Village of
Westchester FEBRUARY 2020
P ar k D i st r ic t 2
P olice D e partment FEBRUARY 2020
A Message from Deputy Chief Borkovec Well can you believe it, we are already into 2020. My hope is that 2020 is a better year for each of you than 2019 was. The men and women of the Westchester Police Department are dedicated individuals who work very hard in providing the best possible service for you, and I want to personally thank the citizens of this community for their support through the shaking of hands, cards, baked goods and e-mails received throughout the year. It is truly appreciated and we will continue to go out every day regardless of what the circumstances and serve and protect those in this community. ___________________________________ Crime Cameras – A Community Camera Partnership Do you have a home surveillance camera system on the exterior of your home? If you do, the Westchester Police Department is looking for your help. The Police Department is asking any resident or business owner to register their privately owned surveillance camera system in order to assist in solving crime when it occurs. If a crime occurs in the vicinity of a registered camera, an investigator from the Westchester Police Department may contact the registered owner and ask to review and/or copy the recorded footage relevant to the date and time of the incident. This program is completely voluntary, and any one registered may remove themselves from it at any time and for any reason. If you are interested in registering you
home video system, please visit the Village website under the Police Department and click on the link to the left marked Camera Partnership. ____________________________________ Parking Restrictions – Snow Removal The snow has already fallen and parking enforcement is in full swing. I would like to remind everyone that after a snowfall of 2 inches or more to be mindful of the parking restrictions the Village has in place. It is imperative everyone follows these laws in order for our public works snow plows to clear the streets as best as they can. It is also important to know the difference between a “snow emergency route” and “alternate side of the street parking.” Both of these are spelled out plain and clear on the Village website within the municipal code section. The section numbers are as follows: Snow Emergency Route – 11.30.020 Times / Alternate Side of the Street – 11.32.1 ____________________________________ I wish to recognize the following member of the police department for their work anniversaries during the month of February: February 4th – Officer Richard Kirk 15 years
POLICE BLOTTER 1) At 3:16pm on December 20, 2019 an Attempted Burglary occurred on the 1100 block of Westchester Blvd. 3 subjects claiming to be from the water department entered the home and distracted the homeowner. At this time, nothing appears to have been taken. 2) At 11:49am on December 23, 2019 a Criminal Damage to Property report was taken at the bus stop shelter. Pace bus reported that person(s) unknown damaged the glass on the bus shelter sometime during the previous day. 3) At 7:18pm on December 23, 2019, a Burglary was reported on the 10800 block of Windsor. The homeowner reported that between 6am and 7pm someone made entry to the house and remove several computers and various other items. 4) At 6:47pm on December 25, 2019 an Armed Robbery and Vehicle Theft was reported at the BP Amoco located at 825 Mannheim Road. The victim was
pumping gas when a subject approached him and demanded his wallet and keys. The offender left the scene with the victims vehicle. 5) At 7:56pm on December 26, 2019 a Vehicular Hijacking occurred at the Jewel Foods located at 2128 Mannheim Road. A subject was entering his vehicle in the parking lot when a subject approached him with a gun demanding the keys to his vehicle. 6) At 1:06am on December 28, 2019 a Theft occurred at the Circle K gas station located at 10200 Roosevelt Road. A subject distracted the attendant and removed 2 cigarette litter display cases from the front of the store. 7) At 7:35pm on January 14, 2020 an Armed Robbery occurred at the Sprint Cellular store located at 10356 Roosevelt Road. A subject entered the store and demanded that the employees place any money as well as several IPhones and IPads into a bag. The subject fled the scene and no one was injured.
Vehicle stickers will be on sale March 1, 2020 We will be selling 2020 VEHICLE STICKERS starting March 1, 2020 – April 30, 2020 Residences should receive Vehicle renewals thru the mail, please review the applications and if there are any errors please revise. If you should not receive an application please make sure that you NOTE when they are available, please come to the Village Hall at 10300 W. Roosevelt Road 8:30am-5:00pm. We require the Registration for all cars that you will be purchasing Vehicle Stickers, the registration must reflect Westchester address if they do not we cannot issue the sticker. If stickers are purchased after the April 30, 2020 date all fees will be doubled.
