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What lockdown taught me

Lockdown is something that a lot of people weren’t A focus on creativity is not a waste of time


prepared for, and I won’t pretend it hasn’t been hard.

It has felt incredibly unnatural to be stuck inside, and Over the years, it’s been instilled in me that activities like watching I’m aware it’s led to struggles within relationships Netflix, drawing and colouring are extremely unproductive when due to the distance between people. Partners, friends and it comes to being a university student. I have spent much of my grandparents were forcibly separated and communication two years at university believing that these were all time-wasters became difficult. However, there have been positives to come and felt guilty whenever I’d indulge in a bit of colour by numbers, out of lockdown in the lessons that it has taught me. but lockdown has taught me that these are actually beneficial.

Don’t stress the little things

If COVID-19 has taught me anything, it’s that the little things in life are not worth stressing about, as there are always things bigger than you.

That phone call where you stumbled over your words slightly? Not important.

That bicker you had with your friend last week? Not important.

It’s put all my little anxieties into perspective. Stressing about minuscule things, like arguments and embarrassing stutters, seem entirely irrelevant when something so big and so scary is on the minds of everyone in the world. So, from now on, I know not to stress about little mistakes I make day-to-day.

My relationship with family is so important

Despite how much I’ve sometimes felt frustrated at the lack of freedom when being stuck with my parents and brother, it’s made me realise how close we actually are. We’ve had political discussions, watched so many films, taught each other a lot and learned a lot together, and it’s brought me closer to them. Although I am excited to get back to university and live independently, I will continue to appreciate my time with my family and our close relationship more. In a time where entertainment has to come from home, these activities are so valuable for my mental health. I’ve even been reading for fun, something that felt wildly unfamiliar to me as an English student.

My introversion is a blessing, not a curse

My relationship with my introversion has always been complicated, as it’s something which has sometimes impacted my social life negatively. Whether it be leaving socials early or not feeling like I had enough to talk about, I’ve always loved my own company and my own space, and what better time is there to be an introvert than in a nation-wide lockdown?

I will no longer get frustrated at my introversion. Though I may not be the most talkative of the friendship group or the best host with visitors, I am so glad to be comfortable in my own company. Lockdown has taught me that introversion is something which I should be proud of, rather than ashamed of.

Despite lockdown’s challenges, I’ll look back on it as something that’s taught me important life lessons that I’ll have in mind into the future.


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