Theology Course Information Booklet

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Theology 2011

5 Mary Street (PO Box 534) Drummoyne NSW 1470 Sydney, Australia Tel: 61 2 9819 8888 Fax: 61 2 9719 1714 Email: Web: CRICOS Code 02664K ABN 50 360 319 774

Š Wesley Institute 2010 Wesley Institute is a registered Higher Education Provider under the NSW Higher Education Act and the Commonwealth Higher Education Support Act, and approved to provide courses to international students. The Institute offers Masters in Music, Counselling, Theology, Education (Primary); Graduate Diplomas in Education (Secondary), Counselling, Theology; Bachelors in Dance, Drama, Graphic Design, Music, Theology; Associate Degrees in Dance, Theology, Graphic Design and Music; and a Diploma in Drama. Courses are accredited with the NSW Department of Education and Training, and approved for FEE-HELP, Youth Allowance, Austudy and Abstudy for eligible students.+ Wesley Institute is an International Affiliate of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, and offers Studies Abroad for the 110 member universities and colleges in the USA. All information in this publication is correct at 1 October 2010 but is subject to change without notice. Wesley Institute reserves the right to change the content of any unit of study, or to withdraw any unit or course of study it offers, or to impose limitations on enrolment in any unit or course of study.

Austudy and Youth Allowance are not available for the Master of Music and the Master of Theology. +


Contents Introduction ............................................................................................ 4 Courses.................................................................................................... 5 Master of Theology ................................................................................. 6 Master of Theological Studies .................................................................. 9 Graduate Diploma of Theological Studies ...............................................12 Bachelor of Theology (Honours) ............................................................15 Bachelor of Theology .............................................................................18 Associate Degree of Theology ................................................................24 Course Units .......................................................................................... 27 Unit Descriptions ................................................................................... 35 Biblical Studies .............................................................................. 35 Church History ............................................................................. 40 Language Studies............................................................................41 Pastoral and Mission Studies ......................................................... 42 Research ....................................................................................... 45 Theological Studies .......................................................................46 Academic Staff ....................................................................................... 49 Fees ........................................................................................................51 Tuition Assurance .................................................................................. 52


Introduction Wesley Institute promotes and fosters quality in teaching and learning through the implementation of our vision, mission and institutional values, and their integration in all aspects of institutional life and culture. Vision: Transforming lives through excellence in Christian higher education. Mission: Wesley Institute benefits our community as we equip people to live godly lives in influential vocations. We seek to fulfil this mission by integrating rigorous scholarship, and professional and spiritual development, in excellent higher education. Values: All our activities are informed and underpinned by five core values: - Christian faith in action - Education informed by scholarship and creativity - Lifelong learning - Responsible stewardship - Integration. In actively pursuing our mission, Wesley Institute commits to the following: • courses and learning resources of high quality and standing, as determined by regulatory authorities, expert advisors, staff and students. • curriculum and modes of delivery structured so as to maximise student access to learning opportunities and support without compromising quality or equity. • a nurturing and safe teaching and learning environment for staff and students grounded in Christian faith and academic integrity. • a focus on the achievement of Graduate Attributes, student satisfaction, course completions and career relevance. The Wesley Institute School of Theology is part of a widely-focused Christian institution of higher learning. Theological students from English and Korean-speaking backgrounds study alongside students of counselling, teacher education, and the creative and performing arts. The result is a diverse and stimulating learning environment with a focus on applying sound evangelical theology in everyday life. If you are searching for an evangelical, practical course offered in a challenging, contemporary setting, you need look no further. The School of Theology has much to offer you.

“Theology is for achieving God’s glory (honour and praise) and humankind’s good (the godliness that is true humanness) through every life-activity”. 1


J.I. Packer, from a lecture at Regent College, Vancouver, September 1992, cited R. Paul Stevens, ‘Living Theologically: Toward a Theology of Christian Practice’, Themelios 20.3, May 1995, pp 4-8.


Courses The School of Theology offers the following courses: • • • • • •

Master of Theology* Master of Theological Studies Graduate Diploma of Theological Studies Bachelor of Theology (Honours) Bachelor of Theology* Associate Degree of Theology*

The courses present a range of subjects from which students choose their specialisations and pathways. Potential careers would include the ordained ministry, youth ministry, hospital chaplaincy, prison ministry, missionary service, and lay ministry. The addition of the Institute Graduate Diploma of Education to the Bachelor of Theology enables graduates to be accredited as teachers of secondary Studies of Religion. In addition to the English-language delivery of all undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, Wesley Institute pioneered the delivery of degree-level studies in Korean as the language of instruction and assessment. The School of Theology offers the Master of Theology, Bachelor of Theology and Associate Degree of Theology in Korean as well as English. The Gordon Moyes Library offers students access to specialist print collections and extensive electronic databases in both English and Korean.

*Students may complete these courses in either English or Korean.


Master of Theology     

Course Code: WTH52 [and WKTH52 in Korean medium] Credit Points: 120 Number of Units: 8 Duration: 3 semesters full-time; up to 9 semesters part-time Delivery Mode: On campus

The Master of Theology, delivered in both English and Korean, is designed for: •

those who want to enhance their professional skills and qualifications as practitioners in parish or pastoral ministry, and

pastoral workers who want to refresh their own spiritual walk with God through a renewed engagement with the Scriptures and Christian tradition, at a postgraduate level, and

those who seek to pursue an academic teaching career in theology.

The Master of Theology is a graduate coursework degree with a duration of three semesters (1.5 years) of full-time study or up to nine semesters (4.5 years) part time. The award requires the completion of 120 credit points (normally 8 units, each of 15 credit points). The Institute offers a range of units to enable students to exercise choices, but only a small number of units are available in any one semester. Master of Theology units are listed on page 28. The areas of specialisation in the Master of Theology are Biblical Studies, Pastoral Studies, and Theological Studies. The following regulations govern the Master of Theology. •

Every program commences with a Research Methodology unit.

4 units must be taken in an area of specialisation.

No program may include more than 5 units in the area of specialisation.

No program may include more than two Directed Independent Study units without approval.

A Research Essay of 11,000-13,000 words may be undertaken for 30 credit points.

A Graduate Profile Possible graduate career outcomes include the following: a) Church Leadership. Master of Theology graduates will bring advanced theological knowledge and skills into the churches. The course expands the theological, exegetical, and pastoral expertise of those involved in church leadership, and of those with a prior undergraduate theological degree who desire to enhance their training through graduate studies. The study facilitates students’ own personal spiritual enrichment and enhances their intellectual and hermeneutical mastery of the scriptures. As a result they will be better equipped for a wider range of teaching ministries in their churches and communities. 6

The sample program overleaf with a specialisation in Theology would support a graduate path into the ministry, or provide the enhancement of knowledge and skills desirable for leaders in church and community ministries. Only a selection of the Institute’s Master of Theology units will be offered during 2011, but students will still have choices that support their career aspirations. SEMESTER 1 Research Methodology Preaching after Christendom Theological Method SEMESTER 2 Pastorals In Quest of the Historical Paul Pauline Pneumatology SEMESTER 3 Theology of Joy Research Project in Theological Studies b) Scholarly Careers. Master of Theology graduates may also aspire to further scholarship. The course is designed to expose students to the most recent biblical and theological scholarship. It equips them with ‘cutting-edge’ methodologies that will enhance their understanding of the faith documents of Israel and of the early Church. This sample program with a biblical specialisation would support a path into further academic study. SEMESTER 1 Research Methodology Early Christianity in a Pluralistic Age In Quest of the Historical Jesus SEMESTER 2 Hebrews Evangelical Christianity in Australia Pauline Pneumatology SEMESTER 3 Research Essay in Biblical Studies

Admission Applicants for admission to candidature must hold an accredited Bachelor of Theology or theological degree assessed as equivalent to the Bachelor of Theology. Applicants must also have completed a minimum of two units of Koine Greek or Biblical Hebrew at degree level before admission to the Master of Theology. Candidates whose qualifying studies were completed in a language other than English will normally be required to demonstrate English proficiency equivalent to the overall minimum score of 7.0 in the IELTS Academic test. Alternative course and test results assessed as satisfying the language requirement for admission to the Master of Theology are:


• • • •

TOEFL (Paper-based) TOEFL (Computer-based) TOEFL (Internet-based) ACL Sydney English Centre

600 250 100 overall score 75% in the Diploma of EAP [CRICOS Code 00300K]

Credit Students admitted into the Master of Theology may apply for credit on the basis of completed accredited postgraduate studies that have reasonable equivalence with the masters units. The maximum level of credit that may be granted into the Master of Theology is 30 credit points (2 units). There is no fee associated with applications for credit. Please see the Student Handbook for details of how to apply for credit.

Assessment Assessment of student performance is continuous and progressive. Each unit is assessed by means of several pieces of work, and the grade for the unit is based on the total marks gained. The development of assessment packages for each unit is based on the following weighting guidelines and indicative relationships between student workload and word counts. Lecture-based units.......................................... 7000 words Directed independent study units .................... 8500 words Research project ............................................. 8500 words Research essay ................................... 11,000-13,000 words 1000 words .......................................................... 14 hours 1500 words .......................................................... 21 hours 2000 words .........................................................28 hours 2500 words..........................................................35 hours 3000 words .........................................................42 hours 3500 words..........................................................49 hours 4000 words .........................................................56 hours

Further Study Completion of the Master of Theology may open up opportunities for graduates to progress to the MTh(Hons) at a university (e.g. Charles Sturt, Macquarie or Sydney Universities) or with a consortium (e.g. SCD, ACT, MCD) if their course work and research essay are of sufficient standard. Such graduates may well progress to theological teaching in a tertiary context in the future.


Master of Theological Studies     

Course Code: WTH51 Credit Points: 120 Number of Units: 12 Duration: 3 semesters full-time; up to 9 semesters part-time Delivery Mode: On campus

The Master of Theological Studies is designed for candidates whose undergraduate degrees are in non-theological disciplines. The course: •

has wide appeal for graduates who seek to contribute to the lay ministries of the church, and

is of interest to a broader spectrum of graduates in the Christian community who simply want to grow personally through the study of theology, and

is particularly attractive to Christian professionals working for service and urban mission organisations who are applying their professional skills to what is really a branch of Christian ministry.

