All saints ce ranton prospectus [issuu]

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ethos and values all saints c.e. (c) school (&) nursery provides a christian, caring community where all individuals (children and adults) are respected and valued.


every child matters to god •••••••••••••


All Saints C.E.(C) School (&) Nursery PROSPECTUS

All Saints C.E. (C) School & Nursery is distinguished by the outstanding quality of care extended to all its members and is concerned that all pupils develop to their full potential. It promotes attitudes of mutual respect and responsibility. The support of the staff and governors for its Christian foundation is reflected in the priority given to the spiritual development of all in the school community. Christian values are built into the ethos and teaching of the school. Children are welcome whatever their parents’ beliefs. All Saints C.E. (C) School & Nursery enjoys an attractive location and seeks to enhance and care for its environment. The school works in close partnership with the Church, local schools and the wider community and so provides a focal point for the village and surrounding district.

MISSION STATEMENT FOR LEARNING We are committed to creating a safe, welcoming, stimulating and challenging environment in which all the children develop a love of learning and strive to reach their full potential within a Christian caring community where individuals are respected and valued.


GOVERNORS’ INTRODUCTION TO THE SCHOOL PROSPECTUS The Governors of All Saints C.E. (C) School & Nursery have pleasure in commending this school prospectus to you. In it you will find all you need to know about the school as you contemplate sending your child to All Saints C.E. (C) School & Nursery, Ranton. The School, which any child attends, is of the utmost importance as it builds the foundation on which the whole of your child’s education will depend. We believe that at All Saints we have the kind of school, the quality of staff, and the right atmosphere in this small rural community to encourage your child to want to come to school each day, and to develop that strong foundation which is so essential for future life and learning.

at all saints c.e. (c) school (&) nursery we will: 1• C reate a secure, stimulating and happy learning environment with a friendly atmosphere and a strong sense of community


2• S trive to provide high standards through the provision of a rich, balanced and varied curriculum

3• V alue and encourage active parental involvement in their child’s learning with exchange of ideas and information

4• N urture and develop the essential life skills of self motivation, self esteem and the will to succeed

5• G ive everyone opportunities to develop their skills to the best of their ability and to celebrate all successes

6• Value the processes and means through which learning, and an enthusiasm for learning, take place

7• E nsure a confident and positive start to children’s school life,

valuing, recognising and building on their previous knowledge, experience and understanding

8• E nsure strong links are maintained with the Church, local educational providers and our local community

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the governing structure is currently as follows; chairman vice chair headteacher staff governor lea governor community governor parent governor co-opted governors




SCHOOL INFORMATION all saints c.e. (c) school (&) nursery ranton: is a co-educational Church of England School under the control of the Staffordshire County Council Education Committee. It caters for pupils between the ages of 3 and 8 years. (Nursery to Year 4 from September 2015.)

ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS Children are admitted part-time into the Foundation Stage class in the September after their third birthday and will be admitted to school full time in the September of the school year in which they become five. The standard number of admissions per year group to the school is 15 (this is subject to change). Parents considering sending their children to the school should contact the Headteacher who will be pleased to explain admission arrangements and to provide the necessary admission forms.

see pull out for our list of staff

School sessions morning • 8.45am to 12pm afternoon • 1.00pm to 3.15pm Parents are requested to bring and collect their children from the school building at the start and finish of the school day and to inform the headteacher if anyone other than parents is collecting their children. A ‘pick-up’ book is situated in the entrance hall for parents to confirm who will be picking their children up on a daily basis (if it is not the parents.)

TRANSFER All Saints School children now do not transfer to various primary schools at the age of 7. We currently have Year 3 provision and from September 2015 we will have Year 4 provision.


our aim is to reach full primary school status by 2017 •••••••••••••


All Saints C.E.(C) School (&) Nursery PROSPECTUS



The school is an active member of a Small Schools Cluster Group and children participate in a number of joint school activities throughout the year.

OFSTED INSPECTIONS The school underwent an Ofsted Inspection in November 2010. A copy of the Summary Report is available from the Ofsted website: Ofsted-home/Inspection-reports

rules and discipline All children are encouraged, and expected, to treat people with respect. Bullying is not permitted. ‘In accordance with the latest directive from the government (i.e. Section 550A), all staff, teaching and non teaching, as authorised by the Headteacher, may, on rare occasions, need to use reasonable force to restrain a pupil who may cause injury to themselves, others or property – or who is compromising good orde’r and discipline in a classroom or elsewhere. Parents will always be informed when their child has been involved in such an incident.’

or on request from school.

If a child’s behaviour gives serious cause for concern, parents will be invited to discuss the problem with the Headteacher, in order to assess both causes and solutions.



