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Packing List
There is so much to remember to pack for college! Here is a list of recommended items for incoming students. Of course, every student has different needs, but this should give you a good start! Items we consider essential are starred (*). Make sure to coordinate with your roommate to avoid purchasing duplicates of some items!
□ photo albums and scrapbooks □ pictures and frames □ stuffed animals □ yearbook □ posters
Bed & Bath
(our beds are standard twin size)
□ mattress pad* □ pillows and pillow cases* □ twin sheets* □ comforter and blanket* □ towels and washclothes* □ shower shoes or flip flops* □ shower caddy □ shower curtain and liner* □ throw rug □ bath mat □ bed lamp and bulbs (nonhalogen only) □ floor lamp and bulbs (nonhalogen only) □ hangers □ hanging shoe organizer □ full-length mirror □ trash can liners (8-gallon) □ mini-fridge (4.3 cubic feet, only 1 per room)
(all laundry facilities are free!)
□ detergent* □ dryer sheets □ drying rack □ laundry bag/basket*
Hygiene supplies
□ multi-surface cleaning wipes* □ glass cleaner □ broom and dust pan □ hand-held vaccuum □ first-aid kit □ thermometer
Personal toiletries*
□ shampoo and conditioner □ soap/body wash □ shaving accessories □ face wash □ hair products and blow dryers □ makeup/skin care products □ prescription medications*
□ debit card* □ credit card* □ checkbook* □ driver’s license/state I.D.* □ insurance cards* □ passport/visa □ social security card □ personal safe/lockbox
□ alarm clock* □ camera □ music player (CD player, MP3 dock, iPod) □ cell phone and charger* □ computer/laptop/tablet and charger* □ ethernet cable □ DVD player and remote □ television and remote (each residence hall has a TV lounge with a flat screen and cable) □ gaming system □ power strip/surge protector (no extension cords) □ Printer, ink, and paper (printers are provided in each building)
□ backpack* □ school supplies*: pens/pencils spiral notebooks calculator scissors and stapler Post-Its highlighters planner □ dry erase board □ flashlight □ rain boots and rain jacket □ reusable water bottle (filling stations are in all campus buildings) □ plastic food storage □ reusable plates and cups □ silverware □ trunk or storage ottoman □ fan (no space heaters) □ Magic Mount adhesives (No 3M Command products)