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As we look toward Spring and the new beginnings it promises, the Board of Trustees is embarking on critical work that will inaugurate a new chapter in the life and growth of The Wesley School. One of the primary responsibilities of the Board is the definition and stewardship of the school’s mission. The Wesley mission statement, like all independent schools, describes the main goal of our institution and embodies the promise we make to our children. It is our guiding principle, our North Star. Every decision, whether operational or strategic, should align with the mission and the spirit of the mission should be tangible throughout the school, weaved into the culture, curriculum, and community.


The Wesley School builds confidence and encourages independence through a challenging academic program that stretches each student to reach the highest level of individual achievement within a supportive, nurturing environment. Wesley cultivates in students strong creative, physical, and spiritual foundations to prepare them to be productiveandrespectfulcontributorstoaglobalsociety.

Best practices recommend a school’s mission be reviewed and potentially revised or refined on a regular cycle to ensure it is a relevant, inspiring reflection of who we are and embodies the school we want to be. Wesley is overdue for such a review and The Board of Trustees is, therefore, eager to begin this important process which will fill its cup for the remainder of the school year and summer. Trustees will be expertly guided byoureducationalconsultantsfromthefirmMission&Data:

Anne-Marie Balzano, EdD is Mission & Data's Senior Governance Strategist. In her role, she designs learning opportunities for heads of school and boards and leads Mission & Data's Strategic Planning Practice and Governance Support Services. She is a former teacher, head of school, associate professor, and most recently, Head of School of Leadership and Governance at the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) Anne-Marie is a trusted advisor to schools across the country, facilitating board retreats and educating boards of trustees on effective governance practices and trends, supporting resilience in heads of school, and building a positive board culture. Independent school trustees and heads of school know Anne-Marie as the chief editor of The Board Chair Handbook and the host of NAIS’s governance podcast, The Trustee Table

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