January 2013 Newsletter

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Village of

Westchester January 2013 Newsletter















From the Desk of The President

Ms. Eunice Becker (with award) was recognized for her volunteer work with Odyssey in December

HAPPY NEW YEAR…HAPPY NEW YEAR… HAPPY NEW YEAR! The New Year 2013 is here. Hopefully Santa and his Merry Elves were good to you. Now that the holiday season is over it is time we all focus on 2013. Each of us through the years have made many a New Year’s Resolution only to discard them as fast as we made them. Smoking, drinking alcohol, and weight reduction are probably the most prevalent ones chosen. I’d like to offer a few other suggestions. Resolution 1: How about being more OPTIMISTIC. I know I have a problem with this. Being a Type A personality it is easier for me to see the glass half empty than half full. I promise to work on this. Resolution 2: Not letting the little things bother me. Everything is not a crisis. What I think needs immediate attention might not. I promise to work on this. And, Resolution 3-The Biggie….Lost Time is Never Found Again. During my youth, my father Edward told all four of his children these 6 words on a regular basis when we were just sitting around doing nothing. I’m not sure if the others took it to the extent that I did, but if

you have noticed I can’t sit still and am always looking for something to do for someone else. I promise to work on this as well. Now that I have shared with you some of my resolutions for the New Year, maybe you will be inspired to do the same. As we reflect on our resolutions, let’s make sure they are ones that not only make us a better person, but also ones that have a positive impact on others. Resolutions are not easy. If they were, we would already be doing them and not need to make them. So whatever resolutions you make, do your best to follow through. In the immortal words of dear old dad,“If it was easy anyone could do it.”

HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY I would like to thank all of the people who attended our Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony. I was pleasantly surprised at the turn out this year. Santa arrived via fire truck driven by Steve “Hollywood” Ericson, a longtime firefighter and Proviso West classmate. I would like to give a big THANK YOU to our Holiday Tree decorating

See PRESIDENT, page 4

Police Department 2



from the


Dear Westchester Residents,

Name: Jason Krejci Rank: Patrol Officer Years as Police Officer: 9 Was there moment when you realized this is the job for me?

web page on the village website at www.westchester-il.org Once there, On behalf of the Westchester click on “Police Department” to learn Police Department, I wish you and more about our department and the yours a most happy, healthy and services we offer.View an interactive safe New Year! As you read your crime map. Click on “Community Village Newsletter, please know that Relations” for our Neighborhood the goal of the Westchester Police Watch program,crime prevention tips, Department is to serve and protect and our S.A.F.E. Senior information. the citizens of this great community. “Partners in Prevention” is our To help us succeed in that goal, motto and we hope to form we ask that you routinely visit our more “partnerships” in our area

Growing up, I looked up to police officers in my community. I aspire to be a role model for the police officers of the future.

Describe a good day at work. A good day at work is when I know I have made a positive difference in someone’s life.

What is the best part about your job? Working with a tight nit, supportive group of police officers, from the Chief on down

What advice would you to give to someone who wants to follow your career path? It is a hard line of work to get into. Go to college, be persistent and keep a positive outlook.

What would occur on your perfect day off? My perfect day off is spending time with my wife and kids.

Recipients of the Cook County Youth Sheriff Merit Awards.

Police blotter 1) At 12:53pm on November 21st 2012, a Residential Burglary was reported on the 1600 block of Heidorn. The resident reported that a laptop computer and jewelry was taken.

a plastic bag of cannabis through the window while walking past the vehicle.

5) At 7:40am on December 4th 2012, a Burglary to Garage was reported on the 1100 block of 2) At 10:41am on November Suffolk. The resident reported that 27th 2012, a Theft over $300 was a snow blower was removed from reported on the 1100 block of Hull. their garage. Entry was made by The resident reported that their force through a garage window. central air conditioning unit was taken from the side of their house. 6) At 8:16am on December 6th 2012, a Criminal Defacement 3) At 8:11pm on November was reported on the 10300 block 27th 2012, a Theft of Gas was of Crestwood at the Crestwood reported on the 11500 block of Pumping Station. Words were spray Burton. The resident reported that painted onto the south wall of the ten gallons of gasoline was removed building. from their vehicle while parked in the driveway. 7) At 7:39pm on December 8th 2012, a Residential Burglary 4) At 11:09am on November was reported on the 1800 block of 28th 2012, a Possession of Norfolk. The resident reported that Cannabis Arrest was made at the between 1pm and 7:30pm forced BP Amoco located at 11201 Cermak entry to the house and removed Road. An undercover officer noticed computers and money.

neighborhoods. A healthy, united community is one of the strongest ways to deter crime. Remember the old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure…” Together, we can and will continue to make Westchester a good place to live. Sincerely, April Padalik Chief of Police

Fire Department JANUARY 2013




PRESIDENT Continued from page 1

elves Eric Detente and Steve Crowley for the great job they did decorating the tree. We had approximately 5000 lights donning the tree and the illumination of them all was a spectacular site to see. If you were unable to attend, please take the time this holiday season to drive by and see the beautiful tree that was donated by the Phillips family located in front of the fire house on Roosevelt Rd. As a special thanks to Eric and Steve, they and their families got to arrive with Santa in the fire truck for the festivities. And, I would be remiss if I did not take a moment to thank our special guest Santa who flew all the way from the North Pole to take some time to hear the Christmas wishes of our boys and girls. Thanks also to the firefighters, Fire Department staff, and Village staff who decorated and provided treats and goodies for all who came. A fun time was had by all. I’m sure Little Grace Détente will remember the special day she got to ride with Santa in the fire Newly purchased aerial bucket truck for the Public Works Department. truck.

PERSONS OF THE YEAR Congratulations to Ms. Barbara Lucchese who was selected as the Village of Westchester Person of the Year. Ms. Lucchese is a longtime resident residing on Westchester Blvd. Over the past 4 years Barbara has emailed me numerous times reflecting on her thoughts of Westchester, its history, and suggestions for making Westchester a better place to live. Ms. Lucchese has been very supportive both financially and in her thoughts of sparking community interest. I was proud to announce her name at the Westchester Chamber of Commerce luncheon and will be equally as proud to present her award at the Chamber of Commerce Celebrate Westchester Dinner being held at the Alpine Banquet Hall on January 26, 2013. I consider Ms. Lucchese Westchester’s special treasure. Another Person of the Year award recipient selected by The Chamber of Commerce was Ms. Susan Watson. Susan was selected for her dedicated and unselfish service to Miracles in Progress, an organization that supports children with brain damage. School District 92.5 President Claire Thompson announced their Person of the Year award recipient as Ms. Lynn Dowiarz who has been a teacher for over 20 years and works with specials needs students.

