Westender August 4 2016

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AUGUST 4-10 // 2016





2 W August 4 - August 10, 2016








News4 Vancouver Shakedown4 Science Matters4 Cover story5 The Growler6 Nosh7 By The Bottle8 Music9 Arts9 What’s On10 Reel People12 Movie reviews12 A Good Chick To Know13 Style File13 Real Estate14 Whole Nourishment17 Sex with Mish Way17 Classifieds18 Horoscopes19 COVER: ISTOCK PHOTO



A very heartfelt thankyou to the person who found my wedding ring at the Vancouver Aquatic Centre and turned it in. I lost it while at the VAC gym while my usual haunt, the West End Community Centre, was closed for maintenance. And another thank-you to the Parks Board and VAC staff for their efforts. The week after I lost the ring the VAC closed for several weeks of maintenance and I was unable to check if someone turned it in. The Parks Board folks got in touch with the VAC who contacted me that they had a ring – it was mine. Great to know that everyone was so diligent, helpful and kind! –Ken Cado

Not that I speak of the underwear washing habits of friends and family but I would hope that most people would actually take off their underwear to wash them properly if they intended on re-wearing the same pair and wanted them actually clean. This is awful advice to give to anyone.

You’re All Just Jealous of My Jetpack by Tom Gauld

Based on the description this person used, it’s certainly a brand of underwear I would never buy. Does the branding and marketing team of this company know that this is the description? Is this one of their “marketing” schemes? Simply put, gross. –Eileen M


If you people are so tough that when confronted for riding on the sidewalk you can swear at me, give me the finger, spit at me, threaten to fight me, or tell me you’re an off-duty cop in an attempt to intimidate me, then you’re tough enough to ride on the street, like the law states. Methinks the reason for your sidewalk riding is threefold: 1.You suck at cycling. 2.You’re all a bunch of wimps. And 3., you’re self-absorbed, pompous, entitled pricks. I don’t enjoy being clipped by you idiots, and I’d love to know why you can’t ride on the street, beyond the classic “cars are scary” excuse. Pedestrians, if you see a sidewalk rider, call them out on it, instead of blandly accepting it. –Sidewalker,Texas Sideranger


1,500 OFF





500 OFF




Re:“The only six items you need in your travel bag,” July 21, 2016. I am writing as I am, well, disgusted by a recent article read in your newspaper. As I quote the writer in the above mentioned article: “For our next trip, we’ll wear and pack knickers from travel brand ExOfficio. They’re comfy and can be washed and dried in your hotel bathroom. Wear them while you shower, squeeze them in a towel, and hang them up. They’ll be completely dry within four hours.” Specifically, the last sentence. Firstly, well, too much personal information.

August 4 - August 10, 2016 W 3




Surely there’s a better place to put a gravel pit than Desolation Sound. Grant Lawrence photo

Save Desolation Sound Grant Lawrence Vancouver Shakedown @GrantLawrence

Have you ever had a place that you love threatened? Have you had a favourite corner of the world changed by the onset of industry? Have you rallied around that place to try and save it? Is that even possible anymore? Was it ever? When I was first contacted by the non-profit society whose mission is to “Save Desolation Sound,” my first question was, “from what?” Their answer was this: a gravel quarry has been proposed a few kilometres northeast of the wild waters and forests of the Desolation Sound Provincial Marine Park.The company is Lehigh Hanson Materials, based in Alberta, which is in turn owned by a German mega-company that is one of the largest cement makers in the world. It sounds preposterous.This is an area that was turned into one of the largest marine parks on the west coast of Canada because it is so spectacularly beautiful, an oceanic paradise that boasts the warmest ocean water north of the Gulf of Mexico, the steepest drops from mountain peak to ocean bottom in North America, and ocean mammals that include orcas, dolphins, humpback whales, porpoises, seals and sea lions.The marine park boasts over 60 kilometres of undeveloped shoreline, all of it boat-access-only, just 200 kilometres north of us in Vancouver, but seemingly a world away. I’m also completely biased. My family has owned a small pocket of land within Desolation Sound for 40 years. I’ve written a book about the place. I love it dearly, like a member of the family. I have a vested, admittedly NIMBY interest to hopefully (and possibly naively) try to protect its wildness. I’m also aware it is not an “untouched wilderness.” Like most of the province, before it became a park, the entire area was logged at least twice, but the trees have grown back and nature has beautifully reclaimed the parkland. To be clear: the gravel quarry proposal site is not within the park, but close enough that

it is presumed to be visible and audible from within the park. Noise, scarring of the mountainside, light pollution, and heavy barge and freighter traffic are all possible threats to the park, the community, tourism, and the environment (the gravel barges will have to pass through Desolation Sound in order to head south). To be clearer: I also get that all those kayakers who love to paddle the park, as well as my family, drive cars on paved roads made from gravel to get to our launching point for Desolation Sound. I understand the need for industry in our society.What I don’t understand is why a quarry is proposed in such a special area that many thought had recovered from industry for the last time. Russell Hollingsworth is one of Vancouver’s leading architects and one of the founders of the Save Desolation Sound Society. He agrees with the inappropriateness of the proposed location of the quarry: “The natural beauty and long-term economic value of this area are worth far more than the short-term gains of gravel extraction. A gravel pit in Desolation Sound is an inappropriate and environmentally unsustainable project for this area.” Lehigh Hanson’s application to conduct bore-hole testing has been approved by the province, and will begin after Labour Day. According to a June press release from Lehigh Hanson, nothing is –ahem– set in stone: “Lehigh Hanson does not have any specific plans for a mining operation at present and fully understands that any such decision would be subject to respectful involvement of First Nations, dialogue with communities and stakeholders, and consideration of environmental stewardship. As with all of our operations, Lehigh Hanson is committed to performing these exploratory activities in a safe and environmentally responsible manner and will seek every opportunity to minimize disruption to the area.” Uh-huh. If you know what it’s like to have the place you love come under threat, you can add your voice to Save Desolation Sound.The society has set up a petition at SaveDesolationSound.com/ join-us. W

4 W August 4 - August 10, 2016

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made history on Sunday, becoming the first sitting prime minister to take part in the annual Vancouver Pride Parade. Trudeau was joined by his wife Sophie and the couple’s three children, as well as local Liberal MPs and Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson. Trudeau previously marched in the Vancouver Pride Parade in 2014 and 2015 prior to becoming prime minister. The Vancouver Pride Society estimated close to 500,000 spectators attended the parade. Trudeau walked the length of the parade route with his family, stopping to take photos with many of the spectators. Last month, Trudeau took part in the Toronto Pride Parade, marking the first time a Canadian prime minister had ever taken part in Pride celebrations. F0GB@GaIGD B@O,,


City crews have already laid asphalt down on a chunk of the Arbutus Greenway – from 16th to about

Justin Trudeau became the first PM to take part in the Vancouver Pride Parade on Sunday. Jennifer Gauthier photo 25th.The next goal is to pave the segment up to 41st over the next few weeks, and ultimately the whole ninekilometre route from False Creek to the Fraser River. Jerry Dobrovolny, the city’s general manager of engineering, said the temporary path is meant to encourage the public to travel along the route in preparation for the launch of the visioning process this fall, which will examine what the corridor can become. “The goal is to get people using more of the corridor. We’ve heard from people who’ve lived next

to the corridor for decades, but still may have walked only one or two blocks,” said Dobrovolny during a Tuesday press conference at the portion by Fir and West Fifth. He noted Canadian Pacific contractors finished removing the track ahead of schedule and the asphalt is being put down where the rail used to be. It will be open for public use as each section is completed. “Our goal is to get people walking much more of it. If you’ve walked two blocks, walk two kilometres. If you’ve walked two kilometres, walk eight kilometres.

Experience it, see it and use it. And use that experience when you come to our open houses and involve yourself in our consultation process to design what will be a spectacular facility for the City of Vancouver.” Dobrovolny maintains the more people have experienced the corridor, and its “amazing vistas,” the better equipped they will be to offer input. At this point, he said the discussion about possibilities is wide open. “The sky’s the limit,” he said. FVO^&M( Uc>^aa^DS 1OaK^=;GD >^=D&GD

Half measures aren’t enough to save caribou David Suzuki Science Matters @DavidSuzuki

Alberta is home to two of Canada’s imperiled caribou populations, the southern mountain and boreal woodland herds. Both are threatened with extinction. Under the federal Species at Risk Act, the boreal woodland caribou recovery strategy requires provinces to develop range plans by 2017, outlining paths to recovery. Because caribou need large, intact areas, degraded habitat must be restored so industrial and natural disturbances affect no more than 35 per cent of each range. The challenge to recover caribou is not Alberta’s alone; it is a national undertaking. Boreal caribou are threatened in every province except Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Federal assessments show high levels of oil, gas and forestry activity mean no boreal herd in Alberta is likely to survive without significant changes in habitat management. In 2011, the range of the Little Smoky herd was assessed as being 95 per cent disturbed by industrial activity, and oil, gas and forestry have since caused further damage. In many ways, the Little

Smoky herd symbolizes what is wrong with our approach to land management.While humans are one of about 10 to 30 million species, many of which require vast areas to survive, we set targets for protecting 12 per cent of our land base for wildlife while taking over the other 88 per cent. Politicians in Alberta have spoken of “balancing” economic and ecological values, but seeing less than five per cent of the Little Smoky range left undisturbed highlights the faulty scales. Alberta recently released its draft range plan for the Little Smoky boreal and A la Peche southern mountain herds, allowing continued forestry and petroleum approvals in both ranges. It also proposes ongoing predator control – in the Little Smoky range, hunters killed 841 wolves between 2005 and 2012 – and a “rearing facility,” a 100-square-kilometre permanent enclosure to fence in female caribou and “export” yearlings.The public can comment on the plan until Aug. 5. To be fair, the draft plan, based on a mediator’s recommendations, includes progressive elements such as restoring old seismic lines, and the province has committed to significant protected areas for some northern caribou populations. And Alberta’s current government is paying the price for previous govern-

ments’ years of inaction to address caribou habitat needs. But the plan’s troubling components could set a terrible national precedent. It outlines a vision for a “working landscape,” where “caribou and careful development co-exist.”Yet no evidence exists that working forests work for caribou. Caribou don’t adapt to human presence like squirrels or raccoons.They’re intensely shy creatures that avoid humans and human-created disturbances. Band-Aid solutions like predator control and enclosures don’t pertain to Alberta alone; they represent a growing national trend of allowing industrial activities to continue, merely softening negative effects rather than ensuring adequate habitat is maintained for species’ survival. Mitigation might lessen the bite of impacts or stave off extinction, but it will not advance recovery.That can only occur by restoring healthy, functioning ecosystems. Governments that employ predator control rarely, if ever, pursue sufficient habitat protection measures to justify its use. By allowing habitat disturbance to worsen over the next five years, Alberta will likely prolong its reliance on killing predators. Both predator control and permanent enclosures impair functional ecosystems, of

which predator-prey dynamics are a linchpin. Caribou are integrally shaped by interactions with their habitat and the predators they try to avoid. Experiments like caribou enclosures muddy the recovery landscape. Captive breeding initiatives are usually cast as good news but often detour from addressing primary problems. The mediator recommended examining the potential for similar enclosure projects in other caribou ranges.This must not happen.Wildlife “zoos” must not become the new norm.We should be blunt about what permanent enclosures represent: our epic failure to manage landscapes so they can continue to support wildlife. As the mediator recommends, governments must work not only with industry to change management practices but also with conservation organizations and Indigenous communities, many of which rely on caribou – or did before herds disappeared – for sustenance. Provincial governments must uphold their responsibility to recover caribou by ensuring healthy ecosystems are maintained and restored. Half measures that keep caribou alive through human interventions while further degrading their homes won’t suffice. ? XGODa b^DG O@ <O;&I4=[="&Q^D*Q W





