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Construction with Bamboo - Modern bamboo architecture

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Modern bamboo architecture introduction It is a fact that literature about bamboo in modern architecture is hard to At this time bamboo is just used as a forming and constructive element. Bamboo was introduced to Europe through some sporadic organizations trial projects. In regions where bamboo is domestic, it was not just integrated in cultur but even in architecture. The logical conclusion is that architects of these regions are more interested in presenting the qualities of this material to

Bamboo has the image of being the building material of the poorer class, example in Colombia the upper class especially prefers concrete. In Indi highest caste builds with stone, the middle castes use wood and only th lowest castes use bamboo. The material bamboo is not standardized so people in Europe are confro with difficulties, if they want to build with bamboo.

Nevertheless some famous architects and engineers already made their experiments with this natural product. The qualities of bamboo are also appreciated by Renzo Piano. He was interested in combining light meta elements [tubes /slabs] with bamboo. In this way there arise intersection between bamboo- and modern light metal- constructions, Arata Isozaki, Buckminster Fuller und Frei Otto.

joint by Renzo Piano picture

modern bamboo- architects

Sim贸n V茅lez



Construction with Bamboo - Modern bamboo architecture

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Vélez is a graduate architect, from the University of Colombia in Bogotá. was born in Manizale/ Colombia in 1949 and has completed over 100 projects using concrete, bamboo (Guada Angustafolia), mangrove wood, woven palm mat lathing (or expanded metal lath) and clay roof tile.

Tower in the Parque de la Cafetera in Montenegro/Colombia. Vélez/Villegas (1993) height= 19m

Simón Vélez works from Bogotá, Colombia, South America. As much of work has been in very rural areas for ranchers, he has been allowed to experiment with the locally available materials due to a lack of a regulating authority and the relative difficulty of importing the standard building materials of brick and mortar.

Vélez has developed a very interesting model for building experimental structures. He builds only with his own well-trained crew of workers, so he able to constantly draw upon past successes and failures in detailing. He intentionally keeps drawings simple, usually freehand on single sheets of 8x11 graph paper. Cad- drawings only are made for the purchaser or for building improvements. The clearest concept to be seen in his drawings is the necessity for balan These cantilevers are very large, but maintain an obvious center of gravity over the support.

sketch for a tower The main mistake some architects do is to use bamboo like wood. His efforts are trials, because he always tries to plan with respecting bamboo and its peculiarities.

Very often bamboo only was tested on compression, but the real quality exists in its capability to compense shear tension. Vélez used this in his framework constructions, which were able to cantilever more than 9 mete and to strain about 27 meters.

bridge for the "Bob Marley Museum" in Jamaica



Construction with Bamboo - Modern bamboo architecture

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1998 Sim贸n V茅lez took part in a summer-workshop in Boisbuchet/France which was arranged by the Vitra Design Museum and the Center Georges Pompidou. At this opportunity he realized his first project in Europe - a garden pavilion.

One year later he set up a prototype of a 'low-cost-house', which could be built by the inhabitants.

The building is extremely resistant to earthquakes and is based on bambo and loam. It has 60 square meters divided on two floors and the value in Columbia is about 5000$.

Most of his buildings served to create a good image of bamboo even in higher social class of Columbia. This may be the way to integrate and establish bamboo next to concrete, steel, wood and stone as a full buildin material.

factory hall in Pennsylvania, Colombia [1993]



Construction with Bamboo - Modern bamboo architecture

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Shoei Yoh Shoei Yoh was born in 1940 in Kumamoto-City/Japan.1970 he founded hi office 'ShoeiYohArchitects' .In his long career he won many architecture prizes and at this time he teaches at the 'Graduate School of Keio University'.

In two projects he used bamboo as main static structure. He also designe a geodetic cupola [1989].

He also attended with 'grating- shell construction' .In Chikuho-Fukuoka he was inspired by the local artisans.



Construction with Bamboo - Modern bamboo architecture

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Rocco Yim The "Festival of Vision" in summer 2000 connects the cities Berlin and Ho Kong, while both are in a time of change and reorientation. The 'House of Cultures of the World' demonstrates in this context the important attitude contemporary art made in Hong Kong.

In this context the pavilion of the architect Rocco Yim from Hong Kong wa distinguished in front of the 'House of the Cultures of the World' in a lake.

Bamboo on the one hand has an essential meaning for his static structure for high buildings, on the other hand for temporary stages or Chinese festivals.

Michael McDonough Michael McDonough is an architect and furniture designer, who discovered bamboo some years ago. Since that time he attended with the possibilitie of this material.



Construction with Bamboo - Modern bamboo architecture

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After some furniture designs he wanted to realize his project 'Mendocino high-tech Bamboo Bridge' in 2000 . This should be a demonstration of the constructive qualities of bamboo. This framework construction is able to strain over 33 meters and is also able to compensate more than 60 times its own weight. The static structure is based on the principle of 'tensegrity which was coined by Buckminster Fuller and Robert Le Ricolais. "The word 'tensegrity' is an invention: a contraction of 'tensional integrity.' Tensegrity describes a structural-relationship principle in which structural shape is guaranteed by the finitely closed, comprehensively continuous, tensional behaviors of the system and not by the discontinuous and exclusively local compressional member behaviors. Tensegrity provides th ability to yield increasingly without ultimately breaking or coming asunder ( "Synergetics", by R. Buckminster Fuller )

Darrel DeBoer

The architect Darrel DeBoer lives in Alameda/ California. He was inspired the buildings of Simon Velez. During the time he worked at different books and he arranged the moving exhibition with the topic 'resource-efficient building components' . Furthermore he is responsible for the straw-baleproject.

DeBoer: Peralta Community Gardening Berkeley/ California

Timothy Ivory Timothy Ivory is the Director of Design for and train originally as a theatrical designer at the University of Michigan and New Y University, receiving his MA in Design from University of Michigan. He also studied Pantomime with Marcel Marceau's mentor , Etienne Decroux and the L'Ecole de Cirque Nationale de Paris.



Construction with Bamboo - Modern bamboo architecture

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He is now designing and building original pieces by commission and developing a line of Bamboo furniture. His past work has included creatin theatrical environments mixing six foot masks on bamboo poles with fabri wings, staging performance pieces mixing circus, theatre and bamboo sculpture and creating temporary or transitional structures to educate as the benefits of building with bamboo as a green/sustainable material.

In 1995 he created a Bamboo Pool Bar and also a Massage Spa Shade Structure using Tonkin Cane Bamboo at the Delano Hotel. He also design and built a pool house using Guaduas Angustifolia from Colombia.

research Oscar Hidalgo

Oscar Hidalgo, also a Colombian architect, was born in a bamboo house Chinchina . He is focused on research and science, but he also realized s bamboo projects. He traveled to Asia, Costa Rica and Brazil for his profes

Jules Janssen Dr. Jules J.A. Janssen is a well-known expert in the field of bamboo as a building and engineering material. He has been keynote speaker on sever congresses, and has acted as a member of steering committees, chairma several sessions, and referee of papers submitted for congresses. Further has acted as member of committees for Ph.D. studies at several Universi and has been the supervisor of the National Bamboo Project in Costa Rica from 1987 till 1995.

model house by Jules Janssen in Costa Rica

temporary bamboo- architecture



Construction with Bamboo - Modern bamboo architecture

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BAMBUCO is the group of artists and climbers brought together by Artist Director Simon Barley to create unique aerial performance construction ev Simon has been designing performance space and building site specific installations for some years, with an emphasis on exploration of aerial spa Study of bamboo construction followed from an interest in lightweight structures. After research in SE Asia and a period as a trainee scaffolder Kowloon Bay CITA, Hong Kong, he collaborated with the contemporary da company Danceworks to produce the giant bamboo installation BRIDGE f Melbourne International Festival 1995.

The structure used eight tonnes of bamboo cantilevered from the parabolic arch of a footbridge over the Yarra River.


The crowds gathering to watch the builders at work confirmed the idea of a spectacular construction process viewed as a performance event. BAMBUCO has a core artistic and management group based in Melbourn Australia. Construction crews are drawn from many countries.

Construction involves techniques adapted from modern rock climbing although the work appears dangerous, attention to safety at height is give highest priority. Once on site they add to this a sense of humor in severa languages and a willingness to engage with the audience. bridge in Berlin



Construction with Bamboo - Modern bamboo architecture

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"The intention is always upward, the imagery muscular, architectural."

commercial architecture Project in cooperation of the Bamboo center Germany and the company PROFAIR: Pavilion of the Company JAPAN TELECOM, Geneva

tent of the group: "soft structures" pylons as bundle supports

product by the Dutch group FLEXIMAC: two bamboo- supports as pylons for bent awnings. Because of the double curve of the membrane the surface in tension is stable

land art



Construction with Bamboo - Modern bamboo architecture

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Hiroshi Teshigahara The Japanese artist Teshigahara uses bamboo- ledges to make landscap sculptures

landscape- installations from bent bamboo- blades

Antoon Versteegde This sculpture was made in cooperation of the Environmental Bamboo Foundation, the trust De Lutteltuin and the artist Anton Versteegde. It was installed within a touring exhibition at different sites.

European Bamboo Society, Falmouth (GB)



Construction with Bamboo - Modern bamboo architecture

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".....Meanwhile classical standards have become obstacles for lively arts. artist only can recover his liberty by temporary installations, by the design vulnerable objects, that pass like organic time bombs or are destroyed by vandalism. A dynamic work of art only becomes alive outside the museum..." (Antoon Versteegde)

Bamboo Arena, Riehl 1996 (G)


Tower, Feesttuig 1992

Stephen Glassman Stephen Glasssman is an American artist who develops among others th free form strudtural bamboo siteworks. This bridge was calculated ba Oscar Hidalgo. It was installed in Ubud/ Ba 1995.


ecological orientated architecture This project by the engineers and designers Darren Port and Mark Robert unites bamboo with straw- bale architecture.



