Western Community Centre Annual Report 2017

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1 July 2016 - 30 June 2017


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38. Fruit Trees in Homes 40. Nawton Skate Park 41. Solar Power Stats 42. Community Events 43 Chill in the Park 44. Treats in the Park 47. Home Safety Wellbeing Village Fair 48. Waitangi Day 49. Dads & Sons Breakfast 49. Hamilton Fighting Game Community 49. Big Thanks to TJ 50. Low Cost Living Expo 51. Some Cool Pics 52. Always heaps of goodness available 53. Some More Cool Pics 54. Why we do what we do 55. Don’t know these people! 56. Great picture of some of our staff/board/volunteers

This Report was designed, produced and printed at

The Western Community Centre

Western Community Centre

4. Centre in Numbers 5. Thank You to our Funders and Supporters 6. Board Members 7. Chairperson - Jamie Toko 8. Our Mission, Vision, Values 9. Manager - Neil Tolan 10. Administrator/Projects - Max Coyle 11. Funding Coordinator - Joan Marshall 11. Centre Custodian - Mathew Shadbolt 12. Services Coordinator - Aileen Rangi-Whaikawa Mills 13. 50+ Raglan Harbour Cruise 16. Western Community News 17. Whanau Support Worker 18. Talented Tamariki 20. Fabulosity Youth Programme 22. Youth Development Worker - Nathan Morgan 23. Western Brotherhood Youth Programme 24. Community Feedback 26. Where our Funds Came From 27. How our Funds were Spent 28. Venue Users for the Year 30. Courage Counselling - Jenny Ensing 31. Laughter Club 31. Wairahi Taiapa - Justice of the Peace Clinic 32. Holiday Programme - Trish Terry 33. Holiday Programme - Anaru Terry 34. After School Care - Reegan, Ngahuia, Tina 35. After School Care -Thomas, Sandy, Alex 36. After School Care - Our Children 37. Chain Link 37. Nawton Scooter Comp




Over thousand

tonne of snow arrived at

4 events People Attended


Western Community Newspaper pages printed




18 New

Over one million

Chill in the Park Treats in the Park Home Safety Village Fair Waitangi Day


Western Wheels Courses

Centre Reception




40,000 569

Volunteer Opportunities


Radio shows produced

Sunflower, seeds distributed


90 Unique Services Available

500 after school care


Venue used



Cups of teas made



4,000+ bags of fruit and 4 veggies packed

thank you

Dinsdale Lions Club

Norah Howell Charitable Trust Page Trust Waikato WDFF Karamu Trust Tidd Foundation Jefferies Nock & Associates Western Community Newspaper Advertisers Thanks to all those community members that come into the centre and make financial donations, or donate materials, items, clothing and most importantly give time.

s Report was designed, produced and printed at

The Western Community Centre



WCC board members Jamie Toko

Moses & Renu Cherrington


Bill Rees Dave Macpherson

Vice Chairperson Resigned May 17

Carl Jackson

Pare Ruha

Secretary Shanti Ralm

Wendy Katipo

Treasurer Aaron Wooley


Kia ora everyone


Nau mai haere mai. Welcome to our 2017 Annual General Meeting. To all distinguished guests, members of the community and our Funders, welcome. I would like to thank Neil, our staff, our many volunteers and the Western Community Association Board for all their efforts and hard work that have contributed to the success of our Centre. As we are aware our services and initiatives are a valuable asset within the western community and provide positive activities for parents and their children. The late nights and long weekends do not go unnoticed. Thank you. I would also like to thank our many Funders for their continued financial contribution to the Centre; Hamilton City Council, Ministry of Social Development, Trust Waikato, Lion Foundation, DV Bryant, Tidd foundation, just to name a few. Without this funding it would be very difficult to deliver these services and activities. Your funding has not only supported the operations and administration but it has also contributed to the wellbeing of the families and children we support. We have seen upgrades, redecorating and refurbishing of some of our venue rooms making the Centre more welcoming and affordable. Thank you. For many families, sustaining an affordable income often requires both parents working which leaves their children in a vulnerable position of care. The Centre takes a responsible attitude toward caring for children during these times by providing after school care and holiday programmes. The Centre will always be available for anyone in the community to drop in and have a chat with one of our staff members or just to have a conversation over a cup of tea. We won’t turn anyone away. Treats in the Park, Chill in the Park are just a few of the exciting activities that we run for families and their children, a safe, affordable and fun environment. Thank you to all the volunteers that planted our second project of fruit trees, well done. I particularly enjoy watching our local children enjoying the fruit from previous projects, and we are now beginning to see those benefits. Well done Neil and the team. With a steady increase in our budget and the demand on the venue and venue hire which has increased substantially; it is evident that we have out grown the building in its current capacity. The challenge and priority is to seek funding for an extension to the existing building but in the interim we are now working towards renovating part of the building that is owned and operated by HCC, discussions are currently under way to see this project fulfilled. I would appreciate the support of our current funders and community to assist in the planning and financing of this project. We do require an immense amount of help for this venture. Looking from a financial position the Centre has a very tight budget but works well with maintaining our events and services. We are a responsible employer and lead by example in the community. We understand the financial strain that some families encounter in terms of money owed for holiday and after school programmes but we are realistic in how that small debt can be recovered. The Board is always available and open to finding solutions for families. To the incoming Board, I welcome new and existing members because our “Building extension� will be a major focus for 2018 and will require robust discussion and planning. Unfortunately due to time restraints our Constitution and Policy review is now a task for 2017-2018 but we are committed to doing this within the next year. In closing, as always I have thoroughly enjoyed this year on the WCA Board working for the Community. Thank you again Neil, WCC Staff, HCC Staff, our volunteers and the WCA Board. No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, Kia ora tatou katoa. Nga mihi nui Jamie Toko JP WCA Chairperson

Jamie Toko

7 7

MISSION Whakatakanga

To create opportunities and provide support that enhances the holistic well-being of the people in our community.


Tirohanga whakamua

Thriving, vibrant, healthy and self reliant communities.

