Welcome to Women of WESOS, a thriving group of female entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, and business builders. What bonds us together is our entrepreneurial spirit and our commitment to supporting each other through collaboration instead of competition.
All that to say
you! Our
of entrepreneurship regardless
We are committed to cultivating authentic relationships while providing ongoing mutual support and resources for growing your business. To learn more about Women Entrepreneurs Secrets of Success, please visit: Website: Facebook: Linkedin:
Welcome We are a vibrant and engaged in-person and online community of international women. WESOS has created a welcoming environment and powerful platform for women like you with a focus on empowering women through our online community, live networking events, and our quarterly magazine.
simply: women of WESOS serves women just like
members are at various stages
of ethnicity, age, race, sexual identity, religion or political affiliation.
are not category specific - we invite all women to join us with a nurturing attitude to help others grow their business and become successful
Spots On The Fox The Ingenuity of Mutual Support in Networking Spotlight on Megan Holly 6 Tips for becoming more charismatic WESOS Foundation My Super Powers! Foundation The Answer is...women 18 06 24 10 36 34 14
Magazine Design by SmartFem Media Group
Jen Hall
It’s our inaugural issue!
Almost 12 months of planning and we are finally here!
The experts these days say we need to be creating video content on TikTok and Instagram. They say we need an email funnel and to be active on LinkedIn and Facebook and not to forget about having a presence on Pinterest if we want our business to grow and thrive and be known. What about a magazine? Do people still read magazines? Will a magazine help the women in our community grow and thrive and be known?
I do believe WESOS has achieved success with publishing our very first issue of WOW Entrepreneur Magazine. Success is defined as the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Now, more than ever, women have the power and the platform and a purpose to change lives, have their voices heard, and show the world how amazing they are! We set a goal to launch this magazine in the fall of 2022 and here we are…success!
It is my hope for you to find education, entertainment, and strength in the pages of each quarterly issue we publish. I hope the stories of the women entrepreneurs we share with you inspire you to become the very best version of yourself. Most of all, it is my hope that you continue to find mutual support in growing successful businesses!
I’m happy to be on this journey with you,
Jen Ha
CEO Women Entrepreneurs Secrets of Success (WESOS) Editor WOW Entrepreneur Magazine
The Ingenuity of Mutual Support in Networking
Have you ever heard this 1972 song, Lean on Me, written and sung by Bill Withers? The song’s message has stood the test of time largely because it is the cornerstone of successful relationships.
Take a moment to reflect on the relationships in your life. Do you feel good helping someone else succeed, overcome a challenge, or just feel better? We hope you can say yes because these wonderful, time-tested lyrics sum up the spirit and culture of WESOS and the way its members support and network within the WESOS Community.
The WESOS Community
It’s interesting that the word “compatibility” comes up often when talking about the culture of WESOS. We’ve all met countless WESOS Sisters in our community who we can lean on for support. And we have all been there to help WESOS Sisters who need to lean
in and depend on us. Situations in business and life get challenging, and every woman in the WESOS Community knows she has an army of other women who have her back and are there to support her.
This is exactly why all WESOS meetings close with the leader asking, “How would your life and business change if you surrounded yourself with a community of women that refuse to let you fail? That’s WESOS.” This WESOS message is intentionally all about
sharing mutual support within our community.
Not every WESOS Sister vibes with every other WESOS Sister, but the goal is to find “your tribe” within our community. Make a point to find someone with whom you are compatible and share the same energy. When you do, you can be confident that you will have each other’s backs.
Ultimately, in this universe, we get what we give. If you are part of the
“Lean on me when you’re not strong, and I’ll be your friend; I’ll help you carry on.
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For it won’t be long ’til I’m gonna need somebody to lean on.”
WESOS Community and you are not feeling supported, it may benefit you to reflect and self-assess who it is you are supporting.
Tribes Versus Cliques
It’s important to differentiate between finding your tribe and forming a clique. Although a tribe and a clique may seem like similar social constructs, they are not the same thing!
So, what does “your tribe” mean? The definition can be culturally fluent, but whatever the meaning is exactly, we know that when we say, “I’ve found my tribe,” it feels good. As part of a tribe, we are connected and comforted. A tribe is a safe place where everyone understands you and your ways.
On the other hand, we never hear the words “I’m so happy I found my clique.” Here’s why. The word “clique” immediately puts us on our guard, thinking about mean girls who may judge us. Cliques may make us feel inferior because we don’t “fit in” with them.
A “tribe” inherently feels more inclusive than exclusive (like a clique). Finding and hanging with “your people” presents an entirely different energy than guarding and keeping others from entering your group, which is how we see a clique.
Celebrating Our Differences
Not everyone has to be the same, and in fact, it’s impossible. Therefore, it’s common to find out something about another person and think, “She’s not for me, and I don’t want to get to know her if she thinks that.”