NON HOME RULE SALES TAX UPDATE On January 1,2013 we will begin the collection of Westchester’s “Penny on a Dollar” Non- Home Rule Sales Tax. You have heard me say many times that the additional revenue will be used for our infrastructure improvements and flood relief projects. Public Works Director Dave Stoiser is busy working on evaluating and selecting the streets to be resurfaced in 2013. Since Dave is a certified engineer, we will be able to save some of our tax dollars by utilizing his engineering skill and experience when going out to bid for these projects. I am very pleased with the work, timeline and completion of the streets replaced before Thanksgiving. I have received many calls from satisfied residents residing on the streets that were repaved. Again thank you for all of your support on this issue. I promise to keep the momentum going and make as many infrastructure repairs as we can comfortably afford, just like you do every day to your homes and property.

CHICAGO WATER RATE INCREASE Unfortunately, our Village water rate will increase January 1, 2013 to reflect the increase Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel pushed on all consumers receiving water from the

filtration plants operated by the City of Chicago. The 15% rate increase Chicago placed on us was reduced by the Broadview Westchester Joint Water Agency and our Village Board to 12%. That equates to a 37 cent increase per one thousand gallons. As of January 1, 2013, water will be billed at a rate of $7.23 per one thousand gallons.

WATER SAVING TIPS Did you know that the average American uses 100 gallons of water every day? We can reduce our water use as much as 30% by taking the following steps: • Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth. This can save over 500 gallons a month per person. • Install high efficiency toilets. Toilets alone consume nearly 30% of our household water consumption. A leaky toilet can waste up to 200 gallons per day. • Install high efficiency washing machines. • Fill the sink with dishwater instead of washing dishes with an open tap and rinse all the dishes at once. This can save 10 gallons per wash. • If you use a dishwasher, wait until you have a full load to run it. Dishwashers typically use half the energy, 1/6th of the water and less soap than washing dishes in the

sink. • Garden with plants that are native to Chicago. This can reduce water use by 20-50%. • Use a timer or rain sensor to monitor lawn irrigation: Sprinkler systems use thousands of gallons of water per cycle. Installing a timer or rain sensor will save money and water by preventing needless watering. For over 100 water saving tips log onto www.wateruseitwisely.com

WINTER SNOW JUST AROUND THE CORNER At the time of this writing the temperature is in the 40 degree range and we have not had any S--W (The dreaded 4 letter word that causes many issues until springtime). The Village has several street parking restrictions that I would like review with you so that first and foremost we can clean and remove the snow, and secondly to avoid issuing any parking tickets. On all of our residential streets there are posted signs designating whether you live on a SNOW ROUTE, where all on street parking is prohibited after a 2 INCH snowfall, or a NON-SNOW ROUTE, where parking is prohibited on one side of the street or the other side of the street from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.

See PRESIDENT, page 5



PRESIDENT Continued from page 4

The restrictions are necessary for the free movement of Fire and Police vehicles and the quick removal of snow to improve driver safety. In other words, we want you to get where you want to go without any problems. One of the issues that occurs with snow removal is that snow will be pushed onto your driveway aprons when the snow plows are clearing the street. I know what you are thinking. You just shoveled the apron and the plow just pushed more snow back on it. Unfortunately, this can’t be avoided, especially when snow keeps falling. Snow plows travel the same direction as traffic on the street, and as such, pushes snow toward the curb. It is impossible to lift the plow blade to avoid driveway aprons. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause, but it is unavoidable as we strive to clear all snow from the street so that the streets and clear and safe for your travels. Village Ordinance 11.30.010, written in 1978, established the SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES throughout the Village. They prohibit street parking after 2 inches of snow and until the snow has been removed. Section 11.30.020 designated certain streets as Emergency Snow Routes. Illegally parked vehicles can be towed from the Snow Routes, at the discretion of the Village Manager, when the vehicle constitutes an immediate and imminent danger to life and property (11.30.030). Village Ordinance 11.32.160, established ALTERNATE SIDE PARKING RESTRICTIONS. This ordinance imposed parking restrictions after 2 inches of snow on all other streets. In these streets it is unlawful to park any vehicle, or to permit any vehicle to remain parked between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm on the “Odd- Numbered Addresses” side of the street on TUESDAY and THURSDAYS, and on the “Even-Numbered Addresses” Side of the street on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS. Odd sides of the street are defined as the south side of east and west streets, and the east side of north and south streets. EVEN sides of the street are defined as the north side of east and west streets and the west side of north and south streets. Your house numbers will determine odd and even designations. If at any time you are unsure if the parking restrictions are in effect,

Aging Well representatives presented the Village with a recognition award in December.

snow is a workout so you need to stretch and warm up your muscles, particularly since you are shoveling in cold weather. Stretching before you start will help prevent injury and fatigue. SNOW SHOVELING TIP Tip 5-Push, don’t lift. Push the snow from side rather than trying to The Snow and Ice Management lift the snow to remove it. You will Association (SIMA), a national exert less energy thereby placing nonprofit organization representing less stress on your body. the snow removal industry, is Tip 6-Drink water. SIMA suggesting 8 tips for safe snow recommends taking frequent breaks shoveling. and staying hydrated. You should Tip 1-Stay on top of the snow. drink water as if you were enduring Stay ahead of the storm. SIMA a tough workout at the gym or recommends that to prevent snow running 5 miles. and ice from adhering to the Tip 7-Be aware of your surroundings. sidewalk or street, clear the snow When shoveling snow near the every few inches instead of waiting street pay attention to the traffic for the snow to stop falling before since vehicles may not have good you head outdoors. traction in the snow or ice. Tip 2-Wear breathable layers. Tip 8-Keep your cell phone on and Layering of clothing is typical cold with you so you can make a call in weather advice. Wear layers of the event of an emergency. loose clothing so you can peel off For more information from SIMA layer if you get hot. Avoid wearing visit www.sima.org heavy wools, manmade materials or other materials that don’t allow GARBAGE CAN PLACEMENT With our snow plow season upon us, perspiration to evaporate. Better the Public Works department would choices are cotton or silk. Tip 3-Watch your feet. Pay attention like to remind all homeowners NOT to what you put on your feet before to place their green garbage totters going outdoors to shovel. SIMA and blue recycling totters in the suggests wearing quality outdoor street. Village Ordinance 08.04.100 winter wear such as waterproof (CONTAINERS) prohibits these boots with good traction. Good containers from being placed in traction is critical to prevent you the street or walkway. The parkway curb line is the approved placement from slipping and falling. Tip 4-Take a few minutes to stretch location. The ordinance also states before you start shoveling. Shoveling that the containers are to be placed

don’t hesitate to contact the Police Department’s NON EMERGENCY phone 708-345-0060 to check on whether the parking restrictions are in effect.

at the curb line no earlier than 7PM on the day preceding the day of collection and removed from the curb line as soon as possible after the collection, but NO LATER than 7 PM on the day of collection. You would be surprised how many calls the Village receives about containers left out overnight and in some cases the next day after the collection. Please make every effort to comply with the ordinance to avoid any citations being written.

