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The heart of the action

in the middle of it all

intense conversation creative

for life

learning at the core

accountable and ethical professionals community

COMMUNITY of learners

Placing Character at the Center

creative adventurers

education for the heart and the mind


n for


“Attending Roberts Wesleyan has allowed me the opportunity to work out my faith in an environment where I am supported and encouraged, but also challenged me to think about why it is that I really believe what I believe. I have learned what it means to seek truth, ask the tough questions about faith and reason, and seek a relationship with Christ that is more than a ‘religion.’” — Julia Clark ’08, Religion/Philosophy

Placing Character at the Center Your character is at the core of your being.

well as your intellect, your personal as well as your

It encompasses the values and ideals you hold

academic development. No question will be too

closest to your heart: integrity, honesty, courage,

difficult to pose in or outside the classroom.

faith, love. Your character informs your actions and shapes your life experience. At Roberts

With more than 50 programs of study, a vibrant

Wesleyan, we are interested in helping you develop

campus life, and the recreational and internship

the Christian character that defines you.

opportunities afforded by nearby Rochester, you are literally in the middle of it all at Roberts Wesleyan.

As a Christian College, we believe in educating

And that’s a great place to be to let your

the entire student. We’re interested in your faith as

character shine.

Roberts Wesleyan has been named to the John Templeton Honor Roll for Character-Building Colleges.



The B. Thomas Golisano Library 132,000 books. 43,000 square feet. 3,500 journal subscriptions. 450 study stations. 1 B. Thomas Golisano Library. Roberts Wesleyan’s state-of-the-art B. Thomas Golisano Library affords you access to the wealth of resources that a rigorous liberal arts education requires: from countless publications to networked computers to study groups, tutors, and free classes available through the Learning Center. While you’re there, fuel your study sessions with a latte from the Café.

A community of learners “Many are in doubt about their inward experience,

As a student at Roberts Wesleyan College, you’ll be

will shed light on new truths, and discover ways to

because they are doing too little for others. […]

welcomed into a community of learners, a collective

integrate your learning and your faith.

In helping others, we help ourselves. In bearing

of brilliant, service-minded Christians, who will

one another’s burdens our own grow lighter.”

grow alongside you.

— B.T. Roberts, founder of Roberts Wesleyan College

With a student-to-full-time-faculty ratio of 14 to

your partners in intellectual inquiry. They will chal-

You’ll find that the same holds true for our campus

1, you’re ensured the close attention from faculty

lenge you to explore and articulate your faith and

community—whether you’re discussing a difficult

and the intimate classroom environment essential

help you wrestle with some of life’s most important

concept with a faculty member, pouring your heart

to true intellectual growth. You’ll be afforded the

questions. In addition, they will equip you with the

out to a new friend, or volunteering your time with

chance to contribute early and often to engaging

critical thinking skills and knowledge necessary to

a nearby Street ministry, you’ll find that the Roberts

discussions. As a result, you’ll encounter diverse

pursue a meaningful and satisfying career.

Wesleyan community leans on one another, and

perspectives that will transform the way you view

carries the weight of worldly burdens together.

the world, make connections across disciplines that

Your professors will be more than purveyors of knowledge; they will be your mentors, your friends,

“Roberts has encouraged me to grow in my faith, not by forcing their view of God on me, but rather pushing me to explore and test out my own faith within the context of an academic setting.”

— Brett Walsh ’09 Communication (concentration in Pre-Law)



In the middle of

an intense conversation Across the curriculum, all over the world

At Roberts Wesleyan, we believe that you

You’ll find the same Christ-centered, holistic

can learn more than what you formally study.

approach to learning across all academic

Through meaningful conversations in the

programs at Roberts Wesleyan. You’ll find

classroom, wide-ranging internships, study

business students who are both savvy and

abroad, and research opportunities, you will be

ethical; future nurses and doctors whose

able to feed your hunger for knowledge; engage

depth of knowledge is matched only by their

“big picture” questions that will stretch your

compassion for their patients; future teachers

thinking; encounter diverse perspectives that

who are both masters of their subjects and

will help you see all sides of an issue; and learn

solid role models for their students. Best of all,

to live and work as a considerate and service-

you’ll find yourself in the middle of an ongoing

minded Christian.

and transformative conversation: about what it means to be human, a citizen, and a servant.

