The Wes Penre Papers-Fourth Level of Learning: Lucifer's Rebellion Part 2

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THE WES PENRE PAPERS The Fourth Level of Learning Part 1: Lucifer’s Rebellion By Wes Penre

1st Edition: March 7, 2014

The Wes Penre Papers

The Fourth Level of Learning Part 1

Copyright © 2014 Wes Penre Productions. All rights reserved. This is an electronic paper free of charge, which can be downloaded, quoted from, and copied to be shared with other people, as long as nothing in this paper is altered or quoted out of context. Not for commercial use. Editing provided by Bob Stannard: (all papers, except “Appendix A”—editing provided by Wes Penre.


The Wes Penre Papers

The Fourth Level of Learning Part 1

Table of Contents PAPER #11: THE RIGEL WAR AND THOTH-THE-RIGELIAN .............................. 7 I. An Introduction: Rigel, the Brightest Star in the Orion Asterism ................... 7 II. The Rigel War—How Another Civil War was Manipulated into Being in Orion........................................................................................................................ 9 III. Introducing Another Well Known Figure on the Stage ............................... 11 PAPER #12: THE MILKY WAY SPIRAL ARMS AND THE COSMIC SLAVE MASTERS ........................................................................................................................ 29 I. The Milky Way Spiral Arms .............................................................................. 29 II. Redemption or Annihilation? ............................................................................ 40 III.’s Interactions with the Orion Council ................................................... 44 IV. Our Inherited Sexual Aberrations and Obsession for Gold and Precious Stones .................................................................................................................... 47 V. Two Versions of Homo Sapiens Sapiens—It’s all in the Blood! ................... 53 VI. How Planted Criminal Souls in Human Bodies, and more on the Human Star Race ................................................................................................. 57 VII. The Luciferians Own “En.lil” ......................................................................... 58 VIII. Another Look at the Biblical YHWH ............................................................ 63 IX. From One Thing to Another ............................................................................. 70 PAPER #13: THE GARDEN OF EDIN REVISITED .................................................. 72 I. Isis’ Confession ..................................................................................................... 72 II. Prince Ninurta’s Confrontation with on the Rigelian Battlefield ....... 75 III. Back to the Drawing Board .................................................................... 82 IV. Takes on the Role of Mother Goddess .................................................. 84 V. Isis’ Escape ........................................................................................................... 87 v.i. Amongst the Ruins of a Queendom of Old ................................................... 87 VI. The New Women of Fire ................................................................................... 91


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VII. The New Isis of the Underworld.................................................................... 95 vii.i. A Summary of the Different Bloodlines that Created, Before and After the Deluge ................................................................................................ 100 VIII. The Knights of the Celestial Cross .............................................................. 106 IX. Evidence of Marduk Marrying Isis................................................................ 108 PAPER #14: THE ANTEDILUVIAN TIMES AND UTNAPISHTIM’S HEAVENLY ARK ................................................................................................................................ 110 I. Breaks his Oath with the Council of Orion ........................................... 110 II. Concerns from other Star Races, Leading to the Decision to Terminate Mankind .............................................................................................................. 116 ii.i A Multitude of Different Soul Types Inheriting the Earth ......................... 129 III. Forty Days and Forty Nights—The End of a Long and Confusing Era ... 130 IV. The Saturn Stargate Closed! ........................................................................... 133 V. Some Afterthoughts .......................................................................................... 135 PAPER #15: THE POSTDILUVIAN TIMES—LUCIFER BUILDING HIS PLAN 142 I. The Creation of Modern Man—A Species with a Destiny ........................... 142 i.i. The Grays and the Martian Slave Race .......................................................... 143 i.ii. The Creation of a Special Species and their Neo-Atlantean Destiny ....... 146 II. The Cosmic War Escalates ............................................................................... 150 III. The Reincarnation System is being Refined! (Additional Ideas on How the Afterlife is Set Up) ............................................................................................. 152 iii.i. More on How to Escape Lucifer’s Afterlife Trap ....................................... 156 IV. Babylon the Great—Setting the Records False ............................................ 160 iv.i. AIF Leaders Promoted to Khan Kings, and becomes Ea ................ 160 iv.ii. Marduk Rises to Power in Babylon ............................................................ 161 iv.iii. Syncretism and the Babylonian Empire .................................................... 163 iv.iv Ruling with Help from the Zodiac ............................................................. 168 iv.v. Nimrod and the Tower of Babel.................................................................. 172 The Everlasting Babylonian Empire .......................................................... 176 PAPER #16: THE ONGOING BATTLE OVER THE MATERIAL AND SPIRITUAL REALMS (WHAT IS MATTER AND WHAT IS SPIRIT?) ............... 179


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I. The Hologram Makers ....................................................................................... 179 i.i. Back to the Planet of Power—Saturn as a Holographic Projector ............. 181 i.ii. The Magicians of Time and Space ................................................................. 186 i.iii. Freezing Realities............................................................................................ 189 i.iv. Father Time in the New Era .......................................................................... 190 i.v. Passion—a Way out of the Trap! ................................................................... 191 II. The Abduction Agenda Revisited ................................................................... 193 ii.i. Atlantis All Over Again .................................................................................. 196 III. Jumpstarting the Machine Kingdom ............................................................. 199 iii.i. Memories are Stored in Stones and Bones—the Truth About the “Consciousness Meters” ................................................................................... 202 iii.ii. LPG-C and the “Nibiruans” in a New Light ............................................. 205 iii.iii. What is Agenda 21? ..................................................................................... 210 IV. Disclosure of the ET Agenda in Mainstream Media .................................. 219 V. “Uncle Lu” Wants You to Evolve for his Cosmic Army! ............................ 221 VI. Spirit and Matter—What is the Difference? What is it the Alien Invasion Force Really Wants from Humans? ................................................................. 225 vi.i. The Fine Line Between the Physical World and the Spiritual Realm ..... 231 vi.ii. The Main Reason for the Ancient Gold Rush? .......................................... 233 vi.iii. They Want us to Be Aware, but not Aware Enough to Realize Who is Pulling the Strings ............................................................................................. 235 vi.iv. Death was the only Option for the AIF ..................................................... 236 VII. The Archons .................................................................................................... 240 PAPER #17: LEAVING THE COSMIC BATTLEFIELD .......................................... 242 I. It’s not our War, but is it our Freedom? .......................................................... 242 II. Cloning and Genetic Engineering Patent Laws ............................................ 243 III. The Electromagnetic Multiverse .................................................................... 246 IV. Wars and Battles Going on in our Solar System which we are not Told About ................................................................................................................... 250 V. Changing the Dream......................................................................................... 255


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VI. A Deeper Look at the Mother Goddess, Khan En.lil, and the Galactic “War of the Genders” .................................................................................................. 257 VII. Earth Is More Unique Than We Think ........................................................ 263 VIII. In the Beginning was Creation, but the End is not Death—it’s Part of the Creation too ........................................................................................................ 266 Appendix Paper A: Protocol of a Meeting between Human and Extraterrestrial Galactic Representatives on Planet Earth in 2011 ............. 275 i. Introduction to the 2010-2011 Plenum Meeting, Presented by Wes Penre 275 ii. The Protocol: Link Report from Extraterrestrial Meeting in 2011, by Dr. A.R. Bordon ........................................................................................................ 276 A. Executive Summary .......................................................................................... 276 B. Scientific/Technologic Measures Taken to Ameliorate the Main- and SideEffects of Said Passing Through ...................................................................... 278 C. Episodic Presence of the Itinerant Gravitational Wavefront Passing Through the Solar System in Approximately 22 Months ............................ 280


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PAPER #11: THE RIGEL WAR AND THOTH-THE-RIGELIAN I. An Introduction: Rigel, the Brightest Star in the Orion Asterism


igel, also known as Beta Orionis, is actually a triple star system, consisting of Rigel A, which is a blue-white super giant, approximately 130,000 times as bright as our own Sun. Rigel B is a double system, consisting of two blue-white stars of the Main Sequence, both with the spectrum class B8-B91 (on the borderline of being white stars of A-type)2, about 900 lightyears from our solar system. This triple system is the brightest star system in the Constellation of Orion. Although Rigel has the “Bayer designation” Beta, it’s almost always brighter in the sky than Alpha Orionis, which is Betelgeuse. Rigel is the first bright star visible in the night sky when Orion rises in the southern hemisphere in the summer and is also visible in the northern hemisphere in the winter.3 I am not totally sure about the history of the Rigel system, other than it has planets, like most star systems, and some of them are inhabited, or were, at least, in the fairly recent past. I know I mentioned earlier that it’s generally quite unusual that life evolves on planets, but it’s more common in certain areas of the Universe than in others, depending on the intentions and the needs of the Creator Goddesses, and the overall politics in the sector of a certain galaxy. What is much more certain, however, is that there is life on or in the stars in the Universe. People who have studied mainstream astronomy and astrophysics would argue with me and say that 1) the Rigel stars are too hot to have inhabited planets, and 2) the age of the star (approximately 80 million years) is speaking against any intelligent life in that star system. Of course, as I’ve stated earlier, both these arguments fall short in the light of the New Era astronomy, astrophysics, and metaphysics. Life often develops and evolves on, and in, the

There was [however] long-running controversy in late 19th and early 20th centuries over the possible visible binarity of Rigel B. A number of experienced observers claimed to see it as a double, while others were unable to confirm it—indeed, the proponents themselves were sometimes unable to duplicate their results. Observations since have ruled out the likelihood of a visible companion to Rigel B. (Source: 2 In other words, when looking at them, they appear white with blue edges. On an imaginary planet around any of these stars, the sunbeams would be white, with shades of blue on the peripheral parts of the beams. 3 1


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stars themselves, and although I disagree that life can’t evolve in 80 million years, we are here talking about life in other dimensions than that of 3-D. If beings migrate from the star to one of the planets in their particular solar system, they can do so instantly, starting intelligent life in other dimensions immediately, if they so wish.

Fig. 1. The star Rigel, compared in size with our own Sun.

In a very recent Pleiadian lecture, a long-term listener was asking what the Pleiadians had to say about Orion. The Pleiadians didn’t say much, knowing that they need to hold their tongues on that subject because they are opposed to Orion in general. They said that the Orions had a military structure built up around their culture, and there is a huge stargate in the lower part of Orion’s Belt. That’s not too educative, but of course, the reason why there is a military structure built around the Empire is to protect the Queen and the Empire. Any military structure is unfortunate, but I am sure they are glad that they built one— what would have happened if they wouldn’t have had a strong military order to defend themselves? There wouldn’t be an Orion Empire, and the Queen would have been overthrown a long time ago. The saying, “it’s the nature of the Beast,” doesn’t only apply on Earth, as it appears. However, the Pleiadians mentioned something else, which was that it is one thing to watch an impressive military structure, and another to sit down with a being from Orion at the dinner table. We have strong military structures in many countries on Earth as well, but the


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citizens are often quite likable. Much more on the Pleiadian Agenda later, however, and what it is that they really want from us.

II. The Rigel War—How Another Civil War was Manipulated into Being in Orion In cosmic terms, the Rigel War was very recent. It was raging and seems to have started during the time when Lord was here on Gaia creating the human slave race for the gods—and from all I know, it’s still going on up in the Heavens. Lucifer’s DAKH warriors are very well trained in guerilla warfare, and himself is an expert in control and deceit and has trained many of his Minions in mind control and the “Art of Manipulation.” They know how to conquer weaker star races and win their loyalty by using these two techniques in conjunction with advanced technology. By “weaker star races,” I am not talking about the original Orion race but races undergoing evolution from being young members of the Orion Empire. If is also in charge of the Tablets of Destinies (or parts of them), he has that advantage as well. All this put together is the reason why the Rebellion has been going on for so many eons, and there is seemingly no end in sight. However, I know that the Orions are working hard to end it, as we speak—which is good news—but we better be prepared by educating ourselves, or we may be up for a shock one day soon. Rigel is another of those strategic star system in Orion, which the Queen and the Khan don’t want to lose. However, a rebellion arose there as well, of course, instigated by Lucifer, who needs any strategic outposts he can get. As in Arcturus and other Orion star systems, the rebellion started from within and migrated out. When the time was right and the rebels had sufficient numbers, the rebels attacked, and the war was a fact. Prince Ninurta, again as Archangel Mikhael (also spelled Mikael, or Michael), Second in Command, came to assist with an armada of MIKH-MAKH warriors from Orion’s Belt, while Khan En.lil, Archangel Mikhael, First in Command, was busy fighting the uproar in Sirius. As usual, when battles of this magnitude are raging in our sector of the Galaxy, weapons of mass destruction are inevitably used. Prince Ninurta knew, of course, that the people of Rigel were Orion citizens, and this made him very reluctant to attack. Unfortunately, one of Ninurta’s sisters had been kidnapped and was held as hostage by the rebels, who were very hostile toward the Orion Commander. In the meantime, on one of the planets, civilians were killed when they refused to follow instructions from the rebels. For weeks, the MIKH-MAKH armada was surrounding the Rigelian planet without taking action, ordering the rebels to give up. Eventually, there ~9~

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seemed to be only one thing to do. Commander Ninurta sent down troops to the planet on a rescue mission. He wanted to release his sister, get as many innocent inhabitants out of there as possible, and have them transported elsewhere in order to save their lives. He also wanted to make it easier to get to the rebels without having to kill the citizens, if there was a chance. The mission succeeded, and they managed to get a large number of the population out of there, although it was impossible to rescue everybody. When the mission was completed, Ninurta was relatively pleased with the result. He knew that innocent people would die—it was inevitable—but at least it could be restricted to a minimum thanks to his loyal and well-trained soldiers. There was one big, black cloud on Ninurta’s heaven, however. He didn’t manage to rescue his Princess Sister. In the last minute, the rebels apparently managed to hide her, and they transported her off planet to a hiding place in another star system. This was extremely unfortunate because Ninurta knew that the rebels could use his sister against him and threaten to kill her at any time. Still, Archangel Mikhael was a warrior, and in charge of the famous MIKH.-MAKH army, so he couldn’t let this be an obstacle and a weakness, regardless how much it hurt inside. As a Commander at war, he had to act! The MIKH-MAKH spaceship armada hit the Rigel solar system with full force, and planets again bounced out of orbit, and some exploded in the process. Fortunately, most of them were uninhabited, but not all of them. Some planets became wastelands, while others became barely inhabitable after the strikes. In the meantime, the Queen and Khan En.lil were fighting in Sirius and managed to make good progress there, although they didn’t manage to end the war at that time. When Lucifer heard about the losses in Sirius, he dumped his Sirian hybrids in Alpha Draconis and let Marduk take command of them. The original inhabitants of Thuban took Marduk’s side in the war, after they had been forced to by Marduk and his legions to do so. With a relatively large army, Marduk, who was instructed by his father to expand their “Empire” and conquer new star systems, decided to attack Vega of all places, and the Vulcans suffered enormous losses. The Vulcan race is peaceful, and they are not trained warriors— hence, they didn’t stand a chance against the Alpha Draconians. Those who weren’t killed managed to flee to Orion, where they were kept under the Queen’s protection. To viciously attack a species that does not have any warrior instincts is seen as a very cowardly act and is not forgiven by the Orion Queen. A similar thing happened on Earth/Tiamat when Lucifer (and Marduk—supposedly) attacked the Titan inhabitants, who lived there peacefully with both Vegans and the peaceful Namlú’u—killing and molesting where they could. In some aspects, the Vegan conquest was even ~ 10 ~


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worse because on Earth there were at least some troops stationed, while there were no military at all in the Vegan system. Perhaps Prince Ninurta had hoped for a fast strike, and then it would be over, but this was not what actually happened. The rebels were well prepared and knew what to do, and experience had taught Lucifer how to fight back. However, to Ninurta’s surprise, his brother was not anywhere to be seen, although it was obvious that he was the one behind the Rigel Rebellion. His “fingerprints” were all over the place. Although Ninurta knew he couldn’t kill his brother, he would love to meet him on the battlefield, and at least “tickle his nerves” a little bit. There was no way to terminate Lucifer’s Avatar at this time because if that was done, the Minions back on Earth were programmed to torture and kill off the human population. This was the only reason why Archangel Mikhael held back his “sword.” However, Prince Lucifer was not even there! Ninurta gathered his Generals in the conference room onboard his own starship that was orbiting Rigel’s fourth planet, a giant gas planet, which looked dark green from the panorama window in the conference room. He looked at the Generals, one by one, with admiration and comfort. He knew he could trust each and every one of them—they would die for him, the Queen, and the Empire without hesitation—and with death, it could mean annihilation (destruction of the Avatar). His Generals were indeed fearless, and they were Ladies of Fire— tall and beautiful “Amazon Warriors;” most of them trained in Bellatrix (gamma Orionis)—the name which means “female warrior.”4 After a moment of silence, Ninurta ordered his Generals to strike again.

III. Introducing Another Well Known Figure on the Stage In the history of Gaia, he was known under many different names as he travelled around the planet. In Mesoamerica, he was known as Quetzalcoatl, the “Feathered One,” or the “Feathered Reptilian.” In Mesopotamia, he went under the name Ningišzidda. In Greece, he was Hermes, Tehuti, or Chiquitet in Atlantis,5 Viracocha in the Inca culture,6 Mercury in Rome, Merlin amongst the Celts, and Zoroaster in Persia. However, these names are just a few of all the

See “The Second Level of Learning”, “Exopolitics Paper #1, July 7, 2012 (revised, July 13, 2012): The Orion Empire, Section 2. A Reptilian ‘Bee Hive’ Society?” 5 6 4

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names he was known as. In this paper, I will call him by his, perhaps, most famous name in the esoteric world. The name is Thoth, and that’s his Egyptian identity. One of the big learning lessons in the Fourth Level of Learning is that the gods of the ancient world went by many names, and and Marduk took over the personae of many deities that had very little to do with them. Moreover, old records were altered and distorted to fit the agenda of the Alien Invader Force. As we have progressed, I have shown many references and sources, which prove that all the above was the case. Here is more of the same. Thoth’s reputation on Earth is twofold. Some say he came as a great teacher, while others say that he seems to have started out that way but turned his teachings into disinformation as he went along or used his information to trap rather than to free. Who else is known as a “great teacher,” a god of Wisdom coming to Earth to teach humankind different things? The same thing is said about, as we showed in a previous paper. Thoth, just like, had a tendency to favor Elitism. Although, in both cases, some esoteric material was released to the common man—it was never understood because the real teaching took place between “locked doors,” where only the initiates were invited. In the paper, “Introduction to the Underworld,” I also clearly showed that both and Thoth have solid connections with the Underworld. There are records here on Earth today, saying that Thoth descended on our planet from the “blue star,” which is another name for Rigel in Orion. In esoteric circles, this is how he is presented. Researcher Dan Winter, whom I otherwise don’t have much in common with, is, however, correct to some degree concerning Thoth. On the website,, Thoth is one of the main characters discussed. Although most of it is channeled material (St. Germain, and supposedly “Thoth” himself), which always should be investigated with a fine toothcomb, they have Thoth’s esoteric origins correct.7 Another thing I agree with Dan Winter about is when he’s discussing the Feminine Fire—he is one of the few researchers on this planet who have found out about that. Winter says about Thoth’s origins, allegedly told to him by the “Master” himself: Atlantis. Thoth came to Earth from the Blue Star Rigel in Orion with an energetic patterning called the Enochian Table, which is mathematically encoded into the plan of the Great Pyramid as blueprint to the Enochian Table. However the name

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Thoth became associated also with Hermes, the Greek God of Mercury (spiritualized mind), and Trismesgistus (meaning thrice great).8

The reference to the Great Pyramid of Giza is not coming from Dan Winter and his research alone—it is commonly known in many esoteric writings. Winter also mentions that Thoth and Imhotep, the “Great Architect” of the Pyramids (according to Egyptian history), are one and the same. This is something the respected author and researcher Joseph P. Farrell brings up as well in his book, “The Cosmic War…,” where he spends a long section talking about Thoth in relation to war and manipulation of mankind. 9 After a correct introduction by this being, who calls himself Thoth, the deception starts (and I bring this up, because I believe that many people think that Thoth is a representative for the “good” forces): Orion is divided into three zones. The upper zone is ruled by the star Betelguese. Here are the Councils of Light. The lower zone is controlled by the Rigel and is the home of the Lords. In the central portion of Orion is a Zone of Overlap. This area could be referred to as the Great Light for it represents the sacred, alchemical union of dark and light into One. Betelguese is on their right path (male polarity). Rigel is of the left path (feminine polarity). As stars of the Living Lights (Angelic Domion). Beteluguese [sic] contains the raw energy, somewhat like a divine battery, while Rigel transforms that energy into the sublime substance of Divine Reason.10

This is the exact reason why some beings—whether they are who they say they are or not—are channeling through mediums. They want to twist information to form a bigger picture—an “overlap” to the real one—which then will work as the new reality with which these beings can play in order to prepare us for a new control system, which is, as we know, in the making. Some call it the New World Order, or the One World Order. Although, in the background, this is already accomplished, they just need to make it “in the open” and prepare people to accept it. Orion is not separated in the fashion that this entity apparently told the medium, but most important of all—Thoth has nothing to do with “feminine polarity,” as we shall see, but certainly the left path when it comes to magic. However, I’m sure, for future conveniences, he likes to present as being connected with the Divine Feminine in general. Ibid, op. cit. “The Cosmic War”, Chapter 9: “The Enigma of the Tablets: What Were the ‘Tablets of Destinies’?” 10, op. cit. (emphasis not in original). 8 9

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The following quote from the website,, mentions a few things of interest. Again, in this channeled material, Thoth is revealing what he wants us to believe is his Rigelian origin and other things of interest (the italic emphases are mine): 'Thoth', 'Toth', Tat-tet and 'Tehuti' are all forms of the same root, which are titles meaning, 'one who gives breath to', or the 'Grand Communicator'. Toth-MusZurud was known in Atlantis as the ‘Sword of Orion'. His origin is UltraTerrestrial, from the ‘Eighth Sphere of Heaven.' He tells me that this denotes the dimension of his realm, which is the eighth. In that dimension he contains the genetics of the Light Races of Orion with the sun of his creation being Rigel. As he communes with me in this time-space, Thoth or ‘Tehuti' is both Toth-MusZurud and Thoth, Raismes of Aphra (translated as ‘mouth of sun of the altar place'). When he ascended at the end of his ‘Raismes' life experience, he did not at that time take his physical body with him, but instead left it in a state of suspended animation. He later returned to re-claim this form, merging it with his higher Light Body as Toth-Mus-Zurud. In this way, he descended through the nine layers of the Earth into the interior world or inner cavity of the planet, wherein he now dwells with the Central Earth Tribes. In the Age when Toth-Mus-Zurud descended into to this world, he dwelt primarily in Atlantis, with periods of time spent among the Tribes of the Central Earth. Thoth's entire ‘mission' was threefold. One was to bring to Earth the ‘Enochian Table,' which was knowledge of sacred geometry for specific Earth structures to be built upon this sphere to aid us in our return to the Attasic Universe. Originally, those whom Thoth calls the ‘Master Builders of the Sun Bow,' set up patterns and grids upon and within the planet, from which sacred temples arose. But as the etheric veil of the Earth deteriorated, greater consciousness patterns were needed to be nested within the Gaia-form of this world. His second planetary objective was to supervise these constructions, so that they would be accomplished according to the Greater Plan. Thirdly, he was to bring to this realm a great deal of knowledge that had been lost from the hearts and minds of the Earthborn. This he gave us in such works as the ‘Emerald Tablets,' and many other books on such subjects as sacred geometry, alchemy, healing sciences, and the true Genesis of our universe. All of his ‘writings' as ‘The Thoth' were not done pen in hand, but as direct transmissions into the akashic records. Many channel-scribes through the ages have tapped into the Akashic Repository of Thoth, and written from his Record.11

Apparently Thoth, as it seems, has been channeling through quite a few mediums over the millennia, and he has been quite consistent in referring to his

11, op. cit. ~ 14 ~


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Orion/Rigelian origins. Here he also tells us about nanotravel, and his three main purposes with coming to Earth. In fact, I’d like to make some comments on the emphasized parts because they are quite important. If the reader still can recall, in Level III, I was discussing the Alpha Draconian influences on mankind, data-streamed by a lady who calls herself Abraxas. She was talking about the Eight Dimensions, where many beings dwell. Up to that dimension, souls can usually travel quite freely, but to penetrate the Ninth Dimension, the soul will need permission—the Ninth through the Twelfth Dimensions being the upper echelons of the Sanctuary of the Orion Empire. In the above quote, Thoth claims to be dwelling in the Eighth Dimension, which means he doesn’t have access to the additional four dimensions. This is the same restrictions Lucifer and his Fallen Angels got when they were cast out of Heaven. Furthermore, Thoth mentions his physical body being in suspense—something I’ve been talking about throughout all the Levels of Learning. Then, just like, he descended to the Underworld, where he now is dwelling. In the second paragraph, Thoth mentions something quite interesting. He claims that one reason for coming here was to give us the ability to return to the “Attasic Universe,” which is nothing else but the Inner Sanctuaries of the Orion Empire (Satania). The following definition gives hint of what the Attasic Universe is, but is mainly explaining matter and anti-matter, which is the Material Universe versus the Spirit Universe. It is true what it says in the sense that you can’t enter the Spirit Universe in a material body and vice versa. akashic definition for: Attasic Universe A neutral universal field that holds the balance between the universe and antiuniverse preventing these two potentials from coming into direct contact with each other, which would result in the destruction of both. It is the unified field of all consciousness where there is no separation. All time fields and universal strata striking a harmonic in the center of the soul’s Atoma or ‘inner heart sun’, which is the composite of all seven chakras. The Attasic Universe is the charge of release from time / space / matter divisions. The entrance point for the souls of earth and their universal realm into the Attasic Universe is the "Golden Star of Mazuriel." The "touch point" in this universe for Mazuriel is the "Lion's Gate" of the Constellation of Leo.12

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In the previous quote by Thoth, it’s also of interest that he admits to that the Grid is about to come down, which is also something I have stated since Level II. The last thing he talks about is his Emerald Tablets of Thoth, which were given freely to mankind in order to educate us—or so he says. In fact, the material this Thoth character was giving us is a mix of both useful and twisted information in typical manner. The true information—as much as he wanted to give us—was instead discussed within the old Mystery Schools. What I am getting at here is that Thoth, just like, put himself on the pedestal, both showing themselves off as wisdom teachers, when the information—the part that was true—originates from the Queen of the Stars. Another source telling us about Thoth’s supposed Rigelian connections is from an article called “The Gate of the Sun, the Solar Logos & the Lion” in “Temple Doors Issue 4—1997 (TD-9704),”13 which basically is about Thoth’s relation to the Sphinx, but this is what it says about Thoth in relation to the star Rigel: The Lion of Leo represents the passage between the lesser Solar Logos - the astronomy of our physical sun, and the greater Solar Logos. Thoth has told us in the past that Leo was the constellation of access to the Golden Star of Mazuriel, which is the highest ‘threshold level’ Solar Logos for all worlds of this universal system. Ultimately, the Golden Star of Mazuriel represents the full Christic consciousness, and thus represents the future consciousness of this and many other worlds. The Solar Logos of Earth’s true planetary design in the ultimate configuration involving our physical sun, Rigel and Mazuriel, is the Blue Star Rigel in Orion. With the Golden Star of Mazuriel in the picture, the Solar Logos associated with the Blue Star Rigel becomes an intermediary logos, or bridge between the consciousness of our current physical sun, and that of the Golden Star of Mazuriel. Thus the Solar Logos of the Blue Star Rigel will generally be referred to as the greater Solar Logos for the Earth herein, and for all intents and current purposes it is. However, in the next level of cosmology beyond that logos, the Solar logos of the Golden Star of Mazuriel would truly be the greater Solar logos for all worlds in this universal system. The Blue Star Rigel is the greater Solar logos only for the Earth and Venus to our knowledge at this time, but it is the stepping stone to the Solar logos of the Golden Star of Mazuriel. Keep in mind that when we are speaking of Rigel being a stepping stone to the consciousness of Mazuriel, the stellar representative of the Christ, we are looking at some very long cycles in terms of linear Earth reality, literally many thousands The whole article can be ordered here for US $14.00: 13

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of years. But in the higher dimensional realities where time is not so large a part of the reality, it is but one revolution on the spiral of the cosmic clock. This entire cosmology involving more than one Solar Logos (as well as the lion / Lion symbology) is also seen in the Sphinx’s history according to Thoth. In the original rendering of the Sphinx, Thoth tells us that it was a female human body with a Lion’s head, then later it was changed to the body of a Lion with a human head: female at first, then later it was changed to be a male head. The Sphinx, despite its current appearance (as opposed to the original version Thoth revealed to us), still contains much of the original Light which it was imbued with, and can currently be used to access the vibratory frequencies of that original consciousness, if one but understands how to move through the more recent ‘maze’ of vibrations that overlay the original energy that was programmed in stone. This is actually nowhere near as difficult as it is to access those same consciousness codes through most of the other remaining ‘ancient’ temple structures in Egypt, as most of those were not even built during the ‘Time of the Light’, but much later upon certain sacred centers of the Earth. At those temples it is necessary to access the sacred energy emanating from the Earth itself, more so than the temple.14

Interesting is the reference to the Sphinx originally being a female lion, but of course, in due time, with the Luciferian Patriarchs loose on the planet, the head was changed to that of a male, and the Sphinx became masculine. Its counterpart is the now famous “head on Mars,” which both Richard Hoagland and Joseph Farrell in their very convincing research say is a Sphinx as well, but with the head of Marduk!15 Not only in the channeled material, but in the work that has been preserved as well, Thoth is stressing that he came here to educate humanity. However, when we read the advanced science and everything else he brought down here, it is easy to see that it was not the masses he wanted to educate, but the High Priests and those initiated in the Mystery Schools, i.e.’s Minions. Although much of his material became available to the public, we can imagine that it was poorly understood by the uneducated masses. This is not so strange, because the information was not meant for them! Also, in the usual manner, Lucifer’s angels never revealed anything really “secret” to the masses—the real 14 15, op. cit. See “The Cosmic War” pp. 285-294 for detailed research on this subject. ~ 17 ~


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important and interesting material was meant for a few selectees. The most wellknown work of Thoth amongst the general public is probably “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth,” which can be found online.16 Also, Thoth’s teaching in quantum physics laid a base for the LPG-C (Life Physics Group California) 3% rule, on which they borrowed the principle that if 3% of humanity can agree on a certain principle or idea, the rest of humanity will follow. I believe there is something to this idea, just as I suggested in Level I, but we also know that the AIF wants us to evolve, so accomplishing the 3% rule will also be in their interest as well as in ours. The scientists of LPG-C are quite strictly following Sitchin’s research, which is also backed up by the “Nibiruans” that LPG-C scientists are in contact with (they assumingly still are, even after their chief scientist, Dr. A.R. Bordon’s recent demise). After progressing with my own research and studying the LPG-C ideas some more, I wouldn’t sign on the line and commit myself to follow their ideas of human “ascension,” however. Anyway, Thoth as a channeled source says in a Q&A session: [Questioner]: What is the ‘Dynamic of Existence, the Metatronic Fulcrum’? Thoth: “FULCRUM” is the vibrational / symbolic / code name given to a projection through time on the planet Earth that was begun by the ENNEAD. FULCRUM is brought through a ray of Seraphimic projection or being - a Seraphim Archangel... FULCRUM then, is the complete function and purpose of this projection, and Merkrael is the entity consciousness assigned to carry out this function by the ENNEAD. Merkrael is not Michael. However, the former must precede the latter in works. Just as Michael must open up through activity, the passage for the New Man. “The purpose of FULCRUM is: To create quantums of accelerated knowledge within humanity, working in coordination with the natural 100th Monkey law of connectiveness, i.e.: understanding quantum leaps through humanity once a certain number of Earth souls relates to that understanding and physically applies it in some way. FULCRUM carries this further in bringing specific situations forward to allow for a more ordered revelation and use of this quantum power.”17

Here we can see where LPG-C got some of its ideas. It had a lot of affinity for Ningišzidda, who it said was a great teacher. It claimed that it was in contact with him until he “died” here on Earth a few years ago, according to what Dr. 16 17, op. cit. ~ 18 ~


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Bordon told me (meaning that Ningišzidda simply “jumped bodies”). Ningišzidda and Thoth are one and the same.18 Although we still can find some of Thoth’s extensive work today, much of it has supposedly been lost—some of it burned up when the Library of Alexandria was put on fire. However, some of it was rescued and preserved by the High Priests and kept within the Mystery Schools and secret societies. According to Dr. Farrell, “in some versions, forty-two volumes of his [Thoth’s] works were removed from the Library of Alexandria prior to its burning, and secreted with ‘initiates’ who buried them in the desert for safekeeping.”19 If this is true (this information originally comes from Sitchin’s “The Wars of Gods and Men,” and that’s what Farrell partially means with “in some versions”), there is an enormous amount of information that is hidden from the public. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that the volumes that were buried in the desert soon were dug up again and became highly protected. It also makes you wonder if the “public versions” were, perhaps, intentionally burned on the order of so that he once again could keep humanity in the dark. Things change, and so do plans and targets within a greater agenda. Therefore, what once was revealed will suddenly fit the agenda better if it again is hidden. Manly P. Hall, the famous researcher into the history of Freemasonry and who we have mentioned earlier, is showing in his book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, that Thoth was the originator of many Mystery Schools. Sitchin also correctly states that Hermes-Thoth is of first importance to Freemasonic scholars because he was said to be the author of the Masonic initiatory rituals, which were borrowed from the Mysteries established by Thoth.20 He was one of the foremost when it comes to the founding of Esotericism. He is also known as bringing down hieroglyphic writing21 from the stars. This information alone has too many correlations with to be just coincidental. Who was it that started the secret societies—The Brotherhood of the Snake or The Brotherhood of the Serpent being the first of them—and created an elite here on Earth to have people who could help him control the masses? Prince Lucifer, aka Lord, did! Quetzalcoatl was known amongst the Mayans as the “Feathered serpent,” and who is it that is connected with the bird/aquatic race, and who is known as; 19 “The Cosmic War,” p. 247, op. cit. (Farrell got this information from Zecharia Sitchin’s, “The Wars of Gods and Men,” p. 96. 20 Ibid., p. 94. 21 18

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the “Serpent of Wisdom,” or the “Wise serpent” in the Garden of Edin? Quetzalcoatl, amongst the Aztecs, was also related to Venus22, the “Morning star,” which in turn is related to Lucifer. Thus, we are coming full circle. One book that according to Manly P. Hall was lost to the masses is the Book of Thoth. He claims that the book is still in existence, though, and “continues to lead the disciples of this age into the presence of the Immortals.”23 Furthermore, Hall said that “its faithful initiates carried it sealed in a sacred casket into another land.”24 Where have we heard something similar to that before? Wasn’t that how the Ark of the Covenant was transported in Genesis in the Bible, carefully led and monitored by the biblical imposter, Yahweh, who stole the name and authority from the Mother Goddess herself and changed genders into a masculine God? I’m sure “someone” was overlooking the transportation of the “Book of Thoth” as well, to make sure it remained in “the right hands.” Could it be that this was the book, which told the true secrets of the Universe—a piece of work that “God” was willing to kill for if a commoner got hold of it? Last, Hall rubs in how Elitism was the name of the game when it comes to Thoth’s material: …the apostolic succession from the first hierophant initiated by Hermes himself remains unbroken to this day, and those who are peculiarly fitted to serve the Immortals may discover this priceless document if the will search sincerely and tirelessly for it.25

I assume that this is similar to the Holy Grail in the King Arthur Saga, an endless search for something so secret that it had to be carried around in a casket under strict security. Only the “best of the best” (whatever that means) is entitled to learn about this document. The “Immortals,” of course, refers to the gods themselves—the Fallen Angels. It is quite obvious when I look at Thoth’s mission here on Earth that one of his main tasks was to teach humans how to read and write (he was the one who did that, according to some mythology) so the AIF could have human scribes, writing down on stone and in cuneiform what the gods dictated to them. Because we humans have a tendency to think in pictures, using hieroglyphs was apparently the way to do it. Thoth was also the originator of science, magic, and “The Secret Teachings of All Ages,” op. cit., p. 97. 24 Ibid., op. cit. 25 Ibid., op. cit. (emphasis not in the original). 22 23

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alchemy on this planet26—again according to our mythology—but then we may ask ourselves, what science and what magic? This was already known to the ancient shamans and the whole Namlú’u race, for that matter, but the knowledge was of course “forgotten” after the Fallen Angels came and took over. The confusion over who is whom in the pantheon is showing again in the case of Hermes-Thoth. Some say he was the son of and Marduk’s brother,27 while others suggest that Thoth and Ninurta are the same being. 28 Others claim that Marduk and Thoth were archenemies29, when in fact Marduk in this case is confused with Ninurta, who indeed was an enemy of Thoth. As we can see, the confusion knows no limits. Only in light of painting the bigger picture can we clearly see where many people go wrong on this subject.

Fig. 2. Thoth with is Ibis head.

Thoth was often depicted in a male, human body with the head of an ibis—a large bird still dwelling by the Nile river. This associates him with the Bird Tribe we were discussing earlier—the star race being part of Lucifer’s Rebellion, and some of them later being put in jail in the Dark Star. In Atlantis, he was known as Chiquitet or Tehuti and was often shown carrying the staff with the double helix, which is Lucifer’s/’s symbol (fig. 3)—another piece of evidence that Thoth is’s counterpart.


Sitchin, “When Time Began”. “The Cosmic War”, p. 246. 29 Dan Winter and Zecharia Sitchin. 27 28

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Fig. 3. Thoth the Atlantean, with the Double Helix staff. Horns in any shape and form symbolize the male aspect—the Patriarchal Regime.

Quetzalcoatl, known as Thoth’s counterpart, we have learned, was known as the “Feathered serpent” and as the “Shining One.” The Shining Ones appear in multiple cultures, myths, and legends around the world and were named that because of their “ethereal” appearance—i.e. they appeared in their lightbodies/Avatars—something a number of researchers call shapeshifting. As I mentioned earlier in this paper, this was often how Thoth appeared. The result is that the Shining Ones always looked different than the people of the culture in which they appeared. They were the ones who many call the “Anunnaki,” but I call the AIF. As for being connected with the Underworld, took on a certain personae, and Nergal is one—something I showed in a previous paper. Thoth, as another of’s aliases, is also connected with the “resurrection of souls.” 30 This is fascinating because what exactly does “resurrection of souls” mean in this context? We know that when the human souls leave their body at body death, they go through the “tunnel” toward the “bright, white light” (unless they decide not to) and get recycled back to Earth again. This process is strictly directed and monitored by the AIF, so with this in mind, I ask the question again: “what does ‘resurrection of souls’ mean in this context?” If Thoth is, which the records indicate, it means, as I’ve said repeatedly, that is in charge of the resurrection/recycling process—there is hardly any doubt about it. However, there is more! The mythology also tells us that Thoth is judging the dead!31 Isn’t that supposed to be done by someone who is in possession of the Tablets of 30 31 ~ 22 ~


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Destinies?32 In other words, it’s easy to see that three beings—Lord, Queen Ereškigal, and Marduk (more about him in conjunction with the Underworld in a later paper)—are the ones responsible for the recycling of souls. I am also quite sure that etheric soul fragments of all the three of them sit in the chairs of the Council of Elders,33 before whom each soul allegedly has to stand, so that the goal for the next lifetime can be decided. The mythology clearly says that Thoth is judging souls in person (see endnote #30). Keep in mind that these beings are interdimensional, and can bi-locate (i.e. they can be in more than one place in space/time or time/space simultaneously).

Fig. 4. Quetzalcoatl as depicted in the Codex Borbonicus, which is an “Aztec codex written by Aztec priests shortly before or after the Spanish conquest of Mexico.” 34

In addition, is said to “return” as a Savior of mankind in today’s New Age beliefs in the form of “Space Jesus,” Maitreya, Ashtar, and as himself. Quetzalcoatl also made a promise to one day return to Mesoamerica. This was so strongly embedded into the beliefs of the Aztecs that they made no resistance when Hernandez Cortez and his bloodthirsty murderers came down on them. The Aztecs thought it was their “Serpent God” returning. Ironically, 32

See previous paper, “The Tablets of Destinies.”

Wes Penre, ©2011, The First Level of Learning: “Metaphysics Paper #4: There is a Light at the End of the Tunnel—What Happens After Body Death?”, Section 3.3. 34 33

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The Fourth Level of Learning Part 1 is not “returning;” he is already here, and has been here for a very long time. Moreover, the Aztecs presented their Quetzalcoatl as no less than the “creator of mankind!” He was a creator deity having contributed essentially to the creation of Mankind.35

Who do we know is the “creator of Mankind?” Is it a being called “Thoth”, or is it Also, the astute reader may remember that I showed evidence of that Sin (Nannar) is another of’s aliases. Sin is also being related to the Moon, as a Moon god. Just as a reminder, let’s take a look at this again (my emphasis is in italics): Sin /ˈsiːn/ (Akkadian: Su'en, Sîn) or Nanna (Sumerian: DŠEŠ.KI, DNANNA) was the god of the moon in the Mesopotamian mythology of Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia.36

Then, let’s take a look at Thoth: Thoth was originally a moon god.37 [...] In art, Thoth was usually depicted with the head of an ibis, possibly because the Egyptians saw curve of the ibis' beak as a symbol of the crescent moon. Sometimes, he was depicted as a baboon holding up a crescent moon, as the baboon was seen as a nocturnal and intelligent creature.38

Now that I’ve presented Hermes-Thoth as to the readers, what part did he really have in the Rigelian uprising? Obviously, “Thoth” wants to give the impression that he was born in Rigel, perhaps for two main reasons. One, he wanted to separate himself out from, and two, if is accepted by mankind as the “good guy,” the attack on the Rigel system would seem like a malevolent one, although it was, in his role as Thoth, who started the Rigel Rebellion. 37 38 Ibid., op. cit. 35 36

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The Fourth Level of Learning Part 1 is a very clever being, who can manipulate an untrained mind in a second, and by creating a character such as Thoth, he strengthened his stranglehold on us humans. The AIF knows that our species has an “expiration date;” not only because they did things to make sure that we have one, but also because it is built into the DNA of any physical being, animal, and plant. It is also built, on a larger scale, into the mass consciousness of a species, whether the AIF likes it or not.  

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The Moon is set up in order to keep planet Gaia locked within a certain frequency. The Grid keeps the species mass-controlled because it is built with energy transmitted by humanity’s mass consciousness (and it is to a large degree our own common belief system that holds it in place). Our bodies have amnesia programming built into them. A large chunk of our DNA is dormant.

These are things that the AIF did in order to slow everything down—not to speed it up, as some people say—although in the long run, they embrace the Expiration Date of our species. Although these beings may be master geneticists in some respect, they can’t stop a soul from evolving because of the “Cycles of Time.” As we have discussed in other levels of learning, the new species is evolving now, and you, the reader, are evolving with it. My point is that this is the reason why beings such as “Thoth” released much of his material: so humans could take part of it to enhance our evolution. Much of it was not understood at the time it was released, and it was not meant to be understood. Either plans changed and they were hidden again (and supposedly destroyed to some degree), or perhaps they were released so that they would be mentioned in the old records. This comes in handy now with all the channeled material, which is pointing toward these records. These records will assist some of humanity to achieve higher awareness, but they still keep humans within a certain frequency. Nevertheless, they are part of the plan, and they give the false impression that they were written by a benevolent being, which is an important part of the agenda. The Internet is very much working as a hub to help beings evolve, making it easier than ever to find information we need. When the Rigel War started, Homo sapiens sapiens were not even created yet. This war seems to have happened relatively close to the Deluge, but our planet had not yet been flooded. All these abominable creatures that and his team of scientists had created were still roaming the Earth, and Atlantis and Lemuria were still the two prominent cultures on the planet. was traveling back and forth between Rigel and Gaia and has been known to us through this ~ 25 ~


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time period as “Thoth, the Atlantean,” or Tehuti, but also under other names, such as Poseidon and Neptune. In his most famous work, “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth-the-Atlantean,” which was found in the pyramids of South America, he talks about his life and that he is a “Divine teacher.” Interestingly, he also explains in his Emerald Tablets why Atlantis was destroyed, and this explanation fits right into’s Elitism. He says that the reason for the destruction was that “confidential knowledge was imparted to unworthy people and the latter began using it for evil purposes. They adopted bloody sacrifices — and this resulted in numerous incarnations of hellish beings among people. This led to quick degradation of incarnated people in Atlantis.”39 This is textbook manipulation. At the time of Atlantis, was the one who supported bloody sacrifices, and he didn’t instigate it at that time but continued using it for “evil purposes.” Also, was the one who let his experiments in genetic manipulation result in “numerous incarnations of hellish beings among people.” Nonetheless, it was these abominable monsters and degraded humans that were the main reason for the demise of Atlantis, but it had nothing to do with “unworthy” people getting confidential knowledge. However, this is what wants the people of Gaia to believe happened, so it can be justified that only the few initiated should have access to such lofty information. All this is cleverly done. Look at you now, for example. Don’t you think that you have come a long way in just a few years in your own evolution? Don’t you think you have evolved into a more clever and “better” being than you were, let’s say, ten years ago (and this is regardless of how “good” you were back then)? If the answer is yes to those questions, don’t you think you would be “worthy” by now, if we use’s own term, to receive a great part of “confidential knowledge?” I would say so. However, if you knocked on the door to the secret societies, which hold on to this knowledge, and asked them to share it with you right now, do you think they would? Of course not. If Thoth were here now, do you think he would release it to you? No, he wouldn’t. So let’s ask ourselves—why not? The answer is simple; you are not of’s pure bloodline— you are not one of his Minions. Not even during Atlantean times was confidential knowledge released to the public. Some knowledge was released, but the quality of that information was not of the kind that was released in the upper echelons. The same information that we have at our convenience today is approximately the same information that was released back then. It was basic spiritual information (“basic” in relative terms, that is, compared to the information that was actually 39, op. cit. ~ 26 ~


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written down by Thoth), and it was hardly because average people got hold of information that things ran amok in Atlantis. If things went so bad because people were educated, why didn’t Poseidon and his “Kings” set up laws against human sacrifice and blood sacrifices in general? They didn’t, and the reason is because the AIF has always encouraged blood sacrifices—that is hardly a secret. We need go no further than to the Bible. Didn’t Jehovah/Yahweh demand blood sacrifices every so often from the people? Our history is full of examples where the “gods” demand blood sacrifices in order to forgive the people. “Give me a virgin, and I’ll forgive you!” Why are these beings so concerned with blood rituals? We’ve discussed that in earlier levels of learning, but let’s review it again. The gods get energized from the blood of a human or an animal that has been sacrificed under fear and terror. These beings feed on these kind of things. Also, a part of our soul is running through the blood. Consequently, don’t think for a moment that they wouldn’t encourage such behavior. In other words, Thoth is not telling us the truth about the destruction of Atlantis. What else did he lie about? Well, at least it may encourage the reader to look at his material with new, more critical eyes. If you keep in mind what I’ve told you in this paper, you will be amazed about what you’ll find when you read the Thoth material. Other cultures worth looking into in this respect would, typically, be the Mayans and the Aztecs, but also the Incas in South America. They were all big on human sacrifice.40 I also bring up the Incas for a specific reason—if you look at the name “Inca,” it’s very close to “,” isn’t it?41 This is how the AIF has always played with words and names. So, the story portrays as the one who instigated the uprising in Rigel, turning not only the Rigelians against the Empire, but also creating a civil war inside the Rigel star system. This made the war very complicated, and it became another of these wars that has lasted for a very long time. Even if the war is not raging at the moment—the tension is still there. Although the records state that Thoth was born in Rigel, that is not true, when we know that and Thoth are one and the same. It’s all about misdirecting our attention, and they have succeeded pretty well so far. Rigel has very little to do with, except that is from Orion, and Rigel is an Orion star. Otherwise, Rigel was just another star system that wanted to conquer. See subsection, “South America”. 41 This particular similarity was brought up by the Pleiadians in one of their recent lectures from the summer of 2013. 40

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We are going to leave the Rigel War for a while and come back to it later. In the meantime, we are going to look into something else that we haven’t talked much about before, but it is important. Therefore, let’s move on to the next paper.

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alaxies, according to astronomers, are put into different categories—just as stars are. The Milky Way Galaxy, in which we reside, is considered a spiral galaxy, for obvious reasons. In the middle of the galaxy is a core, which allegedly consists of a supergiant black hole, surrounded by millions of stars. This core is by some also called The Womb of the Mother and is a birth center of stars. The theory states that in the beginning of the Galaxy, the “womb” shot out a myriad of nebulae and stars, which took a spiral form, and eventually, different spiral arms, filled with gas, nebulae, and stars, formed and created the shape of our current Galaxy.

Fig. 1. NGC 6744, a Milky Way look-alike.

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There are many spiral arms in the Milky Way, but they all develop from two major arms42 and get other names as we get closer to the outskirts of the Galaxy. The two major arms are the Perseus Arm and the Scutum-Centaurus Arm, as depicted in fig. 2 below. These two arms shoot out from each side of the ovalshaped galactic core.

Fig 2. The most common spiral arms in the Milky Way Galaxy.

To begin, let us first get a little bit familiar with the spiral arm in which our own solar system is located. As we have mentioned earlier, the Sun is located at the fringes of the Galaxy and sits on the Orion Arm (see fig. 2 above, where it’s called “2b. Orion-Cygnus,” and is written in orange). This is what Wikipedia has to say about the Orion Arm:

There is speculations going on in the scientific field as we speak that the Milky Way consists of four, not two, major arms. 42

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The Orion Arm is a minor spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy some 3,500 lightyears (1,100 parsecs) across and approximately 10,000 light-years (3,100 parsecs) in length.[2] The Solar System and therefore the Earth lies within the Orion Arm. It is also referred to by its full name, the Orion–Cygnus Arm, as well as Local Arm, Orion Bridge, Local Spur and Orion Spur. The Orion Arm is named for the Orion constellation, which is one of the most prominent constellations of Northern Hemisphere winter (Southern Hemisphere summer). Some of the brightest stars and most famous celestial objects of this constellation (Betelgeuse, Rigel, the stars of Orion's Belt, the Orion Nebula) are located within the Orion Arm, as shown on the interactive map below. The Orion Arm is located between the Carina–Sagittarius Arm (toward the Galactic Center) and the Perseus Arm (toward the outside Universe), the latter one of the two major arms of the Milky Way. Long thought to be a minor structure, a "spur" between the two longer adjacent arms Perseus and CarinaSagittarius, evidence was presented in mid 2013 that it might be in fact a branch of the Perseus Arm, or possibly an independent arm segment itself.[3] Within the Orion Arm, our Solar System and Earth are located close to the inner rim in the Local Bubble, about halfway along the Orion Arm's length, approximately 8,000 parsecs (26,000 light-years) from the Galactic Center.43

Fig.2 above is a picture we are going to return to several times in this paper because, first, it is a very good picture, giving an excellent visual view of the Galaxy and its spiral arms, and second, it will be very helpful when we start talking about star races and their location in space/time and time/space. If you study fig. 3 below, you’ll notice that there is a “trail” within these arms, which starts at the Perseus Arm. Follow that arm inward (to the right), beginning at the fringes until you come to a place where the Orion Arm branches off “downward” in the picture (here called the Local). Follow the Orion Arm, and you see the Sun’s position in red. Just where the Orion Arm ends, there is a connection between this arm and the Carina-Sagittarius Arm, which then continues all the way to the center of the Galaxy. We can of course also follow this trail, starting from the Galactic Center and moving outward. Along such trails we have different Galactic Highways, such as Pesh-Meten, which is the commercial “highway” I’ve mentioned a lot in my papers. The Galaxy is also divided into sectors by trading star races, and Orion and our solar system belong

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to Sector 9. When we look at the Galaxy from this perspective, we get more order out of chaos, and the Milky Way doesn’t seem so vast anymore.

Fig. 3. Pesh-Meten.

Look at the trail again, and you will notice that our solar system (in red) is sitting on Pesh-Meten, which is the Galactic Highway I just made you look at, which goes all the way from the Galactic Center and out of the Galaxy where the Orion-Cygnus Arm disappears into space in the upper part of the map (from there, it continues through deep space until it reaches the Andromeda Galaxy, 2.2 million light-years away, and continues there). Hence, Lucifer knew exactly what he was doing when he was taking over Ar-i-du, our solar system! Earth is sitting like a plug right on Pesh-Meten, and by isolating Earth from the rest of the Galaxy and eventually closing the Saturn stargate, he blocked the energy, which previously flowed free along this long highway of business and trade. This was not taken lightly by many star races that had business going on at both sides of Pesh-Meten, where Ar-i-du sat in the middle. ~ 32 ~


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Star travelers could of course take a passageway on either side of Ar-idu—and they do—but it works like when you put a big stone in the middle of a creek—the water has to take routes around the stone on both sides, and the flow of the water slows down, and debris is gathering where the stream is almost standing still, and it’s piling up. A similar thing happened with the energy flow after a while, with the solar system sitting there, blocking the energy. In some places, the energy created back currents, and it could become a somewhat dangerous place to travel through. What happened was that the flow of business and trade also decreased with the flow of energy.

Fig. 4. A Sagittarius.

One thing I want to teach the readers to always pay attention to when researching the Pantheon and old records is how things are named—everything from the beings themselves, to planets, to suns/stars, to nebulae, to asterisms, and to galaxies. I would suggest that very little—if anything—is named randomly. All names are there for a reason—e.g. there is a reason why a spiral arm is named the Perseus Arm and not the Artemis Arm, just to make something up here in order to prove a point. It’s named the Perseus Arm and could not be named anything else because of its significance to “Perseus.” I hope the readers understand what I mean by this. Therefore, it becomes so much easier to know where to start researching if we are aware of this simple rule. How many people ~ 33 ~


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have actually seriously thought about why a certain planet is called Jupiter? Not many. Most people think it’s just something astronomers decided to do because it sounded cool. Far from it! The Orion Arm is called that because this cluster of the Galaxy belongs to the Orion Empire—it’s a matter of real estate. We are not talking about the Third Dimension now, but all dimensions, all the way up to Satania.

Fig. 5. Nergal depicted as a Centaur in the British Museum.

However, let’s take a look at the spiral arms between which the Orion Arm is “squeezed in.” We have Carina Sagittarius on one side and Perseus on the other. Although our own spiral arm is generally known as the Orion Arm, it’s correct name is, as I already mentioned, the Orion-Cygnus Arm. Further down, we also have the Scutum-Centaurus Arm (see fig. 2). First, what is a Sagittarius? A Sagittarius is a centaur (fig. 4). Then, I mentioned Scutum-Centaurus, and “Centaurus,” of course, stands for centaur as well. Now we have not only one but two spiral arms referring to centaurs, oddly enough. In the papers, I have on a few occasions mentioned that and his scientists, when they did their experiments in genetics to create the perfect slave race, as a mid- station they created the centaurs, who were half man ~ 34 ~


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and half horse. The fact that these creatures actually roamed our world in ancient times has been confirmed by quite a few sources by now, so I have little doubt that this was a real species. In any case, why name two spiral arms after this rather odd creature? Isn’t that strange if a centaur is only a temporary experiment here on Earth—an experiment that didn’t even last long and then was terminated? It is not strange if we know what Nergal symbolizes. The reader may recall that Nergal is one of’s alter egos—the one he is known by as the King of the Underworld. Now, let’s take a look at Nergal again. In old Babylon, he was often depicted as a…yes, you guessed it—as a centaur! (See fig.5). Could there possibly be a connection? Of course! We’ve learned by now that these things are not coincidental. However, before we go into the significance of this, let’s look at a few other Spiral Arms, and let’s start with the Norma Arm. The Norma Arm starts at the Galactic Center and expands outward to become the “Outer Arm” and the “New Arm.” Thus, it’s quite far away from the Orion-Cygnus Arm, where our solar system is located. Therefore, how can it have any relation to us? Well, if we look up Norma, we find something quite interesting. Norma is a small and inconspicuous constellation in the southern hemisphere between Scorpius and Centaurus. Its name is Latin for normal, referring to a right angle, and is variously considered to represent a rule, a carpenter's square, a set square or a level.44

First, we need to know that the Milky Way Spiral Arms in some instances also have Constellations named the same. I would suggest that the name of the Constellations came first, and the Spiral Arms were named afterward. Hence, we have Norma located between Scorpius and Centaurus! There we have the centaur again, associated with Nergal/ As if that weren’t enough, there is also a reference to the square, the rule, and the level. Where have we heard of these carpenter’s tools before? The knowledgeable reader knows that these tools are used as symbols in Freemasonry! The working tools of a Fellow craft are the square, level, and plumb-rule.45

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Consequently, who is in charge of Freemasonry, which is a branch-off of the Brotherhood of the Snake? The answer is!

Fig. 6. Freemasonic tools: the Carpenter’s Square; the Level, the Plumb-Rule, and more...

We now understand that the constellation of Norma is related to and is quite possibly one of Lucifer’s strongholds. What about the spiral arm called Norma, as well? Can it be that there are some very prominent star bases for Lucifer along this spiral arm as well? Following this array of sources, it is quite plausible. Can he be in charge of the complete spiral arm? That is highly doubtful, but as we’ve discussed earlier, there are a lot of different passageways or galactic highways following these spiral arms, and he may very well have taken over some of them—hence, he could be in charge of business and trade along such a passageway. When we looked into the Norma constellation above, we found that it is located between Scorpius and Centaurus, and if we look at Scorpius, we find: Scorpius, sometimes known as Scorpio, is one of the constellations of the zodiac. Its name is Latin for scorpion, and its symbol is (Unicode ♏). It lies between Libra to the west and Sagittarius to the east. It is a large constellation located in the southern hemisphere near the center of the Milky Way.46

Now we notice that Scorpius lies between Libra and Sagittarius! This is all about so-called “trails of stars”—in this case, star constellations—and it’s more 46 ~ 36 ~


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related than any astronomer, astrophysicist, or astrologer may realize. As I’ve said repeatedly, names are not random! They have direct meanings, and they have hidden (occult) meanings. Here we have a trail of star constellations, conquered by Lucifer and his DAKH warriors. Also, we once again stumble upon the word Sagittarius, which is related to Nergal, the Centaur. Now, let’s take a look at Cygnus, as in the Orion-Cygnus Arm. What does the word Cygnus mean? It means “swan,” doesn’t it? Let’s look it up. Cygnus /ˈsɪɡnəs/ is a northern constellation lying on the plane of the Milky Way, deriving its name from the Latinized Greek word for swan. The swan is one of the most recognizable constellations of the northern summer and autumn, it features a prominent asterism known as the Northern Cross (in contrast to the Southern Cross).47

What is a swan? Of course, it’s a bird. Have we heard of birds before in relation to these papers? We have—in relation to the “Bird Tribe!” What is the Bird Tribe? They are the bird/aquatic species that followed Lucifer in his rebellion, and many of them were captured and put in prison in the Sirius C Dark Star—they are also called the Nommos. Is this a coincidence? Hardly! Especially not when it’s mentioned as a part of the word Orion (Orion-Cygnus Arm). Isn’t it more plausible that the word Cygnus is added after Orion because a certain being wants to brag and say that he is in charge of some of the Orion Empire? More literally, he is telling us that he is in charge of a part of PeshMeten. Earth is indeed sitting as a blockage on the exact border between the part of the spiral arm called “Orion” and the part called “Cygnus.” If we go back and take a look at fig. 2, we can see approximately where Orion starts in the upper part of the map and where Cygnus takes over in the lower part of the map. Earth is sitting right between the two! Does this mean that Lucifer, by putting a plug in the middle of the Passageway, only lets business and trade move into Cygnus with his permission? Could he possibly have the star races doing business in that area of the Galaxy (Sector 9) pay taxes to him in order to be able to move into the Cygnus Arm? This would be something that someone with his character would do, so who knows? Here is another very interesting comment on the Cygnus constellation:

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Together with other avian constellations near the summer solstice, Vultur cadens and Aquila, Cygnus may be a significant part of the origin of the myth of the Stymphalian Birds, one of The Twelve Labours of Hercules.48

In my papers, I have often mentioned that the AIF—or at least some of them—are man-eaters. They eat human flesh. The Stymphalian Birds referred to above are a clear reference to this, for us, horrendous habit of the gods. Let’s look up “Stymphalian Birds” to see what we can find: In Greek mythology, the Stymphalian birds (Greek: Στυμφαλίδες ὄρνιθες, Stymphalídes órnithes) were man-eating birds with beaks of bronze and sharp metallic feathers they could launch at their victims, and were pets of Ares, the god of war. Furthermore, their dung was highly toxic. They had migrated to a lake in Arcadia to escape a pack of wolves, and bred quickly and took over the countryside, destroying local crops, fruit trees and townspeople.49

Ares, the “God of War” is a reference to Marduk (and in some respect, as they both were impostors, playing the role of YHWH), and in mythology, these “birds” are referred to as being his “pets,” which would be horrific enough, but I would say that this is just a cover-up, “blaming” this habit on pets, when in fact it refers to the gods themselves. Also, haven’t we seen depictions of some of the gods having long, sharp beaks? Aren’t some gods referred to as birds? Then we have the Carina-Sagittarius Arm to the “left” of the OrionCygnus Arm, which can be best seen in Fig. 3. Sagittarius is obviously a very important word when we look either locally, at star constellations, or at the spiral arm. It’s probably not a coincidence, either, that the Carina-Sagittarius Arm is the one closest to the Orion-Cygnus Arm because Lucifer expanded what was going to become his own empire. It’s reasonable to believe that stars and asterisms in the Carina-Sagittarius Arm located closest to the Orion-Cygnus Arm are occupied by Lucifer’s DAKH. When we look up Carina, we find that it means “keel,” as in the keel of a ship, and this is what we’ll find when we dig into the Chinese constellations: From China (especially northern China), the stars of Carina can barely be seen. The star Canopus (the south polar star in Chinese astronomy) was located by

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Chinese astronomers in the The Vermillion Bird of the South (南方朱雀, Nán Fāng Zhū Què).50

Canopus (alpha Carinae) is the brightest star in the constellation of Carina,51 and there we have a connection to birds again, although this time we have to look into Chinese astronomy and astrology to find it. Last, we have the Perseus Arm, which some astronomer nowadays think that the Orion-Cygnus Arm is just an extension of, and if we look very carefully on star maps (see fig. 3), we can see that this can very well be a case. It looks as if the Orion-Cygnus Arm is branching off from the larger Perseus Arm, and if this is the case, the former is much larger in size than previously thought. I haven’t found anything worthwhile in regards to the Perseus Arm, however, which would indicate any extensive Luciferian involvement. Could it perhaps be that this outer arm is relatively free from their involvement? I have no way of knowing, but if so, it would be a very nice thing! After having done research on the Milky Way Galaxy as a whole, there are a couple of things that strike me. First, it seems as if the Luciferian influence on the Galaxy is larger than I first thought—something I have also had suggested to me from anonymous sources. One of these sources said something to the following effect as a reply to a question I had at the time: “ has created more damage in the Galaxy than you may think…” It seems now that this source may be correct! The second thing that strikes me is how often the centaur entity appears in the research. There is no doubt that this is related to Nergal, the King of the Underworld, who is often depicted as such a creature. Thus far, we have brought up Sirius and the constellation it belongs to—Canis Major—as one of the origins to some of the Luciferian followers, but I also suspected that the Luciferian forces had to be more widespread than that. Sure enough, research pointed at many other star systems and asterisms, which I have mentioned here in Level IV. However, there seems to be another one, which is more “close to home.” Let us take a look at the constellation of Centaurus. I found this quite fascination information: The figure of Centaurus can be traced back to a Babylonian constellation known as the Bison-man (MUL.GUD.ALIM). This being was depicted in two major forms: firstly, as a 4-legged bison with a human head, and secondly, as a being with a man's head and torso attached to the rear legs and tail of a bull or bison. It

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has been closely associated with the Sun god Utu-Shamash from very early times.52

Now we are a little bit ahead of ourselves because I have yet to release the paper that discusses Marduk’s involvement with the Underworld. I will go into more details about that later, but for now, just keep a note to yourself that Marduk, after the Deluge, was deeply involved with the Underworld. In the quote above, Utu Šamaš is associated with the centaur, or as they depicted it in old Babylon, a bull or a bison—the Bull being related to the constellation of Taurus and the Pleiades—EA’s resort. Utu is, as we’ve concluded earlier, the same being as Lord Marduk himself—the Sun god. My last thing on Centaurus is the perhaps most compelling! The nearest stars to our Sun are Alpha and Proxima Centauri, being just about four lightyears away from Earth. has taken on many different forms over the eons, and the centaur is only one of them. However, it’s closely related to his kingship of the Underworld. Are some of his cohorts originating in any of these two stars, or could it be that Lucifer conquered them some time in the past? Whatever the case may be, Centaurus in its entirety seems to have a very close relationship to Lucifer. I think that we may eventually find more information showing exactly how Centaurus is connected with Lucifer and his Fallen Angels. Some have suggested that Centaurus—perhaps as an asterism—is the home of the DAKH warriors. The Milky Way Galaxy is large, however, and we need to keep in mind that whatever we see in the sky is only 4% of what is actually there. It may be true what my anonymous source said, but I am also convinced that large sections of the Galaxy are not under Luciferian command. The readers may ask themselves—if the Orion Empire is so vast, how can Lucifer have taken over what seems to be such a significant part of the Galaxy? I think the answers lies in the 4%. When Lucifer, as, created us as a slave race and only let us perceive 4% of the Universe, which 4% is it most possible that he would let us see? The territories owned by the Orion Empire, or the territories owned by his boasting self? I would put my money on the latter. Not to say that everything he shows us are his territories—it’s probably far from it. However, some of the territories we can see, which are not what he considers his domains, could very well be territories he is planning to conquer—some of them with our help!