The Master of Theological Studies is a graduate coursework degree extending over not less than three semesters (1.5 years) and not more than nine semesters (4.5 years). The award requires the completion of 120 credit points (normally 12 units each of 10 credit points). Students select units from different subject areas in accordance with predetermined regulations. The Institute’s scope includes a wide range of units to facilitate student choices, but only a small number of units are available in any one semester. Master of Theological Studies units are listed on page 29. The subject areas are: Biblical Studies, Church History, Pastoral and Mission Studies, Research, and Theological Studies. The following regulations govern the Master of Theological Studies. •

Every program must include the following five foundational units: THBM401 THCM401 THPM401 THRM401 THTM401

Foundations of Biblical Hermeneutics The Early Church Foundations of Pastoral Ministry Research Methodology Theological Foundations.

A further 7 optional units (or 5 units plus a Research Essay) are chosen from the list of available Master of Theological Studies units.

A Research Essay of 10,000-12,000 words may be undertaken for 20 credit points.

No program may include more than two Directed Independent Study units without approval.

No program may include more than two Field Experience units.


A Graduate Profile Graduate career outcomes might include the following: Community Leadership. Some candidates desire to integrate their faith with their professional training to explore the spiritual and theological dimensions of their vocation. The majority of these tend to be Christian professionals who work for service and urban mission organisations, and who apply their professional skills to what is really a branch of Christian ministry. Through the Master of Theological Studies (MTS) they can bring theological, biblical and pastoral lenses to the professional issues of the social services sector. A sample course sequence follows that would serve to allow students to think about their work theologically and pastorally, and to devise programs and policies that would enhance their programs or services. SEMESTER 1 Research Methodology Foundations of Biblical Hermeneutics Foundations of Pastoral Ministry Theological Foundations SEMESTER 2 Jesus of Nazareth The Early Church Urban Ministry Introduction to Youth Ministry SEMESTER 3 Marginalisation in the New Testament Christianity in Australia Urban Ministry Field Experience Theology of Marginalisation

Admission Applicants for admission must hold an accredited bachelor degree in any discipline. Candidates whose qualifying studies were completed in a language other than English will normally be required to demonstrate English proficiency equivalent to the overall minimum score of 6.5 in the IELTS Academic test. Alternative course and test results assessed as satisfying the language requirement for admission to the Master of Theological Studies are: • • • •

TOEFL (Paper-based) TOEFL (Computer-based) TOEFL (Internet-based) ACL Sydney English Centre

577 233 92 overall score 65% in the Diploma of EAP [CRICOS Code 00300K]

Credit Students admitted to the Master of Theological Studies may apply for credit on the basis of completed accredited postgraduate studies that have reasonable equivalence with the masters units. The maximum level of credit that may be granted into the 10

Master of Theological Studies is normally 60 credit points (6 units). Please see the Student Handbook for details of how to apply for credit.

Assessment Assessment of student performance is continuous and progressive. Each unit is assessed by means of several pieces of work, and the grade for the unit is based on the total marks gained. The development of assessment packages for each unit is based on the following weighting guidelines and indicative relationships between student workload and word counts. Lecture-based units.......................................... 6000 words Directed independent study units .................... 8000 words Research project ............................................. 8000 words Research essay ...................................10,000-12,000 words 1000 words .......................................................... 12 hours 1500 words .......................................................... 18 hours 2000 words .........................................................24 hours 2500 words..........................................................30 hours 3000 words .........................................................36 hours 3500 words..........................................................42 hours 4000 words .........................................................48 hours 1 hour examination............................................... 12 hours 15 minute oral presentation with handouts ............20 hours

Further Study Graduates of the Wesley Institute Master of Theological Studies may expect to proceed to a Master of Arts (Honours) at another tertiary institution, subject to their research essay and coursework results being at a sufficiently high level for admission.


Graduate Diploma of Theological Studies     

Course Code: WTH41 Credit Points: 80 Number of Units: 8 Duration: 1 year full-time; up to 3 years part-time Delivery Mode: On campus

The Graduate Diploma of Theological Studies is designed for candidates whose undergraduate degrees are in non-theological disciplines. The course offers: •

an exit award from the masters degree after the completion of the first two semesters coursework in the degree, and

initial or ongoing professional development through advanced-level studies enabling the acquisition, extension and application of knowledge and skills in theological disciplines, and

a graduate-level program that can facilitate later access to further graduate studies in theology.

The Graduate Diploma of Theological Studies is embedded within the Master of Theological Studies, representing the first year of the coursework masters program – two semesters of full-time study or up to six semesters of part-time study. The award requires the completion of 80 credit points (8 units each of 10 credit points). Students select units from different subject areas in accordance with pre-determined regulations. The Institute’s scope includes a wide range of units to facilitate student choices, but only a small number of units are available in any one semester. Units are the same as those listed for the Master of Theological Studies - see page 29. The subject areas are: Biblical Studies, Church History, Pastoral and Mission Studies, Research, and Theological Studies. The following regulations govern the Graduate Diploma of Theological Studies. •

Every program must include the following five foundational units: THBM401 THCM401 THPM401 THRM401 THTM401

Foundations of Biblical Hermeneutics The Early Church Foundations of Pastoral Ministry Research Methodology Theological Foundations.

A further 3 optional units (or 5 units plus a Research Essay) are chosen from the list of available Master of Theological Studies units.

Graduate Diploma students may not take the Research Project or Research Essay units.

No program may include more than one Field Experience units.


A Graduate Profile Completion of the Graduate Diploma of Theological Studies can lead to lay ministry in a local church or community, whether in a paid or voluntary capacity. Graduates are normally professionals motivated to explore the spiritual dimension and its interface with their work, or those who have developed, through their work among people, a desire to enhance their service through the knowledge and skills of ministry. The first category includes those in various kinds of business endeavours, as well as other professions like engineering and the sciences. The second category most frequently comprises those in the human service areas like teaching, the health and associated professions, and social services. The following sample program illustrates possible subject choices of the student who is seeking to enhance ministry knowledge and skills, and who has a high awareness of social and community needs and concerns. SEMESTER 1 Research Methodology Foundations of Biblical Hermeneutics Foundations of Pastoral Ministry Theological Foundations SEMESTER 2 Philippians and Ephesians The Early Church Urban Ministry Urban Ministry Field Experience

Admission Applicants for admission must hold an accredited bachelor degree in any discipline. Candidates whose qualifying studies were completed in a language other than English will normally be required to demonstrate English proficiency equivalent to the overall minimum score of 6.5 in the IELTS Academic test. Alternative course and test results assessed as satisfying the language requirement for admission to the Graduate Diploma of Theological Studies are: • • • •

TOEFL (Paper-based) TOEFL (Computer-based) TOEFL (Internet-based) ACL Sydney English Centre

577 233 92 overall score 65% in the Diploma of EAP [CRICOS Code 00300K]

Credit Students admitted to the Graduate Diploma of Theological Studies may apply for credit on the basis of equivalent studies that have reasonable completed prior to their enrolment. The maximum level of credit that may be granted into the Graduate Diploma is 40 credit points (4 units). Please see the Student Handbook for details of how to apply for credit.


Assessment Assessment of student performance is continuous and progressive. Each unit is assessed by means of several pieces of work, and the grade for the unit is based on the total marks gained. The development of assessment packages for each unit is based on the following weighting guidelines and indicative relationships between student workload and word counts. Lecture-based units.......................................... 6000 words Directed independent study units .................... 8000 words Research project ............................................. 8000 words Research essay ...................................10,000-12,000 words 1000 words .......................................................... 12 hours 1500 words .......................................................... 18 hours 2000 words .........................................................24 hours 2500 words..........................................................30 hours 3000 words .........................................................36 hours 3500 words..........................................................42 hours 4000 words .........................................................48 hours 1 hour examination............................................... 12 hours 15 minute oral presentation with handouts ............20 hours

Further Study Graduates of the Wesley Institute Graduate Diploma of Theological Studies may access further study by first completing the Master of Theological Studies.


Bachelor of Theology (Honours)     

Course Code: WTH21 Credit Points: 80 Number of Units: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time; up to 3 years part-time Delivery Mode: On campus

The Bachelor of Theology (Honours) is a fourth-year addition to the Bachelor of Theology designed for students who desire to pursue an academic career in theology. The skills accumulated in the previous three years are honed, developed, and expanded by an intense research focus throughout the year of candidature as the student develops a research proposal, and then completes a polished thesis in Biblical Studies, Pastoral Studies, or Theological Studies. The award requires the completion of 80 credit points, comprising a thesis, a seminar of work in progress at an appropriate stage, and three coursework units, as follows: •

one unit in research methodology, and

one unit covering current issues and methodologies in the specialisation, and

one unit chosen from the units available in the specialisation.

Bachelor of Theology (Honours) units are listed on page 31.

A Graduate Profile Honours students are those who desire to pursue an academic career in theology with a view to engaging intellectually their rapidly changing culture for the benefit of the mission of the church. The majority would be envisaging a career in tertiary theological teaching – a pathway that only becomes available to them after further study in an honours masters and/or doctoral program. The research that students complete in the BTh(Hons) may well become their primary focus of academic endeavour in the future. Graduates exhibit a strong capacity in research, in the use of critical and multidisciplinary methodologies, and in incisive thinking. They have a sophisticated understanding of plurality in societies and religious communities and of the interplay between diversity and unity in the Scriptures, and they have a well-developed ability to dialogue respectfully and in an informed way with different religious traditions. This sample program has a specialisation in the New Testament. SEMESTER 1 Research Methodology Current Issues in New Testament Studies Early Christianity in a Pluralistic Age Bachelor Honours Thesis in New Testament Studies (commence) SEMESTER 2 Bachelor Honours Thesis in New Testament Studies (finish) 15

Admission Candidates who have completed the requirements of a three-year Bachelor of Theology within the last five years are eligible to apply for a place in the Honours program if they fulfil the following entry criteria: •

Attainment of an overall credit level grade point average in the Bachelor of Theology.

