2 minute read
Suzy Bogguss
By Dean Fish
Suzy Bogguss is set to entertain new and old fans alike in Prescott and Sonoita, Arizona in March. The Grammy, CMA, ACM and ASCAP award-winning artist promises to deliver a night of sparkling vocals, entertaining stories and signature witty banter with the audience.

Bogguss caught the public’s notice in the 1990’s, an era where country music experienced unprecedented popularity. She sold over 4 million records, led by hits such as Outbound Plane,Someday Soon, Letting Go, and Drive South. Bogguss wanted to explore her other musical interests and recorded an album of duets with Chet Atkins, and in 2003, recorded an album of modern swing music with Ray Benson of Asleep at the Wheel. She also charted an album of jazz music and has an intense love for folk music. Her folk music roots shine through her frequent appearances on A Prairie Home Companion as well as the Grammy she earned for her work on Beautiful Dreamer: The Songs of Stephen Foster. 2011 saw Bogguss release her critically-acclaimed album and book project, American Folk Songbook. In 2014, she released Lucky, her take on songs written by Merle Haggard.

Bogguss is probably best known for her album Aces. Many of her signature hits came out of this 1991 release. To celebrate the 25th anniversary, Bogguss has re-recorded Aces with some of Nashville’s top players in Aces Redux. Suzy says, “The songs are timeless, butover the past 25 years I feel like I’ve grown as a vocalist, and whenwe started recording Aces Redux I got so excited because thesesongs took on a whole new life that is more representative of whoI am and what I do now.” Anyone who listens will agree that hercreativity, tenacity and talent have aligned on this album and willenthrall long-time and new fans alike.
Bogguss is excited to come to Arizona again. The area holds aspecial place in her heart, and she feels like she fits in perfectly withher boots and conchos. Her real love for the West and wide-openspaces is apparent in her shows through her music and audienceengagement.
She’ll be at the beautiful Elks Theatre in Prescott on March 22and at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds in Sonoita on March 23.Get your tickets through www.GoPattyWagon.com before theysell out!

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