Western Community Newspaper

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64 Issues

, k c o n K , Knock ? e r e h t e n anyo Issue No.64 (April 2013)

Delivered to 17,000 homes throughout Hamilton’s western suburbs

Local residents ask: Is Dinsdale Police Station a white elephant? See Page 2.

West Hamilton Pharmacy NewNawton Mall, Nawton. Phone 846 3121. Facsimile 846 3165

Pain Relief Advice from Your Self Care Pharmacist Pain is the body’s signal that something is wrong. You may feel pain because of injury, disease, stress and / or being upset. This means it is not just a physical phenomenon but has emotional and psychological aspects as well. Our response to pain, and our ability to put up with it, depends on a number of factors. These include how bad the pain is, what we know about why the pain exists, how long we think we will have to put up with it, what medicines we know can help and what our past experiences are with pain relief treatments. The first step in managing pain is finding out and understanding the reasons for the pain. If it is a headache, pain from physical injury such as muscle strain, or period pain, then treatment can be straight forward. “We have various kinds of pain relief medicines available” say Self Care pharmacists. “But because they work in different ways, and because some people can have problems with some products, it is important to talk with us to establish what is best for you. Our role is to ensure you receive the most appropriate medicine, and to help avoid problems, such as having a reaction to a pain medicine or interaction with other medicines you take.” The range of pain relief medicines available from Self Care pharmacies includes: Paracetamol - is useful for mild-to-moderate pain (e.g. headache, backache, period pain, toothache, sprains and strains). It works in the brain to reduce pain, and helps lower body temperature in fevers. It is the most suitable pain reliever for children, and specially-formulated liquid medicines are available for them. Give only the exact dose indicated on the label. For each dose, adults should not take more than 2 tablets, and no more than 8 tablets in a 24 hour period. Doses for children should not continue beyond 24 hours unless advised by the pharmacist or doctor. The Children’s Pain & Fever fact card has more information about treating children’s pain. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), including aspirin, work by interfering with

the body’s production of certain chemicals (prostaglandins) responsible for pain and inflammation (swelling). They are used for soft tissue injuries, muscle aches, headache, period pain, dental pain, and painful inflammatory conditions (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis and gout). For sprain and strain injuries, in the first 24-48 hours NSAIDs are best not used. Instead, use Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, ¬Elevation (and Diagnosis) (RICED) as the best ways to ‘kick-start’ the healing process, with paracetamol for the pain. NSAIDs may be suitable after that. Aspirin should not be given to children under twelve years of age. People with asthma or allergic conditions or stomach problems should check with their doctors or pharmacists before taking NSAIDs. Codeine - is usually reserved for stronger pain not controlled by paracetamol or NSAIDs. Codeine is available as pharmacist only medicines when combined with other pain-relief medicines (e.g. paracetamol, ibuprofen), or with cough and cold medicines. Codeine can cause nausea, drowsiness, and skin rashes in some people and regular use of codeine, for longer than 3 days at a time, can cause constipation. There are some important things to consider when taking medicines for pain. Always follow the instructions on the packet. Taking more than the recommended dose can lead to serious problems. “As pharmacists, we know how effective different pain relievers are in the management of different types of pain. Customers benefit from the wide range of products available to cover most short-term pain conditions. However,” advise Self Care pharmacists, “if we believe the underlying condition resulting in the pain is of a more serious nature, or long-term pain relief is needed, we will encourage you to see your doctor.”

Te Rapa, Pukete, St Andrews, Beerescourt, Whitiora, Maeroa, Forest Lake, Frankton, Dinsdale, Aberdeen, Templeview, Nawton, Livingstone, Western Heights, Rotokauri, Crawshaw, Brymer

Is Dinsdale Police Station closed for good?

Comments from the former boss of the Dinsdale Police Station, the Principal of the Frankton primary School, the Manager of the Western Community Centre, and the National Secretary of the Police Association....

Proactive Policing Works In 1992 the Hamilton Police

Carl Fischer

after lengthy consultation with the community committed to a community policing presence in the West Hamilton area. Community Policing Centres CPCs were firstly designed and built in Whatawhata Road (West Hamilton Community Policing centre) and in Grandview Road the Nawton Community Policing Centre. The Frankton Community Constable was also retained in Frankton. The government at the day committed to providing the police with an extra 1000 police countrywide to serve in communities. These CPCs were designed to provide a complete policing service to the local community. The West Ham CPC was fully staffed with CIB Youth Aid, burglary investigators and frontline staff and were responsible for delivering all policing services in the area. Police staff had an ownership of crime in the area. Local staff soon got to know the local crims. A number of community iniatives evolved. These included developing a truancy service using initially volunteers form the community to act as truancy officers on behalf of schools. This evolved into a national Project. Night owl patrols - the local community equipped with police radios and vehicles acted as eyes and ears of the community. A crime prevention trust was established. This trust put burglar alarms in burglary victim’s homes. The newspaper was established a as a result of funds from this trust. Active Neighborhood Support groups were established Crime figures reduced considerably, 30% of burglaries were being solved as opposed to 16% now. Community Policing worked. But it is not a cheap option - police stations cost money to run - Over the years the Hamilton police bosses have gradually reduced the staff at CPC to the situation we have now were there is no front office presence. We the public have let this happen as the police quietly and without consultation as to what they were intending to do have closed these stations to the public. The police will say there are now better ways of doing things and that police response to crime issues on a district wide basis. This is not working compare the statistics over the last ten years as the appalling rate of clearances of dishonesty offences. We still have a WINZ office in Dinsdale - providing a service to clients - we want our police station staffed again. We need a proactive policing service to be involved in local communities. This works. Carl Fischer Former Senior Sergeant West Hamilton Police 1992-2004

2 Western Community News - April 2013

Waikato Police District Media Release

Freeing up front line staff and doing away with delays for the public queuing up at Police stations is the driver behind changes to the accessibility of satellite stations in the City. Hamilton City Area Commander, Inspector Greg Nicholls, said that far from closing stations Police were working to ensure a greater output from staff working at strategically placed locations across the City. “Earlier this year we announced the centralisation of telephony to compliment the introduction last month of the Crime Reporting Line (CRL) in the Waikato. “What this means is that instead of having to come into a station and ask to speak to a certain officer or individual, members of the public can phone 07 858 6200 and their call will be directed either to the appropriate person or through to the CRL where an auditable trail is then created.” Mr Nicholls said uniformed staff will continue to work from the Community Policing Centres and each of these stations also has a phone outside the offices the public can access to contact local staff.

