Westender August 18 2016

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AUGUST 18-24 // 2016








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2 W August 18 - August 24, 2016




INSIDE THIS WEEK You’re All Just Jealous of My Jetpack by Tom Gauld



News4 Vancouver Shakedown4 Science Matters4 Nosh5 The Growler6 By The Bottle7 Music8 Cover Story8 Arts9 What’s On10 Reel People12 Style File13 A Good Chick To Know13 Real Estate14 Whole Nourishment17 Sex with Mish Way17 Classifieds18 Horoscopes19



I realize this is a place to rant and therefore vent, but if people could just dial back the emotion for certain issues that would be like soooooo amazing! –Brian




Re: “Cyclist Safety,” Rant/Rave, July 28, 2016. Paul Richards’ rant about sidewalk safety is well taken. There are definitely times when some idiot rides their bike past me on the sidewalk. However, using comments like, “Sidewalks are not safe for walking

Family-to-Family Education An intensive 12-session course


anymore” is just such nonsense and screams of desperation to make a point that I am beginning to find this aspect of modern culture kinda irritating. Is it so bad that I am in danger every time I leave my West End home that I will be hit by a cyclist? I walk everywhere, so am I risking my life doing

so? There is just so much hyperbolic language these days from “That was the most amazing weekend of my life!” to “So-and-so is the stupidest person in the world” and “That was the worst movie I have ever seen” to what Paul does – inflating an issue to make your point of view seem relevant by shock and scare tactics.

I was on a flight from Toronto to Vancouver last Sunday and there was a woman with two small children. She was a little overwhelmed – I’m not 100 per cent why; possibly lack of sleep, missing family, her littlest guy crying and running around, who knows? All I wanted to say I thought you did great! From the little I saw you were a great mom, smiling and kind even though you were stressed. I hope nobody gave you grief for him running around or crying; we all paid too much for those crappy seats anyway. –Keith

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August 18 - August 24, 2016 W 3




The legendary Mary Tasker has been behind the counter of the New Brighton concession stand for more than 45 years. Grant Lawrence photo


The Legend of New Brighton Park Grant Lawrence Vancouver Shakedown @GrantLawrence

“Nobody messes with Mary, okay?” That’s just one of the many shoot-from-the-hip third person missives you’ll receive when you engage in conversation with the woman known to many of her customers simply as “The Legend.” She’s one of Vancouver’s true originals, and the last of her kind. For a staggering 51 years, Mary Tasker has worked in the Vancouver parks concession business. She began her life-long career at the Second Beach concession stand in the summer of 1965 when she was just a teenager.Tasker remembers the fish for the fish ‘n’ chips arrived in a large frozen block, and that she had to peel and slice the potatoes into french fries herself. In the summer of 1970, newlywed and with a newborn baby, she moved across town to where she proudly remains: on the furthest eastern edge of the city at the New Brighton concession stand, in the building attached to the outdoor pool. When asked why she’s stuck with the gig for such an incredibly long time,Tasker doesn’t hesitate. “It’s the people,” she says. “I love the people. I’ve served some of them for 40 years. They love my fish ‘n’ chips. Some families are onto their third generation coming down here, but it’s not as busy as it once was. People can’t afford to live in Vancouver anymore.” And what does she say to critics in food-mad Vancouver who think she should update her menu from burgers and french fries to a more healthier, localized fare? Tasker doesn’t mince words. “We’ve tried all that! We had salads, we had paninis, they just don’t sell! I had fresh fruit and I had to throw it out because they don’t buy it.” Okay, so what do her customers buy? “French fries. It’s our most popular item, year after year after year,” beams Tasker. “The families are only here for the day and they want a treat.”Tasker grows plenty of

fresh vegetables and fruit in her own private area of the New Brighton compound for she and her husband Al, a retired police officer, but those don’t make it onto the menu. “That’s not allowed.” Besides running the concession stand from Victoria Day long weekend to Labour Day, the couple also serve as the live-in caretakers for New Brighton Park, in a onebedroom suite adjacent to the concession stand.When it comes to the caretaking, Mary is the bad cop. “We get all types down here at night. It’s the east side, you know? And I don’t back down. I don’t put up with any crap. You can’t. I’ll chase ‘em right out of here.” Besides the human kind of wild,Tasker has also had to deal with all sorts of the furry kind of wild over the years as well. “We’ve had bear, cougar, and deer down here. I once looked out and saw a cow running down the railway tracks that escaped from the PNE.We’ve seen it all.” It doesn’t take an eagle eye to see that Mary Tasker takes great pride in her concession stand, which she’s been at the helm of for an incredible 47 straight summers. Most of the open kitchen boasts the original equipment, and it’s all completely spotless. She passes on her no-nonsense work ethic to her mostly teenage staff. “If you have time to lean, you have time to clean!” Her rules for her customers are pretty simple: be polite, don’t let your kids sit on the counter, and don’t try to wheel and deal. “I have people saying ‘Well, if I buy five burgers can I have it at this price?’ NO! My name isn’t Monty Hall, it’s Mary Tasker.This isn’t Let’s Make A Deal, it’s the New Brighton concession stand! The price is the price! “But most people are great.” Tasker is one tough cookie on the outside, but a true softy on the inside. She gets emotional when she thinks of her untouchable legacy. “I don’t want to go anywhere. I love it here.This is my home. I’ll keep doing this for as long as I can.” Cheers to that. Long live the Legend of New Brighton Park! W

4 W August 18 - August 24, 2016

Cadillac Fairview’s controversial proposal to redevelop Pacific Centre and remove a public plaza has drawn criticism and sparked concern that too many public spaces in downtown Vancouver are being removed. The mall owner wants to build a 25,614-square-foot, three-storey addition to its shopping centre, at the northeast corner of Howe and West Georgia streets. The city’s urban design panel supported the move in a 7-1 vote on July 27, and the project now needs only city staff’s final approval. City council does not need to vote to approve the redevelopment because a past council rezoned the site to accommodate extra density in late 2006, in exchange for the Vancouver City Centre Canada Line station to be built on what was Ca-

Cadillac Fairview wants to build a 25,614-square-foot, three-storey addition to Pacific Centre at the northeast corner of Howe and West Georgia streets. Chung Chow photo dillac Fairview property. Now former chief city planners and others in the development industry, such as consultant Michael Geller, oppose the way Cadillac Fairview plans to use that extra density. “For some time, I’ve had a concern that, as we densify our downtown, instead of adding new public spaces,

we’re losing them,” said Toderian UrbanWorks principal Brent Toderian, who was director of city planning between 2006 and 2012. “A few such proposals came in when I was chief planner, and I didn’t support them.” Other public plazas that are owned by developers and have either recently

been redeveloped or are in the development process include the domed plaza at 601 West Hastings, the plaza and fountain at 1500 West Hastings Street, and a plaza on Alberni Street mid-block between Burrard and Thurlow streets. “Plazas add delight,” said Geller. “They give you a place to just relax.They provide a bit of a respite for people to sit down in the downtown and, if nothing else, to have their lunch.” The proposal has some supporters. Retail analyst and Retail Insider Media owner Craig Patterson likes the design. He called the plaza “an underutilized piece of real estate on one of the most prominent corners of the city.” The public has until Aug. 28 to give feedback to the city and if the city gets inundated with responses, it may hold an open house, said Anita Molaro, the city’s assistant director of urban design. –Glen Korstrom, Business inVancouver

Clyde River Inuit fight to protect Arctic from big oil David Suzuki Science Matters @DavidSuzuki

The Arctic’s Baffin Bay and Davis Strait region is home to seals, bowhead whales, polar bears and up to 90 per cent of the world’s narwhals. The area’s marine waters also provide habitat for 116 species of fish, such as Arctic char, an important dietary staple for Nunavut’s Inuit communities. Although the area is crucial to Inuit for hunting and other traditional activities, the federal government has approved underwater seismic blasting by a consortium of energy companies. They plan to fire underwater cannons from boats to map the ocean floor for oil and gas deposits, in preparation for offshore drilling. The blasting, approved by Canada’s National Energy Board in 2014, is meeting fierce opposition. A lower court affirmed the NEB decision in 2015, claiming Inuit were adequately consulted on the project – something Inuit dispute. To prevent destruction of their hunting grounds, the remote hamlet of Clyde River in Nunavut and the Nammautaq Hunters and Trappers Organization appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada, which agreed to hear the case later this year. A posi-

tive decision could halt seismic blasting and affirm the right of indigenous peoples to decide their own future regarding resource development in their territories, which is central to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, of which Canada is a signatory. This case is in an isolated region. But the threat of massive development in yet another traditional territory is not an isolated case. Indigenous peoples are on the front lines of environmental change around the planet. Ever-expanding resource developments are degrading traditional territories that have sustained communities for millennia, from Arctic tundra to primeval rainforest to arid desert. They’re crisscrossed with roads, transmission lines and pipelines, and pockmarked by pumpjacks, flare stacks and other infrastructure for drilling, fracking and strip-mining fossil fuels. Most developments proceed without consent from local communities and with minimal benefit to them in terms of jobs, training and economic prosperity. Numerous studies show that indigenous communities usually bear the brunt of resource development, from declining water quality to destruction of traditional hunting and fishing grounds. The social consequences are devastating. Earlier this

year I participated in the Canadian Indigenous Health Conference, which brought public health experts together with indigenous elders, political leaders, youth, hunters and trappers. Many First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities’ social problems – including alcoholism, physical abuse, depression and suicide – are linked to the vacuum left when communities can no longer hunt, fish, trap, gather berries and otherwise live off their lands as their ancestors did. Despite living in one the world’s wealthiest countries, Inuit face chronic food insecurity. Nearly 70 per cent of households in communities like Clyde River struggle with getting enough nutrition to stay healthy, compared to eight per cent for the country as a whole. Traditional activities like hunting and fishing are critical to indigenous communities’ food security, but they also support a holistic approach to the overall health and well-being of indigenous peoples. A David Suzuki Foundation study on the importance of caribou hunting to First Nations in the boreal forest found “harvesting as a practice is not solely a process of obtaining meat for nutrition. With each hunt a deliberate set of relationships and protocols is awakened and reinforced. These include reciprocity, social

cohesion, spirituality and the passing on of knowledge to future generations.” Scientists fear high-intensity sounds from seismic blasting in the Arctic could adversely affect marine wildlife, exacerbating the food-insecurity crisis. Inuit hunters have observed altered migration patterns of some species, and reported horrific damage to the internal organs of seals and other animals exposed to underwater seismic blasts. Clyde River’s resistance to big oil is classic David versus Goliath. On one side, powerful corporations with money and access to politicians. On the other, one of the world’s oldest cultures, which has survived for millennia in harmony with the environment. Former Clyde River mayor Jerry Natanine said, “Inuit do not live on the land; we are part of it. We form an indivisible unity with the Arctic environment that we are fighting to preserve for our people and our culture to survive and thrive.” Let’s stand with Inuit and stop seismic blasting in the Canadian Arctic. • David Suzuki is a scientist, broadcaster, author and co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation.Written with contributions from David Suzuki Foundation Ontario and Northern Canada Director Faisal Moola. Learn more at DavidSuzuki.org. W