Demonstration of the capacity for research, and the ability to focus on a defined topic and sustain an argument.

Completion of at least two units of Koine Greek or Biblical Hebrew at degree level before admission.

Demonstration of English proficiency equivalent to the overall minimum score of 7.0 in the IELTS Academic test where candidate completed qualifying study in a language other than English. Alternative course and test results assessed as satisfying the language requirement for admission to the Bachelor of Theology (Honours) are: -

TOEFL (Paper-based) TOEFL (Computer-based) TOEFL (Internet-based) ACL Sydney English Centre

600 250 100 overall score 75% in the Diploma of EAP

Credit Credit for previous study is not normally granted for the Bachelor of Theology (Honours).

Assessment Assessment of student performance is continuous and progressive. Each unit is assessed by means of several pieces of work, and the grade for the unit is based on the total marks gained. The development of assessment packages for each unit is based on the following weighting guidelines and indicative relationships between student workload and word counts. Coursework units are assessed on the basis of varied tasks presented at different times during the semester in order to measure students’ achievement of the unit learning outcomes. The course adopts a variety of assessment techniques including: •

Bachelor honours thesis (18,000-20,000 words)

Essays (theological, methodological, assessing the contributions of major scholars, critical reflections, analytical, exegetical, background essays using primary sources, etc.)

Thesis proposal and literature review.

Guidelines for the development of assessment packages follow.


Lecture-based units.......................................... 7000 words Bachelor Honours thesis .................... 18,000-20,000 words Per 1000 words .................................................... 12 hours Thesis ................................................................ 900 hours The course is graded in accordance with the Institute’s assessment policy, and results are issued in the following format: Bachelor of Theology (Honours) with First Class Honours • BTh(Hons) I • High Distinction GPA of 85 or higher Bachelor of Theology (Honours) with Second Class Honours Division One • BTh(Hons) IIA • Distinction GPA of 80-84 Bachelor of Theology (Honours) with Second Class Honours Division Two • BTh(Hons) IIB • Distinction GPA of 75-79

Further Study Graduates of the Honours Bachelor who pass their thesis and course work at a sufficiently high level may normally proceed either to doctoral programs or honours MTh programs at other institutions, with the path depending on their overall grade. Students awarded the BTh(Hons) with First Class Honours (i.e. with an overall High Distinction grade of 85 or over) would be encouraged to consider applying for admission to a doctoral program. Students whose grade in the BTh(Hons) is Second Class Honours Division One (Distinction GPA of 80-84), or Second Class Honours Division Two (Distinction GPA of 75-79) would be encouraged to consider applying for candidature in an MTh(Hons) program or equivalent research masters.


Bachelor of Theology     

Course Code: WTH11 [and WKTH11 in Korean medium] Credit Points: 144 Number of Units: 24 Duration: 3 years full-time; up to 9 years part-time Delivery Mode: On campus

The Bachelor of Theology, offered in English and Korean, is an undergraduate study program for students whose career and personal goals are widely varied. The course: •

contributes to the personal, intellectual and spiritual formation of students preparing to choose and embark upon a career, and

prepares students for a ministry role in denominational or independent churches, or for a spectrum of church and parachurch ministries, and

is the foundational degree for students desiring an academic career in teaching theology at a tertiary level. These students can major in Biblical languages.

The Bachelor of Theology extends over not less than three years and not more than nine years. The award requires the completion of 144 credit points (normally 24 units, each of 6 credit points). In accordance with pre-determined regulations, students select units from the subject areas of Biblical Studies, Church History, Language Studies, Pastoral and Mission Studies, and Theological Studies. The Institute’s scope includes a range of units (see page 32), but only a small number are available in any semester. The Bachelor Degree regulations are as follows: •

Every program must include one major and two minors.

A major requires eight units including no more than two units at 100 level and including at least two units at 300 level.

A minor requires five units including no more than two units at 100 level and at least one unit at 300 level.

Each program must include at least a minor in Biblical Studies including two Old Testament units and two New Testament units.

Each program must include at least a minor in Theological studies.

Every program must include the following six foundational units: THBB101 THBB102 THCB101 THPB101 THTB101 THTB102

Old Testament Background and Methodology New Testament Background and Methodology The Early Church Foundations of Pastoral Ministry Theological Foundations I Theological Foundations II

No program may include more than 48 credit points at 100 level.

No program may include more than two Directed Independent Study units without approval.

No program may include more than three Field Experience units. 18

A Graduate Profile Possible graduate career outcomes include the following: a) Ministerial Ordination (Minister/Reverend). The Bachelor of Theology is the primary undergraduate degree for students wishing to enter the ordained ministry. It employs the well-respected model of preparation through a structure of major and minor sequences across the subject areas of Biblical Studies, Church History, Language Studies, Pastoral and Mission Studies, and Theological Studies. Students receive guidance in their enrolment choices each semester in line with specific or additional denominational requirements. For example, some denominations require their candidates to complete a minor in Biblical languages. A sample program that would prepare a student for the ministry follows. Foundational (1st year) units are offered each year, but advanced units may not be. However, there will always be units available in each category (e.g. Advanced Theology, Advanced Biblical Studies). SEMESTER 1 Old Testament Background and Methodology The Early Church Foundations of Pastoral Ministry Theological Foundations I SEMESTER 2 New Testament Background and Methodology Christianity in Australia The Pastoral Role Theological Foundations II SEMESTER 3 Old Testament Covenants New Testament Greek I Homiletics I The Doctrine of God SEMESTER 4 Jesus of Nazareth New Testament Greek II Homiletics II The Atonement SEMESTER 5 Genesis The Rise of Early Christianity Preaching Practicum (double unit) SEMESTER 6 Old Testament Poetry I and II Thessalonians Christian Leadership The Holy Spirit and the Mission of God


b) Pastoral Commissioning (Pastor). Across the denominations, the position of Pastor can entail responsibilities ranging from church leadership to the oversight or exercise of a particular pastoral ministry in church or community, e.g. youth ministry, chaplaincy, or the pastoral care of or ministry to a specific group. A major in Pastoral and Mission Studies seeks to extend the students’ knowledge and skills in a variety of pastoral disciplines which are necessary for effective pastoral leadership. It can also provide the knowledge and experience needed for crosscultural mission, either in Australia or overseas. A sample program with a pastoral focus follows. Again, please note that advanced pastoral units are scheduled for each semester, but the particular units in this sample will not be available every semester. SEMESTER 1 Old Testament Background and Methodology The Early Church Foundations of Pastoral Ministry Theological Foundations I SEMESTER 2 New Testament Background and Methodology Christianity in Australia The Pastoral Role Theological Foundations II SEMESTER 3 Old Testament Covenants Christian Responses to World Religions Homiletics I The Doctrine of God SEMESTER 4 Jesus of Nazareth Marginalisation in the New Testament Perspectives on the World Christian Mission The Atonement SEMESTER 5 The Rise of Early Christianity Homiletics II Counselling Foundations The Holy Spirit and the Mission of God SEMESTER 6 Old Testament Wisdom Literature Romans Ministry in a Multicultural Environment Introduction to Youth Ministry



Teaching (Secondary School Teacher). Bachelor of Theology graduates who also complete the Wesley Institute Graduate Diploma of Education with a Studies of Religion teaching method are qualified for employment in secondary schools - a role which is often combined with chaplaincy. Students intending to teach would be advised to select a program along the lines below. SEMESTER 1 Old Testament Background and Methodology The Early Church Foundations of Pastoral Ministry Theological Foundations I SEMESTER 2 New Testament Background and Methodology Christianity in Australia Introduction to Youth Ministry Theological Foundations II SEMESTER 3 Genesis Christian Responses to World Religions Discipleship and Learning The Doctrine of God SEMESTER 4 Mark’s Gospel Ministry in a Multicultural Environment Evangelism The Atonement SEMESTER 5 Galatians Old Testament Covenants Adventure Based Camping Field Experience Creation, Providence and Eschatology SEMESTER 6 Deuteronomy 1 Peter and James Counselling Foundations Christian Ethics

d) Academic Pathway. Completion of the Bachelor of Theology also opens the door to honours and graduate studies. The Bachelor of Theology is an academic degree that builds students’ research skills and develops their ability to evaluate and communicate information coherently in written and oral presentations across the subject areas of theological enquiry. Students who wish to progress to the honours year must take a minimum of two Biblical language units. They will exegete the Old and New Testament Scriptures, and be introduced to some of the nuances of meaning and textual variants significant in translation. Choices recommended for such students are included in the following sample program with a New Testament focus. While the units listed here are frequently offered, equivalent units may be substituted in any particular semester. 21

SEMESTER 1 Old Testament Background and Methodology The Early Church Foundations of Pastoral Ministry Theological Foundations I SEMESTER 2 New Testament Background and Methodology The Reformation Homiletics I Theological Foundations II SEMESTER 3 Jesus of Nazareth New Testament Greek I Christian Responses to World Religions The Doctrine of God SEMESTER 4 The Rise of Early Christianity New Testament Greek II Evangelism Christology SEMESTER 5 Old Testament Covenants Romans New Testament Greek III The Holy Spirit and the Mission of God SEMESTER 6 Galatians Colossians and Philemon Urban Ministry Contemporary Theologies

Admission Applicants for admission must have completed the NSW HSC with an ATAR of 65, or have attained a qualification assessed by the Academic Board as being equivalent. Applicants whose qualifying studies were completed in a language other than English will normally be required to demonstrate English proficiency equivalent to the overall minimum score of 6.5 in the IELTS Academic test. Alternative course and test results assessed as satisfying the language requirement for admission are: • • • •

TOEFL (Paper-based) TOEFL (Computer-based) TOEFL (Internet-based) ACL Sydney English Centre

577 233 92 overall score 65% in the Diploma of EAP [CRICOS Code 00300K]


Credit Students admitted to the Bachelor of Theology may apply for credit on the basis of equivalent studies completed prior to their enrolment. The maximum credit that may normally be granted into the Bachelor of Theology is 48 credit points (one year of the total course load). There is no fee associated with the assessment or granting of credit.