There were no unauthorised absences in the academic year 2014/2015. Parents are respectfully reminded that they are under a legal duty to send their children to school regularly.

Children in Foundation Stage take home story books and Reception children practise their reading. Key Stage 1 and 2 are expected to learn spellings and tables and practise their reading. They are also given tasks to do which relate to their school work and topics. Maths Games are sent home once a fortnight.

As we are legally responsible for the monitoring of all absences we would ask for your co-operation in informing us of reasons for non-attendance. A telephone call is probably the easiest way of achieving this.

REPORTS / OPEN SESSIONS Parents are issued with an annual report on the progress of their child(ren) at the end of the Summer term. This is followed by a parental discussion session. In the autumn and spring terms parents are issued with interim reports at parental discussion evenings. Teachers are available at other mutually agreed times to discuss work and progress.

telephone 01785 282228






dinner money

medicine policy

Dinner money is payable in advance either half termly or on the first working day of each week. Please make sure that the correct money (or cheque - made payable to Staffordshire County Council) is put in an envelope or purse clearly marked with your child’s name and given in at the Office.

Pupils who are unwell should not be sent to school. However, the staff will administer medicines to those children who:

meal provision Hot and cold meals (including a drink) are provided each day at a reasonable price or via the universal free school meals scheme. These are transported from Bishop Lonsdale Primary School in Eccleshall. Children not partaking of a school meal can bring a packed lunch to school. If you wish your child to bring sandwiches please provide a strong container and leak proof plastic drink container. Glass bottles must not be brought to school. The provision of free school meals for families who receive some form of benefit is also available. To see if you apply for these meals (pupils can be at any school age) please contact the school office.

playtime snacks Free fruit is distributed to the children during morning break for all those who want it. Milk is also available for children currently at a cost of 20p per carton (payable half termly – in advance). Pupils in Foundation Stage and Reception receive free milk. It is not necessary to provide any other drink at break time as children are encouraged to drink water which is readily available in classrooms. Our school has achieved Healthy Schools Status.

child protection Because of their day to day contact with individual children school staff have an important role to play in recognising and taking the appropriate action in cases of suspected child abuse. All school staff, both teaching and non-teaching, are instructed to report any suspicions to the Headteacher, who is required to notify Staffordshire County Council. Parents may seek advice and guidance from the Education Welfare Officer for the school, if necessary.


All Saints C.E.(C) School (&) Nursery PROSPECTUS

a• h ave a chronic illness or allergy b• w ho are completing a course of prescribed medicines which requires administering four times a day.

Inhalers brought into school should be clearly marked with the child’s name. These are kept in the first aid cupboard and the child(ren) informed that they can be used whenever needed. Parents must complete an authorisation form. These can be obtained from the office. All medicine should be handed into school in a one dose syringe or packet. We cannot administer from a bottle.

see pull out to see who our current school first aiders

equal opportunities It is the policy of the school to ensure that all pupils have equal access to the various activities that take place. Through its ethos, attitudes, management and organisation the school provides equal opportunities for all. We endeavour to ensure that resources and materials are appropriate and non-discrimatory, and relate to the needs and aspirations of all children irrespective or gender, race, disability, creed and social background. The teaching and learning methods used provide all pupils with varied learning opportunities. Individual differences and needs are recognised and the learning environment is designed to motivate and challenge all of our pupils. Appropriate teaching methods for individuals, groups and whole classes are employed throughout the school.


organisation of curriculum

We seek to give the children a wide range of learning experiences, which will guarantee success in meeting the aims of the school and the requirements of the National Curriculum. All children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will work towards, or within, Key Stage 2 of the National Curriculum, Year 1/ Year 2 work towards, or within, Key Stage 1 of the National Curriculum. The Reception Class children follow a special Early Years Curriculum which covers six specific areas of learning:

• personal, social and emotional development • communication, language and literacy • mathematical development • knowledge and understanding of the world • physical development • creative development

In accordance with the Education Act 1988 the curriculum provided is full, varied and well balanced, making use of all available resources. Work is based on a rolling programme of 12 broad topics, which cover a 2-year period. These topics have been carefully selected so that all aspects of the National Curriculum are covered but, at times, more specific focused areas of work are undertaken. The National Literacy Strategy is used as a basis for teaching, reading and writing at Key Stage 1 and 2, and the Numeracy Strategy for teaching mathematics. Children have the opportunity to play the recorder during their time in Year 2 and Year 3. They are also able to participate in French lessons throughout their time at All Saints C.E. (C) School (&) Nursery. Further information with regard to subject content and the general aims of the school can be obtained from the Headteacher. With the exclusion of breaks, registration and acts of collective worship, children will receive approximately 4.5 hours of teaching each day.