If we don’t get a good vibe from someone, it’s merely because our energies don’t match. It doesn’t make someone else wrong or bad or us right or better. We are all doing our best with the information and resources we have at any given moment.
When we feel compelled to judge, we need to realize it’s just our ego protecting our need to be “right.” By default, it means that the
other person may seem “wrong.” However, none of us should make a judgment on another living soul. There is no reason to judge, label, or condemn others with whom you don’t connect. Playing into that judgment game creates unnecessary drama and strife in our lives.
Wouldn’t we all rather live in a society that celebrates our differences and accepts all people into it even though we might not be best friends with every single one of them? Despite our differences, we can all make the world a better place by learning to lean on each other in a friendly, caring way that offers mutual support.
Mutual Support Sets WESOS Apart
Being part of an incredible community of women supporting women is the secret to so many WESOS Sisters’ success. Stop and think about the WESOS Sisters you are supporting right now and which Sisters are helping you. Let those thoughts and feelings fill you and know that you are part of an exceptional community of women who will always have your back.
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Jean LaVallie
Founder, WESOS Network
Jean LaVallie is the Founder of Women Entrepreneurs’ Secrets of Success (WESOS Network), a membershipbased women’s networking organization that serves over 7,000 women and their companies through active and dynamic relationship-building forums, events, and opportunities. After nearly a decade as an entrepreneur and leader of WESOS, Jean has learned that true, meaningful collaboration among the community yields measurable results.
Under Jean’s leadership, WESOS has blossomed from a single chapter to over 25 chapters across the U.S. To date, Jean has supported thousands of women in their personal and professional growth. WESOS has accomplished this by providing an environment of intentional tools and resources, meet-ups, events, and hands-on customized coordination. Jean’s own experience both in and out of the workforce is what helps make WESOS so uniquely responsive and effective when it comes to meeting the needs of its community members. For 25 years, she was a stay-at home mom who simultaneously dabbled in entrepreneurship. Early on, she began a local children’s clothing line —and she loved every minute of it. Once her kids left the nest, she came to the realization that her value proposition was helping other women find their own love of entrepreneurship and success.
Jean and her husband recently moved to Colorado to be closer to her children and grandchildren.
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Tips for becoming more charismatic
By Lea Woodford
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Charisma is a skill set that the most successful leaders have. Throughout history, we have seen examples of people who inspire extraordinary outcomes from ordinary people. Charisma isn’t easily understood, as it is not something you are born with; it’s something you cultivate. For a professional speaker charisma is a must in order to connect with your audience.
Charisma has nothing to do with your age or dress size, although it helps to be attractive and in shape. There is good news is, however, you can learn it. Some of the most charismatic leaders were not always the most attractive. Winston Churchill and Mother Theresa were some of the worlds most influential and charismatic leaders, while neither were considered particularly attractive.
What is charisma?
Charisma can be used as a noun but is much more powerful when used as a verb. Charismatic people possess three common traits: confidence, a presence and are very likable.
Confidence is charismatic. When you are confident, you are exuding the best version of yourself to others. People are naturally attracted to people who are sure of themselves.
Presence is the feeling that you get when someone charismatic is speaking. Charismatic people can make you feel important and
that your thoughts and opinions matter. They are great listeners and allow others to partake in the conversation.
Likability is what draws us to charismatic people. They are naturally friendly and inspire trust immediately. They are a joy to be around, and this is what generates charisma.
Here are Six ways to improve your charisma
Try these techniques to build confidence, presence, and likability to become more charismatic:
1.Talk about your passions
Have you ever noticed how people
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light up when discussing their passions? When meeting new people, discuss things you love and are excited about, as excitement is contagious. It will also ease your anxiety when meeting someone new. Discussing something you love will not only make you more charismatic, but it is a great confidence builder.
2.Be an active listener.
People’s most significant challenge is listening actively with intent. So many people are in the habit of interrupting and interjecting when someone else is talking. When speaking with others, try to make a habit of listening to them with focus. People want to be seen and heard; they will feel heard and validated if you practice listening without interrupting them. Active listening is one of the traits that the most charismatic people practice. They are not checking their phone or doing anything other than listening to the conversation.
3.Eye Contact
Having consistent eye contact is a must while having conversations. It demonstrates that you are genuinely interested in what someone is saying. It is essential to
make eye contact but not so much that it becomes a stare and makes people feel uncomfortable. If this makes you uncomfortable, focus on their eyebrows or nose, as they won’t be able to tell the difference.
People you speak with won’t be able to tell the difference when you do this. Remember looking around when you are talking to someone makes them uncomfortable and shows them that you don’t value the conversation.
4.Ask clarifying questions
Ask multiple questions for clarity when talking to a subject matter expert on a specific topic. Asking questions shows the person that you are interested and actively involved in the conversation. When you ask questions, it also opens up opportunities for the exchange to go in other directions.