PROVISO TOWNSHIP CARE TRAK The Village of Westchester Police Department has partnered with the Melrose Park Police Department and Proviso Township to allow family members to track loved ones who are impaired and have a history of wandering from their home. CARE TRAK is a mobile tracking system that uses a radio frequency wrist band to locate lost individuals. When an individual wearing a transmitter is reported missing, the Westchester Police can start the search using a radio tracking system. CARE TRAK is critical because if someone is missing for 24 hours, their survival rate drops to 50%. No search has lasted more than 30 minutes using CARE TRAK. For more information on the CARE TRACK program, contact 9-1-1 Supervisor Greg Hribal at the Westchester Police Department at 708-345-0060 or visit www.caretrak.com

See PRESIDENT, page 10



Calendar JANUARY 2013

Professional Women Connected (PWC) meets the 1st and 3rd Fridays at The Bistro in the Westchester Corporate Center from 8:45 AM 9:45 AM. Join a professional group of business women to network and grow your business. Contact Kandice Jacobs 708-236-5902 for more information. January: Registration continues for Youth Story times, Winter Reading Club, and other youth programs at the Library. Contact Youth Dept at 708-562-3573.

office at 708-865-0122. Tuesday, January 8- Village Board meeting at 7:00 pm followed by the Committee of the Whole meeting at Village Hall in the Board Room. Wednesday, January 9 - All School mass at 8:00 AM at Divine Infant Jesus Church, 1600 Newcastle Avenue. Come join us. For more information, contact the school office at 708-865-0122.

Thursday,January 10 & 17 - Microsoft Word – Introductory Class. 10:00 AM Monday, December 31 – Tuesday, –Noon at Library. January 1: Library closed for New A 2-session class on basic features Year’s holiday. of Word 2010. Advance registration Sunday, January 6: Family Game Day. is required. 1:30 – 2:30 PM at Library. Play family board games, including Monopoly, Friday, January 11 - Divine Candyland, Connect4 and many Providence All-School Mass, 9:00 more – program for all ages in Youth AM, Divine Providence Church 2600 Dept. Mayfair Tuesday, January 1- 4 - Winter Break (cont’d) Westchester Public Schools Monday, January 14 - The Divine Friday, January 4 2013 - Westchester Infant Jesus School student body will Community Church Fish and Chicken be Praying the Rosary - 2:10 Fry - 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM Westchester PM at Divine Infant Jesus Church, Community Church is located at 1600 Newcastle Avenue. Come join 1840 Westchester Blvd., Phone: 708- us. For more information, 865-1282 Contact the school office at 708865-0122. Friday, January 5 - Westchester GLOW PRESCHOOL registration Community Church, 1840 for the 2013-2014 school year will Westchester Blvd.,Westchester. from take place in January 2013. Packets 4:30 PM -7:30 PM. Serving shrimp, will be available January 7th. Please fried cod or fried chicken, and send an email to Sarah Thomas at rotisserie chicken.Each dinner comes Glow.preschool1970@gmail.com or with 2 sides, bread, and dessert. Adult call (708) 681-4569 to receive your dinners are $10. Contact the church packets. Early registration packets office for more details 708-865-1282 are due January 15th. between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM Our Three’s Program is Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 to 11:00 am Monday, January 7 - MyMediaMall and our Four’s Program is Monday, Drop-In Session. 4:00 PM – 7:00 Wednesday, and Friday from 8:30 to PM at Library. Stop by Adult Dept 11:30 am. with your questions about eBooks, We are excited to announce a eReaders & MyMediaMall. Bridging Program everyday after preschool until 2:30. Your child will Monday, January 7 - Classes Resume have the opportunity to stay and - Westchester Public Schools enjoy extra curricular activities with his/her friends. Monday, January 7 - School resumes Tuesday, January 15 - 5th and 6th at Divine Infant Jesus School, 1640 Grade Departmental Mass, 1:00 PM, Newcastle Avenue. For more Divine Providence Ministry Center Information, contact the school Chapel, 2540 Mayfair office at 708-865-0122. Wednesday, January 16 - All School Monday, January 7 - 8th Grade mass at 8:00 AM at Divine Infant Graduation pictures will be taken at Jesus Church, 1600 Newcastle Divine Infant Jesus School, 1640 Avenue. Come join us. For more Newcastle Avenue. For more information, contact the school information, contact the school office at 708-865-0122. office at 708-865-0122. Thursday, January 17 & Friday, Tuesday, January 8 - Committee of January 18- WMS- SMILE Illinois the Whole Mtg. at WMS (6:30 PM) Mobile Dentist Tuesday, January 8 - Divine Infant Jesus School Advisory Board Meeting Friday, January 18 2013 – at 7:00 PM at the Rectory, 1601 Registration: Are you ready for some Newcastle Avenue. For more BASEBALL?! information, contact the school Westchester Baseball 2013 Season


6:00 PM until 9:30 PM Westchester Community Center 10201 Bond St., Westchester, IL 60154 www.westchesterbaseballinc. com PLEASE NOTE: Out of town residency fees my apply

Reconciliation at 7:00 PM in Church at 1600 Newcastle Avenue. For more information, contact the Sr. Susan Majcen at 708-865 8086.

Friday, January 18 - Taize Prayer, 7:30 PM, Divine Providence Church, 2600 Mayfair, Westchester

Sunday, January 27 - Beginning of Catholic School’s Week. Family mass at 9:30 AM School Open House to follow from 10:30 AM until 11:30 AM at Divine Infant Jesus School, 1640 Newcastle Avenue. For more information, contact the school office at 708-8650122.

Saturday, January 26 - Confirmation Retreat for 8th graders at Divine Friday, January 18 - Dr. Martin Luther Infant Jesus School, 1640 Newcastle King School Prayer Service, 2:00 PM, Avenue. Divine Providence Church, 2600 For more information, contact the Mayfair, Westchester Sr. Susan Majcen at 708-865-8086.

Tuesday, January 22 -- Rosary for Life on the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, 8:00 AM, Divine Providence Church 2600 Mayfair

Sunday, January 20 - Family Game Sunday, January 27 - Family Mass Day. 1:30 – 2:30 PM at Library. marking the Beginning of Catholic Play family board games, including Schools Week, 10:30 AM, Divine Monopoly, Candyland, Connect4 and Providence Church, 2600 Mayfair many more – program for all ages in Youth Dept. Monday, January 28 - Living Rosary at 1:30 PM at Divine Infant Church, Monday, January 21-Village Hall 1600 Newcastle Avenue. offices will be closed in observance For more information, contact the of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. school office at 708-865-0122. Monday, January 21 - No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day Westchester Public Schools Tuesday, January 22 - WIS- SMILE Illinois Mobile Dentist Tuesday, January 22- Village Board meeting at 7:00 pm followed by the Committee of the Whole meeting at Village Hall in the Board Room. Wednesday, January 23 - All School mass at 8:00 AM at Divine Infant Jesus Church, 1600 Newcastle Avenue. Come join us. For more information, contact the school office at 708-865-0122

Tuesday,January 29 -“The Mousetrap Machine” Science Assembly at 1:30 PM in the Gym at Divine Infant Jesus School, 1640 Newcastle Avenue. For more information, contact the school office at 708-865-0122. Tuesday, January 29 - Eucharist Meeting for Parents of 2nd graders at 7:00 PM at Divine Infant Jesus, 1640 Newcastle Avenue. For more information, contact the Sr. Susan Majcen at 708-865-8086.

