Weslaco's Believe it or Not - The Odd

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Olga Noriega in every City Commission meeting plays into the camera and says, “The people are asking for

transparency” and, “You aren’t fooling anybody. The people know what you are doing” to the commissioners trying to SAVE WESLACO (you can watch for yourself at the City website www.weslacotx.gov). She announces this completely out of context to the business at hand. We will share the facts of who is “fooling” the people of Weslaco or at least trying to.

A. 08-01-03 (Appraisal District)

Claiming 731 S. Midway Rd as Homestead to the Bank.

Inside the PURPLE Boundary lines is where you have to live to be eligible to run City Commissioner of Weslaco.

A. 08-01-03 (Distrito de Tasación)

Declara 731 S. Midway Rd como su domicilio para el banco.

B. 11-15-06 (Reunión Mensual de la Comisión de Weslaco)

B. 11-15-06 (City Commission Meeting)

C. 03-03-08 (Solicitud de Posición del Consejo Escolar)

C. 03-03-08 (School Board Application)

Al postularse en la carrera para el Comité Escolar, indíca su residencia como 731 S. Midway Rd durante 50 años, 7 meses

Filing for School Board Race she states she has lived at 731 S. Midway Rd for 50 yrs, 7months

D. 02-15-11 (En la solicitud para un puesto Comisión de la Ciudad)

D. 02-15-11 (City Commission Application)

Al postularse en la carrera de Comisionados de la Ciudad, indíca su residencia como 309 S. Indiana Ave. desde 9 años, 2 meses

Filing of City Commissioners Race Claiming to live at 309 S. Indiana Ave for 9 yrs, 2 months

E. 07-28-14 (City Commission Application)

E. 07-28-14 (En la solicitud para un puesto Comisión de la Ciudad)

Al postularse en la carrera de Comisionados de la Ciudad, indíca su residencia como 309 S. Indiana Ave durante 12 años, 7 meses

The home in Red is 731 S. Midway Rd where Olga resides. The Purple “home” is 309 S. Indiana Ave the “home” she claims to live in within District 3.

OLGA’S TIMELINE of lies D. 2011

B. 2006

Olga states Indiana “Home” VACANT 15 years

Olga claims Indiana “home” as her residence for 9 years. (In 2008, 3 years ago, she claimed Midway as her “home” on the School Board Application, and in 2006, 5 years ago, she claimed Indiana home VACANT.)

E. 2014

La casa en Rojo es 731 S. Midway Rd donde Olga reside . La “casa“ Morada es 309 S. Indiana Ave del “hogar “ ella dice vivir en dentro del Distrito 3.

CRONOLOGÍA DE OLGA de mentiras D. 2011

B. 2006

Olga dice que la casa en Indiana es VACANTES 15 años

A. 2003

C. 2008

Olga TODAY is still outright LYING to us! Olga claims Her water usage (shown Olga claims Midway is in the next pages) Midway “home” her “homestead” PROVE she LIVES in as her residence Midway as indicated in for 50 years 2006 homestead claim. The facts stated above were found in public records at the following locations: Weslaco City Hall, Weslaco ISD, Hidalgo County Courthouse

A. 2003

Dentro de las líneas de contorno MOROADO es donde usted tiene que vivir para ser elegible para funcionar Comisionado de la Ciudad de Weslaco.

Pidiendo la Comisión Municipal la rezonificación 309 S. Indiana Ave de “Distrito Único de Vivienda Familiar R-1” a “B-I Barrio Distrito Comercial“ Olga declara, “La casa ha estado vacante durante 15 años.”

Asking the City Commission to rezone 309 S. Indiana Ave from “R-1 Single Family Dwelling District” to “B-I Neighborhood Business District” Olga states, “The house has been vacant for about 15 years.”

Filing for City Commissioners Race Claiming to live at 309 S. Indiana Ave for 12 yrs, 7 months

En cada junta de Comisionados de la ciudad, Olga Noriega, se dirige a las comisionados que tratan de salvar a Weslaco diciendo “El pueblo esta pidiendo transparencia” y “No se esta engañando a nadie. La gente sabe lo que ustedes están haciendo” Ella hace estas declaraciones totalmente fuera de contexto. (como usted mismo lo puede apreciar através de la pagina de internet de la ciudad). A continuación, compartiremos hechos que demuestran quien realmente esta engañando la ciudad de Weslaco….o al menos se ha intentado.