From a Community Police Station to a White Elephant

Schools in the Frankton/Dinsdale area work hard to build communities of care and responsibility at a time in New Zealand history where Policing has become more centralised. We had a model of policing in the past where information was shared, there was high visibility of our Community and Traffic Constables, CIB Youth Aid, all responsible and responsive for dealing with crime and social concerns within our area. They were all based at our local purpose built Police Station in Dinsdale. Schools felt safe as we had excellent relationships with the policing community. There were benefits for our community and policing was more educative than punitive with face to face contact and they had knowledge of our schools and our concerns. I remember working with Carl Fischer and staff to establish the Truancy Service with volunteers. Initiatives such as The Night Owls which were based on needs, flourished and supported all our local schools and community. What is the vision for building and strengthening communities in a centralised system? What evidence does Government have that this works? Or is it just another idea within a market driven climate which forgets about people and their rights. Our New Zealand society is becoming fragmented and dysfunctional. We don’t need centralising where we become anonymous and disempowered. We need to return to building a safer climate within our local community where diverse groups work together for the betterment of all. My dream is to see our Dinsdale Police Station fully staffed and restored to a local community service. Stronger communities build stronger societies. Judy Dixon Principal Frankton Primary

“You can either call from home or use these station phones to make an appointment with Police staff, be they existing Community Policing staff or other specialists such as investigators, fingerprint officers or the raft of other staff. “The 24/7 CRL service is not new technology, it has been well tested and streamlined in trials in a number of other Police Districts and a number of benefits have been identified already. On average the processing time of a complaint has been reduced to 12 minutes from receipt of call to an electronic case being created which is good news for the public whose time is valuable.” Mr Nicholls said the highly valued Community Policing staff who have put so much time and effort into their local communities will continue these roles with the new technology enabling not just them but other Police staff to be in the right place at the right time to not only respond to issues but prevent crime from happening. Andrew McAlley, Communications Manager Waikato Police District

Going, Going...almost Gone!

In 1993 I sent a letter to the West Hamilton Policing Centre (WHPC), to request some funds to purchase a set of pool balls for our drop in centre in Nawton. Our pitch was, we were keeping 50 - 80 youth busy every Friday night in a supervised safe environment. It was contributing to keeping them out of the police system and would potentially save them money down the track. A week later we received a letter requesting that we pick up a cheque to purchase the balls. This was my first real experience of Safer Communities Together and meant much more than the money given. In 1995 I took up a voluntary position one day a week for a year as a Truancy Officer with the new West Hamilton Truancy initiative started and based from the WHPC. Thousands of people now have an improved education due to the work of this project over 20 years. I was also part of the West Hamilton Crime Prevention Committee; this was another example of our local police finding local solutions to address local problems. It was at one of those meetings that this very newspaper came about, you may have noticed each paper over the past ten years has contained a crime prevention message. In my various community roles over the past 20 years as I saw it, the WHPC was a great success in the results it produced, the support it offered and service it gave to the community. Many collaborative initiatives were put in place together with a willing community, as a result of the trust and goodwill the centre had built over many years. Since 1992 the Hamilton West population has grown by nearly 50% and the communities needs have become more diverse and complex. Many Hamilton west residents will have experienced the benefits of having this centre on our doorstep. It used to be comforting to know that we were not too far away from a fully functioning centre in the heart of our community. It has been very disappointing due to pressure on police to reduce costs to slowly see the move back to centralisation and as I see it, further away from Safer Communities Together. Neil Tolan Manager, Western Community Centre

Your Say: What is your favourite meal?

Rodney Alolipa, 12 13 years Macaroni and Butter chicken is Cheese and Butter chicken the best I love cheese and chicken

AJA 11 years Meatballs because I love meat

Weston 12 years Tacos because you add in heaps of different stuff to it

Charayne, 12 years Sushi taste good

Mikayla, 9 years Chicken Wraps Yum

Motu, 10 years KFC I love the chicken skin

Live Like a Legend It’s National Youth week on May 4th to May 12, 2013 and this years theme is “Live like a Legend”. Youth Week spread to New Zealand in the late 1990s and it aims to create a society that values young people and affirms their diversity. The week highlights the amazing things young people do all year, young people are those aged 12-24. Youth Week’s vision is: “A country where young people are vibrant and optimistic through being supported and encouraged to take up challenges”. Youth Week is about encouraging young people’s participation and connections to their communities. Each year during Youth Week there are events organised by young people, and those who work with young people, all over New Zealand. Events encourage young people to get involved, have a say, influence opinions, showcase their creativity and talent, share ideas, access information and have fun!

Youth Week is also a time to acknowledge youth workers, youth service providers and others working with and for young people. Youth week aims to: • Encourage young people to present their talents, share ideas and focus on the positive aspects of being young •Recognise young people’s contribution to the community • Promote information and services available to youth • Raise the profile of youth projects • Provide an opportunity for discussion of youth issues Look out for events happening across Hamilton during Youth Week or find out more at Ara Taiohi www.arataiohi.org.nz. If you are keen to be part of Youth week or if you are interested in running a youth week event in your neighbourhood contact Community Advisor Ani Nock on ani.nock@hcc.govt.nz.

Puawai, 12 years Burger King, Burgers are nice

Ann Marie, 9 years Potato Bake, my aunty makes a yum one

Eklezia Dance Studio

What is Eklezia Dance Studio? This is a community dance studio that operates out of Te Oranga Ake Family Centre for all age groups. At the moment we are running classes for ages 10-12 years old but we are looking to expand. Where? We are situated in an industrial area in Te Rapa/ Saint Andrews (directly behind wash world on Te Rapa road) The building is owned by Destiny Church Hamilton/ Te Oranga Ake Family Centre and is clearly sign posted. I thought I would give a little bit of my background as a dancer and person. My name is Khan Edmonds, 22 and born in West Auckland moved to Huntly when I was 9, I found an interest in dance from the age of 10 onwards and thought it was a great way to express myself. I have done various styles to name a few ballet, ballroom and street/hip hop. Since moving to Hamilton when I was 18 I have found myself at home with the style Hip hop/ Street (contemporary hip hop styles) and a little bit contemporary. My dream was to give an opportunity that is affordable and accessible to children ages 10 and upwards to find a place exactly like Eklezia Dance Studio to come and express themselves create friends and have fun! These classes have been such a great success that we are looking at holding another showcase. WANT YOUR CHILDREN INVOLVED? For general information please contact us via email on: ekleziadancestudio@gmail.com Or via phone: Te Oranga Ake Family Centre on 07 850 1493 After 3pm 0226035627 Thanks Khan Studio Director and Choreographer

Calling all awesome talented youth!

SO if you dance, sing, play an instrument, read poetry, want to act out a scene, hula or WHATEVER you want to do in that creative space we want you to be a part of the celebrations! Its your week, it’s your celebration to LIVE LIKE A LEGEND For anyone interested in being a part of this awesome celebration please contact: Rae Marsters 021 269 1825


erson p r e p 3 $ t s u J ! y a d l l a e d i to r

! n u F y a id l o H l o o h Sc

The Western Community Centre 46 Hyde Ave 8474873 www.westerncommunitycentre.org

Thank you

Elliott Park

s e l b a t a l f In k r a P in the

It is an exciting show that showcases our talented young people in a positive way. Last year had we just over 260 performers on stage it was JUST AWESOME! It is a youth run, youth lead show with a focus on building positive vibrant rangatahi (youth/ young people) as contributors to our communities. We are looking for young people that want to share in the celebrations of the “JUST BECAUSE” Variety Show.