Social work major Kelly Kuiken has conducted undergraduate research on the benefit of recreational activity for older adults, participated in an internship, and worked as a Resident Advisor; but it was her experience studying abroad in Tanzania that was the “most enriching” component of her education. “The experience went far beyond stretching me academically: it helped me become a more culturally sensitive person, more openminded, and much more aware of the plight of the world. It definitely helped in giving me a love for anthropology and a desire to continue to travel and see more of the world!”

If you’re unsatisfied with easy answers, if you

To explore further:

are energized by new ideas and exploring diverse

• Discuss topics in Wesleyan theology with prominent guest speakers through the McCown Symposium

perspectives, if you want to delve deeper into what you believe and why, you belong in the Division of Religion and Humanities. By reading analytically, thinking critically, and articulating your ideas, you’ll develop communication skills that will apply to a wide range of career paths, not to mention prepare you to pursue an advanced degree.

• Write for The Beacon (the campus newspaper) • Gain valuable ministerial experience by serving at a local church • Explore professional development opportunities through the Communication Club • Travel to Europe as part of your history class

Majors in the Division of Religion and Humanities Biblical Studies Communication Comprehensive Social Studies* Contemporary Ministries English*

History Humanities Religion/Philosophy Religious Studies Spanish* *Adolescence Education

Whether you’re a passionate performer or an

Gain valuable experience by teaching instrumental

aspiring instructor, the Division of Music and

music at a local elementary school.

In the middle of Performing Arts provides a breadth of classes and performance opportunities that allow you to

Nurture your creativity by attending the Rochester

celebrate your creativity and hone your craft.

Jazz Festival or by catching a show at Roberts

• The Cultural Life Center • Soundproof practice rooms • 1,000-seat performance hall with a nine-foot Steinway grand piano, computerized lighting, and scenery flies • Shewan Recital Hall, specially configured for recitals and chamber music • Scene shop and dressing rooms

Wesleyan’s Cultural Life Center (past performers

Sharpen your technical skills by performing with

include Branford Marsalis, Switchfoot, Victor

the Chamber Orchestra, Chorale, Symphony

Wooten, and The Ying Quartet).

Orchestra, or Wind Ensemble—to name a few.

To find out more about the Division of Religion and Humanities, visit

For those in search of truth

Stellar facilities

To find out more about the Division of Music and Performing Arts, visit

In the middle of a creative community Road warriors Both the Chorale and the Wind Ensemble tour each year, performing in New York and Florida, among other locations.

Kevin Goes to Hollywood “I traveled to Los Angeles in the fall of 2007 as part of the Los Angeles Film Studies Center, a program run by the BestSemester program. This opportunity has given me the chance, as a student and creator of film, to immerse myself in a film-centered education. I learned an incredible amount, from hands-on production to film theory and analysis to industry experience. The LAFSC was an incredible experience.”

“This is an extremely exciting time to join our artistic community at Roberts. We are a group of artists that care deeply about one another and share the obligation and joy in using our talents for restorative purposes.” — Scot Bennett, director of the art department

— Kevin Kennedy ’09, Communication (emphasis in film/media)

Preserving God’s greatest work of art As a visual information specialist for Glacier National Park in Montana, David Restivo, a 1996 graduate of Roberts Wesleyan’s art program, has found a way to combine his talents in graphic design and his passion for the great outdoors. Restivo has earned several awards for his visual displays, Web work, and new media design, including the National Association

of Interpreters Interactive Multimedia Award in 2006 and the National Park Service Intermountain Region Freeman Tilden Award in 2007. Despite his many awards, Restivo believes his greatest work is done in preserving God’s creation. “God is truly an artist. He has created this amazing world. As Christians, I think it’s our responsibility to protect it.”

