Westender September 15 2016

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SEPTEMBER 15-21 // 2016




Fall fashion


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2 W September 15 - September 21, 2016





News4 Vancouver Shakedown4 Science Matters4 Nosh5 Fresh Sheet5 The Growler6 By The Bottle6 Cover Story: Fall Fashion8 Style File8 What’s On10 Music12 Reel People13 Movie review13 Sex with Mish Way14 Whole Nourishment14 Real Estate15 Classifieds18 Horoscopes19







You’re All Just Jealous of My Jetpack by Tom Gauld

There is more online







Went to the beach for the first time in years and found that there are so many homeless and mentally challenged people (mostly men) who are disrupting the peace with their rants and swearing that I felt unsafe for the first time in a very long time. They feed the birds so that they swarm and crap everywhere. It’s bad enough using public transport when having to sit or stand next to an “un-well” person, but now to be verbally hassled by so many people in a public space – it’s almost next to impossible to find a quiet place to sit on the beach and in Stanley Park. And I am not talking about a Downtown Eastside “situation” – yet.You only have to walk on the disgusting and filthy Granville Street Mall to see the sad disintegration of a once proud Vancouver. Begging has become a job on the beachfront, Denman, Davie and Granville streets. Tourists from the USA complained to me how “dirty Vancouver is,” compared to photos they see online. Just look at our laneways, sidewalks, roads, beaches and park pathways, covered in ciggie butts and crap. The new recycling bins are a further attractant – not only for dogs and raccoons


– but for those folks that dumpster dive for cans and bottles. Just wait, the garbage will be on the ground and blowing around before you know it! Taxpayer’s money is not being spent well – and if there isn’t enough to go around – raise taxes or stop spending on frivolous things like painting a rainbow crosswalk (just one of many, many examples!) that is marked with tire treads and filthy within a day. –Elaine


Did City Hall consult with anyone on the location of the 18-unit bike share rack installed outside the Comox Street entrance to Denman Mall? The space that the rack plus bikes will take up leaves a very narrow space for pedestrians, wheelchairs, and grocery carts. This is also an unloading area for trucks delivering to the dollar store, the beer and wine store, and the Canada Post outlet. This is a poor location for this bike share site. They have also moved the free bike rack closer to Denman, further restricting movement around the bank machine at the corner. Not impressed with City Hall. –Norbert

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September 15 - September 21, 2016 W 3




Multi-hyphenated artist Maylee Todd is turning the WISE Hall into a “Virtual Womb” on Sept. 15. Contributed photo

Giant vagina inviting you to walk on through Grant Lawrence Vancouver Shakedown @GrantLawrence

Maylee Todd wants you to return to the womb. Let me explain.Todd, an acclaimed visual artist, dancer, and electro-indie musician from Toronto, is bringing her interactive, multimedia experience known as Maylee Todd’sVirtual Womb to the WISE Hall on Thursday night, Sept. 15. The concept could be unlike any other event you’ve ever attended. First of all, it’s BYOB, which stands for Bring Your Own Blanket. Upon arrival at the WISE Hall, you will be asked to “check your ego, status, recognition, and identity on the outside of the vag,” as Todd aptly puts it, in an attempt to recreate the complete innocence and anonymity of a fetus in a womb. “We’re trying to craft a relaxed and unique environment to enjoy music, art, dancing, and projected imagery,” says Todd, who has already performed the show to sold-out audiences in Toronto, NewYork, and Miami. And yes, you will indeed walk through a giant, homemade vagina/entrance way, complete with an overhead clitoris embedded with a huge eye. Once inside “the womb,” you’ll be invited to spread out your blanket and lay down on the floor to enjoy the show, with imagery being projected onto the ceiling. “Like lots of people, I go to a lot of shows,” explains Todd, on what inspired the totally reclined viewing ex-

perience. “Some people have height issues, or they have to stand in a really crammed space, which can foster an aggressive vibe. In my case, my old goat legs just wanted to take a seat and enjoy the music. When everyone is lying on the floor, it can be a peaceful equalizer of sorts”. Maylee Todd’s fascination with the womb has multiple folds. “I’m interested in spaces I don’t fully understand: deep space, the ocean, or the womb,” she says. Her own birth story was also an inspiration. “According to my parents, I briefly died in my mother’s womb when the umbilical cord became wrapped around my neck during my birth. The doctor resuscitated me.” Maylee Todd’sVirtualWomb promises to be a psychedelic spectacle that will include Todd singing and playing the harp, backed by a choir, a string section, and an array of electronic instruments. Each projected image coincides with the live music.There’s also interpretive dancing and choreographed “waacking,” which isn’t what you might be picturing: waacking is a style of dance credited to the LGBTQ clubs of Los Angeles in the 1970s, and a precursor to breakdancing. “I just want to have a warm vibe where it’s okay if your foot is touching someone else’s. It’s a love-in, a slumber party. Inside a vagina.” W Tickets for Maylee Todd’s Virtual Womb are $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Showtime is 10pm, one night only, on Thursday, Sept. 15.

4 W September 15 - September 21, 2016

Vancouver’s long discussed tax on empty homes is inching closer to reality. Mayor Gregor Robertson held a Sept. 14 press conference to discuss the tax, which Vancouver city council is expected to discuss and enact next week. The tax would be on empty and “underutilized” homes and be in place by the end of the year. The city’s rental vacancy rate has been hovering slightly above zero. “Vancouver’s dangerously low vacancy rate is putting our renters in crisis,” Robertson said. “Our proposed empty homes tax is first and foremost about bringing rental homes back into the market. We need to ensure the best use of all our housing. Empty and underutilized investment properties are holding back badly needed homes for thousands of renters who are struggling to find a secure and accessible place to live in a tight rental market.” The proposed tax targets about 10,800 empty Vancouver homes that are known to the city and is

Empty homes in Vancouver will be taxed annually under a City of Vancouver plan to improve the city’s low vacancy rate and provide affordable housing. Dan Toulgoet photo intended to act as an incentive for owners to rent out their secondary and investment properties. The tax rate is yet to be determined although staff earlier this year proposed a rate between 0.5 per cent and two per cent of assessed property value per year. City staff estimate that if the tax is collected on five per cent of those homes, it could raise $2 million

in annual revenue, which Robertson wants to invest in affordable housing initiatives. –Glen Korstrom, Business inVancouver


Average detached home prices in Metro Vancouver fell dramatically in August in the largest monthly price drop in the region’s

recent history, according to numbers released this week by the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver. The average detached home price fell almost $300,000 – more than 16 per cent – dropping to $1,470,265 from $1,764,682. “Sales have been trending downward in Metro Vancouver for a few months,” said REBGV president Dan Morrison in a press release. “The new foreign buyer tax appears to have added to this trend by reducing foreign buyer activity and causing some uncertainty amongst local home buyers and sellers.” August’s housing sales in the region were 3.5 per cent below the month’s 10-year sales average. New listings during the month totalled 4,293 in August compared to 5,241 in July, a drop of 18 per cent. As for other real estate classes, apartments and attached homes had large average price declines. Average apartment prices fell 8 per cent from $573,759 to $528,808 and the average price of attached homes dropped more than 7 per cent to $730,189 from $798,529. –Business inVancouver

Airline emissions are flying too high David Suzuki Science Matters @DavidSuzuki

In July, Solar Impulse 2 became the first airplane to fly around the world without using fuel. At the same time, NASA has been working on electric planes. These developments mean air travel and transport could become more environmentally friendly, with less pollution and fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and planes would be quieter. As promising as solar and electric planes may be, these technologies still have a way to go and won’t likely usher in a new era of airline travel soon. That’s unfortunate, because aircraft are major sources of pollution and climate-altering greenhouse gases, contributing the same amount of emissions as Germany, about two per cent of the global total. As air transport becomes increasingly popular, experts project aircraft emissions could triple by 2050. Analysis by UK-based Carbon Brief found that, under business as usual, a growing commercial aviation industry could contribute 27 per cent of allowable emissions between 2015 and 2050 if the world is to meet the 2015 Paris Agreement’s

aspirational 1.5 C target for global average temperature increase – and that other factors, such as nitrogen oxide and water vapour emissions and contrails, could exacerbate climate impacts. Air travel is also an area where there’s a huge discrepancy between those who benefit and those who suffer. The wealthiest three to five per cent of the world’s population are the biggest users of international aviation, while the impacts of climate change fall disproportionately on the world’s poorest. Despite their emissions, airplanes haven’t been included in climate change accords like the Paris Agreement. That’s changing: A new deal to impose limits on aircraft emissions will be considered for approval at the UN International Civil Aviation Organization assembly in Montreal from Sept. 27 to Oct. 7. Many fear the proposed agreement doesn’t go far enough. Earlier this year, ICAO’s technical committee agreed on efficiency standards for new aircraft. Although improving each new plane’s efficiency will help slow growth in aviation’s carbon pollution, the numbers of new planes taking to the skies means overall emissions will skyrocket without other measures. In 2013, ICAO committed to agree, by the

time of the upcoming 2016 assembly, on a market-based measure to keep net emissions from international flights from rising above 2020 levels. This pledge means all but the least emitting countries would require their airlines to stabilize emissions at 2020 levels. Airlines that exceed the cap would have to buy offsetting emission reductions from companies that cut their carbon pollution below it. That framework is on the table for the assembly, but it’s been watered down significantly. Any country can opt in or out of the system until 2027, and targets until then are voluntary. That creates uncertainty over whether countries like China will join. If ICAO’s 191 member nations fail to reach a strong aviation agreement in Montreal, it could undermine the world’s ability to meet the Paris Agreement’s climate goals. In the absence of a robust international agreement on aviation carbon pollution, ICAO member nations would be left to implement their own policies, which could result in an ineffective, piecemeal approach. The non-profit civil society member organizations of the International Coalition for Sustainable Aviation are urging ICAO to enact a “climate deal which meets the 2020 goal, has the widest possible

participation, has environmental and social safeguards for the offsets and alternative fuel used and increases ambition in line with the requirements of the Paris Agreement.” Although the greater stability international agreements would provide over scattered domestic policies and regulations means the aviation industry is mostly on-board, governments have been reluctant to sign on to strong measures. It’s time for industry and governments to take muchneeded steps to bring this major emissions source under control, especially as air traffic continues to increase. We can hope that new technologies such as solar-powered and electric planes will develop quickly enough to make a difference, and we can try to limit our personal use of air travel, and buy high-quality carbon offsets when we do fly, but international agreements are crucial. Let’s urge government representatives to come up with a strong, enforceable agreement that helps meet the Paris Agreement objectives. If that speeds up development of planes that produce no emissions or far fewer than current aircraft, even better. t Learn more at DavidSuzuki.org. W





