WCN36 Aug08

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36 Issue No.36 (August 2008)

Delivered to 18,000 homes throughout Hamilton’s western suburbs

Crouch, Pause, Engage

West Hamilton rugby club, Fraser-Tech (right), breaks the three-peat curse of the Waikato Breweries Shield, to win the premier championship final with a 34-17 victory over Hautapu on 26th July.

West Hamilton Pharmacy NewNawton Mall, Nawton. Phone 846 3121. Facsimile 846 3165

Cold Sores - Treat them Straight Away

Cold sores may not be a serious health condition but they are painful, definitely annoying and often embarrassing for those who get them. And, as all sufferers know, often the sores appear at the worst times – for instance when you have a special event planned and you want to look your best. We are all exposed to the cold sores virus but not all of us will experience an outbreak of the sores. Those who do usually get repeated attacks. Our first exposure to the virus is most likely in childhood. It tends to stay in our bodies, doing nothing until later in life when certain things ‘trigger’ it to become active and cause cold sores to appear. The virus responsible is called herpes simplex type 1. It has nothing to do with the common cold virus but having a cold or the flu, or being run down from stress or some other illness, can provide the perfect ‘trigger’ for cold sores to develop. Sunburn is another common ‘trigger’. Cold sores usually start out with a tingling, burning or itchy feeling on the skin where the sores eventually will appear – usually around the mouth or nose. A red swollen patch then develops over the next 24 hours which is often very painful, and turns into a blister or a group of blisters. These crust over and dry-up after about a week, with the sores eventually healing completely and disappearing 10-14 days after the first tingle. The virus remains in your body until something like stress, an infection, or the common cold ‘triggers’ it again and more cold sores develop – often in the same place as before.

Cold sores are transferred easily from person to person and can be particularly dangerous for babies, or for people taking medicines that affect their immune systems. “Kissing is a common way of spreading the virus. Parents who have cold sores should be careful not to kiss children until the sores have healed as they risk passing them the virus for life,” caution Self Care pharmacists. They also advise “don’t share your eating and drinking utensils, or face cloths and towels, because you could pass-on the virus that way”. As further advice, people should wash their hands thoroughly after they have bathed and treated cold sores, or if they accidentally touch the sores. “It is just as important not to touch or rub your eyes without washing your hands first. If your eyes become red, watery and sensitive to light, see your doctor straight away as the virus could have passed to your eyes.” Cold sores also can be spread to the genitals so it is important to take care with genital hygiene. You cannot be cured of the cold sores virus, but medicines to relieve symptoms of the actual sores are available from your Self Care pharmacist. Some can speed-up the healing time. Other medicines can stop the sores even from appearing, but usually only if used early-enough in the cycle. “The key is getting help and using antiviral medicines straight away - during the early ‘tingling’ stage,” say Self Care pharmacists. For more information on cold sores and the different medicines available, talk to your Self Care pharmacist and get your copy of the Cold Sores fact card.

Te Rapa, Pukete, St Andrews, Beerescourt, Whitiora, Maeroa, Forest Lake, Frankton, Dinsdale, Aberdeen, Templeview, Nawton, Livingstone, Western Heights, Rotokauri, Crawshaw, Brymer

Our Nawton Community Constable Kia Ora and hello. My name is Willie Cuthers and I am one of two Community Constables based at 100 Grandview Road, Nawton. I have been in the New Zealand Police for almost seven years now. I had been working in South Auckland in different positions, including as a community constable, until making the move to Hamilton in 2007. Prior to joining the Police I was a qualified carpenter. Like the Police I enjoyed this work because it gave me the oppor-

tunity to get out and meet people. Two things I really enjoy about both professions. I have been in this role for the last six months and I am happy to be here. Nawton has a multi-racial population and the people I have met are friendly. There are a number of members who are very proactive which is important for a safer community. Ownership of issues and members working together are also key.

Low Cost Living Expo at Waikato Migrant Resource Centre WHAT: Low Cost Living Expo WHEN: 30th August WHERE: Waikato Migrant Resource Centre The Low Cost Living Expo is hosted by Waikato Migrant Resource Centre to promote healthy living at low cost. This expo will provide the diverse ethnic communities in Hamilton with information on how to prepare and buy nutritious food, and lead a healthy lifestyle. Sports Waikato will be running a series of workshops during the day around ‘healthy cooking without the cost’. At the same time children will be given the opportunity to learn how to make their own healthy snacks for school. We have also organised outdoor games like Volleyball, Cricket and Soccer for families. Games will be run for children and parents, encouraging families to participate and interact. This Expo will also provide information on how to access free counselling services, medical care, dental care, benefit entitlement, legal advice and how to establish and maintain a productive vegetable garden. Participating Agencies at the Expo: WDHB, NZ Aids Foundation, NZ Police, Fire Services, Hamilton Budgeting Services, Community Law Centre, Sports Waikato, Methodist City Action, Plunket, Progress to Health, SF Waikato, Permaculture Trust, Work & Income, CAB, Parents as first Teachers Organisation and Hamilton City Council. For more information, please contact: Patricia Novoa 07 853 2192 or Jenny Nand 07 849 6458.

I have been working alongside Senior Constable Mark Nicol since my arrival in Nawton. He has been here for a few years and I have taken the opportunity to learn as much about Nawton from him as I can. If you have any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me in person at 100 Grandview Road, or alternatively I can be contacted on William. Cuthers@police.govt.nz or (07) 846 3289. Willie Cuthers Kia manuia,

SHAMA Opportunities

SHAMA Hamilton Ethnic Women’s Centre Trust caters to ethnic woman of all ages and needs. The Centre is at 27 Beatty Street, Melville and celebrates its 7th Anniversary on the 19th August 2008. SHAMA offers support with whatever your needs are ¬- learner driving leassons, English language classes, information on legal and health issues, careers advice, counselling, immigration advice and family issues. You can also join us as a volunteer and gain work experience. We hold women’s social activities to gain friendships. Come and join our fun cooking and conversation classes, sewing classes and art classes. There is also a children’s holiday programme during the school holidays. If you need our help, a Social Worker is available for Advocacy, Caseworker for clients that need professional support, referrals and training services for ethnic women and families. For more information, you can contact Zinai Siviter, Co-ordinator on -07 843 3811 or mobile 027 2433 811.

