Every Season Has A Story

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2007 TEAM


1994 TEAM


2008 TEAM


1995 TEAM


2009 TEAM


1996 TEAM


2010 TEAM


1997 TEAM


2011 TEAM



2012 TEAM


1998 TEAM


2013 TEAM


1999 TEAM


2014 TEAM


2000 TEAM


2015 TEAM


2001 TEAM


2016 TEAM


2002 TEAM


2017 TEAM


2003 TEAM




2004 TEAM




2005 TEAM




2006 TEAM




26-31 1

Making the Dream a Reality Familiarity seems to suit the West

their parents before taking children

more than 1,700 home games.

Michigan Whitecaps. Sure, the names

of their own – once again packed the

on the back of the uniforms may

concourse when the Whitecaps hosted

As the team celebrates its 25th

have changed over the years, and

the South Bend Cubs in the home

season, there isn’t much the duo

home debut with a 5-2 win against the

Fifth Third Ballpark has enjoyed a

opener on April 5 and there, somewhere

hasn’t already seen. Sure, another

Burlington Bees on April 12, 1994, but

number of renovations, expansions

in the middle of that throng, were two of

championship would be nice and the fan

the seeds for a franchise located in

and technological improvements, but

the most familiar individuals associated

experience is extremely important, but

West Michigan actually were planted

when the Whitecaps opened the 2018

with the Whitecaps and baseball in

the thing they were really hoping for on

way back in 1980 - if not before even

Midwest League season, fans were

West Michigan.

Opening Night was warm temperatures


and maybe a little sunshine. As most

treated to largely the same welcome

The Whitecaps may have made their

sights, smells and sounds that have

There’s a good chance you’ve

everyone knows, spring in Michigan


greeted crowds since Minor League

already crossed paths – and perhaps

can be a tad unpredictable and recent

Rapids dates back to the 1880s, when a

Baseball finally returned to the area.


experience is no exception.

number of teams came and went during



Whitecaps owners and founders Denny


ago just to bring the franchise to life.

It’s not




the turn of the century with nicknames

Many of the faces also will be

Baxter and Lew Chamberlin.


like the Furnituremakers and Ganzfelds,

recognizable. Thousands of people

unusual to see them strolling through


quaint compared to the hoops and



with the Great Depression generally

– many of whom have grown up with

the ballpark, munching on popcorn or a

hurdles Baxter and Chamberlin were

wiping out their existence. Of course,

the team, maybe attending games with

hot dog, during one of the Whitecaps’

forced to navigate more than 30 years

Grand Rapids is also well-known for

the Chicks of the All-American Girls

to bring a team to Wyoming near

Professional Baseball League and “A

Lamar Park.

with curious individuals on the topic,

League of Their Own” movie fame, but

Baxter had plenty of conversations

it, this guy gets it! He knows it all!”

but the project seemed to be spinning

that league disbanded in 1954 and left

Chamberlin, who was then working

its wheels. Nothing clicked until he

that he doesn’t know it all, but he did

West Michigan without a professional

for his family’s business at Alro Steel,

answered the phone and Chamberlin

quickly discover that the pair shared

team for four long decades.

wasn’t exactly thrilled to learn someone

was on the other end.

a vision for a new team and his legal

else was pursuing the same project at

background complemented Baxter’s

It might have stayed that way if

first. Rather than dwell on the prospect,

That hour-long phone conversation

as a Certified Public Accountant. “The

not for a series of columns written by

however, he took some sage advice

led to another, which eventually led to

classic tale of two heads are better than

Corky Meinecke of The Grand Rapids

from his wife, Bettegail Shively.

a sit-down meeting at a restaurant in

one,” Chamberlin said. Chamberlin

Press in 1980 that posited a simple

Chamberlin will be the first to admit

Hudsonville where the fantasy of Grand

then contacted a friend from his law

question: If Minor League Baseball

“When I saw the articles, I was

Rapids Minor League Baseball started

school days to draw up the contract

can work in Evansville, Indiana - then

crestfallen,” Chamberlin said. “Here it

to take shape.

that formed West Michigan Baseball

the home of the Detroit Tigers’ AAA

was, somebody doing exactly what I

affiliate - then why couldn’t it here?

wanted to do. But my wife said, ‘Before

“It was thrilling. I knew from the

Chamberlin read those stories and had

you give up, why don’t you just call the

beginning that not many people knew

the same question. As it turned out, so

guy and see what’s up?’ And that’s what

me and I meant nothing in this town,”

did Baxter.

I did; I called the guy. “I didn’t even

Baxter said. “I didn’t have money,

a stadium, they were having trouble

know what I was looking for.”

I don’t have a business reputation.

finding a team that could relocate to

I’m not (local baseball legend) Bob

West Michigan. Conversely, minus a

Over the next couple of years, Chamberlin



Development, Inc. and “away we went.” There was only one issue: Without


Baxter, meanwhile, had performed

Sullivan, I’m not Fred Meijer, I’m not

team willing to move to West Michigan,

began pursuing the idea of bringing

a significant amount of initial work,

Rich DeVos. Who was going to listen to

building a new baseball stadium was

Minor League Baseball back to West

investing in preliminary architecture

me? I was desirous of connecting with

going to be a tricky proposition.

