Western Community Centre - Annual Report 2014

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Our vision Thriving, Vibrant, Healthy and self reliant communities.


The Western Community Centre

Annual Report

1st April 2013 - June 30th 2014

c ontents



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Funders Thanks

23 Chill in the Park

Chairperson’s Report

24 Treats in the Park Board and Staff

























Family Support Worker



Services Coordinator





Inflatables in the Park

27 Timeout Girls Event




Our Events


Seniors Youth Development Worker Funding Coordinator, Finance Admin. Income and Expenditure Western Stars After School & Holiday Programme


Western Community News


Little Stars Low Cost Living Expo




JP’s and Western Stars Sports Programme




Western Wheels


Matty’s New Bike


Lance is the Man! Floral Art Classes






Venue Use

Parenting Fuel Up



Our Mission is to create opportunities and provide support that enhances the holistic well-being of the people in our community.


In the Press

This Report was designed, produced and printed at The Western Community Centre



Norah Howell Charitable Trust Page Trust Donn y Trust Tindall Foundation waikato wdff Karamu Trust Tidd Foundation nawton Dental sir logan campbell trust hamilton Night markets Dinsdale Lions Club Jefferies Nock & Associates


and thanks to all those who dropped some money in our donation box at reception!

" 3



" Kia ora koutou. "

" Welcome everyone to our Annual General Meeting for 2014.

I take this opportunity to submit our Annual report. On behalf of all of us here at the Western Community Centre it is my pleasure to extend a very warm welcome to our residents, funders, our members of Parliament, Hamilton City Councillors, our many volunteers, community groups and support agencies that are present this afternoon and to those that are absent.


I would like to acknowledge once again the brilliant efforts achieved by Neil and the team including our two Hamilton City Council staff Ioana and Ani. Thank you to our many amazing volunteers. The success of the Centre can be attributed to the skills and strengths of our team and their experience in community work. Please accept on behalf of the WCA Board our utmost gratitude to you all for your enormous efforts and contributions – thank you.


To our Funders, your continued financial contribution, trust and support is evident in the services we provide. Your funding is important and enables us to continue providing the quality service to our community. Sometimes words are never enough but they are deeply felt by us all – thank you. We acknowledge and value the community partnership and the ongoing support from Hamilton City Council for their recognition of our valued facility and the many families and children to whom we support – thank you. With trying economic times, we are very grateful for all the funding received this financial year.


I would like to acknowledge the following:

• Hamilton City Council

• Our Local Schools

• Maureen Leong – Senior Tai Chi

• Kershaw Training – Literacy Programs

• Plunket

• Our local vege and meat suppliers

• Justice of the Peace Service Centre and many more


Our Chairperson

After completing a Capability Study with Community Waikato, the Board’s aspirations and focus will be to source financial support to begin Phase II (which will be a Gym extension to the Centre). This will create more involvement and venue availability for the community.


In closing I would like to thank and acknowledge the Board for their contributions and voluntary time away from their families. I wish you all the best in future community work. I believe our community owned facility is fantastic and we shall continue to maintain for you a high level of accountability, transparency and responsibility. I pledge my continued support to the WCA Board.

" " "

Kindest regards

Jamie Toko JP

WCA Chairperson

" " " " " " " " " " " " "

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Our Board

" Jamie Toko (Chairperson)



Dave Macpherson (Vice-Chairperson) " Shanti Ralm " Pare Ruha (Secretary) Bill Rees April 2013 - June 2014

Aileen Rangi - Whaikawa - Mills services co-ordinator

Our Staff


Margaret Higgins family support worker

" Max Dillion Coyle administration " Neil Tolan manager " Joan Marshall funding coordinator - part time " Nathan Morgan youth development worker " Vicky Rush financial administrator - part time " James Shepherd financial administrator - part time " Trish Terry western stars holiday programme coordinator - part time " Anaru Terry western stars holiday programme staff - part time " Reegan Tata after school care and holiday programme - part time " Tina Tanoa western stars holiday programme staff - part time " Francea Hansen after school care and holiday programme - part time " Anita Ram receptionist "" (resigned March 2014)

Hamilton City Council collaborative relationship

Ani Nock Community Advisor HCC Ioana Manu Community Advisor HCC

"" " Centre Volunteers "

We have an amazing team of over 250 volunteers throughout the year who assist the centre in a wide range of roles. We couldn’t do what we do without them!


thank you! " 5



" " " " " It’s been another amazing year! "

When I look through this report I am blown away by the great work our centre has been able to achieve.


We are a small team but with our large pool of community volunteers and working with many different partners we have been able to carry out many significant projects. These are making a positive difference not only for our locals but for the wider Hamilton.

" "

I would like to thank each board member for their support, encouragement, advice and guidance throughout the year. I have enjoyed working with you all and appreciate the time you take out of your busy lives to support the centre.


To our great staff who go the extra mile here at the centre and all our volunteers, thank you for your commitment and dedication to make this community a great place. Thank you for for making the centre a fun place to work in and for supporting me in my role.


To our funders and supporters, Thank you for partnering with us financially to provide the services and programmes that we strongly believe are making a real positive difference in this community.


I could keep writing to help make this white paper disappear but I won’t as you really need to carry on with the rest of the pages in this report as that's the exciting stuff!

" " " "

Our Manager

Neil Tolan


"In our hectic, fast-paced, consumer-driven society, it's not uncommon for people to feel overwhelmed, isolated, alone, and even alienated. " Many are re-discovering the healing and empowering role that community can bring to our lives. The sense of belonging we feel when we make the time to take an active role in our communities can give us a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.”" ~ Robert Alan Silverstein

What an amazing year so far. It’s been enlightening, enjoyable and exciting becoming part of the Western Community Centre since January and learning how the community works, where the Centre fits in and my own part in it.


Public computer with internet access: With government agencies and employers and means of communication all requiring online access, we’ve helped bridge the digital divide. We got a computer donated from a local business and set it up in the foyer allowing all visitors free access and helping bridge the communities digital divide.