Wednesday, Jan. 30 - All School mass at 8:00 AM at Divine Infant Jesus Church, 1600 Newcastle Wednesday, January 23 - Market Day Avenue. Come join us. For more pick-up from 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM in information, contact the school Langan Hall at Divine Infant Jesus. office at 708-865-0122. Contact Toni Podock at 708-865-8071 for more information. Wednesday, Jan. 30 - Student Thursday, January 24 & Friday, Appreciation Day consisting of an January 25 - WPS- SMILE Illinois Ice Cream Social and Bingo Party Mobile Dentist at 12:30 PM. for students at Divine Thursday, January 24 - Board of Infant Jesus School, 1640 Newcastle Education Meeting at WMS (7:00 Avenue. For more information, PM) contact the school office at 708-865Thursday, January 24 & 31 - 0122. Microsoft Word – Introductory Class. 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM at Library. Thursday, Jan. 31 - Pep Rally in the A 2-session class on basic features of Gym at 12:30 PM with a “Knockout Word 2010. Advance registration is Contest” to follow at required. Contact Adult Dept at 708Divine Infant Jesus School, 1640 562-3573. Newcastle Avenue. For more information, contact the school Friday, January 25 - Divine Infant See CALENDAR, page 12 Jesus 2nd graders will have their First







PRESIDENT Continued from page 5

CARE TRAK is funded by the Proviso Township Mental Health Commission 708-449-5508 www. ptmhc.org through the efforts of Township Supervisor Michael Corrigan and Executive Director Jesse Rosas.

ONE OF OUR NEW DUNKIN DONUTS LOCATIONS IS NOW OPEN The wait is finally over for all you coffee junkies! The new Dunkin Donuts Store located at Mannheim and Devonshire is now open for business. Terry Markham, the owner, has been diligently remodeling the former car wash and has created a fresh look at the corner. Commuters traveling down Mannheim Road will be able to stop in, or use the drive through, to get a cup of Double D on their way to work. Those stopping by are reminded that the store is located adjacent to a residential subdivision and to be careful when exiting out of the property. Westchester Police will be monitoring the area to determine if there are any problems with traffic The Phillips family at the Tree Lighting Ceremony flow.

PALMER FLORISTS IS MOVING Palmer Florist is in the process of moving from its present location at Belleview and Cermak Road to the former site of Pictures Plus at 1926 Mannheim Road. The move was required so Palmer could be one of the few 1-800 FLOWERS located in the Chicagoland area. Work is continuing on the building and we are patiently waiting for the transition to take place. Until the move has been completed, Palmer Florist will continue to operate at their Cermak Road location. Don’t forget to consider Palmer Florist when buying flowers for a loved one here, or sending them to someone out of town.


On Tuesday, November 27, 2012, five young adolescents, 3 from Westchester, 1 from Hillside, and 1 from Bellwood, were awarded Medals of Merit from Cook County Sheriff Thomas Dart at a ceremony in the UIC Auditorium. Unfortunately, due to our Westchester Board meeting held the same night, I could not attend. The group was awarded their medals for work they performed for the Village of Westchester this past summer. Each person in the group performed over 100 hours of community service by doing many cleanup projects around town. At our December 18th Village Board Meeting, each person in the group was given a WEST TOWN LIQUORS IS OPEN Certificate of Appreciation from the Westchester is also welcoming entire Village Board. The recipients another business to town. WEST were Faye Domokos, Michael West, TOWN LIQUORS will be opening up and J.R. Hulmey from Westchester, at the former site of Village Wine and Juan Sepulveda from the Village Spirits,or the old Nosek’s Apothecary of Hillside, and Alphonso French shop for you old time residents. III from the Village of Bellwood. Owner Yousef Durar is anxious Note: This is Faye’s second Medal and eager to provide a vast array of of Merit. In addition to completing spirits for your enjoyment. Please the 100 hours of community service take some time to visit West Town this past summer, Faye also did the Liquors as you do your shopping in same during the summer of 2011. the WEST PLAZA. Remember also to CONGRATULATIONS and THANK stop by Wally’s Donut Shop, home of YOU to our young volunteers! the irresistible Tasty Glazed Donuts FROM THE BOARD that is impossible to eat just one. At our November 27th Board

Meeting several items were approved. Three ordinances were approved to allow a special use for drive-through signage at the Dunkin Donuts at 1005 Mannheim Rd., the Dunkin Donuts under construction at 31St Street and Wolf Road, and the 31st Street McDonalds. The liquor license for the West Town Liquors was also approved. The grass cutting contract for the 2013 season beginning April 29, 2013 for 26 locations spread throughout the Village was awarded to Alliance Turf Management. This was an extension of their current contract and included a 2% discount from last year. The contract amount is $36,000. As required by the Truth in Taxation Law, a Resolution approving the Estimated Property Tax to be levied for the 2012 Tax year was set at $7,262,565. A Resolution amending the Economic Incentive Agreement with the Markham Family Development LLC to allow completion before February 1, 2013 was approved. A Resolution was approved to accept the bid of $769,697.70 from Insituform Technologies to reline Sanitary Sewer Pipes in Basin 384. This basin is located between Westchester Blvd.to Gardner Rd.,and Drury/Pelham Ave. to Canterbury. This relining project is designed to

reduce inflow and infiltration in our sanitary sewers, which is one of the main causes of sanitary sewer backups into our homes. This work will begin in the spring of 2013. A second basin project south of Canterbury to Cermak and Westchester Blvd. to Gardner will begin in the spring of 2014. The Village of Westchester also joined the coalition to participate in discussions with the ICC Rule Making Proceedings with the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus. The Caucus wants to make sure municipalities have a seat at the table to discuss the possible changes to our Electrical Aggregation Programs. At our December 18th meeting the Board approved the purchase of a High Ranger Truck to replace our old bucket truck that has outlived its useful life. The High Ranger will allow Public Works to reach many more trees affected with the Emerald Ash Borer that we would otherwise have to pay our contractor to remove. The Board, after hearing a presentation by Publics Work Director Dave Stoiser felt this was a necessary purchase to be financed over the next 5 years.The equipment was delivered just before the New Year. This is another example of how our in-house employees are

See PRESIDENT, page 11



PRESIDENT Continued from page 10

working to save the Village money by performing the maintenance themselves rather than contracting the job out.

103 YEARS YOUNG … AND GOING STRONG I paid a surprise visit to Ms. Lillian Solomo, a longtime resident of Westchester since 1972. Lillian, aka Miss Lilly, is the grandmother of Anthony Ditusa and Maria DitusaMatiya. The Ditusa family is the former owner of J D’s Convenient Store located at Westchester Blvd. and Roosevelt Road. Lilly was born in Brooklyn, New York and settled in the near north side of Chicago before moving to Westchester. Lilly has a contagious smile on her face, and although up in years still cleans and dusts her home on a regular basis. For those who have not had the pleasure of meeting this amazing young lady you don’t know what you are missing. Ms. Lilly we all send you out best wishes and continued good health in the coming years.

