Western Ag Life Magazine - Fall 2019

Page 24

WHAT IS YOUR OCCUPATION? Farmer, Marketer, Businessman.


JAY HILL hilljay45

WHAT’S A TYPICAL DAY LIKE FOR YOU? There is no such thing as a typical day. Every day presents itself with new challenges and new blessings. IF YOU COULD BE ANYWHERE OTHER THAN HERE, RIGHT THIS MINUTE, WHERE WOULD YOU BE? (DON’T OVERTHINK IT!) High in the mountains elk hunting. FLASHBACK TO WHEN YOU WERE 10 YEARS OLD. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? A farmer. FINISH THIS SENTENCE. ON SUNDAY MORNINGS, YOU CAN USUALLY FIND ME... Drinking coffee with my girls. HOW DO YOU WANT PEOPLE TO REMEMBER YOU? As a man that gave all he could for his faith, his family and his occupation. WHAT’S SOMEONE YOU ADMIRE, AND WHY? I admire my father because even though he is in his late 70’s, his willingness to learn something new is never ending. TELL US THREE PET PEEVES. Bad table manners, inquires on acreage farmed, and the presumption that all agriculturalists are not environmentally friendly. HOW DO YOU THINK YOUR COLLEAGUES WOULD DESCRIBE YOU? Out of the box thinker and wildly ambitious. WHAT DO YOU THINK ARE THE BEST SKILLS THAT YOU BRING TO YOUR JOB? The ability to motivate and the ability to articulate a message to people who don’t understand where their food comes from.

PG. 24 :: FALL 2019

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