Bringing your artistic vision to life As a creative, curious, and talented artist,

Creative Adventures

Art in Context

Through the Creative Adventures Program, you can help meet the art education needs of home-schooled children throughout the Rochester area by developing and implementing art lesson plans for 10 weeks. You’ll not only gain meaningful classroom experience, you’ll also help young children learn to express themselves creatively.

During this 16-day course, you’ll spend seven days in Paris and seven days in London visiting galleries, cathedrals, architectural sites, and museums, all the while discussing the historical and cultural contexts of works of art with professors and guest lecturers.

the Division of Visual Arts collaborative artistic community affords you the resources and support you need to realize your artistic vision. Whether you’re a painter or sculptor, designer or instructor, printmaker or photographer, you’ll benefit from newly renovated studio spaces, the aesthetic discourse prompted by Roberts Wesleyan’s own Davison Art Gallery, and the opportunities available in Rochester’s artistic community.

To find out more about the Division of Visual Arts, visit

As a student in the Division of Social Work, you’ll


discover a wide range of ways in which you can improve the lives of others: by serving as a listener, an advocate, and a voice for the voiceless. Beginning as early as your freshman year, you’ll through practical internship, fieldwork, and

FP campus, spending two to three hours a week

to make a difference in the lives of others, you’ll

observing and participating in schools throughout

feel at home in the Division of Teacher Education at

the Rochester area. By the time you student teach

Roberts Wesleyan College. Through one-on-one

during your senior year, you’ll have had at least

interaction with caring Christian mentors, and a

100 hours of experience in the classroom.

breadth of hands-on, in-the-classroom experience, you’ll fine tune your instructional methods and become a more considerate and reflective teacher.

opportunities, as a nursing student at Roberts

• Creating and conducting an original research project in conjunction with Booth Haven Homeless Shelter (and publishing the results)

throughout the Rochester community in

experience in six to eight different health care

Wesleyan, you’ll strive to take a holistic approach to

preparation for a full-time placement during

facilities throughout Rochester. These diverse

health care that seeks to treat the entire patient—

your senior year. Your wide-ranging experiences,

experiences will help prepare you for your

physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually.

coupled with critical thinking skills and an in-

senior practicum experience, which provides a

This deep understanding of your patients will allow

depth knowledge of research methodology will

concentrated experience in your area of interest,

you to do what you are called to do: help them lead

equip you to help others effectively address life’s

whether that’s advanced cardiopulmonary nursing,

healthier and happier lives.

most difficult social dilemmas.

women’s health nursing, parish nursing or


• Columbia University • Harvard School of Dental Medicine • The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine • Pennsylvania College of Optometry

insatiable curiosity about the world, and a desire

In addition to a diverse set of experiential learning

your sophomore year, you’ll gain hands-on clinical

To find out more about the Division of Social Work at Roberts Wesleyan, visit

• Kodak • NASA • Peregrine Semiconductor • University of Rochester School of Medicine • Xerox

In recent years, our students have enjoyed an 89 percent acceptance rate to prestigious graduate and professional schools such as:

You’ll be in the classroom your first year on

As a student in the Division of Nursing, beginning

you’ll spend six hours per week in agencies

• Continue in our MSW with advanced standing

research experiences such as:

• Georgia Bureau of Investigation • IBM • Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

If you have a passion for helping people, an

Starting the second semester of your junior year,

• Immersing yourself in the culture of Jamaica through international coursework opportunities

explore issues central to the human condition

Those of our graduates who have elected to enter the workforce directly have accepted positions at:

Education for the Heart and Mind

• Counseling area youth through the Society for the Care of Children

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” — Henry Brooks Adams Graduates of Roberts Wesleyan’s Division of Teacher Education have earned a 90 percent passage rate on teacher licensing exams over the last six years (compared to the state average of 74 percent).