Michigan. Neither one had a clue what

plans and a couple marketing studies.

some people. But nobody really came

the other was doing at the time. They

He’d also made a few phone calls of

across as someone who would really

“We’ve always described it as a

were working parallel tracks with the

his own, including one to Pacific Coast

dive in and do this. When I got the call

chicken and egg issue,” Chamberlin

same vision, but progress was painfully

League President Bill Cutler, who had

from Lew, I was really looking for that.

said. “How could you get the county

slow and frequently frustrating. Their

ties to the Grand Rapids area and

I needed someone to help me get this

or the state or whoever to build you

paths might have never crossed if

seemed legitimately excited by the

off the ground. So he came out and we

a stadium if you can’t guarantee them

not for another article in The Grand

prospect of baseball returning to the

talked and it was like he was copying

a team that will play here? And how

Rapids Press, this time written by Greg


my notes. My jaw hit the table. He gets

can we go out and find investors or

Johnson, who linked Baxter to efforts 3

somebody who’s willing to sell us a

Action, to find a way to construct a

the money from investors, get them

there selling air and in some sense

team unless we can honestly say we

stadium, perhaps in Wyoming or Byron

to understand and share your vision.

perhaps so because we didn’t have the

have a place to for them to play? We

Township. Unfortunately, when the

That’s what we did.”

stadium and we didn’t have the team,”

were stuck. We had to pick either the

committee chose to prioritize an arena

Baxter said. “But we had a pretty good

chicken or the egg. So we picked the

– which eventually would become Van



case to talk about what Minor League

egg, which was the facility, and went to

Andel Arena - and convention center

secure 26 limited business partners

Baseball in West Michigan could look

work on it.”

- DeVos Place – for public dollar use

and together they purchased a vacant

like and mean to this community.




before a baseball stadium, they realized

piece of land just off highway U.S. 131

Fortunately, we were able to sell that.

For the next six years, the pair

that another path would have to be

in Comstock Park, MI where one of the

What we learned over the course

devoted countless time and energy

found. (For the record, Chamberlin says

only professional baseball stadiums

of those six or seven years is that we

toward finding a way to publicly

the committee was “absolutely right”

constructed strictly with private funding

didn’t have a lot of credibility. We had a

finance a stadium, which is what the

to make those its top two priorities.)

now stands. “We literally went out

great idea, we had the numbers to back

overwhelming majority of minor league

“We pretty quickly came to understand

and found it brick-by-brick. We stuck

it up, we had a plan, but we didn’t have

franchises did at the time. They also

that if we really wanted to get it done

our necks out there, reputation-wise,”

much credibility,” Chamberlin said.

worked with the not-for-profit Grand

in our lifetime we were going to have

Baxter said. “It’s not like it was two guys

“The reason we’re here now is because

Vision Committee, which was founded

to do it another way,” Chamberlin said.

dropping a million dollars each into this

that was the plan all along. Our vision

in 1991 and is now known as Grand

“That other way was to go out and raise


was that it would always become a tradition in West Michigan and a part of

Of course, there was still the matter

the fabric of our community.”

of finding an actual team to play in this new facility. Fortunately, in the fall

That tradition now includes six

of 1992, Baxter and Chamberlin had

Midwest League championships, 9

started negotiations with the Madison

million fans – and counting - and a

Muskies (Wisconsin) of the Midwest

successful long-term relationship as the

League. Finally, in February 1993,

Class A affiliate of the Detroit Tigers.

it was announced that the Muskies would relocate to West Michigan and

construction of a 5,700-seat stadium

have maintained a partnership and

Through it all, Baxter and Chamberlin

that would originally be known as Old

friendship built on a mutual love of the

Kent Park began that spring.

sport. Their personalities may differ slightly – Baxter describes himself as

Above: Stakes marking the future home plate at Old Kent Park. 4

“I always joked that we were out

being a little brasher, while Chamberlin

is more methodical – but the foundation

Looking back, it’s hard to believe

of trust has never wavered. “There’s not

it took this long for Minor League

a better person on the planet,” Baxter

Baseball to find its way back to West

said. “It’s been the biggest blessing

Michigan. If not for an out-of-the-blue

of my life.” Said Chamberlin: “We’ve

phone call from Chamberlin to Baxter,

never been at crosshairs. Ever.”

it may still be only a pipedream instead of an annual destination for thousands

A mutual leap of faith, a little

of fans located throughout the state.

stubbornness and a firm belief that they had the right plan has led to what

is now inarguably one of the most

them once again walking along the

As a result, it won’t be hard to find

successful franchises in all of Minor

concourse, talking to fans, sharing

League Baseball.

memories and, naturally, cheering for the Whitecaps.

“We always said, going back all the

way to the early 80s, that this was not a

bad idea, it was a good idea, just bad

“We’re as big of baseball fans now as

“The passion remains,” Baxter said.

execution,” Chamberlin said. “If it’s

we were back then. It hasn’t gone away.

a good idea, then it’s worth pursuing

The vision lives on.”

until somebody actually drives a nail through the coffin. And nobody could

ever do that.”

quite another thing to turn that into

“It’s one thing to have a dream. It’s

reality,” Chamberlin said. “We still “Believe me, working through this

haven’t seen enough baseball games.

project, there were a lot of folks who

I’m not done watching baseball. I

would literally say to my face, ‘You’re

probably never will be.”

crazy.’” Baxter said. “People did not think that this was going to work. People look at it today, after 25 years, and think it makes perfect sense. Not so much in 1984, ‘85, ‘86 ...”