VALUES Ngaa uaratanga

Strength based Respect Integrity Quality services Meaningful Relationships Proffessionalism Te Tiriti O Waitangi


What a Ride! It has felt as though we have ridden a massive wave hanging on for our lives, powered by adrenalin and working alongside our engaging resourceful community. Cheering us on are our funders and supporters supporting by giving us the tools to reach our destination. With smiles on our faces surrounded by incredible highlights, challenges faced, milestones reached, outcomes delivered we reflect on our memorable, rewarding journey this year. The hard work our board, staff, volunteers, supporters and funders have put in over many years is really coming to fruition and we are seeing significant positive results.We are all winning the game of people connecting with people in our community! Services We now have 90 unique services with the addition of 18 new initiatives this year. The centre supports and collaborates with many of these services through the provision of space, advice, promotion, referral and practical help. Venue 127 community groups, clubs, organisations, schools and churches plus 88 family events/ gatherings used our venue during the year. Most days, nights and weekends we are at capacity with the high level of community involvement and engagement. To our funders and supporters, Thank you for partnering with us financially and through your time to provide the services and programmes that we strongly believe are making a real positive difference in this community. To our chairperson and board, Thank you to Jamie Toko who has been a tremendous support to myself and the centre over many years. Jamie gives the centre countless hours being Chairperson and always makes herself available and provides us with good sound leadership. Your support to me in my role is really appreciated! Thank you to Pare Ruha our Board Secretary who will not be restanding this year, you have been a great support to the board and myself over many years. To Dave Macpherson our former Deputy Chairperson your 20 years service to the centre has been outstanding. The centre would not be the community resource it is if wasn’t for your influence, direction and commitment to grassroots community development. Thank you to each board member for their support, encouragement, advice and guidance throughout the year. I have enjoyed working with you all and appreciate that you are all 100% behind our vision. Thank you for the time you take out of your busy lives to support the centre and community.

Special mention To James Shepherd and Vicky Rush who left us this year for retirement and a promotion, thank you for all the hard work you put in to the centre. To our staff and volunteers Thank you for your ongoing commitment and dedication to helping make our part of Hamilton a great place for our families. Thank you for making the centre a fun and rewarding place to work in and for supporting me in my role. We are all part of an incredible journey!

Neil Tolan 9

Administrator/Projects Tēna koutou e āku rangatira, greetings to everyone that has visited or rang or emailed or facebooked or sent a raven to the Western Community Centre. It's been an honour to greet you and help in any way that I can and I hope I've done an OK job! :D Its also been really fulfilling putting together Hamilton's best newspaper, the Western Community News and being able to collect your stories and share some of my own. Our circulation has expanded to over 19'000 now and we welcome all our new readers. Our newspaper is going from strength to strength and is Hamiltons only kiwi owned newspaper, and not for profit even! Chur! We have had some fantastic shows each Friday on FreeFM and thanks to all our listeners. Its been great being able to provide Facebook Live videos again also of our events and fun stuff happening at the Centre, especially for those that can't make it along. Previous projects I've implemented are going well, our worms are squirming and we've supplied hundreds of worms farms with their worms around the region. The sun is shining and our solar panels are due to pay themselves off shortly and hopefully we can expand our solar array to increase our production from 1/3-1/2 of our needs to 3/4 of our needs. The public computer suite is full everyday with people applying for jobs, preparing CV's, searching for housing and whakawhanaungatanga. We're expanding and upgrading our technological capacity with a network and WIFI upgrade bringing our 13 year old whare up to scratch for our venue users and staff. The venue has been absolutely packed this year and we've had more people through our doors than ever before. Looking forward to an even more action packed 2018 and expanding what we can do for our community.

Max Coyle


Funding Coordinator As Funding Co-ordinator I wish to take this opportunity of thanking all who have supported the Centre either by way of grants from Trusts and Foundations through to donations left in the donation box at the counter. All are really appreciated and allow the Centre to provide services and events for the community assisting in creating the vibrant community of West Hamilton. Our funders continue to shown their faith and support of the Centre, many now offering multi year grants, and my thanks and appreciation to each and every one that has partnered Western Community Association in the last 12 months.

Joan Marshall Hi my names Matty! I have been years. With coming into was able to

a volunteer with the centre for almost 15 the big increase in numbers of groups the centre each day and night this year I receive paid employment as the custodian.

I complete a number of tasks each week including looking after the table and chair hire service, jumping on the vacuum, moving things from A to B, recycling and waste management, mowing lawns, water blasting our buildings, venue support and assisting us with keeping the busy centre running smoothly. I love it!

Mathew Shadbolt Centre




Services Coordinator Welcome to our CENTRE, a world of daily differences, opportunities and interests. Where no two persons are the same in mannerisms, beliefs and life circumstances. We are constantly learning from our past and present events, programs and colleagues the worth of men, women and children. Be it in the Little Stars Playgroup, Western Wheels Learner Licence, the 50+ groups comprising of The Walking Group, The Woolley Club, Luncheon and Bus Trips, Tai Chi, Shopping Van, Home visits & Hospital support and the list continues. Mountains of gratitude to our volunteer core group who give service to the centre in multiple ways every day. These women, men and teenagers make friend shipping a reality of the best kind. Thank you for supporting us, Nora Howell, WDFF Karamu Trust, Tidd Foundation, DV Bryant and MOE by funding these causes in our unique centre.

Western Community Centre The Wes te

rn Com munity Centr e

50+ shopping 50+ Luncheon Tai chi

50+ Bus Trips

Wooly Club Western Walkers


Western Wheels


“Be Successful”… “Talk it up”… … ” t u o t i k l a “W

Aileen Rangi-Whaikawa-Mills


Raglan Harbour Cruise and Lunch Western 50+ Events


70 people from the over 50s from the Western Community Centre enjoyed the boat cruise on the boat Wahine Moe in the 1.5-hour trip around Raglan harbour in November 2016. Transported in a bus trip supplied by Go Bus and driven by Kevin, the over 50s group left the Western Community Centre. We filed on as strangers to become new friends.