For more information about the Division of Teacher Education, visit

Your access to transformative professional experience doesn’t stop in Rochester. Serve on medical mission trips to Haiti (to care for post-surgical and maternity patients), Somalia and Guatemala.

To find out more about the Division of Nursing, visit

Experience: the greatest teacher

Students from our Division of Social Work and our Division of Social Sciences have volunteered and worked at organizations such as: • The Salvation Army • Hillside Children’s Center • New York State Supreme Court • Youth for Christ • Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

• Booth Haven Homeless Shelter • Monroe County Sheriff’s Department • Unity Chemical Dependency • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)

• U.S. Marshal’s Office • New York State Department of Environmental Conservation • Monroe County Family Court

• Wayne County Probation Department • Albion Correctional Facility • College Green Retirement Community • New York State Police • Society for the Care of Children

“Through my internship with the Gates Police Department, I’ve had the chance to see and experience the realities of police work — both good and bad. The experience has just reconfirmed my desire to pursue the law enforcement field.” — Chris Grimm ’10, criminal justice

• Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine • Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine • Temple University • University of Rochester

“In order to help the world, we must first understand it.”

Part science, part human service profession, the study

To intern or to research… that’s the question

using top-of-the-line instruments to the real-world

organization. Looking to test your classroom

of criminal justice, economic crime investigation and

mathematics at Roberts Wesleyan, describes both

skills you gain through internship and summer

knowledge in the real world? Intern with the

psychology requires both rigorous coursework and

the rigorous academic exploration you’ll experience

research experiences, you’ll be prepared to solve the

University of Rochester Medical Center. Want to

diverse experience, not to mention comprehensive

Psychology majors are required to take either a

as a student in the Division of Natural Sciences and

great scientific problems of our age.

learn more about professional opportunities related

communication skills and the ability to work with a wide range of people. Because students in the Division

research practicum or participate in an internship.

to your major? Join the Math and Science Club.

exploration: to make the world a better place. From

Interested in Earth-keeping? Conduct an

You’ll find that the Division of Natural Sciences and

of Social Sciences build a broad knowledge base, they

close interaction with faculty members on their

independent study on alternative energy sources

Mathematics provides a multitude of opportunities

are able to pursue a multitude of career opportunities.

research projects to hands-on laboratory learning

and present your paper to a regional or national

to pursue your passions.

For more than 10 years, every student who has participated in the research practicum has coauthored at least one research project that has been presented professionally, either at a conference or as a journal article.

To find out more about the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, visit

One-hundred percent passage rate for the National Council of Licensure Exam in recent years

Understanding the science that informs human behavior

This quote from Dr. Barbara Rose, professor of

Mathematics, as well as the mission behind the

perioperative nursing.

Beyond borders: Trans-cultural care

Exploring the city Each year, students in the Criminal Justice program engage in an urban experiential field trip to New York City, Washington, D.C., or Toronto.

To find out more about the Division of Social Sciences, visit

Excellent post-graduate placement as staff nurses, head nurses and supervisors in a variety of health care settings and mission fields

As a student in the Division of Business at

• Participating in an internship—a graduation

• Joining the Business Club and sharpening your interview skills during Mock Interview Night.

Roberts Wesleyan, you’ll train to become a morally

requirement—with Ernst & Young, Bank

responsible and ethically accountable professional

of America, Kodak, or any number of local

equipped with the critical thinking skills necessary

corporations, small businesses or not-for-profit

As a result of your wide-ranging experiences,

to create a wide range of business solutions in an


you’ll be able to make immediate and meaningful

ever-changing global marketplace. You can build

• Creating a business plan and competing with

your business knowledge and gain valuable real-

other teams for start-up funds from local

world experience by:

businesses through your New Venture Creation

contributions to your chosen field.

class; or

For more information about the Division of Business at Roberts Wesleyan, visit

Accountable and Ethical Professionals What is SIFE? Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), provides leadership training, regional competitions and career opportunity fairs for thousands of college students—and awards more than $400,000 in prize money to college student teams each year. At a recent National Exposition, Roberts’ SIFE team tied for 4th in the nation out of more than 800 teams.

