April 2018 Village of Westchester Newsletter

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Village of

Westchester APRIL















Senior Breakfast

President Paul Gattuso chats with residents at the annual Senior Breakfast held at St. Joseph’s High School on March 16th




APRIL 2018

Fire Department APRIL 2018


Police Department 4

APRIL 2018

A Message from the Police Chief – Steven Stelter Ah, once again we can say goodbye to old man winter and welcome in the spring. By the time you receive this newsletter, the boys of summer are back on the baseball field and if you are a Cub fan you are hoping for a second title. Personally, I say Go SOX!!! Be all that it may, I hope everyone has a wonderful spring and you get all your flowers, plants and vegetables in the ground.

Driving Awareness Month to draw attention to this epidemic. The National Safety Council wants to empower you to put safety first and JUST DRIVE. Examples of Distracted Driving are: Texting / Cell Phone Use, Eating or Drinking, Grooming, Reading, Using a Navigation System and watching videos.

Remember to lock your doors and windows when you leave your home, even for a short time. If you have an alarm, use it. If you don’t, you may want to consider purchasing one. Don’t become a crime statistic. Are you going on a trip?? If so, here are some simple steps to take before you leave:

Home Safety Tips DISTRACTED DRIVING AWARENESS MONTH In a growing effort to stem the dangerous tide of texting and cell phone use while driving, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has designated the month of April as “National Distracted Drivers Month.” Nationwide, many people die needlessly each year because people continue to use their cell phones while driving. Technology allows us to make phone calls, dictate texts or e-mails and update social media while driving – all actions that are proven to increase crash risk. NHTSA observes April as Distracted

When is the last time you heard about a house being burglarized? Maybe you yourself have been a victim of a burglary. Not a good feeling, is it? You do not have to be a victim of such a crime. While it is one of the most committed crimes, you can take steps to reduce the chances of becoming a victim through some simple steps. Most burglaries are done by opportunists who spot an open window, a faulty door lock or a home that appears to be unoccupied for several days or longer.

Have a neighbor pick up your mail and newspapers Notify a neighbor of your travel plans Keep your lawn maintained Have your lights on timers I wish to recognize the following employees of the police department and their upcoming work anniversaries: April 12th – Officer Joseph Motto 19 years of service April 30th – Officer Jason Krejci 15 years of service April 30th – Officer Adam Rauglas 8 years of service

POLICE BLOTTER Police Blotter 1) At 4:12pm on February 16, 2018 a Theft from Auto was reported on the 10600 block of Fleet. The owner of a pickup truck advised that a male removed a yellow extension cord from the truck bed and fled on foot. 2) At 6:32pm on February 18, 2018 a Recovered Stolen Auto report was taken at the BP Amoco at 825 Mannheim. A 20 year old male was arrested for possession of a stolen auto, fleeing and eluding, possession of cannabis and other traffic citations. Also arrested was a 20 year old female who was charged with criminal trespass to vehicle and endangering the life of a child. 3) At 12:37pm on March 1, 2018 a Burglary to Motor Vehicle was reported at the Chase Bank located at 11211 Cermak Road. 3 males were seen entering a vehicle while in the parking lot. Missing from the vehicle was a large purse. 4) At 4:18pm on March 6, 2018 a Retail Theft was reported at the Circle K located at 10200 Roosevelt Road. A male exited the store with 30 cans of Red Bull without paying. 5) At 7:22am on March 12, 2018 a Criminal Damage to Auto was reported on the 700 block of Westchester Blvd. The owner of a vehicle reported damaged to the front windshield due to a rock being thrown at the vehicle. 6) At 11:25am on March 12, 2018 a Criminal Damage to Auto was reported on the 1400 block of Portsmouth. The vehicle owner advised there was damage to all four wheels.