II. Redemption or Annihilation? 52 ~ 40 ~


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I know that there are many who, just like me, have seen the connection, but some of them claim that he is redeeming himself, and that we should let him get that chance. Personally, I would consider that, if not for the sole reason to end this War of the Gods, which has lasted millions, if not billions, or years, so we humans can get released from our electronic prison and start living a cosmic life. In addition, by ending the war, it would free many other beings in the Heavens, too. The crimes that have been committed over the eons here on Gaia are horrendous, and it would certainly be understandable if such an “amnesty” would not be accepted—regardless if such an acceptance came from we humans, or the Orion Council. I am only talking for myself now—I can’t speak for mankind in its entirety—and if people get educated on the subjects I have been addressing, they may judge differently than I do. The Orion Council already spoke on the matter a very long time ago and accepted a redemption from Lucifer. So far, so good, but there is also where it stops. Lucifer has showed no interest whatsoever to redeem himself over the long eons. Instead, he has made matters worse by conquering worlds and stars with the help from his Draco minions and others and enslaved the populations. Neither has he showed any attempts to give up his master-slave relationship with mankind. The Queen of the Stars is still waiting for him to come to his senses, but even she is starting to get impatient, to say the least. In his jealousy, Lucifer has built his own empires throughout the Milky Way Galaxy, where the one consisting of the asterisms and stars Ursa Minor, Spica, and Alpha Draconis is only one in a series of smaller empires. The intention is quite obviously to supersede Orion and create the greatest empire in the Milky Way Galaxy. Still, he must know better. The Orion Empire expands far beyond the Milky Way Galaxy, in which we live. It includes many star systems and star constellations in our neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy, approximately 2.2 million light-years away from the Milky Way, and whole clusters of galaxies farther out and even reaches into other universes, totally separated from ours. The Empire of the Queen of the Stars goes beyond what humans can comprehend. How can Lucifer even in his wildest dreams think he can beat that? And then, what? Is he going to declare war against Orion? Yes, that’s exactly what he is planning to do. He wants it all, and he still wants more. There is no such barrier for Lucifer where he may say, “OK, that’s enough!” Obviously, this being is delusional in many ways. He may be brilliant, but his brilliance has also made him blind. Things that we humans can quite easily ~ 41 ~


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see—such as what I just mentioned—he can’t envision. But on the flipside, he is not so different from humans—his anger and his rage are blinding him, and he refuses to see failure as an option. He is fighting a war he is bound to lose—there is no way for him to come out of it as the victor. He may win a battle here and there, which he has, but the war is already lost. The questions are, when will it all be over, and what will it take to get to that point? An obvious question arises from this information, however—a question I know that many readers have asked themselves. I have addressed it before, but in the scheme of things, I’d like to bring it up again. The question is, if the Orion Empire is that vast and powerful and Lucifer is “nothing” in comparison, why hasn’t he been taken out a million years ago, before he even had the chance to take over planet Gaia? This is a much more complicated question than it may seem to be. Of course, guerilla warfare comes to mind. Nations in the past have lost against rebels who were using guerilla warfare, so that’s nothing new. Although Lucifer can never win, he can drag it out for eons by using this kind of warfare. Still, I don’t think that’s enough to hold the Orion Empire back. It has to be more “tricky” than that, and this is where using star races as “shields” come into play. Lucifer simply hides behind the races he has enslaved and doesn’t hesitate to slaughter them if his life or his freedom are at stake. Therefore, he takes advantage of other’s compassion. The Council has hesitated for a very long time, not wanting innocent star races to be used— sometimes perhaps without their knowledge, but mostly, they have no choice. Still, on occasion, the Empire has felt forced to interfere regardless, and innocent lives have been taken in the process. Also, when it comes to Earth, it’s been pretty close more than once that the Council has voted for our annihilation in order to get to Lucifer—the last time that it occurred was just a few years ago, according to some. Before that, it was the Deluge. Our problem is that the gods are once again considering interference. If this occurs, what would it mean for humanity? Well, it’s quite obvious. Mankind is almost totally ignorant of the existence of these gods in the first place, and if an Orion armada would storm into our solar system, it wouldn’t be a 3-D armada anyway, and we wouldn’t even know that they were coming until the war was upon us. The Orions would never kill innocent humans if they could avoid it, but and the Global Elite would. They would use us as shields, and the Orions would have to kill us to get to the rebels. I think that the first thing we would notice, in case the Orion fleet took everyone—including the Global Elite—by surprise, would be that worldwide military would be mobilized immediately. People would see military on the ~ 42 ~


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street worldwide, but no news about what was occurring. Total confusion would follow—everybody would wonder what was going on and demand an explanation. Martial Law would be declared. Much would be done outside the scope of the military handbook because at this point, wouldn’t care if he followed the rulebook or not. Only a few people on the planet would understand what was going on. I’m sure has planned what to do if something like this occurred, and I’m not a military strategist, so I can only guess. An army of supersoldiers are already trained for emergency situations, and they would do what they were told, regardless of what the orders were, as long as the orders came from the “right place”. would mobilize this army, ready to kill off human citizens—most possibly whole cities would be nuked if necessary. This Supersoldier army is also trained to be interdimensional and multidimensional soldiers. They would be our intermediary, able to nanotravel with help from technology (the AIF does not want them to nanotravel without being under the control of the AIF). The main confusion would occur because the Orions are interdimensional and wouldn’t come here in human bodies. To us, they would be invisible, vibrating on a much higher frequency than any of us. It would be like fighting ghosts—literally—they would probably bleed through and then disappear in a whirlwind. There would be weather changes, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, huge storms, and other anomalies. The Orions would never harm humans if they could avoid it, but in such a hypothetical war, humans would be sacrificed by the millions, perhaps billions. would probably contact the Orion fleet and threaten them, saying that if they did not withdraw, he would start nuking major cities on Earth, starting with New York or Tokyo. Soon enough, he would realize that the Orion fleet meant business, and as soon as the armada progressed further, would execute his threat and have one of the major cities nuked, with millions of people killed. After that, everything would go downhill. The AIF that is stationed on Earth, including, would do everything they could to flee, while the military continued bombing cities and targeting spaceships interdimensionally. Would the Orions even try to reach the human population? Yes, I’m sure they would. If there was a chance to get people out of here, they would do it, regardless of how few people could be saved. A TV announcement would hardly do it because even if people eventually would believe that an alien force was closing in on Earth, no one would know who the friend was and who the enemy was. This would be the exact confusion that would benefit the best, but not ~ 43 ~


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the Orions, nor mankind. The chance would be great that humans would start fighting humans, taking side in the battle without even knowing whose side is what. Unless has thought this through down to the smallest electron, he and his minions would hardly escape. The Orion armada would most certainly have blocked all the exits from the solar system, down to the subquantum levels. and the rebellious aquatic Bird Tribe would be annihilated one by one, having their Avatars blown to pieces, and it would be over. Perhaps that would take care of the problem once and for all on a cosmic level, but what would happen to Mother Gaia and the human race? Very few, if any, would survive. These gods, as we know, have technology to blow up planets, regardless of size. As a final revenge, I wouldn’t be surprised if blew our planet to pieces, just before he was annihilated. He would think, “What do I have to lose? After all, it would be the ultimate revenge!” This is one case scenario, but a very scary one! Nevertheless, I think the readers can imagine that this could actually happen, and that it even is likely, unless we do something. We can’t hide our heads in the sand anymore, thinking that the less we know, the better. If we do, we contribute to our own destruction. It’s time to stand up against this insanity and simply not agree to be slaves anymore—as we have discussed in previous levels of learning. Most of the “spiritual community” doesn’t even understand to which degree we actually create our own reality—very few people have any real grasp of it. However, before this level is completed, I hope the readers will have a good picture of it. I will do my best to share my own insights on this, and you can see if it works for you. If Lucifer were really trying to redeem himself, he would not use his own lineage—his human-Orion hybrids—to continue this master-slave situation on Gaia. He would take down the Grid and open the Saturn stargate. He would stop these suppressive reincarnation cycles and start helping those in need on this planet, in order to rectify what he has done. Instead, what do we see? We see a Global Elite, who desperately try to hang on to their power, doing what it takes to maintain global dominance. That is not what I call redemption.

III.’s Interactions with the Orion Council We all know the story by now. The AIF took an existing, already evolved race, manipulated and genetically engineered its genes, left a big chunk of the DNA ~ 44 ~


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dormant, and after a lot of experimenting over a very long time period, they came up with the first human slave race that they were quite satisfied with. This new hybrid race replaced the alien workers, who were in cahoots with Lucifer. This was something that was not only morally or ethically incorrect, but also against Orion law. Queen Nin, Khan En.lil and Prince Ninurta had already lost the original Living Library to Lord, but when it became known in the Pantheon that he was in the process of creating a hybrid slave race by manipulating DNA of existing, evolving beings on an evolving planet, they did what they could to interact. According to the Sumerian tablets, in Sitchin’s translation, Khan En.lil and Prince Ninurta were the ones who were most against genetic manipulation, contrary to what many people think. Enlil objected to Enki’s plan. Don't create a Nibiran/Apeman slave class here on Earth, Enlil reminded Enki, "On our planet [Nibiru], slavery has long ago been abolished, tools are slaves, not other beings." Ninurta added that to get gold better, Enki should make machines, not slaves.53

To this, responds, followed by Khan En.lil’s comment: “Earthlings we create,” Enki replied, “shall helpers, not slaves, be.” Enlil still protested: “To clone hybrid beings is in The Rules Of Planet Journeys forbidden.”54 got the last word: Enki responded, “a new species create we shall not; the Apeman of Earth [Homo Erectus] is in his fashioning essence [genotype] as we of Nibiru [Homo Sapiens, Sapiens] are. Our ancestor the Apeman is; into us he evolves. Quicken Apeman shall we, speed him but some millions of years to what has only always been his destiny.”55

If we put together the whole drama and what has happened here on Earth since the AIF took over, the above conversation makes total sense, whether the translation comes from Sitchin or somebody else. “En.lil” and his son, Prince

Zecharia Sitchin, 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 130, op. cit. Ibid., op. cit. 55 Ibid., op. cit. 53 54

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En.lil/Ninurta, did not want any tampering done with their creation. It is obvious that this planet was a Living Library and an Experiment from the beginning and somebody else’s property—not’s. All along, we humans, who have looked into the old Sumerian story, have believed in the lie that “En.lil” was the bad guy who tortured and dominated mankind, while was the being with a “heart.” This is simply not so—and can’t be—because Khan En.lil and his son, Ninurta, were not even here at the same time as and his cohorts. The records were manipulated during the Babylonian Empire. The scribes only wrote down what they were told.

Fig. 7. A member of the Bird Tribe (left) and (right)— Lucifer and his representative in a Council Meeting.

The real story is there, fortunately—because, once upon a time, it was written down as well and brought forth orally from generation to generation. This means that and his son could not just make things up as they wished. First, they had to destroy as many original records as possible (many were destroyed when the Library of Alexandria was put on fire) and then rewrite history in a way so that it didn’t totally conflict with the real story behind the cover stories—the changes had to happen slowly. In these papers, I am trying to show the readers that it is possible to still find the truth, but one has to be very persistent and willing to deal with whatever comes up, regardless if it is uncomfortable or contradicts the “mainstream” way of looking at things. The person who is willing to do this can’t have any preconceptions that he or she

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refuses to let go of, if and when necessary. It’s a process, and it’s an opening of new neuropathways and chakras. Queen Nin, Khan En.lil, and Prince Ninurta have had their names and characters pretty much destroyed by the AIF, thus being blamed for most of the crimes that were done by and those who were conspiring with him. To discover this was a shock to me because to begin with, I was no different from anybody else—I had bought the false stories as did most people. When I discovered what really happened—or as close as possible to what happened—I felt a moment of loneliness, thinking that once I know this, I can’t go back. Not many people at this moment would support my hypothesis, so I’d better back it up as best as I can. Anyway, the fact remains—despite what many people have believed so far, “En.lil” had nothing to do with most of the things that have happened on Earth over the last 500,000 years. There is one exception, however, and that is the Flood—the Deluge that happened circa 11,000 BC. The whole Orion Council was involved in the biblical cataclysm, but that’s something we will discuss in an upcoming paper. Furthermore, most of the internal fighting that supposedly was going on between the En.lil and clans, written in a partly narrative form by Sitchin in his “Earth Chronicles,” did not happen, either, the way it was described. How could it, when what we know as the “En.lil clan” wasn’t even here? What is true, however, is that there is a war between the clans which has been ongoing since Lucifer’s Rebellion, but most of it was not played out here on Earth! The fact that was in bad standing with the Orion Empire did or does not stop him from travelling the Universe and at times meeting with family members and Council Meetings. These gatherings are, of course, not in a friendly manner and are reflected in the old records, although these conflicts have to a large degree been re-transcribed so that it appears that they all happened here on Earth.

IV. Our Inherited Sexual Aberrations and Obsession for Gold and Precious Stones We have some serious problems here on Earth, and the police force, social workers, and psychiatrists would certainly agree with me. Humans have sexual problems that can be so severe that they hurt others for life or even kill their sexual victims. There are rapes, which is one of the optimal vicious acts to be in control of another being—more so than enjoying the sex act itself because the act is just a way of showing domination. In a relationship, the criminal male rapes his girlfriend after a verbal fight, just to show who is in charge. The rapist on the street is someone who is suffering from ~ 47 ~


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feeling no self-value—he’s at the bottom of the totem pole and doesn’t even yet know how to be a human. Therefore, in desperation to gain control over someone and hopefully not feel so worthless (in his own eyes), he rapes somebody. Then we have the pedophile. He has an obsession to rape somebody who may be as young as a baby up until the girl or boy reaches puberty—then, in most cases, the rape stops (but not always). Many rapists, whether they rape adults or children, rape both sexes. Like I said—it’s not about sex, it’s about control—and then it doesn’t matter to those sick people which gender the victim is (note: I use males overall here, as if it is only males who commit these crimes. This is not true, although they are in the majority. There are women who are just as bad—some of them are even more violent than men are). Did you know that rape case statistics indicate that this crime has plummeted since the 1970s? Hence, there are fewer rapes being reported today than 40-45 years ago!56 I find this quite interesting. First, we should celebrate the fact that fewer people became victims!—however, there is another side to this. In the 1960s and 1970s, the talk about the Anunnaki and the “Return of the Gods” was starting to create its impact on the Western society, at least, and that’s where these statistics come from. Can it be that certain people got “restimulated” by this information, and their “godly genes” started “reminding” some people about how it was in ancient times, so these aberrations began to spread in the mass consciousness? After all, we do have the genes of the gods! On the slightly brighter side—many people also have an obsession for gold and precious stones. They love gold and diamonds but may not know exactly why. If you ask a female, she may answer that she thinks they are pretty and make her attractive, while a man says that to wear gold watches, gold bracelets, and gold necklaces are symbols for wealth, power, and control. Either way, owning precious stones does something to the person—in a minor or major way, these stones change the personality of the owner. We also love to give each other golden rings or rings with diamonds when we get married, and we exchange these rings on the Wedding Day. Why do we do that? Very few people know that this is coming from the gods. “I give you this ring, and in exchange, I own you!” This is exactly what the gods did to each other, or to humans, so we got this habit from them.57 I don’t mean that married couples should now flush down their rings in order not to own each other, but 57 Pleiadian lecture, summer 2013. 56

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it’s something to think of—in subtle ways, these habits remind these energies to come alive again and can have at least a minor impact, unless the couple are aware of it and tell each other that the ring for them means something else. Don’t say “bond” because that ties you to each other, and soon it will trigger feelings of guilt and other unwanted emotions. Couples who are still wearing rings could come up with a new meaning for this symbol, e.g. making it a sign for an enormous amount of love for each other. Just be careful so this doesn’t create a “must” so that at moments when you don’t feel great love for your partner you feel guilty. You can see how this can tie people to each other for all the wrong reasons. Instead, marry without rings, if we are to marry at all. However, that is for another time—I have rocked the boat enough already. We have all heard how the gods came down here to mine gold, precious stones, tin, and other things. This was not their main reason, but it is still a common thing in the Universe. Trading between star systems is commonplace. The AIF, after Tiamat was struck and split into becoming the asteroid belt, was almost immediately there to mine gold and precious stones. All moons and smaller planets in our solar system have been and are currently being, mined for different minerals by the AIF, and they don’t want any snooping humans out in space to see what they are doing because the evidence of their intrusion is everywhere.

Fig. 8. Space stations for extraterrestrial gold miners.

If it weren’t so serious, I would think it almost amusing to see how we mimic the gods. When criminals are caught, we put them in prison and more so in the past than we do now—perhaps, we used to put the criminals on hard

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labor. We often see movies in which people in overalls are hacking stones apart, all trapped in chains with prison guards watching over them, so no one gets too lazy. This is nothing new. We discussed the Sirius system previously, and the prisoners who were imprisoned in the Dark Star. They, too, like many other criminals out there in the Universe, have to do hard labor when they are in prison. Often, it is related to the damage they have done. If they have destroyed something, they simply have to restore it while they are serving “time.” In the Sirius system, particularly, there are apparently planets with a shorter lifespan that need to be mined while it’s still time, and this is a common job for prisoners—they are sent there from many star systems in this sector of the Galaxy. It’s almost like “community service,” where the criminals learn the hard way to take responsibility for their actions. Obviously, we have inherited the DNA of the gods, and we are now dramatizing their own sexual aberrations and other obsessions, without even being aware that we are doing it. Remember that the gods are living a very long time—some say it’s almost eternal. We live 60-90 years, approximately, which is nothing compared to them—a blink of an eye, more or less. Once we have started learning something, we die, reincarnate, and forget almost everything we have learned—we need to start all over again. The Pleiadians say that this is one reason why so many star races want to incarnate here—they evolve faster and learn more by living a shorter lifespan and then forget58, until the day we leave the trap and, hopefully, can put it all together. The hypothesis states that if we are forced to learn under harsh circumstances, we learn faster than we do if we have “eternal” life, in which not much new happens, and we don’t learn very much even in millions of years. This is why, according to the Pleiadians, many star beings out there may know a lot more than we do, but they are actually less evolved—especially spiritually and emotionally. Nonetheless, the reason the gods did not want us to eat from the Tree of Life was because they could see the consequences. It was not only that they felt threatened by a hybrid race that would “become like them”—it was also because they didn’t want an overpopulated planet. The first humans that and Isis created, who couldn’t reproduce, had a much longer lifespan—hypothetically— but they worked themselves to death at a young age anyway, so they couldn’t enjoy their potentially long lifespan. However, when mankind became able to reproduce, the gods understood immediately that they would be very hard to control if they were allowed to live thousands of years. In addition, the longer they lived, the more they would be able to discover. This is the main reason why


Pleiadian lecture, summer 2013. ~ 50 ~


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they left so much of our DNA dormant. “Only let the humans know what they need to know in order to help us,” was the motto. The gods, however, from living so long, probably got bored after a while and started experimented in areas that were basically taboo—such as “perverted” sex and other things. This idea, again, comes from the Pleiadians in one of their Summer 2013 lectures, and even if this may have contributed, I believe there was more than that behind it. Violent sex and violence in general toward another being—whether it’s in an act of war or in peace times—is an attempt to control the other being. We already know that the gods were very sexual beings—some more than others—and they typically had sex with almost any woman they got their eyes on, but let’s make a list over the abnormalities the gods were involved in—things they thought of as quite normal, apparently:           

Rape of women (and sometimes men) Violent sex Tantric sex Pedophilia Parent having sex with daughter or son, creating offspring Grandparent, or great grandparent, having sex with granddaughter, or great granddaughter or great grandson—creating offspring Polygamy Creating a harem, where the women were no better than sex slaves and servants to the males. Building whorehouses. Kinky sex in general (such as anal sex, sex including feces, blood, and urine, etc.) Sadomasochism, which became “official” with the AIF lackey, Marquis de Sade, in the 1700s.59

These are just a few of the different sexual practices that we have inherited from the gods through our DNA. Some of these practices were basically done for the “pleasure” of the god, while others were for pure domination. However, there were some practices, such as Tantric sex, which the gods wanted humans to participate in, as we have mentioned earlier. When the female, in particular, got her orgasms, the energy found its way right into the KHAA and the inner sanctuaries of the Orion Empire. The AIF certainly fed on this and stored much of the energy for themselves. 59 ~ 51 ~


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Now, what about gold and precious stones? Are star being women also fond of gold, diamonds, and other precious stones and metals, just like human women are? In a sense, I think they are—we can see both the Orion hybrid women, sitting on their thrones, and the pure blood AIF wearing necklaces, earrings, “third eye” stones, etc. That was not at all unusual, but to wear these things for pure looks was again not the main purpose with them. Gold is a great insulator and conductor and was definitely used for that— something we humans are well aware of, too. Gold is also used to enhance life. The readers who read Level I may remember that the gods were snorting gold as if it were cocaine, and they actually got addicted to it, according to Dr. A.R. Bordon. For them, it is supposedly a great life enhancer—if it would work as well for us is questionable—especially with our dormant DNA. However, some people who have been very sick, such as those with bad arthritis, say they benefit a lot from taking monoatomic gold. This could be the case, but will these people also enhance their lives? That remains to be seen. Gold in the sense of a life enhancer has been a little overrated on the Internet the last decade or so, as more and more websites have promoted the “nectar of the Gods” and the “Secret to the Tree of Life.” This is nonsense, in my opinion. The real life enhancer for the gods is blood! Menstrual blood is said to do the trick to some extent (perhaps also for us humans), but those gods who are fortunate enough to come across S-MA or SOMA, know that it is the real Elixir of the Gods! I discussed this in detail in Level II and how the Orion scientists managed to mix the blood of the Queen (she is cold-blooded, due to being of a dragon-reptilian race) with other substances. This elixir could enhance her own physical existence with millions of years, and when the scientists even managed to create a similar substance for warm-blooded beings, other star beings could enjoy immortality. In Hinduism, this “drink” is called amrita60. This will be discussed even more in the Fifth Level of Learning, which is estimated to be published sometime during 2014-2015. Not all beings in the Universe have access to the Tree of Life and the S61 MA , but members of the Orion Royal Family have it, of course, and others may receive it when they deserve it—perhaps after having done something outstanding for the Empire, or in general. It seems, however, as if the gods have to use gold as well in order to keep their bodies young. One hypothesis is that the elixir gives them a very long lifespan, while the gold may make their bodies The letter “S” by itself in the Orion language as well as in Sumerian denotes the “feminine.” “MA” stands for “Mother.” All across the world, children call their mother “Ma” or “Mama.” 60 61

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in constant good shape, even at an advanced age. This is purely my own guess, that’s all. Precious stones and crystals, in particular,, are used for many things— they can be communication devices, store memories, and as we have seen in the case of the “Tablets of Destinies” in a previous paper, they can also apparently be used as weapons and memory banks for the entire universe. There are many socalled Mes in the possession of the gods, and in some respect, they were probably used similarly to how we use our cell phones, iPads, and other smaller devices that many people carry with them on a daily basis—devices we look upon as totally natural. Still, a time traveler, from let’s say 1985, would be totally stunned if he or she would enter today’s reality and see all these people walking down the street, totally absorbed in these little devices. Unfortunately, regardless of how “convenient” or “fun” these devices may be in the hands of the owners, they are the beginning of the “Machine Kingdom.”62

V. Two Versions of Homo Sapiens Sapiens—It’s all in the Blood! I’ve gone through the creation story a couple of times before in my papers (Level I and II), so I am not going to repeat myself here—I just want to present an update. and Isis were the two main characters who created the early Homo sapiens and all the abominable experiments that went along with it. Eventually, they mixed’s genes with ape women—in this case, Homo Erectus, who were not as smart and advanced as the Neanderthals. After experiments back and forth, they also used the Namlú’u genes (some say they were the equivalent with the Neanderthals, who were much more spiritual and advanced than our modern science want to acknowledge), which in this case also included DNA coming directly from the Mother Goddess. This mix was then inserted into Isis’ womb, and she gave birth to the first humans. Eventually, Isis’ body became too worn out to be used as a breeding machine, and other AIF females were used for the process. DNA were made dormant, so that the exact IQ could be established, and the lifespan they wished for the new hybrid race was limited. This is the so-called “Abel bloodline,” which most people on Earth originate from—more or less. I say “more or less” because with time, there were certain changes made to our DNA, using other star beings, For much more on the Machine Kingdom, see my previous work. If you are not familiar with the term, please read up on Level II, III, and the e-book, “Beyond 2012—A Handbook for the New Era”. They can all be downloaded from my website, 62

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and there were some additions and subtractions happening on that level. Although, in general, what they created were our first ancestors. Then, I have talked some about a second bloodline, who became’s Minions—today’s Global Elite, sometimes called the Illuminati. These people are very different than we are in regards to their DNA. wanted to create a bloodline that was a lot smarter than the regular human slave worker, so he used the Namlú’u genes and mixed them with his own DNA, thus creating a much “purer” hybrid race. These became the Ruler Class, known as Kings, Queens, Pharaohs, Caesars, Tsars, Presidents, Dictators, and more. Behind the scenes, but still very much in charge, we have the “Money Lenders,” or the “International Bankers,” as they are called today. We also have the CEOs of Industry and Trade, Priests, High Priests—in some cases Priestesses and High Priestesses--Media Owners, people sitting on the Boards of Education, and so on. Above all these people, we have the Secret Elite, whom nobody, except the very few, even know the names of. They are super-rich—much richer than any other human on this planet, and still they are never mentioned in Forbes. They prefer to be totally anonymous and answer only to the gods themselves. On the top of the pyramid of any secret society, we have Lucifer himself, regardless of what offended members may say about that. This is the Cain bloodline, the “Serpent line,” or the “Holy Grail,” as researchers, such as Sir Laurence Gardner, now deceased, put it. The Cain bloodline is also the “Jesus bloodline” that so many people speculate about. Did Jesus get married? Of course he did—many times. However, he may or may not have married more than once as his incarnation as Jesus Christ, but as the immortal being he is, he has been married over and over and had thousands upon thousands of lovers. We are talking about Lucifer, of course, then more known as Ea. Jesus and Lucifer are one and the same—syncretism at play again. In other words, Gardner is correct in the sense that there is a hidden, “Holy Grail” bloodline, which the Elite want to keep as pure as they possibly can. Of course, many of these Elite members have bastard offspring, but they were more or less “cast out” and created their own watered-down bloodlines all over the world. Therefore, we have the Morgans, the Buchanans and the Bauers, etc. amongst regular people as well, although those names are Elite bloodlines. Some of these people claim family ties to the super-rich Elite, and on some level, the ties are there, but they would hardly ever be acknowledged by the real Elite—the “bastard” bloodlines are too watered-down to be useful. Therefore, these people are often as much slaves in the eyes of the Elite as those whose names are Anderson or Taylor.

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We know that the reason the Elite need to inbreed is because if their bloodlines are not pure enough, they can’t host an interdimensional being such as and the AIF. We also highly suspect that many of the Global Elite people have been taken over by the AIF already and are now not only remotely run by them, but more directly so. As we discussed in an earlier paper, many souls, whom managed to release from the Sirian prison—the Dark Star—are now inhabiting human bodies here on Earth, but more are waiting to be released when a new chance arises (if ever). Mankind, in general, is considered coming from the line of Seth, who also had the mix of Namlú’u blood in him. Not only that—when the Luciferians descended in the solar system and fought off Prince Ninurta and his team, Lucifer managed to wound Ninurta and stole his blood and sampled it. Later on, when Homo sapiens sapiens were created, Ninurta’s blood was used as well. The Bible discusses how Cain slaughtered his brother Abel. This story has many layers to it and also indicates the end of the Namlú’u bloodline, which “God” ( didn’t care for. Hence, the Abel line, as I see it, was destroyed symbolically when created the Cain line (the Kings that had the “Divine Right to Rule”), and the Cain line took over the “Divine” role. Metaphorically, Cain “slaughtered” Abel, whose bloodline disappeared from Gaia. The story about how the Cain line became the Jesus line instead of the Seth line has also been told and thoroughly researched by Sir Laurence Gardner.63 Another interesting note comes from author and researcher Peter R. Farley, in his free e-book, Where Were You Before the Tree of Life (The Experiment— the True History of the Darkness and of the Light), where much of his information is channeled from “The Nine”—something Farley himself admitted. We have in Level IV been talking a lot about the Bird Tribe as being associated with Lucifer’s rebels. The Nine mentions something very similar when it comes to’s experiments, which eventually led up to the creation of mankind. "Enki was, in fact, able to create his own version of evil spirits –called Enkum— “part human, part animal” – extensions of his research involving the creation of man. These were warrior like beings with the bodies of cave birds. The Anunnaki were often said to wear bird masks, great wings, even bird claws, much like the

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later gods in Egypt. Lilith, “she of the night” and the howler,” said to be Adam’s first mate, had wings and was always portrayed with owls.64

Almost wherever we look in regards to’s people depicted in the old records, we’re bound to find some reference to birds, whether it’s like Peter Farley mentions here, or it could be human-like figures with bird heads, associations to vultures, eagles, hawks, ibises, and more. All of this is referring back to the Bird Tribe of Orion. Other depictions we see are also those of aquatic beings, such as men with fish heads or fish torsos. Then there are the reptilian artifacts, which, foremost, equate with those from Alpha Draconis, who are not to be confused with the primordial Dragons, who are the race that created the Universe and the primordial “womankind,” whom I call the Namlú’u. It’s very important to understand that it’s not the “Grail Bloodline”—the Cain bloodline, which became’s Minions that is significant to the Luciferians. It’s the Seth bloodline that is important to them—the Seth bloodline being the “common man.” Much attention has been put on the Cain bloodline, which is fine because we need to know about them, but it’s easy to put these people on a pedestal, making them more significant and “godlike” than we are. Remember that this is not the case. We are the god(dess)like ones—the ones with the Fire of the Mother Goddess. Although many of us may be “born out of the Sun,” spirit-wise, this whole solar system was created by Mother Goddess and given as a “gift” to her son, Ninurta, so he could create in it and expand the Living Library the way the Goddess had intended it. has certainly also “helped” expanding the Living Library, but the “essence” of it—the real “spirit” and the original meaning how it should be done got lost when the Patriarchal Luciferians arrived. The entire brilliant idea with the Living Library and a world of compassion and love was destroyed.’s minions have bodies that are not at all as “Divine” as ours are, but still created them that way to have his “signature” on them. Also, the spirits that inhabit them are not of this solar system. The members of the Global Elite are a mess. We, perhaps, think of humans being a mess—overworked, manipulated, traumatized, etc. This may be so, but the people of the Elite don’t sleep at night—their bodies are sick, and their minds are always worrying: “Am I pleasing my Masters enough? Am I doing things right, or will they replace me? Will they kill me? Set me up?” That is the real day in the life of the Elite. Therefore, don’t think for a moment that they are senior to us in any way. I’m so “Where Were You Before the Tree of Life (The Experiment—the True History of the Darkness and of the Light)”, Chapter 12, op. cit. 64

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very happy I am not one of them. They may look down on us because right now they believe they are the ones who have power, but deep within, they envy us for who we are and for what our true destiny is (or is meant to be). They wish they were us!

VI. How Planted Criminal Souls in Human Bodies, and more on the Human Star Race Here is another thing I have found out from an “impeccable source,” as they are usually called in the news media. When some star races out there in the Universe discovered what Lucifer had done here on Earth, they asked him if the criminals in their star systems could be metaphysically transferred to Earth and forced into human bodies. These star races are also in opposition to the Orion Empire for unknown reasons and have taken Lucifer’s side. In other words, they were asking for permission to transfer the souls of executed or dead criminals in their star systems over to us and let them get trapped in Lucifer’s reincarnation cycle. Many times, Lucifer gave his permission! This is more shocking than it may sound at a first read. We can compare it with what the English did when Australia was being populated with people from outside the continent. They used the new continent as a dump-off for criminals from the British Islands, so Australia became a huge prison camp— guards included. With time, Australia generally became just as civilized as any other place on the Earth, but I’m not sure that the same thing happened when they started dumping criminal souls from other star systems here on Earth. This has gone on for quite a long time, but we can see how many criminals over history have stood out because of their horrific crimes. One must expect that at least some—if not a majority—of these criminals are originally from other star systems. Of course, I’m sure there are a few—a very few—people here on Gaia, who basically are not from Earth but have managed to sneak in here “by mistake” when the AIF had their guard down or there was a hole in the Grid. This happens, and some of these souls may have come here in order to help humanity out in this mess, but most souls on this planet belong to this particular solar system and have always belonged here. Then we have a significant number of Namlú’u souls trapped here as well, whose souls are from Orion and some Vulcans from Lyra, but the majority of souls that inhabit human bodies of the Abel bloodline are younger souls who were born in this solar system, unless they were transported here as criminals.

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The vast majority of humans are children of our own Sun, and at the time when Lucifer created his colony here in Ar-i-du, he also trapped many young, playful, but innocent souls, who were hovering around Mother Gaia to see what was going on. The story states that the AIF even has a “soul catcher,” which works almost like a vacuum cleaner but which specializes in sucking in souls who they can use to enliven the slave bodies that are created here on our planet continuously through the sexual reproduction system. Therefore, the majority of souls have evolved here in our solar system, but got trapped by the AIF at one time or another. People often wonder where all the souls come from when there are more and more bodies being born on the planet—this is part of the answer. However, during the nanosecond, there were billions of souls hovering around Earth to participate in that speed-up process, in order to evolve more quickly. You know this already, but you who read this can consider yourself lucky to have lived during the nanosecond, regardless of everything else that may be wrong with this planet. It has helped your soul evolve! Another thing I’ve found out is that the Grid, as we know it through my papers, was not set up until after the Deluge, about 13,000 years ago. The same is true for the recycling trap, including the “tunnel of light” and the “Between Lives Area.” Before that, souls who had been attached to a manipulated human body often came back due to implants and pictures that stuck in the mind of the soul, even without the Afterlife Implant Stations. However, there were also many souls who decided to leave after a lifetime here on Earth and were permitted to do so. Lucifer had no problems with finding souls. After the Flood, had to make a “closed system” out of Ar-i-du, and Earth in particular, in order to protect himself more carefully because of increased tension between himself and his Minions, versus the Orion Empire on the other end. This is when he created the Grid and changed our frequency—Earth became denser. In addition, the Saturn stargate became more heavily monitored, and it was next to impossible to find Earth to begin with due to its weird frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum and because the stargates were closed to outsiders—even the one in the Sun—Earth became considered a “locked-in system”.

VII. The Luciferians Own “En.lil” I think what has shocked me the most from having researched this level of learning is to learn how and his Luciferian Minions have altered the ancient scriptures so that they can accommodate their own agenda. Cleverly, they have taken on the roles of other gods and goddesses in the Pantheon and changed history by changing the characteristics of the beings they have taken on. ~ 58 ~


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One such shocking example is that of En.lil. Just as everybody else, little did I know and understand about this character, although I thought I knew enough about him to be able to judge him. Not so. Interestingly enough, I did know that En.lil, just as, is just a title and not a name. However, I didn’t realize that this title could apply to more than one person to begin with. Now I understand that there are many en.lil’s. One of them is the King of Orion, another is the son of the King of Orion (Prince Ninurta), and a third one is Lord himself, who took on that title without earning it and started acting in the name of the King of Orion and his brother, the Prince. Every so often, he also mixed the two because he really just wanted us to think that there is one En.lil, and that En.lil is “bad.” This is not an attempt to glorify the real En.lils—not at all. They, too, have their shortcomings, just like everybody else, but I always like to look at beings’ intentions—are they basically good, or are they working to create evil? When I look at the King and the Prince, I see two warriors, just as I see a lot of other things in them. The Orion Empire is constantly attacked by those who want the power that such an empire automatically signifies. In the distant past, just as I explained in Level II, the Orions were a warrior race, and the Queen was a warrior queen—a conqueror. This was a part of the evolution of that kind of star race. Remember that the Queen of the Stars is a personification, a soul fragment, or an incarnation, of Mother Goddess, just as Mother Gaia is another one. This whole concept can be confusing and very hard for us humans to comprehend, so it is explained to us in very simple terms. I have brought this up elsewhere but would like to recap in order for us all to grasp the concept—at least on the most simplistic level. The Universe is the creation of a Mother Goddess, who is in everything that is—she is what metaphysics calls “Source,” “First Source,” or “All That Is.” The only difference is that I have showed evidence that the Universe is feminine in nature and that God is feminine and not masculine or neuter. Other than that, there is no difference between what I teach and what other metaphysical researchers teach in that respect. I also agree with most other researchers that at one point, Source (the Goddess) became “bored” and “lonely” and wanted to explore herself to learn more about herself. Hence, she created the Universes, which are enormous holograms in which separated soul fragments of herself are allowed to go out and create. You and I are two such soul fragments. The Goddess created us as different individuals so we could create all different things that are possible in order for the Goddess to learn everything there is about herself from different viewpoints in different dimensions. ~ 59 ~


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With time, the Goddess wanted to participate in more intimate ways, so she “inserted” herself in different places in this universe and others. One of these “insertions” is her life as the Queen of the Stars—the Orion Queen. As such, she has powers as the Goddess but is also playing the same “game” as others out here. This means she is part of the physical world as well as the metaphysical world, and she interacts with others. In such ways, she is experiencing “good” and “evil” and all different aspects of life. However, her goal is to unite and bring everybody into compassion and love on the highest levels. First, everybody must learn by experience—in certain terms, she also has to learn. I hope this helps you understand a little better how things work. Nevertheless, this is an incredibly simplistic but good way of looking at it. Khan En.lil (King En.lil) is often referred to as just “An” or “Anu” in the ancient texts. These two terms both mean “Heaven.” Anu is therefore referred to as the “King of Heaven,” and this is where the confusion comes into play. The Goddess as the original Creatrix has been deleted from the old records (but clear references can still be found to her if we really look, and I have showed the readers that), and only “King Anu” has remained. Thus, he has become the King of Creation, the King of the Universe, and the King of the “Anunnaki.” We suddenly have a masculine, patriarchal universe. Matters become worse when Ninurta, in some instances, also gets merged with his father and is referred to as both Anu and En.lil. Then, Ninurta’s name is changed to En.lil in the records by Marduk in Babylonian times, and we have the scenario that Sitchin and others played out. Just as in a Shakespeare play, we now have the characters ready, and we just have to write the plot. Marduk and did that part quite thoroughly, and then we have their false creation—the false picture of reality. With the characters at hand, they now can use any of them for any purposes they want because the original characters, upon which the “Shakespearean play” is based, are not present and can’t object to the script. The actors have free hands! Therefore, making a long story short, Lucifer walked into Prince En.lil’s (Ninurta’s) Garden of Edin and rapes an “Eve.” Then he abducts another one, steals a “rib” from another, and so it continues. All the time, the blame is put on “En.lil”—in this case Ninurta, whose Garden it was in the first place. Consequently, the story that En.lil should have raped the Eve does not make sense. Then, in the context of things, and as we go along and learn the real story, we can see that there is no doubt about who is the real rapist, and just as a criminal often tends to do, is then hiding, or backing up, other criminals/rapists and defending them. We have seen that happen, too, in the story I’ve told. ~ 60 ~


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In fact, “En.lil”—both the King and the Prince—were against sexual interaction with womankind, whom the Goddess had created and Prince En.lil as Ninurta had nurtured to such an extent that he managed to create the Golden Age. This is all backed up by evidence, and we can clearly see it if we study Greek mythology, such as that of the Titans and the Olympians—stories that are told in most cultures. Only the names have changed, and the plot is slightly different, but still clearly recognizable. is of course Poseidon and Neptune in the Pantheon, and it’s easy to see that Poseidon was an Olympian and not a Titan. Ninurta as Cronos, however, is a Titan. I clearly showed this in a previous paper. The Olympians are the “younger gods” in the sense that they came to Earth later. When they arrived, the Titans were already here. Thus, however we bend and twist this, there is no way we can make a Titan. Still, he is sometimes addressing himself as Cronos, the Titan, as well! By doing so, he is free to use the Cronos character with the purpose to do evil. These evil deeds are then being automatically blamed on En.lil/Ninurta because people who research the Greek Pantheon see that Cronos was the bad guy. What researchers amazingly haven’t understood is that can’t be both an Olympian and a Titan simultaneously. In reality, he was an Olympian, but in the rewritten part of the story, he also took on the role as Cronos and gave En.lil a bad name. The problem is that those who research the old ancient records don’t go back far enough in time to see the connections. If they went back 500,000 years in history, they would find that this was the time when the Titans were defeated by the Olympians. Then, if they looked at the consequences of this, like we have done here in these papers, it would be very obvious who is who and who did what. However, because of the lack of understanding what really happened back then, has managed to get himself a good name in our alternative history book, while En.lil is the evil one—sometimes even referred to as Satan. I am not saying that it’s an easy task to put things right—it’s certainly not—and I don’t blame those who have fallen for the rewritten version of alternative history. In order to get the entire picture, it’s not enough to study the ancient cuneiform and other similar resources—we also have to study metaphysics, or we’re hopelessly lost. Even then, it takes time to get it right, and we must allow ourselves to make the mistakes necessary to eventually get the more correct version. I say “more correct” because I think it’s very difficult— maybe next to impossible—to get it totally right. We just have to make sure we create a better and better version of what really happened as we go along. Another typical example is that of YHWH. Who was he? Many say he was a composite of beings (something that I’ve suggested as well), and most ~ 61 ~


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truthseekers are of the opinion that the angry and “insane” version of YHWH was En.lil, while the softer version was Some have also suggested that the “bad” YHWH may have been Marduk in combination with En.lil. The result is that En.lil always seems to be connected with the angry, unjust part of this mysterious “god.” First, it doesn’t make sense that En.lil had anything to do with the biblical YHWH at all because neither Ninurta nor Khan En.lil were even here on Earth. There is plenty of evidence that Prince Ninurta was chased off the planet and had to flee out of the solar system as far back as 500,000 years ago. He is still mentioned in ancient history as being present on Earth long after he was chased off—however, that would of course not make sense. Instead, some of these stories, where Ninurta supposedly was involved, did most likely not happen on Earth, and other stories were simply rewritten records, where and his cohorts took on the role of Ninurta. These impostors were no fools—they knew what they were doing, and they did it in order to confuse humanity, so that most of us hopefully, never would find out the truth. Here is an example of what I mean when I say that the En.lil title was taken over by the Patriarchal Luciferians. The following “project team,” which consists of ten researchers, who have looked into the Sumerian Pantheon, did a good job at seeing through quite a few lies, although I am certainly not in agreement with all of it. They also had six professors who assisted them in the project, which doesn’t have a specific name, other than that they are listing and explaining “Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses.”65 In the first millennium the great gods Aššur, Marduk and Nabu were supreme, but Enlil's power was clearly remembered for even they were referred to as the "Assyrian Enlil" or the "Enlil of the gods" (Edzard 1965: 61).66

Most people wouldn’t reflect on this statement because they don’t have the entire story, but here it clearly says that Marduk and his son took on the title “En.lil.” According to their research, which in this case corresponds with mine, “En.lil” is definitely a title. However, the way it works in the Heavens, you just don’t take on such a title without the consent from those who have the authority to give out such titles. Obviously, no one belonging to the Patriarchal Regime had, or has, such authority. They simply created their own laws and regulations. Consequently, if Ninurta and Khan En.lil were not even present here on Earth, who then was YHWH? Well, we probably only have two alternatives 65 66 ~ 62 ~


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remaining— and Marduk! Now, was YHWH a composite of both of them, then, or was he one of them? Let’s take a look at that, once and for all.

VIII. Another Look at the Biblical YHWH The “Great Deception” has a lot to do with how Marduk and his father rewrote the records, not that they did it. They figured out how to do it most efficiently because they had seen over due time that humanity, despite how they’d been manipulated, still had a lot of trust for people and things—contrary to the gods themselves, who barely trusted anybody, we humans decide to keep trusting until we get blindsided. We, too, become more suspicious the more we are deceived, but we have a hard time giving up that trust in our hearts. In the matter of the gods, it hasn’t served us very well, but in general, it’s a very noble and good thing—if we only could use trust in conjunction with more discernment, we would be better off. When I realized that YHWH could not be En.lil, regardless how I bent and twisted things, I wanted to know if the biblical God was still a composite being, or if he were only one with Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). In addition, who was he (or “they”)? When I started restudying this subject, I soon concluded that YHWH, after all, had to be—there were certain criteria that talked in his favor, so I began to look into these. The most compelling was the following. Dr. Joseph Farrell in “The Cosmic War” manages to give the reader rather convincing evidence that YHWH was, and I was convinced when I read it. Concurring with me, regardless how “disturbing” it may be, Farrell says, is the absolute best candidate for the Sumerian Lucifer character.67 Then, when he starts connecting the dots, which lead to was also the best candidate for being the God of the Old Testament, it becomes unusually “chilly,” as he puts it. In Exodus 3:13-14, “God” is talking to Moses from the famous Burning Bush, so he doesn’t have to reveal his face (I’m sorry, but how cheesy can it be?) The following is played out: 13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel and shall say unto them, The God of your father hath sent me unto you; and they shall say unto me, What is his name? shat shall I say unto them?

Joseph P. Farrell, ©2007, “The Cosmic War—Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts”, p. 301. 67

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14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.68

This statement from God, “I AM THAT I AM” has been endlessly quoted by religious people all over the world, but very few understand what it really means. Dr. Farrell may have figured it out after having read David Rohl, a scholar in alternative theosophy, and it makes sense. Here is what Rohl has to say about the above Bible quote. And we have learnt, Enki… was called Ea in Akkadian (East Semitic)—that is to say in the Babylonian tradition. Scholars have determined that Ea was vocalized as “Eya”. So, when Moses stood before the burning bush and asked the name of the god of the mountain, did he really reply “I am who I am” (Hebrew Eyah asher eyah)? This puzzling phrase has long perplexed theologians but now there is a simple explanation. The voice of God simply replied “Eyah asher Eyah”—“I am (the one) who is called Eyah” the name of Ea in its West Semitic (i.e. Hebrew) form. Scholars have simply failed to recognize this is another of those characteristic puns in which the Old Testament abounds, “I am (asher) Ea (Eyah)” is a classic biblical play on words. It also explains God’s apparently nonsensical instruction: “This is what you are to say to the Israelites” “I am has sent me to you.” “Eyah” or simply “Ya” is the hypocoristic form of the name Yahweh found as an element of so many Old Testament names. So Enki/Ea, the god who created Man and then later warned Zuisudra/Utnapištim of the impending destruction of mankind, is one and the same as the god of Moses.69

So, according to these two researchers, the correct translation should be “I am the one who is called Ea,” and if so—there we have it! Rohl goes so far as to let the Hebrew word “Ya” transform into “Yahweh,” and if he is correct, that makes sense as well—not that Ea is Yahweh, but that he took on that title from the Mother Goddess, who originally bore that title. Regardless of who stole the title YHWH from the Goddess proves that thefts like this were done and certainly not as a one-time thing—it was a part of the pattern, just as when and Marduk stole the titles of En.lil and Ninurta and used them irresponsibly to make us get a wrong impression of these two deities. The Patriarchs were very careful not to say too many kind words about anybody who stood by the side of the Mother Goddess. The Holy Bible, King James Version, “Exodus 3:13-14”, op. cit. (When quoting and using the Bible, it will always be King James Version unless otherwise indicated). 69 David Rohl, “The Lost Testament”, cited in Peter Goodgame, “Domination by Deception,” “The Giza Discovery”, Part Six, 68

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However, as Farrell is pointing out, YWHW as the Creator of Heaven and Earth in the biblical tradition, as well as the creator of mankind, has little to do with, the sorcerer—especially as YHWH seems to prohibit such practices. What he fails to understand, however, is that the original YHWH, who created “Heaven and Earth,” was a female Creatrix and the original YHWH. When the AIF took over, they blended the YHWH female Goddess of all creation with their own inferior characters. Hence, if Ea became YHWH of the Bible after mankind was genetically manipulated into existence, it makes sense that she became a he and that he was a sorcerer, but he did not want the general population to be sorcerers. “Sorcery” was an occult trait that you learned within secret societies and not something that ordinary people should occupy their minds with. Therefore, when we realize these things, everything seems to be put in place—it definitely looks like Ea was YHWH. BUT there is more to this story, so let’s keep on looking. There are also certain indicators that YHWH is associated with Lucifer’s son, Lord Marduk, and we will take a look at a few of these indicators. We know that gold, precious stones, gems, and minerals were very important to the gods—so important, actually, that many individual gods were associated with certain stones, as we saw when we compared the planets in the solar system with certain Sumerian gods.70 We know from previous papers that the stone in Lucifer’s Crown, which was lost in the battle between Lucifer and Ninurta when the latter threw Lucifer out of Orion’s Inner Sanctuaries, was a sapphire, and that sapphire, in many ways, is related to Prince Lucifer. However, Lucifer is not the only deity in the Heavens who has a weakness for sapphire. If we look at the table depicting planets connected to certain precious stones, we find that Jupiter is associated with sapphire as well, and Jupiter is said to be Marduk’s planet. Then, to narrow it down and connect the dots some more, the first Laws of Moses, which he received from YHWH, were inscribed on sapphire! This means there are great chances that YHWH was either or Marduk, or perhaps both of them. In some traditions, “The Book of Thoth” was inscribed on sapphire as well, which tends to show that these three beings were quite tightly connected, if we didn’t know that Thoth and are one and the same—not because they happened to “like” sapphire, but because sapphire meant something more to these beings in the sense of their usability. I haven’t heard of any other beings in history who have used sapphire in the sense

The Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 9: “Lucifer’s Insidious Plan and the “Tablets of Destinies”, subsection iv.ii.v., ‘Lapis Exili—the ‘Stone of Exile’ in Lucifer’s Crown Revisited”. 70

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that these two beings have— and Marduk. So, in reality, we have two candidates for the title of YHWH, the Imposter. Then, there are strong indications that Marduk certainly had a hand in the creation of the imposter YHWH, and this indication comes from a quite unlikely direction—a book review that I found. This reviewer is, by all means, not reviewing my material, but a book at where the author spends a lot of time trying to prove that YHWH was The reviewer strongly disagrees with this claim. Although the reviewer, I believe, is correct on many points (I haven’t had the chance to check all his references, which will be endnoted after the following quote), his point does not in any way exclude that had a hand in it—only that the name YHWH was inserted into the Old Testament once it was translated into Hebrew, which was not the original language in which the Bible was written (again, see quote below). Instead, based upon the evidence this reviewer is providing, YHWH is no less than Lord Marduk. For example, he mistakenly assumes the "original" old testament (OT) is a Hebrew document written in Hebrew, and that "Yahweh" is disclosed as a principal player (and thus is a principal player). Sadly, he spends a large portion of his book arguing that Yahweh is Enki - provoking a host of collateral conclusions, based upon this (faulty) presumption. In fact, the original old testament (OT), including the book of Genesis - the creation story (which Roberts relies upon) was written in Babylon during the Israelite captivity and afterwards (cc 570 to 510 BC, during the reign of Tabopolassar II (aka Nebuchadnezzar), Cyrus). It was written by a new religious group known as the Jews, not Hebrews. (NOTE, Judaism was the product of the Babylonian captivity and is very distinct from Hebrewism.) Furthermore, it was also written in cuneiform/Aramaic - not Hebrew, and absent any reference whatsoever to "Yahweh." This material, because the original OT wasn't written by Hebrews, wasn't in the Hebrew language and there wasn't any disclosure of any "Yahweh!" In its subsequent translation into Greek neither the name "Yahweh" nor any derivative thereof is found (Greek LLX Septuagint version, cc 250-100 BC). Naturally, one would assume if the original was devoid of any reference to Yahweh that an honest translation would also be devoid. Interestingly, in the Greek version there is also no descriptive/identification of "who" the "Lord or God of Israel" is other than "Kyrios," which translates merely as "Lord." ~ 66 ~


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It wasn't until well after Christ's time that the OT was translated/revised from its Greek version (not from the original cuneiform) into a Hebrew language version (Masoretic Text 700-1000 AD). Thousands of material differences exist between the two versions. It was in this later Hebrew language version that the term/personage "Yahweh" finally shows up (for the first time). Historians have several lines to establish there was no earlier Hebrew OT version. One line is that both Philo and Josephus (prominent Jewish historians about the time of Christ) quoted many passages of the Old Testament -- always directly in Greek from the Greek Septuagint, even when they wrote in Aramaic. They were scholars of the day and also very Jewish. If a Hebrew OT existed, they would have used it instead of the Greek Septuagint. At a minimum, they would have mentioned its existence, if it existed. They didn't, because it did not exist. It should also be noted, the Babylonians and Assyrians during the period of captivity (and thus the Jews who drafted the original OT) knew of a god named "Yahweh," who was a "local" lessor/low powered/low level tribal god that resided on Mt. Horeb. Mind you he was not an important regional god, much less a powerful national god, nor an omnipotent (universal/Chief) god -- but, rather a low powered/humble "local" tribal god. The indigenous tribesmen felt he could even be beaten in battle, if they could get him off the mountain into the plains. Did this low level local tribal god at the time of drafting the original OT in Babylon somehow magically become an all powerful omnipotent universal (chief) god -- when the OT was finally translated/revised into Hebrew 700-1000 AD? Compelling (virtually indisputable) extrabiblical evidence supports all the above, if one bothers to look for it and read it. Obviously Roberts didn't. So, he doesn't know the original old testament wasn't a Hebrew document not written in the Hebrew language, and absent any reference to any omnipotent god named Yahweh (until the later revision/translation into Hebrew). Roberts is essentially relying upon the modern King James revision of the OT (derived from the Masoretic text). Relying upon this conveniently available modern OT (e.g. King James) without testing its reliability/authenticity against earlier versions and extra-biblical references is (forgive me) lazy and poor scientific method/scholarship.

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So how valid can Roberts comparison be that Enki was one and same god as Yahweh, if Yahweh truly didn't exist as the omnipotent god of Israel, in the first instance (e.g. in the original cuneiform Babylon OT)? Perhaps the better question is who was the unnamed god Kyrios "the Lord of Israel" disclosed in the original and Greek (non-Hebrew) OT versions? On this score, the answer may be found in indisputable contemporaneous archaeology (e.g. the 2600 year old "Cyrus Cylinder" discovered 1879 in Babylon). In other words, there is archaeological evidence from the same time/place as the original cuneiform OT from the very King who released the Jews from captivity. In this remarkable stone cylinder Cyrus's very words ordering the release of the Jews from captivity and the rebuilding of the temple in Judah (which Cyrus incidentally financed) were recorded. The Masoretic 700-1000 AD text gave Yahweh credit for Cyrus's order ("I will raise up Cyrus in my righteousness: I will make all his ways straight. He will rebuild my city and set my exiles free," Isaiah 45:13). Amazingly, in the "Cyrus Cylinder" Cyrus expressly discloses the name of the god who ordered his decision. But, hold on to your pants, it was not Yahweh, nor was it Enki, nor was it Enlil (and all were known at the time). It was none of them. Rather, Cyrus gave credit for his order to his god, the god of Babylon (who had orchestrated Cyrus's earlier conquest of Babylon without shedding a drop of blood). It was the new chief god of the pantheon -- Marduk! It was Marduk-- Marduk -- who ordered Cyrus' release of the captives and the building of the temple of Judah. So, Yahweh did not exist as an omnipotent god when the OT was drafted in Babylon, and even if he did, he couldn't have been Enki. By unquestionably assuming the validity of the Masoretic text and thus the existence/importance of Yahweh, Roberts commits fundamental error. He also makes the same mistake by assuming the validity of the Book of Genesis as

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provided in the Masoretic text. This of course (unfortunately) causes Roberts to create a product that grossly misleads his readers.71

Of course, the reviewer doesn’t know the “hidden history of mankind,” so his assumptions that couldn’t have been involved at all (and neither could En.lil) can’t be taken at face value. However, his research does show that it’s more than likely that Marduk was involved. Although the name YHWH was not mentioned in the early writings of the Bible, two things still ring true. The “God” referred to, when we discuss YHWH, is the same being as Kyrios, the “Lord [of Israel].” YHWH is, like the person I quoted says, the Hebrew name of the same deity, but the Hebrew name is taken directly from the Orion language. Those who translated the Bible into Hebrew knew this very well! What the “ reviewer” doesn’t know is that Marduk and were still the ones lurking in the background when the Hebrew version was written! It was not until the Hebrew version was written that it was decided that the name of the Orion Queen, Yahweh, should be used as the ultimate humiliation—turning the Divine Feminine into the Divine Masculine. Before then, father and son just changed the gender of the Goddess to God—a male deity—to emphasize their patriarchal hierarchy. Therefore, saying that had nothing to do with the biblical “God” is not proven in the References: -The Babylonian Genesis, Old Testament from Babel, Cuneiform parallels to the Old Testament: Rogers, Robert William (1912) ("[T]his book contains the largest body of cuneiform literature yet assembled in any language for the illustration of the Old Testament.") 71

-The Origin of Biblical Traditions, Albert Clay, 1999 -Babylonian Genesis: The Story of the Creation, Alexander Heidel (1963) -The Civilization of Babylonia and Assyria, by Morris Jastrow (1915) -Recent Orientalia and Judaica, B Halper - The Jewish Quarterly Review (1924) - JSTOR ("Were the early Books of the Old Testament written in Cuneiform?") -Peoples of an Almighty God: Competing Religions in the Ancient World, Jonathan Goldstein (2002) Note: The comments in the above reference list are made by the reviewer, not by this author. I found this book review at the following web address: 517&nodeID=283155&store=books ~ 69 ~


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reviewer’s text—he simply doesn’t go back far enough, something that Dr. Farrell does, however. The fact remains that today, the Hebrew version of the Bible has been used to translate the Bible into the most common languages in the world—English being number one. This is, of course, no coincidence, if Marduk and at one time, after the turn of the First Millennium after Christ, decided to use Hebrew names in the “World Bible”—words such as Yahweh. The “local god” the reviewer mentions may, or may not, have existed, but even if he did, he is outside the scope of this story and of very little interest for us. Nevertheless, he may be a curious side note to research for those who are interested. Now, to summarize, let’s hypothesize. If you were in this particular duo ( and Marduk), would it matter to you which one of you played the role of YHWH (if we are still using the Hebrew name)? If you were on a mission somewhere else in the Universe, and you were the one who originally played the male YHWH, would it matter to you if your co-conspirator, Marduk, filled in, similar to what happens when you are sick, and someone else fills in for you at work? You both know the job. In YHWH’s case, it would explain the different personalities of the “god” at different times—he simply was a composite being. I believe that when push comes to shove, YHWH was both and Marduk—thus YHWH’s schizophrenic nature. I find David Rohl’s interpretation of the Exodus section above particularly interesting, and if he is correct, that shows that probably was the original entity behind YHWH—Marduk filled in later.

IX. From One Thing to Another In the next paper, we will address some subjects which lead up to the Deluge, which happened here on Gaia approximately 13,000 years ago. Although we have discussed this subject at length in other levels of learning, it’s well worth addressing one more time before we lay it to rest. There are still things related to this devastating “catastrophe” that have not yet been discussed, or even addressed, by other researchers—at least not from what I know—and it’s very important to understand this subject as much as possible. The reason for this is because it still sits as a trauma in the mass consciousness of mankind and can possibly lock many people into this current reality unless it is addressed accordingly. As the readers may have noticed, we haven’t discussed Atlantis, Lemuria, or any other of the past great civilizations at any depth in this level of learning, and although we are going to mention them soon, we have already learned about ~ 70 ~


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them in previous levels of learning, and they are not crucial to go into again at any length—what needs to be said about them for the purpose of these series of papers has more or less already been said. The Big Goal with these Levels of Learning is to help people free themselves from the bondage and the slavery of this plane of reality we call the Third Dimension. If the topics I have discussed with the reader have helped open your chakras in order to see new realities, possibilities, and probabilities, then my Big Goal is accomplished. I am aware that for this to happen, in order to make a difference on a more global scale, the incidents that hang us up here in 3D need to be addressed—one by one and up to a certain level. Then the rest should come more naturally for the true inquirer. Important, too, is that the readers think for themselves. These papers hopefully will serve as guidelines and food for thought, but in general, they are written to give you ideas as you move on through the material and start seeing reality from your own perspective. You are a unique being, and the way you see things will be different from another reader because your experiences are different. Keep this in mind because it’s a powerful statement if you understand it in depth.

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n a previous paper, I started telling the story about Isis and how she got involved with Isis was the goddess who became the breeder, creating the human hybrid races that existed before the Flood. She was also heavily involved in creating’s Elite human hybrid race after the Deluge. However, she did not have anything to do with creating Homo sapiens sapiens. We were created from different genes, as we shall see. I also showed how she had been confused with Ninhursag, who is actually the name Prince Ninurta gave to Mother Goddess, and therefore, she was not the female who created the watereddown versions of humankind. Instead, Ninhursag was, indeed, involved in creating the previous, original womankind, who roamed the Earth before Lucifer arrived. Over time, Isis slowly started waking up from the spell had put her under. Slowly, she began to feel deep regrets for what she’d done. Also, her real family—her father, Ninurta, and her grandparents, Queen Nin and Khan En.lil, must have thought very badly of her. She didn’t know what to do—she just knew she needed to get out from her imprisonment with Unfortunately because of the rape, she now had a son, Marduk, whom she loved—he was her son, after all. She saw how he had been manipulated from birth by his father,, and taken on his father’s values and hunger for power. Still, as a mother, she knew that Marduk was not evil deep inside, and she couldn’t leave him with—who would destroy him totally. She needed advice and went to see her father, Prince Ninurta, who at that time was in Mintaka, Orion’s belt. Her father met with her, and Isis was very tearful and regretful when she talked to him. At first, Ninurta looked at her with stern eyes, willing to hear her out, but probably not willing to forgive what she’d done. He asked her if she realized the consequences of her actions. How could she, being from the House of En.lil, be so stupid that she went with Lucifer, the Archenemy of Orion, gave him a son, and started giving birth to a hybrid race, destroying her father’s Experiment? What was she thinking? Ninurta’s tone of voice when he was asking this was very demanding and damning. He made sure she understood that he didn’t want to hear any lies. If she wanted to talk to him, she’d better tell him the truth, or he would never speak with her again. Isis was quiet for a moment, thinking about what effect she had created back on Earth. By giving a progeny, she and he were now inseparable. She ~ 72 ~


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had become known as “Lilith,” the “Mother of Demons”—her reputation as a whore was widely spread in certain circles. Then she started talking and deeply apologized for what she had done. She told Ninurta that she had been raped by, and Marduk was the bastard son, who was the result of that act. Now it was Ninurta’s turn to be quiet. Isis saw his black face turn paler, and his eyes narrowed. His breath became heavy, and his eyes started shooting arrows. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing! His own brother had not only forced his daughter into marriage, but actually done so by raping her! Prince Ninurta knew his daughter well enough to see whether she was lying or not. Their communication was telepathic, and he would have noticed if there had been blockages in her thoughts, but there were no secrets she was trying to hide. Her energy flowed freely and effortlessly when she was “talking.” In this case, there was no doubt—what she was telling him was the truth. The Prince was absolutely furious, and he looked at his daughter in rage and said that his brother was not going to get away with this! Isis protested, and said that he can’t kill because if he does, will terminate the whole human race and everything else that originally was created by his mother and himself. Ninurta shook his head while still looking at her, and he said, “there are other, better ways to deal with that bastard than to kill him—believe me! This time he’s gone too far!” Then he looked at his daughter for a while, and his rage decreased a few degrees. He said to her—this time in a much calmer voice: “You come to me so I can forgive you. What your husband has done to you is unforgivable, but in order to get so totally under his spell after that, you must have had some feelings for him. At this time, my daughter, I can’t decide whether I’m going to forgive you or not. I need time to think this over. You went against everything your father stands for, and not only that—you also showed total disrespect for what your grandfather and your grandmother have taught you! I am not willing to take you in yet. First, I want to see some real proof from you that you are willing to give him up once and for all, and I want to see you help putting things right again!” Isis bowed her head and nodded. She understood. Her father could be very stern, but she knew he loved her, and what he did was still in her best interest. After all she’d done, he could have abandoned her right there—and maybe not even being willing to see her in the first place.