5.Demonstrate a genuine interest
Only seven percent of communication is verbal, so it is crucial to master non-verbal clues. Facial expressions, hand gestures, and voice inflection can demonstrate excitement and interest in the topic you are discussing. Practicing general interest and active listening makes
the person you speak with feel more valued.
6.Keep things light and positive
We have all heard that you shouldn’t discuss religion or politics with people you don’t know. Keeping things light and positive will put others at ease and keep them engaged. You will be helping position yourself as a person who is comfortable to be around. Meeting new people can be one of the most stressful events for some people, so keeping the conversation light and positive will go a long way to ease the discomfort of others.
Charisma is a skill most people aren’t born with but rather one cultivated. It is a matter of learning the skills and practicing them.
Charisma is a skill set that will serve you well in virtually every aspect of your life regarding school, jobs, friends, and relationships.
In conclusion, being charismatic gives you a magnetic presence, allowing you to attract the right people who believe in you and your endeavors. Charisma is an essential life skill and not something most people are automatically born with but rather something they learn. Look at some of the most influential leaders of our time, such as Oprah, Steve Jobs, and even Abraham Lincoln; they all had charisma.
If you want to change your life and your business, learn how to harness the power of charisma.
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Lea Woodford is the Chief Executive Officer and founder of the SmartFem Media Group, full-service digital marketing, and advertising company. SmartFem was created as a result of her many years as a publicist, columnist, and as Radio & TV Personality. Lea has extensive experience as a media personality and developed her own segments for ABC, NBC, CBS as well as Fox Networks. One of her favorite projects was “Looking for Love with Lea,” a popular Thursday night radio call in show for singles. Lea has also chaired, organized and Emcee’d for a number of organizations including non-profits such as Camp Soaring Eagle, American Heart Association, Make A Wish, Alice Cooper’s Solid Rock Foundation, and St. Judes Hospital. Lea became an international
speaker in 2007. She has been on multi-city tours and has shared the stage with some of the world’s most respected speakers. When it comes to speaking, Lea is a breath of fresh air, focusing on relationships, innovation, and change to drive business. Her inspirational stories and humor will engage audiences to start thinking bigger. Lea speaks from experience as she shares her stories on making her online magazine into a full-service digital marketing and advertising company. She encourages her audience to think bigger and bolder about their own business. Lea motivates her audience, in the same manner, she motivates her team, “find your voice.” Lea shares her ups and downs as well as her successes and failures – to give your audience a fresh perspective on marketing, leadership, innovation, and customer service.
Online marketing, and social media expert, Lea shares the latest trends to help companies move to the next level in the ever-changing digital space. Lea is an expert and a top speaker. She walks her talk. She will impart valuable information in a fun and entertaining way and will leave your audience wanting more.
• Named "Dynamic Woman of the Year," by Phoenix Business Journal
• Amazon Prime TV Talk Show Host
• Founded SmartFem Media Group
• Created and Hosts the SmartFem Success Summit
• Corporate Event Planner
• International Speaker
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The Answer is... women
Over the past few years how we hire and work has evolved – largely, to meet our ever-changing circumstances. From raising and taking care of our families, to all things COVID-related, there has been an exodus of women from the traditional 9-to-5 work week. Now more than ever we need a solution for parents who need to be at home and want to provide financially for their families. The new wave of worker is the Freelancer, and it’s perfect for those who need a little flexibility.
Dawn Wellott, CEO of SmartMomGig. com has seen more than her fair share of this first-hand, having worked for 20 years in the corporate
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world; leaving it to care for her son for two years (due to a sinceresolved health issue); and now running the platform she created to benefit women and businesses, nationwide. Her goal of providing a work solution for everyone needing to work less than 40 hours a week and on their schedule is now a reality.
We’re all unique individuals. Trying to force each of us into the mold of the traditional 9-to-5 job no longer makes sense. Some of us work best in the morning. For others, it might be late at night. These ultraproductive windows are our “peak performance” periods. These are the times when we get the most done.
According to a recent survey by McKinsey & Company, if a workfrom-home option were available, 87 percent of American workers would take it. Clearly, remote work has become the more prevalent choice, when available –
regardless of geographic locations, occupations, and demographics.
The technology of the last few decades has made remote work a reality for a variety of jobs and has made us more efficient and more productive. As we’re looking forward, remote work is our new “normal”. It’s not going anywhere, anytime soon.
Many business owners are outsourcing and hiring freelancers, to grow their businesses. This saves them time and money and it gives them top talent working on their projects. It also gets their tasks completed, quickly and efficiently. They can build a team of skilled freelancers, without needing to bring on full-time or part-time employees – saving the headaches of wading through piles of resumés, scheduling and performing numerous interviews, paying exorbitant health insurance and tax costs, and all of the other added time and expense drains involved.
Not to mention, not having to suffer through having made the wrong hiring choice and having to endure it, for ages.