Stories abound as strangers became acquaintances and then acquaintances became firm friends as the bus journeyed to Raglan. Kevin's considerate driving contributed to our enjoyment as he parked the large bus near the boat “Wahine Moe�. We all very much enjoyed Kevin's driving and his care and concern for us all and this was shown as he parked close to where we embarked on the boat or close to where we had lunch. As we sauntered to the boat, the true character of our over 50 club started to show its true colour. Those who were weak and frail were helped down the gang plank to the boat by those who were more able to assist them. The character of CARE WAS shown and displayed amongst our entire group. You know you were with the over 50s when we all made a mad dash to the toilet when the bus stopped. The crew members of Fairmont and Tim and the captain made all of us feel at ease. I thought it was going to be rough and choppy but the trimaran's design made the trip smooth sailing for the hour and a half we circled the harbour. Morning tea was served by Tim and Neil from Western Community Centre which allowed those over 50 who didn't have their sea legs to be spoilt by being served hot tea and coffee and delicious muffins. The appreciation of the trip got even better as the captain gave stories of the different parts of Raglan Harbour. The sights of the "pancake rocks" took my breath away as it did all the others who saw them. We even had a wave from a camper on the beach who had been camped there since winter.



I was told by the crew member Fairmont that the cruise catered to many groups from China. He also gave me a little history of Raglan and Eva Rickard who created a youth training camp with the land reclaimed from the NZ Govt when it annexed the land during World War 2 and was later turned into a golf course. A large number of youth have learned many new skills at that youth camp.

Fairmont also shared a story how their family used to swim from where Raglan is now inland for a few kilometres, even floating on a log to their land in the harbour. Neil and Max recorded for their radio station program as they circulated among our group. When the trip finished we all clapped for the crew in appreciation of their friendly service. Our next port of call was Raglan Club where we were to have lunch. Our meal consisted of beef, roast pumpkin, potato, and pasta in a delicious mayonnaise. We didn’t wait long to be served either. Serving the elderly was expressed here as well. Those who were tired from the boat trip just sat and were served. Pavlova and ice cream was our dessert. The pavlova just melted in our mouths.

Then a group photo and then on to the bus back to the Western Community Centre. Comments from Betty were that she “loved the hot pies and coffee with muffins…” she loved being assisted up the stairs to the Raglan Club and said the helpers were friendly and helpful. Comments from would be just happiness was of experience

Lucetta Forde was "all her Christmases came at once" she said "she sitting at home and have a sandwich for Christmas Day.” The glow of seen on those who attended this boat trip made this trip as a memory would be a treasure to keep in our treasure boxes.

A huge thanks Neil and staff from the Western Community Centre and the funders that provided this opportunity for the over 50s. Again, it was a place to get to know more of our over 50s group.




36 years later our newspaper is still telling our stories!

These issues represent over 1 million pages that have been delivered to Hamilton West residents over the past 12 months. Hamilton’s longest serving community owned newspaper!

Our Newspaper Team Max Dillon Coyle - WCC Dave Macpherson -HCC Councillor Tim Atkinson - Fraser High School Neil Tolan - WCC Jan Plumley - Proof Reader

Thank you for your Support! Our Advertisers 16 Our Contributors Our readers

Whanau Support Worker Yet again it has been another awesome year here at the Centre, this place is truly a happy and enjoyable place to be apart of. What I still love most is how each individual that walks through our doors are greeted with a friendly bubbly smile and provided with a safe friendly space to access support and guidance at any given time. Our staff are all approachable and have no trouble supporting one another at any given time. My role as whanau support worker has definitely continued to grow, a lot more whanau / families are coming through seeking support and advice with their day to day struggles, many have no idea where to start and seeking support is not and easy thing for our families to do. The housing crisis in Hamilton has definitely seen a huge rise in families reaching out for help, majority of these families are needing emergency housing such as motels, boarding homes or cabins, however they have little to no idea on where to begin or what supports are available for them to access. Many of our families are still living it rough staying in cars, cold garages, house hopping, room hopping, up to 4 families living in one house at a time, these situations are becoming more and more common in todays society. Referrals to Peoples Project and Housing NZ have been my first point of call as these are the two main agencies working with families currently experiencing this crisis. I look forward to the year ahead and what it is yet to bring our staff and the families within our community,

Support provided this year Advocacy at Work & Income, Support with Oranga Tamariki “CYFs” and Police, Probation, Courts, Social Workers in schools along with Principals and Teachers, Youth Support Services, Early Childhood Education Centres. Referrals to Waikato Womens Refuge, People’s Project, Housing New Zealand, Relationship Counselling, Drug and Alcohol Counselling, Budgeting Services, Lawyers for Parenting and Protection orders, Parenting Programs, “HAIP” Hamilton Abuse Intervention Program, Advice on where and how to access Food Banks, Night Shelters and Accomodation.

Karina Cootes

17 17

Talented Tamariki Talented Tamariki is a group that Karina put together for young leaders like us to be the voice of the children in our community. We meet once a week on a Monday after school to plan community events and help people who are in need. Our group is made up of Nawton and Maeroa kids and we all love coming along and having our own special group. We even have our own group t shirts so everyone knows who we are and we wear these when we are running events. One of our biggest events this year was our Anti Bullying Disco that we put on for the centres after school care and any other children around our centre at the time, it was really cool sharing the message to all the children who attended, we got up and preformed an anti bullying item where we all sang and rapped this was our way of making a stand. We all love Talented Tamariki and all get along with Karina real good.

ted n e l a T n i g n I like bei we e s u a c e b i Tamarik un f y z a r c f do a lot o ise n a g r o e w , things a n i r a K d n a cool events p as is crack u -Jahvaeah

What I like the most is how we communicate better with people now and learn to help people who are in need. - Mellissa -

Ta he lente an aps d Ta eve d I li of t ma nts ke le hing riki . W ar s in is c fun e a ning ou ool wh lwa how r co as, w mm e en ys t o - A we hav org unit roh tog e h an y a - eth eap ize er s o . f


d rn e t a f la en e le ps o y. n T se w hea unit i ing cau lan mm e b be d p co e I lik riki s an our ia a ing or iw m f Ta th ngs - Or w i ne n th fu

a s i i k i r a am T d e t an n c e w Tale , p ou r g e v i t suppor n and talk to be ope ut anything, bo a s a p n i a r e a h K e hav s y a w l we a of fun. el l e n e G -

Talented Tamariki

Talen is aw ted Ta for p esome a mariki eople s, we w c and we le ho need ook food arn a new stuff lot of . - Reh ua -

I like in this beca group every use alwa one is ys kin d and c a - Cha ring. rday ebeing

We and help h eap hav e time fun s of p at t eople , we yum eat h he sam eap my e s f -W ood of aim t arie o. -

Children’s Committe




group Sessions held



This programme is designed by and for high school aged girls and incorporates a range of fun learning activities, goal setting, food and supporting others in the community.

