Annual ROARport 2022-2023
Contents 3 • Letter from Head of School 5 • Board of Trustees 6 • Wesley Lifers 7 • Motto and Mission 8 • What if Work Isn’t “Work?” 10 • A Note from the Development Chair 13 • Financials 14 • DEIJ at Wesley 17 • Special Thanks: Cumulative $100k Donors 17 • Annual Giving 21 • Honors & In Memoriam 23 • Parents’ Association 25 • Run for a Cause 28 • Wesley Block Party 30 • A Year in the Life of Music at Wesley 33 • Reflective & Resilient 34 • Matriculation 35 • Ways to Give to Wesley
Dear Wesley Community, Even as we launch into our 25th year of celebration, we are thrilled to present this Annual Report summarizing exciting events from the 2022-23 school year. It highlights both the generosity of the Wesley community and the stability of the school’s finances, and I hope you will enjoy the informative and inspiring articles. Last year’s theme of Joyful Moments prompted all community members to seek out large and small experiences of joy. The year was filled with opportunities to do so, from the Fall Picnic to our fabulous Palooza in the Spring. We hosted another rollicking Gobblers’ Feast, listened to the children sing their hearts out at the Winter Concert, and gathered as adults for food, games, and dancing at our innovative rooftop Block Party. Students impressed us with their learning, from the 1st grade MARP projects to the 6th grade Greek Festival and so many more. Children were also excited to once again be able to travel from campus on a fuller set of field trips, day-long excursions, and overnight adventures. Joy was found in visiting museums, braving ropes courses, and experiencing nature. Our kindergartners marveled at bugs and flowers in their Kinderland garden and our 8th graders contemplated the wonder of Stonehenge. Throughout it all, teachers led students through joyful learning experiences and helped them explore sources of joyfulness that come from within oneself. In this report, we thank and honor each person who has supported the school through philanthropic giving in the 2022-23 fiscal year. We also celebrate and remember the contribution of time from our trustees and Parents’ Association leadership, without whom the school could not function. Wesley thrives on community involvement in all forms, from our steadfast room parents to our intrepid event chairpeople to those who contribute to our food pantry collections, Bake for Better, or Relay for Life. So to all who helped or gave over the past year - Thank you!
Throughout it all, teachers led students through joyful learning experiences and helped them explore sources of joyfulness that come from within oneself.
I continue to be amazed and grateful for the creativity and dedication of our Development Team, Tammy Rodriguez and Dyllan Fernandez; our Communications Team, Lindsey Drasin and Sarah Francis; and Development Chair, Jenny Hollier, for their tireless efforts in creating meaningful and fun videos, inspirational written pieces, and extraordinary events, all of which contributed to meeting and surpassing our fundraising goals. Thanks to every family, faculty/staff member, and friend of the school for helping us discover the joy of a simple gift.
With gratitude, Julie Galles head of school
Collectively, these moments and events celebrate and support the unique joy that lives at the very heart of the Wesley community.
The Wesley Board of Trustees:
Joyful Moments
The theme for the 22-23 school year was JOYFUL MOMENTS and if you followed The Wesley School on social media, you were rewarded with the many joyful moments shared by our faculty, staff, and students all year long. Those moments were multifaceted and inspiring, encompassing academic, social, and emotional joy experienced on our beautiful campus every day. Wesley families were also offered many ways to joyfully connect throughout the year including our grade level potlucks, the annual family picnic, our CODI Cooking Series and Connections Groups, Gobblers’ Feast, the Holiday Boutique and Winter Concert, our slate of parent education offerings and Party Books, the Wesley Block Party, and Wesley Palooza. Collectively, these moments and events celebrate and support the unique joy that lives at the very heart of the Wesley community. The Board of Trustees also had a year of joyful moments and it’s worth sharing them with you… Given the large number of new trustees that joined our ranks this year, it was important to foster positive and productive board culture through effective onboarding, while also continuing to support the growth of our current trustees. Highlights of the year include our successful Mock Board Meeting for new trustees, consultant Lynn Wendell’s informative board workshop on generative and strategic thinking, and record trustee attendance at the annual California Association of Independent Schools Conference. In collaboration with our Head of School, as well as members of the Senior Administrative team, and expertly guided by our consultants from Mission & Data, the Board of Trustees formed the Mission Review Task Force (MRTF) and began a review of our school’s mission statement to further clarify and articulate the uniqueness and value of a Wesley education. The work of the MRTF was filled with joy and a true highlight of the year for all involved. It resulted in a concise and inspiring new mission statement the Board of Trustees is excited to share with the community and have as our new ‘north star.’
In addition, we continued to expand our intentionality and commitment in the DEI space by voting to elevate the CODI (Committee on Diversity and Inclusivity) chair to the Executive Committee of the Board. Adding a CODI representative to the Executive Committee ensures there will be a DEI voice at the highest levels of our school’s governance structure and solidifies our joyful commitment to this important work. And finally, the Wesley Development Office, supported by the tireless efforts of the Development Committee and the generosity of our Wesley families, recorded record annual giving during our Hundred Days campaign and delivered robust support in other giving opportunities throughout the year. That success is a tangible reminder of the joyful partnership between our families and the school. However, no year is free of challenges and 22-23 was certainly no different. It’s important to take a close look at the goals we did not achieve and the ways we fell short as they help define our growth edges for the coming year; and the Board of Trustees takes reflection and self-assessment very seriously. Nevertheless, it’s heartening to take a step back and realize that, despite the obstacles we faced as a school and community, we also had a year full of… JOYFUL MOMENTS.
With gratitude, The Wesley 2022-2023 Board of Trustees David Monahan, chair Paolo Velasco, vice chair Brendon Blincoe, secretary Mike Natividad, treasurer Melanie Elliott Jason Friedman Jenny Hollier Thordis Howard Norman Kelsey Gary Kirkpatrick Lisa Lange
Jackie Lay Janett Hermosillo Meyer Eddie O’Flaherty Dale Pinnock Marissa Seeman Cheryl Ting Alan Waldman 5
2023 Students who enjoyed the K-8 experience at Wesley for all 9 years.
WesleyLifers 6
The Wesley School builds confidence and encourages independence through a challenging academic program that stretches each student to reach the highest level of individual achievement within a supportive, nurturing environment. Wesley cultivates in students strong creative, physical, and spiritual foundations to prepare them to be productive and respectful contributors to a global society. — The Wesley School Mission Statement Updated Fall 2023
Our Motto “Academic Excellence and Character Development Within the Circle of Family”
The Wesley School
Our Mission Within a community of belonging, we nurture joyful, confident learners to think critically, creatively, and compassionately.
What if work isn’t “work?”