In addition, they are supporting local and expanded economies, by keeping women in the workforce. They’re creating the remote, freelance jobs women are seeking, to maintain the flexibility they need. The secondary income in most households is what increases spending on local entertainment, sports, restaurants, daycare, salons, pet stores, and much more. This bolsters society, by trickling up – from individuals, to local businesses, to cities, to counties, to states - and, ultimately, to benefiting our country’s economy, as a whole.
While there are a few freelance staffing options out there, those that don’t charge a signup fee, have on-going monthly subscription costs, or charge extra to communicate with the person
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doing the work for you, make up a very short list. is at the top of that short list and is the best option out there. It is an effective and affordable solution to get your business’ tasks and projects completed. They are one of the only freelance sites specializing in short, task-based jobs (or Gigs, as they call them). You can split up a big project and post a Gig (at a set rate) for just the portion of the work you want done. This allows you to do the parts of the project you do LIKE to do and have time for, while allowing the worker (aka Guru) to concentrate on their task and deliver you highquality work.
The platform is secure and easy-to-use, as well as being an excellent solution to addressing Diversity Equity & Inclusion issues. The Gurus are vetted and US-based. You communicate with them via the platform (discussing details of what you need done, exchanging files, reviewing progress, suggesting edits, etc.). Once you mark the Gig as Completed, then the Guru
gets paid through the secure platform. even handles the 1099s!
Working with SmartMomGig. com’s Gurus lets you access expertise for a variety taskswhen you need them and for how long you need them. With so much more free time on your hands, you can finally get around to doing all the things you’ve been putting off - or just enjoy some relaxation timesecure in the knowledge your tasks and projects are getting completed.
It’s the ultimate Win-Win-Win. You Win by getting tasks done and gaining more time to use as you choose, while keeping more of your revenue in your pocket. Women Freelance Workers Win by staying in the workforce, keeping up on their skills, and having the flexibility they and their families need. We All Win, by supporting our most valuable resource, women - wherever they are.
Women, especially skilled freelance women, truly are The Answer you’ve been looking for and we have them at
Dawn Wellott, CEO of, is an expert at creating efficiency and effectiveness in workflow, with 20 years of corporate experience in Leadership, Demand Management, and Corporate Training. She is a certified Gallup Strengths Coach, entrepreneur, and mother of two exceptional children, who support her in her endeavor to pair business owners and entrepreneurs with a skilled remote workforce of stay-at-home moms and professional women. Dawn’s long-standing goal of empowering women to stay in the workforce, update their skills, and help them provide for themselves and their families is the motivation that drove her to create the platform.
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What began as Spots On The FOX, an online shopping initiative to support and connect businesses in one local community during the pandemic, has become a rapidly expanding network of local and national niche initiatives aimed at helping small business owners thrive and survive while doing what they love. Today, that network, known as Spots Initiatives, is branching out into communities across the nation, and founders and owners Kiel and Ana Tredrea couldn’t be more excited.
When the pandemic hit in 2020, Kiel and Ana had to resort to almost exclusively engaging in online shopping due to Ana being autoimmune compromised and having young children at home. As small business owners themselves, they quickly noticed the massive gap between enjoying
the convenience of online shopping and being able to support small businesses in their local community.
Realizing that the community needed a convenient online platform that still allowed customers to shop and support multiple local businesses at once led to the creation of their flagship initiative of Spots On The FOX. This concept allowed them and others in their community to support small local businesses while providing customers with value and a unique shopping experience.
Best of all, the platform has proven itself useful well beyond the pandemic as has become for many an essential way to shop locally.
“Spots On The FOX has given our local small business owners the ability to connect and network with other small shops while giving them the exposure they need to
grow their businesses online and share local audiences,” explains Kiel. “Our vendors have been able to benefit from new exposure from other local shops and discover new customers. It also gives local shoppers the ability to support and promote the local shops they love from home.”
The success of their first regional model soon turned into an opportunity for Ana and Kiel to imagine something even greater. This led them to create Spots Initiatives, an umbrella company that allows them to partner with and support entrepreneurs in other regions (and industries) throughout the country as they harness the existing framework to support their own communities in much the same way.
For Spots Initiatives, the journey in 2022 has been characterized by innovation, value, and expansion. “We have so many new features
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and expansions on the horizon as well as vetted professionals and partnerships that will take our vendors to the next level,” notes Kiel. Not only do Kiel and Ana continue to support their existing vendors and local shoppers with enhancements and refinements all the time, but they also have added two national niche initiatives: Spots Junior and Author Spots. Spots Junior was born from the desire to support and nurture young, entrepreneurially minded individuals with a way to access the power of the Spots platform. Young creatives, ages 13–17, have their own branded storefronts on which to share and sell their work. With Spots Junior, teenagers with passion, ambition, and innovation are encouraged and allowed to thrive and blossom while gaining the knowledge, opportunity, and experience of turning their dream into a real business.