Board Game Club: We’ve been searching for a regular event to bring our families, youth and seniors together and with the success of the board games initiative in the After School program we are starting a weekly boardgame event for youth and the public every Monday from 4-9PM in association with the Waikato Boardgamers Club.

After School Room Computer Suite: We’ve been extremely fortunate to have a talented computer hardware expert doing community services hours at the Centre. He has set up 3+ computers for the after school room and supplied software so the children are able to do homework and play educational games. The computers will also be used for community education initiatives, e.g; Western Wheels Learners Licence course

Free books & Food Table: We’ve had a lot of food (mostly fruit) donated recently and also a lot of books. We set up a trolley outside with them on it whenever we had them

Western Community News: New advertisers, new facebook and new masthead. Its been a period of change for Hamilton’s most awesome newspaper, with new partners coming on board to help pay the bills and new outreach via social media posting stories and engaging with the community, also becoming another port of contact for residents to message the Centre. The newspapers masthead had become quite dated so we were able to commission a graphic designer to redesign it at no charge and we now have a fresher, more vibrant and eye catching masthead for the WCN.

Our Administrator



People have made visits to our centre. 15 months


The older you get the faster the time goes . . . or so they say. If this is true then I must be getting very old!! This past year, which is made up of fifteen months as we change over to a June – July financial year, has flown by.

" Margaret

Work has been steady despite the fact that so many people do not show up for their appointments (even though I send out reminder texts). This is a cause of much frustration for me as I am booked 3 – 4 weeks in advance and even had to stop taking on budgeting clients in the latter part of the year.


On a more positive note, for those who do come or eventually come, receive the help and support they are seeking.


The majority of my work is helping clients learn how to better manage their financial affairs. This is an ongoing challenge for many people as they strive to free themselves of debt and prioritise needs from wants.

Counselling is a valuable service that I am grateful to offer and many people take the opportunity to use it.


I enjoy my work; I love and appreciate the people I work alongside here at the Centre and I feel it a privilege to serve the members of our community.

Our Family Support Worker

" " Margaret Higgins


4% Social Support 65% Budgeting Advice 31% Counselling

Coun sellin g Budge ting ad vice Advocac y Social Support


People and their families were assisted.


“Talking is so

I am learning a lot . . . I have really enjoyed being here this afternoon . . .�

therapeutic . . .


I feel


“I  always  feel  so  much  better  when  I  come  here,  I  leave  feeling  calm  and  relaxed  not  stressed  anymore.â€? Â

“You have been very helpful, I have written down some of the words you have given me.�

happy . . . “ " “ . . . When I first came here I was at the lowest point in my life I was ready to give up my kids and walk away . . . now I am happy and together . . . life is so good!�

“I  feel  good  â€“  I  am  comfortable  in  your  presence.â€?



“I c hav ouldn this e do ’t you with ne out .�

You ask some really good questions . . . this is really helpful.�



“Your  team  has  gone  way  and  above  the  expectations‌⋯Margaret  rang  me  after  hours‌⋯it  is  showing  the  car ing‌⋯so  you  guys  rock!   Keep  it  up  c’os  I  and  my  family  sure  appreciate  it.â€? Â

" 9



Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.


It is with great appreciation that I thank my senior volunteers Beverley Green, Noel Ladd, Daryl Maber and Rob Bowring whose dedicated service in transport and contacting the seniors for shopping, luncheons and bus trips have a huge impact on attendance. The seniors would like to thank Lynne Ferguson for her donating a beautiful basket of Nutrimetic products to raise funds.

" Aileen

The Western Wheels team of ’Ilaisaane Mills, Maria Davis and Nathan Morgan has provided the right elements for the passing of the learner licence theory test for 87 persons.


A great mention to Kairangi Mills for starting the Little Stars Playgroup last year with success in the making for the littlies out west. This group is now facilitated by Maria Davis and coordinated by Joana Davis to keep the focus of bright and happy learning.

" I love supporting this group.


With a great year of varied events its not surprising that the stats for foot traffic are so high in the after hours.

" Lets keep the work flowing and our people looked after. "

Our Services Coordinator

Aileen Rangi-Whaikawa-Mills

Western Wheels Community Service Hours

2533 hours completed by 56 people



chairs hired out

tables hired out

" 10



Senior Events, Bus Trips, Luncheons, Shopping, Tai Chi and much more. 125

visits on Bus Trips


Senior Programmes

visits to Luncheons


visits to Tai Chi


seniors transported to the supermarket

" 11

Most of you may know me as Nate, Nato or just plain ‘old’ Nathan and for those that have not had the ‘privilege’ of meeting myself yet, don’t worry, you will eventually, trust me - with all the awesome events we have on here at the centre it would be hard to miss us, and if we do miss you for what ever reasons, just come on up and introduce yourself. We are a friendly and funny bunch!


Righto, One-way to sum up my involvements at the Western Community Centre over the past year is - “A positively charged, mixed bag of all sorts”.

" Nathan

Here is a bit more info on what has happened over the last year for me and my involvement at the Western Community Centre – First I started with helping out at the Western Stars, After school Care Programme and also involves 2 weeks of holiday programme in every school holiday, which has been a blast – “these little ones keep you very busy all the time, but at the same time this can be very rewarding”. This has helped me to learn one of the most important words and aspects in life and that is ‘patience’. I have learnt that, when it comes to working with children and especially our youth these days, you must have patience – this will test your patience to a high level (well what patience you do have, if any), but at the same time you will learn how to get better at this along the way which has been a positive experience for me and ultimately a positive way of working with all whanau, parents, caregivers and of course, children and youth.

Our Youth Development Worker


I have also had involvement with the Western Wheels – Learner Licence course, which has helped me in many ways to keep updated with the current laws and policies around this topic but to successfully help other youth in obtaining this crucial but important life experience and milestone, brings a huge smile to both face’s when they pass and achieve this - as I had done so at the same programme, 15 odd years ago!!!