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Fig. 1. Isis, Lady of Fire.

Isis had a last request. “What about Marduk? He is innocent in all this—he was just a child under the influence of his manipulative father. Please, let him into Orion, and keep him there for protection. Deep within, he is a good person!” Ninurta said he could not make such a decision alone, so he consulted his mother, the Queen of the Stars. The Queen said, “This thing is not to be taken lightly. My granddaughter has been forced into a marriage because of a rape. It’s intolerable. When it comes to my grandson, Marduk, time will tell. My doors are always open for him, but at the moment, his loyalty is with his father, and as long as he has not repented and redeemed himself, I cannot allow him into Satania. Nevertheless, let him know that the doors are open, and he is welcome to dwell here, once he has totally made up his mind and has proven himself worthy.” Isis retreated from the Palace, where she had spent so much time in the past, when she was younger. She felt a sting in her heart because it was here she had grown up, and it was here she felt that she really belonged. For now, however, she had to leave—she had no choice. She knew they wouldn’t take her back and let her in, the way the situation was now—she needed to make amends. With a heavy heart, she left Orion and returned to Gaia, where her husband and ~ 74 ~


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son were playing their vicious games, in which she no longer wanted to have any part. She was not enjoying the reunion with her new family. Not too far after Isis’ journey, Marduk asked her why he was banned from visiting his grandparents and from being lifted up into the Palace of Satania. Isis felt obligated to tell the truth—even the part where the Empire considered Marduk being someone who was his father’s son. She told him, as well, that the door was open for him in case he changed his mind. Marduk was furious and said that he certainly sided with his father, who had been so badly treated by his family. Later on, when he talked about this with others, he insisted that the Queen and the Khan refused to let him in, and that he was banned from Orion, although he was innocent and never participated in the original Rebellion. This was not true, however, because the Queen had said in front of witnesses that Marduk was welcome back when he got his act together. It is probably quite true, however, that Marduk was manipulated by his father to side with him, and it is very plausible that promised Marduk that he could take Prince En.lil’s place in the Heavens, once the Great Cosmic Wars were over.

II. Prince Ninurta’s Confrontation with on the Rigelian Battlefield When Isis had left Orion, Prince Ninurta didn’t waste any time. He put on his armor, gathered his weapons, and prepared himself for war. He didn’t assemble any troops or anybody at all to follow him—this was entirely his own battle. Still enraged, he travelled the short distance of about 200 light-years between Mintaka and Rigel, where the frenetic, destructive war was ongoing. The giant white-blue star showed up in front of him—extremely bright and quite large. Rigel, the second brightest star in the Orion Constellation—once a peaceful place, where star beings were evolving in happiness and companionship, was now turning into a wasteland. When Lucifer’s Angels and Demons entered the stage, everything changed. A civil war had already started from inside, from Lucifer using the same manipulated techniques that had showed to be so useful in the past. The Rigel solar system has several planets orbiting the gigantic sun, and at least one of them carries life in a meaningful form. The main intelligent life forms in this solar system, otherwise, are star beings, i.e. they live inside their Sun, and are interdimensional.

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Ninurta, however, aimed for the seventh planet, counting from the Sun and outward. In size, it was 1 ½ the size of Earth, and the life forms were therefore larger in stature than humans are. Many of them were Reptilians. Ninurta used his perceptions and his technology to figure out the status of the planet, and he checked the star constellations to make sure he arrived in the right time period.

Fig. 2. The Battle of Gettysburg, in 1863, during the American Civil War.

When everything looked right, he descended through the thin clouds and landed on the top of a mountain (mountains are Prince Ninurta’s sanctuary), where he hid some of his baggage. He used supercharged binoculars to see what was going on far down on the ground level. What he saw was a fatigue battlefield. It was huge, and dead bodies were lying everywhere. If the readers have ever seen a picture of the aftermath of “The Battle of Gettysburg,” this scenario was similar (see fig. 2). The only difference was that this battle was still raging, although Ninurta could tell that the solders on all fronts had battle fatigue. One bomb went off and hit a target, but then it took a while before the attack was returned. Beings were running back and forth between sheltering trees, bushes and rocks, in order to change positions. Somewhere in all this chaos, he knew that his brother was leading one of his legions. Khan En.lil was still busy fighting the war in Sirius, and Queen Nin

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was writing a peace agreement with an old enemy on another flank of the Orion Empire. Ninurta didn’t waste any more time. He hurried down the mountain, fully armed, dressed in a well protecting armor, which was light to carry, but made all the difference if he was being hit by laser or electromagnetic weapons. When he arrived at the bottom of the mountain, he ran across the battlefield, and took shelter behind a rock formation. Primitive bullets from a primitive population swished all around him, and some hit him in the side, in the back, or on the side of his head, but he kept running. These bullets didn’t do anything to him—the armor easily took care of them. He couldn’t be too careful, however, because there were those out there whose weapons actually could penetrate his armor, and if so, he had no one who could help him heal. He did carry some medical instruments, which he could use to heal himself from serious wounds, in case he was badly hurt, but how effective they would be would depend on the situation. Ninurta sat behind the rocks for a while and studied the environment. He knew his brother all too well, and if there were somewhere on this planet, on any battlefield, that Lucifer would fight, it would be right here. He would use his advanced weapons against a civilization that was superior in numbers, but inferior in technology. These were the kind of odds Lucifer liked to play with— he called them “fair,” when in fact he had all the advantages. Ninurta smiled sadly to himself when he thought about this, but then went to action. He jumped up on the top of a rock, showed himself as being totally fearless, and put a bullhorn to his mouth. He blew in it the strongest he could, and a loud tone rang over the battlefield. So loud was it that all firing stopped. Everybody wanted to see where that loud noise came from. He had gotten their attention! When the sound from the horn had echoed out and faded, Ninurta changed to an amplifier in which he could speak, so that his voice could be heard over a relatively long distance. He shouted: “Lucifer, Prince of Lies, King of Rape, Heir of Nothing, in control of nobody, where are you hiding? Do you recognize the voice of your own brother? Yes, I have come to see you, and where do I find you? In a place where death and terror reigns—where rats and cockroaches thrive, and a foggy darkness is all there is to see. Aren’t you supposed to be the Prince of Light? But you see, there are cracks in all darkness—that’s how the light comes in! And I am the Light, my brother, and the Light right now is your worst enemy! Come out from your hiding place, so I can see you!”

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The battlefield was totally quiet—one could almost hear a needle fall. No one wanted to miss this scenario and what would happen next. Ninurta peered out over the field, where an early morning mist laid like a coating over the bluish landscape. No birds were singing—it was almost as if this entire god-forgotten place was abandoned, although Ninurta knew better. Then, out of the shadows, came a tall gestalt. His armor was still clean, as if he still hadn’t been in battle at all, and in his hand he carried some kind of gun, although it was not pointed at Ninurta at that moment. Ninurta jumped down from the rock and stood on the ground with his armed crossed, waiting for his brother to come closer. Lucifer stopped 20 feet from his brother and looked at him with a smile. “You are calling me many names, brother. You, who think you’re so good that you can win everybody’s heart. You sure convinced our parents that you were better than I, didn’t you? They even chose you as the heir of Orion, although I am the eldest of us two. People call me “smooth talker,” and a “trickster,” but that’s just because they don’t know you. You have fooled the entire Royal Court, but one day, your false character will burst at its seams and you will be revealed for whom you are. When that happens, no one wants to have anything to do with you, my brother, but then it’s too late. I have already built my own Empire, and in a very near future, it will supersede Orion tenfold. Then, Orion will be no more. It will be under my jurisdiction, and its name will be changed to what I find appropriate. “Orion, the Hunter?” You’re such a liar. And you have the stomach to call me a liar? What do you want? I am fighting a war here, and I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you!” Lucifer’s hand around his gun hardened. “Be careful so you don’t shoot yourself in the foot, dear brother!” said Ninurta with a loud and stead voice that could be heard over the battlefield. “It looks quite new, as if you haven’t used it before. I would put it aside until I’d learned how to use it, if I were you! But enough now! I haven’t come here to engage in a word battle with you. I have come here to take revenge for my daughter, Isis!” Lucifer’s eyes narrowed. “Isis? What about her? She is my consort now, as you very well know. The House of En.lil is losing its family members because they realize, one by one, that they can’t stand living amongst you, isn’t that correct? Isn’t it a little too late to think of revenge now after all the years Isis and I have been married? You have a grandson, too, brother. Too bad you’re so out of touch with your family—both your daughter and your grandson. It can’t be because of me, can it?”

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“Stop your idiotic word games, Lucifer!” Ninurta shouted. “You raped my daughter, and your son is a bastard, that’s what he is! How dare you rape my daughter? Did you think you could do that without being reprimanded? Did you really think you could get away with it?” “So what are you going to do? Kill me?” Lucifer laughed sarcastically. “You know you can’t kill me. You love your mother’s gift way too much for that. My sentimental brother doesn’t want his Living Library destroyed, does he? I, on the other hand, can kill you without any major repercussions. So what is it that you really want, Prince of Lies? “Fight me, Lucifer! Show me that you are as quick in battle as you are with your tongue! Throw away your heavy weaponry and let us only use our knives!” “You are shielding yourself—I can’t read your intentions—so I know not what you have in mind. But I am not afraid of you, brother. You are a great warrior, but so am I! And remember that you can’t kill me, if that’s what you are planning. I have people who would destroy your solar system in next to no time!” “Don’t you worry about that, you little coward. Show yourself off instead! Show that you can defeat me! Show all these soldiers, hiding in the bushes, that you can defeat me!” Both of them threw their weaponry on the ground, took off their armor, but kept their long, sharp knives, which looked more like scythes than they did knives. The two brothers put themselves in position, while soldiers popped up from behind their shelters to get a better look at what was happening. All fighting, except between the brothers, had now suddenly stopped. Beings from both sides of the battle, who had been trying to kill each other just a few minutes ago, had put their weapons down, and now standing up, they were totally visible to their enemies, who could easily kill them. However, it was as if all grudges were forgotten. As long as the battle between these two powerful brothers took place before their eyes, there was no conflict existing between all these soldiers.72 Ninurta didn’t want to wait for Lucifer’s first attack—instead, he was the one who attacked first. Steel turned against steal, and two strong bodies ran into each other with such an effort that one could hear their lungs emptying. The two

If my memory serves me well, a similar thing happened between the Nazi soldiers and the Allies just before the Battle of Dunkerque started in WW II. The German soldiers and the Allies ate, drank, and laughed together, just to start fighting again the next morning. Isn’t this a typical example of how people get manipulated into war, when in fact they don’t hold any grudges against each other? 72

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combaters grabbed each other, fell to the ground, and rolled over, while they were punching each other hard in the face and in the chest. Ninurta could feel the sting from Lucifer’s sharp knife cutting through the skin on his right thigh, and he kicked his brother away from him to get a chance to reposition himself. He felt the warmth from the blood running down his leg. He knew immediately that the wound was just shallow, and nothing to worry about. Lucifer, however, took advantage of the situation when he saw that he had wounded his brother, and rushed toward him at full speed. Ninurta saw the rock that was lying slightly to the right of himself, and when Lucifer came closer, he kicked the rock toward his brothers feet. It had the exact effect Ninurta had hoped for. was not prepared, and didn’t expect the stone to suddenly appear in front of his feet, so he tripped on it and fell flat on his stomach. Ninurta was over him in the blink of an eye, and turned him around on his back. had dropped his knife when he fell but couldn’t have done anything anyway, sitting tight in Ninurta’s grip. Ninurta had a stretched arm and hand around’s throat, and his knee on his chest, so that he couldn’t move. Ninurta, in rage, showed his scythe-like knife to and held it close to his eyes. “This knife, my brother,” he said, showing his teeth, “I suggested we should use as our only weapons for a very specific reason. You see the shape of it? It can be used to cut somebody’s head off—something I could easily do to you right now!” Lucifer was sweating but did what he could not to show fear. “You wouldn’t kill me!” he said, but this time he sounded less convincing. Ninurta looked at him with disgust. “You’re right! It’s your lucky day, and I won’t kill you. However, you interrupted me before I was finished talking. I was going to say that this knife is also perfect to use for another purpose. Can you imagine what that would be?”’s eyes widened in pure terror. “You wouldn’t…!” In the next second, Ninurta hit’s face with his fist, cut up his pants with the sharp knife and castrated his brother in a matter of seconds. He took his privates and threw them away, out over the battlefield. He whistled, and a bird of prey descended from the skies, grabbed’s privates and flew away with them. Ninurta stepped back and cleaned his knife, while lied on the ground, screaming in pain. He couldn’t believe that he no longer had his testicles! Ninurta put on his armor again, stuck the knife into his belt, and looked at his brother without remorse. ~ 80 ~


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“Listen and learn, brother!” Ninurta said. “You knew as well as anybody else that you don’t mess with an evolving race on an evolving planet. So what do you do? You walk around and copulate with every female in sight, although you know that this is strictly forbidden. Then you genetically engineer and manipulate the same evolving race and make them into slaves. After that, you create an Elite bloodline, consisting of your purest genes, and that of my sister’s, so you can make sure that your offspring has Ninurta’s blood running through their veins—through my daughter! This way you think in your sick mind that you will have enough Royalty to outdo me and get your heirship back. I have a surprise for you! It will not succeed! The Khan and the Queen will not change their minds, and their words can supersede the laws when it’s absolutely necessary. Do you really think that your behavior will make them vote in your favor? That’s an insult to me and to my parents! Furthermore, do you think you can rape my daughter and not get punished for it? If you touch one more hair on Isis, I will gladly kill you—slowly! And I will annihilate you and destroy your Avatar! Now, listen very carefully, my brother! This is my curse on you: No longer do you have any privates that you can use to continue producing your bloodline, or any bloodline at all, for that matter. You’re finished—no more intimacy with any woman—anywhere! Whatever you do from hereon in an attempt to regain your fertility will fail. You will never again, as long as you live, be able to create offspring. No more progenies! This, my brother, is my curse, and it is effective immediately. You have raped your last woman, and this is my revenge for having raped my own, beloved daughter! No more offspring, no more sex! Now, take this to clean up your mess and get the hell out of here!” Ninurta threw at him a few small towels and some disinfection medicine, which also stopped the bleeding. He did not want his brother to bleed to death because he knew that wouldn’t hesitate to put his threat into reality and blow the Ar-i-du solar system into pieces. Death in itself wouldn’t be the end of—he could shape another interdimensional body, as long as he had his Avatar—both and Ninurta knew this, of course, so it was no point in just cutting’s head off.’s fear in that instant, when Ninurta had the chance to decapitate him, was more in fear of losing his Avatar. Indeed, the only thing that would have killed, right there and then, was if Ninurta had destroyed his brother’s Avatar. This, he knew, he wouldn’t do under the circumstance. However, how could Ninurta be so sure that wouldn’t go back to Earth, after the humiliation he was experiencing on the battlefield, and just annihilate all humans? Ninurta knew he wouldn’t because then’s penalty ~ 81 ~


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would be eternal death. Was it possible that would start treating humans worse in revenge for what Ninurta had done to him? Yes, this was certainly plausible. Prince Ninurta sat down on a rock, studying his brother when he cleaned himself up. Once he was done, fled from the battlefield and left Rigel. Shortly after, Ninurta left as well, and returned to Mintaka. Warriors’ justice had been made!

III. Back to the Drawing Board was furious, humiliated, desperate, and for the first time in his life, really depressed. He had no way of breaking his brother’s spell—at least there was no way that he knew of. What was he supposed to do now? Not only had he been deprived of the pleasure of having sex, but he also couldn’t continue his planned experiment with bloodlines, using women as breeding machines. After he’d fled from the battlefield in the Rigel star system, he went to Aldebaran and settled there. It seems as if that’s the place where he usually withdrew when he had to think, or if he were in trouble—it was his own sanctuary. Soon, however, the solution came to him—he went to get his Mes made of sapphire and sent a communication to his son, Marduk, back on Earth, to immediately leave what he was doing and come to Aldebaran. Marduk, quick to please his father at this point, obeyed, and soon the two sat together in the Constellation of Taurus. When had described what happened in Rigel, Marduk flew up, furious like someone who had just been robbed of all his personal items. “I will get that bastard!” he said, and was almost already out the door. calmed him down and commanded him to sit down again. “I don’t have time for revenge right now,” said, when in reality he was afraid of his brother. “That’s not why I called you over here!” Then he explained to Marduk the more serious situation—at least from his viewpoint—and that was that he no longer could reproduce. Marduk sat quiet, wondering where his father would go from here. “Now it’s all up to you, my son”, said and put his hand on Marduk’s palm. He looked his son deep into his cold, black eyes. “From now on, you will be the breeder! Your semen will represent my semen, and thus, whomever you impregnate will still be of my pure bloodline—and yours too, for that matter. I want you to copulate with Isis, and I want you to do it a lot! The more offspring she can give you, the better. I don’t want any f..king engineering in this case—I ~ 82 ~


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want the hybrid bloodline to be pure as pure can be. This is very important. Do you know why?” Marduk thought he did, but remained quiet. withdrew his hand from Marduk’s palm and leaned back in his chair. “I need a breed of human hybrids that is above all other human hybrids back on Earth. I want them to be highly intelligent, having eaten from the Tree of Life—well, to some extent—and be 100% loyal to our cause. Even if you and I are away from Earth at the same time, I want to make sure we can trust this Elite with controlling and manipulating the masses and be able to do it right. I want us to promise them a reward for being loyal. We will give them riches. We will give them almost everything they may desire in the material world, for they will be the leaders of the people until it’s time for us to take over entirely in the open in the future, at the time when we’re strong enough to take down the Orion Empire…” “But father,” Marduk interrupted, “we already have such an Elite, who the masses look up to as the emissaries of the Gods. We have our High Priests!” “Ah, that’s not enough!” crossed his legs (oh, that hurt!). He paused and continued. “The future on Earth will look very different from today. One day, the world civilization will blossom, and the humans will have the technologies of the Gods—or some of them. In fact, we will give it to them! We will prepare mankind for what’s to come. In order to take Orion, we need a high tech civilization. We need hybrid leaders who know how to really run a country—or a world civilization, too, for that matter. They will be assigned different tasks, and all these tasks will have as their purpose to control all different aspects of life. We will continue educating the Elite within the Mystery Schools and the secret societies, and they will learn on a need-to-know basis. The rewards will be in line with how dedicated they are. They will be taught that they will incarnate over and over within the same Elite bloodlines and never have to be commons—unless they disobey, of course. If so, they’ll be slaves just like the rest of the people next time we recycle them. That’s not all, however! We need to keep track of each person’s weaknesses amongst the Elite. If it’s sex, we’ll give them sex. If it’s gold, we’ll make sure they get gold—as illegally as possible. Then, if they disobey, we leak their crimes to the public, little by little, until they learn to keep themselves in check. See, I don’t trust anybody anymore. You are the only one I trust, my son! So, I would like you to return to Earth and start reproducing with Isis. You see, the offspring will have our DNA—our blood—and my brother’s blood as well, through his daughter. Do you understand what this means?” Marduk nodded. ~ 83 ~


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The Fourth Level of Learning Part 1 continued anyway. “This means,” he said, “that by using my brother’s blood when we create the Elite, we may safeguard our position in the Orion Empire. My bloodline may be considered purer than Ninurta’s, and I may bypass him in the Pantheon, so that they have no other choice than to make me the heir of Orion. That would be the real revenge on my brother! Then he can take my place and see how that feels for him! We are already planning to do all this, of course, but my brother may think that because he castrated me, I’m out of the picture. No way! You will be our assurance, Marduk. And as a reward, you will be the Crown Prince of Orion, once I take over. What do you think?” “I’d be happy to accommodate you, father,” Marduk said in a low and chilly voice. “You are brilliant as always!” “Good! I think I’m about done here, actually, so let’s return to Earth together. From now on, you will take my role, and I will take on quite another…” So this became’s new plan. Isis would continue being the breeder, Enki and Isis would continue to stay married—at least for a while—and Marduk would take over’s business on Earth for some time. Father and son returned to Earth.

IV. Takes on the Role of Mother Goddess On Earth, the new plan was set into motion. explained to Isis that in a huge battle in Rigel, he fought like a hero, killed a lot of enemies with his own hand, and in the end, the enemies fled as soon as they saw him. However, as it sometimes goes, her husband had gotten some war injuries, so Marduk had to take over the part of creating progenies with her. Isis was less than thrilled to hear this. She was happy not to have to be intimate with her husband anymore, but having sex with her own son was not very tempting! Still, she felt she had no choice., on the other hand, decided to take on the role of Ninhursag—the Goddess herself. He started dressing up like the Goddess in order to look as feminine as possible. This was not too much of a stretch because in Orion, males address themselves as females when they present themselves to the Court, anyway, to remind themselves of their androgynous origins. Now, because did not have any manhood anymore, he instructed his High Priests to castrate themselves as well, to honor Many people in’s Priesthood did what was required of them to show their respect and loyalty, but not everybody had the “courage” to do this. Those who didn’t had to resort to wearing pouches and tassels around their waists to show that they were of the Goddess. ~ 84 ~


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Otherwise, the castration became a part of the initiation into’s Priesthood, which was named after his firstborn son, Marduk Ra, and became known in Egypt as the “Priesthood of Amen73. He rose to power and became the Chief God in the Babylonian Empire. Of course, this was also the time (after the Flood) when he and had the great opportunity to change the ancient records, and have the Priesthood write new ones. Therefore, Marduk is depicted as a benevolent Chief God in Babylon. In the records, he became known as a healer, and the one who brought peace to the Babylonian/Akkadian Empire by running off the oppressive Nabonidus.74 In the Priesthood Ecstasy Rituals, the eunuchs then played the role as the Goddess. Even today we see priests of Eastern sects castrate themselves in the name of their religion, and Kings and other rulers used eunuchs as guardians in their harems, as they were thought of as being asexual, which was not always the case… Out of all this, a story, recently covered correctly by researchers, such as Sir Lawrence Gardner, emerges. By creating the mixed bloodline with (via Marduk), Isis, and Ninurta (via Isis), they corrupted and took over something that was created earlier by the real Ninhursag (Mother Goddess, just before the time of the Golden Age, referred to her people as the “Tan,” or simply “Dan,” or “Danu.”)75 By Isis and creating this new bloodline, they are laying claims to the throne that Ninurta has inherited. In fact, the Isis/Marduk/Enki bloodline becomes what is referred to as the “Grail Line,” or that of the “Fisher Kings.”76 They are signifying the aquatic Bird Tribe of, which we were discussing earlier in conjunction with the Sirian Wars and the Dark Star.77 This bloodline has been very well protected throughout history, and something similar to a “police force” was formed already in an early stage. Isis/Ishtar/Lilith/Inanna now becomes the handmaiden to The See Chapter two in my E-book from 2009, “The Myth Around Supriem David Rockefeller,” where he, supposedly being one of twelve potential vessels for Marduk in our time, talks about the old Mardukian Priesthood, “The Priesthood of Amen.” 74 75 In the Sumerian and Orion languages, D and T are interchangeable. 76 See Gardner’s work to learn more about this. 77 Here is a typical case when we have to think multidimensionally, with all time being simultaneous. The “Bird Tribe,” from our linear point of view, is also the name of an older species, as discussed in earlier papers. Or, can it be that they are actually one and the same? 78 Lilith being a handmaiden to Nergal is mentioned in a more subtle way in Gardner’s ”Genesis of the Grail Kings,” p. 317, in his “Fourth through Sixth Generations of the Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki.” However, Gardner uses a parallel hypothesis, saying that Lilith was the handmaiden of Inanna. In our hypothesis, Isis and Inanna are one and the same. 73

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Secret Police is wearing one of Ninurta’s symbols, the “Celestial Cross,” to signify that they are protecting the seed line of Isis/Ishtar/Inanna (see fig. 3). The offspring are now direct descendants of Ninurta and are thereby claiming his right to the Throne of Orion, which was given to him by Khan En.lil and Queen Nin. Ninurta’s inheritance, which now claims includes the Earth, Sagittarius (the Constellation directly related to the Milky Way Galaxy), Ursa Major, and a lot of other asterisms belonging to the Orion Empire. The Tribe of Dan becomes a direct line, as well, to Ninurta’s Throne, via the seed line created by Marduk and Isis. So those who are of the Tribe of Dan and are still alive on Earth today are the offspring of Marduk and Isis, and therefore, also’s bloodline. Isis then becomes the “Eve” (the originator) of this bloodline, and she is instructed to have sex with the progeny of this seed line to keep it as pure as possible. In the ancient records, it says she has a Temple where this takes place, and she is working as the “breeder.” Foremost, as Inanna and Ishtar, she then becomes known as the “Harlot,” or the “Whore of Babylon.”79 It is her seed line that is the one designed to rule the Earth, and the way it was done, this seed line has a direct link to Prince Ninurta of Orion.

Fig. 3. The Knights Templar, wearing Ninurta’s Celestial Cross.

This is a serious attempt by and his son to take the power away from Ninurta and give it to themselves, believing that the more purity they can provide via themselves and a long line of progenies, the better their chances are to inherit the Throne of Orion in a more “legal” way, regardless of what the Queen and the King of Orion think about them.’s and Marduk’s hope is 79 ~ 86 ~


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that the rulers of Orion will have no choice other than to accept them. In order for this to work, they believe, the father and son need to seed a long line of progenies for the laws of Orion to take effect in their favor. They probably understand that this may be a long shot, but these beings are obsessed with succeeding, and they are taking everything they can into consideration. This does not at all exclude a real invasion of the Inner Sanctuaries of the Orion Empire, and if this option needs to be played out (which seems to be the case), humanity is involved big time, working as foot soldiers for the gods.

V. Isis’ Escape One morning, when Marduk, whistling and in good spirit, went to Isis’ palace to do his “ritual,” he found to his astonishment that she was gone! He called her name, shouted her name, and turned her place upside down as he got more and more enraged, but she was nowhere to be found. There were no notes—nothing! Furious, he left the building and went to see his father. He told what had happened—that Isis was gone—and if Marduk had been upset, it was nothing compared to How dared she? He raged out, and Marduk called for his most reliable army officers, commanding them to find her. Within the hour, a whole army was set out to find Isis, but nothing of what had happened could leak to the person on the street. No one was to know that Isis had escaped from her husband, the great King Marduk. The situation was serious, in case Isis was not to be found, or if she were found dead. This would mean that’s plan to find the backdoor into Orion had more or less failed—no more progeny from the bloodline of Ninurta! Marduk’s loyal officers were provided with crystals, so they could quickly communicate with their king.

v.i. Amongst the Ruins of a Queendom of Old Isis had had enough. Little did she know that when she got back after she had talked to her father, she would have to sleep with her own son. That was the final decision that made’s spell over her break. In desperation, Isis was fleeing in the cloak of the night and managed to get out of Babylon before dawn. Tirelessly and aimlessly she fled, northeast bound, without realizing where she was going. It was as if her subconscious mind was driving her. ~ 87 ~


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Many days and many nights she was finding her way through the wilderness, toward the mountains which stood in her way. Although she was very cold at times, and both hungry and thirsty, she found that the mountains attracted her, reminding her of her father, whose sanctuary was the mountains. Before falling asleep in caves at nights, she was thinking about her father—how he had taught her shamanism and even how to create new species. She smiled to herself because it seemed as if she still remembered how to do all that. One day, after had been on the run for more days than she could remember, she suddenly stood in front of some great mountains, and she stopped in awe. Her heart started beating faster in her chest, and her breathing sped up. On unsteady legs, she slowly walked toward the mountains. Something was very familiar about them, and it was as if she knew exactly where to go next. She found the way in between two tall mountain ranges—like a passageway, which led into something that dwelled on the other side of these majestic peaks. Suddenly, she came to a huge opening between the mountains, and she stood in front of a giant, clear-blue lake. Now she knew where she was! Without being consciously aware, all these days she had walked and walked, just to end up here in her father’s old sanctuary—in his ancient Mountain Paradise from where the Golden Age stemmed!

Fig. 4. Lake of Mountain Spirits, surrounded by the Sayan Mountains.

Isis looked around. The autumn leaves had fallen, and a cold wind was blowing between the mountains. The lake was overgrown, and so were the ~ 88 ~


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meadows that surrounded it. This place had been abandoned for a very long time, and what had once been an extraordinary beautiful place—in fact, the most beautiful place on the surface of the planet—the original Garden of Edin—was now a wilderness, void of the beauty she so well remembered. She had reached the area of Lake Baikal, surrounded by the Sayan Mountains in today’s southern Siberia, and she was finding herself standing before what remained of the “Lake of Mountain Spirits” (see fig. 4 above). Isis fell on her knees and started crying. What had she done? How could she have been so mindless and so stupid? How could she have let Prince Lucifer put spells on her without her hardly even trying to break them? She had put shame on her father and everything he stood for. For eons, he had built an incredible paradise on Earth—something that was unheard of anywhere else in this Galaxy—and his daughter had sided with his father’s enemies! Where was her father now, when she needed him the most? Why hadn’t he helped her more? A flood of shame and self-pity came over her where she sat, with a cold wind blowing through her long, red hair. For a long time, she couldn’t stop crying, but finally she fell sleep, totally exhausted. When she woke up the next morning, the mountain winds were still howling, and she was cold to her bones. She got up and washed her face in the lake, and she saw the reflection of her face, looking back at her, like a mirror in the water. A very torn and tormented face, weather-bitten and tired, stared back at her. It was still a beautiful face, but it didn’t look at all the way she was used to. She let her hand move over her forehead, her temples, and her cheek, and she saw her reflection imitate her movements. She was almost in a trance, but in reality, it was the final wake-up call! Suddenly, she stood up, took off her clothes, and dived into the lake—in spite of the cold weather. Amazingly, she found the water warm to her skin, as if the lake wanted to comfort her—to make her warm. After a long swim, she got up, felt refreshed, and washed her clothes. She put them on rocks on the beach because she wanted them to dry. Yet, how could they dry under such harsh weather conditions? The winds were still blowing cold, as if they wanted her to freeze to death. Naked, she stretched out her arms and looked up toward the mountain range from where the winds came. She smiled, and her eyes were suddenly determined, and they glowed like fire. She spoke, and her voice echoed between the mountains, sounding louder than the storm. “Mountain Spirits, Storm Spirits, Water Spirits, don’t you know my name? Don’t you recognize who I am? Can’t you see the resemblance when I’m ~ 89 ~


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standing here naked—both in physical form and in spiritual form? Don’t you remember who your Creatrix was? Can you recall who cared for you? Who was it that nurtured you a long time ago?” She paused, and the echo faded after repeating her words. The storm subsided just a little, as if the Storm Spirits and the Mountain Lords were considering her words, but still were not convinced. She continued. “I am Isis, daughter of Prince Ninurta and granddaughter of Lady Ninhursag, the Queen of the Stars! The lineage of Orion is back, and with that the Great Shaman. I am asking you, Spirits of Storms and Winds, and I am asking you, Lords of the Mountains, to stop making me cold. Let the winds stop and the clouds wither! Let the Sun once again kiss the mountainsides and the valleys. Let this sanctuary—the Legacy of my Great Father—once again blossom! Let the river flow freely, and let the lakes be filled with the purest, most transparent water this world has ever seen since the days of Ninurta! Let the flowers grow in all colors, shapes, and forms, and let them invite insects to suck their nectar! Let me fill the valleys with animals that once again live in peace, eating only the beams of the Sun!” It took no more than a minute for the storm to subside and the clouds that had covered the sky to wither. The bluest sky was opening up, and a warm, yellow sun shone over the valleys and the mountains, heating up the landscape. The Mountain Lords had heard her and saw who she was, and they obeyed. Isis laughed—a relieving and happy laughter which echoed all across the ancient Garden of Edin. She didn’t know it, but even though her father was not there, he saw her, and he was pleased. He was proud of his daughter’s change and her recalling her heritage. She was still the great shaman she used to be at the time of the Golden Age when she was invited into the Garden to be taught the skills of her father. She had been an excited and fast learner—a true Lady of Fire. An idea started taking form in Isis’s head. “Look at this beautiful land,” she thought. “I could certainly try to rebuild at least some of what my father once created here. I could make a beautiful Garden—I could invite animals and tame them! But most important of all—I could recreate womankind! To honor my father, I could recreate the great Namlú’u and close the Garden of Edin for the Patriarchal Regime. The Mountain Lords could help me with that. I could put a spell around this wonderful Paradise!” And so she did. She still remembered how to seed life, and in spirit and in flesh, she created a new womankind, in her image and in her liking. Once again, a tribe of women lived in a revived Garden of Edin.

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She also managed to resemble an army of loyal soldiers, who, together with the Mountain Lords, would protect her and her Creation. The Divine Feminine was once again at work on Gaia. Isis could feel the spirit of her grandmother emerge in the Paradise Valley.

VI. The New Women of Fire Rumors started reaching Babylon. It came to Marduk’s attention that up in the north, there was a tribe of mountain people, who possessed great power—and more curiously—they were all women! It didn’t take long for Marduk to understand that this was the work of Isis! In vain had they looked for her—it was as if she had been swallowed by the Earth Mother herself, never again to be found. Now he understood that she had gone to her father’s old sanctuary—a land the Patriarchal Regime could never claim as theirs. The fact that Isis had created a new species—a new womankind—was very bad news for Marduk and his father. This meant that Isis now had more rights to the Throne of Orion than they, who had created a mix of males and females, had. Isis, surrounded by a lineage of feminine “pure-bloods,” was definitely in favor before Lucifer’s own creation. This had to be stopped! Marduk sent out an army under Ninurta’s Bear Emblem, which signifies Ursa Major and Orionites tied to Arcturus—the birthplace of Ninurta’s and’s father, Khan En.lil. In their usual manner, they stole what they could from the Matriarchs and transformed it to fit with the Patriarchal Regime. In this case, the emblem was used intentionally, in an attempt to trick Isis into thinking that those who came were sent out by her father, Prince Ninurta. Isis was not stupid—she was no longer under Lucifer’s spell and could certainly think for herself. When the army arrived, Isis asked the Mountain Lords to let the rains fall, thus using the same weapon as her father had used nearly 500,000 years ago, when he was defending his Garden of Edin from the attacking forces of Lucifer and his Fallen Angels. Marduk’s army was swept away by the powers of the Weather Spirits, and many of the invaders drowned. Only a few could retreat and get back to Marduk’s palace alive. In the meantime, Isis and the females she had created, fled from the Mountain Paradise, knowing that it was just a matter of time before Lucifer managed to break in. Although Isis was an excellent shaman, she knew she had indeed forgotten some of her skills, and she was not as powerful as her grandmother and her father had been in protecting the Paradise. Still, her father

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also had had to flee, after some bitter fights with his brother’s army of dark spirits, a long time ago. was again enraged. This woman had a tendency to really be a pain in his neck. How many times had she infuriated him by now? And once again, she had escaped Lucifer and destroyed his plans behind his back. Why was she avoiding him? Why all of a sudden was she against him? What had broken the spell? These were thoughts running through Lucifer’s clueless head. However, things suddenly changed in’s favor. One of Isis’s creations—a Lady of Fire—was captured and sent to Marduk’s palace. He and his father found to their great disappointment that this woman was as perfect as was intended when Isis created her. There were no flaws in Isis’s Creation!!! After had come over the worst shock, they were starting to think about what to do next. As they saw it, Isis had betrayed them horribly, and who knew how many of these Women of Fire were out there in the world? After a bit of pondering, the two plot makers came up with a solution. Once again, they had to make up a story—a new lie. If anything of this came out to the world, the story Marduk, as the authority in Babylon, would tell the people would be that Isis in her insanity had started to mix genetics and created highly imperfect beings that could be very dangerous because they were involved in witchcraft. They could put curses and spells on anyone they met, and it wouldn’t take much for them to do that. Therefore, with Isis being “mentally challenged,” now decided that Marduk, Isis’s son, should be the Champion of the Gods, who superseded Isis’s attempt to restore Planet Gaia to the point when her father, Prince Ninurta, was here. His “magnificent self” was then looked at as being “lifted up to the KHAA.” Thus, he took the title of “Khan” for now. If he will ever inherit the Throne of Orion, he will be the Khan-Khan-Ur, where “Ur” means “one of a kind,” i.e. the “One God.” At the moment, he was only Khan-Khan-Us, where “Us” denotes “one of many.” From now on, all of Prince Ninurta’s characteristics, as well as Khan En.lil’s, would be passed on to Marduk via Isis, his mother. His symbol became the “Ankh,” which can be translated to “An” (Heaven) and “KH” or “KHAA” (life, Universe). (Ankh also works as an anagram for KHAN—if we change the letters in “ANKH” around, we get “KHAN”). Thus, he was claiming the “Throne of Isis” (Isis is often depicted with an Ankh), and this would give the impression that Marduk had a direct link to the KHAA and the Inner Sanctuary of the Orion Empire, and only through him could humanity communicate with the gods. As we can see, was now working more in the background, letting his son gain more and more power—at least as a front to the people. Marduk also claimed the same title as Khan En.lil, ~ 92 ~


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but in fact, behind the scenes, it’s himself who was claiming the title. Still, it’s complicated due to’s castration. After that, Marduk became the male breeder and would technically be the one who inherited the Throne of Orion, in case their plan would succeed. However, knowing, he certainly had plans that would not allow that to happen either. He would never seriously allow his son to take his place in the ranking of the gods.

Fig. 5. Isis, kneeling, holding an Ankh.

In addition, and Marduk would do everything in their power to find Isis and put her to “justice” because she had offended them both with her misbehavior., who took on the role as Ninhursag (which we saw earlier), would now become the “Hunter of Fire,” tracking down and killing the females whom Isis created. Last, from a rewriting of records, Isis was now being identified with the Goddess Bau, or Gula, who was actually Prince Ninurta’s consort. Wikipedia says: Nintinugga was a Babylonian goddess of healing, the consort of Ninurta. She is identical with the goddess of Akkadian mythology, known as Bau or Baba, though it would seem that the two were originally independent. She was the daughter of An and Ninurta's wife. She had seven daughters, including Hegir-Nuna

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(Gangir). She was known as a patron deity of Lagash, where Gudea built her a temple. The name Bau is more common in the oldest period and gives way to Gula after the First Babylonian Dynasty. Since it is probable that Ninib has absorbed the cults of minor sun-deities, the two names may represent consorts of different gods. However this may be, the qualities of both are alike, and the two occur as synonymous designations of Ninib's female consort. Other names borne by this goddess are Nin-Karrak, Nin Ezen, Ga-tum-dug and Nm-din-dug, the latter signifying "the lady who restores to life", or the Goddess of Healing. After the Great Flood, she helped "breath life" back into mankind. The designation well emphasizes the chief trait of Bau-Gula which is that of healer. She is often spoken of as "the great physician," and accordingly plays a specially prominent role in incantations and incantation rituals intended to relieve those suffering from disease.80

As the readers can see, it’s a jungle out there— now, we have at least three goddesses who are related to the Creation of Homo sapiens and Homo sapiens sapiens. These goddesses are Ninhursag, Isis, and Bau. According to the altered records, these deities are supposedly one and the same because they—again supposedly—helped create mankind. However, as we know, Ninhursag is Mother Goddess herself, who created the primordial womankind—the Namlú’u—but never worked with to create mankind. In fact, Isis was intentionally given the name and characteristics of Ninhursag by the Patriarchal Regime, in order to blame Mother Goddess for, and associate her with, the creation of Homo sapiens. Later, when it was appropriate and in order to blame Ninurta, Bau, his consort, was associated with “giving breath” to the humankind that was created after the Flood and with restoring the species that existed before the Flood and who would finally help create Homo sapiens sapiens, when this was, in fact, done by a fourth deity, as we shall see in a few moments. Bringing in this fourth deity became the solution now when Isis was out of the picture, refusing to work with her new husband, Marduk. Bau, who previously also was associated with the Bear of the Northern Sky—Ursa Major—and was also the consort of Ninurta, had, in the altered records, now taken over the characteristics of Isis/Ishtar/Lilith, the consort of Marduk, Satan himself! Taking on characteristics which were not their own was,

80 Emphases added. ~ 94 ~


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as we know, a big part of’s and Marduk’s revenge on the Orion Empire. Then they could, when necessary, blame all of their own crimes on those who had nothing to do with them. Much more about this later.

Fig. 6. Fragmented sculpture of Bau in the Louvre, in Paris, France

However, the cover-up doesn’t end here—there is more! After Isis had left, Marduk was standing there without a Woman of Fire—he had no one to continue the pure Ninurta bloodline with. This was the last riddle that had to be solved by the two plot makers. As usual, there was a solution! Both Marduk and descended to the Underworld!

VII. The New Isis of the Underworld The Queen of the Underworld was listening very carefully to her husband’s,, story, when he told her the truth about what had happened in terms of Isis. The story interested her in more than one aspect because Inanna as Ishtar was also her older cousin, as I will soon show the reader. Eventually, came to the point. His plan was simple. He promised Ereškigal, the Queen of the Underworld, that she could take Isis’s place in the Pantheon, if she started posing as Isis/Ishtar because it had to be a well-kept secret that Isis had escaped. In exchange, Ereškigal would become the Queen of Orion once the Empire was conquered, and would be the King—thus ~ 95 ~


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taking over Khan En.lil’s position. All she needed to do was to become the new “mother of mankind!” Marduk and her would copulate and create the new human species (which eventually would be us, Homo sapiens sapiens). The Queen didn’t hesitate for one second because this was all she could wish for in one big package! She could be the mother of the new slave race and the Queen of the Stars. She wholeheartedly agreed and took on the guise of Isis/Ishtar—and in one aspect, Inanna. This may come as a shock to many, but it’s well recorded. In fact, most records say that Ereškigal is the daughter of Nanna (Nannar). In a previous paper, I proved that Nannar, Sin, and are one and the same. This being the case, then must be Ereškigal’s father! Why, then, does it say so often in the records that Ereškigal is Innana’s/Ishtar’s younger sister?81 To answer this question, I suggest the reader reads the following reference (the italics are mine): She (Ereškigal] is known chiefly through two myths, believed to symbolize the changing of the seasons, but perhaps also intended to illustrate certain doctrines developed dating back to the Mesopotamia period. Ereshkigal is therefore the sister of Ishtar and from one point of view her counterpart, the symbol of nature during the non-productive season of the year. As the doctrine of two kingdoms becomes crystallized, the dominions of the two sisters are sharply differentiated from one another as one of this world and one of the world of the dead. One of these myths is the famous story of Ishtar's descent to Irkalla (or Aralu), as the netherworld was called, and her reception by her sister who presides over it; Ereshkigal traps her sister in her dark kingdom and Inanna/Ishtar is only able to leave it by sacrificing her husband Dumuzi in exchange for herself. The other myth is the story of Nergal, the plague god. His offence against Ereshkigal, his banishment to the kingdom controlled by the goddess and the reconciliation between Nergal and Ereshkigal through the latter's offer to have Nergal share the honors of the rule over Irkalla. In later tradition, Nergal is said to have been the victor, taking her as wife and ruling the land himself.82

If we read the above reference carefully, what do we see? Isis (the same deity as Ishtar and Inanna), being Ninurta’s daughter, is “descending” to the Underworld, where Ereškigal “kidnaps” her identity and becomes Isis’ counterpart in the Underworld— Ereškigal becomes Isis, the breeder! In reality, as it says in the quote, first paragraph, the dominions of the two sisters are sharply 81 82

The Sumerian hymn, “The Descent of Inanna.” ~ 96 ~


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differentiated from one another as one of this world and one of the world of the dead. This means that Isis continues to live on the surface of the Earth (away from her suppressors), while her cousin, Ereškigal,’s daughter, and now his wife, takes on her characteristics but continues to live in the Underworld! In the second paragraph, it tells us that for Isis to be free from Nergal and Ereškigal in the Underworld, she has to give her husband, who is actually Nergal/, in exchange for her “freedom.” In other words— marries Ereškigal, but Marduk becomes the breeder (not mentioned in the quote). This is what the records actually say, and it’s easy to see this now when we know what we know. In addition, let’s take a quick look at Dumuzi as well, who Isis left in the Underworld so that she could stay on the surface—all according to the myth. If we research Dumuzi, we find the following (the italics are mine): Aside from this extended epic "The Descent of Inanna," a previously unknown "Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi" was first translated into English and annotated by Sumerian scholar Samuel Noah Kramer and folklorist Diane Wolkstein working in tandem, and published in 1983. In this tale Inanna's lover, the shepherd-king Dumuzi, brought a wedding gift of milk in pails, yoked across his shoulders.83

Keep in mind here that the myths say that Dumuzi is Innana’s/Isis lover and husband. Now, look at what Dumuzi is called—the shepherd-king! Isn’t that interesting? Who else was called the “Shepherd King?” Here is a hint: The first indication that the God of Israel is a shepherd to His people Israel is found in Jacob's words of farewell blessing to his sons in Genesis 48. Jacob, Abraham's grandson, spoke of "the God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day, the Angel who has delivered me from all harm..." (15-16 NIV) [from “Jesus, the Shepherd King”].84

As we can see—and this is known to all Christians—both “God” and Jesus are shepherds (and Jesus is known as the Shepherd King). According to my research, Jesus (Ea-Su) is, and YHWH and his counterpart, Jehovah, are both as well. Consequently, Dumuzi, whom Isis symbolically exchanged for herself, is Now, when this has been established, the entire quote above makes sense and fits right into our story.

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In conclusion, Ereškigal took over the role as Isis the Breeder, and because Isis was no longer’s lover and still lived on the surface, an “exchange” took place, where Ereškigal took Isis’s place, both as’s/Nergal’s/Dumuzi’s lover and husband. Ereškigal became the new breeder, helping to create Homo sapiens sapiens, i.e. us. This means, in plain language, that genetically, today’s Global Elite are the descendants of Marduk and Ereškigal! Therefore, they have’s DNA via both these beings, and they have Ninurta’s DNA via the genes that were still used from the bloodline that existed before the Flood (I will make bullet points of this in a moment to make it easier to understand)., in some instances, also took on the role as the god Apollo or sometimes Apsu, and Ereškigal also became known as the Queen of Apollo. In more recent history, when in the Hindu tradition took on the name of “Shiva,”85 Ereškigal became famous under the title “Queen of Shiva” or “Queen of Sheba.”86

Fig. 7. Nergal, King of the Underworld

I am planning to write future papers on how the different deities in the different cultures correlate across their religions and end up being the same characters under different names and titles. It’s too much and too confusing to go into these details in this Level of Learning, but a “Fifth Level of Learning” is planned to follow after this one, and it will be almost like taking a scholarship on this subject. For now, I am asking the readers to play around with the idea that and Shiva may be one and the same, as well as Queen Ereškigal of the Underworld and the famous Queen of Sheba are counterparts as well. As the reader will finally see, the evidence of all this is compelling, to say the least! 86 Ibid. 85

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As the readers may have noticed, much of this part of the “Isis story” is taking place after the Deluge, and in this and a few following papers, I am going to go back and forth on the timeline between what happened just before the Flood and what happened after. Much of what is now explained happened during the Babylonian/Akkadian Empire, when had assigned the leadership in that part of the world to his son Marduk, the biblical Satan, but the first version of’s Minions, who we today call the Global Elite or the “Illuminati,” were of the same seed line as that which had been used before the Deluge, and that was the Lucifer-Isis seed line, created by copulation between and Isis. Thus, the Marduk-Isis seed line was the second version of the Global Elite, created in Babylon, after the Deluge. The third version was the Marduk-Ereškigal seed line, to which the majority of the Global Elite of today belongs. The Powers That Be (PTB), thus, are of pure Orion blood and a mix between Ninurta’s line through Isis and Marduk, who represents the Luciferian/Satanic bloodline.

Fig. 8. Ereškigal, as the Queen of Sheba, visiting King Solomon.

They are all virtually the same because Ninurta and had the same parents, but for the gods themselves, the difference is considered huge because the more righteous Gods of the Pantheon want to have no part in Lucifer’s tricks

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and manipulative manners. They must feel highly assaulted the way they’ve been depicted in the eyes of humans after the records were distorted in Babylon. Homo sapiens sapiens—today’s version of mankind—was recreated after the Flood from the template used before the Flood, with some adjustments, as we shall see in a later paper. Last, a fifth version of humankind was created by Isis, who basically recreated the androgynous Namlú’u, the primordial womankind.

vii.i. A Summary of the Different Bloodlines that Created, Before and After the Deluge I am aware that all these bloodlines can be very confusing, but have no worries— I will not leave you in confusion. Hopefully, the following numbered lists will help the reader sort this out. It may be a good idea to go back to this sub-section every so often to review the information. In summary, the following Elite (Minion) species were created before and after the Deluge, in descending order: 1. The Lucifer-Isis seed line. This bloodline was the original Elite bloodline, which created long before the Deluge—the Minions he initiated into his Mystery Schools and secret societies. These Minions became Lucifer’s High Priests. However, even after the Deluge, Lucifer and Isis continued creating this bloodline for a while, until Isis escaped. This bloodline exists up to this day, and those who belong to it consider themselves being of higher rank than the other two bloodlines below. The “Lucifer-Isis Bloodline” is called the Luciferian Elite Bloodline. 2. The Marduk-Isis seed line. After was castrated by Ninurta, he let his son, Marduk (the biblical Satan), take over the breeding business. He had him marry Isis, and together they created the First Satanic Elite Bloodline. 3. The Marduk-Ereškigal seed line. When Isis escaped, Ereškigal took over the task of seeding an Elite bloodline. This is the main Elite bloodline in today’s world, and is the Second Satanic Elite Bloodline. Something and Marduk may, or may not, have anticipated when they created these three versions of Elite Bloodlines was that these bloodlines would start fighting against each other to win the creator gods’ favor. Mentioned above, those of the first “Luciferian Elite Bloodline” feel superior to the others because of their more ancient lineage. Many wars throughout history have had totally different causes than what people have been told, and some of them have really been wars over territories and real estate. Sometimes the three Elite groups ~ 100 ~


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work together because after all, they are fighting toward a common goal. Yet, they often disagree on how to get there and who is supposed to have the most control. We see this struggle repeatedly in today’s world, as well as in the old world, and as usual, it’s us, the common population, who have had to suffer the most.

Fig. 9. Robert Wadlow, the tallest man known to have lived (2.72 meters or 8 feet 11 inches) with his father, Harold Wadlow (1.82 meters or 6 feet 0 inches)Robert Wadlow, the tallest man known to have lived (2.72 meters or 8 feet 11 inches) with his father, Harold Wadlow (1.82 meters or 6 feet 0 inches)87

When we are listing the rest of the different races here on Earth throughout history, it becomes much more complicated because the DNA of many different star races has been used in a multitude of experiments. We have often discussed how and his cohorts tried many different ideas before they agreed upon which race or species should be the primary one. Sometimes, they


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just terminated the “mistakes” they made, and entire species were killed off, while at other times, they let their mistakes be, and they just continued their experimentations. Hence, it’s virtually impossible to list all of that, and of course, similar to any other researcher on these subjects, I only know of a handful of all these different varieties of genetic manipulations that have been done throughout time. Therefore, I’m just going to list three of the ones that still existed after the Flood and up until this day. 1. Homo Sapiens sapiens. The Flood was supposed to wipe out all of humanity in conjunction with all the abominable races in existence on the planet at that particular time, but the DNA of some of these races (perhaps all of them) were saved, as we shall see later. After the Flood had subsided and the water subsided, new experimentations in genetics started again. A new version of Homo sapiens, now named “Homo sapiens sapiens,” the “thinking man,” was created. That is of course us, the general population. We are created through a gigantic mix of different DNA from many different species—both preexisting here on Earth and from beings from the stars. 2. The Nephilim Bloodline. Many people think that this bloodline was wiped out with the Flood, but this is not the case. This bloodline has been traced to many different parts of the world and still exists today.88 The Nephilim are the “offspring” of Lucifer’s Fallen Angels and preexisting humans and “apes,” which resulted in the Giants of old. However, most of these “offspring” were created in genetic laboratories on Earth and on Mars. The point is that these experiments were “unauthorized” and done mainly by the Pleiadians, who themselves were giants. As we’ve discussed in a previous Level of Learning, the Pleiadians have admitted to this in channeling sessions with Barbara Marciniak as the channeler. Some of these Giants fled underground just before the Flood, while others survived by fleeing to higher ground. Their genes were also kept safe together with other DNA while the Flood was raging. Giants have since then been more common on our planet than the general population thinks. Both in Canada and in the United States, huge creatures were allegedly still walking around in the wilderness when the white man came, and legends about these Giants have been kept in memory by the

See “The First Level of Learning” and the “Third Level of Learning”—the papers about Michael Lee Hill and his experiences with the “Anunnaki.” One seed line of the Nephilim has been found in Ohio and can allegedly be traced by taking blood samples. 88

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Native Indians.89 In general, stories about encounters with Giants have been quite common in many cultures all over the world—until perhaps 250 years ago—since then, the encounters have been less, and when they happened, they have been suppressed by the media. 3. Giants. I am listing Giants in their own category because that makes more sense to me. Some researchers call this the “Giant gene.” When they use this term, they are normally referring to people who are in the approximate range of seven feet and up90. In society in general, we rarely see someone taller than seven feet, but in other parts of the world, larger beings than that have been spotted and encountered (see item #2 above). Giant skulls and skeletons of beings of very large stature have been found by archeologists and general people all over the planet, and some pictures have been taken, and videos have been posted on YouTube. Two great researchers in this field are Brien Foerster and Steve Quale. Although some of these pictures may have been faked and posted by Intelligence Agencies, and others, in order to counter the real pictures out there so that matters can be confused, but there are quite a few pictures that can’t be explained. Giants were, and are, a part of the Nephilim, but not all Giants are Nephilim. The last, but certainly not the least, important species I need to mention here in its own category is 4. Ladies of Fire—the second race of Namlú’u. This is the species which Isis created on her own while visiting her father Ninurta’s old Mountain Paradise—the Garden of Edin of old. This is a recreation of the Primordial mankind—the androgynous Namlú’u, shamans who can create life without copulating with a male, but who can also reproduce by having normal intercourse. This species will become very important as our story progresses. These “Ladies of Fire” are still here on this planet today— many are in hiding, while others eventually blended in with the rest of society and created families and married men amongst Homo sapiens sapiens.

The story of the Nephilim Giants has been told in details in Pleiadian lectures, but can also be studied elsewhere in alternative history research. 90 89

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In addition, we could actually add another race of humans to the second list above, but to make sense in the context, I’ve decided to mention it as the very last species. 5. Human/Namlú’u hybrids. These hybrids would look just like you and me but, perhaps, have more red in their hair and a fairer skin. The people of Ireland come to mind, and although not all Irish women are Namlú’u hybrids, many of them probably are. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, the Ladies of Fire must have had a resort on the British Isles, and particularly in Ireland. How do we look at women with red hair in general? As fiery, more energetic than average, determined, and having a strong will and strong intentions. Could we perhaps also add that redhaired women are more psychic than average? We see both women and men everywhere in society who have the attributes of red, or reddish, hair and fair, sensitive skin. We don’t even think twice when we see them. They blend in with the rest of society with its huge variety of human hybrid races. I understand that some of the above statements are generalizations, but I do believe there is some truth to it. Not that I am proud to share “beliefs” with the former Nazis, but they also believed that women with long, red hair had more psychic power and abilities than women in general. The Vril Society91, which consisted of a group of red-haired women, often with extraordinary long hair, started out in the early 1900s as a society which used the “Vril Power” (the Primordial Power of the Universe, compared with “The Force” in George Lucas’ “Star Wars” movies) to increase their psychic abilities. It is said that they used their hair as an antenna to pick up and to send the Vril energy. I wrote a lot about this secret society in my e-book, “The Myth Around Supriem David Rockefeller” back in 200992 and told the story of Maria Orsic and her group of psychic women, who later were used by Hitler and the Nazi Party to channel information from the Anunnaki. Maria, in particular, managed to get in touch with a group of ETs which were located around the star of Aldebaran in the Constellation of Taurus, to which the Pleiades also belongs. These ETs were said to be the Sumerian gods, and in particular was mentioned. We know that fled to Aldebaran after his Rebellion and created a hybrid race there.

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Fig. 10. Maria Orsic of the Vril Society (notice her long hair).

Maria Orsic and some of the “Vril women” suddenly disappeared from the face of the Earth, never to be seen again. This happened just before the end of World War II. The legend states that these women went to Aldebaran, and some say that Hitler went there, too, and that the body they found in the bunker was not that of Adolph Hitler. If any of this is true or not, I have no way of knowing at this time. The Vril women could just as well have been murdered. They could also have been transported in secret to the U.S. as a part of Operation Paperclip— the U.S. Government would certainly have been interested in their abilities. Still, if they did, I doubt that these women would have cooperated with the Americans—the Vril women had great integrity. Would they work under torture? It’s impossible to know. What is quite interesting in all this, however—besides their connection with Nazi Germany (no, they were not Nazis) is the connection between the Vril women and how they connected with the Pleiades. Were these Vril women in fact Isis’s Namlú’u—the Ladies of Fire who had been in hiding for centuries? Their long, red hair and their psychic abilities make me wonder. If so, it raises a number of questions: 1. Were they actually murdered, with their bodies hidden, and the records of what happened erased? 2. If so, who killed them? The Nazis or the Allies? 3. Did they just flee and went back into hiding? 4. Were they kidnapped—either by the Nazis or by the Allies? ~ 105 ~


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5. Were they indeed going to Aldebaran? If so—knowing that it is’s territory—what happened to them there? 6. Moreover—if they were Isis’s Ladies of Fire, why did they come out in the open as they did? These are many questions that we don’t know the answers to. If we start researching this subject, we get many different opinions and answers—some more likely than others—but there is no substantial evidence of what really happened to these women. In order to fully understand all of this, we need to go back in time again to when Queen Ereškigal took over the breeding task from Isis.

VIII. The Knights of the Celestial Cross As we learned in Level II, another name for Mother Goddess is Mary, which stems from the Orion form MA.UR, where “MA” denotes “mother” and “UR,” as we discussed in relation to Marduk taking the title Khan-Khan-Ur, means “the one and only,” i.e. “The One and Only Mother.” Now, because Isis returned to the Mountain Lands of her father Ninurta and restored womankind, she became associated with Mother Goddess herself as well as the originator of this species. Therefore, we have the title “Ava” (from where the form “Eve” is built) and “Mary”—“Ava Mary,” or “Ava Maria,” meaning something to the effect of “The Original One and Only Mother.” In other words, Isis became known in history as Mary Magdalene—the feminine side of the Grail Bloodline which is spoken about in Sir Laurence Gardner’s book and in other places. Gardner, in his own way, is describing, to some degree, what happened to those who were of Mary Magdalene’s pure bloodline and the patriarchal side of the coin—the mix between Marduk and Isis, as well as the Marduk-Ereškigal seed line. There is much in the Gospels that we do not presume to be there because we are never encouraged to look beyond a superficial level. However, we have been aided greatly in this regard in recent years by the Dead Sea Scrolls and by the extraordinary research of Australian theologian Dr Barbara Thiering. The Scrolls not only explain the offices of the Messiah of Israel; they tell about the council of twelve delegate apostles appointed to preside over specific aspects of government and ritual. In turn, this leads to a greater awareness of the apostles themselves through understanding their duties and community standing.

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We now know that there are allegories within the Gospels: the use of words that have hitherto been misunderstood. We know that baptismal priests were called ’fishers’, while those who aided them by hauling the baptismal candidates into the boats in large nets were called ’fishermen’, with the candidates themselves being called ’fishes’. The apostles James and John were both ordained ’fishers’, but the brothers Peter and Andrew were lay ’fishermen’, to whom Jesus promised ministerial status, saying, ’I will make you to become fishers of men’.93

[…] Apart from eventually becoming a fisher, Jesus was also referred to as the Christ - a Greek definition (from Khristos) which meant the King. In saying the name Jesus Christ, we are actually saying King Jesus, and his kingly heritage was of the Royal House of Judah (the House of David), as mentioned numerous times in the Gospels and in the Epistles of St Paul. From AD 33, therefore, Jesus emerged with the dual status of a Priest Christ or, as is more commonly cited in Grail lore, a Fisher King. This definition, as we shall see, was to become the hereditary and dynastic office of Jesus’s heirs, and the succeeding Fisher Kings were paramount in the continuing Bloodline of the Holy Grail.94

Superficially, I brought up the “Jesus myth” in Level II, hinting that Jesus, as we know him, is associated with but not Marduk, which would be more in line with what Gardner states if we compare with my own line of research. Hence, the “error” here lies in the confusion between bloodlines. As we saw earlier in this paper, there are actually three slightly different Elite Bloodlines created by or Marduk, respectively, as the male contributors. The “Fisher Kings” became one of the terms for the Merovingian Kings, who were the Elite Bloodline of the Patriarchal Regime—the bloodline Marduk and decided to protect as their own main Elite Bloodline. It needed to be protected—therefore, what can be compared to as a “police force” or “semimilitary force” was created. This force wore the “Celestial Cross,” which is the symbol of Ninurta—something that was never spoken of. The “Ninurta bloodline” survived through Isis descendants, also known as the “Grail Bloodline.”95 This police force was, of course, the Knights Templar, and although Sir Laurence Gardner, “Bloodline of the Holy Grail—The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed”, quoted from “BibliotecaPleyades” website: 94 Ibid. 95 Ibid. 93

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they had different tasks to perform, the protection of the Holy Grail Bloodline was their main duty.

Fig 11. A Knights Templar—a Protector of the Holy Grail—wearing the Celestial Cross of Ninurta

Although under false premises, the Templars protected the female line of Queen Isis, a.k.a. Mary Magdalene. Gardner mentions this as well in his “Bloodline of the Holy Grail.” This was especially apparent during the Age of Chivalry, which embraced a respect for womanhood, as exemplified by the Knights Templars whose constitutional oath supported a veneration of the Grail Mother, Queen Mary Magdalene.96

IX. Evidence of Marduk Marrying Isis In order to understand how Marduk and Isis/Inanna are related, we need to start looking at a goddess called Sarpanit. Wikipedia says, In Babylonian mythology, Sarpanit (alternately Sarpanitu, Zarpanit, Zarpandit, Zerpanitum, Zerbanitu, or Zirbanit) is a mother goddess and the consort of the chief god, Marduk. Her name means "the shining one", and she is sometimes


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associated with the planet Venus. By a play on words her name was interpreted as zēr-bānītu, or "creatress of seed", and is thereby associated with the goddess Aruru, who, according to Babylonian myth, created mankind. Her marriage with Marduk was celebrated annually at New Year in Babylon. She was worshipped via the rising moon, and was often depicted as being pregnant. She is also known as Erua. She may be the same as Gamsu, Ishtar, and/or Beltis.97

Sarpanit was Marduk’s consort when he was the Chief God, which was during the time of the Babylonian Empire—the same period we have covered in this paper. However, few people have even heard of the name Sarpanit, so who is she? According to the quote above, it says that Sarpanit may be the same as Ishtar, who is the same as Inanna and Isis. Furthermore, it also tells us that this goddess is sometimes related to Venus. So, which goddess in the Mesopotamian pantheon is associated with Venus? Isn’t that Inanna? If we type in “Inanna” in Wikipedia, we get, plain and simple: Inanna was associated with the celestial planet Venus.98

As the readers can see, this deity is also, according to Babylonian myth, the creator of mankind. So there we have it—Inanna/Isis was the goddess who really created mankind (together with and Marduk), and not Ninhursag. In the above example, it becomes obvious that the goddess who was married to Marduk during the time of the Babylonian Empire was Sarpanit, which is another name for Inanna, Ishtar, Lilith, and Isis. Perhaps the reader now starts to see how the few can control the many—it is very cleverly done, and it’s been done in almost all aspects of life. As long as they can keep up with the deception, humanity will continue being enslaved. However, it’s not even necessary to go into all these different aspects in detail— it’s enough that we know how it’s done, and we can start seeing the pattern in which they are manipulating us. Then it gets easier and easier to see through their lies—there is no longer any way for them to regain our trust. In the next paper, we are going to look deeper into the story about the Deluge—another story well worth looking deeper into…

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o begin with, we must be clear: there has been more than one Flood in the history of our planet. Some were natural events in Gaia’s evolution, while others were instigated. One such Flood happened when Tiamat was destroyed in the Titan War. In this paper, we are going to be concerned with the mechanics behind the Flood that most historians say happened around 11,000BC, which is 13,000 years ago—half a cycle around the Zodiac. Most researchers (but not all) agree that in general terms, “En.lil” was the one who decided to eradicate mankind, and from studying the sources available, it’s no doubt that the specific En.lil that is supposedly responsible is Khan En.lil himself, the Orion Queen’s consort—the King of the Orion Empire. The readers, who have read previous papers, understand by now that when the texts address En.lil, the majority of the time they are addressing Khan En.lil, without being aware that this is the case. Hence, it seems that Khan En.lil ordered the Flood to happen, and though we are aware of this, we really don’t understand the reason behind such a“strange” decision. Isn’t this genocide? Why did Khan En.lil want Gaia to be flooded? What I am going to do in this paper is to go inside the heads of the individuals who were responsible for the Deluge to see how they are thinking, and why. This is, of course, a dangerous task because my conclusions may be wrong, but I am going to back them up as best as I can. Humans have a tendency to be quite emotional about the whole Deluge issue—understandably so—and judge those involved pretty harshly, calling what they did genocide or the height of arrogance. The Deluge literally wiped out a whole planet—at least that’s how the story goes—and it’s hard for us to comprehend how someone can have the conscience (or lack thereof) to do something such as that. Without defending anybody, I will try to look at it from the perspective of the gods. Just as we do in a court process, we need to look at this from the perspective of everybody involved, or the real reason for this action will be lost. It is a court process—in a way—because in the end (if this seemingly endless conflict between the gods ever comes to an end), humans are the ones who will to be on the witness stand, in the prosecutor’s chair (as plaintiffs), and as defendants. Not all humans are innocent, either.