Assessment Assessment of student performance is continuous and progressive. Each unit is assessed by means of several pieces of work, and the grade for the unit is based on the total marks gained. The development of assessment packages for each unit is based on the following weighting guidelines and indicative relationships between student workload and word counts. Lecture-based units.......................................... 5000 words Directed independent study units .................... 7500 words 1000 words .......................................................... 12 hours 1500 words .......................................................... 18 hours 2000 words .........................................................24 hours 2500 words..........................................................30 hours 3000 words .........................................................36 hours 3500 words..........................................................42 hours 4000 words .........................................................56 hours 1 hour examination............................................... 12 hours 15 minute oral presentation with handouts ............ 12 hours

Further Study Graduates of the Wesley Institute Bachelor of Theology may proceed to the Master of Theology. If they have an overall credit grade point average they may proceed to the fourth-year Bachelor of Theology (Honours).


Associate Degree of Theology     

Course Code: WTH01 [and WKTH01 in Korean medium] Credit Points: 96 Number of Units: 16 Duration: 2 years full-time; up to 6 years part-time Delivery Mode: On campus

The Associate Degree of Theology, offered in English and Korean, is an undergraduate study program offering: •

solid grounding in the disciplines of biblical, pastoral and theological studies suitable as preparation for lay ministry, and

an exit point from the bachelor degree after completion of the first two years, and

the kind of broad-based academic foundation that will provide opportunity for a graduate to access further undergraduate theological study at a future time.

The Associate Degree of Theology is embedded within the Bachelor of Theology, extending over not less than two years and not more than six years. The award requires the completion of 96 credit points, normally comprising 16 units each of 6 credit points. Students select units from the Bachelor of Theology subject areas of Biblical Studies, Church History, Language Studies, Pastoral and Mission Studies, and Theological Studies. The list of Bachelor of Theology units is at page 32. The Associate Degree regulations are as follows: •

Every program must include four units in Biblical Studies - two Old Testament units and two New Testament units.

Every program must include four units in Pastoral and Mission Studies.

Every program must include four units in Theological Studies.

Every program must include the following six foundational units: THBB101 THBB102 THCB101 THPB101 THTB101 THTB102

Old Testament Background and Methodology New Testament Background and Methodology The Early Church Foundations of Pastoral Ministry Theological Foundations I Theological Foundations II

No program may include more than 48 credit points at 100 level.

No program may include more than one Field Experience unit.

A Graduate Profile Graduates of the Associate Degree could be employed in paid positions with churches in a range of roles. Additionally, many students complete the Associate Degree for personal development in lay ministry, or for their own spiritual growth. The course develops the ability to make informed theological and pastoral judgements and to demonstrate resourcefulness in applying theology to everyday contexts. 24

a) Pastoral Ministry. The first sample program brings a pastoral ministry focus to elective units for students with a pastoral vision for working with people. SEMESTER 1 Old Testament Background and Methodology The Early Church Foundations of Pastoral Ministry Theological Foundations I SEMESTER 2 New Testament Background and Methodology The Pastoral Role Introduction to Youth Ministry Theological Foundations II SEMESTER 3 Old Testament Covenants Homiletics I Perspectives on the World Christian Mission The Doctrine of God SEMESTER 4 Jesus of Nazareth Ministry in a Multicultural Environment Ministry Field Experience The Atonement b) Spiritual Development. The second sample sequence represents a more general program that could serve those who study theology for their personal spiritual development and understanding of their faith. SEMESTER 1 Old Testament Background and Methodology The Early Church Foundations of Pastoral Ministry Theological Foundations I SEMESTER 2 New Testament Background and Methodology Jesus of Nazareth Evangelism Theological Foundations II SEMESTER 3 Old Testament Covenants Exiles and Restorations Christian Responses to World Religions Theology and Christian Literature SEMESTER 4 Romans Philippians and Ephesians Christian Leadership Pauline Theology 25

Admission Applicants for admission must have completed the NSW HSC with an ATAR of 65, or have attained a qualification assessed by the Academic Board as being equivalent. Applicants whose qualifying studies were completed in a language other than English will normally be required to demonstrate English proficiency equivalent to the overall minimum score of 6.5 in the IELTS Academic test. Alternative course and test results assessed as satisfying the language requirement for admission are: • • • •

TOEFL (Paper-based) TOEFL (Computer-based) TOEFL (Internet-based) ACL Sydney English Centre

577 233 92 overall score 65% in the Diploma of EAP [CRICOS Code 00300K]

Credit Students admitted to the Associate Degree of Theology may apply for credit on the basis of equivalent studies completed prior to their enrolment. The maximum credit that may normally be granted into the Associate Degree is 48 credit points (one year of the total course load). There is no fee associated with the assessment or granting of credit.

Assessment Assessment of student performance is continuous and progressive. Each unit is assessed by means of several pieces of work, and the grade for the unit is based on the total marks gained. The development of assessment packages for each unit is based on the following weighting guidelines and indicative relationships between student workload and word counts. Lecture-based units.......................................... 5000 words Directed independent study units .................... 7500 words 1000 words .......................................................... 12 hours 1500 words .......................................................... 18 hours 2000 words .........................................................24 hours 2500 words..........................................................30 hours 3000 words .........................................................36 hours 3500 words..........................................................42 hours 4000 words .........................................................56 hours 1 hour examination............................................... 12 hours 15 minute oral presentation with handouts ............ 12 hours

Further Study Graduates of the Wesley Institute Associate Degree of Theology who wish to return to study at a later time may proceed with full credit into the Bachelor of Theology. They will need to complete one further year of study to receive the bachelor award.


Course Units The units are coded as follows. The first two letters (TH) indicate that the unit is offered by the School of Theology. The third letter indicates the subject area within which the unit fit. These are: B C L P T

Biblical Studies Church History Language Studies Pastoral and Mission Studies Theological Studies.

The fourth letter indicates the course in which a unit is offered: B H M

Bachelor degree and embedded associate degree Honours bachelor degree Masters degree.

The first number indicates the level of the unit: 100 100 300 400 500

Bachelor/Associate Degree first level (foundational) unit Bachelor/Associate Degree second level unit Bachelor third level unit Master/Graduate Diploma of Theological Studies unit Master of Theology/Bachelor of Theology Honours unit.

The last two numbers uniquely identify the particular unit. For example, THBB360 is: a unit offered in the School of THeology in the field of Biblical Studies in the Bachelor/Associate Degree course at the 300 (third) level. With a few exceptions, undergraduate units attract 6 credit points, postgraduate MTh units 15 credit points, and MTS units 10 credit points. Exceptions include theses and research essays. Units are listed by course on the following pages, and brief descriptions follow in the next section (Iisted alphabetically by unit name). Please note that only a selection of units is available in any one semester, and consult the semester timetable to see the current offerings. Timetables are published on the website from one month before the commencement of semester, and are also available from the School of Theology.


Master of Theology THBM512 THBM513 THBM514 THBM515 THBM516 THBM518 THBM519 THBM520 THBM521 THBM522 THBM523 THBM524 THBM525

The Spirituality of the Psalms Proverbs Isaiah and Proclamation Apocalyptic from Exile to Exile Special Topic in Biblical Studies Early Christianity in a Pluralistic Age In Quest of the Historical Jesus In Quest of the Historical Paul Pastorals Hebrews Directed Independent Study in Biblical Studies Research Project in Biblical Studies Research Essay in Biblical Studies


Christianity in Australia Martin Luther Special Topic in Church History Directed Independent Study in Church History Research Project in Church History Research Essay in Church History


Theology and History of Music and the Arts in Worship Psalms, Hymns and Worship Songs for Congregations Planning for Music and the Arts in Worship Preaching after Christendom Special Topic in Pastoral Studies Directed Independent Study in Pastoral Studies Research Project in Pastoral Studies Research Essay in Pastoral Studies


Research Methodology


Theological Method Pauline Pneumatology Theology of Joy Theology and Feminism Wesleyan Theology Directed Independent Study in Theological Studies Research Project in Theological Studies Research Essay in Theological Studies Special Topic in Theological Studies 28

Master of Theological Studies (with nested Graduate Diploma) THBM401 THBM411 THBM412 THBM413 THBM414 THBM415 THBM416 THBM417 THBM418 THBM419 THBM420 THBM422 THBM423 THBM424 THBM425 THBM451 THBM452 THBM453 THBM454 THBM455 THBM456 THBM457 THBM458 THBM459 THBM460 THBM461 THBM462 THBM463 THBM464 THBM466 THBM467 THBM468 THBM469 THBM470 THBM471

Foundations of Biblical Hermeneutics Old Testament Covenants Genesis Deuteronomy 1 and 2 Samuel 1 Kings 1-11 Ezra and Nehemiah Esther Amos and Micah The Solomonic Age Jesus of Nazareth 1 Corinthians Pauline Theology Special Topic in Biblical Studies Biblical Sites Field Study 2011 Exiles and Restorations Judges and Ruth Old Testament Poetry Old Testament Wisdom Literature Isaiah 40-55 and Zechariah 1-8 Marginalisation in the Old Testament Old Testament Theology The Rise of Early Christianity Romans 2 Corinthians Galatians Philippians and Ephesians Colossians and Philemon 1 and 2 Thessalonians Marginalisation in the New Testament New Testament Theology Directed Independent Study in Biblical Studies Research Project in Biblical Studies Research Essay in Biblical Studies Paul and Politics


The Early Church The Church from 600 to 1500 CE Special Topic in Church History The Reformation 29


Christianity in Australia Directed Independent Study in Church History Research Project in Church History Research Essay in Church History


New Testament Greek I Biblical Hebrew I New Testament Greek II Biblical Hebrew II New Testament Green III Graded Readings in Biblical Hebrew