For many of us who are administration, parents and fortunate enough to have found Board members. However, as our way to the independent someone new to this particular school world as professionals, community, and given the Wesley is getting up and going to “work” benefit of a year’s experience every day is fundamentally and reflection, I have to say different... different from what most other that I’m firmly convinced that people experience. It’s an early those elements are somehow start every morning, there’s an more obvious, even tangible, unknown to the day’s events at Wesley. “Welcome Home,”as Wesley stands that can cause a bit of anxiety, Pastor Joey said long ago, is apart because of and one’s inner clock is probably what Wesley is all about for so more highly attuned. 8:10 is many, and that has certainly details that take quite different than 8:11, for applied to me. example: there’s a fair amount time to absorb of potentially risky activity From the first day that I visited and appreciate. that sixth grade students can the campus and Julie had me join manage in the space of one her in the carpool line (both of unsupervised minute. However, us eclipsed immediately by Mrs. not too many people face each McGregor’s aura), this sense of day with the prospect of literally shaping the nature finding something new and unique was profound. of a human being’s view of themselves or of the I was only visiting, not very many folks knew me in world. Surely this tradeoff, per se, is a great deal. Is any way, but I still felt accepted and welcomed in this experience universal, however? Is teaching, or a heartbeat. Without having earned any inclusion, I leading, in a school pretty much the same, wherever belonged immediately. Parents waved at me, saying you are? One’s individual mileage may vary, but in at good morning, even though many of them must least my own personal experience, the answer is a have had no idea who I was (a candidate, nervous determined “no.” about re-entering the U.S. school world, only having experienced Wesley through reputation around Wesley is different. If you’re reading this, you’re aware town after many years at sister schools, and looking of that from personal experience. It’s not only about manifestly out of place wearing my blazer and loafers the brick buildings, small class sizes, access to Jack’s in the parking lot). In fact, either the first or second Classic Hamburgers, or the ubiquity of students parent who spoke to me that morning said “Welcome pushing boundaries on uniforms or expressing - we’re looking forward to meeting you. You’ll have to concerns about homework. Wesley stands apart lose the tie, though.” Said with a smile, but probably because of details that take time to absorb and at least half serious, I’m sure! appreciate. Weekly Communities, of course. Parents bringing their Starbucks to the Commons early in the More than anything, of course, it’s about the children, morning. Uniquely poised and empathetic students. and even here Wesley stands apart. In the roughly 35 Mr. Ernie’s mural. The singular talents and dedication years that I’ve been blessed by being a member of a of people like Joel Hernandez, Amy Lanstra, Chef school community somewhere in the world, I’ve found Devin, and other non-teaching staff who definitively that by and large students are the same anywhere enhance the lives and experiences of everyone who in most respects. This was true at Mirman, Buckley, spends time on campus. Our supremely talented and Viewpoint, and at two different schools in Thailand. passionate faculty. As would be the case at any school, Children are sponges, they have essentially the same there are high aspirations and evident dedication needs for support and affirmation, and they are gifted to be found among students, teachers, staff, with what Rachel Carson calls a “sense of wonder.” 8
They’re also very easy to be fond of, and working with them, for me, is something like a sacred trust. At Wesley, however, in addition to these universal traits, our children are exceptionally compassionate and accepting of their peers, even those who might be dancing to an inaudible tune. They are poised and confident, but I haven’t seen many hints of arrogance. They respectfully, but very comfortably, embrace their relationships with teachers and assume our best intentions, even when we don’t submit to their skillful advocacy. Having worked in the admissions offices at Buckley and serving on the admission committees at Viewpoint, I’ve known for quite some time, albeit from afar, that one can expect a Wesley student to be a prototypical solid citizen. Living and breathing how that develops first hand, however, has allowed me a much more thorough appreciation of just how special our children are. After completing the campus visit in my candidate days and having been wowed by our students and my potential future colleagues and the parent community, I was pleasantly surprised to hear that I had somehow landed the gig and therefore that I, too, was being welcomed home. It’s been exactly that experience from the beginning, and even though I’m no longer a rookie, it’s still a fresh feeling for which I’m immeasurably grateful. Working at Wesley sure doesn’t feel like work. Greg Armbrister assistant head of school
A Note from the
Development Chair I would like to say a huge thank you to every member of our school for making this past year another success for the Development Team. And that success would have not been possible without our incredible Director of Development Tammy Rodriguez. She has continued to be a true champion of the school and has put in so much effort into raising funds for the betterment of our children.
Along with their help, and a number of families that generously opened their homes to host their child’s grade, we were able to return to a Wesley Tradition that we had put on hiatus due to the pandemic... hosting potluck dinners! These dinners once again proved to be a great chance for families to reconnect and get to know new faces to the community. Tammy was able to attend every one and speak about the importance of fundraising at an independent school such as our own; I also would like to acknowledge our wonderful as well as introduce the Development Reps for each Development Committee. Development is made up grade. This was a great opportunity for everyone to of representatives from each grade level. They are hear about the kickoff of the Wesley Fund and other the contact between Development and their class. events planned for the school year. Without their help engaging with the fellow members of the community, we would not be able to complete Besides the pot luck events, each year the Wesley our fundraising goals. Thank you to our team this year; School has an Annual Fund Campaign, aka the Marissa Seeman (Kinder), Collette Nolte (1st), Lisa Wesley Fund. This on-going campaign is essential Lange (2nd), Heidi Roddenberry (3rd), Larry Sullivan to the success of the school. Since Wesley runs (4th), Janett Meyer (5th), Lisa Katz (6th), Grant as a non-profit institution, tuition doesn’t cover Thompson (7th), Brendon Blincoe (8th), and Michael 100% of the operational costs and a portion of the Kromnick (8th). You are all truly invaluable! money raised from the Annual Fund, is used to 2022-2023 development committee Jenny Hollier, chair members Brendon Blincoe Lindsey Drasin Dyllan Fernandez Lisa Katz Michael Kromnick Lisa Sabatino Lange Marie Natividad Janett Meyer David Monahan Collette Nolte Luz Herrera-Olaya Heidi Roddenberry Tammy Rodriguez Marissa Seeman Larry Sullivan Grant Thompson 10
offset those deficits. This past year’s results were unprecedented, yielding 99% participation and raising close to $450,000. This was an amazing feat, as it was the most money raised by our campaign in the history of the school and we couldn’t have done it without all of you! In addition to raising money for our school by way of direct ask, we held multiple events throughout the year which created other ways for the community to donate. Run-For-A-Cause, Teacher Outings, Generation’s Day, and the first ever Block Party, were our big happenings over the school year, and they were all a hit!
the children performed in Community, they met up with their special grownups and acted as hosts. They showed their loved ones around and had a special day with them letting them see the great community that is at Wesley. Thank you to our first ever mother and grandmother Event Chairs, Michelle and Patsy MaKenzie for helping organize the event.
Since last year’s Wesley Prom Gala was such a major success with the community, we thought we could not wait another two years to get together for an additional adults only event. So it was decided that we would hold a party every year, rotating between holding a more formal night out and putting on a more casual affair We were proud to hold our 2nd — hence the first annual Block annual Run-For-A Cause. This Party was brought to life. In the This past year’s year, the community banded Spring, Wesley families gathered together and raised money together on the rooftop of results were for the Juvenile Diabetes the Sherman Oaks Westfield Research Foundation. Beyond Mall parking garage and had a unprecedented... the financial component of the great night to remember! The event, we were able to connect evening was filled with multiple and we to a number within Wesley; food vendors, themed drinks, students, staff, and parents and a DJ that kept us dancing couldn’t have that are affected everyday by all night. It wasn’t all play…we this condition. This helped to also held a ‘Fund a Need’ and done it without highlight for the children why raised $30,000 for technology. we were raising money for this Before grades K-2 had to share all of you! cause. We coupled the event iPads, now each classroom is with a Community designated equipped with a set of their own. solely to educate the children In addition, 6th grade math class about Type 1 Diabetes, in which and the STEAM program will they were also able to hear from fellow classmates have access to their own iPads as well. who have been diagnosed. Given that we raised a significant amount for the Cancer Society the year That’s just the highlights of a packed year! We are before, we decided to challenge ourselves and raise looking forward to the upcoming school year, with our goal to $30,000. Well, we did it and then some! a new take on the Wesley Fund, fun events, and a $32,000 total was donated through our run and big blowout to celebrate Wesley turning 25! Keep an half of that went to JDRF! Thank you to our chairs eye out for more information on these events, many Urvashi Block-Larson, Juli Cavanaugh, and Jonathan others, and of course, ways that you can get involved Mitchell. to make this year even better than the last. After a long four year hiatus, Wesley saw the return of another traditional event — our students didn’t just get to celebrate Generations Day again, but saw the event return even bigger. We welcomed over 300 family and friends to join us for the day with their students. We decided to switch it up this year and created more of an Open House atmosphere. After
Jenny Hollier Parent to Finn (6th Grade) & Jack (Class of ’22) board of trustees, development committee chair
2022-2023 Financial Report REVENUE 2022-23 Tuition & Fees Fundraising & Special Events Auxiliary & Other Programs Investment Income Other
10,425,587 603,989 524,726 148.261 104,496
$ 11,807,050
EXPENSES 2022-23 Salaries & Benefits Financial Aid General/Management Rent & Property Program Fundraising & Special Events Auxiliary Programs Other Community Pandemic Relief TOTAL EXPENSES
7,348,540 1,517,691 1,174,757 961,853 647,073 112,930 139,049 74,733 10,000
$ 11,986,896
DEIJ at Wesley At Wesley, we believe that embracing diversity, promoting equity, and fostering inclusion are essential components of providing a holistic education. Our DEIJ efforts are rooted in our mission to create an environment where every student, family, and staff member feels valued, respected, and empowered. This year, Wesley focused on developing and deepening our understanding of DEIJ practices and philosophies. Wesley created many opportunities and spaces for faculty, staff, student, and parent engagement. These opportunities included faculty/staff discussions led by the DEIJ Committee, Community of Diversity and Inclusivity (CODI) Parent Forums, CODI sponsored guest speakers, Anti-Racist Book and Audio Visual Club, Multicultural Potluck, CODI Cooking Series and a memorable appearance and presentation for students by the incomparable Ruby Bridges. It has been an incredibly productive, enriching, and meaningful academic year. As a learning institution, we take pride in creating an environment that is affirming, exploratory, and celebratory. Our curriculum reflects diverse voices, experiences, and perspectives. We emphasize the integration of multicultural literature across grade levels. We also focus on concretely designing lessons that emphasize inclusive teaching strategies that address varied learning styles. We continue to refine and align our Social Justice curriculums with the Social Justice Standards and Anti-Bias Framework. Teachers are grounding their work in the Learning for Justice standards under the four domains of identity, diversity, justice, and action. Faculty and staff participated in professional development centered around “Joy Despite Resistance” in small and large discussion groups. 14
As a learning institution, we take pride in creating an environment that is affirming, exploratory, and celebratory.