Juke Fried Chicken in Chinatown offers a contemporary take on southern classics like pork ribs, fried chicken and beef sparerib. Instagram photos

Chinatown’s new fried chicken joint offers some crunchy comfort Anya Levykh Nosh



182 Keefer 604-336-5853 JukeFriedChicken.com Open daily, 11am until late.

Perhaps fried chicken is not the first thing to come to mind when you think of Chinatown and what might be a good fit as far as restaurants go. Places like Bao Bei and The Keefer Bar seem more apropos, perhaps. But, the changing demographic

Anya Levykh Fresh Sheet


AnnaLena has completed a series of renovations and updates to the restaurant and its team.The room is now more open and joining owner/chef Mike Robbins is new sous chef Ryan Murphy.The restaurant is now also employing Victory Gardens to grow dedicated produce for the restaurant. AnnaLena.ca The third annual Harvest Haus returns Sept. 29 to Oct. 1 and Oct. 7-9 at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre Plaza. The Germanic festival features keg tappings, an


of the neighbourhood has other ideas, and Juke Fried Chicken has obviously struck a deep and crunchy chord with the locals. The large, steel-and-concrete space near Main Street has been tightly packed on each of three visits and the take-out game is non-stop. Obviously, the chicken has to take some credit. It’s good. The skin is crispy and thin, with a satisfyingly loud and shattering crunch as you bite in. Did I mention it’s crunchy? This is a good thing. It means the oil was hot enough so that you don’t end up with grease all over your fingers. The flesh is

juicy, even the breast pieces. Flavour-wise, I could do with a little more seasoning and oomph, but texturally these are masterpieces. As a bonus, they are also gluten-free. You can get the chicken to go from two pieces ($5.50) to 10 ($25), but I would also recommend eating in after 5pm so that you can try the rest of the menu. Sticky pork ribs are also available to go ($15 for a half-rack) and fall off the bone at the touch of the lips. Grilled mortadella and cheese sandwiches ($7) are oozy morsels of comfort. Biscuits (baked in-house) with whipped schmaltz ($6) are dangerously good. So

dangerous, in fact, that we came back to make a meal out of them one night. Cocktails are less impressive. While the chicken doesn’t hit any heat extremes, the rest of the food menu features a fair amount of spice and richness, calling for something sweeter and more refreshing on the libation side. Instead, we have cocktails that also feature spice or heavier flavours, like the spiced peach syrup in the tequila-based Macon Me Cry ($11). On their own, these drinks have merit and a tasting of several of the more pungent varieties would be fantastic for a drinks-focused

night, but as accompaniments to the menu, they don’t allow the palate enough respite. An exception was the Ms. Jackson ($11), a vodka-ice tea blend with yuzu, but here, again, the strength of the vodka overshadowed what would have been welcome sweetness. A better choice would be to go with one of the beers or radlers, or the fizzy lemonade off the zero-proof list. Dessert is limited to two options; doughnuts or a peanut butter chocolate bar. We went with the doughnuts on one visit, which were delicious but problematic to eat. The hot sugary exteriors

are home to some of the squirtiest custard I’ve yet to try. A heads up would have been appreciated (there’s no indication on the menu that these are filled), so that we could have given a preemptive suck before biting in and causing cream to shoot across the table at each other. Would we order them again? Forewarned is forearmed, so yes, definitely. W

open-air market, German food and rapier duelling tournaments. Don’t miss the popular “Der Brunch” on Oct. 9, featuring pretzels, weisswurst, flammkuchen, and more. HarvestHaus.com

chef Ian Everest on the menu, which will include various bowls, small plates and islandinspired cocktails. Instagram. com/LocoOnoKitchen

50,000 square feet of space. The market will feature more than 70 huts offering German foods, drinks, gifts and crafts, as well as favourites like the carousel. VancouverChristmasMarket.com

by judges Anthony Walsh, David Hawksworth, Jackie Ellis, Justin Leboe, Lee Cooper, Normand Laprise and Scott Jaeger. Tickets $80 per person. HawksworthRestaurant.com

Tickets are still available for the Hawksworth Young Chef Scholarship competition this Saturday, Sept. 17, at Vancouver Community College. Eight chefs, all under the age of 28, selected from heats across the country, will compete in a black box challenge for the $10,000 prize and a stage at an international restaurant. Guests can watch the drama and then enjoy the celebrity chef dinner at the stand-up reception created

ICYMI…on Sept. 24 and 25, the PNE Forum will play host to Vancouver’s first annual Bacon Convention. More than 100 booths will offer everything bacon, from food and drink, to various retail products. This is a 19+ event. TheBaconCon.com

and samples of their new fall dishes. Proceeds from the event support the Greater Vancouver Food Bank. Tickets $115. Also, don’t miss the Food Trends Tasting Panel with Jackie Ellis, Sarah Stewart and Denise Breyley on Oct. 5.Tickets $35. Both events take place at the Pinnacle Harbourfront Hotel. Eat-Vancouver.com

The poké craze continues with the opening of The Poké Shop in Gastown this month. Look for build-your-own poké bowls and Hawaiian-style drinks. ThePokeShop.ca For the next seven weeks, Hawaiian pop-up Loco Ono is taking over the kitchen at The Refinery on Granville Street every Wednesday through Saturday from 5pm. Loco Ono Chef Jan-Michael Reyes will work with Refinery

The Juicery will soon be opening a new location at 4236 Main Street. The space will feature a “cleanse concierge,” a retail section and live footage streaming daily from the family farm in Pemberton. Look for the official opening by the end of this month. TheJuiceryCo.ca The seventh annual Vancouver Christmas Market is back Nov. 26 to Dec. 30 in a new location this year. The expanded event will now be located at Jack Poole Plaza, which offers more than

As part of this year’s Eat! Vancouver Food + Cooking Festival, Eat! Harvest on Thursday, Oct. 6 is a onenight epicurean feast featuring 18 of Canada’s top chefs

Food: !!!!! Service: !!!!! Ambiance: !!!!! Value: !!!!! Overall: !!!!!

Fancy a road trip? The Wine Capital Festival Weekend takes place in Oliver on Oct. 1 and 2. Events include the Hester Creek Garlic Festival, the outdoor Cask and Keg, and Festival of the Grape, featuring wine tastings, grape stomping, live entertainment, and more. OliverOsoyoos.com

September 15 - September 21, 2016 W 5




Local business delivers craft beer to your door Stephen Smysnuik The Growler


With the hundreds of new beers brewed in BC, there’s no way for even the most ardent connoisseur to try everything. Now think for a minute about the newbie, who’s interested in craft beer but is inundated with a stupefying amount of choices. Where do they begin? Now Pint Post, a new Vancouver startup, is aiming to solve this problem by delivering a curated package of the latest and greatest BC craft beers every month, right to your door. “My ideal customer range is from anyone who is starting out in craft beer to craft beer experts,” says Pint Post founder Ryan Tessier. “Even the experts aren’t able to try everything “The goal here is to open it up to people who are interested in beer but don’t really know where to start. This will give them a chance to experience anything from an entry-level IPA all the way to up an experimental sour.” Pint Posts will deliver all over BC, and as a result will provide people from all corners of the province the opportunity to try beers that wouldn’t otherwise be available in their markets. Starting in October – just in time for BC Craft Beer Month – Pint Post will deliver a package containing approximately two litres of BC beer (“We don’t want to overwhelm people with too much per month,” Tessier says), which will be themed around seasonal trends and will arrive in an assortment of cans and bottles A corporate service is also available to Vancouver busi-