Author Spots came out of the reality that authors, especially those publishing independently, don’t always get compensated fairly for their work. When selling on the big retail sites, the percentage they actually earn is
negligible. Author Spots ensures that these creatives take home 100% of their profits, and they get to build a strong creative community with other authors as well.
Even more exciting is the beginning of regional expansions for Spots Initiatives with Mile High Spots, which will be launching in the Denver area soon, as well as Spots On The Gulf in Florida. Plus, several other regional expansions are in the works!
As Kiel and Ana look toward the future of their company, their
authentic and earnest dream to help others succeed and thrive ensures that Spots On The FOX— and now all the partners involved in Spots Initiatives—will continue to be an essential part of the local communities and industries they serve.
Online shopping is an essential part of everyday living, and small local businesses can benefit from a more robust virtual presence. What would your community look like with a dedicated online platform that helps support your local entrepreneurs?
Spots Initiatives streamlines the creation of local online marketplaces. Each initiative in our network is run by a Spots Expansion Partner. These partners promote and grow their own “shop local” initiative with vendors from their community to help shoppers discover and support small businesses in their area.
We invite you to visit www. and launch your own Spots Initiative in your local community today!
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My name is Ana and I am 33 years old. I am a loving mother of two wonderful babies; an almost three year old named Owen and a one year old named Willow.
My husband, children, dog and family are my reason for existing. We wanted to pass down to our children the spirit of being business owners and caring for our community. No matter where they are at, small local business is the backbone of our economy and must be well supported.
My husband has always owned his small business, and I always worked for corporate America. But ever since we became parents and I quit my job to become a stay at home mom, I started to truly appreciate the beauty of being my own boss, to make my own schedule and to embrace the ups and downs of following my own dream and turning it into a reality.
That’s one of the reasons that we founded Spots On The FOX and expanded to Spots Initiatives. As small business owners, we wanted to be able to support each other.
Spots On The FOX is the one-stop-shop for local online shopping. We are incredibly proud to have gotten this far and cannot wait to see what the next few years bring, as we continue to grow Spots Initiatives and thrive within more local communities.
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Megan Hoy
Spotlight on Megan Hoy
By Jill Cooke
As a woman of nearly 6’, I felt the urge to make myself shorter when Megan Holly walked into the confectionary fairytale called the “All Chocolate Kitchen” in Geneva, IL. I knew immediately though, that this girl, all of 5 feet nothing, with enviable purple hair and a gleam in her eyes, was someone I wanted to learn a lot more about. It was palpable. Sitting with Megan immediately stirs intrigue as her creativity is like an adventure you know you are about to embark on.
I believe people are born with their gifts. Sometimes those gifts are discovered, developed, and displayed early, like child prodigies, pianists, mathematicians, and imaginateurs, but sometimes, they show up later. We all have a story.
This is Megan’s.
As a young professional, fresh out of college with a degree in Human Development and Family Services, Megan Holly followed
her calling towards outreach and education and became a teacher. Her exuberant sense of curiosity, appreciation and interaction with the world’s beauty and creativity, and compassion for people were the perfect recipe for an educator role. Teaching 3-5-year old’s is where Megan first applied her talents, and my mind’s eye brings visions of a magical time for those young learners in Megan’s care. For 4 years, innocent and curious minds were blessed to have Megan lead them into worlds of adventure and learning.
True creators often express their art in a number of ways, and one of Megan’s expressions is dance. Dancers communicate message and emotion through creative physical movement, telling stories and evoking feelings with no words at all. When the opportunity to join and contribute her passion and talents to DanceForce a Dance Company in Bolingbrook Megan flourished and quickly rose to the position Managing Director. A
Managing Director with a pebble in her shoe. Although she loved what she did and who she worked with, she knew there had to be more…
When we aren’t living our best lives and using our gifts to bring joy and fulfillment to ourselves and others, it’s like having a pebble in our shoe. The pebble may change shape, size, and sharpness throughout time, but it’s always there.
Megan grew up in a world of routine and predictability. This
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provided a layer of comfort and safety and helped Megan learn that risks exist and should be managed. Operating within this comfort of conformity, Megan explored the world from the safety of her own imagination through the lens of a camera. She captured beauty, intrigue, curiosity, humor, and moments; the first glimmers of Megan’s best “yet to come.”
However, The same environment that made Megan feel safe also made her feel stuck. Stuck in the inevitability of the same patterns as those who went before her. Find a stable job working for somebody, somewhere, doing something. So, Megan did, still carrying the pebble in her shoe, but the pebble got bigger and sharper. There was a gnawing inside of her that wouldn’t relent, so she did something about it. She started thinking. The journey had begun.