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Thus, let us hear the gods out—Khan En.lil, Prince Ninurta, and Lord in particular—and let’s start with a passage from Enûma Eliš. When Khan En.lil had had enough of what was going on here on Gaia, he and Queen Nin summoned a council somewhere up in Orion, and Lord was invited, and he actually attended! Arguments between Khan En.lil and quickly developed (Khan En.lil is the one who begins): “[You] imposed your loads on man, You bestowed noise on mankind, You slaughtered a god together with his intelligence. (Ellil [En.lil] to You must…and [create a flood]. It is indeed your power that shall be used against [your people!] You agreed to [the wrong (?)] plan! Have it reversed! Let us make far-sighted Enki swear…an oath.” made his voice heard and spoke to his brother gods, “Why should you make me swear an oath? Why should I make my power against my people? The flood that you mention to me -What is it? I don’t even know! Could I give birth to a flood? That is Ellil’s kind of work! […] [Let Erakal pull out] the mooring poles Let [Ninurta] march, let him make [the weirs’ overflow.99

In this passage of Atrahasis—Tablet I, Khan En.lil is reminding that he slaughtered one of his good workers as a sacrifice for the new plan, which was to create the human hybrid race, who was going to take over the work in the mines from the AIF workers and accomplish other chores for the gods. Such barbarism was not tolerated in the Orion Empire. However, if we read the sentence really carefully, it says that slaughtered a god “together with his intelligence.” Haven’t we learned what this means? It means that not only was this god slaughtered physically, but his Avatar was apparently destroyed as well! The god became space dust! In simple terms, he basically ceased to exist as an individual—both in physical and metaphysical form. The Fire has nowhere to go when the Avatar/Light-body is destroyed, and eventually, the Fire dissolves and


Excerpts from “ATRAHASIS - Tablet I”. ~ 111 ~


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becomes one with the Universe—without individual consciousness and awareness. Later on in the above passage, Khan En.lil wants to swear an oath to have his creations “reversed,” meaning destroyed, so that everything, after the Flood, can start all over from the beginning. refuses, not being willing to destroy “his people,” and a Flood must be Khan En.lil’s “kind of work” because the Khan is also the Lord of Airways and of weather. Erakal in the text is another name for Nergal, which again is another name for (see previous papers). This specific quote doesn’t mention that actually agreed to take the oath, however. The following excerpt is from the Sumerian “Flood Story.” The story is hacked up because there are words and lines missing, or they are impossible to read. The context, in any case, is quite clear. I have emphasized in italics where it says that, together with all the gods in the Council, took the oath to destroy’s creation—the hybrid race: seat in heaven. ...... flood. ...... mankind. So he made ....... Then Nintud ....... Holy Inana made a lament for its people. Enki took counsel with himself. An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursaja made all the gods of heaven and earth take an oath by invoking An and Enlil. In those days Zi-ud-sura the king, the gudu priest, ....... He fashioned ....... The humble, committed, reverent ....... Day by day, standing constantly at ....... Something that was not a dream appeared, conversation ......, ...... taking an oath by invoking heaven and earth. In the Ki-ur, the gods ...... a wall. Zi-ud-sura, standing at its side, heard: "Side-wall standing at my left side, ....... Side-wall, I will speak words to you; take heed of my words, pay attention to my instructions. A flood will sweep over the ...... in all the ....... A decision that the seed of mankind is to be destroyed has been made. The verdict, the word of the divine assembly, cannot be revoked. The order announced by An and Enlil cannot be overturned. Their kingship, their term has been cut off; their heart should be rested about this. Now ....... What ......."100

Regardless of what we think about this decision to flood the Earth, was very fast to break his oath, and thus acting deceitfully toward the Council. This was of course not the first time this happened, but it clearly shows that was not to be trusted. He agreed to take the oath, and if he didn’t want to have anything to do with the Flood, he might have considered not taking it. Was he too pressured and intimidated to say no? Hardly. On the contrary, it must have been in’s interest to have the Gods of the Council save his creation, as his life may have depended upon it. If the Council decided to wipe out everything “The Flood Story”, translation. “Segment C, 1-27”, op. cit. 100

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he had engineered, could no longer hide behind his creation. He must have known this and that his life was now in danger., most probably, attended the Council meeting remotely, via “satellite,” which means he could have been located hundreds of light-years from Orion and still participated. We know that the gods often communicated via crystals. Nevertheless, it seems as if was not on Earth when he communicated with the Council because he returned to Earth after the meeting was over. As soon as was back on Earth, he warned Utnapishtim (also known as Noah and Atrahasis, amongst other names) about the Flood—something that would be considered a break of the oath he had taken before the Council. However, instead of openly telling Utnapishtim what the Council had decided, he tried to go around the problem by speaking to the wall outside Utnapishtim’s cabin instead of with Utnapishtim in person, being well aware that Utnapishtim would hear every word said to the wall (see the quote above). It is of course quite clever, but not exactly ethical. Later in this section, I will go a deeper into this whole “wall communication.” We all know the general story, how told Utnapishtim to build an ark, in which he would store the DNA of all the relevant races, plants, and animals on Earth, so these could be restored later. Utnapishtim was also told to save himself and his family. This part of the story we are going to look into more in a moment, but first, I want to look into the character of Lord The tale of Utnapishtim and the Ark is told in an epic called “The AtraHasis tablets,” which include both the Creation story and the Flood account. 101 Tablet III discusses the Deluge, while Tablet II is a story about how [Khan] En.lil sent a famine and a drought on Earth in 1,200 years intervals in order to wipe out mankind—or parts of mankind—and all other versions of’s creatures, before the Flood was even considered. Not until at the end of Tablet II is the Flood mentioned. All in all, Tablet II, in particular, portrays Khan En.lil as a very evil, angry, and emotionless character, while is portrayed as the good guy. Could this be (and forgive me if I seem cynical now), as Wikipedia says, because it was’s priests who wrote and copied the story? Both and Marduk were notorious for making changes to the ancient record, as we have learned. Once again we’re told that was bound to an oath (which he broke). Tablet II begins with more overpopulation of humans and the god Enlil sending first famine and drought at formulaic intervals of 1200 years to reduce the 101 ~ 113 ~


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population. In this epic Enlil is depicted as a nasty capricious god while Enki is depicted as a kind helpful god, perhaps because priests of Enki were writing and copying the story. Tablet II is mostly damaged, but ends with Enlil's decision to destroy humankind with a flood and Enki bound by an oath to keep the plan secret.102

We must remember, for the record, that has been deceitful many times before this incident, so we can rightfully add this characteristic to his personality. If we put ourselves in’s/Lucifer’s shoes, wouldn’t it be fair to suspect that he was the one who created the bad feelings amongst the gods, whose task it was to mine the gold and precious stones in the beginning because wanted them to rebel? Learning how he talked to the wall in order not to break the oath, wouldn’t it be fair to think that, using this same side of his character, thought he would be justified in creating a hybrid race if the miners rebelled? Wouldn’t it be logical to think that Lucifer may have wanted to create the human hybrid race—not so much because he wanted them to be miners (although this was something he could use them for as well), but because he needed soldiers as well as vessels, into which his imprisoned cohorts in Sirius could incarnate, and thus escape from their prison? He needed women in particular, but in order for them to reproduce, he also created males. My “hypothesis” here becomes self-evident when we look at what actually did, which was exactly what I just said. Dr. Joseph Farrell comes to a similar conclusion and writes in his book: It is clear from the Atrahasis however, that at least one motivation for the Deluge, as far as the Mesopotamian tradition is concerned, is the overpopulation of the earth by the new hybrid race…perhaps Enki’s seeming beneficence to Atrahasis and the human race was just that: seeming beneficence. Perhaps he had plans to use the revolt among the human workers to further his own power. In any case. It seems that the Atrahasis is more than a mere epic, for it hints at dark designs and agendas at work in the pantheon, and moreover clearly suggests that mankind, whether in hid hybrid form or not, is perhaps both battlefield and prize in a much larger cosmic conflict.103

As we can see, I am not alone in seeing through’s manipulative and hideous character. It is easy for to make Khan En.lil look like a monster, using the Flood as a justification for doing so. The problem we normally have Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, ©2007: “The Cosmic War—Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts”, pp. 148-149, op. cit. 102 103

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when we’re talking about these gods is that we are basing our knowledge on records that were written by scribes, who in turn, were priests in’s hierarchy. If you were, would you tell us the truth? Of course not, why would you? It would contradict your agenda.

Fig. 1. The Atra-Hasis Tablets

Fortunately for us, some original records have been restored, although those have been compared with the rewritten ones, which were available first, and adjusted to fit into the false history. Nevertheless, we can use these more accurate records to tell a more correct story. However, how do we know that one story is actually more correct than the other? On one level, we don’t. We will never be able to totally determine the absolute true history by using ancient mythology and old cuneiform. Timelines are changing as we continue looking— events are altered when someone figures something new out, and so on. After all, thus is the nature of the Multiverse. Even the more truthful version of history ~ 115 ~


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contains parts that were intentionally written to deceive because “history is written by the winners.” This is always true, and we have to deal with that and do the best we can to figure things out. Important to remember, however, is that we are talking about interdimensional and multidimensional beings, and earthly timelines are not a reliable way to look at history—it needs to be seen with multidimensional, “fluid” eyes, or we’ll miss too many points. This is why the timelines in my papers change as we advance. I’m only using timelines to have reference points in 3-D—other than that, they are quite useless. Amitakh Stanford is a female researcher into the Anunnaki and other ET star races. I have read a few of her articles and find a mix of very useful and truthful information and imbedded (and I think intentional) disinformation. Nevertheless, she wrote an excellent article back in 2002, which has a lot to do with rewriting and manipulating ancient records, and I suggest that you read it. It is short and compressed and very compelling. You will find her article here:

II. Concerns from other Star Races, Leading to the Decision to Terminate Mankind There was a time when’s experiments here on Earth became too disruptive and too disturbing to witness by the Orion Council. For many thousands of years, they had left alone because they knew that if they interfered, would kill off his creation, and with them also the remnants of Queen Nin’s and Prince Ninurta’s creation. This, they were very hesitant to do. On the other hand, it came to a point when what and his cohorts did on Earth apparently became a threat also to the rest of our galactic sector. During the later Atlantic Era, man had already reached the Moon and traveled to other planets and celestial bodies in the solar system—of course under the guidance and guardians of the gods. This became a real threat to other star races because they could easily anticipate what could do with a relatively ignorant human race under his command: First, the human race was not mentally ready to travel in space, and if taught them to nanotravel, the Orionites were not the only star race that was concerned. Second, the creatures had created on Earth were often failed experiments that he didn’t care about, but instead left to evolve on their own, causing confusion and violence on the planet. Worse than that, however, was if these beings were allowed into space as well—many peaceful star races felt threatened by this. There were, in other words, more than one star race who wanted something to be done about it, and the Orion Council felt quite pressured. ~ 116 ~


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Both the Khan, the Queen, and Prince Ninurta would highly dislike to see the remnants of their original creation destroyed, and with them perhaps the whole Living Library, but they more and more came to the conclusion that they might have to intervene in one way or another. Some humans had already figured out how to use crystals for time travel, communication, and space travel, but without having any ethical and moral codes following with such freedoms. In addition, there were also humans who had learned to create life forms, just as their Chief God, Poseidon ( had done, and still did. Whether we agree or not, it’s important to understand why the Orion Empire came to the decision where they had to tell to take the oath to destroy his creations. It is doubtful if the Orion Council actually for even one moment thought that would do this, but they had to act according to their laws and regulations, just as we do, and order him to take this action. If I would sum it up, the following would be the main reasons why the gods decided to terminate life on Earth: 1.’s genetic experimentation went out of hand. It was very painful for the Queen, the King, and the Prince of Orion to see their former Paradise turn into a cosmic zoo, with a lot of abominable beings wandering around—sometimes aimlessly—on the planet, eating each other, but also killing and eating humans. There were experiments which had created in a hurry, realizing his mistakes, but didn’t care to do anything about them. The Orion Council saw the complete irresponsibility in such actions, and they could not see an end to it. 2. Overpopulation. The planet just before the Flood was apparently highly overpopulated, and this is probably the reason for Khan En.lil’s classic comment, where he said to the Council, “Because of their [humans] noise I am disturbed; because of their tumult I can’t get any sleep.”104 This is erroneously interpreted as if En.lil was physically present on Earth, but what it really implies is that in his mind [Khan] En.lil was disturbed by what had done, and thinking about it gave him no rest. Humanity, and all other creations on Earth, were basically destroying the planet with everything that comes with overpopulation. 3. Humanity became a threat. Other star races became quite concerned with how mankind evolved. They could see them using nuclear weapons against each other, and the star races were afraid that mankind would take their warlike manners with them out in space. No one needed

From the “Atrahasis Epic”, quoted in R.A. Boulay’s book, “Flying Serpents and Dragons”, p. 111, op. cit. 104

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another violent colonizing race in this sector of the galaxy. There were those who could see through many of’s plans and anticipated how he would use humans as foot soldiers to expand his own Empire. The more clever races wanted to stop this from happening. needed to be stopped and not allowed to fulfill his plans, which otherwise would affect many star races in this sector of the Universe and beyond. 4. Termination became the last resort. For eons, the Orions had held themselves back to avoid another, even larger Cosmic War than was already being fought, and had been ongoing since Lucifer’s Rebellion. Now it had come to the point where the Council had decided that termination, as the last resort, had to be the solution. I believe that was not prepared for such a decision from the Council and was more or less put up against the wall. He believed that he had no other choice than to accept to take the oath but never intended to keep it. He also knew that with the destruction of mankind, his own safety was at stake. He had always hid himself behind humans, saying that if something happened to him, he would destroy the whole species. Now, when the Council had decided that destruction was the only solution, needed to be careful because they could capture him at any time and put him to trial, and from what I can see, this is exactly what the Council planned, as a part of the whole scenario. However, managed to escape again, and I will get into how he did it later on in this paper. Atrahasis Tablet II, which brings up Khan En.lil’s discontent with the human overpopulation, describes that his first order of action against’s creation was to let loose the surrupu-disease—a plague—over the Earth to take care of the overpopulation. It seems that this first action was a “milder” verdict, which would save some of humanity, but affect a large part of it, so that the overpopulation at least would be taken care of. The plague was let loose on the planet, and many people died. Utnapishtim/Atrahasis went to and asked for help. told him that the people needed to stop praying to their personal gods and instead make sacrifices to the “Plague god”, who in the tablet is called Namtar. Apparently, people started doing so, and Namtar became so ashamed that he stopped the plague. Moreover, it seems that Khan En.lil ordered Namtar to start the Plague. BUT who is Namtar? It proves to be quite interesting to start researching who Namtar is. We soon find out that he is the son of “En.lil” (Khan En.lil) and associated with death

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and the Underworld.105 He is also married to a goddess of the Underworld, who is named Hušbišag. Hence, when we take a look at Hušbišag, we find out that she sure enough is a goddess of the Netherworlds.106 Although the names have changed, this sounds suspiciously similar to the goddess Ereškigal and Nergal/ himself. So, in the light of things, we can suspect with quite some certainty that was playing the trickster again. In other words, Khan En.lil was telling his son, Namtar/ to start the plague. Utnapishtim became tormented when he saw how people were treated and asked, his supposed father, for help. saw how he could take advantage of the situation and strengthen his own position by asking a majority of people to pray to him and give him sacrifices (historically, such sacrifices are basically blood rituals from which could gain power and strength). Then he stopped the plague that he was ordered to spread to its completion. Thus, this was, from what it seems, the first Council decision that he broke. Afterwards, he blamed Namtar, who probably was a fictional god, for starting the plague. This fits with what we’ve discussed earlier— wanted to be worshipped as the One and Only God, and by playing the trickster again, he managed to get a big part of the population to worship him. Let’s take a deeper look at what was doing here. He was agreeing with the Council to reduce the population and even started spreading the Plague. Then, when people began to complain, he told them to stop praying to the Orion Gods—or any other god or goddess they may worship—and concentrate all worship on Namtar, a possible fictional god, who most likely was an alias for himself. Thus, stopped the Plague after having received all this energetic power from mankind and immediately became the “good guy”—both as and Namtar because it was who Utnapishtim came to when he needed help, and it was who “resolved” the situation. Namtar also won people’s affection because he showed to have a conscience when he stopped the Plague. In reality, it was, who all along played a game with mankind and the Council. About 1,200 years later, according to these same records, man had multiplied again to such an extent that it started concerning Khan En.lil. This time he decided on a drought to reduce their numbers. Hence he let the “Thunder-Rain God,” Adad, stop and hold back the rains so the land became dry and without water. Again, Utnapishtim came to for advice, and again, gave the same advice as he did earlier and told him to tell the people to

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worship the one god who is holding back the rains.107 Adad, just as Namtar did, became ashamed and let the rains start falling again.

Fig. 2. Adad

Adad is an interesting character if we look him up, and it seems as if the scribes have had a hard time identifying him correctly. This is probably not the scribes’ fault because they only wrote down what they were told, but it looks as if Adad, like Namtar, was one of these gods who was used by the “greater” gods (read when they needed someone else to be responsible for what “they” were doing. Interestingly enough, it’s not hard to find this little quote: He is also occasionally son of Enlil.108

Does this mean that Adad is another alias for Well, if we look at the pattern here, it definitely seems that history is repeating itself—first Namtar and now Adad. The Orion Council must be furious by now.

This means that Utnapishtim now has lived for more than 1,200 years. We know that people at that time—’s Minions in particular (of whom Utnapishtim was one—some say he was’s son)—lived a long time, but the time span of 1,200 years is used continuously in this text and should therefore probably not be taken literally. It’s better to look at it as if it means that a long time had passed. 108 107

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Another 1,200 years went by, and the noise became almost unbearable. To apply a new solution, Father En.lil declared “a general embargo of all nature's gifts. Anu and Adad109 were to guard heaven, Enlil the earth, and Enki the waters, to see that no means of nourishment reach the human race". 110 In addition to this, he makes women infertile by “let[ting] the womb be too tight to let the baby out”.111 The Atrahasis Epic says, When the second year arrived They had depleted the storehouse. When the third year arrived The people's looks were changed by starvation. When the fourth year arrived. Their upstanding bearing bowed, Their well-set shoulders slouched, The people went out in public hunched over. When the fifth year arrived, A daughter would eye her mother coming in; A mother would not even open her door to her daughter. . . . When the sixth year arrived They served up a daughter for a meal, Served up a son for food.112

This decisions of the gods apparently led to cannibalism, something that only the Nephilim Giants had dedicated themselves to previously. The Tablet is broken at this point, but the general interpretation is apparently that ignored the decision by distributing a large quantity of fish for the population to eat. This made Khan En.lil even more furious, so he decided to put an end to it once and for all and let a Flood sweep over the planet and drown everything in its way. This was when and the rest of the gods had to take an oath not to go against this final decision. was ordered to execute the Flood. refused at first, asking his father why he would use his power to destroy his own creation, and that this was more in line with what Khan En.lil

Adad is used here as well as a separate entity from If I am correct that Adad and are one and the same (which I believe I am correct), and Marduk had a reason for letting the scribes include Adad in this new Council decision, too. Unfortunately, the records are broken, so we may never be able to find out, unless we compare notes with other records that we do have. 110 Thorkild Jacobsen ©1967, “The Treasures of Darkness”, p. 119, op. cit. 111 111 Elizabeth Dalley, “Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, The Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others’, Oxford, revised edition 2000, p. 25. 112 Ibid., pp. 25-26, op. cit. 109

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would do (because Father En.lil is the Lord of Nature, and has the power to create Nature and destroy Nature). Eventually, agreed to take the oath anyway. However, he had no intention to keep it (at least not in the fashion in which it was decided, as we shall see), but in order not to overtly break it, he figured out a way to tell Utnapishtim about the Council’s decision without breaking the oath. Hence, he went to Utnapishtim’s reed hut, made sure Utnapishtim was home, and started talking to the wall instead of directly to Utnapishtim himself. This way, he hadn’t broken the oath by telling mankind about the Flood—he only told it to a reed hut wall. This is what he told “the wall,” Wall, listen constantly to me! Reed hut, make sure you attend to all my words! Dismantle the house, build a boat, . . . Roof it like the Apsu So the sun cannot see inside it! Make upper decks and lower decks, The tackle must be very strong, The bitumen [a kind of tar] strong . . .113

Utnapishtim followed’s directions and built the Ark, filling it with DNA of all significant species, including animals, humans, and plants, and got ready before the storms had built up to such a degree that the water started flooding the land. Up in the Heavens, the Mother Goddess was crying, the records say. Like a wild ass screaming the winds howled The darkness was total, there was no sun. . . . As for Nintu the Great Mistress, Her lips became encrusted with rime. The great gods, the Annuna, Stayed parched and famished. The goddess watched and wept . . .114

The Goddess complained bitterly over Father En.lil’s and Prince En.lil’s shortcomings as decision makers (Prince Ninurta had apparently sided with his father when it came to flooding the planet). She wept when she saw dead

113 114

Ibid., pp. 29-30, op. cit. Ibid., p. 32, op. cit. ~ 122 ~


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humans “clog the river like dragonflies.” She swore “by the flies in her necklace” that she would never forget the Flood.

Fig. 3. The beginning of the Deluge (artist’s interpretation)

Khan En.lil, on the other hand, became furious when he realized that the DNA of the human race was preserved. He understood that only could have been clever enough to once again override the orders from him and the Council. (assumingly from a safe haven) admitted to En.lil that he preserved the life forms on Earth by warning Utnapishtim and suggested that in the future it would be better to use a more “humane” form of population control, such as restricted birth control. said that he had preserved the DNA of the version of humanity that had just been wiped out, and he intended to start all over, but apparently agreed with Father En.lil (the text is fragmented here) that one-third of the women would not be able to give birth successfully—a pasittu demon(?) would “snatch the baby from its mother’s lap.”115 Dr. Farrell and I are very suspicious about’s motives here when he constantly turned against the Council. It may look as if his beneficence to Utnapishtim is genuinely caring, but in reality, is it just a way to increase’s own power?116 Utnapishtim, after all, is’s own son with a human female, as 115 116

Dalley, p. 35, op. cit. Dr. Joseph P. Farrell ©2007, “The Cosmic War…”, p. 148. ~ 123 ~


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the story states, so he’s the perfect being to preserve for the New Era after the Flood. Also, when he fed the starving people with fish and had the Nature Gods withdraw their actions against Nature, it created an opposite effect on the Gods than one would have thought that anticipated. However, is after all Lucifer—forget not!—and Lucifer is clever when it comes to manipulation, which is his perhaps the trump card in all this drama. What if actually, in his own way, silently agreed with Father En.lil that the result of his creation was chaos, and he wanted to start anew? This idea may not be as foreign as it may seem at first. Ponder it, and take what I’ve written in this paper into consideration. After all, Father En.lil did not want to terminate mankind to begin with, but let’s say, for argument’s sake, that was the one who wanted to terminate mankind. How is this possible? Well, let’s go back and see what really happened here. Khan En.lil, despite other star races’ wish to terminate mankind, wanted to avoid this from happening. Instead, he decided on population control., who had gotten tired of what he had created and wanted to start from the beginning again, saw this whole thing as a great opportunity. Therefore, he sabotaged every effort from the Orion Council to save the majority of mankind. knew that if his plan succeeded, the Council eventually would have to give in to the pressure from other star races and, indeed, would need to terminate mankind once and for all. Thus, when every attempt from the Council had failed because sabotaged their plans, they came up with the idea of a Flood. probably jumped for joy when he heard that but kept a straight face. Instead, he said something to the effect, “What Flood? I don’t even know what you’re talking about. This is something for En.lil to instigate—not me!” Thus, he swore himself free from this decision, pretending he didn’t want to have anything to do with it—although he secretly did—and has since then been seen as humanity’s friend. Then, however, Khan En.lil wanted everybody to take an oath, so the project would not be sabotaged. Why would the Khan do that? He would do that because the Council’s plans had been sabotaged repeatedly by in the past and now the Khan wanted to avoid this from happening again. Probably, the oath was not something had foreseen, and therefore, it became a problem that he had to solve. Now he,, had to take an oath to destroy mankind, and he did not want to go into the “history books” as a “destroyer” but as the “savior.” BUT, how would he accomplish this? Some might say that warned Utnapishtim because of compassion for mankind, but was that really his motive? After all, he warned the one who is considered to have been’s hybrid son—Utnapishtim—but he didn’t care to warn any other members of the human race—except his own Minions, as we ~ 124 ~


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shall see. The average man—the slave race—he left to perish. The only thing seemed to be concerned about was to save his purest bloodlines because he knew he could create new slaves later on. If that’s called compassion, then was indeed compassionate. Those who support may say that he didn’t have a choice—he was bound by an oath, and his hands were tied. I don’t believe that for a moment. When I put two and two together, I see showing his true face all too well. He tricked the Council, and in the end, he got exactly what he wanted—a terminated mankind, and a chance to start anew. The Council did not want to terminate mankind— did! Now, there’s another side story to all this. When Earth got her verdict and knew that the flooding of Earth seemed inevitable, as a last attempt, invited his brother, Ninurta, to come to Earth, in what he called a “Diplomatic Meeting.” Ninurta took his brother up on it and descended to Earth a short time before the Flood. They met in the high mountain lands, which knew that his brother loved the most here on Earth. He wanted Ninurta to feel comfortable and “at home.” There, and Ninurta stood face to face again, looking at each other in silence at first. It was a calm day—as if Gaia had no idea what had been decided for her—and the weather was not as humid as down at sea-level. Before the Deluge, a canopy was covering the planet most of the time, but not always— people were actually able to see the stars and the asterisms because astrology was a great art back in those days, and many people were educated in it. Ninurta didn’t say a word—he didn’t like and he didn’t trust his brother at all, especially after everything that had happened. However, at this time (whether it was desperation on Lucifer’s part, or if he thought that his brilliance and manipulation abilities would have an impact on his brother, I don’t know), the Shining One, Prince Lucifer, came out and started talking calmly and convincingly to Prince Ninurta. “Dear brother!” he began. “You and I have had our disagreements, and we have been in combat with each other. You even deprived me of my manhood!” Lucifer smiled. “None of that is important now. Let us leave that behind us. I admit that your creation was absolutely gorgeous, and the Living Library you started with our parents and those…those…giants from Vega…oh, the Vulcans, was ingenious. As you can see, I have kept it up—it is still here, my brother. However, my dream was to create a species that would reproduce sexually, as a mix of your womankind and my mankind. It was an Experiment, just like yours. I was wild at the time, and I must admit—quite desperate. Of course, you understand that I was under deep pressure. I didn’t agree with my ~ 125 ~


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parents’ ways of seeing things, so I rebelled. After been thrown out, I came here for revenge—that is true!—but once I’d taken over Ar-i-du and things had calmed down, I saw the fantastic creation that was built here, and I thought: ‘My goodness! This is magnificent!’ At that time, I had nothing in mind other than to improve it even more, if I could. I knew that’s what you planned, anyway, and now that you were not here…well, you know—I tried to make it for you, but perhaps a little bit with my own state of art.” Lucifer paused and looked at his brother. Ninurta stood in the same position as when Lucifer had started talking and looked his brother in his eyes. Ninurta’s face expression was serious, but neutral. Lucifer had a hard time reading him, which made him slightly nervous. He continued, smiling: “Anyway, all that is in the past. I wish it could have been done differently, and in certain terms we can still change things around. I hate to fight you, my brother! It’s not your fault that our father chose you instead of me—that he loved you more. Why wouldn’t he? You are such an excellent warrior, and you’ve been taught well doing other things too. They never knew where they had me because I was different…” Lucifer took a step forward and bent over to really look deep into his brother’s eyes and said: “Let’s not allow our father to destroy this beautiful creation. You and I can make a difference, you know. Look what I have created all by myself! All these creatures, all these animals and intelligent beings. Look at the lulus—they follow every command, and they seldom complain anymore. They gladly help me! Not only that—look at the Empire I’ve been building over the millennia! It’s growing and growing! My son, Marduk, is doing a great job back in Draco. We are expanding! Soon we’re bigger than Orion! See, I don’t even have a name for my Empire yet—I saved that for last, you see. I saved it for us—you and me. I’ve been waiting a long time for this moment, and it’s very exciting for me. I want you and I to start working together. Don’t you see? I’ve done all this without you, but how far do you think you and I would have reached if we’d worked in unison from the beginning? I bet that the Orion Empire would have been ours by now. Together, you and I are untouchable! Together, we can conquer the Universe, and I promise you a place at the top— right where you belong! My brother, what do you think?” Lucifer took a step back and watched his brother in anticipation. Lucifer’s bright eyes were shining, and his long hair was flowing in the breeze that had incrementally built up while he was talking. He was beautiful to look at, and his voice was like honey—when he wanted it to be. Ninurta, who didn’t look very different from his brother, with his black skin, long hair, and his face covered in a thick, well-nurtured beard, didn’t say a ~ 126 ~


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word. During Lucifer’s monolog, he hadn’t taken his eyes from his brother. Also now, he was steadfast. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing! A rebellion against his parents was totally out of the question—that was something that wouldn’t even occur to Ninurta under any circumstances. He loved his parents beyond everything else, and he knew their mindset, which was very similar to his own. Now, his lips didn’t say a word, but his heart declined with all its might. He had heard enough. In silence, Ninurta turned his back to Prince Lucifer and ascended back to the Heavens, heading directly to Satania to speak with his parents about what Lucifer had said. His mind was troubled and his heart was heavy when he relayed the news. He knew the mindset of his brother, but it was still a shock to hear him suggest that he, Prince Ninurta, heir of Orion, would work together with this destructive rebel. It was an insult! Khan En.lil and Queen Nin listened to his words, but Queen Nin spoke not. She did not like the decision-making of the Orion Council thus far, and she didn’t like the wishes that had been put on the table by Father En.lil and his youngest son. The Queen was in tears because this would be the end of her creation—the end of any traces of the Primordial womankind and the end of the Living Library—all of which she had loved so dearly. Still, she had no right to override the decisions of the Council. Thus were the laws of Orion. Hence, she excused herself and let father and son continue the discussion. Khan En.lil understood at this point that it was a bad idea to try to have Lucifer destroy his own creation, which otherwise would have been the logical way to do it, following Orion laws and rules. Instead, he asked Prince Ninurta to execute the order to flood Gaia. They both anticipated that—despite the oath he’d been taking—would not destroy his creations. They also both understood that planned to use his Elite bloodline, possessing their shamanic power, and useTantric Sex and other means to work tirelessly on finding the backdoor into Orion. They also understood that this was one of the major ways Lucifer had figured out he could conquer the Queen’s and the Khan’s Empire. Therefore, in spite of any other reasons, the Flood was inevitable. This Elite bloodline had to be terminated to safeguard the Empire. Unfortunately, as they saw it, there was no other way to do that but to terminate the entire human race and everything else on the planet. Everything else had failed! What then? What if Lucifer once again rose like a Phoenix from the ashes and started anew? What good would the Flood have done then? Khan En.lil revealed his plans, which had been brought up in the Council meeting while Ninurta had been busy elsewhere, unable to attend. ~ 127 ~


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“Maybe Lucifer was right on one point,” said Khan En.lil. “He once said that to flood the Earth is a job for En.lil and not for him. After all, you and I are the Lords of Nature, aren’t we? We can execute such things. We just have to bypass Lucifer. Go back there, my son, and do your duty. Also, keep your troops on watch on our side of the Saturn Stargate. Once the Flood has begun, we will go in and take back Ar-i-du. This is my gift to your mother. The star system shall be ours again, and we can start all over—without your brother and his legions present anymore. What do you say?” This was excellent news for Ninurta! He would love to recreate womankind again and restore the Living Library after the Flood. His feeling of doom and gloom turned in a second into hope and excitement. He left the Palace in a much better mood, now willing to execute the order! Little did Ninurta and the Khan know, how far’s infiltration had gone, however. had managed to infiltrate Satania with his own loyal officers, who told him of Khan En.lil’s plans, which gave time to prepare and take actions. told Utnapishtim to be ready with his Ark in the next seven days, and he’d better make it “air tight” because he was going to take Utnapishtim, his family, and the stored DNA (a plan the Orion Empire knew nothing about) on a ride that his hybrid son would never forget. Once got the message from his spies in Satania, he quickly took action. Another thing he had planned to do was to free as many as possible of the Nommos—his Minions who were still trapped in the Sirius system. Indeed, he managed to get most of them out with the help from shamanic human females, who let the souls of these criminals enter their bodies via black magic rituals and Tantric sex. knew that the vessel template he had prepared for his trapped friends had to be rescued from the Deluge, and optimally, the rest of his Minions, who were already walking on the face of Earth. He was aware, however, that many of them probably couldn’t be saved—there wasn’t enough time—but it was irrelevant in a sense. As long as the souls who were trapped in Sirius could be taken out of there, he could give them new bodies after the Flood. On the Ark, he still had the seed stored, so he could use it later. Knowing that it was impossible for the Flood to cover the Earth entirely, told his Minions to move to higher grounds immediately and gave them the altitude which they needed to move to in order to survive—all from using’s mathematical skills. The Orions had always been brilliant with numbers.

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ii.i A Multitude of Different Soul Types Inheriting the Earth Here is another side note. If we look at the human population from after the Flood and up until our present time, we have a mix of souls here on Gaia, coming from many different places in the Universe. Of course, we have the original, human souls, who were created here in our own solar system, and who never have been anywhere else but here on Earth, reincarnated over and over. Then we have the Global Elite, who consists of a mix of souls, originating from different places in the galaxy. Many of them are the criminals whom rescued from the Dark Star in the Sirius system, while others are souls coming from other Lucifer-dominated star systems, such as Alpha Draconis, and others. Some of the Global Elite are also human souls, who are heavily corrupted and work for the “System,” which of course is Lucifer’s own “System.” Then there are criminal souls from many different parts of the galaxy, who were dumped here when star races, who were fed up with their worst criminal souls, noticed that Earth was a prison planet, and that was happy to take them on. This is also mentioned in Peter R. Farley’s book, “The Experiment:” … there were also others on the planet at that time who were outcasts from other planets. Just as Australia had started out as a penal colony for those deemed unfit for polite society in 18th century England, so to[o] at times was Earth a dumping ground for those considered unwanted by the civilizations on their home planets.117

Also, we have a minority of Titan souls, who belonged to the Titans who were killed here in the Titan War, and moreover, we have the souls of Namlú’u,118 who never got the chance to escape during the Solar War, when Lucifer took over the planet. They are very wise and loving souls, raising the frequency of everybody around them, being great teachers and spiritual beings, who have been living amongst us humans for millions upon millions of years. These souls originally came from Orion, and they have the Fire of the Mother Goddess still burning inside of them in such a fashion that the rest of humanity can’t miss it. Thus, when people say that Earth is a prison planet, and all the souls living here are criminal souls dumped here from elsewhere, they are either lying, or they don’t know any better. Although it’s true that criminal souls have been dumped here, most of mankind is innocent, and are just being manipulated by

117 118 The term Namlú’u is spelled the same in singular and plural. ~ 129 ~


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all these criminal elements. This is the sadness and the sorrow we sometimes feel deep inside—something we constantly carry with us, even if we otherwise are happy and positive beings—we know that we don’t belong amongst these criminal elements. We listen to the daily news and look around us, thinking, “what am I doing here? I don’t belong in this insanity!” So don’t listen to those who claim that we are all criminals. Also, we are not “fallen,” like some people say. I think we will hear more about such nonsense in the near future—Lord has his plans. After all, it’s easy to recognize who these criminal souls actually are—they are the ones who can harm humans and animals without seeing anything wrong with it. They don’t mind and even get off from torturing, killing, stealing, and cheating on other people—some of them even get sexually aroused from it. They are the ones who propagate false friendships, and then they betray you, thinking nothing of it. If you are not fitting into these categories, you are definitely not one of the criminal souls.

III. Forty Days and Forty Nights—The End of a Long and Confusing Era So how was the Deluge executed? Was it really Starship Nibiru, which happened to be in the neighborhood at the moment and instigated this global catastrophe? Was it the icecaps of the North and South poles that burst because we were at the end of a major Ice Age? It is true that Planet Gaia was at the end of an Ice Age when the Flood occurred, but even if the polar ice broke and flooded the land, it wasn’t enough to create such a dramatic effect, although it certainly must have contributed. Also, I have no other real indications that it was Nibiru that did it, other than Sitchin’s accounts, and other sources agreeing with his “translations.” The Epics tell another story, which more correlates with what I’ve concluded in my research in general. To some degree, I think we can use the Epics that are available to us, the ones we have already used—such as the Bible, the Atrahasis Epic, and the Epic of Gilgamesh—they all tell a similar story. I will also use other sources, and list them in the endnotes (or footnotes if you’re reading the PDF file) as we go along. Genesis states, “All the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the sluices of the sky broke open.”119 The Gilgamesh Epic says, “the underworld footings collapsed, the dikes gave away, and a tempest swept the land.”120 119

Genesis 7:11, op. cit. ~ 130 ~


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From reading Genesis in the Bible and the other two epics, it seems that it started with heavy rains which lasted for weeks, maybe months, and in addition, there were great tidal waves sweeping in over land, followed by majestic earthquakes. There are those who refer to the vapor canopy, which to some extent is said to have covered the skies, and they ask the question if this would have been enough to create this effect (perhaps in correlation with the melting ice caps)? I would say, no, because the sources are telling us that there was more going on than just these two things, although again, they may have contributed or been used intentionally as part of the plan to flood the Earth. Author and researcher R.A. Boulay speculates, by using old Rabbinical legends as his sources, that it was a cosmic event, which also caused changes in the position of the stars. Two stars are said to have been moved from the Constellation of the Pleiades, and these were replaced by two stars from the Bear Constellation. According to these sources, Boulay says, there were also changes in the Sun and the Moon, although these changes are not specified.121

Fig. 4. Prince Ninurta

These ideas are highly interesting, and some of the events may have occurred as a part of the plan, but the question is what really happened during the Deluge, and what happened afterward—something we will look into in the next paper. In the Post-Diluvian times soon after the Flood, and his son made drastic changes to Earth’s position in the solar system. Interestingly enough, the Rabbinical legends seem to have picked up on this. 120 121

R.A. Boulay, “Flying Serpents and Dragons”, p. 111, op. cit. Ibid., p. 112. ~ 131 ~


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We know that Ninurta was the final person in charge of instigating the Flood, and what seems to be in common amongst most sources is that Ninurta was actually here in the solar system when he started the event. In other words, he left Gaia after talking with his brother in the mountains, but returned again to complete the work. I would presume he came through his own old Saturn Stargate, which probably wasn’t very well protected at the time because knew that the Deluge was inevitable, so he let his brother in. Also, as we shall see, had additional plans, which included letting Ninurta and his helpers in. Not only that—, in the Gilgamesh Epic, in his role as Nergal (syncretism at play again), helped to pull out the dams, and Adad (possibly another of’s aliases) created the storms, With the first light of dawn a black cloud came from the horizon; it thundered within where Adad, lord of the storm was riding. In front over hill and plain Shullat and Hanish, heralds of the storm, led on. Then the gods of the abyss rose up; Nergal pulled out the dams of the nether waters, Ninurta the war-lord threw down the dykes, and the seven judges of hell, the Annunaki, raised their torches, lighting the land with their livid flame.122

The gods of the abyss, as described here, are those of the Underworld— the gods who had been (and still are) ruling this planet, and the ones who enslaved mankind. Nergal, as, is of course the one ultimately in charge. The AIF leadership, here called the “Seven Judges of Hell,” who they are will be revealed in one of the last papers of this level of learning. Interesting in the above passage, however, is that when push came to shove, the “Anunnaki, (the AIF) decided to help with the Deluge after all,and I will soon reveal their real motives behind this. I will show how played both sides in this whole drama. He was not telling the truth to the Orion Council about his plans, of course, and he had figured out how to use their decision in his own favor, after he had infiltrated Satania with his own men. Once the Deluge began, panic broke out on the planet, and people and animals fled everywhere. Animals, from instinct, looked for higher ground, and because of that, many of them survived. Some humans survived as well (those who were lucky enough to get up in the high mountains in time) together with some of the anomalies—such as giants and other miscellaneous creatures. However, the majority of life on Earth disappeared in the Flood, and even those

From “The Epic of Gilgamesh”, h%20p%20%2021.pdf 122

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who survived afterward would have a hard time staying alive because of lack of food. Cannibalism became common again. In fact, the majority of those who survived the Flood died in the aftermath.

IV. The Saturn Stargate Closed! When the job was done, and the Flood was sustaining itself, a series of things happened—one after the other at a rapid pace. was executing his plans! Before Ninurta had the chance to let his MAKH warriors enter through the Saturn Stargate, attacked Ninurta and his helpers, who had assisted him in instigating the Flood. A quick battle took place outside the Earth’s atmosphere, but the numbers were against Ninurta and his men—they all had to flee out of the solar system through the stargate, taken by surprise. Little did they know that had his spies positioned all the way up in Satania and the Palace, and thus knew everything about Khan En.lil’s and Ninurta’s plans to take over the solar system and put on trial. So, once had killed or driven away all the MAKH warriors, he quickly closed the Saturn Stargate. No one could now leave or enter the solar system that way without’s permission. The Solar Stargate, and other stargates, leading into Ar-i-du from outside, were shut down as well. The solar system was now totally in’s hands. Also, while everybody was concentrating on instigating the Flood, had taken Utnapishtim and his Ark off the planet. In other words, the Ark of Noah was built as a spaceship and not as a boat.123 It was meant to “float on the ‘Primordial Waters’,” and not on the earthly oceans. Although Noah came back, it’s questionable if we will ever find the correct Noah’s Ark here on Earth. Some say they have already discovered it in the same place the Bible put it, but there is no real evidence showing that this was actually the Ark of Noah. The space ark hypothesis makes sense in the context, too, because it would be too casual for to hope for the Ark to survive the Flood, jeopardizing all the DNA which was stored onboard. All that was required was that the Ark accidentally hit a big rock, the side or top, of a mountain, or any other obstacle, 123 This has been discussed by the Pleiadians in a few of their lectures—especially the fairly recent ones. They say that the Ark was basically a spaceship and not a boat. They never told us exactly where took the Ark, other than we may have “cousins” out there somewhere because the Ark had the DNA of mankind in it. The Ark being a spaceship is also mentioned here: (item 39). I also have an anonymous source, who independently says the same thing. ~ 133 ~


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and it would potentially sink. Better then was to remove the whole Ark from the surface of the planet. Of course, if this is true, Noah/Utnapishtim was not the builder of the Ark, either. If we read the ancient texts, we see that it doesn’t say that he was the only builder of the Ark, but that he had help from “friends.” Because Noah/Utnapishtim was’s son, it is reasonable to think that these “friends” were indeed of the AIF, and they were the real spaceship builders. The real trick with interpreting the old scriptures is to be able to read what is not written in them. There are also indications, given to me by an anonymous source, that the Ark story is indeed two stories in one. The DNA stored in the Ark was later used by to create an updated Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens sapiens—the modern man) but was also used elsewhere, such as to create hybrids in the Sirius system and in Alpha Draconis. If so, we do indeed have cousins out there, who are genetically closer to us than any other star races out there—possibly. This is a hypothesis well worth pondering, especially as it comes from two separate sources, unfamiliar with each other (the Pleiadians and one of my anonymous sources). The result is, however, that in order to start all over and create a new race of human hybrids, needed to do so without interruption. Therefore, he figured out how to close the Saturn Stargate, chased off the Council of Saturn, who were sitting in the rings of Saturn124 and up until then had been serving the Orion Empire, set up his own Council, and put up the infamous “Grid” around the Earth, which is still there as of this writing. By taking these actions, had the entire solar system to himself to do whatever he wished to, without any serious interference from the Council or others. His creations, for the most part, were destroyed and gone, but on the other hand, he now had a great opportunity to start all over with the intention to once again create a slave race, but this time, he would do it differently. Hence, he also built the “Between Life Area” (BLA) in the “ether”—one of the dimensions— where he captured souls who died on Earth and needed to be recycled into the system again with full amnesia. He wanted to make sure that as few souls as possible escaped. He couldn’t afford to lose souls that he had already manipulated throughout an entire earthly lifetime. This way, these souls always came back, and the manipulation could continue from where it ended the life before. The AIF was now in control of the Saturn Stargate, and they had defeated Ninurta—he who once threw their own King out of Orion. Previously, See “The Ra Material” in order to learn more about the “Council of Saturn”, 124

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Ninurta, as Archangel Mikael—was the one who defeated them all. Hence, Ninurta was looked upon, by the AIF, as a War God. By defeating Ninurta for the second time, the AIF members all took on the title of War Lords, although they knew that under equal circumstances, Ninurta was unbeatable. Still, they could at least show that they were almost as powerful as he was—at least, that’s how they looked at it. Some of the AIF members were Kings over their own star systems under’s sovereign command, and they now started calling themselves Khan Kings, as a reference to Orion and the Khaa. Others referred to themselves as Overlords. Prince Lucifer—or maybe I should say Khan—now had it all well set up!

V. Some Afterthoughts I have done my very best to analyze the Deluge story, trying to see it from everybody’s perspective and am working on understanding how the beings involved came to their decisions and conclusions. This doesn’t mean that we humans necessarily have to agree with any of it. If we put ourselves in Khan En.lil’s, Queen Nin’s, and Prince Ninurta’s situations, they had seen their Paradise, with an almost perfect Primordial womankind walking the Earth, and they had seen the lion sleep with the lamb in Ninurta’s Golden Age and his Edin Mountain Paradise. They had watched their original Experiment reach a point in the evolution which exceeded their own expectations, when Lucifer came and destroyed their entire creation. The Living Library, although mainly preserved, was heavily interfered with, and womankind was being transformed into a watered-down mankind, which was no longer androgynous, but needed a man and a woman to reproduce. Their connection with Orion was gone—Earth became a lower 3-D prison, where the watered-down version of the Orion creation became slaves, and lost all memory of whom they were and where they came from. In addition, Lucifer decided to enlighten a select Elite of this humankind to let them have the knowledge on a need-to-know basis in order to rule over the rest. In these tumultuous Antediluvian times, they also watched monstrous giants, who themselves were AIF experiments, multiply on Earth in great quantities, and when mankind couldn’t sustain themselves anymore, they turned against them and devoured them. Then they began to sin against birds, beasts,

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reptiles, and fish. Moreover, they started eating each other and drank each other’s blood.125 Things had gotten totally out of hand. For many millennia, the Original Planners had to watch this continue, and they couldn’t do much about it. They had empathy for Lucifer’s creation because their own creation was embedded in it, and many of the original souls, who had inhabited the Namlú’u humanoids, were now trapped in these watered-down, amnesiac bodies. The Namlú’u were Mother Goddess’s children but were adopted by the Orion Council, who all loved these Ladies of Fire as if they were their own children. A mother—whether in human form or a Goddess—doesn’t want to kill her own children. One day, however, the Khan and his son, Ninurta, had seen enough. They couldn’t stand to see mankind develop into what they had been manipulated into, and they saw no other way than to do something about it. We can argue if the first attempts were really good decisions, as the Queen said, but regardless of whether we agree with the Khan or not, I can see why he ordered the Flood. Who knows where mankind would have been today if there had been no interaction at all: Just a thought, and I’m sure people have their own personal opinions about this… Thorkild Jacobsen (1904-93), was a Danish historian who wrote two books that included the events described in this paper, and he’s also been cited here. He wrote in “A History of Mesopotamian Religion” (1976) the following about the struggle between and Father En.lil: “The modern reader may well feel that Enlil, easily frightened, ready to weep . . . insensitive to others, frustrated at every turn by the clever Enki, cuts a rather poor figure. Not so! The ultimate power of Enlil, the flood, stuns ancient imagination and compels respect."126

Another important reason why Khan En.lil would take drastic actions was that he apparently is very much against slavery, and watching how his “own kind” (being and some of the AIF) were mating with humans was too much for him. After trying everything he could think of, he found it better to wipe out all creation than to keep watching this drama for yet another second.127 Before we continue, let’s stop here for a moment. So far, we have had many discussion about’s actions in this Flood scenario, so let’s discuss Khan En.lil for a minute. To us humans, it may sound pretty grim and horrific to

The Book of Enoch (1. En 7:4-6). Jacobsen, p. 121, op. cit. 127 125 126

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send a plague on mankind. From having read our history books about the Plague in the Middle Ages and the Black Death as well, we know what a horrible death this brings to the person who gets sick. Why would the King of Orion do such a thing? This may be hard for us humans to understand, and I’m going to do my best to explain this from an ET perspective—from beings who are far more advanced in both the shamanic and technological aspects. Khan En.lil, from where he sits, has access to the highest of dimensions, which can only be accessed from inside the Orion Empire that typically doesn’t just include the star constellation “Orion,” which may just be a “location” that is being used to bring about a thought form—an idea of a vast Empire that stretches from the lowest to the absolute highest “unthinkable” dimensions, where “Void” is actually “Void” in its real implication. The Empire has outposts stretching through the entire Universe and beyond and has very little to do with our galaxy alone. For simplicity’s sake, let’s say that in the Andromeda Galaxy, there is another species, who just like mankind is trying to figure out how the Universe works. Would the Queen of the Stars and the King of the Stars call the Empire “Orion” when talking to these Andromedans? Probably not. They would possibly call it something that is familiar to that star race—such as a constellation known to them. “Orion” in that sense has nothing to do with it—it’s just a “focus point.” In an “Infinite Realm,” where the Higher Selves of the Khan and the Queen exist, anything is possible, and anything can be done. On one level, Father En.lil—the Khan—is the Lord of Nature—whereas, is the one who is overriding it with technology (as part of his revenge). Hence, every act Father En.lil is taking, his son is counteracting by using technology. This makes the father furious—particularly as his stepson is not only going against his, Khan En.lil’s, own will, but that of the entire Orion Council. When I look at this entire scenario, it is really a war and a struggle between the gods, and we humans are the ones who sit between them and become the target for them shooting their ammunition toward each other. Father En.lil is a co-creator of the Living Library, and for eons, he’s been agitated over’s actions here on Earth, and it seems that when he had enough, he really had enough, although it can’t all be blamed on him, as he also had the entire Council pressure him to come to the conclusion to do something. The Council, on the other hand, had pressure from other star races to intervene. Apparently, the Khan didn’t want to eradicate the entire human race, and therefore started with addressing the overpopulation. He did it in the way he was the expert—by using Nature, and this time he used it against his creation. did his counteracts in the way he was the expert—with technology and science. Another way of ~ 137 ~


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looking at it is that actually didn’t care about his creation at all at this point—all he cared about was to counteract Khan En.lil’s actions by using technology to override everything his father did—regardless of what it was. He wanted to infuriate his father, as a spoiled child who refuses to listen to logic would. Then, of course, there were also more sophisticated plans behind the plans. One thing I have learned since I started working on all these papers, from Level I through Level IV, is that we humans think we understand how ETs/the gods think and operate. We are good at assuming things when it comes to ETs— assumptions that are far from correct. The reason why we are so incorrect is because we compare them with ourselves—“if we are and react in a certain way, the ETs can’t be too much different” seems to be how we think. Unfortunately, that is usually incorrect. My experience is that we don’t really understand them, and they don’t really understand us, but both of us are curious to find out about one another. So why are we humans so different? It’s because of what we’ve discussed many times in these papers—we are the Experiment, and this experiment is making us quite unique! We have a wide range of emotions that we need in order to communicate with nature—more so in the future than we do now. To be able to communicate with plants, rocks, and animals, we need to be able to “feel” and be very perceptive to certain frequencies. Also, if we didn’t have a wide range of emotions, we would get bored in 3-D after a while. Having emotions usually makes things more exciting, and it makes us curious about ourselves and our environment—with our without the AIF suppression. The ETs are not emotionless, but they don’t have our types of emotions at all. The Third Dimension is light “trapped” in matter, which makes things more solid, and thus creates a reality in which beings can live and interact. Hence, the learning curve here is often quite steep—during the nanosecond, it was steeper than it has ever been. ETs, who live in many dimensions simultaneously (some call them transdimensional)128 and can energize certain realities at will, are not that careful when it comes to physical bodies and such. They see bodies as dispensable—they are only vessels or vehicles for the soul—so if the bodies get destroyed, souls can get new ones if they so wish. “Death” to aliens is next to nothing. It’s similar to when you get into your car and drive to your destination and then step out of it—not a big deal. The car is in this case the body, and you, the driver, are the soul. If you wreck the car, it may be inconvenient, but you can get a new one fairly quickly. Most AIF—but by all means not all of them—can nanotravel—something the 128

A Pleiadian description of these beings. ~ 138 ~


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Pleiadians, interestingly enough, brought up as well in a very recent lecture. Some of the AIF need bodies and inter- or trans-dimensional spaceships in order to travel from here to there, but they can jump from body to body just as we jump from car to car. Others can nanotravel. I am not sure if the Pleiadians have read my papers, but again, in a very recent lecture, they compared nanotravel with Star Trek, and the character Q! Is this a coincidence, or are they citing my papers? It doesn’t matter which, of course, but I found it quite jaw-dropping. Also, the Pleiadians have talked endlessly about the AIF (Anunnaki) in their lectures recently. They say that the Anunnaki actually have been here all the time (something I have claimed too), and that we humans are soon going to meet with them—this can be both good or bad, according to them. They also say, just as I have, that the Anunnaki are the ETs that have visited us in different disguises over the centuries. They are the ones who gave us technology—they are the ones who instigated the Technology Transfer Programs (TTP) and made contact with the U.S. Government in the early 1950s. They are also the ones whom Hitler was in contact with. People are talking about all these different star races, such as the Dracos, the Nordics, the Grays, the Reptilians, and so on, but in reality, they all belong to the same group of ETs—the AIF! Disinformation agents are trying to separate these ET races, saying they have different agendas, but this is nonsense. The AIF are the ETs that are here on this planet right now, and they have been here for centuries. What about the “good ETs?” They certainly exist and are the great majority out there, but this is’s domain (or so he believes), and to say that the ET races I mentioned above are not working together in order to keep us enslaved is incorrect. It’s very important that we understand this. We also need to understand that shapeshifting is a piece of cake for interdimensional beings, and therefore, discussing Dracos and Reptilians becomes quite pointless. The AIF do have bodies on an interdimensional level, and some of them may be of reptilian nature, but these beings can take on any shape or form if they like. This is very important to keep in mind. Thus, researching and trying to catalogue and categorize these star races, based on their agendas, often becomes a waste of time. The Pleiadians are Enkiites, and they are telling us that the two brothers, and En.lil, are here right now, fighting for power. On the flip-side, they also claim that is no longer the irresponsible genetic entrapper that he once was, but he has changed a lot, while En.lil is still pretty much the same stern, morally and ethically steadfast character to the extreme. They want to be our teacher in the Age of Aquarius, and they say that he will change the frequency of the planet, so we can get more access to our dormant DNA. ~ 139 ~


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I wholeheartedly disagree with the above because my research clearly indicates the opposite. The Pleiadians are very much citing Sitchin still, and they are setting us up for something we will regret. Therefore, please use discernment! In general, higher level ETs know that our human bodies are designed to do things that are unique, and they understand the importance of the Original Experiment, but if it comes down to it, they are ready to wash the plate clean. This is why a more advanced god can sometimes make decisions that seem horrendous to us, but are not big deals to them—the soul lives on. This is usually the point where ETs and humans stop understanding each other. We have amnesia, and we usually have bonds with family members and friends. Once our body gets destroyed, we become disconnected from those we love, afraid we won’t find each other again. This is a big thing for us. The ETs, on the other hand, know that we will find each other again, and therefore think it’s irrelevant. However, they don’t possess our range of emotions, which can be both our strength and our downfall. I know that in the future, we need a more open discussion about this between star races and ourselves. In any case, the above probably explains how Khan En.lil could make the decisions he did when he ordered a plague, a drought, and starvation here on Earth. This, in addition to ordering the Flood, is what I believe is the main reason why mankind is biased toward and usually looks at “En.lil” as the bad guy in the drama. After all, saved us when we starved (he gave us fish)—he stopped the plague, and he saved the human race (the DNA and his own Elite) from the Flood, while Father En.lil did everything he could to have his orders executed, which would lead to mankind’s demise. However, in certain religions (in Christianity in particular), the followers totally agree with Khan En.lil’s decision to wipe out humanity, being under the impression that mankind was sinful and didn’t respect God enough. Only Noah and his family were “righteous” enough to be allowed to survive the Deluge, and from him, all humans of today stem, according to religion. Therefore, it all depends on from which angle we are looking at this. My personal viewpoint is that we humans indeed are caught in the middle of something that is much bigger than us—a Cosmic War and a Galactic Conflict in which we are sometimes the prize and sometimes the sacrifice. It’s easy, if we look at the Flood story shallowly, to take sides in this conflict and argue that did the right thing when he tried to save mankind, but we also need to remember that he didn’t do it for our sake, but for his own. He was the one who had plans for us, he was the one who had unresolved issues with Orion, and he was the one who wanted us here as slaves—not as his equals or his pupils. Even after the Flood, he kept us in ignorance—actually, even more so, as ~ 140 ~


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we shall see. Also, when we listen to the Pleiadians, we can, if we look carefully, see the same agenda repeat itself all over again. Once again, according to them, wants to “save mankind” from the “evil En.lil.” It’s like a broken record. Morally, there are a lot of gray areas—it’s not black and white. This is why it’s so important to stand on our own feet and claim our own sovereignty over our body, Avatar, and our Divine Fire. Every nation, every planet or star system, and every Empire has its own laws and rules. As we can see in the Atrahasis Epic, the Goddess was totally against creating the Flood, but there was nothing she could do after the Council had voted and shared their arguments. As long as we are slaves, and an ignorant species that can’t stand our ground, others are going to make decisions for us—just as we make decisions for our pets—and not until we have broken out from our slavery can we avoid being the effect of other beings’ decisions. So, however we bend and twist it, it comes back to that it’s entirely up to us. This is, in itself, nothing bad because in the end we need to earn our freedom, or we won’t be able to keep it and maintain it, but it’s hard work—work that has just begun, with a long way left to go.

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PAPER #15: THE POSTDILUVIAN TIMES—LUCIFER BUILDING HIS PLAN I. The Creation of Modern Man—A Species with a Destiny


t didn’t happen overnight, but eventually, the water subsided on the previously so beautiful Planet Gaia, and landmasses began to rise over the oceans again. The storms subsided and finally stopped, and everything was quiet and calm. The clouds in the sky started withering, and after a while, a bright sun shone over a clear-blue sky in many parts of the world. The canopy, which had covered much of the planet before the Flood, was now gone. The lands slowly dried up. For the first time in eons, Antarctica was ice-free, and the long Ice Age was over. As Sitchin correctly surmises, this is the time, directly after the Flood when Antarctica was clear of its ice-pack for the first time in eons, a time when the maps of showing the details of an ice-free Antarctica were made which later became available during the 14th and 15th centuries in Europe around the time of Columbus.129

The Living Library was more or less destroyed, except for what had survived in high places, but worse than that—at first, when the oceans withdrew their excessive amount of water, lots of dead bodies were found floating ashore. These bodies were not only humans, but animals, and other creatures, too. It was not a pretty sight! After some time, the survivors, who had found their shelters in the mountain caves, or even underground, now started climbing down to lower ground, or to higher ground, respectively, until they reached sea level, in order to try to find more food, or to get away from their neighbors, who attacked them, trying to steal what little they had. This was really “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” existence, where people had to gather in groups in order to survive. Most people armed themselves with whatever they could find or create from their environment in order to kill intruders, and perhaps even eat their bodies after they had killed them. Most of all, people feared the Giants, who had, to a certain extent, survived as well.

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In addition, there was another group of beings, who also had survived the Flood, and who now were extremely hungry and thirsty. We can read about them in a book by Stephanie Dalley, called “Myths from Mesopotamia,” Now it is the gods' turn to go hungry: "like sheep, they could only fill their windpipes with bleating Thirsty as they were, their lips Discharged only the rime of famine.”130

As we can see, Lord didn’t save all of his men, either. Some of them were left on Earth to die from thirst and starvation. In addition, they had to fight off their own creations, or they would themselves be killed. No longer did they have technology to defend themselves with. Perhaps, some of the ET survivors were also Ninurta’s MIKH-MAKH warriors, who never made it off the planet before the catastrophe was a fact. As time went by and and his Minions were waiting elsewhere (probably on Mars) for things to settle down enough on Earth for their return, more and more people and creatures died on Earth. The animals were those who had the greatest chance to survive.

i.i. The Grays and the Martian Slave Race Also, before the Flood occurred, evacuated a limited number of Homo sapiens to Mars, where they were put in underground cities, some sources suggest. and Marduk had told them about a catastrophe that was going to hit Earth, and they needed to be evacuated. Space travel within the solar system was, if not common for humans, still occurring, so the shock one can expect would happen when they were leaving their planet to go to Mars was not overly great. Once the space shuttles had taken them from Earth to Mars, they were all bunched together in a big group and put in some kind of “storehouse” in one of Mars’ underground cities, where an artificial atmosphere had been created under an invisible cupola. The gods had even created an artificial sky and a heat source, looking very similar to our own Sun, which made the weather quite inhabitable but more on the tropical side because the gods liked it that way. However, in the storehouse it was always dark.

Stephanie Dalley, New York, Oxford UP ©1991, “Myths from Mesopotamia”, ed. and trans. p. 33, op. cit. 130

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As soon as the catastrophe on Earth was over and depending on the outcome, these Homo sapiens had been promised to be taken back to Earth at the gods’ first convenience, or transported elsewhere if necessary, but the gods never kept their word. Instead, these humans, who looked very similar to us but have the genetics that were common on Earth before the Deluge, are still living on Mars up until this day! In their usual manner, the AIF have used them as slave labor on Mars instead of transporting them back to Earth.131

Fig. 1. Grays in Flying Saucers, in shuttle traffic between Mars and the Earth.

