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In Memoriam - Quirt Peterson

©Shelly Jacobs, Yellow Rose Photography
3/29/2001 ~ 10/10/2018
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. MATTHEW 5:16
Following Quirt Peterson: Written by Ed Ashurst
I saw Quirt on several occasions riding all day in the dust and greasewood and the endless sand following trotty cattle, and by the time he was ten Ace had showed him how to get in front and stop them, for the wannabes who don’t know the difference I’ll explain that it’s not the same to be just following or being able to out think a cow and stop her. He knew because his father had taught him. Train up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it. He knew early on the way to go and he knew when to stop. I saw him on the Big Hatchet, he and Whip riding all day and swinging their ropes. I would think, those darn kids’ arms are going to fall off, but then later I saw him in the short go and he wasn’t afraid because the rope had become part of him. Train up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it. That’s a tough one because now he’s gone and you can do no more training, no more coaching, no more instructing. He was always quiet, never loud around horses, cattle or girls at the dance. You could tell that as a man he would lead by example not word. He is a good one. He is . . . because he still is. Train up a child in the way he would go and he will not depart from it. Well, now that he has moved on, you have to follow him because you trained him in the way he should go. Jesus conquered death, Hell, and the grave. Quirt wasn’t afraid of dying because he was too busy living. Don’t weep for Quirt but weep for yourself because you miss him. Train up a child in the way he should go and don’t be angry when he gets there. He was tall and getting handsome. Now he will always be that way. Handsome and wearing a snow white shirt, waiting at the roundup ground, and it’s springtime over there, and it has been raining.