I suppose I have had a wider involvement in this community over the past years, been an ex-student of H.F.H.S and lived in the area pretty much most of my life (the whole 21 years!!! but apart from spending some time abroad), which has helped me in some very important ways like building and cementing important relationships, trust and solid rapport with this important community. This, I will continue to build on for the rest of my life.


Summing up all of this ‘positively charged, mixed bag of all sorts, We have 3 of our biggest annual events in the community, which are Chill in the Park, Inflatables in the Park and Treats in the Park. This has also helped me to work with the many keen YOUTH volunteers/helpers in this area, in a lot more of a positive and encouraging way, better than I could have done in the past anyway and this part is all thanks to the support and encouragement of the Western Community, past and current staff and volunteers. This has involved getting all the ‘right’ people and ‘teams’ to help organise and run these huge annual events in this community. These have grown in such a huge and wonderful way every year, we have started to organise the next Treats in the Park 2014… So to, this will be another huge and successful event been run by children and youth ultimately for children and youth. We will continue to build this and it shows by the example of the youth who are now committed to this community and The Western Community centre.


Kia Ora Katou Car-tower,

Nate Morgan (Western Community, Youth Development Worker).



Projects I am involved with throughout the year Night

Nawton and Crawshaw Healthy Living Projects The Western Community Centre

" 12

Our Fundng Coordinator

" "


Thank You to all funders who have supported both myself and Western Community Association with your ongoing commitment to the community of West Hamilton. The reduction in funding allocations and the greater number of applicants from additional agencies has meant a very competitive environment has developed. Western Community Association has managed to hold its own in this environment and I give a huge thank you to the Trusts and Foundations that have shown their continued support and faith in the Centre allowing more services and events to be facilitated that are making a positive difference to our community. The relationship between funding agencies and non-profit organisations is based on respect and acknowledges the accountability, complementary roles and responsibilities of each other.


Since I have been funding co-ordinator one of my priorities has been to receive funding for a youth worker, this has now been achieved with a 2 year grant from the Todd Foundation and I can only say a very big ‘Thank You’. This grant will assist the many awesome youth in our community.


As with all organisations, funds for administration expenses are imperative for the efficient running of the Centre and it is with my thanks and appreciation to our funders who make grants available to assist with the ongoing support that enhances the wellbeing of the people in our communities.


To each and every funder please accept the thanks of not just the Western Community Association but the people of West Hamilton for without your support we would not have the vibrant community we have.

" Joan Marshall

" " "

You will notice in the heading that this report covers a 15-month period instead of the usual 12-month period. This is a one-off situation and one of a number of significant events to have taken place during this period.


The reason for the change is that about 80% of our grant and contract income comes from organisations that have a balance date of 30 June each year. As our balance date was 31 March we needed to spread grant income over two financial years. By changing our balance to match our funders we save ourselves much additional work.


Early last year we employed a Waikato University accounting graduate to assist with a particular project. Vicky proved so valuable that we created a permanent position for her. She has added considerable value to the Centre by virtue of her detailed accounting and financial knowledge and liaises regularly with our accountant and auditor.

Our Finance Team

" James

During the year we made the decision to engage a new accountant and auditor. Phil Nock who previously audited our accounts took on the position of accountant. New auditors then needed to be appointed.


A change was made to the manner of receiving monies at reception. Instead of hand writing receipts we set up Vend an on-line receipting programme that has enabled staff to more easily process daily cash and EFTPOS transactions, and banking.

" Vicky

The final event that has occupied our energies of late was the changing over of our accounting platform to the on-line programme Xero. Though it has required, and is still ongoing, a steep learning curve for the finance staff, the future benefits will be considerable and cost effective. The major benefit is that all authorised staff and advisors can access the programme and view at any time the financial position of the Centre. The Vend programme mentioned above will be integrated with Xero in the near future further increasing the effectiveness of our money processing procedures.

" " "" "

The trials and tribulations of introducing the changes mentioned have been lessened by the positive acceptance of all staff members and I thank them for their patience. Things can only get better in the future, which will make it even easier for our community members to engage with the Centre.


James Shepherd

Vicky Rush

" 13


Our Income



15 Months

Interest $696

Photocopying $1778

Vege Sales $17,096

Other $17,267

Donations $18,923 Western Com Newspaper $35,844


Our Income

contracts Grants % Total Income MSD Grant 9%! MSD OSCAR Grant 9%! Private + Regional Trusts 4%! NZ Lottery & COGs 5%!! Community Gaming Trusts 3% Trust Waikato 5%!


Participant Fees $76,940 Venue Hire $88,666 Grants and Contracts $348,211

Hamilton City Council 23%! Todd Foundation 10% less Tagged Income carried Forward 10%

" 14

Our Expenses " 15 Months


Staffing $174,064

operational/administration/ programme support

Community Events & Support $127,338 Western Stars $104,763

Centre running costs $71,155 Venue running costs $54,996

Our Expenditure

Western Com Newspaper $29,139

Youth $14,124

Seniors $10,869

" 15


l o o h c S r e Aft staff

days of after school care "

Hey guys! I’m Reegan I love after school care and working at the Western Community Centre, It has been great to see lots of new children this year. At after school care I love colouring in, baking and playing board games with the children. Lots of fun! I also help out at the holiday programmes and can't wait till our next one!

" " " "

Our Western After school




Hi I’m Max When I am not looking after the centre administration area I get to look after the children at after school. It’s been fantastic to introduce the children to many of the new board games that are western stars available or throw them into an outside game. We’ve got some amazing kids and its an honour to be part of helping them grow.

" " " "

Hi I’m Fran, I have been involved with the Community Centre, particularly after school and the holiday programmes for the past 4 years. I enjoy interacting with the children and watching them grow and develop. I think the after school programme is a great service. When you read this I will have moved to Tokoroa and Tina will be taking over my role. Thanks Western Community Centre for a great 4 years!