Top: Lew Chamberlin and Denny Baxter revealing future plans for Old Kent Ballpark in 1995 Bottom: Old Kent Park 1994


1994 RECORD: 74-65 PLAYOFF RECORD: 0-2 Lost in First Round Opponents: Rockford (0-2)

MLB PLAYERS ON 1994 TEAM: Jason Beverlin Steve Cox D.T. Cromer Jeffrey D’Amico Tim Kubinski Jason McDonald Chris Michalak Willie Morales George Williams (first Whitecap in MLB)

RECORDS & AWARDS: Broke Single A single season attendance record (475,212)


1995 RECORD: 67-69 PLAYOFF RECORD: 3-3 Lost in Second Round Opponents: Kane County (2-1) Michigan (1-2)

MLB PLAYERS ON 1995 TEAM: Emil Brown Ben Grieve David Newhan

RECORDS & AWARDS: Broke Single A single season attendance record (507,989)


1996 RECORD: 77-61 PLAYOFF RECORD: 7-2 Won Franchise’s 1st MWL Championship Opponents: Lansing (2-1) Rockford (2-0) Wisconsin (3-1)

MLB PLAYERS ON 1996 TEAM: Benito Baez Ryan Christenson Jeff DaVanon Ramon Hernandez Juan Moreno Derrick White

RECORDS & AWARDS: Broke Single A single season attendance record (547,401) 8

1997 RECORD: 92-39 PLAYOFF RECORD: 0-2 Lost in First Round Opponents: Fort Wayne (0-2)

MLB PLAYERS ON 1997 TEAM: Dave Borkowski Francisco Cordero Mario Encarnacion Robert Fick Pedro Santana Chris Wakeland

RECORDS & AWARDS: Baseball America’s Minor League Team of the Year, Class A Team of the Decade, Third-Best Minor League Team of the Decade, Best record in professional baseball 9

© 2018 Quality Is Our Recipe, LLC.


to meet with Whitecaps owners Lew

the Whitecaps knew it was time to

Chamberlin and Denny Baxter.

re-evaluate the situation.

“They knew we were thinking


about changing,” Chamberlin said.

been investing a lot of money in

“Sandy Alderson was a Harvard-


educated lawyer, and he was sharp

weren’t focused that way and their

and he was intimidating. He really

minor league system was kind of

couldn’t understand why we would

in shambles and non-competitive

even consider making a move like

and they really weren’t doing much

that. Denny and I kind of explained

about it,” Chamberlin said. “But

what our thinking was, which had

when John McHale was named the

everything to do with the geographic

new president of the Tigers and

proximity and marketing.”

Randy Smith was hired as the GM,







they were refocusing on player “Let’s face it: This is a Tiger town.”

development and investing in their amateur scouting and their player

If Sandy Alderson and Billy Beane

that season drew to a close, so did

had their way, the West Michigan

their two-year player development



really transforming the franchise.

Whitecaps would be celebrating

contract, which gave the Whitecaps

organization after the 1994 season

That’s when we said, ‘OK, this is the

their 25th season as the minor league

a two-week window in September to

when their original one-year contract

time to jump.’ ”

affiliate of the Oakland Athletics

explore new deals with other teams.

with the Athletics ended. But after

instead of their 22nd – and counting

For example, a certain Michigan-

examining the state of Detroit’s

There have been no regrets.

- with the Detroit Tigers.

based major league franchise.

player development system, the

Located only about 160 miles from

Whitecaps didn’t think it was the right

Detroit, the Whitecaps have enjoyed

Exploring a potential partnership

time to switch and instead resigned

a stellar prospect pipeline that


with the Tigers certainly was a logical

with Oakland. That appeared to be

has resulted in five more Midwest

unsuccessful. In fact, West Michigan

move. That’s why Alderson, who was

a prudent move, especially after

League titles and scores of talented

won the 1996 Midwest League

then the Athletics’ general manager,

West Michigan won the ’96 crown.

players who would graduate to the

championship as a member of the

and Beane, the assistant GM, flew

But when Tigers owner Mike Ilitch

major leagues, including current

Athletics’ organization. But when

across the country to Grand Rapids

made some new front office hires,

It’s not like the Whitecaps’ original




The Whitecaps first had the to



development system. They were


That wasn’t necessarily the case in ’96, Chamberlin said. “It was a tough decision and we agonized with it. In fact, it was such a topic of discussion in our family that (son) Joe made what he called the ‘Decision Maker,’” he said. “It was this oddly shaped papier-mache ball that he put together and devised even without the Tigers because

kind of like a Magic 8-Ball. He cut



a bunch of little pieces in there and

professional baseball, and because

they all had different answers. ‘What

we had a great staff that was going

should we do?’ Then the answer

to promote it and we had a great

would come out, ‘Ask (Whitecaps

facility, but I think the fact that we

President) Scott Lane.’ Or my favorite

Posthumus, and Tigers GM Randy Smith at a

are affiliated with the Tigers is truly

that I pulled when I looked at it the

press conference in 1996

the icing on the cake.

other day was ‘Cry.’ ”

Above: Denny Baxter, Senator Dick







West Michigan had plenty of

Tigers Nicholas Castellanos, Dixon

important than icing. It’s a big part of


success during its three-season run

Machado and James McCann.

our success.”