Undergraduate Programs of study Accounting [m] Accounting and Information Management (AIM) [M] Adolescence Education-Biology [M] Adolescence Education-Chemistry [M] Adolescence Education-English [M] Adolescence Education-Mathematics [M] Adolescence Education-Physics [M] Adolescence Education-Social Studies [M] Adolescence Education-Spanish [M] Art Education (Visual Art Education) [M] Art-Graphic Design [M] Art-Studio Art [M, m] Biblical Studies [M, m] Biochemistry [M] Biology [M, m] Biology with concentration in medical technology [M] Business Administration [M, m] Chemistry [M, m] Childhood Education and Special Education (Elementary Education) [M] Communication [M, m] Comprehensive Science [M, m] Comprehensive Social Studies [M] Computer Science [M, m] Contemporary Ministries [M] Criminal Justice [M, m] Early Childhood and Special Education [M] Economic Crime Investigation [M] Elementary Education (Childhood Education and Special Education) [M] Engineering (with RIT, RPI or Clarkson) [M] English [M, m]

Fine Arts-Art [M] Fine Arts-Music [M] Forensic Science [M] History [M, m] Humanities [M] Information Systems Management [M, m] Jazz [m] Management [M, m] Marketing [M, m] Mathematics [M, m] Ministry [m] Music [M, m] Music Education [M] Music Performance-Instrument [M] Music Performance-Piano [M] Music Performance-Voice [M] Nursing [M] Philosophy [m] Physical Education [M] Physics [M, m] Psychology [M, m] Religion/Philosophy [M] Religious Studies [M, m] Secondary Education (Adolescence Education) [M] Spanish [M, m] Special Education and Childhood Education (Elementary Education) [M] Social Welfare [m] Social Work [M] Sociology [m] Theater [m] Time-Based Media [M] Visual Art Education (Art Education) [M] Women’s Studies [m]

13 Transformed graduates, transforming lives

You can find Roberts Wesleyan graduates enrolled at topflight graduate and professional schools, including:

Inspired to help serve others after a trip to Tanzania during her senior year, 2002 Roberts Wesleyan graduate Amie Cressman enrolled in AmeriCorps, returned to Africa, and helped establish Women’s Peace School in Akon, South Sudan, which educates women ranging in age from 15 to 50. Amie recently completed a graduate fellowship in Boston University’s International Education Development program and plans to return to Sudan to establish more women’s literacy programs. “Education is a privilege,” said Cressman. “We Americans don’t see it like that; we take it for granted.”

Asbury Theological Seminary Boston University The College of William and Mary Columbia University Cornell University Duke University

The Johns Hopkins University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Princeton Theological Seminary University of St. Andrews (Scotland) University of Toronto

Pre-professional Programs Pre-Dentistry Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Veterinary Medicine 3-2 Engineering Other Areas of Preparation Library Science Medical Technology Degrees Offered Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Master of Arts in Theological Studies* Master of Divinity* Master of Education Master of Science in Health Administration Master of Science in Nursing Leadership and Administration Master of Science in Nursing Education Master of Science in School Counseling Master of Science in School Psychology Master of Science in Strategic Leadership Master of Science in Strategic Marketing Master of Social Work Doctor of Ministry* * Degrees are granted by Northeastern Seminary at Roberts Wesleyan College.

M = Major; m = minor

Education for character,

Character for life Because Roberts Wesleyan helps you develop your character for life—through engaging classroom discussions, meaningful research and internship opportunities, and participation in a transformative faith community—you will be well equipped to lead a successful life, whether that means pursuing an advanced degree or starting a rewarding career.

