Literata 2016

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History was made at Westbourne Grammar when three Winjeels from the RAAF Base at Point Cook completed four formation y-overs of the School in celebration of the opening of the new Prep–Year 2 Centre. Resplendent in his uniform, Acting Squadron Leader Will Harwood (2003) joined in with Junior School students to watch this wonderful event.


































YEAR 12 2016

























































Front cover Artwork Acknowledgement: MATTEO VAVALA (7M)







In thinking about how to share the inspirational joy that characterises our work with Westbourne’s students I realised we needed to find the story – and then decide on the best way to tell it. What we came up with was something unique – a four-part film entitled: In Their Own Words that became one of the highlights of this year’s Westbourne Celebrates. Featuring students from both Junior and Senior Schools, In Their Own Words was an opportunity for our students to answer some important questions. What they said was thought-provoking and profound. This project had begun by thinking about how we ask questions – an exercise that caused me to realise that sometimes we question in repetitive, clichéd ways which mean the real stories remain obscured.

MEG HANSEN PRINCIPAL A verbal cliché is a well-worn phrase. It is banal, hackneyed and contains poorly thought out truisms or cringeworthy platitudes. Unlike the sharing of sound bites or proverbs which offer great nuggets of wisdom, clichés offer, at best, predictability just as a cup of tea offers comfort but little nutrition. It is a fair bet that around Australia, in households where there are children, all parents at some stage between coming home and bedtime will pose one of the following four questions, to which they will receive a more or less predictable answer. First, and probably most often asked by one’s parents, is: ‘How was school today?’ And the anticipated response: ‘OK.’ How surprising it would be, though, if the answer went something like this: ‘I had a wonderful day at school. My mathematics class was so stimulating because we learnt about quadratic functions and I am now so excited because I can see how to apply this area finding logic to the real world. It will help with my future plans to become an engineer.’

Secondly, a more probing and perhaps somewhat unwelcome question: ‘Did you eat your lunch?’ Not much information to be elicited here though from a mumbled: ‘Yep.’ So what really happened to that lunch? A likely scenario might be: ‘Well Mum, I didn’t eat my lunch. I swapped with Susannah. She just loves packages of dried fruits and nuts and is ecstatic at the smell of a tofu sandwich. I had her cold chilli chicken noodles.’ Then there’s the one the student is waiting for: ‘Do you have any homework?’ And the standard response: ‘Nope. Not really. Not today.’ Or: ‘Yes, heaps. I’m going to my room.’ What most parents would really like to hear is a more enthusiastic: ‘Yes I do, and I’m keen to get started right after my snack. That way I will be able to have dinner with the family and get back to it for a couple of hours before bed time. By the way, can you help me with my Japanese vocabulary?’




And then there is what must be the alltime favourite question: ‘What did you do at school today?’ And the predictable response: ‘… dunno. Nothing. Not much.’ In reality, we ask questions because we want information and to show that we care. School is largely an activity that is experienced by an individual and it is quite a private space for a child – private from their parents, that is. Parents tend to think that because they went to school they know what goes on and of course they want to be engaged in the lives of their children and support their learning as much as possible.

But in 2016, the educational environment experienced by previous generations has changed dramatically. Large classes, rows of desks, chalk and talk, a few textbooks and instructional learning have been replaced by group work, pods of tables, collaboration, and access to what has become a technology-rich world of immediate access to knowledge and information. Returning to the question, ‘What did you do at school today?’ prompts us to realise that good questions can elicit great answers as they stimulate whole brain thinking. They are a hardwired tool humans use to make sense of themselves, of others, and of the world around them. Albert Einstein understood that it was ‘the formulation of the problem that is often more important than the solution’. When we ask our students open ended questions it shows that their opinions, feelings and ideas matter. After all, if you didn’t want to know you would not ask.


So what did we ask our students to think about for our film, In Their Own Words? With the question ‘What did you do at school today?’ as a starting point the students were asked to articulate their thoughts on sub-questions such as: that made you laugh; that gave you joy; that gave you deep understanding; that caused you to change your mind; that made you intellectually hungry; that taught you something new about yourself; that made you feel sad; that caused you to work harder at something. The range of responses was extraordinary, not only for what was revealed about our students’ ability to think deeply about complex issues and to develop and communicate an insightful answer, but also for what they revealed about the fundamental importance of questions – of being able to ask the right question, at the right time and in the right way. Asking: ‘What did you do at school today?’ opened a door into a wealth of ideas and concepts, inviting us to explore further the ideas suggested – and of course, to ask more questions.




enerating an informed discussion around the ongoing implementation of the School’s Leading Learning that Matters strategy has been integral to my role as Associate Principal and a most rewarding professional experience throughout 2016.

seen in daily action at Westbourne in the pedagogista approach in Amici and Winjeel, through Professional Learning Communities in the Junior School, to faculty learning teams in the Senior School and across the whole school via our Cognitive Coaching staff teams.

At the beginning of this year, as a School group of educators, we discussed John Hattie’s belief that every child is entitled to achieve at least one year’s learning growth for each year at school. This is a simple imperative and aligns with our moral purpose that every child can succeed. However, the execution of this idea is fundamentally complex. In its purest form it demands that every teacher knows exactly the point each of their students is at in their learning at the beginning of the year, has a clear concept of where each individual can get to with respect to their learning journey, and then has the wherewithal to help them get there. Added to this is the challenging question: ‘How, exactly, do we measure one year’s learning growth for each child?’

Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Kim Marshall reinforces our belief that there are many important factors that contribute to quality teaching. For example, teachers need a toolkit of teaching strategies and need to plan the right mix of strategies, as well as develop the skills to extract the best strategy across hundreds of impromptu moments each day. Further, our toolkit includes, but is not confined to: • Differentiation (teaching in a way that personalises learning and meets the needs of every student) • SOLO Taxonomy to promote powerful questioning and extended-abstract thinking to challenge and help encourage deep-level understanding • Co-operative learning strategies that find the right balance between wholeclass, small-group and individual learning • Application of Growth Mindset thinking that reinforces the notion that any learning is possible and that diligence from the learner and process-praise from the teacher and parent are invaluable • Continual feedback and formative assessment that checks for understanding as learning is occurring.

To assist our teachers to maximise the learning growth pathways for each of their students, we believe in two fundamentals. The first is the development of collaborative expertise. The second is enhancing our teaching toolkit. In our digital world where specific parcels of knowledge are so quick and easy to attain, we need to equip our students with much more. To address this change in the demands of an holistic twenty-first century education, Michael Fullan has developed his concept of the 6Cs: Communication, Critical thinking, Collaboration, Creativity, Character and Citizenship. Collaboration is a critical skill in the modern workplace. Our teachers model this to their students by continually drawing on learning team synergies to analyse and refine their practice to achieve maximum student learning growth. Collaborative expertise may be

Importantly, all this occurs from Amici to Year 12 using a common language that empowers children, staff and parents to join the conversation. In moving into 2017, it is clear that trends in society and the workforce are pushing STEM or STEAM to more prominence in education. STEM refers to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and the vast array of careers being created that require some form of expertise in these areas. At Westbourne, we prefer to refer to STEAM

and include the Arts in this acronym, as this encourages and represents the diversity of creativity we value so highly. The Victorian Curriculum from 2017 mandates that our students have more specific learning around digital technologies. For example, some form of coding must be used in mathematics at various year levels. In response to this, we are explicitly training staff in programming languages such as Scratch and Python. This year, a group of Year 9 girls took part in the University of Melbourne’s Programming Challenge for Girls, Year 3 students worked with robotics, a coding club flourished in the Junior School and a group of Year 10 students won a Science and Engineering Challenge. Next year, we are making the choice of an Information Technology enrichment unit compulsory for Years 7 and 8 students, and various other curriculum enhancements across the School will reflect our interest in the STEAM movement. The great thing about teaching at Westbourne is that we are a united team of educators who understand that learning is our core business. With this in mind, we work together with passion and determination to keep getting better. In the end, our students are the winners.






reating opportunities for our students to be regularly inspired is an important element of the culture at Westbourne. Much of our broader culture encourages negativity, fear and isolation but there is something powerful and important about being in environments that fill us with a sense of optimism, hope and faith.

I feel very privileged to be in a tight-knit community that is a place of connection and purpose, hope and inspiration. I am inspired by our dedicated staff who work diligently and deliberately to create opportunities for our students in academics, sport, music and nature.

Originally, ‘inspiration’ was a religious concept; the idea being so ‘infilled with the Spirit’ of God that it unleashed a creativity to which others were drawn. Traditionally, perhaps, we viewed places of worship as the domain of spirituality, but increasingly we have become comfortable with the notion that divine goodness and creativity can (and should) be expressed through our day-to-day living.

From their irrepressible commitment to the children of Kampuchea House in Cambodia, to their achievements on state, national and even international stages, our students are stepping into opportunities to grow and contribute, and are increasingly inspiring others in the process.

There is an inherent spirituality when a student honours their potential by developing their talent in a way that enriches others. It is present when a student cultivates personal character and joins it with deep competency in a field of endeavour; when students become positive and sustainable contributors to their community. These are the learners of Westbourne.



But ultimately it is the students who inspire us all.

As we turn our minds to the 150th anniversary of this institution, it is with a sense of gratitude for what has come before us, joy in how our community is flourishing, and faith that the best days are still ahead of us. May we increasingly become a community of learners who inspire the world.



s 2016 draws to a close and I look back over the year it is quite astounding how much has been achieved by our students. Our philosophy that every child can achieve is evidenced in this publication by not only an incredibly diverse academic curriculum but also an amazing array of extracurricular opportunities that are on offer to Westbourne students. Each week in assembly we are constantly reminded of the amazing achievements of our students. I have been particularly impressed by the increased focus of community work within our student body. Of special note is Riley Debney who single-handedly raised over three thousand dollars for cancer research after following the journey of Rafael Moraes who passed away late last year. Under the guidance of Deputy Head of Senior School, Louisa Scerri, and House Tutors, our Wellbeing program continues to evolve and is an important component of our curriculum, focusing on developing the 3Rs in our students: Resilience, Relationships and Respect. Mr Jeff Rieniets was appointed Head of Outdoor Education at the start of the year and has been instrumental in rejuvenating our Outdoor Education Curriculum to mesh with more standard academic subjects. Our Year 7-10 program offers a broad range of experiences designed to challenge our students, build resilience, grow mindsets and develop important leadership and outdoor skills. Our sporting program has again been outstanding. Westbourne achieved very close second places in both the Swimming and Athletics at the ACS Carnivals with some amazing individual performances. Paris Vasta (Year 11) and Cartier Vasta (Year 8) were awarded joint female swimmers of the meet, and

LOUISE MAHONY HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL Marco Soesanto (Year 10) was awarded male swimmer of the meet. Equally, at ACS Athletics Jack Harrison (Year 10) was awarded male athlete of the meet and Olivia Yacono (Year 8) female athlete of the meet. In Cross country we came a very close second. Music and the Performing Arts continue to be a force at Westbourne. Our choirs, and musical ensembles were on display at the Annual Concert at the Melbourne Recital Centre in July and Westbourne Celebrates in October. The Symphonic Wind band was awarded a silver medal at the Victorian Schools’ Music Festival. We are extremely fortunate to have such talented musicians, led by Mr Andrew Leach and the Music Staff who treat the Westbourne Community to amazing performances every week at assembly and represent us with distinction to the wider community. The Stephen Sondheim musical Merrily We Roll Along was performed in May this year. This was a very complex and challenging musical for a school cast, yet the students were able to rise to the challenge and produce an amazing musical production. We were also treated to a highly entertaining and imaginative production of Educating Rita. There were ten cast members, each one performing either of the two main roles (both male and female) throughout the night, ensuring each new scene was eagerly anticipated and often received with hilarity. One of the highlights of my job as Head of Senior School is to work closely with the Prefects. I cannot speak more highly of the Prefect group of 2016, ably lead by Kiara Gashi and Oluwapemi Akin Ojelabi. Year 12 is always challenging for Prefects who must ensure the right balance between school involvement and dedication and diligence to study, however, this year the Prefect group

have been able to spread out the responsibilities and share the workload particularly well. To the House Captains, thank you for your amazing work ethic and enthusiasm in raising money for Kampuchea House. The imagination and organisation involved in dreaming up such wonderful initiatives such as the Music Video Festival, Lip-sync Competition and Quiditch has been awesome. Finally, I would like to thank my Senior School Executive team of Louisa Scerri, Grant Finlay, Cate Charles-Edwards and Dennis Nowak for all their support and the outstanding Senior School staff without whose dedication Senior School could not run. In closing, I am incredibly proud to be part of the Westbourne Community and to have a role in the shaping of the next generation of leaders of our community.





ne of the most rewarding experiences of being one of the school captains of 2016 was being a part of the Cambodia Challenge. It truly was an experience that has shaped us forever. We left behind the commitments, routine and stress of year 12 and entered a world of hardship. Of littered streets and dirt roads, stray dogs and shoeless children and, yet, one of vibrant coloured temples, rich culture and beautiful people.


s John Quincy Adams once said, 'If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.'

Kiara Gashi

I had never felt so happy to be covered in sweat and dirt, dancing with the children of Kampuchea House, building a home for a young family and teaching English. I experienced the rawest sense of fulfilment that I ever had before; not brought on by an A+ or a new possession – the sheltered sense of fulfilment from back home – but the simple knowledge that we had given to those who had not been given much in their lives. And this reminded me why I applied for school captain and why I will always love Westbourne. Through opportunities like these and the people I have been surrounded by, I have watched myself transform from someone shy and voiceless, into who I am today. For that, I will always be thankful. In my final weeks I have become increasingly aware of the comfort I feel walking through the school, of the number of people I can smile at and know they will smile back. But, most of all, I have become aware of the emptiness I will feel not rushing to catch a bus at 7.58 every morning to a place I feel I truly belong. To have been the leader of the school and help shape it in the way it has shaped me has given me so much pride and I thank Westbourne for all it has done.


Being a School Prefect and being in the position to lead is much more than just having position, it is much more than being the Oluwapemi face of a House or the school. It Akin Ojelabi is about fostering an environment of teamwork, inclusiveness, togetherness and communication that allows things to be done and progress to be made. It is also about inspiring; inspiring others to try new things, aim high, give the best of themselves for the cause and become the best version of themselves in the process. As the end of our final year draws near, I find it difficult to put into words how proud I am of the prefect group of 2016 and, in extension, the Class of 2016, for how we have come to embody these attributes throughout the course of the year. Seeing, firsthand, the time and effort that has gone into striving to achieve our main goal of raising $30,000 for Kampuchea House has been phenomenal. To Ms Hansen, Ms Mahony, Mr McGregor, Ms Scerri, Reverend Thompson, all the Heads of Houses and everyone else involved in our fundraising efforts, thank you for your guidance and support. Not nearly as much would have been done without you. To the Class of 2016, it has been an absolute honour to spend my last six years of schooling with such amazing people and to be school captain along with Kiara. Leading an amazing group of hardworking and talented prefects has been a humbling and rewarding experience.


Kiara Gashi School Captain

Oluwapemi Akin Ojelabi School Captain

Jack Robinson Sport Captain

Asami Weaver Music Captain

Sam Paton Flinders House Captain

Jack Ferry Pascoe House Captain

Jake Arnold School Vice Captain

Isabelle Mountford School Vice Captain

Emily Spiteri Sport Captain

Kieren Azzopardi Sarah Newman Derrimut House Captain Derrimut House Captain

Deana Sirianni Flinders House Captain

Adi Basic Hudson House Captain

Mishani Renton-Love Hudson House Captain

Brigitte Tattersall Molland House Captain

Jackson Young Molland House Captain

Laura Bishop Pascoe House Captain

Heath Phelan Strathmore House Captain

Madelyne Scott Strathmore House Captain

Luck Stack International Centre Captain




3rd Row L-R Brigitte Tattersall, Sam Paton, Heath Phelan, Oluwapemi Akin Ojelabi 2nd Row L-R Mishani Renton-Love, Jack Ferry, Jack Robinson, Luke Stack, Adi Basic, Kieren Azzopardi, Jake Arnold, Jackson Young Front Row L-R Deana Sirianni, Sarah Newman, Madelyne Scott, Isabelle Mountford, Kiara Gashi, Laura Bishop, Asami Weaver, Emily Spiteri


4th Row L-R Zhijing (Steven) Luo, Hoang Minh Tri Nguyen, Jikang (John) Zheng, An (Layne) Liu, Yichao (Frank) Yao, Zhiwen (Michael) Hu, Bo (Bob) Qi, Yurong (Richard) Fu, Bolun (Allen) Li, Zonglin (Cliff) Ying, Jinze (Leo) Li, Kaile (Coley) Fang, Shuangwei (Harvey) Lyu, Haoxiang (Reed) Xu, Xuncheng (Michael) Qian, Chengji (Kevin) Zhang, Yiming (Steven) Zu, Yuzi (Daniel) Guo, Phuc An Ha 3rd Row L-R Haoran (Wade) Zhong, Hojin (Jin) Lee, Xianrui (Peter) Zeng, Haoda (Jason) Yu, Zhenyu (Gavin) Geng, Shikuan (David) Feng, Yu (Simon) Jiang, Junyu (Aiden) Zhang, Hao Xin (Paul) Li, Haosen (Sam) Xia, Kai Huang, Jiahui (Jason) Chen, Xia Ding, Jingyi (Angela) Tang, Menghan (Pandora) Wang, Zixiang (Mike) Lin, Yuandong (Harry) Wang, Haoxuan (Jayson) Lin, Tenghan (Peter) Wang, Jiaqi (Albert) Shi, Ziqiang (Johnny) Li 2nd Row L-R Yihan (Almira) Shen, Anni Zhang, Shu (Shirley) Liu, Yindan (Eden) Xu, He (Isabella) Ren, Mengyu (Cathy) Hou, Qianhui (Jessica) Wang, Jinghan (Hannah) Qu, Yihao (Jerry) Liu, Xinyi (Loredana) Xue, Hongwei (Charles) Chen, Zhirou (Isabella) Ou, Quoc Minh Do, Mengyao Song, Haoxuan (Mark) He, Xiaohua (Lisa) Chen, Yuxin (Fiona) Zhou, Jiaze (Cindy) Gui, Shengxue (Sally) Hua, Yuxiang (Skye) Ding Front Row L-R Yirui (Christina) Deng, Xinwei (Sophie) Du, Jiaqi (Jessie) Sun, Cheuk Nam (Sylvia) Yau, Ka Hang (Karen) Ng, Sze Chai (Charlene) Yeung, Yuxuan (Betty) Lin, Yiwei (Evie) Yu, Dong (Roger) Cai, Nina Wei, Tracy Williams, Joshua Wang, Helen Tse, Hengye (Cindy) Gu, Yiwen (Carol) Mao, Shiqi (Arlene) Yang, Jingxi (Maggie) Xu, Xiaoying (Lily) Chen, Qiaoyi (Grace) Huang, Huihuang (Florence) Chen, Jiaqi (Karen) Kuang Teachers Joshua Wang, Nina Wei, Tracy Williams 10

YEAR 12 2016

Stanley Aaron, Laura Agosta, Sam Aitken, Pemi Akin Ojelabi, Jake Arnold, Cameron Atchinson, Kieren Azzopardi, Rhys Barnes, Adi Basic, Alice Becker-Scott, Elizabeth Bennett, Laura Bishop, Dimitra Blanas, Emmanuel Boahene, Mitchell Boulos, Danny Bugarski, Asya Busy, Roger Cai, Megan Caudry, Cindy Ching, Shayden Chrisostom, Sabriina Costa, Natasha Currao, Kulunu Dharmakeerthi, Arthur Dimitriou, Skye Ding, Xia Ding, Tiffany Draghiciu, Mohamed Elhouli, Matthew Ellis, Christian Failla, Jakob Fazio, David Feng, Tristan Ferabend, Jack Ferry, Kiara Gashi, Ashlan Gauci-Chua, Elyce Gray, Angus Greaves, Morrigan Green, Cindy Gui, Thanvi Gullapalli, Jana Hadji, Gwendolyn Hidalgo-Cabras, Vinh Hong, Michael Hu, Jennifer Huynh, Nhien Huynh, Boris Jakanovski, Amber Kades, Cassandra Lapeyre, Michelle Le, Nathan Lee, Julian Lescinsky, James Lewer, Calvin Lim, Madeline Liprino, Shirley Liu, Harvey Lyu, James Maxwell, Talia McGregor, Ella McIllree, Thomas McInerney, Sarah Mebrahtu, James Michaelides, Christopher Mills, Tasha Milone, Matthew Molinaro, Christian Moso, Isabelle Mountford, Sarah Newman, Phuong Minh Anh Nghiem, Thu Nguyen, Jack Nolan, Aisha Nuredini, Ciara O'Dwyer, Damon Palmar, Nicole Panoutsos, Sam Paton, Igor Petrenko, Charles Phan, Heath Phelan, Christina Popa, Matthew Popa, Mikhael Reid, Mishani Renton-Love, Jordan Reynolds, Jack Robinson, Yasemin Sargin, Tanish Sawhney, Alexander Scobie, Maddy Scott, Darby Sexton, Mac Short, Deana Sirianni, Erin Sivies, Mikaila Sobin, Cala Songur, Emily Spiteri, Luke Stack, Adam Stevens, Dana Sucic, Fin Sumner, Maisy Sutcliffe, Angela Tang, Chelsea Tassone, Brigitte Tattersall, Alexander Taylor-Brown, Joshua Tencic, Branson Tiong, Helen Tse, Anchal Tuteja, Mark Wang, Asami Weaver, Hamish Williams, Liam Wilson, Cade Wroblewski, Christos Yankoulas, Cliff Ying, Michael Yoseski, Jackson Young, Najib Yusuf, Hamzah Zaki, Yiming Zu





n Term 2, Westbourne’s Year 12 class celebrated their final year with the annual Year 12 Formal held at D’Olive Receptions in Point Cook on 10 June.

Themed as ‘The Great Gatsby’ everyone dressed the part, were excited by the occasion and ready for a glamourous night out for one of the last times as a cohort. The atmosphere was immediately established on entering the ballroom, with the beautiful decorations arranged by the Formal Committee; delicate centre-pieces, complete with black and white feathers draped in golden beads, floating above the star-sparkling tables. The night began with House photos being taken, many laughs shared and the surprise entertainment that amazed us all, transforming the evening from a formality to a 1920’s flappers dance performance, initiating a mass procession of all onto the dance floor. As the night (regrettably) drew to a close, we began to reflect on our time together over the last six years, celebrating our success as a group and the chance to share one more memory together by signing two vinyl records as a memento - now hanging in the Year 12 Common Room.


On behalf of the Class of 2016, we would like to recognise and thank the efforts of Sabriina Costa (12F), Yasemin Sargin (12F), Brigitte Tattersall (12M), Emily Spiteri (12M) and Kiara Gashi (12M), for the decorations both inside and out of the venue; Sarah Mebrahtu (12H) and Kieren Azzopardi (12D) for the entertainment; Hamish Williams (12F), Maisy Sutcliffe (12M) and Michelle Le (12H) for the themed invitations, posters and table decorations.






HOUSE CAPTAINS’ REPORT 2016 has been a year of great success for Derrimut House. We are immensely proud, not only of the House, but of the family we have become.

HEAD OF HOUSE REPORT ‘HABIT, HELP AND HOPE.’ These are the words on the art work hanging in our locker pod office that speak out to you as you enter. This striking painting was done by Emmanuel Boahene in Year 12 Derrimut and it has come to represent how we tackled life in Derrimut in 2016. ‘Habit’ refers to consistency and persistency, working with diligence and purpose. ‘Help’ illustrates the way everything Derrimut achieved in 2016 was done as a team. After all, we are known as a House whose strength lies in support for each other, regardless of our age and our own abilities and challenges. Finally, ‘Hope’ embraces the sense of optimism that flavoured the Derrimut approach to everything we tackled. We know positive thoughts breed positive outcomes and that the harder we work, the luckier we become. It has been a successful year for Derrimut House, winning the Chess and Badminton competitions and winning our 5th consecutive Athletics carnival. We also contributed to the Kampuchea House fundraising with a very popular and highly entertaining Music Video competition and Derrimut Down Ball. None of this would have been possible without our amazing Year 12 leaders, ably led by Sarah Newman, Kieren Azzopardi, Laura Agosta and Vinh Hong. Their organisation and calm approach to, not just the House events, but the day-to-day running of the House was second to none. Mention must also be made of Oluwapemi Akin Ojelabi and Isabelle Mountford, who as our School Captain and Vice-Captain, respectively, contributed tirelessly to House Activities. The House Music competition was led by Oluwapemi Akin Ojelabi and Alice Becker-Scott in, arguably, the biggest House event for the year and, once again, their work for this on top of their studies and personal commitments showed the depth of loyalty that Derrimut students exhibit.

Derrimut is unique in that it was built by the student body, striving for perfection, and standing together as a united group, embodied by our words, vibritus unitus, ‘united we stand’. The talent in our house is evident, with our win in the Inter-House chess tournament, the Inter-House Badminton tournament, and, for the 5th consecutive year, we were able to take home the athletics trophy. The success we enjoyed this year is a testament to the dedication of both the Derrimut staff and students, and the amazing support and encouragement of our peers. Through our role as prefects, we have had the opportunity to organise various fundraisers, and this year’s Derrimut Music Video festival was a huge success. However, our success is not only measured by our achievements in House events, but by the strength of our values and sense of community. Derrimut establishes itself as a House in the pursuit of perfection, and what makes this a reality is the amazing participation and attitudes of the students in Derrimut. Having joined this incredible House four years ago, it is extremely difficult to say goodbye. On behalf of the Year 12 Derrimut students of 2016, we would like to thank all of the staff and students for making our final year so amazing. You are what makes Derrimut great and we wish you all the best for the future. We know you will continue to achieve great things. Be brave, be a tiger!


I could not be prouder of the young people that make up Derrimut house. Their care for each other, honesty, integrity and their willingness to take responsibly for all aspects of school life make it a wonderful place to be. Many thanks to Luke Creamer, Deputy Head of House, and to our Derrimut Staff team whose contributions continue to inspire the students in their care. I wish all the Derrimut families a happy and safe 2016 summer break and look forward to seeing you all in 2017.





Year 7 Tolu Akinbiyi, Ava Barnes, Nived Burugadha, Isabella Dipierro, Aryana Ghai, Evan Han, Oliver Harwood, Christian Hatzopoulos, Declan Kelly, Ethan Long, Keeley Mcguire, Jasmine Nguyen, Bukunmi Okedara, Nifemi Omibiyi, Nikala Patsolaridis, Kobe Purnell, Rick Sarkar, Nimashi Singankutti-Arachchi, Nicholas Singline, Tahsin Sultan, Abbey Taylor, Hieu Tran, Kym Yaniv, Rohan Yates, Ahmad Younes Year 8 Conor Barnes, Priscillia Boey, Mai-Ling Darbyshire, Chelsea Davis, AltherLuis Enriquez, Liam Francis, Adam Frost, Chandra Harrison, Brandon Lewis, Lisa Li, Bella Ma, Shakeel Manuel, Lachlan Mclaren, Phillip Mirceski, Bree Mittersteiner, Zainab Naleemudeen, Arrifa Nasarudin, Yoeseph Rahim, Ryan Sucic, Aiden Tester, Damon Trewhella, Andy Vuong, Leala Xu, Nahda Younes, Zac Zammit. Year 9 Lottie Aaron, Brad Bellard, Hongkun Cao, Daphne Ferabend, James Gabb, Tasha Gacutan, Duncan Hale, Yunoos Islam, Sonia Joura, Aidan Kelly, Axel Lee, Sophia Liacopoulos, Neiss Lim, James McGuire, Cleo Mountford, Fatima Na, Max Nyblom-Price, Natalie Panoutsos, Bronwyn Pepper, Auley Ryan, Sanaya Sawhney, Maximilian Scobie, Ruby Tripodi Year 10 Hakeem Ashraf, Issy Atchinson, Nathan Bezzina, Cayley Chan, Harry Fenn, Zara Gilbert, Darcy Hamilton, Charlotte Harwood, Tom Hollo, Florence Ibrahimi, Khouri Jian, Karen Kuang, Jin Lee, Betty Lin, Jerry Liu, Grace Lueddeke, Nina Ma, Jayde Mittersteiner, Mushriff Naleemudeen, Dennis Nguyen, Felicity Nguyen, Marco Soesanto, Connor Wall, Byron Watson, Eden Xu, Thomas Yaniv, Evie Yu, Fiona Zhou Year 11 Oluwadunsin Akinojelabi, Cassidy Bremner, Malena Catto, Riley Debney, Shihab Deenmohamed, Robbe Dilissen, Saksham Ganatra, Daniel Hatzopoulos, Devjot Joura, Cecilia Lueddeke, Caitlin McLaren, Kiahann Namana, Imran Nasarudin, Dami Okedara, Jenny Pham, Rona Rahim, Caitlin Ramsay, Almira Shen, Astrid Smolenaers, Erin Sucic, Alex Taylor, Sean Trewhella, Holly Vella, Jack Walton, Harry Wang, Loredana Xue, Adam Younes Year 12 Stanley Aaron, Laura Agosta, Pemi Akin Ojelabi, Cameron Atchinson, Kieren Azzopardi, Alice Becker-Scott, Elizabeth Bennett, Emmanuel Boahene, Roger Cai, Cindy Ching, Tiffany Draghiciu, Tristan Ferabend, Morrigan Green, Vinh Hong, Isabelle Mountford, Sarah Newman, Thu Nguyen, Tanish Sawhney, Alexander Scobie, Darby Sexton, Dana Sucic, Fin Sumner, Hamzah Zaki SPP Peter Wang

Left: Kieren Azzopardi, Sarah Newman






HEAD OF HOUSE REPORT ALTIVOLUS FALCO. SOARING FALCONS. The amount of information one must obtain and store in order to track the ever-changing relationships of even a few dozen individuals is staggering. In a group of fifty people, there are 1,225 one-on-one relationships and countless more complex social combinations. In a House setting of 150 students the number is 11,175. This is the number I challenged the students of Flinders House with at the start of the year if we truly wished to call ourselves the ‘Flinders Family’. The beauty of our House system is that it provides an abundance of opportunities for all students to make connections across all year levels, be it singing our House song at the locker pods on a Friday afternoon, sporting competitions, the Flinders Festival, different year levels running the House assembly or making toasties in the Flinders office. The list goes on. All these things provide the backdrop for building relationships in a fun, safe and purposeful setting. This year the honour of bringing us all together was taken on by our House Captains, Deana Sirianni and Sam Paton, and Vice- Captains, Sabriina Costa and Hamish Williams. Together they built on the work of previous leaders, fostering the Flinders Family and nurturing the relationships throughout the House. It has been humbling for me to see the growth from previous years and the harmony that they and all our senior students have spread throughout the House this year, fostering the young and inspiring our leaders of the future. Next year we will continue to whittle down the 11,175, building even more relationships and working on the care for one another, so that when the words ‘Flinders Family’ are uttered aloud, they truly will resonate an undeniable truth and not be the peal of a hollow bell.


HOUSE CAPTAINS’ REPORT Flinders House is commonly referred to by all Houses, staff and students as the Flinders Family and this year we have especially justified that statement. Flinders strives to embody this by our willingness to support each other and our determination to get everyone involved. Flinderians don’t strive to win every House event but instead accept each challenge and each event with enthusiasm, confidence and team spirit. This year, along with the House competition, Flinders achieved impressive performances in the Rowing Competition and Lip Sync Battle. If these events contributed to House points, Flinders would no doubt have been likely contenders for the House Cup. Flinders have also displayed excellent efforts towards fundraising for Kampuchea House such as the ‘Flinders Fairy Floss’ at the Athletics Carnivals, generating up to $400 this year alone! This effort, along with our annual Flinders Festival, contributed a massive $2,000, an undeniably outstanding overall fundraising contribution. On behalf of Year 12 Flinders, we would like to thank all the members of our amazing House, including staff and students. We would especially like to thank our supportive Vice Captains, Sabriina Costa and Hamish Williams, our Deputy Head of House, Mr Evans, and Mrs Mullenger, who has been our tutor for a fantastic three years. And last, but certainly not least, Mr Callan who has taken over the Head of House role brilliantly since becoming part of the Flinders family when we were in Year 9. Much of our success couldn’t have been achieved without his passionate leadership, dedication and love for the House and all its members. We are one House. One family. We win as one and lose as one, but the strength of our unity is never doubted. We are Flinders. Cave altivolus falco. Beware the soaring falcon







Year 7 Harry Bradshaw, Ella Carlin, Jessie Carolin-Vandenberg, Sophie Davis, Lachlan Galea, Brandon Giacobbe, Julian Giambattista, Cici He, Mia Hodder, Claudia Huynh, Marium Imran, Emily Joseland, Giselle Long, Jess Ogilvie, Angus Percy, Harris Renwick, Dart Rinckes, Zachary Royston, Guncha Saxena, Paige Simpson, Preet Singh, Ari Stiefel, Nathan Zumot Year 8 Ross Audley, Alexander Brown, Leia Calderwood, Fahad Elbelli, Louisa Fantenberg, Peter Fulton, Jason Gan, Monique Gauci-Chua, Medha Joshi, Bella Krbaleski, Ethan Kwok, Ned Mcvicar, Madison Muir, Tehya Nguyen, Lewis Nguyen, Harry Northam, Julian Oraison, Harvir Parmar, George Popovitch, John Sirianni, Will Snelling, Orlando Szulc, Olivia Yacono, Louis Yankos, Mary Zhang Year 9 Lachlan Evans-Burke, Lily Foxall, Mason Galea, Liam Gunn, Mark He, Finn HicksBullock, Alvee Islam, Roham Jarah, Regina Jayatilake, Maddie Kiss, Ryan Leen, Mariam Maki, Cameron Mcintyre, Riley Orange, Alistair Schier, Srushti Shah, Eunice Sibal, Emily Thompson, Emma West, Sachini Wijeratne, Aiden Zhang, Wade Zhong Year 10 Jackson Brook, Amy Caleo, David Cheng, Stefan Costa, Oliver Fonsboel, Alex Fulton, Annalise Galea, Luis Giambattista, Jenny Isaac, Hannah Isac, Layne Liu, Shreya Lodhiya, Gabrielle Matthieu, Jessica Novakova, Michael Qian, Shiva Rajmohan, Nicholas Rigas, Jonathan Rigas, Steven Shen, William Smyth, Zali Stiefel, Michael Szulc, Jackson Turner, Sylvia Yau, Peter Zeng Year 11 Humza Albarki, Prince Banzon, Tara Calderwood, Kristina Fantenberg, Courtney Galea, Jack Grego, Whitney Gregson-Black, Alexandra Jessop, Adam Kaddour, Nicholas Krt, Allen Li, Samantha Lugay, Christian Matthieu, Violet Minehan, Nikita Mohar-Williams, Byron Parkinson, Akeisha Sandhu, Osama Shahin, Marion Tiong, MinhBao Tran, Lochlan Trinh, Jack Vella, Pandora Wang, Chamathi Wijeratne, Alysha Yacono, Tuscanny Yankos, Anni Zhang Year 12 Sam Aitken, Sabriina Costa, Kulunu Dharmakeerthi, Xia Ding, Ashlan Gauci-Chua, Elyce Gray, Jennifer Huynh, Madeline Liprino, Ella Mcillree, James Michaelides, Aisha Nuredini, Nicole Panoutsos, Sam Paton, Yasemin Sargin, Deana Sirianni, Branson Tiong, Mark Wang, Asami Weaver, Hamish Williams, Cade Wroblewski, Cliff Ying SPP Albert Shi, Ziqiang Li

Left: Deana Sirianni, Sam Paton





HEAD OF HOUSE REPORT Photographer Bill Henson once said, ‘It’s what you’ve got in the end that really matters.’ The year is nearly at an end and the students in Hudson House can say they have gained an awful lot! The start of 2016 saw Hudson House very firmly planted on the bottom of the House ladder. As we write this article we have only House Singing remaining and we have risen miraculously to fourth place. We won Debating and placed substantially in Cross Country and Badminton. Every student who has worn a green House top knows they have participated for their House and now that it’s the end, they have more than they had in the beginning. Every year we encourage students to try something new. It is wonderful to see students stepping out of their comfort zone and participating in high jump or a swimming event. Hudson had every event filled in every competition and saw every student do their very best. A House is nothing without its sense of community. Led by our House Captains Mishani Renton-Love and Adi Basic, Hudson continues to be a strong and inclusive House. It is the small things we do that make a difference, such as purchasing a sausage for a dollar, wearing the correct sports uniform for the Cross Country, donating something special for the Prefects to auction; gaining the realisation that one person cannot change the world but that you, as an individual, can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. As the year draws to a close, it seems appropriate to reflect on the journey that the Year 7 and 8 Hudson students have travelled in 2016. The Year 7s began their journey at the Orientation Day in 2015 and settled quickly into Senior School life. Regardless of the primary school the students had attended, existing friendships were strengthened and new friendships formed. The group has embraced the values of inclusion and support upheld by Hudson House and the Westbourne community. The Year 8s have bonded more closely as a group throughout the year. Their transition to the Hudson locker area has allowed them to form friendships with the Year 10-12 students, and they have become valued members of the Hudson community. During Circle Time, led by the Year 11 Hudson students, each Year 8 student has grown by developing the confidence to share their ideas with one another, develop a deeper awareness of their personal strengths, greater appreciation of their place in the world, and empathy for others less fortunate. These attributes will be invaluable as they transition to the Year 9 program in 2017. Both groups’ exuberant nature was best captured by their willingness to be involved in all House and many school activities throughout the year. A talented group of students, the Year 7 and 8s’ ability in both the Athletics and Swimming competitions have been duly noted and will be an asset to Hudson House in the coming years.

