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Economic Impact Assessment
West Australian Opera events hosted in the Perth metro area and regional WA stimulate visitation and spending that would not have otherwise occurred in these locations, with benefits for local businesses and the wider economy. This is especially true for businesses in the vicinity of the events.
This section of the report of the report includes calculations that estimate the direct impact of West Australian Opera’s 2020 live season across Perth and the rest of the state, and the flow on impacts of this spend.
Attendee Expenditure
Public survey data has been used to calculate the average spend for visitors of each program. Attendance data supplied by organisers has been used to calculate attendance per visitor type.
Program Attendance
Program Bran Nue Dae
Così fan tutte
Opera in the Park Opera in the Regions Standing Room Only The Nightingale Attendance
11,503 2,551 2,102 10,363 1,835 1,247 1,421
Additionality excludes people who indicated that they would have done something else in the area even if they had not attended the event, because it is assumed that expenditure from those people would have occurred regardless of their attendance at a West Australian Opera event. This information is used to calculate the ‘Additionality Adjustment’, which is the weighted percentage of spending that is considered additional.
What would you have done if you didn't attend the event? Bran Nue Dae Opera in the Park Fidelio Standing Room Only The Nightingale Così fan tutte
Opera in the Regions
Stayed at home or gone to work Done something not in the local area Done something else in the local area 75% 64% 74% 74% 48% 90% 70%
5% 14% 1% 3% 5% 1% 4%
20% 22% 25% 23% 48% 9% 25%
Event Expenditure
Event Expenditure Bran Nue Dae Opera in the Park Fidelio Standing Room Only The Nightingale Così fan tutte
Opera in the Regions Average Event/ Surrounding Area Spend $69 $23 $52 $21 $49 $68 $74 Additionality Adjustment 80% 78% 75% 77% 52% 91% 75% Adjusted Spend Per Person $55 $18 $39 $16 $26 $62 $55 Total Impact $633,327 $188,836 $82,187 $20,380 $36,471 $157,076 $101,236
Respondents to a selection of event surveys were also asked whether they stayed overnight as a result of their visit to a West Australian Opera event, and if so, how much they spent on accommodation per night, per person.
The value of total accommodation spend has been calculated based on the share of staying visitors, the average per night spend on accommodation and the length of stay. Note; accommodation questions were not asked as part of the Bran Nue Dae and Standing Room Only surveys.
Accommodation Bran Nue Dae Opera in the Park Fidelio Standing Room Only The Nightingale Così fan tutte
Opera in the Regions Percent who stayed away as part of their visit - 6% 6% - 9% 5% 17% Primary Reason Adjustment - 59% 75% - 52% 73% 58%
Average Nights Stayed - 2.3 1.2 - 1.9 1.8 2.5
Average Spend Per Night - $58 $101 - $80 $110 $137
Accommodation Impact - $49,110 $11,343 - $9,977 $17,261 $61,585
Direct Economic Impact
Combining attendee, accommodation and organisation expenditure provided by West Australian Opera, the direct economic impact of the 2020 season was estimated to be over $6.9 million.
Organisation Expenditure Direct Economic Impact $1,219,514 $149,277 $5,562,398 $6,931,188
Multiplied Total Impact
The total expenditure as a direct result of West Australian Opera events also benefits a range of sectors as it flows through the economy. For example, customer spending at venues is then further spent on things such as supplies or staff wages. A simplified method of estimating this involves applying a multiplier to direct economic impact.
Based on this methodology, West Australian Opera’s multiplied total impact for the 2020 calendar year was estimated to be $20.3 million.
For the purpose of this analysis, output multipliers derived from ABS Input-Output Tables 2012-13 have been applied to total direct expenditure.
Attendee Expenditure Accommodation
Organisation Expenditure Multiplied Total Impact Direct Economic Impact $1,219,514 $149,277 $5,562,398 $6,931,188 Multiplier 2.96
2.92 Multiplied Total Impact $3,609,760 $410,511 $16,242,202 $20,262,474
Event and local area expenditure scaled by a multiplier of 2.96, the Australian national Food & Beverage output multiplier. Accommodation expenditure scaled by an output multiplier of 2.75, the national accommodation output multiplier. Organisation expenditure scaled by an output multiplier of 2.92, an average of the the Australian national Retail and Hiring Services output multiplier (3.17) and the the Australian national Heritage, Creative and Performing Arts output multiplier (2.67).