14 09 16 agenda supplements

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Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 1 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: September 16, 2014 I From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Elizabeth Walker, City Secretary Subject: Call to Order, includes the following: A. Certification of Public Notice. B. Invocation. C. Pledge of Allegiance. D. Roll Call. Discussion: A. Mayor will Call to Order and certify Public Notice. B. Pastor Raja Masilamony with Seventh Day Adventists will give the invocation. C. Mayor will lead Pledge of Allegiance; Mayor Pro-Tem may lead Texas Flag. D. City Secretary will call roll. Fiscal Note: Amount: $ N/A Term of Impact: [#] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Y/N Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): N/A Recommendation for Commission Action: Four or more Commissioners present constitutes a Quorum; otherwise, no action may be taken. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): One-page with pledges and mission statement. Responsibilities upon Approval: Conduct meeting per Ordinance 2011-05, according to Roberts Rule of Order and commencing at 5:30 p.m.

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

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David Suarez, Mayor John F. Cuellar, Mayor Pro-Tem, District 2 David R. Fox, Commissioner, District 1 Olga M. Noriega, Commissioner, District 3 Gerardo “Jerry” Tafolla, Commissioner, District 4 Lupe V. Rivera, Commissioner, District 5 Fidel L. Pena, III, Commissioner, District 6 Leonardo Olivares, City Manager

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag “I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND TO THE REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS, ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.” The Pledge of Allegiance to the State Flag "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible." *The pledge was amended by House Bill 1034 during the 80th Legislature with the addition of "one state under God." The revised wording became effective on June 15, 2007. Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. STATEMENT OF VISION: AN INTERNATIONAL CENTER OF GROWTH Friendly people with vision, courage and integrity STATEMENT OF MISSION: COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE IN PUBLIC SERVICE *Positive Attitude of Courtesy & Concern *Doing it Right the First Time *Sensitive to the citizens’ needs *Friendly Respect for All *Service without Hassle

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 3 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: September 16, 2014 III. B and VI.C From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Mardoqueo Hinojosa, P.E., Planning Director/City Engineer, on behalf of Robert Acosta, d.b.a. El Rancho Grande. Subject: Discussion and consideration to approve a Conditional Use Permit to obtain an OnPremise Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit and a Late Hours and live music permit at 318 W. Pike Blvd., also being Lot 3, Block 1, Palm Plaza Shopping Center Unit #1 Subdivision, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas. Discussion: The applicant is requesting to obtain an On-Premise Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit and a Late Hours and live music permit. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): Amount: $ Term of Impact: #[ ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ X ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Notice of the application and the public hearing for the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Commission appeared in The Monitor on August 18, 2014. Twenty (20) property owners within 200 ft. of the applicant’s property were notified by letter on August 22, 2014. Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Planning & Zoning Commission, 09/03/2014, recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit with similar conditions as set for Applebees and Chilis; however, no condition were set for these establishments. Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Application for Conditional Use Permit with attachments. Responsibilities upon Approval: Planning staff will advise applicant.

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 4 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: September 16, 2014 III.C and VI.D From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Mardoqueo Hinojosa, P.E., Planning Director/City Engineer, on behalf of Robert Acosta, d.b.a. El Dorado Restaurant #2. Subject: Discussion and consideration to approve a Conditional Use Permit to obtain an OnPremise Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit at 1609 W. Business 83, also being Lot 5, Westgate Center Subdivision, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas. Discussion: The applicant is requesting to obtain an On-Premise Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): Amount: $ Term of Impact: #[ ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ X ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Notice of the application and the public hearing for the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Commission appeared in The Monitor on August 18, 2014. Twenty-five (25) property owners within 200 ft. of the applicant’s property were notified by letter on August 22, 2014. Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Planning & Zoning Commission, 09/03/2014, recommends approval of Conditional Use Permit. Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Application for Conditional Use Permit with attachments. Responsibilities upon Approval: Planning staff will advise applicant.

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 5 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: September 16, 2014 III.D and VI. E From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Mardoqueo Hinojosa, P.E., Planning Director/City Engineer, on behalf of Dave Ocanas, Jr. Subject: Discussion and consideration to amend Ordinance 320 and the City of Weslaco Zoning map to rezone 702 S. Pleasantview Drive, also being West Tract Subdivision, BLK FT 702 150’ X 150’ of LT 9, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas, from R-1 One Family Dwelling District to B-1 Neighborhood Business District. Discussion: The applicant is requesting to rezone this property from “R-1 One Family Dwelling District” to “B-1 Neighborhood Business District”. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): Amount: $ Term of Impact: #[ ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Additional Action Prompted: [ X ] Mayor’s Signature [ X ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ X ] Ordinance – First Reading [ X ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Notice of the application and the public hearing for the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Commission appeared in The Monitor on August 18, 2014. Fourteen (14) property owners within 200 feet of the applicant’s property were notified by letter on August 22, 2014. Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Planning & Zoning Commission, 09/03/2014, recommends approval of the rezone. Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval based on the 2008 Comprehensive Plan. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Application for Rezoning with attachments. Responsibilities upon Approval: Planning staff will advise applicant.

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 6 September 16, 2014

A REGULAR MEETING OF THE WESLACO CITY COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2014 On this 2nd day of September 2014 at 5:31 p.m., the City Commission of the City of Weslaco, Texas convened in a Regular Meeting at City Hall in the Legislative Chamber, located at 255 South Kansas Avenue with the following members present: Mayor Mayor Pro-Tem Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner

David Suarez J.F. “Johnny” Cuellar David R. Fox Olga M. Noriega Gerardo “Jerry” Tafolla Lupe Rivera Fidel L. Pena, III

City Manager City Secretary Legal Counsel

Leonardo Olivares Elizabeth M. Walker Eloy Sepulveda

Also present: Juan Salas, IT Department; Bret Mann, Finance Director; David Salinas, Public Utilities Director; Mardoqueo Hinojosa, City Engineer/Interim Planning Director; Interim Chief Chris Sanchez, Fire Department; Interim Chief Sergio Ramirez, Police Department; David Arce, Parks and Recreation Director; Veronica Ramirez, Human Resources Director; Olga Garza, Public Facilities Assistant Director; Sonia Flores, Assistant Finance Director, George Garrett, Airport Director, Arnold Becho, Library Director; Gloria Givilancz, Grants Compliance Coordinator, and other staff members and citizens. I.



Certification of Public Notice. Mayor Suarez called the meeting to order and certified the public notice of the meeting as properly posted Friday, August 29, 2014.


Invocation. Pastor Rene Vega from Laborers of Love and Hope delivered the invocation.


Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Suarez recited the Pledge of Allegiance and Mayor-Pro Tem Cuellar recited the Texas flag.


Roll Call. Elizabeth Walker, City Secretary, called the roll, noting perfect attendance. PUBLIC COMMENTS

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Michael Fisher objected that his personnel record was released in response to a public information request for it. III.


To solicit input regarding the proposed Municipal Budget for the City of Weslaco for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2014 and ending September 30, 2015. At 5:41 p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Tafolla, moved to open the public hearing. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present and voting. Mr. Bret Mann presented the proposed Municipal Budget and the changes in the Water, Wastewater, Sanitation, Internal Service, Hotel/Motel, Utility, and General Funds in a PowerPoint presentation. Some changes include a proposed raise in the minimum wage for all regular, full time employees to $10.10/hour, a 5% salary increase for non-union employees who have not received a raise since October 2013, and new positions within the Police Department, Parks and Recreation Department and the City Secretary’s Office. Other points of Mr. Mann’s presentation included the proposed property tax rate of $0.6867/$100.00 valuation, as well as a reduction of the property tax rate by $0.01 every other year, a 1% of revenue allocation for the yearend contingency expense, and the fact that 100% of the funding for the Weslaco Museum would now come from the General Fund. Sarah Williams-Salazar, Executive Director of the Frontera Audubon Society, requested a change in the amount of the Hotel/Motel Fund disbursements. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Tafolla, moved to close the public hearing item at 5:50 p.m. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present and voting.


CONSENT AGENDA The following items are of a routine or administrative nature. The City Commission has been furnished with background and support material on each item, and/or it had been discussed at a previous meeting. All items will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately unless requested by one commission member, in which event the item or items will immediately be withdrawn for individual consideration in its normal sequence after the items not requiring separate discussion have been acted upon. The remaining items will be adopted by one vote. Possible action.


Approval of the Minutes of the following: 1) Regular Meeting of August 19, 2014 and 2) Special Meeting of August 26, 2014. (Staffed by City Secretary’s Office.) Attachment.


Acceptance of Department of State Health Services EMS County Assistance Award funds from the Lower Rio Grande Valley Regional Advisory Council on Trauma, Service Area V in the amount of $5,390.00 to purchase a stretcher and authorize a budget amendment as appropriate. (Staffed by Fire Department.) Attachment.

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Authorization to utilize Federal Equitable Sharing funds in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00 for the purchase of advertising from LAMAR Advertising – Digital Board to run for two (2) months, authorize a budget amendment as appropriate, and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. (Staffed by Police Department.) Attachment. Commissioner Tafolla, seconded Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present and voting.



Discussion and possible action to approve Resolution 2014-37 and Resolution 201438 to remove two (2) members of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board and fill the unexpired terms of the members. (This item was tabled August 26, 2014; Staffed by Parks & Recreation Department.) Attachment. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Pena, moved to remove this item from the table. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present and voting. The City Manager explained that these appointments are presented for consideration because two current members have missed at least three meetings. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar recommended no action be taken, noting these two members are two of the longest serving on this board, who have addressed recent changes in their schedules. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Tafolla, moved to leave the current board members. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present and voting. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Noriega, moved to approve Resolution 2014-37 and Resolution 2014-38 to remove two (2) members of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board and fill the unexpired terms of the members. Motion failed with all opposed.



Discussion and consideration to approve Ordinance 2014-10, the “Peddlers and Solicitors Ordinance,” in order to repeal ordinance number 96-14, codified as Part II Chapter 102 of the Weslaco Code of Ordinances, adopting new regulations and providing for severability. First Reading of Ordinance 2014-10. Possible action. (There was no action on this item on August 19, 2014; Staffed by Planning and Code Enforcement Department.) Attachment. There was no action on this item.

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting


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Discussion and consideration to approve Ordinance 2014-11 approving the City of Weslaco budget appropriation for the fiscal year October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015. First Reading of Ordinance 2014-11. Roll call vote required. Possible action. (Requested by Finance Department.) Attachment. The City Manager reference the earlier presentation, characterizing the proposed budget as very responsible; he added that though the budget is based on the tax rate, by state statute the items must appear in this order on the agenda. Commissioner Rivera, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, moved to approve the item as presented. By roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously with the Mayor present and voting.