In defence of Chardonnay Michaela Morris By the Bottle @MichaelaWine

iStock photo nesses, which will include a much larger package of up to 7.8 litres of beer, with between six to eight different beers per month. Customizable gift boxes will also be available, which will be curated to individual tastes in collaboration between the Pint Post team and the customer. Tessier – who works full time in public relations, but is also a beer judge and beer writer who’s contributed to Daily Hive, Vancouver is Awesome and Huffington Post – will curate the monthly packages himself. The idea was conceived after Tessier and his business partner, George Danes, were searching for ways to expose more people to the increasingly wide variety of craft beer now available in the province. Originally, the idea was to create an “an Uber for

craft beer,” delivering beer on demand, but BC regulations made that impossible. “It got too complicated,” Tessier says. “It became really, really difficult for us to work around the regulations, and there wasn’t really a profit margin there.” So they conceived of the subscription service instead, inspired by similar delivery services in Alberta and Ontario. The problem, though, is that Alberta and Ontario are relatively lax on alcohol delivery services. BC,Tessier says, is “a little behind the eight-ball.” “It’s been a bit tricky to start out,” he says. “I can’t warehouse anything – I need to be a distributor to do that.” This means Pint Posts can’t purchase any beer until a purchase order has been made, which requires that Tessier needs to plan out the monthly packages in ad-

vance. All this can be tricky acquiring limited brews or popular seasonals. But Tessier says there are workarounds and he’s working with breweries on how to deliver the freshest product. He says the plan is to grow Pint Post’s subscriber base to the point where breweries will offer exclusive releases that won’t otherwise be available on the market. Individual subscriptions begin at $39.95 monthly and business subscriptions begin at $149.95 monthly. Tessier says they’ve capped the initial run of “VIP” subscribers at 500, which is 80 per cent full. The service will then be available to everyone once the e-commerce site is up and running later this month. For more information, or to sign up on the waiting list, visit PintPost.com. W

I love Chardonnay. And I’ll go to great lengths to defend it. Chardonnay went from being the world’s most beloved white to inspiring a network of criticizers. Those who belong to the ABC club advocate “Anything But Chardonnay.” This movement was largely inspired by a glut of tragically overoaked examples. I believe these naysayers are missing out. Chardonnay has a multitude of expressions and is actually a chameleon by nature. In the coolest of climes, it’s svelte and understated while the warmest corners produce rich and tropical versions. Ageing it in new oak barrels will impart aromas and flavours of vanilla, toast and perhaps even coconut. But put Chardonnay in stainless steel tanks and these nuances won’t naturally develop. Other winemaking techniques may render Chardonnay buttery or savoury and potentially more complex. I believe there’s a Chardonnay for every palate. Personally, I appreciate the full range. It’s all about balance. Wherever it’s grown and however it’s made, a


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good Chardonnay should have all of its components in proportion. The selections below tend toward just subtle or even no oak in an attempt to lure deserters back to the Chardonnay fold.

2014 Louis Latour, Ardèche $5YN<PQQY- " $PL:YJ. <,)N<F>5: GV@I ZNYQ>: " $16.49, BC Liquor Stores A medium weight and juicy Chard with lovely purity of pear and citrusy flavours sporting a gentle twist of spice. 2013 McWilliams, AppellaL3PQ +:N3:M $5YN<PQQY- " *JRUYNJRUYI )JMLNY03Y " $21.99, BC Liquor Stores A favourite in my arsenal of Aussie Chard recommendations, of which I have many. This one hails from the cool and high altitude region of Tumbarumba. Well-integrated oak adds a welcome layer of complexity and doesn’t overwhelm the succulent notes of white peach. 2013 La Chablisienne, DY @3:NN:0E: " $5YU03M )A$I ZNYQ>: " &T2K;2I BC Liquor Stores Chablis is the poster child for unoaked Chardonnay.

Continued on next page


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865 Denman St. 604.681.2121 6 W September 15 - September 21, 2016




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West End Food Fest unites community ROBERT MANGELSDORF @robmangelsdorf

Few things can bring people together like a good, hot meal. As the organizer of the annual West End Food Festival, Gordon Neighbourhood House executive director Paul Taylor knows this all too well. This year’s festival runs from Sept. 15-20 and features close to 40 different food-related events, seminars and workshops, most of them free to attend. “It’s important for us to make these classes free,” says Taylor. “We use food to facilitate connection in our community… so [these events] need to be accessible.” Thanks to support from the West End BIA and Vancity, Gordon Neighbourhood House was able to offer

Continued from page 6 The chilly reaches of this region also result in a leaner expression. Many a Chablis have fooled Chardonnay critics. La Pierrelée is a classic example demonstrating green apple, mineral, high lemony acid and a steely backbone. 2013 Clos des Fous, Lo>JNY X $5YN<PQQY- " )0LP $Y>5YOPY0 #AI $530: " &=9? =6I ON3HYL: /3Q: MLPN:M [MJ>5 as Marquis Wine Cellars and !H:N-L53Q7 %3Q:W Made by Pedro Parra, a wine “rock star” in Chile (he’s a soil expert). The only oak this wine sees is a mere 5 per cent and it isn’t even new. What it does offer is lots of fresh fleshy and concentration fruit along with


micro-grants of $200-300 to members of the community to fund the many programs and workshops being provided to the public free-of-charge. Classes include kombucha and fermented food workshops, urban gardening and foraging, seminars on saving seeds – even food poetry. On Sept. 18, Gordon Neighbourhood House will be hosting a panel discussion in their ongoing Vancouver Food Conversations series, this time focusing on local agriculture and its impacts on migrant workers Taylor says he sees food as way to facilitate meaningful conversations about the many social issues affecting the city and his neighbourhood in particular. “Coming together around food makes it much easier to discuss difficult subjects

Prices exclusive of taxes. W

Reservations recommended. (Vegetarians, not so much...) Open at 5 pm til late Wed - Sun Brunch served 10 am - 2 pm Sunday

like housing, welfare rates,” he says. $ (52 "52, %!*52"3/%5! 315-/ /&,',0/ )!. (55. (,0/+3#4 +%0%/',0/)!.(55.(,0tival.Wordpress.com

lively tension and savoury texture. It’s delicious proof that Chile can do complex serious wine just as well as cheap and cheerful. T\\4 '0J: CPJQLY3QI '0YQ> <: '0YQ>M " A1YQY7YQ (Y00:-I '$ " &=2K2\I /3Q:N- <3N:>L Yet another reason to love Chardonnay is that it makes some of the best traditional method sparkling wines. In general, Chardonnay lends finesse to Champagne. The most elegant examples are made exclusively from this grape and referred to as Blanc de Blancs. BC produces a few gems in this mould. Blue Mountain is an intriguing and complex mix of brioche, buttery mushrooms and lemon tart with a long nutty finish.

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September 15 - September 21, 2016 W 7




Fall fashion Go big or go home Aileen Lalor Style File @AileenLalor

We’ve long loved Phoebe Philo for the way she transformed Paris fashion house Celine – and our wardrobes – with her all-conquering minimalist aesthetic. But with the greatest love and respect, this season we’re telling her to take a hike. Pared back, discreet, simple and austere are not parts of our fall/winter fashion lexicon. Instead, we’re embracing excess. Our favourite runway pieces were gaudy, glittery, big and bold – think over the top bejewelled jackets, tinsel-like trim on coats, and shoulders so puffed we’ll need to go sideways through doorways. We salivated at Prada’s gilded silk dresses, topped with enormous leather belts and worn with trekking boots. And we had raptures over Valentino’s gorgeous floor-length velvet dress in mustardy yellow. Alas, we’re aware these out-there looks won’t fly in Vancouver, but we’ll certainly be heading to high-street stores like Zara, Topshop and H&M to buy the more wearable elements. We’ll be adopting colour (blue, yellow and pink), texture (velvet, faux fur and leather), playfulness (pouffy skirts), enormous jewellery, and the joyful knowledge that fashion is finally fun again. On Amanda (top): J Js Lee floral jumpsuit, $1,530, from Wardrobe Apparel (67 East Cordova). Cedric Charlier moto jacket, $2,950, from Holt Renfrew (373 Dunsmuir). Bekkie strappy ankle boot, $399 from Fluevog (65 Water). Love Light Yoga black onyx and agate necklace, $360, from Jeweliette Jewellery (1090 Hornby). Irit Sorokin lapis necklace, $280 from Jeweliette Jewellery. Imogen Belfield ring, $510 from Wardrobe Apparel. Imogen Belfield knuckle ring, $308, from Wardrobe Apparel. Imogen Belfield cuff bracelet, $1,300, from Wardrobe Apparel. On Will (bottom left): Palm Angels T-shirt, $320, from Holt Renfrew. Haider Ackerman Madame Blue jacket, $2,175

Models: Amanda, Vienna and Will of Key Model Management Hair and makeup: Red Carpet Ready by Christina, RedCarpetReadyByChristina.ca Styling: Steven Schelling for THEYRep, TheyRep. com Photography: Dan Toulget Venue: Juniper Kitchen & Bar, 185 Keefer

from Holt Renfrew. Topman pants, $109, from Topshop (674 Granville). 837 Granville brogues, $399, from Fluevog. Socks, $10, from Express (701 West Georgia). On Vienna (bottom right): Fyodor Golan minidress $1,620, from Wardrobe Apparel.). Terry de Havilland pumps, $495, from Wardrobe Apparel. LUXYZ “XO” necklace, $83 from Wardrobe Apparel. Alan Anderson floral cuff, $1,600, from Wardrobe Apparel.

