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Western Reads

In the intro to her Little Winter Book of Gnomes, Kirsten Sevig reminds us that gnome is defined as both “a legendary dwarfish figure” and also “a wise, pithy saying.” So she gives us gnomes (“It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”) accompanied by adorable illustrations of gnomes! The combined gnomes and other Nordic goodness make for a stocking stuffer of maximum cuteness. At the other end of the gift-book spectrum is The John Wayne Code: Wit, Wisdom and Timeless Advice from the American Icon. Covered in faux leather for more authentic ruggedness, it’s packed with photos and quotes and, well, gnomes. The straight shooter on your gift list will likely enjoy this celebration of Duke and his philosophy.

During World War II, twenty-nine Navajo Marines were tasked with creating a code from their language, which became an unbreakable cypher. The unique, interactive Navajo Code Talker Manual gives a brief history of the Code Talkers, includes a pullout code dictionary, and teaches you how to create and decipher the code that influenced the outcome of the war. It is a gift to be treasured, much like our heroes themselves. Over and Under the Snow, by Kate Messner and Christopher Neal, is a fun, educational read for your youngsters this winter. Follow a girl and her father as they ski through the woods and discover the secret kingdom of animals under the snow. Your child will like the pictures and story, and you’ll like how much there is for them to learn.

One forest animal you might not see is the elusive sasquatch. But you can read about him in In Me Own Words: The Autobiography of Bigfoot by Graham Rourmieu. This hilarious memoir for grownups sloppily crafted by big hairy himself shares tidbits like, “Puberty hard for Bigfoot. Start get curly fur in place no curly fur before. Start mark territory and kill rival males. Hard make friend. No have date for senior prom.” Life is tough all over!
Here’s an idea for the New Year: go online, find a reading challenge, and see who in your family can read the most books on the list in 2020. No matter what, everybody wins! Aaron Downey is the Managing Editor of Rio Nuevo Publishers, a division of Treasure Chest Books. Visit www.rionuevo.com