Discussion and consideration to approve Ordinance 2014-12 adopting the City of Weslaco ad valorem property tax rate of $0.6867/$100.00 valuation, effectively a 5.13 percent increase in the tax rate, pursuant to §26.05(d) of the Texas Tax Code on all taxable property within the City of Weslaco, Texas for Tax Year 2014, fixing the tax rate for the use and support of the general government and for the interest and sinking fund for the redemption of bonds and other indebtedness of the City of Weslaco, providing for the assessment of annual occupation taxes provided by law, and fixing a lien on all taxable property. First Reading of Ordinance 2014-12. Roll call vote required. Possible action. (Staffed by Finance Department.) Attachment. The City Manager noted staff’s recommendation of the approval of the tax rate of $0.6867/$100.00 valuation; this remains the lowest property tax rate throughout the Mid Valley area. Mr. Mann stated that the effective rate would be $0.6532/$100.00 valuation; he estimated the loss of revenue of $139,000.00 per one-cent tax deduction, with a total estimated loss of $375,000.00 to adopt the effective tax rate. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar recommended a workshop for the upcoming week to further discuss the issue. Commissioner Tafolla, seconded by Commissioner Rivera, moved to approve the item as presented. By roll call vote, the motion passed with Mayor Suarez and Commissioners Pena and Noriega opposed (4-3).


Discussion and consideration to approve Ordinance 2014-13 amending §1 of Ordinance 77-16 and §1 of Ordinance 67-10 by providing for a new schedule of rates to be charged for treated water delivered through the system of the Public Utilities Department of the City of Weslaco and providing for a new schedule of rates to be charged for the use of wastewater treatment facility of the City of Weslaco, and ordaining other matters with respect to the subject matter hereof. First Reading of Ordinance 2014-13. Possible action. (Staffed by Public Utilities Department.) Attachment. Mr. David Salinas presented the ordinance, which proposes lowering the base fee on

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water and wastewater for residential customers inside city limits, approximately 7,700 accounts, by $0.87 each. Commercial accounts, including multi-family, and those residential accounts outside City limits would increase according to the rate study finalized last year. Just as last year, multi-family accounts may request the residential rate; however, it is unlikely since those charges typically remain lower than residential charges. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Tafolla, moved to approve the item as presented. The motion carried with Commissioner Noriega opposed; Mayor Suarez was present and voting. Commissioner Tafolla, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, moved to take Addendum item I.B. out of sequence for immediate consideration. The motion carried; Mayor Suarez was present and voting. B.

Discussion and consideration of the Election Code, Charter and Ordinance general election procedural requirements, and qualifications for elective office of Commissioner Candidates for District 3. Possible action. (Staffed by City Secretary’s Office.) The City Manager stated that a challenge had been received by the City as to Commissioner Noriega’s credentials and eligibility to participate in this November’s election. Ms. Elizabeth Walker, City Secretary, clarified the eligibility requirements, including that the candidate must have lived in the City of Weslaco for at least six months, cannot have any indebtedness to the City, nor hold any other office of emolument. She also explained that the City of Weslaco offers two alternatives to paying the filing fee, which include either providing a petition of fifty signatures from qualified voters or at least 50 hours of service to the City or a non-profit corporation located within in it during the year. In response to Commissioner Rivera, Ms. Walker stated that Commissioner Noriega had requested her service as an elected official be considered as service to the City in lieu of paying the filing fee. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Tafolla, moved to table this item until the special meeting of September 9, 2014. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present and voting.


Discussion and consideration to approve the Final Preliminary Engineering Report for the South Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project, authorize a budget amendment as appropriate, and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. Possible action. (Staffed by Public Utilities Department.) Attachment. Mr. Rolando Briones, representing Briones Engineering, presented the Preliminary Engineering Report as 100% complete, which took into consideration regulatory requirements, including the Arroyo Colorado Watershed Protection Plan, population growth, and maintenance costs, particularly to the aeration basin. He presented four alternatives, sensitive to the consideration that the existing plant sits three feet too low, and recommended alternative four based on maintenance costs.

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Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Tafolla, moved to approve the item as presented. The motion carried with Mayor Suarez and Commissioner Noriega opposed (5-2). E.

Discussion and consideration to approve an agreement with Vaisala Corp. for support and maintenance of the Automated Weather Observation Station for a period of one year with two renewal extensions in a total amount not to exceed $17,898.00, authorize a budget amendment as appropriate, and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. Possible action. (Staffed by Airport.) Attachment. The City Manager recommended approval of this item as standard airport equipment, for which the state will reimburse half the cost. He clarified no budget amendment is expected related to this item, since it is included in the proposed budget. Commissioner Rivera, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, moved to approve the item as presented. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present and voting.


Discussion and consideration to approve Change Order #1 with Texas Cordia Construction for the Detention Pond and Reconstruction of Sugarcane Drive in an amount not exceed $3,800.00 and extend the number of working days by thirty, authorize a budget amendment as appropriate, and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. Possible action. (Staffed by Planning and Code Enforcement Department.) Mr. Mardoqueo Hinojosa explained the delay was caused when utilities were not properly identified in the 2008 survey and a Verizon line was in the way of completion. In response to Commissioner Noriega, Interim Police Chief Ramirez reported he assigned three officers with patrol cars to the school intersection for peak drop off and pick up times. Commissioner Rivera, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, moved to approve the item as presented. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present and voting.


Discussion and consideration regarding the Collective Bargaining Labor Agreement between the City of Weslaco and the Weslaco Municipal Police Union (WMPU) regarding the procedure on Internal Investigations and Appointed Positions. (Requested by the Mayor.) Attachment. Interim Police Chief Ramirez reported that according to Chapter 183 within 180 days of knowledge of any complaint against an officer it must be turned over to internal affairs for investigation. He presently has four internal affairs investigation open. There was no action on this item.

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Discussion and consideration of all invoices submitted to the City of Weslaco from the Law Offices of Guerra and Farah, PLLC, who authorized commencement of specific research, what material was produced to City as a result of research including text messages and/or email correspondence and other issues related incurring the legal fees associated with the invoice(s). (Requested by the Mayor.) Attachment. The Mayor stated that in the absence of any representative of that law office, he will wait to discuss at a future meeting. There was no action on this item.


Discussion and consideration to award a Firm Fixed Price Agreement for Professional and Consulting Engineering Services to Gonzalez de la Garza & Associates in an amount not to exceed $700,000.00 for the City of Weslaco Five Year Comprehensive Plan and the Master Drainage Plan, authorize a budget amendment as appropriate, and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. Possible action. (Commission approved agreement with this firm on August 19, 2014; Staffed by Planning and Code Enforcement Department.) Mr. Mark Long, representing the firm, proposed a “more blended approach with horizon year 2040,” incorporating the comprehensive, drainage, parks, and downtown revitalization plans. The City Manager recommended approval of this item. The Mayor Pro-Tem noted the City Attorney had approved the contract; the Mayor noted a possible violation of Texas Government Code 2254.003. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Rivera, moved to approve the item as presented. The motion carried with Mayor Suarez and Commissioners Pena and Noriega opposed (4-3).


Discussion and consideration to approve Ordinance 2014-14 creating a Weslaco Historical Commission, adopting its mission and appointing members. First Reading of Ordinance 2014-14. Possible action. (Requested by Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar and Commissioner Fox.) There was no action on this item.


EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:18 p.m., the Mayor announced the regular meeting to convene in Executive Session. At 8:55 p.m., the Mayor announced the City Commission had completed its Executive Session and reconvened the regular meeting as open to the public.



Pending Litigation – Consultation with Special Counsel regarding a revised settlement agreement in Cause No. C- 929-13-H City of Weslaco, Texas v. City of Mercedes, Texas in the 389th Judicial District Court of Hidalgo County pursuant to

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§551.071 of the Texas Government Code. There was no action on this item. B.

Contract Negotiations – Discussion with City Manager and City Attorney regarding the Architectural and Construction Oversight Contract between the City of Weslaco and Boultinghouse Simpson Gates Architects for the design and construction oversight of the New Valley Nature Center as authorized by §551.071 of the Texas Government Code. There was no action on this item.


Executive Session in accordance with §551.071 and/or §552.071 of The Texas Government Code (Consultation with Attorney) to discuss legal options against a political entity regarding city limit and extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) boundary disputes. There was no action on this item.


Pending Litigation - Consultation with City Attorney regarding in re No. P-35,821 In the Estate of Fernando Saenz, Deceased, in the Probate Court of Hidalgo County, Texas as authorized by §551.071 of the Texas Government Code. There was no action on this item.


Pending Litigation – Consultation with City Attorney regarding Cause No. C-386510-I, City of Weslaco v. Champion Energy Services, LLC as authorized by §551.071 of the Texas Government Code. There was no action on this item.


Pending Litigation - Consultation with City Attorney regarding Cause No. C-081-13 B, Weslaco Health Facilities Development Corporation v. Knapp Medical Center, et.al. as authorized by §551.071 of the Texas Government Code. There was no action on this item.

X. ADJOURNMENT With no other business before the Commission, at 8:55 p.m. Commissioner Pena, seconded by Commissioner Fox, moved to adjourn the September 2, 2014 regular meeting. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present and voting. CITY OF WESLACO

MAYOR, David Suarez

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CITY SECRETARY, Elizabeth M. Walker

MAYOR PRO-TEM, J.F. “Johnny” Cuellar

COMMISSIONER, David R. Fox _______ COMMISSIONER, Olga M. Noriega

COMMISSIONER, Gerardo “Jerry” Tafolla COMMISSIONER, Lupe Rivera


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A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE WESLACO CITY COMMISSION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014 On this 5th day of September 2014 at 5:30 p.m., the City Commission of the City of Weslaco, Texas convened in a Regular Meeting at City Hall in the Legislative Chamber, located at 255 South Kansas Avenue with the following members present: Mayor Pro-Tem Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner

J.F. “Johnny” Cuellar David R. Fox Olga M. Noriega Gerardo “Jerry” Tafolla Lupe Rivera Fidel L. Pena, III

City Manager City Secretary

Leonardo Olivares Elizabeth M. Walker

Also present: Juan Salas, IT Department; David Salinas, Public Utilities Director; Mardoqueo Hinojosa, City Engineer/Interim Planning Director; Interim Chief Sergio Ramirez, Police Department; Oscar Garcia, Public Facilities Director, and other staff members and citizens. I.


Certification of Public Notice. Mayor-Pro Tem Cuellar called the meeting to order and certified the public notice of the meeting as properly posted Tuesday, September 2, 2014.


Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor-Pro Tem Cuellar recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Texas flag.


Roll Call. Elizabeth Walker, City Secretary, called the roll, noting the absence of Mayor Suarez.


PUBLIC COMMENTS No comments were received.



Discussion and consideration to approve Ordinance 2014-15 annexing a maximum of 1,253.74 acres of land into the City of Weslaco, located in Hidalgo County, Texas, which is contiguous to the city limits and hereinafter described; as shown in the attached exhibit; making findings of fact; providing a severability clause; providing an effective date; and providing for open meetings and other related matters. First Reading of Ordinance 2014-15. Possible action. (Public Hearings held July 28 and 29, 2014; Staffed by Planning and Code Enforcement Department.) Attachment. The City Manager stated there are eight tracts proposed for annexation with less than

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100 properties per tract. He explained that the City is not required to annex all eight tracts, but upon annexation, soft services must be made available immediately and hard services within two-and-a-half years; staff’s recommendation is to annex only tracts 1-6. Tracts 1-3, located south of Mile 10 North, would fill the lollipops; Tract 4 is located just west of Westgate Drive; and Tracts 5 and 6 are just north of Mile 12. He noted tracts 7 and 8 could be annexed as well, but response times would need to be further considered for that area. In response to the City Manager, Mr. Mardoqueo Hinojosa stated that assumptions on the return on investment include a 2% population growth with a multiplier of 3.5 people per home. Tract 4 incurs the cost of a new lift station, of approximately $2 million; Tracts 4-8 would share the cost for providing a new public safety station in that area to ultimately provide better response times. Commissioner Fox recommended creating a memorandum of understanding with the Sheriff’s Department in that area to provide services to the residents within tracts 7 and 8. Commissioner Pena requested the costs of hard services for all tracts. Commissioner Tafolla, seconded Commissioner Rivera, moved to approve Ordinance 2014-15 annexing a maximum of 1,253.74 acres of land, identified as Tracts 1-8, into the City of Weslaco, located in Hidalgo County, Texas, which is contiguous to the city limits and hereinafter described; as shown in the attached exhibit; making findings of fact; providing a severability clause; providing an effective date; and providing for open meetings and other related matters. The motion carried with Commissioners Pena and Noriega opposed; Mayor Pro Tem-Cuellar was present and voting. IV.


With no other business before the Commission, at 5:48 p.m. Commissioner Pena, seconded by Commissioner Rivera, moved to adjourn the September 5, 2014 special meeting. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar was present and voting. CITY OF WESLACO (absent) MAYOR, David Suarez ATTEST:

CITY SECRETARY, Elizabeth M. Walker

MAYOR PRO-TEM, J.F. “Johnny” Cuellar

COMMISSIONER, David R. Fox _______ COMMISSIONER, Olga M. Noriega

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COMMISSIONER, Gerardo “Jerry” Tafolla COMMISSIONER, Lupe Rivera


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Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: September 16, 2014 IV.B From: David Arce, Parks and Recreation Director Subject: Heroes of Faith 5k Discussion: Approval of the use of Harlon Block Sports Complex on Sunday November 9, 2014 from 6a.m. – 12 noon for (Pajama Run) Heroes of Faith 5k, authorize street closures as appropriate, and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents as may be required by the Texas Department of Transportation for proposed street closure affecting state right-of-way. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): Amount: $ 0 Term of Impact: #[ ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Recommendation for Commission Action: Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Letter from Myra Hough. Responsibilities upon Approval:

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To Whom It May Concern: The 3rd annual Journey of Faith 5K and 1 Mile Family Fun Run event will raise funds and awareness for childhood cancer. The funds will benefit the Hope in Joy Foundation. The event will take place on Sunday, November 9, 2014 at 7:30 am at Harlon Block Sports Complex in Weslaco, Texas. The event will end no later than 11 am. Hope in Joy was created by Aryanna Joy Rodriguez to bring HOPE to children and their families battling cancer through the JOY of receiving blankets, toys, snacks, crafts, playtime and encouragement. Aryanna Joy is a spunky, loving 4 year old that was diagnosed with a rare Myxoid Sarcoma tumor in her nasal cavity and upper palate in March of 2012. We want this to be an event that gives the community of Weslaco an opportunity to be part of. Our city has many children who are battling this disease and this is a chance to show our support, to become aware and to help our families. We will need support from our city, our police department and our paramedics. Come for exercise and be aware that kids get cancer too! We look forward to seeing you there! Thank you, Myra Hough Heroes of Faith

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 20 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: September 16, 2014 IV.C From: David Arce, Parks and Recreation Director Subject: Pico De Gallo Century Bike Ride Discussion: Approval of a request for Pico De Gallo Century Bike Ride to use City Park on December 20, 2014 from 6a.m. – 8pm for 100 mile bike ride, authorize the use of pavilion 25 at no charge, authorize street closures as appropriate, and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents as may be required by the Texas Department of Transportation for proposed street closure affecting state right-of-way. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): Amount: $ 0 Term of Impact: #[ ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Recommendation for Commission Action: Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Responsibilities upon Approval:

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 21 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Date of Meeting: Sept. 16, 2014

Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): IV.D From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Arnoldo Becho, Library Director Subject: Request for permission to enter into an agreement with Amigos Library Services, a discount program for library related materials and services. Discussion: The Amigos service is being looked at to lower the cost of library materials and services. The service cost approximately $937 per year and should lower the overall cost associated with library related materials and services. There is no fiscal obligation beyond the membership fee. The service may be canceled at any point with 30 day notice. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): 01-541-2440 Amount: $937 per Term of Impact: open ended Identified in Current Budget: Y year Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): None Yet Recommendation for Commission Action: The Library recommends approval Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): The agreement is attached. Responsibilities upon Approval: The Library Director will sign the agreement and implement the program.

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 22 September 16, 2014

Schedule A Amigos Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 (1)

Amigos Membership Academic Libraries* Budget Range From

Membership Fee



> $15,000,000



































Public Libraries* Budget Range From


Membership Fee


> $15,000,000



































Other Members


*Based on 2006 or 2010 library budget data, whichever is lower. Amigos uses NCES (for academic libraries) and IMLS (for public libraries) as the source for determining library budget data.

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 23 September 16, 2014

The prominent feature of the fee schedule is the Amigos Membership Pricing, which for FY2014/15 was not altered or increased. Pricing for individual Amigos services is available upon request, as those prices depend on specific factors. For example, prices for Amigos Member Discount Services might be based on population served, number of simultaneous users, or volume; pricing for education and consulting services depends on the length of courses or projects. NOTE: This FY2014/15 Amigos Fee Schedule, an addendum to your Amigos membership agreement, is effective July 1, 2014.

Amigos Member Discount Services


Prices on Request : Database subscriptions; e-books; document delivery; electronic journals/full-text; library management and productivity tools; library archival supplies

Amigos Consulting and Education Services

Prices at www.amigos.org Open registration for classes in collections care, metadata, reference, technology, management and other topics. Amigos online conferences are free to members. 2

Prices on Request: Consulting, private workshops, and project management.

Trans-Amigos Express Courier

Prices on Request: Five-day service; three-day service; two-day service; intra-city or intra–regional service

Amigos Financial Services

No charge: rd 3 3 -party billing utilizing Deposit Account Deposit account services

Prices on Request: 4 Invoice processing

If you have questions, please contact Amigos (800) 843-8482 or amigos@amigos.org.


All prices are subject to change with 30 days written notice or upon receipt of changes by vendors. Member agrees to remit payment within 30 days to Amigos upon receipt of a proper invoice. Prices shown are exclusive of taxes. For new orders, contact Amigos Member Discount Services. 2 Discounts available for volume purchases. Contact Amigos Training Registrar. 3 Prepaid funds for Amigos’ services can be maintained in a Library Deposit Account. A discount will be credited to any member willing to prepay a minimum of 12 months matching the institution’s fiscal period. The account will be credited a discount based on receipt of prepaid funds by Amigos as follows: Funds Received By Discount Credit 1.00% Final day of the 1st month of fiscal period nd .75% Final day of the 2 month of fiscal period rd .50% Final day of the 3 month of fiscal period After the final day of the 3rd month of fiscal period 0.00% 4 Charges are for paying invoices on behalf of member libraries to vendors with whom Amigos does not have a relationship.

Schedule A

Page 2 of 2 July 2014

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 24 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Date of Meeting: Sept. 16, 2014

Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): IV.E From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Arnoldo Becho, Library Director Subject: Request for permission to enter into an agreement with Trans-Amigos Express and Texpress for the delivery of library materials. Discussion: The Texpress delivery service is being looked at to lower the cost of postage for the library’s Inter Library Loan program. Participation in Inter Library Loan is required for accreditation in the State of Texas. The service cost approximately $2,175 per year and should lower the overall cost associated with material delivery. The service may be canceled at any point with 30 day notice. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): 01-541-2440 Amount: $2,175 per Term of Impact: open ended Identified in Current Budget: Y year Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): None Yet Recommendation for Commission Action: The Library recommends approval Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): The agreement is attached. Responsibilities upon Approval: The Library Director will sign the agreement and implement the program.

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 25 September 16, 2014

Agreement for Trans-Amigos Express and TExpress By signing below, I agree to submit monthly usage statistics (number of packages sent; number of packages received) by the 10th of each month for the preceding month. Cancellation Procedures Amigos and TAE/TExpress require written notice at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the month that service and billing are to terminate. Any library participating on the first day of any month is obligated to pay for the full month of service. Written cancellation may be mailed, faxed, or emailed to tae@amigos.org. Responsibility Borrowing libraries will be responsible for the replacement costs of items lost or damaged (replacement or repair cost of the item only; not additional processing fees). Borrowing libraries are responsible for items from the time they are shipped by the lending library until the lending library receives them upon return in accordance with the National Interlibrary Loan Code. The courier does not track or insure (reimburse) for lost or damaged items.