Construction with Bamboo - Modern bamboo architecture

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This building in Puerto Rico is called "hooch" by the owner. The bamboo- construction is put up on an existing concrete base with cesstank and is used like a bedroom. sun- collectors on the roof produce current for a ventilator and a small lamp.

architects/ engineers/ specialists architects and designers "

" " " " " "

" " " " "

Prof. Cassandra Adams; Prof. at UC Berkeley specialized in construction, mainly in environment and Japanese construction Jorge Arcila, Marizales - South America - "stacked house" Darrel DeBoer, California Doug La Barre; USA, manufacturing facility for creating laminated lumber from imported Guada Bobby Manoso, Philippines Michael McDonough Carlos Vegara; Cali - South America (deceased ) - whole houses from bamboo, multi column system, loads carried by septum of the bamboo Sim贸n V茅lez, South America Marcelo Villegas, South America Rocco Yim, Asia Shoei Yoh, Asia ... specialists

" " " " "

Karl Bareis Wolfgang Eberts Prof. Jules A. Janssen Oscar Hidalgo ... artists



Construction with Bamboo - Modern bamboo architecture

" " "

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Anton Versteegde Teshigahara ...

literature Vitra Design Museum, Grow your own house ... ...

Url ( on 08.02.2000, 22:00 ) straw bale- architecture Mendocino Bridge by McDonough Shoei Yoh - 'grating shell construction' in photos construction principles of the whire by Anton Versteegde ...



Construction with Bamboo - Bamboo Connections

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Bamboo Connections


Aspects of bamboo connections

The characteristics of bamboo induce parameters for processing Bamboo itself has a lot of advantages using it for building houses, bridges... . It is a cheap, fast growing material with excellent statistics according to the mechanical properties. The connections are the difficult structures in bamboo constructions. Here are a few reasons: "

Bamboo has got a round profile. Creating connections with round profiles are leading to difficult geometric structures at the knot.



Construction with Bamboo - Bamboo Connections

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Bamboo fibres only grow in the longitudinal direction.


Bamboo is hollow. There is no material to tighten the bamboo in the middle of the cane.


The face of the cane is very slippery and hard.


Bamboo is not suitable for loads in cross direction, because there are no cross fibres.


Bamboo is a natural material, that varies in diametres, lenght and quality according to the climate.

bending and impact fractures

This report tries to show, how these problems are solved in several examples of different kind of connections.

nail splitting the bamboo

Least-Tech versus High-Tech There seem to be two parties in modern bamboo architecture: "

those who use bamboo as an alternative material connected with industrial standard elements like steel plates, nuts and bolts


and those who try to find a modern least-tech connection which can be produced very cheap and assembled by unskilled workers.

Traditional least-tech connection



Construction with Bamboo - Bamboo Connections

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Different aims followed by the use of bamboo lead to different connection layouts. We chose the way that power transition is done as a criterion to seperate them from each other.

A modern steel connection by Shoei Yoh

Note: This paper is especially about connecting full bamboo canes. If you use splitted bamboo, there are of course far more possibilities.

Overview types of connections friction-tight rope connections Friction-tight rope connections are the common connecting method. Traditionally natural materials are used: " " " "

cocos/sago palm fibre bast strips of bamboo rattan

For tight connections green bamboo strips are used, the fibres are watered before tying around the bamboo. While drying, the fibres shorten and the connection becomes stronger. Nowadays also industrial materials are used: " "

iron wire (zinc coated) plastic tapes/ ropes

connection with bamboo strips



Construction with Bamboo - Bamboo Connections

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plugin/bolt connections Plugin/Bolt connections: Constructions with secondary interlocking elements are often used in context with rope connections. In this case the bolts have to transfer tractive and compressive forces. In wooden connections this is done by different kinds of profiles. The metallnail is a perforating element. If the bamboo is not fresh at all, the bamboo is often splitted by the wedge shaped nail. There are two exceptional cases: The Guadua angustifolia and Chusquea bamboo from central and southern Amerika.

bracket interlocking stud

positive fitting connections Wooden connections with slit and tenons, like they are traditionaly used for carpenter-like constructions in Germany, are rare. There are three reasons: " " "

positive fitting connection

bamboo is round bamboo is hollow bamboo splits

But although there are these problems, positve fitting connections are used in traditional bamboo buildings. Different kinds of holes are cutted into the bamboo and make it possible to connect the round bamboo rods.

interlocking connections Constructions elements made of bamboo are suitable for lots of uses. Bamboo has different diameters and is thicker near the knots. Within bolting together or wedging the bamboo, lots of its tightness won't be transfered by the construction element. Bambu - Tec solves this problem. Prefabricated bamboosticks with certain length are covered with a cap and connected with synthetic resin. For a tight connection of the cap and the bamboo are covered with circular grooves. Because of that the grounting mass runs between the materials and confirms this construction.

construction elements in bamboo



Construction with Bamboo - Bamboo Connections

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Pan - Spatially frame-works. This frame-work works on bamboo with diameters small than 80mm. These threaded bolts can transfer about 50% of the tractive force. For compressive forces is a front plat necessary. For overhead construction this system has to be examined by an official institut.

Pan-knots for spatially frameworks Induo - System. This system makes it possible to transfer about 100% of the maximum rated load of large bamboo diameters.

Induo-compound tie Other industrial products: cable tie mount with concrete reinforcement steel reinforcement-screw connection with concrete steel

Transportanker - cable tie mount

combined connections Double post, here with bounded knot and continuous handle. Within this construction the tube wall is not weakened bei drillings. The advantage of this system is, encumbrances of the roof and the floor are absorbed by different posts. Because of this, you can easier do repairs of defective posts.

double post



Construction with Bamboo - Bamboo Connections

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At the Zeri-pavillion at the EXPO 2000 were used combined connections: Threaded bolt tightend with mortar - typ A Steal mounting link with mortared bolt - typ B ZERI Pavillon EXPO 2ooo

Friction-Tight Rope Connections

Lashing ties: The common type of connection at a joint is lashing. The ties are also of organic material and therefore provide optimal compatibility between the elements of the construction system. Cords and ropes are made of bamboo bark, bast, coconut- or sagopalmfibres. Nowadays also plastic cords are used. Bamboo ropes of twisted bamboo fibres are produced in lengths up to 350m. They are more wear-resistant than standard ropes. With a tensile strength of 720 kp/cm³ a rope of an arm´s thickness can bear up to 14 tons. Binding wire is (as plastic cords are) an industrial product. Zinc coated wire has the same lifetime as bamboo.

Connection with bamboo strips



Construction with Bamboo - Bamboo Connections

Seite 7 von 23 Plait strips: Usual plait materials are rind strips of bamboo, rattan or lianas. Soaked before use they are more pliable. When drying, the fibres shrink and the connection tightens.

Fine handwork rattan connection Lashing ties - connection of a purlin and two braces with three drill-holes.

Purlin and braces connection Rattan tie to fix a plug connection



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Rattan connection through drill-holes Friction-tied rattan connection. The end of the beam and the tie do the power transmission. If the connection is not tight enough, the beam may crack at the drill-hole. The additional bandage prevents the sling from slipping. If connected at a post nodium, the broader nodium in addition complicates slipping of the beam.

Another rattan connection Top of the post with drill-hole. If post and cross-beam are of the same diameter, the lashing tie replaces a stop at the side. A croossing bandage shortens the sling and prevents the post from sliding.

Variation of the connection above

Traditional scaffolding Bamboo canes connection with lashing ties and a draw stick - with the help of the draw stick the lashing tie is tightened. Then the stick is fixed to the post.



Construction with Bamboo - Bamboo Connections

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Lashing tie with drawing stick Scaffold braces - are bamboo canes which often are only fixed with the lashing ties.

Lashing tie with draw stick

Plugin Connections and Bolt Structures

Plugin connections: Carpenterlike connections with mortise and tenon are seldom used in bamboo structures. On the other hand plugin elements like bolts or consoles you find very often. Additional lashing or wedging keeps things in place. A disadvantage of these connections is that you don´t use the whole diameter for power transmission. Also you must pay attention that the holes are not too close to the end of the canes. Otherwise the plug may break out. The use of nails may split the bamboo



Construction with Bamboo - Bamboo Connections

Plugin console

Seite 10 von 23 particular old and dry canes. Pre-drilling is a method to prevent splitting. There are two bamboo species which can be nailed: Guadua angustifolia and Chusquea. Plugin connection: This is a type of connection for greater diameters with a hardwood bolt and wedge. Five holes, the bolt and the wegde - a more extravagant connection. If the bolt is conical, the connection is save in all directions.

Bolt structure Connection with inner plug and a horizontal drill-hole to fix the connection with a lashing tie. If the lashing is tight and the plug fits quite good into the opening, both plug and lashing can do the power transition. But even if not, this connecting method can be very durable at less force. The inner plug prevents the beam from slipping down the post and the lashing is against unplugging.



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Connection with inner plug Rope connection fixed with bolt. The bolt keeps the conncetion in place even if the rope or cord lenghtens .

Rope connection fixed with bolt

Joint with two connections. Again a combination of bolts and lashing to connect the canes.

Complicate joint



Construction with Bamboo - Bamboo Connections

Seite 12 von 23 Interlocking connection with a wedge. With the wedge driven into the opening, the strips of the horizontal beam are pressed into the hole and fix the beam. If the wegde shrinks, the beam can be easily pulled out of the opening. So additional arrangements like lashing or bolts are necessary for a save connection.

Interlocking connection with wedge Connection with a steel tension clamp. Leaving the low-tech sector, with the use of steel elements a lot more connections become possible. Avoid connections which produce great forces vertical to the cane axis. They can destroy the bamboo cane.



Construction with Bamboo - Bamboo Connections

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Connection with steel clamp Modern connection by Shoei Yoh in 1989. For his bamboo roofs in Fukuoka, Shoei Yoh used a steel tube put into the bamboo and which is connected to the cane with bolts. The steel tube is strong enough to withstand the pressure of the tightened bolts. In addition there are two bolts in vertikal direction. For the connection to the knot a steel bar is welded into the tube and again it is screwed to the knot. Because of the numerous bolts the connection is also suitable for greater loads. The result is a very technical but strangely overstyled looking connection.

Connection with steel tube and bolts Modern connection by Renzo Piano Building Workshop in 1997. The canes are connected to a special designed steel element via binding wire. Instead of a bolt driven through bar and cane, a wire is tied through the holes and tied around the bamboo. A fine artwork but because of the fine wire seemingly only for small forces.