SOMEONE SPECIAL YOU SHOULD KNOW On Friday December 14, 2012, I had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Eunice Becker, a resident of Westchester since 1959. Eunice presently is a 40+ year volunteer at LaGrange Hospital. She and her husband met at the Faith Lutheran Church in Westchester and she remains very active in many church programs. During the summer of 2010 she volunteered her services throughout the community during our flood event. In her spare time she volunteers with Odyssey Hospice, located at 4 Westbrook Corporate Center in Westchester, writing and mailing condolence letters to those who have lost loved ones. Eunice is another Westchester Treasure who has my admiration and respect.

Happy 103rd birthday Lillian.

from the Westchester Public Works Department, while dropping off scrap metal to a scrap metal facility in Melrose Park, recognized and identified many of our covers in a pile at the site. The reason they were identifiable was that after the first couple were stolen, our Public Works Staff went around and marked the remaining grates. Westchester Detectives responded to the scene, as well as other personnel from other municipalities, and recovered a good portion of the stolen sewer grates. The Public Works employee SEWER COVER THEFTS who was observant and identified AND RECOVERY our covers is to be commended. During the first week of December, The case was highlighted on FOX Westchester, along with several News on Thursday, December 13th. other surrounding villages, fell The case is still under investigation. victim to person(s) stealing iron sewer covers from our streets. AGING WELL AWARD At our December 18th Board The rash of thefts amounted to over 2 dozen sewer grates being Meeting I accepted an award on taken primarily from the curb line. behalf of the Village from AGING Police Chief April Padalik and her CARE CONNECTIONS, the parent staff partnered with other police group of the Aging Well Chapter agencies to identify the perpetrator. in Westchester. Bernie Hiles, the The thief eventually was caught in Westchester Chapter President, the act by officers from the Forest and several chapter members were Park Police Department. Employees on hand for the presentation. The

Trophy Award, will be prominently displayed at the Westchester Village Hall. I was very proud to accept the award on behalf of the Village, and promise to keep the lines of communication open between the Village and our senior population.

SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS I recently read an article in the Chicago Tribune written by Ms. Pamela Yip regarding your social security number, and how it can be a gateway to theft. The Federal Trade Commission warns that you should NOT carry your Social Security Number with you in your wallet or purse. Also, DO NOT write your social security number on your checks, and only give the number out when absolutely necessary. A dishonest person who has your social security number can use it to get other personal information about you. Identity thieves can use your social security number to apply for more credit in your name. They then use the illegally obtained credit card and of course do not pay the bills. For our seniors, I know your Medicare cards have your

social security number as its main identifier on the card, so be careful when carrying this card. There has been some discussion about using a different number, however no changes are on the horizon.

FALLING TREES I recently read an article in the Chicago Sun Times by Tim Grant regarding “who is responsible for the damage to my property from a neighbor’s tree”. Many people are surprised to find out that most often it is their own insurance, not the neighbors insurance that pays for the damage. More likely than not it will be your problem and not the neighbor who owned the tree. Please check with your insurance agent or legal representative for more specific information.

NEW FIREFIGHTER SWORN IN At our December 18th Board Meeting I had the honor of swearing in a new firefighter, Nicholas Snavely. Firefighter Snavely is a native of Ohio. He was welcomed

See PRESIDENT, page 12



PRESIDENT Continued from page 5

to the Village employment family by the entire Village Board. Nick was accompanied by his wife Rachel, who did the honor of pinning the shiny new badge on Nick.

SANDY HOOK TRAGEDY As a result of the tragedy that occurred in Newtown, Connecticut involving the shooting death of 26 people including 20 school children and teachers at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, I feel compelled to offer my thoughts. Within the first few days of the incident, I wrote a letter to Police Chief Michael Kehoe, and to the First Selectman and Chief Executive and Administrative Officer E. Patricia Llodra. In the letter, I expressed our condolences as a Village and offered both moral and spiritual support. We have heard that this massacre could have happened anywhere. Newtown, Connecticut has been described as an idyllic place to live. The same can be said of Westchester, Illinois. As the former Westchester Deputy Police Chief, and Westchester District 92.5 School Board President at the same time, I can recall the discussions and resistance to lock the school doors while school was in session. At that time no one wanted to believe that the “Lori Dann” school shooting in Winnetka, Illinois could happen again. Unfortunately, these incidents where innocent children have been killed have increased. The heightened security presence that occurs after an incident needs to be in place every day, and not just after an incident such as the one which occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Our Police Department is committed to protecting your children. Our children are our greatest treasure. We need to protect them at all costs. A memorial of 26 Candy Canes with white roses has been erected in front of the Village Hall in memory of the children and school personnel who


Fire Fighter Snavley being sworn in at the December 18th Board Meeting


of God looking down on us.


Local Comfort Sent to Newtown, CT

I would like to mention the loss of James “Uncle Eddie” Masterson. Uncle Eddie passed away on 1212-12. He was the brother of my father-in-law John Masterson, Uncle to my wife Maureen, husband, father to three, grandfather to many, and a good friend to all. Jim, his wife Elsie, and children Diane, Daniel, and Sharon are all long time residents of Westchester. Jim served his country as a LTJG in the U.S. Navy during the Korean War, after graduating from the Quigley Seminary. Jim also attended St. Mary’s seminary in Mundelein, IL. Jim was a devout Catholic and active parishioner at Divine Providence Parish. Jim was instrumental in establishing the “12 for 10 Raffle” at Divine Providence Parish to help defray costs at Divine Providence. Uncle Eddie you will be missed, but we know you are in heaven, a soldier

Comfort dogs from the Lutheran Church Charities in Addison, IL and their handlers went to Newtown, CT to lend comfort after the tragedy at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. Comfort Dogs Luther, Ruthie, Chewie, Abbi, Prince, Barnabas, Shami, Maggie, Hannah and Chloe made the trip with LCC staff Tim Hetzner, Dona Martin and Tim Kurth and volunteers Pastor Tim Engel, Dan and Karen Fulkerson, Tim and Josiah Griffin, Toni Bazon, Barb Granado, Sharon Flaherty, Marcy and Laney Brooks, Sue Kessler, Bob Guetthoff, and Diana Brasfield. The team was invited to town by Pastor Rob Morris and the people of Christ the King Lutheran Church in Newtown. They started the week visiting with parents and children at the church after their Christmas Pageant. Throughout the week

Jeopardy competition for students at Divine Infant Jesus School, 1640 Newcastle Avenue. For more information, contact the school office at 708-865-0122.