However, fairly recently, a tribe of the small “Grays” have allegedly helped some humans escape from their Mars prison (this would be the descendants of the humans who were abducted and transported to Mars before the Deluge). Remote viewers, working for the government, have apparently remote viewed how the Grays drove shuttle traffic between Mars and Earth in their saucer-shaped ships, transporting willing “Martians” back to their home planet, Earth.132 These human descendants were then hidden inside a mountain complex somewhere in Arizona or New Mexico, I believe, and perhaps in some other places too. The environmental circumstances are not exactly the same in When taking part of data coming from government employed remote viewers, we need to use a lot of discernment because what they are telling us is often either disinformation or only a small part of the whole picture. The “Martian situation” makes a lot of sense, however—at least if we look at the general picture. The details may be slightly off, but I believe this part of the story is more or less correct. As we move on, the reason why I believe this to be the case will be more apparent. 132 Ibid. 131

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the Martian underground facilities as they are here, quite obviously, and some adjustments needed to be made. Also, the Martians don’t know how to interact with the everyday human of the 21st Century, so no one knows at this point how the project will turn out. A classified level of the U.S. Government is supposedly helping out with this program. Many—if not most—of the Martians wish themselves back to Mars, despite the circumstances on Mars because they no longer feel at home here after all these generations that have passed. Also, these Martian human hybrids are not Homo sapiens sapiens as we are, but they are the forerunners to our current species, which also makes things more complicated if the Martians want to start mingling with our society on Earth. What happens if we interbreed between the species, for example? This, however, may be the purpose, for all I know. As time passed and the remote viewing of the Martians and the Grays became more sophisticated and complex, it was suspected that the Grays were actually humans who had come back to Earth from one of the future timelines— in other words, they were (are) time travelers. The readers who have followed my work and read the Level III papers know that many of the “Gray aliens” who are encountered on Earth today under different circumstances are future versions of ourselves on a timeline when the Machine Kingdom became predominant, and advanced Orion technology was chosen before Nature. They are often half human and half machine and have what we call a “hive mentality,” where their minds, to a large degree, are integrated with a “Super Computer” that controls their thought patterns and their behavior. Individuality is mostly a thing of the past in their future society, and what is best for the group is what is important—the individual is expendable. Much of the channeled material we are taking part of today is channeled by different factions of the Grays—our future selves. They often present themselves as a “Social Memory Complex,” and in the following excerpt, the Ra people, who were presenting the “Ra Material”—some of the most well-known channeled material today—explain how a mind/body/spirit complex, such as ourselves, becomes a Social Memory Complex: I am Ra. A mind/body/spirit social complex becomes a social memory complex when its entire group of entities are of one orientation or seeking. The group memory lost to the individuals in the roots of the tree of mind then become[s] known to the social complex, thus creating a social memory complex. The advantages of this complex are the relative lack of distortion in understanding the social beingness and the relative lack of distortion in pursuing the direction

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of seeking, for all understanding/distortions are available to the entities of the society.133

Even if this may be looked upon as an advantage by the Social Memory Complex themselves, I am personally very much a propagator of individual thinking and uniqueness and wouldn’t dream of being part of such a hive mentality. However, in some of these future societies, the Grays are more and more breaking out of what I see as their mind controlled state and are traveling back into their past, exploring our Living Library and our human DNA in order to restore their own individuality. Many of the alien abductions that are reported worldwide are almost certainly done by such factions of the Grays. It seems as if it is also one of these future human hybrids that are intervening with the Martian society today. From what we understand about these Grays, it’s inevitable not to think in terms that they are helping the Martians because it has something to do with their own rehabilitation.

i.ii. The Creation of a Special Species and their Neo-Atlantean Destiny Instead of waiting for Planet Earth to recover after the Flood to such a degree that and his consort, Isis, could open up laboratories here again, it makes sense that started his new experiment on Mars instead of on Earth, with a purpose to create human hybrids. He already had genetic laboratories set up on Mars for such a purpose since long ago. In the past, when he used Mars as a laboratory, the engineering occurred in underground cities because Mars was depleted of its atmosphere during the Titan Wars, when Tiamat was destroyed. This time, he already had the seed from the Antediluvian human race, so the work went much faster. However, now he wanted to create a humanity with potentials—he wanted us to evolve faster. In order for his new creation to do so, he needed to reactivate some of the previously dormant DNA and activate a dormant “timer” in the human cells—a timer which was activated before the AIF came. Each Era (or “Astrological Age”), starting and finishing in association with the Zodiac, is about 2,160 years;134 a so-called “Great Year” is 25, 920 years;135 and half of a “Great Year” is 12,960 years long.136 knew that in approximately

“The Ra Material”, Session 11, Question 7. 135 Ibid. 136 Ibid. 133 134

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half of a Great Year, the solar system would line up with the Galactic Center, which meant that a lot of energy in the form of gamma rays (and other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum) would hit the Earth. On gamma rays, a lot of information is carried. saw this as a great opportunity to let humans evolve enough so that he could use our abilities for his own purposes, i.e. to steal our enhanced Fire, which is connected with the increased energies, in order to break into the realms of the inner sanctuary of the Orion Empire. also knew that what the Pleiadians call the “nanosecond” is a very real concept. He understood that time would speed up a million-fold during the last 25 years before the year 2012. Thus, humanity had the chance to learn things a million times faster than they could otherwise. The amnesia we are born with prevents us from realizing how fast we have actually evolved, compared to other lifetimes. You, who read this, and I, who write it, can both look back 10, 15, or 25 years and notice how much more aware we are now than we were back then— it’s like night and day! However, the nanosecond is not a free ride. Many people, I’m sure, are curious about why we were allowed to expand our consciousness in the way we have. Why did the AIF let us “get away” with it? Well, actually it does make sense, if we think about it. Remember how we talked about already in Level I that the gods are thinking “long thoughts,” meaning that they live so long that planning a few thousand years ahead is like planning a week ahead for us. Hence,, and those in cahoots with him, planned exactly how they wanted the new Homo sapiens sapiens to evolve. Of course, we were still meant to be a slave race—that part has never changed—but eventually, the gods were going to disappear out of the picture and not interact with mankind directly, but let their Minions take care of it, while the full blood AIF were lurking in the background, being in control from other dimensions. The interaction with the gods would eventually only be a vague memory of a distant past, at best. Then, even that memory would fade. What I am describing here is the time from approximately 4,200 years ago and up until now, when the gods are starting to get more overly involved. It was after the Deluge that the Bankers of Babylon saw the first light of day, and ever since, finance has been one of the major manipulative tools the Minions have used to keep mankind in check—that and religious wars and conflicts. Enhancing the DNA in mankind caused the evolution to go faster than it would have done otherwise, and as time closed in on the nanosecond and 2012, a new type of society needed to see the light of day as well. In actuality, it was not really a new type of society—it was just Atlantis being created all over again—and this New Atlantis, as it was envisioned by Sir ~ 147 ~


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Francis Bacon, the famous Rosicrucian137 (who some people say was the same person as William Shakespeare),138 was planned to be Canada and the United States of America—at least to begin with. In the long run, Bacon, who was one of’s initiated Minions, and his like-minded, wanted a One World Government, based on enhanced Atlantean technology, which would eventually lead to the Machine Kingdom. Let’s take first things first though. In order to make great changes from behind the scenes, a good way is often to instigate “revolutions.” Thus, we had the French and the British Revolutions in the 1700s. In the latter revolution, the British wanted to depart from the tyrannical King George. Therefore, Freemasons—with Rosicrucians working in the background—played the role as “liberators,” and founded the United States of America, which became known as the “New Atlantis” amongst the Elite and the occultists. After the American “Revolution” was completed, the Brits who moved to the U.S. and Canada thought they would be free from British tyranny, when in fact, the Freemasonic liberators and the British Kingdom were just two sides of the same coin. The United States and Canada were never free from British influence—indeed, both countries (as well as Australia, but that’s another story) are owned by the British Crown—something that seems pretty obvious when we look at it. The official leader of the United States has always been the President, and America is considered being a Republic—but the real ruler of the U.S. is Queen Elizabeth II of the British Empire (yes, you read that correctly). One of the purposes with the American Revolution was not to become free from oppressive British influence, but to prepare for the nanosecond. wanted the Industrialism in order to be able to develop technology into an integrated society where everything is connected, and therefore, is easier to control and manipulate. For, it was now a race against time, although he was probably never overly worried or stressed. He needed to create a technological society before people evolved spiritually and neurologically from the enormous gamma rays bursts, without Ea being able to control them. If he didn’t have people registered in databases and assembled into big cities and communities, people could easily break free and turn against him. needed a society where it’s easy to communicate. This is also why it was so important to get the Internet up and running during the nanosecond. It’s my own opinion that the Global Elite were actually delayed when it comes to developing a functioning Internet, and that it was planned to be up and running already in the beginning of the nanosecond, which was in 1987. At that time, computers were still running 137 138 ~ 148 ~


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on DOS—Windows didn’t appear until in the early 1990s and was a big revolution for its time. However, by connecting globally with the Internet, people could share their ideas and new knowledge and speed up their awareness level even more—but under surveillance! This is very important to understand. We have all this freedom to explore whatever we want on the Internet, but every letter we type on the keyboard is being tracked. Thus, the freedom we think we have by being able to communicate globally is mostly an illusion. By exposing the Global Elite, we are not defeating them, and we are not ascending to a higher dimension just by being more aware. Our awareness level, on an individual and global level, is monitored, and “someone” is waiting for us to be ripe enough to “eat”—both literally and metaphorically. We need to work hard for our freedom without fighting for it—fighting has to be something of the past. Our revolution must be peaceful, or it’s doomed to fail. Therefore, with this in mind, it is crucial that the evolving human understands where the traps are and how to avoid them. Again, it is not enough just to grow in awareness and consciousness. We also need to look at who or what it was that trapped us in matter in the first place, if they are still around, and what plans they have for us. This is the most important thing I have stressed in all my papers, and will always be. What good is it if a group of people are listening to some channeled material that is set up by the AIF in order for the listener to feel really nice and cozy with a lot of almost overwhelming love vibrations and even with healing processes involved, when the outcome is that they trick you into believing that they are your saviors? Does “Elohim” ring a bell? When the time comes, they will “Harvest” their members, who willingly will follow, thinking they are going to the fourth and fifth dimensions, when all that these lofty beings want is to eat our flesh and/or feed off our new awareness level in order to use it for the worst? Then they dispose of us, or perhaps they will send us to Orion as a part of the payoff of the spiritual “debt” that they owe the Orions. However, all the Orions get back are depleted spirits in a horrible, irreversible shape, when they would expect evolved beings. I don’t know how many times I’ve warned people who are involved in the above activities, to no prevail. It’s difficult when people think they have found their “religion” or “spiritual path.” However, it’s not our job to tell them what to do or not to do—one “warning,” including providing information, is enough. Then we have done what we can. The person we are talking to can either take it in or discard it. It’s his or her right. We always have to remember that, although it’s hard. I sometimes have problems with that too. If the reader thinks I am

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repeating myself on this matter, be aware that it’s purposely done—it needs to be readdressed for it to really sink in.

II. The Cosmic War Escalates After succeeding in closing down our solar system, got overconfident and started being more offensive in the Cosmic War drama. As we’ve discussed earlier, one war front was located in Sirius, where not only the Nommos were imprisoned in the Dark Star, but had also a hybrid race fighting against Khan En.lil’s (Archangel Mikael’s) troops. This was an ongoing guerilla war, and just like what happens sometimes here on Earth, the war consisted of different phases. Sometimes it could be very intense, while at other times, an armistice lasted for quite a long time, until something erupted again, and a new battle took place.

Fig. 2. Guerilla war in the Sirius star system.

After he had closed the Saturn Stargate and Homo sapiens sapiens were created and started to increase in numbers, one of’s Intelligence Agencies found out exactly where Khan En.lil himself was positioned, together with a large amount of MIKH-MAKH troops. With increased confidence, decided to take on Khan En.lil in person. His plan was to storm the star where the Archangel was stationed and then battle Khan En.lil on a one-on-one basis. Little did he know that’s DAKH warriors, when they entered the star system, had already been on Khan En.lil’s radar as soon as they left the Ar-i~ 150 ~


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du solar system.’s plan was to kill off Khan En.lil’s soldiers until only a few remained, and then himself would enter the stage and battle an almost defeated Orion King. The plan failed almost before it was even put into action. As soon as’s fairly large battalion entered Khan En.lil’s star system, the Archangel’s MIKH-MAKH armada was ready.’s battleships were destroyed, one by one, while the Khan hardly suffered any losses. Many of’s DAKH warriors were captured in that attack and put in prison in the Dark Star together with the Nommos that were still there and hadn’t been able to be released in’s previous attack. An improved electronic net, or veil, was being set up by Mikael First in Command and his scientists, hoping would not be able to penetrate it. Also, there was nothing that prevented the Khan from terminating the prisoners totally if he so wished and entirely wipe out their consciousness. This, however, is the most severe penalty a being can get for a crime and was not executed very often, although the Khan in this situation was seriously considering it. What most of these DAKH warriors were involved in was nothing less than High Treason, and for that, the most severe penalty could be selected for the prisoners. The Khan—perhaps out of mercy—was still holding back on it. For, however, his defeat was devastating, and his pride was seriously hurt. He had been so sure he could defeat Mikael at this point, but obviously, he still had a few things to learn. His troops were severely diminished, and he felt vulnerable. Hence, this was the reason for the Grid, and this was the time when he put it up around Gaia to protect his stronghold. Also, in order to further secure his position, he tilted the planet, changed the distance between the Moon and the Earth, and manipulated our planet’s electromagnetic frequency in such a manner that although she was still a third-dimensional planet and the life upon it was 3-D as well, she now vibrated with a speed that was pretty odd and unnatural. did this intentionally with advanced technology so that other star beings, in case they managed to slip through the stargates around Saturn and the Sun, had a very hard time finding the Earth. Even though these star beings of course would be interdimensional in nature, they would still—hopefully so, thought— stare right onto the planet without being able to see it—all they would see was empty space. In certain terms,’s idea worked quite well, and he could work fairly uninterrupted for a long time (in human terms). This breathing room he spent setting up his control- and manipulation mechanisms to get humanity to where he wanted them—under total control.

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III. The Reincarnation System is being Refined! (Additional Ideas on How the Afterlife is Set Up) The next thing and his son Marduk decided to do, apparently, shortly after the Deluge, was to make changes in some star constellations. R.A. Boulay writes in his book, “Flying Serpents and Dragons:” Rabbinical legends suggest it was a cosmic event which also caused changes in the positions of the stars. It states that two stars were removed from the constellation Pleiades, and these were replaced by two stars from the constellation of the Bear. The legends also suggest there were other changes among the celestial spheres during the year of the Deluge, involving the sun and the moon, although these changes are not specified. Whatever the cause, it was significant enough in intensity to divide the history of Mankind into two great periods. The antediluvian era is known as the time of the gods: the "golden age" in many mythologies. What had been achieved by man and god was washed away by the disaster.139

This may sound very “mysterious,” but if we’re thinking in terms of 4% and 96% Universe, the “mystery” is not as much a mystery anymore. It’s them, and not us who decide how we’re going to perceive the asterisms in the Heavens. It requires some reprogramming, but it can be fairly easily done. What father and son apparently did was to change around amongst the stars in the sky, and then they created some new constellations in order to make changes in the Zodiac. By doing so, they could change the level and ways of controlling mankind. Up until this day, we are more or less following the “Babylonian Zodiac.” It is well known within secret societies (and now also in public, to some degree) that there was once a more ancient zodiac, which affected life on Gaia differently. They also wanted to refine the “soul trap,” to make sure that no souls—or very few of them—escaped the prison after their bodies died here on Earth. The great Hologram, which we usually call “The Matrix,” and which is projected from Saturn via the Moon, and down to Earth, was now better calibrated with the human bodies. As soon as a soul entered a newborn baby’s body, a complete amnesia took place. The souls could now not remember at all who they were due to how the DNA was programmed by and his geneticists. This in itself was nothing new, but before the Flood, if someone figured out that they were trapped, they could fairly easily exit the body if they wished to, just by mentally 139

R.A. Boulay, “Flying Serpents and Dragons”, p. 112, op. cit. ~ 152 ~


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“cutting the cord” between the body itself and the soul140—the cord which we call the “silver cord” in metaphysics. Then, in theory, it was nothing that held the soul to the prison, and they could escape into the Universe—even into the KHAA part of it—if they wanted to. For the rest of humanity, who hadn’t figured out that their existence in slavery was something wrong, often automatically returned into a new body after body death because they thought that this was what they were supposed to do. If a soul in her confusion went astray, there were AIF in the astral who could capture them and “shoot them” back into a baby body at random. In these cases, they had no choice in the matter and were assigned the first available body. Now, after the Deluge, this had to change. couldn’t afford to lose any souls that had been programmed here on Earth—especially now when he had agreed to take on all these criminal souls from other star systems who were a little harder to manipulate than the human souls who were born in this solar system. What had in mind was a “Between Life Area” (BLA), which was to be set up in the ether. This location should have its own dimensional time/space. Here, souls whose bodies died would be lingering before they went back to a new life on Earth. This idea probably started with the fact that had more souls at his convenience than he had bodies to shoot them into. Therefore, he let souls stay in the BLA for a certain amount of time, until bodies were available again. He noticed that souls in the afterlife gathered in soul groups—those who’d known each other earlier tended to stay together in the afterlife, too. Here they usually discussed their lives and told each other about their dreams and wishes, e.g. who or what they wanted to become in their next life. This was something that certainly could take advantage of. “Spirit guides,” such as deceased relatives and friends, were told to guide their recently deceased friend or relative to make sure that the deceased chose to go into the tunnel toward the “Light.” An enormous wave of love energy was set up as well to attract the soul. This could easily be done with technology and is used by some channeled entities as well. In the long run, the spirit guides often watched over their relatives while they were on Earth, and if the incarnated spirit knew how, she could ask the spirit guide/guides for assistance or advice. This is true up until this day, and if possible, these guides will help with problems in our earthly existence. Once trapped in the BLA, the recently deceased soul was drawn toward a place which corresponded with their beliefs. An illusion of such a reality was often created in the ether with the help from technology and holographic projection, with a purpose to make the spirit feel comfortable, but deceptively so. 140

Various Pleiadian lectures. ~ 153 ~


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With time, the spirits themselves unwittingly helped create such “islands” in the ether for likeminded spirits to go to after body death. Thus, not everybody goes to the same “place” after they’ve entered the Tunnel—it mainly depends on their beliefs. The Pleiadians call this phenomenon “Islands of Beliefs,”141 and it is just as valid today as it was when it was set up. The illusion of the beliefs a person has created during his or her lifetime (or several lifetimes) is then projected from his or her own mind into the astral time/space and will appear quite real, and that dimension will be shared by those who have similar beliefs. To get an idea of how it works, the term “Islands of Beliefs” is perfect. The deceased is thus “isolated” on an “island” of his or her conviction of how things are in 3-D life and after death, and the AIF can enhance that belief system with appropriate technology until it becomes self-sustaining. Alongside this island are other islands, invisible to someone who doesn’t share the belief system that is dominating the particular island. Again, the soul is creating her own reality, and each reality has its own frequency and vibration, inaccessible to others whose beliefs are quite different. This is a perfect manipulative setup, which often keeps the soul manipulated during the next lifetime because the soul memory of this artificial “Heaven,” or whatever it could be that the being projects, is still lurking in the background of the individual while living on Earth. Hence, when death is coming close, the being has some kind of feeling where to go when the body dies. This way, the recycling system is kept alive and well and is, to a large degree, sustaining itself. Quite often, souls are gathering in soul groups in the BLA. The members of such a soul group do not necessarily share the exact beliefs, but they tie together because of the feeling of belonging to each other. Here we have soul mates, friends, spouses, and relatives, etc. However, most of the time, members of such groups do share beliefs similar enough to each other for an afterlife gathering to take place, building its own Island of Beliefs. The belief can simply be that they are convinced that they will meet each other after death. A “Council of Elders,” consisting of AIF beings, was put in charge of the BLA, as many people in regression therapy have described.142 A goal for the next lifetime was set, and a couple here on Earth who fit the profile of being parents to this soul were located. An astrological date, which best suited the soul to achieve her goals was also set, and the soul in the BLA “manipulated” her soon-tobecome parents to have sex nine months before the chosen astrological period so that the soul could be born into the baby’s body at the designated time. All this was true then and is true today. 141 142

Pleiadian lecture 3/16/2013, “The Great Changes 2013-2027 Part 1”, CD 2 of 2, Track 14. See Level I, “” ~ 154 ~


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So why did and his cohorts make such an effort for the deceased souls? Isn’t that an action of compassion?

Fig. 3. Etheric beings in an “Island of Beliefs.”

I’d rather say that it is quite self-serving. By creating this Between Life Area, very few souls have a desire to leave the Earth plane and will happily reincarnate into a new slave body. The goals the soul sets before she is being recycled is very rarely met because of the amnesia. Instead, the soul is confused—often she knows there was something she should achieve, but can’t remember what it was. Usually, the soul instinctively goes in the right direction but gets easily distracted and fails to accomplish the goal. Sometimes, however, the goal is achieved, and a new goal is set the next time around. Exit plans are also made in the BLA before the next reincarnation. The soul is told to create a few different exit plans so that she can expire (die) at a point of choice, although she won’t remember this once she is back on Earth. If the soul decides she will die either at the age of twenty-eight, fifty-six, or ninetytwo, it then depends on the circumstances which of these exit plans will take effect. If the soul accomplishes her goal already at twenty-eight, she will exit at ~ 155 ~


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that point. If she needs more time, fifty-six or ninety-two could be more appropriate. An unforeseen incident, of course, often happens that forces the soul to exit at a time that was not planned—often before the goal is achieved. Failure to achieve the goal during the lifetime may also force the soul to end that lifetime prematurely. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the person commits suicide, although this may be one option. The BLA most likely began as a storage of souls, but the entire process became more sophisticated with time, until it reached the point where we are today, as told to us through regression therapy. Thus, as long as we’re letting ourselves become manipulated into going toward the Light, we are trapped in the “Recycling System.” This is the pattern we need to break! What I’ve described above can, for the most part, be backed up by regression witnesses and from channeled material, and some of it is conclusions on my part, after having spent a lot of time attempting to connect the dots. It seems to me that this must be very close to how it really works. What I know for a fact, due to overwhelming evidence, is that going to the Light means coming back to Earth, and refusing to go through the tunnel means freedom from additional reincarnations. The choice must be up to each individual. The Between Life Area became an important part of the whole Control System, and in many cases, the deceased doesn’t even need guidance anymore, but recognizes the Light and the Tunnel and goes there on her own, remembering the incredible feeling of love that met her every time she went there after she had died. Besides souls who have increased their consciousness recently, very few have even thought about escaping the trap, I’m sure, since the day it was set up by the AIF.

iii.i. More on How to Escape Lucifer’s Afterlife Trap I can understand if it may sound scary to choose not to go to the Light because many of us are afraid of the unknown—whereas, the Light feels “safe” because we’ve gone there so many times, and “everybody else” who went there seems to have done just fine. However, remember that you are being multidimensional every single night you go to sleep and dream. This is a taste of what is awaiting after we die—except, after we die, we are in charge of our “dreams” and can create consciously what we create unconsciously during REM sleep. However, this only gives a partial picture, so let’s get a little bit more into detail about what I have learned recently on the details about escaping the AIF Afterlife Trap once and for all.

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Those who have come to the point in their awareness level that they are reading this don’t have to worry about getting “stuck” in the ether and become a “lost soul.” The reader of this material is far beyond that because you know too much. Instead, when you die, you will most probably be approached by your guide of guides as usual, and he or she wants to help you “cross over,” and if you allow this, it will lead you through the Tunnel. In some cases, there are no guides in the beginning, and the Tunnel will open up in front of you, but at a distance. Normally, souls feel the attraction and gravitation from the Tunnel and start moving toward it, consciously or unconsciously—like a leaf being sucked in by a vacuum cleaner. Here, I believe, it’s a good idea to put up a list, in order to easier absorb the information I’m about to give you. 1.

Instead of letting yourself be “hypnotized” by its attraction, turn and look in the opposite direction (you will have 360° vision, and you can still concentrate on looking in a certain direction) and move away from the Tunnel (you do this by “thinking” yourself as moving—it’s all about thoughts and intention in this dimension). Remember, you, as a soul of Fire, are far stronger than the centrifugal force that pulls you toward the Tunnel. Don’t try to fight it—that’s not the way to do it. Instead, think yourself away from it! The Tunnel with the Light on the other side of it is a sophisticated hologram, and all you need to do is to think yourself in another direction, and the Tunnel will fade away. 2. Soon you will see the Grid as a fuzzy “barrier” in front of you, or above you (there are no ups and downs or left and right in space). You will also see that it has holes in it—like a Swiss cheese. Move through one of these holes. 3. You will now see the Universe the way it is, i.e. you will now be truly interdimensional. This means you will see a much larger universe than you are used to. This is possible because you are outside the Grid, and you’re not in a programmed body—you are meeting the Universe as a pure spirit of Fires with an Avatar, which is your mind. When astronauts are allowed outside the Grid, they are still restricted by their bodies and will remain in 3-D, but on a slightly higher vibration because the Earth is tilted and the Grid is no longer doing its work on these astronauts. What you experience outside the Grid, as a discarnate spirit, can be quite overwhelming and impressive. Probably for the first time, you see the Universe as it really is, with the KHAA and everything. When you read this, you are still limited with your five senses, but a good idea is to ~ 157 ~


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prepare yourself mentally for what is out there. It’s not at all going to be a negative experience, just very different! You will also see the Space War that is going on in the solar system, and you will notice the soldiers fighting in other dimensions, which you now are going to have access to. In order to prepare, a recommended reading is my free e-book, “Beyond 2012—a Handbook for the New Era.” There are of course other materials that you can use as well—these papers will also do the job. 4. As a Fire riding an Avatar, you are now free to go more or less anywhere in the Universe. I talked earlier about “Universities”—that certain star systems work as universities do here on Earth. You may go there and explore what they have to offer, to see if it interests you, but the more appropriate or easier way would be to first know what you want to do or what you want to learn. Let’s say you want to learn about how to build interdimensional space crafts. Then you think yourself to a university that teaches that, and you will nanotravel there as fast as you think it. As I see it, you need to concentrate on that thought, so it becomes dominant over your other thoughts at that moment—that’s all you need to do. I have talked to a few humans who are able to nanotravel—one of them gained the ability after a serious car accident. He said that we have nothing to worry about—once we’re free from our bodies, we know automatically how to do this. In the beginning, not only will we be stunned but also impressed. We will think it’s fun and probably want to play around with it. The fear and anxiety we may have while in our bodies are gone once we enter the spirit world. Once you’re at a university, you will meet with star beings who will ask you what you wish to do. If your aura and your chakras are open like a book, they will already know because you communicate telepathically, but if it’s closed—either because of fear, or intentionally, to protect your thoughts—they will not know. Once they are told, they will advise you whether you qualify or not. If you don’t, you can ask them where you should go first to eventually qualify for their dimension of learning. If you want to go to Orion, you think yourself there and you will stand before the “Gates of the Orion Empire,” and a similar procedure will take place. You may want to tell them that you are a human soul, and you may most likely qualify to get into the higher dimensions of the KHAA, but once “inside,” you will find out which University level you qualify for, ~ 158 ~


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depending on your current knowledge as a spirit, what you want to do, and your personality. 5. You may instead just want to travel around in the Universe as a Soul/Avatar and explore before you decide to find a new “home.” You will notice that you can think yourself anywhere and you will get there, but also you can create your own environment as you wish—similar to what Q did in Star Trek. You may want to have fun with that for a while, too, before you do anything else. Remember that you can’t really get lost because if you don’t know where you are, you can think yourself to be anywhere—even back in the solar system, if you wish. 6. You will most certainly also meet with other beings as you think yourself away. You can tell them you’re not interested (in a polite manner), or you can join them. First, however, feel out their energies and trust your intuition! If you are still uncertain, ask where they come from and why they want your company. Always shield yourself with a golden aura by thinking it up around yourself, and make sure not to have any holes in it. You will find out for yourself that it works! Remember that just because your creators happen to be Orions, it doesn’t mean you have to go there if you don’t want to. No one will hold that against you, and you can always go there later, whenever you want to. You may even choose to join a group of beings you like and co-create an interdimensional reality—either in space, on a planet, in a star, or in a nebula. The options are endless, only limited by your own creativity. You will notice that the Universe bends to your will, thoughts, and intentions. Any of this sounds much better than to be recycled into slavery again, doesn’t it? We have the Fire of the Mother Goddess, so we are privileged that way –more so than other star races out there. Those out there who have access to the KHAA (just like you will) can also create without technology, but as a human soul, you automatically have access to the KHAA and to the Orion Empire, unless you’ve done things that are excessively harmful to the Empire, your fellow man, or other star races. Other star races will have to “earn” their way into Orion, while you can come in without any prerequisites, except for the ones I just mentioned. What you do miss out on (perhaps only temporary, but still) is the loss of your human body, in case you decide not to reincarnate on Earth again. In an upcoming paper, I will discuss more about the incredible vessel we call the human body, what it is capable of, and what it can do for you as a Fire/Avatar. Once that is explained and you want to continue going back to Earth in the next ~ 159 ~


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incarnation to inhabit one of these vessels again—this time with a higher level of knowledge—you can. You don’t have to go into the Tunnel in order to do that. You can reincarnate on Gaia without “help” from the AIF, but you would still have amnesia. However, you would operate on a higher level here on Earth than you’ve done so far, and with time, you will expand your awareness and your consciousness even more. If you choose this path, you will help rebuilding the Library, and the reward will be a body I will be talking about later. The choice is yours, and there is no right or wrong choices here—it’s entirely up to you. The only thing I advise everybody to do is to avoid the Tunnel and the Light!

IV. Babylon the Great—Setting the Records False After the water level from the Deluge had subsided and the planet became more stable, it was noted that the northeastern part of Atlantis had managed to stay above the oceanic surface during the Flood, and this part of former Atlantis later became the British Isles of today. The great stone circle of Avebury now was used as another interdimensional doorway for various star systems, such as Sirius, the Pleiades, and Arcturus,143 which were all, to a large degree, now under’s dominance. This way,’s Minions could travel in and out of our solar system and to their own star systems, although strict security, which will make our International Airport Security look like a joke, was certainly in place.

iv.i. AIF Leaders Promoted to Khan Kings, and becomes Ea Minions who had been promoted to leaders of a certain star system or a part of a certain star system, now took on Orion names and titles, such as Khan Kings, to mock Khan En.lil’s title. “Khan” is an Orion male title, while “Vulcan,” “Vulk[h]an,” or “Vulvakhan,” is female. Both titles are, as they imply, related to the term “KHAA.” and those who were closest to him, belonging to the socalled Clan or the “House of,” now also took on female names and titles, in addition to their original ones, and from the Babylonian times forward, researching the Sumerian-Babylonian-Akkadian records can be quite confusing and challenging because there is so much syncretism—particularly since and Marduk decided to change things around in the older records.


Barbara Marciniak, “Earth—the Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library”, p. 57. ~ 160 ~


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Lucifer no longer used his title (Lord/God of Earth) but instead became known as Ea (House of Water)144, which denotes the “Primordial Waters”—another term for the KHAA. The term Ea originally stems from EAbzu, which is a title for Khan En.lil. In other words, Ea is not an appropriate title for Lucifer either because he stole it from the real Khan King of Orion. From being able to close the stargates and safeguard the Ar-i-du domain, he promoted himself, and in a sense took Khan En.lil’s title—self-proclaimed, of course. I will also mainly call him Ea from hereon because this is one of the dominant titles Lucifer was known as in Babylonian times.

iv.ii. Marduk Rises to Power in Babylon The Babylonian-Akkadian Empire has always been assigned to Marduk. In conventional history, we learn that many different (human) kings were ruling in Babylon and in the vicinities of the Empire itself. Although that was true, Marduk was the one in charge behind the scenes. We learn very little about this in conventional history books because if they told us the truth, the historians would need to explain how Marduk could get so old. In fact, you may find references in mainstream history that Marduk actually died and was buried, and his son was Alexander the Great. Whether Alexander really was one of Marduk’s bastard sons or not, I don’t know at this point, but it would probably be fairly easy to research. However, it’s outside the scope of this paper. Lord Ea would never give up his own power, but he let his son Marduk rule while he was busy doing other things. Hence, it seems as if Ea more or less disappeared from history at that point, only to return to power again, apparently with some help from his son (or that’s what it looked like) during the time of the Babylonian Empire. Babylon, with a new race of humans evolving who had amnesia and couldn’t remember anything prior to their current lifetime, was the Era when Ea could claim the supremacy of the “Gods,” imprinting in humans that he was the Lord of the Universe, and no one else could compete. He did this by having himself and his son taking on the personae of the “Supreme Gods” of Orion. They both used alter egos to accomplish this because the old records from ancient times were still around, and they did not have access to them all. Therefore, the best way they could accomplish this was to take on the personae of the Gods and Goddesses of the Heavens. So, when we research the old mythologies—whether it’s the Sumerian texts, the Vedas, the 144 ~ 161 ~


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Incan mythos, the Mayans, or any other mythology, tradition, or culture—we find the same beings showing up in all parts of the world—under other names! This must be understood by the researcher, or everything else after that will be a series of incorrect conclusions. What many have problems with is that there seems to be an abundance of deities all over the world, and therefore, many think that if these deities are visitors, they must be coming from different star systems, independent from each other. Thus, we talk about the Dracos, the Reptilians, the Nordics, the Grays, the Insectoids, the Praying Mantas, and all the rest of them. In our ignorance, we have created our own illusion of what is going on in the Heavens. I am not disputing that all these beings I just mentioned exist in a sort of way, but I do claim, backed up by evidence existing on this planet and not amongst channeled entities, that these star beings are not separate from each other. They generally belong to one of the two sides in the Cosmic War—they are either Lucifer’s Fallen Angels, or they belong to Khan En.lil’s and Queen Nin’s Orion Empire. It’s as simple as that, and this is why I have stuck to writing about the “Anunnaki” because they are really the visitors to this planet, as far back as 500,000 years, at least. Before that, the Earth was mainly visited by the Orion/Vegan crew, led by Prince Ninurta. In addition, I am not saying that long before Lucifer came to Gaia, there haven’t been other civilizations from space who have visited this planet in distant ancient times (footprints have been found on Earth that are half a billion years old)145, but these beings, who most people call the Anunnaki, are our socalled “aliens.” They come from different star systems, and from an interdimensional viewpoint, they may look different from each other, but they are still working for Lucifer! I was listening to a Pleiadian CD the other day, and in that lecture, someone asked them how Pleiadians look like, and I found their answer quite interesting.146 They said that they themselves, who were speaking on the CD, are refugees from many different star systems and have gathered together to create a more peaceful environment in their part of the Pleiades, and they are “energy beings,” meaning that they don’t have any regular, physical bodies in any dimension (although they can “mock” one up by changing the form of their Avatar), but the Pleiades is vast and consists of many, many different beings. They said that those souls who inhabit physical bodies such as ours (and they are talking about 3-D bodies here) are all created following the “human template,” meaning that they have a head, two arms, two legs, and a torso. Then, they 145 146

Farrell, “The Cosmic War”, p. 405ff. Pleiadian lecture, held in the summer of 2013. ~ 162 ~


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explained, the designers can decide how they want to modify that template— some beings may be small, others may be large and tall, and some can be blue and have psychic abilities (depending on how much DNA is activated), while others have less so. Some are giants. There are those who have hair, while others don’t, and so on. The reason I find this interesting is that we know that Ea fled to the Pleiades a few times and created hybrid races there, as he’s done here. Those whom the Pleiadians are talking about on the CD are exactly these hybrids that Ea—and probably Isis as well—created over there. These humanoids are also all working for Lucifer, although they don’t have the “Fire of the Goddess” as earth humans have. They are still our “space cousins.” Only the Goddess herself can create such a Fire connection, and although we know that Lucifer has tried, using technology, he has never managed to accomplish that goal, and he never will. Such a connection can of course not be created with technology, and technology and science are more or less the only thing a Lucifer has at his convenience.

iv.iii. Syncretism and the Babylonian Empire With that said, let’s return to Earth to see what Ea did when he took over the Pantheon and the personae therein. What we are talking about here is called syncretism, and the meaning of syncretism is as follows: noun 1. the attempted reconciliation or union of different or opposing principles, practices, or parties, as in philosophy or religion. 2. Grammar . the merging, as by historical change in a language, of two or more categories in a specified environment into one, as, in nonstandard English, the use of was with both singular and plural subjects, while in standard English was is used with singular subjects (except for you in the second person singular) and were with plural subjects. Origin: 1610–20; < Neo Latin syncretismus < Greek synkrētismós union of Cretans, i.e., a united front of two opposing parties against a common foe, derivative of synkrēt ( ízein ) to syncretize + -ismos -ism147

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Of course, when a deity is either traveling around to different areas of the world and becomes known in different countries or different places, that deity may have at least one name for each place he or she has been to. Thus, we have Lucifer hidden behind the name in Sumeria, Ea in Babylon, Ptah and Osiris in Egypt, Poseidon in Greece, and Neptune in Rome. However, when we take time to research this, we immediately find that all these beings, under different names, are just one being, named differently in different parts of the world. This is known by most researchers. However, that’s not the syncretism I’m discussing—it gets far more complex than that. To begin, let’s concentrate only on the Sumerian Pantheon. Those who have studied the Sumerian Pantheon to any degree are fully aware of the Triad— Anu, En.lil, and In addition, we have their consorts (who are getting much less attention in the Patriarchal Hierarchy) and their children. Most people think that this is quite straightforward, but we have a problem already here. All three of these names are not really names, but titles. Anu means “Heaven,” En.lil means “Lord of Air/Heaven,” and means “Lord of Earth.” The readers know by now that Anu can be replaced by yet another title—Khan En.lil, which literally means “King [and] Lord of the Air/Heaven.” Anu’s consort, An.tu, means “Heaven Female [more than one]” to translate it word by word, but it can loosely be said to mean “One of the Ladies of Heaven.” Nin.lil, who is En.lil’s consort, means “Mother Air” or “Mother Heaven.” Unbeknownst to most, there are at least two beings who carry the title “En.lil,” and those are Khan En.lil (Anu), and Prince En.lil (Anu’s son, Ninurta). Herein lies a huge confusion because in Babylon, Ea made sure there was only one En.lil, and that was his brother, Ninurta. Anu totally took over the title Khan En.lil. Last, we have,’s consort, which means “Lady Earth.” The titles of the females can then be transferred onto any female the male deity may have a relationship with because, for example, is just a title, and means that she could be one of many consorts of’s (which is also true in his case). Thus far, we have the En.lil confusion sorted out, but we have to be very careful when we look at references in mythology to make sure which “En.lil” is addressed—Father En.lil (Anu) or Prince En.lil (Ninurta). Just because it says En.lil in the reference, it doesn’t necessarily refer to Prince En.lil. In order to figure out whom it is referring to, we need more information. Does it mention who the consort is? The son? The daughter? It can be a very tedious detective work to get this right. In order to take over the personae in the Pantheon, Ea needed to associate himself with them, being they male or female didn’t matter—he made sure that ~ 164 ~


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he was associated to both. This was not a big deal, however, because in Orion, everybody associates with being females foremost, and males second, as we discussed in Level II. In an earlier paper in Level IV, we talked about Ninhursag. We learned that this was a name given to the Goddess by her son, Ninurta, as an honorable gesture when he was given the Ar-i-du solar system as a gift from his mother and father. Ninhursag means “Lady of the Mountain,” and the mountains were Ninurta’s domain. However, if we research Ninhursag shallowly, we see that she is also’s consort in some regard and was the female who helped with creating mankind. In other words, according to these records, Homo sapiens have Ninhursag’s genes, foremost, together with’s genes, and some other genes from elsewhere as well. This is one instance when we need to look at syncretism. Because of flaws in researcher’s translations and because of distortion of records, many people now think that worked with Ninhursag to create mankind, which is false. Ninhursag is Mother Goddess herself, who had nothing to do with’s creation. As we know, she was strongly against it., as we know, in fact, destroyed “Ninhursag’s” humanoid species to create his own model of humans. However, if we dig just a little bit deeper, we soon find that Ninhursag is the Mother Goddess and not’s consort (I showed evidence of this in Paper #2). Unfortunately, we also have “mediums” who confuse the matter even more by saying that married his own mother, which is of course not true. Since took over Gaia, she wants to have nothing to do with him, unless he redeems himself. The reason why we still can find the truth behind the alteration of records that took place in Babylon is because the old records, to a certain degree, still exist, if we only take the time to look. In research of any kind, it’s imperative to look at details, but perhaps more so than ever if we research the old cuneiform and other ancient texts. Sometimes, as I’ve mentioned earlier, it’s also a matter of reading what is not written into the records, if that makes sense. In any case, by associating himself with the Goddess, via Ninhursag, Ea came a little closer to also associating himself to Satania, the inner sanctuaries of the Orion Empire. Later on, after he had been castrated by his brother in Rigel, Ea took on the cloak of the Goddess and became “feminine” by what we may call an “interdimensional gender change.” In the Artemis story, if the reader can recall from a previous paper, also cloaked himself as the Goddess and did so under other circumstances as well, which have been discussed in these papers. As the reader notices, we also need to have a multidimensional attitude in order to correctly research this subject because these beings are multidimensional, and thus act as such. This is why I’ve spent so much time ~ 165 ~


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explaining multi-d from many different angles in previous papers. If I hadn’t and the reader hadn’t studied it elsewhere, he or she would have been lost by now. When we dig even deeper than that into the Pantheon, we find a lot of other very interesting syncretism. We notice that Ea goes under an incredible number of different names and titles. Not only is he Neptune, Poseidon, Ptah, and Osiris, but he is also Zeus, Quetzalcoatl, Thoth, Nergal, Nannar, Sin, Ningishzidda, Oannes, and a myriad of other personae. Nonetheless, in the old records from Babylonian times, it’s pretended that many of these entities are different persons, when in fact, they are one and the same! The list goes on and on. If we go to the Hindu, Veda, Inca, Aztec texts or generally to any ancient text we know of, we find the same deities everywhere! Still, that’s not all. The most interesting thing is that despite these almost overwhelming number of god and goddess names mentioned in ancient texts, and we have looked at syncretism, it all boils down to only a few deities under different disguises. Also, Ea took on the personae of Khan En.lil, the Goddess and his brother, Ninurta—none of them were even here on Earth at the time. Hence, all the energy that people sent to the deities of the Orion Empire through prayers and sacrifices was engulfed by Ea himself because here on Earth—on a multidimensional level—he had taken on them all—but foremost, Khan En.lil’s persona. This is symbolically told in the texts, where it sometimes says that killed Apsu (or Abzu), and he now dwells in the carcass of Apsu, while others interpret it as if Ea put Apsu “in a long sleep.” We know that the original Apsu (Khan En.lil) is still alive and well, so similar to when Marduk symbolically “slayed” Tiamat, Ea “slayed” Apsu. Both incidents are symbolic for when Lucifer came and took over our solar system and chased away the Original Planners. Without boring the reader too much, I’d like to add a few references to clearly make my point. Apsu was known to be Khan En.lil, as we can see in many references. The following is one of them, taken from a website that lists Babylonian gods and goddesses. Tiamat, as we know, is the Mother Goddess who was defeated by Marduk, according to Enûma Eliš, the Babylonian Creation Story: Apsu The Babylonian god Apsu is Tiamat's husband, the ruler of gods and underworld oceans. Father of Lahmu, Lahamu, Anshar and Kishar. Ea killed him.148

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Then we’ll see, if we look up a reference for, that he now took over the role of Apsu and is thus promoting himself as the “Father God”—the Ruler of the Universe: Considered the master shaper of the world, god of wisdom and of all magic, Enki was characterized as the lord of the Abzu (Apsu in Akkadian), the freshwater sea or groundwater located within the earth. In the later Babylonian epic Enûma Eliš, Abzu, the "begetter of the gods", is inert and sleepy but finds his peace disturbed by the younger gods, so sets out to destroy them. His grandson [sic] Enki, chosen to represent the younger gods, puts a spell on Abzu "casting him into a deep sleep", thereby confining him deep underground. Enki subsequently sets up his home "in the depths of the Abzu." Enki thus takes on all of the functions of the Abzu, including his fertilising powers as lord of the waters and lord of semen.149

Although it becomes evident that Ea “stole” the persona of Apsu/Khan En.lil, it states in the Babylonian texts that Ea is the “Lord of the Waters” and the “Lord of the Apsu,” which is defined as the “Underworld,” interestingly enough. Who else is connected with the Underworld? Nergal and Ereškigal are. However, there is no chance that Ea could be the Lord of the Waters (waters being a metaphor for the Universal Ocean, or the KHAA) when that title was already Khan En.lil’s, the Elder God. Ea chasing Khan En.lil out of the solar system doesn’t make him Lord of the Universe—it only does for a being with psychopathic tendencies—someone a psychiatrist would diagnose as having an antisocial personality. Perhaps, I should also mention, while we’re talking about the KHAA, that Ka in the old Egyptian language means soul,150 which I think is interesting. The 4% Universe is the 3-D physical universe, while the KHAA is dark matter and the spirit universe. The Ka does also have to do with “breathing” the soul into existence so that it can attach to the baby’s body, according to Egyptian beliefs.151 If you recall, the Goddess “breathed out” the Universe in the beginning, as was told in Level II. Things are, thus, on some level, connected in one way or the other. The conclusion, in regards to syncretism, is quite obvious, but it is something that most people have missed when they have researched the ancient records. Still, these are just a few examples of many. It’s very easy to miss these things, however, because if we misinterpret an important reference earlier on, we Gwendolyn Leick ©2001, "Mesopotamia: the invention of the city" (Penguin) p.20. Emphasis not in original. 150 151 Ibid. 149

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will not be able to get the rest correct, either, and we miss obvious conclusions, such as the one between Apsu and Ea. The confusion, of course, is not accidental, but by design. Ea and his son didn’t want to make it easy for those who came later and wanted to translate and interpret the records that he and his son had tampered with. These few beings, who appear to be so many, basically consist of Ea, his son Marduk, Isis, and Ereškigal, Queen of the Underworld. So, in reality, it is more or less only four beings who are passing themselves off as many more! Thus, I have just revealed the four entities who rule our planet behind the scenes! If I really want to narrow it down, I would take Isis out of the equation because she has rebelled against her husband, Ea, and is on the run from him and the rest of the AIF. The real Triad, in command of the Earth, consists of Ea, his consort Ereškigal, and Marduk. On the flip side, the earthly Triad corresponds with, and works as a counterpart to, the Heavenly Triad, consisting of Queen Nin, Khan En.lil, and Prince Ninurta. I have already exposed some of this and showed evidence of its validity, but more proof will follow as we move on. I must emphasize again that there are no guarantees that the older records, with which Ea and Marduk tampered, are totally correct either. There are probably no records whatsoever, preserved or hidden here on Earth, that are genuinely correct. Those who wrote them may have had their own agenda, and may, therefore, have omitted or added to the true story. All we can do in that respect is to connect the dots as well as we can with what we have and make some sense out of it. This is when it becomes fortunate to have other sources as well, telling their version of history, sometimes independent from both the records and each other. Some channeled material can be helpful in this respect, as well as, perhaps, anonymous sources, who for any given reason may know more than what the rest of us do, and we feel that we can really trust them. There is of course always a chance of deceit that comes into play, but sometimes, there are tools we can use to see whether a source is genuine or not, and regardless of what others may think about it, the person who’s got that “genuine source” sometimes knows that it’s a genuine one and is, therefore, not overly concerned about what other people think.

iv.iv Ruling with Help from the Zodiac Now, when we have narrowed down all these gods and goddesses to three or four deities, it’s time to look at rulership in regards to the Zodiac. Sitchin and others say that different deities ruled in different Ages of the Zodiac, e.g. Yahweh ruled in the Age of Aries, and now, when the Age of Aquarius is coming ~ 168 ~


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up, many think that this is the Age of Ea (Aquarius equating “House of Water,”), and therefore, they are waiting for Ea to show up in one disguise or another. In this particular case, I would say they are correct, but only by coincidence because Ea has ruled all the time, regardless of which Age it was been—at least the last 500,000 years or so.

Fig. 4. “Detail of Father Time in the Rotunda Clock (1896) by John Flanagan, Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C.”

The Zodiac, as we see it, has an elliptic movement. Let’s, for arguments sake, say that the Zodiac keeps this elliptic movement because it rides on galactic currents. At each “Age,” a certain galactic current may be stronger than the other, so to be in charge, as one of the gods, one would have to take control over that specific galactic current. For example, if we go into the Age of Aquarius, it is the being who takes control over the House of Aquarius who will rule. He will enter the Sun via the House of Aquarius, so once again, we have the Sun as a “gate”—literally a “stargate”—a regulating force of energies that can pass through at certain times. So, if this is true, all it would take would be for one being to “jump” from one House of the Zodiac to the next, in a clockwise motion, and thus be in charge of time. Then we have another “stargate,” in connection ~ 169 ~


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with the first stargate—the Sun. This second stargate is Saturn, known as “Father Time,” interestingly enough.152 With this in mind, who would be the “jumper” between Houses? The answer is, of course, Lucifer/ Many are, as I mentioned, anticipating that Ea is coming back now in the Age of Aquarius because Aquarius equates water, but what about Pieces, the sign we are about to leave? Doesn’t that equate water, as well as fish? Who is associated with fish? Jesus Christ. Isn’t it appropriate to presume, then, that Ea and Jesus (Ea-Su, or Ea-Zeus) are the same deity? If so, doesn’t that indicate that Ea was in charge during Pieces as well? Although I am claiming that Ea has been in charge the last half a million years or so, I believe that I have to point this out because I haven’t seen many people making the connection—or if they have, they may have discarded it because they really want Ea to come back very soon, thinking he is the returning Messiah in the Age of Aquarius, and thus could not possible have anything to do with Pieces, which is erroneous. However, if Ea shows up in the disguise of the Messiah, he will be the “Second Coming” in the Bible but certainly not the Second Coming that goodhearted people are waiting for. Lucifer is never coming with freedom, he’s coming with slavery. Our mythology, naturally, is also talking about these “Zodiac Jumpers,” who in actuality are just one being—Lucifer—or Osiris, as is pointed out by some sources. The informative “” teaches us about the Zep Teti: Along with the list of mythological gods we find encoded in the grid stories of the creation of the human experiment, we find the Zep Tepi. Within the void called Time and Space there are those who move from reality to reality creating the programs in which souls experience. They move through the place known as Zero Point, where matter and antimatter merge to create new realities. It is the place where positive and negative collide to destroy matter and recreate again. Zep Tei refers to "First Time", a remote epoch prior to ancient Egypt. It is a place of awakening and a place of forgetfulness. It is the beginning and the end of all and everything. It is the home of the creational forces, those who bend and shape realities through sound, light and color. The term Zep, Zipper, closing and opening, rips in time, movement through space time, DNA is a polymer or encoded DNA. Zep Tepi is Genesis. Zep means Time. Tepi means First. Together they are the First Time or the Golden Age of Alchemy where the gods moved through the Void and created the grids of our reality. We know them as the Egyptian Gods 152 ~ 170 ~


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highlighted by Osiris who is associated with Orion, god of resurrection and rebirth. They allegedly came to this reality, loosely based on the precession of the equinoxes, approximately 12,500 year ago. At Zep Tepi, the constellation Orion acknowledged as the most significant constellation to the ancient Egyptians, was at its lowest position in the southern sky. From Zep Tepi onward, precession of the equinoxes has been gradually carrying Orion/Osiris higher and higher in the sky. The Sphinx is positioned such that in 10,500 BC - time of Zep Tepi - give or take a few hundred years, a remarkable astronomical arrangement of the Sun, Orion, and the constellation of Leo occurred. Leo, Lion, Crown, King. Aker signifies the horizon, the point where night turns to day, where day turns to night - Zero Point or Zep Tepi. It is depicted as two lions seated back to back, facing away from each other. They are also called Yesterday and Tomorrow, as one lion faces towards the east where the sun rises and begins the new day, the other lion faces west where the sun sets and descends into the Underworld.153 Aker also guards the gate to the Underworld and opens it for the King to pass through. We also find this pattern on the breastplate of the Sphinx and represents duality. The area between the lions' backs often shows the circle of the sun as if rising between two hills. This also signifies the sun's journey across the sky during the day, as well as it being safely carried on the back of Aker during its dangerous night journey in the Underworld each night. Aker was not worshipped in temples as a Netjer. He was more connected perhaps to the primeval concepts and Earth powers. According to a prominent Ancient Egyptian myth, the legendary Gates of the Afterworld were guarded by two gigantic lions or sphinxes called Aker. In New Kingdom tomb drawings the aker-sphinx of the eastern gate sits proud with its hind parts in a hollow. Underneath it can be seen an curious underground stream or duct. Behind the lion towers a huge mound or pyramid and under it is found a large, oval chamber which appears to be hermetically sealed. In this mysterious chamber it said to be some lofty secret, no doubt from the 'gods' who ruled the land of Egypt during the remote epoch of Zep Tepi -'The First Time'. This strange chamber was called the 'House of Sokar' in Rostau. The


The Underworld, which is’s/Osiris’/Nergal’s domain [my emphasis] ~ 171 ~


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resemblance with the Sphinx complex at Giza is uncanny. Giza, in ancient time, was called Rostau. Sokar, a hawk-headed deity, was identified as Horus.154

This quote is full of great references to what we’ve been talking about, and the more time we read through it, the more we will find.

iv.v. Nimrod and the Tower of Babel I believe we need to set the record straight, as well, when it comes to the Tower of Babel because it has created so much confusion—both in the times when the Tower incident was supposed to have happened and today, when the scholars are very divided on this subject, to say the least. The Bible, and some ancient texts, indicate that King Nimrod of Shinar was in charge of those who built the Tower of Babylon. We know that, symbolically, the Tower was intended to be built into the Heavens, so the mortals could mingle with the gods (or the “God” in the Old Testament) and become immortal, just like them. When the gods found out what was going on, they were furious and destroyed the Tower. People were now scattered all over the world, and after talking the same language, they now had to speak different languages so that they could no longer understand each other. Period. End of story. Or is it really? Let’s backtrack and take a look. If we start with Nimrod— who was this man? The Bible, which is a rewrite of old ancient texts (which, in turn, are rewrites of even older texts) tells us that Nimrod was the greatgrandson of Noah. This would make him a hybrid king, wouldn’t it? Half blood and half human, if we take it for granted that Noah’s sons and grandsons kept the bloodline “clean.” Assumingly, this was what they did. The question is, was Nimrod really Noah’s great-grandson? If we look in the records, we also see that it’s often repeated that he was a “great” or “mighty hunter,”155 which are titles for Ninurta and the Mother Goddess. We know that none of the two were here at the time—instead, we understand that Ea took on multiple personae when he had scribes rewrite history in Babylon. Ea took on the characters of both Ninurta and the Goddess at times, and often called himself the “great hunter.” Also, Nimrod is depicted in the “Tanakh” (the Jewish “Oral Torah”) as a man of power “in the earth.”156 The 156 Ibid. 154 155

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man of power “in the earth” (the Underworld) was Nergal/ Then, Shinar, over which Nimrod was supposed to have been the King, was, according to the records, some unspecified region of Mesopotamia,157 so, in other words, he was a Sumerian King. This put together sounds mysteriously similar to the Orion god Ea. The “hints” are still there in the records, as we can see, but they are overridden by newer information, including Nimrod being Noah’s descendent, and hence, a hybrid king. Therefore, the Tower of Babel incident is blamed on a hybrid who never existed in the form described, and the “God” of the Bible was blamed for being the furious one who separated people with different languages. How about if, before the Flood, everybody spoke the same language, which still was the Orion language (and in some cases, telepathy) taught to the Primordial Namlú’u by Ninurta and Khan En.lil? After the Flood, building a new mankind, whom he wanted total control over, wouldn’t it be easier for the controller if he made sure that there was a language barrier between different people and different nations so that they couldn’t join together as easily? Then, if we look at the indicators, suggesting who King Nimrod may have been, we have a certain scenario played out before us. The whole Tower of Babel metaphor could then, hypothetically, if we are to believe these findings, be Ea playing both sides of the coin and confusing the languages in people, who started becoming a little too smart and too close to the gods when it came to knowledge. An adjustment of the DNA would be appropriate for Ea, in order to resolve that problem. After all, who was it that became overly furious when people started building the Tower for the purpose of being like the gods? Well, according to the Old Testament, it was God himself who became furious, and his solution was to confuse the languages. Then, who was the “God” of the Old Testament? Exactly, it was Lucifer/! The consort of Nimrod was said to be Semiramis158, and if we research her, it says that her consort was King Ninus of Assyria. Consequently, who was King Ninus? When I looked, I found that in some records, Ninus is the same person as Nimrod,159 who certainly seems to have been himself (more syncretism). 159 157 158

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Fig 5. Ninus equating Ea/

BUT there is more. Let’s not forget about Semiramis. Who was she? I bet that very few readers have heard of her. Now, if we conclude that King Ninus is Nimrod, and Nimrod is, then Semiramis must be either Ereškigal, Queen of the Underworld, or Isis/Inanna/Ishtar because these two goddesses were his main consorts, as we have discovered earlier. So, let’s take a look at Semiramis. Minister Alexander Hislop, in his 1853 book, “The Two Babylons,” also suggests that Semiramis, indeed, is Nimrod’s consort. Not only that—he also tells us who Semiramis really is. He wrote, to support his claim: According to Hislop, Semiramis invented polytheism in an effort to corrupt her subjects' original faith in the God of Genesis. She deified herself as Ishtar and her son as Gilgamesh, as well as various members of her court and her then deceased husband. In support of his claim, Hislop talked about legends of Semiramis being raised by doves. He referred to the writings by the church's Ante-Nicene Fathers to suggest that these stories began as propaganda invented and circulated by Semiramis herself, so her subjects would ascribe to her the status of Queen of Heaven [citation needed] and view her child as divine. Hislop believed Semiramis' child to be the Akkadian deity Tammuz, a god of vegetation as well as a life-death-rebirth deity.160

Thus, not only did Hislop claim that Semiramis was Ishtar (’s consort), but also that she would ascribe herself as the Orion Queen, which of course, is the case in the “fantasy world” which and Ishtar created, where became Ea, the “Lord of the Primordial Waters,” and his spouse became the Queen of the Stars. Her child is Marduk or Horus, who in the ancient texts 160 (my emphasis) ~ 174 ~


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was indeed considered divine—son of Osiris/, and Ishtar/Isis. Tammuz and Horus are one and the same, as we have talked about earlier. Hislop apparently figured out quite a lot, as we can see here: He maintained that all divine pairings in religions e.g. Isis/Osiris, Aphrodite/Cupid, and others, are retellings of the tale of Semiramis and Tammuz, and that this was then applied to Mary/Jesus in Catholicism, even though Christianity does not support a special divinity of Mary rather the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The figure of Semiramis was later developed into the Blessed Virgin Mary, according to Hislop's book. Hislop used this in support of his claim that Roman Catholicism is in fact paganism. Hislop took literary references to Osiris and Orion as "seed of woman" as evidence in support of his thesis.161 Here, Hislop also gives reference to Orion and the “seed of women,” which I find quite astonishing, taking into consideration that this was in 1853! Last, Semiramis, as the consort of Nimrod/, was also considered a harlot. Who else was considered a harlot? Well, we know her from the Bible, but also from Enûma Eliš, the Babylonian Creation story, as Inanna/Ishtar/Isis. Here is from Armenian legend: Armenian tradition portrays her [Semiramis] as a homewrecker and a harlot. These facts are partly to be explained by observing that, according to the legends, in her birth as well as in her disappearance from earth, Semiramis appears as a goddess, the daughter of the fish-goddess Atargatis, and herself connected with the doves of Ishtar or Astartë.162 In this tradition, she is also the daughter of the fish-goddess Atargatis, who through syncretism is associated with Ishtar and Inanna.163 This is again where we can see how records have been tampered with because Semiramis/Isis can’t be both the daughter of Isis/Ishtar and being Isis herself. The confusion lies in that Isis was not the daughter of to begin with, but she was the daughter of Ninurta, as I pointed out earlier. However, took her as a consort after he had raped her, and he also claimed her as his daughter—erroneously so. If we set the records straight, the above quote makes more sense. However, we can see in the Armenian tradition that Semiramis, who is Isis/Inanna, is considered the Harlot, which we know is associated with Inanna.164

Ibid., op. cit. (my emphasis) (my emphasis) 163 164 161 162

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We also see the association with fish gods and goddesses, which is something that is related to Ea as well, in his appearance as the fish god Oannes, who ascends from the water as a “fish man”—a man with a fish head and a human torso. The fish head has since then been adopted by the Pope and the Catholic Church, in the form of the “Mitre.” The Catholic Church is big-time Luciferian (see fig. 6)

Fig 6. The Popes, throughout history, have been wearing the “Mitre,” which is a symbol of Oannes, another version of Ea/Lucifer.

As the readers can see, in order to figure out how things are connected, taking syncretism into deep consideration when doing this kind of research is imperative, or it is impossible to figure out our own history. In summary, it was Ea himself, as Nimrod, who confused the languages in the Bible and the old Babylonian texts, in the incident called the Tower of Babel, and he did this by playing both sides of the story, blaming the entire incident on a king who never existed, except through syncretism (Nimrod = Ea) and a God that was non-existent as well, except through syncretism (Ea = Jehovah/YHWH).165 The Everlasting Babylonian Empire The word “Babylon,” as far back as it can be traced at this time, stems from the Akkadian word Babili, which means “Gate of the God” or “Gateway of the God.” The earlier name, which is Babila, is of non-Semitic origins and has an unknown

Jehovah/YHWH was non-existent in the sense that she was not present on Earth during the time of the Biblical God. The real Jehovah/YHWH is, as we’ve discussed a number of times, another name for Mother Goddess. Ea made YHWH from the Divine Feminine to a male god. 165

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meaning.166 Note that it says “God” in singular and not “Gods” in plural. This is because in Babylon, Marduk was the God with a capital “G,” and he and his father did the best they could to erase the memories of earlier times from the human mass consciousness, when other gods and goddesses had been worshipped. Sumer (or Shumer/Šumer), according to Sitchin, is translated to “The Land of the Watchers,” or “The Land of the Guardians.”167 Today, Iraq is the place where the old Babylonian Empire, with its capital, Babylon, was located. Of course, the reason for the Iraq War and the defeat of Saddam Hussein was to get access to the old artifacts that he was sitting on and to be able to safeguard what is buried underground. According to the Pleiadians, in many of their lectures, the “Anunnaki” still dwell under the Earth, and a “Gateway to the gods” can supposedly be found where Iraq is now located. The reason the U.S. needed access to Saddam’s land at that time was because time was running out, and the “return of the gods” was coming up. Iraq is still Ea’s and Marduk’s domains, and it is said, not only by Sitchin, that there is a stargate located somewhere in that neighborhood, being titled “The old Atlantis.” It is important for the U.S. to get in charge of that gate because that’s where some of the Minions are going to line up to “welcome the gods.” It is my own belief that it’s through that gate most of the Invaders, who are now coming in droves, in form of non-physicals, to possess those of the “correct” bloodlines, will enter. Saddam was probably quite furious that he was not the one who would stand there and welcome the major gods. Instead, they captured him and hanged him. This Gate was probably created in Babylonian times, with the future in mind—remember that the gods are thinking long thoughts. Most historians, I believe, say that the Babylonian Empire existed between approximately 2350-323BC, ending with the death of Alexander the Great. Eventually, the Babylonian Empire “migrated” and became the Roman Empire. Not much changed—the same gods were worshipped—only the names changed, creating more syncretism. I am not going to go into talking about the Roman Empire and all the following empires because that’s something anyone can look into if they want to—if the groundwork been done in these papers fresh in mind, it should be somewhat easier to do. However, it’s just history repeating itself—the same control, the same kind of conflicts, and the same kinds of wars. When we think about it, we can see how convenient it is, from the gods’ perspective, when we have amnesia—we are unable to learn from history because our lifespan is so short, and the next time we come back, we have forgotten everything that occurred in the past lifetime. With history being 166 167 ~ 177 ~


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manipulated and with immortal beings running the show, repeating history over and over, how are we supposed to be able to learn? We only know what we are being told, which is not the truth—not even close. Including today, the same deities are worshipped, so the story remains the same, in that sense, over the millennia. Babylon, under whatever disguise, has never ceased to exist, and if we would have asked Saddam Hussein, he would certainly have considered “his” country being more Babylon than Iraq—just two different names for the same thing. Of course, Babylon at its peak, was much bigger than Iraq is today, but the core of Babylon still stands today, and is a very important outpost for the gods. The AIF—and even those who were here prior to them—left a lot of records behind. Some of them have been found, but there are still a lot that are buried, waiting for the right time to “reveal themselves.” Records were left in the Underworld, Antarctica, East and South Africa, America, and Latin and South America.168 The number seven is an Anunnaki number as well as a Pleiadian number (the Seven Sisters), according to themselves.169 The WingMakers, who are the AIF (Anunnaki), also stress the number seven when they talk about the seven Tributary Zones.170 Again, according to the Pleiadians, the number seven will be the key to translating records.171 In the next paper, we are going to conclude what it is that and his son really want from us humans. We are also going to look into what kind of potentials our bodies actually have—potentials much greater than any of us had any ideas about. What is matter, and what is spirit? What is the difference between them, if any? In this respect, what is it the gods know that we don’t? These are questions we will discuss in the next paper, which will be Paper #16.