On Wednesday March 21st the second Citizens Police Academy (CPA) class graduated from their ten week program. Classes ran ever Wednesday evening from 6:30 pm to 9:30pm for ten weeks, beginning January 17th and ending March 21st. The CPA is a wonderful way for the community to enhance their relationship with the police department as well as giving those who attend the chance to get to know the fine men and women who serve you on a personal level. The CPA is available to anyone18 years or older and are a resident or business owner of the Village. Applications are available at the police department front desk or you may download one from the police department website. Just fill one out and return to the police department either by hand or mail. All applicants will be subject to a criminal history check. Our next class will take place next January 2019, so mark your calendars.

Library APRIL 2018


Many, many middle and high school students volunteer their time and talents to the Westchester Public Library. Their duties range from organizing to assisting with programs to cleaning books. We are very appreciative of their numerous hours of service to the library. Most of these volunteers are fulfilling a graduation or church requirement, but some very special students from Proviso West High School visit every Wednesday afternoon as part of their vocational education. These hard working teenagers arrive every week with smiles on their faces and a can do attitude; they take their work very seriously. Izzy Castillo coordinates this fabulous program that places students at different job sites throughout the community. These students are placed in libraries, hospitals, village halls, etc., with job coaches who work with them in developing necessary job skills. While Mr. Castillo surely realizes the benefits his program provides these kids, I wonder if he realizes the benefits for the library staff and community as a whole. It is heartwarming to see the eager volunteers arrive each week and leave with proud smiles of accomplishment. Thank you Mr. Castillo, job coaches, and volunteers who regularly share themselves with the library.


APRIL 2018



Commerce APRIL 2018



APRIL 2018

School District APRIL 2018


School District 10

APRIL 2018

School District APRIL 2018


School District 12

APRIL 2018

APRIL 2018


St. Joseph 14

APRIL 2018

St. Joseph APRIL 2018



APRIL 2018

School District APRIL 2018


School District 18

APRIL 2018

School District APRIL 2018


School District 20

APRIL 2018

Community Development APRIL 2018


The Village of Westchester is a member in the Community Ranking System (CRS) which is monitored by the NFIP (National Flood Insurance Program). Membership in this elite group of communities allows Westchester to accomplish the following: 1. Educate residents about how to prevent damage from disasters when possible. 2. Educate residents on what to do during and after a disaster occurs. 3. Obtain funding for Westchester to complete projects to help reduce damage to the resident’s homes in case of disasters. 4. Obtain a percent discount on premiums for resident’s flood insurance policies. We are starting by publishing a FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Map) map. This shows the floodplain, as determined by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and where the floodplain overlays resident’s homes. This is why some resident’s require flood insurance and others do not. If your house appears in the floodplain that is the reason mortgage companies require you to have flood insurance. Please note you do not have to be in the floodplain to have flood insurance, nor do you need to have a mortgage. This is an ongoing commitment from the Village of Westchester to educate our residents to increase safety during a disaster and reduce damage during the same. If you have any questions please forward them to Village Hall, and we will try to answer them in a timely fashion.

Westchester Garage Sales:

deemed necessary. • The permit number must be displayed, on any signs advertising the sale, in a conspicuous place to be viewable by anyone upon a public street or sidewalk adjacent to the premises.

• Signs may not be placed in public right-of-way or on trees, utility poles or fences. • The placement of the signs must not interfere with traffic or pedestrian safety or infringe on the property rights of any third party

Only one sign is allowed on the

lot owned/leased by an individual wishing to hold a sale. • Two off-site signs, per garage sale, shall be allowed on private property with written permission of the property owner, with a maximum of three publicly displayed signs per event. • Signs may be posted only on the day(s) of the actual sale, 2 hours before until 2 hours after the sale. Posted signs must be removed immediately afterwards. • Signs may not exceed six square feet, or shall not be illuminated or have any attention-getting devices attached to them.

following: • To begin preparing, you should build an emergency kit and make a family communications plan. • Remove dead or rotting trees and branches that could fall and cause injury or damage during a severe thunderstorm. • Postpone outdoor activities. • Remember the 30/30 Lightning Safety Rule: Go indoors if, after seeing lightning, you cannot count to 30 before hearing thunder. Stay indoors for 30 minutes after hearing the last clap of thunder.