“Goals are dreams without deadlines, What are yours? “ Fabulosity is a 7-week programme designed to empower young women between the ages of 13 and 17. and



The program focuses on leadership







impact on their overall health and well-being. Our weekly activities encourage these young women to take an active role in creating their own futures, as well as forming links and relationships within their community. It is hoped by creating critical connections with the centre at this age, they may continue to be involved and become mentors to others as they get older. Some of the many different activities we hold are as followed Master chef – Cook off, Inspirational guest speakers, Beauty in Beauty out, Arts and Crafts, Giving back to the community, Pathways forward and Dress for success.



Youth Development Worker Ko Tainui te Waka, Ko Taupiri te Maunga, Ko Waikato te Awa, Ko Potatau Te Wherowhero te Tangata. Waikato Taniwharau, He Piko He Taniwha, He Piko He Taniwha. Wowza – ‘Another Year’ full of so many positive memories, amongst the often, hard

but rewarding mahi/work, we all do in our communities and more importantly keeping the ‘peace’ within our own whanau/family’s! The year 2017 started with a huge bang’ - Celebrating NZ’s National ‘Waitangi Day’

2017, which was a great success and fun to work along side Te Runanga o Kirikiriroa for the 2nd year in a row. The ‘highlight' for me was seeing all the YOUTH attend and assist with all the small and not so small jobs, from organising the entertainment and stage, to cooking and making the beautiful food/kai stalls stand out even more! This showed to us a great sense of commitment from the students/youth to this awesome community as they were ‘keen’ to give up there ‘free’ time to do this - So a big thanks goes to all of YOU! Treats in the Park 2016 - This was a great success and we are now building up and

organising our Treats in the Park 2017! This will be its 15th year running, so this is definitely a huge successful event that the community, schools, whanau and children have ‘automatically’ added to each ones calendar every year haha! Thanks to our awesome community advisors at the H.C.C, Ani Nock and Ioana Manu and

their team who always support us in many helpful ways. Another important part to all our events been so successful over the past year is having over 250 youth/volunteers, contributing to this awesome community. We could not have done this without the many helpers, not only out in the front/in the open, but also the ones behind the scenes, the cooks, the cleaners, fundraisers and our

important, vibrant mix of wisdom on our B.O.T. - Board of Trustees, who keep us ‘ticking along’ nicely - Thank you all. Also to the cool, Western Community staff - THANKS for all your guys’ support and

assistance over the past year & to our ‘Custodian’ – Matty Shadbolt, thanks brutha for your positive energy & hard mahi! Thanks to our manager Neil Tolan for all the hard mahi/work he puts into this awesome centre, community, people, tamariki/children and our awesome staff. I know it’s not an easy ‘job’ but we all tautoko/support him, as we all have the same ‘mission’ and need to continue to work as a collective to strive to do our best, especially in these ‘hard times’ – but we all must remember to keep smiling and be positive! My final ‘THANKS’ goes out to all our funders/sponsors that support us in any way

possible - Thank You!

My final ‘WORDS’ go out to ALL the people doing some ‘good’ in our communities... "If you have the ‘power’ to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that”.

Thanks for sharing, caring, listening and been a part of the Western Community ‘Movement’!

Nathan Morgan



group Sessions held ity Centre Western Commun



Western Brotherhood Our YOUTH programme is cranking We are getting more and more youth participating within our centre and around our greater community/society in more and more positive ways! We have had over 25 young persons complete our programme over the past year... and they continue to support us at our community events wherever needed as they also continue on their personal journey! A huge THANKS goes out to our other important Youth Development worker, Tom Ngaheru Hunt, who is currently studying in his final year at Praxis. Thanks to our Whanau Support/Tamariki worker, Karina Cootes who also supports Tom and I closely, working with our tamariki/children and rangatahi/youth.


This programme is designed by and for high school aged boys and incorporates a range of 23 fun learning activities, goal setting, food and supporting others in the community. 23

here t s ’ t i , e v a to h e c a l p n a e life h t i w p It’s a m l e h eds e n t a h t e n yo ery v e 4 to help ever s g n i h her t t o d n a s l l i sk walk of life lot, a s k n a h T me, ‌. L T hey help L A E S U ESS L B H A J .. mean as a Isa Teaukur

eat support, Great place, wi th gr em to everyone I would recommend th sit ive at tit ude and know. I love the po this whare! feel when I enter s ay alw I at th e vib ity events one of the commun of rt pa a o als s I wa er on pu tting a slight damp er ath we ite sp de d an of the esome to be a part aw ill st s wa it s ing th kaupapa. r health promotion ou ing ar sh d an y da at le working here th Some awesome peop the time and effort for cont ribute so much hi to the community. Huge mi e th of t en rm tte be dible leader team and your incre Melissa Epiha

munity Centre om C rn te es W k or w e Awesom eminar as I am S w La re fa el W e th ed nd I atte ces at Wintec. studying in Social Servito the team from A real eye opener listeningtre and WINZ. Community Law Cen on morning tea the putting Thank you very much for scones were delicious. cheese scones and jam Toa Sika

g n i h t t s e b e Possibly th ened in the p p a h s a h that ty i n u m m o c n Nawto n o s v e t S s s o R

he t r o f e r e h t AlwayscommunityThompson Tarsh

Western Community Centre is crucial to our hood. Its at the heart of connecting all the diverse communities here in West Hamilton with services and support. Western Community Centre is a familiar place so folks who are anxious or not inclined to access services elsewhere can come there and get osteopathy and legal advice, budgeting education for licenses for driving etc So Western Community bringing much needed experts munity Centre om C n r e st e W e th t a th y a sa s e closer to community and making the accessibility You could odel that provid m le ib d e cr in n a is built on better for our community. Our rangatahi gravitate bring community to t n e m on ir v n e l d n a s powerfu there - its a creative hub for them a sports club and nity organisation of u m m co h it w r e th e m tog field for prosocial engagement. A safe hang out spot. t an amazing tea it to ou h it w t e y d n a ts g in r even b to I don't know what we did without it before. Really passionate people e heart of m co d n a d te a ic d e d appreciate the staff there and the practical k. Community is th a great or w t ' n ld ou w it fe li stuff that supports whanau in Western t makes it such lfless a h w d n a d n la a Ze se New of p ou r and across H town actually. because a g place to live, mainly e holding it together. Well MAuri ora! r people are at its co team, you have all been so Martine Radidi to il and your done Ne e to inspire us u n ti n co d n a S TE A supportive for M ers as you do so well. help oth Kerry Babbage

Great placet,, wwitouhld great suppdor them to recommen I know. everyone

Michelle Jackson

Tell us what you like about your Western Community Centre

Cheerz Western Community Centre your service has been awesome for many

years and still many more to come big Congratz to you all Eliza Skilton

The coolest place in Hamilton :) Love you guys, thankyou. Sandra Mcgonigal

Tino pai. Chill in the Park, Treats in the Park, so many cool things!