8 W September 15 - September 21, 2016





Vancouver designers look to Asia Pacific for ethical fashion sourcing KRISTI ALEXANDRA @kristialexandra


Batik Fractal CEO Nancy Margried showing off her wares at the Bandung-based creative collective warehouse, where she keeps an office. The entrepreneur’s company keeps women batik workers employed at a fair wage to serve the fashion market abroad. Kristi Alexandra photo Batik Fractal – a fashion label that grew out of start-up tech company Piksel Indonesia – is giving traditional Indonesian textile artists a leg up in their field. Batik artisans often spend up to a month on a single piece of cloth, using a technique that requires delicate handiwork, drawing with hot wax, drying several yards of cloth, and several applications of dye.The art was recognized by UNESCO – the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization – in 2009 as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. Batik Fractal’s progressive business model allows independent artisans to create using their traditional craft, meanwhile ensuring they’re paid a living wage with a contractor’s freedom. “What I see now is that the existing business model for the batik industry is failing the batik artisans,” says Nancy Margried, CEO of Batik Fractal and Piksel Indonesia. The Bandung-native employs contractors to recreate Batik Fractal’s designs using traditional methods or create their own designs to be sold by her label.The workers set their own hours and productivity rates.The final products – dresses, tees, blouses, purses and more – are sold in Indonesia, the United States, Australia, and in Vancouver. “Right now I think batik is underrepresented in the world,” Margried says. “If you see saris from India, or even Japanese kimonos, it’s very famous, but batik is underrepresented. People still know about batik, but they don’t know how it’s done and how delicate and how beautiful this piece of art is, and how forward-thinking it is.” Currently, batik textiles in Vancouver can be found at the Museum of Anthropology, where import and retail company Citranti has set down some scarves.They can also be found anywhere local designer Bayoush Mangesha sets up a table for a local market via her not-for-profit fashion organization Devi Arts Collective. Mangesha uses textiles from Batik Fractal, along with traditionally woven fabrics from Nusa Penida off the coast

of Bali, in her designs, which include hand-stitched purses and home décor. “I had a jewelry line called Bayoush Designs, and I decided I wanted to be more accountable to where my raw materials came from,” Mangesha divulges, recounting the inception of Devi Arts Collective. The Ethiopian-born, Vancouver-raised designer reveals that, on a sourcing trip to Indonesia, she was inspired by a lot more than gemstones and silver. “When I went to Bali, what I realised is that what I wanted in regards to the jewelry components weren’t there, but I was in the land of the handmade everything else,” she says. “The Balinese are amazing handi-crafters, so I went and saw amazing fabrics, amazing hand-carved pieces, amazing traditional spiritual jewelry like malas and I realized that I needed to broaden my horizons as to what I was sourcing.” What she brought back were hand-designed textiles, hand-woven arts and, of course, a few gemstones. Back in Canada, the designer had a chance run-in with Citranti’s Liza Wajong, an Indonesianborn textile importer and retailer, at a gift market they were both selling at. “I find that by working with small artisans in Indonesia, I can also help them with the economic development aspect of their businesses,”Wajong, who immigrated to Vancouver from the island of Java 20 years ago, explains. Her fashion company, Citranti, is committed to sourcing, importing, and reselling ethically-produced textiles from Indonesia to Canadian fashion designers. “With that in mind, and knowing that Vancouver is also the haven for ethical sustainable initiatives, I knew that it was a great match for me to bring Indonesian products, that are produced ethically, to Vancouver.” Funny enough,Wajong was Batik Fractal’s first point of contact in Canada, and the importer is now in talks with Bridger on sourcing those fabrics. Both women can attest

the conversation on ethical sourcing between consumers to designers and designers to suppliers is becoming easier. “Clothing is hard because you don’t just grow it and make it all in one space.Where it’s grown and harvested could be a completely different continent than where it’s milled and yarned, and maybe it’s sent to another continent to be woven and processed and dyed. It’s such a huge chain and I’m ordering very tiny amounts of fabric, it’s hard to find out,” Bridger admits. But, she digresses, there’s miles of difference with the Nicole Bridger brand than when

At a Pilang village workshop near Solo, Central Java, Ibu Sriyani uses a tjanting to apply wax to a Batik Fractal design on handmade textiles. Kristi Alexandra photo she started out with Oqoqo in the early 2000s. “When I started this business last year, there weren’t so many discussions around ethically-sourced products, especially those who try to understand the tradition of batik,”Wajong explains. “Now, ethical fashion appreciates the ethical practices in the process, and I know Indonesia has the capacity to produce the kind of fashions that are produced responsibly, using ethical practices while still maintaining excellent craftsmanship.” Another main tenet of the slow fashion movement aims to reduce the amount of textile waste consumers discharge yearly. Though Bridger admits it seems counter-intuitive to her business, the cure is simple: buy less and enjoy for longer.

Model: Nikita Graham

For many Canadian consumers, a clothing tag that reads “Made in Indonesia” conjures images of cheap labour, factory sweatshops, and haphazard environmental practices.When it comes to fast fashion that can be picked up on the cheap in a mall setting, that’s often the case. A few Vancouver-based designers, however, are at the helm of the slow fashion movement – a movement that encourages slow production schedules, small batch orders, fair wages, and low environmental impact. For many, the qualifying term is “locallymade.” According to those championing the slow fashion cause, it doesn’t have to be. Partnering with progressive creative co-operatives based in Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, local designers are bringing high-quality clothing to Vancouverites with an emphasis on low human and environmental cost. “Just because it’s local doesn’t mean it’s ethical, by any means… the standards for mills in Asia are much better than here because their factories are so much bigger. Here, you have these tiny little sweatshops,” Nicole Bridger tells the Westender. Bridger’s self-named shop, located in Gastown, offers up business-casual threads for the 30-something career woman, complete with a smattering of minimalist jewelry from Balivia-Tofino designers House of Alaia. The eco-fashionista – who got her chops running Oqoqo alongside Lululemon’s Chip Wilson – was recently forced to shut down her Vancouver factory after high manufacturing costs put her company in the red. “What I’m most excited about is ethical manufacturing overseas. Here, a real living wage is $21 an hour, and it’s difficult to pay an honest living wage,” Bridger says. “It started to not make sense to me to manufacture in one of the most expensive cities to live in.” While ultimately a savvy business move, Bridger’s move to sourcing threads abroad promises to uphold her brand’s ethos. “That money could go so much further in other parts of the world, and it can make a much bigger impact in the livelihoods of people. I’m looking for lots of different pockets to support different women cooperatives all over the world that also really honours their traditional techniques so they don’t get lost.” Such is the case for one creative co-operative in the West Java city of Bandung, where

“I want to be comfortable all day long in my crazy busy life, and also wanting to wear it five years later. Sometimes you feel like in order to be relevant, you need to buy what’s trendy. To me, what’s trendy is what’s trashy,” the fashionista asserts. “[We aim to] educate consumers on how to be better consumers, in general, buying less and buying better pieces that you can have for longer.” W You can find Nicole Bridger fashions at her store in Gastown (14 Water) along with Bali-sourced jewelry line House of Alaia. Indonesiansourced slow fashion textiles by Devi Arts Collective and Citranti can be seen at the Vancouver Gift Expo on Sept. 18 and 19 at the PNE Forum Building.

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LEE SCRATCH PERRY Jamaican music producer noted for his innovative style and pioneering of dub music performs with special guests Subatomic Sound System and Mad Riddim. 8pm at commodore Ballroom. Tickets $30 at Ticketmaster.ca

ROYAL WOOD Canadian singersongwriter plays tunes from his latest release Ghost Light with special guest Tami Neilson. 8pm at Fox Cabaret. Tickets $25 at Red Cat and TicketZone.com

BLUE MORRIS Vancouver vintage folk-rock guitarist celebrates the release of Unlikely Rockstars his first album of original material. 8pm at Anza Club. Tickets $15 at BrownPaperTickets.com

LEAH BARLEY Blues-folk singersongwriter celebrates the release of her EP with special guests Shiloh Lindsey and Chicken Like Birds. 8:30pm at Wise Hall. Cover is $10.

MARDUK Swedish black metal band brings the Frontschwein tour to town with special guests Rotting Christ, Carach Angren, Necronomicon, Kafirun and Hissing. 7pm at The Imperial. Tickets $27 at Red Cat, Neptoon, Zulu, Highlife and TuneStub.com

SIGUR ROS Icelandic dream weavers perform their most intimate tour in a decade road-testing new material on a North American tour with two consecutive evenings. 8:30pm at Queen Elizabeth Theatre. Tickets $56.50 at Ticketmaster.ca

DOLLY PARTON The most honoured female country performer of all time hits the road in support of her latest studio album Pure & Simple. 7:30pm at Rogers Arena. Tickets $39.50+ at Ticketmaster.ca

DAVID CROSBY American folk legend, singer-songwriter and founding member of the Byrds and Crosby, Stills & Nash plays an intimate evening in support of his forthcoming album Lighthouse. 7pm at Vogue Theatre. Tickets $46+ at TicketFly.com BIBI BOURELLY German/ American singer-songwriter with special guests PJ and Sophia Danai. 8pm at Alexander Gastown. Tickets $13 at Red Cat, Zulu and TicketWeb.ca GROENLAND Montreal based indie pop band appear ahead of their forthcoming release A Wider Space with special guests Parlour Panther and Pif Paf. 8pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $12 at TicketFly.com DOPE Illinois heavy metal rockers headline with special guests Saints of Death, the Schoenberg Automaton and Celestial Ruin. 7pm at Rickshaw Theatre. Tickets $27 at TuneStub.com

COMEDY DINO ARCHIE Vancouver comic originally from LA celebrates the release of Settling Old Scores, his latest comedy album, with opening sets from Sophie Buddle, Gavin Matts, Special Goons and music from DJ Marvel. 8:30pm at Fortune Sound Club. Tickets $10 at ElectroStub.com

EVENTS WAR STORIES Journalists, actors, and professors share images and stories of the impact of war on civilians, particularly in Afghanistan, Iraq and other conflict zones with a performance of Contact! Unload, a play from George Belliveau. 7pm at Goldcorp Stage at the BMO Theatre Centre. Admission is free.