We would like to farewell our class of 2016 who have acted as fine leaders and demonstrated great commitment and integrity throughout the year. They have proven themselves to be dedicated and mature young adults and I wish them well for 2017 and beyond – you will be sadly missed. We wish all Hudson families a restful and relaxing holiday break and look forward to 2017, when again, ‘There be Dragons in this Place.’


HUDSON HOUSE CAPTAINS' REPORT Hudson House is not merely a collective of students from Year 7 to 12, it is so much more than that. Hudson House is a community, and this has been particularly apparent throughout 2016. The friendly and welcoming atmosphere that encompasses our locker pod is truly a special thing. We are a helpful and noble House who pride ourselves on development in all forms. Hudson might not have won the House Cup in 2016, but our dedication and spirit truly made Hudson a House to be reckoned with. Achieving great participation rates in the InterHouse Swimming and Athletics Carnival put Hudson in a solid position on the House ladder. This was aided by such great talent across all of the year levels which allowed Hudson to really shine in House Singing, one of the clear stand-out successes for the House. Ending the year on such a high note will make leaving Westbourne Grammar School even harder for the Year 12 Tutor Group, as we will all miss the sense of community and family that comes with being a part of Hudson House. A big thank you to all members of Hudson, both students and teachers, who contributed their time and effort towards making Hudson even more remarkable. It is all of you that makes leading Hudson House so rewarding. The year has been one of succession and achievement for Hudson House. With a strong leadership of all Hudson Year 12, and unwavering support from our Head of House Ms Jenkins and Deputy Head of House Mr Smith, Hudson has cemented a legacy which will never be forgotten. It was a privilege and a pleasure to have led Hudson House in 2016.







Year 7 Harry Avci, Ewan Bezzobs, Alex Blomberg, Karla Davis, Maya El-Hawli, Benjamin Fairbank, Timothy Gauci, Jasmine Hannett, Hannah Harris, Jack Horvath, Lola Ilic, Neve Joseland, Stefan Marakovic, Angela McKenzie, Gabriela Moroney, Cameron Moyes, Aymen Naseem, Andrew Nguyen, Emily Peacock, Harvey Petito, Cameron Petty, Sandra Phan, Lola Vonier, Ethan Wood, Grace Zhong Year 8 Joshua Cairns, Alana Chopra, Adaley Chua, Divine Emezie, Muskan Jain, Chrysanthe Liontis, Austin Marks, James McIver, Stephanie McNamara, Kaitlin Moyes, Ethan Mullenger, Emily Muller, James Murphy, Matthew Nguyen, Arwen Nguyen-Ngo, Will Olver, Jayden Pisak, Hannah Simpson, Angus Smith, Brayden Svilar, Madhu Udumala, Lillian White, Rory Williams, Lily Young, Francis Zaldarriaga, Alex Zammit Year 9 Shams Albrefkany, Yash Bansal, Ella Bradwell, Carly Gauci, Lachlan Harris, Alexandra Hately-Williams, Evan Houghton, Vivian Hu, Lavanya Jayatilake, Benjamin Liew, Robert McNamara, Valentina Moroney, Anthony Nguyen, Dayna Olver, Julian Petito, Cat-Uyen Phan, Alice Pilditch, Giselle Puno, Nicholas Soppi, Jai Sullivan, Arnav Terry, Robert Weitsz, Thomas Winter, Brendan Wood Year 10 Sarah Brennan, Sophia Deng, Alice Ding, Daniel Duong, Richard Fu, Natasha Hidalgo-Cabras, Laura Hudson-Jones, Jack Lishman, Alexander Loughran, Carol Mao, Brigette Marks, Charlotte McKenna, Lachlan Mills, Zachary Mullenger, Chris O’Flynn, Shanaya Parussalla, David Phan, Jordan Sobin, Isobelle Sourivong, Reuben Thadi, Lou Tumalad, Thanuki Wanigasena, Steph Zaharis Year 11 Kanav Bansal, George Barsoum, Maddison Blomberg, Rebecca Boyer, Matthew Burkhardt, Charles Chen, Florence Chen, Daniel Cross, Jack Downer, Guy Featherstone, Hayley Finn, Emily Hannett, Cathy Hou, Herman Lee, Jayla McLennan, Hoang Minh Tri Nguyen, Isabella Ou, Nicky Peck, Matthew Scully, Brianna Svilar, Madeleine Thompson, Hoang Tran, Albert Tu, Charlotte Vincent-Lord, Christiaan Weitsz, Jonathan Wu, Charlene Yeung, James Young Year 12 Adi Basic, Mitchell Boulos, Skye Ding, Gwendolyn Hidalgo-Cabras, Michelle Le, Julian Lescinsky, James Lewer, Harvey Lyu, Thomas McInerney, Sarah Mebrahtu, Christopher Mills, Ciara O’Dwyer, Mishani Renton-Love, Mac Short, Erin Sivies, Mikaila Sobin, Alexander Taylor-Brown, Anchal Tuteja SPP Jessica Wang, Carrie Guo, Isabella Ren

Left: Adi Basic, Mishani Renton





HOUSE CAPTAINS’ REPORT 2016 has been a fantastic year for Molland! We have grown as a House group, forming tight bonds with each other and had many wonderful opportunities to develop both as a House and individuals. Everyone gave it a go and it paid off with our best year in a long time, exemplifying the Molland spirit we have all grown to love. Molland Roses was a successful start to the fundraising year, with approximately $500 dollars profit. Molland Mexican, our second large fundraiser, was equally successful with $600 profit. It was good to see the wider House community getting involved in both of these fundraisers, as without the support of everyone in the House this level of success wouldn’t have been possible.

HEAD OF HOUSE REPORT Being Head of Molland House in 2016 has been an exciting and also daunting experience. Molland prides itself on being a family and looking out for each other. We may have our disagreements and differing opinions, but ultimately we are all there for each other. This is the core value that Sharon Muller and Damon Grieve have fostered in Molland. While Sharon was on leave it was important for me to continue with this focus and purpose. The Inter-House competitions and fundraising for Kampuchea House are the obvious ways the students show these values. What I have found more endearing about the students in Molland are their everyday interactions with each other around the pod. Regardless of year level, friendship group, academic, sporting or music prowess, the Molland students look out for each other. If someone seems upset or struggling, students ask how they can help. Brigitte Tattersall and Jackson Young have been outstanding House Captains. They have led the house valiantly in all House competitions and fundraising. Together with Vice Captains Maisy Sutcliffe and Matthew Molinaro, they have collectively provided a strong sense of determination, family and belonging. In fact, all of the Year 12 Molland group rose to challenges put to them. From leading House singing, badminton, filling in at athletics and swimming or speaking to younger students as part of the Wellbeing program, the Year 12s have shown how the school values of community and courage are part of the day-to-day life. Their leadership was instrumental in Molland winning the House swimming and cross country and coming second in badminton and singing. The amazing efforts and constant involvement of all the students resulted in Molland winning the House Cup for the first time in many years. Big congratulations to everyone in Molland.

Molland’s performance in the House competition this year has by far been one of our best performances in recent years, as we remained on the top of the ladder throughout the majority of the year. Our first place in the House Swimming Carnival helped lay the foundations for this success and gave a much-needed boost of confidence to ensure high performance for the remainder of the year. Without the endless enthusiasm of the members of the House our roles as captain wouldn’t have been anywhere near as enjoyable, so a big thank you to every student in Molland who gave it their best shot. Also a big thank you to our vice House Captains, Maisy Sutcliffe and Matthew Molinaro, whose support has been invaluable. However, the major force behind our success in fundraising and House events this year were the tireless efforts of Ms Turner and Mr Grieves. Nothing we have done as captains would have been possible without their positivity and encouragement, ensuring we were both organised and energised for the tasks we had to face in our role. Best of luck to the Molland leadership group for next year. We hope you have as much success and as much fun as we’ve had this past year.


To all the members of Molland House, staff and students, thank you all for a wonderful year and I will now always be a little bit ‘red’.







Year 7 Yusuf Alkamil, Rachel Bowyer, Blake Bradley-Rushbrooke, Anton Cardaciotto, Lachlan Carthew, James Cockram, Breanna Fischer, Mia Fynney, Christian Kapulica, Claudia Makris, Sash Mann, Neve McKechnie, Jackson McMenamin, Michael Mercieca, Charlotte Morton, Patrick Pham, Leo Pilkington, Mikaela Sabini, Caiti Scerri, India Schuurmans, Joshua Smith, Christina Stewart, Mikayla Trajcevski, Matteo Vavala, Thomas Willis Year 8 Mohammed Abdullatif, Joshua Acciarito, Candice Fu, Luke Grainger, Matilda Johnson, Eman Khateeb, Max Legrand, Forest Lin, Sophie Meath, Mehndi Mehndi, Matthew Mercieca, Dylan Molinaro, Kate Morton, Stephanie Murdoch, Kelvin Nguyen, Leo North, Liam Scerri, Jordan Stewart, Nicholas Stojcevski, Lachlan Sutcliffe, Molly Sutton, Jack Tong, Anna Vanheerwaarden, Cartier Vasta, Harvey Watters, Caitlin Whitty Year 9 Alana Anthony, Kane Arnold, William Byrne, Lucas Cameron, Elizabeth Cutter, Ebony Dodemaide, Sarah Douglas, Aditi Gupta, Mariam Hamad, Teagan Horsburgh, Ben Johnson, Amelia Leach, Jennifer Lee, Joshua McDonald, Eleni Moritz, Alexander Morton, Alan Nguyen, Harvey Roolker, Mackenzie Singleton, Luke Stafford, Wil Tattersall, Brianna Trajcevski, Gianluca Vavala, Lili Ward Year 10 Elena Alexiou, Molly Amourous, Caitlin Arnott, Harry Bai, Jessica Bowyer, Alexander Byrne, Oscar Campbell, Jess Cassar, Joshua Dare, Celeste Defina, Amelia Dragovic, James Harnden, Giselle Hobden, Evelyn Makris, Andrew Mansi, Jonathan Milone, Ashleigh Murdoch, Jack Pritchard, Christopher Rothwell, Kate Spiteri, Jarrod Sutton, Deepinder Thind, Katie Weston, Lachlan Wilson, John Zheng Year 11 Faye Abdullatif, Cathy Bu, Sean Carroll-Taafe, Jarrod Debney, Christopher Dekleris, Victoria Deng, Christina Deng, Gavin Geng, Georgia Grainger, Sally Hua, Eugene Huang, Matias Karibian, Jasmine Lagamba, Breeanna Lam, Phi Mai, Niklas Malkin, Karen Ng, Thomas Rebesco, Kaajal Sangar, Martin Stankovic, Michael Tsaloukis, Paris Vasta, Michael Vaughan, Madeleine Ward, Alexia Yankoulas, Jason Yu, Lina Zimmermann Year 12 Jake Arnold, Natasha Currao, Mohamed Elhouli, Matthew Ellis, Kiara Gashi, Angus Greaves, Thanvi Gullapalli, Nhien Huynh, Boris Jakanovski, Tasha Milone, Matthew Molinaro, Matthew Popa, Christina Popa, Emily Spiteri, Luke Stack, Adam Stevens, Maisy Sutcliffe, Angela Tang, Brigitte Tattersall, Christos Yankoulas, Jackson Young

Left: Brigitte Tattersall, Jackson Young







A few weeks ago, standing in the middle of our inter-House singing rehearsal, I thought to myself that this summed up for me what Pascoe House was all about. We are one big family, all working together for a common goal. The enthusiasm each Pascoe student brings to every event they participate in, is what makes Pascoe House great.

If there’s one thing that comes to mind when we think of our time in Pascoe it’s getting involved. Ever since Year 7, the Pascoe spirit has encouraged us to strive to do all we can for the House, whether it be filling in for an event or donating our time to raise money for Kampuchea house. Being appointed House Captains this year was no different. Despite the fierce competition from the other houses, we were thrilled to help organise the great successes we have achieved this year, such as winning the dramatic monologues and coming second in debating and cross country.

Like every other year, Pascoe students can look back on 2016 and feel proud of their accomplishments. Although we only came third in badminton and swimming, and 5th in athletics and chess, our fighting spirit came through despite these setbacks. Once again, we excelled in the Dramatic Monologue Competition where Angus McNamara (7P) Cassandra Muir (8P) and Laura Bishop (12P) all won their respective year levels. Our Debating and Cross Country teams also fought hard to earn us second place. Whether it be in the pool, on the athletic track or the stage, Pascoe students always strive to do their best. In charity work, the students continue to come up with new and innovative ways to raise money for Kampuchea House. Besides the numerous barbecues run throughout the year, two new Pascoe charity events have been introduced within the last twelve months. The end of 2015 saw Year 10 students, Murray Osborne, Georgia Carracher and Jane White, organise a Christmas present drive for Anglicare. This was so successful that it will now become an annual event. Term 3 saw the emergence of Pascoe Pokemon, with students from every house searching the school grounds for delightful creatures. Needless to say, much-needed funds were raised from these various events. With the Year 12s nearing their examination period, I would like to thank them for their efforts over the years. I would also like to acknowledge the hard work of our tutors, especially Adrian Michielin, Deputy Head of Pascoe House, who has been a fantastic support to both myself, and the Year 7 and 8 tutor groups. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all families for your ongoing support and to wish you all a well-earned break.

Although upon writing this we do not yet know the result of house singing and thus the House Cup, under the careful guidance of Jana Hadji (12P) and Megan Caudry (12P), we are sure to put on a great performance. We, as year 12s will always look back fondly on our time in such a supportive and dedicated House and will miss being part of such a great group. Thank you especially to Ms O’Brien and Mr Michielin for all their consistent hard work and dedication to ensuring the smooth running of the House, and to all the tutors for their support and organisation. Finally, thank you to everyone who contributed this year. No matter how small, your contribution is what makes Pascoe great. Good luck for next year and beyond!







Year 7 Meriam Hassanian Alobaidi, Rallis Argyriadis, Jerry Chen, Aaliyah Chown, Sam Cilmi, Neil Edward, Hugh Grgic, Joshua Grobbelaar, Emma Hancox, Farhan Islam, Ramodh Jayasinghe, Renee Kennedy, Hugh Krause, Christian Maprock, Angus McNamara, Lili Mill, Charley Muscat, Jia-Wen Ooi, Shaksham Parihar, Alexander Park, Ashleigh Paull, Chanel Sabotkoski, Jenny Shen, Sarah Sherwood Year 8 Fiona Agustin, Harrison Aubrey, Thomas Braham, Ruby Campbell, Tiffany Carlin, Anni Chen, Jennifer Coster, Hannah Dillon, Daniel Dong, Romaisa Farhan, Emily Frye, Nathan Giordmaina, Archer Gumley, Carla Harrison, Yvonne Le, Samuel Metcalfe, Cassandra Muir, Spartan Nandal, Elsie Osborne, Navdeep Singh, Jack Tang, Luke Tarola, Christopher Tsoukas, Jonathan Velevski, Emily Yeoman Year 9 Max Baltas, Chloe Black, Conrad Butler-Bowdon, Peter Dimitriou, Matthew Grech, Grace Huang, Alyssa Kades, Jordan Kennedy, Meg Mcconnell, Benjamin Nolan, Kiara Palmar, Shon Pathak, Riley Skene, Megan Spralja, William Stomann, Jessie Sun, Nicholas Theodoridis, Cassandra White, Isabella Yoseski, Yoonis Yusuf, Maggie Zhao Year 10 Jack Buysen, Lisa Chen, Sam Doyle, Nicki Edward, Rebecca Finlayson, Ben Gunn, Zac Hadji, Kimberley Harrison, Jacob Krawczyszyn, Leo Li, Avan Li, Mike Lin, Nathan Maprock, Laura Paull, Josefa Porflitespinosa, Joshua Prevot, Georgia Scholes, Anmol Sethi, Simran Singh, Katherine Stevens, Matthew Teasdale, Lauren Thorpe, Alysia Westcott, Kevin Zhang Year 11 Elliot Armstrong, Catherine Bushell, Georgia Carracher, Minh Do, Benjamin Frye, Sachini Hewaradalage, Sineli Hewamanna, Simon Jiang, Benjamin Krawczyszyn, Tina Le, Jack Leach, Natasha Lee, Phoebe Maher, Nada Milenkovic, Nicky Noye, Murray Osborne, Timothy Pavlidis, Hannah Qu, Avin Ranasinghe, Lachlan Russell, Dale Russell, Christian Schott, Sean Spralja, Angela Tang, Thomas Velevski, Jane White, Frank Yao, Alicia Yeoman Year 12 Rhys Barnes, Laura Bishop, Megan Caudry, Arthur Dimitriou, Jack Ferry, Jana Hadji, Michael Hu, Amber Kades, Nathan Lee, Calvin Lim, Christian Moso, Jack Nolan, Damon Palmar, Mikhael Reid, Jordan Reynolds, Cala Songur, Chelsea Tassone, Helen Tse, Michael Yoseski, Najib Yusuf, Yiming Zu SPP Steven Luo, Mengyao Song, Lily Chen, Yangye Fu, Jayson Lin

Left: Jack Ferry, Laura Bishop





HEAD OF HOUSE REPORT 'DREAM, BELIEVE, ACHIEVE, SUCCEED' One doesn’t have to search far, these days, to find a source of inspiration. In an Olympic year, there are usually many stories of how an athlete overcomes hardship or rises from humble beginnings to go on and represent their country on the world stage. The Olympic motto of ‘Citius, Altius, Fortius’ which is Latin for ‘Faster, Higher, Stronger’ is a very fitting message and way of life that all people, not just Olympians, can apply to their daily ritual. While in 2016 Strathmore House was not successful in defending its title as House Champions, we can still draw inspiration from many of our individual and team accomplishments. Our students have again led from the front and embraced the culture and expectation we have worked so hard to achieve. As a Strathmore community, we have strived to be a House that leads by example, plays hard, respects others and has the respect of its fellow competitors. This year, we have seen many of our students dare to ‘Dream, Believe, Achieve and Succeed’, excelling in sport at Westbourne and outside of the school; receiving numerous academic awards; achieving success in public speaking events; contributing greatly to wonderful causes within the wider community; being honoured with prestigious music awards, and performing lead roles in School plays and the School Musical. Team and individual success can never be achieved without great backing. I would therefore like to thank the 2016 House Tutors for their continued commitment to their role and give special thanks to our House Vice-Captains Cassandra Lapeyre and Igor Petrenko, House Captains Madelyne Scott and Heath Phelan, and Deputy Head of House, Beulah Watson, for leading Strathmore in such an outstanding manner. Finally, thanks to the departing Strathmore Class of 2016 for their contribution over their time at Westbourne. May you all go ‘Faster, Higher, Stronger’ and dare to ‘Dream, Believe, Achieve and Succeed’ in the future.

HOUSE CAPTAINS’ REPORT When we started as Year 7 students, Strathmore was never the winning House. We were the House that always finished last or, at best, second last. Moving on through the years we have become a House that has dominated the House Competition. When we were appointed as House Captains late last year we knew that we had huge shoes to fill. Looking back on our success this year, we had fantastic participation and a level of House spirit that left our House in contention for this year’s House Cup. We have had so much support from the whole House for Strathmore’s fundraisers, including the inaugural Strathmore Showtime event, which we hope will become a tradition for years to come. As we leave school we would like to thank every individual member of Strathmore for contributing to the House this year and we are confident that you will continue to strive to be the best. Thank you to Mr Evans and Ms Watson for their constant motivation and hard work, and to the House Tutors for all of their efforts in making Strathmore such an enjoyable and rewarding House to lead.








Year 7 Josh Chen, James Chrisoulis, Luca Donnellan, P.J. Gantidis, Amrat Gill, Ria Goradia, Lachlan Hardman, Maddy Harries, Ava Hatzopoulos, Malek Houli, Ira Jain, Joshua Jinu, Laura Mcphail, Lora Musura, Patrick Nguyen, Zainab Noorullah, Jake Pandzic, Sonia Pathak, Saanvi Prabhakar, Max Simoni, Prathic Sundaram, Bowen Ware, Kane Warner, Jaden Yap Year 8 Midhad Aman, Luke Armatas, Yianni Blanas, Madison Borg, Ashley Brooks, Daniel Cassetta, Stefanie Cvetkovic, Josephine Harper, Tessa Harrison, Emma Kennedy, Steven Kumarasinha, Aiden Lagerwey, Yue Liu, Emily Maiden, Lexie McVicar, Gabriela Moraes, George Pitliangas, Peter Pitliangas, Dominik Rawdanowicz, Cody Schallhammer, Mostafa Shirzada, Tamas Spark, Ethan Stojcevski, Isaac Zaghis Year 9 Steven An, Harriet Ashton, Madeline Barakat, Harry Brown, Jacqueline Cassetta, Lucas Chrisanthou, Kathryn Chrisoulis, William Demichele, Gabriel Donnellan, Sophie Du, Ingrid Freeman, Daniel Guo, Jayden Hardman, Adea Kalavace, James MacKenzie, William Maxwell, Kate Mitchell, Lachlan Rees, Samyuktha Sriganesh, Noah Straughan, David Tran, Angelina Tran, Nancy Yang Year 10 Keely Butcher, Cornelia Evers, Coley Fang, Will Farrall, Cindy Gu, Sophia Hallak, Jack Harrison, Tammy Huynh, Curtis Idda, Emily Jinu, Maddison Kennedy, Kris Kumar, Katelyn Lagerwey, Christine Ly, Logan Mcphail, Kristofer Musura, Martin Nguyen, Jess Ord, Isabelle Pascua, Max Paspa, Jacob Poole, Cooper Read, Isabella Ross, Christopher Stainsby, Reed Xu Year 11 Quang Au, Olivia Balassopoulos, Nadine Barakat, Demi Bertone, Greer Butcher, Justin Cheung, DuenZhi Doensen, Gus Freeman, Deborah Gusah, Kai Huang, Paul Li, Alexander Matejin, Sam Mcgrath, Evie McVicar, John Mouratidis, Vanessa Nguyen, Madeleine Pickup, Klara Rawdanowicz, Sawsan Seifeddine, Daniel Stolfa, Ryan Straughan, Jack Trajcevski, Mitchell Trajcevski, Kelly Tran, James Winterton, Sam Xia Year 12 Dimitra Blanas, Danny Bugarski, Asya Busy, Shayden Chrisostom, Christian Failla, Jakob Fazio, David Feng, Cindy Gui, Cassandra Lapeyre, Shirley Liu, James Maxwell, Talia Mcgregor, PhuongMinhAnh Nghiem, Igor Petrenko, Charles Phan, Heath Phelan, Jack Robinson, Maddy Scott, Joshua Tencic, Liam Wilson SPP PhucAn Ha, Maggie Xu, Arlene Yang, Bob Qi

Left: Heath Phelan, Maelyne Scott





ne of Australia’s biggest exports is education and international students make a large contribution to the Australian community, socially, linguistically and culturally. International students who come to Westbourne Grammar School have the opportunity to complete their education in English and experience the Australian culture and education system. For the most part, international students live with Australian families and many Westbourne families have taken advantage of the opportunity to host students in their home through our homestay program. Local Australian students also have the opportunity to learn from international students, by making friends and new global connections. This year, 40 students from Year 10 completed a formal training program in order to become international mentors, learning valuable skills in cross cultural communication. Mentors act as buddies for international students when they first arrive in Australia and they run circles activities and attend excursions with the international students, such as the combined visit to an AFL match. Westbourne currently has 85 international students from China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea and Hong Kong. This year 15 new students arrived from overseas and completed intensive English study in our Secondary Preparation Program. As part of this program, the students learn about the Australian history and culture, visiting Sovereign Hill and the Melbourne Museum. In November, the Secondary Preparation Program students visited the nation’s capital for a week, visiting Parliament House, the War Memorial, the National Gallery and Museum as well as going bowling, bike riding and sightseeing around Canberra. Last year we commenced Chinese First Language classes at the International Centre and this year the students continued their studies in Chinese, participating in Languages Week by selling Chinese rice crackers as a fundraising activity for Kampuchea House, learning Chinese traditional painting and attending an excursion to the Chinese Culture Museum in China Town. International Food Day remains a highlight of the International Centre calendar, with students and mentors working together


to create recipes such as Thai and Cambodian Curry, Chinese Fried Rice, Braised Chicken, Fried Noodles and Dumplings and Vietnamese Spring Rolls. The food this year was sensational, with authentic flavours representing our School’s international community. International students continue to exemplify the school’s values of courage, scholarship, creativity and community. They demonstrate the courage to leave their homes and families to move to another country, scholarship to conduct their entire education in a second language, creativity of solving problems and scholarship through striving for academic excellence in their non-native tongue. Westbourne Grammar School would like to congratulate and thank all international students for their contribution to the school and for their achievements in 2016.




he International Centre at Westbourne Grammar School, coupled with the opportunities it provides not only our international students but local students as well is, in my opinion one of the School’s most defining features. The ability to help shape not only international students’ learning but also immerse them as members of the Australian community through activities such as the AFL excursion or the trip to Sovereign Hill are such rewarding and fulfilling experiences. As International Liaison Prefect, being able to have a chat with the international students, see their confidence as English speakers grow and to watch them open up to the rest of the school community is a gratifying responsibility. When I was in Year 7 the International Centre was a far off place with not many students having the chance to become involved with. Six years later, International Food Day is one of the most anticipated days on the school calendar and ever increasing numbers of enthusiastic Year 10 and 11 local students who sign up as international mentors join our team every year. While only a few years ago, the position of International Liaison Prefect did not exist, it is now, in my opinion a true agent for change within the school community and I sincerely hope that it will continue to be so long after I am gone.







or the first time in Westbourne’s history, Year 9 not only represented our School, but also Australia, at the International Future Problem-Solving Conference at Michigan State University, in the United States. While this was an exciting first, the year was punctuated by another set of outstanding and impressive collaborative projects. From completing meaningful work with local hospitals, to supporting international non-government organisations in Cambodia, our Year 9 students continued to make an impact through their projects. There were also valuable life lessons learned on our numerous trips into the city (even if that valuable lesson was how to load up a MYKI card and catch the right train!) and our adventure in the country through the Year 9 Camp. However, this year was not only about serious and hard work. Like many of our students, when we reflect on the year that just was, we will no


doubt think about the friendships and fun that we had along the way. Whether it was the music video competition, the staff versus student basketball game, or the epic annual Year 9 Lip Sync Mentor Cup Challenge, 2016 marked a year where we worked hard and played hard. The primary objective for all educators in the twenty-first century should not be teaching students what to think – rather, helping them develop their abilities in how to think. For us at Year 9, this means helping our students be more creative, communicate more confidently, think more critically, approach any challenge with great character and, finally, believe that any challenge can be tackled through collaboration. With the dust about to settle on 2016, we can reflect on the simple words of Helen Keller when she rightly said, ‘Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.’



ur time in the Year 9 Program has provided us with opportunities and chances to create long lasting friendships as well as an abundance of memories that I am sure we will never forget. As most of you are aware, the Year 9 building is in a separate area of the School resulting in occasional long walks but, due to the building being away from the rest of the school, we were encouraged to become a very close-knit group within the Year 9 community. I’m very confident in saying on behalf of the Year 9 cohort that we have all created strong bonds that will last a lifetime. A main portion of our lives this year has been consumed by the Collaborative Project. We were required to make a difference in the community. Over the course of the year we were able to expand on our teamwork skills as well as creative and communication skills. These lessons learnt during Year 9 prepared us for an effective project as well as educating us on imperative life skills. We all found that this was an amazing experience as we were able to see our hard work, determination and effort throughout the year pay off. During the year we were also required to complete presentations on our learning progress, as well as completing blogs recording our advancements in our projects. These tasks allowed us to improve our public speaking skills, something that we will be able to take from the Year 9 Program into our later lives. Another perk of Year 9 was the camp and the city excursions. We have all benefited and grown as people from these experiences and I encourage anyone going into the Year 9 Program to make the most of the experiences and opportunities presented.







n 10 September, a group of twenty-four students and three teachers departed Melbourne for Düsseldorf to commence the bi-annual German study tour. The first week was spent with hosts from our sister school, Städtisches Gymnasium Selm, attending school, and being immersed in a German family and culture with limited contact to the English world. While in Selm, the group undertook a day trip to Münster and Enschede in the Netherlands. Students explored the local region on the weekend with their host family before the group headed to Berlin by ICE (Inter City Express). In Berlin, the group saw many famous monuments while undertaking an amazing race activity. Next, they flew to Salzburg where they visited the salt mines and experienced the Sound of Music Dinner, filled with traditional food and music. After leaving Austria, the group headed to Benediktbeuern and took in some sights of Munich as well as heading up the highest mountain in Germany, the Zugspitze. On their final day, the group visited the famous and beautiful Neuschwanstein castle before heading to the airport for the long haul home.




erman students at Westbourne Grammar School were privileged to be involved in three exchange programs this year.

In January, we welcomed back four Year 12 students - Jackson Young (12M), Dana Sucic (12D), Jake Arnold (12M) and Rhys Barnes (12P) - from their eight-week scholarship experience at our sister school in Selm. On 15 February, we received our first BJR (Bayrischer Jugendring) exchange students. Three girls from Bavaria attended Westbourne Grammar school for approximately ten weeks, returning to Germany on 22 April. The students were Beatrix Junge-Hülsing from the Thersiengymnasium in Munich, Sina Stauffenegg from the Maristen-Gymnasium in Furth, and Chiara Utz from the Albrecht-Ernst-Gymnasium in Öttingen. Gabrielle Matthieu (10F), Simran Singh (10P) and Brigette Marks (10H), who hosted these students, will travel to Germany on 18 November 2016 and immerse themselves in the German culture and language for ten weeks.

On 10 July, we welcomed four German students: Insa Behrens, Maren Olthaus, Alexandra Cloodt and Lena Münstermann, from our sister school, Städtische Gymnasium Selm. These students were hosted by Rhys Barnes (12P), Jackson Young (12M), Sam Doyle (10P) and Zali Stiefel (10S), respectively. The students enjoyed their time exploring Australia with their hosts and attending school four days a week. The following Year 11 students were the successful scholarship recipients this year and will travel to Germany over the coming Christmas holidays to immerse themselves in the language in preparation for Year 12: Alysha Yacono (11F), Murray Osborne (11P), Emily Hannett (11H), Jasmine Lagamba (11M). Isabelle Mountford (12D) was the successful recipient of the fully-paid ten week SAGSE scholarship that saw her travel to Germany for ten weeks over the 2015/2016 summer break.





n the first week of Term 3, we attended Fukiai High School for the Fukiai Four Continents Summit in Kobe, Japan. This summit also included eight other students - two each from Scotland, America, Taiwan and the Philippines - to represent the four continents. Over the course of our one-week stay, we engaged in many activities, seeing famous tourist attractions such as Himeji Castle, Akashi Bridge; and then the Summit followed after. While the Fukiai summit only lasted two days, it was full of exciting activities and a lot of presentations. All the foreign and Fukiai students were split up into five groups, with each group assigned a topic on world issues that children face. Each of the foreign students, and a group of Fukiai students, had to give a presentation on their topic. As a result, we had to speak for ten minutes on our chosen topic, while having lots of cameras pointed at our faces, whose footage would then be used to show our summit on Japanese television, and to accompany a newspaper article.

Throughout the course of the summit, we met a lot of amazing people, from all the teachers at Fukiai High School, to the foreign and Japanese students. We had an amazing opportunity to stay with our host family and improve our Japanese, as well as getting to know and be immersed in Japanese culture. It was a worthwhile experience, going to Japan, and we cannot wait for another opportunity.





ver the summer holidays, Sarah Mebrahtu, Shihab Deen Mohamed and Anastasia Busy travelled to Japan for our seven-week exchange at Westbourne’s sisterschool, Niijima Gakuen. We spent most of our time in a town called Takasaki, which is located three hours away from Tokyo. The biggest challenge was becoming accustomed to our new location and lifestyle in the first few weeks, and forming a bond with our host families. Not only did our Japanese skills improve, but we also developed more independence. It was a completely unique experience, and since returning to Australia, it’s given us a whole new perspective on studying the language, by immersing ourselves into the culture and lifestyle of a subject which we’d only learnt from studying textbooks.

Everything we experienced has reinforced our realisation of the endless possibilities and opportunities that exist in every moment – every place you can visit, every person you can connect with, every new thing you can try and every experience you can create for yourself. Yes, going to a foreign country for seven weeks, living in a family of strangers and being forced to communicate in a foreign language, is tough. And challenging. But it’s what you choose to make of it that counts.


Immersing ourselves into the culture, whether at Disneyland or Harajuku, benefited our skills more than we expected. Their main principles of living - honour, discipline and integrity reflect Japan’s success as a nation and the manner in which Japan advances, academically and socially.





estbourne Grammar School’s connection and commitment to the Cambodian people was reinforced in Term 1 when a nervous yet excited group of Westbourne staff, students and Alumni boarded a plane for the expedition known affectionately as ‘The Cambodian Challenge’. The primary objectives of the visit included: • Strengthening our relationship with Kampuchea House, our School’s nominated charity • Engaging in practical and genuine humanitarian activities, such as building works and teaching English classes, the objective being to make a genuine difference to underprivileged local village communities • Providing a meaningful and memorable life experience for Westbourne students while simultaneously expanding their understanding of their place in the Global Community. The party of thirty-three included five staff (Andrew McGregor, Jane Garnham, Lorraine Merritt, Joshua Wang and Jeff

Rieniets), two alumni leaders (Sean Stinson and Michaela Murkowski), the 2016 School Captains (Oluwapemi Akin Ojelabi and Kiara Gashi) and an additional twenty-four students from Years 10 and 11. We made three visits to Kampuchea House, the orphanage that Westbourne has supported so passionately for the last seven or eight years. After initial tentative greetings, smiles and gift giving, students from Westbourne Grammar and Kampuchea House found that they had much to share and exchange. Laughter and shouts in English and Khmer could be heard echoing around the school compound as students celebrated the Khmer New Year. Playing sports and games, singing and dancing together proved to be activities that showed how superficial cultural barriers can be as a common sense of humanity was shared by all. Once the mood for social change and action was set there was no stopping the group as they eagerly awaited the next opportunities. The next three full consecutive, hot and sweaty days were spent in the village of Kompheim building a house for a local family and teaching English at the village school.


The group worked with the local NGO named ‘Husk’. This Australian-led group develops infrastructure and resources in poor rice-farming villages. The weather and physical conditions were challenging to the students, staff and alumni who built a house for a selected village family in record time and completed extensive renovations in the local school. In keeping with the stated aims of enriching student understanding of the world around them, even though the eight-day schedule was tightly packed with many cultural and humanitarian activities, there was also a little time for sightseeing and soaking up the rich Khmer culture. Visits to the Angkor Wat temple complex, Flight of the Gibbon, Siem Reap Circus and the Landmine Museum were just a few of the additional highlights of the trip. Planning for the 2017 trip is already under way now that the concept of the Cambodian Challenge is firmly embedded in reality.






n Saturday 16 April, at Melrose Receptions, Westbourne Grammar School held its thirty-second annual Presentation Ball. Eighty-Four students from Year 11 participated in what is, undoubtedly, one of the School’s most anticipated traditions. The organisation for the students began in the very first week of Term 1 this year. This took the form of weekly dance lessons under the expert guidance of our very own Mr Marcus Michielin and Ms Tracy Williams. On Thursday afternoons the enthusiastic students learnt and refined three dances including the salsa, gypsy tap and progressive jive. As the term progressed, the students evolved from stumbling gigglers to poised and fluid performers. There is little doubt the dance routine was one of the highlights of the evening. When the big night finally arrived, the participants were warmly introduced by Associate Principal, Mr Andrew McGregor, to over six hundred members of the School community, including members of the School Council, staff, extended families, and friends. The student speeches and thank-yous were confidently presented by Jack Grego (11F) and Tuscanny Yankos (11F).