Western Community News is produced by the Western Community Centre, Inc. and Hamilton’s Fraser High School every 2 months.

Staff and volunteers working on this issue were Ani Nock, Tim Atkinson, Ioana Tolofua, Nicki Spring, Dave Macpherson & all those who contributed articles.

Western Community News - August 2008

Youth club launched in sports club Young people in Nawton now have a positive place to go on Friday nights. A youth club called JC’s was launched on Friday 18 July in the sports club area of the Western Community Centre near the skate park, and will run until Christmas. Each club night kicks off at 6.30 pm with a BBQ and drinks and finishes at 9.30pm. Each night features different activities, including movies, music/concerts, team competitions, pool and table tennis, and special guests. Activities include Christian content and themes. Club nights are being organised by Westside Church Hamilton, who meet in the Western Community Centre for their Sunday services. Pastor Grant Hubbard says the club nights are targeting young people aged 10-15, and have been well received by the community. “Young people need a positive place to meet on a Friday night, and we’ve had great support from staff at the Western Community Centre. We were really encouraged by the first night. The weather was filthy but we had a great turnout of young people.” A multi-national team from Youth With A Mission (YWAM) representing Holland, USA, Canada and South Korea presented a drama and musical on this first night. The club nights are being organised by youth leaders from Westside Church, with oversight from church leaders. “As the evenings get longer, we will be running sports on the fields, but for now, all the events are being held indoors.” JC’s will be held on the following dates over the next two months: 1, 15 and 29 August, 12 and 26 September. Photo: First night at JC’s, around the pool table.

Your SAY:“What did you get up to during your holidays?”

Daniel aka Danny boy I went up to AUT in Auckland for a Dance Course and played in a Volleyball Tourny.

Mark I had Volleyball training and went to Auckland for a Volleyball Tourny for my club, Hamilton Volleyball Club.

Nikkita I hang out with my friends, spent time with family and went into town.

Chelsea I went to Taumaranui to see my brother I had a good time.

Eru I Skated at Nawton skate park most of the time.

Weston I did the same old chilled out with my friends and family, we just played the playstation.

Sierra I went to town everyday and had a feed of McDonalds.

Latiesha I went to Auckland to do some shopping, I also went to visit all my family in Auckland.

IT’S TALENT TYME ay Te Ahurei a Rangatahi presents Talent Tyme 2008. Frid et, 6.30pm, 5 September at the Methodist Church on London Stre gold coin entr y.

If you got talent and want to win some cash then register yourself or your group with Te Ahurei a Rangatahi. There are 3 sections you can enter either dance, song or other. All talents are welcome such as lip sync, cultural, instrumentals, song and dance. Phat cash prizes up for grabs of $200 for the winner of each section and $100 for the runner up each section, a total of $900 to be won!!! If you got what it takes 1st then register NOW!! Registrations must be in before Monday rei@ September, contact Te Ahurei on 07 838 3013 or email teahu xtra.co.nz.

Whai Marama Youth Connex – Youth Advisory Group

The Whai Marama Youth Advisory Group are a group of 10 to 15 rangatahi who advise and inform the employees of Whai Marama on things that concern youth. The Youth Advisory Group or YAG provides feedback on the services that Whai Marama Youth Connex offer, as well as feedback to other services who contact the YAG via Whai Marama Staff members. The YAG just kicked off in March 08, and are very excited and have many aspirations such as establishing funding through MSD to hold youth events, making up a name and logo, recruiting more young people on board and having awesome team building days. The Youth Advisory Group is a great way to hang out with cool people that share similar interests – improve the services for young people in Aotearoa. The team is really community focused with a belief to promote the ideals of youth and celebrate the positive contribution youth make in our community, schools, whanau,


Got nothing to do on a Saturday night? Come along with us we are going on a road trip to Auckland. Costs $10 which covers Transport, dinner, and entry into Ice Skating and the Wave pools. Open for any Youth aged 13-24. This event is smoke free, drug free and alcohol free so leave that stuff at home. We are all there for good time :) We only have limited space so get in with the payment and signed permission slip fast. For more information contact Ani at the Western Community Centre, 07-8474 873 ext 6.

workplace and Whai Marama itself. YAG have met with key policy makers, other external youth providers and people that are willing to see youth in a better light in Aotearoa New Zealand. It is important to YAG to support, and encourage young people to take leadership roles in schools, communities and organisations because we are the leaders of tomorrow. The YAG provides a perfect forum and leadership opportunity for the young people who benefit from the service that Whai Marama provides. YAG aren’t just for Whai marama, but an Advisory group available to any organisation, service or anyone wanting to work with youth who want youth feedback (so across the youth sector), and they are made up of not only Whai Marama clients but different sub groups or cultures of youth! If you want more information Contact Whai Marama on 8382 558, 54 Collingwood St, Hamilton.