Connection with steel wire

Interlocking Connections file://D:\www.bambus\new\eng\reports\connect\index\pdf.html


Construction with Bamboo - Bamboo Connections

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Interlocking Connections are achieved by glueing or sheding connection elements in or around the bamboo.

Woodcore Connection Woodcore connection. A piece of wood can be used and glue can be employed to stick it to the inner surface of the bamboo. Any normal glue provides a capaity far larger than that of bamboo in the tangential direction. Two slots are needed in the bamboo cane to control cracking during the insertion of the wood cylinder.

possible inner parts

The wood fitting can be extended outside the culm to meet the outcoming piece of wood from other elements, then normal wood construction methods can be used for connection. Woodcore connection. The steel plate C is introduced in the slot of the wood cylinder and glued to it with a mixture of epoxy resin and portland cement. The plate is projected, so that its outer extreme can be adapted for different applications, as indicated in the details D and E. Systemadvantages are its low price and the availibilty of the parts.

connecting system In plane or space trusses, the plates from two or more incoming elemets can be prewelded to eachother and then the rest of the connection can be assembled. The figure shows a connection in which a small box is made of steel plates, so that the faces are prependicular to the axis of the incoming elements. The steel tips are then welded directly to those surfaces. Welding is thought of here because it is cheaper than machining of the tips, but in some cases tis can be achieved



Construction with Bamboo - Bamboo Connections

Seite 15 von 23 as well. Information: Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures [pdf]

space truss, with centre steelbox element

by Oscar Antonio Arce-Villalonos (Costa Rica/ at TUEindhoven)

Bambu-Tec Constructionelements Constructionelements made of Bamboo that can be used for various tasks. Bamboo often grows slightly bend, the diameter of the bamboo cane varies and it is a little oval. At the knots it is a little thicker. If you try to skrew or wedge the bamboo its high strength won´t be transfered. Bambu - Tec constructionelements eleminate these weak points. - The bamboo canes are cut into the desired, unique length (e.g.0.5m,1m,2m). Both ends are covered with caps that are connected with artificial resin or another fillingmass. To give the connection cap/bamboo a high tensile strength the bambooends are given circular grooves and the inner cap is covered with circular notches, so the connecting mass acts like a claw between bamboo and cap. constructionelements made of Bamboo The capfastening is done with a gauge, so the caps are aligned exactly parrallel and in a reproducable distance. The caps can be made of synthetic, aluminium or steel. It is even possible to produce them, by using the synthetic spray technique, directly on the bamboo. There can be bores, threads or flanges fixed to the caps. If you use steel or aluminiumcaps they can even be welded to other metalparts. used for: . . . scaffolding, tentconstructions, house building, roof and half-timbered constructions,... the inventor Bruno Huber

Information: Bruno Huber - Ordenslandstr.39 82140 Olchingen, Germany drawings from the patent.



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legend: 1 single strunt 2 free end 3 connectionelement 4 bore 5 struntaxis 6 adhesive 8 notches 9 notches 10 threadbore 11 crossbore 12 jointelement 13 sphere 14 rotationaxis

The following bamboo connections are not yet tested, but seem to be possible. They all deal with sheded armature, so the strenght of the connection depends mostly on the connection between bamboo and fillingmass. Most of the introduced products are german, it will be to the constructor to find similar or better local products.

Transportation armature/ Skrewconnections Transportation armature with pressed concrete. The sytemstrength depends on the concrete/bamboo connection, on the concretes (or fillingmass) compressive strength, on the thread diameter, the production series (long or short shaft, straight model) aswell as on the tractive direction (axial, slantwise , athwart) and the jointdesign. Systemadvantages are its price and its deliverability from stock. The installation can start immediately without long prefabrication of the dowels. Information: Firma Friedrich Schroeder GmbH & Co.KG

transporation armature



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Reinforcement Continuity Screw Connection System. The optimal sollution for all static component connections. Static, constructive and economically. The sleevestick (with sleeve and connectionflange) - and the connectionstick (with furled metric thread) are sheded with the bamboo and therefore reach an interlocking connection. The connection is carryed out via an adapter with right/left outerthread for the doublesided sleeveconnection.


Systemadvantages are [like transportation armature] its price and its deliverability from stock. The installation can start immediately without long prefabrication of the dowels. Information: Halfen GmbH & Co. KG

armatureconnection via adapter

Induo-anchor technique Induo-anchor. For big bamboodiameters the Induo-anchor can transfer nearly 100% of the maximum load of the cane cross section. The Induo-anchor consists of a cast iron core with connectionteeth on its sides. It can easily be sheded with a bamboo cane. Concrete or artificial resin can be used for that. Information:

Induo-knot construction



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Advantage of Induo is that any available knotconnection-system can be used with it (e.g. Mero, Pan). A simple connection can be manufactured with a threaded bar and two counter nuts. Steelballs with threadbores are used as jointpoints. Disadvantage of Induo-anchor is its high price.

threadrod connection If used with the Induo-anchor the cast iron core is drilled in the perpendicular axis with fitting diameter to connect the screwbolt. Information:

Mero - knotconstruction Steel-neb-connection - This connection method uses the Induo-anchor in its usual state with bores and threads. The base element of this connection is a conical steelconnecter which is centric screwed from the inside to the Induo-anchor bore on the one side and to the threadbore of the jointelement on the other.


Pan-knot spacetruss Pan-spacetruss. Small bamboo canes (diameter up to 80mm) can transfer ca.50% of the maximal tensile force if threaded bars are glued or sheded into the caneends. For compressive forces the maximum force is where the cane breaks if connected with a headplate. If overhead working is necessary tests by an officially recognized materialtesting-institution and special permission of the building departement are required. (germany)



Construction with Bamboo - Bamboo Connections

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Pan-knot Pan-spacetruss consist only of two elements the Pan-ballknot and the cane with sheded threadrod. That means more economic statics, drawings and production. Furthermore they can be dismantled and reused. Information:

range of products

Combinations Doublejamb connection Doublejambs, tied knots, transitional cane, purlin with cleat. The second pole is replaced by a cleat. Advantage is that the wall of the cane is not weakened by bores. There is no reinforcement of the polebase. Doublejambs: The roof and floor-loads are absorbed by different poles. Hereby damaged canes can be exchanged more easily. The rot endangered polezone is reinforced.

doublejamb as support doublejamb with support.



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doublejamb with support Doublejamb with support. tied knots, transitional cane, purlin with cleat. The second pole is replaced by a cleat.

ZERI Pavilion EXPO 2ooo A similar connection was used for the ZERI pavilion at EXPO 2ooo. To guaranteeing tensile strength, there are used two different types of connections: sheded threadrods - Type A For this connection the bamboo needs to be drilled. The threadrods are sticked into the holes. In these internodias, where the threadrods are



Construction with Bamboo - Bamboo Connections

ZERI Pavilion EXPO 2ooo

Seite 21 von 23 in, the bamboo is filled with mortar. With the ends of the threadrods you can creat different kinds of connections. For the connections it is important to use special dishes, also to fill the bamboo with mortar. Otherwise the bamboo would splitter, because of the force transmission at only one point. lateral steel flanges and sheded bolts - Type B This connection is similar to type A. The bamboo is drilled. The sheded bolts are insert into the bamboo in crossdirection, the bamboo is filled with mortar. The connection itself is constructed by a lateral steel flanges, that is tied around the bamboo and joint with the sheded bolts. This connection transmits the forces to different parts of the bamboo and avoids the debit of only one point of the bamboo.



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Cane bundles Cane bundles must be used for bigger loads. When using them for construction a possible connection can be achieved by projeting steel tips out of a wood cylinder (see interlocking connection), so that these tips can be welded to a plate or any other cetral component, to fix the relative position of the canes.

structural element composed of three canes Probably it will be necessary to keep the canes together at midspan. A steel band can be used for that. Information: Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures

structural element composed of four canes



Construction with Bamboo - Bamboo Connections


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Der Vergiate-Pavillon erstellt von Jan Mikolajczak und Manuel Geis am 27.01.2004 im Rahmen des Bambusseminars 04, Lehrstuhl für Tragkonstruktionen - RWTH Aachen

Der Bambus Pavillon in Vergiate, Nord Italien emissionizero

Geschichte Dieser Pavillon, der zur Zeit das größte Gebäude aus Ba 2003 fertiggestellt. Die Idee zu diesem Bau wurde stark Emission Research and Initiatives), die erfolgreich den E wurde die Organisation „emissionizero“ durch Valeria Ch hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt umweltgerechtes Bauen zu förd Emissionizero arbeitete zunächst mit dem Polytechnikum der Bio-Architektur erarbeitet wurden und an deren Kons die Möglichkeit des Bauens mit Bambus erforscht.

Der Baustoff Bambus mit seinen hervorragenden Eigens machte sich emissionizero 2002 auf die Suche nach eine wurde zur Realisierung eine Gemeinde oder Stadt gesuc stellen wollte, und zum anderen sich vorstellen konnte ei unterhalten.

Die Stadt Vergiate, in der Nähe von Mailand, war dazu b Ticino-Park bot genügend Platz für das Projekt. Neben d Pavillon als kultureller Veranstaltungsort wurden in ihm a mehrere Workshops zu diesem Thema abgehalten.



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Konstruktion Die Struktur, inspiriert durch eine Skizze des kolumbianischen Architekten Simon Velez, besteht aus 15 zweiteiligen Binder mit einem Abstand von 2 m. Jede dieser Binder wird getragen von dreiteiligen Stützen, bestehend aus einem vertikalen und zwei geneigten Bambushalmen. Der entstandene Bau gliedert sich in drei Teile, einem Mittelbau, der eine Höhe von 7 m besitzt, und zwei um einen Meter niedrigere Gebäude, die sich rechts und links anschließen. Die Grundfl äche beträgt 32 x 16 Meter, rund 500 m2.

Das statische System besteht aus Fachwerkbindern, die auf Stützen gelagert sind.



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Die Fachwerbinder verhalten sich wie die Sparren eines Sparrendaches, es treten Biegeund Normal-(Druck) kräfte auf. Die entstehenden Horizontalkräfte werden über ein Stahlseil aufgenommen.