F ir e D e pa rt me n t 4
L ib r ary 6
The Adventures and Discoveries of Father Marquette and Jolliet Professor E.J. Neafsey will give a talk on the amazing Journey of two Frenchmen as they traveled the Mississippi River in 1673, in hopes of finding a water route from the Great lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. Along the way, they encountered mishaps, danger, and the many tribes that lived along the river. Free event – Sunday February 9 @ 1pm at the Historic Prairie House, 11225 Constitution Drive
CALENDAR Westchester Library: For the entire month of February, all items on the Friends of the Library’s books sale rack will be half price: Hardcover books are 50¢, paperbacks 25¢ and magazines 10¢. February 2020 February 1- 8:00 Mass (DI), 8:30 Confessions (DI), 4pm Mass (DP) 5pm Mass (DI) Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish February 2 - Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282 , Communion will be served. All Are Welcome! 8:30 Mass (DP), 10:00 Mass (DI) 11:30 Communion Parent Mtg. (DP) - Mayfair Room Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish February 3- 8:00 Mass (DP), 6:30p RE Classes DI Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish February 4-8:00 Mass (DP), 8:30 Confessions (DP)
Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
February 8-8:00 Mass (DI), 8:30 Confessions (DI), 4:00p Mass (DP), 5:00p Mass (DI)
February 16 - Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282 All Are Welcome!
Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish February 9 –Worship Service, 10 am, Coffee Hour to follow worship service. Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. All Are Welcome! 8:30 Mass (DP), 10:00 Mass (DI) Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish February 10- 8:00 Mass (DP), 8:30 St. Peregrine Devotion, 6:30p RE Classes DI Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish February 11: Marching with Dr. King 7:00 PM at Library. Registration requested. Contact Adult Dept for more information at (708) 562-3573.
6:30p Liturgy Mtg. DP Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
8:00 Mass (DP), 8:30 Confessions (DP), 7:00p SVP Mtg (DP) Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
February 5- 8:00 Mass (DP) 12:30p Over 50 Club – DP, 4:15p RE Classes DP
February 12- 8:00 Mass (DP), 4:15p RE Classes DP, 4:30p Tai Chi Chuan - DP
4:30p Tai Chi Chuan - DP Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
February 6 - 8:00 Mass (DI)
February 13-8:00 Mass (DI), 9:00 Quilters DP, 7:00p SVP DI - Rectory Annex DI
Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish February 7 – Fish/Chicken Fry, 4:30 – 7:00 pm., Fish – Chicken – Shrimp served $11 per dinner. Tickets at the door. Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282 No School, 8:00 Mass (DI), 9:00 Eucharistic Adoration DP
Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish February 14- 8:00 Mass (DI) Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish February 15- 8:00 Mass (DI), 8:30 Confessions (DI), 1:00p Confirmation Retreat DI Langan Hall 4:00p Mass (DP), 5:00p Mass (DI)
10:00 Mass w/Hospitality (DI) Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish February 24-8:00 Mass (DP), 6:30p RE Classes DI Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
8:30 Mass (DP), 10:00 Mass (DI) Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
February 25-8:00 Mass (DP) , 8:30 Confessions (DP)
February 17-President’s Day-No School, 8:00 Mass (DP), 6:30p NO RE Classes DI
Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
February 26 – Ash Wednesday Worship Service 7pm, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/8651282. All Are Welcome!