What do I love to do? What am I good at? What brings me happiness? Her camera called to her. Her lifelong love of capturing and creating through a lens beckoned her, and her journey began, but not without fear and hesitation. Although Megan was doing all of the right “mind work”; thinking about her talents and passions and how to use them, she still had a fear mindset, avoidant of unpredictability and risk. She had a very stable
job that fit the criteria of the pattern of those before her; doing something, for someone, somewhere. The idea of leaving was terrifying, but after months of being on the fence about what to do, she was gently nudged from the universe with a parting gift from the program…termination of the position.
Did Megan immediately start the journey down her own path, using her love of photos and video to capture and create? No. She did what so many of us do. She dove headfirst into job-seeking apps and websites, looking for her new safety net. The safety net that might quiet the gnawing in her spirit and finally remove the pebble from her shoe. She was operating from a place of fear, feeling as if there was no time to waste, that she must find a new job as soon as possible to start bringing in money again. Did she find it? Of course not. Did she quickly realize she chased the wrong rabbit down the wrong
hole? No. It was Megan’s husband who looked her in the eye and convinced her to just “Stop for a minute”. He helped Megan realize her true calling wasn’t waiting for her on a job board. He encouraged and supported her and helped her take that terrifying first step.
That journey… you know, the one of 1000 miles? It really does begin with a single step.
Megan’s first step led her to a Women’s Empowerment Conference in California, even though there was a voice in her head telling her NOT to go. Spending money while not making any seemed irresponsible. The other voice, the gnawing in her spirit, and the ever-sharpening pebble in her shoe spoke louder though, and Megan went.
During a break from events and speakers, Megan ran across two woman entrepreneurs on the beach who asked her if she would be interested in shooting some candid beach photos. In the process of capturing these shots, on a beach, over 2000 miles from her home, it all came together.
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Megan not only captured the beautiful images, she captured the moment and the story behind it. Megan had found her path.
Now, as founder and master creator at “Little Powerhouse Branding,” Megan helps business owners develop, shape, and share their stories through media. She meets people wherever they are on their journey and gently supports them while they work through the process of identifying exactly who they are and the message they want to share. She helps entrepreneurs tell their stories, knowing the stories behind the business are what people relate to, and good marketing brings customers to businesses. In addition to media creation, Megan offers a mentorship program that
helps companies develop their brand and strategy, develop and set goals and streamline operations. Most recently, she launched an 8-week Master Class that guides clients through the entire process from mindset and confidence through creation and development, concluding with a launch and celebration.
A lifelong resident of the Plainfield area, in her leisure time, Megan enjoys spending time with her friends, family, and two pups, Osbourne and Harlow. She enjoys nature, dance, and deep conversations (with willing participants, she adds).
Say “Hello” to your Sister!
To reach out to Megan:
Connect on social at: FB: meganhollycreates
IG: meganhollycreates
Visit her website:
Text or call: 747-999-2410
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About the Spotlight Author
Jill Cooke is a licensed Real Estate Broker with RE/MAX All Pro out of St. Charles, IL. After spending more than 20 years in Operations, Finance, and Human Resources, Jill left the corporate world and got her real estate license in response to her experience with several agents during a very trying season for her family. Moving four times in four years, Jill and her husband were shocked at the agents’ lack of experience, integrity, and compassion they met during this time.
Jill’s deep compassion for people, unquenchable thirst for learning, and strong business acumen were the perfect combination that supported her in becoming a successful agent, fulfilled by educating, empowering, and helping her clients.
Jill has three grown children and two grandchildren and lives in the NW Suburbs of Chicago with her husband, two dogs, and one cat. She enjoys reading, time spent in nature, arts and culture, and time with her family.
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Developing leaders. Increasing confidence. Discovering new talent. Inspiring creativity. Learning new ski s. Building relationships…. making an everlasting di erence in the lives of t ns in our co unity. Alice Cooper’s Solid Rock Teen Centers inspire and challenge teens to embrace excellence and reach their full potential. Maintaining “a teen’s worst enemy is too much time on their hands,” The Rock provides FREE after school training in music, dance, photography and art as well as vocational training in sound/recording, staging/lighting, video production and more, in a cool, supervised facility for teens 12-20 to engage with their peers. come discover your talent! Visit or join our Facebook page at Alice Cooper’s Solid Rock. 13625 N. 32nd St., Phx, AZ 85032 602-522-9200. Coming this fall, Alice Cooper ’s The Rock Teen Center in Mesa.
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We want kids to embrace their unique qualities and strive to give them opportunities to showcase their abilities and unique perspectives on topics that they care about.
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Why did you start this organization? How has it grown or changed over time?
I have always had a strong interest in helping kids understand that they matter and to give them a platform for sharing their passions and creativity. Through my other business, Stacey M Design, for years I organized service projects and donated social emotional learning resources to youth groups and community organizations. Even though I had help from family and friends, I could not grow or even sustain those effort alone.