Foundations of Pastoral Ministry Perspectives on the World Christian Mission Homiletics The Pastoral Role Understanding Youth Culture Introduction to Youth Ministry Counselling Foundations Discipleship and Learning Christian Leadership Music Leading in Worship Special Topic in Pastoral and Mission Studies Adventure Based Camping Field Experience Ministry Field Experience I Ministry Field Experience II Ministering with People with Disability Urban Ministry Field Experience Ministry in a Multicultural Environment Evangelism Church Growth and Planting Urban Ministry Biblical Theology of Worship Christian Responses to World Religions Practicum in Preaching Ministry Project Youth Ministry Project Directed Independent Study in Pastoral and Mission Studies Research Project in Pastoral and Mission Studies Research Essay in Pastoral and Mission Studies Ministry and Sexuality


Research Methodology 30


Theological Foundations Christology Doctrine of God The Holy Spirit and the Mission of God Pauline Theology Special Topic in Theological Studies Christian Ethics The Theology of Karl Barth Theology and Christian Literature Ecotheology The Atonement Creation, Providence and Eschatology Contemporary Theologies Old Testament Theology New Testament Theology Studies in Johannine Theology Theology of Marginalisation Directed Independent Study in Theological Studies Research Project in Theological Studies Research Essay in Theological Studies

Bachelor of Theology (Honours) THBH512 THBH513 THBH514 THBH515 THBH518 THBH519 THBH520 THBH521 THBH522

The Spirituality of the Psalms Proverbs Isaiah and Proclamation Apocalyptic from Exile to Exile Early Christianity in a Pluralistic Age In Quest of the Historical Jesus In Quest of the Historical Paul Pastorals Hebrews


Research Methodology Current Issues in Honours Specialisation Honours Thesis


Pauline Pneumatology Theology of Joy Theology and Feminism Wesleyan Theology


Bachelor of Theology (with nested Associate Degree) THBB101 THBB102 THBB211 THBB212 THBB213 THBB214 THBB215 THBB216 THBB217 THBB218 THBB219 THBB220 THBB222 THBB223 THBB224 THBB225 THBB351 THBB352 THBB353 THBB354 THBB355 THBB356 THBB357 THBB358 THBB359 THBB360 THBB361 THBB362 THBB363 THBB364 THBB366 THBB367 THBB368 THBB371

Old Testament Background and Methodology New Testament Background and Methodology Old Testament Covenants Genesis Deuteronomy 1 and 2 Samuel 1 Kings 1-11 Ezra and Nehemiah Esther Amos and Micah The Solomonic Age Jesus of Nazareth 1 Corinthians Pauline Theology Special Topic in Biblical Studies Biblical Sites Field Study 2011 Exiles and Restorations Judges and Ruth Old Testament Poetry Old Testament Wisdom Literature Isaiah 40-55 and Zechariah 1-8 Marginalisation in the Old Testament Old Testament Theology The Rise of Early Christianity Romans 2 Corinthians Galatians Philippians and Ephesians Colossians and Philemon 1 and 2 Thessalonians Marginalisation in the New Testament New Testament Theology Directed Independent Study in Biblical Studies Paul and Politics


The Early Church The Church from 600 to 1500 CE Special Topic in Church History The Reformation Christianity in Australia 32


Directed Independent Study in Church History


New Testament Greek I Biblical Hebrew I New Testament Greek II Biblical Hebrew II New Testament Greek III Graded Readings in Biblical Hebrew New Testament Greek IV Biblical Hebrew in Ministry Jewish and Hellenistic Texts The Apostolic Fathers


Foundations of Pastoral Ministry Perspectives on the World Christian Mission Homiletics I The Pastoral Role Understanding Youth Culture Introduction to Youth Ministry Counselling Foundations Discipleship and Learning Christian Leadership Music Leading in Worship Special Topic in Pastoral and Mission Studies Adventure Based Camping Field Experience Ministering with People with Disability Ministry Field Experience I Ministry Field Experience II Ministering with People with Disability Ministry Field Experience III Urban Ministry Field Experience Ministry in a Multicultural Environment Evangelism Church Growth and Planting Urban Ministry Biblical Theology of Worship Christian Responses to World Religions Mission Internship Homiletics II Practicum in Preaching Ministry Project Directed Independent Study in Pastoral and Mission Studies Ministry and Sexuality 33


Theological Foundations I Theological Foundations II Christology Doctrine of God The Holy Spirit and the Mission of God Pauline Theology Special Topic in Theological Studies Christian Ethics The Theology of Karl Barth Theology and Christian Literature Ecotheology The Atonement Creation, Providence and Eschatology Contemporary Theologies Old Testament Theology New Testament Theology Studies in Johannine Theology Theology of Marginalisation Directed Independent Study in Theological Studies


Unit Descriptions Biblical Studies Amos and Micah

This unit leads students to interpret these classical eighth-century prophetic texts within their literary, theological and historical milieu and to appreciate their abiding significance for contemporary believers. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

Apocalyptic from Exile to Exile

This unit introduces students to the Jewish and Christian apocalyptic literature between the Babylonian exile and the exit of Hadrian (c 605BC to AD135). It focuses on the theological, social and literary issues arising from this type of literature, as well as on current scholarly discussions of the apocalyptic genre. (Prereqs: None)

Biblical Sites Field Study 2011

This unit, taught on site in Turkey, Greece and Italy, provides students with the opportunity to study sites mentioned in the Biblical accounts. They will gain understanding of the significance of places and geographical features to Biblical literature, and familiarity with historical issues surrounding the text. The tuition fee for this unit is $9350.00.* (Prereqs: BTh - OT&NT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

Colossians and Philemon This unit provides an advanced course in exegesis and, through exegesis of passages from Colossians, gives students opportunity to demonstrate independent thinking, research and critical judgement in handling New Testament literature. (Prereqs: BTh - NT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

Deuteronomy This unit provides students with an opportunity for exegesis of selected texts from Deuteronomy within the context of an awareness of the major issues currently under consideration among Old Testament scholars. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

Directed Independent Study in Biblical Studies

This unit enables students with initiative and creativity to pursue ideas and areas of interest in Biblical Studies, and to develop independent research and study skills. (Prereqs: MTh - 1 unit in Biblical Studies; BTh & MTS - Prereq: 2 units in Biblical Studies)

Early Christianity in a Pluralistic Age This unit develops awareness of the montheism of Second Temple Judaism and the religious pluralism of the Graeco-Roman cults. It explores how the christology/ christologies of the early believers responded to and interacted with Jewish monotheism. (Prereqs: MTh - None) *The tuition fee includes travel expenses. Students may have access to FEE-HELP for the tuition fee, but FEE-HELP is not available for incidental costs, e.g. travel insurance, visa costs, travel to and from Sydney airport.



This unit introduces students to the exegesis of the book of Esther in literary, canonical, historical and theological context, with a view to its contemporary application in preaching and teaching. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

Exiles and Restorations

This unit examines the fall of Samaria and Jerusalem and the return from exile in terms of the theological impact of these events on the literature of the Old Testament. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

Ezra and Nehemiah

Through the exegesis of selected texts students develop an understanding of the method, content and theology of these books within the context of the post-exilic period. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

Foundations of Biblical Hermeneutics

This unit provides students with a methodological introduction to exegesis, hermeneutical application and strategies for handling each biblical genre. (Prereqs: None)

Galatians This unit involves a systematic exegesis of Galatians in its historical, literary and theological setting, introduces issues in Pauline theology, and leads students to appreciate the contribution of Galatians to contemporary expressions of the Gospel. (Prereqs: BTh - NT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)


Through the exegesis of selected passages, this unit enables students to develop an awareness of the method, content and theology of the book of Genesis within the context of the Pentateuch and by comparison with Ancient Near Eastern texts. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)


This unit provides an advanced course in exegesis and gives the students an opportunity to apply the grammatical-historical exegetical method to the study of Hebrews. (Prereqs: MTh - None)

In Quest of the Historical Jesus This unit introduces students to the scholarly debate regarding the “historical Jesus” and engages them in a critical analysis and assessment of Jesus as an historical figure in first- century Palestine. (Prereqs: MTh - None)

In Quest of the Historical Paul

This unit introduces students to the scholarly debate regarding the “historical Paul” and engages them in a critical analysis and assessment of Paul as an historical figure in his eastern Mediterranean and Palestinian context. (Prereqs: MTh - None)

Isaiah and Proclamation

This unit investigates the message of the book of Isaiah in its historical, social, literary and theological context. Students will consider how we can invigorate our contemporary preaching with the rich blend of social and theological themes found in Isaiah. (Prereqs: MTh - None) 36

Isaiah 40-55 and Zechariah 1-8

This unit enables students to interpret these late-exilic and early post-exilic prophetic texts within their literary, theological and historical milieu, and to appreciate their abiding significance for contemporary believers. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS Biblical Foundations)

Jesus of Nazareth

After a review of the evidence for Jesus as an historical figure outside the gospels, and an overview of the canonical gospels, students explore the ministry of Jesus within Second Temple Judaism and understand what differentiated him from his contemporaries. (Prereqs: BTh - NT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

Judges and Ruth

This unit introduces students to the exegesis of the books of Judges and Ruth in their literary, canonical, historical and theological context. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS Biblical Foundations)

Marginalisation in the New Testament This unit provides students with an analysis of the New Testament’s views on those on the margins of society as a foundation for articulating exegetically formulated approaches to the marginalised in contemporary society. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

Marginalisation in the Old Testament

This unit provides students with an analysis of the Old Testament’s views on those on the margins of society as a foundation for articulating exegetically formulated approaches to the marginalised in contemporary society. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

New Testament Background and Methodology

This unit provides students with the basic tools to interpret the text of the New Testament. This involves the study of historical-grammatical exegesis, critical methodologies, literary genre, and the historical, cultural and social background of the eastern Mediterranean world. (Prereqs: BTh - None)

