Parenting Fuel Up 2014

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Fun, informative workshops for the greatest job in the world!

PFuarelenUp ting 2nd September - 17th September 2014

workshops! Short, fun and down to earth parenting workshops. Pick up lots of great ideas and parenting tools to equip you for the best job in the world. We will also provide some yummy kai.



The Western Community Centre

46 Hyde Ave, Hamilton! 847 4873 ex 0

offer this fantastic line up of We are very excited to be able to sed from our centre. Free Parenting workshops all ba facilitators that have come d an s on ati nis ga or e th to ks an A huge th e and fun workshops. together to present 20 informativ many parents know about We would love to be able to let as lp us spread the word! “Parenting Fuel Up” so please he be great to assist us uld wo it t bu s op sh rk wo e th to up You can just turn know what workshops us let n ca u yo if ing ter ca for d with planning an you plan on attending! for our easy mm co rn ste we it vis or re nt ce r Drop into ou online registration form or email





The Western Community Centre

! esday 2 September Tu

We are the same; we are differ

9.30 morning tea 9.45am - 11 .15am



This session explores the different ways we all have of dealing with the world. You will be introduced to the virtues and develop a practical understanding of how our strengths and talents impact on others including our ch ildren. Interactive and fu n!


This workshop is one of six

attend all 6 and receive a

certificate and go in to the

draw to win some cool pri zes


! dnesday 3 September We

What shall we do with the money honey! 9.30 morning tea 9.45am - 11.15am

s session looks What would make you and your family happy? Thi s to support at how to take care of the basics and also plan way r family. and grow the hopes and dreams you have for you


e a certificate and go in to the draw to win some This workshop is two of six attend all 6 and receiv


cool prizes.

Wednesday 3 September !

Movement for babies with Julia Williams

12.30pm - 2pm

Babies learn to move, but they also move to learn (Pennie Brownlee). From lifting their heads, to rolling over, sitting, crawling, standing and walking, your baby is developing and moving all the time. Come along to this fun, hands-on and informative workshop with Julia Williams, physiotherapist and SPACE facilitator, to learn about how to support your baby's movement. !

!Thursday 4th September llenging Behaviour Understanding Cha

.15am 9.30 morning tea 9.45am - 11

t five years of life, children push Testing is a young child’s job. In the firs e all the limits we set! lik l fee can it es, tim At . set we its lim many n of your child’s learning and Explore how behaviour is an expressio r child’s changing needs. you t por sup to ys wa er cov Dis . ent pm develo

ay 4th September Thursd !

Kiwisavers for Children 1pm - 2pm

We would love to show you a simple way to invest in your childs future at no cost. If you are looking at signing up on the day, you would need to bring your childs birth certificate, your ID and an address verification (phone or power bill etc.)

8 September y a d n o M ! nt

r for you and you

What do you wa fe. What do you li f o se a le familyhopes and d.4re5aam w e n a ms- 11.15am This session

G rning tea y9and how can you achieve it. moose .3e0th 9iv mil r your family. fo e m want for your fa so e w a g in izes. plan someth win some cool pr in to the draw to go d an gives you time to te ca ifi rt d receive a ce


This workshop is


nd all 6 an

three of six atte

M! onday 8 September

Storm Warnings and Clearer Skies 1pm - 2. 30pm

Everyone gets stressed – it’s part of being hum an. What we do with it – th at’s what’s important. Learn tips and tricks to cope with challenging tim es.

! y 8 September Monda

Music with Desileeanne Walker 7pm - 8.30pm


Bring a guitar or ukulele and learn how to sing and play basic waiata and songs for children in a fun and interactive session. We'll integrate poi, rakau and other simple instruments so everyone can be hands-on while singing along! (we will have spare ukulele’s available to use on the night)

Tues ! day 9 September

What stories do we tell our children about themselves?

9.30 morning tea 9.45am - 11.15am


We are our children’s first storytellers and we sha pe who they come to know themselves to be. This story telling session means you you get to go home with a book about your own chil d. Bring 2 or 3 photocopies/images of your child playing or doing things.


This workshop is four of six attend all 6 and receiv e a certificate and go in to the draw to win some cool


! y 9 September Tuesda

Playdough with Kara Daly 12.30pm - 2pm


Have fun with home made playdough in this hands-on workshop. Try out some different, easy to make at home recipes and get some new ideas for playing with your tamariki. At the end of the workshop you will get some playdough to take home and enjoy.

Tu ! esday 9 September

Messy play! with Emilee Middleton -W

7pm - 8.30pm


Learn to love messy play with your tamariki! Not on ly is it loads of fun, there heaps of learning opportu are nities for young explorers as they use their senses explore new textures and to build confidence experim enting with new sensations hands-on with lots of cool . Get messy play ideas and recip es in this workshop. Wea clothes and come ready to r old get messy! !

sday 10 September Wedne !