“I think the fact we are a Tigers



The current affiliation between

Class A attendance records with

West Michigan and Detroit Player

475,212 and 507,989 fans before

maximize our popularity with the

Development Contract goes through

setting the single-season attendance

baseball fan base here in West


record of 547,401 during the ’96


won’t be a difficult decision for the



think we would have done well 12



affiliate has really allowed us to











season. Overall, they went 218-195

“It just makes so much sense.

and reached the playoffs twice as

Let’s face it, the one thing that I

an affiliate of the Athletics, while

think characterizes Denny and me

establishing a foothold in the greater

is that we’re fans,” Chamberlin said.

Grand Rapids sports scene.

“We both grew up Tigers fans and I was one of those kids that went to

“They were great to work with. At

sleep at night with a transistor radio

that time, they were owned by Walter

listening to Ernie Harwell. I’ve been

A. Haas Jr. and they were a really

a Tigers fan all my life.”

great ownership group,” Chamberlin said. “They believed in community service and having the players involved in the communities in which they were playing, which matchedup well with our philosophy.” As





the have

Oakland been,


partnership with the Tigers was always in the plans for Chamberlin and










pitch in 1994. When you grow up rooting for legends like Al Kaline, Willie Horton, Mickey Lolich and Bill Freehan, it’s hard not to have that Right: Al Kaline throws out a ceremonial first pitch in 1997 13

1998 RECORD: 83-57 PLAYOFF RECORD: 7-2 Won Championship (2nd for franchise) Opponents: Michigan (2–1) Clinton (2–0) Rockford (3–1)

MLB PLAYERS ON 1998 TEAM: Rodney Lindsey Shane Loux Matt Miller Adam Pettyjohn Michael Rivera Jeff Weaver


1999 RECORD: 68-72 PLAYOFF RECORD: 0-0 Didn’t make playoffs for the first time in franchise history

MLB PLAYERS ON 1999 TEAM: Adam Bernero Nate Cornejo Jason Frasor Brandon Inge Kris Keller Eric Munson Luis Pineda Andres Torres

RECORDS & AWARDS: Baseball America Class A Organization of the Decade 15

2000 RECORD: 88-52 PLAYOFF RECORD: 1-2 Lost in First Round Opponents: Dayton (1-2)

MLB PLAYERS ON 2000 TEAM: Eric Eckenstahler Omar Infante Fernando Rodney Cody Ross Ramon Santiago Max St. Pierre Andy Van Hekken


2001 RECORD: 65-72 PLAYOFF RECORD: 0-0 Didn’t make playoffs

MLB PLAYERS ON 2001 TEAM: Jack Hannahan Nook Logan Mark Woodyard


Where Story Happens

2002 RECORD: 83-57 PLAYOFF RECORD: 3-2 Lost in Second Round Opponents: Dayton (2-0) Lansing (1-2)

MLB PLAYERS ON 2002 TEAM: Don Kelly Mike Rabelo Ryan Raburn


2003 RECORD: 67-73 PLAYOFF RECORD: 0-0 Didn’t make playoffs

MLB PLAYERS ON 2003 TEAM: Brent Clevlen Scott Moore Humberto Sanchez Joel Zumaya


2004 RECORD: 69-70 PLAYOFF RECORD: 7-3 Won Championship (3rd for franchise) Opponents: Lansing (2–1) South Bend (2–0) Kane County (3–2)

MLB PLAYERS ON 2004 TEAM: Eulogio De La Cruz Tony Giarratano Cristhian Martinez Brian Rogers Jordan Tata Virgil Vasquez


2005 RECORD: 73-70 PLAYOFF RECORD: 2-2 Lost in Second Round Opponents: Fort Wayne (2–0) South Bend (0–2)

MLB PLAYERS ON 2005 TEAM: Randor Bierd Brent Dlugach Freddy Dolsi Jeff Frazier Luke French Jair Jurrjens Wilkin Ramirez Chris Robinson Dusty Ryan Jay Sborz Clete Thomas Kevin Whelan


2006 RECORD: 89-48 PLAYOFF RECORD: 7-2 Won Championship (4th for franchise) Opponents: Fort Wayne (2–1) Lansing (2–0) Kane County (3–1)

MLB PLAYERS ON 2006 TEAM: Burke Badenhop Anthony Claggett Michael Hollimon Matt Joyce Cameron Maybin Will Rhymes Jay Sborz RECORDS & AWARDS:

Cameron Maybin named Prospect of the Year for the Midwest League and Tigers Minor League Player of the Year. Pitcher Burke Badenhop named the Tigers Minor League Pitcher of the Year. Whitecaps Manager Matt Walbeck named Low Class A Manager of the Year by Baseball America.