As a community, we strive to create spaces for dialogue and discussion amongst community members. We are dedicated to providing spaces together for reflection, healing, and processing. This very important work seeks to enlighten, excite, and at times challenge our community members. The hope is to inspire others to be inquisitive about the greater world, examine and challenge injustices, and to take viable action for change. Through several opportunities for community engagement this year, we accomplished this exactly. We provided spaces for our parent community as well, in the form of our monthly ongoing Community of Diversity and Inclusivity (CODI) parent forums. The Wesley Community has affirming spaces in order to foster acceptance, joy, and belonging. Many parents and other community members joined these forums to discuss pertinent DEIJ topics and themes. The topics and themes discussed during CODI included: • Fitting in vs Belonging; Making Space for JOY • Cultural Appropriation vs Cultural Appreciation • Cultural Proficiency and Wesley • Upstander Training Part I • Upstander Training Part II • Allyship: Entering the Holiday Season with a Proactive and Generous Heart • MLK: Radical King, Radical Activism Our guest speaker series included enthralling and engaging topics such as “Let’s Talk About Adoption” with Guylaine Hubbard-Brosmer and “Understanding Neurodiversity” with Dr. Mark Stein and Ripsimie Paronikyan. Ralinda Watts, diversity expert, educational consultant, practitioner, presented on “Parenting With Identity in Mind’’ at our CODI Retreat. She also spoke about the intersection of culture, race, identity, and justice. It was a wonderful and invigorating time for community planning. The Anti-Racist Book and Audio/Visual Club began this year and allowed members to come together for thoughtful, enriching discussions reflecting on Dr. Ibram Kendi’s book How To Raise An Anti-Racist. The group gave parents the opportunity to be in community with each other as learners and dig into issues of race and identity. The year ended with participants completing the book My Monticello by Jocelyn Nicole Johnson. The CODI Cooking Series is a community favorite. We celebrate our achievements, acknowledge our challenges, and look forward to a future where all community members are embraced, equity is ensured, and inclusion is the foundation of our school community. We remain committed to nurturing a school environment that values, champions, and embraces DEIJ. Our ongoing dedication to these principles will continue to shape the Wesley experience. Sincerely, Traci Allen coordinator of diversity and inclusivity
Annual Giving 2022-2023
Founders Circle $15,000+
California Community Foundation
Visionary Circle $10,000-$14,999
Anonymous Katie Mercer and Jorge Fernandez Jennifer and Adam Gershon Julie and Lewis Henderson Lisa and Daniel Katz The Niemeyer Family Andrea and Alan Waldman
Special THANKS Thank you to the following Wesley supporters who have donated $100,000 and above cumulatively across all campaigns from 1999 to present.
Anonymous California Community Foundation The Kirkpatrick Family Karla and Toby MacCary Patsy and Will Mackenzie Jennifer and Kevin Plunkett Natacha Rafalski Elvina and Michael Risley James Rosser The Walt Disney Company
Head of School Circle $5,000-$9,999
Anonymous Anonymous Bank of America Charitable Foundation Tania Tang and Paul Dluzniewski Alicyn Packard and Jason Friedman Lisa Mccurdy-Grattan and Chris Grattan Grattan-Mccurdy Charitable Fund Stephanie Courtney-Kolanach and Scott Kolanach Darianna Cardilli and Michael Kromnick Marcia and Barry Littman Patsy and Will Mackenzie Laurel Coppock and Bobby Mort Netflix Gennifer Hutchison and Andrew Ortner Alana and Greg Polcsa Natacha Rafalski Heidi and Rod Roddenberry Jenna Bans and Justin Spitzer Stanley and Audrey Goldstein Foundation The Roddenberry Foundation The Walt Disney Company Hillary and Jermaine Turner Josie Ventura and Raul Ruvalcaba
consecutive years of annual giving 5 years
10 years
20 years
Leadership Circle • $3,000-$4,999 Tanya Tsarukyan and Gerald Abrahamian Susan Brenner-Ackerman and Josh Ackerman Amgen Anonymous Anonymous (2) Catherine and John Aquino Michelle Albert and Bryan Barrett Mariellen and Peter Bergman Lauren and A.J. Brandenstein Jules Larson and Jeff Cardoni Juli and Morgan Cavanaugh Kimberly and Christopher Clarke Louise and Andrew Cripps Amy and Josh DiBianca Tina and Rob Dickinson Melanie and Tom Elliott Kathleen Gallagher
Julie and Megan Galles Miriam and James Goller Graham Holdings Abraham Higginbotham and Steven Petrarca Tina and David Hookom Laura Murphy and Andy Hopkins Becky Bush and Gary Kirkpatrick Clare and Wayne Knight Brenna Latham and Paul Koval Koval Latham Charitable Fund Mariah and Matthew Leavitt Chris and Jung Lim Linda and Darrel Malamut David Monahan and Larry Sullivan Anna Fudacz and Steve Montgomery National Philanthropic Trust Mairin and David Reed
Anjannette Padilla Ryan and Thomas Ryan Michelle and Danny Sacchetto Marissa and Danny Seeman Tetsu Tanimoto Jo Taylor Erin and Brett Underhill United Health Group (Optum Life Sciences) Jessica and Jason VanderYacht Carrie and Paolo Velasco Walt Disney Company Ann Borusiewich-Woirhaye and David Woirhaye Lauren and Justin Young Danielle and Josh Zaretsky
Lions Circle • $1,000-$2,999 ADP AIG Sharon Widjaja and Edward Allen Anonymous Anonymous Apple Apple Inc. PB and Greg Armbrister Scott Ault and Ramsey Avery Doug Cohn and Richard Ayasta Rebecca McHugh and Alex Back Brittany Berg Tammy Billik Lauren and Brendon Blincoe Liesl Copland and David Boodell Aileen Cuesta-Brown and Doug Brown Hasmik and Seth Byers Dele Carroo Deborah and Phillip Cha Ali and David Chalfin Julianne and Nick Davey Verena and Russell Denove Kari Negri - Donatelli and Mike Donatelli Nisha and Amit Dudakia Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Lori and Jason Fotter Fox Corp Richard Gray Lisa and Nathan Handlon Katherine Hardie Valeria and James Harris Lisa Loeb and Roey Hershkovitz
consecutive years of annual giving 18
5 years
10 years
20 years
Rania Shammas and Michael Hetzner Jenny and Chris Hollier Thordis Howard Lauren Virdone and Nikolas Hronopoulos Cathryn Humphris Bridget and Michael Johnsen JPMorgan Chase Emma and Nicholas Koskoff Gloria DiSanza and Ed Koval Shannan Rouss and Adam Krassenbaum Lisa and Eric Lange Jennifer and John Larivee Urvashi Block-Larson and Scott Larson Carol and Richard Lee Jennifer and Jeffrey Lehman Melissa and Brian Levin Jeanne-Marie and Chris Lindsay Tessa Matthias Janett Hermosillo and Karl Alonso Meyer Jonathan Mitchell Alexis and Sebastian Morton Cleo and R. Mcshane Murnane Mimi and Michael Narducci Marie and Mike Natividad Kirsten and Michael Nielsen Collette and Steve Nolte Louise and Jonathan Norman Daniela and Matt Osborn Amy and David Ostiguy Paramount Melissa Bennett-Pinnock and Dale Pinnock Shayla and Greg Plummer