After School Children

I like the activities, outdoor sports the computers and the staff

The new computers and the lego are fun.

I like the games on the computer and the board games.

I like playing with other people and learning new games.





" 16


Nine s e m m a r g o r P y a weeks of d i l o H


Hi there my name is Trish Terry. I have been coordinating the Western Stars Holiday Programme for one year now and have enjoyed every moment since. We have seen children come and go, some have been attending for years and have now come into volunteer roles. This has been an awesome opportunity for them to rise up as young leaders and role models in their community in a safe and positive environment.I am looking forward to another fun packed year and seeing growth in this Programme and this community. Thank you WCC!


programmes " "


hours of care



'Hey guys my name is Anaru Terry previously a Youth Worker here at the centre but now a part-time Zone leader at the Western Stars Holiday Programme and enjoy my job very much. Building relationships with the children and being able see them grow and excel in life is awesome to be apart of. Thank you Western Stars!


I like meeting heaps of new people.


Hi I'm Tina and I love helping out at the holiday programme. The kids are fantastic and I really enjoy getting to know them and helping them have memorable holiday experiences.


I like going on the end of week trips


I like the new computers and playing on the playground.


" 17


2013 September 2013

September 2013

Delivered to 21,000 homes throughout Hamilton’s East Ward

It’s Election time again! Voting for this year’s local body elections City Council, Environment Waikato and the District Health Board closes at noon on Saturday October 12. Voting papers for all elections will be posted out to everyone on the Electoral Roll between the 20th and 25th of September. Voters will be able to return their completed voting papers by mail over the following three weeks, or drop them off to the City Council building or to any of the

Arshad Chatha

Our Newspaper

I hold Master in Business Management and studying Bachelor of Law. I discourage social, cultural, economic, environmental and societal injustices; and support Treaty of Waitangi principles and multicultural representation in Hamilton City Council. I believe in providing good governance, proper community representation, council’s accountability towards its community, better leadership and balance between council’s resources and ratepayers’ expectations. If elected, I will donate 50% of my salary back to the council.”

city libraries. Voting papers for the East Ward will allow voters to select the Mayor (1 position), East Ward Councillors (6 positions), Waikato Regional Council Hamilton Councillors (4 positions for the whole city if on the General Roll or 1 position for the Nga Hau e Wha Constituency if you are on the Maori Roll) and Waikato District Health Board members (7 positions for the whole region). For each of the Mayoral, City Council

East and WRC positions the voting system will be First Past the Post. This allows voters Ward one tick for each position up for election

(e.g. up to six ticks for candidates standing for the six East Ward Councillor positions). For the DHB positions voting will be by STV preferential voting system. Voters must list their preferences by numbering them, number one being indicating their biggest preference and going down as far as they wish


Rototuna Huntington Queenwood Chartwell Chedworth Park Bankwood Enderley Fairview Downs Woodstock Claudelands

Hamilton East Hayes Paddock

Hi, I’m Ewan Wilson and I am running for the city’s mayoralty and Hamilton City Council in the West Ward. I have an innovative and entrepreneurial vision for Hamilton’s future. It’s about getting the balance right between debt, rates and future growth of Hamilton, regaining international payer, transparency in council spending and economic development and real job creation.

Hamilton deserves a Mayor (and Council) who will support the community, residents and local businesses, who will advocate strongly for the city, and ensure the little person’s voice is heard. Hamilton needs: - more playgrounds for kids - community sporting and arts facilities, - better transport for the future - fairer treatment of its staff - no pensioner housing sales - no water metering www.davemacformayor.org.nz

It has been a privilege to serve as your mayor. I am seeking your support to lead a new and reinvigorated Council for another three years. Hamilton is growing as a vibrant and thriving city which offers the lifestyle, environment, opportunities and prosperity we all aspire to. I have a plan for the city which I will implement over the next three years. See it online at www.juliehardaker. co.nz

Loyal to City and people, gathering fresh ideas from our Tertiary Institutions, Chambers of Commerce and Service groups, inter faith Church groups and schools, will give us dynamic business and Council partnerships as we build a sound future. I will lead a Council that uses all the gifts of our Couning our river; arts across the spectrum; partnership with Tainui; job incentives and new citizens!

Tim Wikiriwhi did not respond to our request for material

University Silverdale

My wife, Meryl, and I have lived in Hamilton for 38 years, raising two children. I have been a trusted and effective member of many organisations. pally because of my concern about the Council’s enormous debt with no commitment to reduce it. I offer honest leadership and cial sustainability and a pledge to consult with residents about proposed changes affecting our environment.

Delivered to 21,000 homes throughout Hamilton’s West Ward

It’s Election time again! Voting for this year’s local body elections City Council, Environment Waikato and the District Health Board closes at noon on Saturday October 12. Voting papers for all elections will be posted out to everyone on the Electoral Roll between the 20th and 25th of September. Voters will be able to return their completed voting papers by mail over the following three weeks, or drop them off to the City Council building or to any of the

Hillcrest Riverlea

The race for the MAYOR’s chair Ewan Wilson Dave Macpherson Julie Hardaker Ian Hanley Tony Dixon


Arshad Chatha

city libraries. Voting papers for the West Ward will allow voters to select the Mayor (1 position), West Ward Councillors (6 positions), Waikato Regional Council Hamilton Councillors (4 positions for the whole city if on the General Roll or 1 position for the Nga Hau e Wha Constituency if you are on the Maori Roll) and Waikato District Health Board members (7 positions for the whole region). For each of the Mayoral, City Council

and WRC positions the voting system will be First Past the Post. This allows voters one tick for each position up for election (e.g. up to six ticks for candidates standing for the six West Ward Councillor positions). For the DHB positions voting will be by STV preferential voting system. Voters must list their preferences by numbering them, number one being indicating their biggest preference and going down as far as they wish

The race for the MAYOR’s chair Ewan Wilson Dave Macpherson Julie Hardaker Ian Hanley Tony Dixon

Jack Gielen

Jack Gielen

Hamilton Council and Mayoral Candidate for the People I’ve been a freezing worker, union delegate, wastewater operator, salesman, community radio broadcaster, pastor counsellor, social worker and human rights activist. - More open council meetings, no hidden agendas. - Community consultation. - Participatory democracy, binding local referenda. - Rates restricted to core services. - Protecting our assets from pri vateers. Improved water quality - Better bus services - We need to support the elderly and disadvantaged.