Olga afirma Midway es su casa

C. 2008

Olga afirma Midway es la casa que ha vivido durante 50 años

Olga afirma la casa de Indiana como su residencia desde hace 9 años. (En 2008 , hace 3 años , ella dijo Midway fue su casa sobre la Aplicación de la Junta Escolar, y en 2006, hace 5 años, dijo que su casa de Indiana estaba vacante .)

Olga HOY sigue siendo mintiendo descaradamente a nosotros! Su consumo de agua (que se muestra en las páginas siguientes ) DEMUESTRA Vive en Midway como se indica en el 2006

E. 2014

Los hechos mencionados anteriormente han sido encontrados en los registros públicos de: Weslaco City Hall, Weslaco ISD, tla Corte de el condado Hidalgo.


These are the REAL emails, as published by The Monitor, between Olga Noriega, her political advisor Rodd Lewis and former Mayor of Weslaco Mike Wise. What you’re about to see might surprise you...

This is just the beginning.

Continue reading to see the deceit unfold right before your very eyes!

You can’t make this stuff up!

Sneaky?! These emails are in Olga’s own words. The original emails can be found via The Monitor at: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1284235-noriega-emails.html

the saga continues...

Difícil de creer? Descúbrelo por ti mismo. Estos son los mensajes de correo electrónico REALES, que fueron publicados por el periódico, The Monitor, entre Olga Noriega, su asesor político Rodd Lewis y el ex alcalde de Weslaco Mike Wise. La traducción de los mensajes de correo electrónico a español son difíciles de hacer sin alterar sus palabras, así que decidimos dejarlos literalmente en forma exacta. Para resumir los mensajes de correo electrónico del diálogo es sobre la forma de manipular a los ciudadanos de Weslaco y el sistema para que Olga Noriega podría postularse para un asiento en la Comisión de Weslaco.

Olga Noriega’s WATER BILL PROves She Does not live in district 3

Factura del agua de Olga Noriega que demuestra Ella no vive en el distrito 3

Just in case the emails were not enough proof, here is a breakdown of the water usage in Olga’s District 3 “home” (309 S. Indiana) in the past two years.

En caso de los correos electrónicos no bastásen como prueba suficiente, éste es un desglóse del consúmo de agua de la casa de Olga en Distrito 3 durante los últimos dos años.

http://google.com http://water.usgs.gov/edu/qa-home-percapita.html

http://google.com http://water.usgs.gov/edu/qa-home-percapita.html


Huele mal? Nosotros creemos que sí.

The original water bill can be found via The Monitor at: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1284236-noriega-water-usage.html

La factura del agua original se puede encontrar a través del Monitor en: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1284236-noriega-water-usage.html

YOU BE THE JUDGE The City Commission & the City Secretary can and should disqualify Olga Noriega from running for City Commissioner. Olga Noriega has clearly not met two requirements. How can Olga enforce the charter that governs the City of Weslaco if she does not follow it herself?

State & City Requirements to Run for an Elected Position in Texas What are the requirements to run for office in the City of Weslaco?

Sec. 141.003. ...RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS FOR HOME-RULE CITY OFFICE. (a)Different age and residence requirements from those prescribed by Section 141.001 may be prescribed by a home-rule city charter, but... a minimum length of residence in the state or city may not be more than 12 months immediately preceding election day.

Weslaco is Home-Rule and its local requirement is a minimum residence in the district you wish to serve of 6 months before election day. The local requirement and the State requirement were never met by Olga Noriega.

What are the fees for running for office for the City of Weslaco?

Sec. 2-193. Candidate filing fee. (5)b.A sworn affidavit from the Weslaco City Secretary or designee or minutes approved from the City of Weslaco evidencing that the person has performed not less than 50 or 250 hours of service, whichever is applicable, to the City of Weslaco by official means as an elected or appointed member of the governing body, board, committee, or commission or as a volunteer within certain departments without compensation during the calendar year immediately preceding the person’s submission of a timely application for a place on the ballot or other instrument causing an election to occur. Olga Noriega did not pay her filing fee.