The evening culminated in a wonderful ‘coming together’ of our school community with the sharing of food, dancing, conversation, laughter and photos. It was, indeed, a joyous and happy occasion. Congratulations to all the Year 11 students who took part in this event in 2016. Your commitment to Thursday afternoon practice, beautiful presentation of dances, and cooperation on the night, made it one to remember. We look forward to the tradition continuing in 2017.































rom 19 to 21 May, we saw the culmination of four months of rehearsal for this year’s Senior School Musical, Merrily We Roll Along. Being a Sondheim production the show is clever, thought provoking and difficult! Lots of words, intricate dialogue and challenging harmonies. The cast was also involved in many changes in set and props as they transitioned, in reverse, through the years of the story until the time that Frank, Charlie and Mary meet on a rooftop waiting to see Sputnik. For those of you who saw the show and for the production team, we can only marvel at the skill and commitment of the cast in presenting a musical of this complexity in such a professional manner. In particular I would like to mention the outstanding performances of the three main characters: Asami Weaver (the only Year 12 student in the cast and her last show with us) Henry Fenn (10D) and Benjamin Krawczyszyn (11P). The three leads were completely convincing in their roles and


also managed to show a change in age as they moved back through their lives together. Supported by three other roles, Lou Tumalad (10H), Isabelle Pascua (10S) and Klara Rawdanowicz (11S), the six main characters were outstanding. The cast as a whole featured many cameo roles and were very strong in supporting the leads and taking the audience through a journey. Congratulations to Harrison Mill in Year 2 for his debut performance as young Frank. We must also thank staff and students in the band. What an outstanding group, unseen but certainly heard and appreciated. A huge thank you from the cast to the two assistant stage managers Georgia Carracher and Sachini Hewa Radalage who worked tirelessly backstage. The audience sees the end result of many hours of work by a huge team. The learning that takes place during the rehearsal period is invaluable. Thank you to those in the community who came to see the show. Please come every year and, to the current students, please come to the auditions for next year’s production.






t is a tradition at Westbourne Grammar School to present a Senior Play, to give students a chance to develop and refine their skills in the Performing Arts. On 22 and 23 June, we presented Willy Russell’s comedy, Educating Rita as this year’s Senior Play. Educating Rita is a charming and wonderfully entertaining comedy classic about a woman who is looking to escape her dreary lower-class life by deciding to take a course in English Literature. In the original play, there are two actors on stage. However, with this production containing a cast of eleven students, the roles were shared, giving the cast the opportunity to explore their characters in greater depth. This symbolised that the


roles of Frank and Rita are universal characters, using actor and character transformation to give the illusion that any of the cast could play either role. With this acting and production experiment, the cast and crew relished the opportunity to spread their performance wings and work with people that they would not have in a regular production. The students greatly enjoyed rehearsals, backstage, and performing to adoring audiences in attendance on both nights of the production. The production represented a huge amount of dedication and commitment on the part of the students involved, as well as help from Donna Zaharopoulos and Grant Finlay, and I could not be more proud of their efforts.






he two main events on the chess calendar each year are the Inter-House competition and the ACS competition. This year the Inter-House competition was the first event for the year. Once again it was a fiercely contested event with Derrimut House, well led and organised by Kieren Azzopardi (12D), emerging as the clear victor in the last round. This year the increased number of girls competing, and their high level of play, was a pleasing aspect of the competition.

Having been ACS champions for five years in a row, the school team went to the ACS Championships determined to retain their title. However, it was not to be as St. Leonard’s College swept all before them on the day to win by a considerable margin. Westbourne finished a creditable second. Junge Wang (12F), and Sophie Davis (7F), both won five of their six games to finish equal second on the individual table. At this stage of the year, the Victorian Interschool Championship is undecided but the school team has once again qualified for the finals at Brighton Grammar School.





s the bus pulled into the grounds of Loreto College in Ballarat, the air was already buzzing with excitement. Four teams of Year 7 students would be competing in the da Vinci Decathlon at regional level. The theme for this event was ‘exploration’ and the Year 7s were ready for the challenge ahead.

The day was split into three sessions. The students pushed themselves to their limits which resulted in extraordinary results. In English, the first discipline of the day, students were required to complete a spelling challenge with complex words like ‘discombobulate’ and ‘heterogeneous’. They also analysed a text identifying devices such as onomatopoeia, alliteration and metaphors. Shortly after, students tested their creative skills with a 3D work of art adorned by a poem, accompanied by a summary of the work outlining its unique design and sources of inspiration. Our teams scored highly in this discipline, achieving first, second and third place in the competition. Another enjoyable challenge was the science task, with students completing a series of questions requiring scientific knowledge. Loreto College kindly provided recess and a timely lunch, which gave students the chance to unwind whilst enjoying a game of ‘Human Chess’. Our scores for the Decathlon were as follows: Westbourne Grammar School team ‘da Fire Foxes’ in first place (competing in the State Finals), team ‘Alpha’ in second place, ‘Team ONE’ in fourth and ‘da Vinci Discoverers‘ rounding out the fantastic results with fifth place. What a fantastic effort!






he Debating Association of Victoria’s (DAV) Schools Competition offers students from Years 8 to 12 the opportunity to develop their skills in communication, critical thinking, research, teamwork and public speaking, while engaging with world issues that both directly and indirectly affect their lives. In 2016, Westbourne Grammar School was represented in the competition by thirty-five students, continuing a strong tradition of debating. The School was represented this year by a team at every year level, with three teams from Year 10 competing. All of these teams performed admirably throughout the competition, with most finishing in the top three for their division. Three teams further represented the School in the finals. The thirty-five students who participated in DAV Debating in 2016 all demonstrated their strong commitment to the competition through the hours of preparation undertaken prior to the individual rounds. This commitment was further demonstrated by the number of Best Speaker awards which were presented to Westbourne Grammar School students

throughout the competition. Students are awarded Best Speaker for demonstrating a high level of skill in the way that they construct and present their arguments. Eleven of our students were awarded this designation, while five students -Sophia Deng (10H), Brigette Marks (10H), Emily Jinu (10S), Conor Barnes (8D), and Austin Marks (8H) - were awarded this title more than once. We would like to congratulate all of our debaters on a very successful year and encourage all students to participate in the 2017 competition.








anguages Week, which was held from 16 - 20 May 2016, was again a fun-filled week for students and teachers alike. The week kicked off with the annual soccer game between the Year 12 German and Japanese students, with the Germans winning 2-0. Authentic food was a great hit on the day. The Chinese first language students joined us in celebrating cultural diversity with their Chinese crackers. Due to popular demand, Japanese sweets were again on offer and the German sausages as well as the Brezeln. We were delighted to have students from the Junior School visiting the senior campus to buy themselves some Brezeln. Throughout the week students were engaged in cultural activities, ranging from cooking to trivia to treasure hunts. This year we also had a few additional staff dress up in traditional German attire, which was wonderful to see.





oing into my first Life Drawing session back in Year 11, I was both hesitant and wary. Although the thought of doing Life Drawing is sometimes awkward or uncomfortable, I knew that Ms Mitchell’s ongoing encouragement was for a reason. Having done it for almost a year I can certainly say that I have gained artistic skills which would not otherwise have been developed in class. Offered after school on Tuesday, the co-curricular activity takes you out of your comfort zone. With no artistic restriction or boundary, you become free to draw, paint or sculpt, trying things you usually wouldn’t do. Knowing that what we produced would not be judged or marked, we became motivated to be more creative, every mistake becoming a learning curve to drive the direction of our own artistic style. With time limits spanning from two to ten minutes, the one-hour session would help us create numerous artworks, serving those who aim to build up a folio for tertiary interviews. Life Drawing is not only dedicated to those who find passion in drawing, but to any artistically driven student who studies art, studio art or VCD. Even if drawing is not your preferred art form, it is still worth attending to create or enhance a style. It also serves as a calm break from the chaos of VCE. After a year of Life Drawing, the hesitation has definitely worn off, and instead I become eager to create new work in a relaxing learning environment.






hotography is a creative as well as a scientific process; a way of looking keenly and capturing moments in time as they will never occur again.

Since the beginning of the year, a group of students have been meeting in the Art Department after school, learning about photography, composition, dark room processes and digital editing. Throughout these sessions students shared ideas and creative thinking to understand the power of visuals, contemplate how ideas can be translated via art, and how to capture the world around them through photographs. As we began to develop these skills, students explored the school campus, moving between built environments and organic spaces, contrasting the beauty and detail of nature with the structure and power of architectural and built forms. A highlight of our time together was creating photograms in the dark room, a technique of juxtaposing detailed everyday objects and creating dense, sharp silhouettes. Students particularly enjoyed developing their own images by hand, watching the process of shapes, textures and light emerging from the blank page with curiosity and delight. All this experimentation and hard work culminated in the Annual Photography Exhibition on 28 July, where we celebrated creative achievement, proudly displaying a collection of works produced by staff and students from across the school. The work was widely varied, documenting themes from portraiture and landscape photography, to macro worlds and frozen entities. The depth of creative thinking, experimentation and clever observation was clear for all to see.





o volunteer for public speaking means to step up and step outside your comfort zone. It is true that it is possible for a student to pick a topic about which they are passionate but they must then master the technique of rhetoric and then face off against unknown competitors. Yet again, Westbourne Grammar School students stepped up to the challenge and have done themselves proud. In 2016, students competed in Lions Youth of the Year, Ainger Rotary Club of Richmond competition, WYNSPEAK, ACS and Rostrum competitions. Most speakers were new to Inter-School public speaking. The Ainger Competition is always a tough competition for senior experienced speakers and both Samuel McGrath (11S) and Sam Doyle (10P) delivered memorable speeches with style. Nived Burugadha (7D) entered the Rostrum Voice of Youth, a tough call for a Year 7 but a great way to learn about how to prepare and deliver a speech. He presented well for his debut performance and we expect to see him compete again. In our local competition, WYNSPEAK, run by the Rotary Clubs of Werribee and Hoppers Crossing, Westbourne Grammar School entered four students; Kieren Azzopardi (12D), Conor Barnes (8D), Shams Albrefkany (9H) and David Cheng (10F). All four speakers were outstanding and Conor Barnes progressed to the finals, which he won. Winning the junior finals meant that Conor qualified for the State Final of the Rostrum Voice of Youth competition. Des O’Shanassy from WYNSPEAK said, “Twenty-nine Western region colleges were represented and the competition again proved that young people from our region are being very well prepared for post school life with the essential skills in public speaking.”






n Friday 15 April, the Year 7s experienced a whole new day called Ancients Day. On this special day, the Year 7s came to school with costumes that were in the style of ancient times. Everyone looked amazing in their costumes as there was such a variety; some were DIY, some were hired and some were even from older siblings. We got the feeling we were actually in ancient times. There were many activities set up too, such as metal work, sports and games, ancient fighting, archery and social life. In metal work, we saw and got to examine artefacts. In sports and games we experienced the games that were played 1,000 years ago. In ancient fighting we learnt about the equipment and armour that was worn by the ancient people when they fought. In archery, we were so lucky that we able to learn the correct method of firing arrows at a target, under strict supervision of course.




ifferent cultures, different nationalities, different people, all blended into the spirit of one day: Medieval Day. From woeful women to frenzied fighting, the experience from Medieval Day was truly unforgettable. The things we learnt cannot be taught, they can only be experienced beyond the four daunting walls of a classroom. The hands-on activities provided insight into a culture which we have only heard to exist, but this day helped bring it to life. Whether it be learning about the centuries of armoury or something as simple as dancing at a banquet, the class remained as a cohort and enjoyed the realistic experience of Medieval life. Ultimately, as a whole, this day was one experience that will echo through our entire schooling life.




hroughout July and August, Westbourne Grammar senior students were given the opportunity to participate in the 2016 State UN Evatt Debating Competition. This competition is modelled on the United Nations Security Council, and participating teams of two are designated a specific member state to represent in a faux debate. Throughout the half-day competition, three resolutions are debated by students who need to have a thorough understanding of the global political stance of their state. The issues are real topics debated by the actual Security Council, such as food security and human rights within the mining industry, allowing for students to gain knowledge on these issues. The program itself was an eye-opening experience, as debating these real world issues with such a wide range of students allowed for so many new ideas and theories to be explored. The representation of Westbourne students this year was larger than ever before and we became teams to watch throughout the competition. Murray Osborne and I represented the United Kingdom, and were lucky enough to have the power of veto. This enhanced our own experience, as it allowed us to have a significant involvement in many of the debates, and resulted in the final three minutes of one debate being dedicated to the other teams convincing us against vetoing the entire resolution. Overall, this incredible program allowed the students to increase their knowledge and grow in confidence through public speaking and proposing their own ideas.






he Youth Parliament program is the type of program that cannot ever be explained adequately in words; it is the type of program that needs to be experienced to be understood. The six-day residential camp was an intense yet fulfilling experience for the six Year 11 Westbourne Grammar School students who got to attend. Three of those days were spent at Parliament House, where the 120 participants, divided into government and opposition, debated and voted for the bills that each team had previously prepared on a topic. The impromptu nature of the debates made for a fun and challenging few days and the atmosphere of support among the Youth Parliamentarians encouraged everyone to have the confidence to stand up and voice their arguments. In contrast to the formality of the days in parliament, each night of the camp consisted of a recreational session, colloquially referred to as ‘wreck’. Each wreck session required everyone to dress up according to theme while bonding over activities, some of which included bush dancing, team games, and a disco. Both the wreck sessions and time spent in parliament created deep bonds between participants and many fond memories unlikely to be forgotten. Every participant had many things that they were able to take out of Youth Parliament: from new friendships to more confidence and public speaking skills, as well as exposure to new ideas. Westbourne’s 2016 Team consisted of: Caitlin Ramsay (11D), Bu Xiao Yuan (Cathy) (11M), Nikita Mohar-Williams (11F), Evangeline McVicar (11S), Alicia Yeoman (11P), and Rebecca Boyer (11H).


ver the course of six weeks, each Tuesday after school, sixteen Year 12 students were given the opportunity by the Werribee branch of Toastmasters International to improve their public speaking skills. For some of us, delivering a speech was second nature, while for others it was our worst nightmare. But one thing we all shared was that this experience helped change us for the better. Each week, a handful of students were required to deliver a speech in front of everyone, and whether that speech was impromptu or prepared, the rewards were numerous; many discovered a new-found confidence they hadn’t realised they possessed and all of us were able to cut down on our usage of distracting filler words such as ‘like’ and ‘um’. Not only did the various speeches offer their deliverers an opportunity to grow, but they also gave the listeners an interesting insight into their fellow students; their dreams, their hopes and their fears. The program culminated in a night where the group displayed its new skills in front of our teachers, parents and friends. Trophies were awarded for ‘Best Speaker’ to Laura Bishop (12P), ‘Most Improved’ to Dana Sucic (12D) and Sam Paton (12F), and ‘Best Evaluator’ to Luke Stack (12M). We would like to thank the Werribee Toastmasters for running the program. Finally we encourage all current Westbourne students to sign up for the opportunity when it presents itself, as the stories you will hear, the laughs you will share, and the experience you will gain, make it well worthwhile.

JACKSON YOUNG (12M) Toastmaster students: Hamish Williams (12F), Isabelle Mountford (12D), Dana Sucic (12D), Kieren Azzopardi (12D), Sarah Mebrahtu (12H), Brigitte Tattersall (12M), Kiara Gashi (12M), Arthur Dimitriou (12P), Adi Basic (12H), Laura Bishop (12P), Jackson Young (12M), Jake Arnold (12M), Luke Stack (12M), Sam Paton (12F), Oluwapemi Akin Ojelabi (12D)





he Westbourne Grammar School Music Faculty has seen a wealth of accomplishment and student triumph in 2016. Our musicians have committed themselves to meticulous preparation and rehearsal, while being exposed to an abundance of performance opportunities. In March, the annual Performer of the Year competition saw a high number of participants prepare an outstandingly high standard program of solo works. Maggie Zhao (9P) and Joshua Jinu (7S) were ultimately selected as joint winners of this year’s award.


For the fifth consecutive year, a group of talented musicians presented a beautiful collection of pieces at the Royal Melbourne Hospital Live Music Festival. Many of these students were also about to embark on a trip to Generations In Jazz, Mount Gambier, where the Legends Big Band received first place in their division and the Jazz Vocal Ensemble made their debut performance. Both of these events were followed by the annual School Musical, Merrily We Roll Along, by Stephen Sondheim. Twentyfive cast members, fourteen orchestral musicians, and numerous backstage assistants worked tirelessly to present a wonderful piece, upholding Westbourne Grammar School’s commitment to provide intellectual and artistic challenges for our students. The Super Saturday Soiree and Bands Festival was once again held in mid-June, featuring several hundred solo and group performances across the Junior and Senior schools. This event, in addition to the Piano, Strings and Choral Festivals held in Term 3, continue to generate widespread community support. Friends of Music and Performing Arts (FOMPA) must be acknowledged for their ongoing provision, care and assistance to the Music Faculty.

Music Camp this year returned to Rutherford Park, Blampied, and allowed 110 senior students and fifteen staff to indulge in an incredibly satisfying, four-day intensive rehearsal schedule. The camp culminated in the Annual Concert, held on Friday 15 July at the Melbourne Recital Centre. Returning to this world class venue for the second time, approximately 250 students graced the stage and presented a stunning concert to a capacity audience. The focus of this year’s concert was to highlight a vast array of Australian works, past and contemporary. Notable performances included Music Captain Asami Weaver (12F) and Elyce Gray (12F) singing two beautiful Australian art songs. The Generations in Jazz students performed a highly energetic set to close the first half. Maggie Zhao (9P), on piano, and Joshua Jinu (7S), on French horn, were accompanied by the Symphony Orchestra and a massed string ensemble involving Years 4-12 students playing Stephen Chin's Excalibur. The final item of the concert was a massed choir and band singing Crowded House’s Weather With You. Congratulations to all of the students and staff involved for their hard work in helping to create such a unique, whole-school experience for the school community.



The Senior Orchestra, Senior Choir and Symphonic Wind Band continue to provide a wonderful outlet for Westbourne Grammar School students to express, create and perform together. The learning program that supports these activities enables students to hone their craft, be challenged and make a valuable contribution to the progress of each group. The subsidiary ensembles that extend from these groups are plentiful: Concert Choir, Senior Strings, Legends Big Band, Wind, Percussion and Guitar Ensembles, all of which give our students opportunities, not just to participate in, but to lead and drive. Congratulations to all of the 2016 Year 12 music cohort, who have been an outstanding group to work with over the past six years. Thank you for your commitment and willingness to give, and we wish you well for the coming years in both your musical and academic endeavours.




he annual Senior Piano Competition was held on Wednesday 1 June. The adjudicator for the event was Ms Alison Kirkpatrick who is a well-respected teacher and pianist in Melbourne. Her students have won many prizes and awards in Eisteddfods and been successful in gaining music scholarships to Melbourne schools. As well as teaching, Ms Kirkpatrick is an examiner for the AMEB and regularly adjudicates Eisteddfods throughout Victoria. This year, eleven competitors ranging from Year 7 to Year 11 competed in the Piano Competition. Each competitor was impressive in both presentation and the high standard of performance. A wide range of repertoire was performed from the Baroque piece Le Coucou by L C Daquin, to the peaceful Reverie by Debussy. In her final comments to the students, Ms Kirkpatrick congratulated each performer on their thorough preparation for the event and their polished performances. Ms Kirkpatrick awarded the following places: Honourable Mentions to Joshua Jinu (7S) and Matthew Nguyen (8H).

Equal second place was awarded to Maggie Zhao (9P) and Emily Jinu (10S). First place was awarded to Amirrul Nasarudin (11D) for his engaging performance of the Prelude in C# Minor by S Rachmaninoff. Amirrul will perform this powerful piece in the Recital Concert at the Annual Concert.



















s we reach the end of another very busy year of ACS Weekly Sport it is always good to look back and reflect on all that has been achieved throughout the year. Yes, it has indeed been another very successful year. On the last Wednesday in Term 1, the Senior Summer Grand Finals were contested. Again, in terms of grand finals appearances and premierships won, Westbourne led the way. Sixteen senior teams reached grand finals with eight of those teams going on to be premiers. Congratulations to all successful teams but special mention to the Girls’ Volleyball teams and Boys’ Table Tennis Teams for their amazing season. All four girls’ volleyball teams from the 1st through to the 4ths won the Grand Final and went through the season undefeated. Similarly, both the 1st and 2nd Boys’ Table Tennis team were premiers and champions, also going through the season undefeated. The winter season in Term 2 and Term 3 also saw Westbourne students achieve pleasing results. In total, Westbourne teams made an amazing twenty-seven Grand Finals. Of those twentyseven Grand Final teams, seventeen went on to be Premiers.


Some of the highlights of the season included: • Our Boys’ Tennis and Girls’ Table Tennis teams continued their dominance of the senior competition. Both the 1st and 2nd teams in both these sports won the premiership with the Boys winning the 1st Tennis for the ninth time in the last ten years and the Girls winning the 1st Table Tennis for an amazing 19th successive year. The 1st and 2nd Tennis and 1st Table Tennis were not only Premiers but also went through the season undefeated. • 1st Mixed Badminton team, the 2nd Mixed Beach Volleyball team and the 2nd and 3rd Boys’ Volleyball team were undefeated, finishing the year as Champions as well as Premiers. • The 1st Boys’ Soccer team deserve special mention and credit also. Soccer has always been one of the school’s strongest sports, yet it has been five years since Westbourne last won the Senior 1st Soccer Premiership. Over the last three to four years, results have probably fallen short of what the boys were capable. This year, despite the difficulty of having our home pitch out of action for the entire season, and despite the coach

unfortunately moving overseas just three weeks before the finals, the boys rallied to beat St Leonard’s in a closely fought Grand Final, 3 goals to 2. The leadership of captain Michael Yoseski (12P) and Vice-Captain Mikhael Reid (12P) was pivotal in the change of attitude, and ultimately the results of the 1st Boys’ Soccer team and they should be rightly proud of the culture change. • Some of the outstanding performances at Year 7 to 9 came from the following teams, all of whom were not only ACS premiers but also champions going through their respective competitions undefeated. Year 7 Boys’ Soccer (who won a thrilling penalty shoot out in the final), Year 8 Girls’ Hockey, Year 9 Girls’ Table Tennis, Year 9 Boys’ Tennis and Year 9 Girls’ Basketball. On the whole it has been another fantastic year in ACS Weekly Sport at Westbourne Grammar School. In closing, thank you to everyone who has contributed to the success of the program throughout the year, from the teaching staff and coaches through to the parents and, most importantly, the students who get out each week and represent their school. I look forward to reporting on further pleasing performances in 2017 and beyond.





he 2016 ACS Cross Country Carnival was one of the most successful ACS Cross Country Carnivals for Westbourne’s Cross Country team. In terms of Individual results, Westbourne had seven students finish on the victory dais. Thomas Rebesco (11M), Jack Harrison (10S) and Ebony Dodemaide (9M) each finished first, Christiaan Weitsz (11H) and Michael Szulc (10F) finished second and Emily Spiteri (12M) and Cameron Atchinson (12D) finished third. Twenty-seven students finished in the top ten of their respective race. Cross country is, however, a team event. A successful team cannot just rely on the contribution of its stars. Yes, each runner runs as an individual but he/she also runs as part of a team and it is in the team results that the carnival can be viewed as such a success. In total, Westbourne teams won six year level pennants. The successful teams were: • Year 7 Girls, • Year 8 Boys, • Year 8 Girls, • Year 8 Combined Aggregate, • Year 9 Girls • Year 11 Boys.


In the final overall team standings, the Boys’ team finished second, the Girls’ finished second and in the combined overall results Westbourne also finished second. St Leonard’s College finished first in each section of the carnival. Results like these do not happen without a lot of hard work. Training started back in the first week of June and for the last two and a half months a large group of committed and enthusiastic students have been braving the cold morning and early starts to get along to training. The numbers at training, the spirit at training and most importantly the willingness from each individual who turned up at training and worked hard contributed to these amazing results. To Tonya Cook, Andrea Arnold and John Johnson, thank you for your outstanding enthusiasm and leadership in your role as team managers. To our coach, Ryan Geard, thank you for another year of working and helping with the cross country program. Your passion for running and your expertise is amazing and we are indeed very, very privileged to have you overseeing the program. Staff and students alike cannot speak more highly of your contribution.

However, it is the students that deserve the biggest vote of thanks. Firstly, for your efforts at training and, secondly, for the outstanding way you represented yourselves and your school on the day of the carnival. I cannot thank you enough or speak more highly of your efforts. It is you, the student body, who have re-established a strong culture for cross country running in the school after a dip in the culture two to three years ago. You should all be very proud of what you achieved. Singling out certain students over others is often dangerous because you invariably leave out a name of a student who has made a special contribution. It would, however, be remiss, not to highlight the contribution of certain Year 12 students. To Emily Spiteri (12M) and Kieren Azzopardi (12D), your leadership of the team as cross country captains, both at training and on the day of the carnival, was exemplary. A thank-you must also go to Jack Robinson (12S), Cameron Atchinson (12D), Jake Arnold (12M) and Jackson Young (12M) for their leadership, enthusiasm and the example they have set. The challenge for 2017 will be to work hard again, for individuals to improve again and, as a team and as a school, for us to improve again. I know the spirit amongst the School’s running community is up for that challenge. Hopefully, in 2017, we can go one step better and win the elusive ACS Cross Country for the first time ever.





espite not emulating the first place finish from the 2015 ACS Athletics carnival, the 2016 carnival held at Lakeside Stadium on Friday 20 May was another overwhelmingly successful carnival for Westbourne’s Athletics team. There were numerous outstanding individual performances. A complete summary of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd results are shown opposite, however, in terms of individual achievements the highlights of the day came from Jack Harrison (10S) and Olivia Yacono (8F) who, based on their results, were the male and female athletes of the meet. Jack was first in the 100m, 200m, 400m and 1500m and second in the 800m. Olivia finished first in all five of her individual events: the 100m, 200m, 400m, Long Jump and Triple Jump. In the 400m, Triple Jump and Long jump, Olivia not only won the event but she also set new ACS Records. Other ACS records set on the day by Westbourne students were achieved by Oluwapemi Akin Ojelabi (12D) in the Year 12 Boys Triple Jump and Ebony Dodemaide (9M) in the Intermediate Girls 1500m. While individual achievements are fantastic, the team results at the carnivals are most important and the performance of every competitor plays an important role in the overall team results. It is by these measures that the 2016 carnival was again a success. Westbourne won pennants in the Year 8 Girls Aggregate and Year 8 Combined Aggregate and in the Year 11 Boys and Year 11 Combined Aggregate. In the overall results our Girls’ team finished second, just one and a half points behind St Leonard’s, the Boys’ team also finished second, eighty points behind


St Michael’s. In the combined scores Westbourne finished second just forty and a half points behind eventual winners, St Michael’s. As everyone knows, success does not happen by chance, it takes hard work, dedication and commitment. The efforts of the entire team at training in the build up to the carnival were outstanding. Numbers at training were consistently at record levels. To all those students who made the effort to get along to training, thank you. The results you achieved on the day is recognition and reward for all the hard work put in. The spirit and enthusiasm with which you competed was a credit to yourselves and the school. You should be very proud of everything you achieved. Special thanks in particular to the Athletic Teams Captain for 2016, Cameron Atchison (12D), Oluwapemi Akin Ojelabi (12D) and Emily Spiteri (12M), and to the other committed year 12s for their enthusiasm and example. Thank you, in addition, to the parents for also braving the early mornings to get your son and daughters down to training. Training before school relies on a big commitment by you as well. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Finally, thank you to our coaches - led by Andrew Boudrie and Ryan Geard and assisted by Alida Weitsz, Aaron Lam, Alwyn Jones and Randall Scott - for your enthusiasm, expertise and hard work. We can only hope that you will continue to help out with our athletics program for many years to come.



Year 10 Girls Shot Put

Oluwadunsin AKIN OJELABI

Year 11 Boys 100m (A) Year 11 Boys 200m (A)


Year 10 Girls 90m Hurdles Year 10 Girls Triple Jump


Year 12 Boys 200m (A) Year 12 Boys Triple Jump Year 12 Boys Long Jump


Year 12 Girls 200m (B)


Year 11 Girls High Jump


Year 9 Girls Discus


Year 8 Girls 100m (A) Year 8 Girls 200m (A) Year 8 Girls 400m Year 8 Girls Triple Jump Year 8 Girls Long Jump


Year 11 Boys Triple Jump


Year 9 Boys 100m (B)


Year 9 Girls 800m Intermediate Girls 1500m


Year 8 GirlsTriple Jump Year 8 Girls Long Jump

Timothy GAUCI

Year 7 Boys 80m Hurdles Year 7 Boys High Jump


Year 10 Boys 100m (A) Year 10 Boys 200m (A) Year 10 Boys 400m Intermediate Boys 1500m


Year 9 Boys 90m Hurdles

Shakeel MANUEL

Year 8 Boys 400m


Year 11 Boys 800m


Year 8 Girls 4 x 100m Relay: Chelsea DAVIS, Isabella KRBALESKI, Izabelle AZZOPARDI, Olivia YACONO Year 9 Boys 4 x 100m Relay: Conrad BUTLER-BOWDON, Peter DIMITRIOU, Ben JOHNSON, Anthony NGUYEN Year 10 Girls 4 x 100m Relay: Kimberley HARRISON, Josefa PORFLIT-ESPINOSA, Sophia HALLAK, Isobelle SOURIVONG Year 11 Girls 4 x 100m Relay: Jane WHITE, Emily HANNETT, Breeanna LAM, Akeisha SANDHU Year 11 Boys 4 x 100m Relay: Matthew BURKHARDT, Don Avin RANASINGHE, Sam MCGRATH, Oluwadunsin AKIN OJELABI Liam SCERRI

Year 8 Boys Shot Put


Year 12 Boys 100m (A)


Year 12 Boys 100m (B)

Chelsea DAVIS

Year 8 Girls 100m (B)


Year 8 Girls Discus


Year 9 Girls 400m


Year 10 Girls 100m (A)


Year 10 Girls Discus


Year 12 Girls 200m (A)


Year 7 Girls High Jump


Year 8 Boys 200m (B)


Year 11 Girls 90m Hurdles

Connor WALL

Year 10 Boys 100m (B)


Year 7 Girls 200m (A) Year 7 Girls Triple Jump


Year 11 Girls 100m (B)


Year 10 Boys 800m


Year 10 Boys Shot Put


Year 8 Boys Triple Jump

Anthony NGUYEN

Year 9 Boys 200m (B)


Year 12 Boys 110m Hurdles Year 12 Boys 400m


Year 7 Girls 4 x 100m Relay: Keeley MCGUIRE, Madison HARRIES, Ava HATZOPOULOS, Claudia HUYNH Year 8 Boys 4 x 100m Relay: Ujjwal NANDAL, Ryan SUCIC, Max LE GRAND, Shakeel MANUEL Open Boys 4 x 400m Relay: Jack HARRISON, Thomas REBESCO, Sam PATON, Mac SHORT Nada MILENKOVIC

Year 11 Girls Shot Put

Oluwadunsin AKIN OJELABI

Year 11 Boys Long Jump


Year 8 Boys 100m (B)


Year 10 Boys 100m (A) Year 10 Boys 200m (B)


Intermediate 1500m

Harrison BROWN

Year 9 Boys High Jump

Akeisha SANDHU

Year 11 Girls 100m (A)


Year 11 Boys 100m (B) Year 11 Boys 200m (B)


Year 12 Boys 200m (B)


Chelsea DAVIS

Year 8 Girls 80m Hurdles

Year 12 Girls 400m Year 12 Girls Long Jump


Year 12 Girls Discus

Connor WALL

Year 10 Boys Triple Jump

Christiaan WEITSZ

Year 11 Boys 400m

Year 8 Girls 200m (B) Riley DEBNEY

Year 11 Boys 800m


Year 7 Girls 100m (A)


Year 8 Girls High Jump

Kimberley HARRISON

Year 10 Girls 100m (B)


Year 7 Boys 100m (B)

Breeanna LAM

Year 11 Girls 200m (B)


Year 7 Girls 80m Hurdles Year 7 Girls 100m (B) Year 7 Girls Long Jump

Year 12 Girls 4 x 100m Relay: Dana SUCIC, Megan CAUDRY, Jana HADJI, Emily SPITERI Year 12 Boys 4 x 100m Relay: Sam PATON, Arthur DIMITRIOU, Mac SHORT, Pemi AKIN OJELABI Open Girls 4 x 400m Relay: Olivia YACONO, Emily SPITERI, Akeisha SANDHU, Ebony DODEMAIDE YEARBOOK 2016




fter 116 events, seventeen points was all that stood between the Westbourne swimming team and their first ever carnival victory at ACS Swimming, held on Thursday 17 March. So close, yet so far. Instead we have to be satisfied with our ninth successive second place finish, behind St Leonard’s. Despite the final overall result, it was still an overwhelmingly successful day, highlighted by some sensational individual performances by our swimmers and our Girls’ team winning the Overall Girls’ Swimming Aggregate Trophy for the first time in the School’s history.

Aside from the outstanding individual results, the most pleasing aspects of the day were the overall effort and attitude of the entire team. To all the students who attended training and participated on the day, thank you for your efforts. Any successful sport team relies as much on the contribution from everyone in the team as it does on the contribution of the victors. Westbourne’s swimming team is no different. It is hard to mention everyone who deserves recognition in a small report such as this, but those involved know who I am talking about. Thank you again for all your efforts.

It is impossible to mention every significant individual performance (a full list of place getters from the day is displayed on the right) but the most notable performances on the day came from Hugh Krause (7P), Cartier Vasta (8M), Ingrid Freeman (9S), Luke Stafford (9M), Sophia Hallak (10S), Marco Soesanto (10D), Cooper Read (10S), Robbe Dilissen (11M), Paris Vasta (11M), Kiara Gashi (12M) and Madelyne Scott (12S). Special mention must be made of the performances of Paris Vasta (11M) and Cartier Vasta (8M) and Marco Soesanto (10D) who, based on their results, were respectively joint winners of the Female and Male Swimmer of the Meet Award.

Thank you also to the staff who contributed to the success of the team. The particular and specialised contributions of Samantha Grant, Shaun Pickard and Alexzandra Arundale as coaches were most significant. A big thank you also to Louise Mahony and Chris Gilham for their overall management and organisation of the team. The leadership provided by swimming captains Kiara Gashi (12M) and Sam Paton (12F) and also the other Year 12s who were part of the team, was greatly appreciated and is also acknowledged. Many of you have been part of the swimming team over the six years you have been part of the senior school. You have played a huge part in developing the strong culture that exists in this team and for that you should be very, very proud.

Twelve new ACS Records were set at this year’s carnival. Of those twelve records, eight were set by Westbourne students. Ingrid Freeman (9S) set a new ACS record in the Year 9 girls 50m Freestyle and Backstroke and the Intermediate Girls 100m Freestyle. Marco Soesanto (10D) set records in the Year 10 Boys’ 50m Freestyle and Breaststroke and the Intermediate Boys’ 100m Freestyle, and Paris Vasta (11M) set a new ACS record in the Open Girls’ 200m Individual medley and Year 11 Girls’ 50m Breaststroke. Other highlights of the day were the four wining pennants by year level teams successful enough to win their section of the carnival. The Year 10 Boys, Year 10 Combined Aggregate, Year 11 Combined Aggregate and Year 12 Girls were the successful Westbourne teams. In the final standings, the Westbourne boys finished second and the girls, as mentioned earlier, finished first. This was not only the first time that our Girls’ team has finished first at ACS Swimming, but also, only the second time in the school’s history that the girls have been successful in any of the ACS Carnivals.