Die Stützen sind hauptsächlich auf Druckkraft belastet. Sie sind jeweils aufgeteilt in drei einzelne Bambushalme, von denen zwei Vförmig angeordnet sind, um so für eine ausreichende Windaussteifung zu sorgen. Der Fachwerkbinder ist so ausgebildet, dass ein großer Dachüberstand entsteht, welcher für den Holzschutz notwendig ist.

Die Konstruktion besteht aus 400 Guadua Angustifolia-Bambushalmen. Zur Verbesserung der Haltbarkeit wurde diese in Pereira, Kolumbien, durch das Räucherverfahren zusätzlich imprägniert. Durch die verschiedenen Dachflächen und die völlig offene Konstruktion entsteht ein leichter und transparenter Eindruck.

Bauphase Der eigentlich Bauprozess gestaltete sich auch als ein „learning by doing“-Workshop. Zwar besaßen die Leute von emissionizero ein ausreichendes Fachwissen in der Theorie aber es gab keine Facharbeiter oder sonst jemanden, der über die Erfahrung verfügte mit Bambus zu bauen.



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So wurde der Pavillon zunächst mit Bambus unerfahrenen Handwerkern unter der technischen Leitung Neri Braulin (Foto: 4. v.r.) errichtet. Zusätzlich wurde das Projekte von dem bekannten kolumbianischen Architekten Simon Velez beraten.

Bei der Errichtung des Pavillon wurde zunächst das Dach auf einem Gerüst errichtet, welches später durch die Bambusstützen ersetzt wurde. Bauabschnitte:

1. Einrichtung der Baustelle 2. Auswahl der Bambusstangen für die 15 Dachbinder 3. Vorfertigung der Bambushalme: Zurechtschneiden, Herstellung der Kopfanschlüsse, Einbau der Gewindestangen, verschrauben mit Muttern und Unterlegscheiben 4. Gerüstaufbau 5. Aufbau der zweiteiligen Binder auf dem Gerüst 6. Befestigung der Pfetten 7. Aufbau der Sparren 8. F üllung der Anschlüsse mit Zement 9. Dachaufbau mit Holzpanelen und Dachschindeln 10. Befestigung der Stützen an die Binder mit Gewindestangen 11. Ausrichten der Stütze und Vorbereitung des Fundaments 12. Spannen der Zugseilen 13. Gießen der Stahlbeton-Fundamente 14. Abbau des Gerüstes

Nach Fertigstellung wurde der Pavillon einem statischen Test unterzogen. Dabei wurde die Belastung durch starken Schneefall (1400 kg) und Wind (500 kg) simuliert. Die Verformung war messbar, befand sich jedoch im Sollbereich. Somit konnte der Pavillon als erstes permanente Bambus-Gebäude in Europa der Öffentlichkeit zu Verfügung gestellt werden.



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Herstellung Fischmaulanschluß

Ausrichtung des Fachwerkträgers auf dem Boden

Zusammenbau Fachwerkträger

Details Die Stützen sind auf Betonsockeln gelagert um diese vor zwischen dem Bambus und dem Betonsockel erfolgt übe Bambus einbetoniert ist.



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Die Verbindung der einzelne Bambusstäbe im Fachwerk einbetonierte Gewindestangen zu Einsatz. Die Fixierung einen zweite kurze ortogonal angeordnete Stange, welch Stangen untereinander erfolgt über eine Metallöse.

Detail 1: Anschluß Fundament-Stütze

Detail 2: Anschluß Binder/Stütze



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Detail 4: First

Detail 3: Dachaufbau Traufe




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Quellenangaben Architettura OFX Ausg. 74 Bambus Journal, 2003, 14. 4 Text von Walter Liese

Link z (2004)



Construction with Bamboo - ZERI Pavillion

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ZERI Pavillion on the EXPO 2000

Introduction The ZERI organisation (Zero Emission Research Initiative) develops strategies for a lasting way how to deal with the natural resources of our planet in order to satisfy basic needs of all people.

prototype of the ZERI pavilion

The pavilion, which was build by I for the EXPO 2000 in Hannover, represents the principles of ZERI´s work. "The ZERI Pavilion is a circular construction, thus one without a beginning, without an end, open in design as to invite everyone to participate without obstacles. It is open and unobstructed. It symbolises a universally accessible organisation which embodies concepts and technologies which are applicable anywhere and accessible to everyone."( Marshall McLuhan) As it is one of ZERI´s purposes to establish bamboo as a construction material in South America, the organisation decided in 1997 to build the pavilion as a framework construction made of bamboo.

sketch of the architect

Simon Veléz , a Columbian architect from Bogota, has been working with bamboo for a longer while. He developed a new technology to connect the bamboo canes using thread rods and concrete/mortar injections. This new technology allows to realize impressive constructions and great spans.

Design Simon Veléz´s project is a circular bamboo structure, or more precise a ten-sided polygon 40 meters in diameter with a peripheral overhang seven meters wide, so not only the interior of the open pavilion but also the construction is protected from rain. The building rests on two concentric courses of 20 supporting wooden pilars measuring 8 to 14 meters height. The pavilion provides 2,150m² floor-area on two levels (1,650m² at ground level and 500m² on first floor galllery).



Construction with Bamboo - ZERI Pavillion

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The roof is typical the architecture of Simon VelĂŠz', who calls himself a "roof architect". The roof overhang, which is much bigger than necessary for construction, is a special topic for VelĂŠz. The pavilion with its wide roof looks like a mushroom. The organic form accentuates the materiality of the pavilion. In addition to this mushrooms play a important role in one of ZERI' s farming projects.

sketch of the architect

Static system The ZERI pavilion is a circular building in skeleton construction, whose great number of rod-shaped construction elements may confuse at the first moment. At a closer look you perceive, that the main static system consist of a transom made of framework on two pillars with two cantilevers. Because of the radial arrangement there are always two supporting beams made of framework in one axis. On their highest point they form ridge ring. Ten pairs of framework-beams are arranged in a regular space. There are other framework beams in between in order to reduce the span. They don't give their load directly to the pillars, but they lead it over struts into the pillar of the next axis. To reduce the length of breaking of the pillars, a rotating gallery was inserted on half the height.

Elements of structure Roof



Construction with Bamboo - ZERI Pavillion

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The roof of the pavilion is decagonal and juts out seven meters over the gallery level. The roof has got a diameter of 40m and is at the ridge 14,5m and at the gutter 7m high. The roofing is made of 9mm thick cement tile, which are strengthened with bamboo and lying in a 3cm thick mortar layer. This mortar layer gives together with an underneath arranged rolled metal layer the load of the roof to the spars. The spars are radial and concentrically arranged with small spaces in between. They give the load to ten ring-shapely round the whole roof running purlins. rendering roof

roof structure

Framework grider

vertikal section

The purlins give their load to 40 radial arranged and in an angle of 9° standing towards each other framework griders. Every second grider is not supported directly, but gives his reactions to the pillar of the adjoining grider using diagonal rods and rings. There is a ring-shaped framework on the height of the pillar´s heads, that distributes the horizontal loads. The single elements of the griders are 'bundles' of up to 8 bamboo canes. Only at the connection points, where the loads are given to the pillars, single concerning internods (internodien?) are additionally filled with mortar. In all other areas of the girder the canes are only connected with steel rods.

section rendering




Construction with Bamboo - ZERI Pavillion

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The gallery consist of several layers. The lowest supporting layer is made of radial and ringshaped arranged guadua bamboo canes, which are supported by struts in the knots. On these canes lies a layer of radial arranged arbocolo rods with half diameter. On this layer chusque bamboo canes with a diameter of 2 to 3 cm are lying really tight, they are a sacrificed shuttering for the reinforced concrete ceilling. The cast concrete ceilling is only 8cm thick and works load distributing for vertical and horizontal loads.

gallery structure


The outer pillars consist of 6, the inner pillars of 4 bundled aliso round timbers. They are connected by thread rods and flat steels. Only 2 of the 6 respectively 4 round timbers give the load to the foundations. The other round timbers increase the flexural rigidity. For bracing in peripheral direction there are struts. The lower very stable part of the bamboo plant was used for the struts.

view underneath the roof


The inner pillars are standing on a foundation ring. The outer pillars are standing on single foundations, which are connected trough foundation beams.

detail foot detail section foundation



Construction with Bamboo - ZERI Pavillion

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Connections Two methods have been developed to connect two sticks orthogonal with each other. First of all this connections have to transfer tractive forces. " "

connections of the bamboo canes

Type A mortarted thread pole Type B lateral steel strap and mortar bolt

Type A mortarted thread pole In order to connect a cane firmly with another, transferring tractive forces, you have to puncture two or three diaphragma (intermediate base), interlock a thread pole and fill the internodia (cavity) with mortar injections from the outside. Then the second bamboo stick has to be vertically punctured and put on the thread pole. At least a nut with an curved washer is screwed onto the thread pole, the punctured internodia is filled with mortar. Type B lateral steel strap and mortar bolt For this variant of connection two or three internodia at the end of the bamboo stick have to be punctured vertically. Thread poles were put through the holes, after that, the internodia were filled with mortar. The second bamboo stick is placed vertically at the end of the first stick. A steel strap is wraped round the bamboo and then screwed to the thread poles. So the steel strap presses the second bamboo at the other, like a belt or a loop. The bamboo´s internodia which is wraped had to be injected with mortar, because otherwise the stick would collabse.

detail knot

Assessment of the connections The experiments of the FMPA Stuttgart, an institute where materials are tested, resulted for type A in nearly no initial slip. Wedging the tube at the thread poles has caused the bamboo´s breakdown. The maximum load rose up to 70kN. Type B had an initial slip of 1.5 mm, but was able to withstand 140kN. This connection had a maximum load twice as high as the other one. The breakdown was caused by flaring the holes of the steel strap or wedging the bamboo´s tube.

detail struts



Construction with Bamboo - ZERI Pavillion

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Materials The important materials for the primary supporting construction are the bamboo guadua angustifolia, the wood Aliso (alder wood), sturctural steel und concrete. The Arbolco wood and the Chusque bamboo were used for the interior works.