Type or print all information Name of institution or public library:

OCLC Symbol:

Mayor Joe V. Sanchez Public Library

PHYSICAL DELIVERY ADDRESS Address: 525 S. Kansas Ave. City:

State: TX


Zip Code: 78596-6215

BILLING INFORMATION Street address or PO box: 525 S. Kansas Ave. State: TX

City: Weslaco

Zip Code: 78596-6215

Authorized signature: Print name here: ARNOLDO BECHO Payment method:


 Deduct from Amigos Deposit Account

✔ Invoice Annually 

REQUIRED INFORMATION Enter hours of operation: Mon. Thurs. 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Trans-Amigos Express contact person for this site: MariCarmen Garcia or Patti Avila Phone number: 956-968-4533

Fax number: 956-973-1641

Email address: mgarcia@weslacopl.us / pavila@weslacopl.us Date to begin Service: Level of Service (check one):  5-day per week service

 3-day per week service

✔ 2-day per week service 

Return To: Amigos Support Desk, Amigos Library Services, 14400 Midway Road, Dallas, TX 75244-3509, Fax: 972/991-6061, tae@amigos.org 08/11/08

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 26 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Date of Meeting: Sept. 16, 2014

Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): IV.F From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Arnoldo Becho, Library Director Subject: Request to authorize the Mayor to sign and execute the cooperative Agreement between the City of Weslaco and Region One Education Service Center for provision of free GED classes at the public library. Discussion: Discussion and consideration of the agreement between the City of Weslaco and Region One Education Service Center for provision of GED classes at the public library. Region One would like to partner with the library to provide free GED classes to the public. This program is administered on a first come first serve basis and has helped many local residents attain their GED. There is no financial obligation. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): N/A Amount: Term of Impact: 1 year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Y Additional Action Prompted: [X] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): None Yet Recommendation for Commission Action: The Library recommends approval Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): The cooperative agreement is attached. Responsibilities upon Approval: The agreement will require the signature of the Mayor. The Original should be kept by the city and copies should be provided to the library and Region 1. Please mail the region one copy too: Martin Cuellar Region One Education Service Center 1900 W. Schunior Edinburg, TX 78541

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 27 September 16, 2014

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 28 September 16, 2014

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 29 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Date of Meeting: Sept. 16, 2014

Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): IV.G From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Arnoldo Becho, Library Director Subject: Request for permission to reapply and renew the Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) grant for FY 2014-2015, to accept funds upon award throughout the year, to provide local matching funds so long as these funds do not exceed 25% of the total granted amount in each instance and do not exceed $700 total annually, and to allow the Mayor to execute any associated documents throughout the year. Discussion: Reading is Fundamental was massively recently and the application process is now drastically different. Instead of their being a standard annual application process, RIF is now much more subject to the whims of donors. The window to accept funds is very small and institutions must react quickly to attain funding. The above proposed standards would allow the library to react quickly and accept grant funds throughout the year, but the proposed standards will also limit expenditures associated to $700 annually and would not authorize participation if the match required was greater than 25% of the total granted amount. RIF is a beneficial grant for community kids, these measures create a regulated way to ensure we continue to receive funding. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): 01-541-3841 Amount: Term of Impact: 1 year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Y Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): None Yet Recommendation for Commission Action: The Library recommends approval Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): None Responsibilities upon Approval: The annual renewal for participation in RIF will be done. As grants which meet the above stated criteria arise, the library will apply for these funds. As needed, signature of the Mayor will be requested.

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 30 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: September 16, 2014 IV. H From: David Arce, Parks Director Subject: Mid Valley Youth Soccer League Discussion: Discussion and consideration to approve the Lease Agreement with the Mid Valley Youth Soccer League for the use of City Park Soccer fields, for a term of 4 months September 1, 2014-December 31, 2014 Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): Amount: $ 0 Term of Impact: [4] month(s) Identified in Current Budget: Additional Action Prompted: [X] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Recommendation for Commission Action: Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Mid Valley Youth Soccer League Contract Responsibilities upon Approval: Upon approval, city secretary’s office will forward a copy to the Parks and Recreations Department.

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting


Page 31 September 16, 2014

* * * * *


On this ___ day of ________, 2014, THE CITY OF WESLACO, a municipal corporation located in Hidalgo County, Texas, hereinafter called "CITY" and the Mid Valley Youth Soccer League, hereinafter called "CLUB" enter into this Lease Agreement for the lease of city property under the following terms: 1.

The City leases to the CLUB certain real property physically located at The Weslaco City Parks Soccer Fields located in the Eastside of the park along Airport Dr.


The term of this lease shall be for 4 months beginning September 1, 2014, and ending December 31, 2014. Games will be Saturday morning from 8am – 1pm

In consideration of the lease of the CITY property the "CLUB" agrees as follows: 1.

That the CLUB will not construct any permanent buildings or improvements on the real property subject of this lease agreement.


That the CLUB will not sublet the leased property or sign this lease to any other party without the written consent of the CITY OF WESLACO.


The CLUB agrees and understands that the real property, the subject of this lease agreement, will be used exclusively for soccer games.


The CLUB will hold the CITY OF WESLACO harmless for any injuries that are sustained by any person either playing or watching the playing of soccer on this real property.


That the CLUB will carry liability insurance and said insurance will include the CITY OF WESLACO in its policy.


That the CLUB will be entitled to possession of the leased property immediately upon execution of this lease agreement.


That the person signing on behalf of the team is authorized to execute this lease agreement with the CITY OF WESLACO.


The “CLUB” shall endeavor to assist the CITY in providing a safe and clean complex for participant and spectator.


One (1) vehicle shall be allowed to be parked next to concession stand for the purpose of carrying equipment & supplies and security all Other automobiles or other vehicles will park in areas designated for such purpose by City to provide adequate parking.

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 32 September 16, 2014


The “CLUB” will provide the City an accounting of all monies collected in registration fees and all concession stand revenues and all the expenses incurred. Any time the City requests such accounting. Final accounting report must be submitted December 31, 2014.


The “CLUB” is responsible for scheduling soccer games with The Mid Valley Youth Soccer Association and providing adult supervision at all scheduled soccer activities.


The “CITY” shall have the right to decide when the soccer field is unplayable due to current or anticipated weather conditions.


The ‘CLUB” will file with the Parks and Recreation Department, officers and appropriate contact phone numbers for the purpose of directing public inquires to the proper authorities regarding this program.


The ‘CLUB” shall report any repairs or potential hazards to the Parks and Recreation Department


City will maintain the Soccer fields; including mowing and marking when possible & maintenance scheduling will be determined by City upon advanced receipt of written practice and CLUB game schedules.


City undertakes no Responsibility to obtain sponsors for “CLUB” activities.


City employees will not be allowed to participate in Association activities as Officers.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned hereby execute this lease agreement as of the day and year first above written.

CITY OF WESLACO _______________________ DAVID SUAREZ, Mayor

ATTEST: ___________________________________ ELIZABETH M. WALKER, City Secretary MID VALLEY YOUTH SOCCER LEAGUE


By:_________________________________ ROBERT GONZALEZ

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

By:_______________________ RAMON VELA, City Attorney

Page 33 September 16, 2014

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 34 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting September 16, 2014 IV. I From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): David Salinas, Public Utilities Director Subject: Chemtrade Chemicals US, LLC Contract RFB No.: 2012-13-11for Aluminum Sulfate and Liquid Ammonium Sulfate Discussion: Discussion and consideration to continue Chemtrade Chemicals US, LLC Contract RFB No.: 2012-13-11for Aluminum Sulfate and Liquid Ammonium Sulfate chemicals necessary for the operation of the Water, Wastewater systems; authorize a budget amendment as needed, and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): 51-549-3400 58-552-3400 Amount: Term of Impact: [ 1 ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: $ FY 2014-2015 Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): N/A Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval for the above mentioned. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Responsibilities upon Approval: Upon approval, city secretary’s office will convey executed documents and forward a copy to the Public Utilities department.

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 35 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting September 16, 2014 IV. J From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): David Salinas, Public Utilities Director Subject: DPC Industries Inc. Contract RFB No.: 2012-13-15 for Chlorine Discussion: Discussion and consideration to extend DPC Industries Inc. Contract RFB No.: 201213-15 for Chlorine necessary for the operation of the Water and Wastewater systems; authorize a budget amendment as needed, and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): 51-549-3400 58-552-3400 Amount: Term of Impact: [ 1 ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: $ FY 2014-2015 Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): N/A Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval for the above mentioned. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Responsibilities upon Approval: Upon approval, city secretary’s office will convey executed documents and forward a copy to the Public Utilities department.

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 36 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: 9/16/14 9 $ From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Bret L. Mann, Finance Director, Finance Department Subject: The City of Weslaco, Texas Municipal Budget for fiscal year 2014-15 ending September 30, 2015. ROLL CALL VOTE Discussion: Discussion and consideration to approve ordinance adopting the City of Weslaco 201415 fiscal year municipal budget ending September 30, 2015. Fiscal Note: Amount: Term of Impact: Identified in Current Budget: Y/N Additional Action Prompted: [ X] Mayor’s Signature [X ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [X] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Recommendation for Commission Action: To approve. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Attachment Responsibilities upon Approval: Finance Department

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 37 September 16, 2014

ORDINANCE NO. 2014-11 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF WESLACO, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2014 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2015. BE IT ORDAINED BY CITY OF WESLACO, TEXAS: That, the City Manager of the City of Weslaco has heretofore duly and timely filed in accordance with the law, a budget for said City covering the fiscal year running from October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015, that due and timely public notice that a Public Hearings on such budget would be held on September 2, 2014, was given and made in accordance with state law and within the time limits set forth by law; that such Public Hearings were held in accordance with the law on September 16, 2014, and that it is the opinion and judgment of the Weslaco City Commission that said budget, which is attached hereto, be and same is hereby in all things approved and same is proper and correct. WHEREFORE, said budget is here and now hereby in all things approved and adopted and it shall be effective as of October 1, 2014. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading at a regular meeting of the City Commission this 2nd day of September, 2014. PASSED AND APPROVED on second reading at a regular meeting of the City Commission this 16th day of September, 2014. CITY OF WESLACO _________________________________ David Suarez, MAYOR ATTEST: __________________________________ Elizabeth M. Walker, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ Ramon Vela, CITY ATTORNEY

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 38 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: 9/16/14 V.B From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Bret L. Mann, Finance Director, Finance Department Subject: The City of Weslaco, Texas ad valorem property tax rate assessment for tax year 2014. ROLL CALL VOTE Discussion: Discussion and consideration to approve ordinance adopting an ad valorem property tax rate, assessed at $.6867/$100.00 valuation pursuant to 26.05(d) of the Texas Tax Code on all taxable property within the City of Weslaco, Texas for Tax Year 2014, fixing the tax rate for the use and support of the general government and for the interest and sinking fund for the redemption of bonds and other indebtedness of the City of Weslaco, providing for the assessment of annual occupation taxes provided by law, and fixing a lien on all taxable property. Fiscal Note: Amount: Term of Impact: Identified in Current Budget: Y/N Additional Action Prompted: [ X] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [X] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Recommendation for Commission Action: To approve. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Attachment Responsibilities upon Approval: Finance Department