Top Left: Whitecaps get ready to storm the field after clinching the 2006 Midwest League Championship Bottom Left: Midwest League President George Spelius speaks to the crowd after the Whitecaps win the 2006 Midwest League Championship Top Right: Players celebrate in the clubhouse with Manager Matt Walbeck 24



A seemingly infinite number of

While West Michigan is commonly

manager - Phil Regan, Colborn had

memories already have been packed

used as a springboard up baseball’s

never been to the Grand Rapids area

into 25 seasons of West Michigan

ranks, even for managers, all five were

prior to being hired. Once the blisters

Whitecaps baseball.

all more than happy to take a look back

healed and he arrived in Grand Rapids,

at their time spent at Fifth Third Ballpark.

he was more than impressed with the





championships won. It has produced an

JIM COLBORN (1994-95)

and the vision and generosity of the

endless array of stories and recollections,

The Whitecaps’ first-ever manager

especially from the managers tasked

figures the Oakland Athletics picked

with molding young men into major

the perfect person to lead the nascent

“From the beginning they were

league prospects.

franchise in their inaugural season. Either

exceptionally well-organized, had a great

that or they just got lucky.

management team and did things you

Whether they were taking a break

front office.

normally wouldn’t see,” Colborn said.

from roaming the fields down in Florida

“I think they decided to send me off

for spring training or simply moving

into the place they knew the least about,

from tee to tee on a golf course, we

which was the new franchise in West

managed to catch up with five men who

Michigan,” he said with a chuckle. “I

with the results of its new affiliate.

helped shaped the Whitecaps over the

don’t know, maybe I was the lamb being

During Colborn’s first-ever managerial

years - Jim Colborn, Bruce Fields, Matt

sent off to slaughter.”

experience, the Whitecaps qualified for

Walbeck, Tom Brookens and Andrew


passion instantly generated by the fans

“They really took care of our players.” Oakland must have been pleased

the playoffs and set a Class A attendance

Graham - to see what they remembered

Despite marching in wooden shoes

record in their debut season. They would

from their time in West Michigan.

during a Tulip Time parade in Holland

repeat those two feats in his second, and

with his friend - and future Whitecaps

ultimately final year at the helm.

Jim Colborn

“From my point of view, it was a

Colborn said. “They were always trying

outfield, hold his own offensively and

marriage from the get-go,” Colborn

to make a great experience for these

knew how to play baseball. He was off

said. “The stuff they wanted to do and

young professional baseball players.”

and running with a utility man career. ”

same. It was wonderful right from the

He also helped several players

BRUCE FIELDS (1997-2000)


advance in their careers, including 1998

When he was hired as manager

American League Rookie of the Year

in 1997, Bruce Fields was a little more

Ben Grieve. But it was a lesser known


player who may have inspired some of

Colborn. Fields had a friend who lived

Colborn’s best work.

in the area and was familiar with Grand

the stuff I wanted to do was exactly the






hopefully nobody knew about it.” Following the 1995 season, Oakland




Rapids from his playing days in Detroit.

promoted Colborn to its High A team



in Modesto in the California League,



where he managed for one season

available infielders when he noticed


before spending several years as a scout

a pickup truck in the parking lot with


and coach for the Seattle Mariners, Los

a California license plate that read

Jamestown Jammers of

Angeles Dodgers and Pittsburgh Pirates.

LUVS2TRN2. The vehicle belonged to

the New York-Penn

These days, he is enjoying his retirement

David Newhan, who had been converted

League. He also

by traveling, playing golf and “practicing

from an infielder to an outfielder while at


being good at doing nothing.”

Pepperdine University.


Still, he has fond memories of his






the on

Bruce Fields



spending the

the two



Whitecaps seasons the

Colborn immediately started giving

time spent with the Whitecaps, whether

Newhan regular infield work, and he

it was hosting the 1995 Midwest League

eventually parlayed that into an eight-

All-Star Game or enjoying a ferry ride

year career in the majors with five teams.

across Lake Michigan for a road trip in Wisconsin.

“Absolutely not a prospect in any

way, shape or form,” Colborn said. “That





“But there was absolutely a role for

exemplary of the how the Whitecaps

him as a player who could

worked in connection with the team,”

play infield and 27

success as the Whitecaps went 92-

helping players realize their full potential.

“By the time he comes around third,

39 and finished with the best winning

percentage in all of baseball before

One notable example was Cody

losing in the first round of the playoffs.

Ross, who spent the 2000 season in West

Unbeknownst to the Whitecaps,

Michigan on his way to a 12-year major

however, was the stipulation that it had

They rebounded nicely in 1998,

league career that included a World

to be a player from the home team.

laughing at the memory. “You should

beating Rockford in four games to claim

Series ring with the 2010 San Francisco

So as Dubose was celebrating with his

have seen the look on Brian’s face. It was

the Midwest League championship.


teammates in the visitor’s locker room, a

like someone had stolen his dog.”

he’s got that money spent,” Fields said. The celebration didn’t last much longer.

member of the organization’s front office

“That was huge,” Fields said. “That

“He surprised me with the career

approached Dubose, apologized and

was a team that wasn’t quite as good or

he had,” Fields said. “I mean, he was a

handed him a giant stack of Wendy’s

well-rounded as the first team, but we

good player, don’t get me wrong, but

ended up getting the hits at the right

obviously he got better and better and

time, the pitching was a little better and

went on to have a good career. He was a

everything just came together.”

good kid, too.”




Then there was Brian Dubose. The

appearance in 2000, Fields was named

first baseman may not have made it to

manager of Detroit’s AAA affiliate in

the majors, but he did provide Fields

Toledo, where he spent two seasons

with one of his favorite stories from his

before joining the Tigers as hitting

first season.

coach. He also spent several years as a hitting coach in the Cleveland Indians

organization before returning to Detroit,

County, which was running a promotion

where he now holds the title of minor

tied to a giant baseball glove located

league hitting coordinator.

beyond the wall in right-center field. Any

The Whitecaps were playing in Kane

player who hit the bullseye in the center


coupons as a consolation prize.