Western Community News - August 2008

Fraser-Tech’s Smashing Wet Win

The three-peat curse of the Waikato Breweries Shield remains intact after west Hamilton side FraserTech’s clear cut win on Saturday 26 July final. Ray White Real Estate Fraser-Tech reversed the result of last year’s premier championship final with a 34-17 victory over back-to-back champions Hautapu at Waikato Stadium to make a clean sweep of all four trophies at stake at the top of the premier competition. No team has won three titles in a row since the Waikato wide competition was instituted in 1967. Hautapu became the ninth team to win two in a row last year. Tech came from 10-0 down after conceding two un-

New Maori Arts Advisor

There’s been an exciting expansion to the Arts Waikato advisory services with Waimihi Hotere stepping into the newly established role of Kaiwhakahaere i Nga Mahi Toi (Maori Arts Advisor). Arts Waikato’s Chief Executive Tim Macindoe says the trust is delighted that Waimihi has joined their ranks. “Appointing a Kai Toi has been a priority for Arts Waikato and we’re thrilled to have someone of Waimihi’s calibre and energy developing this important aspect of our advisory services. We’re also grateful to have the active support of the regional office of Te Puni Kokiri as Waimihi channels her efforts into some significant festivals and projects,” said Tim. Waimihi says her role is, “all about hooking up artists with like-minded people, helping them to access funding and making sure their concerns are heard by iwi, local, national and government authorities.” An ex-Sacred Heart Girls’ College student with Ngati Maniapoto and Ngati Mahuta connections, Waimihi graduated from Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School in 1997 and has since professionally directed, produced and acted in programmes for Maori Television and TVNZ. Waimihi returns to Waikato to pour her energy into cultivating a vibrant, dynamic and attractive arts industry which reflects the cultural uniqueness of the Kingitanga. “I believe the creative potential of the Waikato River is yet to be realised. Together we can harness that energy and emanate the beauty, majesty and mystery of the river throughout our artistic disciplines. He piko, he taniwha!

Waikato Taniwharau!”

Western Community News - August 2008

converted tries in the first 17 minutes of the wind and rain swept final, hitting the front in the 27th minute, leading 21-10 at half time and never conceding the lead again. “I’m thrilled. The guys have worked hard for two years and so to get up was great,” triumphant Fraser-Tech head coach Greg Smith said. Smith said the onset of stormy weather had not

Provoke leadership Workshop

Photo of facilitators and youth that attended: Left to right Magnum, Aroha, Ace, Angelina, Danielle, Kevin and Tylah.

Leadership workshop for youth. The WCC (Western Community Centre) and MYD (Ministry of Youth Development) held a Provoke Workshop at the Western Community Centre aimed for youth in the West Community. The workshop gave youth an introduction to youth participation in regards to decision making and provided them with the tools and resources needed to help them find a point of access for their issues, concerns and work. The Workshop was very successful with 30 youth attending giving ideas and feedback on the West Hamilton Community. It was filled with lots of creative and energising activities and games. It was facilitated by Kevin Austin, Magnum Tuipulotu both form MYD along with Ani Nock from HCC and Danielle Sinclair from the WCC. A special thank you to all of the youth that participated

concerned him as his team now had two different but equally effective attacking strengths. The weather’s disappointing, but a 34-17 score line tells you we still played some rugby.

Healthy Relationship Poster Competition

Healthy Relationship Poster Competition - initiative of the White Ribbon Committee to challenge students to get creative and show the wider Hamilton City what healthy relationships mean to them. This competition will get our children to differentiate between a good relationship and a bad one. Abuse can be physical, sexual or psychological (including text & internet bullying) and it can turn any healthy relationship into a bad one. This competition is open to all High School students in Hamilton from year 9 – year 13. The first prize winning poster will be printed for national distribution by Hamilton Abuse Intervention Project and the artist will walk away with a brand new Sanyo M1 Mobile Phone, as well as winning their school $350 worth of top quality art supplies. Plus a selection of the posters will be displayed at Hamilton Central Library over the week 24th November – 28th November 2008 (White Ribbon Week). White Ribbon Day is on 25th November, it is the international day when people wear a white ribbon to show that they do not condone violence towards women & children. The competition closes on 19th September, entry forms have been distributed to all the High Schools in Hamilton and students can obtain the entry form from their respective schools or by contacting HAIP on (07) 834 3148. This project is proudly supported by Westpac, Hamilton Abuse Intervention Project, Ministry of Social Development, National Art Supplies and Hamilton City Council. For more information, contact HAIP on (07) 834 3148.


Western Community News is pleased to profile Lawrie Sincock, the newly elected Chairperson of the Council of Elders. Lawrie has been a teacher all of his life, having first entered the school system at 5 years of age and exiting at 62 – that’s 57 years in the schooling system, and an impressive effort by anyone’s standards! His last teaching job was as Principal at Raglan Area School. Lawrie has lived in Hamilton for the last 8 years but the vast majority of his life has been spent south of the Waitaki River. Lawrie has taught in a number of small rural schools

Strengthening Families

Rei Mihaere is the Strengthening Families Co-ordinator for Hamilton, Te Awamutu and Cambridge areas, and has been based at Kirikiriroa Marae for the last 8 years. Strengthening Families is an initiative that started in 1998, with a goal to helping families/whanau get access to the services they need, in a caring and supportive environment. The family/whanau can self refer to Strengthening Families through contacting Rei Mihaere direct or by asking an advocate to do so on their behalf. It is a family driven and family focused process that empowers the family/whanau to be able to say who participates, where meetings are held, the date and time, the Facilitator and Lead Agency. The role of the Strengthening Families Facilitator is to bring together the family and all the relevant agencies and facilitate the process to ensure all play their part in helping the family/whanau achieve its desired outcomes. The Lead Agency’s role is to provide full administration support, including control over case notes, minutes and monitoring outcomes of decisions. Strengthening Families is not an agency but an initiative that was signed off by the CEO’s of 11 government agencies and supported by community agencies, with a number of both government and community agencies working together to achieve positive outcomes for the family/whanau. Government agencies such as Housing NZ, Police, Child Youth and Family, MSD, Schools and IRD are pulled in to work alongside community agencies such as Western Community Centre, Family Start, Parentline, Catholic Family Services, Barnardos, Youth Horizons Trust, Family Works, Rostrevor House. Strengthening Families positively contributes to family/ whanau health and wellbeing. It is administered by Family and Communities division of the Ministry of Social Development. To self refer or for more information contact : Rei Mihaere direct on 856-1838 or 0275 902 481 reim@ tekohaohealth.co.nz or come in and see Rei at Kirikiriroa Marae, Dey Street, Hamilton East.