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 39 September 16, 2014

ORDINANCE NO. 2014-12 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AN AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF WESLACO, TEXAS FOR THE TAX YEAR 2014, FIXING THE TAX RATE FOR THE USE AND SUPPORT OF THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT AND FOR THE INTEREST AND SINKING FUND FOR THE REDEMPTION OF BONDS AND OTHER INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF WESLACO, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF ANNUAL OCCUPATION TAXES PROVIDED BY LAW, AND FIXING A LIEN ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WESLACO, TEXAS: I. THAT, there shall be and it is hereby levied on all property whether, real, personal or mixed, within the corporate limits of the City of Weslaco, Texas, not otherwise exempt, an ad valorem tax for the year 2014 ($0.1901) on each one hundred dollar valuation of property for the purpose of paying interest on and providing a sinking fund for the redemption of outstanding indebtedness of the City of Weslaco as follows: 2007 Certification of Obligation Bonds 2010 Certification of Obligation Refunding Bonds 2012 Certification of Obligation Refunding Bonds 2013 Certification of Obligation Bonds

0.0387 0.0381 0.0869 0.0264 $0.1901

II. THAT, there shall be and is hereby levied on all property, whether, real, personal or mixed, within the City of Weslaco, Texas, not otherwise exempt, an ad valorem tax for the year 2014 ($0.4966) on each one hundred dollar valuation of such property for the purpose of paying current expenses for the maintenance of public parks and other improvements and purposes as provided by the Charter of the City of Weslaco, Texas, and the laws of the State of Texas. THIS TAX RATE WILL RAISE MORE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS THAN LAST YEAR’S TAX RATE. THE TAX RATE WILL EFFECTIVELY BE RAISED BY 3.11 PERCENT AND WILL RAISE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS ON A $100,000 HOME BY APPROXIMATELY $-4.00. III. THAT there is hereby fixed on each and every item of taxable property a lien for the purpose of securing the payment of the taxes assessed thereon, and said lien shall continue to exist against any item of property against which a tax is assessed here under until such tax,

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 40 September 16, 2014

together with all interest shall be paid. IV. THAT, there be and is hereby levied and ordered collected an annual occupational tax on fifty percent (50.0%) of the State Occupation Tax on each occupation taxed by the State of Texas. V. IF, any person shall neglect or refuse to pay the taxes herein imposed on him or his property, on or before January 31, 2015, the tax collector shall apply the following schedule of penalty and interest rates for use in calculating the total amount due on delinquent tax bills: February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 July 2015

7.0% 9.0% 11.0% 13.0% 15.0% 18.0%

PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading at a regular meeting of the City Commission this 2nd day of September 2014. PASSED AND APPROVED on second reading at a regular meeting of the City Commission this 16th day of September 2014. CITY OF WESLACO _________________________________ David Suarez, MAYOR ATTEST: __________________________________ Elizabeth M. Walker, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ Ramon Vela, CITY ATTORNEY

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 41 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: September 16, 2014 V. C From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): David Salinas, Public Utilities Director, Public Utilities Department Subject: Approval of Ordinance 2014-13 New Schedule of Rates Discussion: Discussion and consideration to approve Ordinance 2014-13 amending §1 of Ordinance 77-16 and §1 of Ordinance 67-10 by providing for a new schedule of rates to be charged for treated water delivered through the system of the Public Utilities Department of the City of Weslaco and providing for a new schedule of rates to be charged for the use of wastewater treatment facility of the City of Weslaco, and ordaining other matters with respect to the subject matter hereof. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): Amount: $ Term of Impact: #[ ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [X] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): N/A Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval for the above mentioned. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Ordinance Responsibilities upon Approval: Upon approval, City Secretary office will convey executed proposal to the Finance Dept. and forward a copy to the Public Utilities Department.

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

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ORDINANCE NO. 2014-13 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE 77-16, CODIFIED IN THE WESLACO CODE OF ORDINANCES AS SECTION 138.58 “WATER RATES PRESCRIBED” AND AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE 67-10, CODIFIED IN THE WESLACO CODE OF ORDINANCES AS SECTION 138.59 “SEWER RATES PRESCRIBED;” BY PROVIDING FOR A NEW SCHEDULE OF RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR TREATED WATER DELIVERED THROUGH THE SYSTEM OF THE WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF WESLACO; AND PROVIDING FOR A NEW SCHEDULE OF RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR THE USE OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES OF THE CITY OF WESLACO; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AFTER THE SECOND PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND ORDAINING OTHER MATTERS WITH RESPECT TO THE SUBJECT MATTER HEREOF. SECTION 1. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF WESLACO, TEXAS, to amend Section I of Ordinance No. 77-16, adopted on August 16, 1977, and Codified in the Weslaco Code of Ordinances as Section 138.58 and entitled “Water Rates Prescribed”, to adopt a new schedule of rates to be charged for treated water delivered through the system of the water department of the City of Weslaco so that after Second and Final Reading of this Ordinance, Weslaco Code of Ordinances Section 138.58, will read as follows: ARTICLE II. SERVICE CHARGES Sec. 138.58. Water Rates Prescribed. There are hereby established the following schedules of rates to be charged for treated water delivered through the system of the water department of the city: Schedule A. Residential Inside City Limits (1) Minimum monthly bill, (not including water)……………………….....….. $14.75 Minimum monthly bill, (includes 2,000 gallons of water) if applied for by a Resident over 65 years of age, Disabled, or a Veteran ………….………………..…..$9.54 (2)

Charge per each 1,000 gallons or portion thereof…………….………………$2.71

Schedule B. Commercial Inside City Limits (1) Minimum monthly bill (not including water): 5/8 inch or ¾ inch meter….………………………………………………. $18.07 1 inch meter……………….………………………………………………. $21.01 1 ½ inch meter…………….………………………………………………..$27.14 2 inch meter…………….…………………………………………………..$36.24 3 inch meter……………….………………………………………………..$59.11 4 inch meter……………….………………………………………………..$88.94 6 inch meter…….…………………………………………………………$156.42 8 inch meter….……………………………………………………………$203.04

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Charges per each 1,000 gallons or portion thereof: 0 to 15,000 gallons …………………………………………………………...$3.03 15,000 to 15,001 gallons (An addition to the base fee when this level is reached.).………………………………………………………………..…….$9.91 15,002 to 30,000 gallons……………………………………………………...$3.38 30,000 to 35,000 gallons……………………………………………………...$3.40 35,000 to 35,001gallons (An addition to the base fee when this level is reached.)……………….………………………………………………………$9.26 Over 35,001gallons……………………………………………………………$3.40

Schedule C. Multi Family Inside City Limits (1) Minimum monthly bill (not including water): 5/8 inch or ¾ inch meter….………………………………………………. $18.07 1 inch meter……………….………………………………………………. $21.01 1 ½ inch meter…………….………………………………………………..$27.14 2 inch meter…………….…………………………………………………..$36.24 3 inch meter……………….………………………………………………..$59.11 4 inch meter……………….………………………………………………..$88.94 6 inch meter…….…………………………………………………………$156.42 8 inch meter….…………………………………………………………... $203.04 Multi Family residents whose water rates increase because of Ordinance 2013-26 affixing the rate structure for “Multi Family Inside City Limits” may request a 2% reduction of their current minimum monthly bill as assigned by the Water Rates prescribed to be “Residential Inside City Limits” from the Weslaco City Manager. (2)

Charges per each 1,000 gallons or portion thereof: 0 to 15,000 gallons …………………………………………………………$3.03 15,000 to 15,001 gallons (An addition to the base fee when this level is reached.)..……………………………………………………………………$9.91 15,002 to 30,000 gallons……………………………………………………..$3.38 30,000 to 35,000 gallons……………………………………………………..$3.40 35,000 to 35,001gallons (An addition to the base fee when this level is reached.)…………………...………………………………………………...$9.26 Over 35,001 gallons…………………………………………………………$3.403

Schedule D. Irrigation Meters Inside City Limits (1) Minimum monthly bill (not including water): 5/8 inch or ¾ inch meter….………………………………………………...$10.47 1 inch meter……………….………………………………………………. $14.06 1 ½ inch meter…………….………………………………………………..$22.35 2 inch meter…………….…………………………………………………..$31.46 3 inch meter……………….………………………………………………..$54.33 4 inch meter……………….………………………………………………..$84.16 6 inch meter…….…………………………………………………………$151.64 8 inch meter….……………………………………………………………$198.26

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Charges per each 1,000 gallons or portion thereof: 0 to 10,000 gallons …………………………………………………………...$2.97 10,000 to 15,000 gallons…………………………………………………….. $2.97 Over 15,000 gallons…………………………………………………………..$3.07


Irrigation meters with no associated wastewater service will not be assessed monthly charges for wastewater service.

Schedule E. Service Provided to Customers Residing Outside of the City Limits (1) The monthly water charges for any customer (residential, commercial, multi-family, irrigation, or other) located outside the corporate limits of the City of Weslaco shall be at the rate of 150% of the rate charged customers inside the corporate limits of the City. Schedule F. Tapping Fees. The following charges shall be made as tapping fees for making connections for the use of any water user (deposit and permit fees are not included): Meter Size 5/8” 1” 1 ½” 2” 3” 4”

Inside City $348.10 $514.22 $890.82 $3,286.06 $4,612.93 $6,936.71

Outside City $522.15 $771.32 $1,336.23 $4,929.09 $6,919.39 $10,405.06

For all other size taps, the tapping charge shall be based upon the current cost of the meter, required materials, and labor therefore. In cases where the developer has installed their own water lines, tapping saddles, corp. stop, tubing and angle stop up to the ground surface, the fees for a 5/8” meter will be $232.07 for a connection inside the city limits and $348.10 for a connection outside the city limits. Schedule G. Fire Protection Sprinkler Fees There shall be no additional charge per month in addition to the other charges listed in this section, for accounts with a fire protection sprinkler system. SECTION II. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF WESLACO, TEXAS, to amend Section I of Ordinance No. 67-10, adopted on June 27, 1967, and codified in the Weslaco Code of Ordinances as Section 138.59 and entitled “Sewer Rates Prescribed”, so that after Second and Final Reading of this ordinance, Weslaco Code of Ordinances Section 138.59 will read as follows: ARTICLE II. SERVICE CHARGES Sec. 138.59. Wastewater Rates Prescribed.