The PROBLEM with her submission is that they are NOT VOLUNTEER HOURS. The City Commission is a paid position.

should olga follow the rules? If you think Olga Noriega should uphold the rules that govern the City of Weslaco please call one or all of our City Commissioners, City Secretary, or City Manager and say, “Olga should be disqualified to run for City Commissioner!” Did you know the City Commission or the City Secretary can disqualify Olga for NOT meeting the requirements necessary to run for a City Commission seat, yet again? Why is everyone else mandated to follow the rules but Olga is not? Below are all the direct phone numbers to OUR City Government:

debe seguir olga las reglas? Si usted piensa Olga Noriega debe cumplir las normas que rigen la ciudad de Weslaco por favor llame a uno o todos nuestros Comisionados de la Ciudad, Secretaria de la Ciudad, o administrador de la ciudad y dígales: “Olga debería ser descalificado para correr para comisionado de la ciudad!” ¿Sabías que la Comisión de la Ciudad o la Secretaria de la Ciudad pueden descalificar a Olga por no cumplir con los requisitos necesarios para postularse para un asiento Comisión Municipal, una vez más? ¿Por qué los otros siguen las reglas, pero Olga no? A continuación se presentan todos los números de teléfono directos a nuestro gobierno municipal:

Is the City Commission of Weslaco compensated for their service?

Sec. 13. Compensation. The mayor and commissioners shall receive salaries. Clearly stated in Sec 13 under “Compensation” it states all City Commissioners including the Mayor are compensated.

Why is Olga Noriega on the ballot for November if she has not even completed her requirements to run for office?

Who can declare a candidate ineligible to run for office?

145.003. ADMINISTRATIVE DECLARATION OF INELIGIBILITY. (a) Except for a judicial action in which a candidate’s eligibility is in issue, a candidate may be declared ineligible only as provided by this section. (c) A candidate in an election other than the general election for state and county officers may be declared ineligible before the beginning of early voting by personal appearance by the authority with whom an application for a place on the ballot for the office sought by the candidate is required to be filed. (d)The presiding officer of the final canvassing authority for the office sought by a candidate may declare the candidate ineligible after the polls close on election day (f) A candidate may be declared ineligible only if: (1) the information on the candidate’s application for a place on the ballot indicates that the candidate is ineligible for the office; or (2) facts indicating that the candidate is ineligible are conclusively established by another public record.

The City Secretary had the same facts in front of her when deciding to allow Olga Noriega elligibility to run the office. The facts clearly state Olga has not qualified on two areas: residence & application submission. The City still has the ability to fix her mistake. Rules are to be followed and leaders are to lead by example.

Sea usted el juez La Comisión de la Ciudad y la Secretaría de la Ciudad puede y debe descalificar a Olga Noriega de postularse para un cargo. Olga Noriega claramente no ha cumplido con dos requisitos. ¿Cómo puede Olga cumplir la Carta que rige la Ciudad de Weslaco si ella no lo sigue a sí misma?

Por encima de los requisitos estatales y municipales para postularse para un cargo electo en Texas. Usted tiene que vivir en el Distrito 3 un mínimo de 6 meses antes de la jornada electoral y usted tiene que pagar la tasa de solicitud porque Weslaco Comisión de la Ciudad es un cargo remunerado. Olga no ha cumplido ninguno de esos requisitos.

Pick up the phone and make YOUR


City of Weslaco: 956-968-3181 ask for “Elizabeth” City Secretary or “Leo” City Manager Commissioner Fidel Pena: 956-357-3975 Commissioner Gerardo “Jerry” Tafolla: 956-975-4301 Commissioner David Fox: 956-684-8875 Mayor Pro-Tem Johnny Cuellar: 956-778-7056 Commissioner Lupe Rivera: 956-532-5845 Commissioner Olga Noriega: 956-463-0264 Mayor David Suarez: 956-373-5374

UNBELIEVABLE? increible?

Believe it! Crea lo!

Next...Siguiente... The Unusual! lo raro!

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