9 minute read
Fishing bait shops
Maximum depth: 40 feet.
Acres: 945.
Fishing: Walleye, northern pike, bluegill, crappie and smallmouth bass. Walleye fingerlings are stocked every other year.
Water clarity: 5.4 feet.
Structure: Some islands and structure, abundant submerged vegetation on the north and east shores.
Accesses: west and east sides of the lake.
Maximum depth: 33 feet.
Acres: 2,344.
Fishing: Walleye, northern pike, crappie, bluegill and largemouth bass. Walleye fingerlings are stocked when natural reproduction is inadequate, and a northern pike spawning area is operated. Good-size northern pike are available.
Water clarity: 3.5 feet.
Structure: Main lake has moderate structure and points and bays. The west basin has little structure. Eurasian water milfoil was found scattered throughout the West Norway basin in August of 2001 and in the Big Norway basin during 2005. Eurasian milfoil is present at low to moderate densities in the West Norway and Big Norway basins.
Accesses: south shore of the main lake and south shore of the west basin of the lake.
Maximum depth: 32 feet.
Acres: 164.
Fishing: Bluegill, northern pike, walleye and yellow perch.
Water clarity: 5.83 feet.
Structure: Submergent (muskgrass, filamentous algae, sago pondweed) and emergent vegetation (hardstem bulrush, reed canary grass) stands are abundant to common.
Access: east end of lake off of U.S. Highway 71.
Maximum depth: 10 feet.
Acres: 716.
Fishing: Walleye, northern pike and crappie. The lake is stocked for walleye. Ringo is a good early-season lake for one- to three-pound walleyes.
Water clarity: 1.17 feet.
Structure: Limited structure with abundant emergent vegetation, including bulrush.
Accesses: north side of the lake; shore fishing structures have been placed on the northeast shore of the lake off Highway 71.
Maximum depth: 14 feet.
Acres: 109.
Fishing: The DNR manages the lake for walleye, northern pike, black crappie, and bluegill.
Water clarity: 6 feet.
Structure: Aquatic vegetation (sago pondweed, coontail, hardstem bulrush) species and densities are limited within the lake.
Access: north shore one mile east of County Road 1.
Maximum depth: 15 feet.
Acres: 1,664.
Fishing: Walleye fry are generally stocked every other year or after years of poor fry survival.
Water clarity: 1 foot.
Structure: Submergent vegetation densities are variable in Wakanda. Sago pondweed is usually the most frequently occurring submergent species. Bluegreen algae blooms are often intense and common during mid to late summer months.
Accesses: southeast side off of County Road 3 and north side two miles east of U.S. Highway 71 and 1.5 miles south of County Road 88.
Maximum depth: 14 feet.
Acres: 435.
Fishing: Walleye, channel catfish and some crappies. Walleye fry are stocked every other year. Good shore fishing. Walleye in the one- to three-pound range are abundant.
Water clarity: 2 feet.
Structure: Moderate structure with fair emergent vegetation.
Access: southwest shore on Robbins Island Regional Park.

WEST CENTRAL AREA BAIT SHOPS Kandiyohi County Big Kandiyohi Lake West, 995-6599 Kandiyohi County Big Kandiyohi Lake East, 664-4707 Kandiyohi County Diamond Lake, 974-8520 Kandiyohi County Games Lake, 354-4453 Kandiyohi County Green Lake, 796-5564 J&J Highway 71 Bait and Tackle at Eagle Lake, Willmar, 235-4097 Barney’s on Eagle Lake, Willmar, 231-9708 Dilley’s Resort, West Norway Lake, 354-4266 Runnings Outdoors, Montevideo, 269-6025 Hilltop Stop, Paynesville, 243-3133 Mel’s Sports Shop, Spicer, 796-2421 Mitlyng’s Bait and Tackle, Watson, 269-5593 Pete’s Surplus, New London, 354-2626 Runnings, Willmar, 235-1325 Schmidty’s, Darwin, 693-0019 Skindelien’s Bait, New London, 354-2423 Wakanda Bait, Svea, 995-6121
Editor’s note: The West Central Tribune welcomes additions, deletions or corrections to this list. Email sports@ wctrib.com or news@wctrib.com.