From left: Sea bream crudo with shiso vinaigrette; Chef/owner Joël Watanabe and GM James Langford-Smith; Fritelli di Melanzane with yuzu gribiche and shaved katsuo. Dan Toulgoet photos

Jazzy Italian-Japanese fare hits the right note at Kissa Tanto Anya Levykh Nosh

@FoodgirlFriday KISSA TANTO

263 East Pender 778-379-8078 KissaTanto.com Open Tuesday-Saturday, 5:30pm-midnight. “Fusion” has historically been a rather shameful term in the restaurant world – especially in Vancouver. Thinking back on the few fusion restaurants to have surfaced – and eventually plummeted – over the last two decades, there is almost nothing that comes to mind as a successful joining of two disparate cultures and cuisines. Exceptions can be counted on one hand and

include the likes of Pin Pin (Chinese-Filipino) and Ancora (Peruvian-Japanese). Now comes Kissa Tanto, from Bao Bei owner Tannis Ling and chef Joël Watanabe (both are partners in this second venture), and our prejudices toward fusion food might finally have to be put to rest. The name of the restaurant comes from two words, the Japanese for “café” and the Italian for “a lot.” Japanese-Italian may sound like an odd pairing, but, as with Pin Pin and Ancora, the food is rooted in social/political history. Itameshi (Italian cuisine) is highly popular in Japan, and both cultures appreciate strong simple flavours built from excellent local ingredients. The upstairs space sits on

a quiet street in Chinatown that is going through the typical Vancouver transition of long-standing neighbourhood businesses shutting down and new, more upscale ones slowly arriving. Despite this, the restaurant is steadily busy on any given night, which can, in part, be attributed to the room. Hits of teal and bright red line the walls. Midcentury modern seems the predominant theme, with lots of brass and interesting prints on the walls. The music is almost all jazz, with a little blues thrown in for good measure, and the bar, fittingly, sports a long row of vinyl, in addition to the usual bottles. That bar is presided over by Wendy McGuinness and her cocktails sound some

deeply satisfying notes. The Perfidia ($12) is a light refreshing mix of gin, Amaro Montenegro, ginger-rose syrup, egg white and lemon. For something with more depth and a hint of darkness, there’s the Moon Indigo ($13), with its heady blend of bourbon, Cynar, chocolate bitters and spice cherry notes. The wine list favours the organic and naturalist bottles, but it’s the sake and spirits lists that you should be paying attention to. From a Macallan Gold single malt to the local Osake, there is a whole bag full of treats here. The food doesn’t try too hard to throw both cultures into each and every dish, which is a good thing, but there is plenty of play. Excellent housemade sourdough ($6) comes with nori

butter, which is what oldfashioned salty margarine can only aspire to be. Garlic-eggplant fritters ($14) come with a yuzu gribiche that balances the tangy and creamy elements well, although the fritters themselves were a little bland and mushy. Tonkatsu millefoglio ($21) is an absolute delight, a lovely paper-thin-layered napoleon of Humboldt squid and crispy pork cutlet. The squid is fork-tender and the cutlet juicy, and my only complaint is how quickly we scoffed it down. There is a lack of pretension here that is wonderfully attractive. Service – after some early bumps – is excellent, prompt and knowledgeable, but the overarching impression is that of friendliness and good cheer.

The music isn’t too loud, the drinks aren’t too strong, and the food is sustainable without it being trumpeted on every line of the menu. In fact, much of the meats and fish are bought whole and butchered in-house, meaning rarely-available items like fish collars are a regular and exciting feature. Kissa Tanto is still in its infancy, but it’s already showing all the signs of becoming a long-standing star on the restaurant scene and, perhaps, a forerunner of a renaissance for fusion fare. W Food: !!!!! Service: !!!!! Ambiance: !!!!! Value: !!!!! Overall: !!!!!


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August 18 - August 24, 2016 W 5




So you’ve opened a brewery. Now what? Stephen Smysnuik The Growler


We at the Growler spend so much time hyping up soon-tobe opened breweries that we often forget about these breweries once they do finally open. But that’s where the real work begins, and in some

cases, the real stress. What’s the reality like for a brewery owner the week after they open shop? How do they keep enough beer in stock? How does it feel to finally be in business after months of paperwork, red tape and tension headaches? To find out, I spoke to Mauricio Lozano, founder and brewer at Faculty Brewing, who’s currently

neck-deep in the post-launch hustle. Since opening two weeks ago, Faculty’s been averaging 200 customers on weekdays and between 300400 on weekends. In other words, Lozano’s been really friggin’ busy. How’s everything going? I gotta tell you about my day yesterday. I had a wedding on Galliano on

Think you

know BBQow?

Saturday and yesterday I was coming back on the ferry. In that same hour, we ran out of the Peppermint Hefeweizen, we ran out of our Blonde. We had a guest tap from Four Winds – we ran out of that one. On top of that, we ran out of kombucha. Everything gone in one hour. Everything is flying at such a speed it’s crazy. Right now we’re just tapping our Chinook [Pale Ale], we have some more of the Blonde and I’m just brewing again to keep up. It’s exciting.

How do you feel, now finally being open? I think the biggest fear was on the Tuesday at 2pm, right before you opened the doors, you’re like, “Who’s coming? Who’s going to come?” You have all the branding, you put in all this effort, you’ve drained half a year of your life and you owe all the money in the world – and you’re going to open the doors. Then, the first two, three guys walk in. When you see people come and try it [the beer] and reorder and get a growler to take home, it’s

You don’t kn

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Faculty Brewing’s Mauricio Lozano has had one heck of an August so far. Allison Page photo just a nice sense of peace. People like the beer. It’s going good. It’s like finishing your finals. It’s a big relief. Did you sleep the night before you opened? No, I didn’t sleep, no. I was nervous. Before you had opened, did you get any sense that people were already interested in Faculty? Yes, definitely. One of the mistakes I made was, for a while, the brewery phone number was my cell phone. My cell phone started appearing in Google Maps as the brewery’s number. I was getting calls on Saturday night, Friday night. “Oh are you guys open? Can you accommodate a group of 10?” And that gave me a bit of excitement. Like, oh my God, people want my product. Leading up to you opening, how did you imagine those first two weeks would go? Even though we had Instagram followers and everything, I felt that we would have to do a lot more marketing, and just getting out there. On the Tuesday we opened, I even biked a growler over to [beer writer and CBC Radio contributor] Rebecca Whyman because I wanted people to know that we were open.

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GRANVILLE & DRAKE 718 Drake Street 604-605-0045

GEORGIA & CARDERO 1616 West Georgia Street 604-681-8034

6 W August 18 - August 24, 2016

DUNSMUIR & HOMER 405 Dunsmuir Street 604-899-6072

BROADWAY & LARCH 2518 West Broadway 604-731-2434

OAKRIDGE CENTRE 41st & Cambie 604-261-2820

And how did it actually go? It went the other way. The inspector was still inspecting us and there were already people outside. We opened the doors and we had to hold lines. We were at capacity, having to ask people to wait. We’re hiring two more staff just to help us manage this a little bit. It’s such a relief. We’re just trying to keep

up and have enough beer. We don’t want to put them [the beers] out too early – we want to have a good product, but at the same time we’re only down to the saison and the stout. I wish we had bought four more tanks. People were telling us, “You’re going to sell out, go for more tanks,” but you also want to be cautious. You’re optimistic but you’re cautious. Are you going to buy more equipment? Yes. We already called the manufacturer and got a quote. It’s not like you buy equipment off the shelf and it appears tomorrow. It takes 12 weeks to get here. And when were you originally planning to buy this equipment? After one quarter. We thought we’d be open for four months then do a look at our finances. But when we saw how fast we ran out [of beer], we called Specific Mechanical immediately. I mean, we closed the first day and thought we’d just opened, that’s why it went so fast. Then the second day happened. Then after the first week, we thought it should slow down, but it never slowed down. Our four beers that should have lasted two or three weeks are gone in a week. What should I do? I can’t make beer any faster. I have to wait for the yeast. And sometimes yeasts are shy motherfuckers. It’s crazy. Our Blonde fermented super slow. I have a Blonde that should have been ready three days ago but you can’t rush them. The yeasts are being picky today and I haven’t hit my gravity yet. I just have to wait. W





Top picks at Top Drop @MichaelaWine

In the spirit of back-toschool preparations, I want to remind you not to neglect your wine education. Even if you can’t commit to a fullblown wine course, attending tastings will keep your palate keen. The most instructive events feature owners and winemakers who are on hand to answer your burning viticulture and winemaking questions, while you sip on their wares of course.

“Even if you can’t commit to a full-blown wine course, attending tastings will keep your palate keen.” Kicking off the school year, Top Drop does just that. In its third year, it brings together a seemingly eclectic mix of local and international producers united by a similar terroirdriven and environmentally conscious philosophy. The initiative was founded by wine consultant and writer Kurtis Kolt and Jeff Curry, co-owner of wine import company The Wine Syndicate. Lisa Haley (wine director at L’Abattoir restaurant) and Jason Yamasaki (sommelier for Joey Restaurant Group) join them on the selection committee. These are palates I trust. The main event takes place on Thursday, Sept. 8 from 7-9:30pm at the Roundhouse Community Centre. Tickets are $69 and available at TopDropVancouver.com with proceeds benefiting the BC Hospitality Foundation. If you can’t hit all 34 wine tables in 2.5 hours, at least make sure you visit the following.


Le Soula captures the pure essence of the wild and intense area of Roussillon in southern France.The high altitude, granitic-based vineyards benefit from the cool evenings and mountain winds that impart freshness to generous sun-loving grapes like Syrah, Grenache and


Carignan.The domain also makes an orange wine (white wine with long skin maceration) if you are into that.


Better known for Parma ham, Parmigiano-Reggiano, balsamic vinegar and some of Italy’s best cuisine in general, Emilia-Romagna is oft overlooked when it comes to wine. This is where all of those Lambruscos come from that I’m always trying to push. But there’s more to Emilia-Romagna than just these deliciously frothy reds. La Stoppa provides another reason to take this region seriously, making wine from native Barbera and Bonarda grapes as well as a fantastic blend of international darlings Cab Sauv and Merlot.


I like Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc just fine and Craggy Range’s Te Muna is a great example. Please try it, but stay and taste the rest of the, um, range. Craggy’s home property is in the North Island region of Hawke’s Bay. I’m particularly fond of the Kidnappers Vineyard Chardonnay.Then there’s the stunning Le Sol Syrah. Elegant and loaded with floral and meaty notes, it recalls Northern Rhône gems.