Fields still fondly recalls his time in

of the glove would win $100,000. Or so

Grand Rapids, whether it was enjoying

the thinking went. As luck would have it,

meals at Vitale’s in Comstock Park or

Dubose crushed a ball that was right on target.

Bruce Fields

“It was horrible,” Fields said, still

MATT WALBECK (2004-06)

As it turned out, the Whitecaps

of Rancho Cordova, Calif., where he

The trajectory of Matt Walbeck’s

were fortunate to have him too. In his

enjoys spending time with his family and

managerial career began on the last day

first year at the helm, the Whitecaps

helping young players develop a passion

of the 2003 major league season. That

finished in fifth place in the first-half

for the game.

was the year the Detroit Tigers went 43-

standings, only to close the year on a

119 and came within one loss of tying

24-6 run and win the Midwest League

the 1962 New York Mets for the most in

title. Walbeck and West Michigan won

it,” Walbeck said. “I have a lot of friends

modern baseball history. Walbeck had

another championship in 2006 led by

who are still in the game, but I’m not

appeared in 59 games that season when

future major leaguers Cameron Maybin,

bitter or anything. I just love baseball

he was called to meet with manager

Matt Joyce and Will Rhymes.

and I’ve been lucky to be able to say I’ve

Alan Trammell and general manager Dave Dombrowski.

“I don’t miss the professional side of

done what I love since I was a little kid.” “We had so many good players come through the system. The Tigers’

“They were telling me how much

farm system at that time was just loaded

they appreciated what I brought to the

with talent,” Walbeck said. “They gave

Tigers as a player, but there wasn’t going

me so much freedom. It was just a real

to be a spot for me on their team next

good, wholesome feeling, one that I

year,” Walbeck recalled. “But they did

never really experienced again as a

say they would love to have me stay in

coach in the minor leagues.”

the organization and manage.”

Walbeck was promoted to the Tigers’

“I told my wife, ‘I think I’m going to

AA affiliate in Erie in 2007 and promptly

take it because if I can’t play for one of

won the Eastern League Manager of the

the worst teams in the history of major

Year Award. He then spent a year as the

league baseball, it’s probably time to

third base coach for the Texas Rangers

make a change and move on to the

before returning to the Eastern League

next part of my career in baseball.’ I

as the manager of the Altoona Curve.

was fortunate to get the job with West Michigan.”

These days, he runs the Walbeck

Baseball Academy in his hometown

Matt Walbeck 29


mark. Highlighted by eight Midwest

2013. Now, he spends his days golfing,


League All-Stars, the Whitecaps beat

fishing and playing with his grandson in

Beloit in five games to claim back-to-

his native Pennsylvania.

familiar with West Michigan when he

Prior to being named the seventh






Brookens actually spent a month during

back league titles.

Andrew Graham was already quite

was named manager of the Whitecaps. “It keeps me busy. I never seem to

In 2004, he had won a championship

West Michigan (and not just at one of

“We had a great team that year, there

be at a loss to find something to do,”

playing for Walbeck as a young catching

their favorite mutual places, Boulder

was no doubt about it,” Brookens said.

he said. “I look back on it and think


Creek Golf Club).

“I even think the Tigers organization

what a great ride. In all my baseball

could have taken guys from us during

experiences, that year I spent in Grand

He also spent part of the 2005

the summer and moved them up, but

Rapids ranks right there as one of my

season in West Michigan before moving

they didn’t because we were winning.”

most fun summers in all of baseball.”

the 2006 season helping Walbeck in





professional baseball in 2005 and spent two seasons managing the Oneonta Tigers in the New York-Penn League

That team included future major

before replacing Walbeck.





Hernandez and Scott Sizemore, but “I jumped at that chance because

Brookens said the Whitecaps couldn’t

it was a reason to get out of extended

have won it all without key contributions

spring training and be around the

from lesser-known prospects such as

team and have some fun,” Brookens

Diek Scram.

said. “The Whitecaps have always had a great reputation. Even speaking

“He was a player that maybe

with the young ballplayers at the time,

wouldn’t get projected to get to the big

everybody wants to move up the ladder,

leagues, but this kid came and played

but whenever they found out that they

every day and became such a big part of

were moving to Grand Rapids most of

our success,” Brookens said.

them were pretty happy.”


Brookens ultimately only spent one

Following that season, Brookens was

promoted to Erie, where he spent two

season in West Michigan, but that was

seasons before serving as the Tigers’

more than enough time to make his

first base coach until retiring in Pitching coach Ray Burris, Manager Tom Brookens, Hitting Coach Benny Distefano

his way up through the minors. While

day and actually get away from the field

“He always called me his dad. The

“All four years I was there were

rehabbing from Tommy John surgery

was great,” Graham said.

day we traded him (to Tampa Bay), he

special in their own right,” Fields said. “It

came into the office and broke down in

was a good time and I got treated well

in 2008, though, he spent some time working with other catchers in Lakeland






tears because he was excited but also

by the West Michigan folks. Everybody

and it left an impression with the Tigers’

generate results on the field as well,

scared that he was leaving the only little

treated me well.”