I hold Master in Business Management and studying Bachelor of Law. I discourage social, cultural, economic, environmental and societal injustices; and support Treaty of Waitangi principles and multicultural representation in Hamilton City Council. I believe in providing good governance, proper community representation, council’s accountability towards its community, better leadership and balance between council’s resources and ratepayers’ expectations. If elected, I will donate 50% of my salary back to the council.”

Hi, I’m Ewan Wilson and I am running for the city’s mayoralty and Hamilton City Council in the West Ward. I have an innovative and entrepreneurial vision for Hamilton’s future. It’s about getting the balance right between debt, rates and future growth of Hamilton, regaining international payer, transparency in council spending and economic development and real job creation.

Hamilton deserves a Mayor (and Council) who will support the community, residents and local businesses, who will advocate strongly for the city, and ensure the little person’s voice is heard. Hamilton needs: - more playgrounds for kids - community sporting and arts facilities, - better transport for the future - fairer treatment of its staff - no pensioner housing sales - no water metering www.davemacformayor.org.nz

It has been a privilege to serve as your mayor. I am seeking your support to lead a new and reinvigorated Council for another three years. Hamilton is growing as a vibrant and thriving city which offers the lifestyle, environment, opportunities and prosperity we all aspire to. I have a plan for the city which I will implement over the next three years. See it online at www.juliehardaker. co.nz

Loyal to City and people, gathering fresh ideas from our Tertiary Institutions, Chambers of Commerce and Service groups, inter faith Church groups and schools, will give us dynamic business and Council partnerships as we build a sound future. I will lead a Council that uses all the gifts of our Couning our river; arts across the spectrum; partnership with Tainui; job incentives and new citizens!

Tim Wikiriwhi did not respond to our request for material

My wife, Meryl, and I have lived in Hamilton for 38 years, raising two children. I have been a trusted and effective member of many organisations. pally because of my concern about the Council’s enormous debt with no commitment to reduce it. I offer honest leadership and cial sustainability and a pledge to consult with residents about proposed changes affecting our environment.

Hamilton Council and Mayoral Candidate for the People I’ve been a freezing worker, union delegate, wastewater operator, salesman, community radio broadcaster, pastor counsellor, social worker and human rights activist. - More open council meetings, no hidden agendas. - Community consultation. - Participatory democracy, binding local referenda. - Rates restricted to core services. - Protecting our assets from pri vateers. Improved water quality - Better bus services - We need to support the elderly and disadvantaged.

These issues represent over 1,000,000 pages that have been delivered to Hamilton West residents over the past 15 months. "

That’s a lot of Positivity! "


" "

The year was

and our predecessors thought it would be important to produce a local newspaper to share our information, promote positive stories and celebrate the achievements and activities that take place within our local neighbourhoods. "

" "

34 years later our newspaper is still telling our stories!!


This 12 page community newspaper is delivered free to 17,000 residents of Hamilton west as well as the areas within the Fraser High School boundary. Fraser High School contribute 4 pages to the paper, keeping the community updated on school events.

34 Years of Community News By Ben Flood & Max Dillon Coyle


For 34 years this paper has been at the heart of the community reporting news and providing a great tool to share and celebrate achievements and positive change throughout Hamilton West.

It all started in 1980 with the Nawton Community News first being published so the Nawton Community Centre could gets its updates out there. In a time before the Internet, Robert Muldoon was Prime Minister, Ross Jansen was the Mayor of Hamilton (a position he held for 12 years) and the Sweetwaters festival had been held in Ngaruawahia. Goodbye Pork Pie was released at the movies, we only had 2 TV channels and 4 AM radio stations (3 locals, 1ZH, Radio Waikato & Radio Contact). Shops had only just been allowed to open on a Saturday and Waikato demolished Auckland to hold the Ranfurly shield up until the end of the season.

Just like NZ, the papers look has changed a lot throughout the years as you can see by the pictures, looking back through previous issues its amazing to see how the community has grown and all the amazing stories and achievements throughout the years. As well as all the past changes there’s also the brand new masthead for the paper, we hope you like it!

The Western Community Newspaper is Hamilton’s only non-profit, community owned and operated newspaper. We like to focus on real community issues and our head office is right here in the middle of Hamilton West. All profits from the newspaper go back into the Western Community Centre to further create opportunities and provide support to enhance the wellbeing of the people in our city and help ensure our communities are thriving, vibrant, healthy and self reliant.

As well as being in print the newspaper is available to view online and you can make friends with us on Facebook!

We also do a lot of updates there and even live reporting of events as they unfold, including coverage of City Council meetings and timely news updates.

A huge thank you to the people who have been crucial in the history of the newspaper and those who work on it to this day. Thank you to all our advertisers, who without them this newspaper would not be possible. Also all the people who have featured in the newspaper, contributed articles and photos, and helped fill our pages to bring you Hamilton’s coolest newspaper.

Our Newspaper Team "

Max Dillon Coyle - WCC Dave Macpherson - WCC Board Member, HCC Councillor Tim Atkinson - Fraser High School Neil Tolan - WCC Jan Plumley - Proof Reader

Thank you for your Support! " Ioana Manu- HCC community Advisor Ani Nock - HCC community Advisor Our Advertisers Our Contributors All our readers!