It’s always a pleasure chatting with owner Larry Gerelus. I love keeping up with what he and winemaker Dwight Sick are up to. Stag’s Hollow has been around for more than 20 years and has made a name for itself with the Renaissance label. (Larry will be pouring the Grenache and Pinot Noir from this series.) More recently they’ve delved into Italian and Spanish varieties. This is an opportunity to check out what BC can do with Dolcetto along with Albariño and Tempranillo.


Newly arrived in BC, Illahe will be showcasing their Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris from the Willamette Valley. Their vineyard is LIVE (Low Input Viticulture and Enology)-certified and “salmon safe.” They belong to the Deep Roots coalition meaning they don’t irrigate mature vines and use solar panels for energy along with a number of other sustainable and responsible practices. Essentially they embody exactly what Top Drop aims to champion. W

The annual Top Drop wine tasting event is a great opportunity to educate your palate. Christine McAvoy photo PLEASE READ THE FINE PRINT: Offers valid until August 31, 2016. See toyota.ca for complete details. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Toyota prices, rates and/or other information contained on www.getyourtoyota.ca and that contained on toyota.ca, the latter shall prevail. Errors and omissions excepted. 1. Lease example: 2016 RAV4 FWD LE Automatic ZFREVT-A with a vehicle price of $27,125 includes $1,885 freight/PDI and fees leased at 1.99% over 60 months with $0 down payment (after application of the $1,000 customer incentive), equals 130 bi-weekly payments of $132 with a total lease obligation of $17,117 (after application of $1,000 customer incentive). Applicable taxes are extra. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. 2. $1,000 customer incentive can be combined with advertised lease offer on the 2016 RAV4 FWD LE Automatic ZFREVT-A only. Up to $1,000 incentive for cash customers is available on select other 2016 RAV4 models cannot be combined with advertised lease offer. 3. Lease example: 2016 Corolla CE Manual BURCEM-A -6M MSRP is $17,610 and includes $1,615 freight/PDI and fees leased at 0.99% over 60 months with $0 down payment (after application of the $1,500 customer incentive), equals 130 bi-weekly payments of $78 with a total lease obligation of $10,113 (after application of $1,500 customer incentive). Applicable taxes are extra. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.07. 4. $1,000 customer incentives available on select other 2016 Corolla models and can be combined with advertised lease rate. 5. Lease example: 2016 Camry LE Automatic BF1FLT-A with a vehicle price of $26,470 includes $1,815 freight/PDI and fees leased at 0.99% over 60 months with $2,150 down payment (after application of the $1,000 customer incentive), equals 130 bi-weekly payments of $108 with a total lease obligation of $16,189 (after application of $1,000 customer incentive). Applicable taxes are extra. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. 6. $1,000 customer incentive can be combined with advertised lease offer on the 2016 Camry LE Automatic BF1FLT-A only. Up to $2,500 incentive for cash customers is available on select other 2016 Camry models cannot be combined with advertised lease offer. 7. Customer incentives on select 2016 Corolla, RAV4 and Camry models are valid until August 31, 2016. Incentives for cash customers on select 2016 RAV4 and Camry models are valid until August 31, 2016 and may not be combined with Toyota Financial Services (TFS) lease or finance rates. If you would like to lease or finance at standard TFS rates (not the above special rates), then you may be able to take advantage of cash incentive offers by August 31, 2016. Cash incentives include taxes and are applied after taxes have been charged on the full amount of the negotiated price. See toyota.ca for complete details on all cash incentive offers. 8. 0% lease and finance offers are available on select 2016 models for terms starting from 36 months. See toyota.ca for complete details on all lease and finance offers. 9. Bi-weekly lease offer available through Toyota Financial Services (TFS) on approved credit to qualified retail customers on most 60 month leases of new and demonstrator Toyota vehicles. Down payment and first bi-weekly payment due at lease inception and next bi-weekly payment due approximately 14 days later and bi-weekly thereafter throughout the term. 10. ®Aeroplan miles: Earn up to 5000 Aeroplan miles. Miles offer valid on vehicles purchased/leased, registered and delivered between August 1 and August 31, 2016. Customers must be an Aeroplan Member prior to the completion of the transaction. Offer subject to change without notice. Some conditions apply. See Toyota.ca/aeroplan or your Dealer for details. ®Aeroplan and the Aeroplan logo are registered trademarks of Aimia Canada Inc. Visit your Toyota Dealer or www.getyourtoyota.ca for more details. Some conditions apply; offers are time limited and may change without notice. Dealer may lease/sell for less. Each specific model may not be available at each dealer at all times;

Michaela Morris By the Bottle











2016 RAV4













BI-WEEKLY/60 MOS. @ 1.99% A.P.R.9


















BI-WEEKLY/60 MOS. @ 0.99% A.P.R.9




BI-WEEKLY/60 MOS. @ 0.99% A.P.R.9 $2,150 DOWN PAYMENT




2,500 7



2016 CAMRY


CAMRY LE MSRP FROM $26,470 incl. F+PDI

G E T YO U R T OYO TA .C A / B C Your Dealer may charge additional fees for documentation, administration and other products such as undercoat, which range $0 to $789. Charges vary by Dealer. See your Toyota dealer for complete details.

JIM PATTISON TOYOTA DOWNTOWN 1395 West Broadway (604) 682-8881 30692

JIM PATTISON TOYOTA NORTH SHORE 849 Auto Mall Drive (604) 985-0591

GRANVILLE TOYOTA VANCOUVER 8265 Fraser Street (604) 263-2711 6978


LANGLEY TOYOTATOWN LANGLEY 20622 Langley Bypass (604) 530-3156

JIM PATTISON TOYOTA SURREY 15389 Guildford Drive (604) 495-4100 6701


OPENROAD TOYOTA RICHMOND Richmond Auto Mall (604) 273-3766

OPENROAD TOYOTA PORT MOODY 3166 St. John’s Street (604) 461-3656 7826


DESTINATION TOYOTA BURNABY 4278 Lougheed Highway (604) 571-4350 9374

PEACE ARCH TOYOTA SOUTH SURREY 3174 King George Highway (604) 531-2916 30377

SUNRISE TOYOTA ABBOTSFORD Fraser Valley Auto Mall (604) 857-2657 5736

REGENCY TOYOTA VANCOUVER 401 Kingsway (604) 879-8411 8507

WEST COAST TOYOTA PITT MEADOWS 19950 Lougheed Highway (866) 910-9543 7662

VALLEY TOYOTA CHILLIWACK 8750 Young Road (604) 792-1167 8176

SQUAMISH TOYOTA SQUAMISH 39150 Queens Way (604) 567-8888 31003

WESTMINSTER TOYOTA NEW WESTMINSTER 210 - 12th Street (604) 520-3333 8531

August 18 - August 24, 2016 W 7




L-R: DJ NDN, Bear Witness and Tim “2oolman” Hill are A Tribe Called Red. The electronic dance act appears at the PNE Forum on Aug. 31. Contributed photo

A Tribe Called Red combats ignorance on the dance floor ALEX HUDSON @chippedhip

“At the end of the day, if you really look at it, we’re just three guys who play club music to make people dance,” says Tim “2oolman” Hill of A Tribe

Called Red during a phone call with Westender. This is a humble outlook, given the musicians’ role as unofficial ambassadors for First Nations music and culturally progressive politics. Since forming in Ottawa close to a decade ago, A Tribe Called Red has made

8 W August 18 - August 24, 2016

a name for itself by mashing up modern EDM with traditional pow wow music, and the members (Hill, Ian “DJ NDN” Campeau and Bear Witness) have eagerly embraced their role as community leaders. They’ve been vocal supporters of the protest movement Idle No More, and they’ve helped to combat ignorance by decrying non-indigenous fans who wear headdresses and war paint to concerts. “The moment that we’re born – especially a native person – we’re born into politics,” Hill asserts. “We’re born political right away, because we’re not supposed to be there. We were supposed to be gone. When we do something with ourselves – whether it’s being a doctor or a lawyer or a musician — there’s always a duty on us to speak out against things that are happening in our community.” A Tribe Called Red has been spreading its message for close to a decade, in the process becoming one of Canada’s most celebrated indie dance acts. They’ve been nominated for the Polaris Music Prize twice, won the 2014 Juno Award for Breakthrough Group of the Year, and collaborated with prominent American hip-hop artists Das Racist and Angel Haze. Being in the spotlight is still a relatively new experi-

ence for Hill, who joined the group in 2014 as a replacement for prior member DJ Shub. Even before officially joining the lineup, Hill had already established an artistic rapport with A Tribe Called Red. “Back when I wasn’t in the group, I was still collaborating with them,” Hill explains. “It’s always been that way. We always hung out with each other whenever we were around – whether it be at a festival or South by [Southwest] or something like that. I was always around. We basically just ran into each other all the time and it just made it much easier to work [together].” Following the lineup change, the trio issued a series of short-form releases: 2014’s politically charged single “Burn Your Village to the Ground,” 2015’s wrestling-themed Suplex EP, and the recent track “Stadium Pow Wow.” Hill’s first full-length as a member of the group, We Are the Halluci Nation, is due out next month. “The sound, if anything, matured a little bit more,” Hill says. “The record is a conceptual record with a ton of collaborators from indigenous peoples all over the world, not just pow wow. We had to grow and come out of what we’re used to and build something brand new that we haven’t done yet.”

The 15-song LP is a rich, sprawling tapestry of sounds and influences that features a host of prominent guest contributors, including indigenous artists from around the world and rap artists like Shad and Saul Williams. Yasiin Bey (AKA Mos Def) spits incendiary verses on the juggernaut single “R.E.D.,” which mixes traditional chants with a vicious hip-hop swagger akin to Yeezus-era Kanye West. The newly unveiled “Sila” features renowned throat singer Tanya Tagaq, whose growls and gasps meld with a syncopated assault of pounding beats. “It’s definitely been one of the most intricate production projects that I’ve ever been a part of,” Hill says of the album. “It’s pulling together different genres, different cultures, different speeds, BPMs, drum patterns – everything was different, and it’s just been a complete blessing to work with everybody that we got a chance to.” The album’s mosaic of cultural influences is tied together by the concept of the “Halluci Nation,” an idea that comes from poet and activist John Trudell, who contributed spoken word poetry to the sessions before his death in 2015. The Halluci Nation, Hill says, is not exclusive to indigenous peoples, but belongs to anyone interested

in rejecting ignorance and uniting as one. “It’s basically for people who want to change things and who want to speak up, or at the very least get together,” Hill says. “The Halluci Nation isn’t ours — it really comes from John. We’re just a part of it, just like everyone else.” With We Are the Halluci Nation, A Tribe Called Red is continuing in its mission to get audiences dancing while also educating them about North America’s deep-seated racism. Although Hill acknowledges that there is still a lot of work to be done, he sounds optimistic when discussing the progress of recent years. “It’s very, very heartwarming to me to see people wanting to educate themselves. The internet is a great thing for people who are ignorant,” he says. “It’s 2016. We’re woke to how things are. There’s a lot of conversations being had right now, and it wouldn’t be possible without Twitter and all that kind of stuff, so it’s awesome.” W


Electronic dance trio performs at the PNE Forum on Wednesday, Aug. 31, at 8:30pm as part of the PNE’s Summer Nights Concert Series. Free with PNE admission, or reserved seating from $20 at TicketLeader.ca.