THE ROCABRONES A triple bill of punk rock ‘n’ roll with the Mexican influenced punk-a-billy band and special guests the Extroverts and the Hex. 8pm at Funky Winker Beans. Cover is $10. BAND OF SKULLS English rockers from Southampton in town to promote their fourth studio album, By Default. 7pm at Vogue Theatre. Tickets $22.50+ at TicketFly.com

THEATRE/DANCE OTHELLO Othello has risen to become a respected military commander who thrives in his hard-won position of power and he and his wife Desdemona are deeply in love, yet he loses it all in a betrayal and succumbs to blind jealousy in Shakespeare’s tale of a fatally flawed leader and the master manipulator who destroys him. 7:30pm at Vanier Park. Tickets at BardOnTheBeach.org. Runs until Sept. 17. THE BEAUX’ STRATAGEM George Farquhar’s glorious Restoration comedy follows two charming bachelors, broke and looking to marry for money who encounter a variety of obstacles before love presents itself, and the beaux meet their match. 8pm at Jericho Arts Centre. Tickets at JerichoArtsCentre.com. Runs until Sept. 25.

FAUNA SHADE Self-effacing ricochet-saturated music for the nocturnal hours from the Everett, Washington-based trio with special guests Wishkicker and Nothingness. 8pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $12 at TicketFly.com CHRISTIE GRACE Canadian jazz singer-songwriter celebrates the release of Golden Thread an album featuring an all-star cast including Juno Award-winning pianist Chris Gestrin. 8pm at VSO School of Music, Pyatt Hall. Tickets $25 at BPT.me RESOUNDING RYERSON Four of Vancouver’s foremost choirs, Chor Leoni, Good Noise Gospel Choir, Vancouver Cantata Singers and the Vancouver Children’s Choir perform a benefit concert in support of the arts enrichment mission at Ryerson United Church. 7pm at Ryerson United Church. Tickets $35 at TicketForce.com HANDEL AND HIS RIVALS Pacific Baroque Orchestra in accompaniment with Grammy Award-winning soprano Amanda Forsyth perform wildly virtuosic operatic arias by Handel, Porpora, Hasse and Veracini. 8pm at Christ Church Cathedral. Tickets $35 at RMTS.BC.ca

COMEDY STEPH TOLEV Awarded Best Female Stand Up at the Canadian Comedy Awards, her first stand up album Hot N’ Hungry went to No. 1 on iTunes and she performs three nights with opening sets from Kyle Bottom and Charlie Demers. 8pm & 10:30pm at Comedy Mix. Tickets $20 at TheComedyMix.com

Band of Skulls, Sept. 16

Glenn Wool, Sept. 17 GLENN WOOL A master of the comedy craft, this subversive, sharply intelligent comedian fresh from a summer tour in Europe his the stage with an opening set from Derek Sweet. 7pm & 9:30pm at Yuk Yuk’s. Tickets $20 at YukYuks.com


THRICE Irvine, California, rock band tours in support of their latest release, To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere, with special guests La Dispute. 7pm at Commodore Ballroom. Tickets $33.50 at Ticketmaster.com

COMEDY THE SUNDAY SERVICE The award-winning improv comedy troupe brings their high energy commitment to comedy with a little slapstick shtick, carrying the audience through a kaleidoscopic trip where scenes barrel into tangents and stories smash together creating comedy gold. 9pm at Fox Cabaret. Tickets $7 at the door.


PERICLES In an ancient and exotic pagan land where a hero sets out to win the hand of a princess, he instead uncovers a terrible secret beginning a thrilling adventure marked by farflung travels, love lost and found and unexpected, and profound redemption. 7:30pm at Vanier Park. Tickets at BardOnTheBeach. org. Final performance.

FRINGE FESTIVAL Vancouver’s annual alternative theatre festival is a showcase of all artists from beginners to veterans whose productions sit on the fringe of traditional theatre experience. Visit VancouverFringe.com for tickets and schedule. Final performances.

THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR It’s 1968 in Windsor, Ontario, and English ex-pat Sir John Falstaff is hunting for a solution to his financial trouble. When he unknowingly attempts to seduce two wealthy housewives who happen to be best friends, these merry wives set him up for some hilariously sweet revenge. 2pm & 7:30pm at Vanier Park. Tickets at BardOnTheBeach.org. Runs until Sept. 24

QUEERS & BEERS East Van’s craft beer culture for queers is back with a cider edition featuring delicious apple-based beverages from Left Field Cider Co., Tod Creek Craft Cider, Gabbie’s Cider, Big Rock Brewing, Hopping Mad and Scenic Road Cider. 5pm at The Cobalt. Tickets $5-$15 advance at BrownPaperTickets.com or at the door.



DEL THE FUNKY HOMOSAPIEN AKA Sir DZL, the underground hip-hop MC from Oakland appears with special guests Richie Cunning and DJ Bad DJ. 10pm at Alexander Gastown. Tickets $15+ at TicketWeb.ca RAISED ON TV If Jimi Hendrix and Weezer had a baby it’d sound like this LA trio of Keaton Rogers, Kacey Greenwood and Ryan Weiss. 8pm at The Roxy.

COMEDY QUEER PROV Don’t let the queer deter you – you don’t have to identify to get it! This not-for-profit society dedicated to creating a queer community that creates, supports, enjoys and teaches improv theatre unites every week on Mondays, to set yourself up for a gay ol’ week. 8pm at XY (1216 Bute). CHUG-A-LUG COMEDY Brad Dorion, Stefan MacNeil and Jenny Toews, the folks who brought you Mermaid Comedy, bring you this bi-monthly stand-up showcase with some of the city’s best comedians along with the odd travelling guest. 8pm at Yagger’s (433 West Pender). Cover is $5.

CHEAP & FUN KARAOKE MONDAYS Trevor Risk and Christa Belle invite you down to weekly karaoke where you can belt out your favourites cause you got drunk enough with cheap drink specials and no cover. 9pm at The Cobalt. No cover.

Dolly Parton, Sept. 19

PENCIL FINGERZ Twenty-two year old Chilliwack artist known for his album covers and tour posters presents All My Creations his first solo exhibit of pencil portraits and digital art. 10pm at Fortune Sound Club. Free with RSVP to guest@ fortunesoundclub.com

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Beaty Heart, Sept. 20

WARPAINT LA indie rock band returns to town ahead of the release of their third studio album Heads Up with special guests Facial and Goldensuns. 8pm at The Imperial. Tickets $27.50 at Red Cat, Zulu and TicketWeb.ca BEATY HEART Experimental pop band from London on tour to support their latest release Till The Tomb with special guests Beach Baby. Tickets $12 at Red Cat, Zulu and TicketWeb.ca SAINT MOTEL American indie pop band out of LA appears ahead of the release of their forthcoming album saintmotelevision with special guests JR JR and Weathers. 8pm at Commodore Ballroom. Tickets $27 at Ticketmaster.ca TOM SAVAGE One part truthtelling troubadour, one-part death-defying guitar slinger and one part country blues howler brings the Lonesome Highway Tour to town. 8pm at Wise Hall.

THEATRE/DANCE THE GLASS MENAGERIE A Canadian production of the Tennessee Williams’ classic revealing the story of family members whose lives form a triangle of quiet desperation, each in an individual version of hell while simultaneously seeking escape from each other. 8pm at PAL Theatre. Tickets at GlassMenagerie.ca. Runs until Sept. 25. VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL FLAMENCO FESTIVAL Now in its 26th year, the festival celebrates flamenco’s Spanish Gypsy origins with a spellbinding lineup of local and international flamenco artists as well as free workshops, and ticketed performances from Mercedes Amaya Company, Flamenco Rosario & Toque Flamenco among others. At various venues across the city. Details at VancouverFlamencoFestival.org. Final performances.


CHROME SPARKS Brooklynbased electronic musician on tour in support of his latest EP Parallelism with special guest Roland Tings. 8pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $15 at Red Cat, Zulu and TicketWeb.ca

COSMIC GARAGE An all-out authentic garage/psych music night featuring performances from Highland Eyeway, the Intelligence Service, Thee Magic Circle and DJ Cobrah. 8pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Cover is $10.

CASTLE Headliners play with a triple bill of heavy metal rockers out of San Francisco featuring Mendozza, M16 and Skull Vultures. 8pm at Funky Winker Beans. Cover is $15.

PERNELL REICHERT BAND Three-piece travelling band from Vancouver play an intimate show of alternative folk and country. 8pm at Tangent Café. Admission is free. THE TEMPER TRAP Australian rock band on tour in support of their third studio album Thick as Thieves with special guest Coast Modern. 7pm at Commodore Ballroom. Tickets $32.50 at Ticketmaster.ca OASIS QUARTET Four piece quartet plays works by Lias, Bresnick, Bach, Maslanka and more as part of the Wednesday Noon Hours series. 12pm at Roy Barnett Recital Hall (UBC). Cover is $5.