• Secure outdoor objects that could blow away or cause damage. • Get inside a home, building, or hard top automobile (not a convertible). Although you may be injured if lightning strikes your car, you are much safer inside a vehicle than outside. • Remember, rubber-soled shoes and rubber tires provide NO protection from lightning. However, the steel frame of a hardtopped vehicle provides increased protection if you are not touching metal.

• Shutter windows and secure outside doors. If shutters are not available, close window blinds, shades or curtains. • Unplug any electronic equipment well before the storm arrives. Information above was prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). For more tips on what to do during and after thunderstorms and lightning, please check the FEMA’s website at http:// www.ready.gov/thunderstormslightning

Luncheon at Bethlehem Woods. A $5.00 donation is requested for the luncheon. Members only.

at either Divine Providence or Divine Infant.


Doors open at 1 pm and the meeting starts at 1:30pm. A SWAP MEET will be held at our April 11th meeting, (no clothes please), Jewelry, etc ok……be prepared for some fun and laughter and friendship.


Tickets will be available at our April 11th meeting, for our May2nd Spring

Village of Westchester’s rules and regulations regarding garage, rummage, or estates sales. The Village does require a permit for all garage/ house or yard/ rummage/ and estate sales. • The permit applicant must acknowledge and comply with all municipal ordinances, and sign application to this effect. • The Village issued permit must be posted in visible location at the stated sale. • The permit grants the Village the right of entry for inspection, if

Be Prepared

April showers, bring May flowers. The Village wants to remind residents to be prepared for thunderstorms and lightning. To prepare for thunderstorms and lightning you should do the following: The following are things you can do to protect yourself, your family and your property before thunderstorms and lightning occurs: • Before Thunderstorm and Lightning • To prepare for a thunderstorm, you should do the DIVINE PROVIDENCE-------DIVINE INFANT OVER 50 CLUB


Residents are allowed to have two garage sales per calendar year. • A garage sale is limited to three consecutive days. • The sale hours shall be no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and no later than 4:00 p.m.

Membership is now open. If you have not renewed please do so. Membership is $15.00, and as always on an annual basis. NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. You must be a registered parishioner

Signs that are in violation of Village ordinance or code may be removed by the Village’s code enforcement staff. For more information please call the Village Building Department (708) 345-0199 or go to website www. westchester-il.org/village_dept/ building.html

If you are interested in joining, please call Marilyn, at 708-236-5757 or Kay at 708-562-3760. HOPE TO SEE ALL OF YOU ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11TH


APRIL 2018

Westchester Flood Information

FLOOD HAZARD AREAS There are two main areas in Westchester that are in the 100-year floodplain. The northern area of town is in the 100-year floodplain for Addison Creek. There is another 100-year flood plain area on the south end of town that is tributary to Salt Creek. This area runs roughly west to east a few blocks north of 31st Street. The storms that have occurred that cause flooding to occur are generally storms that produce a lot of rain. For example, the main event in July of 2010 that caused Addison Creek and Salt Creek to overflow their banks was over seven inches of rain in a 12 hour period. Flooding has occurred along each of the creeks in 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2013. FLOOD SAFETY The following common sense guidelines can help you from the dangers of flooding: Do not drive through a flooded area. More people drown in cars than anywhere else. Do not drive around barriers. Do not walk through flowing water. Currents can be deceptive. Six inches of water can knock you off your feet. Stay away from power lines and electrical wires. If your house is about to be flooded, turn off the power at the service box. Electrical current can travel through water. Electrocution is the 2nd leading cause of death during floods. Be alert to gas leaks. Turn off the gas to your house before it floods. If you smell gas, report it to a Village official or your gas company. Do not use candles, lanterns or open flames if you smell gas or are unsure if your gas has been shut off. Keep children away from the flood waters, ditches, culverts and storm drains. Flood waters can carry unimaginable items that have dislodged themselves. Culverts may suck smaller people into them rendering them helpless. Clean everything that has been wet. Flood water will be contaminated with sewage and other chemicals which pose