Friday 3rd may

LIKE A LEGEND” Part of the celebrations for Youth Week is a Variety Show that BFaM (Brother From another Mother) will be producing for the third year in a row the Variety Show, “JUST BECAUSE” on May 11th. “JUST BECAUSE” provides a safe and nurturing environment for any young person to creatively express themselves in a positive environment.

10.30am to 7.30pm

National Youth Week is one time of the year where we can celebrate Young people being just who they are! YOUNG PEOPLE! The theme this year is “LIVE

Western Community News - February 2013 3

Do you need a Midwife?

Introducing Shyralee Parker & Katrina Woodam, registered midwives. We are a dynamic duo who feel honoured to be invited to share with women, their partners and whanau, in their childbirthing journey! We are members of NZ College of Midwives and practice within standards set out by them. We are bound by Ministry of Health; Section 88 ensuring we follow safe practice within the profession. During pregnancy we monitor the health and wellbeing of both mother and baby, offering screening tests, promoting healthy choices and of course sharing

information. We aim to build a trusting partnership with women and whanau. When required, we make referrals to other health professionals and stay involved right throughout the pregnancy. We can support you to birth at home, birth centre or hospital when necessary. Once baby is born we make home visits until baby is 4-6 weeks old. We are excited to offer a clinic at Western Community Centre on Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings. Call in or check out our website www.carewithflairmidwifery.com or phone or text, Katrina 021 627 669 or Shyralee 029 774 5002

Blind bowlers don’t let disability stop them!

Melville Bowls and Cards Club boast a couple of star visually impaired bowlers. Chas Kurth, 91 and John Hobson, 82, have both represented Hamilton in the Blind Bowlers’ Nationals and say the sport helps them remain active and connected socially. The pair were both active before they began to lose their sight, with Chas into swimming, water polo, soccer and rugby and John a keen caver, tramper and artist. Not ones to let their disability hold them back indoor bowls became a way for them to participate in a sport and have a great time socialising at the same time. John started losing his vision in 1989 to retinal detachment and macular degeneration and Chas has an age-related retinal condition. With the help of their fellow bowlers they still enjoy trying to hit the jack in a friendly game of bowls. But the competition really starts when they face each other in the game. “John and I are both really competitive,” Chas says. “When we’re playing against sighted bowlers we don’t 4 Western Community News - April 2013

really stand a chance – they have a distinct advantage.” Both have a great sense of humour and say clubs like the Melville Bowls and Cards provides the perfect opportunity to get out and have fun with others. Club organiser Ruth Whiting says the club welcomes all new members and they start off with a cuppa before hitting the bowling mat and card tables for some friendly rivalry. There is always a large gathering of bowlers and a table of card sharks playing 500. The club meets on a Thursday starting with a cuppa at 9.30am and finish up around 12. All are welcome and beginners will have plenty of guidance in the finer details of bowls and 500. Age is definitely not an issue in this club – from sprightly retired folk in their 60s to ‘oldies’ in their 90s – Ruth says it’s all about socialising and trying something different with a friendly group of people. For more information about the club contact Ruth on (07) 847 5357.


By Hamilton West MP Tim Macindoe

“Fixing Novopay

I understand and share the frustration many within our local schools have felt with the continuing problems associated with the Novopay system. The Government is working with considerable energy and determination to resolve them. Recently, Minister Steven Joyce announced a $6 million support package for schools, designed to go some way to meeting the costs of additional Novopay-related work. The package will be allocated as a one-off payment across the sector, calculated on a formula of $105 per Full-time Teaching Equivalents, plus $500 per school, and is provided as recognition for additional work through until the end of June, by which time it is expected that much of the backlog of issues will be resolved. Mr Joyce also announced that a new dedicated Education Sector Payroll Services business unit is being established in the Education Ministry to coordinate the Government’s Remediation Plan to address issues with the school payroll system. The new business unit will pull together all the work being done in the Ministry on Novopay, including working with Talent2 on delivering each pay period, operating the Backlog Clearance Unit, and supervising the resolution of system bugs and defects. A Technical Review into Novopay has also been completed and its findings are being acted upon. The continuing issues are distressing for many teachers and other staff in our schools. I thank them for their patience and effort. To be kept up to date as further information becomes available on this issue, or for general constituent assistance, please phone the Hamilton West electorate office on 846 0055. Tim Macindoe MP for Hamilton West

Tree & Landscaping service

Craig and Talia Wilson are a NZ Qualified Husband and Wife team who founded Wilson Trees and Landscaping Limited. With ten years experience in the Waikato and living as self-employed contractors in Stockholm Sweden as an Arborist and Landscape Gardener, they offer a wide skill set. Wilson Trees and Landscaping provides a professional, friendly and accountable service to the Waikato Region. They pride themselves on providing solutions for their customers needs, achieving outstanding results, utilising the top of the line equipment and machinery. Everything from dismantling difficult trees over houses, pruning for views or light, full garden renovations, stump grinding, to maintaining your loved outdoor spaces. They specialize in a modern approach to tree care and landscaping. Craig and Talia are the ones to call. They’d love to help you with your property for the coming season. Also, dry firewood for sale! Don’t hesitate to contact them on 0275140342, info@wilsontreesandlandscaping. co.nz or www.wilsontreesandlandscaping.co.nz”

Want to advertise in the…

Contact Ioana on 849 5170 - or - Tim on 847 9044 or email:



for a competitive rates chart & publication schedule

The Church on the Hill

Glenn Duthie is the Pastor of the Church on the Hill (North West Baptist) located on Rotokauri Rd. He and his wife Andrea believe that the church is called to be a place of restoration through radical love, real relationships and freedom in the Holy Spirit. It is through worship and coming close to Jesus Christ that we discover who God created us to be. From this place of intimacy we learn to walk in God’s purposes for our lives. Glenn said the church is aware that we have to be relevant to the community and present the gospel message in ways that can be understood by all people. He also believes that it is important that we be involved in our local community and to make it easy for people to connect with God and each other. The church is currently involved with volunteer work at Crawshaw School. They are also in the final stages of upgrading their church lounge. This includes an extended deck area, to provide a space where people can connect with each other as they enjoy good coffee and kai. Glenn can be contacted at the church on 850-6313. Their service time is 10.00 am Sunday.