Year 10 Girls 50m Freestyle (B) Year 10 Girls 50m Backstroke (B) Year 10 Girls 50m Breaststroke (B)


Year 11 Boys 50m Breaststroke (A) Open Boys 200m Individual Medley


Intermediate Girls 100m Freestyle Year 9 Girls 50m Freestyle (A) Year 9 Girls 50m Backstroke (A) Year 9 Girls 50m Breaststroke (A)


Year 12 Girls 50m Freestyle (A) Year 12 Girls 50m Backstroke (A) Year 12 Girls 50m Butterfly (A)


Year 10 Girls 50m Freestyle (A) Year 10 Girls 50m Backstroke (A) Year 10 Girls 50m Breaststroke (A) Year 10 Girls 50m Butterfly (A)

Cooper READ - JNR

Year 10 Boys 50m Freestyle (B) Year 10 Boys 50m Backstroke (B)


Year 7 Girls 50m Breastroke (B)

Madelyne SCOTT

Year 12 Girls 50m Backstroke (B) Year 12 Girls 50m Breaststroke (B)


Year 9 Boys 50m Backstroke (A) Year 9 Boys 50m Breaststroke (A)


Year 10 Boys 50m Freestyle (A) Year 10 Boys 50m Backstroke (A) Year 10 Boys 50m Breaststroke (A) Year 10 Boys 50m Butterfly (A) Intermediate Boys 100m Freestyle

Cartier VASTA



Year 8 Girls 50m Freestyle (A) Year 8 Girls 50m Backstroke (A) Year 8 Girls 50m Breaststroke (A) Year 8 Girls 50m Butterfly (A) Junior Girls 100m Freestyle Open Girls 200m Individual Medley Year 11 Girls 50m Freestyle (A) Year 11 Girls 50m Backstroke (A) Year 11 Girls 50m Breaststroke (A) Year 11 Girls 50m Butterfly (A) Senior Girls 100m Freestyle Year 7 Boys 50m Breaststroke (A)

Year 10 Boys 4 x 50m Medley Relay: Cooper READ, Marco SOESANTO, Zachary MULLENGER, Jarrod SUTTON Year 10 Boys 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay: Cooper READ, Zachary MULLENGER, Jacob KRAWCZYSZYN, Marco SOESANTO


Year 11 Boys 50m Freestyle (A) Year 11 Boys 50m Backstroke (A) Year 11 Boys 50m Butterfly (A) Senior Boys 100m Freestyle


Year 11 Boys 50m Backstroke (B)


Year 9 Girls 50m Butterfly (A)


Year 11 Girls 50m Breaststroke (B)


Year 7 Boys 50m Freestyle (A) Year 7 Boys 50m Backstroke (A)

Ethan LONG

Year 7 Boys 50m Breaststroke (B)

Cooper READ

Year 10 Boys 50m Breaststroke (B)

Madelyne SCOTT

Year 12 Girls 50m Freestyle (B)

Thomas WILLIS Year 7 Boys 50m Backstroke (B) Olivia YACONO Year 8 Girls 50m Backstroke (B) Year 8 Girls 4 x 50m Medley Relay Olivia YACONO, Molly SUTTON, Cartier VASTA, Monique GAUCICHUA Year 11 Girls 4 x 50m Medley Relay Pheobe MAHER, Paris VASTA, Whitney GREGSON-BLACK, Jane WHITE Year 12 Girls 4 x 50m Medley Relay Emily SPITERI, Kiara GASHI, Madelyne SCOTT, Nicole PANOUTSOS Year 7 Boys 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Thomas WILLIS, Ethan LONG, Leo PILKINGTON, Hugh KRAUSE Year 8 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Olivia YACONO, Monique GAUCI-CHUA, Molly SUTTON, Cartier VASTA Year 9 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Dayna OLVER, Chloe BLACK, Natalie PANOUTSOS, Ingrid FREEMAN Year 9 Boys 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Conrad BUTLER-BOWDON, Ben JOHNSON, James MCGUIRE, Luke STAFFORD Year 11 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Whitney GREGSON-BLACK, Phoebe MAHER, Jane WHITE, Paris VASTA Year 12 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Madelyne SCOTT, Emily SPITERI, Nicole PANOUTSOS, Kiara GASHI

3RD Harrison AUBREY

Year 8 Boys 50m Breaststroke (B)


Year 11 Boys 50m Freestyle (B)


Year 12 Girls 50m Breaststroke (A)


Year 7 Boys 50m Butterfly (A)

Jack NOLAN -

Year 12 Boys 50m Freestyle (B) Year 12 Boys 50m Breaststroke (B)


Year 9 Boys 50m Breaststroke (B)


Year 12 Boys 50m Backstroke (B)


Year 9 Boys 50m Freestyle (A) Year 9 Boys 50m Butterfly (A)


Year 7 Boys 50m Freestyle (B)


Year 8 Girls 50m Freestyle (B)

Year 7 Boys 4 x 50m Medley Relay Hugh KRAUSE, Ethan LONG, Thomas WILLIS, Leo PILKINGTON Year 11 Boys 4 x 50m Medley Relay Gus FREEMAN, Jarrod DEBNEY, Robbe DILISSEN, Jack LEACH Year 12 Boys 4 x 50m Medley Relay Stanley AARON, Sam PATON, Jack NOLAN, Jack ROBINSON Year 11 Boys 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Gus FREEMAN, Ben KRAWCZYSZYN, Jack LEACH, Robbe DILISSEN Year 12 Boys 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Jack NOLAN, Jack ROBINSON, Cameron ATCHINSON, Sam PATON YEARBOOK 2016







Girls Basketball v Overnewton




Girls Hockey (A) v St Michael’s




Girls Hockey v St Michael’s




Girls Netball (B)




Girls Table Tennis v Thomas Carr




Girls Table Tennis (A) v Overnewton




Boys Tennis v St Leonard’s




Girls Table Tennis (B) v Loyola




Boys Volleyball (A) v St Michael’s




Boys Soccer (A) v St Leonard’s





Boys Soccer (B) v Overnewton




Boys Tennis (A) v Overnewton




Girls Hockey v Overnewton




Boys Tennis (B) v Overnewton




Boys Football v Overnewton


10. 7 - 67

0. 2 - 2

Boys Volleyball(A) v St Michaels




Boys Soccer (A) v Overnewton




Boys Volleyball (B) v Thomas Carr




Boys Soccer (B) v Overnewton




Boys Volleyball (C) v St Leonards




Boys Volleyball (A) v St Michael’s




Mixed Badminton v St Michael’s




Boys Volleyball (B) v Overnewton




Mixed Beach Volleyball (B) v St Leonard’s




Boys Soccer (A) v Overnewton


0 (3)*

0 (2)*

Boys Volleyball (B) v Loyola





Girls Futsal (A) v Loyola









* The Year 7 Soccer (A) game went to penalties after the scores were locked at 0-0 after extra time.






Girls Soccer (A) v Loyola




Girls Softball (A) v St Michael’s




Girls Softball (B) v Loyola




Girls Tennis (B) v St. Michael’s




Girls Volleyball (A) v St. Michael’s




Girls Volleyball (B) v St. Michael’s




Girls Volleyball (C) v St. Michael’s




Girls Volleyball (D) v St. Michael’s




Boys Futsal (A) v Overnewton




Boys Futsal (C) v Overnewton




Boys Hockey (B) v St Michael’s




Boys Softball (A) v Overnewton




Boys Table Tennis (A) v Loyola


8 - 43

8 - 44

Boys Table Tennis (B) v Overnewton


15 - 64

1 - 15

Mixed Touch Rugby (A) v St. Leonard’s




Mixed Touch Rugby (B) v St. Leonard’s





* At the time Literata went to print the Year 7 – 9 Summer Grand Finals had not yet been contested.




Mixed Badminton


1st Boys Basketball

1st Girls Basketball

1st Mixed Beach Volleyball

1st XI Boys Cricket

1st XVIII 1st Boys Football

1st Boys Futsal

1st Girls Hockey

1st Boys Hockey

1st Girls Netball YEARBOOK 2016


1st Boys Soccer


1st Girls Soccer

1st Boys Softball

1st Girls Softball

1st Boys Table Tennis

1st Girls Table Tennis

1st Girls Tennis

1st Boys Hockey

1st Mixed Touch Ball

1st Girls Volleyball YEARBOOK 2016




estbourne Grammar provides students with the opportunity to discover the wonders of our natural environments combined with a journey of selfdiscovery and self-understanding. It is an integral part of the college curriculum and is strongly linked to our School’s core values of Community, Scholarship, Courage and Creativity. Our programs are aimed to develop a child’s emotional, social and spiritual understanding of self, and is not solely a physical pursuit. Students are encouraged to step out of their “comfort zone” whilst having fun outdoors and are challenged to push through various adversities. An experience of this nature helps young people to improve their resilience, independence, and tolerance of others, while giving them a sense of adventure and a willingness to try new things and be positive about unknown outcomes. Outdoor Education provides students the opportunities to improve their resilience through participating in challenging, yet achievable activities, where outcomes are positive ones. Programs available to students at the senior level are:


• Compulsory year level camps at year 7, 8 and 9 • An optional Elective Camp at year 10 • Prefect Leadership Training at year 12 • International Ski Camp to New Zealand • The Duke of Edinburgh Award (Bronze, Silver and Gold levels) • Hillary Challenge • Victorian School Cycling Championships Students are encouraged to take an active role in these programs, from leading the group, assisting with tasks, to respecting the environment. They are part of the decision making process, taking responsibility for themselves and others, and accepting the consequences of their actions and decisions. Group co-operation is paramount in everyday life and the success of the programs. Therefore, students are encouraged to find ways of solving problems, to deal positively with conflict, to take considered risks, to communicate effectively with each other and to take on the following values of leadership: commitment, tolerance, creativity, respect, enthusiasm, independence, curiosity, appreciation, confidence, cooperation, integrity and empathy.



uring terms 3 and 4, Westbourne Grammar have had a number of students representing the school at the Victorian Schools Mountain Bike Championships. It was great to see a range of students from Years 7-9 getting involved and challenging themselves in an individual adventure race. The event went over four weekends and students could choose either a single event or compete in all four events. The school would like to congratulate all of the students who participated in these races and made it through to the finals in Bendigo. Students representing the school where: Jack Horvath (7H) William Snelling (8F) Archer Gumley (8P) Harvey Watters (8M) Lachlan Harris (9H) Robert Weitsz (9H) Alexander Morton (9M) Kane Arnold (9M) Joshua McDonald (9M) James Gabb (9D) Alex Loughran (10H)



nce again, Westbourne Grammar competed in the annual Hillary Challenge Adventure Race where school teams competed against each other in a number of team orientated challenges. These challenges were both physically and intellectually challenging and all involved had to work together to complete them. Westbourne Grammar entered four teams which was the most teams ever entered by the school. They were made up of the following students: Team One: Emily Spiteri (12M), Jake Arnold (12M), Kieren Azzopardi (12D) and Christos Yankoulas (12M) Team Two: Jane White (11P), Gus Freeman (11S), Oluwadunsin Akin Ojelabi (11D) and Christiaan Weitsz (11H) Team three: Alysha Yacono (11F), Alexia Yankoulas (11M), Breeanna Lam (11M) and Evangeline McVicar (11S) Team Four: Quoc Minh Do (11P), Jack Vella (11F), Samuel McGrath (11S), Riley Debney (11D) and Sean Trewhella (11M) At the end of the day, Team One had finished first overall and were the new state champions with Team Two placing second. Both teams went on to represent Westbourne Grammar in the National Finals.





estbourne Grammar continued its successful relationship with Duke of Edinburgh and Compass Award programs with a number of new students signing up and others continuing to advance to higher levels. These students have been involved in a range of sports, volunteering with community projects like the Salvation Army and local Opportunity shops, learning news skills in language and music, and through completing their year level camp program. The students involved and the level they are working at are: Compass levels; Gabriella Moraes (8H), Amy Luo (5H) and India Pacheco (5W) Bronze level; Evelyn Makris (10M), Emily Jinu (10S), Will Tattersall (9M), Kane Arnold (9M), Aditi Gupta (9M), Shams Albrefkany (9H) and Srushti Shah (9F). Silver level: Katie Weston (10M) Gold level; Jake Arnold (12M) and Kieren Azzopardi (12D)



o start off the school year, students had the journey to Portsea on the Mornington Peninsula to orientate themselves to the senior school at Westbourne Grammar. With half of the students coming from the Junior School and the other half from other primary schools, the activities on this camp helped the students to develop new friendships and build positive relationships with each other.



hile on camp, students were challenged to participate in a variety of activities: bushwalking distances ranging from 6km to 10km, up and over mountain tops carrying all their camp items in a backpack to camp, canoeing 3-6km on Lake Eildon while learning how to keep their canoes in a straight line, mountain biking in varying environments while learning specific skills to keep the bike upright and straight, and overnight camping under the stars. The rewards were breathtaking views, the sense of achievement in completing the day’s activities, the connections made with their peers, and a better understanding about the majestic environment around the Lake Eildon area.




ear 9 was about the challenge of carrying their backpack for an extended journey in the Snowy River National Park. The students participated in a range of leadership activities to assist them in working with others and understanding their part in society; that they are responsible for their own decision-making and how this impacts on others. Throughout the week there were tears, laughter, frustration, amazement, good times and bad. The great thing about this program was that there was always an opportunity to learn



he Year 10 Scuba Dive Camp provided students with an opportunity to continue their involvement in outdoor education. This year, 22 students travelled to Portsea for a unique experience in learning to scuba dive and complete an open water certificate. Students were responsible for their own catering and had to study for various tests during the week to demonstrate their understanding. The outcome was a successful week of both shore and boat dive, with the students descending to a maximum depth of 18m.

and to grow as an individual. Students demonstrated amazing courage in climbing to the top of the Giant Ladder and hiking up some of the steep spur lines; and courage to wake up the next day and continue the journey even when they didn’t want to. This was supported by excellent community spirit as students rallied around others to encourage them to continue, or carried extra items for other students, or assisted with someone else’s backpack because it was too heavy. Students also demonstrated creativity with their problem solving, be it setting up camp, being a master chef with the cooking, or navigating through unknown terrain.

Students involved in this program were: Jacob Poole (10S) Emily Jinu (10S) Isabelle Atchinson (10D) Sam Doyle (10P) Brigette Marks (10H) Jacob Krawczyszyn (10P) Katherine Stevens (10P) Kimberley Harrison (10P) Jackson Turner (10F) Michael Szulc (10F) Alexander Loughran (10H) Feifan Bai (10M) Nathan Bezzina (10D) Andrew Mansi (10M) Isabella Ross (10S) Jarrod Sutton (10M) Zachary Mullenger (10H) Zali Stiefel Christopher Stainsby (10S) Alexander Fulton (10F) William Farrall (10S)








he 2016 school year has certainly been a significant and exciting one in the ongoing development of our Junior School. This year saw a third campus, ‘Winjeel’, added to the mix, as well as the commencement of a substantial renovation at the Williamstown Campus and the encapsulation of the courtyard at the Truganina 3-6 Campus. While all these developments undoubtedly enhance the physical learning environment for our Prep to Year 6 students, the changes have been driven by pedagogical imperatives, designed to provide a 21st Century approach to learning across the Junior School. In the earlier years, the tenets of Reggio Emilia play a fundamental role in inspiring the learning that is taking place, and in turn, a philosophy of ‘inquiry’ underpins the approach being developed in the later years. Amici, Westbourne’s Early learning Centre, continues to grow from strength to strength. As outlined above, a Reggio inspired philosophy drives the learning and day to day practices in that part of the School. Children respond with great energy and enthusiasm to the learning ‘provocations’ that see them investigating areas of interest in a deep and meaningful manner. A full-time Pedagogista, Heather Conroy, is working alongside staff to assist them with their pedagogical practice and her wealth of knowledge is also being shared with the Winjeel and Williamstown staff. The addition of the Winjeel (P-2) Campus has brought to fruition the vision of a campus at Truganina for children aged 0-8. Children in Amici have access to the Winjeel Campus facilities/resources and, importantly, they enjoy increasing opportunities to make

connections with the older students. One example of this has been the Preps reading stories to the under three children at their ‘Story telling’ event. Obviously, the benefits of the Winjeel Campus have been pronounced for the Prep-Year 2 students, too. Opening its doors at the start of the year, Winjeel has proven to be a calm and welcoming environment, which encourages the lower primary students to develop their confidence as learners. Students relish the light-filled, fluid learning spaces that allow them to connect easily with other students and to engage in a variety of collaborative tasks. No doubt one of the highlights for the Prep to Year 2 students was the opening of the new campus earlier this year by His Excellency the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd), the Governor General of Australia. Her Excellency Lady Cosgrove was also in attendance at the ceremony which was held in the Winjeel Piazza. After the ceremony, students excitedly gathered on the oval

to witness a ‘fly over’ by three Winjeel planes. (Note: Winjeel is an Indigenous word for ‘little eagle’ and the sight of Winjeel planes flying over Westbourne was commonplace when the RAAF Williams Air Base at Point Cook was in full operation back in the late 1970s.) The day was a particularly memorable one for all concerned and it heralded a significant new chapter in the life of our Junior School. Down at the Williamstown Campus, there have been very important developments as well. That campus is undergoing an extensive renovation that will see the alignment of pedagogy and philosophy with appropriately reconfigured learning spaces. While the challenge of working with a heritage listed building in ‘Monomeith’ is considerable and the need to respect the history of the site is very tangible, the end result will nevertheless provide some genuinely fluid and dynamic learning spaces that will serve the Williamstown students’ needs extremely well.



In the meantime, the students at that campus have been encouraged to see ‘the ride’ this year as an adventure. The Year 3 students have occupied portable classrooms throughout the second semester but they have embraced the change readily and the experience has been a very positive one. All students from Prep to Year 3 have enjoyed watching the changes taking place (such as the demolition and fit-out of the old sailors’ dorms) and the opportunity to learn about the history of the Williamstown Campus has been seized by them. The students have also shown resilience in adapting to different play spaces, including the foreshore across the road from the school. Student and staff-led clubs at lunchtime have kept everyone purposefully occupied and the willingness to be so flexible has only added to the community minded spirit, which is a hallmark of the campus. Similarly, the changes taking shape at the 3-6 Campus have seen students utilising the new encapsulated courtyard in a variety of ways. This generous and welcoming space has become a hub of activity for that campus, with the Year 4 students, for example, using it extensively to design, build and exhibit


their marvellous ‘marble machines’. When it is fully fitted out, this learning space will fulfil a number of key purposes for students at the Year 3 to 6 levels. Further changes are planned which will see the classroom spaces become more fluid and flexible in nature. It is another really exciting development within the context of our Junior School. Of course, as always, there has been a great deal of learning taking place across the School, both inside and outside the classroom. The core areas of Literacy and Numeracy have seen students working hard to expand their skills and knowledge in these areas. From a staff perspective, there has been a particular focus on Reading with an external consultant working alongside teachers to streamline and enhance the reading program from Prep to Year 6. One of the specific outcomes has been an emphasis on developing classroom libraries, so that children have ready access to quality literature that truly engages their interest. In the area of ‘Inquiry’, a vast array of excursions and incursions have broadened the students’ experiences and enriched their understanding of key

concepts. Along with many external trips to places of interest, visits by parents and extended family members into the school have provided students with a wealth of invaluable information on a wide range of topics. Key events have also enriched the students’ experiences and added to the sense of community across the School. Such events have included the Junior School’s involvement in the ANZAC Day commemorations in Williamstown, National Tree Planting activities, Grandparents’ Day, the Father’s Day Breakfasts held across the campuses, the Prep Students’ First 100 Days of Learning, the Family Maths Night, the Parent Auxiliary’s Walkathon and the accompanying Junior School’s version of the Opening Ceremony for the 2016 Olympic Games. Other highlights include the upper primary students doing an amazing job of presenting the much loved musical, The Lion King, and the Year 3 and 4 students likewise charming the audience with their PAF items. The lower year levels were not to be outdone as they confidently shared their learning with parents and family members through a series of year level ‘Exhibitions of Learning’.

In the Specialist areas, there have also been many achievements of note. In Music, the Annual Concert held at the Melbourne Recital Centre, along with a range of festivals throughout the year, showcased the extent of the musical talent on offer. This was certainly visible when the Junior School Choir and Concert Choirs gave magnificent performances at the IPSHA Music Festival held at the Melbourne Town Hall in Term 3. The Library staff organised a series of special author and illustrator sessions for students to mark Book Month, and the Visual Arts staff facilitated a fantastic Art Day, where students, staff and parents worked collaboratively to produce some delightful ‘wearable’ art. There was much activity in the area of Sport where students keenly contested the various Inter-House and district carnivals in swimming, athletics and cross country, along with the CIPSSA Inter-School sport competition and Lightning Premierships. The Outdoor Education Program engaged students in valuable camping experiences which ranged from an extended day in Prep through to a week-long series of challenges for Year 6 students in Victoria’s high country.

While it has been a very exciting and productive twelve months for the Junior School, any reflection on 2016 warrants mention of the passing at the end of last year of a much loved member of our school community, Rafael Moraes. Rafael lost his long-term battle with cancer in December of 2015, but it was not until mid-January that the whole school community was able to express its outpouring of love for him and his family at a memorial service held in the School Auditorium. The service was attended by hundreds of people who were there to celebrate the life of this amazing and courageous young person. The legacy that Rafael has left behind is a profound one. As the year draws to a close, I take the opportunity to thank all those who make the Junior School the special place it is. The students themselves deserve great praise. They are genuinely great kids who are a pleasure to be around. They always rise to the occasion and they do themselves and their School proud.

The teaching and professional staff also deserve particular recognition for they work tirelessly to help our students shine. We have a very dedicated and talented group of educators who always have the students’ best interests at heart. I particularly wish to thank my Deputy, Kylie Baxter and the Heads of Campus, Nicole Armatas, Andrea Elliot and Gabrielle Mullins, for their unwavering support over the past twelve months. It would be remiss of me not to also acknowledge the huge contribution made by Annette Matthews, who retired from her role as Junior School Secretary early in Term 3. She assisted countless numbers of students, parents and staff members throughout her twenty-six years of devoted service to the School. Finally, I wish everyone a very safe and enjoyable long break and I look forward with much anticipation to all that 2017 holds for our Junior School community.

I want to acknowledge the parents for their support and, in particular, thank the Parent Auxiliary and the other Friends of Westbourne groups for the outstanding contribution they make to our School.





t has been has been an honour representing Westbourne Grammar School as Junior School Co-Captains of 2016. We will never forget the time when our names were called out at assembly, announcing that we were School Captains, but that was only the beginning. We’ve enjoyed every second of the year and can’t wait to join the Senior School. Some of the highlights of the year were Westbourne Celebrates, the Performing Arts Festival, marching at Williamstown, Mini Mart, and the ANZAC Day ceremony. Additionally, we enjoyed participating in a program called Peer Support. Year Six students wanting to take part in this program got to work with a group of Year Four students. In this program, the Year Six students taught the Year Four children some skills for making friends and developing confidence and to aid the transition of many students, mostly from the Williamstown Campus, to Westbourne. We would like to thank all the teachers and students for helping and supporting us to make this the best year yet.



s soon as we were announced as Captains pride and happiness filled our bodies. Being School Vice Captains was full of fun and we enjoyed every second of it. Doing the tours for Williamstown Grammar was excellent. We met younger children who will go to the school next year. We also did the ANZAC Day March. The Year 6 Luncheon was wonderful and mixed emotions ran through our minds. Some of us saddened as some of our very close friends were leaving the school. We also reflected on our time in the Junior School and realised we have had an amazing journey. 2016 was a great school year, not only because we learnt so much, but because we all have highlights from the year, moments from the year which will be imbedded in our memory for a very long time. Most students will have camp as one of their highlights, I know I do. There were so many great things we did, like the water park we visited, or trivia night, or the disco. You could fill up this entire text with moments from camp there are so many. Another highlight was the mini mart, at which all the Year Six students got to sell some pretty cool stuff. 2016 was a great year. We would like to acknowledge Mr Barklamb, Mrs Baxter, Ms Mullins and all the other teachers who have supported us. As the year comes to an end, we will miss all the teachers and parents who have supported us but we are also looking forward to the education that lies ahead of us.





e have enjoyed being Junior School Gerity House Captains for 2016. It has been an honour representing our House, as well as the School. We would like to thank Mr Barklamb and the teachers of the Junior School who have given us the opportunity and the experiences. The year included many highlights for us as House Captains, as well as for our peers. Not only have we loved supporting students along the way, but we have had a great time participating in many school events such as House Sport, Athletics Carnival, Swimming Carnival, Cross Country, the Walka-thon and Footy Day. We didn’t win all the shields, however we were always united as one terrific House. We are very proud of how Gerity has performed this year.


e are very proud to have been given the opportunity to be the Miller House Captains for 2016. We have had the privilege to lead our House on many different sporting occasions such as the Swimming Carnival, Cross Country and the Athletics Carnival. Our favourite thing about being House Captain was being able to lead our peers in many different house sports. Another part of our role was to run the sports shed and give other kids the opportunity to borrow equipment for lunchtime activities. We believe being House Captain was an important role to undertake because we have been in a position to inspire younger kids to develop a love of sport and team spirit. We have also been a part of developing the first ever mascots for the Junior School. Being House Captain was the biggest highlight of our time in Junior School and we will never forget it.




rice performed well this year during the many House events. We placed second in Swimming and third in Athletics, just to name a few. We enjoyed being House Captains of Price and we enjoyed leading our House during these times. House Sport events were also enjoyed by Price this year. Football, Handball, Netball, Cricket, Tennis and many more sports were played and enjoyed by students. Being a House Captain is special to us because we watched the other students in our House have fun. We were also able to help Mr Fawkes and the other teachers to lead our House. Well done Price, on a great year!



ighlights of our time in Year 6 include us getting announced as 2016 Steedman House Captains. We enjoyed all the House Carnivals, where we could dress up in costumes and compete in events. We also competed in the District Netball and Soccer tournaments on behalf of our House. This year, Adel also trained and competed in the 100m, 200m and discus events at district and regional levels, while I ran in the District Cross Country event. The Olympic ceremony was another highlight for us. We dressed up as the soccer legend Pele and a dancer in the opening ceremony. We both thought Year 6 was fantastic and we will remember what we did as House Captains forever. We always did our best and never gave up. Good luck to the future Captains of the Junior School. We hope you enjoy the privilege and honour of representing your school and House.






…wish for a Ghost Busters toy because that’s what I have wanted since I was born. Alexander Bonifacio …wish that I could fly in the sky. I would fly to a love heart house with walking trees and snowflakes. Lily Cevik …wish to be a fairy and I would make people turn into fairies. Yi Ran Ding …want a cubbyhouse with feathers on the top. It would have an orange door and a red roof. I would play tea parties with my friends with pretend cups and a teapot. Amelia Greaves …like to fly up to the moon. Jasmine Guo …wish for a Geelong football top. I would wear it to matches. Lachlan Huntington …wish to be on a volcano. I would watch the lava flow in the volcano. I would be standing there when the lava comes out and watch it. Lochlain Imrie …be a giant holding a flower behind a brick wall. I would be able to see everything because I would be so big. Alexis Kelly


…go on a vacation to Queensland. I would stay in hotel that had a swimming pool and a restaurant so I could have dinner and drinks. Sebastian Kiriakidis

…wish that I was a princess. I would tell everybody what to do. I would live in a castle with a queen and a cat. Elle Papageorgiou

…get big boxes and little boxes and make a city. I would make little mini people and a bank with lots of money. Riley Lawson

…wish that I could write better with finger spaces for Year One. Then in Year One I would get better for Year Two. Jessica Sadler

…wish to be a mermaid fairy. I would be able to fly and go in the water. I would have two cats that have a little ball to play with. Olivia Marasea

…be a dressmaker. Charlotte Smidt

…put it in a box so it would be safe and so nobody can steal it. I would use it when I wanted to do something with it. If something is wrong it would be able to help me. Xavier Marinovic

…swing on a branch on a big high tree. Steve Stavrakoulis

…have a pet dragon called Toothless. He would be able to fly and take me to school instead of Mum and Dad. Lincoln Mattossovich …wish that I could be a genie. I would grant three wishes to Amelia. I would grant money, treasure and clever stuff like machines to her. Joseph Mejak

…get a medal for swimming because I was swimming fast. Jonathan Song

…have seven pet birds. I would feed them every day. There would be one queen bird. They would live in two trees. They would have a big, big bird's nest. Emma Wilkinson




…buy a house so that I could stay inside and be safe from storms. Oviya Anandam

…open my eyes when the tooth fairy came to my house to give me gold coins. Joseph Khouri

…buy a farm so that I can look after animals. James Armour-Brasier

…ask for one hundred dollars so that I could buy whatever I wanted. Heidi Meier

…make sure that all my Prep T friends are always safe. Milla Bartolo …buy Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory so that I can eat every single chocolate in the entire world. Thomas Colvin …buy the most powerful boat so that I could win every race. Tex Graham …buy all of the train stations so that I can be the boss of every train. Matthew Guzzo …buy a boat and ride with my dad around the world. Mariana Ingham

…buy all of the schools in the world so that I could be the king of schools. Andrew Morgan …rule all of the dogs so that I could train them to be in a dog show. Mieka Parker …own everything so that I can have anything I want whenever I want. Devanjana Rajesh

…be a spy. I would save the world from bad people. Peta Sadler …pick up all the leaves and make them into something wonderful. Rehan Shaji …be a Transformer so that I could save the world from bad guys. Alastair Smith …own the whole world so that I could eat hotdogs and ice cream on the beach in New York. Wil Spicer …have every power so that I can save people from getting hurt. Blake Williams …play in the rain without getting struck by lightning. Zachary Zhao

…buy a new house so that I can have a new bedroom with a TV. Lila Read …be a super hero and save the world. Ava Robertson











We thoroughly enjoyed learning more about ourselves during this unit. Here are some of our reections: In the past I had the same smile. Now I like to read Beast Quest books. In the future I am going to be a doctor. Nikilan Anandam In the past I played hide and seek. Now I like doing gymnastics. In the future I might be a doctor. Ria Arora When I started school, I was the youngest in my class. Now I like to play on my iPad. In the future I might work for Malaysian Airlines. Elin Board In the past I slept in a cot. Now I sleep in a bed. In the future I might be a builder. James Clarke In the past I liked to play in the backyard. Now I like to play soccer. In the future I might be a chef. Miles Farrington

In the past I really liked my baby chair. Now I like school. In the future I might be a doctor. Kareena Ghosh

In the past I liked LEGO and Thomas the Tank Engine. Now I like Batman and Robin. In the future I want to be a famous golf player. Hank Hampson

In the past I liked crying. Now I like to run around and play with my guinea pig. In the future I might do tricks on horses. Imogen Portelli

In the past I wore baby clothes. Now I am a big boy and I have teeth. In the future I might live to be one hundred years old. Samuel Hourmouzis

In the past I liked eating. Now I like playing soccer. In the future I might be a fireman. James Rojkovski

In the past I liked crawling. Now I like to play spies. In the future I would like to play soccer or football. Cruz Jennings In the past I liked playing on my mat. Now I like playing the piano. In the future I might be a palaeontologist. Elijah Madhwan In the past I liked to crawl. Now I am taller. In the future I am looking forward to being a doctor. Saanvi Nayak In the past I had fun playing with toys. Now I like doing the Fun Friday Activities at school. In the future I would like to be a teacher. Shenise Pilmore-Scott

In the past I liked playing with my bouncy ball. Now I like playing tiggy in the backyard. In the future I am going to be a pilot. Saimon Sherwal In the past I liked to eat. Now I have a car bed and I like playing outside. In the future I might be a scientist. Ayan Singh In the past I liked crying. Now I like reading my Goosebumps books. In the future I might be a Goosebumps writer. Lincoln Struhs In the past I liked to be carried. Now I like to read and write. In the future I might be a Mum. Lola Sushames

In the past I liked to play with my toys. Now I like to play football and soccer. In the future I want to travel to Spain and play for a soccer team. George Pitliangas





THIS YEAR IN 1E ONE OF OUR INQUIRY TOPICS WAS ‘MY PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE’. We thoroughly enjoyed learning more about ourselves during this unit. Here are some of our reflections:

In the past I didn’t like bananas. Now I like bananas. In the future I might be a snake catcher. Benjamin Irvine

In the past I cried a lot. Now I don’t cry anymore. In the future I might be a teacher. Tinaya Abeysundara

In the past I couldn’t do very much. Now I am older and I can do more things. In the future I might be a doctor. Joash Kumar

In the past I learned how to walk. Now I go to school. In the future I will have my driver's licence. Keith Respondek

When I was a baby I slept in a cot. Now I am at school. When I am an adult, I might be very good at soccer. Damian Macknamara

In the past I had red hair. Now I am in Year One. In the future I might get a job and have a baby. Harriet Saunders-Zimin

In the past I was a baby. Now I am 7 years old. In the future I might be a palaeontologist. Aariyan Mahmud

When I was a baby my dad had to hold me. Now I have lots of fun with my friends at school. In the future I might get married. Aimen Tofaili

In the past I was a baby. Now I can do lots of different things. In the future I might be a doctor. Anushka Amal In the past I couldn’t walk. Now I go to school. In the future I might be a teacher. Esha Balantrapu In the past I used to be in Prep. Now I am in Year One. In the future I might be a police officer. Varish Chopra In the past I lived in Malaysia. Now I live in Williams Landing. In the future I want to be a vet. Rachelle Chow When I was a baby I slept in a cot. Now I got to school. In the future I will be a teenager. Nicholas George


In the past I slept in the day. Now I sleep all night. In the future I might work at Bondi Vet. Chloe Mann In the past I learnt to walk. Now I know how to do a lot of things. In the future I might be a teacher. Charlotte McVeigh When I was a baby I couldn’t do that much. Now I can climb anything. In the future I might get married. Oliver Pivk

In the past I was a baby. Now I can play video games. In the future I might work in a chocolate factory. Jaskunwar Rajpal

In the past I was a baby. Now I like maths. In the future I hope I have a double storey house. Tyler Woodford In the past I went to kinder. Now I like learning about the world. In the future I might have a wife and three kids. James Zaharis









…bird, I would fly and be wild and free. I could fly through the hot breeze and my feathers would lift. I would fly high. My name would be Free Feathers! Max Alexander

…horse, I would give children riding lessons and make them happy. I would make children successful and one day, maybe, take place in the Olympics. Mia George

…fish, I would warn the fish that a fishing rod is very dangerous and to swim away. I would protect my ocean because I wouldn’t want any intrusions like oil spills. Zoe Meier

…kitten, I could relax, climb trees and go outside whenever I wanted. I could even try to catch birds. Maximus Bugeja

…tree, I would let birds sleep, sit and make their nests to lay their eggs. I would also let people rest on me, children climb on me and play on my branches. Nayef Hamad

…rabbit, I would be owned by someone special and I would make them happy and not lonely. I would enjoy running around everywhere and eating my favourite food, carrots. Ella Morgan

…cat, I would play with other cats. I would enjoy being cared for and have lots of fun. I want to be a cat because I would run fast. Jacob Hasna

…bird, I would learn more about the world. On a hot day I would go flying with the wonderful breeze against me. It would be so good. I would also make a nest in the middle of the tree and look after the tree. Ailsa Murphy

…chameleon, I would become camouflaged wherever I went so that I could protect myself from predators. I would have a giant, stretchy tongue so that I could catch food. Thomas Carey …puppy, I would cuddle everybody with love. I would also play with other puppies and grow into a big, cuddly dog. Xavier Cilia …koala, I would climb to the top of the tree to see the world. I would love to see other people and pets. I would like to have a bird’s eye view. Georgia Fairbank …cat, I could land on my paws whenever I fell so that I didn’t hurt my back. I would not need to go to the vet many times. Sydney Garnsworthy

…flower, I can give pollen and love. I will get watered and taken care of. I will grow and become more beautiful. Cameron Kelly …dog, I would love to go out for a walk and play with my owners. Why, do you ask? Because I love nature! Molly McNaughton

…parrot, I would make children happy with my colours and tricks. I would like to be one so that I could talk to people and communicate with them. Olivia Nascarella …koala, I would climb very high and live in a zoo so I could entertain people when they came to visit. Cassandra Rojkovski ...puppy, I would behave because I would not want to get into trouble. I would chew on lots of bones, because dogs love bones. Alessia Stavrakoulis …dog, I would play with my owner and have lots of fun with them. I would dig holes to hide my bones. Kyriaki Theodoropoulos ...Bugatti Chiron I would be the fastest and I could go anywhere in a minute. I could also take my friends to Japan and anywhere. Ricky Zhang




…a dog, I could stay at home all day. I’d run and jump and roam, and dig up treats to play. Alexia Banna …a butterfly, I’d have rainbow wings as pretty as a painting. I’d drink lots of honey with my butterfly friends and relax on flowers. Zara Brajkovic …a monkey, I would swing from tree to tree, eating bananas all day and night, performing cheeky tricks. Eleanor Davies …a kangaroo, I could bounce to the sky. I wouldn’t have to buy new handbags, I could camouflage in the desert. Sophia Di Pierro …a falcon, I could fly like the wind and sneak attack my prey, from ground predators I could easily get away. Douglas Gaff ….a tiger shark, I’d swim as fast as a submarine. With scary yellow and black stripes, beware of my enormous teeth. Xavier Garofalo

…an eagle, I’d fly over any country I please. With my wingspan a metre wide, I would never have to hide. I’d spread my wings to scare my prey, then l’d simply fly away. Sebastian Loupas …a dog, I’d be a cute little puppy called Rocco. Brown all over with my tummy, paws and ears all white. Mariska Marek …a leopard, I could jump to the sky. I would run as fast as a rocket and lay in a bed of leaves all cozy. Evelyn Mills …a rabbit, everyone would love me. I’d be so cute and fluffy. I could hop any place I wanted, chewing on carrots all day long with my sharp teeth. William Papageorgiou …a cat, I’d be fluffy and cute. People would love patting me. I’d lazily stretch my paws, be careful when I get angry - I might scratch. Mia Rigas

…a rabbit, I’d hop really fast like a kangaroo. I’d love playing hide and seek with my owner too. Sienna Singh …a fox, my fur would be as soft as snow. I would camouflage in the forest and run as fast as the wind to chase my prey. Charles Smith …a teeny, tiny ant. I’d scamper for food, up bushes and trees. I may have tiny legs but I’m super fast, camouflaging on dirt and in long grass. Hunter Spicer …a snake, I would slither around the place. Camouflaging in the bushes ready to attack, beware of my poisonous fangs. James Tjeuw …a kitten I’d be cute and cuddly. My fluffy fur all soft and snuggly, I’d run, play and hide all day. Amelia Wonson

…an eagle, I’d glide through the sky, with my feathers waving through the wind, flying as fast as a jet over people below. Caj Scolaro

…an eagle, I’d swoop down fast to catch my prey and fly one hundred times faster than a jet liner. Stirling Grant …a bird, I’d look like a small brown plane. Life would be great with my fantastic view, every day looking down at the world. Daniel Grech …a giraffe, I would be as tall as a three storey building. I’d reach for the crunchiest leaves in the tallest trees. Constantine Kotsonis










In Year 3, we run enjoyable clubs, which have exciting games and activities. Each club is run by Year 3 students on a different day each week, and we are friendly as well. We run basketball, mindfulness, reading, Lego robotics and creative critters clubs. These help to give children more fun choices of things to do at lunchtime. Our clubs are educational, but also fun at the same time. Louis Abbott, Pace Hicks Bullock, Jacqueline Ramanan

Are we talking about the Year 3 students' amazing committees? We can’t wait to tell you all about them! Environmental, Social Service, sports, ag, sustainable and executive committees are all run at our campus. This means all children in Year 3 are included and helpful. We respect our school and its belongings. This makes us feel happy because we are all an important part of our special school. Saskia Kerrisk, Sarah Singh, Oskar Williams