and has also combined his teaching with travel, spending time in the UK and Singapore. Lawrie says his basic philosophy is that New Zealand is a great country to live in because of all the opportunities, the environment, the atmosphere but if we are going to make the most of the benefits New Zealand has to offer, the onus is on each individual to put something back into their community. New Zealand is founded on principles of the good life and a better deal and these can only become reality if we support each other. The small rural schools he taught in had a lot of support from the community, and so Lawrie felt it an honour to give something back to each community he has lived in through voluntary work and involvement in a variety of community organsiations and groups. In that respect, Lawrie has been a coach, referee, voluntary ambulance officer, volunteer fire fighter and was involved in The Territorial’s for 25 years. He would have loved to carry on but now in

RELOAD Men’s Group Plots Away

The Salvation Armyhas taken some inspiration from the TVNZ’s Mucking In show and decided to show some appreciation to a member of the community. “Reload”, our Men’s group, plotted and schemed as to the best way to build a raised garden for Mrs Joyce Rossiter, a lady who volunteers her time each week to help with our music & movement classes and our retirement village. After a careful watch on the weather the date was set, the timber purchased and the power tools charged and ready to go. It was a great morning of ‘man talk’, power tools, and laughter as the garden was constructed. While it may not have had the budget or the same grand scheme as “mucking in” it was certainly done with the same sense of appreciation and care. All that is required now is for Joyce to decide what to plant in the garden, and the tiles to be laid once the ground dries up a bit. People are so important and it is so vital that we take time to say thank you, and acknowledge the contribution that individuals make to the community at large. Is there someone you can say thank you to? Give it a go; it’s worth the smile on their face and the warm fuzzies you get too.

his golden years has been forced to apply his considerable skills to other areas. He has always made sure he had an opportunity in every organization to get away from the adult/child dynamics of teaching and get more involved in work with other adults. Hamilton City now benefits from Lawrie’s life skills as they are applied to his new role on the Council of Elders, an advisory body of senior representatives who have considerable experience and knowledge to share with the Hamilton community. There are 15 representatives on the Council of Elders, each elected for a initial term of 2 years, with an option to remain for a further 2 years. The maximum term a member can be on the Council of Elders is 4 years. It is a demanding and challenging role but one Lawrie finds very worthwhile and rewarding.


An organisation aimed at helping women back into the workforce. Dress for success helps women to achieve economic independence by providing free clothing for job interviews. Since starting operation in the New York in 1997 Dress for Success has expanded to more than 80 cities in the U.S, Canada, the UK and New Zealand. It was launched in a small office in Hamilton in 2001 and the organisation has now taken over a larger building so it can increase the service available to Waikato Women. The new building is behind birthright at the north end of Victoria Street, 1000 Victoria St. Executive Manager Carol Mills said Dress for Success had assisted thousands of women by giving them interviewappropriate clothing, shoes, handbags and makeup. “Once the women find a position they’re given another set of clothing to help them start their career.” Most of the clothing Dress for Success gives away is donated, and the dressers are volunteers. “We’re are always looking for good quality used clothing in all sizes especially the lager sizes and we are also always looking for bras, camisoles, shirts, work appropriate clothing or anything you have got.” Dress for Success is not Government Funded and any help you can provided would be welcomed. If you wish to donated some clothing to Dress for Success please Contact Carol Mills on 07-8391 147 or email Hamilton@dressforsuccess. org. Our vision “Every women Succeeding.”

Western Community News - August 2008

Into the

Secret Garden Hamilton’s Fraser High School’s

S enior Ball

On Friday, 4 July, senior students and staff were invited to the Senior School Ball held at the Glenview International Hotel and Conference Centre. Even though the weather was bad, beautiful gowns and suits were seen and a fun filled night was had by all. Thank you to the Senior Ball committee and staff for organising such a special night. Photos: Gina Murray Photography

6 Western Community News - August 2008

Western Community News - August 2008 7

Striving for Excellence in Sport

Taniwharau Premier Girls’ Basketball Team

2008 has seen a new structure for basketball with our new Basketball Academy facilitated by Coach, Jeff Green. The programme identifies talented basketball athletes within our school and sets personal and team goals to achieve. The Jnr A Basketball Team is made up of ten Year 9 girls who by default also play in the Premier Girls Basketball team. The Junior A Girls’ team will attend a junior national tournament in Rotorua 1 day prior to the premier girls’ tournament.

Fraser High ie the favourite at this tournament and are aiming to win the junior national title. This team is made up of representative players who last year won the U13 national title and just recently arrive back from Australia winning the Australian annual tournament. Friday 1 August saw the Premier girls’ team play national champions CCNZ and lost by 23 points. This margin against Senior players and the current national champions is a true reflection of the potential this team

has. Striving for excellence is the goal and these young players will certainly reach this before their senior years at Fraser and be placed in the top four girls basketball team in the country. The Premier Girls Basketball team will attend their first regional tournament in late August hosted by Counties Manukau. At this tournament their goal is to qualify in the top six in our region, which will enable them to attend the Secondary School Basketball Nationals during the Term 3 holidays in

Palmerston North. Teams from our region will include Church College NZ A1 Girls, along with Sacred Heart and Hamilton Girls High School. The team has been working very hard over the past two terms with the majority of the players being Years 9 and 10 with four senior players. We wish the team all the best for qualifying at the regional tournament.

Taniwharau Premier Girls’ and Junior A Girls’ Basketball Team Profiles Kellie Durham

Nicole Cheyne

I play for Taniwharau Premier Girls Basketball and Junior Girls. Mince, wraps and bananas are my favourite food. My personal goal is to get better and improve my play. Academically I would like to pass all my tests and get higher grades. A future ambition for me is to be a Flight Attendant.