severe health threats. Look out for animals, especially snakes. Small animals that have been flooded out of their home may seek shelter in yours. Do not use gas engines, such as generators, or charcoal fires indoors during power outages. Carbon monoxide exhaust can pose serious health hazards. PROPERTY PROTECTION MEASURES If your property is susceptible to flooding, there are many flood damage reduction measures you can employ. • Watertight seals can be applied to brick and block walls to protect against low-level flooding. • Utilities such as heating and air conditioning systems, water heaters and other major appliances can be elevated to higher floors in the structure or on raised platforms. • Temporary measures such as moving furniture and other valuables to higher floors or sandbagging exterior opening will also help. • Elevating or relocating the entire structure may also be a feasible option. FLOODPLAIN PERMIT REQUIREMENTS All development within the 100-yr. floodplain (not just construction of buildings, but filling, excavation, fences, etc.) is required to obtain a Village Permit. Applications must be made prior to doing any work in a floodplain area. Please contact the Community Development Department to receive all the information you will need in order to properly develop in the floodplain at (708)-345-0199. You may report any illegal development activities to the above number as well. SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT/DAMAGE The NFIP requires that if the cost of improvements to a building or the cost to repair damages (from any cause) to a building exceeds 50% of the market value of the building (excluding land value),

the entire building must be brought up to current floodplain management standards. Building improvement projects include exterior and interior remodeling, rehabilitation, additions and repair and reconstruction projects. Additionally, the cost of currently planned improvements will be added to the cost of previously made improvements and compared to the existing market value to determine if the improvements exceed 50% of the structure’s value. Please contact the Village Building Department at (708)-345-0199 for further information. FLOOD INSURANCE If your do not have flood insurance, talk to your insurance agent. Most homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover damage from floods. Flood insurance is only available to those participating communities in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Because of our floodplain management programs that attempt to protect us from multiple flooding hazards, Westchester is part of the NFIP and thus, residents are able to obtain flood insurance. Additionally, because the Village participates in FEMA’s CRS program, flood insurance premiums are discounted. Be sure to check your policy to ensure you have adequate coverage. Usually these policies cover the building structure, but not the contents. Contents coverage can also be obtained by asking. There is a 30day waiting period before flood insurance coverage becomes effective. Plan ahead; do not wait until a flood is predicted before purchasing flood insurance. If you are building inside the floodplain, the purchase of flood insurance is mandatory if using a federally regulated/insured bank for a loan. NATURAL & BENEFICIAL FUNCTIONS Flood plains play a valuable role in providing natural and beneficial functions

Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) The Village offers a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) information service. Please call the Community Development Department at 708-345-0199 for additional information The Map Information Service for a specific address includes: 1. Whether the property is in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) and any mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements. 2. The community number, panel number, suffix and date of the FIRM's index 3. The FIRM zone and base flood elevation. 4. Any other questions you may have regarding floodplain management. The Village has elevation certificates on file for all new construction beginning with 2012. The maps used for this service are kept up-to-date annually, and reflect new subdivisions, annexations, flood insurance restudies, map revisions, and map amendments (including Letters of Map Amendments (LOMAs) and Letters of Map Revision (LOMRs)).

to the area around, and including, Westchester. Floodplains that are relatively undisturbed provide a wide range of benefits to both human and natural systems. These benefits provide aesthetic pleasure as well as function to provide active processes such as filtering nutrients. The Forest Preserve property along Sunnyside Avenue is used as a means to filter road debris and oil run-off from streets so that these areas can maintain bio-diversity and ecosystem sustainability. Both floodplains contain historic and archeological sites that provide opportunity for education and study. Both enhance waterfowl, fish and other wildlife habitats and provide feeding/breeding grounds. And lastly, both floodplains provide natural erosion control and open space so further flooding damage does not occur. DRAINAGE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE As simple as it may sound, simply keeping smaller ditches and steams free of debris can dramatically improve the runoff capacity of low-lying areas, as well as greatly reduce the occurrence blockage that significantly contributes to flooding. It is illegal to dump materials into a required waterway and violators may be fined. If you see someone in the act of dumping or see debris in one of our watercourses, please contact the Village at 708-345-0020. FLOOD WARNING SYSTEM Many times, flooding along the Addison and Salt Creeks within the Village of Westchester can be predicted in advance, giving ample warning for preparation and evacuation. However, in the event of a flash flood due to a large rain event, you may be the first to notice the oncoming situation and have only hours to execute your plan. Notify the Village Police Department (911). The Village’s Emergency Alert System will be activated. Tune in your radio for local and National Weather Service Updates. You will also see regular interruption on local radio and television stations advising you of the situation. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION If you should require further or more detailed information regarding floodrelated issues in Westchester, here are some additional sources: • FEMA.gov website • Westchester Village Hall 708-3450020 10300 Roosevelt Rd. Westchester, IL 60154 • Floodplain FAQ page on the www.westchester-il.org website. • Westchester Public Library.