Jeanine Detz and David Porter Betsy and Chuck Potts Ronnie and Pat Puccinelli Jessica and Justin Rhoades Luiza Ricupero Negret and Antonio Negret Kristin Porter and Mark Robinson Corie and Stuart Rogers Lauren Katunich and David Rojas Gretchen Schuette and Rick Romano Jessica Lacy and Chris Sanata Missy and Kenny Schnurstein Aimee and Steve Schwimmer Natela and Yury Shenon Laurie and Craig Silverstein Trisha Singletary Abby and Conrad Sison Southern California Edison Amita Shenoy and Ravi Tharani The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Jill and Jack Thomas Naomi and Mason Thune Lindsey and Richard Thune Jamie and Joseph Tourouk Myriel and Jim Tyree UBS Financial Services Jennifer Mercer and Andy Van Meter Nicole Kuklok-Waldman and Stuart Waldman Warner Bros. WarnerMedia and Vicacom CBS Marjorie and Emio Zizza
Community Circle • Up to $999 Susy Vettori and Steven Abraham Gail Abrahamson Asad Abulhusn Judy Acker Activision Blizzard Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP Jean Albert Nikki Alford Michelle Allegra Traci Allen Linda Allen Liz Anderson Anonymous Anonymous (7) Anonymous (16) Susan Asch April Atwater Ivette Orozco and Max Avalos Mohsen Baharvand Zach Bailey Jamie and Matthew Bakal Jocelyn Baker Amita Balla June Bardwil Shelley Acker and Eduardo Barraza LeLoni and Jonathan Bass Garet and Trey Batchelor Dena and John Beck Evan Beck Jodie and Jamie Belz Jamie Fudacz and Jason Benesh Roxanne and Raf Berardinelli Alice Berman Lauren and Scott Blakeley Nathan Bland Natasha and Jeffrey Bloom Diann Boley Lisa Zambri and Bradley Booker Kristine Bounds Heather and Joshua Boyd Anne Braunger Jennifer Brian Sandra Ruiz and Claude Brooks Olivia and Harlan Brown Ashlee Bryan Dianna and Scott Buck Bettina Godi and Dick Buckley Lauren Hardman and Charles Burns Brad Burns Teresita Calderone Rachael and Andy Campanella Diana and Ryan Carrillo Mary Carter Innis Casey Margaret Casey
David Castagnetti Nicole and Joe Castañeda Cynthia Ortega and Alvaro Castillo Andrew Chang Lucy Ruiz De La Peña and Omar Chaparro Alexandria Simmons-Chapman and Eric Chapman Nielson Chapman Vanessa Chapman Myrna and Dan Coen Lara Coffin Benjy Comley Megan and Drew Conrad Matthew Cook Neva and Giovanni Corvino Wanda and Harry Coutee Hillary Croll Kevin Curley Sara Curran Caroline Curran Michael Curry Andrew Davey Mike David Patrick DeChellis Matthew Delamater Kimberly Delamater Erick Delgado Loreni Delgado Tomiko and Pierre Derbier Louise Dluzniewski Lindsey and Shane Drasin Sydnee Dreyer Henkie Barron and Matt Edwards Karen Elder Belinda and George Eleftheriades Jessica and Josh Elliot Ellen and Jeff Engel Heather Weingold and Brian Erice Maria Estrada Natalia and Scott Ewalt Barbara Fairchild Kristin and Clint Fairweather Dyllan Fernandez Marketa and Tyrin Ford Annie Spoliansky and Patrick Fox Sarah Francis Dena French Shani French Liz Friedlander Perla Eston and Frederic Fudacz Anthony Fugett Jessica and Daniel Fuselier Ruihan Gao Samantha Garrison
Keisha Gorecho and Kyler Gentry Danine Gerberick Barbara and Norm Gershon Olga and Jacob Ginzburg Jack Goldsmith John Goodwin Ronand Grant Brid Grant Schuyler Grant and Jeff Krasno Kevin Greene Jenny and David Groom Groom Family Fund Ellen and Lewis Guhring Marla Saltzman and Forest Guider Lauren Gunderson John Haake Lori Haake Jennifer Sullivan and Rob Hahn Marla Halac Christina Lewis and Daniel Halpern Joseph Halpern Soyon and Baz Halpin Barry Halpin Brenda and Harry Hamell Johnna and Stephen Hampton-Walker Barb Hancock Anderson Lauren and Jamie Hardman-Thurkettle Tim Harrington Krista Hazelwood Colette and Steve Heneveld Elizabeth and Steve Heneveld Joel Hernandez JoAnna and Peter Herschko Sheila Hiebert Mialena Higgins Rodney Hobbs Verna and Ralph Hollier Susie and Dennis Hoolihan Myrna Hopkins Megan Horowitz Pamela Horowitz Samuel Howard Rachel Crane and Ted Howard Andreas Hronopoulos Monica Hudson Geo Huff Richard Hughes Mark Hutchison Brian Hutchison Kristen Inovejas Sonja Ivey-Rojas Sheldon Janse Cynthia Johnsen Daisha Johnson Courtney Jones
consecutive years of annual giving 5 years
10 years
20 years
Community Circle (continued) August Jones Jennifer and Charles Kaitz Alice and Greg Kappy Mark Kassen Alex Katunich Stephen Kelly Patty and Norman Kelsey Leslie Kennelly Sarah Knox Ilana and Daniel Krechmer Hijoo Son and Max Kuo Christine and Dave Kushner Susan Lacy Julie Lanctot Rachel and Matthew Lange Jennifer Lanski Amy Lanstra Marilyn Larson Lefty Productons, Inc Kym and Daniel Leigh Emily Leigh Courtney Leigh Nicole Lesley Belinda Levin Cathy Lewis Loida Lewis Leslie Lewis Heidi and Hal Lieberman Lawrence Lim Eric Little Arline Littman Jean Liu Kristen and Glenn Lorenz Donna Lowell Melissa and Robby Lowell Al Loxton Rita and Juan Ly Gina Girolamo Lyne and Kerry Lyne Karla and Toby MacCary Karla and Ron Makarem Sam Malik Virginia Martinez Emily Martino Carol and Dan Martson Michael Matzdorff Divya Maus Lynn McCracken Nancy McGill Mary and Kim McGregor Teresita McPherson Daphne and James McVay Spencer Mendelsohn
consecutive years of annual giving 20
5 years
10 years
20 years
Tigist Kesete and Bruck Mengistu James Mercer Edith Mercer Andrew Mercer Sue and Ray Michalski Christa Miller Princess Moll Jean and Harry Monahan Barbara Montgomery Grace and Roberto Moolchan Rachel and Phillip Mottaz Janet and Ted Mottaz Nicole Murphy Pamela Murtha Matthew Nagatani Omaima Naseredine Doug Neil Susan and Mark Nissenbaum Clare O’Callaghan Christine and Eddie O’Flaherty Doris and Michael O’Hara Sarah and Bill Odenkirk Luz Herrera-Olaya and Marco Olaya Lisa and Michael Ondracek Lupe Orozco Tracey and Jeffrey Pakosta Ariana Nakata and Petros Papahadjopoulos Nidia Ramos and Fredy Perez Lydia Perez Teva Perrizo Michelle White-Peterson and Jason Peterson Michael Gardner and Peter Phillips Joyce Photopoulos Marchelle Plummer Sheila and Bill Polcsa Yoli Poropat Sara Rue and Kevin Price Michael Prince Project M Plus Tillman Puckett Elisabeth Abbott and Ryan Raddatz Francine Rael Lisa Randall Eileen Rasmussen Linda and Kenneth Rees Tiffany and Joey Reina Elizabeth Bogush and Lukas Reiter Michele Craig and John Rhoades Caitlin and Todd Rhoades Donald Richardson