Roast Chicken is my favourite food. A personal goal for me is to improve my Basketball skills. My academic goal is to graduate at the end of the year and pass Level 3 NCEA. Owning my own business is a future ambition.

Bridget Duncan

I love chocolate (my favourite food). As a personal goal I want to be just like Ebony Hoffman, get a degree and go to the States. Graduating from a professional university as a scientist is my academic goal. Future ambitions include playing basketball and getting a good career.

I play Premier Girls. My favourite food is Burger King. A personal goal for me is to grow taller! My academic goal is to pass Year 11 along with 12 and 13 in the next couple of years. Being a vet or something to do with animals is my ambition.

Tori McCarthy

My favourite foods are chocolate and lollies. I have a personal goal for developing my skills in Basketball. Academically my goal is to get to class on time and achieve high marks in all my assignments. My future ambition is to be a professional hairdresser.

Francea Hansen

Yoghurt is my favourite food. Qualifying for Secondary School Nationals in 2008 is my personal goal. Academically I would like to finish 2008. Playing Basketball at a national level for NZ Tall Ferns is my future ambition.

1st XI Girls Football Success

So far during the 2008 season our team have been very successful after being graded in division 1. This is due to the unique team culture and weekly results are evident of this. We are currently sitting on the top of the table and are very excited entering the secondary school satellite tournament this year held in Whangarei. Due to the season games are results we believe we are well prepared for tournament.

Chelseah Savage

Ariana WebberTaufale

My favourite foods are pasta bake, chocolate and lollies. Being a better basketball player is my personal goal and my academic goal is to pass every subject and graduate from High School. Going to university and becoming an air hostess are my future ambitions.

Corban Owen

I play for the Taniwharau Premier Girls Basketball team. Lollies and chocolate are my favourite food. Doing well at basketball and learning new skills is my personal goal. Academically my goal is to pass all my exams. My future ambition is to

succeed in Basketball and to be able to call myself a ball players.

Veshae Asaua Wilkinson

My favourite foods include ice-cream and chocolate. My personal goal is to be a pro basketball player. Academically I would like to graduate from High School and my future ambition is to go to the States on a Basketball Scholarship.

Shemaiah Parai

My favourite foods are ice-cream, chocolate and lollies. My personal goal is to become a professional Basketball player in the States. My academic goal is to graduate high school and my future ambition is to go to the States to play Basketball.

Ingrid Duncan

My favourite food is chocolate and my personal goal is to learn as many basketball skills as I can. Academically I would like to pass Level 3 NCEA and my future ambition is to attend University, do Law and be a Police Officer.

Madisyn Randell

Girl’s 1st XI Hockey

This year, our team has four new players and seven juniors, so we are currently in a rebuilding stage. Our first tournament together was at the Rotorua pre-season tournament. Since then we have played our weekly games on a Wednesday evening at the Gallagher Turf by the lake and we are always pleased when people come along to support us.

Shaunna Polley (centre left) and Jesse LorenzanHogan on the attack in a game against a visiting Argentinian team at the end of Term 2. The game was drawn 1 all.

Western Community News - August 2008

I play in the Junior A Girls and Premier Girls’ Basketball teams. My favourite food is chocolate. To run fast and improve my goal shooting to a 90% success rate

Now we are training hard for the Secondary Schools Sports Tournament to be held here in Hamilton in September. Currently we have three of our squad in representative teams: Shaunna Polley in the U16 Rep Team Briar McGowan and Jesse LorenzenHogan in the U16 Development Team.

is my personal goal. My academic goal is to pass all tests and exams and my future ambition is to be a doctor.

Jaylen-Rose Hawea

I play for the Taniwharau Premier Girls and Junior A Basketball teams. Burger King, fruit and yoghurt are my favourite choices of food. My personal goal and future ambition is to go to the United States of America to play pro Basketball. My academic goal is to graduate and go to University. ,


The elements are really showing winter has arrived. The cold air during the week at the hockey turfs, basketball gyms and the mud and rain on the rugby and football fields and at the netball courts are evident to the winter weather. During this winter season has seen Sport@fraser participating in all winter codes. Term 2 brought a great win to the Cavaliers and Fraser White inline hockey teams winning their respective grades. The very successful sports exchange with Argentina’s St Catherine’s annual visit saw sport@fraser win both the girls volleyball and 1st XI hockey matches. Maori Television has supported our sporting teams with our 1st XV rugby, Snr A netball, and Premier boys and girls basketball teams attending the ever popular sports show Code hosted by Waikato’s own Tawera Nikau and Jenny May Coffin. Coach Jeff Green was a guest on the show sharing his experiences in basketball and our basketball academy programme that is well underway. With August upon us the winter teams are gearing up to attend the Secondary Schools National Sports Tournaments. The eight teams attending will include: 1st XI Girls football in Whangarei, 1st XI Girls hockey in Hamilton, Jnr A Girls basketball nationals in Rotorua, Premier girls basketball regionals in Auckland, 1st XI Boys football in Auckland, 1st XI Boys hockey in Taranaki, Table Tennis in Palmerston North and Premier Boys basketball in Tauranga. Teams have been fundraising week after week selling chocolates, in public areas selling sausage sizzles and many other fundraising ventures to assist in their national campaign budgets. Teams have also been out collecting sponsorship for which we are very grateful. The tournament sponsors will be acknowledged in the next edition of the Western Community News. This paper reflects our girls’ teams attending their national campaigns and profiling individuals in these teams. Best of luck to our teams and we look forward to receiving some fantastic results after the tournaments.