COMEDY HEAVY MENTAL COMEDY FUNDRAISER It’s the first show for Heavy Mental, a fundraiser for the Downtown Eastside and First United Church featuring Mark B. Hughes, Melanie Rose, headliner Mike Allan MacDonald and MC Jerri Jerri. 7pm at Rickshaw Theatre. Tickets $15 at TicketFly. com or $20 at the door.

THEATRE/DANCE ROMEO AND JULIET It’s family night at Bard on the Beach, as they present a story of forbidden love at first sight in the timeless tale of two young people who fall deeply in love in spite of the bitter feud that divides their families. 7:30pm at Vanier Park. Tickets at BardOnTheBeach.org. Runs until Sept. 23

COMEDY KEVIN FOXX From Toronto’s smash success radio show The Kevin Foxx Show, headlining comedian who has shared the stage with Robin Williams, Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock performs with opening sets from Devon Alexander and Brad Dorion. 8:30pm at The Comedy Mix. Tickets $15 at TheComedyMix. com


THE FINAL FRONTIER The Gentlemen Hecklers are back and ready to get spacey as they present Star Trek V: The Final Frontier with their signature live commentary that will leave you in stitches, making even bad movies, the best. 7pm at H.R. MacMillan Space Centre. Tickets $13 at EventBrite.ca

Vote online at westender.com/contests. Voting closes at 12pm on Friday, September 30. Prize winners will be chosen randomly from the qualified voters and notified by email. One valid entry per email address.


Maliglutit (Searchers)


6:30 PM


11:00 AM


9:15 PM

Zacharias Kunuk – Canada



6:00 PM




3:15 PM



Jonathan Parker’s cutting comedy stars Parker Posey and Eric McCormack as a couple looking to build the perfect home on the Seattle seaside. First they need the perfect architect, but what they get instead is the wildly ambitious, blather-spewing Miles Moss (James Frain) who insists on getting deeply in touch with them in order to realize their dream. As the project spirals out of control and tensions mount, Parker crafts some sharp insights into real estate realities and contemporary romance. Proudly sponsored by

Zacharias Kunuk introduced the world to Inuit filmmaking with the Cannes award-winning Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner, recently voted the top Canadian film of all time. The director’s exciting new offering is based on a true story, with an obvious nod to John Ford’s classic The Searchers. A man returns from a hunting trip to discover his wife and daughter kidnapped and the rest of his family slaughtered. His father’s spirit helper, the loon Kallulik, sets him on course to revoke fate and reunite his family.

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The Architect

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HUNGER GAMES – CATCHING FIRE: THE MUSICAL In this hilarious pop culture parody sequel to last year’s smash shit Hunger Games: The Musical, Katniss Everdeen continues to defy the Capitol, play with Peeta’s heart and belt out songs in the style of Miley Cyrus. 8pm at Studio 1398. Tickets at BrownPaperTickets.com. Runs until Oct. 1.

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THANK YOU SCIENTIST Progrock from the Montclair, New Jersey, rockers with special guests Within Rust and Elysian Sun. 7pm at The Cobalt. Tickets $22 at Red Cat and TicketFly.com


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September 15 - September 21, 2016 W 11




Preoccupations make a fresh start ALEX HUDSON @chippedhip

WhenWestender reaches Preoccupations member Scott “Monty” Munro on the phone, the guitarist/keyboardist and his bandmates are enjoying a relaxing day off at a cabin in the tiny village of Edgewater in the East Kootenays. “We’re staying with [drummer] Mike [Wallace]’s step-dad. Drinking some coffee, chilling out. It breaks up the drive nicely. We’ll maybe go to the hot springs later today,” Munro says gratefully. “It’s fucking scenic. It’s right in the mountains.” This relaxing getaway stands in stark contrast to the past year and a half of Munro’s life, which was marked by controversy and tumult. Preoccupations originally earned widespread acclaim as Viet Cong, but the members – Munro and Wallace, plus singer/bassist Matt Flegel and guitarist Daniel Christiansen – faced a swift backlash due to their name. Critics accused the

Calgary’s Preoccupations (formerly known as Viet Cong) has a new album, a new tour, and a new name. Contributed photo ensemble of cultural insensitivity, pointing out that the Viet Cong was a military

group with a history of bloody atrocities. Promoters cancelled shows and the mu-

Poppadom preach!

Vote for your favourite Indian food and more in our 2016 Best of the City Dining Awards poll. Vote in at least 35 categories for your chance to win our GRAND PRIZE: A weekend for two in Whistler, including hotel and tickets to Cornucopia (November 11-13, 2016) Vote online at westender.com/contests. Voting closes at 12pm on Friday, September 30. Prize winners will be chosen randomly from the qualified voters and notified by email. One valid entry per email address.



12 W September 15 - September 21, 2016


sicians faced protests before finally changing their name to Preoccupations in April of this year. “It was pretty stressful a few times,” Munro says, adding that he paid little mind to the social media furor that surrounded the band. “All I know is that I had a bunch of conversations with people that actually fled the Vietnam War. Grandma-aged people that were protesting our shows that had actually fled the Viet Cong. We didn’t change the band name for PC culture. It was for those people that were directly affected by it, and I personally feel good about that decision to change our band name.” He goes on to acknowledge that, when he and his collaborators originally decided to call themselves Viet Cong, they didn’t fully consider the political implications of the name. “We didn’t realize how it affected people that had actually fled that war and we didn’t have a proper understanding of all the sides of it when we named the band that,” he says. “I’m happy

that it turned out the way that it did, and I’m happy that we went through the conversations to learn what people had actually gone through at the hands of the Viet Cong.” With the name-change controversy behind them, the four friends are pressing ahead with their first album under their new moniker.The self-titled Preoccupations channels the distortion-laced postpunk doom of the outfit’s prior work as Viet Cong, but this time with tuneful hooks and sweetly spacious synths. Opener “Anxiety” sets a bleak tone with sinister vocals and a peculiarly off-kilter time signature, but the mood changes with the entrance of a twinkling keyboard riff. Closer “Fever” similarly relies on a tension between harsh tones and gorgeous synth textures, while the 11-minute epic “Memory” moves from uneasy art-rock to a cathartic dance groove (with guest vocals from Wolf Parade’s Dan Boeckner) and culminates in several minutes of sublime ambience.

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Preoccupations perform at the Rickshaw Theatre on Sept. 28 at 9pm. Tickets $20 at Ticketweb.ca. Their debut album is available Sept. 16 via Flemish Eye.

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These multifaceted songs were pieced together from years’ worth of disparate recording sessions. Some of the tracks date back to early demos, recorded soon after the breakup of Flegel and Wallace’s former project, Women. Other parts were recorded with returning producer Graham Walsh, and still other parts were cut in Montreal’s Breakglass Studios. “It’s nice to be able to mix the different fidelities and sessions together,” Munro says, describing the recording style as “socialist” in the way that the members shared multi-instrumental duties in order to contribute to all parts of a song. The results are simultaneously experimental and accessible, making Preoccupations an addictive listen. “In our minds, I think we all wanted to make a pop record,” Munro explains. “I know it didn’t necessarily turn out as a pop record, but that’s what we were shooting for. To try to make a record that was a full pop.” It’s a new direction for the musicians, who have moved on since the upheaval of the past couple of years. Munro points out that adopting a new name gave the band a chance to make a clean break from its past style.Then again, adventurous artistry is something that has always been written into the group’s DNA, regardless of what it’s called. “[Changing our name] gave us the freedom to do whatever we wanted, but we were going to do whatever we wanted anyway,” Munro asserts. “It’s not like we felt like we needed to make another scrappy punk record. We all would have been disappointed in ourselves if we made the same record again, regardless of what the band name was.” W


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Sink your fangs into ‘Van Helsing’ Executive Producer Simon Barry previews twisted new vampire series Sabrina Furminger Reel People


If your idea of top-notch vampire entertainment involves angst-ridden romance between sparkly immortals, than Van Helsing probably isn’t for you. The Vancouver-shot series – which kicks off its first season on Sept. 23 and stars Kelly Overton (True Blood) as a resurrected vampire hunter in a post-apocalyptic near-future where vampires have risen and taken control – offers a gritty, more nuanced take on the popular genre, according to Vancouverite Simon Barry, one of the show’s executive producers. “Even though it’s a story about vampires, it’s really a story also about civil war and occupation,” says Barry, whose previous Vancouvershot series, the time-travel crime-procedural Continuum, was similarly heralded for its nuanced take on genre fare. Van Helsing is “a story of survival in the way that The Walking Dead is a story of survival,” says Barry. Van Helsing’s post-apocalyptic vampire story is unique in that the existential situation and internal politics of the bloodsuckers are as integral to the story as those of the humans. “It’s a story about betrayal and loyalty and taking sides, because like the stories of war, there are collaborators and there are rebels and there are spies and there are all of these things that go on when it’s a battle of power,” says Barry. Much of Van Helsing’s complexity can be linked to the participation of awardwinning playwright, director,


Starring Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart Directed by Clint Eastwood It was a story that captivated the world. On Jan. 15, 2009, a US Airways flight left New York’s LaGuardia Airport, piloted by veteran captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger. Mere minutes after takeoff, the plane hit a flock of geese and lost both engines. What happened


