Village of
Westchester SEPTEMBER, 2021
From the Desk of President Frank Perry
It’s been a roller coaster of a month and I wanted to give an update as to what has transpired. We had horrible storms that took out roofs and left tree limbs all over town, and we’ve had a festival that brought the town together for 3 days of music and smiles and conversations. The Village of Westchester was impacted by two storms this month. The first occurring on Thursday July 29th and the other on August 10th. The storm on July 29th was isolated on the south end of town, however, did considerable damage to homes and trees. The day of the storm, our entire Public Works Department along with Sinnott Tree Service worked for 12 hours straight clearing roads and removing dangerous trees in order for residents to start their day without issue. The following week all trees that were determined to be safety hazards were removed by the contractor along with the help of our Public Works Department. In total, the Village lost 31 parkway trees (1 Sweet Gum, 1 Elm, 1 Sugar Maple, 1 Norway maple, 1 Silver Maple, 2 Lindens, 2 Red Maples, 3 Honey Locusts and 19 Sycamores) due to the storm with a cost of cleanup over $30,000.00. The second storm was more wide spread throughout the Village, but didn’t cause as much damage, thank goodness. Our Public Works Department was able to handle all storm damage without the help of Sinnott Tree Service. During this storm the Village lost an additional 7 trees (2 Lindens, 2 Silver Maples and 3 Norway Maples). Since the July 29th the Public Works Department has completed three passes throughout the Village, cleaning up all branches from
parkways with crews removing the final 2 damaged trees on Tuesday August 17th. Items to note: • Street program for 2021 is winding down. There have been additional streets added due to some streets coming in under bid. • Green Alley construction started on Tuesday August 17th with the contractor starting between Hull Ave and Westchester Blvd by Kitchener St. Work will continue over the next few months with a total of 4 alleys being complete on the north end of town this year. • Micro Surfacing has also begun on Tuesday August 17th with numerous streets throughout the Village being complete over the next two weeks. The complete list of streets is on the Village website along with the scheduled date for each street to be complete. • Year end projections for last year show an excess of revenue over expenditures for both the general fund and Water fund. • Overall, it appears to be a strong financial year for the Village considering the pandemic did stifle some of the revenues such as Utility taxes, Places for Eating taxes, Local Gas tax, and Gaming tax. These are all local tax revenues. • The intergovernmental revenues such as State Income tax, Sales tax, Local Use tax, and Federal grants are all exceeding the budgeted amounts for FY 2021. • The Cares act is getting set to disburse the first half of the money awarded to the Village in the amount of $1,100,000 with another $1,100,000 next year. This money will be used to finance the new water meter system over the course of the next several years.
P olice D e partment SEPTEMBER, 2021
Aggravated Carjacking “How to Protect Yourself” Today as the world becomes more unsafe, we as individuals must learn how to cope with an ever changing environment, but most of all how to survive it. Aggravated Carjacking has hit many surrounding cities over the last year including Westchester and has become a high priority crime for law enforcement and area residents. Aggravated carjacking has become the preferred method of stealing vehicles by young criminals today, due to a less chance of resistance by victims, they are using different surprised tactics and there is a less chance of the offender being caught by always using new crime locations, switching out stolen cars and license plates. These offender(s) are targeting mostly woman drivers because they feel it is an easier target. The Westchester Police Department is working with three separate Law Enforcement Agencies regarding Vehicle Hijackings: Cook County Sheriffs Vehicle Hijacking Operations Unit and Chicago Vehicle Hijacking Task Force, and Crime Stoppers
mirror and who is possibly watching you exiting or arriving in the area, or following you with their vehicle for a long period of time. Purposely take a different route home to see if they continue to follow you, and then call 911. When going to your vehicle already have your keys in your hand to unlock the car door and not searching for items in your purse, or checking your phone. You should have your full attention on what is totally going on around you from the beginning of your trip and to the end of your destination keeping doors locked and widows closed. Always park where others can see you in a high visibility lighted areas. Always watch for things that are not normally usual like cars parked on the wrong side of the street with individuals inside you never seen before. When picking up food watch for possible cars trying to block you in by coming in behind you so park where you can break away fast and safe. Always, walk with confidence and constantly scanning your location making eye contact as you come and go.