Outdoor concerts in west central area Outdoor concerts in west central area

Mother Nature and regional musicians are teaming up this summer for a variety of free outdoor community concerts.
Folk artists, country musicians, bluegrass bands, concert musicians, marching bands and rock-androllers can all be found at area parks, wineries, backyard breweries and city streets.
Some musical events are held on a weekly or monthly basis, like the Prairie Winds Concert Band at Robbins Island Park in Willmar, and some are one-time community events, like Porchfest in New London.
Seating is provided at some venues but it’s advisable to bring your own lawn chairs.
Live music will be held 4-7 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month, June-September, as part of the Maker’s Market along the Minnesota River in downtown Granite Falls. The “Ring of Kerry” will perform at the June 3 event and the Granite Falls-based band, “Sooner than Now” will perform July 1. Musicians for the Aug. 5 and Sept 2 events will be announced later. Check their website www. granitefallsarts.org/makers-market, and on Facebook at www.facebook. com/events/1746553962189343/
Litchfield Downtown Council’s presents “Thriving Thursdays” from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Central Park in downtown Litchfield. The Thursday concerts are June 3, Mitchell Hall & The Tennessee Trio; June 10, Terry Shaw; June 17, Swinging Country; June 24, Tim & Mary Nelson; July 1, Everett Simpson Band; July 15, Pill Poppers; July 22, Matthew Lease; July 29, Sarah Dollerschell & Daughters; Aug. 12, John Beck duo; Aug. 19, The MTVs and Aug. 26, Flannel Flag. On Facebook at www.facebook.com/ groups/1686898771377304
The Summer concert series will be from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. starting June 3 at the winery between Spicer and New London on Highway 23. They will be in the pavilion if it rains. The Thursday concerts set are June 3, John Dokken; June 10, Mill Pond Jazz Combo; June 17, Radio Acoustic and June 24, Everett Smithson Band. The rest of the musicians will be announced. The website is glacialridgewinery.com
The New London Porchfest will begin at 11 a.m. June 5 in New London beginning with the dedication of the City Stage to the late Mayor Bill Gossman. There will be music on front porches within the area bounded on the north by First Street Northeast, on the south by First Street Southeast, on the east by Birch Street and on the west by Main Street. Maps will be available. Music on City Stage will be Kyle Ollah at 2:3 p.m. and Charlie Parr and Liz Draper at 3:30 p.m. Miss Myra will be at Goat Ridge Brewing at 7 p.m.
Goat Ridge Brewery in New London will have live and original music every Saturday evening. Check out the schedule on the Website goatridgebrewing.com/ and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ goatridgebrewing/ Continued on page 51

Continued from page 50

Concerts will be presented at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the Depot Museum park gazebo in Danube; June 8, Tim Eggebraaten; June 22, Wheelhouse Trio; July 8, Los Lobos Nortenos on Thursday as part of Danube Fun Days; July 20, Custom Made and Aug. 3, The Kingery Family.
The Prairie Winds Band will present concerts at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays, at Robbins Island Park in Willmar. The dates are June 9, June 16, June 23 and June 30. Band practice is at 6 p.m. in the park. Website is www. prairiewindsconcertband.com/ or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ prairiewinds/
As of press time it had not been decided if the annual June 14 Flag Day band festival and parade in Benson would be held. Check their Facebook page for more information www.facebook.com/PioneerlandBand-Festival
The 37th annual Vikingland Band Festival parade marching championship will be at 1:30 p.m. June 27 in Alexandria. The festival committee has discussed three optional formats for the event and will refine the plan as the date gets closer. The website is www.marching. com/events/vbf/index.html and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ VikinglandBandFestival
The summer concerts will be at 7 p.m. at the Riverview Park Bandstand in Appleton. At press time, a few of the dates had not been finalized. In case of inclement, but not severe, weather, the concert will be in the ‘52 Wing Auditorium. The Tuesday concerts are June 29, The Wendinger Band; July 6, The Kingery Family; July 13, to be announced; July 20, Bob’s Big Band; July 27, Honky Tonk Stardust Cowboys and Aug. 3, to be announced.
The Community Concert Series will be at 6 p.m. at Veterans’ Park in Paynesville. The schedule for the Thursday concerts are July 1, Gig Noonan; July 8, Walter’s Wheelhouse Trio; July 15, Terry Nelson Band and July 22, Everett Smithson Band; website is www.paynesvillece.com/ summer-concert-series.html
The Music in the Park will be from 4 to 6 p.m. beginning July 18 at Pirrotta Park on the shores of Green Lake in Spicer. The schedule for the Sunday concerts are July 18, Custom Made; July 25, Blues Brothers; Aug. 1, Ava Hanson and a drum circle; Aug. 8, Harper Chord; Aug. 15, Crow River Junction and Aug. 22, Ali Gray’s Country and 2 Hicks and a Chick. Website is www.explorespicer.com/ and on Facebook at www.facebook. com/1953247054903222
Bi-weekly indoor concerts are from 6 to 7 p.m. on Thursdays at Whitney Music in Willmar. Check the website for dates and musicians. www. whitneymusic.com
Hinterland will not have music on Thursdays this year but will have other events including trivia nights, painting with Eva Margaret, shopping nights with vendors, crafts and fresh produce and more. The Website is www.hinterlandvineyards.com/ and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ hinterland.vineyards Continued on page 52
Continued from page 51 ROCKIN’ ROBBINS
Free outdoor concert series sponsored by the Willmar Rotary Club to raise money for Robbins Island improvements. Each event includes free concert, food vendors, beer/wine tent, kids’ activities and artisan market. Concerts take place at Robbins Island from 5 to 9 p.m. on Tuesdays July 13 (Chase & Ovation: Salute to the Music of Prince), July 20 (Mason Dixon Line), July 27 (Wild Angels: Women of Rock, Pop and Country) and Aug. 3 (Fabulous Armadillos).

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