APRIL 2018


Public Works 24

APRIL 2018

Branch Pick-up: Village branch pickup resumed the week of April 2-6, 2018 Branch pickup for May will be the week of May 7-11, 2018 Branch pickup for June will be the week of June 4-8, 2018 The Public Works Department will pick up branches the first full week of every month thereafter from April-November. All brush must be put out on the front parkway no later than 7:00 a.m. on the designated pickup day. Branches can be up to 7 ‘in length and stacked with the butt ends facing the street in the same direction. If not stacked properly, a “restack” notice will be left. Public Works Crews will only pass through a designated pickup area once due to time schedule and other workload responsibilities. Thursday and Friday are Open Load days for pickup of any brush that will not fit through the chipper, such as logs, stumps, and large limbs. Please make every effort to cut oversized limbs/stumps for one employee to lift and to remove the dirt from the root ball to allow for pickup. Landscaping contractors are responsible for their own brush pickup and disposal. Please note the following schedule for branch pickup: MONDAY:

From Mannheim Road west to Wolf road and from Canterbury south to Windsor-including both sides of Windsor Drive. Also, Waterford, Waverly, Camelot and Concord.


Roosevelt Road south to Cermak Road-from Gardner Road west to Mannheim Road.

WEDNESDAY: From Roosevelt Road north to the expressway and from Gardner Road west to Mannheim Road. Also, Roosevelt Road south to Canterbury from Haase west to Heidorn. THURSDAY:

From Belleview west to Wolf Road, Martindale Drive to 31st Street

Remember….. Waste Management will also pick up your branches if they are bundled no more than 4’ in length. These will be picked up on your regular garbage day every week. Free yard waste stickers for reusable yard waste receptacles are available at the Public Works office and the Village Hall. Parkway Restoration: The Public Works Department will be repairing parkways damaged by sewer and water excavations and snow plow damage, weather permitting. Pothole Repair The Public Works Department repairs potholes throughout the Village, weather permitting. Please call Public Works at 708-345-0041 to report potholes. As Always….. Village residents are asked to call Public Works at 708-345-0041 or the Police Non Emergency number after hours at 708-345-0060 if an unusual amount of water is visible in the street or parkway. This could be a main break or water leak that requires our immediate attention. 50/50 Shared Cost Sidewalk Replacement Program The Village offers a shared cost sidewalk replacement program. If the sidewalk in front of your residence is in poor condition and you would like to replace it, the Village will share the cost with you. Please call Public Works at 708-345-0041 for more information or to register.

Calendar APRIL 2018

Sunday, April 1 Divine Providence Parish- Easter Sunday - 8:30am Mass and 10:30am Mass 2550 Mayfair Ave. www.dprov.org Library closed for Easter holiday.

Divine Providence Parish-7:30am Communion Service in Church, Eucharistic Adoration 8am-4pm 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass


Divine Providence Parish-7:30am Mass - No Religious Education Classes 2550 Mayfair Ave. www.dprov.org

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am & 5:00 pm Mass

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass


Divine Providence Parish- 7:30am Mass 2550 Mayfair Ave. www.dprov.org


Divine Providence ParishConfessions 3:15-3:45 and 4pm Anticipated Mass in Church. 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org

Sunday, April 8

Tuesday, April 3

Wednesday, April 11

WMS Report cards issued

Saturday, April 7

Monday, April 2

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 am Mass


Divine Providence Parish-8:30am Mass and 10:30am Mass 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org

Board of Education Committee of the Whole Meeting at WMS (6:30 PM)

Forgotten Chicago at 2:00 PM at Library. Jacob Kaplan examines the overlooked history of Chicagoland. Registration requested. Contact Adult Dept for more information at (708) 562-3573.