February 18-8:00 Mass (DP), 8:30 Confessions (DP), 7:00p FSA Meeting DP Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish February 19-8:00 Mass (DP), 4:15p RE Classes DP, 4:30p Tai Chi Chuan - DP Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
8:00 Mass (DP), 4:15p NO RE Classes DP, 4:30p Tai Chi Chuan - DP Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
February 20-8:00 Mass (DI)
February 27- 8:00 Mass (DI), 9:00 Quilters – DP
Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
February 21-8:00 Mass (DI)
February 28- 8:00 Mass (DI)
Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
February 22-Shoe and Sock Drive, 8:00 Mass (DI), 8:30 Confessions (DI) 11:30 1st Reconciliation (DP), 4:00p Mass (DP), 5:00p Mass (DI), 5:00p Mardi Gras Party – Gym
February 29: Westchester Library Hosts Award-Winning Author Celia C. Pérez 2:00 PM at Library. Registration requested. Contact Teen Dept for more information at (708) 562-3573.
Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish 18-8:00 Mass (DP), 8:30 Confessions (DP), 7:00p FSA Meeting DP Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
8:00 Mass (DI), 8:30 Confessions (DI), 10:00 Mother-Son Mass and Bowling – DI/ Eden Lanes
February 23 –Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. All Are Welcome! Shoe and Sock Drive, 8:30 Mass (DP),
4:00p Mass (DP) - DP Church, 5:00p Mass (DI) Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish
VILLAGE SNOW RESTRICTIONS Public Works crews work hard to keep our streets free of snow and ice during the winter months. Please assist us by observing the following: • Place garbage cans and bins behind the curb line- do not place them in the street • Do not throw or blow snow back in to the cleared streets • Please observe the “ NO PARKING SNOW ROUTE” signs The snow portion of the signs will be enforced only after 2 inches of snow have fallen and will be enforced between December 1st and March 31st.
Pardon Our Dust In anticipation of upcoming business ventures to the Village of Westchester, The property owners of three properties along Roosevelt Road and Mannheim Road will be demolishing existing buildings at: • 10330 Roosevelt Rd. • 1107 Mannheim Rd. • 1127 Mannheim Rd This will create some dust but will open doors for future businesses coming to our town!!!
If you reside on a Primary designated SNOW ROUTE, after 2 inches of snowfall you must remove all of the vehicles from the snow route. The cars and trucks must stay off the street until the streets are cleaned thoroughly by the plows by Public Works. If the snowfall is continuing the restriction is in place until Public Works completes the plowing for the day. Please check the signs at the corners of your block. AFTER 2 INCHES OF SNOW, on a secondary route, there is no parking Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday on the even numbered house side and no parking Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on the odd numbered house side. Please check the signs at the corners and center of your block for guidance. (This includes ALL side streets not designated a Primary snow route) ************************************** The Public Works Department has been filling potholes with cold patch throughout the winter months, weather permitting. Please call Public Works at 708-345-0041 to report a pothole. Restoration of parkways that have been damaged by sewer and water excavations and/or snow plow damage will resume next
spring, as weather permits. Adopt a Fire Hydrant this Winter Season! Help keep the hydrant clear of snow so that the Fire Department can easily access the hydrant in case of an emergency and so that the snow plows can easily identify the hydrants while plowing snow. As always, Village residents are asked to call Public Works at 708-345-0041 or the police non-emergency number (after hours) at 708-345-0060 if an unusual amount of water is visible in the street or parkway. This could be a main break or water leak that requires our immediate attention.