Supporting your child’s Education 1pm - 2pm

Maria Love from the Ministry of Education will be available to provide whānau with the tools to support your 5-12 year olds in education. Learn tips for reading, writing and mathematics at home. Help support whānau with education planning and ideas on how to engage with your child’s School.

ember t p e S 10 y a d !Wednes R

CP Infant/Child

e of us should n o y r e v e t u 7pm - 8pm dy wants to put into practise bortunity to build knowledge of ent this opp s A lesson nobo e r p d caregivers n n h a o J ts t n S e r d a n p a r t fo learn. Plunke le skill. Ideal b a lu a v is th ce in and confiden en. young childr

T ! hursday 11 September

Plunket Waikato Car Seat Servic es

11am - 2pm

A Child Restraint Techni cian will be available for car seat checks and helping you plan car seat needs for your family as well as distributing the ACC booster. Secure your ACC booster seat now by phoning 839 2123, emailing hamiltoncarseats@plunk, or visiting face hamiltonplunket. These seats are available now at Plunket Car Seat Services, 12 Richmond St open 8.30 - 2.30 Monday to Friday.

ay 11 September Thursd !

Understanding NCEA 1pm - 2pm

Maria Love from the Ministry of Education will be available to help parents understand NCEA for students years 9-13. Great opportunity for questions and further support is available.

r F!riday 12 Septembe

t !Creative Empowermen 9.30am - 2pm

Fresh Inspiration Gives

Joy And Meaning

y, Inspiration and Fun it iv at re C , rt A : of y positive change. A da g n ti ea cr r fo ol to a ivity as Using Art and Creat ivation ng patterns and ti ea ef -d Goal Setting and Mot lf se g in fy ti ication skills,Iden Enhancing commun tegies independence al ci an problem solving stra fin g in in ta at difficulties and Overcoming financial support Creating a network of .nz ister! w w w t si vi fo in e or eg For m d places - you must R Light lunch provided

- Limite

y 15 September Monda !

Where to from here?

9.30 morning tea 9.45am - 11.15am

Focus less on internal and external critics around parenting and spend more time working on practical, positive ways of moving you and your family forward in the way you want. People who set goals and plan to meet those goals are more likely to move forward in life. This session looks at what you have already achieved and what you would like to work on next. This workshop is five of six attend all 6 and receive a certificate and go in to the draw to win some cool prizes.


Tu ! esday 16 September

Self Care

9.30 morning tea 9.45am - 11.15am

!Rest and self-care are so important. You cannot

serve from an empty vessel. When w e take time to monitor our own health and wellbeing and replenis h our own resources, it is so much easier to get through the day.


This workshop is six of six

attend all 6 and receiv ea

certificate and go in to

the draw to win some


cool prizes.

!Tuesday 16 September Surviving the early years of raising boys! 7pm - 8pm

Sharlene Woolston and Danielle Lamb are both ED Nurses at the Waikato Hospital. Between them they have 7 boys under the age of 10. They are passionate about raising boys and helping them to discover their dreams and meet the challenges of their goals. They have learned some great tools, tips and strategies to help them bring the best out in their children. You can survive and enjoy the fun opportunity that raising boys brings.

! Plunket Waikato Car Seat Services at Parenting Fuel Up Plunket Waikato Car Seat Services will have a display during Parenting Fuel Up with information and advice on safe journeys in the Waikato. They will also be promoting their amazing $50 ACC Booster seat with vouchers to take away. This offer is available to all Community Services Card holders with a child ready for a booster seat. You can also secure your ACC booster seat now by phoning 839 2123, emailing, or visiting hamiltonplunket. These seats are available now at Plunket Car Seat Services, 12 Richmond St open 8.30 - 2.30 Monday to Friday.

The Western Community Centre


The Western Community Centre has been operating since 1979 and provides a wide range of support services, programmes, activities and events. We have a good amount of updated community information, free phone for public use to make local calls, table and chair hire, photocopying, public computer and much more.


Services provided at the centre include: Free Legal Advice Justice of the the Peace - Tuesdays 8.30am - 12pm Family Support Worker Plunket Outreach Clinic Meat Packs, Fruit and Veggie Co-op Western Community News Playgroups and Children's Programmes Senior Events Exercise and Fitness Classes Western Wheels Learner Licence Course Western Community Radio Show - Fridays 10.30am Free FM Youth Activities and Programmes Holiday /After School Programmes Community Education and Training English Language Classes

! !

Our Community Events Inflatables


in the Park, Chill in the Park, Treats in the Park, Picnic in the Park,

Venue Hire There are venue spaces available ideal for meetings, training workshops, presentations and community gatherings!


Board Room, Training Rooms, Registered Kitchen, Health Room, Large Community Room, Lounge Room.

! ! !

Keep an eye on the Western Community Centre Facebook!

Free Legal Services

! !

wednesdays 9am - 10am by appointment

Niemand Peebles Hoult

We have tables and chairs for hire!



f Justice o e the Peac Tuesday’s! 8.30am - 12pm!

! !

No Appointment needed!!

The Western Community Centre 46 Hyde ave 8474873

A bag of fresh vegetables

and fruit for only $10


Order and pay before wednesday 4pm, Pick up thursday after 11.00am.

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