New Testament Theology

This unit examines the New Testament as a theological document and explores significant scholarship in New Testament theology, particularly recent developments in the field. (BTh & MTS - Prereqs: NT Background, Theological Foundations I & II)

Old Testament Background and Methodology This unit provides students with the basic tools necessary to interpret the text of the Old Testament. This involves the study of historical-grammatical exegesis and critical methodologies, appreciation of literary genre, and an understanding of the historical, cultural and social background of the eastern Mediterranean world. (Prereqs: BTh - None)

Old Testament Covenants This unit examines the covenants found in the Old Testament and highlights their pivotal role in its message. Students will develop their exegetical competence and their understanding of the critical issues surrounding the form and structure of the covenants. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations) 37

Old Testament Poetry

This unit enables students to develop their exegetical skills through the study of selected texts from the Psalms, Song of Songs and Lamentations as representative samples of the poetic literature of the Old Testament. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS Biblical Foundations)

Old Testament Theology

This unit examines the Old Testament as a cohesive theological document by studying different approaches to Old Testament theology and its methods. Students gain new insights into the significance and relevance of the Old Testament for contemporary ministry. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background, Theological Foundations I & II; MTS - Biblical Foundations, Theological Foundations)

Old Testament Wisdom Literature

This unit provides a consideration of the Old Testament wisdom literature and its methods of communication. The special issues pertaining to the wisdom genre are examined through exegesis of the book of Ecclesiastes. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

1 and 2 Samuel This unit develops students’ awareness of the method, content and theology of the books of 1 and 2 Samuel through the exegetical study of selected texts within the book. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

1 and 2 Thessalonians

This unit provides an advanced course in exegesis and gives students an opportunity to demonstrate independent thinking, research and critical judgement in handling New Testament literature through the exegesis of passages from 1 & 2 Thessalonians. (Prereqs: BTh - NT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

I Corinthians

Through a systematic exegesis of this Book, students should develop basic competencies in exegetical method in the Epistles. Students should come to appreciate the contribution of I Corinthians to contemporary Christian thought. (Prereqs: BTh - NT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

1 Kings 1-11 This unit examines the reign of Solomon and the Biblical literature attributed to it, and its appreciation by later Judaism and early Christianity. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)


This unit introduces students to the scholarly debate regarding the Pastoral Epistles and engages them in a critical analysis of the issues surrounding them and their main themes. (Prereqs: MTh - None)

Paul and Politics By means of a close analysis of the ancient evidence students will engage in exegetical, historical and theological studies that unfold how first-century readers might have understood Paul’s gospel against the propaganda of the Roman rulers. (Prereqs: BTh - NT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)


Philippians and Ephesians

This unit provides an advanced course in exegesis and gives students an opportunity to demonstrate independent thinking, research and critical judgement in handling New Testament literature through the exegesis of passages from Ephesians and Philippians. (Prereqs: BTh - NT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

Pauline Theology

This unit examines the current state of research in Pauline studies. Students engage with exegetical and theological studies related to Paul’s distinctive ideas, thus integrating biblical and theological approaches and skills. (Prereqs: BTh - NT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

Proverbs This unit acquaints the student with the major themes of contemporary scholarly discussion of the book of Proverbs and facilitates a detailed exegesis of the book itself. (Prereqs: MTh - None)

Research Essay in Biblical Studies

This unit enables a student to write a major research essay on a negotiated area of Biblical Studies, under the guidance of a Wesley Institute staff supervisor. (Prereqs: MTh & MTS - 2 units in Biblical Studies)

Research Project in Biblical Studies

This unit enables a student to research in greater depth a particular topic relating to material in Biblical Studies. (Prereqs: MTh & MTS - 2 units in Biblical Studies)

The Rise of Early Christianity This unit examines the rise of early Christianity from the Book of Acts to the seven churches of Revelation. The differing types of literature that comprise the apostolic witness to Jesus are surveyed, and the unit enables student to appreciate the variegated nature of early Christianity and to understand what contributed to its rapid expansion within the Mediterranean basin. (Prereqs: BTh - NT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)


This unit comprises a systematic exegesis of Romans, and an examination of the relevance of the Graeco-Roman context of the letter. Select extracts from ancient literature and documents will assist students in their attempt to understand this profound letter. (Prereqs: BTh - NT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

The Solomonic Age This unit examines the reign of Solomon, the Biblical literature traditionally attributed to it, and its appreciation by later Judaism and early Christianity. The unit enables student to develop their exegetical and hermeneutical skills, and to appreciate the importance of this age in the development of the Old Testament messianic hope and its fulfilment in the New Testament. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations) Special Topic in Biblical Studies This unit enables specific topics of interest in New Testament, not usually included in the course, to be considered. It is often used to explore the specialty of a well-known guest. (Prereqs: MTh - None; MTS - Biblical Foundations; BTh – OT Background, NT Background) 39

The Spirituality of the Psalms

This unit examines text immanent strategies that have been developed in the study of the Psalter with a particular emphasis on the canonical function of the finished book. The theological concerns of the Psalter uncovered in this way are then considered in light of their underlying spirituality. (Prereqs: MTh - None)

2 Corinthians

This unit provides a systematic exegesis of 2 Corinthians, and an examination of the relevance of the Graeco-Roman context of the letter. Select extracts from ancient literature will assist students in their attempt to understand this letter in which Paul reveals his heart. (Prereqs: BTh - OT Background; MTS - Biblical Foundations)

Church History The Early Church This unit examines the progress and the problems of the church in its life and thought from its origin to 600 CE. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - None)

The Church from 600 to 1500 CE This unit examines the progress and the problems of the church in its life and thought from 600 CE to the Reformation. Prereqs: (BTh & MTS - None)

Christianity in Australia

This unit examines the history of the church in Australia from the arrival of the first fleet to the present day, and the contribution of the church to Australian culture and society. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - None)

Directed Independent Study in Church History

This unit enables students with initiative and creativity to pursue ideas and areas of interest in Church History, and to develop independent research and study skills. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - 2 units in Church History; MTh - None)

Evangelical Christianity in Australia

This unit seeks to understand the origins, development and expansion of evangelical Christianity and its leading figures from the time of our convict origins to twenty-first century Australia in its historical, religious and social context. (Prereqs: MTh - None)

Martin Luther

This unit seeks to understand the career, thought and impact of Martin Luther on the Reformation Period in his historical, religious and social context. (Prereqs: MTh - None)

The Reformation

This unit examines the progress and thought of the sixteenth-century Reformation in Europe. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - None)

Research Essay in Church History This unit enables a student to write a major research essay on a negotiated area of Church History, under the guidance of a Wesley Institute staff supervisor. (Prereqs: MTh & MTS - 2 units in Church History)


Research Project in Church History

This unit enables a student to research in greater depth a particular topic relating to Church History, and to write a minor research essay under faculty guidance. (Prereqs: MTh & MTS - 2 units in Church History)

Special Topic in Church History This unit enables examination of specific church history topics not usually included in the course. It is often used to explore the specialty of a well-known guest lecturer. (Prereqs: MTh, BTh & MTS - None)

Language Studies The Apostolic Fathers

This unit enables students to develop their knowledge and appreciation of the Greek language in the early centuries of the Christian era. (Prereqs: BTh - NT Greek IV)

Biblical Hebrew I

This unit introduces students to the elements of Hebrew grammar, along with some initial exposure to the text of the Old Testament. It covers aspects of grammar up to and including the Qal perfect and imperfect of the verb. (Prereqs: BTh - None)

Biblical Hebrew II

This unit introduces students to the remaining elements of Hebrew grammar, with special emphasis upon the remaining forms of the verb, leading towards proficiency in the reading of basic narrative texts. (Prereqs: BTh - Biblical Hebrew I)

Biblical Hebrew in Ministry This unit aims to develop the material covered in Hebrew I & II with specific reference to the use of Biblical Hebrew in Christian ministry. This involves enabling students to make proficient use of BHS, to make informed text-critical decisions, and to expand their knowledge of the syntax of Biblical Hebrew. (Prereqs: BTh - Biblical Hebrew II)

Graded Readings in Biblical Hebrew A guided reading unit, working through the reading, translation and exegesis of graded texts from the Hebrew Bible. (Prereqs: BTh - Biblical Hebrew II)

Jewish and Hellenistic Texts

This unit develops knowledge of and appreciation for Hellenistic and Biblical Greek. (Prereqs: BTh - NT Greek IV)

New Testament Greek I

This unit provides a systematic introduction to the basics of New Testament Greek. Studies in morphology, grammar, syntax and vocabulary culminate with students reading simple narrative texts. (Prereqs: BTh - None)

New Testament Greek II This unit completes an elementary introduction to New Testament Greek grammar and syntax. Students will become familiar with all the major grammatical paradigms of Koine Greek, and will read and translate simple Greek texts. (Prereqs: BTh - NT Greek I)


New Testament Greek III

This unit completes a thorough grounding in Greek syntax to enable the student to work confidently in the exegesis of the Greek New Testament. (Prereqs: BTh - NT Greek II)

New Testament Greek IV Students will analyse complex grammatical structures, and develop skills in reading unsighted texts which enable an appreciation and mastery of the Koine Greek language. (Prereqs: BTh - NT Greek III)

Pastoral and Mission Studies Adventure Based Camping Ministry Field Experience

This unit allows students the opportunity to experience and devise programs of adventure based ministry that will develop campers mentally, physically, socially and spiritually, under the direction of an experienced and accredited Field Education Supervisor. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - Introduction to Youth Ministry)

Biblical Theology of Worship This unit offers a theology of worship rooted in the texts of the Old and New Testaments, showing the relationship between the scriptures and the liturgical context out of which they arise and by which they are informed. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - None)

Christian Responses to World Religions

This unit will enable students to understand several important non-Christian religions, with a view to facilitating interfaith awareness and an informed Christian witness. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - None)

Church Growth and Planting This unit enables students to explore the theological and practical aspects of church planting beginning at the level of personal evangelism and moving through to its fulfilment in the planting of a local body of believers. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - Foundations of Pastoral Ministry)

Christian Leadership

This unit examines the practical aspects of leadership and management required in the pastor’s ministry within local congregations and church organisations. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - Foundations of Pastoral Ministry)

Counselling Foundations This unit gives a theoretical framework and core skills for effective counselling. It examines counselling principles, the counselling process itself, and the formulation of Biblical solutions for decisions and consequences, goals and strategies. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - Foundations of Pastoral Ministry)

Directed Independent Study in Pastoral/Mission Studies

This unit enables students with initiative and creativity to pursue ideas and areas of interest in Pastoral and Mission Studies, and to develop independent research and study skills. (Prereqs: MTh - 1 unit in Pastoral Studies; BTh & MTS - 2 units in Pastoral Studies)


Discipleship and Learning

This unit allows students to explore principles of nurturing people in the Christian faith and gives an introduction to diverse learning styles. Students will gain understanding of the historical, biblical and theological perspectives on discipleship training and will develop skills in designing creative teaching and learning resources. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS Foundations of Pastoral Ministry).