brass. After playing for Australia in the

and in Graham’s second season they

family he knew in America,” Graham

2009 World Baseball Classic, Graham

defeated Cedar Rapids in five games to

said. “But he’s going to turn out to be an

arrived at spring training to learn that his

claim their sixth championship in 2015.

amazing big league player.”

said. “I was glad I was there.”

now was going to be honed as the minor


league catching coordinator.

wanted to win,” Graham said. “I actually

The future is largely unwritten for

made the comment to somebody,

Lance Parrish as the 13th manager in

talent for working with younger players

“You could just tell that these guys

“They saw there wasn’t room for me

‘We’re going to win this thing.’ The team

franchise history, but it’s a safe bet that

at the higher levels, but they asked me if

came together so well. Obviously, we

his tenure will include two milestones:

I wanted to become a player-coach,” he

had some pieces from the draft, but the

some measure of on-field success and

said. “Then next year they told me I was

guys wanted it and every day I saw them

a lasting admiration for the Whitecaps

going to be a manager. … I’ve basically

want it.”

organization and greater West Michigan

done it all expect pitching coach.”

“They were special days,” Colborn

community. After three seasons, Graham was



promoted to Lakeland for the 2017


season and will serve as the manager for

to find a former manager who would say

Erie in 2018.


an opportunity to explore the West

Despite still being a relatively young

“As a player you always heard

Michigan area a little more thoroughly

manager – he turned 36 on April 22 –

you wanted to go to West Michigan,”

than he did as a player, including trips

Graham already is enjoying positive

Graham said. “It’s great to play at a nice

to the lakeshore for wine tasting with his

feedback from players he helped along

ballpark and in a great city where the


the way, including former Whitecaps

support is amazing. They made you feel

shortstop Willy Adames, who had a little

at home.”








Connecticut. Not only did the promotion

After all, you would be hard-pressed

advance his career, but it also gave him

“Having places within an hour drive

where you can enjoy yourself on an off

trouble initially adjusting to life away

Andrew Graham

from his native Dominican Republic. 31

2007 RECORD: 83-57 PLAYOFF RECORD: 7-2 Won Championship (5th for franchise) Opponents: Lansing (2-0) South Bend (2-0) Beloit (3-2) MLB PLAYERS ON 2007 TEAM: Duane Below Brennan Boesch Angel Castro Casey Fien Charlie Furbush Gorkys Hernandez Luis Marte Guillermo Moscoso Scott Sizemore RECORDS & AWARDS: Diek Scram earns the “Star of Stars” Award at the Midwest League AllStar Game, Tom Brookens wins Manager of the Year, Gorkys Hernandez named MVP of the Midwest League, Whitecaps LHP Duane Below wins Tigers Minor League Pitcher of 32

the Year

Top Left: Owner Lew Chamberlin passes out championship t-shirts to the 2007 Midwest League Champions. Top Right: The West Michigan Whitecaps with the 2007 Midwest League Championship flag Bottom Left: Ray Burris, Lew Chamberlin, Tom Brookens, Benny Distefano and Denny Baxter hold the 2007 Championship Trophy 33

2008 RECORD: 73-76 PLAYOFF RECORD: 1-2 Lost in First Round Opponents: South Bend (1-2)

MLB PLAYERS ON 2008 TEAM: Alex Avila Andy Dirks Alfredo Figaro Mauricio Robles Bryan Villareal Thad Weber Casper Wells

RECORDS & AWARDS: Whitecaps LHP Jon Kibler named Tigers Minor League Pitcher of the Year 34

2009 RECORD: 83-57 PLAYOFF RECORD: 1-2 Lost in First Round Opponents: Great Lakes (1-2)

MLB PLAYERS ON 2009 TEAM: Casey Crosby Avisail Garcia Melvin Mercedes Hernan Perez Luke Putkonen Adam Wilk Bryan Villareal


2010 RECORD: 62-77 PLAYOFF RECORD: 1-2 Lost in First Round Opponents: Lake County (1-2)

MLB PLAYERS ON 2010 TEAM: Rob Brantly Jose Ortega Giovanni Soto Jacob Turner Avisail Garcia Melvin Mercedes Hernan Perez


2011 RECORD: 70-69 PLAYOFF RECORD: 0-0 Didn’t make playoffs

MLB PLAYERS ON 2011 TEAM: Curt Casali Nick Castellanos Jeff Ferrell Brian Flynn James McCann Steven Moya Bruce Rondon Kyle Ryan Rob Brantly Melvin Mercedes Hernan Perez


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2012 RECORD: 72-68 PLAYOFF RECORD: 0-0 Didn’t make playoffs

MLB PLAYERS ON 2012 TEAM: Warwick Saupold Chad Smith Eugenio Suarez Steven Moya Kyle Ryan Melvin Mercedes Jeff Ferrell Curt Casali

RECORDS & AWARDS: Shortstop Eugenio Suarez wins Rawlings Gold Glove Award


2013 RECORD: 69-70 PLAYOFF RECORD: 0-0 Didn’t make playoffs

MLB PLAYERS ON 2013 TEAM: Corey Knebel Guido Knudson Angel Nesbitt Chad Smith Jake Thompson Devon Travis Jose Valdez