Roberts has been ranked in U.S. News & World Report’s Top 20 “Best Values” for institutions in the northern United States.

Roberts Wesleyan graduates have been hired by employers such as: ADT® Security Systems AmeriCorps Bausch & Lomb JPMorgan Chase Cigna Cisco Systems Deloitte & Touche, LLP Delphi Corporation

Eastman Kodak EDS ExxonMobil Ford Motor Company Lockheed Martin MFF International School (Turkey) Morgan Stanley New Era Language School (Taiwan)

New York Police Department Northrup Grumman Paychex Rochester City School District Strong Memorial Hospital WHAM-TV (ABC Affiliate) WKSE-FM



“I’ve taken the opportunity to get involved in intramural sports, Chorale, Student Educators Association, and Roberts’ all female a cappella group The Sirens. Getting involved in something outside of my major, like intramurals, helps me interact with other students outside of the music department. It’s fun and I get to meet new people!” — Katie Riegal ’10, music education

Residence Life at Roberts Wesleyan More than 71 percent of students live on Roberts’ campus, ensuring that you’ll have that many more friendships to forge as soon as you set foot on campus. From Davison Hall (a suite-style 200-person residence hall) to The “Quads” (Anderson, O’Brien, Updike, and McGill Hall) to townhouses available for rent, you have wideranging options to get comfortable and call Roberts home.

For more information about residence life at Roberts, or to take a virtual tour of the residence halls, visit

Student clubs and activities

In the middle of

Whether you’re looking to forge meaningful friendships, experience new things, or sharpen your leadership skills, you’ll find endless opportunities to get involved on Roberts’ tight-knit and bustling campus community:

a vibrant community • Choose from more than 50 student clubs and organizations (or create your own).

Yearning to make a difference? Join Acting on Aids,

Roberts campus community? Write for The Beacon

Ecology Club or Drama Ministry. Passionate about

(our college newspaper), shoot photographs for The

• Venture off-campus and explore all that Rochester has to offer (with more than one million residents, it’s one of the top 50 metropolitan areas in the country).

music? Test out your new songs at B.T.’s Café on

Chesbronian (our college yearbook), or serve in the

campus, lend your voice to the Chapel Choir, or catch

Student Association Senate and help shape campus

a concert in one of Rochester’s dozens of local venues.

policy. You’ll find that, when you’re in the middle of

Want to make meaningful contributions to the

it all, there are endless opportunities to get involved.

• Donate your time, energy and love through a multitude of service-learning opportunities.

To learn more about student life at Roberts, visit

Acting on AIDS Arch Ambassadors At the Foot of the Cross The Beacon (newspaper) Campus Crusade for Christ Celebration of Diversity Chamber Singers Chapel Choir The Chesbronian (yearbook) Chorale Club Español Communication Club Criminal Justice Club Dance Ministry Drama Ministry

Ecology Club Gospel Choir Habitat for Humanity In Jesus’ Name Jazz Ensembles Math & Science Club Mission Trips Musical Stage Performance Nursing Club Nursing Home Ministry Percussion Ensemble Roberts Icon RWC-Community Theater Sign Language Choir Ski Club

Social Work Club Student Association Executive Cabinet Inter Class Council Senate Social Life Student Activities Council Student Association Leadership Team Student Education Association Students in Free Enterprise Symphony Orchestra Wind Ensemble Women’s Choir



Jennifer Stuczynski, a 2005 Roberts Wesleyan graduate and five-time U.S. National Pole Vault Champion, is currently one of the top-ranked pole-vaulters in the world. Stuczynki garnered numerous awards in basketball and track during her four years at Roberts Wesleyan College, and will attempt to add to her list of accomplishments when she competes in the 2008 Summer Olympics in China.

Giving something back Through our Sports Outreach Program, student athletes from all the College’s teams work together to provide needy children with clothes and Christmas gifts.

