Wesley Pettit
Wesley Pettit wesleykpettit@gmail.com 865.236.4619
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santus objectum living art requiem of reflection t . v. a r e g e n e r a t i o n the elestic terminal t h e p rote ct i ve h i ve
Edgar Allen Poe’s room S . T. E . M . s t u d i o Bee-hive enclosure Reading room section Striling engine Co n ce pt u a l s ky s c ra p e r
Satnus Objectum is a book sanct uary t hat operates w i t hi n t h e ritual of s haring memori es t hrough t he exchange of books. As us ed books are passed f rom one reader to anot her so i t t he m emory of the experi ence w i t hi n. We can recogni ze t he boo k as an experience withi n an obj ect , and celebrate t he story of e ac h. The au thors narrat i ve tells a story spelled out i n text , w hile t he readers expereince tells anot her t hat becomes uni que to t he o bject its elf as it ag es w i t h use. Tradi t i onally, t he obj ects t hat a re keeps akes our of memori es are kept out of harms way in attics and bas ements. Thi s st ruct ure offers a si mi lar, att i c- li ke space for the s haring and exchangi ng of books and ex peri ences. A ceremonious and t hought f ul progressi on across a long bri dg e p receeds a vis itors acceptance i nto t he st ruct ure, w here one ca n e njoy a s tory amid a canopy of forest and li ght .
Living Art is a s u s tainable mi xed use proj ect desi gned to represent t he As heville ‘River arts Di st ri ct ’ personali ty. Maki ng use of modern m aterials and highly effi ci ent st rategi es t he st ruct ure adopts a n i ndu s trial aes thetic t hat i s also a canvas for local art i sts. Here cus tomization is an intergral part of t he resi dent i al ex peri ence. Commerc ial s pace face on t he f i rst level faces a mai n avenue to e ncou rage pedes trian i nvolvement and are leased to busi nesses t hat benefit the communi ty most . Ori entat i on, proport i ons an d sys tems are all determi ned by exact calculat i ons to ut i li ze t h e e lements of s un, wind, and li ght for passi ve energy.
RESIDENTIAL single bed 12 units two oors
(7800 sq (6 5 0 s q
) each)
SHADE AND SOLAR P O WER adjustable canopy xe d PV panels
SECONDARY SPACE la u n d r y gym mechanica l
( 2 1 0 0 sq (525 sq
) )
(1150 sq (425 sq
) )
COURT YARD shared ex space circula on and access
R E TA I L pet store bookstore hardware shop community m ar ket
(8100 sq
((1 1 13 3 5 0 sw s
( 1 3 5 0 sq (1
((1 1 3 5 0 sq q
( 3 5 0 sq (1 sq
( 2 700 0 s q
canopy nels
(2100 sq (525 sq
) )
(1150 sq (425 sq
) )
space and access
(8100 sq
((1 1 13 3 5 0 sw s
( 1 3 5 0 sq (1
((1 1 3 5 0 sq q
( 3 5 0 sq (1 sq
( 2 700 0 s q
A requiem of reflection i s a st udent readi ng center nest led on t he edge of the famo us law n at t he Uni versi ty of Vi rgi ni a. The site is a hub for pe dest ri an t ravel adj acent to Thomas Jeffersons rotunda library. An i nnovat i ve yet fami li ar use of bri ck an d heavy timber construction create a warm and welcomi ng at mo sphere that is as mu ch f un to ex plore as i t i s to fi nd a pri vate p lace to s tudy. S pec ia l attent i on and care were gi ven to t he subtle t rans ition of s paces from soli d to voi d. Walls of taperi ng t hi ck n ess allow for a playful use of li ght and shadow t hat f rame a
TVA Regeneration is a re- use proj ect t hat takes advantage of t h e o ld ‘Tenness ee Valley Associ at i on’ bui ldi ng i n Knoxv i lle, TN. The exis ting bu ilding is reduced to i ts barest st ruct ure, t he body of w hic h is afterwards filled w i t h pre- fabri cated resi dent i al uni ts. Th e b ottom three levels are gi ven to programs desi gned to gi ve dow n town living a boos t, includi ng a marker and grocery. Thi s proj ect examined bu ilding s peci f i cat i ons i ncludi ng HVAC, water, st ruct ure a nd sys tems . A n innovat i ve bri se solei l pattern i s appli ed to t h e exterior bas ed on com puter models of seasonal sun and shade. A lands caped plaza helps to redef i ne t he dow n tow n ex peri ence w i t h comfortable places to gat her around a law n and bi o swale.
The Elastic Terminal i s a concept ual model of a mult i - f unct i oni n g form programed us ing computer generated parameters to enhance t he experience of fut ure t ransportat i on. Appli ed i n t hree ve ry different s cales this proj ect demonst rates a use at t he level of t h e pedes trian, the motori st , and of mass t ransi t . The smallest sca le i llus trates its us e as a pedest ri an bri dge and bi ke rental uni t . At a larger s cale the form i s adapted i nto a vendi ng- sty le car renta l mac hine, with underground storage uni ts. The largest scale serves as a central trans it h ub w here i nterstate, t rai n, and bus all pass t hrough or s top in the exchange of merchandi se and passengers.
The protective hive is a desi gn created to solve a local problem of vandalis m agains t bee- hi ves. Paramet ri c software i s used to generate perforated openings in varyi ng si zes of ci rcles and hexagons. Th e patterns c reated are likew i se an absract representat i on of t he i mag e of flowers . The res u lt is a w hi msi cal shape t hat si ts li ke a sculpt ure on the lawn while allow i ng access only to i ts keepers. Panels of s teel that are c u t from a state of t he art water- j et machi ne prov i d e a s imple ass embly and a beaut i f ul obj ect . The bee- hi ve i tself seem s to dis appear behind the i llusi on of a soli d obj ect w hen v i ewed fro m a different angle.