C’mon get happy! The ultimate Vancouver happy hour guide ROBERT MANGELSDORF @robmangelsdorf


With every passing day, this beautiful city of ours is becoming more and more unaffordable. It’s enough to drive you to drink, but who can afford to? So we here at Westender have compiled the ultimate guide to happy hour in Vancouver:The best deals on the best drinks at all the best bars. Living in the city ain’t cheap, but at least you don’t have to be sober.


Tuesday-Friday, 5-7pm: $4 select craft beer and highballs, red or white house wine, and sangria. 1006 Granville BelmontBar.com


Weekdays 3-6pm: $4 BC craft beer, $5 American craft beer, $7 European draft, $3 highballs, $5 house wine, food selections from $4. 2010 West 4th DonnellyGroup.ca/Bimini


Weekdays 3-6pm: $5 BC craft beer (18oz), $6 American craft beer (18oz), $7 European draft (18oz), $3 highballs, $5 house wine, $1.50 BC oysters, food selections from $4; 10pm to close, every night: $5 BC craft beer (18oz), $5 house wine. 905 Dunsmuir DonnellyGroup.ca/ The-Blackbird


Wednesday-Friday 3-6pm, Saturday 4-6pm, Tuesday 3-9pm: $4 draft sleeves, $4 highballs, $5 house wine. 870 Granville TheBottleneck.ca


Everyday from 3-8pm: $3.50 highballs, daily beer specials. 2471 East Hastings TheBrightonPub.com


Weekdays from 3-6pm: $4 drink specials. 3651 West 10th BrownsSocialHouse.com


Weekdays, 3-6pm: $4 drink specials. 2296 West 4th BrownsSocialHouse.com


Weekdays 3-6pm: $4 craft beer (15oz), $3 highballs, $5 house wine (6oz), food from $4. 911 West Pender DonnellyGroup.ca/ The-Butcher-Bullock


Everyday, 4-6pm: $3.50 local draft sleeves, $3.50 highballs. 1601 Commercial StatesideCraft.com



Everyday 5-7pm: $4 pints of select draft, $4 house wine, $4 highballs, $7.50 cocktails, food from $2. 1898 Main NarrowLounge.com


Living in the city ain’t cheap, but at least you don’t have to do it sober. iStock photo


Every day from 3-6pm: $4 house wine, $5 pints, $6 cocktails. 2616 Main TheCascade.ca


Weekdays 3-6pm: $4 highballs, draft beer sleeves, house wine, $8.95 wings. 136 West Cordova TheCharlesBar.ca

draft, $3.50 Red Bull. 654 Nelson Doolins.ca


Weekdays, 3-6pm, 10pm-close: $4.13 wine, draft beer, highballs. 961 Denman DoverArmsPub.com



Everyday 3-6pm; 9pm-close, Sunday-Thursday: $5 20oz domestic craft beer pint, $5 house wine red or white (6oz), $5 highballs, 25 per cent off appetizers. 1601 Main DubhLinnGate.com


Everyday 4-6pm: $3 shots, $4 Pacificos, $5 house wine, $6 palomas. 3250 Main ElCaminos.ca


Tuesday-Friday, 5-7pm and 11pm-1am: Half price cocktails, $4 draft beer, $5 house wine, 25 per cent off bottled wine, food starting from $5. 555 Gore EmeraldSupperClub.com


Weekdays 3-6pm: $5 select draft pints, $5 house wine. 3 Alexander ChillWinston.com Weekdays 3-6pm: $4 craft beer (15oz), $3 highballs, $5 house wine, food selections from $4. 901 Granville DonnellyGroup.ca/Cinema Weekdays 5-7pm; Midnight to 1am, Sunday to Thursday: $5 craft beer (14oz), $3 Jameson, $3 highballs, $4 Fernet Branca, $7 classic cocktails, $5 hot dogs. 212 Abbott DonnellyGroup.ca/Clough-Club Weekdays 3-6pm: $3 draft sleeves, $3 highballs, $4 house wine, $8.95 wings. 3255 West Broadway ColonyKits.com


Weekdays 3-6pm: $3 draft sleeves, $3 highballs, $4 house wine, $8.95 wings. 2904 Main ColonyMainSt.com


Weekdays 3-5pm: $6 pints of Howe Sound beer, $6 house wine, $6 food menu, $10 cocktails. 562 Beatty DevilsElbowAleHouse.com


Everyday before 4pm: $4.50 select draft pints. 1565 Commercial


Weekdays 3-6pm: $4 highballs, $5 domestic draft and wine, $6 premium import




Weekdays before 4pm: $4 pints of draft beer. 989 Granville


Weekdays 5-7pm: $3 highballs, $4 Fernet Branca, $7 classic cocktails, $8 all pizzas, complimentary bar snacks. 957 Granville DonnellyGroup.ca/ Granville-Room


Everyday 3-6pm: $6 Guinness and Magners pints, rotating daily food and drink specials. 1033 Granville JohnnieFox.ca


Everyday from 3-7pm: Rotating daily food and drink specials. 755 Richards KingstonTaphouse.com


Weekdays 3-6pm: $5 BC craft beer (18oz), $6 American craft beer (18oz), $7 European draft (18oz), $3 highballs, $5 house wine, food selections from $4. 92 Water DonnellyGroup.ca/ The-Lamplighter



Weekdays 3-6pm: $4 BC craft beer, $5 American craft beer, $7 European draft, $3 highballs, $5 house wine, food from $4. 1780 Davie DonnellyGroup.ca/Three-Brits


Everyday 5-7pm and 11pm2am: $3 picklebacks, $4 PBR, $4 Abe’s Lager, $5 Ice Toss shooters, $6 cocktails. 3032 Main UncleAbes.ca


Everyday from 2-6pm: $5 Brio Icelandic pilsner, $8 wine, $12 select premium cocktails, $3+ food menu, $1 oysters. 900 Seymour UvaWineBar.ca

Weekdays 4-7pm: $2.75 draft sleeves, $4 highballs, $5 house wine, $5 deep-fried pickles, $7 pound of wings. 403 East Hastings PatsPub.ca

Weekdays 3-6pm: Free pound of chicken wings with purchase of any draft beer pint. 455 Abbott ThePint.ca Weekdays before 4pm: $3.50 12oz sleeves of draft. 4-5pm: Rotating food and drink specials. 3835 Main PortlandCraft.com



Tuesday-Sunday from 4-6pm: $6 sours, $5 craft beers, $9 tipsy pour (9oz) wines. 238 Abbott Street RevelRoom.ca






Everyday 3-6pm: $1 off all highballs and select draft beer. 2420 Main TheWallflowerModernDiner.com


Everyday, 4-6pm: $3.50 Dos Equis, $3.50 highballs, $4.75 16oz draft, $4.75 house wine. 433 West Pender Yaggers.com W


Everyday from 3-6pm: $4 house draft beer sleeves, $4.50 highball, $5 house wine, $6 20oz pints of Carlsberg. 1941 West Broadway JenningsCulture.com


Everyday, 7-10pm and late night: $3.69 PBR tall cans, $3 wine, highballs, select shots, $0.75 tacos (4-8pm). 320 Abbott TheMetPub.ca



Everyday from 3-6pm: Halfprice appies. 783 Homer JimmysTapHouse.com


Weekdays 4-7pm: $4 BC craft beer, $5 American craft beer, $7 European draft, $3 highballs, $5 house wine, food from $4. 1141 Hamilton DonnellyGroup.ca/Tavern-atthe-New-Oxford

Everyday 5-7pm: $5 12oz draft sleeves, $6 food menu. 7 Alexander ThePortsidePub.com


Weekdays 3-6pm: $5 all draft pints, $4 cans, $4 highballs, $6 house wine. 696 East Hastings Facebook.com/TheHeatley

Everyday 3-6pm: $5-6.50 20oz pints of draft, $4 highballs, $7 doubles, $4 select shooters. 608 Dunsmuir StRegisBarAndGrill.com

Weekdays 3-6pm: $5 BC craft beer (18oz), $6 American craft beer (18oz), $7 European draft (18oz), $3 highballs, $5 house wine, food selections from $4. 1144 Homer DonnellyGroup.ca/NewOxford

Everyday from 3-6pm: $3 house draft beer sleeves, $4 highballs, $6 20oz pints of Carlsberg. 700 Main JenningsCulture.com Everyday from 3-6pm and 9-11pm on Saturdays: $3.91 16oz craft beer sleeve, $6.30 20oz craft beer pint. 608 West Pender Malones.bc.ca


Everyday from 3-6pm: Rotating food and drink specials 1227 Granville TheMorrisseyPub.ca

Everyday from 3-6pm: $4 Mill Street Lager, $4 Jameson. 724 Nelson

August 4 - August 10, 2016 W 5




The Growler Guide to Calgary Stephen Smysnuik The Growler


Calgary has a booming craft beer scene led by Last Best Brewpub (middle) and Tool Shed Brewing (bottom), among others. Jonny Healy photos

That’s right. Calgary. Calgary gets a bad rep in most parts of BC, particularly in Vancouver, because… well, why is it exactly? Because it’s flat? Because it’s cold? Or because of the Flames? Or the cowboys? Or the oil? Maybe it’s because of all of that. But we’ve heard rumblings of a craft beer scene coalescing in the prairie metropolis, and since we have an almost terminal case of FOMO, The Growler decided to scope the city out for ourselves. As it turns out, we were a bit early to the party – about six months early, actually. There were only 10 breweries open and at the time, with another, Cold Garden Beverage Company, opening since our visit. Another 24 craft breweries are in various stages of planning and are set to open by the end of 2017. In fact, despite Alberta’s troubled economy, Calgary seems to be in the midst of a cultural

renaissance, of which craft beer is just a small part. In the past few years, there’ve been a score of trendy, sophisticated businesses opening up: boutique restaurants with adventurous menus and coffee roasters aplenty. It’s as though millennial business owners visited Portland and Brooklyn en masse and brought the influence home. But it’s perhaps the craft beer industry that’s generating the most optimism, in part because of new rules established by the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission that have made it easy for breweries to open. Up until three years ago, the AGLC wouldn’t sign off on a brewery until it could prove they could sell 50,000 litres (or 5,000 hectolitres) of beer. This was such an enormous investment (since the brewery had to be built beforehand) that startups were scarce. That all changed in 2013, allowing new breweries to open up. And while the AGLC hasn’t exactly made it easy for the beer industry – they instituted a prohibitive markup on all breweries selling beer in Alberta, including breweries


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from Alberta – it has at least made it possible for craft beer culture to exist at all. So if you go, this is what you should see.