" 19

e tr n e C y it un m om C rn te s e W T" he April 2013 - June 2014 "

Weekly Users

After School-care 5 bookings per week English Language Partners 4 bookings per week Agriculture NZ Destination Dairy 4 bookings per week Senior Tai Chi 2 bookings per week Samoa Unity Christian Church 2 bookings per week per week Waikato Family Home based Childcare 2 bookings Church of Christ 2 bookings per week Agriculture NZ Go Organics 1 booking per week WCC Youth programme Plunket Floral Lessons Westside Church Iloha Japanese Playgroup Western City Sports Touch Tournament Niemand Peebles Hoult Little Stars Playgroup Westside Church Mainly Music Justice of the Peace Clinics Boom Box Weaving Classes Hamilton Ranbats Extreme Impact Nawton Kickboxing UCKG Help Centre Homai Nutrition Kershaw Training M.E.N. / MATES Networks Midwifes Kiwi Staff Patient Rights Advocacy Tongan Playgroup

Vision of Hope - Clothing Bank


Monthly Users Senior Luncheons WCC Board Meetings

" " "

Other WCC

Western Wheels Learner Licence 18 bookings Parenting Fuel Up 8 bookings Western Stars Holiday programme 4 weeks

" " " " " "

99,806 People have made visits to our centre. 15 months

" 20

Our Venue

Epilepsy NZ

Oth " er Users

Family Start Body Corp Citizens Advice COGS Public Meeting Te Runanga O Kirikiriroa Allergy NZ ces Whai Marama Youth Servi MSD SPCA Parent Unit Fraser High School - Teen Tom Martin Photography rvices Raukuru Waikato Social Se Te Kohao Health Te Ahurei a Rangitahi Key Assets Nawton Youth Ward Neighbourhood Support Ministry of Education St Johns Labour Party Mayor Outside the Square Mana Party Expo Low Cost Living Christmas Ministry Of Education Pacific Interagency Group Pregnancy Counselling Epilepsy NZ Family Start Body Corp Citizens Advice COGS Public Meeting Te Runanga O Kirikiriroa

erences 46 bookings CYFS Family Group Conf s Private Bookings 35 booking ings Private Functions 34 book Health Nurse 8 bookings Waikato DHB 8 bookings Link House 7 bookings eeting 6 bookings West Hamilton Network M okings Hamilton City Council 5 bo Toastmasters 5 bookings s 4 bookings Industry Training Solution ague 4 bookings Maori Woman's Welfare Le 4 bookings Practitioners Local Group g 4 bookings Pacific Interagency Meetin ings Absolute Domestics 4 book Enrich Plus 4 bookings NZ First Party 4 bookings bookings Frank Burton Associates 3 k meetings 3 bookings Community House Networ s Work and Income 3 booking NZ Police 3 bookings Maori Party 3 bookings Spectrum Care 3 bookings ings Figjam Workshops 3 3 book Arthritis NZ 2 bookings okings South Pacific Institute 2 bo Child Fund NZ 2 bookings Linkage Trust 2 bookings care Jemmas Homebased Child bookings NZ Educational Institute 2 bookings Art of Living Foundation 2 bookings Open Home Foundation 2 ork Meeting 2 bookings Community Houses Netw K’aute Pasifika 2 bookings ings Rasool Foundation 2 book ings Fraser Tech Rugby 2 book Gas Smart 2 bookings Linkage Trust 1 booking 1 booking Practitioners Local Group Expo Low Cost Living Christmas Ministry Of Education Pacific Interagency Group Pregnancy Counselling

" " "

Eventse Park

- April Inflatables in th Chill in the Park – July r Treats in the Park- Octobe vember Low Cost Living Expo – No mber Timeout Girls Event – Dece ember Parenting Fuel Up – Sept

" ""

"" "" " " " "" "


Skate Park

46 Hyde ave

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Throughout the year the centre supports and facilitates a number of community events at Elliott Park. These involve hundreds of volunteers all willing to contribute to their community. Over three decades the Western Community Centre has seen the value in bringing our residents together and making this community a great place for our Kids!

Inflatables in the Park 1300 children registered, Total 2000 people attended.

(based around large inflatable rides)


Chill in the Park Total 500 people attended.

July (snow dump, activities, sports)

Treats in the Park 2000 children registered, Total 4500 people attended.

(held in the week of Halloween, treat stations, entertainment, skate comp, sports, rides)


Picnic in the park Coming soon 2015!


Children’s day March

Our Events

" 22


Thanks to the

"" 8 tonnes

Chill in the Park

of snow! Volunteering is generally considered as an unselfish activity and is intended to promote good or improve human quality of life. In return the activity can produce a feeling of selfworth and respect. There is no financial gain involved.

With that said a big thank you must go to all our volunteers to support Chill in the Park this year, with out your support the event could not operate. We had a great team of support this year including volunteers from Enrich plus

Ben, Solomone, Devon, JD, Rachael, Atish, Jason, Jess, Te Ahurei a Rangatahi Team Wiki, Harmz, Letari and Kidz. Also Rangi and Shyto who were both on the bbg, our local volunteers Kimbo Pius, Zyana Kathleen, Braiden, Motu, Dave, Zelda, Sharti and finally our awesome staff that supported the event.

Wow What a day! If you missed ‘Treats in the Park 2013’ where were you? We had a big turn out from community and a range of fun activities happening at Elliot Park on Thursday the 31st of October. Treats in the Park is a community event to encourage children to attend instead of going Trick or treating in the neighbourhood. Treats in the Park has been running for 11 years. The event could not be possible without the support of our Funders and volunteers who we must recognise. Thank you to our funders Hamilton (HCC) and Grassroots trust.

Our on stage entertainment was organised by Matt Smith from the Salvation Army Grandview. Thank you Matt and his many volunteers from the Salvation Army for organising some great entertainment and thank you to our wonderful on stage performers. Thank you to MORE FM for promotion and for looking after the stage as MC.