Comfort Dogs and handlers were invited to spend time with children and parents at Newtown Youth Academy, Newtown High School and the Sandy Hook memorials. The K-9 Comfort Dogs attracted a lot of media attention because they brought smiles to so many in the middle of immense sadness. Students and teachers at Newtown High School were so thankful and said the Comfort Dogs changed the mood of the whole school.The handlers were very grateful for the opportunity to bring joy of to so many people. The community of Newtown will be going through the healing process for a very long time. The LCC K-9 Comfort dogs returned to Newtown, leaving Chicago at 3AM on January 1st to be there on January 2nd as all the children returned to school. We have been privileged to meet Luther and several of his buddies at many Village events including the National Night Out walk.

at 7:00 PM, 1600 Newcastle Avenue. Tuesday, February 5 - Committee of Contact Sr. Susan Majcen 708-865- the Whole Mtg. at WMS (6:30 PM) 8086 for more information. Wednesday, February 6 - Family Film Continued from page 7 Night featuring “The Pirates! Band of Monday, February 4 - Senior Misfits” 6:30 PM at Library. office at 708-865-0122 Matinee featuring “Hachi” at 2:00 PM Friday, February 1 - Eucharistic at Library. Wednesday, February 6 - All School Thursday, Jan. 31 - Confirmation Day of Adoration, 8:00 AM Opening mass at 8:00 AM at Divine Infant Jesus Vigil at 7:00 PM at Divine Infant Jesus Prayers until 7:00 PM Benediction, Tuesday, February 5 - Divine Infant Church, 1600 Newcastle Avenue. Church, 1600 Newcastle Avenue. For Divine Providence Ministry Center Jesus School Advisory Board Meeting Come join us. more information, contact the Sr. Chapel, 2540 Mayfair at 7:00 PM at the Rectory, 1601 For more information, contact the Susan Majcen at 708-865-8086. Newcastle Avenue. school office at 708-865-0122. Friday, February 1 – 8th graders For more information, contact the Friday, February 1 - Teacher from Divine Infant Jesus Parish will school office at 708-865-0122. Thursday, February 7 - The Divine Appreciation Day and a Faith be making their Confirmation Infant Jesus School student body will

Park District JANUARY 2013


St. Joseph 14


St. Joseph JANUARY 2013


Community Development 16


The Oxford Manor of Westchester will be a brand new independent living community located at Mayfair & Oxford. The community will be owned & operated by the North West Housing Partnership and will offer affordable, maintenance-free living to individuals 62 years old or better. The North West Housing Partnership is seeking information from senior households interested in learning more about the Oxford Manor of Westchester. To add your name to the VIP Mailing List, please fill out the form below:

Welcome New Businesses! The Village would like to welcome these new businesses into our community. Stop in and visit. Remember, it is always great to support our local businesses. November 2012 • Material Service Corp dba Hanson 2235 Enterprise Dr , Ste 3504 • Providian Staffing 1905 S Mannheim Rd

Westchester’s Good Neighbors

of life offers, they never hesitate to take time for our young children.Any time our kids are out playing, they make an effort to come and talk with them. When our oldest daughter was • Nominee: Steven, 1600 block of younger they would often tie a Mylar Highridge Parkway balloon to their fence, knowing she Why are they a good neighbor? would see it and knowing it would They have only been here 2 years. make her day. It is a given that if there They always shovel the front of my is a lemonade stand on a hot summer house during snowy days. I have day, then Al will be the first customer sickle cell disease. It’s hard for me to with a very sizable tip. When we are get the snow removed. out of town, Nancy and Al are ready Nominated by: Betty and willing to take care of things in Westmoreland, 11100 block of our absence. And there has never Highridge Parkway been a winter that more than a few • Nominees: Allen and Nancy times Al has not plowed our driveway Pisarek.They live directly north of us while we were at work.They are truly on the west side of the street. a blessing and a comfort to have as Why are they are good our neighbors. neighbors? Nominated by: Aimee and Marc Nancy and Al are such wonderful Bleskin, 2200 block of Kensington, neighbors. My story begins 6 years Westchester, IL ago when we were just married, and • Nominees: Rick, Bonnie & Larry we come home to find a beautiful Burdorf, 1800 block of Bristol Ave. stained glass piece that Al had made Why are they good neighbors? for us as a gift. The time it took to They have been so kind to my make that and the kindness that went husband and me. They clean our into giving it to us made it evident gutters, snow blow our sidewalks and that we had won the neighbor lotto. driveway.They call us to check up on Since then, their thoughtfulness and us. My husband has had 5 E.R. visits, 5 generosity has continued. They are hospitalizations, surgery and months now enjoying the golden years of of rehab. He was gone from home for their retirement, and while many 4 months.They let our dog our when couples in their position may prefer I’m away. We feel safe because they the calm serenity that this new stage are always there. They truly are good

samaritans.They are neighbors in the real sense of the word. Nominated by: Carole Jurevich, 1800 block of Bristol Ave. •Nominee: Westchester Paramedics and Police Why are they good neighbors? Our paramedics are the BEST. They are professional, calm, and very reassuring. They’ve made many calls to our home because of my husband’s falls, because Ambien caused him problems. Three cheers for all of them. Nominated by: Pauline Noftz, 1200 block of Balmoral • Nominees: Mr. & Mrs. Allen Momney, 1200 block of Balmoral Why are they good neighbors? Allen and America are new neighbors. One day our dog broke free and Allen chased her just before he got to Mannheim Rd. (she likes to chase cars!). He is also helpful because he graciously takes out my garbage can on Sunday because it is difficult for me to handle. Nominated by: Pauline Noftz, 1200 block of Balmoral • Nominee: Bob Johnson, 1200 block of Balmoral Why are they a good neighbor? Bob, our neighbor to the south has been most helpful. During the windstorm of 2010 he helped my husband up on his feet when wind

blew him over. He stayed with him until paramedics arrived. He retrieved my garbage can on Monday to make my life easier. They are little and simple matters but very helpful and appreciated. Nominated by: Pauline Noftz, 1200 block of Balmoral • Nominee: Henry Wilson, 1500 block of Newcastle Ave. Why are they a good neighbor? He has helped me so many times over the years. Being a widow, I need plenty of help and he’s always there with a smile and cheery greeting. He makes my day. I believe he needs to be recognized and honored. I couldn’t ask for a better next door neighbor. Nominated by: Marguerite Blizek, 1500 block of Newcastle Ave. Nominee: Mrs. Ruth Dugo, 2300 block of Sunnyside Ave. Why are they a good neighbor? Ruth is a senior citizen and precious neighbor to me and many. She takes me to doctor appointments and anywhere else I need to go. I am physically and visually blind. She never refuses a request. She also provides help to a physically impaired relative and also provides much help to her church. I have never had a more considerate neighbor and she deserves much recognition. Nominated by: Mrs. Dolores Cwik, 2300 block of Sunnyside Ave.