Fantastic comm centre that cate unity r from children to s for all A place people seniors. can be proud of. Lisa Rua

Centre is the Western Community azing people best having some am iendly, working there. Very fr ng, flexible, positive, helpful, cari Neil and hardworking such as Max .. thank you guys job ! you really do a great

Toka Namikaze

You should beto uosethderas a example s to help communities i.n Ywoay themselves it ucodontinugere. at work may

Simone Kokaua

They do so much for the community, positive attitudes and very willing to help Akeasha Y. Paiti-Smith

Awesome people. Very helpful. Doing great stuff in the community Michelle Nelley

Hanady Gamal

e th t a e rs u o c e s n e c li day 3 e th g in o d f o e g e il n for v a ri g p e R e d th n d a a h n e I e il o s A k w n o W to tha e k li t s ju ld u o w ot d n a community centre ring over these few days,I came in blind vne left the awesome tuto ll about the road and all its rules and ha from a knowing anything atof road rules galore. With the amazing help nd a e s a e h it w t s te today (test day) full rs e arn le y m h g u ro th w e fl I these two ladies 00% ace the test.Yay I PASSED!! just ld u o w managed to 1 d n a s u t h g u ta guys u o y g in th ry e v e te ia c Once again I appre e to say Thank yous very much lik Mel Ngare

to w e n d n a n o milt Im new to ha e never been to a v a h I . a e ei r k a li e lt h t e f i e r e hat w t e k li e far r s t n it e c y it n u m m a co f o t r a p a s a v I’ w e r t n e c y it mun m o c t s e b e h the t p u p e e k o t ever been work good u Ngaire Kaiha


Where our funds came from Grants and Contracts $332,861


0 647,4

Donations/ Fundraising $21,461 Printing & photocopying Fundraising Initiatives Bank Interest,

Venue Hire $80,838 46 Hyde ave 108 Grandview Tables and Chair Hire

Tutor Fees $7,829

Participant Fees $146,302 After School Care Holiday Programmes Western Wheels Counselling



News $28,466


Event Contribution $13,811 This is the funds that people provide towards our events

Veggie Sales $15,838

How our funds were spent

Operating Expenses $83,691 Electricity/Gas/ Water Insurance Motor vehicle Expenses Phones/Internet Rates Repairs/Maintenance Accountant/Auditor Training Cleaning Advertising/Promotion Lots of Cups of Tea/Coffee


Operating Wages $210,957 Community Support $60,151 Whanau Support, Counselling Services

If we broke what we spent down to $1


Operating Wages


Operating Expenses


Children’s Programmes


Venues Expenses


Community Events


Community Projects


Youth Projects


Community Support


Western Community News


50+ Programmes

1 100

Community Projects $22,932 Healthy Living Projects, Fruit & Veggie Co-op Volunteers Low Cost Living Expo

50+ Programmes


Luncheons, Trips, Shopping

Children’s Programmes


After School Care, Holiday Programmes Talented Tamariki Staff Wages

Venues Expenses $44,271 Repairs, Maintenance, Cleaning Advertising/Promotion Electricity/Gas/ Water 108 Grandview rd Rent Security

Western Community News


Production, Distribution, City Election Specials

Youth Projects $61,185 Youth Programmes Western Wheels Youth Development Staff Wages

Community Events $25,529 Chill in the Park Treats in the Park Waitangi Day

Note: Depreciation $9,999 Total Wages across WCC amount to $375,777


!27 27

Our Venue Users

July 2016 - June 2017

CHILDREN Lil Groovers Dance Classes, 5 visits
 Scooter Competition
 Talented Tamariki, weekly
 Talented Tamariki Disco, 2 visits
 Young Engineers, 20 visits
 Waikato Baby Carriers, 2 visits
 Western Stars After School Programme, 200 days Western Stars Holiday Programme, 20 days

 Iloha Japanese Playgroup, weekly Little Stars Playgroup, weekly Manitas Spanish playgroup
 Mainly Music, weekly
 Moko Club, Kowhai Consulting, 4 visits per week YOUTH 
 Brotherhood Youth Programmes, weekly
 Fabulosity Girls programme, weekly
 Western Wheels Learner Licence,9 courses,36 visits Youth drop in, daily EDUCATION/Support Floral Art, weekly July-Dec Legal Advice Clinic,Neimand Peebles Hoult, weekly English Language Partners, Monday to Thursday Te Reo Classes, 22 visits
 Triple One Care, First Aid, 29 visits
 Industry Training Solutions, 19 visits Western Wheels Restrictive Licence Course,3 visits Land Based Training, daily June Justice of the Peace Clinic, weekly Chain Link, monthly ACTIVITIES/CLUBS/GROUPS Hamilton's Fighting Game Community, fortnightly Incorporated Martial Arts, 2 visits per week Star Jam, weekly
 Toastmasters, weekly
 WCC Wooly Club, weekly
 Yoga, April Boonen, weekly Western Boarders, monthly Dinsdale Toastmasters, weekly
 Western City Sports Touch Module, weekly (season) Maori Women’s Welfare League, Nawton, monthly Maori Women’s Welfare League, Whatawhata, monthly Man Up, Woman Up, weekly

Western Community Centre

HEALTH Courage Counselling, daily Plunket Nurse, 2 days per week Laughter Club/Yoga, weekly Mates Forum, fortnightly Boom Box, weekly July-Dec 
 Warren Parker Counselling, 3 visits per week Te Uenuku Maori Health, weekly July-October Linda Smiler Holistic Counselling, 10 visits
 Gravitate Dance, Fit 8 visits Sport Waikato, 6 visits 50 + PROGRAMMES 
 Tai Chi, 2 visits per week Senior Luncheon, monthly The Wooly Club, weekly A bit of a Do Event