Tari Richardson Devin and Alfredo Rodriguez Tammy and David Rodriguez Louie Rodriguez Galeen Roe Donna and Steve Rosen Rachel Kash and David Rosen Carol Rothman Jeffrey Rouss Jordan Rouss Laurie Rowihab Devin Rucker Frederick Ruffin Ginifer King Ruge and Jason Ruge Edna Ruiz Daniel Sackler Susan Salazar Salesforce Ronald Saltman Nicole Carrasco and Erin Saltzman Anne and Albert Santorelli Pam and Scott Schachter Nancy Schachter Staci Schechtman Marc Schlackman Dalhia Schuette Ella Schuette Julie and Rich Scurry Joel Seligmann Sharon and Chris Serowski Diana Tutundzhyan and Tigran Shamiryan Nadjara Payne and Anthony Shelton Mercedes and Derek Shields Amy Shomer Laurel and Scott Silver Stacy Silverman Andy Silverman Georgia Simmons Taneka Simmons Marla and Lou Simon Tera and Arjuna Singh Lee and Danny Siwek Kasey Smith Sabrina Snowden Shipra Somani Wendy and Frank Spindler Kimberly Spray Tamara Stein Elaine Stein Sailaja Yenepalli and Hemanand Subbiyan Jessica and Sylvester Stewart
Community Circle (continued) Stacey and Daniel Strauss Vicky and Guy Strickland Anne and Erin Studer Greg Rikaart and Robert Sudduth Twinkle Sukhija James Sutherlin Tammy Talbot Daphne Thabet Samantha and Grant Thompson Karen and Mario Thompson Laura Becker and David Thompson Danna Thompson Linde Thurman Cheryl Ting James Titus Michelle Carter and Cliff Todd Patricia Todd Kathleen Lawton-Trask and Andy Trask Dayna and Bryan Turcotte April and Diego Uchitel JoAnn Van Meter Stephen Van Meter Melinda and Mauricio Vazquez Cindy Venus Barrett Prendergast and Andre Vippolis Joseph Virdone Jomana Asi and Aamir Wahab Robbie and Bob Waldman Kate and Matt Walters Peter Weingold Adrianna Weingold Kitty White Angela and Steven White Elliott Wiley Kayla Wilson Michael Wright Yahoo! Katie Yoon Bernard Yuman AnaSofia Nallar and Ivan Zuleta Karen Zambri
gifts made In Memory Of Charles Adams Harvey Berg Mary Adell Bourgeois Gary Brenner Anna Campana Toby ‘Mema’ Cohn Charles Han Choung Kim Robert Leigh Dr. Ernie Levroney Rhonda Vickers McClure InSook Miller Emily Robinson Dr. A.N. Singh Foster Slack
gifts made In Honor Of Harvey Berg Harrison Coutee ‘15 & Evann Coutee ‘19 Verena Denove Jan and Stu Dickinson Lindsey Drasin Kaia Fuselier ‘22 Charlie Sackler Emily Martino Emma Rafalski Charlie Sackler The Incredible Wesley Faculty & Staff! Wesley Moms & Dads Fantasy Football League
consecutive years of annual giving 5 years
10 years
20 years
2022-2023 parents’ association pa co-chair: Marie Natividad pa co-chair: Luz Herrera-Olaya committee chairs art show volunteer coordinator: Anna Fudacz block party: Jenny Hollier & Tammy Rodriguez blood drive: Rebecca Kirkpatrick book fair: Marie Natividad book swap: Linda Malamut boos and booze: Mariah Leavitt & Heather Weingold community outreach: Luz Herrera-Olaya earth week: Mimi Narducci faculty appreciation brunch: Lauren Brandenstein & Sam Thompson family movie night: Luz Herrera-Olaya & Marie Natividad family picnic: Luz Herrera-Olaya & Marie Natividad food/toy drive committee: Christine O’Flaherty & Jessica Stewart generations day: Michelle and Patsy Mackenzie gobbler’s feast: Adam Gershon & Steve Nolte halloween dance: Lauren Blincoe, Christine Kushner, Angie Niemeyer & Sam Thompson halloween decorating: Alexis Morton holiday boutique: Ali Chalfin, Amy Ostiguy, Marissa Seeman & Jamie Tourouk hot lunch: Louise Norman lost & found: Jules Larson & Lisa Loeb multicultural potluck: Lauren Brandenstein & Ilana Krechmer party book: Adam Gershon & Sara Rue rewards: Larry Sullivan run for a cause: Urvashi Block Larson, Juli Cavanaugh & Jonathan Mitchell singing santas: Jermaine Turner spring dance: Jennifer Lehman & Chris Lim uniform recycle sale: Tomiko Derbier, Tina Chang & Danielle Sheehy wesley/fumc tree lot: Daphne McVay wesley palooza: Lindsey Drasin & Jessica Stewart winter decorating: Jomana Asi winter formal: Tina Hookom wow moments: Toi Bridges, Luz Herrera-Olaya, Marie Natividad room parents kindergarten: Mimi Narducci, Shannan Rouss, Lauren Virdone 1st: Jennifer Larivee, Jules Larson, Karla Makarem 2nd: Amy Ostiguy & Michelle Albert 3rd: Mariah Leavitt & Hillary Turner 4th: Angie Niemeyer & Sam Thompson 5th: Elisabeth Abbott & Tina Dickinson 6th: Jeanine Detz & Heidi Lieberman 7th: Aimee Schwimmer & Emily Rees 8th: Jocelyn Baker, Brittany Berg, Amita Shenoy
Reigniting the Wesley Spirit Luz and I sat down recently to reflect on this past year as PA Chairs. Our goal for the year was to reignite our school’s sense of family now that parents were allowed back on campus. We wanted to build on what our past PA Chairs were able to do and focus mainly on events that brought our community together. “Community means having a group of people who share common values and work towards a common purpose,” and our children are that common goal. We came into this year wanting to support our parents, teachers, and children as we all try to navigate this new “post-Covid” world. We wanted parents to feel a sense of connection and belonging. We wanted teachers to know how much we appreciate them. We wanted our children to feel loved and celebrated. We kicked off the new year with our first in person meeting in over two years! We continued the recordbreaking ticket sales at the Family Picnic and even had a stronger middle school presence. At that point, we knew our community missed being together. We brought back all of our traditional events and even brought more inclusivity to some long-standing traditions like Gobblers’ Feast and the Singing Santas. We heard the community and organized a couple of beach cleanups this year. In addition to all the family events, we helped our kids celebrate Wesley’s birthday with a popsicle party, showered them with carnations and We wanted parents to feel affirmation stickers, and held end of the year parties to help them celebrate all of a sense of connection and their achievements. It was really wonderbelonging. ful to be around parents again and feeding off of everyone’s energy as we decorated the campus and volunteered at the We wanted teachers to know various events.
how much we appreciate them.
Throughout the year we treated our faculty and staff to breakfast and coffee carts to let them know how much we appreciWe wanted our children to feel ate them. New this year, we celebrated our Women Of Wesley during Women’s loved and celebrated. History Month, by recognizing and acknowledging all the different roles we play as women in our day to day life. We kicked off faculty and teacher appreciation week by taping messages from parents to everyone’s door and then ended the week pampering them with a luncheon.
