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The Masket Family Zaro’s Family Bakery
Tha n k you for everything yo u do to m ake Westchester a w on d erful com mun ity for people with developmental disab ilities .
CarePatrol would like to congratulate Steve and Elaine Masket on their Family Partner Award.
We also would like to thank The Arc for its continued service to the Westchester community.
Congratulations to the Masket Family for their dedication and tireless work on behalf of all the people we serve and to Zaro’s Family Bakery for employing people with disabilities and supporting The Arc Westchester
With many thanks from
As family members of the residents of Arc Westchester’s Foxhall Road residence, we want to thank the steadfast , beloved staff of Foxhall House for the loving kindness and care given to our family members , especially during the dark days of the pandemic.
We are grateful to Arc Westchester for the services they provide our families. We thank all donors to the Foundation for helping to secure the stability and longevity of the agency we depend on.
The Friends Of Foxhall
To the Maskets —
We are thrilled to celebrate you, your tenacity, your creativity, and your unflinching work on behalf of The Arc. Thank you for your leadership, and for demonstrating what it means to live thoughtfully, in community.
We are thrilled to see so many supporters of beneficiaries of The Arc gathering to honor your impact.
In admiration, VANESSA, GILAD, & MINA
We are thrilled to honor the Masket Family, who has been an inspiration to us for their profound dedication and advocacy for The Arc Westchester and its mission, and Zaro’s Family Bakery, whose social commitment makes their iconic breads taste even more wonderful.
Congratulations to the entire Masket Family on this well-deserved honor. We are so moved and inspired to celebrate you for doing so much to enhance the lives of so many. Thank you for blessing us with your cherished friendship. With boundless love, appreciation and respect,