CHURCHES Westside Church, weekly Church of Christ, 2 visits per week UCKG, fortnightly

OFFICE SPACE PROVISION Western Community Centre Administration Patients Rights Advocacy Vision of Hope Bunnings South Hamilton, July- Oct Kiwi Staff COMMUNITY EVENTS Waitangi Day
 Chill in the Park Treats in the Park Low Cost Living Expo Night Skate, 2 events

7 1 23

s g n i k o o b e Venu

7 2 1

ubs, l c , roups sations, g y t i ni organ churches commu and ue. n s e l v o o e sch used th


dual, au i v i d n I whan / y l i m fa gs. bookin


fered e f o e s wer roving th e c i v ser ear imp ur e u q o y i es. g r e un a o h f t l l e g durin ty of lif ents of a quali ton resid Hamil July 2016 - June 2017


Individual, Family, Kitchen Bookings 88 visits Agriculture NZ – Get Growing, 3 visits
 Belle of the Ball
 Big Brothers Big Sisters
 Bunnings Warehouse Recruitment, August - Nov
 Calvary Chapel Ladies Group, fortnightly
 Child Flight, 6 visits
 Sharma Licence Course, 5 visits
 Children’s Team Meeting
 Chinese Sunshine Society, 2 visits
 Community Policing Public Meeting – Labour Party Core Education, 3 visits Emotional Leadership, 9 visits
 ETU Union
 Fraser Tech Rugby Club, 4 visits
 Gold Co Antique Buyers
 Hamilton City Council, 7 visits
 Hamilton City Council, Dads and Sons Breakfast Hamilton City Council, Htwyn Youth Connect, 2 visits Hamilton City Council, West Network, 5 visits Hamilton City Tigers
 He Waka Eke Noa Community of Learning, 12 visits Healthy Little Eaters
 Heart Foundation
 Htown Skate Project, 6 visits
 Inspire Mobile Beauty NZ, 4 visits
 Internal Affairs
 IT Works, 2 visits
 It’s not Ok presentation by Vic Tamati
 Kids Can
 Kindy Rock
 Kiwi Daddy’s, 2 visits
 Like Minds Te Korowai Hauora O Hauraki
 Waikato DHB, 5 visits
 Waikato Ethnic Family Services, 2 visits Waikato Tainui, 1 visit
 Waikato Touch Linkhouse
 Mandela Trust, weekly Myanmar Buddhist Association Trust National Party of New Zealand
 Nga Uri O Nga Hau E Wha Kapa Haka, 4 visits Notorious Hamilton Whanau, 2 visits
 NZ First Hamilton, 7 visits
 NZ Institute of Highway Technology, 2 visits NZ Labour Party – Sue Moroney, 2 visits
 NZ Police, 2 visits
 Oranga Tamariki, 25 visits
 Patients Rights Advocacy AGM
 Perinatal Mental Health
 Pregnancy Counselling, 14 visits
 Project Restore, 7 visits
 Pyrony Pies, fortnightly July - April
 Raukura Hauora O Tainui
 Restorative Justice, 25 visits
 Saint Nirankari Mission
 Spiritual Discovery Group, 4 visits
 Taha Maori Services, 3 visits
 Tapz Barbers, 5 visits
 Te Roopu Taurima
 Te Tumu Paeroa, 16 visits Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
 Tihi O Moerangi-Makomako, 14 visits
 Tongan AOG, 2 visits
 Transpacific Education Foundation
 Truth Youth Wairua O Pikowai, 4 visits
 Waitangi Day Planning
 Waiwhakaata 3E64B2 Trust
 Western Community Association, 10 visits Workbridge
 Xtra Psych Plus
 Youth INtact
 Youth Net



Courage Counselling 2017 has been another fantastic year for supporting change for individuals, couples and families in the Western Community Centre. We have offered over 650 counselling hours to a diverse range of people who are looking for positive change in their lives and relationships. The diversity ranges from the young to the elderly, the people who live locally to people in the wider community, the range of ethnic groups, those in poverty to the affluent, and the wide range of NZ individuals, couples and families. WCC has offered support to those who ask. Over the year we have supported people to be aware of triggers that lead to crisis cycles, and to choose from a range of helpful responses that begin positive cycles leading to robust individuals and relationships. We have explored the effects of self-talk for individuals and couples, and have enjoyed the change people feel when they adjust their self-talk to enhance their lives and relationships. WCC is supporting positive change in individual, couple, and family lives.

Jenny Ensing



Laughter Sessions held!

Laughter The Laughter Club takes place every Tuesday morning! Laughter yoga (Hasyayoga) is a practice involving prolonged voluntary laughter. Laughter yoga is based on the belief that voluntary laughter provides the same physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter. Laughter yoga is done in groups, with eye contact, jokes and playfulness between participants. Forced laughter soon turns into real and contagious laughter.

Wairahi Taiapa


Clinics held

The weekly Justice of the Peace clinic continues to be extremely popular and well utilised by the public.

Wairahi with WCC Chairperson Jamie Toko

We are really appreciative of the service as it continues to be a regular request!31from the community. 31

Holiday Programme What a

Highlights of the Year

And the list goes on… This year has been awesome. Watching numbers grow, with a lot of new children/ families being added to the programme. It is always a pleasure to work with organisations like Youth Horizon’s, Oranga Tamariki and The Women’s Refuge; whilst it has it’s challenges we have a great team who get the job done. Being able to provide such a programme to help our community is a great thing to get behind and we are very grateful to be part of this programme. Recently we have had a few of the children transitioning to volunteer positions, which is very exciting to see them want to do this. We’re constantly bragging about how this benefits them as we’ve seen a lot go into permanent positions elsewhere. The skills that they obtain from working with children, assisting alongside our staff here at the Western Stars equips them towards gaining valuable experience towards their future endeavours. As always we want to thank all those who make this programme possible. Also a huge thanks to the staff that facilitates this programme, we really do have a great team here. We’ve had a great year and look forward to the next.