Two, four, six, eight! Who do we appreciate? Not the king, not the queen, but our class and its awesome team! Our teacher thinks we are generous, resilient, kind, brave and wise! We are also very special to her. 3B have wonderful friendships and our hearts can do whatever they need to do to have a great life. Zac Ellis, Zorawar Nagi Singh, Sylvie Pilkington

Did you just say caring, thoughtful and wonderful? We think you are talking about 3B! Why does Ms Boam think we are special, and the kindest class in the world? Because we never fight and we never say bad things. When we are stuck in a test like NAPLAN, we never give up and we always have a go. When we see someone sad or hurt we help them. Tabish Jahanghir Majeed, Sebastian Sabotkoski, Oliver Struhs

Why does our teacher say she is the luckiest teacher in the world? Well, because it is positively true! Every day Ms Boam tells us how special we are. We are very respectful and so conscientious. No one is difficult in 3B. We are all loving and educational leaders. Our hearts are filled with hilarious humour and our brains are pure and true. Tana Alispahic, Joshua DeDomenico, Luca Mazzaferro 3B is so great, let us tell you why. Our teachers are kind and they let us try. We are thoughtful, gentle and compassionate, and we never lie! Twenty students in our class, children who always speak in happy tones. We also never groan! We never hurt each other, Ms Boam is like our second mother. Tanush Chopra, Rio De, Charlise Turczyniak

Are we the luckiest class in the world? Yes we are! We have kind classmates and caring teachers. Ms Boam thinks that we are resilient, funny, conscientious, empathetic and amazing. We love that we have a peaceful reading corner, full of fantastic books and cosy cushions. We feel relaxed and calm when we enter the reading corner. Ms Boam makes us feel safe and she makes learning fun. Aydin Metin, Jessica Zhu





…using Lego Robotics! One of the special things about being in Year 3 was that we used Lego robotics. First, we were allowed to play with it and make our own creations. Then, we had to follow instructions to build a working robot. Our group built a fantastic Lego plane. The Lego robotics helped us to learn about coding and programming, and it was great fun! Sam Di Lisio, Hayden Huang, Jaren Tan …being a part of our campus changing. In Term Three, the Williamstown Campus began to change. Year 3 classrooms were the first to change and we moved into two relocatable rooms. At first, the new room was empty, but it all came together fast and we all learnt to adapt! Everyone loved the new rooms and we were excited to be a part of the changes. Gemma Board, Ira Joshi, Grace Speight, Konstantina Theodoropoulos


…being school leaders at the Open Twilight. We got to show off our Lego creations at the Open Twilight evening in Term One. People from all over Melbourne came to check out the school. There were tons of things to see. We showed visitors how we had used Lego to code and create. It was a great opportunity for us to be school leaders. Leo De, Giles Gumley, Brock Smith …relaxing in the Botanical Gardens. In Term One, we went to the Williamstown Botanical Gardens for an art excursion. We did lots of fun things, including a history treasure hunt. We found out lots of facts about the gardens. Afterwards, we relaxed and painted pictures of some of the plants and features in the gardens. Kayden Bartolo, Julian Chrisoulis, Samara Fernando, Antonia Kallifidas, Stephanie Norton, Lucas Stojkovski

…discovering things in science! In Term Three, we worked with a partner to conduct some science experiments. At first, some people’s experiments didn’t work the way we thought they would and we had to keep trying until we could make it work. We wrote procedures to explain how to set-up everything up. After that, we wrote scripts and then made a video to show to the class. One group showed how flowers absorb water through their stems and into their petals by making the flowers change colour. Another group used coloured water to prove that heat makes molecules move faster. Wow! Millie Johnson, Kai Paterson, Max Tran, Emma Valland








WHAT WOULD PREP B DO WITH $100? IF I HAD $100 I WOULD… ... buy lots of Num Noms so that I could play with them. Layelle Heffernan

… buy more Barbies and I would play with them all day. Lucy Behrens

… buy a mirror and look at things. Zena Perry

… buy a ferocious T-Rex because I like ferocious dinosaurs because they are big and scary. Liam Maudsley

… buy lollies because they are very sweet. Ethan Howlett

… buy 100 toys and I would play with all of them. Hridesh Mehta

… buy balloons so that I could have a party. Emeric Zamora

… buy lollies because they are so sweet and I would chew them all day. Jessica Bui

… buy rainbow shoes and wear them to parties at my house. Inaya Nauman … buy 100 toys because 100 is the biggest number in the universe. Cohen Hansard … go on holiday to the Gold Coast and America because they are my favourite places. Yara Al Kamil

… buy a racing car so I could drive it. Ethan Pawlowski … buy a ninja toy so I can play with it. Aran Sharma … buy 100 crystals because I don’t have crystals and they are shiny. Lucas Wang … buy nothing. I would save it because it’s a lot of money. William Liu … buy 100 cats because I like cats. Samantha Newman … buy nothing. I would save $100 and put it inside my purse. Aanavi Lodhiya


… buy a diamond ring because they sparkle. Samantha Yang … buy a racing car to play with. Brandon Hair … buy a big house to live in by myself. Chad Maczkowiack … buy pets and I would play with them all the time. Ariana Hasan …buy a rainbow coloured dress and I would wear it to a party. Amber Turner


WHAT WOULD PREP R DO WITH $100? IF I HAD $100 I WOULD… … buy a house because it’s important to have a good house so you can stay healthy. Aaron Aslam Zhitnik

... buy 100 cupcakes for my friends because I love my friends. Vaishno Chanchal Jit

… buy a motorbike so I could ride it to the shops. Kush Ahlawat

... buy 100 baby unicorns because they are so cute. Alexa Johnson

… go with mum to the shops and buy toys because I love toys and it would be fun. Myra Bhasin

… buy a pet cat or a rabbit so I could play with them. Kaysha Karunathilake

… buy a car so I could drive it to my swimming lessons. Natalia Bowditch … buy 100 lollies because they are my favourite. Nicolas Carreno-Blanco … buy things. Antonio Castello … buy a cake for my family because I love them. Ryan Chen … buy a real live shark and we would go bowling together. Benjamin Di Francesco

… buy a chick and a bunny rabbit because they are so cute. Melinda Lee … buy 100 teachers because I love teachers. Avantika Nair … buy new Gobsmax and then I would have the whole entire collection. Finn O’Brien

… buy one hundred things. Divit Sharma … buy a swimming pool because I really like to swim. Priyansh Sharma … buy a dog with spots so I could play with it. Sophie Tam … buy a ladder so that I could climb onto the roof. Prabal Virk … buy a Border Collie and I would throw it balls and take it for a walk. Joshua Ware … buy a train and I would play with it. Nischal Yamarthi

… buy lots and lots and lots of Lego because I like Lego lots. Cooper Saunders … buy a big dog and three little dogs because I really want a pet. Yashvi Shah




WHAT WOULD PREP S DO WITH $100? IF I HAD $100 I WOULD… … buy everything in the world. Shane Fernando … buy a magic hat to make myself disappear. Samyak Jain … buy a Barbie doll because I could play with it and I wouldn’t get bored. Eshal Wadhwa … buy a Furbie so I can play Furbie Boom on my iPad. Heath Ballan … buy chapter books to learn how to read tricky books. Isabella Yacono … buy an iPad and a BBQ so I could cook dinner for everyone. Toby Beattie … buy a pretty mermaid doll to play with. Trisha Saini … hire a servant so I wouldn’t have to get my breakfast and they could bring it to me in bed. Imeth Herath


… buy a blanket because then I could sleep in my bed all the time. Lumi Bortoletto … buy a Mixel to play with it. Tobias Santzaridis … buy a Lego house and I would do whatever I wanted to do with it. Annika Scharff … get a dinosaur for a pet because I like dinosaurs and I would feed it food. Ansh Gupta … buy a swimming dog and I would play with it in the bath. Milan Costa … buy a Hawthorn footy singlet because I want one so that I can play footy. Ayush Samaratunga … buy a footy set so I could play footy. Leanne Nguyen

… buy a hot wheels set to play with it. Thaman Rajesh Kanna … go on a holiday to Lebanon. Sarah Abdul Latif … buy a footy and I would kick it outside. Evaan Bhagwani … buy a waterslide and play on it all day. Anya Vegaraju … go on holidays to Fiji forever. Zimo Xu Li … buy 100 American Girl Dolls because I would play with them all day and night. Amani Ibrahim … buy a taxi and a plane that I could ride in. Julian Ramanan









… learning. I love to learn new things and put in my best effort with my reading and writing. Mia Aprikidis … playing soccer and cricket on the oval at lunch time with my friends. Krish Balmuri … P.E. because we played all different games like bridge tiggy. Ethan Borg … when we got to do inquiry projects because we researched about how to save marine animals. Arhan Busam … when we learnt about the Polar Regions and the animals that live there. I liked learning about how to help save the animals in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Simone Cassetta … going on excursions because we got on a bus and did lots of things. I liked feeding the animals at the farm. Oliver Christo …P.E. because I like sports and I especially liked playing soccer at lunchtimes. Luca Henderson

…when we went on excursions because they were really fun. I especially liked when we went to the farm and I fed the animals. Aidan McGregor

… that I got to write my own Little Miss story. I liked being an author and an illustrator and I was proud of writing my own book. Caitlyn Rothwell

… that Mrs Hannett didn’t make things easy for me. She made things challenging so that I wouldn’t stay in the same place. She challenged me to help me learn things that I didn’t already know. Hannah Mendoza Gutierrez

… that we got to do division with smarties and when we were finished we got to eat them. I shared my division strategy with someone else to help them learn and I was proud of myself. Pasandee Silva

… playing sports in P.E. I liked bouncing the basketballs the best. Rudransh Mishra

… when I wrote my own book because I got to be an author and an illustrator. Heer Singh

… P.E. because we did lots of different things to help make us fit. Kirby Monaghan-Lewis

… P.E. because we played fun games like tag. Ryan Singh

… writing because writing is fun for me. We got to do lots of fun things like writing our own stories. Nidhi Nandal … when Mr Marks visited us because we learnt new things from him. Amrit Rawal

… reading from my independent reader box because I read heaps of books and now I love reading. Lia Tzavaras … maths because it made my mind bigger and bigger. I loved being challenged in maths because it will help when I am in university. Matthew Vlahos

… working in the Polar Regions inquiry group and researching all about Harp Seals and ice. Claire Rodgers Touissant

… when we got to explore the ice like a scientist and when I made a Polar Bear out of clay. Connor Hurley … learning from Mrs Hannett because she has fun ideas and makes school fun. Priya Lohchab …maths because when we learn things at school I go home and practise more so I can remember it. I love to challenge myself because I love learning. Cathy Lu





…am a kind friend and include everyone in our games. Austin Beattie …am good at playing cricket with my friends. Riyan Bhagwani …water our vegetables and apple trees so my family has delicious food to eat. Jun Bortoletto …grow purple and orange carrots, lettuce and strawberries. Sierra Brooke …know lots of things about polar environments. I know that icebergs can be taller than Winjeel. William Dalton …play wonderful music for people on the piano. Lincoln Dawson …planted two trees at my house. The trees make oxygen for us to breathe. Ryan Gallagher


…fed some chickens in India. The chickens were happy when I fed them. Anyah Lakavathu …grow fruit and vegetables in my garden for my family to eat. Yuanyi Li …help my friends learn to read. Hudson Malone …am kind and caring towards animals. Regan McGregor …play fetch with my dog Buddy. Chloe Portelli

…am good at cheering people up. Grhita Sundaram …play with people who are lonely. Isabella Tabone …tell really good jokes and make people laugh. Reva Thakar …show people how to ice-skate. Monique Van Blommestein …am a great swimmer and help people to be safe in the water. Zoe Van Leest …teach people how to do mathematics. Krish Vohra

…have a good running technique. I might go the Olympics and win a medal for Australia. Aaditya (Aadi) Singh

…teach my little sister how to play the piano. Isabella Wong

…am a fabulous swimmer and one day I hope to break a world record in backstroke. Anhad Singh

…keep the playground beautiful by picking up rubbish. Maddison Zaharopoulos


IF I COULD CHANGE ONE THING IN THE WORLD IT WOULD BE … … for Pokemon to be real. Oliver Witcombe

… to stop fighting in the world. Isabella Passauer

… my hair because it is too knotty. Julieta Salas Cordero

… to make Optimus Prime real. Miles Kumar

… to make the world a better place by making the people enjoy the world. Revika Kukreja

… to have no more school uniform so I don’t have to wear my blazer because it gets too hot. Jett Stone

… to become a police officer and to ban dangerous things like swords and weapons. Alex Veneziano

… to stop people from fighting. Harman Kalsi

… to not fight with my sister. Kamalahasani (Hasani) Sriganesh

… to make the Mr. Maker show more fun. Cyrus Gill

… to have no fighting in the whole universe. Shreya Moturi

… to make everybody rich. Sarah Fleming

… for my sister to understand and know everything. Ananya Sriperumbuduri

… to not have venomous snakes so people don’t die so much. Alex Nelson

… to make my favourite TV shows come alive. Riyaan Sharma

… to change computers to touch screens. Pranav Patel

… to have no fighting in continents, countries, states and cities. Yuv Mehta

… to make everything out of candy. Indiana (Indy) Telley

… to make everyone fly so that we could go to every country. Alexis Bucciarelli

… for people to stop overfishing. Holly Liston

… to be able to fly everywhere like a fairy with a wand. Kate Antoski










This year was fun and we loved all the things we learnt about. There were lots of new things too, like the new Winjeel building and playground. Our Winjeel classroom was the best we have ever had. We loved all the fun activities we did and the excursions we went on. This year we were the oldest kids in Winjeel! We are starting to grow up and think about all the things we will accomplish when we are older.


… will be a soccer player who gets lots of money and impress my dad. Oliver Behrens

… wish that I could be in the Olympics competing in gymnastics and swimming. Sophia Ballan

… hope I am a police man. Charlie Streit

… see myself in New Zealand with my aunties and uncles and my cousins having a great time. Mikenzie Santzaridis

… am going to have two jobs. I will be a teacher and a vet! Chelsea Luo … want to be a President so I can do anything I want for free. Tanish Lakavathu

… will be a pilot because my uncle will teach me. Morris Kerrison

… want to be just like my dad, breaking and making cars like an engineer. Emanuel Ellul

… want to be a professional skin doctor and a famous singer. Maya Ferrer

… will work for my dad and be a famous soccer player. Pip Casabene

… am going to be a scientist because I love science. Summer Sundholm

... hope I live close to my friends so that we can keep in touch. Kai Ayai-Yap

… will be a great vet because I like cats. Jessica Harris

… am going to work for my dad in the Print Shop and help with all the work! Riyan Bhasin

… am going to be a teacher and will sing every day to my class. Salwa El-Hassan … would like to be a police officer so I can solve mysteries at crime scenes. Seyara Wijeratne


… picture myself teaching Year Four. My class and I will have so much fun! Ethelia Pataridis

… will be a doctor so that I can help sick people and I will stay in touch with my friends, Seyara and Felicia. Nikita Kumar … will be a marine biologist. Darius Manakis … picture myself being just like Michael Phelps. Imran Naseem … be a great scientist. It would be cool because I could invent things. Reagan Sae-Lao … hope to live in Williams Landing so I’m close to my parents. I will be a cop who solves mysteries or a doctor so I can help people in need. I want to be happy with lots of energy and have lots of friends so I won’t be lonely. Felicia Chen



It has been an amazing year with so many special events creating wonderful memories that we will cherish in the future. Here are just some of the unforgettable experiences we have had this year‌ One of the best things was the opening of Winjeel because it was fun and the Governor General and Lady Cosgrove came to our school. Another special event was Art Day, which was amazing because we made capes, crowns and masks. Valentina Holovka, Dania Younes, Rio Tuengmool, Eden Roseburgh We think that Winjeel is the most awesome building in the world because when we go on excursions the bus is always near. The teachers at Winjeel are all very kind to us. Art Day was a great day for being imaginative because we got to make our own capes and masks. We loved playing soccer on the oval and going to swimming lessons! Alonso (Chiok Juen) Chua, Avi Dasyam, Sparsh Miglani, Daniel Lou

Camp was fun because we got to sleep at school and we got food from the teachers! The Walkathon was great because we could see how quickly we could walk and we also got to count how many laps of the course we did. The swimming lessons were lots of fun. We went swimming every day for a week so we got lots of practice and exercise. Art Day was fantastic! We got to do art all day and be in a fashion parade. We also got a yummy pizza lunch! The opening of Winjeel was exciting because the Governor General came to school. We loved Footy Day and especially the sausage sizzle. Aniela Rawdanowicz, Carolyn Huang, Tashvi Kambo, Jun Yu Wang, Layla Bastick, Maggie Zhao, Fahiz Deen Mohamed

On Art Day we got to make a cape and mask and eat pizza. Another favourite day from the year was the Walkathon because walking around the school was enjoyable. We even had the opportunity to win a pizza lunch for our class! At swimming we did lots of fun activities and learnt how to swim. We got to go to swimming for a whole week! Camp was a great celebration because we got to go outside a lot, which was really fun. Ridhima Mathur, Lauren Cardaciotto, Harrison Mill, Nicholas Francis, Owen Krueger, Seth Turner




THE BEST THING ABOUT BEING IN YEAR TWO AT WINJEEL WAS ….. …when we went swimming at Bayfit Leisure Centre. We went for one week during Term Three. We learnt how to swim and had lots of fun. It is important that you know how to swim so that you don’t drown. You could also save the life of someone else. Now that we are better swimmers we are looking forward to the swimming carnival in Year 3! Aditi Vaitha, Marlo Mullins, Matthew Pershin, Bjorn Scharff and Armeet Dhaliwal

…getting to be the first group of Year 2's to play on the new playground. We played lots of things outside like football, tiggy and soccer. The best thing about the yard was the water pump that pumps water down the rocks and into the sand pit. We made lots of tunnels that the water had to go through. Alessandro Cilmi, Lucas Beckwith, Bridget O’Brien and Sara Ahlawat …..being the first leaders in the new building. We were the first Year 2's to have classes at Winjeel so we had a special responsibility to the Preps and Year 1's. We had to make sure that we set a good example and looked after our new environment. The new classrooms were great and we loved learning our about lots of different things in there. Isabella Luo, Charlotte Muir, Marley Nathan, Saatchi Heffernan, Maahi Patel ….being a part of the best class ever. We loved getting to work with all of the Year 2's this year. Because there were no walls between our classrooms we got to work collaboratively with a lot of different people. It meant that when we were working on a project we could do that with anyone who wanted to find out the same things as us, not just the people in our own class. Avanish Jaygan, Ally Sheldrick, Evie Theodore and Zack Barrese ….when we went to see the play of the ’52 Storey Tree House’ at the Art Centre in Melbourne. We had been looking at Andy Griffiths in class and had been reading a lot of his books. Mrs Vasilevski read us the book of the ’52 Storey Tree House’ so it was fun to see people acting it out. The play was a bit different from the book but that was ok, they were both good! Angus Thomas, Emily Attard, Sienna Varhelyi and Antariksh Gupta









SWIMMING CARNIVAL Splish! Splash! Splosh! On 12 February the 3-6 Campus had their House Swimming Carnival. The houses were Miller, Gerity, Steedman and Price. There was a 25m and a 50m pool. The events were butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle. We enjoyed the Swimming Carnival. Madeleine Hately-Williams, Archie Modica and John Moraitis

ART DAY On Art Day, we came to school in our casual clothes. So did our teachers. They put us into groups. Then we went to assembly and saw Ms Creet wearing explorer clothes. For the rest of the day we were in our groups and made costumes. They all looked awesome. Jacqueline De Kock and Ryan Sae-Lao

CAMP On camp we went to the Zoo and we saw lots of animals such as turtles, lions and lots of other animals. After that we did Westbourne’s Got Talent. Some acts were good and some were not. The next day we went to the Immigration Museum. Sarah Hannett, Krishiv Kukreja, Cynthia Nguyen and Kristian Zaharopoulos.

ATHLETICS CARNIVAL On athletics day, everyone in Year 3-6 at the Junior School participated in a few events. Everyone tried their best. We also

had a sausage sizzle. The events were running, triple jump, long jump, high jump, shot put and discus. Some kids went home with their parents in a car. We all had fun. Violet Greene, Baran Karakas, James Nash and Naomi Schaap

THE WALK-A-THON On Friday 5 August we were so energetic and ready to walk like we’ve never walked before. We had the Walk-a-thon! It was so fun and tiring that some people did 20 laps. Wouldn’t that be tiring? Aashay Deo, Amelie Kumar, Jiya Shah and Ines Turnor

LAPTOPS Buzz! Blip! Blop! All of the Year 3 students were very excited when they heard the buzzing of the new computers and when they finally saw the sight of the brand new computers they would be taking home with them that night. Alenna Chua, Ayman Elbelli, Justin Jinu and Mirabelle Witcombe

MATHS INCURSION “Aargh! My brain is hurting,” said one group. “These math games are confusing,” said another. It was a rather puzzling afternoon for the Year 3 students as they found their way through lots of difficult maths games. The groups then found their growth mindset and went on with a fun afternoon instead. Fin Butterworth, Kashvi Mishra, Charlotte Antoski and Cooper Archer




3M HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT WHAT WE CAN DO TODAY TO MAKE OUR PLANET’S ENVIRONMENT BETTER IN THE FUTURE. I think we should stop mining big holes in the ground because the tractors and trucks use too much petrol and it is destroying the land. I would like to see more people help charities, farms and homeless or poor people. Jackson Hopper

To help save the Earth, we must stop littering, stop people smoking, cut down less trees, don’t use too much petrol and stop causing fires. We should try to make solar panels cheaper so we can use them on our cars and on the roofs of our houses. We must also protect endangered animals and not keep them locked up in cages. Kasper Fonsboel, Edison Vergara and Rehan Jayasinghe

We can use more public transport, ride our bikes or walk. We can also recycle more and not throw out everything. Pakhi Gupta and Eric Rodgers Toussaint

We should recycle more and cut down less trees. Try not to hurt our environment by wasting paper. Seth Karunathilake and Dallas Greene

We should stop using poisonous gases by reducing how much we put into our atmosphere. We must also not create giant sinkholes which will destroy the environment and habitats. Ella O’Brian and Kathy Xia

We should encourage people to stop smoking and stop throwing plastic bags away because it kills the animals and the environment. Dema Altaleb

We must cut down less trees and have a day when you plant a tree with your family. We should also only use cars for far distances. Thomas Merceica, Vihaan Shah and Pehan Silva You should take care of yourself and the environment. Let’s stop wars so people don’t die and buildings stay safe. Benjamin Boyer and Costa Karlaftis We should always recycle, try not to pollute, use less cars, use less paper and stop cutting down trees. Another thing we should consider is hydro-electricity. This is power that we get from water. Nuha Sameer and Tehara Samaratunga We can help Earth by picking up rubbish every day and by not using too many vehicles. The gases are harmful to our Earth. Methuli Herath and Jannat Hara


I would also like to see people use less mobile phones because it is wasting data and not healthy for you. We must stop poaching animals and stuffing them because some animals are important and can become extinct. Madeline Dowling We should invent cars that do not use too much petrol. We could have electric cars or solar powered vehicles. Aydin Khan I think people should stop putting gas into the atmosphere because there will be a blanket of gas covering Earth. We should also stop cutting grasslands as well. Meagan Lee We would like to see less war because it destroys houses and people’s lives. There should also be less cars on the streets driving around. Ayeesha Abdul Latif and Isabella Mendoza Gutierrez








Brrrhhh. We’re getting on the bus to go to the Melbourne Museum to have lots of fun hopefully! It was a very boring and loud bus trip, but luckily the kids and teachers survived it. Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! When we finally got off the bus, we had our snack. Next, we went inside to see an Aboriginal exhibition. The most memorable part was the punishment spear. I’m glad Mr. Corcoran didn’t stab me with it! After that, we went and saw the dinosaurs. I don’t want to be seen by one of them ever in real life! Finally, we went to the park and played tiggy with everyone. We got back on the bus and nearly everyone fell asleep on the way back to school. Zachary Garnsworthy, Ryan Sherwood, Jared Lapeyre, Ashley Walker, Khody Krueger and Lachlan Boyer

We were walking to the Year 6 area, why did Mr Corcoran do this to us? Maths is so boring! We met the wonderful instructor and she split us into groups of four so no one would be lonely. Then we played a game which was called ‘Home’. We had to find the shortest path home using distances and light bulbs. We did lots of other maths games including Switch, Stairs and Load. All of them were different problem solving tasks and we had to work together to solve them. We had so much fun that day, I’d love to do that again. Rayann Hasna, Zahra Nuredini, Holly Seddon, Laura Wood and Miya Henderson

INTER-HOUSE SWIMMING CARNIVAL – TERM ONE “Get on the bus you crazy kids!” joked Mr Corcoran. We were soon going to be champions at the Werribee Swimming Pool. Finally, after a short drive, we smelt the smell of chlorine as we entered the pool. We went off to our House tents, which were Miller, Price, Steedman and Gerity. It was a very warm day so it felt refreshing to swim in the cool 50 m pool. We had to wait for the youngest girls, then the boys to finish their races until we got our turn to race. Go Miller, Steedman, Price and Gerity was all we heard all day. Some of us swam the 50m races while others swam the 20m races. Some of us were so good that we got into the relays. But even better, some even made it into Districts held at MSAC in the city. After a long day of swimming we were very tired but happy with our achievements. We couldn’t wait to find out which House won the carnival. It didn’t matter, we all went home thinking that our House won anyway. Kamil Rawdanowicz, Reuben Krawczyszyn, Angad Ahuja, Arjun Sharma, Arsh Jauhari and Tyler Hourmouzis


PERFORMING ARTS PERFORMANCE – TERM THREE The name of our PAF item this year was The Magic Book. First task of the day were the auditions. You could tell everyone had butterflies in their tummies, you could also tell they really wanted a talking part. Would everyone get the part they wanted? We all got our parts and learned our dances. We prepared our costumes and sang and sang. After practising and practising, finally the night fell. Everyone was so nervous and so excited. We were going to perform in front of the whole school! After the performance we were all full of happiness. We were glad we got the grooves right! Avishka Raj, Emma Cockram, Tiffany Temuskos, Evdokia Sizenko and Angela Chopra


2016 WALKATHON BANG! Off went the Year 6s! BANG! Off went the Year 5s! BANG! Off went the AMAZING, EXTRA SPECIAL YEAR 4s!! THE 2016 WALKATHON HAD BEGUN!!! To celebrate the 2016 Rio Olympics, Westbourne had an amazing Walkathon. All the children were asked to get people to sponsor them. The day started with the Olympic Opening Ceremony Assembly which was very entertaining! Mr Menzies’ performance as Peter Allen made the whole room laugh. After that the Walkathon began. The year 6s headed off first followed by the 5s and then the amazing 4s. Some people walked, some people walked a little faster, and some people ran. Everyone was eager to get their lap card snipped! In the end, our class 4G had a total of 273 laps. We all enjoyed the amazing Walkathon, and one very lucky class won a spectacular, tasty pizza lunch! Beau Brecely, Javiera Bustos, Anuj Cheeyandira-Yashavantha, Kai Lawson, Ruby Streit

BILLY CART INCURSION Zoom, zoom the billy cart sped around the corner. We had a fantastic billy cart incursion that related to our Simple Machine topic in term 3. Building awesome billy carts. Inventing new billy carts. Levers, screws, pulleys, wedges, inclined planes, wheel and axle. Lots of fun. Yippee! The billy carts zoomed past the finish line. The fastest time was 12 seconds. Construction workshop. Artistic designs of our billy carts. Racing each other to the finish line. The people who were pushing huffed and puffed. Six simple machines. The instructor was named Ian and he explained the tasks we were to do. Firstly we were put in groups with 4C. All groups participated in the four activities that Ian kindly set up. These included designing a billy cart, construction, building a billy cart and racing the billy carts.

The racing of, and the designing of our dream billy carts were our favourite activities. Georgia Ballan, Taylah Fynney, Peter Hatzopoulos, Jordan Kumar, Liam Pereira, Madison Smith

PEER SUPPORT Joy, joy, smiles on all the faces. It’s Peer Support time! All the Year 4 and 6 classes were put into mixed groups. We came together every second week on Thursdays to learn about team work and working collaboratively. We played games and participated in activities like ‘Bilbies and Burrows’, ‘Finding my Strengths’, ‘Positive Rainbow’, and ‘Mr Silly Man’. Some times when we had finished the tasks the Year 6s presented to us, we played games such as Dead Fish, Throw the Ball, Racing Cards, Make the Puzzle and Freeze Eyes. Peer Support was lots of fun this year and we are going to miss it. We hope when we get to Year 6 we can experience how to be a Peer Support leader and have fun with the younger Year 4s. Aanya Chandra, Emma Davis, Vincent Nguyen, Tameika Sheldrick, Rory Theodore.

SPICES, EXPLORERS AND CONVICTS “Argh” went 4G as they tasted ginger. Cinnamon and cloves are other examples of spices. Early Explorers travelled the world to find precious spices but we were able to taste and smell many that we discovered in our kitchen cupboards. Spices were worth more than gold, especially saffron. “Scratch! “That’s the sound of 4G writing their “Day in the Life of...” narratives in Term 1. Blooming Wattle and Kere were just some of the characters we wrote about in our narratives. Dreamtime stories are part of Aboriginal culture. We even made our very own spectacular Rainbow Serpent. In Early England there was lots of crime, people were poor. Many had lost jobs due to the Industrial Revolution. Jails were full so prisoners were transported across the seas. We wrote recounts telling the story of the journey through the eyes of a convict. Clare Allen, Lulu Graham, Evan Pataridis, Javyn Singh, Sharon Sun, Haiteng (Thomas) Xia.




CYBER SAFETY INCURSION TAP TAP TAP!!! We were taught by a Police Officer about online bullying. We learnt that you can be put in jail once you are 10 years old. We were shown a video and some acts about online bullying. The video was about a little girl who wanted to be cool like her sister so she put up signs that told people about her and her life. A man called creepy Simon comes into the house because she left the door open and creepy Simon came in to steal her passwords, photos and identity. He follows her everywhere. The girl realises what she has done, so she deletes her account. Sebastian Holovka, Rhodes Manakis, Steven Wan, Wenying Wu, Gisele Szulc and Alessia Cilmi

ATHLETICS CARNIVAL Cheer! Cheer! Price, Miller, Steedman and Gerity cheered along the members of their teams as they crossed the finish line. It was a windy day and everyone was competing as we sprinted as fast as we could in the cold weather to make it to the finish line. Cheering could be heard from the Newport track. As the day progressed, everyone got points for their House. At the end of the day we felt very tired but we still had an awesome day. We found the Athletics Carnival very good because we were watching everyone giving their best and trying their hardest. We made an effort to get points for our Houses. We all had lots of fun competing together. Grace Simoni, Olivia Casabene, Maia Marinkovic, Lachlan McGuire, Max Van Niel, Shaurya Prabhakar


ANZAC DAY CEREMONY Ssh! It’s time for the one minute silence! On 26 April, we had the ANZAC Day ceremony. Our wreath was made of paper poppies of different sizes that the class made. On the day of the ceremony, James and Sahasra took the wreath and laid it at the front of the Auditorium. After the laying of the wreaths, Dominik Rawdanowicz played “The Last Post” and “The Rouse”. It sounded beautiful! After that we had one minute of silence. We felt happy and sad for the men who risked their lives. Then we went back to our classes and watched some BTN (Behind the News). We learnt about the ANZAC spirit. Afterwards we made a booklet about ANZAC day. It was very eventful. James Hately-Williams, Siena Costa, David Lirmak, Sahasra Cheeti, Stephanie Singline, Tiara Scognetti

MARBLE MAZE Look at the marbles go! Throughout Term Three all of the Year Four students made magnificent marble mazes. What did we do? We used recycled materials to make a twenty second marble maze. It’s a bit hard to do a twenty second marble maze but we tried our best. Big, small and skinny, it was our choice. A lot of them were creative. The day had arrived when we had to make it out of 90% recycled materials, and it had to last 20 seconds! We faced many challenges. Simple machines was really fun. But, it was very hard for us to construct them. All the student’s machines kept falling apart. Taping, gluing and sticking. We worked very collaboratively to get the job done. Markus Ainslie, Sienna Armstrong, Jia-Xiang OOI, Sean Zheng, Charlotte Steel, Matthew Inglis




Honk, honk! The buses' horns blasted as we sped away from our parents and school for three days of camp. Two hours and a lot of excited chattering later, we finally arrived. The bus doors opened and we all poured out to discover our cabins and sleeping buddies. Once settled in, we went to our first activities. These included hut building, high ropes, low ropes, a bush walk, initiatives, the flying fox and a lot more! Although the activities stretched our comfort zones, contending with the spiders and leeches were equally as challenging. The weather was variable but the food was delicious. When the final day came, we wearily headed home, happy to see our families and to share all our wonderful adventures!

Wow, what’s going on? There are people wondering around in pyjamas everywhere!! Of course, it was our annual PJ Day and everyone was looking relaxed and cosy. It felt like we should have been home in bed, not at school! At our special assembly we got to check-out the teachers wearing their really funny pyjamas – certainly not their normal attire! To make the day even more fun, we were treated to a yummy pizza lunch. This resulted in our classrooms smelling delicious for the rest of the day. By the afternoon it was difficult not to just curl up on the floor and have a little nap. Instead, we straightened up our PJs and had a class photo. It was so much fun on Pyjama Day!