“Calgary seems to be in the midst of a cultural renaissance, of which craft beer is just a small part.” BANDED PEAK BREWING

Tasting room culture does not yet exist in Calgary in any meaningful way, but Banded Peak comes closest to what spoiled BC beer fans are used to. Their facility – located in an industrial park five minutes out of town – has a small space at the front with small tables nestled under metallic storage shelves. This is Calgary’s newest brewery, started by three life-long friends and homebrewers who quit their jobs working in oil and mining to start it up. The lure here is the beer, especially its three core beers: a saison, a hopped wheat ale and an IPA. All three are impressive, considering the brewery was barely two months old when we visited. The three beers offered creative variations on styles aficionados are used to, which manage to be approachable and satisfying for novice palates – a crucial demographic for Calgary’s nascent brewing industry.


Alberta’s smallest brewery is also quite possibly its most DIY. Dandy’s mash tun and brew kettle are two halves of a recycled bright tank from Wild Rose. They use plastic fermenters. All the beer is bottled by hand. This is also one of the first breweries to open after the AGLC changed the rules. But rather than pander to newbies accustomed to drinking Labatt, Dandy came out swinging with a lineup designed to lure the beer nerd. This is a brewery that thrives on experimentation and the element of surprise, whose flagship beer is (inexplicably) an oyster stout – and a damn fine one to boot. It’s also the only local brewery we visited that made a sour beer and a Berliner Weisse. The tasting room is tiny, cramped and lacking air conditioning, but its impressive all the same.

LAST BEST BREWING & DISTILLING Last Best is the newest

6 W August 4 - August 10, 2016

brewery founded by beer the industry mogul (and wickedly named) Socrates Korogonas, who opened his first brewery, Jasper Brewing, in 2005 after winning the lottery. With Last Best, he’s created one of only two breweries located in an urban (as opposed to industrial) area. And by “brewery,” we technically mean “brewpub,” because this is a full service restaurant as well. It’s also a must-see, with beautiful brick archways, canvases from local artists, occasional live music on the patio and an eclectic selection of beer that should satisfy everyone from the average beer drinker to the surliest of beer nerds. If that’s not enough, well, they have a small but adventurous menu with really good food. We’ll recommend that you eat here.


Tool Shed is one of our favourite breweries we’ve ever visited. Full stop. This is due in part to brewer and co-founder Graham Sherman, a sparkplug of personality who’s gracious and hilarious, and is known to give patrons the time of day, any day. It was Sherman, along with his business partner Jeff Orr, who was responsible for pushing the AGLC to change the laws that allowed them to open in the first place. The AGLC even tweeted out congratulations to Tool Shed when the changes were announced. The front tasting room is designed to look like a tool shed, complete with unfinished wood panels on the walls and bar In the back is an enormous space with picnic tables for patrons, looking out onto the production area. The beer is designed to be sessionable – balanced, flavourful brews that are expertly crafted that can no doubt lure in anyone coming off from Molson Canadian.


Located on Calgary’s upand-coming 17th Avenue, Trolley 5 – a gorgeous, three-floor room perennially crammed full of attractive young people – is one of the few brewpubs The Growler has ever visited that does everything right.The brewhouse and the beer are given equal weight to the food. Both are excellent.The food menu offers “global comfort,” everything from Oklahomastyle barbecue to Chinese dumplings. As for beer, we tried a white IPA and a porter, both helmed by head brewer Jeff Demaniuk, formerly of Phillips and Parallel 49, who brings a West Coast flare to the operation. W





Find killer cool treats at these new ice cream joints VEGAN TREATS

Anya Levykh Fresh Sheet


Summer has (finally) arrived and brought with it the long, hot days (and nights) that mean beach, sunscreen, patios and, most importantly, frozen dessert. The timing couldn’t be better for the veritable flood of new creameries hawking their fruit-filled, nitrogen-formed, shaved or pumped iterations. Whether on a cone or in a bowl, filled with fruit or made into snow, it seems there’s a spot for every day of the week for months on end. Here are a few new standouts that offer something a little different and delicious.


Soft-serve is such a thing right now. At Uyu (the name is Korean for “milk”), the beautiful creamy ice cream is made from organic milk, and comes either in a cup or cone.The three or four flavours available on any given day rotate frequently, but the original (plain) version is a constant.Try the matcha if you can, and enjoy toppings such as freeze-dried raspberries, dark chocolate almond bark, black sesame powder. Depending on how many toppings you have, prices range from $4.75 to $5.75.You also get a free squeeze of one of their drizzles, such as honey, caramel or passionfruit. -HH CMM^@@ ? ''%RH'#R##%) ? 26=ZKG>DGObQK^b


Soft Peaks in Gastown (25 Alexander, SoftPeaks. ca) is the original artisan soft-serve shop. Flavours are limited to plain milk or dark chocolate (or a twist), which


Aileen Cham of Uyu Ice Cream. Jennifer Gauthier photo are organic, but toppings include cornflakes, honeycomb, Himalayan pink salt, toasted coconut, yuzu marmalade and more. Also available are ice milk bars and milkshakes in rotating flavours.


It sounds like a schtick, but there’s some real science behind the use of liquid nitrogen in the making of ice cream. At Mister, the ice cream is made fresh to order, with primarily local ingredients, including milk from a Port Coquitlam dairy.The ingredients go into a mixer and then the nitrogen is added, resulting in a mist (hence the name). No toppings here, as the owners want you to focus on the flavour of what’s in the cup. A bit dear at around $6-$7 per, but there’s no questioning the quality or taste.Try the crème brulée (with a real bruléed top) or the lemon frozen yogurt. LL-L WO&a!OaI ? ''%RH'#R J%HH ? WOIGA6W&B@GDQK^b


Lik on Robson Street (320 Robson,Twitter.com/ LIKN2IceCream) was the first to offer this hyper-cool treat. In addition to rotating flavours like vanilla-blueberry, latte, caramel and chocolate, all made to order, you can

also get toppings and custom creations, like the banana cream pie with fresh banana over the caramel ice cream, topped with whipped cream, graham cracker crumbs and bits Skor. Opt for the “syringe” of sauce in the centre of your concoction for extra, oozy goodness.


Large bowls of beautifullyarranged fruit with ice cream, often served in a fruit shell. Think a cantaloupe gourd filled with ice cream and carved rounds of honeydew, cantaloupe and watermelon. 17°C Dessert Café is one of many places that specialize in a creamy take on this popular Korean and Taiwanese treat. That honeydew melon bowl is around $15, but it’s big enough to share and the Oreo version is only $7.99. JJJ# Y&a*B9O6 ? ''%RH'#R #N++ ? 8OKGM^^"QK^bP4G;GaR @GGa<GBBGD@>O,G

Those following a plantbased diet deserve a treat once in a while, too, right? Nice Vice Creamery inYaletown is Vancouver’s first exclusivelyplant-based ice cream shop, meaning no dairy.This organic “nice” cream is also free of soy, allergens, GMO and cholesterol, meaning it’s as nice for you as it sounds. There is an extensive list of flavours, including banoffee pie, blood orange, passionfruit hibiscus, chocolate lavender, and even Earl Grey bergamot with activated charcoal (yes, it’s a thing and it’s good for you).You can also sprinkle some flavoured salts over top, or indulge in a sundae or float. LNJJ WO&a!OaI 4@Q ? ''%R H'#R)-JH ? V&KG1&KG>DGObQK^b


Sorry, Nice Vice is the first and only of its kind so far, but places like Earnest Ice Cream and Bella Gelateria have some outstanding flavours worth checking out. W

UPCOMING ACTS AUGUST 2016 August 4: Max Zipursky Quartet August 5 & 6: Blue VooDoo August 7: Funky Biscuit August 10: Andrew Mockler August 11: Ray Ayotte August 12 & 13: Siobhan Walsh Group August 14: Spectrum August 17 & 18: Falcon Trio August 19 & 20: Hip Pocket August 21: Funky Biscuit August 24 & 25: Kelly Brown Trio August 26 & 27: Big Daddy Funk Party August 28: Spectrum August 31: Ihor Kukarudza Quartet



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August 4 - August 10, 2016 W 7



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Lapping up summer in Vancouver Michaela Morris By the Bottle @MichaelaWine

Whenever I return from a trip I find myself humming along to Frank Sinatra. “It’s very nice to go trav’ling,” he croons, “but it’s oh so nice to come home.” Particularly in the summer, I might add. After a month abroad, I’m happy to be back in Vancouver with the month of August still ahead. Of course I plan to catch up with family and friends. The more barbecues the merrier. Beyond that, I simply can’t let the summer go by without indulging in my favourite seasonal activities. And while they’re not specifically wine related per se, I always manage to incorporate a glass somehow. The Harmony Arts Festival is on until Aug. 7. Going strong for 26 years, it features outdoor concerts on West Vancouver’s waterfront. I recommend staking out a spot at the beachside patio and taking in the free (yes, free) concerts. The Dirty Apron Cooking School is there daily until 10:30pm cooking up fish and chips along with other snacks. The best news is that you can also buy wine to sip on while you sway or bop to the music. My pick? The 2015 Château Sainte Roseline, Prestige Rosé (Côte de Provence AOC) is a lovely, light and dry pale pink that suits the mood perfectly. I’ve been a faithful fan of Bard on the Beach since its inception, back when I was an aspiring actress. Somewhere along the way I switched to wine but I still try never to miss a season, especially now that we are permitted to drink while watching a play. Surely this was how it was done in Shakespeare’s time. On the main stage this year, The MerryWives ofWindsor is a great romp and pairs well with the 2014 Sandhill Pinot Gris on offer at the concession. Though hiking is one of my mandatory summer

pastimes, I’ll admit that it’s been a couple of years since I’ve done the Grouse Grind. Truthfully, the real draw to sweating my way up that mountain is relaxing at the top. If I manage to make it this year, my reward will be a glass of the 2014 Mission Hill Reserve Riesling at Altitudes Bistro. With a touch of sugar for energy yet crisp acidity to slake a thirst, it’ll wash down the crispy fish tacos nicely. For a gentler stroll, I opt for Jericho Beach.Weather permitting, I may even be tempted to take a dip in the ocean. Either way, I usually end up working up a small hunger by the time I reach the Jericho Sailing Centre.