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The following rates shall be charged for use of the wastewater treatment facilities of the City of Weslaco, including storm sewer lines if used for the purpose of disposing waste or cooling water. The rates hereby established shall be applicable to all classes of customers using the city sanitary sewer system, except for industrial customers who will continue to be charged under the provisions of the industrial waste ordinance of the City of Weslaco, Ordinance No. 76-16, as amended: (1) Minimum Charge Inside City Limits: The minimum monthly charge for all classes of customers using the City of Weslaco wastewater treatment facilities shall be fourteen dollars and fifty-eight cents ($14.58) per month. The monthly base rate will be nine dollars and forty-four cents ($9.44) if applied for by a resident over 65 years of age, Disabled, or a Veteran. (2) Additional Charges for Single-Family Residential Users Inside City Limits. In addition to the minimum charge listed above, a charge of one dollar and seventy-seven cents ($1.77) will be made for each one thousand (1,000) gallons of water used, or portion thereof, for monthly metered consumption up to 35,000 gallons. (3) Multifamily Residential and Mobile Homes Inside City Limits. The charge for the use of the city wastewater treatment facility for duplexes or multifamily apartments or housing where the buildings are generally used solely for permanent or continuous living quarters and mobile home and/or recreational vehicle park owners on master meters shall be as follows: Minimum monthly bill …………………………………….…………………$11.81 Charges per each 1,000 gallons of metered water use, or portion thereof: 0 to 15,000 gallons…………………………………………………………..$2.28 15,000 to 15,001 gallons (An addition to the base fee when this level is reached.)..……………………………………………………………………$10.61 15,001 to 35,000 gallons…………………………………………………..…$2.54 35,000 to 35,001 gallons (An addition to the base fee when this level is reached.)..……………………………………………………………………$10.27 Over 35,001 gallons……………………………………………………….…$2.54

(4) Commercial Customers Inside City Limits. Commercial customers are those customers who discharge wastewater from a private building which is not residential in nature and conduct business activities for the sole purpose of making a profit, and receive an inflow of paying customers for services rendered or the purchase of goods. All sewer accounts required to file for a sales tax number with the state comptroller’s office or an employer’s federal I.D. number with the Internal Revenue Service shall be deemed as commercial accounts. The charge for commercial users shall be as follows: Minimum monthly bill …………………………………….………………...…$14.98 Charges per each 1,000 gallons of metered water use, or portion thereof: 0 to 15,000 gallons……………………………………………………………….$2.72

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15,000 to 15,001 gallons (An addition to the base fee when this level is reached.)..……………………………………………………………………$8.66 15,001 to 35,000 gallons…………………………………………………..……..$3.03 35,000 to 35,001 gallons (An addition to the base fee when this level is reached.)..……………………………………………………………………$9.03 Over 35,001 gallons……………………………………………………….……..$3.03 (5) Lawn and Landscape Irrigation. All accounts shall be exempt from sanitary sewer charges on water metered solely for lawn and landscape irrigation. (6) Industrial Users. All industrial uses, such as canning plants, packing sheds, laundries, bottling works, milk plants and other industrial users, shall be charged a rate computed under Ordinance No. 76.16, as amended. (7) Institutional, Etc., Users Inside City Limits. All customers not classified as aforementioned, including institutional, religious and not-for-profit entities, shall be charged for the use of the wastewater treatment facility as follows: Minimum monthly bill……………………………………….…………………$11.81 Charges per each 1,000 gallons of metered water use, or portion thereof: 0 to 15,000 gallons……………………………………………………………..$2.28 15,000 to 15,001 gallons (An addition to the base fee when this level is reached.)..……………………………………………………………………$10.61 15,001 to 35,000 gallons……………………………………………………..…$2.54 35,000 to 35,001 gallons (An addition to the base fee when this level is reached.)..……………………………………………………………………$10.27 Over 35,001 gallons………………………………………………………….…$2.54 (8) Commercial Laundries Inside City Limits. Commercial customers whose principal business is the operation of a commercial laundry shall be charged for use of the city wastewater treatment facility as follows: Minimum monthly bill……………………………………….…………………$14.98 Charges per each 1,000 gallons of metered water use, or portion thereof: 0 to 15,000 gallons……………………………………………………………..$2.72 15,000 to 15,001 gallons (An addition to the base fee when this level is reached.)..……………………………………………………………………$8.66 15,001 to 35,000 gallons……………………………………………………..…$3.03 35,000 to 35,001 gallons (An addition to the base fee when this level is reached.)..……………………………………………………………………$9.03 Over 35,001 gallons………………………………………………………….…$3.03 (9) The monthly sewer charges for any customer (residential, commercial, multi-family, institutional, laundry, or other) located outside the corporate limits of the City of Weslaco shall be at the rate of 150% of the rate charged customers inside the corporate limits of the City.

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SECTION III: All other provisions of Chapter 138, Article II, Section 138.58, and Section 138.59, and Ordinance 77-16, and Ordinance 67-10 shall remain in effect and are not being amended by this Ordinance. SECTION IV: These amendments to Chapter 138, Article II, Section 138.58, and Section 138.59, shall be in effect after Second and Final Reading of this Ordinance. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading at regular meeting of the City Commission this 2nd day of September, 2014. PASSED AND APPROVED on second and final reading at regular meeting of the City Commission this 16th day of September, 2014.

CITY OF WESLACO ___________________________________ David Suarez, MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________________ Elizabeth M. Walker, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ Ramon Vela, CITY ATTORNEY

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Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: 09/16/2014 VI. A From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Veronica Ramirez, Human Resources Director Subject: Group Health Insurance Discussion: Discussion and consideration to award the Group Health Insurance Package to the best qualified, most advantageous bidder and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. Possible Action. Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): N/A Recommendation for Commission Action: Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Responses to City of Weslaco RFP to be provided at meeting. Responsibilities upon Approval:

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Standardized Agenda Request Form Date of Meeting: September 16, 2014

Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): VI. B

From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Veronica S. Ramirez, Human Resources Director Subject: Discussion & Consideration to approve the Exempt and Non-Exempt Classified positions for FY 2014-2015. Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): N/A Recommendation for Commission Action:

Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Exempt and Non-Exempt Pay Grade Scales Responsibilities upon Approval:





Aviation Director


Public Information Officer

Executive Assistant

Grants Compliance Coordinator





General Services Coord.



City Manager City Secretary
















Accountant II

Assistant Finance Director

Finance Director



Fire Chief




Generalist II/Risk Mgmt

Human Resources Director

Human Resources




Network Admin. II

Sr. Network Admin. III

I.T. Director

Information Technology








Public Service Supervisor

Asst. Library Director

Library Director



Municipal Court Administrator

Municipal Court

City of Weslaco Non-Union Exempt Positions by Pay Grades and Department (October 2014 - HR Dept.)


Parks & Rec. Director

Parks & Rec.






Health Official

Chief Bluilding Official Const. Inspector/CADD Supervisor Construction Inspector/Surveyor

City Engineer /Planning Director





Communications Supervisor

Administrative Service Coordinator

Police Chief*








WTP Superintendent WWTP Superintendent

WW [C&D] Superintendent

Utility Billing Supervisor

Asst. Public Utilities Director

Public Utilities Director

Administrative Aid

WW [C&D] Foreman









Public Utilities

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* Municipal Officers

General Services Coord.

Bldg Maint. Supervisor Fleet Maintenance Supervisor

Streets & Highway Foreman

Assist. Public Facilities Director

Public Facilities Director

Public Facilities

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting




Buyer II

Acct. Clerk 1


Secretary I

EMS Billing Specialist

Fire 1

Generalist I

Human Resources


Computer Specialist

Information Technology Law











* Part-time/Seasonal

Cataloger Circulation Clerk*

Coord. of Volunteers Reference Specialist

Sr. Circulation Clerk

Sr. Cataloger

Secretary I



Court Clerk

Municipal Court






Records Specialist

Receptionist Secretary I

Deputy Registrar

Deputy Secretary








City Secretary


City Manager



Ramp Service Agent Supervisor



Sr. Ramp Service Agent




City of Weslaco Non-Union Non-Exempt Positions by Pay Grades and Department (October 2014 - HR Dept.)

Gus & Goldie Coord.* Pool Manager* Life Guard**

Clerk I


Skilled Laborer

Parks & Rec.








Secretary II Secretary I

Animal Control Officer

Building Inspector Code Enforcement Inspector Engineer I Planner I













Skilled Laborer Skilled Laborer/Carpenter Custodian Laborer Skilled Laborer


Mechanic Tractor Operator I

Clerk I 3

A/C Technician 1

Equipment Operator Heavy Equip. Operator

Inventory Clerk Skilled Laborer II







Public Facilities

Paving Equipment Operator




















Skilled Laborer

WWTP Operator II**

Recycle Maintenance WD Operator [OIT] WD Operator I** WD Operator II** WD Operator III** WTP Operator [OIT]** WTP Operator I** WTP Operator II** WWC Operator [OIT]** WWC Operator I** WWC Operator II** WWC Operator III** WWTP Operator [OIT]** WWTP Operator I**

Meter Reader II** Meter Reader III**

WWTP Operator IV** Backflow Prevention Specialist** Cashier I Meter Reader

Utility Billing Clerk WTP Lead Operator WTP Operator III** WTP Operator IV** WWC Operator IV** WWTP Lead Operator** WWTP Operator III**

Medium Equip. Operator

Public Utilities

Page 55 September 16, 2014 **Transition positions once employee acquires step up licenses.


Clerk I

Dispatcher Jailer Senior Records Clerk


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City of Weslaco Exempt Salary Grade and Ranges (Hourly and Annual Rates) 2014-2015

Pay Grades Minimum

Ranges Midpoint







31.91 66,373

41.88 87,110

50.26 104,541


30.42 63,274

39.93 83,054

47.91 99,653


26.92 55,994

35.33 73,486

42.40 88,192


24.88 51,750

32.66 67,933

39.19 81,515


20.44 42,515

26.83 55,806

32.19 66,955


18.46 38,397

24.23 50,398

29.07 60,466


16.96 35,277

22.26 46,301

26.71 55,557


15.50 32,240

20.35 42,328

24.41 50,773


12.96 26,957

17.01 35,381

20.41 42,453

*All new City Employees must start within structured pay format based on level of education, work experience, certifications, or licenses related to the position.

Increase to Midpoint and Maximum

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City of Weslaco Non-Exempt Salary Grade and Ranges (Hourly and Annual Rates) 2014-2015

Pay Grades Minimum

Ranges Midpoint Maximum


13.27 27,602

17.60 36,608

19.91 41,413


10.88 22,630

13.93 28,974

16.44 34,195


10.17 21,154

13.03 27,102

15.37 31,970


9.50 19,760

12.17 25,314

14.36 29,869


8.88 18,470

11.37 23,650

13.42 27,914


8.30 17,264

10.64 22,131

12.55 26,104


7.76 16,141

9.94 20,675

11.73 24,398


7.25 15,080

9.29 19,323

10.96 22,797

$10.10 per hour minimum wage for all full-time regular employees

*All new full time City Employees must start within structured pay format based on level of education, work experience, certifications, or licenses related to the position.