To protect yourself always be aware of your surroundings watching your rear
Be careful of someone bumping your vehicle in a dark area to get you to exit
POLICE BLOTTER 1) At 9:07am on July 21, 2021 a Retail Theft was reported at the Dollar General located at 10201 Roosevelt Road. A store employee advised that a subject wearing an orange safety vest left the store without paying for a cart full of Tide laundry detergent. 2) At 9:22am on July 21, 2021 a Burglary to Motor Vehicle was reported on the 2300 block of Kensington. The vehicle owner reported that unknown person(s) removed items from the vehicle during the previous evening. 3) At 2:26am on July 24, 2021 a Burglary to Motor Vehicle was reported on the 2900 block of Buckingham. While arriving to the scene officers observed four subjects attempting to gain entry to vehicles in the area. Vehicle fled the scene. 4) At 12:39pm on July 26, 2021 a Retail Theft was reported at the BP Amoco located at 825 Mannheim. After a credit card transaction was
declined, a female customer fled the scene with the merchandise she was attempting to pay for. 5) At 10:39 pm on July 29, 2021 a Retail Theft was reported at the Jewel Foods located at 2128 Mannheim. A store manager advised that a subject left the store without paying for a bottle of alcohol. 6) At 3:43pm on August 8, 2021 a Theft from Motor Vehicle was reported on the 1500 Block of Mannheim Road. The vehicle owner reported that money, credit cards and jewelry was taken from the vehicle sometime during the afternoon. 7) At 3:53pm on August 8, 2021 a Theft report was taken at the BP Amoco located at 11201 Cermak Road. A customer reported that their wallet was taken from him unknowingly while shopping in the store.
your vehicle. Do not exit but move to a well-populated lighted area with other people present and dial 911. If you feel that you are being followed, call 911, advise the dispatcher that you believe you are being followed, stay on the line, and listen for instructions as they get officers to your location. Whenever possible use your phone camera to record any offender information or vehicle information. Always get your kids out of the car first and have them walk away before giving up the vehicle. Never ever, stay in the car with the carjacker, or go with him. Do whatever it is needed to avoid complying by exiting your vehicle as fast as you can. Offenders are stealing cars because it is less dangerous for the offender because he decides the outcome and location. He is also able to avoid apprehension by constantly staying on the move, while protecting their identity by changing stolen cars, or license plates to avoid capture.
Sincerely Chief Daniel Babich Westchester Police Department
PUBLIC WORKS Branch Pickup Branch pickup for September will be September 13-17, 2021 Branch pickup for October will be October 4-8, 2021 Branch pickup for November will be November 1-5, 2021 The Public Works Department will pick up branches the first full week of every month. (April-November) All brush must be put out on the front parkway by 7:00 a.m. on the designated pickup day. Branches can be up to 7’ in length and stacked with the butt ends facing the street in the same direction. If not stacked properly, a “restack” notice will be left. Again, please put ALL brush out on your designated pickup day and Public Works crews will determine what constitutes an open load, which will be picked up later in the week. An open load would include any brush that will not fit through the chipper such as logs, stumps, and large limbs. These must be cut for one man to lift. Dirt must be removed from any root balls for pickup. Public Works Crews will only pass through a designated pickup area once due to time schedule and other workload responsibilities. Landscaping contractors are responsible for their own brush pickup and disposal. Please note the following schedule for branch pickup:
the same-no change. MONDAY: From Mannheim Road West to Wolf Road and from Canterbury South to Windsor-including both sides of Windsor Drive. Also, Waterford, Waverly, Camelot and Concord. TUESDAY: Roosevelt Road South to Cermak Road-from Gardner Road West to Mannheim Road. WEDNESDAY: From Roosevelt Road north to the expressway and from Gardner Road west to Mannheim Road. Also, Roosevelt Road south to Canterbury from Haase west to Heidorn. THURSDAY: From Belleview west to Wolf Road, Martindale Drive to 31st Street Remember….. Waste Management will also pick up your branches if they are bundled (tied with rope/string/ twine etc.) and no more than 4’ in length. These will be picked up on your regular garbage day every week. Free yard waste stickers for reusable yard waste containers are available at the Village Hall office.
Waste Management – 1-800-796-9696 • If your garbage, recycling, or yard waste was not picked up on your regular day, please call Waste Management directly. • If you would like to request a new garbage or recycling receptacle, please call Waste Management directly. • If you have large items that will not fit in you receptacle (i.e. couch, chairs, tables, etc.,) please call Waste Management directly and request a special pickup. The Waste Management’s “At Your Door Special Collection” service will pickup unwanted-potentially hazardous and hard-to-recycle items from your home. That number is 1-800-449-7587. The full list of items may be found at
Parkway Restoration The Public Works Department will be repairing parkways damaged by sewer and water excavations and snow plow damage, weather permitting.