The city as a canvas many) and NeverCrew (Switzerland), as well as walls by renowned locals like Sueme, Ola Volo, DEDOS,Tim Barnard, AndrewYoung, and Corey Bulpitt. While those artists are well KELSEY KLASSEN versed in mural work, though, @kelseyklassen select other participants are bravely attempting murals for the first time. Scott Sueme is standing on a “A lot of the muralists are boom two storeys in the air, actually trained fine artists painting white stripes on the rather than actual mural paintside of the Hootsuite headquarters at Ontario and 8th. It ers, so it will be interesting to see their work on seems like nothing a large scale,” compared to the says Sueme. “It’s huge swaths of an interesting green, orange and approach to a black that he and mural festival his team have just as well – that finished blocking mix up between in (over a flurry people that are of 12-hour days known for doing in the unrelentexterior walls ing sun) along and people that the tech hub’s are maybe not 13,000-squareVMF executive director so known. [...] foot facade. David Vertesi Seeing their According to work on a large Sueme, though, scale will be quite impactful.” this is the tricky part – workIt will also transform the ing with the contours of Mount Pleasant area into a the monolithic building to 30-block art walk. Organized maintain the integrity of the in partnership with the City abstract design he has mapped of Vancouver, Mount Pleasout in two dimensions. ant Business Improvement “You’re constantly adapting Area and the Burrard Arts to the building,” he explains, Foundation, the festival is pointing to the building’s anticipating 100,000 visitors countless windows and overits first time out.The daytime hangs as he catches his breath, programming will mean street his feet now firmly back on closures along Main between the ground. “I’ve done a lot of 7th and 12th Avenues that large-scale projects before, but Saturday for performances, this is probably my most archiinteractive art exhibits, comtecturally challenging, as well munity projects, markets and as my biggest wall to date.” more. Further down, across Sueme is one of more from Pacific Central Station, than 40 artists hired by the Thornton Park will also host inaugural Vancouver Mural a market, art installations and Festival (VMF) this summer to transform previously barren a lounge for festivalgoers to relax and take break from the walls into permanent public sun. Meanwhile, the connecart. Sueme, an accomplished tion between music and art graphic artist and one of the will be explored with five free event’s most experienced muralists, was tasked with the fes- outdoor stages, the two largest being the Red Bull Tour tival’s largest wall. His fellow Bus and the Truckstop Tailmuralists, however, have been gate Party at the Red Truck equally busy – spraying and Brewery on East 1st, as well as rolling out everything from a club music series featuring graffiti to stencil to folk art to artists like Shad, Andrew WK figurative works on more than and Timer Timbre at venues 35 surfaces across the Main like the Biltmore, the Fox Street, Mount Pleasant and Cabaret and the Cobalt. False Creek Flats areas. In addition to the backAnd while people have ing of the businesses that been stopping to watch and either donated walls or take pictures of the works in sponsored supplies,VMF progress for a few weeks now, has enjoyed widespread the results will be formally community support as well unveiled this weekend in a as a $200,000 grant from one-day street party and selfthe City of Vancouver’s Innoguided walking tour on Aug. vation Fund as part of Mayor 20 (mapped out online and Gregor Robertson’s Public via the Do604 app). Art Boost. Part of that proConceived by the Cregram’s mandate is to spur on ate Vancouver Society and and eliminate barriers to new inspired by public art festivals public art projects, and VMF like Mural in Montreal, executive director David festivalgoers can take in the Vertesi hopes this ambitious murals while enjoying music, initiative will transform the events and activations up and way art is seen in the city. down Main Street. “The thing that I love about Highlights include work by murals – public art in general international icons like Kashbut murals and street art speink (France), Bicicleta Sem cifically – is it’s this kind of Freio (Brazil), LowBros (Ger-


feedback loop,” says the Hey Ocean musician and Sing it Fwd co-founder, seated next to Sueme at a coffee shop across from Hootsuite. “Artists are creating stuff that’s coming out of the place they live and the stories of their lives and things like that, and that then becomes the input and the context for the city in which we work, in which people make art, for tourism, people coming to see the city. […] It’s sewn into the culture of the area.”

Vancouver artist Scott Sueme is transforming the exterior facade of Hootsuite in Mount Pleasant as part of the inaugural Vancouver Mural Festival, taking place Aug. 20. Dan Toulgoet photos

Continued on page 14 PLEASE READ THE FINE PRINT: Offers valid until August 31, 2016. See toyota.ca for complete details. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Toyota prices, rates and/or other information contained on www.getyourtoyota.ca and that contained on toyota.ca, the latter shall prevail. Errors and omissions excepted.1. 2016 Prius c, KDTA3P-A with a vehicle price of $23,050 includes $1,815 freight/PDI and fees leased at 0% over 36 months with $2,450 down payment, equals 78 bi-weekly payments of $120 with a total lease obligation of $11,795. Applicable taxes are extra. Lease 36 mos. based on 60,000 km, excess km charge is $.07. $1,000 incentive for cash customers cannot be combined with advertised lease offer on the 2016 Prius c. 2. Lease example: 2016 Yaris Hatchback 3Door Manual JTUD3MA with a vehicle price of $17,365 includes $1,590 freight/PDI and fees leased at 0.99% over 60 months with $1,795 down payment equals 130 biweekly payments of $70 with a total lease obligation of $10,828.Applicable taxes are extra. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.07. 3. Lease example: 2016 Corolla CE Manual BURCEMA 6M MSRP is $17,610 and includes $1,615 freight/PDI and fees leased at 0.99% over 60 months with $0 down payment (after application of the $1,500 customer incentive), equals 130 biweekly payments of $78 with a total lease obligation of $10,113 (after application of $1,500 customer incentive). Applicable taxes are extra. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.07. 4. $1,000 customer incentives are available on other 2016 Corolla models and can be combined with advertised lease rate. Customer incentives on Corolla models are valid until August 31, 2016. 5. Incentives for cash customers on select 2016 Prius c models are valid until August 31, 2016 and may not be combined with Toyota Financial Services (TFS) lease or finance rates. If you would like to lease or finance at standard TFS rates (not the above special rates), then you may be able to take advantage of cash incentive offers by August 31, 2016. 6. Cash incentives include taxes and are applied after taxes have been charged on the full amount of the negotiated price. See toyota.ca for complete details on all cash incentive offers. 7. 0% lease and finance offers are available on select 2016 models for terms starting from 36 months. See toyota.ca for complete details on all lease and finance offers. 8 Fuel Efficiency Ratings are based on Natural Resources Canada published fuel consumption rankings including hybrids. Rankings current for 2016 model year available from: http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/energy/efficiency/transportation/carslighttrucks/buying/7487. Your actual fuel consumption may vary from published fuel consumption ratings depending on how, where and when you drive. 9. Biweekly lease offer available through Toyota Financial Services (TFS) on approved credit to qualified retail customers on most 60 month leases of new and demonstrator Toyota vehicles. Down payment and first biweekly payment due at lease inception and next biweekly payment due approximately 14 days later and biweekly thereafter throughout the term. 10. Aeroplan miles: Earn up to 5000 Aeroplan miles. Miles offer valid on vehicles purchased/leased, registered and delivered between August 01 and August 31, 2016. Customers must be an Aeroplan Member prior to the completion of the transaction. Offer subject to change without notice. Some conditions apply. See Toyota.ca/aeroplan or your Dealer for details. ® Aeroplan and the Aeroplan logo are registered trademarks of Aimia Canada Inc. Visit your Toyota Dealer or www.getyourtoyota.ca for more details. Some conditions apply; offers are time limited and may change without notice. Dealer may lease/sell for less. Each specific model may not be available at each dealer at all times; factory order or dealer trade may be necessary.

Vancouver Mural Fest transforms streetscape with new public art



L/ 100km city/hwy8

2016 PRIUS c

More Fun, $ 1,000 Less Fuel.










BI-WEEKLY/36 MOS. @ 0% A.P.R. $2,450 DOWN PAYMENT 9







L/ 100km city/hwy8





/36 MOS.

BI-WEEKLY/60 MOS. @ 0.99% A.P.R. $1,795 DOWN PAYMENT














BI-WEEKLY/60 MOS. @ 0.99% A.P.R.





L/ 100km city/hwy8






earn up to 5,000 miles




G E T YO U R T OYO TA .C A / B C Your Dealer may charge additional fees for documentation, administration and other products such as undercoat, which range $0 to $789. Charges vary by Dealer. See your Toyota dealer for complete details.

JIM PATTISON TOYOTA DOWNTOWN 1395 West Broadway (604) 682-8881 30692

JIM PATTISON TOYOTA NORTH SHORE 849 Auto Mall Drive (604) 985-0591

GRANVILLE TOYOTA VANCOUVER 8265 Fraser Street (604) 263-2711 6978


LANGLEY TOYOTATOWN LANGLEY 20622 Langley Bypass (604) 530-3156

JIM PATTISON TOYOTA SURREY 15389 Guildford Drive (604) 495-4100 6701


OPENROAD TOYOTA RICHMOND Richmond Auto Mall (604) 273-3766

OPENROAD TOYOTA PORT MOODY 3166 St. John’s Street (604) 461-3656 7826


DESTINATION TOYOTA BURNABY 4278 Lougheed Highway (604) 571-4350 9374

PEACE ARCH TOYOTA SOUTH SURREY 3174 King George Highway (604) 531-2916 30377

SUNRISE TOYOTA ABBOTSFORD Fraser Valley Auto Mall (604) 857-2657 5736

REGENCY TOYOTA VANCOUVER 401 Kingsway (604) 879-8411 8507

WEST COAST TOYOTA PITT MEADOWS 19950 Lougheed Highway (866) 910-9543 7662

VALLEY TOYOTA CHILLIWACK 8750 Young Road (604) 792-1167 8176

SQUAMISH TOYOTA SQUAMISH 39150 Queens Way (604) 567-8888 31003

WESTMINSTER TOYOTA NEW WESTMINSTER 210 - 12th Street (604) 520-3333 8531

August 18 - August 24, 2016 W 9













STURGILL SIMPSON Country music and roots rock singer-songwriter out of Jackson, Kentucky, plays the first of two evenings in support of A Sailor’s Guide to Earth. 7pm at Vogue Theatre. Tickets $45 at TicketFly.com. All ages show.