Calling all ethnic youth 12–24

You’re all invited to make a community. Help bring back the community spirit to Hamilton, learn new skills, have fun, integrate into New Zealand, be part of the community and even win yourself a prize!!!! Shama Hamilton Ethnic Women’s Centre Trust has been helping ethnic women for 10 years – now it is time to move on and help children, youth and families. As a start we are offering two free programmes… 1. A leadership skills programme which will let you meet other people, learn leadership skills which will look good on your cv – have fun and eventually host or be involved in planning for a radio show on Free FM – talking about topics of interest to youth and playing your sort of music. Interested then come along to an open meeting at Hamilton Baptist Church on April 6th at 4.30pm where you will have a free feed, have your views heard and plan some exciting events. Interested? Then contact Marina at Shama – tel 07 843 3810 or text 027448711, or email marina.shama@xtra.co.nz. 2. Bullying prevention programme – bullying affects everyone and we all live in a community so if you want to be part of it and keep it safe then enter our competition for finding a solution to bullying – it’s fun and all you have to do is do a 2 minute video of ways you think you could help. This competition is open now and the first prize is $750. For further information please ring Bernadette at Shama 078433810 or text 0274487711 or email Bernadette. shama@xtra.co.nz

Ethnic volleyball event at Fraser High

Hamilton teams had a tough time of it at the 6th annual Ethnic Volleyball Tournament, run at Fraser High Gym on Saturday 23rd March. Visiting teams ‘raided’ the town, taking home the major silverware from the high quality event. Twenty teams competed, with Central Vikings (Samoa/Auckland) winning the men’s A grade, Rotovegas (Aotearoa/Rotorua) the women’s grade, and Samoan Pride (Auckland) the mixed grade. The sole local winning side were Tongan Barbarians (see photo), led by Nusi Kailea, who took out the men’s B title, while Hamilton’s Jap Bunnies took silver in the women’s grade, and Hamilton Mandarin Club Spikers won the mixed bronze at their fifth attampt in the event, with captain Jeffrey Chen being “ecstatic” at their success after so many years.

Juan Night Stand with local broadcaster

The host of Free FM’s Monday night Latino rock radio show ‘Rock del Sur’ is looking for a “Juan night stand”. “That’s what Free FM have been saying – but I’m not that kinda guy” laughs Uruguayan broadcaster Juan Martinez, who will be hosting a special 12-hour radio marathon called ‘Expression – the Latin American Way” from 9pm Friday 5 April right through the night until the normal Saturday programming resumes at 9am Saturday. ‘Expression’ is a concept Juan’s been developing over the last year, to build on the success of Rock del Sur which enjoys a worldwide listenership and sees Juan interacting directly with fans from around the Spanish speaking world. “I’ve used Free FM, and its Access radio principles,

to spread Latino culture – and to demonstrate that it’s more than fiesta and carnival clichés. Expression will focus on all the arts – cinema, theatre, literature, and of course music!” Throughout his non-stop 12 hour stint Juan will be checking in with a number of radio stations from back home – crossing live on air to stations in Argentina, Ecuador and Uruguay , and featuring numerous guests including some special live in-studio performances. ‘Expression – the Latin American Way’ airs from 9pm, 5 April on Free FM. Listeners can tune in across the Waikato on 89FM or around the world via their live stream at www.freefm.org.nz. Free FM is a Community Access radio station providing broadcast facilities for the production of radio shows, by, for and about the local community.

The Western Community Centre

holiday programmes

Fun for 5 - 13 year olds!

Week 1

April 22nd - 26th Based @ Fraser High school

Sore throats matter. They can lead to Rheumatic Fever and Heart Disease. Ask your children your children to tell you when they have a sore throat and get it checked by a Health Worker.

Free Throat Swabbing Clinics from 8th April, 2013:

Week 2

April 29th - May 3rd Based @ Western Community Centre

8.30am - 5pm Cost

Week 1 - $60 (4 days) Week 2 -$120 (5 days)

Day$ Mon!!

Time$ 9&11am!



! Tues!

3.30&5pm! 9.30& 11.30am!




Early Bird Prices if paid before Friday 12th April 5pm Week 1 - $50 (4 days) Week 2 -$95 (5 days)

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Bookings can now be made online winz subsidies available


46 Hyde ave, Hamilton

! !

Location$ Te!Whare!o!Te!Ata!Community!House.! 60A!Sare!Cr,!Fairfield.! 07!855!7881! Waikato!Migrant!Resource!Centre.! Boundary!Rd,!Enderley! 07!8532192! Kaute!Pasifika!Nurse!Room&Lvl!1! Western!Community!Centre!Health! Room.!46!Hyde!Ave.!Nawton.! 07!847!4873! Te!Whare!Kokonga!/Melville! Community!House.Cnr!of!Bader!St!&! Pine!Ave.!07!843!8811!

Kaute!Pasifika!Service! 960!Victoria!Street,!! Level!1!Citisite!House! PO!Box!285,!! ! ! ! HAMILTON! Ph:!(07)!834!1482!Fax:!(07)!839!9921!


Western Community News - February 2013 5


Te Kura Tuarua o Taniwharau

Farewell to our Humble Kaumatua Me ka moemoea ahau Ko au anake Me ka moemoea e tatou Te Puea Herangi. If I am to dream I dream alone If we are all together Then we will achieve. (This was one of Koro Moko’s favourite quotes) On Wednesday, 6 March, our school kaumatua, Mr Moko Hamiora passed away. Our deepest condolences were paid to the Hamiora whanau. Koro Moko died after battling a serious illness. He is loved and revered by the Fraser community. Not only was Koro Moko our dearest kaumatua, it seemed like he had always been at Fraser High School – as a father, grandfather, uncle, friend and volunteer social worker. He worked with the senior leadership team to manage student

behaviour and attitude. Koro Moko was also a staunch supporter of kapa haka. He achieved community awards for his voluntary work with youth. Koro Moko was our kaumatua and we shared him with Te Arikinui Kingi Tuheitia and the Mayor of Hamilton. Koro Moko loved Fraser, he loved the youth and he loved working with and for the community – hence the reason why he lived and worked here for so long. Ka aroha ki te whanau pani. Nga mihinui e koro. Aroha mai Aroha atu Right:Koro Moko welcoming new students and staff to Fraser High School at a powhiri at the school wharanui.

Students participate in Relay for Life and raise funds for Cancer

Relay for Life was an amazing event that involved helping raise money and awareness for the Cancer Society. Who ever knew walking for 24 continuous hours would be possible? Well, it is! As long as you take turns, of course. This year Fraser entered a team of 20 students and 18 teachers. With only a couple of weeks to prepare, the pressure was definitely on. We managed to pull off two fundraisers such as “Guess the Lollies” and a Staff and Year 13 bake sale. In a short period of two days we proudly fundraised over $300. All proceeds went towards Cancer research and towards fees for Cancer Patients. There were over 90 teams that participated in the event from the Waikato region. As soon as 2pm hit, our walk was on. As hard as it seemed the music and the eccentrically dressed teams kept a smile on our faces, and

more importantly, kept our feet moving. As twilight approached the excitement began to drop and perseverance took over. It was for a good cause, so we all kept going, had fun and did our part. We all enjoyed ourselves, and no doubt will support this cause again. Everyone’s support was greatly appreciated. Bring on 2014! – Terrina Chapman (Head Girl) Above: Students relaxing at the campsite between walks. Right: Eden Phelps and Jessica Donald carrying the baton at 1.30 in the morning.