Being able to take in the mountains and the sea, music and theatre all while having a glass, I’d say we live in a pretty civilized place. The super casual Galley Patio & Grill has old school charm and, most importantly, an outdoor deck where I can enjoy a salmon burger and the 2014 Calona Artist Series Unoaked Chardonnay. When in town, I make a weekly pilgrimage to the Trout Lake farmers’ market. I base my meals on whatever fresh produce is available. Now that local wineries are allowed to sample and sell their wares, it’s a one-stop shop. I love seeing artisan sake maker Masa Shiroki’s smiling face between picking up my eggs and arugula. His Osake Junmai Nama is a light and summery sake ideal for simply prepared fish or a hearty salad. (You can also visit him at his store on Granville Island.) Being able to take in the mountains and the sea, music and theatre all while having a glass, I’d say we live in a pretty civilized place. W





Laurice: Unearthing a legend KRISTYN ANTHONY @allovthethings

It’s not every day that an artist equally versed in genres as expansive as punk, glam rock, pop and disco comes along. And, rarer yet when they’re unearthed from a sleepy, lakeside town known more for its desert climate and wine, than its musical icons. But, Kelowna is exactly where Brooklyn-based Mighty Mouth Records found Laurice Daniels back in 2011 when they called to ask if they could release his material on vinyl. “I thought, are they kidding? Vinyl? It’s 2011,” he chuckles, still entertained at the thought. For an artist who’s survived six decades of the music business writing, recording, composing and even managing other acts, the call came as a shock. The legend known as Laurice was born in North Wales toward the end of the Second World War, to a mother who was a professional singer before giving it up to marry his father. “She was very supportive of my songwriting,” he says. “My father didn’t think I could sing, but he thought I could write.” It was while studying at Leeds University that Laurice decided to pursue his dream of the music biz.Working for Pie Records in London, he wrote and recorded a slew of rock

Glam rock pioneer Laurice is coming out of retirement to play The Emerald this Friday, Aug. 5. Contributed photo

material as a session singer and producer at Abbey Road Studios, eventually working as a talent scout and publisher. In 1973, his pre-punk hits “When Christine Comes Around / I’m Gonna Smash Your Face In” were released under the band name Grudge. In those days, music wasn’t ready for an out gay man, let alone in rock, and Laurice says getting ahead at home was difficult, with BBC 1 favouring American artists. “If you weren’t Elton John it

was unlikely you’d get a British record played on British radio.” “Many record companies were homophobic and xenophobic and they did not want to play the record, or promote me,” Laurice explains. “We made some marvelous other tracks that were never released.” Laurice immigrated to Toronto in the late ‘70s where he says he was finally able to do music his way. He was voted the No. 1 Canadian Male Dance Vocalist and his 1977

record, <&BK^ 4EOKGB(&E, outsold every disco record in Toronto the week it was released. But with his songs banned from mainstream radio, Laurice’s music failed to find a broader audience, and soon faded into obscurity. Laurice moved on, leaving his musical aspirations behind to pursue a career in Hollywood as an artist manager, before retiring with his partner Larry in Kelowna. He still wrote songs, but only as a form of therapy after falling ill.

“I felt that no one was interested in my work anymore,” he says. However, unbeknownst to him, Laurice’s music had quietly developed a cult following in the underground music scene. Music bloggers and record nerds who stumbled across Laurice’s records recognized them for the undiscovered gems that they were, and gushed about them online. Local music promoter Josh Nickel first discovered Laurice’s music when Mighty Mouth’s Harry Howes visited him at work at Neptoon Records and played him the long-lost records. Nickel says he knew immediately he had to share Laurice’s music. “Laurice epitomizes everything that I like about music,” says Nickel. “Uninhibited, uncompromising, passionate and raw.The fact that so much of his music remains unheard is criminal.” Nickel is bringing Laurice – now 72 years old – back to the stage for one night at The Emerald on Aug. 5. “There is a charm to his songs that is undeniable and a humility to his character that is truly stunning – especially when considering his storied history and just how bold his music is,” says Nickel. “I just can’t think of many artists deserving of the acclaim I would

give him that remain as humble and unpretentious as he has. “How could I not reach out to help him share his talent with others?” The renewed interest in his work prompted Laurice to release the new LP 7QCQ.Q<QCQ5Q on Mighty Mouth Records this past February. He says he was originally asked to write songs for a “popular punk band” but when they passed on the material, he decided to record the tracks himself at home in Kelowna on his computer. 7QCQ.Q<QCQ5Q is Laurice’s most racy, in-your-face record yet, saturated in steamy, sensual tales of life as an aging gay man. He calls it his “international sexual calling card.” So, what’s next for a musical pioneer, when most people his age are settling into their golden years? First, he’ll release an album of ballads next year, material written and sung throughout his career. After that, “I’m investigating hip hop,” he says with a laugh. “I like to challenge myself.” W


Punk, glam and disco pioneer performs with special guests Fashionism, and Maskara at The Emerald on Friday, Aug. 5, at 9:30pm. Cover is $12.

Ballet BC branches out with Babylon

CKK!O&bGI IOaKG K^bEOa6 @GObB =E 9&@( 4^K&O! >^aK&GD*G ,^D _^DO! B^&D/G KELSEY KLASSEN @kelseyklassen

Summer in Vancouver is a many-splendoured thing, where the long, indulgent days make it feel like almost anything is possible.Want to go for a paddleboard, check out the Picasso exhibition at the VAG, and then hit up a craft brewery all before sundown? Totally doable. Meeting friends for brunch on a sunny patio, burning off those eggs Benedict on the Grouse Grind, and then catching a sunset movie at Stanley Park? Not the plans of a crazy person. It’s in this stretch between Canada Day and Labour Day that the city truly emerges from its shell, seeking social encounters and community events en masse. And the city responds with fireworks, parades, days at the races and more! Until now, though, one summertime activity that has been decidedly not possible is catching a performance of Ballet BC. You see, summer is tradi-


tionally the time of year when the award-winning contemporary dance company takes a break from its whirlwind schedule of internationally acclaimed programming and touring engagements, and then regroups to dive into the broad strokes of the coming season. It is not a time when they invite the public into their home at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre to watch excerpts from new work; and it’s certainly not a time when they perform said new work outdoors, on a custom-built stage as their audience sips cocktails under the stars. In fact, that’s never happened, ever before. So this weekend’s Babylon event is special – something new for Ballet BC artistic director Emily Molnar, who was just named to the Order of Canada for her ever-growing contributions to national dance, and something new for bespoke event agency and Babylon co-organizer The Social Concierge. “It kind of started that, one, we wanted to create an event that we could have as more of a ‘friendraiser’,” says Molnar, of the partnership. “And then we wanted to build more community around what we do, and com-

Ballet BC artists in 2015’s RITE. Michael Slobodian photo munity around the arts in general. So not just Ballet BC or dance [specifically], but about our city engaging with each other around artistic endeavours.” It was also a chance to pay respect to the QE and Vancouver’s other hardworking civic theatres, while enticing a new audience – hooked on the idea of an intimate event in a

unique setting – into the fold. “Social Concierge – this is what they do, and they do it so well,” says Molnar, of the Dîner en Blanc and Deighton Cup producers. “And they’re a really important organization in the city, [because] they think creatively first – they put alternative projects, experiential projects like this together. So they are the perfect people

to be collaborating with on this idea.” And so, the two cultural ambassadors have combined forces to transform the lobby and courtyard of the Queen Elizabeth into a floral wonderland. Meant to invoke the ancient and infamously lush Hanging Gardens of Babylon, The Social Concierge has recruited both local and world-

renowned floral designers to create installations throughout the two-storey venue, and then dancers from Ballet BC will perform site-specific improvisational routines amidst the crowd. All the while, the audience (expected to be between 500-600 people) can mingle and move about freely, cocktail and canapé in hand. From there, the evening will culminate outside on the plaza with a performance of an excerpt from Ballet BC’s upcoming season – a new piece by Spanish choreographer Cayetano Soto that won’t be fully revealed until Program 1 in November. “There was this idea of activating the lobby of the Queen Elizabeth, which is obviously a house for a lot of different performing arts organizations” says Molnar. “So isn’t it neat that we can – not repurpose it, but make it a slightly different occasion? That people come to it, and it becomes a home in a different way; and maybe they take that with them into the next experience they have with the performing arts.” ? AOM6!^a @O"GB E!OKG C=*Q ) ,D^b )RLNEb O@ @(G T=GGa :!&[OMG@( 3(GO@DG `)+N \Ob&!@^a]Q3&K"G@B ODG $++ OaI &aK!=IG O 9G!K^bG K^K"@O&!d O;O&!OM!G O@ 3(G4^K&O!>^aK&GD*GQK^b W

August 4 - August 10, 2016 W 9













THE MAVERICKS Eclectic American rockers from Miami, Florida, combine Latin, rockabilly and country influences playing tunes from Mono. 7pm at Commodore Ballroom. Tickets $49.50+ at LiveNation.com

LAURICE A pioneer of genres as diverse as punk and disco, glam and soul, this artist and activist performs an exceedingly rare live show of both new and old songs, from a storied, decades-long career with special guests Fashionism, and Maskara. 9:30pm at The Emerald. Cover is $12.

MARISSA NADLER Singersongwriter from Boston on tour in support of her latest release, Stangers, with special guests Wreckmeister Harmonies and Muscle and Marrow. 7pm at The Cobalt. Tickets $13 at Red Cat, Zulu andTicketWeb.ca

FOALS English indie rockers out of Oxford swing through town in support of What Went Down. 7pm at Commodore Ballroom. Tickets $39.50 at Ticketmaster.ca

HURRAY FOR THE RIFF RAFF Americana and folk-blues from the New Orleans band, led by Alynda Lee Segarra. 9pm at The Imperial. Tickets $20 at Red Cat,TicketWeb.ca and LiveNation.com SUMMERING Art Signified presents the Vancouver indie rockers with special guests, Winnipeg’s Strange Things, and Holy Void. 9:30pm at Fortune Sound Club. Cover is $8.