Tyler Carrington, Pranav Gopalan, Leah McKenzie, Sanjana Sood, Shrika Vallabh, Ben Yaziji

CROSS COUNTRY Ready, set, go! Westbourne’s annual cross country event had commenced and we were off and racing. Our goal was to be placed high enough to get into districts but the burning sun had us sweating and we puffed as we made our way along the course. We needed a lot of stamina, but our hearts were pumping hard with adrenaline and our determination kept us going. As we crossed the finish line we received a deliciously refreshing icy pole for our great efforts. Some of us collapsed on the cool grass, not able to move after the long 2 -3km run. The top ten from each group got a ribbon which they wore with pride. Some of us even made it to districts – but that’s another story! James Chrisanthou, Haylee Frazer, Claudia Giambattista, Oliver Smaragdas, Anthony Tabone, Gabrielle Vincent

Francesca Fontana, Joseph Marek, Scarlett McConnell, Zohaib Memon, Lilijana Santzaridis, Suet Yi (Renee) Wang

WESTBOURNE OLYMPIC OPENING CEREMONY The crowd clapped as students walked in with each Olympic country’s flag. ”Ok, ok, hold your applause”, requested Mr Barklamb. “Can anybody hear that noise?” It was the Olympians entering the auditorium. First the swimmers arrived, followed by the runners, and finally the soccer stars. Then Ronaldo jogged in and we all cheered extra loud. It took about ten minutes until all of the Olympians joined together on stage and we all calmed down. We stood respectfully with the Olympians to sing the national anthem. The Olympians then put one hand up and declared: “We all promise on the flag of Brazil to not cheat with drugs or any other illegal substance.“ The Olympians than ran out to start our Walk-a-thon. What a wonderful day. Oliver Azzopardi, Christian Chiriano, Nathan Hannett, Alma Jafaryhaghighatpour, Harry Muir, Anjali Sharma












... Basketball because it is really fun and an energetic sport. I want to get better and meet the best players. Omar Altaleb ... Swimming. I would go in all the freestyle events as it is one of my favourite activities. Brock Britton ... Basketball because I would love to play for the Boomers and I would get to compete against Lebron James and Steph Curry. Wil Butterworth ... Handball because I compete in it for Interschool Sport and I am pretty good at playing it. Aarush Challa ... Archery because I’m very accurate and I have had decent experience at this sport. I promise I’ll be very safe! Joshua Condon ... Handball because it’s a great sport because I play it here at school and I would love to keep training to make the 2020 Olympic team. Emnah El Hawli

... Basketball for the Boomers because I need to prove I’m better than Lebron and I want to be friends with Delly and Patty. Lachlan Martin ... Handball because I enjoy playing it. I want to represent Australia. Arin Metin ... Platform Diving because I have practised this five days a week and I love the sport. Alexis Moraitis ... the 42km marathon because I love to run and it would be so good to test myself against the best in the world. Zac Murphy ... Hockey because I’m really good at it and it is a fun sport to play. Tayla Ord ... Gymnastics Floor because it looks like a lot of fun flipping and tumbling. Elka Pepper

... 100m and 200m freestyle swimming because it’s relaxing and uses all the muscles in the body. Ella Fleming

... the Women’s Artistic Gymnastics because I love it and I would get to meet and compete against Simone Biles and do my skills in front of huge crowds. Tara Petty

... Soccer because it’s my favourite sport and you could also be selected for other international games. The atmosphere would be unreal at the Olympics. Ben Gill

... the Synchronised Swimming because I have had five years’ experience at swimming and I would love to show off my skills. Persia Rigas

... Trampolining because it is so fun to bounce and do flips. On an Olympic trampoline you can jump really high and I love heights. Ella Grech

... the 200m running because I love sprinting and Sally Pearson is one of my idols. I’m quite good at this event when we are at the athletics carnival. Hanine Seifeddine

... 100m sprint because I qualified for the District team and I think I would beat Usain Bolt! Aaron Horsburgh ... Basketball because I love the sport and I have heaps of fun when I play. Rachael Jarry is an inspiration to me. Alexandra Karagiannis ... Handball because it is my winter sport and I know all the rules. James Kumarasinha ... the Freestyle and Butterfly events in swimming. I have learnt swimming for a long time now and I love doing it. Amy Luo


... 1500m because I like running and I do well in that event at the Athletics Carnival. I also like long distance over short distance. Jasmine Thompson ... the 110m Hurdles because I have had experience and am good at jumping, running and competing. Bonnie Wu



... To represent Australia in the Olympics in Basketball or Athletics. Liam Huntington

... For everybody to be rich, so no one will have nowhere to live. Penny Pan

... To have lots of stationery and to have really neat handwriting. Madyson Hurley

... That all the bad things in the world would stop happening and never happen ever again. Anika Choubey

... That I could have unlimited money so I could be the richest person in the world and I could buy whatever I want. Jordan Pisak

... For a good education so that I would get into a great university and get a good job. Xena Hamad

... For the cure for cancer to mend broken hearts and so everyone can be happy and healthy. Karina Morales-Castillo ... To be the smartest person in the history of the world because with being smart, you get all the wishes you could wish for! Andrew Fagioli ... To get unlimited Hot Wings because Hot Wings is delicious. Lachlan Hatzopoulos ... For unlimited hot chips and Buffalo wings. Xavier Snelling ... To buy Lego temple of airjitzu 70751, it costs 366 dollars. Adrian Lai ... To have every music and Japanese classes to be sport lessons. Chloe Moraitis ... To make an AFL house with AFL foods and AFL books. Nicholas Peacock

... That every bad person in the world is good again and for everybody to love each other. Natalie Vo ... To be an actor because I love performing and singing. Samantha Westcott ... To make the world a better place with no violence and just a healthy environment for all of nature. Lillia Greene ... To go to Italy to visit my family. Jenna Modica ... That our teeth would not rot so we could eat everything. Declan Kwok ... For infinity wishes, because I would have whatever I want! Pranav Matha ... That I would own a big business to pay for my lovely, but crazy family. Jessica Tan ... That I could have never-ending wishes so I could wish for anything! Marty Waghorne

... For everybody in the world to be friendly to each other and never break their promise. Ruby Sun ... For unlimited buffalo wing and pancakes. Oscar Black ... To become a fully qualified performer so I can fulfil my dream to be a worldwide performer. Sofia Santzaridis ... To buy every Pokémon thing in the whole wide world. Ben Di Lisio




5S LITERATA POETRY 2016 Pets Furry, scaly Jumping, crawling, climbing Something you can trust forever. Friends Ethan Ainslie Desert View Orange, sandy rocks Surround the open desert What a lovely sight! Sara Al-Murieb

Soccer Colourful, fun Sliding, scoring, yelling Amazing game with a sphere shaped ball. Football Xavier Bucciarelli Dandelions I have been growing Children will come and pick me I will be blown away Siannah Cardaciotto

Scared Fish The fish darted fast They swam away from the shark They were very scared Emily Andrews

Trolls The rocky old bridge Ugly trolls live underneath Waiting for dinner Kieran Gallagher

Horses Strong, powerful Cantering, trotting, whining I love being around horses Ponies Ella Behrens

Maggots Maggots look like rice Except they move everywhere Yum, very tasty! Connor Graham and Kepler Lill

Tiger Fierce, angry Hunting, killing, eating They come to kill during the day Bengal William Bendle

Mum Beautiful, caring Washing, drying, hugging Catherine, chef, IIija, sportsman Sleeping, drinking, eating Strong, funny Dad Harrison Grgic

Neymar Stylish, skilful Running, dribbling, shooting Scoring lots of amazing goals Messi Dhruv Gutha Tigers Powerful skilled Crouching, pouncing, smelling Ready to hunt and kill viciously Leopards Aaryan Khan Trees Leaves grow so quickly Tree bark is so long and rough Trees produce our air. Madison Luis-Geale Summer The leaves are dripping It is a very hot day It is now summer Aiden Mantzaris Max New chubby baby New experiences Everyone relaxed when Max is asleep. The surprise was the best Wide eyes watching the world. Oscar McNaughton

Water fall The water ows fast Hitting the rocks firmly Making the river Sophie Mills Islands made of rock Waves crashing onto the sand Beauty lies within Analise Milone Whale Gigantic, strong Feeding, swimming, calling King, mammal, insect, peasant Collecting, walking, caring Small, weak Ant Harriet Morton Cherry Blossoms Cherry blossoms bloom Giving the air a sweet smell Covering the ground Jasmine Nguyen Icy Cold Winter Shimmering and glistening Snow shines like crystals Stella Pilkington Horse Strong, Loving Riding, neighing, trotting Hay, carrots, Horn, Glittery Wings Prancing, ying, dancing Glittery, Magical Unicorns Isabel Rigas As the moon goes down The owls glisten in the mist Then they hunt their prey. Aadhya Sood The cold winter snow The hot summer desert sun Seasons always change Peter Tzambazakis



TERM 1 Abseiling, cooking and riding, The Year Five camp was very exciting. House Cross Country involves a long distance run, At the end we were exhausted but done. The starter gun went off, Splish, splash, splosh. The cheering crowd roared, As the swimmers soared. Jayden Archer, Sophie Bryant, Kavish Chandra, Eesha Jain, India Pacheco and James White

TERM TWO Art Day was all about wearable art, In the fashion parade everyone played their part. Run, throw, and jump in the sun, At athletics Day we had lots of fun. On Pyjama Day we played all day, Then we said hip hip hooray. When we had Strings and Band we were one of the best, We played beautifully for the rest. Mia Armatas, Athena Avci, James Gillespie, Marko Movre, Madison Muscat and Luke Soppi

TERM THREE Sweat is running down my face, We’re about to finish the Walk-a-thon race. Mufasa, Simba, Nala approaching the stage, Practising and singing while turning the page. Footy Day and breakfast with our dads, Kicking a footy isn’t just for the lads. Lightning Prem is for netball, soccer and so much more, As we worked as a team to boost the score. Hunter Braidie, Mackenzie Braini, Chelsea Pivk, Kaydon Tiong and Vivian Tzavaras

TERM FOUR Mini Mart gave me a shopping spree, Fashion, lollies and toys for me. Colourful, fluffy cotton candy in my face, While my friend and I had a big candy race. It’s the end of a wonderful year, Music, bands and songs flow softly into my ear. When it is my turn on stage, I hope the whole crowd becomes engaged. Thomas Hopper, Melisa Karakas, Yanni Karlaftis, Lily McLeod, Ananya Nair and Aanchal Sharma











... 6C HAVE ENJOYED MANY AMAZING MOMENTS DURING OUR TIME IN THE JUNIOR SCHOOL. During Circle Time, we shared some of our favourite memories:

... Reading a whole range of books during Literature Circles and discussing each text in our book clubs. It made us want to read more. Zain Memon

... Shopping for ingredients at the Queen Victoria Market and using these to create dinner for our families. Mary Attard

... When author Oliver Phommavanh told us heaps of funny jokes and inspired us to write our own books. Helen Ning

... Playing the gold rush game at Sovereign Hill. Reilly and I were the police, handing out fines and sending people to jail. Azra Basic

... Year Six camp was awesome. There were lots of challenges and it was a great way to meet friends at my new school. Abhi Patel

... The awesome Mini Mart stalls with different foods, drinks, games and show bags. Julian Chiriano

... Competing in the soccer team at Lightning Premiership and everyone demonstrating great teamwork and sportsmanship. Ermioni Pitliangas

... Meeting so many new friends at the 2016 Camp. The drop slide and raft building were my favourites. Ryan Darmanin ... A range of classes with different personalities and great teachers. Aarush Dasyam ... Co-captaining the school footy team. I enjoyed doing the coin toss and leading the team with Max and Michael. Isaac Fulton-Grover ... Being elected House Captain for Price and participating in the carnivals and Friday sport. Tegan Goldie ... Art Day and finishing with a fashion show to celebrate what everyone created. Traven Lam ... Making chocolate rumballs on 6.5 Day in the Food Technology class. Gabriel Larkin ... Creating and selling products on Market Day and raising money for Kampuchea House. Selena Makris ... Starting a new school and everyone being so friendly to me. Manguen Mayol

... Arriving at school each day knowing that we’re going to learn something new and have fun with friends. Emily Shen ... Wearing our football clothes on Football Day and playing in the annual Year Six versus Teachers soccer match. Ava Stone ... All the fun of Mini Mart and knowing that we are helping to raise money for Kampuchea House and provide food, shelter and equipment for the orphans. Liana Tarola ... Being chosen as captain of the Soccer B Team. We won every single Soccer Game from the moment I was announced. Aryan Vaitha ... Acting out different people’s life stories and the difficulties that they were faced with at the Immigration Museum. Tyler Van Niel ... Great friends that I have made throughout my seven years. I can’t wait to meet more friends next year. Jordan Watson ... Making cookies in Prep with my friend Reilly. We are still best friends today. Bill Wonson ... Being chosen as Junior School Music Captain and performing at the Piano and Strings Festival. It was a great chance to see other students perform as well. Gordon Wu ... Meeting new teachers and making new friends every year. William Yu ... Our excursion to the National Gallery was both interesting and fun. Every painting has its own story. Nicole Zhao



In 6H we reflected on some of the amazing moments that we experienced at Westbourne Grammar. We are all looking forward to many more wonderful experiences to come.

MY FAVOURITE MOMENT OF JUNIOR SCHOOL IS… ... When I came to Westbourne and I developed some amazing friendships. Emilia Acciarito ... When I met my best friend Elise. She inspired me to always try my hardest and is a true friend. Ananya Bose ... Having prep buddies in Year 3. The program allowed us to look after Preps and gain responsibility. Madeleine Bryant ... When we had a wet day timetable and I was able to play games with my best friend Rafael. Eddie Camilleri ... When Skye Melki Wegner came to our school for an author visit. She inspired me to become a better writer. Senan Epadunumalage ... Finding out that one of my friends from Prep moved to the same school that I did. Hamza Farooq ... When the Williamstown Campus came to our campus in Year 4. I made lots of new friends. Sebastian Fonsboel

... Was the excitement of writing a book with my best friend Ananya. We work really well together. Elise Mitchell ... When I fell in the lake during Year 5 camp, I was drenched and everybody laughed. Avsar Modi ... On my first day at Westbourne when I met my best friend, and she said, “Hi, I’m Mia.” Tasmiya Naik ... My favourite moment of Junior School was when I was in Prep meeting my Prep buddies. I was so excited! Mia Nelson ... When I was sitting in class and Ms Murdoch said that I was in Mr Hannett’s class! Archie Northam ... Moving up from the Williamstown campus and coming to Westbourne and making new friends. Kathleen Pitliangas ... When Tony Abbott came to our school during our Japanese class. He watched us do some work and I spoke to him. Carl Schaap ... When I was selected for the Peer Support program. I like being a role model for the Year 4 students. Harley Schuurmans ... Making new friends at the start of the Year 6. Taarush Sharma ... When I became Gerity House Captain. I was thrilled to have a leadership position. Nathaniel Varsamakis

... When I went on the Year 6 camp. I loved camping out and all the activities we got to do. Julian Galea ... When I was announced as a 2016 Junior School Co Captain. It was such an honour and privilege to lead the school. Calvin Lam ... When I started Prep, it was so much fun because we didn’t have any homework and I made lots of friends. Georgette Lueddeke ... Remembering my first day at Westbourne. I was really nervous, but now it feels like home. Katelyn Masseni ... When I went down the water slide at Year 6 camp, it was so much fun. Jack McAuliffe ... Was finding new talents that I never thought I had and getting a lead role in the Lion King Musical. Amelia McConnell YEARBOOK 2016



WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE FUTURE! ... I’m going to be a chef and open up my own restaurant. Cooking makes me happy! Zainab Albrefkany

... I want to work for Heston Blumenthal and be a world class chef. Reagan Tran

... My dream is to be an interior designer. I like to express myself through Art. Imogen Gumley

... I’d love to be a pilot as I love planes and I’d like to fly them! Mathesh Lukumar

... A dolphin trainer or an Olympic athlete in gymnastics or netball would be the ultimate for me! Paige Mulquiney

... I want to inspire people and make them happy. I want to be a You-Tuber! Kane Roseburgh

... When I grow up I want to make lots of money. I want to make You Tube clips of video games. Jeremy Seddon

... I want to be a sports commentator Nicholas Tam

... A professional tennis player or a PE teacher is what I would like to be when I grow up. Lara Cameron ... I’d like to be an athlete -or an illustrator to help pay the bills! Alana Chrisanthou

... I want to be a neuro surgeon because I enjoy studying the brain! Ellie Pallasis ... I want to be a cricketer and play for India. Neil Chohan ... I want to be a psychologist to help people who need it. Sasha Skilton

... I want to be a gymnast or a nurse in the future. Georgina Parks

... I‘d like to play soccer for Manchester United. Adel Barakat

... An Olympic swimmer or a physio are my dream occupations. Mackenzie Bull

.. When I finish school I want to explore robotic engineering. I am fascinated by technology! Chan Sprenger

... I’d love to join the Navy. Many of my family have been part of the services. Samuel Kennedy

... My dream is to save people’s lives and be a neuro surgeon. Arth Tuteja

... I’d like to be an author or an Olympic swimmer. Cassandra Homewood

... I want to be an engineer. My dad is an engineer and it sounds cool. Joseph Bradwell

... I want to be a football player and play for North Melbourne. Max Deller

... I want to be a MMA or UFC fighter when I grow up. Cameron Bailey



IF I HAD ONE SUPERPOWER IT WOULD BE… ... the ability to heal any disease. Varun Alluri ... it would be the ability to fly so I wouldn’t get stuck in traffic and I could go anywhere. Bettina Dowling ... the ability to control everything. I could control people and make them fly. Amani Elbelli ... healing powers so I could help anyone who suffers from a disease or who is hurt. Krishitha Gopalakrishnan ... the ability to fill things up. What if you want to fill up your bank account, bang it’s filled. What if you want to fill up your mind with knowledge, bang it’s filled. Ashley Griffiths ... teleportation, I would like to go anywhere but I won’t have to take a 6 hour flight there and back. Reilly Gunn ... the ability to stop time because then in theory everyone would stop as well except me and I could do all my homework on time. Oudom Huy ... the ability to teleport so I would not be late for school. Faiyaz Islam ... the ability to fly, it would be soooo much fun and I could fly all over traffic, get to school on time and get the downball stuck in your gutter. Jake Krueger-Strong ... shapeshifting, so I could turn into a bird and fly. Tristen Lee ... the ability to make fire. Numaya Manchanayake

... the ability to fly so I wouldn’t have to go on an aeroplane and wouldn’t have to pay for a ticket. Dominic O’Brien ... teleportation because you could teleport to another country and explore it without even paying an airfare fee. Tanishq Sharma ... a super brain so I could be the smartest person in the world. Sehaj Shergill ... the ability to perform illusions, I could put a hat on anyone I wanted and they would never realise. Piyara Silva ... the ability to shape-shift. For example, if I wanted to go somewhere, I could just transform into a plane and fly away. Chloe Smith ... the ability to conjure anything. Life would be so convenient and if I felt generous, I could be helping a lot of people as well! Tanay Solanki ... teleportation, because I could go to anywhere in the universe so fast. When you are in a race you could just teleport to the finish line and beat everyone else. Noah Stojkovski ... super speed so I could get out of any fight and win any race. Sami Tanasic ... time travel, so I could go back in time and bet on every race and win money so I could do anything. Orlando West ... the ability to go back in time so if I made a mistake I could fix it. Letian Tian

... the ability to teleport. If I was feeling hot or cold I could just teleport to somewhere with a better climate and I could also use teleportation to get myself out of sticky situations. Rishi Mukherjee ... super speed so I would never be late to school, always finish my work on time and be really good at sport. Talia Nash ... the power to turn into a cat so I could sleep all day. Samuel Nowell












n Japanese we learn about introducing ourselves and others, family, describing where we live and how to order food to name a few things. We also learn much about Japanese culture and make comparisons with Australia. During Japanese Club we do many fun things like origami, brush calligraphy, Japanese games, watching Japanese movies and drawing manga.




his year we had Momoka-Sensei helping in our Japanese classes. She has helped us with speaking and writing Japanese about family, where we live and the days of our week, which were the topics we studied. Throughout the year we had a quiz located outside the library and even Momoka – Sensei did not know all of the answers! The quiz was eventually won by Madison Muscat (5W). Momoka-Sensei has enjoyed her time at Westbourne helping throughout the Junior and Senior School very much. She has spent most of her time assisting the Year 12 Japanese students and said they were very good kids. She has also enjoyed talking to the teachers and said that Bartysensei and Ogawa-sensei were very helpful. We hope to see Momoka-Sensei again.


After reading the story of the Urashima Taro (The Fisherman and the turtles), Prep students did a drawing of their favourite scene or character while Year 3s learned about the Star Festival by creating their own Tanzaku (a colourful paper to write wishes and hang them on the bamboo tree). Some of the wishes are: “I wish that the world won’t starve so everyone can eat food.” Konstantina Theodoropoulos (3R) “My wish is that I become a famous dancer so I can dance my heart out.” Grace Speight (3R) “I wish to be an Actor or a director of the entertainment movies” Zac Ellis (3B)






We enjoyed reading the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s Shortlisted books and learning the fascinating stories behind the author’s creations. The students voted for their favourite books based on the quality of illustrations, book design, characters, settings and titles. The Book Month competition ran across all year levels and saw some wonderful posters created within the theme of Australia is Story Country.

he libraries are always busy and 2016 has been no exception, especially with the addition of the wonderful library space at Winjeel. This year, we celebrated ‘August is Book Month’ in many different ways, with author visits, book fairs, and a focus on Australian picture story books.

Our visiting authors and illustrators this year were a delight. Kim Kane spoke to the Prep and Year 1 classes about her books including The Unexpected Crocodile (a cheeky tale about a crocodile who comes to tea) and Esther’s Rainbow (a book about colour exploration). Elise Hurst, author of many picture story books including Adelaide’s Secret World and The Night Garden amazed the Year 2-3 students with her fabulous illustrations, whilst Gus Gordon entertained the Year 4-5 classes with a highly interactive session on visual literacy and what makes a good picture book character. The Year 6 classes participated in a creative writing workshop with author Skye Melki-Wegner in the Senior School Library. Many of the Year 6 students have enjoyed Skye’s Chasing the Valley series throughout the year and were thrilled to meet and learn from her.


Book Fairs at both Truganina and Williamstown were also a huge success, with many students coming along to browse and purchase books with the support of their parents. Book Fair is a great way to promote books and reading and the students certainly walked away with some fabulous reading material! I would like to thank the 2016 Library Committee for their assistance this year. Students from Years 4-6 apply for this opportunity and we were overwhelmed with over seventy applications at the beginning of the year. The Committee has done a wonderful job in keeping our Years 3-6 Library neat and organised by performing many duties which help us in the day to day running of the Library. After almost ten years at Westbourne Grammar School, we sadly farewelled Ms Kerry Whelan from the Junior School Library team. The students and staff alike have certainly missed the wisdom and professionalism she brought to the school, and we wish her the very best with her new role. This year, we have had the pleasure of welcoming Mrs Natalie Van Elst to our team of library staff. The library staff work together across all of the school libraries to ensure that resources and programs are delivered successfully. The Westbourne libraries are special places and we warmly welcome all.






n early September, the Junior School Musical roared to life on the Westbourne Grammar Auditorium stage. Over sixty students from Years 5 and 6 brought Disney’s The Lion King Kids to life in an energetic and entertaining production that delighted audience members of all ages. For the cast members the journey to the stage began many months ago when auditions were held in Term 1. Once the show was cast the hard work (and fun) began with rehearsals after school every Thursday afternoon for two terms. It was during this time that the cast began learning fabulous songs, lively choreography and moving scenes. Their dedication to the rehearsal process was evident come opening night when the show received an incredibly enthusiastic reception. However, it was not just the cast members hard at work. The backstage crew worked tirelessly to create stunning sets and costumes, which further enhanced the overall experience. On the performance nights the crew members could be found attentively waiting in the wings to ensure the scene changes ran smoothly. Their commitment to the show was essential in ensuring a successful production.


Of course it wasn’t just students who contributed to the success of the show. Many staff members gave their time so that the students could have a rewarding experience that they will hopefully remember fondly for many years. Finally, the parents of the cast and crew members must also be acknowledged for their support throughout the production. Whilst Disney’s The Lion King Kids was a superb production the benefits of involvement in the performing arts extend far beyond the stage and align seamlessly with our school values. Students develop the courage required to perform to an audience and an appreciation of the community that is developed through a shared vision and purpose. They also recognise the value of scholarship in working enthusiastically, purposefully and methodically. Last, but certainly not least, students are given myriad creative opportunities throughout the production of the show. I would like to congratulate everyone involved with this year’s production, it was simply ROARsome!





estbourne Grammar School places great importance on the role of singing as the basis for the musical education of children. The classroom program emphasises singing through its Kodaly based program and students also have the opportunity to enjoy singing together in Assembly, Chapel and Choirs in the Junior School. The Junior Choir is made up of approximately 100 Year 5 and 6 students who come together to rehearse every Tuesday afternoon during period 6. This ensemble provides an opportunity for students who love singing and performing. The Junior Concert Choir is an auditioned choir made up of forty students ranging from Years 4, 5 and 6. Our first performance was the opening of the Winjeel building where we marked the occasion by performing, Give Me Wings. This was an appropriately themed song choice and moving performance given by the children to celebrate the new Prep to Year 2 building. The Junior Choirs were invited once again to perform at the Annual Music Concert at the Melbourne Recital Centre where they performed, ‘Kutju Australia’, an indigenous rendition of our National Anthem. This performance opened our ‘all Australian’ program for the evening. ‘My Island Home’ followed and collaborated with the Junior Strings and Junior Band ensembles who accompanied the choir. This piece ended with our Junior Music Captains, Chloe Smith and Gordon Wu, soloing the last phrase beautifully. They demonstrated great confidence and poise. We concluded the evening’s program with ‘Weather With You’. It was another exciting opportunity for the Junior and Senior school to celebrate and sing together. All the ensembles performed brilliantly and presented themselves in a very professional manner.


We were also fortunate to feature in the IPSHA Festival this year where the Junior Choir reprised ‘My Island Home’ and the Junior Concert Choir performed ‘Play’ from the musical Finding Neverland. The evening concluded with all the schools singing ‘Come Together’ for the massed item. A wonderful evening was had by all, allowing the wider community to share in their love of music through singing. The Choral Festival was yet another opportunity for choristers to showcase their talents. The students enjoyed watching the other ensembles present their work for the year and had fun presenting ‘Down To The River’ and ‘Under The Sea’ to their family and friends. The Junior Concert Choir reprised ‘Play’ and debuted ‘One Voice’ for their second item. The evening came to a close with a massed item featuring all the choral ensembles in the school singing, ‘The Cup Song’, from the popular film, ‘Pitch Perfect’. This was a spectacular evening and was enjoyed by all who were in attendance. Our last performance of the year was Westbourne Celebrates Junior School at the Melbourne Town Hall. The Junior Choir performed ‘You’ll Be In My Heart’ from Walt Disney’s movie, Tarzan. The Junior Choir and Junior Concert Choir also performed a memorable rendition of Toto’s ‘Africa’, complete with a thunderstorm introduction. The Junior Choir and Junior Concert Choir are to be congratulated on the hard work and effort they have put in throughout the year. Special thanks go to our Junior Choir Captains, Amelia McConnell, Mia Nelson, Edward Camilleri and Dominic O’Brien. Also, to our Junior Concert Choir Captains, Elise Mitchell and Tyler Van Niel, and especially to all our enthusiastic choristers. A huge thank you to our wonderful accompanist, Mr. Jason Smith, Head of Keyboard Studies; to our Head of Junior Music, Ms Dianne Robinson; and to our Choral Tutors, Ms Holly Sharpe and Mr Matthew Tng for their continued support to our Junior Music Choral Program.




he Junior Band had a wonderful year, with many students joining this ensemble after learning their instrument as part of the Year 5 Instrumental Music Class. During the year, students met for a 40-minute rehearsal once a week. The aim of the Junior Band is for students to have a positive experience, and to enjoy what they achieve as a result of performing as a member of the Band. This year, as well as performing at the Schools Bands Festival and the Junior School Assemblies, the Junior Band students were invited to accompany the Junior Choir at the Annual Concert held at the Melbourne Recital Centre. To open, the Junior Choir’s performance with the Junior Band, as well as singing with the choirs, used percussion instruments to create the atmosphere of the Australian Bush coastline. The Junior Band took up the challenge of playing ‘The Tempest’ by Robert Smith for Westbourne Celebrates Junior School. They should be very proud of how they performed this dynamic and expressive work. This year, we farewell many Year 6 students whom I cannot thank enough for their hard work and dedication to Junior Band, particularly as they already have such a busy year in Year 6. I am looking forward to seeing and hearing them progress through the Band Program in the Senior School. I would like to thank Mr Neil Gracey and Ms Sarah Green for their assistance and commitment to the Band throughout the year. I would also like to thank the Junior Band Captains, Jordan Watson and Georgina Parks, whose assistance and guidance with the younger students throughout the year has been greatly appreciated.






016 has proven to be a successful year of singing for our Conchord Choir. This is an un-auditioned group and consists of forty members. Each Tuesday lunch time, I am fortunate enough to be greeted by smiling students eager to sing. While most of their friends are outside playing, these dedicated students come together to make notes on the page come to life. They have exceeded my expectations this year and continue to expand their repertoire with demanding two and three-part choral works. Our first performance was in April for the Anzac Day Remembrance Assembly where they performed the recently composed Australian work ‘Lest We Forget’. During the Choral Festival, Conchord Choir then performed Tim Minchin’s ‘When I Grow Up’ from Matilda the musical, and the traditional song ‘Dry Bones’. In Term Four, Conchord Choir completed their annual visit to a local nursing home where students performed our 2016 repertoire, as well as an assortment of Christmas carols and musical items. Last year Conchord Choir was well received at the Williamstown Baptcare facility. We endeavour to give back to the community, as singing is a powerful tool for happiness and bringing people together. I would like to give a huge thankyou to Kathy Hirche who filled in to accompany all rehearsals during Term Two when Mrs Robinson was on long service leave. We also would like the thank our Head of Junior Music, Mrs Dianne Robinson, whose efforts in all things musical are deeply appreciated year in and year out.




ini Minors are a group of enthusiastic and talented young choristers in Year 3 at the Truganina campus. For many students, this is their first experience being in a choir and learning the pedagogy of singing with others. It is a unique form of socialising, as well as putting into practice music knowledge gained from classroom music and private lessons. Students gather during a Wednesday lunch time to make joyful music and rehearse for numerous performances throughout the year. This year Mini Minors performed the song, ‘Catch a Falling Star’, which was sung in two parts at a P-6 Junior Assembly in Term One. This was well received and for weeks afterwards the Mini Minors where asking me when they could perform again! This kind of positive experience is invaluable for motivating students to become involved in the choral ensembles during their time in the Junior School.

They also played ‘El Cumbanchero’ with added percussion during a Years 3-6 Assembly. The Choral Festival saw the Mini Minors perform the beloved ‘Lava’ song from the Pixar Short Film Lava. Students performed with numerous Hula skirts and lots of enthusiasm during rehearsals leading up to the performance. This was a wonderful opportunity for them to hear our other Junior and Senior Choirs at Westbourne. Term Four created many new challenges with preparation for Westbourne Celebrates Junior School. This resulted in the performance of a combined item with the Williamstown Choir. Rehearsals in Term Four aim to prepare the students vocally, so that they are ready to join the Conchord Choir next year. I would like to thank the Head of Junior Music, Dianne Robinson, for her support and tireless efforts during all rehearsals and performances. Also, a huge thank you to Diana Hatton who stepped in to accompany the Mini Minor rehearsals in Term Two when Dianne Robinson was on Long Service Leave.








he Junior String Orchestra has had an outstanding year. One of the highlights was having the opportunity to join all of the other string groups within the school to form a massed string orchestra at the Annual Concert at the Melbourne Recital Centre. During this performance The Junior String Orchestra also had the opportunity to perform with the Junior Band and Junior Choir. Students became part of a much bigger sound and gained experience in understanding their instrumental role within a large orchestral context in a world class performance venue.

his year, we have had a busy and fun time leading the Junior School as the Music Captains of 2016. There have been many successful events such as the Choral Festival, PAF, the Annual Concert, Speech Night, the IPSHA Music Festival and the Piano & Strings Festival. We are very lucky and thankful to have participated in these events where we have all had a great time.

Membership to the group is by invitation from String teachers, in consultation with the ensemble Music Director.

Some of our best experiences were performing on stage such as PAF. All the cast performed wonderfully and did their best, but also had a thrilling experience. At the Annual Concert, Westbourne had the privilege of performing at the world class Melbourne Recital Centre. The Junior Choir was joined by the Senior Choir and the whole room was filled with beautiful music. At IPSHA, the Junior Concert Choir not only got the chance to perform but also got to see all the other different schools and their choirs perform as well. At the Choral Festival, all the different Westbourne choirs from the Junior and Senior School got the opportunity to perform. At the Piano and Strings Festival, there was a mixture of piano duets and string performances.

Special thanks goes to Nicholas Tam and Nicole Zhao for their leadership of the Strings orchestra this year.

We hope the future Music Captains have a great year and continue to bring success to our Music department.



Repertoire covers many musical styles and focuses on listening skills, note reading, bow technique and performance etiquette within a large ensemble. Other Junior String Orchestra events included Westbourne Celebrates Junior School, the String Festival and Assemblies throughout the year.




inging, dancing and playing have brightened the school day at Williamstown campus this year. With over forty children learning an instrument there were always plenty of volunteers to perform for the class or at Assembly. Private singing lessons were offered for the first time at the Williamstown campus. The Williamstown Choir members have all worked with a great deal of dedication, enthusiasm and team spirit. Solfa hand-signs have greatly assisted the choir produce a beautiful choral tone. ‘So Long’ from The Sound of Music was this year's favourite song to sing. Performance opportunities for the choir this year have included the Choral Festival, Fathers’ Day Breakfast, Westbourne Celebrates Junior School and the Annual Carol Service. A special treat for all the classes this year was the visit by ‘Salaka’, an African music group. Smiles were to be found on every face as the children participated in African music-making. Students particularly enjoyed playing the hand-made drums and dancing to the African beat. In a nutshell, we have had a great deal of fun at Williamstown in 2016.















n 22 March, we held our annual House Cross Country Carnival. Carnival probably best described the atmosphere on the day, as we had D.J. Wyatt in the house churning out the tunes and announcing events. His jovial trivia questions kept the students and parents amused while they waited for their events. We were blessed with beautiful weather on the day, which led to a fantastic turn out of parents, who came in their droves, to support their children. The Parents Auxiliary were greatly appreciated by all, as they were able to provide a nice cold ice treat to the finishers after they crossed the line to help cool them down. This year, the track was completely redesigned, due mainly to the many new buildings and parking infrastructure on the Truganina campus. The events were, as always, fiercely contested and all the age group winners were made to earn that prized First Place Blue Ribbon.


The age group winners were as follows; • Under 12/13 Boys Max Deller • Under 12/13 Girls Liana Tarola • Under 11 Boys Harley Shuurmans • Under 11 Girls Jasmine Thompson • Under 10 Boys Henri Monching • Under 10 Girls Taylah Fynney Steadman ultimately won the House Cross Country Trophy in a very tight tussle with all Houses well and truly in contention for the ultimate prize. This was David Fawkes’ second Sports Carnival since arriving at Westbourne and he did a superb job in his organisation of the day. No carnival could run smoothly though without the assistance of all available staff on the day and the wonderful parent helpers who gave up their time to assist with the carnival, so we are indebted to those who assisted on the day and very grateful for all your efforts.




he Werribee Outdoor Pool was a sea of red, white, green and sky blue on Friday 12 February, as the Westbourne Junior School held their annual House Swimming Carnival. For the first time in a number of years, the 25 and 50 metre carnival were held on the same day, which created a busy, but community atmosphere for all! It was a warm summer day, so all students appreciated their opportunity to both cool off and gain house points at the same time. All participants did a fantastic job representing their houses, and the attitude and team spirit on the day was a positive one. Results were compiled from both events, with Steedman announced as the winner of the 2016 House Swimming trophy with 2,078 points. They were followed closely by Price (1,938), Miller (1,808) and Gerity (1,773). The fastest swimmers from the day also progressed to the district swimming carnival to compete against various schools from our region.



t was an overcast morning in Newport on Tuesday 17 May, but that couldn’t deter the excitement in the air at the local athletics track, as the Westbourne Junior School 3-6 students held their annual House Athletics Carnival. Students from both campuses had been training in all of these events for some time during PE lessons, eager to give their selected events their best effort on the day. On the day all students competed in up to four events each, which made for an exciting and inclusive carnival. It was particularly pleasing to see the different houses cheering for all athletes, irrespective of allegiances. After factoring in the results from both track and field events, there could only be one house declared the winner for 2016. With 847 points, Steedman took home the trophy, followed by Gerity (779), Price (702) and Miller (662).

Congratulations to all students who attended, plus a special thank you to Mr David Fawkes for organising his first sports carnival at our school. The success of the day could not have been achieved without the support from the parent volunteers, staff and the maintenance team.

Congratulations to David Fawkes for running the event as well as the smooth implementation of the innovative new race results system. As always, a big thank you to the assisting staff, parent volunteers and the maintenance team.







he district athletics day this year was held on 23 August at Haggenauer Reserve, Box Hill, after the initial event was cancelled on the 19 August due to inclement weather.

On what was a mostly sunny and beautiful day, our Athletics team competed extremely well, with many students receiving ribbons for placing in their respective events. Overall, Westbourne finished second in the Co-educational trophy, with St. Leonard’s taking out first place for the day. We had some students perform exceptionally well, securing themselves placement in the next stage of Divisional competition. The students who placed either first or second in their event, earning them Division qualification were: Maia Marinkovic (Shot Put), Lachlan Mcguire (100m), Anthony Tabone (200m), Gabrielle Vincent (Hurdles & Triple Jump), Hunter Braidie (Shot Put), Marty Waghorne (Triple Jump & Long Jump), Athena Avci (Triple Jump), Zach Murphy (800m), Elise Mitchell (High Jump), Adel Barakat (Discus) and Liana Tarola (800m & 1500m). The Division event saw the competition rise even further, on what was a wet and cold day our Westbourne participants performed extremely well in the conditions. We had Gabrielle Vincent finish 3rd in her Hurdles event, Lachlan Mcguire finish 3rd in the 100m sprint, Marty Waghorne finish 3rd in Triple Jump, and Adel Barakat progressed through to Regional Athletics after he took 1st place in Discus. Well done to all of our Athletics team for your achievements this year. Keep training hard and improving in to the future!





n Monday 9 May, a ninety student contingent embarked on a journey across the Yarra to Fawkner Park for the annual District Cross Country Carnival. This particular carnival is traditionally organised by Westbourne Grammar and Christchurch Grammar School. The weather forecast for the day was ominous and a downpour had been predicted. The organisers remembered the adage of “forewarned is forearmed� and tried to ensure that the races were very well organised and ran on or ahead of schedule. This was to try and minimise the effect a downpour would have on the track but first and foremost on the safety of the participants. The day did run very smoothly and the events were extremely competitive. The Westbourne team was very well represented by fifteen runners in each age and gender group, to ensure maximum participation for our students. On the day we had several students place in the top eight for their age and gender group and therefore continued on to represent Westbourne Grammar School at the Division finals. They were as follows: 9/10 Year Old Boys Henri Monching 6th 9/10 Year Old Girls Taylah Fynney 8th 11 Year Old Boys Zachary Murphy 2nd and Harley Schuurmans 7th 12/13 Year Old Boys Max Deller 6th 12/13 Year Old Girls Liana Tarola 5th Fortunately, as soon as the last event was finished and the presentations were complete the rain came! And did the rain come! We were fortunate to have requested the buses return early to pick the team up, as we ended up saturated within minutes of the rain beginning while we were making our way to the designated pick up point. Even that was not enough to dampen the teams spirits and we came home reasonably pleased with the results as well as the organisation of the day.






he District Swimming Carnival, held on 2 March, saw some of our best swimmers from Year 3 to Year 6 take to the MSAC pool to compete against seven other schools from our region. With the Year 6 camp in Myrtleford taking place during this week, we were without the majority of our Year 6 competitors. This resulted in a re-shuffle of competitors to fill the void. Many students competed in extra events on the day, often competing above their age category to fill in for the absent Year 6 students. The overall result was an enormous credit to all those who competed so well and took on the extra responsibilities of swimming in additional events. It made winning races quite difficult in the older age groups, however our students never faltered, taking a positive attitude into every race and enjoying the opportunity to swim and represent their school with pride. Some commendable results that came from the day were as follows; Orlando West: Boys 12/13 50m Freestyle - 4th, Boys 12/13 50m Backstroke - 2nd Lachlan McGuire: Boys 9/10 50m Freestyle - 4th Taylah Fynney: Girls 9/10 50m Backstroke - 3rd, Girls 9/10 50m Breaststroke - 4th Peter Hatzopoulos: Boys 9/10 50m Breaststroke - 4th Arjun Sharma: Boys 9/10 50m Butterfly - 4th

HOUSE SHIELDS The 2016 house sporting trophies were again contested by our Year 3-6 cohort of students. The students competed in the Athletics, Swimming and Cross Country carnivals throughout the year, and our Years 5 and 6 students also competed for the other various House Shields. The House Sporting shields are based upon the sports in which the students participate, in the CIPSSA competition. Each Friday when we do not have a regular CIPSSA fixture, or sports training session, the Year 6 House Captains choose their teams for House Sport, ensuring that the teams are fair and full. The sports are played in a round robin format, and points are allocated for a win, lose or draw. On each House Sporting occasion the students competed fairly and with Great Spirit, showing quality team-work and sportsmanship.