Striving for Excellence

An Extraordinary Talent Hamilton’s Fraser High School is not only lucky to have Cherie Cooke as the main face of the school in terms of being our receptionist, but we are also lucky to have her for her incredible creative talents. Cherie has been the main force behind costume design and construction in our school. She has costumed school shows such as Jesus Christ Superstar, Footloose, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, High School Musical, and Little Shop of Horrors as well as for shows produced by other city theatre groups. Her designs are always innovative and her costumes made to the highest standards. She puts in long hours to ensure that our students always look their best and that their talents are displayed to the fullest.

Cherie Cooke making final adjustments to one of her costumes

Some of the costumes Cherie has designed and made for school shows in recent years. Clockwise from above left: Footloose, Jesus Christ Superstar, Little Shop of Horrors and Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat.

Dancing with the Best

For the last 3 years a group of students have travelled to AUT University in their holidays to complete a paper in Contemporary Maori Performing Arts for which they receive 60 Level 4 credits. This year’s group has just returned from an awesome first week at AUT. The course consists of learning and fusing together many different aspects of dance and performance. The students are tutored by members of Torotoro Dance Company, who are all amazing performers in their own right. Every day began with trainings where the students would do yoga, travelling exercises and body conditioning exercises for about two hours, before beginning set work. This ranged from learning dances to making up their own choreography. The students learnt how to fuse Maori and Pacific Island movements with other dance genres such as hip hop, jazz, and Indian. The end of every session saw the students limping out of class with sore muscles but huge smiles on their faces and heading back to the AUT Marae to collapse on their beds. At the end of the week the students performed their two dance pieces for a huge crowd. They all performed admirably and are looking forward to returning for the second week of the course in the next school holidays. The students will be performing for the school during an upcoming lunchtime. One of the highlights of the week was watching Alex Tarrant-Keepa (Deputy Head Boy) perform with Torotoro Dance

Company. Alex graduated from the course last year and was invited into the company. Throughout the week Alex completed extra trainings in the evenings to learn the dances and will be travelling to Auckland regularly, with Atrayle Edwards, to prepare for their performances in the Tempo Dance Festival in October. To help fundraise for this event we have held a sausage sizzle, car wash and sold hangi meals.

The Gifted and Talented Education Programme (GATE Programme) is an initiative at Hamilton’s Fraser High School. The Programme caters for students who are in the top echelon of academic or sporting areas, or who have been recommended by experts as being highly talented in a specific area. The programme caters for a broad spectrum of students within academic areas, sports, visual and performing arts, creativity, leadership, and culture. The aim of the programme is to help the students continue to achieve highly within their area of gift or talent by providing them with support and opportunities for extension. We also identify areas within their schooling what may be holding them back from top level achievement and work with the student to overcome these barriers. Students are recommended to the GATE Co-ordinator for inclusion in the programme by teachers, peers, coaches, and parents. A set process of assessment and analysis is then followed to confirm the eligibility of the student. While still in its early stages the GATE Programme is beginning to have large effects for a number of students. One particular area of success is the Mentoring Programme. Students are set up with experts in their field who mentor and work with the student, providing them with expertise, guidance and experiences that we are unable to provide at school. Students currently working with mentors include: Karen Manktelow with Janine White from Verdict Communications, Krystal Opie with Helen Jones (Photographer), Ferris Leilua with Ali Cowley (animator from Bro’ Town), Che Ly with Aaron Sills from Sills van Bohemen Architects, and our newest mentor, Roy Snow (Actor) with Alex Tarrant-Keepa. A huge thank you

goes to these community members who willingly give up their time to help our Fraser students.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the following businesses for their support. Without you this trip and experience would not have happened. New World, Te Rapa; Pak n Save, Clarence Street; Pak n Save, Mill Street; Magic Fresh, Lyndon Court; Magic Fresh, Hillcrest; Magic Fresh, Dinsdale; Highway Supplies, Fruit World and Vege Home.

Gifted and Talented Education

Year 12 Enrichment Trip to Aukland Universities

Recently the Year 12 Enrichment students went on a two day trip to AUT and the University of Auckland. The purpose of the trip was to expose the students to the large variety of courses at both universities. AUT took the students through courses run at Te Ara Poutama, the SHINE Programme (a sports focused programme), Communications in the 21st Century, and the Business Degrees. The highlight of the day was definitely the SHINE presentation by Sam Luteru. A humorous yet informative presentation which saw many of the students only just managing to contain their laughter! Everyone was taken on a tour of the AUT Wellesley Street Campus to look at their facilities. We saw amazing art work, huge exhibitions spaces, the restaurants and catering course facilities and much, much more.

After staying the night in the AUT Marae, Nga Wai o Horotiu, (a new experience for many) we spent the next day at the University of Auckland. This included time in one of their brand new lecture theatres listening to presentations about Medicine and Architecture courses. The students then participated in a scavenger hunt around the university campus having to find and photograph certain locations in a very short space of time. We then went to the Engineering school where in small groups they had to manage to safely fly an egg from the second floor to the ground without breaking it. Many different designs later, some eggs made it safely to the ground and some didn’t! The last activity of the day was a talk about Law inside one of the beautiful mooting chambers. The trip was very successful, helping many students to make career choices, and providing them with important information about applications and pre-requisites. Those who haven’t yet chosen a career had their minds opened to the endless possibilities in their futures. The next major event for the Enrichment Programme is the Year 11 trip to the University of Waikato.

Ferris Leilua’s Experience

“Bro’ Town has been a great experience for me that I know doesn’t come along everyday. It’s a huge privilege and it is inspiring me to do something that I am really passionate about. At the Bro’ Town Animation Studio I learn many things within animation and have found that there are a lot of processes behind making New Zealand’s very own cartoon. My mentor, Ali Cowley (an assistant director) teaches me a lot from making characters and how to structure them right through to story boarding which helps to make animation come to life. I learn something new every time I attend the studio and meet new people who work there. My experiences at Bro’ Town are something that I would not trade for anything else and it inspires me because it’s good to see Polynesian people achieving. I hope one day that I too will become an animator alongside my mentor so that other Polynesians will aspire to achieve highly.”