This unit equips students with a theological and practical foundation for the task of evangelism both individually and within the structure of the local church. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - Foundations of Pastoral Ministry)

Foundations of Pastoral Ministry An introduction to theology contextualised in ministry and practice, this unit examines Scriptural perspectives on pastoral practice, and engages with current theories on pastoral theology. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - None)

Homiletics I This unit provides an opportunity for students to develop elementary sermons from basic exegesis work. Students practice sermon development, delivery and evaluation in workshops and church services. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - None)

Homiletics II

Students completing this unit should demonstrate advanced competence in the principles of sermon preparation from Biblical texts. They prepare both expository and narrative sermons, and develop preaching skills through extended practice. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - Homiletics I)

Introduction to Youth Ministry

This unit provides an understanding of the issues involved in the effective implementation and development of youth ministry in the context of the local church. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - Foundations of Pastoral Ministry)

Ministering with People with Disability

This unit provides students with an introduction to biblical, theological and pastoral approaches to the issue of human disability. The unit provides a historical survey of the biblical material as well as literature and visual evidence from antiquity as a means of understanding better the need for inclusion of people with disability in the church today and society more generally. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - 2 units in Pastoral and Mission Studies)

Ministry and Sexuality This unit introduces students to an understanding of the theology of sexuality and appropriate pastoral responses for persons dealing with aspects of sexual brokenness. Lectures, group presentations and case studies focus on a variety of issues, such as sexual identity, development and dysfunction, processes of healing and restoration. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - Foundations of Pastoral Ministry)

Ministry Field Experience These units provide students the opportunity to experience ministry, to develop their pastoral skills, and to reflect upon their performance under the direction of an experienced and accredited Field Education Supervisor in different ministry settings. (Prereq: BTh & MTS - Level 1, Foundations of Pastoral Ministry; then each level prerequisite to the next)


Ministry in a Multicultural Environment

This unit explores issues relevant to ministry within a multicultural environment, both overseas and domestic, with specific emphasis on the Australian context. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - Foundations of Pastoral Ministry)

Ministry Project This unit enables students to develop and refine ministry skills, to test the feasibility of their desires for ministry, to develop their initiative and personal management skills, and to identify their gifts and abilities in an “internship” situation. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - 2 units in Pastoral and Mission Studies)

Music Leading in Worship

This unit explores the practical outworking in a local church setting of a Biblical theology of worship. Students will present plans for corporate worship services and lead worship in a corporate setting. They will develop an appreciation for different styles of worship and understand worship as a vehicle of Church life. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - None)

The Pastoral Role This unit draws together the underlying aspects of the pastoral call and the nature of Biblical leadership with practical outworkings in the Church. Students will develop knowledge of pastoral resources, skills of leadership and management, and confident self-awareness and pastoral identity. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - Foundations of Pastoral Ministry)

Perspectives on the World Christian Mission This unit seeks to expose students to historical and current missiological perspectives on Christian mission, and the contextualisation of mission in the modern world. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - None)

Planning for Music and the Arts in Worship

This unit provides students with the opportunity to research effective organisational procedures for the arts in churches on the basis of sound administrative principles overlaid on a historical and theological foundation. (Prereqs: MTh - None)

Practicum in Preaching This unit enables students to develop advanced skills in preaching in the congregational setting. They will undertake supervised preaching assignments and engage in analysis, evaluation and reflection. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - Homiletics I)

Preaching After Christendom This unit introduces students to recent attempts by preachers to engage with the perceived crisis in Christian preaching in the emerging Western experience of postChristendom. Students will examine the Jewish experience of ‘living on the edge of empire’ to help them engage imaginatively with their own mission contexts. (Prereqs: MTh - None)

Psalms, Hymns & Worship Songs for Congregations This theoretical and practical unit on critical and urgent issues in Christian congregational music will feature a sustained attempt to explore problems in the choosing of a body of song for churchgoers, and attempt to offer some solutions to the current musical crises as they affect churches locally and internationally. (Prereqs: MTh - None)


Research Project in Pastoral and Mission Studies

This unit enables a student to research in greater depth a particular topic relating to material in Pastoral Theology. (Prereqs: MTh & MTS - 2 units in Pastoral and Mission Studies)

Special Topic in Pastoral and Mission Studies This unit enables consideration of specific topics of interest not usually included in the course. It is often used to explore the specialty of a well-known guest author/lecturer. (Prereqs: MTh - None; BTh & MTS - Foundations of Pastoral Ministry)

Theology and History of Music and the Arts in Worship

This unit enables students to understand better the role of the arts in the church and in the larger culture when related to the church, and to consider their use within the different kinds of churches, past and present, charismatic and traditional, Catholic and Protestant, ‘Western’ and ‘non-Western’. (Prereqs: MTh - None)

Understanding Youth Culture

This unit assists students to understand the basic psychological, social and cultural ethos of today’s youth by examining adolescence as a universal, cultural and social experience. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - Foundations of Pastoral Ministry)

Urban Ministry This unit enables students to articulate a theological rationale for a ministry to the poor, the disadvantaged and the socially isolated as demonstrated by the life and teaching of Jesus, and to apply these principles to Christian life in modern Australian cities. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - Foundations of Pastoral Ministry)

Urban Ministry Field Experience

This unit provides students the opportunity to experience urban ministry, to develop their pastoral skills, and to reflect upon their performance under the direction of an experienced and accredited Field Education Supervisor in different ministry settings. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - Foundations of Pastoral Ministry)

Youth Ministry Project This unit enables students to develop and refine youth ministry skills, to test the feasibility of their desires for youth ministry, to develop their initiative and personal management skills, and to identify their gifts and abilities in an “internship” situation. (Prereqs: BTh & MTS - 2 units in Youth Ministry)

Research Current Issues in Honours Specialisation

This unit enables students to consider, discuss, evaluate and critique different approaches to their specialisation, with an emphasis on the methodologies required for research in the preparation of an honours thesis. (Prereqs: BThHons -None)

Honours Thesis

This unit enables honours students to extend their knowledge and skills in a chosen specialisation through the production of a high quality research thesis. It helps them produce a piece of sustained research of sufficient academic quality for them to progress either to a MTh(Hons) or on to doctoral studies. (Prereqs: BThHons - None) 45

Research Methodology

This unit prepares students for research in the various disciplines of theological education. It reviews research philosophy, and the rationales, differing demands and outcomes, and research tools for each discipline. Writing skills, conventions and genres are included, as well as the dynamics of presenting research orally, and ethics in various research contexts. (Prereqs: BThHons, MTS, MTh - None)

Theological Studies The Atonement This unit enables a systematic examination of the key doctrine of Salvation. Students will formulate a Biblical understanding of the atonement which does justice to the major New Testament material in its immediate context and in light of the whole of Scripture. (Prereqs: BTh - Theological Foundations I & II; MTS - Theological Foundations)

Christian Ethics This unit introduces students to the methods of moral reasoning as developed by moral philosophers and theologians. It examines the nature of the moral act and the dynamics of the moral life, the Church as a shaper of moral identity, and the Bible as a resource for the moral life. (Prereqs: BTh - Theological Foundations I & II; MTS - Theological Foundations)


This unit provides students with a thorough understanding of the doctrine of the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, developed both historically and systematically, and in critical dialogue with modern attempts at christological reconstruction. (Prereqs: BTh Theological Foundations I & II; MTS - Theological Foundations)

Contemporary Theologies This unit allows students to engage critically and assess theological issues in the modern Church, and to relate them to the Bible and their historical background. (Prereqs: BTh - Theological Foundations I & II; MTS - Theological Foundations)

Creation, Providence and Eschatology

This unit enables a Biblical examination of the key doctrines of the creation, divine providence, and eschatology, in conversation with the major historical approaches to the understanding of these doctrines. (Prereqs: BTh - Theological Foundations I & II; MTS Theological Foundations)

Directed Independent Study in Theological Studies This unit enables students with initiative and creativity to pursue ideas and areas of interest in Theology, and to develop independent research and study skills. (Prereqs: MTh - 1 unit in Theological Studies; BTh & MTS -2 units in Theological Studies)

Ecotheology This unit assists students to engage in how a range of Christian theologies respond to particular public issues surrounding the ecological crisis. Ecotheology is crossdisciplinary, and as the descriptive phrase "the greening of theology" implies, it challenges students' biblical and theological understandings. (Prereqs: BTh – Theological Foundations I & II; MTS – Theological Foundations)


The Holy Spirit and the Mission of God

This unit assists students to examine in depth the vital role of the Holy Spirit in the mission of the contemporary church. They will consider both Christian tradition on the Holy Spirit, and the vital role of the Holy Spirit in the contemporary Church. (Prereqs: BTh - Theological Foundations I & II; MTS - Theological Foundations)

New Testament Theology

This unit enables an extensive understanding of the New Testament as a theological document, exploring significant scholarship and recent developments in the field. (Prereqs: BTh - Theological Foundations I & II; MTS - Theological Foundations)