Bambus guadua angustifolia

Bamboo guadua angustifolia The Columbian bamboo guadua angustifolia reaches a height of 20 to 25 meters and can be cut at the earliest after three years. For the pavilion canes/tubes with a diameter of 10 to 14 cm and a wall thickness of 11 to 22mm were used. To protect the bamboo against insects and fungus diseases, it was smoked/fumed in its own resins like usually in Japan. Wood Aliso (alnus acuminata) The Aliso wood comes from a Columbian alder species. So it is a deciduous wood. The missing of annual rings can be explained as there are no real seasons of the year in Columbia. The wood is used for the pillars of the pavilion as 17 to 22cm big whole wood trunks. Because the growth of the wood is twisted, only with whole wood the necessary load capacity can be reached.

Aliso trunks

Floor and interior are also made of differnt bamboo types: bamboo from China for the parquet and bamboo from Bali and Columbia for the interior.


pavilion during building

As only the materials steel and concrete have been admitted in germany, but most of the carrying material was bamboo (guadua angustifolia) and wood (aliso), a prototype has to be build in Columbia.. Also the new connection types with steel straps and poles and mortar injections had not been used or tested before. This prototype had to proove, that the pavillon could be build The prototype passed the experiments, so that a generall ability for building was prooved. After that a similar pavillon could be build at the EXPO in



Construction with Bamboo - ZERI Pavillion

Seite 7 von 10 p Hannover, an "admission for an individual case" was requested. To get an approval following experiments were necessary: a) first experiments, testing the prototype in Columbia, to estimate the security conditions b) testing the single structural elements (bamboo guadua, wood aliso, connections), to ascertain the specific mechanical values c)

creating a static calculation

d) verifying maximum load and availability of the built pavillon in Hannover e) quality assurance (first sorting in Columbia, supervision by a material testing institute, supervision by the building control authority)

working on the bamboo with a crowbar

This measures were taken before, while and after building the pavillon. 40 craftsmen from Columbia, which had been paticipating at the prototype in Columbia, put up pavillon in Hannover. The building-up of the pavilion started with the roof constructionin February. First the ridge ring, the eave ring and the purlin rings in the middle were made and stored on a scaffolding. The rings were connected by girder top boom bars. Next the inner and the outer ring at the head of the wood pillars were manufactured. Two wood trunks support the rings. After the aligning of the trunks the foot point of the pillars were made. The geometric angle were ready now. The bottom chord bars and the filling rods of the grider were completed. At the same time the struts in peripheral direction and the bamboo canes on first floor were build in. At the beginning of April the manufacturing of the under construction of the concrete ceiling made of arboloco bars and chusque started. In the middle of April the mortar on the roof the concrete for the gallery were put in. The interior works followed in May. At the same time the tests were made. After the end of the EXPO the pavilion is taken down.

Static system's calculation



Construction with Bamboo - ZERI Pavillion

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Static system's assessment and calculation

mass of water barrels

test of the foundations with chain draws

Structural elements' assessment Two different ways were used to calculate the structural elements. First they applied strength values already known by literature, after that the new values resulted from experiments by the FMPA Stuttgart. The first calculation had to use wood's values (NH 10) which are only approximate values to calculate bamboo. The FMPA found out, that bamboo´s strength values are better then the values of wood, although flexuosity and shear were slightly worse. The connections were tested in two different ways, too. First they used results from experiments in Columbia, then they tested connections in Stuttgart. Quality assurance Quality had to be assured on-site while building up the pavilion. The Aliso wood was sorted like wood in DIN 4074 (Güteklasse 1 bis 3; Beschaffenheit: Risse, Verfärbungen, Schädlingsbefall). The trunks were tested and some of them were sent to the FMPA to compare these bamboo sticks with others formerly tested there. Although the bamboo should have been pre-sorted in Columbia, wall thickness and diameter differed extremely. So they were sorted in tree classes from carrying to non-carrying. Calculating the structural elements A high-grade indefinite system required a hybrid attachment where experiments could prove the security of single structural elements. The experiment's results pointed to congruence between first static calculations and load experiments in Columbia and Hannover.

catilever test with paving-stones

test of the gallery



Construction with Bamboo - ZERI Pavillion

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frametest - oblique draw in the gallery plane

Gallery To enlarge the picture, just click on it.

ZERI pavilion on the Expo

prototype of the pavilion

view underneath the gallery rendering

section rendering

ZERI pavilion during the building section

view under the gallery

view inside

List of literature "

Josef Lindemann / Klaus Steffens. Der Bambus-Pavillonzur EXPO 2000 in Hannover. Ein Schritt zur端ck in die Zukunft. In:Bautechnik. Nr. 7. 77 Jahrgang. Juli 2000. S. 484-491.


Josef Lindemann / Klaus Steffens. Der Bambus-Pavillonzur EXPO 2000 in Hannover. Ein Schritt zur端ck in die Zukunft. In:Bautechnik. Nr. 6. 77 Jahrgang. Juni 2000. S. 385-392.



Construction with Bamboo - ZERI Pavillion

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Links "

ZERI organisation

erstellt am: 24.11.2001

Autoren: Daniela Rohrbach & Sylvia Gillmann



Billabong Pro Climate change is happening, and it will affect each and every one of us. In particular climate change will reshape coastal areas through rising sea levels, change water quality and potentially destroy many coral reefs. As concerned surfers Billabong will be hosting the JBay Pro as a green event to emphasise the importance of sustainability and to help surfers worldwide understand why we all need to start taking action on climate change. Billabong and partners Cleaner Climate have conducted a carbon footprint assessment of the 2009 JBay Pro to work out the greenhouse gas emissions that are associated with hosting the event and implemented a series of sustainable practices that we hope to replicate in future events. The carbon footprint assessment of the 2009 Jeffreys Bay Billabong Pro has been conducted according to global best practice, and includes emissions arising from energy used at the event, waste, paper use, event collateral, and competitor and officials’ international and domestic travel, accommodation and transport. Once the emissions were reduced were possible via the Billabong Pro green event initiatives, the remaining emissions were offset by carbon credits. The Jeffreys Bay Billabong Pro Goes Green Stop No.5 on the 2009 Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) World Tour sees Billabong partnering with Cleaner Climate to make the Billabong Pro 2009 a greener event. It will be the first surfing event in South Africa to make a concerted effort to reduce its impact on climate change and is another step along Billabong's environmental sustainability journey. Billabong has recognised that the immense interest in the event presents the ideal opportunity to heighten the awareness of the local and global surf community to the challenge of climate change. Surfers are going to be affected by the changes that will accompany a warming world. Sea level rise will affect tide dependent surf spots, water pollution will increase due to heavy rains, intense storms will batter coastlines and there will be changes in prevailing winds that affect wave quality. Billabong partnered with Cleaner Climate to calculate the carbon footprint of the Billabong Pro and identify opportunities where event emissions could be reduced. Cleaner Climate also advised Billabong on communicating and marketing of the green aspect of the event to the surfers, media, webcast viewers and spectators. Billabong has implemented a series of sustainable event initiatives which include solar water heating for the surfers showers and Jacuzzi, recycling programs for waste and wetsuits, a green guide for local accommodation providers to assist them in reducing their energy and water use, using paper instead of plastic bags, biodegradable food and beverage containers and biodiesel made from used cooking oil in event vehicles. The remaining emissions from the Billabong Pro were offset ensuring that the Billabong Pro is a low carbon, climate-conscious event with a minimised environmental impact. “Greening the Billabong Pro is about the journey towards a sustainable future, and getting as many people on board as possible for the ride,” say Tara Hossack of Billabong SA.

how they obtained the blur effect the saturation of the air with moisture, which produces the visible mist effect, depends on a number of physical environmental conditions. these parameters include the speed and direction of the wind, the environmental temperature and the atmospheric humidity : - the higher the temperature, the greater the amount of moisture required to produce the necessary degree of saturation. - when the air has a moisture level of, for example, 75 percent, the desired effect can be achieved by the addition of only 25 percent. - the volume of the space determines the output quantity necessary for the saturation of the air with moisture. in calm (windless) conditions the volume corresponds to the size of the space. in windy conditions, however, the determining volume is proportionate to the amount of air moved by the wind through the specific space. thus it increases with increasing wind speed. - since mist hangs in the air, it moves in the direction of the wind. starting at the point where the water leaves the jet, a white stripe becomes visible. as soon as the air is no longer saturated with moisture, this white stripe disappears. at low temperatures with simultaneous high air moisture, the stripe is virtually always visible. when the conditions are reversed, it disappears almost immediately. - putting the cloud into operation under consideration of all these meteorological conditions is a highly complex technical proceeding. appropriate adjustments can be made on various levels, e.g. the placement of the spray mechanisms, the number of jets, planning of different spraying areas. the optimisation of these measures is carried out with the help of a computerised weather station that supplies the necessary information about the relevant parameters. this information is analysed by the computer and subsequently used to determine the adjustment of the spraying on the basis of conclusions reached in connection with tests carried out the year before.