A big thank you is extended to Gabrielle Mullins for her assistance on the day, as well as the parent helpers who transported students to the pool, helped them in their organisation for warm-ups and races and also cheered our team along on the day.

This year’s results are as follows: Athletics, Steedman Basketball, Miller Cricket, Miller Cross Country, Steedman Football, Steedman Futsal, Miller Handball, Gerity Netball, Miller Swimming, Steedman Tennis, Miller







CHESS 2016



n 9 August the Westbourne Grammar chess team went to Oberon High School to compete in a chess tournament. Each student played seven games. As the day progressed each competitor played against an opponent that matched their skill level. Many of the students from Westbourne had to play opponents from Year 7 to 10. We all played with sportsmanship and to the best of our ability. Brock Britton from 5D, received a medal for having the top score amongst our school and the other primary schools. Brock won four games and tied one game out of the seven played. Westbourne came 4th out of eight primary schools. All the games Westbourne played were tough, but we tried our very best to win. We all hope to compete in the next tournament and perhaps bring some more medals back to school. Everyone had a fun day and found it was a great way to further improve our skills.



t has been a terrific year for the Junior School Chess Club. Chess sessions ran throughout Term Two and Three with a total of 48 students across Years 4, 5 and 6 being involved. Our coaches from ‘Chess Kids’ taught the students lots of new moves and tactics, including a ‘five move’ checkmate that was used to great effect throughout. Congratulations must also go to our top 10 players who represented Westbourne Grammar with distinction at the Geelong Middle Years tournament where we finished 4th overall from 8 schools. All players were presented with certificates for their play, with Brock Britton (5D) being awarded a medal for his top play.




ur pens were flying on our papers as we listened closely to what the opposing team were saying. This was the very first debate of Junior School House Debating 2016. In every debate there were three speakers for each team. The first debate was Gerity against Miller. As we prepared ourselves for the debate, Miller and Gerity were shaking in their shoes and trying to ignore the butterflies in their stomachs. While the adjudicator explained to Miller and Gerity that the winning team had only won by one point Price and Steedman were in a different room making sure that they weren’t listening to the debate. House Debating has been very enjoyable this year and we hope to continue debating in the senior school.



he nerves kicked in as we were waiting for the results from the adjudicator. It had been a close debate and it was anyone’s win at that point. The Geelong Debating Team consists of two teams with four students in each. Throughout the year there are four debates, two with a prepared speech or otherwise known as a ‘seen debate’ and two ‘unseen debates’, where we have no idea what the topic is and only 30 minutes to prepare our speeches. When we debate there is a negative and affirmative team and the teams are made up of three speakers. The debating team has been very successful and we hope it continues to provide many opportunities for others.





he Peer Support Organisation of Australia is dedicated to providing support for school communities with an evidence based, peer led approach to enhance the mental, social and emotional well-being of young people. The outcomes include building positive relationships, taking personal responsibility, encouraging participation and fostering lifelong learning skills. The program enables all students to be empowered and develop an understanding of self, resilience, connectedness and the sense of possibility. Our program encourages connections between our Year 6 Peer Leaders and the Year 4 cohort. It successfully integrates leadership training to assist us in providing and promoting a positive school culture within our supportive learning environment. Each year, the Year 6 students have the opportunity to apply to be a Peer Support Leader for a group of Year 4 students. Year 4 is a significant transition year in the Junior School as we welcome the current Year 3 students from Williamstown, as well as a number of new students to this year level. The Peer Support Program assists our Year 4 students with their transition as well as providing an authentic leadership opportunity for our Year 6 cohort. The main purpose of the Peer Support Program is to develop understandings, attitudes and skills necessary to help students, such as: Enhance their self-esteem Be more resilient Cope with their changing environment Foster positive relationships with others Contribute to the wellbeing of the School community



The program involves two days of leadership training for our Year 6 students who then transfer these skills when working with small groups of Year 4 students through a set of structured sessions on a fortnightly basis. I wish to congratulate the Peer Support Coordinators for supporting me with the implementation of this program and the Peer Leaders and Year 4 students for embracing the sessions wholeheartedly.

he JAS Program has been running for four years now and has become a popular co-curricular activity for many Year 5 and 6 students. The aim of the JAS program is to encourage students to come up with their own activity or initiative that has at its heart a desire to improve or assist others. The focus for JASP student activities is not about raising money but may involve raising awareness, collecting items of need or showing kindness towards others. It is always wonderful to see the range of creative ideas that students come up with and the energy, persistence and collaboration involved that often make these simple gestures, so meaningful. Each year I am encouraged by the growing number of students who want to get involved and make a difference. I am truly inspired by these children.




ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE “The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” Former ‘First Lady’ of the United States of America, Lady Bird Johnson typified the importance of nature when stating the above quote. Fortunately for the students at Westbourne Grammar School we have two Campuses which both have their unique environmental identities, allowing students to meet and enjoy their surroundings together. To maintain the beauty of these areas, the Junior School has an Environmental Committee at both the Williamstown and Truganina 3-6 Campus. The Truganina Committee met every Tuesday lunchtime, with emptying the many paper recycling bins throughout the Junior School their primary focus. Although the transition to this new role was slow at first, by Semester Two students had streamlined



his year approximately 60 students from Years 4, 5 and 6 had the opportunity to take part in the Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads (APSMO) for 2016. Every year, schools from all over Australia, New Zealand and other neighbouring countries participate in the annual APSMO Olympiads. The Olympiads consisted of five separate contests held approximately one month apart over Terms 2 and 3. Between each Olympiad the students attended weekly (MOPS) sessions where they worked collaboratively with their peers on a range of mathematical problem solving questions in order to most benefit from the Olympiads program. The overall aim of the program was for students to continue to develop their mathematical problem solving skills in an enjoyable and supportive environment.

this into an efficient system, ensuring all of the 3-6 Campus bins were emptied within the first fifteen minutes of lunch time. At the Williamstown Campus, representatives from Years 1 and 2 met every Thursday afternoon. The focus for Semester One was identifying and documenting all of the flora found across the school grounds, whilst Semester Two was spent examining the fauna. Alongside this, the Year 3 representatives ensured the paper recycling bins were routinely emptied, mirroring their older counterparts at the Truganina Campus. I thank all of the Environmental Committee representatives for their efforts and enthusiasm in maintaining the beautiful natural environment that we all share in the Westbourne Junior School.


In Year 4, the students who achieved the equal top results were James Hately-Williams, followed by Anuj Cheeyandira Yashavantha. The highest score for the Year 5 students was achieved by Kavish Chandra, followed by Zachary Murphy. In Year 6, Krishitha Gopalakrishnan, Faiyaz Islam, Calvin Lam, Tanay Solanki and Gordon Wu attained the highest results followed by Lara Cameron. Well done to Krishitha Gopalakrishnan, Faiyaz Islam, Calvin Lam, Tanay Solanki and Gordon Wu who all achieved the highest overall score for the Mathematical Olympiads for Westbourne Grammar School. I would like to congratulate all of the students who participated in the Maths Olympiads this year for their hard work, persistence and commitment during our MOPS sessions and through their weekly homework practice.






t the junior level each program builds on the previous year, developing a student’s emotional, social and spiritual understanding of self, others, and the environment. Students are encouraged to find ways of solving problems, to deal positively with conflict, to take considered risks, to communicate effectively with each other and to take on the following values of leadership: commitment, tolerance, creativity, respect, enthusiasm, independence, curiosity, appreciation, confidence, cooperation, integrity and empathy. The Prep to Year 2 camp programs involved students participating in a range of environmental activities within the school setting. From scavenger hunts and creative arts to setting up shelters and cooperative games, the students work together to complete all the activities on offer. The Year 2 camp culminated in sleeping overnight at the school for their first night away. Having their first overnight camp away from the school setting, the Year 3 students ventured into Melbourne for two days. This experience was about being comfortable away from their



s part of the Outdoor Education program the Year 6 students had the opportunity to participate in a morning of mountain biking. The group of eager participants travelled by bus to the scenic You Yangs, a mecca for serious mountain bikers. Every student was outfitted with a bike and then broken up into groups. Eagerly they developed their skills in cornering, riding across narrow bridges going through water and as one students put it succinctly, “falling off”. The predicted rain did eventually arrive and this only further served to add to the authentic experience with many students getting wet. Overall, the students thoroughly enjoyed the morning.



parents and exploring the sights and sounds of the city. Over the two days, the students visited the Royal Melbourne Zoo and the Immigration Museum and participated in cooperative games. Year 4 students went to the bush for two nights and spent three days at Camp Toolangi. For most of these students this was their first camp away from the urban setting of Melbourne. At camp the students had to work together in their class groups to problem solve initiatives, climb as high as they could on the create tower, work together to build their bush shelter, come up close with nature on the adventure hike and speed downhill on the flying fox. Valley Homestead in the far north-east of Victoria was the location for the Year 6 & 5 Camps. Year 5 students spent four days at camp exploring the old gold diggings at the Bright gorge, abseiling down vertical walls, learning how to pan for gold, navigating their way around the vertical obstacle course, and discovering how to build and cook on a fire. Over five days, the Year 6 students climbed vertical walls, built and raced a raft on Lake Buffalo, flew across the gorge on the dual flying fox, camped out under the stars, glided down the water slide and took a leap of faith off the power pole.




he Social Service Committee has had a busy year this year. We felt over the moon when we were selected by our class to be the Social Service Representative for our grade (6H, 6R and 6W). We help the children that are less fortunate than us by raising funds for Kampuchea House. Each class from Year 3-6 had a SS Rep who also helped. In Semester One, we organised a Pyjama Day for Years 3-6. All the students and teachers wore different types of pyjamas to school. Some children wore Onesies and some teachers did too! Each child donated a gold coin to Kampuchea House on the day. It was funny seeing everyone at school wearing something we haven’t seen them wear before, their PJs! In Semester Two, we raised funds by having a Footy Day. Everyone came to school wearing their favourite footy or soccer gear. Some people had footy jumpers and soccer guernseys on while other students just wore their team’s colours. We also ran the ‘Longest Kick’ football competition during lunch time which raised extra money for Kampuchea House. We enjoyed designing posters to promote each of these events. We also gave a speech to our classes to explain what was happening on these days. The Year 3-6 Social Service Committee raised a lot of money for Kampuchea House. It gave us opportunities to be a leader and we were proud and happy to help.




uring Semester One the Winjeel Social Service Committee held several meetings to brainstorm ways to raise money. One of the ideas was for children to donate books that they no longer needed that we could then sell to the Winjeel students. Over several weeks the students collected and sorted books and then set up the stall. The Social Service committee became the shopkeepers and sold books to the Winjeel students and families. We raised a phenomenal $835 to support Kampuchea House from this one initiative. During Semester Two Winjeel also had a Footy Day and students came to school wearing footy clothes and donated a gold coin. Thank you to all of the families who supported these wonderful initiatives and helped to raise money for Kampuchea House.







One of the materials we focused on was clay. We invited the children to a place of relationship with the medium of clay. To begin, we placed a large block of clay in easy access and observed the children’s responses.

Babies develop new skills through relationships, whether with other children, their educators, the environment, places or materials.

With much wonder and curiosity, the children gathered to research and study this new material. They softly patted the clay, pinching and squeezing it with their fingers. They discovered that unlike other materials, clay can be taken apart into smaller pieces, which can later be patted back into the large block.

ur year in Learning Room 1 has been filled with wonder and curiosity. From their first day at Amici, the children showed their desire to build relationships. As educators working with young children, we know how important relationships are for their learning and development, so from here we started our Relationships project.

Through relationships children begin to learn about the world in which they live. The need to communicate is also borne through the desire to build relationships. Our intention was to connect children with everything around them including different materials, so children can use these materials as a language to communicate, share ideas with others and make sense of their world. Our intent was to provide rich, meaningful experiences that help young children feel connected and part of the world around them.


Every encounter with clay deepened the children’s understanding of the material. Clay has a texture ... a sound when patted ... a temperature when touched ... clay has a taste and smell ... clay can change shape ... Over time, the children have come to know the clay well, and through their on-going physical interactions have built a strong relationship with the material.




t Amici, we make reference in our teaching to the values and principles of the educational project in Reggio Emilia, Northern Italy. One of the values of this approach is to consider what we believe about children; to reflect on the way we ‘see’ children. ‘The way we position children influences how we interact with them, the expectations we hold about their learning; the types of learning experiences we provide for them. We see children as the protagonists that they are, being the leading character in their learning journey’. Over the year, a large part of our research has been towards children as communicators, looking at the many different languages children use to explore and express their thoughts, ideas and learning. In Reggio Emilia they speak of ‘The Hundred Languages of Children’. Drawing and mark making has allowed us the opportunity to observe children’s thinking, their ideas and their learning.

Children create purposeful marks on paper and soon realise that these marks represent real life objects and events. We see drawing and mark making as powerful tools for expression. Children’s interests have inspired their representations. This was particularly evident earlier in the year with the children’s interest in spiders. Over the year, we have continued to observe and reflect on children’s drawings, offering a range of materials (grey lead pencils, pastels, charcoals, pens and textas) as well as paper of different sizes and textures. The children’s drawings have progressed from creating marks on paper to drawings which have become more representative of the objects and thoughts they are trying to express and communicate through our work.






his year’s learning journey has been filled with joy, wonder and discovery. To begin the year we primarily focused on establishing trusting relationships between children, their educators and parents. We observed strong relationships and friendships develop quickly; children demonstrated a strong sense of belonging to their group as a whole. Places said to have a strong ‘sense of place’ have a strong identity and character that is deeply felt by local inhabitants and by many visitors. Our educational project on ‘sense of place’ transpired. Every week children, educators and occasionally families ventured out into the Westbourne school grounds. Children took baskets with the intention to gather natural items of interest to bring back to Amici for further exploration. Rocks and

pebbles attracted every child’s attention. We offered ‘rock’ coloured drawing materials for children to create their own representations. A workspace for children was offered to create ephemeral artwork using rocks and pebbles to pattern, balance and construct designs. We observed and documented children’s thinking. Understandings of ‘sense of place’ continued to unravel. On our nature walks we also provided drawing materials for children to document new discoveries posing new questions along the way: for example ‘Can you draw the sound you hear?’ which involved quite complex thinking. As seasons changed so did our natural environment ... autumn leaves falling to the ground; ideal for exploration and sharing in the fun of throwing them above their heads and studying them as they fall on themselves and friends. Children took much pleasure jumping in muddy puddles; throwing rocks in puddles and watching the ripples form. The adventure and fun of walking in the rain; ‘It feels ticklish on my face’. We continued to pose questions as a provocation to encourage deeper thinking about what children saw and paid attention to. Right now our fields are full of yellow and green wild flowers ... a new discovery ... a new interest ... and so many wonderful learning possibilities to embark upon ...





t the beginning of Term 3 a new project was launched, where the children engaged in nature and places within a natural setting. The children explored the idea that place has an identity and they connect to that place in many ways. The project was an in-depth study into a natural place in the school grounds. The children explored and discovered this place using their senses (sight, sound, touch and smell) and made observations, interpretations and theories about it. Relationships and interactions between what they saw, the tactility of the many natural elements and their movement in this space were observed and documented.

Through their encounters with place and their journey to know its identity the children have shown an increased respect for both natural and built environments. The children noticed and predicted changes in the environment. The children are appreciative of the beauty they have encountered in nature and have shown responsibility for helping to care for their environment. This has been reflected in the care they have shown in looking after their indoor and outdoor learning environments.


“There was cracks in the grass.” Ana “I heard a frog two times on the lake.” Celeste The children explored the conceptual understandings that places have different forms and these forms often change. Children made connections between their feelings and the daily changes in the weather due to seasons and climatic changes they experienced. “The rain, you know in dirt; that makes muddy puddles.” Lucas “Will we see the caterpillars?” Jayden Teachers explored the idea of how the children could visit and encounter place, and while developing an awareness of their impact on the environment. “We can’t take some the animals need to eat it.” “If we go on the walk and we pick the rubbish up and put it in the rubbish bin and the rubbish truck pick it up and put it in the rubbish fire.” Aarvin





cknowledgement of Country has been an important custom for the children of Learning Room 5 Kindergarten Program.

Each morning, before commencing our daily meeting, we acknowledged the land of the Boonwurrung people and paid respect to their elders; past, present and emerging. The children embraced this custom and enthusiastically led the Acknowledgement each day. “It’s respectful and good to acknowledge the Boonwurrung people, because they lived on the land very much years ago.” (Imogen, 4.5yo) The research of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework informed us that “Learning about and valuing the place of Aboriginal people will enhance all Victorian children’s sense of place in our community” (2016, p.4) With this in mind, embedding Indigenous Education within our program laid the foundations for our project “The Land- A sense of place.”

The educators proposed research regarding the relationships between the children’s development of a sense of place, identity and connection to land. Developing a sense of place takes time and involves an intimate journey of understanding yourself, others and the natural world around you. Before we could begin to understand the children’s sense of place, the educators began by looking closely at the foundational concepts surrounding this bigger idea; starting with the children’s current understandings. The educators wondered: What are the children’s understanding of our land? How do children connect with our indigenous history and sense of place? What are the children’s connections to land? What takes the children’s interest? Why? What relationships do the children hold with the land?


The children immersed themselves in long periods of uninterrupted play each week over on ‘the land’ (the natural landscape behind the Year 9 building) to have opportunities to explore and make connections to land. The ideas developed on the land were transferred into our classroom where the children continued to explore the connections they were building through the language of song, dance, movement, storytelling, pattern work, and dialogues. Our Atelierista, Amanda, utilised children’s curiosity of Bundjil (creator and spiritual leader who travels as an eagle), Waang (protector of waterways who travels as a crow) and Gumtrees to explore art techniques such as drawing, painting and wire work. Our classroom extended into the Royal Botanic Gardens, where we participated in the ‘You and Me, Murrawee’ program. The children were invited to experience authentic Indigenous customs and ways of knowing. This connection with the land offered the children consolidation in their understandings, attainment of new knowledge and opportunities for new wonderings.

The journey of our project has strengthened the children’s understanding of diversity and social justice issues. It has also supported the development of a sense of place, pathways for ongoing connections to land and steps towards reconciliation.






n Learning Room 6, we value the importance of children understanding the values needed to become an active and successful participant within our society.

With this in mind, educators worked with children throughout the year to unpack and investigate what it means to care. To explore children’s current understandings, educators asked, ‘Care: Why is it important to you?’ We encouraged children to reflect on the meaning that the word held for them and how care looks within their society. Children observed and documented what care looks like within their immediate environment, using iPads to capture valuable ‘careful’ moments throughout their day. In our next investigations of care, we began to provoke wonder by asking the children: ‘Where does care come from?’ ‘Your body, because it can care for someone.’ Milo, 4.5 years ‘Careful actions.’ Henry, 4.8 years Our investigations led us to explore ‘careful actions’. We wondered about what they look like, why they’re important and how we show careful actions. Children associated ‘careful actions’ with the words, ‘soft’, ‘gentle’ and ‘love’. We wondered how our gestures represented these words in our day to day interactions. Educators moved on to explore the idea of relationships and how they affect the way children represent care for places and people. We began observing the relationships that the children had with their environments.


Were their relationships strong enough to represent care within their interactions with one another? Were their relationships with materials strong enough to demonstrate care and respect for our resources? Was their sense of identity strong enough for them to recognise the importance of caring for themselves and their bodies? Educators collaborated with the children to investigate these relationships and understand how these relationships change or strengthen their understandings of care. We utilised opportunities such as our Mother’s and Father’s Day celebrations to further explore the meaning of care and relate it to a context which was meaningful to the children. By the end of this project, we aimed to encourage children to slow down and really begin to notice the effect that their actions have on others and to become compassionate and considerate members of our society.




8th Row L-R Neil Gracey, Paul Wiggins, Desmond Callan, Marcus Michielin, Adrian Michielin, David Newlyn, Brett Fitzsimmons, Graham Long, Donald Mackenzie 7th Row L-R Louise Richards, Erin Carruthers, Fiona Furphy, Matthew Tehan, Jason Smith, Matthew O'Neil, Stephen Evans, Lorraine Merritt, Luke Creamer, James Diery, Benjamin Shafir, Stefan Pomasan, Alison Birchall, Warren Pratt, Damon Grieve, Beulah Watson, Timothy Horton 6th Row L-R Catherine Ryan, Belinda Rasen, Lauren Olcorn, Sandra Lenon, Joshua Wang, Robert Utting, David Walker, Brenton Menzies, Joseph Borg, John Johnson, David Fawkes, Jonathon Hannett, Simon Corcoran, Catriona Jackson, Kellie-Jane Winter, Elisa Stearman, Diana Hatton, Asher Colvin 5th Row L-R Anah Creet, Amanda Mitchell, Paul Basilio, Katie Stackhouse, Tanya Turczyniak, Mary-Lou Callan, Emma Vasilevski, Christine Degiorgio, Rebecca Ratu, Simone Chrisanthou, Annemarie Rothwell, Robert Borg, Lyndell Garrett, Catherine Grech, Shayne Robson, Courtney Barden, Bronwyn Nisbet, Malamati Papasimeon, Lynne Mehmed, Momoka Sakamoto 4th Row L-R Debbie Greene, Rodney Goold, Nicola Birkett, Brooke Rodgers, Tracy Hannett, Michelle Noonan, Rachel Griffin, Dianne Robinson, Cameron Elston, Gary Barty, Harrison Wyatt, Vera Hillas, Lisa Farrell, Johanna Petkov, Nina Wei, Helen Gauci, Brendan Evans, Alissa Beecher, Debra Leigh 3rd Row L-R Rose Reber, Sharon O'Brien, Atsuko Wakida-Henderson, Melissa Avery, Jillian Green, Andrea Cameron, Kerry Whelan, Lyn Franklin, Jessica Heffernan, Stefanie Thom, Nicole Sutton, Carol Meekin, Joanne Mullenger, Anne Richardson, Lesley Hayes, Vanessa Raimondo, Michiyo Naito, Georgia Boam, Diana Liston, Kim Mitchell, Rachelle Walsh, Helen Fisher 2nd Row L-R Jane Garnham, Sarah Busuttil, Fiona O'Connor, Melissa Davis, Kerstin Keller, Annette Murdoch, Rebecca Kovac, April Cincotta, Angelica Ricci, Sara Cook, Susan Moxey, Clare Meyerhoff, Tonya Cook, Barbara Howe, Kate Mansell, Sonya Lill, Eileen Langwell, Paige Bell, Andrea Arnold, Elizabeth Reader, Helen Toner, Bronwyn Macdonald, Donna Zaharopoulos, Amrita Ahuja Front Row L-R Emma Woodall, Megan Turner, Kylie Mobilia, Cate Charles-Edwards, Louisa Scerri, Andrea Elliott, Jeff Rieniets, Nicole Armatas, Geoffrey Hayhow, Louise Mahony, Matthew Thompson, Meg Hansen, Andrew McGregor, Paul Barklamb, Rose Elsom, Grant Finlay, Kylie Baxter, Dennis Nowak, Gabrielle Mullins, Tracy Williams, Heather Conroy, Andrew Leach, Julie Shutie Absent Rachel Almond, Alan Bennetto, Jade Bradshaw, Mario Chrisanthou, Matthew Healy, Sandra Jenkins, Alex Johnson, Christine McGowen, Murray McKean, Sharon Muller, Keisuke Ogawa, Michelle Pilditch







STAFF LIST SCHOOL BOARD Office Bearers Chairperson: Mr Ilija Grgic Deputy Chairperson: Dr Mark Krawczyszyn Secretary: Mrs Rocio Vucetich Karibian Treasurer: Mr David Stewart Principal: Ms Meg Hansen Directors Ms Claire Brown Mr Ian Fox Mr David Horvath Mrs Diane John Mr John McElvaney Mrs Shona Taylor SCHOOL EXECUTIVE Ms Meg Hansen Principal BA, DipTeach, MA (Hons), PGradDipArts, SecTeachDip, FACE, FACEL, AICD Mr Andrew McGregor Associate Principal BSc, DipEd, MEd Mr Paul Barklamb Head of Junior School BEd, DipTeach, GradDipEdAdmin, GradCertSpEd, CertGiftedEd Ms Kylie Baxter Director of Learning Junior School BEd, PGradDipEd Mrs Anne Bright Director of Development BA (Hons), DipEd Ms Rosemary Elsom ICT Manager BEd, MInfoTechEd, PGradCompEd Mr Grant Finlay Director of Learning Senior School BA, DipEd, QTS Mr Geoff Hayhow Director of People and Culture BEd, MEd Ms Louise Mahony Head of Senior School BSc, GradDipEd, GradCertRE, GradDipDiet Mr Errol Tongs Business Manager CA, ACIS


SCHOOL CHAPLAIN Rev Matthew Thompson BComm, LLB, DipMin ACADEMIC STAFF SENIOR SCHOOL Jarrod Adams BA, BCom (Hons) PGradDipT Amrita Ahuja BCom (Hons), BEd, MCom Rachel Almond BSc, GradDipEd, MEd (Hons) Andrea Arnold BA (Hons) Melissa Avery BCD, GradDipEd Courtney Barden BA, GradDipEd, MEd Paul Basilio BA, BEdTeach Joseph Beckitt BMus, MMusPerf Alissa Beecher BA, GradDipEd Paige Bell BA, GradCertComp, GradDipEd Alan Bennetto, BSurv, Dip Ed Alison Birchall BA, BTeach, MEd Nicola Birkett BA, GradDipEd Julia Blik-Rang BA, GradDipSecEd Robert Borg BBMedSC, GradCertTeach, GradDipEd Jade Bradshaw BEd (PhysEd), CELTA, GradCertTeach Sarah Busuttil BMus Desmond Callan BEd, GradDipJap Mary-Louise Callan BEd Catrin Charles-Edwards BBEnv, BEd April Cincotta BAppSc, GradDipEd Tonya Cook BEd Meg Cooper BA, MT Luke Creamer BAppSc, BEdTeach Rose Elsom BEd, MInfoTechEd, PGradCompEd Brendan Evans BAppSc, GradCertAppSc, GradDipEd Stephen Evans BAppSc, MEd Lisa Farrell BComm, GradDipEd Grant Finlay BA, DipEd, QTS Helen Fisher BA, CertIII Info Tech, DipEd, MA Brett Fitzsimmons DipTeach, GradDipCS. MTech Fiona Furphy BA, BMus, GradDipEd Jane Garnham BA, GradDipEd, GradDipLitEd Helen Gauci BEd, DipTeach Rodney Goold BSc, DipEd Neil Gracey BMusP, GradDipEd, MTeach Deborah Greene BSc, BSc (Hons), GradDipEd, PhD Damon Grieve BA, GradDipSecEd Rachel Griffin BA, BEd (Hons) Meg Hansen BA, DipTeach, MA (Hons), PGradDipArts, SecTeachDip, FACE, FACEL, AICD Diana Hatton AssocDipMus, BMus, DipEd, LMusAus

Lesley Hayes BAppSc, GradDipBusMgmt, GradDipEd Geoffrey Hayhow BEd, MEd Matthew Healy BAppSc (PhysEd), DipEd, MA Rozalia Hecht BAppSc (Hons), BA, MAPsych Timothy Horton BA, DipEd Barbara Howe BEd Sandra Jenkins BA, DipEd, GradCert TESOL Alex Johnson BA, GradDipEd John Johnson BAppSc, DipBusSt, DipEd Kerstin Keller BA, GradDipEd, LLB Eileen Langwell BSc Laureen Lansdown BA, BFA (Hons) Andrew Leach AssocDipMus, BMus, DipEd Debra Leigh BSc (Hons), PGCE Sonya Lill BEd Graham Long BSc (Hons), GradDipEd Bronwyn Macdonald BA, Grad DipChildLit, GradDipEd Donald Mackenzie BSc (Hons), MSc, PGradDipEd Louise Mahony BSc, GradDipEd, GradCertRE, GradDipDiet Kate Mansell BA (Hons), GradCert (PubEd), GradDipEd, PhD Christine McGowen AssocDipAO, BA, CertTeach, DipEd Andrew McGregor BSc, DipEd, MEd Murray McKean BAppSc, BEd Michael McKenzie BAppSc (Hons), BBioSc, GradDipSecEd Carol Meekin BSc, GradDipEd Lorraine Merritt BEd (PhysEd) Clare Meyerhoff MA (Hons), PGradCertEd Adrian Michielin BPsych, GradDipEd Marcus Michielin BE (Mech), GradDipEd Amanda Mitchell BA, GradDipEd Kylie Mobilia BA, DipEd, MEd Joanne Mullenger BE (Hons), GradDipEd Sharon Muller BBus, GradDipEd, MEd Michiyo Naito BA, MA, MAL David Newlyn MSc, PGradDipEd Dennis Nowak BA (Hons), GradDipEd Sharon O'Brien BMusEd Matthew O'Neil BEd Malamati Papasimeon BSc, GradDipEd Michelle Pilditch BEd Stefan Pomasan BESS, DipEd Vanessa Raimondo BA (Hons), GradDipEd, MFA Belinda Rasen BMus, DipEd Rose Reber BA, BEd, HonsFA Angelica Ricci BDes, GradDipEd Jeffrey Rieniets BAppSc, CertIV TrAss, GradDipSecEd Brooke Rodgers BA, Ba (Hons), BEd

Annemarie Rothwell BEd Catherine Ryan BEd, MBIT. Cert IV TrAss Louisa Scerri BASc, GradDipEd Benjamim Shafir BBus, DipFinServ, MT Jason Smith BMus (Hons), GradDipEd Stefanie Thom BEd, MMusPerf Matthew Thompson BComm, LLB, DipMin Megan Turner BEd, PGradDipEd Robert Utting BA, PGradDipEd Atsuko Wakida-Henderson BA, GradDipEd, MA Rachelle Walsh BSc (Hons), GradDipEd, GradDipMet Joshua Wang GradDipEd Beulah Watson BMus Nina Wei BArchae, MSc (Hons) Paul Wiggins BSc (Hons), GradDipEd Tracy Williams BA, DipEd, MA Kellie-Jane Winter BA (Hons), BEd PGradDipEd, GradDipPsych Donna Zaharopoulos BEd, PGradDipEd ACADEMIC STAFF JUNIOR SCHOOL Nicole Armatas BEd, DipEd Courtney Barden BA, GradDipEd, MEd Paul Barklamb BEd, DipTeach, GradDipEdAdmin, GradCertSpEd, CertGiftedEd Gary Barty DipT (Primary), GradDipEd, ACAL Kylie Baxter BEd, PGradDipEd Georgia Boam BA, DipEd, PGradDip, QTS Joseph Borg BEd, DipRec Andrea Cameron BEd, DipTeach Erin Carruthers BEd (Prim) Simone Christanthou BEd (Primary) Mario Chrisanthou BEd Asher Colvin BEd (Hons), MEd Simon Corcoran BEd Anah Creet BFineArts, BEd Melissa Davis BEd (Hons) Christine Degiorgio BEd BEd (Primary), GradDipEd James Diery BA, BEd (Primary) Andrea Elliot BEd, DipTeach, PGradDipEd Cameron Elston BMusEd (Hons), CertTeach (Prim) KODCE, LMusAus David Fawkes BEd (PhysEd) Lynette Franklin BEd (Prim), DipTeach, MEdStud, PGradDipEd Catherine Grech BEd Gillian Green DipTeach Jonathon Hannett BEd (Prim/Secondary) Tracy Hannett BEd Vera Hillas BMus, GradCertMus Catriona Jackson BEd (Prim) Diana Liston BASc (Hons), DipEd Lynne Mehmed BEd Brenton Menzies BEd (Prim) Kim Mitchell BA, BA (Hons) Michelle Monaghan BEd (Hons)

Susan Moxey BBus, DipEd Gabrielle Mullins BEd, DipTeach, GradDip, MEd Annette Murdoch BEd, DipTeach Bronwyn Nisbet BEd (Hons), MEd Keisuke Ogawa BBus, GradDipEd Rebecca Ratu BEd (Prim) Elizabeth Reader BEd, DipEd Anne Richardson BBus, GradCertMgtDev, GradDipEd, MBA Dianne Robinson AssocDipMus, DipTeach, GradDipEd Shayne Robson BA, CertIVHRH, MT Julie Shutie BEd, PGradDipEd Catherine Stackhouse BA, DipEd Elisa Stearman BA, MT Nicole Sutton BEd, DipEd Helen Toner BA, GradCertCI, GradDipEd Tanya Turczyniak BEd Natalie Van Elst DipTeaching (Primary), GradDipSpecEd Emma Vasilevski BEd David Walker DipTeach, GradDipEdAdmin, GradDipScEd, MEd Emma Woodall BEd (Primary), BEd (Teach) Harrison Wyatt BEd (PhysEd) AMICI – WESTBOURNE EARLY LEARNING CENTRE Crystal Baldacchino DipECEC Debbie Ball CertIIICC Tina Black Janice Burke DipTeach, GradDipWS Anna-Maria Calabretta Stephanie Carroll DipChildServ Eliza Cavalida DipECEC Lina Chen CertIIICC, DipChildServ Heather Conroy BEd, DT (EC), MEd Andrew Curmi DipCS Hanna Daniel CertIIICC, DipChildServ Christine Donohue CertIIICC Nadia Durrant BECS Anita English CertIIICC Elisha Gillespie CertIIICC Najwa Hamra CertIIICC Irene Hashmi CertIIICS, DipECEC Sandra Lenon BECE Leanne Lloyd DipCS Michele McDonald AdDipCS Lauren Olcorn BA, GradDipEC, DipCommServ Kristy Orange CertIVTrAss, DipChildServ Sharon Portelli DipChildServ Polixeni Tepelis DipCommServ Yuan Wang CertIIICC PROFESSIONAL STAFF Prue Baum CertIVTrainAs, GradDipMid, RNDiv1 Meredith Beardmore BMus (Hons) MInfSt, MMusPerf

Brenda Black Judy Bowyer Anne Bright BA (Hons), Dip Ed Julie Brophy DipLibInSt Andrea Cairns Juliet Cassar Nicholas Charlton BAComp (Hons) Paul Condon Caron Condie Amanda Congdon Timothy Cook Karen Cooke BA Ann Daillidis Cathy Dekievit BA, DipLibInSt Paula Delves Rachel Doody Judy Eads Beverley Eikli BA Jessica Eng BBus, GradCertSC Alberto Enriquez BE(Elec) Yvonne Fenton Lennie Fester CertIVOHS, CertIVTAE, ImmPract, ParaSt, RNDiv1 Raelene Fisher Kelly Forward Elke Giantsis Euan Gibson BBus Christopher Gilham Alejandra Godoy BSc Shirley Hanley Dhammika Herath BBus(InfoServ), MIM Susan Hodgson Jasmina Jakanovska AdvCertTech Susan Johnston BA (Hons), DipEd, BEd, MEd(Admin), PhD Divya James Koothoor Janet Leckie Nellie Marinkovic Pam McLure Linda North BA, MA Amanda Paisley Connie Parashis BBus David Potter DipIT Heather Rich Joanne Rudd Rachel Snowden DipLibInSt Jessica Taylor Errol Tongs CA, ACIS MAINTENANCE STAFF Karen Balla Steven Biddle Shaun Dean Paul Donnellan Tracy Fox Craig McDonald Jason Poggi Lucy Saunders Stuart Stanford Nicholas Summit Ryan Wills YEARBOOK 2016




ith each year of achievement, our students develop a stronger sense of personal value along with a deepening appreciation of what they can achieve through hard work and commitment. The early years at Westbourne engage imaginations, spark curiosity and build trust. Middle years encourage risk taking, inspire greater inquiry and build resilience and Senior School consolidates growth, deepens thinking and activates knowledge. By the time their VCE years arrive, our students in Years 11 and 12 are well prepared to excel in this final chapter of school life and step into tertiary studies with vigour and confidence. Westbourne’s graduating classes have achieved outstanding outcomes consistently, over many years. We have an excellent record of preparing our students for university studies through the VCE pathway by offering a comprehensive subject program and some university enhancement subjects. The intensive academic support and inclusive community integration programs that surround international students facilitate a seamless transition to their tertiary study and university life. Class of 2015 Our record of university entrance sits at the peak of peer performance with at least 92% of the last three years’ VCE students accepting tertiary offers. An impressive 99.3% of our graduating class of 2015 are progressing into an impressive range of study pathways that include: pharmacy, medicine, law, sciences, engineering and commerce. The universities represented comprise prestigious Australian and International


institutions such as the University of Melbourne, RMIT University, Monash University, Deakin University, Swinburne University, LaTrobe University, Victoria University, Australian Catholic University, University of Sydney and the Australian National University. Three students gained places in American Colleges in 2016, one of which was Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. Westbourne Grammar equips our leavers with academic skills that underpin their progression to an innovative, globally connected and migratory workforce. The way our students learn to ‘think about their thinking’, interrogate their opportunities and appreciate their personal motivations and values, underpins their preparedness for life beyond school.