early years’ policy Starting school is a very important step in a young child’s life and we endeavour to forge a strong partnership with parents to make the transition a happy and exciting experience for all. Children develop at different rates and we consider all aspects of their development to be of equal importance. We organise, plan and structure the learning opportunities so that each child experiences an appropriate curriculum based on the early learning goals which addressees his or her needs. We aim to do this in a safe and secure learning environment, where we can monitor progress and encourage positive attitudes and values. In line with Government regulations, all children are continually assessed during their foundation year and relevant information is given to parents at parent interviews and used to plan appropriate learning experiences.

extra-curricular activities swimming All pupils currently attend free weekly swimming lessons at Allyene’s Sports Centre in Stone. Forms are available for completion when health problems arise which may require occasional exclusion from swimming lessons. We must stress that swimming is an important part of the school curriculum and requests for withdrawal should not be undertaken lightly.

breakfast/ afterschool club provision We currently offer the provision of Breakfast Club from 8am to 8.35am, Monday to Friday. This is available for any pupil at a cost of £3.00 per session. This must be paid in advance of the club. Afterschool clubs are held during term time with various themes. These are not provided every night afterschool, however we do have contact with Rosebuds Nursery in Gnosall who come and pick the children up by mini-bus and take care of them until a pick up time of your choice. For more information, please contact the office.

telephone 01785 282228




complaints procedure


expressing concerns

formal complaint

Any issues or concerns should be raised with the member of staff involved or the Headteacher in the first instance.

If it has not been possible to resolve a difficulty informally, then you are asked to use the formal complaints procedure.

If the Headteacher considers it appropriate another member of staff may be asked to respond because they have a particular responsibility or are familiar with the circumstances that have caused the concern. We hope that this would be sufficient to resolve the difficulty.

You should note that if your complaint involves possible disciplinary matters or child protection your complaint may be postponed whilst these matters are dealt with under other procedures.

the procedures are as follows:

the procedures are as follows:

step 1 • the headteacher

step 3 • the local education authority

If you have not already discussed your concerns with the Headteacher you may inform the Headteacher that you wish to make a formal complaint. You can do this by telephoning, writing a letter or arranging an appointment to meet her. You will receive either a written or telephone response. It is hoped that in most cases the Headteacher can resolve the matter to the satisfaction of all concerned.

If you think that the Governors have failed to consider your complaint properly and reasonably, you can raise the matter with the Local Education Authority or the Secretary of State.

step 2 • the governing body

If the Governors have followed a proper procedure and considered the complaint reasonably, neither the Local Education Authority nor the Secretary of State can reverse their decision.

If you are dissatisfied with the response from the Headteacher you can make a formal complaint to the Governing Body. The school will provide you with a form that you can choose to fill in for this purpose or you may write or speak to the Chair of Governors. You should state what actions you feel might resolve the problem. The Chair of Governors will consider whether it is appropriate for him/herself to investigate the complaint or refer it to a Complaints Committee of the Governing Body. When considering your complaint the Chair of Governors may seek advice from the Officers of the Local Education Authority. However, you should not contact the LEA or the Secretary of State direct until Step 2 is complete. If the matter is to be referred to a Complaints Committee you will be informed of the procedure and timescales. The committee will comprise three or five Governors but will not include the Headteacher or Chair of Governors. You will be given the opportunity to make representations in person. In either case you will be given a written response.

however, it is important to understand that this is not a general right of appeal for any parent who disagrees with the governors’ decision.

If you need to raise the matter with the Local Education Authority please write to: The Director of Education 1 Staffordshire Place, Stafford ST16 2LP In your letter please explain:

a• w hat your complaint to the Governors was b• w hat response they have made to it c• w hy you think that the Governors have not followed a proper procedure in considering your complaint and/or

d• w hy you think that their consideration of it was unreasonable. The District Education Officer may wish to meet with you but will, in any case, write to you to inform you of the further enquiries into your complaint. If you remain dissatisfied with how the complaint has been dealt with you may wish to refer your complaint to the Secretary of State for Education and Employment. Please write to: The Secretary of State Department of Education and Employment Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smithy Street London SW1P 3BT


All Saints C.E.(C) School (&) Nursery PROSPECTUS

school uniform navy ‘v’ neck sweatshirt or cardigan light blue polo shirt or open neck shirt grey skirt, dress or trousers

p.e. kit white t-shirt navy shorts or jogging bottoms pumps or trainers navy crested hoody (not compulsory)

Sweatshirts and cardigans embroidered with the school’s logo are available from the school office – all uniform is catered for in house. Order forms and price lists can be collected from the school office. Orders will be done every month, or more often in busy periods. It is not the policy of Staffordshire Education Committee to make compulsory the wearing of school uniform. However, our children enjoy wearing the new navy uniform with our smart new crest on their sweatshirt, cardigan or polo shirt. In the summer the girls can wear Navy and White gingham cotton dresses. These are available to buy from the school office. All children will require a cap or sun hat during warm weather. These can also be bought from school with the logo embroidered on, however these are not compulsory.


all items of clothing should be clearly named

For swimming days anyone with shoulder length/long hair will need to wear a swimming cap. Jewellery must not be worn for health and safety reasons.