Wednesday, April 4

Monday, April 9

Westchester Resume


Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass



Divine Providence Parish- 8:00am Mass in Church with School Children attending, 4:30pm Tai Chi Chuan for Wellness Class in Church Narthex 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org WPS Kindergarten Pre-Registration for 2018-2019 (4:00-6:00 PM) WMS Mandatory Washington, D.C. Parent Meeting (6:30 PM)

Thursday, April 5

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass


Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass

7:30am Mass in Church-7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal in Church 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org


Divine Providence Parish- 7:30am Mass - Religious Education Classes 4:15-5:15pm 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org Divine Infant Jesus School is sponsoring a free Parent/Tot Play Group from 10:00 am – 11:00 am in the Discovery Club Room (entrance through Gloria parking lot)., 1640 Newcastle Ave. Activities and snacks are provided. For more information, contact Peggy Perry at peggyperry03@aol.com

Tuesday, April 10

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass


WMS Mandatory Washington, D.C. Parent Meeting (6:30 PM)

Divine Providence Parish- 7:30am Mass, 7pm St. Vincent DePaul Society 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org

Friday, April 6

WIS Moms and Muffins (8:00-8:30 AM)

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass


For more information, contact the school office at 865-0122.

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass

Divine Providence Parish- 8:00am Mass in Church with School Children attending, 4:30pm Tai Chi Chuan for Wellness Class in Church Narthex 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org All School mass at 8:00 am at Divine Infant Jesus Church, 1600 Newcastle Avenue. Come join us. For more information, contact the school office at 865-0122.

Thursday, April 12

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass


Divine Providence Parish- 7:30am Mass in Church- 9:30am Women of Prov Quilters, 7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal in Church 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org WPS Moms and Muffins (8:00-8:30 AM)

Friday, April 13

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass


Divine Providence Parish- 7:30am Communion Service in Church, 8am St. Peregrine Devotion 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org

Saturday, April 14

8:00 am Mass Divine Providence Parish- 7:30am Mass - Religious Education Classes 4:15-5:15pm Divine Infant Jesus School is sponsoring a free Parent/Tot Play Group from 10:00 am – 11:00 am in the Discovery Club Room (entrance through Gloria parking lot)., 1640 Newcastle Ave. Activities and snacks are provided. For more information, contact Peggy Perry at peggyperry03@aol.com The Divine Infant School Parent Association (DISPA) will meet at 7:00 pm in Langan Hall, 1640 Newcastle Avenue. For more information, contact the school office at 8650122.

Tuesday, April 17

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass


Divine Providence Parish- 7:30am Mass

Wednesday, April 18

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass


Divine Providence Parish- 8:00am Mass in Church with School Children attending, 4:30pm Tai Chi Chuan for Wellness Class in Church Narthex 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org All School mass at 8:00 am at Divine Infant Jesus Church, 1600 Newcastle Avenue. Come join us. For more information, contact the school office at 865-0122.

Divine Infant Church, 1600 WIS Spring Choral Concert (7:00 Newcastle, 708-865-8071 PM) 8:00 am & 5:00 pm Mass Divine Providence Parish- Confessions 3:15-3:45 and 4pm Thursday, April 19 Divine Infant Church, 1600 Anticipated Mass in Church. Newcastle, 708-865-8071 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org 8:00 am Mass

Sunday, April 15

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 am Mass


Divine Providence Parish- 8:30am Mass and 10:30am Mass 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org

Divine Infant Jesus School Advisory Monday, April 16

Board Meeting at 7:00 pm at the Rectory, 1601 Newcastle Avenue.



Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071

Divine Providence Parish-7:30am Mass in Church-7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal in Church 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org Board of Education Meeting at WMS (Cafeteria @ 7:00 PM)

Friday, April 20 1600

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass


Calender 26

APRIL 2018

Divine Providence Parish- 7:30am Communion Service in Church

Saturday, April 21

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am & 5:00 pm Mass


Divine Providence ParishConfessions 3:15-3:45 and 4pm Anticipated Mass in Church. Spring Gala Dinner and Auction 6pm-Midnight 27th Annual Raffle Party and Silent Auction will be held in Langan Hall from 6:00 pm - Midnight, 1640 Newcastle Ave. For the cost of a $100 raffle ticket, you receive dinner for two (catered by Lalo’s), a Murder Mystery (show time at 7:30), a silent auction, and one entry to the cash raffle for a chance to win the Grand Prize of $3,500. Tickets can be purchased at the Parish Rectory. For more information, contact Cathy Kuratko (ckuratko@comcast.net) or the Rectory at 708-865-8071.

Sunday, April 22

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 am Mass


Divine Providence Parish-8:30am Mass and 10:30am Mass 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org Monday, April 23 Divine Infant Church, 1600 Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass Divine Providence Parish-7:30am Mass - Religious Education Classes 4:15-5:15pm 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org

Tuesday, April 24 Divine




Friday, April 27

Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass Divine Providence Parish- 7:30am Mass 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org WPS Math Night (6:00-7:30 PM) The Divine Infant Jesus School student body will be praying the rosary – 12:30 pm at Divine Infant Jesus Church, 1600 Newcastle Avenue. For more information, contact the school office at 8650122.

Wednesday, April 25

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass


Divine Providence Parish- 8:00am Mass in Church with School Children attending, 4:30pm Tai Chi Chuan for Wellness Class in Church Narthex 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org School Improvement Early Release Day (see school calendar for time schedule) All School mass at 8:00 am at Divine Infant Jesus Church, 1600 Newcastle Avenue. Come join us. For more information, contact the school office at 865-0122.

Thursday, April 26

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass


Divine Providence Parish- 7:30am Mass in Church, 9:30am Women of Prov Quilters, 7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal in Church 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org WMS Spring Band Concert (7:00 PM)

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass


Divine Providence Parish- 7:30am Communion Service in Church 2550 Mayfair www.dprov.org WPS Early Childhood/Pre K Parent Involvement Day

Saturday, April 28

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am & 5 pm Mass


First Communion for 2nd graders of Divine Infant Jesus Parish - 1:30 pm Mass at Divine Infant Jesus Church, 1640 Newcastle Avenue. Contact Sr. Susan Majcen at 708-865-8086 for more information.

Sunday, April 29

Divine Infant Church, 1600 Newcastle, 708-865-8071 Masses at 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Divine Providence Parish – 8:30am Mass and 10:30am Mass A Food Biography of Chicago, Illinois at 3:00 PM at Library. Authors Daniel Block and Howard Rosing will reveal Chicago to be one of the foremost eating destinations in the entire country. Registration requested. Contact Adult Dept for more information at (708) 562-3573.

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass

Tuesday, May 1

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass

Wednesday, May 2

Divine Providence Parish- 11:30am First Holy Communion, Confessions 3:15-3:45 and 4pm Anticipated Mass in Church.

Monday, April 30

Divine Providence Parish – 7:30am Mass - Religious Education Classes 4:15-5:15pm


Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass

Thursday, May 3

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass

Friday, May 4




Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am Mass


Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 Holy Hour – 7:30 pm


Saturday, May 5

Divine Infant Church, Newcastle, 708-865-8071 8:00 am & 5:00 pm Mass


Sunday, May 6

Divine Infant Church, 1600 Newcastle, 708-865-8071 Masses at 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 am Divine Infant Church, 1600 Newcastle, 708-865-8071 Baptismal Prep Class – 12:45 pm Please call the rectory to register

APRIL 2018


Park District 28

APRIL 2018

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