Wesley is more than just a community. We are a family. As with any family, there will always be hiccups but, in the end, we ultimately try to understand each other’s perspectives and come back together. Our children are lucky to be surrounded by this extended family every day. We have met so many wonderful people this past year and we are so honored to have been your PA Chairs. We hope we succeeded in making this year fun and welcoming for everyone! Marie Natividad • Parent to Makena (4th Grade) Luz Herrera-Olaya • Parent to Mark (4th Grade) parents’ association co-chairs 23
This achievement not only reflects the generosity of our community but also demonstrates the profound impact we can have when working together towards a common cause.
uring this past school year, I was honored to once again co-chair one of the Wesley School’s annual fundraising events, “Run for a Cause”, along with my amazing co-chairs, Jonathan Mitchell and Urvashi Block-Larson. This event, previously called Jog-a-Thon, has evolved over recent years due to COVID-19 and the subsequent disruption to our Service Learning programs (the previous beneficiary of our fundraising). For our Run for a Cause, we have partnered with different organizations for the past two years to help benefit these organizations while also raising funds for the school. This past February, we partnered with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). As one of the co-chairs, it was a privilege to organize and witness the incredible success of this event. The decision to collaborate with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation was a result of careful consideration. JDRF is a renowned organization committed to funding research and improving the lives of individuals affected by Type 1 Diabetes. By supporting this cause, Wesley School aimed to raise awareness and contribute to finding a cure for this chronic condition. With multiple T1D students, faculty and staff at school, this is a cause that is close to our hearts. To enhance the overall experience and make Run for a Cause more engaging for participants, we introduced a new technological feature this past year, using timing chip mats, which allowed participants to accurately track their number of laps. This innovation received positive feedback despite a few glitches along the way, and contributed to the overall success of the event. We are excited to explore further technological advancements for future editions of Run for a Cause. Thanks to the remarkable efforts of our community, we were able to surpass our initial fundraising goal of $30,000. The collective contributions, both big and small, added up to an astonishing total of over $32,000. This achievement not only reflects the generosity of our community but also demonstrates the profound impact we can have when working together towards a common cause. After this year’s successful Run for a Cause, we eagerly set our sights on the upcoming academic year. The Wesley School is committed to continuing its tradition of hosting this annual event and supporting organizations that make a positive difference in society. In the coming months, we will diligently seek out another worthy organization to partner with, ensuring that our fundraising efforts have a lasting impact. Run for a Cause at Wesley has once again exemplified the power of collective action and philanthropy. The event’s resounding success would not have been possible without the passion, dedication, and generosity of our community. We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who participated, donated, and supported us in surpassing our fundraising goal for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. As we look forward to the future, we remain committed to fostering a spirit of giving and making a meaningful impact on the world around us. Juli Cavanaugh Parent to Sawyer (5th Grade) & Quinn (8th Grade) run for a cause co-chair 25
RUN FOR A CAUSE 2023 DONORS Gail Abrahamson Asad Abulhusn Najiba Abulhusn Judy Acker Jean Albert Nikki Alford Linda Allen Sharon Widjaja & Edward Allen Barbara Hancock Anderson Catherine & John Aquino Susan Asch April Atwater Danielle Aucoin Rebecca McHugh & Alex Back Zach Bailey Jamie & Matthew Bakal The Baker Family June Bardwil Shelley Acker & Eduardo Barraza Michelle Albert & Bryan Barrett Evan Beck Jamie Fudacz and Jason Benesh Alexa Berg Brittany Berg Michele & Harvey Berg Alice Berman Tammy Billik Lauren & Scott Blakeley Diann Boley Lisa Zambri & Bradley Booker Kristine Bounds Lauren & A.J. Brandenstein Anne Braunger Jennifer Brian Sandra Ruiz & Claude Brooks Aileen Cuesta-Brown & Doug Brown Ashlee Bryan Bettina Godi & Dick Buckley Brad Burns Teresita Calderone Todd Cameron The Cardoni Family Jules Larson & Jeff Cardoni Mary Carter Margaret Casey David Castagnetti Cynthia Ortega & Alvaro Castillo Juli & Morgan Cavanaugh Deborah & Phillip Cha Andrew Chang Nielson Chapman Vanessa Chapman Julie Cicero Lara Coffin Benjy Comley 26
Vanessa Fiola & Ryan Crase Hillary Croll Kevin Curley Caroline Curran Sara Curran Michael Curry Julianne & Nick Davey Andrew Davey Mike David Brandi DeChellis Diana DeChellis Patrick DeChellis Kimberly Delamater Matthew Delamater Loreni Delgado Verena and Russell Denove Tomiko & Pierre Derbier Jeanine Detz & David Porter Amy & Josh DiBianca Tina & Rob Dickinson Louise Dluzniewski Kari Negri - Donatelli & Mike Donatelli Lindsey and Shane Drasin Sydnee Dreyer Nisha & Amit Dudakia Karen Elder Ellen & Jeff Engel Heather Weingold & Brian Erice Barbara Fairchild Dyllan Fernandez Katie Mercer & Jorge Fernandez Marketa & Tyrin Ford Shani French Liz Friedlander Alicyn Packard & Jason Friedman Perla Eston & Frederic Fudacz Anthony Fugett Kathleen Gallagher Julie & Megan Galles Ruihan Gao Danine Gerberick Jenny & Adam Gershon Kathy, Caroline & David Giancola Olga & Jacob Ginzburg Jack Goldsmith Miriam & James Goller John Goodwin Brid Grant Ronand Grant Lisa Mccurdy-Grattan & Chris Grattan Richard Gray John Haake Lori Haake Barbara & Thomas Haake Marla Halac
Christina Lewis & Daniel Halpern Joseph Halpern Barry Halpin Brenda & Harry Hamell Lisa & Nathan Handlon Emily Hansen Katherine Hardie Lauren and Jamie Hardman-Thurkettle Tim Harrington Krista Hazelwood Keith Henderson Julie & Lewis Henderson Colette and Steve Heneveld Elizabeth & Steve Heneveld Sheila Hiebert Steven Petrarca & Abraham Higginbotham Mialena Higgins Rodney Hobbs Jenny & Chris Hollier Verna & Ralph Hollier Jeannette Hollow Susie & Dennis Hoolihan Laura Murphy & Andy Hopkins Megan Horowitz Pamela Horowitz Samuel Howard Thordis Howard Andreas Hronopoulos Lauren Virdone & Nikolas Hronopoulos Monica Hudson Richard Hughes Cathryn Humphris Brian Hutchison Mark Hutchison Shane Igoe Sonja Ivey-Rojas Sheldon Janse Bridget & Michael Johnsen Cynthia Johnsen August Jones Courtney Jones Jennifer & Charles Kaitz Ara & Caline Kanbarian Mark Kassen Alex Katunich Lisa & Daniel Katz Stephen Kelly Leslie Kennelly Erin and Taylor Kennelly Becky Bush & Gary Kirkpatrick Sarah Knox Stephanie Courtney-Kolanach & Scott Kolanach Linda Berenyi-Kolin & Marc Kolin Emma & Nicholas Koskoff
Shannan Rouss & Adam Krassenbaum Ilana & Daniel Krechmer Darianna Cardilli & Michael Kromnick Susan Lacy Lisa & Eric Lange Amy Lanstra Jennifer & John Larivee Urvashi Block-Larson & Scott Larson Marilyn Larson Mariah & Matthew Leavitt Amanda Leigh Courtney Leigh Emily Leigh Kym & Daniel Leigh Makenna Leigh Nicole Lesley Belinda Levin Melissa & Brian Levin Leslie Lewis Loida Lewis Heidi & Hal Lieberman Chris & Jung Lim Lawrence Lim Jeanne-Marie & Chris Lindsay Eric Little Arline Littman Marcia & Barry Littman Jean Liu Lisa Loeb & Roey Hershkovitz Donna Lowell Al Loxton Rita & Juan Ly Karla & Ron Makarem Sam Malik Virginia Martinez Michael Matzdorff Divya Maus Nancy McGill Teresita McPherson Cleo & R. Mcshane Murnane Andrew Mercer James Mercer Janett Hermosillo & Karl Meyer Sue & Ray Michalski Jonathan Mitchell Princess Moll Jean and Harry Monahan Barbara Montgomery Anna Fudacz & Steve Montgomery Grace & Roberto Moolchan Alexis & Sebastian Morton Rachel & Phillip Mottaz Janet & Ted Mottaz Nicole Murphy Pamela Murtha Mimi & Michael Narducci Omaima Naseredine Marie & Mike Natividad Luiza Ricupero Negret & Antonio Negret