MATTHEW V Local boy with UK influence plays a hometown show in support of his forthcoming album release in the fall with special guests Raiel and Steven James. 8pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $7 at Ticketf.ly

JACOB FOREVER Reggaeton singer from Cuba performs for the first time in Vancouver with DJ Kubanito and special guest Che Pablucci. 8pm at Red Room Ultrabar. Tickets $50 at VanCuba.com

BEN SOLLEE Singer-songwritercellist and composer from Kentucky appears in support of his latest releases, Steeples Part One and Steeples Part Two. 8pm at Alexander Gastown. Tickets $13 at Red Cat, Zulu and TicketWeb.ca

AMIR OBÉ Hip-hop artist from Detroit by way of Brooklyn formerly known as Phreshy Duzit swings through town with special guests Eli Sostre and Brent Faiyaz. 8pm at Fortune Sound Club. Tickets $15 at Beat Street, Zulu, Red Cat, DIPT and BPLive.ElectroStub.com

THE TRAGICALLY HIP: A NATIONAL CELEBRATION Watch as Gord and the boys lead the nation into the final show of their Man Machine Poem Tour, airing live from Kingston, Ontario, on the CBC. 4:30pm at Commodore Ballroom. Admission is free.

QUEER PROV Whether you’re gay, straight, lesbian, bi, trans, queer, questioning, tall, short, stout, lean, innie or an outie – queer prov is a hilarious evening of imrpov from the non-profit society dedicated to creating queer communities supporting comedy and theatre. 8pm at XY. No cover.

ROBBIE BANKES Calgary musician brings the guitar, banjo and fiddle for an evening of folk music with special guest Ben Arsenault. 8pm at Slickity Jim’s. Admission by donation, all ages show. GOLD PANDA British electronic record producer, performer and composer on tour in support of Good Luck and Do Your Best, with special guest Baba Ali. 9pm at Fortune Sound Club. Tickets $17 at BPLive.ElectroStub.com

COMEDY DJ DEMERS 2015 Canadian Comedy Awards Best Breakout Artist with appearances on Conan and America’s Got Talent hits the stage with an opening set from Chris James and Trixx. 8:30pm at Comedy Mix. Tickets $15 at TheComedyMix.com

CHEAP & FUN HAPPY HOUR: UNDRESSING DRAG A lively discussion about the fashion of local drag performers, the Bovines, an ensemble who performed throughout the Lower Mainland in the ‘80s with local fashion historian Ivan Sayers and drag performances from Peach Cobblah and Isolde N. Barron. 6pm at Museum of Vancouver. Tickets $15 at MuseumOfVancouver.ca

EVENTS LE DÎNER EN BLANC The al fresco dinner party celebrates its fifth anniversary in a top secret locale that promises to be the biggest Canadian Dîner en Blanc yet. 6pm at TBA. Tickets $37 at Vancouver.DinerEnBlanc.Info

DANAHKAE An intimate evening of beautiful music from the folkcountry-pop duo with special guest Fiddlehead Soup. 7:30pm at Trees Organic Coffee House (450 Granville).

COMEDY JOHN CULLEN With past lives as a curler, high school teacher, drummer and friend, this charismatic performer brings the kind of fun to his set that leaves you wondering who had more fun, him or you. Opening sets from Mealnie Rose and Chris Griffin. 8pm at Yuk Yuk’s. Tickets $20 at YukYuks.com

THEATRE/DANCE THE FAKESPEARE FESTIVAL Shakespeare like you’ve never seen before featuring two Canadian shows turning some of Will’s most famous tragedies into uproarious comedies in Goodnight Desdemona, Good Morning Juliet The Light and Delightful Musical Comedy of Titus Andronicus. 8pm at York Theatre. Tickets at Tickets.TheCultch.com. Runs until Aug. 28.

EVENTS MONSOON ARTS FESTIVAL In its inaugural year, the South Asian Arts Society presents a unique, broadly-focused performing arts festival featuring theatre, music, dance, sketch comedy, multilingual workshops in a welcoming of the season of the rain. Visit MonsoonArtsFest.ca for tickets and schedule. Runs until Aug. 21.

10 W August 18 - August 24, 2016

COLVIN & EARLE Folk-rock duo of Shawn Colvin and Steve Earle appear in support of their self-titled debut album. 7pm at Vogue Theatre. Tickets $42.50+ at TicketFly.com SHAD Toronto rapper and hip-hop recording artist turned broadcaster and host of Q hits the stage as part of Vancouver Mural Festival’s music series. 7pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $11 at TicketFly.com ANDREW W.K. New York City singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, DJ and producer hits the stage as part of Vancouver Mural Festival’s music series. 7pm at The Cobalt. SOLD OUT. SEVERFEST Twelve of BC’s finest metal bands merge for a show covering a wide range of subgenres from doom to death metal featuring Necronomicon, Abiotic, Vesperia and others. 2pm at Rickshaw Theatre. Tickets $12 at TuneStub.com or $15 at the door.

COMEDY MARGINALIZED A comedy tour featuring “marginalized” comics takes aim at Trump supporters, and the general state of disarray in America today featuring LA comics Tamer Kattan, Jessica Keenan, Zoe Rogers and Movses Shakarian. 8pm and 10:30pm at The Emerald. Tickets $20 at MarginalizedComedy.blogspot.ca or $25 at the door. ERIC ANDRE LIVE! American actor, comedian, creator and television host of The Eric Andre Show brings his stand-up to town. 8pm at Commodore Ballroom. Tickets $25+ at Ticketmaster.ca

Andrew W.K., Aug. 20

THEATRE/DANCE REPERTORY FESTIVAL Ensemble Theatre Company presents the fourth annual theatre festival performing Betrayal, The Romans In Britain and The Country Wife in repertory. 8pm at Jericho Arts Centre. Visit EnsembleTheatreCompany.ca for tickets and schedule. THEATRE UNDER THE STARS Vancouver’s legendary summertime theatre experience is back for another season performing Beauty & The Beast in repertory with West Side Story under the stars at Malkin Bowl in Stanley Park. Visit TUTS.ca for tickets and schedule. Extended run to Aug. 27.

EVENTS QUEER FILM FESTIVAL Celebrate the unique, strong and diverse Vancouver queer communities as Out On Screen proudly showcases films that illuminate the transformative moments in the lives of queer people, telling the stories of the journeys taken to find themselves. Visit QueerFilmFestival. ca for tickets and schedule. Runs until Aug. 21.

CHEAP & FUN SMOKING SAUSAGE BBQ COOK-OFF A friendly fundraiser competition between local restaurants – The Cascade Room, 8½ Restaurant and Lounge and The Colony Bar – to see who can fashion the best sausages as voted by the public, in conjunction with Vancouver Mural Festival. 2-5pm at East 8th between Main and Quebec. Minimum donation of $5.

ALAN DOYLE Actor, producer, author and lead singer of Newfoundland’s Great Big Sea plays a solo gig as part of the summer concert series at the PNE. 8:30pm at PNE Amphitheatre. Free with PNE admission. BELPHEGOR Diabolical death black metal force swings through town on the Conjuring the Dead Tour with special guests Origin, Shining and Abigail Williams. 7pm at Rickshaw Theatre. Tickets $27 at TuneStub.com

COMEDY COMEDY AT BIG ROCK MC Sunee Dhaliwal welcomes you to an evening of comedy with Dino Archie, Fatima Dhowre, Gavin Clarkson, Ed Hill, Morris Barlett, Justin O’Hearn and Jenny Toews. 8pm at Big Rock Urban Brewery (310 West 4th). Tickets $7 at EventBrite.ca or $10 at the door. THE SUNDAY SERVICE The award-winning improv comedy troupe brings their high energy commitment to comedy with a little slapstick shtick, carrying the audience through a kaleidoscopic trip where scenes barrel into tangents and stories smash together creating comedy gold. 9pm at Fox Cabaret. Tickets $7 at the door.

THEATRE/DANCE TAIKO AT THE RIO Vancouver Taiko Society presents performances by Winnipeg’s Fubuki Daiko, Vancouver’s Okinawa Taiko and Sacramento’s Tiffany Tamaribuchi. 2pm at The Rio. Tickets $15+ at EventBrite.ca

MONDAY NIGHT COMEDY Grab a seat for some of the best comedians working in Vancouver today, with headliner Gavin Matts, the 22-year old with appearances at Pemberton Music Festival and JFL Northwest. 8:30pm at Yagger’s Restaurant & Sports Bar (2884 West Broadway). Cover is $5.

EVENTS VANCOUVER YOUTH POETRY SLAM It’s the second slam of the new season with this month’s feature poet, Mitcholos Touchie. 8pm at Café Deux Soleils. Cover is $4-$10.

CHEAP & FUN KARAOKE MONDAYS Trevor Risk and Christa Belle invite you down to weekly karaoke where you can belt out your favourites cause you got drunk enough with cheap drink specials and no cover. 9pm at The Cobalt. No cover.

ART I LOVE VANCOUVER A week-long art show hosted by MakeShift Spaces displays the work of local artists showcasing their love of the city, capturing the its vibrant spirit and incredible beauty. 10am-4pm at MakeShift Spaces (89 Smithe). Admission is free.

Belphegor, Aug. 21






Minus The Bear, Aug. 24

CLN Solo project of Brisbane electronic musician Callan Alexander on tour in support of Sideways with special guests On Planets and Chelsea Grimm. 8pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $10 at TicketFly.com FOLKY STRUM STRUM Banjo rockin’ folk music from the Peace Region collective with special guests Samson’s Delilah and the Staggers & Jaggs. 8pm at WISE Hall.



THE SHEEPDOGS Rock ‘n’ roll band out of Saskatoon plays the summer concert series at the PNE in support of Future Nostalgia. 8:30pm at PNE Amphitheatre. Free with PNE admission.

MINUS THE BEAR Seattle indie rockers hit the stage with special guests This Will Destroy You and Seven Nines and Tens. 8pm at Venue. Tickets $20 at Red Cat, Zulu, Neptoon and BPLive.ca


STEVE MILLER BAND San Francisco rock band formed in 1966 behind hits “The Joker” and “Jet Airliner” plays the summer concert series at the PNE. 8:30pm at PNE Amphitheatre. Free with PNE admission.

THE BOOK OF MORMON Back by popular demand, the Tony Award-winning musical from Trey Parker and Matt Stone is a religious satire that follows two Mormon missionaries as they attempt to share their scriptures with the inhabitants of a remote Ugandan village. 8pm at Queen Elizabeth Theatre. Tickets at Ticketmaster.ca. Runs until Sept. 4. OTHELLO A story of jealousy, betrayal and deep love set against the violence and racism of the American Civil War. 7:30pm at Vanier Park. Tickets at BardOnTheBeach.org. Runs until Sept. 20. THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR It’s 1968 in Windsor, Ontario, and English ex-pat Sir John Falstaff is hunting for a solution to money troubles but when a pair of wealthy housewives catch on to his scheme, they set up Falstaff for some hilariously sweet revenge. 7:30pm at Vanier Park. Tickets at BardOnTheBeach.org. Runs until Sept. 24.

CHEAP & FUN EVO SUMMER CINEMA SERIES Pack a picnic, bring a blanket and some pals and head to Ceperley Meadow, just before the Second Beach Pool, for an outdoor screening of Dirty Dancing. 8:30pm at Stanley Park. Admission is free.