School News JANUARY 2013


Westchester Schools More Tech Savy How important is technology for student learning? In addition to the traditional three Rs – reading, writing and arithmetic – students today need to practice the four Cs – critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. The four Cs are the basis for the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS) and define what it means for students today to be technologically or computer literate. The Westchester Public Schools are using the National Technology Standards as they develop plans for technology instruction and use in each of the schools. The DistrictTechnology Committee, comprised of teachers from each school, parents, board members and administrators, meet monthly to share their vision of technology and to develop an action plan to move the District forward. During the summer months, the District implemented wireless capability for all schools. Teachers and students now have the ability to access the internet from any of the rooms in the school. The District upgraded computers to Windows 7 and purchased Computers on Wheels (COWs) for each of the three schools. The library software was upgraded to Destiny which can sync with video to address a variety of needs. Dual touch Smart Boards and a Student Response System were also purchased. So what are the students learning and doing with this new technology? Students at the Westchester Middle School have used Skype to contact and converse with a known composer about writing music. Teachers are sharing IPads for science and math research and have completed lab reports using Google applications for education (a free resource offered to schools). Students have used software to create videos on explorers, inventors and historic events to share with their classmates. Teachers can create pre-assessments and students can take the assessments using a Student Response System. This provides immediate feedback to both the students and the teacher. Fourth grade students at the Westchester Intermediate School have begun creating literacy blogs about books and articles they have read. Fifth grade students have created a film on an aspect of American history and documented

Kids in Westchester schools are learning more technology, such as how to blog and Skype.

the steps they took to research using Google applications. Students in third grade have created an informational PowerPoint presentation about rural, urban, and suburban communities with pictures and examples, identifying similarities and differences. All students are using a blog program to prepare for the America’s Battle of the Books competition. Students at the Westchester Primary School have completed research projects and multimedia presentations for science and writing projects. They take online assessments, and teachers share resources with parents using publisher sites. Students also can complete some assignments online from home. In all schools,technology is enabling students to be involved and engaged in active learning. Technology has offered additional opportunities to engage students in learning, to be creative and to collaborate with others. Students take pride in being able to use tools that are used in the adult world of work and are motivated to share their learning in new ways. The Westchester Public Schools

continue to work on developing a long-range plan so that students can experience digital media and learning environments to work collaboratively with others, and communicate their learning and contribute to the learning of others.

KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Kindergarten registration for the 2013-2014 school year will be on Thursday, February 7, 2013. Doors will open at 3:45 p.m. and registration will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Westchester Primary School, 2400 South Downing Avenue, Westchester. Registration ends at 8:00 p.m. Packets will be available for pick up in the WPS School Office beginning Monday, January 14, 2013, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. It is not necessary to bring the child to registration. Requests for morning or afternoon kindergarten sessions will be honored on a first-come, firstserved basis. Numbers will be passed out at registration. If you are unable to pick up a packet in the School Office, one will be available for you to complete on February 7th.

To register, following:




1. Completed Registration Packet 2. Official Birth Certificate - A child must be five (5) years old on or before September 1, 2013. No exceptions to this rule can be made. The medical forms for the required physical, dental, and vision examinations will be included in the kindergarten registration packets. These forms must be completed and turned in at the registration in August. The days and times for this registration and fee payment will be announced at a later date. If further information is needed, please call the School Office at 708-562-1509.

FREE TUTORING If your child attends Westchester Intermediate school and receives free or reduced lunch, then your child is eligible to receive free tutoring services. For more information please call Westchester public schools district office at 708-450-2700.







American Legion holding membership caravan On Sunday, January 13, 2013, the American Legion Department of Illinois will be conducting a membership caravan throughout the state. They have chosen the Col. A.L. Brodie Post 1437 in Westchester as one of their stops They are scheduling their visit for 10:30 A.M. The caravan consists of dignitaries from the Department of Illinois. In addition Mr. David R. Hall, the

National Vice Commander for the American Legion will be in attendance. I would like to encourage all veterans and their families to stop by the Post 1437 and meet the leadership for the American Legion. The Col. A.L. Brodie Post 1437 is located at 3034 S Wolf Rd., Westchester, IL (between Paul’s Pizza and Dominicks). For further information please contact Stan Kolodziej, (708)790-9640.

Are you ready for some baseball? What with the weather conditions, we can’t help but think of BASEBALL! It’s time to signup for the 2013 Season for Westchester Baseball Inc. Representatives from WBI will be at the Westchester Community Center at 10201 Bond Street in Westchester, IL on Friday, January 18, 2013

from 6pm until 9:30pm to take your registration. If you are not a resident of Westchester and want to sign your child up, out-of-town residency fees may apply. Please visit the website www. westchesterbaseballinc.com for more information.



Reminder: 2012 Vehicle Stickers valid through April Westchester vehicle stickers for 2012 will expire on April 30, 2013. By ordinance, each vehicle (including motorcycles & trucks) registered or housed in the Village is required to have a 2013 Westchester vehicle tag, correctly displayed on the lower right corner of each vehicle windshield, or on the license plate for motorcycles, by May 1, 2013 to avoid late fees and potential ticketing for non-compliance. 2013 stickers will go on sale in March 2013. Failure to purchase the required vehicle tag is not an option. The revenue generated through the purchase of vehicle tags is an integral part of our budget and is used to provide the best police, fire, ambulance and public works services to our residents. For each thousand tags sold, the Village collects $35,000.00 in revenue. As you can see, any reduction in these revenues caused by the failure of residents to purchase their vehicle tags, as required, would negatively impact the services that residents have come to enjoy.

Pace Vanpool provides missing link The cost of driving to and from work seems to get more expensive every day. Many commuters save thousands a year by using public transportation. Unfortunately, many businesses are not located near a Pace bus route or a Metra station. That’s why Pace’s Metra Feeder Vanpool Program was developed. This program allows for a Pace van to be parked overnight at a Metra station so that 5-13 participants can take the train and then use the van to complete their commute to work. Each participant pays $58 per month which covers all costs associated with the van including

fuel, maintenance, insurance, tolls, roadside assistance, and van washes. The van is allowed to travel a total of 600 miles per month for work trips, fueling, maintenance, washes, lunch trips, etc. Metra fares and parking are not included in this rate. To qualify for the program, at least half of the participants must purchase a Metra monthly pass or 10ride ticket. One of the participants volunteers to be the primary driver. He or she does not pay a fare! Backup drivers receive a $10 per month discount. F or an additional savings, fares can be

paid with pre-tax dollars through the Commuter Choice Benefits Program. Being without a personal car can be inconvenient when an emergency arises. Vanpool participants are eligible for the Guaranteed Ride Home program, which grants reimbursement of up to $125/ year for alternative transportation taken due to a personal emergency. For more information Pace’s Metra Feeder Vanpool Program visit PaceBus.com or PaceRideShare. com, or contact Thomas Robbins at 847-722-8942 or Thomas.robbins@ pacebus.com.