In the middle of

the action

Scholars, fierce competitors, men and women

classroom. Through intense NAIA Division II

to choose from. Gather friends from your

of character—as a student athlete at Roberts

competition in any of Roberts’ 15 varsity sports,

residence hall for a game of floor hockey, lead

Wesleyan, your teammates will be champions

you’ll become a better leader, a better teammate,

your intramural basketball team to victory on

in every sense of the word. Consistently named

and a better follower of Christ.

the hardwood, or go it alone (or in pairs) by entering a ping-pong tournament. No matter what

as Academic All-Americans, our athletes garner local, regional, and national honors for their

If you’d rather keep your competition informal,

kind of athlete you are, you’ll find wide-ranging

accomplishments both on the field and in the

Roberts has a wide range of intramural sports

opportunities to continue your sport at Roberts.

For more information about athletics at Roberts, visit

Facilities: Varsity Sports at RWC

Raider Fast Facts

Basketball (M, W) Cross Country (M, W) Golf (M, W) Indoor Track and Field (M, W) Outdoor Track and Field (M, W) Soccer (M, W) Tennis (M, W) Volleyball (W)

Colors: Red and white Nickname: Raiders Affiliations: National Association for Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA); National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA); NAIA American Mideast Conference



• Four basketball and volleyball courts • 150-meter track • Competition-sized swimming pool • Sauna • Weight room • Racquetball courts • Training rooms • Physiotesting labs

• 1,200-seat outdoor stadium • All-weather, eight-lane Olympicquality Mondo track • Six tennis courts • Cross country course • Synthetic practice soccer field

Fast Facts Academics: More than 50 academic, professional and pre-professional programs. About the College: Founded in 1866 by B.T. Roberts, Roberts Wesleyan is an independent coeducational Christian liberal arts college committed to integrating a Christian worldview with academic study. Roberts Wesleyan College is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and is a member of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities. Location: Rochester, New York Students: 1,871 (1,312 undergraduate, 559 graduate) from more than 24 states and 22 countries. Athletics: 15 men’s and women’s varsity sports compete in NAIA Division II and NCCAA

Ready to immerse yourself

in the middle of it all? Start by visiting campus, where you can sit in on classes, talk with students and professors, and visit with an admissions or financial aid counselor. If you want to get an up-close-and-personal look at life on Roberts Wesleyan’s campus, schedule an overnight visit! To learn more about Preview Days, or to arrange your own personalized visit to campus, call our Office of Admissions at 800.777.4RWC or register online at While you’re there, get an early look at Roberts by taking our online tour.


Through a combination of need-based grants, loans and work-study, and other scholarships based on abilities in academics, art, music, leadership and athletics, more than 94 percent of Roberts Wesleyan students receive some form of financial aid. But the true value of Roberts Wesleyan lies in our high quality academic programs, personal attention from caring Christian mentors, and our focus on developing your character.

If you’re ready to be in the middle of it all, apply now. To download the application or to submit an online application, visit us at To request a paper application, call us at 1.800.777.4RWC. Arrange for your high-school transcript to be sent to us as soon as it is available, and don’t forget to have your ACT or SAT scores sent to us as well. Finally, ask those who know you well, including your pastor, teachers, or a coach, to complete and return recommendation forms. Should you have any questions throughout the admissions process call us at 1.800.777.4RWC. We will notify you by mail of our decision within a few weeks of receiving your application materials.

For more information about the financial aid opportunities available at Roberts Wesleyan, visit

Ranked number one for “Overall Quality of Life” by Expansion Management magazine, Rochester, New York, offers wide-ranging recreational, internship, and employment opportunities. Whether you’re catching a Red Wings game (Rochester’s triple-A baseball team) at Frontier Field; interning with Xerox, Eastman Kodak or IBM; or taking a trip to the Finger Lakes, you’ll find that living in Rochester literally places you in the middle of it all.

2301 Westside Drive Rochester, NY 14624-1997 800.777.4RWC 585.594.6400

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