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religious education

special educational needs

The EDUCATION REFORM ACT requires that a mainly Christian Religious Education, together with a daily act of collective worship, should be provided for all pupils.

In our school we aim to offer excellence and choice to all our children, whatever their abilities or needs. We aim to achieve this by the removal of barriers for learning and participation. We want all our children to feel that they are a valued part of the school community. Through appropriate curricular provision we respect the fact that children:

In accordance with the 1944 Education Act, Religious Education is a compulsory part of the curriculum. The work is based on the County’s Agreed Syllabus and the programmes of study from the Resource Handbook for Church Schools published by the Diocese of Lichfield. Parents have the right to ask for their children to be withdrawn from Religious Education or from daily assembly, but they may first wish to discuss the matter with the Headteacher.

• have different educational and behavioural needs and aspirations require different strategies for learning

• • acquire, assimilate and communicate information at different rates

• need a range of different teaching approaches and experiences

sex education Sex education forms part of a developmental course of personal and social education and, in line with other health issues, is appropriate to the age and stage of development of pupils. Sex education is not singled out for special treatment. Questions raised by children are answered frankly in context.


All Saints C.E.(C) School (&) Nursery PROSPECTUS

More details on provision can be obtained by reading the S.E.N. policy which is available from school. Parents who are in any way concerned about their child, or matters relating to the school, are requested to consult the class teacher or Headteacher who will do their best to resolve any problems. Any other queries can be directed at the school office. Please contact;

telephone • 01785 282228 email •

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SHEET address • Bourne Avenue, Ranton, Staffordshire ST18 9JU telephone • 01785 282228 email • website • associate headteacher • Mr C Middleton chair of governors • Mr S Williams lead teacher • Miss S Mangat foundation stage teacher • Mrs S Shaw administrative officer • Mrs K Carthy janitor • Mrs J Smith, Mrs. K. Carthy first aiders • Mrs J Smith, Mrs K Carthy and Mrs S Shaw teaching assistants • Mrs J Smith, Mrs J Norton, Mrs L Evans vice chair • Mr A Hetherington headteacher • Mr C Middleton staff governor • Mrs S Shaw lea governor • Mrs L Longstaff community governor • Mr G Ashford parent governor • Mr A Evans governors • Mrs J Smith, Mr J Cantrill, Mrs S Ingle

ORGANISATION Children are taught in two separate classes under the care of full time teachers who have responsibility for their education and welfare. Currently the set-up is as follows; class 1 Reception and Year 1 • class 2 Year 2 and Year 3 This is will change in September 2015 as we hope to have Nursery and Year 4 classes. Class structure to be announced in 2015. Nursery aged children are eligible to receive 15 hours of free nursery education per week during term time. The 15 hours has to be taken over a minimum of 3 days. Our session times will be as follows:-

morning session (3 hours)

lunch time (1.5 hours)

afternoon session (2 hours)

8.45am to 11.45am

11.45am to 1.15pm

1.15pm to 3.15pm

For those parents wishing their children to stay for a full day it will be necessary for them to pay for childcare during the lunch time session. This will be £4.00 per hour as from 1st September 2014 until 31st July 2015 when the charge will be reviewed by governors. Parents may send a packed lunch with their child or purchase a school meal at a cost of £2.10 per meal. Any child at compulsory school age and above (Reception – Year 2) will now be eligible for Universal Free School Meals. If you would like your child to be signed up for this, please see Mrs. Carthy in the school office.

standard assessment tasks Children in Year 2, having reached the end of Key Stage 1, are assessed using a combination of Teacher Assessments and Standards Assessment Tasks. In the past the majority of children have been successful in reaching Level 3 in English, Maths and Science and it is the aim of the school to try and maintain this standard and to assist the more able children to reach Level 4 in these subjects. Children in Year 3 are assessed by Teacher Assessment. We would expect all children to be working towards level 4 at this level. telephone 01785 282228




All Saints C.E.(C) School (&) Nursery Bourne Avenue, Ranton, Stafford Staffordshire ST18 9JU telephone 01785 282228 email website


M6 J13

















All Saints C.E.(C) School (&) Nursery PROSPECTUS

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