8 minute read
A Message from Chief Daniel Babich
Dear Residents
When a nation is struck by something
as terriable as a disaster, either natural or manmade, or divine intervention, lives are ruined, people are filled with fear, and loss of hope. Cities and citizens across the United States and abroad have been hit with a devastating blow with the COVID-19 Virus hitting all our local communities and states.
The Village of Westchester employees, who dedicate their lives to keeping the village operating and safe through any major event, also had members whom became ill due to this virus.
Behind the scenes the political officials and the village manager continued to provide top notch services through the services of the police, fire, public works, ladies working in the front office through continual dedication and commitment.
Like the post office these services cannot shut down nor the employees who help provide those services and must continue the fight like the great veterans that fought throughout every conflict in every branch of the armed forces to keep the peace, and constitutional rights for all.
Only being three months on the job as a chief of police I started my first day with an armed robbery to a full blown pandemic.
I just want to say I am honored to serve with this entire group of professionals from the political spectrum to each and every employee working for the Village of Westchester.
Being a former Marine I have seen my share of tragedies and great individuals that stepped up to the plate never worrying about their own lives, but the lives of those they serve and protect.
This is what I have seen during this virus that came unmercifully to our doors, and way of life.
A store manager advised the police that a U-Haul truck was reported by neighboring Jewel managers as being involved in thefts. The U-Haul was stopped and subjects spoken with regarding taking items from inside the store.
Chief Daniel Babich
Westchester Police Department
1) At 6:57pm on March 17, 2020 a Theft of Package occurred on the 10600 block of Newbury. A male wearing a mask was observed on their RING doorbell taking a package from the front porch.
2) At 8:00pm on March 21, 2020 a Criminal Damage to Vehicle was reported on the 700 block of Hull Ave. The resident reported that damage was observed on their vehicle and that the tires were also damaged.
3) At 3:16am on March 25, 2020 a Theft was reported at the BP Amoco located at 825 Mannheim. A male subject requested to purchase cigarettes from the clerk of the gas station. After the clerk placed them on the counter the subject removed them and exited the store without paying. Police subsequently located the subject and restitution was made. Road.
The resident reported that a delivery was reportedly made at approximately 10am and the package was not there at 11am.
5) At 1:11pm on April 11, 2020 a Ruse Burglary was reported on the 2400 block of Hawthorne. The residents reported that subjects came to the front door reporting that there appeared to be damage on the roof and that they would help in repairing the damage. Subjects were allowed in the home but fled the area shortly after. It was not certain if anything was taken at this time.

6) At 3:24pm on April 14, 2020 a Theft was reported on the 1900 block of Portsmouth.
All I can say is “God Bless Our First Responders and Village Employees Everywhere”
Branch pickup for May will be the week of May 4-8, 2020
Branch pickup for June will be the week of June 1-5, 2020
Branch pickup for July will be July 6-10, 2020
The Public Works Department will pick up branches the first full week of every month. (April-November)
All brush must be put out on the front parkway no later than 7:00 a.m. on the designated pickup day. Branches can be up to 7 ‘in length and stacked with the butt ends facing the street in the same direction. If not stacked properly, a “restack” notice will be left.
Public Works Crews will only pass through a designated pickup area once due to time schedule and other workload responsibilities.
Thursday and Friday are Open Load days for pickup of any brush that will not fit through the chipper, such as logs, stumps, and large limbs. These must be cut for one man to lift.
Dirt must be removed from the root ball for pick-up. Landscaping contractors are responsible for their own brush pickup and disposal. Please note the following schedule for branch pickup:
MONDAY: From Mannheim Road west to Wolf Road and from Canterbury south to Windsor-including both sides of Windsor Drive. Also, Waterford, Waverly, Camelot and Concord.
TUESDAY: Roosevelt Road south to Cermak Road-from Gardner Road west to Mannheim Road.
WEDNESDAY: From Roosevelt Road north to the expressway and from Gardner Road west to Mannheim Road. Also, Roosevelt Road south to Canterbury from Haase west to Heidorn.
THURSDAY: From Belleview west to Wolf Road, Martindale Drive to 31st Street *************************
Remember….. Waste Management will also pick up your branches if they are bundled no more than 4’ in length. These will be picked up on your regular garbage day every week.