6 Western Community News - April 2013

Students mentor Maeroa Pasifika Group Karyn Grey, teacher in charge of the Pasifika students at Maeroa Intermediate school, has been impressed by four amazing students from Fraser High, who have been assisting with the coaching of the Maeroa Haka Hiva group. “I would like to say how much our group has appreciated the mentoring from Avasa Petaia, Teuteu Eukaleti, Mele Faletau and Andrea Faletau,” says Karyn. “They have encouraged our students and are really getting the best out of them. Already we have a girls and boys group singing in harmony with Mele and Lea, a group learning a boy’s Tongan dance with Teuteu, a girl’s group learning dancing with Avasa and a drumming group. Our Haka Hiva has never run so smoothly and we are so amazed at the progress they have made after just a few weeks. “I am proud to be the teacher in charge and walk around each group and see the smiling faces, focus, fun and appreciation of culture happening in our school. The fact that these Fraser students are past Maeroa students is fantastic! We have the Youth Variety Concert in May “Just Because” at Clarence Street Theatre and we are lucky to be a part of this again in term two. I know the students will be well prepared and have an awesome time show casing their talents. “Please know how much I appreciate Fraser High School and the Gateway Programme and the talent that is in our own community.”

Technology block build gains momentum Last week saw huge progress on stage 2 of the Technology block with the external walls going up in the space of two days. The large slabs of concrete, some weighing several tonnes, went up without a hitch (although the large crane did get stuck in the rain softened clay). The contractors have now begun to erect the internal walls and the roof is expected to be up in just over two weeks’

time. We have been impressed with the work ethic of the contractors. Left: One of the giant precast wall panels being lifted off the transporter that brought them from Auckland. Right: Once positioned on the reinforcing rods the panels are anchored in place. Below: The internal wall framing being positioned and anchored to the floor.





FRASER HIGH SCHOOL Te Kura Tuarua o Taniwharau

Kylie Enjoys Work Experience with Film Company

Kylie Lewis (centre left) with the Indiefilm production crew. For my Gateway work experience placement, Miss Cioffi arranged for me to go to Indiefilm who are a Production Company based in Te Rapa. They took me on as a Production Assistant to help them with their filming of “Dinner at the Domain” a community event in Taumaranui. I was involved in setting up lighting, sound, photography, staging and being a general hand. I really enjoyed my time with the production crew and learned a great deal about the industry. I stayed overnight and Indiefilm provided me with food and accommodation which gave me a real feel for the long hours you have to work. The event ran smoothly and saw the whole community join together and unite for this annual event. – Kylie May Lewis

Fraser Students Attend Military Prep School Earlier this year, 10 students from Fraser High School spent 10 days finding out what it would be like to train to become a soldier. These students came to Frasernet, expressing an interest in getting some experience in this area, and it was here that they found out about The Military Prep School. The Military Prep School runs courses that prepare people for the type of training that they can expect to experience when they go into the Defence Force. Each day, the students were put through their paces at different locations in Hamilton, having to complete 5-10km runs, weight training and drills similar to what is expected of soldiers, as well as academic classroom work. We had a very high success rate, and the students involved really enjoyed the experience, gaining excellent skills that will take them a long way, both in the Defence Force and in life.

Here are personal comments from two students: Having the chance to do the Military Prep School course was a great experience for me because my dream job is in the Navy and this course was a sneak peek into what is in store. We went from parading and drill, to class work, to some of the hardest fitness training I’ve ever done. The Staff Sergeant was very tough on us, but he made us better and stronger men. After two weeks, we were all a tight group and we held a high level of respect for our teacher (who we had to call Staff) – it was hard leaving his course. If I had the chance, I would definitely do this course again; the boys and I all loved it! Bravo team, WHAT!!! – Nathan Muldrock My time in the Military Prep School was awesome! I learnt a lot in the classroom, like learning easy Math work that before I found

hard, or just did not understand. I also think the Military way of teaching is great and effective. In the morning, before sitting down to paperwork, we were outside doing push-ups, star jumps or bridges. For us as young males, the point is that it gets the energy out of us so that we can sit at a desk not moving around, making sure that we are 100% focused. For me personally, we could not have had a better teacher than Rob, who we had to call Staff. We did two hours of physical training every day in the afternoon. They push you until you reach your wall, and then push you even harder past that. I have nothing but positive things to say about my time at the Military Prep School. – Hayden Ponsonby

2013 Board of Trustees Elections

 BOOK FAIR   BOOK FAIR   BOOK FAIR  Saturday 13 April 2013

Below: The students working together in groups to solve a problem.

Students quickly settle into their work

Year 12 student, Quintin Trott, turning a part for a fishing reel he is constructing on the lathe.

Fraser Students Make Outstanding Hosts Fraser High School hosted eighteen students and three teachers from Onomichi Gakuen (High School) near Hiroshima, Japan, for 10 days at the beginning of March. The students were tutored in English and New Zealand culture in the Fraser High International Centre in the mornings and joined with Fraser students in sports and other activities in the afternoons. Their English teacher was Mr Colin Telford who retired as Principal of Fraser a number of years ago. One highlight of their Fraser experience for the visiting students was learning the Haka and Poi.

This was taught to them by some of Fraser’s Year 10 Students, who did an exceptional job. Our Sports Director, Jenn Rangitaawa, and some excellent PE students, also taught our guests how to play Touch Rugby! The Japanese teachers commented on how friendly and welcoming our students and staff made their visit. Above: Past Principal, Mr Colin Telford, tutoring the students in English. Left: One of the Japanese students makes a break without being tagged in a game of Touch.

This year is the Board of Trustees Elections. There will be an information evening at the beginning of April for those who are interested in, either standing as nominees, or in the election process. When the final date is confirmed for that meeting the school will inform the school community. The school is re-shaping its direction, by deliberately focusing on what the students and community are doing positively. And by enhancing the school’s strengths, removing barriers and improving student learning and achievement as quickly as possible. The School needs a Board who have the desire, will, and time to help the staff and the community transform Fraser into a great school for the community and for Hamilton City.

School Hall from 9am to 3pm This is a fundraising event for the Classical Studies students’ tour to Greece and Italy.

If you have any books, puzzles or games to donate please leave them at the main office by Friday 12 April.

Western Community News - February 2013 7


Te Kura Tuarua o Taniwharau

Meet and Greet Year 9 Parent Evening

This evening was well attended by parents and caregivers; they were welcomed into our Fraser Community and after brief addresses by school leaders they had an opportunity to talk with Deans, Group Tutors and subject teachers. Key messages: This year has begun extremely well for Fraser. School programmes like LEAD standing for: LEARN with purpose, ENGAGE with pride, ACT with respect and DARE to succeed; and Peer Support which focused on embedding Fraser’s core values: integrity, perseverance and respect. Since LEAD’s implementation at the beginning of last year, Fraser’s culture has experienced a significant and positive shift. We know that it will take time for LEAD to permeate through everything that we do at Fraser but the initial steps are encouraging. Our senior students step up year after year by being highly visible in the school and they model Fraser’s core values and expectations. They support staff as we endeavour to facilitate the transition of our Year 9s from intermediate to secondary school. Our Leaders of Curriculum have reviewed and implemented improvements to the Year 9 Curriculum to positively impact upon the learning and achievement of our students. Part of this is endeavouring to keep Year 9 class numbers at or below 26 as we strive to improve learning outcomes for our students.