Christian Moso (12P)


Sarah Newman (12D)


Kulunu Dharmakeerthi (12F)


Yasemin Sargin (12F)



Kulunu Dharmakeerthi (12F)

Conor Barnes (8D) Divine Emezie (8H) Alther Luis Enriquez (8D) Ujjwal Nandal (8P) Matthew Nguyen (8H) Luke Tarola (8P)


Riley Debney (11D)

Josh Chen (7S) Lola Ilic (7H) Joshua Jinu (7S) Nimashi Singankutti-Arachchi (7D) Kym Yaniv (7D) Rohan Yates (7D)


YEAR 9 Shams Albrefkany (9H) Ingrid Freeman (9S) Tasha Gacutan (9D) Sonia Joura (9D) Alyssa Kades (9P) Cat-Uyen Phan (9H)

Year 7

Rachel Bowyer (7M)

Year 8

Tehya Nguyen (8F)

Year 9

Jacqueline Cassetta (9S)

Year 10

Byron Watson (10D)


Jack Robinson (12S)


Adi Basic (12H)

Madelyne Scott (12S)

Cayley Chan (10D) Emily Jinu (10S) Evelyn Makris (10M) Brigette Marks (10H) Felicity Nguyen (10D) Isabella Ross (10S) Yindan Xu (10D)

Laura Bishop (12P)

Deana Sirianni (12F)

Jack Ferry (12P)

Emily Spiteri (12M)

Sarah Newman (12D)

Luke Stack (12M)

Sam Paton (12F)

Brigitte Tattersall (12M)


Heath Phelan (12S)

Jackson Young (12M)


Mishani Renton-Love (12H)

Asami Weaver (12F)

Sean Spralja (11P) Albert Tu (11H) Shihab Deen Mohamed (11D)



Madeleine Pickup (11S)


Lochlann Trinh (11D)


Madeleine Pickup (11S)


Klara Rawdanowicz (11S)


Alysha Yacono (11F)


Cheuk Lee (11H)


Georgia Grainger (11M)

Oluwapemi Akin Ojelabi (12D) Kiara Gashi (12M)


Lochlann Trinh (11S)




Jake Arnold (12M)


Thomas Frick

OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Kiara Gashi (12M) Sarah Mebrahtu (12H) Laura Bishop (12P)




Tanusha Adusumalli Abdullah Albrefkany Hasan Albrefkany Elizabeth Alderson Ariana Anderson Renae Arora Ayesha Arya Dania Baig Marwah Baig Rania Baig Aaliya Bassi Meili Beckwith Neel Bhatt Vanessa Borg Molly Bunn Ishaan Burgu Rishaan Busam Eliza Cardaciotto Braxton Carroll Storm Carroll Alex Chrisanthou Jackson Court Audrey Cox Violet Cox Alby Creamer Felix Dyer Rohin Dyer Fatima El Hawli James Ellul Caitlin Firth Payton Firth Benjamin Fisher Nicoleta Floudas Katia Fontana Max Formosa Lilla Garofalo Bradley Geng Sam Gilham Hamilton Grant Dinupa Sesitha Gunawardhana Annemieke Harwood Kirin Ho Evelyn Hopper Ethan Hunter Nate Hunter Kaise Huynh Rahal Jayasinghe Luca Jordan Ayanna Kabra Amaya Kakar Anvi Katipally Sophia Khouri Laura Klaer William Klaer Annabelle Knight Alex Knowles


Taeyung Kostyk Ariella Kubiangha Joshua Kubiangha Marita Lee Mia Liu Sarah Liu Dylan Lu Ethan Lu Lucas Mabbott Karly Makris Cooper Malone Emily McCalman Mitchell McCalman Ava McClure Emily McClure Sarah McDonald Mackinlay Menzel Isabella Menzies Hudson Merryweather Autumn Meyerhoff Saanvi Mittal Daisy Monaghan-Lewis Marcus Morgan Imogen Mullenger Sathvik Nanganoori Jayden Nguyen Olivia Nguyen Lachlan Nibloe Meagan Nisbet Patrick Nisbet Sascha Ostrowski Mihika Paladugu Blake Partelle Lachlan Passauer Thomas Passauer Maia Pataridis Olivia Grace Pataridis Mehr Patel Celeste Peroulis Hailey Portelli Ahan Raj Hazawar Rana Nevindie Rathnapriya Ratu Ratu Albert Rawdanowicz Blake Robinson Natalie Robson Arihan Sajwan Pablo Salas Cordero Myra Samuel Tharun Sanjeevan Shiven Shah Xavier Sherson Harrison Shutie Ana Siatos Zidane Sidhu Aarvin Singh Kavya Singh

Mayra Singh Jeevandeep Singh Gill James Snowden Manan Solanki Joseph Suksai Austin Sun Samaira Thapar Archer Thomas Finley Thompson Oliver Torres Lucas Van Blommestein Jacob Vella Luca Veneziano Milo Veneziano Anika Verma Henry Vo Hantang Wang Sophia Wang Edward Wardan Adam Wen Mila Wijaya Celine Wong Sylvia Wu Vihaan Yamarthi Harrison Zaharopoulos Charlie Zhang Daniel Zhang Jayden Jin Long Zhu


Lottie Aaron Stanley Aaron Ayeesha Abdul Latif Fatheyeh Abdul Latif Mohammed Abdul Latif Sarah Abdul Latif Emilia Acciarito Joshua Acciarito Laura Agosta Fiona Agustin Kush Ahlawat Sara Ahlawat Angad Ahuja Ethan Ainslie Markus Ainslie Samuel Aitken Oluwadunsin Akin Ojelabi Oluwapemi Akin Ojelabi Tolulope Akinbiyi Yara Al Kamil Yusuf Al Kamil Humza Albarki Shams Albrefkany Zainab Albrefkany Elena Alexiou Clare Allen Varun Alluri Sara Al-Murieb Meriam Hassanian Alobaidi Dema Altaleb Omar Altaleb Midhad Aman Molly Amourous Yu Xiang An Emily Andrews Alana Anthony Charlotte Antoski Kate Antoski Mia Aprikidis Cooper Archer Jayden Archer Rallis Argyriadis Luke Armatas Mia Armatas Elliot Armstrong Sienna Armstrong Jake Arnold Kane Arnold Caitlin Arnott Hakeem Ashraf Harriet Ashton Aaron Aslam Zhitnik Cameron Atchinson Isabelle Atchinson Emily Attard Mary Attard Tuong Au

STUDENT ROLL Harrison Aubrey Ross Audley Athena Avci Harry Avci Kaito Ayai-Yap Kieren Azzopardi Oliver Azzopardi Feifan Bai Cameron Bailey Olivia Balassopoulos Georgia Ballan Heath Ballan Sophia Ballan Krish Balmuri Max Baltas Kanav Bansal Yash Bansal Prince Banzon Adel Barakat Madeline Barakat Nadine Barakat Ava Barnes Conor Barnes Rhys Barnes Zack Barrese George Barsoum Adi Basic Azra Basic Layla Bastick Austin Beattie Toby Beattie Alice Becker-Scott Lucas Beckwith Ella Behrens Lucy Behrens Oliver Behrens Brad Bellard William Bendle Elizabeth Bennett Demi Bertone Nathan Bezzina Ewan Bezzobs Evaan Bhagwani Riyan Bhagwani Myra Bhasin Riyan Bhasin Laura Bishop Chloe Black Oscar Black Dimitra Blanas Yianni Blanas Alexander Blomberg Maddison Blomberg Emmanuel Boahene Priscillia Boey Ethan Borg Madison Borg Jun Bortoletto

Lumi Bortoletto Ananya Bose Mitchell Boulos Natalia Bowditch Jessica Bowyer Rachel Bowyer Benjamin Boyer Lachlan Boyer Rebecca Boyer Blake Bradley-Rushbrooke Harry Bradshaw Ella Bradwell Joseph Bradwell Thomas Braham Hunter Braidie Mackenzie Braini Beau Brecely Cassidy Bremner Sarah Brennan Brock Britton Jackson Brook Ashley Brooks Alexander Brown Harrison Brown Madeleine Bryant Sophie Bryant Xiao Yuan Bu Alexis Bucciarelli Xavier Bucciarelli Danny Bugarski Jessica Bui Mackenzie Bull Matthew Burkhardt Nived Burugadha Arhan Busam Catherine Bushell Javiera Bustos Anastasia Busy Greer Butcher Keely Butcher Conrad Butler-Bowdon Fin Butterworth Wil Butterworth Jack Buysen Alexander Byrne William Byrne Dong Cai Joshua Cairns Leia Calderwood Tara Calderwood Amy Caleo Lara Cameron Lucas Cameron Edward Camilleri Oscar Campbell Ruby Campbell Hongkun Cao Anton Cardaciotto

Lauren Cardaciotto Siannah Cardaciotto Ella Carlin Tiffany Carlin Jessie Carolin-Vandenberg Georgia Carracher Nicolas Carreno-Blanco Tyler Carrington Sean Carroll-Taafe Lachlan Carthew Olivia Casabene Pip Casabene Jessica Cassar Daniel Cassetta Jacqueline Cassetta Simone Cassetta Antonio Castello Malena Catto Megan Caudry Aarush Challa Cayley Chan Aanya Chandra Kavish Chandra Sahasra Cheeti Anuj Cheeyandira Yashavantha Anni Chen Felicia Chen Hongwei Chen Huihuang Chen Josh Chen Ryan Chen Siyuan Chen Xiaohua Chen Xiaoying Chen David Cheng Justin Cheung Sze Ting Ching Christian Chiriano Julian Chiriano Neil Chohan Alana Chopra Angela Chopra Anika Choubey Aaliyah Chown Alana Chrisanthou James Chrisanthou Lucas Chrisanthou Shayden Chrisostom James Chrisoulis Kathryn Chrisoulis Oliver Christo Chiok Juen Chua Kiu Yan Chua Pui Wing Chua Alessandro Cilmi Alessia Cilmi Michele Cilmi

Salvatore Cilmi Emma Cockram James Cockram Joshua Condon Milan Costa Sabriina Costa Siena Costa Stefan Costa Jennifer Coster Daniel Cross Natasha Currao Elizabeth Cutter Stefanie Cvetkovic William Dalton Mai-Ling Darbyshire Joshua Dare Ryan Darmanin Sai Dasyam Sai Dasyam Chelsea Davis Emma Davis Karla Davis Sophie Davis Lincoln Dawson Jacqueline De Kock William De Michele Jarrod Debney Riley Debney Fahiz Deen Mohamed Shihab Deen Mohamed Celeste Defina Christopher Dekleris Max Deller Sophia Deng Victoria Deng Yirui Deng Aashay Deo Armeet Dhaliwal Kulunu Dharmakeerthi Benjamin Di Francesco Benjamin Di Lisio Isabella Di Pierro Robbe Dilissen Hannah Dillon Arthur Dimitriou Peter Dimitriou Xia Ding Yuxiang Ding Yuxin Ding Quoc Minh Do Ebony Dodemaide William Doensen YaoYuan Dong Gabriel Donnellan Luca Donnellan Sarah Douglas Bettina Dowling Madeline Dowling



STUDENT ROLL Jack Downer Sam Doyle Tiffany Draghiciu Amelia Dragovic Xinwei Du Daniel Duong Neil Edward Nicki Edward Emnah El Hawli Amani Elbelli Ayman Elbelli Fahad Elbelli Salwa El-Hassan Maya El-Hawli Mohamed Elhouli Matthew Ellis Emanuel Ellul Divine Emezie Alther Luis Enriquez Senan Epadunumalage Lachlan Evans-Burke Cornelia Evers Andrew Fagioli Christian Failla Benjamin Fairbank Kaile Fang Kristina Fantenberg Louisa Fantenberg Romaisa Farhan Hamza Farooq William Farrall Jakob Fazio Guy Featherstone Shikuan Feng Henry Fenn Daphne Ferabend Tristan Ferabend Shane Fernando Maya Ferrer Jack Ferry Rebecca Finlayson Hayley Finn Breanna Fischer Ella Fleming Sarah Fleming Kasper Fonsboel Oliver Fonsboel Sebastian Fonsboel Francesca Fontana Lily Foxall Liam Francis Nicholas Francis Haylee Frazer Angus Freeman Ingrid Freeman Adam Frost Benjamin Frye Emily Frye


Qiyue Fu Yangye Fu Yurong Fu Alexander Fulton Peter Fulton Isaac Fulton-Grover Mia Fynney Taylah Fynney James Gabb Tasha Gacutan Annalise Galea Courtney Galea Julian Galea Lachlan Galea Mason Galea Kieran Gallagher Ryan Gallagher Jason Gan Saksham Ganatra Peter Gantidis Zachary Garnsworthy Kiara Gashi Carly Gauci Timothy Gauci Ashlan Gauci-Chua Monique Gauci-Chua Zhenyu Geng Aryana Ghai Brandon Giacobbe Claudia Giambattista Julian Giambattista Luis Giambattista Zara Gilbert Amrat Gill Benjamin Gill Cyrus Gill James Gillespie Nathan Giordmaina Tegan Goldie Krishitha Gopalakrishnan Pranav Gopalan Ria Goradia Connor Graham Lulu Graham Georgia Grainger Luke Grainger Elyce Gray Angus Greaves Ella Grech Matthew Grech Morrigan Green Dallas Greene Lillia Greene Violet Greene Jack Grego Whitney Gregson-Black Harrison Grgic Hugh Grgic

Ashley Griffiths Joshua Grobbelaar Hengye GU Jiaze Gui Thanvi Gullapalli Archer Gumley Imogen Gumley Benjamin Gunn Liam Gunn Reilly Gunn Ningfei Guo Yuzi Guo Aditi Gupta Ansh Gupta Antariksh Gupta Pakhi Gupta Deborah Gusah Dhruv Gutha Phuc An Ha Jana Hadji Zachary Hadji Brandon Hair Duncan Hale Sophia Hallak Mariam Hamad Xena Hamad Darcy Hamilton Zhaoxu Han Emma Hancox Emily Hannett Jasmine Hannett Nathan Hannett Sarah Hannett Cohen Hansard Jannat Hara Jayden Hardman Lachlan Hardman James Harnden Josephine Harper Madison Harries Hannah Harris Jessica Harris Lachlan Harris Carla Harrison Chandra Harrison Jack Harrison Kimberley Harrison Tessa Harrison Charlotte Harwood Oliver Harwood Ariana Hasan Rayann Hasna Alexandra Hately-Williams James Hately-Williams Madeleine Hately-Williams Ava Hatzopoulos Christian Hatzopoulos Daniel Hatzopoulos

Lachlan Hatzopoulos Peter Hatzopoulos Haoshi He Haoxuan He Rui Xue He Layelle Heffernan Saatchi Heffernan Luca Henderson Miya Henderson Imeth Herath Methuli Herath Sachini Hewa Radalage Sineli Hewamanna Finn Hicks Bullock Gwendolyn Hidalgo-Cabras Natasha Hidalgo-Cabras Giselle Hobden Mia Hodder Tom Hollo Sebastian Holovka Valentina Holovka Cassandra Homewood Vinh Hong Jackson Hopper Thomas Hopper Aaron Horsburgh Teagan Horsburgh Jack Horvath Mengyu Hou Evan Houghton Malek Houli Tyler Hourmouzis Oscar Houston Ethan Howlett Xin Yue Hu Zhiwen Hu Shengxue Hua Carolyn Huang Eugene Huang Kai Huang Qiaoyi Huang Laura Hudson-Jones Liam Huntington Connor Hurley Madyson Hurley Oudom Huy Claudia Huynh Jennifer Huynh Nhien Bao Huynh Tammy Huynh Amani Ibrahim Florence Ibrahimi Curtis Idda Lola Ilic Marium Imran Mathew Inglis Jenny Isaac Hannah Isac

STUDENT ROLL Alvee Islam Faiyaz Islam Farhan Islam Yunoos Islam Alma Jafaryhaghighatpour Eesha Jain Ira Jain Muskan Jain Samyak Jain Boris Jakanovski Roham Jarah Arsh Jauhari Ramodh Jayasinghe Rehan Jayasinghe Lavanya Jayatilake Regina Jayatilake Avanish Jaygan Alexandra Jessop Yiwen Jian Yu Jiang Emily Jinu Joshua Jinu Justin Jinu Chanchal Jit Alexa Johnson Ben Johnson Matilda Johnson Emily Joseland Neve Joseland Medha Joshi Devjot Joura Sonia Joura Adam Kaddour Alyssa Kades Amber Kades Adea Kalavace Harman Kalsi Tashvi Kambo Christian Kapulica Alexandra Karagiannis Baran Karakas Melisa Karakas Matias Karibian Costa Karlaftis Yanni Karlaftis Kaysha Karunathilake Seth Karunathilake Aidan Kelly Declan Kelly Emma Kennedy Jordan Kennedy Maddison Kennedy Renee Kennedy Samuel Kennedy Morris Kerrison Aaryan Khan Aydin Khan Eman Khateeb

Madeleine Kiss Hugh Krause Benjamin Krawczyszyn Jacob Krawczyszyn Reuben Krawczyszyn Isabella Krbaleski Nicholas Krt Khody Krueger Owen Krueger Jake Krueger-Strong Jiaqi Kuang Krishiv Kukreja Revika Kukreja Amelie Kumar Jordan Kumar Miles Kumar Nikita Kumar Tarun Kumar James Kumarasinha Steven Kumarasinha Declan Kwok Ethan Kwok Jasmine Lagamba Aiden Lagerwey Katelyn Lagerwey Adrian Lai Anyah Lakavathu Tanish Lakavathu Breeanna Lam Calvin Lam Deng Lam Cassandra Lapeyre Jared Lapeyre Gabriel Larkin Kai Lawson Anh Le Michelle Le Yvonne Le Max Le Grand Amelia Leach Jack Leach Axel Lee Cheuk Lee Hojin Lee Jennifer Lee Meagan Lee Melinda Lee Natasha Lee Nathan Lee Tristen Lee Ryan Leen Julian Lescinsky James Lewer Brandon Lewis Avan Li Bolun Li Hao Xin Li Jinze Li

Rui Li Yuanyi Li Ziqiang Li Sophia Liacopoulos Benjamin Liew Kepler Lill Calvin Lim Neiss Lim Forest Lin Haoxuan Lin Yuxuan Lin Zixiang Lin Chrysanthe Liontis Madeline Liprino David Lirmak Jack Lishman Holly Liston An Liu Shu Liu William Liu Yihao Liu Yue Liu Aanavi Lodhiya Shreya Lodhiya Priyanshi Lohchab Ethan Long Giselle Long Daniel Lou Alexander Loughran Cathy Lu Cecilia Lueddeke Georgette Lueddeke Grace Lueddeke Samantha Joice Lugay Madison Luis-Geale Mathesh Lukumar Amy Luo Chelsea Luo Isabella Luo Zhijing Luo Christine Ly Shuangwei Lyu Tian Yun Ma Wanyue Ma James Mackenzie Chad Maczkowiack Phoebe Maher Huu Mai Emily Maiden Mariam Maki Claudia Makris Evelyn Makris Selena Makris Niklas Malkin Hudson Malone Darius Manakis Rhodes Manakis Numaya Manchanayake

Sashpreet Mann Andrew Mansi Aiden Mantzaris Shakeel Manuel Yiwen Mao Christian Maprock Nathan Maprock Stefan Marakovic Joseph Marek Maia Marinkovic Austin Marks Brigette Marks Lachlan Martin Katelyn Masseni Alexander Matejin Pranav Matha Ridhima Mathur Christian Matthieu Gabrielle Matthieu Liam Maudsley James Maxwell William Maxwell Manguen Mayol Jack McAuliffe Amelia McConnell Meg McConnell Scarlett McConnell Joshua McDonald Samuel McGrath Aidan McGregor Regan McGregor Talia McGregor James McGuire Keeley McGuire Lachlan McGuire Ella McIllree Thomas McInerney Cameron McIntyre James McIver Neve McKechnie Charlotte McKenna Angela McKenzie Leah McKenzie Caitlin McLaren Lachlan McLaren Jayla McLennan Lily McLeod Jackson McMenamin Angus McNamara Robert McNamara Stephanie McNamara Oscar McNaughton Laura McPhail Logan McPhail Alexandra McVicar Evangeline McVicar Ned McVicar Sophie Meath



STUDENT ROLL Sarah Mebrahtu Mehndi Mehndi Hridesh Mehta Yuv Mehta Zain Memon Zohaib Memon Hannah Mendoza Gutierrez Isabella Mendoza Gutierrez Matthew Mercieca Michael Mercieca Thomas Mercieca Samuel Metcalfe Arin Metin James Michaelides Sparsh Miglani Nada Milenkovic Harrison Mill Liliana Mill Christopher Mills Lachlan Mills Sophie Mills Analise Milone Jonathan Milone Tasha Milone Violet Minehan Phillip Mirceski Kashvi Mishra Rudransh Mishra Elise Mitchell Katherine Mitchell Bree Mittersteiner Jayde Mittersteiner Avsar Modi Nikita Mohar-Williams Dylan Molinaro Matthew Molinaro Kirby Monaghan-Lewis Gabriela Moraes Alexis Moraitis Chloe Moraitis John Moraitis Karina Morales-Castillo Eleni Moritz Gabriela Moroney Valentina Moroney Alexander Morton Charlotte Morton Harriet Morton Kate Morton Christian Moso Shreya Moturi Cleo Mountford Isabelle Mountford John Mouratidis Marko Movre Cameron Moyes Kaitlin Moyes Cassandra Muir


Charlotte Muir Harry Muir Madison Muir Rishi Mukherjee Ethan Mullenger Zachary Mullenger Emily Muller Marlo Mullins Paige Mulquiney Ashleigh Murdoch Stephanie Murdoch James Murphy Zachary Murphy Charley Muscat Madison Muscat Kristofer Musura Lora Musura Fatima Na Tasmiya Naik Ananya Nair Avantika Nair Mariyam Naleemudeen Mohamed Naleemudeen Kiahann Namana Nidhi Nandal Ujjwal Nandal Amirrul Nasarudin Arrifa Nasarudin Aymen Naseem Imran Naseem James Nash Talia Nash Marley Nathan Inaya Nauman Alexander Nelson Mia Nelson Samantha Newman Sarah Newman Ka Hang Ng Phuong Minh Anh Nghiem Alan Nguyen Andrew Nguyen Anthony Nguyen Cynthia Nguyen Dennis Nguyen Felicity Nguyen Hoang Minh Tri Nguyen Jasmine Nguyen Jasmine Nguyen Kelvin Nguyen Leanne Nguyen Lewis Nguyen Martin Nguyen Matthew Nguyen Patrick Nguyen Tehya Nguyen Tran Hoang Thu Nguyen Vanessa Nguyen

Vincent Nguyen Arwen Nguyen-Ngo Helen Ning Benjamin Nolan Jack Nolan Nuha Zainab Noorullah Leo North Archie Northam Harry Northam Jessica Novakova Samuel Nowell Nicholas Noye Aisha Nuredini Zahra Nuredini Max Nyblom-Price Bridget O'Brien Dominic O'Brien Ella O'Brien Finn O'Brien Ciara O'Dwyer Christopher O'Flynn Jess Ogilvie Oluwabukunmi Okedara Oluwadamilola Okedara Dayna Olver Will Olver Oluwanifemi Omibiyi Jia-Wen Ooi Jia-Xiang Ooi Julian Oraison Riley Orange Jessica Ord Tayla Ord Elsie Osborne Murray Osborne Zhirou Ou India Pacheco Ellie Pallasis Damon Palmar Kiara Palmar Peiyi Pan Jake Pandzic Natalie Panoutsos Nicole Panoutsos Shaksham Parihar Alexander Park Byron Parkinson Georgina Parks Harvir Parmar Shanaya Parussalla Isabelle Pascua Maximillian Paspa Isabella Passauer Efstathios Pataridis Ethelia Pataridis Abhi Patel Maahi Patel Pranav Patel

Shoneel Pathak Sonia Pathak Sam Paton Nikala Patsolaridis Ashleigh Paull Laura Paull Timothy Pavlidis Ethan Pawlowski Emily Peacock Nicholas Peacock Nicholas Peck Bronwyn Pepper Elka Pepper Angus Percy Liam Pereira Zena Perry Matthew Pershin Harvey Petito Julian Petito Igor Petrenko Cameron Petty Tara Petty Jenny Pham Patrick Pham Cat-Uyen Phan Charles Phan David Phan Sandra Phan Heath Phelan Madeleine Pickup Alice Pilditch Leo Pilkington Stella Pilkington Jayden Pisak Jordan Pisak Ermioni Pitliangas George Pitliangas Kathleen Pitliangas Peter Pitliangas Chelsea Pivk Jacob Poole Christina Popa Matthew Popa George Popovitch Josefa Porflit Espinosa Chloe Portelli Saanvi Prabhakar Shaurya Prabhakar Edward Prevot Jack Pritchard Giselle Puno Kobe Purnell Bo Qi Xuncheng Qian Jinghan Qu Rawan Rahim Yoeseph Rahim Avishka Raj

STUDENT ROLL Thaman Rajesh Kanna Shiva Rajmohan Julian Ramanan Caitlin Ramsay Don Avin Ranasinghe Amrit Rawal Aniela Rawdanowicz Dominik Rawdanowicz Kamil Rawdanowicz Klara Rawdanowicz Cooper Read Thomas Rebesco Lachlan Rees Mikhael Reid He Ren Mishani Renton-Love Harris Renwick Jordan Reynolds Isabel Rigas Jonathan Rigas Nicholas Rigas Persia Rigas Dart Rinckes Jack Robinson Claire Rodgers Toussaint Eric Rodgers Toussaint Harvey Roolker Eden Roseburgh Kane Roseburgh Isabella Ross Caitlyn Rothwell Christopher Rothwell Zachary Royston Dale Russell Lachlan Russell Auley Ryan Mikaela Sabini Chanel Sabotkoski Reagan Sae-Lao Ryan Sae-Lao Trisha Saini Julieta Salas Cordero Ayush Samaratunga Tehara Samaratunga Nuha Sameer Akeisha Sandhu Kaajal Sangar Lilijana Santzaridis Mikenzie Santzaridis Sofia Santzaridis Tobias Santzaridis Yasemin Sargin Aditya Sarkar Cooper Saunders Sanaya Sawhney Tanish Sawhney Guncha Saxena Caitlin Scerri

Liam Scerri Carl Schaap Naomi Schaap Cody Schallhammer Annika Scharff Bjorn Scharff Alistair Schier Georgia Scholes Christian Schott Harley Schuurmans India Schuurmans Alexander Scobie Maximilian Scobie Tiara Scognetti Madelyne Scott Matthew Scully Holly Seddon Jeremy Seddon Hanine Seifeddine Sawsan Seifeddine Anmol Sethi Darby Sexton Jiya Shah Srushti Shah Vihaan Shah Yashvi Shah Osama Shahin Aanchal Sharma Anjali Sharma Arjun Sharma Divit Sharma Parv Sharma Priyansh Sharma Riyaan Sharma Savar Sharma Taarush Sharma Ally Sheldrick Tameika Sheldrick Emily Shen Shangxin Shen Xinrui Shen Yihan Shen Sehajveer Shergill Ryan Sherwood Sarah Sherwood Jiaqi Shi Mostafa Shirzada Mac Short Eunice Sibal Joan Silva Joseph Silva Judith Silva Grace Simoni Max Simoni Hannah Simpson Paige Simpson Nimashi SingankuttiArachchi

Samadhi SingankuttiArachchi Aaditya Singh Anhad Singh Heer Singh Hridey Singh Javyn Singh Navdeep Singh Ryan Singh Simran Singh Mackenzie Singleton Nicholas Singline Stephanie Singline Deana Sirianni John Sirianni Erin Sivies Evdokia Sizenko Riley Skene Sasha Skilton Oliver Smaragdas Angus Smith Chloe Smith Joshua Smith Madison Smith Astrid Smolenaers William Smyth William Snelling Xavier Snelling Jordan Sobin Mikaila Sobin Marco Soesanto Tanay Solanki Mengyao Song Cala Songur Aadhya Sood Sanjana Sood Luke Soppi Nicholas Soppi Isobelle Sourivong Tamas Spark Emily Spiteri Kate Spiteri Megan Spralja Sean Spralja Chan-Sol Sprenger Kamalahasani Sriganesh Samyuktha Sriganesh Ananya Sriperumbuduri Luke Stack Luke Stafford Christopher Stainsby Martin Stankovic Charlotte Steel Adam Stevens Katherine Stevens Christina Stewart Jordan Stewart Ari Stiefel

Zali Stiefel Ethan Stojcevski Nicholas Stojcevski Noah Stojkovski Daniel Stolfa William Stomann Ava Stone Jett Stone Noah Straughan Ryan Straughan Charlie Streit Ruby Streit Dana Sucic Erin Sucic Ryan Sucic Jai Sullivan Tahsin Sultan Finley Sumner Jiaqi Sun Sharon Sun Xueru Sun Grhita Sundaram Prathic Sundaram Summer Sundholm Lachlan Sutcliffe Maisy Sutcliffe Jarrod Sutton Molly Sutton Brayden Svilar Brianna Svilar Gisele Szulc Michael Szulc Orlando Szulc Anthony Tabone Isabella Tabone Nicholas Tam Sophie Tam Zhou Tan Samuel Tanasic Jingyi Tang Xiaojing Tang Zhijie Tang Liana Tarola Luke Tarola Chelsea Tassone Brigitte Tattersall Wil Tattersall Abbey Taylor Alex Taylor Alexander Taylor-Brown Matthew Teasdale Indiana Telley Tiffany Temuskos Joshua Tencic Arnav Terry Aiden Tester Reuben Thadi Reva Thakar



STUDENT ROLL Evie Theodore Rory Theodore Nicholas Theodoridis Deepinder Thind Angus Thomas Emily Thompson Jasmine Thompson Madeleine Thompson Lauren Thorpe Letian Tian Branson Tiong Kaydon Tiong Marion Tiong Zhi Tong Brianna Trajcevski Jack Trajcevski Mikayla Trajcevski Mitchell Trajcevski Angelina Tran David Tran Hieu Tran Hoang Tran Kelly Tran Minh Bao Tran Reagan Tran Damon Trewhella Sean Trewhella Lochlann Trinh Ruby Tripodi Michael Tsaloukis Helen Tse Christopher Tsoukas Albert Tu Rio Tuengmool Lou Tumalad Amber Turner Jackson Turner Seth Turner Ines Turnor Anchal Tuteja Arth Tuteja Peter Tzambazakis Lia Tzavaras Vivian Tzavaras Madhu Chetan Udumala Aditi Vaitha Aryan Vaitha Shrika Vallabh Monique Van Blommestein Anna Van Heerwaarden Zoe Van Leest Max Van Niel Tyler Van Niel Sienna Varhelyi Nathaniel Varsamakis Cartier Vasta Paris Vasta Michael Vaughan


Gianluca Vavala Matteo Vavala Anya Vegaraju Jonathan Velevski Thomas Velevski Holly Vella Jack Vella Alex Veneziano Edison Vergara Gabrielle Vincent Charlotte Vincent-Lord Prabal Virk Matthew Vlahos Natalie Vo Krish Vohra Lola Vonier Andy Vuong Eshal Wadhwa Marty Waghorne Ashley Walker Connor Wall Jack Walton Zi Wen Wan Jun Yu Wang Junge Wang Lucas Wang Menghan Wang Qianhui Wang Shenyi Wang Suet Yi Wang Tenghan Wang Yuandong Wang Thanuki Wanigasena Lili Ward Madeleine Ward Bowen Ware Joshua Ware Kane Warner Byron Watson Jordan Watson Harvey Watters Asami Weaver Christiaan Weitsz Robert Weitsz Emma West Orlando West Alysia Westcott Samantha Westcott Katie Weston Cassandra White James White Jane White Lillian White Caitlin Whitty Anuthi Wijeratne Chamathi Wijeratne Sachini Wijeratne Hamish Williams

Rory Williams Thomas Willis Lachlan Wilson Liam Wilson Thomas Winter James Winterton Mirabelle Witcombe Oliver Witcombe Isabella Wong William Wonson Brendan Wood Ethan Wood Laura Wood Cade Wroblewski Boey Wu Gordon Wu Jonathan Wu Wenying Wu Haiteng Xia Haosen Xia Keying Xia Haoxiang Xu Jingxi Xu Leala Xu Yindan Xu Zimo Xu Li Xinyi Xue Alysha Yacono Isabella Yacono Olivia Yacono Nischal Yamarthi Hong Yi Yang Samantha Yang Shiqi YANG Kym Yaniv Thomas Yaniv Louis Yankos Tuscanny Yankos Alexia Yankoulas Christos Yankoulas Yichao Yao Jaden Yap Rohan Yates Cheuk Nam Yau Benjamin Yaziji Alicia Yeoman Emily Yeoman Sze Chai Yeung Zonglin Ying Isabella Yoseski Michael Yoseski Adam Younes Ahmad Younes Dania Younes Nahda Younes Jackson Young James Young Lily Young

Haoda Yu Ruoyan Yu Yiwei Yu Ze Yu Najib Yusuf Yoonis Yusuf Isaac Zaghis Stephanie Zaharis Kristian Zaharopoulos Maddison Zaharopoulos Ameer Zaki Francis Zaldarriaga Alexander Zammit Zachary Zammit Oscar Zamora Xianrui Zeng Anni Zhang Chengji Zhang Junyu Zhang Mengrun Zhang Maggie Zhao Maggie Zhao YiGe Zhao Jikang Zheng Yunxuan Zheng Haoran Zhong Ruiyuan Zhong Yuxin Zhou Lina Zimmermann Yiming Zu Ghaleb Zumot

STUDENT ROLL WILLIAMSTOWN CAMPUS Louis Abbott Tinaya Abeysundara Max Alexander Tana Alispahic Anushka Amal Nikilan Anandam Oviya Anandam James Armour-Brasier Ria Arora Esha Balantrapu Alexia Banna Kayden Bartolo Milla Bartolo Elin Board Gemma Board Alexander Bonifacio Zara Brajkovic Maximus Bugeja Thomas Carey Lily Cevik Tanush Chopra Varish Chopra Rachelle Chow Julian Chrisoulis Xavier Cilia James Clarke Thomas Colvin Eleanor Davies Spandan De Srijan De Joshua DeDomenico Samuel Di Lisio Sophia Di Pierro Yi Ran Ding Zac Ellis Georgia Fairbank Miles Farrington Samara Fernando Douglas Gaff Sydney Garnsworthy Xavier Garofalo Mia George Nicholas George Kareena Ghosh Tex Graham Stirling Grant Amelia Greaves Daniel Grech Giles Gumley Jasmine Guo Matthew Guzzo Nayef Hamad Hank Hampson Jacob Hasna Pace Hicks Bullock Samuel Hourmouzis

Hayden Huang Lachlan Huntington Lochlain Imrie Mariana Ingham Benjamin Irvine Tabish Jahanghir Majeed Cruz Jennings Millie Johnson Ira Joshi Antonia Kallifidas Alexis Kelly Cameron Kelly Saskia Kerrisk Joseph Khouri Sebastian Kiriakidis Constantine Kotsonis Joash Kumar Riley Lawson Sebastian Loupas Damian Macknamara Elijah Madhwan Aariyan Mahmud Chloe Mann Olivia Marasea Mariska Marek Xavier Marinovic Lincoln Mattossovich Luca Mazzaferro Molly McNaughton Charlotte McVeigh Heidi Meier Zoe Meier Joseph Mejak Aydin Metin Evelyn Mills Andrew Morgan Ella Morgan Ailsa Murphy Zorawar Nagi Singh Olivia Nascarella Saanvi Nayak Stephanie Norton Elle Papageorgiou William Papageorgiou Mieka Parker Kai Paterson Sylvie Pilkington Shenise Pilmore-Scott George Pitliangas Oliver Pivk Imogen Portelli Devanjana Rajesh Jaskunwar Rajpal Jacqueline Ramanan Lila Read Keith Respondek Mia Rigas Ava Robertson

Cassandra Rojkovski James Rojkovski Sebastian Sabotkoski Jessica Sadler Peta Sadler Harriet Saunders-Zimin Rehan Shaji Saimon Sherwal Ayan Singh Sarah Singh Sienna Singh Charlotte Smidt Alastair Smith Brock Smith Charles Smith Jonathan Song Grace Speight Hunter Spicer Wil Spicer Alessia Stavrakoulis Steve Stavrakoulis Lucas Stojkovski Lincoln Struhs Oliver Struhs Lola Sushames Jaren Tan Konstantina Theodoropoulos Kyriaki Theodoropoulos James Tjeuw Aimen Tofaili Max Tran Charlise Turczyniak Emma Valland Emma Wilkinson Blake Williams Oskar Williams Amelia Wonson Tyler Woodford James Zaharis Ricky Zhang Zachary Zhao Jessica Zhu






Truganina Campus 300 Sayers Road, Truganina VIC 3029 T 03 9731 9444 F 03 9731 9544 Williamstown Campus 67 The Strand, Newport VIC 3015 T 03 9731 9555 F 03 9731 9500

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