Pothole Repair
Labor Day-Holiday Garbage Schedule No Garbage pickup on Monday, September 6, 2021 (Labor Day) Monday’s Pickup will be Tuesday, September 7, 2021 Tuesday’s pickup will be Wednesday, September 8, 2021 Thursday & Friday pickup will remain
The Public Works Department repairs potholes throughout the Village, weather permitting. Please call Public Works at 708-345-0041 to report potholes. The vac and jet machine will continue to clean out storm sewer inlets, as weather permits.
As Always….. Village residents are asked to call Public Works at 708-345-0041 or the Police Non Emergency number after 3:30pm at 708345-0060 if an unusual amount of water is visible in the street or parkway. This could be a main break or water leak that requires our immediate attention.
50/50 Shared Cost Parkway Tree Program Beautify your yard and add to the curb appeal of your home…. The Village offers a 50/50 shared cost program that includes the purchase and planting of a new parkway tree. Residents have a choice of 5 types of trees indigenous to the area. The trees will be planted in November 2021. Please call Public Works at 708-3450041 to register or for more information.
Sprinkling Ban Reminder We have water use restrictions in effect every year, May 15-September 15, from 12pm to 6pm. This includes: (1) (2) (3) (4)
Outdoor Watering Cleaning Outdoor Surfaces Cleaning Buildings Pool Filling
Sprinkling during unrestricted hours (before noon, after 6pm) shall be allowed on even numbered days for even numbered addresses, and on odd numbered days for odd numbered addresses.
SENIOR BUS TRIP FOUR WINDS CASINO, New Buffalo, MI THURSDAY OCTOBER 14TH, 2021 For details and to reserve a seat, please contact the Village Hall at 708-345-0020. Limited spaces available
F ire D e partment SEPTEMBER 2021
L ibrary
L ib r ary 8
CONTINUED from page 1 • The intergovernmental revenues such as State Income tax, Sales tax, Local Use tax, and Federal grants are all exceeding the budgeted amounts for FY 2021. • The Cares act is getting set to disburse the first half of the money awarded to the Village in the amount of $1,100,000 with another $1,100,000 next year. This money will be used to finance the new water meter system over the course of the next several years. • The bond refunding will save the Village approximately $290,000 or about $26,000 per year over the next 10 or 11 years. • Our Roosevelt Rd. TIF should start generating revenue over the next month without any affect from selling the properties the Village owns. The Village Manager, Paul Nosek, Chief Babich and I, over the last couple of weeks, have been working with area residents living by the Oak Ridge Cemetery regarding security concerns surrounding inside the cemetery and surrounding areas outside the cemetery. Through collaboration between the Village of Westchester and members of cemetery staff, we have agreed to lock gate on Mannheim Road at 4:00 PM Monday through Friday , leaving the gate closed from Friday afternoon until Monday morning on the weekends. Cemetery staff are also working on putting in new gates on Roosevelt Road entrance
in the near future and closing the entire cemetery down at 4:00 PM to reduce nighttime activity in the cemetery after hours. This has been a very concerning issue. Whenever residents don’t feel safe in their own houses, there needs to be proactive conversations taking place with all parties involved. Chief Babich and his deputy chiefs have really been active in handling these occurrences at the cemetery. The new ambulance has been delivered and was on display at the Westchester Fest. Many kids (and adults) enjoyed climbing in the ambulance and having a look around. It is completely state of the art and quite impressive. We are waiting for equipment to be installed including cameras, radios and computers. We will have a public “push back” ceremony to place it into service. We expect the new breathing air compressor to be delivered to the Fire Department in September. Interoperable radios that will allow the fire department and police department to talk directly to each other should be in service in September, as well. There is so much to say about our spectacular Westchester Fest and I have a lengthy list of “thank yous” and accolades. Every department worked hand in hand. There were roughly 8500-12000 people in attendance over the weekend. We haven’t completed any of the counts as of yet. Our police officers were present on bike, on foot and on the ATV. They were