Fraser Students Make NZ Inline Hockey Teams

Three Fraser Students have been selected for the 2013 New Zealand Inline Hockey Team, which will be competing in the FIRS World Championships, AAU Junior Olympics and FIRS World Youth Cup, to be held in Los Angeles in July this year. Luke Hutchings is in the U16 team, Scott Swetman made both the U16 and U18 teams and Hannah Jensen is in the U18 Junior Women’s team. This will be Scott’s third year playing for New Zealand (he


In the Waikato Volleyball Secondary Schools (SS) Competition, the Fraser Girls Blue finished 1st in B Grade and the Fraser Senior Boys finished 2nd in A grade. ****** Fraser Boys Touch – have qualified for Zone Qualifying tournament after finishing 3rd at SS Regionals ******

captained the U14 team in 2012) while Luke and Hannah will be ‘rookies’. All three students are in the Fraser Cavaliers, one of four inline hockey teams at Fraser. The Fraser teams play in the school league competition at the Dey Street rink on Thursday evenings, and practice in gym 4 on Mondays and Wednesdays at lunchtime. Come along to the rink or the gym to get an idea of what this exciting sport is about!

Alex Tarrant Keepa, Deputy Head Boy 2008 Alex has graduated from Toi Whakaari in 2012 with a Bachelor of Performing Arts. Since then Alex has travel to Fiji and Sydney with Conch Theatre Company performing in the play ‘Masi’. The tour to Sydney was part of the International Arts Festival in January 2013, allowing Alex to perform alongside some of the most outstanding Theatre Companies in the world. Alex returned to New Zealand to join a Theatre group from France called Group F. Group F opened the Auckland Arts Festival with their show ‘Breath of the Volcano’. Alex is now with the Red

Leap Theatre Company who are currently touring Taiwan and Macau, performing the play ‘The Arrival’. We celebrate Alex’s successes and wish him well for many more endeavours.

Alex playing the part of Othello in ShakespeareFest in 2008.

Success for Waka Ama Girls at Secondary School Nationals Last week our J19 Waka Ama Girls’ Team competed at the National Secondary School Competition held at Lake Tikitapu in Rotorua. Weeks of early morning and afternoon fitness training and practising timing, turns and trying to stay in a straight line on the lake was all worth it. As the sun shone throughout the week, so did our novice crew with only two experienced paddler’s. With over 80 Secondary schools, the girls placed 1st in the 500m

Bowl final and 6th in the 250m Bowl final. It was an amazing week away and could not have been done without the management team backing us all the way. A big thank you to Matua Paora McGrath, Matua Brian Barnes and Whaea Tangiwai. We are proud of our achievements as a team in ‘Daring to Succeed’. “The main ingredient of stardom, is the rest of the team”, – John Wooden.

Wanted: any Old Photos and/or School Records If any past pupils of Fraser High School, or Hamilton Technical High School, have any old photos, school records, magazines, uniforms or other school memorabilia they would be happy to loan to the school for copying, please contact the

school archivist, Angela Davison, in the school library on 07-847 9044, ext 745. The combined schools of Fraser High School and Hamilton Tech High School will be celebrating their 100 year celebration in 2020.

Waikato & NZ Representatives

We congratulate the following students who have achieved representation in their chosen sports: Inline Hockey: Hannah Jensen (NZ U18) Luke Hutchings (NZ U16), Scott Swetman (U18). Touch: Vainiu Milo (Waikato U17) Eden French Putu, Shanelle Tarawhiti, Chanel Davis (Waikato U15).

sports Coaches urgently required Netball Coaches are required for the Junior Development, 9a and 10a Netball Teams. Football Coaches We also require a boys 1st XI and Junior XI Boys coach as well as a 2nd XI Girls coach. Are you Interested?

Please contact Jenn in the Sports Office.

Phone: 847 9044 Ext 741 or Email: sport@fraser.school.nz 8 Western Community News - April 2013

The winning Fraser High School Maadi Cup crew in 1975. From left to right: Craig Wild, Nigel Burkhart, Harry Borema, Chrhis Rockell, Glen Potter, Chris Wise, Gary Taylor, Ashley Smith, Maurice Jarrett (cox). Photo: Dominion Post, Christchurch.

FRASER HIGH SCHOOL Te Kura Tuarua o Taniwharau

Good Participation by Students in Sport at Fraser Athletics

The Fraser school athletics day was held on 19 February at Porritt stadium. It was a beautiful day with around 800 Fraser students participating. The school house colours were proudly on display with some interesting costumes and attire. It was great to see such an awesome team spirit amongst the students who participated. The traditional events were run, with some talented athletes competing as well as those students who were participating for a bit of fun. The most positive outcome was how well behaved the students were on the day. We had some fantastic results with around 35 students then going on to compete at the Zone athletic champs on 5 March. From that event around 12 students qualified for the Waikato Bay of Plenty championships which were held in Rotorua on 16 March. Congratulations to Keoni Ewington for placing first in the Junior Boys Long Jump at the Waikato BOP and also Jacquie-Lee Atera-Boaza who placed 4th in the Waikato BOP. These 2 students will be attending the North Island Championships later in the month.

Athletics Champions.

Junior Girls: 1st May Asovale-Tanuvasa, 2nd Theresa Jeremiah, 3rd Jacqui-Lee Atera-Boaza Junior Boys: 1st Joe Vaka, 2nd = Keoni Ewington, Keanu Te Wani, 3rd Chavez Stewart Intermediate Girls: 1st Shanelle Tarawhiti, 2nd Summer Gunn, 3rd Hannah Jenkin Intermediate Boys: 1st Morne Rossouw, 2nd = Kayne Kohu, Blake Douglas Senior Girls: 1st Darcey Briggs, 2nd Vainiu Milo, 3rd Jacinda Zainey Senior Boys: 1st JP Van Walraven, 2nd Keitel Jones, 3rd Trent Hilliam.

Swimming Sports

Fraser High School swimming sports were held on Wednesday 6 March at Waterworld, Te Rapa. There were approximately 300 students who participated with each one entering in at least one, if not more than one event. With the closing down of the Municipal pools in town, this is the first time that the Fraser High swimming sports have been held at Waterworld. A feature of the event was the diving competition held during the lunch break. This was a real hit. Former student Kayla Forkert put on an awesome display of diving, finishing with a handstand double back flip from the highest diving platform. Her sister Jess also made a real splash with some spectacular dives herself. The standout swimmer of the day was Dylan Fowler, who managed to set two new school records. One in the 50m Freestyle, with a time of 29.15s. The other in the 50m Butterfly, with a time of 29.89s. Dylan will move on to the Waikato Secondary School Champs being held in April, along with four other Fraser High School swimmers who met the qualifying times.

Swimming Champions:

Junior Girls: Stephanie Farrell-Edwards, Junior Boys: Travis Tarawhiti, Intermediate Girls: Hannah Jenkin, Intermediate Boys: Dylan Fowler, Senior Girls: Ashlee Jacob, Senior Boys: Denzel Belbin.