Initially we were known for our innovative kid-led service learning projects and our signature KidPowered Friendship Dinner Fundraiser. This year we introduced an exciting new initiative called Our Voice! Our Power!. Through this program we organize events that allow youth to share their unique stories using their own voices.
For our inaugural event we had 2 youths share how they are different. One presenter was neurodivergent and the other had hearing loss. Both youth had little experience with public speaking. However, they were both brave and shared their stories beautifully. In
2023 we are planning more of that type of programming.
We are still a fairly new organization. We have a small, yet committed board. As we remain focused on our mission, we are growing by taking advantage of new opportunities. We have other organizations reaching out to us to partner. We have increased brand recognition. In the 2 short years that we have been in existence, we are proud that we are reaching more and more youth.
Tell us about your background. How does it relate to your position
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in My Super Power Community?
I am an author, illustrator, and social emotional learning innovator. My passion for empowering children started as a young adult when I became frustrated with the lack of positive diverse images in the marketplace. I was reminded of moments during my childhood of feeling out of place and unaccepted. I felt different from the world around me. This led me to create a line of stationery and gifts that featured my original illustrations of diverse children. My goal was for children to see themselves in my illustrations and
feel good about themselves.
Years later, as a mom to an amazing son, I was frustrated with his experience at school. He had difficulty fitting in. The strategies of the schools, though wellintentioned, resulted in his feeling unempowered and even more like an outsider.
These combined experiences led me to develop an SEL program that emphasizes self-reflection as a strategy to increase both selfawareness and social awareness— two of the core competencies of social emotional learning.
I carry the same passion for helping kids to the My Super Powers! Foundation. Serving kids in a unique way that is centered on their creativity, their voices, and their hands-on involvement is important to me and is part of the foundation of the My Super Powers! Foundation.
Describe your mission. How is this mission making a positive impact in your community?
The mission of the My Super Powers! Foundation is to empower kids. We want kids to embrace their unique qualities and strive to give them opportunities to showcase their abilities and unique perspectives on topics that they care about.
Here are some numbers to show our impact in 2022.
• 85 kids participated in our 4 service projects
• 2 kids presented in our Our Voice! Our Power! event and 18 attended
• 89 veterans benefited from our Valentine’s Day project
•50+ bags of groceries were filled at our food drive
•25 Meals on Wheels clients received placemats made by a kindergarten class
•15 dog blankets were made at our dog blanket making project
We expect to serve 50+ more kids in 2022!
Who do you help/serve?
We serve kids and young adults 5-21. We also serve various members of the community through our service projects.
What are your goals for the next three to five years?
Our goal is to increase the number of youth we serve by partnering with other nonprofits, schools, and community organizations. We also have a fairly large educational project that is in the works, but I cannot share those details yet!
Email us at
visit us on FB @mysuperpowersfoundation
Photo credits. Headshot- Soma’s Photography; Food Drive photo- Megan Holly Artist
How can someone get involved with helping your organization?
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Stacey Montgomery is a social-emotional learning innovator. She is the founder of Stacey M Design and the My Super Powers! Foundation. She is the author of 7 confidence-building guided journals for kids, including her latest title, What Makes You A Leader?, and she created social-emotional learning (SEL) curricula for elementary schools. Stacey is also the mom of an amazing son, Isaiah.
Isaiah did not have a positive experience in school. He had difficulty fitting in, had few friends, and was regularly bullied. Her son’s experiences informed her approach to SEL and led her to develop programs that emphasize self-reflection as a strategy to increase both self-awareness and social awareness. The goals of Stacey’s programs are for children to understand that they matter. The joy on the faces of children when they come to the realization that they are awesome just the way they are is what motivates her.
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For Advertising or Media Inquiries email
WESOS Foundation
Women have tremendous untapped potential.
Studies have shown that advancing women’s equality and participation as entrepreneurs ultimately can boost the global economy by more than $5 trillion To this end, the WESOS Foundation is on a mission to empower women and build economic empowerment through their women-owned businesses.
WESOS is inclusive of all races, ages, classes, and religions and aspires to become a richly diverse group of women who reflect all aspects of womanhood. As such, the
mission of the WESOS Foundation is to empower women who have been marginalized by society and have become economically disadvantaged due to lack of education, divorce, incarceration, housing insecurity, domestic abuse, and/or traumatic events.
The WESOS Foundation knows that networks are critical for small business success. Just like the old adage, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime,” when you just give an entrepreneur money, you only support them in the short term whereas when you provide that
entrepreneur with access to a thriving networking community, you can support them and their business indefinitely.
To that end, the WESOS Foundation is strategically poised to utilize its successful peer-to-peer WESOS Network to encourage and support women, plan for growth, and embrace innovation. The WESOS Foundation works closely with the WESOS Network, which comprises thousands of female entrepreneurs across the country, to provide scholarships, mentoring, professional development opportunities, and WESOS Network annual memberships to the women in its grant program.