COMEDY PATRICK MALIHA The world record holder for most impressions in one minute, one half of The Movie Guys and host of UR at The Movies and The New Driver’s Seat performs with opening sets from Art Factora and Mark Nesbitt. 8:30pm at Comedy Mix. Tickets $15 at TheComedyMix.com

THEATRE/DANCE FIN DE FIESTA FLAMENCO The dance and music ensemble direct from Spain presents Audacia, a bold new production exploring the many sides of flamenco, one of the world’s most passionate and intense art forms. 8pm at Scotiabank Dance Centre. Tickets $15+ at EventBrite.ca

ART ASHES, ASHES, WE ALL FALL DOWN An inquisitive look at how nostalgia serves as a point of reference for both identity and art in this exhibition from six local artists including Flavia, Christel Chan, Jane Q Cheng, Minjoo Kim, Chelsea O’Byrne and Rachel Wada. 12-5pm at Hot Art Wet City. Admission is free. Runs until Aug. 27.

SNAKEHIPS British electronic duo of Oliver Lee and James Carter take the stage with special guest Kempeh. 9pm at Commodore Ballroom. Tickets $25+ at Ticketmaster.ca

THEATRE/DANCE JAG AND THE AMERICAN Based on Ernest Hemingway’s short stories, this live music and contemporary dance production follows a young, South Asian woman and an American, post-WWI veteran travelling through Europe and Siam during the 1920s. 7:30pm at Vancouver East Cultural Centre. Tickets at Tickets.TheCultch.com

EVENTS YVR FOOD FEST Smaller plates, smaller lines, and tons of breweries you can walk around to access throughout the site at the return of the three-day food festival that features live music, DJs, long table dinners, chef and food talks and of course, the food trucks. Schedule and tickets at YVRFoodFest. com. Runs until Aug. 7.

ART MICHIF-MICHIN Dylan Miner investigates indigenous medicines and other forms of earth-based and non-Western knowledge and healing in his work, as starting points to think about and through community health in this unique exhibition centered on sharing tea over conversation with visitors. Opening reception 6-9pm at Gallery Gachet. Runs until Aug. 28.

Laurice, August 5

Lil Yachty, August 6

MUSIC MOLLY NILSSON & SEAN NICHOLAS SAVAGE Swedish singer and producer co-headlines with the Montreal singer-songwriter-balladeer and special guest Gal Gracen. 8pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $12 at Red Cat andTicketFly.com LIL YACHTY Atlanta, Georgia hip-hop recording artist on tour in support of Lil Boat and Summer Songs 2. 7pm at Vogue Theatre. Tickets $25 at . All ages show. ORIT SHIMONI Travelling songstress performs songs from her forthcoming, seventh studio release in an intimate setting with some surprise local guests. 8pm at Slickity Jim’s. Cover is $10. HAZEL BLACKBURN Vancouver rock trio celebrate the release of their self-titled debut album with special guests Dead Rivals, Mitigo, Poolsharks and Muffdusters. 8:30pm at Media Club. Tickets $10 at TicketWeb.ca or $13 at the door.

THEATRE/DANCE HEATHERS: THE MUSICAL Westerberg High is ruled by a shoulderpadded, scrunchie-wearing trio: Heather, Heather and Heather. When misfit Veronica Sawyer rejects their evil regime, all hell breaks loose in this hilarious production based on the classic 1989 film. 2pm & 8pm at Waterfront Theatre. Tickets at TicketForce. com. Runs until Aug. 26. THE FAKESPEARE FESTIVAL Shakespeare like you’ve never seen before featuring two Canadian shows turning some of Will’s most famous tragedies into uproarious comedies in Goodnight Desdemona, Good Morning Juliet The Light and Delightful Musical Comedy of Titus Andronicus. 8pm at York Theatre. Tickets at Tickets. TheCultch.com. Runs until Aug. 28.

THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR It’s 1968 in Windsor, Ontario and English ex-pat Sir John Falstaff is hunting for a solution to his financial trouble. When he unknowingly attempts to seduce two wealthy housewives who happen to be best friends, these merry wives set him up for some hilariously sweet revenge. 2pm & 7:30pm at Vanier Park. Tickets at BardOnTheBeach. org. Runs until Sept. 24.

COMEDY JOHN BEUHLER Fast becoming one of North America’s favourite and controversial comedians, the hometown comic performs with opening sets from Joshua Elijah and Byron Bertram. 7pm & 9:30pm at Yuk Yuk’s. Tickets $20 at YukYuks.com THE BIG PICTURE: AN IMPROVISED MOVIE A live, improvised adventure with lightning fast comedy as you experience all your favourite movies in one hilarious mash-up paying tribute to the mega movie. 7:30pm at The Improv Centre. Tickets at Tickets.VTSL.com

EVENTS PACIFIC POLO CUP Witness the sport of kings in this fundraiser for Southlands Riding Club, a non-profit society that provides a home for equestrian sport and recreation, is an afternoon of matches with participants from Canada, USA, and South America. 11:30am-5pm at Southlands Riding Club (7025 Macdonald). Tickets $ atPacificPoloCup.com

COMEDY THE SUNDAY SERVICE The award-winning improv comedy troupe brings their high energy commitment to comedy with a little slapstick shtick, carrying the audience through a kaleidoscopic trip where scenes barrel into tangents and stories smash together creating comedy gold. 9pm at Fox Cabaret. Tickets $7 at the door.

THEATRE/DANCE AMERICAN IDIOT Two-time Tony Award-winning musical, and critical smash hit on Broadway tells the story of three lifelong friends, forced to choose between their dreams and the safety of suburbia conceived by Grammy-winning rockers Green Day. 2pm & 8pm at Waterfront Theatre. Runs until Aug. 27.

CHEAP & FUN MOUNT PLEASANT FARMERS MARKET All summer long shoppers will find incredible selections of local farm product, artisanal beer, wine and spirits along with handmade craft, and food truck fare right beside Dude Chilling Park. 10am-2pm at East 8th a nd Guelph St. Admission is free.

COMEDY CHUG-A-LUG COMEDY From the folks who brought you Mermaid Comedy, comes a new weekly show hosted by Vancouver favourites Stefan MacNeil, Brad Dorion and Jenny Toews featuring top homegrown talent in stand up and improv format. 8pm at Yagger’s Sports Bar (433 West Pender). Cover is $5. QUEER PROV Don’t let the queer deter you – you don’t have to identify to get it! This not-for-profit society dedicated to creating a queer community that creates, supports, enjoys and teaches improv theatre unites every week on Mondays, to set yourself up for a gay ol’ week. 8pm at XY (1216 Bute).

CHEAP & FUN JCC SENIORS’ DEPARTMENT BBQ All seniors are welcome to come out and enjoy delicious food, and live entertainment from Caviar & Lace, playing classic hits on the saxophone and clarinet. 12pm2pm at Jewish Community Centre. Tickets $10+ at 604-257-5111. KARAOKE MONDAYS Trevor Risk and Christa Belle invite you down to weekly karaoke where you can belt out your favourites cause you got drunk enough with cheap drink specials and no cover. 9pm at The Cobalt. No cover.

VANCOUVER WATER ADVENTURES Get out on the water to watch the sun go down and continue paddling while lighting up the waters with this guided SUP or kayak tour, the perfect end to a long week. 8:30pm at 1812 Boatlift Lane, Granville Island. Tickets $40+ at VancouverWaterAdventures.com

Foals, August 8

HELP CELEBRATE VANCOUVER PRIDE ALL MONTH LONG. 3RF? FRA <(F>. F ?(@:@ @, :(. @,5C'FT ;L0 J>'A. JF>FA. 1.('CT. R@6 T@CF:.A F: 2(. ;L0 3:@>. K4 <(F>. O@9> @6R ?(@:@ @, :(. 8.('CT. CF?:9>.A A9>'R* :(. ?F>FA. 6':( (F<(:F* #BMWStoreVanPride. For .8.>O ?@<:H &+ 6'TT D. A@RF:.A :@ 1FRC@98.> J>'A. 3@C'.:O 3C(@TF><('?<G

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10 W August 4 - August 10, 2016



WHAT’S ON Tu/09 Julien Baker, August 9

MUSIC PASSENGER British singer-songwriter aka Mike Rosenberg takes the stage in support of the forthcoming Young As The Morning Old As The Sea. 7pm at St. James Hall. Tickets $20 at TicketWeb. ca. All ages show. JULIEN BAKER Memphis indie singer-songwriter plays tunes from her debut release Sprained Ankle 8pm at The Cobalt. Tickets $15 at Red Cat, Zulu and TicketWeb.ca

THEATRE/DANCE OTHELLO Othello has risen to become a respected military commander who thrives in his hard-won position of power and he and his wife Desdemona are deeply in love, yet he loses it all in a betrayal and succumbs to blind jealousy in Shakespeare’s tale of a fatally flawed leader and the master manipulator who destroys him. 7:30pm at Vanier Park. Tickets at BardOnTheBeach.org. Runs until Sept. 17. REPERTORY FESTIVAL ENSEMBLE Theatre Company presents the fourth annual theatre festival performing Betrayal, The Romans In Britain and The Country Wife in repertory. 8pm at Jericho Arts Centre. Visit EnsembleTheatreCompany.ca for tickets and schedule. Runs until Aug. 20.



CIRCUS IN FLAMES Singer-songwriter Doug Andrew and his band performs two sets of their original garage string band music of the Canadian south. 8pm at Slickity Jim’s. Admission by donation, pass-the-hat.

AWOLNATION American electronic rock band, formed and fronted by Aaron Bruno plays the first of two nights with special guests the Darcys. 8pm at Commodore Ballroom. Tickets $35+ at Ticketmaster.ca

HIBRIA Brazilian power metal band kick off their 20th anniversary tour with special guests W.M.D. and Gatekeeper. 8pm at Red Room Ultra Bar. Tickets $20 atTuneStub.com

IRON KINGDOM Heavy metal band from Surrey invites you to kick off their Western Canada tour while they shoot a live music video with a full concert set. 9pm at Venue. Tickets $7 at VTixOnline.com

KEYS PIANO BAR A weekly Showtune focussed piano bar experience complete with a singa-long and fabulous drinks where everyone is welcome to get up and sing and requests are encouraged. 8pm at XY. Admission is free.