Equestrian Dressage Team Compete at North Island Champs

The Fraser High School Dressage team competed at the North Island Secondary School Dressage Championship on Friday 22nd March at St Peter’s School in Cambridge. The team consisted of Bryar Jones, Daina Cunningham, Tyler Robertson and Memphis Wright (non rider) Each of the team completed two dressage tests, the earliest starting at 8.30am and the last finishing around 4.00pm, so it was a long day for both Rider and horse. Each member of the team performed extremely well, considering for some it was the first time they had performed at this level as a pairing. Tyler Robertson and Broad Reach finished 1st equal in the 0.4 test for their section. Well Done. Thank you to Rochelle Robertson, Daryl (Team Manager) and Lisa Jones, and Burt and Char Cunningham (Parents of the team) for their on-going support and assistance in getting the team to the competition.

Mr Robinson’s Level 2 out-door-ed students on the climbing wall. Western Community News - February 2013 9

What’s on out West The Western Community Centre

Contact 8474873, admin@wccham.org.nz, 8474873, www.westerncommunitycentre.org. Check us out on Facebook! Community Information, Photocopying, send a fax, free phone for local calls, table and chair hire, venue hire and much more! Fruit & Vege Co-op $10 per pack for a minimum selection of 3 fruit and 3 vegetables. Order before 4pm Wednesday, pick up Thursday after 11.30am. Free Legal Advice Niemand Peebles Hoult are offering free legal advice on Wednesdays at the centre. Appointments take place between 9am – 10am. To book contact 8474873 or email admin@wccham.org.nz Western Stars Holiday April/May Programmes The programme starts at 8.30am and we have now extended the programme hours to 5.30pm 1st week, based at Fraser High School. Early Bird Rate of $50 if you enrol your child/ren before Friday 12 April 2013 . If you enrol after Friday 12 April it will be $60 for the week. 4 days Thursday ANZAC day. 2nd week based at the Western Community Centre. Early Bird Rate of $80 if you enrol your child/ren before Friday 12 April. If you enrol after Friday 12 April it will be $125 for the week. Enrol at www.westerncommunitycentre.org English language Partners English Language Classes These classes are for adult learners who have Permanent Residence and only 0-6 years of schooling in their own country. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 12.15-2.45pm contact waikato@englishlanguage.org.nz - Phone

(07) 853 2188 Tai Chi We offer 2 community Tai Chi classes for seniors each week, Monday and Thursday Cost $3 per session. Tai Chi has been proven to improve mobility, flexibility and balance. Maureen Leong is the primary tutor. Western Community Centre Radio Show - Free FM Tune into to 89FM every Friday 10.30am - 11am to stay updated with news and information from the Centre. Visit freefm.org.nz for podcasts of the show and further info. Community Family Support Worker Providing social work and family support, budgeting advice, information, one on one assistance. Available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Contact Margaret on 847-4873 extn 3 for an appointment. Plunket Outreach Clinic Hamilton West Plunket nurse Lisa Martin runs weekly clinics at our Centre every Wednesday. Appointments can be made through Richmond Street Plunket on 839 3982. Floral Lessons with Elsie Moorman Contemporary Floral work for the home and gifts. Learn from an experienced Tutor, NZFAS Teacher and Judge. Enquiries to Elsie Phone 07 855 6439. Mondays 10 am- 12 noon, 7 Lessons $95. Senior Luncheons Monthly on second Thursday of each month at 12pm, the luncheons provide an opportunity for seniors in our area to meet, socialize, interact and enjoy some local entertainment. Transport is provided for those unable to drive. The luncheons are potluck and a great way to network

and make new friends. Little Stars Playgroup Every Tuesday from 9.30am- 11.30am at our 108 Grandview road venue, bring the children along for a morning of fun! Email Kairangi Mills at da_island_kween@hotmail. com or contact the Western Community Centre 8474873 for more info.


‪1 Johnson St, Frankton 847 2998 ‬‎

C.A.F.E. (Creative Activities for Elderly) - home visits to those who like to have a some company, a chat, and craft, game of cards, scrabble and who are feeling lonely, depressed, or have short or long-term health problems. COUNSELLING – is available at very reasonable fees – if you need someone to talk those difficult issues through with, please feel welcome to make an appointment with one of our counsellors. FOODBANK – If you are in need of assistance with food and are on a benefit, we ask that you see Work and Income first. If you have used all your entitlement, then please ask them for a letter to bring to us. Foodbank interview times are Monday to Friday from 10.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. Please also bring your community services card or other ID. NZ SIGN LANGUAGE COURSES – Sign Language is one of the three official languages in NZ. If you would like to learn the basics of signing then please contact us – we are planning to have daytime and evening courses in 2010. OP SHOP – is open Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Don’t forget to look out for our specials and also the garage sales we have two or three times during the year. We have a wide variety of clothing, books, bric-a-brac, small electrical appliances etc. (we don’t usually stock large furniture items).

connects Lucy with owner!

On Monday 4 March, a little kitten was chased out of the local dairy. Despite the fact that she was clearly not wanted, back she went. She was hungry, probably had worms and was determined! A teacher from Maeroa Intermediate School was down there on duty and took pity on the little kitten. She purchased food for her and the kitten gobbled it down. Unwilling to leave her there a box was procured from the Cookie Time guy and the kitten taken back to school with the help of a passing student who sat with the box in his lap on the ride back to school.

It turned out that the kitten had been around for a while and nobody knew where she came from. There she was taken to Room 20 and a call made to the SPCA. An inspector picked the kitten up and took her in but the decision was made to ‘release’ her back at Maeroa as they had no room for her. Food was left for her and she was also wormed and de-fleaed. This was a big concern for the staff at Maeroa as there did not seem to be an owner to claim her. They were told to ‘shoo’ her away. On the Tuesday morning she was almost run over in the school car park as she darted around

OVER 60’s SOCIAL GROUPS – We have two groups for the “over 60’s” and both groups have a day trip and a morning tea each month (well for 11 months of the year). Group one meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays and Group two on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays each month. If you are over 60 and live in the general area boundaries of Nawton/ Dinsdale/Frankton (parts of Forest Lake are also included) and would like to join, please phone us. SUPPORT FOR DEAF AND HEARING IMPAIRED – If you are deaf, hearing impaired or have a family member or someone you know who is deaf-blind and would like some support, Jean is here on a Monday to help you.

EFY Fundraiser Garage Sale

Nawton Ward Youth Saturday 20th April, 8am - 12noon at the Western Community Centre, 46 Hyde Avenue

Volleyball in West Hamilton

Social Volleyball - played every Monday night during school terms at Te Rapa Sportsdrome, Church Rd, Pukete. Next competition starts May 13th - Grades for teams from beginners to guns. Cheaper fees for school student teams. Intermediate age (Yrs 7 & 8) Volleyball - at Te Rapa Sportsdrome, Mondays after school, next comp starts October. KiwiVolley (for Primary school-aged kids) -, contact Tim below. Next comp starts October. Junior High School competition: Thursday nights, starts near the end of Term 3, 2013. Beach Volleyball - at the Te Rapa Beach Sports Centre, Wednesday night, 4-a-side social comp. Next comp starts October. Contact Dave on 021-477 388, or email waikatovolley@yahoo.co.nz for enquiries & entries.

looking for food. She was again taken to Room 20 and devoured breakfast. The Deputy Principal decided to look at the Trade Me animal lost and found. There she was! Her name was Lucy and she had been missing since January 10. An e-mail address was provided and an e-mail sent. Within an hour a lady presented herself at the school. She was escorted to Room 20 and reunited with her kitten. Lucy was the pet of a boy and had been very sadly missed. A happy ending for Lucy and her family!