Tensegrity La parola tensegrity è un’invenzione. Il termine fu coniato nel 1955 dall’americano Richard Buckminster Fuller (Massachusetts, USA 1895-1983) dalla contrazione di Tensional Integrity (Integrità Tensionale), volendo indicare con ciò delle strutture la cui posizione è mantenuta da principi diversi, per non dire opposti, a quello che normalmente accade. Secondo logica, in effetti, appare intuitivo immaginare una struttura come un sistema la cui stabilità è garantita da continue forze di compressione. Ciò che si osserva nel tensegrity è invece un equilibrio, apparentemente inspiegabile, dato da continue forze di tensione. L’obiettivo dello sviluppare questo concetto, che può essere considerato relativamente nuovo, consiste nella individualizzazione di tecniche e principi che permettano di realizzare strutture di grande leggerezza e flessibilità. Queste possono trovare un’applicazione in molti campi siano essi l’arte o l’architettura ma anche quelli più scientifici e ingegneristici. Le motivazioni che spingono in questo senso sono quindi sia pratiche che prettamente artistiche ed estetiche. Per quanto riguarda le origini dell’invenzione è inevitabile affermare che la questione che riguarda l’appartenenza della scoperta è controversa. In particolare sono tre le personalità che spiccano: R.B.Fuller, David Georges Emmerich (Debrecen, Ungheria, 1925-1996) e Kenneth D. Snelson (Oregon, USA, 1927). Il periodo si aggira intorno agli anni ’50-’60, quando lo studente Snelson partecipa a una lezione sui modelli geometrici tenuta dall’architetto, ingegnere, matematico, cosmologo, poeta e inventore Fuller. Affascinato da tali insegnamenti questi inizia a creare sculture, la cui progressiva evoluzione lo conduce alla creazione di un nuovo tipo di struttura. Dal canto suo, Fuller, non ostante la scoperta e lo sviluppo della geometria vettoriale pluridimensionale e della tensegrità tridimensionale, non è mai giunto, prima di conoscere Snelson, a integrare le due in una tensegrità pluridimensionale con più di tre assi di simmetria. La soluzione appare quindi evidente nel riconoscere meriti a entrambi, rilevando l’origine nella “sinergia” degli sforzi di studente e professore. Più precisamente si può dire che se l’invenzione è da attribuire al primo, la scoperta compete al secondo. Contemporaneamente e parallelamente, l’inventore ungherese Emmerich indaga sulla realizzazione di più o meno complesse strutture tensegriche, ispirandosi al primo prototipo realizzato da Karl Ioganson nel 1920, la cui scultura manca però della fondamentale caratteristica di “pretensione”. Ad ogni modo, se da un lato Snelson si concentra su configurazioni geometriche asimmetriche, irregolari e anticonvenzionali, sottolineandone il carattere artistico di unicità, gli altri due hanno un approccio più tecnico-metodico volto all’individuazione delle diverse tipologie realizzabili. Il motivo che ha permesso lo sviluppo della tensegrità proprio nel XIX secolo, consiste nel fatto che si iniziano a studiare materiali che possano essere sottoposti ad elevate forze di trazione. Inoltre compare la tecnica della fusione e l’acciaio laminato, materiale resistente e leggero, che oppone resistenze analoghe alla trazione e alla compressione. A questo punto è lecito chiedersi come mai la prima sia da preferire alla seconda. In effetti la risposta a carichi diversi è differente. Da un lato, un elemento lineare sottoposto a compressione lungo il suo asse principale tende ad aumentare la sua sezione, ma anche a deformarsi per il fenomeno dell’instabilità a carico di punta, dovuto all’impossibilità di avere uno sforzo normale puro. Al contrario, un elemento sottoposto a trazione tende ad allungarsi e a diminuire la sezione, ma anche a mantenere l’originaria forma retta e lineare. Volendo analizzare più specificatamente le caratteristiche del “tensegrity”, conviene innanzitutto darne una definizione. Usando le parole dei sui stessi inventori, viene decritto come un “principio di relazione strutturale” tra componenti, ciascuno dei quali lavora o totalmente in compressione o totalmente in trazione, ma non è soggetto a entrambe le forze contemporaneamente. È importante sottolineare il fatto che il sistema, grazie a una “pretensione” iniziale, si mantenga in una situazione di equilibrio auto-stabile; ciò significa che questo tende a ritornare alla sua posizione iniziale dopo che una qualunque forza esterna ve lo abbia allontanato. Inoltre, trattandosi di una “compressione discontinua” dentro una “tensione continua”, gli elementi della prima non possono avere estremi appartenenti al contorno o all’evolvente della struttura. E’ questa la caratteristica che differenzia un tensegrity vero e proprio da un “falso tensegrity”.

Tensegrity Fuller la descrisse come “una pluralità di colonne compresse discontinue, disposte in gruppi di tre colonne non unite, collegate da elementi in tensione disposti triangolarmente”. Facendo un’analisi statica, ogni vertice deve essere in equilibrio affinché lo sia ogni elemento e di conseguenza la struttura stessa; ogni sbarra deve invece avere almeno tre cavi che garantiscano la sua stabilità. Inoltre la triade di forze in ogni nodo, sommato all’influenza del peso dei componenti (in genere trascurabile), deve essere allineato con l’asse longitudinale di ogni sbarra. La rigidezza è ottenuta grazie a uno stato di tensione propria interna (self-stress) al sistema. Le qualità che si riscontrano in strutture di questo tipo sono diverse. Innanzitutto la leggerezza rispetto ad altre di analoga resistenza (o la capacità portante se paragonate a strutture di uguale peso); ciò aumenta proporzionalmente con la “pretensione”. Vi è inoltre assenza di elementi sovrabbondanti, in quanto ogni cavo aggiunto conferisce maggiore rigidezza. La stabilità in qualunque posizione sottolinea invece l’indipendenza dalla forza di gravità. Sono inoltre enantiomorfi, termine che indica una simmetria speculare. Non sono soggetti a torsione e possono essere flessibili o rigidi a seconda del materiale impiegato e del modo in cui sono assemblati i vari moduli elementari. Sensibili alle vibrazioni, rispondono globalmente a qualunque carico puntuale che viene trasmesso uniformemente e assorbito da tutta la struttura. Questa risposta però non è lineare: la struttura tensegrica è tanto più rigida quanto maggiore è la forza applicata. D’altra parte, tra gli inconvenienti ci sono sicuramente le interferenze col crescere delle dimensioni e la complessità di fabbricazione. Le difficoltà di disegno e calcolo sono inevitabili data la non linearità del comportamento. In ogni caso è interessante notare come il “Tensegrity” sfrutti in realtà delle proprietà che si trovano in natura. Una prima analogia riguarda le strutture pneumatiche. Queste costituiscono sistemi auto-equilibrati formati da una superficie in tensione esterna che contiene atomi di gas che si comportano come componenti compressi discontinui. Tali caratteristiche li rendono comprimibili, espandibili, elastici, leggeri e in grado di distribuire le tensioni locali. Il “tensegrity” si ritrova nella biologia, basti pensare alla cellula, il cui citoscheletro può variare la sua struttura rimanendo stabile, ma flessibile; o ancora nella chimica: è stato studiato il comportamento di un silicone amorfo, in grado di distribuire in maniera globale le deformazioni locali. In anatomia l’esempio più evidente è senz’altro l’apparato locomotore, in cui le ossa costituiscono gli elementi isolati e compressi, inseriti nella rete tesa e continua di tendini e muscoli. L’equilibrio e la distribuzione delle forze consente la mobilità fisica. Forse meno intuitivo è invece l’esempio del sistema nervoso centrale: i neuroni sensitivi ricevono continuamente informazioni, mentre quelli motori compiono azioni in maniera discontinua. La tensegrità nell’energia è costituita dal rapporto tra la fotosintesi delle foglie e la radiazione solare, che è soggetta alle variazioni del tempo e alla rotazione terrestre. Altri esempi sono le relazioni preda-predatore e maschio-femmina, ma anche studente-professore: il primo impara continuamente, mentre gli insegnamenti sono discontinui. È fondamentale a questo punto tenere a mente un concetto: queste due forze, benché tra loro separate sono complementari, ovvero coesistono. Se la forza di attrazione (pull), la compressione è convergente, quella di repulsione (push), la tensione è divergente; per cui la prima non fa altro che canalizzare le spinte della seconda, arrivando sempre a una condizione di equilibrio, impossibile se una qualunque delle due dovesse mancare. Se da un lato sono quindi presenti entrambe, dall’altro devono essere isolate in elementi diversi, motivo per cu si è pensato di sfruttare dei modelli tensegrici per comprendere meglio la trasmissione delle forze e la rigidezza dei corpi in generale.

Tensegrity In conclusione, risulta senz’altro utile e interessante anlizzare alcune delle più importanti tensostrutture realizzate nel corso della storia. Tra queste una posizione di rilievo va assegnata allo “Skylon”. Realizzato nel 1951 da Philip Powell e Hidalgo Montoya, svolse la funzione di simbolo al “Festival of Architecture” britannico che si tenne nel South Bank a Londra. L’esposizione celebrò il centenario della “Great Exhibtion” del 1851 proprio dopo la seconda guerra mondiale, con lo scopo di dare una certezza ai cittadini per la ricostruzione della città. Strutturalmente composto da tre cavi fissati al suolo, alla cui intersezione si poggia il corpo centrale e tre pilastri inclinati. I tiranti sono ridotti al minimo e la peculiare disposizione spaziale dà l’erronea sensazione che non siano sufficienti. Tecnicamente ciò trova la sua spiegazione nel pricipio secondo cui le condizioni di equilibrio di una sbarra nello spazio tridimensionale variano in funzione del punto di applicazione degli estremi dei cavi che la mantengono, che qui viene correttamente sfruttato. Un'altra importante realizzazione è il ponte cosiddetto strallato, ovvero un tipo di ponte “sospeso”, il cui impalcato è collegato direttamente alle antenne mediante tiranti, invece che ai cavi portanti mediante elementi verticali. Un esempio è il “Puente de barrios de Luna” a León (Spagna), realizzato da Javier Manterola, la cui opera, basata sulle forze di trazione che operano sui tiranti e di compressione sull’impalcato, nel 1983 realizzò il record di luce (lunghezza) per i ponti strallati. Non meno degno di nota è il “padiglione americano all’Expo ‘67” di Fuller. Questa cupola geodetica è una struttura “omitriangolare” che riesce a comprendere il massimo volume possibile con la superficie minima. Le funzioni che possono svolgere le cupole tensegriche sono diverse. Superstrutture in grado di isolare determinate aree, siano esse pericolose o da proteggere, oppure rifugi e tende, o anche coperte per città per un controllo ambientale, trasformazione energetica o produzione alimentare, o ancora riserve di volatili, rifugi anti-sismici… e infine, perché no, protezioni da meteoriti o raggi solari nelle future colonie lunari! Altre opere realizzabili sono archi e torri, di cui la più famosa è certamente la “Needle Tower” di Snelson. Tra le tensostrutture più note spicca invece il salone per esposizioni conosciuto, fino a pochi anni, fa come “Millennium Dome”, costruito dal 1997 al 1999 in occasione dell’arrivo del terzo millennio. Diversi campi di applicazione rispetto all’architettura si ritrovano nella costruzione di mobili, giochi, sculture e addirittura carcasse di sottomarini. Riferendosi a quest’ultimo utilizzo bisogna tenere presente che esse sono sottoposte agli effetti dei fluidi turbolenti. Una struttura tensegrica permette di diminuire la resistenza fluido-dinamica, adattandosi alle pressioni generate dalla turbolenza dell’acqua.