Any queries or nominations can be directed to the GATE Programme Coordinator, Karyn Porton on 847 9044 ext 881 or k.porton@fraser.school.nz

Western Community News - August 2008

HIP HOP DANCE CLASSES – TERM 3 & 4 Cost: $2 a session or $20 for the term. Classes based at the Western Community Centre MONDAY nights during term 3 and 4. Class times and age groups are 5-8 years 4.00 pm-4.45 pm, 9-12+ years 5.00 pm-5.45 pm. Places are limited. Programme information and enrolment forms can be collected from the Western Community Centre 46 Hyde Avenue, Hamilton 07 847 4873, or email wstars@wccham. org.nz. We are accepting enrolments all term.

TREATS IN THE PARK 31st of October 2008, If you are interested in doing a stall or volunteering please contact the Western Community Centre, 07-8474 873.

grandview_corps@nzf.salvationarmy.org Pukete Neighbourhood House will host the ‘Sustainable Living Expo’ during spring season. The theme for the expo is “Creating practical pathways to sustainable communities”. The expo will showcase sustainable ideas, products and practices to help people live more lightly on Earth. Date: 26th September 2008. Time: 10am – 3pm Venue: Pukete Neighbourhood House For more information contact: Sue Ravlich (07) 849115 or Jenny Nand (07) 8496458.

GET CREATIVE Group at the Western Community Centre If you feel like being creative then look no further. Our “GET CREATIVE” group meets at the Western Community Centre on Wednesdays from 10am to 12 noon. Come and share your talents and be with companions whom WESTERN STARS AFTER SCHOOL will appreciate your company. SPORTS PROGRAMME For further information contact Aileen at 07 Hey kids! Play fun sports at a Park near you, with 8474873. See you there. Monday 22nd September we will be having an the Western Stars sports Programme. Monday Eat Smart Morning. Come along and learn how Western Heights at Derek Heather Park, Tuesday Seeking volunteers for the Helping Hands Store to make those dollars go further while creating for the Western Community Centre. If you are Crawshaw at Crawshaw Park and Wednesday healthy meals. Learn how to read food labels and Nawton at Nawton Park. A different sport is keen and interested in being a volunteer, please how to make healthier choices at the supermarket. played each week from 4pm to 5pm. It’s free, contact Aileen on 847 4873 extension 4 for more Monday 22nd Sept 9am to 12noon. Cost $2.00. so come along and join in all the fun. Contact information Ring 8491115 to register. Danielle for more information on 07 8474 873 or In the fourth term we will have Yoga starting. Family Store cnr Te Rapa & Garnett Ave email wstars@wccham.org.nz. If you are interested Ring Sue for more Church service held every Sunday at 10.30 am ROAD TRIP to AUCKLAND Shared lunch held the first Sunday of each month information. 16th of August to Auckland Mt Albert Wave Pools Music & movement every Tues., 9.30am & 10.30am Dont forget our good Vegetable and Fruit Boxes. and Botany Ice Skating rink, Cost $10 per person Grandview Family Toy Library is open on Ring the House to get one for $10. which includes entry into both wave pools and ice Wednesdays and Saturdays 9.30 am to 11.30 am Tai Chi every Monday and Wednesday. 12.30 to 1.30. Lovely gentle exercise. skating, Transport and Dinner. Bible Study every Wednesday 7:30 pm For More information and enrolment forms can Youth group activities every Thursday night be collected from the Western Community Centre Play group every Friday mornings from 9.30 am CROSSLIGHT TRUST – 1 JOHNSON STREET, DINSDALE, HAMILTON – PHONE/FAX 46 Hyde Avenue, Hamilton 07 847 4873, or email Relate for women - held monthly 07 847 2998 – email :crosslight@xtra.co.nz wstars@wccham.org.nz. Be in fast limited spaces Reload for men - held monthly available. For more information contact Shar on 07 846 3336 OP SHOP – great bargains – open Mon-Fri 9am-4pm.

Eat Right and Move More

It’s tough to keep active and eat healthy through the winter, with cold days and even colder nights. But Sport Waikato can help to keep you on track. Jen Riley is Sport Waikato’s Hamilton Active Living Coordinator. Her role is to coordinate a range of physical activity options, initiatives and projects to encourage people to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Eat Right – Western Community Centre is currently holding a five week “Cook Smart” course. The “Cook Smart” workshop focuses on showing people that you can eat healthy while on a budget. Each week participants cook a low cost healthy meal plus different key nutritional messages are discussed and tips on shopping and eating on a budget are shared. Each course includes a supermarket tour where the focus is on how to read food labels and make healthier choices when shopping. If you are interested in attending one of these courses, contact Jen. Move More – Sport Waikato encourages people to get more active and enjoy the benefits of regular physical activity. The hardest thing can be getting started and that’s where Sport Waikato can help. Jen is available to come and talk to community groups (or even a group of friends) about how easy it is to be more active and low cost ideas for doing so. Sport Waikato also has the Green Prescription programme. A Green Prescription is a health professional’s written advice to a patient to become more physically active as part of their health management programme. It is followed up by telephone or in some cases ‘face to face’ support from Sport Waikato where we help get you started and stay motivated to keep active. For more information on these activities, or if you have ideas on activities you would like to see happening, please contact Jen Riley on 07 838 2657 or jenr@sportwaikato. org.nz.

On Your Bike

Parents Fonteyn Solomon and Brad Harland are new into the Hamilton area, from Taumarunui where they both share the care responsibilities of their son Styris. Styris Harland is a young three year old who is very confident in riding his bike. Styris’s training wheels were removed in January this year, so his mother brings him regularly to ride his bike at Elliot Park Skate Bowl. Styris enjoys skateboarding, motorbikes, bike riding and his very own scooter. Styris currently attends Fraser’s Little Feet Childcare and has adjusted well into the new area. Photo of Styris Harland in action on his bike at Elliot Park Skate Bowl.