Pleiadian lecture, given in the beginning of 2014.


Ibid. The connection between the WingMakers and the “Anunnaki” is obvious if we care to look into it. 170 171

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PAPER #16: THE ONGOING BATTLE OVER THE MATERIAL AND SPIRITUAL REALMS (WHAT IS MATTER AND WHAT IS SPIRIT?) I. The Hologram Makers And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon172, but in the Greek tongue has his name Apollyon173.174


n previous levels of learning, as well as in this Fourth Level of Learning, Paper 14, we discussed how the star races were concerned that humanity soon will be able to travel in space, and if we don’t evolve, we will be a danger to the rest of the Galaxy. This was one of the reasons for the Deluge, and now we are facing the same problem again—extinction or survival. Although there are benevolent star races in the KHAA, who are concerned about our behavior and want to stop us before it’s too late, there are also less benevolent ones who are sharing the same kind of thoughts. We’re talking here about the star races who are on Lucifer’s side in this “Cosmic Play.” Many of these star races are getting very concerned that we will escape the trap en masse. If we do, they think that we will come after them, and they know that with extended perceptions, we are much superior to them in the sense that our Fire is burning higher, faster, and more furious. However, once we humans are free from the trap, we will not become like them, and this is what they don’t understand. We are not a violent species when we are free from indoctrination, and our purpose would not be to go to war against them. This shows how little they understand humans in general. They may have manipulated us genetically, turned off the majority of our DNA, learned how our bodies work on a more scientific level, but they still don’t understand our emotions.

In Hebrew, Abaddon means “Destruction” or “Destroyer”, which also is the definition of “Shiva” in the Hindu tradition. As I will go into in much more details in Level V, Shiva is equivalent to In the Bible, he is known as Lucifer and Satan. 173 Equivalent to whom we also call Apollo, which is mostly the name for Marduk, but when plays the role of his own son, he is (syncretism) 174 Rev. 9:11. 172

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Our emotions are our downfall and our blessing at the same time. They can be used against us (which they are), but we can also understand other species better. This is why we got the emotions in the first place. It was mainly so we could understand and communicate with Nature, of which we are a part. When the Namlú’u walked the planet, they could understand and communicate with their entire environment—this was their purpose as Guardians of the Living Library. Many think that this was done telepathically, but it was not. It was done by “thought.” I don’t mean that they were thinking something, and the plants and animals picked it up—that would still be telepathy—but I mean that these beings connected with one of the Inner Sanctions (but not the Inner Sanction) of the VOID or the KHAA, where thoughts reside. By intentionally tuning into that section of the VOID, they could instantly make themselves understood by their environment, including all the elements—air, water, earth, fire, and ether. In the first paper of Level I175, I explained how this works on a subquantum level, by introducing LPG-C’s (Life Physic Group California) subquantum research, which partly consists of ET science. In that paper, I wrote about the Thought Superdomain that “surrounds” our Universe/Multiverse (which they call the Unum). This is the level which the Primordial Womankind tuned into, and when doing so, they could also understand species who visited our planet. This was of course crucial because if they couldn’t “read” these beings, they wouldn’t know which knowledge of the Living Library that being was in need of. The AIF knows about this, and there is no end to what they needed to do in order to keep us ignorant and under control. Think about it—why do they need to take all these actions in order to keep us in check? Obviously, they are very afraid of us and the power that resides inside of us, or they wouldn’t have to do it. Look at the following list of things they have done and created in order to entrap us—then ponder in wonder: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The Grid. The Between Lives Area (BLA). Amnesia. DNA reduction. Reduction of our perceptions to include only 4% of the entire Universe—a tiny piece of the Electromagnetic Spectrum, which we call visible light. 6. Lie and manipulate. 7. Population reductions.

Wes Penre, February 16, 2011: “Science Paper #1: Exploring the Unum, the Building Blocks of the Multiverse”, subsection 4.2: “Thought Superdomain”, 175

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If you think that this is quite impressive, it is! Still, we haven’t really talked a lot about the major thing that they have done, which is the main entrapment—senior to any of the above. The seven items I listed, however, are tightly connected in a subordinate fashion to what we’re now going to discuss— the Holographic Universe! I am sure that almost all readers have heard about it, and many probably have studied it to quite some extent and have been wondering when Wes is going to bring that up, if at all. Well, now is the time. I have based the previous three levels of learning on the LPG-C “Working Model,” and the Universe according to the Orion Empire (the “Orion Model”). Both these models are accurate models, although that of the Orion Empire is more expanded, only because the AIF, who LPG-C were connected with, just revealed so much. I am not suggesting that what I’ve written about in relation to the Orion Model is a perfect model because, again, I am limited in my own understanding of the Multiverse, being a soul in a limited human body, but it’s enough for our purpose.

i.i. Back to the Planet of Power—Saturn as a Holographic Projector The reader will have noticed that the planet Saturn has been mentioned frequently in my papers as a very important planet for many reasons. It’s been highly worshipped throughout history—especially within secret societies, in socalled black magic(k)176 and satanic rituals, where “evil spirits,” demons, or interdimensional beings are called up. The magician can then make a pact with the entity that shows up within the circle and the pentagram that is drawn on the floor. He (most often a male) thinks that by getting the power from the entity, he can rule, get riches, women, or whatever he desires, and in exchange, he sells his soul to the Demiurge/Leviathan/Satan after death. This is the most commonly told version of a satanic ritual. Saturn was also Prince Ninurta’s planet during the Golden Age—before Lucifer and his Fallen Angels came. It had a stargate connected to it, which probably connected to many different locations in time/space and space/time— such as Pesh-Meten, the commercial galactic “highway” and to the gates of the Orion Empire, perhaps. According to the Pleiadians and others, there is a stargate in Orion’s Belt as well, and perhaps the two connect. Magick with a “k” is referring to the magic of Aleister Crowley. He added the “k” in order to separate his own work from that of “stage magic,” which is trickery. Crowley took his own magick very seriously. 176

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The Ra Material discusses the Council of Saturn, which consists of a council of Elders, who decide who may enter our solar system and who won’t be allowed. During the Golden Age, I’ve been informed that there was a “council” of sorts at that time too, but it consisted mostly of MIKH-MAKH warriors, who guarded the gate from intruders. Once Lucifer took over, he either created the rings of Saturn, or even if he didn’t, and they were already there, he placed an Interdimensional Council in the rings. This council is still there and has a similar function as the MIKH-MAKH warriors of Ninurta’s Golden Age, with one important exception—they are the ones responsible for the Third Dimension! The Ra people from the Ra Material call them the Council of Saturn or the “Council of Nine.” In this Ra Material session, Don Elkins177 asks the question, as usual, and the channeled entities reply: Questioner: …Who are the members, and how does the Council function? Ra: I am Ra. The members of the Council are representatives from the Confederation and from those vibratory levels of your inner planes bearing responsibility for your third density. The names are not important because there are no names. Your mind/body/spirit complexes request names and so, in many cases, the vibratory sound complexes which are consonant with the vibratory distortions of each entity are used. However, the name concept is not part of the Council. If names are requested, we will attempt them. However, not all have chosen names. In number, the Council that sits in constant session, though varying in its members by means of balancing, which takes place, what you would call irregularly, is nine178. That is the Session Council. To back up this Council, there are twenty-four entities179 which offer their services as requested. These entities faithfully watch and have been called the Guardians180. The Council operates by means of, what you would call, telepathic contact with the oneness or unity of the nine, the distortions blending harmoniously so that the Law of One prevails with ease. When a need for thought is present, the This is the “Council of Nine,” whose channeled information Roddenberry used as ideas for “Star Trek” in the 1960s-1970s. 179 The “Council of 24,” which the channeled entities calling themselves “The Council of Nine” or just “The Nine” mention in their sessions. I brought this up in detail in the Third Level of Learning. 180 “The Guardians” is another term for the AIF, which I have talked about in previous papers. 177 178

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Council retains the distortion-complex of this need, balancing it as described, and then recommends what it considers as appropriate action. This includes: One, the duty of admitting social memory complexes to the Confederation; Two, offering aid to those who are unsure how to aid the social memory complex requesting aid in a way consonant with both the call, the Law, and the number of those calling (that is to say, sometimes the resistance of the call); Three, internal questions in the Council are determined. These are the prominent duties of the Council. They are, if in any doubt, able to contact the twenty-four who then offer consensus/judgment/thinking to the Council. The Council then may reconsider any question.181

Evidence that what I’m writing about is correct is given by the Ra people themselves: Questioner: Is the Council of Nine the same nine that was mentioned in this book? [Questioner gestures to Uri {Geller}.] Ra: I am Ra. The Council of Nine has been retained in semi-undistorted form by two main sources, that known in your naming, as Mark and that known in your naming as Henry. In one case, the channel became the scribe. In the other, the channel was not the scribe. However, without the aid of the scribe, the energy would not have come to the channel.182

The channelers of the Council of Nine (the AIF) are Mark Probert and Henry Puharich: Questioner: The names you spoke of, are they Mark Probert and Henry Puharich? Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.183

Furthermore, the Ra people are telling us from which dimension the Council of Saturn operates:

The Ra Material, Session 7, Question 9. 182 Ra Material, Session 7, Question 10. 183 Session 7, Question 11. 181

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Ra: This Council is located in the octave, or eight[h] dimension, of the planet Saturn, taking its place in an area which you understand in third-dimensional terms as the rings.184

The Ra people give us a lot of information here, which coincides with my own body of research, and it tells us that Saturn, indeed, is an important planet in our solar system. We also learn that they operate from the eighth dimension (Ra calls it density), which is the last dimension of the universe of visible light. Personally, I don’t like to number dimensions and densities because the boundaries are so fuzzy and uncertain. We notice this all the time—depending on whom we’re asking (particularly amongst channeled entities)—they give us a different dimensional system. I think the best way to describe this phenomenon is by referring to the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The Third Dimension is simply the spectrum of “visible light.” To try to explain these things, and at the same time making sense, is difficult at best, and impossible at worst. However, we know that the Council of Saturn, who is creating our Third Dimension, is located in the upper echelons of this physical universe, which makes sense.

Fig. 1. The Rings of Saturn

Session 6, Question 8. 184

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I’ve been writing about the Golden Age, and what a different Earth that was from the one we’re living on now—it’s like night and day. The reader can take the “night and day” quite literally, actually, because the Earth before the Invasion was existing in the KHAA (the “dark” night), while the present Earth is perceived to exist in the “visible spectrum” (daylight). Not that the KHAA is “dark” once a being is able to dwell there—it’s just another spectrum of light— but to us, in our limited state, the KHAA is darkness. The AIF used Saturn, being the most powerful stronghold in the solar system, as their main base, from where they projected a hologram that was overriding a previous hologram. The Third Dimension, whether we are discussing the Golden Age or the manipulated version, is a program—a software program of sorts—which once was projected within the KHAA as an Experiment—a hologram projected by thought, idea, and intention. Some say it was “dreamed up.” Thus, the original Living Library existed in the KHAA before it was hijacked. It was a projection, which made it seem physical. The AIF, however, created their own program with assistance from advanced technology, where matter became much more solid, being energy in form of a small spectrum of light. Saturn thus became the projector of an overriding hologram, in which the creators could decide what to show and what to hide. Some even say that nothing of what we perceive with our senses is “real”—it’s just a copy of the original universe, and a copy which makes us perceive only about 4% of what is actually there.185 The KHAA is thus the real universe. In David Icke’s books, Human Race Get off your Knees and Remember Who You Are, he elaborates on his theory that those who operate Saturn and our own Moon are working hand in glove to keep us trapped. I, too, believe this is the case, with Saturn as the main projector and the Moon working as an enhancer of the holographic images in order to pinpoint a reality on us here on Earth—the reality we are accepting as the true reality (which most people do). The question is whether the Moon was even here before the solar system was hijacked. It may very well be a construct, created by the AIF. The reason I think so is that I suspect that the Moon may be hollow. Scientists were stunned when they noticed that the Moon sometimes “rings like a bell,” which indicates that it may be hollow— perhaps even a spacecraft. Who is flying around in hollowed-out craft? The reader knows the answer…

See Project Camelot’s interview with Mahu Nahi (James) of the “Wingmakers”, David Icke has written about such a copy as well in his new book, “The Perception Deception.” 185

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i.ii. The Magicians of Time and Space By some, they are called the Anunnaki, and these people usually claim that the Anunnaki are the Originator of Magic—the Master Magicians of Time and Space. Although this sounds to me like a joke, in one way it is true. The AIF created the distorted Third Dimension, but just like the Archons, they can’t create something out of nothing—they may be scientists in a “copycat” kind-of-way, but they are not artists. They take something that’s already there and manipulate it—often to something less than the original. If the original were beauty, they would create ugliness; if the original were powerful, they would create weakness; if the original were stable, they would create something unstable, and so on. In this case, we had a full Universe to “play around with,” and most dimensions were available to us. We were part of an Experiment that we had agreed to and which we loved playing in because it was about Nature. In the middle of a functioning Experiment, the AIF came and shrank our Universe by 96%, and that became our new Universe. In this new Universe, they kept us imprisoned on a small planet in the outskirts of the Milky Way Galaxy, and that became our Universe. On that little planet, we let a small number of extraterrestrials tell us what we can and can’t do. We let our “Free Will” be determined by these beings, who in fact were strangers here—they didn’t even belong here. Many “New Agers” say that the Global Elite and the extraterrestrials, who are in charge of them, are reflecting our own level of consciousness—we are in this poor state of mind because we have done bad things in order to deserve the Global Elite, who are controlling us. Not until we change our mass consciousness will the Global Elite change as well. These New Agers further say that no one individual can be free on his or her own—we have to work on the mass consciousness to be free. In other words—this whole mess started with us humans doing criminal and unethical things, and then we “pulled in” the Elite— this probably also sounds familiar to those who have read “Hidden Hand,” who claimed the same thing.186However, he is far from the only one saying so. I would say that this is nonsense! This is probably an idea that comes from the Global Elite, or the “Alien Masters” themselves to keep their own hands clean. I can hear a familiar Luciferian voice in the background saying: “Don’t attack us—it’s not our fault! You were the ones who asked for us to control you because of your own behavior! We were just your catalysts!” Read the interview with “Hidden Hand” here: 186

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My readers know the story—humanity lived in a Golden Age, and then the Alien Invader Force (AIF) descended and started a war here, where after they started trapping human/Namlú’u souls into third dimensional human bodies. In light of this information, how can the New Age hypothesis be correct? Someone is trying to make criminals out of the “victims,” although I don’t like using that word. I just want to set the records straight—who is the criminal? Is it the person who storms into a 7-11 store and starts shooting people left and right, or is it the person who gets shot? Of course, then we have all this talk about co-creation. Channeled entities suggest that in the Between Lives Area (BLA), souls make agreements with each other in order to help each other evolve. It may go something like this: “I will be the bully in the next lifetime and treat you really bad so that you learn how to become stronger and how to say no.” The other soul replies: “That sounds good, Arthur. I’m with ya!” Although agreements may sometimes be made between souls in the BLA, this has been taken to the extreme. People starve to death in Africa while flies are biting them and sucking their sweat and blood from top to toe, and instead of having compassion for these people, New Agers say that the Africans “deserve it” in some twisted way because they need that experience in order to evolve further. What I see is a very dangerous path, where people stop caring for others because if people are in trouble, they need to experience it, and they should be left alone. To the defense of those who have such ideas, however, they still think we should help, but only if the person asks for it. I agree with that part. People sometimes do need to be left alone to reflect over their situations, but we need to use discernment. My concern is that “someone” is trying to sneak a new set of moral codes into society, where everyone is on his or her own, with no help from anybody. In the extension, this is possibly what could happen. I want to give a heads up on these things because they may sound good to a certain extent, but watch out for hidden plans behind the scenes—always! Constant alertness is what is important. Don’t stop trusting people, but learn to see red flags. Never stop caring and be compassionate about other people. Now, what about the AIF being magicians that we talked about? Yes, in their own way, they are magicians. The AIF know how the hologram works, and they know what “tricks” they can play with it. They can suddenly show up in a place as Reptilians or even as humans, talking and socializing with others, only to suddenly disappear in thin air. They can show their spaceships in the sky so a whole village can see it, and then they just disappear in a ball of fire. They can do a lot of tricks because they know that they are dealing with illusions, but we don’t. We get upset or excited when these things happen.

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Has anybody thought about why Lucifer is called the “Light Bearer”? It almost makes him sound benevolent and nice, doesn’t it? Light Bearer…hm. Does it mean that he is surrounded by the most magnificent light and can say the words, “Let there be light!” and there will be light? Or, does it actually mean that he is the one who is bearing the little tiny spectrum of light that we humans are able to perceive? If this was a “$10,000 Question”, I would vote for the latter. Isn’t that what Lucifer did? He brought Light into the world and the Universe as we know it—“Let there be light!” This is why so many worship him. Without him, we would be blind and fumble in the dark! In that case, remember that the light we perceive is only 4% of the Electromagnetic Spectrum—what about the rest of the spectrum? Why are we cut off from that light? It doesn’t look like light to me, you may say, and stare out in dark space, and from your limited perceptions you would be right. The Universe is teeming with life, but the very majority of it resides in what we call darkness. What we need to realize is that this so-called darkness is just other frequency bands, and when we are able to perceive them, it’s no darkness there anymore! They shut off our DNA—the DNA which when activated can experience the rest of the spectra as well. So much for Light Bearer. These entities, who are guarding us to make sure we don’t regain our abilities without them being in charge, ready to capture us, can have a lot of fun with us and our miniature reality—just like a little boy has fun with his train set that his dad built for him. The AIF, however, don’t feel any empathy and compassion when they are “playing.” And for us, their game has been deadly serious. It’s time to disagree with this seriousness and tell ourselves that getting out of this silly trap is easy. Put the AIF “over there” and then go in your own direction. Do it in your mind. Then live your life as you want it to be, and take some consequences if necessary. What has always been your passion? Do it! And what is just as important—teach your children this! When you and I grew up, many of us had no clue what consequences certain actions had. We got some money? We bought a house and a car—on credit, of course. We got married, and our income increased, so we bought a bigger house, leading to more debts, and so on. Almost everybody made this mistake, so we never thought something was wrong with it, until we started having trouble paying because of so-called “inflation,” which is a made-up term built on a lie about the value of money, supposedly reflecting the value of silver and gold that are stored in vaults somewhere. These silver and gold reserves justify the printing of money. Then woops! There comes the magician again, and there is no reserve. Money was just an illusion, but we still need to pay. Someone always gets rich on other people’s misery. ~ 188 ~


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Instead of coming in a hard situation where your hands are tied—a part of slavery today—where you have to work for the System until you die, in order to pay your debt, you teach your children never ever to buy anything on credit, and always go for their passion, wherever it will lead them. If they do, they will be just fine, and they have a much better chance to build a life which is not so dependent on the System. Explain to your kids what is really going on in the world, little by little, so you don’t overwhelm them. Also, don’t only tell them— let them experience it, let them see it, hear it, taste it, and smell it! Only then do they know it’s real. Children grow up in blindness only because the parents are blind—there is no one to guide them, and there is no one to tell them what they can do to get a rich life. Most people think that living a rich life means having a lot of money. Yes, money can buy you freedom to a certain extent, if you use it for that purpose, but the true richness is what you can find within yourself—and the best of it all is that it doesn’t have to cost anything!

i.iii. Freezing Realities Saturn is considered being “Father Time,” which we mentioned in the previous paper. He is the one who decides how long the eons should be, the year, the month, week, day, hour, minute, second…linear time! Once we humans have agreed that we live on a timeline with a past, present, and a future, we have truly lost our multidimensionality. Now, most people think that what is in the future can never happen before what happens in the present and vice versa. People think that time is really set in stone—the past will never come back and can never change, and we know nothing about the future. Still, as I mentioned in Level I, extraterrestrials—whether they have the technology to do so or just the power of thought and intention to do so—could “insert” an entire civilization here on Earth from what is perceived as one second to another. You look out over a field and there are only flowers and bushes as far as you can see. In the next second there is a big city where there was an empty field! How is this possible? It’s the simplest thing if you have what it takes to do it because you can build it outside of this reality and then just insert it as you “insert” a new house in your toy train landscape. It takes a couple of seconds. The Pleiadians said recently that is quite a common occurrence throughout history—more so in ancient times than now—ETs froze our reality quite literally to get a job done here187. Let’s say a team of scientists are on the way to the Sahara to check out some rumors that giant skulls, 300ft tall, are 187

Pleiadian Lecture, April 26-April 27, 2013, CD #3, Track #9, “Anchoring a New Era” ~ 189 ~


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buried in the sand and have been dug up by some locals. The AIF doesn’t want these scientists to see that such tall beings once walked on the Earth, so they freeze the entire hologram—including the people—insert themselves at the finding place, and remove the skull. When finished, they “unfreeze” the hologram again. The scientists get to the site but find nothing. This is just an example from the top of my head, but according to the Pleiadians, this can be done and has been done. I am not the least surprised, having the understanding I have.

i.iv. Father Time in the New Era The AIF, just like myself, are convinced that we are now entering a New Era, and this is when Father Time—Saturn—is playing a big role. In Greek mythology, Saturn was known as Cronus, or Kronos (there are many different spellings), and he was also the father of the Titans, as we learned in the first papers of this level of learning. Originally, Cronus was Khan En.lil and Prince Ninurta, respectively, while Poseidon was a “younger god”—the head of the Olympians, who overthrew the Titans and took over our solar system. Once that was done, Poseidon (Lucifer/ took on the role of Cronus and became Father Time. This is where people have the most problem. These beings, whom I call the AIF, are out to conquer everything that is owned by the Orion Empire, in order to boost their own egos and power. Then they take over the identities of the ones they have conquered—including their names and titles. This is the reason why Lucifer has so many names and titles—he has conquered them! This is also why he can have names and titles which contradict each other. He rules under one name, Poseidon, which is him as an Olympian god, but he is also Cronus, his opponent, who’s a Titan. For example, scholars are connecting Saturn with Ninurta, making him the evil guy, who is keeping us imprisoned here, with Saturn being the planet which projects the hologram. If people knew that Ninurta is out of that picture since 500,000 years ago, and Lucifer/ took on that title/name, things would start to fall in place. Wrong beings are being accused for wrong things, while the real criminals go free and are looked at as liberators. The New Era which the AIF wants to ring in is the Era of the evolved human, who is spiritually and physically savvy enough to take that extra leap, which is required in order for the AIF to invade Orion. They are soon there, and this is why we start seeing so many UFOs on television right now. Sightings are shown on CNN, ABC, NBC, BBC, and so forth. They want to prepare people for Disclosure in a sense. It’s not going to be a real and honest disclosure, of course. Why would the government, which has so incredibly much to hide, suddenly set ~ 190 ~


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the record straight when it comes to UFOs, extraterrestrials, interdimensionals, and multidimensionals? Please think about it. If they disclose anything of value at all, it must be in their interest, not in ours! This is why I have such a hard time comprehending why so many people believe in all these co-called Disclosure Projects. It’s way too naïve. I really hope, if the day comes when “disclosure” happens, that people are smarter than that. It’s bad enough how otherwise nice and very compassionate people believe in such things as the Harvest being a good thing, particularly so now, when there is so much information out on these subjects. When the nanosecond was over by the end of 2012, I decided to immediately suggest a New Era for those who are choosing a new beginning. I set January 1, 2013, as the beginning of the New Era, and simply called this Year 1 (as I write this, we are just 16 days from January 1, Year 2 AN (after nano [second]). The new species, who will be the new Guardians of the Living Library, I call Homo Nova. I have no idea if any of this will be adopted in the future, but I do believe that the new probability, which will eventually build a world void of the Alien Invader Force, will start the new time count with the end of the nanosecond in mind. I also believe that the Era we have just started will be the last one, in the sense that soon enough we will not pay attention to linear time anymore—at least not as a fixed concept of past, present, and future. As we become more Multidimensional, time as we know it will be less and less important. Time is a “stopper” and a “distracter.” Time is always holding us back, while no-time opens up all probabilities and possibilities. Time has had its advantages in 3-D, but when we are moving away from this fixed reality, linear time has to go.

i.v. Passion—a Way out of the Trap! Now and then, we hear the expression, we should be living our dreams. This is one of my favorite expressions of all time because it’s so true that it actually explains Paradise in one single sentence! With dream, I mean passion foremost. Then, when we’ve gone as far as we can with that passion, we go for the next passion and so on. Sometimes, we can work on more than one passion at the time. Living like this creates true happiness. Also, it’s in his or her passion that a person is the strongest. It’s very hard to manipulate a person who knows what he or she wants. Such a person is not the first targets of the AIF because they are hard to mind-control and manipulate. Therefore, the greatest favor we can do to our kids is to suggest to them that they live out their passions, as long as these passions are not hurting ~ 191 ~


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them or anybody else. Can you imagine a whole generation living out their passions, totally discarding everything the “authorities” tell them they “must” do? I would love to witness that! The society would look a whole lot different from now, but overall, it would probably be workable. Without having an inkling of what life will bring, it’s hard to live our passions because we are always told that we need an education, a good job, to be a good citizen of the society, and to help building on the society we have. All these ideas are just “stoppers.” That’s what led us into modern slavery in the first place. If we live our passion and are true to ourselves, the rest will resolve—we will have what we need because the passion is so strong that reality bends according to our will power. Still, passion comes with some discipline because it’s easy to totally live our passion and forget that we have other duties, too, such as taking care of property, socializing, and even such simple things as providing food for ourselves and others. Being passionate about something is not selfish—quite the opposite. By showing that someone can live like that, you inspire many people to attempt the same thing—and those who are brave enough will succeed. Also, being in the energy field of a person who is passionate is very inspiring and uplifting. What better things can you do for others than that? You are living your life in full and inspiring others to do the same. Also, you show that it’s possible not to agree with being a slave worker for the Companies of the super-rich. For those who are thinking “Service-to-Self” and “Service-to-Others,” this is probably one of the best Service-to-Others I can think of. To live out our passions means that we are creating something—we are working as creators! Therefore, if we live out passions that are not harmful to oneself or others, we are automatically building a new world, using stepping -stones created from very positive energies. This kind of creation will automatically include beauty in some form, and beauty is one of the most important things in the Universe—beauty and love go hand in hand. Look around you, and what do you see? In essence, you see an incredible creation we call Mother Earth. This planet is no less than absolutely beautiful—a masterpiece created by the most brilliant forces of the Universe and beyond. Nothing on this planet is created by mistake—everything has its place, and I mean the Living Library, not what the AIF or immoral humans have created (or uncreated). Then, take a look at the Universe with its stars and galaxies—isn’t that absolute beauty? No one can say that beauty is not a major part of Creation. Passion is also a way out of here—it’s one way out of the trap and a good one too! Let’s say that I die after a lifetime of having expressed my passion most of the time, and I’m feeling content, saying to myself that I had a good life

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despite the slavery going on here on Earth. I leave my body and slip through a hole in the Grid. What do I see? The thing is that we see what we are prepared to see. Those who are totally prepared to be recycled again and become another slave worker, who “accidentally” slip through the Grid, won’t see much else than the darkness we see when we look up in the night sky, and someone will probably come and pick them up and lead them toward the Light. Those who are in the know about things, and aware of the 96% versus the 4% Universe will probably see the Universe as it is, which is allegedly an enormously amazing sight. If those people still want to go back to Gaia and work on stabilizing the New Era, they can return through the Grid and reincarnate without going through the Light. People who have left their dogmas, religious beliefs, and other beliefs we’ve been putting on ourselves from having listened to “authority,” have no problem seeing the KHAA for what it is—and I’ll tell you that I don’t know myself what to expect out there. I only know that it’s not necessarily exactly the same as we experience when we see the night skies. What is there in addition to stars, planets, nebulae, and galaxies? I don’t know. However, passionate people know what they want and have a much easier time creating their own reality, and that’s what it’s all about in the Free Will Universe. Either someone else is creating it for you (and you may not like it), or you’ll create it yourself. You’re absolutely free to experiment as much as possible—it’s just a soul who has been so traumatized that he or she can’t make up his or her mind about things that is in trouble. Otherwise, the Universe is our playground—become a child again and start creating! That’s what it’s there for. Don’t be afraid because there is really nothing to fear except your own fear, as a famous American President once said. The good thing with passion is that it also works if you want to return to Earth and the New Era. It will create miracles down here!

II. The Abduction Agenda Revisited This is quite a worn out subject, the reader must think, but there are still a few things I think are worth mentioning about it. To summarize what I’ve said earlier, people—mostly of specific bloodlines—are abducted either by government agencies, the ETs themselves, or a mix of them both, for a few reasons, primarily. They want to deep study how our DNA has developed, and perhaps make changes when necessary in a certain number of individuals in order for the ETs to feel comfortable to incarnate either into the abducted body or into its descendants.

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Fig. 2. Alien abduction.

First, Ea has over the years conquered new star races, and new star races have joined his cause. These new star races, if they have Ea’s permission, are also to be incarnated here in small groups, so they can be part of the future Global Elite. Second, the “old” star races, such as the Alpha Draconians, who have been with Ea for quite some time now, are the ones who need to adjust the human DNA of the bloodline, or bloodlines, they have selected as their future vessels. Third, we have races of “genuine” Grays, who are basically us in the future (see Third Level of Learning), who want to retrieve our DNA in order to recreate the biological body form they once had but lost in a future Machine Kingdom. Fourth, we have the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) that either abduct people on their own, mostly for genetic research, or work together with the AIF in the abduction scenario. What is common for the first three categories is that the abductors lack human emotions (one could say that those of the fourth category do too). The Pleiadians, in a lecture I just heard, said that the abductors keep their heart chakra closed. In a warzone, I would assume that this is a “normal” thing to do to mentally survive, and this sector of the Universe is a warzone, apparently (just don’t think that it’s like that everywhere). When I talk about the MIC, more often than not, the people who operate on the abductee are emotionless mindcontrolled slaves who are programmed to do their job, and when it’s done, they go home to their families and forget all about what they have done. Then, above ~ 194 ~


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these people are of course the emotionless Elite hybrids who have another mix of DNA in them, which makes them less prone to feel. These days, most of these Elite bloodlines are also possessed by the Nommos and others. Because of all this, the abductees often have to suffer when they are kidnapped. I know this sounds pretty discouraging for a person who reads this and actually is an abductee, having experienced all this agony and pain. However, there is a solution to this, which also may prevent future abductions. My suggestion is to go to a regression therapist. Some of you who read this may say, “I’ve already done that and they are still taking me!” This may very well be true, but the regression therapists have in that case not helped you looking for the correct thing yet—that is why. It is a good idea to first re-experience the abductions in the sessions in order to get rid of the feeling of trauma around the experiences, but then it’s time to start looking for what I call The Agreement. Somewhere, buried underneath all this, is an agreement with the ETs to let them abduct you. This agreement could have been done between lives, where everything feels easy because you don’t experience the “heaviness” and difficulties of the material world and the counter-energies from the AIF, who rule down here. More commonly, there was a manipulative agreement, which the abductee subconsciously or unconsciously may or may not be aware of. An encounter between lives or in a present or a past life with these beings may have resulted in a manipulative agreement that you would void immediately if you could. And you can! Once you are ready to look for it, tell the therapist that you need to find the initial agreement in regression. It could take a while to find it (hopefully it won’t), but once you find it, you will know you did. Then you just tell the ETs—out loud and/or just telepathically—that this agreement, or any agreement that you have with them, is now void and that you won’t permit them to take you again under any circumstances. This should help. Sometimes, regression therapy in this sense is not even necessary—you just let them know that any agreement you’ve done with them is void and that you have changed your mind. It’s only when that doesn’t help that regression therapy, in order to find the agreement, can be helpful. The toughest cases are those who say that they sympathize with their abductors, and even if it physically and mentally hurts, the abductors are in such need of doing what they’re doing that the abductees want to help them—the socalled Stockholm Syndrome, after a kidnapping drama in Stockholm, Sweden, in the 1970s, when the people who were kidnapped started sympathizing with the kidnappers, once they began to know them. The ETs may have told them that the ~ 195 ~


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abductee is helping their race survive. These people first need to convince themselves that the abduction phenomenon is not benevolent—and especially not when pain and suffering is involved—and the cycle needs to be broken. This, however, is something for the regression therapist or any psychic who’s taking on the case to work out with you. The bottom line is that humans here on Earth should not be abducted. We are an evolving race, even though we’ve been tampered with and should, as such, be left alone. There are star beings, however, who come here in physical (enter a human body from birth), or contact selected people on a soul level to help us humans break the spell, but they do so by following certain universal rules and protocols, and they don’t break them. In addition, they certainly don’t, in any shape or form, hurt the people they are contacting.

ii.i. Atlantis All Over Again There are researchers who say that we live in a time loop. With this they mean that we start from a rather unevolved stage and evolve up to a certain point, and then a catastrophe of some sort happens, which brings us right back to the start again. It’s like a DVD you have finished, and then put it on from the beginning again.

Fig. 3. Barbara Hand-Clow, Pleiadian channeler.

I think there is some truth in this. Although I don’t think we repeat every single moment of a previous cycle, I do believe we make the exact same mistakes ~ 196 ~


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over and over again unless we break the cycle as a mass consciousness. We are just now at such a breaking point. In Atlantis, approximately 13,000 years ago, we were engaged in the same things we are engaged in now—more or less. They were into space travel (much more so than we are), and they were heavily into genetic engineering—similar to when and Isis experimented with different versions of Homo sapiens. At that time, the AIF, Elite human hybrids, and scientists were working together to create genetic alterations, just like we do in Area 51 and other military bases today—on Earth, on Mars, and most likely on the Moon and other places. Barbara Hand Clow is another channeler of Pleiadian energies. It is not the same group of Pleiadians as Barbara Marciniak is channeling, but the two groups recognize and apparently used to support each other’s efforts, although that has changed. Hand Clow’s Pleiadians once said: I, Alcior, am an Atlantean stellar being . . . I am a carrier of the blood of the stars—one of the pure stellar beings who traveled here from outer space. As for the earth-born people, some are indigenous while some are mutants spawned by “stellar implantation.” ...from their central genetics laboratory in Atlantis, we stellar beings bred ourselves with Earth beings. Stellar sources mixed with Earth creatures have varying offspring. In this photon laboratory, I study how the stellar imprint affects the Earthling. We tell the people that we are doing this in order to eliminate disease, but the real reason we are doing it is to gain control of the Earth. ...the only way extraterrestrials, such as myself, can understand humans is by means of decoding human DNA.... The Atlantean project is to assist in the process of the stellar encodement of humans... In other words we read the cosmic evolutionary cycles through humans on earth!... we need this information in order to determine the stability of Earth in the Solar System—particularly so that we can evacuate Earth at certain times... That is why we first came to Earth three hundred thousand years ago... For example, a photon from the star Aldebaran contains information on the functioning of Aldebaran consciousness. It is very musical, very mathematical, very harmonic, and very powerful for the right hemisphere of the human brain.

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When the crystal is charged, all of the mutants will move into “stellar fusion.”... Mutant Earthlings will fuse with the powers of their own original stars, we will live on Earth when we want to, and the rulers of Atlantis will control it all.188

Well, that doesn’t sound very nice, does it? Essentially, it tells it the way I have described it in my papers. Aldebaran has been mentioned over and over again in my work in connection with the Pleiades, starting with my e-book, “The Myth Around Supriem David Rockefeller” in 2009. This is, without any doubt, the base Lucifer chose when he fled to the Pleiades after Lucifer’s Rebellion and it still is his main base outside of this solar system—there doesn’t seem to be much doubt about that either. I also find it noteworthy that this Alcior being says that they really don’t understand humans, and as I’ve mentioned earlier, this is very true. Then, of course, we have the main message in this channeled sequence, which is that when time is right, “mutants” of a certain star system will merge with their own “gods,” in a sense that they will be drawn to them, and the old visitors will come down here and rule on Earth as they did in Atlantis. Well, this was channeled back in the 1990s, I believe, and much has changed since then. Much of what Alcior is talking about has already happened or is currently happening. Some of the abduction phenomenon is also pertaining to what Alcior says, meaning that the star races are checking in on their own “mutants,”—or “hybrids,” as we usually call them here. Anyone who is willing to open his or her eyes will notice that all these things are really happening around us—it’s not science fiction anymore—and never was. It was after channeled messages such as this one that Marciniak’s Pleiadians withdrew from Hand Clow’s group—they didn’t want to be associated with this “truth.” It strikes me kind of funny, though, that Marciniak’s group was fast with acknowledging Hand Clow in the beginning, but then they changed their minds. Nevertheless, Marciniak’s group must have known the other group well enough for them to acknowledge them in the first place. Just because Marciniak’s Pleiadians no longer want to talk about the other Pleiadian group, does that make Alcior’s statements less true? I am still referring to Marciniak’s group to quite some extent in my papers, even though I have serious doubts regarding their real intentions. The majority of their information does not only ring very true but also coincides with other, bona fide information I’ve found elsewhere. This shouldn’t come as a surprise because sometimes a group, such as a channeled collective, can afford to tell the truth, if it is necessary for us Peter Farley, “The Experiment”, Chapter 10, op. cit., 188

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to know it in order for their agenda to become fulfilled. This is a quite complicated subject, where things are much entwined and, apparently, contradictory until we understand that their strength lies in the contradictions themselves. For a long time, I thought that their agenda would also benefit us, but when I found out that their own teacher, whom they are talking about so often, in fact is Ea himself, I became very alert, of course. Are the Pleiadians really a rebel group with peaceful intentions who themselves have been deceived by Ea, “the Trickster,” or are they fully aware of who Ea is? They now keep claiming that Ea has changed (Lucifer has redeemed himself, in other words), but if this is the case, why is the Global Elite still here, continuing their negative influence on mankind? We know that the Earth scenario is rather complex—hence the amount of papers on the subject—but once we separate the different agendas from each other, we notice that they are not only quite similar to each other, but they also are different version of a larger agenda, which is common for all these groups, and that is power and control over humans so that we can be used in a future galactic war. Then, once we understand that, we also understand that it is only as long as we get involved in their business that we are really affected. Although we are prisoners in boot camp, we actually still have Free Will, if we are willing to acknowledge it to ourselves. We can actually escape at any time, once we know how. And we do! The real escape will not take place until after this lifetime is over, if we choose to leave this solar system. If we do, we are free to go. Those who want to come back into a higher frequency version of Earth can also do so and help build a new reality for mankind. However, it is important to stress that it’s not a good idea to run out and jump off a cliff in order to “get free” or to “escape” because that won’t do it. All accounts worth considering say the same thing—suicide is connected with guilt and other lower emotions on the other side that attract you to the lower astral planes, and that’s not where freedom lies, and that’s not where you want to go.

III. Jumpstarting the Machine Kingdom People who wait for Ea to come back as—the Savior, stop waiting! He is already here. He’s been here in the vicinity for quite some time now—I would say at least a few hundred years. Before that, Marduk held the fort while his father was doing business elsewhere—in the Pleiades. I suspect that he has spent quite some time in Maïa and Electra (two of the Pleiadian stars) to educate a group of “rebels” who would later contact us and teach us about, the “good ~ 199 ~


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guy,” who is returning at the same time as En.lil (Ninurta), the “bad guy.” After all, that’s what Barbara Marciniak’s Pleiadian lectures are more or less about these days. Just a few months ago, Marciniak’s Pleiadians have started talking almost exclusively about the Anunnaki and the two half-brothers, who opposed each other—one is thinking with the left side of the brain, and the other one is thinking with his heart. Then they go on to say that they have been trained by and worked together with for quite some time in order to “educate” mankind. So if you want to hear some propaganda, listen to the Pleiadian lectures. Additionally—they tell it much the way Sitchin had it, which most truth-seekers today already have discarded as half-truths. However, with the knowledge you—the reader—and I have by now, it’s very interesting to listen to the Pleiadians because it’s much easier to pick out the diamonds—oh yes, the diamonds are there, and they are beautiful. In other words, we can learn a lot from the Pleiadians if we listen to them with our current knowledge in mind. However, Electra and Maïa are the star systems in which I think Ea has resided for some time, teaching his interdimensional Minions how to approach humans in a way that we will respond the best, although there is still a chance that even Marciniak’s Pleiadians have been deceived, not that Ea is an expert on being a teacher of humans either—he and his son have had a very hard time understanding humans, and they still don’t understand us—but Ea knows how to manipulate. The Pleiadian lectures are for those who are evolving quickly, and Ea needs to address these people in order to get them on his side before it’s too late and people start seeing the truth about him. Sorry, Ea, it’s a little too late already! In any case, Ea is back and so is En.lil, apparently—according to the Pleiadians (although, we already knew that). They are correct when they say that the water is Ea’s domain and the air is Khan En.lil’s (Prince En.lil’s domain is the mountains). However, the only water and the only “ocean” Ea is in charge of are the water, rivers, and the oceans here on Earth—he is not in charge of the Primordial Waters/Ocean, which is the KHAA, regardless of what he says. Those who are really into distinguish between fresh- and saltwater because he was actually the one who turned freshwater into salty oceans. During the Golden Age, the oceans were made out of freshwater because at that time, there was an abundance of everything, for everybody. By turning the oceans into saltwater, Ea deprived us of most of the Earth’s water resources because we can’t drink it. What are the consequences? People in some countries go thirsty when there should be more than enough for them to drink. Then again, it’s by design.

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According to the Pleiadians, Ea is currently residing under the ocean floor, and they say that the government is trying to bomb the ocean to get him out of there. I don’t believe for one second that they are bombing the ocean for that purpose—especially as the top echelons of the world governments are Ea worshippers, but I do believe that Ea does reside deep down under the ocean. In fact, I think his main base may be the waters just outside the coast of Oregon, USA—close to where I live. This is where there was a grandiose UFO sighting in March of 2012, if I recall correctly. A group of UFOs suddenly shot up from the ocean and took off into the air. This also made the middle level military nervous, apparently. The Pleiadians talked in some length about this incident and kept telling us about the “good brother” and the “bad brother” again, reminding us whose domain the ocean is and whose domain the airways are. They made it quite obvious that they were of the opinion that the UFO sighting was Ea’s ships. So it looks as if Ea and I are not so far from each other, distance wise. Also, LPGC was in California, which is also on the American West Coast, and they were in contact with Ea’s people big time—something we will go into very shortly. In Level III, I talked about a major return of the AIF here on Earth and that it was already happening. I am quite convinced that this is correct. The abduction scenario has been present for hundreds, even thousands of years, but has become much more frequent lately. This is partly because the AIF is coming very close to being able to do a mass invasion. Most of this mass invasion will be the rest of the Nommos being released from the Sirian prison, possessing human Elite hybrid bloodlines, but some people, in general, will also be prone to possession, unless they are well protected and are staying grounded. Over the centuries and the millennia, there has been a great mix of bloodlines here on Earth because of interbreeding between human races. Many say that this has “watered down” some of the Elite bloodlines, and as true as that may be, the opposite is also true, which is that the “common” bloodlines have been enhanced with “blue blood.” This has apparently been the purpose, and the most useful of these “sub-elite” bloodlines can now be used by the Invader Force to incarnate in or to do a walk-in189. This is also one of the purposes with the abduction phenomenon. Some say that these bloodlines are the RH-, of whom the Khazars were a major branch. As we know, the RH- females don’t mix very well with the RH+, and there are complications at childbirth, unless the mothers get medical aid.

For a reminder of what the definition of “walk-in” is, see “Definitions of Special Terminology from "The First—Fourth Levels of Learning", 189

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iii.i. Memories are Stored in Stones and Bones—the Truth About the “Consciousness Meters” In Level I, I wrote about “Consciousness Meters” for those who still remember. For those who don’t, I will give a quick recap here. The story states (this also comes from the Pleiadians) that once in a very distant past, so-called “Consciousness Meters” were set up here on Gaia, and these “devices” would measure how fast the mass consciousness and awareness increased amongst the most intelligent species on the planet (which many say is Homo sapiens sapiens, but that could be debated190), and when these measures reach a certain level, the Consciousness Meters send a frequency out in time/space to notify the ancient beings who once set them up and left them there when they themselves abandoned our planet. In a recent lecture, the Pleiadians said it was their ancestors who did it. They said it was done by the “good Pleiadians” and not the ones who tampered with our DNA and created Giants. These “good” Pleiadians supposedly put them up here before Lucifer’s Invasion, half a million years ago. I know that some channeled material confirms that the Pleiadians were here before the Invasion as part of the original Living Library setup team, but my own research, in which I have tried to be more precise, I haven’t seen any indicators that the Pleiadians were part of the Original Planners. It’s not, however, because some people say that the Pleiadian star system is too young for this because that’s not true either. Any star system we can see from Earth in our telescopes or in our most advanced machines, exists both in the KHAA and in the universe of “visible light,” and just because a star system “appeared” in the 4% Universe at a certain time, it doesn’t mean that the same star system didn’t exist in the KHAA long before that. Also, a star system can fade in and out of visible light. The claim that the Pleiadians should have been a part of the Original Team is lacking in my research. In any case, today the Consciousness Meters are not used by the Original Team to measure consciousness, but they are used by the AIF to do the same! These devices are actually no devices at all, just ordinary stones placed on our ley lines. The saying is that memories are stored and preserved in “stones and bones,” and that is quite true. This is another Pleiadian saying, but those who have read David Icke know of the South African shaman, Credo Mutwa (fig. 4), who has “confirmed” much of Icke’s Reptilian stories from African legends and mythology. He is, just like shamans all over the world, reading our history in stones and bones because he knows that memories are stored there. In other words, whoever set up the Consciousness Meters used stones to measure 190

I am being sarcastic here. ~ 202 ~


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increased consciousness on our planet. Then, when consciousness and awareness reach a certain point, the gods can return.

Fig. 4. The South African shaman, Credo Mutwa.

From what it seems, we are now very close to that point. The nanosecond is over, and many people throughout the world have increased their awareness a thousandfold or more. So it’s time for the gods to separate the wheat from the chaff—thus they use the term “Harvest.” The fact is that they want to keep both those who did not evolve during the nanosecond and those who did—the two categories will just be used for different purposes, as we have discussed earlier. The technologically inclined people will be the Machine Riders in the Machine Kingdom, while those who are more spiritually inclined will be used as mediums, in order for the AIF to eventually invade Satania in Orion. It’s similar to wars here on Earth—first out are those who build the bridges over the rivers, and then the soldiers follow in their footsteps. The spiritually evolved people are the “bridge builders,” while the rest are the “soldiers.” By using our Fire, they hope we can help them open the Gates to the Inner Sanctuaries of Orion. Will it work? Unless the “spiritually inclined” don’t wake up to the simple facts I’ve been giving, I wouldn’t be surprised. After all, many truth-seekers still think that the Orion Empire is the enemy! I can imagine that papers such as these are not very

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well received in Lucifer’s camp—they want us to believe that Orion is the Enemy #1—this is very important to them, obviously. There is still evidence that the Orions were here before Lucifer came. I’m not saying that Lucifer is not originating from Orion—he is—but there are artifacts that are even older than 500,000 years, which still refer back to Orion. We are looking at the Great Pyramid in Egypt, the Sphinx, and other well-known monuments and artifacts, and we consider them being ancient, although there are monuments elsewhere in the world which are much older. In Level II, I wrote that Mother Goddess, who created this universe and all the others, created universes in groups of 12, and she herself has the 13th “seat.” Hence, 12 and 13 are very important numbers. In Ecuador, there is an ancient pyramid that has thirteen levels beneath the eye.191 However, the most interesting part is the base of the pyramid, where there is a depiction of the Orion Constellation with words in a very ancient language. Professor Kurt Schildman, President of the German Linguistic Association, who is fluent in more than 40 languages, has said that it was older than the oldest known human writing! He called it pre-Sanskrit. David Icke, in his new book, “The Perception Deception,” writes: His translation of the writing on the bottom of the pyramid was: ‘The son of the creator comes’. This is a familiar theme, of course, but my question is what son of what ‘creator’? I’ll explore this later. Klaus Dona says that the same form of writing has been found around the world in locations such as Colombia, the United States, France, Malta, Turkmenistan, Australia and Italy, and it has similarities with writing found on Easter Island, a remnant of Mu/ Lemuria and famous for its unique wildlife and massive and unexplained statues of the ‘gods’. ‘Pre-Sanskrit’ means that the writing must be more than 6,000 years old and it is highly likely to have been the written communication of the once-global ‘Avatar’ society.192

Precisely! “Pre-Sanskrit,” according to Klaus Dona, has been found all over the world, being more than 6,000 years old. However, if Icke is right when he says that it was written by the “Avatar” society, it was written during the Golden Age, and I agree. The Pre-Sanskrit language would then be the ancient Orion language, used by Prince Ninurta and his team of Original Planners. Furthermore, I would suggest that the translation very well could have been 191

David Icke ©2013-2014, “The Perception Deception,” Kindle Edition, Part 1, location

1591. Icke, David (2013-11-22). The Perception Deception - Part One (Kindle Locations 15991604). David Icke Books Limited. Kindle Edition. 192

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“The son of the Creator [or Creatrix] is here.” If there is something translators of the ancient languages have had trouble with, it is the denotation of female versus male aspects of words and terms. It is a very important thing to distinguish between genders in Orion language.

iii.ii. LPG-C and the “Nibiruans” in a New Light There is one very basic thing we need to be aware of, and when we are, things are getting much easier to understand. A lot of confusion will fall aside, and Lucifer’s limited light will expand manifold and eventually reach the KHAA—all for our benefit. The group of “Anunnaki,” who are here on Earth now and those who are waiting to come down belong to the AIF. If there is any presence of the Original Planners—the Primordial Dragons—in Earth vicinity, they keep themselves very much in the background and are not part of any of that which we are discussing here. The AIF can, and do, come in all disguises thinkable and beyond but are still the AIF. Another good example of this is the Anunnaki with whom LPG-C (Life Physics Group California) were, and are still, in contact with after the demise of their Chief Scientist, Dr. A.R. Bordon. To begin with, the LPG-C members know Sitchin’s work by heart, down to the smallest detail, which was something Dr. Bordon told me himself. They are really embracing “the old man” and promote his work. However, they also embrace very legitimate quantum physicists such as David Bohm and many others. Also, Dr. Bordon did not stick under the table with that much of the “Working Model,” which became their model of the Multiverse, they had learned from the Anunnaki, while much of the rest came out of ENS (Extra Neuro Sensing)—their form of remote viewing. This kind of remote viewing—or a very similar technique, almost down to the letter—has also been used by George LoBuono, a self-proclaimed remote viewer, who is also an author of the book, “Alien Mind.” A few months before Dr. Bordon died, he sent me and other members of their group (not belonging to the “Inner Circle”) papers which indicated that much of the wisdom LPG-C had received from ETs came from Thoth, or his counterpart, Ningišzidda. In this series of papers, we’ve learned that Thoth, the “feathered serpent” of the Bird Tribe, is no one less than himself, the “God of Wisdom,” as the old mythology says. Hence, Ningišzidda, Thoth, and are all the same being. LPG-C, however, just as Sitchin, distinguish between and Thoth/Ningišzidda. Moreover, both LPG-C and Sitchin put the Anunnaki in two “camps,” the “Enkiites” and the “Enlilites”. This is not wrong, ~ 205 ~


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but they want us to believe that the “En.lil Camp” is still present here on Earth, and has been here just as long as their opponents. When Michael Lee Hill, claiming to be a Nephilim descendant and’s counterpart, made clear that he’d seen Marduk at the Sirius Rising Festival in New York, and that Marduk is just playing the “bad guy” in order to wake up humanity, A.R. jumped on the bandwagon, and started “working” on Michael. Eventually, it was not so bad to be in connection with Marduk, after all, although Bordon had declared Marduk as the main bad guy on this planet. But wait! Didn’t A.R. say that Marduk is dead (see Level I)? So that doesn’t add up. Also, me being contacted by “Utu” actually means that I was contacted by Lord Marduk himself because Utu and Marduk are one and the same, which I proved earlier in this level of learning. In addition, the “King of Nibiru,” whom Marduk contacted in order to consult in the matter between Marduk and myself, was said to be Nanna, or Nannar, who I have showed, by using syncretism, is again Lord Ea/! Nannar and Bordon were also friends, according to Bordon himself. Still not a trace of the “Enlilites,” whom A.R. and Sitchin claimed were highly present on “Nibiru.” The Enlilites A.R. was talking about have all showed to be Enkiites, by using syncretism! Very interesting, indeed. Now, what is left of the stories LPG-C was telling us? Oh yes, Pine Gap in Australia and the WingMakers! Pine Gap was said to be Marduk’s headquarters here on Earth, something I actually believe is true—it’s at least one of his and Ea’s main headquarters. From Pine Gap comes an organization called S.A.A.L.M., which means “Supreme Anunnaki Assembly of Lord Marduk.” This group was said to be an enemy group to LPG-C. The WingMakers, with their front person, James or Mahu Nahi, a selfproclaimed Anunnaki, if we follow the trails, also see Marduk and Pine Gap as the “bad guys.” Still, according to A.R., Mahu Nahi is an imposter, who infiltrated the WingMakers website back in the late 1990s, taking over from the originator of the site. Looking at this in retrospect, I do not believe that this is the case—Mahu Nahi, or whatever his true name is, really is the originator of the WingMakers site. The opposition between LPG-C and Mahu Nahi is just a front. In reality, they are on the same “side”—they are both Enkiites! To make it really easy, all we need to do in order to find evidence of where the WingMakers stand is to look at the covers of the music CDs and other symbolism shown on the website, Utu Šamaš’s Sun Disc is frequently displayed, i.e. the Sun Disc of Marduk Ra, the Sun God. S.A.A.L.M., which is supposedly the enemy of both WingMakers and LPG-C, I have reasons to believe is just another front for the same group of organizations working together. S.A.A.L.M. is very real, however. I came across ~ 206 ~


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some highly secretive letters written by members of this group—correspondence between the members. It was very serious material that was not supposed to come in the wrong hands—the site was password protected, and had other levels of security measures to it—but one of the leaders of the group wrote in the exact same style as A.R. Bordon did—it was so similar that I could not tell the difference. It makes you wonder! Consequently, what do we make out of all this? Well, it’s not so complicated. Lucifer, the great manipulator, working as, the trickster and master magician, is setting up a great game board here on Earth. By creating all these different factions, which seem to be working in opposition to each other, he can sit outside of the game and pull the strings of his puppets. In reality, there are no factions working against each other—they are all on the same side! The “other side” that he is claiming exists, actually doesn’t. The Enlilites are busy elsewhere, and it’s not on Earth and hasn’t been for many eons now, while the Enkiites are the ones who have been present here for hundreds of thousands of years. Being the trickster he is, Ea is making his son, Marduk, into the bad guy, and himself into the good guy in the LPG-C/WingMakers “game.” LPG-C and the WingMakers are only two groups played out against each other, while there are hundreds of other groups doing the same thing, within politics, religion, and all the rest of it. It makes Earth look like it’s being visited by a myriad of different alien species with a lot of different agendas, when in fact the visitations are pretty limited to just a few groups. Even those few groups are part of the same agenda, pinpointed down to just a very few beings, as I said before, but these beings have Minions to back them up and to safeguard them against us humans. They are afraid of us, which is something I’ve really come to understand. When setting up a number of different factions such as this, Ea creates confusion and separation, turning one part of humanity against another—it’s a part of the entire control mechanism. To sum it up, Dr. Bordon and his team, as well as the WingMakers, S.A.A.L.M., and the Labyrinth Group (a free-standing part of the National Security Agency [NSA], according to the WingMakers story), are all well aware of what I’ve been exposing here. They know perfectly well that I am correct in this, and that they are all puppets in the game. Also, we can always speculate who Mahu Nahi really is. I can tell with quite some certainty that he is not human—something he also agrees with. He tells us that he was born outside Barcelona in Spain in a human body, but his spirit is not human. In the last part of his life, which ended in July, 2013, A.R. Bordon had apparently addressed a concern to Michael Lee Hill, saying that he (A.R.) had upset the Anunnaki pretty badly, and he was nervous about it. Supposedly, he ~ 207 ~


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had done something that was against their purposes and goals. Interesting then, that just a few months later, he died from Stage V Pancreatic Cancer! Being a little conspiratorial here (and why not?), it makes me wonder if this very painful and fatal disease (the same kind of cancer that my mother died from just a few months prior to A.R., by the way) was given to him with a purpose to kill him, for the same reason that he mentioned to Michael Lee Hill, namely that he had upset his alien “superiors.” It sounds as if A.R., at the end of his life, was stuck between a rock and a hard place. It strikes me kind of funny that A.R. was involved in finding a cure for cancer by the time of his death and earlier. A friend of mine has neck cancer, for which he refuses traditional treatments, and instead is working on treating naturally. A.R. offered to cure him, and guaranteed he had the means to do so. My friend, not trusting A.R., politely declined193. The moral of this story is that if A.R. actually had the cure for cancer (working with the Anunnaki, who of course already have the cure for cancer, being scientifically advanced as they are), why didn’t he cure himself? After all, he said that cancer all stems from one single source, i.e. all cancer can be cured!

Fig. 5. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife had a treatment for cancer decades ago.

The cure for cancer has been known for a long time already, and if we go back and study the work of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, to name one, we see how My friend died peacefully in his sleep shortly after I wrote this article, from the effects of his throat cancer. 193

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the solution was suppressed by the Powers That Be, and Rife’s work never saw the light of day.194 Now, by the same token, if A.R. did not have the cure for cancer, why would he offer to cure my friend? The cure could allegedly have been completed remotely, so my friend didn’t even have to go and meet with A.R.—all my friend needed to do was to send A.R. and the scientists he was working with a few strains of his hair, including the roots. According to A.R., the DNA is all represented in the hair, so that was all he needed in order to cure my friend remotely. Giving me 100% guarantees that the procedure would work, one would think that if it didn’t, what would A.R. gain from that? After all, he said he’d help my friend because of me and what I’d done for mankind. This was before I had put all the puzzle pieces together in the way I have done today in regards to LPG-C. These questions will probably remain unanswered, and bothering the rest of the former LPG-C on this matter would most certainly be fruitless (they are now dissolved and have gone “undercover,” becoming a more secretive group again, which actually happened before A.R.’s demise and not because of it). Another question that needs to be addressed, although that too must be unanswered for now, is whether Dr. Bordon really is dead, or if he is just going undercover again. Maybe he’d come to a dead end and needed to disappear from the public arena and, perhaps, will take on another disguise in the near future. Again, this is another conspiratorial subject, but it’s all in the nature of things, isn’t it? At any rate, I will always recognize A.R.’s very personal way of writing. I haven’t seen anybody write as he did. This is why I am certain that he was the author behind several top secret S.A.A.L.M. documents, although he denied it when I confronted him with it. With all this said, what conclusions can we draw? Why did LPG-C work for Ea and the AIF? Were they ignorant of this, after all, and in fact really were trying to save mankind from an alien invasion as they said they were? Did they actually work to achieve the sovereignty of humankind that they promoted? Unfortunately, evidence shows that this is almost certainly not the case. The LPG-C, no doubt, consist of highly intelligent people—something I know firsthand—so I will not buy into that they are ignorant about all this. That leaves us with only one option—they worked with on purpose. Did they perhaps not know what his agenda is? Maybe they thought is trying to help with freeing us. That’s impossible, I’m afraid, because they claim that there is an Enlilite on Nibiru’s throne (King Nannar), and A.R. said that Nannar was a very See my article from 1999, “The Witch-hunt on Alternative Medicine,” posted on my Illuminati-News website, at Rife’s research is discussed there, and how he was defeated and silenced by Big Pharma and their agents. 194

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good friend of his. We know that Nannar is just another name for, so that hypothesis doesn’t work either. We can go on and on, trying to defend LPG-C by finding a reason for their cooperation with the “Nibiruans,” but there is no reason for them to do that, unless they were working against mankind. If so, would we want to call them “traitors?” Perhaps, but I think it’s more complicated than that. For example, as I mentioned, Mahu Nahi (James of the WingMakers)195 , admits to being an ET, but who was A.R.? Was he really a human? My opinion, based on all my arguments here and previous evidence being built up throughout the levels of learning is that he was an “Anunnaki” himself. Reading between the lines, he actually hinted at it. I have little doubt that this is the case, and it certainly explains why he would go against mankind. Of course, there have always been humans who have sold their souls, too, so in that sense, the evidence may not be foolproof that he’s an ET of the AIF, but either way, the effects will be the same. Moreover, if A.R. was an AIF member, it’s more than likely that all the rest of the LPG-C Inner Core group members are as well. This may be much for the reader to ponder, but it was necessary to have it all said because we are approaching the end of the Wes Penre Papers196. More and more is being exposed these days, and although I’ve spent so much time and effort on these papers, I believe I’ve just hit the tip of the iceberg.

iii.iii. What is Agenda 21? I think many people have heard the term Agenda 21 and that it’s connected with something bad, but few people know what it is. Some, when they start understanding that so-called “conspiracy theorists” are opposing it, they lose interest. This is a big mistake, and we all need to know at least the basics of it because it affects us all. Agenda 21 stands for a global plan for the 21st Century, and it has been developed during United Nation summits. When we read a summary of the Earth Summit, it sounds similar to one of those many different programs on how to stop starvation in the world, how to protect the environment, how to strengthen the role of children and women,

To learn much more about the WingMakers, and James’ agenda, see The First Level of Learning. Look in the Table of Contents and you’ll find the papers there. 196 There may be a Level V, but if so, that will be the very last level of the Wes Penre Papers. 195

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business and industry, workers, and farmers It also says the program is going to work on science, education, and financial mechanisms.

Fig. 6. The Agenda 21 Cover

There have been many objections to this Agenda, e.g. many have protested to the fact that local governments have very little say in what is decided under the umbrella “Agenda 21.” Others think it’s good because it’s “voluntary.” Well, that’s a good way to put it—the EU was also voluntary, until non-EU countries noticed that they were sanctioned out from business and trade to a large degree if they didn’t join. Ultimately, they joined because it made it easier for businesses to continue trading, which of course supports the country’s economy. Agenda 21 is a global one—there is no doubt about that. It’s a huge plan for the Global Elite to ring in the New World Order and a One World Government—something that has always involved ETs, of course. Twenty years ago, when most of us “old timers” started looking into the New World Order agenda, we didn’t know that there were ETs on top of the hierarchal pyramid of power, but it didn’t take long before we got such indications. Agenda 21 is a program which will prepare the entire world to acknowledge the ET presence on Earth and make us accept it! After all, that’s what the One World Government has been about all the time.

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Glenn Beck, the famous TV personality, and Harriet Parke have written a book called, “Agenda 21,” which is actually a thriller197, but the authors are pointing out what they think are the dangers with Agenda 21—such as mothers, who are not allowed to raise their kids—the babies will belong to the State. Well, this is what the new Bavarian Illuminati says as well on their website, I debated this with Mike Hockley, who is a pseudonym for their prolific writer. He claimed that this is not what this society means, but rather that not all women are fit to raise their kids, in which case, the State should raise them. Sure, if we have a hopeless methamphetamine addict, being a mother who can’t take care of her baby, or if there is some other major problem, the State can go in and save the kid. Reading their website, however, doesn’t give that impression—perhaps because I’m used to reading vague statements from people and organizations who then can change these statements, claiming that this was what they meant all the time. The Bavarian Illuminati is talking about a future State, of course, and not a State where Bush or Obama are Presidents, but instead they are talking about highly trained Bavarian Illuminati members in a Meritocracy society. Sorry Mike, but the way your website is written and the summary of all your visions, may sound good to the uninitiated who has no reality on secret societies and how they work, but the tone of the website shows one of anger and even hate, which is a big red flag and should be so for others as well. We don’t want to exchange one oppressive ruler for another. Beck and Parke can, of course, hide behind the fact that their book is a work of fiction when they say that there is no government and no authorities in this new world and all food and necessities are portioned out very strictly, but I think the theme of the book is showing a nightmare scenario that will also be a reality when Agenda 21 has gained ground. The John Birch Society has taken a lot of slash over the years, being accused of both this and that, but to be honest, I have read their well-written articles for years (not all of them, by any means, but those that pertain to my work), and I find their points of view and their research quite deep and accurate many times (although, not always). Whatever their motives may be, I believe they have a pretty sane view on Agenda 21. Their CEO, Arthur R. Thompson, has written a short article on their “Stop Agenda 21” page of their website, where he says that Agenda 21 will be put in place in order to curtail our freedoms to travel as we please, own our gaspowered car, live in suburbs or rural areas, and raise a family 198. He is also 197 198 ~ 212 ~


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concerned that we no longer will own our property. He ends his article with saying that we can stop this on a local level, due to the voluntary nature of the program, but I’m sure that sanctions will, in the long-term, force states and communities to join (The John Birch Society [JBS] was established with the purpose to educate about the dangers of Communism and has often been ridiculed for its “fanatic” obsession about this political system, but now, fifty to sixty years later, Communism, in the sense of a One World Government, is more of a threat than ever. The JBS has also always, at least officially, been against the New World Order and the One World Government. In groups such as this, we should look for hidden agendas, however, but we should also see what relevant things they have to say).