Volunteers are a vital component of the event and each year this event is supported from a range of organisation’s and community volunteers. Thank you to the organisations who manned our treat stations Destiny Church, Dinsdale Community Link, Fraser High Cadets, LDS Church and our many community volunteers. Thank you to the Enrich Plus team for helping with set up on the day. Thank you to our local community constables Paul, Aimee and Todd. Many thanks to Ani and Te Aroha from Te Wananga o Aotearoa for running our Under 5s area, Andrew from Going Digital and Wintec.

Treats in the Park

Thanks to BBz sports club for helping with the pack down of the event and thank you to John Gavin from Dinsdale Lodge.

Pierre organised the annual Skate competition, thanks Pierre and his team. Placings were: Scooter Comp – Greg, Open grade – 1st: Simon Doddrell, 2nd: Lewis Rewi, 3rd: Tom Champion. High school aged – 1st: Deacon King, 2nd: Yorlin Phillips, 3rd: Tim Geoghegan and Under 13s – 1st: Seth Phillips, 2nd: Dallin Simon, 3rd Callum Trevors.

Thank you to Hire pool, Smile Entertainment for the Rides, Rent a Fence, John Jamieson Food stall, King Seeds, Pete’s Packing, Gilmour’s, Cory Tyler – The Espresso Effect, Donut dudes, BIDVest, Countdown, Davis food and Dominoes Pizza.

Lastly a big thank you to all Western Community Centre staff, volunteers, board members and Hamilton City Council Community Development and Leisure team members for supporting ‘Treats in the Park 2013’.

We gave away 15,000 pea seeds and 18,000 sunflower seeds. We really enjoyed seeing lots of sunflowers popping up around West Hamilton.

" Ani Nock

Hamilton City Council Community Advisor Treats in the Park Event Coordinator

" 24


70 youth were needed to take up the various roles needed to help the event run smoothly and to make the day enjoyable for 1200 children.

Inflatables in the Park


Kids and big kids jumped, bounced and slid their way through hours of inflatable entertainment on the final day of their holidays thanks to the planning and hard work from our local youth.

" "


The events aim was to

develop and involve young people’s skills and knowledge in decision-making and leadership

respond to a need in the community identified by young people

support young people to be engaged in and contribute to their community

contribute to keeping our neighbourhood vibrant and an exciting place for our local children


Thank You “It was a great experience for me and I really enjoyed being part of the day”

Our Entertainers and DJ’s, Rick from Funworks, Community Info stalls, Hamilton City Tigers Senior League Club,

Wesley Sinnott - youth team

Fraser Tech Rugby and our community who came along and enjoyed the day!

“Inflatables in the Park was an awesome day, the weather was great and the towering rides looked incredible. It was fantastic to have so many volunteers turn up to assist, we have such a great community out West” - Nathan Morgan YDW

" 26

The event was called “Timeout” and for 75 year 9 and 10 girls the night shaped up to be a night of

" Inspiration, Encouragement and Empowerment. " The night was run as an expo style event with a wide range of exhibitors providing key information and knowledge about their services and support.


Motivational speakers and workshops provided inspiration, resources and tools to help the girls in what can be challenging years ahead for them. Sports stars signed autographs and s l r i G shared their stories and tips on nutrition and training. A high standard of entertainment was for t n ve provided and there was a stack of prizes given out throughout the night.

An e


Volunteers worked very hard in the kitchen to produce a great line up of food that went down really well.


Many of the girls had a hair and nail makeover which they absolutely appreciated. Olivia Whanga from Fraser High School cooked up 100 cupcakes then for 3 hours taught the art of cupcake decorating. Sport Waikato set up activities to keep them active.


It was great for our team to hear lots of laughter, see the girls leave with great smiles on their faces and lot’s more reasons for them to feel good about themselves.


Thank you to everyone that assisted particularly Gareth Corder, Lorraine McDonagh and Roxanne Wary who spent a considerable amount of time putting together the event.

Special Thanks to


Special Guests and Exhibitors

Ministry of Social Development

Otago Polytechnic School of Occupa>onal Therapy Students Coordina2on of the Event Gareth Corder Lorraine McDonagh Roxanne Waru


Focus and Planning Team

Timeout Girls Event

Fraser High School Students

Celine Hepi Skye Quigley -­‐ Harwood Jaala Clover Caitlyn Stewart Riverleigh Baars Merenia Hepi Zyana Clarke Britanny Stokes


Project Support Ani Nock -­‐ Hamilton City Council Nathan Morgan-­‐ WCC ACLX -­‐ Aaron Chessman APA-­‐ Brad Thompson


Volunteers All our volunteers including Western Community Centre and School of OccupaOonal Therapy Students Staff and Volunteers.


Kate Loader -­‐ MC Waikato ITM Rugby Waikato Bay of Plenty Magic Alan Hall -­‐ Bunnings Nanaia Mahutu Tim Macindoe NZ Police Harley Taare and Band Eklezia Dance Academy Alison Greenman Elle Hayes Sarah Hough Te Ahurei A Rangatahi Fran Hanson Mere Nock Robyna Hokai Shiray Tane JusOn Budgeon Wintec NZ Management Academy Te Wananga O Aotearoa Sport Waikato Tainui/Waikato NZ Police YWCA Ioana Manu Family Planning Kaute Pasifika HTown Youth Connect Olivia Whanga

Supporters Shortland Street Free FM Fraser High School Warehouse StaOonery Event Cinemas Burger King McDonalds Bunnings United Video Nawton North Beach Surf Shop Kmart PaperPlus Whitcoulls Life Pharmacy Carls Jnr Extreme Edge Rock Climbing Bus It -­‐ Go Bus Elite Beauty School West Hamilton Pharmacy Daytona Shampoo N Things Smiths Sports Shoes ZM Lush Dick Smith


Kitchen Crew Bill Rees Dianne Rees Malena Caulfield Aileen Rangi Whaikawa-­‐ Mills

Painted by our good friends from Te Ahurei A Rangatahi

“The Strength of a women is Love”

The door takings on the night raised $200 to support a Kiva Micro Loans project. The girls chose Yessica from Peru aged 21. The loan will go towards her grocery store and business providing typing, photocopying and printing services.

