7 minute read
At 12:44pm on April 6, 2021 a
10 MAY 2021
Library events for the village newspaper/calendar for May 2021
Saturday, May 1: Chicago Children’s Museum. 1 pm via Zoom. Registration Required. Contact the Adult Dept. for more information at askus@ westchesterpl.org. Register at: tinyurl. com/05-01-21
Thursday, May 6: A Fireside Chat with Alex Kotlowitz Moderated by Mary Schmich. 7 pm via Zoom. Registration Required. Contact the Adult Dept. for more information at askus@ westchesterpl.org. Register at: tinyurl. com/Kotlowitz
Saturday, May 8: Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center. 2 pm via Zoom. Registration Required. Contact the Adult Dept. for more information at askus@westchesterpl.org. Register at: tinyurl.com/05-08-2021
Tuesday, May 11: Sound Opinions: The 10 Most Important Artists in Chicago Music History with Jim DeRogatis and Greg Kot. 7 pm via Zoom. Registration Required. Contact the Adult Dept. for more information at askus@westchesterpl.org. Register at: tinyurl.com/SOpinions
Saturday, May 15: The Art Institute of Chicago. 1 pm via Zoom. Registration Required. Contact the Adult Dept. for more information at askus@westchesterpl.org. Register at: tinyurl.com/05-15-2021
Saturday, May 22: Field Museum: Dinosaur Range exhibition. 1 pm via Zoom. Contact the Adult Dept. for more information at askus@westchesterpl.org. Register at: tinyurl.com/05-22-2021
Saturday, May 29: Elmhurst History Museum. 2 pm via Zoom. Contact the Adult Dept. for more information at askus@westchesterpl.org. Register at: tinyurl.com/05-29-2021
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14 MAY 2021

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Do you get basement back up during heavy storms? In 2013, the Village implemented the Home Flood-Proofing Assistance Program. Due to the success of the program, the Village Board has reauthorized funding for this program in 2021/2022.
The Village has decided to help the owners of single family homes and two-flats defray a portion of the costs of providing protection from the backup of sewage in the basement. The grant program’s intent is to offset a portion of the expense that a property owner will incur to revise the house plumbing such that sewage cannot backflow into the house when the sanitary sewer is pressurized or to help reduce the cost of the installation of a residential standby generator. There are six options available to the property owner, as listed below: 1) Modification of the soil stack to direct flow out of the house in a new OVERHEAD SEWER and the elimination of all gravity drainage below the basement floor slab. The Village is rebating 50% of eligible costs, up to a maximum grant of $2,000. 2) Installation of an interior or exterior BACKFLOW PREVENTION VALVE and bypass pump on the house lateral in an underground vault. The Village is rebating 50% of eligible costs, up to a maximum grant of $2,000. 3) LIFT STATION system with an inside or outside underground vault. The Village is rebating 50% of eligible costs, up to a maximum grant of $2,000. 4) Installation of GLASS BLOCK WINDOWS or RETAINING WALL. The Village is rebating 50% of eligible costs, up to a maximum grant of $500. 5) Installation of CLEAN CHECK VALVE system. The Village is rebating 50% of eligible costs, up to a maximum grant of $1,000. 6) Installation of RESIDENTIAL STANDBY GENERATOR system. The Village is rebating 50% of eligible costs, up to a maximum grant of $1,500.
Each approach has different costs and degrees of property owner disruption, as well as different implications on the homeowner’s use of the revised plumbing.
A licensed plumber can determine which option best serves your need.
Updates or enhancements to current overhead sewer or lift station systems are not eligible for this program; however, replacement of an old system is eligible under this program.
Participation in the program is on a first come, first served basis. Participation in the program is approved at the time the applicant submits their two qualified quotes. The program is subject to a funding limitation of $24,000 for this fiscal year. If you are interested in participating in the program or have any questions, please contact Community Development at 708345-0199 or via email at building@westchester-il.org.

Did you know that the village has requirements for trees and bushes on private property that overhang sidewalks, alleys, and streets? If you live along an alley and have bushes/trees along your property line, it is your responsibility to ensure that all trees and bushes have their branches cut or trimmed so that no part thereof shall overhang the alley at a distance less than twelve feet above the alley, or any other public property. This applies to bushes and trees along the public sidewalk as well.
Private property owners that personally trim trees standing upon their private property are permitted to place the excess branches, trimmings and other waste at the curb of their property for removal by the department of public works. Excess branches, trimmings or other waste from the trimming or cutting of trees standing on private property that are trimmed, pruned or cut by a landscaping company or any other entity besides the property owner shall be carried away and disposed of by said landscaping company or entity.
Did you know all detached garages adjacent to alleys must have address numbers on them. This will help the Police and Fire Departments respond to events such as garage breakins, in progress crimes and medical/fire emergencies. The goal is to easily identify the correct location instead of counting houses from the corner, or identifying where a problem exists that needs to be addressed.
Garages shall have address numbers placed in a position to be plainly legible and visible from the alley fronting the property. These numbers shall: • Contrast with their background • Be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. • Be a minimum of 4 inches in height with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch.
As the weather warms up and you start to consider moving & storing your boats & RVs, please keep in mind the following restrictions: (a) You cannot park a boat or RV on a public street unless permission is granted by the Police Department. (b) Boats & RVs cannot be parked on the grass (c) Boats & RVs can only be parked within a garage, or on a paved area located in a rear yard that is not adjacent to a street, or in a side yard that is not a corner side yard. The locations where it is permitted to park a boat or RV are shown below in red striping. (d) Any boat or RV, may be parked on a paved driveway located either in the front or the side of a residence between September 1st and October 15th.

Celebrate The Merry Month of May
Spring flowers are now blooming at Wolf Road Prairie. Save The Prairie Society members would like to share the colorful spring beauty of Westchester’s native flowers with you. They will be hosting a Wolf Road Prairie walk through both in the Savanna and the Prairie on May 13 @10 am. Participants can park on the north side of 31st Street just west of Wolf Road in one of the three parking bays. MAY 2021 19

May 2 - Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282 , Communion will be served. A limit of 50 people, masks required. All Are Welcome!
May 9 – Pet Blessing, 11 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. Please bring your pets to be blessed. All Are Welcome! Masks are required.
May 9 –Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. A limit of 50 people, masks required. All Are Welcome!
May 16 - Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. A limit of 50 people, masks required. All Are Welcome!
May 23 –Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. A limit of 50 people, masks required. All Are Welcome!
May 30 –Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. A limit of 50 people, masks required. All Are Welcome!