Susan and Mark Nissenbaum Luz Herrera-Olaya & Marco Olaya Lisa & Michael Ondracek Awele Onyemenam Gennifer Hutchison & Andrew Ortner Amy & David Ostiguy Tracey and Jeffrey Pakosta Alida & Jeff Palmer Kelley Pataky Julie Penico Lydia Perez Teva Perrizo Irina and Tyler Peterson Michelle White-Peterson & Jason Peterson Michael Gardner and Peter Phillips Joyce Photopoulos Marchelle Plummer Alana & Greg Polcsa Sheila & Bill Polcsa Jenine Leigh-Pollard & Don Pollard Tillman Puckett Elisabeth Abbott & Ryan Raddatz Francine Rael Lisa Randall Eileen Rasmussen Mairin & David Reed Linda & Kenneth Rees Caitlin & Todd Rhoades Jessica & Justin Rhoades Michele Craig & John Rhoades Donald Richardson Tari Richardson Lindsay Wilhelm & Brad Robinson Andrew Rodriguez Tammy & David Rodriguez Corie & Stuart Rogers Lauren Katunich & David Rojas Nola Roller Gretchen Schuette & Rick Romano Donna & Steve Rosen Rachel Kash & David Rosen Jeffrey Rouss Jordan Rouss Devin Rucker Frederick Ruffin Edna Ruiz Josie Ventura & Raul Ruvalcaba Anjannette Padilla Ryan & Thomas Ryan Michael Lacoe & Kenji Saito Ronald Saltman Nicole Carrasco & Erin Saltzman Jessica Lacy & Chris Sanata Anne & Albert Santorelli Nancy Schachter Staci Schechtman Marc Schlackman Missy & Kenny Schnurstein Dalhia Schuette Ella Schuette
Samantha Schwimmer Rich and Julie Scurry Marissa & Danny Seeman Joel Seligmann Marissa McMillon & Dan Seligmann Sharon & Chris Serowski Natela & Yury Shenon Amber & Matthew Sheppo Amy Shomer Andy Silverman Laurie & Craig Silverstein Georgia Simmons Roy Simmons Taneka Simmons Abby & Conrad Sison Kasey Smith Sabrina Snowden Shipra Somani Jenna Bans & Justin Spitzer Kimberly Spray Elaine Stein Tamara Stein Jilana Stewart Sailaja Yenepalli & Hemanand Subbiyan Greg Rikaart and Robert Sudduth David Monahan and Larry Sullivan James Sutherlin Daphne Thabet Jill & Jack Thomas Danna Thompson Karen & Mario Thompson James Titus Michelle Carter & Cliff Todd Patricia Todd Kathleen Lawton-Trask & Andy Trask Hillary & Jermaine Turner Erin & Brett Underhill Jennifer Mercer & Andy Van Meter Carrie & Paolo Velasco Cindy Venus Barrett Prendergast & Andre Vippolis Joseph Virdone Kate Virdone Andrea & Alan Waldman Robbie & Bob Waldman Nicole Kuklok-Waldman & Stuart Waldman Morgan & Matt Walsh Adrianna Weingold Christine Weingold Peter Weingold Kitty White Elliott Wiley Kayla Wilson Ann Borusiewich-Woirhaye & David Woirhaye Michael Wright Lauren & Justin Young Bernard Yuman Karen Zambri 27
Fundraising at Wesley:
Fun, Connection, & Positive Change Can you believe that just a few months ago, we were dancing under the stars on the rooftop at our very first Wesley Block Party?! Neither can we! In May, Wesley had its first ever Block Party! This more casual take on our every other year Gala was the notto-be missed adult-only event of the season. We broke out our jeans and favorite pair of sneakers and danced the night away on the rooftop terrace of the Westfield Fashion Square Mall. Shout out to Wesley Parents — DJ Gershon & Baker — for keeping the music and vibes going all night long! There was an eclectic mix of food vendors, the drinks were flowing at the three open bars, and an adult moonbounce with slow-motion video that still has us laughing! And what would a party be without an auction?! Thanks to the helping hands of Mariah Leavitt and Marissa Seeman, we were able to have a successful online auction with a bunch of opportunities to participate through bidding or raffle tickets. Thank you to our community members who helped out by donating a special experience or participated by buying raffle tickets or bidding on these incredible packages! The Block Party wasn’t only just a night of much needed fun and connecting, it was also to help fundraise $30,000 to enhance the Technology Program at Wesley. Thanks to your continued support, I am so happy to share that we met our goal and raised $30,140! This summer, we were so happy to put your dollars to work! Here are some new Technology updates that have been incorporated for the new school year: • Every student in grades K-2 will now have access to an iPad in class to utilize during select learning activities. Previously, iPads were shared across grades/classrooms and now our K-2 teachers each have their own class set! This will allow for greater technology integration and skill building for all our K-2 students. • Our 6th grade math students will now have access to a class set of iPads (20) to use alongside the new Illustrative Math curriculum. In addition to traditional pencil and paper exercises, the new iPads will be used for instruction, collaboration, practice, and application. • The deployment of iPads in the 6th grade also allows our 5th grade math program to have access to the same set of iPads as needed for instruction and collaboration, in addition to their printed materials. • As STEAM coordinator, Mr. Amir will be able to use those same 20 iPads to support our new STEAM initiatives. He’s hopeful to integrate a STEAM fair across all grades in the future! Of course, we are still proud to offer our 1:1 chromebook program for our grade 6–8 students. Last year, we tested rolling out the 1:1 chromebook program for our 5th grade students to take home mid-year in preparation for Middle School and we look forward to offering that again. Incorporating positive change and enhancements in the classrooms for our students and faculty has always been a priority at Wesley. Thank you for your continued support, which allows us to grow our program and evolve even more. You have made a direct impact on all of our students and we can’t wait to see the incredible things they do this year! Mark your calendars and get ready to celebrate Wesley’s 25th Anniversary next year in full glam and style! We’re going all out on Saturday, March 2, 2024 and can’t wait to honor our school through the looking glass of the past 25 years. Tammy Rodriguez • Parent to Penny (6th Grade) director of development 28
VIP Sponsorship ($1,500) Mariah & Matthew Leavitt Natela & Yury Shenon
NeighBARhood Sponsorship ($1,000) The Denove Family Julie & Lewis Henderson
Local Business Sponsorship ($500) Grant Shenon Law
Street Crew Sponsorship ($250) Alicyn Packard & Jason Friedman Lisa & Eric Lange Anna Fudacz & Steven Montgomery
Sponsor a Teacher’s Ticket The Baker Family Megan & Drew Conrad Henkie Barron & Matthew Edwards Alicyn Packard & Jason Friedman Jennifer & Adam Gershon Miriam & James Goller Julie & Lewis Henderson Jenny & Christopher Hollier Laura Murphy & Andrew Hopkins Lisa & Daniel Katz Ilana & Daniel Krechmer Anna Fudacz & Steven Montgomery Angie & Eric Niemeyer
Brooke & Gavin O’Connor Gennifer Hutchison & Andrew Ortner Abraham Higginbotham & Steven Petrarca Jessica & Justin Rhoades Lauren Katunich & David Rojas Jessica Lacy & Chris Sanata Hillary & Jermaine Turner Jennifer Mercer & Andrew Van Meter Andrea & Alan Waldman
Fund A Need Anonymous (2) Susanna Vettori & Steven Abraham Jamie Fudacz & Jason Benesh Lauren & Brendon Blincoe Alexandria & Eric Chapman Kimberly & Christopher Clarke Megan & Drew Conrad Julianne & Nicholas Davey Tomiko Martinez & Pierre Derbier Tania Tang & Paul Dluzniewski Lindsey & Shane Drasin Melanie & Thomas Elliott Natalia & Scott Ewalt Alicyn Packard & Jason Friedman Julie & Megan Galles Jennifer & Adam Gershon Barbara & Thomas Haake Julie & Lewis Henderson Lisa Loeb & Roey Hershkovitz Jenny & Christopher Hollier Thordis Howard Patty Tokahuta-Kelsey & Norman Kelsey Linda & Marc Kolin Shannan Rouss & Adam Krassenbaum
Mariah & Matthew Leavitt Jeanne-Marie & Chris Lindsay Marissa McMillon Janett & Karl Meyer Larry Sullivan & David Monahan Mimi & Mike Narducci Christine & Edward O’Flaherty Gennifer Hutchison & Andrew Ortner Daniela & Matt Osborn Tammy Rodriguez Lauren Katunich & David Rojas Ginifer King-Ruge & Jason Ruge Michelle & Daniel Sacchetto Jessica Lacy & Chris Sanata Dalhia Schuette Marissa & Danny Seeman Rania Shammas Hillary & Jermaine Turner Myriel & James Tyree Melinda & Mauricio Vazquez Carrie & Paolo Velasco Andrea & Alan Waldman Danielle & Josh Zaretsky 29
A Year in the Life of Music at Wesley It is July and I’m trying to find music for Winter Shows that I think our students can perform. Will they like it? Will they think it’s funny? Will they put across the meaningfulness of that lyric? Do we have music that culturally represents everyone? Will they feel included? Will they rap on beat? Is this song too difficult? Will they hold their part? Who will step up and play that instrument? Will they use the Boomwhacker? Will they wear that prop? What will they learn? These questions flood my brain as I start to put their folders together and prepare for the first day of music class in the new school year. AGHGHGHGHG!!!!!!!