Increase to Midpoint and Maximum

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Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: September 16, 2014 III. B and VI.C From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Mardoqueo Hinojosa, P.E., Planning Director/City Engineer, on behalf of Robert Acosta, d.b.a. El Rancho Grande. Subject: Discussion and consideration to approve a Conditional Use Permit to obtain an OnPremise Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit and a Late Hours and live music permit at 318 W. Pike Blvd., also being Lot 3, Block 1, Palm Plaza Shopping Center Unit #1 Subdivision, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas. Discussion: The applicant is requesting to obtain an On-Premise Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit and a Late Hours and live music permit. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): Amount: $ Term of Impact: #[ ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ X ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Notice of the application and the public hearing for the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Commission appeared in The Monitor on August 18, 2014. Twenty (20) property owners within 200 ft. of the applicant’s property were notified by letter on August 22, 2014. Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Planning & Zoning Commission, 09/03/2014, recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit with similar conditions as set for Applebees and Chilis; however, no condition were set for these establishments. Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Application for Conditional Use Permit with attachments. Responsibilities upon Approval: Planning staff will advise applicant.

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Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: September 16, 2014 III.C and VI.D From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Mardoqueo Hinojosa, P.E., Planning Director/City Engineer, on behalf of Robert Acosta, d.b.a. El Dorado Restaurant #2. Subject: Discussion and consideration to approve a Conditional Use Permit to obtain an OnPremise Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit at 1609 W. Business 83, also being Lot 5, Westgate Center Subdivision, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas. Discussion: The applicant is requesting to obtain an On-Premise Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): Amount: $ Term of Impact: #[ ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ X ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Notice of the application and the public hearing for the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Commission appeared in The Monitor on August 18, 2014. Twenty-five (25) property owners within 200 ft. of the applicant’s property were notified by letter on August 22, 2014. Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Planning & Zoning Commission, 09/03/2014, recommends approval of Conditional Use Permit. Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Application for Conditional Use Permit with attachments. Responsibilities upon Approval: Planning staff will advise applicant.

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Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: September 16, 2014 III.D and VI. E From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Mardoqueo Hinojosa, P.E., Planning Director/City Engineer, on behalf of Dave Ocanas, Jr. Subject: Discussion and consideration to amend Ordinance 320 and the City of Weslaco Zoning map to rezone 702 S. Pleasantview Drive, also being West Tract Subdivision, BLK FT 702 150’ X 150’ of LT 9, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas, from R-1 One Family Dwelling District to B-1 Neighborhood Business District. Discussion: The applicant is requesting to rezone this property from “R-1 One Family Dwelling District” to “B-1 Neighborhood Business District”. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): Amount: $ Term of Impact: #[ ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Additional Action Prompted: [ X ] Mayor’s Signature [ X ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ X ] Ordinance – First Reading [ X ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Notice of the application and the public hearing for the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Commission appeared in The Monitor on August 18, 2014. Fourteen (14) property owners within 200 feet of the applicant’s property were notified by letter on August 22, 2014. Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Planning & Zoning Commission, 09/03/2014, recommends approval of the rezone. Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval based on the 2008 Comprehensive Plan. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Application for Rezoning with attachments. Responsibilities upon Approval: Planning staff will advise applicant.

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AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 320 AND AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF WESLACO TO CHANGE THE ZONING OF 702 S. PLEASANTVIEW DRIVE, ALSO BEING WEST TRACT SUBDIVISION, BLK FT 702 150’ X 150’ OF LT 9, WESLACO, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM R-1 ONE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT TO B-1 NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WESLACO, TEXAS: SECTION I: To rezone from “R-1 Single Family Dwelling District” to “B-1 Neighborhood Business District”, also being West Tract Subdivision, BLK FT 702 150’ X 150’ of LT 9, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas. SECTION II: That this ordinance shall become effective upon its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading at a regular meeting of the City Commission this 16th day of September, 2014. PASSED AND APPROVED on second reading at a regular meeting of the City Commission this 7th day of October , 2014.


David Suarez, MAYOR ATTEST:

Elizabeth M. Walker, CITY SECRETARY



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Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: September 16, 2014 VI. F From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Mardoqueo Hinojosa, P.E., Planning Director/City Engineer, on behalf of CJ Can Investments, LP, c/o Casimiro Cantu. Subject: Discussion and consideration of the Final Plat of the Re-plat of Lots 1-15, Aria on 18th Street Subdivision – being a re-subdivision of 1.749 acres being all of Lots 1-15, Weslaco Business Park Subdivision, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas. Discussion: The proposed eight (8) lot subdivision is inside the City of Weslaco and is located on the southeast corner of 18th Street and Texas Blvd. This subdivision will be serviced with water by the City of Weslaco through an 8” waterline. Sewer service is being provided through an 8” sewer line. The property is within a Flood Zone “B”. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): Amount: $ Term of Impact: #[ ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Additional Action Prompted: [ X ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Planning & Zoning Commission, 09/03/2014, recommends approval of final plat. Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval of the final plat Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Application for Subdivision Platting, Engineering, Public Facilities, Fire Marshal’s comments, drainage report. Responsibilities upon Approval: Planning staff will advise applicant.

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Standardized Agenda Request Form

Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: September 16, 2014 VI. G From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Mardoqueo Hinojosa, P.E., Planning Director/City Engineer, on behalf of Adolfo E. & Irene S. Kaplan. Subject: Discussion and consideration to approve the consensual annexation of the proposed Avocado Heights Subdivision also being the 6.48 acres situated in and a part of Farm Tract No. 770, West Tract Subdivision, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas, located on the south side of 18th Street, approximately 550 feet east from the intersection of Airport Drive. Discussion: The applicant is requesting consensual annexation of the proposed Avocado Heights Subdivision in accordance with the City’s Subdivision Ordinance Section 26-32 which requires “that all subdivisions located within the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction and connected to one or more of the city utilities must request annexation to the city”. Fiscal Note: Amount: $ Term of Impact: [#] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Y/N Additional Action Prompted: [ X ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ X ] Ordinance – First Reading [ X ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Planning & Zoning Commission, 09/03/2014, recommends approval Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Annexation Ordinance Responsibilities upon Approval: Planning staff will advise petitioner

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A tract or parcel of land containing 6.48 gross acres, more or less, situated in and a part of Farm Tract No. 770, West Tract Subdivision, Hidalgo County, Texas, and is herein more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows to-wit: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of said Farm Tract No. 770: THENCE, along the North boundary of said Farm Tract 770, same being Mile 6 North, East a distance of 897.43 ft. to the POINT OF BEGINNING and a corner of the herein described tract; THENCE, continuing along said North boundary, East a distance of 461.69 ft. to a point for a corner: THENCE, along a line parallel with Mile 4 West, South a distance of 380.40 ft. to a point for the Southeast corner of this tract of land; THENCE, along said Southeast boundary, South 44 degrees 59 minutes West a distance of 653.13 feet to a point for a corner THENCE, along a line parallel with Mile 4 West, North a distance of 842.36 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING containing within these metes and bounds 6.48 gross acres, more or less. SECTION II: This ordinance shall be published in one (1) newspaper of general circulation published in Weslaco, once a week for two (2) weeks, after the last reading of the ordinance.

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PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading at a regular meeting of the City Commission this 16th day of September, 2014. PASSED AND APPROVED on second reading at a regular meeting of the City Commission this 7th day of October, 2014. CITY OF WESLACO _________________________ David Suarez, MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________________ Elizabeth M. Walker, CITY SECRETARY

APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ Ramon Vela, CITY ATTORNEY

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Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: September 16, 2014 VI. H From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Mardoqueo Hinojosa, P.E., Planning Director/City Engineer, on behalf of Maximo Saenz. Subject: Discussion and consideration of the Final Plat of IDEA Public Schools Headquarters Subdivision – being a re-subdivision of 8.647 acres out of Farm Tract 152, West Tract Subdivision, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas. Discussion: The proposed one (1) lot subdivision is inside the City of Weslaco and is located on the south side of Pike Blvd. and approximately 1,350 feet west of Westgate Drive. This subdivision will be serviced with water by the City of Weslaco through an 8” waterline. Sewer service is being provided through an 8” sewer line. The property is within a Flood Zone “X”. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): Amount: $ Term of Impact: #[ ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Additional Action Prompted: [ X ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Planning & Zoning Commission, 09/03/2014, recommends approval of final plat. Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval of the final plat Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Application for Subdivision Platting, Engineering, Public Facilities, Fire Marshal’s comments, drainage report. Responsibilities upon Approval: Planning staff will advise applicant.

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Economic Development Corporation of Weslaco

9/3/14 v.1.4

Approved Budget FYE 9/30/14

EDC Budget Categories

Projected FYE 9/30/14

Approved Budget FYE 9/30/15

448,612 475,000 925,841

946,400 475,000 924,717

946,400 475,000 924,717

2,848,920 3,283 2,852,203

2,869,274 3,295 2,872,569

2,969,700 3,300 2,973,000


3,749 3,749

7,058 2,311 9,369

8,000 2,000 10,000


10,080 24,000 13,584 14,400 62,064

8,010 18,935 13,584 8,600 49,129

10,080 15,600 9,000 34,680


20,682 5,700 6,853 33,235

689 2,662 3,351


18,517 123,744

20,061 20,000 144,368 11,763 51,000 247,192


1,800 2,465 1,000 207,031 40,000 1,467 23,622 277,384 3,458,994

2,000 2,500 200,000 40,000 1,500 12,000 500 258,500 3,439,597

CARRY OVER FUNDS Budgeted between construction & bond proceeds (in fye 2013) *Restricted bond proceeds minus expenses (funded fye 2013) BVEC BOND PROCEEDS NOTE PROCEEDS SALES TAX INCOME City Truck Parking (Annual rent based on Property Taxes) sub-total INTEREST INCOME CD Interest - Compass (Qtly) Other Interest Revenue- Ckg. Int. RENTAL INCOME Valley Striping - Mid-Valley Dr ($840 x 12) Praat - Hangar Rental ($1,896 x 6 / 2,031 x 6) Weslaco Area Chamber of Commerce ($1,006 x 12) BVEC Reservation Rental Fees NOTE PAYMENTS (PRINCIPAL & INTEREST) AC/DC Warehouse Loan ($1,723.49 x 12) Dos Logistics ($475 x 12) Jose's Cafecito ($154.39 x 12) RGV WORD Properties PROPERTY SALES Downtown Properties dba J.Nava - Property Sale Angel Ceballos MVIP #4 Lot 9 LRGVDC-Interest & Principal Cil (Colimar) - Joaquin Spamer (15 yr. note) S.E.S.A. Fleet Service - Chris Vela sub-total