Tune into your local Iwi station

Phone 0800 954 036 Wake up week mornings with Karam Fletcher on the Big Breakfast 7.00am – 11.00am and see if you can crack the Tainui trivia Lock it down weeknights 6.00pm – 9.00pm with Hone Haunui Rapana on Te Matakaikutu he’s got the beats to get you grooving. And for the sporting low down we have Hakari Hakinakina Saturday Mornings with JD & H 8.00am – 10.00am

Feel The Difference! 10 Western Community News - August 2008

UPRIGHT AND ACTIVE exercise group in conjunction with Sport Waikato – held Wednesdays at 10.30 a.m. in West Hamilton Anglican church hall, Rifle Range Road – focuses on strength and balance – exercise to music and at your own pace - $3 per session. OVER 60’S GROUPS AND CAFÉ PROGRAMME; SUPPORT FOR DEAF AND HEARING IMPAIRED; COUNSELLING AND FOODBANK. If you want any further information about any of our services, please feel welcome to contact us by phone, fax, email, or call in to see us. C.A.F.E. Centre - second Friday of the month, West Hamilton Anglican Church hall, Rifle Range Road, Dinsdale. If you are over 65 and enjoy a variety of activities like board games, craft, gentle exercise, cards etc and would like some company you are welcome to join in with this group. Enquiries please contact Jennifer. For all enquiries about our other services - Op Shop, counselling, over 60’s group, foodbank, support for deaf and hearing impaired or anything else we might be able to help with please feel really welcome to contact Chris or Penny.

Social Volleyball - played evrey Monday night

during school terms at Te Rapa Sportsdrome, Church Rd, Pukete. Grades for teams from beginners to guns. Cheaper fees for school student teams. Contact Dave on 021-477 388, or email volleyballwaikato@xtra.co.nz for enquiries & entries.

Western Wheels

The month of July saw the Western Community Centre run our three day Learners License course for those whom would never of thought of completing their learners license. We had a variety of participants ranging from students to our older group members, fun and enthusiasm was had by all involved, learning can be a challenging and difficult process but we ensure that there are no barriers mentally, physically, emotionally, for those wanting to complete there license. All thirteen Participants passed the First stage of receiving there learners License and we look forward to a number of these participants continuing on to sit there Restricted license Our next Course for the Western Wheels Course will run on the 8-10 October 2008 at the Western Community Centre, 46 Hyde Avenue, Nawton, Hamilton. Please don’t hesitate to contact Aileen or Maria with further information on 847 4873.

Big Breakthrough for Norton Road Access This Month A major breakthrough in the reconnection of Norton Road and Lincoln Street will be achieved later this month when the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA)* excavates an opening under the new Norton Road rail bridge. Excavations to lower Norton Road up to 7.5 metres to pass under the new Norton Road rail bridge are currently underway on both sides of the bridge and are expected to meet in the middle and see `daylight’ by the end of August. By the time the excavation is completed approximately 20,000 cubic metres of material will have been removed from the Norton Road rail bridge and Rifle Range Road Roundabout area, which is enough to fill seven Olympicsized swimming pools. ONTRACK is in the process of laying the rail tracks over the new rail bridge and will remove the two temporary rail tracks in mid August, which will allow Transit to complete their work under the bridge.

These works are part of a carefully sequenced operation to build the rail bridge, place the rail tracks on the bridge, and then excavate underneath so that the Norton Road connection to Lincoln Street can be restored in the minimum time frame The Lincoln Street end of Norton Road is expected to be connected to the new Rifle Range Road Roundabout by October. *NZTA was formed on the 1st of August 2008 to bring together the functions of Transit and Land Transport New Zealand.

Photos - Excavations on the Lincoln Street side of the new Norton Road rail bridge are steadily approaching the recently completed bridge deck.

Unsung heroes benefit big from grant Volunteering Waikato were recently announced as the inaugural recipient of the $15,000 Community Media Grant. It was a timely reward, made right in the middle of national Volunteering Awareness Week in June, for their work raising volunteer help for over a hundred community organisations in Hamilton each year. The announcement was jointly made by grant partners Community Radio Hamilton, Bettle advertising, and Hamilton City Council. This year is this first year the annual grant has been awarded. It is designed to

bridge the marketing and promotional funds gap in the not-for-profit sector, by providing $15,000 worth of campaign planning, graphic design, advertising and editorial to a deserving community organisation in Hamilton each year. The CMG panel considered over 35 high calibre applications in its deliberations, finallyawarding the grant to Volunteering Waikato based on the great progress the group had made in building organisational capacity over the last year, its unique role in touching such a wide range of other community organisations


through its supply of volunteer help, and its potential to achieve even greater results through the marketing opportunities the grant will enable. “The skills and expertise that will be made available to us through this grant is invaluable,” says Volunteering Waikato general manager Heather Kemp. “During the past year we have been working hard to raise the profile of volunteering and we have a long way to go. Receiving the Community Media Grant this year will make an enormous difference to Volunteering Waikato, and to our clients and members.”

Western Community News - August 2008 11

MARTIN GALLAGHER MP for Hamilton West Electorate Office: 487 Anglesea Street Phone: 838 3033 Fax: 838 3083 Postal: P O Box 19-183, Hamilton

Email: martin.gallagher@xtra.co.nz


Maxine Horscroft Residential Sales Consultant Mobile: 021 629 469 After Hours: 847 6165 Office: 847 0919 Email: propertypurchase@hotmail.com

Hon Nanaia Mahuta MP for Tainui Waikato Hub 181 River Road Hamilton Tel: 07 852 5840 Fax: 07 852 5875 tainuielectorate@xtra.co.nz

12 Western Community News - August 2008

Labour South Office 6 Queen St, Papakura Tel: 09 299 7664 Fax: 09 296 7063 laboursouth@xtra.co.nz

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