Trish Terry



Anaru Terry - 50 programmes 14 years making holiday’s memorable for our Children The effort and commitment Anaru has given to our holiday programmes represents over 14 years of work. He's made a positive difference in the lives of thousands of children making their holidays a memorable and fun experience. He's a top guy and we appreciate the extra effort he has given our centre and community. We are really lucky to have a great team of of staff who work really hard to make the holidays fun for our kids. We think having holiday programmes available within our community are of great importance and vital to building thriving, vibrant, healthy neighbourhoods. Ngahuia-10 programmes, Anaru-50 programmes, Tina-20 programmes.

!33 33

After School Care Programme What an exciting year it has been, being able to be in our new and improved room, which had been expanded over the Christmas break. The children and us as staff love it. So I've been with the Centre for 7 years this year, starting out at Holiday Programme as a volunteer and slowly moving forward to After school care and other parts of the Centre. I recently became Coordinator in the last 3-4 years and has been a great experience learning to juggle all aspects that a coordinator is suppose to do. I love the children and being able to watch them grow as creative little humans, also getting to know their families well and catching up with them. I also carry out roles at reception and help facilitate the Western Wheels Leaner Licence Programme. The Centre has been a great way to learn new skills and grow as an independent. At the end of this year I will be expecting my first child and will be on maternity leave for a while.

Reegan Tata

Reception + Prog Facilitator + AS Coordinator You probably haven’t heard of the Funky Monkeys but I know you have heard of Funky Fox cause that was who I was until I got married. Which is an awesome thing, however new beginnings require a new start so no longer was I Miss Fox but now I am known as Mrs Nelson. The children at after school care are still getting use to calling me this and always lapse back to my old name. Out with the old and in with the new I say.

Ngahuia Nelson Hi my name is Tina, I work in after school care and holiday programmes here at the Centre. I love baking , arts and crafts and I really love being apart of this community.

Tina Tanoa




Kia Ora, Talofa lava, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Malo e lelei, Bula vinaka, Hello! Ko au Ko Thomas Ngaheru Hunt ahau

Who am I ? Thomas Hunt

No Rotorua ahau, Engari kei Kirikiriroa ahau enaianei. My origin lays in Rotorua but now rest my head in the beautiful place of Nawton, Hamilton. I work along side an amazing team here at the western community centre. I am apart of the Youth Development team here with Nathan Morgan. What is my why? My why is to journey with the young people of this community and give them a positive belonging and help build a positive independence in their lives. Tena rawa atu koe

Thomas Hunt

Youth Worker




Hi my name is Sandy I’ve been apart of the Nawton community for a long time and have recently starting volunteering at the after school care. I really enjoy reading and being able to be apart of these young kids lives as they start to grow.

Sandy I am the Center’s magician. I learn and create new tricks. I started volunteering with after school care last year when I helped with the Christmas party doing the food and running some fun Christmas games. Its cool hanging out with the kids when I get the chance too they are awesome. I’m also apart of the Western Brotherhood which Nate and Tom run on a Thursday.





What do you enjoy at After School?


I like everything especially someone that has glasses and is smiling (Mrs Nelson)

Everybody’s nice and I like it when we play rugby. I love afternoon tea


I like everything. On my first day I liked meeting new friends and finding out i’m related to Mrs Nelson.

I like that you get to eat and have fun

n o t y e L



I like it when we play games and when we go outside. I love all the staff they’re awesome.


hours of after school care!

A Huge Thanks to Chain Link We are loving this new initiative set up by Chain Link. Really great to see lots of happy kids riding away on their repaired bikes. Big thanks to James and all the volunteers who turn up to help every month!

Nawton Scooter Comp Big Congrats to our young team who ran the Scooter Comp today. Well done to Thomas who took out first place! Big thanks to Lawrence our MC pictured handing over the trophy and thanks to Cadeyn for the great acting skills.

!37 37

Fruit Trees in Homes "Fruit Trees in Homes" reached 300 homes this year with another 30 homes completed. Big thanks to all the fantastic volunteers of all ages that gave us a hand and to all those who have planted previously to help us reach this target. It's been fun!

2016-17 Plant 140 Trees in 38 homes, 12 Trees public spaces

For this plant a huge thanks goes to Agora cafe for choosing this project to be their charity of the month which provided us with the bulk of the funding. Thank You to Hamilton Dinsdale Lions Club and New Zealand First Hamilton for your generous donations. Thanks to Bunnings for giving us a heavily discounted deal on the stakes. Thanks to all those who gave donations at the Shopping Centre and everyone who dropped some coins in our Fruit Tree donation box when they came into the centre.

Elliott Park

139 Fruit Trees @ Elliott Park 84 Fejioa 39 Mandarin 5 Orange 5 Apple 3 Guava 3 Plum 1 lime 2 lemon

Fruit Trees in Homes


Fruit Trees planted



Since 2012 with the help of a large amount of volunteers and generous funders we have planted 2,104 Fruit Trees across Nawton and Crawshaw. 1682 in 308 homes 422 in public spaces We have set a target to plant fruit trees in 500 homes. !39 39

Nawton Skate Park becomes a Teenager!

Once upon a time in a place called Nawton, August 2004 to be exact the Hamilton City Council were celebrating a great occasion and investment in our city. The Nawton Skate Park opening!It’s been 13 years since the concrete has dried and there has never been a day when I haven’t seen a positive benefit from having the Skate Park next to our centre on Hyde ave.

I tell people regularly that I believe we have the best skate community in NZ and by spending a little time getting to know this great group of people I’m positive most people will agree. Check out the great work the Htown Skate Project are doing to empower youth through skateboarding. www.htownskateproject.com Neil Tolan

There is plenty of research that clearly states that skateparks can contribute positively to creating vibrant, healthy communities and this has been our experience. The opportunity for people of all ages to interact, make good social connections and lasting friendships has been clearly evident.

Solar System

14,732 (kWh) produced 2017 15,356 (kWh) produced


Total Power bill savings $5,000+


Chill in the Park

1,500 people attended

Throughout the year the centre supports and facilitates a number of community events. These involve hundreds of volunteers all willing to contribute to their community. For almost four decades the Western Community Centre has seen the value in bringing our residents together and making this community a great place for our families!

Treats in the Park

4,500 people attended

Home Safety Village Fair

500 people attended

Waitangi Day

4,500 people attended.

s July

Oct Dec


Say: What was your favourite thing about Chill InPark The Park? WhatYour did you enjoy at Chill in the 2016?