True Blood star Kelly Overton stars in SyFy’s new post-apocalyptic vampire drama, Van Helsing. Submitted photo and filmmaker Neil LaBute. LaBute – who wrote the plays Autobahn and In the Company of Men, and directed the films Nurse Betty and Death at a Funeral – serves as showrunner and writer. “The opportunity to work with Neil LaBute was a real attraction for me, because it was two things that I didn’t think went together: vampires and Neil LaBute,” chuckles Barry, describing LaBute’s presence in the Van Helsing writing room as “the lone normal person in a room full of geeks.” LaBute’s creative influence is especially evident in the show’s exploration of the darker side of human behaviour, says Barry. “Neil as our creative leader really had his perspective on how people behave, and

what was good and bad,” says Barry, who also wrote and directed on the show. “I think everyone knows that from his plays, that he appreciates that grey area of behaviour and sees that everyone is both good and bad. And so we approached it with strong character work right out of the gate because Neil’s perspective on characters is really specific. We built a really interesting group of characters that we could then mine for stories on the show as we progress.” As Vanessa “Van” Helsing, relative of famed vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing (who made his first appearance in Bram Stoker’s 1897 gothic novel, Dracula), Barry says that Overton communicates the vulnerability of Vanessa’s unique situation

– selected by the forces of nature to be this very interesting hybrid of human and vampire who can essentially reverse the vampire virus – while embodying inner and physical strength. “[Overton] has this ability to be incredibly raw and emotional, but it’s never expressed in a way that seems weak,” says Barry. “She’s also got a real physicality and a real strength in her own body, and she can fight, and she can run, and she moves like an athlete, so someone you felt was a formidable opponent in the physical world, as well as someone who was well-rounded emotionally, was our bull’s-eye as someone who would represent Vanessa. Kelly has all of that in her DNA.” Van Helsing also stars

next was dubbed a “miracle” in the annals of history; Sullenberger successfully landed the Airbus A320 on the Hudson River, saving all 155 people aboard. The six-minute saga has received the inevitable Hollywood treatment with Clint Eastwood directing and Tom Hanks vying for another Oscar nomination in Sully. Shot entirely on IMAX cameras, the occasionally harrowing drama is also a tale brimming with hope and optimism and a love letter

of sorts to NewYork City. Grounded by a commanding central performance from Hanks, the film also explores the aftermath of the landing through the posttraumatic stress endured by Sullenberger and the instant celebrity status he attained. A large part of the plot focuses on the ensuing investigation by transportation safety officials who sought to determine whether the pilot could have actually turned back to the airport. The movie stumbles in

these sections as Eastwood’s heavy-handed direction and the conventional script begin to bog things down. Still, these issues are forgivable thanks to Hanks’ subtle magnetism – paired with Aaron Eckhart, who is a scene-stealing secret weapon as co-pilot Jeff Skiles – and Eastwood’s masterful approach to the flight and rescue sequences. Sully may be old-fashioned and even a bit corny at times but it’s a genuine crowd-pleaser. –Thor Diakow

Jonathan Scarfe, Christopher Heyerdahl, Rukiya Bernard, David Cubitt, Vincent Gale, Hilary Jardine, Trezzo Mahoro, Aleks Paunovic, and Alison Wandzura. The television series has no connection to the 2004 film of the same name – although the small-screen version does suggest that Vanessa is a descendent of Stoker’s OG vampire hunter, says Barry. “We’re using the spirit of the name and borrowing from it,” says Barry. “But Vanessa doesn’t realize that there is this history with her name. She’s not aware of her connection to that legend, and she’s going to discover it as the show progresses. We had a little fun with that, because the name evokes certain things and

has expectations, and we wanted to use that and also play against it.” “One thing I’m proud of with Van Helsing, and we all are, is that we didn’t aim for the middle,” adds Barry. “We really tried to do something that was a little bit extreme, and I think some people are going to love that, and some people may not, but that’s okay. I think, in a world where television is so diversified, and there’s so much to watch, you really have to make a little bit of noise, and so we tried to make a little bit of noise on this one, and I think we succeeded.” W Van Helsing begins its 13-episode first season on Sept. 23 on SyFy.

Tom Hanks stars in Sully.

September 15 - September 21, 2016 W 13




Foods for the fall Patty Javier Gomez Whole Nourishment

@WholeNourishBC Well, it might not be safe to say, but I am going to say it anyways: perhaps our days of wearing shorts are coming to an end.While we may have a few more days of fun in the, the inevitable rain of the West Coast is sure to bless us with it’s presence on a more permanent basis sooner than later. For many of us this means getting bummed out, curling up on the couch with a box of wine and a heavy heart while bingeing on Netflix. When it comes to food, we have a similar pattern as well. Some of us tend to just give up and trade in those summer salads in favour of junk food, because red wine pairs

RECIPE // BEET RISOTTO Ingredients: ! H I00=>: >,@02202 ! H =I>C I;==0@ ! K ? 4;C> "@ID@+D @+40 ! 1 4;C> 4,+4*0E I@D=, ! 3 -L@)+4 4)D90>: 4@;>,02 ! K >,L))D=: >)+402 =,+E)& ! ? 4;C 2@& (,+=0 (+E0 ! K =>C 2@+02 =,&F0 ! ? =>C 4@L4*02 I)L4* C0CC0@ ! " C+E4, D. G+FL)L&LE >L)= D@ >0L >L)= ! A 4;C 6L@F0>LE 4,00>0

well with cheesy poofs, sadness and elastic waistbands. Keeping with the seasons when it comes to eating is always a great idea because it helps us to keep local and be more connected with nature and the food we eat. As our weather changes, so does the produce that is available to us. This gives us a chance to mix things up and makes it pretty exciting to experiment and explore some of the new yummy, nutrient-dense food that’s upand-coming this season. It’s time to get excited about the colourful, flavourpacked September fruits and veggies. Check out some facts about the great things that are coming this month.


Most of us know a good artichoke dip when we taste one; usually it comes in a great cheesy goodness that Directions: ! 70)= I;==0@ D90@ F02+;F ,0L= +E L F02+;F5>+%02 >L;40CLE< ! "22 I00=> LE2 DE+DE: >=+@ =D L))D( =,0 DE+DE =D 4L@LF0)+%0< ! 7+' +E =,0 @+40: LE2 (+E0 LE2 >=+@ .D@ LID;= H F+E;=0>< ! #=+@ LE2 >+FF0@ (,+)0 >)D()& L22+E- I@D=, L ,L). 4;C L= L =+F0 ;E=+) &D; ,L90 ;>02 ;C L)) =,0 )+B;+2< 800C >=+@@+E- >D =,0 @+40 2D0>E$= >=+4* =D =,0 ID==DF D. =,0 CLE< ! #+FF0@ LE2 >=+@ ;E=+) =,0 @+40 +> =0E20@ LE2 =,0 @+>D==D +> 4@0LF& ML)) =D-0=,0@ += FL& =L*0 ;C =D K/ F+E;=0>J<

soothes your soul and sadness. But in its less cheesy form, artichokes are also high in fibre, antioxidants, have brain and cognitive benefits and will help out the health of your liver.


Great for your intake of vitamin C, folate, potassium and copper. These lovely balls of fun are great for bone density, cardiovascular health and have antibacterial properties. Onion fun fact: the outer layers are more nutrient dense than the inner layers, so don’t over peel!


Rich in many vitamins and minerals, so much in fact that some have said that half a cup of raw spinach actually equals one to five servings of fruits and veggies (this doesn’t mean to stop all other foods).You can steam, eat it raw, bake it into something, the possibilities are pretty vast. Also you get to have the sex appeal of Popeye.


These purple coloured root veggies are packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, magnesium and iron. They are great for your blood and your nervous system. Enjoy them steamed, roasted and

I’m sure by now we are all experts on kale, but did you know that it has more vitamin C than an orange, which we place such value on as our top source for vitamin C. Well now you can eat kale for whatever ails ya. It’s great sautéed, baked and made into chips, I have added it to soups and even salads for an extra nutritional kick, and of course smoothies. W

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even raw. The world is your oyster, your very purple oyster. I suggest you don’t wear white.

Trump’s military misunderstanding Sex with Mish Way

@MyszkaWay Late last week,Trump got digitally curb-stomped for a tweet he had posted in 2013 regarding sexual assault in the military.The Republican presidential nominee wrote, “26,000 unreported [sic] sexual assault in the militaryonly 238 convictions.What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?” When confronted about the tweet during an interview with NBC,Trump stood by his words and the avalanche of commenters decimated Twitter into rubble. About three years ago, the Pentagon reported a 43 per cent increase in sexual assaults. This meant that from 2012 to 2013, female soldiers were 15 times more likely to be raped by a comrade then killed in battle. People were offended by Trump’s statement, because the understood implication was that Trump was blaming women for the increase in sexual assaults. Even a whiff of victim blaming is a felony here in the court of public opinion. Trump is a controversial, button-pushing egomaniac, but I believe in free speech more than his orange glow, so tweet on, Donald. Plus, he might have a point here: the American military isn’t ready to be co-ed. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Hear me out. I’m following this election

religiously. Considering I can’t legally vote for another few years, this seems kind of pointless, but I’m just preparing myself. It’s called assimilation. I asked for a handgun for Christmas. I even drive like an asshole now! Trump is a hype man. He can rile a crowd like Kurt Angle dominating the ring during the Ultimate SmackDown. He’s also a bit of a psychopath, and a uniquely American one at that. He rambles. He flies off the cuff. It’s part of his so-called charm, but it often leaves him misunderstood. In a very specific way, I can kind of relate. I am not good at speaking on the spot. I prefer to find the right words with writing.Trump’s ego won’t give him a minute to second-guess himself.When you are a megalomaniac, the world should always just know what you mean. And they are the stupid ones if they fail to see your point. I know I’m going to sound a little Ann Coulter here, but in defense of Trump’s statement, he is not blaming women for the injustices they have suffered in the military. He is pointing out the barbarity in human nature. I knew this guy who served in Iraq. Let’s call him Devon. He was there a long, long time. During one tour, he remembers a female psychologist being flown in to help some of the soldiers with mental issues and conduct general evaluations.