2014 RECORD: 82-58 PLAYOFF RECORD: 1-2 Lost in First Round Opponents: Fort Wayne (1-2)

MLB PLAYERS ON 2014 TEAM: Chad Green Buck Farmer Artie Lewicki Joe Mantiply Zac Reininger

RECORDS & AWARDS: Wynton Bernard is named Midwest League MVP NOTABLE: Buck Farmer made MLB debut and pitched for the Whitecaps in the same season


2015 RECORD: 75-64 PLAYOFF RECORD: 7-3 Won Championship (6th for franchise) Opponents: Fort Wayne (2–0) Lansing (2–1) Cedar Rapids (3–2)

MLB PLAYERS ON 2015 TEAM: Joe Jimenez Artie Lewicki


Top Left: Pitcher Joe Jimenez celebrates after the final pitch to clinch the Midwest League Championship in Cedar Rapids, IA against the Kernels. Top Right: Players storm the field to celebrate with pitcher Joe Jimenez Bottom Left: 2015 Whitecaps holding the Midwest League Championship flag and trophy 43

2016 RECORD: 71-65 PLAYOFF RECORD: 3-3 Lost in Second Round Opponents: South Bend (2-1) Great Lakes (1-2)


2017 RECORD: 91-45 PLAYOFF RECORD: 1-2 Lost in First Round Opponents: Dayton (1-2)

RECORDS & AWARDS: Best record in professional baseball, Midwest League record of pitching 28 shutouts for a season 45

25th season All-Time Opponents We’ve had the privilege of enjoying many great Whitecaps players throughout our 24 seasons of Midwest League baseball. However, we would be remiss not to pay tribute to the stars from opposing teams who also saw action at Old Kent Park and Fifth Third Ballpark. These were difficult choices, no doubt. But one thing is for sure – many of the greats in recent memory have played right here, in West Michigan!







Appleton - 1994

3B MIGUEL CABRERA Kane County - 2001

Lansing - 1996



Fort Wayne - 1994


Appleton - 1994


Clinton - 2004


ALBERT PUJOLS Peoria - 2000

CLAYTON KERSHAW Great Lakes - 2007




Burlington -1999 Fort Wayne -2000


Michigan -1999


Michigan -1999


Quad Cities - 2002


Quad Cities -1994


Wisconsin -1996

Honorable Mention

Future All-Stars (2010-PRESENT)

The following players were up for consideration, but after much debate, came up just a bit short. However, there was no way we could leave this group off the list entirely.

While it might be too early to put these players on our All-Time list, they’re all well on their way to MLB stardom.






Rockford 1994


Burlington 2010


Peoria 1995


Dayton 2010


Fort Wayne



Lake County


Kane County



Beloit 2012


Lansing 1999





Dayton 2000


Lake County



Kane County



Lake County



South Bend



Lansing 2012


Quad Cities



Lansing 2012


Kane County



Cedar Rapids



Clinton 2001


Great Lakes



Clinton 2001


Quad Cities



Dayton 2002


Fort Wayne



Peoria 2002


Beloit 2003


Kane County


Dayton 2004


Wisconsin 2004


South Bend


Dayton 2006


South Bend


Dayton 2006


Burlington 2008



2005 2006


Major league Rehab Appearances with the Whitecaps WILLIE BLAIR Pitched one game on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment on May 23, 1997, at Fort Wayne.

CARLOS GUILLEN Played two games on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment on August 6, 2010, against Great Lakes at home and August 7, 2010, at Dayton.

ROBERT FICK Played three games on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment on August 2022, 1999, against Clinton at home.

OMAR INFANTE Played two games on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment on July 24-25, 2013, against Fort Wayne at home.

BRIAN MOEHLER Pitched one game on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment on May 13, 2000, against South Bend at home.

DARIN DOWNS Pitched one game on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment on July 25, 2013, against Fort Wayne at home.

DAVE MLICKI Pitched one game on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment on August 27, 2000, against Wisconsin at home.

LUKE PUTKONEN Pitched one game on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment on May 7, 2014, against Lake County at home and three games on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment on August 28, 2014, at Fort Wayne, on August 30, 2014, at home against Great Lakes, and on September 3, 2014, in Game 1 of the first round of the playoffs at Fort Wayne.

BRANDON INGE Played one game on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment on August 3, 2010, against Great Lakes at home and four games on July 29-August 1, 2001, against Burlington at home. KENNY ROGERS Pitched one game on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment on June 15, 2007, against Dayton at home. CURTIS GRANDERSON Played three games on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment on April 18, 2008, against Burlington at home and April 21-22, 2008, against Beloit at home. MAGGLIO ORDONEZ Played one game on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment on July 14, 2008, against Peoria at home. JEREMY BONDERMAN Pitched one game on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment on May 16, 2009, against Great Lakes at home.


IAN KROL Pitched one game on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment on July 4, 2014, at Fort Wayne. ANDY DIRKS Played five games on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment on August 1-3, 2014, against Fort Wayne at home and August 4-5, 2014, at Lake County. SHANE GREEN Pitched for the Whitecaps on May 20, 2016 at Fort Wayne. He pitched three scoreless innings in the Whitecaps 3-1 victory. ANIBAL SANCHEZ Pitched one game on a Tigers’ Major League rehab assignment at South Bend on August 31, 2017.

(All players from the Detroit Tigers)

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