THEATRE/DANCE MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Mayhem, misunderstanding and betrayal ensue, as love prevails in this Carousel Theatre for Young People production as it takes on the wit and romance of Shakespeare’s great comedy, set in the electric 1970’s. 7:30pm at Performance Works Outdoor Stage. Free, reservations at Tickets.CarouselTheatre.ca. Runs until Aug. 13.

EVENTS GOURMET ICE CREAM TOUR Vancouver’s ice cream scene is exploding, from soft serve to ice cream sandwiches, hop on for a tour of four of the best ice cream shops, the perfect treat to beat the heat. 5-6pm at Railtown Café. Tickets $30 at OffTheBeatenTrackTours.ca


604.787.1456 tom@tomdavishomes.ca www.tomdavishomes.ca



WRATH AND REDEMPTION The Blueridge International Chamber Music Festival presents this fullblooded season opener featuring works by Dorothy Chang, Mendelssohn, Brahms’ and more. 7pm at St. Mark’s Anglican Church. BrownPaperTickets.com

tom davis

COMEDY TIM NUTT A one-man war on stupid people, according to the Toronto Star, this veteran comic expertly explores the hilarity in everyday life with a rough and tumble approach to crafty storytelling and perfect one-liners. 8:30pm at Comedy Mix. Tickets $15 at TheComedyMix.com

THEATRE/DANCE THEATRE UNDER THE STARS Vancouver’s legendary summertime theatre experience is back for another season performing Beauty & The Beast in repertory with West Side Story under the stars at Malkin Bowl in Stanley Park. Visit Tuts.ca for tickets and schedule. Runs until Aug. 20

Open House Saturday 2-4pm


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CHEAP & FUN LIQUID AMBER 15TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Miss Quincy & the Showdown hit the stage with the Fever while burlesque mavens Justine Sane and Melody Mangler kick off this shindig celebrating Vancouver’s art and tattoo culture along with a silent art auction, and proceeds donated to Girls Rock Camp Vancouver. 8:30pm at Studio Records. Tickets $10 at 62 Powell St., or $15 at the door.

CHEAP & FUN EVO SUMMER CINEMA SERIES Pack a picnic, bring a blanket and some pals and head to Ceperley Meadow, just before the Second Beach Pool, for an outdoor screening of Labyrinth. 8:30pm at Stanley Park. Admission is free.


Hibria, August 10

August 4 - August 10, 2016 W 11




RSVP to the ‘Sausage Party’ Vancouver’s Nitrogen Studios animates first-ever R-rated CG feature Sabrina Furminger Reel People @Sabrinarmf

Sausage Party has plenty to celebrate: it’s the firstever R-rated CG-animated feature film; it’s the latest highly-anticipated offering from homegrown millennial tastemakers Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg (This is the End; Superbad); it contains a food orgy (and isn’t that last fact alone worthy of celebration?). If Sausage Party sounds like the raunchy, raucous, R-rated animated food fiesta you’ve been craving, you can thank Vancouver’s Nitrogen Studios for the invitation. The Downtown Eastside animation studio created all of the animation for the 88-minute feature film, which was written by Rogen, Goldberg, Kyle Hunter, and Ariel Shaffir, and co-directed by Conrad Vernon (Shrek 2, Monsters vs. Aliens) and Nitrogen’s own Greg Tiernan. The film was produced by Nitrogen and Point Grey Pictures, financed by Annapurna Pictures, and will soon be distributed by Columbia Pictures. Sausage Party follows a hapless package of sausages and their pals from a grocery

store as they discover the unappetizing truth about their existence and take decisive action (also: food orgy). The characters are voiced by a parade of A-listers – besides Rogen, there’s Jonah Hill, Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader, Salma Hayek, James Franco, Michael Cera, Nick Kroll, and Edward Norton – as well as some accidental actors, like Nitrogen storyboard artist Scott Underwood (who voices a Twinkie) and the Irish-born Tiernan as an Irish potato. The artists ended up in the film because Sausage Party was an all-hands-on-deck experience for Nitrogen, says Tiernan during Reel People’s recent visit to the company’s 23,000-sq.-ft. full-service animation hive, housed in an old foundry at the corner of Heatley and Powell. “It’s creativity first. Everybody here has a voice. It doesn’t matter where they are,” says Tiernan, who also serves as Nitrogen’s COO and executive producer.The company – which typically employs approximately 90 artists – ramped up to more than 150 for Sausage Party. “Even on a movie as big as Sausage Party, there are a lot of people here who came up with gags and did voices and all sorts of stuff like that.There’s no point trying to put an artist in a box and not allow them to spread their wings.” Nitrogen Studios was founded by Tiernan and Vancouver native Nicole Stinn in 2003 to serve the animation needs of a diverse clientele in the film, television, and

Vancouver’s Nitrogen Studios was the creative team behind Seth Rogen’s new animated film, Sausage Party. Nicole Stinn photo gaming industries. By that time, the married couple had already amassed a heap of experience in the animation biz, first as artists and then in leadership positions for big entertainment corps in Los Angeles. Nitrogen started small, says Stinn (Nitrogen CEO, executive producer, and line producer on Sausage Party), so that they could perfect their skills. “We passed by a couple of opportunities early on where the growth would have been too fast, because we decided, ‘let’s just build this slowly,’” says Stinn. And in so doing, they’ve also intentionally stayed just under the radar, says Tiernan. “We didn’t just appear over night,” says Tiernan. “We’ve been working hard at building up.”


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Nitrogen’s biggest gig before Sausage Party was about as un-Sausage Party as it gets: Thomas & Friends. For the CG reboot of the classic children’s series – about an adorable train and his locomotive peers at Tidmouth Sheds – Nitrogen produced 100 episodes, four DVD movies, and a bounty of consumer products. Although it might seem jarring to have the company behind Thomas & Friends at the helm of the world’s first-ever R-rated CG film, it makes perfect sense to Tiernan. “To us, it doesn’t matter if it’s R-rated, or if it’s preschool,” he says. “We have our own little preschool show that is even sweeter and skews even younger than Thomas, and we’re quite happy to put

R-rated stuff out there as well.We’re in the animation business, so if it’s animated, we want to do it, and we want to do it to the best of our abilities.” Sausage Party made its way to Nitrogen via Tiernan’s old friend,Vernon, who’d directed Rogen in Monsters vs. Aliens. “Conrad said, ‘Listen, I have a Seth Rogen project that you guys might be interested in,’ and I was like, ‘We’re fans of Seth Rogen’s, that’s great,’ and he said, ‘The premise is it’s about sausages who want to get out of their packages and fuck buns.’”Tiernan laughs at the memory. “And I was like, ‘Wow, okay, we’re in.’” One point that made Sausage Party highly attrac-

tive to the Nitrogen team was that Rogen and Goldberg envisioned it as a live-action film told with animated characters, says Stinn. “The script, the sensibility, the timing, the cutting, the camera work, it all has this live-action feel to it,” says Stinn – which is why Sausage Party “doesn’t look like any other animated movie out there,” says Tiernan. The scale and scope of the film is far more nuanced than the red-band trailers might suggest, says Tiernan. “All of us, together, we wanted to make sure that this movie had heart and more depth,” says Tiernan. Of course, “[there] is a lot of flat-out, slapstick comedy and raunchy, raucous laughter, so for people who want that, they won’t be disappointed.” Nitrogen is currently working with Dreamworks on Trollhunters, an original series for Netflix, and developing their own feature film scripts. “I think there are so many opportunities for new properties, whether it’s for families or adults,” says Stinn. They’re also enjoying the buzz leading up to Sausage Party’s theatrical release after a wildly successful ComicCon screening. “It’s the first R-rated CGI big movie ever, and it’s coming out of the Downtown Eastside,” says Tiernan. “We’re incredibly proud of that.We want to keep building on that.” W Sausage Party hits theatres nationwide on Aug. 12.


Starring Matt Damon, Alicia Vikander Directed by Paul Greengrass After nine years, Matt Damon reteams with director Paul Greengrass for another installment in the high-octane series that made the actor a bona fide action star. Jason Bourne’s story picks up a decade following 2007’s Ultimatum as the super spy is drawn out of the shadows once again because of yet another sinister threat. The film features lots of frantic shaky-cam, extended car chases, clandestine CIA control rooms, and brooding, lots of brooding. Basically, the sequel provides many classic Bourne moments but that is part of the problem. An unnerving and frustrating undercurrent of familiarity plagues the movie and it winds up feeling like a mashup of the second and third films.

Matt Damon in Jason Bourne Working with a plot ripped right from today’s headlines (Russian hackers, economic instability in Greece) the movie is essentially an updated version of the original trilogy and feels at times like a reboot. One more glaring issue is the dialogue; Jason Bourne has the unfortunate distinction of having perhaps the worst script of the previous movies. The other flicks at least made the audience work a bit to piece narrative elements together. This

one lays it all out on a silver platter in rather rudimentary fashion. However, Jason Bourne is not without its merit; plenty of suspense, character revelations, and pulse-pounding action abound throughout. Alicia Vikander, Tommy Lee Jones, and Vincent Cassel provide great supporting work and Damon is as formidable as ever.Yet, after so much time and so much anticipation, some of the magic is missing. –Thor Diakow





Home is Where the Art Is: Nadia M’Seffar of Em’Say Studio

The third annual Pacific Polo Cup takes place this weekend. Contributed photo

Jennifer Scott A Good Chick to Know


While my personal style is a bohemian take on the layered eclectic, I admittedly have a weakness for the truly minimalistic aesthetic. Clean lines, simple yet impactful details and beautiful materials come together under the hand of Nadia M’Seffar to produce stunning home décor pieces. Em’Say Studio, a freshly launched design house based out of Railtown’s Octopus Studios, offers wood and concrete housewares from accent furnishings to accessories. M’Seffar talks us through how Em’Say got started and what her creative process looks like. How did you get started making concrete homewares and what led you to where you are now? I’ve always liked making things. I would be inspired by pieces I would find at boutiques and always knew that I had the ability to make something similar if I tried. So I did! I wasn’t formally trained, it came naturally, and YouTube tutorials were really helpful. After a recent move I decided to design and create all the missing decor pieces myself, from pendant lights to shelves to tables. I eventually came to make stools designed by Ben Uyeda out of concrete and quickly realized I could make anything out this underrated material. I started experimenting using different types

Sport of kings returns for summer KELSEY KLASSEN @kelseyklassen

Nadia M’Seffar of EM’SAY, at Octopus studio at 393 Powell Street. Jennifer Gauthier photo. of molds and perfected my craft by trial and errors. I started getting orders from friends and that’s how Em’Say was born. Do you have a Vancouver muse? Or a favourite place in or around the city that inspires you? My old Gastown loft. That’s where my love for design started and that’s how I developed my style. Do you have any predictions for the future of your industry? What I’ve noticed is that Vancouverites are genuinely proud to buy local and handmade goods. Even young generations are appreciating original design and are willing to pay a little bit more to buy something that wasn’t made in a factory.