" 27

g n i t n e Par el Up Fu


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34 parents attended our very first line up of “Parenting Fuel Up” workshops.

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8 short, fun and down to earth parenting workshops were organised with assistance from

Plunket, Waikato Institute Leisure and Sport Studies,

Sport Waikato and

St Johns.


A good chance for parents to pick up lots of great tips, strategies and parenting tools!


Parenting Fuel Up

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" 28


2012 we planted 1692

Fruit Trees across Nawton and Crawshaw

1292 Fruit Trees planted in 212 Homes


t rui num be r o f tr ees per h


f H o u se h o


o kd a re

f of


400 Fruit Trees planted in Public Spaces


N u mb e r o



Fruit Tre e

s per Ho



Elliott Park in 2012 -76 Feijoa's, 33 Mandarins, 10 passionfruit, 6 apple 4 plum, 4 orange and 1 lime tree�

" 29


Every child is a different kind of little f lower, and all together they make this world a beautiful garden. The Little Stars Playgroup developed out of a need for Nawton littlies to have a space of their own to meet and learn all kinds of fabulous creative play skills and to develop in the areas of socialising with each other and be shown good language examples and to help their self learning through music. The Ministry of Education values our meetings through supportive measures which helps us to strive to incorporate Te Whariki as the model for learning to enhance the child and their families.


“I have 3 children; Victor 4 Adam 3 and Sariah nearly 2 that keep me on my toes and help encourage me to think outside the square when it comes to parenting.’

Little Stars playgroup


‘Being a volunteer for the centre in various areas of the learners licence, holiday program, yummy mummy’s and the initiation of the Little Stars Playgroup has made me understand why programs with the families in mind are so important for the development and wellbeing of children no matter what age.’


‘Keep up the good work Western Community Centre.’


Kairangi Sariah Mills

" 30


Low Cost Christmas Expo


The annual “Low Cost Living Christmas Expo” was attended by at least 200 people. This expo provides opportunities for families to learn and participate in services available to help families live effectively within their income. 
 Agencies, groups and centre staff presented at the expo, giving information about the free and low cost service they offer. From gardening, food tasting, birthday party ideas, christmas card making and decorations, christmas treats ideas, recipe in a jar, time bank system, recipe information, saving money on your energy bill, Christmas spending options and much more will be available on the day. Everything on the day was free! The next Expo will celebrate 10 years.

Ioana Manu

Hamilton City Council Community Advisor


" 31


We asked our community through "" a question

Our Feedback

The Western Community Centre is…………………………….

" 32

Wairahi Taiapa and Jamie Toko

provide our Justice of the Peace service every Tuesday till lunchtime. This has been extremely popular and well utilised by the public.

We are grateful for their service as this has been a regular request from the community. We understand they are now some of the busiest JP's in Hamilton.


W ed

documents have been signed since Feb 2014

s t e r m Spoogram pr

Cra nesd wsh a aw y Par k

ay Park d i Fr liott

tre The Western Community Cen


" 33


Learner Licence Course

n r e t s e W s l e e Wh


people have attended 15 months

Western Wheels



Te Kura Tuarua o Taniwharau

" 34

Matty's New Bike! "  

Matt has been a volunteer at the centre for almost 15 years! He has volunteered at all of our large community events and is usually the first to arrive and the last to leave. He happily drops into the centre every wednesday afternoon to give us a hand and do whatever he can to help. We think he's awesome!

His main transport was his bike and due to the hundreds of trips it has taken from Hamilton East to our centre it became worn out and a new one was needed.



We thought he deserved a new bike so we came up with a few fund-raising ideas and

with a bit of work and a lot of community support we managed to reach the target.

A big thanks to everyone that helped!

Matty is one Happy Chappy with his new bike!



We raised a total of $718 $458 at the Garage Sale, $120 from Candy Floss Sales, $40 from donations Nawton Dental donated $100.

A huge thanks to all those who assisted!

" 35


Lance is the Man!

Lance comes in to the centre to volunteer every Tuesday morning and spends his time helping out with whatever he can.


One of his key tasks is to mow the strip of grass around the fruit trees at Elliott Park. Lance is great to have around and we appreciate the contribution he makes!

Fruit and veggie packs

We have a really great group of volunteers who come in every thursday morning to put together the Fruit and veggie orders.

Thanks to Carl Mateer for coordinating this project.

In the last 15 months they group have packed

2459orders "


bags fresh fruit and veggies have been carried out of our centre


packs have been given away free to support families.

" 36

The New Nawton Community Mural is placed at the back of the Western Community Centre, facing Elliott Park. This Mural is for the community and represents the Nawton Community. Completed by artist Jeremy Shirley.

From the left it features ‘Tuheitea’ the Taniwha who was the father of ‘Mahanga’ an important ancestor of Ngati Mahanga. Then at the back of the mural is a wave pattern

The same colour as the Taniwha which connects Ngati Mahanga to the area.

Fraser Tech Rugby Club is also represent in this community, the flax and tui represent the swampland that existed before development of houses in the community. Then we have the food baskets with potatoes, corn and watercress as a symbol of Manaakitanga or hospitality.

Finally we have the children chasing a ball with houses behind and the skater at the end. Thank you to our Ngati Mahanga family, Hamilton City Council Tag Busters team, Artist Jeremy Shirley, Hamilton City Council Community advisor, Local Police, Te Wananga o Aoteroa and Fraser Tech rugby club for supporting to get this beautiful mural up in our community.


Our New Mural

Special Thanks to Ani Nock Hamilton City Council Community Advisor for Coordinating this project.

" 36

Thanks to our local papers!

In the Papers


Hamilton News

Floral Art Classes

Every Monday Morning

The Western Community Centre

Radio Show

Friday’s 10.30am



46 Hyde ave Hamilton 3200! 07 8474873!

The Western Community Centre


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