very available and were found conversing with residents and visitors. There wasn’t a single instance this weekend where they were needed to take action, thank goodness. The fire department was stationed on the north end of the property. They had our new ambulance on display and were giving tours to the kids and many adults. Firefighters were giving helmets and stickers to the kids. The National Guard was also present and had a Hummer on display. It was an all around great atmosphere! There were so many volunteers, and thank you to everybody who contributed. It was truly a whole neighborhood collaborative. NOTHING would get accomplished without the time dedication of our volunteers. Whether it was 10 minutes or 10 hours, any time given is appreciated entirely. I’d like to mention specifically Lynn Hanley, Noelle Piemonte, Joe Piemonte, Steve Westol, Jeff Markey, Brian Kuratko, Peggy Perry, Eric Keeley, Ashley Dattomo, Maria and Pat Calabria, Peg Checchi, all who worked tirelessly all weekend and some picked up double shifts. Thank you to the trustees that worked all weekend, as well. Trustee Tracy Markey, Trustee Cathy Kuratko, Trustee Rob Morales, Trustee Evie Slavic and Village Clerk Patrizia Fiordirosa all stood post this weekend. A tremendous unexpected help from our Hillside Dispatchers who worked the ticket booth all weekend. A special thank you to Village Manager, Paul Nosek and
Village Assistant, Melissa Fecarotta, along with Trustee Kuratko and Trustee Markey who organized, staffed, contracted, and did anything else you can think of that made the weekend possible. Thank you to the Board of Trustees for approving all of the plans. I can’t thank our Public Works Department enough, either. They did ALL the set up and take down, worked from 7:00am until 1:00am every night , garbage detail, ANY detail!! The bands all put on a show that had everybody captivated. Locals from Vintage, Kickin Jimmy, R-Gang, The Redmonds and Steve Calabrese, to the big names, like, Infinity and 7th Heaven. We had officers dancing on the roof to “YMCA”! Considering the shortage of employees obstructed many restaurants from participating, the food vendors put out a nice spread. The beer tent was continuously busy, and the conversations around the tent were priceless. The courtyard was packed and brimming on Saturday night. Infinity started their set around 9:00 Saturday…….and then…… FIREWORKS!! Without exaggeration, it was perhaps the finest display I’ve ever seen. Almost 30 minutes worth! Infinity even said “ We’ve been doing this 37 years and that is THE BEST FIREWORKS we’ve ever seen!!” Thank you to everyone who attended, helped, and enjoyed from afar! It was a shining moment for Westchester!!
S chool D i strict SEPTEMBER 2021
S ch o o l D i St r ic t 12
W eStcheSter F eSt SEPTEMBER 2021 13
W eStc h eSt e r F eSt 14
W eStcheSter F eSt SEPTEMBER 2021
S en i o rs 16
S enior s SEPTEMBER 2021
S en i o rs 18
S enior s SEPTEMBER 2021 19
S en i o rs 20
Thank you to those that helped Thank you to everyone who participated in Westchester Fest! We want to especially thank our Village Manger, Paul Nosek and our Village Assistant, Melissa Fecarotta, who both spent countless hours planning and executing so many details related to the Fest. In addition to all of the behind the scenes work that goes into the planning of this type of event, both Melissa and Paul were at the Fest before it opened each day and after it closed, AND they both solicited the help of their families who also spent a good portion of the weekend at the Fest helping, so a huge thank you to their families as well! We would also like to thank Public Works, our Police Department and our Fire Department. Scott Russell and Steve Crowley and so many other Public Works employees were also there all weekend setting up, taking down and everything in
between. Anything that was needed was taken care of immediately and they were working non-stop and working very hard all weekend – as well as before and after the weekend. Our Police Chief, Deputy Chiefs and so many other members of our Police Department were there all weekend interacting with and helping residents and Fest goers when needed, assisting with traffic control and parking and make sure that the event was secure. We had police on foot, on bikes, on the ATV, in cars and on golf carts. Our Fire Chief was there all weekend as well along with numerous members of our Fire Department, making sure that any medical needs were met as well as interacting with and assisting our residents where needed. They had our ambulance on display and were on foot making sure that they were close should anyone need their help.
We would also like to thank all of our volunteers that dedicated their time and energy to help us with Westchester Fest. In addition to most of our Board Members who spent their weekend helping, we also had the help of Hillside Dispatch, Peg & Pierre Checchi, Stephanie Stachak, Gina Giancola, Derek Gordon, Peggy Perry, Maria & Pat Calabria, Jennifer & Eric Keeley, Carlos Lopez, Dee Nosek, Dee Nadil, Lynn Hanley, Brian Kuratko, Jeff Markey, Kitty Thomas, Nancy Pavlica, Dawn Pesek, Joe & Noelle Piemonte, Steve Westol, Michael Hall, Gino Ricchio, Joe & Sue Michelotti, Nicole Mollee & Ashley Dattomo. Not only did volunteers spend time working the Fest, but most volunteers also had to spend the time to get Bassett trained beforehand in order to serve alcohol, check ids or sell tickets for alcohol.
