7 minute read
Ed Ashurst latest book Mel Potter and Friends is a tremendous testament to one of rodeo and ranchings long time ambassadors. Ed did a tremendous job of putting eight and a half decades of Mel Potter between 307 pages! I know Mel’s wife Wendy, will refer to this book as the Cliff Notes of Mel. I’m sure other people have thought about writing a book about Mel’s interesting life, only someone of Ed Ashurst’s intimate knowledge of rodeo and ranching could appropriately document such an incredible life! In a typical Mel Potter fashion, the book couldn’t be just about Him. Mel shares stories about a horses, airplanes and friends on every page of the book. Ed left some blank pages in the back of the book so you can write in your own Mel Potter story. Mel Potter has certainly lived a life that will last a lot longer than he does. I really enjoyed the book and love Ed Ashurst’s writing.
Other books by Ed include; Alligators in the Moat: Politics and the Mexican Border, Miracle or Coincidence?, Stealin’ From The Neighbors, Real Cowboys; Grand Canyon to Mexico, and Wagon Boss: A True Cowboy Story.
ABOUT ED ASHURST: Ed Ashurst is the author of seven other books. He is also a working cowboy who has ridden and gathered cattle and horses on over seven thousand square miles of the American West accumulating over fifty years of experience as a big ranch cowboy. He currently manages a large cattle ranch in Southeastern Arizona. He has also been involved in producing rodeos and horse shows as well as horse sales and has competed in the rodeo arena for over fifty years. His books are about his life’s experiences covering different aspects and scenes that race across his vivid memory and water a fertile imagination. All that he has written originated from stories that are well worn from being told many times. He believes that storytelling is an art form that is no less important than painting or sculpting and people say that his books read as if the storyteller is there in person.

I don’t know about you but I often find myself praying to God to give me something! Anything, just whatever I am in need of in the moment to get through the day. Yesterday, I was about to say a prayer that was gonna go something like this, “Lord help me have peace in this pasture as we were about to sort 2 of our bulls off from the neighbors herd...” I literally felt like he whispered back to me so fast with a question, “Why are you asking for what you already have?” You see its impossible for God not to be God! If I believe that statement then God is peace and since I believe in Jesus Christ as the Risen Son of God I actually have peace within me. All I need to do is choose it & then apply it! Right? It’s so much easier to say it or type it out. I mean what does prayer truly mean to me? Its where I seek God but am I receiving God, then applying His Word? Prayer is talking to God but its more than sending my needs and request. Yes, those are parts of my prayers but prayer is more than that. Israel looked to the Tabernacle as a place of prayer. It was never actually called the Tabernacle though, it was called the Mishkan. It comes from the Hebrew Word, Shakan, which means to dwell. There is so much more to the Mishkan but this is what the Lord has given me for whomever is reading this word trying to get themselves back in the middle when it comes to dwelling with God. You see dwelling places create more dwelling places. Prayer isn’t just an action, it’s a meeting, an encounter. Prayer is about dwelling! It’s the dwelling place of you and God coming together. It’s about being present in the presence of God. Mishkan also means the remaining, the continuing, the abiding and the inhabiting. It’s finding peace in His Peace. Its finding Joy in His Joy. Its finding hope in His Hope. So this prayer may seem simple because it isn’t a long one but it is a deep one of dwelling.
Heavenly Father it is impossible for you not to be you. Today, I choose to remain in your peace because you are peace. I choose to dwell and be present in your presence. I choose to remind myself that when I submit myself to you, resist the devil and believe that in the name of Jesus he will flee from me, that it is done. As I choose to move with you I trust you are moving with me. So thank you for reminding me you are always wherever I am and all I need to do is let you handle whats trying to handle me, in Jesus name Amen.
Follow LeAnn at #jwandlee or visit www.leannhartministries.com

Having the knowledge and understanding of the challenges that face the animal agriculture industry has been helpful in transitioning from being a secondary vocational agriculture teacher & FFA advisor to a feed sales representative with one of the largest companies in the industry. With a background in livestock production, putting yourself in the shoes of the consumer and having an understanding of what they deal with day-to-day proves to be valuable. Having that understanding helps to ensure that I am able to ensure they are finding the products and being provided the resources to raise and care for healthy animals.
I grew up in Queen Creek, Arizona long before it was developed into cookie cutter neighborhoods and shopping plazas – back when the fields were as far as the eye could see. I was immersed in production agriculture from the day I was born, often times horseback with my dad at a jackpot roping. Throughout my early years and into high school I was heavily involved in the local 4-H club and then the FFA chapter at Gilbert High School under which I exhibited market livestock at local jackpot shows, county fairs, the Arizona State Fair and national shows. My time in “ag class” is where I found my calling and inspiration to become an Agriculture Teacher and FFA Advisor; under the guidance of three world class educators, Mr. Dennis Bushong, Mr. Ken Johnson, and Miss Marci Alderman. But that was just the start of the success story. After high school, I went on to become a state FFA officer serving nearly 12,000 members across the state of Arizona advocating for agriculture education & the FFA organization – truly bleeding the blue and gold. I studied Agriculture Technology Management & Education at The University of Arizona and student taught with Mr. Lance Fite at Safford High School. I spent the next three years teaching secondary vocational agriculture education and advising the FFA chapter in rural Arizona. Working to align state standards with local relevant curriculum all while building community within my program were the cornerstones to a successful, but short, time in the education world. Those three years were filled with student achievement success in and out of the classroom, the lowest of low days more times than not accompanied by the highest of highs, milestone achievements as an early career teacher, and professional experiences that still to this day play a relevant role in my life. I took a leap of faith this spring in deciding that it was time for a career change. Time to step out of the formal role of an educator and find my place in the industry. I am so excited to be working with consumers and retail locations to help educate folks on how Cargill products can help their animals, find solutions to problems, and continue to be a positive advocate for the agriculture industry.
The agriculture industry in my opinion is the most important industry in the world. We are tasked with feeding millions that depend on our producers both on the sides of animal and plant production. As a representative of Cargill, it is my duty to live up to our mission of helping the world thrive.
GET IN TOUCH: Justen Ollendick, Retail Account Representative, Cargill Animal Nutrition Arizona/California Direct: 520-507-8952 Toll free: 1-888-247-8066 Justen_Ollendick@cargill.com