Making snow





I liked making snow volcanoes


Making snow mountains!

Taking a 
 photo with
 the giraffe

Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?

Do You Wanna Build A Snowman? Corallee Collins-Annan & Max Coyle

There’s a certain magic to snow. To the beautiful white coldness of it, to the fun it provides and the wonder to both young and old alike. It’s always a special thing to enjoy and the Western Community Centre’s annual snow dump event, Chill in The Park, brought that excitement and experience to Nawton. The day was a success! And with the temperature as low as it was, it sure was chilly in the park! People travelled from far and wide including Paihia, Te Awamutu and Waipu to join in the fun and for some, experience the snow for the first time. Many though walked down the road to one of the local years highlights and were met with not only snow but a range of entertainment for everyone. For those children and adults playing in the 14 tonnes of snow, mountains, snow angels and even volcanos were the thing to make. “I love the how my child gets to experience the snow in a place where snow is so rare.” Said parent Selena Smith. “Chill in The Park is such a happy environment”. The candy floss machine, the awesome balloons and the face paint most certainly made the event more exciting for the children as well as DJ’s and local singers and dancers. For many it “was the best part of the holidays” and they’re all looking forward to doing it all again next year.


tonne of snow

Lena Going to 
 the snow for 
 the Þrst time

1415 Children attended

!43 43

Your Say: What did enjoy most Treats in the Park? (Reporters Youryou Say: What didabout you enjoy most about Treats in the-Nawton Park Primary - ALL Team 2.0)

MÄ hanga MÄ hanga

Melissa Melissa

Titan Titan

Gilead Gilead

Fairlane Fairlane

Dennis Dennis

Lei-Ana Lei-Ana

Kayla Kayla

ItItwas ItIt was amazing II liked liked the thefree freerides rides I Iliked likedthe thecotton cotton I like treats I liked bouncy It was It was All ofI liked I liked bouncy wasfun fun I like treats in in thethe I liked thethe bouncy fun.fun. All of thethe bouncy because to because becauseititwas wasfun fun candy candybecause because parkbecause because I get castle, castle, dragon, the the rides werecastle castle food becauseIIhad had because because we got to park I get thethe dragon, rides were andand thethe food heaps go and they theywere werealso also tasted hang out with free pencils, free. Mr Whippythat thatthey they provided or heapsof ofrides rides go on free rides and itittasted totohang out with mymythethe free pencils, thethefree. Mr Whippy provided and bouncy. deliciousand and friends that I haven’t sweet sweet popcorn, waswas giving us. Also the costume andI Ihad hadaatoffee toffee and and I ran a shop! bouncy. delicious friends that I haven’t popcorn, giving out out Also the costume appleand andchips, chips, seen aa long time. andand thethe freefree ice ice creams apple seeninin long time.candyĂ&#x;oss candyfloss creams competition

competitionand and you thank you WCC! hot air balloon. you could win prizes! thank you WCC! hot air balloon. could win prizes!

Thanks for making ‘Treats in the Park’ a Success! Volunteers are a vital component of our events and each year “Treats in the Parkâ€? is supported with the assistance of over 200 volunteers of all ages. 100 volunteers supported us before the event even started from packing treats such as the 60,000 sunower and bean seeds, organising entertainment to health & safety meetings right up to the event day. Thank you to all the many community and youth volunteers who supported and assisted us in any way! The ‘On-stage Entertainment’ was organised by Matty Smith and the Salvation Army team. Thanks to Matty and the many volunteers for their support during the day/evening. We also had some great entertainment, a big thank you to all that entertained! Thanks also to our awesome MC - Taui Johnson. Thanks to the amazing ‘Htown Skate Project’ crew - Diana

Ruri, Piri Kearney, Chris Reynolds & BACKDOOR Surf Snow Earth (Jamie Cook – prizes & giveaways...) who organised the annual Treats in the Park 2016, Skate Competition! A HUGE Thank You to our important funders: Hamilton City Council & our other local sponsor - Vehicle Import Direct (V.I.D.)! Thanks you to the Hamilton City Council Community Development Team, Dinsdale Lions, Bunnings South Hamilton, Plunket, Waikids, NZMA, Free FM and Ten 2 Ten at the Grandview Shopping Centre. Lastly a big thank you to all The Western Community Centre Staff & Board Members for supporting and encouraging ‘Treats in the park 2016’ – You guys are all brilliant! Nate Morgan

A huge A hugeto thanks thanks to Western Community Centre Western Community Centre



Western Community News – December 2016 3




Powhiri 8:30am stalls open at 9am Karakia Whakamutunga 3pm

Come and enjoy Whanau picnic area Kaumatua catered for childrens Games Small childrens play area Mother and baby space Face painting Car boot sales

Teen events Display tents music

kai stalls Stalls Spot prizes

Western Community Centre 46 Hyde Ave, Nawton. If you would like a car boot space, to have a stall, display tent, sell kai or be a volunteer on the day, contact Justeen@terunanga.org.nz

. participate . be entertained

Te RĹŤnanga o Kirikiriroa


Great to have the Hamilton Fighting Game Community Meeting Fortnightly in the Centre

Big thanks to our amazing volunteer TJ

Thanks for choosing to spend your time with us each day! 49


!51 Western Community Centre


Always heaps of 
 goodness available!

We have Tables and Chairs for Hire! Weekend Deal!

Chairs $2, Tables $6 each, Pick up Friday drop back Monday.

(Minimum $50 bond)



Great produce from just $10. Order yours today.

www.foodtogether.co.nz | info@foodtogether.co.nz


Western Community Cen

!53 53

Western Community Centre

"In our hectic, fast-paced, consumer-driven society, it's not uncommon for people to feel overwhelmed, isolated, alone, and even alienated. Many are re-discovering the healing and empowering role that community can bring to our lives. The sense of belonging we feel when we make the time to take an active role in our communities can give us a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.� ~ Robert Alan Silverstein

s Report was designed, produced and printed at

The Western Community Centre


!55 55

Western Community Centre T: 07 8474873 admin@wccham.org.nz westerncommunitycentre.org

, e v a n e o d t l y i H m 46 n Ha nd o a t l a w Na ew Ze N


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