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Cattle News!

The Arizona Hereford Association was established in 1933 for thepurpose of promoting the Hereford breed. The first president of theassociation was Tom Heady. The association is grateful to Mr. Headyand those fine men who followed him and served as officers of thisorganization over the past 82 years. During the history of the ArizonaHereford Association, there have been over 40 annual bull sales offeringquality genetics to cattlemen across the Western United States. Inaddition, many Junior Field Days were conducted at several outstandingranches across the state of Arizona.Arizona Hereford breeders offer cattle to both commercial and registeredoperations that show strong fertility, manageable birth weights,mothering ability, hardiness, gentle temperament and efficient feedconversion. The Hereford breed is known as the “Efficiency Breed”and Hereford cattle have always excelled in tenderness, juiciness andpalatability. For over 100 years, they have maintained their superiorityin feed conversion and cost of gain.The Arizona Angus Association initially began to organize in the 1990’s with the help of a fine breeder by the name of Larry Holland. Aftermany starts and stops, the association was officially up and runningby October of 1999.Arizona Angus members are breeders who offer quality genetics to bothregistered and commercial operations. For over 100 years the Angusbreed has had established traits such as calving ease, marbling, strongmaternal instincts and feed efficiency. The Arizona Angus Associationbegan holding an annual bull sale in conjunction with Cattleman’sWeekend in Chino Valley, Arizona in the year 2000. This event offersbuyers a quality set of Angus bulls for breeding programs.The mission of both the Arizona Hereford Association and the ArizonaAngus Association are to promote the Hereford and the Angus breedsrespectively. We welcome all to join our associations and assist us inour promotion of the Hereford and/or Angus breed. A complete list ofall who served as presidents to the associations can be found on ourwebsite at www.azherefordangus.org.
We would also like to thank the producers who participated in the 2019 Arizona Hereford & Angus bull sale! We would additionally like to thank each and every buyer who supported the Arizona producers by purchasing a bull in Chino Valley during Cattleman’s Weekend at Prescott Livestock Auction. 2019 Cattleman’s Weekend Results: Grand Champion Hereford bull pen was consigned by Mountain View Herefords of Elgin, AZ Grand Champion Angus bull pen was consigned by Lazy S ranch from Willcox, AZ. Reserve Champion Angus bull pen was consigned by Diamond K Angus from Springerville, AZ.