Billabong (clothing) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Billabong International Limited

For other meanings, see Billabong (disambiguation) Billabong is a clothing brand and public company (ASX: BBG


Public (ASX: BBG ( by=asxCode&asxCode=BBG) )




Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia (1973)

Headquarters Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia Key people

Derek O'Neill, CEO


Apparel, sporting goods


â–˛ $1.0 billion AUD (2006)

Net income

â–˛ $145.9 million AUD (2006)



Website (

( ) traded on the Australian Securities Exchange (as Billabong International) since August 11 2000. Billabong was founded in 1973 by Gordon and Rena Merchant. The name came from the same word billabong, which is a stagnant body of water attached to a waterway. As well as the Billabong brand-name, the company sells surfwear and accessories under the Palmers Surf, Honolua Surf,, Von Zipper, Kustom (footwear), Nixon, Xcel Wetsuits and Tigerlily brands, and also Element skate clothing and hardware. The brands are available at various surf and skateboard stores locations.

Acquisitions Von Zipper was acquired in early 2001.[1] Element was acquired in July 2002.[2] Element is a dominant player in the skateboarding apparel and hardgoods market. Kustom and Palmers Surf were acquired in October 2004.[3] Nixon was acquired in January 2006 from founders Andy Laats and Chad DiNenna. Nixon is a dominant player in the boardsports watch market. [4]

Xcel was acquired in September 2007. The brand, a premium United States-based wetsuit and technical watersport A Billabong brand hat accessories brand established in 1982. It's focused on producing surfing, diving (recreational and military), ocean paddling, sun protection and wakeboarding markets and was recently awarded the "Wetsuit of the Year" title by the Surf Industry Manufacturers' Association. .[5] Tigerlily was acquired in December 2007 from founder Jodhi Meares.[6] Quiet Flight Surf Shop, a chain of retail stores on the East Coast of the United States, was acquired in June 2008.[7] DaKine (backpacks, luggage, extreme sport accessories) was acquired in June 2008. Sector 9, a manufacturer of longboard skateboards, was acquired in June 2008.[8] Two Seasons, a 22-store multi-brand retail chain in the UK, was acquired in November 2008 [9] Merged with Surf Warehouse, Quiet Flight Surf Shop, and DUBii Apparel in 2008. They also bought a WMS System to try and streamline their distribution and outgoing freight costs. They also took over the company rights to DaKine.[10]

References 1. ^ Billabong Buys Von Zipper (,21214,705116,00.html) 2. ^ Billabong International Buys Element (,21214,706573,00.html) 3. ^,21214,1027415,00.html Billabong Purchases Australian Shoe Brand Kustom 4. ^ Billabong Acquires Nixon (,21214,1216460,00.html) 5. ^ Australia's Billabong buys U.S. surf gear retailer Xcel ( 6. ^ Billabong acquires Tigerlily brand ( 7. ^ [1] ( 8. ^ Billabong goes longboarding ( 9. ^ Billabong buys Two Seasons ( 10. ^

External links Billabong ( Billabong Pro ( Billabong International Limited (

Retrieved from "" Categories: Companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange | Australian company stubs | Clothing companies of Australia | Clothing companies established in 1973 | Clothing brands of Australia | Retail companies of Australia | Australian brands | Swimwear manufacturers | Skateboarding companies |

Snowboarding companies | Surfwear brands This page was last modified on 6 April 2010 at 16:13. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia速 is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Kengo Kuma

Bamboo House Il progetto

In Cina, nella zona della Grande Muraglia, è stato realizzato un progetto particolare: un'area a destinazione turistico/ricettiva formata da undici abitazioni e una club house progettate dai più importanti architetti asiatici contemporanei. Per il progetto di uno dei dodici edifici è stato incaricato l'architetto giapponese Kengo Kuma, conosciuto per il suo approccio sostenibile al programma architettonico e per la sua ricerca progettuale che mira al superamento del problema del distacco dal luogo generando idee di fusione tra lo spazio costruito e lo spazio naturale. La linea infinita della Grande Muraglia diventa quindi parte integrante dell'edificio che ne assume la suggestione anche nel nome: The Great Bamboo Wall. Il manufatto è composto da spazi residenziali che si articolano attorno ad un fulcro, vero e proprio cuore pulsante della casa e nucleo espressivo del contatto edificio/natura. Questo centro compositivo, il bamboo lounge, si configura come una sorta di isola che insiste nel mezzo di una vasca d'acqua ed emana una forte spiritualità zen. Due piccole passerelle in pietra collegano il lounge con la zona giorno e la zona notte. La scelta del Bambù sia come elemento strutturale che non strutturale aveva lo scopo di riscoprire l'essenza lineare dell'architettura asiatica. Esprime inoltre il profondo interesse del progettista verso i materiali naturali, la loro potenzialità espressiva e le possibili combinazioni tra elementi organici di diversa origine. Il progetto si manifesta infatti attraverso la disposizione del materiale, piuttosto che attraverso la sua lavorazione. A seconda della sua densità e del suo diametro, la parete di bambù offre una grande varietà di opzioni per la divisione dello spazio. E' quindi attraverso la scelta di un unico materiale che Kengo Bam boo Kuma raggiunge la sua massima rivelazione spaziale. Hou Il bambù diventa quindi la pelle del manufatto e ne ricopre la struttura portante di tipo tradizionale. se Questa pelle, caratterizzata da una texture fortemente verticale, riveste solai e pilastri. Le aste di bambù sono vincolate a formare elementi costruttivi che, in corrispondenza delle aperture, diventano elementi scorrevoli frangisole.. Le pareti interne sono invece in carta di riso, tipico materiale dell'architettura locale. Per la pavimentazione sono state usate lastre di ardesia locale (colore scuro) per mitigare la forte geometria delle membrane di bambù. Esiste comunque una sostanziale differenza tra la Great Wall e la Bamboo Wall: mentre la prima è stata costruita per dividere due popoli, la seconda è stata creata per unire vite e culture.

Immagine tratta dal sito

Immagine tratta dal sito

Planimetria scala 1 1500

Il progetto Esterno

Bibliografia Giagnoni, Jacopo Maria, Kengo Kuma Great (Bamboo) wall, in Materia n° 42, Settembre-Dicembre 2003 p. 50-59 Pavarini, Stefano, Una nuova architettura, in L'arca: la rivista internazionale di architettura, design e comunicazione visiva, n° 142, Gennaio 1999, p. 66-71 Siti Internet Immagine tratta dal sito

Sito Ufficiale del progettista. Contiene immagini e descrizione dei principali lavori dell'architetto tra cui anche la Bamboo House

Contiene informazioni generali sul progettista e descrizioni generali sulla Bamboo House

Sito del decennale della facoltĂ di architettura di Ferrara. Contiene la descrizione e le immagini dell'intervento del progettista del 21 Maggio 2003

Bam boo Hou se

Particolare lounge

Il progetto Lounge

Bamboo House



5 2 6 8




1 ingresso 2 cucina 3 pranzo 4 soggiorno 5 magazzino

6 lounge 7 bagno 8 camera ospiti 9 impianti 10 camera di servizio



Pianta Piano Primo 1:500






9 Immagine tratta dal sito

Pianta Piano Terra1:500

Bam boo Hou se

Prospetto Sud

Immagine tratta dal sito

Prospetto Nord

Il progetto

Particolare interno







8 10

8 5

Sezione 1:500

Immagine tratta dal sito

Bam boo Hou se 8

8 5









Sezione 1:500 Immagine tratta dal sito

drenaggio per acqua di condensa telaio acciaio inox vetro colonna di bambù temprato riempimento muro pannello in legno con piume d'anatra rivestito in carta di riso

La tecnologia costruttiva

vetro temprato

pannello fisso in bambù pannello scorrevole in bambù Pianta

Muro di vetro e piume tra soggiorno e sala da pranzo

L'uso del bambù come materiale principe di questa architettura deriva dal forte significato simbolico che assume sia nella cultura cinese che in quella giapponese. Inoltre il bambù, per la sua caratteristica intrinseca, non subisce nessun tipo di modifica prima di essere usato come materiale da costruzione. E' un materiale che denuncia immediatamente la sua natura e la sua origine attraverso l'immagine formale. Il bambù quindi è allo stesso tempo un materiale ed un prodotto, un simbolo e una realtà, ed è proprio questa la sua maggiore originalità sia estetica che tecnologica. Il bambù è un materiale che modifica le sue proprietà meccaniche a seconda dell'età, della data di raccolta, del grado di umidità, del clima e del terreno. Tra i 6 e i 12 mesi risulta essere estremamente flessibile e può essere usato per generare forme curve o morfologicamente complesse. E' un materiale che resiste bene sia a trazione che a compressione. La resistenza a trazione rimane pressoché invariata durante i primi 5-6 anni di vita, dopodichè inizia una progressiva diminuzione. La resistenza a listello in legno compressione, invece, aumenta con il passare del tempo (irrigidimento progressivo delle fibre). Un 45 x 45 sistema strutturale in bambù oltre a comportarsi molto bene a trazione e a compressione, risponde in modo elastico alle sollecitazioni sismiche rendendolo adatto alle costruzioni nelle zone a rischio. Pannello scorrevole Le canne sono naturalmente composte da moduli lineari (cilindri cavi) collegati attraverso dei giunti (nodi). In prossimità di questi giunti si trova una membrana dura che serve da irrigidimento. In corrispondenza di questi nodi la sezione del bambù, generalmente cava, presenta delle ostruzioni fibrose piuttosto coriacee che si sono dovute rimuovere attraverso tecniche di taglio studiate ad hoc ottenendo un vuoto interno di 150 mm di diametro. Il materiale, di provenienza locale, è stato lavorato in Giappone a causa dell'incapacità tecnica, in Cina, di scavare l'interno delle canne. Bam Il bambù prima di poter essere utilizzato è stato sottoposto ad alcuni trattamenti di base a protezione da boo Hou tarli e muffe. Il sistema impiegato è un antico metodo giapponese tutt'ora in uso e consiste in un rapido se riscaldamento a fiamma della superficie laterale della canna (270°) fino a provocare l'emissione di una resina che polimerizza naturalmente, formando una pellicola autoprotettiva. Dopo questo trattamento il bambù è stato ricoperto con un olio, come suggerito dai carpentieri locali cinesi. Il taglio verticale interno del bambù è stato realizzato attraverso l'uso di uno speciale perforatore. Dopo la rimozione del midollo interno si è passati alla realizzazione di un pilastro strutturale inserendo all'interno della canna un'asta in acciaio per tutta la lunghezza dello stelo. A questo punto è stato eseguito un getto controllato di cemento per apportare compattezza all'insieme. In pratica la canna di bambù è stata usata come cassaforma a perdere. In seguito a questa lavorazione piuttosto semplice si sono aumentate le proprietà strutturali del bambù risolvendo alcune fragilità causate dalla sua intrinseca flessibilità senza modificarne minimamente le caratteristiche estetiche. 0 25 50cm