OCHRE SKIES Indie rocks from Vancouver hit the stage with special guest Andy Stromberg. 8pm at The Roxy. Tickets $5 at TicketZone.com FITZ AND THE TANTRUMS Indiepop outfit from LA on tour in support of their forthcoming selftitled album with special guests Phases. 7pm at Vogue Theatre. Tickets $45 at TicketFly.com. All ages show. LOGAN AND NATHAN Laid-back contemporary folk duo appear with special guest Josie Aileen. 8pm at Slickity Jim’s. Admission by donation.

THEATRE/DANCE [TITLE OF SHOW] Play On Words presents this love letter to musical theatre, as it tells the story of its own creation from start to finish, as writers Jeff and Hunter race to create the show in just three weeks. 8pm at Studio 16. Tickets at BrownPaperTickets.com. Runs until Aug. 27.

SAINTS OF DEATH Fourpiece Motorhead tribute band turned thrash, doom and hardcore metal originals appear with special guests Medevil, Turbo Vixen and Social Arsonist. 8pm at Media Club. Cover is $10.

(closed Monday, August 22 & 29)

UP TO 50 CRAFT BREWERIES! Get your tickets now! $9 online /$10 on site #PNECRAFTBEERFEST


ZAKK WYLDE American musician, singer, songwriter, multiinstrumentalist best known as Ozzy Osbourne’s former guitarist, appears in support of Shadows II, his first solo record in 20 years with special guests Jared James Nichols and Otherwise. 8pm at Commodore Ballroom. Tickets $39.50+ at Ticketmaster.ca CRYWOLF Alter ego of LA producer, vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Justin Taylor Phillips with special guest Deathly Chill. 9pm at Fortune Sound Club. Tickets $15 at Beat Street, Zulu, Red Cat and BPLive.ca

Admission includes a 4oz sampling cup. If venue is at capacity, a pre-purchased ticket will not guarantee immediate access. Craft Beer Fest is a 19+ event, 2 pieces of ID will be required for entry. Does not include Fair Gate admission.

SIMPLE PLAN French Canadian pop punk band out of Montreal plays the summer concert series at the PNE in support of Taking One for the Team. 8:30pm at PNE Amphitheatre. Free with PNE admission.

COMEDY TRIXX Taboo-shattering, searingly honest and painfully funny, Frankie “Trixx” Agyemang brings his brand of humour, having shared stages with Tracy Morgan, Damon Wayans and Russell Peters. 8:30pm at The Comedy Mix. Tickets $15 at TheComedyMix.com

Rant? Rave? We want to hear about it.


Email rantrave @westender.com


August 18 - August 24, 2016 W 11



FILM & TV Vancouver actress Johannah Newmarch plays Carson Lazarus in the second season of Netflix’s Project Mc2. Jessica Venturi photo

The multitudes of Johannah Newmarch Sabrina Furminger Reel People


Johannah Newmarch had to walk away from acting for almost a decade in order to really commit to it. At the time of her clean break, the Vancouver actress was in her early 20s, and a few years into what was by



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12 W August 18 - August 24, 2016


all accounts a successful career. She’d been working steadily in CBC teen dramas and Stephen J. Cannell shows, including an episode of 21 Jump Street where her character asked Johnny Depp’s if he wanted to “get it on.” Newmarch was on her way, but something profound was missing from the equation. “I grew up watching in-



credible foreign films, and I wanted to be in the movies you don’t forget, the movies you leave the theatre and you think about for three months afterwards, and make a difference to you and change your life,” Newmarch tells Reel People in a recent interview. “And then I found myself doing not rewarding television, and I think that’s where my disenchantment came from.” And so she walked away from the industry and Vancouver for several years, immersing herself in Buddhist studies and motherhood and an assortment of non-acting jobs. When, in 2001, Newmarch returned to acting, she did so with the knowledge that she was precisely where she needed to be. “I don’t know that I could have come back to it any other way,” she says. “It was the journey I had to go through. I had to miss it and realize how unfulfilling I found other jobs.” Newmarch has racked up dozens of credits since her return to the Vancouver screen scene, including Smallville, Supernatural, Motive, Polaris (for which she won the 2014 Leo Award for Best Performance by a Female in a Web Series), Gracepoint, multiple Garage Sale Mystery films, Mackenzie Gray’s sumptuous film noir short, Under the Bridge of Fear, and a fan-favourite, recurring role on Hallmark’s hit family drama, When Calls the Heart. “I think when I was younger, I wanted to make a difference so badly, and I got to a point where I didn’t necessarily see how that could be done with my acting,” says Newmarch. “Now, I’ve had the opportunity to tell stories that matter, and I’ve had a vision of what that could be.” Newmarch’s latest project is a prime example of the type of work that feeds her soul. She’s the villain in the second season of Netflix’s Project Mc², which hit the streaming service on Aug. 12. The locally shot series follows four preteen girls as they channel their collective passion for science, technology, engineering, art, and math (otherwise known as STEAM) into foiling scheming baddies (like Newmarch’s character, Carson Lazarus) and saving the world. Newmarch is proud to appear on a series that shows girls excelling in the STEAM sphere and celebrating their quirks. “We contain multitudes,” says Newmarch. “I can love to put on lipstick and high

heels, and go shoot a gun at a shooting range, and cosplay, and be a Tank Girl aficionado. We don’t have to be just one thing, so why can’t there be a show that celebrates fashion and playfulness and female sisterhood, as well as science saving the world?” Newmarch came to acting by way of dance. Her ballet training took her all the way to the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School, but she soon grew disillusioned witnessing “the body struggles that so many of the girls around me were going through, and it didn’t drive me the way that it used to,” she says. Acting was a natural next step for Newmarch, and also a natural fit. “One of the things I had going for me was a naturalness when you just don’t know any better,” says Newmarch. “I would just get up and do scenes and I was so un-self-conscious about the process that people told me I had a certain amount of naturalness that they found appealing.” She found an agent in short order. “I was very fortunate to have my stars line up relatively quickly.” Newmarch honed her skills at the Gastown Actors’ Studio. She studied alongside some of the biggest names in the Canadian film and television world, including John Cassini, Ben Ratner, Kate Twa, Michèle Lonsdale Smith, Molly Parker, and Nicholas Lea. “I don’t even think we realized at the time how incredible the talent in that room was,” she says. “Some of the best acting I’ve seen in my life happened in that school.” As Molly Sullivan on the 1910 period drama When Calls the Heart, Newmarch has been deeply touched by the passion of the Hearties, the show’s ardent fans (some of whom journeyed up to the show’s Langley set this past January for a fan event dubbed The Hearties Family Reunion). “The fans are extraordinary,” says Newmarch. “Honestly, before social media, being an actor could be a little lonely. Sometimes you don’t know if anybody sees the work or if anybody cares. So when I was on When Calls the Heart and there was this groundswell [from fans], and it really hit a nerve with people, it really affected me.” W


Season 2 of the series starring Johannah Newmarch is available to stream right now on Netflix.





The Feel Fabulous Mobile Spa manicure station is a great idea for parties. Dan Toulgoet photo

Clockwise from top left: Teeez Sugar Rush Sealed with a Kiss Lip Duo in Dash of Plum ($28, at Hudson’s Bay); Nyx Cosmic Metals Lip Cream in Comet’s Tail ($9.99, at London Drugs); Nudestix Gel Colour Lip + Cheek Balm in Wicked ($28, at Sephora); The Estee Edit Pore Vanishing Stick ($34, at Sephora); Nyx Strobe of Genius Illuminating Palette ($26.99, at London Drugs); Makeup Revolution Ultra 32 Shade Eyeshadow Palette in Mermaids Forever ($23.99, at London Drugs).

Millennials prompt beauty industry paradigm shift Aileen Lalor Style File @AileenLalor

Mum’s generation was brand and product loyal for makeup: a couple of different lipstick shades and a single signature fragrance and she was set for life. Millennials are different. The selfie generation is image conscious like no one else, and savvy and demanding too. “A millennial does her research and will arrive at the counter knowing the product as well as the beauty advisor,” says Amanda Kruzich, head of marketing for Teeez Cosmetics Canada, a brand that’s aimed specifically at the group. Kruzich says that millennials are such an attractive consumer for brands because they have disposable income and are now the majority of the workforce. “They have huge buying power and are setting trends for the generations before and after them,” she says.


Christiane Wong, 31, says she is motivated by value. “I sign up to loyalty programmes and email marketing and monitor prices over months to determine what’s a good deal,” she says. Kruzich agrees that millennials are typically price sensitive, but will pay for covetable items. “They’re looking for innovative items that do double duty as fashion pieces,” she says.That means that they’re prepared to spend the cash if they think a brand or product is worth it. “My favourite makeup brands are Charlotte Tilbury, Bobbi Brown, Benefit and M.A.C,” says 25-year-old Molly Rickard, who spends


around $60 a month on beauty products and loves to splash out on treatments. “Always when I go on holiday I will get a million things done! I love getting eyelash extensions when I go away,” she says.


Social media is all-important as both an outlet for expression and a resource for information. Celebrities and bloggers are constantly touting the newest and most covetable thing to buy and Rickard says she learns about trends and techniques from Instagrammers. Pixiwoo bloggers Sam and Nic Chapman have their own brand (Real Techniques), as does Kylie Jenner (Kylie Cosmetics), while her sister Kendall and blogger Irene Kim are guest editors for The Estee Edit. However, social media can also provide a discomfiting point of comparison for the average woman. “I wear makeup every day and would feel very uncomfortable going out without it,” says Wong. “I think it comes from insecurities because I’m comparing myself to other people and pictures I see on social media.”


We associate millennials with the high-maintenance look – techniques like contouring, strobing and baking, or out-there looks like blue lipstick. Makeup artist labels such as M.A.C, Nyx and Make Up For Ever cater to that crowd, but 20-yearold Taylor Frankel, who co-founded Toronto brand Nudestix with her mum and sister, says it’s only one piece of the millennial makeup mix. “That type of makeup doesn’t necessarily speak to everyone.This was one of the reasons we launched

Nudestix.The beauty industry constantly talked about makeup artist perfection and flawlessness. However, there was no brand that talked about beauty in a way that was ‘Less is more,’” she says. Kruzich agrees that there’s no prevailing trend, except that millennials are hyper conscious of their appearance, and they have big appetites for new beauty products. “Our line is inspired by runway fashion and we produce four collections a year, with the majority of pieces being limited edition,” she says.


