangled” suffers most when compared to the best of Pixar. Animated musicals are only as good as their songs, and this one isn’t on a par with “Beauty and the Beast” or even “The Princess and the Frog.” But the laughs make the tunes pass by quickly, the emotional moments pay off and this version of Rapunzel lets down its hair just enough to deserve a place of honor with all the other glorious Disney “princess” tales. Rating: Three stars. 93 minutes. (PG)

— Roger Moore, The Orlando Sentinel “The Tourist” — A romantic comedy crossed with a crime thriller, shot in Paris and Venice, involving a glamorous mystery woman (Angelina Jolie) and a math teacher (Johnny Depp) from Wisconsin. Preposterous, of course, but it could have worked as a farce, with witty flirtation and Cary Grantian understatement.

Continued next page



movies M O V I E T I M E S • For the week of Jan. 28

From previous page EDITOR’S NOTES: • Digitally projected shows (marked as DP) use one of several different technologies to provide maximum fidelity. The result is a picture with clarity, brilliance and color and a lack of scratches, fading and flutter. • There is an additional $3.50 fee for 3-D movies. • Movie Times in bold are open-captioned showtimes.

REGAL PILOT BUTTE 6 2717 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend 541-382-6347

127 HOURS (R) Fri-Sat: Noon, 2:35, 4:45, 7:20, 10:05 Sun: Noon, 2:30, 5, 7:20 Mon-Thu: 2:25, 5, 7:30 BLACK SWAN (R) Fri-Sat: 11:50 a.m., 2:30, 5:05, 7:50, 10:20 Sun: 11:50 a.m., 2:20, 4:45, 7:15 Mon-Thu: 2:15, 4:50, 7:15 BLUE VALENTINE (R) Fri-Sat: 11:40 a.m., 2:25, 5, 7:40, 10:15 Sun: 11:35 a.m., 2:15, 4:55, 7:35 Mon-Thu: 2:05, 4:45, 7:25 THE FIGHTER (R) Fri-Sat: 7:25, 10 Sun-Thu: 7:05 THE KING’S SPEECH (R) Fri-Sat: 11:35 a.m., 2:15, 4:55, 7:35, 10:10 Sun: 11:30 a.m., 2:10, 4:50, 7:30 Mon-Thu: 2, 4:40, 7:20 MADE IN DAGENHAM (R) Fri-Sat: 11:45 a.m., 2:10, 4:40 Sun: 11:40 a.m., 2:05, 4:40 Mon-Thu: 2:10, 4:35 THE WAY BACK (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 11:30 a.m., 2:20, 5:10, 8 Sun: 11:45 a.m., 2:40, 7 Mon-Thu: 2:30, 7

REGAL OLD MILL STADIUM 16 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend 541-382-6347

THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER (PG) Fri-Thu: 12:20, 3:10, 6:25, 9:20 COUNTRY STRONG (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 1:10, 4:05, 7:40, 10:25 THE DILEMMA (PG-13)

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McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Justin Timberlake, left, and Jesse Eisenberg star in “The Social Network.” Fri-Thu: 12:55, 4:55, 7:50, 10:20 THE FIGHTER (R) Fri-Thu: 1:45, 5, 8, 10:35 THE GREEN HORNET (PG-13) Fri, Mon: 12:35, 3:45, 6:50, 9:35 Sat: 12:35, 3:45, 6:50, 9:35 Sun: 12:35, 3:45, 6:50, 9:35 Tue-Thu: 12:35, 3:45, 6:50, 9:35 THE GREEN HORNET 3-D (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 1:25, 4:15, 7:20, 10:10 HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS: PART 1 (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:05, 3:25, 6:55 LITTLE FOCKERS (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:45, 3:20, 6:20, 9:30 THE MECHANIC (DP — R) Fri-Thu: 1:40, 4:45, 7:35, 10:15 NO STRINGS ATTACHED (R) Fri-Mon: 1:30, 4:25, 7:10, 9:45 Tue, Thu: 1:30, 4:25, 7:10, 9:45 Wed: 1:30, 4:25, 7:10, 9:45 THE RITE (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 1:05, 3:55, 7:05, 9:50 TANGLED (PG) Fri-Thu: 1:15, 4, 6:40, 9:25 THE TOURIST (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 1:50 4:35, 8:05, 10:30 TRON: LEGACY 3-D (PG) Fri-Thu: Noon, 3:15, 6:15, 9:10 TRUE GRIT (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:30, 3:30, 7:25, 10, 10:30 YOGI BEAR 3-D (PG) Fri-Thu: 12:15, 3:40, 6:35, 9:15