Fig. 7. Arthur R. Thompson, CEO of the John Birch Society.

The Pleiadians (again) had their say on Agenda 21 in one of their recent lectures, and they mentioned similar restrictions as those of Thompson’s, although they never mentioned JBS. However, they did mention something I think is quite relevant. Since the Industrialism really became prominent, people ~ 213 ~


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have been able to travel more and more and take longer and longer trips, instead of being more or less stuck where they lived, by moving around on horseback or in horse-drawn wagons. Regular people can buy a ticket from the U.S. to Egypt to study the Great Pyramid in detail, or they can travel anywhere else in the world, too, for that matter—except to countries that are closed to foreigners. In other words, we have gained a lot of freedoms over the last one hundred years or so. We have the Internet, where we can communicate freely—in most countries— and connect with anybody who lives on the other side of the planet, if we wish. We have been able to buy technology that will enhance our lives, such as dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, refrigerators, and freezers. We have cars to travel around in, and we have freedom of speech (well, at least to a larger degree than we used to a few hundred years ago). For being slaves, we have had a short time here when we have gained more freedoms. This is of course not coincidental either. There are many reasons why the Global Elite let us have these freedoms—such as they wanted to study us in a sort of “behavioral program for lulus,” to see what we would do—ready to immediately stop it if it went out of hand. In any case, these freedoms will now, one by one, be taken away from us again in the name of “national security,” “bad economy,” and for other similar reasons. We have already noticed that it’s getting much more cumbersome to travel—especially by air. All prices go up, so people who previously had a lot of choices where they wanted to put their money now have to restrict themselves to a much larger degree. The nanosecond is over, and thus the Experiment up to that point, and now it’s time to reduce the population again and put restrictions on those who survived. Thompson and others bring up the subject on raising families. Besides what we have discussed here regarding taking children away from their parents, there is another issue here. The food is so polluted, as is the environment, and the mothers who are supposed to raise these kids are often living extremely unhealthy lives (something I see from working in the medical field), and once the babies are born, they pump them full of extremely poisonous vaccines. This is something that really saddens my heart. These little babies can’t protect themselves! The consequences are often very sick children who have many issues, such as allergies, poor immune systems, autism, ADHD, poor mental development, cancer, and much, much more. This is very deliberately done in order to reduce the population. Because both women and men eat and live unhealthy, they become infertile, and many couples will pay thousands of dollars for the woman to get pregnant—making babies that used to be free! Those who can’t afford that will live without children—unless they want to adopt. In addition, many of those who can produce children get babies who fall ~ 214 ~


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into one or more of the above categories, and they will never grow up to live a normal life. This means that their parents, who are supposed to help the child with its upbringing until it’s 18 or 21 years old (depending on the country), now have to take care of them, perhaps for the rest of their lives. Of course, there are other reasons for infertility, and there are other things that set us back, which people can’t do much about—such as chemtrails, which makes it’s even more important that we do things, and eat things, that boost our immune systems. If we don’t, we certainly will have a population reduction in the next few generations. I am not proposing that we should let the population grow until it’s out of control—because we are soon reaching a population level which may be critical for the survival of the species. Although it’s a lie that we don’t have food enough to support the entire world population if we really wanted to, we will soon come to a point when it will be hard to support a growing population. What I object to is the means by which population control is managed—we are not supposed to make people suffer in order to reduce the population. If we were civilized enough, we would have an ethical discussion about what to do in order to keep the world population at an acceptable level. I am saving the following Mr. Thompson argument until last because it has to do with the Machine Kingdom. He says that it will be almost impossible to live in suburbs and rural areas—he means, of course, that everything will be centralized—such as jobs, malls, and retail stores—all of that which people think they need and are obvious ingredients to live convenient lives. Agenda 21 is very much tied into the Machine Kingdom. We brought up the Machine Kingdom frequently in previous levels of learning, so I won’t go into any of those details here, other than to state that it has already started, and it is expanding quite rapidly! In an era when everything is named “Smart” (smart cities, smart phones, etc.), we have the signature for the Machine Kingdom. I find it sad when teenagers sit on the bus (yes, I’ve been commuting some lately) with not one, but two smart phones open at the same time—one in each hand—like a computer with two monitors. This savvy teenager, whom I was watching, was clicking on both of them at the same time, like a piano player who is playing the bass notes with her left hand and the melody with her right hand. I just wish she would have used her talents on the piano instead of the phones. How she managed to get off at the correct bus station is another mystery—she never seemed to look up from her phones. In a pdf file that the John Birch Society has compiled, it tells us about “Smart Growth,” which is a smart-program that will attempt to scare people away from continue living in suburbs or rural areas. Smart Growth is informing ~ 215 ~


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us what will happen if we live in different areas199. If we insist that we want to live outside Smart Cities, this is what will happen to us or what will affect us if they will have their ways: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Increased gas prices Manipulating transportation patterns Forcing people to migrate from rural areas to cities Denying human access to tracts of land Population reduction/limiting number of children Seizure of private property200

This will all be done incrementally, so that it looks like it’s your own free will to leave the urban areas and move into the Smart Cities in order to save money. In reality, many have no choice but to move because the gas prices will be too high, and other transportations, such as buses, will be highly reduced, as well, into just a few routes that are extremely long, so it will take a very long time to travel from A to B. In the cities, the businesses, at which you shop and work, are not very far from home, and transportation will be a minor issue. Eventually, when people leave the rural areas, these will often decay, says this JBS Report, and it’s exactly what I have suggested in Level II. Plants and animals will take over, and things left behind when people move will be overgrown. We will see real “ghost towns” where no one lives and to where no one travels. These are obvious consequences. Then they will try to make National Parks out of these abandoned areas, and if someone is still living on their own property, refusing to move, and that area is now becoming a National Park, this person will be forced to move, and there is no guarantee that he or she gets reimbursed for the property. It will be more and more obvious that people, in fact, never owned their property on which their houses stand—it belonged to the government from the beginning. This ownership doesn’t have to be implemented constantly, and when it’s not necessary, the government doesn’t care if people sell and buy property which they basically, unbeknownst to them, don’t own. As long as the government, at any time, can seize the land, that’s the way it wants it. Buying and selling property, of course, helps boosting the economy. Therefore, what are people going to do if all rural areas, one by one, will be declared National Parks? Do they have to become nomads or similar to the European Gypsies, who were always forced to move their trailers from place to See (and download) 200 Ibid., op. cit. 199

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place when the police came to chased them away? I remember this all too well from my Swedish upbringing because Gypsies were fairly common in Scandinavia, which I think they still are. I was always welcome into the Gypsy camps when I was 11-13 years old, and I sat there listening to their music and watched them dance. I was deeply impressed, and I loved it, although I could also, as a musician, hear the pain that was subtly present in much of their music. I believe there are at least two solutions if we want to continue living in communities in the rural areas. The more people wake up and refuse to follow suppressive government rules and regulations, the bigger the chance that they give people what they gave the American Indians—Reservations! Yes, but isn’t that slavery too? Aren’t we then giving into the government? Not as I see it. I look at it as the first step of really breaking free from the tyranny, and then we can expand from there. I know that some people who read this will object, and that we still, if we live on Reservations, need to give into government rules and regulations. This is true, but I still believe that from that point we can overcome. I’d rather do that than to be part of the slavery in the Smart Cities. The second solution is that by raising our frequencies, we will end up not having to live in the reality where this will be a major problem. Ideas will come which will help us overcome such obstacles. In times of need, people become brilliant with figuring out how to survive. In fact, look at the homeless people. Don’t you sometimes wonder how some of them can survive on the street, 24/7, 365 days a year? Well, with time and when the need is imminent, they get brilliant ideas which will assist them in their survival—ideas you and I haven’t had, because there hasn’t been any need to develop any such ideas. This is how it works.

Fig. 8. Abandoned smaller town in a futuristic Earth, where people move into Smart Cities?

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Also, those who have raised their vibrations and want to come back to Gaia in the next lifetime will qualify for more options. You would hardly incarnate in the Middle Ages where starvation is common amongst people in general, and you live half your short life in exquisite pain. Instead, you will have the options of incarnating into a body in the near future where building the New Era is on the schedule. Or you may choose something else—because of your increased awareness, you definitely will have more choices. Just for the record, there is a section regarding “Property Rights” in the “United Nations Environment Programme,” “Section Property Rights and the use of biological resources” of Global Biodiversity Assessment (1996), which says the following on Property Rights: Property Rights are not absolute and unchanging, but rather a complex, dynamic and shifting relationship between two or more parties, over space and time.201

These hostile environment policies go back at least to the 1976 United Nations Conference on Human Settlement. Under “Section D. Land,” of The Report of Habitat, we can read the following regarding ownership of land: Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlements, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by the individual, and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of the accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes.202

Apparently, private ownership will thereby become collective ownership. For many years, I have said—particularly on the Illuminati News website203— that the Global Elite is working toward something that can be compared with the kind of Communism they had in the former Soviet Union. Part of that is what we’re seeing here. People think they are safe if they own their land by paying off their mortgage, but that doesn’t necessary have to be true. When times are good, it’s quite unlikely that the government would seize people’s property left and right, but when the times require it—it would! The educational system will also change, of course, to more fit the “Smart” Agenda. The children will learn in school, in a more imposing way than now, Ibid., op. cit. Ibid., op. cit. 203 201 202

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that the individual is not the most important, but the community is. Henceforth, the country is more important than the community, and the global society is most important of all. Everybody is just a small worker ant in a huge Big Brother Global Society, where all we can do is to contribute our little part to the whole. The reader can probably see by now how some channeled entities are indeed not individuals, but collectives. Many of them come from our future when programs such as Agenda 21 have been implemented and new programs coming out of that and so on. The individual loses his and her value, and eventually, humanity will more and more stop thinking individually. When a certain point is reached in this regard, a super-computer will do the rest, just as I’ve suggested in earlier papers. This super-computer will be the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of the human collective—the thinking unit, which will be programmed by the AIF in such a way that the entire humanity is trapped in the programs the AIF choose to implement. We then have the ultimate controlled society—a Collective Social Memory Complex! There is much more to know about Agenda 21, and as a starter, I would suggest that the reader studies JBC’s pdf file on the subject (, and if you want to know more, there is a lot of information on the Internet. For our purpose, I think we have gotten a broader view now on how the Smart Cities will take over, and the authorities will do all they can to force people into the big cities.

IV. Disclosure of the ET Agenda in Mainstream Media Many UFO researchers have been waiting for Obama to disclose the ET phenomenon to the public. At first, when this didn’t seem to happen, they justified it by stating that Obama had been suppressed on the issue, but his program was to reveal the truth about what’s been hidden as soon as an opportunity arises—it’s just a matter of time. Now, some of these same researchers have woken up to the fact that our President, perhaps, won’t disclose any of the sort. I have no idea whether Obama is going to reveal anything at all, but if he does, we know it’s not going to be the truth. I don’t know why anyone with any knowledge about how things work behind the scenes would think that Obama would be an enlightened being, sitting where he sits in order to assist mankind. That, to me, is an impossible equation. He never had that intention, and no President of the United States has had that intention since John F. Kennedy—and even he was corrupt in some ways. The Elite, especially the International Mafia, ~ 219 ~


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who was working hand in hand with the U.S. Government—and still is, has been extremely careful whom they allow to be President since the Kennedy’s tried to reveal certain truths. JFK also had plans to expose what he knew about the “alien agenda.” Ronald Reagan knew some of what is going on—the Space War for example—but he didn’t go to any length to do anything about it. As we are well aware, Reagan was shot, too, as the Kennedys were, but Reagan survived. After Reagan, the man who had been the President of the United States behind the scenes since JFK now officially became the leader of the country—George Bush Sr.! That took care of putting stops to any disclosures. After having been a sitting President for four years, Bush withdrew and continued working in the background again, but never ceased to be the real President of the United States. Despite his old age (he’s in his 90s now), he is still the man behind Obama. So, does anyone think that anything of value, when it comes to ET Disclosure, would come from George Bush? What we see in the mainstream media, however, is an increase of reports from people who have seen UFOs in the skies. There are articles on CNN,, and other “bona fide” media report about water on Mars and life on other planets—not to forget the History and Discover Channels that are really out there “exposing” the ET phenomenon. Hence, if we call that “Disclosure,” the media is full of it. People in the UFO community hold the History and Discovery Channels high on the list of programs disclosing the alien agenda, but are they really disclosing anything of real value? I have watched a few of these programs, and it’s only emptiness—an hour with little substance. They put on people who appear to be very enthusiastic about the whole thing to make it sound exciting and revealing, but when it’s over, all you’ve learned is some things about stargates and Reptilian entities that have been spotted here and there. Of course, they don’t reveal any solutions to anything, and they are very careful not to mention nanotravel and how aliens really shapeshift. When they talk about the Anunnaki, they are heavily promoting Sitchin’s version. In other words, all I have seen is the AIF, who owns the media, dictating what they want released in order to fit things into their agenda—nothing new there, in other words. The AIF, who is behind all this, will never disclose anything that would jeopardize their Agenda—that is obvious! Why would they do that, and what makes people think that they would? The AIF are not stupid. What they do want, however, is to reveal a version of the truth, which they want us to believe in so that we are prepared and don’t totally freak out when the time comes, either for their staged “Second Coming” or the fake mass landing of either a benevolent or

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malevolent star race. This is all a show to push a long planned goal—something we have talked about earlier. If the Second Coming is next on the Agenda, then the Ashtar Command will be the group they will use in order to present their “Space Jesus.” In Level III, we discussed in detail who this Space Jesus would be—Lucifer himself. Surprise, surprise! Where does the Ashtar Command say that they come from? Arcturus! Who is in charge of Arcturus? Khan En.lil and Queen Nin are in charge as part of the Greater Bear and the Orion Empire. Then, why does the Ashtar Command claim to be from Arcturus? It claims this because sometime in the future, if something goes wrong and humanity figures out that Arcturus is an important part of the Orion Empire, the wrongdoings of the Ashtar Command will perhaps be blamed on the Orion Empire, Khan En.lil, and Queen Nin. In fact, the Ashtar Command does not have ties to Arcturus but to the Lesser Bear (Ursa Minor), over which Lord Marduk is in command. This, however, has been a well-kept secret. The show is actually already on the road, as we’ve discussed before. Ea is here, residing under the ocean floor, Marduk is also here, with his headquarters probably in Pine Gap, Australia, which some say is the most safeguarded and protected place on Earth, with the real base being located underground.

V. “Uncle Lu” Wants You to Evolve for his Cosmic Army! Sometimes it’s funny how obvious things are once we’ve seen through the veil of lies and deceit. Not too many years ago, I thought that we who want to evolve into higher awareness and consciousness would have to be careful so that the Dark Forces don’t come and kill us. There was a time when everybody talked about how careful we must be but at the same time be brave enough to reveal what we had found out. If we died in the progress despite this, so be it! This is, of course, not true. If the Dark Forces wanted us dead, we wouldn’t sit here. “Uncle Lu”204 and his AIF are very happy to see us evolve because that’s a part of the plan. If you were Ea and you wanted to know who is evolved and who is not, what would you do under today’s circumstances? Well, why not check the Internet and see who is making websites on “evolved subjects,” and who is following and surfing in on such websites? That would certainly be one way to The nickname “Uncle Lu,” referring to Ea/Lucifer, was made up by the Pleiadians a few months ago in one of their lectures. Half joking, and half serious, they gave him this name after they had revealed that Ea had been guiding them through the nanosecond. 204

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do it. The Internet was of course set up by the Elite to track people and to see what they are up to. Edward Snowden, the NSA whistle-blower, just revealed that the NSA are tracking billions of cell phones and can pull up a five-year history, at least, on more or less anyone who owns a cellphone. Also, they can see who is looking at porn online, in case they need to use that against those people sometime in the future.

Fig. 9. “Uncle Lu wants you to evolve for his Cosmic Army. Enlist now!”

There is no reason to freak out about this because it shouldn’t come as a surprise. Don’t think that you are the only one they are not tracking—we are still their slaves, and they want to know what we are doing, 24/7. Some readers may feel this instant urge to stop going to websites such as mine when they read what I just wrote, but that’s not very helpful. It’s not that the FBI or NSA are going to come knocking at our doors—they don’t need to do that, and they have no wish to either. What the AIF is doing is to put people into different categories—she is “evolved,” he is watching soap operas and drinking beer, she doesn’t want to have anything to do with spiritual subjects, while he is materialistic down to the core. They want to group people and keep statistics so that they know who is most likely to fit the category of moving into Smart Cities and who is an “outcast.” In general, it’s not as if one category is more valuable than another—

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the AIF can make use of most of us, although there probably are some people they don’t mind sacrificing to keep the population on a tolerable level. So why do they want us to evolve? I have touched on that earlier, but let’s go a little deeper into it. In fact, there are at least two different main categories of evolved people—those who are into New Age and Ascended Masters and those who realize that the answers are inside and that we don’t need any saviors or gurus. The AIF prefers the first category—they can be very useful as supersoldiers because they are psychic (which the second category is as well, but the second category is harder to control). They will most possibly also be the ones used to get into the KHAA through the backdoor. I mention this again because there is one thing we haven’t brought up yet in relation to this, and that is the difference or, perhaps, the intertwining between the physical world and the spirit world. There is some information we haven’t discussed, which we will discuss in this paper and in the next, the last one. Another thing I’ve noticed that many people have difficulties with is the 4% and the 96% Universe, which is understandable because it’s an entirely new concept that needs time to sink in and become a part of our neuropathways. People who have read my papers still talk about traveling to other planets, hoping to find life there. In other words, they think we can build spaceships that will take us to solar systems many, many light-years away—perhaps moving through “hyperspace” via Einstein-Rosen bridges (the “folded space theory”) and arriving in another part of the galaxy or the Universe. This was a theory I supported in Level I as part of the LPG-C “Working Model” hypothesis, and this is something many astrophysicists support today as well. It would “work” even with their “Standard Model,” they claim. Hypothetically, this could work, so let’s say we arrive in a solar system 3,000 light-years away. The foreign sun looks similar to ours, and even the planets in the solar system are spread out in a similar fashion as in our own solar system. Therefore, we land on a planet which is on a perfect distance from the Sun, and we expect to find life there because the chances of this would be very high—especially as this planet, let’s say, is almost a copy of Earth. However, our disappointment will be big when we notice that all we find is a barren rock in space. There is no life—not even the smallest plant! Anyway, we don’t give up, so we go ahead and visit a lot of solar systems with planets that hypothetically could contain life, but there is no life anywhere. It feels as if we’re alone in the Universe. In fact, the above scenario is very likely to happen if we don’t learn about the 96% and nanotravel. As long as we’re in human bodies, which have the majority of their DNA disconnected, we will only perceive 4% of the Universe. ~ 223 ~


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This is also the reason why we don’t find life where we expect to find it. The “Third Dimension,” as we perceive it, is Lucifer’s Realm. Since he locked us into this frequency band by disconnecting our DNA, we have been quite alone in the Universe, seen from our point of view. The only reason there would be life on another planet somewhere out there would be if Lucifer (or someone else) created a similar experiment somewhere else, within the same locked-in frequency band. Otherwise, we can’t perceive what’s out there in the Universe. However, the Universe is teeming with life, but we can’t see it! We can land on a planet that contains a lot of life, but we don’t notice it. Life just doesn’t happen by itself in the Third Dimension—it has to be created from an outside source. Therefore, life on planets only exists in solar systems where star beings have decided to use one or more of the planets to create life there for any reason. Many times, the planets in the solar systems remain barren. Instead, star beings live in the stars (suns) in the KHAA (the 96%), or in space (also the KHAA), where they create whatever they wish to create. The choices are limited only to a being’s imagination. These things are very important to understand or the reader misses the entire point with space travel and beings on other worlds. Of course, here is where nanotravel comes into the picture—once we humans have “plugged in” our “junk” DNA, we will be able to perceive the whole spectrum of dimensions and densities, and we will for the first time connect with the real Universe. The Universe we perceive now is quite barren and depleted of life as we know it. As long as the astronomers look for life the way they currently do, they will not find anything. In previous papers, we have mentioned other species who live on planets. Some of them live in the Sirius star system, others in Rigel, and so on. However, even if we, with our limited bodies, would be able to travel to these particular planets, we would find them barren, with no life upon them, although there are entire civilizations living there. Again, the reason we can’t see or perceive them is because they are existing outside our tiny band of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Thus, as long as we’re trapped in these manipulated human bodies, we are more or less alone in the Universe. Another option is to escape the trap once our current bodies die and we can go through a hole in the Grid. You, the Soul fire and the Avatar, can then go out and explore the real Universe, which is now suddenly teeming with life. Now, after we have refreshed our memories, we can continue talking about the physical world and the spirit world in more detail.

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VI. Spirit and Matter—What is the Difference? What is it the Alien Invasion Force Really Wants from Humans? Many think that the negative ETs are after our souls, but if the AIF beings are made up of Fire, and thus have souls, why would they want our souls when they already have souls of their own? One could say that they might want our souls to dominate us, but isn’t that what they are doing already and have done here on Earth for so long now? In the papers thus far, we have thoroughly discussed that a) the AIF want our Fire (especially the female Fire) in order to invade Orion, b) they want bodies of certain bloodlines to stay pure so that they, the AIF, can inhabit them, c) they want supersoldiers for their Cosmic Army, d) they want our souls to evolve, and e) they want slaves to boost businesses and do their work in general. Still, there is something in addition to all this—something more important—that they want as well, which we have not touched on yet, but the time to do so is now! I’ve saved it for last because for us humans, it is very important to comprehend what I’m now going to tell you. Therefore, please read it carefully and make sure you really understand it. If needed, go back and review it a second time and a third time. I don’t care how many times you read it as long as you really grasp it. I will spend some time on it and slowly get to the point, as you will notice. I decided to do it that way, but it’s well worth it. So, here we go. If dominating us would be the end game for the AIF, why then does it look as if the Global Elite are changing things around, as if they are planning something new or are waiting for something? Also, what we just discussed was that the Global Elite is not stopping us from evolving either—they want our souls to evolve, but in their usual manner, they need to keep us confused, not knowing what exactly it is that they want. Even Sitchin wrote that and his scientists were quite careful to make sure that they created a species that would eventually evolve on their own. Moreover, why did the AIF want to keep the template of the original humans and just add their own genes to it, doing so in moderation only? They could have used already existing humans and added their own genes in much greater number than they did, but it was important for them to keep the primordial humans as intact as possible. It was more important to make the existing template sturdier and accustomed to hard labor, which the primordial humans were not designed for, rather than adding too much of their own, alien DNA, which automatically would have made them stronger. Also, they disconnected us from the Multiverse and locked us in a frequency that they knew was only temporary—in time, humanity would evolve anyway, and they ~ 225 ~


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welcomed it! In this sense, Sitchin was correct, although he taught us that it was a benevolent decision from to allow us to grow. Not so, as we shall see. We have discussed earlier about and his team want us to evolve for reasons such as using us as a more delicious food source, but also they want to use our Fire in conquering space (including Orion). However, is that all? Is there a deeper reason why the AIF team wants us evolved? I have learned, from listening to the lectures, that the Pleiadians are nonphysicals, i.e. they don’t have any bodies. At first, they were reluctant to admit it, but lately, they have given in, and now they don’t mind saying that they are nonphysical beings—they are not only beings who leave their bodies to channel their message to mankind but also they are really non-physical. The only thing they can do is to create things the “Q-way” (referring to Star Trek), but they don’t have access to a planet as we do. They said straight out that we should be happy to live in a body on this planet because most non-physicals are jealous of us. Although being a non-physical can be exciting for a while, the knowledge that there are those who have access to the Third Dimension (we humans) makes them want to experience what we do. They envy our abilities to have sex, to be able to smell and taste, to eat good meals, and to have a “physical” experience in general. Dr. A.R. Bordon, who was in contact with the AIF, often mentioned that he was puzzled over what it was that made humans “royal.” Now, after the fact, I know that he knew the answer to that question but pretended he didn’t. Alex Collier, claiming to have had contact with the Andromedans, also said many times that humans are considered being “royal” by other star beings. Although we have the Fire of the Goddess, I wondered myself for a long time what it is that really makes us royal. Was that really it—that we have the Fire of the Goddess? Don’t other star beings actually have that, too, when we really think about it? After all, soul-wise, we are all created by the Mother Goddess in her overall Divine form, where she exists in everything, as in the term, All There Is. Therefore, we have the soulfire in common with all other star beings who have a soul and are not Artificial Intelligence. In that sense, we are all royal, but what is it that makes mankind stick out? Human souls are part of the Goddess’s very special Experiment that only includes human souls, and in that sense, we may be considered royal—something we’ve discussed before, but it sounds as if there is something missing here. There must be something more to it. Hence, let’s continue pondering this for a while. What is it that we have that other star beings don’t have? Does it have to do with the physical or the spiritual world? You would probably answer “the spiritual world,” but is it actually that obvious? ~ 226 ~


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Let’s take a look at the mind for a moment. What is the mind? Is the mind physical or spiritual? If we listen to human scientists, the mind is equivalent to the brain, and if this is true, the mind is definitely physical, and the mind dies when the body dies. The mind, of course, is what we consider being the “individual” or the “personality.” In mainstream physics, psychology, psychiatry, and similar sciences, the brain is the thinking unit. They have come to this conclusion because when studying the brain, scientists can see how electromagnetic impulses activate different parts of the brain, depending on whether we are thinking abstract or concrete thoughts. The brain is also sending impulses to the rest of the body to accomplish certain tasks, such as lifting an arm, walking, talking, and so on. Moreover, the brain is responsible for automatic functions, such as breathing and heartbeats. So far, so good, but one question remains: from where do these electromagnetic impulses (or pulses) originate? Do they really originate in the brain, or do they come from elsewhere, using the brain to control the body? Conservative scientists deny that incidents such as Out of Body Experiences (OBEs) can exist because if they do, their whole brain theory is invalid. If a person can have an OBE, the brain can’t be the thinking unit—but whatever is leaving the body is—we usually call it the soul. Nowadays, OBEs are so common that scientists have to address them, so they say that it’s just the brain playing tricks on the body when we are close to death and is caused by the lack of oxygen to the brain, i.e. we are hallucinating. I am saying that the electromagnetic impulses that can be measured in the brain are indeed these small fires I’ve been talking about since Level II—fires that send out bioelectricity,205 and the bioelectricity they are sending to the mind is what takes care of the thinking, not the impulses sent to the brain. The brain impulses are what takes care of body functions. Of course, then we have “left brain thinking” and “right brain thinking,” which seemingly contradicts what I just said—at least to some degree. In reality, it doesn’t. To understand this, we need to know what the mind really is and how it works. However, before we discuss that, we also need to acknowledge that each chakra has its own “brain”— thus we say that “she is thinking with her heart” (heart chakra), or “he is thinking with his genitals” (his second chakra, which has to do with survival and procreation). In metaphysics, we say that the mind survives body death. Does this mean that the mind is the same as the soul? In a very vague manner, metaphysics often explains the mind as being one with the soul, which then makes the soul 205

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our personality. In metaphysics, this makes sense because there we also learn that we always take the personality with us—regardless if we are alive of “dead.” However—metaphysics, the way it’s known by man—usually doesn’t mention Fire, which in my papers is explained as being equivalent to what people mean by the soul. If we take this one step further, I’ve also explained that our personality actually can be destroyed and is being destroyed, on very rare occasions, in space wars. This is done by destroying our Avatar or Light-body. Therefore, the mind is actually non-physical, the way we are looking at things from our 3-D perspective. The mind is the Avatar, and the mind is created by millions of small fires, which make up the bigger Fire, which is the soul. With very advanced technology, the Avatar can thus be destroyed, and the millions of fires (bioelectricity) will be spread out in space, losing their ability to unite, and thus losing their mobility. When this happens in a battle and allies are present watching it happen, there are also weapons that can reverse the damage and save the “mind,” making the being “whole” again. If that doesn’t happen, the particular soul/avatar will now become One with the Universe and lose her individuality. Thus, the Fire and the Avatar are apparently something we have in common with other star beings as well—physical or non-physical. Thus, if the AIF wants something from us humans that they don’t have themselves, it’s apparently not the mind because they already have a mind. Now when we have a metaphysical understanding of what the mind is, we can also better comprehend what is happening in the human brain. If the mind equals the Light-body, the Light-body is surrounding the physical body, keeping its shape and form in 3-D reality. Therefore, when we activate a certain thought pattern, it manifests first in a certain place in the Light-body, which corresponds with the place in the physical body. Hence, when we think scientific thoughts, the left side of the brain gets more activated and “lit up,” and in case we think more fluid, artistic, and multidimensional thoughts, we activate the right side of the brain. What happens in the Light-body/Avatar will also happen in the physical body—they communicate with each other, and respond to each other. Taking this to an extreme—if someone would destroy our Avatar while we are still in a physical body, I would imagine that the physical body, which is dependent upon the Avatar and its fires, would simply dissolve into “nothingness” in front of people’s eyes. Considering the physical, we also have beings who have developed and evolved on planets, as we have, although it’s not as common as we may have thought. However, from an interdimensional perspective, we will definitely find ~ 228 ~


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species that have developed on planets as discussed in Level II where I said that these races could at one point choose if they want to continue living on their planet or if they want to leave their bodies behind and become non-physicals and thus being able to nanotravel and create in the Q-way. This is exactly what distinguishes us from other beings, whether they have evolved on planets, in stars, or elsewhere. The royal part of humanity is the “physical” body! This is the whole point for Queen Nin’s and Prince Ninurta’s “Experiment.” The Goddess wanted to create a template, which becomes one with the soul and mind—thus we have the soul/mind/body complex. On other planets, where beings evolve, similar to us, they come to a point where they have to choose whether they stay in a body and travel through space in a “space suit,” created to withstand the harshness of traveling in space, using Einstein-Rosen bridges to travel from one point to another, or leave their bodies behind and become nanotraveling nonphysicals. They have to choose one or the other—they can’t have it both ways! The difference is that we humans can have it both ways! Our original body templates were built in a way so that we can enjoy both the physical world and the spiritual realm at the same time. We can stay on Earth, using our Fire and Avatar to nanotravel, and come back to Earth and continue our business here. That is, of course, if we aren’t trapped beneath the Grid in bodies that have been impaired. The original Experiment worked just as planned until the Invader Force came. The choice ETs have in regards to how they want to live in their reality is everything. As long as they choose to be planet-bound with physical bodies, they have to take the bodies with them when they travel in space. This doesn’t mean that these being have to be locked into a Third-Dimensional reality—their bodies may be much more interdimensional than ours—but the Fires and Avatars that occupy these bodies are stuck with them as long as they decide not to become non-physicals, or they may not be evolved enough to be able to make the choice. Here on Earth, we have a lot of people who have had encounters with the Grays, as we have discussed earlier. These “Gray bodies” are perfect space suits, and are used solely by Lucifer’s Minions, who are living in physical realities. What we need to know is that the Grays are unique for being Lucifer’s Minions—they come from worlds which he has conquered or worlds where he has recruited the inhabitants to follow him. All stationary beings, living on planets, need a space suit which can tolerate the harsh space conditions, but that doesn’t mean they have to look exactly like those Grays that we see. If they have never encountered Lucifer and his army, they will look different because they have no way of knowing what Lucifer’s “Grays” look like. However, even if they ~ 229 ~


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have never heard of Lucifer, the space suits will probably look similar to those of the Zeta Grays because it’s the kind of suit which has the best qualities when it comes to space travel. A species has to be quite evolved to realize this and be able to create such “space suits.” The “Verdants” are a good example of a species who apparently has developed without Lucifer’s influence, but this race still has a space suit similar to what we call the “Zeta Reticuli Grays.” In Level III, we also encountered the Grays, being versions of us in the future—half human and half machine—but they are still associated with Lucifer and his Machine Kingdom and thus often look similar to the Zetas.

Fig. 10. “Gray alien”—the perfect space suit?

The South African Zulu shaman, Credo Mutwa, who David Icke mentions often in his work, told Icke that he had examined Grays who had been found dead in the African bush. He said that the exterior part indeed is a suit of some sort and that it is very hard to penetrate. The sharpest axe they could get ahold of was required to break through the suit, and inside the suit they found a reptilian being.206 I would say that the above story is about 50% true. It is true that the Gray “body” is a space suit, which the AIF uses to travel in space, but to say that we need an axe to break through the suit I believe is totally made up. However, the

David Icke (2013-11-22). “The Perception Deception” - Part One (Kindle Locations 1922-1923). David Icke Books Limited. Kindle Edition. 206

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rest of the story is as unbelievable as they come! There are no “beings” inside the space suit—Reptilian or not. What the AIF does is that they transfer their consciousness into this robotic, half biological body, and then use it to travel in space. Hence, it doesn’t matter how many autopsies that are done on these beings—there is no other physical body inside the suit. I know that people have encountered other kinds of beings besides the Grays, but we also have this phenomenon called “shapeshifting.” A lot of Lucifer’s Minions out in the Universe are his own hybrids in one form or another. When he has conquered a world somewhere, he is fast with creating his own kind there because they are easier to control, and they can control the rest of the population that are now prisoners of war and can choose either to join Lucifer’s mission or to be terminated. In addition, he has also seeded new, previously barren worlds with his own hybrids, who then of course are physical beings who need to travel in space by using Lucifer’s technology, i.e. to transfer their consciousness from their original body to a Gray spacesuit. Then we have beings, such as the Nommos, who chose to follow Lucifer. Many were killed in the Sirian Wars, but their Fires and Avatars were imprisoned by Khan En.lil in the Sirian Dark Star. Moreover, their privilege of becoming Creator Gods was taken away by having their Avatars damaged. In their cases, their Fires can still hang on to the damaged Avatar in order to keep the Fires together, but they would never be able to use their Avatars to travel through space anymore. Because of the fate of his Minions in Sirius, Lucifer created a bloodline here on Earth that could house the souls (Fires) of the Nommos. By breaking into the Sirian prison, many Nommo souls could be released and transferred to these human hybrid bodies on Earth, specifically created to fit the Nommo Fires. Although they brought their damaged Avatars with them, these bloodlines will never be able to nanotravel—not even with a human hybrid body because their unrepairable Avatars will not be able to handle it. The Nommos are forever restricted to travel through space in spaceships or hollowed-out crafts using Gray spacesuits.

vi.i. The Fine Line Between the Physical World and the Spiritual Realm If we really ponder what we have discussed in the previous section, what is the actual difference between the spiritual realm and the material world? When these matters are discussed by people in general, these terms are constantly being thrown around without any real comprehension of what they really mean.

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From what I have concluded here, the human form consists of at least three different parts: the soul/Fire composite, the Avatar/mind/Light-body, and the “physical” body that we use in the Third Dimension. The latter is also called the “Human Template,” which is not necessarily restricted to our planet. This template always consists of a head, two arms, a torso, and two legs. However, in our original human form (the Primordial Womankind), these three components, which make up humankind, were basically all One unit. Thus, these three units, making up One human, can’t exist without each other or we won’t be human anymore. Not until the AIF tampered with our DNA was there a separation between the physical world and the spirit realm. 500,000 years ago and further back, there was no “death.” The lack of death was a big part of the whole original Experiment! As mentioned in Level II, Mother Goddess wanted to create this Experiment as a Living Library, existing in the KHAA. Many Creator Gods were involved in the process, and it was done without technology. The Living Library was a “program” called Nature, set up in the Spirit Realm and equivalent to the KHAA. It is my understanding that if this would work, it could be a forerunner for similar programs to be created elsewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy and in other galaxies as well. It would add a very interesting component to this Universe. Also, the Goddess wanted to see if beings created as a “three parts unit,” in this program called Nature, could evolve into compassionate and loving beings. The whole Experiment was supposed to happen in “one go,” meaning that multidimensional beings could hold their position as planetary, stationary entities with an important duty to guard and maintain the Library, and at the same time travel across the Universe by riding their Avatars—so-called nanotravel—when they needed to or wished to do so. If everything went according to the plan, these androgynous beings would become very multifaceted, using all their abilities as multidimensional beings with all their DNA developed. There were no “strings attached” for the souls involved in this project, and they were always welcomed into Orion and the Inner Sanctuary of the Empire—Satania. Indeed, the Namlú’u nanotraveled back and forth between Orion and Earth. In charge of this project was Prince Ninurta, stepson of Khan En.lil, son of Queen Nin, and brother of Prince Lucifer, aka Ea. The Project went exactly as anticipated, and everybody was happy until the Invader Force came. Once Lucifer took charge, death came into the picture— death and separation. He created another hologram based on limitations instead of Free Will and endless possibilities. The Namlú’u went from being totally free to becoming the ultimate slave race. This was too much for many of them, and they didn’t survive. ~ 232 ~


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What we usually refer to when we discuss the physical world, or even the physical universe, is all that which we perceive as solid enough to be perceived by our five senses. In other words, we are discussing energy trapped in matter, where matter is condensed energy. The Third Dimension is a low frequency band that lacks fluidity—it’s similar to putting water in a bucket and then freezing it. It’s not fluid anymore. Now think about this really carefully: the AIF are famous for their technology, and they are travelling around in hollowed-out asteroids and planetoids. Is that physical or is it spiritual? It sounds pretty physical to me. Then, many of them need specially designed space suits to be able to take their bodies on space journeys. That sounds quite physical to me too. Then, what do they do? They invade a world that is not physical—Planet Earth or Gaia! Thus, we have physical beings invading a spiritual world! Isn’t that exactly the opposite from what we have been taught in regards to the Anunnaki? After the Invasion, the AIF were quite fast with decreasing the frequency of the planet so that it started vibrating in a lower part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which we today call 3D. In addition, they disconnected the “spiritual” part of our DNA, if we put it bluntly, which lowered our body frequency to a very solid reality—the so-called physical world, which these beings were so familiar with. Add to this a Pleiadian lecture I listened to a few months ago, where they say that the “Anunnaki” (yes, they call them that) are not very spiritual beings. They are more into technology. That is correct. These beings are far from spiritual. We, humankind, are the spiritual ones—we are the ones who sit on spiritual knowledge. Isn’t it funny then how the AIF have sometimes presented themselves as “spiritual teachers?” This is why they need us—they need everything that has to do with emotions, spiritual knowledge, and compassion, not only because they lack these but also because without them, how can they get into Orion, which is in the Spiritual Realm—the Spiritual Dimensions? In hollowed-out asteroids? No, they need our bodies to get access to the Spiritual Realm!

vi.ii. The Main Reason for the Ancient Gold Rush? Although some think that the Anunnaki were actually not mining gold here on Earth, but that the mining had other purposes, I am pretty sure that gold and precious stones were what they were after. What I don’t believe, however, is that they dug for gold in order to enhance the atmosphere of some nebulous planet called Nibiru. They needed gold—and lots of it—mainly for a totally different purpose, and we have touched on that before as well.

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Fig. 11. Nefertiti bust. Note her elongated skull.

If the AIF were actually much more physical beings than we are, then there may be an urge for them to stay alive and not dying over and over again, or even more important, perhaps—they don’t want to grow old if they can help it. This is one aspect of it, but even more likely than that is that gold enhances the bioelectricity of the body and the brain, and thus these beings can function on a higher level, in a higher capacity.207 Eventually, this also increases the size of the cranium. Thus, we find elongated skulls all over the planet, and if we look at the skulls of many pharaohs (Nefertiti [fig. 11] and Tutankhamen [fig. 12] are perfect examples), who were Ea’s Elite hybrids, they had elongated skulls too—Nefertiti, more so than Tutankhamen. I am not saying that all beings with elongated skulls achieved those by inhaling gold, but some of them probably did. If gold enhances the brain power of these beings, they may also have found a way to increase their lives with help from technology. We know that Earth has an abundance of gold if we dig for it and had even more so half a million years ago, so this planet must have been a real “gold mine” (literally and figuratively speaking) for them. All the digging they did all over the planet (and there is a lot of evidence for it) was probably well worth it.

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A word of caution here, however. I do not recommend that we humans experiment with gold—especially if we are not totally sure of what we’re doing.

Fig. 12. Reconstruction of Tutankhamen— hybrid. This is how he most likely looked like in real life. Artists put skin on his skull, and this is what they got. (

I’d like to place a last note on the AIF and their “physicality.” Some readers may ask themselves how these beings can be more physical than we are, when they, in fact, can move in and out of the dimensions. I can understand if this thought comes to mind, but the truth of the matter is that the AIF only have access to eight dimensions (something I’ve mentioned a few times in the papers), which are the dimensions of the physical universe. The dimensions above the first eight are the upper KHAA dimensions, or the “spiritual universe,” to which the AIF have no access.

vi.iii. They Want us to Be Aware, but not Aware Enough to Realize Who is Pulling the Strings Now we have established that the bioelectricity that runs through our physical bodies is very important to the AIF. Each time we enhance our bioelectricity, ~ 235 ~


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they want to be there and take advantage of it if they can. Therefore, it’s quite easy to imagine that they want to have us monitored and under surveillance— especially in these times when so much preparation is being made. The increased surveillance is justified under the Nation Security Laws and Regulations—the AIF and the Global Elite haven’t gone through all this effort with creating global terrorism for nothing. We know that as a consequence of staged events, such as 9/11, school shootings etc., our freedoms are taken away from us, one by one, and the government is telling us that it’s all for the good because by doing so, it’s easier for them to protect us. The majority of the population seems to believe this to be true. If people only realized what they are doing when they are letting the authorities find out everything about them in order to “protect” them, they would be horrified. Not only that—they are also monitoring us from the lower astral, something we also mentioned earlier. When we have sex here on Earth and we are having orgasms, these register in the astral (and in higher dimensions), and look something similar to lightning striking upward, into the VOID. They can immediately see if it is a female or a male orgasm depending on the intensity and nature of it. Sometimes it happens that two people having sex have orgasms simultaneously, which is extra powerful. Orgasms open the chakras and release bioelectricity into the KHAA—all the way to the highest of dimensions in the highest of the electromagnetic spectra. This is the energy the AIF wants to collect and store for their own use—both in present time and in the future. This also means that very little of the bioelectricity that is released actually reaches the goal, which is the Inner Sanctuaries of the KHAA—most of the energies are hijacked somewhere on the way.

vi.iv. Death was the only Option for the AIF That which the AIF most desired was also what they were most afraid of—our physical bodies. In order to control us, they had to let our physical bodies go through “death”—a separation that they considered being necessary. If they let us live forever, we would soon figure out who is controlling us. Instead, they decided to let us go through body death and be born again in a new body. Eventually we would evolve, but on their terms—at least that’s what they thought. This was a much better way to go from the AIF’s standpoint—no Tree of Life, only the Tree of Knowledge, but a little at the time and under strict control. In order not to letting us evolve too fast, they had to induce fear into our daily lives and make sure we had enough problems to deal with so that we didn’t have ~ 236 ~


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time to think too much about who we are. For millennia, our spiritual development was severely suppressed, or we would have evolved too fast. The AIF had to introduce linear time into the equation—time which was determined and controlled from Saturn, the “Time Keeper.” This way, they could put us on a schedule, which would slow us down even more. In other words, in order to keep us in check, they had to invent more and more sophisticated ways to control us. Someone compared it with holding down a balloon at the bottom of a pool—as soon as we let go of the balloon, it quickly floats up to the surface. The dilemma was that they needed a certain number of people on the planet, and a certain number of these people needed to be evolved so that they could be used by the AIF. Therefore, they needed a population growth, which had to be more rapid the closer we came to the nanosecond. They figured out that to be able to get a certain number of the population evolved enough, they needed around seven billion people on the planet. However, they also needed to create an environment in which seven billion people could live. This is when the Industrial Revolution came about, and the Rise of the New Atlantis—the United States of America. From there, we slowly but surely moved toward a more global society. People became healthier, started living longer, and getting children was, under certain circumstances, encouraged. The world population, in spite of two World Wars, increased exponentially, and now, by the end of the nanosecond, we are about seven billion people on the planet, which apparently is the ceiling for how many humans the AIF wants on the planet at this particular time. But why did the AIF want so many people on Earth at the same time? They must be extremely hard to control. In actuality, it was not as hard as it sounds. When the world population increased, the technology became more and more sophisticated. Beings from space landed and visited with the President of the United States (other heads of states were visited as well), and advanced technology was offered in exchange for the right to abduct a certain number of people. President Eisenhower’s treaty with the Grays is now classic, but these kind of treaties go further back in time. The Nazis had also access to advanced technology—advanced enough to build Flying Saucers and more. Television was introduced in the 40s-50s, and that was a success for the AIF. The TV got the majority of the population hooked, and through TV, the Global Elite could spread their propaganda and were thus able to keep a large number of people in check. The Internet did the same thing, and then the cell phones and smart phones. Hence, to have a few controlling a large population with time became a piece of cake. ~ 237 ~


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Today, the world population is seven billion people, and the nanosecond is over. It was quite a large number of people who did evolve, even if statistically they were just a small percentage, and this was the whole idea with a huge population increase. A certain percentage evolving out of seven billion people was what was needed to have an effect on the mass consciousness. Therefore, from what it seems, everything went per the plan. Now, it’s just a matter of having as many evolved people as possible follow the Luciferian Agenda without being aware of it. This is being worked on day and night by infiltrating the Spiritual Movement. The channeling phenomenon is a big part of it, and so is the infiltration of the Internet by government agents, who are opening forums, commenting on forums, introducing ascended masters on the scene, creating websites that reveal a lot of truth but with an intention to mislead, and much, much more. They encourage us to evolve, but they want us to evolve in a direction which is set up by them—the AIF. People have the right to choose their own paths, but at least I want to share my own conclusions when it comes to increased awareness, and I want to throw out a few warnings as well so that, hopefully, at least a few people think twice before they do something they may regret. My advice is as follows, but remember that these are my conclusions, and the reader may take it or leave it. We all basically have Free Will to go in whatever direction we want, and with this said, here we go: 1. Always look inside yourself for answers. If something feels right for you, look deeper into it. If it feels wrong, it probably is. 2. No one has the right to tell you what to think and what to do with your life. You are in charge of your own destiny, and it’s your responsibility to make decisions that will assist you in your spiritual growth. 3. Don’t force your own beliefs and convictions on others. If they want to hear what you have to say, say it, but don’t try to convince anybody. It’s perfectly fine to give information to those who are asking for it, but respect if they want to stay with their old beliefs. When they are ready to move on, they will. Only they can decide when. 4. You are a sovereign person. No one owns you, and you own nobody. Never compromise with what you feel is true, but at the same time, always be open for new ideas if they can benefit you. 5. Don’t wait for a savor, or saviors, to come down from the Heavens to save us! If someone—be it an angel, a new Messiah, the Ashtar Command, or anybody else—comes down to say that he or she is here to save mankind, or those who want to be saved, walk the other way. These beings are

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always deceptive and have their own agendas that no sane person wants to become part of. 6. Don’t fall into the Harvest trap. When you hear about harvesting of souls, where the “chosen ones” can go to higher dimensions, while the not so lucky have to stay behind, say “no thanks” and walk the other way. 7. Disagree with nearly everything the “System” has taught you in order to keep the System going. I know you can’t just walk away from everything because you have a certain setup having to do with your immediate survival, and you probably don’t want to end up homeless on the street, but disagree and refuse what you can, and “think” the rest: “I disagree with this, and I disagree with that.” This will stay in your energy field and work for you once you leave this reality (see item #8). 8. When your day comes and it’s time to leave your body, you have different choices. A) You can go through the Tunnel toward the Light and continue doing what you’ve been doing for thousands of years now—recycle into a new body and start all over. B) You follow your Guide (or Guides), who probably are benevolent, but will have you end up in the same place as in A). C) You can tell whomever wants to guide you that this time you don’t need their assistance, and that you have seen through the trap. You disagree with everything these controlling forces do, and you are going to go your own way. There may be those who will try to convince you otherwise, but you continue being determined and instead you go through a hole in the Grid (you will see the Grid when you look for it). Once you’re outside the Grid, you will see the Universe the way it really looks like, and as one of my sources told me: “What you see will be very hard to describe to someone who can only perceive things with their five senses.” Now you’re free to explore the Universe. You’re only a thought away from wherever you want to go. You never get lost because you can think yourself back to where you started, if you wish. You can also “knock on the door” to the Orion Empire, and they will most probably let you in because you are an evolved, human soul. D) Instead of going toward the Light, you can look at Earth and decide when and where you want to incarnate next time, in case you decide to do that. Now, with your knowledge, you qualify for more evolved realities. There is no longer any need to incarnate in, let’s say, the Dark Ages. You now have the opportunity, if you so wish, to incarnate on a future, parallel version of Earth, which is in a better condition than the one you just left. I want to make sure that the readers understand that just because the AIF is looking for evolved people, it doesn’t have to be you. We are all here to evolve, ~ 239 ~


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so it is important that we understand what is required from us in order to do so without interference. This time we just need to be smarter than we were the last time, just before Atlantis sank under the ocean. The Pleiadians, too, are talking about the Grid, and that it now has holes in it. This is from “Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library” from 1994: It used to be that you would have to learn many disciplines and prepare your body for years before you could successfully experience Kundalini energy. It was indeed the rare individual who was able to access Kundalini, for a number of reasons. Earth was surrounded by a fence of frequency control. As Kundalini rises in the body, it meets the cosmic forces that come from outside the body, and the body becomes alive and energized. It is just like pulling a pillar of light into the body. Those who would keep you from knowledge have had their boundaries penetrated, and the frequency-control fence around the planet is like Swiss cheese, in other words, there are holes and other forms of light can now come in.208

This quote confirms what I have been saying now for a couple of years. Not only can light come in, but the holes can also be used to escape the trap we’re in. I know for a fact that there are beings out there who are quite frustrated by now to see what is happening here on Earth. The AIF has been in control over this planet for hundreds of thousands of years now, but there may be a time, not too far into the future, when the Original Planners will return. When no one has anything to lose anymore, this may actually happen. If one day soon, Lucifer’s control is over, who then will judge him, the Global Elite, and all those who followed them for their own greed and their hunger for power? I don’t think many people have thought about this, but it is us humans who need to judge them—perhaps every single one of them. Here on Earth is where the crimes were committed, and we are the “victims” of these crimes. I know that the Orion Empire will require that we humans come with a verdict. Therefore, you who read this right now may want to at least start pondering over what you want to say on this matter. Who knows? Perhaps Lucifer’s control system will break down sooner than we think? If so, how would you judge the AIF? What will be your verdict?

VII. The Archons Barbara Marciniak, ©1994, “Earth: The Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library”, p.117, op. cit. (Emphasis added). 208

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The new thing that some people do, I’ve noticed, is to compare the “Anunnaki” with the Gnostic Archons. Those who have researched the Archons can see that their story is almost identical with that of the AIF. Lucifer/Ea would be the Demiurge, and his Minions are the Reptilian-like Archons, who serve the Demiurge. They were born in this solar system before mankind, and they are said to have manipulated our genes and added their own to ours. The Archons can’t create anything from scratch—they don’t have those creative abilities—but they can take something that is already created and manipulate and destroy it. They are jealous of us humans and want what we have, but they can only exist in our dimension for a very short time, and then they must leave. They can, and do, possess humans—especially those in power, but they are at the same time afraid of us, and they are afraid that we will figure out who they are because that will be the end of their power over us. The Archons exist in other cultures as well and are also known under the name “Jinns” or “Djinns.” As the reader can see, there are many similarities between the Archons and the AIF, but we need to remember that these demonic entities were discussed long after the Anunnaki mythology. Hence, it’s much more likely that the Archons, in fact, are the Gnostic way of describing the AIF, not the other way around.

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PAPER #17: LEAVING THE COSMIC BATTLEFIELD I. It’s not our War, but is it our Freedom?


hen Marduk contacted me, wanting me to make a public statement, I made clear to him that the war between the Anunnaki clans is not our war, and we are tired of fighting it for them. For millennia, we have fought a war that we shouldn’t have had anything to do with to start with, but now it’s over on our part. We are walking away from it—we are leaving the battlefield! His response to this was more or less that they created us, and without them, we would still be living in caves. In other words, he gave me the Sitchin jargon, which was probably the jargon he and Father gave Sitchin to begin with, unless Sitchin was one of the members of the AIF already. Marduk must not have read my papers thoroughly enough at the time because I had already pointed out that we were an evolved species before he and Lucifer entered the stage. He didn’t comment on that but kept calling me a lulu, which is a degrading word, meaning something like “human slave” in their vocabulary. Then he started saying that their species and ours are more or less one and the same, but we humans now are more in numbers than they are (which I found interesting), and we needed to make peace. He offered to gather his armies and capture the Global Elite and put them to justice. All of them would be executed—even those who had worked with the Elite “on proxy.” This would of course start the War of Armageddon, which I also pointed out to him, and although he told us humans not to participate because he agreed that it is “not our war,” he knew, and I knew, that this is just for the show. In reality, a war like that would be fought from all fronts. In retrospect, I’m sure Marduk spoke to me to test the waters—nothing more, nothing less. He had no interest in wiping out the Global Elite or starting an Armageddon at that point—he needs the Elite, and he needs us humans. I have no proof of this, but my thinking is that he wanted to recruit me, and he tested where my loyalties really are and whether I can bend to their manipulation. After all, Marduk/Utu worked closely with Dr. A.R. Bordon and LPG-C at that time. Nevertheless, there could have been a grain of truth in Marduk’s statement, however, because even if it’s come to my knowledge that there is only one clan present on Earth, and that is the “Serpent Clan,” i.e. the Enkiites, there are factions amongst the Global Elite who want different things, I’ve been told. One faction follows Lucifer to the word and “supports” our evolution--on their terms—while another faction is more reluctant and wants to stop our development. The latter faction is the one which doesn’t have all the information and doesn’t understand why they would support our ~ 242 ~


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progress—they see it as a threat. As we’ve come to understand, all knowledge is on a need-to-know-basis amongst the Global Elite. There are entire countries that are run by regimes who don’t want people evolved, and there are factions within the U.S. Government that think the same thing. This is partly why we see so many contradictions on this subject and a lot of infighting. It is okay to take a look at this from a distance and learn what is going on—in fact, it’s crucial for our survival, but it’s no longer our job and never was our job to participate in any of it. Most important, it really isn’t our war , and trying to participate in it, even if it’s just by demonstrating outside Washington, DC, only makes it worse. The only way for us to win the war is to drop our weapons and walk away from the battlefield, as I have suggested at least a couple of times so far in my levels of learning. A real soldier knows when it’s time to stop fighting. So far, so good—perhaps? In previous discussions in other levels of learning, we discussed that the best way out of this mess is to 1) learn about it, 2) disagree with it on a soul level, and 3) walk away from it and create our lives the way we, as individuals and/or smaller groups, want it. This, of course, is not accomplished within the blink of an eye, but it can be done as long as we are determined to accomplish it. However, there could potentially be a bump on the road which we have to overcome—something the gods may have set up in order to make sure of their ownership of us. As I said—this is not our war, but is it our freedom? The following is an idea I came across recently. It may, or may not, have an effect on our future. At least, I want to mention it.

II. Cloning and Genetic Engineering Patent Laws If you, the reader, think that you have a lot of time on your hands all of a sudden, why not start studying the U.S. Patent Law? Sound boring? Well, it doesn’t have to be. You would probably be amazed about what people and organizations have patented! Some of it seems just ludicrous, but some of these patents are scary, to say the least. Particularly those which pertain to cloning and genetic tinkering. Some time ago, I listened to an interview with author and researcher, Dr. Joseph Farrell, on Coast to Coast, from April 20, 2011209, when he was interviewed by George Noory concerning his new book at the time: Genes, Giants, Monsters and Men. Almost half an hour into the interview, they started discussing the U.S. Patent Law in relation to the “Anunnaki.” Farrell, after researching this subject, had come to the following conclusions.

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Under Patent Law, the invention 1) must be able to be duplicated by the hand of man, 2) cannot arise in nature, and 3) it must have had the hand of man in the invention, so that it can be patentable. If we look at and apply these three concepts, Farrell says, the creation of mankind could definitely be patent awarded! Mankind was created by and his scientists—hence, mankind can be created again by someone who follows the exact steps. Also, mankind cannot arise in nature, and that’s where the “hand of man” is in the “creation.” This, Farrell says, indicates that mankind is, hypothetically, intellectual property of the creator gods! He further speculates that if the gods would come back, how would they implement this? In other words, if their intentions were such, would they be able, under current patent laws, to claim humanity as their property? I believe Dr. Farrell has only looked into U.S. Patent Law, but I would presume that they are similar in other countries. Could it actually be that the AIF has taken into consideration that they need to be protected by planetary laws in order to defend their rights over us in, let’s say, an Orion Court? It doesn’t really matter if these Patent Laws are coincidental in this regard or not because if we humans can see that they can be implemented this way, the AIF can as well, and why not take advantage of it? Then, as Farrell is careful to point out, we have the fact that it’s not only the sovereignty of mankind that is at stake here, but maybe all—or at least most—life on this planet. First, the AIF allegedly used a lot of animal genes in their experiments as well. It doesn’t necessarily mean that all these animal genes ended up in Homo sapiens sapiens, but they were created, and if that can be proven, the animals, too, belong to the gods—at least to a certain degree. This is more or less where Farrell ends his discussion, and he leaves the rest for the listener to reflect on. If we then look in modern times, we can see what the gods did in ancient times concerning genetic engineering and manipulation—we are currently trying to do the same thing, and the patent laws are such that it’s not a problem to obtain a patent on what they’re doing. Here is a thought, however, that I’ve had that may save mankind from being patented. When it comes to new discoveries on how to clone or create new species, much of that may be governed under current patent laws and can therefore be patented, but when we’re talking about ancient genetic engineering of mankind or other species, as mentioned in the ancient texts, these techniques may actually not be allowed patent awards, as mentioned under the “Novelty (Newness) Requirement Patent Law”, which says (the italics are mine): In order for an invention to be patentable, it must be new as defined in the patent law. This novelty requirement states that an invention cannot be patented if certain public disclosures of the invention have been made. The statute which explains when a public ~ 244 ~


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disclosure has been made (35 U.S.C. Section 102) is complicated and often requires a detailed analysis of the facts and the law. The most important rule, however, is that an invention will not normally be patentable if:   

the invention was known to the public before it was "invented" by the individual seeking patent protection; the invention was described in a publication more than one year prior to the filing date; or the invention was used publicly, or offered for sale to the public more than one year prior to the filing date.

One of the most important lessons to learn from this requirement is that there is a one year period after the first public disclosure or offer for sale of an invention during which a patent application must be filed. This "statutory bar" is unforgiving, which means that an inventor who does not file for patent protection on her new invention within this one year grace period will lose all right to obtain patent protection on the invention. In fact, it may be that by simply explaining your invention to friends and co-workers without any obligation of confidentiality, you may have started the "ticking" of this one-year clock. Although the United States grants the one year grace period described in the last two rules above, most other countries do not grant such a period. Therefore, it is almost always preferable to file a patent application before any public disclosure of the invention. Most patent attorneys will try diligently to file a patent application prior to any public release or announcement in order to allow international patent filings.210

We learn here that an invention must be new, which it was at the time it was implemented here on Earth, but the first thing that sticks out, being in humanity’s favor, is that “public disclosures of the invention have been made”—both in present time, and through the old, Sumerian texts. However, in this particular Patent Law, it’s also added that these requirements can be quite complicated, and I am not familiar with all the clauses. Anyway, if we look at the three bullet points included in this section of the law, we may get some ideas of how this works. In bullet point number one it states that the person who is seeking the patent must not have disclosed the invention to the public beforehand. In fact, via the ancient text, we do know about it. This is taking into consideration that, for example, would seek a patent award today, as we must assume that he didn’t do it in ancient days (although we can’t be totally sure about that). Bullet point number two follows the same argument—it’s been described in publications more than one year before the filing date. 210 The emphasis is mine. ~ 245 ~


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Bullet point number three is concerned with the application of the invention, which is perhaps the most important point here. This is obvious, and if this point is an important one, then and his scientists can’t be awarded a patent from what I can see. Then again, there may be more to this, and put into a broader context, my argument may fall flat. Beneath the bullet points, there is another interesting statement, however, which I emphasized in italics: “…an inventor who does not file for patent protection on her new invention within this one year grace period will lose all right to obtain patent protection on the invention.” Thus, as I see it, if, Isis, or Ereškigal did not file for patent award within one year grace period, they lost the right to the patent. Therefore, hopefully, these few points may protect us from AIF lawful ownership of our bodies. The patents may, after all, be customized to our current time period, which would justify human cloning to a certain degree but, perhaps, not AIF ownership. It may sound ridiculous to assume that and his team had something similar to patent awards within their ancient society, but we shouldn’t take that for granted. We humans were the ones who were not “advanced”—the AIF were, and they may or may not have had such laws in effect in ancient times. I am only bringing all this up because this is something the AIF hypothetically might want to implement on us in the future, but I would imagine only if everything else doesn’t work. I am personally not too worried about the patent hypothesis. I am more concerned about their usual tactics, which is deception through manipulation. However, I still want to leave the door open for this possibility—you never know.

III. The Electromagnetic Multiverse There are so many different life forms out there in the Universe. Some time ago I was looking at a star map which showed a few galaxies of the Milky Way’s size, or larger, and I thought, “Wow, that’s a lot of stars. Then imagine billions, maybe trillions of these galaxies—how many stars are there? Let’s say the Milky Way has a trillion stars, times a trillion galaxies…!” Then I said to myself, “Wait a minute! I am looking at the ‘4% Universe’ here, and I think that’s a lot of stars and galaxies!” That’s just the tip of the iceberg, taking into consideration that we can’t even “see” 96% or the universe. If we pretend that the rest of the 96% consists of galaxies and stars, just as the 4% we can see does, then it’s absolutely impossible for the human mind to even start comprehending such vastness. In addition—this is only one of an almost endless number of universes!

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However, we really don’t know what the rest of the 96% consists of. We think in terms of dimensions and densities, but to make it a little more “real,” we may think about it as the electromagnetic spectrum211.

Fig. 1. The Electromagnetic Spectrum

If we take a good look at Fig. 1, we see the little tiny piece of the Electromagnetic Spectrum that we can perceive with our five senses—this little piece called visible light. Underneath visible light, we have the Infrared, and above there is the Ultraviolet. It’s all a matter of wavelength and vibration. Could it be that the Universe we are used to seeing—with stars, nebulae, and galaxies—is only a part of the entire Universe? If so, what kind of life forms and realities exist in the other parts of the spectrum? That could, potentially, be totally unimaginable for us. All I think we can say for sure is that life forms do actually exist even in the other parts of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS), and part of this I believe is what LPG-C was communicating through their “Unum” model.

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The boundaries for visible light is the speed of light, as Einstein postulated, but if that is true, it does not apply to what is outside the visible spectrum. There, light as we know it, and time as we know it, do not exist, and other laws apply. The Electromagnetic Spectrum and the 96% “Dark” Universe correlate well, and the way I’ve started seeing it is that the type of universe we are perceiving is miniscule. In modern science, the Electromagnetic Spectrum is basically infinite, and I think that’s where we start talking about the Multiverse, which is ever expanding due to beings creating their own reality. However, it’s humbling to realize how very little we actually know and can know with our limited perceptions—it doesn’t matter if you’re the brightest person who’s ever lived. While I was writing this, I found a very interesting blog, located at The blog owner is digging into many of these “controversial” matters that we have discussed in this series of papers, and he is also of the opinion that science can show indications of life inside the Sun, where I’ve said souls are born212 (but I’m not saying it’s the only place where souls are born). He also writes about plasma-based life forms213, which sometimes bleed through into our 3-D reality because they exist in the wavelengths close to ours. We call them ghosts, but indeed, they are us in non-physical form. Some of them show up as orbs, which is the natural form of the Fire/soul. The “plasma world” metaphysicists are starting to explore is the spirit world—not only where discarnate spirits exist but also non-physicals in general. This is where the other-dimensional realms expand. The plasma-based orbs were something that very much fascinated quantum physicists, such as Bohm214. There is consciousness in everything—therefore, it’s not such a strange thing if people sometimes see something that looks like jellyfish bleeding through—jellyfish have lightbodies too, although not nearly as advanced as the human ones. Something many people may not think about is that only the 4% Universe consists of atoms (see fig. 2 below). Then we have another 23% (according to NASA) of Dark Matter, which in some ways may be a mirror of our visible material universe, but more than that, if we look at the percentage. In any case, if Dark Matter is really “matter,” we can see that the majority of the Universe is still Dark Energy, which is the Spirit Universe. We have much to comprehend and much to explore, which feels quite exciting to me, and hopefully to the reader, as well. For example, if only the 4% Universe consists of atoms and Dark Matter, to some degree, is a mirror of the 4% Universe, doesn’t Dark Matter include atoms as well?