WESOS Foundation Grant Programs
Through grants, the WESOS Foundation offers a variety of empowerment opportunities for its beneficiaries.
Scholarships: The WESOS Foundation provides participants with funds to cover start-up costs for the needs of their business enterprise.
Mentorship: Women from within the WESOS Network are positioned to provide tools and resources to support new female entrepreneurs through the WESOS Foundation. These mentors provide support to women navigating difficult situations by offering operational and logistical advice, feedback on strategy and business plans, and so much more.
Professional Development: Tapping into the WESOS Network, the WESOS Foundation provides
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panel discussions, seminars, and retreats designed to meet the needs of women business owners.
In monthly 1:1s (one-on-ones) within the program, participants focus on facets of establishing and growing their businesses, such as developing a business plan, engaging in effective marketing, and learning about management.
WESOS Network Annual Memberships: The WESOS Foundation also provides annual memberships in the WESOS Network. The value of a WESOS membership goes so much deeper than the money it costs. As members of the network, these women are surrounded by a community of other women who refuse to let them fail in business and in life.
Origins of the WESOS Foundation
As a young woman fresh out of college, I got an entry-level position at a major downtown Chicago insurance agency. Of course, I was thrilled to get a job just months out of college! I worked hard and was rewarded with a promotion within months of employment. Within a year, the Vice President of Claims offered me the position of Director of Claims. At this time, I believed that if I worked hard enough, I would quickly climb to new heights on the ladder of success.
Thirty-some-odd years later, I realized that belief to be false. After 25 years as a stay-at-home mom, I was quickly faced with the cold hard truth. Success has an age limit no matter how competent,
hardworking, or dedicated you were.
This hit home for me, a 50-yearold, middle-class, college-educated white woman. Here I was looking for the most basic of jobs, but I still needed someone to hire me. Well, that never happened. No one would give me a chance even to answer their phones. I felt like I had timed out. It was frustrating to say the least.
This is how the idea for the WESOS Foundation was born. I realized that everyone needs connections and encouragement to be the most successful person they can be. The WESOS Network provides that connective and encouraging community. But what about the woman who is escaping an abusive relationship? Or the woman coming out of incarceration? Or the woman
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in a third-generation welfare family? Don’t these marginalized women get an opportunity to show their genius? Don’t their great business ideas get a chance to bloom? But how would they even know where to start?
That is exactly what the WESOS Foundation Grant program provides: A real start in business through connections within the fantastic WESOS Network community, mentorship from some of incredible business coaches volunteering with the foundation, and seed money to bring their ideas to life!
Board Support
Established in 2018 by me and my business partner at the time, the WESOS Foundation got off to a shaky start with no attention to
details or a solid business plan and goals. Of course, the pandemic put just about every business on pause for a good year, so during that time, I started to put the pieces of the WESOS Foundation puzzle together. Some of those pieces include the incomparable people that make up our advisory board.
WESOS Platinum Sponsor Jade Carpenter has stood by the WESOS Foundation through all its ups and downs and now is its chief advisor and legal counsel. Her input is indispensable. I also spent many hours during the pandemic speaking with my niece, Annie Davis-Korlc, who is the Director of Social Impact and Outreach for the Chicago Blackhawks Foundation, managing the organization’s investments and programs that demonstrate its dedication to the community and fans. Annie
volunteered to create the structure the foundation it so desperately needed. Annie, Jade, and I met for more than a year piecing together the details of the WESOS Grant program and getting very excited about truly supporting women in business!
Realizing we needed more help, we asked the incredible Dawn Huddleston (WESOS Network COO) to join us on the advisory board. We also asked her to help with some of the operations for the foundation. Dawn happily said yes!
Just recently, the WESOS Foundation added Adam Eberhardt to our advisory board. In addition to being married to WESOS’s lead counsel, Adam is the program director at the Robert Crown Community Center.
Partnerships Are Welcome
To thrive, our mission requires partnerships. Making a difference in someone’s life is a collaborative effort as is everything within the WESOS Network. WESOS welcomes partnerships from recognized 501(c)3 and 501(c)6 organizations that understand that a helping hand is only effective when coupled with support, investment, and accountability.
If you want to join us in changing lives, one woman at a time, please get in touch with Jean LaVallie at
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Zeidman & Carpenter is a premier boutique law firm committed to providing exceptional representation, litigation, and transactional services, tailored and personalized to each client’s needs. Attorney Jade Carpenter is passionate about helping small businesses with their legal needs. She also practices real estate, estate planning, and personal injury. Contact Jade today! Jade Carpenter, MBA Attorney at Law 312-893-6440 44711 Golf Rd., Suite 1125, Skokie, Illinois 60076
"Do the right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons"
-Dawn Huddleston WESOS COO and WESOS Foundation Advisory Board