Westchester Blood Program’s accomplishments for 2012 and 2013 scheduled blood drives The Westchester Blood Program is going into its 39th year; finishing the 2012 year collecting 533 units! At its last drive of 2012, on Nov. 14, it collected 50 units – a record for a local Blood mobile drive – and also issued vouchers for a complimentary turkey to all donors. The WBP extends its gratitude to Dominick’s by working with our program to obtain these vouchers at no cost to the donors. In September, for the ninth consecutive year, LifeSource honored WBP as the No. 1 community program in the Chicago area. On Saturday, January 19, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, WBP will welcome donors at our Community Blood Drive (partnering with LifeSource) at Divine Providence School, 2500 Mayfair. Steve McMichael from the 1985 Super Bowl Champion Chicago Bears is also scheduled to visit from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm to sign autographs and memorabilia to all donors. Here are the 2013 dates for our community blood drives:

• January 19 - 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Divine Providence School, 2500 Mayfair (11am-1pm 1985 Chicago Bears autograph signing) • April 20 - 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Community Center, Bond and Westchester Blvd. • May 15 - 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Mobile Coach at Westbrook Commons, 31st and Wolf • July 20 - 8 a.m.to 3 p.m., Divine Providence School, 2500 Mayfair • October 19 - 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Community Center, Bond and Westchester Blvd. • November 13 - 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Mobile Coach at Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd. Donating blood is safe and fast, taking no more than one hour. It’s easier than ever to donate as the sign-in process has become more automated; plus there is the new selfcheck-in and electronic questionnaire. Donors need only be at least 17 years old, at least 110 pounds and in

The Westchester Blood Program collected 533 units in 2012.

generally good health. To schedule your appointment online, and receive Brighten Life points; visit the web at www. lifesource.org. Click “schedule an appointment.” Either sign in or register and make your appointment today. The Program, founded in June 1974,

has collected 23,422 units since its inception. There is no substitute for human blood. Our only goal is to save lives! The Westchester Blood Program Board of Directors would like to wish everyone a very happy and healthy holiday season.



Residents can save up to 75 percent with prescription card Both insured and uninsured could realize significant savings with free program

cardholders nationwide. The average savings for a prescription is $29.42. Nearly 60,000 drugs are covered at over 59,000 pharmacies in the network, including all chain stores and the vast majority of independent pharmacies nationally. HILLSIDE, IL – Proviso Township The discount card is not intended recently unveiled a free discount to replace insurance. prescription card that is now “Although the card is primarily available for residents. beneficial for those uninsured and The announcement comes after the underinsured, anyone with insurance state of Illinois made budget cuts to can also use the card and potentially the Illinois Cares Rx program, leaving realize savings,” said Corrigan. 160,000 people without prescription “Simply present the discount card drug coverage statewide. and any other insurance card you “This prescription card provides a may have to the pharmacist and ask great opportunity for the residents which one provides better savings.” of Proviso Township who receive The Coast2Coast card also provides support from the Proviso Township 50 to 80 percent discounts for some Mental Health Commission,” said lab and imaging tests and discounts Mental Health Commission Executive on some dental, veterinary, and Director Jesse Rosas. “This is a great vision services. opportunity for our agencies and Discounts on diabetes supplies their clients to save money in this and equipment as well as hearing economy and to get medication services are also available. assistance that helps residents The card can be used with mail maintain a healthy lifestyle.” order services. Healthcare in Illinois has changed, Seniors on Medicare Part D according to Rosas. prescription coverage may find it Gone are the days where state beneficial by saving money on some services were treated as an medicine during their “donut hole” entitlement. Today, as the State cuts gap in coverage. programs to control the spiraling “Cardholders information is kept cost of healthcare, more and more confidential,” said Corrigan. “Names is expected from local mental health and prescription information are authorities like the Proviso Township never sold, rented, or shared in any Mental Health Commission. way. No one using a card will ever With the addition of the new be contacted for any marketing prescription discount card, the purpose.” Township is demonstrating their The process to use the card is leadership and commitment to the very simple and does not require a communities that make up Proviso person to release any private details Township. about his or her medical or financial “The discount prescription card history. is absolutely free to residents and There is no paperwork to fill out free to the Township,” said Township and no registration process. Supervisor Michael Corrigan. “As The card is available to everyone health care costs continue to regardless of income, age, or health increase, this is one the best benefits status. Officials have also been we have ever offered and believe working with Coast2Coast to residents will realize significant distribute the cards throughout the savings. We are also hopeful this Township. will help those that lost coverage Cards are available at the Township because of the state’s budget cuts to Office and online at www. Cares Rx.” coast2coastrx.com/provtwp. The card is offered through One card covers an entire family Coast2Coast Rx. In 2011, the card and can be used throughout the saved an average of 48 percent United States, not just in Proviso The new discount prescription card can help residents save money on prescription medicine. off the retail price of drugs for all Township.

News from your Citizens Advisory Board Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday season. The CAB would like to thank everyone who participated in donating to both the Westchester Food Pantry food drive and the Toys for Tots toy drive

that was held during the holiday season. Both drives were a huge success because of your donations. We were able to generate approximately 150 toys for Toys for Tots.Thank you all for all your donations this season.

Public Works JANUARY 2013

Helpful winter hints from the Public Works Department Yard Waste pickup and branch pickup has ended for the year.These services will resume in April 2013. Restoration of parkways that have been damaged by sewer and water excavations and/or snow plow damage will resume next spring, as weather permits. The cold weather has arrived so please make sure the outside water spigots are turned off in the basement during the winter months to prevent pipes from freezing or cracking. If you are leaving town for warmer weather please inform the Public Works Department so crews can shut off the water at the buffalo box while you are away. Adopt a fire hydrant this winter season! Help keep the hydrant clear of snow so that snow plow drivers and the Fire Department can easily identify the hydrant. As usual, if residents see an unusual or extreme amount of water in the streets or parkways, they are asked to call the Public Works Department at 708-345-0041 or 708-345-0060 (after hour’s non-emergency police number).This could be a main break or water leak that requires our

immediate attention. The Public Works Department snow plan is in effect and plows and spreaders are ready to go on a moment’s notice. Please assist us by observing these suggestions: • Place garbage cans and bins behind the curb line-not in the street • Observe “NO PARKING” and “SNOW ROUTE” signs • Do not shovel or blow snow back into the cleared streets • The following parking restrictions WILL be enforced: After a two-inch snowfall and except as otherwise posted, it is unlawful to park any vehicle, or to permit any vehicle to remain parked, between the hours of eightthirty a.m. and four-thirty p.m., on odd-numbered sides (south and east sides of streets) on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and on even-numbered sides of the street (north and west sides of streets) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The Public Works Department works long and hard to keep the Village streets clear and safe.We need and appreciate your cooperation. Please drive carefully!

Public Works asks that you ‘Adopt a Hydrant.’


Good Neighbor Nominations Do you have a Good Neighbor you would like to nominate to be recognized in the Westchester newsletter? Praise the efforts of local residents, organizations, and businesses. We are looking for those friendly folks, good deeds and special neighborly touches that make living in Westchester special. A nomination form is included in this issue below. Nominations for the February issue need to be received by January 15th by sending them to newsletter@ westchester-il.org (Subject Line: Good Neighbor Nomination) or 10300 W. Roosevelt Rd. Westchester, IL 60154 (Attn: Good Neighbor Nomination). We look forward to sharing the good news of Westchester.

Good Neighbor Nomination Form Your Name:

Your Address:

Provide the Name and Address of the person/organization/business you are nominating

Why are they a Good Neighbor to you?



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