Western City Sports Club (WCSC) Touch Module finishes on a high

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Contact Ioana on 849 5170 - or - Tim on 847 9044 or email:


WCSC Touch had an impressive year during the 2012/2013 season culminating in an exciting Finals day and national honours for players and teams from the module. This year was the first for the module to have the finals played on a Saturday. It turned out to be a gem with five finals being played in immaculate weather. People setup around the final fields, barbeques and beach chairs, with each final providing both excitement and entertainment. All finals went to the wire from the Mixed Social B grade final to the elite Mens Open final between two of the oldest rivals Kukri Mystix and Tranzformaz. We also appreciate the services of referees from Taupo and the number 1 referee in the world who assisted in these finals. The winners are as follows: Mixed Social B: Connex Mixed Social A: Up 2 Mixed Open: Waiwhakaata Womens Open: BBZ Navy Mens Open: Tranzformaz This year the WCSC Touch module can claim to have had a hand in developing and supporting a

10 Western Community News - April 2013

number of players who have gone on to represent NZ and Waikato. These players have achieved national and international honours. Players from WCSC have represented in the following: NZ Mens Touch Blacks: winner of the 2013 Tranz- Tasman series NZ Womens Touch Blacks: runners up 2013 Tranz-Tasman Series Internainonal Referees (2) Waikato Mens: 3rd place Nationals Waikato Womens: 1st place Waikato 21 Womens: 1st place Waikato 17 Boys: 3rd place Waikato 17s Girls: 3rd place Waikato 17 Mixed: 3rd place Waikato 15 Boys (Super Saiyanz): 1st place The WCSC wishes to thank the support from the Western Community Centre, the Yardhouse and, the community for allowing the club to promote sport in this community.


for a competitive rates chart & publication schedule

Community Facility for St Mark’s

Q & A booklet has all the questions and answers A Centre for the Community is being planned and built on the location at St Mark’s Church on the corner of Dominion Road and Breckons Avenue. St Mark’s has operated in the Nawton - Crawshaw area since the 1940’s making it one of the oldest organisations in our suburb. Te Rongopai Community Trust was set up to advance this good and the Trust will have the responsibility to run and operate the Community Centre. The complex will have one large area which will be suitable for playing indoor sports and then smaller area’s for groups and administration. This will enhance the work that is already done at St Mark’s and will enable it to expand and give our Nawton / Crawshaw community extra indoor community space. Late last year there was a fundraising campaign from three local congregations, Holy Trinity Forest Lake, St David’s

Dinsdale and St Mark’s Nawton. Together the people of these churches pledged $450, 000 towards this Community Centre. This was a faith building exercise for everyone involved. On the launch day our Mayor Julie Hardaker spoke in support of the project as did our MP Tim Macindoe and New Zealand’s Archbishop David Moxon. Joel Rowse the vicar/pastor of St Mark’s said that the support of the other churches has been key in getting this Centre moving forward, and he looks forward to the day when the Centre is built and serving the needs of Nawton and Crawshaw, alongside the other great organisations in our suburb. The first part that people will notice is the church and the vicarage will need to be re located to make space for the new Centre and for parking. This is hopefully going to start in the next few months.

Mayor visits the West in election year Following the Western Ward Councillors that have been visiting and holding clinics at the Western Community Centre for many years, Hamilton Mayor Julie Hardaker will make a visit to the West this month. Western suburbs residents can chat one on one with her when her ‘Mayor Outside the Square’ series goes to Nawton next month. The informal meetings are a chance for people to tell the mayor good news, or raise issues and concerns directly with the mayor. Ms Hardaker will be at the Western Community Centre, Hyde Ave, Nawton, at 10am-11am on Tuesday, 9 April. “Mayor Outside the Square is an opportunity for people in the wider Hamilton area to talk to me, one on one, ask me a question or share their thoughts in various locations outside the CBD,” Ms Hardaker said. “We have no set topics and no matter how big or small the issue is, it’s up to people to steer the discussion toward things that are of interest to them”.

Share your ideas with your Mayor

outside the

Family Planning has published an information booklet for puberty-aged young people. Called “Q and A – answers to all those interesting questions about growing up”, “Family Planning wanted to produce a resource that answered young people’s questions, and which talked about feelings and emotions – in addition to the physical stuff. We also believe it is important that information for boys and girls is contained within the same booklet – both need to understand the other’s perspectives and body changes. This format also reflects that the majority of changes young people experience at puberty happen to both males and females. The booklet is targeted at pubertal-aged young people. The booklet is free and available from the Family Planning website www.familyplanning.org.nz, or the Hamilton Family Planning Health Promotion Service Ph: 834 1433

Watch this space!!

Are you a mother or caregiver of preschoolers who at times wear you out? Would you welcome the opportunity to get with others like you to enjoy a morning of fun with your children making music, singing and dancing? This will be followed by a snack and social time of chatting about things you have in common. You will have the opportunity to make new friends, relax and let your children let off steam in friendly, creative activity. You will love it. More information will be available soon about this programme, which will be starting at the Western Community Centre, in the next few weeks. To be kept in touch please email either Western Community Centre manager@wccham.org.nz or Westside Church Hamilton westside@maxnet.co.nz

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“Gathering ideas from the community ensures we can build a city that works for all of us. Come and have a chat to me about your ideas for Hamilton." Hamilton Mayor Julie Hardaker

Next session

10am-11am, Tuesday 9 April Western Community Centre, Nawton

Contact Ioana on 849 5170 - or - Tim on 847 9044 or email:



for a competitive rates chart & publication schedule For more details visit www.hamilton.co.nz/mayorinthesquare Western Community News - February 2013 11

Tim Macindoe


Junior Government Whip

5 King Street, Frankton | PO Box 382, Hamilton 3240 P: 07 846 0055 | F: 07 846 0056 | E: macindoe.office@parliament.govt.nz www.timmacindoe.co.nz


MP for Hauraki-Waikato 430 Ulster Street, PO Box 611, Waikato Mail Centre P 07 839 6811

haurakiwaikato@parliament.govt.nz www.labour.org.nz

ANeighbours HissDayand Roar in Reuben Place celebrations took off with a hiss and there were also residents who donated funds in support roar in Reuben Place, in Crawshaw. Residents all came together by contributing funds towards a skip bin to have their rubbish removed. It was a great opportunity for neighbours to meet, have fun and build positive community spirit. Residents all played a huge part in not only contributing funds to make this happen,

80Wx170H ad.indd 1

12 Western Community News - April 2013

of this street activity. Families and children in the neighbourhood all participated and helped out followed by a street barbeque and ice blocks for children. This Neighbours day was well supported by Hamilton City Council Community Advisors, North West Baptist Pastor and Local Police.

5/02/13 2:44 PM

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