Old Testament Theology

This unit examines the Old Testament as a cohesive theological document by studying different approaches to Old Testament theology and its methods. Students will gain new insights into the significance and relevance of the Old Testament for Christian ministry. (Prereqs: BTh - Theological Foundations I & II; MTS - Theological Foundations)

Pauline Pneumatology This unit explores the use of the term and concept of the Holy Spirit in Pauline literature, with close attention to the text and the implications for theological and ethical interpretations. (Prereqs: MTh - None)

Pauline Theology

This unit examines the current state of research in Pauline studies. Students engage with exegetical and theological studies related to Paul’s distinctive ideas. (Prereqs: BTh Theological Foundations I & II; MTS - Theological Foundations)

Research Essay in Theological Studies This unit enables masters students to extend their knowledge and skills in their chosen specialisation by writing, under supervision, a paper 10,000-13,000 words in length. (Prereqs: MTh & MTS - 3 units in Theological Studies)

Research Project in Theological Studies

This unit enables a student to research in greater depth a particular topic in Theology. (Prereqs: MTh & MTS - 2 units in Theological Studies)

Special Topic in Theological Studies This unit enables examination of specific topics of interest not usually included in the course. It is often used to explore the specialty of a well-known guest author/lecturer. (Prereqs: MTh - None; MTS - Theological Foundations; BTh - Theological Foundations I & II)

Studies in Johannine Theology

This unit offers an advanced approach to the distinctive Johannine biblical theology, enabling them to apply exegetical skills to the extraction of ideas in the New Testament. (Prereqs: BTh - Theological Foundations I & II; MTS - Theological Foundations)

Theological Foundations I This unit provides students with a foundation for theology by establishing the authority upon which all Christian understanding is founded. It also examines some of the basic doctrines of the Christian faith as they are understood by the major Christian traditions. (Prereqs: BTh - None) 47

Theological Foundations II

This unit examines redemption, grace and theology, the person and work of Christ, and the person and work of the Holy Spirit, giving students an appreciation of Christian anthropology and the results of the Fall. (Prereqs: BTh - Theological Foundations I)

Theological Method

This unit summarises the integrative character of Christian theology at an advanced level, focusing on the contributions the various theological disciplines make to the constructive task of Systematic Theology. Students are encouraged to develop an orthodox, and yet also creative approach to Christian Theology. Throughout, critical assessment is invited of both evangelical and nonevangelical proposals. (Prereqs: MTh None)

Theology and Christian Literature This unit explores the relationship between theology and literature and the reciprocal enrichment this offers. The focus is a study of a number of contemporary Australian writers, including, Les Murray, Tim Winton, Andrew Lansdown, as well as some American writers. The influence of C.S.Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Dorothy Sayers is also examined. (Prereqs: BTh – Theological Foundations I & II; MTS – Theological Foundations)

Theology and Feminism

This unit investigates the powerful contribution that leading feminists have made to western culture and to the church. Students will focus on various aspects of feminist theology and consider the ways it continues to impact on the church in society. (Prereqs: MTh - None)

Theology of Joy This unit explores the nature of Christian joy through engagement with biblical and theological texts in the light of human experience. (Prereqs: MTh - None)

The Theology of Karl Barth

This unit explores the origins and developments of Barth’s theology from his earliest writings to his later Church Dogmatics through a study of selected primary texts. Special attention is given to Barth’s mature theological method, doctrine of the Word of God, as well as to other central theological topics (e.g. Christology, election, providence and evil, and the relation of dogmatics to ethics). (Prereqs: BTh – Theological Foundations I & II; MTS – Theological Foundations)

Theology of Marginalisation This unit develops the structure and shapes the content for a systematic theology of marginalisation relevant to the participants’ own theological, social and cultural contexts. (Prereqs: BTh - Theological Foundations I & II; MTS - Theological Foundations)

Wesleyan Theology

This unit provides students with a comprehensive study of the doctrines that were articulated during and following the 18th century Wesleyan awakening. Students will examine the antecedents of Wesleyan theology, its setting within ecumenical theological thought, and its developments to the present. (Prereqs: MTh - None)


Academic Staff Dr Jim Harrison BA, DipEd, MA, PhD Head of Theology Biblical Studies

Mr Steven Coxhead CertTEFLA, CertTESOL, BAsianSt, BTh(Hons), MTH, PhD current Biblical Studies

Rev Stuart Crawshaw BA(Hons), PhD current Pastoral and Mission Studies

Rev Dr Peter Davis BSc, BTh, DipMin, GradCertChurchLead, ThD Acting Head of Theology Pastoral and Mission Studies

Ms Jennifer Davis BPsy, MAPsy, MBA, MAPS Pastoral and Mission Studies

Ms Louise Gosbell BTh, MTh(Hons), PhD current Biblical Studies

Dr Christopher Green BA, MA, PhD Theological Studies

Dr David Jackson BA, DipEd, MDiv, ThM, DipEdSt, MA, PhD Biblical Studies

Mr Ian Keast BA, DipEd, MA, MEd, DipBibSt Theological Studies

Dr Grenville Kent BA, BA, MA, GradCertComm, MA(Hons), PhD Biblical Studies

Dr Meredith Lake BA(Hons), PhD Church History

Rev Dennis Nutt BD, MA(Hons), MACE, FSCD Church History

Assoc Prof Barbara Poston-Anderson BA, MA, MA, MA, PhD, AALA Research

Dr David Reichardt BSC(Hons), GradDipClinSc, BTh(Hons), PhD Theological Studies

Dr Martin Shields BSc, BTh, MTh(Hons), PhD Biblical Studies

Dr Mark Stephens BA(Hons), PhD Biblical Studies

Rev Michael Wilson BComm, BTh, MTh Pastoral and Mission Studies

Staff lecturing in the Korean-medium courses: Rev Dr Kye Won Lee BTh, MDiv, MTh, PhD Head of Theology (Korean) Theological Studies


Rev Sung Rual Choi BTh, MTh Theological Studies

Rev Kyung Hoon Han BTh, MDiv, MTh current Mission Studies

Rev Dr Suk Jo Jang BA, MDiv, ThM, PhD Biblical Studies

Rev Dr Sang Soo Jeon BA, MDiv, PhD Biblical Studies

Dr Sora Kang BA, MDiv, ThM, PhD Biblical Studies

Dr Jean K. Kim BS, MS, MA, PhD Biblical Studies

Rev Dr Jungsun Kim BA, MDiv, ThM, PhD Pastoral Studies

Rev Dr Matthew Kim DipTh, BD, ThM, BA, DMin, PhD Pastoral Studies

Rev Dr Myong Yong Kim BA, MDiv, ThM, ThD Theological Studies

Ms Eun Cho Ko BM, Med, BTh, MTh Theological Studies, Pastoral Studies

Rev Jun Hak Ko BA, MDiv, MA, PhD current Church History

Mr Keun-Il Ko BA, DipBS, BTh, MTh Biblical Studies

Rev Dr Chun Bok Lee BTh, MDiv, ThD Pastoral Studies

Rev Dr San Young Lee BA, MDiv, ThM, PhD Pastoral Studies

Rev Dr Sug Ho Lee BA, MDiv, MTh, PhD Biblical Studies

Rev Dr Moon Chan Moon PGCE, MA, PhD Mission Studies

Rev Dr Kyoung Soo Oh BTh, MA, ThD, PhD Theological Studies, Mission Studies

Rev Dr Chong Suk Park BA, ThM, MDiv, ThD Church History

Dr Hyo-Sook Um BA, MDiv, ThM, PhD Biblical Studies

Rev Dr Kwang-Woong Yu BA, ThL, ThD Theological Studies


Fees Tuition Fees Domestic*




Unit Fee (30 credit points)



Unit Fee (15 credit points)





Unit Fee (20 credit points)



Unit Fee (10 credit points)





Master of Theology Course Fee^

Master of Theological Studies Course Fee^

Graduate Diploma of Theological Studies Course Fee^ Unit Fees

As Master of Theological Studies

Bachelor of Theology (Honours) Course Fee^





Unit Fee (12 credit points)



Unit Fee (6 credit points)





Bachelor of Theology Course Fee^

Associate Degree of Theology Course Fee^ Unit Fees

As for Bachelor of Theology

*Domestic Student: A student who is an Australian citizen, a New Zealand citizen, or the holder of a permanent humanitarian visa. **Overseas Student: Any student who is not a domestic student. ^Fees for units taken in any other School are published in the Course Information Book for that School, and at Tuition Fees. Fees are subject to annual review and increase.


Administration Fees $110 $100 $50 $20 $25 $100 $0 - $200 $50 $50 $150 $100+ $200+

Graduation Fee Late Enrolment Fine Late Variation to Enrolment Fine Student ID Card Replacement Request for Transcript (plus postage costs) Request for replacement Testamur Administration Fee for entering into a Deferred Payment Contract Fee Late fee for missing an agreed payment Re-Issue of Financial Records Fee (current year) Re-Issue of Financial Records Fee (previous years) Course Withdrawal Fee (up to start of classes) Course Withdrawal Fee (after classes commence)

Tuition Assurance To protect students in the event that Wesley Institute ceases to provide a course of study, the Institute has tuition assurance through its membership of the Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET) Tuition Assurance Schemes for Australian and international students. For full details please see Tuition Assurance.


New students only


Wesley Institute offers the following courses: Master of Counselling Master of Music Master of Teaching (Primary) Master of Theology Master of Theology (Korean medium) Master of Theological Studies Graduate Diploma of Counselling Graduate Diploma of Dance Movement Therapy Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary) Graduate Diploma of Theological Studies Bachelor of Theology (Honours) Bachelor of Dance Bachelor of Dramatic Art Bachelor of Graphic Design Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Theology Bachelor of Theology (Korean medium) Associate Degree of Associate Degree of Associate Degree of Associate Degree of Associate Degree of

Dance Graphic Design Music* Theology Theology (Korean medium)

Diploma of Dramatic Art

*Pending accreditation for 2011

1 October 2010 Wesley Institute 53

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