Free yard waste stickers for reusable yard waste receptacles are available at the Public Works office and the Village Hall.
Memorial Day Holiday Garbage Schedule
There will be no garbage pickup on Monday, May 25, 2020 due to the PUBLIC WORKS
Memorial Day Holiday.
Monday’s pickup will be Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday’s pickup will be Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Thursday’s and Friday’s pickup will remain the same-no change
Construction season has started. Please drive carefully in all work zones.
Parkway Restoration: The Public Works Department is now repairing parkways damaged by sewer and water excavations and snow plow damage, weather permitting.
Pothole Repair
The Public Works Department repairs potholes throughout the Village, weather permitting. Please call Public Works at 708-345-0041 to report potholes.
The vac and jet machine will continue to clean out storm sewer inlets, as weather permits.
As Always…..
Village residents are asked to call Public Works at 708-345-0041 or the Police Non Emergency number after hours at 708- 345-0060 if an unusual amount of water is visible in the street or parkway. This could be a main break or water leak that requires our immediate attention.
50/50 Shared Cost Sidewalk
Sewer Line Warranties of America
Just a reminder to residents that it’s that time of year again when Service Line Warranties of America (SLWA) will be contacting you by mail about their optional warranty programs.
This company is completely legitimate and the programs they offer are optional and include Exterior Water Service Line Coverage and Exterior Sewage/Septic Line Coverage.
Many Westchester residents already participate in the SLWA programs and are pleased.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call the Westchester Public Works Department at 708-345-0041.
If you have specific questions about the programs or need more information on what they offer, please contact SLWA directly at 1-844-257-8795.
Replacement Program
The Village offers a shared cost sidewalk replacement program. If the sidewalk in front of your residence is in poor condition and you would like to replace it, the Village will share the cost with you.
Please call Public Works at 708-345- 0041 for more information or to register.
The work done for this year’s program is projected for the summer season and is done on a first come first serve basis.
Sprinkling Ban Reminder
We have water use restrictions in effect every year, May 15-September 15, from 12pm to 6pm. This includes: (1) Outdoor Watering (2) Cleaning Outdoor Surfaces (3) Cleaning Buildings (4) Pool Filling
Sprinkling during unrestricted hours (before noon, after 6pm) shall be allowed on even numbered days for those even numbered addresses, and on odd numbered days for those residents having odd numbered addresses. If we have a dry summer, further restrictions may be necessary.
Please turn in your Census application
Hey residents of WESTCHESTER — if you have not done so, please find and fill out your Census application it is crucial for the Village to have all applications turned in. Census is for the population of the Village which in return helps with State and Federal Funding for our Village. SO please everyone do their part.
Building Department personnel are still working during this time with some safety pre-cautions for our residents as well as our staff. Even though the building is not open to the public, residential & commercial permits are being processed. We have installed a drop box outside of our door for building permits applications and payments. We also have allowed for payment of permits fees on our web site as well in order to keep the process going.
Everybody always asks, “ When do I need to get a permit”
That’s a great question and here are some of the situations in which you will need to get a permit: • Replacing your siding, gutters, soffit or facia • Installing a new fence • Pouring a new concrete patio or BUILDING DEPARTMENT
driveway • Installing brick paver patio • A new roof • A new exterior door. • A new window • Ordering a dumpster
Most of the time with the examples above, we can issue the permit over the counter to you and you can be on your way getting your project done.
In some cases, it will take a day or two to get your permit because a plan review needs to be done such as: • Room additions • Full kitchen remodels • Upgrading your electrical panel • Plumbing repairs • Structural changes What will I need to submit for a permit? • Plat of survey • 3 sets of drawings • All contractors will have to be registered and licensed with the Village
Remember, all permit applications and information can be found on line at the Village Website.
Code Enforcement
Code enforcement officer’s are utilized by the Village in order to ensure that our town continues to look presentable and in good order. The intention of the Village is to maintain and not ticket or penalize our residents.
Some of the items that the Code officer’s look for : • Tall grass • Chipping paint • Siding in disrepair • Roofing and soffit in disrepair • Broken windows • Garbage and debris all over the property