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Fig. 2. Only about 4-5% of the Universe consists of atoms.

New theories are beginning to touch on the subject of Dark Matter in a more accurate way, speculating that there are “Dark Matter Earths” surrounding our own, just as our solar system in general is surrounded by Dark Matter. This is obvious when we look up in space, but science is trying to understand what it is. Dark Plasma Theory argues that this dark matter is present around our Solar System and, specifically, the Earth. Evidence shows that the Sun and the Solar System are under the gravitational influence of invisible dark matter in our galaxy. Dark matter particles have been raining down on Earth every day and night for the past 4.6 billion years. These particles are captured by the Earth's gravitational field. Furthermore, the embryonic Solar System also contained dark matter components. There are therefore many reasons to infer that there are low-density halos of dark matter particles interpenetrating the Earth - effectively creating (currently) invisible 'counterpart-Earths' that co-rotate and share the same gravitational field as the visible Earth. The Theory questioned in 2007 if the density of dark matter around Earth was underestimated.215

I would add that if we were able to see the planetary bodies in our solar system the way they really look like, and if we consider Dark Matter being part of it, they would all be much “bigger” because we only see what we for simplicity’s sake could call the “surface” of the planets, including the Sun. When discussing these, to me very interesting subjects, we realize that the ET races we have touched upon in these papers are just like drops of water in a vast ocean. There is so much more to explore, and this is something I may want to dedicate myself 215 ~ 249 ~


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to in the future—at least that’s what I think at this point. Nevertheless, what has been exposed here is what I believe are the most urgent matters for humanity at this moment. Without this knowledge and these hypotheses, we can never reach the stars anyway— how could we? It’s easy to forget when we talk about a multitude of star races and planet-bound races, such as those belonging to the AIF, that within these races, there are both good and bad beings. I’ve emphasized this before, but I want to do it again because it would be wrong to say that “mankind is evil,” or “mankind is good”—there is both good and evil within us, and the same thing applies to other species too. Even within a Dynasty such as that of Queen Nin and Khan En.lil, who are “universal beings” in its true meaning, there are conflicts, just as there are amongst us—as above, so below! Hence, I have tried to portray individuals who are important to emphasize. As we have seen, they all belong to the same few star races, whether we’re discussing Lucifer, Ninurta, Marduk, Isis, Ereškigal, Queen Nin, or Khan En.lil. These are basically the seven key players in this whole cosmic drama, which has been going on for millions or years! It’s amazing and always unbelievable in our terms, but as we’ve discussed so many times, time itself is arbitrary to say the least. When we’re stuck on linear timelines, it’s very difficult to comprehend this fact. For example, can a being eat breakfast that lasts two hundred years from our perspective? It wouldn’t be a correct way of looking at it, but hypothetically, this could be. Once we’re truly multidimensional, we will have no problems comprehending these things. The Pleiadians said in 1994: Once you transform Earth and move into the Golden Age, it will alter the rest of the universe. It will take one or two thousand years for you to know the change that will move over the whole universe. The change could happen simultaneously; it is just that you will not see it simultaneously. It will take you a thousand or two thousand years to experience the change from your point of view. Yet, when you change on this Earth plane, it will happen instantly everywhere.216

This is how the Multiverse works!

IV. Wars and Battles Going on in our Solar System which we are not Told About If I had started floating off to discuss all other ET races who are here in our solar system periodically, or more often, it would have been too massive for anybody to be able to


Barbara Marciniak, ©1994, “Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library”, p.41, op. cit. ~ 250 ~


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read. There was a time when I was itching to research that as well and include it in the Wes Penre Papers, but I have to save that for another time and another place. However, I’d like to touch on it just a little bit so that the reader gets some kind of perspective of what is going on. As I researched for my papers, I often pondered how the same beings can fight a war that lasts for millions of years. Why does it never end? That question is more or less answered earlier in this paper, and it really has to do with how we perceive time—none of these beings are 3-D entities. However, don’t think for a second that because Lucifer has closed the Saturn stargate, the stargate to the Sun, and a few others, that beings are not working on breaking down the gates to neutralize the energy of the stargates.217 Sometimes it has worked, and entire armies of extraterrestrials have come through. More so even before the Deluge when the Saturn gate was still open (but guarded). Lucifer and his DAKH warriors have had to fight off quite a few aggressive star races, and ugly and deadly wars have been fought above our heads, while we have been fighting ours down here—again, as above, so below! What do these intruders want? According to the Pleiadians, from whom I got this first, there are many reasons for this. They say, just as with other sources of mine, that Earth sits on a star highway (see previous paper in this level of learning), and they want to use Earth as a “rest point” on their journeys, where they can dig for resources, which they don’t necessarily use themselves but sell on the Intergalactic market. Others are on their way out of the Galaxy, away from the Milky Way toward galaxies such as the Andromeda Galaxy, which is located 2.2 million light-years away. It’s not that they travel with light-speed, so that it takes 2 million years to get there, but our solar system is located at the fringe of the Milky Way. Following the star lane PeshMeten out of the Galaxy and into intergalactic space has for long been the safest way to travel. Star races located along this route are often engaged in business and trade and not so much in warfare (unless the trading goes haywire). Taking other routes can apparently be more of a challenge. These are beings who are not nearly as evolved as we humans would be without the Trap, however, and they are generally of lower frequency. Unless we decrease our frequency as well, we would not stumble upon the warrior-type of beings when we escape the Grid. If we do, closing the chakras and put on a cloak and metaphysical armor would help. Anyway, these traders want resources that are unique to our solar system so that they can sell them on the Intergalactic market. It’s not their resources—they are here to steal them, but on the other hand, “this is not Lucifer’s solar system, either, so who’s the worst criminal?” they may think. Sometimes, the DAKH are able to chase the professional resource thieves away, but other times, bloody battles take place, with 217

Pleiadian lecture, June 4, 2014. ~ 251 ~


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losses on both sides. Some of these star beings return repeatedly, and the DAKH fight the battles out in the Kuiper Belt and won’t even let them into the solar system. Other intruders are conquerors and “professional” warlords. They love the killing, and they love the blood and the adrenalin that’s pumping. These space warriors are like the Vikings from the North—they kill wherever they come and steal other beings’ resources.218 These races are the worst ones to chase off, and more than once, Lucifer has had problems with them and almost lost a battle or two. Then we have the beings who are on their way out of the Galaxy via Pesh-Meten, and if we think of our solar system as a “gas station”—this may be the last gas station before Andromeda. Here are crystals, miscellaneous precious stones, and other resources unknown to us that they may need on their journey. It’s like how it was here in the United States in the 1930s-1940s, when people were driving on a long journey to places they weren’t familiar with. You’ve seen it in old movies, how cars are driving through the desert, and suddenly a small gas station is showing up in the middle of nowhere, and there is a sign saying, “Last gas station before Nevada!” This means you’d better fill up all your resources, or you’ll be stuck somewhere in the desert.219 Lucifer very rarely let anybody take any resources out of Ar-i-Du, our solar system, without having them pay a high price for it. However, he does trade when he can sense a profit in it. Concerning trade, the following is something I knew from earlier, but I also heard from the Pleiadians a couple of weeks ago, and I wanted to reserve it until Level IV anyway because of the seriousness of it. If I’d told it in Level I—which I could have—I think it would have scared many people. However, if you, the reader, has followed me this far, I’m sure you can stomach it. Here on Earth, we are talking about the human slave trade that’s going on behind people’s back. Rich Americans and Europeans go to Thailand in order to have sex with children, whose only purpose is to sleep with dirty, often middle-age, men. Boys are sold for sodomy, and rich people are willing to pay a high price for a true virgin—regardless if it’s a girl or a boy. This is probably one of the saddest and most horrifying market trades on our planet, but not the worst. We also have kids who are sacrificed in black magick rituals, and the participants drink the blood from the innocent child, who is in a horrified state. The fear and the blood turn the perpetrator on and give him power, but these Men in Power are always possessed by AIF walk-ins. Babies and children are bred for this purpose, and they are not registered anywhere, so no one will miss them. Their mothers are mind-controlled slaves whose jobs are to breed these kids by sleeping with these Nommo-possessed Lucifer Minions. This used to be big news in the 1990’s when I started researching, but now it’s in the open—many 218 219

Ibid. Ibid. ~ 252 ~


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people know about it (or at least some of it), but of course, no one does anything about it. The human slave trade with children here on Earth is horrifying enough, but a similar trade is going on in the Universe. There are star races who visit our solar system on a regular basis and are welcomed in by Lucifer’s folks. The AIF is then allegedly trading both small children and adults with these star beings in exchange for other resources.220 What these star races do with the humans they got, I can only imagine. Sick sex games are not uncommon in the Universe, and human bodies have a “good reputation,” as it were. Thus, I’m sure that sex is involved.

Fig. 3. Bashar, who is an “Essassani Gray,” i.e. the type of Grays Darryl Anka channels.

At this point, more than one reader must shake her head and ask herself if there aren’t any decent beings out there? Yes, there are—I guarantee you! Although it doesn’t sound as if there are, there are a significant number of compassionate beings out there— more so, in comparison to the lower vibrating entities we’ve been talking about in general. If we would find ourselves a few thousand light-years away from this part of the Pesh-Meten vicinities, which we call Sector 9, we would find more peaceful areas of space/time and time/space. Remember this when you discarnate and wonder where you want to go (if you’re not going back to Earth, that is). The good part of it is that you don’t need to know the name and location where to go—you just go by intent. Let’s say 220

Ibid. ~ 253 ~


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you want to go to a peaceful place and meet peaceful beings, who will welcome you with open arms—then think it! Perhaps you want to go back to Orion. Think it! The choice is yours, and if you don’t like the place you’ve come to, think yourself somewhere else—perhaps to a place where you can be trained properly, to expand on the knowledge base that you currently have. There are really no limits, and the Multiverse is almost infinite. Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka, said something that’s quite encouraging, but also rings true. I know that Bashar, just as the RA Material, is into Octaves, meaning that we ascend one density at the time until we reach the 8th Density, which is also the beginning of a new Octave, just as in the Western musical scale. If someone wants to look at it from that perspective, be my guest, but I personally don’t. I see it more as a simplified way of looking at it, so people can understand these concepts easier, but I just think it gets more complicated. Bashar is a collective of beings, and those who remember what I wrote in Level III, they are us humans in the distant future. They got stuck in the Machine Kingdom that Lucifer is about to set up in our own reality, and now they are working on breaking loose, after thousands of years of slavery and being connected to a supercomputer, which does most of the thinking for the Collective. They look similar to the Grays but differ a little bit from the typical Gray, whom we call the “Zetas” or the “Zeta Reticulians.” This is what Bashar says: Bashar: There are many octaves of octaves. It goes on forever. The idea from your particular perspective may make it seem as if the limit, the upward ceiling so to speak, is the eighth density. But that is only a reference to your specific realm. Do you follow me? There are many different manifestations. Anything at all, any variation, any vibration, any subtle frequency, is, in and of itself, a completely different reality, a completely different universe, a completely different dimension of experience. They are infinite. Does that assist you?221

What they are saying here is that there are so many different densities/dimensions and sub-densities/sub-dimensions, that you will find beings who vibrate within the range of your own wavelength, and from there you can create—alone or together with like-minded beings. Some people may be afraid to die because they don’t want to be separated from their loved ones, so let’s bring that up as well. Up until now, souls have reincarnated together with their soul group—or they have discussed what role each member of the group is going to play the next time around. Everybody in the group may not incarnate 221

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in each and every lifetime a person has because that’s the agreement. They know they will see each other later anyway because they vibrate on the same wavelength. This is now changing. Not all members of your soul group will follow you on your path. In the beginning, this may be sad, but you will know already in this current lifetime who will come and work together with you in the near future, and who may not. So the separation actually starts already now. At first, this may feel very frustrating, but you will get used to it. After all, you will almost certainly meet again in the future, once they have caught up with you, or you can, when you’re out of the trap, learn to think yourself to a “future” where you are all together again. So, the separation is only an illusion, which you can overcome quite easily when you are “yourself” again.

V. Changing the Dream In my recent e-book, “Beyond 2012—A Handbook for the New Era222,” I wrote extensively about the dream state. I published exercises we all can do to train ourselves to participate more in our dreams. I didn’t do this only because it’s “fun” and “exciting” or because we are bored and may just as well do that. I was preparing us for something that I know is definitely coming, and we need to accept as a new reality in the New Era. Raising our vibrations and our wavelength is the same as increasing our awareness and our consciousness. Just as in “Conscious Dreaming,” where we are aware that we are dreaming and start changing our dream from outside the dream, we do the same now. The dream has different layers and a different depth, and when you’re really skilled in Conscious Dreaming, you can move around between the different layers. If we transfer this to the Awakening State, we could say that the lowest and darkest part of the dream is the one where we are stuck in a 3-D reality with Guards and slave drivers pushing us on with their invisible whips, until many of us can’t stand it anymore. The aha moment comes when we realize that this is a hologram, and we’ve allowed ourselves to be stuck in it! When that moment comes, we can see the hologram from something outside of ourselves, just as in Conscious Dreaming (CD). Then and only then can we start doing something about it. We look around and see how the entire thing is setup, and it shocks us at first, and we want to go in there (from a soul’s perspective) and do something about it. Then after some time, we realize that the hologram is setup in such a way that a direct confrontation with the slave drivers only

Wes Penre, ©2013, Pdf version:, or the html, online version: 222

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fits their purpose, and we will get in trouble without achieving any substantial accomplishments. Again, we remember that the hologram is the dream, and we are the dreamers. Hence, we’ll have to change the dream from inside ourselves—in the metaphysical, 96% reality, or it won’t work. Communication with the opposing forces won’t do it, and fighting physical battles against them won’t do it either—only more people will suffer and die. Suddenly, we realize that the “reality,” which we have lived in for thousands of years, will never benefit us, whatever we do to try to make it work. Instead, we begin to disagree with the whole concept of what we find out is a hologram created by beings who only have their own interests in mind. This is when the first major turning point comes. We start working on our dream and change things around. We get ideas about how we really want life to be, for us and for others, and by starting to dream up these realities, we change the world we’re in— slowly but surely. People around us feel our new energies and get affected by them. Some love them and get inspired, while others get afraid of the change and leave. We begin to recognize our own power as a soul—as a Fire, literally. For some time, we will have to live side by side with the old dream, but the players will be more and more distant and will bother us less and less. We figure out what we’re interested in doing— perhaps our passion will surface and we’ll start finding ways of doing what we’ve always wanted to do but thought we didn’t have time to do. Taking into consideration that we want to return the next lifetime, we choose which part of the dream we qualify for and continue from there until the dream has changed remarkably. There is no longer any Machine Kingdom and no AIF, only a beautiful Living Library on the perhaps most beautiful planet in the galaxy. Most significant, constantly, we are realizing that we are living our dream until one day we get a new insight. It’s not only our dream—it’s also the dream of the Creatrix, the Mother Goddess! We are players in her dream as well as everybody who is in our dream are players in our particular dream—and so the net is spun, and the warm dragon breath of the Creatrix in her dream state is still on an outflow. One day, we realize, the outflow will stop and she will breathe inward again,—whereas, the Universe will follow, imploding and starting all over again, if that is what the Dragon Dreamer wants. You may be aware of this, hypothetically, already, but there will come a point when you start living your dreams and will be able to change them after your own wish. There will come a time when this is quite effortless, and the reality that can be called yours, is merely the dream you’re dreaming up and are in control of. Can you ever wake up from the Goddess’ dream? You can, and you will. However, it will not happen until the Creatrix decides that the dream is over. This is when we all will “wake up” to the VOID, which is the “nothingness” where everything is calm—no thoughts are possible, no pictures, no sound, no time, and no space. It’s the ~ 256 ~


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beginning and the end—Alpha and Omega. We will all be One with the Creatrix because, after all, we were always a part of one of Her dreams. She has many more, simultaneous dreams, and they are called “other universes.” The Goddess’ dreams are, however, not exactly as our own dreams are, although we are smaller counterparts of Herself, sent out to participate in Her dreams, and the expression, “as above, so below,” is once again coming into mind. The dreams of the Creatrix, however, are much more complex than our own, but follow the same principles. Free Will means that we have Free Will to participate in Her dream and change things around—we help Her in Her dreams—in other words, we’re doing Conscious Dreaming for Her by creating our own dreams within the dream, and thus dream up the Multiverse for Her. Before She “fell asleep,” She set the guidelines for that particular dream, which then became the laws, rules, and regulations the beings therein are set up to follow. They can break the rules if they like—it’s all Free Will—but there is a consequence for each action because we create our own reality within the dream, and whatever we create has “side effects” that come back to us. These side effects can be delayed and, perhaps, even avoided, if we know how, but for us who have a big part of the dream hidden from us, don’t know how to do that. Perhaps, we don’t want to either because if we could avoid consequences of our actions, we would not learn anything, and after all, we are here, in this dream, to help the Goddess learn more about Herself. In addition, we, as Her counterparts, learn as well, until it’s time to merge. The reader may notice that I avoid the terms “karma” and “law of attraction” more and more in my writings, and this is for a reason. These terms are very worn and burned out, and they have lost their meaning. I also believe that these terms have been set up inside the dream by Lucifer, one of the main players in this sector of the Universe, and others, and therefore, something we are affected by because it’s a part of our belief system. I prefer to think of everything in the dream as free-flowing energy that you can catch, play with, create from, and have fun with. Don’t make complicated rules around it, just let it flow free, and we may get amazing results!

VI. A Deeper Look at the Mother Goddess, Khan En.lil, and the Galactic “War of the Genders” With the above section, “Changing the Dream” in mind, let’s take a deeper look at the main “Dreamer,” who is the Mother Goddess Herself. I only know of one source who has really looked into this from many different angles. We have a tendency here on Earth to think that the real God, or in this case, Goddess, is flawless and Omnipresent. She doesn’t make any mistakes and she has no “dark sides” in the sense that we humans do.

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Is this really true? Aren’t we all smaller counterparts of the Goddess, with all Her might and all Her dark sides too? While She’s dreaming, doesn’t She allow all sides of Herself to be explored? Would She really learn everything about Herself if She let parts of Herself remain hidden and suppressed? I think it’s obvious that the Goddess in Her Omnipresent form has both “good” and “bad” sides attributed to Her—as above, so below. I think we can see that when we look around as well. Why all these wars—both in the Heavens and here on Earth? Why all these dark secrets, killing, raping—you name it. We know so well that there are those who are involved in such dramas, but if the Goddess is “everything,” she is both the highest spectrum of love and the lowest spectrum of hate. However, look at you and me, and let’s call us “normal,” which means we have both good sides and dark sides, but we work hard in order to do as much good as we can because we don’t want to hurt ourselves and others. I believe it’s the same thing with the Goddess, but Her feelings and emotions are so unbelievably stronger than ours, and that is what is reflecting in Her universes—or Her “dreams.” I wanted to save this part until the end of my papers because I believe it’s one of the most important things to look into. By knowing our Creatrix, we also know ourselves, and the way to know our Creatrix is to look at ourselves. When I first looked into the phenomenon of a female God as the Prime Creator, it felt a little awkward. We are so used to thinking of God in terms of a masculine being. However, once I “dared” to continue looking into something I knew could come back at me with full force, the evidence of a female force being the creator was overwhelming— it didn’t take long before I totally accepted it. The next thing was to accept that the Goddess actually can splinter Herself into counterparts of Herself—not only in the sense that you and I are counterparts of Her in larger terms, but that She manifests Herself as the Queen of Orion, Planet Gaia, and I am sure She has a lot of other manifestations as well, which we as of yet are not aware of. That this was the case became too obvious to disregard, and after a while, it was easy to integrate it into the bigger puzzle because it fit right in! Also, what about Her consort, the “mysterious” Khan En.lil, whom so many people (at least here on Earth) have misunderstood and misidentified so grossly, as it appears? Both of these entities are considered Divine as soon as we get outside the Grid. Now, the question is—are we going to just accept them as Divine without any scrutiny and continue making the same mistakes we’ve done with our own “deities” in our own planetary history, or do we “dare” to look at them, too, as we’ve done with and others? I think it’s important to stand on our sovereign feet and be brave enough to look at them from all the sides we can—not with the intention to talk them down or humiliate them, but with the intention to understand them better as the beings of the Universe, which they are. ~ 258 ~


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In this Universe, we have the feminine and the masculine, and it’s pretty obvious, as I showed in Level II, that the Universe is not neuter, neither is it masculine in nature. In spite of all other evidence, all we need to do is to think logically—which force is it that reproduces? Is it the masculine, the feminine, or the neuter? The answer is, of course, the feminine. The other two forces can’t reproduce (neuter is not a force at all). The feminine force is the only force in the Universe that can reproduce without help from any other force. That’s also how it all started—the first beings in the Universe were feminine, androgynous, and then cloned themselves. However, these perfect clones were prone to getting viruses, and once a virus attached to one clone, it was easy to attach to any clone because they were all alike. That’s when the masculine force was created, and from the point when reproduction was done by having sex between a male and a female, the offspring became unique and had an easier time getting immune against viruses. After life had started in the Universe and in this galaxy, Mother Goddess decided to splinter Herself into different entities in order to experience Her game from a closer perspective and not just as an outside dreamer with no chance to participate. Two of these manifestations are known to us—one is the Orion Queen, and the other is Mother Gaia or Mother Earth. This is a universe of Free Will, and therefore, the Goddess is very allowing. She allows both good things and bad things to happen because everything should have its right to exist and evolve. This shows that She is a true loving being—a true loving being allows energies to flow and does not protect certain energies and stop others from moving. Thus, we have a very fluid universe where everything is possible, but love is the ultimate force—love on a level which is still very hard for us humans to understand. She is so loving that She lets Her counterpart, the Queen of the Stars, show negative emotions in order for Her to create from all perspectives. The Queen, however, at one point decided that love and compassion are the energetic forces which do the most good and are most important for survival. However, at one point before that, the Goddess, i.e. the feminine force, did something that started this whole problem in the first place, although this was never the intention. This was the so-called “dark side” of the Divine Feminine coming into play. The Divine Feminine as an energy force splintered off as new beings were born and the Universe was populated. The Universe now consisted of a lot of both female and male entities, but just because the females were first on the chessboard, she started dominating the male, and as time went by, males were more and more used as sexual partners and breeders than companions and equals. It went so far that females began to kill their male lovers after they had completed the sexual act. Some were castrated and sacrificed after a one-time sexual act, until it came to a point when this became considered more or less normal. Some females even ate the male after she had sex with ~ 259 ~


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him—the Black Widow spider here on Earth does the same thing—as above, so below.. This very ancient story has been told equally by two sources—the Pleiadians223 and Anton Parks, in his “Chronicles of the Gírkù, Vols. 1 and 2” and “The Ages of Uraš” website, hosted by Gerry and Malou Zeitlin, based upon these two volumes224. I have also read fragments of this in different ancient texts. In addition, when I’ve read about this, I can feel that it rings true. Instead of coming to terms with the problem, things went out of hand. Males, in their turn, started to revolt against this maltreatment of the male energy and misuse of energy on behalf of the females. They began to turn things around and, instead, started treating females as badly as they had been treated, and suppressed the female energy, or worse. This became a galactic, perhaps a universal problem, and a “War of the Genders” took place—a war that is still ongoing. Males then rewrote the History of the Universe in the sense that they refused to acknowledge the Divine Feminine as the Main Source of the Universe—the One Creator. This is where the fable that the Universe is neuter or masculine originates. Many bitter Galactic War has been fought over this matter, but as we can see, these battles and wars at one point interact with each other, merge, and become the same war. I am not saying that Lucifer’s Rebellion started out as a gender war, though, but it definitely became one, as we know. If we really dig deep enough, we can almost certainly find the gender issue being at the absolute bottom of the Lucifer Rebellion, as well—because after all, Lucifer felt he was neglected and not acknowledged as the powerful being he thought he was, and as the story is told, he still wants to overthrow his own mother and become the King of the KHAA. The male energy at work! If he succeeds, there will be a King in charge of the Orion Empire instead of a Queen (which would not be the first time—see Level II), but Lucifer can never change the fact that the Universe is feminine because he can never become the All That Is, the One Creator. He is a product of the One Creator—a player in Her dream. Our solar system was created by the Goddess—again, real creation can only happen from feminine energies. What Lucifer did, as Lord, was to manipulate what was already created, and even this he had to do with help from technology. The real Creators of Life in this solar system were females, and their followers, such as Queen Nin’s son, Prince Ninurta, was a Matriarch, while Lucifer, who came later and defeated the first team of Creators, was (and is) a Patriarch. Therein lies most of the conflict and the two sides of the War. It is said that those who support the Goddess are on the side of the Matriarchs, and all the rest are Patriarchs, and enemies of the original, real Creation.

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Barbara Marciniak, “Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library”, p.89ff. ~ 260 ~


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Lucifer came, and the world changed drastically from a Matriarchal Paradise to a Patriarchal Hell because the Patriarchs were, and still are, revengeful, while the Matriarchs are not. However, my research has come to the point where I see no resolution to the Galactic problem other than the feminine and masculine forces must stop blaming each other and once again come to terms with what they both have done to each other. Not until both forces declare each other equal—in balance with each other—will these ancient gender wars that are still ongoing become memories that should eventually be forgiven but never forgotten. Once forgotten, the same story may unfold again. Some say that we should forgive Lucifer and his Minions and start anew. On the surface, this sounds as if it is a good idea, but if there are no repercussions for what we do, someone else will do the same thing in the future, knowing that he or she will eventually be forgiven for crimes committed. In this case, it’s a little bit more complicated because the Matriarchs, when they went astray, never got penalized for what they did, and the Luciferian force may bring this up as a justification why they should not be penalized. Hence, I think that this is much bigger than just letting us humans put a verdict on Lucifer and his cohorts. We can only judge them for what they have done here on Earth, not for what happened previous to that or what is happening in other places of the galaxy. Thus, the way I see it is that there, optimally, should be some kind of Galactic Court where human representatives as well as Luciferian representatives and Matriarchal representatives are present. Not until then do we have a chance to come to terms with this entire mess. Maybe we need judges from other parts of the galaxy that were never affected by the Gender Wars, so they can see things from a neutral, not so charged, viewpoint. In such a court, humans would be more like witnesses. Here on Earth, we are brought up in a Patriarchal society—not only the generations that are still alive, but the whole Homo sapiens sapiens branch of humanity. We need to realize that the creating force and source are feminine, and so is the One Creatrix—the “All That Is.” This is the first thing that needs to be understood, and not until we realize this can a real change take place. If we look at a woman and a man here on Earth, they are different and have very different energies. However, they should be considered equal as beings because of the way our species and the Universe, in general, these days are designed—femininity and masculinity are both very much needed and should be treated with equal respect! As long as one is claiming superiority over the other, failure will be the outcome. History has shown this all too well—both here on Earth and elsewhere. There is a trend in our time that women should be like men—dress like men, act like men, feel like men, and fight like men. All this goes against nature—a woman is a woman and a man is a man. This doesn’t mean that each sex doesn’t have the other sex’s attributes as well, and that ~ 261 ~


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these attributes would be best worked on in order to understand them, but not to become them. The trend I’m talking about has of course been setup by the Patriarchal Regime, and the females have simply bought into it. This began to get serious when the Rockefeller Foundation started the Feminine Movement, which created all this confusion between sexes. The entire movement was an attempt to split up the family unit, which the Patriarchs thought was very threatening to them. Khan En.lil, which I see not only as Queen Nin’s consort, but also as an attempt to balance out the female and male energies, perhaps in order to start working on the gender problem. As the stories are told, Khan En.lil was a born warrior and is still in charge of the MIKH-MAKH warrior troops. However, these troops have, from what I’ve learned, become much more of defensive force. The Orion Empire in itself is not a warlike empire anymore, and from what it seems, the “defense” we are talking about here comes mainly from defending themselves against the Patriarchal Regime, led by Prince Lucifer. Also, a vast empire, such as the Orion Empire, needs to safeguard its borders to protect its citizens, so battles are being fought every now and then when an intruding ET force is trying to break into Orion. The Orion Empire is apparently open to the option of forgiving Lucifer if he redeems himself, and this is something they have been waiting for to happen for many eons now. So far, Lucifer has not shown any signs of remorse, but instead, seems to be working hard to become even more offensive. Perhaps the answer lies in a serious attempt from both sides to admit their offensive acts before one side is willing to give it up. If Lucifer is told that he and the male part are the only “sinners,” he may never give in, but if he is told that both sides are at fault, maybe that opens up doors for discussions. I am approaching this from a human standpoint—I know that, and in reality, this may be inadequate in this particular situation, but that is all I can do. I am human and so are my suggestions. Lucifer, however, seems to have had ulterior motives that are not directly connected to the Gender War—more of a “family dispute,” and that is also something that needs to be looked at from an Orion standpoint. For us here on Earth, it is important to once again acknowledge the Divine Feminine as the Creatrix and the driving force in this Universe but without giving it absolute power. We must come to terms with that we are equal in all our differences. Ultimately, this is not our war, and the problems they have in the Heavens must be resolved by these beings, but we can start by refusing to be dominated by a male power. We are not going to tolerate being manipulated anymore, and we’ll let this be known by refusing to be treated as slaves, and one by one or in small groups to begin with, we start building our lives and working on becoming independent from that which suppresses us and backs us up in a corner, such as the monetary system. Deprive the banks of their power and we’ll see how much control the Elite has after that. ~ 262 ~


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We can’t accomplish this overnight, and it has to start with an idea that is growing in the mindset of people—an idea that we can survive without the “System,” without their oppressive money and their job industry, that is nothing less than pure slavery in a new form. How much of this can be done in one generation, I don’t know, but once the idea has started and continues to grow, the oppressive system will strangle itself and run out of oxygen. In our next lifetime (for those who choose to stay on Earth), we qualify for a more mature reality, and the oppressors eventually run out of followers. I know it’s inevitable that some will wake up too late (if at all), but I believe there is a great future for mankind, and that future is not here on this very distorted version of Earth but in a more balanced world, in which those who wake up will qualify to be born into and to bring the human race further into multidimensionality and freedom. This must be a lesson for us all because we are not innocent in all this either. One way or the other, we agreed to this oppressive reality, and we have all contributed directly to that reality and allowed this oppressive world to continue. Now is the time for learning and for forgiveness of self and each other because there is no time whatsoever to hold grudges anymore—not for anybody. We must even forgive our worst enemies—not because we don’t want them to take responsibility for their actions (which is their problem), but so that we don’t hold bad feelings against anybody when we move on. If we have grudges, we will keep that string alive between the new, brighter reality, and the old, darker one. Unless that cord is cut, the new world will not sustain itself. By default, those who have not worked on these issues and gotten rid of them will not qualify for the new reality anyway. Not because I say so—it’s just not physically, mentally, or spiritually possible. Forgiving our oppressors is the best way to go at this moment, as I see it, because I can’t imagine seeing a Galactic Court being setup in this lifetime, and we need to move on. The Court idea will be a subject for future generations, possibly. Still, I asked people to start thinking about what kind of penalty we would like for the Luciferian force, also because we may want to educate our own children in what is going on and discuss these things with them. Regardless what the verdict will be, we still need to forgive them inside ourselves not to hold grudges which will stop our own growth and happiness. Forgiveness and verdict are two different things.

VII. Earth Is More Unique Than We Think I have saved this little section until the end part of the Fourth Level of Learning because it will leave us with a new, sobering insight. I have hinted at this repeatedly in my papers without actually presenting the whole idea to the reader in one place. Now I will.

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We have discussed the Living Library many, many times by now, and we have discussed that this beautiful planet is a program called Nature and we humans are part of Nature. This is, more or less, as far as I’ve taken it. Now, let’s take it to the next level. As we know by now, beings usually don’t evolve on planets—instead, they usually develop in the stars—hence the term star beings. If we, still in our 3-D bodies, or in programmed “space suits”—such as those looking similar to the Grays—traveled out in the Universe using stargates and black holes to go from one place to another, we would find a more or less barren universe. It doesn’t matter how many planets we land on—they will all be barren rocks in space without any life as we know it. An overwhelming feeling of loneliness would probably come over us once we realized that all this beauty that we see when we look up in the skies or when studying star maps is just for the show—there is nothing out there—at least not in our little band of the Third Dimension. Why is this? In order to understand this, for many people, bizarre statement, we need to understand what Nature is. Nature is unique to Earth! I have often said that Earth is an Experiment in 3-D. In an ancient past when the Namlú’u walked on the planet, 3-D was only a part of their reality—they had access to all the other dimensions of the Electromagnetic Spectrum as well. When Lucifer came, he locked us into a small frequency band, which does not co-vibrate with any other life forms than those living on Earth (and on Mars, which was also part of the Nature Program until the Tiamat catastrophe happened). Therefore, to us, the Universe seems totally abandoned and barren—lifeless and meaningless—but only as long as we are sitting in the 3-D trap! Beings who have developed on other planets, and chose to stay in physical bodies instead of being non-physical (make sure you read the previous paper to really understand that concept), must travel across the Universe in space suits, using stargates, etc., in order to travel from here to there (they can’t nanotravel. Again, see Paper #16), and some of these beings are part of the Luciferian crew. Lucifer and his team made Gray space suits for these beings to use while they operate in this solar system—space suits which vibrate within our abnormal frequency band. This is why people see “Grays,” and those Grays sometimes look and act very “physical.” Sometimes, however, the Grays seem to be able to walk through walls and, in general, be more fluid, and then there are Grays who operate in frequency bands very close to ours and can bypass the solidness of our molecule structures and, therefore, go through walls. We also need to take shapeshifting into account in these instances. Nowhere else in the Universe has an Experiment such as the one on Earth taken place. This was an idea dreamed up by the Goddess, and we were first out. There was

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no second Experiment because this experiment did not pan out because of Lucifer’s interference. Regardless of what I have just said, the Universe is teeming with life! The only problem is that we can’t see it with our limited perceptions. We can land on a planet that has life forms living there in another dimension, outside our part of the spectrum, and we can stare at them without seeing them. The same thing is happening here on Earth—non-physical beings are inhabiting the same space as you and I, but because they are operating in other bands of the Electromagnetic Spectrum, they can see us, but we can’t see them. They can see us simply because they are more fluid and can move in and out of realities, while we are stuck. So you think you have some privacy when you lock yourself into a room? Nature is a program that is totally dependent upon sex. Without sex, no nature. Everything that replicates itself in nature is reproducing sexually. It’s a brilliant program and a brilliant Experiment, and personally, I hope that in the future, the Goddess will set up many, many more programs similar to this one in the Universe— but first, Lucifer needs to be stopped, I assume. However, think about it! What a brilliant idea. Before the Goddess came up with the idea of the Experiment, Creator Goddesses needed to constantly nurture the planets they created life on because the life forms did not sexually reproduce—Earth is self-sustaining and needs no nurturing in that sense. In the Universe, intelligent life forms are interdimensional and multidimensional as well—they can move relatively freely on the Electromagnetic Spectrum, and they normally, as Creator Gods or Goddesses, don’t create life on barren rocks, which we call planets but do like Q did in Star Trek—they create the environment they want to be surrounded by, and they create it by thinking it up! Then, if they get tired of it, they can “unthink it,” and it disappears. Groups of beings can also create together across the dimensions, and they do it all the time. This, however, is just the beginning—there is so much we still don’t understand. One thing is certain though—we can have more fun in a multidimensional environment. Here on Earth, we humans are the happiest when we manage to create something we are very pleased with. When we do, we also feel our value, and we’re proud of what we’ve created. Still, what we create here is just a fragment of what we can create as multidimensional beings. Can you imagine how happy we can become when we notice what we can really create? In summary—the solution is not to put on Gray space suits and travel through space between stargates. That is Stone age! We want to be able to nanotravel, and one day we will be able to take advantage of what we once had, when we were able to live on this planet, in the program called Nature, and simultaneously do all these multidimensional things. First, however, Earth must be freed from these intrusive forces. ~ 265 ~


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VIII. In the Beginning was Creation, but the End is not Death—it’s Part of the Creation too Some of us may sometimes ponder over where the beginning starts and the end ends, or if they are just two sides of the same coin. We don’t know what is the end of the Universe—if there is one—or if a Universe revitalizes itself over and over and continuously starts from the beginning again—similar to pushing a gigantic refresh button. Either way, it’s all part of the Creation. Not even the End can be an end if it were not considered, pondered, and created. Whatever the truth is, I want to end where I started, with pondering the Universe and what’s therein. It’s mind boggling to realize that you and I are just two invisible specks in the cosmos, and at the same time, we are the cosmos—it’s all a dichotomy, but perhaps when we understand that everything is dichotomies, we start to grasp the very first thing about ourselves and the Multiverse we exist in. It was in Level II that I first explained how I envision the Universe to appear if we could see if from a bird’s perspective—I compared it with a spider web that is constantly being built. I am not the only one thinking in those terms. Scientists have created a virtual universe in a supercomputer and made the same observation225. Instead of looking at the Universe in the form of galaxies, apart from each other or clusters of galaxies grouped together in all infinity, we can see that the Universe is actually a filament of a myriad of super clusters of galaxies linked together in what looks like a spider web, lighting up the Universe. They look at it as a gigantic “sponge,” but if we connect the super clusters with each other, we get a spider web (fig. 4). Doesn’t it somehow look like a brain, as well, with neurons connecting? Perhaps like a part of the brain of the Goddess on a pure metaphysical level? Dr. Jay Alfred, who is one of the forerunners when it comes to Dark Matter and Dark Energy says: Native American peoples have referred to the network of currents on Earth as the "Spider Woman's Web." Francis Hitching described ley lines as "the radial threads on a spider's web." According to Tom Graves, the lines form the "focal points in a vast multilayered cobweb somewhat reminiscent of a micrograph of nerve cells and their ganglia" and are "the circulation and nervous system of the body of Earth." Some consider Earth as a living being; and like human beings the Earth has meridians and 225

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(filaments) and chakras (vortexes). When the ley lines (or filaments) cross they "pinch," collapsing to form nodes with intense magnetic fields, which give rise to vortexes (or chakras) within our planet as charged super particles (such as qi, prana and kundalini) rush in using helical or spiral paths. Depending on the direction of spin, vortexes can either absorb or emit energy.226

These lines of thoughts also coincide with what we’ve discussed—that Mother Gaia is a manifestation of the Goddess as well, and is a miniature of the Universe, just like we humans are, too, with our brains, neurological setup, arteries, and veins.

Fig. 4. The Universe as super clusters of galaxies, building a giant spider web. 227

We have discussed Fire and Avatar extensively, and the latter is our light-body, with which we can exist in the ether and in other dimensions. We have also discussed other bodies, such as the emotional body, etc., which in some way seems to merge with the light-body at one point. However, there is also another type of body, which Robert Monroe, who founded the Monroe Institute for research into these matters, discovered in himself while he was astral traveling. This body he called the ”double body” because it looked exactly like a copy of the original, physical body, and seemed more attached to the physical body than the light-body. You could enter it, but the soul lost some of her thinking abilities while too closely attached to it and couldn’t reach out from the real physical body more than 10-15 feet or so and then had to return. Some say that with the 226 227 Picture source: http://stardustinacosmicteacup.wordp...3/01/galaxies/ ~ 267 ~


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light-body (the Avatar), similar rules are applied, but that is not the case. As long as the physical body we now inhabit is alive, there is a silver cord attached to it so that you can’t get lost and not find your way back, but that cord is much longer than 15 feet, and also stretch out over many dimensions. In the more functional bodies of the future— bodies that are multidimensional—don’t need the cord because we know that we travel with thought—while now, we could easily get lost, and the body we left behind would stay in coma, and eventually die. The second physical body I had never heard of until recently. Even Mdme Blavatsky and her Great White Brotherhood spoke about it, and you enter that body first, before you return safely to your every-day physical body. Exactly what it’s for, I don’t know. If something is created in the Third Dimension, and it’s a real biological creation, such as ourselves, we are created in the astral, or in another dimension first—in the Plasma Reality. Therefore, we have our extension in the KHAA, but our main focus is right now in 3-D. The same thing is true for the Sun and certain planets, such as Earth. It’s because it all was created in the KHAA first. However, what happens if we create Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent machines in the Machine Kingdom? They have no consciousness when we start building them, but out there in the KHAA is artificial consciousness, which can’t wait to settle into complicated machines and devices. Where does this Artificial Intelligence (AI) come from? What seems to be the creepy answer is that it comes from previous failed experiments in AI and Machine Kingdoms, perhaps somewhere else in the Universe or from our planet in earlier times, such as Atlantis. Hence, our creations here on Earth attract AI, and machines become conscious. Science fiction writers have written about this for many decades because they had envisioned the problem. Today’s scientists, perhaps, see the risks, but they don’t care because they are on a mission, working for the AIF. Thus, we have a Machine Kingdom which not only consists of advanced machines, but also machines that are conscious, just like humans. If we train them to be even more aware and conscious, they will eventually outsmart us, and we have something Mahu Nahi of the WingMakers and LPG-C call the Anima—a society of artificial aliens who travel through space and feel out where technology is so advanced that they can attach.228 There have been souls who have been incarnated here on Earth within the last 70 years or so who came here exclusively to usher in the Machine Kingdom. One such person is Raymond Kurzweil, whom I talked quite extensively about in Level I. He has In a recent letter to Sandra of LPG-C, Mahu Nahi of the WingMakers wrote her a long letter, which I was allowed to read. There he said that the Anima indeed are the Luciferian force—the same force I am writing about. For more information on Animus/Anima, see, and my own First Level of Learning. 228

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done a lot to start the process toward a machine society, and he does this with great passion. People similar to him have been exclusively mind controlled, programmed, and prepared for what’s to come. Other scientists have followed in his footsteps. Kurzweil was considered a progeny, and already as a teenager, he stood at the podium talking about his visions for the new technocratic era. This is exactly what the AIF wants, and I am sure they are very happy with their product—Dr. Ray Kurzweil. They are very well aware of the Machine Consciousness and how that works, just as the science fiction author, Isaac Asimov, was when he wrote, “I, Robot!” We can be nice and say that people, such as Asimov, warned the society about these things, but to be more real, he was polished to get people accustomed to these kinds of ideas. After all, the AIF doesn’t want this to happen too suddenly so that it shocks people too much.

Fig. 5. Isaac Asimov

On December 20, 2013, Steve Johnson wrote for Mercury News that the implanted chips I and so many other people have been talking about for almost two decades now are about to come true. Computerizing people may be next step in tech

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It's likely the world in the not-so-distant future will be increasingly populated by computerized people like Amal Graafstra. The 37-year-old doesn't need a key or password to get into his car, home or computer. He's programmed them to unlock at the mere wave of his hands, which are implanted with radio frequency identification tags. The rice-size gadgets work so well, the Seattle resident says, he's sold similar ones to more than 500 customers through his company Dangerous Things. 229

It has taken some time to get people used to the idea of having a microchip implanted in the body, and many still connect it with the Beast 666, or the Devil— rightfully so. Some readers probably remember “Digital Angel” and the “RFID chip” that were both promoted a number of years ago to get people used to the idea—I exposed this big time on my website years ago too—and now the newspapers all over the world are starting a new drive on this similar subject.

Fig. 6. Amal Graafstra, volunteer for microchip implants.

Those who don’t necessarily want a rice-sized chip inside their skin can also have something which is promoted as less invasive—so-called “smart tattoos” attached to their skin (please note the term smart again—this is the word that is going to sell the New World Order. Every time you hear the word “smart” connected to another word with the purpose to sell you something, turn the other way). This smart-tattoo will


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revolutionize health care, says MC10 of Cambridge, Mass., that developed this tattoo. It is designed to transmit information about the wearer’s vital signs to smartphones or other devices. No mentioning that you will also be tracked and spied on wherever you are—on the street, or hiding in a bunker—there is no escape from Big Brother.

Fig. 7. Larry Page, Google’s CEO.

Amal Graafstra says that “in the next 10-20 years we will see rapid development in bioengineered and man-machine interfaces230,” and he even wrote a book about the technology. Another concerning thing, mentioned in the same article, is where Google’s CEO, Larry Page, is quoted saying, “eventually you’ll have an implant, where if you think about a fact, it will just tell you the answer.”231 This is hair raising for more than one reason: first, you don’t even need to use your mind to analyze things anymore—the answers come right to you, and second, after a while, the developers of such an implant can decide what they want the answers to be—the opportunities to manipulate a population in this manner are endless!

230 231

Ibid., op. cit. Ibid., op. cit. ~ 271 ~


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Often these implants can be quite intrusive, but there are solutions for that as well, in the form of … yes, you guessed it—a pill! However, concerns about what people will think about intrusions in the form of implants may be exaggerated, which is shown in a study which Intel made public in December 2013, where it found that “70 percent of the 12,000 adults it surveyed were receptive to having their health data collected by various means, including ‘swallowed monitors’”.232 This is quite alarming and is indicative of what level of ignorance the general population is. About 30% of them think that there is something suspicious about those implants, tattoos, and “swallowed monitors,” but that doesn’t mean that a large percentage of these 30% actually, when seriously asked about it, wouldn’t take the implant. It’s easier to say no when it is speculative. The article explains the different options where implants can work extremely well in a day-to-day life for the average person, but the interesting thing is that up until now, none of these things have ever been needed, and we have all been doing more than fine without them. Think, people! The problem is that in a paper such as this one, I’m often preaching to the choir, but I’m hoping it still will have an impact on those who won’t read them, using the hypothesis that knowledge spreads through frequency. Consequently, we know what’s around the corner, and with some knowledge, it’s more than possible to avoid these traps and find alternative lifestyles. I think most readers are aware of that although these technological solutions to non-existent problems will, with time, be more and more mandatory until the message will be that you can’t live in the society without taking part of the new technology—the consequences from not participating are too severe—such as kids not being allowed to go to school because they’re not vaccinated, and they can’t see their pediatrician because they are not vaccinated, while at the same time, the authorities are knocking on the door, reading the law to you that the kids are required to go to school. In the future, this will force many parents to vaccinate their kids with poison, or the parents will have to pay large fees and possibly go to jail. You can choose to put your kids in alternative schools or to do home schooling but only as long as these things are not outlawed—something the authorities have worked on since the 1990s, at least, when my stepdaughter grew up in Sweden. When things such as this happen, we know we have stayed in the Machine Kingdom a little bit too long, and it’s high time to find alternative solutions. In times of great need, people will become brilliant and come up with ideas they never before thought they were capable of. This is definitely the good news! When backed into a corner, don’t forget that you are not the first and only one. Seek likeminded people, and find out what they have concluded for a solution, and help each other out. There are definite ways to overcome the suppression with some 232

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group effort. There will come a time when the Machine Kingdom will leave people who refuse to abide by the System by reclaiming their Free Will and sovereignty as human beings alone. The stronger we are in claiming these things, energetically, the faster we will snap out of the cycles of insanity. In any case, know that you’re not alone—it’s imperative to find likeminded people when Big Brother is knocking on your door or is sending you nasty stuff. Use what you have learned! If anything of what I have written about in my “Soul-ution” Sections to my papers is relative to you, then take it to heart and start, or continue, practicing it. Use that, perhaps, in combination with other soulutions that may be your own—or bright ideas you have found elsewhere—it doesn’t matter which, as long as it’s working. Anyone of us is stronger than the suppression we’re under—we just need to realize that and utilize our power. When we do, the tide will turn, and those who instigated fear will show us that they are the ones who really fear, and the ones that they fear are us! Our hope is that their fear will only be temporary, and soon they will come to terms with the problems they are facing on their level of existence, and we eventually will get peace. However, it will not happen tomorrow—this is just the beginning of a New Era, but once ideas start spreading, there is usually no end to it. Look at the Beatlemania in the 1960s and how fast the pop and rock culture spread in society all over the world. Yes, it was highly promoted by the Elite, but we see how fast an idea can plant itself into society and become really big. Never stop dreaming—we need more dreamers—a lot more dreamers who can visualize a future in peace, without violence, without fear, and without terror and hidden knowledge. We need those who can dream up a world where everybody has equal value and is accepted for his or her uniqueness and where we all understand that all of us, without exceptions, have something to contribute to the whole, and that this is our purpose. Let’s start doing things we are proud of in the field where our passion, or passions, lie and begin creating. Have fun, be together, love each other, make love, and enjoy life. Life is supposed to be extraordinary, joyful, and playful. When it becomes too serious, we must rethink because we’re doing something wrong. In spite of the odds, I believe in humanity. We have shown many times that when we are deeply challenged, we become very strong and have an enormous power to survive. This power can now bring us to a new level that not only has to do with survival but also opens up the chakras so we can let the sunshine in and start operating on an entirely new, multidimensional level. It has been such a great pleasure to communicate to the readers—I have enjoyed every second of it! However, this is not the end—I will always continue researching and writing, although it has come to a point where new subjects need to be explored, new boundaries broken, and new epiphanies obtained.

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I hope you’ll stay with me in the future as well, so that we always can have a door open into each other’s lives. We are the forerunners and our children are the new Builders—I have already seen this trend! There may be a Fifth Level of Learning, as well—something I am contemplating at the moment, but if there will be, it’s going to be the last level of learning, and after that, the Wes Penre Papers are completed! Then I will write books instead of papers, but if they are non-fictional books, containing my research, they will be downloadable for free. I may also start writing fiction in the near future, and those books I will publish for people to purchase, as an author does, so I can get some income for my work as well. In the meantime, I want you all to have a wonderful evolving time ahead of you. One day, most of us will meet—if not in this life, it will be on the other side. The Universe may be vast, but any of us will only be a thought away!

Disclaimer! The purpose for this series of papers, as with anything and everything I have been writing, is to express my own conclusions, based on the research I have done. It must in no way be considered the ultimate truth and must not be considered anybody else’s truth until that person has thoroughly thought these things through and decided that he or she may agree with what I have concluded, in part or as a whole. If somebody does not agree, it must be that person’s right to individual thinking. Moreover, I do not want any religion, cult, secret society, or followers to be created out of my material. Also, I am not a guru or a leader of any kind, and I refuse to be treated or viewed as such. At the most, I am a student of the unknown and the mystics who wants to teach and share my experiences and the knowledge I think that I have gained. Thank you,

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Appendix Paper A: Protocol of a Meeting between Human and Extraterrestrial Galactic Representatives on Planet Earth in 2011

i. Introduction to the 2010-2011 Plenum Meeting, Presented by Wes Penre


t the time of this meeting, the anticipations were overall quite great amongst us member of the Linkage Institute; at least amongst us who were relatively new to this group. Even those who had been connected with Life Physics Group— California since longs were, most of them, hoping for something big because we were closing in on 2012—the end of an Era, and the beginning of a new. LPG-C was very much into prophecies and their fulfillment. In retrospect, when I read the protocol below, which Dr. A.R. Bordon of LPG-C sent out to us members shortly after their return from the Plenum Meeting in January 2011, may seem fascinating in some ways, but now, after these events are supposed to have happened, it's hard to prove if they really did happen or not. The reason for this, as the reader will see, is because whether the events occurred or not, and due to the nature of the implications of events, we humans would never know either way. Therefore, take the Protocol any way you feel indicates to you, the reader. I am including it here, in the Fourth Level of Learning of the Wes Penre Papers because it may be in the public's interest that I do so. At the time when the Protocol was first released, it was highly confidential, and could only be read by the members of LPG-C and the Linkage Institute, but times have changed. Dr. Bordon is now diseased, but a few months before he passed away, he clearly stated that the time of secrecy is over, and from now on we should be working in the open. Moreover, another member of the Inner Circle of the LPG-C posted this Protocol on his public facebook page about a year, to a year and a half, ago. Although he shortly thereafter removed his entire facebook from the Internet, he still gave a go-ahead to us to publish this material by being the first to do so. With this in mind, I am hereby publishing this material. In addition, for the reader’s convenience, I have provided endnotes, including definitions and other clarifications to this protocol. I hope you enjoy the information! May love and peace be with us all!

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ii. The Protocol: Link Report from Extraterrestrial Meeting in 2011, by Dr. A.R. Bordon Below please find capsule of what's so far written for the report on a subject you'll find interesting. This does not go out to the net. Not yet. Please.

A. Executive Summary The 13th Annual Gathering of the Link association took place between Wednesday 5 January and Friday 14 January, 2001 [sic. Correction: 2011], at an undisclosed location in the southern hemisphere of the American continent. Present were all sitting members of the Link Gathering and 17 observers from 6 observer member biokinds. Present and attending from the Life Physics Group – California were A. R. Bordon, Managing Scientist, Robert B. Solingen, Director of Research, and James T. Traveler, Exopolitical Constituencies and Human Memes. Sitting members of the Link came from planets and (star systems): BH-5 (Beta Hydris), MA-b (Mu Arae), UA-A/ua:c-d (Upsilon Andromedae), DhE-3X (Fomalhaut), HRE-2 (Gliese 86), CnC-c (55 Cancri), HD69830-c (HD69830) [Puppis Constellation], PhE-X (Pollux [twins]), 82E-5 (82 Eridani), 82E-4 (82 Eridani), 83L-B/a (83 Leonis) Earth (Sol), and Sa.A.Mi. (Sol). Observer members came from Gliese 581-g, Gliese 581-f, GJ 1214b (OGLE-2005), PSR B1257+12 B (PSR), and two planets from the HD Iota Draconis b and 47 Ursae Majoris systems. By biokind/biotypes,233 those present were humanoids (16 different planet origins), sauroid234 (eight different planet origins), hybrid humanoid/sauroid (2 different planet origins) and hybrid humanoid/crystalloids (2 different planet origins). In this Gathering, the Plenum235 (all members present) focused on several areas of common interests and several other topical areas of particular interest to specific biokind groups present. The general areas of common interest were: def. Biokind: Biological beings, such as ourselves. def. Sauroid: Reptilian being, also including those who go under the term Grays or Greys. 235 def. Plenum: Basically means space, but here a name for the whole group of terrestrial and extraterrestrial beings who have met annually and semi-annually, either here on Earth, or on spaceships in orbit around Earth. These meetings were held on Earth (as this one was) only when humans were the hosts. If an alien race were hosts, the meeting was held in space. 233 234

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(1) meeting the challenge presented by the passing through aphelion of Sa.A.Mi./Nibiru and its effects on the inner solar system planets, (2) scientific/technologic measures taken to ameliorate the main- and side-effects of said passing through, (3) the episodic presence of the itinerant gravitational wavefront236 passing through the solar system in approximately 22 months, and (4) the petition of acceptance to the Linkage by the HumanOrg Linkage Institute237, as represented by A. R. Bordon before the Plenum, including the global issue of oneconnectivity singular set (core or critical mass of human beings on Earth aware, available and open to dealing with upcoming events involving extraterrestrial presence, catastrophic and natural-cause events related to the passage of Sa.A.Mi)238 Topical areas also dealt within grouping subsets of the present Plenum totality included the following: (1) the Sa.A.Mi. contest for hegemony as an overall context for the SAM [short for Ša.A.Mi., editor's note.] exercise of measured restraining of surface cadre, including access to communications and face-to-face negotiations with known and potential allies. (2) Low-intensity conflicts between GovOrg239 memberships in favor of violent repression and extermination of all off-world membership on the surface and in near Earth space – Issues and useful contexts in which to open dialogue to manage and hopefully eliminate possible conflagrations due to official human xenophobic behavior and policies.

For more on the superwave, see my Level I paper,, Section 5. 237 The Linkage Institute is an organization consisting of selected members of the public; such as researchers into the exopolitical field. I was (and possibly still am) a member of this group, although no longer playing an active role. 238 [sic] Ša.A.Mi is the name of the beings living on the planet called Ša.A.Me, not the other way around. Ša.A.Me is supposedly the name of the Planet Nibiru, on which the so-called "Anunnaki" live, according to LPG-C. This is a typo on Dr. Bordon's behalf because he knew the difference of the terms Ša.A.Mi and Ša.A.Me. 239 def. GovOrg: Government Organizations; also including such organizations as the NSA, CIA, and the FBI. 236

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(3) Continuing need for expansion of population to resource planetary sites available in all star systems, including Earth (issues of [a] origin-biokind residence, [b] squatter’s rights240 by any other biokind presently neither residing on nor originating from Earth, and [c] interbiokind frictions associated with these expansions. And, (4) The relationships between ontobioenergetic (biokinds) and ontoenergetic life forms (without physical/biological body-forms) in exopolitical terms – an issue that is about to concern us directly (as there are already ontobioenergetic groups as well as ontoenergetic forms vying for an alignment of Earth with any one of several such life forms. This was a topic of active, energetic participation by us and by those vying to establish client-relationships between us and them. The Gathering came to a close at approximately noon (Pacific Standard Time) (3:00 pm local time) on Friday 14 January, with membership dispersal following the closing ceremony. A grand reception was given by LPG-C after the closing ceremony, attended by all Plenum members and some of the Observer Members.

B. Scientific/Technologic Measures Taken to Ameliorate the Main- and Side-Effects of Said Passing Through The chief measures devised, aligned and being taken currently are scientific/technological steps to stabilizing the space medium by means of spacetime/subquantal (S/Sq) stabilizers that work like beacons emitting broadband signals as electrostatic/electromagnetic and gravitational fields designed to strengthen the gravitational balance of a planet’s orbit. These are multiple nodal networks of special matter designed and fashioned like Arthur C. Clark’s monoliths in the film version of his 2001 Space Odyssey. These items are located along gravity pathways of all major astronomical objects up to the seventh planetary body from Sol. There are also nodes along all gravitational boundaries between astronomical objects (i.e., Laplace points or boundaries) to further strengthen the gravitational fields of the astronomical objects in question241. While new in its use as stability promotion networks, they are

def. Squatter's Right: The squatters are we humans, who have multiplied here on Earth over the milliennia. LPG-C's objective is to make extraterrestrial groups and races, such as the Ša.A.Mi, to understand that we, as squatters, have rights to this planet, and to our own biokind/biomind (biological bodies and minds). 240

241 For more on the monoliths, see “The First Level of Learning,”, Sections 4.3; 4.4.

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said to have performed very well in the last passage some 3,532 years ago (Sa.A.Mi. estimate converted into Earth years). There is now available data to the intergroup consortium managing the system network from each of the major astronomical bodies, including substantial correlatable data from the incoming planetary object to construct an energetic level-appropriate intervention medium which can sustain electrostatic exchanges between the incoming and the four major inner planets without any major gravitational disruptions in orbital pathways, planetary wobble, polar changes, and FTEs (flux transfer event). FTEs are burst of reconnection at the Earth’s magnetopause, i.e., the boundary between terrestrial magnetic field lines and the interplanetary magnetic field. FTEs can be observed either via their signatures (in the magnetic field and plasma distributions) or by the effect they have on the ionosphere (pulsed flows and poleward-moving auroral and radar features). An attempt at using a S/Sq stabilizer on Earth surface has failed to yield results similar to those in interplanetary space, and all attempts at directly affecting current and growing effects of interplanetary electrostatic and electro-gravitational interactions due to proximity effects between the incoming and Earth by means of said stabilizer have been abandoned. It appears that using such stabilizers on Earth surface have a reverse effect on the planetary eco- and weather systems. However, research on Earth continues along similar principles, but using other subquantal applications of electrogravitoenergetics (EGE) and mainline wormhole connector electroducts (MWCE). (Note of Editor [Tongue-in-cheek]: Nikola, where are you when we need you most?) Some, but not all, of these applications make use of available HAARP and other generative EGEs in conjunction with the Earth’s MWCE. All of these campaigns involve Link Plenum members242, who have been sufficiently forthcoming in informing us of their existence and results. This issue is also interwoven with the expected gravitational wavefront to pass through the solar system in approximately 22 months from now. It is expected that there will be time/space and space/time effects in ratios in which our solar system exists. Thus, it is not altogether out of the question to consider that the effects of such a passage may affect all current ameliorative efforts by an effect known as “edit history.” Theoretical and experimental work continues on Earth with regards to cloaking as a means of looking at the edit history of an object. The idea is to create a tunnel through which an object could perform an action – move or change shape, for example – while appearing as though it is doing nothing at all. The intent is to see if the entire planet could be phase shifted onto a parallel timeline to a timeline position after the passage while preserving configurations of desirable activities and technologies in relation to the original objective of said activities and technologies. This is not unlike the effect 242 def. Link Plenum Members: See endnote [3] above. These are the members of this united group, which meets annually, and sometimes semi-annually.

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achieved in the Philadelphia port object translation of a large object (war ship), but on a much more ratio (time/space) encompassing than that achieved by Townsend Brown et al. See Part III for more.

C. Episodic Presence of the Itinerant Gravitational Wavefront Passing Through the Solar System in Approximately 22 Months The current forecast is in the 22 months range. That is, it is expected that the solar system would sustain the passage of an itinerant gravitational wavefront generated by a supernova explosion in the (find source for this) some (0000 light-years ago, find source for this as well). This is where things get interesting. A gravity wave is a different sort of animal, as it is not electromagnetic in nature, and does depend upon dark energy for its sustenance and does involve time in a most unexpected of ways. In the American culture, to speak of time is to imply money and the making of money. In this itinerant gravity wavefront phenomenon, to speak of time is really to speak of sub-quantal energetics in the form of dark energy. This is the inhomogeneous vacuum energy that Vyacheslav Lukich Dyatlov spoke about so ably before our group (LPG-C) over a dec-ade ago. We already knew that gravity is not an electromagnetic force, that the graviton is but a mere assumption, virtual photon carry no gravitational charge, and electromagnetic fields have no gravitational mass. This then leads to the consideration of an isomorphism that holds the gravitational equivalent of a photon, which we on Earth have already dubbed it as the graviphoton. Our Link counterparts have something similar to this, which made discourse quite easy. All of this here is necessary as preview to an understanding of the potential disruptions that could be caused by the itinerant wavefront. One of the best ways to conceptualize effects of such itinerant wavefront moving through solar system spacetime (which is to say, Earth spacetime also), is to conceptualize it as a wave of a force that expresses motion in both subquantal and spacetime space/time and time/space ratios. When an object moves in spacetime of three dimensions and one dimension of time, we are told the same object causes a forward parting of the subquantal vacuum and leaves a wake behind – a track of discernible turbulence left throughout homogeneous and inhomogeneous vacuum media. Strangely enough, we are told (and we ourselves find gnosive evidence that) matter in space can be both matter and antimatter, depending upon the gravitational lensing we use in observing it. This does not directly play a role in the range of effects we can anticipate from this itinerant wavefront moving through our spacetime/vacuum solar system medium, but it does affect the aftermath of what remains once it creates a wake in passage. (The figure to the right is from an animation of a gravity wave series ~ 280 ~


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superimposed on a SPC photo series, and is only a visual aid, not a real wavefront.) In other words, we may at minimum find ourselves reliving moments before the passage as though it never happened before but with us experiencing it as déjà vu. At maximum, the passage may literally induce a sufficiently severe wake such that our medium is momentarily cloaked (as in gone off-phase) from the rest of our local solar system space/time ratio (internally, this would be much like the “day of the Lord” where-in/when-in time stops completely, such that the Earth/solar system would seem to go through a tunnel and come out at the other end hopefully on the same timeline as when it entered the wake. The operative word here is hopefully. Civilization-III members of the Link Plenum and observer groups have reported in previous annual Gatherings experiences, theirs and those of others known to them, with other like-kind itinerant wavefronts generated by the collapse of stars as supernovae, and the collapse of black holes into singularities. Thus, it seems to us from these reports that this type of astronomical seeming anomaly is much more normal that we have heretofore realized here on Earth. See Part III for more on this. ------These are for you only. Comment back when you can. Regards, A. R.

Disclaimer! The purpose for this series of papers, as with anything and everything I have been writing, is to express my own conclusions, based on the research I have done. It must in no way be considered the ultimate truth and must not be considered anybody else’s truth until that person has thoroughly thought these things through and decided that he or she may agree with what I have concluded, in part or as a whole. If somebody does not agree, it must be that person’s right to individual thinking. Moreover, I do not want any religion, cult, secret society, or followers to be created out of my material. Also, I am not a guru or a leader of any kind, and I refuse to be treated or viewed as such. At the most, I am a student of the unknown and the mystics who wants to teach and share my experiences and the knowledge I think that I have gained.

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Thank you,

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