Older women with different concerns are already well served by traditional brands, but there’s plenty for them to love from millennial ones too. Innovation is paramount – essential to cater to an audience that thrives on novelty. Products like Teeez’s Sealed with a Kiss Lip Duo, a two-in-one matte lipstick and gloss, Nudestix’s easy-to-use crayons, and The Estee Edit’s Pore Vanishing Stick have universal appeal. Brands like Nyx and Makeup Revolution offer pro quality and huge colour ranges at affordable prices. And because millennials are conscious consumers in every respect, issues like sustainability and animal welfare are in the picture for every brand. All that means the marketplace is getting more interesting for everyone. W Aileen Lalor is the resident beauty expert at VitaminDaily.com, Canada’s premiere fashion and lifestyle newsletter. For more stories like this, check out the website and subscribe.

Five Finds: Designing the ultimate birthday bash for your kids Jennifer Scott A Good Chick to Know

@Jennifer_AGCTK This past week I had the super fun task of designing, planning and hosting a birthday bash for my sevenyear-old daughter, Sienna. Setting the perfect stage for the festivities to unfold is just as key for kids as with any other form of entertaining. Granted, the audience and expectations are shifted with a different focus, but the fundamentals of hosting remain the same. For this week’s Five Finds I explored the realm of designing a soiree set for a free-spirited princess, and put my real life findings together to share my top tips for the perfect kiddie party.


I wanted the girls to take time to engage with each other, so I made sure to create a variety of seating areas for them to sit, play and chat. A long table style for eating, a smaller table and chairs for getting pampered and casual blankets and floor pillows under the deck for gathering allowed the kids to navigate the party however they felt most comfortable.


For me, sparking creativity was one of the most important elements of this party. Rather than relying on my own ability to entertain 10 little girls on my own, I enlisted the help of professionals. I called in the team

at Feel Fabulous Mobile Spa (FeelFabulous.ca) to set up a manicure station for the girls, at which they designed their own nail art patterns to be applied; following this, we joined the incredible crew at The Luminous Elephant (LuminousElephant. com) to learn about the properties of different crystals and the kids created their own Mala Bead bracelets.


Nothing kills a party vibe faster than a lame playlist, so I invited the girls to create the party tunes with me when they arrived. I asked the girls to each tell me their favourite song of the moment, and compiled a list that I was able to blast out using my iPhone and my portable Marshall speaker (MarshallHeadphones.com). W


Perhaps it’s just the natural course when your mother is a designer, but Sienna didn’t just want a “pink” or “purple” party. She awakened her inner creative and asked for a “Ruby Red ombre to Flamingo Pink” palette for her backyard soiree. Every detail, from the balloon garden wall to the serving ware to the cake reflected her colour scheme – nailing the consistency in the palette immediately pulls the look of the party together before it even gets started.


While “Pin The Tail On The Donkey” is nostalgic for us all, kids today have a heightened sense of entertainment. The biggest hit at this celebration was a self-made photo booth: I hung an indigo-dyed sheet as the backdrop, used random costume pieces and a Big Love Ball as props and set the girls free to create their fave photo shoot ever. Easy and affordable, and left all the kids feeling like superstars.

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Continued from page 9


“That’s a great way of putting it,” says Sueme. “In my experience I could do a piece on a canvas and someone buys it and puts it up in their home, and that’s an awesome experience. But I think when you’re talking about murals and pub-

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about them people are like, ‘I can’t even picture it.’ So you’re taking this city, and people are all of a sudden connecting to the space around them and the architecture. I think, if it’s done right, you’re highlighting something about the community.” y For the full list of artists and events, visit VancouverMuralFestival.com. W


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Rob Joyce OFFER PENDING 1050 Chilco #502 Live the good life on English Bay. Rarely available South West corner English Bay views at Safari Apartments. 682 SF of living space with terrific light and beach air. Extremely well managed building with no issues. Situated on the block of the beautiful famous heritage houses (top photo) and steps to the beach. Common roof deck. $399,900.

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SOLD OVER ASKING 1850 Comox #301 Beautiful Renovations SE-facing one bedroom at El Cid with first rate upgrades. Multiple offers. Asking price: $319,000.


SOLD 1949 Beach #307 On the Waterfront Large mint condition one bedroom at Beach Town House on English Bay. 809 SF of living space. $468,000.

CARNEY’S CORNER olymPIC sPeCIal Winning combination of quality, size & location make this two bedroom two bath balcony home in solid concrete strata in central Richmond a great find! Steps to Lansdowne Mall, rapid transit, parks & all services this super spacious (approximately 1200 fq.ft.) home in well maintained concrete building will satisfy many lifestyles whether up sizing or downsizing. Ready for occupancy & a quick sale. Sorry no rentals & adult oriented. Enjoy the gardens & lovely outdoor pool. Amazing price $339,000. New listing Won’t last! Call today.

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golD meDal fInal This generous one bedroom suite in house like strata offers three exposures, only one common wall & peaceful outlook to heritage homes & gardens from living room bay window, bedroom & balcony. Pet & rental friendly this is a rare find in one of the city’s most sought after & convenient locations. The West End offers quiet living on tree lined streets just steps to all shops, services, transportation, library, community center, seawall, Stanley Park & English Bay beach. This solid building provides worry free living with cosy gas fireplace & laundry shared with only two units or install your own! $458,000 WINNING TEAM Sought after West of Denman location offers house like pet and rental friendly two bedroom two bath with windows on three lDsides & only one common wall. Steps to Stanley Park and English Bay, this top floor corner strata is a dream come true! Featuring so gas fireplace, in suite laundry,updated open plan kitchen with nook & breakfast bar, gorgeous wide plank engineered floors & stylishly updated baths this home is an instant medal winner! Building is in great shape, well funded & well maintained with additional storage, bike room & visitor parking with two stalls for use of this suite! $799,000 heRe foR you Your time to look into real estate consulting? Need advice on upsizing, downsizing, retirement planning, investing, senior living, strata dissolution, developer buyout, strata, coop, leasehold, undivided interest; whatever your issue—we can help! wanTs anD neeDs Qualified buyers seeking units in El Cid, Huntington, Stratford, Queen Charlotte, Sandpiper, Kensington or Lagoon Royale. Give us a call!

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WE | The Westender August 18 - August 24, 2016 W 15


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West End Hideaway priced to sell!! Renovators’ dream 2 BR 2 bath strata 1000 sq. ft. WEST OF DENMAN Plus semi-enclosed outdoor space Huge living and separate dining Fireplace, insuite WD, 1 parking


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Completely renovated 2 BR 2 Bath Gorgeous Stanley Park & Bay views Sliding wall opens for loftstyle living Open plan kitch w/induction range Integrated appliances, imported cabs.

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Move over beef, bison is here to stay

making it versatile for cooking (although because it’s leaner it cooks quicker than beef).

Patty Javier Gomez Whole Nourishment

@WholeNourishBC Remember when bison was almost extinct? And now it’s back and it’s everywhere? Well, many of us are happy for this sustainable meat comeback. Move over beef, there is a new delicious protein in town taking all your glory! The flavour of bison is rich and tastier than beef in my notso-humble opinion. Unlike its cousin beef, bison has a more alkaline effect on the body, which has many great benefits. Decades ago, bison (or buffalo, as it is sometimes incorrectly called) was known as an exotic, expensive treat, only explored by the adventurous eaters in the culinary world. Of course, there was a point into the 19th century when the American bison nearly became extinct through overhunting and the introduction of bovine diseases from domestic cattle. The bison was a huge part of aboriginal culture on the North American plains, providing food and clothing,


Regulations don’t allow for antibiotics or hormones to be used like in beef. Bison are also free-range and forage on wild grasses. Basically, it’s sustainable meat at its finest.


Bison meat (or “buffalo”) is a healthy, tasty alternative to beef. iStock photo and factoring heavily in spiritual beliefs and customs. It has only been 10-15 years since the bison made its way back into our diet, and the domestic farming of bison has in part helped save the species from extinction. In my opinion, giving bison a try is a must; not only for the great health benefits, but for the different flavour,

as well. Here are some of the benefits that may have you choosing bison over beef:


Bison is full of vitamins such as iron, B12 and essential fatty acids. Get your meat fill and get nourished.


Unlike its distant cousin

beef, which is known to cause acidity in the body, bison has an alkalizing effect. Having a more alkaline diet help you sleep better, boost your energy and help with digestion. Not only is good for you bison for you but it also tastes delicious. It comes in all sorts of cuts like beef,

Sex with Mish Way

@MyszkaWay Last week, Clint Eastwood got in some trouble. “We’re really into the pussy generation,” the 86-yearold actor told Esquire in an interview that also included his 30-year-old son, actor/ model Scott Eastwood.The elder Eastwood described his distain for political correctness and overall loss of masculinity in millennial culture. Eastwood lamented that today people are “walking on eggshells” and there’s a general lack of hard work, even in the White House. “And that’s the pussy generation – nobody wants to work.” Eastwood and his ‘60s spaghetti westerns became the personification of testosterone. A walking, talking, gun-slinging icon of masculinity. For the past few decades, study after study has popped up confirming that testosterone levels are dropping, sperm counts have diminished and most recently, the Journal of Hand Therapy found that men are weaker than they were 30 years ago. The study took 237 healthy millennials aged 20-34 and found they have lower grip and pinch strength than the same-aged men did three decades ago.They also found that the average grip strength


were asked about everything from demographic to lifestyle choices like smoking habits or physical activity.They found out some wild shit. Smoking increased testosterone, while antidepressants pushed a massive decrease.The decline was age-dependent. “It is a little troubling,” one researcher commented. “The average differences are not very large, but they are big enough and occurring over a short enough time period to be the cause of some concern.” A few years ago, dissident feminist and author, Camille Paglia published an article in TIME magazine, “It’s A Man’s World, And It Always Will Be.” As predicted, 50 per cent of the readers gasped and seethed with anger. A professor herself, Paglia says the greatest mistake of third wave feminism has been convincing “indoctrinate impressionable undergraduates with the careless fact-free theories alleging that gender is an arbitrary, oppressive fiction with no basis in biology.”Women, she argues, were “enslaved” by the necessary and practical division of labor required for the reproduction and survival of the human race. “Over the past century, it was laboursaving appliances, invented by men and spread by capitalism, that liberated women from the daily drudgery.” Pay credit where credit is due. Civilizations rise and fall.