We arrive at the first day of school in September and we are off and running. Welcome to the room where it happens! From September to December we have approximately 13 hours of Winter show preparation for each class. Those 13 hours are filled with rehearsing; where we will stand, how to get there, singing, rapping, clapping (on beat), props, dancing, and laughing. The minutes fly by! This time is also interjected with learning a dance for the Halloween parade, various Community projects, listening to music from the Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical periods AND learning the basic language of music so we can be successful in reading the sheet music. Magic is what happens in the music room at Wesley! After the winter break, we return to school still patting ourselves on the back following the success of our Winter performances, ready to
take our amazing performance skills and apply them to new projects. Before we begin to focus on these projects, we start January with music from the Nationalistic period marching respectively through the Romantic, Impressionist, 20th Century and 21st Century periods. The composers of these different time periods left us something to hear that affected the sound of our music today. Who writes this stuff and why? Who influenced who? Do they influence us and what we hear? These are some of the questions we try to answer as we listen to samplings of their music. Whether we are preparing the Generations Day performance, the Greek Festival music, the songs that coincide with California History, PRIDE month, Black History Month, Chumash Native American songs, MARP, Community projects, Parent/Teacher Appreciation, Culmination, Graduation, or just laughing our way through Aliens In Our Shoes, we ALWAYS “thread the needle” between the music room and the classroom. Along with
our teachers, we talk about the relevance of these songs in our world today and the reasons we are presenting them to our community. Some music is sung to help us feel better and some sung to stir things up. Some music soothes our soul and some scares us. Some songs are created to say thank you and some to say take care of us. Music can punctuate moments, memories, friendships, and experiences. Music and sound are very powerful tools that we use to be heard. How are we going to make our voices heard? To me, the magic in the room is when I hear our students risk being heard, encourage one another, express their ideas, team together with their classmates, laugh with each other, and express their joy. Music is a collaboration. I collaborate with teachers, staff, parents, and students for songs, words, dance moves, instruments, and ideas! We work together as a team benefiting our community and Wesley. That is magic! I cannot wait to get the magic started!
...the magic in the room is when I hear our students risk being heard, encourage one another, express their ideas, team together with their classmates, laugh with each other, and express their joy.
The Wesley School is a living, breathing entity that has been incredibly resilient.
Wesley School:
Reflective & Resilient It is that time of year when many of us on staff are asked to write an article for the Annual Report. I find one of the challenges for this is that the request comes during the summer months as we are leaning heavily into preparing for the upcoming school year and all the details that have to be attended to, checklists that have to be completed, and projects to get up and running. It feels a bit awkward then to sit down and write about the previous school year, which already seems buried in the rearview mirror. After all, it’s always about moving forward! And yet, the only way to move forward with positive energy is to reflect on the previous year and identify what worked and what didn’t and thereby set the path for the new year. And we all know this isn’t just any ol’ year for us; we are celebrating the 25th year since our founding. In that time, I have watched The Wesley School grow and evolve in ways I would never have imagined. It has only been possible because countless people have committed themselves to its success — from faculty and staff to parents, alums, and trustees. It has meant coming together time and time again to work through a challenging year and find solutions that have helped sustain us even when things seemed overwhelming. The Wesley School is a living, breathing entity that has been incredibly resilient. We made it through those awkward “teen” years and early 20-somethings. Now it’s time to move into full adulthood and embrace who we have become. With the launch of our new mission statement, an imminent head of school search, and the celebration of our 25th year, there is much to focus on and much to be proud of! I look forward to working alongside so many of you to continue the good work here at Wesley! Verena Denove associate head of school director of admissions & financial aid 33
Where Are They Headed?
The Wesley Class of 2023, comprised of 40 students, was accepted to 23 different high schools. Of those 23, they have chosen to matriculate to 12 - Archer, Buckley, Campbell Hall, Chaminade, Crespi, ESLA, Flintridge Prep, FSHA, Harvard-Westlake, Immaculate Heart, LACHSA, Louisville, Loyola, Marlborough, Marymount, Mayfield, Milken, Notre Dame, Oakwood, OVS, Providence, USC High School, and Viewpoint. As is the case with every graduating class, the schools that our students matriculate to are as diverse as our students - some are small and some are large, some are single gender and some are coed, some have strength in the arts and some in athletics, some offer very unique areas of study and others offer a more generalist approach, some have a religious affiliation and others do not. The singular goal is that each and every student lands at a school that is a good fit for them.
Equally impressive is the list of colleges that some members of the Wesley Class of 2019, comprised of 38 students, are choosing to attend. That list includes Arizona State University, Bard, Denison, Gonzaga, Indiana University, LMU, NYU, Pomona, Santa Barbara City College, Santa Clara University, Smith, Tulane, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Denver, University of Miami, University of Oregon, University of Richmond, University of Wisconsin, USC, and Wesleyan. Wesley Graduates and Wesley Alums - WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU! Lindsey Drasin • Parent to Milly (2nd Grade) director of communications & associate director of admissions 34
How Can I Give? CARD: You can make a gift by credit card in one or more installments by going to CASH/CHECK: If you would like to give by cash or check, you can send it by mail or bring it in to the school office. Checks should be made out to “The Wesley School” with “Annual Fund” in the memo. PLEDGE: If you would like to make a pledge to be paid before the end of the school year, email development@ with the amount you plan to give. MATCHING GIFT: Check with your employer’s HR department to see if they will match your gift. The Wesley School is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for your donation. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tax ID #95-4741072.
the wesley annual report is published by the development office Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication. If we have made an error or omission, please accept our apologies and contact the Development Office at development@ so we can correct our records. Thank you to all contributors to this publication, including: contributing writers: Traci Allen Jenny Hollier Greg Armbrister Mary McGregor Verena Denove David Monahan Lindsey Drasin Marie Natividad Juli Cavanaugh Luz Herrera-Olaya Julie Galles Tammy Rodriguez contributing photographers: Erick Delgado, Dyllan Fernandez, Sarah Francis, Tammy Rodriguez, Chris Sanata Photos for this report provided by the above photographers as well as a collection of talented parent and faculty volunteers.
4832 Tujunga Avenue | North Hollywood, CA 91601 818.508.4542 |
ww w.wesleyschool .org