MCMENAMINS OLD ST. FRANCIS SCHOOL 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend 541-330-8562

(After 7 p.m. shows 21 and over only. Under 21 may attend screenings before 7 p.m. if accompanied by a legal guardian.) DUE DATE (R) Fri-Thu: 9 GULLIVER’S TRAVELS (PG) Sat-Sun: Noon, 3 Wed: 3 THE SOCIAL NETWORK (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 6

REDMOND CINEMAS 1535 S.W. Odem Medo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777

THE DILEMMA (PG-13) Fri: 4, 6:30, 9 Sat-Sun: 10 a.m., 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 Mon-Thu: 4, 6:30 THE MECHANIC (R) Fri: 4:30, 6:30, 8:30 Sat-Sun: 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 8:30 Mon-Thu: 4:30, 6:30 THE RITE (PG-13) Fri: 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 Sat-Sun: 11:15 a.m., 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 Mon-Thu: 4:15, 6:45 TRUE GRIT (PG-13) Fri: 3:45, 6:15, 9

Sat-Sun: 10:45 a.m., 1:15, 3:45, 6:15, 9 Mon-Thu: 3:45, 6:15

SISTERS MOVIE HOUSE 720 Desperado Court, Sisters 541-549-8800

BLACK SWAN (R) Fri: 5:30 Sat: 2:45 Sun: 1:45 COUNTRY STRONG (PG-13) Fri: 7:45 Sat: 5:15, 7:45 Sun: 4:15, 6:45 Mon-Thu: 6:45 THE FIGHTER (R) Fri: 7:30 Sat: 5, 7:30 Sun: 4, 6:30 Mon-Thu: 6:45 THE KING’S SPEECH (R) Fri: 5, 7:30 Sat: 2:30, 5, 7:30 Sun: 1:30, 5, 6:30 Mon-Thu: 6:30 TRUE GRIT (PG-13) Fri: 5:15, 7:45 Sat: 2:45, 5:15, 7:45 Sun: 1:45, 4:15, 6:45 Mon-Thu: 6:30 YOGI BEAR (PG) Fri: 5:30 Sat: 3 Sun: 2

PINE THEATER 214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1014

THE GREEN HORNET (PG-13) Fri, Mon-Thu: 4, 7 Sat-Sun: 1, 4, 7

Jolie rises to the occasion, but Depp plays the math teacher as a man waiting for the school bell to ring so he can go bowling. Rating: Two stars. 104 minutes. (PG-13) “Tron: Legacy” — Twenty years after he leaves his son at bedtime and steps out for a spin on his motorcycle, Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) summons him mysteriously to a portal into the software program he invented — and now inhabits. Young Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund) is needed to help his dad and the beautiful Quorra (Olivia Wilde) to ward off an evil cabal that wants to conquer the Internet and/or the world. The plot is impenetrable, but Jeff Bridges is solid in three roles (younger, older and digital), and the visuals are a sensational sound-and-light show, cutting-edge in the tradition of the 1982 film. Rating: Three stars. 125 minutes. (PG-13) “True Grit” — An entertaining remake of the 1969 film, and more, by Joel and Ethan Coen. Jeff Bridges as Rooster Cogburn easily fills John Wayne’s boots, and Hailee Steinfeld is very special as young Mattie Ross, who hires the old marshal to help her hunt down the varmint that killed her old man. Not a “Coen brothers film,” but a flawlessly executed Western in the grand tradition. Strong support from Matt Damon, Josh Brolin and Barry Pepper. Rating: Three and a half stars. 110 minutes. (PG-13) “The Way Back” — The incredible story of how a group of prisoners escaped from a prison camp in the Siberian gulag and began a 4,000-mile trek on foot to freedom in India. The long walk upstages the characters, who are not always sharply defined. Russell Boyd’s cinematography of mountains, snowscapes and the desert is breathtaking. An honorable film by Peter Weir (“Master and Commander”), but a long slog in more ways than one. Rating: Two and a half stars. 133 minutes. (PG-13) “Yogi Bear” — Yogi always was “smarter than the average bear.” But parents and grandparents dragging tykes along to the 3-D big screen “Yogi Bear” will probably remember him as funnier than the average bear, too. Or funnier than this. A computeranimated Yogi (voiced by Dan Aykroyd) and Boo Boo (voiced by Justin Timberlake) inhabit a real-world Jellystone Park, with the unfunny Tom Cavanagh as Ranger Smith and nothingfunny-to-play Anna Faris as the ranger’s love interest. Rating: One star. 75 minutes. (PG)

— Roger Moore, The Orlando Sentinel — Roger Ebert, The Chicago SunTimes (unless otherwise noted)

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