When ours eventuality does, we will need men to do the work of rebuilding it all over again. It is primarily men who do the dirty, dangerous and necessary work of building roads, pouring concrete, sewage maintenance, tarring roofs, laying bricks and excavating natural gas. But these jobs are increasingly underappreciated today. I was at my family farm last month hanging with my Uncle Janek.When I was a kid on the farm, Janek would take me with him up the road to a junkyard owned by this old Italian immigrant named Mr. Patroni. I was fascinated by Patroni’s yard filled with scrap metal and car parts.The landfill junk that everyone chucked away he could salvage. My uncle often took me along when he had to grab stuff from the old solider for his own projects. In the ‘70s, when Janek was a young buck and Patroni wasn’t so beat with wrinkles, my uncle noticed a custom job he had done building his deck into the lake. Curious about his process, my uncle asked Patroni what tools he used. Patroni looked at him puzzled, held up his thick, weathered hands and flatly said, “These are my tools.” W

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Welcome to the pussy generation for men ages 25 to 29 is 26 pounds lower today. Grip and pinch strength, the study reports, is a good way to measure overall predictive strength when it comes to pushups, leg extensions and leg presses. “The fact that you have a weak grip is important because you probably are weak elsewhere,” Richard Bohannon, a physical therapist and professor of health studies in North Carolina told the Sydney Morning Herald. “It’s a window into your world. It provides a peek behind the curtain at your health status.” You don’t have to be a genius to connect the dots. Besides the alleged lack of libido in millennial men, which Gary Wilson explained with his “Coolidge Effect” theory in a 2012 TEDx Talk, they are also much less likely to be employed in manual labor and have retreated to the cubicle to type and text the day away with the rest of us. Even if you are hitting the gym a few days a week and weight training, this regimented exercise does not produce the same results as constant physical labour. According to a 2007 study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, testosterone levels in American men have rapidly declined.The long running, age-matched study examined blood samples from groups of men in the Boston area of varying ages over time.The participants

If you get your protein from meat, then bison is a great option. A lot of people are swapping their beef for this sustainable retro delight. Getting a good source of protein in your diet is extremely important, protein helps with making hormones and is the


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Free Will Astrology By Rob Brezsny

Horoscopes as provided by WE Editorial

Can you imagine feeling at home in the world no matter where you are? If you eventually master this art, outer circumstances won’t distort your relationship with yourself. No matter how crazy or chaotic the people around you might be, you will remain rooted in your unshakable sense of purpose; you will respond to any given situation in ways that make you both calm and alert, amused and curious, compassionate for the suffering of others and determined to do what’s best for you. If you think these are goals worth seeking, you can make dramatic progress toward them in the coming weeks.

As I tried to meditate on your horoscope, my next-door neighbour was wielding a weedwhacker to trim her lawn, and the voices in my head were shouting extra loud. So I decided to drive down to the marsh to get some highquality silence. When I arrived at the trailhead, I found an older man in ragged clothes leaning against the fence. Nearby was a grocery cart full of what I assumed were all his earthly belongings. “Doing nothing is a very difficult art,” he croaked as I slipped by him, “because you’re never really sure when you are done.” I immediately recognized that his wisdom might be useful to you. You are, after all, in the last few days of your recharging process. It’s still a good idea for you to lie low and be extra calm and vegetate luxuriously. But when should you rise up and leap into action again? Here’s my guess: Get one more dose of intense stillness and silence.

My readers have a range of approaches for working with the counsel I offer. Some study the horoscopes for both their sun signs and rising signs, then create do-it-yourself blends of the two. Others prefer to wait until the week is over before consulting what I’ve written. They don’t want my oracles to influence their future behavior, but enjoy evaluating their recent past in light of my analysis. Then there are the folks who read all 12 of my horoscopes. They refuse to be hemmed in by just one forecast, and want to be free to explore multiple options. I encourage you to try experiments like these in the coming days. The moment is ripe to cultivate more of your own unique strategies for using and interpreting the information you absorb – both from me and from everyone else you listen to.

Have you been drinking a lot of liquids? Are you spending extra time soaking in hot baths and swimming in bodies of water that rejuvenate you? Have you been opening your soul to raw truths that dissolve your fixations and to beauty that makes you cry and to love that moves you to sing? I hope you’re reverently attending to these fluidic needs. I hope you’re giving your deepest yearnings free play and your freshest emotions lots of room to unfold. Smart, well-lubricated intimacy is a luxurious necessity, my dear. Stay very, very wet.

In my opinion, you need to bask in the glorious fury of at least one brainstorm – preferably multiple brainstorms over the course of the next two weeks. What can you do to ensure that happens? How might you generate a flood of new ideas about how to live your life and understand the nature of reality? Here are some suggestions: Read books about creativity. Hang around with original thinkers and sly provocateurs. Insert yourself into situations that will strip you of your boring certainties. And take this vow: “I hereby unleash the primal power of my liberated imagination.”

When you were a child, did you play with imaginary friends? During your adolescence, did you nurture a fantasy relationship with a pretend boyfriend or girlfriend? Since you reached adulthood, have you ever enjoyed consorting with muses or guardian angels or ancestral spirits? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are in a good position to take full advantage of the subtle opportunities and cryptic invitations that are coming your way. Unexpected sources are poised to provide unlikely inspirations in unprecedented ways.

When you were born, you already carried the seeds of gifts you would someday be able to provide – specific influences or teachings or blessings that only you, of all the people who have ever lived, could offer the world. How are you doing in your quest to fulfill this potential? Here’s what I suspect: Your seeds have been ripening slowly and surely. But in the coming months, they could ripen at a more rapid pace. Whether they actually do or not may depend on your willingness to take on more responsibilities – interesting responsibilities, to be sure – but bigger than you’re used to.

I suspect that you will soon be culminating a labour of love you’ve been nurturing and refining for many moons. How should you celebrate? Maybe with some champagne and caviar? If you’d like to include bubbly in your revels, a good choice might be 2004 Belle Epoque Rose. Its floral aroma and crispy mouth-feel rouse a sense of jubilation as they synergize the flavors of blood orange, pomegranate, and strawberry. As for caviar: Consider the smooth, aromatic, and elegant roe of the albino beluga sturgeon from the unpolluted areas of the Caspian Sea near Iran. But before I finish this oracle, let me also add that a better way to honour your accomplishment might be to take the money you’d spend on champagne and caviar, and instead use it as seed money for your next big project.

Some species of weeds become even more robust and entrenched as they develop resistances to the pesticides that are designed to eradicate them. This is one example of how fighting a problem can make the problem worse – especially if you attack too furiously or use the wrong weapons. I invite you to consider the possibility that this might be a useful metaphor for you to contemplate in the coming weeks. Your desire to solve a knotty dilemma or shed a bad influence is admirable. Just make sure you choose a strategy that actually works.

Your assignment, if you choose to accept it, is to compose an essay on at least one of the following themes: 1. “How I Fed and Fed My Demons Until They Gorged Themselves to Death.” 2. “How I Exploited My Nightmares in Ways That Made Me Smarter and Cuter.” 3. “How I Quietly and Heroically Transformed a Sticky Problem into a Sleek Opportunity.” 4. “How I Helped Myself by Helping Other People.” For extra credit, Capricorn – and to earn the right to trade an unholy duty for a holy one – write about all four subjects.

I suspect that in the coming months you will be drawn to wandering through the frontiers and exploring the unknown. Experimentation will come naturally. Places and situations you have previously considered to be off-limits may be downright comfortable. In fact, it’s possible that you will have to escape your safety zones in order to fully be yourself. Got all that? Now here’s the kicker. In the coming weeks, everything I just described will be especially apropos for your closest relationships. Are you interested in redefining and reconfiguring the ways that togetherness works for you?

If you’re playing the card game known as bridge, you’re lucky if you are dealt a hand that has no cards of a particular suit. This enables you, right from the beginning, to capture tricks using the trump suit. In other words, the lack of a certain resource gives you a distinct advantage. Let’s apply this metaphor to your immediate future, Pisces. I’m guessing that you will benefit from what may seem to be an inadequacy or deficit. An absence will be a useful asset.

Aug. 18: Edward Norton (47) Aug. 19: Kyra Sedgwick (51) Aug. 20: Demi Lovato (24) Aug. 21: Usain Bolt (30) Aug. 22: Kristen Wiig (43) Aug. 23: River Phoenix (46) Aug. 24: Dave Chappelle (43)

August 18 - August 24, 2016 W 19

SUMMER SPECIALS Prices Effective August 18 to August 24, 2016.

100% BC Owned and Operated MEAT




2lb bag

B.C. Grown Organic Corn on the Cob

B.C. Grown Organic Gala Apples from Harkers 5.47kg

Old Country Pasta Meals and Heat and Serve Entrées


assorted varieties 450g





Nature’s Path Organic Granola & Qia Cereals

Hilary’s Eat Well Veggie Burgers

assorted varieties

assorted varieties






Greenola Organic Pickles and Baby Beets


Choices’ Organic Cheese


750ml • product of Poland


assorted sizes • product of USA

142-280g • product of USA

1 dozen • product of BC

to 30% 2.79 2.99

Riva Natural Alkaline Mineral Water


skim, 1, 2 or 3.25%

500ml +deposit +eco fee




WELLNESS Lifetime Calcium Magnesium Citrate

New Chapter WholeMega Fish Oil Assorted Varieties

Grape, Lemon, Orange, or Strawberry

Assorted Sizes

17.99 475ml

25% off

Super Potent Blueberry or Pina Colada


assorted varieties

250-500ml • product of Italy

to 32% 14.99 15.99 UP TO

More Local Choices For The North Shore. MA RIN E

Mad Hippie Face Care


Assorted Varieties Assorted Sizes

20% off



Assorted Varieties

5.99 236ml or 170g


Gran Cru Extra Virgin Olive and Due Vittorie Balsamic Vinegar

Regular Retail Price

18.99 475ml

assorted sizes • product of USA

to 36% 5.49 15.99

2L jug or carton • product of Canada

product of Canada

select varieties

Organic Multigrain Bread or Multiseed Sourdough Bread


4.49 Dairyland Milk


Wholesome Organic Sweeteners and Raw Blue Agave Nectars


8.99 each

6 pack +deposit +eco fee product of Italy

35% 4.99



While quantities last. Not all items available at all stores. We reserve the right to correct printing errors.

assorted varieties


assorted varieties

South of France Soaps Bars or Liquids

San Pellegrino Italian Sodas

assorted varieties

Maple Hill Organic Free Range Medium Eggs

235g product of Canada

20% 5.99

28% 4.29 to

Neal Brothers Potato Chips and Pretzel Rods



19% 2/6.98

43% 4.99


assorted varieties

650g product of Canada

Made in Nature Dried Fruit and Organic Fusion

assorted varieties

assorted sizes product of Canada

32% 2/5.98

assorted varieties

40% 3.99 to 6.99



Danone Activia Yogurt

303-575ml • product of USA


product of Canada


assorted varieties


assorted varieties

to 33% 3.99 7.49

Simply Natural Organic Ketchup, Sauce and Sriracha Sauce

Rossdown Farms & Natural Foods Free Run Roasted Chickens

Que Pasa Organic Tortilla Chips

assorted sizes

181g • product of USA




Boneless Pork Shoulder Blade Roast



value pack




Rodear Grass Fed Forage Finished Lean Ground Beef

Farmcrest Non GMO Whole Specialty Frying Chicken

BC Grown Organic Green Peppers from Porterfield, Ashcroft

B.C. Grown Organic Italian Plums from Nature’s First Fruits

Choices North Vancouver, 801 Marine Drive Contact Number: 604-770-2868 Hours of Operation: 8:00 am to 10:00 pm Our family-owned grocer has expanded to North Vancouver. We’re thrilled to bring North Shore residents the very finest in organic, local goods.

Regular Retail Price





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