How would you describe Vancouver’s artistic/creative community? Honestly I didn’t know what to expect. I come from a completely different background (French and Moroccan) and was definitely intimidated to join in. However, Vancouver’s visual arts community is extremely welcoming and supportive. I’m excited for what’s to come. If you could describe your artistic style in one word, what would it be? Minimalist. What gets your creative juices flowing? A cloudy Sunday morning listening to acoustic songs. Is there a song or a musician that inspires you to create?

I’ve been rediscovering and listening to a lot of Amy Winehouse at my studio lately. Is there one area of your craft you find especially challenging? Carrying bags and bags of concrete up and down the stairs! But seriously, I find it difficult to find balance between the creative aspect and running a full time business.There’s just so much to do and so little time. I wish there was more than 24 hours in a day! If you could speak to a room of youth who were considering careers in the arts, what would your advice be? Travel. Go explore the world.Your adventures will shape who you will become as person and as an artist. W

Thanks for the complement Aileen Lalor Style File @AileenLalor

Shock news: our heads and faces are attached to our bodies and can be seen at the same time as them, so we should make at least some effort to ensure that our makeup and fashion are vaguely complementary. Stylist Nadia Albano has seen some clashes – she cites women wearing a copper-orange lipstick with their pastel outfit as a particularly egregious example. And clashes aren’t the only assault of beauty on fashion; Albano says matchy-matchy (blue eyeshadow and a blue shirt) is overkill, too. The reason for these


mismatches may be that we tend to experiment with our clothing, but have only two makeup looks – day and night – so we have no idea where to start with matching fashion and beauty. Albano says it’s good to contrast the makeup with the outfit. “For example, if you are wearing an elaborate outfit, downplay the makeup to a clean eye and perhaps, at most, a strong lip. And vice-versa: if your outfit is casual, play up the makeup to elevate the look,” she says. Alternatively, you can swap it round by starting with the makeup and letting the fashion flow from there. Here are three classic beauty looks and their perfect sartorial partners.


Albano believes red is a

neutral colour that goes with everything. “I like red lips with a metallic rose-gold eyeshadow, cute flowy mini skirt, long tank and ankle booties,” she says. Wear Bobbi Brown Lip Color in Red ($28, at Holt Renfrew, Sephora and Murale), a classic fire-engine red, with RED Valentino’s Point Desprit Mini Dress ($622.16, at Nordstrom).


Maybe this is your go-to for evening, but Albano thinks you should try it during the day. “It goes with a flawless complexion and strobed skin. I might even do a baby pink lip colour with that,” she says. “I’d also wear an extremely feminine outfit, for example, a fit-and-flair floral print dress and pumps.” Pair H&M’s

sleeveless dress ($14.99) with ARTDECO Most Wanted Eyeshadow Palette in Smokey ($29, at Shoppers Drug Mart).

profit society based in Vancouver’s pastoral agricultural reserve near the Fraser River. The facility isn’t equipped with a full polo field either, so the event features a smaller field and three-on-three exhibition-style play, instead. This is the third year of the Cup, and the second year that Stowe and co-organizer Nadia Iadisernia have been involved. Known for their work with Vancouver’s long-running Luxury & Supercar Weekend, the duo have also put their stamp on this one – packing more than just a rare and majestic sporting event into a single afternoon. In addition to two international-calibre exhibition matches, the Pacific Polo Cup will feature music and drinks, a highly competitive best-dressed awards (check out last year’s photo gallery online for inspiration), a VIP lounge sponsored by Veuve Clicquot Champagne, a VIP dining pavilion catered by Hawksworth, a divot stomp, and hopefully a gorgeous summer day. “Even though it’s an exhibition match, for anybody who doesn’t know polo it’s a better way of seeing polo,” says Iadisernia, “because it’s more up close and personal.” Just how us horsey, er, hockey fans like it. v Pacific Polo Cup takes place Saturday,Aug. 6 from 11:305pm at Southlands.Tickets from $50 at PacificPoloCup.com W

Polo is a sport that Craig Stowe thinks Canadians will instantly relate to. “It’s like hockey on horseback!” the event producer laughs. And it’s not that far of a stretch: replace athletes on skates with athletes on horses whacking balls and scoring goals and you’ve got yourself a game. (Although, the crowd is typically better dressed....) The sport of kings is a historically hard one to present in this city, though. It requires not only the equivalent of eight football fields of land, an exorbitant amount of money, and dozens of able-bodied ponies to be stabled on site, but people who actually know how to play, as well. “The majority of players in Vancouver actually have homes in California, in La Quinta,” Stowe explains. “They have ponies and ranches down there. […] So we do get one team up from the US to play, and then the rest is a mixture of people from around the world who come up for the summer, or join in with other teams here.” Prior to the inaugural Pacific Polo Cup, adds Stowe, the sport (popular in places like Argentina, the US and Britain) hadn’t been seen in Vancouver in 22 years. The annual event serves as a fundraiser for the Southlands Riding Club, a non-


We’re all masters of this, paired with jeans, T-shirt and sneakers, but it takes more to make it work for work. “The key to nailing it is perfect skin and well-groomed, defined brows,” says Albano. “It works with a minimalist, boho chic or avant-garde outfit, and requires confidence to pull off.”Your fashion/beauty team comprises Estee Lauder’s Double Wear All Day Concealer ($30, at Hudson’s Bay and Nordstrom), Sephora Brow Builder ($18), and Woo to See You’s nun-like linen dress ($120). W

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I recently met someone and we totally hit it off. We have some mutual close friends who have been trying to set us up for years and it was a shockingly good match the weekend we hung out. But, we live in different cities so we have been getting to know each other mainly through texting since then. I have a flight booked to go visit him and we were both really excited when making plans to see each other. He then kind of fell out of contact for a couple days and, after apologizing for his absence, informed me that his ex-girlfriend (who he broke up with half a year ago) needs a place to stay and is moving back in with him for a month until she’s back on her feet. It doesn’t interfere with my visit but I just don’t know if I should go anymore. I feel like I’m risking getting hurt really bad, seeing as this past relationship doesn’t seem like it’s completely over. I also feel like he is being manipulated by this ex and that she isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. He has made it clear he likes me and still wants me to come visit. Should I protect myself from this potential emotional shit storm and call it quits now or take a risk and see if our connection is as special as it originally felt? Why this dude thought he had to tell you about the ex-girlfriend is beyond me. You are not dating yet, or in a committed relationship so he doesn’t owe you that information. Furthermore, her stay does not interrupt your trip with him, but you have this elephant parking her fat ass right in the middle of your potentially fun fling. Send her back to the Sahara. I don’t know this guy or his personality, but I suspect he told you about the ex for one of two reasons. It could be that he wants to drop a hint in case they do end up back together. That way you won’t be so surprised when he sucker punches you with this information a month after your visit and you are crushing hard. Or, it could be that he is just a really nice guy, nice to a fault, and felt it would be noble to let you know. As for this ex-girlfriend, I am skeptic of her motives. Call me nucking futs, but if I had been dumped by someone, they are the last person I would come


EMAIL MISH $1F3 9,A- %E=B E(F A1' C=1A@,EFA KF3 C=1B,1A @E A1'>(1A@1F31B?5EG


I recently took a muchneeded last-minute vacation with my partner to Vancouver Island and explored a few Gulf Islands along the way. We lived out of our backpacks, slept in tents and even bathed in rivers: we went all-out hippy. The main focus of our trip was food and drink, and we went to so many markets and farms for our daily food – and even had the chance to buy a fresh halibut from a fisherman straight from his boat. As we dined at an organic farm last night with some friends eating nothing but food that was grown nearby, we counted ourselves lucky for being able to have the opportunity and the privilege of eating food straight from the land, unpackaged, unfrozen, and unprocessed. Living sustainably needs to be on the forefront of everyone’s mind. There are many reasons why it is important to make good choices for our health and the health of our ecosystem. We are lucky to have so many resources and tools that allow us to live within a sustainable means while still enjoying the convenience of city life. Societies and cultures tend to collapse and disappear when they are no longer sustainable, but that’s a whole other topic. The practice of making sustainable food choices is especially important when it comes to seafood. The bottom line is, we are overfishing our oceans and fish stocks are dwindling down at an alarming rate, with some species even becoming extinct. According to the World Wildlife Federation, seafood is the largest traded food commodity on the planet and about one billion people depend on it as their main source of protein. Sustainable seafood is a good way of helping to protect the future of the world’s oceans and fish reserves. Healthy oceans are pretty vital to our survival on this earth. And just like the WWF states, “Sustainable seafood comes from well-managed sources that allow fish populations to grow and thrive and ecosystems to flourish.” So what does it mean to eat sustainably when

it comes to your ocean animals? Here are some tips to get started.


Choose Ocean Wise seafood when eating out. The Ocean Wise symbol lets you know that the seafood you’re about to eat was sustainably caught, and doesn’t contribute to overfishing.


Keeping things local will ensure that you are eating the freshest foods possible. When you can order straight from the fisherman himself and support smaller businesses, everybody wins!

Choosing sustainably-harvested seafood helps prevent overfishing and environmentally harmful practices. iStock photo



Ingredients: ! J )KB.1 -K),I=@ /,))1@ ! :=,51 E/ H ),G1A ! J 5=D 5-EDD13 5,)KF@BE ! $K)@ KF3 D1DD1B @E @KA@1 ! J @DAD E),;1 E,)

Yes, salmon is delicious and great for you, but there are plenty of fish in the sea (pun intended). Branch out and talk to the people at your local fish counter about what’s in season, get some ideas on how to cook it and become a boss in your kitchen. W

Directions: J? 7=@ @-1 -K),I=@ EF @ED E/ AEG1 @,F /E,) KF3 DE=B K)) ,F.B13,1F@A E;1B @-1 -K),I=@?