barra piatta acciaio verniciato 200x60x6 binario in acciaio verniciato 140x80x6 angolare acciaio verniciato 75x75x7

barra a sospensione in acciaio inox verniciato barra in acciaio pannello fisso in bambù pannello in legno rivestito in carta di riso telaio acciaio inox

colonna di bambù vetro temprato riempimento muro con piume d'anatra

angolare acciaio verniciato 75 x 75 x 7 barra piatta acciaio verniciato 200 x 60 x 6

La tecnologia costruttiva

Immagine tratta dal sito

Pannello in bambù diam. 30mm Colonna rivestita in bambù 180 diam (cemento e struttura in acciaio di supporto)

150 360






300 Porta in vetro temprato Vetro temprato

Ardesia locale 900 x 300


Vetro accoppiato


Punto luce a pavimento

- 1,320











Immagine tratta dal sito

Pianta Lounge 1:100


Porta in vetro 180 temprato 200 300


- 1,320 2,358 1,845




Ardesia locale 900 x 300 4,260

Rivestimento vasca in ardesia locale 900 x 300

Pavimento in Bambù diam 30mm

Pannello fisso in bambù 4,530 diam. 60mm VASCA D’ACQUA - 1,620


Pannello scorrevole in Bambù diam 60mm 260

- 1,200




Lounge - 1,320

Pannello in bambù diam. 50mm

Sezione murature in corrispondenza della camera degli ospiti




Bam boo Hou se

Vetro temprato



200 200 200



binario in acciaio inox verniciato angolare continuo in acciaio 75 x 75 x 7 angolare acciaio 140 x 80 x 6 barra a sospensione in acciaio inox verniciato pannello "gypsum board” 12mm finitura in carta di riso pannello "gypsum board" 12mm finitura in carta di riso isolante pavimento in parquet di bambù massetto alleggerito

Pannello scorrevole in Bambù diam 60mm

isolante 3,200









Copertura in vetro temprato laminato Trave

Guida in acciaio

30 1

Vetro temprato laminato

Altezza massima

Asta e gancio acciaio inox

Travetto in legno 45 x 45 con trattamento anti-corrosione


Pannello scorrevole in bambù diam. 60mm Travetto in legno 45 x 45 con trattamento anti-corrosione

Controsoffitto in bambù diam. 60mm con trattamento anti-corrosione


Pannello fisso in bambù diam. 60mm

Guida in acciaio verniciata in nero


Travetto in legno 45 x 45 con trattamento anti-corrosione

Pannello scorrevole in bambù diam. 60mm con rotaia inferiore

Pannello scorrevole in bambù diam. 60mm Travetto in legno 45 x 45 con trattamento anti-corrosione

Pavimento in Bambù diam 30mm

Guida in acciaio verniciata in nero


Superficie dell’acqua

Tubo di alimentazione

Tubo di scarico

Bam boo Hou se


Isolamento in polysthylene

Lastra in C.A. Per drenaggio

Sistema di illuminazione a pavimento Fondazione continua Sottofondazione Ghiaione 4,300

Sezione Lounge 1:50 0




La tecnologia costruttiva

Immagine tratta dal sito

Bibliografia Yung Ho Chang, Bamboo House, in Lotus: rivista trimestrale di architettura, n. 116 (2003), pag. 112117 Kuma Kengo, Kengo Kuma : spirit of nature wood architecture award 2002. - Helsinki : building information, 2002. - 88 p. Immagine tratta dal sito

Wohnhaus Badaling, House near Badaling, in Detail n° 5, Maggio 2003, pag. 476-479

Siti Internet

Sito ufficiale del contesto di intervento. Contiene descrizione e immagini della Bamboo House.

Sito della societĂ che ha promosso e gestisce l'intervento. Contiene una serie di articoli e indicazioni riferite alla Bamboo House

Bam boo Hou se

Il materiale grafico e iconografico è stato fornito dallo studio Kengo Kuma & Associates, Tokyo


The Bamboo




- Materiale ecologicamente sostenibile;

Problemi di conservazione;

Materiale da costruzione; Artigianato;

Buone proprietà meccaniche;


Mancanza di standard Economicamente prestazionali e socialmente certificabili; vantaggioso;

Il materiale In occidente le potenzialità del bambù come materiale da costruzione sono ancora poco conosciute. In realtà è un materiale dotato di ottime proprietà meccaniche e con un elevato modulo di elasticità che permettono di utilizzarlo anche per strutture tipologicamente molto complesse. Il bambù è un vegetale (considerato un erba, e precisamente una graminacea) con un rapidissimo ciclo di crescita tanto che già nel primo anno è in grado di raggiungere i 15 metri di altezza, mentre il climax lo raggiunge in soli 4 anni. Il bambù ha anche delle eccezionali capacità di contrastare l'inquinamento atmosferico: una piantagione è in grado di catturare fino a 17 tonnellate di carbonio per ettaro all'anno, 40 volte superiore a quella assorbita da un bosco della medesima estensione. Ecco perché è considerato oggi uno degli elementi chiave per l'evoluzione sostenibile della produzione edilizia nei paesi in via di sviluppo, e non solo. Interessante a questo proposito è paragonare il bilancio energetico (energia richiesta per la produzione) di alcuni tipi di materiale da costruzione (MJ/m3 per N/mm2): - cemento: 240 - acciaio 1.500 - legno 80 - bambù 30 La sua resistenza e leggerezza lo rendono paragonabile alle prestazioni dell'acciaio tanto che è stato definito appunto come “acciaio naturale”. In edilizia il bambù non viene utilizzato solo come elemento colonna/trave, ma viene impiegato anche nella produzione di: - pannelli BMB (bamboo-mat boards) per la costruzione di porte, pareti divisorie, scatole, ecc.; Bam boo - pannelli laminati LBL (laminated bamboo lumber) con elevata resistenza alla flessione; Hou - pannelli prefabbricati di bambù e cemento; se - pannelli per pavimentazioni.

Basso consumo di energia; Impatto ambientale pari a zero;

Ridotto sviluppo del prodotto;

Nuovi prodotti a sostituzione del legno; Carta; Arredamento; Produzione farmaci; Industria dei


Architetture di bambù

Istituto di Fisica dell'Università Humboldt di Berlino Immagine tratta dal sito

Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center, Nouméa - New Caledonia Immagine tratta dal sito

Zeri Bamboo Pavillion Immagine tratta dal sito

Il Padiglione costruito da EMISSIONIZERO nel Parco del Ticino a Vergiate Como Immagine tratta dal sito

The Bamboo Il materiale

Immagine tratta dal sito

Siti internet consultati Bibliografia Dunkelberg, Klaus, Bambus, Stuttgart : K. Kramer, 1985. - 432 p., (Mitteilungen des Instituts fur leichte Flachentragwerke, Universitat Stuttgart) Janssen, Jules J. A., Building with bamboo : a handbook, 2. ed. - London : Intermediate Technology, 1995, 65 p. AAVV, Grow your own house, Simon Velez und die Bambusarchitektur / [Herausgeber Alexander von Vegesack, Mateo Kries]. - Weil am Rhein : Vitra Design Museum, Chatelaine-Geneve, Fondation ZERI, Lessac, C.I.R.E.C.A., c2000. - 252 p. Mc Quaid, Matilda, Shigeru Ban, Phaidon Press Limited, London, 2003 Ortiz M., Sistema constructivo alternativo, In Informes de la construccion : revista de informacion tecnica . - 1993-04; n. 424; da pag. 35

Sito di un'associazione no-profit che si occupa di ambiente sostenibile. Contiene articoli sul bambù e una lista di eventi inerenti all'argomento trattato. Sito del congresso mondiale sul bambù tenutosi a New Dheli India dal 27 Febbraio al 4 Marzo 2004. Contiene diversi articoli sul bambù. Sito di due progettisti che si occupano di costruzioni in bambù. Contiene una serie di indicazioni brevi sulle caratteristiche del bambù e su un robot che hanno sviluppato per costruire strutture particolari. Sviluppo della scienza e della tecnologia per la costruzione con il bambù della specie 'Guadua angustifolia'

Carmine, Pietro, Una casa come manutenzione di terrazzamenti in pietra, in L'Architettura naturale: la cultura del progetto sostenibile, n.3/98, pag. 8-17 Bam

nazionale bioarchitettura . - N. 3 (1995), p. 44-47

Sezione dedicata alle strutture di bambù del Dipartimento di costruzione e architettura della Eindhoven University of Technology.

Sito dell'EBF Enviromental Bamboo Foundation.

Contiene informazioni generali sul bambù e sul suo utilizzo. boo Hou se Milone, Marcello - Russo, Maurizio. Un mondo di bambù, In Bioarchitettura : organo ufficiale dell'Istituto Sito dedicato al mondo del bambù e a tutte le sue applicazioni. Ha varie sezioni dedicate a: oggettistica, recinzioni, costruzioni, cibo, carta, pavimentazioni, tavole da surf, musica.

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