We would also like to thank the generosity of our sponsors (including Christopher Burke Engineering, Waste Management, DWK Properties (Dave Kosir), M&J Asphalt Paving Co, Lyons Pinner Electric, Hi-Tech Auto Specialists, Westchester Chamber of Commerce, Klein, Thorpe & Jenkins, Montana & Welch, Minuteman Press, Westbrook Corporate Center, PT Solutions Physical Therapy and the Highlands Golf Course). Thank you also to the vendors who participated, our talented entertainers, and all those who came out to enjoy and support the Fest. It truly felt like a community event. Thank you to all who were involved in any way! Sincerely, Trustee Cathy Kuratko and Trustee Tracy Markey
A HUGE THANK YOU TO OUR WESTCHESTER FEST SPONSORS, VENDORS AND ENTERTAINMENT!! Alliant Insurance Services Christopher Burke Engineering DWK Properties Enterprise Center, LLC Hi-Tech auto Specialists Kabal Surveying Company Klein, Thorpe & Jenkins LTD Legislative Strategies Lurie’s Children’s Hospital Lyons Pinner Electric M&J Asphalt Paving Co., Inc. Maren Ronan LTD MB TRILLIONS Hair Minuteman Press Montana & Welch PT Solutions Physical Therapy Speaker of the House Emanuel “Chris” Welch Westbrook Corporate Center - Colliers International Westchester Chamber of Commerce All-in-one Stop Balloon Animals Party
Berwyn Italian American Club Burke Beverage ButtersRX Cub Scout Pack 73 Danni S Cosmetics & Accessories Divinely Inspired Elegant Events Duncan and Dadas Extreme Heating & Cooling Hair Xtacee Hickory Creek Brewing Co Sandos Designs Jump Start Novelties Karnak Court - #17 Lady Shriners Maribus of Chicago - Westchester National Guard New York Life PHP Life Legacy PLCCA, Inc Rocky’s Pizza Shapoppin Smita Creations - Henna Tatoos Snowies Jose’s Tacos
The Bird Nerd Café Tootz Sweetz Custom Cakes & Treats Triton College Turn lemons Corp. Westchester Food Pantry 7th Heaven A Zoo to You American Mobile Staging Inc. Blind Reality DJ Robbie Balloon Animal Party Flashing Thunder Fireworks Four Seasons Amusements Infinity J 4 Jumping Beans Kicking Jimmy Mobile Adventure Company Mobile Adventure Company R Gang Steve Calabrese The Redmonds Unlimited Graphics
All completed Westchester Resident Surveys can be sent to , dropped off at the village hall directly or mailed in.
HOW TO PAY YOUR UTILITY BILL! It has been brought to our attention that, with the new format of the utility bill there has been some confusion on the payment process. Here are some options for you! 1. Pay your bill online! a. Go to click online payments and use your 11 digit account number without the dashes. 2. Sign up for Auto Pay! a. Complete the Direct Debit form found online or in the Village Hall, and retur to the front office with a voided check. Keep in mind you will still receive a bill in the mail or email but the payments will automatically be deducted from your bank account on the due date of the bill. 3. Mail in a payment! a. Mail to 10300 W. Roosevelt Rd., Westchester IL 60154. All that the Village requires is a check with the 11 digit account number in the memo. We do not need the postcard returned; please keep that for your records. 4. Drop your payment off in the drop box outside the Village hall! a. There is a large white box that says Village Payments Only. Leave a check with the 11 digit account number in the memo and we will pick it up every morning at 7:30am. We do not need the postcard returned; please keep that for your records. 5. Visit the Village Hall! a. Village Hall is open 7:30am-4:00pm; Monday-Friday and we are accepting all forms of payments, except American Express. If there are any other questions pertaining to the utility bill please call the Utility Billing Department at 708-345-0020. Also keep in mind the Village has started paperless billing! You can find the form online, in the newsletter, or pick one up at the Village Hall. Please turn in the completed form to the front office to have the account set up.
Attention residents of Westchester, the Village is now in the process of setting up electronic billing. This will give you the choice of going paperless and having the utility bill emailed to you. All we need is a valid email address to attach to your utility account. Please fill out the form below and return back to the Village Hall. You can drop it off in person, mail the form to 10300 W. Roosevelt Rd. Westchester IL 60154, leave in the drop box, or email it to Please note that if you sign up for electronic billing, you will not receive a paper copy any longer. Any questions or concerns please call the Utility Billing Department 708-345-0020.