18,517 123,744 21,156

OTHER INCOME Alfresco Sponsorships Christmas Parade Income Farmers Market Sponsorships City of Weslaco (SDI) - 380 Assignment (Annual) City/BVEC Dev. Agreement -Bldg Improvements to 2016 Late Fees (Rents) Reimbursements Miscellaneous

10,500 192,108 40,000


AVAILABLE CASH EDC Budget Expense Categories OPERATING EXPENSES Gross Wages Payroll Taxes & Employee Benefits Dues & Subscriptions Office Supplies

595 243,203 5,186,168 FYE Projected Budget 2014 282,485 70,940 19,000 5,842

Projected FYE 9/30/14 179,120 41,201 12,730 3,364

Projected Budget FYE 9/30/15 261,430 57,500 23,000 3,500

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Economic Development Corporation of Weslaco

9/3/14 v.1.4

Approved Budget FYE 9/30/14

EDC Budget Categories

Office Expenses-promotions, sponsorships, contributions (includes $10,000 for Figueroa) Website Hosting & Mgmt Professional Fees - Other Legal Legal - Litigation CPA Fees Audit Fees Telephone Utilities - Electricity / Water Repairs & Maintenance Property Taxes Insurance Policies Auto Maintenance Director Travel Expense Continuing Staff Education Board Expense sub-total

15,000 10,000 50,000

Projected FYE 9/30/14

Approved Budget FYE 9/30/15

14,000 6,200 40,000 31,216 61,268 45,927 3,096 7,000 750 9,107 671,831

14,032 12,613 9,063 27,000 5,117 14,933 14,000 6,790 17,673 38,443 19,513 33,934 2,911 10,765 5,030 13,112 481,345

12,500 13,000 9,000 30,000 10,000 15,000 14,000 6,500 15,500 45,000 20,000 34,000 3,000 10,000 10,000 13,500 606,430

18,200 18,200

13,650 13,650


694,503 13,715 18,550 49,536 40,715 177,705 8,783 1,003,508

131,065 301,066 49,536 307,520 174,000 9,000 972,187 50,000 50,000 15,000 200,000 315,000

DOWNTOWN PARKING LOTS Downtown Parking Lots (pmts ended in June) sub-total


DEBT SERVICE Debt Services - Bonds $1,155,000 Sales Tax Rev Bds Taxable Ser 2012-(BVEC Phase II) $1,090,000 Sales Tax Rev Refunding Bds, Taxable Ser 2011 A $302,912 $1,290,000 Sale Tax Rev Bds, Tax-Exempt, Series 2011 B $49,536 $2,870,000 Bond Series 2012 (New) 12/20/12 $310,255 Compass Loan P & I - $1,300,000 Compass Loan Swap Interest only - $1,300,000 sub-total BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & EXPANSION Weslaco 100 Promotion Faรงade SKY I.T. ($15,000) Beautification & Landscaping Expressway

195,892 20,409 1,007,734 75,000 75,000



7,900 1,940 9,840


75,000 75,000

31,666 31,666

75,000 75,000


19,000 40,000 4,800 4,000 60,500 50,000 175,000 10,000 18,624 15,000 396,924

24,874 44,909 62,920 10,000 37,248 15,000 194,951

25,000 40,000 62,920 20,000 39,000 15,000 201,920

MARKETING Marketing Business Retention & Expansion (Gen Advertising) BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Lawn Maintenance (Municipal Complex, Customs & MV Airport) Expressway - Maintenance & Beautification Maintenance of Border Ave. at STC Mid Valley Airport Furniture VIDA Hike & Bike Engineering / Consultant New Construction Frontera Audubon South Texas College Transportation Project (JAG Express) Women's Business Center

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Economic Development Corporation of Weslaco

9/3/14 v.1.4

Approved Budget FYE 9/30/14

EDC Budget Categories INCENTIVES Longhorn Steakhouse L&W Supply/Becknell (1/15/12) ($250,000) K.G. Project - Kahn's Grill B.W. Project - Blue Wave KJS GROUP - BRIDGESTONE ($150,000) GRANDE VALLEY BUILDERS/INFRASTRUCTURE Nolana Self Storage LLC (Sarina Group, Ltd. for Expwy Project) Pharmacy Care ($75,000) TDI ($71,000) Hermes Music Mission Foods/Ziwa ($60,000) Motion Industries ($56,000) Arturo's Bar & Grill ($130,000) Colimar Int'l Logistics (CiL) -Colimex ($200,000) Payne Dealer Group ($825,000/$13,750) 3-Qtrs x 2@41,250 Grocery Store on 18th & Texas Applebees Pop Holdings - Popeye's Fed Perez - Weslaco Professional Plaza Border BBQ

60,000 55,555 75,000 100,000 75,000 225,000 25,000 10,000 75,000 10,000 10,000 65,000 50,000 137,500 150,000 60,000

Projected FYE 9/30/14

Approved Budget FYE 9/30/15



60,000 55,555 75,000 13,500 150,000 25,000 10,200 87,500 2,500 12,500 65,000 50,000 123,750 150,000 60,000 25,000 35,000 30,000 1,030,505

55,555 75,000 100,000 150,000 10,200 75,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 165,000 125,000 60,000 25,000 910,755


1,510,250 1,510,250

1,124 22,000 23,124

22,000 22,000

5,141 1,945 185 2,818 15,921

5,000 15,000 10,000 10,000

CAPITAL OUTLAY * Event Center Construction Capital Outlay / Message Center OTHER EXPENSES Christmas Parade Misc - Other (EDC Furniture & Computers) Contract Labor - WEDC (Marj) Reimbursed City Expense UT-RGV Project/Endowment Texas A&M Endowment Retail Leakage Study Regional Water Authority Study Other Expenses - Leadership Dues





503 41,513

8,365 3,000 51,365

10,273 1,000 11,586 2,121 24,980 91,074 10,000 4,273 1,903 107,249 132,229

12,000 1,350 1,000 22,464 5,400 42,214 49,000 10,000 6,273 65,273 107,487

BVEC/ALFRESCO MARKETING EXPENSES BVEC Operations Costs Tables & Chair replacements Contract Labor -BVEC Salary Wages (Jason) Salary Benefits (Jason)


BVEC Hotel/Motel - Sub-Total Promotion - Alfresco Weslaco Promotion - (Figueroa Tribute) Promotion - Other Farmers Market Marketing Hotel/Motel - Sub-Total Hotel/Motel Grand Total Expenses

12,026 49,000 3,200 52,200 64,226








Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 167 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: 9/16/14 VI. K From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Bret L. Mann, Finance Director, Finance Department Subject: To approve Depository Services Contract(s) with the most advantageous bidder(s) for three (3) year contract(s) beginning October 1, 2014 and ending September 30, 2017 with an option to renew the contract(s) for two (2) years as authorized by Section 105.017 of the Local Government Code. Discussion: Discussion and consideration to approve Depository Services Contract(s) with the most advantageous bidder(s) for three (3) year contract(s) beginning October 1, 2014 and ending September 30, 2017 with an option to renew the contract(s) for two (2) years as authorized by Section 105.017 of the Local Government Code. Fiscal Note: Amount: Term of Impact: N/A Identified in Current Budget: Y/N Additional Action Prompted: [X] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Recommendation for Commission Action: To approve. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Attachment Responsibilities upon Approval: Finance Department

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Page 168 September 16, 2014

Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: 9/16/14 VI. L From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Bret L. Mann, Finance Director, Finance Department Subject: Agreement with Garcia and Pena, CPAs for professional accounting services for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014. Discussion: Discussion and consideration to approve an agreement with Garcia and Pena, CPAs for professional accounting services for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014. Fiscal Note: Amount: $ Term of Impact: Identified in Current Budget: Y/N Additional Action Prompted: [ X] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Recommendation for Commission Action: To approve. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Attachment Responsibilities upon Approval: Finance Department

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Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting: September 16, 2014 VI. M From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): David Salinas, Public Utilities Director Subject: State Application Invitation to the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Discussion: Discussion and consideration to accept the invitations and authorize staff to apply with the Texas Development Board (TWDB) through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) for the following Projects: South Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan and North WWTP Expansion, authorize a budget amendment as needed, and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): Amount: Term of Impact: [ 1 ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: $ FY 2014-2015 Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): N/A Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval for the above mentioned. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): State Fiscal Year 2015 Clean Water State Revolving Fund Application Invitation’s Responsibilities upon Approval: Upon approval, city secretary’s office will convey executed documents and forward a copy to the Public Utilities department.

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Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting September 16, 2014 VI. N From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): David Salinas, Public Utilities Director Subject: Award RFB No. 2013-14-17 for Analytical services- Integrity Testing Discussion: Discussion and consideration to award RFB No. 2013-14-17 for Analytical services necessary for the operation of the Water and Wastewater systems to the following as the best qualified, most advantageous bidder for Analytical Laboratory ServiceIntegrity Testing, authorize a budget amendment as needed, and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): 51-549-2810 58-552-2810 Amount: Term of Impact: [ 1 ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: $ FY 2014-2015 Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): N/A Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval for the above mentioned. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Responsibilities upon Approval: Upon approval, city secretary’s office will convey executed documents and forward a copy to the Public Utilities department.

Evaluation done by:

Review Committee



7 TNI accreditation by TCEQ, 5 points



6 List of References, 5 points

Total Points


















5 Cost Factor, 10 points

Turnaround Time & Report Quality, 15 4 points

Experience of Laboratory/Key Personnel, 3 20 points

Quality Assurance/Quality Control 2 criteria, 20 points

Analytical Methods/Detection Levels, 25 1 points

A&B Environmental Labs Houston,TX


Analyical Laboratory Services RFQ No.: 2013-14-17

City of Weslaco











Kilgore, Integrity Testing


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Standardized Agenda Request Form Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): Date of Meeting September 16, 2014 VI. O From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): David Salinas, Public Utilities Director Subject: Terra Renewal West, LLC Contract RFB No.: 2012-13-12 for Sludge Transportation and Disposal services Discussion: Discussion and consideration to award Terra Renewal West, LLC Contract RFB No.: 2012-13-12 for Sludge Transportation and Disposal services necessary for the operation of the Water and Wastewater systems; authorize a budget amendment as needed, and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. Funding Source (budget code, if applicable): 51-549-2810 58-552-2810 Amount: Term of Impact: [ 1 ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: $ FY 2014-2015 Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): N/A Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval for the above mentioned. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Responsibilities upon Approval: Upon approval, city secretary’s office will convey executed documents and forward a copy to the Public Utilities department.

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