Continued on page 17

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SEX Continued from page 14 Devon was one of the soldiers who had to meet the psychologist at her helicopter and escort her to base.When the plane landed, he said this overwhelming animalistic feeling swept over him. “When she stepped off the helicopter, it was like we could smell female,” he said. “It was wild. It had been so long and we could all feel her presence. It was basic, like hunger.” Devon and his comrades had been taught by their mothers, sisters and society at large, that sexual assault and rape are wrong.They were nothing but gentleman to this psychologist, but that week, they were fighting their primal senses harder than they fought the Iraqis. “Rape is a sexual expression of the will-to-power, which nature plants in all of us and which civilization rose to contain,” wrote Camille Paglia in Sexual Personne. “Therefore the rapist is a man with too little socialization rather than too much.World-wide evidence is overwhelming that whenever social controls are weakened, as in war or mob rule, even civilized men behave in uncivilized ways, among which is the barbarity of rape.” There’s this bird called the great-tailed grackle that is native to Texas. Last March, my band and I were sitting with a reporter doing an interview when I saw a female fly down and perch next to us. Suddenly, a larger male grackle swooped down and mounted her, trying to hump the bird.The female screeched, struggled and flew off.The male waited for a moment before flying to the next female and trying his hand at rape once again. Contrary to what some might think, society has not harmed us women, but has, in fact, helped. Society is what allowed us to gain intellectual and economic power. Capitalism helped create the modern independent

woman and gave her choices. The primal and basic evolutionary realities of life are what have been our greatest hurdle.To quote Paglia, “Sex can not be understood because nature can not be understood.” Animalistic urges exist within all of us, and societies that do a good job of instilling values that force us to question these urges are invariably safer places. If a society has done a poor job of instilling a basic respect for women, if it celebrates aggression and violence and mocks empathy, well guess what? That’s not a place you’re going to want to hang out at 3am on a Saturday night. The high rate of sexual assaults in the American military suggests there is something deeply wrong with the values of the society that created its members.The military is a cross-section of American society after all, and the pressure and stress soldiers endure only exacerbates any underlying societal defects. It is a microcosm of America itself, with its flaws amplified by the horrific nature of war. Globally, the US ranks 14 in world with 27.3 rapes per 100,000, according to the UN’s crime stats. Canada is way down the list at No. 97 with 1.7 rapes per 100,000. It would be nice if women could serve alongside men in the American military, but clearly America isn’t there yet and I don’t think we will be for a long time. (I suggest watching The InvisibleWar, an award-winning documentary about the aftermath of brutal sexual assault cases in the US military.) Trump wasn’t passing the fault onto women and saying they should get out of the military and go back to the kitchen. By saying women are at higher risk, he was nodding to Mother Nature, pointing his tiny orange hand at the greattailed grackle and saying, “We have risen above this behaviour, but never forget, that is what we came from.” W

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Free Will Astrology By Rob Brezsny

Horoscopes as provided by WE Editorial

What should you do if your allies get bogged down by excess caution or lazy procrastination? Here’s what I advise: Don’t confront them or berate them. Instead, cheerfully do what must be done without their help. And what action should you take if mediocrity begins to creep into collaborative projects? Try this: Figure out how to restore excellence, and cheerfully make it happen. And how should you proceed if the world around you seems to have fallen prey to fear-induced apathy or courage-shrinking numbness? My suggestion: Cheerfully kick the world’s butt – with gentle but firm good humor.

For the foreseeable future, your main duty is to be in love. Rowdily and innocently in love. Meticulously and shrewdly in love. In love with whom or what? Everyone and everything – or at least with as much of everyone and everything as you can manage. I realize this is a breathtaking assignment that will require you to push beyond some of your limitations and conjure up almost superhuman levels of generosity. But that’s exactly what the cosmic omens suggest is necessary if you want to break through to the next major chapter of your life story.

What do you hope to be when you are all grown up, Gemini? An irresistible charmer who is beloved by many and owned by none? A master multi-tasker who’s paid well for the art of never being bored? A versatile virtuoso who is skilled at brokering truces and making matches and tinkering with unique blends? The coming weeks will be a favorable time to entertain fantasies like these – to dream about your future success and happiness. You are likely to generate good fortune for yourself as you brainstorm and play with the pleasurable possibilities. I invite you to be as creative as you dare.

“Dear Soul Doctor: I have been trying my best to body-surf the flood of feelings that swept me away a few weeks ago. So far I haven’t drowned! That’s good news, right? But I don’t know how much longer I can stay afloat. It’s hard to maintain so much concentration. The power and volume of the surge doesn’t seem to be abating. Are there any signs that I won’t have to do this forever? Will I eventually reach dry land? – Careening Crab.” Dear Careening: Five or six more days, at the most: You won’t have to hold out longer than that. During this last stretch, see if you can enjoy the ride more. Re-imagine your journey as a rambunctious adventure rather than a harrowing ordeal. And remember to feel grateful: Not many people have your capacity to feel so deeply.

If there can be such a thing as a triumphant loss, you will achieve it sometime soon. If anyone can slink in through the back door but make it look like a grand entrance, it’s you. I am in awe of your potential to achieve auspicious reversals and medicinal redefinitions. Plain old simple justice may not be available, but I bet you’ll be able to conjure up some unruly justice that’s just as valuable. To assist you in your cagey maneuvers, I offer this advice: Don’t let your prowess make you overconfident, and always look for ways to use your so-called liabilities to your advantage.

Caution: You may soon be exposed to outbreaks of peace, intelligence, and mutual admiration. Sweet satisfactions might erupt unexpectedly. Rousing connections could become almost routine, and useful revelations may proliferate. Are you prepared to fully accept this surge of grace? Or will you be suspicious of the chance to feel soulfully successful? I hope you can find a way to at least temporarily adopt an almost comically expansive optimism. That might be a good way to ensure you’re not blindsided by delight.

“Brainwashing” is a word with negative connotations. It refers to an intensive indoctrination that scours away a person’s convictions and replaces them with a new set of rigid beliefs. But I’d like to propose an alternative definition for your use in the coming days. According to my astrological analysis, you now have an extraordinary power to thoroughly wash your own brain – thereby flushing away toxic thoughts and trashy attitudes that might have collected there. I invite you to have maximum fun as you make your inner landscape clean and sparkly.

My astrological divinations suggest that a lightning storm is headed your way, metaphorically speaking. But it shouldn’t inconvenience you much – unless you do the equivalent of getting drunk, stumbling out into the wasteland, and screaming curses toward heaven. (I don’t recommend that.) For best results, consider this advice: Take shelter from the storm, preferably in your favorite sanctuary. Treat yourself to more silence and serenity than you usually do. Meditate with the relaxed ferocity of a Zen monk high on Sublime Emptiness. Got all that? Now here’s the best part: Compose a playfully edgy message to God, telling Her about all the situations you want Her to help you transform during the next 12 months.

Novelist Tom Robbins said this about my work: “I’ve seen the future of American literature and its name is Rob Brezsny.” Oscar-winning actress Marisa Tomei testified, “Rob Brezsny gets my nomination for best prophet in a starring role. He’s a script doctor for the soul.” Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter Jason Mraz declared, “Rob Brezsny writes everybody’s favorite astrology column. I dig him for his powerful yet playful insights, his poetry and his humor.” Are you fed up with my boasts yet, Sagittarius? I will spare you from further displays of egomania under one condition: You have to brag about yourself a lot in the coming days – and not just with understated little chirps and peeps. Your expressions of self-appreciation must be lush, flamboyant, exultant, witty, and sincere.

By normal standards, your progress should be vigorous in the coming weeks. You may score a new privilege, increase your influence, or forge a connection that boosts your ability to attract desirable resources. But accomplishments like those will be secondary to an even more crucial benchmark: Will you understand yourself better? Will you cultivate a more robust awareness of your strengths and weaknesses, your needs and your duties? Will you get clear about what you have to learn and what you have to jettison?

I’m confident that you would never try to sneak through customs with cocaine-laced goat meat or a hundred live tarantulas or some equally prohibited contraband. Please use similar caution as you gear up for your rite of passage or metaphorical border crossing. Your intentions should be pure and your conscience clear. Any baggage you take with you should be free of nonsense and delusions. To ensure the best possible outcome, arm yourself with the highest version of brave love that you can imagine.

Should you be worried if you have fantasies of seducing a deity, angel, or superhero? Will it be weird if some night soon you dream of an erotic rendezvous with a mermaid, satyr, or centaur? I say no. In fact, I’d regard events like these as healthy signs. They would suggest that you’re ready to tap into mythic and majestic yearnings that have been buried deep in your psyche. They might mean your imagination wants to steer you toward experiences that will energize the smart animal within you. And this would be in accordance with the most exalted cosmic tendencies. Try saying this affirmation: “I am brilliantly primal. I am wildly wise. I am divinely surprising.”

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