S chool D istrict FEBRUARY 2020 9
S ch o o l D i st r ic t 10
St. Joseph FEBRUARY 2020 11
St. Joseph 12
School District FEBRUARY 2020 13
FEBRUARY 2020 17
FEBRUARY 2020 20
Long time resident turns 100 this month
Ruth Fuller will be 100 years old on February 28th, 2020! A long-time and wellknown resident of Westchester for over 61 years, Ruth Fuller is still sharp as a tack and loves getting together with family and friends for cards. She now lives in Lexington Square in Elmhurst and still sees her Westchester friends who visit her weekly for bridge! She is well-known amongst her Westchester (and nearing suburbs) friends as an amazing bridge player! Fuller grew up during the depression and was one of 8 kids! She was married to Charles H. Fuller for over 70 years and they raised their 3 children on Claridge Ave. in Westchester - Edward Fuller, Sandy Orrico (current Westchester resident) and Don Fuller. Her beloved husband, Charles, passed away in 2012. Ruth enjoys her time with her family and has three grandchildren, Kim Lockwood, Laura Orrico (former Westchester resident) and Dave Fuller and two great-Grandchildren, Gwyn and Ruby Lockwood. Fun facts: • During Fuller’s early years residing in Westchester, she and her husband helped to raise money with friends in the community to help build Divine Providence Church. • Ruth is an avid and expert bridge player and her friend from Westchester still go to Lexington twice a week to play! (Including long-time resident and realtor, Elaine Pedersen)
DIVINE PROVIDENCE – DIVINE INFANT OVER 50 CLUB MARY MOTHER OF DIVINE GRACE PARISH FEBRUARY MEETING OUR SENIOR CLUB MEETING WILL BE ON WEDNESDAY – FEBRUARY 5TH. Doors will open at 12:30pm Meeting begins at 1pm. Westchester President Paul Gatusso will be our guest speaker. Tickets for our March St. Patrick/St. Joseph box corn beef lunch will be on sale. $ 10.00 for members & $ 12.00 for guests. Club Dues of $ 15.00 can also be paid at this time. WELCOME to all new members and returning members. COME JOIIN US FOR AN AFTERNOON OF FREINDSHIP – FUIN – AND LAUGHTER.
Boy Scouts
Troop #73 News
FEBRUARY 2020 21
In January 1937 Boy Scout Troop #73 was established and became the first Boy Scout Troop in the Village of Westchester. For the last 83 years the Troop has been a solid part of the Westchester community and is one of the oldest units in the entire Pathway to Adventure Council. Hundreds of scouts have participated in Troop #73 and thousands of service hours have been performed by these Boy Scouts. To date, the Troop has had 54 local boys achieve the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank a Scout can achieve. All 54 of these Eagles have demonstrated their leadership and organizational skills to plan, implement and complete a meaningful Eagle Project, many of which benefited the Westchester community directly. Congratulations to Troop #73 on your 83 years of dedication to Scouting and to all its Eagle Scouts. How many do you know? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.
William Gardaphe Gale Prato Edward Hobart Andrew Andrilik Allen Silhan Douglas Reagan John Hobart John Pacocha Roger Vitek John Eck William Peters Thomas Wheay Charles Achilles Robert Hobart Lowell Seida Michael Korbel Jeffery Bednarz Thomas Dunne Gery Kniesel David Dajc Brian Burgess Jason Mundt Matthew Petrik Michael Zaura Brett Warren Steven Vedra Chris Blomberg Adam Bancroft James Watts John W. Raysa Richard Scherer Nick Williams James T. Moldenhauer Brian DelBene Kyle Svejcar Andy Waller Adam Tyminski Jason Rose Marty Chlapaka Mike Porter Kevin Delbene Jay Mills Joe Parenti James Torres Mark Holmes Matt Rose
Pictured are current and past scouts and adult leaders from Troop #73.
On January 4, 2020 Lucas Honan, a 2019 graduate of PMSA, had his Eagle Court of Honor at Westchester Community Church. Pictured from left to right are Olivia Honan- Lucas’ sister, Zita Honan – Lucas’ mother, Eagle Scout Lucas Honan and Steve Honan- Lucas’ father. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.
David Qiao Patrick Gundry Johnny Milas Alex Majors Andreas Espin
Several Eagle Scouts, all Westchester residents, attended Lucas’ Court of Honor. Front row – Lucas Honan, 2nd row – Andres Espin, Danny Kalish, 3rd row – Alex Majors, Garrett Allar, Keith Hennings, Johnny Milas
52. Garrett Allar 53. Lucas Honan 54. Danny Kalish The Troop would love to hear from any former #73 Boy Scouts and Eagle Scouts.
Anyone that would like to share their favorite Scout memories from when they were part of the troop, may send them to
FEBRUARY 2020 23