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to for a place to stay when high and dry and homeless. She doesn’t have any friends, family or women’s shelters she can park herself at for a while? If the break-up was not so fresh, I wouldn’t see the big deal here (many exes remain platonic friends), but it’s only been six months. Did they date and live together for a while? Let’s assume, yes. (If they didn’t why would she feel comfortable asking him for a place to crash for a goddamn month.) She probably is not over him and this is her sneaky, albeit stupid way of trying to get back together with him. If she’s just there, cleaning his house, watching movies, working out in the backyard and making him nice thank-you dinners, maybe he’ll see the mistake he made and let her back in for good. I don’t see any other reason than her wanting to weasel her way back into his life and playing the damsel in distress is an easy tactic. The hardest part about trying to manipulate your ex back into sex is getting in the front door. She’s already there. That being said, you should still go on the trip. If it ends up a bust, then who cares? At least you’ve never have to wonder “what if,” and if you guys have the strong connection you say you both felt, then the elephant will be forced out of the room. I know it seems like you are walking into a pretty messy situation, but what about life is not messy? If you like this guy then go and have fun. One of the best things that ever happened to my sanity was when I realized you can not control anyone’s actions. No matter what. You have to just worry about your own. Whether the ex moves in or not is completely out of your control. It’s infuriating, I know, but you have to just be a passive, zen hippy about it. Don’t overthink this. Go on the trip, get laid and have fun with this new guy you met. You never know what will happen. Maybe he’ll end up hurting you, but we always bounce back from heartbreak. If you don’t go, you could be giving up on something potentially great. You don’t know unless you try. Love, Mish W

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Ask Mish: There’s worse things in life then a little heartbreak

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By Rob Brezsny I apologize in advance for the seemingly excessive abundance of good news I’m about to report. If you find it hard to believe, I won’t hold your skepticism against you. But I do want you to know that every prediction is warranted by the astrological omens. Ready for the onslaught? 1. In the coming weeks, you could fall forever out of love with a wasteful obsession. 2. You might also start falling in love with a healthy obsession. 3. You can half-accidentally snag a blessing you have been half-afraid to want. 4. You could recall a catalytic truth whose absence has been causing you a problem ever since you forgot it. 5. You could reclaim the mojo that you squandered when you pushed yourself too hard a few months ago.

August is Adopt-a-Taurus month. It’s for all of your tribe, not just the orphans and exiles and disowned rebels. Even if you have exemplary parents, the current astrological omens suggest that you require additional support and guidance from wise elders. So I urge you to be audacious in rounding up trustworthy guardians and benefactors. Go in search of mentors and fairy godmothers. Ask for advice from heroes who are further along the path that you’d like to follow. You are ready to receive teachings and direction you weren’t receptive to before.

When a parasite or other irritant slips inside an oyster’s shell, the mollusk’s immune system besieges the intruder with successive layers of calcium carbonate. Eventually, a pearl may form. I suspect that this is a useful metaphor for you to contemplate in the coming days as you deal with the salt in your wound or the splinter in your skin. Before you jump to any conclusions, though, let me clarify. This is not a case of the platitude, “Whatever doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.” Keep in mind that the pearl is a symbol of beauty and value, not strength.

It’s your lucky day! Spiritual counsel comparable to what you’re reading here usually sells for $99.95. But because you’re showing signs that you’re primed to outwit bad habits, I’m offering it at no cost. I want to encourage you! Below are my ideas for what you should focus on. (But keep in mind that I don’t expect you to achieve absolute perfection.) 1. Wean yourself from indulging in self-pity and romanticized pessimism. 2. Withdraw from connections with people who harbor negative images of you. 3. Transcend low expectations wherever you see them in play. 4. Don’t give your precious life energy to demoralizing ideas and sour opinions.

You’re not doing a baby chick a favor by helping it hatch. For the sake of its wellbeing, the bird needs to peck its way out of the egg. It’s got to exert all of its vigor and willpower in starting its new life. That’s a good metaphor for you to meditate on. As you escape from your comfortable womb-jail and launch yourself toward inspiration, it’s best to rely as much as possible on your own instincts. Friendly people who would like to provide assistance may inadvertently cloud your access to your primal wisdom. Trust yourself deeply and wildly.

I hear you’re growing weary of wrestling with ghosts. Is that true? I hope so. The moment you give up the fruitless struggle, you’ll become eligible for a unique kind of freedom that you have not previously imagined. Here’s another rumor I’ve caught wind of: You’re getting bored with an old source of sadness that you’ve used to motivate yourself for a long time. I hope that’s true, too. As soon as you shed your allegiance to the sadness, you will awaken to a sparkling font of comfort you’ve been blind to. Here’s one more story I’ve picked up through the grapevine: You’re close to realizing that your attention to a mediocre treasure has diverted you from a more pleasurable treasure. Hallelujah!

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Free Will Astrology

Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 are formatted a 9x9 grid,number broken into nineappear 3x3 boxes. solve ainSudoku, 1 through must fillSudoku eachpuzzles row, column and as box. Each can onlyToonce each the row,numbers column and box. 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can outfigure the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.


Could it be true that the way out is the same as the way in? And that the so-called “wrong” answer is almost indistinguishable from the right answer? And that success, at least the kind of success that really matters, can only happen if you adopt an upsidedown, inside-out perspective? In my opinion, the righteous answer to all these questions is “YESSS???!!!” – at least for now. I suspect that the most helpful approach will never be as simple or as hard as you might be inclined to believe.

Your strength seems to make some people uncomfortable. I don’t want that to become a problem for you. Maybe you could get away with toning down your potency at other times, but not now. It would be sinful to act as if you’re not as competent and committed to excellence as you are. But having said that, I also urge you to monitor your behavior for excess pride. Some of the resistance you face when you express your true glory may be due to the shadows cast by your true glory. You could be tempted to believe that your honorable intentions excuse secretive manipulations. So please work on wielding your clout with maximum compassion and responsibility.

Did you honestly imagine that there would eventually come a future when you’d have your loved ones fully “trained”? Did you fantasize that sooner or later you could get them under control, purged of their imperfections and telepathically responsive to your every mood? If so, now is a good time to face the fact that those longings will never be fulfilled. You finally have the equanimity to accept your loved ones exactly as they are. Uncoincidentally, this adjustment will make you smarter about how to stir up soulful joy in your intimate relationships.

You may experience a divine visitation as you clean a toilet in the coming weeks. You might get a glimpse of a solution to a nagging problem while you’re petting a donkey or paying your bills or waiting in a long line at the bank. Catch my drift, Capricorn? I may or may not be speaking metaphorically here. You could meditate up a perfect storm as you devour a doughnut. While flying high over the earth in a dream, you might spy a treasure hidden in a pile of trash down below. If I were going to give your immediate future a mythic title, it might be “Finding the Sacred in the Midst of the Profane.”

I’ve worked hard for many years to dismantle my prejudices. To my credit, I have even managed to cultivate compassion for people I previously demonized, like evangelical Christians, drunken jocks, arrogant gurus, and career politicians. But I must confess that there’s still one group toward which I’m bigoted: super-rich bankers. I wish I could extend to them at least a modicum of amiable impartiality. How about you, Aquarius? Do you harbor any hidebound biases that shrink your ability to see life as it truly is? Have you so thoroughly rationalized certain narrow-minded perspectives and judgmental preconceptions that your mind is permanently closed? If so, now is a favorable time to dissolve the barriers and stretch your imagination way beyond its previous limits.

Are you lingering at the crux of the crossroads, restless to move on but unsure of which direction will lead you to your sweet destiny? Are there too many theories swimming around in your brain, clogging up your intuition? Have you absorbed the opinions of so many “experts” that you’ve lost contact with your own core values? It’s time to change all that. You’re ready to quietly explode in a calm burst of practical lucidity. First steps: Tune out all the noise. Shed all the rationalizations. Purge all the worries. Ask yourself, “What is the path with heart?”

Aug. 4: Barack Obama (55) Aug. 5: Olivia Holt (19) Aug. 6: Andy Warhol (88) Aug. 7: Charlize Theron (41) Aug. 8: JC Chasez (40) Aug. 9: Gillian Anderson (48) Aug. 10: Antonio Banderas (56)

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assorted sizes • product of USA


assorted varieties



1.69 – 1.99/100g

1.69 to 3.19


Tre Stelle Feta and Arla Apetina Cheese

Dairyland Organic Milk

South West Black Bean Pasta Salad , Rainbow Kale Salad, Mexican Corn Salad and Organic Beet Salad

assorted varieties

7.99 to 8.99

skim, 1, 2 or 3.25%


Lindsay Olives

400g • roasted in Canada

assorted sizes • product of USA


7.99 to 10.99


Ground or Whole Bean, assorted varieties

assorted varieties

85-93g • product of USA

250-750ml • product of Italy


175-312g • product of USA

Earth’s Choice Organic Fair Trade Coffee

assorted varieties

Ready to Eat Mediterranean or Cilantro Almond Pesto Specialty Chicken Breast

Berio Organic Extra Virgin and Extra Virgin Olive Oil

30% 3.79 to 4.29

Santa Cruz Organic Lemonade


assorted varieties

assorted varieties


assorted sizes

34% 8.49


Calbee Salad Snapea Crisps

assorted varieties

Kind Healthy Grains Bars and Granola Clusters

assorted varieties





assorted varieties





Blue Sky Soda


Pork Tenderloin

value pack

2.27kg bag


value pack


B.C. Grown Organic Table Carrots from Similkameen River Organics


Fresh Wild Sockeye Salmon Fillets

200-400g • product of Canada, Denmark


BAKERY Mini Carrot, Belgian Chocolate or Chocolate with White Buttercream Cupcakes package of 4

31% 4.39 to 6.99






assorted varieties assorted sizes product of Canada

assorted varieties

NutraSea Omega-3 Fish Oil

assorted varieties

assorted varieties

Assorted Sizes

Assorted Sizes

20% off

20% off

Regular Retail Price

Regular Retail Price

Enerex Supplements

Regular Retail Price

More Local Choices For The North Shore. MA RIN E

assorted varieties



15% off



3.49 – 4.99


Iron Vegan Raw Sprouted Protein

Serrapeptase, Greens, Oregano Oil and many others Assorted Sizes

739ml • product of USA

36% 2.99

2.99 to 5.99


assorted varieties


1 dozen or 18 pack • product of Canada

2.79 to 4.29

Natural Factors Probiotics

Seventh Generation Dish Liquid

Nature’s Farm Eggs





While quantities last. Not all items available at all stores. We reserve the right to correct printing errors.

Yves Frozen Veggie Burgers, Sausages and Hot Dogs

Choices North Vancouver, 801 Marine Drive Contact Number: 604-770-2868 Hours of Operation: 8:00 am to 10:00 pm Our family-owned grocer has expanded to North Vancouver. We’re thrilled to bring North Shore residents the very finest in organic, local goods.



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